■KkA'i*- *$ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW \.- xv JFL ^'Jil mi? im? j \ ' "3 O the Doctor and Student DIALOGUES BETWEEN A DOCTOR OF DIVINITY AND A STUDENT IN THE LAWS OF ENGLAND CONTAINING THE GROUNDS OF THOSE LAWS TOGETHER WITH QUESTIONS AND CASES CONCERNING THE EQUITY THEREOF REVISED AND CORRECTED By WILLIAM MUCHALL, Gent TO WHICH ARE ADDED TWO PIECES CONCERNING SUITS IN CHANCERY BY SUBPCENA I. A Replication of a Serjeant at the Laws of England, to certain Points alledged by a Student of the said Laws of England, in a Dialogue in English between a Doctor of Divinity and the said Student. II. A little Treatise concerning- Writs of Subpcena. CINCINNATI ROBERT CLARKE & CO 1880 ,/ Sa PREFACE. It is presumed that no particular apology is necessary to be made for introducing to the notice of the profession a new edition of the Doctor and Student;* a book which has been considered of the first authority, not only by the best and most admired of our legal writers,! but by the courts of Westminster- hall. The species of composition in which it is written must likewise add to its value, and intitle it to approbation.]: Dialogue is uni- versally allowed to be an agreeable method of writing, which never fails to instruct more than any other, by its peculiar tendency to make a more favorable and lasting impression upon the mind. Perhaps the language is not so pure as might be expected from a modern author, nor so correct as altogether to adapt itself to the taste of the curious. But this is a defect (if a defect it can be called) which should be overlooked for the intrinsic merits of the book itself. Coke upon Littleton, and the ancient Reports, which contain such a variety of matter, and such a fund of legal information, are not perhaps superior in point of style to the * The original author was Christopher Saint Germain, of the Inner Temple, a barrister of such extensive knowledge in the laws of his country, that he was supposed to be equal to most men of his time. Soon after his book was published, (which was in the year 1518,) he was engaged in a smart controversy with a Serjeant at law relative to a point of doctrine advanced by him in the twelfth chapter of the first dialogue, the par- ticulars of which maybe seen in the first volume of Mr. Hargrove's Col- lection of Tracts. He was moreover excellently skilled in fhe civil and canon laws, ami well acquainted with most of the liberal sciences. Alter spending a long life of much piety, usefulness, and integrity, he died at the age of eighty, and was buried in the parish church of St. Alpliage. Loudon, near Cripflegate. t See Mr. Reeve's History of the English law. 4th vol., p 416; Sii William Jones's essay on the Law of Bailments, and Blackst one's Com- ment iries, in which the Doctor and Student is quoted or mentioned with peculiar marks of respect. I Vide the introduction to a work of the late Mr. Jacol>, in titled the Student's Companion, p. 4. (iii) ^ 5 '21742 IV PREFACE. Doctor and Student, and yet no one who is disposed to make a steady progress in his profession will object with any degree of seriousness to the quaintness of expression which he will find in those valuable repositories of ancient learning. On the contrary, he will perceive it to be his business to attend more to things than words, and that he is not to quarrel with his author, because his grammar may be false, or his diction unpolished. For these reasons, and others that might be named, the Editor did not judge it prudent in him to alter the language, as some might expect, but has left it just in the same state in which it ap- peared in the last edition. He thinks nothing could have justi- fied such an alteration. Were not the editors of Swinburne on Wills and Testaments justly censured for presuming to correct the style of that learned performance ?* All that has been done therefore in the present edition of the Doctor and Student is merely an addition of some notes and references which have been inserted with a view to illustrate the subject matter, and to shew how the law has been altered by acts of parliament and judicial decisions. In the execution of his plan it will be seen that the Editor has had much labour, and taken considerable pains. But these are circumstances which will be considered of no great moment with him, if his endeavours may in any measure contribute to ease the difficulties, to lessen the embarrassments, and to improve the mind of a young beginnei in the study of our English jurisprudence. * See 4 Burn's Eccl. Law, 371, 372. THE TABLE FIRST DIALOGUE. The Introduction I Chap. i. Of the law eternal 2 II. Of the law of reason, the which by doctors is called the law of na- ture of reasonable creatures 5 III. Of the law of God 7 IV. Of the law of man 9 V. Of the first ground of the law of England 12 VI. Of the second ground of the law of England 15 VII. Of the third ground of the law of England 17 VIII. Of the fourth ground of the law of England 25 IX. Divers cases wherein the student doubteth whether they be only maxims of the law, or that they be grounded upon the law of reason 31 X. Of the fifth ground of the law of England 34 XI. Of the sixtji ground of the law of England 35 XII. The first question of the doctor, of the law of England and con- science 37 XIII. What sinderesis is 3y XIV. Of reason 40 XV. Of conscience 41 XVI. What is equity 44 XVII. In what manner a man shall be holpen by equity in the laws of England 47 XVIII. Whether the statute hereafter rehearsed by the doctor be against conscience, or not 50 XIX. Of what law this question is to be understood ; that is to say, where conscience shall be ruled after the law 52 XX. Divers cases where conscience is to be ordered alter the law.... 56 XXI. The first question of the student. If any infant that is of the age of twenty years, and hath reason and wisdom to govern him- self, selleth his land, and with the inonev thereof buyeth other " (vii) Vlll THE TABLE. land of greater value than the first was, and taketh the profits thereof; whether may the infant ask his first land again in con- science, as he may by the law? 60 XXII. The second question of the student. If a man that hath lands for term of life be impanelled upon an inquest, and thereupon leeseth issues, and dieth ; whether may those issues be levied upon him in the reversion in conscience, as they may be by the law? 62 XXIII. The third question of the student. If a tenant for term of life, or years, do waste, whereby they be bound by the laws to yield to him in the reversion treble damages, and so shall forfeit the place wasted; whether he is also bound in conscience to pay those damages, and to restore that place wasted immediately after the waste done, as he is in the single damages, or that he is not bound thereto till the treble damages and place wasted be recov- ered in the king's court 64 XXIV. The fourth question of the student. If a man enfeoff other in certain land upon condition that if he enfeoff any other, that it may be lawful for the feoffor and his heirs to re-enter, etc., whether is this condition good in conscience, though it be void in the law ? 64 XXV. The fifth question of the student. If a fine with proclamation be levied according to the statute, and no claim made within five years, etc., whether is the right of a stranger extincted thereby in conscience, as it is in the law? 66 XXVI. A question made by the doctor, how certain recoveries that be used in the king's courts to defeat tailed land may stand with conscience 6S XXVII. The first question of the student concerning tailed lands 81 XXVIII. The second question of the student concerning tailed lands.. Si XXIX. The third question of the student concerning tailed lands.... S4 XXX. The fourth question of the student concerning recoveries of in- heritances intailed S7 XXXI. The fifth question of the student concerning tailed lands 88 XXXII. The sixth question of the student concerning tailed lands 91 THE TA B L E SECOND DIALOGUE. The Prologue 9', The Introduction 98 Chap. 1. The first question of the student. Whether the tenant in tail after possibility of issue extinct may with conscience do waste- .. 101 II. What is meant by this term, when it is said, Thus it ivas at the common law 105 III. The second question of the student. Whether the goods of men outlawed be forfeit in conscience, as they be by the law 107 IV. The third question of the student, of waste done by a stranger in the lands that be in the hands of particular tenants, etc in V. The fourth question of the student Whether a man may with conscience be of counsel against him that he knoweth is the heir of right, but he is certified bastard by the ordinary 115 VI. The fifth question of the student. Whether a man may with con- science be of counsel with a man at the common law, knowing that the defendant hath sufficient matter to be discharged in the chancery, that he may not plead at the common law 118 VII. The sixth question of the student. Whether a man may with conscience be of counsel against the feoffee of trust in an action of trespass that he bringeth against his feolYor of trust for taking the profits .. 120 VIII. The seventh question of the student. If a man by way of dis- tress cometh to his debt, but he ought not to have distrained for it, what restitution is he bound to make 122 IX. For what thing a man may lawfully distrain 125 \. The eighth question of the student. Whether executors be bound in conscience to make restitution for a trespass done by a testator; and whether they be bound to pay debts upon a contract first, or make i\^ said restitution 128 XI. The ninth question of the student. Whether he that hath goods delivered him by force of a legacy is bound in conscience to pay THE TABLE. the debt upon a contract that the testator ought, if the executors have no other goods in their hands 133 XII. The tenth question of the student. If a man have issue two sons, and die seised of certain lands in fee, the eldest dieth without issue, the youngest recovereth by assise of Mort cV 'ancestor the land, with damages from the death of the father, whether there he be bound in conscience to pay the profits to the executors of the eldest brother for the time he lived 136 XIII. The eleventh question of the student. What damages the tenant in dower shall recover in conscience where her husband died not seised, but she demanded her dower, and was denied 138 XIV. The twelfth question of the student. If a man knowing another to have right to his land, causeth a fine with proclamation to be levied, according to the statute, and he that hath right maketh no claim within five years, whether he be barred in conscience, as he is in the law »•« 142 XV. The thirteenth question of the student. If a man that hath a child by his wife, do that in him is, to have had possession of his wife's land, and she dieth before he can have it, whether in con- science he shall be tenant by the courtesy 143 XVI. The fourteenth question of the student. If the grantor of a rent enfeoffeth the grantee of the rent of part of the lands, etc., whether the whole rent be extinct in conscience, as it is in the law 146 XVII. The fifteenth question of the student. If he that hath a rent out of two acres be named in a recovery of the one acre, he not knowing thereof, etc., whether his whole rent be extinct in con- science, etc 151 XVIII. The sixteenth question of the student. If a man have a villein for term of life, and the villein purchaseth lands in fee, and he that hath the villein entereth, whether he may witli conscience keep the lands to him and to his heirs, as he may by the law 153 XIX. The seventeenth question of the student. If a man in the case next before inform him that is in the reversion of the villein, that after the death of the villein he hath right to land, and counselleth him to enter, whereupon great suit and charges follow, what danger is this to him that gave the counsel 156 XX. The eighteenth question of the student, upon a feoffment made upon condition, that the feoffee shall pay a rent to a stranger, how the feoffment shall weigh in law and conscience 159 XXI. The nineteenth question of the student, upon a feoffment in fee, and it is agreed that the feoffee shall pay a rent to a stranger, how feoffment shall weigh in law and conscience i6 2 XXII. I low uses "I' land first began, and by what law, and the cause why so much land is put in use 165 XXIII. The diversity between two cases, whereof one is put in the twentieth chapter, and the other in the twenty-first chapter of this present book 17a THE TABLE. x j XXIV. What i- a nude contract, or naked promise, after the laws of England, and whether any action may lie thereon 176 XXV. The twentieth question of the student. If a man that hath two sons, one before espousals, and the other after e6pou6als, by his will bequeatheth to his son and heir all his goods, which of the sons shall have his goods in conscience ^i X\\ I \\ h li ran abbot may with conscience present to an advow- son of a church that belongeth to the house, without assent of the covent • jg_ XXVI] If a man find beasts in his ground doing hurt, whether he may by his own authority take them, and keep them, till he be satisfied of the hurt If)I XXVIII. Whether a gift made by one under the age of twenty-five years be good I( ^ XXIX. If a man be convict of heresy before the ordinary, whether his goods be forfeited IQ - XXX. Where divers patrons of an advowson, and the church voideth, the patrons vary in their presentments, whether the bishop shall have liberty to present which of the incumbents that he will or not 196 XXXI. How long time the patron shall have to present to a benefice. 199 XXXII. If a man be excommenged, whether he may in any case be assoiled without making satisfaction 202 XXXIII. Whether a prelate may refuse a legacy 203 XXXIV. Whether a gift made under a condition be void, if the sover- eign only break the condition 207 XXXV. Whether a covenant made upon a gift to the church, that it shall not be aliened, be good ^oq XXXVI. If the patron present not within six months, who shall present ,„ XXXVII. Whether the presentment and collation of all benefices and dignities, voiding at Rome, belongeth only to the pope 217 XXXVIII. If a house by chance fall upon a horse that is borrowed. who shall bear the loss „ Iq XXXIX. If a priest have won much goods by saying of mass, whether be may give those goods, or make a will of them 221 XL. Who shall succeed a clerk that dieth intestate 224 XLI. If a man be outlawed of felony, or be attainted of murder or felony, or that i< an A.scismus, maybe slain by every stranger 226 XLII. Whether a man shall be bounden by the act or offence of his servant or officer :S XLIII. Whether a villein or a bondman may give away his goods 236 XLIV. If a clerk be promoted to the title of his patrimony, and after selleth his patrimony, ami after falleth to poverty, whether shall he have his title therein 240 XLV. Divers questions taken by the student out of the sums called Summa Rosella and Summa Angelica, which he thinketh are Xll THE TABLE. necessary to be seen how they stand and agree with the laws of the realm , >43 XL VI. Where ignorance of the law excuseth in the laws of England, and where not 248 XLVII. Certain cases and grounds where ignorance of the deed ex- cuseth in the laws of England, and where not 253 XL VIII. The first question of the doctor, how the lawof England may be said reasonable, that prohibiteth them that be arraigned upon an indictment of felony or murder, to have counsel 256 XLIX. The second question of the doctor, whether the warranty of the younger brother that is taken as heir, because it is not known but that the eldest brother is dead, be in conscience a bar unto the eldest brother as it is in the law 259 L. The third question of the doctor, whether if a man prosecute a collateral warranty, to extinct a right that he knoweth another man hnth to land, it be a bar in conscience, as it is in law 262 LI. The fourth question of the doctor, of the wreck of the sea 265 LII. The fifth question of the doctor, whether it stand with conscience to prohibit a jury of meat and drink till they be agreed of their verdict 268 LIII. The sixth question of the doctor, whether the colours that be given at the common law in assises, actions of trespass, etc., stand with conscience, because they be most commonly feigned 269 LIV. The seventh question of the doctor, concerning the pleadings in assise, whereby the tenants use sometime to plead in such manner that they shall confess no ouster 274 LV. The eighth question of the doctor, whether the statute of forty- five Edward the Third, of Sylva ccedua, stand with conscience. ... 278 TABLE ADDITIONS. Chap. I. What power the parliament hath over such things as be brought with dead bodies to their burials, and that be claimed by some curates to pertain to their church • 3°3 II. Whether the parliament may enact, that no lands shall come here- after into mortmain by licence nor without licence 308 III. Whether the parliament may break all appropriations that be made against any statute, or against the good order of the people 309 IV. That all sanctuaries, and also who shall have his clergy, be under the power of the parliament, to order as they shall think con- venient 311 V. What power the parliament hath in the trees and grass in church- yards 312 VI. What the parliament may do touching suits for dilapidations taken in the spiritual court 314 VII. Whether the parliament may enact that no priest shall wear any cloth made out of the realm, and whether it may order the salary of chaplains 316 VIII. If there were a schism in the papacy, what the parliament might do therein 319 IX. If it were enacted, that if one call another thief or murderer, that the suit should be taken thereupon in the king's court, and not in the spiritual court, I think the statute were «,'ood 324 X. Whether the parliament may enact, that no religious person, under a certain pain, shall receive into the habit of their religion any child under a certain age to be appointed by the parliament 325 XI- Whether the parliament may prohibit, that no ordinary, under a certain pain, shall admit none to the order of priesthood, except they be sufficiently learned 32S XII. Who shall have the tithes of the waste grounds that be within no parish, and what power the parliament hath therein 331 XIII. What authority the parliament hath concerning visitations 336 Cxiii) DOCTOR AND STUDENT. INTRODUCTION. A doctor of divinity, that was of great acquaintance and familiarity with a student in the laws of England, said thus unto him : I have had a great desire of long time to know whereupon the law of England is grounded ; but because the most part of the law of England is written in the French tongue, therefore I cannot, through mine own study, attain to the knowledge thereof; for in that tongue I am nothing expert. And because I have found thee a faithful friend to me in all my business, therefore I am bold to come to thee before any other, to know thy mind, what be the very grounds of the law of England, as thou thinkest. Sited. That would ask a great leisure, and it is also above my cunning to do it : nevertheless, that thou shalt not think that I would wilfully refuse to fulfil thy desire, I shall with good will do that m me is to satisfy thy mind. But I pray thee that thou wilt first shew me somewhat of other laws that pertain most to this matter, and that doctors treat o\\ how laws have been begun ; and then I will gladly shew thee, as methinketh, what be the grounds of the law of England. Doc/. I will wit!; good will do as thou savest. Where- fore thou Shalt understand that doctors treat of four laws. Introduction. the which (as me seemeth) pertain most to this matter. The first is the lazv eternal. The second is the lazv of nature of reasonable creatures, the which, as I have heard say, is called by them that be learned in the law of England, the lazv of reason. The third is the law of God. The fourth is the lazv of man. And therefore I will first treat of the lazv eternal. DIALOGUE I. Chapter I. — Of the law eternal. Like as there is in every artificer a reason of such like things as are to be made by his craft : so likewise it be- hoveth that in every governor there be reason and a tore- sight in the governing of such things as shall be ordered and done by him to them that he hath the governance of. And forasmuch as Almighty God is the creator and maker of all creatures, to which he is compared as a workman to his works, and is also the governor of all deeds and mov- ings that be found in any creature : therefore as the reason of the wisdom of God (inasmuch as creatures be created by him) is the reason and foresight of all crafts and works that have been or shall be ; so the reason of the wisdom of God, moving all things by wisdom made to a good end, obtaineth the name and reason of a law, and that is called the law eternal. And this law eternal is called the first law : and it is well called the first, for it was before all other laws, and all other laws be derived of it. Whereupon St. Augustine saith, in his first book of free arbitrement, that in temporal laws nothing is righteous tie lazef/il . but that the feople have derived to the/// out ol the laze eU rt/al. Wherefore every man hath right and title to have ihat he hath righteously, ami of right wise judgment of the first reason, which is the law eternal. Stud. But how may this law eternal be known? For, as the apostle writeth in tin- second chapter if his first epistle Doctor and Student. to the Corinthians, quce stent Dei nemo scit, nisi Spirilus Dei ; that is to say, no man knoweth what is in God but the Spirit of God : wherefore it seemeth that he openeth his mouth against heaven, that attempteth to know it. Doct. This law eternal no man may know, as it is in it- self, but only blessed souls that see God face to face. But Almighty God of his goodness sheweth of it as much to his creatures as is necessary for them, ior else God should bind his creatures to a thing impossible ; which may in no wise be thought in him. Therefore it is to be understood that three manner of ways Almighty God maketh this law eter- nal known to his creatures reasonable. First, by the light of natural reason ; secondly, by heavenly revelation ; thirdly, by the order of a prince, or any other secondary governor that hath power to bind his subjects to a law. And when the law eternal or the will of God is known to his creatures reasonable by the light of natural under- standing, or by the light of natural reason, that is called the law of reason : and when it is shewed by heavenly revelation in such manner as hereafter shall appear, then it is called the lazv of God: and when it is shewed unto him by the order of a prince, or of an}' other secondary governor that hath a power to set a law upon his subjects, then it is called the lazv of man, though originally it be made of God. For laws made by man that hath received thereto power of God, be made by God. Therefore the said three laws, that is to say the law of reason, the law of God, and the law of man, the which hath several names after the manner as they be shewed to man, be called in God one law eternal. And this is the law of which it is written proverbiorum octavo, where it is said, per me reges regnant and legum conditores justa diseernant ; that is to say, by me kings reign, and makers of law discern the truth. And this suf- ficed! for this time for the law eternal. Dialogue I. — Chap. 2. Chap. II. — Of the law of reason, the which by doctors is called the law of nature of reasonable creatures. First it is to be; understood, that the law of nature may be considered in two manners, that is to say, general lv and specially. When it is considered generally, then it is referred to all creatures, as well reasonable as unreasonable : tor all unreasonable creatures live under a certain rule to them given by nature, necessary to them for the conserva- tion of their being. But of this law it is not our intent to treat at this time. The law of nature specially considered, which is also called the law of reason, pertaineth only to creatures reasonable, that is, man, which is created to the image of God. And this law ought to be kept as well among Jews and Gentiles, as among christian men : and this law is alway good and righteous, stirring and inclining a man to good, and abhorring evil. And as to the ordering of the deeds of man, it is preferred before the law of God, and it is written in the heart of every man, teaching him what is to be done, and what is to be fled ; and because it is written in the heart, therefore it may not be put away, ne it is never changeable by no diversit}- of place, ne time : and there- fore against this law, prescription, statute nor custom may not prevail : and it any be brought in against it. they be not prescriptions, statutes nor customs, but things void and against justice.* And all other laws, as well the laws of God as to the acts of men, as other, be grounded there- upon. Stud. Sith the law of reason is written in the heart of every man, as thou hast said before, teaching him what is to be done, and what is to be fled, and the which thou sayest may never be put out of the heart, what needeth it then to have any other law brought in to order the acts and deeds of the people? f * Hob- 14S; Consideration on the law of forfeitures, 20, 21. f 7 Rep. 12. Doctor and Student. Doct. Though the law of reason may not be changed, nor wholly put away ; nevertheless, before the law written, it was greatly lett and blinded by evil customs, and by many sins of the people, beside our original sin ; insomuch that it might hardly be discerned what was righteous, and what was unrighteous, and what was good, and what evil. Wherefore it was necessary, for the good order of the peo- ple, to have many things added to the law of reason, as well by the church as by secular princes, according to the manners of the country and of the people where such ad- ditions should be exercised. And this law of reason dif- fereth from the law of God in two manners. For the law of God is given by the revelation of God ; and this law is given by a natural light of -understanding. And also the law of God ordereth a man of itself, by a nigh way, to the felicity that ever shall endure ; and the law of reason or- dereth a man to the felicity of this life. Stud. But what be the things that the law of reason teaches to be done, and what to be fled? I pray thee shew me. Doct. The law of reason teacheth, that good is to be loved, and evil is to be fled : also that thou shalt do to an- other, that thou wouldest another should do unto thee ; and that we may do nothing against truth ; and that a man must live peacefully with others ; that justice is to be done to every man ; and also that wrong is not to be done to any man ; and that also a trespasser is worthy to be punished ; and such other. Of the which follow divers other second- ary commandments, the which be as necessary conclusions derived of the first. As of that commandment, that good is to be beloved ; it followeth, that a man should love his benefactor : for a benefactor, in that he is a benefactor, in- cludeth in him a reason of goodness, for else he ought not to be called a benefactor: that is to say, a good doer, but an evil doer : and so in that he is a benefactor, he is to be beloved in all times and in all places.* And this law also Cic. i, 2, de legibus. Dialogue I. — Chap. 3. suffereth many things to be done : as that it is lawful to put away force with force ; and that it is lawful for every man to defend himself and his goods against an unlawful power. And this law runneth with every man's law, and also with the law of Gzd, as to the deeds of man, and must be al- wavs kept and observed, and shall always declare what ought to follow upon the general rules of the law ot man, and shall restrain them if they be any thing contrary unto it. And here it is to be understood, that after some men, the law whereby all things were in common, was never of the law of reason, but only in the time of extreme neces- sitv. For they say, that the law of reason may not be changed ; but they say, it is evident, that the law whereby all things should be in common, is changed : wherefore they conclude, that was never the law of reason. Chap. III. — Of the law of God. The law of God is a certain law given by revelation to a reasonable creature, shewing him the will of God, willing that creatures reasonable be bound to do a thing, or not to do it, tor obtaining of the felicity eternal. And it is said, for the obtaining of the felicity eternal, to exclude the laws shewed by revelation of God for the political rule of the people, and which be called judiciah. For a law is not properlv called the law of God, because it was shewed by revelation of God, but also because it directed a man by the nearest way to the felicity eternal ; as been the laws of the Old Testament, that been called morals, and the laws of the evangelists, the which were shewed in much more excellent manner than the law of the Old Testament was : for that was shewed bv the mediation of an angel ; but the law ot the evangelists was shewed by the mediation of our Lord Jesus Christ. God and man. And the law oi God is always righteous and just, for it is made and given alter the will of God. And therefore all acts and deeds of man be called righteous and just, when they be done according to the law of God, and be conformable to it. Also sometime a law 8 Doctor and Student. made by man, is called the law of God. As when a law taketh his principal ground upon the law of God, and is made for the declaration or conservation of the faith, and to put away heresies, as divers laws canon, and also divers laws made by the common people, sometime do ; the which therefore are rather to be called the law of God, than the law of man. Yet nevertheless all the laws canon be not the laws of God : for many of them be made only tor the political rule and conservation of the people.* Whereupon John Gerson, in the treatise of the spiritual life of the soul, the second lesson, and the third corollary, saith thus : All the canons of bishops nor their decrees be not the law of God : for many of them be made only for the political conservation of the people. And if any man will say, Be not all the goods of the church spiritual, for they belong unto the spiritualty, and leading to the spirit- ualty? We answer, that in the whole political conser- vation of the people, there be some specially deputed and dedicated to the service of God, the which most spe- cially (as by an excellency) are called spiritual men, as re- ligious men are. And other, though they walk in the way of God, yet nevertheless, because their office is most spe- cially to be occupied about such things as pertain to the com- monwealth, and to the good order of the people, they be therefore called secular men or lay men. Nevertheless, the goods of the first may no more be called spiritual than the goods of the other, for they be things more temporal, and keeping the body, as they do in the other. And by like reason, laws made for the political order of the church be called many times spiritual, or the laws of God ; never- theless it is but improperly : and other be called civil, or the laws of man. And in this point many be oft times de- ceived, and also deceive other, the which judge the things to be spiritual, the which all men know be things temporal and carnal. These be the words of John Gerson, in the place alleged before. Farthermore, beside the law of rea- * Preface to Burn's Ecc. Law, i B. C 82. Dialogue I. — Chap. 4. son and the law of man, it was necessary to have the law of God, for four reasons. The first, Because man is ordained to the end of the eternal felicity, the which exceedeth the proportion and fac- ulty of man's power. Therefore it was necessary that, be- side the law of reason and the law of man, he should be directed to his end by the law of God. Secondly, Forasmuch as for the uncertainty of man's judgment, specially of things peculiar and seldom falling, it happeneth oft times to follow divers judgments of divers men, and diversities of laws ; therefore, to the intent that a man without any doubt may know what he should do, and what he should not do, it was necessary that he should be directed in all his deeds by a law heavenly, given by God, the which is so apparent that no man may swerve from it, as is the law of God. Thirdly, Man may only make a law of such things as he ma} - judge upon, and the judgment of man may not be of inward things, but only of outward things ; and never- theless it belongeth to perfection that a man be well ordered in both, that is to say, as well inward as outward. There- fore it was necessary to have the law of God, the which should order a man as well of inward things as of outward things. The fourth is, Because, as St. Augustine saith in his first book of free arbitrement, the law of man may not punish all offences : for, if all offences should be punished, the commonwealth should be hurt, as is of contracts ; for it cannot be avoided, but that as long as contracts be suffered, many offences shall follow thereby, and yet they be suffered for the commonwealth. And therefore that no evil should be unpunished, it was necessary to have the law of God that should leave no evil unpunished. Chap. IV. — Of the law of man. The laze of man (the which sometime is Called the law positive) is derived by reason, as a thing which is neces- io Doctor and Student. sary, and probabh* following of the law of reason and of the law of God. And that is called probable, in that it appeareth to man)', and especially to wise men to be true. And therefore in every law positive well made, is somew at of the law of reason, and of the law of God; and to dis- cern the law of God and the law of reason from the law positive is very hard. And though it be hard, j'et it is much necessary in every moral doctrine, and in all laws made for the commonwealth. And that the law of man be just and rightwise, two things be necessary, and that is to say, wisdom and authority. Wisdom that he may judge after reason what is to be done for the commonalty, and what is expedient for a peaceable conservation and neces- sary sustentation of them ; authority, that he have authority to make laws. For the law is derived of Ugare, that is to say, to bind. But the sentence of a wise man doth not bind the commonaltv, if he have no rule over them. Also to every good law be required these properties : that is to say, that it be honest, rightwise, possible in itself, and after the Custom of the country, convenient for the place and time, necessary, profitable, and also manifest, that it be not cap- tious by any dark sentences, ne mixt with any private wealth, but all made for the commonwealth. And after St. Bridget, in the fourth book, in the hundred and twenty- ninth chapter, every good law is ordained to the health of the Soul, and to the fulfilling of the laws of God, and to induce the people to fly evil desires, and to do good works. Also the cardinal of Camerer writeth, Whatsoever is righteous in the law of man, is righteous in the law of God. For every man's law must be consonant to the law of God. And therefore the laws of princes, the commandments of prelates, the statutes of commonalties, ne yet the ordinance of the church, is not righteous nor obligatory, but it be consonant to the law of God.* And of such a law of man that is consonant to the law of God, it appeareth who hath right to lands and goods and * 2 Shep. Abr. 356. Dialogue I. — Chap. 4. 11 who not: for whatsoever a man hath by such laws of man, he hath righteously ; and whatsoever he hath against such laws, is unrighteously had. For laws of man not contrary to the law of God, nor to the law of reason, must be observed in the law of the soul : and he that despiseth them, despiseth God. and resist God. And furthermore, as Gratian saith, because evil men fear to offend, for fear of pain ; therefore it was necessary that divers pains should be ordained for divers offences, as physicians ordained divers remedies for several diseases. And such pains be ordained by the makers of laws, after the necessity of the time, and after the disposition of the people. And though that law that ordained such pains hath thereby a conformity to the law of God, (for the law of God commandeth that the people shall take away evil from among themselves ;) yet they belong not so much to the law of God, but that other pains (standing the first principles) might be ordained and appointed therefore. That is the law that is called most properly the laze ^pos- itive, and the laiv of man. And the philosopher said in the third book of his ethicks, that the intent of a maker of a law is to make the -people good, and to bring them to virtue. And although I have somewhat in general shewed thee whereupon the law of England is grounded (for of necessity it must be grounded of the said laws, that is to say, of the law eternal, of the law of reason, and of the law of God :) nevertheless I pray thee shew me more specially whereupon it is grounded, as thou thinkest, as thou before hast promised to do. Stud. I will with good-will do therein that lieth in me, for thou hast shewed me a right, plain, and straight way thereto. Therefore thou shalt understand that the law of England is grounded upon six principal grounds. First, It is grounded on the law of reason. Secondly, On the law of God. Thirdly, On divers general cstoums or' the realm. Fourthly, On divers principles that be called max- ims. Fifthly, On divers particular customs. Sixthly, On divers statutes made in parliaments by the king, and 12 Doctor and Student. by the common council of the realm. On which grounds I shall speak in order as they be rehearsed before. And first of the law of reason. Chap. V. — Of the first ground of the law of England. The first ground of the law of England is the law of reason, whereof thou hast treated before in the second chapter, the which is kept in this realm, as it is in all other realms, and as of necessity it must needs be, (as thou hast said before.) Doct. But I would know what is called the law of na- ture after the laws of England. Stud. It is not used among them that be learned in the laws of England to reason what thing is commanded or prohibited by the law of nature, and what not, but all the reasoning in that behalf is under this manner. As when any thing is grounded upon the law of nature, they say, that reason will that such a tiling be clone ; and if it be prohib- ited by the law of nature, they say it is against reason, or that reason will not suffer that to be done. Doct. Then I pray thee shew me what they that be learned in the laws of the realm hold to be commanded or prohibited by the law of nature, under such terms, and after such manner, as is used among them that be learned in the said laws. Stud. There be put by them that be learned in the laws of England two degrees of the law of reason, that is to say, the law of reason ■primary, and the law of reason second- ary. By the law of reason primary be prohibited in the laws of England murder (that is, the death of him that is innocent), perjury, deceit, breaking of the peace, and many other like. And by the same law also it is lawful for a man to defend himself against an unjust power, so he keep due circumstance. And also it any promise be made by menace to the body, it is by the law of reason void in the laws of England. The other is called the law of secondary reason, the which is divided into two branches, that is to say, into Dialogue I. — Chap. 5. 13 a law of secondary reason general^ and into a law of sec- ondary reason particular. The law of a secondary reason general is grounded and derived of the general law, or genera] custom of properly, whereby goods moveable and immoveable be brought into a certain property, so that every man may know his own thing. And by this branch be prohibited in the laws of England disseisins, trespass in lands and goods, resenss, theft, unlawful with-holding of another man's goods, and such other. And bv the same law it is a ground in the law of England that satisfaction must be made for a trespass, and that restitution must be made of such goods as one man hath that belong to another man ; the debts must be paid, covenants fulfilled, and such other. And because disseisins, trespass in lands and goods, theft, and other had not been known, if the law of property had not been ordained ; therefore all things that be derived by reason out of the said law of property, be called the lazv of reason secondary general, for the law of property is generally kept in all countries. The law of reason secondary ■particular is the law that is derived of divers customs general and particular, and of divers maxims and statutes ordained in this realm. And it is called tJic lazv of reason secondary particular, because the reason in that case is derived of such a law that is only holden for law in this realm, and in none other realm. Doct. I pray thee shew me some special case of such a law of reason secondary particular, for an example. Stud. There is a law in England, which is a law of cus- tom, that if a man take a distress lawfully, that he shall put it in pound overt, there to remain till he be satisfied of that he distrained tor.* And then thereupon may be asked this question, that if the beasts die in pound for lack of meat, at whose peril die they? whether die they at the peril of him that distrained, or of him that oweth the beasts ?f * Co. Litt. 47. t 2 Inst- 106. T4 Doctor and Student. Doct. If the law be as thou sayest, and that a man for a just cause taketh a distress, and putteth it in the pound overt,* and no law compelleth him that distrained to give them meat, | then it seemeth of reason that if the distress die in pound for lack of meat, that it died at the peril of him that oweth the beasts, and not of him that distrained ; for in him that distrained there can be assigned no default, but in the other may be assigned a default, because the rent was unpaid. Stud. Thou hast given a true judgment, and who hath taught thee to do so but reason derived of the said ireneral custom? And the law is so full of such secondary reasons derived out of the general customs and maxims of the realm, that some men have affirmed that all the law of the realm is the law of reason. But that cannot be proved, as me seemeth, as I have partly shewed before, and more fully will shew after. And it is not much used in the laws of England, to reason what law is grounded upon the law of the first reason primary, or on the law of reason secondarv. for they be most commonly openly known of themselves ; but for the knowledge of the law of reason secondary is greater difficulty, and therefore therein dependeth much the manner and form of arguments in the laws of England. And it is to be noted, that all the deriving of reason in the law of England proceedeth of the first principles of the law, or of something that is derived of them : and there- fore no man may right wisely judge, no groundly reason in the laws of England, if he be ignorant in the first prin- ciples. Also all birds, fowls, wild beast of forest and war- ren, and such other, be excepted by the laws of England out of the said general law and custom of property \% tor by * In the case of a distress for rent, it is not necessary for the person dis- training to take the cattle or heasts to a pinfold, as by statute n G. 2, c. 19, s. 10, he mav impound them on any convenient part of the land chargeable with the rent. t Finch. Law, 1 37 ; 6 Mod. 105. \ See Statutes 9 Geo. 1, c. 22 ; 13 Car. 2, c. 10; 10 Geo. c. 32 ; 5 Geo. 3, c. 14; 22 and 23 Car. 2, c. 25, respecting the stealing and killing of deer, robbing of warrens, and stealing of fish. Dialogue I. — Chap. 6. 15 the laws of the realm no property may be of them in any person, unless they be tame.* Nevertheless the eggs of hawk, herons, or such other as build in the ground of any person, be adjudged by the said laws to belong to him that oweth the ground. f Chap. VI. — Of the second ground of the lazv of Eng- land. The second ground of the law of England is the law of God: and therefore for punishment of them that offend against the law of God, it is enquired of many courts in this realm, if any hold any opinion secretly, or in any other manner against the true catholick faith ; and also if any general custom were directly against the law of God, or if any statute were made directly against it : as if it were or- dained that no alms should be given for no necessity, the custom and statute were void. Nevertheless the statute made in the thirty-fourth year of king Edward III., % whereby it is ordained, that no man, under pain of impris- onment, shall give any alms to any valiant beggars that may well labour, that they may so be compelled to labour for their living, is a good statute, for it observeth the intent of the law of God. And also by authority of this law- there is a ground in the laws of England, that he that is accursed shall maintain no action in the king's court, ex- cept it be in very few cases ;§ so that the same excommu- nication be certified before the king's justices in such man- ner as the law of the realm hath appointed. || And by the authority also of this ground the law of England admitteth the spiritual jurisdiction of dismes and offerings, and of all other things that of right belong unto it ;1T and receivcth • 1 II. P. C. 511 ; Fost. 366; Finch. Law, 176; 2 Inst. 199; 2 B. C. 391, 39-- t2B. C 394. X Repealed by 1 Ed. 6, c. 3, and 21 Jac, c. 2S. § Excommunication is no plea in a qui tarn. 1: Co. 61; Gilb. Hist, of a b. 164. II 1 Roll. Abr. SS3; Co. Litt. 133, 134. \ Wood's Inst. 4; 2 Inst. 625. \6 Doctor and Student. also all laws of the church duly made, and that exceed not the power of them that made them. Insomuch that in many cases it behoveth the king's justices to judge after the laws of the church. Doct. How may that be, that the king's justices should judge in the king's courts after the law of the church ? for it seemeth that the church should rather give judgment in such things as it may make laws of, than the king's jus- tices. Stud. That may be done in many cases, whereof I shall for an example put this case : If a writ of right of ward be brought of the body, etc. And the tenant confessing the tenure, and the nonage of the infant, saith, that the infant was married in his ancestor's days, etc., whereupon twelve men be sworn, which give this verdict that the infant was married in the life of his ancestor, and that the woman in the life of his ancestor sued a divorce, whereupon sen- tence was given that they should be divorced, and that the heir appealed, which hangeth yet undiscussed, praying the aid of the justice to know whether the infant in this case shall be said married or no : in this case, if the law of the church be that the said sentence of divorce standeth in his strength and virtue until it be annulled upon the said appeal, that the infant at the death of his ancestor was unmarried, because the first marriage was annulled by that divorce, and if the law of the church be, that the sentence of the divorce standeth not in effect till it be affirmed upon the said appeal ; then is the infant yet married, so that the value of his mar- riage cannot belong unto the lord : and therefore in this case judgment conditional shall he given, etc. And in likewise the king's justices in many other cases shall judge after the law of the church,* like as the spiritual judges -Thus if administration is granted to B. of the goods of A. durante minore estate of C- and it comes out in pleading that C is of the age <>f ill. -n ycai>, the court ought to take notice of the ecclesiastical law, and that the administration is determined. Cro. Car. 516; Cro. Eliz. 60;:. So if an infant at the age of fourteen makes a will of his personal estate, the temporal courts will not controul it, but take notice, that by the spirit- Dialogue I. — Chap. 7. 17 must in main- cases form their judgment after the king's laws.* Doct. How ma)' that be, that the spiritual judges should judge after the king's laws? I pray thee shew me some certain case thereof. Stud. Though it be somewhat a digression from our first purpose, yet I will not with say thy desire, but will with good-will put thee a case or two thereof, that thou mavest the belter perceive what I mean. If A. and B. have goods jointly and A. by his last will bequeathe his portion therein to C. and maketh the said B. his executor, and dieth, and C. asketh the execution of this will in the spiritual court : in this case the judges there be bound to judge that will to be void,f because it is void by the laws of this realm. And likewise if a man be outlawed, and after, by his will, bequeath certain goods to John at Stile, and make his executors, and die, the king seiseth his goods, and after giveth them again to the executors, and after John at Stile sueth a citation out of the spiritual court against the executors, to have execution of the will : in this case the judges of the spiritual court must judge the will to be void, as the law of the realm is that it is ; and yet there is no such law of forfeiture of goods by outlawry in the spiritual law. J Chap. VII. — Of the third ground of the law of Eng- land. The third ground of the law of England standeth upon divers general customs of old time used through all the realm, which have been accepted and approved by our ual law a will at that age, of personal estate, is good. 2 Mod. 315; Go- dolphin, 276; Lord Raym. 262. * Wood's Inst. 4. t See the reason of this, postea, 186. But a joint merchant, or a man that has a joint st ick in a farm, may devise his share by his will, and it will be good. 2 13. C. 399; Co. Litt. 1S2. I4 Burn's Ecc. Law, 56; SwUl., part 11, sec. 21. 2 Doctor and Student. sovereign lord the king, and his progenitors, and all his subjects.* And because the said customs be neither against the law of God, nor the law of reason, and have been alway taken to be good and necessary for the commonwealth of all the realm ;f therefore they have obtained the strength of a law, insomuch that he that doth against them, doth against justice : and these be the customs that properly be called the common lazv. And it shall alway be determined by the justices whether there be any such general custom or not, and not by twelve men.| And of these general cus- toms, and of certain principles that be called maxims, which also take effect by the old custom of the realm (as shall appear in the chapter next following), dependeth most part of the law of this realm. And therefore our sovereign lord the king, at his coronation, among other things, taketh a solemn oath that he shall cause all the customs of his realm faithfully to be observed. § Doct. I pray thee shew me some of these general customs. Stud. I will with good-will ; and first, I shall shew thee how the custom of the realm is the very ground of divers courts in the realm, that is to say, of the chancery, of the king's bench, of the common picas, and the exchequer, the which be courts of record ;|| because none may sit as judges in these courts, but by the king's letters patents. 1[ And these courts have divers authorities, whereof it is not to treat at this time. Other courts there be also only grounded by the custom of the realm, that be of much less authority than the courts before rehearsed. As in every shire within the realm there is a court that is called the county, and ;;; Wood's Inst. 4. f 2 Inst. 179. JNoy's Max. iS; Co. Litt. 344; post. 25. § 1 B. C 234; 3 Burn's Ecc. Law, 352. || 3 B. C.40, 41, 43. ^[ The reason here given for the courts of Westminster being courts of record does not seem quite satisfactory. I apprehend they are accounted courts of record because their acts and judicial proceedings are. recorded. 3 B. C. 24. Besides, it is not true that all the judges derive their authority from the kind's letters patent, for the chief justice of the king's bench is Dialogue I. — Chap. 7. in another that is called the sheriff f s tome;* and in everv manor is a court that is called a court-baron, and to every fair and market is incident a court that is called a court of piepowders. And though in some statutes is made mention sometime of the said courts ; yet nevertheless, of the first institution of the said courts, and that such courts should be, there is no statute nor law written in the laws of Eng- land. And so all the ground and beginning of the said* courts depend upon the custom of the realm ; the which 'custom is of so high authority, that the said courts ne their authorities, may not be altered, ne their names changed, without parliament. Also by the old custom of the realm, no man shall be taken, imprisoned, disseised, nor otherwise destroyed, but he be put to answer by the law of the land : and this custom is confirmed by the statute of magna c/iarta, cap. 26. Also by the old custom of the realm, all men great and small shall do and receive justice in the king's courts : and this custom is confirmed b}^ the statute of Marlb., cap. 1. Also by the old custom of the realm, the eldest son is only heir to his ancestor ; and if there be no sons, bu daughters, then all the daughters shall be heirs. f And so it is of sisters and other kinswomen. And if here be neither son, daughter, brother, nor sister, then shall the in- heritance ascend to the next kinsman or kinswoman of the whole blood to him that had the inheritance, of how many degrees soever they be from him.| And it there be no heir general nor special, then the land shall escheat to the lord of whom the land is holden. Also by the old custom of the realm, lands shall never ascend or descend from the son to the father or mother, nor made by writ, and the chancellor by delivering the great seal to him, and taking an oatli to serve the king and his people faithfully in his office. Wood's Inst. 459. * 3 B. C 35! lb. 32,33. t Co. Litt. 14; 2 B. C. .M4. fa B. C. 224; lh. 246. 20 Doctor and Student. to any other ancestor on the right line, but it shall rathei escheat to the lord of the fee.* Also if an alien have a son that is an alien, and after is made denizen, and hath another son, and after purchaseth, lands, and dieth ; the 3'oungest son shall inherit as heir, and not the eldest, f Also if there be three brethren, and the middest brother purchase lands, and dieth without heir of his body; the eldest brother shall inherit as heir to him, and not the younger brother. And if land in fee-simple descend to a man by the part of his father, and he dieth without heir of his body ; then the inheritance shall descend to the next heir of the part of his father. | And if there be no such heir of the part of his father, then if the father purchaseth the lands, it shall go to the next heir of the father's mother, and not to the next heir of the son's mother, but it shall rather escheat to the lord of the fee. But if a man purchase lands to him and to his heirs, and die without heir of his body, as is said be- fore ; then the land shall descend to the next heir of the part of his father, if there be any ; and if not, then to the next heir of the part of his mother. § Also if the son purchaseth lands in fee, and dieth without heir of his body;|| the land shall descend to his uncle, and shall not ascend to his father : but if the father have a son, though it be many years after the death of the elder brother, yet that son shall put out his uncle, and shall en- joy the lands as heir to the elder brother for ever. Also by the custom of the realm, the child that is born before espousals is bastard, and shall not inherit. IT Also the eu^tom of the realm is, that no manner of goods * Litt, sec 3. f2 B. C. 249; Cro. Jac. 539. J2B. C 222. § Wood's Inst. 218. || Litt., sec. 3. ^f 3 New Abr., title Bastardy, 310, 315. Dialogue I. — Chap. 7. 21 nor chattels, real nor personal, shall ever go to the heir, but to the executors, or to the ordinary, or administrators.* Also the husband shall have all the chattels personals that his wife had at the time of the espousals or after, f and also chattels real, if he overlive his wife, but if he sell or give away the chattels real, and die, by that sale or gift the interest of the wife is determined, or else they shall remain to the wife, if she overlive her husband. \ Also the hus- band shall have all the inheritance of his wife, whereof he was seised in deed in the right of his wife during the es- pousals, in fee, or in fee-tail general, § for term of life, if he have any child by her, to hold as tenant by the curtesy of England ; and the wife shall have the third part of the inheritance of her husband, whereof he was seised in deed or in law after the espousals, etc. But in that case the wife at the death of her husband must be of the age of nine years, or above, or else she shall have no dowry. j| Doct. What if the husband at his death be within the age of nine years ? Stud. I suppose she shall yet have her dower. Also the old law and custom of the realm is, that after the death of every tenant that holdeth his land by knights service, the lord shall have the ward and marriage of the heir, till the heir come to the age of twenty-one years \\ and if the heir in that case be of full age at the death of his ancestor, then he shall pay to his lord his relief, which at the common law was not certain, but by the statute of magna charta it is put in certain ;** that is to say, for every whole knight's fee to pay C. s. and for a whole barony to pay a hundred marks lor relief, and for a whole earldom to pav C. /. and * Off", of Executor, 53, 57, 5S, 59; post. 130. fCo. Lilt. 351. - Roll's Abr. 3}2. § Likewise it seems thai the husband shall be tenant by the curtesy, if he is seized in right of his wife of the special tail. Co. Litt. 29. j| Litt., sec. 36; Co. Litt. 33; 2 Inst. 234. U Litt., sec. 103. **2 B. C. 66; Litt., sec. 112. 22 Doctor and Student. after that rate. And if the heir of such a tenant be a wo- man, and she, at the death of her ancestor, be within the age of fourteen years, then by the common law she should have been in ward only till fourteen years, but by the stat. of W. i, in such case she shall be in ward till sixteen years.* And if at the death of her ancestor she be of the a«;e of fourteen years, or above, she shall be out of ward, though the land be holden of the king, and then she shall pay re- lief as an heir male shall. f Also of lands holden in socage, if the ancestor die, his heir being within the age of fourteen years, the next friend to the heir, to whom the inheritance may not descend, shall have the ward of his body and lands till he shall come to the age of fourteen years, and then he may enter. And when the heir cometh to the age of twenty-one years, then the guardian shall yield him an account for the profits thereof by him received. X Also such an heir in socage, for his relief, shall double his rent to the lord the year following the death of his an- cestor : as if his ancestor held by I2d. rent, the heir in the year following shall pay the I2d. for his rent and other I2d. for his relief; and the relief he must pay, though he be within age at the death of his ancestor. § Also there is an old law and custom in this realm, || that a freehold by way of feoffment, gift, or lease, passeth not without livery of seisin be made upon the land according,^ though a deed of feoffment be thereof made and delivered : * Litt., sec. 103; 2 B. C. 67. t Kitchen on Courts, no; 2 B. C 67. I Litt., sec. 123 ; Kitchen on Courts, 1 1 r ; Hargrave's Ed. of Co. Litt. 89. § Litt., sec. 127. || Finch Law, 132 ; Noy's Max. 59. If It is not absolutely necessary, though perhaps it is the better way to make livery and seisin upon the land; for if it is made in sight of it only by the words, " I give you yonder land, enter and take possession." This is sufficient in law to pass the freehold, if the feo-ffee enters during the life of the feoffor. 2 B. C 316. This method of alienating property by feoff- ment with livery and si-isin, though tlie usual conveyance of land for a long series of years, is now almost superseded by the modern convey- ance of lease and release, which, in fact, amounts to a feoffment. Dialogue I. — Chap. 7. 23 but byway of surrender, partition and exchange, a freehold may pass without livery.* Also if a man make a will of land whereof he is seised in his demesne as of fee, that will is void :f but it it had stood in leoffee's hands, it had been good. And also in London such a will is good by the custom of the city, if it he enrolled. X Also a lease for term of years is but a chattel by the law, and therefore it may pass without any livery of seisin : but otherwise it is of a state for term of life, for that it is a free- hold in the law, and therefore livery must be made, or else the freehold passeth not.§ Also by the old custom of the realm a man may distrain for rent-service of common right ; and also for a rent re- served upon a gilt in tail, a lease for term of life, of years, and at will :j| and in such case the lord may distrain the beasts of tenants, as soon as they come upon the ground ; but the beasts of strangers that come in but by manner of an escape he may not distrain, till they have been levant and couchant upon the ground. IF But for debt upon an ob- ligation, nor upon a contract, nor for account, ne yet for arrearages of account, nor for no manner of trespass,** reparations, nor such other, no man may distrain. ff And, by the old custom of the realm, all issues that shall be joined between party and party in any court of record within the realm, except a few whereof it needeth not to treat at this time, must be tried by twelve free and lawful men of the visne,|J that be not of affinity to none of the * Likewise by confirmation, devise, fine, or recovery, and since the stat- ute of uses, by bargain and sale enrolled, lease, and release, etc t Post. 58. X I Roll. Abr. 556; post. 35. § 2 B. C. 314. tl Lift. , sec. ji}. 214; Co. Litt. 142. •fa Lutw. 1573, 1577. **This cannot be true, for a man may distrain for trespass damage- feasant. tt Post. 123. Xt It was formerly the custom for jurors to come from the vicinity or bun- 24 Doctor and Student. parties ; and, in other courts that be not of record, as in the count}', court-baron, hundred, and such other like, they shall be tried by the oath of the parties, and not otherwise, unless the parties assent that it shall be tried by the homage.* And it is to be noted that lords, barons, and all peers of the realm be excepted out of such trials, if they will, J but if they will wilfully be sworn therein, some say it is no error : and they may, if they will have a writ out of the chancery directed to the sheriff, commanding him that he shall not impanel them upon no inquest. J And of this that is said before it appeareth, that the cus- toms aforesaid, or other like unto them, whereof be very many in the laws of England, cannot be proved to have the strength of law only by reason. For how may it be proved by reason that the eldest son shall only inherit his father, and the younger to have no part ; or that the husband shall have the whole land for term of his life as tenant by the curtesy, in such manner as before appeareth, and that the wife shall have only the third part in the name of her dower ; and that her husband shall have all the goods of his wife as his own, and that if he die, the wife living, ithat his executors shall have the goods, and not the wife? All these and such other cannot be proved only by reason, that it should be so, and no otherwise, although they be reasonable ; and that, with the custom therein used, sufficeth dred where the matter in dispute arose, pursuant to the maxim, xu'eini vicin- orum facto prcEsnmunttir scire, but now by stat. 4 and 5 Ann-, c. 16, the jury are to come, e corf ore comitattts, from the body of the county, in which the action is triable 3 B. C. 360. But this statute does not extend to indictments or other criminal suits, and it is conceived that no act has been made to include any such, except the stat. 24 G. 2, 2 c. 28, which re- lates to actions on penal statutes. However, notwithstanding the law stands thus as to criminal prosecutions, vet it is the practice of every day for the sheriff to summon juries from the county without the least regard to the visne of each indictment, though it gives the prisoner an opportu- nity, if he pleases, of challenging for default of hundredors. 2 II. II. P. C. 272. 273. Co. Litt. 158. t Trials per pais, 1st part, 105. J 3 B. C. 36: ; Vin. Abr., title Trial, 208. Dialogue I. — Chap. in the law, and a statute made against such general customs ought to be observed, because they be* not merely the law of reason. Also the law of property is not the law of reason, but the law of custom, howbeit that it is kept, and is also most necessary to be kept, in all realms, and among all people ; and so it may be numbered among the general customs of the realm. And it is to understand that there is no statute that treateth of the beginning of the said customs, ne why they should be holden for law ; and therefore after them that be learned in the laws of the realm, the old custom of the realm is the only and sufficient authority to them in that behalf. And I pray thee shew me what doctors hold then in, that is to say, whether a custom onl" be a sufficient authority of any law. Doct. Doctors hold that a law grounded upon a custom is the most surest law ; but this thou must always under- stand therewith, that such a custom is neither contrary to the law of reason, nor the law of God.* And now I pray thee shew me somewhat of the maxims of the laws of Eng- land, whereof thou hast made mention before in the 4th chapter. \ Stud. I will with good-will. Chap. VIII. — Of the fourth ground of the laiu of Eng- land. The fourth ground of the law of England standeth in divers principles that be called in the law maxims, the which have been always taken for law in this realm \\ so that it is not lawful for any that is learned to denv them ; for every one of those maxims is sufficient authority to himself. And which is a maxim, and which not, shall alway be determined by the judges, and not by twelve * Co. Litt. 141. t Kitchen on Courts, title Customs. \ Co. Litt. 10, 67. 16 Doctor and Student. men.* And it needeth not to assign any reason why they were first received for maxims, for it sufficeth that they be not against the law of reason, nor the law of God, and that they have always been taken for a law. And such maxims be not only holden for law, but also other cases like unto them, and all things that necessarily follow upon the same are to be reduced to the like law ; and therefore most commonly there be assigned some reasons or con- siderations why such maxims be reasonable, to the intent that other cases like may the more conveniently be applied to them. And they be of the same strength and effect in the law as statutes be. And though the general customs of the realm be the strength and warrant of the said maxims, as they be of the general customs of the realm ; yet because ihe said general customs be in a manner known through the realm, as well to them that be unlearned as learned, and may lightly be had and known, and that with little study, and the maxims be only known in the king's courts, or among them that take great study in the law of the realm, and among few other persons; therefore they be set in this writing, for several grounds, and he that listeth may so account them, or if he will, he may take them for no ground, after his pleasure. Of which maxims I shall here- after shew thee part. First, There is a maxim f that escuage uncertain maketh knight's service .% ♦Noy'sMax. 18; ante, 18. t Litt, sec 1 20. % By the statute 12 Car. 2, c 24, " for taking away the court of wards, and liveries and tenures in knight's service, and purveyance, and for settling a revenue upon his majesty," it iscnacted, that all wardships, primer seisins, and ousterlemains, values and forfeitures of marriage, and all tenures by homage, fines for alienation, knight's service, and escuage, and also acts for marrying the daughter or knighting the son, and all tenures of the king in capite, shall be taken away. And by the same statute, all sorts of tenure held of the king, or others, are turned into free and common socage, except tenures in frankalmoign copyholds, and the honorary services of grand serjeantry. Dialogue I. — Chap. 8. 27 Also there is another maxim,* that escuage certain makes socage. Also, that he that holdeth by castle-guard, holdeth by knight's service, f but he holdeth not by escuage : and that he that holdeth by xxs. to the guard of a castle, holdeth by socage. Also there is a maxim 4 that a discent taketh away an entry. Also, that no prescription in lands maketh a right. § Also, that a prescription of rent and profits apprender out of land maketh a right. || Also, that the limitation of a prescription generally taken is from the time that no man's mind runneth to the con- trary.! Also, that assigns may be made upon lands given in fee, for term of life, or for term of years, though no mention be made of assigns ; and the same law is of a rent that is granted ; but otherwise it is of a warranty, and of a cov- enant. Also, that a condition to avoid a freehold cannot be pleaded without deed ; but to avoid a gift of chattel, it may be pleaded without deed.** Also, that a release or confirmation made by him, that at the time of the release or confirmation made had no right, is void in the law, though a right come to him after ;ff ex- cept it be with warranty, and then it shall bar him to all right that he shall have after the warranty made. Also, that a right or title of action that only dependeth in action, cannot be given or granted to none other but only * Co. Litt. 87. fib. J Litt., sec. 3S5. § Finch. 132. || 2 B. C. 264. IfPost. 30S; Co. Litt. 114. ** Vin. Abi., title Facts, 67. * tfVin. Abr., title Release, 299. 28 Doctor and Student. to the tenant of the ground, or to him that hath the rever- sion or remainder of the same land.* Also, that in an action of debt upon a contract, the de- fendant may wage his law :f but otherwise it is upon a lease of lands for term of years, or at will. J Also, that if an exigent, in case of felony, be awarded against a man, he hath thereby forthwith forfeited his goods to the king.§ Also, if the son be attainted in the life of the father, and after he purchaseth his charter of pardon of the king, and after the father dieth. ; j| in this case the land shall escheat to the lord of the fee, insomuch that though he have a vounger brother, yet the land shall not descend to him : for by the attainder of the elder brother the blood is corrupt, and the father-in-law died without heir. Also, if an abbot or prior alien the lands of his house, and dieth ;1[ in this case, though his successor have right to the lands, } r et he may not enter, but he must take his action that is appointed him by law. Also, there is a maxim in the law, that if a villein pur- chase lands, and the lord enter, he shall enjoy the land as * 10 Rep. 48; Shep. Touch. 229. t Wager of law is where defendant swears before compurgators that he owes the plaintiff nothing. Formerly this practice was much in use, as appears by its making a conspicuous part of our English jurisprudence. But it is now only in actions of debt upon simple contract, or for amerce- ments in actions of detinue or account, where the debt may have been paid, and the accounts balanced, without any evidence of either, that de- fendant can wage his law, and not where there is any specialty by bond or deed; and as defendant is allowed to wage his law in an action of debt, it is but seldom brought upon a simple contract, being supplied by an ac- tion of trespass on the case, for the breach of a promise or assumpsit; and this being an action of trespass, no law can be waged therein; so that wager of law is now quite out of use, but still it is not out of force. Black. Com. 3 V. 341. X 12 Mod. 679; 2 Salk. 6S4; Co. Litt. 295. § This is not law, for in this case he forfeits both real and personal es- tate to the lord. || 2 B. C. 253; Co. Litt. 13. If Post. 32. Dialogue I. — Chap. 8. 29 his own :* but if the villein alien before the lord enter, the alienation is good. And the same law is of goods. f Also, if a man steal goods to the value of twelve pence, or above, it \s felony, and he shall die for it.J And if it be under the value of twelve pence, then it is but fielil lar- ceny, ami he shall not die for it,§ but shall be otherwise pun- ished alter the discretion of the judges, except it be taken from the person ; for if a man lake any thing, how little soever it be, from a man's person, feloniously, it is called robbery, and he shall die for it.|| Also, he that is arraigned upon an indictment of felony, shall be admitted, in favor of life, to challenge thirty-six jurors peremptorily ;1[ but if he challenge any above that number, the law taketh him as one that hath refused the law, because he hath refused three whole inquests, and therefore he shall die : but with cause he may challenge as many as he hath cause of challenge to. And lurther, it is to be understood, that such peremptory challenge shall not be admitted in appeal,** because it is at the suit of the party. |t x\lso, the land of every man is in the law inclosed from •Litt., sec. ;;j; Finch. 159. t But the law was widely different in the case of the king, who had a villein, lor notwithstanding the alienation, he might enter. Perk., sec. 29. J 1 II. P. C. 503. § lb. 504. II lb. 532, 536. f The author or his printer is not here quite correct as to the number of jurors, which it was allowed the prisoners to challenge in cases of felony; as the boundary fixed by the common law, and which was thought to be reasonable was only thirty-live, that is, one under three fail juries, and therefore if the prisoner challenged thirty-six, he was sentenced to the peine forte et dure, as one that had no intention to be tried at all. The number thirty-live may now be challenged by the prisoner in cases of high and petit treason, but in cases of murder, or felony, by stat. 22 II. S, c. 14, he can make no more than twenty peremptory challenges. 2 II. P. C. 269; 2 Hawk. 414; Co. Litt. 156. ** Kitchen on Courts. 52. tt But in Yiner's abridgments, title Trial, 252, it is laid down, that a peremptory challenge may be taken in an appeal, and with as good reason as in a prosecution at the suit of the king. 30 Doctor and Student. other, though it lie in the open field : and therefore if a man do a trespass therein, the writ shall be, JQiiare clausum /regit. Also, the rents, commons of pasture, of turbary, rever- sions, remainders, nor such other things which lie not in manual occupation, may not be given nor granted to none other without writing.* Also, that he that recovereth debt or damages in the: king's courts, by such an action wherein a capias lay in the process, may within a year after the recovery have a capias ad satisfaciendum , to take the body of the defendant, and to commit him to prison till he have paid the debt and dam- ages : but if there lay no capias in the first action, then the plaintiff shall have no capias ad satisfaciendum , but must take a fieri facias, or an elegit within the year, or a scire facias after the year, or within the year, if he will. Also, if a release or confirmation be made to him that, at the time of the release made, had nothing in the land, etc., the release or confirmation is void, except in certain cases, as to vouch, and certain other which need not here to be re- membered, f Also, there is a maxim in the law of England, that the king may disseise no man, nor that no man may disseise the king, ne pull any reversion or remainder out of him,.} Also, the king's excellency is so high in the law, that no freehold may be given to the king, nor be derived from him, but by matter of record. § Also, there was sometime a maxim and a law of England, that no man should have a writ of right but by special suit to the king, and for a fine to be made in the chancery for it. But these maxims be changed by the statute of magna charta, cap. 16, where it is said thus, nulli negabimus ', mil// vendemus rectum vcljusliliam.\\ And by the words, Null/ * Co. Litt. 48; 121 Stat. ; 29 Car. 2, c. 3; 2 Cro. 217; Finch. Law, 10S. fCo. Litt. 265, 270. I3B. C 257. §2 B. C. 346; Noy's Max. 4. || 2 Inst. 55; 1 B. C. 141. Dialogue I. — Chap. 9. 31 negabimus, a man shall have a writ of right of course in the eh tin eery without suing to the king for it: and by the words, Nulli vendemus , he shall have it without fine. And so many times the old maxims of the law be changed by statutes. Also, though it be reasonable, that for the mani- fold diversities of actions that be in the laws of England, there should be diversities of process, as in the real actions alter one manner, and in personal actions after another manner ; yet it cannot be proved merely by reason, that the same process ought to be had, and none other : for by statute it might be altered. And so the ground of the said pro- cess is to be referred only to the maxims and customs of the realm. And I have shewed thee these maxims before rehearsed, not to the intent to shew thee specially what is the cause of the law in them, for that would ask a great respite : but I have shewed them only to the intent that thou mayest per- ceive that the said maxims, and other like, may be conve- niently set for one of the grounds of the laws of England. Moreover there be divers cases whereof I am in doubt whether they be only maxims of the law, or that the} - be grounded upon the law of reason ; wherein I pray thee let me hear thine opinion. Doct. I pray thee shew those cases that thou meanest ; and I shall make thee answer therein as I shall see cause. Chap. IX. — Hereafter follow divers cases wherein the student doubt eth whether they be only max/ins of the law, or that tJiey be grounded upon the law of reason. The law of England is, that if a man command another to do a trespass, and he doth it, that the commander is a trespasser.* And 1 am in doubt, whether that it be only by a maxim of the law, or that it be by the law of reason. Also, I am in doubt upon what law it is grounded, that * Br. Trespass, pi. 148- 3 2 Doctor and Student. the accessary shall not be put to answer before the prin- cipal, etc.* Also, the law is, that if an abbotf buy a thing that cometh to the use of the house, and dieth, that his successor shall be charged 4 And I am somewhat in doubt upon what ground that law dependeth. Also, that he that hath possession of land, tho' it be by disseisin, hath right against all men but against him that hath right. § Also, that if an action real be sued against any man that hath nothing in the thing demanded, the writ shall abate at the common law. Also, that by the alienation of the tenant, hanging the writ, or his entry into religion, or if he be made a knight, or if she be a woman, and take an husband hanging the writ, that the writ shall not abate. || Also, if land and rent that is going out of the same land, come into one man's hand of like estate, and like surety of title, the rent is extinct. 1[ Also, if land descend to him that hath right to the same land before, he shall be remitted to his better title, if he will.** Also, if two titles be concurrent together, that the eldest title shall be preferred. ff :;: 'By the commor law the accessary shall not be compelled to answer to the indictment till the principal is tried; but if he will waive that privi- lege, he may, and put himself upon his trial before the principal, i H. II. P. C. 623. The law, however, is now so much altered by statute, that re- ceivers of stolen goods, knowing them to be stolen, may be compelled fo answer for the misdemeanor, although the principal can not be taken. 1 Ann., c. 9, s. 2; 5 Ann., c. 31, s. 5; 4 Geo. I, c. 11, and see 4 B. C. 31S, and Foster's Crown Law, 373- f By the statutes 27 H. 8, c. 28; 31 II. 8, c. 13: 32 II. S, c. 14, s. 1, and 37 II. S, c. 4, all monasteries and religious houses are dissolved, and the whole body of abbots and priors totally eradicated. J B. Abbe, pi. 9; 22 II. 6, 56. § 3 New A iir. - of all things that may be learned by speculation or stud}', and ministreth the general grounds and principles thereof; and also of all things that are to be done by man. An example oi such things as may be learned by speculation appeareth thus : sin- deresis saith that every whole thing is more than any one part of the same thing, and that is a sure ground that never 4<3 Doctor and Student. faileth. And an example of things that are to be done, or not to be done : as where sinderesis saith no evil is to be done, but that goodness is to be done and followed, and evil to be fled, and such other. And therefore sinderesis is called by some men the law of reason, for it ministreth the principles of the law of rea- son, the which be in every man by nature, in that he is a reasonable creature. Chap. XIV.— Of reason. When the first man Adam was created, he received of God a double eye, that is to say, an outward eye, whereby he might see visible things, and know his bodily enemies, and eschew them : and an inward eye, that is, the eye of rea- son, whereby he might see his spiritual enemies that light against his soul, and beware of them. And amon applied to lines ar down in regular order. t Ante, 10. J But there are many other exceptions to which the rule is liable: and as they are rather too numerous to fall conveniently within the compass of a note. L will direct the student to those authorities where he will find them enlarged upon. He may turn to 2 Black. Comm, 450, and 2 ln>t. 713. 68 Doctor and Student. there is a like law, that if a man have another man's goods with a title three years, thinking that he hath right to it, he hath the very right unto the thing; and that was made for a law, lo the intent that the property and right of things should not be uncertain, and that variance and strife should not be among the people.