VG A5 1922, |jffl|WSffl3|M| UC-NRLF ^C 25 275 ^^. I NAVY DEPARTMENT refer to initials I — ffj-ZJ"// 'W^SHXN'GKTON' 17 June 1922 From; Chief of HaTal Operations. To: All Bureaus, Offices and Stations ooncerned. SUBJECT: Ha-val Aeronautic Organization for Fiscal Year 19E3, 1« The Haval Aeronautic Organization for the fiscal year 1923 is as specified helow in two parts: Naval Aeronautic Or- ganization afloat and Haval Aeronautic Organization on shore:- I> HAYAL AEKOgAUTIO OR&AKIZATIOH AFIOAT !• The Aeronautic organization afloat will he concen- trated as heretofore in the ship and aircraft organizations formerly designated Air Sqiuadrons Atlantic Fleet and Air Squadrons Pacific Fleet. The names of these two organiza- tions are changed respectively to AIRCRAFT SQUADRONS SCOUT- ING FliEKT AND AIRCRAFT SQUADRONS BATTIE FLEET. Zm The present practice of numbering some of the Air- craft Squadrons to conform to the number of the squadron of ships they serve in the fleet is hereby superseded by the system of numbering all Aircraft Squadrons serially in each class in the order of the authorization for organizing them; the class names of Aircraft Squadrons conform to the stand- ard nomenclature given on page 7 of Ships Data, U.S. Naval Tessel. 3. The following assignment of Aircraft Squadrons to Fleets and to ships under Aircraft Squadrons Command has been made by the Chief of Naval Operations after consulta- tion with the Bureau of Aeronautics. Temporary changes in the assignment of any Aircraft Squadron within their Fleets or Forces, including assignments to base temporarily on a shore station, or elsewhere on shore, may be made at the discretion of the Commander of the Fleet or Force to which the Aircraft Squadron is assigned; all such changes shall be reported promptly to the Chief of Naval Operations and to the Chiefs of Bureaus of Navigation and Aeronautics. 4. Assignments of planes and operating personnel to individual ships not under Aircraft Squadrons command will be made by the Fleet or Force Com:nander concerned from the Aircraft Squadrons listed below as available for such as- r i ^ -% - 8 - signments; these assigninents, which shoiild he reported promptly to the Chief of Bfaval Operations and the Biireaus of navigation and Aeronautics, will he made hy seotions, hoth as regards air- craft and personnel; the personnel in a section will normally be composed of the pilots and plane crews assigned to the planes in a section; hut if necessary, additional men from the Squadron Details may he added to the sections to assist in the maintenance of the planes aboard the ships they operate from. 5* The aircraft organissation assigned to the Scouting JT.eet is the AIRClldJ'T SQUADROHS SOOUTIUG FLHST, which will be composed of the following units: (a) WRIGHT (b) SAUDPIPER (c) SCOUTING PLAJ3B SQUADHOH 1. (Formerly designated Scouting Squadron 2) (d) TORPPIDO Am BCLIBIKG PLAKB SQUADROH 1. (Formerly designated Torpedo-Plane Squadron l) (e) KITS BALIOOH SQUADROH 1. Uote: The omission of fighting planes from the Aircraft Squad- rons Scouting Fleet is due to the delay in the completion of the flying field at ^.k.S. Hampton Roads • 6. General duties and operating allowances of the above unit are as follows; (a) WRIGHT Flagship of Commander Aircraft Squadrons Scouting fleet; base for all personnel of Scouting Plane Squadron 1 or Tor- pedo and Bombing Plane Squadron 1, and for Kite Balloon Squad- ron 1, as directed by Commander Scouting Fleet. (b) SAimPIPER Auxiliary Aircraft Tender; sub-base for personnel of sections of Scouting Plane Squadron 1, Torpedo and Bombing Plane Squadron 1, or Kite Balloon Squadron. (c) SCOUTIKG PLATO SQUADROH 1 (YS Squadron l) Formerly designated Scouting Squadron 2. Standard operating allowance 18 twin engine seaplanes for scouting, bombing, and screen laying duty in conjunction with fleet v.