Rip IN MEMORIAM FLOR1AN CAJOR1 PRIMARY ARITHMETIC BY BRUCE M. WATSON SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS, SPOKANE, WASHINGTON CHARLES E. WHITE PRINCIPAL OF FRANKLIN SCHOOL, SYRACUSE, M.Y. D. C. HEATH & CO., PUBLISHERS BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO Copyright, 1906, By D. C. HEATH & CO. 1f2 INTRODUCTION In the preparation of this series of arithmetics the aims have been: First, — To secure a high degree of facility in the funda- mental operations and in those other processes which, in the actual business of life, are reduced to purely mechanical forms of computation. Second, — To cultivate in pupils the habit of forming vivid mental pictures of the business transactions introduced in the exercises, and of the commercial and industrial relations of the numbers involved in the problems. Third, — To make, at proper times, a clear and rational de- velopment of so much of the theory of numbers as is necessary for intelligent arithmetical work. Fourth, — To grade the work up, from the simple and easy to the more complex and difficult, by steps so gradual and in an order so logical, that the pupil will steadily grow in mathe- matical power and take pleasure in his own progress. In pursuance of the aims herein outlined, care has been taken to dwell upon each new process until the child has ac- quired a considerable degree of skill in it. Then it has not been permitted to drop out of sight and memory, but has been kept fresh by continuous and systematic review. Ill JV INTRODUCTION Useless and meaningless distinctions and statements of matter have been avoided. The problems of play, of trade, and of industry deal with things and transactions that are within the experience or knowl- edge of the child and appeal to his interest. The numbers used in problems are not so large as to cause fatigue, discouragement, or waste of time. In the development work, pupils are directed in a line of observation or experiment and enabled to obtain their facts from the numbers and objects studied, rather than from a printed statement. The present volume is intended to cover the work usually accomplished during the first four years of school. The text-book may be introduced either in the middle of the second year, or at the beginning of the third. When the former plan is chosen, the first thirty-one pages, consisting of oral work involving all combinations of numbers to twenty- four, will be found to contain sufficient book work for the re- mainder of the second year. When the latter plan is followed, the pages covering work that has been accomplished orally in the second year will serve as review and preparation for the lessons that follow. The further distribution of the course through the third and fourth years must be determined by local conditions, experi- ence, and age of pupils. CONTENTS PAGE PAGE Counting .... 1 Quart, Peck, and Bushel . 72 Reading and Writing Numbers 3 Review . . . . . 73 Combinations to 12 . 4 Division 75 Combinations of Two 10 Review 79 Counting by 2's . 13 Multiplication and Division 80 Problems .... 14 Review 81 Yard and Foot . 15 Telling Time . . . . 83 Three. . 16 (^Reading and Writing Numbers 84 One Third . . . . 17 " Oral Practice in Numbers . 85 Gallon .... 18 Written Practice in Numbers . 87 Two, Three, and Four 19 Review 88 One Fourth . . . 20 Multiplication by 10, 100, 1000 . 89 Five 21 Quick Test . . . . 91 Foot and Inch . 22 Days in the Different Months . 92 Six, Seven, Eight 24 Finding Any Part of a Num- Combinations to 24 . 27 ber 93 Drill Tables 31 Miscellaneous Problems . 94 Reading and Writing Numbers: 32 Quick Test . . . . 95 Addition .... 33 Review 97 Problems in Addition 43 Miscellaneous Examples . 98 Subtraction 46 Multiplication and Division by Oral and Written Addition anc I Multiples of 10 100 Subtraction 47 Review 101 Problems in Temperature . 54 Pound and Ounce 103 Review .... 56 Review 104 Multiplication . . 61 Division 105 Review .... . 63 Quick Test . 107 Roman Numerals . 64 Review 108 Division .... . 65 Multiplication and Division 109 Review .... . 66 Making Questions 110 Multiplication . . 69 Review 111 VI CONTENTS PAGE Rectangles 112 Multiplication and Division . 114 Making Change . . . . 116 Roman Numerals . . . 116 Miscellaneous Problems . .117 - Halves, Fourths, and Eighths . 122 Miscellaneous Problems . . 123 ^Reading and Writing Numbers 124 Review 125 Multiplication and Division . 126 Perimeter 127 Multiplication and Division . 128 Area 131 Division 132 Review 133 Odd and Even Numbers' . . 141 Factors 142 Quick Test 143 Factors 144 Multiples 145 Fractions 146 Whole and Mixed Numbers . 149 PAGE 155 157 161- 163 165 166 175 Review .... Adding Fifths and Halves Adding Fourths and Fifths Adding Fourths and Thirds Adding Halves and Sevenths Review and Practice . United States Money Review and Practice . . .176 Liquid Measure . . . .179 Dry Measure . . . .181 Time 183 Avoirdupois Weight . . .187 Linear Measure . . . .188 Review and Practice . . . 190 Surface Measure . . .194 Prime and Composite Numbers 199 Prime Factors . . . .200 Factors and Multiples . . 201 Cancellation . . . .202 Review 205 Multiplication Table . . .205 Tables of Denominate Numbers 210 PRIMARY ARITHMETIC PRIMARY ARITHMETIC COUNTING i. Count to twenty. 2. How many boys are there in your class ? 3. Count the children in the class. 4. How many desks are there in your row ? 5. Find twelve pieces of chalk. 6. Find eleven sticks. 7. Lay four sticks so as to make a square. 8. Lay four sticks so as to make a chair. 9. Lay eight sticks so as to make two squares. 10. How many squares can you make with twelve sticks ? Note. — These exercises are suggestive of many that may be given. ii. Write the figures for one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. 12. Tell as quickly as "you can the number of spots on each of these dominoes : • • •• • • • • • • • • ••• ••••• WRITING NUMBERS l. Take ten sticks. Tie them in a bundle, thus, g& 11 2. Count out ten such bundles, and call each bundle "a ten." 3. Put one bundle on the table. 4. Put one stick beside it, thus, 1 1 How many sticks are there ? Bftjj 5. Put another stick with it, thus, How many sticks are there ? 12 Sill 6. Take another ten and put three with it, thus, j How many are there ? 13 Go on in this way to nineteen. 7. What does the figure 1 stand for in the number 12 ? 8. What does the figure 1 stand for ? in 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 ? 9. How many tens are there in 11 ? How many over ? In 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19? g io. In writing ten we use the figure 1 for the ten m bundle and O to show that there is none over, thus, ^q li. Take two tens. How many sticks in all ? 12. To write twenty, we use 2 to stand for 2 tens and O to show that there is none over, thus, ^q 13. Take two tens and one, thus, How many ? Write it, thus, 2 1 14. Lay counters for 22, 23, 25, 27, 29. 15. Lay counters for thirty, thirty-one, forty-three. READING AND WRITING NUMBERS 3 1. Write fifteen ; twenty ; eighteen ; fourteen. 2. Write twenty-five ; thirty-seven ; forty ; ninety-six. 3. Write eighty-two ; seventy ; forty-nine ; sixty-one. 4. Write the number of desks in your room. 5. Write the number of stars on our flag. 6. Write your own age. 7. Count fifty, forward and backward. 8. Write in words 16, 19, 20, 43, 69, 38, 42, 71. 9. Write the number of books on the teachers desk. io. Write the number of panes of glass in your school- room. li. Read 25, 21, 38, 45, 36, 28, 72, 64. Write them in a column so that the tens will be in a vertical line. 12. Count forward and backward from 50 to 100. 13. Write in figures all the numbers to one hundred that have 0's in them. 14. Write in figures and in words the number of desks in your row. 15. Write in figures and in words the number of letters in your name. * is. Read 15, 37, 58, 34, 96, 82, 67, 77, 17, 83, 39, 51. 17. Write in figures, ninety-one, twenty-seven, sixty-eight, ninety-three, thirty-five, fifty-three. 18. Write the number of squares in this drawing. 19. Write the number of dots. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • COMBINATIONS TO 12 1. There are how many drums in this picture ? 2. One is a bass drum. How many other drums are there ? How many fifes are there ? 3. How many more drums than fifes are there ? 4. Four fifers, one color bearer, and one leader are how many boys ? 5. Four fifers and six drummers are how many boys ? 6. If the boys march around two squares, how many blocks will they march ? Draw the squares. 7. If they march three blocks away, and then back to the starting place, how many blocks do they march ? 8. If they march 2 miles on Monday and 3 miles on Tuesday, how many miles do they inarch in both days ? 9. When they march 3 blocks with music and 4 blocks without, how many blocks do they march ? io. When they march around the square twice, how many blocks do they go ? Make a picture of the square. 11. If they have marched 9 blocks away from home and 5 blocks toward home, how far from home are they? COMBINATIONS TO 12 Keep pint and quart measures before pupils. What is the first measure ? For what do we use it ? What is the second measure ? For what do we use it? Which is the larger ? Fill the pint measure with water. Pour it into the quart measure. Do it again. How much more will the quart measure hold ? How many pints does the quart measure hold ? 1. How many pints make a quart? 2. The quart measure will fill the pint measure how many times ? 3. Two quarts are how many pints ? Measure and prove it. Three quarts ? Four, five, six quarts ? 4. How many quarts are there in 4 pt. ? Six, eight, ten, twelve pints? (pt. stands for pint or pints) 5. Mary bought 3 quarts of milk. How many pints did she buy ? 6. Alice filled a pint measure four times from a pitcher of water. How many times would the pitcher of water fill a quart measure ? Why? 7. How many pint bottles can be filled from five quarts of cream ? 8. How many quart cans will 12 pints of sirup fill ? 9. How many pints of milk will 3 pint bottles and one quart bottle hold ? 6 COMBINATIONS TO 12 1. I spent 2 cents for a yeast cake, and 4 cents for candy. How much, did both cost? 2. Mary had 3 red roses and two yellow ones. How many had she in all ? 3o Two birds have how many wings ? 4. Four boys have how many thumbs ? 5. Three horses have how many ears ? 6. If we work six days in a week, how many days do we rest ? 7. Two dogs have how many feet ? 8. A dime is made of silver. It is the same as ten cents. A dime less two cents is how many cents ? 9. How many oranges are there in a dozen ? 10. Find the cost of 3 pranges at 2 cents apiece. 11. Add: 4632272125 1122423421 3112213332 12. Subtract : 6475488458 22 3 2457332 13. Count by 2's from 1 to 11. 14. Count by 2's from 2 to 10. is. Count by 2's from 10 to 2. 16. Count by 2's from 11 to 1. COMBINATIONS TO 12 1. What two numbers added make 3 ? 2. Add. two numbers to make 5. 3. Add two numbers to make 4. 4. Add two numbers to make 6. 5. What two numbers added make 7 ? 6. What three numbers added make 7 ? 7. What three numbers added make 10 ? 8. What three numbers added make 8 ? 9. What three numbers added make 9 ? 10. Count to 12 by fours. 11. Count to 12 by threes. 12. 6 + ?=8 9-?=3 7 + 2 = ? 5 + ?=9 13. 7 + ?=9 9-?=7 6 + 3 = ? 3 + ? = 9 14. 2 + ?=5 6-?-2 7-2 = ? 5 + ? = 7 15. 5 + ?=9 10-t-4 ?-4 = 6 ?-6 = 4 16. 3 + ?=6 7-?=2 ?+3 = 6 7-5 = ? 17. Name the days of the week. is. Which is the first day ? The fourth? The seventh? 19. How many working days in two weeks ? 20. How many days are 2 days less than a week ? 2i. A week and 3 days are how many days ? 22. There were 7 apples in a basket. Frank took 1 in each hand. How many were left ? 23. Eight boys went to the store for milk. Each bought a pint. How many quarts did they buy ? 8 COMBINATIONS TO 12 Many years ago, the Romans wrote numbers by means of letters. We use letters to make the numbers on the face of the clock, to number the chapters in a book, and for a few other purposes. The Roman way of writing the first five numbers is this: I stands for one. Ill stands for three. II stands for" two. IV stands for four. V stands for five. 1. Using letters, write the number of eyes you have ; the number of thumbs on one hand ; the number of fingers on one hand ; the number of quarts in six pints ; the num- ber of school days in a week. 2. When you attend school only 3 days in a week, how many days are you absent ? 3. When the sun shines only three days in a week, how many days are cloudy ? 4. Frank earned 10 cents and gave his sister 2 cents. How much money had he left ? 5. Lucy has 3 cents. How many more cents must she have to buy a ten-cent jumping rope ? 6. If Will earned 2 cents on Monday, 3 cents on Tues- day, and 4 cents on Saturday, how much did he earn ? 7. 28329 25365 + 7 +2 +2 +5 +2 +10 +3 + 7 +4 +5 +J> + 2 + 10 9 -7 7 -_5 7 -2 8. 4 9 5 9 7 7 8 10 11 10 -2-2-3-7 -5-2-3-7-2-5 COMBINATIONS TO 12 4 I * 1 i 1. Draw a line. Cut it into two equal parts. What is one part ? 2. Fold your paper once in the middle. It is whut part as large as before you folded it ? 3. Point to one half of the circle at the top of the page. 4. Point to one half of the square at the top of the page. 5. One half of 4 cents is how many cents ? (Picture.) 6. Take six counters. Find one half of them. One half of six are how many ? 7. Find one half of eight; of 10 ; of 12. 8. Half a dozen apples at a cent each cost how much ? 9. George bought a half dozen apples and gave 4 to Rose. How many had he left ? io. 4 days and how many days make a week ? li. How many cents in a half dime ? 12. 2 4 3 2 6 3 2 10 12 11 x3x2x3xox2x4x2 -3 -6 -5 10 COMBINATIONS OF TWO i. Make 6 marks. Group them by 2's. How many 2's in 6 ? Group them again, showing 2 halves of 6. One half of 6 is how many? 2. Do the same with 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. 3. • Read 42, 89, 76, 98, 73,100. 4. Read I, IV, V, III, II. 5. Add: 6653 4 25843 2326411123 3175432233 2112243223 6. 334289 10 325 ^^^x7x^x2x2x3x_3x2 7. 2)6 3)6 2)1 2)8 2)10 3J9" 2)12 4JS a 3)12 4)12 5)To 3)15 6)12 2)13 7jl? 9. Find J of 6 cents ; l of 14 marbles ; \ of 8 birds. 10. 4 5 7 2 8 2 2 14 10 5 + 2 +2 +2 +4 4-2 +11 +13 +1 +2 +3 — — ii. 5 8 9 5 7 7 8 11 12 11 -2 -3 - 4 -3 - -4 - -3 -5 -5 -6 -6 12. Add: 2 3 2 4 8 7 3 2 9 1 1 4 5 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 111 1 2 3 4 2 2 3 2 5 2 2 1 1 1 4 1 6 - COMBINATIONS OF TWO 11 i. VI = 5 + 1*=6 VII = 5 + 2 = 7 VIII = 5 + 3 = ? 2. X=10 IX=10-1 = 9 XI = 10 + 1 = 11 XII - 10 + 2 = ? 3. How many 2-cent stamps would cost as much as a 1 2-cent kite ? 4. How many school days in 2 weeks? How many working days ? How many days in all ? 5. What did the stamps on these letters cost ? 6. 7. Five 2's are how many ? Six 2's are how many ? Write in Roman : The number of cents in a dime. The number of feet your cat has. The number of pints in 4 quarts. The number of lemons in a dozen. The number of eggs in a half dozen. /. The number of days in a week. g. One less than a dozen. Grace is reading Chapter X in her book and Frank is reading Chapter VII. Grace is how many chapters ahead of Frank ? a. b. c. d. e. 8, 12 COMBINATIONS OF TWO i. Count these dots by 2's: IJt 4 ••••*•••• How many 2's are there ? How many dots are there in the upper row ? In the lower row ? Twelve dots are what part of 24 dots ? 2. Make dots to show two 2's ; three 2's ; four 2's ; five 2's; seven 2's; nine 2's; six 2's; eleven 2's. 3. How many 2's are there in 4 ? In 8 ? In 10 ? In 14? In 20? In 22 ? In 16? In 24 ? In 6? 4. Show that there are two 12's in 24, thus, = 12 = 12 5. Show that there are two 8's in 16. 6. Show how many tens there are in 20. 7. This domino shows that 6-4-6 = 12, that 12-6 = 6, that two 6's=12, that six 2's =12, and that | of 12 = 6. 8. This domino shows that 5 + 4 = , that 9 — 5 = , and that 9-4 = . 9. Tell what is shown by each of these dominos : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • io. 2 4 8 12 7 5 + 2 +4 +8 +12 +7 +5 • • • • • • • • • • • o 3 9 11 10 + 3 + 9 + 11 4-10 COUNTING BY 2'S 13 i. count. : : : : : 1 3 5 7 9 11 2. 9 and 2 are how many ? 3. count. :::::::::: 19 + 2 = ? 4. 29 + 2 = ? 39 + 2 = ? 49 + 2 = ? 59 + 2 = ? 69 + 2 = ? 79 + 2=? 89 + 2 = ? 99 + 2 = ? 5. Count by 2's from 1 to 99. 6. Count by 2's from 99 to 1. 7. John had 7 marbles and bought 6 more. How many had he then? Show by a picture. 8. 7 + 6 = ? 6 + 7 = ? 13-6 = ? 13-7 = ? 9. Arthur paid 8 cents for a tablet and 6 cents for pens. What did both cost? 8 and 6 are how many? 10. William had 14 cents. He paid 6 cents for a quart of milk. How many cents had he left ? (Picture.) 11. A boy found 14 eggs in a nest and sold a dozen. How many were left ? Show by a picture. 12. Add : 6266226211 1 ' 3 2 3 2 24332 353173 1121 2221122233 1113581451 13. Subtract : 4 5 8 11 13 9 8 10 12 13 14 15 2 3 5 6 7 3 2 5 _7 6 8 _7 14 PROBLEMS 1. A year and 3 months are how many months ? 2. Our baby is 11 months old. How old will he be 3 months from now ? 3. A dozen and three oranges are how many oranges ? 4. Make dominoes that count 5, 7, 10, 9, 11. 5. A dozen and 4 eggs are how many eggs ? (Picture.) 6. Alice is 16 years old and Ethel 4 years younger. How old is Ethel ? 7. James picked 9 quarts of cherries and Donald 4 quarts. How many quarts did both pick ? 8. A boy earned 14 cents and gave his sister 11 cents. How many cents had he left ? 9. How many evening papers at 2 cents apiece will 18 cents buy ? 10. How many shoes in 10 pair? In 12 pair? n. Nine robins have how many feet ? 12. How many 2's in 14 ? 20 ? 22 ? 24 ? 18 ? 16 ? 13. Find \ of 8 books; of 12 pints; of 16 cents; of 10 dollars. 14. Answer each of these questions in three ways : ? + ?=10 ? + ?= 16 ? + ? = 14 ?+?=15 3-? = ? 14-? = ? 13 -? = ? 16-?= ? 17. Add • 6 6 5 3 4 3 1 7 3 7 2 3 2 6 4 5 2 3 2 1 3 1 7 2 4 2 3 4 4 2 2 1 1 5 2 1 4 6 3 8 YARD AND FOOT 15 Note. — If possible, let each pupil be provided with a yardstick. At /east have several. Let pupils have much practice in estimating and meas- uring. i. Draw a line 1 yard long on the blackboard. 2. Find something in the room a yard long or wide. 3. How long do you think the schoolroom is ? How wide ? Measure it. Find something 1 yard high. 4. Name some things that are always measured by the yard. 5. Without the yardstick draw a line one yard long. Measure and correct it. A line 2 yards long. 6. How long do you think the blackboard is ? Meas- ure it, and see how nearly correct your estimate is. 7. Hold your hands 1 yard apart. Hold them 1 yard above the floor. Note. — yd. stands for yard or yards. 8. What will 2 yd. of ribbon cost at 7 cents a yard ? 9. How many yards of ribbon will 22 cents buy at 2 cents a yard ? 10. Draw a line 1 yd. long. Divide it into 3 equal parts. What is one of these parts ? n. Hold your hands one foot apart. Draw a line 1 foot long. Hold your hand one foot above your desk. 12. How many feet high are you ? 13. Without a rule draw a line 2 feet long. Measure and correct it. Do the same with lines 3, 4, 5, and 6 feet long. 16 THREE i. How many feet are there in 2 yd. ? In 3 yd. ? In 4 yd. ? In 5 yd. ? Note. — ft. stands iorfoot or feet. 2. How many yards in 15 ft. ? 3. A line 6 yd. long is how many feet long ? 4. A line 6 ft. long is how many yards long ? 5. Count by 3's from to 24 and back to 0. 6. Two 3's are how many ? Four threes ? Seven 3's ? Six 3's? Three 3's? Five 3's? Eight 3's? 7. Nellie's father is 6 ft. tall. His height is the same as how many yards ? a beven yard Is 01 cl< oth are ikm v many lei et li ongT 9. 7 + 3 = ? 9-t -3 = ? 12 + 3 = = ? 13 + 3 = ? 10. 5-3 = ? 11- •3 = ? 8 -3 = = ? 9-3 = ? n. Add: 4 4 3 4 2 3 4 5 7 3 6 5 7 1 4 6 1 2 5 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 12. 3 7 Subtract : 2 4 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 4 13 12 15 16 11 11 12 10 9 10 7 6 3 _4 _9 2 3 _T_ 5 J 13. 8 Multiply : 3 4 11 12 9 10 3 2 7 2 5 3 2 2 2 2 3 4 3 14. DimVfe; 2)6 3)6 4)12 3)12 3)15 8)16 2)14 ONE THIRD 17 i. Divide a yard into feet. One foot is what part of a yard ? One third of 3 ft. is how many feet ? 2. One third of 6 cents are how many cents ? 2 ! 2 i 2 3. How many 3's in 6 ? $ of 6 = ? §§§ How many 2's in 6 ? $ of 6 = ? 4. J of 9 feet are how many feet ? 5. ^ of 3 yd. are how many yards ? 6. Three 3's are how many ? 7. ^ of 9 dots are how many dots ? 8. How many 3's in 9 ? • • • • • • • • • 9. IJour times 3 are how many ? • • • • • • 10. How many 3's in 12 ? 1 of 12 = ? HI 11. A ribbon 12 ft: long is how many yards long ? 12. Five 3's are how many ? Show this by a picture. 13. | of 15 = ? How many 3's in 15 ? 14. Six 3's are how many ? ^ of 18 = ? How many 3's in 18 ? Show this with dots. 15. An orchard has 3 rows of trees with 8 trees in a row. How many trees in the orchard ? Make a picture of it. 18 GALLON Keep the measures before the class. 1. What measures are these? For what is the quart measure used? For what is the gallon measure used ? 2. Fiji the quart measure with water. Pour it into the gallon measure. Repeat till the gallon measure is full. How many times did you empty the quart measure? How many quarts make a gallon (gal.) ? Write on the blackboard what you have learned. 3. How many quarts in 2 gallons ? In 3 gallons? In 6 gallons ? In 5 gallons V In 4 gallons ? 4. How many pints in 1 gallon? In 2 gallons? 5. A gallon of milk costs how much at 5 cents a quart ? 6. Two quarts were spilled from a gallon of water. How much remained? 7. What must I pay for a gallon of vinegar at 6 cents a quart ? 8. Eight quarts are equal to how many gallons? 16 qt. ? 24 qt. ? 9. Count by 4's from to 24 ; from 1 to 13 ; from 2 to 18; from 3 to 15 ; from 2 to 26. 10. -| of 4 qt. are how many quarts ? How many quarts in a half gallon ? li. Count by 3's from 1 to 37 ; from 2 to 38. 12. Count by 2's from to 50 and back ; from 1 to 51 and back. TWO, THREE AND FOUR 19 1. 9 + 2 = ? 19+2 = ? 29 + 2 = ? 39 + 2 = ? 2. 11-2 = ? 21-2 = ? 31-2 = ? 41-2 = ? 3. When you buy 5 quart bottles and 2 pint bottles of milk, how many quarts do you get ? 4. 234353246 + 2 +2 +1 +4 +2 +4 +3 +2 +2 5. 754768656 -2 -4 -2 -4 -3 -3 -1 -4 -4 6. XIII = 10 + 3 = 13. XIV = 10 + 4 = ? 7. Express 13 and 14 in Roman notation. 8. Copy in figures and give answers : III + II = ? V-III = ? V-II = ? IY + VIII = ? V + III = ? II + X = ? V + VII = ? VIII + V = ? 9. 3 4 3 4 4 2 12 10 11 x6 x4 x8 x6 x5 x8 x2 x2 x2 10. 4)12 3)15 4)20 3)21 4)24 4)16 4)l2 3)18 n. XV = 10 + 5 = 15. XVI = 10 + 6 = ? 12. Express in Roman all the numbers to 16. 13. Copy in figures and give answers: V + V = ? VIII + IV = ? III + IX = ? 14. Add: 15. Subtract: 46324 697548 11232 233245 34424 16. Count by 3's from 1 to 22. 20 ONE FOURTH i. How many fourths are there in the square ? In the line ? In the circle ? In the orange ? 2. Draw a foot line and divide it into four equal parts. What is each part called ? 3. One quart is what part of a gallon ? 4. One fourth of 8 is how many ? J | J | J | J 5. Show with dots J of 12 ; of 20 ; of 16 : of 24. 6. How many 3's in 12 ? How many 4's in 12 ? 7. How many 4's in 20 ? How many 5's in 20 ? How many 4's in 24 ? How many 6's in 24 ? 8. How many are three 4's ? Four 5's ? Four 6's ? 9. If a pound of candy costs 20 cents, what does \ of a pound cost ? 10. 16 + 4 = ? 8-2 = ? Jof8 = ? £ofl6 = ? n. XVII = 10 + 7 = 17. XVIII = 10+ 8 = ? XIX = 10 + 9 = 19. XX = 10 + 10 = ? 12. Write in figures : I; III; V; X; IX; XI; VIII; XIII; XV; XIV; XII; II; VI; VII; XVI; XX. Note. — Enlarge and fix the idea of fourth by having papers cut in various forms, and then cut or folded into fourths. FIVE 21. i. Count by 5' s to 50 and back ; from 1 to 36 and back. 2. A nickel is equal to a half dime. Two nickels are the same as how many cents ? 3. Three lives are how many ? Seven fives ? 4.5 + 4 = ? 4 + 5 = ? 9-4 = ? 9-5 = ? 5+? = 7 5. 5 + 5 = ? 10-?=5 6 + 5 = ? 8 + 5 = ? 7 + 5=? 6. Give answers in Roman : Two fives = ? Four 5's= ? 7 + 2 = ? 6 + 6 = ? 5 + 5 = ? 9 + 2 = ? 10 + 2 = ? 7. How many school days are there in one week ? Three weeks ? Four weeks ? Six weeks ? Five weeks ? 8. How many working days in 4 weeks? In 1 week? In 3 weeks ? In 2 weeks ? 9. How do you find \ of anything ? \ ? \ ? \ ? 10. Draw a line and divide it into 5 equal parts. What is one of these parts ? n. What is i of 10 ? Of 20 ? Of 25 ? Of 15 ? 12. Count by 3's from 1 to 37 ; from 2 to 35. 13. Find \ of 18 ; \ of 6 ; \ of 12 ; \ of 22 ; \ of 15. 14. Find \ of 24; \ of 12; \ of 6; \ of 16; \ of 15. 15. How many cents had Dick when he had earned 5 cents and his father had given him a nickel ? 16 Nina's bank contained 13 cents and she took out a half dime. How much remained ? 17. Jack had 3 cents. How much more did he need to buy a 10-cent ball ? is. 9 + 5 = ? 10 + 5 = ? 12 + 5 = ? 11 + 5 = ? 13 + 5 = ? 22 FOOT AND INCH i. With a rule, draw a line one foot long. Divide it into 12 equal parts. What is one of these parts ? How many inches make one foot? (in. stands for inch or inches.) 2. Divide the foot line into halves. How many inches in one half of a foot ? 3. Divide the foot line into thirds. How many inches are ^ of a foot ? -^ of 12 inches are how many inches ? Four is what part of 12? How many 4's in 12? 4. Divide the foot line into 4 equal parts. What part of a foot is one of these equal parts ? How many inches in J of a foot ? How many 3's in 12 ? What part of 12 inches is 3 inches ? 5. How many inches in 2 ft. ? 2x12 = ? 6. A foot and 2 in. are how many inches ? 7. A foot and 3 in. are how many inches? A foot less 3 in. ? Hold your hands 3 in. apart ; 6 in. ; 10 in. 8. How many inches wide do you think your desk is ? Measure it and see. Note. — Have much estimating and measuring to fix ideas. 9. A chalk box is 8 in. long and 4 in. wide. How many inches of string would reach around it ? io. How many inches around an inch square ? A 2-inch square ? A 3-inch square ? A 4-inch square ? A 5-inch square ? A 6-inch square ? Draw these squares. n. How many feet in 24 inches ? 12 inches are what part of 24 inches ? 12. Count by 3's to 36. How many 3's in 36 ? FIVE 23 mu) 1 Q^tf ufj£(L£ 30 ! L— -t'/ a pml bJ ' «&L, JwBfsi ^■^^» m»-^ mfm ^^^te^^, ^^s=-— - - 1. This picture shows 9 girls and their teacher, starting for the park, which is 12 miles from the city. The car passes through a village 7 miles from the city. That is how far from the park ? Draw a line to show the railroad, and make crosses on it to show the city, village, and park. 2. Each seat in the car will hold 5 persons. Count by 5's and find how many persons can be seated in the car. 3. How many seats were needed for this party ? 4. How many persons will 6 seats hold ? 5. At the village 5 more girls joined the party. How many girls were there in the party then? 6. The fare from .the village to the park is 5 cents. How many cents did the 5 girls pay ? 7. How many fares would 2 dimes pay ? 8. The entire trip was made in 1 hour. How many miles did the car go in a half hour ? 9. Mary had 14 cents to use at the park. She bought a bag of peanuts for a nickel and some candy for 4 cents What did she pay for all ? How much had she left ? 24 SIX 1. Count by 6's from to 24 ; from 2 to 20 ; from 3 to 21 ; from 5 to 23 ; from 4 to 22. 2. How many working days in 2 weeks ? In 4 weeks ? In 3 weeks ? In 5 weeks ? 3. Count by 6's from 24 to 0. 4. Julia bought a tablet for 6 cents. She gave the clerk a dime. How much change should she receive ? 5. Sarah is 12 years old. Mary is 6. What is the difference between their ages ? 6. If Grace is 6 years older than Sarah, how old is Grace ? 7. What must be paid for a slate worth a dime and a picture worth 6 cents ? 8. How many papers must Frank sell at 2 cents apiece to get 10 cents ? 9. Eleven marbles and six marbles are how many ? 10. If you can buy 6 marbles for a cent, how many can you buy for 4 cents ? n. Twelve is what part of 24 ? 6 is what part of 24 ? 12. Six inches are what part of a foot ? 3 inches ? 13. Six is 1 of what ? ^ of what ? 1 of what ? 14. Add : 6666626662 6666265122 666664537 6612346C 6 6 3 2 2 2 1 SEVEN 25 1. Count by T s fro m to 28 ; from 28 to 0. 2. Add: 7 7 7 7 5 7 6 7 4 1 7 7 7 3 2 5 2 3 7 9 7 7 4 6 7 3 7 2 3 7 2 7 3 . 7 1 7 7 3. Midtiply : 7 7 7 6 5 3 5 3 2 4 2 3 4 4 6 6 4 5 7 4 4. Subtract : 7 9 11 14 19 16 12 13 10 15 7 7 __7 J7 __7 J_ J_ _7 J7 J7 5 7)14 7)28 7)21 \ iyf 3)i5 3)18 6)18 4]2i 6. Add: '7 2 2 7 t 7 6 7 5 7 7 2 2 3 4 5 3 3 7 6 4 7 7 3 3 3 2 3 2 5 3 2 6 6 4 2 7 3 2 4 7. Count by 7's from 1 to 29 ; from 5 to 26. s. 17-7 = ? 19-7 = ? 19-12 = ? 7 + ? = 14 9. | of 14 marbles are how many marbles ? 10. 7 is J of what number ? \ of what ? ' n. How many days are there in 2 weeks ? In 3 weeks ? In 4 weeks ? A week is what part of 21 days ? 26 EIGHT i. Count by 8's to 24. 8 + 8 + 8 = ? Three 8's are how many? 2 . 8 + 8 = ? 16-8 = ? 8 + ? = 16. 16 + ? = 24. 3. What is J of 24? How many 8's in 24? 4. 8 cents and a half dime are how many cents? A dime and 8 cents? 8 cents and what make a dime? 5. A dozen pencils are how many more than 8? 6. How many quarts in a gallon? How many pints in a quart? How many pints in a gallon? 7. How many pints in 2 gallons? In 3 gallons? 8. A dozen and 8 lemons are how many lemons? 9. Draw on the blackboard a figure like this, making it 10 inches long and 8 inches wide. How many inches across both ends? Across both sides? Across one end and one side? io. 10 + 10 = ? 8 + 8 = ? 10 + 8 = ? 18-10 = ? 11. Mary is 11 years old and Helen 8. What is the sum of their ages? 11 + 8 = ? 19-11 = ? 19-8 = ? 12. Dorothy is 11 years old and Helen 7. What is the sum of their ages? 18-7 = ? 18-11 = ? ? + ?=18. 13. A foot and 7 inches are how many inches? A foot and 9 inches? A foot and 11 inches? A foot and 10 inches? 14. 13 15 16 17 23 21 18 17 -8 -7 -8 -9 -11 -11 -10 -10 is. 3)24 6)24 12)24 8)24 4)24 6)12 2)16 COMBINATIONS TO 24 27 1. My rule is 2 feet long. How many inches long is it ? 2. 14 oranges are how many more than a dozen ? 3. Harry visited his uncle, 15 miles from Harry's home. He rode 12 miles and walked the rest of the way. How far did he walk ? 4. Willie had 16 marbles and lost 4. How many had heleft? 16-4 = ? 12 + 12 = ? 12x2 = ? 14-12 = ? 5. 12 cents and a half dime are how many cents ? 6. A half dozen cakes are how many cakes? How many are a dozen and a half dozen ? 12 + 6 = ? 12 + 5 = ? 7. Jennie had 2 dimes. How many cents had she ? She bought a pad for 8 cents. How many cents had she left? 20-8 = ? 12 + 8 = ? 20-12 = ? 8. To-day is the 12th day of the month. A week from to-day is what day of the month ? 12 + 7 = ? 19 - 12 = ? 19-7 = ? 9. Ralph has 21 chickens; 9 of them are white and the rest are brown. How many are brown ? 21 — 9 = ? 10. A dime and 12 cents are how many cents ? n. A foot and 11 inches are how many inches ? 12. Add : 11 4 2 2 13. 4 9 3 6 3 2 5 6 5 2 2 5 4 4 5 2 3 1 7 6 5 6 5 3 6 9 12 5 12 3 5 6 17 16 21 23 19 18 15 13 -9 -7 -11 -12 -11 -12 -9 -7 28 COMBINATIONS TO 24 i. XXI = 10 + 10 + 1 = 21 XXII = 10 + 10 + 2 = ? XXIII= 10 + 10 + 3 = 23 XXIV = 10 + 10 + 4 = ? 2. Write in Roman all the numbers to 24. 3. 6 gallons of cream are how many quarts ? 4. 24 cents will buy how many 8-cent tablets ? 5. 24 peaches are how many dozen ? (Picture.) 6. How many pints of milk in 12 quarts? 7. A rule is 2 ft. long. How many inches long is it ? How many 6-inch pieces would it make ? 4-inch pieces ? 8. Add : 884 12 11 2854 712 3 32425 316 2 49366 285_3J8235 9. 8 2 3 2 4 8 12 5 6 x3 xll x8 x8 x6 x2 x2 x4 x3 10. Multiply : 6 6 6 5 4 4 8 9 3 3 4 5 4 3 5 2 2 5 11. Add : 5 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 5 6 2 2 9 5 5 5 2 2 3 5 8 4 7 5 5 5 10 2 7 5 1 3 6 4 9 10 12. 5)25 5)20 5)10 4)20 3)15 2)10 5)15 6)12 COMBINATIONS TO 24 29 1. How many tenpins are there in this game? They were set in 2 rows ; how many were there in each row ? 2. If they were set in 3 rows, how many would there be in each row ? (Picture it.) If they were set in 4 rows ? (Picture.) If they were set in 6 rows ? (Picture.) 3. Each boy has four plays. Charles puts down 3 ? 7, 5, 2. James puts down 8, 6, 4, 2. Which wins ? 4. Here is the score. Find who wins in each game. a. James Charles James Charles James Charles 8 9 b. 8 2 c. 6 4 3 5 5 2 2 6 5 2 7 3 4 3 2 3 3 12 6 4 7 6 e. 6 4 /• 10 11 3 4 7 11 3 2 8 3 5 1 7 2 5 2 10 11 Note. — Play more games, varying them. 30 COMBINATIONS TO 24 i. Helen has a half dime. May has 3 times as much. How much money has May ? How much have both ? 2. Jennie earned 14 cents and paid a dime for note paper. How much had she left ? 3. Divide 20 cents among 4 girls. How much does each get ? 4. A dime, a half dime, and 2 cents are how many cents ? 5. How many shoes do 9 children wear ? 6. If a lady writes one letter a day, what do her postage stamps for a week cost ? 7. How many candles are there in 3 boxes if each box holds six ? 8. How many feet in 8 yards ? 9. In a rose bed are 3 rows of bushes, with 8 bushes in each row. (a) How many rosebushes in the bed? (Picture.) (b) How many bushes in 2 of the rows? If there were 4 rows, how many bushes would there be in each row ? (Picture.) DRILL TABLES Note. — The drill tables on page 31 contain those additions and sub- tractions that require most repetition. It is a waste of time to repeat com- binations that are perfectly known. Copy these tables on the blackboard and go through them daily as a rapid drill exercise. Vary the order, sometimes going across and sometimes up and down. Occasionally let pupils take turns in pointing while others answer. In the subtraction table, let results be given in both forms "4 from 12 leaves 8 " and " 4 aud 8 are 12." DRILL TABLES 31 See note, page 30. ADDITION DRILL TABLE 9 2 7 4 12 8 9 11 3 6 5 2 11 s 8 12 7 11 12 11 12 8 4 11 5 10 5 9 12 5 8 9 5 2 12 9 11 7 4 12 11 12 11 8 12 6 3 12 6 6 7 7 6 4 3 6 9 8 5 7 11 4 7 4 11 9 5 8 9 11 8 7 10 3 8 6 5 6 4 9 7 8 9 12 11 9 12 7 6 SUBTRACTION DRILL TABLE 12 4 18 9 18 7 16 8 22 12 16 9 14 11 17 9 18 12 10 6 19 9 15 9 11 8 17 5 13 7 17 11 11 4 14 7 10 4 15 11 12 9 11 5 23 12 14 9 21 11 12 7 13 4 24 12 16 11 20 12 20 11 13 8 14 12 11 2 13 11 15 8 16 12 19 7 19 11 21 12 22 11 15 12 17 7 9 4 12 8 20 9 18 11 19 8 16 7 22 10 14 3 17 8 18 6 8 5 14 8 15 6 11 3 17 12 13 6 17 6 11 7 10 5 16 6 15 4 10 3 11 6 23 11 14 5 21 10 12 5 13 9 8 3 16 5 20 8 7 4 13 5 14 2 11 9 13 2 15 7 16 4 19 12 12 6 21 9 8 4 12 3 9 6 9 5 32 READING AND WRITING NUMBERS 1. One hundred is written 100 ; two hundred is written 200 ; five hundred is written 500. Write four hundred ; seven hundred ; eight hundred. 2. Read 300 ; 600 ; 700 ; 400 ; 200 ; 500 ; 900. 3. 324 is read, three hundred twenty-four. 642 is read, six hundred forty-two. Read 759; 483; 279; 585; 986; 361; 416; 313. 4. Write four hundred twenty-one ; three hundred forty-nine ; six hundred fifty-two ; one hundred forty-one ; two hundred ninety-one ; seven hundred sixteen ; nine hundred seventy-seven. 5. Six hundred nine is written 609. Eight hundred ten is written 810. Write three hundred eight : four hundred six ; nine hun- dred one ; two hundred fifteen. 6. Read 749 ; 982 ; 507 ; 308 ; 701 ; 209 ; 685 ; 420. 7. Read 385 ; 769 ; 835 ; 429 ; 651 ; 910 ; 203 ; 519. a Read 999; 807; 666; 342; 111; 405; 612; 711. 9. Read 359 ; 460 ; 580 ; 307 ; 222 ; 809 ; 980 ; 630. 10. Write five hundred ninety ; five hundred nine ; nine hundred forty-one; three hundred sixty; four hundred six ; eight hundred seventy ; five hundred fifty-five. n. The right-hand figure is called units' figure, the second, tens' figure, the third, hundreds' figure. 634 is 6 hundreds, 3 tens, and 4 units. Tell the number of hundreds, tens, and units in 246 ; 321; 245; 807; 650; 718; 320; 510; 408; 907. Written ADDITION 33 i. Add 59 and 8. 59 8 units and 9 units are 17 units. 8 17 units = 1 ten and 7 units. g^ 1 ten and 5 tens are 6 tens. 67 2. Add 68 and 96. 68 96 164 6 units and 8 units are 14 units. 14 units = 1 ten and 4 units. 1 ten, 9 tens, and 6 tens are 16 tens. 16 tens == 1 hundred and 6 tens. 164 Answer. Note. — Explanations of processes in addition, subtraction, multiplica- tion, and division should not be dwelt upon unduly. Yet it is well for children to see how results are obtained, though they may not be required to repeat an intricate analysis of the operation. Add: 3. 28 4. 36 s. 93 6. 29 ?. 43 a 78 9. 66 4 7 8 9 9 3 8 10. 42 8 ii.96 _9 12.28 3 13. 46 5 14.29 _6 15.37 _8 16.42 9 17. 86 33 .is. 42 69 19.96 25 20. 18 73 21. 16 46 22. 19 43 23. 86 44 24. 35 48 25. 96 57 26. 98 63 27. 99 34 28. 10 48 29. 70 30 30. 52 19 31. 87 24 32.85 49- 33.18 14 34. 17 15 35. 67 24 36. 45 85 37. 93. 29 34 ADDITION Written Add: i. a. 7 6. 5 c. 4 d. 2 e. 12 /. 22 g. 22 h. 12 4 4 7 4 17 31 11 11 3 6 2 6 30 42 33 11 213 520^42124 2. a. 41 J. 51 c 41 . 51 6. 61 /. 72 g. 33 13 42 20 62 33 80 55 21 63 75 73 40 61 40 13 12 32 80 54 53 61 30 4 units, 6 units, 5 units, and 8 units, are units. 45 23 units = tens and units. 16 2 tens, 3 tens, 1 ten, 4 tens, and 2 tens are tens. 34. tens = hundred and tens. 123 Answer. 4. a. 15 6. 24 c. 17 d. 15 e. 54 /. 12 g. 19 24 16 34 34 47 24 82 35 33 23 26 32 16 41 14 12 52 41 23 35 63 5. a. 22 b. 24 c 17 d. 15 e. 56 /. 17 g. 46 43 33 26 25 34 25 20 14 17 34 37 12 34 32 37 26 43 12 29 40 55 6. a. 23 b. 14 c. 26 £ 25 e. 46 /. 29 g. 92 42 ' 18 13 43 34 41 8 25 22 47 58 55 32 31 12 14 12 64 42 68 40 Oral ADDITION 35 1. Find the whole cost of a pencil at 5 cents, a tablet at 8 cents, and a stamp at 2 cents. 2. 5 cents, 2 cents, 4 cents, and 12 cents are — — cents. 3. If a peach cost 2 cents, an orange 6 cents, and a pineapple 12 cents, they all cost — ■ — cents. 4. Add 2 to 9 ; 19 ; 29 ; 39 ; 49 ; 59 ; 69 ; 79 ; 89 ; 99. 5. Add 3 to 8 ; 18 ; 28 ; 38 ; 48 ; 58 j 68 ; 78 ; 88 ; 98. 6. 7 + 4 = ? 17 + 4 = ? 27 + 4 = ? 37 + 4 = ? 47 + 4 = ? 7. 7 + 5 = ? 17 + 5 = ? 27 + 5 = ? 37 + 5 = ? 57 + 5 = ? 8. Add: 7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 $. Count by 3's from to 30 ; from 1 to 31 ; from 2 to 32. 10. Count by 4's from to 40 ; from 1 to 37 ; from 2 to 38. n. Count by 2's from 50 to ; from 49 to 1. v>. Count by 5's from 1 to 31 ; from 3 to 33. 13. Count by 6's from 30 to ; from 5 to 29. 14. Count by 6 J s from 1 to 31 ; from 3 to 27. 15. Count by 7 J s from to 35; from 1 to 29 ; from 2 to 30. 16. A kite, an orange, a ball, and a top each cost 5 cents How much did all cost ? 36 ADDITION Oral i. Add : 7 17 37 47 57 67 77 87 27 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 _7 _7 2. 7 17 27 37 47 57 77 87 67 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 3. 7 17 57 87 67 37 47 27 77 8 _8 8 8 8 8 8 _8 8 4. 6 16 26 46 36 86 56 76 66 5 _5 _5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5. 6 16 56 86 96 5 15 85 45 4 4 4 4 4 _5 5 5 5 6. 6 16 26 36 56 86 66 46 76 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7. 6 16 26 36 46 86 56 66 76 7 7 J_ J_ 7 7 _7 7 7 8. 6 16 36 86 56 76 66 46 26 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9. 6 16 36 56 26 86 46 76 66 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 _8 8 10. 5 15 25 35 85 75 45 65 55 6 _6 6 _6 6 6 6 6 6 11. 5 15 35 65 85 75 45 25 55 7 J_ J_ _7 7 7 _7 7 j Written ADDITION 37 i. Add : 24 ] The numbers added are addends. 12 I a 7 7 -J The result of addition is the sum. 36 f Note. — In adding, do not repeat the figures. In 14 J 86 Sum exara P lel > sa M 4, 10, 12, 16. 2, 5, 6, 8. 2. a. 12 b. 23 c. 24 d. 37 e. 97 /. 54 g. 61 36 27 58 35 35 33 32 24 45 32 46 56 25 45 15 56 46 25 87 29 37 3. a. 13 b. 21 c. 33 d. 39 e. 83 /. 66 g. 98 42 42 24 40 21 42 32 25 31 44 8 40 81 43 67 56 55 60 _9 38 37 4. a. 88 6. 66 c. 99 d. 22 e. 90 /. 42 g. 98 42 42 88 39 88 66 21 36 91 32 42 19 37 32 77 33 41 ^0 18 41 14 5. a. 62 b. 22 c. 32 d. 33 e. 21 /. 61 g. 64 14 44 45 25 15 28 38 28 91 16 40 17 33 21 33 18 94 28 83 25 45 6. a. 22 I. 39 c 29 d. 88 e. 96 /. 24 g. 81 33 41 38 64 38 86 28 44 80 50 49 80 19 72 55 16 96 82 19 81 19 38 ADDITION Oral l. Add : 5 15 25 65 85 55 75 35 45 9 _9 9 9 9 9 9 _9 9 :. 5 15 85 75 25 55 35 65 45 8 8 8 _8 J8 J5 8 8 8 :. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 74 7 4 14 34 54 84 64 44 7 24 4. 4 4 4 4 3 13 23 7 7 6162646 7 _7 _7 53 63 5. 4 7 6. 4 8 7. 4 9 s. 3 13 23 8 8 73 8 83 8 i J* _§. i£ 3£ _1 M _1 63 9. 3 14 24 34 44 54 84 64 74 _7 7 7 7 _7 _7 7 7 8 8 54 8 64 44 8 24 14 34 8 74 8 _8 84 _8 14 24 34 9 9 74 9 9 9 9 9 44 54 _9 84 64 13 53 23 73 9 9 33 9 9 9 9 43 83 9 63 12 32 22 52 72 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 _9 82 62 42 io. 2 n. 17+4 = ? 48 + 5 = ? 39 + 7 = ? 56 + 8 = ? Oral ADDITION 39 1. Count by 2's from to 50 ; from 1 to 51. 2. Count by 3's from to 51 ; from 2 to 47. 3. Connt by 4's from to 100; from 2 to 102. 4. Count by 4's from 1 to 101 ; from 3 to 103. 5. Count by 5's from 2 to 97 ; from 1 to 101. 6. Mrs. Smith buys a pint of cream every day. How many quarts does she buy in 24 days ? 7. One half of a foot is how many inches? \ of a foot? \ of a foot? \ of a foot? (Picture.) 8. Five gallons of milk will serve how many customers if each takes a quart ? If each takes a pint ? 9. Count by 6's from to 96; from 2 to 98; from 5 to 95. 10. Add: 17 7 27 15 29 38 25 33 56 JlI-IAJL-IJL-IJL li. Count by 7's from to 98 ; from 4 to 95. 12. Count by 7's from 2 to 100 ; from 5 to 96. 13. Go through the addition drill table, page 31. 14. Count by 6's from 1 to 97 ; from 3 to 99. is. Find l of 24; i of 24; | of 24; J of 24; J of 24. 16. Count by 7's from 1 to 99 ; from 6 to 97. 17. Add: 888888888 19 27 35 46 92 75 43 54 28 40 ADDITION Written The fourth figure in a number, counting toward the left, is thousands' figure. 9000 = nine thousand. 3000 = three thousand. 6241 = six thousand two hundred forty-one. 1. Read 2128; 4521; 7938; 8000; 8106; 2300; 5840; 6007; 9017; 2307; 8111. 2. Write five thousand; one thousand three hundred sixty-seven ; one thousand nine hundred nine ; four thou- sand eight ; two thousand ninety-three. Add up, then down : 3. a. 324 b. 142 132 353 c. 612 225 d. 416 527 e. 423 / 324 576 521 4. a. 351 6. 254 c. 341 d. 649 e. 894 /. 342 460 165 205 427 783 643 243 342 370 583 527 845 5. a. 786 b. 483 c. 213 d. 138 e. 923 / 238 483 547 426 24 761 182 765 592 325 805 302 302 293 384 136 41 50 56 6. a. 314 b. 517 c. 514 d. 235 e. 216 /. 932 280 281 283 415 31 18 179 305 107 800 58 271 250 490 920 70 814 526 303 235 116 J9 _76 _32 Read the addends and the sums in the above examples. MONEY 41 1. 100 cents make one dollar. We write it $1.00. 200 cents make two dollars. We write it $2.00. 500 cents make five dollars. How would you write it ? 2. 125 cents make one dollar and 25 cents. We write it $1.25. Seventeen cents is written $.17, 17 ct., or 17^. 349 cents make three dollars and 49 cents. We write it $3.49. Six cents is written $.06, 6 ct., or 6£ Two hun- dred twenty-five cents make how many dollars and cents ? How would you write it ? 3. Read $4.00 4. Read $1.25 5. Read $4.32 .00; $15.00; $25.00; $49.00 ,16. $.08. $.10. $.95. $2.25; $4.35; $6.23; $17.53 $7.50; $8.40; $1.05; $16.10 6. Read $27.20; $8.07; $3.01; $2.10; $30.01 7. Read $2.52; $1.37; $2.49; $3.65; $4.03; $81.20. 8. Read the numbers in question i as cents. 9. Read the numbers in question 4 as cents. 10. $2.43 Read these addends as cents, then as 1.25 dollars and cents. Add them and read the 6.47 sum. 5.81 6.35 n. Read and add : a. $ 4.23 b. $ .42 c. $3.81 d. $1.86 e. $2.35 6.87 1.37 .59 2.35 4.16 4.19 .58 .47 4.81 .89 12.15 .69 .33 7.63 5.71 8.52 4.73 4.44 .48 .60 42 ADDITION Oral l. James had $.29 and found $.02. He then had — cents. 2. There were 57 sheep in one field and 5 in another. In both fields there were sheep. 3. How many pupils in a class composed of 23 girls and 8 boys ? 4. A yard of cloth cost 56 cents and a yard of ribbon 9 cents. They both cost cents. 5. William is 18 years old and Frank is 7. The sum of their ages is years. 6. Two fours and five threes make how many ? 7. Add: 36 49 36 42 38 64 85 39 78596979 PROBLEMS 43 1. There are 26 pupils in one class, 26 in another, and 40 in a third. How many pupils in the three classes? 2. A farmer raised 387 bushels of corn the first year, 293 the second, 468 the third, and 99 the fourth. How many bushels did he raise in the four years ? 3. A boat is loaded with 927 bushels of corn, 383 bushels of wheat, 898 bushels of barley, and 629 bushels of oats. How many bushels in the load ? 4. During the month of June, the meat for our family cost $7.18, the flour $3.88, the butter $2.79, the sugar $2.18, and the rent $25. What did all of them cost ? 5. Our lot is 66 ft. wide and 168 ft. long. Make a picture of it. How far must I go to walk around it ? 6. A girl paid 48 cents for stamps and 37 cents for postal cards. What did both cost ? 7. Write and add : Seventy-eight cents ; two dollars and seventy-nine cents ; 16 dollars and eight cents ; eighty-three dollars and seven cents ; thirty-one dollars and sixteen cents. What are these numbers called ? What is the answer called ? 8. Henry spent 47 cents for tea, 69 cents for potatoes and 93 cents for apples. How much money did he spend ? 9. Shoes for $3.50, a hat for $2.50, a suit of clothes for $17.75, an overcoat for $12.98 and underwear for $6.56 cost in all how much? 10. Sarah had $ .89 after buying a 50-cent book and a 25-cent comb. How much had she at first ? 44 ADDITION Oral and Written i. 7 + 7 + 3 + 8 = 2. 6 + 5 + 7 + 2 + 6 = 6+8+6+2= 5+7+6+9+9= 5+3+9+5= 4+6+8+7+4= 8+9+7+7 = 8+8+5+8+3 = + + + = ? + + + + = 3. 9 + 6 + 5 + 6 = 4. 7 + 8 + 9 + 6 + 8 = 4+7+8+3= 6+9+4+4+7= 2+5+4+9= 9+5+3+5+5= 8+4+7+5= 5+4+1+3+4= 7+7+6+4 = 3+3+7+8+8 = + + + = ? + + + + = 5. 3 + 6 + 4 + 8 = 6 . 9 + 3 + 8 + 10 + 5 = — 5 + 2 + 9 + 6 = 6 + 4 + 2+ 4 + 8 = — 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 7 + 8 + 3+ 9 + 2 = — 8 + 6 + 9 + 5 = 6 + + 5+ 7 + 3 = — + + + = ? + + ++ = 7. Add : a. 783 b. 492 c. $6.07 d. % .96 e. $12.10 472 18 .49 4.71 3.19 921 96 .63 5.83 .29 687 439 4.07 6.92 17.00 432 897 _^21 _^88 6.31 8. a. $ 4.83 "6. $8.49 c. $19.07 d. $ 8.36 .79 6.72 10.50 .48 6.85 .36 .18 .90 12.92 4.07 3.98 4.07 13.07 5.60 7.62 16.00 Oral SUBTRACTION 45 i. Take 5 from 7; 13; 17; 15; 10; 9; 12; 11; 8. 2. Take 4 from 9; 11; 13; 16; 12; 7; 15; 10; 14. 3. There are 11 seats in a row. Children sit in all but two of them. How many children in the row ? 4. Take 3 from 8; 12; 9; 15; 13; 7; 10; 14; 11. 5. Take 7 from 9; 14; 16; 18; 13; 19; 15; 17; 11. 6. May planted 39 rosebushes. Two of them died. How many lived ? Picture them in 3 rows. 7. Count by 2's from 49 to 1. 8. Take 11 from 15; 13; 17; 11; 21; 19; 22; 23. 9. Take 2 from 11; 21; 31; 51; 61; 81; 71; 41. 10. Take2froml0; 20; 30; 80; 90; 60; 40; 70; 50. 11. John bought some raisins for 12 cents and gave the clerk 2 dimes. How much change should he receive ? 12. Take6froml2; 14; 18; 9; 11; 17; 15; 16; 10. 13. Take 9 from 12; 10; 13; 15; 17; 18; 21; 19. 14. A half dime and cents make 17 cents. 15. Take 12 from 15; 18; 12; 24; 20; 23; 19; 21. 16. Take 10 from 20; 19; 22; 16; 21; 18; 15; 17. 17. Take8froml0; 9; 13; 20; 15; 19; 16; 18; 17. 18. Luther and John earned 20 cents shoveling snow. John earned 12 cents. How many cents did Luther earn ? is. 8 + 7 = ? 15-8 = ? 15-7 = ? 8 + ?=17 7 + ?=17 20. 4 + ? = 12 ? + 8 = 12 12-4 = ? 12-8 = ? 2i. + = 18. + =15. 22. A foot less 7 inches are how many inches ? 46 SUBTRACTION Written 1. From 378 take 135. 378 Minuend 5 units from 8 units leave 3 units. 135 Subtrahend 3 tens from 7 tens leave 4 tens. 243 Remainder 1 hundred from 3 hundreds leaves 2 hundreds. The number from ivhich we subtract is the minuend. The number subtracted is the subtrahend. The result of subtraction is the difference or remainder. 2. From 948 take 716. Which of these numbers is the minuend? Which is the subtrahend? What shall we call the result? 3. 836 4. 956 5. 507 6. 738 7, 89 8. 938 -423 -25 -203 -607 -26 -817 9. 769 10. 807 ii. 486 12. 985 13. 631 14. 639 -553 -503 -375 -474 -420 -317 15. 863 is. 347 17. 450 is. 892 19. 298 20. 847 -751 -216 -320 -660 -162 -516 21. The subtrahend is 342 and the minuend 483. What is the difference? 22. The minuend is 98 and the subtrahend 48. Find the remainder. 23. What is the difference between 837 and 206 ? 24. How much larger is 984 than 863 ? 25. What number added to 48 makes 89 ? 26. A kite string 897 feet long is how much longer than a kite string 492 feet long ? Oral and Written ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION 47 2 5 8 10 7 11 3 12 6 4 9 a. Add 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 to each of the numbers in the squares. b. Subtract every number in the squares from 14 ; from 15; from 16; from 17; from 18. Add: 2. 5 15 25 35 85 75 45 65 55 666666666 •— 3. 5 15 35 65 85 75 45 25 55 7 J_ 7 7 7 7 7 7 jr 4. 2 12 32 22 52 72 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 82 62 42 5. 38 99 28 85 23 92 86 49 52 74 43 95 95 87 88 78 35 71 6. How much farther is 296 miles than 85 miles ? 7. A bushel of apples cost % 1.25 A box of oranges cost 4.35 A box of soap cost 3.45 A dozen cans of corn cost 1.44 They all cost 8. Find the difference between 104 and 507. 9. $14.28 io. $85.92 n. $86.27 12. $12.86 -12.06 -15.70 -16.15 -9.10 48 SUBTRACTION Oral 1. 30 30 = 20 + 10 -2 2= 2 28 Difference 20+ 8 =28 Difference 2. 73 73 = 60 + 13 -8 8= 8 65 Difference 60 + 5 = 65 Difference 3. Subtract 2 from 10 ; 20 ; 30 ; 40 ; 50 ; 60 ; 70 ; 80. 4. Subtract 3 from 10 ; 20 ; 30 ; 40 ; 50 ; 60 ; 70 ; 80. 5. Subtract 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 from the same num- bers as those given in question 4. 6. Subtract 2 from 11, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91. 7. From the same numbers, subtract 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 8. 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92 ^^_2_2_2_2_2_2_2 9. Subtract 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 from the minuends given in question 8. io. 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93 li. Subtract 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9 from the minuends given in question io. 12. 14 24 94 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 -4 -4 -4 - _5 _5 _5 _5 _5 _5 -5 13. 84 94 14 24 34 74 84 94 14 -5 -5 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -7 Written SUBTRACTION 49 i. One ten = how many units ? 2. One hundred = how many tens ? 3. One thousand = how many hundreds ? 4. From 473 take 135< 473 = 4 hundreds + 6 tens + 13 units. 135 = 1 hundred +3 tens + 5 units. 338 = 3 hundreds 4- 3 tens + 8 units. Difference. We cannot take 5 from 3. So we take 1 ten out of 7 tens, put it with 3, making 13 units, and subtract 5 units from 13 units. We then take 3 tens from 6 tens, and 1 hundred from 4 hundreds. How do -we get 6 tens ? 5. From 629 take 237. 629 = 5 hundreds + 12 tens + 9 unitSo 237 = 2 hundreds + 3 tens + 7 units. 392 = 3 hundreds + 9 tens + 2 units. Can you tell how this is done? How do we get 12 tens ? How do we get 5 hundreds ? 6. 981 7. 352 a. 764 9. 662 10. 816 11. 236 -732 -135 -545 -254 -623 -52 12. 149 13. 918 14. 732 15. 608 is. 983 17. 536 -56 -48 -313 -27 -874 -435 is. 439 is. 906 20. 382 21. 641 22. 319 23. 709 -247 -514 -174 -512 -258 -358 50 SUBTRACTION Oral i. From 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 95, take 6, 7, 8, and 9. 2. Take 7, 8, and 9 from each of the following num- bers : 16, 26, 36, 46, 56, 66, 76, 86, and 96. 3. 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 _8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 4. 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 5. 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 6. Twenty boys went camping. All but 9 of them caught cold. How many boys caught cold ? 7. A mother hen hatched 13 chickens. Only 8 of them lived. How many died ? 8. i I ° If it is 24 miles from A to C, and 8 miles from A to B, how far is it from B to C f 9. Ted rode his bicycle 18 miles from home. He turned about and had ridden 12 miles toward home when his tire burst, so that he had to walk. How far had he to walk ? (Picture.) 10. 5 yards are how much more than 9 feet ? n. Anna bought a tablet for 8 cents. If she gave the clerk a quarter of a dollar, how much change should she receive ? Oral SUBTRACTION 51 i. 18-10 = ? What can you do with 10 and 8 to get 18 ? 2. What can you do with 12 and 5 to get 7 ? With 5 and 7 to get 12 ? 3. 13-?=9 9 + ?=13 13?9 = 4 9?4 = 13 4. Henry earned $15. He bought some clothes for $7 and put the rest of his money in the bank. How much did he put in the bank ? How do you find it ? 5. If Henry put $8 in the bank and spent $7 for clothes, how would you find the number of dollars he had at first ? 6. 12, 18, 6. Show all the things that you can do with two of these numbers to get the other. Written 1. 467 Find the remainder. Add the remainder and 325 subtrahend. What do you get ? If you should not get the minuend when }^ou add the subtrahend and remainder, what would you think was the reason ? Since you do get the minuend by adding the subtrahend and re- mainder, what does it tell you about the remainder ? How can you find out whether any remainder is correct ? In the following examples, find the remainders and test your work by adding the remainder and subtrahend. 2. 342 3. 987 4. 658 5. 709 6. 917 -121 -603 -435 -209 -615 7. $52.63 a $82.49 9. $16.81 10. $12.81 -12.91 -26.39 -7.19 -9.35 52 SUBTRACTION Written Find the remainders and test your work : 1. 763 2. 307 3. 625 4. 653 5. 719 528 164 218 435 217 6. 947 7. 456 a 887 9. 715 10. 984 615 295 479 263 237 11. $9.35 12. $2.19 13. $9.10 14. $17.25 2.48 1.36 3.50 9.32 15. $59.20 is. $49.37 17. $81.79 is. 865 28.30 25.66 15.63 429 19. $12.93 20. $2.06 21. $4.37 22. $19.28 5.09 1.96 .85 15.00 23. Mr. Brown bought a horse for $245 and sold it for $190. How much did he lose ? 24. Clarence bought a sheep for $3.75 and sold it for $5.80. How much did he gain ? 25. Six hundred seven pupils are enrolled in our school. Five hundred ninety-three are present. How many are absent ? 26. There are 956 men in a parade ; 784 of them are on foot. How many are riding ? 27. 1296 28. 4381 29. 981 30. 7120 -473 -2073 -973 -500 31. 2013 32. 408 33. 607 34. 370 -1005 -231 -583 -219 Oral ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION 53 i. 9 and 8 are the two parts of . 8 is one part of 17 ; the other part is . 2. One part of 25 is 7. What is the other ? 3. William earned $.01 on Monday, $.02 on Tuesday, $.03 on Wednesday, and so on through the week. How much did he earn ? 4. Tom and Joe caught 23 trout. Joe caught 12 of them. Tom caught . 5. Jessie and her mother pared 32 apples. Jessie pared six. Her mother pared . 6. A postman had 15 days' vacation. He went away for 8 days. How many days did he stay at home ? 7. Ethel earned two dimes and 2 nickels. In all she earned cents. Written Add toward the top, then toward the bottom : i. 621 2. 106 3. 264 4. 563 s. 462 143 342 341 692 153 254 260 173 118 247 326 406 462 209 321 243 347 374 712 145 6. 598 7. 390 s. 635 9. 264 io. 246 321 408 962 324 314 607 761 48 149 270 53 29 307 254 186 908 382 42 326 409 54 PROBLEMS IN TEMPERATURE Written l The degree of heat that anything has is called its temperature. What is it that measures temperature ? When the liquid in the thermom- eter rises> is it growing warmer or colder ? When the liquid goes down ? 2. Find zero (0) on this thermometer. What temperature does this thermometer show now ? 3. Find the freezing point. That is how many degrees above zero? It is how many degrees below the boiling point? 4. When the thermometer out of doors shows 10 degrees (10°) below zero, what do you think the season is ? It is how many degrees below the freezing point ? What is the season when it shows 90 degrees (90°) above zero? 5. When it is 49° above zero at sunrise and 18° higher at noon, what is the temperature at noon ? 6. When the city water is at 58°, how much must it be heated before it boils? How many degrees must it cool before it freezes ? 7. The temperature of the body is 98° above 0. It is how much above the freezing point ? 8. Look at the schoolroom thermometer and tell how warm the room is. It is how much cooler than your body? Note. — Many more exercises may be given, using the schoolroom thermometer in various locations. Written ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION 55 1. Subtract and test your work : a. 6324 b. 4713 c. $78.21 d. $63.92 4516 2804 34.05 44.08 2. Add two hundred nine, five hundred thirty-two, thirty-six, one thousand three hundred twenty-five, and eight hundred ten. 3. Add $564.32, $34.27, $248, $6.03, and $48.27. 4. A tank held 634 gallons of oil. 218 gallons leaked out. How much remained ? 5. A grocer sold 539 pounds of coffee and had 756 pounds left. How many pounds had he at first ? 6. $465.32 + $234.16 4- $72.18 + $8 + $5.01 = ? 7. Separate 506 into two parts, one part being 153. 8. The two parts of a number are 479 and 1088. Find the number. 9. Claude has $5.08 in the school bank, $16.24 in the city savings bank, and $1.38 in his purse. How much money has he ? 10. A farmer sold a load of potatoes to a grocer for $23.20. He bought some sugar, tea, and flour for $14.18. How much money should he receive ? n. A man sold a harness for $12.75, receiving for it a load of wood and $7.80. What was the wood worth ? 12. Find the difference between : a. 589 and 692. d. $345.16 and $192.95. b. 437 and 928. e. 3246 and 8109. c. $52.26 and $16.19. /. 235 and 1047. 56 REVIEW Oral i. Some of the things that we have learned : a. pints make a quart. b. There are quarts in a gallon. c. inches make 1 foot. d. One yard is the same as feet. e. One dollar is equal to cents. /. A half dime is cents. g. Ten cents make one . h. The numbers added are . i. The result of addition is the . j. The number from which a number is subtracted is the . k. The remainder or difference is . Z. We may test our work in subtraction by 2. A house that is 8 yd. wide is feet wide. 3. A cow that gives 12 qt. of milk gives gallons. 4. A rule that is 24 inches long is feet long. 5. Two dimes and a half dime make cents, or one of a dollar. , 6. Express your age in Roman numerals. 7. There are 24 rosebushes in 3 equal rows; how many in a row? (Picture.) 8. How many oranges at 4 cents apiece can I get for 2 dimes ? 9. Harold is 9 years old. How old will he be 8 years from now? 12 years? 16 years? 7 years? 13 years? 10. Count by 8's to 32 ; by fours ; by 2's. Written REVIEW 57 i. A merchant bought 459 yd. of silk, 847 yd. of flan- nel, 1027 yd. of muslin, 439 yd. of prints, and 2348 yd. of broadcloth. How many yards did he buy ? 2. A city has 429 miles of streets. If 238 miles are paved, how many miles are unpaved ? Test your work. 3. Add three thousand forty dollars fifteen cents ; two hundred twenty-seven dollars fifty-six cents ; and ten dol- lars forty-nine cents. 4. Two men start from the same place ; one travels east 983 miles; the other travels west 479 miles. They are then how many miles apart ? (Picture.) 5. A man earned $ 581 in one year, $ 748 the next, and $857 the next. a. How much did he earn in the three years? b. If he spent $1479, how much did he save ? 6. Express in Roman numerals : a. The number of feet in a yard. b. The number of quarts in a gallon. c. The number of feet in 7 yards. d. The number of inches in a foot. e. The number of cents in a dime. /. The difference between 25 and 8. g. The number of cents in two dimes. A. Your age. i. The number of pints in 2 gallons. j. The number of school days in 3 weeks. 7. Write in figures VI, VIII, IX, XI, XIII, XIV, XVIII,. XXII, XIX, XXIV. 58 REVIEW Oral i. Eight years from now May will be 20 years old. How old is she now ? 2. What coin is J of 20 cents ? | of 20 cents ? \ of a dollar ? 3. Nellie had 21 cents and spent J- of it. a. How many cents did she spend ? b. How many cents has she left? 4. There are 24 hours in one day. How many hours in £ of a day ? 5. Eight 2's less five 3's are how many ? 6. Five kittens have how many paws? 7. Six squares have how many corners? Cut them from paper, then fold them into halves and quarters. 8. Kate had 33 peaches and gave away 9. How many had she then ? 9. If 3 pounds of dates cost 21 cents, what will one pound cost ? What will 2 pounds cost ? 10. 12 + ? = 22 ? + 9 = 21 12 + 11 = ? 10 + ? = 22 ii. Read 5007; 2010; 5080; XIX; XIV; XXIII; XIII; IX. 12. 24 lemons are how many dozen ? 13. Make a problem for 7 + 6 ; for 3x6; for 21 — 11 ; for 15-*-3; for 2x7; for 12-5-2; for 10 + 5. 14. 2 dozen oranges less 6 are how many ? is. Add and subtract: 14 35 49 85 76 27 68 53 93 853753497 Oral MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION 59 i. How many 2's in 10? 18? 20? 12? 14? 24? 22? 2. What is i of 8? 4? 10? 16? 12? 14? 24? 20? 3. Count by 3's to 24 and back; from 2 to 26 and back. 4. How many 3's in 24, 18, 12, 21, 15, 9, 6? 5. What is £ of 6? 9? 15? 21? 12? 18? 24? 6. 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = ? How many 4's did yon add to get 20? Then 20 is how many 4's? In what other way than by addition can you find five fours ? 7. Count by 3's until you have the sum of five 3's. 8. In what other way could you have found the value of five 3's ? Which is the shorter way ? 9. Find, by addition, seven 4's; eight 4's; nine 4's; ten 4's ; eleven 4's ; twelve 4's. io. How many 4's in 40 ? 28? 36? 44? 16? ii. What is J of 24? 12? 16? 44? 36? 28? 12. How many are three 4's? Five 4's? Ten 4's? Twelve 4's? Nine 4's? Eleven 4's? Eighths? Six 4's? 13. 20 16 How many 4's are there in 20? How did — 4 we find it ? 12 In the same way, find how many 3's there -4 are in 12; 3's in 27; 4's in 32; 5's in 30; 8 5's in 40; 4's in 48; 5's in 60. 4 60 MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION Oral 28 12 30 6's 2. What is the cost of twelve 2- cent stamps? 3. Jessie is 9 years old ; her brother is twice as old. How old is her brother ? 4. How many pints will a 10-quart pail hold ? 5. How many pints in a gallon ? In 2 gallons ? In 3 gallons? 6. a. Our schoolroom is 36 feet long. How many yards long is it ? b. It is 9 yards wide. How many feet wide is it ? 7. Five gallons of oil will fill a quart lamp how many times? 8. If 3 lemons will make a pitcherful of lemonade, how many such pitchers of lemonade will a dozen lemons make? 9. Twenty-four eggs are how many dozen ? 48 eggs ? 10. 5 10 5 6 12 5 5 4 6 x2 x5 x4 x5 x5 xll x3 x6 x5 Written MULTIPLICATION M i. If one cow costs $ 42, what will 4 cows cost ? Find it by addition. We may also find it by multiplication, thus: $ 42 4 times 2 units are 8 units. 4 4 times 4 tens are 16 tens, or 1 hundred and 6 tens. diQgg $ 168. Answer. Multiply and test your work by addition : 2. 64 3. 82 4. 51 5. 94 6. 93 J? A A A A 7. 71 8. 82 9. 41 10. 83 u. 71 _5 _3 _6 _2 __6 12. 843 is. 544 14. 932 is. 510 is. 811 _2 _2 _2 J> _5 17. 802 cents is. 601 cents 19. 712 cents 20. 433 cents A A A A 21. 510 cents 22. $8.02 23. $6.01 24. $7.12 _6 4 5 4 25. If John's coat cost $4.20, what must be paid for 3 such coats ? 26. Find the cost of 5 colts at $41 apiece. 27. Find the cost of : a. Three bushels of apples at 63 cents a bushel. 6. Four pounds of steak at 22 cents a pound. c. Five baskets of peaches at $1.10 a basket. d. Two city lots at $ 940 apiece. 62 MULTIPLICATION Written 73 4 times 3 units are 12 units = 1 ten and 2 units. a 4 times 7 tens are 28 tens. 292 28 tens + 1 ten = 29 tens = 2 hundreds and 9 tens. 292. Answer. 2. 48 Multiplicand. 2 Multiplier. 96 Product The number multiplied is the multiplicand. 77ie number by which we multi- ply is the multiplier. The result of multiplication is the product. Multiply and test your work by addition : 3. 69 4. 79 5. 65 6. 78 i. 431 a 243 9. 45 2 2 3 3 4 3 6 10. 82 11. 531 12. 263 13. 984 14. 782 15. ! 85 16. 873 4 3 3 2 3 3 2 17. $2.83 2 is. $4.84 2 19. $3.82 20. $6.51 4 5 21. $5.18 3 22. $7.19 3 23. $1.62 4 24. $5.91 25. $8.09 5 4 26. $4.15 6 27. $7.19 28. $66.21 29. $2.47 30. $921 31. $450 3 4 2 4 3 32. $17.08 3 33. $16.05 4 34. $42.83 2 35. $34.84 2 36. Read: a. The multiplier in example 35. b. The product in example 32. c. The multiplicand in example 25. Oral REVIEW 63 i. Add 7 to 4, 8, 9, 5, 17, 16, 2, and 11. 2. Subtract 8 from 14, 24, 34, 44, 54, 64, 74, 84, 94. 3. 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 104 -7 -7 — 7 - -7 -1 -7 -7 -7 -7 4. Subtract 9 from 14, 24, 34, 44, 54 ,64, 74, 84, 94. 5. 21 42 73 56 32 71 54 81 -7 -8 -9 -8 -3 -7 -6 -7 6. 33 71 83 96 73 52 42 61 -4 -2 -4 -9 -8 -5 -3 -9 7. 4)32 5)25 4)28 4)48 3)21 3)27 3)24 2)24 8. 3)36 5)45 2)22 4)36 4)40 4)24 4)28 7)28 Written 9. 813 10. 493 li. 290 12. 840 13. 237 14. 800 -633 -234 -164 -650 -156 -720 15. 931 is. 815 17. 790 is. 841 19. 126 20. 371 -702 -442 -683 -724 -86 -232 21. Find the difference between : a. 234 and 986. 6. 642 and 437. c. $29.38 and $46.91. d. 834 and 1052. e. 293 and 86. /. 6428 and 9275. 64 ROMAN" NUMERALS i. XXV = 20 + 5 = 25. XXVI = 20 + 6 = 26. XXVIII = 20 + 8 = ? 2. XXIX = 20 + 9 = 29. XXX =10 + 10 + 10 = ? XXXI = 31. XXXII - ? 3. XXXIII = 30 + 3 = 33. XXXIV = 30 + 4 = 34. XXXV = ? 4. XXXVI = 30 + 6 = 36. XXXVII = 30 + 7 = ? XXXVIII = ? 5. 39 = 30 + 9. Write it in Roman. 6. L = 50. LI = 51. LIV = 50 + 4 = ? 7. Write 55 in Roman. Write 56, 57, 58, 59. 8. XL = 50 - 10 = ? XLI = 40 + 1 = ? XLII = ? 9. Write in Roman 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49. 10. LX = 50 + 10 = ? LXV = ? Write 66, 68, 69. ii. LXX = 50 + 20 = ? Write 72, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79. 12. LXXX = 50 + 30 = ? Write 81, 83, 84, 86, 87, 89. is. C = 100. XC = 100-10 = 90. XCII = 90 + 2 = ? 14. Write 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99. Read the following examples in class. Copy them in figures and find the products. is. XXVIII x IV is. XIX x III 17. XLxV is. LVxIV 19. LXV x III 20. XLIVxVI 21. LXXVIIIxIII 22. XCVIIxII 23. XCIVxIV 24. LXXXIXxIII 25. XLIXxII 26. LIXxV 27. A set of books consists of 3 volumes. Each, volume contains LXXXV chapters. How many chapters in all the volumes ? Written DIVISION 65 i. A farmer raised 864 bushels of oats and sold half of them. How many bushels did he sell ? 432 bushels ■£ of 8 hundreds = 4 hundreds. n\ool h 11 i °f °* tens = ^ tens * ■| of 4 units = 2 units. 432 bushels. Answer. 2. 2)426 3. 2)284 4. 2)648 5. 2)886 6. 3)936 7. 3)630 8. 4)884 9. 4)408 10. 5)550 11. 6)606 12. } of' 660 = ? 13. J of 933 = ? 14. J of 840 = ? Dividend Divisor Quotient 15. 682 divided by 2 = The number divided is the dividend. The number by ivhich ice divide is the divisor. The result of division is the quotient. Find the quotients : Dividend Divisor Dividend Divisor is. 480 4 is. 336 3 17. 606 6 19. 505 5 20. A farmer brought 248 eggs to market. -J- of them were broken. How many eggs were broken ? 21. Two hundred sixty-six pupils attend a certain school. There are just as many boys as girls. How many boys are there ? How many girls ? cents cents cents 22. 4)448 cents 26. 3)933 cents 30. 2)228 cents 23. 4)$T48 27. 3)$ 9.33 31. 2)$2^8 24. 8446-2 28. 6060-3 32. 6060-*- 6 25. $5.50-*- 5 29. $6.93-*- 3 33. $24.88-*- 2 66 REVIEW Oral i. One orange for 5 ^, a lemon for 2 f, and a pineapple for 15^ cost how much? (Picture.) 2. 11 ft. is how much more than 3 yd. ? 3. Three quarts more than 4 gal. are how many quarts ? 4. 30 boys are arranged in 5 equal lines. How many boys in each line ? (Picture.) 5. If 1 man can build a wall in 27 days, in how many days ought 3 men to build it ? 6. In 4 weeks there are how many school days ? 7. How many weeks in 21 days ? a 40 + 20 = ? 50 + 30 = ? 16 + 12 = ? 57 + 9 = ? 9. \ of 24 cents are how many cents ? 10. Add 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 to 14, 25, 36, 47, and 58. 11. Add 6, 7, 8, and 9 to 14, 25, 36, 47, 58, and 69. 12. Add 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 to 16, 38, 57, 89, and 65. 13. Count by 6's from to 72. 14. One pint more than 12 qt. is how many pt. ? Add each of the numbers in the outer ring to every number in the inner ring. Written REVIEW 67 i. 369 + 483 + 754 + 96 + 9 = ? 2. 432x2 = ? 561x2 = ? 823x3 = ? 483x3 = ? 3. There are 144 pencils in a gross. How many are there in 2 gross ? 4. Lucy divided 486 beads equally between Mabel and Sarah. How many did Mabel receive ? Sarah ? 5. a. Some of our expenses for a year are : Food $462.23 b. If our income is $1292.50, Clothing 154.35 how much have we left? Doctor and Medicine 48.54* c. How much is our income Taxes 61.08 for 3 years ? Books and Papers 28.40 d. What are these expenses Fuel and Light 68.39 for 2 years ? Total 6. Albert has collected 191 postage stamps. Ralph has 5 times as many. How many has Ralph ? 7. 237 + ? = 543. 543-? = 237. 306 + ? = 543. 8. How many quarts in 862 gallons ? 9. How many quarts in 862 pints ? 10. How many pints in 232 gallons ? n. Find by addition twelve 5's ; seven 4's ; twelve 3's ; four 8's ; five 10's ; four ll's ; eleven 4's. 12. Find by subtraction how many 4's in 48 ; 7's in 35; 5's in 35 ; 4's in 32 ; 8's in 32 ; ll's in 44 ; 4's in 44. 13. Write the table of 2's to 2 x 12. 14. Write the table of 3's. 15. Write the table of 4's. 16. Write the table of 5's. 68 MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION Oral 1. Add five 6's ;. add six 6's ; add seven 6's; eight 6's; nine 6's ; ten 6's ; eleven 6's ; twelve 6's. Learn the sums, and recite them, thus : Six 6's are , etc. 2. How many 6's in 30 ? How many 5's in 30 ? 30 + 6=? 30-5=? 3 . 30 = 6x ; 30 = 5x ; 7x6 = ; 42 + 6 = ; 42 + 7 = . 4. How many 6's in 42 ? How many 7's in 42 ? 5. =6x9; 54 + 6 = ; 54 + 9 = . 6. How many 6's in 54 ? *How many 9's in 54 ? -^ of 54= ? £of 54= ? 7. Eight 6's are ; 6 eights are ; \ of 48 ; lof 48 = ; 6x = 48; 8x = 48; there are 6's in 48 ; there are 8's in 48. 8. How many 6's in 60 ? How many 10's ? \ of 60= ? T Vof 60= ? 9. There are 6 arithmetics in a package. How many arithmetics in 7 such packages? In 5,. 6, 8, 10, 9 such packages ? 10. If Arthur can walk 6 miles in a day, in how many days can he walk 24 miles ? 36 miles ? 42 miles ? li. 60 is how many 6's? What must we add to 60 to get eleven 6's ? Twelve 6's ? 12 . 6x11 = ; 12x6 = ; 72 + 6 = ; 72 + 12 = ; l of 72 = ; ^ of 66 = ; 6x =66; xl2 = 72; 11 x =66. 13. Write the table of 6's through 6 x 12. Written MULTIPLICATION 69 6 times 8 units = 48 units = 4 tens + 8 units. 1. 438 6 times 3 tens = 18 tens. 6 18 tens -f 4 tens = 22 tens = 2 hundreds -f 2 tens. 2528 ^ times 4 hundreds = 24 hundreds. 24 hundreds -f- 2 hundreds = 26 hundreds = 2 thousands +- 6 hundreds. 2628 Product. Find products and test your work by addition : fy\At VK 376x6. is. $8.90x4. *£^£J*a 207 x 6. $18.06x6. ~ smkJ-a $15.21x6. $14.06x5. $.79x4. $.93x6. $2.18x5. 26. Six rows of peach trees, 58 in a row, are how many trees? 27. 219 tons of coal at $6 a ton cost how much ? 28. Find 4 times 763 by addition ; by multiplication. 29. a. 653 h. 462 c. 325 d. 433 6. 529 3 4 5 4 6 2. 341 X 6. 10. 3. 79x6. li. 4. 88x6. 12. 5. 72x6. 13. 6. 537 x 6. 14. 7. 169 x 6. 15. 8. 635x6. 16. 9. 249 x 6. 17. 18. $8.90x4. 19. $359.87x6 20. 385 x 6. 21. 706 x 6. 22. 395 x 6. 23. 617x6. 24. 534x6. 25. 729 x 6. — — ~- — 30. a. 453 4 I. 632 3 c. 725 5 d. 634 4 e. 426 3 3i. a. 405 6 b. 327 4 e. 309 3 d. 630 6 6. 743 5 32. How many working days in 349 weeks ? 70 MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION Oral 1. Find in two ways the value of seven 7's ; eight 7's ; nine 7's ; ten 7's. 2. 7x9 = ; 7x7= ; 7x10= . 3. 35 is the product of what two numbers ? 56 ? 63 ? 70? 42? 49? 28? 21? 14? 4 . 1 of 70 = ; i of 49= ; 1 of 63 = ; l f 28 = ; iof 35= ; 1 of 56= . 5. 7xll = ? How did you find it ? 7x12 = ? 6. 8is|ofwhat? 9? 11? 6? 7? 12? 5? 4? 7. How many 7's are there in 21? 35? 49? 70? 84? 63? 77? 56? 42? 28? 8. A schoolroom has 7 rows of desks with 8 in a row. How many desks in all ? (Picture.) 9. If there were 42 desks in 6 rows, how many would there be in a row ? (Picture.) io. Seven boys gathered 49 qt. of nuts and shared them equally. How many quarts were there for each boy ? Written 1. Multiply by 7: a. 32. b. 45. c. 67. d. 53. e. 86. / 95. g. 123. h. 84. I $42.90. / $13.28. k. .$.99. I 548 pints. m. 764 yards. n. 196 feet. 2. Multiply 841 : a. by 3 ; b. by 4 ; c. by 5 ; d. by 6. 3. Multiply $29.12: a. by 5 ; b. by 6 ; c by 7. 4. Multiply $4.09: a. by 3; b. by 4; c. by 7. 5. How many days in 98 weeks ? 6. If a man earns $ 725 a year, how much will he earn in 7 years ? Oral MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION 71 i. The multiplicand and multiplier are factors of the product. In 7 x 9 = 63, which number is the product ? Which are factors? 2. Name two factors of 21; 28; 15; 42; 63; 56; 44; 55; 77; 32; 40; 72; 49; 48. 3. 4x =36; 5x =60; 4x = 44. 4. 7 is a factor of 35. What is another factor ? 5. Answer the following without writing either question or answer : 42x2 56x2 81x4 92x5 321x2 421x3 32-S-2 93-3 408-4 609 + 6 6. Count by 8's from to 96 and back. 7. Find eight 8's by addition. Name 2 factors of 64. 8. Add 8 to 64. How many 8's in 72 ? 8x? = 72. 9. 8x10 = ? 8xll = ? 8x12 = ? 8x? = 80. io. 8 and 12 are factors of what number ? 8 and 10 ? 8 and 11? 8 and 7 ? 8 and 9 ? 8 and 6 ? 8 and 5? li. When a product and one of its factors are given, how can you find the other factor ? 12. 9x8 = ? 9x9 = ? 9x10 = ? 9xll = ? 9x12 = ? 13. How many 9's are there in 36 ? 54 ? 45 ? 63 ? 81 ? 14. How many 9's in 72 ? 108 ? 90 ? 99 ? 15. Give the multiplication table of 9's ; of 8's ; of 7's ; of 6's; of 5's; of 4's; of 3's; of 2's. 16. Give the missing factor : 108 = 9x -; 81 = 9x ; 63 = 9x . 72 MULTIPLICATION Jl Quart Peck Bushel Note. — These measures should be before the class and used by the pupils. Sawdust, oats, or any other light, dry material may be used to advantage. 1. Which measure is largest ? 2. Which is next ? 3. Which is the smallest ? 4. How many times do you think a bushel of oats would fill the peck measure ? Try it and see. 5. How many quarts do you think would be needed to fill the peck measure ? Try it and see. 6. How many quarts make a peck? How many pecks make a bushel ? 7. Name some things that are measured with these measures. 8. bu. stands for bushel, ph. for peck, and qt. for quart. The dry quart is a little larger than the liquid quart. A half peck is how many dry quarts? How does it compare with a gallon? 9. Find the number of quarts in a. 53 pk. ; I. 49 pk. ; c. 85 pk. ; d. 136 pk. ; e. 841 pk. ; /. 79 pk. ; g. ,257 pk. 10. Find the number of pecks in a. 908 bu. ; b. 568 bu.; c. 912 bu.; d. 846 bu.; e. 932 bu.;/. 711 bu.; g. 894 bu. Oral REVIEW 73 i. Count by 7's to 84; by 8's to 96 ; by 9's to 108. 2. What two factors make 36? 44? 55? 48? 64? 72? 3. The product of two numbers is 84. One of them is 7. What is the other ? 4. A two-bushel bag will hold how many pecks ? 5. 36 pecks of apples will fill how many bushel crates ? 6. A quart is what part of a peck ? 7. What will a peck of berries cost at 12 $ a quart? 8. Answer at sight : 2)486 3)933 4}880 5)105 6)660 986 323 249 -475 +921 +120 86 -24 405 x_4 422 622 x3 x3 Multiply every number in Subtract each number in the outer ring by each num- the outer ring from every ber in the inner ring. number in the inner ring. 74 REVIEW Written i. See how quickly you can get these . a. 169 6.980 c. $4.07 A 691 e.-396pk. x6 x7 x8 -384 x8 2. a. If a sleeping car is 69 ft. long, how long is a train of 9 such cars? b. If the engine and tender are 57 ftc long, what is the entire length of the train ? 3. Seven coal trains have 47 cars in each train. a. How many cars in all ? b. If each car carries 9 tons of ccalj how many tons are carried by all the cars ? 4. Copy this diagram. Wherever a column and a line cross each other, write the product of the numbers given at the top of the column and at the left of the line, as, 10x8 = 80; 4x5 = 20. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 20 6 7 8 9 10 80 11 12 Oral DIVISION 75 1. How many 2's in 5, and how many over ? In 7 ? In 11? In 19? 2. How many 3's in 8, and how many over ? In 11 ? In 16? In 14? In 22 ? 3. How many 4's in 23, and how many over ? In 33? In 15 ? In 21 ? In 38 ? 4. In 47 there are 5's and over. Recite in the same way about 16; 23; 39; 18; 46; 33; 64; 57. 5. Tell how many 9's and how many over in 11; 46 ; 87; 39; 43; 86; 98; 53; 69; 76; 49; 108; 32. The number left over when the dividend does not exactly contain the divisor is called the remainder. Dividend Divisor Quotient Remainder 26 -*• 6 = 4 and 2 over Test : 6 x 4 + 2 = 26 Dividend. 6. Divide each of the following numbers by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, and test your answers as above : 7 12 14 38 23 30 19 13 11 17 28 34 32 29 15 10 8 24 31 26 39 35 7. Divide each of the following numbers by 5, 6 ? 7, 8, and 9, and test your answers : 44 40 52 49 55 42 46 50 59 61 41 51 43 45 53 57 60 48 56 47 54 58 8. Divide each of the following numbers by 7, 8, and 9, and test your answers : 62 72 75 67 65 70 73 74 66 63 76 71 68 64 81 79 82 78 80 77 69 83 76 DIVISION Written 1. 64 Quotient Process 8)512 48 tens 5 hundreds does not contain 8 any hundred 32 units times ; 5 hundreds and 1 ten make 51 tens; 51 tens divided by 8 equals 6 tens and 3 tens over ; 3 tens and 2 units make 32 units. 32 divided by 8 = 4. 64 Quotient. The figures and words below the dividend may be omitted, and 64 Quotient 8)512 the work expressed thus 8)512 or 64 Quotient 2. Find J of 81; 168; 261; 195; 294; 1488; 1971. How can you test your work? The quotient and divisor are what of the dividend? 3. Find the number of gallons in 236 qt. ; 148 qt. ; 112 qt. ; 244 qt. ; 216 qt. ; 944 qt.; 2324 qt. 4. How many school weeks in 165 school days ? 245 school days ? 445 school days ? 625 school days ? 5. Lucy's father worked 348 days. How many weeks did he work ? 6. a. 4)232 b. 3)311 c. 4]SS2 d. 5JH3F e. 5)2iTU /. 3J720 Find the quotients and test your work by midtiplication. 7. £of 39; 45; 51;. 57; 63; 69; 72; 78; 81; 102. 8. J of 56; 64; 72; 76; 84; 92; 104; 112; 120. 9. Icf 65; 75; 80; 95; 125; 140; 150; 145; 160. 10. \oi 78; 90; 102; 114; 120; 132; 144; 168; 180. n. lof 91; 105; 119; 133; 147; 161; 175; 189. 12. \ of 104; 120; 136; 152; 168; 184; 200; 232. is. h of 486; 298; 754; 9312; 8476; 7352; 3578. Oral MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION 77 1. Divide by 3 36; 24; 15 2. Divide by 4 36; 24; 16 3. Divide by 5 20; 25; 45 4. Divide by 6 48; 24; 55 5. Divide by 7 21; 14; 84 6. Divide by 8 32; 48; 80 ; 18; 9; 21; 27; 6; 24; 39; 42. 40; 20; 32; 8; 44; 48; 28; 52. 50; 35; 60; 40; 30; 55; 65. 12; 42; 18; 72; 60; 30; 66; 120. 70; 56; 35; 77; 28; 42; 49; 98. 56; 64; 24; 96; 88; 40; 72; 144. 7. Divide by 9 81; 72; 54; 45; 18; 36; 90; 108; 63; 135. 8. A bushel of cranberries cost $ 2.52. What was the cost of a peck ? (^ of 252 cents.) 9. Give two factors whose product is 12; 8; 24; 18; 21; 36; 42; 84; 108; 72; 81; 56; 63; 54; 42; 32; 16. 10. Find by addition and multiplication : three 7's ; four 8's ; five 5's ; three 12's ; three ll's ; six 12's. 11. A table has 4 sides, each 4 ft. long. How far is it around the table ? (Picture.) 12. Multiply each number in the upper row by every number in the lower row. 2 3 5 8 7 10 6 9 4 12 1 11 11 6 2 10 3 1 4 7 12 9 5 8 78 MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION Written i. 3)552 2. 4)164 3. 6)738 4. 3)222 5. 8)336 6. 5)400 7. 6)336 a. 5)785 9. 7)287 10. 5)670 11. 4)816 12. 6)378 13. 7)245 14. 3)267 15. 8)432 is. 5)575 17. 4)356 is. 5]63o 19. 5)490 20. 6)804 21. Four boys bought a boat for $ 140. What should each pay? 22. 185 books were put on 5 shelves. How many was that for each shelf? 23. A room has 7 rows of chairs with 19 chairs in each row. How many chairs in the room ? (Picture.) 24. Multiply by 3 : 28; 65; 47; 124; 253; 769; 483; 204; 910. 25. Multiply by 4 : 49; 385; 769; 428; 349; 206; 908; 839. 26. Multiply by 5 : 563; 721; 432; 86; 742; 938; 701; 650. 27. Multiply by 6 : 432; 591; 763; 284; 315; 91; 38; 409; 840. 28. Multiply by 7 : 63; 40; 51; 48; 39; 415; 521; 230; 408; 916. 29. Multiply by 8 : 41; 13; 76; 83; 44; 26; 715; 403; 847; 936. 30. Multiply by 9 : 17; 21; 42; 35; 40; 56; 123; 235; 368; 987. 31. Divide by 7 and test your work : 105; 133; 154; 217; 392; 469; 595; 651; 623; 952. Oral REVIEW 79 i. Count to 80 by5's; 6's; 7's; 8's; 9's; 10's; ll's. 2. Four books at $ .08 apiece cost how much ? 3. $.20 for 4 oranges is how much apiece ? 4. A half dollar, 2 quarters, a dime, and 2 nickels are how much money ? 5. a. How much will I have left out of $ 32 after buying a coat for $11 ? b. 64 quarts = how many pecks ? 6. 4 dolls at $ .15 apiece cost how much ? 7. 28 eggs sold out of 4 dozen leave how many ? 8. 3 dimes will buy how many bananas at 3 1 apiece ? 9. Bananas at $ .48 a dozen are how much apiece ? 10. From a rope 24 ft. long, Joe cut 8 ft. for a jumping rope and 7 ft. for hammock ropes. How many feet were cut , off ? How many feet were left ? How many inches long was the jumping rope ? The piece that was left ? li. If mother needs 2 dozen buttons for Grace's dress and has 17 buttons, how many must she buy ? Written 1. a. Subtract 723 from 1213. h. Subtract 24 from £ of 96. 2. Add $4.20, $3.24, $2.16, $.21, and $2.43. 3. One factor of 168 is 6. What is the other? 4. 29 and 5 are the factors of what number ? 5. See hoiu quickly you can get the answers to these : a. 232 + 467 + 229. c. $36.45 d. 672 e. 4]3B 6. 306 4-184-200. -14.29 -280 /. 5]M5 80 MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION Written 1. Multiply each of these numbers by 7, 8, 9, and, 10: a. 37; 36; 31; 35; 34; 33; 32; 38; 39. b. 63; 65; 64; 62; 67; 68; 61; 69; 66. c. 84; 82; 85; 89; 86; 83; 81; 88; 87; 80. d. 93; 94; 95; 96; 92; 97; 99; 98; 91. 2. Find | of 104; 120; 136; 152; 168; 184; 200. 3. Find 1 of 117; 135; 153; 171; 189; 207; 225. Find quotients and remainders. Test your work. 4. DicidebyS: 41; 43; 46; 49; 53; 56; 79; 94. 5. Divide by 4: 53; 58; 62; 70; 74; 98; 106; 138. 6. Divide by 5: 78; 83; 94; 102; 112; 118; 123. 7. Divide by 6: 81; 88; 93; 99; 165; 110; 136. 8. Divide by 7: 95; 99; 107; 115; 120; 129; 145. 9. Divide by 8: 108; 115; 124; 138; 147; 165. io. Divide ly 9: 121; 128; 138; 156; 167; 187. n. Lewis's hens laid 154 eggs in a week. That was how many eggs a day ? 12. Copy in figures and find the product : LXVIII x IX. 13. Find the cost of 9 carriages at $ 257 apiece. 14. At how much apiece must 8 cows be sold to bring $368? 15. Copy in figures and find the quotient : XCVI -s- IV. 16. How many weeks in 161 days ; 245 days ; 448 days ; 623 days ; 497 days ; 945 days ? 17. 8)232 9)441 7)651 5)335 5)2410" 9)1107 18. 426 is : a. \ of what number ? b. ^ of what ? Oral REVIEW 81 i. 8 + 3 + 2 + 5 + 7 + 6-8= ? 4 + 8 + 9-6 + 10=? 2. Lewis bought a pencil for 3 cents and a writing pad for 8 cents. How much change should he get from a quarter ? 3. In a flock of 57 sheep 9 died. How many lived ? 4. Give two factors which make 81 ; 64 ; 49 ; 36 ; 56 ; 63; 72; 96; 84; 48; 77; 99; 144. 5. One factor of 121 is 11. What is the other? 6. Write in Roman the numbers of the chapters in a book from Chapter XXXVIII to Chapter LX. 7. Two peaches at 2^ apiece and 5 oranges at 3^ apiece cost how much ? 8. a. 3 + 9 + 5-4-2 + 9= ? 6.4x9-3=? c. 6x8-12= ? 9. How many months in 11 years ? 10. Make a problem for 8 x 7 ; for 6x5; for 4x12. li. 9 x 12 = - . Make a problem. 12. A half-peck of chestnuts at 5^ a quart cost how much ? 13. 12 bu. of oats will feed how many horses if each horse eats a peck ? 14. a. 1 gal. = pt. ; h. 1 yd.= in.; c. 1 bu. = qt. 15. If we sing 7 exercises every day, how many shall we sing in a week ? 16. The sum of two numbers is 24. One of them is 6. What is the other ? 82 REVIEW Written i. Add. Write sums only. Do not copy the addends. Can you get correct sums : in 3 minutes ? a. 749 b 83 . 476 584 c. 754 326 d. $ 128.04 36.12 e. 1271 564 365 693 473 17.49 329 872 227 538 216.20 613 574 456 842 538.52 706 633 843 695 6.37 473 497 709 972 49.59 856 2. From 8293 take a. 467; b. 548; c. 2439; d. 7584; e. 3965;/. 684. 3. a. 714 b. 1264 c. 207 d. 273 e. 807 /. 561 x8 x7 x9 x9 x8 x7 4. a. 7]3l7 b. 8)268 c. 9)288 d. 6)2454 e. 5)170 5. a. 5)6700 6. 4)196 c. 7)658 d. 9)T683 e. 8)1184 6. Three ranchmen own 3978 sheep. If their shares are alike, how many sheep does each man own ? 7. A peddler's sales for a week are: Monday, $6.18; Tuesday, $4.23; Wednesday, $7; Thursday, $16.85; Friday, $3.98; Saturday, $27.39. a. Find the total for the week. b. At the same rate, what would be the total for 9 weeks ? c. For 7 weeks ? d. For 8 weeks ? 8. Mr. Jones raised 583 bu. of corn, which was 276 bu. more than Mr. Brown raised. How many bushels did Mr. Brown raise ? TIME 83 l. Which is the hour hand? Which is the minute hand ? What is the other hand? To what number does the hour hand point? The minute hand? How many hour spaces are there on the dial? How many hours is it from noon to mid- night? From midnight to noon? How many hours in a whole day? 2. How long does it take the minute hand to go around the dial ? How many minute spaces between XII and I ? Between X and XI ? How many minute spaces on the whole dial ? How many minutes make an hour ? 3. How many times will the minute hand pass around the dial between 12 o'clock and 1 o'clock ? Between 12 and 4 ? Between 2 and 5 ? Between 4 and 9 ? How many minutes are there in 2 hours ? In 7 hours ? 4. The second hand passes around the circle once every minute. How many seconds make a minute ? 5. What time is shown on the dial ? 6. When the minute hand reaches VI, where will the hour hand be ? What time will it be ? When the minute hand reaches I, what time will it be? When it reaches II; III; nil; V; VI; VII; VIII; IX; X; XI; XII? 7. When the hour hand is after V and the minute hand is at III, what is the time ? (Picture.) 84 TIME Summary seconds (sec.) make 1 minutes (min.) make 1 hours (hr.) make 1 (da.) BEADING AND WKITING NUMBERS | JLJL 467,507 is read four hundred sixty-seven thousand five hundred seven. 10,450 is read ten thousand four hundred fifty. - l. Read : 512,239 42,000 639,010 759,283 354,000 420,216 569,351 20,514 25,004 306,429 1,006 106,000 26,381 150,213 70,016 10,450 40,208 236,700 2. Write : a. One thousand five hundred seventy-four. 6. Two hundred thirty-four thousand six hundred ninety-seven. c. Fifty-nine thousand. d. Sixty thousand four hundred thirty. 3. Make a watch dial showing half-past ten. 4. Write in Eoman the number of hours in a day; seconds in a minute ; hours in half a* day ; minutes in half an hour ; minutes in a quarter of an hour ; hours in two days ; hours from 5 in the morning to 7 at night. ORAL PRACTICE 85 i. 20 + 10 2. 40 + 20 3. 20 + 70 4. 40 + 50 30 + 10 40 + 30 20 + 80 60 + 40 20 + 20 50 + 20 20 + 90 70 + 40 30 + 30 60 + 20 50 + 30 50 + 80 30 + 20 70 + 10 30 + 60 90 + 60 5. 70-20 6. 80-40 7. 60-40 8. 50-30 90-10 90-30 70-50 70 - 60 50-20 70-10 30-20 90-40 30-10 60-20 80-50 70-40 60-30 90-80 90-60 80-20 9. 10x8 10. 30x4 11. 50x7 12. 6 x 20 20x2 50x3 60x8 3x80 60x3 70x3 30x6 5x90 40x5 60x2 40x9 2x60 70x2 90x4 80x2 7x30 is. 25 + 10 14. 16 + 40 15. 39 + 10 16. 76 + 20 45 + 20 27 + 30 84 + 10 24 + 50 35 + 30 58 + 20 21 + 30 19 + 80 65 + 10 85 + 10 35 + 20 72 + 20 35 + 20 17 + 40 42 + 30 61 + 30 it. 26-10 is. 73-50 19. 89-50 20. 83-50 42-10 84-20 72-40 79-20 83-20 96-30 99-70 92-80 56-30 88-50 83-40 61-30 27-10 79-60 64-50 82-60 7x90 8x40 6x70 2x80 86 PRACTICE IN ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION Oral 1. Add 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 to each of the following numbers : a. b. c. d. e. /• g- h. i. 57 19 55 72 74 58 26 77 82 44 69 98 42 35 68 37 56 53 52 74 75 83 54 38 49 89 62 64 15 66 46 17 36 28 48 96 85 105 63 88 87 73 16 92 93 59 18 47 76 39 45 67 78 27 86 29 99 84 65 95 79 25 97 2. Subtract 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 from each of the above numbers. 3. Pupils by turn add columns aloud, one pupil writing the sums on the blackboard. 65 + 27 = ? Say 65, 85, 92. 4. i 65 + 20 = 85. 85+ 7 = 92. An*. In the same way give the sums of the following : 5. 24 + 25. 9. 37 + 58. is. 64 + 27. 17. 63 + 29. 6. 38 + 43. 10. 23 + 34. 14. 81 + 19. 18. 34 + 38. 7. 72 + 19. 11. 58 + 45. IS. 59 + 21. 19. 33 + 68. 8. 1 35 + 16. 12. 43 + 59. 16. 58 + 34. 20. 92 + 19. 65-27< = ? Say 65, 45, 38. 21. 65-20 45- 7 = 45 = 38 Ana. 22. ' 72-19. 25. 76-29. 28. 82-44. 31. 45-18. 23. ! 35-16. 26. 93 - 37. 29. 91-23. 32. 37-19. 24. 1 S3 -25. 27. 64-35. 30, 78-31. 33. 92-78. Written SUBTRACTION - 87 l. Mr. Emerson bought a stock of groceries for $ 3897 and sold them for $ 5296. How much did he gain ? _ . After we have taken 1 ten from 9 tens in the minuend, ^ how many tens are left ? We cannot take the 9 tens g iQnrt A in the subtrahend from the 8 tens left in the minuend, so what must we do ? Test all your work. The subtrahend + the remainder = ? 2. 842 3. 435 4. 583 5. 694 6. 803 7. 715 647 238 245 598 654 678 a 5643 9. 4521 10. 3462 u. 3573 2738 2618 2548 1628 la. 6411 13. 5343 14. 4701 is. 3603 2508 2517 2654 1672 16. 5007 17. 3541 is. 4504 19. 4791 2548 2496 1576 2432 20. $421.35 21. $846.30 22. $6937.15 23. $2341.17 143.29 298.41 486.29 1935.48 24. 1200 25. 1000 26. $439.21 27. 8435 28. 4605 1199 983 248.41 6598 2719 29. How much money must be added to $ 436 to make $1321? 30. In the year 1895 Mr. Finch had $ 4378 in the bank. In 1903 he had $ 5247. a. How much did he save in that time ? b. In how many years did he save it ? 88 REVIEW Written Can you get the first five right in tivo minutes f Write only tlie answers. 1. 403 2. $12.50 516 1.35 940 6.23 768 1.79 24 7.00 3. 419 -263 6. 708 x7 4. 576 x9 7. 375 x9 2)8642 , 467 x6 9. Mr. West is 6 ft. tall. How many inches tall is he ? 10. A window sill is 84 inches from the ground. How many feet above the ground is it ? li. A merchant bought goods amounting to $ 530 and paid $ 260 down. How much did he still owe? 12. If a steamboat goes 512 miles in a day, how far will it go in 6 days ? 13. $42.10 14. $39.24 is. $18.19 ie. $4.93 x6 x5 x4 x3 17. The subtrahend is $ 375.39, the minuend $ 483.29. Find the remainder. is. 1476 is the difference between 4325 and what other number ? is. 5462 20. 2000 21. 4605 22. $30.06 23. 2741 -2735 -729 -2719 -12.74 -659 24. A train of 9 cars has 79 passengers in each car. How many passengers in all the cars ? 25. An ocean steamer can carry 789 passengers at each trip. How many can she carry at 7 trips ? MULTIPLICATION 89 The value of any figure depends on its place ; and every time a figure is moved one place to the left its value is multiplied by ten, thus: 60 = 6 tens=6xl0 =6x10 600 m 6 hundreds =6x10x10 = 6 x 100 6000 = 6 thousands = 6 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 6 x 1000 1. 5x10 = ? 5x100 = ? 5x1000 = ? 2. 9x10 = ? 9x100 = ? 9x1000 = ? 3. When we multiplied 6, 5, and 9 by 10, we an- nexed what to them ? By 100 ? By 1000 ? 4. How can we multiply a number by 10 ? By 100 ? By 1000? 5. Multiply by 10 : 7; 43; 55; 79; 3; 436; 581; 3245; 4823. 6. Multiply by 100 : 8; 9; 7; 4; 3; 2; 14; 81; 37; 40; 324; 561. 7. Multiply by 1000 : 1; 2; 5; 8; 12; 61; 19; 83; 10; 425; 306; 420. 8. If one horse is worth $ 225, what are 30 such horses" worth ? How shall we find it ? *225 Qfk 30 = 3 X 10 ; therefore, multiplying by 30 is the same as multiplying by 3 and then by 10. $6750 9. Multiply 248 by 30 ; 50 ; 60 ; 80 ; 70 ; 90 ; 40 10. 29 700 29 X 700 = 29 X 7 X 100. 20300 11. Multiply 34 by 700 ; 500 ; 200 ; 9000 ; 8000. 90 MULTIPLICATION Written l. Mr. Johnson sells threshing machines at $ 537 apiece. How much does he receive for 39 machines ? What must we do to find it? 537 39 = 30 + 9 ; therefore, we may multiply 537 39 by 30 and by 9 and add the products. 4833 = 537 X 9 4833 and 16110 are called partial products. 1611 = 537 x 30 The may be omitted from units' place in the 20943 = 537 x 39 second partial product 2. 127 3. 206 4. 346 s. 710 34 25 15 32 6. 532 21 7. 712 33 s. 543 9. 673 10. 274 u. 148 22 13 16 14 12. 714 25 13. 324 34 14. 212 is. 742 is. 632 17. 427 is. 654 19. 475 16 24 70 63 37 38 20. 749 21. 746 22. 807 23. 237 2*. 415 25. 474 67 78 89 78 69 68 26. 7 sacks of flour at $1.35 cost how much ? 27. 6 pounds of coffee for $1.32 is how much a pound ? 28. At $ 1.75 a day, how much can a man earn in a week ? 29. $ 7.35 paid on a debt of $ 10.00 leaves how much unpaid ? 30. How many chapters from chapter XXVIII to chap- ter XCIV? 31. From 120 apples, take 7 dozen apples. REVIEW 91 Quick Test Teacher dictates questions. Pupils write answers. Pass papers, mark them, and make report. 1. How many months are there in 11 years ? 2. J of a day is how many hours ? 3. On what number is the minute hand at 20 minutes past two ? 4. How many seconds are there in £ of a minute ? 5. At 20 f a gallon, what will 1 qt. of milk cost ? 6. Bought 10 qt. of cherries at 9 ^ a quart and gave the clerk a silver dollar. What change should I receive ? 7. Potatoes at 48 ^ a bushel are how much a peck ? 8. Hickory nuts at 5 ^ a quart are how much a peck ? 9. How many pints in 11 gallons ? 10. How many days in 12 weeks ? Oral 1. From 100 subtract 30 ; 20 ; 50 ; 80 ; 10 ; 70 ; 40. 2. 65-28 = ? (Say 65, 45, 37.) 3. 84-28 s. 93-54 i. 59-29 9. 83-26 4. 76-37 6. 46-38 8. 81-17 10. 48-29 11. 49x10 = ; 73x100 = ; 8x1000 = . 12. How many dresses will 36 yd. of silk make if 9 yd. will make one dress ? 13. 3 dozen eggs cost $.39. One dozen costs . 14. How many minutes in 8 hours ? In 7 hours ? 92 MISCELLANEOUS Numbers of Days in the Different Months : January 31 April 30 July 31 October 31 February 28 May 31 August 31 November 30 March 31 June 30 September 30 December 31 February has 29 days once in four years (Leap year). 1. a. How many days in a common year ? &. How many days in a leap year ? c. Hew many June days have you seen? July days? d. How many December days have you seen ? April days ? e. How many days in 57 common years ? /. How many days in 89 leap years ? 44 leap years ? g. How many hours are there in a common year ? h. How many hours are there in a leap year ? L How many hours are there in 9 leap years ? 2. How many seconds are there in an hour? 3. How many minutes are there in a day ? 4. How many seconds are there in a day ? 5. How many school weeks in 475 school days ? 6. If there are 8 grades between the kindergarten and the high school, and it takes 200 days to pass each grade, how many days must you attend school to go through all the grades ? 7. Find the cost of 5 books at $ 1.87 each. 8. $203 paid for 7 cows is how much apiece ? 9. $152 will buy how many washing machines at $ 8 each ? FINDING ANY PART OF A NUMBER I cent r 7 ^ cent I I cent I cent of 6 cents = cents. 1. Here are how many cents ? -J cents, -§ of 6 cents = 2 x cents = 2. Make 12 cents. Find \ of 12^; § of 12*. 3. Draw a line 20 in. long. Find J of 20 in. ; £ of 20 in. ; | of 20 in. ; £ of 20 in. ; f of 20 in. ; £ of 20 in. 4. Draw a line 1 yd. long. Mark the inches. J yd. is inches ; £ yd. = in. ; £• yd. = in. \ of a yard is inches ; -| yd. = in. are ^ of a yard is inches ; |- yd. = in. Picture 10 marbles. Mark off £ of 10 marbles ; f. |- of 10 marbles are marbles ; f of 10 marbles — marbles ; ^ of 10 marbles are marbles. 9. Take 21 splints, beans, or marbles. Find ^> f> f? f , f, f of them. io. How many eggs in f of a dozen ? £ of a dozen ? li. A pie is worth 20 cents. What is \ of it worth ? |? |? i? s? 4 ? Make two pi c t ur es of the pie. Cut one into fourths, the other into fifths. 12. How many hours in f of a day ? f ? f- ? | ? f ? £ ? 13. If you are awake J- of the time, you are awake how many hours each day ? How many hours do you sleep ? 94 MISCELLANEOUS Written 1 Find 1233425567 5 2 5 7 8 n f 0^90 2. a. If an acre of land costs $175, what would 84 acres cost ? b. J- of an acre ? 3. Mr. Rich earns $25.76 per week. His son earns f as much. a. How much does the son earn ? b. How much more does the father earn than the son ? c. How much do both earn ? 4. Multiply twenty-nine thousand four hundred sixty- three by fifty-seven. Write the product in words. 5. A man had 196 books. He gave his son f- of them. a. How many books did the son receive ? b. How many did the man keep ? 6. The Revolutionary War began in 1775, and the Spanish War in 1898. How many years between the two wars ? 7. a. Find the product of 842 and 76. b. 27684-^9 = ? 8. Bought a carriage for $125 and sold it for $98. How much did I lose ? 9. a. 448-7 = ? 5.390-5 = ? c. 863x9 = ? 10. A man having 320 sheep sold 284. How many had he left? li. A boy had saved $2 and then spent $.60 for pres- ents. How much had he left ? 12. Leo had $3.68 and his father gave him enough to make $5.00. How much did his father give him? 13. A man owed $265 and paid $199. How much did he still owe? QUICK TEST 95 i. 5 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 9 = ? 2. Write 19 in Roman. 3. Find the cost of 8 pounds of sugar at 5 cents a pound. 4. Add 62 and 31. 5. Subtract 49 from 83. 6. Find f of 28. 7. How many quarts in 3 pk. of onions? 8. 120 minutes are how many hours? 9. How many inches in 9 feet ? 10. 7x9 + 8-7 = ? Oral Problems 1. If 7 oranges cost 21 cents, 1 orange costs cents. 5 oranges cost cents. Make the question. 2. a. When Bessie picked 5 qt. of berries on Monday, 8 on Tuesday, and 7 on Wednesday, in the three days she picked quarts. b. If she sold 10 quarts and gave the rest to her mother, she gave her mother quarts. 3'. If a dozen oranges cost 48 cents, 1 orange costs cents. 11 oranges cost cents. Question. 4. In 10 quarts there are pints. If 1 pt. of milk costs 3 cents, 20 pints will cost cents. Question. 5. If eggs are $.24 a dozen, 1 egg costs cents. 7 eggs cost cents. Question. 6. If 10 eggs cost 30 cents, 1 egg costs cents. A dozen eggs cost cents. Question. 96 PROBLEMS Oral Answer to yourself these questions about each problem : a. What is asked? b. What is told? c. What must 1 find first ? 1. A lady bought 3 dozen buttons at*8 cents a dozen, and a yard of ribbon at 10 cents. What did she pay for both? 2. John walked 4 miles and Eoy walked five times as far. How far did Roy walk ? How far did both walk ? 3. A man earned $8 one week, $ 9 the next, $10 the next. How much money did he earn in the three weeks ? He put $20 in the bank and spent the rest. How much did he spend? 4. At 6^ a quart, what will 3 gal. of oil cost? 5. How many 5-cent car fares can be paid with a quar- ter, a dime, and a half dime ? 6. Elsie bought a tablet for 8 cents, a stamp for 2 cents, and some pencils for 9 cents. She gave the clerk a quar- ter. How much change should she receive ? 7. A man earned $42 and used f of it. How much did he use ? How much had he left ? 8. Four oranges cost 12 cents. At the same price, what must be paid for 8 oranges? 9. A man earns $ 15 a week and saves \ of it. How much does he save in one week ? How long will it take him to save $ 27 ? How much will he save in 12 weeks ? How much does he spend in a week ? In 4 weeks ? 10. Ned has three rabbits and Ted four times as many. How many has Ted ? How many have both ? Oral REVIEW 97 1. A milkman had 2 cans of milk with 6 gallons in each can. How many quarts of milk had he ? 2. If 5 pencils cost 15 cents, what will 1 pencil cost? What will 3 pencils cost? 10 pencils? 11 pencils? 3. f of a yard of ribbon is how many inches long ? 4. A four-foot rule could be cut into how many sticks, each six inches long ? 5. 3 min. = sec. 2 hr. = min. 4 wk. = - ihr.= - 9 qt. and 1 pt. = 4 doz. + 3 = 6 doz. + 11= da. 5 yr. = mo. min, 7 gal. and 3 qt. -pt. 8 doz. + 2 = — 11 doz. + 6 = - qt. 39? 10. 11. How many dozen, and how many over, in 17 ? 27 ? 46? 54? Multiplication table, page 73. Read each number in the inner square before every sign in the outer squares, and find the result 12. 4x8 + ? = 35. 7x9 + ?=69. is. 7x7 + ?= 58. 8x6 + ? = 54. 14. What is the time when the hour hand is at VIII ? Where is the minute hand then ? is. What is the time when the hour hand is between V and VI and the minute hand is at III ? When the minute hand gets to IX ? 16. What is the cost of 2 bu. of potatoes at 10^ a peck ? +5 -f2 -7 +18 -t-3 36 72 108 xio -r-6 -29 -^9 -7-4 -11 4-9 98 MISCELLANEOUS Written 1. Find 7 times 389 by addition and by multiplication. 2. Find by subtraction how many 16's in 176; in 96; in 144; in 80; in 160; in 112; in 128. 3. Copy answers only. Add up and down. How long will it take t a. 463 b. 453 c •. $478.45 d. $165.35 e. $ 4.10 274 224 85.46 48.64 467.20 632 35 300.18 8.03 254.18 49 368 63.24 6.00 325.16 548 74 .65 17.40 49.21 231 989 49.85 5.84 8.00 598 6785 237.46 97.68 77.56 4. a. 3642 x 24; b. 4832 x 34; c. 2356 x 43; d. 805 x 96. 5. At our festival we used 125 gallons of ice cream. a. How many quarts were used ? b. If each quart was served to 6 persons, how many persons ate of the cream ? 6. a. A market man bought 1057 pounds of beef, 538 pounds of mutton, and 457 pounds of veal. How many pounds of meat did he purchase ? b. After he had sold 986 pounds of meat, how many pounds remained ? 7. Find the quotient and remainder : a. 347 h- 5 ; b. 643 + 6; c. 487 + 8; d. 3067 <- 9; e. 4234 -*- 7; /. 613 + 9 ; g. 4134 -*- 8. 8. 48 bushels of potatoes at $.55 a bushel cost how much ? 9. A grocer has 432 bu. of potatoes. How many customers can he supply with a peck apiece ? Written MISCELLANEOUS 9 Papers sold by seven hoys during one week : Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat Henry , . . 36 28 24 14 26 32 Carl . . . . 24 35 25 16 18 26 Jerry . . . 18 23 26 24 28 29 Frank , . . 29 18 21 32 27 35 Charles , . . 15 26 18 27 34 36 Roy . , , . . 34 31 30 28 26 27 Edward , . . 12 23 20 19 27 28 1. Find the number of papers sold on Monday ; Tues- day; Wednesday; Thursday; Friday; Saturday. 2. Find the number sold by Henry; Carl; Jerry; Frank ; Charles ; Roy ; Edward. 3. Find : a. The number sold on all the days. b. The number sold by all the boys. c. How do these two num- bers compare ? 4. a. 714 b. 1264 c. 207 d. 740 e. 1273 /. 6701 x8 x7 x9 x6 x4 x5 5. a. 9)3T7 b. 8)2657 c. 9)2890 d. 9)3069 6. At 3^ each, how many lemons will 72^ buy ? 7. $ 6.28 out of a $ 10 bill leaves how much change ? 8. There are 27 daisies in one vase and 3 times as many in another. How many in both vases ? 9. Find the cost of 7 tons of coal at $4.75 a ton. 10. John earned $18 during the vacation and spent % 12.75. How much did he save ? 100 MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION Oral 1. Moving a figure to the left one place multiplies its value by 10. Moving a figure one place to the right does what to its value ? 2. 9x10 = 90. 90-10 = ? 23x10 = 230. 230-10 = ? 3. To multiply a number by 10 we annex a 0. How can we divide a number by 10 ? 4. Divide by 10 : 80; 60; 130; 740; 800; 4360; 560; 1300; 2080. 5. To multiply a number by 100 we annex two ciphers. How can we divide a number by 100 if it has ciphers at the end ? 6. Divide by 100 : 600; 900; 1200; 2300; 6000; 48000; 64500; 360000. Written 32 7. 8P)25W. 80 = 8 x 10, To divide by 80 we divide by 10 and then by 8. How do we divide by 10 ? 8. a. 30)34920 b. 40)2480 c. 50)4750 d. 60)720 9. Divide by 90 : a. 1620; b. 4770; c. 71100; d. 108000; e. 17280. iOo 500 = 5 x 100. How may we divide 4500 by 500 ? n. a. 500)1500 b. 500)7500 c. 700)11200 d. 600)72000 12 a. 342x60 is. a. 490-70 14. a. 4800-80 b. 34 x 90 b. 34600 - 40 b. 62500 - 500 c 81 x 700 c. 27900 -* 90 c. 91000 -*- 700 d. 495 x 310 d. 6420 - 60 d. 34000 - 2000 Written REVIEW 101 i. Add up, then down. Write only the sums. 5 minutes f a. $548.42 b. 4835 e. 4782 d. 63854 e. $381.15 57.54 724 95 9763 42.81 6.00 89 398 427 68.73 .84 38984 27579 5106 59.42 346.99 35 49895 78243 486.53 24.63 672 6879 4675 79.49 51.06 4897 4623 1016 83.26 2. Find the differences and test results : a. 7821 b. $200.14 c. $800.00 d. 7421 e. 8402 6459 89.27 256.13 1695 1673 3. Multiply: a. 763 by 42. b, 529 by 44. e. 862 by 31. d. 720 by 43. 4. Find : a. | of 2982. b. •§- of 2832. c. 1 of 5715. d. i of 2732. 5. a. If our living expenses are $7.56 a week, how much are they for 1 day? b. For 9 days? c. For 5 days? d. For 4 weeks ? 6. Fiud : a. i of 651. b. f of 651. c. £ of 5640. d. i of 5640. 7. a. 43x500. b. 691x70. c. 39x3000. d. 865x80. e. 196x39. 8. How many days in the first six months of the year ? 9. Counting 30 days for a month, how many months in 180 days? 10. How many quarts in 798 bushels ? 102 MULTIPLICATION Written i. If a grain car will carry 756 bu. of corn, how many bushels will 243 such cars carry ? What operation must be performed ? 756 92T8 — 7^6 3 What is the answer? What OAni ^r a Af\ have we omitted from the second 3024 =756x40 . , 9 i en o - Y^fi 900 a ™*ird partial products f 183708 = 756x243 2. Henry's kite string is 648 ft. long. How many feet of twine would it take to make 207 such kite strings ? How many partial products will you have ? Where will you write the first figure of the second partial product ? 3. A tract of land is laid out in 248 lots, each one for sale at $375. If the owner sells all of them at that price, how much will he receive for them ? 4. Multiply 239 by 158. Multiply 158 by 239. How do the products compare ? 5. Find how 412 times 653 compares with 653 times 412. Find the products in two ways : 6. 385x209 10. 209 x 506 14. 854 x 305 7. 842 x 351 ii. 983 x 786 15. 907x635 8. 496 x 258 12. 428 x 732 16. 294 x 687 9. 324 x 807 13. 356 x 271 17. 839 x 594 18. If a baggage car goes 248 miles every day, how many miles will it go in a year ? AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT 103 Note. — Have scales before the class. i. For what are the scales used ? 2. Find the pound weight. 3. Let each pupil take the pound weight in his hand. 4. Name articles that weigh about a pound. Weigh them. 5. Put sand in a bag until you think you have a pound. Weigh and correct it. 6. Use the bag of sand for a pound weight. Find the ounce weight. Weigh out several ounces of sand in bags. Find how many ounce bags are needed to balance the pound bag. 7. There are ounces (oz.) in 1 pound (lb.). 8. Name articles that are sold by the pound ; by the ounce. 9. How many ounces are there in 2 lb.? 3 lb.? 5 lb.? 10. How many ounces in i lb. ; J lb. ; |- lb. ? 11. How many ounces in 1J lb. ; 2J lb. ; 1J lb. ? 12. Mr. Jolly, the candy maker, gave away 25 lb. of candy, putting 1 oz. into each bag. How many bags of candy did he give away ? 13. a. How many days will 7 lb. of sugar last you if you eat an ounce every day ? h. How many weeks ? 14. If the average weight of the plums on a certain tree is 1 oz., how many plums will it take to weigh 395 lb. ? 476 1b.? | lb.? fib.? | lb.? 104 REVIEW Oral i. How much is | of a peck? ^ of $ 150? 2. If I give a dollar in payment for 9 qt. of peaches at 10^ a quart, what change should I receive ? 3. Find the sums and differences : 68 54 78 49 51 63 58 41 53 2926 16 27 33 37292439 4. How many feet in 108 inches? How many yards? 5. How many times can a two-quart measure be filled from a bushel of walnuts ? 6. I have 12 rows of strawberry plants with 12 plants in each row. How many plants have I ? 7. Find the cost of 8 tons of rye straw at $ 20 a ton. Written 1. At Mann's store 85 crates of Georgia peaches, each crate containing 6 baskets, were sold in 1 day. a. How many baskets were sold ? b. If there were 34 peaches in each basket, how many peaches were sold ? 2. a. If a boy can ride his bicycle 6 miles an hour, how many hours will it take him to ride 288 miles ? b. If he rides 6 hours a day, how many days will it take ? 3. From the sum of 4623 and 5498 subtract their dif- ference. 4. If 3 horses cost $ 678, what will 12 horses cost at the same rate ? (12 is how many times 3 ?) s. 43 6. 231 7. 435 8. 9)649 9. 6)435 x280 x 600 x309 Written DIVISION 105 l. A dealer bought 13 carriages for $ 3055. What did each cost? 235 13)3055 Process 26 ^ of 30 hundreds is 2 hundreds and 4 hundreds over. 45 4 hundreds and 5 tens are 45 tens. ^ of 45 tens is 3 tens §9 and 6 tens over. 6 tens and 5 units are 05 units, ^ of 65 65 units is 5 units. 85 Find the quotients and test your work by multiplication : 2. 13)2015 9. 13)1599 is. 14)6818 23. 15)3765 3. 13)2327 10. 13)234 17. 14)5026 24. 15)4575 4. 13)5993 11. 13JT742 is. 14JT344 25. 15)6420 5. 13)2769 12. 14)T890 19. 14)7322 26. 15)1845 6. 13)42l2 13. 14)3430 20. 14)364 27. 15)3l95 7. 13)975 14. 14)6342 21. 14)3234 28. 16)688 8. 13)5577 15. 14)3556 22. 15)2025 29. 16)1984 30. One factor of 247 is 13. What is the other factor ? 31. The product of two numbers is 6804. One of the numbers is 14. What is the other number? 32. In one mile there are 5280 ft. ^ of a mile = ? ft. 33. Find ^ of 364 ; ^ of 5005 ; Ji of 1638 ; f of 3556. 34. ^ of 1190 = ? T \ of 3332 = ? if of 6314 = ? 35. Findf of 2730; |; f; &; &; &J &J &. 36. How many pounds in 48 oz. ? 832 oz. ? 144 oz. ? 106 MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION Written - i. How many quart boxes can be filled from 25 bu. of peaches ? 2. ^ bu. = qt. How many half-bushel baskets could be filled from 288 qt. of chestnuts ? 3. A four-gallon can holds qt. How many four- gallon cans could be filled from 272 qt. of oil ? 4. If William earns $ 16 a month, how many months must he work to earn $ 576 ? 5. See how quickly you can get correct answers : a. 3421 x 45 ; ft. 4326 x 51 ; c. 5678 x 55 ; d. 9834 x 43. 6. Find quotients and remainders and test your work : a. 5)393; 6.6)497; c. 7)899; d. 8)943; e. 9)4875. 7. How many pounds in 2112 oz. ? 8. 42 lb. and 12 oz. are how many ounces ? 9. At $ .06 a quart what will 65 gal. of milk cost? io. One factor of 675 is 15. What is the other? u. In 3600 seconds how many minutes ? 12. Find quotients and remainders and test your work : a. 439 + 13; ft. 513 + 14; c. 1835 + 8; d. 459 + 7. is. Find : a. { of 675 ; ft. | of 732 ; c. £ of 580. 14. Multiply: a. 472 by 69; ft. 803 by 105. is. Divide: a. 8320 by 20; ft. 7960 by 40. 16. Find the number of hours in the month of October. 17. Find the number of minutes in the month of October. 18. If a man works 9 hours a day, in how many days will he work 3681 hr. ? QUICK TEST 107 1. How many ounces in a half pound ? 2. How many ounces in J of a pound ? 3. How many 12's in 52 and how many over ? 4. 12 gal. and 3 qt. are how many quarts ? 5. At 5 f a foot, what will a yard of picture moulding cost? 6. A half hour is how manj minutes ? 7. If you buy a book for $.15, how much change should you get from a quarter ? 8. Four dimes and a half dime are how many cents ? 9. How many inches in a yard ? 10. Two quarts of berries at 10 ^ a quart and a loaf of bread at 5^ cost how much ? Oral 1. How many pints in 4 gal.? 2. A quart is what part of a gallon ? 2 qt.? 3 qt.? 3. f of a yard is how many inches ? 4. Charles was punctual at school every morning for 20 weeks. How many times was he punctual ? 5. | of 40 = ? J of 40 = ? What part of 40 is 5 ? 6. How many 6's in 12 ? 6 is what part of 12? 6 months is what part of a year ? 7. Sarah's brother earns $ 16 a week and saves \ of it. In how many weeks can he save % 20 ? 8. Candy at 2 / an ounce is how much a pound ? What is a quarter of a pound worth ? A half pound ? 108 REVIEW Written 1. In 48 pecks there are how many quarts ? 2. The Pilgrims came to America in 1620. How long ago was that? 3. Bought a lot for $ 598. For what must I sell it to gain $59? 4. A milkman sells 36 gallons of milk every day. a. How many pounds does it weigh if a pint weighs a pound ? b. How many ounces does it weigh ? 5. Robert bought some clothes for $5.45. He gave the clerk a $5 bill and a silver dollar. How much change should he receive ? 6. 5 tons of coal cost $27.50. Find the cost of 1 ton. 7. 423 s. 524 9. 4031 10. 4706 11. 5072 -297 -349 -1234 -927 -3095 12. Write in words: 31,605; 270,040; 341,005; 104,500. 13. Write in figures : three hundred thousand twenty ; eighteen thousand fourteen ; six thousand three hundred thirty ; one hundred fifty-seven thousand nine. I*, a. f of 1032; b. | of 992; c. f of 560; d. f of 1675. 15. • From seventy dollars and twenty-nine cents take fifty-two dollars and sixty-nine cents. 16. At 30 cents a peck, what will 3 bu. of apples cost ? 17. A lady had $135. She paid $45 for a sewing machine and $ 22 for cloth. How much has she left ? is. There are 7 dozen lemons in one box and 83 lemons in another. How many lemons in both boxes ? Written DIVISION AND MULTIPLICATION 109 i. Divide 1134 by 21. To find the first figure in the quotient, ask yourself, " How many 2's in 11 ? " 2. Divide by 21: a. 8883; b. 6515; c. 19677; d. 9639. 3. Divide 2573 by 31. To get the first quotient fig- ure say, " How many 3's in 25? " 4. Divide by SI: a. 2635; b. 2883; c. 3875; d. 14353. In examples 5-19, find the quotients and test your work by multiplication : 5. 1599 + 41 10. 814 + 22 15. 2108-62 6. 6068-41 11. 2912-32 is. 6912-72 7. 2346 + 51 12. 768-32 17. 4756 + 82 8. 2275 + 91 13. 3486 + 42 is. 1288 + 92 9. 1386 + 22 14. 4992 + 52 .19. 2511 + 93 Find the products and test your work by division: 20. 46x31 22. 124x32 24. 93x52 21. 53x21 23. 63x61 25. 242x71 26. One factor of 3844 is 62. Find the other factor. 27. 43x? = 5203. 2a 11070 + ? = 82. 29. ? x 61 = 1159. 30. The multiplier is 42. The product is 3444. What can you find ? 31. The divisor is 78, the quotient 467. What can you find? 32. Lucien sold 806 papers in the month of May. That was how many per day ? 110 MAKING QUESTIONS Every problem tells us something and asks us to find something. We use what is told, to find what is asked. The following exercises tell you something. Ask the question in each one and answer it. 1. Berries are 10 cents a quart. John bought 7 qt. 2 Mary had 21 cents. Oranges cost 3 cents apiece. 3. Seven pounds of maple sugar cost 84 cents. 4. Chester is 5 ft. tall. There are — — inches in a foot. 5. There are seconds in a minute. It takes Leah 5 seconds to answer a question. 6. Chocolate creams cost 3 ^ an ounce. There are ounces in a pound. 7. Frances earned 11 cents on Friday, 9 cents on Tues- day, and 10 cents on Wednesday. 8. Richard earned 41 cents and paid 5 ^ for car fare. 9. Nina took a music lesson twice a month for a whole year. There are months in a year. 10. Robert is 14 years old. His sister Dorothy is ten. li. Mary is 19 years old. Frederick is 7 years younger. 12. Lemons are 24 cents a dozen. Ethel bought 6 lemons. 13. There are 8 hours in a working day. Philip worked 72 hours. 14. Make a problem for $ .05 + $ .06 + $ .07. 15. J of 16 = ? Make a problem. 16. f of 36 = ? Make a problem. 17. 10x2 = ? Make a problem. Oral KEVIEW 111 i. John paid $.36 for 9 packages of flower seed. Question. 2. Wilbert has a strip of oak 5 ft. long. He is making 6-inch rules. Question. 3. Make a problem for 4 times 12 in. 4. A bushel of potatoes is worth. 60 cents. A peck is of a bushel. Question. 5. Alice made a dozen pop-corn balls. Lena made three times as many. How many did both make ? 3 6 2 12 11 4 10 8 5 9 7 x 7, 8, 9. 7. At $ .06 a pound, find the cost of 3 lb. of starch ; 81b.; 10 1b.; 9 1b.; 12 1b.; 50 1b.; 111b.; 20 1b.; 7 1b. 8. 33 bananas were sold from a bunch containing 7 dozen. How many were left? Written 1. January, March, May, July, August, October, and December have each 31 days. How many days in all these months? Find it in two ways. 2. A man in Vermont made 388 qt. of maple sirup. He put it into gallon cans. Question. Answer ? 3. Make a problem for $ 84.50 - $ 13.27. 4. Make a problem for 38 x 7 da. 5. Write in words : 304,091; 20,040; 100,001; $50.03. 6. I saw an ocean steamship 499 feet long. There are inches in a foot. Question. Answer ? 112 KECTANGLES Fig. 1. Fig. 2. 1. What is the shape of Figure 1 ? How long is it ? How wide ? What is it called ? Describe a square inch (sq. in.). 2. Without a rule, draw a square inch. Measure and correct it. 3. The corners of a square are right angles. This is a right angle I — How many right angles has a square ? 4. What kind of angles has Figure 2 ? 5. How many right angles has Figure 1 ? Figure 2 ? 6. Figure 1 and Figure 2 are rectangles. Describe a rectangle. 7. A rectangle may be either square or oblong. Make an oblong rectangle 3 in. long and 1 in. wide. Draw lines catting it into square inches. How many square inches are there ? 8. Find out how many square inches in an oblong 1 inch wide and 3 inches long ; 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13 inches long. 9. Draw a rectangle three inches long and 2 inches wide. Mark it off into square inches and count them. 10. Draw a square 3 in. long. Mark it off into square inches and count them. RECTANGLES 113 _j , 1 i ] ! 1. What is the name of this figure ? How wide is it ? How long ? Its size is 3 in. by 4 in. 2. The dotted lines drawn from left to right divide the rectangle into oblongs how long and how wide ? How many of them ? 3. Each oblong 4 in. long and 1 in. wide contains how many square inches ? How many square inches in all of them ? Three times 4 sq. in. are how many square inches? 4. The dotted lines from top to bottom divide the rec- tangle into how many oblongs ? Each of these oblongs is how long ? How wide ? It contains how many square inches ? All of them contain how many square inches ? 114 MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION Written 1. Draw a rectangle which you think is 6 in. by 5 in. Measure and correct it. Mark out a row of square inches along one side of it. How many square inches in this row? How many such rows could you make from the whole rectangle ? How many square inches in the rec- tangle ? 5 times 6 sq. in. = ? 2. Make a rectangle 7 in. by 4 in. Mark it off into square inches. How many square inches in the rectangle ? How do you find it ? 3. Make a rectangle 8 in. by 6 in. How many square inches does it contain ? How do you find it ? 4. On the blackboard, draw a rectangle 18 in. by 7 in. How many square inches does it contain ? 5. How many square inches in an oblong 24 in. by 12 in. ? Make the drawing. 6. Find the number of square inches in the top of a table which is 22 in. by 38 in. Find the number of square inches in each of the following rectangles : 7. 39 in. by 42 in. 12. 62 in. by 37 in, 8. 68 in. by 29 in. 13. 41 in. by 48 in, 9. 47 in. by 33 in. 14. 36 in. by 19 in, 10. 59 in. by 28 in. 15. 38 in. by 40 in, 11. 39 in. by 2 feet. 16. 3 ft. by 20 in. 17. a. A blackboard 2 ft. 6 in. wide is how many inches wide ? b. A blackboard 4 ft. long is how many inches long ? c. How many square inches in a blackboard 4 ft. by 2 ft. 6 in. ? Written DIVISION 115 1. Mr. Wilson bought a farm for $ 9044. How much must he save each year to pay for it in 19 years ? 476 19)$ 9044 19 ig almost 20. Think how many 2's in 9. (20) 76 To get the next quotient figure, think how many 144 2's in 14. To get the next quotient figure, think 233 how many 2's in 11. 5 is a little too small, because 11 a it gives a remainder 19, the same as the divisor. What is the correct figure ? 114 2. Divide 12499 by 29. (29 is almost 30. Let 3 be your guide figure and think how many 3's in 12, etc.) 3. Divide 2808 by 39. (39 is almost 40. What will you take for a guide figure?) 4539-89 is. 14732-58 2772-99 19. 4420-68 792-18 20. 6318 + 78 10584-28 21. 45056-88 10353-29 22. 6174 + 98 2242 + 38 23. 3315 + 39 8064 + 48 ng cars is 522 ft. long. How long is each car? 25. How many coal cars 31 ft. long would make a train 1395 ft. long? 26. When you have a product and one of its factors, how do you find the other factor ? What is the length of a rectangle 12 in. wide that contains 840 sq. in.? 4. 2808 + 39 11. 5. 24708 + 29 12. 6. 11837-*- 19 13. 7. 4508 + 49 14. 8. 36639 + 59 15. 9. 16008 + 69 16. 10. 64148 + 79 17. 24. A train of 9 sleer 116 MAKING CHANGE Oral In paying the amounts given below, how much change should you receive from $ 1 ? To find the change for 64 cents, — 64+ 6 = 70. Think 70 + 30 = 100 . Say 6, 36. t 30 + 6 = 36 Am. $.12 $.14 $.16 $.18 $.13 $.15 $.17 $.19 $.11 .25 .27 .29 .25 .21 .22 .24 .26 .28 .31 .33 .35 .37 .39 .32 .34 .36 .38 .48 .46 .44 .42 .41 .43 .45 .47 .49 .56 .58 .52 .-> 1 .59 .57 .55 .53 .51 .61 .69 .67 .65 .63 .64 .64 .66 .62 .76 .78 .77 .72 .73 .71 .75 .74 .79 .81 .88 .83 .87 .84 .85 .86 .82 .89 .95 .96 .99 .97 .94 .93 .98 .91 .92 Add the ( jolumns. Add the lines. Add the sums of the columns. Add the sums of the lines. Compare. ROMAN NUMERALS i. C = 100. CC = 100 + 100 = 200. CCC = 100 + 100 + 100 = ? 2. D = 500. CD =500 -100 = 400. DC = 500 + 100 = ? 3. M = 1000. CM = 1000 -100 = ? DCCC = ? 4. C = ? XXVI = ? CXXVI = ? DC = ? LXV = ? 5. Read: DC; MC; MCC ; CM; CCXX; CCCX; CXXX 6. Eead : DCCCXX ; CDXXX ; CCLXI ; CXLVITI. 7. Write in Roman : 1000; 500; 300; 400; 600; 900 a Write in Roman : 140; 260; 320; 550; 450; 195 ritU m MISCELLANEOUS 117 1. See how quickly you can get correct sums : a. $173.25 b. $ 836.42 c. $7000.42 d. 497 92.47 1521.50 83.92 6839 9.38 936.08 6214.83 709 407.25 42.53 807.15 598 92.16 1006.27 78.26 763 57.84 83.44 9287.42 6908 9.26 64.29 383.52 89718 2. Find the missing numbers. Test your work : a. 645071 b. 48356 c. 58605 d. ? -280693 + ? - ? x59 ? 97403 29567 708 3. Solve in figures DCLIX x CCXII. 4. 273018-3 io. 362416-4 is. 342x290 5. 452124-*- 3 ii. 122028-4 17. 4506x206 6. 151824-3 12. 253540-5 is. 1928x453 7. 4243x260 13. 312x600 19. 364218-*- 6 8. 4506x206 14. 3424x60 20. 4530-5 9. 192x453 is. 3642-6 2i. 3206x700 22. Find, the number of square inches in a rectangle 98 hi. by 70 in. 23. A rectangle contains 1710 sq. in. It is 30 in. wide. How long is it ? 24. The product is 6447, one factor is 21. Find the other. Make a problem. 25. 392x508 26. 36048-8 27. 875x900 118 PROBLEMS Oral 1. In 17 pt. there are qt. and pt. 2. In 23 qt. there are gal. and pt. 3. In 34 qt. there are pk. and pt. 4. 3 ft. and 2 in. are in. 3x12 + 2 = . 5. In 39 pk. there are bu. and pk. 6. Wilfred picked 3 pk. 6 qt. of cherries. How many quarts did he pick ? 7. I bought a piece of rope 36 ft. long and used § of it for a swing. How many feet of rope did I use ? 8. Harold picked a peck basket full of apples 29 times. How many bushels did he pick and how many pecks over ? 9. If your tablet is 8 in. by 10 in., how many inch squares can you make on one page ? Written 1. One box holds 2 dozen lemons, and another 37 lemons. How many lemons in both boxes? 2. At $ .05 an ounce, what will 2 lb. of candy cost ? 3. Find the cost of 24 gal. of ink at 12^ a pint. 4. 12 gal. 3 qt. of maple' sirup at 25^ a quart would cost how much ? 5. A man bought coal for $ 4.75 and wood for $ 3.50. How much change should he receive from a $ 20 bill ? 6. April, June, September, and November have each 30 days. How many hours in these months all together ? 7. What is the cost of 288 oranges at 36 cents a dozen ? 8. What number multiplied by 70 will make 1330 ? Oral MULTIPLICATION 119 1. When steak costs 18^ a pound, a half pound costs cents. 1J pounds cost 9j^ + 18^ or cents. What would 21 pounds cost ? 3 J pounds ? 2. When sugar is 6 cents a pound, 3^ pounds cost 3| times 6 cents, or cents. (3 x 6 = 18. J of 6 = 3. 18 + 3 = ?) 3. What is the cost of 41 gal. of oil at 12 ^ a gallon ? 4. How many feet in 7 yd. ? In \ yd. ? In 7f yd. ? 5. In 1 da. there are hr. In f da. there are hr. In If da. there are hr. Written 1. How many hours are there in 9f days? 24 Q2 16 hr. inf da. (f of 24 = 16) 216 hr. in 9 da. 232 hr. in 9-| da. Answer. 2. Find how many hours in 2 If days. 3. 32 4. 21 5. 485 6. 485 7. 485 x5f x8| xli xlf x7f 8. 252 9. 252 10. 252 ii. 84 12. 24 xl{ x If x 5f x 16i x7# 13. 205 14. 336 is. 485 is. 204 17. 136 x9f x 6£ x 4f x 8i x2| 120 MISCELLANEOUS Oral i. How many hours in 90 minutes ? 2. How many seconds in 2J minutes ? 3. What will 3 qt. of vinegar cost at $.20 a gallon ? 4. Give the multiplication tables of 7, 8, and 9. 5. Give the division tables of 7, 8, and 9. 6. Give the multiplication tables of 10, 11, and 12. 7. Give the division tables of 10, 11, and 12. 8. How many pecks in 3 bu. 3 pk. ? 9. How many quarts in 3 pk. 3 qt. ? io. What will 18 lemons cost at $.24 a dozen ? li. George sold 10 White Leghorn eggs and 14 Plym- outh Rock eggs at $.30 a dozen. How much did he receive for them? Written i. Divide 8487 by 41. 207 41Jo4o7 28 tens will not contain 41 any tens' times, so we 82 put in tens' place in the quotient and- bring down 287 ^ units. 287 contains 41 seven times. 287 In these examples, think first ivhat the guide figure is: 2. 21112-52 5. 70224-28 8. 56160-27 3. 61676-68 6. 5377-19 9. 399294-42 4. 41457-39 7. 21137-23 io. 470564-*- 94 n. How many ounces in 6J lb. ? 12. Subtract the sum of 486 and 296 from 1000. Written MISCELLANEOUS 121 1. Albert has $42 in the bank. Franz has 2 J times as much. a. How many dollars has Franz ? b. How many dollars have both ? 2. A boy whose age is now 12 years was born in what year? 3. If a boy earns $ .48 in a week, what does he earn in 9 days at the same rate ? 4. If a dozen pencils cost 18 cents, what must be paid for a box holding 6 dozen pencils ? For 4 boxes ? 5. A fruit dealer bought 32 boxes of berries for $2.56. a. How much did 1 box cost ? b. He sold them at 10 a box. Did he gain or lose, and how much on 1 box ? c. On all the boxes ? 6. A lame boy rode on the car to and from school every day. His fare was 3 cents each way. a. What was his car fare for a week ? b. If he was absent 5 days in a term of 20 weeks, how much was his car fare for the term ? 7. If a street car makes 15 trips a day and carries 45 passengers each trip, how many passengers are carried during the day ? 8. Columbus discovered America in the year 1492. How long ago was that? 9. If a man earns $95 a month and spends $35 a month, how much does he save in a year ? 10. 31 and 13 are the factors of what number? li. A door mat 24 in. by 36 in. covers how many square inches of the floor ? 122 HALVES, FOURTHS, AND EIGHTHS i i X i i i i T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 'I' 1 1 i. How many inch spaces are there on this rule ? How- many half-inch spaces in 1 inch ? In the whole rule ? 2. How many %4nch spaces in 1 inch ? In the whole rule ? In ^ inch ? How many quarters in an inch ? How many -|-inch spaces in 1 inch ? In the whole inch? 3. rule? In 1 inch ? W 4. 1 inch = how many half inches f How many \ 1 inch = | = | = f inches f How many ^ inches f 5. How many quarter inches in one half inch ? How many £ inches in one half inch ? \ inch = J = \. 6. How many \ inches in \ inch ? \ inch = l. 7. Two half inches are how many inches? 4 half inches ? 6 half inches ? . 8 half inches ? 3 half inches ? 8 - f = i; t = ^5 f make what; f = i I- make what ? 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. J inch and \ inch make £ inch ; \ inch and \ inch make I inch ; i + i = ? 1 4- 1— 9 2 + 4" * inch make |- inch 2^8* L inch and -^ J inch and 1 inch make £ inch; }+£»£. Which is greater \ or i ? iorl? lor i? i or f ? Oral MISCELLANEOUS 123 1. On the rule (p. 122), find $ + f; J+J; i+|; ll + |; 31 + 1; 11 + 21 Note. — Children use their own rules also. 2 Find 11 + 1- 14 + 24- 144-4* 1^4-1- "U4.1 3. Find If, then take away J. What is left ? 4. Find 2|, then take away -|. What is left ? 5. 2 + 3 = ? l + i = ? 2i + 3i = ? 1 + 1 = ? 5i + i=? 6. | + i = ? 6 + 2 = ? 6|+'2i = ? 5f-i = ? 7i-i = ? 7. Mary has a hand mirror 4 in. by 6^ in. How many square inches does it contain ? (Picture.) 8. If the mirror was 3 in. wide and contained 15 sq. in., how long would it be ? (Picture.) 9. A traveler paid $.25 for breakfast, $.50 for din- ner, $.25 for supper, and $.50 for lodging. What did his board and lodging for the day cost him ? 10. If 5 pears cost 15 cents, 10 pears will cost twice as much, or cents. Why ? 11. 20 pencils cost 60 cents. Five pencils cost \ as much, or cents. Why ? In what other way could you get it ? 12. If 2 quarts of milk cost 10 cents, 2 gallons would cost times as much, or cents. Why ? 13. Henry earned 40 cents in 5 hours. How much could he earn in 10 hours ? Find it in two ways. 14. Grace can solve 4 problems in 12 minutes. How many can she solve in 48 minutes ? Find it in two ways. 15. At 2 cents a foot, what will 6 yd. 2 ft. of rope cost ? 124 READING AND WRITING NUMBERS 423,578,600 is read, four hundred tiventy-three million five hundred seventy-eight thousand six hundred. i. Bead: 125,791,235; 26,625,130; 4,310,240; 99,000,000; 600,329,842; 100,000,125; 96,000,050. Find results and read them: 2. Multiply by 10 : 14; 28; 79; 192; 345. 3. Multiply by 100 : 210; 980; 6004; 4250. 4. Multiply by 1000 : 13; 25; 49; 324; 20. 5. Divide by 1000: 98,000; 1,239,000; 4,900,000. 6. 569x3200 12. 2038x490 7. 423x600 is. 950x2400 s. 507x500 14. 3,812,400-900 9. 938x240 is. 180,960 -*- 520 10. 5803x9000 ie. 50,040-60 11. 256x8500 17. 308,000 + 800 18. The sun is 92,000,000 miles from the earth, a. If you could travel toward the sun at the rate of 40 miles an hour, you would have to travel how many hours to reach it ? b. If you should travel 10 hours a day, how many days must you travel to reach the sun ? 19. It is 25,000 miles around the earth. If you travel 50 miles an hour, how many hours must you travel to go around the earth ? Written REVIEW 125 l. How long will it take you to get correct sums f a, 837 b. 628 c. 8063 cL $26.43 e. $715.30 2964 4307 259 18.75 21.86 418 526 8264 2.93 9.24 3825 8279 1287 4.10 10.16 842 428 428 128.06 7.28 29 4273 3064 563.13 516.00 2. A jar of butter containing 23|- lb. costs how much at 30 ^ a pound ? 3. At $96 a month, how much can a man earn in 7J months ? 4. How many quarts in 6-J bushels ? 5. At $1.28 a yard, what will 3f yd. of cloth cost? 6. How many minutes in 7f hours ? 7. 5000 s. $40.12 9. $25.00 10. $38.42 11. 495 -479 -37.84 - ? + ? x 99 $23.59 $96.39 Oral 1. Name all the letters used in Roman notation and give the value of each. 2. A half inch and a quarter inch are how many quarters ? A half dollar and a quarter dollar ? 3. Put your pencil at the left end of the rule (p. 122). Move it 11 inches to the right. Move it f inch farther. How many inches have you moved it ? 1 \ + f = ? 126 MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION Oral l. a. 24x10 2. a. 12x70 3. a. 46x20 6. 45x100 6. 16x30 &. 15x40 c. 16x20 c. 420x20 c. 12x600 d. 18x20 d. 51x100 d. 15x50 e. 30x10 6. 7x1000 e. 90x100 4. a. 160 + 10 5. a. 80-40 6. a. 600-300 b. 230-10 b. 280-40 b. 800-200 c. 40-20 c. 250 + 50 c. 1800-900 d. 80-20 d. 420-70 d. 36000 + 9000 e. 100 + 20 e. 860 + 20 e. 720 + 120 7. A pail weighs If pounds, the cover \ pound, and the contents of the pail 20 pounds. If you carry it, how many pounds must you carry ? 8. If George gained 5f lb. during vacation and lost \ lb. during the first week of school, how much heavier was he then, than when the vacation began ? ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION 9. a. 2|+i 10. a. n+n 11. a. 2f+9J b. H + H b. 5f + li b. 6i-i c. 7i + 8J c. 2f + | c. 7-1 d. 4J + 81 d. 7i + i d. 8J-31 e. H+i e. H+n e. fi3 _ 1 U 4 4 12. a. 5J + I 13. a- 81-1 °2 4 14. a. 53-29 b. 6| + H b. H-t b. 86-79 c. n+i c. 8* + ? = 8* c. 65-38 d. H + H d. 51 + ? = 6 d. 59 + 32 e. 12J + 71 e. 4f-? = 41 ^2 e. 86 + 49 Written PERIMETER 127 Fig. 1. Fig. 3. Fig. 5. Fig. 2. The sum of all the sides of a figure is its perimeter. 1. Measure the four sides of Figure 4. Add them. What is the perimeter of Figure 4 ? 2. Measure the sides of Figure 5. Find its perimeter. 3. Find the perimeter of Figure 1 ; of Figure 3 ; of Figure 2. 4. Draw on the blackboard a square 9 in. on a side . a. Its perimeter is how many inches ? o. How many feet ? 5. Draw a square whose perimeter is 48 in. How many inches long and wide must it be ? 6. Measure your paper and find its perimeter. 7. Draw on the blackboard a rectangle 2 ft. long and 6 in. wide. Find its perimeter. 8. A garden bed is 12 ft. long and 8 ft. wide. Make a drawing of it, using i in. for 1 ft. What is its perimeter ? &. A city lot is 150 ft. long and 50 ft. wide. What is its perimeter ? Draw it, using 1 in. for 50 ft. 128 MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION Oral and Written There are 2000 pounds in one ton (T.). One horse can draw a ton of coal. A two-horse load of coal usually contains two tons. Farmers usually take to market about one ton of hay at a load. A large flagstone may weigh about one ton. Can you name something else that weighs about one ton ? 1. How many pounds in 2 T. of coal ? In 1^ tons ? In 12 tons ? In f of a ton ? In J ton ? In -fa of a ton ? In 6 \ tons ? 2. A load of iron rails weighs 3 tons. The wagon weighs 1250 lb. The horses weigh 2600 lb. The bridge that the load is drawn across must be strong enough to hold up pounds. 3. A car load of coal weighs 28000 lb. How many wagon loads of 2 T. each will it make ? 4. Mrs. Allen bought a quarter of a ton of coal. How many poimds did she buy ? 5. A ton of butter was packed in pails holding 50 lb. each. How many pails were used ? 6. 20 bales of cotton, each containing 500 lb., weigh how many pounds ? How many tons ? 7. 1000 lb. is what part of a ton ? 500 lb. ? 200 lb. ? 8. How many pounds in 5 T. ? 7 T. ? 21 T. ? \ T. ? 9. How many ounces in 1 ton ? In 7 T. ? In \ T. ? 10. A ton of hay was pressed into bales weighing 200 pounds apiece, a. How many bales were there ? b. How many such bales would 1\ tons make? c. llf tons ? Oral DIVISION 129 1. Division is often indicated by writing the dividend above a line and the divisor beloiv the same line, thus : ¥=12 + 3 = 4; ¥ = 3;-^- = ;|f = ;.¥- • 2. Give the quotients: -*/; ^5 Wi^ifi W- 3. When the dividend does not contain the divisor an exact number of times, the remainder is written over the divisor, as a, fraction, thus - 3 ^ = 4§. This means that there are four 9's in 38, and 2 over, or, that the quotient of 38 divided by 9 is 4f . Find the quotients : ^ ; V" ; ¥ 5 ¥ 5 ¥ J ¥ 5 W 5 if 4. At 40 cents a pound, what is the cost of ^ lb. of peppermints and \ lb. of lemon drops ? Written i. Divide 26670 by 35. 762 35 1 26670 35 ig midway between 30 and 40. 3 is contained 245 i n 26 eight times. 4 is contained in 26 six times. So 217 the first quotient figure is between 6 and 8, or 7. In 210 a similar manner we get 6 for the second figure of the ^77 quotient. 70 2. 8675 + 25 (use 2 and 3 for guide figures). 3. 3082 -4- 46 (use 4 and 5 for guide figures). Find the quotients : 1 q 1890 1Q 2.788 ,, 3J111 12 1^_4_8_8 ,3 ,5_1 5 9 & 9 * ¥5 ■ LO - 3 4 *** 8 5 ■ L ^' 4 6 ■ L ' 5 - 8 5 1 Examples 4 to 13 should be read, " 2210 divided by 65," etc. 130 MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION Oral and Written i. On the blackboard, make a square 1 ft. wide. How long is it ? What is it called ? Describe a square foot. 2. Make a rectangle 3 ft. by 7 ft. How many square feet (sq. ft) does it contain ? Mark off the square feet in the rectangle. 3. How many square feet in an oblong 9 ft. by 8 ft. ? 7 ft. by 12 ft. ? 11 ft. by 12 ft. ? 6 ft. by 7 ft. ? 4. Measure the length and breadth of your schoolroom and find the number of square feet in the floor. Note. — Length and breadth are dimensions. 5. The floors in our house are rectangles and have the following dimensions : Reception room 12 ft. by 11^ ft. Dining room 13 ft. by 16 ft. Library 18 ft. by 13 ft. Hall 8 ft. by 18 ft. Kitchen 12| ft. by 14 ft. a. Find the number of square feet in each of the floors. b. In all the floors. Draw the hall, using J- in. for 1 ft. 6. Measure the top of your desk and find the number of square inches it contains. (Omit fractions.) 7. Mr. Fancher's sidewalk is 5 ft. wide and 66 ft. long* What did it cost at 11 ^ per square foot? 8. What would it cost to put an oak floor in the li- brary (question 5) at 17 ^ per square foot ? 9. A skating rink 98 ft. by 212 ft. contains bow many square feet ? Find its perimeter. AREA 131 1. Hold your hands 1 yd. apart. Hold your hand one yard above the floor. Without a rule, draw on the black- board a square one yard long. How wide is it ? Measure and correct it. What is it called ? Describe a square yard, 2. The top of your teacher's desk contains about how many square yards (sq. yd.) ? 3. Estimate the number of square yards in the floor of your schoolroom. Measure and see how nearly right you are. 4. A courtyard is 12 yd. wide and 43 yd. long. How much would it cost to pave it at $ 1\ a square yard ? 5. The number of square units (square yards, square feet, square inches, etc.) that a surface contains is its area. How do we find the area of a rectangle ? 6. When the area and one dimension of a rectangle are given, how can we find the other dimension ? 7. The area of a dining table is 36 sq. ft. Its width is 4 ft. What is its length ? Draw it, using ^ in. for 1 ft. 8. A pane of glass is 28 in. by 32 in. a. What is its area? b. A room with 3 windows, each having 2 such panes, has how many square inches of glass ? 9. Measure a floor in your house and compute the area. Make a drawing, using J in. for 1 ft. 10. There are 5280 ft. in a mile. If a pavement is a mile long and 50 ft. wide, how many square feet in it ? li. A mile is 1760 yd. How many square yards in a street 1 mile by 20 yd. ? 132 DIVISION Written i. Find the value of ^ 3