* And forasmuch as the said statute was ordained to give a certainty of title in the lands and tenements comprised in the fine, it seemeth that that fine extincteth the title of all other, as well in conscience, as it doth in the law. And sith I have answered to thy question, I pray thee let me know thy mind in one ques- tion concerning tailed lands, and then I will trouble thee no farther at this time. Chap. XXVI. — A question made by the doctor ', how cer- tain recoveries that be used in the king's courts to defeat tailed land, may stand with conscience. I have heard say, that when a man that is seised of lands in the tail selleth the land, that it is commonly used, that he that buyeth the land, shall, for his surety, and for the avoiding of the tail in that behalf, cause some of his friends to recover the said lands against the said tenant in tail : which recovery, as I have been credibly informed, shall be had in this manner.! The demandants shall suppose in their writ and declaration, that the tenant had no entry but by such a stranger as the buyer shall list to name and ap- point, where indeed the demandants never had possession thereof, nor yet the said stranger.:}: And thereupon the said tenant in tail shall appear in the court, and by assent of the parlies shall vouch to warrant one that he knoweth well hath nothing to yield in value. And the vouchee shall appear, and the demandants shall declare against him ; and thereupon he shall take a day to imparl at the same term, Wood's Civil Law, 167. t Wood's Inst. 250; 2 B. C. 358. % Cruise on Rec. II, 12. Dialogue I. — Chap. 26. 69 and at that day by assent and covin of the parties lie shall make default; upon which default, because it is a default in despite of the court, the demandants shall have judg- ment to recover against the tenant in tail, and he over in value against the vouchee, and this judgment and recovery in value is taken for a bar of the tail for ever.* How may it therefore be taken, that the law standeth with conscience, that as it seemeth, alloweth and favoureth such feigned re- coveries? Stud. If the tenant in tail sell the land for a certain sum of money, as is agreed betwixt them, at such a price as is commonly used of other lands, and for the surety of the sale suffereth such a recovery as is aforesaid ; what is the cause that moveth thee to doubt whether the said contract, or the recovery made thereupon, for the surety of the buver that hath truly paid his money for the same, should stand with conscience? f Doct. Two things cause me to doubt therein. ' One is, for that after our Lord had given the land of behest to Abraham and to his seed, that is to say, to his children, in possession alway to continue, he said to Moses, as it ap- peareth, Levit. 25, The Land shall not be sold for ever, for it is mine: and then our Lord assigned a certain man- ner how the land might be redeemed in the year of fn- bilee, if it were sold before. And forasmuch as our Lord would that the land so given to Abraham, and his children, should not be sold for ever, it seemeth that he doth against the ensample of God that alieneth or selleth the land that is given to him and to his children, as lands entailed be given. Another cause is this : It appeareth by the com- mandment of God, that Thou shall not covet the house of thy neighbour ) etc. And if that concupiscence be prohib- ited, more stronger than the unlawful taking and with- holding thereof is prohibited : and forasmuch as tailed land, when the ancestor is dead, is a thing that of right is belong- ' PiLC-Ot nil RoC. 12. t Wood's. Inst. 250. 7<3 Doctor and Student. ing to his heir, for that he is heir according to the gift, how may the land with right or conscience be holden from him ? Stud. Notwithstanding the prohibition of Almighty God, whereby the land that was given to Abraham, and to his seed, might not be aliened for ever, yet land within walled towns might lawfully be aliened for ever, except the lands of the Levites, as appeareth in the said 25th chapter of Leviticus. And so it appeareth, that the said prohibition was not general for every place, and that among the Jews. And it appeareth also, that it was given only to Abraham and his children, and so it was not generally to all people. And it appeareth also, that it extended not but only to the land of promission, as it appeareth by the words of the said chapter, where it is said thus, All the region of on?- pos- session shall be sold under the condition of redeeming; whereby appeareth that lands in other countries be not bound to that condition, and as they be not bound to that condition, by the same reason it followeth that they be not bound to the same succession. Therefore that said law, that wills that the land given to Abraham, and to his seed, shall not be sold for ever, bindeth no land out of the land of promission ; and some men will say, that sithen the passion of our Lord was promulgate and known, bindeth not there. And to the second reason, which is grounded upon the commandment of God ; it must needs be granted that it is not lawful to any man unlawfully to covet the house of his neighbour, and that then more stronger he may not unlawfully take it from him. But then it remaineth for thee yet to prove how in this case this tailed land, that is sold by his ancestor, and whereof a re- covery is had recorded in the king's court, may be said the lands of the heir. Doct. That may be proved by the law of the realm, that is to say, by the statute of Westm. 2, cap. 1, where it is said thus :* The will of the giver expressly Contained in " Wood's Inst. 2:0. Dialogue I. — Chap. 26. 71 the deed of his gift shall be from henceforth observed, so that the)' to whom the tenements be so given shall not have power to alien, but that the lands after their death shall re- main to the issue, or return to the donor, if the issue fail.* By the which statute it appearethf evidently, that though they, to whom the tenements were so given, aliened them away, that yet nevertheless they in law and conscience, by reason of the said statute, ought to remain to their heirs, according to the gift ;$ for it is holden commonly bv all doc- tors, that the commandments and rules of the law of man, or of a positive law that is lawfully made, bind all that be subjects to the law according to the mind of the maker, and that in the court of conscience. Stud. Dost thou think that if a man offend against a statute penal, that he offendeth in conscience? Admit that he do it not of a wilful disobedience, or that he will not obey the law : for if he do it of disobedience, I think he offendeth. Doct. If it be but only a statute that is called Popular, it bindeth not in conscience to the payment of the penalty, till it be recovered by the law, and then it doth bind in con- science : but if a statute be made principallv to remedv the hurt of one party, and for that hurt it giveth a penaltv to the party, in that case the offender of the statute is bound immediately to restore the damages to the value of the hurt, as it is upon the statute of waste ;§ but the penalty above the hurt he is not bound to pay till judgment be given, as it is said before. But statutes, by the which it is assigned who shall haveright or property to these lands and tenements, or to these goods or chattels, if it be not against the law of God nor against the law of reason, bind all them that be subject to the law in law and conscience. And such a statute is the statute of Westminster 2, whereof we have - Inst. 333. + Post. 82. J 1 Inst. 335. § Ante, 64. 72 Doctor and Student. treated before ; wherefore it must be observed by con- science. Stud. But some hold that the statute of Westm. 2 was made of a singularity and presumption of many that were at the said parliament, for exalting and magnifying of their own blood ;* and therefore they say that that statute made by such a presumption bindeth not in conscience. Doct. It is very perilous to judge for certain that the said statute was made of such presumption as thou speakest of: for there be many considerations to prove that the said statute was not made of such presumption, but rather of a very good mind of all the parliament, or at the least of the most part thereof, and for the commonwealth of all the realm ; and first in the king,f the which in the said parlia- ment was the head, and most chief and principal part ot the parliament, (as he is in every parliament) cannot be noted to be such intent : for it is not necessary, nor was it not then in use, that lands of the crown should be entailed. And in spiritual men, ne yet in certain burgesses and citi- zens of the said parliament, which at that time had no land, there can be noted no such singularity ; nor yet in the noblemen and gentlemen, nor such other as were of the said parliament, and had lands and tenements. It is not good to judge in certain that they did it of such presump- tion ; but it is good and expedient in this case, as it is in other cases that be in doubt, to hold the surer way, and that is, that it was made of charity, to the intent that he, nor the heirs of him to whom the land was given, should not fall into extreme poverty, and thereby haply run into offence against God 4 And though it were true, as they say, that it was not made of charity, but of presumption and singularity, as they speak of: nevertheless, forasmuch as the statute is not against the law of God,§ nor against • Lord Coke in particular is very severe in his animadversions upon this act. Mildmay's Case, 6 Co. Rep. 40, 6, tho' in other places he seems to commend it. Co. Litt. 19, 392. t See section the second of this statute. t 2 Inst. 334. § Post. 79. Dialogue I. — Chap. 26. 73 the law of reason, it must be observed by all them that be subjects unto that law. For as John Gerson, in the treatise that he entitled in Latin, Dc vita sj)irituali animce, the fourth lesson, and the third corollary, saith, that God wills that makers of laws judge only of outward things, and reserve secret things to him. And so it appeareth that man may not judge of the inward intent of the deed, but of such things as be apparent and certain : but it is not apparent that there was any such corrupt intent in the makers of the said statute : how may it therefore be said that the law is good or rightwise, that not only suffereth such things against the statute, but also against the commandment of God? Stud. To that some answer and say, that when the land is sold, and a recovery is had thereupon in the king's court of record, that it sufliceth to bar the tail in conscience ; for they say, that as the tail was first ordained by the law, so they say that by the law it is adnulled again. Doct. Be thou thyself judge, if in that case there be like authority in the making of the tail as there is in the adnull- ing thereof: for it was ordained by authority of parliament,* the which is alway taken for the most high court in this realm before any other, and it is adnulled by a false sup- posal, for that, that they that be named demandants should have right to the land, where in truth they never had right thereto : whereupon followeth a false supposal in the writ, and a false supposal in the declaration, and a voucher to warrant by covin of such a person as hath nothing to yield in value ;f and thereupon bv covin and collusion of the par- ties followeth the default of the vouchee, by the which de- fault the judgment shall be given. And so all the judgment is derived and grounded of the untrue supposal and covin of the parties, whereby the law of the realm, that hath or- dained such a writ of entry to help them that have rights to lands or tenements, is defrauded, the court is deceived. *Co. Litt. no; .4 Inst. 36. t Piggot on Rcc 12, 19. 74 Doctor and Student. the heir is disherited, and, as it is to doubt, the biryer and the seller, their heirs and assigns, having knowledge of the tail, be bound to restitution. And verily I have heard many times, that after the law of the realm such recoveries should be no bar to the heir in the tail, if the law of the realm might be therein indifferently heard. Shtd. I cannot see but that after the law of the realm it is a bar of the tail ; for when the tenant in tail hath vouched to warranty, and the vouchee hath appeared and entered into the warranty, and after hath made default in despite of the court, whereupon judgment is given for the demand- ant against the tenant, and for the tenant that he shall re- cover in value against the vouchee ;* if the heir in the tail should after bring XMsformedon, and recover the lands en- tailed, and after the vouchee purchaseth lands, then should the heir also have execution against him to the value of the lands intailed, as heir to his ancestor that was tenant in the first action, and so he should have his own lands, and also the lands recovered in value. And therefore, because of the presumption that the vouchee may purchase lands after the judgment, some be of opinion that it is in the law a good bar of the tail.f Doct. I suppose that in that case thou hast put that the vouchee may bar the heir in tail of his recovery in value, because he hath recovered the first lands. Nevertheless I will take a respite to be advised of that recovery in value. And if thou canst yet shew me any other consideration, why the said recoveries should stand with conscience, I pray thee let me hear thy conceit therein \\ for the multi- tude of the said recoveries is so great, that it were great pity that all should be bound to restitution that have lands by such recoveries, sith there is none (as far as I can hear) disposed them to restore. Stud. Some men make another reason to prove that the 2 B. C. 360. t Wood's Inst. 252. t Post, 80. Dialogue 1. — Chap. 26. 75 said recoveries should be sufficient by the law to avoid the statute of Westminster, and if they be sufficient thereto, they be sufficient in conscience. Doct. What is their reason therein? Stud. In the seventh year of Henry VIII,* cap. 4, ;imong other things it is enacted, that all recoverers, their heirs and assigns, may avow and justify for rents, services and customs by them recovered, as they against whom they recovered might have done. And then they say, that when the parliament gave to such recoverers authority to avow and justify for such rents, customs, and services as they recovered, that the intent of the parliament was, that such recoverers should have right to that for the which they should avow or justify : for else they say that it should be in vain to give them such power, and that the parliament should else be taken in manner as fortifiers of wrongful titles: and so they say that such recoverers, by reason of the said statute, have right by the law. Doct. That statute, as it seemeth, was made only to give to the recoverers a form to avow and justify, which they had not before, though they had recovered upon a good title. And the cause why they had no form to avow or jus- tify before the said statute was, forasmuch as the recoverers did not by the pretence of their action affirm the possession of him or them against whom they recovered, nor claimed not by them, but rather disaffirmed and destroyed their estate. And therefore they cannot alledge any continuance of their title by them, as they may that have rents or services, or such other, of the grant of other by deed or by line. And therefore, as it seemeth, the most principal intent ol the statute was, that such recoverers should avow and justify tor rents, services and customs, as they should or might do that had them by line or deed ; not having any respect as it seemeth whether they recovered against tenant in tee- simple or in fee-tail ; nor whether the recoveries were had upon a rightful title. And therefore, as me seemeth, the ' I'i^got on Rec. \iiod communis error facit jus,% that is to saw A common error maketh a right. Of which words, as it seemeth, some trust may be had, that though it were fully admitted the said recoveries were first had upon an unlaw- ful ground, and against the good order of conscience, that yet nevertheless, forasmuch as they have been used of long time, so that they have been taken of clivers men that have been right well learned, in manner as for a law, that the buyers partly be excused, so that they be not bound to res- titution. And moreover, it is certain that the statute of Westminster 2, nor none other statute made by man, can- not be o[ greater value or strength than was the bond oi This was likewise a maxim of the Roman law. F. 22, C. 9. t Douglas Rep. 471; post. 24S. X Shep. Touch. 39; Nov's Max. 27; Jenk. Cent. 250. 78 Doctor and Student. matrimony that was ordained of God. And though that bond of matrimony was indissolvable, yet nevertheless Moses suffered a bill of refusal of the Jews, which in Latin is called Libellum rcfudii, and so they might thereby for- sake their wives, as it appeareth Deut. 22. And therefore like as a dispensation was suffered against that bond, so it seemeth it may be against this statute. Doct. As to that reason that thou hast las? made of a bill of refusal, let all purchasers of land hear what our Lord saith in the Gospel of the Jews, of that bill of refusal ; Matthew 19, where he saith thus, For the hardness of your hearts Moses suffer cd^you to leave your wives: for at the beginning it zvas not so. Of which words doctors hold commonly, that though such a bill of refusal was lawful, so that they that refused their wives thereby should be with- out pain in the law, that yet it was never lawful so that it should be without sin. And so likewise it may be said in this case, that such recoveries be suffered for the hardness of the hearts of Englishmen, which desire land and pos- session with so great greediness, that thev can not be with- drawn from it neither by the law of God,, nor of the realm. And therefore the rich men should not take the possessions of poor men from them by power, without colour of title, that is to say, neither by open disseisin, or by the only sale of the tenant in tail, and so to hold them against the ex- press words of the statute ; such recoveries have been suf- fered. And though for their great multitude they may haply be without pain as to the law of the realm ; vet it is to tear that they be not without offence as against God.* And as to the other reason, that a common error should make a right, those words, as me seemeth, be to be thus understood, that a custom used against the law of man shall hi- taken in some countries for law, if the people he suf- fered so to continue. And vet some men call such a cus- tom an error, because that the continuance of that custom against the law was partly an error in the people, for that * Post. 80. Dialogue I.- -Chap. 26. 79 they would not obey the law that was made by their supe- riors to the contrary of that custom. But it is to be under- stood, that the said recoveries, though they have been loner used, may not be taken to have the strength of a custom ; for many, as well learned as unlearned, have always spoken against them and yet do.* And furthermore, as I have heard say, a custom or prescription in this realm against the statutes of the realm prevails not in the law.f Stud. Though a custom in this realm prevaileth not against a statute as to the law, yet it seemeth that it may prevail against the statute in conscience : for though igno- rance of a statute excuseth not in the law, J nevertheless it may excuse in conscience; and so it seemeth that it may do of a custom. Doct. But if such recoveries cannot be brought into a lawful custom in the law, it seemeth the}' may not be brought into a custom in conscience ; for conscience must alwav be grounded upon the law, and in this case it cannot be grounded upon the law of reason, nor upon the law of God ; and therefore if the law of man serve not, there is no ground whereupon conscience in this case may be grounded. And at the beginning of such recoveries, they were taken to be good, because the law should warrant them to be good, and not by reason of any custom : and so if the reason of the law will not serve in the recoveries, the custom cannot * Cro. 347 ; Doug. 102 : Cro. Car. 347. fBut a man may lawfully proscribe against a statute in the affirmative. Co. Lit- 115; 2 Buls. 36. And if a statute in the negative is declarative of the ancient law, that is in affirmance of the common law, there, a pre- scription may be'alledged against it. As a man may prescribe to cut his own wood within a forest without the view of the forester, though the statute of 34 Edw. 1 provides that none shall cut any tree, though his own, within the forest, without the view of the forester ; because this act is but in affirmance of the common law. Co. Lit 115. So a man mayprescrjbe to hold a leet oftener than twice a year, and that other daj s than are set foi th in the sta of Magna Charta, cap. 35, because the statute, though in the nega - -till a confirmation of the ancient law. Cro. Eliz. 1J5. It therefore follow-. that it is only against a statute which is introductive of a new law that a prescription can 't be made. J Ante, 46. 80 Doctor and Student. help ; for an evil custom is to be put away. And therefore me seemeth that the recoveries be not without offence against God, though haply for their great multitude, and that there should not be as it were a subversion of the in- heritance of many in this realm, as well of spiritual as temporal, they be without pain in the law of the realm ;* except such recoveries as by the common course of the law be voidable in the lav/ by reason of some use, or of some other special matter : but what pain that is, I will not tern- erously judge, but commit it to the goodness of our Lord, whose judgment be very deep and profound : nor I will not fully affirm that they that have lands by such recoveries ought to be compelled to restitution : but this seemeth to me to be good counsel, that every man hereafter hold that is certain, and leave that is uncertain, and that is, that he keep himself from such recoveries, and then he shall be free from all scrupulousness of conscience in that behalf. Stud. It seemeth that in this question thou ponderest greatly the said statute of Westminster 2,f and that though it be but only a law made by man, that yet, forasmuch as it is not against the law of reason nor the law of God, thou thickest that it must be holden in conscience : and over that, as it seemeth, thou art somewhat in doubt whether those recoveries be any bar to the heir in the tail by the law of the realm, unless that he have in value in deed upon the vouchee \\ and that thou wilt thereupon take a respite, or thou shew thy full mind therein : and in likewise thou thinkest, as I take it, that those recoveries cannot be brought into a custom, but that the longer that they be suffered to continue, if they be not good by the law, the greater is the offence against God.§ And therefore thou ponderest little that custom, but yet thou agreest that it is good to spare the multitude of them that be past,|| lest a subversion of the in- * Ante, 78; post. 81. t Ante, 72. X Ante, 73. § Ante, 78. || Ante, 74, 80. Dialogue I. — Chap. 27. 81 heritance of many of this realm might follow, and great strife and variance also, if they should be adnulled for the time past, except there be an)' other special cause to avoid them by the law, as thou hast touched in the last reason :* but thou thinkest that it were good, that from henceforth such recoveries should be clearly prohibited, and not be suffered to be had in use, as they have been before ; and thou counsellest all men therefore to refrain themselves from such recoveries hereafter. Doct. Thou takest well that I have said, and according as I have meant it. Stud. Now, I pray thee, sith I have heard thy question of these recoveries, according to thy desire, that thou wouldest answer me to some particular questions concern- ing tailed lands, whereof thou hast at this time given us occasion to speak. Doct. Shew me these questions, and I will shew thee my mind therein with good -will. Chap. XXVII. — The first question of the student, con- cerning tailed lands. Stud. If a disseisor make a gift in tail to John at Stile, and John at Stile for the redeeming of the title of the dis- seisee agreeth with him, that he shall have a certain rent out of the same land to him and to his heirs, and for the surety of the rent it is devised that the disseisee shall re- lease his right in the land, etc., and that such a recovery as we have spoken of before shall be had against the said John at Stile to the use of the payment of the said rent, and of the former tail : whether standeth that recovery well with conscience or not, as thou thinkest? Doct. I suppose it doth, for it is made for the strength and surety of the tail, which the disseisee might have clearly defeated ami avoided if he would : and therefore I think, if the said John at Stile had granted to the disseisee * Piggot on Rec S. 82 Doctor and Student. only by his deed a certain rent tor releasing of his title, that grant should have bound the heirs in the tail for ever. And then if the disseisee for his more surety, will have such a recover}-, as before appeareth, it seemeth that recovery standeth with good conscience. Stud. It seemeth that thy opinion is right good in this matter. And also it appeareth that with a reasonable cause some particular recoveries may stand both with law and conscience to bar a tail. Chap. XXVIII. — The second question of the student , con- cerning tailed lands. If a tenant in tail suffer a recovery against him of his lands entailed, to the intent that the recoverer shall stand seised thereof to the use of a certain woman whom he in- tendeth to take to his wife, for term of life, and after to the use of the first tail, and after he marrieth the same woman : whether standeth that recovery with conscience, though other recoveries upon bargains and sales did not. Doct. It seemeth yes ; for though the statute be, that they to whom the tenements be so given should not have power to alien, but that the lands after their death should remain to their issues, or revert to the donors if the issues failed : yet if he to whom the lands were so given take a wife, and dieth seized without heir of his body, and the donor enter, the woman shall recover against him the third part, to hold in the name of her dowry for term of her life, though the tail be determined.* And the same law is of tenant by the courtesy, that is to say, of him that hap- peneth to many on" that is an inheritrix of the land en- tailed, and they have issue ; the wife dieth, and the issue dieth ;f he shall have the lands for term of his life as tenant by the courtesy, notwithstanding the words of the statute, which say, that after the death of the tenant in tail without •Litt, sec. 36, 53. t Wood's Inst. 123. Dialogue I. — Chap. 28. 83 issue:, the lands shall revert to the donor;* and I think the cause is, because the intent of the statute shall not be taken that it intended to put away such titles as the law should give by reason of the tail ; and so it seemeth that a like in- tent of the statute shall be so taken for jointures, for else the statute might be sometime a letting of matrimony, and it is not like that the statute intended so. And therefore it seemeth, that by the only deed of the tenant in tail a joint- ure may be made by the intent of the statute, though the words of the statute serve not expressly for it ; for many times the intent of the letter shall be taken, and not the bare letter ;f as it appeareth in the same statute, where it is said, that he to whom the lands be given shall have no power to alien ; yet the same statute is construed, that neither he nor the heirs of his bod)' shall have no power to alien : and so methinketh that such an intent shall be taken here for saving of jointures. Stud. Truth it is, that sometime the intent of a statute shall be taken farther than the express letter stretcheth ; but yet there may no intent be taken against the expre>> words of the statute, for that should be rather an interpre- tation of the statute, than an exposition : and it cannot be reasonably taken, but that the intent of the makers of the said statute was, that the land should remain continually in the heirs of the tail, as long as the tail endureth ; and there can no jointure be made neither by deed nor by recoverv. but that the tail must thereby be discontinued. And there- fore this case of jointure is not like to the said cases of tenant in dower, or tenant by the courtesy. For the title of dowry and of tenancy by the courtesy groweth most specially by the continuance of the possession in the heirs ot the tail, bul it is not so of jointures: and therefore by the only deed ot' the tenant in the tail, there may no joint- ures be lawfully made against the express words of the statute. And if there he any made by way of recovery, Ante 70. t -i Bac. Abr. 645. 84 Doctor and Student. then it seemeth that it must be put under the same rule as other recoveries must be of lands entailed. Chap. XXIX. — The third question of the student, con- cerning tailed lands. If John at Noke, being seised of land in fee, of his mere motion makes a feoffment of certain lands to the intent that the feoffees shall thereof make a gift to the said John at Noke, to have to him and to the heirs of his body, and they make the gift according : and after the said John at Noke falleth into debt, wherefore he is taken and put in prison, and thereupon for payment of his debts he selleth the same land, and for surety of the buyer he suffereth a recovery to be had against him in such a manner as before appeareth : whether standeth that recovery with conscience or not? Doct. I would here make a little digression to ask thee another question, or that I make answer to thine ; that is to say, to feel thy mind how the law by the which the body of the debtor shall be taken and cast into prison, there to remain till he have paid the debt, may stand with con- science, specially if he have nothing to pay it with ; for as it seemeth if he will relinquish his goods, which in some laws is called in Latin, Ccdcre bonis, that he shall not be imprisoned ; and that is to be understood most specially, if he be fallen into poverty, and not through his own de- fault.* Stud. There is no law in the realm that the defendant may in any case Ccdcre bonis, and, as me seemeth, if there were such a law, it should not be indifferent-; for as to the knowledge of him that the money is owing to, the debtor might Ccdcre bonis, that is to say, relinquish his goods, and yet retain to himself secretly great riches. And there- fore that law in such case seemeth more indifferent and righteous, that committeth such a debtor to the conscience of the plaintiff to whom the money is owing, than the com- '[ he editor presumes that a reference is here made, principally to the imperial or civil law. Wood's Civil Law, 4th edition, p. 323- Dialogue I. — Chap. 29. mitting him to the conscience of him that is the debtor; for in the debtor some default may be assigned ; but in him to whom the money is owing may be assigned no default. Duel. But if he to whom the debt is owing knoweth that the debtor hath nothing to pay the debt with, and that he is fallen into poverty by some casualty, and not through his own default; doth the law of England hold that he may with good conscience keep the debtor still in prison till he be paid ? Stud Nay verily, but it thinketh more reasonable to appoint the liberty and the judgment of conscience in that case to the debtee than to the debtor, lor the cause before rehearsed. And then the debtee, if he knew the truth, is (as thou hast said) bound in conscience to let him goat liberty, though he be not compellable thereto by the law.* And therefore, admitting it for this time, that the law of England in this point is good and just, I pray thee that thou wilt make answer to my question. Doct. I will with good-will : and therefore, as me seem- eth, forasmuch as it appeareth that the said gift was made of the mere liberty and free-will of the said John at Noke, and without any recompence, that therefore it cannot be otherwise taken, but that the intent of the said John at Noke. as well at the time of the said feoffment, as at the time that he received again the said gift in the tail, was, that If he happened afterwards to fall into poverty, that he might alien the said land to relieve him with : for how may it be thought that a man will so much ponder the wealth of his heir, that he will forget himself? And so it seemeth, that not only the said recovery standeth with con- science, but also if he had made only a feoffment 01 the land, the feoffment should be in conscience a good bar of the (ail : but it the said feoffment and gift had been made in consideration of any recompense of money, or for any matrimony, or such other, then the feoffment of the said See tin- statute iS Geo. 2, c. 13; 13 Geo. j. c. 2S; 1 Geo. 3. c. 17: 3 Geo. 3, c. 41, lor the relief of iiiM>;> ors. 86 Doctor and Student. John at Noke should not bind his heir, and if he then suffered any recovery thereof, then the recovery should be of like effect as other recoveries whereof we have treated before, and that which I said, it was good to favour rather for their multitude, than for the conscience. And the same law is, that if the son and the heir of the said John at Noke, in case that the said gift was made without re- compence, alien the land for poverty after the death of his father; the recovery bindeth not but as other recoveries do. For it cannot be thought that the intent of the father was, that any of his heirs in tail should for any necessity dis- herit all other heirs in tail that should come after him, but for himself, methinketh, it is reasonable to judge in such manner as I have said before. Stud. And though the intent of the said John at Noke, when he made the said feoffment, and when he took again the said gift in tail, were, that if he fell in need, that he might alien : yet I suppose that he may not alien, though percase for the more surety he declared his intent to be such upon the livery of seisin : for that intent was contrary to the gift that he freely took upon him ; and when any in- tent or condition is declared or reserved against the state that any man maketh or excepteth, then such an intent or condition is void by the law, as by a case that hereafter fol- loweth will appear: that is to say, If a man make a feoff- ment in fee, upon condition that the feoffee shall not alien to any man, that condition is void:* for it is incident to every state of the fee-simple, that he that is so seised may alien. And like as in a lee-simple there is inci- dent a power to alien, so in a state-tail, there is a secret intent understood in the gift, that no alienation shall be made. | And therefore though the intent of the said John at Noke were, that if he fell into poverty, that he might sell, and though he at the taking of the gift openly de- clared his intent to be so : yet the intent should be void by 2 B. C. 157; Co. Litt. 206; ante, 65. fPost. 211. Dialogue I. — Chap. 30. 87 the law, as me seemeth ; and if it be void by the law, it is also void in conscience ; and so the said recovery must be taken in this case to be of the same effect, as recoveries of other lands entailed be, and in no other manner. Chap. XXX. — The fourth question of the student, con- cerning recoveries of inheritances entailed. Stud. It an annuity be granted to a man, to have and to perceive to the grantee, and to the heirs of his body, of the coffers of his grantor, and after the grantee suffereth a re- covery against him in a writ of Entry by the name of a rent in Dale of a like sum as the annuity is of, with vouch- ers and judgment, after the common course, and both par- ties intend that the annuity shall be recovered : whether shall the recovery bind the heir in tail of his annuity? Doct. What if it were a rent going out of land, of what effect should the recovery be then? Stud. It should be then of like effect as if it were of land.* Doct. And so it seemeth to be of this annuity ; for, as me thinketh, a rent and annuity be of one effect; for the one of them shall be paid in ready money, as the other shall. Stud. Truth, and yet there be many great diversities be- twixt them in the law. Doct. I pray you shew me some of these diversities. Stud. Part I shall shew thee, but I wot not whether I can shew thee all. But first thou shalt understand, that one diversity is this : Every rent, be it rent-service, rent-charm-. or rent-seek, is going out of land, but chargeth only the person, that is to say, the grantor, or his heirs that have assets by discent, or the house, if it be granted by a house oi religion to perceive of their coffers. Also of an annuity there lieth no action, but only a writ of Annuity^ against *i Lee. 144; Pig, on Rec 97; Sid. 285; Carter, 52. t Co. Litt. 144; Finch. 161 ; 3 Cro. 171. 88 Doctor and Student. the grantor, his heirs or successors : and that a writ of An- nuity lieth never against the pernor, but only against the grantor or his heirs. But of a rent the same action may lie as doth of land, as the case requireth : and it lieth some- time of rent against the pernor of the rent, that is to say, against him that taketh the rent wrongfully, and sometime against neither, as of a rent-service Assise may lie for the lord against the mesne and the disseisor, or sometime against the mesne only, if he did also the disseisin.* Also an annuity is never taken for assets, because it is no free- hold in the law, ne it shall not be put in execution upon a statute-merchant, statute-staple, ne Elegit, as a rent may. J And because the said writ of Entry lay not in this case of this annuity, % and that it cannot be intended in the law to be the same annuity, though it be of like sum with the an- nuity, ne though the parties assented and meant to have the same annuity recovered by the said writ of Entry ; there- fore the said recovery is void in law and conscience. But if such a recovery be had of rent with the voucher over, then it shall be taken to be of like effect as recoveries of lands be, in such manner as we have treated of before. Chap. XXXI. — The fifth question of the student, con- cerning tailed lands. If lands be given to a man and to his wife, in the name of her jointure, by the father of the husband, to have and to hold to them, and to the heirs of their two bodies begot- ten, and after they have issue, and the husband dieth, and Br. Assize, pi. 330. fBr. Assets per Descent, pi. 26; Br. Execution, pi. 144; Co. Litt. 374. J The reason is, because an annuity cannot be intailed, not being an in- heritance within the statute dc douis- In the case of the Karl of Stafford and Buckley, 2 Vez. 170, Lord Chief Justice llardwicke held, that an an- nuity in fee granted by the crown out of the 4.} per cent, dut es, payable for imports and exports at Barbadoes, was merely a personal inheritance, and not intailable. By a grant therefore of an annuity to the man and the heirs of his body, he has only a fee conditional at common law, and the true way to bar the heir is by a simple law conveyance, viz: by grant or release. Dialogue I. — Chap. 31. 89 the wife alieneth the land, and against the statute of 11 II. 7,* suffereth a recovery thereof to be had against her, to the use of the buyer, and after her son and heir apparent, that is heir to the tail, releaseth to the recoverers by fine, and dieth, having a brother alive, and after the mother dieth ; who hath right to the land, the buyer, or the brother of him that releaseth? Doct. What is thine opinion therein? I pray thee shew me. Stud. Me seemeth that the buyer hath right ; for by the said statute made in the nth year of H. 7,f among other things it is enacted, that if any woman which hath lands of the gift of her husband, or of the gift of any of the an- cestors of her husband, suffer any recovery thereof against her by covin, that then such recovery shall be void, and that it shall be lawful to him that should have the land after the death of the woman to enter, and it to hold as in his first right : provided alwav that that statute shall not extend where he that should have the land after the death of the woman is agreeable to any such alienation or recovery, sO that the agreement be of record. % And forasmuch as the heir in this case agreed to the said recoverv and fine, which is one of the highest records in the law, it seemelh that the buyer hath right against that heir that agreed, and against all that shall be heir of the tail ; and that not only by the said recovery, but also by the said statute, whereby the said recovery, with assent of the heir is affirmed. Doct. Though the buyer in this ease have right during the lite of the heir that released, yet nevertheless alter his death his heir, as it seemeth, may lawfully enter: for the agreement whereof the statute speaketh, must, as I sup- pose, either be had before the recovery, or else at the time of the recovery. For if a tide by reason o( the said ute be once devolute to the heir in the tail, then the right, * C. 20. t Piggot on Rec 77. J 3 Rep. 58: Cruise on Pines, 34. 90 Doctor and Student. as me seemeth, cannot be extinct, nor put away by the only tine of the heir, no more than if he had died, and the next heir to him had released to the buyer by line, in which case the release could not extinct the right of the title, nor the right of entry that is given by the statute; and so, as me seemeth, his next heir may therefore enter. Stud. As I perceive, all thy doubt is in this case, because the assent of the heir was after the recovery ; for if it had been at the time of the recovery, as if the heir had been vouched to warrant in the same recovery, and he had en- tered, and thereupon the judgment had been given, thou agreest well, that the recovery should have avoided the tail for ever. Doct. That is true, for it is in express words of the stat- ute ; but when the assent is after the recovery, then me- thinketh it is not so, ne that the right of the first tail, which was revived by the said statute, shall not be extinct by his fine, no more than it shall in other tail. Stud. I will be advised upon thy opinion in this matter ; but yet one thing would I move farther upon this statute, and that is this : Some say, that by this statute all other re- coveries that have been had over beside these recoveries of jointures be affirmed ; for they say, thatsith the parliament, at the making of this statute, knew well that many other recoveries were then used and had to defeat tails, that it was like that they would so continue, which nevertheless the parliament did not prohibit for the time to come, as it did the said recoveries of jointures ; that it is therefore to suppose, that they thought that they should stand with law and conscience : but because jointures were made rather for the saving of the inheritance of the husband than to de- stroy the inheritance, they say that the parliament thought and adjudged the alienations and recoveries of such joint- ures to be against the law and conscience, and not the alien- ations of other lands entailed ; for if the}' had, they say that the parliament would have avoided recoveries of tailed lands generally, as well as it did of recoveries of jointures. Doct. As to that opinion I will answer thee thus for this Dialogue I. — Chap. 32. time: That though that the makers of the said statute only put away recoveries of jointures, and not other recoveries ; that yet it cannot be taken therefore that their intent was that the other recoveries should stand good and perfect ; for they spake then only of jointures, because there was no complaint made in the parliament at that time but against recoveries had of jointures, and therefore it seemeth that they intended nothing concerning other recoveries, but that they should be of the same effect as they were before, and no otherwise. And that will appear more plainly thus : Though the makers of the said statute intended to put away and annul such recoveries, as should be made of jointures after a certain day limited in the statute, that yet they in- tended not to avoid ne affirm such recoveries of jointures as were passed before that time; and if they intended not to avoid ne affirm the recoveries had of jointures before that time, then how can it be taken that they intended to put away or affirm other recoveries that were passed before that time, and not of jointures, that would not affirm, ne put away recoveries passed of jointures before that time? And so, as it seemeth, they intended to spare the multitude of them that were passed of both, and not to comfort any to take them after that time. Stud. I am content thy opinion stand for this time, and I will ask thee another question. Chap. XXXII. — The sixth question of the student \ con- cerning tailed lauds. If tenant in tail be disseised, and die, and an ancestor collateral to the heir in tail release with a warranty, and ■ I.e. and the warranty descendeth upon the heir in the tail : whether is he thereby barred in conscience, as he is in the law ?* Doct. Because your principal intent at this time is to speak of recoveries, and not of warranties, ami also be- ♦Post. 261 ; Viner's Al-r.. title Tayle, 105; 2 B. C. 303. 92 Doctor and Student. cause it hath been of long time taken for a principal maxim of the law, that it should be a bar to the heirs as well that claim by a fee-simple as by state-tail, and for that also that it was not put away by the said stat. of Westm. 2,* which ordained the tail ; I will not at this time make thee an an- swer therein, but will take a respite to be advised. Stud. Then, I pray thee, yet, or we depart, shew me what was the most principal cause that moved thee to move this question of recoveries had of tailed lands. Doct. This moved me thereto : I have perceived many times that there be many and divers opinions of these re- coveries, whether they stand with conscience or not, and that it is to doubt that many persons run into.offence of con- science thereby ; and therefore I thought to feel thy mind in them, whether I could perceive that it were clear that they served to break the tail in law and conscience, or that it were clearly against conscience so to break the tail, or that it were a matter in doubt; and if it appeared a matter in doubt, or that it appeared that the matter were used clearly against conscience, then I thought to do somewhat to make the matter appear as it is, to the intent that they that have the rule and charge over the people, as well the spiritual men as temporal men, should the rather endeavour them to see it reformed, for the commonwealth of the peo- ple, as well in body as in soul. For when anything is used to the displeasure of God, it hurteth not only the body, but also the soul : and temporal rulers have not only cure of the bodies, but also of the souls, and shall answer for them if they perish in their default. And because it seemeth \>y the more apparent reason that the tails be not broken, ne fully avoided, by the said recoveries, and that yet neverthe- less the great multitude of them that be passed is right much to be pondered : therefore it were very good to pro- hibit them for time to come, to put away such ambiguities and doubts as arise now by occasion of the said recoveries, and so they be put as snares to deceive the people, and so * 2 B. C. 303. See stat. 4 and 5 Ann., c 16. Dialogue I. — Chap. 32. 93 will they be as long as they be suffered to continue. And methinketh verily that it were therefore right expedient, that taiied lands should from henceforth either be mad' strong in the law that the tail should not be broken by re- covery, fine with proclamation, collateral warranty, nor otherwise; or else that all tails should be made fee-simple, so that every man that list to sell his land, may sell it by his bare feoffment, and without any scruple or grudge of conscienee : and then there should not be so great expences in the law, nor so great variance among the people, ne yet so great offence of conscience as there is now in many per- sons. Stud. Verily methinketh that thy opinion is right good and charitable in this behalf, and that the rulers be bound in conscience to look upon it, to see it reformed and brought into good order. And verily, by that thou hast said therein, thou hast brought me into remembrance, that there be divers like snares concerning spiritual matters suffered among the people, whereby I doubt that many spiritual rulers be in great offence against God. As it is of the point that spirit- ual men have spoke so much of, that priests should not be put to answer before laymen, especially of felonies and murders ;* and of the statute of 45 E. 3, cap. 3, where it is said that a prohibition shall lie where a man is sued in the spiritual court for tithe of wood that is above the age of twenty years, by the name of Sylva cccdua, as it was done before ;f and they have in open sermons, and in divers other open communications and counsels, caused it to be openty notified and known, that they should be all accursed that put priests to answer, or that maintain the said estatute, or any other like to it. And alter, when they have right well perceived that, notwithstanding all that they have done therein, it hath been used in the same points through ail the realm in like manner as it was before, then they have sat •This point is fully treated upon in 2 II. I'. C. 323, 324, and Hawkins P. C 337, where the reader will findby what means the benefit of clergy was introduced, how it stood at common law, and how it stands at this day. i 5 tnsl. 64J, 643; 12 Mod. 5^4; Cro. Eliz. 1. 94 Doctor anmj Student. still and let the matter pass ; and so when they have brought many persons in great danger, but most specially them that have given credence to their saying, and yet by reason of the old custom have done as they did before, then there they left them. But verily it is to fear, that there is to themselves right great offence thereby, that is to say, to see so many in so great danger as they say the}' be, and to do no more to bring them out of it, than they have done for it. If it be true, as they say? they ought to stick to it with ef- fect in all charity, till it were reformed : and if be not as they say, then they have caused many to offend that have given credence to them, and yet contrary to their own con- science do as they did before, and that percase should not have offended if such sayings had not been. And so it seemeth that they have in these matters done either too much or too little. And I beseech Almighty God, that some good man may so call upon all these matters that we have now communed of, so that they that be in authority may somewhat ponder them, and to order them in such manner, that offence of conscience grow not so lightly thereby hereafter as it hath done in times past. And verily He that on the cross knew the price of man's soul, will hereafter ask a right strait accompt of rulers for every soul that is under them, and that shall perish through their default. Thus I have shewn unto thee, in this little dialogue, how the law of England is grounded upon the law of reason * the law of God, the general customs of the realm, and upon certain principles that be called maxims, upon the particu- lar customs used in divers cities and countries, and upon statutes which have been made in divers parliaments bv our sovereign lord the king, and his progenitors, and by the lords spiritual and temporal, and all the commons of the realm. f And I have also shewed thee in the 91I1 chapter of .this book, under what manner the said general Ante, 5, 7, 12, 15, 17, 25,34. t Ante, 35. Dialogue I. — Chap. 32. gc; customs and maxims of the law may be proved and affirmed, if they were denied :* and divers other things be contained in this present dialogue, which will appear in the table that is in the latter end in the book, as to the readers will appear. And in the end of the said dialogue I have at thy desire- shewed thee my conceit concerning recoveries of tailed lands, and thou hast upon the said recoveries shewn me thine opinion. And I beseech our Lord set them shortly in a good clear way : for surely it will be right expedient for the well-ordering of conscience in many persons, that they be so. And thus the God of peace and love be alway with us. Amen. [Here endeth the first dialogue in English, with new additions, betwixt a doctor of divinity and a student in the laws of England. And hereafter followeth the second.] * Ante, 32. DIALOGUE II. THE PROLOGUE. In the beginning of this dialogue the doctor answereth to certain questions, which the student made to the doctor before the making of his dialogue concerning the laws of England and conscience, as appeareth in a dialogue made between them in Latin the twenty-fourth chapter. And he answereth also divers other questions, that the student maketh to him in his dialogue, of the law of England and conscience. And in divers other chapters of this present dialogue is touched shortly, how the laws of England are to be observed and kept in this realm, as to temporal things as well in law as in conscience, before any other laws. And in some of the chapters thereof is also touched, that spiritual judges in divers cases be bound to give their judgments according to the king's law. And in the latter end of the book the doctor moveth divers cases concerning the laws of England, wherein he doubteth how they may stand with conscience ; whereupon the student maketh answer in such manner as to the reader will appear. 7 (97) THE INTRODUCTION. Stud. In the latter end of our first dialogue in Latin, I put divers cases grounded upon the laws of England, wherein I doubted, and yet do, what is to be holden therein in conscience. But forasmuch as the time was then far past, I shewed thee that I would not desire thee to make answer to them forthwith at that time, but at some better leisure ; whereunto thou saidst thou wouldst not only shew thine opinion in these cases, but also in such other cases as I would put. Wherefore pray thee now (forasmuch as me- thinketh thou hast good leisure) that thou wilt shew me thine opinion therein. Doct. I will with good-will accomplish thy desire ; but I would that when I am in doubt what the law of this realm is in such cases as thou shalt put, that thou wilt shew me what the law is therein ; for though I have by occasion of our first dialogue in Latin learned man}'' things of the laws of this realm which I knew not before, yet nevertheless, there be many more things that I am yet ignorant in, and that peradventure in these self cases that thou hast put, and intendest hereafter to put : and, as I said in the first dia- logue in Latin the twentieth chapter, to search conscience (98) Dialogue II. 99 upon any case of the law it is in vain, but where the law in the same case is perfectly known. Stud. I will with good-will do as thou sayest, and I in- tend to put clivers of the same questions that be in the last chapter of the said dialogue in Latin, and sometime I in- tend to alter some of them, and add some new questions to them as I shall be most in doubt of. Doct. I pray thee do as thou sayest, and I shall with good-will either make answer to them forthwith as well as I can, or shall take longer respite to be advised, or else peradventure agree to thine opinion therein, as I shall see cause. But first, I would gladly know the cause why thou hast begun this dialogue in the English tongue, and not in the Latin tongue, as the first cases that thou desiredst to know mine opinion in, be; or in French, as the substance of the law. Stud. The cause is this. It is right necessary to all men in this realm, both spiritual and temporal, for the good or- dering of their conscience, to know many things of the law of England that they be ignorant in. And though it had been more pleasant to them that be learned in the Latin tongue to have had it in Latin rather than in English : yet nevertheless, forasmuch as many can read English that understand no Latin., and some that cannot read English, by hearing it read, may learn clivers things by it, that they should not have learned if it were in Latin ; therefore, for the profit of the multitude, it is put into the English tongue rather than into the Latin or French tongue. For if it had been in French, few should have understood it but they that be learned in the law, ami they have least need ol it; for- asmuch as they know the law in the same cases without it, and can better declare what conscience will thereupon than ioo Introduction. they that know not the law nothing at all. To them there- fore that be not learned in the law of the realm this treatise is specially made : for thou knowest well by such studies thou hast taken to some knowledge of the law of the realm, that is to them most expedient. Doct. It is true that thou sayest, and therefore I pray thee now proceed to thy questions. DIALOGUE II. Chap. I. — The first question of the student. Stud. If tenant in tail alter possibility of issue extinct do waste, whether doth he thereby offend in conscience,* though he be not punishable of waste by the law? Doct. Is the law clear, that he is not punishable for the waste ?f Stud. Yes, verily. Doct. And what is the law of tenants for term of life, or for term of years, if they do waste? Stud. They be punishable of waste by the statutes, and shall yield treble damages ;{ but at the Common law before the statute they were not punishable. Doct. But whether thinkest thou that before the statute they might have done waste with conscience, because they were not punishable by the law ? Stud. I think not, lor, as I take it, the doing of waste of such particular tenant for term of life, lor term of years, or of tenants in dower, or by the courtesy, is prohibited by the law of reason ; for it seemeth of reason, that when such leases be made, or that such titles in dower, or by the cour- tesy be given hx the law, that there is only given unto them s Injunctions have been frequently granted by the court of chancery, against tenant in tail, after possibility of issue extinct, for committing w ilful and malicious waste. 2 Frem. Rep. 278 ; 1 Cases in Equity abridged, 400. t Shep. Touch. 145; Co. Litt. 2~. J Post. 106. ioi Doctor and Student. the annual profits of the land, and not the houses and trees, and the gravel to dig and carry away, whereby the whole profit of them in the reversion should be taken away for ever. And therefore at the Common law, for waste done by tenant in dower, or tenant by the courtesy, there was punishment ordained by the law by a prohibition of waste,* whereby they should have yielded damages to the value of the waste. But against tenant for term of life, or for term of years, lay no such prohibition,! for there was no maxim in the law therein against them, as there was against the other. And I think the cause was, forasmuch as it was judged a folly in the lessor that made such a lease for term of life, or for term of years, that at the time of the lease he did not pro: libit them, they should not do waste ; and sith he did not provide remedy to himself, the law would none provide. But yet I think not that the intent of the law was, that they might lawfully and with good conscience do waste ; but against tenants in dower, and by the courtesy, the law provided remedy, for they had their title by the law. Doct. And verily methinketh that this tenant in tail, as lo the doing of waste, should be like to a tenant for term of life \% for he shall have the land no longer than for term of his life, no more than a tenant for term of life shall, and the waste of this tenant is as great hurt to him in the reversion, or the remainder, as is the waste of a tenant for term of life ; and if he alien, the donor shall enter for the forfeiture, as he shall upon the alienation of a tenant for term of life ; and if he make default in a Praicipc quod rcddat, the donor shall be received as he shall be upon the default of a tenant for term of life ; and therefore me- thinketh he shall also be punishable of waste, as tenant for term of life shall. Stud. If he alien, the donor shall enter, as thou sayest, because the alienation is to his disheritance, § and therefore Post. 114. tPost 106. I Wood's [nst. 122. § Co. Litt. 28. Dialogue II. — Chap. i. 103 it is a forfeiture of his estate : and that is by an ancient maxim of the law, that giveth that forfeiture in the self case : and if he make default in a Precipe quod rcddat, he in the reversion, as thou sayest 3 shall be received, but that is bv the statute of Westminster 2,* for at the Common law there was no such resceit. And as for the statute thai giveth the action of waste against a tenant for term of life, and for term of } - ears, it is a statute penal, and shall not be: taken by equity :f and so there is no remedy given against him, neither by Common law nor by statute, as there is against tenant for term of life, and therefore he is unpunish- able of waste by the law. Doct And though he be unpunishable of waste by the law, yet nevertheless methinketh he may not by conscience do that that shall be hurtful to the inheritance after histime, sith he hath the land but for term of his life, no more than a tenant for term of life may, for then he should do as he would not be done unto.J For thou agreest thyself, that though a tenant for term of life was not punishable of waste before the statute, that yet the law judged not that he might rightfully and with good conscience do waste. § And therefore at this day, if a feoffment be made to the use of man for term of life, though there lie no action against him for waste, yet he offendeth in conscience it he do waste, as tenant for term of life did afore the statute when no remedy lay against him by the law. Stud. That is true ; but there is great diversity between this tenant and a tenant for term of life : for this tenant hath good authority by the donor to do waste, and so hath not the tenant for term of life, as it is said before; for the 2 Inst. 345. fThis assertion ot the student is too general, as the statute referred to. viz., the stat. of Marlebridge, is a remedial law. as well as a penal one. and has had an equitable construction. For instance, although the words in the net are "shall do waste," which literally import an active waste, yet they have been held la extend to waste omittendo. Hammond :•• Webb, 10 Mod. 2S2 : a B. C 125; Co. Litt. 27. :S. § Post. 106; ante, 101 • 104. Doctor and Student. estate of a tenant in tail after possibility of issue extinct is in this manner;* when lands be given to a man and to his wife, and to the heirs of their two bodies begotten, and after the one of them dieth without heirs of their bodies begotten, then he or she that overliveth is called tenant in tail after possibility of issue extinct, because there can never by no possibility be any heir that may inherit by force of the gift. And thus it appeareth that the donees at the time of the gift received of the donor an estate of inheritance, which by possibility might have continued for ever, whereby they had power to cut down trees, and to do all tilings that is waste, as tenant in fee-simple might. f And that authority was as strong in the law, as if the lessor that maketh a lease for term of life say by express words in the lease, that the lessee shall not be punishable of waste. And therefore if the donor in this case had granted to the donees that they should not be punishable of waste, that grant had been void, because it was included in the gift be- fore, as it should be upon a gift in fee-simple. i And so forasmuch as by the first gift, and by the livery of seisin made upon the same, the donees had authority by the donor to do waste ; therefore though that one of those donees be now dead without issue, so that it is certain that after the death of the other the land shall revert to the donor ; yet the authority that they had by the donor to do waste con- tinueth as long as the gift, and the livery of seisin made upon the same continueth. And I take this to be the reason why he shall not have in aid, as tenant for term of life shall, that is to say, for that he cannot ask help of that maxim, whereby it is ordained that a tenant for term of life shall have in aid : for he cannot say but that he took a greater estate by the livery of seisin that was made to him, which yet continueth, than for term of life : and so I think him not bound to make any restitution to him in the reversion in this case for the waste. Wood's Inst. 122; Litt., sec 32. t 1 Roll. Rep- 179; 4 Rep. 63. J 2 New Abr. 269. Dialogue II. — Chap. 2. 105 Doct. Is thy mind only to prove that this tenant is not bound to make restitution to him in the reversion for the waste? Or that thou thinkest that he may with clear con- science do all manner of waste? Stud. I intend to prove no more but that he is not bound to make restitution to him in the reversion. Doct. Then I will right well agree to thine opinion, for the reason that thou hast made ; but if thy mind had been to have proved that he might with clear conscience have done all manner of waste, I would have thought the con- trary thereto, and that the tenant in fee-simple may not do all manner of waste and destruction with conscience, as to pull down houses, and make pastures of cities and towns, or to do such other acts which be against the common- wealth. And therefore some will say, that tenant in fee- simple may not with conscience destroy his woods and coal- pits, whereby a whole country for their mone}- have had fuel ; and yet though he do so, he is not bound by con- science to make restitution to no person in certain. But now I pray thee, ere thou proceed to the second case, that thou wilt somewhat shew me what thou meanest, when thou sayest, at the Common law it was thus or thus. I under- stand not fully what thou meanest by that term, at the Common law. Stud. I shall with good-will shew thee what I mean thereby. Chap. II. — What is meant by this term, when it is said " thus it was at the Common law" The Common law is taken three manner of ways. First. it is taken as the law of this realm of England, dissevered from all other laws. And under this manner taken it i> oftentimes argued in the laws of England, what matters ought of right to be determined by the Common law, and what by the admiral's court, or by the spiritual court :* and * See Comvn's Digest, and Bac Abr., title Prohibition. ic6 Doctor and Student. ' also if an obligation bear date out of the realm, as in Spain, France, or such other, it is said in the law, and truth it is, that they be not pleadable at the Common law. * Secondly, the Common law is taken as the king's courts, of his Bench, or of the Common Place: and it is so taken when a plea is removed out of ancient demesne, for that the land is frank-fee, and pleadable at the Common law, that is to say, in the king's court, and not in ancient demesne. f And under this manner taken, it is oftentimes pleaded also in base courts, as in Courts-Barons, the County, and the court of Piepowders, and such other, this matter or that, etc., ought not to be determined in that court, but at the Com- mon law, that is to say, in the king's courts, etc. Thirdly, by the Common law is understood such things as were law before statute made in that point that is in question ; so thai that point was holden for law by the general or particular customs and maxims of the realm, or by the law of reason, and the law of God, no other law added to them by statute, nor otherwise, as :s the case before rehearsed in the first chapter, where it is said, that at the Common law, tenant by the courtesy and tenant in dower were punishable of waste,'| thai is to say, that, before any statute of waste made, they were punishable of waste by the grounds and maxims of the law used before the statute made in that point. § But tenant for term of life, ne for term of years, were not pun- ishable by the said grounds and maxims, till by the statute remedy was given against them ; and therefore it is said, • But if a bond bears date out of the realm, and is laid in the declaration fro forma, to have been made at Madrid in Spain, or Bourdeaux in France, viz., in London in parochia, etc, it is sufficient, and suable in the king's courts. Str. 614, and vide the case of Mostyn v. Fabrigas, in Cow. Rep. 161, in which the whole learning upon this point seems to be summed up together. t F. N. B. 13; 4 Inst. 270. % 2 Inst. 299; ante, 103 ; post. 114. See the stat. Marl. 5 II. 3, c. 23, and the stat. of Gloucester, 6 Kdw. 1, c 5. § It was a doubt whether tenant by the courtesy was punishable for waste at the Common law. Reg. 72; Bro. Abr., title Waste, pi. 88; 2 Inst. 301. Dialogue II. — Chap. 3. 107 that at the Common law they were not punishable of waste. Doct. I pray thee now proceed unto the second ques- tion. Chap. III. — The second question of the student. Stud. If a man be outlawed, and never had knowledge of the suit, whether may the king take all his goods and retain them in conscience, as he mav bv the law? Doct. What is the reason why they be forfeited by the law in that case? Stud. The very reason is, for that it is an old custom, and an old maxim in the law, that he that is outlawed shall forfeit his goods to the king :* and the cause why that maxim began was this, When a man had clone a trespass to another, or another offence wherefore process of out- lawry lay,f and he that the offence was done to had taken an action against him according to the law, if he had ab- sented himself, and had no lands, there had been no remedy against him : for, after the law of England no man shall be condemned without answer, or that he appear and will not answer, except it be by reason of any statute. There- fore, for the punishment of such offenders as will not ap- pear to make answer, and to be justified in the king's courts, hath been used, without time of mind, that an attachment in that case should be directed against him returnable in the Kings Bench or the Common Place: and if it were re- turned thereupon that he had nought whereby he might be attached, that then should go forth a capias to take his person, and after an alias capias, and then a pluries ;% and if it were returned upon every of the said capias, that he The student may here be supposed to speak of an outlawry in a perv sonal action ; and though he only mentions a forfeiture ol - the consequence of the offence, yet the outlawed person likewi ts the profits of his land, while the outlawry continues in I Show. l'a. Ca. 73; 2 Roll. Abr. So6, S07. t See where and in what eases process of outlawry lay at common law, ami where it lies at this day, in 3 Bae. Abr., title Outlawry. J 3 B. C. 2S3. 108 Doctor and Student. could not be found, and he appeared not, then should an exigent be directed against him, which should have so long a day of return, that five counties* might be holden before the return thereof, and in every of the said five counties the defendant to be solemnly called, and if he appeareth not, then, for his contumacy and disobedience of the law, the coroners to give judgment that he shall be outlawed, whereby he shall forfeit his goods to the king, and leese divers other advantages in the law, that needeth not here to be remembered now. And so because he was in this case called according to the law, and appeared not, it seem- eth that the king hath good title to the goods both in law and conscience. Doct. If he had knowledge of the suit in very deed, it seemeth the king hath good title in conscience, as thou sayeth. But if he had no knowledge thereof, it seemeth not so ; for the c'efault that is adjudged in him (as appear- eth by thine own reason) is his contumacy and disobedience of the law, and if he were ignorant of the suit, then there can be assigned to him no disobedience, for a disobedi- ence implieth a knowledge of that he should have obeyed unto. Stud. It seemeth in this ca^e that he should be compelled to take knowledge of this suit at his peril : for sith he hath attempted to offend the law, it seemeth reason that he shall be compelled to take heed what the law will do against him for it ; and no: only that, but that he should rather offer amends for his trespass, than lo tarry till he were sued for it. And so it seemeth the ignorance of the suit is of his own default, specially sith in the law is set such order that every man may know, if he will, what suit is taken against him, and may see the records thereof when he will: and so it seemeth that neither the party nor the law be not bounden to give him no knowledge therein. And over this I would somewhat move farther in this matter thus : that though that action were untrue, and the defendant not That is, five county courts. 2 Black. Com. 285. Dialogue II. — Chap. 3. 109 guilty, that yet the goods be forfeited to the king, for his not appearance, in law, and also in conscience, and that for this cause : the king, as sovereign and head of the law, is bounden of justice to grant such writs, and such pro- cesses, as be appointed in the law to every person that will complain, be his surmise true or false; and thereupon the king (of justice) oweth as well to make process to bring the defendant to answer when he is not guilty, as when he is guilty : and then when there is a maxim in the law, that if a man be outlawed, in such manner as before appeareth, that he shall forfeit all his goods to the king,* and maketh no exception whether the action be true or untrue, it seem- eth that the said maxim more regardeth the general minis- tration of justice, than the particular right of the party, and therefore the property by the outlawry, and by the said maxim ordained for ministration of justice is altered, and is given to the king, as before appeareth, and that both in law and in conscience, as well as if the action were true. And then the party that is so outlawed is driven to sue for his remedy against him that hath so caused him to be outlawed upon an untrue action. Doct. If he hath not sufficient to make him recompence, or die before recovery can be had, what remedy is had then ? Stud. I think no remedy : and for a farther declaration in this case, and in such other like cases, where the prop- erty of goods may be altered without consent of the owner, it is to consider, that the property of goods is not given to the owners directly by the law of reason, nor by the law of God, but by the law of man, and is suffered by the law of reason, and by the law of God so to be. For at the be- ginning all goods were in common, but after they were brought by the law of man into a certain property, so that every man might know his own :f and then when such property is given by the law of man, the same law may * Ante, 107. t2B. C 2,3. 1 1 o Doctor and Student. assign such conditions upon the property as it listeth, so they be not against the law of God, ne the law of reason, and may lawfully take away that it giveth, and appoint how long the property shall continue. And one condition that goeth with every property in this realm, is, If he that hath the property be outlawed according to such process as is ordained by the law, that lie shall forfeit the property unto the king.* And divers other cases there be also, whereby property in goods shall be altered in the law, and the right in lands also, without assent of the owner, whereof I shall shortly touch some without saying any authority therein, for the more shortness. f First, By a sale in open market the property is altered. Also goods stolen and seised for the king, or waived, be forfeit, unless appeal or indictment be sued.J Also strays, if they be proclaimed, and be not after claimed by the owner within the year, be forfeit ; and also a dcodand^ is forfeit (to whomsoever the property was before, except it belonged to the king) and shall be disposed for the soul of him that was slain there- with ; and a fine with a nonclaim at the Common law was a bar, if claim were not made within a year, as it is now by statute if the claim be not made within five years. And all these forfeitures were ordained by the law upon certain considerations, which I omit at this time : but certain it is that none of them were made upon a better consideration than this forfeiture of utlagary was. For if no especial punishment should have been ordained for offenders that would absent themselves, and not appear when they were sued in the king's courts, many suits in the king's courts * Ante, 107. t Post. 143. % Finch- Law, 212; 1 B. C. 297; Wood's Inst. 212; ante, 65. § Dcodand signifies accidental death, which happens without the inter- vention of human means, and induces a forfeiture which was formerly paid into the hands of the king's almoner, to be applied to pious uses fir the soul of the deceased. But good sense having prevailed over ignoranc ■ and superstition, it is not now applied to superstitious uses, but remains part of the revenue of the crown, unless where lords of franchises are in- titled to it bv grant. Foster's Crown Law, 266. Dialogue II. — Chap. 4. 11 1 should have been of small effect. And sith this maxim was ordained for the execution of justice, and as much done therein by the common law as policy of man could reasonably devise, to make the party have knowledge of the suit, and now is added thereto by the statute made the sixth year of H. VIII,* that a writ of proclamation shall be sued if the party be dwelling in another shire : it seem- eth that such title, as is given to the king thereby, is good in conscience, especially seeing that the king is bound to make process upon the surmise of the plaintiff, and may not examine, but by plea of the party, whether the surmise be true or not. But if the party be returned five times called, where indeed he was never called (as in the second case of the last chapter of the said dialogue in Latin is con- tained), then it seemeth the party shall have good remedy by petition to the king, specially if he that made the return be not sufficient to make recompence, or die before re- covery can be had. Doct. Now sith I have heard thine opinion in this case, whereby it appeareth that many things must be seen, or a full and plain declaration can be made in this behalf, and seeing also that the plain answer to this case shall give a great light to divers other cases that may come by such forfeiture : I pray thee give me a farther respite ere that I shew thee my full opinion therein, and hereafter I shall right gladly do it. And therefore I pray thee, proceed now to some other case. Chap. IV. — 'The third question of the student. Stud. If a stranger do waste in lands that another hold- eth for term of life, without assent of the tenant for term of 1 e, whether may he in the reversion recover treble dam- ages, and the place wasted, against the tenant for term of liic, according to the statute, in conscience, as he may bv * Cap. 4, to which may likewise be added the statute 31 Eliz., c. 3. 112 Doctor and Student. the law, if the stranger be not sufficient to make recom- pence for the waste done ?* Doct. Is the law clear in this case, that he in the rever- sion shall recover against the tenant for term of life, though that he assented not to the doing of waste ? Stud. Yea verily ; and yet if the tenant for term of life had been bounden in an obligation in a certain sum of money, that he should do no waste, he should not forfeit his bond by waste of a stranger. And the diversity is this. It has been used as an ancient maxim of the law, that tenant by the courtesy and tenant in dower should take the land with this charge, f that is to say, that they should do no waste themselves, nor suffer none to be done : and when an action of waste was given after against a tenant for term of life, then he was taken to be in the same case, as to the point of waste, as tenant by the courtesy and tenant in dower was, J that is to say, that he shall do no waste, nor suffer none to be done ; for there is another maxim in the law of England, that all cases like unto other cases shall be judged after the same law as other cases be : and sith no reason of diversity can be assigned why the tenant for term of life, after an action of waste was given against him, should have any more favour in the law than the tenant by the courtesy or tenant in dower should ; therefore he is put under the same maxim as they be, that is to say, that he shall do no waste, ne suffer none to be done. And so it seemeth that the law in this case doth not consider the ability of the person that doth the waste, whether he be able to make recompence for the waste or not, but the assent of the said tenants, whereby they have wilfully taken upon them the charge to see that no waste shall be done. Doct. I have heard that if houses of these tenants be de- stroyed with sudden tempest, or with strange enemies, that they shall not be charged with waste. § *2 Inst. 306; ante, 101. T3 Cro. 420. \ Ante, 102. §Co. Litt. 53 ; Noy's Max. 16; 2 Inst. 303. Dialogue II. — Chap. 4. 113 Stud. Truth it is. Doct. And I think the reason is, because they can have no recovery over. Stud. I take not that for the reason, but that it is an old reasonable maxim in the law, that they should be dis- charged in these cases. Howbeit some will say, that in these cases the law of reason doth discharge them : and therefore they say, that if a statute were made that they should be charged in these cases of waste, that the statute were against reason, and not to be observed. But yet never- theless I take it not so ; for they might refuse to take such estate if they would, and if they will take the estate after the law made, it seemeth reasonable that they take it with the charge, and with the condition that is appointed thereto by the law, though hurt might follow to them afterward thereby. For it is oftentimes seen in the law, that the law doth suffer him to have hurt without help of the law that will wilfully run into it of his own act, not compelled thereto, and judgeth it his foil}'' so to run into it; for which folly he shall also be many times without remedy in con- science. As if a man take land for term of life, and bindeth himself by obligation that he shall leave the land in as good case as he found it ;* if the houses be alter blown down with tempest, or destroyed with strange enemies, as in the case that thou hast put before, he shall be bound to repair them, or else he shall forfeit his obligation in law and conscience : because it is his own act to bind him to it, and yet the law would not have bound him thereto, as thou hast said before. So methinketh that the cause why the said tenants be discharged in the law in .m action of waste, when the houses be destroyed by sudden tempest, or by strange enemies, is by a special reasonable maxim in the law, whereby they be excepted from the other general bond before rehearsed, that is to say. they shall at their peril see that no waste shall be done, and not by the law of * Noy's Max. 16. 