^^ mm iQ mm \ exercises. Attached to Weight; "base temporarily on N.A.S* Hampton Roads when directed hy Commander Scouting Fleet, < alternating with 7T Squadron 1 on Wright • This squadron will "begin operations in fiscal year 1923 with two divi- sions (IE planes) ; the remaining division will he organized as soon thereafter as personnel "becomes availahle. As soon as the radio experiments heing carried on by N.0.9 are com- pleted; the personnel used with that plane will then "be transferred to Scouting Squadron 1. Squadron organization and numbering of planes as follows: Division 1 - VS Squadron 1 (Section 1 - ( ( (Section 2 - ( ( (Section 3 - (Plane and crew Ho. (Plane and crew 5o« (Plane and crew Ho* (Plane and crew Ho. (Plane and crew No. (plane and crew Ho# ISl 1S2 1S3 134 1S5 1S6 Division 2 - (Section 4 - ( ( (Section 6 - ( (Section 6 «- (Plane and crew Ho. 1S7 (Plane and crew Ho« 1S8 (Plane and crew Ho. 1S9 (PlGOie and crew No. ISIO (Plane and crew No. ISll (Plane and crew Ho. 1S12 (Section 7 - ( ( Division 3 - (Section 8 - ( ( (Section 9 - (Plane and crew Ho. 1313 (Plane and crew Ho. 1314 (Plane and crew Ho. 1S16 (Plane and crew Ho. 1316 (Plane and crew Ho. 1317 (Plane and crew Ho# 1318 Beplacement planes: Hos. 1S19, 1320, etc. Squadron Details: Structure repair Power plant repair Hadio repair Gunnery i- { V :^ \ tm ^ mm Photography Clerical Greneral Supply Commissary Medioal (d) JOREKDO MP BOMBIKS PLAMB SQUADROK 1 (VT Squadron l) Formerly designated Torpedo Plsuae Squadron 1» Standard operating allowance 18 single engine torpedo-planes for tor- pedo and "bomhing duty in conjunction with fleet exercises. Attached to Wright; "base temporarily on K.A«S« Hampton Roads, or elsewhere on shore, as directed by Commander Scouting Fleet, alternating with VS Squadron 1 in hasing on Wright. (OJhe ultimate assignment of this squadron is to Carrier Ho. 1) Squadron organization and numbering of planes as follows: YT Squadron 1 (Section 1 - ( ( Division 1 - (Section Z - ( ( (Section 3 - (Plane and crew Ho. (Plane and crew Ho. (Plane and crew Ho. (Plane and crew Ho. (Plane and crew Ho. (Plane and crew Ho. ITl 1T2 ITS 1T4 1T5 ITS Division 2 - (Section 4 - ( ( (Section 5 - ( ( (Section 6 - (Plane and crew Ho# 1T7 (Plane and crew Ho* ITS (Plane eaad crew Ho. 1T9 (Plane and crew Ho. ITIO (Plane and crew Ho. ITll (Plane and crew Ho. 1T12 (Section 7 Division 3 - (Section 8 i (Section 9 (Plane and crew Ho. 1T13 (Plane and crew Ho. 1T14 (Plane and crew Ho. 1T15 (Plane and crew Ho. 1T16 (Plane and crew Ho. 1T17 (Plane and crew Ho. 1T18 Replacement planes; Hos. 1T19, 1T20, etc. # ef :^ - 6 - Squadron Details:- Struotiire repair Power plant repair Torpedo Gunnery Photography Olerioal General Supply Commissary Uedloal (e) Kia?B BALLOOH SQUADRON 1 (ZK Squadron l) Standard operating allowance 4 kite balloons (i/e squadron) for taotioal development of Icite "balloon operations with the fleet, and at advance hases* Attached to Wright; hase on Wright or temporarily at ]!«A^S« Hampton Hoads as directed "by Commander Scouting Fleet. Squadron organization and numbering of balloons as follows: (Section 1 - Balloon and crew Ho. 1 Tvi 4o4 n (Section 2 - Balloon and crew No* 2 mvision 1 - (Section 3 - Balloon and crew Ko. 3 (Section 4 - Balloon and crew No* 4 Heplacement balloons; Hos« 5» 6, etc. Squadron De tails : - Inflation and repair ^drogen Clerical Gren eral Supply Commissary Medical ?• (The Aircraft Squadrons Scouting Fleet will depend on H.A.S. Hampton Hoads for all major repairs and overhaul of aircraft material. 8. The aircraft organization assigned to the Battle Fleet is the AIHCRAFT SQUADRONS BATTLE FLSET, which will be composed of the following units: (Note: This organization contains, in YF Squadron 3. the nucleus of the AIRCRAFT SQUADROKS FEFET BASE FORCE - the organization of which is deferred because no vessel is available at present for assignment as flagship.) ( - 6 - (a) AR0CSG?00g (Until relieved "by Langley) (b) UVH&ICT (When available to relieve Aroostook on Pacifio Coast) (o) TORPESDO AJSD BOMBING PLAJ8E SQUAPROir 0, . (Kew organization to be formed from Seaplane Patrol Squadron !•) (d) QB3ERYATI01? PLAUE SQUA3)R0H 1> (Formerly designated Spotting Squadron 4.) (e) QBSKRVATION PLAICB 3QUADRQH &> (Formerly designated Spotting Squadron 3.) (f) OBSBRVATIOli PLAITS SQUAJ>ROH 5 . (Formerly designated Spotting Squadron H.) (g) FIGHTIES PLAMB SQUADROK 1> (Formerly designated Combat Squadron 4«) (h) FIGHTIUG PLAH5 SQ.UA33ROg Z. (Formerly designated Combat Squadron 3.) (i) FISHTIHG PIAMB SQUAMOH 5 . (Hew organization) 9« Greneral duties and operating allowances of the above units are as follows: (a) ahoostooe:. Klagship of Commander Aircraft Squadrons Battle Fleet un- til relieved by Langley. Base for all personnel of torpedo and bombing plane Sqiaadron 2 until detached from Aircraft Squadrons Com mand* (b> LAHGLEHY . Unattached until ready to relieve Aroostook; prior to pro- ceeding to the Pacific Coast the Langley will conduct flying off «^- YO Squadron 1 Division 1 - (Section 1 (Section 2 (Section 3 (Section 4 (Section 5 (Section 6 (Section 7 (Section 8 (Section 9 Division Z - (Section (Section (Section (Section (Section (Section (Section (Section (Section 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Plane Plane Plane Plane Plane Plane Plane Plane Plane • Plane • Plane • Plane • Plane • Plane • Plane ' Plane • Plane ' Plane and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and crew crew crew crew crew crew crew crew crew Ho. l/l JSo. 1/2 Ho. 1/3 Ho. 1/4 Ho. 1/5 Ho. 1/6 Ho. 1/7 Ho. 1/8 Ho.^ 1/9 crew crew crew crew crew crew crew crew crew Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. 1/10 1/11 1/12 1/13 l/l4 l/l5 1/16 1/17 1/I8 Heplaoement planes: Nos. l/l9» l/^O, etc. Sqiiadron Details:- Structure repair Power plant repair Hadio repair Gronnery Clerical General Supply Commissary Medical (e) OBSERVATIOH PLAHE SQUADROH 2 (TO Squadron 2) Formerly designated Spotting Squadron 3. Standard operating allowance and regular duties same as 70 Squadron 1. As additional duty this squadron will carry on the development of the use of small single seat observation planes with sub- marines; for this purpose two experimental type planes, addi- tional to the regalar operating allowemce, will he supplied early in the fiscal year. Personnel of this squadron attached to Aroostook until Aroostook is relieved, then to Langley; hut on account of insufficient space aboard ship, this squadron will base temporarily on H.A.S. San Diego or elsewhere on shore as directed by Commander Battle Ileet. (This squadron will be as- signed to Carrier Ho. 2 and later to Carrier Ho. 3) , Squadron organization and numbering of planes as follows: I - 10 - YO Sqxiadron 2 Division 1 - Division 2 - (Section 1 - (Section 2 - (Section 3 - (Section 4 - (Section 5 - (Section 6 - (Section 7 - (Section 8 - (Section 9 - (Section 10 (Section 11 (Section 12 (Section 13 (Section 14 (Section 16 (Section 16 (Section 17 (Section 18 Plane Plane Plane Plane Plane Plane Plane Plane Plane • Plane • Plane • Plane - Plane • Plane • Plane - Plane • Plane • Plajae and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and crew crew crew crew crew crew crew crew crew Ho. Ro« Ho« Bo. No. 19o« Ko« Ho* No* crew crew crew crew crew crew crew crew crew Ho« No. No. No. No* No. No. No. No* 2/1 2/2 2/3 2/4 2/5 2/6 4^ 2/8 2/9 2/10 2/11 2/12 2/13 2/l4 2/16 2/16 2/17 2/18 Be placement Planes; los. 2/l9, 2/20, etc. Squadron Details:- Structure repair Power plant repair Radio repair Gunnery Clerical General Supply Commissary Medical (f) QBSEHYATION PLANS SQUADRON 3 (YO Squadron 3) Formerly designated Spotting Squadron LI. Standard operating allowance 8 two seat oTDservation planes - special type - for reconnaissance duty with Scout Cruisers attached to Battle Pleet. Personnel of this squadron attached to Aroostook until Aroostoolc is relieved, then to Langley; hut, on account of insufficient space ahoard ship, this squadron will hase temporarily on N.A.S. San Diego, or elsewhere on shore as directed "by Commander Battle Fleet. When Scout Cruisers are equipped to receive planes, the sections of this squadron will he attached to and quartered on hoard Scout Cruisers as assigned "by Commander Battle Fleet. Remainder of f Division 1 - - 11 - squadron will tlien "be quartered on "board the Langley. Pending delivery of the new planes for this squadron, the personnel as- signed to it will assist TF Squadron E in its additional duty,- land plane training - referred to under suh-paragraph (h) "below. Squadron organization and numhering of planes as follows; YO Squadron 5 -_ _ . (Plane and orew Ho. S/l (Seotion 1 - (piane and orew Ho. 3/2 ' ^. ^ (Plane and crew No. s/s (Section E - (piane and orew Ho. 3/4 5 (Plane and orew Ho. 3/6 (Section 3 - (piane and crew Ho.- 3/6 f (Plane and crew Ho. 3/7 (Section 4 - (piane and crew Ho. 3/8 Replacement planes Hos. 3/9, 3/lO, etc. Squadron Be tails :-> Structure Repair Power plant repair Radio repair Clerical General Supply Commissary Medical (g) FISHTIHS PLAHS SQUADROH 1 (VF Squadron l) Fozmerly designated Combat Squadron 4. Standard opera- ting allowance 18 single seat fighting planes for air fighting duties with "battleships, particularly in air protection of "battleships and protection of aircraft spotting formations. Personnel of this squadron attached to Aroostook until Aroostook is relieved, then to lEingley; hut, on account of insufficient space ahoard ship, this squadron will "base temporarily on H.A.S. San Diego, or elsewhere on shore, as directed by Commander Battle Fleet. When battleships are equipped to receive fighting planes, the sections of this squadron will be attached to and quartered on board battleships as assigned by Commander Battle 5T.eet; re- mainder of squadron personnel, with replacement planes and spares will be temporarily based on H.A.S. San Diego until an airplane tender is available to receive them. Squadron organization and 1^ .J - 12 - numbering of planes as follows: Yg Squadron 1 Division 1 - (Section 1 (Section Z (Section 3 (Section 4 (Section 5 (Section 6 (Section 7 (Section 8 (Section 9 Division S - (Section (Section (Section (Section (Section (Section (Section (Section (Section 10 11 1£ 13 14 15 16 17 18 Plane Plane Plane Plane Plane Plane Plane Plane Plane • Plane • Plane Pl8uae • Plane • Plane • Plane • Plane • Plane • Plane suid and and and and and and and and crew crew orew crew crew orew crew crew crew Ho* Ho« No. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. and and and and and and and and and crew crew crew crew orew crew crew crew crew Ho. Ho. Ho* Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. IKL 1W2 11« 1^4 1F6 15^ 1F7 1P8 1P9 IKLO IFll 1F12 1P13 1F14 lias 1F16 1F17 Beplacement planes; Hos. 1F19, 1F20, etc. Squadron Details :- Structure repair Power plant repair . Grunnery Clerical (ren eral Supply Gommissary Medical (h) fflGHTIHG PLAHB SQUADROK 2 (YF Squadron 2) Formerly designated Combat Squadron 3. Standard opera- ting allowEuice, duties, location, and planned assignment same as VP Squadron 1. Squadron organization and numbering of planes as follows: Division 1 - YF Squadron 2 (Section 1 - Plane and crew Ho. (Section 2 - plane and crew Ho. (Section 3 - Plane and crew Ho. (Section 4 - Plane and orew Ho. (Section 5 - Plane and crew Ho. 2F1 2F2 2F3 2F4 2F5 € f - 13 - t> Division 1 (cont'd) Division Z - (Section 6 - (Section 7 (Section 8 - (Section 9 - (Section 10 (Section 11 (Section IB (Section 13 (Section 14 (Section 16 (Section 16 (Section 17 (Section 18 Plane and orew Ho. 2F6 Plane and orew No. 2F7 Plane and crew Ho. £f8 Plane and crew Ho. SF9 Plane Plane Plane Plane Plane Plane Plane Plane Plane and and and and and and and and and crew crew crew crew crew crew crew crew crew Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. 2F10 ZWll znz Z¥1Z 2KL4 2ia5 2P16 2F17 2118 He placement planes; Hos. 2ia9, 2^20, etc. Squadron Details:- Structure repair Power plant repair Gunnery Clerical General Supply Commissary Uedical Hote: As additional duty, pending delivery of the standard allowance of fighting planes, this squadron will carry on the primary land plane training of officers and enlisted men of the Aircraft Squadrons Battle Fleet and the Haval Air Station, San Diego who are detailed for this training. For this purpose a temporary allowance of 18 single engine airplanes (primary land training type) is authorized. After the primary land plane training of these officers and men is completed, the Command- er Aircraft Squadrons Battle Fleet will make recommendations to the Bureau of navigation, through the Bureau of Aeronautics, for their distribution to units under his command or for return to duty at the Haval Air Station, San Diego. Officers and men assigned to units in the Aircraft Squadrons Battle Fleet will complete their land plane training iii. the squadrons to which they are assigned* (i) FIGHTIHG PLAME 3QUADRQH 3 (YF Squadron 3) Hew organization. Standard operating allowance 18 single seat fighting planes for air fighting duties with KLeet Base Force, particularly in air protection of train ships. (Hote: Olhis squadron will be the nucleus of the AIRCIUFT SQUTADROHS FIKET BASE FORCE, hut is listed with the Battle Fleet pending >> - 14 - t' the availalDility of a flagship for the new organization* ) The personnel of this squadron will Toe attached to and quartered on board the Iiangley* When six train ships, to he designated later, are ecLuipped to receive fighting planes, the sections of this sqitadron will he attached to and quartered on board train ships as assigned by Oommander Battle Fleet on request of Commander ffleet Base Force; remainder of squadron personnel, with as many replacement planes and spares as practicable, remain on Langley; remainder of replacement planes and spares will be stored at H.A.S. San Diego, Prior to the time that train ships are equipped to receive planes, this squadron will conduct flying off and flying on experiments with the special allowance of planes previously authorized; replacements of this special allowance as planes are expended will be made with the type of fighting planes that may be prescribed by the Bureau of Aero- nautics as standard equipment for this squadron. Squadron or- ganization and numbering of planes as follows: ' yg Squadron 5 (Plane and crew No, 3F1 Section 1 - (Plane and crew Ho* 3F2 (Plane and crew No, 