114 Doctor and Student. reason : and sith there is no maxim in this case to help this tenant, ne that he cannot be holpen by the law of reason, it seemeth that he should be charged in this case by his own act both in law and conscience, whether the stranger be able to recompence him or not. Doct. I doubt in this case whether the maxim that thou speakest of be reasonable or not, that is to say, that tenants by the courtesy, and tenants in dower, were bound by the common law, that they should do no waste themselves, and over that at their peril to see that no waste should be done by none other.* For that law seemeth not reasonable that bindeth a man to an impossibility :| and it is impossible to prevent that no waste should be clone by strangers : for it may be suddenly done in the night, that the tenants can have no notice of, or by great power, that they be not able to resist : and therefore methinketh they ought not to be charged in those cases for the waste without they may have good remedy over ; and then percase the said maxim were sufterable, and else methinketh it is a maxim against reason. Stud. As I have said before, no man shall be compelled to take the bond upon him, but he that will take the land ; and if he will take the land, it is reason he take the charge, as the law hath appointed it :i and then if an) 7 hurt grow to him thereby, it is through his own act, and his own assent, for he might have refused the lease if he would. § Doct. Though a man may refuse to take estate for term of life, or for term of years, and a woman may refuse to take her dower ; yet tenant by the courtesy cannot refuse to take his estate, tor immediately after the death of his wife the possession abideth still in him by the act of the law, without entry : and then I put the case, that alter the death of his wife he would waive the possession, and after waste *2 Inst. 145; 3 Cro. 430; Co. Litt. 54; ante, xo6. t Lex cogit neminem ad vana aut impossibilia. 5 Rep. 21. J Agreeable to the maxim, Qui sentit commodum, debet sctitire incom' modum s/'ve onus. § Post. 260. Dialogue II. — Chap. 5. 115 were done by a stranger, whether thinkest thou that he should answer to the waste? Stud. I think he should by the law. Doct. And how standeth that with reason, seeing there is no default in him ? Stud. It was his default, and at his own peril, that he would marry an inheritrix, whereupon such danger might follow. Doct. I put the case that he were within age at the mar- riage, or that the land descended to his wife after he married her. Stud. There thou movest a farther doubt than the first question is : and though it were as thou sayest, yet thou canst not say but that there is as great default in him, as in him in the reversion ; and that there is as great reason why he should be charged with the waste, as that he in the rever- sion should be disinherited, and have no manner of remedy, ne yet no profit of the land, as the other hath. And though the said maxim may be thought very strait to the said ten- ants ; yet it is to be favoured as much as may be reasonably, because it helpeth much the commonwealth ; for it hurteth the commonwealth greatly when woods and houses be de- stroyed ; and if they should answer for no waste, but for waste done by themselves, there might be wastes done by strangers b)' commandment or assent, in such colourable manner, that they in the reversion should never have proof of their assent. Doct. I am content thine opinion stand for this time, and I pray thee now proceed to another question. Chap. V. — The fourth question of the student. Stud. If he that is the very heir be certified by the or- dinary, bastard, and after bring an action as heir against another person : whether ma ' any man, knowing the truth, be of counsel with the tenant, and plead the said certificate against the demandant bv conscience or not? 1 1 6 Doctor and Student. Doct. Is the law in this case, that all other against whom the demandant hath title shall take advantage of this cer- tificate, as well as he at whose suit he is certified bastard? Stud. Yea verily, and thai for two causes, whereof the one is this. There is an old maxim in the law, that a mischief shall be rather suffered than an inconvenience :* and then in this case if another writ should afterward be sent to another bishop in another action, to certify whethe. he were a bastard or not : peradventure the bishop "would certify that he were mulic?', that is to say, lawfully begot- ten, and then he should recover as heir: and so he should in one self court be taken as mulic?' and bastard, f For avoiding of which contrariosity, the law will suffer no more writs to go forth in that case, and suftereth also all men to take advantage of the certificate, rather than to suffer such a contradiction in the court, which in the law is called an inconvenience. J And the other cause is, because this certificate of the bishop is the highest trial that is in the law in this behali : but this is not understood but where bastardy is laid in one that is party to the writ;§ ior if bastardy be laid in one that is a stranger to the writ, as if vouchee pray in aid for such other, then that bastardy shall be tried by twelve men, by which trial he in whom the bastardy is laid shall not be concluded, because he is not privy to the trial, and may have no attaint; but he that is party to the issue may have attaint, and therefore he shall be concluded, and none other but he. And forasmuch as the said maxim was ordained to eschew an inconvenience (as before appeareth) it seemeth that every man "learned may with conscience plead the said certificate lor avoiding thereof, and give counsel therein to the party according unto the law, or else the said inconvenience must needs follow. But yet nevertheless I do not mean thereby, that » Wood's Inst. 5. f 1 Roll. Abr. 361, 362. % 1 Danv. Abr. 732. § 1 Burn's Ecc Law, 119. Dialogue II. — Chap. 5. 117 the party may after, when he hath barred the demandant by the said certificate, retain the land in conscience by reason of the said certificate : for though there be no law to compel him to restore it, yet I think well that he in con- science is bound to restore it, if he knew that the demand- ant is the very true heir, whereof I have put divers cases like in the seventeenth chapter of our first dialogue in Latin.* But my intent is, that a man learned in the law, in this case, and other like, may with conscience give his counsel according to the law, in avoiding of such things as the law thinketh should for a reasonable cause be eschewed. Doct. Though he that doth not know whether he be a bastard or not may give his counsel, and also plead the said certificate; yet I think that he that doth know himself to be the very true heir ma}' not plead it: and that is for two causes, whereof the one is this : every man is bound by the law of reason to do as he would be done to :f but I think that if he that pleadeth that certificate were in like case, he would think that no man, knowing the certilicate to be untrue, might with conscience plead it against him, wherefore no more may he plead it against none other. The other cause is this : Although the certificate be pleaded, yet is the tenant bounden in conscience to make restitution thereof, as thou hast said thyself; and then in case that he would not make restitution, then he that pleadeth the plea should run thereby in Ike offence, for he hath holpen to set the other man in such a liberty, that he may chuse whether he will restore the land or not; and so he should put himself to jeopardy of another man's conscience. And it is written, Eccl. 3, £%ui a mat -periculum peril)// in illo, that is, lie that wilfully will put himself in jeopardy to offend, shall perish therein. And therefore it is the surest way, to eschew perils, for him that knoweth that he is heir, not to plead it. And as for the incon- venience that thou sayest must needs follow, but the ;: Ante, 47. fPost. 119. 1 1 3 Doctor and Student. certificate be pleaded ; as to that it may be answered, that it may be pleaded by some other that knoweth not that he is very heir : and if the case be so far put, that there is none other learned there but he, then methinketh that he shall rather suffer the said inconvenience, than to hurt his own conscience ; for always charity beginneth at himself, and so every man ought to suffer all other offences rather than himself would offend. And now that thou knowest mine opinion in this case, I pray thee proceed to another question. Chap. VI. — The fifth question of the student. Stud. Whether may a man with conscience be of counsel with the plaintiff in action at the common law, knowing that the defendant hath sufficient matter in conscience whereby he may be discharged by a subpoena in the chan- cery, which he cannot plead at the common law, or not? Doct. I pray thee put a case thereof in certain, for else the question is very general. Stud. I will put the same case that thou puttest in our first dialogue in Latin, the twelfth chapter, that is to say, If a man bound in an obligation pay the money, and taketh no acquittance, so that by the common law he shall be compelled to pay the money again,* for such consideration as appeareth in the fifteenth chapter of the said dialogue where it is shewed evidently how the law in that case is made upon a good reasonable ground, much necessary for all the people, howbeit that a man may sometime, through his own default, take hurt thereby : herein I pray thee shew me thine opinion. Doct. This case seemeth to be like to the case that thou hast next before this, J and that he that knoweth the pay- ment to be made doth not as he would be done to, if he * Ante, 37. f Ante, 115. Dialogue II. — Chap. 6. 119 gave counsel that an action should be taken to have it payed again. .Stud. li he be sworn to give counsel according to the law,* as Serjeants at the law be, it seemeth he is bound to give counsel according to the law, for else he should not perform his oath. Doct. In these words (according to the law) is under- stood the law of God, and the law of reason, as well as the law and customs of the realm : for as thou hast said thy- self, in our first dialogue in Latin, \ that the law of God, and the law of reason, be two special grounds of the laws of England, wherefore (as methinketh) he may give no counsel (saving his oath) neither against the law of God, nor the law of reason. And certain it is, that this article, that is to say, that a man shall do as he would be done to, is grounded upon both the said laws. And first that it is grounded upon the law of reason, it is evident of itself. And in the sixth chapter of St. Luke it is said, Et -prout vultis ut faciant rob is homines, ct vosfacite illis similiter; that is to say, All that other men should do to you, do you to- them \% and so it is grounded upon the law of God. Wherefore if he should give counsel against the defendant in that case, he should do against both the said laws. Stud. If the defendant had no other remedy but the com- mon law, I would agree well it were as thou sayest, but in this case he may have good remedy by a subpecua: and this is the way that shall induce him directly to his subpoena , that is to say, when it appeareth that the plaintiff shall re- cover by law. Doct. Though the defendant may be discharged by sub- fia-iKi, yet the bringing in of his prools there will be to the charge of the defendant, and also the proofs may die or they come in. Also there is a ground in the law of rea- son, Jejuni nihil -possimus contra veritatem, (that is) We 2 Inst. 214. f Ante, 5, 7. J Ante, 7 17. 120 Doctor and Student. may do nothing against the truth ; and sith he knoweth it is truth that the money is payed, he may do nothing against the truth ; and if he should be of counsel with the plaint- iff, he must suppose and aver that it is the very due debt of the plaintiff, and that the defendant with-holdeth it from him unlawfully, which he knoweth himself to be untrue : wherefore he may not with conscience in this case be of counsel with the plaintiff, knowing that the plaintiff is paid already. Wherefore if thou be contented with this answer, I pray thee proceed to some other question. Stud. I will with good-will. Chap. VII. — The sixth question of the student. A man maketh a feoffment to the use of him and of his heirs, and after the feoffor putteth in his beasts to manure the ground, and the feoffee taketh them as damage-feasant, and putteth them in pound, and the teoffor bringeth an ac- tion of trespass against him for entering into his ground, etc. Whether may any man, knowing the said use, be of counsel with the feoffee to avoid the action ? Doct. May he by the common law avoid that action, seeing that the feoffor ought in consicience to have the profits? Stud. Yes, verily ; for as to the common law the whole interest is in the feoffee,* and if the feoffee will break his conscience, and take the profits, the feoffor hath no remedy by the common law, but is driven in that case to sue for his remedy by subpoena for the profits, and to cause him to en- feoff him again :f and that was sometime the most common case where the subpoena was sued, that is to say, before the statute of R. 3. but sith the statute, the feoffor may lawfully make a feoffment. % But nevertheless, for the profits re- ceived, the feoffor hath yet no remedy but by subpoena as he had before the said statute. And so the supposal of this * See note, p. 58. r Wood's Inst. 256; Kelw. 42, b. ; 1 Rep. 121. * Ciodbolt, 303; Gilbert, Law of Uses, 27. Dialogue II. — Chap. 7. ' 121 action of trespass is untrue in every point as to the common law. Doct. Though the action be untrue as to the law, yet he that sueth it ought in conscience to have that he demandeth by the action, that is to say, Damages for his profits; and as it seemeth, no man may with conscience give counsel against that he knoweth conscience would have done. Stud. Though conscience would he should have the profits, yet conscience will not that for the attaining thereof the feoffor should make an untrue surmise. Therefore against the untrue surmise every man may with conscience give his counsel ; for in that doing he resisteth not the plaintiff to have the profits, but he withstandeth him that he should not maintain an untrue action for the profits. And it sufficeth not in the law, ne yet in conscience, as me seemeth, that a man have right to that he sueth for, but that also he sue by a just means, and that he have both good right, and also a good and true conveyance to come to his right. For if a man have a right to lands as heir to his lather, and he will bring an action as heir to his mother, that never had right, every man may give counsel against the action, though he know he have right by another means ; and so, as methinketh, he may do in dilatories, whereby the party may take hurt if it were not pleaded, though he know the plaintiff have right; as if the party or the town be misnamed, or if the degrees in writs of Entry be mis- taken ; but if the party should take no hurt by admitting of a dilatory, there he that knoweth that the plaintiff hath right, may not plead that dilatory with conscience. As in a Formedon to plead in abatement of the writ, because he hath not made himself heir to him thai was the last seised ;* for in a writ of right, for that the demandant had omitted one that tended right, ne such other. Xe he may not as- sent to the casting of an essoin nor protection tor him, it he know that the demandant hath right ; ne he may not vouch for him, except it be that he knoweth that the tenant hath ♦Het. 7S; 8 Co. 88; Hob. 51, 52. 122 Doctor and Student. a true cause of a voucher and of lien, and that he doth it to bring him thereto. And in like wise he may not pray in aid for him, unless he know the prayee have good cause of voucher and lien over ; or that he knew that the prayee hath somewhat to plead that the tenant may not plead, as villeinage in the demandant, or such other. Doct. Though the plaintiff' hath brought an action that is unt. ue, and not maintainable in the law, yet the defendant doth wrong to the plaintiff in the with-holding of the profits as well beiore the action brought, as hanging the action ; and that wrong, as it seemeth, the counsellor doth main- tain, and also sheweth himself to favour the party in that wrong, when he giveth counsel against the action. Stud. If the plaintiff do take that for a favour, and a maintenance of his wrong, he judgeth farther than the cause is given, so that the counsellor do no more but give counsel against the action : for though he give him counsel to with- stand the action for the untruth of it, and that he should not confess it, and to make thereby a fine to the king without cause ; yet it may not stand with reason that he may give counsel to the party to yield the profits.* And therefore I think he may in this case be of counsel with him at the Common law, and be against him in Chancery , and in either court give his counsel, without any contrariosity or hurt of conscience. And upon this ground it is, that a man may with good conscience be of counsel with him that hath land by descent, or by a discontinuance without title, if he that hath the right bring not his action according to the law, for the recovering of his right in that behalf. Chap. VIII. — The seventh question of the student. If a man take distress for debt upon an obligation f or upon a contract, or such other thing that he hath right title to have, but that he ought not by the law to distrain for it, * 2 B. 398. f Ante, 23 ; post. 127. Dialogue II. — Chap. 8. 123 and nevertheless he keepeth the same distress in pound till he be paid of his duty, what restitution is he bound to make in this case? Whether shall he repay the money, because he is come to it by an unlawful means, or only restore the party for the wrongful taking of the distress, or for neither? I pray you shew me? Doct. What is the law in this case? S/nd. That he that is distrained* may bring a special action of trespass against him that distrained, f for that he took his beasts wrongfully, and kept them till he made a fine ; and therefore he shall recover the fine in damages, as he shall do for the residue of trespass : for the taking of the money by such compulsion, is taken in the law but as a fine wrongfully taken, though it be his duty to have it. Doct. Yet though he may so recover, methinketh that as to the repayment of the money, he is not bound thereto in conscience, so that he take no more than of right he ought to have : for though he came to it by unjust means, vet when the money is paid him, it is his of right, and he is not bound to repay it, unless it be recovered as thou said'st ; and then when he hath repayed it, he is, as methinketh, restored to his first action. But to the redelivery of the beasts, with such damages and such hurt as he hath bv the distress, I suppose he is bound to make recompence of them in conscience without compulsion or suit in the law : for though he might lawfully have sued for his duty in such manner as the law hath ordered; yet I agree well that he may not take upon him to be his own judge, and to come to his duty against the order ot the law. And therefore if any hurt come to the parly by the disorder, he is bound to restore it. But I woidd think it were the more doubt, if a man took such a uistress lor a trespass done to him, and keepeth the distress till amends be made for the trespass :f * Sayer's Rep. 14S. f Or ho may have a replevin, and if the distress had not been impounded, he might have made a rescue- Co. Litt. 47. * 2 New Abr. 2. 124 Doctor and Student. m for in that case the damages be not in certain, but be arbi- trable either by the assent of the parties, or by twelve men. And it. seemeth that there is no assent of the party in this case, especially no free assent, for that he doth is by com- pulsion, and to have his distress again, and so his assent is not much to be pondered in that case, for all his assessing of him that took the distress, and so he hath made himself his own judge, and that is prohibited in all laws : but in that Qase where the distress is taken for debt, he is not his own judge ; for the debt was judged in certain before the first contract, and therefore some think great diversity betwixt the cases. Stud. By that reason it seemeth, that if he that distrained in the first case for the debt take any thing for his damages, that he is bound in conscience to restore it again ; for damages be arbitrable, and not certain, no more than trespass is ; and me seemeth that both in the case of tres- pass* and debt, he is bound in conscience to restore that lie taketh : for, though he ought in right to have like sum as he receiveth, yet he ought not to have the money that he receiveth, for he came to the money by an unjust means : wherefore it seemeth he ought to restore it again. Doct. And if he should be compelled to restore it again, should he not yet (for that he received it once) be barred of his first action notwithstanding the payment? Stud. I will not at this time clearly assoil thee that ques- tion ; but this I will say, That if any hurt come to him thereby, it is through his own default, for that he would do against the law : but nevertheless a little I will say to thy question, that, as me seemeth, when he hath repaid the money, that he is restored to his first action. As if a man condemned in an action of trespass pay the money, and after the defendant reverse the judgment by a writ of error, This cannot be understood of a trespass damage feasant, for in that case it is ctaar that a man may lawfully distrain the beasts of a stranger which come upon his premises; and if reasonable tender of amends is made 1dm by the owner of the beasts before they are impounded, and he ai ■ epts it. he is not hound to repay the money either in law or equity. Dialogue II. — Chap. 9. and have his money repaid, then the plaintiff is restored to his first action. And therefore if he that in this case took the money, restore that he took by the wrongful distress, or that he ordered the matter so liberally that the other murmur not, he complain not at it, me seemeth he did very well to be sure in conscience : and therefore I would advise every man to be well aware how he distraineth in such case against the law. Duct. Thy counsel is good, and I note much in this case, That the party may have an action of trespass against him that distraineth, so that he is taken in the law but as a wrong-doi r ; and therefore to pay the money again is tie sure wav, as thou hast said before. And I pray thee now shew me for what a man may lawfully distrain, as thou thinkest. Chap. IX. — For what things a man may lawfully dis- train. Stud. A man may lawfully distrain for a rent-service, and for all manner of services,* as homage, fealty, escuage,f suit of court, reliefs, and such other. Also for a rent reserved upon a gift in tail, a lease for term of life, for years, or at will, if he reserve the reversion, the feoffor shall distrain of common right, though there be no distress spoken of. J But in case a man make a feoffment, and that in fee by indenture, reserving a rent, he shall not dis- train for that rent, unless a distress be expressly reserved :§ and if the feoffment be made without a deed reserving a rent, that reservation is void in law, and he shall have the rent only in conscience, and shall not distrain for it. And 2 Inst. 11S; Noy's Max. 43 ; Gilbert's Distresses, 7, 8. : As the service ol escuage was peculiarly incident to knight service, it is entirely abolished by the statute of 12 Cur. 2, ante, 26, and does not rank among the modern English tenures, like suit of eourt, fealty, and relief. t Co Litt. 142. i? Hut it seems to be good to bind the feoffee by way of contract. : New Abr. 106. Doctor and Student. like law is where a gift in tail, or a lease for term of life is made, the remainder over in fee, reserving a rent, that re- servation is void in the law.* Also, if a man seised of land for term of life granteth away his whole estate, reserving a rent,f that reservation is void in the law, without it be by indenture ; and if it be by indenture, yet he shall not distrain for the rent, but a distress be reserved. | And for amerciaments in a leet the lord shall distrain ;§ but for amerciaments in a Court-Baron he shall not distrain. j| Also, if a man make a lease at Michaelmas for a year, reserving rent payable at the feasts of the Annunciation of our lady, and St. Michael the arch-angel ; in that case he shall distrain for the rent due at our Lady-day-, but not for the rent due at Michaelmas, If because the term is expired.** But if a man make a lease at the feast of Christmas, for to endure to the feast of Christmas next following, that is to say, for a year, reserving a rent at the aforesaid feasts of the Annunciation of our lady, and St. Michael the arch- angel ; there he shall distrain for both the rents as long as the term continued, that is to say, till that aforesaid feast of Christinas. And if a man hath land for term of lifeff of John at Noke, and maketh a lease for term of years, reserving a rent, the rent is behind, and John at Noke dieth ; there he shall not distrain, because his reversion is determined. Also, if he to whose use feoffees been seised maketh a * Litt., sec. 215. jBr. Reservation, pi. 8. \ Br. Distress, pi. S ; 8 Co. 41 ; 1 Roll. Rep. 201 ; Cro. Eliz. 74S. § Or he may have an action of debt. Cro. Jac. 3S2 ; 1 Wils. 243. || But if the lord can prescribe in a distress for the amerciament, then it becomes lawful. Gilbert Law of Distresses, 16. \ Co. Litt. 47; 2 Cro. 442; 1 Roll. 672. *By the S Ann., c 14, rent maybe distrained for after determination of the lease, in the same manner as before, if the distress is made within six calendar months afterward, and during the continuance of the land- lord's title, and the possession of the tenant from whom the arrears are due. tf Br. Distress, pi. 74. Dialogue II. — Chap. 9. 127 lease for term of years, or for term of life, or a gift in tail reserving a rent ; there the reservation is good, and the lessor shall distrain. And if a township be amerced, and the neighbours by assent assess a certain sum upon every inhabitant,* and agree that if it be not paid by such a day, that certain per- sons thereto assigned shall distrain : in this case the distress is lawful. If lord and tenant be, and if the tenant do hold of the lord by fealty and rent:f and the lord doth grant away the fealty, reserving the rent, and the tenant atturneth ; in this case he that was lord may not distrain for the rent, for it is become a rent-seek. $ But if a man make a gitt in tail to another, reserving fealty and certain rent, and after that he granteth away the fealty, reserving the rent and the reversion to himself ; in this case he shall distrain for the rent? for the grant of the fealty is void, for the fealty cannot be sev- ered from the reversion. § Also, for heriot-service the lord shall distrain ;|| and for heriot-custom he shall seise, and not distrain.1T Also, if rent be assigned, to make a partition or assignment of dewer legal, he or she to whom the rent is assigned may distrain. And in all these cases abovesaid, where a man may distrain, he ma}- not distrain in the night,** but for damage- feasant ;ft tnat ' s to sav ' where beasts do hurt in his ground, he may distrain in the night. Also for wastes, for reparations, for accompts, for debts upon con- tracts, or such other, no man may lawfully distrain. : Gilb. Law of Distresses, 31. t Litt., sec. 226. . I! , stat. 4 Geo. 2, c. 2S, the like remedy is given by distress for rent- seek a< for any other rent. § Co. Litt. 143. I Ir he may seize at his election. Cro. Eliz. ^2; Cro. Jac. 260; 3 Mod. - ; 1 • Kelw.82; Bro., tit. Heriot, a ; NTo/s Max. 25. Which according to the author of the Mirror and construction of hm, is after sun-set, and before sun-rising. Mirr., c. 2, sec. 6. tf Co. Litt. 142. 128 Doctor and Student. Chap. X. — The eighth question of the student. If a man do a trespass, and after make his executors, and die before any amends made ; whether be his exec- utors bound in conscience to make amends for the trespass, if they have sufficient goods thereto, though there be no remedy against them by the law to compel them to it? Doct. It is no doubt but they are bound therelo in con- science, before any other deed in charity that they may do for him of their own devotion. Stud. Then would I wit, if the testator made legacies by his will, whether the executors be bound to do first, that is to say, to make amends for the trespass, or to pay the leg- acies, in case they have no goods to do both? Doct. To pay legacies : for if they should first make recompence for the trespass, and then have not sufficient to pay the legacies ;* they should be taken in the law as wasters of their testator's goods ; for the}' were not com- pellable by no law to make amends for the trespass, because every trespass dieth with the person ; j but the legacies they should be compelled by the law spiritual to fulfil, and so they should be compelled to pay the legacies of their own goods, and they shall not be compelled thereto by no law ne conscience : but if the case were, that he leave sufficient goods to do both, then methinketh they be bound to do both, and that they be bound to make amends for the trespass, before they may do any other charitable deed lor the testa- tor of their own mind, as I have said before, except the "Office of Executor, 292; Noy's Max. 5; Office of Executor, 126. fThis maxim not being generally true, but liable to many exceptions, leaves the law undefined as to the kind of personal actions which die with the person or survive against the executor. However, it may be affirmed with certainty, that where the cause of action is a tort, or arises ex delit to, supposed to be by force and battery, against the king's peace; there the action dies, as trover, battery, false imprisonment, words, nuisance, ob- structing lights, diverting a water-course, etc. Cow. Rep. 374, 375. Dialogue II. — Chap. io. 129 funeral expenses* that be necessary, which must be al- lowed before all other things. f Stad. And what the proving of the testament? Doct. The ordinary may nothing take by conscience, therefore, if there be not sufficient goods besides for the funerals,| to pay the debts, and to make restitution. And in like wise the executors be bound to pay debts upon a simple contract, before any other deed of charity that they may do for the testator of their own devotion, though they shall not be compelled thereto by the law. Stud. And whether thinkest thou that they be bound to do first, that is to say, to make amends for the trespass, or to pay the debts upon a simple contract? Doct. To pay the debts, for that is certain, and the tres- pass is arbitrable. Stad. Then for the plainer declaration of this matter, and other like, I pray thee shew me thy mind, by what law it is, that if a man make executors, that the executors, if they take upon them, be bound to perform the will, and dis- pose the goods that remain for the testator? Doct. I think that it is best by the law of reason. Stud. And methinketh that it should be rather by the custom of the realm. Doct. In all countries, and in all lands, they make exec- utors. Stud. That seemeth to be rather by a general custom, alter that the law and custom of property was brought in, than by the law of reason, for as long as all things were in common, there were no executors ne wills, no they needed not them : and when property was alter brought in, me- thinketh that yet making of executors, and disposing of goods by will, alter a man's death, followeth not necessarily thereupon : lor it might have been made tor a law. that a Office 01 Executor, 129, 130; ^ 1>. C f And see what expences ami articles will be allowed against creditors in Wentworth's Office of Exec. 29:, 173; 2 Salk. 296: 3 Atk 249. J Office of Executor, 130, 131. 130 Doctor and Student. man should have had the property of his goods only during his life, and that then, his debts paid, all his goods to have been left to his wife and children, or next of his kin, with- out any legacies making thereof: and so it might now be ordained by statute, and the statute good, and not against reason. Wherefore it appeareth that executors have no authority by the law of reason, but by the law of man. And by the old law and custom of the realm a man may make executors, and dispose his goods by his will, and then his executors shall have the execution thereof, and his heirs shall have nothing, but if any particular custom help:* and the executors shall also have the whole possession and dis- position of all his goods and chattels, as well real as per- sonal, though no word be expressly spoken in the will, that they shall have them : and they shall have also actions to recover all debts due to the testator, f though all debts and legacies of the testator be paid before, and shall have the disposition of them to the use of the testator, and not to their own use. And so methinketh that the authority to make executors, and that they shall dispose the goods (or the testator, is bv the custom of this realm : but then. I think, as thou sayest, that by the law of God they shall be bound to do the first, that is, to the most profit of the soul of their testator, where the disposition thereof is left to their discretion ;± and that, I agree well, is to pay debts upon contracts, and to make amends lor wrong done by the tes- tator, though tiiey be not compelled thereto by the law and custom of the realm, if there be none other debt nor legacy that they be bound to pay by the law; but if two several debts be payable by the law, then which debt they shall do first in conscience, I am somewhat in doubt. Doct. Let us first know what the Common law is therein. Stud. The Common law is, That if the testator owe 10^. to two men severally by obligation, or by such other man- ner ih t an action lieth against his executors thereof by the * Office of Executor, 53. 57, >S, 59; ante, 22. t Lovelass on I ntestacy and Wills, 43. J Office of Executor, 155. Dialogue II. — Chap. io. iji law, and he leavelh goods to pay the one, and not both;* that in that case he that can first obtain his judgment against the executors, shall have execution of the whole, and the other shall have nothing: but to which of them he shall in conscience owe his favour, the Common law teacheth not. Doct. Therein must be considered the cause why the debts began, and then he must after conscience bear his lawful favour to him that hath the clearest cause of debt : and if both have like cause, then in conscience he must bear his favour where is most need and greatest charity. Stud. May the executors in that case delay that action that is first taken, if it stand not with so good conscience to be paid as another debt whereof no action is brought, and procure that an action may be brought thereof, and then to confess that action, that he may so have execution, and then the executors to be discharged against the other? Doct. Why may he not in that case pay the other with- out action, and so be discharged in the law against the first ? Stud. No verily, for after an action is taken, the ex- ecutor mav not minister the i^oods so, but that he leave so much as shall pay the debt whereof the action is taken :f and it he do not, he shall pay it of his own goods, except another recover and have judgment against him hanging that action, and that without covin. Doct. Then to answer to thy question, I think, that by delays that be lawful, as by essoin, imparlance, or by dila- tory plea in abatement of the writ, that is true he may delay it :\ but he may plead no untrue plea to prefer the other to his duty, lint, I pray thee, what is the law ot legacies, restitution, and debts upon contracts, thai percase ought rather after charity to be paid than a debt upon an obliga- tion? What may the favour of the executor do in these cases ? Office <>f Exec ■ \\: Swin. 4;;. +58 I Office "I I \ ec. 144- 1 lb. 144. 132 Doctor and Student. Stud. Nothing : lor if they either perform legacies, make restitutions, or pay debts upon contracts,* and keep not sufficient to pay debts which they are compelled by the law to pay, that shall be taken as a dcvastaverunt bona tcsta- tor/s,-\ that is to say, that they have wasted the goods of their testator; and therefore they shall be compelled to pay the debts of their own goods \\ and so it is, if they pay a debt upon an obligation, whereof the day is yet to come, though it be the clearer debt, and that be the more charity to have it paid.§ Doct. Yet in that case, if he to whom the debt is already owing forbear till after the day of the other obligation is past, then he may pay him without danger. || Stud. That is true, if there be no action taken upon it ; and though there be, yet if that action may be delayed by lawful means as thou hast spoken of before, till after the day, and that an action is taken upon it, then may the ex- ecutor confess the action, and then after judgment he may pay the debt without danger of the law. Doct. Is not that confessing of the action so done of purpose a covin in the law? Stud. No, verily ; for covin is where the action is untrue, and not where the executors bear a lawful favour. IT Doct. The ordinary, upon the accompt in all the cases before rehearsed, will regard much what is best for the testator. Stud. But he may not drive them to accompt against the order of the Common law.*"* iS 'Lovelass on Intestacy and Wills, 186, 187. f Office of Exec. 292, 157. JNoj's Max. 104. § Office of Exec. 292. || lb. 142. IS win. a, 459. • •* Office of Exec. 21. Dialogue II. — Chap. ii. 133 Chap. XI. — The ninth question of the student. A man is indebted to another upon a simple contract in 20/. and he maketh his will, and bequeathed! 20/. to H. Hart, and dieth, and leaveth goods to his executors only to bury him with, and to perform the said legacy, and after ihi' said executors deliver the goods of their testator in per- formance ot" the said bequest: whether is he to whom the bequest is made bound in conscience to pa}' the said debt upon the simple contract, or not? Doci. Is he not bound thereto by the law? Stud. No, verily. Doct. And what thinkest thou he is in conscience? Stud. I think that he is not bound thereto in conscience, for he is neither ordinal}', administrator, nor executor. And I have not heard that any man is bound to pay debts of any man that is deceased, but he be one of those three. For the goods that the testator left to the executors were never charged with the debt, but the person of the testator while he lived was only charged with the debt, and not his goods; and his executors, that represent his estate after his death, having goods thereto of the testator's, be charged also with the debts, and not the goods. And therefore if an executor give away or sell all the goods ot' tin- testator, or otherwise waste them, he that hath the goods is not charged with the debts in law nor conscience, but the executors shall be charged of their own goods.* And in like wise, if John at Noke owe to A. B. 20/. and A. B. oweth to C. D. 20/., and after A. 1). dieth intestate, having none other goods but the said 20/. which the said John at Noke oweth him ; yet the said C. D. shall have no remedy against the said John at Noke, tor he standeth not charged to him in law nor conscience. But the ordinary in that ease must commit administration 01 the goods ot the said A. B., and the said administrator must lev}' the money of *Ante, 132. I j4 Doctor and Student. the said John at Noke, and pay it to the said C. D., and the said John at Noke shall not pay it himself, because he is not charged therewith to him : and no more methinketh in this case, that he to whom the bequest is made, is neither charged to him that the money was owing to, in the law or conscience. Doct. Then shew me thy mind, by what law it was grounded, as thou thinkest, that executors be bound to pay debts before legacies ; whether it is by the law of God, or by the law of reason, or by the law of man, as thou thinkest? Stud. I think that it is both by the law of reason and by the law of God. For reason wills that they shall do first that is best for the testator, and that is to pay debts, that their testator is bound to pay, before legacies that he is not bound to.* And also by the law of God they are bound to pay the debts first : for sith they are bound by the law of God to love their neighbour, they are bound to do for him that shall be best for him, when they have taken the charge thereto, as executors do when they agree to take the charge of the will of their testator upon them ; and it is better for the testator that his debts be paid, (wherefore his soul shall suffer pain) than that his legacies be performed, wherefore he shall suffer no pain for the performing of them.f And that is to be understood, where the legacy is made of his own free-will, and not where it is made as a satisfac- tion of any duty. And after the saying of St. Gregory, the very true proof of love is the deed. But this man is not in that case, for he took never the charge upon him to pay the debts of the testator, and therefore he is not bound to them in law nor conscience, as me seemeth : but rather the executors should have been ware ere they had paid the legacies, seeing there were debts to pay. Doct. The executors might no otherwise have done in Office of Exec. 27. t lb. 155- Dialogue II. — Chap. ii. 135 this case, but to pay the legacies : for them they should have been compelled by the law to have paid, and so they could not have been to have paid the debt upon a contract,* and therefore they did well in performing of that legacy ; but he to whom the legacy was made ought not to have taken them, but ought in conscience to have suffered them to have gone to the payment of the debt. And sith he did not so, but took them where he had no right to them, it seemelh that when he took them, he took with them the charge in conscience to pay the debt : for sith the executors were compellable by the law to perform that bequest, and not to pay the debt, therefore when they performed that bequest, they were discharged thereby against him that the debt was owing to, in the law and conscience ; and then the charge rested upon him that took the goods, where he ought not in conscience to have taken them : but if it had been a debt upon an obligation, or such other debt, where- upon remedy hath been had against the executors by the law, I there suppose, though that the executors had per- formed the legacy, that yet he to whom the legacy was made and performed, had not been charged in conscience to the payment of the debt, for the executors stood still charged thereto of their own goods ; and he to whom the bequest was made was only bound in conscience to repay that he received to the executors, because he had no right to have received it, for against the executors he had no right thereto. Stud. Then it seemeth in this case, that in like wise he to whom tiie bequest was made should repay that he received to the executors, and then they to pay it rather than he.f But the old law is now altered, and an action will lie against the ex- ecutor upon the assumpsit of the testator implied in a simple c mtracb Lev. 20o, 201 ; 2 Cro. 293. A.nd therefore an should bs very ca • lul how he pays legacies pecuniary orspecific, especially where his testator dies much indebted, without taking securities from the different legatees to refund incase debts of any kind shall appear, or putting himself under the directi in of a court of equity. t2Vern. 205: 1 Chan. C,i 136. 136 Doctor and Student. Doct. The executors have no farther meddling with it, as this case is : for when they performed the bequest, they were discharged against both the other in law and con- science : and also he to whom the bequest was made stood not in this case charged to the executors ; for against them he had good title by the law : and so this charge standeth only against him that the debt is owing to. And the same law, that is in this case upon a debt upon a contract, as if the testator had done a trespass whereupon he ought to have made restitution, that is to say, that he to whom the bequest is made, is bound to make the amends for the trespass : for it should be no discharge to him to pay it again to the exec- utors without they paid it over, and it were uncertain to him whether they should pay it or not. And therefore to be out of peril, it is necessary that he pay it himself, and then he is surely discharged against all men. Chap. XII. — The tenth question of the student. A man seised of certain land in his demesne as of fee, hath issue two sons, and died seised, after whose death a stranger abateth, and taketh the profits, and after the eldest son dieth without issue, and his brother bringeth an assize of mortdanccstor as son and heir to his father, not making mention of his brother, and recovereth the land with dam- ages from the death of his father, as he may well by the law :* whether in this case is the younger brother bound in conscience to pay to the executors of the eldest brother the value of the profits of the said land that belonged to the eldest brother in his life, or not? Doct. What is thine opinion therein? Stud. That like as the said profits belonged of right to the eldest brother in his life, and that he had lull authority to have released as well the right of the said land as of the said profits, which release should have been a clear bar to the younger brother for ever ; that the right of the said *2 Inst. 2S7. Dialogue II. — Chap. 12. 137 damages, which be in the law but a chattel, belong to his executors, and not to the heir:* for no manner of chattel, neither real nor personal, shall after the law of the realm descend unto the heir. Doct. Thou saidest in the case next before, that it is not of the law of reason, that a man shall make executors, and dispose of his goods by his will, and that the executors shall have the goods to dispose, but by the law of man ; and if it be left to the determination of the law of man, that in such cases as the law giveth such chattels unto the exec- utors, they shall have good right unto them, and in such cases as the law taketh such chattels from them, they been rightfully taken from them : and therefore it is thought by many, that if a man sue a writ of Right of Wa?'d of a ward, that he hath by his own fee, and dieth hanging the writ, and his heir sue a re-summons, according to the stat- ute of Westminster 2, and recovereth ;f that in that case the heir shall enjoy the wardship against the executors, and yet it is but a chattel. And they take the reason to be, be- cause of the said statute. And so it might be ordained by statute, that all wards shall go to the heirs, and not to the executors. Right so in this case, sith the law is such, that the younger brother shall in this case have an assize of mortdancestor\ as heir to his father, not making any men- tion of his elder brother, and recover damages as well in Ante, z\ : Office of Exec. 53, 57, 58, 59. t 2 In-t, 441 : ante. 27. X On an assize of mortdancestor, Mr. Justice Blackstone has the following observation (3 B. C. iS7^ : " It was always says he held to be law, thai where lands were devisable in a man's last will by the custom of the place, there an assize of mortdancestor did not lie. For where land- were so de- visable, the right of possession could never be determined by a pro which enquired only of these two points, the seisin of the ancestor and the heirship of the demandant, and hence it might be reasonable to conclude, that when the statute of Will-. 32 II 8, C 1. made all socage lands de- visable, an assize of mortdancestor no longer could be brought of land- held in socage; an ! that now since the -tat. 12 Cha. 2. e. J4, which con- verts all tenures (a few only excepted into free and common socage, it should follow that no assize of mortdancestor can be brought of any iands in the kingdom.'* 138 Doctor and Student. the time of his brother as in his own time ;* it appeareth that the law giveth the right of these damages to the heir, and therefore no recompence ought to be made to the executors, as me seemeth. And it is not like to the writ of Aiel,f where, as I have learned in Latin, (sith our first dialogue) the demandant shall recover damages only from the death of his father, if he overlive the Aiel :f and the cause is, for that the demandant, though his Aiel overlived his father, must of necessity make his conveyance by his father, and must make himself son and heir to his father, and cousin and heir to his Aiel ;§ and therefore in that case, if the father overlived the Aiel, the abator were bounden in con- science to restore to the executors of the father the profits run in his time (for no law taketh them from him) ; but otherwise it is in this case as me seemeth. ' Stud If the younger brother in this case had entered into the land without taking any assize of mortdancesto?', as he might if he would, to whom were the abator then bounden to make restitution for those profits, as thou think- est? Doct. To the executors of the eldest brother ; for in that 'Case there is no law that taketh them from them, and there- fore the general ground, which is that all chattels shall go to the executors, holdeth in that case ; but in this case that ground is broken and holdeth not, for the reason that I have made before. For commonly there is no general ground in the law so sure, but it faileth in some particular case. Chap. XIII. — The eleventh question of the student Stud. A man seised of land in fee taketh a wife, and after alieneth the land, and dieth, after whose death his wife asketh her dower, and the alienee refuseth to assign it unto * 2 Inst. 2S7. t Since an ejtctment has been introduced, the writ of Aiel has fallen into disuse. \ 2 Inst. 288. §Ib. Dialogue II. — Chap. 13. 139 her, but after she asketh her dower again, and he assign- eth it unto her : whether is the alienee in this case bound in conscience to give the woman damages for the profits of the land after her third part from the death of her husband, or from the first request of her dower, or neither the one nor the other. Doct. What is the law in this case? Stud. By the law the woman shall recover no damages ;* for at the common law the demandant in a writ of dower should never have recovered damages ; but by the statute of Merton,f it is ordained, that where the husband die'th seised, that the woman shall recover damages,:}: which is understood the profits of the land sith the death of her hus- band, and such damages as she hath by the forbearing of it.§ But in this case the husband died not seised, where- fore she shall recover no damages by the law.|| Doct. Yet the law is, that immediately after the death of her husband the wife ought of right to have her dower, if she ask it; though her husband die not seised. Stud. That is true. Doct. And sith she ought to have her dower from the death of her husband, it seemeth that she ought in con- science to have also the profits from the death of her hus- band, though she have no remedy to come to them by the law ;1T for methinketh that this case is like to a case that thou puttestin our first dialogue in Latin, the seventeenth chapter. That if a tenant for term of life be disseised and die. and the disseisor dieth, and his heir entereth and taketh the profits, and after he in the reversion recovereth the lands against the heir, as he ought to do by the law, that in that case he shall recover no damages by the law ; and yet thou didst agree, that in that case the heir is bound in conscience *2 Inst. 30; Co. Litt. 33. t 20 II. 3, C. I. J Dyer, 2S4. § And by the statute of Gloucester, 6 Ed. i, e. 1, she is intitled to costs as well as damages. || Co. Litt. 32. ^ lb 140 Doctor and Student. to pay the damages to the demandant : and so methinketh in this case that the feoffee ought in conscience to pay the damages from the death of her husband, seeing that im- mediately after his death she ought to have her dower. Stud. Though she ought to be indovved immediately after the death of her husband, yet she can lay no default in the feoffee till she demand her dower upon the ground, and that the tenant be not there to assign it, or if .he be there, that he will not assign it;* for he that hath the pos- session of land whereunto any woman hath title of dower, hath good authority as against her to take the profits till she require her dower ; for every woman that demandeth dower affirmeth the possession of the tenant as against her : and therefore although she recover bv action, she leaveth the reversion alway in him against whom she recovereth, though he be a disseisor, and bringeth not the reversion by her recovery to him that hath right, as other tenants for term of life do. And for this reason it is that the tenant in a writ of dower, where the husband died seised, if he ap- pear the first day, may say, to excuse himself of damages, f that he is, and all times hath been ready to yield dower if it had been demanded; and so he shall not be received to do in a writ of coisnage,t neither in the case that thou re- memberest above : for in both cases the tenants be supposed by the writ to be wrong-doers, but it is not so in this case ; and so methinketh it is quite clear that the feoffee in this case shall never be bound by law nor conscience to yield damages for the time that passed before the request, but for the time after the request is greater doubt ;§ howbeit some think him there not bound to yield damages, because his title is good, as is said before, and that it is her default that she brought not her action. Doct. As unto the time before the request I hold me con- tent with thine opinion, so that he assign the dower when * Co. Litt. 32. t Br. Dair.ages, pi 79; Co. Litt. 32, ^. X This writ, like that of Aiel, is now grown quite out of use. §Jenk. 45, pi. 85; Co. Litt. 32. Dialogue II. — Chap. 13. 141 he is required : but when lie refuseth to assign it, then I think him bound in conscience to yield damages for both times, though she shall none recover by the law. And first, as lor the time after the refusal, it appeareth evidently, that when he denied to assign her dower he did against con- science ; for he did not that he ought to have done by the law, ne as he would should have been done to him : and so alter the request he holdeth her dower from her wrongfully, and ought in conscience to yield damages therefore. And as to the default that thou assignest in her, that she took not her action, that forceth little ; for actions need not but where the party will not do that he ought to do of right; and for that he ought of right to have done, and did it not, he can take no advantage. And then as to the damages before the request, methinketh him also bounden to pay them; for when he was required to assign dower, and refused, it ap- peareth that he never intended to yield dower from the be- ginning, and so he is a wrong-doer in his own conscience. And moreover, if the husband die seised, the law is such, that if the tenant refuse to assign dower when he is required, wherefore the woman bringeth a writ of dower against him, that in that case the woman shall recover damages as well for the time before the request as after ; and yet he ought not in that case, after thine opinion, to have yielded any man- ner of damages, if he had been ready to assign dower when it was demanded, as some think here. Stud. The cause in the ease that thou hast put is, for that the statute is general, that the demandant shall recover damages where the husband died seised, and that statute hath been alway construed, that where the tenant may not say that he is and hath been ready alway to yield dower, etc., that the demandant shall recover damages from the death of her husband.* But in that case there is no law of the realm that helpeth lor the demandant, neither com- mon law nor statute. And furthermore, though it mi be proved by his refusal, that he never intended from the • Co Litt 32. 142 Doctor and Student. death of the husband to assign her dower; yet that proveth not but that he had good right to take the profits of her third part for the time, as well as he had of his own two parts, till request be made, as is aforesaid : and so me- thinketh that, notwithstanding the denial, he is not bound to yield damages in this case, but for the time of the re- quest, and not for the time before. Doct. For this time I am content with thy reason. Chap. XIV. — The twelfth question of the student. Stud. A man seised of certain lands, knowing that an- other hath oood right and title to them, levieth a fine with proclamation, to the intent he would extinct the right of the other man, and the other man maketh no claim within the five years : whether may he that levied the fine hold the land in conscience, as he may do by the law?* Doct. By this question it seemeth that thou dost agree, that if he that levied the fine had no knowledge of the other man's right, that his right should then be extincted by the fine in conscience. Stud. Yes, verily ; for thou didst shew a reasonable cause why it should be so, in our first dialogue in Latin, the twenty-fourth chapter, as there appeareth. But if he that levied a fine, and that would extinct the right of an- other, knew that the other had more right than he, then I doubt therein : for I take thine opinion in the first dialogue to be understood in conscience, where he that would ex- tinct former rights by such a fine by proclamation, knoweth not of an)' former title, but for his more surety, if any such former right be, taketh the remedy that is ordained by the law. Doct. Whether dost thou mean in this case that thou puttest now, that lie that hath right knoweth of the fine, wilfully letting the Wva years pass without claim, or that he knoweth not anything of the fine? * Ante, 65, no. Dialogue II. — Chap. 15. 143 Stud. I pray thee let me know thine opinion in both cases, and whether thou think that he that hath right be barred in either of the said cases by conscience, as he is by the law, or not? Doct. I will with good-will hereafter shew thee mv mind therein : but at this time I pray thee give a little sparing, and proceed now for this time to some other question. Chap. XV. — The thirteenth question of the student. Stud. A man seised of certain land, in lee hath a daugh- ter, which is his heir apparent, the daughter taketh an husband, and they have issue ; the father dieth seised, and the husband as soon as he heareth of his death goeth toward the land to take possession, and before he can come there his wile dieth : whether ought he to have the land in con- science tor term of his life as tenant by the courtesy,* be- cause he hath done that in him was, to have had possession in his wife's life, so that he might have been tenant by the courtesy according to the law ; or that he shall neither have it by the law nor conscience? Doct. Is it clearly liolden in the law, that he shall not be tenant by the courtesy in this case, because he had not possession in deed? Stud. Yea, verilv, and yet upon a possession in law a woman shall have her dower ;t but no man shall be tenant bv the courtesv of land without his wife have possession in deed. \ Doct. A man shall he tenant by the courtesy of a rent though his wife die before the day of payment, § and in like wise of an advowson|| though she die before the avoid- ance. 1[ Perk., sec. 45S. tCo- Litt. 31. I Finch Law, 129. § Co. Litt. 29. || 2 B. C. 127. * A nd Mr. Perkins thinks that notwithstanding the advowson becomes void during the coverture, and the wife dies after the six months past, and 144 Doctor and Student. Stud. That is truth ; for the old custom and maxim of the law is, that he shall be so : but of land there is no maxim that serveth him, but his wife have possession in deed. Doct. And what is the reason that there is such a maxim in the law of the rent, and of the aclvowson, rather than of land, when the husband doth as much as in him is, to have possession, and cannot? Stud. Some assign the reason to be, because it is im- possible to have possession in deed of the rent, or of ad- vowson,* before the day of payment of the rent, or before the avoidance of the advowson. Doct. And so it is impossible that he should have posses- sion in deed of land, if his wife die so soon that he may not by a possibility come to the land after his father's death, and in her life, as the case is. Stud. The law is such as I have shewed thee before : and I lake the very cause to be, for that there is a maxim serveth for the rent and the advowson, and not for the lands, as I have said before : and, as it is said in the eighth chap- ter of our first dialogue, f it is not alway necessary to assign a reason or consideration why the maxims oi the law of England were first ordained and admitted for maxims ; but it sufficeth that they have been always taken for law, and that they be neither contrary to the law of reason, nor to the law of God, as this maxim is not :% and therefore, if the husband in this case be not holpen by conscience, he can- not be holpen by the law. Doct. And if the law help him not, conscience cannot help him in this case; for conscience must always be grounded upon some law ; and it cannot in this case be before any presentment by the husband, and the ordinary presents by lapse unto the advowson, that the husband shall still be tenant by courtesy. Perk., sec. 46S, but I do not apprehend there is any authority in support of this opinion. Indeed it seems to be rather an extraordinary one, as the laches of the husband must certainly be a capital objection against his claim. * Kelw. 104 ; 1 Co. 97. f Ante, 26. J Ante, 79. Dialogue II. — Chap. 15. 145 grounded upon the law of reason, nor upon the law of God ; for it is not directly by those laws that a man shall be ten- ant by courtesy, but by the custom of the realm ;* and therefore if the custom help him not, he can nothing have in this case by conscience ; for conscience never resisteth the law of man, nor addeth nothing to it, but where the law of mafi is in itself directly against the law of reason, or else the law of God, and then properly it cannot be called a law, but a corruption :| or where the general grounds of the law of man work in any particular case against the said laws, as it may do, and yet the law good, as it appearelh in divers places in our first dialogue in Latin ; or else where there is no law of man provided for him that hath right to a thing by the law of reason, or by the law of God: and then sometime there is remedy given to execute that in con- science, as by a subpoena, but not in all cases ;% for some- time, it shall be referred to the conscience of the party, and upon this ground, that is to say, that when there is no title given by the Common law, that there is no title by con- science. There be divers other cases, whereof I shall put some for an example : As if a reversion be granted unto one, but there is no attornment, or if a new rent be granted by word without deed ;§ there is no remedy by conscience, unless the said giants were made upon consideration of money, or such other. And in like wise where he that is seised of lands in fee-simple maketh a will thereof, || that will is void in conscience, because the ground serveth not for him whereby the conscience should take effect, that is to say, the law. And if the tenant make a feoffment of the land that he holdeth by priority, ami taketh estate again and dieth, (his heir within age) the lord of whom the land was first holden by priority shall have no remedy for the Ante, 20. f Ante, 11, 53. X Ante, 39. §Litt., sec. 567. ;6S ; ante, 30. || Ante. 23, 58. IO 146 Doctor and Student. body by conscience;* for the law that first was with him, is now against him, and therefore conscience is altered in like wise as the law altereth. And divers and many cases like be in the law, that were too long to rehearse now. And thus methinketh, that if the law be as thou sayest, the husband in this case hath neither right by the law nor conscience. * Chap. XVI. — The fourteenth question of the student. Stud. A rent is granted to a man in fee to perceive of two acres of land, and after the grantor enfeoffeth the grantee of one of the said acres ;f whether is the whole rent extinct thereby in conscience, as it is in the law? Doct. This case is somewhat uncertain : for it appeareth . not whether the grantor enfeoffed him on trust, or that he crave the acre to him of his mere motion to the use of the said feoffee \% or else that the feoffment was made upon a bargain : and if it were but only a feoffment of trust, then I think the whole rent abideth in conscience, though it be extincted in law. And first, That it continueth in that case in conscience for the part that the grantee hath to the use of the grantor, it is evident, for he may take the profits of the land, and it is against conscience that he should leese both. And in like wise it abideth in conscience for the acre that remaineth in the hands of the grantor, though it be extinct in the law : for there was a default in the grantor that he would make a feoffment to the grantee, as well as there was in the grantee, to take it ; and it is no conscience that of his own default he should take so great avail, to be discharged of the whole rent, seeing that the feoffment was made to his own use. And it the feoffment were made upon a bargain, and a contract between them, then it is to see whether they remembered the rent in their bargain, or *Vin. Abr., title Guardian and Ward, 166; ante, 27. tLitt.. sec 222; Wood's Inst. 205; J P08t 152. Dialogue II. — Chap. 16. 147 that they remembered it not; and if they remembered it in their bargain and contract, then conscience mnst follow the bargain : and thus, If they agreed that the grantee should have the rent after the portion in the other acre, then by conscience he ought to have it, though it be extincted in the law ; and if they agreed that the whole rent should be extirrct, and made their price according, then it is extinct in law and conscience ; and if they clearly forgot it, and made no mention of it, or, for lack of cunning, took the law to be that it should continue in the other acre after the por- tion, and made their price according, pondering only the value of the acre that was sold, then methinketh it doth continue in conscience after the portion ; and if the feoff- ment were made to the use of the grantee, then it seemeth the whole rent is extinct in law and conscience. Stud. Then take this to be the case, that is to say, that the feoffment Mas made to the use of the grantee. Doct. What is thine opinion therein? Stud. Then the rent should abide in conscience after the portion of the acre remaining in the hands of the grantor, notwithstanding it be extinct in the law. Doct. Then shew me thine opinion in this that I shall csk thee : Ol what law is it, that grants of rent, and of such other profits out of lands may be made, and that they shall be good and effectual to the grantees? Whether it be by the law of reason, or by the law of God, or by the custom and law of the realm? Stud. I think it is by the law of reason : for by the same reason that a man may give away all his lands, lie may, as it seemeth, give away the profits thereof, or grant a rent out of the land, if he will. Doct. But then by what law is it that a man may give away his lands? I trow by none other law but by the cus- tom bf the realm ; for by statute all alienations and grants of lands may be prohibited : and then that reason proveth not that grants of the profits of land, or of a rent, should be good, because he may alien the land, if alienation of land be 148 Doctor and StudenaT. \ by custom, and not by the law of reason, \* as I suppose it is, whereof I have touched somewhat in our first dialogue in Latin, the nineteenth chapter. And also if grants should) have their effect by the law of reason, them reason would they should be good by the only word of the grantor, as well as by his dwd ; and that is not so, for without deed the grant of rent is void in law ; and so methinketh, that grants have their effects only by the law of the realm. f Stud. Admit it be so, what meanest thou thereby? Doct. I shall shew thee hereafter, as I shall shew thee the cause why I think the rent is ext.nct in conscience as well as in law. And first, as I take it, the reason why it is extinct in the law, is because the rent by the first grant was going out of both acres, and was not going part out of the one acre, and part out of the other, but the whole rent was going out of both \\ and then when the grantee of his own folly will take estate in the one acre, whereby that acre be discharged, then the other acre also must be discharged, unless it should be apportioned ; and the law will not that any apportionment should be in that case;§ but rather in- somuch as the party hath by his own act discharged the one acre, the law discharged also the other, rather than to suffer the other acre to be charged contrary to the form of the grant :|| for this rent beginneth all by the act of the party ; and, as I have heard, it is called, A rent against common rights Wherefore i,t is not favoured in the law, as a rent-service is: and then methinketh, that forasmuch Post. 155. t2 Roll. Abr. 62; Shop. Touch. 22S. \ Co. Litt. 147. § Yet it seems that a rent-charge may be apportioned by the act of the party, as if a man hath a rent-charge of 205. he may release to the tenant of the land 10s. ormore or less, and reserve part; for the grantee meddles only with that which is his own, viz., the rent and not with the land. Co. Litt. 1*48. || But if the grantor by ^-^d reciting the purchase had granted that the grantee should distrain for the same rent in the residue of the land, the whole rent-charge had been preserved, because such power of distress had amounted to a new grant. Co. Litt. 147. ^j Litt., sec. 222. Dialogue II. — Chap. 16. 149 as it is not grounded by the law of Reason, that grants of rent should be made out of land, but bV custom and law of the realm, as 1 have said before, that so in like wise it re- mained* to the law and custom of the realm to determine how long such rents shall continue.* And when the- law judgeth such rent to be void, I suppose that so doth con- science also, except the judgment of the: law he against the law of reason, or the law of God, as it is not in this case. For in this case, he that taketh the teoffment hatn profit by the feoffment, and knoweth that he hath such a rent out of the land, and that this purchase should extinct it, w.'u n by it appeareth that he assented unto the law, whereto he was not compelled, and that is his own act, and his own default so to do, which shall extinct his whole rent as well in con- science as in law. But if he have no profit of the land, or be ignorant that he hath such a rent out of the land, which is called Ignorance of the deed, or if he be ignorant that the law would extinct his whole rent thereby, which is called Ignorance of the law, then methinketh it remaineth in conscience alter the portion. Stud. Ignorance of the law,f or of the deed, helpeth not but in few cases in the law of England.:; Doct. And therefore it must be reformed by conscience, that is to say, by the law of reason. For when the general maxims of the law be in any particular cases against t lie law of reason, as this maxim seemeth to be, because it ex- ceptelh not them that be ignorant, though it be an ignorance invincible ;§ then doth it not agree with the law of reason. Stud. Methinketh that ignorance in this case helpeth little. For when a man buyeth any land, or taketh it of the gift of any other, he taketh it at his peril, so that if the title be no good, ignorance cannot help,|| for the buyer : Ante, 14S. f Douglas Rep. 471 ; J Ante, 77; ;.ost., chap. 46. § lb. || Taiurn c/rttrrc, whether a court of equity will not relieve a purchaser for a valuable consideration, who used all pos-ible means to find out in- 150 Doctor and Student. must beware what he buyeth : and so in this case, if the taking of an acre should extinct the whole rent in con- science, if he were not ignorant, so methinketh it should in like wise extinci it also, though he be ignorant of the law, or of the deed ; for every man must be compelled to take notice of his own title, and out of what land his rent is going, and so methinketh ignorance is but little to be con- sidered in this case. Doct. If a man buy land, or taketh it of the gift of an- other, it is reason that he take it with the peril, though he be ignorant that another hath right ;* for it were not stand- ing with reason that his ignorance should extinct the right of anodier : but in this case there is no doubt of the right ot the land, but all the doubt is how the rent shall be or- dered in conscience, if he that hath the rent take part of the land : and therein is great diversity between him that is ignorant in the law, and him that knoweth the law, and knoweth well also that he hath a rent out of the land, and other. For I put case, he asked counsel of the grantor himself therein, and he saying as he thought, told him, that the taking of the one acre should not extinct the rent but for the portion, and so he thinking the law to be, took the other acre of his gift : is it not reasonable in that case, that the ignorance should save the rent in conscience? Stud. Ves, for there the grantor himself is party to his ignorance, and in manner the cause thereof. Doct. And methinketh all is one if any other had shewed him so, or if he asked no counsel at all ; for methinketh it sufficeth in this case that he be ignorant of the law : for why? it is more hard in this case to prove the rent should be extinct in conscience, tho' he knew it should be extinct in the law, than to prove that it continueth in conscience alter the portion, if he be ignorant; and thou thyself wert of the same opinion, as it appeareth in the beginning ot' ciimb ranees affeeting Ids title, but it afterward proves to be bad through some latent eircumstances vvhieh he eould not well inform himself of. See 2 I. 1525 R. Eq. Ca. 37; Gary's Rep. 132, 133. Ante, [49. Dialogue II. — Chap. 17. 151 this present chapter.* But if the opinion were true, it would he hard to prove but that the said general maxim were wholly against reason, and then it were void. But I have sufficiently answered thereto, as me seemeth, and that it is extinct in the law, and also in conscience, except ig- norance help it to be apportioned. And moreover, foras- much as apportionment is suffered in the law, where part of the land descendeth to the grantee, because no default can be assigned in him : j some think no default can be as- signed in him in conscience, when he is ignorant of the law, or of the deed, though such ignorance do not excuse in the law of the realm. Stud. I am content with thy opinion in his behalf at this time. Chap. XVII. — The fifteenth question of the student. A man granteth a rent-charge out of two acres of land, and after the grantor enfeoffeth H. H. in one of the said two acres to the use of the said H. H. and of his heirs, % and after the said II . Hart, intending to extinct all the rent causeth the said acre to be recovered against him to his own use in a writ of Entry in le post, in the name of the grantee, and ot others, after the common course, the grantee not knowing of it, and by force of the said recovery the other demandants enter, and die living the grantee, so that the grantor is seised of all by the survivor to the use of the said H. H., whether is the said rent extinct in conscience in part or in all, or no part? Doct. I am in doubt of the law in this case. Stud. In what point? Doct. Whether the whole rent be going out of the acre that remaineth in the hands of the grantor, because the grantee cometh to the land by way of recovery ; or that it shall be extinct in law but after the portion, because the Ante, 146. t Litt., sco. 224. J Co. Litt. [48. 152 Doctor and Student. grantee hath not the acre to his own use ; or that the whole rent shall be extinct in the law ? Stud. The rent cannot be whole going out of the acre that the grantor hath :* for this recovery is upon a feigned title ; and the grantor, because he is a stranger to it, shal? be well received to falsify it.f But if the recovery had been upon a true title, then it had been as thou sayest ; if the grantee recover the one acre against the grantor upon the true title, the grantor shall pay the whole rent out of the land that remaineth in his hands. J And as to the use, it maketh no matter to the grantor, as to the law, in whom the use be ; for the possession without the use extinguished the whole rent as against him, in the law, as well as if the possession and use were both joined together in the grantee. Doct. Then methinketh that the said Henry Hart is bound in conscience to pay the grantee the rent after the portion of that acre that was recovered ; for it cannot stand with conscience that he should lose his rent, and have no profits of the land? Stud. Then of whom shall he have the other portion of his rent? Doct. Is the law clear, that the acre that the grantor hath shall be in this case discharged in the law? Stud. I take the law so. Doct. And what in conscience? Stud. As against the grantor, methinketh also it is ex- tinct in conscience, for the reason that thou hast made in the sixteenth chapter. § For it is all one in conscience in this case as against the grantor, whether the recovery were to the use of the grantee or not, especially seeing that the grantor is not privy to the recovery : lor the unity of pos- session is the cause of extinguishment of the rent against the grantor, both in law and conscience, wheresoever the use C<>. Litt. 14S. t Piggot on Rec. 165. ♦Co. Litt. 148. § Ante, 146. Dialogue II. — Chap, i l S3 be.* But if the grantor hath been privy to the cause of the extinguishment, as he was in the case that I g put in the last chapter, where the grantor enfeoffed the grantee of one of the acres to the use of the grantee ;f there it is not extinct in conscience in that acre that remaineth in the hands of the grantor, though it be extincted in the law, because he was privy to the extinguishment himself: but he is not in this case, and therefore it is extinct against him in law and conscience. And therefore melhinketh that the grantee shall in conscience have the whole rent of the said Henry Hart, that causeth the said recovery to be had in his name, lor in him was all the default. But it is to be understood, that in all the cases where it is said before in this chapter, or in the chapter next before, J that the rent is extinct in the law, and not in conscience, that in such case all the rem- edies that the party might first have had for the rent at the Common law by distress, assise, or otherwise, are determined , and the party that ought to have the rent in conscience shall be driven to sue for his remedy by subpoena. Doct. I am content with thy conceit in this matter for this time. Ciiaf. XVIII. — 1 he sixteenth question of the student. Stud. A villein is granted to a man for term of life, the villein purchaseth lands to him and to his heirs, the tenant for term ot life entereth ;§ in this case by the law he shall enjoy the lands to him and to his heirs; whether s all he do so in like wise in conscience? Doct. Methinketh it first good to see whether it may stand with conscience, that one man may claim another to be his villein, and that he may take from him his lands and goods, and put his body in prison it' he will :)| it seemeth he loveth not his neighbour as himself that doth so to him. * Ante, 33. t Ante, 146. ;ib. §Perk-, sec. 94; Co. Litt. 124. || 26 E. 3, c. 24. 154- Doctor and Student. Stud. That law hath been so long used in this realm, and in other also, and hath been admitted so long in the laws of this realm, and in divers other laws also, and hath been affirmed by bishops, abbots, priors ;* and many other men both spiritual and temporal, which have taken ad- vantage by the said laws, and have seized the lands and goods of their villeins thereby, and call it their right in- heritance so to do :f that I think it not good now to make doubt, ne to put it in argument, whether it stand with con- science, or not? And therefore I pray thee, admitting the law in that behalf to stand in conscience, shew me thine opinion in the question that I have made. Doct. Is the law clear, that he that hath the villein but only for term of life, shall have the lands that that villein purchaseth in fee to him and to his heirs? Stud. Yes, verily I take it so. Doct. I should have taken the law otherwise : for if a seigniory be granted to a man for term of life, J and the tenant altourn, and after the land escheat, and the tenant for term of life, entereth, he shall have there none other es- tate in the land than he had in the seifjniorv : and me- thinketh that it should be like law in this case, and that the lord ought to have in the land but such estate as he hath in the villein. Stud. The cases be not alike : for in the case of the es- cheat the tenant for term of life of the seigniory hath the lands in lieu of the seigniory, § that is to say, in the place of the seigniory, and the seigniory is clearly extinct : but in this case he hath not the land in lieu of the villein ;|| for he shall have the villein still as he had before, but he hath the lands as a profit come by means of the villein, which he shall have in like case as the villein had them,1T that is to * Br. Villeinage, pi. 70. f Ante, 29. % Br. Villeinage, pi. 70. § Co. Litt. 99 || Perk , sec. 94. \ See post., cap. 43; Finch Law. 159, Dialogue II. — Chap. 18. 155 say, of all goods and chattels he shall have the whole property, and of a lease for term of years he shall have the whole term, and for term of life he shall have the same es- tate, the lord shall have in the villein during the life of the villein, and of land in fee-simple;* and of an estate-tail that the villein hath, the lord shall have the whole fee-simple, although he had the villein but onlv for term of years, so that he enter or seise according to the law before the vil- lein alien, or else he shall have nothing. | Doct. Verilv. and if the law be so, I think conscience followeth the law therein. For admitting that a man may with conscience have another man to be his villein, the judgment of the law in this case (as to determine what es- tate the lord hath in the land by his entry) is neither against the law of reason nor against the law of God, and there- fore conscience must follow the law of the realm. But I pray thee let me make a little digression, to hear thine opinion in another case somewhat pertaining to the ques- tion, and it is this : If an executor have a villein that his testator had for term of years, and he purchaseth lands in fee, and the executor entereth into the land, what estate hath he by his entry? Stud. A fee-simple, $ but that shall be to the behoof of the testator, and shall be an asset in his hands. § *Co. Litt. 117. f Ante, 29. X Br. Villeinage, pi. 46. § On this chapter I beg leave to offer the following brief observation ; which is, that although villeinage, properly so called, was happily for this countrv, and the cause of civil liberty, abolished by the memorable statute of 12 Car. j. c 24, which we have had occasion to mention in another place; yet there is a proviso in that statute, which declares that it shall not be construed to extend to change or alter any tenure by copy of court roll, or any services incident to that tenure: and from this proviso we may learn, that in the opinion of the legislature copyholds had some connec- tion with the feudal system. Indeed the fact was so; and at this day it may perhaps be said, that copyhold tenure is nothing but pure villeinage divested of its servile appendages by the hand of time. F. X. 15. 25. Custom or prescription is the principal foundation of the immunities which copyholders now enjoy, and is the life of their estates. Co. Com. Co. 204. For though they hold them at the will of the lord like their ancestors the 156 Doctor and Student. Docl. Well then, I am content with thy conceit at this time in this case, and I pray thee proceed to another question. Stud. Forasmuch as it appeareth in this case, and in some other before, that the knowledge of the law of Eng- land is right necessary for the good ordering of con- science ; I would hear thine opinion, if a man mistake the law, what danger it is in conscience for the mistaking of it. Doct. I pray thee put some case in certain thereof that thou doubtest in, and I will with good-will shew thee my mind therein, or else it will be somewhat long, or it can- not be plainly declared, and I would not be tedious in this writing. Chap. XIX. — The seventeenth question of the student. Stud. A man hath a villein for term of life; the villein purchaseth lands in fee,* as in the case of the last chapter, and the tenant for term of lite entereth, and aiter the villein dieth : he in the reversion pretending that the tenant for term of life hath nothing in the land but for term of life of the villein, asketh counsel of one that sheweth him that he hath good right to the land, and that he may lawfully enter, and through that counsel he in the reversion entereth, by reason of the which entry great suits and expenses fol- low in the law, to the great hurt of both parties : what danger is this to him that gave the counsel? Doct. Whether meanest thou that he that gave the counsel gave it willingly against the law, or that he was ignorant of the law ? Stud. That he was ignorant of the law : tor if lie knew the law, and gave counsel to the contrary, I think him bound to restitution, both to him against whom he gave the villeins, yet observe, it is according to the custom of the manor* lb. And while they perform the services which that custom imposes upon them, flight a nd easy as they are compared with the drudgery of pure villeinage in its original state,) theirproperty is secure from the invasions of the lord, they have a permanency in it, and can call it their own. Co. Co. 58. * Perk., sec. 94; ante, 153 Dialogue IJ. — Chap. 19. 157 counsel, and also to his client, (if he would not have sued but for his counsel) of all that they he? damnified by it. Doct. Then will I vet farther ask thee this question ; whether he of whom he asked counsel gave himself to learning and to have knowledge of the law after his capac- ity ? Or that he took upon him to give counsel, and took no study competent to have learning? For if he did so, I think he be bounden in conscience to restitution of all the costs and damages that he sustained to whom he gave counsel, if he would not have sued but through his counsel, and also to the other party. But if a man that hath taken sufficient study in the law mistake the law in some point that it is hard to come to the knowledge of, he is not bounden to such restitution, for he hath done that in him is : but if such a man knowing the law give counsel against the law, he is bound in conscience to restitution of costs and damages, (as thou hast said before) and also to make amends for the untruth.* Stud. What if he ask counsel of one that he knoweth is not learned, and he giveth him counsel in this case to enter, by force whereof he entereth ? Doct. Then be they both bound in conscience to restitu- tion ; that is to say, the party, if he be sufficient, and else the counsellor, because he assented, and gave counsel to the wrong. Stud. But what is the counsellor in that case bounden to him that he gave counsel to? Doct. To nothing : for there was as much default in him that asked the counsel as in him that gave it ; for he asked counsel of him that he knew was ignorant: and in the Other was default for the presumption, that he would t.ike upon him to gne counsel in that he was ignorant in. Stud. But what if he that gave the counsel knew not but that he that asked it had trust in him, that he could and would give him good couns< 1. and that he asked counsel * And it seems that he is liable to answer in an action of disceit 158 Doctor and Student. for to order well his conscience, howbeit that the truth was that he could not so do? Doct. Then is he that gave the counsel bounden to offer to the other amends, but yet the other may not take it in conscience. Stud. That were somewhat perilous ; for haply he would take it, though he have no right to it, except the world be well amended. Doct. What thinkest thou in that amendment? Stud. I trust every man will do now in this world as they would be done to, speak as they think, restore where they have done wrong, refuse money if they have no right to it, though it be offered them, do that they ought to do by con- science, and though that they cannot be compelled to it by no law ; and that none will give counsel but that they shall think to be according to conscience, and if they do, to do what they can to reform it, and not to intermit themselves with such matters as they be ignorant in, but in such cases to send them that ask the counsel to other that they shall think be more cunning than they are. Doct. It were veiy well if it were as thou hast said, but, the more pity, it is not alway so ; and especially there is great default in givers of counsel : for some, for their own lucre and profit, "ive counsel to comfort other to sue that they know have no right, but I trust there be but few of them ; and some for dread, some for favour, some for malice, and some upon confederacies, and to have as much done for them another time to hide the truth. An.l some take upon them to give counsel in that they be ignorant in, and yet when they know the truth will not withdraw that they have misdone, for the)' think it should be greatly to their rebuke ; and such persons follow not this counsel, that saith, " That we have unadvisedly done, let us with good advice revoke again." Stud. And if a man mve counsel in this realm after as o his learning and conscience giveth him, and regardeth the laws of the realm, giveth he good counsel? Doct. If the law of the realm be not in that case against Dialogue II. — Chap. 20. '59 the law of God, nor against the law of reason, he giveth good counsel : for every man is bound to follow the law of the country where he is, so it be not against the said laws ;* and so may the cases be, that he may bind himself to res- titution. Stud. At this time I will no farther trouble thee in this question. Chap. XX. — The eighteenth question of the student. If a man of his mere motion give lands to II. Hart, and to his heirs, by indenture, upon a condition, that he shall yearly, at a certain day, pay to John at Stile out of the same land a certain rent, and if he do not, that then it should be lawful to the said John at Stile to enter, etc., if the rent in this case be not payed to John at Stile, whether may the said John at Stile enter into the lands bv con- science, though he may not enter by the law? Doct. May he not enter in this case by the law, sith the words of the indenture be that he shall enter? Stud. No, verily ; for there is a:i ancient maxim in the law, that no man shall take advantage in a condition, but he that is party or privy to the condition ;f and this man is not party or privy, wherefore he shall have no advantage of it. Doct. Though he can have no advantage of it as party, yet because it appeareth evidently that the intent of the giver was, that if he were not payed of the rent, that he should have the: land, it seemeth that in con- science he ought to have it, though he can not have it by the law. Stud. In many cases the intent of the party is void to all intents, if it be not grounded according to the law \\ and therefore if a man make a lease to another for term of life, and after of his mere motion he confirm eth his estate for ♦Ante, 77. fLitt., sec. 347; Dyer, 6, pi. 2; post. 170. J 2 Vezej, 24S; ante, 65. 160 Doctor and Student. term of life to remain after his death to another, and to his heirs ; in this case that remainder is void in law and con- science : lor by the law there can no remainder depend upon an estate, but that the same estate beginneth at the same time that the remainder doth ;* and in this case the estate began before, and the confirmation enlarged not his estate, nor gave him no new estate. But if a lease be made to a man for term of another man's life, and after the lessor only of his mere motion confirmeth the land to the lessee for the term of his own life, the remainder over in fee ; that is a good remainder in the law and conscience. And so methinketh the intent of the party shall not be re- garded in this case. Doct. And in the first case that thou hast put, methinketh though it pass not by way of remainder of that, yet shall it pass as by the way of grant of the reversion ;f for every deed shall be taken most strong against the grantor, and the taking of a deed in this case is an attornment in itself. Stud. That cannot be, for he in the remainder is not party to the deed, and therefore it cannot be taken by the way of grant of the reversion ; for no grant can be made but to him that is party to the deed, except it be by way of remainder. % And therefore if a man make a lease for term of life, and after the lessor grant to a stranger that the tenant for term of life shall have the land to him, and to his heirs, that grant is void, if it be made only of his mere motion without recompence. And in like wise, if a man make a lease lor term of life, and after grant the reversion to one for term of life, the remainder over in lee, and the tenant attorneth to him that hath the estate for term of life only, intending that he only should have advantage of the grant ;§ his intent is void, and both || shall take advanlag : *2 B. C. 167. |-2 Roll. A br. 56. %2 Roll. Abr.68; Hob. 313; Ilutt. 88. § Co. Litt. 310 || Attornment is now almost rendered unnecessary by statute'. The act of 4 Ann., c 16, s. 9, enacts that all grants or conveyances, by fine or Dialogue II. — Chap. 20. 161 thereof, and the attornment shall be taken good, according to the grant. And so in this case, though the feoffor in- tended, that if the rent were not payed, that the stranger should enter; yet because the law giveth him no entry in that case, that intent is void, and the same stranger shall neither enter into the land by law nor conscience. Docl. What shall then be done with that land, as thou thinkest, alter the condition broken ? Stud. I think the feoffor in this case may lawfully re- enter ; tor when the feoffment was made upon condition that the feoffee would pay a rent to a stranger, in those words is concluded in the law, that if the rent were not paid to the stranger, that the feoffor should re-enter ; for those words, upon condition, imply so much in the law, though it be not expressed. And then when the feoffor went farther, and said that if the rent were not paid, that the stranger should enter, those words were void in the law ; and so the effect of the deed stood upon the first words, whereby the feoffor may re-enter in law and con- science : but if the first words had not been conditional, I would have holden it the greater doubt. Doct. I pray thee put the case thereof in certain with such words as he not conditional, that I may the better per- ceive what thou meanest therein. otherw se, of any manors, rents, reversions, or remainders, shall be effec- tual without the attornment of any of the tenants, but it provides that no tenant shall he prejudiced by payment of rent to any grantor or conusor, or by breach of any condition tor non-payment of rent, before notice shall be given to him of such grant by the conusee or grantee. And the stat- ute 11 (jeo. 1. c. 10. s. 11, after reciting that the possession of estates is rendered very precarious by the frequent and fraudulent practice of tenants in attorning t<> strangers, who claim title to the estates of their respective landlords or lessors, who are thereby put out of the poss JSsion of their respective estates, and put t.> the difficulty of recovering the same al law, enacts that all such attornments shall he void, and the poss ■ ■! al- tered; but it provides that the said act shall not extend to affect any at- tornment made pursuant to any judgment at law. or decree, or order of a court of equity, or made with the privity and consent of the landlord or landlord-, lessor or Lessors, or to any mortgagees after the mortgage is become forfeited. II i 62 Doctor and Student. Chap. XXI. — The nineteenth question of the student. A man maketh a feoffment by deed indented, and by the same deed it is agreed, that the feoffee shall pay to A. B. and to his heirs, a certain rent yearh/ at certain days, and that if he pay not the rent, then it is agreed that A. B. or his heirs, shall enter into the land ; and after the feoffee payeth not the rent ; then the question is, who ought in conscience to have this land and rent? Doct. Ere we argue what conscience will, let us know first what the law will therein. Stud. I think that by the law neither the feoffor ne yet I the said A. B. shall ever enter into the land in this case for non-payment of the rent, tor there is no re-entry in this case given to the feoffor for not payment of the rent, as there is in the case next betore, and the entry that is given to the said A. B. for not payment thereof is void in the law, because he is estrange to the deed, as it appeareth also in the next chapter before.* And therefore methinketh that the greatest doubt in this case is, to see what use this feoff- ment shall be taken. Doct. There appeareth in this case as thou hast put it, no consideration ne recompence given to the feoffor, where- upon an)' use may be derived ; and if the case be so indeed, and the feoffor declared never his mind therein, to what use shall it then be taken? Stud. I think it shall be taken to be to the use of the feoffee, as long as lie payeth the rent : for there is no rea- son why the feoffee should be busied with payment of the rent, having nothing for his labour: ne it may not conven- iently be taken that the intent of the feoffor was so, except he expressed it ; and then it must be taken that he intended to recompence the feoffee for the business that he should have in the payment over, and by the words following his intent it appeareth to be so, as methinketh ; for if the rent were not payed, he would that A. B. should enter, and so * Co. Litt. 213 ; Dyer, 127; ante, 160; Cro. Eliz. 727. Dialogue II. — Chap. 21. 163 it seemeth he intended not to have any use himself. And thus, me seemeth, this case should vary from the common case of uses ; that is to say, if a man seised of land make a feoffment thereof, and it appeareth not to what use the feoffment was made, ne it is not upon any bargain or other recompence, then it shall be taken to be to the use of the feoffor ;* except the contrary can be proved by some bar- gain, or other like : or that his intent at the time of the de- livery of seisin was expressed that it should be to the use of the feoffee, or of some other; and then it shall go ac- cording to his intent : but in this case methinketh it shall be taken that his intent was, that it should first be to the use of the feoffee, for the cause before rehearsed, except the contrary can be proved ; and so that knowledge of the in- tent of the feoffor is the greatest certainty for knowledge of the use in this case, as me seemeth. But when the feoffor goeth farther, and saith, That if the rent be not paid, that then the said A. B. should enter into the land ; then it ap- peareth that his intent was that the rent should cease, and that A. B. should enter into the land : and though he may not by those words enter into the land after the rules of the law, and to have freehold, yet those words seem to be suf- ficient to prove that the intent of the feoffor was that he should have the use of the land :f for silh he had the rent to his own use, and not to the use of the feoffor; so it seemeth he shall have the use ot the land that is assigned to him for the payment of the rent. Doct. But I am somewhat in doubt, whether he had the rent to his own use : for the intent of the feoffor might be, that he should pay the rent for him to some other, or some other use might be appointed thereof by the feoffor. Stud. It" such an intent can be proved, then the intent must be observed : but we be in this case to wit to what use it shall be taken, if the intent of the feoffor cannot be Br. Feoffment to uses, pi. 10; Shop. Touch. 477: And. 37, pi. 95; post. 163. t Post 170, 1 7 J. 164 Doctor and Student. proved :* and then methinketh it. cannot be otherwise taken, but it shall be to the use of him to whom it should be paid. For though it be called a rent, yet it is no rent in law, rte in the law he shall never have remedy for it, though it were assigned to him, and to his heirs, without condition, neither by distress, by assise, by writ of annuity, nor otherwise ; but he shall be driven to sue in the Chancery for his rem- edy :| and then when he sueth in the Chancery, he must surmise that he ouffht to have it bv conscience, and that he can have no remedy for it in the law. And then, sith he hath no remedy to come to it but by the way of conscience, it seemeth it shall be taken that when he hath recovered it, that lie ought to have it in conscience, and that to his own use, without the contrary can be proved : and if the con- trary can be proved, and that the intent of the feoffor was, that he should dispose it for him as he should appoint, then hath he the rent in use to another use, and so one use should be depending upon another use, which is seldom seen, and shall not be intended till it be proved : and so, sith no mat- ter is here expressed, methinketh the rent shall be taken to be to the use of him that it is paid to, and the land in like wise that is appointed to him for not payment of the said rent shall be also to his use : how thinkest thou will con- science serve therein ? Doct. I think that as thou takest the law now, that con- science (in this case) and the law be all one: for the law seercheth the same thing in this case, to know the case that conscience doth, that is to say, the intent of the feoffor. And therefore I would move thee farther in one thing. Stud. What is that? Doct. That sith the intent of the feoffor shall be so much regarded in this case, why it ought not also to be as much regarded in the case that is in the last chapter next belore this, where the words be conditional, and give the feoffor a title to re-enter. For methinketh, that though the feoffor Slicp. Touch. 80; post. 172. t Litt., sec. 345. Dialogue II. — Chap. 22. 165 ma)' in that case re-enter for the condition broken, that yet alter this entry he shall be seised of the land after his entry to the use of him to whom the land was assigned by the said indenture lor lack of payment of the rent, because the intent of the feoffor shall be taken to be so in that case as well as in this. And I pray thee let me know thy mind what diversity thou pattest between them. Stud. Thou drivest me now to a narrow diversity, but yet I will answer thee therein as well as I can. Doc/. But first, ere thou shew me that diversity, I pray thee shew me how uses began, and why so much land hath been put in use in this realm as hath been. Stud. I will with good-will say as methinketh therein. Chap. XXII. — How uses of land first began, and bv what law ; and the cause why so much land is put in use. Uses were reserved by a secondary conclusion of the law of reason in this manner: When the general custom of property, whereby every man knew his own goods from his neighbours, was brought in among the people, it follow- eth ot reason, that such lands and goods as a man had, ought not to be taken from him but by his assent, or by order of the law : and then sith it be so, that every man that hath lands hath hereby two things in him, that is to say, the possession of the land, which after the law of Eng- land is called the frank-tenement, or the freehold, and the other is authority to take thereby the profits of the land ;* wherefore it followeth, that he that hath land, and intend- ed) to give only the possession and freehold thereof to an- other, and keep the profits to himself, ought in reason and conscience to have the profits, seeing there is no law made to prohibit, but that in conscience such reservation may be made.f And so when a man maketb a feoffment to another, and intendeth that he himself shall take the protits ; then 3 c r>. 104 t GiJb - Law oi t ses, 17^. 1 66 Doctor and Student. the feoffee is said seised to his use that so enfeoffed him, that is to say, to the use that he shall have the possession and freehold thereof, as in the law ;* to the intent that the feoffor shall take the profits, f And under this manner, as I suppose, uses of land first began. Doct. It seemeth that the reserving of such use is pro- hibited by the law '.% for if a man make a ieoffment, and reserve the profits, or any part of the profit, as the grass, wood, or such other; that reservation is void in the law: and methinketh it is all one to say, that the law judgeth such a thing, if it be done, to be void, and that the law prohibiteth that the thing shall not be done. Stud. Truth it is, that such reservation is void in the law, as thou sayest :§ and that is by reason of a maxim in the law, that willeth that such reservation of part of the same thing shall be judged void in the law. But yet the law doth not prohibit that no such reservation shall be made, but if it be made it judgeth of what effect it shall be ; that is to say, that it shall be void ; and so he that maketh such reservation offendeth no law thereby, ne breaketh no law thereby, and therefore the reservation in conscience is good. But if it were prohibit by statute that no man should make such a reservation, ne that no feoffment of trust should be made, but that all the feoffments should be to the use of him to whom possession of the land is given ; then the reser- vation of such uses against the statute should be void, be- cause it were against the law : and yet such a statute should not be a statute against reason, because such uses were first grounded and reserved by the law of reason ; but it should prevent the law of reason, and should put away the con- *Gilb. Law of Uses, 17S. f As for example, if a feoffment was made to John at Stile and his heirs, to the use and behoof of William at Stile and his heirs, in this case here- tofore John at Stile had the estate and property in the land; but William at Stile had and was to have the profits in equity. Shep. Touch. 477; jute, 58, 120. \ Co. Litt. 14-:. § Shop. Touch. 78. Dialogue II. — Chap. 11. 167 sideration whereupon the law of reason- was grounded be- fore the statute made. And then to the other question, that is to say, why so much land hath been put in use? It will be somewhat long, and peradventure to some tedious, to shew all the causes particularly : but the very cause why the use remained to the feoffor, notwithstanding his own feoffment or fine, and sometime notwithstanding a recovery against him, is all upon one consideration alter the cause and intent of the gift, fine or recovery, as is aforesaid. DocL Though reason may serve that upon a feoffment a use may be reserved to the feoffor by the intent of the feoffor against the form of his gift, as thou hast said before ; yet I marvel much how an use may be reserved against a fine, that is one of the highest records that is in the law, and is taken in the law of so high effect, that it should make an end of all strifes ;* or against a recovery, that is ordained in the law for them that be wronged to recover their right by. And methinketh, that great inconvenience and hurt may follow, when such records may Su lightly be avoided by a secret intent or use of the parties, and by a nude and bare averment and matter in deed, and specially sith such a matter in deed may be alledged that is not true, whereby may rise great strife between the parties, and great confusion and uncertainty in the law. But nevertheless, sith our intent is not at this time to treat of that matter, I pray thee touch shortly some of the causes why there hath been so many persons put in estate of lands to the use of others as there have been ; for, as I hear say, few men be sole seised of their own land. Stud. There have been many causes thereof, of the which some be put away by divers statutes, and some remain vet.t Wherefore thou shalt understand, that some have put their land in feoffment secretly, to the intent that they that have right to the land should not know against whom to bring * Cruise on Fines, 4; ante, S9- X 2 B. C. 331, 322 : Gilb. Law ot Uses. 72, 73; stat 7 Rie. 2, c. 9; 4 H 4, c. 7; 11 H. 6, c. 31 ; stat< 27 H- S. c. 10. 1 68 Doctor and Student. their action, and that is somewhat remedied by divers stat- utes that give actions against pernors and takers of the profits. And sometime such feoffments of trust have been made to have maintenance and bearing of their feoffees, which peradventure were great lords or rulers in the country :* and therefore to put away such maintenance, treble damages be given bv statute against them that make such feoffments for maintenance. And sometime they were made to the use of mortmain, which might then be made without forfeiture, though it were prohibited that the free- hold might not be given in mortmain ; but that is put away by the statute of R. 2.f And sometime they were made to defraud the lords of wards, reliefs, heriots, and of the lands of their villeins : but those points be put away by divers statutes made in the time of king H. the 7th. Some- time they were made to avoid executions upon a statute- staple, statute-merchant, and recognisance : and remedy is provided for that, that a man shall have execution of all such lands as any person is seised of to the use of him that is so bound at the time of execution sued, in the 19th year of H. 7.+ And yet remain feoffments, fines, and recover- ies in use for many other causes, in manner as many as there did before the said estatute. And one cause why they be yet thus used is, to put away tenancy by the courtesy and titles of dower. § Another cause is, for that the lands in use shall not be put in execution upon a statute-staple, stat- ute-merchant, nor recognisance, but such as be in the hands of the recognisor at the time of the execution sued. And sometime lands be put in use, that they should not be put in execution upon a writ of extendi Jacias advalentiam. And sometime such uses be made that he to whose use, etc., may •Gilb. Law of Uses, 72, 73. t2 B.C. 272; Wood's Inst. 255; Popham, 73; Bac Use of the Law, 153 ; Gilb. Law of Uses, 38. : See stat. 27 II. 8, c. 10 :j Perk., sec. 463; 3 Bac. Abr. 221 ; Sbep. Touch. 479; 1 Co. 131, Chud- leigh'g Case. Dialogue II. — Chap. 22. 169 declare his will thereon :* and sometime for surity of divers covenants in indentures of marriage and other bargains. And these two last articles be the chief and principal cause why so much land is put in use. Also lands in use be not assets neither in a Formcdon, nor in an action of debt against the heir :f ne they shall not be put in execution by an elegit sued upon a recovery, as some men say.f And these be the very chief causes, as I now remember, why so much land standeth in use as there doth :§ and all the said uses be reserved by the intent of the parties understood or agreed between them, and that many times directly against the words of the feoffment, fine, or recovery : and that is done by the law of reason, as is aforesaid. Doc/. May not a use be assigned to a stranger as well as to be reserved to the feoffor, if the feoffor so appointed it upon his feoffment? Stud. Yes, as well, and in like wise to the feoffee, and upon that a free gift, without any bargain or recompence, if the feoffor so will. Doct. What if no feoffment be made, but that a man grant to his feoffee, that from henceforth he shall stand seised to his own use? Is not that use changed, though there be no recompence? Stud. I think yes, for there was an use in esse before * 2 B. C. 32S. 1 1 Cham. Rep. 14S. * Shep Touch. 478; Gilb. Law of Uses, 37. § It was evidently the intention of the legislature when they made the statute 27 II. S, c. 10, to abolish uses by transferring the possession to the use; but the strict construction of that statute defeated the intent of it, and gave rise to trusts of land too tedious to be here enumerated, ex- actly of the same nature as uses were at Common law. Shep. Touch Allen, t 5 : Stile. 40. Of these uses, which may properly be called chan- cery trusts, intails may b.' made, fines levied, recoveries suffered, and hus- bands be tenants by the courtesy. In short, they are governed nearly by the same rules, and liable to every charge in equity which the legal own- ership is subject to in law. 2 Wms. Rep . • | 1, in the case of Sutton against Sutton. They may be aliened, or liable to debt-, to leases and other in- cumbrances. They have not yet indeed been held subject to dower, nor are they liable to escheat to the lord- 170 Doctor and Student. the gift, which he might as lawfully give away, as he might the land if he had it in possession.* Doct. And what if a man being seised of land in fee, grant to another of his mere motion, without bargain or re- compence, that he from thenceforth shall be seised to the use of the other ; is not that grant good ? Stud. I suppose that it is not good ; for, as I take the law, a man cannot commence an use but by livery of seisin, or upon a bargain, or some other recompence.f Doct. I hold me contented with that thou hast said in this chapter for this time ; and I pray thee shew me what diversity thou puttest between those two cases that thou hast before rehearsed in the 20th chapter, and in the 21st chapter of this present book. Stud. I will with good-will. Chap. XXIII. — The diversity betzveen two cases hereafter following, whereof one is -put in the 20th chapter, and the other in the 21st chapter of this present book. The first case of the said two cases is this. % A man maketh a feoffment by a deed indented, upon a condition that the feoffee shall pay certain rent yearly to a stranger, etc., and if he pay it not, that it shall be lawful to the stranger to enter into the land. In this case, I said before in the 20th chapter, that the stranger might not enter, because that he was not privy unto the condition. But I said, that in that case the feoffor might lawfully re-enter by the first words of the indenture, because they imply a condition in the law, and that the other words, that is to say, that the stranger should enter, be void in law and conscience. And therefore I said farther that when the feoffor had re-entered, that lie was seised of the land to his own use, and not to the use of the stranger, though his intent at the making of the feoffment were, that the stranger, after his entry, should Post 171. tShep. Touch. 485 . jPerk., sec. 531; Co. Litt. 214; 2 Inst. 516; ante, 159. Dialogue II. — Chap. 23. 171 have had the land to his own use, if he might have entered by the law. And the cause why I think that the feoffor was seised in that case to his own use, I shall shew thee afterward. The second case is this; a man maketh a feoff- ment in fee, and it is agreed upon the feoffment, that the feoffor shall pay a yearly rent to a stranger, and if he pay it not, that then the stranger shall enter into the land.* In this case I said, as it appeareth in the said twenty-first chapter,f that if the feoffor paid not the rent, that the stranger should have the use of the land, though he may not by the rules of the law enter into the land. And the diversity between the cases methinketh to be this. In the first case it appeareth, as I have said before in the said twentieth chapter, | that the feoffor might lawfully re-enter by the law for not payment of rent ; and then when he entered according, he by that entry avoided the first liverv of seisin, insomuch that after the re-entry he was seised of the land of like estate as he was before the feoffment ;§ and so remaineth nothing whereupon the stranger might ground his use, but only the bare grant or intent of the feoffor, when he gave the land to the feoffee upon condition that he should pay the rent to the stranger, and if not, that it should be lawful to the stranger to enter : for the teoffment is avoided by the re-entry of the feoffor, as I have said before : and as I said in the last chapter, as I suppose, a nude or bare grant of him that is seised of land is not sufficient to begin an use upon. Doct. A bare grant may change an use, as thou thyself agreed in the last chapter : why then may not an use as well begin upon a bare grant? Stud. When a use is in esse, he that hath the use may of his mere motion give it away, if he will, without recom- pence, as he might the land, if he had it in possession :|| * Ante, 16:, 104. t Post. 172; ante, 163. % Ante, 161. § Post. 172, 173. ;i Ante, 169. 172 Doctor and Student. but I take it for a ground, that he cannot so begin an use without livery of seisin, or upon a recompence or bargain. And that there is such a ground in the law, that it may not so begin, it appeareth thus. It hath been alway holden for law, that if a man make a deed of feoffment to another, and deliver the deed to him as his deed, that in this case he to whom the deed is delivered hath no title ne meddling with the land afore livery of seisin be made to him, but only that he may enter and occupy the land at the will of the feoffor.* And there is no book saith that the feoffee in that case is seised thereof, before livery to the use of the feoffee. And in like wise, if a man make a deed of feoffment of two acres of land that lie in two shires, intending to give them to the feoffee, and maketh livery of seisin in the one shire, and not in the other ;f in this case it is commonly holden in books, that the deed is void to the acre, where no jivery is made, except it lie within that view, save only that he may enter and occupy at will, as is aforesaid :$ and there is no book that saith that the feoffee should have the use of the other acre ; for if an use passed thereby, then were not the deed void unto all intents ; and yet it appeareth by the words of the deed, that the feoffor gave the lands to the feoffee, but for lack of livery of seisin the gift was void :§ and so methinketh it is here, without livery of seisin be made ac- cording. But in the second case of the said two cases, the feoffor may not re-enter for non-payment of the rent, and so the first livery of seisin continueth and standeth in effect; and thereupon the first use may well begin and take effect in the stronger of the land, when the rent is not paid unto him according to the first agreement. And so methinketh that in the first case; || the use is determined, because the livery of seisin whereupon it commenced is determined : and that in the second case If the use of the land taketh Sliep. Touch. 2S1. fPcrk., sec. 127; 2 Roll. Abr. 11. X Shop. Touch. 281 ; ante, 171. § Ante, 23. || Ante, 171 • \ Ante, 163, 170. Dialogue II. — Chap. 23. 173 effect in the stranger for not payment of the rent by the grant made at the first liver)-, which yet continueth in his effect : and this methinketh is the diversity between the cases. Doct. Yet, notwithstanding the reason that thou hast made, methinketh that if a man seised of lands make a gift thereof by a mule promise, without any livery of seisin, or recompence to him made, and grant that he shall be seised to his use, that though the promise be void in law, that yet nevertheless it must hold and stand good in conscience, and by the law of reason. For one rule of the law of reason is, That we may do nothing against the truth : and sith the truth is, that the owner of the ground hath granted that he shall be seised to the use of the other, that grant must needs stand in effect, or else there is no truth in the grantor. Stud. It is not against the truth of the grantor in this case, though by the grant he be not seised to the use of the other; but it proveth that he hath granted that the law will not warrant him to grant, wherefore his grant is void. But if the grantor had gone farther and said, That he would also sutler the other to take the profits of the lands without lett or other interruption, or that he would make him es- tate in tin: laud when he should be required : then I think in those cases he were bound in conscience, by that rule of the law of reason that thou hast remembered, to perform them, if he intend to be bounden by his promise ; for else he should go against his own truth, ami against his own promise. But yet it shall make no use in that case, nor in- to whom the promise is made shall have no action in the law upon that promise', though it be not performed :* for it is called in the law a nude, or naked promise. And thus, methinketh, that in the first casef of the' said two cases, the grant is now avoided in the' law by the re-entry of the feoffor, and that the feoffor is not bounden by his grant. neither in law nor conscience : but in that second case he ♦Post. 174; Burr. Rep., part 4, vol. 3. f Ante, 171, 172. Doctor and Student. is bound, so that the use passeth from him, as I have said before. Docl. I hold me content with thy conceit for this time, but I pray thee shew me somewhat more at large what is taken for a nude contract, or naked promise, in the laws of England, and where an action may lie thereupon, and where not. Stud. I will with good-will say as methinketh therein. Chap. XXIV. — What is a nude contract, or naked -prom- ise, after the laws of England, and -whether any action may lie thereon. First, it is to be understood, that contracts be grounded upon a custom of the realm, and by the law that is called Jus gentium, and not directly by the law of reason:* for when all things were in common, it needed not to have con- tracts, but after property was brought in, they were right expedient to all people, so that a man might have of his neighbour that he had not of his own ; and that could not be lawfully but by his gift, by way of lending, concord, or by some lease, bargain, or sale; and such bargains and sales be called contracts, and be made by assent of the par- ties upon agreement between them, of goods or lands, for money, or for other recompence, but only of money usual, for money usual is no contract. And also a concord is properly upon an agreement between the parties, with divers articles therein, some rising on the one part, and some on the other. As if John at Stile letteth a chamber to Henry Hart, and it is farther agreed between them, that the said Henry Hart should go to hoard with the said John at Stile, and the said Henry Hart to pay for the chamber and boarding a certain sum, etc., this is properly called a ( Uncord; but it is also a contract, and a good action lieth upon it. Ilowbeit it is not much argued i:i the laws of England what diversity is between a contract, a concord, a f Ante, 61. Dialogue II. — Chap. 24. 175 promise, a gift, a loan, or a pledge, a bargain; a covenant, or such other. For the intent of the law is to have the ef- fect of the matter argued, and not the terms. And a nude contract is, when a man maketh a bargain, or a sale of his goods or lands, without any recompence appointed for it :* as if I say to another, I sell thee all my land, or else my goods, and nothing is assigned that the other shall give or pay for it ; this is a nude contract, and, as I take it, it is void in the law and conscience.! And a nude or naked promise is, where a man promiseth another to give him cer- tain money such a day, or to build an house, or to do him such certain service, and nothing is assigned for the monev. for the building, nor for the service ; these be called naked promises, because there is nothing assigned why they should be made ; and I think no action lieth in those cases, though they be not performed. Also if I promise to another to keep him such certain goods safely to such a time, and after I refuse to take them, there lieth no action against me for it. But if I take them, and after they be lost or impaired through my negligent keeping, there an action lieth. i Doct. But what opinion hold they that be learned in the law of England in such promises that be called naked or nude promises? Whether do they hold that they that make the promise be bounden in conscience to perform their promise, though they cannot be compelled thereto by the law, or not. Stud. The books of the law of England entreat little thereof, for it is left to the determination of doctors ; and therefore I pray thee shew me somewhat now of thy mind therein, and then I shall shew thee somewhat therein of the minds of divers that be learned in the law of the realm? Doct. To declare the matter plainly alter the saving of doctors, it would ask a long time, and therefore I will touch it briefly, to give thee occasion to desire to hear more •Ante, 175; Dyer, 336. f 2 13. C. 44^; Salk. 129, 24; 1 Roll. Abr. 9, 10; 1 Danv. Abr. 3.:. {Lord Rhviu. 909; 12 Mod. 4S7. 176 Doctor and Student. therein hereafter. First thou shalt understand, that there is a promise that is called an Advozv, and that is a promise made to God ; and he that doth make such a vow upon a deliberate mind, intending to perform it, is bound in con- science to do it, though it be only made in the heart, without pronouncing of words. And of other' promises made to a man upon a certain consideration, if the promise be not against the law, as if A. promise to give B. 20/. be- cause he hath made him such a house, or hath lent him such a thing, or other such like, I think him bound to keep his promise.* But if his promise be so naked, that there is no manner of consideration why it should be made, then I think him not bound to perform it : for it is to suppose that there were some error in the making of the promise. But if such a promise be made to an university, to a city, to the church, to the clergy, or to poor men of such a place, and to the honor of God, or such other cause like, as for maintenance of learning, of the commonwealth, of the service of God, or in relief of poverty, or such other; then I think that he is bounden in conscience to perform it, though there be no consideration of worldly profit that the grantor hath had or intended to have for it. And in all such promises it must be understood, that he that made the promise intended to be bound by his promise ; for else commonly, after all doctors, he is not bound unless he were bound to it before his promise : as if a man promise to give his father a gown that hath need of it to keep him lrom cold, and yet thinketh not to give it him, nevertheless he is bound to give it, for he was bound thereto before. And, after some doctors, a man may be excused of such a promise in conscience by casualty that cometh after the promise, if it be so, that if he had known ot the casualty at the making ot the promise he would not have made it. And also such promises if they shall bind, the)* must be honest, lawful, and possible, and else they are not to b e holden in conscience, though there be a cause, etc. And Tost. 179. Dialogue II. — Chap. 24. 177 if the promise be good, and with a cause, though no worldly profit shall grow thereby to him that maketh the promise, but only a spiritual profit, as in the case before re- hearsed of a promise made to an university, to a city, to the church, or such other, and with a cause, as to the honor of God, there it is most commonly holden that an action upon those promises lielh in the law canon. Stud. Whether dost thou mean in such promises made to an university, to a city, or to such other as thou hast re- hearsed before, and with a cause, as to the honor of God, or such other, that the party should be bound by his promise, if he intended not to be bound thereby yea or nay? Doct. I think nay, no more than upon promises made unto common persons. Stud. And then methinketh clearly, that no action can lie against him upon such promises, for it is secret in his own conscience whether he intended for to be bound or nay. And of the intent inward in the heart, man's law cannot judge, and that is one of the causes why the law of God is necessary, (that is to say) to judge inward things: and it" an action should lie in that ease in the law canon, then should the law canon judge upon the inward intent of the heart, which cannot be, as me seemeth. And therefore, after divers that be learned in the laws of the realm, all promises shall be taken in this manner : that is to say, it he to whom the promise is made have a charge by reason of the promise, which he hath also performed, then in that case he shall have an action for that thing that was promised, though he that made the promise have no worldly profit by it And if a man say to another, heal such a poor man of his disease, or make an highway, ami I will give thee thus much,* and if he do it, I think an action lielh at the Com- mon law.f and moreover, though the thing that he should * Nov's Max. 91 • tThis is not a promise within the statute 29 Car. j. c 3, s. 4. of frauds and perjuries; for in this case the entire credit is given to the person mak- I J 178 Doctor and Student. do be all spiritual, yet it' he perform it, I think an action lieth at the Common law. As if a man say to another, last for me all the next Lent, and I will give thee twenty pounds, and he performeth it; I think an action lieth at the Common law. And likewise if a man say to another, marry my daughter,* and I will give thee twenty pounds ;f upon this promi-e an action lieth, if he marry his daughter. And in this case he cannot discharge the promise though he thought not to, be bound thereby : for it is a good con- tract, and he may have quid pro quo, that is to say, the preferment of his daughter for his money. % But in those promises made to an university, or such other as thou hast remembered before, with such causes as thou hast shewed, that is to say, to the honor of God, or to the increase of learning, or such other like where the parly to whom the promise was made is bound to no new charge by reason of the promise made to him, but as he was bound to before; there they think that no action lieth against him, though he perform not his promise, for it is no contract, and so his own conscience must be his judge whether he intended to be bound by his promise or not. And if he intended it not, then he offended for his dissimulation only ; but if he in- tended to be bound, then if he perform it not, untruth is in him, and he proveth himself to be a liar, which is prohib- ited as well bv the law of God as by the law of reason. And furthermore, many that be learned in the law of Eng- land hold, that a man is as much bounden in conscience by in^ the promise, and he alone is liable to be sued, whereas the undertaking •within the statute signifies a collateral engagement which subjects the par y to an action if the person lor whom he undertakes does not perform the agreement; as if two come to a shop, and one of them contracts for id the seller does not care for trusting him, whereupon the other says, Let him have them, and I will undertake he shall pay you; this is an agreement within the statute, and must be reduced into writing. Ld. Raym. 224, 1085, u >^7 • Fitzgib. 302 ; Salk. 27. * 1 Roll. Abr. 19; Moor, 857. fThis promise is within the statute, and must be in writing. 1 Danv. Abr. 69. It being a contract in consideration of marriage. 1 Str. 34. X Co. Litt. 47. Dialogue II. — Chap. 24. 179 a promise made to a common person, if he intended to be bound by his promise, «as he is in the other cases that thou hast remembered of a promise made to the church, or the clerg) r , or such other : lor they say as much untruth is in the breaking of the one as of the other; and they sav that the untruth is more to be pondered than the person to whom the promises be made. Doct. But what hold they if a promise be made for a thing past, as I promise thee xl. li., for that thou hast builded me such a house, lieth an action there? Stud. They suppose nay,* but he shall be bound in con- science to perform it after his intent, as is before said.f Doct. And if a man promise to give another xl. 1. in re- compence for such a trespass that he hath done him, lieth an action there ? Stud. I suppose nay, and the cause is, for that such promises be no perfect contracts. For a contract is prop- erly where a man for his money shall have by assent of the other party certain goods, or some other profit at the time ot the contract or alter ;$ but if the thing be promised for a cause that is past, by way of recompence, then it is rather an accord than a contract ; but then the law is that upon such accord the thing that is promised in recompence must be paid, or delivered in hand, lor upon an accord there lieth no action. Doct. But in the case of trespass, whether hold they, that he be bound by his promise, though he intended not to be bound thereby ? Stud. They think nay, no more than in the other cases that be put before. Doct. In the other cases he was not hound to that he promised, hut only by his promise : but in this case <>i tres- * But if there had been a precedent request to build the bouse on the part of him who made the promise, the action would lie. although the consideration was executed. Cro. Car. 409; Townsend :■. Hunt. Cro- Eliz. jS:. + Cro. Eliz. 741; 1 Roll. A.br. 11. 12. I j B C. 44-; 1 New Abr. 23 ; 1 Comyn's Digest, 99. 180 Doctor and Student. pass he was bound in conscience, before the promise, to make recompence for the trespass : and therefore it seemeth that he is bound in conscience to keep his promise, though he intended not to be bound thereby. Stud. Though he were bound before the promise to make recompence for his trespass, yet he was not bound to no sum in certain but by his promise : and because that the sum may be too much or too little, and not egal to the tres- pass, and that the part)' to whom the trespass was done, notwithstanding the promise, is at liberty to take his action of trespass if he will ; therefore they hold that he may be his own judge in conscience whether he intended to be bound by ins promise or not, as he may in other cases ; but if it were of a debt, then they hold that he is bound to per- form his promise, in conscience. Docl. What if in the case of trespass he affirmeth his promise with an oath? Stud. Then they hold that he is bound to perform it for saving of his oath, though he intended not to be bound : but if he intended to be bound by his promise, then they say that an oath needed not but to enforce the promise ; for they say, he breaketh the law of reason, which is, that we may do nothing against the truth, as well when he breaketh his promise that he thought in his own heart to be bound by, as he doth when he breaketh his oath, though the offence be not so great, by reason of the perjury. Moreover to that thou sayest, that upon such promises as thou hast rehearsed before, shall lie an action after the law canon ; verily as to that in this realm there can no action lie thereon in the spiritual court, if the promise be of a temporal thing; for a prohibition or a -pramunire facias should lie in that case.* Doct. That is marvel, sith there can no action lie thereon in the king's court, as thou sayest thyself. Stud. That maketh no matter : for though there lie no action in the king's court against executors upon a simple * Br. Praemunire, pi. 16. Dialogue II. — Chap. 25. 181 contract ;* yet if they be sued in that case for the debt in the spiritual court, a prohibition lieth. And in like wise, it" a man wage his law untruly in an action of debt upon a contract in the king's court, yet he shall not be sued tor the perjury in the spiritual court, and yet no remedy lieth for the perjury in the king's courts ;f for the prohibition lieth not only where a man is sued in the spiritual court of such things as the party may have his remedy in the king's court, but also where the spiritual court holdeth plea, in such case where they by the king's pierogative, and by the ancient custom of the realm, ought none to hold. J Doct. I will take advisement upon that thou hast said in this matter till another time, and I pray thee now proceed to another question. Chap. XXV. — The twentieth question of the student. Stud. A man hath two sons, one born before espousals, and the other alter espousals, and the father by his will be- queatheth to his son and heir all his goods : which of these two sons shall have the goods in conscience? Doct. As I said in our first dialogue in Latin, the last chap- ter, the doubt in this case dependeth not in the knowing what conscience will in this case, but rather the knowing which of the sons shall be judged heir, (that is to say) whether he shall be taken for heir, that is heir bv the spiritual law, or he that is heir by the law of the realm, or else that it shall be judged tor him that the father took lor heir.§ Stud. As to that point, admit the father's mind not to be known, or else that his mind was that he should be taken tor heir that should be judged for heir by the law, that in this case it ought to be judged by; ami then 1 pray thee, shew me thy mind therein : for though the question he not directly depending upon the point to see what conscience *' Ante, 135; 2 Cro. 293; F. N. B. 95; Br. Praemunire, pi. 16. t 3 New Abr. 317. J 3 B. C. 1 1 j ; 2 Inst 601, 602. § Perk., sec. 49; 2 Inst 96, 97. i 82 Doctor and Student. will in this case, yet it is right expedient for the well order- ing of conscience, that it be known after what law it shall be judged ; for if it ought to be judged after the temporal law who should be heir, then it were against conscience, if the judges in the spiritual law should judge him for heir that is the heir by the spiritual law, and I think they should be bound to restitution thereby. And therefore, I pray thee, shew me thine opinion, after what law it shall be judged. Doct. Methinketh that in this case it shall be jndged after the law of the church ; for it appeareth that the bequest is of goods : and therefore if any suit shall be taken upon the execution of the will for the bequest, it must be taken in the spiritual court ;* and when it is depending in the spiritual court, methinketh it must be judged after the spiritual law : for of the temporal law they have no knowledge, nor they are not bound to know it, as methinketh ; and more stronger not to judge after it. But if the bequest had been of a chattel real, as of a lease for term of years, or of a ward, or such other, then the matter should have come in debate in the king's court ;f and then I think the judges there should judge after the law of the realm, and that is, that the younger brother is heir : and so methinketh the di- versity of the courts shall make the diversity of judgment. Stud. Of that might follow a great inconvenience, as me seemeth, for it might be such a case that both chattels real and chattels personal were in the will, and then, after thine opinion, the one son shall have the chattels personal, and the other son the chattels real ; and it cannot be conveniently taken, as methinketh, but that the lather's will was, that the one son should have all, and not be divided. Therefore methinketh that he shall be judged for heir that is heir by the Common law, and that the judges spiritual in this case be bound to take notice what the Common law is :$ for sith the things that be in variance be temporal, that is to say, the f. N. B. 102. lb con. 1 Ante, 17, 18. Dialogue II. — Chap. 25. 183 goods of the lather, it is reason that the right of them in this realm shall he determined by the law of the realm. Doct. How may that he? For the judges spiritual know not the law of the realm, ne the) 7 cannot know it as to the most part of it; for much part of the law is in such speech that few men have the knowledge of it, and there is no means, ne familiarity of study between them that learn the said laws; for they be learned in several places, and after divers ways, and after divers manners of teachings, and in divers speeches, and commonly the one of them have none of the books of the other: and to bind the spiritual judges to give judgment alter the law that they know not, ne that they cannot come to the knowledge of it, seemeth not rea- sonable. Stud. They must do therein as the king's judges must do when any matter cometh before them that ought to be judged after the spiritual law, whereof I put divers cases in our first dialogue in English, the sixth chapter;* that is to say, they must either take knowledge of it by their own study, or else they must enquire ot them that be learned in the law of the church, what the law is ; and in like wise must they do. But it is to doubt, that some of them would be loth to ask any such question in such case, or to confess that they are bound to give their judgment after the tem- poral law : and surely they may lightly offend their con- science. Doct. I suppose that some be of opinion that they are not bound to know the law of the realm ; and verily, to my remembrance, I have not heard that judges of the spiritual law are bound to know the law of the realm. Stud. And I suppose that they are not only bound to know the law ol the realm, or to do that in them is to know it. when the knowledge of it openeth the right o\ the mat- ter that dt pendeth before them : hut that they be also bound to know where, and in what case they ought to judge after it : for in such eases they must take the king's law as the •Ante, 18. 184 Doctor and Student. law spiritual to that point, and are bound in conscience to follow it, as it may appear by divers cases, whereof one is this.* Two joint-tenants be of goods, and the one of them by his last will bequeathed all his part to a stranger, and maketh the other joint-tenant his executor, and dieth : if he to whom the bequest is made sue the other joint-tenant upon the legacy as executor, etc., upon this matter shewed, the judges of the spiritual law are bound to judge the will to be void, because it is void by the law of the realm, whereby the joint-tenant hath right to the whole goods by the title of the survivor, and is judged to have the goods as by the first gift, which is before the title of the will, and must therefore have preferment as the eldest title ;f and if the judges of the spiritual court judge otherwise, they are bound to restitu- tion. And by like reason the executors of a man that is outlawed at the time of his death, may discharge themselves in the spiritual court of the performing of the legacies, be- cause they be chargeable to the king;! and yet there is no such law of utlagary in the spiritual law. Doct. By occasion of that thou hast said before, I would ask of thee this question. § If a parson of a church alien a portion of dismes according as the spiritual law hath or- dained, is not that alienation sufficient, though it have not the solemnities of the temporal law? Stud. I am in doubt therein, J| if the portion be under the fourth part of the value of the church ; but if it be to the value of the fourth part of the church or above, it is not sufficient, and therefore was the writ of right of dismes or- dained. IF And if in a writ of right of dismes it be adjudged in the king's court for the patron of the successor of him that alieneth, because the alienation was not made accord- ing to the Common law: then the judges of the spiritual * Ante, iS. fPerk., sec. 500; Litt, sec. 287; 2 Cro. 106. X Ante, iS. §Ib. || F. N. B. 70. ^[ 2 Inst- 364; 15r. Prohibition, pi. 7. Dialogue II. — Chap. 25. law are bound to give their judgment according to the judg- ment given in the king's court. And in like wise, if a par- son of a church agree to take a pension for the tvthe of a mill, or if the pension be to the fourth part of the value of the church, or above, then it must be aliened after the solemnities of the king's laws, as lands and tenements must; or else the patron of the successor of him that alieneth may bring a writ of right of dismes, and recover in the king's court ; and then the judges of the spiritual court are bound to give judgment in the spiritual courts accordingly, as is aforesaid. Doct. I have heard say, that a writ of right of dismes is given by the statute of Westm. 2, and that speaketh only of dismes, and not of pensions. Stud. Where a parson of a church is wrongfully de- forced of his dismes,* and is let by an indicavit to ask his dismes in the spiritual court, then the patron may have a writ of right of dismes by the statute that thou speakest of, for there lay none at the common law ; for the parson had there good right, though he were let bv the indicavit to sue for his right. f But when the parson had no remedy at the spiritual law, there a writ of right of dismes lay for the patron bv the common law, as well of pensions as of dismes ; and some say that in such case it lay of less than of the fourth part, bv the common law, but that I pass over. And the reason why it lay at the common law, if the dismes or pensions were above the fourth part, etc., was this: By the spiritual law the alienation of the parson with the as- sent of the bishop, and ot the chapter, shall bar the suc- cessor without assent of the patron, and so the patron might leese his patronage, and be not assenting thereto : for his incumbent might have no remedy but in the spiritual court, and there he was barred : wherefore the patron in that case shall have his remedy by the common law, where the as- sent of the ordinary and chapter without the patron shall *F. N. B. 70. I j Inst $64; Booth on Real Actions, uj: F. V B. 70. 1 86 Doctor and Student. not serve, as it is said before. But where the incumbent had good right by the spiritual law, there lay no remedy lor the patron by the common law, though the incumbent were let by an indicavit. And for that cause was the said statute made, and it lieth as well by the equity for offerings and pensions, as for dismes. Then, farther, I would think that where the spiritual court may hold plea of a temporal thing, that they must judge after the temporal Jaw, and that ignorance shall not excuse them in that case ;* for by taking of their office they have bound themselves to have knowl- edge of as much as belongeth to their office, as all judges be, spiritual and temporal. But if it were in argument in this case, whether the eldest son might be a priest, because he is a bastard in the temporal law, that should be judged after the spiritual law, for the matter is spiritual. Doct. Yet notwithstanding all the reasons that thou hast made, I cannot see how the judges of the spiritual law shall be compelled to take notice of the temporal law; see- ing that the most part of it is in the French tongue ; for it were hard that every spiritual judge should be compelled to learn the tongue. But if the law of the realm were set in such order, that they that intend to study the law canon might first have a sight of the law of the realm, as they have now of the law civil, and that some books and treatises were made of cases of conscience concerning those two laws, as there be now concerning the law civil and the law canon ; I would assent that it were right expedient, and then reason might serve the better, that they should be compelled to take notice of the law of the realm, as they be now bound in such countries as the law civil is used to take notice of that law. Stud. Methinketh thine opinion is right good and rea- sonable* : but till such an order be taken, they are bound, as I suppose, to enquire of them that be learned in the Common law, what the law is, and so to give their judg- ment according, if they will keep themselves from offence * Het 87. Dialogue II. — Chap. 26. of conscience.* And forasmuch as thou hast well satisfied m}- mind in all the questions before, I pray thee now that I may somewhat feel thy mind in divers articles that be writ- ten in divers books for the ordering of conscience upon the law capon or civil : lor methinketh that there be divers con- clusions put in divers books, as in the sums called summa angelica and summa rosclla, and divers other for the good order of conscience, that be against the law of this realm, and rather bind conscience, than do give any light to it. Doct. I pray thee shew me some of these cases. Stud. I will with . seems con. ;- Inst. 365 198 Doctor and Student. and if they do so, the agreement must stand.* But this must be always except, that if at the first avoidance that shall be after the death of the common ancestor, the king have the ward of the voungest daughter, that then the kino- b\ r his prerogative shall have the presentment, and at the next avoidance the eldest sister, and so by turn. J And it is to understand, that if after the death of the common ancestor the church voideth, and the eldest sister presented together with another of the sisters, and the other sisters every one in their own name or together ; that in that case the ordinary is not bound to receive none of their clerks, but may suffer the church to run into the lapse, as it is said before ;$ for he shall not be bound to receive the clerk of the eldest sister, but where she presenteth in her own name. And in this case where the patrons vary in presentment^ the church is not properly said litigious, so that the ordinary should be bound at his peril to direct a writ to enquire dc juro Patronatus ;|j for that writ lieth where two present by several titles, but these patrons present all in one title, and therefore the ordinary may suffer it to pass, if he will, into the lapse. If And this manner of presentments must be ob- served in this realm in law and conscience. *3 Com. Digest, 196. f Quare impedit, 31 Ed. 3; Br. Prerogative, pi. 21. J Co. Litt. 1S3; Watson's Com. Inc., pi. 227. § 1 Burn's Eel. Law, 19, 12. || The doctrine which seems to be laid down here, viz., that when a church is properly litigious, the ordinary is bound, ex officio, at his peril to award ixjure patronatus, accords with the year book of 34 II. 6, 11. But the better opinion is, that in such case t he ordinary is not obliged to direct a writ to enquire of the right of patronage, unless at the request of the parties at variance. Godolphin Rep- 1S0; Wats. Com. Inc. 113. And therefore if no such request is made, and the church continues ligitious, he may let six months pass, and then he will have a lawful title to collate by lapse. Wats. Com. Ino. 228. But if such demand is made, and the ordi- nary neglects to decree a process to enquire to whom the right belongs, he becomes a disturber. 3 Com. Digest, 203. 1 nob. 317. Dialogue II. — Chap. 31. 199 Chap. XXXI. — How long time the -patron shall have to present to a benefice. Doct. This question is asked in summa angelica, in the title jus patronalits, the 16th article ; and there it is an- swered, That it the patron be a layman, that he shall have lour months, and it he be a clerk he shall have six months. Stud. And by the Common law he shall have six months whether he be a layman or a clerk. And I see no reason why a clerk should have more respite than a layman, but rather the contrary.* Doct. From what time shall the six months be accompte :1 ? Stud. That is in divers manners after the manner of the avoidance;f tor if the church void by death, creation or cession, the six months shall be counted from the death of the incumbent, or from the creation or cession, whereof the patron shall be compelled to take notice at his peril : and if the voidance be by resignation or deprivation, then the six months shall begin when the patron hath knowledge given him by the bishop of the resignation or deprivation. Doct. What if he have knowledge of the resignation or deprivation, and not by the bishop, but by some other? Shall not the six months begin then from the time of that knowledge ? Stud. I suppose that it shall not begin till he have knowl- edge given him by the bishop. % Doct. An union is also a cause of voidance : how shall the six months be reckoned there? Stud. There can be no union made hut the patrons must have knowledge, and it must be appointed who shall pre- sent after that union, that is to say, one of them or both, either jointly or by turn one after another, as the agreement is upon the union ;vj and sith the patron is privy to the avoid- * Finch Law, 90; Watson's Incumbent, i-- |2 B. C. 27S; 4 Rep. 75. X Br. Notice, pi. 25. § Stat. 37 II. S. c. 21 ; 3 Nets. Abr. 4S0: 17 Car. :, c. 3. loo Doctor and Student. ance, and is not ignorant of it, the six months shall be ac- counted from the agreement. Doct. I see well, by the reason that thou hast made in this chapter,* that ignorance sometime excuseth in the law of England ; for in some of the said avoidances it shall ex- cuse the patrons, as it appeareth by the reasons above, and in some it will not : wherefore I pray thee shew me some- what where ignorance excuseth in the law of England, and where not, after thine opinion. Stud. I will with good-will hereafter do as thou sayest, if thou put me in remembrance thereof. But I would yet move thee somewhat farther in such questions as 1 have moved thee before, concerning the diversities between the laws of England and other laws : for there be many more cases thereof that, as me seemeth, have right great need, for the good order of conscience of many persons, to be reformed, and to be brought into one opinion, both among spiritual and temporal. As it is in the case where doctors hold opinion, that the statute of layman, that restrains lib- erty to give lands to the church, should be void ; and they say farther, that if it were prohibit by a statute that no gift should be made to foreigners, that yet a gift made to the church should be good ; for they say that the inferior may not take away the authority ot the superior : and this saying is directly against the statutes, f whereby it is prohibit that lands should not be given in Mortmain. And they say also that bequests and gifts to the church must be determined after the law canon, and not alter the laws and statutes of laymen : and so they regard much to whom the gilt is made, whether to the church, or to make causways, or to common persons, and bear more favour in gifts to the church than to the other. And the law of the realm beholdeth the thing that is given and intended, that il the thing that is given be of lands or goods, that the determination thereof of right belongeth in this realm to the king's laws, whether it be to ■ Ante, 77, 148; post. 253. : Statutes 9 H. 3, c. 36; 7 Ed. 1 ; 13 Ed. 1, c. 32; 34 Ed. 1 ; 15 R. 2, c. 5; 29 H. 8, c 10 Dialocue II. — Chap. 32. 201 spiritual men or temporal, to the church or to other; and so is great division in this behalf, when one preferreth his opinion, and another his, and one this jurisdiction, and an- other that; and that, as it is to fear, more of singularity than of charity. Wherefore it seemeth that they that have the greatest charge over the people, specially to the health of their souls, are most bound in conscience before other to look to this matter, and to do that in them is, in all charity to have it reformed, not beholding the temporal jurisdiction or spiritual jurisdiction, but the common wealth and quiet- ness of the people : and that undoubtedly would shortly follow, if this division were put away, which I suppose verily will not be, but that all men within the realm, both spiritual and temporal, be ordered and ruled by one law in all things temporal. Notwithstanding, forasmuch as the purpose of this writing is not to treat of this matter, there- fore I will no farther speak thereof at this time. Doct. Then I pray thee proceed to another question, that thou sayest thy mind is to c!o. Stud. I will with good-will. Chap. XXXII. — If a man be excommenged, whether he may in any case be assorted without making satisfaction* In the sum called sum ma resell a, in the title absolutio quarta, the second article, it is said, that he that is excom- municate tor a wrong, if he be able to make satisfaction, ought not to be assoiled, but he do satisfy : and that they offend that do assoil him, but vet nevertheless he is assoiled ; and if he be not able to make amends, that he must yet be assoiled, taking sufficient gage to satisfy if he be able here- after, or else that he make an oath to satisfy, it' he be able. And these sayings in many things hold not in the laws of England. Doct. I pray thee shew wherein the law of the realm varieth therefrom. Stud. If a man be excommunicate in the spiritual court for debt, trespass, or such other things as belong to the 202 Doctor and Student. king's crown, and to his royal dignity, there he ought to be assoiled without making any satisfaction, for the spiritual court exceedeth their power in that they held plea in those cases, and the party, if he will, may thereupon have a Praemunire facias ,* as well against the party that sued him as against the judge, f and therefore in this case they ought in conscience to make absolution without any satisfaction, for they not only offended the party, in calling him to answer before them of such things as belong to the law of the realm, but also the king; for he, by reason of such suits, may leese great advantages by reason of the writs originals, judicials, fines, amerciaments, and such other things as might grow to him, if suits had been taken in his courts according to his laws. And according to this saying it appeareth in divers statutes, that if a man lay violent hands upon a clerk, and beat him, that for the beating amends shall be made in the king's court \\ and for the laying of violent hands upon the clerk, amends shall be made in the Court-christian.§ And therefore if the judge in the Court-christian would award the part}- to yield damages for the beating, he did against the statute. || But admit that a man be excommenged for a thing that the spiritual court may award the party to make satisfaction of, as for the not inclosing of the church-yard, or for not ap- parelling of the church conveniently ;H then I think the party must make restitution, or lay a sufficient caution, if :;: 3 Inst. 122. t And a wrongful excommunication by a spiritual judge, may likewise be punished by an action upon the case, or an indictment at the suit of the king. 2 Inst. 623. \ See the Stat. Articuli Cler., 9 Ed. 2, c. 3. £ Mr. Justice Blackstone says, that a person guilty of beating a clergy- man, i- subject to three kinds of prosecution, all ot which may be pur- sued for one and the same offence, viz., an indictment for breach of the king's peace by such assault and battery; a civil action for the special damage BUStained by the party injured, and a suit in the Ecclesiastical Court. 4 15. C 218. ]| 2 Burn's Eel. Law, 48. \ 1 Mod. 194; 1 Vent. 367; Gibs. 1063; 2 Burn's Eccl. Law, 227, 228. • Dialogue II. — Chap. 23- 2 °3 he be able, or he be assoiled ; but if the party oiler sufficient amends, and have his absolution, and the judge will not make him his letters of absolution, if the excommengement be of record in tin: kino's court, then the king may write unto the spiritual judge, commanding him that he make the parly his letters of absolution, upon pain of contempt:* and if the said excommunication be not of record in the king's court, then the party may in such case have his action against the judge spiritual, for that he would not make him his letters of absolution. f But if he be not able to make satisfaction, and therefore the judge spiritual will not assoil him, what the king's laws may do in this case I am some- what in doubt, and will not much speak of it at this time ; but, as I suppose, he may as well have his action in that case for the not assoiling him, as where he is assoiled, and that the judge will not make him his letters of absolution. And I suppose the same law to be, where a man is accursed tor a thing that the judge hath no power to accurse him in, as for debt, trespass, or such other. J Doct. There he may have other remedies, as a Pncniu- nire facias, or such other : and therefore I suppose the other action lieth not for him. Stud. The judge and the party may be dead, and then no Pr&munire lieth ; and though they were alive, and were condemned in Prcemunire^ yet that should not avoid the excommengement : and there I think the action lieth, specially if he he thereby delayed ot" actions that he might have in the king's court if the said excommengement had not been. Chap. XXXIII. — Whether a prelate may refuse a legacy. It is moved in the said sum named rosella, in the title alienatio 20, the nth article, whether a prelate may refuse a legacy? Wherein divers opinions be recited there, i! See post., c. ,56. t 2 Inst. 623. J Ante. 1S0 204 Doctor and Student. g which, as methinketh, had need after the laws of the realm to be more plainly declared. Doct. I pray thee shew me what the law of the realm will therein. Stud. I think that every prelate and sovereign that may only sue and be sued in his own name, as abbots, priors, and such other, may refuse any legacy that is made to the house :* for the legacy is not perfect till he to whom it is made assent to take it : for else, if he might not refuse it, he might be compelled to have lands, whereby he might in some case have great loss. But that if he intend to refuse, lie must, as soon as his title by the legacy falleth, relinquish to take the profits of the thing bequeathed ; for if one take the profits thereof, he shall not after refuse the legacy ; but yet his successor may, if he will, refuse the taking of the profits, to save the house from yielding damages, or from arrearages of rents, if any such be. And like law is of a remainder as is in legacy. For though in the case of a re- mainder, and also of a devise, as most men say, the free- hold is cast upon him by the law, when the remainder or devise falleth : yet it is in his liberty to refuse the taking of the profits, and to refuse the remainder, if he will, as he might do of a gift of lands or goods. | For if a gift be made to a man that refuseth to take it, the gift is void :$ and if it be made to a man that is absent, the gift taketh no effect in him till he assent, § no more than if a man disseise one to another man's use, he to whose use the desseisin is made, hath nothing in the land, ne is no disseisor, till he agree. || And to such disseisins and gifts an abbot or prior may dis- agree, as well as another man. But after some men, a bishop, of a devise or remainder that is made to the bishop and to the dean and chapter, nor a dean and chapter of a Ante, 31. t Br. Done, pi. 7. : ii'-, pi- 30- § But the belter law is, that the property vests in him till he disagrees. Wood's Conv. 118; 1 Salk. 301 || Co. Lilt. 180; Bro., tit. Disseisin, 12 ■ Dialogue II. — Chap. 33- 205 devise or remainder made to them, neyet the master of a col- lege, of such a devise or remainder made to him and to his brethren, may not disagree without the chapter or brethren : for the bishop of such land as he hath with the dean and chapter, ne the dean nor master of such land as they have with the chapter and brethren, may not answer without the chapter and brethren :* and therefore some sav, that if the dean or master will refuse or disclaim in the lands that they have by the devise or remainder, that disclaimer without the chapter or brethren is void. And therefore it is holden in the law, that if a bishop be vouched to warrant, and the tenant bindeth him to the warranty by reason of a lease made to him by the bishop, and by the dean and the chap- ter, yielding a rent, that in that case the bishop may not disclaim in the reversion without the assent of the dean and chapter :t but yet if a reversion were granted to a dean and a chapter, and the dean refuse, the grant is void. And so it appeareth that the dean may refuse to take a gift or grant of lands or goods, or of a reversion made to him and to the chapter ;$ and yet he may not disagree to a remainder or devise. And the diversity is, because the remainder and devise be cast upon him without any assent, whereupon neither the dean nor the chapter by themselves may in no wise disagree without the assent of the other : but a gift or grant is not good to them without they both assent. And in such gilts, as I suppose, an infant may disagree as well as one of full age : but if a woman covert disagree to a grift, and the husband agree, that gift is good.§ Doct. What if the lands in that case of a man and his wife be charged with damages, or be charged with more rent than the land is worth, and the husband d;e ; shall the wile- be charged to the damages or to the rent? Stud, I think nay, it the wife refuse the occupation of the trround after her husband's death. And I think the same *Co. Litt. 103. f Br. Disclaimer, pi. 7; 40 Ed. 3. -7. J Watson's Clergyman's Law, 377: Co. Litt. 263, 264. § Br. Done, pi. 4. 206 Doctor and Student. law to be, if a lease be made to the husband and the wife, yielding a greater rent than the land is worth, that the wife after the husband's death may refuse the lease, to save her from the payment of the rent : and so may the successor of an abbot,* Doct. And if the husband in that case out-live the wife, and then make his executors and die, whether may his ex- ecutors in like wise refuse the lease? Stud. If they have goods sufficient of their testator to pay the rent, I think they may not refuse it : but if they have not goods sufficient of their testator to pay the rent to the end of the term, I think, if the}' relinquish the occupa- tion, they may by special pleading discharge themselves of the rent and the lease ; and if they do not, they may lightly charge themselves of their own goods. f And if a lease be made for term of life, the remainder to an abbot for term of life of John at Stile, reserving a greater rent than the land is worth, and after the tenant for term of life dieth ; the abbot may refuse the remainder, for the cause before rehearsed \% and in case that the abbot assent to the re- mainder, whereby he is charged to the rent during the time that he is abbot, and after he dieth or is deposed, living the said John at Stile, in that case his successor may discharge himself, by refusing the occupation of the land as is afore- said. But I think that if such a remainder were made to a dean, and to the chapter, and the dean agree without the assent of t'ie chapter, that in that case the dean and the chapter may afterwards disagree to the remainder, and that the: act of the dean without the assent of the chapter shall not charge the chapter in that behalf. And thus it appear- eth, though the meaning of the said chapter and article in the said sum be, that a prelate may not disagree unto a legacy for hurting ot the house, yet he may alter the laws *4 Danv. Abr. 714; Br. Abr., pi. 30; 43 Ass. 23. f 1 Vent. 271 ; Salk. 297; I Mod. 1S5, iS. ,. J Br. Abbe. 30; 37 Ass. 17; Br. Waiver de Choses, pi. 20; post. 209; ante, 32. Dialogue II. — Chap. 34. 207 of the realm disagree thereto where it should hurt his house. And it in a Pracrpe quod reddat there be but one tenant, be he spiritual or temporal, and he refuse by way of dis- claimer, in such case where he may disclaim by the law ;* there the land shall vest in the demandant: and if there be two tenants, then it shall vest in his fellow, if he will take the whole tenancy upon him, or else it shall vest in the de- mandant. But if an abbot or layman refuse the taking of the profits, and shew a special cause why it should hurt him, if he do assent, and be thereby discharged, as is said before ; in whom the land shall then vest it is more doubt, whereof I will no farther speak at this time. And thus it appeareth bv divers of the cases that be put in this chapter, that he that is ignorant in the law of the realm shall lack the true judgment of conscience in many cases. For in man}' of these cases what may be done therein by the law, must also be observed in conscience, etc. Chap. XXXIV. — Whether a gift made under a condition be void, if the sovereign only break the condition. In siinnna rosella, in the title alienatio, the 12th article, is asked this question, Whether a gift made under a certain form mav be voided or revoked, because the prelate or sovereign onlv did break the lorm? And it is there an- swered, That it may not, for that the deed of the prelate only sought not to hurt the church : and if those words {under a manner) be understood oi a gift upon condition, as they seem to be, then the said solution holdeth not in this realm neither in the law nor conscience. Doct. What is then the law of England if a man infeoff an abbot by dce\\ indented, Upon condition that if the abbot pay not to the feoffor a certain sum of money at such a day. that then it shall be lawful to the feoffor to re-enter, and at that day the abbot faileth of his payment; may the feoffor lawfully re-enter, and put out the abbot? *Co Litt. 362. 2o8 Doctor and Student. Stud. Yes, verily, for he has no right to the land but by the gift of the feoffor, and his gift was conditional ;* and therefore if the condition be broken, it is lawful by the law of England for the feoffor to re-enter and to take his land again, and to hold as in his first estate : by which re-entry after the laws of the realm, he disproveth the first livery of seisin, and all the mesne acts done between the first feoff- ment and the re-entry. f And it forceth little in the law, in whom the default be that the condition was not performed, whether in the abbot, or in his covent, or in both, or in any other person whatsoever he be, except it be in the feoffor himself. And it is great diversity between a clear gift made to an abbot without condition, and where it is made with condition : for when it is made without condition, the act of the abbot only shall not by the Common law disherit the house, but it be in very few cases. But yet upon divers statutes the sufferance ot the abbot only may disherit the house, as by his cesser, or by levying a cross upon a house against the statute thereof made, in which case the house thereby shall leese the land : and some say that by the Common law upon his disclaimer in avowry a writ ot right of disclaimer lieth. But if the gift be upon condition, it standeth neither with law nor conscience that the abbot should have any more perfect or sure estate than was given unto him : and therefore as the said estate was made to the house upon condition, so that estate may be avoided for not performing of the condition. And I think verily, that this I have said is to be holden in this realm both in the law and conscience, and that the decrees of the church to the con- trary bind not in this case. But if the lands be given to an abbot, and to his covent, to the intent to find a lamp, or to give certain alms to poor men ; though the intent be not in these cases fulfilled, yet the feoffor nor his heir may not re-enter ; for he reserved no re-entry by express words : ne in the words, when he said, to the intent to find a lamp, or * Shep. Touch. 114. t4Rep. 120; Plow. 186. Dialogue II. — Chap. 2S- 2 °9 to give alius, etc., is implied no re-entry:* lie the feoffor nor his heirs shall have no remedy in such cases, unless it be within the case of the statute of Westminster the second, f that giveth the Cessavit de Cantaria.% Chap. XXXV. — Whether a covenant made upon a gift to the ehurch, that it shall not be aliened, be good. In the said sum, called summa rosclla, the said title alienatio, the 13th article, is asked this question, Whether a covenant made upon a gift to the church, that it shall not be aliened, be good? And the same question is moved again in the said summa called rosella, in the title conditio, the first article, and in summa angelica, in the title donatio prima, the fifty-first and fifty-second articles. And the in- tent of the question the reis, Whether notwithstanding that the condition be good to some alienations, whether that yet it be good to restrain alienations for the redemption of them that be in captivity under the infidels, or for the greater ad- vantage of the house? And though the better opinion be there, that the condition may not be broken for redemption ot them that be in captivity; yet it is in manner a whole opinion that it may be sold for the greater advantage to the house ; for it is said there, that it may not be taken but that the intent of the giver was so; and therefore they call the condition that prohibiteth it to be sold conditio tnrpis, that is to say, a vile condition ; wherefore they regard it not. But verily, as I take it. if a condition may restrain any manner of alienations, then it shall as well restrain alienations for the two causes before rehearsed, as for any other causes ; and though methinketh that the condition is good, and after ♦Wood's Inst. 140; Co. Litt. J04; 1 Roll. Abr. 407; Reg. 238; 2 Inst. 460; F. N B. 4S1, 4S3; 3 Black. Com 232. t ; ; Ed 1. c. 41. JN. B. Since the suppression of religious houses, the laws relating to ahbots and priors, which make so conspicuous a figure in our old books, are become quite abolished. See ante. 3:- Consequently the matter of which this chapter is composed cannot now come into use. 14 210 Doctor and Student. the law of the realm, that upon gifts to the church aliena- tion is restrained ; yet I shall touch one reason that is made to the contrary, that is this : There is a clear ground in the law,* that if a ieoffment be made to a common person in fee, upon condition that the feoffee shall not alien to no man ;f that condition is void, because it is contrary to the estate of a fee- simple, lo bind him that hath the estate that he should not alien if he list. X And some say that an abbot that hath lands to him and to his successors, hath as high and as perfect a fee-simple as hath a layman that hath land to him and to his heirs ; and therefore they say, that it is as well against the law of the realm to prohibit that the abbot shall not alien, as it is to prohibit a layman thereof. And though it be therein true as they say, as to the highness of the estate, yet methinketh there is a great diversity between the cases concerning their alienations. For when lands be given in fee-simple to a common person, the intent of the law is that the feoffee shall have power to alien, and if he do alien, it is not against the intent of the law, ne yet against the intent of the feoffor ; but when lands be given to an abbot and to his successors, the intent of the law is, and also of the giver, (as it is to presume) that it should remain in the house for ever; and therefore it is called Mortmain, that is to say, a dead hand,§ as who saith, that it shall abide there ahvay as a thing dead to the house. And therefore, as I suppose, the law will sutler that condition to be good, that is made to restrain that such Moi'tmain should not be aliened :|| and that yet it may prohibit the same condition to be made upon a feoffment made in fee-simple to a man and to his heirs :H for that is the most high, the most free, and the most pure »2 C B. 157. t Ante, S6, 63. J Co. Lilt. S, 94. § If the reader wishes to be further acquainted with the doctrine of Mort- main, and the several statutes made for restraining it, he may consult Doc- tor Burn's Eccl. Law, title Mortmain, and the 2d vol. B. C. 268, where the subject is discussed in a masterly manner. || Co. Litt. 223; Wood's Conv. 277. ^ Litt., sec. 11. Dialogue II. — Chap. 35. 211 estate that is m the law. But the law suffereth such a con- dition to be made upon a gift in tail,* because the statute prohibiteth that no alienation should be made thereof.f And then, as the law suffereth such a condition upon a gift in Mortmain, that is to say, that he shall not be aliened, to be good ; so it judgeth the condition also accord- ing to the words : that is to saw if the condition be general, that they shall not alien to no man, as this case is, that it shall be taken generally according to the words, and it shall not be taken that the intent of the giver was otherwise than he expressed in his gitt : though percase if he were alive himself, and the question were asked him, whether he would be contented it should be aliened for the said two causes or not, he would sav yea ; but when he is dead no man hath authority to interpret his gilt otherwise than the law suffereth, nor otherwise than the words of the m(t be. And if the condition be special, that is to say, that the land shall not be aliened to such a man or such a man, then the condition shall be taken according to the words, and then they ma) T be aliened as for that condition to any other but to them to whom it is expressly prohibited that the land should not be aliened to.i And if the lands in that case be aliened to one that is not excepted in the condition, then he may alien the land to him that is first excepted without breaking of the condition ; for conditions be taken strictly in the law, and without equity. § And thus methinketh, that because the said condition is general, and restraineth all alienations, that it may not be aliened neither by the law of the realm, ne yet by conscience, no more for the said two causes, than it may lor any other cause. And this Shep. Touch. 126. 1 This must ho understood of an alienation, by which the estate is dis- continued tortiously, as a feoffment in lee, or a line at Common law, for 't is clear that tenant in tail, notwithstanding the condition, may alien by a line according to the statute 4 II. 7, or by Common recovery. 1 Burr. 84; Co. Litt 2:4; ante, S6. % Litt., sec. 361 ; Wood's Conv. 276. § Co. Litt. 205. 212 Doctor and Student. case must of necessity be judged after the rules and grounds of the law of the realm, and after no other law, as me seemeth. Chap. XXXVI. — If the 'patron ■present not within six months, who shall present? In the same sum called summa rosella, in the title bene- Jicium, in principio, it is asked, if the patron present not within six months, who shall present, and within what time the presentment must be made? And it is answered there, that if the patron present not within six months, that the chapter shall have six months to present ; and if the chap- ter present not within six months, that then the bishop shall haveothersix months ; and if he be negligent, then the metro- politan shall have other six months ; and if he present not, then the presentment is devolute to the patriarch ; and if the metropolitan have no superior under the pope, then the presentment is devolute to the pope. And so, as it is said there, the archbishop shall supply the negligence of the bishop, if he be not exempt ;* and if he be exempt, the pre- sentment immediately shall fall from the bishop to the pope. And, as I suppose, these diversities hold not in the laws of the realm. Docl. Then, I pray thee, shew me who shall present by the laws of the realm, if the patron do not present within six months. Stud. Then for default of the patron the bishop shall present, unless the king be patron ; and if the bishop pre- sent not within six months, then the metropolitan shall pre- sent, whether the bishop be exempt or not : j and if the metropolitan present not within the lime limited by the law, then there be divers opinions who shall present, for some say the pope shall present, as it is said before, and some say the king shall present .% Ante, iSS. f God. 242. \ Watson's Com. Inc., c. 12, pp. 114, 115, 116. Dialogue II. — Chap. 36. 213 Doct. What reason make they that say the king should present in that case? Stud. This is their reason ; they say that the king is pa- tron paramount of all the benefices within the realm.* And they say farther, that the king and his progenitors, kings of England, without time of mind, have had authority to determine the right of patronages in this realm in their own courts, and are bound to see their subjects have right in that behalf within the realm, and that in that case from him lieth no appeal. And then they say, that if the pope in this case should present, that then the king should not only leese his patronage paramount, but also that he should not sometime be able to do right to his subjects. Doct. In what case were that? Stud. It is in this case : The law of the realm is, that if a benefice fall void, then the patron shall present within six months; and if he do not, that then the ordinary shall present :f but yet the law is farther in this case, that if the patron present before the ordinary put in his clerk, that then the patron of right shall enjoy his presentment ; and so it is though the time should fall after to the metropolitan, or to the pope. \ Ami if the presentment should fall to the pope, then though the advowson abode still void, so that the pa- tron might of right present, yet the patron should not know to whom he should present, unless he should goto the pope, and so he should fail of right within the realm. Ami if percase he went to the pope, and presented an able clerk unto him, and vet his clerk were refused, and another pat in at the collation of the pope, or at the presentment of a stranger : yet the patron could have no remedy tor the wrong within the realm, lor the incumbent might abide still out of the realm. And therefore the law will suffer no tide in this case to fall to the pope.§ And they say, that for a 1 Burn's Eccl. 126; Hob. 143. f Hob- 15 \ ; Kelw =;<>. X 2 Inst 273; j r>. e". --77: Br. Qua. Imp., pi. 131: Ilutt. 24: Hob. 1535 Moor. 900. § 30 Ass. 19; Fitzh. Excom.j pi. 10; Roll. Abr. SS3. 214 Doctor and Student. like reason it is, that the law of the realm will not allow an excommencement that is certified into the kind's court un- der the pope's bulls :* for if the party offered sufficient amends, and yet could not obtain his letters of absolution, the king should not know to whom to write for the letters of absolution, and the party could not have right; and that the law will in no wise suffer. Doct. The patron in that case may present to the ordinary, as long as the church is void ; and if the ordinary accept him not, the patron may have his remedy against him within this realm. But if the pope will put in an incumbent before the patron present, it is reason that he have the pre- sentment, as me seemeth, before the king. Stud. When the ordinary hath surcessed his time, J he hath lost his power as to the presentment, specially if the collation be devolute to the pope.| And also when the presentment is in the metropolitan, he shall put in the clerk himself, and not the ordinary. And so there is no default in the ordinary, though he present not the clerk of the patron, if his lime be past; and so there lieth no remedy against him for the patron. Doct. Though the incumbent abide still out of the realm, yet may a J^jiarc Im-pcdit lie against him within the realm : and if the incumbent make default upon the distress, and appear not to shew his title, then the patron shall have a writ to the bishop according to the statute, and so is not wi lli out remedy. Stud. But in this case it cannot be summoned, attached, nor distrained, within the realm. Doct. He may be summoned by the church, as the ten- ant may in a writ of right of advowson.§ Stud. There the advowson is in demand, and here the * Nor will it allow any bulls to be obtained from Rome, or to be used or put in use by any person on pain of a praemunire, or high treason. See th vcral statutes on this bead in 3 Bac. Abr., title Praemunire. -j Ante, 212. J 2 Roll. Abr. 368. § 11 II. 6, 3, b. Dialogue II. — Chap. 36. 215 presentment is only in debate ;* and so he cannot be sum- moned by the church here, no more than if it were in a writ of annuity, and there the common return is, quod Clcricus est beneficiatuS) uon kabens Laicum fcod, ubi potest siidi- moneri. And though he mird- ing to die ancient right of his crown, o( all his advowsons that be ot his patronage ought to present, ami in like wise other patrons ot' benefices ol t eir presentment : am! the pleas oi the right of presentments oi benefices within this realm belong to the king and his crown. f Ami these titles Watson's Clergyman's Law, 120; 2 15. C. ^77- | Ante, J 15. 218 Doctor and Student. cannot be taken from the king and his subjects but by their assent; and the law that is made therein to put away the title bindeth not in this realm. And over that before the statute of 25 Ed. 3, there was a great inconvenience and mischief by reason of divers provisions and reservations that the pope made to the benefices in this realm, contrary to the old right of the king, and other patrons in this realm, as well to the archbishopricks, bishopricks, deanries and abbies, as to other dignities and benefices of the church. And many times aliens thereby had benefices within the realm that understood not the English tongue, so that they could not counsel ne comfort the people when need re- quired ; and by that occasion great riches was conveyed out of the realm. Wherefore, to avoid such inconveniences, it was ordained by the said statute, that all patrons, as well spiritual as temporal, should have the presentments freely : and in case the collation or provision were made by the pope in disturbance of any spiritual person, that then for that time the king should have the presentment; and if it were in disturbance of any lay patron, that then if the pa- tron presented not within the half-year after such voidance, nor the bishop of the place within a month alter the half- year, that then the king should have also the presentment, and that the king should have the profits of the benefices so occupied by provision, except abbies and priories, and other houses that have college and covent, and there the college and covent, to have the profits. And because the statute is general, and excepteth no such benefices as shall void in the court of Rome, or in such other place as before appeareth, therefore they be taken to be within the pro- vision of the said statute, as well as the benefices that void within the realm : ami all provisors and executors of the said collations and provisions, and all their attornies, nota- ries and mainlainers, shall be out of the protection of the king, and shall have like: punishment as they should have for executing of benefices voiding within the realm.* * Sec likewise slat. 38 Ed. 3, st. 2 ; 12 R. 2, c. 15 ; 13 R. 2, st. 2 ; 7 R. 2, c. 12, and 16 R. 2, c- 5. Dialogue II. — Chap. 38. 219 Doct. But I cannot see how the said statute may stand with conscience, that so far restrained the pope of his Lib- erty, which as me seemeth, he ought in this case of right to have. Stud. Because (as I suppose) that patrons ought of right to have their presentments under such manner as they claim them in this realm, as I have said before, and as in the 26th chapter of this book appeareth more at large. Also foras- much as it appeareth evidently, that great inconvenience followed upon the said provisions, and that the said statute was made to avoid the same, which sith that time hath been suffered by the pope, and hath been alway used in this realm without resistance, it seemeth that the said statute should therefore stand with good conscience. Chap. XXXVIII. — If a house by chance fall upon a horse /hat is borrozved, zvho shall bear the loss? In the said sum called summa rosclla, the said title casus J'or/uftits, in the beginning, is put this case :* If a man lend another a horse, which is called there a deftos/tum, and a house by chance lalleth upon the horse, whether in that case Ih- shall answer tor the horse ? And it is answered there, that if the house were like to fall, that then it cannot betaken as a chance, but as the default of him that had the horse delivered to him : hut if the house were strong, and ol likelihood, and by common presumption, in no danger of falling, but that ii fell by a sudden tempest, or sucli other Casualty, thai then it shall be taken as a chance, and he that had the keeping of the horse shall be discharged. And though tins diversity agreeth with the laws of the realm, yet tor the more plainer declaration thereof, and tor the more like cases and chances that may happen to goods, that a man hath in his keeping that he not his own, I shall add a little more thereto that shall be somewhat necessary, as methinketh, to the'ordering of conscience. First, a man * See William Jones, Essay on Bailments, 6S. 220 Doctor and Student. may have of another by way of loan or borrowing money, corn, wine, and such other things, where the same thing cannot be delivered if it be occupied, but another thing of like nature and like value must be delivered for it ; and such things he that the} r be lent to, may by force of the loan use as h.s own, and therefore if they perish, it is at his jeopard}' ; and this is most properly called a loan. Also a man may lend to another a horse, an ox, a cart, or such other things as may be delivered again, and they by force of that loan may be used and occupied reasonably in such manner as they were borrowed for, or as it was agreed at the time of the loan that they should be occupied : and if such things be occupied otherwise than according to the intent of the loan, and in that occupation they perish, in what wise soever they perish, so it be not in default of the owner, he that borrowed them shall be charged therewith in law and conscience :* and if he that borrow them occupy them in such manner as they were lent for, and in that oc- cupation they perish in default of 'him that they were lent to, then he shall answer for them : and if they perish not through his default, then he that owneth them shall bear the loss. Also if a man have goods to keep to a certain day, for a certain recompence for the keeping, he shall stand chargedor not charged after as default or no default shall be in him, as before appeareth : and so it is if he have nothing for the keep- ing. But if he have lor the keeping, and make a promise at the time ot the delivery, to redeliver them safe at his peril, then he shall be eharged with all chances that may fall. But if he make that promise, and have nothing for keeping, I think he is bound to no such casualties, but that be wilful and his own default, for that is a mule or a naked promise, whereupon, as I suppose, no action lieth.f Also if a man find goods ot another, if they be after hurt or lost by wilful negligence, he shall be charged lo tin- owner: but if they * 2 B. C 4.S4; Lord Ruym. 915. ■; Hargrave's edition of Coke upon Littleton, 89,90; Lord Raym. 909; 12 Mod. 4S7 ; Sir William Jones on Bailment, 45; Ow. 141; I Leon, 224; 1 Cro. 219 Dialogue II. — Chap. n>9' <1 - 1 be lost by other casualty, as if they be laid in a house tha J by chance is burned, or if he deliver them to another to keep, that runneth away with them, I think he is discharged. And these diversities hold most commonly upon pledges, or where a man hireth goods of his neighbour to a certain day for certain money.* And many other diversities be in the law of the realm, what shall be to the jeopard}' of the one, and what of the other, which I will not speak ot at this time. And by this it may appear, that it is commonly holden in the laws of England, if a common carrier go by the ways that be dangerous for robbing, or drive by night, or in other inconvenient time, and be robbed ;| or if he overcharge a horse whereby he falleth into the water, or otherwise, so that the stuff is hurt or impaired ; that he shall stand charged for his misdemeanor : and if he would percase refuse to carry it, unless promise were made unto him that he shall not be charged for no misdemeanor that should be in him, the promise were void, for it were against reason and against good manners, and so it is in all other cases like. And all these diversities be granted by secondary conclusions derived upon the law of reason, without an) r statute made in that behalf. And peradventure laws, and the conclusions therein, be the more plain, and the more open. For it' any statute were made therein, I think verily more doubts and questions would arise upon the statute, than doth now when they be only argued and judged after the Common law. Chap. XXXIX. — If a friest have won much goods by saying of moss, whether he max give those goods, or make a will of them. In the said sum called summit rosella. in the tide clerieus quartus, the 3d article, is asked this question : If a priest have won much goods by saying oi mass,$ whether he * Sir William Jones on Bailment, 7S. t Noy's Max. 9J. {Seethe Statutes 2$ Eliz., e. 1, s. 4, 9. 10, II, and 11 and 12 W., c. 4, s 3, 5, and 3 J., c. 5, s. 1, against saving and hearing mass. 222 Doctor and Student. may give those goods, or make a will of them? Whereto it is answered there, that he may give them, or make a will of them, specially when a man bequeaths money for to have masses said for him.* And the like law is of such things as a clerk winneth by the reason of an office : for it is said there, that such things come to him by reason of his own person. Which sayings I think accord with the law of the realm. But forasmuch as the said article, and in divers other places of the said chapter, and in divers other chapters of the said sum, is put great diversity between such goods as a clerk hath by reason of his church, and such goods as he hath by reason of his person ; and that he must dispose such goods as he hath by reason of his church in such manner as is appointed by the law of the church, so that he may not dispose them so liberally as he may the goods that come by reason of his own person : therefore I shall a little touch what spiritual men may do with their goods after the law of the realm. jFtrst, A bishop, of such goods as he hath with the clean and chapter, he may neither make gift nor bequest ;f but of such goods as he hath of his own by reason of his church, or of the gift of his ancestors, or of any other, or of his patrimony, he may both make gifts and bequests lawfully. And an abbot of the goods of his church may make a gift, and that gift is good as to the law : but what it is in con- science, that is after the cause and intent and quality of the gift. For if it be so much that it notably hurteth the house or the covent, or if he give away the books or the chalices, or such other things as belong to the service of God, he ofl'ench th in conscience \\ and yet he is not punishable in the law, ne yet by sabpccna, after some men, ne in none otherwise but by the law of the church, as a waster of the goods of his monastery. But nevertheless I will not fully * Such a bequest as this would now be superstitious and void. Duke's Charitable Uses, 106. fSwin. on Wills, 107; Shep. Touch. 452; Perk., sec. 497 ; 1 Roll. Abr. 60S. JAnte, 32. Dialogue II. — Chap. 39. 223 hold that opinion, as to that that belongeth necessarily to the service of God, whether any remedy lie against him or not, but remit it to the judgment of other.* And of a dean and chapter, and a master and brethren, of goods that they have to themselves, and also of goods that they have with the chapter and brethren the same diversity holdeth, as ap- peareth before of a bishop and the dean and chapter ; except that in the case of a master and brethren the goods shall be ordered as shall be assigned by the foundation. And more- over, of a parson of a church, vicar, or chantry priest, or such other, all such goods as they have, as well such as they have by reason of the parsonage, vicarage, or chaun- try, as that they have by reason of their own person, they may lawfully give and bequeath where they will after the Common law : and if they dispose part among the parish- ioners, and part to the building of churches, or give part to the ordinary, or to poor men, or in such other manner, as it is appointed by the law of the church, they offend not therein, unless they think themselves bounden thereto by duty, and by authority of the law of the church, not regard- ing the king's laws :f for if they do so, it seemeth they resist the ordinance of God, which hath given power to princes to make laws. But there, as the pope hath sovereignty in temporal things as he hath in spiritual things, there some say that the goods of priests must in conscience be disponed as is contained in the said sum. But that holdeth not in this realm ; for the goods of spiritual men be temporal in what manner soever they come to them, and must be ordered after the temporal law, as the goods of the tem- poral men must be. Howbeit, if there were a statute made in this case of like effect in many points as the law of the church is, I think it were a right good and a profit- able statute. *I Roll. Abr. 60S; Wood's Conv. 795; Swinburne on Wills, 107. t Duke's Charitable Uses, 10S, 109. 224 Doctor and Student. Chap. XL- — Who shall succeed a clerk that dicth intes- tate? In the said sum, called rosclla, in the chapter clcricus quart us, the 7th article, is asked this question, Who shall succeed to a clerk that dieth intestate? And it is answered, That in goods gotten' by reason of the church, the church shall succeed ;* but in other goods his kinsmen shall suc- ceed after the order of the law, and if there be no kinsman, then the church shall succeed. And it is said farther, That goods gotten by a canon secular by reason of his church or prebend shall not go to his successor in the prebend, but to the chapter. f But where one that is beneliced is not of the congregation, but he hath a benefice clearly separate, as if he be a parson of a parish-church, or is a president, or an archdeacon not beneficed b} r the chapter, then the goods gotten by reason of his benefice shall go to his suc- cessor, and not to the chapter. And none of these say- ings hold place in the laws of England. Doct. What is then the law, if a parson of a church or a vicar in the country die intestate, or if a canon secular be also a parson, and have goods by reason thereof, and also by a prebend that he hath in a cathedral church, and he die intestate, who shall have his goods? Stud. At the Common law the ordinary in all these cases may administer the goods, and after he must commit ad- ministration to the next faithful friends of him that is dead intestate that will desire it, as he is bound to do where lay- men that have goods die intestate. % And if no man de- sire to have administration, then the ordinary may admin- ister^ and see the debts payed : and he must beware that :;: ' Ante, 222. t Swinb. 107. % Swinb. 107; vide the Statutes 31 Ed. 3, c. 11, and 21 II. 8, c. 5; B. C. ? 2 vol. 511. § It is usual for the ordinary in case none of the friends or creditors of the deceased will administer to his effects, to commit administration to Dialogue II. — Chap. 40. 225 he pay the debts in such order as is appointed in the Com- mon law : tor if he pay debts upon simple contracts before an obligation, he shall be compelled to pay the debt upon the obligation of his own goods, if there be not goods suf- ficent of him that died intestate.* And though it he suf- fered in such case that the ordinary may pay pound and poundlike, that is, to apportion the goods among the debtors alter his discretion, yet by the rigour of the Common law he might be charged to him that can first have his judgment against him. J And furthemore, by that is said before in the last chapter it appeareth, that if a bishop that hath goods of his bishoprick or of his patrimony, or a master of a col- lege, or a clean, of goods that they have of their own only to themselves, die intestate, that the ordinary shall commit administration thereof, as before appeareth :t and if they make executors, then the executors shall have the ministra- tion thereof. But the heirs nor the kinsman, by that reason only that they be heirs or of kin to him that is deceased, shall have no meddling with his goods, § except it be by custom of some countries, where the heirs shall have heii looms, or where the children (the debts and legacies|| paid) such persons of discretion as he approves of, or to grant him letters ad col- ligendum bona de fundi. Wood's Con v. 147. •Office of Exec. 216; ante, 132; Nov's Max. 104. J- Ante, 130. \ Ante. 224. § Ante, 130; Co. Litt. iS, iS;. || The term legacies in this place appears to be improper, as the customs of London, principality of Wales, and the province of York, to which it is presumed a reference is here made, cannot take place hut where a free- man or an inhabitant die- without making any disposition of his effects, and if so he can 't give any legacies. In London th ■ children are intitled to their reasonable part (if not barred by ad\ ancement or will after the debts, customary funeral expences, and the widow's chamber are deducted, 4 Burn's Eccl. Law. 370; and in the province of York, and principality of Wales (after the funeral expences and necessary charges are paid), lb. 392. For the nature and quantum of this reasonable part within these three distinct places, see 1 P. Will. J41 ; 4 Burn's Eccl. Law, 392, 393, 412; and see further the several statutes relat- ing to this subject, viz., 4 and 5 W. & M., c. 2, explained by 2 and 3 Ann., 15 226 Doctor and Student. shall have a reasonable part of the goods, after the custom of the country.* Chap. XLI. — If a man be outlawed of felony, or be at- tain led for murthcr or felony, or that is an Ascismus, may be slain by every stranger. Doct. It appeareth in the said sum, called summa an- gelica, in the 2ist chapter, in the title of Ascismus, the second paragraph, that he is an Ascismus that will slay men for money at the instance of every man that will move him to it ; and such a man may lawfully be slain not only by the judge, but by every private person. But it is said there in the fourth paragraph, that he must first be judged by the law as an Ascismus, ere he may be slain, or his goods seised. And it is said farther there in the second paragraph, that also in conscience such an Ascismus may be slain, if it be done through a zeal of justice, and else not. Is not the law of the realm likewise of men outlawed, abjured, or judged for felony? Stud. In the law of the realm, there is no such law, that a man shall be judged as an Ascismus : ne if a man be in full purpose, for a certain sum of money that he hath re- ceived, to slay a man, yet it is no felony ne murther in the law till he hath done the act : for intent of felon}'- nor mur. ther is not punishable by the Common law of the realm, f though it be deadly sin before God ;| but in treason, or in c. 5, for the province of York; 7 and 8 W. 3, c. 38, for Wales, and 11 Geo. 4, c. 18, for London. * 4 Burn's Eel. Law, 247. f But by the law as it stood in very ancient times, a bare intention to commit felony, was held so criminal that it was punishable as felony itself, when it missed its effect, through chance or accident. 1 I law. P. C, cap. 25, p. 655 for voluntas reputabatur pro facto, 3 Inst. 161 . And though it Keems to be settled that at. this day felony shall not be laid to the charge of an offender where in fact none is committed, yet the party may be se- verely fined for such an intent on. 1 Haw. P. C, cap. 25, p. 6". And by a modern statute, viz, 7 Geo- 2, 21, an assault with an intent to rob is felony, but the offender may chuse transportation. \ 1 II. P. C. 109; 3 Inst. 5, 6, 12 ; 5 Mod. 207, 208; Savil. 31, pi. 73. Dialogue II. — Chap. 41. 227 some other particular cases, by statute* that intent may be punished. And though a man in such case kill a man for money, yet he shall not be attainted that he is an Asci'smus; for, as it is said before, there is no such term of Ascismtts in the law of the realm : bet lie shall in such case be ar- raigned upon the murther, and if he confess it, or plead that he is not guilty, and is found guilty by twelve men, he shall have judgment of life, and of member, and shall for- feit his lands and goods. And like law is of an appeal brought of the murther; if he stand dumb, and will not answer to the murther, he shall be attainted of the murther, and shall forfeit life, lands and goods. f But if he be ar- raigned of the murther upon an indictment at the king's suit, and thereupon standeth dumb, and will not answers there he shall not be attainted of the murther, but he shall have Paine fort and dure, that is to say, he shall be pressed to death, % and he shall there forfeit his goods and not his lands. But in none of these cases, that is to say, though a man be outlawed for murther or felony, or be abjured, or that he be otherwise attainted ; yet it is not lawful for any man to murther him, or slay him, ne to put him in execu- tion, but by authority of the king's laws. Insomuch that if a man be adjudged to have Paine fort and dure, and the officer beheadeth him, or on the contrary wise putteth him Ni>' stat. 25 Ed. 3; slat. 5, c. e, par. i. t 4 H- C 194; Co. Litt 41 ; i Kelying, 37; 2 In^t. 17S; Bro. Corone, p!. 43; Bro. Appeal, 40; 2 Hale's P. C. 317— contra, 21 Ed. 3, iS; Bro. P. .in, pi S; 2 Haw. 1'. C. 3:9: Ba m's Use of tlie Law, 39; 2 Haw. P. C. 331, cap- 30, s. 19; 1 Hale*-. P. C 4 ,7 X But now by the statute 12 Geo. 3, c. 30, if any person beine; arraigned on an_v indictment of appeal of felony, or on any indictment tor piracy, shall upon mi h arraignm :it stand mute, or will not answer directly to the felony or piracy, he .shall be convicted ol the offence, and the court shall there- upon award judgment and execution in the same manner as if he had been convicted by verdict or c mfession, and sucb judgment shall have all the same consequences as a conviction by verdict or confession. The reader will observe, that the crimes of treason and petit larceny arc not mentioned in this act, and the reason is because in these offences, standing mute was equal to conviction before the statute, and the prisoner was not sentenced to the peine forte et dure. 2 Haw. P. C, c. 30, sees. 9, 10. 228 Doctor and Student. to paine forte and dure, where he should behead him he of- fendeth the law. And if an officer which hath authority to put a man to death, may not put him to death but accord- ing to the judgment, then melhinketh it should tollovv that, more stronger a stranger may not put such a man to death of his own authority without commandment of the law.* But if the judgment be that he shall be hanged in chains, and the officer hangeth him in other things, and not in chains, I suppose he is not guilty of his death. But some say he shall there make a fine to the king, because he hath not followed the words of the judgment. Also, if a man that is no officer would arrest a man that is outlawed, abjured, or attainted of murther or felony, as is aforesaid, and he disobeyeth the arrest, and by reason of the disobedience he is slain ;f I suppose the other shall not be impeached for his death ; for it is lawful unto every man to take such persons, and to bring them forth that they may be ordered according to the law. But if a Cafiias be di- rected unto the sheriff' to take a man in an action of debt or trespass, there no man may take the man, but he have authority from the sheriff: and if any man attempt of his own authority to take him, and he resisteth, and in the re- sisting is slain, he that would have taken him is guilty of his death. Chap. XLII. — Whether a man shall be bounden by the act or offence of his servant or officer. In the said sum called minima angelica, in the title dominus, 4th paragraph, is asked this question, Whether a man shall be charged for his household? And it is said there, that he shall, when the household offendeth in an office or min- istry lhat the master is the chief officer of, and he hath the work and the profit of the household: for it shall be his default that he would chuse such servants, for he ought to Finch Law, 31 ; 3 Inst. 54; 1 Hal. P. C. 501. f 4 B. C. 3 i5- Dialogue II. — Chap. 42. 229 appoint I onest persons.* But is said there, that it is to be understood civilly, and not criminally, whereby, as it is said there, he that is a governour is bound lor the offence of his officers ; and that the same is to be liolden of a cap- tain, that he shall be bound lor the offence of his 6quires, and an host for his guest, and such other. Nevertheless it is said there, that certain doctors, there rehearsed, said thereto, that if the office be an open or publick office, as an office of power, or other like, it sufficeth to bring forth him that offended : but it is otherwise if it be not a publick office, but an host or a taverner, or other like. But if the house- hold offend not in the office, the lord is not bound as to the law, but in conscience he is bound if he were in default by not correcting them ; for he is bound to correct them both by word and example, and if he find any incorrigible, he is bound to put him away, except that he hath presump- tions, that if he do so, he will be the worse, and then he may do that he thinketh best, and he is excused, and else not; lor to such persons it is said Error qui non resistitur ap- probatur, that is to say, an error that is not resisted is ap- proved. And though divers of the sayings before rehearsed agree with the law of the realm, yet all do not so; and also they that do are to be observed by authority of the law of the realm, and not by the authority alleged in the said paragraph. And therefore I intend to treat somewhat where the master shall be charged by his servant or deputy, or by them that be under him in any office, and where not; and then I intend to touch some other things, where the master after the laws of the realm shall be charged bv the act of his servant in other cases not concerning offices, and \\ here not. Firsts If a man be committed to ward upon arrearages of accompt, and the keeper of the prison suffereth him to 140 at large, then an action of debt shall lie against him. And if he be not sufficient, then it lieth against him that committed the keeping of the prison unto him :f and that Post. J70. f 2 ln>t. 382; Cow. Rep 405. 230 Doctor and Student. is by reason of the statute of Westminister 2, cap. it. Also if bailiffs of franchises that have return of writs make a false return, the party shall have averment against it, as well of too little issues as of other things, as well as he shall have against the sheriff; but all the punishment shall be only upon the bailiff, and not upon the lord of the franchise : and that doth appear by the statute made in the first year of Edw. III., the fifth chapter.* But if an under-sheriff make a return whereupon the sheriff shall be amerced, there the high-sheriff shall be amerced, for the return is made expressly in his name.f But if it be a false return where- upon an action of disceit lieth, in that case it may be brought against the under-sheriff. And see thereof the statute that is called statutum de male rctumantibus brcvia. Also, if the king's butler make deputies, he shall answer for his deputies as for himself; J as appeareth in the statute made in the twenty-first year of king Edw. III. Dc -firodi- tionibus, the twenty-first chapter. Also in the statute that is called statutum scaccarii. it is enacted, among other things, That no officer of the ex- chequer shall put any clerk under him, but such as he will answer for. And forasmuch as the statute is general, it seemeth that he shall answer as well for an untruth in any such clerk as for an oversight. § Also in the fourteenth year of king Edw. III., c. 9, it is enacted, That all gaols shall be adjoined again to the shires, and that the sheriff shall have the keeping of them, and that the sheriff shall make such under-gardeins for the which they will answer. || And nevertheless I suppose that if there be an escape by default of the gaoler, that the king may charge the gaoler, if he will. I' But it is no doubt Dal ton's Sheriff, 462, 177; 27 II. 8, c 24, s. 9; Viner's Abr., title Re- turn, 191. f3 Unls. 78; 1 Buls. 73; Dalt. Sher. 456. X Obsolete. §Slat. 51 H. 3, stat. 55 4 Inst. 107. || Vent. 401 ; Skinn. 41. H 2 II. P. C. 135, c 19. Dialogue II. — Chap. 42. 231 but he may charge the sheriff, by reason of this statute, if he will. lint if it be a wilful escape in the gaoler, which is felon}' in him, the sheriff shall not be bound to answer to the felony, ne none other but the gaoler himself, and they that ass :nted to him.* Also, if a man have a sheriffwick, constableship, or bailiwick in fee, whereby he hath the keeping of prisoners, if he let any to replevin that be not replevishable, and thereof be attaint, he shall leese the office, etc.f And if it be an under-sheriff, constable, or bailiff, that hath the keeping of the; prison, that doth it without knowledge of the lord, he shall have imprisonment by three years, and after shall be ransomed at the king's will ; as appeareth in the statute of West. 1, the 15th chapter. And so it appeareth, that in this case, he that is lord of the prison is not bound to answer for the offence of them that have the rule of the prison under him, but that they shall have the punishment themselves for their misdemeanor. Also there is a statute made in the 27th year of king Edw. III., the 19th chapter, that is called the statute of the staple, whereby it is ordained, That no merchant, ne none other man, shall not leese their goods for the trespass, or forfeit of their servants ; unless it be by commandment of his master, or that he offend in the office that his master hath put him in, or else that the master shall be bound to answer for the deed of his servant by the law-merchant, as in some places it is used. Also it is enacted in the 14th year of king Edw. III., the 10th chapter, That wapentakers and hundreds that be sev« red from the counties shall be adjoined again unto them, and that if the sheriff hold them in his own hands, that he shall put in them such bailiffs that have land ent, and those for which he will answer :i and that ii he lei them to term, that they be let to the ancient term : but after it is prohibited by the statute of the 23d year o\ king Hen. * 2 Haw. P. C. 134; Salk. 2~: ; 2 Inst. 592 j post 234. t -• Inst. 190, 191; 1 Comyn's Digest, 473 - J 3 Inst. 92 ; 4 Co. 34; Stat. 19 II. 7, c 10. i^i Doctor and Student. VI., the ioth chapter, that no sheriff shall let his bailiwicks nor wapentakes to ferm. And when they be once in the sheriff's own hands, and the sheriff put in bailiffs, they be but as under-bailiffs to the king, and the sheriff the high- bailiff, and they in manner the sheriff's servants, and put in only bv him ; and therefore by the said statute of king Edw. III. he shall answer for them, if they offend in their office. But if the sheriff let them to ferm, then though die sheriff offend the statute in that doing, yet whether he shall be charged for their misdemeanor in the office or not, is a great doubt to some men ; for they say that this statute is only to be understood where the bailiwicks be in the sheriff's hands, but here they be not so, ne the bailiffs be not his servants, but his fermers ; and therefore they say, that if the sheriff shall be charged for them, it is by the Common law, and not by the statute aforesaid. Also in the second year of king Henry VI., the ioth chapter, it is enacted, That officers by patent in every court of the king, that by virtue of their office have power to make clerks in the said courts, shall be charged and sworn to make such clerks under them for whom they will answer.* Also the hospitallers and tem- plars be prohibit they shall hold no plea that belongs to the king's courts, upon pain to yield damages to the party grieved, and to make ransom to the king : that the superiors shall answer for their obediencers, as for their own deed. West. 2, c. 43. | Also the Serjeant of the cater)- shall satisfy all the debs, damages, and executions that shall be recov- ered against any that is purveyor or achator under him, that offend against the statute of 36th of Edw. III., or against the statute of 24th of lien. VI., in case the purveyor or achator be not sufficient, etc. And the parly plaintiff shall have a Scire facias against the said serjeant in this case to have execution, as appeareth in the 24th year of king Henry VI., the first chapter.! *4 Inst 1 14, 1 15. T2 Inst. 465, 466; see stat. 32 II. S, c. 24. \ Repealed by stat. 12 Car. 2, c. 24, and vide 13 and 14 Car. 2, cap. 20. Dialogue II. — Chap. 42. 233 Also, if a man be sent to prison upon a statute-merchant by the mayor before whom the recognizance was taken, and the gaoler will not receive him, he shall answer for the debt, ii" he have wherewith; and if not, then he shall answer that committed the gaol to him, as appeareth in the statute called the Statute-tner chant.* And il outragious toll be taken in the town-merchant, f if it be the king's town let to farm, the king shall lake the franchise of the market into his hands ;i and if it be done by the lord of the town the king shall do in like wise : and ii it be done by the bailiff, unknowing to the lord, he shall yield again as much as he hath taken, and shall have im- prisonment of forty days. And so it appeareth that the lord in this case shall not answer for his bailiff. West. 1, c. 3. And in all the cases before rehearsed, where the su- perior is charged by the default of him that is under him, he in whose default his superior is so charged, is bound in conscience to restore him that is so charged through his de- fault: except the case before rehearsed of the hospitallers, for all that the obediencer hath is the superior's if he will take it.§ And therefore what recompence shall be made by the obediencer in that case, is at the will of the superior. And now I intend to show thee some particular cases, where the master alter the laws of the realm shall be charged by the act of his servant, bailiff, or deputy, and where not; and so for to make an end of this chapter. First, For trespass of battery, or wrongful entry into lands or tenements, ne yet lor felony or murther, the mas- ter .shall not be charged lor his servant, unless he did it by his commandment. || Also, if a servant borrow money in his master's name, the master ehall not be charged with it unless it come to his use, * 13 I'd. 1, slat. .5. 1 2 Inst. 219, 220. i That is, till it be red seined by the owner. : Tn^t. 221. For the market is n t absolutely forfeited, but only the toll. Pal S:. § Ante, 231. || 2 Roll. Rep. :;; .- Mod. 244; 1 B.C. 450. 234 Doctor and Student. and that by his assent. And the same law is, if a servant make a contract in his master's name, the contract shall not bind his master, unless it were by his master's command- ment, or that it came to the master's use by his assent.* But if a man sends his servant to a fair or market to buy for him certain things, though he command him not to buy them of no man in certain, and the servant doth according, the master shall be charged : but if the servant in that case buy them in his own name, not speaking of his master, the master shall not be charged, unless the things bought come to his use. Also, if a man send his servant to the market with a thing which he knoweth to be defective, to be sold to a certain man, and he selleth it to him, there an action lieth against the master :| but if the master biddeth him not to sell it to any person in certain, but generally to whom he can, and he selleth it according, there lieth no action of deceit against the master.! Also, if the servant keep the master's fire negligently, whereby his master's house is burnt, § and his neighbour's also, there an action lieth against the master. || But if the servant bear lire negligently in the street, and thereby the house of another is burned, there lieth no action against the master. f[ Also, if a man desire to lodge with one that is no common hostler, and one that is servant to him that he lodgeth with robheth his chamber, his master shall not be charged for * Bridgeman's Ren. 1:8 1 i Roll. Abr. 95; Poph. 143. J Bridgeman's Rep. i:8. § Nov's Maxims, c 44; 1 13. C. 4.31. || The law is now altered in this respect by stat. 6 Ann, c^S, sec. 3, which enacts that no action shall be maintained against any in whose house or chamber a lire shall accidentally begin ; but if such (ire happens through negligence of any servant, such servant shall forfeit 100/, or in default of payment, be sent to the house of correction for eighteen months, to be kept to hard labour. Tf 1 Black. Com. 419. Dialogue II. — Chap. 42. 13$ the robbing ; but if he had been a common hostler he should have been charged. Also, if a man be gardein of a prison wherein is a man that is condemned in a certain sum of money ',* and another that is in prison for felony, and a servant of the gardein that hath the rule of the prison under him, wilfully letteth them both escape ; in this case the gardein shall answer for the debt, and shall pay a fine for the escape of the other, as for a negligent escape, and the servant only shall be put to answer to the felony for the wilful escape. f Also, if a man make another his general receiver, and that receiver receivelh money of a creditor of his master, and maketh him acquittance, and after payeth not his master; yet that payment dischargeth the creditor :J but if the creditor hath taken an acquittance of him without pay- ing him his money, that acquittance only were no bar to the master, unless he made him receiver by writing, and gave him authority to make acquittances, and then the authority must be shewed. And if the creditor in such case, by agreement between the receiver and him, deliver to the re- ceiver an horse, or another thing in recompence of the debt, that delivery dischargeth not the creditor, unless it be de- livered over unto the master, and he agree to it.§ For the receiver hath no such power to make no such commutation, but his master give him special commandment thereto. Also, if a servant shew a creditor of his master, that his master sent him tor his money, and he payeth it unto him ; that payment dischargeth him not, it the master did not send him for it indeed, except that it came alter unto the use of the master by his assent. Also, if a man make a bailiff o[ a manor, and after the lord of whom the manor is holden grunt the seigniors- to another, and the bailiff after payeth the rent to the grantee : that payment of the rent countervaileth no attornment * Noy's Max 43. t Ante, 230. J Cases in Law and Equity, no. § 2 Salk. 442; II Mod. 71. 236 Doctor and Student. though it were by fine, ne shall not bind his master, till he attorn himself: but if the lord of whom the land is holden dies seised of the seigniory, and the bailiff payeth the rent to the heir of the lord, that is a good seisin to the heir, though the bailiff had no commandment of his master to pay it : lor it belongeth to his office to pay rent-service, but not rent-charge, as some men say-* Also an encroachment by the bailiff shall not bind the master in avowry, if he had no commandment of the master to pay it. Also, if there be lord, mesne and tenant, and the tenant holdeth of the mesne as of his manor of D., the mesne maketh a bailiff, and after the tenant makelh a feoff- ment, the feoffee tendeth notice to the bailiff, and he ac- cepted! is rent with arrearages ;| this notice shall not bind the lord, ne compel him to alter his avowry : for the office of a bailiff stretcheth not thereto, but he must have therein a special commandment of his master. Also, if a servant ride upon his master's horse to do an errand for his master, into a town that hath authority to make attachments of goods upon plaints of debt, etc., and there, upon a plaint of debt made against the servant, the master's horse is at- tached by the officers, thinking that the horse were his own, and, because the servant appeareth not, the officers seise the horse as forfeit ; in this case the lord shall have an action of trespass against the officers, and this attachment for the dubt of his servant shall not bind him, etc. But that an host or keeper of a tavern shall be charged lor their guests, unless it be done by their assent and commandment, I do not remember that I have read it in the laws of England. Chap. XL1II. — Whether a villain or a bondman may give a w ay h is goo ds . Doct. It appeareth in the said sum called summa angelica, in the title donatio prima, the 9th paragraph, that a bond- man, or a religious man, a monk, ne such other that hath * 1 Roll. Abr. 125. f 1 Danv. Abr. 6S6; 12 Mod. 354. Dialogue II. — Chap. 43. 237 nothing in proper, may not give, but it be by licence of their superior :* but that saying is not, as it is said there, to be understood of religious persons that have lawful ministra- tion ol goods ; for if they give with a cause reasonable, it is good, but without cause they may not. Also, if they by the licence of the prelate, with the coun- sel of the more part of the covent, abide at school or go on pilgrimage, they may give as other honest scholars and pil- grims be reasonably wont to do ; and they may also give alms where there is great need, if they have no time to ask licence. Also, if they see one in extreme necessity, they may give alms though their superiors prohibit them, for then all things be in common by the law of God.f And therefore they be bound for to do it, as appeareth in the aforesaid sum called summit angelica, in the title Elccmosyna, the 6th paragraph, Doth not the law of England agree with these diversities ? Stud. Forasmuch as the question is only made, Whether a villain or bondman may give away his goods or not? And it seemeth that after the aforesaid sum in the title which thou hast before rehearsed, that he, ne none other that hath no property, may not give; whereby it appeareth that the said sum taketh it, that a bondman should have no property in his goods, and that therefore his gift should be void : I shall somewhat touch what property and what au- thority a villain hath in his goods after the law of the realm, and what authority the lord hath over them. And I will leave the diversities that thou hast remembered before of religious persons to them that list to treat farther therein hereafter. First, If a villain have goods, either by his own proper buying and selling, or otherwise by the gift of other men, he hath as perfect a property. % and also as whole interest * Ante, 32, 208- 1 Ante, 16. % Litt., sec. 177; Perk., sec 29. 238 Doctor and Student. in them, and may as lawfull) r give them away, as any free- man maj-. But if the lord seise them before his gift, then they be the lord's, and the interest of the villain the reinis determined.* Also, if the lord seise part of the goods of his villain in the name of all the aoodsthat the villain hath or shall here- after have, that seisure is good for all the goods that he had at the time of the seisure. f But if goods come to the vil- lain after the seisure, he may lawfully give them away, not- withstanding the said seisure. | Also, if the lord claim all the goods of the villain, and seiseth part of them : that seisure is void, and the gift of the villain is good, notwithstanding the seisure. Also, if a man be bound to a villain in an obligation in a certain sum of money, and the lord seiseth the obligation ; then the obligation is his, but yet he can take no action thereupon, but in the name of the villain ;§ and therefore if the villain release the debt, the lord is barred by that re- lease. Also, if a woman be a nief, and she marrieth a freeman, the goods immediately by the marriage be the husband's, and the lord shall come too late to make any seisure. || And if the husband in that case maketh his wife his ex- ecutrix, and dieth, and the wife taketh the same goods again as executrix to her husband ;^[ yet it shall not be lawful for the lord to take them from her, though she be a nief, as she was before the marriage. Also, if goods be given to a man to the use of a villain, and the lord seiseth those goods, the seisure, after some men, is good by the statute made in the 19th year of king Hen. VII.,** wherebv it is enacted, That the lord shall enter * Ante, 29, 154. fCo. Litt. 118. Jib. § Co. Litt. 117. || Litt., sec. 202. t Co. Litt. 118. •♦The statute of Hen. is now repealed. Dialogue II. — Chap. 43. 239 into lands whereof other persons be seised to the use of his villain ; and they say that the same statute shall be under- stood by equity of goods in use, as well as of lands in use. Also, if a villain be made a priest, yet nevertheless the lord may seise his goods and lands, as he might do before; .and until the seisure, he may alien them, and give them away, and as he might before he was a priest. And in this case the lord may order him, so that he shall do him such ser- vice as belongeth to a priest to do before any other ; but he may not put him to no labour, nor other business but that is honest and lawful for a priest to do. Also, if a villain enter into religion, in his year of proof he may dispose his goods as he might have done before he took the habit upon him.* Also, in like wise the lord may seise his goods as "he might have done before :f but if he after make executors, and be professed, and the executors take the goods to the performance of the will ; then the lord may not seise the goods though the executors have them to the performance of the will of him that is his villain ; nor in that case the lord may not seise his body, ne put him to no manner of labour, but must suffer him to abide in his religion under the obedience of his superior, as other religious persons do that be not bondmen. And the lord hath no remedy in that case for the loss of his bondman, but only to take an action of trepass airainst him that received him into religion with- out his license, and thereupon to recover damages as shall be assessed by twelve men.:}: Many other cases there be concerning the gift of the goods of a villain, whereof I shall speak no more at this time; for this that I have said suffjeeth to shew, that the knowledge of the king's law is right expedient to the good order of conscience concerning such goods. • Litt., sec. 202. tCo. Litt. 11S; Br. Villeinage, pi. 14, 73. J Ante, 155. 240 Doctor and Student. Chap. XLIV. — If a clerk be ■promoted to the title of his patrimony, and after selleth his patrimony, and after falletk to poverty, whether shall he have his title therein or not? In the said sum called rosella, in the title Clcricus quartus, the 24th article, it is asked, If a clerk be pro- moted to the title of his patrimony, whether he may alien it at his pleasure ;* and whether in that alienation the solemnity needeth to be kept, that is to be kept in alienations of things of the church? And it is answered there, that it may not be aliened no more than the goods of a spiritual benefice, if it be accepted for a title, and expressly assigned unto him, so that it should go as into a thing of the church, except he have after another benefice whereof he may live. But if it be secretly assigned to his title, some agree it may be aliened. And in this case, by the laws of the realm, it may be lawfully aliened, whether it be secretly or openly assigned to the title ; for the ordinary, tie yet the party him- self, after the old custom of the realm, have no authority to bind any inheritance by authority of the spiritual law ; and therefore the land, after it is assigned and accepted to be his title, standeth in the self-same case to be bought, sold, charged, or put in execution, as it did before. And there- fore it is somewhat to be marvelled, that ordinaries will admit such land for a title, to the intent that he that is pro- moted should not fall into extreme poverty, or go openly a be<£icifiio.\ Item, It' a man that is outlawed of felony, ahjured, or at- tainted of murder or felony, or he that is an aseismus. may be slain by strangers? And see the like matter thereto, summa- angelica, in the title aseismus. parag. n. J This question is somewhat answered to in a new addi- tion, as appeareth before in the 14th chapter. Item, Whether the master shall be bound by the act or *3 Cro. 347; Doug. 10^; ante, 79. t 3 Mod. 101. J Ante, 22J. 244 Doctor and Student. offence of his servant or officer? summa angelica, in the title do minus, parag. 4.* This question is answered to in an addition, as appeareth before in the 14th chapter. Item, Whether a villain may give away his goods. Summa angelica, in the title donatio prima, parag. cj.f This question is answered to in an addition, as appeareth before in the 43rd chapter. Item, Whether an abbot may give, etc., summa angelica, in the title donatio 1, parag. 10 and ii.J Item, Whether a woman-covert may give away any goods? And it is answered, summa angelica, in the title donatio 1, par. II, that she may not, without she have goods beside her dowry, but only in alms.§ Item, If a man do treason, whether the gift of goods after, before attainder, be good? summa angelica, in the title donatio 1, par. 12. And it seemeth there may, and look summa angelica, in the title alicnatio, par. 24. || Item, If a man wittingly make a contract between two kinsfolk, or other that may not lawfully marry together, whether he hath forfeit his goods? Summa angelica, in the title donatio 1, par. 14. Item, Whether the father may give to the son? summa angelica, in the title donatio prima, par. 19, and summa rosclla, in the title donatio 2, par. 42. Item, Whether a man may give above five hundred shillings, ahsq; inquisitionc? Summa angelica, in the title donatio 1 par. 20. Item, Whether a gift shall be avoided by an ingratitude? Summa rosclla, in the title donatio 1, par. 17 and 29. And there it is said, that the gift is void by the law of nature ; and look summa angelica, in the title donatio prima, par. 42 and 45. * Ante, 236. t lb. ; Litt, sec. 177. \ Ante, 32. § Swin. So, 81, 95. U 2 Hawk. P. C. 454; Stat. 13 Eliz., c 5; Skin. 357. Dialogue II. — Chap. 45. 245 Item, Whether the gift between the husband and the wife may be good ? And it is said yea, when the husband giveth it causa rcmunerationis. Summa rosclla, in the title donatio 1, par. 32. 2 Ves. 669.* Item, If a man make a will, and enter into religion, f whether he may after revoke the will? And it is said, that friars minors may not, and others may. Summa rosclla, in the title donatio 1, par. 35, injine. Item, If a man give another a town, with all the rights that he hath in the same, whether the patronage, etc., and the tithes pass? Summa rosclla, in the title ccclcsia 1, par. 56. Item, Whether all that is bought with the money of the church be the church's ? Summa rosella, in the title ccclcsia 1, par. 7, and it seems to be so. Item, If a gift made to a monastery may be avoided by that the giver hath children after the gilt? Summa rosclla, in the title donatio 1, par. 43.+ Item, If a man buy any thing under the half price, whether he be bound by the law to restore it? Summa ro- sella, in the title emptio ct venditio, par. 6.§ Item, Whether a common thief, vcl communis depopu- lalor agrorum may abjure? Summa rosella, in the title emunitas 1, in priueipio. JEt habetur ibi in fine, quod licet leges excipiaut plures pe/sonas, tamen per jus canonicum legibus derogatum est.\\ Item, Whether a man shall take the church tor great and enormous offences that is not murther nor felony. Summa rosella, in the title emunitas 2, par. 3 and 11. IT Item, It" a man take one in the highway, anil draw him out, and there beateth him, whether he shall have the pun- « o. Litt. 3, 112; 4 Co. 29; Bro. Custom, 56; 1 P. Wins. 441. ■j" Since the reformation the disabilities attending entering into religion are taken away. 1 Salk- 162. % 2 P>. C. 502 ; Gilb. 0:1 Wills, 99. § Wood's Civil Law, 231. || Vide stat. 21 Jac. 1, c. 28. 14B. C. 327. 246 Doctor and Student. ishment that is ordained for them that strike one in the high- way? Summa rosclla, in the title cmunitas 2, par 6. J lent, Whether he that taketh the church, may, after the offence, be adjudged to death? Summa rosclla, in the title cmunitas 2, par. 8.* Item, Whether the bishop's palace be sanctuary ? Summa rosclla, in the title cmunitas 2, par. 24. f Item, Whether the dignity of the bishop or priesthood discharge bondage? Summa rosclla, in the title cj)iscoj)us, in ■principio. Item, Whether a clerk is bound to pay an}' impositions or tallages for his patrimony, or otherwise? Summa ro- sclla, in the title excommunicato 1, divisionc oct., par. 4, 5, and 6, and divisionc 11011a, par. i.\ Item, If it were ordained by statute, that if a man sell, etc., he shall give to the king two-pence, whether a clerk be bound to give it, if he sell of his prebend? Summa ro- sclla, in the title Excommunicatio 1, divisionc noua, par. 3-§ Item, If it be ordained by statute, that there shall not be laid upon a dead person but such a certain cloth, or thus many tapers or candles ;]| whether the statute be good? And it is left for a question. Summa rosclla', in the title Excommunicatio 1, divisionc 18, par. 8, in fine. Item, If a man make a lease of a mill for term of years, and it is agreed that the lessee shall grind the lessor toll-free during the term, If after the lessor is made an earl or a duke, and hath greater household than before ; whether the lessee be bound there, etc. ? Summa rosclla, in the title luimilia, par. 5. Item, If a master will not pay his servant's wages that hath served him faithfully, whether that servant may take * 4 B. C 3-^7- t 21 Jac 1, c. 2S. t Dalt. Just. 254, cap. 73; 3 Keb. 255. § Post. 307. II lb. \ Vin. Abr., title Trespass, 532. Dialogue II. — Chap. 45. 247 secretly as much goods of his master, etc., and if he do, Whether he be bound to restitution? Summa rosclla, in the title Familia, par. 6, it seems he is. Item, It things immoveable of the church may not be given?* Summa rose/la, in the title Feodum, par. 1. And see there is ■princi-pio what Feodum is. Item, Whether the sons bastards and the sons lawfully begotten shall inherit together?! Summa rosclla, in the title Filius, par. 1. Item, Whether father and mother may succeed to their bastards?^ Summa rosclla, in the title Films, par. 4. Item, Whether the lather may leave any of his goods to his bastards? Summa rosclla, in the title Filius, par. 5. And Summa rosclla, in the title Socictas, par. 23, it seems he may- Item, Whether the offence of the father shall hurt the son in temporal things ?§ Summa rosclla, in the title Filius. Item, If a man give all his lands and goods to his children, whether a bastard shall have any part ?|| Summa rosclla, in the title Filius, par. 22. Item, To whom treasure found belongeth?lf Summa rosclla, in the title Furtum, par. 11. Item, If a deer, or other wild beast, that is so sore hurt that he may be taken, cometh into another man's gr< und, whether it be his that owneth the ground, or his that strake him?** Summa rosclla, in the title Fur/urn, par. 13. Item, Whether theft be in a little thing as well as in a great thing ?ff Summa rosclla, in the title Furtum, par. iS. Item, What pain a thief shall have?|J Summa rosclla, in the title Furtum, par. 22. Swiii. on Wills, 106. t Ante, 33. X 1 B. C. 459. § Post 26l. II Ante. 180; 1 Corny n's Digest, 5S3. 1 1 B. C 295, 296. ' - * 2 B. C. 392. ft 4 B. C, cap. 16. ft lb. 248 Doctor and Student. Item, If the goods of dead men go to the heirs, and that of damned men?* 5. Dc tern's. Suinma rosclla, in the title Hcercditas, par. 1. Item. Whether a man shall be said guilty of murder by commandment, counsel, or assent ?f Summa rose/la, in the title Homicidium 2, -per totum. And like matter in Homicidium 4, in princifio, and in divers other cases. Item, A man maketh a privy contract with a woman, and after hath a child by her, and aftermarrieth another woman, and hath a child, she not knowing the first contract ; which of the children shall be his heir? Suinma rosclla, in the title Illegitimns, par. 4, it seems the latter shall. Item, Whether the pope may legitimate one to temporal things, and to succeed? Summa rosclla, in the title Ille- gitimns: it seems he may not as the law now stands. Item, If goods be found that were left of the owner as forsaken, who hath right to them?| Summa rosella, in the title Invcnia, par. 2. And look Summa rosella, in the title Furtum, par. 17. And thus I make an end of these questions : and because you desirest me in the 13th chapter to shew thee somewhat where ignorance excuseth in the law of the realm, and where not, I will answer somewhat to thy question, and so commit thee to God. Chap. XLVI. — Where ignorance of the law excuseth in the laivs of England, and where not. Ignorance of the law (though it be invincible) doth not excuse as to the law but in few cases :§ for every man is bound at his peril to take knowledge what the law of the realm is, as well the law made by statute as the common law : but ignorance of the deed, which may be called the * Ante, 130, 225. f 4 13. C. 36, 37. J Post. zG-j. § Douglas Rep. 471 ; ante, 76; ante, 150; post. 250. Dialogue II. — Chap. 46. 249 ignorance of the truth of the deed, may excuse in many casts. Doct. I put the case that a statute penal be made, and it is enacted, that the statute shall be proclaimed by such a day in every shire, and it is not proclaimed before the day, and alter the day a man offends against the statute ; shall he run in the penalty? Stud. I think yea, if there be no farther words in the statute to help him ; that is to say, that if the proclamation be not made, that no man shall be bound by the s;alute. And the cause is this : there is no statute made in this realm but by the assent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and of all the commons ;* that is to say, by the knights of the shire, citizens and burgesses, that be chosen bv assent of the commons, which in the parliament represent the estate of the whole commons: and every statute there made is of as strong effect in the law, as if all the commons were there present personally at the making thereof. And like as there needed no proclamation, if all were there present in their own person ; so the law presumed there needeth no proclamation when it is made by their authority : and then when it is enacted, That it shall be pioclaimed, etc., that is but of the favour of the makers of the statute, and not of necesssity ; and it cannot therefore be taken, that their intent was that it should be void if it were not proclaimed. Nevertheless some be of opinion, that if a man before the day appointed for the proclamation offend the statute, that he should not in that case be punished ; for they say that the intent of the makers of the statute shall be taken to be, that none should be punished before the day : which is a doubt to some other. But admit it to be as they say, that lie shall be excused, yet he is not excused by the ignorance of the law, but because the intent ot the makers excuseth h i m . Doct. It is enacted in the 7th year of Rich. II., cap. 6,f .( 'list. 25. 1 Repealed by stat. 1 Jac. 1, c. 25, and 21 Jac- i, c. 2S. 250 Doctor and Student. That every sheriff shall proclaim the statute of Winchester three times every year in every market town, to the intent the offenders shall not be excused by ignorance, and it seemeth by these words, That it" no proclamation be made, that the offender may be excused by ignorance. Stud. Some take the intent of that statute to be, that the people bv that proclamation should have knowledge of- the statute ot Winchester, to the intent that the forfeiture therein ma}' be taken as well in conscience as in law ; and some take the statute to be of such effect as thou speakest of, that is to say, that no forfeiture should grow upon the statute of Winchester against them that were ignorant, but proclama- tion were made according to the said statute of Richard. And if it be so taken, the statute of Winchester is of small effect against most part of the people ; lor certain it is that the said proclamation is not made : but admit it to be as they say, then they that be ignorant be excused by the said particular estatute specially made in that case, and not by the general rules of the law : and sometimes, in divers statutes penal,* they that be ignorant be excused by the same statute, as it is upon tiit? statute of Rich. II., the 13th year, the 2d statute, and the last chapter, where it is enacted, That if any person take a benefice by provision, that he shall be banished the realm, and forfeit all his goods, and that if he be in the realm, he avoid within six weeks after he hath accepted it, and that none shall receive him that is so banished after the said six weeks, upon like forfeiture if lie have knowledge: and so he that hath no knowledge is excused by the express words of the statute. And in like wise he that offendeth against Magna Charta is not excommenged, but he have knowledge that it is prohib t that he doth. For the}' be only excommenged by the sentence called Sententia lata super cliartus, that do it willingly, or that do it by ignorance, and correct not themselves within fifteen days alter they have warning. And sometime they that be ignorant of the statute be excused from the penalty of the statute, because t Ante, iS7, 218. Dialogue 11. — Chap. 46. 251 it shall be taken that the intent of the makers of the statute was, that none should be bound but they that have knowl- edge : but that any man shall be discharged in the law by ignorance of the law, only for that he is ignorant, I know few cases, except it might be applied to infants that be in their infancy, and within years of discretion ;* for if igno- rance of the law should excuse in the law, many offenders would pretend ignorance. f Doct. Shall an infant that hath discretion, and knoweth good fin m evil, be punished by a penal statute that he is ignorant in ? Stud. If the statute be, that for the offence he should have corporal pain, I think he shall be excused, and have no corporal pain \% but I suppose that that is not for the ig- norance ; tor though he knew the statute, and willingly of- fended, yet I think he shall have no corporal pain as where he pleads joint-tenancy by deed that is found against him, or if he plead a record in assise, and faileth of it at his day : but that is because the law presumeth, that it was not the intent of the makers of the statute that he should have that punishment. § But if he be of years of discretion to know good from evil, whether he shall then forfeit the pen- alty of a penal statute, it is more doubt : for it is commonly holden, that if an infant had not been excepted in the statute of forejudgment, that the forejudgment should have bound him, and so shall his cesser, and his levying of a cross against the statute|) or if he be gardein of a prison, and sutler a prisoner to escape, he shall pav the debt, be- cause the statutes be general :^[ and if he should by the statutes be bound within age, like reason will that he may by a statute penal leese his goods. Doct. If an infant do a murther or felony at such wars *Ante, 77, 249. f Ante, 24S. J 1 Halo's P. C. 21 ; Plow. 364. § 1 Hale's H. P. C. za. II Obsolete. \ 2 Inst. 3S2. 252 Doctor and Student. as he hath discretion to know the law, shall not he have the punishment of the law, as one of full age? Stud. I think yea ;* but that is by an old maxim of the law lor eschewing? of murders and felonies : and so it is of a trespass. f But these cases run not upon the ground of' ignorance, but with what acts infants shall be punishable or not punishable for the tenderness of their age, though they be not ignorant. Doct. Be not yet knights and noblemen, that are bound most properly to set their study to acts of chivalry, for de- fence of the realm, and husbandmen, that must use tillage and husbandry for the sustenance of the commonalty, and that may not by reason of their labour put themselves to know the law, discharged by ignorance of the law? Stud. No verily : for sith ail were makers of the statute, the law presumelh that all have knowledge of that that they make, as it is said before ; and as they be bound at their peril to take knowledge of the statute that they make, so be all them that come alter them. % And as for knights and other nobles of the realm, me seemeth that they should be bound to take knowledge of the law, as well as any other within the realm, except them that give themselves to the stud}' and exercise of the law, and except spiritual judges, that in many cases be bound to take knowledge of the law of the realm, as it is said before in Chap. 25 . § For though they be bound to acts of chivalry for defence of the realm, yet they be bound also to acts ot justice, and that (it seemeth) more than other be, by reason of their great pos- sessions and authority, and lor the well-ordering of the ten- * The age of discretion at which infants are generally supposed to know good from evil, and consequently to be capable of committing crimes, is 14. Co. Lilt. 247; 1 II. II. P. C. 25. But if an infant uider fourteen, and above seven years <>l" age, commits a criminal offence; and upon his in- dictment there are circumstances in his case to induce the jury to believe that he was capt a less part be assigned by the law of man, for that should be contrary to the law of God, and so it should be void. And methinketh that it is not so likely that so famous a clerk would speak any sentence contrary to the law of God or contrary to that he had spoken before. And to prove he meant not by the term dccinicc, that dismes should always ' be taken lor the tenth part, it appeareth in the fourth part of his works, i 1 the 33d title Ltterce, where he saith thus. JYon vacatur pari so curat is del) it a propterea decimee, co quod semper sit decima pars, imo est interdum viccsima out tricesiiua : that is to say, the portion due to curates is not therefore called dismes, for that it is alway the tenth part, for sometime it is the 20th or the 30th part. And so it appeareth that by this word decimarum he meant in the text before rehearsed a certain portion, and not precisely the tenth part : ami that the portion should be paid to priests by the law of God, to sustain them with, taking as it seemeth the law of reason in that saving for the law of God, as it may one way be well and conveniently taken, because the law ot reason is given to every reasonable creature by God : ami then it followeth pursuantly, that it belongeth to the law of man to assign this portion, or that which necessity shall require lor their sustenance. And then his saying agreeth well to that that is said before, that is to .say, that a certain portion is cue for priests, for their spiritual ministration, by the law ot reason. And then it would follow thereupon, that if ii were ordained lor a law, that all paying ol tithes should from henceforth cease, and that every curate should 284 Doctor and Student. have assigned to him such certain portion of land, rent, or annuity, as should be sufficient for him, and for such min- isters as should be necessary to be under him, accord- ing to the number of the people there, or that every parishioner or householder should give a certain sum of money to that use; I suppose the law were good. And that was the meaning of John Gerson as it seemeth, in his words before rehearsed, where he saith. But to change tithes into other rents, is by the law positive, that is to say, by the law of man. And some think that if a whole coun- try prescribe to be quit of both tithes of corn and grass, so that the spiritual ministers have a sufficient portion beside to live upon, that is a good prescription, and that they should not offend that in such countries paid no tithes ;* for it were hard to say that all the men of Italy, or of the East parts be damned, because they pay no tithes, but a certain portion after the custom. Therefore certain it is to pay such a cer- tain portion, as well they as all other be bound, if the church ask it, anv custom notwithstanding. But if the church ask it not, it seemeth that by that not asking the church remitteth it ; and an example thereof we may take of the Apostle Paul, that though he might have taken his necessary living of them that he preached to, yet he took it not, and nevertheless they that gave it him not, did not of- fend, because he did not ask it. But if one man in a town would prescribe to be discharged of tithes of corn and grass, methinketh the prescription is not good, unless he can prove that he recompenseth it in another thing :f for it seemeth not reasonable that he should pay less for his tithes than his neighbours do, seeing that the spiritual ministers are bound to take as much diligence for him, as they be for any other of that parish :% wherefore it might stand with reason that he should be compelled to pay his tithes as his neighbours do, unless he can prove that he payeth in rec- ompence thereof more than the tenth part in another thing. *3 Burn's Eel. Law, 400; 2 Inst. 645; Br. Dismes, 14. t3 Burn's Eel. Law, 397. .; Dr. Pre cription, pi. 93. Dialogue II. — Chap. 55. 285 Nevertheless, I leave the matter to the judgment of others. And then for a farther proof, though the said prescription of not paying tithes for trees of twenty years and above were not good, yet that that of corn and grass should begood some make this reason ; they say that there is no tithe but it is either a predial tithe, or a personal tithe, or a mixt tithe. And they say that if a tithe should be paid of trees when they be sold, that the tithe were not a predial tithe ;* for the predial tithe of trees is of such trees as bring forth fruits and increase yearly, as apple-trees, nut-trees, pear- trees, and such other, whereof the predial tithe is the ap- ples, nuts, pears, and such other fruits as come of them yearly ;f and when the fruits be tithed, if the owner after sell the trees, there is no lithe due thereby, for two tithes may not be paid of one thing. J And of those tithes, that is to say, of- predial tithes, was the commandment given in the old law to the Jews, as appeareth Levit. 27, where it is said, Omncs decimce terra, sive de pomis arborum, sive de J'rugibiis, Domini sunt, et illi sanctificantur ; that is to say, all tithes of the earth, either of apples, of trees, or of grains, be our Lord's, and to him they be sanctified : and though, the said law speaketh only of apples, yet it is understood of all manner of fruits. And because it saith that all the tithes of the earth be our Lord's, therefore calves, lambs, and such other must also be tithed : and they be called by some men pre- dial tithes, that is to say, tithes that come of the ground; howbeit they call them only -prediah mediate ;§ and they be the same tithes that in this writing be called mixt tithes : and the other tithes, that is to say, tithes of apples and corn, and such other, be called -prediah immediate, for they come immediately of the ground, and so do not mixt tithes, as evidently appeareth. || * 3 Burn's Eel. Law, 374. t 1 Roll. 635; 2 Inst. 649. \ 2 Fnst. 621, 652. § Wats., c 49. || 2 Inst. 649. 286 Doctor and Student. Doct. But what thinkest thou shall be the predial tithe of ashes, elms, sallows, alders, and such other trees as bear no fruits whereof any profit cometh? Why shall not the tenth part of the self thing be the tithe thereof, if they be cut down, as well as it is of corn and grass? Stud. For I think that there is to that intent great diver- sity between corn, grass, and trees; and that for divers considerations, whereof one is this, The property of corn and grass is not to grow over one year, and if it do, it will perish and come to nought, and so the cutting down of it is the perfection and preservation thereof, and the special cause that any increase folio weth of the same ;* and there- fore the tenth part of the increase shall be paid as a predial tithe, and there no deduction shall be made for the charges of it : and so it is of sheep and beasts, that must be taken and killed in time, for else they may perish and come to nought : but when trees be felled, that felling is not the perfection of the trees, ne it causeth not them to increase, but to decay ; for most commonly the trees would be better, if they might grow still. And therefore upon that that is the cause of the decay and destruction of them, it seems there can no predial tithe arise. And some men say, that this was the cause why our Lord in the said chapter of Levit. 27, gave no commandment to tithe the trees, but the fruits of the trees only. Doct. It appeareth in Paralip. 31, that the Jews at the time of the king Ezechias offered in the temple all things that the ground brought forth ; and that was trees as well as corn and grass. Stud. It appeareth not that they did that by the com- mandment of God, and therefore it is like that they did it for their own devotion, and of a favour that they had above their duty to the repairing of the temple, which the king Ezechias had then commanded to be repaired : and so that text proveth nothing that tithe should be paid for trees. And therefore they say farther, that truth it is, that if a man * Ante, 280. Dialogue II. — Chap. 55. 287 to the intent he would pay no tithe, would wilfully suffer his corn and grass to stand still, and to perish, he should offend conscience therein' : but though he suffer his trees to stand still continually without felling, because he thinketh the tithe would be asked if he felled them (so that he do it not oi an evil will to the curate), he offendeth not in con- science, ne he is not bound to restitution therefore, as he should be if it were of corn and grass, as before appear- eth.* And another diversity is this : In this case of tithe- wood, the tithe thereof would serve so little to that purpose that tithes be paid for, that it is not likelv that they that made the law for payment of tithes intended that any lithe should be paid for trees or wood : for the spiritual ministers must of necessity spend daily and weekly, and therefore the tithes of trees or wood, that cometh so seldom, would serve so little to the purpose that it should be paid for, that it would not help them in their necessity : so that if they should be driven to trust thereto, though it might help him in whose time it should happen to fall, yet it should deceive them that trusted to it in the meantime, and also should leave the parish without any to minister to them. Doc/. I would well agree, that for trees that bear fruit there should no predial tithe be paid when the} - be sold, for the predial tithe of trees is the fruits that come of them, and so there cannot be two predials of one thing, as thou hast said.f But of other trees that bear no fruit, methinketh that a predial lithe should be paid when they be sold. And so it appeareth that there ought to be by the constitu- tion provincial made by the reverend father in God, Robert Winchelsey, late archbishop of Canterbury, where it is said and declared, that Sylva avdua is of every kind of trees that have being, in that they should be cut, or that be able to be cut :% whereof we will, saith he, that the posses- sor of the said wood be compelled by the censures of the A.nte, . t3 Burn's Eccl. Law, 375; ante, 2S5. \ 2 Inst. 642 ; see Stat. 45 Ed. 3, c. 3. 288 Doctor and Student. church to pay to the parish-church, or mother-church, the tithe, as a real or predial tithe. And so by virtue of that constitution provincial a predial tithe must be paid of such trees as have no fruit : for I would agree, that the said con- stitution provincial stretched not to trees that bear fruit, although the words be general to all trees, (as before ap- peareth.) Stud. I take not the reason why a predial tithe should not be paid for trees that bear fruit, to be because two predial tithes cannot be paid for one thing : for when the tithe is paid of lambs, yet shall tithe be paid of wool of the same sheep ; for it is paid for another increase : and so it may be said that the fruit of a tree is one increase, and the felling another.* But I take the cause to be, for the two causes before rehearsed ; and also forasmuch as the felling is not properly an increase of trees, but a destruction of the trees, as it is said before. And farther, I would hear thy mind upon the said constitution provincial, which will, that tithe should be paid for trees by the possessors of the wood ; that if the possessor fell the wood for C/., and give the buyer a certain time to fell it in, what tithe shall the posses- sor pay as long as the wood standeth? Doct. I think none, for the predial tithe cometh not till the wood be felled : and a personal tithe he cannot pay, no more than if a man pluck down his house and selleth it, or if he sell all his land : in which cases I agree well he shall pay no tithe, neither personal nor predial. Stud. And then I put case that the buyer selleth- the wood again as it is standing upon the ground to another for CC/., what tithe shall be paid then? Doct. Then the first buyer shall pay tithe of the surplus- age that he taketh over the C/. that he paid as a personal tithe. Stud. And then if the second buyer after that cut it * 2 Inst. 652; 1 Roll. Abr. 640; Bunb. 10, 314; 1 Roll. Abr. 642; Bunb. 90; 3 Burn's Eel. Law, 452. Dialogue If. — Chap. 5$. 289 down, and sell it when it is cut down for less than he paid, what tithe shall then be paid? Doc/. Then shall he that selleth them pay the tithe foi the trees as a predial tithe. Stud. I cannot see how that can be : for he neither hath the trees that the predial tithe should be paid for, if any ought to be paid ; nor he is not possessor of the ground where the trees grow. And therefore if iiny predial tithe should be paid, it should be paid either by the first posses- sor by reason of the words of the said constitution provincial, which be, that the tithe shall be paid by the possessor of the wood : or by the last buyer, because he hath the trees that should be tithed ; and by the first possessor the tithes cannot bo paid as a predial ; for he cut them not down, ne they were not cut down upon his bargain ; and by the last buyer it cannot be paid, neither as a predial tithe, for the said constitution saith, that the possessor of the woods should be compelled to pay it. And therefore I suppose that the truth is, that in that case no tithe shall be paid : for as to the last seller, he shall pay no personal tithe, for he gained nothing, as it appeareth before ; and no predial tithe shall be paid, for it should be against the said prescription ; and also the cutting down is the destruction of trees, and not their preservation, as is said before. Doct. Then takest thou the said constitution to be of small effect, as it seemeth. Stud. I take it to be of this effect : That of wood above twenty years it bindeth not, because it is contrary to the Common law, and to the said prescription, that standeth good in the Common law, but of wood undertwenty years, whereof lithe hath been accustomed to be paid, the consti- tution is not against the said prescription, because paying of tithe under twenty years is not prohibited, but suffered by the said statute.* Ilowbeit some say, that by the very rigour of the Common law tithes should not be paid for • Ante, 278, 279. *9 290 Doctor and Student. wood under thirty years, no more than for above twenty 3'ea:s, and that prohibition in that case lieth by the Com- mon law : nevertheless, because it hath been suffered to the contrary, and that in many places tithes hath been paid thereof, I pass it over : but where tithe hath not been paid of wood under twenty years, I think none ought to be paid at this day in law or conscience. But admit that the said constitution taketh effect for payment of the wood under twenty years as of a predial tithe, yet I cannot see how the tithe thereof should be paid by the possessor of the wood, if he sell them, but that it should be paid rather by him that hath the trees : for the constitution is, that the tithe shall be paid as a real or predial tithe, and that is their part of the same trees, as it is of corn. And if a man buy corn upon the ground, the buyer shall pay the tithe, and not the seller :* and so it would seem to be here. And what the constitution meant, to decree the contrary in tithe wood, I cannot tell, unless the meaning were to induce the owners to pay tithes of great trees when they fell them to their own use ; which methinketh should be very hard to stand with reason, though the said statute had never been made, as I have said before. And furthermore, I would here (under correction) move one thing, and that is this, That, as it seemeth, that they that were at the making of the said con- stitution, and knew the said prescription, did not follow the direct order of charity therein so perfectly as they might have done : for when they made the said constitution pro- vincial directly against the said prescription, they set law against custom, and power against power, and in a manner the spiritualty against the temporalty, whereby they might well know that great variance and suit would follow. And therefore if they had clearly seen that the said prescription had been against conscience, they should first have moved the king and his council, and the nobles of the realm, to have assented to the reformation of that prescription, and not to make a law as it were by authority and power against * Noy, 150, con. Cro. Jac. 362 ; Brownl. 34. Dialogue II. — Chap. 55. 291 the prescription, and then to threat the people, and make them believe that they were all accursed that kept the said prescription, or that maintained it. And it seemeth to stand hardly with conscience to report so many to stand accursed for following of the said statute, and of the said prescrip- tion as there do, and yet to do no more than hath been done to bringlhem out of it. Doct. Methinketh that it is not convenient that laymen should argue the laws and the decrees or constitutions of the church :* and therefore it were better for them to give credence to spiritual rulers that have cure of their souls, than to trust to their own opinions^ and if they would do so, then such matters would much the more rather cease than they will do by such reasonings. Stud. In that that belongeth to the articles of the faith, I think the people be bound to believe the church, for the church gathereth together in the Holy Ghost cannot err in such things as belongeth to the catholick faith ; but where the church maketh any laws whereby the goods or posses- sions of the people may be bound, or by this occasion or that may be taken from them, there the people may law- fully reason whether the laws bind them or not; for in such laws the church may err and be deceived, and deceive other, either for singularity, or for covertise, or some other cause. And for that consideration it pertaineth most to them that be learned in the law of the realm to know such laws of the church as treat of the ordering of lands or goods, and to see whether they may stand with the laws of the realm or not. And therefore it is necessary for them to know the laws of the church that treat of dismes, of ex- ecutors, of testaments, of legacies, bastardy, matrimony, and divers other, wherein they be bound to know when the law of the church must be followed, and when the law of the realm :f whereof because it is not our purpose to treat, I leave to speak any more at this time, and will resort again s 2 Comyn's Digest, title Canons, 1, 2 f Ante, 16. 292 Doctor and Student. to speak of tithes ; wherein some men say that of tin, coal, and lead, no tithe should be paid when they be sold by the owner of the ground, because it is part of the inheritance, and it is more rather a destruction of the inheritance than an}'- increase.* And therefore they say, that if a man take a tinwork, and give the lord the tenth dish, according to the custom, that the lord shall pay no tithe of that te*nth dish, neither predial nor personal : but if the other that taketh the work, have gains and advantage by the work, it seem- eth that it were not against reason that he should pay a per- sonal tithe of his gains, the charge deducted. f Doct. I pray thee shew me first what thou takest for a personal tithe, and upon what ground personal tithes be paid, as thou thinkest, so that one of us mistake not an- other therein. Stud. I will with good-will. And therefore thou shalt understand that, as I take it, personal tithes be not paid for any increase of the ground, but for such profit as cometh by the labour or industry of the person, as by buying and selling, and such other ;$ and such personal tithes, as I take it, must be ordered after the custom, and the church hath not used to levy those tithes of compulsion, but by con- science of the parties. Nevertheless Raymond saith, that it is good to pay personal tithes, or with the assent of the parson to distribute them to poor men, or else to pay a cer- tain portion for the whole. But as Innocent saith, where the custom is that they should.be paid, the people be bound to pay them as well as predials, the expences deduct. Howbeit in the church of England they use to sue for such personal tithes as- well as for predials ;§ and that is by rea- son of the constitution provincial that was made by Robert Winchelsey, by the which it was ordained, that personal tithes should be paid of crafts and merchandise, and of the * But by custom tithes of any of these may be payable. 2 Inst. 651 ; I Roll. Abr. 646. tLind. 19^; post. 293. \ 3 Burn's Eel. 375. §Lind. 195. Dialogue II. — Chap. 55. 293 lucre of buying and selling, and in like wise of carpenters, smiths, weavers, masons, and all other that work for hire, that they shall pay tithes of their hire,* except they will give any certain thing to the use or the light of the church, if it so please the parson. And in another place the said arch- bishop saith, that of the pawnage of woods and such other things, etc., and of fishings, trees, bees, doves, and of divers other things there remembered, and of crafts, and of buying and selling, and of the profits of divers other things there recited, every man should help satisfy competently in the church, to the which they be bound to give it of right ;f no expences by the giving of the said tithes deducted or withholden, but only for the payment of tithes of crafts, and of buying and selling. And by reason of the said constitu- tions provincial, sometimes suits be taken in the spiritual court for personal tithes ; and therefore many men do mar- vel because deductions many times must be referred to the conscience of the parties. And they marvel also why a law should be made in this realm for paying of personal tithes, more than there is in other countries. And here I would gladly move thee farther in one thing concerning such personal tithes, to know thy mind therein, and that is, If a man give to another a horse, and he selleth that horse for a certain sum, shall he pay any tithe of that sum? Doct. What thinkest thou therein? Stud. I think that he shall pay no tithe : for there, as I take it, the profit cometh not to him by his own industry, but by the gift of another ;| and, as I take it, personal tithes be not paid for every profit or advantage that cometh newly to a man, except it come by his own industry or labour, and so it doth not here. And also if he should pay *N. B. By the statute of 2 and 3 Ed- 6, c. 13, the rigour of the Canon Law as to personal tithes is much softened, and it may be observed that they are n >w scarce any where paid in England, unless for mills or fish caught at sea. Wood, b. 2, c. 22; 1 Roll. Abr. 641, pi. 1; 2 P. Wins. Rep. .163. (• Cro. Car. 339; 1 Lev. 179; Sid. 271 ; 3 Burn's Eel. Law, 471, 472, 473. J 1 Roll. Abr. 656, N. pi. ; post. 297; 2 Inst. 649. 294 Doctor and Student. tithe of that he sold the horse for, he should pay tithe for the very whole value of the thing : and, as I take it, the personal tithes for buying and selling shall never be paid for the value of the thing, but for the clear gains of the thing. And therefore I take the cases before rehearsed, where a man selleth his land, or pulleth down a house and selleth the stuff, that he should there pay no tithe, that it is there to be understood, that he that hath land or house by gift, or by descent : for if a man buy land, or buy timber and stuff of a house, and sell it for gain, I suppose that he should pay a personal tithe for that gain. And this case is not like to a fee or annuity granted for counsel, where the whole fee shall be tithed for the charges deducted, or some certain sum for it by agreement : for there the whole fee cometh for his counsel, which is by his own industry ; but in the other case it is not so. And the same reason as for the personal tithe might be made of trees, when they de- scend or be given to any man, and he selleth them to an- other, that he shall pay no personal tithe. Doct. Methinketh that if the horse amend in his keeping, and then he sell the horse, that then the tithe shall be paid of that that the horse hath increased in value after the gift: and so it may be of trees, that he shall pay tithe of that that the trees mav be amended after the gift or descent. Stud. Then the tithe must be the tenth part of the in- crease, the expences deducted : and then of trees the charges must also be deducted, for it is then a personal tithe ; and there is no tree that is so much worth as it hath hurt the ground by the growing : therefore there can no personal tithe be paid by the owner of the ground when he selleth them, though they have increased in his time. Nevertheless I will speak no farther of that matter at this time, but will shew thee, that if tin, lead, coal, or trees be sold, that a mixt tithe cannot grow thereby. For a mixt tithe is properly of calves, lambs, pigs, and such other that come part of the ground that they be fed of, and part of the keeping, industry and oversight of the owners, as it Dialogue II. — Chap. $$. 295 is said before.* But tin, lead, and coal are part of the ground, and of the freehold, and trees grow of themselves, and be also annexed to the freehold, and will grow of them- selves. And also the mixt tithe must be paid yearly at certain times appointed by the law, or by custom of the country •" but it may happen that tin, lead, coal, and trees shall not be felled or taken in many years, and so it seem- eth it cannot be an)' mixt tithe. And these be some of the reasons, which they that would maintain that statute and prescription to be good, make to prove their intent, as they think. Docl. What think they, if a man sell the lops of his wood, whether any tithe ought there to be paid? Stud. They think all one law of the trees and of the lops.f Docl. And if he use to sell the lops once in fifteen or sixteen years, what hold they then? Stud. That all is one. Doct. And what is the reason why tithe ought not to be paid there as well as for wood under twenty years? Stud. For they say that the lops are to be taken of the same condition as the trees be, what time soever they be felled ; and that no custom will serve in that case against the statute, no more than it should do of great trees. % Doct. And what hold they of the bark of the tree? Stud. Therein I have not heard of their opinion, but it seemeth to be one law with the lops. Doct. I perceive well by that thou hast said before, that thy mind is, that if a whole country prescribe to be quit of tithes of trees, corn, and grass, or of any other tithes, that that prescription is good, so that the spiritual ministers have sufficient beside to live upon.§ Dost thou mean so? Wats., c. 49; 2 [nst. 6{S : 1 Roll. Abr. 635. fSccthc great case of Walton and Lady Mary Trvon, Dec. 15, 1 75 1 , mentioned by Dr. Burn in his Eel. Law, 3 vol., p. 440, which finally settles this point. X n Rep 4S ; 1 Cro. 478; Br. Dismes, pi. 14. §3 Burn's Eel. Law, 400; ante, .284. 296 Doctor and Student. Stud. Yea verily. Doct. And then I would know thy mind, if any man contrary to that prescription were sued in the spiritual court for corn and grass, or any other tithes, whether a prohibi- tion should lie in that case, as it did after thy mind before the said statute, where a man was sued in the spiritual court for tithe wood. Stud. I think nay. Doct. And why not there, as well as it did where a man was sued for the tithe wood? Stud. For, as I take it, there is great diversity between the cases, and that for this cause : There is a maxim in the law of England, that if any suit be taken in the spiritual court whereby any goods or land might be recovered, which after the grounds of the law of the realm ought not to be sued there, though percase the king's court shall hold no plea thereof, that yet a prohibition should lie :* and after when it had continued long that no tithes were paid of wood, because of the said prohibition, and that after by process of lime some curates began to ask tithe of wood, contrary to the law, and contrary to the said prescription, so that variance began to arise between curates and their parishioners in that behalf; then for appeasing the said variance the said statute was made, and that, as it seemeth more at the calling on of the spiritualty than of the tem- poralt}' : for the statute doth not expressly grant that the pro- hibition in that case of tithe wood should lie so largely as some say it lay by the law ; howbeit it doth not restrain the Common law therein, as it appeareth evidently by the words of the statute. J And so after some men, it appeareth be- fore the statute, and also after the statute, (as I have touched before) that the spiritual court ought not in that case to have made any process for tithe wood : and therefore if they did, a prohibition lay by the Common law. And like law as if the spiritual court make process upon such legacy • Ante, 1S1. | Ante, 279, 290. Dialogue II. — Chap. 55. 297 as by the law of the realm is void. As if a man bequeath to one another man's horse, and the spiritual court there- upon maketh process to execute that legacy, there a pro- hibition lieth : for it appeareth evidently in the libel, if all the truth appeareth in the libel, that in the law of the realm the legacy is void to all intents ; and that he to whom the legacy is made shall neither have the horse nor the value of th'j horse. And in like wise if a man si 11 his land lor one hur dred pounds, and he is sued after in the spiritual court for tithe of the said hundred pounds, there a prohibition shall lie;'* for it appeareth in that case openly in the libel, that no tithe ought to be paid, and that the spiritual law ought not in that case to make any process whereby the goods of him that sold the land might be taken from him against the law of the realm. And upon this ground it is, that if a man were suedf in the spiritual court now sith the statute J for a Mortuary, % that a prohibition should lie, for it appeareth in the libel, that sith the statute there ought no suit to be taken for mortuaries ;|| and the same law is, if any suit were taken in the spiritual court tor a new duty, that is of late taken in some places upon leases of parsonages and vicarages, which is called a Dimission noble, for it appeareth evidently in the libel, if any be made thereupon, that no such process ought by the law of the realm to be made in that behalf. But in the case ofitithe corn or grass, or such other things, wherein thou hast desired to know my mind, there appeareth nothing in the libel, but that the suit thereof of right appertaineth to the spiritual law ;^[ and so for any thing that appeareth the party may be holpen in the spiritual court by the pre- * Ante, :S-f. t Post 303, 305. % 21 II. S, c 6. § Sec post- 304, of what in general a mortuary consisted before the act of Henry. || But a man may be sued in the spiritual court for the money given by the statute, for it is recoverable there as an ecclesiastical right, just as a mortuary was before the statute. 12 Mod. 416, Johnson v. Rysons. The money may be sued for as a mortuary, as it has now obtained that name. \ 2 Burn's Eccl. Law, 4S1, 4S2. 298 Doctor and Student. scription. And if the case were so put, that in the spiritual court they would not allow the said prescription, yet I think no prohibition shall lie. For though the spiritual judges in a spiritual matter deny the parties of justice, yet the king's laws cannot reform that, but must remit it to their con- science. But if there were some remedy provided in that case, it were well done ; for some men say, that in the spiritual court the}' will admit no plea against tithes. And also if a composition were made by assent of the patron, and also of the ordinary, between a parson and one of his parishioners, that the parson and his successors should have for a ceriain ground so many quarters of corn for his tithe yearly, and after, contrary to the composition, the parson in the spiritual court asketh the tithes as they fall ;* that in this case no prohibition should lie ; ne yet though the case were farther put, that the composition were pleaded in the court, and were disallowed ; but all resteth in the conscience of the judge spiritual, (as is said before. )f Howbeit, be- cause some be of opinion that a prohibition should lie in this last case, therefore I will refer it to the judgment of other ; but in the case of prescription, before rehearsed, I take it for the clearer case, that no prohibition should lie, as I have said before. And 1 beseech our Lord, that this matter and such other like thereto, may be so charitably looked upon, that there be not hereafter such divisions, ne such diversities of opinions therein, as has been in time past, whereby hath followed great costs and charges to many persons in this realm ; and that hath moved me to speak so far in this chapter, and in divers other chapters in this present book, as I have done : not intending thereby to give occasion to any person to withhold his tithes that of right ought to be paid, ne to alter the portion therein before accustomed; but that (as methinketh) they ought to be claimed by the same title as they ought to be paid, and by none other ; and that it may also somewhat appear that the *2 Black. Com. 28, 29. t See 2 Inst. 610. Dialogue II. — Chap. 55. 299 said statute of 45 Edvv. III.* was well and lawfully made, and upon a good reasonable consideration, and that the said prescription is good also ; so that no man was in any danger of excommunication for the making of the said statute, nor yet is not for the observing thereof, ne yet of the said pre- scription, as it is noted by some persons that there should be. And thus I commit thee unto our Lord, who ever have both thee and me in his blessed keeping everlastingly. Amen. • 2 Inst. 642. ADDITIONS SECOND DIALOGUE DOCTOR AND STUDENT CONTAINING THIRTEEN CHAPTERS POWER AND JURISDICTION OF THE PARLIAMENT, Etc (301) ADDITIONS SECOND DIALOGUE DOCTOR AND STUDENT, Etc. Chap. I. — What the parliament may do concerning the spirituality and the spiritual jurisdiction , and what not. Doct. I pray thee let me know thy mind in this question, Whether laymen (as thee thinketh) have power to make any laws of mortuaries? , Stud. There was a law made of mortuaries in the par- liament holden in the 21 Hen. VIII., c. 6,* by the assent of the king, and of all the lords spiritual and temporal of the realm, and of all the commons ;f and I hold it not best to reason, or to make arguments, whether they had authority to do that they did or not. For I suppose, that no man would think that they would do anything that they had not power to do. Doct. I mean not onlv of mortuaries, that that statute meaneth of, but I mean of such things as be brought to ;:; This statute, which limits the sums which shall be taken for mortuaries, now stands in full force, except as to the seventh clause, which is repealed by 12 Ann., st. 2, c 6, and 2S Geo. 2, c 6. t Ante, 297. (303) 304 Doctor and Student. burials of dead persons;* whereof some concern the ser- vice of God, or the relief of the soul, and some the worldly countenance : as in some places, the church claimeth to have the taper that standeth in the middle of the hearse over the. heart of the corpse, and some claim to have all the tapers ; some also claim to have one of the torches that is about the hearse, and some to have all the torches. And if the body be brought in a chariot, or with coat armour, or such other, then they claim all the horses and chariot, and the apparel, or part thereof; and the coat armours or other like, as se- queses to the body. And these rights and duties be called in some places mortuaries :f and of these I mean most prin- cipally in this question. I pray thee let me know what thou thinkest therein. Stud. I pray thee let me first know what is thy opinion in this question. Doct. I think that of such of the said mortuaries as the church hath right in, in such manner as is before rehearsed by prescription or otherwise, and of such things as be or- dained at such burials to the service of God, or to the re- lief of the soul, that the parliament hath no power to pro- hibit them ; as to prohibit that the church should have no such mortuaries, or thaWthere should not be bidden to the burial so many priests, or that there shall not be above so many tapers or torches ; or that there shall not be given above such a certain sum in alms : I suppose that the par- liament hath no power to these things, for they be annexed to the right spiritual whereof the temporal jurisdiction hath no power : for the inferior may not judge upon the superior. But to make a law, that there shall not be given above so man\- black gowns, or that there shall not be any herald of arms there, but he that is buried were of such a degree ; or that no black cloths shall be hanged in the streets from the house where he died to the church, as is used in many • Wats. Com. Inc. 1053, cap. 23; 3 Burn's Eccl. Law, 500, 501. t But they are all entirely abolished by the statute of II. S, and subse- quent statutes relating to mortuaries. Dialogue II. — Chap. i. 305 cities and good towns, or to prohibit such other things as be but wordly pomps, and be rather consolations to the friends that be alive than any relief to the soul that is de- parted, wherefore the church favoureth them not. I think the parliament hath good authority to make a law ; I pray tin e let me know thy mind what thou thinkest in these diversities. Stud. Verily I think that in all the cases before rehearsed, the parliament with a cause, hath good authority to make laws ; as if it were ordained by the parliament, that at such burials the church should neither have torch nor taper, horse nor chariot, nor none other thing like, but that they should always pertain to the executors to the use of the testator : it were a good statute, and ought to be observed, as well by spiritual men as by temporal ; and this I take to be the reason why, for all goods, though they be in the hands of spiritual men, be temporal concerning the body, and nourishing the body, as they do to temporal men. And John Gerson holdeth the same opinion, as it appeareth in his treatise of the Spiritual Life of the Soul, the second lesson, and the third corollary, whereof mention is made more at large in the first dialogue in English, chap. 3.* And all temporal things the king and his pro- genitors, as in the right of the crown, have in this realm alway ordered and judged by his laws : and therefore I suppose that the parliament may enact, that there shall not be laid upon a deceased person but such a cloth, or thus many tapers or candles set up about him. f And here I would say farther in one thing, and that is this, that no prescription had by the authority of the spiritual law,i may give no right within this realm to those mortuaries that we * Ante, 215. f Ante, 247. J The ecclesiastical law allows of different times in creating customs or prescriptions. Sometimes thirty, Godolphin's Orphan's Legacy, 62 ; eome- times forty, 1 P. Wins. 667; Str. 422; and sometimes fifty years, Str. S3, make a prescription. 20 306 Doctor and Student. speak of now, nor to the said mortuaries that be put alway by the said statute, nor y.et to any pension or annuity ;* but if any right shall be won therein by prescription, it must be by a prescription had after the course of the law of the realm ;f and the least prescription thereof is this, that is to say, that no man's mind may remember the contrary thereof whereof the prescription is made. And if this be true, then have many mortuaries been claimed, and taken in time past, without title, whereby the takers have been bounded to restitution. And that is true that I have said of such prescriptions of mortuaries and pensions, methink- eth it may appear thus : If there were a law made by the church, that at every burial the curate should have all the tapers and torches that were about the corpse, I suppose that it is clear, that that law bound not in this realm there as no prescription was thereof before. And if a law made by the church should not in this case bind, how should then a prescription, grounded only upon the laws of the church, bind? I cannot see how: but if it were in a country where the church hath sovereignty in temporal things, it were a greater doubt. And in this case many say, that a prohibition ought of right to be granted to pro- hibit the spiritual judges, that they shall not give sentence against the prescription of the king's law, whereby any temporal goods may be bound, as well as that they shall not hold plea of that that belongeth to the king's law, but such a prohibition is not in use.| But if it were enacted, that a prohibition should hereafter lay in that case, I sup- pose that it were a right good and a reasonable staiute. And also whether such a prescription, after the law of the church, give title for tithes, is after some men the greater question : but I will no farther speak thereof at this time. And as to the coat armour, shield and sword and such other things as be sometime set up at the burial of noble men, § 2 Inst. 491. f Ante, 27; Co. Litt. 114. X Ante, 1S1. Dialogue II. — Chap. i. 307 some men say that they belong not to the church, but to the executors :* and that they ought to remain there to the honour of tin? body, and to the memorial of the soul, as long as they will endure. For there was never gift thereof made to the curate, whereby any property might grow unto him. And a case much like to their sayings is in the 9 Ed- ward IV., f where an action of trespass was brought for taking away such a coat armour, etc. And there some were o( opinion, that the action la}' well, howbeit the case is not judged ; but whatsoever the law be therein, I think it be no great doubt, but that if a statute be made that they should belong to the executors, that the interest of the curate, whatsoever he had thereto before by prescription, constitu- tion, or otherways, were determined ; and so methinketh that the parliament ma}' as directly make a law concerning such mortuaries as it may do of any other temporal goods within the realm ; and then as to the number of priests and clerks, that should be bidden to such burials, I think that the parliament may well, upon a certain pain, prohibit, that none shall call to such a burial above a certain number of priests and clerks to be assigned by the parliament after the degree of him that is buried ; and especially to prohibit, that none shall give any money, or other reward, to any above that number, though they come uncalled. For such statutes be for ordering of temporal things, and to force that the king's subjects should not be charged but as the parlia- ment should think expedient for the wealth ot the realm, and therefore they are to be observed in law and conscience. And thus I have shewed the part of my conceit, what me- thinketh concerning the said mortuaries. Doct. I thank thee for the pain thou hast taken therein: and since thou hast somewhat touched what the parlia- ment may do in these mortuaries, which concerneth somewhat the spirituality, I pray thee that thou wouldest shew me somewhat more of thy mind, what the parliament 5 1 Burn's Ecc Law, 343; 3 Inst. no. t 3 Inst. 202. 308 Doctor and Student. may do in other things concerning the spirituality ; fori think it were good and necessary to be known for the good ordei of conscience of many persons, and the appeasing of many and great diversities of opinion in this realm. Stud. To treat of this matter at length, it would ask a great time ; but I shall with good-will briefly touch some articles thereof, and haply thou shalt by them know the better what the parliament may do concerning the spiritual jurisdiction in other cases like. But I pray thee take me not, that my meaning is, that I would that such statutes should be made as I shall speak of; for I do it not to that intent, but only to shew the power of the parliament what they may do if they list to execute their power. Chap. II. — What the -parliament may do concerning the spirituality and the spiritual jurisdiction, and what not. Stud. I suppose it may be enacted by the parliament, that no lands, nor other inheritance, shall hereafter be given into mortmain by licence, nor without licence, but that all feoff- ments, fines, leases, and recoveries by covin, or by assent of the parties hereafter made, or had for mortmain, shall be void and that the house shall take no interest by it ;* but that it shall remain still with the feoffors or givers, or to such other use as the parliament shall appoint. For like as the parliament may ordain, that all feoffments and fines, made to any manner of person, shall be void, and that every man shall stand still seised of his land without making of any alteration of posession thereof to any other, more stronger it may ordain, that no alteration of possession shall be made into mortmain. And that a statute may be made that there shall be no alteration of possession made of lands to no man, it may appear by the words of John Gerson, in his treatise of Contracts, the 6th considera- tion, where he says thus: "Contracts be not therefore precisely to be said unlawful and void, because they may ♦Ante, 200, 210. Dialogue II. — Chap. 3. 309 be redeemed by the law made for such redemption. For he sayeth, ' That they that would say so, would condemn the high maker of laws, that is God himself:' which in the judicial law given by Moses to the Jews (as the text is open) Levit. xxv, willeth, 'That he that selleth his in- heritance may redeem it: and if he redeem it not, yet it should return again in the year of Jubilee :' for it is there said to the Jews thus : 'AH the region of your possession shall he sold under the condition of redemption.' And though that law bindeth not now christian people, yet a like law thereto might be made by christian princes, which then by that new institution ought to be observed and kept, as divers of the said judicials have been in many countries." Thus far be the words of John Gerson. And methinketh, that if a law might be made, that if a man sell his land, that he may nevertheless redeem it within certain years, whether the buyer will or no, though no such condition were spoken of at the making of the bargain : that like reason is that a law may be made, that there shall be no sales, but that ever}- man shall continually stand still seised ot his lands, as I have said before. And I suppose verily that such a statute should be good and profitable, as well for them that have such lands in mortmain as for many other. And Basdus de Perusio saith, that such a statute should be good to prohibit that no lands should come into mortmain, but not to prohibit that no goods should come into mortmain. And methinketh his saying is good and reasonable. Chap. III. — What the -parliament may do concerning the spirituality, and what not. Stud. I think also that the king by parliament may break all appropriations that be made against any statute, or against the good order of the people, or against the commonwealth; and the cause is this: there can be no church appropriated, but that the patronage of the advow- son thereof must be given before the appropriation to the 310 Doctor and Student. abbot, or prior, or other, to whom the propriation shall be made, and to their successors, for if it be given but for term of lite, the appropriation cannot stand in effect but for term of lite.* And because the advovvson is a temporal inherit- ance, therefore it is under the power of the parliament to order it as it seeth cause, and to bring it again to be presentable as it was first : and in likewise if a man bring a writ of right of advowson against him that hath such an advowson appropried to his house, and recovereth the advowson, the appropriation is dissolved : for the appro- priation can no longer continue than they have the patron- age. And the parliament may leave the advowson to the house, as an advovvson presentable if they see cause ; or they may give it to the first giver, or otherwise dispose it, as the matter requirelh. And under such manner all the vicarages that were unyed, annexed, or appropried from the first year of king Richard II., unto the parliament holden in the fourth year of king Henry IV., were disapproved. f And by the same statute of Henry IVth it is enacted, That all vicarages appropriated after the statute made in the fifteenth year of king Richard against the form of the statute, shall be disappropried, except the vicarage of Had- denham in the diocese of Ely, as in the said statute ap- peareth. But yet I suppose, that the parliament may not make an appropriation without spiritual assent ; ne I mean not that it were good that all appropriation should be broken ; but I have spoken this to show what authority the parliament hath if they would execute it; and if there be a reasonable consideration why it is done, then the disap- propriation holdeth as well in conscience as in the law. And good it is, that the authority of parliament be known in this behalf to the intent that it may cause them the rather to observe such statutes as be already made of such ap- propriations, and to dispose some part of the fruits thereof among the poor parishioners, according to the statute of the * Ante, 189. fPlow. 495. Dialogue II. — Chap. 4. 311 15 Rich. II. made in that point. And it were asked them, why they have not observed the said statute, they have none other excuse, but either to say that they knew not the stat- ute, or else that the statute had no power to bind them to it. And I suppose verily that neither of those sayings can be any reasonable excuse unto them in that behalf.* Chap. IV. — Concerning the power of the parliament as against the spirituality. Stud. , All the sanctuaries in England, | as well in churches as other, % and also where a man shall have his clergy, and where not, be under the power and authority of the parliament. Doct. I suppose that it is by the spiritual authority that a man shall be defended by a sanctuary, or have his clergy. Stud. Nay verily, but by the old customs and maxims of the law of the realm ; and therefore the king's justices shall judge where a man shall have sanctuary or his clergv, and where not. And if the ordinary will not come to receive them that be clerks, the king's justices may set a fine upon him. And also the king's pardon shall discharge one, both of the sanctuary, and out of the bishop's prison ; and so it appeareth that the bishops have the keeping of such as be admitted to their clergy by authority of the king's laws, and not by their own authority. § And though the title of sanct- uary, and the liberty where a man shall have his clergv, be under the power of the parliament, yet the parliament hath not broken nor extended his whole power on .them, to put them generally away. Doct. Mig'nt the parliament break a sanctuarv that is granted by the pope? Stud. The pope by himself may make no sanctuary in * For further information relating to appropriations, see I Burn's Ecc Law, title Appropriation. t Ante, 93, J40. J Sanctuary is now abolished hv stat 21 Jac« 1, c -S. § See stat. 18 L'liz , c. 7. and 4 B. C. 362. 312 Doctor and Student. this realm : but if the king and the pope together do it, the old custom cf the realm serveth, as most men say, that it is good. But yet if the king after that grant, by authority of his parliament avoid his own grant, then remaineth but only the pope's grant ; and that sufllceth not to make a sanctuary, as I have said before : but the parliament with- out the pope may make a sanctuary, with such penalties as they shall think convenient to set upon the breakers thereof. But if the pope do after confirm that sanctuary, and grant that no man under the pain of the censures of the church do break it, it is the stronger, howbeit the sanctuary taketh his full strength in that case as to the law by the parliament. Chap. V. — Concerning the pozver of the parliament against the spirituality. Stud. I suppose also, that the parliament may assign of the trees and grass in church-yards either to the parson, to the vicar,* or to the parish if they see cause : for though it be hallowed ground, yet the freehold thereof, the trees and herbs are things temporal, as they were before the hallow- ing ; and that the parliament hath power to order them (as is said before) it appeareth by a statute that is called Ne rector prostemat arborcs in ccemctcrio, 35 Edvv., stat. 2, that is to say, the statute against persons, that they shall not cut down trees in the church-yards. In which statute it is recited, thai the soil of the church-yard (which in the laws of England is called the freehold) belongeth to the church : and then the statute goeth farther, and prohibited! * As the law now stands, if there is a rector only, or a vicar only of the church, the trees and grass belong to him; but if there is both rector and vicar in the same church, it is doubtful to which of them they belong. Linwood seems to think the rector has the property in them, unless they are otherwise assigned in the endowment of the vicarage. Lind. 267. Hut this is mere conjecture. In short, there appears to he no direct au- thority one way or tin- other. In Bellamy's case, in the spiritual court, where the vicar sued t lie parson impropriate for cutting down trees, the point to which of the two the trees did belong was indeed considered; but the case at last went off upon another ground, so that the right was not determined. 2 Roll. Abr. 337. Dialogue II. — Chap. 5. 313 all persons, that they shall not fell them, but it be for nec- essary reparations of the chancel,* but that they shall let them stand still to defend the church from the great tem- pestuous winds and weather. And then it seemeth, that like as the parliament hath authority to prohibit persons, that they shall not fell the trees in the church-yard when they would, that it hath authority as well to take the whole property of the trees from them if they see cause, and that they may give them to the parish, if there be reasonable consideration to move tbem to it. And yet nevertheless the judges for a church-yard will most commonly put the court out of jurisdiction, and remit it to the spiritual law, to determine to whom it belongeth of right ; but I take that to be by a custom, and a favor of the law, and not of a mere right, as of the law of God. And therefore if the parlia- ment would ordain, that the right of church-yards, and of all things in them, should be tried in the king's courts, I think the statute might well do it. But, as I have said before, the parliament will not extend their power to many things, that they might do if they would (I think), and especially in these matters they will not. And surely as well the parliament as the king's courts, of the king's bench and common pleas, and all the common law (as 1 suppose) have been and be as favourable to the spiritual jurisdiction, as well in such church-yards, tithes, offerings, and such other, as any law hath been ; insomuch that in the king's bench and common pleas they will sutler no issue to be joined, especially betwixt person and person, whereby the right of tithes might be tried ; howbeit that in the exchequer * It seems that the rector or vicar may cut them clown to repair the parsonage or vicarage house, or the pews belonging to either. He may likewise take botes for repairing the barns and outhouses belonging to the house. And Lindwood says, if the nave of the church wants repairing, the rector or vicar will do well not to be difficult in granting leave to cut clown a tree or two fir that use. Lind. 267- But if the trees arc cut down for any other purposes, the persons cutting them down may be re- s trainee by injunction. 2 Atk. 217. May ba indicted upon the statute 35 Ed. 1 ; 11 Co. 49. May be sued in an action of trespass at common law. 2 Roll. Abr. 337. Or be proceeded against in the spiritual court. 314 Doctor and Student. some time they have done otherwise. And for a farther proof, that the parliament may order a church-yard, and trees and grass, as is aforesaid, some make this reason ; the}- say it is enacted by the statute 15 of Rich. II., ch. 5, that lands that be made church-yards, and be hallowed and made burials without licence of the king and chief lords, shall be in case of mortmain : and they say, that of that it follow- ed"), that if the king or lord enter, for that the church-yard was made against the statute, that the hallowing thereby is annulled, for else (they say) the statute should be void. And it the statute have power to annul the hallowing, made against the statute, they say more stronger it may order the trees and grass that be growing upon it, because they be temporal, as is said before. And in that case if the lord enter by reason of the statute, and the person putteth him out, and the lord bring assise, and the person pleadeth, that it is a church-yard, and demand judgment, if the court will hold plea thereof, and then the lord sheweth how he entered by iorce of the said statute, and pleadeth in certain ; that is a good plea to give the court jurisdiction. And thus I suppose verily that the parliament may order the trees and grass in a church-yard, as I have said, and yet the ground to remain still hallowed, as it did before. Chap. VI. — Concerning the pozver of the parliament against the spirituality. Stud. I suppose also, that it may be enacted by authority of parliament, that if a spiritual man sutler his houses to decay and die : that his successor shall have remedy in the king's court, against his executors, and that it may be pro- hibited, that no suit of dilapidation should be hereafter taken in the spiritual court, for it is brought to have amends for the waste and decay done in houses by his predecessor, which is all temporal, and belongeth to the king's courts, as wastes and trespass do. And howbeit, that no action lieth for the successor in such case for the waste at the common Dialogue II. — Chap. 6. 315 law :* yet that is not sufficient to prove, that an action may lie therefore at the spiritual laws : for if a person of a church make a lease for term of years, and the lessee cloth waste, in that case the person shall have no remedy at the common law, and yet he shall not therefore have any rem- edy at the spiritual law.j" And also in divers statutes it ap- peareth, that if a man have judgment in the spiritual law to do penance, as is enjoined him, that the judges spiritual may not turn that penance into money, unless the party will freely ask it ;| lest they might by that means give judgment of temporal things. And if they may not turn penance into money, but by the free will of the party ; then more stronger, they may not hold plea in this matter, where none other thing is in variance but waste of houses, and where are demanded damages, as was in the prohibition of waste at the common law : and therefore some men say, that a 'praemunire facias, or a prohibition lieth in this case, at this day, if the grounds of the law were thoroughly looked upon ;§ howbeit, because of the custom so long used and suffered to the contrary, peradventure it were not good to alter the law therein without parliament; but they think verily that the parliament may well alter it ; and to enforce their reason they say, that since the court christian may not by the law award damages for beating of a clerk, but only put * Actions have been and may be brought upon the custom of the real n in the king's court for dilapidations. 3 Lev. 26S; Cart. 244. t Ante, 101 . Jin the days of popei v the ecclesiastics for a little advantage ".vere used to enjoin pecuniary penances, and to demand them as their just dues. Whereupon the statute of articuli clert, 9 Ed. 2, st 1, c 2, was made, which entirely prohibited this practice; but further provided, that it pre- lates enjoined corporal penance, and the party to be punished would upon his own accord redeem such psnance for money, it should be allowed. By virtue therefore of this provision, money may be taken as a commuta- tion for corporal penance, and if it is not paid, a suit may be instituted lor it in the spiritual court. 4 B. C 217. § It is most clear, that a prohibition will not lie, as the eccles court has undoubted cognizance of dilapidations, and may decree satisfac- tion to be made for them out of the ecclesiastical or patrimonial goods of the person suffering such dilapidations. Lind. 250; Gibson, 753; 3 B. C 9a. 3 1 6 Doctor and Student. him to penance for laying violent hands upon the clerk, that more stronger they may not in this case award damages for the waste, that is nothing else but a temporal offence.* Chap. VII. — Concerning the authority of the -parliament and the spirituality. Stud. If it were ordained by statute, that no priest should wear any cloth made out of the realm, nor above such a price, upon a certain pain, or that chaplains shall not take above so much lor their salary, I suppose that these statutes were good, because ihey concern the ordering of temporal things ; but to appoint the fashion of their garments, or their tonsure, it is more doubt whether the parliament may set pain upon it or not. Doct. It hath not been seen, that any penal statutes have been made by parliament concerning apparel of the clergy in this realm, for that hath always been ordered by the con- vocation, f And also it appeareth in the statute made in the 36 Edw. III., c. 84 that when default was found by the commons for excessive wages of chaplains, that the parlia- ment did not order the wages, but the king and his lords, at the petition of the commons, moved the archbishop of Canterbury thereof; and thereupon he and other bishops afterward informed the parliament, that they had set the wages in certain, and that no chaplain should take more than they had appointed, upon a pain by them limited ; and if any spiritual men gave more, etc., they to forfeit the double to certain uses by the convocation appointed. And that no chaplain should remove from one diocese to another without letters of the ordinary, from whose diocese they re- moved. And it was then ordained by the parliament, thai no temporal man should give more wages than the bishops * 2 Inst. 492 ; ante, 303. fTlie principal canons which respect the habit of clergymen are a con- stitution of Archbishop Stratford, in the year 134.3, ' n tne reign of king Edward the Third, and the 74th canon of the canons in the year 1603. \ Post. 317; repealed. Dialogue II. — Chap. 7. 317 had assigned, upon pain to forfeit as much to the king, as in the said statute appeareth. And also the statute willeth farther, that he that findeth him grieved against that ordi- nance, shall have his remedy in the chancery ; but it ap- peareth not, that there should be any remedy thereupon at the common law. Stud. The virtue of spiritual men, and the favour of the realm to them, and their wisdom, policy, and high author- it} - be and have been great in this realm, whereby many things have been forborne, that might lawfully have been done, as I suppose. And in the statute made in the 3 Hen. V. wages of chaplains were set in certain by the parliament : and truth it is, that by the said statute of 36 Edw. III.,* ch. 9, it is enacted, That whosoever findeth him grieved against the said ordinance, made of the said wages, shall have remedy in the chancery, as thou sayest ; and therefore it followeth thereupon, that if chaplains may by authority of the parliament be lawfully put to answer in the chancery before the chancellor, which sitteth there only by the king's authority, that they may as well upon a reasonable cause be put to answer by authority of the parliament after the process of the common law. Doci. Bv subpoena, which is the process used in chan- cery, the person shall not be arrested, but be only warned to appear. I And it is directly against the canons, that a priest should be arrested, and peradventure at the making of the said statute, the parliament had respect thereto, and thought it reasonable, that they should rather be put to an- swer in chancery, where their bodies should not be ar- rested, than at the common law, where they might be ar- rested. $ Stud. Though the person shall not be arrested by a sub' fevna, yet if he appear not in the end he shall be proclaimed rebel, and then thereupon his body shall be arrested. § And ♦These statutes are repealed by 21 Jac , c 28. T3B. C. 443- X See Statutes 50 Ed. 3, c- 5, and 1 R. 2, c. 15. § 3 B. C. 444. 31 8 Doctor and Student. also if the party will not perform the judgment given upon the suhpcena, there is none other execution in the Chancery, but to commit him to prison till he have performed it ;* and therefore (as it seemeth) the parliament regarded not that point. Wherefore I suppose rather, that the statute was made as to that article upon this consideration, that because upon a decree made by the convocation,! there lieth no action at the Common law, but at the Spiritual law, and because this matter concerned giving of wages, which were things temporal, it was thought reasonable that the offenders against the decree made in the convocation, should be put to answer in the Chancery, which is the king's court : bul it might as well have been enacted, that they should have been put to answer at the Common law as in the Chancery, if the parliament would, as I suppose. But to that point, that thou hast spoken of before, that it is against the canons of the church, that a priest should in i\ny cases be arrested. J The Common law pretendeth, that the king, as in the right of his crown, and by his Common laws, hath that authority, and so it is daily put in execution. And if the Common law be so already, then there needeth no statute to be made of it. Nevertheless, because our intent now at this time is to speak only, what the parliament may do concerning the spirituality, and what not, therefore I will no farther speak of that matter but only this, that if there be offence in them, that execute the Common law therein, that it is a great marvel, that spiritual men have done no more to reform it, than they have done; and if there be no offence therein, then were it good, that it were so openly known, that all scrupulosity of conscience might be avoided. For as it standeth now, there resteth in some persons, that execute the law therein, a doubt in conscience; and by reason of th;.t doubt they offend, that should not offend, if the mat- ter were plainly declared. For then would they either •■ i Ilarr. Chan. Prac. 316. f Dav. 70. J Ante, 317. Dialogue II. — Chap. 8. 3'9 clearpy cease, or else proceed according to the law with good authority. Chap. VIII. — Concerning the authority of the -parliament and the spirituality. i Stud. If there were a schism in the papacy, who were right wise pope, the king in his parliament, as the high sovereign over the people, which hath not only charge on the bodies, but also on the souls of his subjects, hath power for the quietness and surety of his realm to ordain and de- termine, who shall be in this realm holden for right wise pope, and may command, that no man spiritual nor temporal shall name any other to be pope, but him that is so authorised in the parliament ; nor sue to any other as pope, but onlv to him. And a statute of like effect was made in the 2 Rich. II., ch. 7,* where pope Urban was adjudged in the parliament to be lawfully chosen pope. And the parlia- ment, for appeasing divisions that might rise in the realm by such a schism in the papacy, may set a remedv ; why then may not the king and his parliament in like wise, as well to the strength of the faith, and to the health of the souls of many of his subjects, as to save his realm from being noted of heresy, search the cause of such division as is now in the realm by diversities of sects and opinions ; and to know also by whom, and by what occasion the noise hath arisen, that there should be so many heresies in this realm as are noted to be : and whether there be such heresies or not, and not to put any to answer* thereupon after the pro- cess of the law ; but charitably to examine the truth therein, and thereupon by their wisdoms to devise some charitable way for unity and peace. And great re- ward shall they have of God, that put their hands to avoid the great danger that is like to fall to many souls, as well of men spiritual as temporal, if this division con- tinue long. And as far as I have heard, all the articles that be misliked in this behalf, sowneither against the •Post. 320; obsolete. 320 Doctor and Student. worldly honour, worldly power, or worldly riches of spiritual men ; but to express the articles I hold it not most expedient. And verily if it be true that some have reported, many of them be so far against the truth, that I suppose no christian man will hold them, believing them to be true : but that they do it for some other consideration. And though they do not well in that doing, how good soever the consideration be, for no evil is to be done that good should follow ; yet they do not so evil, as if they held them, believing them also to be true ; nor it will not be so hard to remove them from it, as it would be, if they did believe them indeed. For if it be so, that they believe them not, then the cause removed, it is to think, that they would be lightly reformed : and therefore if it were ordained for a law, that every curate at the death of every of their parishioners, should say for their souls in audience Placebo and D/'rige, and mass, without taking any thing therefore :* and that they should also at a certain time, there to be assigned by parliament, as it were once in a month, or as shall be thought convenient, do in likewise, and pray especially for the souls of their parishioners, and for all christian souls, and for the king and the whole realm :f and religious houses to do after the same manner, I sup- pose, that in short time there would be but few, that would say, there were no purgatory. And in likewise if it were ordered so by the pope, that there might be certain general pardons of full remission in divers parts of the realm, which the people might have' for saying certain orisons and prayers, without paying any money for it, it is not unlike, but in short time there would be very few, that would lind any default at pardons :$ for verily it is a great comfort to * Ante, 221. f Ante, 31, 20S. X In the dark ages of ignorance and superstition, the Pope had great power in the management of affairs both civil and ecclesiastical here in England. The title he assumed, and which was thought to belong to him, was that of vicat general under God. His decrees were considered as just, and his opinions infallible. In short, he was looked up to as one that had Dialogue II. — Chap. 8. 321 all christian people to remember, that our Lord loved his people so much that he would to their relief and comfort, leave behind him so great a treasure, as is the power to grant pardons : which, as I suppose, next unto the treasure ol his precious body in the sacrament of the altar,* may be accounted among the greatest. And therefore he laboured greatly to his own hurt, and to the great heaviness of all other also, that would endure himself to prove, that there was no power left by God. And I suppose verily that if such free pardons were granted (as I have spoken of before) and that then other pardons were afterward granted, to have the aid of the people for some charitable cause, as to resist the Turk, or such other, that the people would as diligently receive those pardons to be partakers of the good deed, as they would be, if there were no such free pardons granted before. And I think verily, that if the king's grace, and his parliament, look not upon these matters, it will be hard to tell who shall be able to do it. And under this manner Naitanus, king of Picts, took great labour and diligence for the appeasing of the division and variance, that was amongst his subjects (as well spiritual as tem- poral) for the due time of keeping the Easter. For some men in that variance kept Easter, when other kept Palm a right to do and say just what he pleased. Of this power the Pope did not fail to make a handle. He turned it entirely to his own pecuniary advantage, and the henefit of the holy see; so that it is scarcely to be believed what large sums of money were drained annually out of this kingdom in the purchase of bulls, indulgences, etc. However, this trade was too shock- ing to be endured in any state but that of absolute ignorance and blind de- votion. Accordingly, when letters began to flourish, and the minds of Englishmen were by degrees enlightened by learning and the sciences, they soon perceived that the tyranny and encroachments of papal Rome were horrid in the extreme. They therefore began to oppose them: and oppose them they did, with such firmness and success, aided, no doubt, by the hand of providence, that in the happy and pious reign of Elizabeth the reformatio:! was ciTected, an sera which gave a fatal blow to the papal power both as to religion and government within this realm. * See stat. 30 Car. 2, cap. 1, which requires a declaration against the doctrine of transubstantiation. . 21 211 Doctor and Student. Sunday; and that was seen some time in one house.* In which schism many great clerks and holy men were of several opinions, insomuch that the blessed man Saint Aidan, which was a holy bishop, erred long in the due time of keeping of Easter, and had many followers, and yet was he no heretic. For that that he did therein, he did with meekness, and as he thought stood according to the truth : and therefore there was but little offence in him. For appeasing of this schism, f the said king Naitanus sent messengers to Saint Colfrid, then being abbott of the mon- asteries of Saint Peter and Paul, that be upon the rivers of Tyne and Tweed, and whereas venerable Bede was brought up, to be instructed in the due time of keeping Easter, and of the tonsure of clerks, which was then also in variance, whereupon the said holy man Colfrid wrote a letter unto the said king Naitanus, declaring unto him, by many authorities of scripture, the very due time of keeping Easter, and shewed his mind also in the said tonsures : and when the said letter was read before the king and his lords, and that the tenure thereof was plainly interpretate and de- clared unto him, he rose up from among his lords, and kneeled down upon his knees, and thanked Almighty God, that had sent him such a gift out of the country of England. And it is not to think, that he did this, intending to give sentence therein by his own authority, for that belonged not to him, but he did it to know the truth, and that he might thereupon shew his favour to the better part. And if the king's grace would in this case endeavour himself to know the truth of the cause of this division, I suppose that he shall in some article shew his favour to the one part, and in some other' article to the other part. Also when the heresy of Enticetis^ rose at Constantinople, which erred in the Trinity, the blessed man Saint Theodore, then arch- * Vide the statute 24 Geo. 2, c. 23, s. 3, which points out the time when the feast of Easter shall be celebrated, in conformity to a decree of the council of Nice. » t Ante, 32. J Ante, 195. Dialogue II. — Chap. 8. 323 bishop of Canterbury, to the intent he would keep the church of England from that error, gathered all the clergy together, and examined them diligently what they thought concerning the articles of the heresy : and when he found them all stedlast in the catholick faith, he wrote a letter of their belief; and for instruction of them that should come after, sent it to Rome ; and the effect of his letter was this : "We believe and constanlh' confess after holy fathers, to he verily and truly, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, a Trinity in Unity, and a Unity consubstantial in Trinity, that is, one God in three persons consubstantial of equal glory and honour." And among other things that he wrote, which pertained to the faith, he said afterward-; "We also accept the holy and universal sine synodals of holy fathers : and we accept and glorify our Lord Jesu Christ as they glorified him, nothing adding or diminishing ; and we glorify God the Father without beginning, and his only Son gotten of the Father before the worlds, and the Holy Ghost proceeding of the Father and the Son, so as they cannot be spoken as they, that we have remembered, the holy apostles and prophets and doctors have preached and taught. And methinketh, that these examples should somewhat encourage them, that now may do good in this evil and perilous time, to follow somewhat alter, and every man after his degree is, to do the best that he can therein to help it, not regarding worldly honour, worldly riches, nor singular profit : but only the honour of God, and the love of their neighbours, and health of their souls. And if they do so, undoubtedly the work shall prosper well in their hands. And let no man, that may do good in this matter, suffer it to over pass as though it pertained not to him : for Almighty God hath given a commandment to every man upon his neighbour. And to encourage them- selves yet the more unto it, let them remember the words, that be spoken in the first book of the Revelations of Saint Bridget, the 58th chapter, where our Lord Jesu, among * Ante, 195. 324 Doctor and Student. other things, said to our lady thus : "I would (said he) if it were possible, suffer for every man such a pain as I once suf- fered for all men upon the cross, so that they might come to the inheritance promised." Happy be they then, that help souls to that inheritance, that our Lord desired so much to have them come unto. And sometime it hath been brought about by fair means, that could not be done by rigour and ■compulsion. And if my lords and masters spiritual will needily forthwith their streight corrections and punishments, without finding some provision, that the minds of the peo- ple may somewhat be eased, in such things as they have misliked and grudged at in times past ; it is to fear that there will not follow so good fruit of it as there would do, if they would do it ; and that they would shew themselves evidently to do nothing but only of a zeal and love unto the people* And it is a doubt to some men ; whether some of the things that the people mislike and find default at, be occasions act- ive or passive to the people to offend : but whether they be the one or the other, charity would (as it seemeth) that some diligence should be put to amove them, though percase they were not evil but indifferent, or peradventure good of them- self. Chap. IX. — Concerning the authority of the parliament and the spirituality. Stud. If it were enacted by the parliament, that if a man call another a thief or a murderer, that an action should lie thereupon at the Common law, and that no suit should lie thereupon at the Spiritual law ;* I think it were a good stat- ute, for the matters whereupon the words rise are only to be determined by the Common law.f And so it is if a man * i Roll. Abr. 74; Cro. Jao 214. •| But calling a man whoremaster, 2 Salk £92 ; a cuckold, 3 Cro. no; a cuckoldy knave, Cro. Car. 399; or calling a woman a whore, 2 Salk. 696; Goul^b. 172; Ld. Raym. 1136 (except in London and Southwark) ; a jilt, a strumpet, Str. 823; or a bawd, is only suable in the spiritual court. So likewise the defaming of a clergyman in any point relating to the dis- charge of his office, is properly triable in the spiritual court, as lo call him an adulterer or an heretic. 1 Cro. 502, 94. Dialogue II. — Chap. io. 3 2 S call another villain, an action lieth thereon at Common law if he be free,* and not at the Spiritual law; because the right of the villainage may not be tried but at the Common law ; and most men say, that if there be an indictment of felon}- at the Common law, that then there lieth no suit thereof in the Spiritual law, so that there needeth no stat- ute to be make in that point. Doct. If a statute were made, that an action should lie at the Common law of such words as a man hath any loss or worldly hindrance by, though they have before time been used to be sued only in the spiritual court, thinkest thou, the statute were good ? Stud. I think the statute were good ; and most commonly upon such words some worldly loss or hindrance one way or other doth follow ; but I think that in those cases the parliament may not prohibit, but that they that list may also take their suits at the Spiritual law, if they will, so that the Spiritual law make no recompence to the party. f Also of all annuities, whether they have beginning by prescription, composition real or otherwise, I suppose it may be enacted, that the suit shall be taken only in the king's court, and not in the spiritual court, for nothing is to be recovered in such suits but money, which is temporal in whose hands soever it come, spiritual to temporal.! Chap. X. — Concerning the authority of the -parliament as to the spirituality. Stud. If it were enacted, that no religous person should * Since villainage is taken away, it should seem that no action can lie for calling another villain. f-The Ecclesiastical Court, as we have seen before, cannot in any case award damages. Ante, 316, and see Wats., c. 30. For defamatory words, per.ance is enjoined at the discretion of the ordinary. 2 Burn's Eel Law, 124. % When a parson sues in the Spiritual court for a pension or an annuity, claimed by prescription, it is the safest way for him to libel generally as in the common case ol a pension, and not to lay a prescription, for if he goes upon a prescription, and the prescriptive right comes in question, a pro- hibition will issue. Strange, S79, Dr. Gouche v. The Bishop of London.. J26 Doctor and Student. receive into the habit of their religion any child under a certain age to be appointed by the parliament, and that after this entry he should not be removed from the place that he was received in within a year after upon a certain pain, without assent of his friends ; I think it were a good stat- ute ; for that statute should not prohibit entry into religion. For if it did so, I suppose it were not to be observed : but it ordereth the manner of entry into religion for such infants which is right expedient for the commonwealth ; and a stat- ute of like effect is made for the four orders of friars in the 4 Hen. IV..* where the four provincials of the said four orders were sworn, b}' laying their hands upon their breasts in open parliament, to observe the said statute. And upon the same grounds some say, that if it were enacted, that no man upon a certain pain should affie the daughter in her farther's house, without assent of the father, it were a good statute ; and yet a statute hath no authority to prohibit, nor to confirm no right of matrimony ; but as the church pro- hibited it, or contirmeth it. And therefore if it were pro- hibited, that no lord's son should affie an husbandman's daughter, or such other, and if he did, the affiance to be void, I think that statute were void. But if the statute were, that no lord's son, upon a pain, should make affiance with any woman, that is a stranger born, without the king's licence, I think that statute were good : for it prohibiteth not matrimony, but setteth an order after what manner it shall be made, and that under such form as may haply be necessary for the surety of the realm. And of a like effect thereto is the law, that the king's widow shall not marry without the king's licence, and that she shall be sworn thereto in the Chancery when she is endowed. And like law is also, that the lord shall have the marriage, or the value of the marriage or sometimes the double value of the marriage of his ward by knight's service, f And also if a man marry a bond women without licence, the lord by the * Ante, 32, 20S. f Ante, 26. Dialogue II. — Chap. io. 327 Common law shall have an action of trespass against him that marrieth her. And all these laws be good, for merely they prohibit not marriage, no more should a statute do foi entry into religion : as me seemeth. For it prohibited! not entry into religion ;* but it prohibiteth that none should be received into the habit before his years of discretion, and that after his entry he shall be ordered in such manner, that if he will after be professed it shall rise of his own free will, and of a love to serve God, and not by any sinister means, nor coloured persuasions. Also, as I suppose, the parliament may well enact, that every man that hath the profit of any offering, by recourse of pilgrims, shall, upon a certain pain, not only set up cer- tain tables to instruct the people under what manner they shall worship the saints, but also to cause certain sermons to be made there yearly to instruct the people, how they shall worship them, so that through ignorance and disor- dering of themself, they do not rather displease the saints than please them. It may also prohibit, that no miracle shall be noised upon so light occasions as they have been in some places in time past. And they shall not, upon a certain pain, be set up as miracles nor be noised, nor reported as miracles by no man, till they be proved for miracles, under such manner as by the parliament shall be appointed. And it is not un- like, but that many persons grudge more at the abuse of pilgrimages than at the self-pilgrimages. And in likewise of divers other articles, if the truth were groundly searched. And under this manner it hath been already enacted b}' parliament, to the strength of the faith, that no man shall presume to preach without licence of the diocesan, except certain persons excepted in the statute, as appeareth in the second year of king Hen. IV. f And under this man- ner the parliament may ordain many good laws for strength of the faith, and for the good order of all the people, as * Ante, 245. t Repealed by 25 Ed. 3, c. 14; 1 H. 6, c. 12; 1 Eliz., c. 1 ; 29 Car. 2, c. 9. 328 Doctor and Student.' well spiritual as temporal, though it judge not upon the fight of things that be mere spiritual. And all these di- versities, and many other more than I can rehearse now, they that be learned in the laws of the realm be especially bounden to know, that they may instruct the parliament when need shall require, what they may lawfully do con- cerning the spiritual jurisdiction, and what not. And there- fore spiritual men are bound charitably to hear their opin- ions therein, and what they think, be immediately grounded upon the law of God, or upon the law of reason, and what not. For commonly the parliament hath over those laws no direct power, but to strengthen them, and to make them to be more surely kept it hath good power. And if spirit- ual men, and temporal men, would charitably lay their heads together, and fully determine what the parliament may do, as well concerning the spiritual jurisdiction as the temporal, taking these additions as little titleings, whereby they by their wisdom may call to their remembrance greater things, so that hereafter it shall not stand in the case as it doth now, that when the parliament hath made a law con- cerning the spirituality, that spiritual men shall not say, it bindeth not in conscience, as many have done in time past, and vet do to this day : I think verily that there would nothing do more good to appease such variances, schisms, and divisions as be now abroad in the realm. And then also would all men, as well spiritual as temporal, rather take heed to themself, to see that they did nothing to give occasion to the parliament tq extend his power upon them or their possessions, than to resist or deny the authority of the parliament. Chap. XI. — Concerning the authority of the parliament and the spirituality. Doct. Whether may the parliament prohibit, that no ordinary upon a certain pain shall admit none to the order of priesthood, except he be sufficiently learned? Stud. I am in doubt in this question, and the thing that Dialogue II. — Chap. ii. 329 causeth me to doubt therein is this, if it were enacted, as thou sayest, and after an action were brought upon the penalty, and the ordinary would plead, that he that was made priest was sufficiently learned ; and thereupon an issue were joined, that issue should be tried by twelve men, and as it seemeth, it were not reasonable, that twelve men, which commonly be unlearned, should try whether a man were sufficiently learned to be a priest, for they have no knowledge therein. And therefore if any such penalty should be set by parliament, it seemeth that it must be farther enacted, that if the issue were joined (as is said be- fore) that then it should be tried by spiritual men, or tem- poral men that be sufficiently learned thereto, or by both. Doct. But thinkest thou then, that the parliament may ordain, that spiritual men shall be compelled to pass upon inquests? It seemeth, that were against the law ot God, and against the perfection of their order, and to break them from the devotion of contemplation, that is requisite to them. For Saint Paul saith in his second espistle to Timothv, the second chapter: ii J\Temo millions Deo, im- -plicat se negotiis secular /bus ; that is to say, " Let no man that hast set himself to serve God, intryke himself in secu- lar business." Which words be specially spoken of priests. And therefore it seemeth, he should do against the say- ing of Saint Paul, that would compel priests to go upon in- quests. Stud. Verily there is a writ in the Register* (which is a book of the law of England) that no sheriff shall impanel any priests upon any inquest, and that writ may every priest have, that will sue for it. And I think right well, that that W'it is grounded upon the law of the realm : taking in that point his effect upon the law of God.f And therefore I think, that the parliament may not enact, that priests should go universally • upon inquests; but to enact, that in this special case, which is not mere temporal, but to enquire of -Reg. 179. fLamb. Just. 369; Trials per Pais, S6. olo Doctor and Student. the sufficiency of learning, and that to a good and neces- sary purpose, I suppose the parliament may assign them to it without breaking the liberty of the church. And so they be man}' times upon a writ to enquire dc jure -patronatus, where priests and laymen shall be joined together to enquire of the right of the patronage.* And methinketh, they might do in like case here, either by themself, or to he joined with laymen. f Doct. There they be called by the authority of the ordinary, and here they should be called by the temporal authority. Stud. Whether they be called by spiritual authority > or by temporal authority, their business is all one. For as great let is it to devotion and contemplation, when they be called thereto by the bishop, as when they be called thereto by the king. And though, as thou sayest, the bishops shall command to appear in that case, yet it is by the king's law, that he shall do so : which law the convocation may not alter nor change, but the parliament might change it with a cause : for it pertaineth to the ordering ot temporal inheritance, that is to say, to the ordering the patronage, and of presentments of advowsons, which be temporal. Doct. I can in no wise see how it may stand with the law of God, that the parliament should compel spiritual men to go upon inquest. And therefore if such a statute should be made, the inquest must be taken all of temporal men, that have sufficient learning thereto : and yet I regard not this point so much in this question, as I do that the matter of itself is so mere spiritual, that the parliament hath no power to set any pain upon it. For as it seemeth, if it might do that, it might as well set a pain upon the tonsures of clerks, or upon the order of the service, or what use they should keep, and that I suppose thou thinkest it may not, and me- thinketh it may no more do it in this case. * So they may be joined with laymen in mandates for inquisitions to be made of dilapidat ons of houses or other things belonging to ecclesiasti cal benefices. Lind. 254. t Vin. Abr., title Presentation. Dialogue II. — Chap. 12. 331 Stud. I think well it be as thou sayest in those cases : but in this case, that is so necessary for the good order of the king's subjects, and for the commonwealth, methinketh they may, for if curates have virtue and cunning, com- monly the people be virtuous, and virtue is the most chief and principal branch of the commonwealth. And there- fore for increase thereof, methinketh that the parliament may well set a pain, although there were no spiritual law made in that point before, as well as it may of infants, that be re- ceived into the habit of religion, whereof mention is made before in the tenth addition. But in this case, since the spiritual law is ahead)', that none shall be made priests, but they that be sufficiently lettered, methinketh that the par- liament may much more the rather do it.* And therefore, if the people would not assent to keep an holiday, that were ordained by the church, I suppose that the parliament if they thought it reasonable to be kept, might set a pain upon all them that would not obey unto it. And that it might do likewise upon all other laws, that be made by the cjiurch for the good order of the people, though it might not per- case make a new law in the self points, for that should not be a breaking of the liberty of the church, but rather an affirmance of it. Doct. I feel thy conceit well ; howbeit I cannot fully as yet, assent unto it: and therefore I pray thee give me a sparing therein, and at a better leisure, I shall with good- will shew thee farther of my mind therein. And now I will ask thee another question. Chap. XII. — Concerning the authority of the parliament and the spirituality. Doct. It was asked of me but late, if certain waste ground, whereof was never any profit taken, and that lay within no parish, but in some forest, or that is newly won from the sea, were brought into arable land, whether the parliament *Ante, 1S9. 33* Doctor and Student. might appoint, who should have the lithe thereof; and he that asked me the question thought it might. I pray thee shew me thy conceit, what thou thinkest therein? Stud. I think that if the freehold be in the king, that he may assign .the tithes thereof to whom he will: and if the freehold be in a common person, that he may do likewise.* But then I think, that if that common person do not assign the tithes so, as it may stand conveniently to the mainte- nance of the service of God, that the parliament may doit, and order the tithes to the increase of God's service, as they shall think convenient. Doc/. I cannot see how the parliament, nor yet the party should have authority to meddle with tithes, that be spiritual, and p rtain alway to the spiritual jurisdiction. And there- fore I suppose, that in this case the archbishop, as sover- eign head over the spirituality, should in this case have the ordering of the tithes, as things spiritual to whom none other hath right: and neither the king nor no common person. Stud. Though tithes be spiritual, yet the assignment of the tithes to other is a temporal act, which the parliament with a cause may order, as it may do all temporal things within the realm : and that the king, or any other, that hath the freehold of such waste grounds as be in no parish, may assign the tithes thereof to whom they will, it may appear thus : Before parishes were divided, f and before that it was ordained by the law of the church, £ that every * i Roll. Abr. 657; 2 Inst. 647 f For the a?ra of the division of parishes, see 1 B. C m ; 3 Burn's Eel. Law, p. 59; 2 Wils. 182. Jit is probable the author alludes here to the council of Lateran, Anno Domini 1179, Anno 25 II. 2, which has often been mistaken by many of our ancient authors to be the time when this law was made. The fact is, that tithes were not assigned to any spiritual person or church in partic- ular before the year 1200, which is twenly-one years after the council of Lateran was held. In the year 1200, Pope Innocent the Third wrote a de- cretal epistle dated at Lateran ; the purport of which was, that for the time to come the tithes of all parishes should be paid to the persons having curam ammarum in the respective parishes. This epistle was thought very reasonable and just, and accordingly was well received, and became Dialogue II. — Chap. 12. 233 man should pay his tithes to his own church ;* every man might have paid his tithes to what church he would, and might one year have given it to one church, and another year to another ;| or have granted them to one church for ever if he would. And like as every man, before the said severing of parishes, might have given his tithes to what church he would, because he was bound to no church in certain : so may they do now, that have lands that lie in no parish ; for they be at liberty to assign them to what church they will, as all men were before the said law made, that tithes should be paid to the proper church. And if the archbishop should have right to them, because no man can of right claim them, then before the said law made, arch- bishops had right to all the tithes, within their provinces : for no man had right to any tithes, but by the assignment of the owners. And therefore if the freehold, in this case that thou hast put, be in the king, then he shall assign the tithes where he will : and in like wise of other of his sub- jects, as I have said before. Doct. Thou speakest in this case as thou were learned in the Spiritual law, for these matters pertain thereto, % and not to the laws of the realm. Stud. I speak therein according to the old law and cus- tom of the realm, which yet continueth in such places, as be out of any parish, as it did before parishes were limited, and before the said law was made, that tithes should be paid to their proper churches : and that there is such a custom, partly it appeareth in a case, that is in the laws of England, in process of time part of the law of the land. It was this decretal then which ordained that every man should pay tithes to his own church; and the circumstance of its being dated at Lateran appears to be the founda- tion of the mistake I have mentioned above- See 2 Inst. 641. * Post. 335. tin this opinion Lord Coke, Hobart, and many other respectable law- yers concur with our author; but Dr. Prideaux differs from him. See Prid. 302. % By the canon law, all tithes arising in an extra-parochial place belong to the bishop of the diocese in which the place lies. 2 Inst. 647. 334 Doctor and Student. which happened long time since the said law was made, that tithes should be paid to their proper churches. Doct. I pray thee shew me what case that is. Stud. In the twenty-second year of king Edward the third, in the book of Assise it appeareth, that the king granted the tithes of certain asserts, that were newly taken out of the forest of Rock, to a provost, and he thereupon brought a Scire facias against divers, that took the said tithes, returnable into the Chancery ; and there exception was taken, that the suit pertained to the spiritual court, and not to the Chancery : and it was answered again, that that was to be understood, where the suit was taken against them that ought to pay the tithes, and not where it was brought against them, that were wrongful takers of the tithes. And thereupon the defendants were put to answer, and pleaded to an issue, which was sent down into the. King's Bench to be tried according to the law, and there the defendants made default : whereupon the plaintiffs prayed execution. And in this case Thorpe said, "That the old law hath been alway, that the king in such case should assign the tithes where he would." And that say- in^ I take to be understood, where the freehold is in the king, as I have said before. And though the said case be not judged, yet it appeareth thereby, that the king made assignment of tithes, which was admitted to be good, so that the parliament shall not need to meddle therein, unless it be his pleasure to assign them by authority of his parlia- ment : as he may do, if he will, to make his letters patents to be of the mere higher record than they should be with- out the parliament. Doct. Truth it is, that the king and other owners and possessionem of land sometime paid their tithes to what church they would ;* but when it was ordained by the church, that tithe should be paid to their own church, then the people were bounden by that ordinance to pay them ac- cording, and so they did ; and therefore if there were a law * Ante, 333. Dialogue II. — Chap. 12. 335 made now by the church of such particular tithes, as yet remain still out of any parish, that they should be paid to the parish next adjoining, or to the ordinary, or to the metropolitan, or in such other manner as the church should think reasonable ; methinketh it were a good law, and ought to be obeyed as well of the particular tithes, as it was first of all tithes generally. And if the church may make a law therein, then methinketh the parliament should have no power to make any law therein. Stud. When the church had ordained, that the tithes of every man should be paid to their own church, and the people received that law, and paid their tithes according : then by that assent the law was confirmed : and if the church would not have made that law, I think the parlia- ment might : for it was for the rest and quietness of all the people : and then none might have refused that law so made by parliament : but to the law made by the church some did not obey, but paid their tithes to other churches as they did before. And those churches unto this day have good right to those tithes, as portions belonging to their churches, though the ground lie not within their parish ;* and so hath the king and the owners and possessors of such waste grounds, J that be out of all parishes at this day, good right to assign the tithes thereof, where they will.f For as to those grounds they never received any law to the con- trary : and so I think it bindeth them not in that behalf. And no more should any new law do, that were made by the church of such tithes, nor pull the liberty from them to assign them where they will, without their assent. And where thou sayest, that if the church may make a law of a thing, that then the parliament hath no power to make any law therein, I think that ground holdeth not ; for if the ~2 Black. Com. 29. t Ante, 331. % See now the stat. 2 and 3 Ed. 6, c 13, by which it appears that the tithes of cattle depasturing in a waste or common extra-parochial, or if the par- ish is unknown, are to be given to the parson of the parish where the owner dwells. 2 Inst 651. 32& Doctor and Student. church would grant a dismes to be paid to the king, it were well granted : but if they would not, the parliament may. And in like wise though the church hath made a law, that curates should be resident upon their benefices ;* yet the parliament also hath made a law, that they shall be so,f and both laws stand in good strength and effect, as I sup- pose. And in like wise it is of the statute of usury, J which was made in the tenth year of king Henry the Seventh. Chap. XIII. — Concerning 1 the ■pozver of the parliament and the spirituality. Doct. Whether may the parliament prohibit, that none ordinary, nor none other, that hath power to visit, shall not take any money or pension of the houses or places, that they visit, at their visitation. Stud. I think the parliament hath good power to do it. For the money that they receive, though it be given by occasion of a spiritual thing, is temporal, and is under the power of the parliament, as all temporal lands and goods be. And if there be a cause reasonable why they should make that prohibition, then it bindeth as well in conscience as it doth in the law : and an example is thereof by probate of testaments. For though the probate be a thing spiritual, yet the parliament hath of late, as it might lawfully do, set a pain, that none shall pay for the probate above a certain sum limited by the statute. § And also by the statute that is called in Latin Statutum de Caroli dc asforiatis religio- soruni, it is enacted, That no house of religion of beyond the sea, should from thenceforth, under colour of visitation, *Vide Athon, 36, and Gibs. S27, on this head. fSee statute 21 H. 8, c. 13, commonly called the statute of non-residence, explained by 25 H. S, c. 16; 28 II. 8, c 13, and 33 H. 8, c 2S. It likewise appears to be the intention of the Common law, that a parson should be resident upon his cure as it has provided a writ for his discharge, in case he is chosen to any civil office. 2 Inst. 625. J Abolished, but vide statutes 37 H. 8, c. 9; 13 Eliz., c. 8; 21 Jac. I, c. 17; 12 Car. 2, c. 13, and 12 Ann., stat. 2, c. 16. § The author, I apprehend, here means the statute 21 H. 8, c. 5, an act upon which Dr. Gibson has the following observation, viz., that the fees Dialogue 1 1.— Chap. ij. 007 or other colour, set any tallage or imposition upon any house of religion, that is subject unto it in England, upon the pain to forfeit all that it hath under the king's power. And the statute will further, That nevertheless the said abbots and priors aliens shall not cease of their visitation within this realm : so that they bear no money nor goods from the houses in England.* And methinketh, that like as the parliament had then power to prohibit, that the abbots and priors aliens should not under colour of visita- tion or otherwise, set any tallage or imposition upon any house of religion to them subject in England, that the par- liament may now as well prohibit, that none under colour of visitation, or otherwise, shall take of any house of religion or church, that they shall visit, any sum of money, or other thing, whatsoever it be. For methinketh, that the reason in the one case, and in the other, is all one. Bod. It seemeth nay. For at the making of that statute the parliament intended principally to provide, that no goods should be conveyed out of the realm by any religious persons, which they did sometime under colour of visita- tion : but in this case it needeth not to provide any remedy in that behalf, as it is evident of itself. For there be no goods conveyed out of this realm by reason of such visita- tions. Stud. Though the principal intent of the said parliament was to provide, that no goods should be conveyed out of the realm by religious persons :f yet as for a special surety that it should be so, they thought it necessary to prohibit, that the head houses of beyond the sea should not by colour of their visitation in England do it. For they thought that given by it, are become much too small by the great alteration of the value of money, and the price of things, and, therefore, the rule now is the known and established custom of every place, provided it is reasonable. Gibs. 4S7. The statute therefore is not at all to be depended upon. But if the reader wishes to know the fees and expences in obtaining the pro- bate of a will, particularly in the prerogative court, he may find them set down in a table by Mr. Lovelass in his Law of Intestacy and Wills, 192. *Ante, 32, 208; 2 Inst. 583; 587. |2 Inst. 583. 22 338 Doctor and Student. that was a ready way to bring the money into their hands, that they might after carry it with them into their country : and since the parliament had then authority to prohibit, that the said visitors should not, by colour of their visitations, gather any tallage or imposition set upon them, that they visited in England : why might not the parliament now likewise prohibit, that the visitors, at their visitations, should gather no such tallage or imposition, as hath been set in time past upon such houses and churches as they do visit. For certain it is, that at the beginning of visitations no such impositions nor pensions were paid : but that they have been brought up since that time, either at the motion of them that were visited, to the intent that they might thereby have the more favour of their visitors, or else by power or compul- sion of the visitors, or for their singular lucre, or haply by both ways. But what way soever it began : if it should hereafter come to the point, that the visitors at their visita- tions, by reason of the said impositions or pensions, should be inclined to any singular affection, and so to forbear the good reformations, that they ought to look to in the monas- tries and churches that they visit, whereby evil-doers should take boldness to continue in evil,* and well-doers be dis- couraged from their virtuous exercises in the service of God, I suppose verily, that they that by good authority, and with a charitable intent, would take the said impositions and pen- sions from the said visitors, should deserve thereby right great thank, and reward of God. But I trust, there should be no such cause to move them to it. And now I intend thus to make an end of the authority of the parliament for this time, and will ask of thee but one short question con- cerning the matter that we treated of in the first addition, and so commit thee to our Lord. Doct. What is that? Stud. It is this : If a curate since the statute of mortua- ries, thinking the said statute to be against the liberty of the church, persuadeth his parishioners to believe, that all they * Ante, 208. Dialogue II. — Chap. ij. ^39 that keep the statute, stand in the censures of the church, and thereby induceth many of them, specially at the point of death, to recompence him as much as their mortuaries by estimation would have amounted to: whether hath he- good right to that, that is given under that manner? D&ct. If it be as thou sayeth, that the statute standeth with conscience, then hath he no right thereto in conscience. For he cometh to it bv an unjust means, and prandeth him- self for the having of it, upon an untruth i and so the giver is deceived in his gift, and therefore it bindeth not in con- science, though it bind in the law. And I suppose, that though the curate say, as he thinketh therein, that yet it sufficeth not, but that he is bound to restitution, for igno- rance, as methinketh, cannot excuse the restitution, though peradvemure it may excuse him, that it shall not be in him any deadly sin. Stud. I think it be as thou sayest, and as it is in this point, it is in divers other articles, upon the said jurisdic- tions. Wherefore methinketh it would be more plainly de- clared in many things what belongeth to the one jurisdic- tion, and what to the other, than it is yet, as I have said before, and that hath caused me to treat farther this matter now at this time, than I thought to have done. Doct. I think it be as thou sayest : but if I might be so bold, I would desire to know thy mind in one thing and no more, and that is this : Of what effect the statute is, that was made the 2 Hen. V., ch. 1, whereby it is enacted, That ordinaries shall have power by the king's commission to in- quire of the hospitals of his foundation and of their govern- ance, and to certify the king in his Chancery thereof.* And of hospitals of others foundation they have power to enquire, and do correction after the law of holy church. Stud. At a leisure I will gladly shew t iee my mind therein, but for this time I pray thee hold me excused, for I will no more speak of that matter as now. And thus God of peace and love be alway with us. Amen. * That is where there are no visitors appointed. See statute 14 Eliz.,c. 5, and 2 Burn's Eel. Law, 289, TWO PIECES CONCERNING SUITS IN CHANCERY BY SUBPCENA. I. A Replication of a Serjeant at the Laws of England, to cer- tain Points alledged by a Student of the said Laws of England, in a Dialogue in English between a Doctor of Divinity and the said Student. II. A little Treatise concerning Writs of Subpcena. [These pieces are printed from a manuscript in the Cottonian library at the British Museum. See Cott. MSS. Cleopatra, A. 15. The title at the beginning of the manuscript is, " A Treatise concerning Sutes in the Chauncery by Subpcena" to which is added the following notice : " Founde amongste the bookes of Sir Edward Saunders, late chiefe "justice of England, and after chiefe baron of the exchequer, and " noted by his hande writinge to be entitled on the outsvde, The " Dialogue bet-Meene a Serjaunte at the lazve and Christopher Seinte " Jerman ; and on the inside, The Answer of this Treatise by " Christopher Seinte Jcrman " Both of the pieces were clearly written in the reign of Henry the 8th, soon after the first edition of the Doctor and Student, which I take to have been first printed by John Rastell in 1523. See Ames' Hi9tor. Account of Printing, 145] (341? TWO PIECES CONCERNING SUITS IN CHANCERY SUBPCENA. PART I. Here follow eth a replication of the Serjeant at the laws of England, to certain points alledged by a student of the said laws of England, in a dialogue, in English, be- tween a doctor of divinity and the said student. A serjeant of the law of England hearing the commu- nication and dialogue between a doctor of divinity, and a student in the laws of England, saith to the doctor in this wise : Mr. Doctor, after my mind you have right well declared divers laws, that is to say, the law eternal, the law of rea- son, the law of God, and the law of man. And you, Mr. Student, have right well shewed, how the law of England is grounded upon the law of reason, and have shewed your mind therein right well, against which I intend not to reply. But mine intent is, Mr. Student, to reply against your opinion in one point in a case demanded of you by Mr. Doctor, which is this.* If a man be bound in a single ob- * See Doct- and Stud., dial, i, ch. 12. — Editor. (343) 344 Suits in Chancers ligation to pay a certain sum of money at a day to the ob- ligee, and the obligor payeth the money at the day and taketh none acquittance neither the obligation wherein he is bound ; and notwithstanding this he that hath the obliga- tion bringeth an action of debt upon the said obligation against the obligor ; you have said, that in this case the obligor hath no remedy by the common law at [of] the realm, and you have shewed the cause why right well, as it appeareth by your declaration, the which I need not to rehearse. But you say further in this case, that the de- fendant may be helped by a subpoena in the king's chan- cery ; and to that I intend to reply. Notwithstanding I shall first of all move you, that in this case after my mind the defendant may have remedy at the common law. For after this payment, if the defendant bring an action of debt against the obligee and declare upon a prompt, if the ob- ligee will plead that he received the said money for the contentation [satisfaction] of his obligation, this plea pleaded in court of record shall discharge the obligor of the said obligation ; and if the obligee will wage his law, then the obligor is without reined}'- ; and yet he is at no greater mischief than he should be, if he had lent him the money without writing, in which case, if the defendant wage his law, the plaintiff hath no remedy at the common law, nor yet in .the chancery against his wager of law. I think that in this case the obligee cannot wage his law and discharge his conscience. For when a man is bound in a single obligation, there is a condition implied in the law, that this obligation cannot be discharged but by matter in writing, or by matter of record. Then if the obligee would wage his law, thinking that it is a satisfaction of his obliga- tion, that is not so ; for the obligation cannot be discharged but by matter in writing or by matter of record, and so he cannot wage his law and discharge his conscience after my mind : but either he must plead in court of record that he receiveth it in satisfaction of his obligation, and then the obligor shall be discharged ; or else he must repay the money again, or else he cannot discharge his conscience. By Subpcena. 34.5 Now to that ) r ou say, that this obligor may be helped by a subpoena in the king's chancery. As to that I .say, after my mind, that it standeth neither with the law of reason, neither with the law of God, nor yet with the common weal of the realm, that this man should be helped by a subpoena in the chancery. First it is not reasonable, that for a particular man's cause-, which hath hurt himself by his own negligence and by his own folly, that the good common law o! the realm (which is this, that the matter in writing with or without condition cannot be answered but by matter in writing or by matter of record) should be made void or be set at nought by the suit of any particular person made in the chancery or any other place. But if reformation be had in this case in the said chancery by a subpoena, it must needs follow, that this good common law must be made as void and set at nought. For by a subpcena the plaintiff is prohibited to sue [at] the common law, and is compelled to make answer in the chancery, where the obligor shall be admitted to plead a payment of the debt contained in a single obligation without writing, which is clean contrary to the common law; so that if that be admitted for law, the common law that is contrary to this must needs be no law. For these two laws, one being contrary to the other, cannot stand together, but one of them must be as void. Where- fore it must needs follow, that if this law be maintained in the chancery by a subpoena, the common law, which is contrary to that, must needs be as void and of none effect. I marvel much what authority the chancellor hath to make such a writ in the king's name, and how he dare presume to make such a writ to let [hinder] the king's subjects to sue his laws, the which the king himself cannot do right- eously ; lor he is sworn the contrary, and it is said, hoc -pos- sumus quod de jure -possumus. Also the king's judges of this realm, that he appointed to minister his laws of his realm be swam :o minister his laws of the realm indifferently to the king's subjects ; and so is not the chancellor. Also the Serjeants at the law be sworn to see the queen's subjects to be justified by the laws of this realm, determinable by 346 Suits in Chancery the king's judges, and not by my lord chancellor. Yet this notwithstanding, if the king's subjects, upon a surmised bill put into the chancery, shall be prohibited by a subpoena to sue according to the laws of the realm, and be compelled to make answer before my lord chancellor, then shall the law of the realm be set as void and taken as a thing of none effect, and the king's subjects shall be ordered by the discretion of the chancellor and by no law, contrary to all good reason and all good policy. And so me seemeth, that such a suit by a subpoena is not only against the law of the realm, but also against the law of reason. Also me seemeth, that it is not conformable to the law of God. For the law of God is not contrary in itself, that is to say, one in one place, and contrary in another place, if it be well perceived and understood, as you can tell, Mr. Doctor ; but this law is one in one court, and contrary in another court. And so me seemeth, that it is not only against the law of the realm, and against the law of reason, but also against the law of God. Also me seemeth, that this suit by a subpoena is against the common weal of the realm. For the com- mon weal of every realm is to have a good law, so that the subjects of the realm may be justified by the same ; and the more plain and open that the law is, and the more knowledge and understanding that the subject hath of the law, the better it is for the common weal of the realm ; and the more uncertain that the law is in any realm, the less and the worse is it for the common weal of the realm. But if the subjects of any realm shall be compelled to leave the law of the realm, and to be ordered by the discretion of one man, what thing may be more unknown or more uncertain?* But if this manner of suit by a subpoena be maintained, as you, Mr. Student, would have it, in what uncertainty shall the king's subjects stand, when they shall be put from the law ot the realm, and be compelled to be ordered by the discre- tion and conscience of one man ! And, namely, forasmuch * Bonum est secundum literas et leges, et non secundum proprium men- tern judicare. Aristot. in Polit. By Subpcena. 347 as conscience is a thing of great uncertainty, for some men think that if they tread upon two straws that lie across, that they offend in conscience ; and some man thinketh that if he huk money and another hath too much, that he may take part of his with conscience; and so divers men, divers conscience ; for every man knoweth not what conscience is so well as you, Mr. Doctor. So me seemeth, that if the king's subjects be constrained to be ordered by the discre- tion and conscience of one man, they should [woud] be put to a great uncertainty, which is against the common weal of a realm. And so me seemeth, it is not only against the common law, but also against the law of reason, against the law of God, and against the common weal of this realm. Si nd. How is it then, that the chancellors of England have used this? Serf. Verily I think for lack of knowledge of the good- ness of the laws of the realm ; for most commonly the chancellors of England have been spiritual men, that have had but superficial knowledge in the laws of the realm ; and when such a bill hath been made unto them, that such a man should have great wrong to be compelled to pay two times for one thing, the chancellor, not knowing the goodness of the common law, neither the inconvenience that might en- sue by the said writ gf subpoena, hath temerously directed a subpoena to the plaintiff in the king^s name, commanding him to cease his suit that he hath before the king's justices, and to make answer before him in the chancery ; and he regarding no law, but trusting to his own writ and wisdom, giveth judgment as it pleaseth himself, and thinketh that his judgment being in such authority, is far better and more reasonable than judgments that be given by the king's jus- tices according to the common law of the realm. In my conceit in this case I may liken mv lord chancellor, which is not learned in the laws of the realm, to him that stands in the Vale of White-horse, far from the horse and holdeth the horse, and the horse seemeth and appeareth to him a goodly horse, and well proportioned in every point, and that if he come near to the place where 348 Suits in Chancery the horse is, he can perceive no horse, nor proportion of any horse. Even so it fareth by m}' lord chancellor thai is not learned in the laws of the realm ; for when such a bill is put unto him, it appeareth to him to be a matter of great conscience and requireth reformation ; and the mat- ter in the bill appeareth so to him, because he is far from the understanding- and the knowledge of the law of the realm, and the goodness thereof; but if he draw near to the knowledge and understanding of the Common law of the realm, so that he may come to the perfect knowledge and goodness of it, he shall well perceive that the matter con- tained in the bill put to him in the chancery, is no matter to be reformed there, and namely in such wise as is used. Moreover, Mr. Student, I marvel much that you say that men that have wrong may be helped in many cases by a subpoena, insomuch as you have in your Natura Brevium several writs and [of] divers natures for the reformation of every wrong that is done and committed contrary to the laws of the realm ; and among all your writs that you have in your Natura Brevium, you have none there called a subpoena, neither yet the nature of him [it] declared there, as you have of all the writs specified in the said book. Wherefore me seemeth it standeth not with your study, neither yet with your learning of the laws of the realm, that any man that is" wronged should have his remedy by a subpoena. If a subpoena had been a writ or- dained by the law of the realm to reform a wrong, as other writs in the said book be, he [it] should have been set in the book of Natura Brevium, and the nature of him [it] declared there, and for the re- formation of that [what] wrong it layeth, as it is in the writs contained in the said book ; and forasmuch as it is not so, it is a writ abused, in my mind, contrary to the common law of the realm, and contrary to reason and all good conscience, and yet is coloured by the pretence of conscience. But it fareth by that, as it doth by other vices, quia vitia aliquando mentiuntur se esse virtutcs ; for vice at some time will untruly count itself to be virtue, as pride By Subpoena. 349 at some time will shew himself [itself] to be meek, and pretend much humility to have his [its] pretended purpose. And so this writ of subpoena is colour of conscience to have that [what] he [it] ought not to have by the law of the realm, nor by the law of reason, nor yet by the law of God as 1 think, and by all [all by] pretence of conscience. Mr. Student, you speak much of conscience, and you move a question whether conscience shall be ruled after the law, or that the law shall be left for conscience. Methinketh that the law ought not to be lett for conscience in no case; for the law commandeth all that is good for the commonwealth to be done, and prohibiteth all things that are evil and against the common weal. Wherefore if you observe and keep the law, as in doing all thing that is for the common weal, and eschew all things that is evil, and against the common weal, you shall not need to study so much upon conscience, for the law of the realm is a sufficient rule to order you and your conscience what you shall do in every thing, and what you shall not do. If you therefore follow the law truly, you cannot do amiss, nor offend your con- science ; tor it is said, quod imjilcre legem est esse fierfecte virtuosum, to fulfil the law is to be perfectly virtuous. Stud. That is to be understood by [of] the law of God. Serf. It is also to be understood by [of] the law of man ; for the law of man is made principally to cause the people [to keep] the law of God; and some seemeth, that if you follow the law of the realm truly, you shall not need to leave the law of conscience. Moreover you speak much of conscience, and put many cases concerning conscience ; and though law will, yet whether it will stand with con- science. For me to reply and make answer to every one of your cases, it were too tedious, and is not mine intent. But mine intent is to move you to apply your study prin- cipally to have the very and true knowledge of the laws of the realm, and that had and known to practice the same truly without any craft or subtle invention ; and then you shall not need to speak so much of conscience. But I per- ceive by your practice, that you leave the common law of 35° Suits in Chancery the realm, and you presume much upon your own mind, and think that your conceit is far better than the common law ; and thereupon you make a bill of your conceit, and put it into the chancery, saying, that it is grounded upon conscience ; and so you bring your conceit in argument in the chancery, and leave the common law as it. were a thing of no goodness, nor of no reputation ; in the which practice methinketh you much abuse yourself. And though my mind be not to reply against ever}' of your cases, yet my mind is to reply against your saying, in your answer made to a question demanded of you by Mr. Doctor in the latter end of the 21st chapter, in your second dialogue. And the question is this, to know how uses began, and why so much land hath been put in use? To the which question you make answer in the 22d chapter then next following, say- ing, that uses were reserved upon a secondary conclusion of the law of reason, as you have declared in the same chapter. I say, under correction and reformation of my lords and masters the judges of the law of this realm, that they began of an untrue and crafty invention to put the king and his subjects from that which they ought to have of right by the good, true, common law of the realm : as the king's highness from his escheats, his wards, and his primer seisins, and from other things that now come not to ray mind ; and his subjects from their escheats and wards, women from their dowers, and the husbands of such women that be inherit- ors from their tenures by the curtesy of England, the which they ought to have by the laws of the realm ; and those that have good right and title to any land to recover it by action after the course of the common law be put from their ac- tions, and if they bring their actions to cause such delays that they shall never have recovery. And though some of these inconveniences be helped by divers statutes, as you have said, yet there rest many and great inconveniences, more that I can rehearse at this time, that be not remedied ; and in special [especially] one, and that is this. By such uses the good common law of the realm, to the which the king's subjects be inherit, is subverted, and made as void, so that By Subpcena. 351 none of the said subjects can be and stand in any surety of any possession. For if he claim and prove his title by a i.lrvd of feoffment, the other party will say he was but a feoffee of trust ; and if he claim by a line or l>v a recovery, he will say like wise that he was of trust; so that neither deed, nor line, nor yet recovery, which make men's titles by the common law, maketh or enforceth any man's title at this day ; and all because of this false and crafty inven- tion of uses as I think. To prove that it began upon an untruth and false purpose, it appeareth by that, that lie, which maketh such a feoffment, saith and doth one thing and thinketh another thing clean contrary. For lie sayeth by his word and by his deed, and writing, and livery and seisin, that the feoffee shall have the land to him and to his heirs : and his mind and intent is, that he shall not have it, but he will have it himself. What a falseness is this to speak and do one thing, and think another thing clean con- trary to the same ! Every man may perceive in my mind, that of this can come no goodness, but craft and falsehood. And so me seemeth, that these uses began by an untruth and crafty invention, and are continued by an untruth and for a deceit; and yet do you, that be students of the common law of the realm, maintain this untrue and crafty invention in the chancery by the 'colour of conscience, contrary to the studv and learning oi the common law. and contrary to reason, and also to the law of God. What reason is it, that it' I give von my land, with all the circumstances that belong to a gift ot" land by the law, or levy a line or suffer a recovery against me, and yet I to have the disposition of land myself! So that it appeareth in my mind, that these uses began by an untrue and crafty invention, and is maintained in the chancery by the colour of conscienee, to the subversion of the good common law of this realm, inst all reason, and contrary to the law of God, which teacheth nothing hut truth, not only to the express wroi aim 1 hurt of the king's highness ami ol all his subjects, but also as much as in them is to bring the king's highness to the detestable offence of perjury, as it appeareth by a stat- 352 Suits in Chancery ute made the 20th year of King Edward the 3d,* wherein is contained as here followeth : " Edward, by the grace of God, etc., to the sherifTe of Stafford, etc., greeting: For that, that by divers plaintes made to us wee have knowlege, that the lawe of this lande, the which we be bound by our oathe to maintaine, is nut well kepte, and the execution of it disturbed manie ways by maintenaunce and procurement, as well in courte as in countrie, wee, mooved greatlie in conscience of this mat- ter, and for that cause desyring, as well for the pleasure of God and ease and quietnes of our subjects, as lor the sav- inge of our conscience, and for savinge and keepinge of our oathe aforesaid, by the assente of the lords and other sage wise men of our counsel, have ordeyned and comaunded ex- presslie to all our justices, that they shall do egall [equal] lawe and execution of right to all our subjects riche and poore without having regard to any person, and not to cease to do righte for any letters or comaundements that maye come from us or from any other, or for an}? - other cause whatsoever it be ; and in case that any letters writs com- maundements come to the justices or to their deputies, to let [hinder] the law and righte after the usage of the realme in disturbance of the lawe or of the execution of the same or of right to the parties, the saide justices and other afore- saide shall go forthe and holde their courtes and their pro- cess where their plees and busines be dependinge before them, as though no soche letters writs or commaundements weare come unto them, and they to certitie us and our coun- sell of soche commaundements, which be contrarie to the lawes as is abovesaied. And to the ende that our justices shall do egall righte to all men in manner as is aforesaid, without shewinge more favour to one than another, we have caused our saide justices to sweare, that they shall not lake, lrom henceioorthe as longe as they be in office, lee or liverie of noman but of ourself, and that they shall not take guitte ne reward themselves ne by other prively ne openlie * Lord Coke denies this to be a statute . See 3 Inst. 224, 146.— Editor. By Subpcena. 2S3 of no man that shall have to do before them by any manner of waie, excepte it be manger and boyer, and that of little value ; and that they shall give no counsell to greate nor to small in case wher we be par tie, or that toucheth us or may touche ns in an}- poincte, upon payne to be at our will both bodie and lande and to do our pleasure in case that they do the contrary. And for this cause we have encreased the fees of our justices in soche a manner as it may reasonablye suffice them." So that you may perceive by this statute, that my lord chancellor nor none other ought to send any writ or writing to any justices to let [hinder] them to proceed accord- ing to the common law of the realm, the which law the king is bound to see maintained, as it appearelh by the said statute. And all is one mischief to send a writ, or a com- mandment to the party, that he shall not proceed to sue [at] the common law, as it was before the making of the said statute to send it to the justices ; so that the sending ot such a writ or commandment can not be justified no more in the one than in the other. Notwithstanding it is com- monly used now, so that the common law of the realm is taken tor nothing, but all the law that now is used is to de- termine what is conscience, and which is no conscience, and so the common law of the realm is now-a-davs by you that be students turned all into conscience, and so you make my lord chancellor judge in every matter and bring the laws ot the realm in such an uncertainty, that no man can be sure of any lands be it inheritance or purchase, but ever} - man's title shall be by this mean brought in question into the chancer}- ; and therefore it shall be tried whether it b.- conscience or no conscience, and the law of the realm, by which we ought to be justified, nothing regarded. And so in conclusion after my conceit, if this be not reformed by the great wisdom and policy of my lords and masters, the judges of this realm, the law of this realm will be undone, and all by the mean of these uses and the crafty and sub- tile inventions that you that be students make upon the said uses. 23 354 Suits in Chancery PART II. HEREAFTER FOLLOWETH A LITTLE TREATISE CONCERN- ING WRITS OF SUBP02NA. Whether a subpoena ought to lie in any case. Chapter I. It appeareth in the king's chancery in the time of so many noble princes and kings of this realm, and in the time of so many of their chancellors, whereof some have been spiritual men, and some temporal men, that so many have been put to answer upon writs of subpoena in the chancery, that it is not to presume that the chancellors have directed them temerously in the king's name without authority, but rather by good authority, and by command- ment of the king and his council, and by knowledge of all the realm. For else it were rather to presume, that they should long before this time have utterly been annulled and put away ; and because the}'- have been suffered to continue so long it is to suppose, that in some cases they may be lawfully awarded. Also it appeareth in divers years of terms, that many times when the chancellor hath been in doubt in matters that have depended before the king in his chancery upon subpoenas between party and party, that he hath asked advice of the justices some times, whether a subpoena lay in the case or not, and some times admitting that the subpoena hath laid in the case, a doubt hath arisen upon matter that the defendant hath pleaded in bar of the subpoena; and many times the justices in such case deter- mined that the subpoena hath laid, and some times have reasoned to the doubt that hath risen betwixt the parties, admitting the subpoena to lay, and so hath the defendant done and all his counsel ; and there be so many cases re- By Subpcena. 2$<; ported thereof, that it needeth not to recite them here. Also by the statute mack; in the 17th year of the king, R. the 2(1, it is enacted, that a man wrong full}' vexed by a subpoena shall recover his damages by advice of the chan- cellor. And in a statute made in the 15th year of the king, II. the 6th, it is enacted, that no subpoena shall be granted till surety be found to satisfy the party grieved of his dam- ages, if the matter in the bill be not proved true. By which statutes it appeareth, that in case that the defendant be righteously vexed in the chancer}', and be sued upon a true cause, he shall recover no damages: and thereby ap- peareth that they that were of the parliament at the making of the said statutes assented, that in some cases a man might be righteously sued in the chancery, and that they intended to set the diversity of the recovery of damages, whether he was righteously sued and whether not. And if it be said it is against the statute of the 2d and 20th of E. 3, and also against divers other statutes, which will, that the justices shall not surcease to do right for the grand seal, or privy seal, nor for none other commandment of the king, it may be answered, the statutes are to be understood, where such commandment is directed to the justices, that they shall not therefore surcease to do justice ; but a sub- poena is alway directed to the party and not to the justices, whether there be any suit banging thereon in the court or not, and then when the party by reason of the said mination [commandment] surceaseth to call upon the jus- tices lor any more process, they cease also to give it him; but if the mination [commandment] were delivered to the justices, commanding them to cease, and notwithstanding the party calleth for justice, there I think the justices are bound by reason of the said statutes to proceed and to do justice, the said mination [commandment | notwithstanding. Ami me thinketh that all these things well considered, no man ought to marvel, what authority the chancellor hath to make such a writ of subpoena in the king's name"; for the old custom, not restrained by any statute, warranteth him by reason of his office so to do, after certain grounds, and 356 Suits in Chancery under certain manner, as I shall partly touch hereafter in this little treatise, to give other occasion to speak further therein hereafter. Here follozvcth one consideration, why it hath been thought reasonable, that a subpoena should lie. Chapter II. There is a ground in the common law, that a declaration must be certain ; especially that it must shew, who bringeth the action, against whom it is brought, and what thing is demanded ; and most commonly it must shew also the day and year when the cause of the action began. And be- cause it happeneth many times, that some man that hath right to evidences that be in another man's hand and that neither be under lock nor seal, cannot shew the very cer- tainty how many deeds there be, or if it be but one deed, yet percase [because] he cannot tell the name of him that made the deed, nor of him to whom it was made, nor per- ad venture the certainty of the land comprised therein, nor all the town's names where it lieth, wherefore he is without remedy by the course of the common law ; there it hath been thought reasonable in times past, that a subpoena should lie for him that hath right, and rather to suffer him to have right there, than to leave him without remedy in all places. And this is one of the most common cases where a subpoena hath been sued in times past. And here it is to be noted, that it is not against the common law ; though the party have remedy in the chancery in the said case, though he can have none by the common law. For the common law doth not prohibit, but that there shall be remedy in the chan- cery in the said case, and other like ; and if it did, it would be hard to prove that prohibition were reasonable. Where- fore the reasonableness of the law doth suffer it, rather than it would' [should] break his rules and grounds, and to suf- fer the plaintiff to have an action, and could not declare nor chew whereof he brought his action. By Subpcena. 357 Another consideration why it should seem reasonable that a subpoena should be granted. Chapter III. There is a maxim in the law, that a rent, a common, an- nuity, and such other things as lie not in manual occupa- tion, may not have commencement, nor be granted to none other, without writing. And thereupon it followeth that if a man for a certain sum of money sell another forty pounds of rent yearly to be percepled of [received from] his lands in D., etc., and the buyer, thinking that the bargain is suf- ficient, asketh none other, and after he demandeth the rent, and it is denied him, in this case he hath no remedy at the common law for lack of a deed ; and therefore in as much as he that sold the rent hath quid pro quo, the buyer shall be helped by a subpoena. But if that gmnt had been made by his mere motion without any recompence ; then he to whom the rent was granted should neither have had remedy by the common law nor by subpoena. But i( he that made the sale of the rent had gone farther, and said, that he be- fore a certain day would make a sufficient grant of the rent, and after refused to do it, there an action upon the case should lie against him at the common law ; but if he made no such promise at the making the contract, then he, that bought the rent, hath no remedy but by subpcena, as it is said before. And the same law, which is of a rent that had no being, but is sold as a rent newly to begin by the sale, is of a rent that had being before, and is sold without deed for a certain recompence, as is before rehearsed. 358 Suits in Chancery Another consideration why it hath been thought reasonable, that a subpoena should be granted. Chapter IV. In the statute that is called £>ju'a emptorcs tcrrarum, it is enacted, among other tilings, that it shall be lawful for every freeman to make a feoffment of his lands, or of part of his lands, to whom he will, so that the feoffee hold al- ways of the chief lord of the fee. By reason of which statute, if a man since that statute, made a feoffment with- out deed, or by deed poll, reserving a rent, that reservation is void as for any remedy that you shall have by the com- mon law. And so it is if a man being seized of lands for term of life, grant over his whole interest without deed, or by deed poll, as is aforesaid, reserving a rent, that reser- vation is void in the law, as for having any remedy by the common law ; for there is a maxim by the law, that a res- ervation of rent shall not stand in effect, unless he that maketh a reservation have a reversion in him ; or else that the land may be holden of him by that rent reserved, as it might have been before the said statute of Qiiia emptorcs tcrrarum; and, therefore, since it cannot be holden of him, because of the said statute, and seeing also that he hath no reversion in him, therefore for that reservation he shall have no remedv in the courts of the common law, as in the king's bench, the common pleas, and other courts of lower au- thority than they be. And the very reason why it is so, is, because the m .xims and customs of the law hath given no remedy in that case ; for though a man have right by the law, yet some time he shall have no remedy by the law, but it is as void as lor any remedy he shall have at the common law, as is aforesaid, but yet is good by the law of reason. For reason will, that, forasmuch the intent of the parties was that the rent should be paid, and that the feoffee take the land to the same intent, and hath the profits of it, he should pay the rent according to the agreement. And if any man would say that this reservation is void to all in- By Subpiena. 359 tents, because it is against the law ; for if it be against the law, either it is void, or else the law is void : and therefore if a statute were made that all reservations of rents out of lands should be void, and then a man, contrary to the stat- ute, would make such a reservation, that reservation were void in law and conscience, for it were directly against the statute : and that it should be so in likewise in this case : to that it may be answered, that though it be void in that case, yet it is not like in this case. For in this case there is no law that prohibiteth the reservations to be made, but if they be made the law judgeth them by the rules of the law of the realm, that there shall be no remedy for them by the common law, as it is said before ; but taking the law of the realm to be grounded as well upon the law of reason and the law of God, as upon the said customs, maxims, and statutes, as it is indeed, for else it were a very gross law, and far insufficient, and also against reason in many things ; then is the reservation good in the law of the realm. So generally taken upon all his grounds, howbeit that yet in that case there is no remedy for that that [which] is re- served in the king's courts of the common law, as is said before ; but yet the law is not against it, but that remedy ma)" be had therefore in the chancery. Another consideration zvhv it should seem reasonable, that a subpeena should be granted. Chapter V. There is a maxim in the laws of England, that if a man bring an action of debt upon an obligation the defendant shall not be received to plead nihil debet, that he oweth nothing, but that he shall be compelled to plead an acquit- tance or some other thing of as high nature in the law as the obligation is. And of that it followeth, that if a man that is bound in an obligation, pay that money and taketh an acquittance, and after leaseth [releaseth] the acquit- Suits in Chancery tance, and thereupon the obligor [obligee] bringeth an ac- tion of debt upon the obligation against the obligor ; in this case the obligor has no remedy to help himself at the com- mon law, but shall be compelled by the common law to pa} r the money again ; and then, as it is said in a dialogue called the first Dialogue in English between a Doctor of Divinity and a Student, the 22d chap., he that hath no remedy but by a subpoena, which as is said there, he shall well have. And to that saying an exception is taken by a certain person in a treatise that he hath made in the name of a Serjeant at the law, where he assigned divers reasons and considerations why a subpoena ought not to lie in that case. And one cause that he alledged is this. He saith, that the defendant in that case may have sufficient remedy by the common law, so that he needeth not to take a subpoena ; and his reason is this. He saith, if the obligor atter the payment will bring an action of debt against the obligor [obligee], supposing that he lent him the money, that then, if the obligee will plead that he receiveth the money for the contentation [satisfaction] of his obligation, this plea thus pleaded in court of record shall discharge the obligor of the said obligation. — And methinketh that his reason is not made according to the grounds and learning of the law; for in an action of debt upon a prompt, it is no plea to say, that he receiveth the money in contentation [satisfaction] of his obligation, or of another duty, or that there was no such a prompt, nor any other matter like that amounteth to the general issue ; but he shall be compelled to take the gen- eral issue, or be condemned for lack of answer. And if lie plead that special matter before rehearsed, and conclude over to the general issue, (that is to say,) " and so he oweth him nothing," then is the special matter waived, and all the effect of the plea resteth upon the general issue, which is clear with the obligee ; for he receiveth the money as a con- tentation of his obligation, and not as a loan ; and though the obligor, after the payment, lease [released] his acquit- tance, that cannot hurt the obligee, nor alter the nature o{ By Subpcena. 361 the payment that was made before. Wherefore whether he put him on the country, or wage his law, it is clear for him in law and conscience, and so methinketh that this reason maketh title [little] for that purpose. The second reason that he maketh that a subpoena should not lie in this case is this. He saith, that it is not reason- able that for a particular man's cause, which hath hurt him- self through his own negligence, and bv his own follv, the good common law of the realm, that is this, that mailer in writing without condition, may not be answered but by matter in writing, or by matter of record, should be made void, or be set at nought by the suit of an}' particular per- son in the chancery, or in any other place. And then he saith further, that if reformation should be had in the chan- cery in this case, it must needs follow that the common law must be void and set at nought ; for these two laws, being, as he saith, one contrary to another, cannot stand together. — To this it may be answered, as methinketh, that though it be prohibited by the common law, that a man should not plead a payment against an obligation without writing, and that in the chancery he shall, that yet the law in the one court, and in the other, as to the right of the debt, is all one. For the judges of the common law know as judges by the grounds ot the law, that the payment sufficiently dischargeth the debt in reason and conscience, as the chan- cery doth : but yet they may not by the maxims and customs ot the law, admit the only payment for a sufficient [ilea be- fore them, not for that they think it not sufficient in reason and conscience to discharge the debt, but.that they may not break the grounds and principles of old time used in the courts where the action is taken. But the common law pre- tendeth not, that the maxim stretcheth to all courts, nor to the whole common law, but to certain courts according to the custom before time used. And therefore, at this day, if an action of debt be brought upon an obligation under the sum ot 405. in the county, hundred, or court baron, the defendant shall wage his law; and in London the defendant shall confess the deed, and pray that it may 362 Suits in Chancery be enquired of the duty. And so it is oftentimes seen that several courts have several customs, and the law suffereth them all : as in the common pleas an outlawry shall be sometime reversed without a writ of error ; and in the king's bench no outlawry shall be reversed without a writ of error ; and also in the common pleas upon the first default in a scire facias, execution shall be awarded; and in the king's bench an alias shall be awarded. And why may then the said maxim hold in the king's bench and common pleas, and in some other courts of record as be holden after the common law, and yet not be holden in the chancery? And I would think further, that if it were enacted, that upon an obligation every man that would, might have a subpoena in the chancery, it were then no great doubt but that the defendant in such a sub- poena, might plead a payment against the obligation, without offending the common law. And yet if an officer of the chancery after that statute sued another upon an obligation by the privilege of the chancery, in that suit the defendant should not plead a payment without writing. And if such diversity of pleading should be suffered in one court, it is little marvel then though it be suffered in several courts. And then it followeth furthermore thereupon, that if the defendant in that suit taken against him by the privilege cf the chancery, as is said before, hath paid the money, and hath taken no acquittance, then he hath no remedy but upon a bill containing the matter, to desire, that the plaintiff may have an injunction to surcease in that suit there taken in the chancery, alter the maxims of the common law, and to answer to his bill there after the law used upon writs of subpeena ; and yet no contrariety be in it; for the common law claimeth not, that that maxim should secure in any other place but at the common law, and that only in courts of record, as is said belore. And it seemeth a great reasonableness in the law, that it wilieth the said maxim to stretch to no other courts, but to the courts of the common law. For if [it] did, it should seem to be far [very] unreasonable ; for certain it is, that if the By Subpcena. 363 money be paid, the debt in reason and conscience is dis- charged, though there were no acquittance made, and then hat maxim should [would] universally put the party that hath paid the money without acquittance from all remedy. And therefore melhinketh it should more commend the common law that it suffereth remedy to be had in this case in the chancery, than it should [would] do if it should clearly prohibit it ; and therefore they speak rather against the common law, that would so have it, than with it. And if any man would say, that if such remedy may be had in this case in the chancery, as I have said before, that then the said maxim is void, and serveth to no purpose ; tor upon every obligation such surmise may be made though the money be not paid, and so shall all plaintiffs be delayed by such untrue surmises ; to that it may be answered, that if he that maketh the surmise cannot prove his bill, he shall yield damages to the plaintiff, and the plaintiff' shall also proceed at the common law. And also it serveth to this purpose, that it maketh them that be bound, the rather to take acquittance, or the obligation in lieu of acquittance, whereby shall follow the plainer reckoning, and the less variance among the people ; and if that maxim were not, many de- fendants would plead a payment, or that they owe nothing, though it be untrue, that will not sue to have a subpcena, and find surety to pay damages, if he cannot prove his bill to be true, knowing it to be untrue. And thus methinketh, that the said maxim is good and reasonable, and also profitable to the commonwealth, though remedy may be had in the chancery, as is aforesaid. 364 Suits in Chancery Another consideration why it hath been used that a sub- ■pocna should lie. Chapter VI. It hath been used, that when feoffees have been seized to the use of a man and his heirs, and that they have been re- quired to make estate according to the use that they were infeoffed to do it, that then he to whose use they be so seized, should have a subpeena to cause them to make the re-feoff- ment unto him. But if a feoffment be made to the use of a [person in] tail, and it was agreed that the feoffees shall stand still seized to the use of the tail [entail], without making any estate thereof, then in that case there lieth no subpeena against the feoffees to make estate. But if the tenant in tail in use, after the use made in tail, had granted to the feoffees, that the} 7 should stand still seized without making any estate to him or to the heirs of his body ; in that'ease if the tenant in tail die, his heirs may have a sub- poena against the feoffees, if they refuse to execute the state [estate] truly ; for the tenant in tail had no power to bind his heir, but that he might ask of the feoffees execution of the tail [entail] if he likes. And this was wont to be the most common case where a subpoena was sued till the stat- ute of Richard was made. But yet since that statute, though the feoffor may enter and make a feoffment, yet he may have a subpeena to cause the feoffees to make him es- tate if he will. Also if feoffees of trust grant a rent charge, the feoffor hath no remedy to discharge that rent by the rules of the common law, but by a subpeena. And as an use is of lands, so there ma)* be o( goods and debts. And there be so many diversities where a man shall be seized to the use of another, and where not; and where a subpeena lieth against them that be seized to the use of other to make them estate, and to maintain actions to their use and where not, that it would ask a special treatise to declare it ; and therefore I omit the articles for this time, and shall only By Subpcena. 36$ touch how use [uses] first began ; wherein I will follow a little treatise in English called the Second Dialogue be- tween a Doctor of Divinity and a Student in the Laws of England, where it is said, as in the 22d chapter thereof appeareth, that uses were reserved by a secondary conclu- sion of the law of reason in such manner as in the said 22d chapter appeareth. Against which saying the same person of whom mention is made before in the said treatise taketh exception, and saith that they began, as he thinketh, of an untrue and false purpose, which he saith appeareth by that, that he which maketh such a feoffment saith and doth one thing, and thinketh another clean contrary. For he saith, that he saith by his word and by his deed and writing and livery and seisin, that the feoffee shall have the land to him and to his heirs : and yet his mind and his in- tent is, that he shall not have it, but that he will have it himself. Then saith he further, what a falseness is this, to speak and do one thing and to think another clean contrary to the same ! Even- man may perceive, saith he, that thereby may come no goodness but craft and falsehood ; and so he thinketh, that uses began by untrue and crafty invention, and are continued by an untruth and for a deceit. And at this reason somewhat I marvel. For methinketh it is not grounded according to truth ; for most commonly when feoffments of trust be made, the feoffor maketh the feoffees, or at least some of them, privy to his intent, for commonly there is no feoffment of trust made by deed, though it may be otherwise, but is seldom seen ; and then the feoffees or one of them must take livery of seisin, or else make a letter of attorney to take it. What false- hood then is it, when the feoffees or part of them be made privy thereto? And admit that none of them be made privy, as some time it may be, as if a man make a lease for a term of life the remainder to certain persons to his use, and they know not of it, nor never gave any money nor other recompence for it ; what falseness is there, though the lessor after the death of the tenant for term of life take the profits? I see none. And therefore all the doubt is 366 Suits in Chancery when such a feoffment of trust is made, whereby it appear- eth by the words of the deed, and as the very truth is, that the land is given to the feoffees as to the possessors, how an use may be reserved by the law contrary to the word. And yet doth the law suffer such a reservation of an use upon such grounds as in the said dialogue is spoken ; and therefore if any default be it is in the law, for the party sheweth commonly what his intent is to do if the law will suffer it ; and because the law dotli suffer it, it taketh effect accordingly ; that is to say, that the feoffees shall have the possession and another the use, which use many times is appointed to be made by indentures of marriage or of bar- gains and sales, or to declare their wills, and that many times by the advice of learned counsel nor of no craft nor falsehood. But yet whether it were good tD break all uses or to let them stand, I will not treat of at this time ; for it is not the intent of this writing. And if the}- should be broken, the cause to break them were not, because they began of craft and falsehood, as in the same treatise is said, but for unquietness and trouble that cometh by them, and specially by uses in tail. And as to the mischief that is alledged in the same treatise that cometh by them by loss of escheats, and by avoiding tenancy by the curtesy and in dower, and such other, methinketh it is little to be regarded ; for though it be certain, that where such titles be once given by the law that it is against right and con- science to take them from them that they be so fallen unto, yet to prevent their title therein, so that no title shall come it is not against conscience, so it be not done of an evil will to him that the title should fall to. And therefore if a man that holdeth by knight's service being sick and like to die married, his son being within age, because he would have the half of his marriage himself to pay his debts, he doth no wrong to the lord. And so it is in all the cases that be spoken of in the said treatise where such titles be put away by means of uses. And likewise if a man that hath no heir general nor special selleth his land, or giveth it away, to the intent that it should not escheat, he doth no wrong to By Subpcena. 367 the lord. And these articles and the articles that are treated of in the 5th chapter, make me some time to con- jecture, that the said treatise was not made by any serjeant at the law, as it is entitled to be, but of some other, that, as it seemeth, had a zeal to the law, though peradventure some of the motions that he maketh were rather to the dis- commendation of the law than to the commendation of it. For what praise were it to the law to prohibit all writs of subpoena, and yet no remedy to be therein at the common law? But if remedy were provided at the common law, it were the less force [consequence], if writs of subpoena were put away. But in some cases where subpoenas lie, it were very hard to provide any remedy to be at the common law, as in the case of the evidences whereof the party knoweth not the number, and whereof mention is made in the 2d chapter. And also in divers other cases, whereof I intend to touch briefly by certain cases and grounds, a man some time may have right to a thing in conscience, and where he has no means to come unto it at the common law, and /et there lieth no subpcena. Hereafter follow divers cases and grounds, whereby it appcarcth that a man may have right in conscience which he cannot conic unto by the common law, and that yet he shall have 110 subpcena. Chapter VII. If lord and tenant be, and the tenant holdeth of the lord by knight's service and certain rent ; the lord distraineth the tenant's beasts, and thereupon maketh avowry upon his supposing that he holdeth of him by fealty and certain rent, and so thereupon hath return ; and after the tenant dieth, his heir being within age: in this case the lord is concluded as against the heir to say that his ancestor held of him by knight's service, and that is, by reason of the 368 Suits in Chancery said avowry, whereby [it] appeareth of record that he him- self averred the land was holden of him in socage; and yet the truth is, that the tenant holdeth of him by knight's service. And therefore if he bring a writ of intrusion maritagio 11011 satisfacto, against the heir at lawful age, and the heir pleadeth the said record against him by way of conclusion, the lord is without remedy at the common law, and yet he shall have no remedy by subpoena in the chancery ; for if he should, he would say directly against that which he affirmed before in the king's court of record ; and therefore though he have right, the chancery will suffer him to be without remedy, as for any help that he shall have of the law, rather than to suffer such an open contradiction to remain of record in the king's courts, and rather than it will give him remedy against his own confes- sion. But yet in this case the heir is bound in conscience to restore him the value of his marriage, and the profits of the land during the nonage ; yet he is not compellable thereunto by no [any] law. And also against all other strangers that would take the wards [wardship] of the said heir, the lord may have good remedy by the common law; for none shall have advantage of that estoppel, but they that be party or privy to the said record. Also if a man levy a line with proclamation of land, that he knoweth another man hath right to, and he giveth him no notice thereof; after this five years pass without claim, whereby he that had the right is barred in the law ; yet he that levied the fine is bound in conscience to restore him that had the right, for he wittingly deceived him, and did as he would not have been done unto. And yet though he be bound in conscience to restore him, [yet] there lieth no subpoena to compel him thereto ; for there is no subpoena directly against a statute, nor directly against the maxims of the law ; for if it should lie, then the law should be judged to be void, and that may not be done by no [any] court but by parliament. And therefore if a man procure a collateral warranty to extinct [extinguish] the right of an- other, and the warranty descended! upon him that hath By SuBPCENA. 369 right, whereby he is barred of the land in the law ; though he that procureth it be bound in conscience to restore him that had right, yet he shall have no subpoena to compel him thereto, for the cause before remembered [stated]; for the law is, that he shall be barred, not only in this court or that, but generally. And therefore if it were enacted, that if an alien came through the realm as a pilgrim and died, that all his goods should be forfeited, this statute were against reason and not to be observed in conscience, and yet there should lie no subpoena for the executors of the pilgrim ; for if there should, then should the chancellor give judgment directly against the statute, and that may not be in no wise ; but if the statute be -not good, it must be broken by parliament as it was made. And so it is of the cases of the fine with proclamations, and of the collateral warrant)' before remembered. Also if the grand jury in attaint affirm a false verdict given by the petty jury in assize, yet there lieth no subpoena though the part)- hath right and hath no remedy at the common law. And that for two causes. — Whereof one is, when the common law hath gone as far for remedy as the law suffereth, so that there can be then no further trial, if then the party should have a subpoena, then the common law would have no end, and thereupon would fall many incon- veniencies. Wherefore the party shall rather be suffered to be without remedy than the inconvenience should fall. But in that case he that hath the land is bound in conscience to restore, if he will save himself from deadly sin, though he cannot be compelled thereto by no [any] law. — The other cause is this. There is a statute made in the 4th year of king Henry the fourth in the 22d* chapter, that judgments givenin the king's courts shall not be examined in the king's chan- cer}', parliament, nor elsewhere, but by error or attaint. And therefore if a subpoena should lie, it woulcj be directly against the statute. f And like law is, if the defendant in * Chup. 23 in the printed statutes. — Editor. fit has bee'n long settled, that notwithstanding the 4th of llenrv 4, our H 37° Suits in Chancery an action of debt upon a contract wage his law untruly, whereby the plaintiff is barred ; yet in that case he hath no remedy by subpoena, for the causes aforesaid. Also if a man buy goods of another for a certain sum of money, and after maketh his executors and dieth, in that case there lieth no action at the common law against his executors : because their testator might have waged their law, and they may not ; and therefore the law for eschew- ing of a great inconvenience and mischief that might follow to all executors, if such actions should be maintainable against them upon a bare surmise, and where their testator, if the action had been brought upon an untrue surmise, might have waged his law and they may not, will not suffer any action in that case to lie against them.* And then I have heard this taken for a ground, that when the common law putteth a man from his remedy, though he have right, for eschewing of an inconvenience that might follow upon it, and that then if the remedy should be had in the chan- cery, in the same case the same inconvenience should fol- low, as should have done at the common law, that there no subpoena shall lie. And that it should be so in this case to all executors is evident; and therefore no subpoena shall lie as me seemeth. And like law is, as I take it, upon an un- true presentment in a leet for such a thing as toucheth not freehold, that like as there is no remedy at the common law i . . courts of equity may relieve as well after as before judgment at law. However, in Lord Coke's time, and for some time after, it was a contro- verted point. Those who wish to trace this controversy through its several stages will be able to gratify their curiosity by consulting the lollowing books, namely: Cro. Jam. 335, 343; 3 Bulstr. 115; 3 Inst. 122; 4 Inst 85; Car. Rep. 144, 163; March, S3; Hardr. 23, 120; 1 Mod. 59; T. Raym. 227; Jurisd. of Chanc-, vindicated at the end of vol. 1 of Rep. in Clianc, and Sir Rob. Atkyn's Enquiry into the Jurisd. of Chanc. 39. — Editor. * But in latter times the judges have allowed actions of assumpsit in which wager of law is not allowed, for debts on simple contract, against the original debtor, and consequently against his executors; and since this deviation from the rigor of the law, as it was formerly understood, it has been determined, that though in debt on simple contract, an execu- tor may abate the action, yet he is at liberty to plead to itj and will be justified for so doing. Vaugh. 100, and 1 Lev. 200. — Editor. By Subpoena. 371 to traverse it, so there shall be none by subpoena; for the chief cause why the common law suffereth no traverse in this cast-, as I take it, is to eschew the great trouble that" might ensue upon such traverses, considering the great multitude of such presentments in all sheriffs' tournes and leets within the realm ; and as great trouble and suit would ensue if a subpoena should lie in this case as would do by traverses, and therefore 1 no subpoena shall lie. And though some books assign another reason why there lieth no tra- verse against such presentments, that is to say, because the law presumeth such presentments, which be made by twelve men, in the same place where the offence is supposed to be, to be true, and will suffer the party to have no traverse to it, unless he put in his traverse to the presentment the same day, and that if he pass the day no traverse shall lie for him ; and though this consideration may seem somewhat to prove that no traverse shall lie against such presentments, yet I think the most principal cause thereof is for eschew- ing of great suits and unquietness, that might follow among the people, if such traverse were suffered. And the law much provideth and foreseeth that no hurt shall grow unto a multitude, and for that consideration it is, that the law will suffer no man to enter upon a descent, and that bv a sale in open market the property is altered from him that hath right ; and divers other such laws be ordained to eschew mischiefs from a multitude. • Also if a woman covert induce her husband to sell her land, and she taketh the money and converteth it to her more profit than the land was, and after of her own free will maketh an affidavit that if her husband die, she shall never claim the land, but shall make such further surety [assurance] to the buyer as he shall devise, and thereupon she and her husband maketh him a feoffment; then the husband dieth, and she bringeth a cut in vita and recover- ed! the land ; in this case the woman is bound in conscience to recompence the buyer the money [he paid], and all the charges that he hath sustained by that occasion, and yet he shall have no subpoena, nor other remedy to compel her 3J2 Suits in Chancery to it. For the law presumeth, that what is clone by the woman covert is done by the means of her husband, and against that presumption shall lie no suit against her. And yet in her own conscience she is bound to restitution. Also if there be two joint tenants of goods, and the one taketh the whole profit to his own use, the other hath no remedy by subpoena nor otherwise ; and yet he doth against conscience to take the whole profits, and as he would not be done unto ; but for as much as they put confidence each in [the] other to occupy jointly* together, therefore, though one of them- break that confidence, yet the other shall have no remedy neither by subpoena nor otherwise, against his own agreement. Hereafter follozucth a short tilling of divers cases zvherein a subpeena liclh not; bat the cause zvhy it lieth not is not shczved, but is left to other that list to entreat further of the matter. Chapter VIII. If a man recover against a tenant for term of life or ten- ant in the tail by false verdict, and entereth by force of the same recovery, and after all the jurors die, so that he that lost the land is clearly without remedy at the common law, yet he shall have no s.ubpcena. Also if a man without title recover land by a default in a precipe quod reddat, and enter and taketh the profits, and after he against whom the recovery was had bringeth a writ of right and recovereth the land without damages as he should do bv the law ; in this case, though he that first recovereth be bound in conscience to restore the damages for the time he had the land, yet the other shall have no subpoena against him to recover them. Also if a man purchase an advowson, and after suffereth an usurpation before any presentation, and the six months pass ; so that he hath no remedy by the common law to have a writ of right, yet no subpoena lieth for him. By Subpcena. 373 Also if the tenant for term of life had at the common law clone waste, there had lain no subpcena against him, noi yet doth. Also if a man make a lease for a term of life, and the tenant for term of life doth waste, and after surrendered! his csiale to him in reversion, and he in the reversion was ignorant that the taking of the said surrender should ex- tinct [extinguish] his action, yet no subpcena lieth in that case. Also if a man offend [upon] a penal statute by ignorance of the law or of the deed, .and thereupon is sued and con- demned in the law, yet thereupon lieth no subpoena for him. Also if a man's servant through negligence of his mas- ter, though it be not by his commandment or assent, but for lack of correction, do offences and trespass to his neigh- bour, whereby the master is bound in conscience to make restitution if his servant be not able, yet there lieth no sub- poena against the master to compel him to it. Also if a man take land for term of life, and bindeth himself in an obligation that he shall leave the ground in as good case [condition] as he found it, and after the woods thereof be destroyed bv sudden tempest or strange enemies without any fault in him ; yet he shall be condemned at the common law by reason of his own bond, and he shall also be without remedy as for any subpoena he shall have in that behalf. Also when tenants for term of life before the statute that giveth the quod ei deforciat have lost their lands by de- fault, whereby they were without remedy at the common law, yet there lay no subpoena for them in the chancery. Also if a man of his mere motion and without any rec- ompence make a lease for a term of life, the remainder to the sheriff of such a shire and to his heirs, without naming his surname * or his proper name ; in this case like as the remainder is void in law, so it is in conscience, and no sub- * That is, no name of purchase. 374 Suits in Chancery poena lieth thereupon ; and yet a feoffment to the use of the sheriff of Dale and his heirs without naming his surname or proper name, had been good before this parliament. Also if a man can prove by sufficient writing, that in the time of king Henry the 2d an annuity was granted to his ancestors, but by reason that they had no seisin since that time he is without remedy at the common law ; so is he also without remedy by subpoena. Hereafter follozvcth a short titling of divers things, which it -will be right expedient for the chancellor of England to have in remembrance ; lest haply if he advertise them not, he may charge himself in conscience some time with damages, some time with the zvholc thing that is in de- mand before him, though he cannot be compelled thereto because he is a judge of record. Chapter IX. First if the chancellor grant a subpoena and taketh no surety that the plaintiff shall satisfy the party grieved for his damages, if the matter in the bill be not found true, and after the matter is found against the plaintiff and he is not sufficient to yield damages to the defendant, I think, that in that case the chancellor is bound in conscience to yield damages himself; because he took no surety at the granting of the subpoena, as he should have done by rea- son of the statute made in the 15th year of king Henry the 6th, the 4U1 chapter, whereby it is enacted, that no sub- poena shall be granted till surety be found for the truth.* : In Mr. Ruffhead's edition of the. statutes, it is observed, that chap. 4, of is" II. 6, is not upon the roll; and therefore its being a statute seems .p! tionable. However, Lord Coke concurs with the writer of this trea- tise in considering it as a statute; nor is it objected to by the learned ob- server on ancienl statutes. 4 Inst. 84; Barr. on Ant. Stat., 4th ed. 403. Whether it is a statute or not, it has long been tin- practice in chancery to issue subpoenas without taking security, except in some special cases, a? By Subpoena. 375 But it' lie taketh such surety, that is sufficient discharge for him, though the sureties after [afterwards] decay, and be not able to yield the damages. Also if a judgment be given in the king's court, and after that judgment the part)', surmising that the judgment was given against conscience, praveth a subpoena to have it ex- amined in the chancery, and thereupon the chancellor com- pelleth the plaintiff to find surety according to the said stat- ute that he shall yield damages to the party grieved if he cannot prove his bill true, and after it is found against the plaintiff; in this case if the plaintiff and his sureties, for that they be decayed surety taken, be not able to yield the damages, then the chancellor is charged in conscience to pay them. For though he have observed the law in taking the sureties, yet by the granting of the subpoena he hath done against the statute made in the 4th year of Henry the 4th, whereby it is enacted, that judgments given in the king his courts shall not be examined in the chancery, par- liament, nor elsewhere, but that the parties and their heirs shall be in peace till the judgment be reversed by error or attaint if any be ; and therefore if the party and his sure- ties be not sufficient to yield the damages, the chancellor, as many men say, is bound in conscience to do it. Also if the chancellor, either from vehement conjectures or by other information, giveth sentence without proofs, then he putteth himself to this jeopardv, that it afterward it come to his knowledge in more credible manner than the first conjectures were of, that the conjecture were not true, then he is hound in conscience either to redress the sentence or to restore the party to all that he lost by that sentence. And therefore it is a most sure way, that either he give judgment by proofs, or else upon his own knowledge : as I suppose well he may if he know soothfastly [of a cer- tainty] the truth of his own knowledge. And here I would whore the plaintiff resides, or is going, abroad, ami the defendant on that ground applies to the oourt to have seeurity given. Prac. Reg. in Cha. 340. — Editor. 376 Suits in Chancery put this diversity in this matter, that if the chancellor give judgment according to the proofs, though they be untrue, that it sufficeth for his discharge unless he know the con- trary of his own knowledge. For he hath followed the order of the trial appointed bv the law in that case, and that sufficeth to him. As it doth for the ordinary if he pre- sent the clerk of him that is found true patron by the jure ^patroiiatus, though he be not so indeed ; for he hath done that that the law would he should do for knowledge of the truth therein : but if he will not grant any writ to inquire de jure fiatronatus, but will present by other examinations and pre- sumptions the clerk of him that he thinketh to be right pa- tron, he bindeth himself to this jeopardy, that if another be right patron indeed, a quare impcdit lieth against him. And so methinkelh, that the chancellor likewise bindeth himself to yield damages if he give judgment upon conject- ures, though he thinketh never so clearly in his conscience that they be true, unless they be true indeed. And yet some will say, that though they be true indeed, that yet he of- fendelh, because he hath set a certainty of his judgment in that thing that is uncertain, and that is not appointed in the law for him to follow for his warranty ; and they think he may not do so with conscience; for it is said, qui amat ■pcricidum -pcribit in tllo, he that will wilfully put him- self in jeopardy to offend shall perish thereby. And though that text may also be reasonably expounded, to other jeopardies, yet it seemeth, that it may conve- niently be applied to this purpose, that is to say, that he pulleth himself in jeopardy to offend, that [who] givelh a judgment and is not certain of himself nor by the order of the law that his judgment is true. And so it is, if a man taketh another and sweareth precisely that such a thing is true, which he knoweth not but by conjecture. And I believe their saying rather to be true lor this reason. For I have taken it always for a learning, that if a man have no sufficient proof of his title by witness in writing or otherwise, that he is without remedy in the chancery ; and if the chancellor might give judgment upon conjectures, By Subpcena. 377 that were not so, he might then judge as his conscience judgeth him to do alter, [dictates to him, according] as he thought to he the most reasonable conjecture. And where some men have said, that the chancellor upon a subpcena is not bound to judge secundum allegata et probata, but ac- cording to the truth ; as I take it, that i-; to be understood in this manner, [viz.] that, though proofs be brought into the chancery which prove sufficiently for one of the parties, that if the other party can sufficiently instruct the chancellor that he hath better matter than he pleaded first, and that is newly come to his knowledge, and prayeth that he may be admitted thereto, the chancellor may admit him to it as well alter publishing of witnesses as before, if he will ; but that is not to be used without a very special cause, for it is against the common form of the chancery. And also he may suffer the parties to change their demurrer, and that is a great favour ; for they shall not be admitted thereto in none other court of the king. Also in the chancer}' a double plea, nor a departure from his plea, nor two pleas where the one goeth to the whole, shall, not condemn him that pleadeth it ; but the very truth in conscience is to be searched, and that truth cannot be searched by conjectures as me seemeth. And some men say, that if the chancellor grant a sub- poena upon a bill that appeareth evidently to belong to the common law and not to the chancery, and though he there taketh surety according to the said statute of Hen. 6, yet in that case he is bound nevertheless to yield damages to the defendant, though the bill be proved true ; because he hath done against the law. And some men will say, that in that case an action lieth upon the statute of Magna Charta against the plaintiff. Howbeit I will not determinately speak therein, but will likewise remit it to others that will further treat thereof for the plainer declaration of that matter. And I would therein take this diversity. If the matter in the bill were apparent and without doubt or argument that it belonged to the common law, that then it should 378 Suits in Chancery seem that the chancellor should be bound in conscience to yield damages if the party be not sufficient, as it is said be- fore. But if the matter in the bill be doubtful, whether a subpoena lie thereupon or no, and he taking the law to be that a subpoena should lie in the case grauteth forth a writ? it were hard to say, that he should be bound in conscience to yield damages, though it appeared afterward by reason- ing of the judges or otherwise that no subpoena lay in the case. For they that be learned in the law may after most common opinion be some time excused, though they give counsel otherwise than the law is, so that they gave counsel as they thought the law to be, and that they had taken suf- ficient time and study to learn the law, and that specially in such cases as be very hard to come to the knowledge of the law in. And so it seemeth to be of the chancellor in granting of writs of subpoena. Also if the chancellor delay the parties, either in the pleading, or in the bringing in of witness [evidence], or after the publishing of witness [evidence], more than he would be contented to be delayed himself if he were in like case, either for favour to any of the parties, or to keep many sureties before him, or for such other cause like [similar cause], he is bound in conscience to restore the party so de- layed, or haply [perhaps] both parties, of all their costs and damages that they have sustained by reason of that delay ; for he hath done as he would not be done unto. But if the matter be very doubtful, and he therefore re- spiteth it, to be advised, or to have counsel of the justices, or for that he may not attend it for other more necessary causes as he thinketh, there he may be excused in con- science. And so the intent and cause of the delay is the very charge or discharge of conscience in this behalf as me seemeth. By Subpiena. 379 Hereafter follozvcth a titling of divers objections, which the maker of the aforesaid dialogue laycth against writs of subpeena, with answers to them. Chapter X. First he saith, that he murvelleth how the chancellor may make such a writ to let i hinder] the king's subjects to sue his laws, the which the king himself cannot do right- eously, for he is sworn to the contrary. — To that it may be answered, that the king's oath in that point is this, that he shall grant to hold the laws and customs of the realm ; and then if the laws and customs of the realm shall be under- stood as well the laws and customs used in the chancery as at the common law, as I suppose they be, and as I have somewhat touched before in the 5th chapter of this treatise that they be, then it is not against the king's oath, though the chancellor by means of a subpoena minister justice unto the subjects. Another objection is this. He saith that the king's justices and his Serjeants be sworn to minister justice unto the king's subjects, and that so is not the chancellor ; whereby it should seem that his meaning is, that the chan- cellor should therefore be at liberty to break justice. — To that it may be answered, that though he be not bound to do justice by his oath, yet he is bound thereto in conscience, and that more deeply than the judges be, for he must form his judgments according to the law of God or to the law of reason, or to the laws of the realm made to determine the right of lands and goods, and that be not contrary to the said laws. And therefore if he err in his judgment, there is greater default in him than is in the judges if they err : lor the law of God and the law of reason, and also the law of the realm, grounded upon those laws are much more evident and. apparent to give judgment upon, than are the general grounds, maxims, and some customs ot the realm ; for the chancellor shall not need to meddle with the estopple 380 Suits in Chancery of the law, nor with the general rules of the law, nor yet with the form oi writs nor form of pleading, wherein the greatest difficulties of the law depend. And peradvenlure this may be the case why a writ of error doth not lie upon a judgment given by the chancellor upon a subpoena ; for the law presumeth that no man contrary to so evident laws will err in his judgment. But i( he do err indeed, he is as highly bound to reform it or to make restitution as the judges of the common law be, and more. Another objection that he maketh is this. In what un- certainty (saith he) shall the king's subjects stand, when they shall be put from the law of the realm, and be com- pelled to be ordered by the discretion and conscience of one man : and namely for as much as conscience is a thing of great uncertainly, for some men (he saith) think, that if they tread upon two straws that lie across that they offend in conscience, and that some man thinketh that if he lack money, and another hath too much, that he may take part of his with conscience, and so divers men divers conscience ; for every man knoweth not what conscience is as well (saith he) as Mr. Doctor. — And to that he may be answered, that the said two consciences by him before remembered, whereof the one is a scrupulous conscience and the other an erroneous conscience, are not such a conscience as the chancellor or any other are bound to follow. But they are errors in conscience ; and errors in conscience come seven manner of ways, as is expressed in the said first dialogue, the 15th chapter, which he that will keep himself in a clean conscience must clearly abject and cast away. But the conscience, which the chancellor is bound to fol- low, is that conscience, which is grounded upon the law of God and the law of reason, and the law of the realm not contrary to the said law of God and law of reason. And therefore to be ruled by such a conscience seemeth neither to be against the law of God nor the law of reason, nor the commonwealth of the realm, as in that said treatise it is supposed to be. And that the chancellor is bound to order his conscience after the law o( God and the law of reason Bv SuBPCENA. 381 is evident of itself, and needeth no further proof. And that he is also bound sometime to order his conscience by the law of the realm and after none other law of man, it may appear thus. If a man, seized of lands in fee, maketh his will that another shall have it to him and his heirs, and after dieth seized ; if it come afterwards in question in the chancer}', whether this will be good, the chancellor is bound in conscience to judge it to be void in conscience, because it is void by the law.* And likewise if father and son be, the son purchaseth lands in fee, and dieth without any heirs of his body, the uncle by the law shall have the land as heir unto him and not his father : but if the father have afterward another son, then that son shall have the land from his uncle as next heir to his brother ; and if this matter come alter in variance in the chancery for evidence or otherwise, the chancellor is bound to order his conscience and to give his judgment accordingly as the law is. And therefore though no writ of error lie upon a judgment given by the chancellor upon a subpoena, yet it will appear upon the matter whether the judgment stand with conscience or not. For it is not to think, that whatsoever the chancellor at the time of his judgment thinketh to stand with con- science sufficiently dischargeth him in conscience ; for if there be any error in his conscience and in his judgment by any of the causes contained in the said 15th chapter of the said first dialogue, or otherwise, he is bound to reform it. And that he is bound to more than any other judge ; for other judges may some time give judgment against their own knowledge, and also against the truth, and yet * It should be remembered here, that our author wrote before making of the statutes of 32 and 34 and 35 of lieu. S. for which the power of devising land commenced. Indeed before those statutes there was an indirect mode of devising land through (he medium of trusts- But it seems from our author's doctrine, that this evasion was only endured where the testator previously to his will had actually parted with the legal estate to a trustee; and consequently that the refinement of considering the heir as a trustee was not then established in our courts of equity. See the preamble to the statute of u es ot 27 lien. 8, and the clause in it in favour of prior wills, and also l)y. 143. — Editor. 382 Suits in Chancery no default to be in them, as it is in all trials, except death of man, where they may not give judgment against their own knowledge ; but the chancellor shall never be bound to give judgment against his own knowledge, nor against that that appeareth evidently to stand against conscience, for no manner of trial. And though some men may be deceived through a scrupulous conscience, or an erroneous conscience, or in such other manner, yet it is not to pre- sume, that the chancellor, who is always appointed to his office by the king as a man of singular wisdom and good conscience, will be deceived by such errors in conscience, having such straight rules to the order of his conscience as he shall have. And so methinketh it is not against the common weal of the realm, though such cases as writs of subpoena lie upon, be committed only to the judgment of the chancellor. Also another objection that he layeth to the Student is this. He saith, that the law of the realm is a sufficient rule to order you and your conscience what you shall do in every thing, and what you shall not do. If you there- fore follow the law truly, you cannot do amiss, nor offend your conscience, nor you shall not need to leave the law for conscience : by which saying it seemeth, that it is in vain in any case to sue by subpoena, as though a man should never have help by conscience where he could have none by law. — And to this saying it may be answered thus, that if he take the law of the realm as a law grounded upon the law of reason and the law of God, with the customs and maxims of the law ordained by the realm, I think well that (as he saith) the law of the realm will be a sufficient rule to order a man and his conscience what he shall do. But yet it will not always give him remedy, when he hath right, as appeareth in the 2d chapter and the 3d, and also the 7th chapter of this present book. And after this law it is that the judges reason when they sit with the chancellor in the chancery, and also when they sit upon arbitrements. And if he that made the same treatise take the law of the realm as a law grounded upon the maxims and customs and the By Subpoena. 383 rules of the law, and according to the process, as is used in the king's bench, common pleas, and such other courts of record as be commonly taken for courts of the common law, I suppose that he will not say, that the law of the realm so taken is sufficient to order him and his conscience in all things ; and if he do, methinketh he erreth greatly therein ; and that may appear in divers cases, whereof some be put in the same 7th chapter, and some shall hereafter appear. If an infant of the age of 20 years sell his land for £100, I suppose also he buyeth land with the same money of greater value than his own land was : in this case by the law he may enter again into his own land ; yet the other shall have no remedy against him by the law of the realm for the said £100. I think that no man will say that [the] infant may with conscience both retain the land and the £100 also ; and, yet the law will suffer him to do it if he will. Also in all cases where a man hath right and is estopped by some record or otherwise, so that he therefore can have no remedy by the law to recover his right, vet may not he that doth him wrong, retain that [which] he keepeth wrongfully from him, with conscience: and vet if he will the law will not prohibit him the contrary, and therefore he must there of necessity be ruled after conscience if he will be saved. Also if a man owe another an £100, and the debtor by sudden loss on the sea, or by fire, or such other casualties loseth all that he hath, in this case the debtee by the law may recover his debt, and thereupon take a capias ad satisfaciendum and lay the debtor in prison, there to re- main till he hath paid the debt, without any help that he shall have in the law. And yet I suppose that he that hath made the said treatise will not say, that if the debtee know perfectly that the debtor lost his goods by such casualty, and not through his own fault, and that he hath nothing left to pay him with, that he may in conscience keep him still in prison ; for if he do, I suppose verily, he saith as he would not be done to. And therefore it is £ood always to use the law, with a dread that he offend not his conscience, in executing all that he may do by the general rules thereof, 384 Suits in Chancery by Subptena. as he may undoubtedly do, and yet the law in itself to be good, as it will appear in the 16th chapter of the said first dialogue. Also another objection is this. He saith to the Student, that he marvelleth much, that the Student will say that men that have wrong, may be helped by a subpoena in many cases, in as much as he saith there are in Natura Brevium several writs and of divers natures for the reformation of every wrong, that is done or committed contrary to the laws of the realm ; and in all the Natura Brevium, as he saith, there is no writ called a subpoena, nor yet that the nature thereof is not there declared, as there is of all the writs specified in the said book : and so it seemeth that his mean- ing is, that because a subpoena is not in JYatura Brevium, therefore there should be no such writ. And this should seem to be but a slender objection. For the said book is not taken of such authority, that all things that is in it is clear law, nor that it is not so perfect that all writs that pertain to the law should be contained therein. And there- fore I suppose that it will be hard to find in JValura Bre- vium, where an action upon the case or a writ of forcible entry lie ; and so I suppose it will be of divers other actions upon statutes if it were thoroughly searched. And so I think, that the said objections be but of small strength and of small effect to prove that a subpoena may not lie in some cases. FINIS. INDEX. Abatement : If an action real be sued against any man that has nothing in the thing demanded, the writ shall abate, 32. But not by alienation of the tenant hanging the writ, 32. Nor by his being made a knight, 32. Nor by a woman's taking a husband, pendente lite, 32. But if demandant or plaintiff enters into the thing demanded, hanging the writ, it abates it, 33. See Formedon- Abbots: Abolished, 32, 209. Accessary : How accessaries shall be tried, 32. Action : If John at Stile lets a chamber to Henry Hart, and it is agreed that said Henry should go to board with said John, and said Henry to pay for the chamber and boarding a certain sum, etc., this is properly called a concord, and an action lies, 174. If a man says to another, heal such a poor man of his disease, or make an highway, and I will give thee thus much, an action lies, and there is no occasion for the promise to be in writing, 177. But if two come to a shop, and one of them contracts for goods, and the seller does not care for trusting him, whereupon the other says, let him have them, and I will undertake he shall pay you- This is an agreement within the statute, and must be reduced inlo writing, in order to ground an action, 17S. If a man says to another, fast for me all the next Lent, and I will give thee 20/., and he performeth it, an action lies, 17S. And likewise if a man says to another, marry my daughter, and I will give thee 20/., an action lies, but the promise must be in writing, 17S. No action lies upon a decree made by convocation, 318. See Nudum factum and Pro::iise. Administrator : Shall have goods and chattels, 21. Must pay debts according to the common law, 225. May be charged to him that can first get his judgment against him, 225. Aicl : Writ of, fallen into disuse, 13S. Alien: How the sons of an alien shall inherit, 20. Amerciament : For amerciament in a leet, the lord may distrain, 126. But for amerciament in a court baron he can not distrain, unless by prescription, 126. See Debt and Distress. Annuity : For an annuity a writ of annuity is the proDer action, S7. Is not assets, 88- 25 • (385) 386 Index. Is no freehold, S8. Cannot be put in execution, 88. Nor be entailed, 88. Appropriation, 309, 310- Attainder : Of the son the land shall escheat that the fa'iher hath, though he has other sons, 28 • Attaint ; How far in use, 51. Attornment : To tenant for life is attornment to him in reversion, 160. Now almost rendered unnecessary by statute, 160. Bailiff: What acts of a bailiff of a manor are good, and what not, 235. Bailment : How a man shall be charged upon bailment, or finding the goods of another, 220. Bastard and Bastardy : Is he who is born before espousals, 20. Cannot inherit, 20. If a man is certified bastard by the ordinary, he is bound by that cer- tificate, because it is the highest trial of bastardy, 116. But if bastardy is laid in one that is a stranger to the writ, the bastardy shall be tried by twelve men, by which he in whom the bastardy is laid shall not be concluded, because he can not have an attaint, 116. Father may leave goods to his bastard, 247. If a man give all his lands and goods to his children, whether a bastard shall have any part, 247. Benefice: Patron shall have six months to present to a benefice, 199. From what time the six months shall be accounted in case of death, cre- ation, cession, resignation, deprivation, or union, 199. There can be no union of a benefice 'but the patron must have knowl. edge, 199. A benefice is void when a parson is made a bishop without a com- mendam, 216. So if a parson accepts another benefice without a licence, 216. Or resigns, 216. Or is deprived, 216. See Presentation. Benefit of Clergy : How it stood at common law, and how it stands at this day, 93. Billa vera : The effect of, 276, 277. Bishop : Bishop may examine the ability of the incumbent; and if he find him by examination not able to have cure of souls, he may then refuse him, and the patron must present another; and if he is able, then the bishop must admit and institute him, 1S9. Of what goods a bishop may make a gift or bequest, and of what not, 222. Borrower and Lender: If a house by chance fall upon a horse that is bor- rowed, who shall bear the loss, 219. Bulls: No bulls can be brought from Rome, 214. See Excommunication. Capias ad satisfaciendum., where it lies, 30, Chancery : Cannot examine a judgment at law, 50. But if unfairly obtained, may prevent any advantage being taken of it, 51. Index. 387 Chancellor Is made by delivering the great seal to him, and taking an oath to serve the king and his people faithfully in-his office, 19. Challenge Where a challenge may be taken on defatdt of hundredors, 24. How many jurors ma}' be challenged upon an indictment or appeal, 29. Charitable Use: What disposition shall be good as a charitable use, 223. Church, 245, 246. Civil Lata : In the civil law, if a man have another's goods with a title three years, thinking he has right to them, it gives him a title, 68. What cedere bofiis i*, 84. Clausum f regit : Where it lies, 30. Clergyman : How a man may be punished for laying violent hands upon a clergyman, 202. Is bound to contribute to parliamentary or parochial impositions, 246. Ecclesiastical court can not award damages for beating a clergyman, 315. Habits of, 316. Can not be impannelled upon a jury, 329. But may be joined with laymen upon a writ to enquire de jure patron- aius, 330. Or in mandates for inquisitions to be made of dilapidations, 330. Condition : If a man enfeoffs another in fee, upon condition that he shall not alien, the condition is void, 65, 86, 210. So if he devises in fee upon condition that the devisee shall not alien, 65. No man shall take advantage of a condition but he who is party or privy, 159. If a feoffment is made upon condition that the feoffee shall pay rent to a stranger, if the rent is not paid, the feoffor may re-enter by virtue of the words upon condition, 161. If a condition is broken, it is lawful for the feoffor to re-enter, by which re-entry he disproves all mesne acts, 20S. If there is a condition upon a gift in tail that the donee shall not alien by feoffment in fee or fine at common law, the condition is good, 211. So a condition that is made to restrain mortmain, is good, 211. So a condition which restrains alienation to a particular man is good, 211. Colour : Giving of colour, why it is, and to what purpose, 269. Contract : To make a good contract, there must be quod pro quo, 178. See Nudum pactum. Copyhold : Sprung from villainage, 155. Custom is the life of a copyhold, 155. Is held at the will of the lord, according to the custom of the manor. 156. While the services are performed, copyholds have a sure estate, 156. Cosenagc : Writ of, fallen into disuse, 140. Counsel: For prisoners on an indictment or appeal, 256. Court Baron : Incident to every manor, 19. County Court: Is in every shire, iS. Court of King's Bench : Chief Justice of, is made by writ, 18. Court of Piepowders : Incident to a fair and market, 19. 388 Index. Court Spiritual: May hold plea of a temporal thing, but must judge af- ter the temporal law, 1S6. Cannot award damages, 202. A suit will be there for calling another whoremaster, a cuckold, or a cuckoldy knave, or for calling a woman a whore (except in London and Southwark) a jilt, a strumpet, a bawd, 324. So likewise lor calling a clergyman an adulterer or an heretick, 324. See Clergyman, Prohibition, and Mortuary, and Perjury. Curtesy by Tenant: A man shall be tenant by the curtesy of a fee simple, fee tail general or special, 21. Must have a child by his wife, 21. A man shall not be tenant by (he curtesy of his wife's land, unless she has possession in deed, 143. But he shall be tenant by the curtesy of a rent, though his wife die be- fore the day of payment; and likewise of an advowson, though she die before the avoidance, 143. £hi. Whether he shall not be tenant by the curtesy, notwithstanding the advowson becomes void during the coverture, and the wile (.lies after the six months past, and before any presentment by the husband, and the ordinary presents by lapse, 143. See Waste, Presentation, and Trust. Custom: Against God's law is void, 15. Cannot be changed or altered without the aid of parliament, 19. Of borough English, what, 35. Cannot break a positive law, 243. Custom of London : By the custom of London, freemen by their testament inrolled may bequeath their lands to whom they will, except to mort- main ; ar.d if they are citizens, may bequeath them to mortmain, 35. Damages: If tenant for term of life is disseised, and die, and the dis- seisor dieth, and his heir enters and takes the profits; and after the reversioner recovers the land against the heir, he can recover no damages, 139. P"or breaking pound the distrainers shall recover treble damages if the beasts are impounded for rent, 192. Debt : Lies against a gaoler for an escape, 229. Lies for an amercement in a court leet, ic6. Dcodand : Deodand is forfeited to the king, unless lords of franchises are intitlcd to it by grant, no, 266. Descent: By the laws of descent, the eldesl son is only heir to his ances- tor, 19. And if no sons but daughters, then all the daughters are heirs, 19. So if sisters and others kinswomen, 19. Lands cannot ascend from son to father or mother, nor any other an- cestor on the right line, 19. How brothers shall inherit each other, 20. How the inh iritance shall be when the ancestor takes by descent or purchase, 20. He that makes continual claim shall not be barred by a descent cast, 47. Index. 389 Disagreement: A bishop of a devise or remainder that is made to him and the dean and chapter, may not disagree without tl : 206. Nor can a dean of a devise or remainder made to him and the chapter, 204. Nor can the ma ter of a college <>f a dey i e to him and his brethren dis- free withoul th i bi thren, 205. See Bishop- Disciit : It seems that if a counsi llor gives counsel which he knows to bo wrong, he is liable to an ■ '■'■ 157. Disclaimer: [fthe d :an will disclaim in the lands that he has by devise 01 remainder, that disci timer without the chapter is void, 205. And it" a master of a college will disclaim in the lands that he has by devise or remainder without, the brethren, it is void, 205. But the dean may refuse to take a gift or grant of lands or goods, or of a reversion made to him and the chapter, 205. On a praecipe quod reddat, 207. Desseisin: \\ hat till i r has, 32. If a disseisin is made to another man's use, he to whose use the disseisin is made hath nothing in the land, nor the disseisor till he agree, 204. Distress : May be for rent reserved upon a gift in tail, lease for life, j'ears or at will, 23. May be ot" the beasts of a stranger, 23. Cannot be taken on an obligation or contract. 122. May be taken for damage feasant, and if reasonable tender of amends is made by the owner before the beasts are impounded, and the distrainer accept it, he is not bound to restore, 12 (.. A man may distrain for real service, suit of court fealty, and relief, 23, No distress can be taken for rent but by him who has the reversion, un- less a distress is expressly reserved, 23, 125. No distress can be for rent reserved on a lease for years, after the de- termination of the lease, unless the distress is made six months after- wards, and during the continuance of the landlord's title, and the pos- jion of the tenant from whom the arrears are du '. 120 If a township is amerced, and the neighbours assess a sum certain upon everj tant, and agree, that if it is not paid by such a day, that tain persons shall distrain at such a day, the distress is lawful, 1:7. If a man make- a -2, i 1 1 in tail to another, reserving fealty ami certain rent, and alter he grants away the fealty, reserving the rent and rever- sion to himself, he may distrain for the rent. 127. A distress may be lor a rent seek. 127. And it' rent is assigned, to make a partition or assignment of dower ;al, a distress may be taken for il, 127. A man cannot distrain in the night but fir damage feasant. 127. No distress of cattle can be driven out of the hundred where it is taken, unless to a pound overt in the same county, within three miles distance, 191. See Amerciament. Dower: Wife in titled to one-third o( the husband's inheritance for her (.lower, 22, 82. 390 Index. May be of a seisin in deed or law, 143. Wife must be of the age of nine years at the death of her husband, 21. By the common law, a woman was not intitled to damages in dower, 139. But they are now given by the statute of Merton, 139. Immediately after the death of her husband, the widow ought to have her dower if she ask it, 139. She is intitled to costs, as well as damages, 139. Can recover damages from the death of the husband only where the ten- ant cannot say that he is and hath been ready to yield dower, 141. See Trusts and Gavelkind. Easter : Feast of, when it shall be celebrated, 322. Escheat: If there is no heir general or special, the land escheats to the lord, 19. Estopfle : Where it will bind, and where not, 55. Exchequer : No officer of the exchequer shall put any clerk under him but such as he will answer for, 230. Excommunication ; Is no plea in a qui tarn, 15. He who is excommunicated for a wrong, if he is able to make satis- faction, ought not to be assoiled, unless he does satisfy, 201. But if he is not able to make amends, he must be assoiled, if sufficient caution is taken to satisfy, 201. A man cannot be excommunicated for debt or trespass, 201. In what case the king may write to the spiritual judge, commanding him that he make the party his letters of absolution, upon pain of contempt, 202. For a wrongful excommunication, prozmunire lies, or the spiritual judge may be punished by an action upon the case or an indictment, 202. Where the spiritual court ought to make absolution without any satis- faction, 202. A man may be excommunicated for not inclosing the church yard, or not repairing the church, 202. In what case an action will lie for refusing to make the party his letters of absolution, 203. The law will not suffer an excommunication to be certified under the pope's bull, 214. Executor: Intitled to goods and chattels real and personal, 21. Not answerable for the trespass of his testator, 128. Must pay funeral expenses before all other things, 129. Has the whole disposition of the goods of the testator, 130. Has authority to recover all debts due to the testator, 132. Where debts are in equal degree, must pay him that can first obtain judgment, 131. Has a power to delay actions by essoin, imparlance, or dilatory plea, Is guilty of a devastavit if he pays legacies before lawful debts, 132. Cannot pay a debt upon an obligation whereof the day is yet to come before one that is past; but if he to whom the debt is owing forbear Index. ^oj till after the clay of the other obligation is past, then he may pay him without danger, 132. May bear a lawful but not covenous favour to a creditor, 132. Is now liable to pay debts upon simple contract, 135. Should be careful how he pays legacies where his testator dies much in- debted, without taking security to refund, or putting himself under the direction of a court of equity, 13^. Damages recovered in an action are but a chattel, and go to the ex- ecutor, 137. The coat armour, shield and sword, and such things as are set up at the burial of a nobleman, belong to the executor, 306. Fair: By a contract made in a fair, the property is altered except in cer- tain cases, 67. Fealty: Cannot be severed from the reversion, 127. Felony: To steal to the value of i2r/, or above, is felon v, 29. Feoffment: A freehold cannot pass by feoffment without livery of seisin on the land, or in sight of it, 22. A feoffment of two acres of land lying in two counties, and livery only of one in the name of both, the acre only passes of which the livery is made, 172. But it had been otherwise if both acres had been in one countv, 57. And if the scite of a manor extends into two counties, and livery is only made of that part which lies in one county, yet the whole manor passes, 57. By a feoffment of a manor, the advowsons pass as incidents, 57. But in the case of the king they do pass, unless they are expressly named, 57. By a feoffment to two men and a woman in fee, and the intermarriage of one of the men with the woman, and the alienation and death of the husband, the woman only intitled to one-third, 159- But if the intermarriage had been before the first feoffment, then the woman, notwithstanding the alienation, would have been intitled to a moiety, 59. If a man makes a deed of feoffment to another, and deliver the deed to him as his deed, he to whom the deed is delivered has no title before livery of seisin made to him, but he may occupy at the will of the feoffor, 172. Now almost superseded by lease and release, 22. Fee Simple : In the highest estate in law, 210. /'. es : For probate of a will, 337. Ficrc Facia* : Where it lies, 30. Fine: At common law a stranger had only one year after a fine levied to make their claim, 66. Has now five years, 66. An entry to avoid a fine must be an actual entry, 66. If a feme covert for dread of her husband, or by compulsion of him levy a fine, yet the woman after her husband's death shall not be ad- mitted to avoid the fine, 263. 39 2 Index. Forcible Entry : For forcible entry without title, a man may recover treble damages, and treble costs, 36. Forfeiture : If a man is outlawed for felony, he forfeits real and personal estate to the lord, 2S. Goods stolen and seized for the king, or waived, ai-e forfeited to the king, unless an appeal or indictment is sued, no. Of life, lands, and goods, for murder, 227. See Outlawry. Formedon: If tenant in tail is disseised, and the disseisor dies seised, the heir may bring a formedon, 54. No damages in a formedon, 54. In formedon, if plaintiff does not make himself heir to him that was last seised, this maj' be pleaded in abatement, 121. Now seldom brought, 54. Framk Fees : Land which is frank fee is not pleadable in a court of ancient demesne, 106. Freehold : How it will pass, 22. Gaols: Gaols shall be adjoined to the shires, and the sheriff shall have the keeping of them, and must put in such under-guardians for which they will answer, 230. Gavelkind: By the custom of gavelkind, all the brethren shall inherit to- gether, 34, 56. And if the father is hanged for felony, the sons shall inherit, but not if he is hanged for treason, 35. In gavelkind the wife shall have half the husband's land, as her dower while she remains sole, 35. And the husband half the inheritance of the wife, though he have no issue, 35. By the custom, an infant of the age of fifteen may make a feoffment, 35. Divers lands disgavelled in Kent, 56. General Issue : In assise, what, 270. In trespass, what, 270- No plea can be pleaded which amounts to the general issue, 270. Gift: If a gilt is made to a man who refuseth to take it, the gift is void, 204. And if it is made to a man who is absent, the property vests in him till he disagrees, 204. Grants: If donor grants to donees in tail that they shall not be punishable in waste, it is void, 103. Goods Derelict : If goods are found which were left by the owner as for- saken, who hath right to them, 267. Heir: May have goods by custom, 225. Who is, 19. It' the father bind him anil his heirs to the payment of a debt, and die, in that case the son shall not be bound to pay the debt, unless he hath ets by descent from his father, 261. Where a man is vouched as heir, he may enter, as he that hath nothing by descent, 262. Index. 393 Heretich and Heresy : An heretick cannot make executors, 195. May l)f punished by ecclesiastical censures, [95. And if an heretick in maintenance of li is errors sets up conventicles, and raises factions, he may be indicted, 195. Denying the Trinity is an heresy which maybe punished by the civil magistrate, 196. Heriot : For heriot service, the lord may distrain or seize, 127. But for heriot service he can only seize, 127. Hospitals : Ordinaries to enquire of hospitals unless there are visitors ap- pointed, 339. Hundreds: To be adjoined to the counties, 231. And if the sheriff holds them in his own hands, he must put in such bailiffs for which he will answer, 232. Husband and Wife: Husband absolutely intitled to chattels personal of his wife by the intermarriage, 21. And her chattels real, if he survives her, 21, But if he gives them away, the interest of his wife is determined, 21. If the wife disagree to a gift, and the husband agree, the gift is- good, 205. If lands in case of a husband and wife are charged with damages, or charged with more rent than the land is worth, and the husband dies, the wife shall not be saddled with the damages or rent, if she refuse the occupation of the ground after her husband's death, 205. And if the husband outlive the wife, and make his executors, and die, the executors may refuse the lease if they have not goods sufficient to pay the rent, 206. Whether the wife may give away goods, 244. Whether a gift between husband and wife is good, 245. Indictment : Wanting what words, good, 276. Infant : Shall not he barred by a descent cast, 47. The feoffment of an infant is not void, but voidable, 61. The age of an infant, to give or sell his land, is twenty-one, 193. But he may be charged for his meat, drink, or apparel, before that age, 193- May act as executor at seventeen, 193. Is not of age in the civil law till twenty-five, 193. May disagree to a gilt, 205. Where he shall be excused of corporal pain, 251. Is punishable for an escape, 251. Is supposed to arrive at years of discretion at fourteen, 2^2. Bui may he capax doli before, 252. Insolent Debtors: Statutes relating to. 85. Intent : In many cases is void, if it be not according to the rules of law, 159- A man makes a feoffment by deed indented, by which it is agreed that the feoffee shall pay to A. B. and his heirs a certain rent at certain days; and if he pay not the rent, then it is agreed, that A. B. or his 394 Index. heirs shall enter. A. B. shall have his rent by the intent of the feoffor, but he cannot enter into the land, 165, 167, 170, 173. In felony or murder, how punishable formerly and at this day, 226. Is punishable in treason, 226. Issues : If a man that has land for life is impanelled upon an inquest, and loseth issues, and dies, they may be levied upon him in reversion, 62. Joint Tenants: If one joint tenant receives more than his share of the profits, the other may have an account against him, 53. Jointure : Tenant in tail may suffer a recovery in order to make a jointure upon his wife, S3. What alienation by the wife against the statute n H. 7, c. 20, of jointures is good, 89. And if the husband forfeits issues, and dies, they shall be levied on the lands of the wife, 63. Judges Spiritual : Are bound to take notice of the common law, 17, 182. Judgment : Of death, where it must be precisely pursued, and where not, 227. Jury: In civil cases must come from the body of the county, 23. Cannot determine what is a maxim of law, 25. Must not be of affinity to the parties, 23. May eat, when, and at whose charge, 26S. When they may be fined, 269. When a new inquest shall be awarded, 269. Jus Gentium: Contracts are grounded upon the law that is called jus gen- tium, 61, 171. King: His coronation oath, 18. The king can disseise no man, and no man can disseise the king, 30. The head in every parliament, 72. The king, as lord of the narrow seas, is bound to scour the seas of pirates and robbers, 26S. See Presentment and Prerogative. Knight Service: Abolished, 26. Larceny: To steal under the value of lid. is only petit larceny, 29. La-vs : Are of four kinds, Introd. 2. Eternal, what, 3. Eternal are the fountain of all other, 3. Eternal may be known three ways, 4. Of reason and nature, what and what not, 4, 5. Of God, what, and why so called, 7, S. Of man, what, and why so called, 10. Common, what is said to be, 18. Legacies: To be sued for in the spiritual court, 182. Livery and Seisin: A term of jears will pass without livery and seisin, 23. Where a court of equity will supply it, 62. Marlebridgc : Statute of, a remedial law, as well as a penal one, 103. Mass: Forbid to be said or heard, 221. If a man gives money to have mass said for him, it is a superstitious be« quest, 221. Index. 395 Master and Servant : Master is chargeable by the act of his servant, and where not, 233, 243. Shall not answer for the servant'-, beating of one, 233. Shall answer for things bought by his servant, and where not, 234. Shall answer for things sold by his servant, and where not, 234. If a fire happens in a man's house through negligence of a servant, such servant shall forfeit iool- or be sent to the house of correction, 234- And if the servant bear fire negligently in the street, and the house of another is burnt, no action lies against the master, 234. A man shall not be charged for his servant's robbing the chamber of a lodger, unless he is a common hostler, 234. Master's goods are not attachable for his servant's debts, 236. A man may have an action against another for retaining his servant after notice, 254. Market Overt: Changes the property of things, where not, 254. Maxims of Law : Neighbours are presumed to know the deeds of neigh- bour-, j 4. Ignorance of the law excuses no man, except it is invincible, 77. A common error maketh a right, 77. The law compels none to impossibilities, 114. lie who take- the advantage must likewise take the disadvantage, 114. A mischief should be suffered rather than an inconvenience, 116. No time runneth against the king, 215. Malice supplies the want of age, 2^2. Metropolitan : If it come in variance, whether he that is presented be able or not, it shall be tried by the ordinary; but if he is party, by the me- tropolitan, 1S9. Mort d 'ancestor : Formerly in use, but cannot now be brought, 137, 13S. Mortmain: Statutes relating to, 200 Mortuary: To be sued for in the spiritual court, 297. Murder: If a man who is no officer would arrest a man who is outlawed, abjured, or attainted of murder or felony, and he disobeys the arrest, and by reason of the disobedience is slain, the other is not guilty of murder, 22S. But if a capias is directed to the sheriff to take a man in an action of debt or tie-pass, there no man mar take him, but he who has au- thority from the sheriff; and if any man attempts, of his own au- thority, to take him, and he resisted, and in the resistance is slain, he that would have taken him is guilty of murder, 22S- Whether a man sh .11 be said guilty of murder by commandment, counsel or assent, 24s. Mute : How a man was formerly punished for standing mute on an appeal and indictment, and how he is to be dealt with at this day, 227. Night: Is after sun-set, and before sun-rising, 1:;. Nudum pactum : If a man says to another man. I sell thee all my lands or goods, and nothing is assigned that the other shall give or pay, it is a nude contract, 175. 39 6 Index. And where a man promises another to give him certain money such a day, or to huild an house, or to do him certain service, and nothing is assigned for the money, for the building, or the service, these are nude contracts, 175. Also if a man promises another to keep him such certain goods safely to such a time, and after he refuse to take them, there lieth no action against him, 175. But if he takes them, and they are lost through his negligent keeping, there action lieth, 175. Obligation ; An obligation cannot be avoided by a bare promise, 3S. If a man is bound in an obligation to repair the houses of him that he is bound to, by such a certain time as oft as need shall require, and after the houses have need to be repaired, but he who is bound knows it not, that ignorance shall not excuse him, 254. Ordinary: May commit administration of him that dies intestate, 224. Where he may grant letters ad colligendum bona defuncti, 225. Outlawry: What a man forfeits by outlawry in a personal action, 107. The process in outlawry, ioS- Parish : Parishes, division of, 332. Parliament : The highest court in the realm, 73. Parson : Of what goods a parson may dispose, and what not, 222. Penance: Money may be taken as a commutation for corporal penance; and if it is not paid, a suit may be instituted for it in the ecclesiastical court, 315. For defamatory words, penance is enjoined at the discretion of the or- dinary, 325. Pension : If gut by prescription, must be by a prescription time out of mind, 306. Pension claimed by prescription, how to be sued for, 325. Perjury : If a man wages his law untruly in an action of debt upon a con- tract in the king's court, he cannot be sued for the perjury in the eccle- siastical court, 1S1. Pope: His power destroyed, iSS, 217, 21S, 24S. Pound Overt : A pound overt i every place where beasts maybe put in lawfully, not making the owner an offender for being there, 191. If the owner of the beasts break the pound, the distrainer may have a writ of pound breach, or an action upon the case, 193. Prerogative: The king by his prerogative is lord paramount of all the benefices within the realm, 213. See Presentation. Prescription : No prescription in lands makes a right, 27. But a prescription tor rent and profits out of land does, 27. A prescription is from the time no man's mind runneth to the con- trary,. 27. If a be that if he find any -noil within his manor that he shall have tin in as his own, the prescription is void, 267 Of a country non decimando is good, where not, 2S4. A single, man in a town cannot prescribe to be discharged of the tithes Index. 397 of corn and grass, unless he can prove that he recompenseth it in an- other way, 28 |. piritual court allow.-, of different times in creating a prescription, 305. See Statute. Presentatidn : The right of presentation to a church is a temporal in- heritance, 1S9, 215. It there be joint tenants, or tenants in common of the patronage, and they vary in presentment, the ordinary is not bound to admit any of their clerks; and if six months pass, he may presenl by lapse, but he may not present within six months, 197. If there be coparceners, the ordinary is bound to admit the clerk of the eldi 1 ister, 197. And if the 1 nee may present, and so may her husband, w\m is tenant by the curtesy, 197. But at the next avoidance the next sister shall present, and so by turns one sister after another, 197. Parceners may agree to present by composition, 197. What presentment the king shall have by his prerogative, 198. Ordinary is not hound to admit the clerk of the eldest coparcener, but where she presents in her own name, 19S. A church is not litigious but where two present by different titles, 19S. If the patron make default in presenting, the bishop shall present; and if the bishop present not within six months, then the metropolitan shall present; and if he neglects to present, then it shall go to the king. 212. If the church falls to the bishop by lapse, yet if the patron present before the bishop puts in his clerk, then the patron shall enjoy his presentment, 212. So likewise if it falls to the metropolitan, 213. The right of presentation, and when a church shall be said to be void, belongs to the king and his laws to determine, 216. When the king presents not to a benefice the ordinary may put in a deputy to serve the cure, 217. Prohibition: Will lie where a man is sued in the spiritual court for tithe of wood above twenty years' growth, 93, 278. If an action is brought for breach of a promise in the spiritual court, a prohibition will lie, 179 ' If a man bequeath to one another man's horse, and the spiritual court thereupon maketh process to execute that legacy, a prohibition lies, -97- And if a man sell his land for 100/. and he is sued afterwards in spiritual court for tithes of said \ the ecclesiastical court when the executor of a parson is sued there for dilapidations, 315- Promise: A man can have no action upon a mule or naked promise, 17'.. If a promise is made to an university or a city, the party making 398 Index. the promise shall not be bound by it if he intended not to be bound, 176. If I promise another 10/. for that he has builded me an house, no action lies, because the consideration is past, 179. But if there had been a precedent request to build the house On the part of him who made the promise, the action would lie, although the con- sideration was executed, 179. Purchaser : It seems that a purchaser for a valuable consideration will be relieved in chancery against latent incumbrances, 149. Purveyance : Abolished, 232. 3uare imp edit : If the incumbent is out of the realm, a quare itnfedit will lie against him, 214. Reasonable Part; When children are intitled to their reasonable part within the city of London, province of York, and principality of Wales, 225. Receiver : Where the acts of a receiver shall bind, and where not, 235. Rccoverors : May avow and justify, 75. Recovery Common: The manner of suffering it, 6S. It is a bar to the tail, on account of the supposed recompense, 69. Is good in conscience, 69. The origin of, supposed to be in the reign of Edward the Fourth, 76. Has been countenanced by the judges, 76. If disseisor makes a gift in tail, and the disseisee releases his right to the donee, and a recovery is suffered against the donee, it is good, 81. Cannot be suffered of an annuity, but may of rent, SS. Release : Good, and where not, 27. Religion : The disabilities attending entering into religion are taken away, 245. Remainder : If a man makes a release to another for term of life, and after he confirms his estate for term of life to remain after his death to another and his heirs, the remainder is void, 159. But if a lease is made to a man for term of another man's life, and after the lessor confirms the land to the lessee for term of his own life the remainder over in fee, the remainder is good, 160. No grant can be made but to him that is party to the deed, except it be by way of remainder, 160. Remitter : If land descends to him that has right to it before, he shall be remitted to his better title if he will, 2 2 - Rent: If land and rent come into one man's hand, the rent is extinct, 32, 153- If rent is granted to a man in fee to perceive of two acres of land, and after the grantor enfeoffs the grantee of one of the acres, rent is ex- tinct, 146. Cannot be granted without deed, 148 A rent charge maybe apportioned by the act of the party, 148. Rent service may be apportioned, 148, Where part of the land descends to the grantee of a rent charge, there may be an apportionment, 151. Index. 399 A man by the common law may have remedy for rent by distress or as- sise, 153. Replevin : A man may have a replevin for taking a distress without cause, 123. Where boasts are impounded the owner may sue a replevin ; and if the issue is found against the distrainer, he shall yield damages, i-ji- Rescue: If a distress is taken without cause, the owner may rescue it be- fore it is impounded, 123. Reservation : No reservation of a rent can be without deed; and if a gift in tail, or a lease for term of life is made, remainder over in fee, re- serving a rent, the reservation is void, 126. If cestui que use makes a lease for term of years, or for term of life, or a gift in tail, reserving a rent, the reservation is good, 127. A reservation of the profits, or any part of the profits, as the grass, wood, etc., is void, 166- Residence: Of clergyman is required by the canon common and statute law, 336. Restitution: Where it shall be made, 125, 243, 245, 247. Return : In a writ of annuity against a parson, the common return is quod clcricus est benejiciatus non habens laicum feodum ubi potest sum- moueri, 215. A bailiff of the lord of a franchise may be punished for a false return, 230. Right of Action : Cannot be given or granted to any other but to the tenant of the ground, or him that has the reversion or remainder, 27. Serjeant at Law : Is sworn to give counsel according to law, 1 19. Sheriff: Where the sheriff shall be amerced for a bad return by the under- sheriff, 230. Where he shall be punished or amerced for the wilful escape of the gaoler, 230. Cannot let his bailiwick or wapentakes to farm, 231. But if he does, £>r. Whether he may be charged for the misdemeanour of his servants, 232. If upon summons in a praecipe quod reddat, the sheriff, upon informa- tion of the demandant, summons the tenant in another man's land, the tenant shall be excused. 255. Statute: Against Cod's law, is void, 15. Is made by king, lords, and commons, 35. A prescription prevails not against a statute, 79. Bui a statute which is in the affirmative may be prescribed against, 79. So may a statute in the negative, which is in affirmance of the common law, 79. But a statute which is introductive of a new law cannot be prescribed against, 79. Many times the intent of the letter shall be taken, and not the bare letter, S3. But no intent can be taken against the express words of the statul Statute de Donis : Said to be made from singularity and presumption, 72. 4-00 Index. Statute Merchant : When ordained, 231. Statute Staple: When ordained, 231. Strays ; If l:iey are proclaimed, are forfeited; if not claimed within a year and a day, no, 266. Tenant in tail after Possibility, etc. : Not punishable for waste by the law, 101. But may be restrained in equity from committing wilful and malicious waste, 101. Is in fact only tenant for life, 102. If he aliens in fee by a forfeiture, 102. If he makes default in a praecipe, the donor shall be received, 102. If lands are given to a man and his wife, and the heirs of their two bodies, and one dies without heir, the survivor is tenant in tail after possibility, 104. Theft: Of what theft may be committed, 247. Tithes: Are not due of trees of twenty years' growth, 2S1. Due by what law, 279, 2S0. When they first began, and by whom they were first granted, 279. Are of three sorts, pnedial, mixt and personal, 285. Praedial, what, 285, 287. Mixt, what, 2S5. Of trees and grass, their diversity, 2S6. Tithe of lambs does not discharge the payment of wool, for it is another increase, 2S8. Are payable by the buyer, not by the seller, 289. Are not due of coal, or tin, except by custom, 292. Personal tithes are now scarce, any where paid in England, unless for mills, or fish caught at sea, 293. Are not due of gifts, though they be after sold, 293. Are not due of lops of trees of twenty years' growth, 295. Nor of the bark, 295. In extra-parochial places belonging to the king, 333. Before the division of parishes, it seems a man might have paid his tithes to what church he would, 333. Traitor: May dispose of his goods alter the treason committed, 244. Transubstantiation : Declaration against, 321. Treasure Trove: To whom it belongs, 248. Trespass : Where a man may justify in trespass, 46. A special action of trespass may be brought against a man for taking a distress without cause, 123. If a sheriff by a replevin deliver other beasts than are distrained, an ac- tion of trespass lies against him, 255. May be committed with force, or without, 27S. May be brought for stealing a horse, 277. Is included in every felony, 27S. Trial : If a bond hears date at Madrid in Spain, or Bourdeaux in France, it may be tried here, 106. Index. 401 Trover: May be brought for goods svhich are stolen after the ofFender is prosecuted, 278. Trusts : Arc exactly of the same nature as uses were at common law, 169. Are governed nearly by the same rules and subject to every charge in equity which the legal ownership is subject to in law, 169. Are not subject to dower, 169. Nor to escheat, 169. But husbands may be tenants by the curtesy of trusts, 169. Uses: Origin of, 165. Inconveniencies of, 167. An use in esse may be given away without recompence, 171. Cannot commence without livery of seisin, 172. Or a recompence or bargain, 172. Possession and use joined together in the feoffor, 58. Villeinage : Abolished, 155. Wager of Lavj : In what actions will lie, 28. Out of use, but not out of force, 2S. Warranty : Where it bars, and where not, 92, 260, 262. Waste: If a lease for years is made to an infant, and a stranger does waste, the infant must answer, 47. So a. feme covert, to whom a lease is made, is liable to be punished for waste, and committed by a stranger, if she agrees to the estate after her husband's death, 48. How punishable in tenant for term of years for life in dower, or by the curtesy, 64, 71, 101, in, 112. Will : By the ancient law a man could not make a will of his lands, 58. But might dispose of the use, 58. The ancient law abolished, 59. Words: An action will lie at common law for calling another man thief or murderer, 324. But not for calling him villain, 325. Wreck: What, 261,265. Writ of Right of Dismcs : Where it will lie, 185. July, 1880.] PUBLICATIONS OF ROBERT CLARKE * CO 61, 63, and 65 West Fourth Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. HISTORICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Alzog (John, D. D.) A Manual of Universal Church History. Translated by Rev. T. J.Pabischand Rev. T. S. Byrne. 3 vols. 8vo. 15 00 Andre (Major). 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Shaler 6 Free Institutions, Nature and Tendency of. Grimke 2 Gold-fish. Mulertt 5 Grandma's Christmas Day. Ellard 2 Honduras, Journey in. Huston 3 Horses, Law of. Hanover ?, Horse-shoeinjr, Scientific. Russell G Housekeeping in the Blue Grass :; Illinois, Campaign in the, in 1778-9. Clark. 1 Indiana, Vincennes, Colonial History of. Law 4 Indiana. Wayne Countv, History. Young. 7 Indians. See Mound Builders. Insect Lives. Ballard 1 Jewish Nature Worship. MacLean. 4 Kansas, Resources, etc. Griswold 2 Karl and Gretchen's Christmas. Tilden .. G Kentucky Fossil Corals. Davis 2 Kentucky. Lexington. History. Ranck. G Kentucky, Pioneer Life in. Diake 2 Kitchengarden, Merry Songs for Use of. Hubbud 3 Land Drainace. Klipparl 4 Leatherwood God. Taneyhill G Leuends of the West. Hall 2 Man, Antiquity of. MacLean 4 Mammoth Cave. Illustrated Guide to. Hovey 3 Marshall Family 5 Mastodon, Mammoth, and Man. Mac- Lean l Measures, Source of. Skiuner ■ G Mi dical — Cornwell. Chart of Eve Symptoms 2 DeBeck. Hard Chancre... 2 Fletcher. Cholera, its Characters etc 2 Hygiene and Education of Infants. Walton 7 Jackson. The Black Arts in Med. cine. .'1 Lloyd. Chemistry of Medicines 4 Lloyd. Elixirs, their Formulas, Prepara- tion, etc 4 Lloyd. Drugs, etc., of North America... 4 Medical Questions 5 Minor. Erysipelas and Child-bed Fever. 5 Minor. Scarlatina Statistics 5 Physician's General Ledger 5 12 PUBLICATIONS OF ROBERT CLARKE & CO. Medical — Continued. Physician's Pocket-Case Record Pre- scription Book 5 Rives. Chart of Cranial Nerves 6 Sattler. History of Tuberculosis 6 Tripler and Blackman. Military Surgery. 7 Whittaker. Physiology 7 Williams. Diseases of the Ear 7 Mission Band Exercises. Tilden 6 Monetary Situation. Horton 3 Mosaic Tabernacle. Randall - 6 Mound- Builders, Indians — Captivity with the Indians, 1755-1759. Smith 6 Diary of a Missionary among the Ohio Indians. Zeisberger 7 Footprints of Vanished Races. Conant. 2 Mound-Builders. MacLean 4 Mounds of the Mississippi Valley. Carr. 1 Ohio Indians, Expedition against. Bou- quet 1 Ohio Indians. Some Early Notices of. Force 2 Our Indian Wards. Manypenny 4 Pre-Historic Remains in Kentucky. Carr and Shaler 1 Naf-Neff Family.. 5 Name and Address Book 5 National Guardsman. Phisterer 5 North-West, Discovery of the. Butterfield. 1 Ohio — Athens County. History, Walker 7 Champaign and Logan Counties. His- tory. Antrim 1 Cincinnati Organ. Nichols 5 — Tyler-Davidson Fountain 7 — Waterworks. Bell 1 Columbus. History. Studer 6 Coshocton County. History. Hunt 3 Green Township, Hamilton County. Reemelin 6 Historical Collections. Howe 3 Journal of Captain Trent to Pickawillany. 7 Leatherwood God. Taneyhill 6 Ohio Country, Journey to the. May 5 Ohio Valley Historical Miscellany 5 Ross County. Pioneer Record. Finley. 2 Old, Old Storv. A Lecture. Roy 6 Olden Time (The). Craig 2 Our Barren Lands. Hazen 3 Penciled Fly Leaves. Piatt 5 Phonograph;; — American Reporter's Guide. Longley... 4 American Phonographic Dictionary. Longley 4 Compend of Phonography. Longley 4 Eclectic Manual of Phonography. Long- ley ..- 4 Phonography — Continued. Every Reporter's Own Shorthand Dic- tionary. Longley 4 Phonographic Chart. Longley 4 Phonographic Reader and Writer. Long- ley ; 4 Writing Exercises. Longley 4 Poetry — Andre (Major). The Cow Chase 1 Gallagher (W. D.) Miami Woods, and other Poems 2 Jordan (D. M. ) Rosemary Leaves 3 Prentice (G. D.) Poems... 5 Piatt's Children Out-of-Doors 5 Stanton (Henry T.) Jacob Brown, and other Poems 6 Stanton (Henry T.) The Moneyless Man, and other Poems 6 Venable (W. H.) June on the Miami... 7 Venable(W. H.) Melodies of the Heart. 7 Politics as a Science. Reemelin 6 Prices, Prophecies of Ups and Downs in. Benner 1 Progressive Croquet. Devereux 2 Progressive Euchre. Irwin 3 Prose Miscellany. Biddle 1 Reptiles and Bachtrachians of North Amer- ica. Garman 2 Romance of Western Historj'. Hall 2 St. Clair Papers 6 Shakespearean Commentators. Morgan... 5 Shakespearean Myth. 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