3F3 (Plane and crew Ho, 3F4 Section E - (Plaae and crew No, 3F6 (Plane and crew Ho, 3F6 (Plane and crew Ho, 3F7 Section 3 - (Plane and crew Ho, 3F8 (Plane and crew Ho, 3F9 (Plane and crew Ho, 3F10 Section 4 - (Plane and crew Ho, 3F11 (Plane and crew Ho, 3F12 Division 1 - Division 2 - (flane and crew Ho, 3F13 Section 5 - (Plane and crew Ho, 3F14 (Plane and crew Ho, 3F16 (Plane and crew Ho, 3F16 Section 6 - (Plane and crew Ho, 3F17 (Plane and crew Ho, 3F18 Replacement planes: los, 3F19, 3F20, etc. - 15 - Squadron Details:- Structure repair Power plant repair Gruimery Clerical General Supply Commissary Medical 10. The Aircraft Squadrons Battle Fleet will depend on N.A.S^ San Diego for all major rejairs and overhaul of aircraft material, II, BAYAL AHROMAUTIO 0HGAHI2ATI01? OH SHOHB !• The Naval Aeronautic organization on shore will comprise the following: (1) For Bureau administration and work in connection with de- sign, production, inspection and test of aircraft material: (a) Bureau of Aeronautics (b) Material Inspection Details (c) Haval Aircraft Factory (d) Naval Air Station, Anaoostia. (e) Naval Air Station, Lake hurst. (f) Naval Air Detail, Newport, (g) Naval Air Detail, Dahlgren. (h) Helium Project (i) Detail to Naval War College (j) Detana Abroad. (2) For support of operations of the Fleet Aircraft Squadrons: (a) Naval Air Station, Hampton Heads. (b) Naval Air Station, San Diego. (c) Naval Air Station, Coco Solo, (d) Naval Air Station, Pearl Harbor. (S) For training of personnel for aeronautic duty: (a) Naval Air Station, Pensacola, (IE)) Aviation Mechanics School, Great Lakes, (c) Post graduate Detail, (4) Inactive Coastal Air Stations: (a) Naval Air Station Chatham. (b) Naval Air Station Cape May. (c) Naval Air Station Hockaway. (Subject to transfer of land • from the state of New York to the Navy Department.) e / - 16 - Z* Seneral duties of organizations listed imder paragraph 1 (1) a"bove: (a) BURBAIT OF AHROMUTIOS Activities in oanfonai-ty with ITavy Department General Order Ho« 66, (b) MAIBRIAL IMSPBOTIOH BBTAILS Inspection of aircraft material in manufaotxire at civil plants, and at the Baval Aircraft Factory. (c) HAYAL AIJRCRAPT FAOTORY Development and manufacture of experimental aircraft and aircraft accessories of a nature requiring confidential development or of a class of work that can he performed more expeditiously or more economically at that place than at civil plants. Also a limited amount of aircraft production work, - sufficient to maintain a nearly constant experimental working force and to obtain information on civil production costs, ©le Baval Aircraft Factory will include in its activities the maintenance of the aircraft material store houses, and the maintenance and distribution of material therein. (d) HAYAL AIR Sm^IOg AHAOOSTIA . Test work in the air required for the development of aircraft types and aircraft accessories excepting accessories under the cognizance of the Bureau of Ordnance, and excepting such work as can be performed more conveniently by units of the Fleet Aircraft Squadrons, or at other stations. Operating allowsmce: Z twin engine seaplanes 2 single engine seaplanes 4 single engine airplanes 1 photography plane Also on an average of 6 new or experimental type planes, for test flying, as may be desired by the Bureau of Aeronautics. (e) HAYAL AIR SO^ATIOH LAKEHURST Assembly and test of airship ZR-1; operation, mainte- nance and repair of same when completed; operation, maintenance and repair of airship 2B-5 when delivered from Germany. After - 17 - 1 January 1983 add: Preliminary training of nucleus crews for above airships; operating allowance for training prior to availaljility of rigid airships* 1 Uon-rigid airship (helium) 3 Free halloons. it) HAVAL AIR miTAJL NKWPORT Provide flight facilities for assisting Bureau of Ordnance in the development of torpedoes for aircraft. Operating allowance: 2 Single engine torpedo planes, 1 Single engine seaplane* (g) HAYAL AIR IXBTAII. DAHiaRBH Provide the flight facilities required hy the Bureau of Ordnance at that station* Operating allowance: Z Single engine airplanes. 1 Single engine seaplane* (h) HBLIUM PROJBOa! . The necessary work, in cooperation with the War De- partment and Department of the Interior, for the production and storage of helium* (1) DBTAIL TO NAYAI WAR OOLIESB Liaison hetween the Bureau of Aeronautics and the Haval War College. (i) DHTAILS ABROAD Duties of aviation assistants to Haval Attaches at London and Berlin* Inspection of construction of 2R-3 at I*reidrichshafen* 3« General duties of organizations listed under paragraph 1 (2) above: (a) HA7AL AIR STATIOE EAMPTOH ROADS / - 18 - Pleet Air Base; major repairs and overhaul of air- craft material assigned to Aircraft Squadrons Scouting Fleet. Operating eaiowance for general utility: £ QTwin engine seaplanes 2 Single engine seaplanes Z Single engine airplanes Prior to 1 Jsmuary 1923 this station will undertake a part of the preliminary training of the nucleus crews of airships ZS-1 and ZR-3; during that time, for this purpose it will have a I/A operating allowance of 1 non-rigid airship and 5 free balloons, (b) HAVAL AIR STATION SAH DIEGO Pleet Air Base; major repairs and overhaul of aircraft material assigned to Aircraft Squadrons Battle Fleet, Opera- ting allowance for genercuL utility: 2 Twin engine seaplanes 2 Single engine seaplanes (o) HAVAL AIR SO^ATION 0000 SOLO Fleet Air Base; in a reserve status. Operating allow- ance for general utility: 2 Single engine seaplanes 2 Single engine airplanes (d) BAYAL AIR STATIOU HSARL HARBOR Fleet Air Base; in a reserve status. Operating allow- ance for general utility: 6 Single engine seaplanes 2 Single engine airplanes 4« General duties of organizations listed under paragraph 1 (3) ahove: (a) HAYAL AIR SJAa?IOH EBRSAOOLA Training schools for Haval Aviators and Haval Aviation Pilots to be conducted in accordance with syllabus approved by - 19 - the Bureau of navigation 9 April 19aa. (Eraining schools for Baval Aviation Observers* Operating allowance of pleuaes as follows : 30 Single engine seaplanes; (primary training type) 22 Single engine seaplanes; (Griinnery training type) 6 Single engine torpedo and homhing planes. 15 Twin engine seaplanes EO Single engine airplanes; (primary land training type 8 Single engine spotting planes 8 Single engine oomhat training planes. Cb) AVIATIOlSf MSOHARIOS SCHOOL GRBAO) MKBS Training school fcr enlisted aviation ratings to he conducted in accordance with syllabus approved by Bureau of Navigation 1 Ifcirch 1922. (o) POST GRADUATB PBTAIL Post graduate courses for officers in Aeronautical Engineering at Naval Academy and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 5* General duties of the four inactive coastal Air Stations listed 'Under paragraph 1 (4) above are: maintenance of public works and public utilities and of all government property stored within the station limits. CfL, S ^-^TyTccr ff ^- I 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book IS due on the last date stamped below , on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall JSSe^MM. RRC^D LP 29Apr'60ftT ^^eoDxo -MR. t^-issa LD 21-100m-6 '56 (B93HslO)476 General Library University of California Berkeley 956694 As. YE 18390 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY