UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES L I F E and ACT S O F The Moft Victorious CON QJJ E R o R ROBERT B RUG E, King of SCOTLAND. Carefully correfted from the edition printed by Andro Hart in 1620. EDINBURGH: ^Printed in the Year, MDCCLVIII. T H E L I F E and AC T S Of the moft victorious CONQJJEROR R B E R T B R U C -L KING of S COT LA NT). >&3ies> to rrali are $ 'Uppofe tfiat tljcp be ncun;(jt fctit faMe : C(jen fijouin 3df tljep toere Cain fit n;ooti manner, 5cut)Ic pleafnnce in Clje ficfi pieafance fjs tfje Snti tlje otljec tlje roat f ofa(lnef0, Cijat (Ijelos tfje tfjino: tfefit ass it foa& anB rootljfatt tljing^ tljat ar^lffcanu, 10 Co meng Ijcarino; are maff pleafantr j Cijercfo^e 31 toouin fain fct mp tuifl, 3if mp toit migfit fufiice toecetil, A 196760 2Ufe ant> %tt$ of Co put tit fotft a footfjfaff ffo?p, Cljat ft laff ap fojtlj in memo^p, 15 @>o t&at no lengtf) of time it let, 5302 gar it fcaillp fie fojget, jTo? oin (lories tfjat men reafcg, Eepjefents to tljem tfte fceeus Of ftaltuatt folh tbat lifcen air, 20 Eic*t ^0 t&ep-t&cn in p^efence ioete* ann ccttes t&ep Ojoulti toeU Ija^e pjtfe, Cljat in tljeic time toete toigljt ano totfe, ann leu tfjeit life in great travel, aim oft in jam fto^r of tmtttl 25 enatuigljt great p?icc of efteualrp, toere of cofeat&p* tUaiS i^tng Robert Of Scotland, Cljat 6artip toa0 of leart anu ^ItU gOOH^ir James. 30 cbat in l)is time fo Cljat of Ijte pnce ann W0 fiountp, 3!nto far lantus renotDn'D U)as 6e. fiDf tfjem tljis faooU 31 tUtnU to ma ; BOUJ eptJ.gitie grace, tljat31 map ffoa 3 j Creat it, ann bnng it to enuing, Cljat 31 fap nought but footfjfaif tfttng* 2Bijen Alexander tlje King luaiES ueaD, Cljat Scotland &an to (leer anu lean, Clje lanti fir pears? ann mo^e perfap, 4 lap oefolate after Ijis nap 5 CiU tbat tfie barnage, at tlje laff, aflemblen tljem, ann fainnen faft, Co cljoofe a Hitng tljeir lann to (feer, Cljat of anceftrp coming toere ^ 45 2Df &tnotf tijat ati^t tfjat topaltie, and mod Ijad tigljt tljeic fting to fce t&at 10 fo fellon, among tgem great diflenfion ; 5f o? fome tooum Ijatje tlje Baiioi 50 jfo? (je tuag coming of t(je f)f &et t&at eineft fiftec U)a0, anu ot&ec fome Henp'o tljat cafe, ana fain, C&at 6e tfieic fting fljoulti fie 3 Cljat toajs in as near a tirgcee, coming ftjast of t&e neyt male, in a fyancfj collateral, fain, ^uccefllan of feincik not to lofoec feu0 alike, Ifo^ tljece mifffjt fucceed no temafe, 60 mWe founnen miffbt fte anp male, C6at toece in line efcen nefcentianD, Cljep Ijace all ot&ec toaps on Ijann 5 5Fo? tfien tlje ne]ct coming: of t!je feerr, tooman, fyouin fucceen, tljis reafon t6at pact tljoujjljt ijatll, Cljat tfie lO^n Of Ananderdale, Robert tfte Bruce, (at:l Of Carrick, )un:l)t to fucceen to Clje 'Bacong tljus tnece at 70 and on no manner mirjljt acco?n, Cill at tlje lad tlje? aft conceded, Cljat all tljeic fpeeclj fljouid be recorded CO g>tt Edward Of Eisgland l^miy, and ije njouid ftuear, Cfjat ftut feigning 75 ?)e ftould t|)at atlrtcp difclair, iUfe'ana 3tct of (BHljicIj fijouin ruccceu to fuclj a let Ijtm reign t&at ijan t(je rigljt, ojufnanee tljcp tljougljt tlje beff ; So fo? at tljat time tuas pence anD reft T5etflrirt Scotland aittl England anu tijep coult! not percctoe t(je Cljat toluarti tljem toass appearanu ; 5fO? tljat tlje H^iUg Of England 85 i^ein fuel) fricntiajip anti company Co tljeic l^ing, tbat toag fo troiu'n tljat Ije, aes ROOD g ftiennfome compofitour, fjafce juntjen in leal latotee, 'But otljetfoife all peeti tlje glee* a lilinties folk full of all folly, yt ttnbetljauijljt ^ott enferel^, peiil to pott migljt appear, ge Ijau not U)?oua;ljt on tljat manner* 5> an pe tane feeep fiotu tljat tljat IMns, $muapj3 fo;outten foiaurntno;, Cralierti for to tout fcnio^, tljjougfj Iji0 migljt to oecupp tljat luere to Ijim mercfjanlr, 100 %$ Wales U3H0, anil al6 Ireland, Cljat be put into fuclj tljirlage, Cljat tljep tljat toere of Ijiglj peerage run on foot, ass rifaalDail, tuoulu out* folk alTniL Durft none of Wales in battle riUe, 5Boi pet, fra e^en fell, a&iDe Came, p? tualleo toton toitljin, Cijat ije ajouin not life ami limbs tine. 3!nto ROBERT BRUCE. 3lnto fuclj tljirlagc tljem Ijelfc fje, 1 10 djat Ije o'ercame tf)?oug6 fjte pouffie, fe migljt fee be fljouin occupp ij?oun;f) fiigijt, ije couiti not tijiougl) maffrp. IDat) pe tane fceep Mjat tuais tljttlarje, 9nti 6ati confiticcti ftfsi ufage, Cljat gcippeu ap s tut gain gtofng, fo^outten ijte necmino:, cfjofett pou a ftlng, tljat mt'Q:6t (joitien lueU tfte lann'fn rtgfit Wales ettfample mtff&t 6abe been 120 Co pou, Ijau pe it but fopefeen ; anti tnife men fap, 5>e isJ ftappp, C6at tutU ftp otljec 6im cljattp, 5fo? unfair tfiings map fail pecfap s 30 inell tbe mom ajs pefteruap* 125 *Bttt pe trufleli unto laiotie, 30 fimple folk but maltoitte, anti tDift not tnljat Qouiu after tide; 5Fo? in t6t0 foo?ft tjjat f0 3$ none tietermfnate, tljat 130 ftnoto anp tljingis tljat are to fair, *But (^ou, tljat te of mod pou(lp 9 Eefet^eti to &te ^ajeftp ; Sfoi to fcnotu in Iji0 p?efc(ence, SDf all feinn time t&e ficft mouence* 1 3.5; 3in tljis manner alTenteu toere Clje TBarons, a0 j fain pou air, anti ttoouglj tijeir aller ftaill aflent, CE)eirenger0 to tint tfiep fent ; C6at tua0 tljen in tlje bolp lanlr, 140 >n Saraceny'0 loarrapan^ B inlr 3nn fca &e foiff foijat cbacge t&ep ban, 8>e tmsUcn (nm, but mace abaD, 3nn left putpofe tijat be ban tane, ann to England again ig gane* 145 ann fpne to Scotland tuojD fent fie, Cbat tljcp fflouin make an aflcmblie, ann fjc In ijp (ijoidD come to no, 3in all tfiings, a0 t&ep fiorit ijim to* But Ije tljougljt toeU, tlj^ouglj tljeic Defiate, 150 cijat (je Ojoulti flplv finD tfje gate, tfjat lie all tbe Senior, ijts creat migftt, fljoulti occupy tO Robert tlje Bruce fattl &e, 3jf tljou tDtlt {join in c&fef of me, iro? eDecmo?e, anU 31 ttjall no Co, pu Qall be ic, tfjen Tain Je, fo ^on me Clje Uincik ?atn 31 not to fiafce T5ut (fit fall of ngftt to me, 160 ann if on iuill tbat it fo fte, 3( Ojail as freely in all tfjtmx 8)oin it, a0 it effeics to fttng ; )? ais mine einerjs fo^ouclj me l>ein it in fceeft topaltte* i6j C&eotSet: to?eptl), ann to fiim ffoo?e, Cbat ije Ojouin Ija^e it ne&er mo?e, ann tucnen 6im in tn^at6 atoa^ *BUt SiC John Baliol pecfaj, aifenten foon to all (n# taill, 170 (KLlfiecet^ouglj fell aftec meiMe Hi. ttiao j^ing but a little toijiie, gceat rubtiltp aan ROBERT BRUCE. 7 S ojUttle encBefono? nane, 5>e ujais arreffetj, aim fjws fcme 5 175 ana negraucn fpne mas fte r CXiicmtie/ - *$ it frag, tfoouglj fo?ong 03 tiggt* toots ft, tljat 10 mod of OT6en ^>^ Edward, tljE 180 !|>an on tftfjs totfc tiong &$ UHtug; , ,. . L f)f John t^e Baliol, Ujat-fO fOOtl -f* ;. all nefaulteD antJ imuone v r ) r- Scotland tuetit fte tf)eit in 6p, aU tljc lonsi.can Pfciipp.., 185 o jattl, tfjat feQti) caftle ann tofmt ; OUere into 6i0 polftfliiait, 5fCOm Weik anettt Orkenay, Mulefnuke tit Galloway ; ftUffCtl all tmtfj Engliflimen* g)6ertffj3 aim 'Bailies ma&e !je tljcit, all fcitui otfiec Otficetjs to govern lano cffetrsf* mauc of Engiifli nation, Cfjat tDO?t6teH tljen fo tifffit fellon, 195 anti fo imcfccn ann covetous?, anti fa baUJtane nun CJjat Scottilhmen ttlig&t tlO Cljat eftet mig&t pleafe djeir fotoejs toouin tfje^ 200 ann tjjn'r uaugbtetjs nefpitcouflp ; ann if an? tljereat foere UJ^itfj, C&cp tuaiteti Ijtm foeil ioitB great fo? tfjep ftouin finn foon encljefon put ijim to 8 XleHtfe ana anti ff tljat anp man tBem bp, 8>an anp tfjtng tljat foa0 $$ fcotfe, 03 Stum, 02 ot&er Cijat foere pleafant to tljeff rattb rigftt o?t?onty ft 8abc luottID 210 anti if anp tuoulti tljem imtljhp; C6ep iMOitln fo no, tgat tlje? fljcuin tfne Citljec lann o; life, o? litje tifjpmc ^ IFoj tfiep Uempt tftem after tfjeit totlf, CaUtng no Ueep to rigfjt no? ghilf* 215 SUacc, tljep nempt tljem feilonlp \ 5fo? fome jyoon tAnigbtsi t&at? toece tuo^t6^ 3 jfo? Ifttle encjefon 'cfcmme, Cijep IjangcD up bp tljctc necWdnc; ^10 tljofe folk t&at cuec mecc free, anti in ftectiom tuont fo? to fie, tljeic great mi'fcljance anH foil?, tceaten tljen fo wtclietilp, Cljat t&dr faes tljetr juuffess lucre* ftuetcfjetmefc map man (jatje marc i a noble tfjinty, $ reetiom malted man to 5TreetJom all folace to men at eafc tijat freelp noble fjeart map fwtie none eafe, nougljt elfe tfiat map it pleafe, 31f freenom fail 5 fo; fiee Ufeing ; 3is3 parnen o'er all otljer tljinty. ! Bap, Ije tljat ap ijajs Men free, 99ap not knoto toell tlje p?opertie, 235 ljeann;er, nojt&eiJDjetcfjetniaom, Cijat toupien is to 230 ROBERT BRUCE, Butff&eijanafTapentt, Cljen all perqufec De ftouin ft tuft, 8nn fljouin tDink fceenom mo?e to pjffe, 240 c&an all tfje pin fn too^n tfjat te, Cfjus contracp tfjfngtf efcecmate Dffcofcecfnotf of tfje otfjec ace ; ann 6e tftat tljniru (0, fias not fite, ail tljat fjc fjatlj fn ftantJon fjj 245 Co ijf lo?u, tuftatfoc'er 6e fie, f et b^s 6e not Co mefhle free, ijte free tutu to leafce o; ua at ijfg {jeact ijim noe^ tyafo to* pet t^e Clecfcis mafie flttefffon, 250 Odften tljep fall fn Dtfputatfon, C6at if man iJuueljfjB tbnll outyljt no, fn tfie fame time came fjfm to ioife, ann asken fjfm fjec net Lo?ti0 neeo OjoulD 6et, 255 ann pap fitft tfiat 8e cte'tJ, ana Owe Do fou& all &te o|ti0 commantiitte, D? leai3e unpafa bfg tuffe, ann no TOngs tljat commannen f0 &fm to. 31 lease all tlje folutfon 260 Co tljem tljat ace of mo?e cenolon* But fince tljep mafee au compacfngr, niaetujf jet tlje nefits; of a ujennmff, ann a Lo?n0 iifnnfng to &fg tfi^fiL gou map tuell Tee, tDougl) none pou telt 265 5>oti) ijatn a t'wnff tljat t6^ainom f0 ; men map foell fee, tftat ace foffc* fs tbe fjacneft fiann anp man map tm on c jo ano 3iets of auto tbitttom 10 foell footfe tfjmt acafc, 270 fo? urtjtle a tljicl bte life map lean, at mats 6im batb boop anti iume-0, an& aeatlj annoys ijim not but once* g>bo?tty to Cap, 10 none can tell Cbe foje contrition of a t(j2C 275 CljiS gate !it)'ti t^ep, m fik tljitiage, T5otf)poo?, anH tljcp ofingfr peerage* 5fo? of tlje Lotfig manp tbcp fleiu, fome tljep jang'H, ann Come tljep ^eto, Tome tfiep put into p.nfon 280 fo?outten caufe o? encljefon ; among otljerg of Dowgias P^tfOtt William tB^Sf, of Dowgias ia0 La?D antJ fiDf fitm t^ep utn make a 285 |fca ttjep in tbe p^ifon Wm ann !jt0 lantig tljat toetc fw eneto, Cljep to tfje loitj Giifibrd t&em Deljan a fon, a little Jmafce, Cljat toa0 tljen but a Httte 290 xut fince came to peat $)ijs fatljec'0 neatl) ije Dengen fae, C{)at in England, j unDectae, 8Ba0 none in life mo bint not n?eat, w 5To? be fo feil of fjatns nin QjeD, <&at none tftat UDei t&en can telf Co ftim, o? be to $ate toae feougijt Cbetetnag none a&entute tbat rnoBfit Stunnp bt0 beatt, oa gar (jtm let 300 ea no tbe tfifng beiwag pa ret; l&fttfr ROBERT BRUCE. > r^ w ^*r f ? tfiat &e a? t&ougftt entirely Co no ijte nccn annffenip* t&ounftt tueil fje tons foo?tf) no feif, mijtfjt of none annojns feel, 305? ann ate fo? to efcoe&e gccat ftouin sac 810 ptfce all 6(0 lifetime Ije irt gteat pain ann jyrcat 310 ann nefcet tooulD fo? mifcfjief fail, T5ut n^itJe tfie tljino: rin^t to tlje entr, ann tafee tfie ute tljat ^ou foouin renw ^)10 name it foaS James anti UJljen Ije Ijeatfc 5i0 fatfjec 315 put in ptffon fo feilonip, ann tljat all 6is lattDjs ijaillilj? i'en to tlje Clifford perfap, toift not fofiat to no o^ Tap ; f 01 fie 5an notfitng to nifpentf, 320 Beitijec loas one tfjat e&et itenn Ullouin no fo mucfi foj i)im, tfiat 8e @ig6t fufficientlj? founnen fie. Cijcu luns 6e ujonnec tutiiof tuane, ann funnenlp in ijeact tjasi tane, 325 Wat 6e toouin ttauel o'er tlje Cta, ann a tofiile into Paris foe, ann tyee mifcfiief fo&ere none 6im feen Cill ^on fome fuccours to ijim fenn, ann a0 6e tfio^Bt, (je nin tfefit fo, 330 ann foon to Paris can 8e go, ann itten tfiete full Umplelp, M urtje 2Ufe ano 3fct$ of till fifc t&ofolefnefg 3js tfje cotirfe agfes of putfjeefc, 535 ana umquljile into rtbalUaif, a:;X< ttjat map man? time anafl, 5Fo?fenotoIetiQ:e ormanp effateg ap UJijtieis a5)atl full manp ^j5 tO tfte ffOOn Cacl Of Artois, 340 Robert jjefcl into Iji0 nap0; Ifo? oft feigning of ribainp anti ttjat cato fapg 110 in Cljat to feign foilp UJljUejs is toft; 345 3jn Paris near tfoec peacis Bluett ije, anti tfjen came tit^tno: o'er tlje fea^ C6^t iji^ fatfjet tuns tione to ueatr, Cijen loa0 Ije loo anD tuiU of cean, tfiougftt tbat fie tuouin ijome agaiit, loofc if 6e, trj?ouff() anp pain, luin again 6f0 men out of all Saint Andrews je COme til ijp, OTfiere tlje 03iCBop full coucteoudp 355 HecefteH fjim, anti gact ftim tueac feniiiejs, fo^oucT) Ijim to fljear, clan Ijim tljen cigljt ijonoucablp, Bart otfiain toljere Ije fljouin lp a toell great Mjtfe tljere Dtuellen [je, .360 ail men fiim lou'D fo? (jig ftountie - 3 fje lua0 of full fair effeir, , courteous, ann ncbciiatr, JLarge ann losing al0 toajs fje, o'er all tfitng lou D laiuitie* info* 365 Lafotp to lofce te no folly, G0?ousfi Jafotp itoe men rigfit foifelp* a irittue ana latoitie matt map pet fufficient fie 5 fiut lafotp map none fiafce p^ife, 370 Klfietfiec tfiat fie fie imgljt o? UitCe ; jf o? fobere it fail^eis, no uictue $>ap fie of patce, no? of lvalue Co mafte a man fo goon, tfiat fie ap Umplp called gooti man fie* 37* l>e loass in all fiijs neeus fo leal, IF 01 fie netenf ten not to Deal CKHttfi tteacfierp, no? tottfi falfet t'0 fieart on fiigfi fionouc itiass fet antifiecontenpt in fiU manner, 380 cfiat all fiimjo^eti tuere fitm near* 05ut fie tua0 not To fair, tfiat toe fiouin greatlp fpeafeoffiijs fieautie* 3ln srifap tuasf fie fome Deal grap, ann fiati filacfe fiair, as 3i fieard fap ; 385 T3ttt tfien of limfiis fie tons foell ^attfi fione0 great ana ajoufteus U)i0 fionp toell mane ann len^ie, as tfiep tfiat fato fitm faiti to me* ODlfien fie foas filptfi, fie loasf 390 ann meefe ann fuieet in company 5 *But tDfio in fiattle migfit fitm Tee, Snotfier countenance fiati fie, antJ in fits fpeecfi fome Deal lifp'D fie, l$ut tfiat fet fiim rigfit ifioonDer to 395 CO POD Heaor Of Troy mtgfit fie 3in manp tfitnn:^ liftetteD fie* D ijau fclacfc fjatc as l;e Ijati, ana flatfc Umb0, ann risljt luell mane, anu lifpen alfo as Sin fje, 4 co anUtoas fulfilled oflatotie, toas coutteotts, uiife ann iuigijt, of manljoon ann mciWe misfit* Heaor uatc 31 none compare, Of all tljat ettet: in to?lti tuece ; 405 5fo? in all 610 time fo tujous&t 6e, Cfiat be fljoulD gteatl^ lo'uen be* i)t tiujelleti tljece, tDfide on a tine Cfje tAintj Edward, imtf) mciWe p;ii>e, Came to Stirling urit!) gteat men? ie, 410 fo? to ftoltJ tljece an afTemblp. djttljecUJacuiuent manp a T5acoutr, *Blfl)Op William Of Lambertoun Eatie tljitijer algf, ana tottlj Jim foas CljtSS Cfqtttce James Of Dowglas. 415 Cbe 'Bifljop leu Otm to tlje ftfns, fatu, ^ir, l;ece 33 to pou imno; cljtiti, tljat clatmjs pout man to &e, pjapetlj you per cljacitie, ye tecei^e Ijece 420 anii stant to Ijim ijtjs OIli)at Ianu0 claims !>e, fain tlje g>ii*, if tOat it be pouc liking, oe claims tlje Lojnajip of f 02 Lojti tljeieof (jig fatljec 42 3 Clje&tno; tljen to?eptiytKji ann fain, die osiftom ackeclv If tljott iDOtilUcft feeep tljp fctottr, no ai^ rpeaUins to me. ROBERT BRUCE. 15 father a? foas mp felon, 430 ana tJp'D tljetefo?e in m? p?ffon, ann twig agatnll mp mafefffe, :betefo?e Ijis Ijeir 31 cugljt to be* a purcljsfe lano Mjete'er ije map, 5fo? thereof ijas Ije none perfap* 435 C&e Clifford ftail tljrm Oaue, fo? 8e ^l^ leallp be ijajs feiUeD me* Clje I5ul)0i) ijeacti ijim fo nnr^etr, ^nn utttft not tljen fpcau to ijtm mate, But ftom 610 p?efence toent in Ijp, 440 IFoa be ti^eati ro?e 610 felony, tfjat ije no mo?e fpake tfiereto. tljat 6e came to uo, tuent to England fpne again, man? men of nwfcle maim 445 Lojtitngg Mjo likes fo? to bear, &!je Romans notu ijegimtetlj Ijere, >f men tljat luete in great Oiffrefft aOap'U full great (at timer* tljep migljt come to t&eir intent 5 450 05ut rpne our loati fifc grace tljcm rent, Cljat t&ep tljen, tijaouglj tljeir great toaloutr, Came to great ijigljt ann to ftonour, ^augre tljeir foesi eUer ilh ane, Cbat luere fo fell, tljat fo? m ane 455 SDf tljem tlje^ toeretoeU a tfjoufant! ; 05ut, Mjere ^on l>elp0, loijat map tmtljffann f But if toe fap tfje rootljfattnergi, Cfiep loere rome time eir mo?e tljan But ^on, tljat mod 10 of all in 16 % JLitt atto 3tt* of Co imtge tee barm ann tbe contcac Cljat tljofe fell folk ann pantenec DID to ample folk ann toojtbP, Cbat couin not belp tbemfelfcetf, foj tbr, ^l)ep ftJece Itfee tO tfiC Maccabees, Cljat, as men fit tlje T5i'ble fees, CDiousffi tftetc great tuo^tp anti iialout, 5f ougljt into manp ftaltuatt ftouc 5f o? to tieltuet t&eic countcp if ra folk tfiat, t^aufl;6 iniquftp, tljem ann tftetcs fnto fo tfj Cljat, UJitlj feto folk, ttjep ijan SDf mtffbtp Etno;0 s asi faps tfte 475 ann nelttet'ti tljeic lann all free, name fljottlti loueti be. Lo?u tfie Bruce j fpake of air, all tlje kfncik fo fo^fatc, fo ttoublen tfje folk fauj &e, 480 cijat ije tljeceof ijan gteat pities 05ut tujat pit? tljat t'tt fie Da5 Bo countenance tljeceof Ije mane, Cill On a tilJRe ^tt John Cuming, a0 tljep came ctning fcom Stirling, 485 g>atn to Dim, S)ir 9 tmll pe not fee, g>oto tftat gotiecn'o tjstlji^ -countcie^ Cfjep (la? our folk but encljefoit, ann fjoing tljte lann asjainfl reafon, ann pe thereof Cbouin Lo?n be ; 490 ann if tljat pe tutu ttoto to ime, pe lijall gar make thereof a ann 3 ftall be in pour ROBERT BRUCE. IJ tljp pe fffte me all t&e Cfiat pc ijafee notn into pour 49 j ana if t&at pe mill not no fa, Bo? tik a ftate upon pou ta, gu &aiii mp lan&g ttjaii pouttf fie, let me tafee tfte ftate on me, fi?fno; tfitss lanti out of tftirlajye, 500 jfoi tftece te neitljer man no? page 3ln all tlji0 lanti, fiut tljep ftall fie 5fain fo? to mafce tljemfeltjess all free. Clje loan tfje Bruce fieatn t&tg catpinff, ann ttienn fie fpafce fiut footbfaa tljtniy, 505 anfc, fo? it lifeeti to Ijte fpfll, a^e 6tJ5 afTent foon tfierettl, fain, fince pe mill it fie fa, 31 foill filptfilp upon me ta CJje ftate, foz 31 toot 31 fiabe rftfit, 510 ann tig6t maUess oft tlje feefile tDfgfit How the 5r^r^ efcaped King Batons tfju0 acco?tieD are, anti tljat ilk ntgfjt tontten toere Cfjeic intJentttce^, ana tfieit: oatlj^ ^:o (join tfiat tljep fo?efpoken ijati; 5 T$ut, ofalltfitng, ujo to?tfj tceafon, 5fo? tfiere i0 neitljet Duke no? fie fie ne'er fo tmfe o? 5To? ftJtt, tuoifljtp, p^aife, no? renoum, IP ^Dfjat e'er map foatco Dim from treafoun; not all Troy foitj) treafon tane, ten pearsf of t&e fUfe ant> 3fcttf of Cljen flaw tuag many a tfjoufanu Of tijcm UJitfjout, t&jougrt) fttengty onjanU, j 5 a0 Dares in ()t0 bOOfc IjC IBM tC ann nf ten, tijat fcnefo all t&efc (fate. Cljep misfit not fiafce been tane to?oug6 mfgftt, tceafon toolt tljem tfi^ouglj Dec flijj!)t Alexander t&E COnquetO?, Jzo Cftat COnqUCrCtl Babylon^ tOUJCC, anti aUtljfiBf tuo^ti of lengtlj ann 3ln ttnelue peacg, tlj?ou Uas fpne nedropeU Op potfon 3ln ijijS otun ijoufe, tfoougb fftent tceafon 2? *But, ere fje Diet), 6(0 latin nealt fie* Co fee Ijt0 neatfc toa0 gceat pitie* Julius Gefar n!0, tljat lan Britain antl France, a0 HOUgljtJ? tttatt, Africk, Arabe, Egypt, Syry, Europe alfo ijaillp, fo? ijt"0 ujoifljip ann iialour, Of Rome iua0 mane ficft mperour tn Iji0 Capitol tons Ije, of Iji0 counfel p^iuie, 3 5 @)iain Uritlj punfonn tigljt to tljc nean ; ann luijcu ijc fato tijece u?a0 no tean, 5>i0 een luitlj 1310 Ijann clofen Ije, 5To? to nie foitfj mo?e fjoneftp* ai0 Arthur tljat, t|)^OUfi 40 ane Britain ^i(!cef0 ann Of ttoelfce Uincfk^ tljat Ije luan ; ann alfo, a0 a noble man, l}t man tlj?ottn;l) battle France all free, ann Lucius Yberuanqmiflj'n Ije, AS Cljat ROBERT BRUCE. 4? Cbat tfjen of Rome timg $mpetouc ; ni5ut pet fo? all 5$ peat toalour, Modred Ijt0 fiffet'S fOtt film flett) : goon men alg mo^e tljan enefo, tteafon, anu 50 raijiclj tlje Bruce beats tfjeccof tottner0 So fell It oftljts coa'nant malting, 5To? tlje Cuming tane to tlje &f n0 0f England, ana tolti all tfitjas cafe, T5ut, a tcoto, not all as it foag, ;j *But tfje innentttre 6fm gnue fje, Cljat foon ffieto'U tfie imquitp, 2Bf)erefo?e fpne 6e tljolen Deatr, couin fet tljerefo^e no teatr* faU) tlje innentuce, $>e foag angcp out of meafuce, f tooje tljat ije fljoulti vengeance t; ruce t^at ban p^fumea fa, ijfm fo? to tyatul o? tffe, to confpice on fih a We, 5$ 3lttl tO S)iC John Cuming faft Ije, Cbat ije CjoulD, fo? {jig lauiitfe, 330 refoatnea, ann Cljen tfiougftt ije to 6aue tlje leamng 70 f all Scotland, but ga(it--faputQ:, tljat tfie Bruce to Ueatl) foag oft fn5tej3 tlje fool0 tljoug of foffc men tfje etteling Comes not alfoapg to tljat ennuis 75 Cfiat tfyp no tfjinfc it fljall come to i to no, ettlino; rig&t fo it fell, a fljall aftertoarltf pou tell* De took ijijs icnfce, aufc borne 10 foent s so ana tlje &ins tljen a parliament att fet thereafter fjaffilp, ann tljttljer fummon'D &e in 6? Clje ^5aron0 of 610 ropattie, ann to tlje lo?ti t&e Bruce rent ije, 85 05ttHiin0; to come to tljat ann Ije tljat Ijao no > tlje treafon, no? tfte falfet, Eone to tfte ^tno: but longer let, 3nU in London i)i m fjartjour'o Oe 90 Efje fictt ua? of tljeir afremblte, on tfie mom to court fje toent* fat into parliament, fo?ouc!j 6$ council p^fDie, lo^ tije Bruce tljere called De, 95 8n& fljetoen Dim tlje in&enture* Oe u>a0 in full great afcenture Co tine (ji0 life, 6ut <^on of misfit P^efertjeti Jjim to 6in;ter ftifffjt, Cljat fooulD not tfjat ije fo foere tieal* ioo Clje i^inff ijetatttjfjt Bim in tfjat (lean C^e 3lnnenture, tlje feal to fee, 5)e loofceti tlje feal intently, anti anffoer'n to ijtm rtffijt 105 ann fain, &OD tljat 31 fimple be, g$>y feal is not all time tuttfi me* 31 babe another it to bear ; if tfjat pour toills it tuere, JStittff ROBERT BRUCE; 1I| agfc pou rerpite fo? to Tee no (ZLfjts letter, nnn tfjecefmttj aaing'D &e, Cfll to mom tjjat pe fie fet, $nn tijcn, fo?outtm longer let, Ct)i0 letter fi&all 31 enter 6ere ISefoze all pout council planter, 115 ana thereto fnto iwrglj mato 31 me fjetttage all fjallilp, Cfie ^inff t&ottgljt fie foag tratff enett), pne be into Jjucgft Ijt0 lanug n?efo, ann let ijim luftft t&e letter pafe, 120 Co enter it, a$ CpoHeu toa^. How John Cum'mg and others were flain in the Friers Church of Dumfries. C 5> e Bruce foettt to &tg ftineiS T3ut, tint pe toll, fie tuaj Dan gotten t&at refptte* call'D &te matftal to 6im tite, 5 ants bade ijim look on all manner Cljat &e maue to iji0 men goon cfjear, f o? ije foouin in 6ij3 ctjamljer be a foell great tofiile in ptffcitfe, SBitl) ijim a Clerk unt(joutten moe* 10 Cfie $0 arftall to tfje ijall can go, sin all ijis Lojti'js commanning* Lojb t&e Bruce, but mo?e letting, jing ijim (teen0 tfoo* ann tjc orierk, ftyoutten moe, 5 Lap on fojoutten perceiving, nap ann nfgfit, but rojournittg, Xfte Htfe atvo #tt$ of to&e, fobile tjjat on tbe fiftb fcap^ tO Lochmabane are fyotber Edward tfiere t&ep 20 Cbat tbouffbt fetlp it tane on Cbat tfiep came (jomc ro $>e tolti 6iJ3 t)?otljet ta tfiat fie tftete fmnmonen ijoU) be fcapen uja0 ta^oug!) cafe* How the Bruce flew Cuming at the Altar. fell it in tlje Tanten titir, _ at Dumfries ttg&t tljeCC g)tt; John Cuming fOfOUtntllfl: ttiatie* Clje Bruce jap on an& t&itljec cane, anti t&oug&t, fo^outten tnoje iettmiy to quit Ijtm MS uircou ting* be toue but longer let, anti trntb >ic John tlje Cuming met 3ln tlje friers, at tlje bicO altar, anti ajetuen bim UJitb laucbanu cbear Cbe 3lnnenture, fpne foitb a fentfe in tljat fiean bim reft tbe life* Edmund Cuming alS foaS flaflt, man? otljer of met We main* 15 Bot foi tbis, pet Tome men ft?ps, Cbat tljat ncDate fell otbertoapgi ; *But toljatfoe'er mane tbe Uetate, Cberetb?ottgb be uien, tnell 3! foat, De misniu tbat greatlp but tueir, 20 Cbat ga&e no gprtb to tbe altar; :berefo?e To barn mifcbief bim fell, Cbat 31 beam ne^er in Rowans tell fgtfttg ROBERT . man fa fiatn frap'U as foag fie, aftes came to fifc fcountie* 25? 5&ofo again to tfie ftins 50 foe, Cfiat on tfic moan foitfi fiis fcatnie, S>at into fifg parliament, anu after tfie Loan Bruce fje fent Etgfit unto 6te inn tuftfi ^nto;6t0 Keen, 30 Sjdlfjen fie ofttme0 fian callen been, anti fifss men after film agfc'n tfiep* Cfiep fain, tfiat fie, iince pefferlmp, in fiiis cfiambec ttfianmp, a Clerfe fiim untfi aneclp* 3 j Cfien fenocfe'5'tfiep at fifes cfiam&et tfiece, $mn fofien tfiep fieatn none mnfee anf taec, Cfiep b?ofee tfie nooa, fcut tfiep founn nougfit, Cfie UJfiece tfie cfiam&ee fiaill tfiep fougfit, Cfiep tom tfie l^tng tfien fiaill tfie cafe, 40 ana fiouj tfiat fie efcapeu ag of fii0 efcape f ujo?e in ice full Cfiat fie fljouiu Uaaton and fiangeti be* 8>e menac'n ajs fie tfiouc^fit, but fie 45 :fiougfit tfiat ifiouin pafg anotfiec tap ^ ana fofien fie, a0 pe fieatn me fap, 3!nto tfie fcitfc sic John fian flain, Locbmabane fie iDDent a^aitt, gact men UJttfi fii0 letter so Co ftientijs tfiat foece on illta fine, Cfiat came to fiim fentfi tfieic menn'e, fit'0 men aljs aflemblen fie, tfiougfit tfiat fie foottio mafee fifm Ml tfie lann tfie &o# can ng, ana #cts of ? J Cfjat tlje Bruce tf)C Cuming Jatl flaftt, ann, among otljerg, letters ace sane CO tlje WfljOp Of Andrew'0 tOfott, Cljat toin ijoto flain toasi tftat OBfttotm* Clje letter toft Ijim all tlje Deen, ^o gnu Ije unto lji0 men sart ttatr, ann fitfjin faiti tljem fickerlp, 31 jjope Thomas 1)10 p^OpljeC? >f Erfiitoun Derifp'u fte 3in Ijfm t fo? fo our Lofl 8elp me. *$ 31 Ijaue great &opejs De fljall be atnry,. ann ijauc tijijs lann all tn leaning James Of Dowglas tjat 3? ftJljere ailap0 before tlje 'Btfljop ftare, 3 Dati tuell ljeart all tlje letter rea&, /o ana 6e took alfo full goon teed Co all t&at tlje ^Btttjop Ijati fain ; ana foljen tje &ooiHe0 noton mere laitt, Co cljamfter tuent t&ep tften in 6P, Sim James Of Dowglas ptf&tlp 75 g>ain to tfie 'BfCErop, Sfr 4 ?e fee, Engliihmen, tljJOUBft tjjeiC me of all mp lanD ; men (jaue gart pou tfjat tlje Carl Of Carrick go Clatmjs to govern tljte Mnrf fe ; ann fo? i?on man t^at ije fjajs aam a ail Engiimmen are Ijim again, ann tijouin ntC&erit Ijim blptljlp, Clje toljere tnttft Ijfm Wnell Ujouin % 85 Cberefo^e, >fr, tf U toere pour tniU 31 toouin tafie UJito 6tm goon ann ill ROBERT BRUC*. 15 ijim 31 ttftfo mp lattn to Uun, tfje Clifford ana big feiiu. Cbe T5tftop beam, ana ftau.pttfe, 90 ann fain, foeet fon, to on &elp me, 31 fooum blptftlp tljat ^ou toece But tfjat 31 not rep^o&eti toece, f)n t&te mannerieiJ loo^ pou C&ou ftalt tafee fatcann mp pcdfcay, 95 fo? tfjece 10 no botfe in ttjiu lattu - @>o tuigljt, no^ petto ttjcll atljanfc, ^e Ijtm a^ of tijfneoftm 6e tsip, 3i fcan gt^cn tijeteta-tto t-citi -, 10 look tijat tfjou tnfec fjtm maoce So U)aU 31 toell affonien be* ^igfiti? ^ou, faring pouate, 0:ant tljat 6e tljat t&ofl pttcff to, and tfjou in all time tt^llmiap &a; 105 C6at pe pou fca youc fac0-5efcntr, 5>e tausftt Ijtm tttec to titQie^ anti fpne fie gaue fiim tfie goon anH bane 6im pate fotfjj on 6ig( jfo? ije UJouinrt't fpeafe till &e mete gartK no Clje Dowgias tljen Ijt'is toap !ja0 tantfnssfc to tlje bo?fe, as te (jim bane-, * ' tljat ijim in ^emfd l)an, Cljen toacnen Ijint nefpittoua^ 115 iFeUen Ijim tnitlj a ftoo?n it0 Hint, ftne, fo^outten longer Hint, lap on (jim neUbet^elp, 26 % fUfc ana Sfcttf of patrcn fojtlj but leafce tafetng. 120 Dear (SoD, tbat 10 of beatoen King, g>afcc bim, anr> Cbtcin ijim from ijid faed, an ijtm alone tbe toap be taed* tbe tOton Of Lochmabane, a little fra Ayrik ftane, 12$ Clje Bruce tuttlj a great rout be met, Cftat roue to Scone fo? to be fet jit tljc Ainu's ffooll, ann to be Etn^ anu tofyzn Dowgks fain i)tj8 comtnu, DC roue, and ijailfpt fjim in fjp, lototen Dim full courteously, tolB ijim ijailip all bid date, toljat be toad, ann aid ijoft gate Cbe Clifford bein bid beritage, anD tijat be came to make (jomatyc Co bim, ad to bid rigbteoud I^inff, ant: tijat be boun toad in all tljino; Co tahe toitb bim tlje tjooti anD ilL ann inijcit tbe Bruce ban beam bid totu, De bim recciU'U in great Dainty, 1 4 o ann men ann armd to bim gaue be. DC tbougbt tueii (je ibouin be loojtbp, jfo? all bid einerd toere noujjbtp* Cbid gate mane tijcv tljetr acquaintance, Cbat neder fpnc, fo: no hinn cbance, 145 Departen, toljile tbep lining toere* Cbeir friennfljip ap toaje'D mare ann mare, $ o? be ferfcen ap lealelp ; ann tbe otber full tmifuiip, Cbat tuad botb too^tbp, u>igbt ann toife, Eeu^arnen ijim toell bid recuice, Cte ROBERT BRUCE. 2,7 C6e L0# tbe Bruce to Giafgow rafce, ann Cent about bim, fobile be ban Df bte frienng a great mentfe, ann fpne to Scone in bp ronrbe, 155 ann urns manetting but longer let, ann in tbe king's ffooll fje foa0 fet, a$ in tljat time toais tfje manner ; 05tit of tljeir noble great effetr, C6r feri3tce, ann tDeir ropaltte, 160 ge (ball 6ear not&ing noto foi me, SDutten tfiat fie, of tfje barnage Cftat tfjit!jer came, took tfjeir fjomaiye, anti rpne toent obcr all tfje lann, jTrienns ann frfentiftip purcftafann, 1^5 Co maintain tbat 6e Ijau begum DC lutft, ere all tlje lann lucre toon, ^>e ftouin finu full fiarn bargaining ftftitf) ijtm tbat UJHI of England fting ; Ifoj tbere toaj5 none of life fo fell, 170 &o pantener, no; fo crueL ana fo&en to Edward Ring foa0 tolti, 5>otD tjjat tbe Bruce, t&at Uja0 fo boltr, (>ati biougbt tfte Cuming to enning, anu Sola be f?ne ban mane bint fting. 175 SDutofbteimtbefoentfoell near, anu callen to bim, &it Aymer, Cbe Waiiang tbat foas toife aim tufgbt, and of bi0 bann a footfbp l^nigbt, ann bane bim men of arms ta, 180 ann in all b? to Scotland gir Aymer nft aj5 60 Ijlttt bane, ?eat cbefcalti? tmtb bim be Ijati ; mttb Wm loas Philip tfce aitU Ingram Umfravil Cljat lua0 bot 1 !) toiCc ann 190 aun al0 full of great cfietoairp, anti of Scotland tlje tttoft i^art? Cbep Ijati into tfieit company, f o? vet tljeu melMe of tlje lann C2J30 ttttO Englithmen tljClC fjaittJ* 195 Co Perth tljctt iucnt t&e)? tu a tout, Cljat tljeu toa0 toallen all about, jKLiitlj fell toujecjs ttgbt Ijig!) batteU'iJ, Co nefenn if it toere affairs* Cfjeteilt UtJDelt S>t Ayuiery 2 oo mttDaHfiW cceat ctje^alc^ Cl)e J^iuo; Robert to* ft ^ e toni3 tjjere ftftat lunn Cljtrtatns \iUj 6fm alfemblen a!Hl0 ttWH^te. ban tetl of full great bouutte-, 205 ^But tbetr foes toete fac mo?e tljau tbep, n3p fifteen bunti?0, -a besrn fap ; Cb^ b)bere be ban tbece at tjbat-ncetf, full feil tbattoete nousltRef DeetJ, anti T5ai*on0 tbat toerebaiu ajs bear, 210 Ctoo arlj3 alfo iwttb Jim toete* 0f Lennox anti Athoi loere tljep, Edward t\)t Bruce was tbere alf luap, Thomas Randel, autl Hew de le Hay, Id gOOn 1C David tfje Barclay, ROBERT BRTJCE. 219 Fre&le, Somervel ann Inchnwrtine, ann James Of Dowglas tl)CCC foajS Cfjnt pet tfjeu fna$ of little mig&t, ant otljct fetl foiu fojcie in figjjt ; ai0 ttmiEf BOOH Criftai Of Setoun, 220 ann Robert Boyd of great tetuMn, ann otfiet feil meit of meifelc *But 3! can not tell itfjat tfjep CijougD tljep foece fctu, pet luecc tfjep ann filled of great c^etjalrp, 225 anti in battle in goon atap, Tsefo it Saint johnftoun all came t&ep, ann bane Sir Aymer ifl) to figljt ; ann Ije tfjat in tlje metttle migljt, Ctuffen of tfiem tijat toa$ jjim Dp, 230 *Bane ijte men arm tijem ijaffilp ; Ingram Of Umphravile, it toece all to great peril 3itt plain battel to tfjem to go, OjfofiHc tgep toere arapen Co 5 235 ann to Sir Aymer tljen fain 6e, ir, if t&at pe toill troUJ to me, jpe Cball not tOj tfiem to afTafl, Cill tljep are puruep'n in faattafl ; 5fo? tljeir leaner i0 ftrigljt ann Uiife, 240 ann of ijis ijann a noble &mgDt iu, ann fie 6a0 in ijte companp anp a goon mnigljt ann Cfiat ftmll be 6arn fo? to OTjtle tfiep are in fo goon arap * 24? f 01 it fljouin be full metkte mfgljt, Cijat noui Ojomn put tijem to tje fitgljt , iCIje Htfe ant> Stag of f o? foljen folk ate foell arapen, fo? tfje battle toell purnap'n, tijig, tijat tijep all goon men be, 250 cijep ftjall far mo^e be abide, ,4*. foell mo?e foj to tyean tljatt tftep fet fome Deal out of arap ; Cfjerefo?e ?e map gar fap t&em ttU, 6at tftep ma? tins ntgfit, if tjjep UJtlf,, 255 ang 5at(j?p tftem, ann iteep ann reft, anu at to moan, but longer leff, gott ftjall ift foatf) to t&e battatl, Sinn figljt toitlj tfiem i but if tljep fafll, Bo to tljetr ftarb^? tuenti Ojall tfap, 260 ann fome Ojall toenn to tfie ferrep; 3nn tljep tljat tnuell at tlje longing, 3if tljep came out of travelling, @>ljall in (tio?t time unarmen be; Cljen on our belt manner map toe, 26? OHitlj all our fair cljefcalrp, Eine toloarn tftem rigftt fiarnilp* ann tfiep tljat tuene0 to reft all ntgljt, CSUljen t&ep fee tig arap'n to figljt, Coming on tljem fo funnenlp, 270 COep C^all afrapen be greatlp, ere tljep coming in battle be, fljall fpeen us fih gate, tljat tuc all reanp to aftemble* @>ome man fo? earneft totll tremble, 275 oaijcn ije aCTap'n is; funnenlp, Cljat tottlj nttfement ijs notigfjtp. 3j3 ije atnjTD note f)n\je tljep none, to tfiem cutttJitfj fent &e foon, ROBERT BRUCE, 31 ana fcafc tfiem fiarb?p tfiem tfiat nfgfit, 280 anfc on tfie mo?n come to tfie figfit, 2Bfien tfiep ram tfiep migfit BO na mate, Cotuam Methven tfien can tfiep fare, ana in tfie tuooti tfiem lougen tfjep* Cije tljico part toent to tlje fo^rap, 285 anti tlje labe fooit tutnrmen toere, sfcaif a to mtige tijem fjece aun tljere. Aymer tjett, but mare abaiJe, 8Btt6 all tfie fom fie taitfi &tm Das, 31d)eti enfojcetilp to tfie figfjt, 290 anti rotie fnto a tatt&otw rigfit ffrafgfit map totnarn Methven; tfjat frag unarmen tfjew; @ati> tfiem come fo enfo^ceui?, djen to fit's men can fiigfilp crp* Co arms rtoptfi, ann mafee ^ou pare, at our fiann our foes tfiep ace, tfiep HID fo in full great fip s on tfieir fiorfe lap fiaffilp. Cfie l^tng utfplapen fifis banner, 500 OTen tfiat fiis folk aOemblefc frere, ann fatti, losings, noto map pe fee, Cfiat pon folfe all tfi^ouglj fubttitte, fiapes tfiem to no to 110 tmtfi flt'gfit, SUfiat tfiep BO n^ean to no tottfi mfg&t 305 Boto a perceive, fie tfjat tuiil troto Dts3 fae, it (fiall fiim fome time rue 5 ami nougfit fo? tfip, tfiougfi tfiep be fell, oti map rfgfit toell our luertJes Ucil, 5Fo? multitunes mafee no 310 a0 men fjatie rean in manp jz, XDe 2Ufe anD ## of Cltft feto folk jjauc oft fcanquf riyn ma, Croui pe t jjat foe fljall no rigljt fa, ge arc fife anetois&t and foo?t&p, ann ate full of great cljeDaltp, 31? ann foot rfsfjt foell foljat {jonouc f0, CHo^ pi tfjen upon fifetulfe, Cfiat pout Ijonout be fa^en ap ^ ann one tfiing foill j to pott fap, Cfjat ije tfiat uoe0 foifitg countcft, 320 g)ijall IjarbaeB into Ijcauen be, (Kiijcii tfjiis iuas fain, tijep fati) cumauu Cijefc foe0 rining neat at tljctc ann toilful to no On eitijet fine tljuis toete t&ep pafte, ann to aflcmblc rranp lucre. Cljep ftraigljt tljeit fpeatsi on cftljet ann fo rttnelp can famen rtne, Cfjat fpcarsf all too fuufljen mere, 350 ann feii men ncan ann luottuticn fare* Clje fcloon out at tfjcic Iiatitj5 tyeff, 5foi tfte bed ann tfje too^ieft, C6at toilful lucre to turn ijoncur, 15 lungen in tlje ftalusatt dour, 335 ann routs rune about tijem nanrr. C0cn migljt ija^c fecit into tljat tljiait l^nigljts tftat tDtgljt ann Ijarni? toctc, Conner ljo?re feet nefoulen tljere* ome toerc toounncn, ann fome all SH)* crafjs luarn of tbe bloon all rcn, tljep tljat Ijein on Ijo^fe in 6P, fo fell fftokeg tljep ga&e ann took, C5at all tfje reuk about tfjem 34 * C&e Bruce'g folk full -fcatHl?, ljetuen tfiefr great eljefcairp ; ann 6c fjf mfelf attout t&e latje, o ijatu ann Co fjeattp ututj Cfiat UJljecc 6e eame, tfjep mane fjCm tuap 350 ^t0 folk tbem put tit fjacu affap, Co ttiitt t^efc foes meito mfo;5t, C6at tljeu fo fafc IjaH of tlje figfet, Cbat tljep loau fielD ap mate anu marc. Clje Etnj0;'j5 fmall folk neat uatiquWti anti toljen t&e j^mu Ijfjs folk IjasJ feeit Oi3egiit to fail, fo? proper teen, Co IJIP Cnfigu tljen can ije ccp, in tlje (lout Co ijacuiip ruoyu, tljat all t6e affemblp fljoofc, 360 DZ all fo IjefoeU tftat ije o'ectoofe, anli Hang on tbem tuljile ije migljt ^ee, ann to W folfc 6e ccien jjfgfj, On tfiem, on tljem, tljep feeble faff, Cljt0 bargain map no longer laff, 365 Sinn foitf) tijat too^n, fo immiUp ^e titti titng on fo Ijarm'lp, Cljatluljo Dan feen tljem in tijat figfjt, @)ljouin (join ijim fo? a nougftt? &nig{jt 5 ^5ttt tijougft &e toas (lout ann ijacnj? s 370 ann otljeris of ijtis companpi Cljerenffgljt no foo^ip tfjere auaff, ifoj tljeir fmail folk began to fail, ann flen, all gkailen ijere ann But tbe goon tijat encljnnCen ana StoS of 37? >f ice abone ann Jein tje ffour, Co conquer ttjcm, earners jonour* ann toijen 8>ir Aymer je JatJ Teen Clje fmall folk fleeing all beneen, 3nn fatu Co feto nln&e to 380 De callieti to (jim manp a ann in tlje (lout ro 5>e titfljeti foitlj Ijijs Cijat be ntfljen i)tj> foes ilk ane. Sic Thomas Randei tftete mass tane s 385 Cljat tljen luajs a poung batdjclcr, Sit Alexander Frafer, S>iC David tlje Barclay, Inchmertine anU Hew de le Hay s ann somervei, ann otljet moe, tlje &ttt ijimfelf alfo fet into full ijatH a (Tap, Philip tlje Mowbray, Cljat rone to ijim full ijarnilp; ana ijint W$ reng^e, anD fpne can 397 5)elp, fcelp, 3I Dane tlje nem mane CUitij tljat came gfttmnn in an Chriftal Of Seton s UJljeil fie ffl tlje Uum fei^en tuitij ijte foe, to Philip fife rout l)e rattgljt, 400 Cljat tljougb Ije tuaj) of imifcle maun;ljt 5 5>e gart Jim dagger ni??tlp, ann Ijean to ern gatie fullilp* Klere not Ije Wnt Jim bp tlje ffeeD, Cljen off jtjs ijann tlje tyiftie peen, 405 ann tje King (jig Cnfign can crp, men tljat toere Jim fcp, Cfiat 3&ttt0 ROBERT BRUCE. Cfiat mere fo fefo, tljat tljep not (Ensure tfje fo?ce moje of tfje figfjt* Cljep pncfcefc t&en out of tfje P?eQ3, 410 ana tlje &fng tfjat all ang?p mas ; 5F o? Ije 6(0 men fatu flee Ijt'm fca, g>a(n tljen, Lo?Diniy^ 3 fince it fjs fa, Cbat fiDetc rumteto againft u^ &ece, (^oou f0 tne pafs off tfjelc Danger* 415 CHI ir Robert t&e Dougljtp J^tnff* anU tO t&e&UIQ; Of England fOOIt Cljep fo?ote Ijatllp as tljep ijan none* Sim |je teas blptlj of tljat ttDing, aim, fo? Uerpite, Dane tyau* ano fjino: 435 ail t&e Pifjs'ner^ tljouglj tljep mere moe -, *BUt tr Aymery 5iD not fO Co fome ijotjj lann ann life gabe 6r, Co leaue ttje Bmce'g femitte, Kit* ano #ct$ ot feefce tlje ftintj of England, 440 ann of Ijfm fo? to Ijoia t&eit lantr, ana tun tie t&e Bruce a0 tijeir tat* Thomas Randel 11330 Otte Of tfjae, Cijat foz 6te life became tljeit man, Of otljetg tljat fipcte talten tljan, 445 s>ome tljep ranfom'D, aim fome tftep Iteto, fome tjep bang's, atiu fome tljep How the King differed great Penury with his Men. 5E> tljte mannec rebuteti foas Clje Bruce, tfiat mettle mourning mae#, tfoj Iji0 men tljat toete flaw o? tane, anti Ije foa0 al0 fo tutll of iuatte, Cljat Ije ttotu'D in none ficfterlp, Outten tljem of lji0 company Cljat toece fo feto, tljat tljep migljt be 5f ibt ijttntyen neac of all menjte* 10 )ic Edward tfjat lua0 fo f tottf) film loag a {join William tfte BarDndoun ntl of Athoi a(sr urng tljece ; 15itt ap fince tljep tiifwmfit tottt, j 5 t6e CacI of Lennox uuis aluap, anti luag put to full Oacfc affap Cce Ije met tottlj tfte l^mg again ; ^ttt anuap0 a0 a man of main, !De matntain'd ijim full manfully 20 C6e ding: ijaa in fji0 company James alfO L02U Of Dowglas, ^ijat toigljt, ljuife, ann JL.V Gilbert de la Hay alfO, Neil Campbel aitU OtljetS UtOC, 25 Cljat 3! tljeic names cannot Cap, outlaw foent many a nay, Dyeing in tlje mount tijeit pine, eat flett), annn?anfctoatecfynr* 5>e nurft not into tfje plains ga, f o? all tfce commons foent 6tm fta, Cljat fo? ttjEic life tuerc all full win Co pads to EngUth peace again : @>o facc0 it ap commonlp, an commons may no man affp, 25 *But Ue tbat may tljetc warrant be 5 @o toe tljey ten WtD Dim, To? ije Cljem fcom tljeic foe0 migljt not tt Cljey tutnen to ttje otljet fianu, osiit tljiainom tljat men gart tfjcw teel, 4 o att men ay yeatn tljat 6e fute tociu How King Robert , with his Men, went toward ctll tfte molt pact oHjiis men^te twen ann tent, anu no ftoon Ijan, tljey t8cm ofljiues mane -, o2e tljey tuent to Aberdeen, Neil tlje Bruce came ann tlje lueen s jet Lantc0 fate ann farann, ane fo? lone unto tljeic Ijugbann, Cfiat foj leal lone ann icyaltte, 10 moult pactwr* of tljeir pains be. 38 Kite ant) 3lrtf fifc ftceiiff tfta antJ fih mfo:6t.0, tljep map meiUle pain ennuce, ?fafeet(j none auentuce Cljat e'ec map fall, toitlj tljp tfjat t&ep 20 CUbecet&jougb fuccouc tfieir libes map* ^en cean toljen tfjat Thebes uja0 tane, anDi^inry Adraftus men toece ttain, Cljat aflailea tljen t6e citp, Cijat tfje toonien of 6ii3 country 25 Came fo? to fetclj fjim Dome again, fiHijen tljep ijeacn all fjig folfe toece flain OUljece tljat tfie i^inu Campaneus, ClJlOliglj tlje (jelp Of Meneftheus, Cljat came per cafe ciuing tljecebp, 30 roitlj tlj?ee (nmtyea in companp, pet to tafce tjje tolun ijan failU lucre tlje imfces tljiiling tfje toall pifccs, Mjece tlje aflailpecjej all 3 j Cntceti, anti uettcopen tlje totoer, flelu tfje people but cetoutr* luljen tlje Dtifce 610 tDap tua0 nwte, all tlje j^tng Ijte men tocce flain, Clje tirifces ijatj fjim to ijisi cotmtcie, GUljere toa0 no man Hiring but lje 3n toomen mctRle comfort lieis, peat folace in manp Ujap0 ^ ROBERT BRUCI-; 59 fell it fcete, fo? tfjefc coming Eejopced rfgfjt pent!? tije &ing, 4? C&e to&ere ilk nigljt jimfclf !je loofce, aim W tea upon da? fje toolu a good Wjile tljevc ijc fojouw n tfieit, anu enfeU focw&et; tucll 6ij3 nun, Cill tljat t&C Englilhmen {jCHtD fap, so Cljat fje tfjete luito 610 mentfe la? ailateafe, annrtcheclp tjje? tfieit fjolt in ($, tcoluet! to fucpnfr* fie tbat in Iji0 neeti m$ totfe, 5 j OUtft tljep alTembleli toece, ano iuljere, Slnl) toift tftat tljep fo manp tuere, {jat fie miff&t not againd tfjem fig&t* S>i0 men in Ijp fie gact be Higfit, ^ntj busfeeti offtlje toton to ciDe. ^o ^e tauieg cone tigfit fi^ 6i0 fide, Cfjen to tbe {jill t&ep totie tijeic tua?, CHljere peat default of meat ijad tljep* James Of Dowglas and iwfp toai5 5fo? to putcljafe tfje Ladtess meat, and it on man? toaps tuould pt* 5Fo^ mijilejs !je uentron tfjnu lipougfjt, and UJit!) Ijiis ijandjs tDfjilcg be U)?ottn;!jt 2(nis to tafce geddeg and falrnon^, Croutgf and eels?, and alfo menonjef ; and toljtle tfiep luent to tlje fo^rnp, and fo tfjeic pucdjafing made t&ep* 11^ man travelled fo? to get, and putcfjaCe tfiem tljat tljep mtjrFjt eat ^ 40 %ty 2Ufe anD 3(ct of 7> *3ttt of all tljat tfw tljcp toeuc, Cfjecc toad not one among tljem tljere Cfiat to tee Lanied profit toad, gtf)02e tljait toad tlje James Of Dowglas, ann tlje &inn; oft comfo?ten toad so Clj;ou0lj fjtd tott ann Ijid f>n tljid manner tljem QOTetn'n Cill tljep came to tlje Ijean of Ta>% Lord Lorn invades the King; for the Death of . c? John Cummg* fif? D Lo;n of Lorn totitnen tljerebp, %b cijat toas capital enem?, Co tfje &iiiB fo? Ijid eme'd fahe, John tlje Cuming, ann tljcugljt to tafte 5 sienjjeance upon a cruel manner* 2H(jen fje tlje Eing; toifl toad fo near, fje femblen Ijad Did men in fjp, aim fjan into Ijid company Clje 'Barond of Ar gy ie alfo, 10 {jjep toere a tljotifann toell 03 moe, ann came fo^ to ftirptffe tljc ftfnff, fjat toell toad toace of tiieir comutff 5 03ttt all too feto toitlj Ijim Ije Ijan, Clje toljcre Ije bolDlp tljem abane, i ; ann tocll Ijoff, at tljeir fief! meeting, Him Iain at etn but recoD'tinn;. Utiiff^s folk full tocll tljem bare, fleto, ann fcirn, ann luounnen fare 5 OBut tlje folk of tljc otljer part? 20 jfouuljt toitlj aseg fo fellilp, ROBERT BRUCE. 41 $oi t&ep on foot force cYrilfcane, of tljeir Ijotfe t&cp fell Oaue (lain, to fome gaue tljcp iuounns James Of Dowglas tOBS IjUtt tljflt 25 SlnU alS >iC Gilbert de la Hay, Clje &ing Ijf0 men fotti tit nffcap, to (jig Cnfifftt can ije ccp, nmonff tljem cicljt Ijatuitp |>e tone, tfiat fje tljm rufljcn nH, 30 aim fetl of tljem tljece gnirt !je fall, ijc fnfertfjep inccc fo fed, fato tfiem fo great nint^ to seal, naean to tine bis 1 mm, fo? tfjp, men to fttm Ije can rclp, fain, io^tno:0, foilp ft foete Co uj3 fo? to affemWe mave, 5fo? t&ep fell of out ija?fe Ija^e fiaftr, if pe %tjt luttf) tjjem again, ftaU tine of our fmafi menjie, 40 anti out felfces ajail in peril be; Cljerefo^e, metljfnfeg, mod a^enanti, Co toitl)ti?atD u0, tue ntfcntJann, Cill tue come out of tfjeir Danger, 5Fo? our ffcengtf) at our Ijann is near* 45 Cljen tjep foitljtyctn tfiem tjaiHilp, 03ut tljat toag not full cotnartilp, fo? faff into a fop Ijein tljep, tlje filing ijim abaniion'rrtr? fo? to Uefenu {jts mcn?ie ; 50 anu tfoottglj ijig ujo^a^tp fa ttjoatjfit fjc, Cljat lje>refaieu all tlje flfeer5, fltutcn (tragat all tfje djafcrs, L CDat 42, 3i:i)e 2Ute anD #cts( ot none nurff out of battle cbafe, f 02 nttuapd at tljeir bann be toad 5 S>o toell nefennen be bid men, toljofoe'er ban feen bim tljen, fo too^tbp fit turn fo oft time bte Cbouin Cap, be ousljt fioeU to be <$o a l^ino; of a great royaUy, 8Bben tbat tbe lo^ti of Lorn fafo Oi $s men (tanD of (nm tit ftk niu, Cbat tljep nurft not follolo ttje cbafe, Etgbt angrp fn bi0 beart be iuais, 65 ant> foje ioonti2eD tbat be (boulD fa S>top tbem bimfelf alone, but moe* fain, met6fnft0. Martheokes fon, aj5 Galmakmorn toad toOlt, Co babe fra bim all bid men? ie, 70 Eisbt fo all bid fta ud bad be fet enfample tbttd mtniifee, toljere be mi^bt mo?e manneclthe, tO Gaudifer De la ryfs, tbat tbe migbtp Duke Betyfs airapetJ in Gaders tbe ifo:ra?ourd anti tobcn tbe ^inn: tljem mane recourfe, Duke Betyfs took on bim tbe toouin no mo?e abine to Gaudifer tfje toOatbP, so abannon'n bim fo too^tljtlp, f o? bid refcue all tlje fleerd, ann fo? to (ton? tlje cbafecd, (Lbat Aieiander to era be bare, alfO bin be Thollmare, 85 K.OBERT BRUCE. Corineus alfO, Dankline alfO, HHU OtljCC tllOe 5 But at tbe lad t&ete flaw fje 3jtt tjjat fallen t&e lifeelwefe, fas tfte fttns fttllc&e&alrouflp f o jDefennen all fjig compnn p, 9nU luas fet in full swat pet efcapeti (jatll ann fair; ttoo b?otfjer^ lucre tit t&at lautJ, tuere tfje (jarnfed of fiattn. C&at tuece into all tljat cottntcp, tljep Ijan f toojit, if tfjep migDt fee Bruce, tofjece tljcp misfit ljun Cfiat tbep ftouin UP, o? tljeu fjim flap* CfietC ficname tuag Mackindorfer, Cljat 10 as meifcie to fap fjece, ^0 tljC Durwarts fonttC0 petfap, flDf t&eic conueitetlje tljtcn ijao tfjep, Cftat toa0 tis&t ttout, ill aim feiioum tftcp tlje mins of soon reiiottm fo tjeljinn Jig men?fe tine, fatij Ijfm turn fa manp tine, ap abone, till tljat into a nartofo place, a loclj^tie ann a no Cfiattoasf fa ffcait, 3} imtierta, Cljat fje misftt not toell tutu l)t0 Cljen toitfj a Mil to 6im tljep peeti, one fiim bp tfje btfnie ftmt, IJE ceadj'n to ijim fik a nmt, arm ann fljouinec fleto Dim fca* tljat anot&ec can ijim ta 44 of 05p tlje ies, nun Ijts bann can fljoot iscturijct tlje fticcup ana bt foot, giro lufjen tljc &innrfelt tftece bte franti, 120 3|n Ijts ftimips flplp can be ffanu, flcaUe iuitD fptir0 t&e ffeeD In !jp, be lanc'D fo^tft neUUeclp, tljat tlje otljec faUeti feet, not foj t!jp Ijtis Ijann tnas y^t 125; anner tlje ffimtp maupc |)fsi Cljc tljtcn U)ttlj full gceat {3?, tuftlj tfif0 9 to tlje l)?ae fiDe !jt yccn, Itctt Deljtntr Ijtm on fjts flreti* C6e ftiitff toas djen fn full great pjt& 5 130 Clje toljcre fje tljenis&t, as Ije tljat toa^ 3in all DIJJ iua)?^ fo auifie, ' Co no an outragious lioimtfe, .ftnc Ijfm tljat {jcljtau ijint toagf, mattffrc DI'JS ftjill'trfttt can !jc ratfe i?j 5Fi*a tim tieljinU, tfjflttfplj ijeljan fiuo^tt, De lain ijim e'oen Ijim r ot fo;n, pnc luitf) tlje floo?u Gk Bint fjfm Tyatre 9 Cljat Ije tlje Ijeati to t&rflanw c!a^e l^e culljeli fcotun of Dlooti allteD, 140 a0 be tljat ftounti felt of tlje Ueatr, anti tljen tlje &inrj in full tjfent lj?, g>ttaUe at tlje otljec U(o;o20tto tyeas t&ep fo? fits meifcle mfgM* C&ete foa0 a 05atOn Macnanghcane, Cfiat in 6is3 ftenct great heep 6a0 tatte 155 Onto tfje &ing fjte clje^altp, p^aifeti 6im in jjeart peatlp, to t&e LO^H of Lom fntn 6e, , @ir, noto map pe fee, T5etane tlje ftacfeeft pun&elane, 160 Cbat in pouc lifetime pou fate tcme, jfo? pon mnirjftt tlj?ottgl) 6i0 uousljtp neetr, tljjouglj lji0 outcagtouu manljeen, feUen into little tine, men of meiWe migfit anti paire, 165 anti ftonieti all out men fo, aftet 6im Hate no man go, ttttn0 fo man? time W fteetf, feems of u Ije 6a0 no tyeatu can tfie Lojti of Lorn fap, 170 3it feemetlj it Iifee0 tbte petfa)), Cljat Ije flaps pon gate out men? te. it, faiD jje, fo out lo?ti me fee, Co fatje pout p?eftnce J tfg not fo ; *But lofjetljet Ije fee fcienti o? foe, 175 Cljat lotng p^atfe of cfjetjaitp, CD en fljouin fpeolv tljeteof leailtlp ; anU ficketlp in all mp time, 31 nefcet- ijeatn, fit fong 01 tfjtme. Cell of a man tjjatfo fmattlp 180 fcljeDeH fo gteat cijetiaitp, M 46 %t)e jure ano #crs or fpeafctng of tlje King tfiep mafce, be after Ijte meii^ie rafce, Into fafetp tljem fie leu, fjte faeg HID not&ing &2ea& -, 185 ano tljep of Lom again are gane, oantng tfje jskaftf) tljat tfjep ijaue tane* C6e ^tno: tfiat ulgljt fttss uatclje}3 fet, gart o^uatn tijat tljep mtg&t eat, bane tljem comfort to tjem taHe, 190 gun at tljeic mtgljtsf mere? to mafce; 5f o^ tJtfcomfo^t, a0 tfjett, fafrj fie, 310 tlje too^ff tljing f n ujo^in map &e, falls oft into fta a man nefpaicen fie, Cljen uttetlp DanqutQ'n 10 Ije, fca tlje (jeact be ntfcomfit, (0 not foo?t& a mite t C&erefo?e, 6e fain, attouc all t&utgr, 200 j^eep pou toell from e'er nefpafring:, ann tljinfc pe, tfjoufflj toe noto &arms feel, Cfiat (^on map pet relieve u0 toelU q^en reau of manp men tljat tuere far ijaruer (ten tfian toe pet are, 205 &nu fpne our Lo^ti Ok grace tljem lent, Cftat tftep came toell to tfieir intent* f o? Rome fo fiarU umquljile toag (ten, Hannibal tljem uanquiflyn 6atr, of tfie rings fet tottb rid) ftane, 210 Eljat toere off tfieir CUtigljts fingers tane, fent tlj:ee boiler unto Carthage, fpne to Rome toofc lji0 fcopage, CBere ROBERT BRUC^ 47 to neffrop tbe eitp all, ana tfjep toitfiin fcotij great ana fmali 215 5>aii fl a, toijen tljep fato Ijig coming, not been scipio t&e ping, ere tljcp aeti tuouiu tljem fta^e flain, ftk gate tucn'n ^.tfjem- again : fo? to nefenti tfje citp, 220 T5ot() fettomts ann tf)?ilie0 made 6e free, ant> mane t&ern li^nigljt^ ctjecitkane -, ann fpne 6a0 of tfje templejs eane C^e armgi tjjat tljeic eloet0 bare, 3]n name of MSo?p offec'D tijece ; 225 ann UJ&en tljep acmeu toece anti Cljatftaltoatt caries foete ann anti fato tljat tljep lucre free alfa, Cljep tjjougfit tftat tljep fjau rarfter ta C8e tieati, no? let tfte toton be tane; 230 autJioitl) common afTent as ane, tWen off tfie tolnn to figfit, Hannibal of mttfcle ainft tljem tljere arrapen tijiousi) tlje misfit of on 235 St raln'ti fo ftarn ann ftea^ilp, C&at tljere toa^ none toa0 fo Cfiat nurft into tijat place abtne, xut fpen tljem fnto ijp to rine, Clje one part to tljefr palseotwg, 240 Cfie otfier part foent in tfie toiun?* C6e rain tlws letteu tlje figljttng, g>o it tlDice ntn tljereafter* CXUfien Hannibal faio tfiig ferlp, all 6ij5 migfjtp 4 8 ^e 2Ufe ano acts of 247 t}z left tlje toimt, ana Sett ana rpne foas put to fifc aflaj? Cfeougf) tije po&ec of t&at citp, Cfjat i)te life arts IjiS lantJ tint Ije 05p tfjic iPfjcen, tijat Co focntfiiUe 2 jo mm M a fcing, ann fo mfgfjtfe, ge map toell bp enfample fee, C&at no man ftouiu trcfpaicen be, 150.2 let Ijte Ijcart be fcanqttiGj U aU, jFo? no mifcljief tljat e ec mnp fall, 255 fo? none tnotis in ftotu little fpace, Cljat ^on umqufiile toill fenti Ijt0 grace* 5>aB tljep flen anti tfietc my$ eaD gane, Cljeir foes fljoulD tfien tfje toujn fjaue tane 5 Cljecefo^e men tljat fcmrcpinu toece, 260 eijouin Cet tfjefc ettuun: etiecmate, Co (lann apinft tijeii foc0 migljt (Emquljileluttlj ftwnctfc antJ loljtl ann ap tWnk to come to pttrpofe 5 ann if tfjat tljep lucce fet in cijofe 2*5 Co up o? to Itte cotuactup, Cfiep ajottlti all ty djettalt CW^ sate tljem comfon antJ to comfort tljem can tn=b?tng Oft fto?ic^ of men tljat tuete 270 @>et into Ijacn affapis fare, anu t&at fortune conttacfeti fa(t, anu came to pucpofe at tfje laff ; Ctjetefoae Ije fntu, tftat tt)ep tftat ItJaulU Cljetc ijeattjs unuifccmeten 275 eijculti ap tljtnlt intenUp to tfieic pucpofe to soon ROBERT BRUCI-. 49 tUljile MD Cefar tljC trafcel a ap fo buftlp, 2Uitfj nil (310 migljt following to matte 280 cnu of tfje purpofe ije toouin tafce, ^Lljat ijim tljougljt ije ijati none aj> luljilc to DO ije Icaueu ougljt 5foa tljp gceat tljingis ercijeuen as men map tn fjt0 flo?p fee* 28 j en map fee bp 6i'0 itSanti it ajouin ais accom to afeejs purpofe fielteclp, follotog ft fpne fntentlp, f o?out fainting o? pet fainning, 290 2Bttl) tljp it &e cunna&le tljino:, 03ttt Ije tfje mo?e lie unljappp, aU efcbe^e it in pactp ; Ija^e Ije life capg, toeli map fall, Cljat 6e fljail toell efclje^e it alU 5fo? tljfjs none fijouin Ija^e nefpairtno: s 5fo? to efcfjefce a full great tfjing a 5f outfit fall fie thereof fail, fault map be in tjig trauel, p?eacljeti tljem on tDte manner^ 300 ann feigneu to mafce better cljear, 6e 6an matter fc? bp far, Ijt0 caufe peeti fra ill to toar* Cljep foere ap in fo Ijarn trattafl, Cill tlje latJiesi began to fail, 305 Cljat migljt tije travel fc?ee na mare, Din otfcers aI0 tftat toere tljere. earl John mass one of tljae )f Athoi, tljat foljen Ije falu fa N 50 3El)e Kift ant) XttB of tfjus nifcomfiten turice, $io aim fo fell folfc againff Ijitn rife, Itoe in GU trafcel nun nottbt, fjeact began to fail all out; ann to tlje Eing; upon a nap Oe fain, 3if 31 tJurft to pou Tap, 31 j OUc iifce into fo meilUe U^eaD, ann (jaue oftfpfg of meat fift nee& 9 Situ ap ace in fifc tca^elline:, (laitij coin anti fjungee, ann djat 31 am fan of mp felf fa, 320 djat 31 count not mp life a CWc antjecss map 3! no mare 5To? t!)oug!)t me tfiecefo^e footffip 31 muft fojourn fo&ere'ec it fte^ OUeepg me tljerefo?e fo^ cljatitic. 325 TOe King falu t&at (je fo tuas ann tljat Ije eKe toais fo ttaWU, S>e fain, ic Cacl^ toe fljall foon fc ann o^nain ijoui it belt map fie ; t[216ece'et pe be, ouc lo?n ^oit tinti :ace, fra pouc foes ttf pau ttefertfl, tljat in ijp td Bfm cali'b ge to ftim toete mdR fcffflfc Cljen among tljem t(jep tfjougSt it ann oinain'n foj tlje UMit^ 3B5 CUat tlje queen ann tlje ^acl ntfo, ann tbe laniejs in ijp fljoUld 50 CLUtl) Neil tlje Bruce td Kildromy, f o? tftem tbouffbt, fljcp mi Dtocil tDece, toljilc tljcp tuece bfstiflft 340 foj fo ftaltDact toag tlje caftei, Ctttt Bfttg ROBERT BRUCI:, Cljat ft foWj ftcengtfi foete (jam to get, ra&Ue tljat therein toete men ann meat, as tljep ojnatn'n, tljep ntn in &?, dje fldueen ann all ijec company 345 Lap on tljefc ijojfc, ann fomj can face, mig&t fia^jc Teen tufjo rjafi been tfjecr, lea&e tafemg: tlje Latiteis gcat, mane tljefc facess Uat'tlj tsars teet 5 fic mnigfjtg fa? tljetc lotJr0 falte, 3 350 ap eon fjim beip tfiat all l)elueett mneit tfiusi fn ann tfie J^mg ann Ws company, Cljat toece ttoo 6unn?en anb ito moe, 370 5fta tfiep Dan fent t&cic ljo;fe tfjem fro, 2Itann?en among tfic 6%e -mountain*, tflfiece 6e ann 6f0 oft t&oieti tmfms ^ anfc 3tos of 5fo; it tons to t&e tointet near, ann fo fetl focg about ijtm forte, 375 tljat all tlje country tfjem tuercapen, g>o Ijarn annoy tljcm tljen aflapen, >f jjunger, coin, ttutfj djotoerg fn:ll, Cljat none tfjat li\jes$ can toeU it tell. Clje Eins fato fioiu IjtjS folk luece ftati, 380 anutojat annopte tijat tljep Ijan, fata tuintec ma0 comlnrj near, tljat Ije migljt ui no manure in t&cfjilte tfte coin Iptng, pet of tlje long mn;l)tj3 tuakinn; ; 385 ^e tljCUgljt fje tO Kintyre UlpUlD Ijae, UtB fo Ions fojounring tljece mae, Cill tntntci: ineatljec tuece atoap , ann tljen, Ije tljougijt, but mo^e 3!nto tlje mainlann to 390 ant to tlje enti Iji fo? Kintyre Hcj3 in tlje fea, Neil Campbel befO^C fetlt Ije, to get ijim natality ana meat, certain .time to Ijim |)e fet, 39) flUljen fje fbouin meet Ijim at tlje fea Neil Campbel foltlj [)lg mettfie, toap luitijout mo?e letting, left Ijte b^otljcc tuitlj tije fcino;, in ttoeiue Da^gJ fo teaueU'D De, 400 Cfjat fje got ajipping goon plenty Sinn fcicUials in great abunnance, mane Ije noble cljenifance ; fji0 fib men Unnncn ijelpen ijim full toilful!]?. ROBERT BRUCE. 53 405 c&e fcins, after tljat De foag gane, Lochiowmond tlje foap ijas tane, came ttjetc tipcm t&e tljtrn nap ; thereabout no boat fann tljep, Cljat mis&t tljem o'er tlje toater bear* 410 C&cttfoere t6ep too on gceat manner, IFos it toas far about to go, ann tfjep lucre into noubt alfo, Co meet tfjeir foe0 tfiat fp?eau foere UJlUe, Cfjerefoae enniongann tfte locf>fioe btifilp t6ep fougljt ana faff, James Of Dowglas at tljelaff, a little (Mino; boat, to tlje lann it n?eiu full got * it fo little foajs, tljat it 420 ifffit o'er tfie foatet but t&ee flit* Cfjep rent tljereof fobtfi to tfje ^ing, Cljat fopful toajs of tfiat finnfitff, aim firft into tlje boat fe {jane* SBttfj 6im Dowgias tlje tfjirn m* ane, 425 Cljat roto'U tfjem o'er neliDerlp, ann fct tljem on t6e lann all n;p, ann roiD'D fo oftfj?0 to ann fro, jfetcfjino: ap ouer ttoo nnu tfoo, Cljat in a nigljt ann in n nap 430 Come ouer all tlje locft are tljep ; fo? feme of tljem could ftoim full tnell, ann on ijis bach bear a faruelf, S)OU)itlj floimming, ann toitfj rotoing, Cljep fcouffftt tljem o'er and all t&eir tljinrr. Cfje ^ino; tlje mf)iie0 fo merrily Eean unto tfjem tljat mas ijtm bp Romans 54 3Ci)e fltfe ana %tt$ of Romans Of tUO^tljp Ferembras, Cljat too^tljp overcoming CteOUflffl tlje rtgljt UOtigljtp Oliver, 440 anti ijofc) tbe Dufee Paris lucre tlttO Egrymor, Lawyn lap t&em mo?e tfjoufantijs tljan 31 can but eieucn fottfifn toece tftep, 445 auti a ujomatt, tljat ttjete fo flan, tfjep no meat fcHtfjin tfjece ai3 tfiep from tljeic foes it tuan ; get fo continue tfjep tfjem tftan, Cfjat tftep tfie totuer ijelti manfully 450 Ctlltljat Richard Of Normandy foeg macnen tlje ^ino:, urns jopful of tljijs tftJing:, 5f o? fte Ujenn tljep Dan all been flain ; Cljetefo^elje tutn'n in Ijp an:atn s 455 ^ntl foan Montribil, antl pafS'5 Flagot, ann f)?ne Lawyn, ant all (ji0 fiot Defpiteouflp tiifcomfit fie, ana uelftet'ti Ijis men all free, anti tuan tlje nailssf, ano toan tfie fpear, 460 &nn tlje croton tfiat 3lefu0 cotim bear, anti of tlje crors a great partp |>eU)an Uj:ouglj fjiss great cfie&alrp* Clje gooti I^ing upon t&t0 manner Comfo^teti tljem tfiat toere (nm near, 465 ana matie t&em gaming ana folace, Cill tljat Iji0 folk all palfeti tua^* OUben tfjep tuere pafiei'D tfte tuater g)tippofe tljep feil of foe$ ROBERT URUCJE. 55 maue tijem mcrtp, nuu tuete 470 f et not foj t\)p Mi feil$t&, Cljep ban full great nefault of meat, Sun t&erefo?e s uenifon to get, 3in ttoo parts ate tljep gane* C&e &ing ijimfelf foas into ane, 475 ^ntl tlje ffOOti @>tt James Of Dowglas 3into tijc otfjec pattp toasi ^ C&en to t6e ijfgfjt tijcp ijeta tfieft mai ann fjunteti long W(e of t&e oap Cijep fougljt fo? fljatusi, aun fetis fet* 4 8o wit tljep got little foj to eat* C6eu ijappenefc at tfiat time per cafe, at! Of Lennox foag tins neat tljetefcp, lofien 6e fjeatti fo bloto ann ntiet t6at it migfit b on fiU manner rpefren 6e, etD tftat it toa^ tljen fo^outten mo?e ntuelling, an tfiem of fits compaitp, 490 ^>e foent tigljt to tfie l^ing in 6?, @>o Wptft anu fo jopful, tfjat (je on no manner filptfter be; tfje Sling tuenb fcan been Ije foas alfo tuiU of real!, 495 C&at &e imtft reft into no place, Bot but, t6e Eing nifcomfit loais . at Methven, ije ijeatu neuer tfiing, Cbat e'er foag certain of t6e &mg, C8erefo^e into full great fcatntie 500 Cfie K^ing full fcumblp ijailfpt ije -, 5<5 %De 2Ufe ana 3fct$ of ije ijtm foelcom'B uSfcea (jim full tennerlp ^ all tlje 10^0 toat foere tfjere, fcigljt jopfttl of tljeir meeting foere, 505 aim fctfTea 6im in great fcafntfe, 3it toa0 great pit? feu to fee l}$to tfjep fo^ jop anti pit? pat, tfiat tljep UJitft tfjetr fellotois met, foenn 6an been tean, foa tbp, tLijep ujelcom'ti dim mo?e ijeartfullp, anti Ije fo? pttp grat again, COat neucc of meeting inag fo fafn* Cljougfi 31 fap tljat t^ep grat footljlp, 3itla0 not greeting property, 515 5fo? 31 troto trataip tljat greeting Comes unto men t&ouglj miflffefng, tljat none map tout angrp greet, it be foomen, tljat can toeet Cijeir cljeefes, loljene'er tftep lift, foitft tearu, Cl)e tuljetc toeil of tljcm nothing ^ut 3! tuot toell toitftout leefing, 2I16ate'er men fap of fife greeting, Cljat meiWe (op 03 pet pitie, S^ap gar men fo amouen be, 525 C(jat tuater from tfie Ijeart foill rife, ant) (pet tlje een on fik a iuife, COat it ig lifee to be greeting, COonglj it be not fo in all tfjing j jfo? UJfien men greets tnfcerlp, 530 COeljeart is fo;roU)ful oj angrp* 05ut fo^ pit? 3! troui greeting notfjing but an opening fftfttg ROBERT Baucri 57 >f fieart, tfiat fljefos tfie Of reutlj tljat In ft clofcn f& Cfie'Barons upon tijtis manner, Cfi?ougfi (Sou's grace, aflemWea foere, Cfie Carl ban meat, ana tfiat plentp, ann tottfj glatr Deart it tljem gaue fie, an& t&ep eat it toitfj full gooti luiil, 540 anirrougfit none otfjei* fauce tfjecetil, appetite tftat oft men tato, rigbt toeir rcotuc'D luece tfjeir eatanu n?anfe (Ht ais t&ep ban, our ilo^fpne losing maDe, 54? ^nti tfjanfeen 6im toitl) full goon c&ear, Cbat tfjep toere met on tfiat manner* C6e fting. t&en at tftem asrtten pant, $)oto tfiep Once (je tljem feen ftati fatn s 9nn tfiep full piteouflp can tell 550 Df auentutoai tftat tfiem befel, ann great annapijx an5 po^ettp C6e l^tng tftereat ijau great pitp, ann toltJ tljem piteouflp again, 6e nop, t&e ttauel, aim tlje pait^ 55 J Cfjat ftetfioleti ancefie tljem fam, 2Jag none among tfiem 6ig5 o? lalo, ^5ut fje fian pit? ann pleafance, caifien fie fiearn mafee rememfi^ance fl>f tfie perils tfiat paffen toece-, 5^0 But tofien men ougfit at lifting are, Co tell ot pains are paffen bp, pleafes tfie fieacing toonUiouaF, $nn to refieatfe tfieir oiu tiifeafe^ 5)oW-tBem-oRfttt comfort ann eafe,. 58 %ty fUfc anitf) t&y t&ereto follofu no blame, Difljonour, uricfcetmete no? ajame* after t&e meat foon core tfje feino:, mijen jje 6au leafcefc Ijte fpeirino;, ana bugfeea Ijfm tuftfi 610 mettle, 570 ann UJent In ftp totoacn tfje fea, COljere 8>fc Neil Campbei foott tljem met, toitlj ftipg ann aljs tmtlj meat, g>ail0, ann oatg, aun otljec tfjfnff, foere fpeeHful to tbeic paronff* 575 Cben fljippeutfjep fo?outtett mace, g>ome UJent to (teer, anti route to oar, anu rolueti bj? tlje ifie of Bute, en mf gftt fee many freelp foot about tlje coaft t&ere looltaniu 580 a0 tjjep on oarjf toere roftjann ; anu neetjcsi tfiatfoere ttaltnact ann fqttare, Cbat tnont to fpan great fpearss foere, e>o fpanneti oarj5, tljat men mi$)t fee full oft tljeir Ijine left on tljc tree, 585 jrojaUfoereuomg, I^Hftrtt anB fcnate, oaaj3 not tftat e'ec fcifpotf misfit tjauc from fteerdtof, ann afss from ro^inor, Co further tljem of tfteir fltttwg* How the Earl of Lennox was traiteroufly purfued by his own Men. in tlje famen time t&at tfjep in fljfppira, ai goon Carl Of tlje Lennox 31 cannot tell sou fy&\\$& to&flt cafe, 5 Heft BtttS ROBERT BRUCE. 5 Left befiina tfiem tottfi fif ryallcp, CtU tfie &mff foas far on fits foap, ana fofien tfiat tfiep of fits countrte flUift tfiat fa Ufoelt befifnti foas fie, Bp fea toitfi (fitp$ tfiep fifm fougfit, f pitfi, to fijyfit fottfi tfiefe traf touts, Snii tfiat fie fiaa no near fuceourg, Cfien tfie Stfng'S flote, foj tfip 9 8)e fpeu fltm after tfiem to fip ; 15 *But tfie traitor fitm follotn^ fa, Cfiat tfiep fo^ll near film cait o'erta, jToj all tfie miff fit tfiat fie mf sfit tro, ap neat ana near tfiep came fifm to 5 ana fofien fie fafo tfiep foere fo near, 20 Cfiat fie mf&fit foefl tfiefr menace fiear, anu fafo tfiem near ana near come ap, Cfien to fit'js men? ie can fie fap, 05ut ff foe fina fome fubttltie, O'etta!\cit all foon fljaii foe be; 25 8Bfierefo?e a reae but mo^e letting Cfiat ottttafeen of our arnttniy, me catt o'er all tfitng in tfie fea, ana fra our fljip fo li#&tea be, mt ajall fo rofo, anti fpeea u0 fo, 30 Cfiat foe fljall foell efcape tfiem fro* e^ittfi tfiat tfiep ffiall ntalte a lje raiUefc, (lining tljjottglj t&e fea, 40 ant) tofcen t&ctr foes can t&em Tee *Befo?e tljem altuapg mace ann marc^ tljat tljerc floatino; foere toofe, anoturneo f?ne again, bp tbat tfte^ lee^'ti all tljcic paftu 45 sBbcn tljat tfie acl on tljtsr manner, ana Jtjs menf te efcapeti tuece, after tlje i^fng ije can Dim ftp, C&at tljm foitf) all 610 company 3lnto Kintyre acrtueu ioajs, ;o cije Carl tfjen toin ijim all ijfg cafe, cftaftn on tljcfea tfjem tljat fijouin (ji-3 otun men be, ijouj fje ba'o been tane but Dout, not tfiat 6e toappeti out 55 au tfiat fie ijan v fitm lioftt to ma f , ana fo efcapeft be tljem fra. g)tr Carl, teio t&e 3Kjng perfap;, @)ince t(jou efcapeti art aftap, SDf tljp tfnfel is no plenpinff ; 60 'But 31 ferill fap tftee tuell a tfting:, Cljat tljere UJillfall tfce great Co paf0 oft fra mp companp, f o? felefpfss to&en tDou art Cljou act fet tntaljncD afTap-, 6$ Cljerefoae metfjinlt0 itbett to t&ee,, Co ijoin tfiee al&raps near to \nz* ^)tr, fata tfje Carl, it Ojall be fo 9 3 iftaU no wife pa far pou,fro 9 Hi US ROBERT BRUCE. 61 Cill $0t> sftc grace foe tie of minftt 70 a&ainfi out foetf to jjolfc out: rtgljt Angus of ifle tljat time tons fpre 8nU LO$I, anu leaner of Kintyre, C&e King rigljt foell tecciueH &e, ann undertook W& man to be, 7; and ijim ann btss on man? tutfe $>e abannon'D to Ijte fecuice ; 2lutJ to? ficfeeeuer^ gaiie Dim J)i0 Cattle Of Donabardyne, Co ntuell therein at fjis; 80 full greatlp tjjanfeen ijim tlje Slnti cecetuen all 8(0 fertn ce ; get not fo? tfjp on man? tutfe, $e toag uieatJing fo? tte^Ton ap, ann tjjetefo^e, a^s 31 fieatu men Cap, 8j $>e ttttffefc fn none ficfeetlp, CiU tljat 5e lineuj ijf m utteclp ; *But Wat MntJ n?ean tfjat e'er ije ijati, fair countenance to tljem ije raatje, . . ^ ^InTJ in Donabardyne 5apS t()|ec 90 5fo?cutten mo?e tften utoeHen ije, pne gart bus men^ te mafee tijem pare> Rachnn bp fea to fare* fsi an i fle into tfte fea, map ludl in tlje mftttatt tie 95 *BetUJi]Ct Kintyre anH Ireland, CClljere al0 great ffreams are tunnattn, aun aid pertlloitf nnn matr, Co o^erfail tljem in (6tp0 fair, 9S5 i0 t Je raife Of Britanny, * 100 >? flratW Of Marrok in Spainy, 0. cfieic 2Ufe anfi 3W* of Cbipg tben to t&e fea tfre? fet, ana mane reaup but longer let, ancljajs, ropeg, botb rait anfc oar, ana all tljat neeBeti to fljfps fair* 105 mben tljep toete boun to fail, tbep Cbe units toagf foeH to tftcic intent Cljep raifetJ faU, anti fo?tlj tfje? ann bp tftc Mull tljep paired 5>are r ann entretJ Toon into tfte rae^, 1 10 mfiere t^at tlje (tceams fo ttutnp Cfjat ftja^es To tinne b^eafetng tuere, (Kaaltectn ag Ijillis ftere ann t&ete* Clje ajipis ouer tfjefoafces flaiie, jfojiDinQ at point frtotmttg tljep 5ati 5 M 5 T5ut not foi tljp, tnljo tfjere IjatJ been, a cceat (factling fie migljt ija^e feen fl)f (I)ipj5* f 02 tDStlum fome tnottlti ftc Etgljt on t&e U)ai)e0, a0 on mountie, ann Tome tooum flfue fcom fitgljt to inft., 1 20 Eteftt as tfiep noton to bell fooutt) tiiaUJ, epne on tje foafce ftatt fuunenlp. ant otftet fytps tbat tuere tfjetebp, Delitietlp tJ^eto to tfie Beep. 3t ta$J gteat cunnfnsnefg to fteep 1-2 j Cbeic tacfcle into fik a tb?onff, ana tohit fife toa\3e0 , fo? ap among C6e toa^e0 reft toajS tljeir figbt of lantr* raben tbep tbe lann toass cigbt neat anu tnben tbe fljfps toece fading Cbe fea tooulti rife on fifc manner, Cljat of tbe manes tfje toalterino; b Q}.ouin teaue tbem often of tbeic fisbt;, ROBERT BRUCE, fntO Rachrin Ciep amfcen ilU ane fafclp, Eigfjt fciptij mm otfan t&at tljep lucre Jo Cfcapen tljefe Ijtneous toafces fco* 3jn Rachrin tljep amfceH ace, $nn to tfje lantJ tfiep tiicut bitt mace, 3rmefc upon tfietc &ett manner* f 40 ftti&en t6e folk t{jat t&cre tpfnnino: uia-c, men of acms in tljetc country Into fiU quantity, fleto in Ijp luitf) tljeic cattle, Cotoarti a ctgfit flaltoatt caffle, C6at in t(>e lana lua^ neac tftereli^ en migfit ijeat toomen fiigljlp ccp, flee toitlj cattle fiece ann tfiere ; tlje Ifting W fom tljat toece Deltfcet of foot, tljem.can o'ecDp, 150 ann t&em accefteD Dafttlp, m i)n - anti b^ougfjt tljem to t&e ^inir again, 0o tjjat none of tljem ail tuagi flain s C6en tnitf) tfiem teeateti fo tlje ^tnig:, Cbat tljep to fulfil 6i0 panting:, 155 Became MJS men efcetilfcane, ann jjajs ijim ttulp unnectane, Cfiat tfiep anti tfjeicjs loan anD {fill be in all t&tng; at bis totif, UJljile 6im lifeen tijece to lejw&, nap t&ep ftouin 6tm fenn (Hiaual0 fo? tftiee fjtin^en men, ann tfiep as tfteit: lo?n fljouiu Sim Kgy tfiat tfjeic pofleOlon ajouin fie, men, tfiw pjopet fcee*. Cfjes 16? cije cunnann on tins tuife toas mane, an& on tfje mom, but longer bane, Of all Rachrin faot!) man ana page, Uucelcn, antJ mane t&c fting Ijomaffe, ann t&etetoito f tooje to fjfm fetotp, 170 Co ferae lj(m altuars in lafutp, anti ficiu Dim tljeteuutlj leal cunnano , 5fo? tofjile fte ntoelt into t(je lana, Cljep founu meat to (jig company, rema How Chriftal of Seton was betrayed by Macnab, and hanged, and the Queen, and Dame Mar- jory his Daughter, afterwards Wife of Walter^ Stewart :, betrayed by thofe of Rofs. Rachrin Jeafce toe nolu 3ln rcff, fo?outten of Ijtg foejs a tujile fpeafc toe, tfjcic mfgijt ann tljetr poudte fik a pccCcrution, Ijacti, fo (trait, nun fo fell on, Cm tljem tfeat to fiim lo^ino: toete, JD? fein, o? fcfenn, o? anp manner, djat fo,2 to ijeat tis gteat pttte, fo i tijep rpacen of no negree* tljat tljep tcotDetiljt^ fctenng ipere, of ttfrfc no? fectilar* Of Glafgow *Bifl)Op Robert, Makus of Mar. tyev ftptWp fpat'5, Buifo tit fettet0, aim in p^iCon, anH U30H6? Chriftal Of Seton, Jnta 3tJttJJ ROBERT BRUCE. 65 3lnto London betrapeD C&zouQrtj a tJtfcipIe Of Judas, Macnab, a falfc tvafto? jhat ap 20 seas of tjtjs tifoellins mgljt aim Dap, OMom to ijc mane goon company. Jt foag fat foo?fe tfjan tratto^, 5fo? to fcetrap OH a perfotut, gio noble, aim of fifc rcnouin 5 25 05ut tijeceof ijan ije no pitie, 3in IjeU conuemnen mot &e lie: 5T02 uj^eu ije ijfm tjctcapen ijan, . Cfie Engliflimen tlfffit U)ltlj Ijfm I'a&C 3[n (jp in England to tl;e LAtno:, 30 Cfjat gart u^aUj Ijim, aim ijean aim jfo^outtcn pit)? o? merep, 3i,t mas gccat fo^coto ftcUcclp, fo foost&P pctfon ags ije on fife ntannec 6angcn be* 35" Ciju^ gate cntJen lji0 footfljinete, 30 Of Crawford ^)IC RaynaldlUaS, tftt gOOU S)IC Bryce tiJC Blair, . into a barn in Air. Clje Uiecn aim a IB Dame Marjory, 40 5Kt uaugljtct: tftat fpnc 8jdla0 couplet* into <$ofcs CHUitt) Baiter Stewart Q.f j Cljat tooulti in no toife longec i^ 3111 tljC Cattle Of Kildromy, 45 Co bme a iien:c, at*e ttuiuo; tflitfj C2lit6 ^nigljt0 aim tuitlj dquicc* baitfj, CfeOttgD Rofs, tifftt tO tl)t 0)?Ct5 Of Tayne *Bit tftat tcaucl tfjep mane in uain, R 66 % Kite ann 5fo? tfiey of Rofs t&ep ioouin not foeac 50 JF 02 fijem no blame noj pet nanpr, )ut of tlje nrtrtlj tfjem all lja# tane, ann fpne tfjem fenn Eiff!)t into England to Cfiat gart tJ?ato all tfje men ann. 55 ann put tlje LatJteiS in p?ifon, g>ome in caftlr, feme in Dungeon* 31t toas peat pitp fo? to [jeac Cjje folk troubles on tljts manner* How Kildromy was fieged, and taken by Treachery. C5)^C time toais into 2Hitb men tfjat tmgfjt mere anu g>ir Neil tfte Bruce, ann 3! loot toell, COat tljece tl)c Car! urn* of Athei, 3in t(je cattle U)eil uiaual'D ap, meat ann feuel can purfeap, enfo?ceti tfte cattle fa, Cbat tljem tboujr&t no ttrettfctl) ttiigftt it ta ; ann tDijcn it to tfje lAincy \uns toin 10 fiDf England, IjOtD tljep fl)Utp tO IjOlU Cljat cattle, Ije iua0 all angrp, antJ cairn to Ijim 1110 fon in l)p, Cijc elDeff ann appearann Ijdr, a poung batcljelo^ ttarft ann fair, 15 S>ir Edward Of Carnaverane, Clint ioa0 tlje ttatfeett man of ane Cftat migftt be founn in a eoimtrp, p?ince of Wales tljat time foajef 6e, ann be gatt al0 call arl0 ttoa, 20 Glocefter ann Harford UJCre t&a, ROBERT BRUCE. 67 &afce t&em toenn into Scotland, fet a ficgc toit& ftattuatt fjan& 5 CO tlje Cattle Of Kildromy ana all tije {joiners fiaillilp 25 $>e foa&e fcettrop tmtfjottt ranfoun, b?inff tljem to Ijtm fn ptffoutu commannmertt tljc? Can tanc, alfembleu atT fjoft onane a to tf)f cattle ioent tit fjp s 50 antnt affirpa fcfpjouap, aitu manp time fuif IHICD aJTafCn, But fo? to tafee (t pet t&rp fart'n : ttiem neff nocti ^nti rtiftcti tfteic foej? oft again, ftcft, fome tootmtieti, anti fome flain ; manp timess ifte tfiep foouin, bargafn at tfte fcatcag fioiu, loounii tfteic foeg oft ann fla. 40 >l)0?tlp tftep tljem contfnu'H fa, ep loitbout UefpaiceU luere, tfiougftt to England fo? to face, 5To? tftep To ttarfe fatu tfje cattle, 3ntJ tint!) tljat it toa0 toarneff tt)cU 9 45 ann rato tfte men Hefrnn tbem fa, Cl)at tbep no fjope ijati tljem to ta* 315one ftan tfiep Done all tfjat feafon, 3f it ijan not been falfe treafon - y S oj tftere tnitij tfjem toa0 a trait0ttr, 50 gftUfelurlmne, a lofpnffeoutr, Osbum to name, mane tbe tcearon, 3! toot not fo; lufiat enc&cfon, <58 %e 2Ufe ana Sites of 120? fo&om Uritlj fie mafce tfjat confcine ; But, as tljep fain tljat toere tmtfjtn, 5>e took a cutter Ijot glotoing, Cftat ten Ujajs in a fire burning;, luettt &im to t(je .meffcle balf, tfjen Inttlj com tuag filleti all, jjiglj up fit a moto it Uto 5 60 *But it full long toas not tljere fjt'D, men fapsJ oft, tfjat fire-no: p;inc o; map no man [)ine -, oft tlje pomp of p:itje fo:tD 0? elfe tlje great boaft t^at it ^j Bo? tljere map no man fice cofcetr, 03ut lolu o? reeU it a)all liifcouer* o felt it Ijere, fo? fire all clear @)0on tlj^ouglj tlje tfjtcfc boo?ti can appear, 5f irft aj3 a ttern, fpne a0 a moon, 70 ann toell fyoauer tljereafter foon. Cfie fire out fpne in blen?ej5 b^aff, anu tlje reeU rofe rigljt luontier faff* dje fire o'er all tlje cattle rpjeafc, I5o fo^ce of man mis'ljt ere it retr* 75 Cljen tljep toitljin tyeto to tlje luall, Cljat at tljat time Uiais batteU'D all SBitljin, rigljt a0 it toas tuitljout Cljat battellinty, toitioutten fcout, ^>a^eu all tljeir lt\)e^, fo? it b?ake 80 C6e blea? e tljat tljem tuotilD ouertalie, ann UJljen tfjeir foec. J;lje mtlcljief falu, Co armis toent tfjep into a tfo,aiu, affaileu t(je caftle faff, Durlt come'foi fives* ROBERT BRUCE, 8; Ol5ut t&ep foitltfit tljat miffec o great Defence anu luotfljp mate, COat tljep full oft time foeg ruflen, 5f 02 tfiep no fctnn peril tefufen* Cljep tcaueim fo? to fafce tfjeic 90 *Bitt tuefun t&at to tjje enU ap Cftc tD02lD0 tfjfngja; fo tfjem Cfiat on tto (jalfs tfjcp toere 3jntuitlj tlje fire tljem fo biofllen, ann outtmtTj folfe tljem fo tofilcn, 95 Cljat tw ftut-nt mauffrc t&em tlje j^atc pet fo? tlje fire tljat iua0 fo ijet, C6ep Uucft not entec fo fit ?, djctefo^e tljeit folfe tftep can relp, ann loent to reff, fo? it urns nigljt, ioo ctii on tlje moan tljat Hat' toasi Ifgljt, at fife mtfcftief, as pe Ijear fau, ftritljin, tlje mijitljec a? tjem nefentieti uougljttlp, continu'n tfjem fo manfully, 105 Cbat tlje? ere Hap ttootifij) meihle pafu, ban nmc'n np tljetc pate again 5 on tlje nto?n, tofien nap foais Ugljt, Sol iaj3 rifing fljinfng lj?igbt, Cljen tljcp imtfjoat, in &aflt Mattel, no Came putuap'ti reatip to afifaiL OlSttt tljep tottfjin tfjat Co toere ffnti, tljep no meat no? ftuel bad tljep migljt tlje caftle IjalD, Cteaten ficft, ann Cpne tljem pain, 115 Co lie into tlje &ing Ijte null; tljat ap tO Scotfmen Iai3 ill, s yo &$ foon after it foas toell fcnafon, jf o? tljep toere Ijanpa all, ana u?aftm* OTjen tlje cunnann t&us treats toa& 120 ana affitmen feritf) fictanete, tooU tfjem of tlje cattle faott, into a fljo?t tpegass.none, all a quarter of Snawdown, Eigljt to t&e ecl3 tfjep tumbleti ttotutt, 125 ann totoacti England tclb t&eic aiap* But UJ^en tlje &ing; Edward ijeatu Cap, foell tlje Bruce Ijdtl Kildromy, fon fo ftaltnactlp 130 ant! tOUJacD Scotland inettt lit aj3 fntO Northumberland tuasf lottlj Iji0 gceat rout ficltnef0 toofe &im m . tfie toap, put fttm to fo &arD aflap, Cfjat fje migljt ncftljer go no? Dim tuo?t!)cri mauryrc 015 UiiU to 3into an |jamlettna0 t&ereli^ a little totmt, anti untaojtljp* ^it& great pain tbep ijim tljitjjec liaousOt* 140 ^>eta0 fo ttan, tljat Ije no mogljt &i0 UJinu, fjuttuitb great pains n^ato, H3o? fpeafe, but if it toere taeil Jatn. Clje mijere fje bati tljep fljoulti ijtm fap, TOat totun U)a0 tljat toljiclj ije in lap. >ir s tljep fain, ttsi Burgh m t&e fann en call tljte toion into tlji0 land* Call tfjep it Burgh > alace, fa& &e, ijope i& noto foanone to me ' 3&tttJJ ROBERT BJR.UCE. 71 5fo? 31 toenn ne er to tfjole tfje pafu 150 >f neatij, till 31, t^ouglj meifelemafn, burgl) Jerufaiem fjafc tane life tljeretoenu j ftoulD be cane a 31 toiff toell 3R fl30tilD Hie ; 31 &J30 neitfjee toifc no? Hie, Co otljet Ijttcffljis 6eip fo: to tir* map 31 no tntfe fttttljec 5^ piatnen ije oflji0 follp, ije ijan mattet ficfeeci?* fje toctnD to toit cectatntp 160 of tljat tbnt none mai? cectaiit be, C&e tofjece men fain Ije cfiafen 6aui a fpicit, t&at 6im anfluei; maDe, SDf fome tfwtffg tljat fje toouiti enquire, 'But &e fooleo fo^outten toeer, 165 Cjjat ga^e fuel) tend to t&at cteatutes 5fo? fienujs are of dfc a nature, Cljat tftep to mankinn 6aue enup, 5fo? tfiep toot tneli ana ate imTeip, Cljat tftep tfjat toeil are liijinfl: fjere, 170 @>ijaU UJin tfie fiege, tn&ereof tfiep mere ttjetr meiltle p^ine ; oftimes it toill betioe, Cbat UJben tlje fientiiei tudcen^teti are, S $i to appear, ann matte anffoer, 175 Ci^ouQlj fo^ce of conjuration, Cljat tftep fo falfe are ann fellon, Cfjat tfiep make ap tljeir anf toerino: 3lnto trouble untierdanning, Co tJeceibe tfjem tfjat tniil tfjem troto* ^BO Cnfample totll 31 ret Sere note 7 z Xlje fUfe ano SCcts of fafoeir, as 31 beat* tell, BetfoilCt France ilttH tfje Flemings fell Cbe Carl Ferands motljec toass jaeccomancec, ann fatljanas 185 be caffcn, ann bim asfcen fpne, SBbat tbo.uin tootfb of tfie figfitpne ^ettwitt t&e French ftinff anti Ijec fern? anu be, as all time fie foag mon, 3lnto tieceit mane Wi3 anrtoer, 190 ann faitJ to 6ec tftce DetKtf Dere Rex ruet in bello, tumulique carebit honore, Ferrandiis comitifla tuus mea cara Minerva venier, magna <:omitante caterva. toa0 tlje rpeeclj ije matje pecfap, id in Engiiih tongue to fa)>, Cfje tAtng ttjaU fall in tlje * 5 anti ttjall faill Ijonouc of e tt ^ u tj tljp Ferrand Minerve U1P eijatt'tfrtt to Paris ftjenn but loetr, op ct jf ollotjDtnn; Ijim great rompwp ffl>f lEloblemen, anti men ,too?tijjn Ct)is iJ3 tfjc ftntence of tbe fato,. Cftat Ije in Latin can bee fljato* i;c calleu bee bis tieac Minerve, 205 f 0^ Minerve a VuaS iMOllt tO fetilC , till foe loft at bis tie^ice, fo? (be mane tbe fame fetfcice* Minerve ijcc ap callen be, als tfcousb bis fubtilitie, ipe call'n bee near, bee to necette, C&e tlje tigbtet ffioutti concede 3SUUJJ ROBERT BRUCE, SDffiW fpeecfi tfie unnetrffannins, flDfiat moft pleafen to fiet lining* CfiiS nouble fpeecfi Co fiet neceito'n, Cfiat tfijousfi fiet foil? foas nean SF03 (fie foass of fifg anffoec ann to Sec Ton flje tolti it anti ftatJe fjim to t&e battle jfo? ijc fljouin uta'cp 6a^c but ftfm in 6p to tlje CTSetc fie m'fcomfit tuas ana fljent, ann ta^ett, anti to Paris rent ; But in tfie figfittnn; not fo? tljp, 225 Clje^ing fie tfiaougfi 610 cfiefcalrp, CL2la0 laitJ at ettJ, anti Is-meti baitfi, ^ut fiis men fielpen fiim toell cnitfi* anu tofien Ferrandus ntotfiec fieatfj 5>oUJ fiec Ton in tfie battle far'n, 230 anii tfiat fie fo luajf ntfcomfit, g)fie rata'a tfie ill fptrit alftpte, Sun ajsueu MJP fie gaben fian $Df tfie anfujec tfiat fie fiec mane f antJ fie Tain fie fian Tain Cootfi all : 235 31 rain tfiee tfiat tfie lunu ajouin fall 3ln tfie battle, ann fo ntn fie, failTi ecninry, ajs men map fee. 31 fain, tfiat tfip fon (fiottin go Co Paris, ann fie ntn risfit fo, 240 ifoiloUHttg fiim fih a men?fe, Cfiat neUet in fiis lifetime fie a men? ie in leaning* fee #ou 5 31 mane no gaftlfitg* 74 Xlje fUfe ana Sfctst of Clje toife confufen toas pecfap, 24? ana twcft no mo?e t&en to ijtm fay, Cfjus gate, tij^tsij Double untictiUmtun& Cljat Ixacotfin came to fife Cbat tlje one pact necette Eiijijt fo fell it upon ting cafe, 250 Cljat Jerufalem, U'OtUeB fie, ^zatien Into tije bucglj to be, Clje luljere at Burgh into t&efanfc, |>e ftoelt rigljt into Ijfg olon lanD ; Clnn toijcn ijc to tlje neatlj toad near, 255 CljefoIU tljat at Kiidromy tuere, Came tiritlj p^t^'nerg tljat tljep Ijati tatte a fpne unto tlje fcing ace gone, fo^ to comfort fiim t&ep tauin, IDoto t^ep tlje cattle to Ijim pauin, 260 anti boto t&ep to W$ tofll toece b?otiffljt, Co tto of tljat toljate'ec fje tljougbt, ann asife'Q tobat men fljoulti Cben look'u ije angcilp tljem to, ann fain gtcntns, gac Ijing ann 265 jt toasi sceat toonfcec of ftk fato, Cbat ije tljat to tbe uean toag neat, &{joum anftoec upon fife mannec, OUitbouttcn meaning of meccp* Doto mioiljt te truft on Ijim to ccp, 270 cijat footljfaftlv nof0 tieem nil Co IjaDe meccp fo? tlje ccpino: Of Ijtm, tljat tlj^ou&b biJ3 felon? Into fife point Ijau no mecep*. i;ij5 men Ijijs manncment 27* ROBERT BRUCE. 75 fpne toas fyoug&t to burping, (>ij3 Ton fpne after Mm toas &fff. Co t&e &tng Robert again 50 to*, ClWt ill Rachrin tottlj !)& mCHftC 280 tap until tofnter near toas sane, anu of tljat 31fle ijig meat fjag tane, James Of Dowglas fie loajS attgCP, fo long fljoulu i^le lp, tO >IC Robert Boyd fai5 6^, 285 C5e poo^folfe tljat'js of fyi& countcie, are cfiargeu upon great manner, jDf u0 tljat tnie no ip bere ; ana 31 6ear fap, tjjat m Arran, 3nto a ftptft cattle of ftane, 290 are Engiiihmen, tljat toffy ftrong ijanti Doe0 bolti tfie lo^ufljtp of tfje lann ^ 0o tue tbftfjer, ann lueli map fall, annop tfiem in fome tbtng toe fljall* g)(c Robert fain, J grant tljeretil, 295 Co lp fiere mo^e lere little 0MII, C6erefo?e to Arran paf0 imll toe, If 01 31 Itnotw rigljt loell tlje countrfe, anti tfje cattle rfgfjt fo linofio 3i fflt ftaU come tljere fo p?Hrilp, 300 Cfiat t^ep ttjall Ijatoe no perceiuin^ I5oi pet touting of our coming, antj toe fljall near enbuOjetJ be, TOere toe tljeir outcomfng map fes, o t^all ft on fame manner fall, *But gfcaito tfiem on fome totfe toe fljalfv oattlj tljat tljep busfceH tljem onane, anti at tlje feing tijetr lea^e 6a\3e tatter 7<5 XI)e 2Ufe ana #tt of foent tljem fotfft fpne on tjcft toap, 3into Kimyre foon come ate tljep, ?io' g>pne rotten alfoapg ftp tlje lann, tljat tlje nigfjt toas neat at fcantr ; tO Arran t&e? tDEHt tljeft rafelp tfjete atciuen tfjep, fit a glen t&eic rjaUep 315 anu fpne it fjailleti toeU C&etttacfele, oat0, ann all tbeft deer; C6ep DttJ all on tfje fame manner, anH fielti tfjefr tuap tfgfit in t&e So tljat ete nap U)a0 n^atoen 320 Cljep toece enbuftt tfie cattle ntar, upon tljeir feeff manner : tljep luet toete ann toeatp, fo? long fa^ng all Ijungtp, Cbep tljontjbt to fjoin tljem all p?fute, CtU tljat tljep tuell tfjefu point mtsbt fee, g)iC John tlje Haftings at tljat tftie, OHftl) &nisi)ts tljat toere of mettle ptfOe, anu ltt& equperis ann f eomantie. SlntJ tljat a luell great company 330 Xaj3 in tlje Cattle Of Brathwick, ofttyfs tujen it tooulD Ijim like, luent to ljunt fcitlj lji0 rnen^ie, fo tlje latin abannon'D De, Cljat uuttl none tuatn to tio jn'g fofli; 335 5>e tiJ^s into tfje cattle ttilL time tljat James Of tlje Dowglas, 31 Ija&e toin, entjufteu foas, ijappenen tijnt time tfjzottglj cfjance, Cfint untij uiairn^ ann pacucpance, 340 ROBERT BRUCE. 77 anto foit& clotljing, anti Uritlj arming, Clje nap before in tlje evening, CJie uniier aBarfcen atrtoefc luasf C<tlj tljjee boats, iuell near tye place, SBljere tfjat t&e folfc 31 fpofce ofatc, ^fnflp cn6uften' toere* &pne fcom tfje 6oat0 fato tljcp ga, )f Engliflimen tftfttp antJ ma, bare toinc nun Come armings C6e temanent all cljacgeD tuece things of a fuhnip- manner, otfier funu^p peeti tljem ftp, tljep loere matters inielp, tfjat entufteti toere, tljat fafo fo?qutten n?e'ati o? atu, enbuajment on tfjem tljep b?afee, fleto all t&at tfjep miffftt o'erta^e* rofe IjitJeouflp anti fife, SFo? tftep tftat ti?eat)ins foere to nte, Efc6t ag beaffsi can roar anti cry, J tfiem fo?outten mercp, tljat into tlje famen ttean near to fo?tp tljat mere 5eati CUfien tfjep tfiat in tlje caftle foere, 365 5>earti tfje folfe fo crp anto rare, Cljep ifltt'ti fo^t& to tlje fiffljtino:* UJljen t|je Dowgias ram tljeir coming, men to Ijim (je can relp, inent to meet tljem Ijaftilp ; 370 anu toljen t6ep of tlje cafHe fato come on tljem fojouttcit 7 8 5CDe %itt ana Slctg of Cbep flea fo?outten mo^e debate, ana tbep tljem folloura to tbe pate, ana fiefo of tljem ag tbep inpaff* 375 Xut tbep tljeit pate barren Co faff, SLbat tbep at tljem mfgfjt tio na mare, C&ecefoje tljep left tljem life nne tfiece, ann tucneti to tlje fea again, WJftttt tljat tbe men toece fo^outlj flam, 380 ana fnljen tljep tljat tocce in tbe ljoat0, Sato tljeic coming ann toift Ijofo gates Clje? ftan uifcomfit tbetc men? te, 3n Ijp tljep put tfjem to tfje fea, ann cotoeti faff taitfj aU tfteit main 5 38? T5ut tlje totnu tuajes tftem fo again, Ctiat fo fttglj gact tbe lanti bicft cife, Cljat tljep mf gW toeilti tlje fea no toife. C6en tljep tiurff not come to tlje iann, T5ut Ijoia tljem tljere fo long IjoblanD, 390 2L6at of tbe tlj?ee boats njotonett ttoo antJ tuben Dowgias fato it tna0 fo, iDe took atming, ana alss clotfjinty, (atsttaW, tutne, anu otljec tljing Cljat tljep found tljete; anti beiti tbeit toap, 395 Eicbt clan ann joyful of tljetc ptep* SDn tljiS manner James of Dowgias, annbte men^ie, tlj?ougb <& b toere luell relieben tottb arming, ann toitb uiaual, ann al0 clotljing; 4 co g)?ne to a Crcnnjtlj tbep bein tljeir antJ tbem full manlp souern u ap, CiU on tlje tentlj nap tbat tlje Kin 03it& all tbat mere in b# leaning, ROBERT BRUCE, 79 into tljat counttte, 405 Elitb t&ictp gallepg (mall, and t&ee, lit Arrane, fpne to tfielann 10 ije Bane, in a tottm took ijarbetp, ann fpeiten fpne full fpecialtp, 410 3if anp man couin tell titljattD Df an? fttangc meu (it t&at lantr* ge0, fain a tooman, Cr, pecfap, flDf ftcaugct men 31 can pu fap^ Cfjat ate come mto tljiis country, 415 ann ffio?t tnljtle fpnc, t6;ousl) tijeft fiountp, ijep Ijanc Bifcomfit ouc Klatuane, manp of b^ men Ijalie flam, to a ffaltoart place fcerebp Eepaftetlj all tljeic companp* 420 Dame, fain tfie E(ng, foouin )?ou me totw Co tljat place toljece tfjeic repaic t0 a 3 ftall retoatn tfjee fcut leefing, jpo? t6ep ace all of mp nfoeHtno;, ann 3! tfff&t Wpt&lp ujouin tftem fee, 42$ ann fo 31 tcoto tfjat tfiep loouin me. f e55, fain flje, it:, 31 foill filptljlp <^o toitlj pou ann pout companp, CiU tftat 31 ft^to pou tljeit tepait* Cljat fjs enouglj mp fifiet fate* 430 iftofr 0o toe fotfoatn, fain tge ftfitff. Cljentoent tljep fo?t^ but mo^e letting, jf olfotofng jjet ag (fte tftem len, fB\\l at tfjc f aft fijc ftcin'n a ften Co tlje Efng in a toponp glen, 435 &tn fain, air, &ete 31 fato tfic men Ciat mta 3lct$ of pe fpeitn after, mix longing, $)ere 31 ttotu be tbeic cepaittng* be fting tljen blefo bis boin in ftp, ann gatt ttje men tljat mete ijim bp, 440 r^oin tljem ftill all tit pjttntte, anti f)?ne again fjtss bant Weft fje, James Of Dowglas tJltl Ijeat 6tUt lllOtO, aim focll tfte Waft foon can fie fcnaiu, ann fain, furelp pon tg tlje 445 Long foljtle fince 3! fcneto fjfs tljtcti time tljetetmtfjall be bletu, tljen S)ic Robert Boyd it fcnett, fain, )?on ijstfje &ing (jut njean, ^o toe fojtlj to Ijim, be it fpeen* 450 Cben toent tfiep to t&e jsitng in Ijp, ann bim inclinen cotttteouflp, ann blptblp toelcom'n tljem tbe l^ing a antnuais joyful of tljeic meeting, ann fciffen tbem, ann fpeicen fp^e, 455 ooto tljep ban fat'n in tljeic bunting. tbep bim toin all but leefiitg ; loij'n tlje? 0on of tbeic meeting, tuitb tbe fcing to biss 22Jent tbep botb iopful ann 460 Cbe J^ing upon tbe otljec Can to ljiJ3 p?itop menjie fap* noUJ all tofll, ann j?c map fee, loc ace out of out: counttie tb?ougb Engiifhmens migbt, 465 ann tljat fobicb tbouin be ourjs of n'gljt, Cb^ugb tbeic maacp tbep occupy, ann foouin alfo toitfiout metcp, Jf ROBERT BRUCE. 3If tfiep bad mi&ljt, deffrop us all-, T5ut od forbid it fljottld To fall 470 Co us, as tljep mafee menacing, Cfjen toete tljete no recovering, and manljood als bins t^ tljat tue, Co procure vengeance, bufy be ; f o? pe map fee toe Ijafce tlj?ee tljino; 5 475 Cljat mafee u0 oft to be too?t&p, toffe, antJ to annop tljem at ouc SDne tis, ft is cut life'0 fafetfe, Cljat on no toffe coulD fa^eti be, 480 af tfiep ban 110 at tijeit lifef ng: Cbe otljer, tljat malted u0 eggmo:, 310, tljat tljep our potTeCTioit Doljoin tuitl) firengtb agaittft ceafon. ^Dbe t&icn 1*0, tlje (op u?e abtne, 435 Jf tbat it Ijapptn, ais tuell map tiDe, Cbat toe tutu uia'rp aitn mafft-p, Co oueccome tljetc feloitp: tue (bouID all ouc fjearts ratfe, tbat no tnffc&fef tig abafe, 490 ann ttjape alfoaps to tfjat ennino:, Cljat beats in it meusk aitn ioutniy ; tfjetefo^e, ^Wngg, if pe fee pou tljat it fpeeufitl be, 31 mill fenn a man in Carrir k, 495 Co fpp, and fpeit at out -ftincCft, it is leu, ana ftienn and fac, if Ije fees toe land map tac, Turnberyfe-nuke fje map a fitc c;t a certain dap, x 500 m* ms of 500 co ma&e tofcnfn& to 4$, a? tjere arrtoe into fafet(e ; ana if ije fees toe map not la, Loofc on no Urife tlje fire fje ma, g>o map me tljeretftfOttglj joj Of one palTage, o? otic utoellfno;, Co tdi'js fpeecfj alltKTentet! ace, aim tljen tbe i^tng trftgoutten mate, CaUeu one tbat luasi to Dim ailtl iJOm Of Carrick Bi 510 ^nn cfjacffetJ Dim in lefef atiti 90 pe IjeacU it ueuifefc air, ijim certain nap to nia fire, if Ije fain ft ttett'to, Cljat tljep ijan pofllbfift? 515 Co maintain amtfn tljat couhtcp* ann.ljetljat toag rigljt toell in uwi 5>ij3 Lojujs parniun; fo^ to fulfil, 83 fje tljat tuo^tfji? foas anu leaf, anti coulti fectets rigljt luell conceal, 520 g>o ije toajs &otm into ail tDimr, f o? to fulfil fjis commantiin^, ann fain, (je fljouin to fo toifcip, Cljat no reproof fljouin after Ip* pne at t&e ^ing: Sis !eaije ijajj tanr, 525 ann. fonf) upon ijig map i0 jyane* Boto soejs ttie meflentyer fjis luap, Cbat fjeffljt Cuthbert, ass 31 ftearti fap, 3I.U Carrick fOOlt amUeD &C, anu palTeti t(j^ouo;& all tljc ? countrie; 530 *But Ije founn feU) therein perfap, gooa looulD of iji.0 mailer fap ; Jgtfttjg ROBERT BRUCE. 82 * 3Toj fed of t8em aurtt not foj u#a& a otfjet Tome tigbt into tieeti to tftc nofcle Stfng, 535 8uu ruea fjnte t&eir bargajmngt 05ot8 6(0:8 ana lofo tfie lann tua^ t&cn ^U OCCUpten tOftlj EngliOimen, :ijat nefpfteti nttout ant&fiiff Robert tfie Bruce tfiC 50tig{)tp EWff* S'40 Carrick UjajS gfUElt tljeit {jnflltlg Henry t&e L0?tl Peircy, fit Turnberyfe cattle tfjfclt HJa0 ujftij toett neac t^ee 8unn?eH nwit, $nn nauntcti fogatc all tlje lanu, J45? :6nt all toajs to ijtm ofiepfan^ Cuthbert fatiJ tfiCtC felOttp, ^6e foojtljett Engiifh, ml) nitti poo;, to none uutft &im DtTco'er, tfiouggt to lease t&e fice uuma6e 3 to 8(0 matter luent but bane, tfteic cosine to Ijim can tell, Cljat toas fo antrcp anti fa fell* C8e ^tng: tfiat into Arran "555? 2U6en tftat incoming foas tfte fet to 8(0 ^eflenirer, Beuifeti you langer, t8e fire 8e looKeu fatt, affoon as tlje noon toasf paff, De tljoug8t fioell t&at 8e fato a fire Tumble fturmttg fair ann fiji're, to 8(0 men^te it can ttmfo, ane tsous&t toeu t&at ije ft fato Eficn i>4- 5E$t '3tift *&u& $tt of luttlj blPtlj Ijeatt tlje folk c^n ctp, ^ to 565 ljoot all tljeit 5flUe?0 to tlje fea, ann beat to fea iiotlj oat ann fieet, 3nn otljet tljingss tljat miflet tuere. cr Robert's Hoftefs predicts what was to befal him, and gives him her two Sons. c? B D a0 tlje ftfns upon tlje fann oaas goinn; up ann noton, fcinann tljat big men^ie Ijoftef^ came tiJjt to fjim fpeecb to (jtrn aje raape, ann fain, Ca^e goon ^eep to mj? fo? ere ye paf0, 3! ftall pott fljaUi 0f put fortune a gteat pattp, 10 ann ofcet all efpecialip, a timing Ijete 31 Oali pott ma, OOlljat enn tljat pout ptufpcCe fijall ta ; 5fo? in tljijs lann ijs none tcitlp, CuJUtt^ tljtnffS to toelt as 31. 17 f e pate noto fo^tlj on pout foopap, Co ^enge tlje batm ann tlje outtage Cfjat Engiifhmen ijaue to pou none i . toit not i^ljat ^inn fortune ROBERT BRUC& 85 f c muff tyee in pour 40 *But Urit pc toell tot tljout ieeftttfl;, C&at fra pe (IjaU fca&e tafcen lanfc, I2one fo mig&tp o? ffron& of ijann, S>!jaU gat ?ou pafg from pouc couittcte, CUl all to pou afiannon u fie. a* CDitgin ajo^t time ?e fljall fie Rf ng, anti Ijatje tlje lann at pouc liking, attti Q'aQ overcome your foe0 aif. *But feil anno]?0 tfioie ye lljall 1 tljat pout putrpofe euu fjaue tane; 30 *But pe ftall tljem o'ecn^e ilH ane, ann tftat pe ttofo tljtj? fickei:lj>, tluo Tonnes tuitlj pott fljall J * to ta'ke pact of pottc tcafcail, 5fo: 3! tutttoeUtljep ajall not faill Co fie tetoacUeti toell at rtgfjt, pe are raifeu to pour tljat fjeatu ail Ijer 5>e tljanketi Der in mcihle tijing:, 5fo? flje t omfo^teD Dim feme neal, 40 Clje xuljere fje tromen not full tnell r fpeeclj, fo? fie Ijan ryreat ferlp, ffie fljouin u?it it Gcfcedp, it toas toon&erful perfap, anp man fjts fcience map 45 ^notD anp tfjings tljat are to come Determinate^, all o? fome ; But if tjat Ije infpireti UJere SDf (jim, tfjat crfl tDinij eDerm.are altuap fn &i0 p^efcience, 8(5 XDe Hife ano tts of David an& Jeremy, Samuel, Joel, ait& alg Ifay > ^ijat tij2ouglj ijts ijoty pace can tell, 5F eil tljings tljat aftct&at&s befel 5 55 'But tlje pjopljets fo tjjtn ate foton, Cljat rtone in eactfj map notu 'But fetl folk ate fo cutioug, $nn to iDit tljingsJ fo cofeetou0 3 igrijat tjjep ttoto tfijouglj tljeft gteat ^o >? elfe t6?ouglj tljett gteat f)n tljtt ttoo maniit0 C)f tfjtnss to come to f)ne,of tljem ts 8B6etetfj?ouB6 tfie Cletfe0 tljat ate im'ttp, 55 ap ^noU) conjunaion of planets, anfc'Utfjete tfjat tljett coutfes tjem fetg, 31tt foft fieffe0, o^ in angtp, ^nti of tlje Ijeaften all Ijaiilp, $;oli) tljat tlje nifpofitioun 70 ^ljou!ti upon tljtng;0 Ijete fo tooaU Hoton, Dn tegton0, o? on climated, Cljat all toljete uao^etjj not all gate0, *Bitt fometofjete lefjs, anu fomcMjete ^ftet as tfjett beams fttaifcen ate, 75 (Citljet all euen, oj on tu?^ Tl3ut metOinfes it luece a gooa loap^ Co an atttologct to fap, ljts fljall fall ijete, anfc on tljt'0 nap ; jfo? tljcttglj a man Ijts life lofiol^ ^o g)tutJicti fo in afttologp, Ctjat on tlje ffats fits (jeati fie b:afce, C6e teifc men fap a ije fljowin not malte ROBERT BRUCE. 87 ail fjig lifetime certain Daps t&ee, 8nD pet fljottid fie ap doubt tmjile fie 85 S>aU) fiofo t&at it came to ending ; Cljen is tfiat no certain Deeming* S>l if tljefe men tljat Urill flutip . 3n tlje craft of affrologp, ¬i) of all men tlje nation, 5?o gnu fenefo tlje conftellation Cljat ftinDiifte manners ga^e tijem till, f 02 to incline to JJOOD o? ill, Doto tljep tfoougb fctence of clecgp, SD? tl)2ougl) fligljt of af!co!uo:P, 55 CoulD tell toljat feinD peril appears Co tljem t6at IJOID feinDlike manners 31 trom tfiat tfiep fljoulD fail to Tap 3(n tlje jjjinga tfiat tftem happen map ; 5foi tDfiet^er Co men inclin'D be, IQO Co Virtue o? iniqiuitie, $>e map rigfjt mell refrain 810 UJil^ Citijer tfiaousf) nttrtur o? tij^ous to tfje contrair turn ijim alL men fiaue manp time feen fall, 105 Cljat men ItinDlp to iliuull gitjen, Clj^ougfi tljeir great foit atuap ijaue Cljeir ill, anD tuo?tfien of renolun 3 augre tlje conffellatimut ; %& Ariftotie, if as men reaD0, no i)t Ijad follotu 7 D ljt'0 ftinDlp DeeD^, 5>e IjaD been falfe and couctoui?, OBut 6i0 tuit made Jim ttrtuou* 5 fpne men map on tljts kind luife, agafnff tfjat courft tfiat W %\yt JLiit ant) Sites of n j principal caufeoftijeit neeming, *0ctljinfc0 tfjeir tieem no certain jeectomancp tlje otljer 10, Cljat aoe0 fenoU) men on fun&# foiCe, Clj?ouo;l) ftalloatt conjtttation, 120 anfc ais t^outjl) crtjo^tatton, Co gat fpmtg to tfiem appear, gtuc anfleti3 on feit manner, Wlittn utti tfjE pjit&onefg, toljen Saul aftafen tons 125 > tlje Phiiiftines potoer ant? mtgljt, maiCeti t^ougl) fiec meikle fltnpljt Samuel Ijf0 fpitlt aICO tlte, SD? in 610 ff eaa t(je etjH fp^ite, Cfjat rjatiE tigljt graitlj aitftoec &er to, 130 'But of Ijeifelf ilgljt nongljt tiJtft Ojt* anti man 10 into n^eetiino; ap C>r t!jing0 tljat ije (jag Ijeacti Tome i!5amclp of tfnno^ to come, tofifle fje l^neft) of t6e*enti tlje cectaintte , 135 ginti (ince tljev are in fifc tuenfnff OLlftljout an i? certain turning, rt6inW luljo Co come, tje foe0 malte . *Btit mijetfjer fl)e tljat tolti 140 ^oto lji0 pnrpore Ojonm talteenuing, CUenpt, oft 3t fell after dje fatti 3 reigns into free potiffte. Hov/ ROBERT BRUCE. 89 How King Robert, having arrived by the Ship at Carricky and entring the Town fecretly, kills all within. foag in Ver, foljcn tointer tine Ijte Wafts Ijioeous to fctoc, otiertytoen, ana btras fmal!, turtle, anti t&e nigljtingale, "Began rtg&t fatjollp to fing, 9nn fo? to mate fit tfjete finguig fetocet noteg, aim aifo rouimsJ fo fccc, me!oti(e0 pleafant to ijeat; aW tfte ttce0 be&outl) to ma to Buc0eoni5, ana ^igljt bloomjei alfit, Co loin tlje beating of tljcic Ijcau, toicteti uiintcr fjan tljcm maOe, all 0taiTe0 ftegoutfj to fpjutff, anto tljat time t&e noble ^if Ijte flote, anu a fctu men?fe, 6unH en 31 ttoto tljep mtfffjt be, tO t& fea OUt Of Arran, Kttle fo?out euen gane. rotoeu faft tuttlj all tljeic migut, 20 VW t&at upon tfjtm fell tlje nigtjt, Cljat luareti mitk on great. manner,- o tljat tfjep tutff not uiljere tljev toere ; 5Toa tfjep no neetJle Dati no^ flane, 'But rotoeu altuapss into nne, tj teering all time upon tlje fitre, Cbat tljep fafo feutnrng itgbt nnn fljtte. 3it ferns but atientttre tijem icn, ant! tfjey (it fto^t time Co tfjeni fpcn, 90 Qfrat aHtCvfite wrtittfe tfjep, 50 $tm foeut tolann tout mftge Cuthberr tljat ijng feen tfje fice, full of anger aitti of ice, e fturftftft :0d it nttir& toag alfd Jftdltfetmg; a^ ^ 35 ljat f)t0 LO^D ajcuiti p^ to-tge tea* tbcic coming toit^fje, met tfjetn at tftetc actitnnc:* toags tueti foou fa^ounijt: 1 cd tiji femor," Cijat rpetrti at &tmtyfttfge O^ti tsotte* 40 cinn fie tuitD fo?e Ijcact tola Ijim fooit, I^ata tfjat fie founu none Wt^mitr, ' 03ut tljep all toece ^TC7t:, fl)n ftp ftjoulti put pdu : to tfjc fca, 5fo? tljv 31 come to meet pea fjcce, 60 ^otellpet^tuatm^ippentv CBe Efie&tttg foas MW rpecclj assfe'fc fiig P^top ntcu in Ijp, tfiat tfiem tijoitgijt toag be& to So* Edward fitft aittlUECTJ -65 i>te tyotfiec tljat foag Co & Cljece fljall no peril 'tfjat me eftraon^ tutto tTjc fen* 70 SBfjetljei; it 6c B?ot6et: 5 fie fata, fince i?e Urill fa, at 10 goon tjjat toe famcn ta, Dtfeafe, ojeafe, o^paitt, 731 ann fince men rap, tftat t6e Peircy ^fne ftecitase twill occupy, 8un ijis men?ie fo near 110 to, Cfiat us aefpifes man; toapsf, o u*e ann 53enge fome of nerpite, BO 8nn tfjat map foe ijaue ione ate tftc 5 iTo? tfiep !p ttuftp but Ceasing SDf ug, o? of ouc Ijete coming: ; anti tftougfj foe deeping fiefo tlmn aJC, Eep20i?eus tljecefoje no man^ai!^ sj 5To? foamout no fo^ce ftouin ma, eOfietljet fie migfit outcome fji0 fae Cfi^ougfi fttengtfi, o? tij?oug6 futmittCe, But tfiat goon faitfi fljouiti fioinen be* CcUfien tfitis foag fatD, tljep tuent tljetc foap, 90 ^nti to tfie tofon foon come are tljcp, @>o pnutlp, but noife making, none petcet^eo tfietc commg, 9i 5CIje Kite ant) Zttts of Cljep $fcaileti tljjougfj tlje toum in Dp, sum ate fyofce up fcoo# itucnflp, ?>' aim fleto all t&at tfjep img&t o'ertafce ; ana tfjep tfjat no ncfcnce mfgbt mafte, full piteouflp can roac ann ccp, aim tljcp (leiu tftem Ucrptteouflp, Clsi tljcp tjjat toere in full goon tuill, f oo Co &en$e tfis anger ann tfie ill tljer aitu tfjefts Dan to t{jem fo fellon totll tljcp tfjem fougftt, djat tljep fleto t&em eueriikane, (Sjcccpt Macdowai fjtm alane, cijat cfcapen t6?oue:lj meifcle fltgfjt, ^Inti tl)?ounfb tlje miclmefc of tljc niffljt 3ilt tljC CaftlC tlje LO^tJ Peircy fodl tljc noffc anu t&c crp, Dtu t|jc men tljat UJitljtn tocce, no anu full effcaptlp gat tfjctr rycar -, T5itt of tljem tua0 none fo fjarup, Cljat e'et t'OU'li fotffj to tfje ctp* jn fife affrap tljep ijanc tftat iii on tlje mo?it tljat nap luasi 115? 3nn tljeu tijep fjan ceafen pattlp Clje noife, tfie flau^ljter, ann tfic Clje fttns ije sact be patted tljen otiJ tftat ftig ij^etljer taUrn mere, 31lt tfie Caffle Of Kildromy, ana fo aeffropea ^tiianoun^ A a aitt , 94 SCijc 3Uft antrawart - tlje Carl of Athoi tflfo , i iar>n:o ft wof: gnu l)ctu tlje Queen ana otljens moe, - Cljat to Ijts pactp toag fjolaanu, re tane anu left into England, put Into felfon p^tfon i jog) * 3<$ IjOtO tljat Chriftrt Of Sefon (lain, greeting ttje tola t&e &ing, rt 8 Cljat fo?rp U)aj3 of t&at tiding, ant faiti, UJljenlje IjaD tyaugbt a t^atr^unwo'l $ Juer Cljtr too^ns tljat3i ftall noto j?oti ftal^ol e^IO^ow f atace, ije fain, fo? lo\?e of me, 4 o aim fo? tljeir meifcle latoitie, noble men, aaO t(jefe U)02tijy, nd multosji neftropeli fo uillanoutSgsrf qi^un^iil or if 31 li^e in liege pouflie, itio ^unJ n l ! Cljeir ncatlj rigljt tuell fljall iiengea be* ot ^nr 45 Clje ding, tlje conqu'ro^ of dLtjougljt tljat tlje feinrik of $c IIU$ too ttttle to tljem anD me, u? mHI QJ t!Lljerefo;e 31 toill it mine all be. Oollt Of gOOtJ Chriftal Of Setoun, 50 Cljat lua^ of fo noble renoiwt, m mir) qbd Cljat Ije fijou^ *v tuue great pitie* :i G'tfiw' v.l 13ut tnljere Uio?n)ip migijt p?oueti be* n Clje l^ing figljing tljus mane Ijis mane, 3ntJ tlje Lanp Ijer leatte.fjasi- tane, 75 anti tocnt Ijer fjame to Ijrr iuimtinti^ni )iVf ann feilfyte comfort Qje tije l%inn:, 15otlj tDitlj filler, ann-flW toitlj meat, &iU ass fljc in tfje lanu migljt get, ann ije oft spat all tlje lanD, ilfli>3 ^i) 5o ^inti mane alt fcte tljat e'er &e 5StittJJ ROBERT BRUCJB. 95 fpne &e D#tu ijim to tlje Ijfrjfjt, Co dint tlje better lji$ fors mfgfjt ait all tljat time fcw tfte Peircj-, mttl) a full ample company, iff 3itt Turnberyfe caftlC IritHlin;, jfoz tfie l^fng Robert raje'traWnff, C6at fie Uitttt not tn> fa?tfj to fair, jfcom tfience to tlje caflle of Air, djattfjeit UJH13 fttll Of EngliOimen, 70 *But lap lurhfnof as m a Dett, mett Of Northumberland come armeu, anu tuttlj ffc0ftfi (jant> fitmfafe to ijig cotmttp, 5To? ijijs fapenn to t&em feitt De, 75 ann tftep tit fip alfem&leli tben, 3 toefn, a tfiouranfc men, counfeltfiem amano;, tfiat tfjep OjoultJ atoell o^ ganff 'But tljep foere 'ftonffljt tDotttcet; face, so g)o fac fti Scotland foa to face ; 3f 02 a &m'Q;f)t ^IC Gawter tfje Lile, Saft, it toas all too great perile, So iteac tljefe foltiiers to go. ^Ijtis fpeec& fcifcomfotf en tljem fa, 85 ^Dljat tfiep fjan left all tljett fcopnge, CUecenot a ^ntgljt of tytent courage, Cljat 8>l'r Roger Of Saint John Cfiat tr;em comfort tuttlj nil ^IntJ fife U)o^n0 to tijcm ije can 90 ijat tfiep all famen t^D tljar *0 Turnbury, tDfjCCC t&e Peircy tap on, aim tnent UJitij tijeraf in 6^"" Into 2Ufe ann Sfct* of JlttO England fj(0 caffle till, f 02outtcn nfflroufclimce o? ill, How James Dowglas went to recover his Heritage. SD2U in England 10 t&e Peircy, OMete 31 ttoto ije a luljile (gall Ip, t&at IJE fljapc (Cm foi to face, Co toatrp Carrkk anp mate, aI0 fje ti^atieti tfje )^fng'0 mtgtjt, CDat fit Canick Uja0 ttauelanu, 3)itto tlje moft fttengtij of tbe CUljCte James Of Dowglas Ott a lo came to tOe j^tng, anti can (jtm fap, g)tr, tottlj pout leafce, a tooulD go fee, j)oto tijat tfjep tio in mp counttte, ann fjolu mp men fcemeanefc ate; Ifo? it annopgs me Uionnec fgte, 1 5 Cfiat tlje Clifford fo peaceafclp, b^uik ann ijcrtti tlje fento^p ffiou?5 be mine, iuitlj all iiinti tigftt, 'But foijile 31 Htje, ann map ija&e misfit, Co lean a peoman o? a f twain, ap &e Cball not li^uik it &ttt bargain* C6e iAinff fain, cettes 3i cant fee, $r)ofo tljat pe pet mttp ficto be 3lnto tljat counttp fo$ to fate, 2Hi)Ete Englilhmen fo mtgljtp ate, 21 ann pott UJit not tuljo ijs tljp ftienn> ^efatn, giit, neeniife 31 foiH toenn, tafec tlje auentute (S5on mill 0ijt ? it Jje to np o? Me* Cfjc ROBERT BRUCE. 97 Cain, feeing it 10 ft, Cfat pou fife panting Ijafce ta ffo, gou t&all pafe fo#l) imtf) mp blefltnff, ana if t&ee Ijappeng anp tfn'no;, Cljat amtopoiiiS o? ssfeattijftii be, 31 p^aj? tfiee fpeeti tfiec Coon to me, ana tafce tuc fame mfiate'ec map fall. a gtant, {je fain, auto t&etetmtijal loutetJ, ann fjijs Ieni3e Ijn0 tanc, toluatti 6(0 country ijs sane* I50UJ tafee? James Dowglas l)t<5 i30paffC s 40 Cotoatn Dowgias ijts betftage, ttuo ?eomen fo?outten ma s a ftmple (tuff to ta, lanu a? cattle fo? to tain, 6e patneti to &eo;m, Co Jj^ino; 6i0 purpofe to entifitn:, ann goon Ijelp Ite0 in tjeginnUtg ; 5fo? goon ftegtnninff anu fjatup, gat oftfpfg unttttfp jo Come to full ronabtf mn it Oece, but ije toas tm'fe, fato (je migfjt on no feinn iuife foe Ujftlj e\)en mte8t tfjouuljt to luo.^ imtb fligfit -, 55 flntl fU Dowglafdale 1)10 COUUtCt'C an cuenfns entcen fa tljen a man UJinneD Cljat luais of fcicnti0 cigbt anti tic!) of monep ana cattci, ana Jjaa been to ijts fatfecc leaf -, Jfyt Htfe ana 3Kt$ of ana to fjimreif in >e ijan Hone man? tijanWul Thom Dickfon toag {jig name petfap, Co fjim Ije Cent, anti can Ijtm 6? Cijat foe ftjouin come allenaclp 5f 02 to fpeafc toftfi (jtm pHt3ilp, ana 6e but nangec to Ijim gaej *But fca fie tola f)im H>e gcat fo? jop aun foj pitie, 70 anti Jfm rigljt to fit {joure 8a5 6e s OTfiece in a cfiamber p?tbilp DC fielti ftim anti 610 company Cfjat none 6ati of fjim peccetoing, 0f meat, anti tyinfc, anti otjec tljf no:, 75 C&at mtgfjt tftem eafe, tfiep fjati plenty 5 $50 toaougfit fie t&ouol) fubtilitp, C6at all tfie leal men of tfiat lantr, ^fiat toitl) Ijijs fatljer toete titoeilanD, C6ijs gooti man gatt come ane ana ane, so anti mafce 6tm manrent e'enlfcane, anti Ije fiimfelf fica fjomage matie* Dowgias in fieatt great glatifljtp fjatr, Cljat tfje gooti men of W counttie OToulti fo gate to fctra bountren be, s? e Cpetc'D tlje conttne of tfie ianH, tuljo tlje caffle fiati in fjanti, tbep Ijim tolti ail IjaUlilp, anti fpne among tljem pnuily C6ep o?tiatn'ti, tljat fie ffttl Qottlti be 90 Sn Ijtnmes anu in paiuitte, CtlU?aim=fimtiap, C6e tbivti tiap nftec foHoioano ROBERT BRUCK. foifc of tfjat counwe at tljc tuck tuoulti be, 93; anfc tfjep tl)at in tije caftle IDCIT, caoum ais &e t!;ere tljetc palmtf to beat:, 3s folfc t&at fiati no rneaii oi 7 il?, 5foi t&# tjottgljt ail toa0 at tfiett totiL Cfjen ffiouin fie come uritlj fjCg ttoo melt, ioo 'But fo? tfjat men fljoutti not Ijtm ftcn, 8>e ftoulti a mantle ijaije oir- anti bate, flail, ass ije a t&efljet toei:e a tlje mantle not fo? t|jp, DC fljouin tie atmen paiutip. 105 anu Wen t6e men oflji0 cotmtrfe, fljoulti all faoun before Ijim be, (Sttfignte mtgftt beat ijtm ctp, fljouin tljep full enfo^ceWp, Eigljt in urius tije Intfe affafl no Clje Engliffimen tDltlj Ijattl foattaif, tftat none mtgljt efcape t&em fta, tftetet^ouglj trofoefc tfjep to ta ffifie cattle tfjat define it)a$ near. Snn toljen tijiis tijat 31 tell 0u fiere, 115 Klajs HeinCeD nnti untiettane, ane to fits fjottfe Dome f^.gane, Ijelti tljijS fpeecfj fn of tljctt James Dowglas flew them in the Kirk, E> folk upon tije fcnom tw, (Klfc to &atnt Brydes WrU tfjeii* loap ; tijev tijat in tije caffle tocre JfTuctJ out ijot^ leK anD ntare, too Xle 3Ufe aufc %tts of tuent tljefr palmc* foj to bear, n Coofc nnn a James Of Dowglas Of tljeiC ana luljat t&ep toere ijati ann fpe& film to tlje feirfc in IJP 5 to 05ttt ccf 6e came, too {jaftilp )neof&t!3 CrteD, Dowglas, Dowglas, Thomas Dickfon tljat ttearefl luaiS Co tljcm tljat tuere of tlje caftel, djat foete all utitiitlj tfje cljancel, i j ,Of)eit fie Dowglas fo (jigf) Ijeacti ccp, DieUj out fjts ftrjo^n, anu fdJilp EufljetJ amonff tljem to ann fro, *Bttt one o? ttoo foioutteu moe ; Cfjen tljep in ftp lucre left Ipann, 20 OIIfiHe tljat Dowglas came tfffjt at flitD tfjen enfo^c'ti on t^em tlje crp, 05ut tljep tlje cfjancel itncuilp , anti a$0 tljem Defenteti toelf, of tljeir men lucre flain fome 5eaL 27 'But tlje Dowglas fo lueli &tm &are, Cfjat all t&e men tljat iuitf) fjim luerc, comfort of (jig lueil Jje Ijim fpareU no Uinn Co I)i0 fo?ce in 30 djat tfj^outjij fjisf ti)o?ajip ann i;ij3 men fo keenly IjeipeU tljan, Cljattljep tlje cljancel on tljetn tuan ; Cljen tiano: tljep on fo ijatnilp, Cljat in ttjojt time men migljt fee Ip, 3 > Cbe ttoo part fcean, o? tljen tn'ann, laije luere feijct' Toon in ROBERT BRUCE. 101 o tfiat of tfifrtp Ifteti nane, t&ep lucre flafn ilfeane, 03 tane The Dowglas's Lardnar. JAMES Xlf Dowglas tiJljeil tfitg foag Clje ptfg'ners &as fie tane alfone, anuutftfi tljcm of ijte company oujatn tljc caffle foent in Ijp, flD? any noife o? ccp fljaulti rife, fa? &e tuouin tijem faon fucp^fc^ icaucn in tlje cattle tuere, foere but tluo fo;outtcn mace* 5f itje men 01 fiic before fent fje, Cfjat fount? all open tlje entn'e, ^nli entteu, ann tlje poster: tooK Efgljt at t&e pate, anU fpne tlje coolt. acittlj tbat Dowgias came to tfje 3nti entteu fn UJitftout nebitte, Sinn fon& t&e meat all reatit> 2Httft boacus fct, nan alfo clotlj-s laio, pateg tljen fie mn gat t&em fpai:, fat ann eat all at letrar ; all tlje goon^ tljcn tucfeti tljep, 20 cijatr tijrm t&ouo;ljt tljep mtgljt ija^e nfonp, namelp weapons ano atmutn:, aim tceafttce, ann clotljtng ; tljat misfit not turfcn fie, SDn tlji0 manner neffzopen lje 25; ail tlje feifcual UJitljoutten fait, as foljeat, ant) flour, anti men!, anD malt, 3ln tlje toine cellar jj art Ije b?inry, tfie fame an tl;e flao? all ioi 5Ee Kilt an& Ztts of tfie p^te'nerg tljat jje tan tane, 30 Efsljt tijerefn gact Ije fiean ilkane, sapne of tlje tuns tlje Ijeans a foull melle tfjccc can &e ma^e t 5F 0.2 meal, ann malt, anti tiioati, Eau togetljec in a mdlpne, 3j Ctjat tuai5 unCeemlp fo? to fee 5 Ctjecefo^e tlje men of tljat coimtn'e, 5foi fo feill tljetc meUtt tuere, Cairn ft tlje Dowgias'0 lacunar, Swic took 6e fait, ag 31 beara tell, 4 o anti Bean ijojfe, anu foiDeu tfte toell, ann fpne burnt all otite ftoulti ijatoe been amegeU cattlj, ann tfiat 6im tljougljt too meifele umt'tfj : f 02 foe Ijati no Ijope of cefcutnn;, ann 'tijs too pectllous a tljtniy, 3[n caftle afllegeti to be, so eaijere Uiant tljere is of tjjfr tljingjs tlj^ee, sifsual, o^ men toitft tljeic acming, 02 tften ffooti fjope of refcufnff 5 ann fo? fte ti^eati tljic tljing0 fljoulD fail, $>e cljoofeti fo^arti to ttattatl, 55 Wftttt Ije mtsljt at Ijte lacsenefjs be, fo tytte fo^tl) Ijtg; How Clifford built the Caftle again. totfe tuns tlje cadle tane, flatn tjjat tocce tljccetn ilk ane Bfttff ROBERT BRUCE. 105 fjwe all fit'0 men?ie in fete places parted fce: 5 iFo? men ffiouia nut not tofiere tfiep toete, Cfiat peefc DepatteH fiete ana tljece, Cfiem tfiat foete tuounneti gatt fie Ip all p?ft)flp 3 gart goon leecljcg to t&em iKJfjfle tfiat tljep toere into 8n& fjimfelf lotti) a f efo tnen^te, one, U)ljtle0 ttoo, ann umq&fle fie all fjim alone 3(n fifunies tfi^ouglj tfie lann te 15 @0 U^eatl fie Englilhmen tfietC Cfiat fie nutff not tuell come in 5T02 tfiep toete tfiat time all $& mod lo#g ouet all tfie land* T33ttt tfiit titling^ tueee ss^atlen foon, 20 S)f tfiijs neeti tfiat Dowgias fiati none, Came to tfic ciiffbrd'0 cat in fip, Cfiat fos fiijes tinreiluas roacv, mean'n fits men tfiat tfrep fian flain, fpne fie fiaa to pucpofe tane, ftifl; tfie cattle up atyain ; Cfiecefo?e a0 man of meiMe main, DC affemblen great company, ftnn to Dowgias fie toent tn fip, ^nn bigffen up tfie caffle ftrj^tfi, 30 anu mane it tigfit ftaitoatt ana ann put tfierein totals mtd men, )ne of tfie Thirl waiiys tfirm De left Jjefiinu fitm tfie Captain, fpne to England foeiit affaitt, How 104 How King jfoferf was in great Peril through his Foes and Traitors, 13 C SD Carrick yet Ite0 tfje &fttff lj)e patfed not ttoo ljunw meit 5 BUt @>ir Edward Jig b?0t&er tfjeit, jrt Gaii'way foag \jjell neac ftim 6p, Witl) dim anotftet company, Cfjat Ijett tfie fttengtbiss of tlje tljey Uutft not pet tafce on o&et'tiue tlje lantJ plafulp - 9 lo jfO? Of Vallange g)ft: Aymery Olla^i into Edinburgh l^anti, Cljat pet toa0 CTatnen of tlje ttnnecneatlj t&e EngiiQi &wo; toljen be fieatn of tfje comino; 1 5 j>f ^tng Robert antJ ljt'0 mettle 3jntO Garrick, ailtl f)OU3 t&at IjC flam of tfie Jloju Peircy'g men, council &e afTembieti tften, ann UJttfj aflent of ijisi counfatl, 20 $>z fent to Air gtm to affair* g)lC Ingram Bell tljilt tDa0 ijattlp, ann UJitft ijim a great company ; anti fo&en @)tc Ingram come ujajs tfjete, ^>im tfiotifffjt not fpeenftti foa to fare, 2 j s>tm to afTail into tfte Ijiff^t, Cljerefo^e tje tljou&fit to-tooft tottfj an& lay fttli in tlje caltlc tljan, JKfll 8e ot fpeirins ti>at a man ROBERT BRUCE. 105 JDf Carrick, tbat frag flP 3!ttl 30 ana ate a man or meifcle migljt, of tbe men of tljat country, to &ino; Kobert moft p#ip, be tljat tuas Ijis fib man neat; an* foben be foouin, uutijout 3 5 ig6t to tlje l^f HS Ijf is p^efence go, man ana big fons ttuo, fofnnfng ftiH in tlje countcfe, f 01 tljep ujottiu not petceiucn be* Cljat tbep toece fpecfai to tlje cifnff, 40 i&ep mane 8fm tnanp time luacnfng, tfiat tljep Ijt^ tinfel mi gljt fee, in t&em affapen Ije. name can a not tell pecfap, But 31 &a&e fjeatti fantyp men fap, 45 Cfjat ije toajs trje mod noubten man, Cljat in Carrick toais liutno: t&am ant toljen g)tc Ingram got totttinn:, f oifootlj tljijs ln0 no jyabbUnff, Sifter Ijim fpne in ftp {je fent, 50 ana be came at &f commantiment g)tc ingram tljat to0 flp aitti toife, Ct eaten &r;tl) ijfm tycn on fik tm'fe, Cfiat IJE mane Ocltec unnertafeinc;, *Bp tteafon fo? to flap tlje auto; ; 5 5 ann Ije fl)ouin Ijaue foj (jfs ferutce, Sf be fttlfillcn tfirtc ne\3ice, Olellfonp pountijs iuo>tD of tjoon lann, Co bim ann nil I;: fcefris laftann. Cbc trcafon tl;n0 (0 tinnertanc, 60 Slnti be Some to 1310 Ijoufe 10 gane, atit* #cts of opportunity to fulfil ijis matoptp* 3iu gteat petit tljen foag tlje &fng, &at of tin's tteafon &>iff notljing, *5? 5Fo? Ije, tljat ije troto'D utoft of ane, ^tis neatft falflp 6as tmnectane, Bone map betray tittar tljan 6e C6at man ttoing latot)? in to &e* Clje ^ing in Ijim tmffeti, foi t&p, 7 o ^e ijan fulfiU'o ijis felonp, not tljat tlje l^tng, t^ottglj 0o&'$ gtace, Ijaill tuttttnu of Ijis purpace, Ijotu, ant! fo? Ijolo meifele lanu, tooU fjiis flausljter upon ljann 75 j toit not UJljo tlje loarnino; mane, 05ttt on all time fik Ijap Ije fjan, -Cljat Ujljen men ajuip tljem to lie ftafe, I^e got toitting tljeceof aimapiGS ; anti man? time, as 31 fjeatti Tap, so C6?ouslj toomen tljat Ijim lofeeli ap, Cljat luouin tell all tljat t&ep migljt Ijear, fo migfet Ijappen luljat fell Ijere* IjotD tljat 0'cr it fell pactiie, 5, troto ije fljall tlje toacret fce 85 ^ct not fo? tljp, tlje tcaito^ ap in feftf tJjougljt botlj nigljt anu nap, migljt beft b?ing to enuing tceaConable unUcttaHtng, betliougljt Ijim at tlje laff, 90 3!nto Ijt0 (jeact can unucrcaff, Cljnt tlje Etng Ijau in cuttom ap s 5f o? to tife eatlp Uha uap, 3 no 3&itt0 ROBERT BRUCE. 107 para foell far from &fs men?ie, OTljen ije fooulD pate to t&e patbie, 95 9lnti feeU a covert Ijtm alone, i at tlje mod but foitlj bun one* How the noble King flew three Traitors when he was by himfelf. mo fie tfifnfe tuitb Ijij3 fons turn, 5fo? to fucpitfe tlje !^ing, ann fla ; anU R>ne toent to tlje fooon tljeic toap, But )?et of putpofe failleD t5ep* 5 Sinn not fo? tfj^ tljep came all t&ee, 3in a couect tljat toass p?it)fe, Cdbcfc tlje &ing oft tua^ luont to ga, ^is otun pnuie neen0 fo? to ma, Cljere Ijiti tfjep tfjem ttH W coming, 10 antJ tlje &(tt5 into tfje moinfng Dtti tiCe, tuljnt tljat Ijtg Itkintj ^nti rfg&t totuatu tliat couett Iping: luere tfje ttaito^ t&ee, to Ho tljere &te pnftttte. Co tccafon toofe &e tfien no 5ecH, toont, toljere'er be peeU, rtuo^n about fits ftalfe to bear, tftat abail'ti fjfm ffteatl^ tljece ; ITo? Ijan not o& all tl)fng0 toetltiantr, 20 g>ifc ijelp Cet into bis oU)it Ijann, ^>e Ijan been fceati UJitljoutten H cftambcr page t&etefofttj 6fm Slnti fo fo^outten felloe moe, couett tm\ 8e go, Kite ano 3fct$ of 25 jBoto, but (Son Ijelp tf)e noble fttngr, fpe 10 neat Ijann to big enning; f 02 tljat couect tljat Ije peen till, &Lla0 on tlje otljet one a bill, Cljat none of Sis men migftt it fee, 30 . Cljitljetfoarn toent ijts pap ann be* be coming toag in tbe ftafo, fata t&e tl):ce come all on cato atnlt bitn full ffucnilp ; to Iji^ bop Ije fain in bP 35 f on men toill flap us, if tbep map* ffltftt toeaponis ija&e pou f 36, ^>tc, pecfap, 31 babe but a boto ann a twice* ^ibe me tljem fmartlp botl;* as dlbattmli pe tljen tljat 31 fljall no f 40 tann on fac ann beljoin u0 to* 31f tljou me feett aboott to be, ftall babe toeapons sceat plentfe ; if 3! np, tmtjjnsatn tljee foon* Uittlj tljefe fo02n0 tottboutten 6on, 45 J)e tite tlje botn out of bte bann, S oU6etcatto^ tuece neac comann* Clje f atbec ban a Ctuo^n but mace, Cbe otbec ftoom ann ijann.-aic bace, Cbe tijicn a fftio2n ijan aun a fpeac* jo Cbe l^tnff pecceiu'n bp tbeic effete, Cftat all lunjs no men Ijan ijim toin* Ccaito^, be fain, tljou lja(t me Coin, Come no factljec, but ijoin tbee tbece, 31 tuill pou come no factfcccmate, :, betbink pou tben, fain be, neac tijat j fljouin to pou b? f Ititt0 ROBERT BRUCB. 109 ibottto come nearer pott tban 3 ^ fart, 31 toW ficfcerlp, pott at tljtg time come not near, gou map Cap tuijat pou foill on far, 'Bttt befoitb falfe footfis fleecljing, fm'tfj bte tfoo fonsf coming, tlje &fng rntu ije ujouiu not let, 05ttt ap come on feigning falfet, |5 H>e taifjs'n tbe totre, anti let it flp, anu 6tt tfje father (n t()e epc, Ctli it rigfjt in tfte fcarnjs ran, anu Ije bacWuarn feti noton rigljt tfiatu Cbe fyotber tftat tfte fjanu-ar bare, 70 >o fato Ji0 father lying t&ere, & girt) rigljt to tljc fting can maftc, aun tottfi tftc nc ijim oberftrafee 5 T5ttt be tljat Ijaa fiiis f too^u on fjigfjt, EaugW ftim lift rout in rannom rigljt, 7? Cftat 6e t6e jjean to tfje fjarnjs cla\)c, tieati Uotmt to tfje em fjim UMt3c* otfjer b?otljer tjjat bare tfje fpcar s blotter toas fallen tfiere, tlje fpear, a0 angrp man, so gftitl) a race to tlje fting be ran; tfte J^ing tljat Ijim B^ean fometfting, fpear in tlje coming, anH U)it8 a UJlji^ik tlje IjeaU off ttralte, ana ere tlje otljer ban time to take 35 t>fg f iDO?n, tlje feing fife fujaclt Ijim n:atjf s Cbat be Ois beau to tl>e barns? claue* e rtiOtjeU tJOlon of blooti aU reti tobcn tbe &ing fato tljep tocre no 3Ce 2ltfe attu 3ftt of ail tbjec lying, fie uup'to ijfe 223tt!j tljat big bop came faft cutmmft 9 ann fain, 2Duc to?n mot lofcefc be, Cljat granten pou migljt Co fell tlje felonp nnn - >f tfjfr t&?ee in fo little Clje Etnnp fain, g>o our Lo?n me fee* been lo.2t()p m*n all tftep not been full of tceafom T5ttt tljat mane tljetc confuaon, 6e Hiins is loenrto fjiss ioo 5nn of tljts neen foon came S)tC Ingram tje Umfravile, botlj ljte fubtfttp aim guile fairies all in tljat, place, annopeU fo Ijc tua0 105 cijat De again to Lothyane, Co &it Aymer ijijs gate 6a0 tane, ann to bim toin all Ijatil tlje cafe, &at tljeteof all fo^e mon ^otu anp man fo fuunenlp no ^igljt no fo great a ^s nin tlje Uing, tljat Ijim alane vengeance of ttee tcaito;d Ijajs tane; fain, cectc0 31 map iucll fee 5 it is all a cectaintic, ocs Ijdp Ijacnp men, ^s bp tl)tj5 neeti toe map toell ken* SUere Ije not outcagious Ijai'tip^ DZ ban not unabafenip >o fmactlp ft'cn Iji0 auantage* 120 31, n^ean tfjat ijtgi gceat uaflilage, ROBERT BJLUCK. flntt 6(0 ttafcel ma? &?inn; to run Cfiat t(n ng tnljtcb men full tittle toenfc, Silt fpeafcing matte -be of tlje &ino: 3 ma r ^ }* C&at ap, fo^outten fsjatmuRn:, 125 CcaueU'tt in Camck ijece mitt t&ere* Dtt men fca Dim fo fcoJ^D luert, Co putc&afc tfiefc neceflitp, antt alis tfre wuntc^ fo? to fee, Cfint tbep left not tottlj &tm flrtp. 130 ^intt tDfjen t6e GaiiWj/s tutft root&lp, C6at (je ia$ tottfi fo feiu men^ie, C6ep matte a p?t5Ji? aOem&lfe >f toeli tujo 6tmtt?ett men antt ma,?ia i antt floutfi fiountts tuitlj tl>em al<$ can ta : 135 5fo^ tfiep tfiottsfit fiim fo? to ftirp?(fe, J^ntt if 5e flett on an? Ujtfe, Co foliofo Ijtm teitf) Ijountt0 fo, ajoultt not efcape tfjem fco* How King Robert fought alone againft two hun dred Galloway Men that fought after him. flwip tfjem in Co futp;ife (Uttttenfy to ijim fjeltt tfjep ifraifffjt tljett ^ntt to ijim fjeltt tfjep ifraifffjt tlj *But ije tljat fjatt fiig luatdjes a? S)n tl^a fine, of tijeit comiitrr, lotiff ete tfiep came, fjatt fuce lafttftrg antt Doiu feil folk tljat tfjep migijt de -' Co totti)tt?ato Ijim out of tlje place, 10 f 02 t&e nigijt near luell faHcn flife anD %tt8 of ann fo? tlje ntgljt fj: tfrcttgljt tfjat tfcep g>f)ouin not ija'ue figljt to ijoin tlje foap, Cbatljetoere part tuitfi bte mentfe, ann as be tljougljt rigfit fa Hin Ijc, 1 5 anti tuent Ijtm noum to a mo^r ace, 0'ct a toatec tbat running luasi, m t[je bog Ije founts a place flcait, tftat tuell tttjo bouj 5fca tlje toatec tfjep pafTeti fian, 20 s>e fain, S>ete map pou mafee abatie, ant* re(t pou all a frjrile, ann Ip, a tutil go ujatclj all pniJilp, 3f 3 beat ou&Bt of tbcic comtng, eljeatti it neat ana neat,coman^, tljat fje ijeatu mo?e Cijan fo? a ijounns queff tontnry : 5>e looultJ not tuafeen Ijtier menf te^ C6etefo?e Ije tuoulti abitie ann fee folk t(jep toete, ann tofjetfjet ijoiti toftjatti b(m t&e ttgfit toap s f>^ paft anotljet toap fat bp. moon loais fttntnij rtffljt clearly lonff &e Soon, t&at fie migfit fjeac noffe of tfiem tfiat coming: lacre 5 ttoo men (n $y rent 6e, Co foatn ann tua^en fits men? te, tfiep ate fajtfj tfjeit foapf0 gone, left t&cte all Ijfm alone, fo long ftoon je fiearfccnmtn, Cill tfjat fte fato come at ijfs {jann Clje fiatll tout fnto full great ftp, 70 Cfjen Ije ftet&ougijt 6fm Ijafflfp, 3!f fie fiein toiuatn &te m:nffe, Cbat ete fie mtgfit tepafren lie, Cfiep f&ouin be pnff tfie foo^n m aite, tfien tjeljo^en fiim cfioofe ane F f 75 fit ana 13 iDf tljit tfoo, eftfiec to flee o? top -, 03ttt I)f0 fteact tljat fioag ttout anil CounreHefc Wm alone to bine, ann fceep tljem at tlje foo^g ann ticfenti U)elt tlje upcoming, so Btnce Be tua0 toawpft of atmtng:, Cljat 6e tljetc artotujs ftoults not $>e nnsljt afton? tfjem ilk ane, tnce tfiep coulB come but ane anu ane* 85 5>e ufti rigljt as fits Ijeact Dim bane, Strong outtagougi courage ije ban, SBljen Ije fo ftoutlp Ijim aiane, 5fOJ little fttengtlj of ecu Ijas tane, Co firtt tutt6 ttoo fjunB^et! anU moe, ^o CljeteUJitf) tie to tl;e foo^u can go s tijep on ttje otbec pactp, t fatu film ttatju tijece angtilp, unto t&e tuatet tatie, f 02 of 6im little noubttljepljati, 55 ant> tatie to film in full peat ftp, 8>e fmote tfie ficft fo Dig'couflp MHtD 6W fpeat tljat n'gljt ffiatply C&ate, Cill ije tioton to tfie eta Wm bare* Clje la^e came tljen into ranuoton-, 100 O3ut W &o?fe tfjat taasi bo?n tjotun, tljem tfjc upgang to ta* tlje &tng fam it mas fa, (ttcU u tlje Ijo^fc, ant* Ije can fling, n fyne fell at tlje upcoming* 105 Ct>e la\je luttlj tljat caine uutf) a gnu lie tljat ftalttatt toais ann ROBERT BRUCE. ettfiem rfgfit ffoutlp at Sinn fo goon payment can tfiem ma s Cfiat fitoc Come in tlje foa?n fie (leu?, . no Cfie la&e tfien fome neai tfiem toftfinjeto, Cfiat njeanen fiig ffrofceg jaonncc fare, foi fie in notfiing tfitm ftjbare, Cfien rain one, Cettcis tue're to blame, tailjat ftali toe Tap fttyen toe came Same f 115 Wen one man figfjtg agatiUt ug a!f, SBfjo lota e'er men To foulf)? fall 30 toe, if toe ft tfitts gate leafce? MJitfi all Dam a fijout tijep gabe 5 ^nti ctieti, )n 6im, fie map not laff, 120 KJitl) tfjat tfiep p?eC on btm fo faff, C&at ijati fje not tfie bettec been, De (jau been Dean tottljoutten toeen ; *BHt 6e fo gteat nefence can malte, ceat tobete 6e &tt ebpn a ffrafee, 125 CBete mtffftt notljfng againa fttm flank 3in little fpace fie left JtanU So feif, tfiat tfje upcome toas tfien )ptten toitlj flain fio^fe, aim aljs men, g>o tfiat fiis foe0, fo? tfiat Hopping, 130 isfit not come to tfie upcomino:* neat (^on, tofio tfien fian been bp, feen fjpto fie fo fiacntip ijim againft tfiem aif, 31 totttoeii tfiat tfiep ajonin fiim can 335 Cfie beff tfiat Itben in fiijs nap. ^nn if tfiat a tfie footfi ffiall fap, 31 fieacn ne'er in no time t&at'a gone, ne ffint fo manp &im alone fUfe ana #cts of g)00tl) 10 UJ&en tfjnt Polynices, 140 CO ijtS b?0t[)er Ethiocles, anas fennins Thedeus in meffap, Co asfe foljollp tfje bentage fl)f Thebes, to (join fo? a pear, jpo? t&ep tfmnttcjs of a btrtfj toet0* 145 C6ep ftrafce, foi citljct I^ing tpouin ty* T5ttt tfie ftatiiaffe of tljetc countcte att tftem alTertt on tljig manner, Cljat t&cone (IjoulD be King; a pear, ann tljen tfje otfier ann W$ men^c, 150 @>ljouUi not be founn in tfje totonie, tlje fittt b^otljec reigninn; luere, fl)ouin tlje otjjcr reign a pear ; tijen tlje firft ftouin lea^e tfje lantr, tljat tbe otber mere ref&nanln 155 l)U0 ap a pear Cbauiu reto;n tlje one, Cije otfier a pear fra tfjat teas gone* Co ask {joining of tljijs aOent ^aaj3 ThedetB tO Thebes fent, aitb fO fpafee fO? Polynices, C&at Of Thebes Ethiocles ^atie W ConftaWe toitlj jjim ta en armeu tuell, ann fo fo?tij sa Co meet Thedeus tn tlje tar>, anl flap &tm but longer nelap. Cfje Conftafale 6ijs toap t'0 cane, anti nine ann fo?tp lias Ije tane, @o tfjat Ije initb tljem mane fiftp* 3nto tfte eftenfnff pyDtlp Cljep fet embuffimeRt in t&e toap, 170 Mete Thedeus beljo^'n atuap, ROBERT BJLUGE. 117 an bigb craig ana tbe fea ; ana ije tbat of tbeir maiuptie OTtft notbtng, be bte map bag tane, ana tofoara great bargain to gane, 173; ana as be roae into tbe nigbt, aia be fee foitb tbe moon'0 ligbt, offljieiag a great plentte, ana baa toonaec fobat it mtijljt be* tbat all ijaitt tbep gafce a crp, tljat ijeara fo fuaaenlp g>ilt ndife, fome aeal afraia be Iua0 ; in fljojt time be to bim taes fpirttss all full baratlp, If o? bt'0 gentle beact ana ujo^tfip, 185 aiTurea bim into tljat neca 5 Cben toftlj Iji0 fpurjs ije fftafce tlje aeea, tufljea in among tljcm all* firft be met be gart ijim fall, fpne ijte fujo^a be ftuappta out, ana rouffbt aDottc Ijim manp rout, ana fleto Cerfome tocll foon ana Cbcn unuer Ijim Ijis Ijo^fe tljep ana fje ma fall, but fmartip ratfe, ana, ttrtfeing, room about Ijim maetf, ana acto of tljcm a quantitie, oonaer fo:e toajS fje a little roaaije fana, to tlje ctafff it Uia^ ftctkana, tnentbefn full great Ijp, 200 Defending dim full aougljttlp, Cill in tlje craig ijc clam fome Heal, ana fouha a pincg inciofea teii, GS q none but one migljt ijtm affatl, Cbcre HOOD ije ana gatoe tljem battaiU 8nu tljep affailet efcerilkane, ana oftfpfs tmjen tljat Ije fleto ane, a? &e notun to tlje ecu tuouiti D;tuc, toouin bear nouwt toeii fcuc o^ fitje* ftoou tje, anti tiefenUeH fo, 210 toll Ije l)ati flain tfjem Ijalf anti moe* a great ftone tfiett bp btm Tatu ije, Cljat t6;oun;5 a great mal53Pitie, laofeu, teatip fo? to faff* Ije faiu t&em earning all, 215 5>e tumbleti nolmt on tfjem tlje ftane, etgljt men t&ere to(tl) it tag flam, ftonien tlje cemananD, tljep Uiere toell near retiranlr* luouin Ije pnfon Ijoin no mare, 220 o$ut on tljem ran tmtlj ftoo^n all bare, ann fcetn a and fleto toitfj all Ms main, tlDfll ft^ 6a nine anu fo?tp flain, Clje Conftable fpne can ije ta, anti gart ijim f meat tljat fje ftould ga 225 Co m'nff Ethiocies, anti tell C&c attenture tbat tfjem befeL Thedeus bare Ijim nougljttip, Cljat Ijim alone o'ercame 'fifty* &z tljat tlji0 (to^p tenu, ctjoofc pe 230 GUljetljer tljat mo;e (Ijoulti p?aifeB be Clje Ufng, tfjat tnitfj abifcment Clntiertoofc fik a Ijarnimenf, a0 fo? to fttnt Ijtm ane Iwt fear, Clje folfe tljat full ttoo Ijuno^u toece, 135 ROBERT BRUCE. JD? Thedeus t&at fud&enlp, jfo? t&ep &as rate's on Bint t&e crp, Ctoousrt) (jarnt ment tljat ijc ijr.D tanc, CHan fifty men all t)im ainne* C&ep &i& tfjefr Beeti bottj on 240 ann tun figfjt botb toftft tfte moon 05ut tfje fttng: fie Oifcomfit ma, Thedeus tljen mo?e can fla neem pe tP8et!jer mo? Thedtus l)M 0? tf't 245 Sn tljtjEi manner tfjat 31 ijatje toltr, tljat fiout lua0 ann illy fitting upon tfte fuc?D 3 doe, ; aun taking routes ren, Cill fie Ck mactptUom &ati made, . 2510 Cfcat fje tfte foo?t all ftoppeD%f0, Cijat none of tijem migrjt to-Wm rt'He tljougDt tljen foif^fty to DtDe, jaillilp t&e flig&t dm ta, Sinn toent bomctuacDg loljere tftep came fra ; 555; f o^ tbe Eing fjis men toftft-tfte cry, affcapeoip, came to feefe tf)e-o?tj tfjetr l^in^ Cbe Gairway men fjeart! tjeic comfn0, anu flcn, ann nurft alrine na mace, 260 CDe fttafif* men, tljat fo^e n?caWng- lucte jfo? tfjeic lopi, nin full fpeentip Come to tfte foo?n, anti foon In (ip founD tbe I^ing fitting alane, of ftts fiafenet (jag tane, Co atoent fnm, fo^ 6e toa0 fjate ; Cljen fpetc'Dtfiep atfifmof w tfate> uo 3H)e 2Ufe ana %tt$ ot fje toin tjjcm all (jaill tlje cafe, Daimjate tijat be afTaileD luasi, ann ijoto tljat on jjim (jeipen fa, 270 c&at Ijc efcapen (jaili t&em fta* looUen tfiep Doto feil luece t&ep fotmn Ipfng in tljat ffean jftfteen tljat toece dam Cljcn IOD'D tfjcp <^on fad atl tuetinanlr, 275 Cfjat ti)C]p tljetc Loin fount) ijatil ann feet, ann fain tfjem bptn on no mannec D;cnt> tljetc foe0, fince tljetr cljiftain ot fife 6eact, ann of fik main, Ije fo? tljem fian unnectane, 280 OLIttO fo fell fo? to figljt alane* g)tU tooms nin t6ep fpeak of tfie ann foj ijts ijisl) tmnecta^uiff, f etlien ann pacivn Ijim foj to fee, Cftat tuitlj Ijim a? luag Uiont to fee* 285 a(jttio?fl)tp isi a pecfea tijtno:, 5fo? it niaUe0 men to 3if it be foUotD'n inentlp. f o? p^tce of foojfljtp not fo? 30 fjacn to toin foi peat ttauatt,* 290 flDft to nefenn ann oft affafi, to fce in tljeic neencs im'fe, men of too^tp Urin tDe p?i?e* ann map no man Dane tuo^tljj? ftean, *Bitt &e Baue tutt to fleet (rig neen, 295 ann fee fo&at ijJ to leaue o? ta* fool jatniment tlje fo?emoft ig, ann tbe otljet ig cofoatnice, ann ROBERT BRUCE.- tfjep are bot& foj to foifafce. 300 jfool fmrmment all Ml undertake, as mil tljinss to leafce as ta * But cofoamiceaoes not&intj fa, T5ut utterlp fotfafcetfc all* 15ut tfjat foere tuonnec fo? to faff, 30? mm not fault of Wfccettoun : o^tp, Ok rcnotun, It is mean &eturijct tfjefe ttua, anu tafeejs tfjat (^ to tmfcerta, ann leatjejs tbat is to lea&e.t foa (t 310 $a0 fo great ujatmajniff of tott, it all perils toeil can fee, all afcantaue tljat map Oe, to fiartifment fjolD UJljoffp, tfttsi atoap Uiere t^e follp ; 31 J fo? fjartitment UiitD follp ^)ice is, TSttt fjartitment, tfjat mcllen is tutt ts ujomjtp ap parm'e, tjut toit tooilljip map net be. S noble ^tnty tfjat foe of re an, 32o>ellet> all time foWj foit manfjeat?, men map Jjp tijis mellte fee, foit ffiefo'ti ijim tlje ftratt entrie )f tlje footfi, anti injing: alfa, Cfiat as fjim tfjougfjt foere fjarti to ta 32 j dtpon a man tfjat foere footfljp 5 fjts fiarument Ijaftilp, it mio:6t be foell untiertane, at once miflfot alfail but ane. fiartJiment gouern'D foitfj foit,. Cljat fje all time fooum famen luiit, H h ant> 3lct$ of att inm of too?ajip oft o'ercame (jte enemies, How the Englijh Captain and others were flain. 8) < &fng; in Camck fctuelt ap ftflf, 5>tgf men aflemfclen faft (jfm till, Cfjat in tfce lann tuece tta\)eUing;, OH&en tfjep of tljijs tieeu Jjeatu ttofoffs foa tbep tfteit ute toouin UJitlj ijim ta, 31f tftat 6e eft toete aflail'D fa* 05Ut PEt tfje James tljeiV Of Dovvglas O? elfe foais toell neat: Ijanl* tljeteb? 10 3iit ftitiWeis fome nea tooulD fee &ijJ tbe cattle in Sinn gaet make man]? jeopatn?, Co fee if be UJOUID iO) bl?twp. anti tuljen (je pecccii)eti tfjat fie blptfilp iOjtDitlj Bis men?te, ma&e a gatljetinff PH^HP Of tljem tfiat toece on 6ii3 party, luete fo fed tljat tbep mtrft Thiriwaii, ana ate all tfie mtgljt flDf tftem tljat in tlje cattle toere. j>e fl)Uip'H fjtm tn tljc uigljt to fate Co Sandiiands, anU tljete near fjp De Ijtui embufljcu p^iDilp, 25 sum fcnt a feit3 a train to ma, Cljat foon in tlje mo^nintr can ta Cattle tljat toeratlje caffle b?, ROBERT BRUCE, tijem tijat emfeuften toere, 30 C&en Thiriwaii fo?outten mace, : nrt arm &f men fo?outten base, Slut) ittjt toftf) all tjje men ije ann foilofo'a fatt after t&e-ecp* 5>e toag armen at 3 5 SBitljoutten tljat W Scat) t&e mentljat U3ttlj Ijim mecc, cattle fotioto'ti jcoftlj goo?i fpeen, a man tljat ijati no n^ean, tljat Ije got of t&em a fij&t, ^ 40 Cljen pUcUen tljep ^it& all tijeit uiiflftt, f olloUJing; ttjem out of actap i Sinn tijep tpeti tljem fleeing, toljtle tjjep ftp tlje buament tljen toecc paff, Thiriwaii ijc ap ctjafeD falf* 4? anu tften t&ep tfiat emfeuC&ed toete, n to ijim tjotl) ler<5 ann mare, raifes funnenlp tfie crp* tljep tfiat faU) To futJUcnlp, .^v/W Cljat folfe came eaprip pncUantJ ; fai r x ,, 50 j^fgljt tjettDijct tljem ann tljetr tnarranti, Cfjep fuere into full great affray ; anti fo? tfiep foere out of arrap, ome of t&em fled, ann fome a&ase^ anti Dowgias tljat tljer^ tiittfi fjtm fjati 5; a great men?fe, full eagerlp ann fcarn tijem ijaffifp* in fljo?t time o'er^rane t&em fa, l near nontefcap'n tljemftit* Thiriifwaii tfjat tons tlj- ir Captain, Cfjere in tlje bargain %iit atia #cttf of of fjfg men tlje moff pattp, Clje iafce fleu full afftapeWp, ij(0 men?ie faft can cfjafe, tlje fleers tljeir tuapte tne0 s ^j Co tfje cafllefn full ffceat &p, CDe foiemoft entten fpeem'lp 5 T5ut toe cljafecjS fpefc tljem fo faff, Cijat t()ep o'ettoofe fome of tljc Jaff, anu tfjem iuttljout metcp catt da* 70 sutD toljett tljep of tije cnfflc f toa @>ato tfjcm flap of t&cit men tljem Dp, fpaccti tlje pate^ (jadtlp, tit Ijp to tlje tuallss tljep ram James Of Dowgias f}fS UiettPte tljatl 75 et^en UJdl Ijafftip in Ijann, Cftat tijep about tlje cattle faun, Co tljeir refet fpue toeut tljefc tuap* tflruen thiriwaii t(jat How Sir Aymery and John ot Lorn followed the King with a iloiuh Hound. Thirwaii upon t&fg tttamter, iffu ti a0 31 tell pou ijere, James Of Dowgias ffttt* a!0 Ijf0 Utett 05tt0Ueti t(jem altogether tljett, attn loent tljeir toap tofoatn tlje t^utg; JH great !jp, fo? tljep Ijearti ttnfnn:, Cljat Of Vallance @)IC Aymery, OUitb a uccp gteat cljeualrp, 030tlj Of Scots ailH alj5 Englifhme*, ttl) gteat ftrnp togre reatip tljeit JilUg ROBERT BRUCE* foj to feefc toas t&at time imt& fits ptb'rf tig 3{tt Cumnock, tuijccc it drafted toa0* Cljitfjer tfjen foent James Of Dowglas, 1 5 ann urns rfg Ijt toelcome to tlje &MQ; } ann fo&en i)e ijan toin tijat ttm'ng, tjjat ^tr AymerUJa0 comann, to fiunt ijtm out of tfce iann, OTttlj IjoutttJ anti ijo^t, rigfjt ass &e taet 20 a toolf, a tljief, o? elfe tljfefss feer, Ctjcn fain tfie^iiiff, at map mil fall, fje come ann {jijs pouiec all, ftafl afiiDe in tljf countcte, if &e come0 me njall fitrn fee. ding: fpafee upon tfiijs manner, Of Vallance tljen @>IC Aymer a peat company Of Bablcmen ann rtfiffjt too?tfjp, <2^f England anU Of Louthiane, 30 anfl Ije fiags alfo tm'tfj (jim tane John Of Lorn atlH all iJtS miffftt, lco|t{)p men anti foijOf, Iitrn eiijljt 6unD en men nun moe, a floutlj fjounn &an Ije tfjcre alfo, 35 3>o soon, t&at cljantje tnouin fa? ann fome men fap pet, tljat tfje Ring a$5 a traito? ()im nourtft'D Ijan, ap fo meiMe of fjim mane, toitij [}f0 otun ijanns toottin fjim 40 i^e folloiD'n fjim itJljcre'er fjc peen, @)0 tljattfje ijounu fjun foiloto'n fa, Cljat fje tuottin part nototfe Ijmt fra 5 aufc %tt$ of fcOtl) tfjat John Of Lorn f)im 3! ijearfc ntfjer a mention mane-, 45 'But men fay it toas certain tiring, Ctjat fie bfm San in ljus leasing, ttoouffl) fiim tijougljt tfje &ins to ta, fte luift fje fjim louen fa, fta tfjat fie migljt anejs feel 50 C&e SXins Oi0 fcent, (je tuift cigljt tueif, C&at Ije tDDUlU cljange it foj notljing* Cl)i0 John Of Lorn Ijatefc tlje ^tng, If 02 @>it John Cuming fjis erne's fafec ; ^igftt Ije Ijim eitljec flap o; tafee, 55 l^e itjouin not pa^e ijijs life a lira, Cljat fie vengeance of t>im mig^t ta tljeit 8)iC Aymery, tfti0 John in Iji^ company, otberg of 5000 tenoum alia; 60 Thomas Randal foJaS 0110 Of Came to Cumnock to feelt toajs luell luace of tjjeit comino:, tuns up in tlje ffcengt[)i$ tijen, U)itlj Ijtm near four Ijuntycn men* 6 5 SMS i)?otljei: tljat time Unto (jim toa0, aiCO S>iC James Of Douglas. Aymery's rout tfjere !je fafcu Cljat ijein tlje plain ap anu tfje latu, in (jaill battle alluapts ratie, lAing t^nt no fttppofwg; Ijit5 5 Cfjat tljep toere mo?c tjjan Ije fatu tftece, Co tjjem, ano neitijer elfeiuljcre, Ipati epe, ann iu v otigl)t unujittilp, f 0? John Of Lorn full flibti'Ity 75 l&tttff ROBERT BRUCE. iz? 75 Minn tljougfjt to futpjife t&c fcino; -, Cljerefo^e urit& all (jig gat&ecing about a fitll Ije &ein tije map, ann fjeiu into a cotoert ap, CiJl Ije fo near came to t5e &utg, so ece 6e peccciuen 6t?3 ccmfng:, Cfiat Ije tons come on Wni-UJcH near* otijec Ijoft anti upon tlje otljei: toais in 85 Cljat toas on eitijer fine foes, tbat to flaj) Ijtm tiiti tijceat ; tfte leaft partp of tlje tlno ftacUer far tljan (je ann mo. tuljen 6e fatn tljem p?ef0 &im fo, 90 ipe tljouffljt in !jj? tofoat luag to Do, 3nD fain, Lo^ingis, to ftafte no mfflfct, a0 at tljis time to ftand aun figfjt, Cljetefo?e Depart toe 110 in tfj?ee, ail fyall not fo affailen be, 95 ann in tbiee part0 (join on our tonp, to l)i$ piiup folk can fa-p, into p:it3ttp, tDfjat fteaD tljeii: repair fl)Oti!U be* tjat tljeir gate all are tfjep gnne, ioo anti in tfj^ee part0 tljeir tonp Ija0 tane* John of Lom came to tfte place from tnljtclj tfje Eing nepartet; ann in fjid trace tlje Ijcunts 6e fct, lmt t!)en fo?outten longec let 105 f^etti etjen tfte tuap aftec tlje Etgljt as fje fjan of ftim. ti8 Xi)c 2Ufe ant) %tt8 Of anti left t&e ot&er parties ag Ijc no top to tijem UJouin ta* anu tiJljen tfje &ing fato ftig coming no after Otis rout into a lutff, i)e tljous!)t tljep fenctn tftat It Ujfl0 Ije, Cfierefo^e Ije baDe to !jt0 men?fe, get tfjem in tlj^ee nepart t(>en loom ann tljep ntD fo fojotuten ijone, 115 ginn 6eiD t&eir toap in tljjee parties C&e 6ounn Uiu tljere Co great mature C6at fjelti ap ft^outten cfjanging, after tlje rout lofjere fcoas ttje ding* anti toijen tlje H^tnff ^an feen tljem fo, 120 ail iu a rout after &tm go Cfjetoap, ann folloto not bi.s men, l)t l)au a great perceiving t5ett, C6at tljep kneuj him* f o? tfiijai in 6p l)t bane (ji0 men rigtjt IjaCilp j 27 >feail, ano ilk ane to ijolti ljt0 tnap Eigljt by fjimfelf* ann fti DID tljep. 31iu man a funQ i? gate is gane, anti tfje t\ing uiitlj Ijim Ije (jas tane i^ijs fo(fer=b?otOer, toitooutten mae, 130 anu famen Ijelti t&eir gate tljep ttoo. Dounu follotu n altoapsi tlje cijangen foi no Departing, ap follotueu tlje Eing'j3 trace 05tit uja^ering, as? Ije paflcn How five chofen Men were fent to rake rhe King. fUljett tljat John Of Lorn fatU C&? fjounn Co faC after Ijtm ROBERT BRUCE. ann follofo fftaigtjt after tljefe tfoa, 5>e fenefo tjje ftins tnais one of tljae, 5 ann bane fifce of big companp, Cbat foere rigljt tmsljt men ana Satnp, ann alg of foot fpeenictt foere, >f all tftat fato tfieit: rout tnete, Etut after Jim, anti Ijtm o'ecta 10 anti let Ijtm no toife pnfg tljem fca fca tfiep tjan IjeartJ tlje p Ijeiti tljetr foap after follofo'ti 6fm fo fpcetJtlp, Cijat tljep Ijim toelt foon ean 1 5 :i)e ^ing tljat fatu tljem eomtno: near, -dlas annopeD on great manner.; 5f o? jje t()oun:ljt, if tljep tuerc ft^tijp, Cfjep auffljtljim trnurtanu tarrp, ana fjoin Ijim fo gate tarrpann, 20 CtU tbe remananu came at Ijantr ; 05ut tjan ue t)?ean but anertp, Cfjem fi^c, 31 troto all fieftcrip !De a)ouin Ija^eban no mctUIe tJ^entr, anti to t)t!5 felloto a-s {je rceti, 25 i)t fatu, CMr fiue are faff comans, are ujell near nctn at our ijanti* 3l!S tljere anp Ijelp in tbcef toe fyail foon affaileti be , etr, De fain, all tbat 3! map, Cljou fapfi tocH, fain t'oe ^inn;, perfap, 31 fee tljem coming: to us near, 3! foill no farther, but rigljt Ijcrc 31 Mil bine tDbile 3! am in avnti, Minn fee loljat fc?ce t)at tijep eait K k 130 Xlje %\U ano Sicts 3 j Cfre fting tljen ff oou full ffut&ilp, ann 'dje fine men in full great ftp, CDame foitlj great fljo^e anfc menacing: , *3D{jen time of tljem toent to tlje fting, ana to Ijte man t|je otl)ec tftio 40 (Kitt!) fiDo^ns In 6anti can ftotttlp #0* met tfiem tijat to to tlje firfi fife cout i)e tougftt, Cljat eat anu cljeefc tioton to IDe fljate off, ann tije fyouioers 45 ^)e tuCben nottm all nmlp* Clje ttoo t&at fatu fo funoenlp Cftefc felioin fall, affcatn toete, $lnti tot a little cutermarr, Clje &ins tmtf) tljat ftlen^u fjim tip, 5 o anB fato tlje ttoo fome (fuciH? bis man gteat melle ma. tl)at fie titti icatje ijijs otnn tfna, to t^ern tljat foiiffftt taitlj Ijis man, loup risljt liffljtlp mauefietijan, rmote tlje Ijeati quite off tlje one, Co meet Ijt0 oum fpne fs Ije gone* Cljep came on Ijim full flucBilp* De met ttie faff fo eagerly Cljat itJitlj tlje nwti tljat fljacplp ftarc 60 Clje arm fra tlje lion? Ije bare* OTljat ftrofees tljcp gafce 31 cannot telf, l$ttt to tlje fttng fiU fare befel, Cljat tljdttglj Ije travel Ijan anti pafn, ^e of Ijis foe men font Ijas flattu 55 IDts fofter'Mtljer after foon, Clje fiftl) out of !j!0 uapjss ijas trone* ROBERT BRUCE, 151 anfc foljen tlje King faio tfjat allfifcc fcaiere on tftis totre fycwgljt out of lite, Co fjig felloto tijen can 70 3lt lifccss pou Co to Cap, fain &e s 05ut tfje great part to pou toofc pe, Ctjat fletD fouc of tfte fi^, pou ane* Cbe ftf ng CattJ, a0 tlje (flee t tjane, 75 Better tljan pott 31 ntirjljt it no, f o? a mo?e leifure 6an thereto $ 5To? tDe ttuo fellotDjg tSat Dealt tnfft tftee, CCIfjen tijep fatu me atTatl'D toitf) tfeee, 4>f me rigfjt no {^tnti DoulJt tfie^ so If o? tbep tuenti 31 toas ffraitlp ftau, ann fo? tljijs tljat tljep I2op tfiem fo? mo?e tfian tfcou 3} mottgfjt; TUttt let us tfjanfc ^od, of fiiss grace Cimt fra our fccss us faben Ija0, sj oattlj tbat tlje l&ing loofeeu bim bp, ann fat of Lom tje company CUell near tottl) t&cit floutft ijouttti comand, Cljen to a fooon tfiat luais near ijann, 5>e tuentuittl) 610 fellotn in 6p ; 5o eon faue tfiern foi ijiis great mercp* 'How the flouth Hound loft his Seent; or was flain with an Arrow, mtng totuarn tfjetooon is fo; rtneat, anti tuill of \uane, 3lnto tlje toooti foon entren ije, 6elti uouin totoarn a ^aiiiie, > CTjerc 1 31 3C!)e 3Ufe ano 3{ct$ of sr SZHjere tKouglj tbe fooon a tnater can, C&itljer in great ftp inent fie t&an, aim begoutlj fo? to reft &im t&ere, ann fain, iDe migljt no fartljermare, Dte matt fain, @>ir, it map not be, 10 ainne ^e Ijere, pe ftall foort fee ITitie BuntyeQ parnann pou to fla^, tbep are feil agatnft us tfoa, fince toe map not Heal foitb migljt, us all tljat lue map tmtlj uiffbu i j CDe &tnfi; faitJ, ^fnce tljat pou toiii fo, ao fo?tf), ann a fljall tott^ pou (ro *Btit31 frafce Ijearu often times fap, dLIjat imjo entJlonrj a luater ap CHoultJ tuatJe a bouj^augljt, fje fljoulti gat 20 05otlj tfje flout!) Ijounn anD Ijiiei Icatiec tfje fcent men sart fjim ta toe if it Urili notn no fa ; toere ?on ue^'Iifl) Ijounti aUiap, 3i roug:6t not of t&e lafte perfap* 25 a$ Ije tieui fen tljep Ijaue none, ann entren in tfje toater foon, ann Ijein nofon ennionn: in tfjeir tuap, ,.&nn fpn^ unto tfje lann pen tljep, ann fjein tljeir toap as tljep nin air* 3.0 ann John of Lorn uriti) great effeir, . Came toitlj Ijis rout rig&t to tlje place, OU&ere tijat fjis fi^e men all flain toas* Dt meanen tljem, toijen Ije tljem fain, ann fain after a little tlj?att) s 3 j Cljat &e fljouin foon revenge tl^eir ncan, ^ut otftertoife tlje gaming peen, Cfjerc R O BERT, $ R U C E. ; 1,3.3 C&tte tijouin* na *Bttt fo?tb fit bfoiio Ei&bt to tbe burn tljcp ftaffeD lucre, 4 o oaut tbe flontij bounD mape mntino ann toabetea long time to ans fro, Cbat tje no certain gate couin go, lU at tfje laft tljat >hn : 0f Lorn petcetl3 ti tlje Ijottnti t&? RWb fciti 45 attn fafu^ tue Ija\3e tint tuiss travel, Co paC0 factljec map .not abaif, 5T02. tljc Ujoou is bot!) fyoan nnti Stnn ije i& todl far fep tfjtsJ &$e ; Cbecefo?e fs .gooQ lue juut a0:aiit, 50 aim tuaffe lia moje travel in \jaCn s 821itf) tljat lelicD De j;i ann l)i$ map to tlje optt toofe Cbuss eCcapen t&e.n *But fame men fap .tjjtsx c 5j (Upon anotljec mannctfdi, (!D8an tfecnn;!) tlje u^Dfciff ; fa? t'ocp '{jH, CliattljeBtno: a 0:0013 archer Ijat?, anU luljen !)ff Lo:U Ijc fata fa ft^ Cljatfje ttia-s left fo ancrlp, 60 l)t rait'on fitte a'ftuavj? Ijim bp, CtH into tljr foooti tuas iic gone* Cfjrn fain be to jjimftlf alone, Cljat be a rca triiji)t tijece tuoulti ma, Co look if be tbe ftousip muxbt, Ha ; 65 jfo; if tbe botmt! uugftt laO, in line, De ttnff iiffbt itieli t&at t}jei> lu^uin tiatbc Cbe i^tnn: bte trace, tilt tljep tim'tn, Cfien tutft be lucll tfjep mm fcirn fla ; L i Cfierc- 1 54 3Ci)c 2Ufr anO XttS of C8erefo?e ije fooulu (jig Loan fuccour* 70 ()e put W life in a&entute, ana (toon into a butt) lurfcanu, Cill tljat tlje Ijouuti came to fjis fjann, ann tmtfj an arroto foon &im fleto, ana tf)?oug& tlje ujoou foon Ijfm UJitfj^cto* 75 05ttt U)ftetl)ec tfiat tote reaping fell $10 31 tola fitff , o? noto a tell, 31 tott it U)eU, tMttljout leefinff, Cbat at tlje burn efcap'H How three Traitors met the King with a Wedder. tane, John of Lom again 135 gane Co )tt Aymer, tfiat from tfte cljafe Mitl) 6i^ men tljen tepaireti toa0, 5 Cljat fpen but little tljeir chafing, JCljouslj tljep Ijau manp follotutng full eagetlp, tljep man but fmalU Cljett foe0 tuete neat efcapen alL ^)ett fa?, >tt Thomas Randal tljan 10 Cljafing, t^e j^ing 6t0 bannet UJait, ejaijetetljiouglj in England fuitlj tlje &tng Ipe ban rigljt gteat p?tce ann losing* tlje cljnfers telicD tnete, John of Lom ijati met tl)em tljete, 1 7 Ipe tolti ^>it Aymer all tlje cafe, tljat tlje j^ing efcapen toag, Ijotn tljat ije Iji^ fiue men fleto, fpne to tlje UiooU Ije Ijim H?etiJ Aymer &eam tljiis, in ij)? ipe fninen Ijim fo? tljijs fetlp, ROBERT BRUCE. ann fain, fie tt greatlp to IFo; 3 fcnafo none tljat limns 10, Cljat at mifcljief can fjelp ijim fa ; 31 trot IK fliouin tie (jam to da, 2 ? 3lf Ije toere bonpn efcenlp* ljiS tDife fpafce &\t Aymery. tjje goon Etng Ijein fojtft ann Dts man, t)of)tie tljep out tfj;oujy6 tjjc f02e(t tuere, 30 g>pne in a muir tijep entreu tljccc, Cfiat lua0 fcotlj fjis6 5 ann long, anD ere t&ep 6alf it paifen (jati, on Cue tfeee men command, to ligftt men, anu ftja\)et:anti. 35 3>too?li$ tljep Dan, anD ates a!0, ant) one of tijcm upon ijts fiaiss, a mciUie bounnen tucntier bare* Cljep met tfie Eing, ann fiails'ti Ijim t&ete* ann tfte fiitng tljem tljeit bailfing: 40 anu asfcea tfjem UJljitfiet tijep C&ep fain, Robert tjje Bruce tftep fougfit, jfo? meet toit{j &tm if tfjat tfjep motjijt, ^Lbeic nfoeHin0 mitlj fjim mouin tfiep ma* C6e minff fain, 3}f tljat pe ftjill fa, 45 Do pou boin fo?to pour tuap UJitij ann 31 ftall gat pou foon jjim fee* Cljep perceiuen (jp Ijts :&at fie toasei tlje feif Robert ann cftangen countenance ann late, 50 ann ijein not Into t&c ficft Hate, jFo? tfjep toere foess unto tlje ftmg;, ann tfiougfit to come mto fculhino:, tuaell toitij ijtrn, u^tle ttjctt Cijcir po.nt, nun fyins turn tljen feff tratt* granter* to ins fpccdj tlje Eintj tljat U)as np U)dl b)) tljctr tljep IO\JCD Dim tueH nattjtno:, fatu, f eiloioes, ve muff 60 f urtfjei acquaint ttll.tljat toe be, by pouc felDcg f bett2rui5 go, on tbe famen UJtrc fce tiuo tfjep, g)ic, it wd Co trolu into uO'nnp iU Bone Uo jf, fatu I)e, buc 31 Ctjat pe go fo^tlj tints, luijile tpat luc imtlj otoec Unoton lie* grant, tljep fatu, ftucep 7 Q 3n& fo^tl) upolitjicfc-rjatt can s peeD tljev till tljc utgi)t tljcit t|)c fojemoft't ouihig; Co a loafte Iju0l3t>no boufe, mmtijere COep fleto tlje lue^er tljat tljep &Me, 75 anB^flcafee fire fortcr eoft-t&cfo meat, askn tlje ^tno; if Uefooul reft Ijim tiU-ttje meat lueie tftat tmis atTenten to tljeic 80 *But be faio, Ije at a fice fit^ nan tljep all tuitl) t&cm togctljet fae^ tOe enn of t&c Ijoufe (houin ma fire, ann tftcp nin ra> ROBERT BRUCI. s$ C&ep njefo t&em to tfje ijoufeg enn, 8nn ijalf the toenner to (jim fenn* 8nn tfjep rotten in fjp tfjeir meat, ann fell rigftt frefljlp fo? to eat jfoj tlje fting tuell long; fatten fjan, 90 3nn 6an rig^t metfele travel mane, eat full eaprlp 5 tufjen 6e ftan eaten fiattilp, 8)0 6an to fleep fo metfcle tuili, Cfjat (je mtgijt fet no let tberetill i jpo^UJoen tbe tieine0 fillen are, s fjeafcp e^ermare, to deep n;tiiU)et{) fjeat)tnef0* ttjat all foje travel n tljat l;im luo^tfjet; fl tp ;i fottcrb;otf)rr Ije J trutt in tljee m : ta CHI J ^ little tteeptnry tafep* fea, ^tr, fie fain, till 31 m ? C&e i^ing tfjen tuinfe'n a little luce, 105 ann fleepen not fun entirely, gliftnen up oft funnenip, of tljefe tO;ee men, C&at at tfie otfier fire iuere tljen, C&at tfie'p 6tjS foe0 toere toefl Ije iuiff, no Cljerefoje 6e Heep'n ag fotul on ttui(!, fleepen but little tfian, fife a fleep fell on fjts man, Cfiat fie migfit not Ijoin up Ijtss epc, fell in deep ann rcuten M m 138 of How the King flew the three Traitors, and came to his Tryit with his Men. > 80 f 3 tlje fting in great peril, : fieep Ije fo a little tuljile, De fljall be Bean fo;outten tyeau, jjr 03 tlje t&?ee tcatto^ took goon ficetf, $ Cljat be on fleep toag, aun ins main 3iit full ffteat Ijp tljep tofe up tljan, anti tj^etu t&eic f tt)o?tij3 full Ijaftilp, ann toent totoatn tlje fcing in ljp 5 OTijen tljat tljep fatu ijtm fleeptnn: fa, i o ann deeping tljoutjljt tljep IJDOUIO 6im fla Cfte &tng up blinketi Ijaftilp, anti faU) Di0 man fleeping Ijtm bp, ann fatu coming tlje otljet tljjee, Deli^etlp on foot got fje, 1 5 ann tyeto ljt0 f tDa?n out, anti tfjem met -, ann as Ije peen, lji0 foot ijc fet capon Ijijs man tucll 5>e toafee 5 ti, anD rofe jf o? tlje fleep mafteten ijtm fa, 20 cijat ere ijc got up, one of tljae came up fo^ to ttap tlje eitng, Ijim a Ctrofee in Ijfg rifing, tljat Ije nugljt ijclp Ijtm no mace. Clje &tng fo ftcattlp ttau luais tljere 5 25 Cftat fje pet ncfeet toajs fo (tar OUere not tlje arming tljat be (jan, l>e IjaD been UraD fo^ontten tueer, But not tlje Icte on ftfc manner* ROBERT BRUCE. 139 S>e Ijelpen &tm in tftat 30 e&at t&efe tfojee tratto^ ijas Ije flat n, on ins tfrace, ann ln manljean, fofteMijotljer tljere luas Sean, Cljen toass Ije toonncr tutu of tuane, C21(jen Ije fata fje tmis left alane, 35 $)t!5 foffet b^ottjec meanen !)e, luamen all tije otljcr tlj^ce, fpne Wgi lunp toon &tm aianc, ris;i)t totoatu iji^tcpll l-iing toent fo^tfi 40 ^enanti fitgi man ann ijeiu 610 ma? all Ijim alone, anti ttgbt totoatu tfte&oufe 10 pne, CCJIjece be fet trptt to meet lj(0 men i 31t ttiais tuell in toftb tn^t ftp tljen* 4j 5>e came foon in tlje fjottfe, ann fann Clje fioufe^tDife on tfje ftink fittann, Cftat asfcea ijim foon UJljat Ije ann UJljence Ije came, ann to&ere a travelling; man, gooti Damr, fain lje 9 50 C6at traue!0 Ijete tD?oufl$ tlje countcie. fain, all tfjat trauelltno: ace, one fjtg falte are foclcome (>ere fain, <^oon Dame, luljat ij? fie, C6at gars pau jja^e fih fpecialtie Co men tljat travels f g>ir, perfap, Cluot!) tfje sootMmfe, 3! fl>ali poti fap 5 Cfje l^in(J Robert tlje Bruce fe Ije, C6at i0 rtijljt Loin of tljis cottntrie 5 Di0 foes Ijfrn notu ijoing in a t&ong, *But 31 t&infc to fee ere ougljt Ions, |)tm 140 Xije Kite an& 3tct$ of Jt>im Ho# ann &in$ o'er nil tlje lann, tljat no foes ft all bim UJitljffann, , lo&e pe 6im fa focll, fain be? ic, Cats tije, fo on me fee* 6y Dame, fain be, lo, fit m bere tljee bp, 31 am be, 31 rap tijee footblp. aij )ic, (fie fain, autJ iDljere are tyone gone men, toljen pou are tlius alone f at t&fsf tfme, Dame, 31 6aue no mae, 70 dSe fain, lit map nounfe be fat 5 31 babe ttoo fcnsi trngfit anD fincu-p, ftall become pouc men in ijp/ etieuifen tljep fjaue none, ftoo?n men become tfjep foon* 75 !)e tuife fpne ffnct Ijim fit aun eat 5 I5ttt lie &a* fljo^t tobfle at tlje meat kitten, toljen be fteacn great ftampinn; about t!)e fjciife, tfjen but letting C6ep ffact up tfje fjoufe to nefenn ; so ^>et Coon after tije ^ing fias Uenn James Of Dovvglas, tljeil UJaS be blptft, bane tbem open tlje noo$ ftptft, tljep came in all tijat tftere loere* Edward ijiis fyotber tuaiS tftere, 85 aim James alfO lO^n Of Dowglas, Cbat mass efcapen from t(je cbafe, ann ttiitl) tlje ftf ng'u fyotljet ban met, pne to tlje trvff tbat tbem tuas fet, Cbep fpen tljem luitb tljeir company, 90 . Cbat toere an bnn^en ann fiftp* foiien tljat tbep babe feen tde ^inff, luere jopful of tfjeir mectins, ann ROBERT BRUCE. 14.1 atffceti Ijolu Oe fcapen tljem'tolti nil Ijatll ttje care, 95 j)oU) tfje ftoe ttictt Ijim pjeffefc faft ; ana fjoU) fje tljiousl) tfje toater pad; ana ijoto fje met tottlj tfje tljfe^e0 tfj^ee ; ann ijotu ije deeping unfit fljotiin tje ; (KOKjen fje iuafeeneti toiougfj ^oti'si gcace, ioo ana botu Ijtis foftetbiotljec , Ije tolD tljem all Cljeti lo5)en t&ep Lo^ti toaj& ercapen Co* C&eit fpafee tljep 100^53 to ann fco, How the King with 'his menzie came haftily,,up- oi> his Enemies, and flew many. 31 i t at tlje lad tlje j^f 115 cart fortune ii^ ttaUel ti faft to Sap, ' Cljat rcaileu us fo futirjettly, foes to ntgljt ftall Ip trufip, troui toe fo (called ate, fl<*ti to toarreit Ijete anD tliece, we fljall not tljit naps tfeee au topt^et affembletifae* COetefo^e tljts nigbt 'tljep fljall trump 10 nBtit toatcfjeg take tfieic eafe ann lp ; ^tJ.tljt<5 nap t^ep fjau'e pone nefpite, Cljerefo?e tfjis niffftt i tuotiin tDern quite* OOHjecefo^e Mjo jftnetn tljcit (jarbetp, anD luottlD come'dn tljem ftttipenlp, 1 OUitfj feiu men^te men migljt tljem sfftaitfi. pet efcape toftfipuftfii tuattli; . ., N n lute ano 3ictsr of q0tlj James iO# Of Dowglas, 31 came bitljecftarn per cafe, 31 came fo near tfjetr fcarfcetp, 20 cimt 31 can b?ing pott toijere t&ep ip ; ann toottin pott fpeen pott, vet ere nap'o:6t fo fiappen, tijat toe map Do t6em a greater sfcattl) tucll foon, Cljan tljep ins all tfiigs nap ijaue none ; sj jFoa t^ep ip fcailen a0 tljem Uft, C&en tf)0 o ugl)t tljem all it toas tlje fteft Co fpeen tljcm to tljem fmftilp. tljep nin fo in fall great W 9 came on tfjem in tlje naunno:, aj3 tfie nap began to f&ino;, fell it, tljat a companp fn a tolun tane 8arbert>, 8Bell fca tlje (joft a mile oj mare, ^en fain tljat tljep ttoo ijttnn^en foere* 3 j Cfiere aCTemblen tlje noble i^tng, . ann foon after tfcetr airemWintr, CBep tljat fleeptng alTailen luere, Etgfit ijtneouflp caw.crp ann rare ; ann otljer fome tljat ijearn tlje crp, 40 Eofe up fo rigljt afrapenip, Cfrat fome of tljem all nafcen toeee, f leetnn; to foatren Ijere ann tljcre 5 fome tljeic ijarncfis uritij tljem n^elo tljep tmtljout mercp tjjcm item, 45 ann fo cruel vengeance can tae, Cljat tlje ttuo partis of tljem ann rnae, KUece flam into tlje famen ffean, " Co tljeir ijoft tlje remanann !Wtt0 ROBERT BRUCE, Cfje boff tbat ijeaitt t&e notfe ana ctp, 50 anfc fafo ttieic men fo urcetclje&lp, ' gjome nafcefc fleeing Sere ana t&ste, >ome all fjaill, Come luoutiDeD face, 3ttto full great affrap tljep caife, ilk man to W banner gaes, tfeat t(je Ijoff toass all on (leer* Clje &tn0 ann tljep tljat Witt} ijtm tuere, t(jep on fieec tlj Ijott fato fo, tfjeic toarren can tfiep go, tf)ere in fafctp came tbep* 60 anu Ujfien ^\ic A^mery jjeacu fa^ 5 tfiat tlje &ins tljefc men ijan dam, fjotn tfiep turned toete agafn, 5>e fain, eom map pou cleaclp fee, Cljat noble Ijeatt ttifjere'et ft be, jacfc to o'ercome luttlj iufjere an jeart te ttgljt (foutnefj3 (t is ap ttout, as 31 tcoU), tfjere map no i it all out mfcomfit be, 70 8B6ile bo&p liliino: iis aim fcee, as bp tfitsi melle map be feem OUe toenn Robert t&e Bruce ijati been >o ntfcomfit, tfiat bp gooD 0iuii, H>e ffioulti ttettljec fian beaet 1103 mil '75 S>ife ieopacnp to unnerta, jFo? Ije put mas at un&et; fa, 6at 6e toas left all ijim alane, ann all fits folfe toete fra ijim gane, ann Oe fo gate fo?e trauelled, so ^o put tbem off tijat # m 144 3Ce 2Ufe ant) 3tctsf of 6c (Ijouia &afje parties COt'0 piGbt attour ail otljer tfjfng, Ijeai't.fiirn te of bountfe, tljat it uanqutfljt map not fee, How Sir jiymery parted to Carlile y and the King meets three Traitors. Aymery. fofjm tbep offjig companp, f)otu tljep tKaDeil'tJ Ijad in uafn, fjoto tlje H\fng time men hau flaCit, 5 ana tfjat bijs men luete ffane ail fcee, Cfjem tljouuOt ft U)aj3 a nfcitie, fa? to mafce tijece lottgec wuellinff, >tnce tljep migljt not anno? tlje ^niff* ailU tfteit fatD 8>tC Aymery, 10 autJ unbctljousljt ijfm Ijaftif^, (je to Cariiie tfjeit tDdttin o:a, tfjece a tuljilc fojoutnimj ma, ijatje (jtis fpics upon tfjc &WQ;, Co fenoU) attoa^ fjis conteninn: ; 15 anti toljen tfiat (je (jt^ point miffftt fee, 5>e tljouuw, tfjat iuitfj a great men^fe oe fljottiu fljoot on fjim funtienlpt Cberefoje U)U6 all Ijis comptw? ^0 England ije tlje toap fjag tane, 20 anti ilk man to &i0 ijome i0 &ane P tO Carlile foent !j5 Ije, therein tjjinftctfi fo^ to be, CiH !)%ljt0 point fatu of tlje ftinir, Cljattljcn tottlj all btt ptljecwg ROBERT BRUCE. 145 25 Cftag in Carrick, tofjere 6e foag front, toouin toenn toite bis men to (jttnt* ijappenen it upon a nap, toent to bunt, foj to affap earning; ttm0 in tljat counttp. 30 ann fo fiappenen t&at nap, tljat fie a tijooti fine to ljunt is gane, ttoo Ijounn0 6tm alanc ; fte Sis ttoo?n ap tnitij 6tm bate* Ijan but fto?t tuljtle (ftten t&ece, 35 CDJOlben 6e fatn fra tfje looon comann C^ee men fejitlj botu^ into tftetc fjann, C&at totoarn Ijim came fpeenilp 5 5lnn te percetten tljat in Ijp, 05P ti)cic effetr, ann tfjetc (ja^ino:, - 40 Cljat tliep !o^ n Ijtm fn no ^inn tljtnn;* cafe up, ann 1310 lecft n?eU) &c, let tjis Ijounng tjen gang ali free* ijelp UK ^fng notu fo? {jig migljt, f o? nofo but ^e betulfe ann urin^t, 45 Ipe ajaM be fctfn mctkte p?ef0 ; 5fo? t&rfe tWt men fo^outten lie^, Cbtf> taete I)ij3 foes all utteclp, ann ujatcijen Jim fo bufilp, Co fee to&en t(jep vengeance mfg;!)t take 5 Of tfje &ino;, fo? John Cuming'g faUe^ ann tljep tijougfit tljen tijep leifuce ijan, Cljat ije ijim all alone mag (tan* 3{n l)P tljep tljottgljt tljep ajcuin fiim fia, ann if tljat tljep mi&!)t cfjeuiflj fa^ 55 f ta tijat tfjep tlje goon fefng ijan flain, Cljat tgep mtgljt twin tje tuaon ngain, O a men tfiem tljotts&t tljep fljottlD not 3in ftp tofoato tlje fting tljep peen, Sinn bent tijetc bcutf toben tljep mere near* 60 anti Ije tfjat r^eaD on great manner C&eir accottJS, foj ije nafecu iua0, 3in ftp a fpeafcino; to tjjem maesf, anti fatD, pott outfit to ftamc, Since j am one, ans pe aw ^5 5Fo? to fljoot at me upon fear ; 03itt fjaa pe fjactiment to come near, anti imtf) pottc Cluo^0 fo? to alfap, OUtn me on Gfc tuiCf if pe map, ^e (6aU tuell out uio?e p;aifeD fie* 70 pecfap, quotfj one tfjen of tije t&;ee s g)ljail no man fap lue ujean tljee fa, Cfjat toe tDttfj atrbtuiES fljall tftee fla tfiat tljetr botois atoap tfjep ^e(f, came on fatt (jut longer friff* tljem met full ftartulp, anti fmote t6e fled fo fci&'touap s Cijat ije fell Dean fcoftm on tfie greem anti tuljen tfje Etnry ijioi ftounti^s ijag feeu Cftefe men affaire tljeir matter fa, Cljep lap to one, anti can Dim ta Eig&t &p t(je neck full fittttstlp, Cill top o'er tail tljep gatt fjfm flp ; tfie l^fng that Ijis ftoa^D out ftati, tljep fo fair fttecour Ijim matie, re Ije tljat fallen luas mig&t rife, IDe Ijim affailcD on ah toife, Cljat bt tlje bach fftafce ei^en fn ttoo* Cfje tljicD, tljat fatu ijigs felloe fo, fcatftljout recovering fa flatn, 90 Cook to t&e foooa fug map again ; 05ttt tjje feing: follow a fpeetuip, ate t&e (jounnis tljat toere ijtm &p, tljep tfie man fatu flee film fca, Stfjot to fiim foon, ana can (jtm ta Eifffit ftp tlje neclt, antr to htai anti t[je &utff tfjat loa^ near 3ln fits ttfirtg afe tout l)mi C6at Cone^^aB to tfjc ecu ije Cfic mtnn:^ men?te tljat t&en UJctt near, 2B6en tfjat tfjep fata on fi& manner atratru fo ftiouenlp, fpen tfiem totnaru fifm In (jp, askeii {join tijat cafe fiefeL 6e all Ijatllp can tljem telf, 105 j)ol t6ep afTaileti (jim ail tlj^ee* pecfap, quotfj tljep, fte map uiell fee* Cljat ft tjs jjatu to twaettafce, @>tfe meiunn: mttij pou fo? to make, Cljat fo fmactlp {jag flafn tfjlt tlj]ce, no 5fo?outten fiutt, pecfap, fat'n&e, anti minel)ounti0 fjas flatn tfie ttoo, tdtcn efcapcn not alfo, treafon cum&?en tfiem, perfap, men all tfee.e tocce thep. How Sir Jymcry fets the King in great Jeopardy. manner efcapeD 6o?n, ann tijen in &p men to &im can relp 5 K\lt ana acts of $ C&en l)omett)atn0 busfcen be to fare, ifoj ttjat nap foouin Ije bunt no mate* 3ll Glentruel a U)l)tle Je lap, ann foent toell oft to bunt anti p!ap, jfo? to putcbafe tbem toemron, 10 Ifoj tljett tlje tieet luere in feafcm 3n all tfjat tfmc 8>tt Aymery, Boblemcn in company, in Carlile Jt|3 point tO Cee ; ^catn tlje cectamtte, 1 5 Cljat in Glentruel toas tfje ^tng, inent to ljunt anti to piaping, ti)en ttt{) fjtis coeuaicp, Co come upon l)tm ruuuenlp, attti from CarHie upon nigljt0 title, 20 anti into co^ett on Haps bine, gate ttritfj Ijtjs ttanointii]p, tljoufffjt fie fljouiti futpnfe tfje ftinff* 5>e affemblen a peat uten^te 'fl)f folfe of jjoon full tenotonte, Scots bOtf), ailtl Englilhmen, toap all famen Ijelti tljep tfjen, anti tone on ntg&t fo p?iutlp 5 CiU tljep came in a tooon neat ftp Glentruel, toljete long n toas tfie l^iitri:, 30 ^ftat toiff tigfit nor^ljt of tljett coming 3nto gteat petil nclo is ije, f o? tut (5on tfi.ouglj Ws gteat pouate g>a^e l)im, Ije fljall be a ..tit o? tane, f o? tljep toete fir, toijete Ije toass ane* ? j oaben eit Aymrv, asi 3( fja^e toin, men tljat tuete ttcut ann boin, ROBERT BRUCE. 14.9 came fo near t&eEing, tfjat tljep but a mile fra bint atoap* Oe took awnfement toitft ins men, 40 n tobat manner tljep fljouin no tljen, fain t&em, tljat tyz ain into Co ftcatt a place, Cljat fjajfemen mtgfit not ijim antj if footmen gate Wm battaii, 45 ?)e Uouiti be fjara to tut n, if &e Of tfjeic comtns map tottteti be ; Cfietefoje 3 ceue all pn&ilp, OUe fenn a tnomatt bint to fpie, Cljat poo^lp f&aU arca^en be, 50 @>lje map ask meat per cljatitp, anu fee tljetr conDeen Ijailiilp 5 Sinn upon U)!)at mannec tljep lp, Ctjeio'jHetfjat toe ann out menfte Coming out t:j?ougf) tlje tuoon map be 55 it foot, all atmeu iisi toe are* toe^io fo, tljat toe com tfierc tfjem, rre tfjep toit our coming, all finti in tftem no Cuctinnf, counfel tljougftt tfjem toais tfje b 60 Cljcn fenn tj}ep fo?tlj but longer friff Cbe to: man tljat ttjculD be tljeicfpp, ann fye fiec uiap can ijoin in fjp Et0()t to Kjc long toljere toasf tfie no tyean ill Glentruel tort Cbat toa0 near b.oug&t to furp^'Ong, ^een unarmen, merrp ann blptl> C6e tooman Ijas Ije feen all f toptlj, P p 150 3C*)e m*t an* %w of l!>efafo ijet uncoutfe, ann foi t&j>, 70 5>e be&ein fjet mo?e encrelp, 3nn bp Ijer countenance Inm t&ottg&t, Cijat foj goon coming tons ffie nougljt, Cfjen gact Ije men in Ijp ijec ta, anti (Ije tljat D^ean men l^eulo &er fla* 75; COltl tljem tljat fjOfo eit Aynaery, CBitf) tlje Clifford in company, OLUtlj tlje SCtueC Of NorthumberUnd, ^Ilete coming on t&em at-tfjeic How fifteen hundred were difcomfit by a few 8) 15 tljat tbe ftittty ijearn acmeu Ijim but majC.UttJelUnu s tun tfies all tfjat e'ec toa3 t(jete, in a Cop afTemblen are* 5 31 ttoto t&ep UJcce tfj^ee DunD;en neat;; ana UJljen tfjep all aflemfclea tnece, Clje Eing Ijiss banner sart ann fet fjiss men in goon T3tit tljep Ijati ftanning but a tfcaiu, 10 Eigfjt at tfjeic Ijann toljen t&at tljep fatu Cljeic foes t5?ottglj tlje tuoao comano, on foot luitf) fpeac in fjann, fpen tljem full enfo?cenip* Cljenoife began foon ann tlje CCP 5 f o? tlje goon fttng, tljat fomioft tuagf, feint out of a man fiig Omtn, Cljat near befitie fjim toas gangann, a boto, ann a moan accouj 20 ann ijit tfee fo^moft in tlje ROBERT BRUCE. 151 CiH tOtfpple ana foefans pee& in tfoo, ana Oe fcoton to tlje era can go, COe la&e UritO tljnt mafce a Hopping* COen, &ut moje batse, tfie noble &ing 25 8>mt from Ote bmtneour Ijt-a banner, anti fatn, Opon tfjcm : ff o? tijep are jDtfcomfit all ; ann luttfj tfjat tuo$ J>e ftoappeti ruitftlF out fj& fto?n, anti on t{jm ran fo ijarrulp, 30 Cftat all tijep of 610 company Coofc SactiittiEnt of fjtis JJOOD ireeti ; 5fo? fome t(jat ficft tljetc iwapisf pee^ again to tlje fisljt came in OP, ann met time foe0 53io:o?auflp, 3 5 Cfiat all t&e fo?moft ruften toere* tofjen t6e|> tfiat toe Dinner mare, tljat tfte fo?moft left tfje (ted, turned foon tljetr faaclt ann fletf, anti out of tfje fooon tljem loitlj^ieU), Cfie Iking a feto men of t&em fleto ; f o^ toep rigfjt foon tfjetr gate can go. 3,t mTcomfo?tefc tftem alfo, COat toe l^tng tntto Ots men^ie toag ail armen to Defend tfjat place, 0at toe? toenn to?ougO toetr tra^entmg, Co Oa\ie imn fo?outten figOting, COat toep afrain tuere funoenf^ anti Oe tOem fougOt To angrif^ COat tOep in fufl great OP again Out of toe tooon ran to tOe plain ; 5fo? tiiem failet! of tOdr intent COep &?re t&at time fb foully 152, anfc 3lct$ of fifteen ljttnn:en men ann moe, a feto toete tebuten fa, 5 5 Cbat tljep fmtljnsett) ttjem fljamefullp ; COetefoje among t&em funnenip Cijcte tofe nebate ann great mftance, 3ilfc ane topte otfteu of tljefc mifcijance* Clifford anti waus maue a meliec, 60 (GUljete Clifford rousbt Ijim not ta lee, anti ettljet aue ti^ctu to parties IPiUt IC Aymery tljat tnajS lS)tfe, i^epacteti tijem in metkle pain, anti toent to England ijome aijatiu 55 fyt tDift, fca ftctfe rofe tljem amoitff, DZ a)oult tftem not footn famen long, f oiontten nefcate 02 mcllee 5 Cljecefo^e to England tucneD ije, OUitl) nioje ftame tljan 6e toent off tolmn 7 o ca&en fo man? of fiU cenoton, fo feto men bine tjjem battail, toete Ijattip to affatU Jjruce having recovered Kyle and lames Douglas defeats Thtlip Mowbray at the Nether foord, near MakyrnocL D e lAtntr fta ^)it Aymer toajs ijane, ^atl)ettil)t0 mettle e'etilfcane, left botlj toot!0 tmn aljs mountains, I)ein fife urn? ftcatgljt to tlje plaint, foi Ije toouin fain tljat enn toece mane 0ft!jattljatl)e beginning Ijan, ann Ije luift toctt fte migfit not tying lit to goon enn but travelling* Co 2&UICJ ROBERT BRUCE. CO Kyle fitft fofltt fje, anU tfjtlt ItlUtl 10 j[)e mane all to ijtm obepfann, Cfie men moft fo^ce came to {jig peace, g>pne aftettoatn, ere ije foouin ceaCe, Df Cuainghame titf UtO lyatt (join of (jig fenio?p, Bothwel tljen @)Ii: Aymer Cljat in fits' Seact gceat aitpi* Ija?, |fO? tljem Of Cuninghame aitH Kyle, C!)at toere oftepfann to Ijfm iufjHe, Cfiat left tlje Engiifhmens fetutt'e, 20 Cljeceof fain uengeti tooulo !je be, fent tljei'e Philip tlje Mowbray a tfjoufanu, M j fjeacn rap, Of men t()at uiece in Iji0 leaning, Co Kyle, fo? to loercap 25 'Btlt Jcimes Of Dowglas all tljat fpiejs out upon ilka fine, of tljetc cominn;, ann tfjat tfjep UltJ 1):10 tftc JD-5 took tutto ijim all piftflp, 30 Cliem tljcit luere of !jis compant>, Cljat toere fo^tp, tDit&outten moe, ^>pne to a (ftait place can fie go Cljat 10 into Makyrnocks Clje Netherfoord it Iji^ljt 3 5 3|t lie faetltjirt mocaffe0 tloo, OTjere t&at no fio^re on life map g tlje foutlj fialf tofiece tljat James 31S an upgang, a nacroto pnfis ; on tije no?tlj Ijalf i0 tlje toap ill, a^ tt appears to nap. Q_ (j 154 UJftf) tljem Ije imtb Ijim Jan, (mbuC&e& 5irn, ana tljere abatie, $;>e migljt foell fo?efee tfoeir coming, 'But tljep migfjt Cec of Ijim not&tng* 45 Cljep bafce in buQiment all tfie nigljt, fun fioajS ftining fttfgftt, in battd come C6e uanguatn tott^ banner ^Inu fpne after t&e remananu, 50 c&ep fato UJdl near Ijefjtnn comanti, C6en &ein tljep t^em tttil ant) p|tuie Cill tlje fo^emoft of t&at men^ie 0!Iere entren in tjje foo^li tfiem ftp, Cfjen diout tfjep on tljem toitlj a crp, 55 3nt> tottl) toeapons ttat ajarplp ftare* ome in tfte foo?ti tfiep ftacfetoarD bare, ann fome toitlj armis barblpt 6?ane 5 >o great martprnom on t&em mane, Cljat tljep can tJ?ato to laotD t|je place* 60 r ^-ut beljtnti tfjem fo ftoppeti luas Cl)e toap, tljat tfjep faff migljt not flee, ana tljat o:art manp of t&em tiie. tljcp on no imfe migbt ataap a;5 tljep came ; but if tljat t&ep {KUoitUi tS^ottn.-l) tljeir foejs ijoin tfjefr gate, *But tljat toap tljoitffljt tbem all too &ate* Cljeir foes met tljem fo ffuruilp, ann conten'n fitjljt fo Ijartiilp, Cljat tfjev fo ti?ea5ing luere, t&at t&e? C^at firft rnfn-ljt fiee, firff fleD atoap. ana Utfjett tbe reretoatu fatn tljem fo Difcomfit, anti tljeir toapg fad go, ROBERT BRUCE: 155 Cljep fleU on far, mm fjein t&efr urn? ; Q5ttt BOOH S>ir Philip tfje Mowbray, 75 C&at uriti) tjjc fojemoft rising toas, COat entreD tua# into t&at place, Cfflben t(jat jjc fato 6otD [je twas (tan, Cfiiougf) tfje great tDD?ajtp t^at Ije fjau, OTftb fpur0 6e ftrake tfje fteeti ot p?tce, 80 ann, maugre aii &i0 enemies, Cij?ougtj tlje tfjicfeeft of tljem fje rane, an& &ut cljallenge Efcapen Ijan, CBere not one Ijpnt (jim bp tlje & v 2anti ; *But t&e g oon fteen tfjat ttsoulti not ftan&, 85 5>e lancen fo^tjj Deltoerlp s T5ut t{je otfjer fo flaltoartlp 8>ein tlje belt ttjat b^itt off t&e &?antJ, anu fU)o:ti anu belt left in fjiis jjanti, anH de but rtoo^ti fits toapte rane, ^o (KUell out tottfi tjjem, ann tftere ataue, ann befjelti 6oto 8ijs men?te flen, anu bom fiijs foe0 cleanfen tfte ffeati, Cfjnt tuere betinfrt {jtm ano fit's men, Cljetefoje tfie tnaps fo?tft took (je tljen 95 CO Kilmarnock antl Kilwinyne, to AdrofTen after fpne 5 jousf) tlje Larges ijf m alane Ennerkype tfje U)aP Ija0 tane, to tfje cattle tljat teas t^en 100 {KUell flUtfetl all tDttfi Englilhmen, Cftat Ijim recetoen in Unintie* ann fra tftep tuift goto ryate tljat Ije @)0 far ijan rinnen &tm alane, C&zouglj t&em tljat toere ijig fae0 tm ane, of 107 cijep pjt^etj ijfm fu!l gcetumlp, ann lofcen faff How Sir Aymery fees a Day to meet "King Robert at London-hill. 31E Philip tfjus efcapen 1 atvn Dowgias, tljat tuas in t&e place, fcelfrtp fjatf flain ann moe, Cfje la&e foullp tljett gate can 0:0, 5 ann flcn to Bothwei fjome again, CBfjere Sir Aymer teas noting faun OTjcn Ije fjearn tell on tljat manner, Cljat Ijte mcn^te ntfcomfit ujece ; *But toljen tlje feinff Robert teas toin, 10 ?^oto tljat tlje Dowgias tljat iua0 faoin, (uanqmflj'n fo fell tuitfj feto men? le, Etttljt jopful Inljts Ijeatt tuas? (je-, " all ins men comfo?ten tuere, i? tljem t&otiBW tuell ftotlj lefg ann mate, i > Cljat tlje? fljouin leK tljelt ince tljeic puvpofe fo mttlj tljem Clje J^lnff tfien lap Into Gaiftoun, ttgfjt et)en anent Lowdoun, to ijt^ peace took tije -country, 20 cBBcn dfc Aym'ry ann Ijtj3 fpeatn Ijotn ijt tloten tlje lann, ann 60^ tijat nane nutft Ijim ipe &as3 Into tjlg Ijeatt anrjtp, ann tottlj oneofljiis ccmpanv, 25 $e fent Ijim too?n, ann fain, if ije Dttrft fjlm tot a tlje plainer fee, ROBERT BRUCE^ 15-7 fljouin, on tlje tcntlj nap Come tint! er London ijiii atoap ; &nn if tljat be footiin meet ijiin tljere, 30 $e fain, Ijis tuo^fljip ttjouin be mace, 3nn ma^e be turn' n in noble lap, Co turn &fm in t&e plain atoap^ ' SBitlj ftacn tJint0, in e^en feeling Cljan to no fat moje luit!) fculMno:, 35 C6e J^ino: tljat ijeacu gt0 metfengeir, Dati aefpite upon gcent manner, Cftat 8>fr Aymer fpafee fO Ijtgljlp, Cljerefo?e Ije anrtoereu ireflp, anti to tije meOenger fain fie, 40 @>ap to tljp loan, 3f t&at 3 bg 3{n life, Je fijad me fee tljat nap 2Uell near, if ije nare [join Cbat ije Ijas fain ; fo^ ficlterlp TO Lowdon-hiii meet fjim 4? Clje meOenrjer but ma?e ab me Co bis maffec tlje toaptg anffoer fttm tain botfj n;!an ana w fo?f)etijouo:6t tjioufflr^ miftte 50 3lf tlje Einff nurff appear to fufit, Cljat t^ougl) tlje great c&eunlirp, Cljat ajouin be in 510 company, Oc fljouin fo overcome C6at tljere fljouin be no How 158 3C!je fUfe attt Bets of How King Robert provides for Wantage in the Place where they fliould fight. JBD t&e &fog on t&e ot&er pactp, E&at toad all unfe ann atoertp, Eone foi to fee ann c&oote t&e place, ann fatt t&e &ig& gate iping urns 5 Clpon a fair fiein e&en ann n# ; ato coming fitft tljeic ficft efc&ele, faccaly ano toell ; at tijeic back feme Deal neat Ijann, rato tbe otljec folioluant), Cijetc bafnet^ bucnifljetJ toece all, 20 againff tlje Can gtemauu loece all* Cljeii* fpeacs, peni?on0, ann tljeic fljteHi0, Ofligijt illttmin'D all tljc fields. beft auu bJOtunen bpigljt banner ljo?fe fjetoeti on fett manner, coat^acmottL-0 of fete colours, (jatofjjcefesJ tljat luerc vuljttc a-s flolucrsf, 29 ane tljem gutranti, a^ tljey luece like Co'angeW Wglj offjeafcenis rike* Cbe t^tng fain, Lo^ings, noiu ye fee ipolu yon iweii, tljjougl) tljeic great pouffie, , if tfjey migljt, fulfil t&eir toilf, ana make femblanu tfjerettf* fince lue knoto tljeic felony, foe meet tljem fo ijacntlp, 35 Cljat tlje ftouteft of tljctc men$te out meeting abafeu be ; ? if tlje fo?emoft eageclp, 05e met, pt ftjall fee fuppenli> Clje ijintmioft ajall abafen be* 40 anti tljouglj t&at tljep be moe tljatt toe, Cljat fl)oulD abafe m little tljing -, f o? tDljnt toe come to tlje fitting, Cljece map meet U)3 no ma^e tljait toe t C^ecefose, Loftingtf, ilk ane ftouin be 4? 45 >f us footfljp of great fcalour, 5fo? to maintain fcete our fjonour* Cljinfc fotjat gianflnp to us abines, 31f tljat toe map toell, as betines, j)afce toiso^ of our foes fjere ; 50 fo? tfjete fg none tljen fat o? near 3ln all tfjtis lann s tljat uis gar tjou&t* Cben fain t&ep all tfjat ftoon about, &fr, if migljtp (^on, tDljo ijaD tljece been, 40 ann (jan tlje mimj ijis luo^fttp feen, ann ROBERT BRUCE. 163 fjte tootljer tljat mag &int fop, ffonieD tjjem Co ijarmiy, Cljat tljetr goou aee&, ana tijett feotwtte, <$afce great comfort to t&etr men?it, 4? 3nD !)oti) Dowgias fo maufullp Comfo?teti tljrm tljat tocte Ijtm oj? 5 fljoulu tDdi fap, tfjat t(jep Ijau tout (jonour, nun come ts^rcti^ Clje )^ing big men fo UJojt&p tuete, 50 Cfjat irjtt6 t^eic rpeat0 tijat fljarplp C&ep (ticKeD men ann fteetus featifj, CHI ceti tiloon ran of tooting rattlj, C6e 6o?fe t&at toountietJ loere Ccui flfnnr, ana ntflrn tijetc foife m tfjeie 5 j ^o tfiat tfjep t&at fo^emolt to (n foppes fjece ano tljat fato tljem cufljen fo, fato tftem reelling to ann fco, Ean upon tbem fo eaprlp, ann tiang on tftem fo ftactKlp, Cljat onjfis foes fed gact fie fall Clje fiemujais near co&eten all, Botlj toftfj ffoin fio?re, ano a!0 toftlj men, f o? t&e tjoou ^ino: tfjere follota'o tften mttft fiue fjunn^eu tljat toeapons tt&at toouin tfjetc foc0 notfrfnu C6ep Hang on tfjem fo fistwip, Cfjat in fljo^t time men mfgfjt Tee I ecu an 6un&?en nun luell mare, remanann fo flct?e& uiere, tt&ep began tljem to toitfjlnnttj, loijen t&e? of t&e rccetaarn fato 1(54 XDe 2Ufe an& 3tct$ of CDefc foatoarn be fa nifcomfit, djep flen fo^outten mo?e refpite* 75 ' ann ttrtjen $>ic Aymery fjag feeit men fleeing fjaillp bcneen, yt foell ije teas full? too ; 'But be miffljt not amomflj fo, Cftat an? fo? ijtm ujouin tucn so ann toljen Ije fato Ije tfnt W& patn, tttnVD Ijis b^tilc fo^ to go, tfje goon i^ing tljcm p?eiren fo, fome toere Dean, anu fome lueee tane, all tfje lai3e t&efr gate ace gane 8j Clje folk flen upon ttjtis mannec jf O^OUtten tell, antl g)tC Aymer again to Bothwei ije us gane, (0enann tlje sfeaitfj tljat fte (jag tane, eo fljameful tljat ije DanqutQ & ^asf, 90 C0at to England in Dp (je gaesf to tlje^tng, ann fljamefullp up tljere Iji0 toatnantp, neuec ftnce, fo? no fcinn tljing, if IJE come rigftt voitD tfie &ing, Come 6e to toatrap tn Scotland, @o ijeatjilp Ije took in Oann, Cljat tlje ding into fet battaif, a luljeen like to pouecaf, n Ijtm ann ftts great mettle, Cjat tueee cenoftjit'n of great bountie* anget Ijnn S)ir Aymery, iving Koben, tljat tuais Ijatnp, abane tigljt ffitl into tlje plact, Ctll tijat fiijs men ijan left tije djafe ; 75: ROBERT BRUCJE. ftpnetottb pate'necs tljattbep bantane Cbep ace totoacn tljeic innes gane, 5faft lotting <8on of tljeit toelfate* De migbt bafce feen tljat ban been tfjere, a folk tbat mectp tna* anti glan f o? tfteft ui^tp, ana al0 tljej? ijan a Lo^u To f toeet ann neboneir, tutCe, ann of fo fate effetr, Wptlj, ana ate fo foelt bouctiauti, in battle fo ftptlj to (tanu, 115 So tDtre, ann a!i3 ro autfie, Cljat tljep ijan peat cattfe fclptlj to be ; ere tljep blpt& unt&otttten noubt, fell tljat immtefc t{jem about, 5Fta tljep tlje Km ram (jelp ftim fa a 120 Co jjtm tljEic f)ottian;e can tljey me ban great miftec tuell of nue, 5fo2 be ban foes manp ane, 150 Sit John Cuming Cacl Of Huchane, al0 8>IC John tlje Movvbray fpae, >tC David Of Brechine, nil tbe fol(t of tljefc leaning, all foes to tlje noble &ing ; ann fo j be tutft tljep tuece bi^ fae0 $ Tt 166 3tyt Hife attQ 3tcts of iTo? be fooulB fee fofjat fcinti en&ing Cijep fooum fet on tbetr menacing, &e Uing twsfceD, ana mane Dim pate, 140 iftojtljtoarB uritb bis men?fe to fare* fcjotber can fje toitb J)fm tn, Gilbert de la Hay alfa. Cfie Carl of Lennox a!0 toag rfjere, Cfiat tuitb t&e i\fngp toais o'er all tofiere, 145 g)ir Robert Boyd, ana otfjerss ma> can fojt b 610 toaptj3 ta, left James Of Dovvglas, all tlje folk tljat tmtlj 6im lua0, film fo? to look if Ije 150 ^igijt recover {ji0 olnn countcte, into full great peril, after, in a little Wjfle, 610 great loo^ip fo Ije to^ougljt, Cljat unto tfje &imj s peace be tyotiff ut 155 Cljefoiea of Selkirk all Ijatll, alfO HID Ije Dowglafdale, Jed worth its fo^eft alfa ; ant! tDijo fo luctl on ijanD couin ta Co tell Ijis tuo^fl)ip0 one ann one, 1 60 ^>e fljoulu on tljem finn many one ; f o? in Ijt0 time, a0 men fain me, Cljirteen times uanqutfljen mag Ije, ijan iristtes feuen auD fiftp, fecm'H not long iuie to !p. 165 i3p l)ts travel Ije Ijati no tniu, men fljoulo (jim losie loitb $WH How ROBERT BRUCE. 167 How Sir James Dowglas wan many Men, nnd made firft a Train on the Caftle James, foijett t&at tfie Kins M$ gaae, P?ftilp fits men ijas tane, ttjcnt to Dowgiafdaie again, mafce all piiuili? a train Co t&em t&at tit tfie caaic fca-c s a iiu(l)ment flpl? mane ijc tfiece; of (j!0 men fourteen o? ma jjart, ag tljep ujouin racket ta, 5FiHetifolt& graf0, ann fpne tljem iap dpon tljeir fio^fe, ann (join tfieir tuaj> Etfffit, aiS t|jep UJOUltl, tO Lanerk fair, >ut&Jit& tuftere tjjep em&ufljcti tuere ; loljeit tljei> of tfie caitle fell lafces gauging ail on (jgjjt tljep UJere toontier fatn, toio it to tljefc ouju Captain, Cfiat Degfjt 8>ir John Of Webetoun. 5)e u>as ftotij poung, ftout, ann felloun 3lollp alfo, and ualageousf, fo? tljat ije mass amojcus, tuouio taj far tfje falptfjltcr. De gart 6(0 men tafce all tDeic gear, 9nn iflj to get tftemfeme^ m'ffual, 5To? tfteir uiauai gan fall t&em fail, C6e^ ilTu'n all abanwmip, aim prfcfeeti fo;t& fo uwifttiip, Co torn tfic laacsi-tflat tfieji? falu OHijUe tljat Dowgias totti) fjis men . ait 1 68 Xi)c Kite ano Slcts of ail bcttuijrt tljem ann t!je cattle, Lanmen tfjat percetoen foell, Ueft tfjetr lanes noum tu great fjp, ann tl)cic goumes neltoerlp* Ctjat fjetlpt tfiem tljep keft atoap, aitB in great Ijp time f)p?fc ijint tfie^ 3 5 aim (tact upon tbem ffurmi p, ann met tljcfc foes tottl) a ccv, Ctjat Ijafc great tjoonUer U)i)en tbep falu Cficm tftat lucre cir lurking fo latti, Come upon tfjem fo (jarutlp, 4 o COev u>ar a abafen fuuoenlp, at tlje caftle luoiiin fia^e been on otijer l)alf (3110 feeit aU (jtj3 embufljement, as ainft tljem rtgljt ffoutlp toent, 45 Cljev UJtft not uftat to no o? fap* Ctjeir foejs on ettljer fine fato tlje?, Cliat ftraftc on tljem mttjout Cpartng, ann tljep migfjt Ijelp tjcmrrioetf notfting, T5tit fien to suarren tuljere tljep mougljt, 5 o ann tljep fo eagerlp tljem fougljt, Cl)at of tljem all efcapen nane ic John webetoun tljere Uias flaf IT* ann UJljen Ije nean uiafi, a0 pe Sear, Clje? ntn finn into ft$ coffer, 5 5 a letter tljat Ijim fent a t any, Cbat fain, offijen (JE fjati parn'n a pear jn taac, a0 a goon batcijelcr, Cl3' auenttou0 caffle of Dowgias, 60 C6at to keep fo perillotts Usn0, Cfiett ROBERT BRUCE. 169 Cfien migfit fie toeil ask a 8>ec amoucg aim Sec Cfie lettec fpafce on tfiig manner* ann tofien tfiep flain on tfits toife toete, 6 ? Dowgias rigfit to tfie cattle ratre, tfiete fo gteat uebate fie matie, tit t&e cattle entteu fie* 31 tmt not all ttje cettaintte, (Kafietbet it toa0 tlnaufift ffrengtlj 70 *But fie to?ousfit fa toitfi meifcte Cfiat tfie Conttable, ana tfie f aftc Cfiat toete tfierew, fiotfi man ann fenaue took, anu gafte tfiem aifpeniung;, Cent tfiem fiome, iwt mo?e gcteitnff, 7^ Co tfie Clifford in tfieic counttte, anu rpne fo fjuC!lj> tDjougijt fie, Cfiat fie tumfclen Doton all tfie tualf, dttH isettcopeti tfie fioufeg all, @>pne to tfie faaeff fielti fit0 map, 80 cdifiete fie fiats meat? fiarn affap, ann man? fait points of tuac ftefeK 2Ilfio cottiu tfiem all tefiearfe o? tell, De ttjoniti fap, tfiat fiiis name (fiouin fie Lafting in full gceat tenotonie, How King Robert fell fick at Innerowry. tutll toe Iea53e in tfie fo;?eff tfiat fljall fiut little ce(t Cill tlje countcp ticlti3ec'5 fie Of Engiiih folk, ann tfietu poufffe* anu turn toe ta tfis noble &tnn;, COat toitfi tfie folk effete U Ll 170 5TI)e 2Ufe ant) tfje Month &ag tane bis ftmp ffoutip, ana fit goon attap, Alexander Frafer fjCm met, 10 Sntl ate IjtS fyOtftet; Symonet, fflit jj afl tlje folk t&ep tmtlj tfiem 6atf. Cfje &iitff goon countenance tftem matie, Cftat toa-s ricftt blpttj of tbetc coming* 6e? tom tfie ^tng of tlje conufns 15 SDfg)ir John Cuming Cat! Buchane, Cgat to ijclp &im, ijau Uittlj ijtm tane S>tc John Mowbray, ann otbEC ma, David Of Brechin alfa, tfje folk pf t&etc 20 $inD patnes mo?e tfian anp Vengeance of pou, ^)ic Eing, to tnfce, 5f Oa I'C John tlje Cuming t)t)3 fafee, Cljat u5tlum tu Dumfries toa0 (lain, C&e &fnn; fain, So out Lo^u me fain, 25 31 fcati peat caufe Ijim fo? to da ; Sinn Once tljat tljep on Ijann toill ta, TSecnufe of Dim to toeccap me, 31 ttjall abitie a tuljf le, an& fee )u tu!;at imfe tljat tijep p:o\3e tjjefc mtgljt ; ? o anti if it fait tijat tljej? lutll figljt, 3lt tftep affatl, ie ll)all nefenn, yne fall aftec lufjat <^oo mill fenn* after tljt0 fpcecfj tlje i^ing in IJP I^CltJ fftaigljt 6U5 U)np tO Enrowry, 3 j aut ttjece Ijim toofe fik a ficknef0, Cljatput Ijim to full ijaro 5i(tcef0 s fje fo^bace botlj nnnfe ana meat* men no meDicine coulD get, C&at e'cc mi8bt to tfte King a&aif. 40 JM0 fojce can fjailltlp &im fail, Cljat Ije misfit ncttocc.cine no? go, CDen nut pe tfiat l)is men mete too, 5fo? none Uiag in t&at companp, Cljnt iuoulD Jjaue been ijaif Co fore? 4? f o; to ba&e reen ijijs t^otlja before tbcm in tftat tfiep uiece all fo? Otis (lcUnef0, all tfjetc comfort in Ijim *55Ut {JOOn ^)IC Edward 50 ^10 tootfier, tfiat toaja fo Ijacop, @ ana UJife, ann tuiffljt, fet metfcle patu Co comfort tfjem vuitb all W0 maut anD iDljctt all tlje Loin0 tbat voece ttj.ce <^aU) ti?at tfje ill ap mare ann mace 55 Crafcel'B tfje ^ing, tbem t&onsfjt in 6? 3,t tua0 not fpeeUful tfiete to lp, 5f o? tljete all plain tuns tlje counttie, ano tljep toere but a fctu men^ie, Co ip lint (fcengtlj into t jje plain* *o jfo? tbiis, until t&at tljeii; Captain ofljtis nictkle ill, tjougbt to toenti fame Ktengtljig till ; 5foj foih fo^outten a Captain, xut tbep tlje bettec be upon, not be all fo good mucen, tfrep a lo^n ijan tijem to leaD, Cljat uare put (nm in auentuce, But abafing: to tafce tbe ure Cljat <0on uiiii fcno ; fo^ totjnt tfiat 6e 70 SDf Ck toill ijE(, anu Gh bottncie, Cljat 5C$e-fUf* attD 3lct$ of tiare put jjim to effap. (310 folk fljaii talte enCample ap goon seen ann ijig bountte, one of tljem fliali be foojtlj 77 >f tljem tljat loicUeti Cfjtftain 5>ijs fojetcljetmefg fo tit tljem gaejs, Cljat tfiep tljcic manlmefis (fiail tpne Clj^otiijl) tDfchetinefjs of 13(0 con^pne; f o^toljen tlje lo^tigs tijat tljem Ojoulti Ieat s so @ap tio noug&t, but ass 6? ID? fta 8f0 folk IjolUte Iji : f leetito:, ttoto j?e not tfien tljat C3anqtii(iyti in tljeic Ijeacts fljaii bef. ^c0 fljaiitDep, as 31 tcolu, pac^ie; s 5 I5ut f f tljat tljetc ijeactg &e fo ijte, toilinot fo^ too?C&tp flee, tljouffft fame be of fifc bountte, tlje lo?n anti Ijt0 men? ic flee, pet ftall tfcep flee a paCn, 90 jf 02 all nmt flees? tfie Dean cigfit fatm @>cc tofjat ije naess tljat fa faoll? ttnus fo? ijf0 comatnp, Ijtm ann Stis uauqutfljes Ije, ffiicss fius foes aboon be ; be tftat tD^ouglj ijtss great nobfai>, Co perils (jim abandons ap, f o? to recomfo^t ijts men?ie, atu tfjat tfjep D?oug!jt fo mtfelp, Cljat tf>ep tfjett ftcengtl) fljutp to nefent, Cbeir arcbecg fo^tij to tfjem tfjep fenn Co ftiefeec tljem, a0 men of main, antJ tijep fent atdjets t(jem again, 155 Cyat btckec'n t&em fo (tuctiilp, Ctll tljep of tfje ad's5 pact? 3lnto tljeic battle unUen Uiete* Ef)?ce tiap^ on tljis luife lap t!;cp tfjerc, c\nti bicUec'D tfjem 160 ^3ut tljeic bofnmen aati toljcn tfje t^inrj tfjcit foes fo before t!)em lp, t ilk Dap toons ma antn'-ma, tijep toece Uiljeen, ann (fan tuet'e fa 5 165 C&at tijep ijau notljtng fop to eat, it tljep tra&eUH it to get 5 ROBERT BRUCE. 175 toofc counfet tit bp, Cbat tbep foouin tljere no longer ip, But boin tbeic foap tuftece tbep mtgljt (yet 170 ca tljem ann tbeits trisuais ann meat* Jtt a litter tbe ^tn(j tljep lap, ann reopft tijem, ano 5elD tfjefr uap, Cfjat all t&etr tog mfg&c tljem fee* 3illt man liu0lt'n (jttn fit 175 Cofigljt, if ttjep afFailes ' 3!n minft of tfjem tfje l^mtj tije^ fiare, veeti about Oim faccalp, not full sternly them can ftp* Cbe f men accaj/eD iolltlp. CO OlD Meldrom tljep PCCtI tljCiC ^nn tljece luttl) tljetc men longeo tijep, 'Befoie pul^euen a nigW, but mace, 20 ^ tftoufanti, 31 tcoU), tuell tfoep ffen tljem tfjece all tljat on tbe mo?n, touen uap luas 2tl Of Brechin g)tC Davy 3(55 JJOtte tOtoacU Innerowry, Co loolt if fje on an? tmfe Do sfcnttlj to ijis enemies, tO tlje CltO Of Innerwry came ritiins fo Cuuuenlp, Cljat of t&e l^uio; l)i$ men De flelu 30 a part, and otljcc Come uuti)D:cUJ, flen tljetr majj totuarn tlje tuitlj tfte moft of ijt0 >n tlje ponn Dalf nolnn tuas anu tuljen men toin (jtm ti;e tiouto:, 35 t>ouj ic Davy fjati flam Iji0 men, ljo;fe in DP Oe aisfeen tljen, i?atie ijig men all make tijem pare 3into great ftp, fo? 6e fooulD fare Co (jarpin UJttlj Ote enemies 40 KUitfi tfjat 6e buiskeH fo? to rife, Odljo tuas not ttJcll recotier'n tfceiu C6en fatn feme of ijte pn^p men, ROBERT BR^CE. 177 tljutfc pott, @>ti% t&te gate to face, figljt ann not recover n are t 45 ?e0, fain ttje ftwn;, foitljoutten meet Cljeit boaft &ag mane me ijaiU aun feer* ftouin no menictne fo foon cucen me, ag tbe)? fiaue none ; Cljetefo^e fo eon Ijtmfelf me fee, 3 ajall ija&e tljem, o? dfe tlje)) me. 3nn UJljen ijtg men fcas Ijeacn Jim fo Utfjole fo? tlje ecou'ting all Wpt() toere, mane t&em fa? tlje battle -g How the Earl of Buchan flees, and Sir David of Brechin yields him to the King. ann ineli neacieuen ijttnnjeti te 5 oin Meidrom took tlje luap, tlje Cail ann ijijs mcu^ie lap* Clje ntfcoua-eoutjS fato tijem coming banner to tljeti)inn toa&tno;, peen unto tlieiL 4 Lo?n in Ijp, Cljat gatt arm Ijtg men jaftflp, ann tljem artap'n fortlje battaiL. 10 'Befcinn 6im fet t&ep tijetr pcfcenitl, ann mane uoon Tcmblanee fo? to Cljie ^tnn; came on mttlj mcifeie tijep abane malunn; rjteat fapc, tljat tljep near affemblen toeue. 15 'But Wjen tjep fato tlje noble iking Came (loutlp on tuitoout fcijjiiinff, Y y 178 of 3 little on battle tfjcp ana tlje &ms tljat rigfjt feell fcnefo, C&at t&ep ftere all fcifcomfit near, 20 ig>?eirer> on t&em untlj 1310 banner, ana tfiep imtljtqeto tl>em mare ann mate* Stun tuljen t6e fmall folk tljep fcati tljece, @)alo tfietc lojtiis tottljo?aUJ tijcm fo, C6ep tutn'D tfteit bacU0 all fo? to go, *5 ann fleo, all fallen ijetc ann tijece* Loflis tfjat pet togetjjec luece, tfjat tfietc fmall folk foere fieeann, fato tlje &tng ftoutlp comano, ? toere life ane abafeti To, 30 Cljat tljej? tlje back gabe fo? to go. a little ft otmn famen ijelD tljep, anu fpne ilk matt Ijajai tane fcte toap* fell ne^et: man fo foul mtfcljance, aftet fo dump countenance ; 35 ifo? tuljen tfie ^tng fji0 company &ato tljat tljep flen fo foullilp, C6e? cljafeti tljem toitlj all t&efc main, anD fome t6ep took, anti fome lja0 flam, Cbe remananti toere fleeing ap, 40 mfio ijati gootJ &o?re got bed ataap* England fletl tl)e cSatl Buchane, John Mowbray fj5 \JDltl) film toere reffet tfiete tottlj tfje tljep Ijan bot& but fijo^t 45 jf o? tljep nten faon after fpe. an"D flfOOn S)tr David Of Brechins fletl tO Brechin l)ig OtDlt Caftle, ann foatmfl&t it botfj fair anD toell 5 ROBERT BRUCE. Bttt tlje Cad Of Athol, Davy, 50 J>IJ3 fOH t&at U)aS tit Kildromy, Came fpne, anottai affiepfc tfjere* 3na &e t&at tuouin ijott trnir no mace, I5o? bargain untij t&e noble j&tog, Came fpne Ins man ftJttlj poo treating* How the King burns all Buchan, and gets the Caftle of Forfar and deftroys it. >22J go toe to tlje Cjjat of &(s irift'cp toas rtgljt faf it, Situ gart 6(0 men fourn all Buchane from enti to^nti, and fpareti nane, 3nti fterrteti t6em on flfe manner, Cfiat after tljat foeil fiftp pear meen'ti tlje Ijetrfljtp of Buchane. tften to 6te peace ijag tane Clje no?tfj countries, tljat gatlltlp 10 )ijepfeH to 6t0 fento^p 5 o tjjat ftp no?tft t&e Mount mere nane OBut t&ep, Jijs men tfjat toere life mte, |)t0 Lofliffifp tnajc'5 ap mate anti mare. Coftmrti Angus fpne can ije fare, i j and tl;ougljt tljere foon to make all free Cljat foere on t6e nonij fi^lf Scots fen* C&e cattle of Forfar tjoag tften . g)tttffetl all iDftlj Englifhmen, TgUt Philip tge Foreftar Of Platane 20 t>a0 of 6(0 frien&s iuftlj ijfm tane, anti tmtlj Iatmet0 a!i-p|fiHip 9 Co t6e came &e can ijfm fjp, 180 3Clc 2Ufe ana #ct$ of clamb up o'etr tlje toall of ttane, inn fcgate Ijas tlje cattle tane, 2 ) C&ouglj fault of matclj, tmtlj little pain ; auD fpe all tljat Ije fanU (jag flaw, Spne pautti tlje cattle to tlje l&tngr, Cljat mane Ijim rigljt goon refoatimtcr, ann ftne be ffart b?eak noton tlje toall, 30 ano foo^neti tuell ann cattle all* How the King fieged Saint Johnftoun, and got it with Jeopardy. ty 13 tljat tlje CattlC Of Forfar, all tlje totoets tumbleD luere Doton to tlje etti, a0 31 &aue toin, Clje Eintj tljat tofeljt twag, lutfe anD bolt, CDat tljouijljt tljnt Ije tuoulti maUe all fcee (Upon tlje no^tl) ftnlf tlje Scots Tea, Perth i^ toent tottlj all %i$ tout, ttnbcCet tlje totuu about, unto it a fiege Ijajs fet ; 10 But foljile it mfgljt ijaue men anu meat, 3it mi^ljt not but great pain be tane, f o? all t|je ttjall lua0 tljen of ftanc, luiffljt totuets ann Ijiglj tljat time tljetein tuere 15 Moffar, attD alfO Olifard - tUio tlje toton IjaU all in tDattJ, $&& Of Strathern tlje atl luaiS tljCCC, {jtis fan, anil of Ijts men lucce into tlje &inn; Ijtj3 cout, ? c Cfterc ujajs oft biciettnu ftytlj anil ttout, ISUttJJ ROBERT BRUCE. 181 men flam upon ilk pact? ; *But t&e goon &ing tfiat all fcittp Gfla&inljte neeng etiecilkane,* @>aty tlje lualte To ffptlj of (lane, ann t&e defence tfiat tljep can ma, 3nn ijotu tlje totun lung Ijntn to ta 2Httft open affault, ftcengtl) C6et:efo?e 6e t&ougfct to anfc in all time tftatlje tljete lap, 8>e fpp'n ann flpip gact alTap SUfjere at t&e tipue it Cill at t6e latt 6e fans a place C6at men mte&t to tljeir ann to&en 6e ttjat place foun&en 5>e gact Diis menjte fitusk ilfe ane, CBfien fijc toeekgs of tlje fiege tuece gane, ttirrn tljeic Ijarnefs fjailil!p 3 left tlje fiege all openlp, fo^tlj tottt) all Iji0 folk can face, 6e tooulti to tfjeceto no mace* tljep t&at foece toitljin tfie tolon, tljep to face fo fain ijim bourn, Cljep c&outeti ijcm, ann fcocnino; mane, fie fo?tlj on ijtis toapt0 cane, Ije no irn'll Ijan again to titcn, ftefitie tfiem make mo?e fojowcn 5 'But in eigljt nap0, not fo? tljp, tj)e gact make Iannec0 p^tuilp, Cljat migljt fuffice to Dig intent, ann in a mick nigfjt fpne 10 ftjent Coiuacn tfje toton tottlj lji0 men^rc, fjo?fe ann knauc^ ale lenfcen fjc iSz iqje 2Ufe ano 3tf!3 lauuer unaUafemp, film foj tfie ferlp, rain, > JLO^D, ftHfiat f&all toe Cap our Lo?ns of France, tfiat ap goon mo^felsJ facceg tfieir pauncfi, anu tuill but eat, ann ajfnfc, ann nauee, (Dafien ftk a ^nigfit, ann fo tao?tfip, ass tfits, tfi^ougfi fiijs gceat cfteiiafcp, juto fik pectl fiajs film Cet, loin a ttgetcfien ijamilet , ^s (EftitTj ROBERT BRUCE. s* mitt) t&at toofli to tlje apfce 6c tan, ann o'et nftec tije fcing ije foam auD Mjeu tlje tUng; ijis menjic fata Cfjeit Lo^o out o'ec into a tljjaiu, 3D&ep pad tbe apfee, ana but moje Jet, 90 cfietc lanuecjs to tfje mall tfje? fet, to cltmlj up faft picflen tljep 5 goon &itiff, ajs 3i Ij^arti rap, feconn matt tfjat took tije tuall, ann tljere abotie, till {ji.d men all 9; OUete coming up in full peat ijp, get tljen cofe neitfiec noire no? 05ut foon aftec tjjep noife matie Cfjat of tljem ficft pecceiDing o tbat tfje ccp rofe t^ougD tfie tolun ; too o tfiat fte migfit fie ap putua^ u CoUefenn, ffftetoecealTa^U But tftep t^at 6e fent t&?ougf) tfje toloit, H?ut to fo gteat confuSon ail tDeic foeg tjjat in tfjetc betig foerc, no fl>2 g^aileti, fleeing fjete anti tijere, ete t&e fun core t^ep fjatt tane foes, a? niCcomfit tifc ane. ftotfj tfjecein toete tane, Malice Of Strathern Ij3 gane Co fjisj fatfjet tfyz Cad Malice, ann imtfj (lrengt6 took fjim aun all fjt^ ; 184 %$t Hrfe ano 3tct# of fo? fjte rake tlje noble fting afce f)tm w lann in ffouecnino:. Clje lafce tljat unit fottfjottt tlje tofwt, 120 gjei^en to ttjem fn peat fuOoun, , armino:, ana mercDannf^e, otljec goon on futtn^ tuife, tljep tfjat botlj luere poo? ann bare, S)f tOat gooti ticlj ano mtfffjtp toue ; 12 j 05ttt tljcre toece feftj 0af n i fojtije Cljat tbem IjaU gffeen in gteat pain tftep fljouin flap nane, fiut peat bacgatn mfgljt be tane; Cfjat tbep toece fefnn to tlje counter S)e luia, anD of tfiem ijati How all the Scots obeyed the King, except Lorn and Part of Argyle. & tljt'0 manner tfte totun toais tane, fjne toloet^ euettlltane, gatt (je tumble tiotmt, ^)e leauen not about tftat totun Cofioer (tanutnff, no? done, no? UJalf s Cljat fje not fjaiilp gait fftop all, p?tfonets3 tbat tljece took Ije, Cent UJljete tljep mtgljt ^oltien be-, to ijis peace took all tlje Innn, 10 SjOais none tljat tiutft ijtm tljen tottftftanti* tl) Ijalf tlje Scots fea obepeD 6ij3 ^ajeffie, OUttljoutten tlje Lom ann tljae )f Argyle, tfiat iDltlj &ttU l&IUff ROBERT BRUCE. 15 e &eia &fm ap agafnfl tlje &tng, dna ijatcfc i)tm nttouc all tljfng ; 05ut pet ere all tftc gaming ga, 31 trofo foell tfiat tbe lung fljall ta Qengcance of Ms great crucltp-, 20 ana tljat tjtm fo repent lljall fje, Cljat fjc tljc tu'ng contrarten ap, fall lufjeu Ije it menu not map* How Sir Edward Bruce was much commended, who difcomfit the Englijbmm at Cree. frotfjer, toljen tliat tfic totoit taften tftusf, anD uoungen Sir Edward tfiat toas fa tua^t^p, Coofe toitb &im a great companp, 3nD tOOfe fjffil gate tO Galloway, jfo? tot tfj 610 men t&ep ujottin 3If Oe migfit recover tfjat laun, UJl'n it fca Englilhaiens Edward, i CUa0 of 6t'j5 Danti a noble anD in blptDnefs ftocet anD follp 5 *Bttt Ije toa0 outrageous fiacw, ana Of fo fjigij ttnnertafeing, Cljat 6e ne'er ^et Ijau abafing 1 5 (Df multitude of men, fo? top, ^e tiifcomfit ap commonlp {^anp toitlj tofieen, tljerefo^e (jan DC attour Ijijs peers renofome; U)Ijo luouin rcfiearfe all tfje ticct? luo^Qjfp ann A a of C0en ntfgfjt a meikie romance mafce s aim not fo? tbp 31 tljink to take SDn bano to fap Comet&ins of ftim, 3E$ut not tentlj pact (jig training* 25 Cljte soon &nigbt tljat 31 Cpes of &ere, all tlje folk tljat tottf) ftim foou to Galloway comine: 1 ail tfiat fie fotmn ije ttia^esJ an anrs peatip ctoten tljc iann ?o *But tljen in Galloway tuas lutnnant! (C Ingram Umphwvile, tljat toag Ecnotonen of Co ijiglj piotuefg, Cljat Ije of U)0?fljtp pad t&e rout, Cljercfo^c Ijc sart ap bear about 3 $ ir Edward, tfjat fa plainly )'erratie tlje lann tljen in ijrcat Ijp, Cfjep affembletj all tljeir menf ie, 31 troto ttueltsc bunts^cti tfiey mtgljt be ; 45 Xtit Ije tuitlj fctoer folk tljem met tfie Cree, fo fjatU ttjem fet, . bnttel barn, anD aalioact be tijem all put to tbe fleta tino ijun^eu tuell ant) mn, 3nu tlje Cbiftains; in DP can u Cbeir tunp to Boihwei, fo: to be Cfjece receiben into fafctie* ROBERT BRUCE. 187 ana Sir Edward tljem cljafea faff, to tlje cattle at tlje laft Ingram an& Sir Aymery, 05ut tlje feed of tijeir company La? aean fceljina tljem on t&e place, toijen Bit Edward fato tlje cljafe faU5ieti s ije gact reff e tlje p?ep, $nt> fo great cattle Ijnti atuay, Cljat it tnece luonuec fo? to fee. Bothwei tofoee tljep falu 6otu fje men tiatue tottft ijtm tfje p^ep no let fet tfjewn migljt tfie)?, C&ouglj 6tis cljebalcou^ cljeualc^ Galloway toajs ftoitteti gceatumlp, ann fie uoulJteli fo? ijfs fiountp, Some of tlje men of tfiat counttp Came to 610 peace, aim mane ijim ait& TSUt @)fC Aymery tfjat Ijatl tlje $Mtl) Of tlje ftatsatn 31 toft of air, Eone to England, to puccljafe t6ere SDf armen men great companp, Co uenge 8im of tlje Uillan? Cljat Sir Edward tljat Din &p Cree into tlje How Sir Edward difcomfited far more manfully that is to fay, fifteen hundred with fifty. Yjt?| f gooti men ije afTembfea tDere Tf 2Uen fifteen Ijtmrnea men ana marc, Cljat toere of mfjt rjooti rcnctonce. Dft toap tuttfj alftljnt faiu took or, 2Ufe ano Slctst of $ ana tit t&e lanU all ptfirilp DC enttett luitlj t&at c&e&alrp, Cljinfcfng @>ir Edward to furp c nfe, 3jf tljat &e mtgjjt on ajtp toife: fa? Ije t&ougljt Ije toouin Ijim niTatl 10 o tljat tljep migftt not fee tljem ftp jr o? miff, a boUJ^auffljt fuHtlp. (jappeit'ti tljat tljep founn tfje trace tlje rout fonij paffen Iua0 3 > SDf tljetr focg tljat fo^outlj rane* Edward tljat great parniiig ljat> au ROBERT BRUCE, an tfme$ to i>o great c&e&alcp, all fjis tout in fuU great Ijp, t&e trace tofiete gane toece tljep, 40 an* fcefo?e mi&^?ausljt from tlje tout, Cfien ftot t&ep on tfiem toitfj a ftout t ^? fo? if t8ep flen, tfjep tutft tfiat tfjep g)(joum not toeii fo?t6 pact get afoap, .C8etefo?e in a&entute to np 5>e looulti fiim put, ete fie tooulti flp* Wen tfie Engiift companp on tfjem come To ftmnenlp folk foaotttten a&afing, C6ep laete IfonieD fo?e affcapfng 5 anu tfie otfiet, but mo^e afione^ o ijattitip among t&em rone, C&atfeiloft&emtoetu tfiepfiam g>tonten fo gteatlp tfien tfjep toete, C&:ouglj tfje fojce of tljat ficft effap, Cftat t&ep tuece into great affcap, ana toenn fiefo?e tfjep fjati been moe, j?o? tftat t&ep u^te aflatleD fo* rabeti tijep jjati tw\ D t&em fiafftty, Cljen^fi: Edward 510 compan p u Set ftoutlp in tfie Ijean again, Qnti at tfjat coucfe bom aoiun anu fiHete of tljetc foes a great pattp, Cfjat tfiep affcaiu luece fo greatly Cfjat tbep lucre sfeaileti grentlp Edward ann fjt^ mcu B b b 190 %\yt Etfe ana #tts of tljcm into To til arrap, 70 Cfje t{jttn time on tbem pjicfcefc tb** 3nn tljep tljat Cam tljcm Co ttoutlp Come on, sjeafc tljem fa greatumlp, Cimt all t&eit rout, botlj left ana mate* IFleD, ann all sUailen Ijere anu tjjere* 7? 8Ba0 none among tfjem fa Ijacnp Co bine, &ut flcti all common!? Co t^eic tDarcann, anu Be can cfjafe, Cljat toilful to tieftcop tljem toai$; anD fame Ijc taoU, ana Came lucre So *BUt g>iC Aymery titttl) metWe pattt, CcnpcD, aitn ijts gate id jy anc* ^)i0 men Uifcomftt uiece ilfe ane, >ome tane, fome ttain, fome fleo 3It iua0 a rintfjt fo^e point petfa?. 85 LO, 6acniment tane fo futitienlp, tyifcen to tlje enn rjac oftfpfjg unltkelp Come to cigljt fate ant> goon enninryiBS ;. &8 it fell into tljisai cafe ijece* 90 5fo? Ijatniment, toitljo^tten toeir, HZIan fifteen ljunti?eD luttlj fiftp, one tljece tuass tijictp, tluo mm i& o'ec manp Ijcce , ^ut ttjep mece Icti on ftk manner, Cljat tljep titfcomtit toect ilkane; eic Aymery ijome Iji.s gate is gmte, l^igljt b\n\) tljat ije fa got atuap* 31 troto Ije fljalt not manp nap y avie tutu to tmutp tljat counttie, Edward tljeceiu Ire. Itittg ROBERT BRUCE, aittJ fjcmnelt fo^tlj Into tlje lann C&em tijat rebel toece immpanB, antf in a pear fa toatnefc Be, C6at &e man quite all tijat commie 105 Co W bjotftet's peace t&eftinff* OSttttfjat toa0 not but &atD figtjtins : 5Toi f n tftat time tfjere dim ftefcl anp foie pqint, a0 j fjearti tell, C&e tufttcD ate not all &?ftten Jjere 5 1 10 *3sut 31 it)(t tcell, tbat tit t&at penc caftless toitlj ftcenQ;t5 fje tuan, o^eccame man? a mooD? man. of Dim tfie fcotlj mill teas, rpati fje Ijau meafute in fji0 DeeU, j tcotu tfjat Ujoatljiec tfian 6e ig5t not in lji0 time foun&en be, Crcept lji0 b?ot|jec aneclp, Co loijom into goo$ cljeualcji) C6e like tuajs not into Ijts Ha?- 5 1,20 foj 6e len fttm Urtt6 meafttre ap, UJtt ijati tottlj big cije^alrp, gouecn'ti tljem ap toojtftilp, Cbat |je oft full unlikelp foell to rjoon How Sir James Dowglas met with Sir Alexander Stewart Lord Bmkle, and came to the King with him and Thomas Randal. all t&t"S time James Of Dowglas 3n tfie fo^ett tratjefling it tb?ou$) Ijacuiment anu >ccupie& all, 192, XDe Hife ana 3fct$ of 5 Of Iji0 fell foes, toljeteiuitlj t&at tficp g>et (jim oft fit full Ijata effitp ; oft tfcougl) urit, ann ttoougl) bountie, pttcpofe to goon ena b?oug&t Ije, 3itito t&at time ijim fell tt)!oug& cafe, to a0 on a nigbt 6 ^ntJ tfiou(j()t to 3lu a fioufe bp t6e tpatec anti a0 Ije came tuttjj 6(0 mettle Beat 6ann tfje ijoufe, fo itttnen Ije, 15 ann Ijeacti one fap tljecetn, tljeDeU anu bp tljat 8e petcetoefc tuell, Cljat tfiep ujece (fcanp men, tijat tfiece Cljat nigljt tljecetn ljacb?et> loece* auts a0 Ije tijougljt tt fell per cafe t 20 jf 02 of Bunkie tlje lo^ti t&ece lua0, Alexander Stewart Ijegljt ()e, dlitfi otDec tloo of great bountte, Thomas Randal Of ffteat CettOtDlt, UttI Adam alfO Of Gordoun, 2 ? :ijat tftete came tuitlj great company tljougljt in tje fo^eft to !p, occupy it tfiiougl) tljetc anu tottlj ft altoatt teasel ann Co c6afe Dowgias ftom tljat cottntcie, 30 *But otljetiuife tljen peen tlje glee* f 0^ tD&en James Dowgias (jatJI lUttttltg, Cljat ftcange men Ijau tane Ijatbertng 3ln tfie place tljat Ije fljttip to Ip, ipe to tlje totife tornt Ijafttlp, 35 3nH unberet it all about* tljep iuttljtn ijeatu fifc a tout ROBERT BRUCE. 193 about tfje fjoufe, tljep r oft' fit fip, ana took tljeic geac us&t fjafttlp, ana foot fotflj fra t&ep Ijanufljt toete, 40 cijeic foes t&em met tmtlj foe^ons bare, ana nffatlen ttgijt ann t&ep Hefenticn an tljefr miffljt 5 tm at tfje laft tfiem fo fal!, 45 Cfjat t&efr folk fntlen tijem ttk ane, Thomas Randal tfjCCC UJ30 tatte, autl Alexander Stewart alfO, OLiaunseti into a place o? tluo, Adam Of Gordon fca tljC fiff&t, $o mijat tlj^ouffl) Ijis (tcengttj, ann t^oufffi 610 mtgljt, Cfcapen, ann fete of tfjef t men 5 tbat toere acceffeD t&ett, of tljetc taking ujannec. /But nceniingg tt fieljo^eu fo 55 cijat mgljt tije goot Lo^n Alexander tttaHe, tfiat tua0 Cme's Ton, citjijt fflatJfome cSear, tiin Ije alj3 toitfjoutten Ujeic CO Thomas Randal, fO? tfjat fjC 60 (KKag to t&e Eintj in neat )f bloou, foi ijim Ijtjs fiftec on tlje nw\\\ fo^outten mare tfjc noii!e Ufnft'fic tatie, tuitlj jtm fcatij tljefe t^o fje oa Cljc Einn; of ljt'0 piefeut tw- !>ftt CiuD tljaulteti &tm tfjeceoTfeil fptfj, ants to ?}!0 ncpfjeiu can Se'fap, C6ou ijait a &fjHe ceupiu tfiy C c u 194 But reconcile nofo pou mult be, 70 Cben to tfje &fng anf foerefc 6e, 8nn fain, ^e cijaffffe me, but pe IHtgbt better fa? to cbflfttff'ft be ; #03 fince pe toatcieti tlje ^injy flDf England into plHitt fifffittttff, 75 9 * ft^w^ p?ef0 to detente pout not toitlj cotoattiice no^ fligljt* fafu )?et fall ft map Come ere otigbt long to fife efTap ; T5ut fince tljou fpeafeeft fo rufcelp, jt is? great gfctii tijat men cljaftp too?tij3, till tbat tljou fcttafo aim bom it as you afo. Clje l^tttff, fottljout mo^e tielaptnfif, 8)ent Ijtm to be fit firm keeping, 85 Mere tfiat be all alone ftouin be, Bot all upon Ijts pouftie free* How the King, pafling againft John of Lorn, met John of Lorrfs men, and how he fieged and wan 'Dunftaffage. Thomas Randal Oil tfii^ tDlfC tafeen, as 3 bearo d-tm fent to ntuell in goon keeping 5fo? fpeecb tljat be fpafce to tlje t\ing, Cbe goon fittng tbotigftt upon tbc Clje tiefpite nnn tlje fel'np baitb, John Of Lorn &$& tO IjitU tJOtie, Ooff affemblen be tben Cdon, totuarti Lom be took tlje uiap 10 ctfito Iji^ men, into poo array s Blttfl ROBERT BRUCE. 195 05Ut John Of Lorn Of &ij3 COltting Hong ere &e earns, &an goon fritting, 8nn men on ttfc finegat&ec'n fje, 3 tcofo tfoo tfioufann t&ep mig&t be, 3nn Cent t&em fo& to flop tBe goon &tng ftefiou'D tijnt mass in an eDU place 5 Cbat fo (tcatt nun To tuitcotn Cfiat ttoo-fome famcn migfjt not cine, 3ln Tome place of t&e fitll its fine* netljec 6alf tuass perillcujs, a fcBo^'trafg 6tg6 ann to tlje fea nottm fta tge 3ln eftljec ijalf tfje mountain tua0 o cmntiecrome ann 6ig6 ann ffap, Cljat it Uia0 Ijatn to pate tfjat luap* Crethinben jjeg&t tftat mountain, 31 tCOtD tfjat not tn all Britain an&igljec fiiil map founnen &e 5 Cfjere John of Lorn gact fuss menjie fie aboon tfie toap, nin &oin tfiat toap, 5>c tijoogfjt je ftoutn foon I3anqui(i) j n fce, ann 5e Wmfelf fiein upon Cea, Odell neat t6e tbe fctttg tftat in m founnen toife toitb ani3icie, ttgbt tuell tfjeic fubtiltp, anii tljat fie neen tljat gate to go y men nupacten fie in tmo, to tfie goon lo^n IC Andrew Gray, tljetc men^te 6elo tjetc toap, clamb tlje ijtil tieliueclp, ere tftep of ttje otijet pactp cefDeti tljem, tfie? Ijati ilk ane Cfje ijtff&t aboon tfieic foes tane* Clje !^tnff aitn bi0 men fjein t&etc toap, ann luijett into tljc pafss luece tljep 5 5 f all tfie lann, tofiete meu misfit fee no a great afmntmnce come of fee, Cfiat it tocce frontier to befioiu* Cfie Etng tfiat ftoat toss, ftat CO Danftaffage CtfftJt ffUCSilp a fiege fie fet, nnn Oufil? 115 airatrti tl>e cattle, it to get, ann in flwt time Ije (jas tfiem fet 3jn fife tljaong, tljat tljecein tuece tljeit, Cfjat maugre tfjem Ije it imm, anu a goor uiacnen tfjereiit fct s 120 ana betaugfit Ijtm botij men-aim meat, >o tljat fje long time tfjete mtg&t be, 33 augce tficm all of tfiat countcie* S)tC Alexander Of Argyle tljat fatt) Clje tAing teftcop clean up, ana rain 125 Iptelanu, fent treated to tfte fting, came fiisi man but mo?e titoelling, fie teceifc'D fiim to fins peace* 1i5Ut John Of Lorn 1)10 foil tfiat toas?, Eebelling as fie toont to tic, 150 aun fleti tuitfi (fiippes on tfie fca 5 13ut tfie? tfiat left foere on tfie Ian5, to tfie l^tng all obepfanD, fie tfiek fioftage all finis tane, anti totoarti Perth ngafn i$ gane, 135 Co plap film tljcce into tfie plain; Lothiane tongi fiim again* How ROBERT BRUCE. How William Binnock took the Peel of Lithgow with a jeopardy. 12 D at Lithgow toas tljen a peel, $eifcle ann ffacfc, ann auffen foell Engiifhmen, ann foas tefet Co tfjem tfiat foft& atmottrs b? m^at, jfta Edinburgh ftJOUin tO Stirling go, ann fra Stirling again alfo, 3lnto tlje counttp ntn gceat iff map pe Ijeat, if tljat pe tutn, ann icoparntes, men affapen manp luap0, Ctrttle0 ann peels? fo? to ta, tfjtis Lithgow tuajs one of tlja, 31 (gall tell fjolu it iua<3 tane. 3ln tlje countcp tfieee toinnen ane, Ctiat fjus&ann foag, ann tuttij ijts fee )ftfpf0 ijap to tfie peel len fie* William Binnock to name 6e ljan 5>e fato t&e counttp fo fiatn ffan, C&ougf) tlje gteat fo^ce tfiat it foa0 tljen ann len fo(t& Englifhmen : tcaiieirn men out o'ec meafuce* luas a ffout cacle ann ffuce, of fnmfeif nottr ann ijacnp , &an frienn!3 tljat toinnen Bfm &p^ fljetn'n to fome Ijtis p^itie ; ann upon fiis conueen got ije tbat migfit an embuftment ma, Jje toitlj W u^ain tljouin gn, ^ut zoo 3Ce 2Ufe anD 3tct of Co lean tljcm Ijnp Into tlje peel t ?o 'But ijis foam ftouin be ftuffen tnell, If oj eisbt men fljouin fn tlje bonp )f Ijis toain fit aU pjttilp, Uritf) Ijap Ijelpt Ije about i ijimfelf tljat toais nauc anti (lout, ftp tljc luatu gannp inielp, a pcomatt tuijjfjt ann ijat&i? ffiottiu n?ttje tte foafn, anti IjatcDet, tftat toerc fljatp to HKttoec Digs belt, ann tutjert tlje pate (Kdere opencti, ann tljtp t(jcccat, ann Ije Ijeatn (jtm CCP Call all, call all, tften a)ouin ftcffee tottlj tjje at in feam, ann tljcn fn ijp ajouin 45 Cljat tuere tottftfn tljc foatn, come out, make neimte, luliHe tljat tfietc rout, (ftoulb near bp embufljen be, Come fo? to maintain tfte melfce, COto taas into tlje Ijatfeeff tine, 50 Klftcn fieins tljat are fair ann foine a Cljartren luitlj co?n all fttllp mere, funn^p co?ne0 tljat tljep bare, ripe to unit to man Iji0 foon , tlje trees all cljarrjen ffoon feir fruits on ftmnjp toife. 3jn tfjis ftoeet time tfjat 31 ne&tfe, Cfjep of tlje peel Ijan luinnen ijap, ann luitlj'tljis Binnock fpoUen fjan tljcp, Co lean tfw'r {jap, fo? ije toag near, -60 ann ije aflenten but nantjer, ann R'OBERT BRUCE. fain, tljat fje tit tbe mojiung foon, a fonuec tljem fljauld ITaicec ana peater, ana foell djatt e'ec fje bjottsfjt tljat i?cat: ^nti fjelti tljem cttnttantj ficfcerlp s 5fo? tfiat tttgljt foatn'D De p^tlp Cljem t^at into tlje Uiattt Ojoulo go, . ann tftep ttt ijtidjment be aifo, ann tfiep fa gtait&lp fpeti tljem tljece, Cljat ere nap embufteD tfiep luete neat: tlje peel, Mjece t&ep mtgljt fjeat; atTaoit ais an? tuece ; {jelti tfiem StU fa but ffeermo;, none of tfjem ban percetutno:* tlii0 Binnock faft can Ijtm paitt ^efjs fjtg mettf te tit ljte toatn, all a foljile before tfte tia^, 5>e bat) tljem Ijelpt tuelt luttlj ijai% ^un matie Dim tljeti to voke !jt0 fee, Cill men tlje fun Qintttg nugot fee ; fame tljat iuete Uiitfjtn tfje peel, tfiu'ti an tbetc aton ttnfeel, tout tljed* fjacbeft neiic tfjecebp* Binnock toitlj tfie company, in fiiss tuam ciofen (je fjatr, Orient on ljte uiap but mo^e abntre, ann cato D w$ uiatn tomarti trje peel, ana tlje poster, tljat fatu ijim lueli Come neat,, tlje pate fie openeD fooii, Slnu tljen Binnock, fa^oittten boon, act cafo tlje luntn tu&eit it tuii0 fet E e e Kite ano 3fcts of 'Betfoijet tlje cljeefces of tfte pate, g>o tljat men rnigfjt it fpat not get 95 5>e ccp'D alouu, Call all, can all, ann Ije tljen let tlje gau^anti fall, ann Ijefo'ti in ttno tlje fo?m inljp, Binnock tuitlj tljat tielitierlp, Eaugtjt to tlje poster fik n tout, ioo Cfiat tiloon antJ Ijarng botlj came out ano tljej? tljat luece tuitbin tlje &mttt Lap out fielp^e, anlr foon Ija0 flam c^en of tlje eaftle tljat toere bp, Cljen in a toljile begoutl) t6e ccp, 105 aittJ tlje? tjjat neat* embufljen ujece, lap out, ana came toito tljett f tuo e t33 bate, toofe tlje eaftle all but paitt, , tljat tljetein &ja0, t&ep tljat toece tuent fo^tlj no oilljen tlje? tlje caffle fatu f fleti to foarranu to atiti tco, fome to Edinburgh can 50, to Stirling ate otljerg gane, fome into tlje gate tuece flaiiu 115 Binnock on tfjtg urtfe, UJitb fits toain, peel toofe, ann tlje men Ijasi flatn, taugljt it to tlje l^tntj in Ijp, cetDncueD tooitljtlp, it n?iije no&m to tfjc ground 120 auB fpne o'et all tlje lann can founu, in pence all tlje counttie, at ijts obepfance Uioulti be. How ROBERT BRUCE. How Thomas Randal was much commended <1| I5D fo&en a little ti me foas foent, Xt* aftCC Thomas Randal Ije fEUt, anu fa tocll tmtlj Mm tceateti Ije, Cfjat 6e ins man (jegfjt fo^ to &e* ann tfte Etng 610 ice ijim fo&a&e, anti fo? to ijep fjts (late, fjtrn ^ aue Murray, aitu Carl t{?cceoti)im matie, ano ot&et funtiip 5>e ga&e ijtm into 8>e twefu fids too?t ^nn fjte great tuft anu bfis ainfe, ^(0 tcuttp fjeatt ann leal retfrice, in ijim affiea fte, cic6 mane ijtm of lanu aau fee* it foas eertes tt'sfit footf op 5 if men fpeafe of &tm trulp, To coucaffiouis a ^ntgfit, gjo toife, fo ujo^tftp, anti fo tmgfjt, ann of fo fo^'reign peat &otmtj?, C6at mucfj of 6tm map fpofcen &e, fo; 3 tfjinfc of Mm to ceaD, to fljeto pact of (jte 5000 ueet> 9 toill nefcribe noto 6i0 fattjion, pact of ijig contJttiom of meafucable ffntttte, all tnell poutttapeti at meafuce, b?oati Wage, pleafant ann fair, Coucteousf at point, nnn ticftonair, of cigljt ficto contenino:* Ije lot3'u attouc fa'fct 2.04 3Ci)e 2Ufe auo %tt8 of jFalfet, tteafott, ann felony ffoon antfinft ap entttelp, lofcen ijonotu: ann ann a? maintained j5 3in company folactoug, s ann tijecetuttB Wptft ann aim gootJ i^ufgijtjs fte louen ann if tftnt 31 tljc footlj ajall DC luas fttlfiUeH oCbountie, 40 ai0 of irittues all mane toass ljc 31 unll commenn ijfm liece na tnace, But yc fljall Ijeat tocll factljetmare, Cljat ijc foi all ljf0 neens Wtll fl)ouin be pit^ How Sir Thomas Randal fieged Edinburgh lje ^fito; tljus UJa0 tuttfj gteat io?na)fps ijan (jtm betaugijt, ro totfe aim atnfie, lann ffrff iuell ftafaltayn lj0; 5 8un T]?u0 ije fpen ijtm to tije luetr, Co tjrtp W$ emc in fifji mtff0er, ann tintf) tlje canfcnt of tlje ^ino;, O^ut tDttlj a flmpl0 appatelltnff, CO Edinburgh fie foent ill j)P, 10 JGattb goon men into company ann fet a fiege to tlje caftle, Ci)at tljen toa0 toantiajt foonn men ann fciffunlS at all tfjat it n^eanen no man'-s nttgljt n^ut tljtg goon et aUljia toit fo? to puccfrife, 5 5>OUJ Roxburgh, tn?0tiglj fUbtilttp, D; anp craft migOt foinncn be, CtU (je gatt Syme Of tfje Leadhoufe, a ccaftp man ana curious, 0f Ijempin rapei3 lanoecs ma, 10 cut tlj iron ftepg bounnen fa, C&at ft?eaU tuoulti not on no hinn a ccoofc tljei? mane at tljeic nefctfe, SDf icon tljat inais ftptb ano fquare, Ctjat fca it in a kernel foere, 1 5 ann tjje lannec tljerefra (fraitl? it fljouin ftann gOOU LOJtl Of Dowglas, iei3ifcD tmis anu none, goon men in p?iUitie, 20 C0?eefcoie, 3 trouj, tOat tljep Uiouin 3nn on tlje jFaftingt)cn rigijt, 3(n tlje beginning of tlje nigljt, Co tlje cattle tljep tooh t^eic urny, biacfe fcocftjs aU 6elpt lucre 3UttjS ROBERT BRUCE. 107 25 Cbe armours tbat tijep on t&em ijan, CDep came neat bp ttjecc but abane 5 fent baillp tfjetr ijotfe tljem (Jo, In a ranee in rout can $o >n fjanng ann feet, fo&en tijep toere near, 30 JEUgjjt a tfiep ^ep o? oren loere, Cbat toere unbountien left tljereottt. 3ltia0 cteW mtrli UJitfioutten tioubt v C&e loben one on t!)e toaii tljnt lap, T3efitie jjfm to ljig frece can fap, 35 C&at man ije tftfn^ss to mafce goon cfieer, rtam'o an fiu^bann tberebp near, left all ljt5 oxen out, Cije otber fatu, it & no ftoubt, ^>e fljall mafee megrp to nfgftt, t&ouglj tfiej? 40 T5e tuitb t&e Dowgias leu aioap* foenti tfie Dowgias anti ijig men been oyen, fo? t&ep peen tljen janti^ anti feet ap ane nnn ane* C6e Dowgias rigbt soon tent 6a0 tane, 45 Co ail tljetr fpeecfj , but all foon tljep carping intoarfc botb tfjeir U)ap. men tijereof tere blptfj, to t&e toall tftep fpen t&em f tuptf^ foon &ag up tljeir latmerss fet, 50 Cljat mane a clap tnfjen tlje crucljet CKUaiS fiiceti faft in tlje fterneL S)ne of tlje tuatclje0 laearn it foelf, anti busfeeti tljitfjcrajarn but bane, But Leadhoufe tljat tftt lanner mane 55 pen Sim to climb firft to tfjc mil 5 erelje toa^ ttpat an? lap tlje snail, Dowgias tljat nigW Ijdn t&e Ijalf, foes tljereat toete toa men Uiece goir s g to ann fca 115 c&ougfjout tlje cattle all tljat nigljt, Cill on t6e mo?n tljat nap toa0 ligljt Cbe 2Bactien tljat tuas in tlje tofoo:, Cljat loa0 a man of great ualour, Gilmyn tlje Fynys foljen Ij 120 &ije cattle tint b? cli^e ann G g g CDC no X)e fUfe auo 3fets? of fet fits mtgljt fo? to tJcfenn lje totoer, but tljep tmttjout Ijim fenn in Co great qumttttte, amtopeB thereof toa$ (je ; 125 *But till ttje otfjer nap, not fo? tfip, field tfte tolneu full tljen at an alTault Ijc fa felly in t&e face, Cljat fje toas U?eatiinff of Ijis life, Cfjecefo?e 6e tceateD tljem but e totuer on , ann all tljat UJttlj &tm fafelp pafs into England. fjelti tfjem full goon cunnann, t&em to tljeit couutrp* o^ut tljecc full ftort time lifteti De* if o? tlj?ougl) tlje toounD into tfje face, nien foon, ann fiucteti Ujass. tlje caffle fei^eti all, 140 c&at tljen toa0 clos'ti toitjj ftalUJcitt toall, fent Leadhoufc unto tl)e Einry, t mane Ijim full goon retoactiino:; fjis fijotljei: in full great &P, Edward, tljat foUlS fO tJOtigljtp, 145 rpe fcnt tljttljci: to tumble Dourn totoec anD caftle, ann tiungeoun, be came uiitl) great company, gart trauel fo bttfilp, Cbat toiuer ann toall rigbt to t&e ground 150 OLtere tumblcn in a little ftcttnn, ant? ntr)e!t tfiere 5 fofjile nil Tevidaie Came unto tfie ^ing : j3 peace all ROBERT BRUCE. 4>uttane jedwort, anu otDerg tljat foerc Co tljc English &otm&0 iptoff near* How Edinburgh Caftle was won. Roxburgh tuomtin tuag tfjfjs imfe, C&e earl Thomas t(jat ftep empjife, g>ct ap on roueccigrt fttglj (jountfe, 3t Edinburgh fetftij fjig mei^t'C 5 oaas Iptnjy at a Oege, ass 3 Colo ^ou before au open!? ; But fca (jc {jeacn {jo^r :.uiburgh uiaief Cane Urit& a t: !, all Ijt'g puircijare, ann toft, ann imfwefc, j 10 j)c fet foj to purcuafc fome 8>otn 6c mfff&t Delp (jtm ^ellen toitb fiiglj cfieualcp, Co tnin tfte tuali of tfte cafflc Cb?ott0lj fome feinfi fligftt : fo? fie foitt toelf, 1 5? Cljat no ftrengtlj mtffljt it platnlp set, (Mle tfiep tuit^in ijaB men aim meat j 31f anp man mirrOt fuunuen be, Cfiat could finD anp icopactp 20 Co climb tjje taall rtffftt p;iDifp, be ftouin ftaue Ws foatifon s it tnas ljte intention, Co put (jim to an a&entute, ere tljat a toye on fjim mi0fut:e. 9Lf)en trsa0 t&ere an wniiam Francus, CHtTe ann expert, ann curious, Cftnt into 6i0 pout&.&oofc ftan ton Jn tftc cattle* ra&en fje fa$ fecn, Xfje fUfe ano #tts of (o enfcerlp &im fet, 30 @ome fubtiltp o? foile to get, OT&eretfjioustj tlje cattle tiatte mfg&t fie, De came to twit in pjftitie, ann fain, met&infcs! pe foouin blpt&ip COat men fann pou Tome jeoparnp, 35 ^>oi pe mtsbt ofcec tlje toaU0 tuin. anti cetf eg, if ?e tutU Jjegiti 5fo? to eiTap on fik afcife, 31 unnettalte fo? tnp fecuice, Co feen you to climfc to t&e tuaU, 40 anU 31 fl)all fo?emott be of all, 2Bt)ereti)itfj ^ fto^t iau&ec map toe, (31 ttolu of tfoeUje foot it map fje ) o t&at 31 tan tjjat roan go rtg&t, Cfiottg& it be ne'er To mirfc a nigljt; Co pars up after me tljat iuap, 65 dp to tfje toali 31 fljall pott b?fng, 31f 0on us fafce from perceiving jDf tljem tljat foatcljeg ott tf>e toall* ^luii if tjmt us fo fair map fail, Cfrat toe our lauuerg up map fet, 70 3if a man on tlje ftmH map get, rpe ftall tJefenn, if it be neeu, tlje remanann tip map fpeek Carl toais slau of 6f0- carping, fjigfjt to 6im fair retoartiing, 75 ana un&ertoofc tljat gate to ga, bane (jtm foon in'0 launer ma, 6elD 6im p?iup Uijfietljep migfit Bet fo? tljeir purpofe on 'a ntgfit, g>oon after toas tlje launer mane, 80 ann tften tfie (Sari but mare abase, pur&ap'D ijim a m'gfjt p^ilp, eilitlj tfjirtp men foigbt ann fiarti^, ^ttti in a mirfc nigfjt tjein t&etr tuaj? , Cfjat put tfjem to full 6arn eiTap,' 85? ana to great peril ficfcerlp. 31 trouj, mtgljt tftep ijaue feen clearlp, Cljat gate ijan not been untiertane, Cljouglj tljep to let tfjem 6an not anf jfo? tlje craig tuais ijfgfj ann Ijtneou^ 90 ann tlje climbing rigljt perillous s ifoj ijappen'n anp to mne o? fair, ipe ftottin foon too be frufljen nlf. H h h 2,14 Of Cfje nigljt foag mitfe, as 31 fieacti fap, ana to tije foot fcou come are tljep 93 JDf tlje ctais, tfjat foas Ijiglj aim fcfjoje* Cljen William Francus tljem before Clamb in tfje ccpfcet fo?otttlj ap, ana at tfje bach Ijim foUoto'ti tfjej? JKHitfi metftle-pafn, UJfiile^ to, luljUeis fco, ioo cijep clamb into tftefe cceefces fo, mWt Ijalf tlje ccaig tljc? climbeti ann tfiece a place tftep C6at tlje? misfit fit on aneclp. anti tfiep Usece (antHett ann 10 j ann tBece abane tljeir.ainu to ta rfsftt ais tljep.luete fitting; fa, aboDe tfiem upon tfie mat!, cljaciswatcljesf alTemblen aiu tfiem <^OD, tftat ail t&tn& 1 10 f o^ in full gceat pecil ace t&ep, 5fo? misfit tfiep fee tljem, tftece fljouin nane Cfcape out of tfiat place tutftain, Co 5eau luitlj ftonejai tfjep fljoults tfjcm Hdiff, Cljat tfiep-miffljt &elp tljemfei^eg notijing* 115 T5ut tnonuet mitl^ tljeu &ia0 tlje nfg&t, . )0 tfiat tljep of tfiem ijatz no figijt* 3nti not fo? tlji^ ^ pet tons tljete one C? tljem tljat f toappeti naiua a (lone,* ana faiti, atoap, 31 fee tljee toell, 120 Cfie to&ere ije fato tljem not a Heal*. Cwt o'er tljeit fjeatis tljen flsto tlje ffane, ann tftep fat fttli lutfeing ilk ane* Cbe ujatce?3, tuljen tljep ijeacn no aeer, iFca tljat iwatti famen all patt ate, 125 ants ROBERT BRUCE. ann catping fjeln far bi> tijeic iuap* C&e Catl Thomas affOOn 00 t()Cp C&at on t&e ctafg tjjete fat ijim by, Cofoatn t|je fcall clamb ftafftlp, ann t&itljet fcent jpttb meifcle maiit, 130 ann not but gteat petit ann pain, fo? fta pme up toa0 ffte^oufac Co climb up, mi &eneat& bp fat* T5ut to&at ^fnti pain foe'et tfjep 8a5, Eifffit to tfic iwali tfiep came but baoe, 135 6at 6ati toell neat ttoeiue foot of tjigijt s anU fo?out petceil3tttff o? figljt Cl)ep fet tfierc latmet to tije tuall, anti fpne Francus before tfeent all CUtnb up, ann fpne g>tr Andrew 140 ano rpne tfie entl fcimfclf petfap, tfie tljtrU tjjat tlje luall can t tljep t&ete tiolun tfteic Lo?n cltntbtno; up upon tfje tuail 3 Ujooti men tfiep clamb aftet all s 145 'But ete all up climben loere t&ep, C6ep tljat tuete toatcfieu to elTap, J)eatti flitting ann pattp fpeafeins 1 , alfo fraying of atming, on t&em ftot full (lutiDif? 5 1 50 Sluti tftep tljem met tigfit fiartiilr, ann fletn of tfiem .nefpiteouflp* Cben tBaouglj tlje cattle rofe tfte ctp, Creafon, tteafon, tljepccienfaf!: Cljen fome of tfjem foere fo arrnff 5 155 Cljat tljep ficn ann lap o'et ti: toalf. But to far* footlj, tfjep fien nut all : zi<5 3C)e 3Ufr anu Stost of SF02 t&e Conflable tfjat tons Ijatfcp, armea fljot fo?tfj to t&e crp, tottij ijfm fed ijar&p nnti (tout* 1 60 get tons tfte Carl fcutfr Ijig rout, ffg&ting &H't& t&em upon tfje tuall 5 0!5ut foon De utfcomfit tftem all* " Q3p tfjat 6tj5 men tuece come fift ane dip to tfic tuail, ann ijc ijn^ tane 165 j)igs toap noton to t&e cattle Coon, 3n peat peril Ije Ijag fttm nonet ifo? tljep feete far mo^e men tfierefn ann tfjep 6an been of jyoon contrine, Cljan Ije, but t&ep affrapen toece, 170 ^nn not fo? t6(0, tuftlj tueapongi bare Clje eonftable anti ijts company et (jim anfc jjisJ rigfit ijarnflp. Cljere mtoftt men fee great bargain rife* 5f o^ luttlj ujeaponss of manp tnife 175 Cficp sang on otfter at t(jeic migbt, tljat tuere botlj fate ann b?igljt, up to t&e (jilts all blootip, Ijineouflp begoutfj tlje crp, tljep tljat feirn o? Kichcu luere, |)itieoufli? can cry ann rare^ Clje goon Carl ana (jijs company fougljt in tljat figljt fo Iturtiilp, ^E&at ail tljcic focsf ruffieo uacre- C6e Conff able toas flatn rigfit tljere, 185 3nu fra Ije fell, tljeremananD f leij, luljcte tljep brft tmgfjt to luarranH, not bt&e to ma^e nebate* 6arl lonjs l/annien tijere fo ljate 3 Cfjnt ROBERT BRUCE. 117 Cljat ijan it not &appen'& t&ougft cafe* 190 cfjat tlje Conttabie tjjete flain foa0, 5>e fjau been in great petit tfiete; 05ut tofien t&ep flea, tijere foas no mace, But tlfea man, to fa&e Ijitf life, 3Fle& fo?t& fits na?i0 fo^ to n?ife ; if 5 ann Come ttane tioton out o'er t&e tuall* Clje Cacl 6a53 tane tfje cattle all, #03 tfjece luais none uutft Wm tmtfiffanlr, 31 fjeatn ne'et toijece, in no Uin& lanl, ma0 cattle tane To ijattufp, 200 Outtaften Tyre allenadp, OHljen Alexander tl)e COligUCCO?, Cljat conqueceti Babyion'js totuei:, Hap on to fojce, fca tlje toaiu CHljetefie amono: ijis foes all 205 Defentien Dim full nous&tilp, CBljiletljat ljt'0 noble c&eualcp fiBttlj latmetis obec tbe umite peen, C6at neitfjet left fo? 5eati no? u?tan; 5fo? fca tljep totft tuell tljat t&e.fcfog 210 ouas in tlje tofon, tijete toasf notljtnn? Jinto tftat time tljat ttint tDem mottg&t, o? all petti tfiep fet at nougljt* Cljep clamb tfje tuall, antJ Arifte Came fittt to tlje goon &tng;, Mjete Ije 21 5; DefentJeU Ijtm luttft all Ijtjs mfgftt, Cfjat tljen la0 fet Co ijarti, 2 ijigljt, Cfjat ije toas fellen on (jig feitee; 5>e to ijijs bac^ Ijan ret a tree, fo^eati tljep ttjoulD beljino affaif* 220 Arifte tljen to tftg battral I i i zi8 3CIje Hife attt> Ktts of in alt Ijp ffutfcilp, ana uano; on tfiem fa nougftttlp, &at tlje &ins lueU tefcuen foas, jFoifjis men mta funtyp place 225 Clamb o'et tijefoail, ana fought tlje &ui ana 6im teCcu'D tuttft (jac0 fighting, ^nn ujan tfie toton ueitoetfp, SDuttane ijtis taUtng anetl?* 31 IjeatU neu'ec fn no time $ ane, 230 2B6ece caftle.tuasf fa (loutlp tane. ann of tfjte tahinff t&at 31 mean, g>atnt Margaret tfie goop Ijofp Ctttecn ^Uitt in fiec time, t^augfi repealing SD fiim tijat ^natD0 ann luateg 235 Cfjetefaie tnltean of p^apljecp Sfie left a tafcnins rigbt toiip, Cljat 10 ^et into Jjer c{iappel> >Ije gatt po^tta? tucll a cattle, a latmet ta t&e mall fiantimo:, 240 ^nn a man thereupon climbing, anti ttuote on Ijim, a0 OID men In frankis, Gardez vous de Francoyis, anti fo^tf)t0 foo?n fte gart tD^tte fa, S@en lueintl tfie Frenchmen (fiOUltl tt ta 5 -45 T5Ut fO? Francus batten Cljat fa clamfe up in ljat aiei in it fellaftetfimttig flje fain -, fo? tanc it ?% Francus ietJ tftettl UP tftat paf0 n t'ne foife Edinburgh tnas tane, that toere t&etein life ane, ROBERT BRUCE. l tane, o? flaw, o? lap tfje foall, Cbeit goot0 ija&e tfjep lea&eti all, ant) foug&t tlje fjoufe eUerilfeane* Peirs Lumbard tljat tt)a0 tane, 31 Sjeatti aic before, t&ep fanu aun IjatH feffmue? Gttantr* ^ougljt Wm to tlje tljiss tieeti, tljat Co too?tf)p C6e acl ttia0 p^aifc Clje l^tng, tljat Cafo ijtm fo OUas fciptfj ano (opfttf o'ec t(jc anti to maintain bte date ijim 275 Eent0 ann lann0 fait eneugfi, anti ije to fo gteat to Ctiat all fpa^e of iji^ great bountte* 5>igi foe?3 gceatlp affonf Q'Q 6e, jfo? Ije fleti ne'er fo: fo^ce of fig&t* 280 (KUljat ftall 31 nioie fap of Ijig migljt, peat manfjooD and 610 bounty be, The no The Progrefs of Sir Edward Bruce, the Siege of Stirling, and Contract of Sir Thilif anent its Surrender. tljig time tfjat t&it jeopat&ies &>f tfjtr qffles t&at 31 efc&efceti To ijac&ilp, Edward tlje Bruce tfie all Galloway attU Niddifdail to 6(0 lifcins all ijaill, noungett noujn t5e caftleis all, in tlje npfee Iiatb totoet: ann tualf* ?>e 6eacn tijen fap, ^anti ^neiu it toell, 10 Cijat into Kugien iua0 a peel, Ijefoent tuitfi 6(0 men^te, uwt it in fto?t time Ijas lje ; to Dundee ije took t|je toa^ Cftnt tben loass fiein, asi a Seats fa? s ag af ntt trje ftfnff, t6et*efoie in lj^ fet a fiege tbeceto ff oirtlp, lap tfiete till it pietten toasf, Co Stirling fpttc tfie toap t)e taes, fDQgere ffOOtl SiV Philip tlje Mowbrajr, 20 C6at tuas fa m$& oaatnen, nnr? ijati in Cfjat cattle of tfie Engiifh Cljereto a fiege tljep fet (foutip, 25 05ut sceat cljeualrp none foag nane, gjf c Edward, fta tfte fiege loas tantr 3 a toell long time about it 5Fta leuteron, tljat isf to CBfiile ROBERT BRUCS, fojoutij tije afnt johnes 30 cije Engiifo foife t&at tijecefn to fail iriaual up t&am Philip tljent&at aougljtp man Creates, fo&ile tfjep confenteB foere, C&at (fat miD'fummer, nejct pcac Co come, ft lucre not luttlj fiattafl Befcttcn tfjcn, t&at fo?out fail ffiouin tfte caffle piein quttelp, cunnanti ftann tijep ftcfcetlp* How Sir Edward undertook the raifine of the s+ * fc*^ Siege of Stirling. 15 D toften t&(0 cuttnann tljus toaj5 grtC Philip into England taUe s toft tfte K^tng all (jatll Ijis tale, rpoto tljat fie a ttuelfcemontf) all ijatll 6af, ( as injitten toas in tfjeic tale > Co cefcue Stirling toitlj ljattel> ^nti toften &e 6eacn g>lr Philip fap, Cljat Scottiihmen {jat fet a nap Co fiff&t, arm tfiat fifc fpace 6e Dan Co pump ijtm, fie toa0 cfgljt giau, ann fatu, 3t foais 0teat fafeu^p Cljat t&em ret upon fife follp $ fo? Oe tljoufl;6t to be, ere tfjat o pucuep'u, ann fn fife arcap 9 Cljat t{jere Qouin no ftrenrjtl) y.nti tufjen tjjat tlje Ho^sf of England S>eacti tljat tDe nap iuas fet pfafnip, Cljep jumr'n ft all fo? to fail?te> Kkfo ann tljottgJjt to 8at?e all tljerc 20 3f men abane t&em in figljting, T5ttt oft failles t&e fool's t&ougftt, cutn pet foife mens ap cometlj naugljt, Co fife enti as? tfiep toenti aiuiapsf, ^ little (tone oft, ass men Caps, 2 j ay B at foeltpt a metfele toafnt man'js mfgljt map Hauti agaitt grace of ^oti, tljat all touts ate0 fo&at to all auti Hifponp0 at fji 30 aftet ijt^ o?nfnance, all The King approves of his Brother's Treaty,* and all Scotland make themfelves in Readinefs. Edward, as3 j pou fap, fo outrageous a tmp s 0? tO CefCtte Stirling, Eigljt to tlje l^tng &e tocnt {jfm fpne, 5 ann toin tDfjat treaties 6c ijan mane, ^nn toftat nan fje tficm stoen ijarn Cfje lAtng fain, tolicuje (je^rn t(je nap 3 Cfjat luas unfnirew none petuip -, 31 ne'ec ijencn toljece fo long toacniniy 10 2Bai3 giuen to fo mtgfjt? l^tng, 3j* tj^ tlje Etng Of England - $ o? Ije Ijajs nolu into ftis (jnnn, England, Ireland, ann Wales alfa, ^tn Aquitayne, pet tUltlj ft 15 ann of Scotland a great pactp Dtoelis unnec fii^ fenio^p ^ ROBERT BRUCE. of teeafute fa fluffs 1*0 6e, &at fje map toageoucs &a&e plenty -, 8n& toe are toljeen againft fa fed. 20 on map ris&t toell ouc to wfceg fear, 05ut toe ace fet tit jeopatnp, Co tine 03 tout, COen fjaftilp Edward fain, S)0 ^pn me teati, ann all t&at (je map leau 25 come, toe ffiall tfiem tobt, toece tfiep moe. : peafc to tlje Mattel Ri &e p,:atfen fiim in fjeatt greatly anu fatu, Q5?ot6etr, fince Co 153 gane, 30 Cfjat tfji0 tljtng t|jtt0 ig unHertane* @)ljuip toe us5 tfjetefo^e manfully ann afl tijat lo^e us tennedp, ^ttH tfie fceetiom of tfjis countrte^ pucuep tftem at t&at time, to fie 3 5 'Boun tottlj all tfie mf^ljt tfiat tljep map ; @o if tljat otic foeis toill affap Co tefcue Stirling tijiouglj battafl, C6at toe of putpofe gat tbern fail, Co t6te tbep all affentetr ace, 6ane tfietc men all ma^e tdem pace ta lie ijoun again t&at nap, tlje fteft toife tljat e'ec tfjep map* The Preparation of the King of England againfi C ^1 1 <-* *^ Scotla&a. ac to fity&t JDf Scotland, tet ailljatu tijeic Co puc&ap tfjem agamff tljat nap, Gfteapons ann armours purfcep'n t&ep, aU tfint effetrs to figljting* in England t&e migfjtp fting ijim fn fo great array, Cljat ccctess ftearn 31 nefcec Cap, CWt Englilhmen tttO?C appacei 10 anc, tijnit tijep ntn fo? tijat Mattel ; 5Foi UJfien t&c time tudjs coming near, j)e affem&ien all jjig potuer, ann define &t'0 omit c&eualcp, C&at toa0 fo ffceat, it ttm$ feclp, 15 De fian of man? fac counter ditto ijim goon men of great fcountp, SDf France ann tDO?tl)p Dt (jan into &te company CfiC Carl Of Henaud 20 ann tuttt) !)im men t6at luere )f Gafcoin autl Of Almany, tfje tUO^tfjieff Of Britanny. fian luigfjt men, ann toeii faranti, armen cleanly botf) foot nnn ftann* 2 j 0f England ail tlje cljeualrp ^e (jan tfjere gatljer'n fo cleanly, Cfiat none left toere tljat loeaponjS lueiltr, t migljtp mere to figijt in fiein* ail Wales alfq tm'tlj Ijim &an fje, 3 an of Ireland a great meit^ie* )f Potone, Aquifayne ann Bayoun, 8>e &an manp of great renotum 0f Scotland ije Dan pet tOen 9 great man; of ujo^bp mem *? TOett Btttg it OH6eri altogctljcc nfTemblen lucre, Oe fjan of fiff&ter* luttfj Jim tljere, an ljunnaen tfjoufann men ann ma ; 3nn fo?tp t&oufann foere of tljae armen on Dojfe, botlj Dean ann jjanfc, 40 ann of tDae pet foere tbtee tijoufanu 2Hftlj ftelpt tjotfe, fn plate anti maif, Co mafce t&e front of tjje battail, ^nn fiftp ttuo tfioufann atcfjec^ Q>e (jntJ, fo^outten bottlers, 45 anti men of foot, ann fmall rangaf, Ctjat ^etneti Darner* ann triSuaU De Dan fo ten, Ct ina0 ferlp, >f cart* alfo tDat peen tfiem ftp, o fefl, tfiat all but tfiep tbat bare jo 5>arnef0, ann af* t6at cbargen totw Witl) palf eon* ann uettel toitfjal, ann of cljamliet, apparel ann 6alf, ann mine ann foaMjot, ann uiauaf* Cfgfit fco?e foere cfjatgen toitft ptiinff* 55 Cfjep loere fo feil togere tfcat tljep rane, ann tfietr battel* tljep toere fo (j^ane, ann fo great room &ein tfieir c&are, COen men tfiat metMe ijoft mfffDt fee far S>uertafee t&e lann* largely ^o ^en misfit fee tben, tfiat &an i>een &^ ^an^ a too^Dp man, ann fofff&t, ann manj? an armour ffaplp nrjjijt, ann man? a fftirnp (feertno; fteen, arrapen a? fnto rfcft lueen, fjelme*, ann Daberjopne*, aun fpear*, ann ai* penom?, L ] l 3Ufe anti Stctsr of ann fo man)) a comelp &nigl}t, ja Cfjat it feemen, tijat into figljt Cljep ftouin tjanquity t&e tootfn all baill, 70 TOP fljouin 3! mafce too long mp tale f Berwick ate tijep COtUC life Htte, . fomc therein ijasf innegf tane, Tome lougeo tuitljout tljc toluns?, 3in tentsJ ann in o great, fo goon men, anu fo clean, y*t toais rig&t iopful in W0 tfioug&t, anti toell fuppo0 n n tljat tftere uja.s nouijljt 3in tnojin a l^ing migfit 6im uut&ttantt, so 5>im tljougfit all toinnen ta W Ijnn^ ann lacgelp among ljt0 men Clje lanus of Scotland Dealt [je tfjem fi>f otljec menjs t(jtng0 lacge toais fte, ann tfjep tljat toere of W mcnjte, 85 enacen tftc Scotfmen fjatllp f $$% ^\ OTttf) great foo?n$ 5 but not foa t&p, Cce tfiep come all to tljeic intent, Doles in ttfill clotb fljall be rent. Ctjcl^ing, tb^oug!) counfel of lji0 men, 90 s>i!5 folk &e nealt in batted ten* 3in tlfe ane tosre foell ten tljoufann, Cftat lete tl)ep ftalfoartlp fl)ouin aann 3!n battle ffptljlp fo? to figljt, ann Ieat3e it not foj tfjeir foe0 migljt 9 j Oe fet leaner to ilfc Ijattatl, Cbat fenotun foere of goon govern al , ann to rcnotimen Carl0 ttoa, Gbcefter ann Herefoord UJere tljae, ROBERT BRUGK. 117 Cfjep OntJ tfje umtnatn tit ioo ouitfi manp men at tijeit binning, Djnain'n into full goon attap* Cfiep foere fo cfie&altous, tfiat tfiep Cxofoen, if tfiat tfiep came to figfit, Cfiete ttjouin no fftengtfi uritfiffann tfieit migfjt - 105 ann tfie fcing, tujjen lji0 men?ie tuete battles feir, oiun battle o^nainen ije, ftouin at 5t0 b?tni^ be Giles de Argentine f)0 fet no capon a fialf fiig ten?ie to set, ann Of Vallange S)tt Ayinery flDn tlje otljet balf, tfiat laajs foojtfjp, 5Fo? in tljeit fobeteign bountie fwt o'et tfje lane affien &e en t&e l^inff upon tljte feinn iuifc o^nain'n, as 31 6ete nenife, L^ battles, ann aifo $& (teettnir, tofeeatlpinamo^niniy, fta Berwjck fie toofe tfie foap, 120 *Botfi fiiiis ann aaiieps fielpt tijep, j c < as tfic battles tfiat toete fo b^ane, Depatten ann o!et tfie fieins tane* Cfje Sol ferns biiijfit, ann fljfning cleat, ann atmouts tfiat btf g$t butniajt foete, 125 o blonpt tnitfi tfie fun its beam, Cfiat all tfie lann feem'n in a leant* OBannets tigfit faitlp flafcmtann, ann penfels to tfic tuinn mabann* o feil tfiete toete of fat countries, 130 Cfiat it toete gteat fligfit to neuife. of djouto 3 tell all t&etc effete, countenance, ana tfjetc manneer, 3! coutlj, 3 cumbaeti ajouin be* C6e fcing tot tlj all tljat great men?ie CO Edinburgh Jje catie &fm toere all out too fell to feto folk of a ample But toljete ^oti ijelpss, Uiljat map Untljffanu * The AfTembling and Array of the *5V0fr Army at Torwood. Ro B E R T t&e fting tuljen fje beatti rap, CDat Engliihmen fit fife ann into fa gceat quantttte, Came fn W lanu, fn Ij 5 $Mj3 men be fummon n genecallp, anu tijep came all full fotifulip Co tlje Tarwood, toijece tfiat oatiatn'ti to make tljeic meeting Edward tlje Bruce tlje U30?t&P, 10 Came tuitfj a full jywat companp men, acmen tuell at cigfjt, anQ fo^cp fo^ to figljt. Walter Stewart Of Scotland fpne, Cljat tljen Uias but a beatuiefg fjpne, Came twtlj a tout of noble men, Cljat migljt bv countenance be feen* Clje ffoou Lo?n of Dowgias alf toa, ^oug&t foitlj firm men, S unnecta, Cljat toell toete ufen fit fiB&tin&. TOep ftall tlje lefo 6aue abnfino:, W ROBERT BRUCE. 12.9 3f tljep betiue in tfj?on& to fee, auantase tljcj? qjall tittat fee, jFoj to affonp t&efr foes mig&t, Cban men tfjat ufes not to figftt* 25 cije Carl of Murray tmtf) jig men, actapcti foell came alfo tljen jnto gooo conijeen fo^ to figftt, ann gceat iutu to maintain tljeic mfgljt, Outtane tfieic manp 1531:011105 30 anti l^nigljtis tjjat of great renoturt t"0, Came uritf) tfjetc men fun ffaltoactip, dl|)en tlje? toece attembleti fjailip, men 31 ttofo tfjep loece tljoufand, ann fome ueal mace, 35 ITo^outten carriage ann peftal, C&at parnen ftatnefjs anti visual* SD'ec ail t&e Ijolt tljen peen tlje ftfnff, Bin befiom tljeic contentnrj:, fato tftem of full faic cffeic, 40 OtljacDp countenance tftep foece s 03^ lifeelinefgf tfje moft cofoact @)eemeti full toell to no fjig pact Clje ^tng &as feen ail tfieic fiam'iirr, tZCfiat l^neto tljem toell into fih tijinnr, 45 ^nu fato tljem all commonalty, JDF QU countenance, anti fo fiactip, foaout affcap o? aljafinff, !jn Dig Ijeact ije Ijati peat iifcinjr, anH tljcugljt tfjat men of fo gcrat tntll, 50 Jf tfiep tooum fet tljetc tofll tftctcttl, be full &acn to iu(n perfap, met tljem in tlje ttap, M m m of 5>e toelcom'B t&em toit& ffia&fome fare, ^peaking goon too#0 &ete anti tljete. anM&ep tftat tfjeit Lo& Co mecfcip Sato toelcome tfiem, anWo fwmblp, joyful tfjep toete, ana fljounfttt&at tjjep tig &t toell to put tljem to efa? SDf 6acn figttfng, 01 Oaltact (tour, jr o; to maintain toell lj(0 fionour* King Robert's Advice approved in a Council j)e Hjo?t6? i^mff, toften 6e 6a0 Teen $;isj Ijolt affcmfilc all betteen, Cam tljem toilful to fulfil lilung toftfi goon heart nun toil!, 5 9nD to maintain toell tijeic fcanclje0 9 ^e toa0 rejopccti man? toife, ann cairu all 6(0 council pjib^ ^nn fain tbem, lo?tJ3Ef 5 noto map Cljat Englifhmen toitl) ttlCiMc 10 |>ai3 all nifponen tficm fo? 5fo? tfiep pan caftle toouin C8etefo?e ijs goof toe oflratn noto, $>oto toe map let t&em of putpofe, ann fo to tljem tfie toapiss clofe, i j Cbat tljep pate not but steat letttno:* mt Ija^e Ijere toitfj u-3 at Irinuing, ffltll tljirtp tboufann men anu ma 5 toe four battete of all tfiai, o?ftatn i\3 on fife manner^ 20 c&at luijen ouc foes cometg near, tSUe to tije neto patli boin ouc tonp, tijcm tteen ROBERT BRUCE. But if tfjat t&ep beneatlj us go, and o'er tfje morras paiTann Co, 25 ic Angus of Me, anfc Bute, all tfiae, De of tfie plain lanD fian alfa 75 Of at men men a meikle tout, battle luas flaUunit and flout, fain, tfie tecettjacn fie fljcuiD ma, euen before fiim fljoulo ga Cfie foatoatn, ann on ettfiec fiann 80 Cfie otfiec battles ftoulD be gangana T3efine on fine a little Cpace. ann tfie &ing tfiat befiinn tljem tons?, g>fiouin fee UJfietc t&eie baas? mod mifter, tfiwe relies luttfi W banner. The ROBERT BRUCE, The Scots their devout Mafs, and King Robert's Device of the Pots. $ fctno; tljat tints foas tm'uljt anti We, Sinn rfff&t afotfen in neirife, Dig men fa: tlje figfttfng, jit goon actap in nil fcinn tfjtno; : ann on tfie moin, on Saturday, Cfje ftfnff fieacu jjf* tJircourteottt:^ {jat Englilhmen iDttfi tttetkle rpnti lien at Edinburgh an mnftt: djecefo^c fojoutten mo?e to tlje neto patfe Ijelti (jig all tfiat in fjigj leatiinn: in tfje pai-fe tljem ijacbieti tljere tit a plain ttcln b? tlje luap, OQbere 6e tflousftt neeti fteljoou'ii a JtJ Cfje Englifhmen, if t&at tfiep tualt! lj:ott0lj tlje patfc to t&e cattle jjaifc, De gact men manp pots ma >f a foot fyoue, tottnn, ann all tlja SUece tieep up to a man'0 lutee, 20 @>o tljick, tljat tfiep migljt liknen tie a iunj:-comlj tfiat dees mat#, tfjat nigftt tra&elKns fje mas s tljat ece nap Ije Ijas mane pottcs, ann ttjem Ijelpt fjan 25 flUttlj mc f H0, ann o:cafs all gcetn, 0o tfjat tljep muyfct not luell fiefeeiu >lt Sunday tljett ilt tlje mo^lttttff. Qfter tfje fun rtfing, ano 3tcts of Cljep&eatU tijefr mafe ass commonly 30 anu manp t&em (&a&e full Uefcotelp, Cljat tljounftt to Up in tljat mellee, 1 tljen to mafce tljeir country free, Co (Sou fo? tljeir ttgljt pjapeti tfjep, C&ete uieu none of tfiem tljat nap ^ 3 5 Ti3ttt fo; tije uijytl of >af nt John C6ep faffeu foater attu ftacau life one* Clje Eing, toften tljat tbc mafsi toagf Uone, CBent fojtlj to fee tfje potter foon, Uttn at 6f0 lifefng fan? tfjem mane, 40 n eitfjcr fitie tlje luap tucll (j?aue 3!t potteU toais, ajs 3! fcafee toiu* 31f tfjat tftett foes on fjotfe UJOUID fjalti 5Fo?t6 fn tljat ujap, 31 trofo tljep ftaU I5ot toell efcape foaoutten fall. King Robert's Proclamation through his Hoft, and (econd Array for the Fight. ty E 0) 2u ty 21 C t&e ijo(! t&ete gatt fje ccp, Cfiat all ftoulD arm t&em Ijaftflp, uisfe tbem on tljetr beft' manner* anu inljen tljat tbep affembleu mere, anu fpne cart crp o'er all on Cljat itiljofoe'er 6e taere tljat fanD ^10 ijeart not ficfeer fo? to flantr, Co toin all, o? up tn(t6 honour, jfo? to maditaf n t&at fl altuart ffour 3 Cljat ije betinrc.0 ftoulu joiu ijiis toap, tuitij (jim Utoell Ojoulu none intt tijep 3\\IQ ROBERT BRUCE. t tooum ffann ttrttlj ijim to tfje tnfce tlje me Hjat <$ot tuoulo fent * 15 Cljen all anftocren uritfr a cr& ana foitl) a fcoice fato generally Cljat none fo? uouW of UeaU ftoulo fafl, m\)\\t ntTcamfit mere tije battail, (KPifien t5e goon atng {jasi fieatti ijfe met 20 g>o fiatUUp anfloet: fttm t&en, ^aptnffs tftat neitfiec Hean no? mean Co fifc ntrcomfo^t HJOUID tijem !cat>, C6at tfiep C&ourc efc&eto tftefc figbttttij:, 3n fjeatt ije 6ati great rejopcmg ^ 25 fo^ fje tl)oujj6t men of fifc coutne, @>o goon ann finrup, ant? fo fine, S>8ouin tnell in battle &om tljeir rf06t a0afnft men of full metfele mfgftt* @))>ne all tlje fmall folfe anu pital 30 8>e fmt lottij earned ana MStial, 3|nto tlje parfe foell far Ijtm fra, fra tfje battles eart tfiem ga* , a0 6e batie, tljep tnent tftetr ? tfioufann loell near loere 15 Cfiep 6ein tgeiT map to a &alle& )ut of t&e ftgfjt of tlje battalep, 0f men of arms ungijt anu ijarupt C6e i^tno: left not a clean men?p, Clje toljere tljep mere tfitrtp tboufan 40 C6at 3 troto ffiali (taimnrtlp ttanti, no tfieir neuour a0 t&e? am* ftoon tften ranges an on rnio, fo? to giue Ijarti battat'l, 3lf an? fom foouio t&em Hrfe attD %(ts of Clje Sfttff pet tljcm nil fottsfceti tie, jfoa 6e itntt into certatntte, Cljat ijts foes all tljat nfsfit lap at tlje Faikirk, atitJ tyne tfjat tljep totoncu Ijfm tlje Uja? all manp men of mefttle to 610 nepljelo tiane fe:, Carl Murray, foWj ijis menfte, tlje feti'k to lieep tlje map, no man paf0 tljat gate aiuap, OLUUjottt neftateto tlje cattle* ije fain, tfjat Ijtmrclf ajottin loell e entry fcritl) Iji0 battail, Jif tljntanv fuouin toece alfniL Hnte ijfs b^otljec fibfc Edward, l?0tt!tg- Walter alfo Steward, tlje iloitr of Dowgias alfum, tljctc menace, noon tent fljoulti ta, f tfietr foe0, a0 a to you fap, Cotuatu t&e &iit tljep toofe tljeic 25 3nti toin ftim into p?(intp C6e multitutie, anti tlje beauty >f tftcfc foe0, tljat came fo fyati ann of tije great migljt tfjat t(je]> Cljen tfie^ino: baue, tfjep fljouia not ma ?o anp countenance tljat it toete fa, T3tit bane tfiem into common fap, Cfjat t(je^ come into ill array* Co comfort Iji0 men on tljat foife : S o? oftcyfs t&?ou06 a UJO^u may rife 3j Difcomfo^t, anu tinfeltmt&aU ann tlj^ougfj a tua?u n0 toell may fall, Cljnt comfo:t rife anu ljaruiment t ^ay gar men Bo aii tfjeir intent ann on tlje fame ioife it nin fiere, 40 Cfieir comfort nnn tljeir fcarny cfj^ji: o o cr Com--- %iit anu #it$ of tfea tljem fa greatumli?, of tfjeir fjoft tlje leaft ijamp countenance tuoulti fojemoft be, 5f 02 to begin tf;e great meUee, 45 (Upon tljte totfe tfte noble autff countenance of cljear, ije matie on fo gooti manner* tljougljt tfiat no mtfcfitef mfffljt be 50 @>o cjceat, toitfj tbtjs, tljep 6im migljt fee *Befo?e tjjem, fotfiattftDepgneue, ^et ffiouID fjis UJO^lljip tljem relieve* The Battle of Bannockburn, and A<5tion of Earl Thomas againft Eight hundred. too;fl)tp camfotten tljcm ftoa, countenance t6at 8e can ma, Cljat tlje mod cofoatu tua0 6acti?* flDn otfiet fjalf full ftucnap, 5 C6e Englifhmen fit fife attaP, a^ pe 6aue Ijearti me fo^outfj fap, Came UJitl) tljeic battles $L\)t banners to tlje tmnn ann toljen tfjep mere coming fo near, jo Cftat but tfoo mtle0 betim'rt tfjem cgoosi'ti a jollp company men t&at tDigfjt tuece ann Ijactip, SDnfaic coucfecg acmeu at tigljt, ann four great io;D0 of meiUle migfjt GOiere tlje captain* Ujere of tljat rout* S)tr Clifford tljat toa* fo flout, ffla* ROBERT BRUCE. 2.39 W&& of tyem all Cofcereign leaner, Cigljt Sunken arm'n 3 trofo tfjey mere* Cljep tuerc all young men anti joilp, ?o g anting to no all cfje&alrp, )f belt tljeir mill in ljoff mere tljep, Df countenance, ann of aitap, Cljep mere tlje faired company Cfjat men migftt finn of fa manp* 25 Co tlje caffle tljep tfjottgljt to fare, 5To? if tljat t6ep foell migjt come t&ere, Cljep tfiou&ljt it fljouiu refcuen be. jfotfl) on tfteir map 8ein tjjtr menace, ^nu totoaru Stirling ijelii tfjetr tuap. 30 C6e neto park all efcOefioeti tfjep, tftep tuift loell tlje &ino; tDa0 tfiere, neatlj tlje neto park can tljep fare* SBell neatfj tlje kirk into a rout* C&e Carl Thomas tljat toajs fa ff out, 1 5 CB&en ije (ato tfiem fo take tbe plain, an great 6? foent fje tljem again fitje 6nnU?eli, fojontten moe, in fji^ Ijeart, ann tuo, C6at tfic^ fo far mere patten &p, 40 ifo? tlje I^ing ftati fatD ijim runelp, C6at a rofe oHjts cljaptlet m*& fallen, fo? foljere De toa0 fet Co keep t&e map, tljefe men tuere paff, ginti tljerefo^e Ije ijaften fo faff, 45 C&at coming in ttjo^t time mass ije Co tlje plain fiein fcitlj ijis menjfe, 5fo? ije t&oug&t t6at ije fljottlti amenD fie trefpalt ijan, $i ften 140 3Cf)c 2Ufe ano 3fct of &n& fofjeit tlje Engiifhmen Ijitlt 50 come on fojoutten tun oj ato, Sinn tafee fo Ijacnilp tlje plain, 3n Ijp tljep fpen tfjem ijim aijain, ann fftafee foftfj Tpuc0 tfje Keens To Cljat bare tftem eueit 6atU anti ffoptlj, ? 5 ann toben tlje CatI fatu tljefe men^ie Come fo ffoutlp, to Ijig fain De, 03e not aljafeu fo? tljetc fcljo^c, *Bttt fet pottt fpeat0 you befoie, anu back to fcacfe fet all pout tout, 60 ana all tlje fpeats tfjett points out, o gate uj5 bed uefenii map toe, ntuton'ti UJttfj tljem if foe tie* , as 6e fcane tfjem, tljep Oaue none* tlje otDcc came on all foom 65 o^efoae tljcm all came a^nisljt ijatnp of tjeatt and tuns a iuell sceat Lo^ti at ijame, Gilzarae de Amecout p.ncfcefc on tfjem 70 anu tljep met fiim fo ije ana ijotfe foa^ ljo?n uoton, tljete flain figljt fo:out ranfottn* Engiiflimen grentlp tuaj? fje tljat nap, ann Ijis bountie* 75 COe InDe came on none of tfjem fo amonrj tfjem a0 nin fje 'But tuitlj fac mo^e matucitfc*. Cijep all afTembleti in a tout, tljem eautton'o all ISUttJf ROBERT JBRUCI^ 14,1 availing tfiem on tlfca fine, ann tljep foitlj fpeacg toounns Urine afce, till tjje ijotfe tfiat came tijem flear^ ann tljep tljat lining on tftem toete, 85 Cljat foece bom tiottm a lofen ann otftet fpeats, nact0 anti auutoeaponjs upon fete manner, &eft amonffft tfiem ttjat fighting Cfiat tfiem nefenneu iDttttl|>, 90 cijat tfteit foe0 ijan gceat feel?, fo? Come fooulti ftout out of tfjefc tout,; of tjjem tljat aflatru about, fteeti0, ann foate colon men* Englilhmen fO tUtiell? 95 l^eft among tijem f tuo?tJ0 Cfjat amias tljem a monteple luass, >f tueaponss tbat tuece tuacpen tfjete, C6e Cacl ann ijig t&us fio:l)ttng ioece, at gceat mtfcljtef, a0 3 can fap, ioo SFoz felnec fj? full far toece tfiep Cijan tljetc foes, an* all about , foijete manp rout uaugfjt tljem fuimefptteoufl^ Cfjeic foess nemain'D tljem full ftac%% 105 On eitfjet fine tfjep tuetre fo fian, jfo? tbe tig&t great Ijeat tljat tljep fjaB 5f o^ fioftttnn;, ann fo? funnel Ijeat, all tljett fleflj of ftoeat tuass ftfc a fteto cofe off t&em t6en s no Of a. toting fcotf) of fjo^fe ann meir, ann of poioner, tOiy; ak mittmefs* Snto tlje afc aboott t^em tuas,. P 1} p 142, %ty 3Ufe atio #cts of Cfjat it iuas manner fo? to fee, Cbep iuete tit peat perpiejcitiev 115 wit foitb peat tcauel, not foj tb?, Cbep tljem Defense^ manlflp,' ann fet botb foifl, ana ffceitBtij, ann Co tuft tljetc foe0 irtto t&at figljt, Eljat tljem tfjen Hemai 120 OBttt if <^oti tljem ijelp ijafltlp, fljall tljeic fill Ijafce foljert tfie noble tenotDn'B otfiei: 10^0 tftat tuece ijtm bp, joiu tlje atl afianuonli? I2J COOfe tlje Plain fielD, James OCDowgtas Cameto tlje fting ctofljt Mjete Ije foag, faitl, %fy @iC, Sanaa Mary, of Murray openlp Cajteg t^e plain fielti toitlj &ig men?te 9 130 8>efistn petil but Ije be Soon fjelpen, foiljtisfoe^ are'moe Cljan be, anti Ijo^feti toell alfo ; ann, uaitb pouc leaue, 31 foitt me Ipeeti Co belp Ijim, fo? Ije Ijagj great nec&, 125 ail betounn toitlj (jig foejs 10 be, Cbe &tttn; faiti, o ouc lo?ti me fee, a foot to Ijtm pott (ball not ga, 3lf be toell noes, let bun foell ta, simjetljec btm bnppen to luin o? lofe, 140 31 toiil not fo? Dim b?eafc pucpofe. Cecte0, fatd James, 3| map no twfe ee tfjat bte foesj btm futp^tfe, tbat 31 map ret belp tbereta* pout: leaijcachecli? 31 WU 145 Delp ROBERT BRUCE. 145? S>elpljtm, 02 rue into tljepaiit, Da tfjen, ann fpeea tljee Coon apm, &e &ing faiiv anti (je Sein big 3lf &e map come tit time, petfap, 31 ttoto Ije (Sail fiim ijelp fa foelf, 150 djat ail l)i$ foe^ How the King engaged the Englijb Vanguard, and flew Sir Henry Bohun. in tfjat fdf time felt tfi^ouglj cafe, Cfiat te Jainn; of England, Mjen fte SHas coming titlj ijiss gteat men^ic Beat to tfje place, as a faiti ait, CBftete tfje Scotfmen attapen tuete, 8>e gatt atteft aUfitg battle, eit&et aW to tafee couitfel, fljouin ftat&out tfjat 10 JD^ tljen, ljut moie, 0:0 to tfie fitrfjt* C&e toauiatti tljeit, tfiat UJift nothing f)f tjjis attea, no?fii0 utuellinn:, Bone to tfie patlt ati fftatty&t tfieit fttiteing, in pon attap* UJfjen tlje jams: toift tijat tfjep toete battle coming fo neat, battle satt fje lueli attap, |)e tone on a little palftap, Lauoftefc, annfolip, attapann 20 Di0 battle, foitfi an aje in fjann, ann on ftigi baanet &e bate an Oat of tite aboon, ap iofjete Of thereupon, into tofe'nfng,. fiigft ctofon, tljat ije foag fting* ttJljeit Glocefter mtU Herefoord ftetC tljeir battle appzoacljins near, Befoje tfjem all tljete came ritiantJ, OTtlj Ijelm ait fiean, antr fpeat in fiantr, tC Henry Bohun tljC UlO?tljP, 30 Cfjat teas a tmgtfjt Emgjj aittl tO tlje Catl Herfoord Sltmeu fit armjs goon ann fine, Came on a ffeen a bom fljat near, *Befa^e all otljers tljat tljece loece, 3 j ann Uneln tlje !^tnff, tot tftat 6e 5)tm fo tanp Ijis men on rato, al0 bp tfie aoum tljat toas fet bean, anti fiafinet, totuacn ijtm ije tuent tn ljp 40 anti tlje mtng fo apettilp fjlm come fojoutlj all iji^ p to ij(m tje Ijo^fe 6e if eee UJljen >ft Henry Tatu tfje Come on foioutten abafing:, 45 Co ?nm 5c tone in full gteat rpe tijousbt tljat ije ftouin fc&tn fttm, anti fiatje ijtm at &is tutll, S)tnce fie Ijfm fjo^fen falu fo ill* C&ep famen.fp^ent into a lino:, 50 8)tc Henry mift tlje nofcle Utng:, anti be tfiat in Ijts (tittups ffoou, tlje a; tljat iun0 (jacti anti gootr, fo great main rauijljt ijim a Hint, S&at neither fiat no? Ijelm misfit fffnt, 55 ROBERT Bnuci :ije fjeaw mtfclje tljat (je fnm safce, be beau neat to tfje barns clatie, C6e banyan; tljaft ftttfljea (it tfoo, be aofon to tbe ecu crm jyo flatting, fo? (jc fallen mfo:Dt, ctjte ta0 tlje fici! ftroke of tfje figljt, petfopcti aougfttttp, lofjert t6e^tiiff'0 men fa (lautlp Ijtm, tfgljt at t&e ficft meetdtff, jToiouttctt noubt o? aljaattfi:, ^j S)atie flaitt a Enigfjt ro at a ittafce, ik fjatutment tfiereat tljep talte, Cijat tlje? came on rfofttbatufip. CCIfjen Engliihmen fatD tfjeUt (tOUtl)? Come on, tljep ban great afcafinn;, 70 anti rpectallp, fo? tljat tfje Etno; fmattl? tfjat goou H^itigljt (jag flam, tftep tuftljti^to tljcm e'ectlliane, utttlf not one abine to tyeati tfiep fo^ tlje ^inn; 75 ^nu UJljen tlje fcing big men tljem fatu in baill battle tfjem luftrjti^at, ryreat ftottt to tbem can tfiep malte, tljep fn (j? too^ all tlje back tftep tljep tljat follolu'D tljem, \w& flato so @)ome of tijem tljat tbep babe o'ettanr* T3ut tljep foere feto s tlje footlj to Cljetc ijo^fe feet ijau tljem all 'But ijolu fo foljeen tljat 5teD tbete, Eebuten foully tljtid tljep loete, 85 anti tone tljeic gated toitlj toell mo?e *B? full far, tfjan tljcj> came fca jamc; mi)t\\ tljat tlje fttno; repai'ren toas, ct t#mcr 3(j$ << Cfjat pet Ijte men ail leafce t&e cijafe, -'3 Clje Lo?tJ0 of (jig company 90 o&ame Ijim, n0 tficp tmt, sccatuml^ tjoiou o C6at 6e Ijim put in^pttttcc, )l e ^Qiu Co meet fo ffptftjr*iujp{jt.ausi fltttc^ o^ 3lu fife point a0 ije tljen toa^ feen -, IFo? tijep fain, loeil it. m^t Jjate fteeit iflt f : ^j Caufeoftfietetmfele'ctpmtr. -fmjai^a C6c J^inn; anf iuet Ija0 mati^ timn nane, HK ^ *Bttt menen (jtis ijann^je iijaft ra (L2Jaj3 toitlj tlje ttcofee iJiohcn tn ttao* -^ C6e atl Thomas tua0 pet fintfjtaaO ice auitlj fjfgs foes upon eitjet (jano, anti fleto of tljem a qumttitfe, lucre ijtjs men ann ije, iitb toeapon^ ffucDili? .:i o<* C&ep tljem nefentiesj mairtiij?, $ i5 dBljilc tfjat tljeLoati Dowgias cnmc iw^pn ; C6at rpeeu Ijim upon great matincn ann Englishmen tljat ttiere ficfitanti, tfie Dowgias fnu? near Jjanr^ ann mane nn.op'-iUnfftj jjjocn JBOVTI r 1 10 James Of Dowgias, bl$tj$'m\il\Q< . ?fi tljat tljei? toece niTconifit near, Ije bane tljem ttjat U3tt!) WuLUJerej dill, ann p^ef^ no fattijcc mace: 5f o? tljep tljat ponnet fitting are, us $>* fain, ace of fo great botintic, Cbat tfjeic foe0 fioell fooa Ojali be Difcomfiten t!)?ou5!) tljetr oton migW, no man ijeip tljem fo? to fig;!)t ROB.ERT BRUGB. 247 come toe noto to t&c figtjtiatf, ; 3^1 ace at mfcomfiting, fljoum fap, die tljeut frttfljea Jan, fljoulp tlje^ tljat cauCe (>atJ mane, reat tra&atl^imti ftacti %ljtinS^ mid 03 cnB Lore a peat pact of twc lo&uiffv '"afliflrflsttStfao 125 ann it toece Hit to loTe tijeic p?iC0, ; tins of a foueceiffu bountp f0, Ije t&ou$) platu auD ftnto firrljtinjl?^^ Ijece efcljeta'D unltftel? tljinn:, ^ 'Jd3 ^ fljall fiaue t&at ijriumnuu ija^un ^Kn^oifl 'ait! r i BO Clje aci toftij tfiat, tljat "fiijfittuo: fwa?, to Tb?atuiing ro, upott tljem cait &e go, ?ii 3&3n i . fTeti tftem lo Bounce faff & mr- ^i JKHitf) ijacn fttalteis, toljtle at tlje laff C6e? fleli, t&at tiuclt afttDe aa mare* ** fl^ asotl) 6o?fe ann men flam left tljep tfjete, ^Jd,/J . situ ftelti tfietc toa? itt full gceat fe Bot altogether, ftut funUip* ' ?fl 3litf ai(ji no arwa 3nH tlje? t&at luere o'ertatte lucre flam, 140 Clje laue loent to tljefr Ijoft agatit, )f tfiefr tinfel fo#p anti too* C6e Carl tljat 6au fjtm ijelpen fo, ftis alfo t&at toere toeffrp, Q of tljefr baGnets in fj?, ^^ Co atoent tfiem, to? tf>ep toere laate, Cljep toere all fiapltt into ftoeat* Cljep Teemed men fo?foot&, -3 6at ijati fadeti tljetr fo^ce in ann fo tun t^e? full 150 tyy founu, of all t&rtc 2,4-8 %$t 2Ufe mto %tt of Cfiat tbetefoag but a young man daft?* Cljep lofceti <8on, ana foete full fain, t&attljep efcapefc fo, tfie &ins tijen can tljep go, ana to Ijtm lueii foon camina; ate* l)t luittcD at tfiem of tfjetc fate, glatifome cljeat to tftem Ijematie, tlje? fo toell tijem ijo^n (jan* Cljen all p^eOeU fit peat fcaintie, C6C , foe ouffljt to f oif anti io&e aiming <5ou, tljat (itsi adoue, Cfiatfentus m fo fait fceginnino;* 3{t (g a gtcat nffcamfojttnn; otrt: foe0, tljat on tljte foife foon fjass been tebuteti ttuice ; 02 to(jen tf)ep of tijeit bo(! fljall (jeat, fenofo footfilp cat tufiat mannet ROBERT Rn'uqg 24.9 luaumtn, tljat tuns fa (tout; 10 sinn fpne pott ot&et jollp tout, Cfmt, 31 twlu, of t&e feed men foete, Cljat t&ep mis&t get among tfjcm tfjete,, fiHete telmten fo ftmtienlp, 31 ttoiu, ana fcnoiu it all dearth, 15 C&at man? a 6eact Ojall foauenng ^ feemeti ate of peat fcotmtte, fca tfje Ijeatt be titfcomfit, Cfic fconp tj5 not tDo^tD a mite : ^fiecefoie 31 tcoftj tljat ijooti ennmif 20 ^jfiaU follofo to out fien;fnntno: C6e tofiere 31 fa? not tfitss pott till* 5f 02 tljat pe fljouiu follolu mp toill Co fififtt, fittt in pou nil fljali fie ; 3f o^ tf pou tfif nit fpeenfttl tfiat lue ^5 IF ifi&t, loe fljall, ann if pe toill, SBe leaue pout lifcino; to fulfil* 3 tyall confettt on all feinn ttnfe, Co Ua ttryljt as pe foill tieljife ; Cljetefo?e fap of pouc tmll plainlp* 30 ^inti unt& a ftoice tljen can tfjep ccp, iff, fo^outten moie moan, affoon n# pe attt pott IjatU fo? tfie battle, boufit of Dead lue fljall not fafl* 3 j Bo? no pnin fljall refufeti &e, (KUfitle toe fiaue mane ouc counttp fee OHljen tfje i^ino: IjeatU tfjem fo mmilp Co figijtfitff fpeaft, ann fa ijatntlp apinff, tljnt ncitljet life no? 40 Co fik tifcomra;t fljoulD tfjem ! . r r Cljttt of fljouin efcbeto tbe figbtfng, Sti ijeatt fie &an great rejopctng, ann to ijim great glanftip can ta* ann fata, Losing*, Once pe toill fa, 45 ijutp toe us tljcn itt tftc mojtung, 3>o t&at toe, bp tjje fiuHtans, On^c beam mafjs, ann be busfcco tuelf, 3Ilfe man into 6f0 otun Klitljout tfje pal?eon0 50 Jn battles &ritfj banners uffplap'D 5 3n& look pe no tatfe tyeafe arrap, ^inn, as pou lo&e me, 3i pou p^ap, Cijat \\\ man s fo? ijfs oton Ijonour, purDep fjtmfdf a soon bannour, 5 ? ant) toljen ft comes unto tlje fiijijt , jik man Cet ijeact, ann luill, nun miffljt, Co (tint our foes mciklc p?itc, )n (jo?Ce tbep tutll arrapeu rtue, ann come on pou tn full great Op, 60 $0eet tbcm untij fpears fiacuilp, aun tfjink tljcn on tlje meiklc ill tijcp ann tbetrs Dane none us till, are in Drill pet to: to no, 31f tftep ijaDe migftt to come thereto, 65 ann cettcg metljtiffes toell, tljat jc f o?out abaftnn:, ouo;l)t to be Ollo^tljp, ann of great naffaiagc, 5F02 lue Ijane tljjee great auantage- Cbe firft is, Cljat toe Ijafce t&e rigljt, 70 ann fo: tbe rigljt on ap toill figljt* Clje otljer is, C&at tljep come are, lippening of tfteir great potoer, ROBERT BRUCE. 15$ et(nnfe0 it ftouin acco?n to sfciir, 95 Co ret ftoutneft aoramff feionp, ann ma^e fo gate a feoparfcp* mfierefo^e j pou require and pjap, 8at unt& pour migfjt, all tijat pou map, ipjete pou at t&e begmnin^, ioo xut cotoarHice o? abafinn:, Co meet tftem at tfieir fird aflfembfe, 3)0 ftoutlp, tfiat tfie ijitmmoff tremble, ana menes of pour great manljean, ?our too?C)ip 5 ann pour nougijtp need, 105 anu #cts of of tlje fop tljat foe abi&e, 3if tfjat ug fall, as foell map tine, Dap to banquittj tljis gteat battatl, 3!nto out timing tuitljotttten fail* gebeatljonout, pjice, anti ticljej?, no jfceetJom, iuealtf), anti 3!f you contain you manlflp, tfje contcafc fall, if pe let luicfeetinef0 pout ijeact 5 ge miBljt ftafce liueti in tlj?ainom , *Bttt fo? pe patn'ti to fjafce fceenom, ate affembleti Ijete iuttli me ; 'tig neetiful^ tgat pe fie anu lutgljt but 120 anti 31 tuatn pott toett of a moje mtfcljtef map fall tt0 nane, into tljett fiannis to be tane ; 5fo? tljcp ftotiltJ flap tt0, 3 U)it tuelf, % Eigljt as tljep ntn mp tyotfia Nciii. 125 i5ut toljcn 31 menc of pout ftoutnef^, of tlje manp ryteat p?ouiefd pe Ija^e tione fo toojtljtlp, 3 ttttfl anu ttotues ficlutlp, Co Ija^e plain fciffo? artfttjai ffgfjt 5 jfo? tljougij mtt foe0 fjaue meffcle Oa^e tljety^ong ann fumin couetottgi alg{ of fenuup, ^ tljem fo^autten mo?e, tljete n,2tat! tljem, but jfo?ntenD:tl)cftOi0 place, nspefcr, let u0 eusfconcn be* ROBERT BRUCBJ ana 31 p?ap pou aig fpeciallp, 05016 mo?e aim icfe commonalty, Cftat none of you, fo? jjceenwefo. 140 5>afce eye to tafce of tljeit ticljetf, JBoi pet pitfonets foz to ta, CBljile pe fee tjjem conttacteti fa* C6e fielti anetip youcss ffiali be, antJ tljen map at pour Ulung pe 145 Cafee all tlje tfcijejs t&at tljete (^ 3!f pe lufll Uioife upon tljis toife, ge ftall &atje werrp Cctolp* 3 toft not lofiat moje fap ftaH J > But pe imt all tuljat rjonouc to* 150 Contain pott t&en on (ik auife, CiLfiat pout Ijonout ap faueu be Slnti 3 fceffljt fjece in InUJitte^ 3{f anp titeioi in tljiis fcattail, Di0 ait but toatn, telief o? tail, i js; fl)n tlje fitft nap bisJ lann fljaii toetin OT, be ijene'et fopouno: of eiin r 515otu make pou teatjp fo^ to figfjt, 160 6on ftelp u^, tljat 10 nioff ofmtgljt 31 reue, tljat atm'u all mfgljt ^e be, pump'n in battle, fo tljat toe Co meet nut foeg map be boutt, Cljen anftuet'n tfjep niiluitD a fofftt, a0 pe tie^ife all fljall be none* Cljen to tljett imteg tucnt tljep fooit, 02nattteH tljem all fo? fitting, alTembleti in tlje evening: ; fo gate all tfjat nigijt bane tlje^ IT fU on tlje mo?n tljat it tans S f f ana acts of The Terror of the Englijh Hoft. ?> e B tljat Clifford, ass 31 raft aft, all IjiS rout cebutefl tuere, tljeit gceat toatoacfc alfa OHete Hf ftrentf e& t&e bacfc to ta, 5 Sluti tijej? of tlje toatoattr 8>an toft to t&em, ijotu tfiat letu at a ffcofce, fo apecttlp, a l^nifffit, t&at mfgftt toasi ann 8ai:ti? 9 gnu ibouj aHljatutfje Eing'0 battati 10 @)6ufp'H tfjem tffffjt flouttp to affatu anil )tC Edward tljC Bruce aiCa, tijep all (jatll tlje &acu can ta, 5oU3 tfiep left fjati of tljetc men, Clifford toin 6an alfo t&ett, 15 J)CtU Thomas Randal tOOfc tfjC plain C21ttlj a fetu folk, ann ijoto toa?3 flaw Gilzame Damecout tfje UJO^tfjp, fjotu tlje ^atlfouffljt manlilp, as a fj^tcljoun all fits tout 20 ^att fet out fpeatjs all about, Sinn 6oU) tljat tlje? toete put again, ann pact of tljeic goon men uiece Mm Clje EngHfli tljen 0^ abafino: Coo^, anti fife tyeau of tljat ttninn;, 25 C&nt in fitie ljunu?en places ann mo, fee famen coutinu go, uc lo^tis fo: tljeic migljt all gate fi$Jt againft tlje cigljt^ But toljofa makesi tuarjs to^ongottflp, 30 C8ep offents (^on too gceatumfp, ROBERT ButjCE, 155 tljcm misfit 6appen to mtefal, fa map tt&e tfjat ijere toe Ojalf. ana fo&en tljeir Lo#0 ijaa perceariun; SDftiifcomfo?t, ana tljat rotuuimj, aj C&at tftep ijeia famen ttoo anD C6?oun:f)out tlje (>oft foon tjact C6e ^etaltus fo? to mafce a ccp, djat none ntfcomfotfeti ffiouto 6c 5 If 02 tn pun?e it oft fiappett, ; '40 8jta(jfle0 fo? to tnfn, anti tofitlcis to tfjat into tfic peat fcattaii map upon ncr manuec fail, But if t|je Scots fiee tbeie toap, ijnlt all amennen lie pecfap. 45 Cfierefo^e tfiep monift.t tfjem to fce great, arm ofbountte, ftoutip in tlje battle ftanfc, tafee amentig at tljeit otun OatttJ map toell mauiaj a0 tfiep tutH, 50 ana tljep map fiegljt ate to fulfil, mitl) ftaltoatt fieatt, tjeii: iiitJtiing But not foa tfip, 31 tcoto t&ep 3lnto tfjeit ijeatt0 niea&ittn; &e 5e l^ittflr, tuitfj fjfc council 5 5 l>a$ tane to retie, tfiat &e toould till tlje mom, foeee tfiat De fought, tljep ijatfi^u t&em tfiat nig&t Doton in tlje Kerfe, anti tyatt all Higl>t $ 8na teanp ma^e t&eit apparel asainft tfie mom fo? tlje battle ? tlje Kerfe tljere pool^ force, anti al0 tfjatcij bare, Co mafce Binges tufjere tljep migljt fome pet Cap, tlje fom tjjat foas 3in tlje cattle, fofjen nigljt can fall, tfjat tbep fcnefo tlje mtfcljief all, meat full near all t&at tfjep foete, noo:2 t&at it toag fo? abaano:, 31 toft -not, but in a flnlttum 3!t feemeti tfiep toete all, ann fome s SDuttane tfietoaujatti anertp> ?o cijat tffffit toitlj a gteat company tljemreiuess atcayeti toere* Ijau been ftp, mtgljt ftatje feen t&etc folk o'etta^e a meifcle fielD On teeautfj, tuljete man? a (ftinfnn: fijieiu, ? j anti man? a ftunnfljt b:io:!)t acniour, anu man? men of great unlouc igljt in tljat great ftlitciim tie feen, 3n& manp a b?tffljt banner anti fljeen* ann tuften t&at tl;e ^inn: of England 40 g>auj tlje Scotfmen to tafee on fjanu, tlje IjacU fielti openlp, upon toot, Ije ban ferlp, fain, OHfjat, lutll yon Scotfmen fnjfjt j 5 gea, Cictel)?, air, fain a fcttfefit, 47 @)IC Ingram Umfravile (jegljt (je -, ann fain, fo^Cootb, notu, etr, j fee, jt i)3 tfje molt fecl^ful Offftt Cljat e^er 31 fato, laljen fa? to fitjljt Clje ScottiCbmcn (jas tane on fjann, 50 affafnft tfic ijaiU mtn;!jt of 158 3Jje 2Ufe ana 3fct of 3!tt plain ijatn fiein to gi&e battle* if pott foill trofo mp counfel, fyall nifcomfit tljem liffWlp* pe from fjencefunnenlp, 55 SBttf) fcattle& fcannerg, ann pennon^ foe puns out palfeon^ pe fljall fee affoou tljat tijep, Lo?n0, fljall fyeafc actap, tljem, ouc ijacnefts to ta. 60 ann tufjen toe fee tljem gfcatleo fa, tue tljen on tljem rjatdilp, we fljall fjaue tljem toell Ugfjtlp, 5T o? tfieit fljall none Ije Imit to fifffjt, :fjat map tuitljffann pour metWe a Urili not, fain tlje foino;, perfap, Do fo, fo^t&ece no man fljall Cap, efc&eto fljall tlje battatl, me tuitljnjauj fo? ftk tmtg aL tuasi fain, tljaf air fain 31, 70 Clje Scottifhmen, 30 COmmOttlp, l^neeleti all tioiun to ^oti to p^ap, 3nti a fljo?t p?aper tljere mane tfjep Co ^OD, to Ijelp tljem in tljat fig^t* ann UJljen tlje EngiiHi ftinjj ijan firjljt 77 Of tljem kneeling Ije fain in Ijp, ^ou folk Imedetij to asfe mcrcp* gitr Ingram fafD, ^t fap fOOtlj 110l0 9 fjep a0k mercp, but none at pott 5 IT oa tljeir trefpafjs to on tljep crp> so 3 tell tijee a tljing ftcfeerlp, Cbat pon men foill all toiii, o? nie, f o? noubt of nean tljep fljall not flee* ROBERT BRUCE. fee ft fo, tljen fain tije &iug, Slnntljen, but lonrrec nelaping, 85 C&ep gart trump to tlje aflemMie* eit&erftne men migljt tfjen fee a tofg&t maw ana foj to no How Sir Edward Bruce's Battle was firft attacked, but was fupported valiantly by Earl Thomas. foece tlje)? fcotm ott eitfjec ait* Englilhmen itt6 Cfjat tuecE into tijefi: CO tljC battle tfiat g)iC Edward ^ofcetn'n anu ieti, fjein ftcatgljt tljetc C6e ijotfe toftij rpurg fiatneneti tljep, p^fcfeeu on tljem tljep met tfiem tfgljt ttjat tti tfjeic aifem&lp 10 ^ a f cutting of fpeats t&ece Cfiat fo? a toap men mig&t tt ann at tfjat meetfno; tuitfiout lueer, g>teetj3 foete tticlteti man? a ane, manp goon man bo?n no&w ann ilatn, many ijai-np men anr dougljtp OUete t(jece ercljei3en fo^e IjactJtip* uang on otljec U)(tlj fueapottS feir of tlje ijojfe tljat fftc^en tuece, Eufl)eti ann reelen tigfit runelp ; 50 'But tfie remanantJ, not fo? t&p, Cjjnt mfty&t come to tlje tljat let mane no ffintf ng* ana 3fct* of tfjem aifembleti fjarfcilp, tljcp tijem met ass ffurfcilp, 25 2litf) fpearg t&at foere fljarp to fljare, ana ao$ tljflt foell grounfcen mere, 2BljereioitJ) lua0 raugfjt manp a rout Clje figljt toass tljece fa fell ann (tout, Cfjat manp a footfOp man anu ao C6?ougfj fo?cetoasJ fellen in tljat Cljat IjatJ no mtgfjt to rife again, Scottifhmen fatt can tljem pain foe0 meikie mirjljt to ftuflj. 31 tcolu tlje)> fljall no pain cefufe, 55 firlo? pectl, toljile tljeic foejs be >et in fcoell 6acH petpletttie* atttl UlIjCU tfje atl Of Murray f0 Cljeic toaiuactJ fatt) fo ftotttlp go, Cfje tuap to salt Edward all fttaigfjt, 40 Cljat met tfjem tut'tfj full metWe mtijfjt, De ijelti I)t0 U)ap luitlj Ijigs banner Co tlje great rout, fo&ere famen nine battles tfjat luere fo fo fcil banner^ tmtfj tijem 45 $lnn of men fo great quantttie, it fcuere toontier fo^ to fee* goon arl tljitjjer took tlje l)i& battle in goon arrap, fcmbleti tijere fo Ijartiifp, 50 cijat men misfit fjear, tljat 6an been bp, 3 great ftuflj of tlje fpearjs tljat b?aff, jfo? tDeir foe0 affembUD faff, Cljat on t(je fleets, toft!) meiMe pnue, Came p^cfeing, a.d tficpiuouio &OBERT V 5 C&e Can ann all && company ; But tljep met tljem fa ffutnilp, manp of tljem to etti tljep fcate, manp a fteen foas (licfeen tljece ; ann feil ffooti men feiru unnec feet, 60 Cfjat fjao no (jap to t ffe up pet* men fee a &am battatf, fome nefenti, ann fome aflatl, manp a teal tumWe titi routljg tljete on ettljec to tfie etH Baton Creaming pooti* C6e Catl of Murray aim lji0 men )0 (toutlp tfjem conteneti tfjen, Cfjat tijep toan place ap mate anu mate, 70 On tfjett foes, foljete tftat t&ep toete Sip ten fo? one, o? mo?e, perfap, tljat ft feemen toel! tijnt tfjep tint among fo gteat men? te s tljep tuete plungen in tfje fea, 75 anti to&en tlje EngHfhmen ijas fecu Clje Catl aim all 6iss men fceneen, f igfjt fo ffoutlp fcut affcapinff, a0 tfiep Ijaa none aljafino:, p^elfen tljep toftlj all tjjett rntgljt, so ana tfiep luitlj fpentgs ann ftoa?n0 tjjitrfjt, ant> ates tljat tigljt fljatplp ftate, 3ln minff tfte mirage met tftem tfjere, mfgljt men fee a ffaltnatt ftour,, man? men of gteat Daiour, ^ unffcl 17 u a 2,62, Xe 2Ufe anD #ctst of tljat man? fell uofon all Clje state unut uritfj tlje bloon nil cetr* Clje nrl tljat imgljt foas ann tootfljp, ann &ts men fatt^fit fa manltlp s C6at tufjofa fjati feeit tfjem tfwt tap, a tcoU) fo^Coot6 t&at tfjep ftoulti fap, tfjep fljouin tio tljetc tie^om; foell, tfjat tijcit* foe0 ttjouto ft feeu How Sir Walter Stewart and the Lord Douglas engaged the Englifh Battles. tfjat tlju0 tijtc ttoo tattled foece a03! fain ^ott attr, Stewart Waiter tljat tfjen iuas, tlje goon lo^ti al0 of Dowgias, 5 an a battle toijen tljat tljep fato Clje atl, fojoutteu n^ean o? auj, all tfjat folk fo ffutnflp, to Ijelp ijim tljep ijcin tljeft Uiap, 10 ann time battle luitij goon atcap, 'BeQUe tbe eacl a little ftp, Cljep femblen all fo Ijatfctlp, tljeic foe0 felt tljeft camtitff luell ; tocaponjs ftaltuart of (teel, j 5 Cljep nanij on tljem foitlj all tljetc mt^ljt, Cljctt foes receiuen luell, 3 Ijegfit, OUfto f luojtus ann fpeai-j?, ann aft tuttlj C6e battle tljcte fo fellon ton-s, ome Ijelti on loft, fome tint tfje fnet* a long toljile fitting tljus tljep luece, C6at men in no toife migljt Seat tljece* 35 en mfgljt &eat nougfit but groans anu fcfnt# Cljat fleto 9 a0 men ftrtfee fice on flinty* Cfiep fougljt ilh ane fo eagerlp, Cljat tfjep mane nettfiei; noife no? crp, T5ut Hang on otfjet: at tfteit migfit, 40 OTttlj foeapons tljat wete butnifljt b?igfjt ^ije atroto0 alfo tljtcfe tljece flato, ( eijat tljep tueli migljt fap 5 tljat tijem fatu ) Cljat tljep a Ditieouis iijotoec can ma ; 5fo? UJ&cre tfiep fell, 3! untiecta, 45 Cfjep left after tfiem tokening, Cfjat fljall neen, a0 3! troto, leecfiing* Engiiih arcfjer jsftot fo faft, mfgljt fteic Riot ijaue anp lad, 31t 6aH been ijarn to Scottifomen. so *But i^ing Robert, tfjnt toell cnn ihen, C&at tfteir arcljersf luere pectllcujs, ann tljeir fljot rigijt ijnrn mm gtteuous, 264 3CIJC fUfe ana 3ct$ ef fojotttij t&e atttjal, untlj a great nten?te, 55 5Ffre fiuntyeti atmeti Into ffeel, Cljat on ligljt ijotfe foere Ijojfen foell, to p?icfc amongft tfic atcljers, fo alfatl tljcm imtlji tfjctc fpear0 5 Cijat tljep no leifure Ija&e to ajoot. atfl)al, tjjat s Ijeceof mute, Robert Of Keith IjelPaS 31 ftcfoce Ijetc ijaue pou De falo tlje liattleis fo anti togctfjct 0:0, falu tlje acffjec^ (ftoot ffoutlp, all tftcm of 6ig company Ijp upon t&em can &e tti^e* overtake tljem at a fine, tuft'D among tljem fo rutielp, 7 tfclif nff tftem fo nefptteouflp, in fih fufion beating &OUM, flapfnff t[iem fo?out ranfoun, Cljat tfiep tfjem sfcafleti e'ettlfeanc ; ann, fca tfjat time fo?tfj, tljete toas nane 13 Cljat affemljleli fljot fo? to ma, Scots atrc&ets faU) tfjat tljep fa tacce, tfjep luartj IjactJp, 3nti tuttfj ttjeit mto;i)t fljat eatyeclp among tlje ijo^femen tljat tfjece ratic, so anu ujonntigi toine to tfiem t^et? matie, fleto of tfjem a full gveat ueal, tljem Ijaclulp ann iuell ; ? fca tfjat tljeic foeis arcfur* lucce s fnitJ to POU afr, B; Cfjcp ROBERT BRUCE. 165 85 C&ep moie tljan tijep foere fop great tljing, S>o tljat tljep tyean not tljeir (footing, fo Ijarnp, tljat tljem tfjoug&t, ftt all t&eit foes at nougljt* How Sir Robert Keith Marfhal, atfd hi Compa ny, routed the Bhglifh Archers. Marlhal BUB (jt0 .2Bais pet, as to pott ate fata j, among tlje atcljets, fotjete tljep mane ^ fpeac0 room, Wjece tfjat tljep fleto all tfjat tftep mis6t o'ecta* t6ep fuell Kgljtlp migljt tio fa, 5Fo? tfjep (jati not a ftcofce to ftint, fo? to ijoio agafnft a Hint ; agatnft atmeti men to %6t 10 j&afeeU men map little mtgljt* C6ep js^aileU tljem on ilk manner, Cjat fome to tljcit great battle iaere SBttljU^alofng tljfem in full great Ijp, 3nu fome luere fleB all tttterlp* 1 5 'But tlje folk tfiat beljtnti tljen foas, fo? tfjeir oton folk 6an no fpace to come to tfie alTembling, again fmartlp can tljep tn'ng, Clje arc6er0 5 tljat t&ep met Seeing, 20 Cljat tljen toere mnne fa recrecing, Cljat all tfjeir 6eart0 luere tint cleanly . 3 troto tljep fljali not ajoot greatlp Scottilhmen U)ltlj fljOt tljat tiap, tlje goon n^tng Robert, t&at ap X x r 25 66 %4)e ttttO ,4CS O 2? 2Ha0 filleti of full great bountie, 4 g>afo you* ttjat ijte battles tlj?ee * luirtiity affemblen tljcre, fa loeli fit tfje figljt tljem bate, fa faff on tljefr foes catt Ding;, 30 cijat lie tfjGujjfjt none finti abafitto: ; tijc arcljtts! toete jifcafl'D tfitir, all blptf), ann to 610 mnt ipe fain, to?tiing0 d noto ioofe t&at ?c (Klo^ti)? anti of potJ coupa &e 35 att6f0 aflembl^ anu anti affemble fa C6at notjittff map flDuc meit'ace fa fieccelp ttftat tfjep tfjefc foes (ja^e 4 o Cljat be tftep puffed ( j unuecta ) a little fatter, ?e Qail fee, ttfiat tljep utfcomfit foon fljall be* toe on tljem fa Uinn: on t&em fa 45 Cljat tfiep map feel at our comino;, , C6at toe tljem Ijatc in meihle tljino: ; 5To? great cattfe tljep ijaue to tts3 mane, Cljat oceupfeti our lantJjs b v :ane, antJ put all to fubicffton. 50 gout uooD0 tljep mane all theirs common, 0ur Wn, ann our frient?0 fc: tf;cir otun, Dcfptteouflp tbep banu'u ana tijatuit, aim tootim neffrop tig if t;6ep "But 3! trotu C 5 j cijijs nap (ja0 ffranten us bte grace Co lu^ecH ujef on tljem in tfiW plaee, ROBERT BRUCF. Klfien tW foa$ raft, ti)W W* tfiefe Wap, anti on one fieia affcmWeti tfiry, @>o ffoutlp, tfiat at tfiat coming. So Cfieft foes foere ruajcn a great t&fog.. Cfiete miff fit men fee men fell? figljt, anti men tfjat tpo^tfip lucre ann lufeljt, Cljat manp tuoatljp uafTalage, ^ CIjcp fougfit ais tljep locte in a rage ,. 65 *fotD&en tfie Scottifh tfjeic foeis fa (tucnt into battle tem all t&eit migW anu all tijefc mam lain on ass men out of , 70 ana luijece tftep inftij full if coke misfit fjit, Cftete misfit no armouc (tint tficic fftafce, all tfiei? mfg&t o'ectaftc, toitfi ate0 M tiufljeis sa^c, Cfiat tfiep feotfi fielmee anti ficatus 75 ann tfiett focg tt'sfit tfiem, anti nans on toeapon0 tfat um'ffptlj of fteef* Cfiete toa0 tfie battle t!tikctHD0lu %Q gceat ntngfnn: tfietc toais of Hints?, so as toeapons upon armour ftiitf 0, of fpears fo great fcfff f ng, fife a tfi:ong, anD fife ts^cftfhg,- grfnnfng, groaning, nnn fo grent ( 4 noife, as tfie? on otficr beat, 85 anti nfigniej3 on ilka fjtrr, t^lng anti taking luountjg luitte, Cfiat it U)as fii&eotts fop to ficra* ail tfieir four battlcis mit& tfiat tbcic " ano 3lcts of figljting tit a front fiaillilp, aimiB&tp o jar up, toojtfjp, anu fo fine, 95 Cljat tljeir uanguacti cufl;eti toau, mau0re tljefrs, left all tlje place, to tljed* great rout to ttarranu iuent, tljat tane Oau upon ijanu great anno?, tfjat tfjej? lucre fcai'U 5 jfo: stotfmen tirat tfiem fiaru eitap'o, Cljat t&enfoere tn a ftfltrum a!f UBljo ijappen'u tn tfiat figljt to fan, 3 troto again 6e fljouiu not rffe* Cfjete mfgljt men fee, on manp iufCe, 105 ^artiimentis efcfjeto'D uougfittf?, fell tljat totgljt toere anu fiartip, ipmg tinner feet all Ueatr, Ollfjcre all tlje fiein of bloon tuns teu armi3 anu quBpt^is tbat tljep Jbare, 10 suftlj bloon were fo uefottlen tijere, tijep migljt not nefcrtfteu fie* fojjo tljen migbt fee Stewart Walter anU ljl"?5 rotlt, tlje goou Dowgias tljat mass ffout, IT 5 jftgljting into tfjat ftaltuart (tour, Ipe Ojouiu fap, tljat of all fjonour Cljep toere tooH6^, tljat in tfjat figijt g)0 fad p?eia:en tljeir foes mfgljt Cl)e? tljcm rufljeu toljere'er tljep peeU* 120 Cftere men mtgBt fee many a Heed Jrleeing ROBERT BRUCE. 169 on (trap, tfjaf; to$ ijan nane. S> Lo?n, fofjo tften goon tent Ijan tane CO tfiC SOOn e^ad Of Murray, ann &te ate tfiat fo great soutg sato* 125 ann fous&t fo faff on t&at battle, Cljolins fifc pain anti fife ttafccl, Cfiat tfiep ann tljeic^ mane ftfc uebate, 5at tufjctc tljep came t6e^ mane tfjem sate. C6enmtgrjt men 6eac Cnfigniegf crp, 130 ann Scotfmen aisi ctp ijacntip, On tljem, on tfjem, on tfjem, t&ei? fail. 22Jitb tijat fo {jam tfjep can affafi, ann flcto all tfjat tfiep misfit o'ecta - 3 ann tfje scottifh aecljce-s alfa 135 S>fiot amonstftem ncltoclp, Cnsccetjins tljem fo sccatumlp,. !jat lufjat fo? tfjem tijat tuitfj tljcm fousfjt, Cfiatfo sccat routtjS to t&em tous&t, ann p^cOen tfjem full casctip, 140 ann Wjat foi atcotu^ tljat fclip >anp sceat Ujounnis cantljcm ma, ann fleiu faft of tljcic Do^e alfa, Cfiat tijep toann^ff a little foee, 6ep n^ean fo steatip tften to we, 145 Cljat tljeic couyn toarn tuac attn toae , fo? tljem tfjat fisbtins toitft t&em tuerr, @>et Jjarntment ann ftccustlj ann foilf, ann ijeact ann coutasc ate t&ei-etii, ann all tfjcic main, ann all t&eii' 1 50 Co put t&em Rrtfg to Y y y Hw How the Englifh was put to flight by the Scots Swiynes and Victual Men. ; Qfsft tljte time tgat 3 tell of fjete, ^y btt t&W battle on rijig manner COlas ftttcfcen on eit&er pattp, Cljere fig&ting ttete enfo?ceni?, Cfiat fn tlje pack pemen msualf, CHete left, to&en tftep toitt, but leefing, Cfiat tfjeit Lojn0, Wtfr Jatu On tljeit foeg afietublen luete* 10 One of tljemfel&es tljat toasJ tljete, Captain ouet tljem all tfjep mane, ann f&eet^, tljat tuete fome neal Cljep faftnen inllean of banner, mpon long ttces, ann upon fpcars, 15 ann fain, tljat tfjep tuouin fee tlje figfjt, ann ijelp tljeit Ilo?n0 at tljeit rmgljt ^Ijen ijeteto all affenten toete, 3in a tout tljcp alTemblen ate* IF ifteen tboufann tljep tuete ann moe, 20 ann tljen in gteat b can tftep go , tbcit banners, all in a tout, tljep ijan men been ftptfj ann flout. Cljep came Uritlj all tljat afTemblie, Rigljt tobile t(jep migljt tlje battle fee, tLfien all at once tljep gabe a ctp, g>lap, (lap, upon tljem fjaffifp, ann t&etetwtljal coming toete tijeptoetepettoellfat ROBERT BRUCE. "171; Engiiihmen, tfjat rU$& ttetC 30 c&oug& fojce of figfjt, as I rain CBfint tijep fau) come ttitj) ftfc a up Cottar* tijcm (Ik a company, C&at t&em t&oug&t tteH as many ttere, 80 tljep ttete fiuijtf ns luittj tljcm t&cre 3$ ann tijep ijrfo^e Ijan not tfjem feen, Cfjen tttt pc ttell, ttitfjouttcn ttcen s C6cp focce aiiajs'ti fo gccatumi^, Cbat tlje bca and tfje moa fiart?^ C6at ttece into tbeic Doff t&at na?, 40 Kacuin fcritfj tfjeic mcn$U bade been Robert, bp tfiett tijcm ttcli ncac ^nfigrt can {jel^ ctp ; UJitlj tfiem of fjfg company 45 |>i!S foe0 &e p^eft fo faft, tfiat nap ^ftep ttecc into fo great affrap, Cfiat tfiep left place ap mate ann mare, 5F o? all t&e Scotfmen t{jat ttere tfiere, ^Uljen tfiep fatt tftem ercfjetu tjje figljt 50 Dang on t&em ttitfj all tfiefr mfg&t* ^Dijat tftep sfeatin tfiem in troiopies fefr, to Uifcomfituce ttere near ; fome of tljem fled ajj plainly T3ut tfiep tfiat ttigfit ttere ann &artip, ljat ftame feeilpt to take tlje fiig&t, 3f great mifcCjtef maintaCn'H tfie ftpt&lp in tfte flour can ffann, ttfjen t&at tfje ding of England S>att fjijs men flee in funtyp place, and fato f>te foe^ roty, tfiat 5O)e fUfe mtO 3fct$ of fo Wsfit ana fa Cfjat all fits folk foere >o flonieti, tfiat tfiep fiati no misfit Co flint tfieic foes in tfie figfit, ^5 j)c ftjais atom's fo peatttmip, Cfiat fje ann ate W company, 5Ffte {junn?eti acmeti all at into a fcudj a!i tooft ann to tijc caftle fiefa tijcic loa^ 70 anti pet Ijafcc 31 fieacn fome men fap, Of Vallance ^)IC Aymer, 6e tlje fieiu fato ^anqtuft'd near, tlje rein leu ntoap tfie from tfie How Sir GV/$ Argentine died nobly. aBD lUfiett @)lt* Giles tfie Argentee tfiujs tijei^fnff ann tfiem to flee fa fpecnilp, came tigfit to tfie &tns in fip, 5 Sluti faiD, Sic, fince tfiat it 10 fo, ttfiat ye tfit.d gate pone o:ate unit go, j)aue goon nap, fo: again tutu a, get flen a nefoet ficUerlp ; antr a cfioofe fiere to ftitie anfc tite, 10 Cfinn fo? fo fljamelp U\je ann flee. j)(g t)2ttile tfien, but mo?e abane, ^e turned, ann agatn^e taue, ailU Oil Edward tfie Bruce'jS tOUt, Cfiat tnassio fluctip aim fo flout, 1 5 as n^ean of no feinu tfiino; fiati fie* CCPfllff, t&e Afgentee, ROBERT BRUCE> 173 t&ep toit& fpttrs fo fjim met, ana fa fetl fpears on Ijlm fet, Cfjat ije ann Ijotfe tuete cljatrgeD fa, 20 coat botlj Bourn ta tf;: ctn can go ; anu in tljat place tteretlafn foas 6e 5 S>f 1)10 Dead toa0 ngtjt ftlcat pftte* tbftti betfJAtff^t, pecfap, men tmff lining (n%C0 tap* 35 &e uin man? a fate jattrmr. n Saracens tft^ee necetif fe0 fouftbt 6^ Sinn into CJfc uecen^te af tfjtt Saracens taak ant) fta dfC Aymer tDttj) tf)e tftece nutft not on^ fieli, and 0hati 3 n on tljeic foes p?efTeti Cljep foere, to fap foat^, 35 ana flen fo faft afftapemp, CBat of tljem a full great partp fleti to tfjc Forth toater, anti tfiete Cfje mod patt of tljem n^oioneti foetre, ^ntl Bannockburn, iietlDi^t tlje 40 SDf men ann ijotfe fa fti'cfeeti Cfjat, upon tyotmteti (jo^fe anti men, en mfgfjt paK n?p out o'et it tfiem f foapneg, ann taagal, falu Dan^uf %t tfje liattatl, 47 &an among tljem, anti fa can fla, ais folfe tljat no Defence can ma, CDat it luece pttp fo? to fee. 3! Ijeatu imw in no counttic Z z z 174 Slje &ife ano %tts of folk at fa great mifcfnef teere (tat?* 50 flDn one fine tljep tljeic foeg fian* C&at Hefo tljem fco&m fo?out twtcp* aim tljep fjan ott o%c partp Bannockburji, t&aUtJtUtofc 5F02 tipfce anti Deepne^y fo? 5 ? C(jat t&ece migfjt nojie on . tt Cfiem tuo2tfj|?0 maugve t; ainue, tfiat Come flaftt, fonK umen tuecc, none efcape tfjat t came tftece 5 C6e tofieee manp DttJ get jap, 60 Cljat elfetorjece fleu, ti<3 ^ali Cap* 'C6e Using tuttlj t&et h .t!) ijim fiat?, 3ln a tout to tfje caftu :0e, se be^n i eitt, fo? tljep not tuljat gate to r. atnap* 6$ 05Ut Philip Mowbray fat nit till, Cfje cafiie, ^tr, (0 at tc tutu, But come .we m c ^ i ujail fee, Cftat pe ajai: fcon aflapeti fte, an5 tfiece fljalf none of all England, 70 Co mafce tecoutfe Date ta^e on fcanti ; ann but recottcCe map no caftle 05e fjoltien long* ^e luit tljt-s lueli s Cijetefo?e comfort pott, anti relp four men about poti n'g&t (lacklp, .77 ^nti &oin about tlje park pouc fauip rigljt ajs c'ec pe map j ttorn, tfjat none fljall (ja^e- Cijat cljoofe^ tottfj To fed to figfit* ant! a0 6e counfei n t&ep Ijaue uone* so Q3eneatlj tfje cattle toent tijep 3&ittJJ ROBERT BRUCE. 2,73? &io;l)t by t&e rottnn table auwp, ana Owe tfte pfitfc eniriron'B tljep, an* totuats Lithgow fjeiu fit &p But 3i tcoto t8c? $all fiaffflp 85 130 comjep'-B tuftfj fi^ folft, tfiat tfjep, 31 tcalu, ttugljt ruffcciucIlaQifl^ James ILO^f Of Dowglas tfic fttoff, aim ngfe'ft tftc cfiafe, ann 6e gatje 6tm it but 90 'But nil too feto of ijoiCs fje $>e Ijan not in (jijs rout fistp, Cfje tuljere (je fpeu ijtm fiattflp, ^fje ton^ aftet tlje fttug to ta 39oto let Ijim on 6i0 foapte o:a, 95 ann aftec tljte ioe ajall toell tell tB&at 6tm into tfje c&afe tiefcL The Fate of the Englifh Hoft in their Flight, and how Sir Philip Mowbray rendred to the Stirling Caftle. tfje ryceat battle on tljW foife tiiCcomfit, a0 31 tljoufann tueii taste fl>a Uioioneti into tfjat iifc fteen, 5 anD fame uiete into &anti0 tane, ann otftet fcrme tljett* gate foete jjalte, ^Dije eatl Herfoord fta tlje mellee Departed toit& a peal men jie, anti fttaigDt to Bothwei toolt tijeit tua^, 10 Cljat tfien into Engliihmens faj) ann &oinen a0 place of tueir, Walter Gilbertfon U)a0 tfjete Cnptaru of Captain, and ft &ad into toatfc &e Carl Of Herfoord t|)it()erfoard foeld, and tuag tane itt o'er tlje foalf, and fifty of ijis men foitljall, Stun fct in Ijoufes fundtflp, tljat tfiepljad tljere no metc^ laue t^ep luent totuacn England ; 20 *Btit of tijat tout, 3 tafce on {jann, &e t()?cc pattis iticre ff? flat n 01 tane, Clje laftc Uitt6 gteat pain ljom0 ace pne SIC Maurice alfO tfje Barclay jfra tfje great battle field fiis luau, 2J OTttj) a [JCeat rOUt Of Walilhmen, dfllfjere'er tljep peen men mittljt tfjem Uen s ? tOep Ujell near ali naHeU lutce, Iinen^cloat6i0 IjaD l)ut mare* IjelD tfietr tuap in full great {jp, 30 O5ut man? of tfjeir company, re tljep to England came, ioere tane, manjj al0 of tljem foere (lain* fled al0 ot&er tpavis feir ; to tlje came, tljat ma0 near, ? j cff Stirling, fleti fik a men?ie, C6at it foere toonuer fo: to fee ; 5TOJ all tfie craig^ all ijelpt toere, about tfje cattle Ijere aim tljcre, 0f tljem tljat fo? ftrengtlj of tfjat fteeti 40 C&ttljertoatti to tuarrann fleti ; 5ntJ fo? tljep luere fa fetl, tftat tljere f leu under tjje cafflc toere, Robert, tfjat toa0 toftt^ in 6ij5 gcwts mm near ijwt bp, 47 45 jFo? tyeafc tljal life again fijauin W tua0 tlje cattfe, fo?footfi, to rap, OKljeretlj20UgI) tljC foiltg Of England CEfcapen fiome iuto fjte lann. Gftftctt tfjat tlje flein fo cleatt luas mane 50 )f EngJithmen, tfjat ItOitC abatir, Scottiflimen fouu took in l>nnti all tljat ei3et tljcp fnnti, anti goin, cloatl)0 anti nrmfoff, newels -anti all otfiec tfifnff 55 Cljat c'ec tljcp mi&M lap on tljcic fianth. o great a rfcljejs tficre tljc? fnntr, :ijat man? men migfttp toece matie )f t^e ticljes tfiat tfjep tfjece Ijatf* fDQ&en tljt!3 luas none, tljat ijcce j ra^ 60 ctje fewg fent a tyceat company ap to tfie ccatg tljem to affafl, Cliat toete fleo fca tlje great battail; ant t&eptbem pauin foiout ucOate, anti tijep in bnnti loete tane fate fjate ; 65 pne to t\)z l^ing tfiep Uieat tljett* anti tJtfpenueu ftaiflp tjat nap 3!n ticljeg taking ann fpoiling, 5ftirenn mas mane of tlje figstutg, ann tofjen tfjep nafeeti fpul?feti lucce 70 Cijat Usece flam in tlje battle tljeiT., St luais fo^footlj a great feel? Co fee fo fcil famen neeti lp Cloo ijtmn^n pair of rpurres ten mm tal^en offmifff&ts tfjat ttrrc 75 CljC ;Ul Glocefter tlC^tl iua0 tfjCl'C, mctt CalleD ^tr Gilbert Clare [ A a a a 178 3$e fcife atti 3tct of Giles de Argentee otf)et0 woe, Cljat tljeic names not tell can a* 80 ^UtJ UpOIt tlje Scotfmens patt)? Cfjete foete flam too?tljj> William Weypont Um STnti >fc Baiter of Rofs anot(jer, Cljat @>ic Edward t(je ^tng'js ij , ann (jatJ in fk tiaintte, tfiot fje tuajs fo too, ann tuili of at 6e fatti, mafefng e\3il Cljat ij(m tuece leutc t&at ioutuey cannone, tljan 8e fo'-Deaa tjan been* jDuttafcen Ijtm, men fjas not feet*, foi anp man mane menmnff > tlje caufe toa0 of && fcuiiio:., 6e ijte naer per nmoui;^ ann ijcm all tbat cebour0. otott toite Dame ifahei, tljetefo?e fo sceat tJiilance fell Ijim anti tfje ail Davy Athoi, biotijec to tljid my 5 tlje (gaci upon ^atnt joh' nigfjt, tiotD tjjc lAing0 tocce bcun to fiffflt 31U Camyskennel, t&e fttn tooli, ann fatsip gact William Keith, att toCte Dim men mo?e tljan Ctjerefoze fpne into England uantajt, ann all W tan* ROBERT BRUCJB. 2,79 OUas fefc'ti, as forfeit to no Cfiat HID tljeteof fpnc iji liking* C&fien tfie fietu, a# 3 tola pou air, cans scfpotles, antt left all baif, Cfie fcfoff ana all fits company, TBiPtD ana tojpful, glati anu 1 15 Of tfjc gcace tfiat fallen tljem Cotoato tljeti: inns tljeic tapisi Co rett tfiem, fo? tljep luearp fnece, 05Ut fO| tfie Catl Gilbert Of Clare, C&at (lain U)a0 in tfje battle place* 120 tE&e f&tnn: fome 5e?il anno^etr 5fo^ to fitm neat: ioell fib toa0 6e, Cfien to a fcitfc fje sact fjim be anti toalkcD all on tfie nto?n, lufjen nap luasi 125 C&e mtng raife, as Ijis ufe luais , an EngiiOi Enigfit, , tfiat (je peen 3)0 tljat no man Iain on &tm anti in a buft, iuitj 130 (KUaiteti toljile &e fato )n tbe mom come fdtfij earip Ijnn tljm 10 Oe lucnt in D^ Marmaduke tfie Tweman fie to tfie fting all tigfit, 55 ^nti fiailfen fiim upon fiijai Itnee* , S)iC Marmaduke, faitJ fie, lufiat man act tfiou plotter t 5 Co none, fie rain, but to pou fiet?e 31 pieltt me at pour toil! to be. $ receive tfiee, ^ic, faiti fie. 180 Xf)e %\it mm Sfcts of ljcn pet 6e tteat &fm courteouflp* fcfoelt long in fjis company, fpne to England ijfui fettt fie, ioell, but ranfom free, 145 an& jya&e Ijim o^eat gifts tljereto 5 3 tuo^tlj? man tfiat fo tooulti tio, make Ijim gteatlp fo? to p:i?e, Marmaduke upon tljtjS ?idtic5, as j tn you 150 CfjClt tame >tt Philip tlje Mowbray, to tlje ^tno: j^ain tlje caftic, cunnan Ijas ije fjoUien tudl ; toitij fn'm tteaten fo tlje tEijat ?je belcft ofljtss Utocllin 55 3nti ijciti f)im leaHiljp ijte far, CtU tlje Jaa cnn of ijijs life How Dowglas gave Chafe to King Edward of England. (D8 toil! foe of tlje Lo?n ** Cell, 6olu t!)at Ijc follotu a tlje fpc (jnti too tnfjecn in OtsJ compnnp, Oc fpeu fiim in full gteat ijp ; J ns De tlj?ougij t^e Torwood funr, met fje rrtfnff on tlje mtr;e if Laurence Of Abernethj'-, t tuttfj tlacntp four in company Came fo? to (jefp tlje ic fa? {JC fea0 Englillsman XtitfiDljcn Oe fjearti goto t(jnt it DS UCt tlje Englishmen tljCtC 3&ttUiJ ROBERT BRUCE.; 181 to tfjc Lo?n Dowgias rigljt tfiere f 0? to be leal anti trofo ije ffoare, ann t&en tljep botlj foilota'D tlje cljafe > ere tlje ftinn; of England lung Lithgow, tljep came fo near, all tlje folk t&at ftjftft tficm lucre, CDat toell amonn; tljem flwptlj tljep nept 20 03ut tljej? tfiougljt tljcm too fcl to figijt tbe great rout tjat tljcp DatJ tfjere, fiue (wutyen armen tljep toere. farrallp rane ijein tfteni upon 25 Cljep mere gotierneU Usttiilp -, 5f 02 ft Ccem'tJ ap t(je)? foere reatip jf o? to tJefeutJ tljem at tljeir mitjljt 31f tftep affatleU toere in fityljt attti tlje Lo?ti Dowgias anti fitji men, 30 $0fo tljat Ije ftoultt not fcfjatp Ijim tljen f o? to fig$t tnitlj tljem all plat" nip, lj)e tljcm canljop'u fa nacrotolp, Cljat of tlje btnnmoft ap took ijc, ^)igljt none fcefjinnfjig fellolug be, 35 a pennp'ffone ea(t 4 but ije in ftp OUais tieati, o? tanc neliuerlp, Clint none recourfe luoulD to Jim ma, aitljcuntfj Ije lofe'D Ijim \\zbzt fa* On tfjtg manner conuopen Ije, 40 OTjile tljat tlje l^inn: anti Ijfis nienjtc Co Wenchburgh all coming nrc 3 Cljenltsl)teti all tljcre tfjat tfjcp luete Co bait tljeir Ijo^fe tl)t!t lucre Uscavp ; s anti Ijfs company B b b b 45 isaiten alfo befite tfiem foere fo feil ttritfcotitten toeir, fit atmes fo cleaulp nigljt, fo arrapefc fo? to figfjt, Ije fo tofjeen, aim but 50 C6at Ije fooulti not in plain tljem, but ap ratie t&em tjp, pctnt ap ttljanti!^ fittlctobilc tftep fcaiten tljere, fpne lap on, nnn fo^tlj tljep face, 5 ? 3ntJ Ije ioais aliuaps &p tfjent neat; ^e let ttjem not Ijaue fih leCfec %$ ane0 ujatec fo? to ma* 3nn if tljat anp itau toere fa, Cfjat Ije befiinti left anp fpace, 60 g>ei?eli in IjanQ affoon fje toa& con^op'D tljem on fife a foife, tljat tlje Eing anu Dis rout ig Come tO tlje Caftle Of Dunbar, COljere 6e ana fome of ijtjs men toecc 6j EeceiUeD ciijljt Uiell, fo? pet tftan Clje Catl Patrick tliaS Englilhman, tZDfiat tract toitlj meat anu tyinfc alfa[ Eefcefl) tOem toell, ann fpne gatt ta a boat, nnn fenti tije ants bp fea 70 CO Bamburgh Ut fjiSS Oton COtlUtCp* Cljeic Ijo^fe tljece left tljep all on ffrap, 05ut feiftJ, 3! tro&, toeil foon mere tljep* Clje la'ue tljat leaden t!jere luitljout SUD^trcH tljem into a rout, 75 8n& to Berwick fjcitJ ftraiijijt tljcir 3.n rout ; but, anu toe frotrj no fap, ROBERT. BRUCB. tfiep foere Deep natroiulp tbep came t&ece -, but not fo? came to Berwick tnell, ann ttjece anto t&e tottm seccftefc toere, at great mifcWef ijati tljep beem UJ6en t&e LO^ Dowgias ijati leafen all ijis tfie ttt.--g DC toent agam* 85 C6i0 &tnff eCcapen on tljiis lutre* Ho, fojjat faDing in fortune is ! CDat toUl upun a man vofjtto fmtle, ^nd p^'cii fjtm fpne anottjet t6Ue >n no time Cable can tye ftanD, 90 C()tj5 mfL^Jtp &tng Of England gjfte ftati fet on ijet toljeel on aH5om tutto fo ferlj^fui a miryljt Of men, of acme0, anu of footmen ann came ntifng out of ins lanu, &efo?e ijabe bom on fjanti ; in a nig&t fpne ann a &ap fet ijfm in fo Ijarn affap, Cljat fje, UJitf) feto men tit a boat, ^3a0 fain fo? to fjoltJ Borne jjisf gate* *But of tftis life in&tlcis tucntn'g Robert ftouiti mafce no mounting, on (n'js fine t(je luljeel on Eofe, lofjen tfje otljt notmt can 105 ifoitUJO contrare0, pc tnaj? lit g>et agatnft otfjct in a toljeel, (KHijen one i0 Dtg&, atwt&er 10 lolo 5 if it fall, t&at fortune tfi^ota C&e ~t 4 CFjc foljeei about, it tljat on 1 10 otlng air, on fo?ce it muff Uofon ligftt s ana it tljat tmfcex latotfc toag ait leap on loft in tlje conttait. fates it of tint fcings ttiio, (BB&cn tfjc i^ino; Robert ftan luaiS fo 5 115 Ctjnt in n;reat tntfcljtef fet toais tje, Cfte otljet luajs in ^ajeftp -, fculjcn tljc Eing Edward {jig mtn:f)t lefs, ^tnn; Robert teas on Snn nofo Ok fortune fell Ijim till, 120 Cfiat Ije toa0 Ijtgfj anti at fit0 Bothwel Caftle, with Earl tferefoord, furrendred, Stirling toais Ije pet ffano, tfie n:reat Lo;tis tljat Ije fanD Dcnti in tljc fielti, Ije ffart lui'-y Sn fjolp place fjoncucabfv, 5 anu ttie la\ie fpne t&at tieaU toete tljete Jnta $teat ptt^ ertie^tljep tuete* COc caftle antJ tlje totuetis fpne &i(t!)t to tiie ijtountJ natun gact 6e 3nU fpne to Hotiwel fenu can tyz 10 g)tc Edward iKitlj a great mcn?te ; 102 tOcte &as tfie n fent to ijim tfjg tl'Cfj CcVd Of Hereford, otljets miffljtp als tuete ttilteB [)C U)Ul) Sft Walter, 15 0at acl fine cciftie, ann tfje 3into )ic Ed^rd'0 fjanu f> to tljt Eturx t&e acl fent Ije, txatt (jtm tigut toefl semen lie, ROBERT BRUCE. at tbe iaff t&cp treaten fo, 20 ^bat be to England frame fbouin 2:0, CBitbout paying of tanfom, free ; tljat fa? Ijtm fljouin cljnnpn {10 Robert tjat blinn foas mane, ann tbe dueen tbat tbep taken ijau 2 j 3n pnfott, a0 fcefo^ fain 31, SEC uaugfitei: Dame Bifhop Robert and the Queen, with her Daughter Marjory, fet free for Herefoord, and Walter Stewart gets in Marriage the King's Daughter. 8> < (Satl foas rTjattpU fo? tfjtc foljen tftcp came Dome toeee all fcee C6e tinff Ijis nausljtec tljat toas fair, anti taajs alfo appearann Ijctr, O^ltl) Walter Stewart tail l)e tDCU, tljcp fuell foon got of tijett; 6eD. tb;ous() our io?tJ ijfis grace, after Ijisr oin fatljec, Calleti Robert, attti fpne anti Dan tfje lann in ryouecntaiy after bis tootfbp tk a menf te am&en toere, CBitfi all tlje fotu tljat tljep fjati tljece Cljep toent taiuacti tljnu in gceat ftp, Qintl fra g)CC Edward tOlft COOtfil?, 2 j Cbat neat to Ijtm coming torn t&ep. 8>t0 men (je sact t6em lueU accap* C6e ttmfoarli Dan tlje (Sacl Thomas, tfje recetDacn tc Edwar foe0 app^oaciyn to tlje anH tfiep met t&em &ut Cljece mt'cfit men fee a gceat mellee $ carl Thomas aim jjjis men?te on t&efr foes; fo nougljttlp, in fljo t time men nugljt tez Ip 35 an bunn^eti tljat all Ijlootip tuere , f o? bobpnes tljat lucre (tir^en t&ere, Eeeleti anu flang, ann great room anti feed tbem tljat upon tljem cane* ann @ir Edward iji3 compaup 4 o aflemblen fpne fo (jarntlp, tjep tljeir foes t&ere rufyen all* Ijappen n in tfiat figljt to fall, peril of Jfg'tifinff* Scottilhmen tit tljat fiSljttllO: 45 g)0 apertip ann tuell tbem 6are Cljat tljeir foe0 fo rufljen D d d d Kift anl> 3fct of Cljat tljep foljollp t&e fligfjt ftafce tane, 3u tfiat battle foas tane o? flam ail IjaiU tlje floret Of Ulifter. 50 C6e it Plain figljt tftep Uifcomfit tfjere Cljetc foes, tljat fout fo; one ap to Craig fergus ate tfjep jyane, In ttje tcfem Ja0 tnnesa tane* cattle foeU toais ftuffeti tijm 60 f neuj, tuttlj utaual ana tuttlj men; Cljeteto tliep fet a fiep in fjp, anp efcljet^e full apectlp mate, toljile tljat tljete tfie Oc^e lap, a tcuce at tfie lad took tjjep, 65 OT*n t&at tljC folk Of Ulifter Co Iji0 peace toljollp coming toere* g)tr Edward tljeit tooulD take on (jand Co ritie fo^tlj factfiet in t(je lanD, ann of t&e 1^1115^ of tljat counttp 70 CJjere came to ijirn, ann mane fefotp, CKUell ten o; ttoelfce, n$5 a Ijeacn fap ; *Bttt tljep Ijels ^im fljo^t uiijile tljeic fap, 5fO? ttDO Of tljem, One Macgullane, anH anOtljCC fjcgljt Mackartarxe, 75 OUttljfet a paf0 into Ijig map, beljooueu neen atoap, tboufann of men toitft fpearj?, as manp of tijeic arc&ct^ iUit0 ROBERT BRUC*. 8tt& all t&e cattle of tfre 80 OTCCC Wtwi Ujitijct to $0en Call tjjat place Innermallane, 3jtt all Ireland ftcaitec ijs nanc; SIC Edward tftCtC fceepe& ? t&ouff&t fje a)ouiu not ftere atuap 85 *But 6fj3 Dapage foon IjajS 6e tane, ann ffcafn;f)t totuacti tfte paf0 ig ganc/ CljC Call Of Murray g&tr Thomas^ Cfjat put Jim ficft to all affap0, Listen on foot tDttfj fit'0 men? te, f o ann apcrtlp tfie pafg took 6e* CWc irifh &tn&0 3! rpafec of alt, COftlj all tbefolfe tfiat trjftlj t&em tnere* ^et ijtm rtgfit ffurUilp ; 6ut 6e afradEH fo U)it& Ijig mettfte, 9? Cfiat maugcc t6etc0, tfjep ttran g)lam of tjeic foe3 man? t&cte tfjetuooti tbem cfjafen in fife fufion tfjc prep, all tfie folfe of tftctc fjoft tnecc 100 EefrefteD toell a toeefc oa mate How Sir Richard of C/^y^ was twice difcomfited at Dundalk and Kilrofe Forreft. C Kilfagart g>tr Edward 3nfc t&eretuell foon Sr (MS Ijcarfc fap, Cfiat at Dundaik toajs an affemWp atie of tlje lo?tij3 of t&at cottntrp* s 3n Ijoft tfiep toere aflemblcti tjjetre. fttft, ^)tC Richard of Clare, C&at fit Ireland Lieutenant 3( h 2Ba0 of tlje Eing; C&e Carl of Deifmond 10 Suva tlje earl nlfo of .Kii Breraan al0, anil t(jC tuece Lo?D0 of peat yfptfm. ] %t Butler alfO tljetC f)C UJa^, an ^Intl S>tl* Morife Is fitz Thoma.^- i ^ Cljcp tuttlj tljett men arc coming tljcre, a ti$)t gceat Ijoff foifootlj tljep toece* ann toSen >fj: Edward tmff footljlp, Cljat ttjere Inas Cft a D)is |)0 in 0? (tfgar 20 ann tl)itl)ectpacti ftc took tlje near tbe toUJit^tooh ijis fo| IjetDtlf all tnittilp, Cljat in tfje toton lucre manp men, battles Ijc arrayen tl)en, ffooti arrapeti in battaii, Ucep tl)em, if tftep tooulD alfatL l lUljCn tljat S)ir Richard Of Clare, otber lo?His t&at toere tljere, tljat tlje Scottiihmen fo near OUitlj tfjetr batted coming ftJ^c, tooli to counfcl, tftat tljat nirtfit, it tua0 late, tljcp tuoulD not figbt -, on tftc mo?n, in tlje mo^ttnnp, foon after t&e fun-riiinfr, tpep ftoulU i^ foOT all tl;at Ujcrc tucrc Cljcrefo:e tljat nfijljt t&ep tin na marc 13ut Ijarbjeli tftcm on either partp* tugljt tfic Scottiih companf 2jUtt0 ROBERT BRUCE. Cffete foatcijcn rfgljt tueii all at rfgljt, 40 ann on tlje mom, luijen nap lung ligijt, tluo battles tljep tljem arrap'n, ftoon umi) bannmuil nifpfap'n, jfo? tlje battle all reanp botun ann tljep t&at foere foitbin tlje to&w, 45 JKBfjen fun ioas rffen, fljtnfng clear, Sent fo?tlj of t&em tljat tuitljtn foere jptftp, to fee t^e contentng Of scottiihmen, ann tljetr coming ; ann t&^p rone fo?tij, ann fafo tijetn foon, 50 &ynt came again mttljoutten Ijone* fo&en tljep famett ligljten Uiere, toin tljetr lo?n tftat toa0 t5ere, Cljat Scottifhmen feemen to be SXaiojtljp, ann alg of great bountie? i. *Bwt tljep are not UJltfioutten uw'r, 5>alf neai a ninner to us ijere* bantljcn of tljat tintng top, ann grfat recomputing, gart men tb?oug^ tlje citp ccp, Cljat all fljouin arm tljem tljep foere nrmen ann tlje figftt all ijaill arrap'n, p toent tljem fo^tlj in goon &eir foc0 aflcmblcn tljep, !jat topen tljem rigljt fjncnil^ Clje ffouc begoutlj tljere crucHp - IFo^ eaclj pactp fet all tfjcir mtgljt ruaj tijeir foes in tije gijt, all migljt oit ctfjer 70 Cfie ftalioart (lout* lalfen luell E e e e 194 3C*)e jufe ano 3fct$ of Cfjat men mtgfjt not percetoe mi fee OTfio moff tljat t&ete abofce ftoulB fie, 5Fo? fra foo;i after funtr Edward anti ijijS men, near ijim tuere t&ep comfttg tljeiu got foon fitting tfjat tlje? torre coming on f)(m, ann toere fo near, 5>te men Ije tyeflen t'ocm again, anti gart tljem ffotitly to tlje plain ; fpne tfte Carl tljem came to fee, Philip Mowbray fettt fje 3 ^<)6 3Ci)e 3Ufe anD Steffi! of J35 3nn S>fr John Stewart fcettt foi to nffcofcet tjje foap tjjep ta, Cljep fato tfje Ijoft foon come at ijann, ClJCP toete, to gueft, fifty tfjoufaun* |>ome to &it Edward tone tjjcp t(jett, 140 ann mtn $ UJell t&ep loece man? mem 5>e fain npfn, tje mo^ett'ep &e, Cfie mo?e (jonouc all out Ijabe lue, Sif tljatuie beacus manlilp* 2Be ate fet Ijete fn jeopactip, 145 Co turn honour, 03 fo? to U)) ace too fat from ijome to flee, let lift man 6o?tfjp fte* ate gatljtinss of tins counttfe, tljep (fiall flee, 3! tcouj Ugljtlp, 1 50 3if men alTatl tljem manfullp. ail fain tljen, tljat tljep tueii ajouio no, CtUit!) tl)at, app^oacljino: near tOem ta Cije battles came teanp to figljt ; aim tljep met tbem toitl) meifele mig6t 5 155 Cfjat toere ten tljoufann ujo^tljp mem scotfmen all on foot toete tljen, tfjei? on (teeties trappen toell, ome fielpt all in iron ann ftcel ; scottiihmen, at tfieir meeting, fpeare0 ptercen t(jeir arming, fticfeen noton tjojfe ann men ftare, fellon figftttno; iaj3 tljen tliere* cannot txll tljeir (tropes all, ? to&o in fin;l)t gart ot&et fall, 165 ^ut in &o?t time, 3 unnerta, of Ireland tuere coutratien fa 3 ROBERT BRUCE. 197 Cfjat tljep twrff trjen abi&e na mate, But flen, sfcatletJ all t&at tijej? foere, ana leatoefc in t&e battle (lean 170 8Hell manp of tljeir goon men nean s Df iueapong, arming, anf nean men, Cbe fieiu toa0 Oaillp ftcoiDeti tljem C6at great fioft nitielp cua)eti tuais ; *But tt Edward let no man c&afe, 175 T5ut toitij p?tj3'net;0 tfiat tbep Ijati tane, Cljep to tlje toooti again are gane, dlftere tfjat tfjetr Santera leaden iuere* nigfjt tbep mane tljetr men goon cfjemr, lo^cti <^otJ faft oHjte grace* 1 80 Cfje goon ftnigljt tljat fo too?tlj^ toasJ, CO Judas Maccabeus ttligfit T5e lifc'neu Uieil into tljat figljt, 3Fo?fook no multftuDe of men, SUljile tfjat (je (jan one agatnif tern 185: C6U0, a0 31 faiU, Richard Of Clare, ann Ijfe great tjoft rebuten tocre, But Ije about ijim, not fo? tfrp, OTa0 gathering men ap f o? Ije tljougljt pet to recover jt angren Ijim rigfjt fo^elp faff, CijattlDtce into battle ioa0 Ije toitlj a feto men^ie^ Scotfmen tfjat to tlje fo^reff OTcre ritiing foi to matte tljeir reff, ail tfcefe tiuo nigljt^ tijere tfjep lap, matie tljem mirtlj, folace ann plap* F f f f How? of How Thomas of Dm relieved Sir Edward and his Men, carrying them over the Water Bane. 1 > QB a E D- Endrofly tytte tlje? an iriih fcing; tbat oatb &an toane Edward Of bi fCiBtte, fo?outb tbat btm pzapen be 5 Co fee big latin, ann no tactual, Bo? toljat misbt tbem belp fbouin fail* g)ir Edward ttOUJeU ttt Ijfe" bfe&t, anti itJttb bii3 rout cooe tbitbec cfeDt, a gteat tftec be gact btm pafss, 10 ann in a rigbt fait place tbat mas Lai'sb bp a bucn, be ffact tbem ta Cbcit bat bip, ann fain, be HUMID ija gar men visual to tljem bring, bcin Ijis (nap but mo?e Duelling, i j ifo? to bettaife tbem toas bi^ t&ougbt, 3in fife a place be Das tbem tyougijt, QHbereof ttuo joui*nev0 uidl ann mate* ail tbe cattle tuitbD^atun lucre, g>o tbat tbep in tljat lann miffbt get 20 jBotbmg tljat iuo?tlj tuece fo? to can bunker !;e tbcugljt tbem to feebliflj, on tbem bring; tljeit enemies falfe traito? men ban mane, little foutlj iDljete be barren ban Edward anD tbe Scottifhmcn, Cbe ilfue 0f a Icclj to Den, ann let it out into tfje nigljt* ftatet tljen untlj Ufe a l&tttff ROBERT BRUCE. 199 (Upon S>tr Edward^ men came notim, 30 c&at tljep in peril foere to n?ottm -, 5fo? 5 ere t&ep foiff, on float toerc tljep, meifcle pain t&ep got afoap, Ijein tfiefr life, as >OB gaue grace 3 of tfjefc fiacnerja; tint tbece tuasf* 3 j S>e mane tfjem no gooti feaff, pecfap, not fo? t!)p, enoug& Ijau tftep, tljougb tljej? fatleD of tlje meat, 31 iuarn pott tuell, tljep toece ttiell tuet Jn great ttffcefiS tftecetDecc tbcp (!atr, 40 5fo? great default of meat tljep DatJ, ann tljep foetimjct great risers tuia fet ann nngbt paf0 none of t&a* Bane t&at t0 an arm of tije Tea, Cfiat (uttft 6o;fe map not paffeti lie, 45 J2Ja0 feetfofrt tfiem ana uimer, been fn great peril tljere, not a fcummer of t&e fea, Thomas of Dun fjattpn luajs jje, ?>carti tfrat tfte Ijoft fa ftraitip tljan 50 mas (tan, miti fallen up tlje Bane, COOtle lie tneH near came UJfiere tljep lap, Cbep feneto |)tm teeli, ann blptlj usere t6ep, Cbat tuttfi four ftfpis tfiat &e Ijan tane 9 5>e fet t&em o'er tlje Bane tlfeane> *> ann UJfien tfiep came in feiggen lann, anU meat enough t&e? fann, in a fooon tljen ijacbaen t(jep, Bone of tlje lann toft tnljerc tfiep lap. 300 XDe JLiit ana #cts ot Earl Thomas's Enterprife againft the Vi&uallers from Coigners. eafen tfjem, ann mane 0:005 fljear, 3into tljat time beRne t&em near, CBtti) a gteat f)0ff, @>tr Richard Glare, ann otljerg great of Ireland u^re 5 $>nrbQuren in a fo^reft fine, ann tifea nap tijep gart men rtne Co Ij^inn: DfSual, on feir manners, Co t&em, from tlje totun of Coigners, C6at ieH ten great mtiejs toa0 tjjem fca* 10 ^ nap, as tljep toouin come ann ga, Cljep came tlje Scottiib fioft fa near, Cljat nut ttoo mt?e0 ftettotrt tljem fioere* tuljen (atl Thomas peccefntnff of tljetr coming anngangfng, rpe got Ijtm a goon company, Clj^e Ijtmtiien IjO^femen tofgljt aiB >tr Philip tlje Mowbray, Sir John Stewart alss perfap, atltJ )ir Allan Stewart alfO, 20 tr Robert Boyd ann otfccrs moe Cljc? rone to meet tlje t3tauaHer0, Cljat toitf; t&eir tiCSttal from Coigners Came, ficimng to tfieir Ijoa tlje tuap, o funnentp on ttem fljot tljep, 25 C6at tljep toere fo abafen all, Cljat tljep let all tfteir lueapons fall, ann mere? ptteottfli; can crp* ann tfiep toou tljem in t&eir mercp, ROBERT BRUCE, 301 3ttU &as tfjem up fa cleanly tanc, 30 Cfjat of tljem alf cfcapet) nane. Cfje Carlof tljcm IUD get fitting, C&at of tfjeir Ijoff fit t&e editing came out at tlje fooou fw fifce, againff tfjcir triffual luottin rfHc* t>e tljougfjt tfjen oit a feopacup, gact fjtiai men? fe bafllfl? tit p v :f ronerss acrap* Cljeic pettnong al0 tntt6 tficm took aitu, tuljile tjje ntgfit foa$ near, tfiep 40 aitn fpne totoacn tlje ijoff tfjep ratie* Some of tfictc meffcle fjctt 6a0 fccn Cfielc coming, ann toenD tljep ijan fjeeit- t[]erefo:e tijep ratie 0calpt, foj t&ep fjao 45 Bo taeau tljat tfiep tfjeic foe-s toere, tfjep fjungreti al!o toell race 5 tjep come aliannonlp* tBljen tljcp near tnece, tn great (j? Clje Carl, ant? all tfjat tuftf) bint toece, Eufljeu on tljem tuttlj lucnpon bare, SiUJ tljelr ^nfignitj? ttg!) can ctp ; C(jen tfjep tijat fata fo funneitlp C6etc foeg ting on tljem, lucre fa Cljat t&ep no ijeact to Dclp t(jent 05ut to tije Ijoft tijeir ton? can ta, tljep cljasCD, anu fo fctl can ail t!je fielD0 tljere ftrotDen ^o^e tfjiin a tboufanH tienn tuere tljcre, Eigljt to tOcir !>oft tjep can tfjrm cftafe, fpnc ngain tjjetr UJapi'0 tac]5. G S g g Heir 302, %i)e Kite ana #tt of How Earl Thomas chafed the Scurriours to Coigners. & t&te taife toas tfiat fciaual tane, ana of t&e info man? Mm Catl fpne ttftb 610 company, er* ana tnsual ftailltiy, iJ?OUg!)t tO ^)tC Edward toa0 of t&ett corning ntgfjt t&ep mane tl)em msrcp djeatr, 5f o; tigjt ill! at t&efr eafc tfjeg toci*^ C6ep tuete ay toaifteti ficfeedp, '10 ana tjefc foe0 on tbe ot6cc pact!?, Qdgeu t6cy fieacn &oto tljefc men tocre flam, aufc ficU) tljeic atauai al0 urns tane, Cl3ep took to coHiiCei tfjat tftcy Uiauia C&Ctt tUaptg tOUTiattS Coigners tjaiH, 1 5 ana fcatb?p in tlje city ta, anti tijen in 6y tijep none fjanc fa, auti tatie lip msbtto ttje citp, founD of fciaual tfjece plenty, afce tijcmrel&c$> tigl)t merry cfjeac 20 5fo? all tratff tit tfjc tbtDit|5ey lUite* 2Jpon tfie tno:n tljey Tent to fpp CTJcre Scotfmen (jau lane (jarbery ; But tljcr> toere met iuttl), ann ah' tane, anu "fcougljt rigfit to tlje ijcff ilfeane* 25 dDlje (Carl of Murray rig&t mecli(y at one of tfiefr company, oE lung f ann Mjat anti him fain, if i;e finn ROBERT BRUCE. 3fm& tfiat to Bim t: rcatfj 30 $)e fljoutti 50 fiome, anu ranfom free, 8>e fain, foafootfj 31 Sail pou Tap, Cfiep t&infc, ta main toften it (0 nap, Co feefc pou foitfr all tfjetr men?f e, 31f tljep map get tnit taftete pe 3be 3 5 C&cp ijaue g art t^ougfj tfic cotmttp crp, )f pain of life, full fellotUp, C6at ail tfie men of tljts coiintrie Co nisW into tfie eft? be, ann tculp tfiep ajail 6e fa fefl, 40 c&at pc f&all no tutfe toitfj tljem neal partife, fatn be, toell it map be* CO ^)tC Edward, ItJIti) Ujat pCCtl ?je, anu tom ijfm uttedp tf)i0 tale* Cftm bane tbep tnne Co.* counfci IjaiU, 45 C&at tfiep tuDtilo il^c to tijc cftp Cftat ilk nfgjjt, fo tat thcp mttrfjt 6e Wfottt tfie totn:j,U3itl) all tfteic trout, ann tljem tijat mere to come tmtfiottt, a0 tbep DcmTeu, tljep fjifcetmne, 50 T3efo?e tfje tomn tljep came nil foon, Xut Ijalfsome 5eal a mile of map 5Fra tlje cttp a reft took tljep, giro tuljen tlje Dap tua0 natonins: liryfjt, jfiftp on Ijobtne^, tfiat tuere fois&t, 55 Came to a Uttfe l)i\l tftat toajS TBut fra tfie toton a little fpace, fato S>ir Edward'^ l}artiCi:p, of tfie flgljt ljan gtent ferlp, Cljat fo tu&een l?tirl!, on artp annerta^e fife an Dfeft 304 3tf)e jLift ana %tts of 8$ fo^ta tome fo fcatuilp ftpon all t&e great djetialtp f Ireland, foj tO Iri&e battatl ; ana fa it tons uritbotttten fail : agatnft tljem teere gat&ereti tbere, artlClt Richard Of Clare, tlflbe Cutlet; a!0, ann Caclis ttoa, Of Defmound aittl Kildare tDCte tfjaC, Brynrame, Wedoun, atltl StC Warine, 70 antJ @>tr Pafchai Of Florentjme, Cfiat Ia0 a ^tttffbt Of Lombardy, ana uuis full of gceat cljevjaltjn Clje Maandweiis tljep tDece t^ere alfo, Biflets, Logans, aUD OtljECS niOC, 75 Savages nl0, anti pet urns ane g)tt Michael Of Kylkenane, anti uiitlj tljtc LoansJ fo fed foete tljen, Cfjat, fO? OnC Of tlje Scottiilimen, 31 tcolrj, tljat tljcp tucce fitic o^ moe* go caijctt tljic nifcucceoutiBi feen lja0 fo Scottiih fjoft, tljep luent in ijp, toin to tljeic lo^js opetilp, tljep totfjem luere comintj near, fcek tijem far tuag no miffeet;* antl UJl)Ctt tljE atl Thomas IjaB fCCIt, Cfiat t&cfe men at tfje tjtll Ijan been, toofe tuttb ftim a great men?tc &02fe, an ftunuieti tftep migfjt be, to ttje bill tfjey tooh tfietu in a (lacU embuften t&ep ; in fto c t time fca tlje citp come riuino; a raen?ie ROBERT BRUCE. ;o> to nifcouet; to tlje bill* foete t&ep blptfj ann ijein tljem dill, mere earning to tbem neat, Cljen in a feud) ' all tljat tljep toece, 95 Cbep fljot upon tljem ijatnilp -, tljep tjjat fatu fa funtJEnlp folU came an, afoafefc toere, not fa? tljtss, fame af tljem tljece aftatie flautlp ta ma nebate, ioo ann atbec fame are flen tljef c- gate* ann into loell ftajt time toete tfiae Cljat mate a ceft, canttatten fa, Cljat ttiep fleti Ijailitlp tljeic gate, ann tfjep tfiem cija0'ti rlcftt to tfje ^ate, ,105 anti a peat pact of tljem |jaj3 (lain, fpne toent to t&ett fjoft again* The fierce Battle with thofe of Coigners. loitljm Ijas feen fa flam Cljeic men, ann cijafeD 6ame again, mere all too, ann in great Ijp Co acm0 daittp ttjen can tljep CCP, 5 C(jen acmeti tljem all tljat tljep toetc, ann fo? tlje battle mane tbem vace. Cftep tflit'n out all tuell arrav'n, 3lnto battle, banner nifpiay'n, *Bottnn on tljeic belt maps to aflTail 10 Cljeic foe0 into fell battle* toljett @)ft Philip tlje Mowbray tljem ift in fo goon actap, >lt Edward tlje Bruce tuetlt Ije, fain, @)ir, it is goon tljat lue H h h h 15 gfj>7pe 3ljape fo? route fltgijt tijat map abatl Co Ijelp uss into tljtg battail, flDut men are foljeen, but tjep fiafce foill Co no mo je tljan tljep map fulfil 5 Cfjetefope 31 teue otic carnage, 20 jfo^outten anp man o? page, bp tDemfetiies accapen be, tljep fljall Teem fac mo^e tfjantoe* Set toe Mo?e tljem cue banners, gOn fOlfe tljat COme OUt Of Coigners, 25? OTjen tftep out banner* tfjete map fee, ttolu ttaiftlp tftat tfiete ate toe, Jjttfjet fn great &p fljnll tine 5 Come toe t&en on tfiem at a fine, anntue fljall be atafcantage* fo? fra tbep fn out catttage ^e entren, tfjep fljall cumbren be ; tljen tuttb all out mtgljt map toe on, ann no all tljat toe map* as ije oznafn'n, none ijatje tijcp. 3 5 ann tljep tljat came out of Coigners, ann?etTen t&em to tfte banners, fmote iBttb fpur0 tlje fio^fe in ftp, rufljen on tljem funnenlp* barrel ferrars tljat t^re tljere, 40 curnb^n tljem faft tljat rtntng toete, ann tljen tlje Carl tDttlj Ijis battle Came on, ann fanip can afrafL ann S)ir Edward, a little bp, aifemblen fa tigljt barnilp, 45 Cbat manp a fcp fell unner feet Clje fiein Coon ajajt'n of bloon all toeet 2&ttt ROBERT BRUCE. 307 fo great fern? Here t&ep faugfit, fife routg unto otljer raug&t ffocfe, foit& (fane, o fcmgljt like upon eitfjcc fine, ^iutng, anti taking routjs reu, 55 Ctjat p?ime ioas patt ere men mfgbt fee mott tljere at a&oun mtgljt be* foon after tljat p?tme tua0 pa(f 9 Cfie Scottiftimen Uanff Olt fO fatt, ann ftot on t&em at atiantioun, man ftan been a ctmmpion, tjjefr foes toofc tfie fltgfit, none of t&em tjjat toa0 fo tm06t, Ctat efter Uurtt abftie Ijt0 fear s But ilk man flea &i$ maps feitv Co tlje totun flen t&e moft part?, anti Carl Thomas fo eagerlp, anu 610 rout, cljafeti toftft rtnoatJiS bare, all among; tijem mellen ttere, altogetfier came in t&e totott 70 Cljen toa0 tfie flaugfjter fo felloun, Cljat all tlje re^es ran of bloon* Cljem tftat t8e? got, to Heat6 ^o t&at tften toell near toere Bean, $0 feil aj3 in tlje battle tieaft* 75 C6e sivewaryne toa0 tafeen tljere, BUt fO rail foag Richard Of Clare, Cljat to t&e foutj country 2tn 8e* au tfiat mont&, j troiu t&at fie Kite anfc 3f cts of no goo& tmll fo? to 80 SS>tr John Stewart a noble I&ntgfjt, fooun&eti t&jcwBb t&e lionp tljete a fpear tfjat fijarply fljares tO Monpeller tDCrtt fje f^HC, lap tfjece long into ijelme, 85 ^nU at t&e lad fjelyt tuais (je* Edward tfjen, toit in t[)e totun tfjetr ntgljt tfiep Ijlpto tucce anti 5T02 t(je Uift'rp tfjat tljcp Oati tljcce, on tfte mom fojoutten mare, The Siege of Craig-fergus, and the Death of Neil Fleming. Edward gatt men tjanff anti Tee tlje visual of tfjat cttp, tlje? founti fifc fttfion t&ccein Ofco^n, anti flour, ann toajr anmmne, 5 CSat tfjep of it Ijati great ferlp ^ anti g)ir Edward gart ftaflltlp Sinto Craig-fergus carrieu fte, pne tljitfjer tuent (jig men attD Ije, ann befD tlje (tegefull ftairoartlp, 10 OUljtie Paimfunday ioa0 pafleti Jjp, C[)en iMljife t5e Tuefday in Pafch lUOOfe, SDn eitter &alf tljep truces took, >o tfjnt toep misfit tljat fio!^ tine 3n penance anti in p^aper btue 5 1 5 T5ut tipon tfie Pafch euen rigljt, cattle in t&e nigbt JTra 309 Devilling came ftips fifteen C&acgen luitf) nnuco men besecn, jFouc tfioufann, tcofo a foell, tfjep foere, 20 jit tlje cattle tljep entrefc ace* C&e Maundwell t&e Oft 8>IC Thomas, Captain of t&at menjie foas ; 3lnto tlje cattle p^ttnlp CDep entren, fo? t6e? (ma great fpp, 25 Cljat many of g>fc Edward^ men fflttt 0featlen in tfje counttp tljen ; Cfjecefo?e tljep tijottgljt in tije mojtUnn; but furpnfe tljem 30 jfo? t&ep tfjotttjfjt tfje? fljoulu tcatftlp iy, 5fo^ tfje tcucesi tijat taften toete -, 03ut 31 ttroUJ falfet ^fjall be ttnfaic ann ill 1C Edward tUtft Of t!)t0 ^5 JTo? of tceafon De ijati no T5ut fo? tlje tcetoejs (je leaden nought 2Hatclje0 to fet to tlje caffle* jlfc nigfit De gact men ujalk it iucll, aim Neil Fleming umtcljeU tljat nirjftt 40 flBitlj fijttp men too^tljp ann tut'got, alfoon a^ tlje tsav tons clear, tljat Uritljin tlje cattle luere, armeti tljem, anti mane tfiem boun, ana foon tljeir b2irjfi:e atjalit uoftm, 45 ann iinrn into great plentie. ann loljen Neii Fleming can tftcm fee, r>e rent one to tlje itt'no; lit fjp, ann fm'n to tfjcm tljat lucre ijim b?, 310 3C|) 2Ufe &ttfc $CtS Of s&oii) fljall men fee, 3 unBertafce, Bare Bp fo? ljt'0 Lo# 6(0 fafce* bear pott tuell, fo? ficfcetlp OUttl) ail tljts men?fe figW foill 31; 33nto bargain tbem fiolB fljall toe, 8B&il8 tljat our matter armeB be* 5 j anB tmtlj tljat luo^B aflembleB tljep* foere too feto all out perfap, fik a jyceat rout fo? to fitjljt ; not fo; tljttf, tottft all tfietr mfffljt on tfiem fo ijarBtlp, 60 Cfjat all tfjefi: foes IjaB great ferlp, Cljat tljep mere all of fuclj manfjeeB, tljep no BjeaB fiaB of tljetr BeaB 5 fo tljefr foes can tljem alTaff, no toozfljtp tljere migljt aaatf* taere tljep flain up e'erilkane S)0 clean, tljat tljere efcapeB nane &nB tfje man tljat luent to 5f 02 to toarn 6im of t&eir in full great ijp. Edward t&ett tuas commonly ig Of all Ireland, toljen Ije IjearB (Ik tljtng on 3Sn full great Ijp Ije got Ijijs gear* luigljt men in Ijis cfjamber foetr, nrmeB tljem in full great Ijp, @pne tottlj Ijt0 banner (jarDtlj? Cije mtBft of tfje tolun fje tae0 OUell near coming tuere Ijts fae^, COat fjnB Bealt all tljeir men in t&ee* so ciic Maundwei, tnttlj a great men^ie, Efflfjt J&MJJ ROBERT BRUCE. 311 Etgljt t&ougl) t&e toton tlje tuap Ijelfc la&e, on either une t&e totun, to meet tfjem tijat fleeing UJEIT. Cbep tfjoug&t t&at all tijat tfcep founn tljece, S&oulD np but i-anfom e'ectlfeaue, OJ5ttt otljectuife tlje glee (is ganc, g>tc Edward ujitfj Ijts banner, Ijtss ttuelije 31 toin ?ou of air, On all tfjat tout fo 90 ^ffemWeu, trjat it urns IFo? Gib Harper before Mm Cljat mass t&e nougljtiea in deen Cljat tijen toais It^ino: of ijija (fate, ana toitlj an ar mane ijim filt gate, 93 C&at 6e tlje ficff felien to gtounn, of tlj^ee in a little ftounn, Maundweii bp 6i0 arming S>e itnelu, attn rougljt ijim Ok a C6at !je to era peen fiaffilp* Edward, tijat foag near Ijim bp, ijtm, ann luttb a knife Etgljt in tfiat place reft Dim |ji0 life. 2Bit5 tijat Of ArdrofTane Fergus, Cljat iaas a Enigljt riglit outrageous 105 aifemblen toitfi fotp ann moe, C6ep p^efleu tften tljeir foes fo, Cljat tijep tijat fata tljcir lc^ flatn, int ijeart, anD ujouiu 6aue been again ^ 3tttl ap aiS Scottilhmen tttfftfjt be no armen, tljep cams to t&e meller, . ana Dang upon tljesr foeis fo, C6at all t&ep tlje back can ta 5 312, Xije 2Ufe ano 2tct of ana tjep tljcm cfjafeti ta t&e pate, Cljere foajs Ijatn figljt anfc great Ucbate, COere fleia @>ic Edward toftij ijfg fiann , tljat Of all Ireland caira belt, aun of moil fcowttfe, Maundwell (jaD \# ; oton name 3 cannot Cap ; 120 'But fjte folk to fo 6ai*n alTap ^llece fct, as ttjep of tfje nungeon Dttcft open no gate, no? Wnn;e let notmn ^nti )fr Edward, j tafee on ijnnti, S)ouffijt tljem tljat tljece Sen to loacranti, 125 3)0 feilv, t(jat of all, prtfap, C6at i(Tu n upon Ijfm tljat nap, efcapeH nettei* ane, tbep toete eitoec tane o,? flntit; jf 0| tO tfje figljt Macknakii tijll 130 Came imtlj ttuo gunmen of fpeatmien, flelu all tljep miijljt to totn* Macknakil Ivttlj a gilt (KOian of tljett Ojipg fouc o? fifte, anti tofjoll)? ceft tlje men t^eic life, n5 Gftben enn tua-s mane of tots ^t tljen UJa0 It&Uig Neil Fleming. g>il- Edward tUCttt Jim fOI tO fee, sbout Ijtm (lain la? ()i0 men? te W in a lump, on eitljet- (janti, ,140 ann fie to tip teaup tOiotunnn* Edward Ijntl Of Ijtttl pttie, Ijtm full gceatlp mcneu 6e, rcgceteti fjis great mnn&eetv nougfjtp 2SUUJJ ROBERT BRUCE. 31 147 8>tfc mone fie mane, men baa ferlp ; f o; be toag not cuffomablp aaont forto moan men anp tfiing, 3301 luouin be beat men mafce moamtiff , De ftoo& tfierebp till 6e toas Sean, 150 ana fpne baa bint to boip ffeefc, anti l)fm toitb too^tp rract fie be emeu ujttfi jyreat rolemnitte, flDn tfitjs tnife iffueti Maundwei ^ 05ut ficfeetlp falftooti ana guile 155 @>fiall altDapsTfiaue an til enDing, a0 toell fc feen bp tbfs iflitfng, 3ltt time of tcetnesi tfliien tfiep, ann fn fife time a0 on Pafch day, CBben <^ot caife fo? to faue mankm 1 60 jfca Uepn Of OlD Adam'0 fin ; Cbetefo^e fo great mifcfiance tfiem fell, Cljat Hhane, as pe bcatn me tell, OUere (lain up, o? elfe taken tljere, anu tfiep tbat in tbe cattle toere, 165 OTere fet in fife affcap tfiat Jour, fo? tfiep couin fee toljece no fuccouc @>bouin come to tbeic relief ann tfiep Cteatea until a (fio^t nap, Cbe caftle to bint to piein free, 170 Co faue tfeem life anti limb, anti fie l>el& tfiem full tuell to fits cunnan^ Cfie caftle toofc fje in fii0 bann, ann Dtguall ti ittuell, ann ba0 fet a gootJ dHattien it fo: to feeep, 17 j anu a U)I)ile tOeretn reften fir* Of bint no mo?e notu fpcafc toil! tue K fc'k k How 314 XDe 2Ufe ana 2Cct$ of How the JJUs were yielded to King Robert, and John of /,0nz taken and put in Prifon. (3 to fting Robert twii foe ganjy, fjat toe fja&e left unfpofcen of lang, ODUjen 6e ban con&Qp'ft to tije fea JIMS fyotfjet Edward anti 610 menf te, 5 OUitlj ijtgs fljtpis fjc mane fjtm ?ate 3into tlje ifles fo? to face* Walter Stewart tOltf) Ijtm tOOk fie, Dig matcfj, ann UJitfi ijim gteat mettfte, aun otljet men of great noblap, 10 Co t(je Tarbat tfjep fjein tljetc toap, 3ln salie^is o?tJam 3 ti foi tljeit fate* But tftem tooitfjeti to a?auj fljtpis tfiete, anti a mile toag &ettoii:t tfje feajs, T5Ht tfiat lua0 loupnpt all fcritlj 1 5 C6e Ems 6t0 fljtppeg tbete gatt annfo? tlje toint coulti ftoutlp (Upon tfjett back, ass t&ep tuoultj ga, gatt men topes anu maftis ta, fet tljem in tlje f&ippes 6p, 20 ann fails to tlje tops tp, anti jj act men go tbecebp tyauwtg, Cfje tointi tljeni Ijelp'ti, tfjat tuns filafetng, So tljat into a little fpace CDeic fleet all ofcet n?aftin tua0 25 an& tuben tlje? t^at in tlje ifles iuece, d)eacti tell fjofo tlje gooti atng &afl tljece 0act Ijis fljips foitlj fails go, Out OlbeC fcetfoilCt Tarbat Bfttfl ROBERT BRUCE. C&ep toere a&a0'& fo utterly, 50 tfo? t&ep toift tljjouglj tijat fljouiD gar fljtpg Co feajs tnitj) fails go, g)fjottin loin tjje ifles fo to &an&, C8at none tuttfj itcenutfj fljottin Ijtm toittftantJ ; 35 Cfjetefoje t(jej? came unto t&e CSHais none t&at tDitfilloou flDuttaken John of Lorn alane 5 But toell foon aftec fiuag !je tane, ana p?efenteti cigfjt to tlje &iug ; 40 anti tfiep tfoat tnece of ijt0 leaning:, CPbat to tfie Etng ijati fe?ofeen fap, all ueau ano neftcopetj auiap. John of Lorn t&e t^tttg lja0 tane, ^tttl fent IjCm f0?tlj tO Dumbartane, 45 Ql tofttle in p^ffon tljece to fie ; Lochievyn rent toag 6c, e toa 3 1C tfje fttng upon tljis mannet Daunten tlje Jfles, a0 31 tell fjete, >it James Of Dowglas 3into 3lct$ ot 5 Defennf ng too?t[)ilp tfje lank Cijat time in Berwick toajs nfoeUann Edmund de Cailow a Gafcoun, Cljat toas a ftmgljt of great renoam, ailH into Gafcoin &i0 COWItriC 10 toin of great fenioap toa$ !je, 5>e tljen 6an Berwick in keeping mane a pjtUj? gatljerine:, spot tim a great company men, armen joiitip, netljer enn of Tevidaie DC p?cpcn noiun to fjt'm all Daill, of tbe Merfe a great partp, toujarn Berwick tuent in (j^. Adam Of Gordon, tljat ttjeit a scottiihman, tljem n,n^e foatoap t&cir tre, tuenD tfjep ijan been UJljeen, foa (jc but tlje fleeing 0feail perfap, tbem tfjat fei^en on tlje p?ep, 2 j Cljat tO S)ir James Of Dowglas, 3ln full great (j? tije lua? Ije tOltl f)OU) Englifhmen tljCir tane, anD fpne toere tnent atoa? Berwick tottlj all tfjeir fee; Snti fatti, tljcp toljccn toere, anU if 8e &Qttin Cpeeti Ijtm, Jje fljouin foeUiig&tlp Klin tljem, ann refcne all tlje to, Sir James tin roon gtue fjtss attlent Co folloto tljem, ann fo?tlj i$ ment, folloto'n tljem in full great 6?, came toell near tljem fraffilp j 1T02 ROBE.RT BRUCJB. ere t&at tfjep migljt fullp fee, Cljep came foell neat fottlj tfceic men?ie : But tljen fcoti) fo?:ap ann tlje fcatl 40 CjiUere fciut into n fop ail Ijaill, *But fcna&es ann fiuatn^ tljat (jau no tmsijt 5fo? to ffanu into fielfc to fityljt, Before tfient gart tijep naiue tlje fcie-, C6ep toece a cigfit fair company, *s ann aitogetgee in a ftaiiL Cfte Dowgias fato tfjeit lump allljaiU, fata tfjem of fo goon conupne, fatu tlje^ toere fo many fpne, Cfjat t^ep foi one of Ijis tuere ttuo. 50 losings, fte fatti/fince it is fo, Cljat te fia^c cljajS'Q on Qfe manner, Cfiat foe noiu coming ate fo neat, Cbat foe map not efcljeft t8e figljt, *But if foe foullj? taltc tfie aigfjt, ?5 Let ilkane on fjtss leman mcne, 3nn Dofo 6e man? time lja0 been On gteat tfjiong, ann foell come afoap* CljinU foe to no tigijt fo to nap, ann take foe of tljis foo^n rjerttjp 60 SDuc a^antagc, fo? in gteat &p Cfjep Cljali come oit-ug fo? to figljt* g>et foe tljen foill, ann ftcengtlj, ann misfit, STo? to meet tljem cigljt (jarnilp* ann fottl) tljat foo?n full Ijafttip 65 tyz Ija0 ntfplapen W banner, 5f o? Ijt^ foe0 foctc all coming near, COat foljen tftep fatu fje fon0 fo foljeen, Cljougljt tljep fljottin fottlj tfjcm foon itfto tiecn, L l 1 1 3i8 Cije Kite attD 3lcts of aflemblen full 70 c&at men migfjt fee mm figljt fellp, 8nn a rig&t cruel mellee make, <3nn man? fftoftes giue ann tafce* Clje Dowgias tijete tons batnip fian, 'But tlje gceat (jaenment tfiat fje fjati, 7 > comfojten 810 men on R\t tmfe, no man tljottgljt on cotoacufce, fourjijt fa fatt mitfj all tfieit madt, p feil of tjeic foes Ijatoe flaiiu tljouglj tljep fie tuell far U)ap moc so C6an tljcp, vzt tljej? tijem tiemaineti fo, Edmund de Callow Ia0 t>eat into tljat life fellon fteen* all tlje la^e fca Ije ioajs none plainly fcifcomfiten foon tljep tljat cljafeu fome 6aDc flaftt, turneu tlje p?e^!S all again* C6e Darned fiffftt fo?rootD tf]ii5 ioa0, Cfiat euet tfje goon lo^n Dowgias ^ais in, as of fo feiu menjic; fa? Ijan not been fjte Qrccat botmtte, Cljat ileto tljcic Cljiftain in tljat ^}is men Dan all to nean been U>e ban into bis cttftom ap, e'er Oe came to barn p?efs Ijim Cfjiftain fo? to ann ijere fell bap, tbat Ije ntn fo, tZDfiat tjart ijtm babe Uta cj? feil fife* Edmund upon tfjis tuifc nean, tbe goon to?n tlje fo^ceff fjis tuapis ISttttjff ROBERT BRUCE. foes sreatlp can fpjang toeil far efijus tfiat in England neat tijctebp en fpofce of ft rigftt commonlp, 105 tt Robert Nevill at tijat tine, dSJinneo at Berwick neat fcefifle Clje maccfi, toljecc tfje lojti 6au at ijfm fwil gceat 1 10 5Fo? Ije fato fjim fa mania? aue W0 ijounuss ap mace anD mace, g)e fjeacti tljc folk tfrat tuttb ijim toece, apeafe of tjc loin Dowgiasfjtg mtgfit, anti fjoui Ije fo?cic toass in figljt, 115 ann ijoiu fje fell oft fair foitoun, tD:ecjjpt tfjeceat all full foon, fain, fo&at tocne pc, ii3 tficte none e'ei; is tuo?t6, but &e alone ? fet 6int ajs {je ftjece but peer 5 120 T5ut 3! a&oto before pou 6ere, 3l e'ee 6e come into t(ji0 lanu, ftail fine me neat at 610 6an& ; fee nifplapefc upon tueir, 125 a ajall aflemftle on !jim tost jotibt, aitljous6 pe 6om Ijim tte'ec fo ffout fiDf tljis auotu foon ibomDo^n ions tO S)it James Of Dowglas, faiD, if Ije tuoultj fiotti 130 a ttjal^tio fo, Ije fljall fjau Of me anti of mp companp, ece ougljt long foeH near 6im ftp> anp Xtts of retinue tljen gatfjeren b*, Cljat foere goon meit of great bountic, 13? 8nn to tbe marcb tit goon area? (Upon a nigbt ije took tbe tuap, 8)0 tljat fit tbe moaning earlp Cpetuas tuitb all bte company 03efo?e Berwick, ann tljece fte 140 s@en to tJtfplap ljf3 banner ann of Ijtg mettle fome fent De jfo? to mint toums tloo o? t(j?ee, bane tljem foon again tijem fpeen, tOat on ijann, if t^ere come neeu, 145 Cljep ntigljt before fyz Neviii tbat frnft Dowgias coming toajs fo near, faui all b:oau ftann f)ts banner, tlje folfe t&at fiaitij f)im loere, 150 anti ijc ban a great men?fe tfiere, jroj all tbe goon of tbat countrte linto tbnt time toitb Jim bati be, S)0 tbat be tljere,tuitb btm ban tljeu ^3ell mo?e tbnn iuere tbe Scottifhmen. 157 Dt beto bis taap up to a bill, anti fain, Lo^ntngsf, it tncre mp foill, Co make eun of tlje great nerap Cbat Dowgias mafeetij ug ilk nap* 03tit metbtnksl it fpeenful tljat lue 160 abine, tDljile Iji^ nt^n fcalpt be Cb^ugb tbe country to take tljetr p^e?, Cben fiercely fljoot on tljem lue map, toe fljall bn^e tljem at our Mil, all tbep ga^e nflcnt tbcretil, 3&IUJJ ROBERT BRUCE* $n& on tfje IjtU men fatt gatijet'D of tfje to ijfm in full great ijp* Dowgias tljen, t'ijat foas ujo?tljp, t Tt teas foil? mo?e to bi&e, 170 Cotoarto tfje Ijtll tijcit can (jc riuc* ann tn&en tljc Neviii fatu tbat JKttouin not pads fotfD to t^e But p?etteti to tftem tiJitb t&etc 8>e luift toeU tljen tfiat tljep toouin 175 ann to 6is men?f"e can (je fap, i, noto ijotn uie fojtfj out iuap, ij3 tlje flotoec of tljc countne, mo?e tfian tfie? alfo ace toe 5 foe t&en Ijattiiip, 180 5foi Dowgias tuitb pon peomani:^ feljali fia&E no mifffit to u0 pei'fap. C6en in a fculfi affembleu tije)?, Cften migftt men fieat tlje fpear0 &iaa, anu iifcane ninn; on otljec faft, 185 ana Woon bncfi put attuounus totne* C8ep fougljt faft upon eitfjec fivie, 5fo? eft6ec pact? can tfjem pafn Co put tftefc foe<5 on back aryafm Clje 10^0 Of Nevill attt! Dowgias, 190 TOen tfiat tlje ftgljttnn; felled C^rt togetljer tirtfjt in tije p2Cf 05ettMi]Ct tljent tljen Cfiep fougljt fell? tottlj all tljefr mauffljt, rout0 eitljet to otljec taualjt* Dowgias ftarket luas, moie ufcn alfo to M m m m ana 2lct3 of fie fet ijeatt ana mi alfo 5fo? to nelt&er ijim of (jig foe * 2Bijile nt tlje laff tuitlj meifcle main 200 Of fo?ce tljen Neviii fjas ije flam, Cljen Ijte enfignie 6p can ccp, 0n t&e laue fa fjatHHp cufljen UJitlj all fjig menf fe, into ajo?t time men mtgtfjt fee 205 Cftett foe0 tafte tljem to tlje flfgfit ; tftep tijem cljae'D tiritfc all tijetc Ralph tlje Neviii ftt tfie c&afe, of Hilton tljeosaton toass Cafcen, ann otljec of meiMe 210 c^ete tuass fell flam info t&at fn tljeic time (jan been ; twljen tbefiein ftjai3 cleanfea clean, @)0 tljat tljeic foejs e^ecilltane mm flain, o? cftasra atoap o ? tane* 21 j c&eit gact Ije fo?cap all tlje laita, fei^eti all t&at e'ec tbep fantf, bucneti totonsi in tfjetc toa?, e Ijaill ann feet coming ace tljep, ?epjs tljen amon/j ljt0 menjfe 220 after t&ctt mectts ueal can Ije, ann ijeltJ notl)tnfi: to ijte befjoof. >tft neetus ongljt to n;ar men loof Cljeir lo?t?, anp fo tljep uiti pecfap* ipe trentetJ tijtm fa tutfelp a?, 225 ant? tottfj To nietMe lofce alfa, anU fife a toanfemant UJOtUH ma C)f tbetc neeri, tfi'at tlje moft coloatn ipe mane ftoutec tljan a ROBERT BRUCE, 313 C2Jtt& c&etf tying tfitg 230 5)ig men unfffit, nun ct great bo tin tie. Earl Murray's Charge to King .Robert, to come to Ireland to aflift his Brother. Neviii tfiug foag bwljt to Of Cailow Olfc @>IC Edmund, C6e tyeaa of t&e goon aun [us tenoton fa * Cfoougfjout t6e marcijes of England, C&at all tftat tljere toete fn tofnnann, D?ean \m as t&c fell Dc'tl of fceii 5 anu pet Ija^e 31 fteacti oftfpf0 tell, Cfjat ije fo gteatip ^eau toass tljatt, 10 Cfjat tuben totuesi toouiu tljeir cljiin^m Cfiep Ujouin clg6t toitfi an angrp face, *Betetf) tfiem to t(je feiacfc Dowgias. fits ffteat too?ftip anti bountte, i)i$ foe0 n?ean tuas ijc, i? Cfiat tfiem gtueo to fjrac ijtg name, 5>e map at eafe noto Dioell at fjame a tufitle, fo? 31 ttofo &e ftall not dlttl) foe$ a tuf)tle at aU be fought* I1501D let toe fifm tn fo^eft be, 20 f fjtm no mo?e noto rpeafc -tofii tue, T3ttt Of g>it Edward C8at tmtfj an fits OTajS at Craig-fergus pet :o fpeafe mo?e uitH iuc take on Ijantr* 25 2Bljen ^fc Edward,, a 31 faitJ air, |>atl HifCOmfit Riehard Of Clare, Of aun of Ireland all tfje bantage, Cfince tfeouslj Ijte foo?tljp anti fynefottb all ijig men of main 30 Co Craig-fergus Haas come again* Clje 500U Cacl Of Murray Thomas Coofe lease fit Scotland fo? to 8nB 6e film lept ftutfj a ann fpne Jim c&ar&eu to tfje 35 Co pzap film fpedallp tljat fje Come into Ireland jjfm to fee : Ifoj toere tljep ftotfj into tfiat lanti, COep ftoiitti fintJ none fljouin tljem CljeCarl fojtlj tljen W$ toap Ijag tane, 40 ant to Iji0 ajtpptnff iss fte sane, $nn fallen toell out o'ec tlje fea s Scotland fooit arcttieti Je^ to tlje H^tnn; fje toent in fip; De Dim receiDen glatifomlv, 45: Slnti fpefteD of !j(0 Biotbet fair, of journepg tfiat t&ep fjan Ujete, tje fjim tol5 all but leefinty* tijat tlje Eing Dau left fpeitino:, cfjatge to tfce pofc ^tnn; tolti Ije, 50 ana Ije faiu, be tuoulti blptljlp fee 1^10 li?ot!jei;, ann fee t&e atfec )f tljat countcp, an& of tljeir toeic* a sreat meiif fe tljen gatljecen fte, anti tluo Lo^tJjs of tjceat ftountie, 5 5 Cfje One tlje Stewart Walter U)ag, James Of Dowglas, in (jig abfence mane fje, maintain tueli t{je countrp -, ROBERT BRUCE, 315 to tlje Tea Ije took tlje foap, 60 &nn at Lochrian in Galloway 5>c fljippcn tiutfj all ljt'0 mctt^tc, CO Craig-fergus fOOlt COme 10 Ije* g>ic Edward of Ijf0 Come tim0 blptlj, taent notun foj to meet ijim f fopt&, toelcom'n ijim toitij glanfome cljeac, titn tljep all tljat luitlj ijim lucce, rpeciallp tlje (Sacl Thomas 0f Murray, tfjat f)i0 nepfieft) Uja0* @>pne to tlje cattle toent t&ep pace, 70 ann mane tljem meifcle feaft ann face* C6ep tljete fojoucnen napis tljiee, ^nn tljnt in mictij ann lollitie. How King Robert: in Ireland difcomfited Sir Ri- chard of Clare with Forty thousand. J Robert "pan t(ji0 feinn luife 3into Ireland acciijen 10, 3nn tDljen in Craig-fergus i)an Ije OJttD ijf men Co(oucnen napg 5 Cbep toofe to counfel tfiat t^ep CCJitlj all tljeic folk tljeic tuapis CO?OUB() all Ireland, fca enn to otbec* @>ic Edward t&ett tlje ^ing'0 fyotijec 10 c&e ^tnjj Ijimfelf tfje cecetoacti mane, fnto Ijfg company Cacl Thomas tljat toas too^t&p. djeic toapfe foiitljtact Ijaue tljep tane,- foon ace pafTen c'cciifeane* N n n n fUfe ana 3tcts ot 6f S urns in minft of moutfi of May, fctttus CUB: in ilfca fpjap, tljeir notes imtlj feemlp foun, If 02 foftnete of tjje ftoect featoun, ann ieafces of tlje baancljc 20 anti tjloomjai &2tep6t ftefitie t&em ant> fields itcotoeti ate mttlj flotuccss Odell faftoucfng, of felt colour*, attti all t&ing tooitljtis, bl^tij nun OUljett tljat tfitss goon J^ing took ijte lua? 25 Co cine foutfcfoatu, as 31 fatti air* men tljeit Richard Of Clare mtng foas arcttieti fa, . anu toift tljat Ije ajuip tifm to ta ^)t0 ujap totoarti tlje foutij countrte, 30 Df all Ireland affembleu Ije ann c&eualrp, Ijobtleris ann peomanrp Ije ijati near fojtp t^oufanti* DC toouin not pet take on fjana 3 5 dlitl) all &te foes in fielu to figljt 5 05ut be tietFjougljt Dim of a fligfjt, ftJitlj all tiat great menjie, in a tuooti cmbu^eD be, fieane tDe map 40 CTDere tbat tDeir foeg (5ouin atuap, let tfjc uanguatli pafss far ftp, fpne air^mblen bacoilp On tfje rerettjarti toitD all tljeir mem Cljep tJin ass tfjep fcc&ifen tfjen, 45 ^n one tooon t&ep embuGtjeti toere* scottifh bolt raie up tljem near, 3&i\\8 ROBERT BRUCE. 05ttt t&ep no djetm'ng of tljem mate* Otit Edward fuell fat fojotttl) tane (SBftf) t&em tljat toeee ofljte men?fe, 50 Co tfie tetetoarn no tent toofc lje Richard Of Clare in &p, Edward foag pafTeU ftp, Sent UglJt peomen tftat ftJeU couin ajoot, Co fctcto tlje reretpacti on foot 5 5 C&en tiuo of t&em tfiat fcnt fo^tf) lucre, at t&efoooti'iitie tljem bfcftec'D ttjcre, fljot amono; tlje Scottifhmen. tbat tljece ijnti tuitlj ijfm tfjcn fi&e tfjoufanfc ttugljt anti UJO^tljp, ^o S>aUJ tljefe ttuo fo abantionlp among tbcm ftoot, ann come fo war, 8>e tniff tigfit toell toitijOtttteu Hi Cljat tfjep rigbt near fuppotocal fjan, Cfi^tefo^e a binning &a& fte maue, 65 C&at no man (ball be fo fcactip Co pncfe at t&em, bttt facallp, to tine a j? in batjtail, to nefenn if men aOail ; toe Qjali foan, j unnetta, 70 e fain, fiaue fo? to no toitft ma Colin Campbei tftat near 9 tu&ere tfiefe ttno peomen tuetc among tgem fjacntfp, on tfjem in full great &p s 7 5 ann foon t&e one ijas fie o'atane, ann ftjitlj te fpear Mm foon fiag flafit* C6e otBec tutm'n, ann ftot again, at 9 fljot fjte fjo?fe ^ flafm 32,8 Xf)e JLiit attD Slew of tfiat tQeftfng came fiaflily, so ann into 6153 melancholy, flUitlj a ttuncljcou into ijte nefce Co ir Colin fuel) nuflje Ije gafce, Cljat Ije ninten on 6te atfoun, Cljen bane Ije fmattlp tit ijim fcoimn 8$ ^ut otljec lo^tus tljat tuete 6tm ftp, appeasi'ti t&e l^tuo: into pactp, Ije Cain, Bieafeino; of caure all ouc 8Been ?e pan rifaain nurd atTatl 90 (Uj3 fo neat* into otic fcattatl 5 05tit if tljep IjaD fttpouiral near, 3i U3tt cigljt lueli toitljoutten foeir, lue fljali Ija^e to BO in &p, look ilk man be teanp, 95 C21it6 tljat toeil neac tfjittp c e ^ nice Of bowmen came, ann bicfcec'o fo, Cljat tljep ljuct of tlje &in& Ijij5 mem Ctje fctng; Ija0 gact 6i0 atcftec^ t&en , fo? to put tljefe men again. tljat tljep entceti in a plain, fatu atcap'ti againft tljem ftanu jn fotic battles fo?tp tljoufann* tljen, Lo^nmgss, let'0 fee in tw %ljt fljali be* On tljem fo^outten mo:e abane ttoutlp tfjen on tljem tljep tane, aflembien fo ijatnnp, Cljat of tfteit: foe0 a great part? &Dla0 lain at ecn at tljcic meetinir* no cijete tuas of fpearss QU a bcifting, ROBERT BRUCE. %& citijcc upon otfjcr ranc, it a tneli great fruflj fjas mane, came tijere fruffitnu ijcau tjjat feil on tlje grounn fell nean, g^anp a foigijt ann tuo#fjt> man, $0 dtljcr upon otljec ran, OLlece tmOjcti nean no&n to tlje gcou COc ten blooD out of man)? a tuounn Eudjeti in fo peat fttfton tfjait, 120 cjat oC tije WOOD tfje aream^f ram anu tftep tfiat iwiotfi tuere ann anrjrp, Dang on otljet fo fjnttitlp tditft toeapon0 tfjat toere bngljt ann Cl)at man? a goon man ntcn tDere : 125 5To? t&ep t8at fiartip foere ann ann ftoutlp toitb tfteir foess can lP?efTen tljem foiemoft foa to &e* Cfiere mtjjljt men cruel bargain fee, ann gam battle : 31 tafee on 6ann, 130 Jit all t&e UJeir Of Ireland @>o ijarn a figljttno: loas not fecit* C6e fofiete of great iwaoa0 nineteen, Sir Edward fjass toitfjouttcit fioeir, $nn tijat into lef0 tljan tljjce pear, 15 j 3nn in funn^ battles? of tljae aanquift'n tijirtp tfjottfaitn ann nine, OUitlj trappen ijotfe rigljt to t[re feet I3ut in all tijat time ijc luae pet ap anefo? ffrefo&en leaf! toa0 lje 140 T5ut tlje il^tng into t^iis melfee >an alitiap0 eig&t of 610 foe men jfo? one, but|ie fo bare Ijim tftcir, o o o o 330 Cljat ijfs goon tseen ana ijis bountic Comfo?tet Co all ljt'0 men?ie, 145 Cljat tlje molt cotoattJ ijatap if o? foljete Ije fata? tlje tbicfceft @o ijactiUP on tfjem DC rane, C6at tljerc about ijim room fje mane, Cfjat !je fleto all be mfs&t o'ectahe, 150 snti rutielp rufijeD tljem anti'Cacl Thomas tlje ma0 in all times neat ana fougfjt as Ije toete in a'tage ; S)0 tfjat fo? tljeit rjceat !3affalap, 155 Cljetc men fifc ijactitment can tafee, Cljat tljep no peril luoulti fojfahe, 'But tljem abannon'a fo ftoutlp, ann Dang on tftem Co tjai-tulp, Cljat all tDeic foes aftatu toere 5 1 60 ana tljep tljat fato toell bp t^jetr fate, Cfiat tfjep efcfjeiu'n fome neal tfte figljt, Cljen Hang tljep on tuitb all tfietr mtfffit, auu p^eft Hinging on tljem fo faff, Cbat tljep tlje bach gabe at tlje laff ; 165 ^nD tljep tfjat fato tfjem tafee tlje fligfjt, Cljep nang on ti)em luttf) al! tfteit misfit, anBin tljeic fleeing fetl can flap* CfjE J^tttg !)is men fjass' cljafet? fa s Cljat tljev toece fcalpt e'eril'hane* 170 Richard Of Clare tlje toap IjaS taite CO Devilling It) full gteat ljt>, mitlj otljec Lo^tJS tfiat fie* Ijim bp, ujarnifljt botlj caffleS anH tolons? toete in tbeit pofrefllouns* 175 2tttJS ROBERT BRUCE. GD&cp foere To fellp flexed t&ete, C&at 31 trOtB Sir Richard of Clare g>fjall oatjc no urill to fapnu (jig nugijt 3ln battle, no? in fojce to fig&t* TOtle &tns Robert an5 &te menf te 180 30 titoclling into tljat countw* CBe? fluffeti ftcenstfiis on tjiis totre, ann tfje Etnjy tfmt tnai5 to p?ife, in tfje fielD tigljt mattp (lain ; one of tljem tftat tljece toajs tane, 185 Cfiat tuajs accapen i |>e fatu greet toontiec ana asfc'D ijtm ttifi^ ije mane Cfc cfieer* 8>e fatu 6fm, Sir, toit^outten teir 5 it is no loontier tfiougfi 31 fft*eet, 190 31 fee feil lottyt tfie ftueet, flOtoer Of all tlO^tfj Ireland, fjarUteft toere of tljeir Ijann, moft noutpt in ijarn effap* aio, j?jau no U)?ono:, perfap, 19$ C&ott fiaft mo?e cattfe mirt&0 to ma, Ifo? tfjou tfitnean efcapea fa. King Robert's Humanity towards a Child-bed. RICHARD of Clare, on tijijg manner, anti all &is folfe Difcomfit toere, feto folfe, a0 3! to you toltu t6ett Sir Edward Bruce tlje fjOlD, 5 GLtift tjjat tfte Eing bati fougfjten fo, fo feil folfc, ann fj^ tfigrefro, ana Stotf of no man fee a foaet mam li5ut tlje gooD Bins Cain to dim t&att, Ctjat it urn* in Ijig otim fall? 5 10 jFoj &e tane fo umnittilp a fat before, ana no unnguatu ane to tljem of tlje tetefoatn ; jTo^ Ije fatn, fcoljo on toat ttottin 31it a fianguatu, be fljouio no tine 1 5 pans fcom \>i& tereluacD far jfo? gceat peril To fall tfcere migljt* Of tots fifffit tutll toe fpeah na mate, T3ut tlje l^ing, ann all tljat tftete toete, &atie foitoatn in ftettet actap, 20 ann neatet otljet tljan e'et uin tfjep, 6?ottglj alltfje Umu platnlp tljep tane, founti none tfjem obit acle mane* tatte e'en fO?Ottt Drochindra, fo?out Devilling alfa, 25 anti to jjiue battle none tfiep fann ; toent tlje? foutljttwtD in tlje lantr, tisbt to Kinrike ijciti tljett foap; t!5 tfje foutjmoft tofon, petfap, Ireland map founnen be ; 30 cijetc lap tljep napiss tioo o? tljaee, ann bu^ften fpne again to fate* 8nn toljen t&at tljep all teanp loete, Cfje Utns lja0 ijcncti a inoman ctp* y>t a0feen tofiat tljat toajf in ijp. 3 J it is tlje lapnnat, Sit, fain one, cljilD ill rigljt notu ijajs tanc, mou cleDe nom be^inn nss Ijece, C&ctefo^e flje maUes pon ei3il coear. Cfje ROBERT BRUGB* Ci)e Uing fnftJ, Cettes it tuece pitic, 40 C&at flje in tljat point left fljouin be 5 jFo? tetter, a ttoto, tBece'S no man, C8at (je unil not rue fooman tfjmu all tfjcce atreffca ijc, pet a tent foon ffcnteu be, 45 Sinn gart bet gang in fiattilp, otger women to be ijet bp, Bcttuec'n, fjc iianc, Cpne fo^tb on 6i^ toapig tane, $n& ftotu flje fo^tlj fljoulD cattfeD be, e'et 60 fojtlj fute, o?nain'ti fje luas a full great eouttefp, Cljat fife a Etng, ana fo migfjtp, ^att ijtjs men tifreU on tijijs manner, T5ut fo? a poo? latjentietr* $ 5 again nottftiuata tftep took tijeic tuap all Ireland t&en pett'a^, ail Conacht tO Devilline, t()20ttg|l all Methy anD Jereby J]f ne, ann fpne fiaillp t6?ougb uiifter, 60 SlnH Monefter & Lenefter, CO Craig-fergus fo^OUt fiattatf, tbete luas nonenutft tftem affaif. l^ingss of tfje irifhrie Came to ic Edward fjatllttp, 6 5 ann t6eit mancenpn can fiim ma, 05ut if tljat it tnete ane o? ttoa* Co Craig-fergus tljep (fame again, 3!n all tfjat my foag no iiacgain ; T5nt if t^at anp poinf e foete, not foj to fpealt p P P P Of tljen e'eriifcane to tijeir o&m repair arc sane, unfcettoofc in all fcittn t&tns to obep to tlje tiinnins 7? f ir Edward, tljat tljeir &ins caU'H tgep DC U)n0 nioto uiell fet in pan tuap Co conquer tftc lann ljaiiWp 9 5fo? 6e fian upon &te part? C(JC Irifhry antl Ulifter, 80 ann fie toa0 Co fo?t& on 6i0 toar, Cljat ije toajs patten tbiousfj Ireland f ra enn to otfier t&ougrt) (f^ngtft of fjant CouID 6e l)a&e gouern'u ijim ana foHoto'B not too fail 610 tutu, 85 *But toitft meafurc 6aue leo fiisf 31t luais toeli lifee tuitfjoutten fje mtfffit ijatie conquered lanti of Ireland T5ut 610 otttragiottg 90 ann toili tljat tnas mo?e tfian Of pttrpofc ietteu ftim perfnp, a (jereafter toill pou How Lord Dowglas difcomfited Earl Parry, and killed him. S> 2B lea&e foe fjere tfje noble feinff all at fjt'0 cafe ants fpeafc toe of tlje lo# to lieep tfje marcljeo gart fet tons&t0 tljat toete flee, intftefjaugljofLyntaiee ROBERT BRUCE. 335 l)t gatt tfiem mate a fate manneer* 3nn fofien tfie fioufes ingseo toete, 5>e gatt puma? fiim tigfit toell tfiere, to ifoi fie tfiougfit to mate an infare, ann to malic goon cfieat to 6ii5 mem 3|tt Richmond tfjCCC Ia0 ^UUIUtg tfjen COe eljcatti 6oio Dowgias tljougijt to fi at Lintalley a feaft to ma ; 20 ann fje fjati tottting iocll alfa, Cftat tlje fttng ann a great men?ie OHece yaffen tljen off tfie countcie, tfje Carl Of Murray Thomas : tljougljt tlje country 25 jFeefcle of men, fo? to tmtliffanti tljat fougfrt Hjitfi fo ftaituart of tfje marches tften fjad fie gottetnait anti tfie poufite* ^e gatfier'0 folfe about fiim tfiett, 30 oafiUe fie toas neat ten tfioufann men s anti ujoo^ajte0 gatt foitfi tfiem ta^e ; 5T02 fie tfiougfit tfiat fitj5 men tuoulti mafce Do fiet Jedwort footed fo clean, Cfiat no tree ffiottin tfietem &e feem 35 fiep fieiu tfiem fo^tfi upon tfieit ttaF* ^ut tfie goon Lotfi Dowgias tfiat a? fppf$ out on tilni fine, goon tuttting tfiat tfie]? foouin n'ne, ana Xtts of ann come upon Dim cunnenlp. 40 cfien gatfier'n (jc tigfit fiafftlp Cfiem tfiat fie misfit of fife men?te* 3 tcoto tljnt tljeu uritlj film foouin tie ftftp tfiat footffip foete ann at all point atmeft toeil ann 45 ^nti of arcljecis a peat men? ie aOembieft a!0 luitlj ijtm IjaQ fje, a place tljere Uja0 tfjece in ttje foap, jBftece fie tfiougfit tuell tfiep ajoulu aluap, Cljat ijan frooft upon ettfiec fine. 50 Cfie entcp taass toell large ann imne, a ffitein it nactoto'n ap, into a place tfie foap .(KiJa0 not a pennpftone caft b?ane lfie loyi of Dowlas tfiitfier peen. 5 j (KUfien fie tutft tfiep toece neat- camann, 3inta a cleugfi in tfie one fiann embttfljctJ fie, bane t&em fioin tfiem all ptfirie, (KHfiile tfiat tfiep fieatn fitm catfe tfie ctp, 60 ann tfien tfiep fljouin (fioot fiarntl? among tfieir foesi, ann foto tfiem face, Mfiile tfiat fie tfijougfi tfiem paffen ioete, ann fpnearitfi film fo^tfi fioin ftouin tfiep; Cfien Ijicfegi on ettfiet fine tfie loap, 65 Cfiat poung ann tfiicK toece pouring near, l^efenittoffetfiei: on fife mannet, tlLfiat men migfit not foell tfi?oagfi tfiem ctne Ollljeu tfite tuns none, fie can airine, (Upon tfie otfiec fioin tfie foap, 70 ann Hichmond (n a pon atrap Came ROBERT BRUCE. Came fining in tfie firff CIjc Lo?n Dowgias 6a0 feeii fiim foelf, ff art 610 men all ijoin tfjem ffm, at tljeir &ann tljep came tljem till, 75 aito entren in t&e narrofo foap ; Cften UJttft a fljout on tljem (fiat tfiep, Ctp'tl 01t ftp, Dowgias, Dowgias. Richmond t&at tljen toojtop toas?, fte (jass &earn fo raife tlje ccp, so anu Dowgias ftannet* falu plainly, ttftectDacti in &P ^ tftep eame on fo ftartitlp, t6?ouglj tfjem mane tgem t&at tftep met to etn Imi-e 85 :fje Richmond tfcece mm reftec^ ti, ann luttfj a fmife Eigljt in tjat place reft fjim tfje life. a Ijat upon W ftelm ^e imre, 90 atnti tftat took toitft fjim Dowgias tfjere, 3ln tofc'niun; fo^ it furr^t Sinn fpne in bv tfjeir umpte tiai()tle in tlje moon tftep entreu tuere* Cfje arcfiers lodl Ijaief ljo?n tljem tljere, 9> Ifo? Ujell aim fjarfcilp ajot tijep* Clje Engiifh rout in great effrap fet ; fo? Dowgias futitienl^ all tljem of ljt0 companp, )? e'er tljep loiff, lm$ in tfjeir rout, ioo 3nti tljitleti tftem tuell near tfeoutjljottt SUtti Dad almoft all tione Dig DeeD, ere tljep to ijelp tljem COUID ta^e Ijeefe Q q q q ana %tt& of ana fo&en ttjep fato tljeir Lo?u tons (lain, Cljep toofc jjim up, ana tutn'D 105 Co tyaiu tfjem from tlje fljot Cben in a plain affemblea tjep, fo; tljetc Lciti ttjat tijece urns neati, fijuip tfjem in t&at tllta ftean to tafce fiai:^ all tfjat m&ljt ; 1 10 ano tljen tfic Dowgias, t{jattoa0 loigt^ ^5ot toit tljat one Clccfe Hies, mitlj tuell four fiun^cD enemies, ail ftcaiff&t to Lintaiee iuece gane, ana (jatb^ fo? tijeic fioft &a& tane* Cfien tfjttfiec is 6c tuent in ftp, all tfjem of Jjig companp, founn Cletfe EHes at tlje meat, Ijisi men rounti about Ijim fet ; tfiep came on tljem ftoutlp tjjece, 120 anauritbttuo#0 tljat fljarplp ftarc C&ep fttbeti tijem full lain toece tfiep full tpeil neac efcapeti nane* fet^eu tljem on fo great inane, (Seating ftijo?u0, ana alg U)ttf) UniUe^, Cljat foell neac all left tfieii: Cljep fjan a fellon eftermate, CSat foun cljacgeg too Cbep tft^t efcapen tljete tfj^ouglj cafe, 130 EisW to tlje Ijoft tljeir toapigi taess, tolD Ijoto tljat tljeir men toece (lain clean, tljat tijece eCcapen nanc. toijen tftep of tljetc bod ban ijeacti $>ouj tfjat tlje Dowgias toitfj tljem fat'tr, 135 Cfiat ROBERT BRUGB. 339 Cfiat&an tfieir fiar&rpours nil flam, 8nn ruften all tfjemrctoes again, 3nn flett) tDeic Lo?n in mtntt tljeit tout. Cfierefoas none of tfiero all fo (tout, Cljat moje unu tljett fian to atTafl 140 C&e Dowgias, tfierefo^e to counraii tZDfjep pee5 s ann to pucpofe 6a0 tnne t)ometDarti to go, ana &ome arc gane, ann fpcD tftem fo upon tfjcic iai> 5 Cfiat in England foon come are tljep* 145 C6e fo^eft left t|jep (tanning ifi!l, Co Detu it tijcit tact? ban no twtff , ann fpeciallp tofiile tjje Dowgias near fjnnn bp tljeic netg&faour m$ fatn tljem turn again, 150 perceiDen tuell t^eir lo^ti toa0 flatn, tip tlje gat tljnt 6e ban tane, toift alfo rigbt toeil fo? ane Cfjat taken toa0, fain Dim footgfp, Cfiat Richmond ap commonlp (Dfta$ toont tljnt furren ijat to lucar* Cben Dowgias ijiptjer toag t6an e'er, fie tUift tuell tftat Richemond felion foe tna0 bjottgijt to ground James Of Dowgias on tfitg tDlfe, C&ougfi fiistooailjip, ann 6i0 emp^ife, Defennen ujo?tfiiip tfie iann point of toar, 3i tafee on &ann, unnertane full apertlp, eftfie^en rigfit (jarntlp, f o? fie not ffonien fo^out teir* Cfiat folk tfiat toeil ten tfioufann Uiere, 340 %lje 3Ufe anU %tt8 of armen men tout moe, 31 can ate ten, fiofo otljec tfoa points tbat toeil efeljefceti foete, 170 anttlj fiftP row* aim all but iDetr, iuere all none fo Ijattiilp, tljep foere all otfjec patntsf of in t&eic time efclje^en tuece* 175; Cljte toais tje fictt tljat fo ftoutlp 2Baj3 faiouffljt to cnu toell tDttlj fiftp* 31IUO Galloway tj)C Otfjcr fell, a0 pe fo?out ijeacn me tell, Edward t()e Bruce UUtlj fiftp 1 80 OLnnqttifljt Of gmint John ^)tt Aymery, ' fiftp (junti^en men ft? tale* fell itltO Eskdale, tljat eic John tlje Souies iua0 gotiecno? of all t&nt place, 187 CDnt tO @>i*: Andrew Hardelay, ODlitij fiftp men ftefet t&e ttap, C&at tljece ban in 8t"0 company Cb^ee ijun^en frozen jollilp. C()i0 ^>lc John into plain meilee, toono:6 fouetain ijatnment anu ftountie, ftucnilp t&em ilftane. Andrew in 6ann [jag tane* 31 tuill not rejjeacfe tlje manner, 5fo? tuljofo litolj t^ep map Ijeat;, gouno: ujomen, lo&en tfjep luiil plap, it among t&em ilfea nap* foere tfie toojtljp points? tlj^ee, Cijat, j tcoui, euermo^e ajall fee 3&ftt& ROBERT BRUCE. fo&ile men may on t&em rnene* ioo it 10 foell luotfO fojoutten tucnc, &&at tljeir name* fo? e&ermate, Qftat in t&etr time To footf&y foere, C&at men to ijeac pet lja0 nafntte, fo? tfieit uioifljip, anti tjjetc bountte f 165 Be lading a? fo?tft in logins, ftftljere be tljat i0 of ijeafcen'jg up to ljeafce lading lobing t.0. The Bifhop of Itunkelden, William Sinclair, his Prowefs and Courage againft the Humber Ships. 515 tbtt Tame time tfjat tlje Richmond on tl)i0 manner bjougljt to ground, Of tfje COatt Of England, utDElt on number, o? neat (jattlr, 5 atljereU tjjem a great men?te, 8nft ttcnt in fljippefj to tfte fea, Sun totoar IP- Scotland tuent in fjp, anti in tfje jfcitlj came (jaCilp* C6ej> (nent to fiafce all tljeic UWng, 10 fo? t&ep UJift full foell t&at tbe ftf ng Saa0 tfien far out of tlje country, OTttf) Mm man? of great bounty, Cberefo^e into tlje jfrtt^ canv tficy, enniann HP it fceiu tljeir faefitie Innerkeithing, UJeft Ijalf tOUiarH Dumfermling, tana, mid fad fiegotito to reff* Cfje Carl of Fife ann tfjeS>&eriff, R r r r of to tljeir confrg fljips appjoncljatm, 20 cijep satljer'D to fcefenB tfjeft an& afojeppn t&e ttjipg a? as t&ep failed t&ep fjein tbeir tljaugljt to let tljem lano ta tafee* UJljen tije fljipmeu rato tftem mafes countenance (n fife accap, fain am ins tljem all, tljat tftey fo? tljem be let lano to -t Cfjen to tfje lann t!;:? fpen tljem fa, Cbat t&ep came tftece fit full great 5p s 30 $nD.atrtt!e& fuilijactiCl)?* Scottifhmen fatD CfiCiC C0mtn0, ban of tbem fife abaCng, tljep all famen tatie tijem fca, tje lann letieffr let tljem ta, 35 Cljcp pucft not figftt tottlj tljem, fo? tft C&ep all itJitljtijeUJ t&em ijaiiltl^, Clje UJljece tljep toece ftbz ijuntycu near* tljep atuap tfiuis ti&utfl; tuece, no Defence bcgoutfj to fljape,. 40 S)f Dunkelden tlje ffOOO 'BtfljOp, . niCttv Called William Sinclair, a rout in gooD manner; 31 troto on Ijojre tljep toere ^)imrelf tda0 armen jolltlp, 45 ant) raue upon a ffaltoatt a cljimmar fo? to Ijeel Ijiss toeed Opon Ijis armour Ijan Ijp tljen, ana ntmea tuell al-s luere Ijte men* Clje Carl ann tfie ljeritf met ije 50 atoap'tuarti tDitij tljeir great men?ie, asfcen tfjem tern ton, luljat &p to turn fa fcaitilp* CDep fain, C&eic foes imtfj ffaitoart fianfc IDati in fik fution tatte tlje lanu, *5 C&at tbep t&oug&t t&ew all out too fell, ann tfjep too fem Uiitfj t&em to neal Soften tfje a3fttop Ijeacn it iua0 fa, S)e fattJ, Clje ftuiff ougfjt tocli to ma SDfpou, tftattiike^ fo tueli on ban* 60 an ijte abfencc to foetc fjts lattn* Cectess if 6e gact fcctie ]?ou lueif, Cfie 0tineii.f|pur0 cigljt bp tbe fjeel 8>e fljouin in ijp gat ije&j pcu fca 5 men m'fc anti Iji-si cou;itv Cutn fmartty noio^atn tcitft me* SUttb tjjat 6e feed of fjig e!)immair, Ijint in fiann a ttaltoatt fpear, raue totuard fjis foj & (n Op* 70 aututneri tuttfj Dim fjaiirtlp, Ifo? fie 6atJ tfjem tepjoueti fo s Cfjat of tljem alf none flen Oini fro* ro^e fiefoze tfjem tfiep Dim follouj'ti 75 CUbtle tfjat tfiej? came near nppioacFjattH Co tjjcit foes, tftat IjaD tane tlje lanti, anti fome toere fenft in ryoon accap, anU fome toere it?et to tfje fertap* Clje gooti 'Btftop ta&ca ije tfjem fato, 80 5)e fatti, iloiutnps but D^eati o? atu, Doe upon t[jem fiacHflp, me Ojall 6a^e tsem mil irty&tfp ^ Xije Kite an* 3tct$ ot tijcp us come but abating, tljat IDC mate 6ece no ffintfng, 85 Cljep ftall toell foon nifcomfit be. tso ve lucll, to: men fljall fee louesf tlje Eing'0 raenfifc to nap, Cljen altoget&ec in goon arcap Cfiep p?fck'ti upon tBem ftuttiflp* 90 Clje TBtftop tljat tuajs rtgbt jjattip, ann metWe, ann ftatli, cane fa^out ap* e ban ap to tljem ijeaup umu Sun fjcis tljem faff at unDec ap ; tijat it fell upon a nap, a 'BttCgeK, Syme Of Spalding. C&ougijt tijnt it tuasJ ngljt nnpp tljine:, Dogate ap to ccbuteD be ; Cljetefoje into &t$ Oeact tljougljt ijc, Cbat be tooulti flplp mafee can jpuc Jiaitlj tjje acfuall, teljofe confute 8>e Dan tDentuD to tte fcife ; ann as &e tljougfit, 6e Dili fcelpfe* Letters to fjim Ije Tent m !jp a trainman ail pjtoilp, fet Dim time to come a m'g&t 70 (KKitb lanners, ann tmt& goou men UJtc; T Cill tlje cotu^ate all p^iutlp, bane ijtm tjoitJ (jts traiff ttuip, 6e ffiouin meet tljem at tfte toall, IToi W tualfe tfjere tftat nigfit CjouHi fal! 75 OHjen tlje acOjal tlje letter fail), De unfjetfiougftt (jim tjjen a tbiaui, If o? fie foift ftp 6imfelf, t&at 6e iff&t not of mtgljt uo? poiucr tie jTo? to efcbe&e fo great a tfjing ; so anti if be took to bis belping One, anotber fljouin tDttting be, Cbetefoje rigbt to tbe ^mg peeu be, 348 2U* ^ttu 3let$ Of ft fjtm betfrnirt C6e letter nun tlje cljarp alfo, 8> anften tljat t&e &tng ijearn tgat tyi$ train pofccn Urns Into certain, Dim tljdugfjt tfjecetrt luasf no fantffe* 5)efait 6tm s Cem0 pew tomtit n0 tufCe, Cftat Das mrca&et'n t6e tc^ft to me, 9 o fo? if tdou Ijatm nifcotjev't! tljee Co mp nep&etu tlje Carl Thomas, CIjou fljoulDft ntfpleafe tfje lo^n Dowgias, ^ntiUfmalfomtfiecontrare. nBut 3i Wall itJO^ on fife manner, 9? Cfjat pou auti tljtne Intent fljail be, ^ntj fjaue of tfiem of main mmtgtee; C6ou ftalt ta^e feeep U)ell to tfje tap, aim UJttfj ttjem tljat pott pttrcfiare map, at eu'n you fljali emtwiften be ico jn Dunce parfe, but be paMc, an* 31 fljall gar tlje earl Thomas, ann tee Lo^n alfo of Dowgias, T eftber fuftfe fofom; e fiegljt t6?ou0:{) nfffecence of fumoun, C6at fiate film fo rfg&t toeil tljat nap, ann put ijim to fo Barn effap, ^nn ftk ntnt0 about Dim nang, Cljat tofjcre 6e fato tfie tfifcfeeft t6?ang, s? De p?elfen tDitft fo meffcle mtgljt, ann fo enfoicenip can fig&t, C6at fie mane to &fe menjte map, ann tfiep tfiat neat toete to (nm ar, Danff on tjjeft foes fo {jatnity, 90 TOat t&ep fiaue tane tfie tjacH in fip, ann to tfte came fjein t&e toap, ann at gteat mifcfjtef entten tlje^ 5 5Toj tfiep toete p^effen tBete fo faff, C6at t(jep fed lefpt of Uje laff 95 *But t&ep tftat entten, not fo, 1 t&p, pateis Dafftlp, ettmus tnn, f o? tfjev luete not all ficfcet tfjam The 352. The Caftle of Berwick taken, and Walter Ste-iwtrt of Scotland made Governor thereof. toUm urns taken on tins tutfe, tljctr great tuo$)tp auD ftp all tije goon tfjat tijep tfoete tann fef^eti fmactlp Into fjann* anattal tljep fans m great fttfioutt, auu all tijat fell to (tuff a tolun, Cfjat deepen tljep fta uefttopiitfif, fpne !jad -too?n Tent to tijr ije toass of tljat ttftinu l)!. n - o 10 ann fpcn !jtm ttjitijetinacu t &nti a0 Ije t^ouiTi) t : ae, to Ijim U)i>iie & ua& eiklc rout cfujo^tbr mnu tljc folk tijat tocre uifnnanp tljcn 3intO tljC Merfe aiU) TeviJa! ,-, in tl)e fojwtt aI0 all Oatil, tfjC Call etttl Of Lathiane, tijat tlje ftiug; came, arc gane Co Berwick luttlj fo fialUiart Oaiip, Cijat none tijat lunsi tijat tf me unmiann pon ijalf Tweed, micff UJCH appear. tljep tijat in tlje cattle luece, tfjc? tfjdr fo^ iu Cfc plentie fo^otit tljeui aUemblcp lie, 25 ann (Jan no ijope of i-cfcuuttj, Cljev mere abafetJ in Qteat tljfno;* 13tit tficp tlje came, not fo; tljp, ROBERT BRUCE. 35$ pne panto ft upon tije art!) nap, to t&eir country fpne tuent tljcp. tmig tljc cattle aim tije toum CO Scottilhmens pOflefBOUtt O&oug&t, ati foon after t&at t&e &ing Came rtlmtff foitlj \)i$ ffatljcring : gj Co Berwick, anti ttt tije caffel |>e tuns (jacfycn ftotlj fate ano luclf, anti all W ffteat 10^0 &im bp ; C6e cemananB all commonlp Co fiatfc?p to tije tolun are gatte* 40 Cbe Etnn; ba0 tljen to counrel tanc, tat ije UJOKID not t^cnk noton t&e iuali ; *But cattle ann t&e touiu loitgal tuff toellimtfr mm anD emu all iunn otijcc apparel 45 C6at migfit atiatl o^ elfe mttter Co IJOID cattle toiuti of &pefr, 3nU Walter Stewart Of Scotland, Cfjat t&ett tan0 poung aun 3n& fon fit Into iua0 to tije Uinn:, 50 oati fife great mill, ann fife panting Bear &anu tije marcfieg Ri^ to be, Berwick to (jimfelf toofe fje, of t&e Kins receiU'& tfie toftm, C6e cattle ann tljc tmngeom 55 C6e l^fnff gart men of great nofolap Efne fnto England foa to p^ep, Cljat feougftt out great plentp of fee, $nti uittij fome countries tretuc.s toofe fa? iiftuai, that in great fuflon 60 s>e gan 6^ng fmartip to t&e toum, U U U U 354 tfjat botfj cattle ant) tofcm force fiuffea fo? a peat ana mace, CfiC SOOH Stewart Of Scotland tfiett g>ent fo: (jig fricnajs ana alg fiig men s tomtit 6e ban toitf) ijim, but acc(jec0 s but fattctiotDpiis ana afoblaff ers, m.en toigljt anu too^p, bace acmeiei of ancefttp* John Crab a Fleming *10 gatl fie, 70 Cfjat toa0 of fo great fubtiltp, Co ojfcain, nun malte appattl, fo; to Defenn ann to aifail Cattle of toeic, o^ tljen citp, none flpec mtgOt fountien be. gact enginejs ann ctanp0 ma, ana pucUapeD great ficgf alfa, ana fijot on feir manners, to aefena caftless tffttra, into full great toane ; *Bttt gpnnte fo? crafepjs ijaa fie nane, jf o? (n Scotland pet tfien but tDeen s Cbt ufe of tfiem fiaa not been Teem tfiat tfie toton upon tfite ftiffc ttuffea, a0 3 fiere aeatfe, Cfie noble ftfng fits toap fia0 tane, ana rtaaen totoata Lothiane, Walter Stewart tfiat U)aj3 ttOUt left at Berwick tDttfi fitgl COUt, ana o^aatn'a fatt fo? apparail 90 co aefena if men tuouia The ROBERT BRUCE. 555 The King of England (leges 'Berwick both by Sea and Land. tbat tO tbe fcUtff Of England tola, botu tijnt tuitb ffauuatt finite Berwick tag tane, aim (f uffen fine CUitb men ann nisuai of atmpne ; 5 8>e foa$ annopen greatiimlp, ann gatt aff^mWe ail bailUip ftfss council, ann ijag tane to wan, CBat be w 6oft luill tgitijet lean, ann tufts all mtefit tijat be mig&t net 10 Co tfje toion a fiege be tuouin ftt, 3nn gact npfee tbem Co Caitoartip, QDbat tnbfie tbem lifte* tbece to ip, Cbep fljouin fac out tljc ttatftec tie 5 ann if tbe men of tije counttie i$ oattb fttengtb of men toouin tbem affatl, fit tijetc npto fnto imttail CijEp Ojouin anantage bane greatly, Cbousb all Scots fo* gteat follp CBete to affail Into figljting; 20 at bte npfeeg fo dath a &fng* CHlben tbfiS counfel ON tins manner oaags tane, be gact botij fat ann near H>i* boa bafllp aGemblcn be a great foifc tijeit uiitb btm ban be, 25 fl)f Longcaftle tbe Carl Thomas, Cbat fpne foas @a(nt, as romc men fap& 3nto W companp t0agi tfjece ; ann all tbe atl$ tijat aisJ toere in of Jtt EnglandfoOtfljP fOJ to fiff&t, ana 'Barons als of meffcle mtgbt fjim to tfjfot afltese bati be, rjart bte fljtppes by tBe Tea, anti otfjcc apparel, great ujarntfon of ui'etuaf* Eo Berwick tuitlj all && meitjie, battles arta vcn came be, to great Lo?ne, tlhane a ficin fo: tijctc Cftat mert mtffljt foon fee pai?eons 40 *Be flenten of ftttiUM? fa(6ion0, C&at tljep a totun all foon maae tfjece, 93o?c tijau liotfj totun ann cattle tuete. SDtt eitfjec fialf f^ne on tfie fea COe djtppep came tn fife plcHttc 45 C2Itt& ntsual, acmiuff, and toit& men, CDat all tfte Ijauen toa0 ffoppen tfjem aD ioben tljep tljat tuece in tljc toton, Sato tbett foe0 fit fife fufioun, Bp lanD ann Pea come ftuctitlp. ^o cijep ais fofoftt men anti @>&mp tbem in aBentuce of Been, (Hat tijep tDouin all nefenti tijcfi* ftceti, O; tben tfiep luoulD cuft again CBelt foejef, fonbeit Captain 5 5 Created tbem fo louinglp, ann tfjetetottbal tbe moft pattp 0f tbem ttjat atmen toitlj ijim toete, OHece of W blooc, mitt fib Ijim near, gD? elfe tbep tuete of bi^ allee. 60 >f fife comfort men rnigbt tficm fee, am ROBERT BRUCI. 357 of fo ffifr n'g&t contemn^ C8at none of tjem ijan abating* capon naps ar&efc aell foece tljey, ann on tlje nintfjt &e|i tnalUen ap* roil ftc naps fo tljep tints C8at no full ftacffnfn rec tfiep anto tfttsJ time tljat 31 tell 6ece, tljep UJitljouuen ftatgain Engliflimen fO ClOfetl Ijatl 70 c&ett fjoft tottfj npto, tljat tljep Dan matie, C6at tfjep loece ftcengtljneti sceatumlp, tottlj all tgefr ljant>0 iJtiOip ffiutp tfjem UJitfj tljett apparel Cljcm of tfie toiun fo? to alfail ^ 75 &nH Of OUt latlp'0 elJCn Mary, Cijat boae tfee fitctft tljat all can fittp, Cftat men ca!l6et* laatfoftp, @>oon In tlje mogntnrj men mtrrljt fee Clje EngHih Soft acm tljem in Ijp, 80 ana tJifplap bannetgi ftucnilp, ann tljem affemble to tljeic banners &ftit& inffcttmentis on feic manners, &s fcaffolDsf, latstietsf, an ptfeUp0, ijoung, annuiitlj $5 Co iifca o^, anti Ijigi ftattail 2Bas oinain'n toljere De fljouin affait ann tfjep toitljtn, UJljen tljat tfjep fnio Cljat men;f e range tijem fo on tato, (Unto tljeir Uiavtus tljep Itient in Ijp, 90 cijat fioere ftuffen rigljt fialtoattlp CBitf) (tones; ann ttjot, ann otljec tljinnc, Cljnt neencn to tljeic n^fenninff, X x x x JLiit ant) $cts of ana into fik manner a&afce* C&eir foes tijat to affail t&em mane, 9 7 (Ddlljen t&ep fcrit&out foere all reaup, Cljep trnmppt to alTault in DP, attti ilk man twtij ins apparel, cafjei-e ije fljoulu be frent to affaif* Co fifta fcprnel t6at toere tfiere TOO $rcfjer$ to fljoot adtgneti toere* toljen on tfjis tutfe tljep ftere toentin gp totoarn tije tottm, anu filleti up npfeegf Ijaffilp, 8>pne to tlje toall rigijt Darntlp 105 Cljep tnent toitlj lawiersi tljat tfiep 03ut tljep fo great Defence {jass maoe, Cljat foere aboon upon tfte tuall, Cljat oft iatiner0 ann men tuuijal Cfjep gart fall flatfjing0 to tfte grounl 1 10 c&at men mig&t fee in a little ftouno, cpen afTailing fjarnilp, D?e(Rng up Jatmers uougfitifp, ann fome on lanuers p?e(Bnfl: tuere* ^ut tfjep tbat on tfie tuall luere tfjere 115 Co all perils can aban&cmu Cljem, till aH tDeir foesf tocte Hung at great mifcljief uefennen tftep Cljeir tofon $ fo? if tue footlj ffmll fap, C^e toall^ of t&e toum t&en toere 120 @>o Ioto 9 t&at a man Uritlj a fpear ftrtUe anot&er upon tlje face ; t&e fl)ot fo t&ick tjjere toa]5, C&at it toere toonucr fo? to fee* waiter Stewart ap tuitjj a menf ie, Bitlfl ROBERT BRUCE. 559 125: Saaeafcout ifftemftftt fecfoljere C&at fo? to fjelp moft miftet lucre, ana ttrtjcre men p^cflcn moff, fje maac g>uccout to bus tijat mittec ban. Cije nuifcle folk tijat itni0 toitljout 130 enfrtroaD gan tfjc tolun about, @>o tijat no part of it funs free* Cbcrc migiit men tfic n^aiiecs? fee tficm rtg^t t^e aefetttietjs all tfjetc mtgijt can tljcm pain Co put tljeic foe0 iuitlj foace again* How an Englijh Ship was burnt, and an Engi- neer taken. ' t8& foffe tfiem conteneti tljep, ijtle noon uiajs pafleti of i ijc cap, Clien tlje? tfiat in t6e fttppcg tna-e, )^tiatn'ti a fljip tuitfj full great face Co come UJttfj all tier nppatel Eigfjt to tbe Uiall fo? to alTatl. Co mfUmiaff up tfjcic uoat tfjep D^cU), atmeti men tgetefn enett). fia5 fo? to let fall 10 Eigftt fta t&c boat upon tfie Ml ; 8Httfj {jaro:e0 ft? l)ec can tlje? toto, anti pjefleB t&em rijjljt fan to tofo Det ftp tlje ftntiJte^oufe to t&e toalf, flDn tfiat intent t\w fct tljem all. > 5 C&ep fa^ougftt ijer tofjile fte came (uell neat ; Cijen mifi;6t men fee on fifc manner, Some Hife ant* %tts of >ome men nefenn, ann Come affntf, full lutfilp ttJitlj great tcanaiL OEUtOin To ffoutlp tljep tljem bare, 20 coat tfje fljipmen To Oanniefc foere, COat tOep toe fljip on no manner f gbt 0ac to come tfie toall Co neatr, COat toetc falMj^itige mtffOt nepeO tfjerettl, jfo^ ottrjot tljat toe? mottffOt sroon o? tlf s 25 . dOOtle toat fte ebben on toe gcotmti* COen mtffOt men in a little ftounn 8>ee tOem bp fare of foat conupne, COnn tOep toece e'er toat loece Oer in* ann Mjen toe fea toa0 ebfceu fo, 30 COat men all D:p migOt to Oec go, ati goon leecfjeg, fo^footlj 31 Cljat Ijelpeti t6em a0 tfjep fieff SDn eit&et fine toearp foete tftep, Cljat nt'sljt tbe? ufn no mo?e jftue uapis aftec tfjep foere fttll, 20 Ctjat none to ot&et n(D gcent ill* leaiie tue tfjft folfc fjere Itaitti as? 31 fiafce fto?n on 6ann, turn tfte coutfe of mt carping Co Sir Robert tije nouffjtp l^inff, 2j Cljat affemblea bot(j far anu neac an &oft, UJljen tljat Ije tuiff but foeur, Cfiat fiktDa^s tlje l^ing of England a^ati aflletjen tuitlj ftaimart ijann Berwick, U)ljetC Walter Stewart tDa0, 30 Co purpofe tmt{j ijiss menlje tacjs, Cfjat Ije tooulli not fo foon affaii Cfje &ittg Of England tDltlj battaf !,' anu at lji0 tpheis ef^eciall?, f o? tbat mfffbt foell turn ta foil? : ROBERT BRUCB, ? fEfceteo^e 8c o^aine lotfus t&m, C&e Carl of Murray tuag one of tfjae, C&e ot&er tnag t&e lo?n Dowgias, GUitfj fifteen tijotiraun men to pafg Jn England, foj to burn and flap, 40 8n& fo great cfot t&ete to ma, Cfiat t&ep t&at lap fiegfttg tfje tofcm, diijctt tljep Ijentn tfjc netouatomt Cljat tfiep ftoulti (nto England ma, tjoulB &e fo abetting, ann fo 55 3Fo? tfieic djtin^en ann fo^ tfjeic Cfiat tfiep ajoulti tyean to lofe tfieic Ittje^, 1 3n& alfo all tfjetc n;oan0 5 tljnt t&ep g)ljouin D^enD tfjcit fljottlD fie ijatJ aluap. C&ep ftouift tljen leauc tljefu fiegefn lji>, taent to refcue fjaftilp goot0, tfteic fcfenng, ann tbefc lanti t ass 31 ija^c &oan on fjann, Lo:5j5 fent Ije fo^tltottf) f n !jp a tljep tijeic map took gattUp, in England gart burn ann fla; ftj?ouffj)t t&eretn fo metfele loae, %$ t&ep fo?2ap'n tfte countcie, Cfiat it lung pttp fo? to fee Co t&em tfiat ftjouin it anp g ootr, iroa t&ep Deftropen all as tljep poo&, "[ loan; tljep tone Defttoping fo, t|jep ttauetfeu to anti fro, are coming to Rippoun, anti nettropen uifjonp tijat tofoiu ^it Barrowbridge fpne tfteir ftarfi^ ati at Mytoun tfiere&p* tofien tfie men of tfjat counttie C&cir lana fatu fa ngftropcn be, Cfiep gatfiereu into full great fip, 7 o arcfiers, I3ttro;ef0, ana geomanr LtUettrifepiieffs, onto, Clerftf, |)ugibnmj0, ana men of nil matinee^ OTjile tfjatt&ep famen fembleti tuere caieil tfoentp tfioufann met ann mare* 75 Efgbt gooti arm0 eneU) tljep ftaD* Clje accljbtftop of York tje^ maBe Cijctc Captain, aim ije into counCel ^n0 tane, tfiat tfjep in plain battle QUOUltl fOOtt affatl fte Scottifhmen, so C&at far fetoer tljan tlje? foere tljen* C&en fie ttfpla^eti bfc banner, aim otfier 'Bifljop^, tljat tljere ^art tfteit banners* fciCplnp ail in a rout fotfb can tljej? 85 CoUjarD Mytoun tge reaup ann to&en tbe Scottifhmen ijearn fap, toere to tfiem faff conu'nrj near, bugfc'u tfiem on tfieir beft manne^ tjelpt tfiem in battles tfoa* tfie atuar& fie can ma, Cfie rerefoart) Carl Thomas can ta; ifo? Cfjiftain of tee fiott tua0 DC, ann fo o^aitrn in goon array, tEtftuarB tfieir foejs tfie? ijelti tfieir my* ,$4 95 JKUfien eitfier fiati on otfier figfit, Cfiep pjefjs'D on botfi fialf to tfie figfit* Cfie Engiifhmen came 3&IUJJ ROBERT BRUCE. 365 Eigljt in a fcaty Uritfj tbeit banner, mWt tljat tljetc foes ijau come fo near, Cljat tljep rnfgljt toell tljeir Mirage fee* fpeac length toeil ttoto j migljt be , tojjen fifc abafinn; Cocfc tfiern, tbat bat mace in a fim'ng 105 ^ep gaue t{je bacu all, ann to go* 2HIjen tlje Scotfmen ijau feen tljcm fa affcapenip flee all tfjett tuap, 3ln peat Ijp upon tljem Riot t^ep, &nn fleto aim took a gceat pactp* no cije lai3e flen full affray enip tljep beft mougljt to feeU foarranflv cljafen tljem fo near at Ijann, Cljat neat: a tljoufantJ Uteu tfjere ; g_t of tftem tftiee Ijunti^eD tljece uiece 2)f I9?ieftjs tljat men fo tlje c&afe, Cljat fo? tfcat batgain calien toagr Cl)e Cfiaptuce of Mytoun, foi t&cre Slain fo man? of tfjetc p?iefts toere* The Scots Cran and Englijh Sow at Berwick Siege. ftic folh t(ju0 mfco^tfit itjn^, Scottiftimen &ati left tije cljafe, tljem fogttmtD bv tfte lanti, fell ann neaco^ann* 5 3nti tfiep tljat tljcn at tfje (lerye lap , r a& mane tbem fcg t&e ucfemung, )n ttje Rood efcen in tlje cafcring C6c Engiifh jjoft feleto to affatt ; men migftt fez tmtl) fetr appncel great god come ou ff urutlp* ro cije toftitt citSitcon'ti tfiep in ijp, ^UD alTatieD Uritlj Co great lutll, JTo? all t&eti: m(n;8t tfie? fet t&eretil, CBat tfiem tftep p^efs'D faff on tfie totum But t&ep tljat can tfjem afiannoun, 55 o uean oa t{jen to mounts ftace, tjjem tiefenneti tijccr, ianrietjaf to t&e gcounti tijer aarrr ; 3nd tnttlj gceat ifoneis fo fad tfjep fattg Cfeefc foes, t8at fetl t6ere left liana, ome tJean, fome fwct, anti fome ItDOonanti ; But tljep tljat ftein on feet, in f# toem afoap uelitjecf^ fcounrpt not fo? t&at tijtng, tuent ftoutip to aflailing s ana tbep aftoon nefentiea ap, anD fet tfiem to fo fiacti affap, feii of t&em Itjounaen tuete* t&ep fo great Defence ntaae t&ere, Cintea tfieir foeg mtgfit* manner can tjjej? figljt SBfitle it tta$ neat noon of tlje tm?+ C6en tfjep ftjitftout on great array p?eireti t&etr folo totuaru t&e ioail, foitfifn foon gart can 368 75 C&e engineer t&at tafcen urns, ana great menace to fjim mae# t ana ffooje tfjat fje ftoulo tip ; but &e iW& on tlje foto fifc fubtiltie, 0at &e fljouia fruflj fjec ilka tieal* so aim !je tljat 6a0 percet^eti toe!!, C6at tbe nenn luas tocll near Ijfm tilf, t if fje misfit fulfil tljeir tuill, at fjigs mtgljt tuouin in great Ijp tljen taa0 flje, 65 cfiat to tlje folu foas etjen fet 5 3in IJP fie cart H?al tfje cleifcet 3 mm fmartlp f tuappen out a (tone. o'er tfie Cofo tfje (lone ijs gone, beljtnn it a littl^ ta? ,90 jt fell, anti tfjen tfjep cried fiie, Cbat luere in Der, fo^tlj to tljc tunll, f o? u?eaWefsi it te ottr0 all* Clje Engineer nelfterlp ^act benn tlje gin in fu!( great fip, 9> &nn tfje Cone fmartlp ftoappen out* at fleto out ftjfittljering untij a rout, anti fell rig&t e^en before tlje foto 6eart0 tljen begouti to groin, pet tficn Uiitl) t&efr migfit^ all f:6ep pjete'ti tfje foto totoarn tlje toall, anti 6a0 fier fet tfjertto gentlp. Clje f tuigfit men armerr into ffeel, Cfietr boatjs up upon tlje maff, Djaton up toell ijigb, ann faffnen fatt,, 5lnli p?e(TeH toitlj tljat great atour 1 30 CotoarD tfie tuall, but tbe tneeu iMt in tlje afpine tmtfj a (tone, Slnti the men tfiat therein toere gone, ome ueati, fome nofnen, came notim 5f ra !jencefo?tlj none nurft talte on ijann COitlj fljips to p?er0 tljem to tfje ipail ; T5ut tt-e lafce toere availing till On ilfea fine Co cagerip, cartes & urns great A a a a a C&at tfjat folk fift Defence fjass mane, 140 auttlj tbe great nrifcbief tljat tbep ban * 5Fo? tbeir tuallte fa loio tljen toere, Cijat a matt rigbt foell Uritb a fpeac tgljt ftcifee anotljet tit tfje face, %$ Ijece &efo;e fata to pew foa& 145 aun fell of tljem uiete tootmnea fate, anti tlje iaue fo fait ttaueira Kiiete, Cljat none fiati time tea fo? ta ma, Cljeit at&etCattc0 affatrn fa. C&ep toeteftJttljin fo fttattlp Can, 150 c&at tijeit GHatnett tijat tutts film 6aH an ijuntyeu men in company atmeti, t&at ujfgijt toece anti 8atnp, ann tone about fo? to fee fofjete Cljat 1)10 folk fcatneft p?eflen ujete, 157 Co relfetje tljem tljat Ijati mtftet, Ome ftmn$ time0 in placess fetr, OTjete fome of tlje nefennet^ toere ail nean, ann ot6et0 tuounnen fate, >o tljat fce of 6(0 company 160 xeljo&'n fo? to leane great pattp, g>o tljat be &e a coutfe fian mane about, of all t&e men ije ban, Cbeteioais leauen tuitb ijtm but ane, 5fo? be ban left tljem e'ecfiftane 165 Co teltebe tobere be fato mitter, ann tbe folk tljat alfailann toece at Mary pate, too befoen ban a batten, ann a fire ban mane Jit tlje n^auj^bnnge, ann burnt ft nottw, no'ann toere tljnngfng in great futioun Efe&C BttljJ ROBERT BRUCB. 371 JEUgfit to t&e pate a fice to ma ; 3nD tljep uutljm gart fmartlp rja One to tlje toacom fo? to lap, DotD tljcp luece ret in ijarn effap* 175? 8n& fofjen S>tr Walter Stewart tfiat men fo ftrattlp tijem jjact come off tlje caff Ic'tijcit ail tijat t&ece frete of ncmcu men, JTo? tljece tljat Hap attaiieD nane ; i so aiiti uiitfj tfiat tout in (JP tjs gane Mary pate, aitti to tye lunli rent, and fatu tfie mf fcftief aif, anu unlJEt&o0!)t ijtm rmmenlp 5 *Bttt if peat Oeip ioece fet in fip 185 cijcteto, tfiep fljauin bunt up tfjc pate, Cbat ft a tlje tuali tljcp fljouin not let, Cberefoie upon great fiarniment 8>e funtienlp ret ijts intent, ann gart all Uiitie fet up ttje pate, 190 ami tlje fire t&at ije founn tfiereat ffrengtft of men fie put atoap* fet fttm to full barn elfap : 5To? tee? t&at mere affatling tgere, PKiTeti on dim tmtlj weapons futre, 195 ^ttn ije nefennen tuttij ijt-s mig&t Cfiere mfgfit men fee a fellon figljt, Cljere mane tfiep ffarlip ^ SFo? toitb great ffrengtlj of men tftai; pate 200 ffcjjep nefennen anti (toon t&ereat, ^9augre tljeir foe0, tofttie tfje nfgfit ^art tijem on imtij fjalfis lea&c tfie figfit How !Ufe ano 3(ct$ at How Earl Thomas of Longcaftle leaves the Siege with the third Part of the Hoft, and for that is in P urn fret Caftle beheaded by Andrew Hardly. ?> < p of tee fjoff, Wjen mgtt can fall, f ca tije nflituit tmt&njeto tijem all, GLlountcu ann toearp, aim fo:bcft, mill) man c&eat tfte aOauit tijej? left, j attti to tljeic fnne0 toent in 6p f ann fet tljeic toatcfjeis ijaftilp* Cfje laue tljem ea0'o a0 tftep mfgljt fiett, 5f o? tljep Ijaa gteat mtftet of teft* Cljat nf s&t t6e? fpafee all commonly 10 flDf tfjemtuit^n, ana ban fecip C&at tbep fo ftcact nefence ijan mane, a^afnft tlje gteat airault tljep fjan* ann tfjep luCtljin on otfjet pnrt)>, CSlljen tljep tljeit foe0 fo ijaftilp 15" s>nuj tbem Ujitijn^atu, tfjej? tuece aH fifttfe ann 6a# o^natn'n tljeic iuatclje0 f toptlj, ann fpne ace to tljeic tnnes gane* Cbte toasi but fctu of tijem tljen flaiir, *But fefl toete tuounnen uttetlp 5 20 ci)e la^e o'ec meafuce luete tueatp, 3|t ta0 an fcarn affault petfap, ann ccttes j Ijeatn neuec fap, TOen a tufieen moae nefence fjan mane, Cljat fo tigfjt &acn affaUfng (jan* 25 ann of a t&inn; tljat tljete fcefel, 31 ba^e a feclp tljat 3i'H tell, Cljat w, tjjot into all tftat nap, mos nlTnilcn tlje?, ann ROBERT BRUCE, t&e C&ot tDtcfceff foas foitfial, 3,0 diomen luftfi cfjtin, ana cfjiltyen fmall, Jn atms full gat&etcto up, aim bate Co ttjem tljat t&en on ttje umlte toere, Cfflitij attoiog attti ffoneg none flaw lucre, Bo? pet foounuefc, anu tftat toas 3? C&e miracle of ^on almigljtp, to noufffit elfe it fet cait J eit&et fitie tftat nfgjjt tfjej? foere ann on tlje mo?n but mate came tiniitffg out of England 40 Co tljem of tfte fiott, tfjat &ace on |)0ltl tijat I)? Borrowbridge at M}^toun C6cic wen foere Hain ann nuuffcn 8n& t6at tfte Scotfmen toioug;^ tlje lann Eoue bucnins: pet, ann ticftcopano* 4$ 3ttti fijfjen t&e ^ing &an fteartJ tin's; tale, 5>i0 counfel 6e affemblen &aiH, Co fee Ui6et6er fait toete ijtm till Co Ip about tlje toftm all fliii, 8im it affatl infiiJe toomiin tuete, 5:0 fiD? tften in England fo? to fate, ann fii0 lanfctefcue, ano bi0 metn IDis couttfcl faft nifco^en tften, f o? Southeron men ttjouft tftat 6e maUe a celt tfjcrc ujfjiie be ftcmnen ijati 75 Ctjetoton, mm tje calf Je alfo 5 *^ut Northeron men tooulu nothing fo, C6at u?eaD tljeir friend fo: to tptte, mott patt of tfteit Q;ooHj3 fpne, Scottifhmen tfjeit CtUeltp^ tuoulU !je let t&e fierce be R b b b l> 374 cine foi to refcne bis lann )f Longcaftle, _$ tafce Oil Ijaitn, 6e eaci Thomas toag one of tlja counfeirn tlje ftinc; bame to fo? tftat mo2e tnclitteti 8e Co tlje tolfe.of tije foutfj countrfe, Cljan to tjje noatfiecon rnens lotlf, De took ft to (a metfeie til, C6at 6e gatt tucfe 6(0 gcat in Ijp, 70 ann toitft ij(0 battle {jatllilp, CDat of tlje ijoft near tljtcn patt Co England ijome 6i0 toap ije tae0 'But leue be borne fjag tane 610 gate ; Cljecefo^e aftec fell fifc debate 75 'Betiuiict ijtm ann tbe i^tnff, tfiat a^ foljilt Andrew Hardclay, fie^ing foas on 6tm fet a COOfe Jtm riffljt into Pomfret, ^nn on an Ijtll befioe tfje to&m stcalte off bi0 jjeati untfjotit ranfoun; Cljecefo^e fpne oang'5 ana tya iwtij fjfm a lucll gceat men^ie* fain fpne aftec, tljijs Thomas, Cftat on tf)i0 toffe mane mact^c faint, ann al0 micacle^ nto, enbp fpne gact tfjem be bin i I5ut tuljetljec be bolp toas o? nane, $lt Pomfret tfius tben tos be flaim How BfttJJ ROBERT BRUCE. 375 How the King of England left the Siege of Berwick. m D tytte tije ftfog Of England, jat De faro Ijim tafce on Co pars 6(0 loa? fo opatip, fce t&ousfit it teas* pectl to lp Cljecc Uritfi tlje la&e of Ijt^ men?te , fiatnefis tfterefo^e tuc'reH fie, to England &ome cfi Ije face* Scotfmen tfiat fcefftoping tucte, England full CttteUp, anii toafttnff rfgojouflp, tjjat t&ep {jatje fjeaca tttJinffs5 tell ffteat fiege t8at loais fo fell, Cljat tiiep all skatieD luece ants rjanc canto England &ome agafjt, o ttjat tljetc folfes teltefceti ftjece. noto free fcom all tuiascc ; tljep took tncfttuacti t&e fiiap, to Cariiie fjomc toent ace ann otfiec goons on fcit COe Lo;ns unto tlje t\iun; ace gang, tfje latie fjas tbeic toapiss taw, man to #$ cepatc again* 31 toCf0, toa0 luonuec fain, 25 Cfiat tfiep cetucnen ijatll anu feec, ^nn tf)at tijcp fpeti on ftu manner, Cijat tfjep tljcic foes? mTcomfit DaD, imttmftlofmen* ij as mane Uccaatfc of Eeeourfe to t&em tljat in Berwick 3 o OTere affi'egen rig&t to tfjetr npfee, Cijat Into Cfc great nanger foag, &?ougb fftengtlj of tbem tbat fiegen ann tnljett tfje &ing &au fpett'n tttljanti, ^>0ttl tljep jjatl fat'D into England, 55 Hnn of t&eir (outmep inbat Cfiat t^ei? l)aue &aB 9 ann ann tbcp bafce toiu Dtm all t!>e face, Cljat Englilhmen UffCOmfit tUCte* EiQftt biptl) into bi}3 T orart urns fje f 40 attti mane t&em feaft uattii game anti glee. Berwick ftmg upcit tl)t> manner ^ tftat ana a pjfnce to &e, 45 tE&at coulti tott!) tutt fo fjfeO a TBut ttnfei great, tc etfttnft CO Berwick fpne tl)C ttaj? fc -. fieatti tSere 6of it rffffit fo apertlp, 50 $>e Jon'ti t&em tfjat tftere lucre Walter Stewart fjlS gteat IjOttttttC SDut o'er t&e latie commentien 6e, 5Fo? tlje rigftt great nefence &e mane at tfte pate, Were t&at men burnt Ban 55 6e bunge, ais pe &earn me nei3tfe : ann cettes fjetoas tneil to prf?e, C&at fo ffoittlp tft6 Plain fisljting at open pate manenefenntng. fflf Bfit &e fiaue liu'n, tngfle be &an been ^o )f pecfea if in tDttfiptttte.^ toeen* ROBERT BRUCE. Dig renoftm ffioum ijafce ftrefcpt far ; TSut &eatlj tljat toalfeetlj ap too neat, all ber migbt, ann aig fo? tijp, at fife ujo2fljtp fifc 65 Cbat iu tlje flotoec 30 eutjen all {310 nougfitp neeD, 2 ttjall tell you factljecmace* a fo&ile ban been fte feitt fo? ^afon0 fac ann near, 70 Cljat fleeft ioece of tljat mtffeec, anti gact tocll ten foot &tsb t&c wall about Berwick toton ouec all, an5 fpne tOtoatO Lothiane KUttb bis mensiefjte gate 6a^ tane* How Sir Edward Bruce was difcomficed a 15 D fpne &e gatt e^afn in Ijp Botft acmen mat anti peomanrp, jnto Ireland in &p to face, Co ijelp W b^otijet- tljat mas t&cte. 5 "But oe tbat reft annopen ap, ann ujouin in travel be altoap, )ne Dap fojoutfc tljeir arrifttnry toere rent to Ijim from t&e fetng, took f)i0 ttmp foutbiuarti to fare 10 autyre Ujem all tljat uut& Ijim tuere, 5f o? Ije Ijan not tDen in tljat flDf all men, 31 ttofu, ttoo (Dutten tlje Etntys of Cljat in great rout j5 uiti rfte Ijim 15 ^otoartJ Dundalk {je took tlje ann U)6en Riciwrd of ciare C c c c c 378 Cfjat fie came twte fa ftfo menjfo ail t&at fje migfjt affemblen 6e, Of alt Ireland Of acmfll UlCH, 20 o tfjat fje yan t&ete iwt& fjtm tljen Of ttappen Ij02fe ttucntp tljoufantf* OBttt tfjei? tljat foete oit foot attti fjeiu fo,:t[) no^tijUJai-D on autJ toljeit die Edward (ja0 beacti 25 Cfiat coming neac to Jjtm tua0 be, Oe fcnt ujfcouti'eouc0 (jtm to fee* Souks anti tfje Stewart &ere tfiep, al0 @>tt: Philip tftt Mowbray, tuljeu toe? feeit ijati tfiefc comittff, 30 CDej? toent arjatu to tell ttrttiff, ann fain, tuell t&e? toere man? mcit. On tBis ^tr Edward anfUirc'D t&ett, ann fato, t(jat Ije ttjottin fiBt)t tljat Cljou&lj treble anti quatceWe luece 35 S)tC John Stewart faitl flCfeecl?, 31 rene not pe figljt on fife ftp, fap pout b?otbeu (0 comanti fifteen tfjoufann men ncac ujcte ttjep fcnft tuitlj pou, pe 4 o Clje ttuaitcc abitie to it Edward loo^n all to tljc souies fain in &p, feou, ^ic:* S>e fain petfap, fain mp feiloiu, fo 31 fai? 4$ ann to S>ir Philip t&eu fain fje, fain ije, fo cue Lo?n me fee, no folip fo? to bine men, tftat fpeensJ tfiem fo? to cine ^ Of ROBERT BRUCE. j toe ate feto, out foes ate feii, map tig&t toell cue toett&s seal ; OBut ft toete toon&et tljat otic migljt g>ljouUi o&etcome fa fell in figljt Cljan toitfi gteat ite, aJace, fata fie, 31 toetrt ne'ec tfjat to fjcac of tljee , 55 I2ofo fielp tofia tofll, fo? fie toll? na? &ut mo^e tune figljt twin S* tto man fa?, tu&tle -j map n?ee, C&at itcengtlj of men fljall gat me flee* (Son fljteiu, tijnt attp HjouiD us blame, 60 jf toe aefcnd out noble name. Boto be it fo gate tijen, quotfi tfiep, OUe (l>ill tfjat take, @on toill ptttuep* ann tofien tlje fcfngg of irifhry ?)eatti fa?, ann tot'Cf it OcUctlp, ^5 Cfiat t&eit i^ing tottlj fife toljeen tooulti folk of fo rntifele mtgfit, came to Ijim in full gteat DP, cottnfeirti ftirn full tennetlp to biDe toitfi |ji0 mei% ann tljep 70 boulti fioiD tjjeit foes all tfjat Dap Doing, ana on tlje mo?n alfa tijcit tunning^ tijat tljep fljouin ma tljete migljt no counfel auail, )De tooulti all gate fmue tlje battle, 75 3nn toben tbep fato Ije toas fo tfeato Co figljt, t&ep faiD, pe map toell ga Co figijt toitij pon great company But toe acquit UIEJ uttetlp, C&at none of u0 toill ftana to figfit, BO aoute not t&etefoae in out mtgijt, 380 %|)e Htfe attti Sfcts ot IF 01 out mannec tt of t&is lann, Co follow ann fity&t, ann %fjt fleeann, not to ffann tit plain mellee, one pact mfcomfit 6e* 85 J>e fain, 8>ince tfiat pout cuftom f^, % aslt at pott no mo?c but t!jt0, C6att!3 5 tijatpcann your mettle dBottlti altogctljec artapeD be, ftann ott fac but rjepactino:, fee ouc fiotfJt ann ouc eHtJtnor* fain, tuett, tfjat trje? fljouin no fo^ fpne totoacn tfieft men can 0:0, toere UieiJ ttotntj? t^oufann near* Edward un'tlj t&em tljat tDitb (jf m toete, Cfjat ttieee not full? ttoo tgottfann, tijem ff aituattip to (tann Wp tbottfann ann nm iU Edward tljflt tia? It30tt!t! not tit CCrat atmOUC ; fittt Gib Harper, loo Cfjat men Ocin as luitljoutten peec eftate, ijan on tjjat nap S)fc Edward fjts area?* fiefjt afcane tljep on t&ts lutfe, in peat fjp tfjeic enemies? 165 came to alTemWe all teanp, tfjep tfjem met n'g&t fjacnilp 5 tftep fo fjjfl) toere, footf) to fap, 6at tuften tottlj tjjetc foeis toece t&ep, t&ep tljat p^effen moft to fiann, no&n, ann t^e remanaim jFlen to t&e irilh to fttccour. Edward ROBERT BRUCI?. ag Heau, aim John Stewart gnu John t&e Souies ate u>fti) time, 115 ana otjjerS of tljeic company Cfiep UJCce Uattqwttj'ti fo fu&nenlp, Cljat feto Into tfje place foere flam, jFoj tficlaijc t&ett to?i'0 ijatje tane Co jlje irifli tm00 tljat tuere tljere,, anU ut 6aUi battle Ijo^anu John Thomfon tljat 1030 t!je >f tjem of Carrick tbat tlxtz loste, t^fien 8e falu t&e titfcomfittng;, mifyb&to Jftn^tb an irifli &&#, Cfjat of W0 acquaintance ftau 5r^ J>e receiSj'D fjim in iatttte* tufeen John contetoa^ to be W fta tfje figftttna;. Philip tjje Mowbray t&e iUf^Fjt, 1 30 Cijat Ijan been norneti in tfje fin;i;t, 2nn fuftl) actne^ len tua0 6c, GUitfj ttoo men upon tlje caurep, Cfiat toa0 bettDirt tfjem aim toe toitw, Cljat fffefept lono; in u I'anuoun. i^> otoacn tfretotmt tftep {jelti tljeic tuap,, Snti iu&en in mtn ttuo, 140 Cfje one (je f toaijpen foon fntu fco, ^nn fpne tlje otljei* in great &p CIicu t^eti) Ois f Uso?u UeU^erlp, Qnu to tfje figljt 6tss tnap Ije tacjs ,. Cnulong tge cattfep tijat tljen D d d d d 381 Kty Hife ana %$$ JFflfefc of men in great fuOoit, CBat tfjen toent unto tfce totuit, fje tijut met tijcm again can ma payment toljere tbat {je can ga, Cfjat tueli an fjunnzea men gart fje jLeatie maugte tljeic luil( tlje caufep, $10 John Thomfon &f& Cljat fatu Ijis neetig all CoUjacH tfje battle ei3en (je John Thomfon tljat tOOfe 155 C6at tfier toere uanquiflj'n all platnlp, Ccieti on ijim in full gteat 6^, ana raft, come Ijece, fo? tfjere in nane SDn life, foz tljep ace neat ii^ane* CBr n Hoots Ije (till a tufiile, nun fatu C6at tfiep toece all nolun of tialu, S>pne Ujent fie to Jim facallp* C6i0 John ftj?oug{)t fpne fa tmttfip, Cijat ail tljat tljitljer flea, i&cu uiccc, Cfjouglj tjat tljep lofeU of tljetc gear, come to Craig-fergus ijatll aim feer, ati tljep tljat at tlje figfittno: toece* g>otto;Ijt fete Edward to get fjigr (jean, among tfie foift tbat tljece inais tJeau, ann fann Gib Harper in &i$ gear, 170 anU fo^ fo goon big acmes toere, 6ep (tcake ijis (jean off, ann fpne it Cijep Ija&e gart fait into a feft, anti fpne fent it into England CO Edward fctng fit a pteftttiU C6ep luenti feic Edward^ it ijati fieen, I5ut fo^ tfje acmtng tljat foag of tlje &eaa aecetoea foete, <i)OUgf) g>tt Edward How the JVtffr returned from Ireland, and G/'i r Head fent to the King of England. , IB tfjfc totfe Ujece tlje Boblemeu fo? urilfulnefs all lefefc tljen, aitti t&at toa0 a anti gceat pitp, 5FQ2 6aD tfieic outcagiou^ Ijount? 5 seen len UJitfj tutt, ann toitlj meafttec, /But ff t&e mo?e mffa5jettture 15efci tfiem, ft fljauia been fjatH tfttng C0 lean tfiem unto outc^fng ; 'But great outragtaug futquetr^ S6 art tftcm all ftecc tijeit tfiep tfjat fleU from tjcm ttt te totoatrti tfje fea* dtttO Craig-fergus COmfltff at tfjC?, Snti tjep tfjat mete into tije tea? 15 Sit Edward, fettt ftOUt tljt &ittg tfje? jjcarH tfte Dffcotnfitf ng, Craig-fergus tfje^ tUCttt again, tftat ioa0 not rojotttten pain, 5Fo$ tfjcp toere man? time tljat U)itl) Irifhry, ana Mentieti foU)ittilp 3 C&at tftej? efcapeu anti manp time alfo t^ougft fiigM -, fo? oft of t&eitg to tfiem gatte tfie? Co let tBem sfcaitiw paf0 tfjeCc loa 2Ufe ana MS of tO Craig-fergus COtttC tljCj? ft, fcoats ana Q)ip$ can t&ep ta, fatlen to Scotland in fip, 30 ana t&ece art'toea 'all fafelp, 22Jfjen tfiep of Scotland (jao tDtttmg Edward ij moaitcn Ijtm full all tfte lann cominonlp, 3 J ^nu tljep tfjat tottfi (jtm ilatn toere tfiect Edward tlje Bruce, a0 3 fntU tiffcomfit un tl;t0 mamiec 4 . jftw tlje fi: lt U3a0 cicanfeo cfeaiti 40 eo tljat no tedders U)ce feen, lieit tljvn Richard Of Cl^re, ail tfje follt tljat toitlj Ijtm tturce, Dundalk tfiat pt?)t no 47 ^t tljat time luit& tlje *Bttt to tfje toiun tftej) fjem in & f^ne Ban fent fo:t!) to tfje England fjati iit Gib Harper's &eaH itttO a John Mawpas tO t^e &Utff Ijatl ftj 9inti 8e receto'D it in uamtie, RfSljt" blpt!) of tfiat p?tfent tua0 Ijc, jTo? Ije teas rylan tfjat &e tua0 fa Deliftec'H of fifc a fellan foe. 31n fieact tDerucf Ije toofe fifc djat (je took pucpofe fo? to dlttfi a great fjof! inta to dense Sim ^CtB ftalfiaact ROBERT BRUCE. 385 oftra&ail, ana of teen, o Cljat Bone to Jim therein Ijati been, ^ ant) a ngljt peat Soft gatfjet'B &e, ann gart fits tytppejs bp tlje Tea Come iDitl) great fufion of iriffual; jTo? at tfiat time 6e foouin 6im tail, $ Co fcefitop up fo clean t6e laun, ^jjat none ftouin fte therein litjanti t anu litl) W folfe in geeat Cofoarfc Scotland |je took tjje King Robert's Slight to famifli the Englifi Hoft BB fo&en ^ing; Robert toitt tfeatlje came on fiirn titl) fifc a men?ie, men botfj fat ann near, feil to Ijtm coming foece, 9inti alss toece fo? to come 6im to, tfjougfit ije rfntfjt toell ftoulD %& , gact fcDitljti^atD all tfie cattle SDf Lothiane ettecilU 5eal, ana to fitettgtiji0 gact t&em be fenr> t io ^nti ojtiaitt'ti men t&em to 5efenu, anti tuitfc fjiis ijoft al0 Hill &e fap at Cuirofs, fo^ 6e luouiu effap Co gat Sis foes t^ougfj Rafting BcfeeWfftt, anut&oiigf) long UJallnu^, 15 Snti fca Ije feefiliftt fjati tbeft migljt,> airembleu tfjen twtt& tgem to figljt ^e tjjougljt to too?lt upon tins luifc, ^nts Engiiftimen tiutlj gceat maffcic? Came luttlj tljeic fjoft in Lothiane, 20 $nl> tJClt tO Edinburgh ate E e e e e tljere a&a&e tbep fijipg tfiat foece upon t&e Cca * 5>an c ontrarp fointi ta tfiem ap, s>o t&at upon no mannec tljep 25 8)an potuet to tljc fictfi to ^fng; &ea* nisuaI0 to relieve tfie &f ng : ann tfiep of tjjc 6oa tbat fatru meat, Men t&ep faUj tfjat tljep migfjt not Cfieic Diaual0 to tijem ftp toe fea, 30 Cfrii? Cent fo?tb tf^fit-a gceat meim'e f 0? tO fO^taP Oil Lothiane, . xut cattle fiaije t&ep founneti ane, Dutteu a bull tijat m& tjaitairo, Cljat in Tranent co?n tljep fanD, 35 6at lj;ouo:6t t(jej? to tijeic ijoft antl U3fjeit tfie (Sad Of Warrane alu tljat frill anetlp come fa, ann tfiep Jjat^e fafo all to firm, 40 C6en fafo be, Cectes 31 tiace fap Cbf f tfie Heated bead tfjat j S>alP e&ec pet -, foi fictolp at cod a tfjouranu potmn ana mace* ann tofien tlje Etaff, ann tfiep tljat mere 4 ? Df 6isi counfel, fatu tljep migljt get I5o cattle to tfjeic fjod to eat, C&at tljen of fading ban great pain, Co England tinmen tljep again* at Melrofs ft)Ufp tfie? fO| tO l^ 9 50 ann fenn before a companp Cb?ee Ijunn;eli near of arme^mett ; tlje 102n Dowglas KfcittJJ ROBERT BRUCE. 387 tbe fozreff near, OLUft of tijctc came, ann to&nt tfjep uftfrr, $j ann ttrttb tbem of bfc compaitp 3into Meirofs ail pntriip 8>e bofceB fit a {movement, ann a rtgfjt ffurnp frier fie feat CBttfiout tfie pate tljrtc come to fee, tfo ann baric Ijim (join (jtm alt pitute, EHfjtle tfjat &e falu tfiem caminff all jaigfit to tfte cun? e tljere of t&e toalf, ^Ittl tfieit CCP 6lff&, Dowgias, Dowglas. 6e JTtfet: tfjeu fo^tft W ftjapsf taesf, 6s C6at Bja0 all flout, tiecf ann ter&p, $>t*0 meiivic boon ijetyt batllp Cfie acmout tfjat ije un 6tt fiatr* 2Jpon a ffaltnart Ijoafe fje tane, ^nt) fit !ji0 Ijanu be IjatJ a fpear, 70 3nn a&ane upon tbat manner ije fatu tijem coming neat; ; tlje fo?emoft pafien uaece cun^e, fie crv'n, Dowgias, to tijem alia coutfe ije 75 ^nn bare noiuit ane neii^etip* 3Lf)ett Dowgias ann lite company 3lflu'n upon tftem tut'tfi a f&out, ann toben tfie^ faio fa great a rout; - dpan tijem come fo funnentp, 80 Cbep luere afiafen greatumlp, ann gatte tge bacfe but mare abane* Cbc Scottifhmen among tbem rane, ann figto ail tbat tbep mlgbt o'etta* a gceai martprnom tfwtb?r ma, 5 9ttt anfc 3W# ot 85 ana t&e? tfiat fcapea foece unflain arc unto tbeic bofi foeut again, ana tow tljem tojat fcina foelconting; Dowgias teem tnaae at tljeit meeting, (0 men, C&at fato tfteit tjacbfeour^ t&en Eebuten come on tljat manner, annor^ in fteatt tftep sceatlp luece, 95 anti tljougW tljat it tuere sceat Wig 3nto tljeittoon to tafce bacbiP, C6ecefo?e bp Drybur^h fit t&e plant C6e fiattoea teem, anu (ne again ^cetoent to England tftete atDap* ioo an* toDen Etng Robert fteatt? it C&at tbep tuece tutnea Ijo ana ftoto tftefc Ijatbjeoiu^ 3n 1)? 13^ fcoff affemblea 6c, ana taent Cautlj otjet tl)e Scots fen, 105 ana to England ijig foa?f* taesf* OljLDen tljat 610 Soft affemblea toa e(gi)tp tljoufana ije toas o? ma, ana eigljt battled Ije maae of tljne, an ilk battle toete ten tljou&na, i to i??ne iuent fit fotflj into England, ana m baill rout fo fonotu'a fait C^e English Eing, Wtle at t&e laft !De came to Byland app?oacbuis, OTjece at tbat tfme tfjece toeie Ifittft 115 C6e fcins of England txJitb &t* mem Robert tbat m ^^ting t&cn, ROBERT BRUCE* 389 Cfjat fee tap tbere tiritb meifcle Cranotntea fa on Dim n nigbt, Cljat bp tbe mom tljat it urns aay, 120 coming in a plain fieia mere tfcey, fra Byland bnt a little fpnce 5 But betfoirt tbem ana it tfjere Uia^ 3 ctais fi:ae toell ftrtfeit lang, ^nti a 0ceat patjj up fo? to gang:, 125; >t(jetfoffe mfeW tfjep not baue luap Co pafis to Byknd its ab&ap 5 But if tljep paired far about But t(jcn tlje mei&le EngHfh tout C^catti tfjat dins Robert U)a0 fo near, Cljc moft pact of tfjem tfiat tljece loece COent to tfte patlj, ann took tljc, :Fjetetfjouo:i)tt6ep tljeic uefenccto mn, banner? tljere tljep sact uifplnp, tfieir battles on b?oan arrap, ana tijougljt luellto nefenu ttjc pars* tljat Eino: Robert perceftfti tljere tijep tljougtjt tljem to after bis counfel (jns be fenn, ana asfcea tufjat uias belt to no* 140 Cbe Lo^a Dowgias nnftper'a thereto, ana fain, Sfr, a UJfll nnaerta, Cfint in fljo^t time 31 Hjall ao fa, Cljnt 31 Wall toin yon pate plainly, 02 tijrn gar nil pon company 14^ Come aoton to you bere on tljiss plaim :be l^inn; fata tben to bim atjafn, Do tben tubere mtgljtp <^oa tbcc fpcca* Cficn be fonij on bte tDavt F f f f f 390 %\yt 3Uf ant) #cts of ann of tlje 8oft tlje moft Ijarnp, i jo put tfjem into W company, ann tein tljeit toap toumcn tlje paf& flje ffOOtl Cad Of Murray Thomas left Ijts battle, ann in peat {#, ^ut im'tfj fottc men in company i>? Came to tfje lo w :U0 r-out of Dowgias, ete Ije entteti in t&e paf0 s all tfje pars took fie, fo? fje tDOtUD tljat men ajottin (im fee* ^llU U3&en tljat S>iC James of Dowglas s>alu tljat 6c fo gate coming toass |)e p?t?eti fjtm tljeteof gceatlp, ic Thomas manlilp Defending foitf) great mts&t tljc pate, (HUfjile tfjat ije fa fuppzeaen Cfjnt Ije urns tane tbiottffb ana t&erefoze fpne in ijft ^e uias rPttouin'D fa? fceft fiDf all t&e I^msfitg foete af England. ITa? tj)tj3 m mtQW Ralph of Cobhame Jttto an England ije &au~ttame 3Fo? tfje (jeft j&tttfftt of an tbat anti foj g)ir Thomas nmelt ficfbta CTOere 0fr Ralph, a0 before fain How the Irifhry of Arryle and T^fej became Ma- tters of the Pafs, and how the King of England fled from Byland Abbay. (X? J) a d tuece tfiep figijtino: fn tfje paf& ^i^ anti lufiett tfiat fttoff Robert tbat laa^ SBHife fn Bis oeeti.anQ anett?, ftatn (jig men fa nattsfittlp i 8D6e pats upon t' 1 .c toes rigbt ta a ann faai fit's fo f iS'c n0 t&em fa, Cfiett gact ty ' tfce Irifhry Wat mere .*ito fj^^compan?, f -Argyie ann tbe Bfes alfa, 10 g>peefc t6em fn gteat 6? to tfie b?ae ; ^nti bane tjjem leate tfie pat& bafll?> 9ltD climb up in tfje craigis ftp, ^nt> fpeB tbem faft tlje &i^6t to ta/ Cb5it mfefit men fee tfjem ftoutfp ^ 15 1 5 an* climb up all gate to tlje Dig fit, ana Jea&e not fo? tljeic foes migljt* Sgaugte tljeit foes tljep bace tfjem fa, Ctjat tljep ai*e gotten abaon tljc fyae, Cfien misfit men fee t&em figljt feHp, 56 ann ruflj tljetc foesf ftttctitl^ anu tljcp tfiat to t&e pate ate jyane, 5@auo;te tljeic foeg tlje ijtgljt ijass taite, C&em Iain tljej? en toftg ail tfjeit mtijljt, :fjet tnigftt men fee men fell? ficj&t, *5 C&ere toais a pectllous fcattyaitt, JT 0? a Enitjljt, it John tlje Britain, Cljat Itffljten toas a&oon tlje b^ae t ljt'0 men ffteat Defence can ma, Scottifhmen can fa aflat'f, tljem fo felfan ftattaif, CDat tfje? tuete fet in (Ifc affcsp, C(jat tljep tljat mtgljt flee, fleti nlua^* S)tt John tl^e Britain tljece tuas taite, auti risljt fell of Ijig folfe toete flaim 5 5 )f France tfiete tatte toece JAnt^&tg tlua, C&e Hoiti of Sowlie tua0 one Clje otljet toa^ t(je atfljal Cljnt toas a foell great lo^u at dje laue fome Hean toete, anu ton." - 40 ana t|)e temanann fleu ilkane* ann UJljen tljat tlje &tttg of England, Cljat j?et at Byland taj3 liann, men Difcomfit plainlp, took fits toap fn fuU scent Ijp, anti fo;tf)luacti fleti tnitf) all 5t^ nttgljt* Scotfmen cfiaftu faft, 31 inn In tfjc cfjafe ijns many tane. 6c &ing qui cWp atoap is gane, ann tfie mod part of 8(0 men? te- jo Walter Stewart, tfiat gteat bOUntft g>et ap upon f# cfiefcaltp, 2Btt& fitje fjunn^en in company, CUnto York's pates t&e cljafe can ma f Snu t&ere Come of tficfi: men can fla, C5 ^nn tljere abane loStle near tlje m'gftt^ Co Tee if an? tuouiti ift aim figbt ; ann U)(jen De fatu nonetuouin come out, again ije turn'D UJttb all Ijte rout, to fjtjsi Soft jje toent in &p, tane tjau tljm tljeir Ijacberp tlje abtJa? Of Byland, Ryfnows tDece tljat tuas neat IjanU* Cljep Ded(t ammn; iijem tljnt ttieire tljere, ann gaue tlje J&mg uf England's gear, ^5 Cljat Ije Dan left- in to Byland, ail gart tftep lep otii o^t tljetr fjan&, anu matie tljem all glan anu mertp* ann toften tlje^ing ijau tane Ijacb^p, &ei? b?ouljt to Ijim tlje pnfonecs 70 ail unatmeti as it effeits* aitH UJfiett fie fall) John Of Britain, 5>e Ijati at Ijim titjljt peat emjaigne, 5Fo? fie loas iuont to fpeafc Ijigljl? at (jome, aitti o'er uefpiteotiflp, 7 ? anti bane Ijaue Ijim atuap in ijp, ann look ije deepen twcte ffmitip; fain, 2Here it not tfjat ije luete a catpbe, ije ftouin bup fare G g g g g 394* 7fi iMfe ana #ct of tfiat foete fa angtp* so auu be fmmblp ctp'B Ijim metcp* C&ep lea f)im foitb fo^outten tnnec, 3nu deepen Ijim foell, tobile tljep foete Coming Ijomc to tljctt otan couutiic; Long aftec fpne ranfom'd fcoais fie s? jFo? tiuentp tljoufanu pounti to pap, 3$ 31 6ai3e ijcatti funnjp men fa?* The King's Courtefy towards the French Prifoners. tfjat tlje l^ino; tljtg rpeeclj finti matie, melt tljC]? taken fiafc, dUecc b^ougljt cfgfit tljecc Motf tlje 3^ius: a fie maoe tijem fait luelcoming, fain, 31 lott rigljt tuell tfiat pe, pout pent loo?tt)fp anti tiountte, Came fo? to fee tlje figljting ijete, JT o? fince pe (it tlje couuttp toete, gout fttengtfj, pout toojOnP, anu pout 10 2BottlD not let pou efcljeto tfje figfit 5 anti fince tljat caufelen pou tljetettl, ^uu nett&et to^ntfj no? pet ilMudl, 30 ftienug pe ftaH teceitjeU be, 811 time Wjfle 6^te ioeicome be pe* 35 ^jjep ^neeleti, aim Ijim tfianfe'n gteatlp, anu be gatt tteat tljem coutteouflp, aitti long tobiie toitb biiti tbem ban be, Uin tbem bonout ann bountie ; iDljen tljep patnen to tfcit lann, 20 Co tlje fting of France in p?efann 5>e tJiti fenn tljem quite tanfom ftee, anu gteat gift0 unto tljem gatoe ROBERT BRUC|. V fi>W fcfenns tbte sate contteouflp &e couin ceceifce, ann ate Ijomelp, aim ijfs foe0 ffoutlp aftoitp* at Byiand all tbat m'sijt be lap, jfo? tbelc tna'cp all fctytij tijep foete, on tlje mo;n, fo;outten mace, bane fo^tbtoacti tane tljeic toap* fac at tljat time tcaueiro tbep, flapinn;, aim neftcopaim, Cbetc foejs iDttfr all tbeic mtgbt nopanU, CUbile to tbe w a id coming tuece tbep, g>pne nonbujacn tljep tooK borne tljeic toap, 3? ann Uettcopen tn tljeic cepaic Cbe Dale all plainly of Bewar. fpne iMitb ptfs nets ann cattle, aim monep, faic famf, Co Scotland took tbep borne tljeic toap, 4? OBotb Wptb aim gian, jopful aim gap, ann lift man tuent to tbeic cepaic, ann lofcen 45on tbem fell fo fafc 5 bat tijep tbe ^ins of England, Cbaougb luoifljtp, ann tij?ogij tfcengti 45 aim nig tij^oujjb tbeic loans 0ceat bountie, DiCcomfit ban fit 6(0 cum counted How a Lady told of the Treafon of Lord Sowlcs and others* (ftp* |>B toa0 tlje lanu a Urtjiie fit peace, XU T5ut couetffe tfiat cannot eeate en fo^ to fet on felonp, Co gac t&em come to tenfotp, $ tfatt of ntt lo#0 of full gteat reno&w ggafee a fell conjuratioutt asaintt Robert tfje nougljtp &ing, Cficp tljousijt to tying bf m to enWitft ann fo? to b?u(fc, aftet (jig neat?, CJje ttfnrfft, aim teiun fit ljt'0 ffeat C^C ILO^D tlje Sowles @>(C William SDF tljat pucpofc ijan raott nefame; JFo? p^tncipal thereof tuag fje fl)f affent to tljat crucltic* 8>e Ijan gotten toitlj Ijim nmQp, Gilbert Malherb, John Of Logy. toece J^nfffl)tj3 ttjat 3! tell of (we, Richard Brown alfO a @>q[UtCe s ffOOU ^tC Davy Of Brechm 20 (Kdag of 6is need acretteu fpue, ^13 31 ajall tell pcti fartljcrmacc* tjep flftane nifcouec^n fcucce a laujj, a0 31 Ijearti fap, to tijefr pucpofe come mtsljt 25 5F o? fte toin all unto Cfieic purpofe ann Ijouj tljat &e fljottin ijnue Ijeeit Sowles tljctt tefgn into fjtg 3nti tola Ijim ucr? toftenfitg, 30 TOS putpofe tna0 a footjfaff tfjitiff* UJljen tlje &fng tmff it toajs fa, fttbttle pucpofe can ije ma, Cljat fie uatrt tafee tljcm s'etf ifcanr, ann tnfjece tfie Loan Sowles tuag tane, 35 E6?ee ijunnjen Dan &e ann^ firtp clan in fii^ lit?ecp, at KOBBRT BRUCE** - 397 at tbat time in 5te company, SDtttten &ttfg&t0 t&at foere jolly, jttto Berwick tafcen tuag &e ; 40 Cljen men mig&t fee all ijte menjic S>o?tpann tno 5 but, foots to Cap, &e &iitg let tljem all pate tfjeir luap, ann Jjelti tDem tljat fje taken foaiu Elje Lo?ti Sowies coon aftet mane 45? Patn panting of all tljat putcljafe, a parliament fet tfjerefoze uja0 3 tfiitfjer ft^ougfit tljetr men^fe LoatJ tfje Sowies ijas gcantet ^D6e neeu fnto plafn parliament, ^Dficrefoie foon after Urns Ije Cent C0 fjtg penaitCe tO Dumbartane, 'fc tfiere in a toiuer of flane*- Gilbert Malherb flltS Log)% anu Richard Brown t[)ir tlj^ee plainly, 5 J 2Bere foftlj aCTpgs t&ere o^ertane, Cljerefo^e tljey U^atoen ijpere il^ane, anu fianpn ann Ijeaneu alfo, men-ban fteem'ti tljem fo? to no ; OOH S)ir David Of Brechin gart cljallenge tigljt firaitly finte, ann Ije granted, tftat of tije tijing m% well mane to ijim ntrco^'ring s T3iitlje tljerttil gaiae no confeut, ann fo] Ije Ijelpt tljeir intent, ann it nifco&er'n not to tfte Eing, Of tojom Ije Cein all ijte joining, ann mane to &im 1310 feiuitic, 3jung'n to foe ijang'n ann n?aiuit foag H h h h b as tljep n?efo Ijint fo? to Ijing, 70 Cfje people fetlp faff can tfcing aim Ijis mtfcljief fo? to fee, to fceljoin m$ great pitie, Sir Ingram Umfravile's Difpofition of his Land, and Return to England. 3 & Ingram Umfravile tljat tljrtt tuitlj tlje l^fng as Scottifhmsm, ije tljat great imfc&ief can fee, fatti, toz&fnatf, tufieteto p^efe pe, 5 Co fee at mtrcfnef CU a ftmgfit, 6at toaj3 fo luo^tljp ann fo luigijt, fiat 31 fiaue feen mo^e p^efsf to fee 5>tm fo? ijtjs ns&t fa^ecetsn bountie, 6an noto fcoes fo^ to fee 8tm Oece* xo 9nn toljen tljat tljrc too^nis fpo^en tuere, OUttfj fopp cljeac fie 6em (jim (fill, 2l()ile men ijan none of f)tm tfjetc tofU, aim fpne mit() tfje lea^e of tfie ^ing 5>e biougljt 6im menfljlp to etutnn;, '15 ^ntJ fpne unto tbe j^ing fain fje, 3 tfif its, a P^ap pou, grant to me, Cljat 10, tfcat pe of aU mp lann, djat tg into Scotland liana, ft&louin gifte me Inatje to no mp tuilL 20 C6e ^ing tfien foon ijan fain jjim tfli, 31 Mil foeUgcant tjjat it fo be, T5ut tell me tufjat annopg t&ee, fain again, S)ic, grant mercp, C&all tell pou it plainly ?> Q9P Ijeatt gtoos me no moje to be BBttfi pou nmelling tit tfiig countcie, Ci)etefo f e but tfiat it not pou gciefce, 31 pjap pou fieattilp of pouc #02 uaijece fo rigljt tuoatbp a 30 $n& fo ctjcualcoujs aao fo iulgljt, fo cenoton'o of luoiftip f?ne, good %it David Of Brechin, fo fnlfflrn of all manfceafc, put to fo \rillmtous a tiearr, ' eart foafootft map not gtte me Co ntnell fo? notljtng tftat map be* fain, Since tljat pe U)iU fo, pou ftUe, pott map go, pou fljaii ijaue goon lea^e tijeteto, C6P lifetng of tftp lanD to no* ann 6e fiim t&anfeeD gceatttmlp, of Ijts limn tit full gteat ijp, ije tljougtjt bed, nifponeti fie; @>pne at tije &tng of great bountte, Before all tftem tjat tDitft Ijfm toece, De took ljt0 leaDe fo? ebermate, 9;nD luent fn England to t&e Etng, C6at mane film rfg&t fafc loeicomtng, aslt'ti Ijim of tlje no^tl) tilling* fie fiim toft all but leefing, DOUJ tfiefe I^ntgfit0 all tiettcopen toete, <&en a0 31 fia^e toin pou air, 3nti of tfie j^ing fiiis couctefp, Cfiat alloto'ti fiim tiebonaftlp 55 tiDo Ho of fiis lanns fitis lilifng* jn tfiat time tas fent a tfie ftin j 400 ICfJc 2Ufe mtfc Sltttf of >f Scotland effenprg to treat Df peace, if t&at t&ep mig&t it get, as tijep before oftfpfg foere fent, *o c&ousO tljep couIB not tying it to entr, 5f o? t&e soon &ins ijan ttt intent, Since 5ou fo fait: grace (jan fiim lent, Cfiat De &a& tuonnen all fjiss hinn, TOauufc ffrengtfj of acm0, unto fjts 8a^% ^; 8at fie peace in W time luouiu ma, ann an tfie lann eftablifl) fa, C&at first 6cic after Ijtm (ijoulti de Sin peace, if men ijein tljeir laimtie, Eight Years Truce given the Scot$ through Ad- vice of Sir Ingram Umfravile. 313 C JD tljl'jS time tfjat Umfravile, %# 31 Oare pan on ijann nfr tofiile Came unto tlje ^ing of England, -ma? let* dljjftcn, and alsi tepenteD tuell 5 Ollfjen all toas none to 6im f (it Heal, Cljat chriftian man neeUeti to fjaue, a0 gooti chriftian tlje gljoft fje ga^e* 25 Cfjen men rnigfjt 6eac tljem greet and man? a j&uigbt, and ROBERT BRUCE, nun mafcittff eWl cljeat, HID tljey alltiJOate'er t&ep toete* men ijim moanea commonly, 30 if 02 of Ijig eiUi Ije tuatf foojt&p. lono; to&tle tfjett; nole fjati to Paifly 6^e tijcp fjan, t&erc tottft great folemnitie, UiitD jjceat Hole ems taas ije. foj 6(0 migftt, Iji0 foul , (KJfiete iop a? la!t0 Urit&out How Sir James Stewart with his Brandanes, and others, in revenge of Truce breaking, were lent into England. T COEE fjte ueatij, a0 3 Cain ait, 6e ttefoeg tljat fo ta^eu luete, to fja^e lalteH cigljt peat, ttoo j?eat0 of tljem palTeti luete ait ijalf, a0 31 ttouj alto, Robert faui'men toottin not ma &etyef0 of tlje fljips tljat torte tanc, anD of tlje men at0 tfjat taete flain, But aj? conttntt'n tfieit maltoptie jBfien e'^t tijep met tfjem on tlje fca, 5>e fent anti acquit Ijim plainly, sa^ tfie ttuce up openly in untgeance of tljts ttefpnf^, (Satl Of Murray Thomas, Donald Catl Of Mar alfO, ames of Dowglas luttlj tfjefe ttU0 3 James Stewart tljat lea&et toa^i pan tiaotfiet^ ncceafc* 404 5CJje 2Ufc anB #(t$ of >f all ijig toannanc men in foefr 20 5>e satt upon tijetr belt manner, jDHitlj manp men foit& tljem to &a Jn England fOJ tO fotnt attH fltl ; ann tljep ijein fotfij unto England. Cljep UJere of soon men ten tljoufant 5 15 Cljcp burnt ann fleU) into tbetr lua]?* 9n* tljefc foej5 faft tiefiropeti tljep, gate Coutijtuatn can t&ep fare, Wardale fojjfle tljep coming loece, tiUte Edward Of Carnarvane 30 cijeftinsfoasrieati, aim lain tnftane, ^nti Edward ijiss fon tljat tuas jn England ccotwnen ujajs lirname 6an of wind (jan into France been before 9 ? ^Kitfj lj& motljec Dame ifabei, foas toennen, a^ 31 6ear ten, a jPottno: Lanp fait; of face, Cftat t6e Cati jji-s naugljtec luajs ^>f Renault, ann of tljat countcie 40 05?ou5ljt tuitlj tint men of peat &ountf& g)it: John tlje Renault ujajs leaner, CDat foas cigljt luife ann lui^ljt in foeit. ann tljat time tljat Scottifhmen tuete at wardaie, a0 s fain ?ou air, 4? anto York tonis tlje neUJ mane &i\\$ % ann 6earn tell of t&e neffcoping Cbat Scotfmen mane in fjte countcte, a great fiott to ftim gatljeten be* $>e toajs toell near fittp tfjoufann, f o C6en ficin fje noatijtoacn in tlje lann ROBERT BRUC^ 405 Sn fiaift battle fcritfj tfjat mensie, eighteen peats oin tfcat time foas &e* Cfie Scotfmen in ft Bap Cockdale 5Fra enti to ena &a& ftectieti fiaiU, *? ana to wardaie again tfiep ta&e, Cfieit nifcoucceoucs t&at figtfjt fjatic Fjan SW COmillff Of tfje Englifhmen, canto tljeic lo#0 tftep toin ft tficit 5 Cljen t(ie lo^ti Dowgias in a ling 60 Ea&e fotff) fo; to fee tfieu coming, fnto tijat feucu battles toete tfjep, came tt&fng In goon accap, folk fcejjotteu ijan, w$ fjoff again fte cane* ft C8e CatI fpefteU if Ije fcafc feen Efiatljoa, fea, it:, fie fain, iwtfoeett HODat folk are t&ep ? ibtr, manp men. Clje aci Ijiss oatg ijag nom tfjeu, (Ke ftaH firyfit tuitlj tijem, tljouslj tfjep toete 70 get mo?e eftfooitpK t(jan tljep ace* Sir, Jou'D be &ou, Ije faiti again, Cfiat toe Dane fife a Cap! tain, djat fo gceat tljinnp nace unnerta* 'But, bp aint Bride, it bees not fa, 75 31f mp counfel map tcoujen be, 5Fos figftt on no manner fijall lue ; But it be at ottc asantao;e, 5f o? metfiin^s it luece no outrage, Co fefoet folk againfi tfje ma, s Vantage lofjen tljep map it ta* K k k k > .The- JLiit attti Kits of f nl^f The Battle at f^r* Water. a& tljep foere on tlji* ttu'fe fpeafcing, O : et an Iji&J) ti$ tljep fafo CotiJarn tljem etmt a battle fyane .Banner* nifplap'tt enetn t^ep ijali, 5 anls anotljet came after near, anti tigljt upon tfie fame manner Cljep came, toljile fetoen battle* Out o'er tljat IjtoO tig PfltTeti 6atf* dje Scottifhmen .toece t|jen lianu 10 &m tlje no^tjj ftalf totoarn Scotland. C6e naleuja* (treUpt foell, a 6eg{jt, On ettljer fine tbere toa* a btgljt, ann to tlje toater uoton fome Seal ^ije Scottifhmen fit gootj arrap, 15 On tljeir beff Uiife bitgUeti ilfeane, g)toon in a ftrengtlj tljat tljep ijan tane, 05ut tljat toa* fra tfje luater were a quarter of a mile toell near* djere ftoon tljep battle to abine, 20 ^nu Engiiftimen on either fine Came rintng aotontoaru, toljile tje^ toerc Co were 5 * foater come a* near, 3* on tlje otljer ijalf tbeir foe* toere, Cben 6a^e tftep mane a reft riffljt tfiere, 25 anti fent out atc&er* a tljoufann, ijut* off, ann botw* in fjann, gart tljem u^inK toell of tlje toine, bane tljem gang to bicker fpne, Scottifh ijoft in a bannolmt 30 C6e? gart tfiem come upon tljem Boftw j JF01 ROBERT BRUCE. 407 mfg&t trjep gar tijem teafc atra, Co &al30 ttem at fljeir tnili tljouoftt tljep, acmen men tfitlj t&ctrt fcouw tBejTetto Cljcm at tlje toatec to Defend 85 C&e Loan Dowglas ija0 reen tljeti: fate, ann men tljat ctgljt inell liQ?R5 .Ujetj?, 8)e atmen a great compauj? Beftfnti tfie battled p^toflp, 5>e gait &o&0 to biti0 tljeii: coming 40 ^nti tufien 6e mane to tijem toK'nttto:,. C60P ftottm come p^wtifi faff, antt fla Cflitlj fpeat0 all t|jat tijej) mtgljt o'erta, Donald Of Mar tlj0(t C&tftattt U3a0, 2lnU al0 Archibald Of Dowglas. 45 C80 Loin Dowglas golun on 6t0 atmouc ije fjati, trauecsai ti altpav^ up apfn near 610 fjattfeg fo? to train ; t&ep tljat tyunfc fjatJ of t60 tofne , - . Cam0 up ap Ifnging in a lute, tfiep tfie battle came fo near, arrow fell among tfj0m reir, Robert Of Ogill a gOOtl 8>qWr0 Came pncMng tjjen on a courfev 55 3nt on t60 arcjj0rj3 crp'ti again, ge toit not foljo mafeeis pott tfiat train, fZD&at !53 t60 LO?H Dowglas, tfiat UJlU fome ^en pott till fo&en tfiep fjearti fpcalt of Dowglas, man affratn toa0, dnts again tufncnijatUtlP, tofcen mane fie tfien fn &p, ' JLitt ana tye font tljnt emlwfijen tee >o ffoutlp pncfcen on t&em tljete, fmt foell tljiee fjunnjen fjatie tfjep Oaf n a ann to tlje umtcc Ijome again ail tlje temanann can tljcv cfjaCe* William Of Erskine tljCCC UJa0, maUE mm'spljt tljc famen nap, 70 {KUell fjo^fen (nto pou acraj?, imt& otfjctjS tljat tljece tocce, fat fotf fj, tftat Ijf0 Ooifc btm bate attKinS tlje lump Of Englilhmen, ann tuttij fftong Ijanti iua0 taftcn tljem 75 15ut of Ijfm toell Toon cljanp tuas ma0e jfo? otfjetg tfjat men taKen 6au 5fta tljtt Engiiih atcDet0 tuete flam, C&ett fo!U taue to tljett Ijoff again, ^nn tigfit fo run t(je lopti Dowgias. 80 ant) fo&w tfjat fje tcpaiceti tons, COep mtffljt among t&eft foeg fee Cfic pal5ion0 foon flenten fie 5 tfjep pet ceiueu foon fn ijp, tljep tfjat nififtt uiouin ta^e fiatfcp, ana fljufp no mo?e to no tfjat nap, 3L&etefoje tfjem alfo (jatbzen tfjep, ftettteti paljions fit 0)>, ann lonps a!5 tljeteft? gatt mafce, ann all fet on tato. Ctuo no^elttess tfiat nap tfjep falu, C6at fo?ontlj in Scotland &an been nane* Cfmbetg foi fjelmejs mass t&e ane, tftep tljousfittfjen of jyteat beautte, ee, "it CDc ROBERT BRUCE. 9 > C&e ot&ec ccafepg foere of foar, C&at tfjep &efo?e fcearu nefcer afr 4>f tijir tfoo tljingtf tfiep ijau ferlp* djat nig&t t&ep foafcen ff alfoattlp ; C6c mod patt of tfjem atmen la? so caifjile on t|e mom tljat it tunjs 5a? The Lord Dowglas's good Conduct and Praife, 5) ljoulti leaue, anti tfjcn tljem meet plainly, Cfjen fljould tljefc faufljment ijaillilp )n tljem beljinti b?eafe at tlje bacfe ; 20 @>o tljougfjt tfie? toell tljep fljottio tljem mnue 5F02 to repent tl>em of tljeir plap* Cijetc em&uflmient fo?t6 fent ijaiie tljey, Cfjat tljep embttfteu p?iutl)?, on t&e mo?n fome neal earl? 11 1 1 = ant) %tt$ ot Jitto t&eft fjoft ijp ttumpen tljep, gatttljeit b?oan battle artap 5 all artapen foj to figfit &8ep bein tofoatn tlje foatei; tigbt Scottiflimen tljat fait) tljem tio fa, 30 ^olun on tfjefc fteft loffc can tftem ma, ann in battle plainly attap'O, OUitlj banners to tije fofna mrpIap'D, Cljep left tfiett Ceengtlj, aim all plaf nip Came fcottm to meet tfiem Ijatntlp 35 3in ais soon mannec as tljep mougijt, Etgljt a?3 tljetc foes before 8an tljouufit* Xttt LO?H Dowgias tljat ap tuas tuace, ann fet out foatc&es Ijete men tfjece, ^ot fritting of t6eic embuftment, 40 tt6en into ryreat j j is Be toent 'Befoaetlje battles, aim aotitip* De bane ilfe man turn Ijim in ijp as fie ftoon, anti, tucnen fo, to tljeit (f cengtlj Ije bane tfjem go 3 4; o tljat no let tljece tfje^ tljen mane, ant) tfjcp Din as be bitften ijati, 2B6ile to t&eit fltengtlj tlje? came atyaim Cljen tucn'5 tljep tfiem toitlj meiWe pain, ann teanp ftoon to gibe battati, 50 3if tljat tljeic foes loouin tfiem aiTaif* CHljen Engiifhmen (jnn feen tljcm fo Cotoatn tljeic ifcengtlj again up go, Cljep ccien lj? 3 tjjep fice tljeit: &mp* g)ic John of Renault fain, petfnp, 55 ]?on fleeing is tigljt ttagelrte. atmen men bebinn 31 fee, ROBERT BRUCE. 411 ana tljefr tannery To tljat ffjep tljete a.ball turn tljcm as tijcy fuming focrc, and lie artapea fo: to figljt 3|f anp pjeffea t&em foito mfffW* SD&ep Ijaae feen ouc embnfljfment, aryafit to tfjeft; ffrcngtfj are UjenW !J0 ^ folh are aofcern'B toitttlp, |je tljatieatiss tljem 10 tDOjtBp, i^5 jToj aijfre, too^ip, ann lutsmom, Co govern tlje empire of Rome, &fju$ fpalte tbat tuo^tijp Bnigljt t&nt Hap-, ana tfie ertUwttimeitt, fra tljat tfjep @>auj tljat tljep fo aircoijer'a luere, 70 Coujara tftetr fiott agafn tijep fare* ana ttje ijatt!e0 Of Englifhmen, OTen tijej? fain tftef fiaa faflea r^en f)f tftefr purpofe, to tljeir Ijarft^ Cfiep toent, ana foagea tfjem in ftp, 75? SDn eftjjer ftalf rigfjt fo ata tljep, C6e? maae no mo?e aerate tljat aap How Lord Dowglas changed the Scots Harbry, S> ^ tijep tjat'ua? o'eran'Uett jTirejs in great fufion t&ett tftej? tlje ni^t fallen iua0 ; ana tijen tDe jyooa Lo^a of Dowgias, E:flat fpfea Daa a place tftercb? CU)o mile0 tljence, tofjere mo;e ^L(je Scots 6off m(n:i)t fjarberp ta, ana tfjem acfena fietter mfir, eiCe in anp placfc t&ece&v, at 2Ufe ano about eniricon'n foitlj a foal!, >nj t jj( at tuas near full of tceeg all t 13ut a sceat plain into ft too*. ^ cf: CMt&eC t&OUtfljt tljC LO?B Dowgbs cV 15? nigfjt tljccetil tfietr 6oft to b;fnff f Cfiercfo^ fo^outten mo?c titodHng, feet tfjett ficc^, aim matie tfjem rnarr, fpnc all famen fo^tlj tlje^ face, into pack fojout tinfel Eljep came, ann tljem Ijatfeieti tuell apon tfje tuater, ana ag neac So it ag t&ep Defojontlj toece; anti on tlje mo^n, Mjen it toas Dap, C6e Engiiih ijoft miffea atoap aim 6an fecij>, ffact turcoutreautg Ijatf il^ to fee foljece tljep toete anti bp tljeic ficegs peccetneD C&at tljep in t&e pack Of Weredale 50 oau sact fjacfyp tljeic Ijoft all 6aill - s Cljecefo^e tljeic Ijott 6ut mace abatis, C6ep Ijussk'ti, ann euen anent tljem ta5e, ann on eft&ec Ijalf tlje loatec of were act dent tljeic pal?icm0 as near, 35 a$ tbece before ftenten tnece tljep* on fiotlj Oalfi3 fo lap tfiep, Engliflimen tlUCft tlOt aflfail Clje Scottifhmen U)itfj plain battle, fa? ftcengtfj of ecti tljat tljep ijan tljecr. 40 Cljece toas ilk Hap iuftins of toeic, ann iskicmifttuo: full apectjp, men tane on eitbec pact? ROBERT BRUCB. tficp tfiat lucre tane on a anotfier cfiangen mere tfiep* 45 ^ut otljcc neeng none tuece none, Cfiat o;teatlp (0 upon tfie mone, mil tfiat it fell on tfie fe&entfi *ap, Cfie Loan Dowgias fjau fpp'D a wap, H)OU) t&at fie migljt about tijem tine, 4ft Sinn come upon tljc fattljec fine ; tfjett at euen put'Depen fie, took tuitij tfm a goon men? tc, Sftue 6unn?eti on (jotfe tutgijt ann $utr tu tfje nigfjt ail p?ifcil? i? iTo^outten noffe fo fat: Ije taUe, eHfitle tljat fie neat; en&fron'D fiati Cbctt* fioft, anti on tfie fattfietline Cotuart tfiem dpi? can fie cine ; ann all tfie men tfiat luttfi fitm toeee ^o 8>e jjact in fianti fia^e rfoaaug bace Snn bane tfiem fietxj rapes; at tiua, Cfiat tfiep tfie pal?ton0 mtgfit ma, Co fall on tfiem tfiat in tfiem foere ; Cfien fljouin tfie lafte tfiat foltoto'n tficce, 65 tab nofon tottfi fpeacg fiucntlp ; Snn tofien tfiep fieacn fits fiojn, in fii? Co tfie foatet fioin notun tfietc luap. ODlfien tfifis toag fain, tfiat 31 fiece CAP, Cotuacn tfieit foes faff tfiep i*ane, 70 (Efiat on tfiat ane no iuatcljeg fian, Enn ais tfiep neat foere app?oacfiann 5 Engiifliman, tfiat lap beefcanti p tfie fire, fain to fite feet, toit not Uifiat map tine usf fiece, M, m m rn trj 75 *But tigljt a peat potting me tac0, 3 tneafc fojc fo? tfre blacfc Dowgias. ana 6e tljat ijeatti ijtm, faiu, petfap, & ouf&all Safee cattfe, if tljat 3 may* Sftttij tljat, tottij all ijtsi companp a so g>e ruflj'D in on tjjem Sun tljc palf ionss tJotun fje OTitft fpears tfjat tfjcn ftatplp Uin icfieti men tefptteouflp. noife toell foon Htn rife, anD 85 Slstljep fta&tjen, ftic^eti, anti flelu, 3nn palf ion0 tiotuh ?acne tljey tneto, ^ fellon flattgljtec mane ttjep tljece; tfjep tljat iping nalteti ioece, no pofticu nefence to ma, 90 anti tfiep ftut pttp can tfjem fla. C6ep gatt tljem foell toit, tftat follp at foas neat: tfjeic foe0 fo? to Ip, if tljep tratftlp tuatcljeti toete* Scottiihmen Uiere flapfng t&ere 95 Cbefc fOEj3 $ tuljile on tlji0 lofitfe tfie crp Eofe tD?ottn:6 tfje fioft all commonly C6at LO|tJ0 ann otljerjj foete on fteer* anti tofien tlje Dowgias tuift tljep toece Srmins tjem all commonly, ioo rpe fileU) ijfe ljo?n fo? to relp S)i0 men, ann baue tljem boin tljefr toa? Coumrti tbe toatec, anti fa HID tijep, anti Ije abaDe Ijinnmoft to fee Ctjat none of ftis fljouin leatjeu fte 105 ana a?lje abatie fo fjotoann, Cliere came one loltft a club fo &an& f OBERT BRUCE, 415 To steat a tout to film taunftt, Cljat, fiato not teen Ijig meifcle matiflfjt, ann fjisi tis&t fofceteffcn manfjean [no jnto tbat place, Ije Jan been TOt Ije tfjat time foag not foell oft toag IjacD cflap'D, mettle fltengtlj ann gceat manljcati ft^ougljt tlje otjjec to tlje nien tfiat to tlje foatec dBete iiniiiff Into a cannoun, Cifleti tfietc lo^ti toljen tfjep came tfieec, ^6en foete tljep n^eaotniy fo^ ijim fate* 31!fcane at otfiet fpett'D tCDtng, 110 T5ttt pet of ijim tljep fjeatu notijtntj* Cfjen can t&ep counfel famen ta, to feel$ ijim up fooutt jra 5 ajai tijep loete in fife affcap, a touting of &te fiom &eatn tfiep, ^nti tbep tftat&as it fenoton JKKeteof fits coming toonuet ^nti fpeit'U at fiim of fti0 afoafce* tain fjoiu a catl fjim mane a cittii m a fellon pap, met ijim ftoutlp in tlje toap, not fortune ijclp^ tge mate, ?>e Jjati lieen fit ffteat petil tfjete* Cfiis? sate fpeatung tijep ijein tfteft tta?; OLiljiic to tlje god coming ate tfjep a C^at on foot atmeft tljem fjelp if t8e? miftet att'oon asf tlje et luitfj tlje Catl of Murray ttia^, C&e Carl fpeiren nt tijem tining, 140 IS>oto tfjep ijan far'o in t&eir cutting Sir, fain Ije, toe Ija&eniaton fcloon* Clje Carl tljat tons of metric moon, Sain, 3f totall Dan tljitljer gane, &2le Dan uffcomfit tijcm ilfeane* Cljat mfetjt ijaue fallen toell, fatu fie, *But (kketlp eneto foete toe, Co put u0 in gon a^entttce ; jfoa &an tfjep mane nifcomfituce )n us, tljat ^onnec paffen toere t 31t fljouin nil ftonep t&at are fjerr* Clje Carl fain, Since tljat it To i$ 3 Cfjat toe map not toitfi jeopacnie^ flDue felloit foess 03 to airafl, die fljall no it in plain battle. Clje LOjn Dowglas fain, 05? Saint Bryde, 3it toere great follp at tfji-s tine Co u0 toitlj fuelj an Boft to fitjljt, Cfjat gcoto^ ilka nap of mo# migljt, 3nn bas utaual tljeeetoitb plentie, ann in t6eir countcp &ece are toe, 2Bfjere tljat tljere map come no fttccotirtf, Oarn is to mafce u-s ijere recourfe, Bo: toe no fartljer map meat to get, 8>uelj as toe Ijafce ijere lue mud eat. Do toe toitfj onr foesi tljerefoje, Cljat are Fjere Iping ug before, as 3 Dearn tell tfji0 otljcr pear, Cljat a fot ma tuftlj a fffljer* 8)oto ntn tfie fojr f tfie Carl cnn ^efain, a fifljer ujfitium lap 2&Uttff ROBERT BRUCE, 417 ta nets, tljat [je ijau tljen tfiere fet a little louse tfjerebp &e mafce, anfc tfiere ttntfjin a ben 6e lja&, an& a little fire alfa, a nao? tijccc ias5 fozouttcii ma, rofe, antJ tftere toell long Htuelt jje, ann i8en t[jat 6e &an tione 180 CotoarB tlje Icmge again 6e peefc, anu UJttlj liffljt of tlje little fice, Cfiat in tlje lonp toa0 ijtitning 3nto ijte lotige a fojc Ije fato, Cljat fad on a falmon can gnato ^ 85 Cljen to tlje uoo? Ije toent in ijp, ann n?em ins f UJO?H UeUtierlp, ann fain, Eeifec, pe mult ijere out* C&e fo>: tljat toa0 in full peat fcoubt, Loosen about fome Ijole to fee, 190 Xttt none efcljeU) petcei^e couir> fie, But infiere tlje man a lautfjtane mantle tljen Ijtm Jlptnff upon t&e beUDe fan?, ann tuitlj Ijis teet5 fie ffan it 'SDut o'et tlje See : ann foljen tlje man Smtu ijts mantle lp burning tljan, Coretiitranljeljaltilp; fo]r got out t&en in great Ijp, t^ tuit? fjte tuarren tHf. 200 C6e man lept Ijim beguileti ill, djat Ije fttjs goon falmon ijas tint, ant? alfo ijau ijis mantle mttr 3fct of 3nti tfje foic sfcaitfilefs got Cfn'g enfamplefoeUS map fap 3$p pon (oft anti us tfiat arc (ere* OHe are tfje fo]c, tfie? tfie fifljer, Cfjat fteeletfj fo?outfj u0 t&e toap, CDep foene toe ma? not get afoap, 05ut rttrftt Mjere tfiep Ip fowt parUte, 210 au ajs t&ep tljfnk it ajall not fce a jfo? a 6aue gart fee w a gate, ^ttppofetftat ft fce fome teal toet, a page of our0 foe fljali not tpne* SDut foeis fo? t&te fmall tranofnting, 2Hene0 foell tfiat foe ftall p?ine us fa, C&at foe plainly on fjann fljali ta Co gi^e tljem openlp ftattad ; 'But at tets time tljetc tfioug&t QiaK fail, 5fo? foe to mo?n 6ere all tfje nap @>{jau mafee asi merrp as foe ma?, ann ma^te u.s ftofon again tbe nigjt, anu tfien gar mafte our fireg Itgfjt, ftlofo our (02110, ann ma^e fucfj fare, ail tlje foo^ld our ofon nofo foete, mfifle tfjat t&e ntgljt foell fallen De s tljen foitD all our fcarnete foe our foap fiomefoarn (n foe fljall gptt DC graitblp, CUfitlefoe be out of tfieir Danger, 230 Cljat lpi0 nofo enclofeti (jere 5 Cljen ftallfoe all fre at our foill, anu tlje? ffiall let tljem trumpet ill, IFra tlje? foit foell foe &e afoap, 4 ROBERT BRUCE. 419 3? attH ma&e t&em gooD cljeer nil tijat nig6t, tljc mom tfjat ft foas ligijt How the SV0fr paft the two-mile Mofs, and re turned without Battle. Ctjep tuttt fjarnete, aim mane tea*?, So t&at ere efcen all fioton toere tljep* 8ns tfieic foe0 tfjat againft tljcm lap, act ftaije tfjett men tijat tijete ioete neau 3in cactss to an Dalloluen fiean. ail tfiat uap cactpf nff tfjei? toete tait{j catt0 men tijat (lain foece t jjete* C6at tfiep loete feil, men mtn^tioeU Tee, fiat fn cattpinff fo long fljouin fie* Cfie fjaff botij all tijat Dap loete 3n peace, ann luljen t&e ntgfit tois near, Cfje Scottifh fol^ tijat Ipfng toere Snto tlje parft, mane fcaft ann fare, flnti ate ftleUJ 8omJ5 t ann firejs mane, gart tljcm ijotft fie fijigijt ann fiaalie, at tije nf gfit tfietc fire$ mere mare CDftan anp nigljt fiefoae tfiep toere* Sinn Mjett tije nfefit long fallen toell, mify all tfiett Darners ilfta treal ail p^tufip tfiep rotie tfieir toap. aoon fn a mow entten are tijep, Cfeiit Dan tuell ttoo mileis long of fitffte* fl)ut o'er tfiat mote on foot tfiep pee5, 9nn In tljetr finnn tljetr ijoife lets tljep, 9nt> it toast rtgfjt a nopoujs uiap ; of 05Ut flaifces mto ttjetuooti t&ep matte >f luantig, anti tijem toffy tijcm tljep {jatr* anti tyfceg tljerefcntij anti uottgljt foj tijp, an tijat tljep Came t)cll out o'ec It fiaill anH feer, anti tint but little of tljetc rjcac i TBut tfit toece an^ fofomer, 3 j ^D6at fit tfje mote foas left liann, caijcn all, ad 3! Da&e 60311 on Out o a- tijpt mo tfjat (oa0 Co coming, great glanfljip tljep fjafc . tatie fo?t(j fjomeloatli on tfieic 40 anti on tje mom, UJljen it ma0 nap, CHgece Scottifhmen tueee tuot to ly anti rent fo?tfj ftmD?p of tljeii: men 4? Co fpp UJljece t&ep toece gane atna^ OBljile attlje latt tljetc trace fount* t&ep, Cbat to tijc metltle mote tljem ijan, C6at toas fo ijtfceous fo? to tuane, Cljat atientute t&emo tiucft none, 50 *But to tljeft fjoft apfn are gone, anti tolti fjoto tfint tljep palTeti mete, CCIljcw ne^er man Dan palTcu aft:. OTen Engiifhmen ijeatti ft luais fa, 3in Ijp to founfel can tijep ta, j> 6at tfiep Uioulti follotn tjjem na mate. Cfjeft fiott rfgfit tfjen tljep 0feafleD tfjere, anti fife man to Bus otun ije pee&* Robert tljattofttfno; fjati, ROBERT BRUCE. 42,1; C6at l)i$ men in t&e pacfc fa 60 fjoft affemblen 6e in &p, ten tfjoufanfc imgijt ana (wrap 5>e Sag rent foatlj tuf tb eatlg ttoo, Df tfie Merfe anfc Angus mete t&ae, If tfjep mfgfit fo loeU Cfjat famen nfgljt ijp tfie? ann tfje? Cfiep tfiougw tljefc foeg foa to efln^ g)Q fell it on tije famen tuip, ?o :6at tlje mofg, as j?e fieacti me fap, Ollass pad, tlje ntfcourreoucss tbat tljece Before tfje fioft tfien rintng UJece, fiDf ettfier Ijoftljag gotten figljt ; ann tfiep t&nt tuo^tftp loece ann toitjljt, 75 at t{jetc meeting: nttteti of foeer, (gnngnte^ fjp tljej? men tljece, ann ftp tfiefc ccp petcettjen tiiep, Cljat tlje? foete'frientig, ann not at Cljen misfit men fee tfiem ntfau ann 80 anU tola it to tfietc fcientus C6e !joft0 botlj fampnen fpne, Cfiere tua0 tigljMjomelp Sni3f ^^ongft tfie gteat Lo?U0 tfjere, SD >ttt meeting; joyful tfiep tnete* 85 t ye catl Patrick an& fji0 men^ie |)ati triaitate toitfj tDem great plentic, 9nt> tfietetoitO tueU relieuen tfiep fcienti^ 5 fo? tlje footlj to rap. in wardale Jpincj toece, lje^ 6an tJcfaitlt of meat, but tfjecc Q o o o of Cfjep tuete relieb'n tMt& great pletttte, Cotoatn Scotland untlj game ann glee Cfjep toent, ann ijome iuelcome are tfjep, ann fallen fpne ilfc man tfjeir toap, ace tuent unto mane tljem fate jfo; of tljeic come ugW gfan foas fje, ann tfiat tijep ftfc pecpleiectf e 5T o^ottt tfnCel efcapeu fjan, au toece tftep Wptk ann mectp ntane* Peace made with England, and a Marriage made betwixt Prince D&vid and Jean de Tour. after tfjat tfje <^arl Thomas f ra Wardale tfjugf repatceti Clje KUtng alTembletJ all 610 nn'gljt, $luti left none tfjat ujo?t(j tna0 to 5 a great fioft tljen alTemfalen 6e, ann nealt fjt'0 feoff into parts tfijee* ^l part tO Norame lUBllt but let, Sinn tljere a Itadt fiege tfjep (ja^e fet, Slnti ijelD tljem tit rigftf at tfietr 10 C6e otljer part unto Anwick %$ tuent, ann tljere-a fiege fet foijtle tljat tfitc alOegeiS lap tljtr taffies 31 fpafce of air, efclje^eis oft mane tljere mere, ann manp of fafr cfje^alrp CfcfjeDen tuere full nougfjtflp* Cfje fttmj at tljtfe raffles liann Left ijte fom 3 aj3 3! bate on ROBERT BRUCE. tmtlj tlje t&ira &ott fjein fji* ma?, 5Fraparfctaparfcljimfo?toplap, tytmtf ng as all &fe oum t&en foete ; to t&em tijat foere foitij &im Of Northumberland, neiet to Scotland ujcce ltanl, 3ln fee an0 fjentage piie fje, ann t&ep papeu fo? t&e fealss fee* it tfcte U)ifc rone 6e Dettropan^ MJfjHC tljat tlje J^fttff Of England, COUttfelOf t[jC Mortimer, motjee, tfjat tljat time toecc of fiim tfjat t&eu poung DDH^, S^fng Robert to treat of peace, g>ettt melTenffet:^ anu To fpen tfjep, C&at tlje? aflenteti on tws ma?, ; i$ gjfioulti t|jat a perpetual peace tafce, anti tfjnt tljep a marriage ftjouin mafec JKUltb t&e Eittg Robert'j5 fOtt Davy, jat tften ftut fi^e rear ijaa Ccarcelp, anti of Dame Jane alg of tlje Tour, 49 djat fpne toajs of full g:reat ualoutr* ifter fte foag to - fljat tijen of eiin ijan fe&en pear, ann monuments ann letters fefr 4^ Cfiat tljep of England tljat time ljat>, Cfiat ouffljt affainft Scotkmi mane, 2nto tljat treatife up tljep gafee, anti all tfie claim tljat t&ep migljt &at;e 3nto Scotland on attg manner* so anti j^ing Robert fo? ^^auij'is fear, Of &atljenin to tfoem of England Viuouffft feats of foac imt& ffalfoart &ant, full tfoentp tfjoufann pounn fijouin pa? >f filfcei* into goon money* $ 5 Often men tjfc tfjin^is f o^fpofcen fjan, ann tufta t&ef c feale0 and t&eii; oat&$ Sfaftntnff of ft(enHflj(p anti of peace, Cljat neuec fo,2 no cljance ajouin ceafe* Clje mattfage fpne o^naineti tfiep ^o Co be at Berwick, anti t^e iiap :ijep ijatje fet Mjen tljat tfitsf HJOUID fie, tuent ilk man to lji0 countcie* peace mass mane Mjece few i^ajs tfje fieges ratfen toere* Clje ^fns Robert oyiain'ti to pap lje filler, anti ajjamtt tlje daj? ?>e sact tueli fo$ tfie mauffetp, O^nain lofjen tljat fjt-s fon Davy foenneti fie, anti Cnci Thomas, tfte UOOtl KLOltl Of Dowglas 3lnto ()t0 fleet) oatminefc &e Deuffecg of t&at featt to fie s fa: a malice 6im tooft fo face, Cljat fie in no unTe mtgljt fiet&ece* 010 coin Oflfien in fji0 jjceat mifcfiief foag fje, ^im felt tfiat &acn pecpleritie* at ardrofs all tfjat time 6e lap, 80 anti fofiEtt neac comino; toajs tfje nap. Cfiat fo? t&e foennins o^nain'n tongf, eacl ann t&e loin of POW S I^ ' Co 2&ittg ROBERT BRUCE. 4x5 Co Berwick came untlj meifcle fate, ao fyottg&t young Davy foWj t&em tijere, 85 3nn tfje (CUteen ana t&e Mortimer flDn tfje otljer part coming foere &ait& great effctr ana royalty 6e poung lanp of great beauty :BttBer tfiep feougljt UJitlj rtcfi effetr. o C6e tuennf ng fiatoe tftep mane cf gijt t&ctc 2Btt|) great featt anti folemuitie* Cfiere mtgfit men mtrtb atui glanajip fee; Ifoi rtgbt great feaff tljep tfjert maoe t&ere r ^nlH Englilhmen atlU Scottiih ?5 3{n (op togetljer ant) folace, Bo felottp ijettDtjrt tljem Cbe feaff a mil long time Ijeia t&e? ; ann luljen tfjep ftussk o to fare afoap, Clje dueen jjajs left ija naugljter tljere ioo c#ltt() ticljes great, anu ropi fnre* 3 tcotD tliat long M)iie no latij? gtoen to bwlc to riiljit?* tije Carl ann tjje lo^a DOW O ,u 8>er fn natntj? receives 105 a0 it tuere Ujo^tfj 5fo? flje fpne luasi tlje anfc tfje faireff tljat men migljt fee* after tfjiis great folemmtie, OBljen of bot& Ijalfg leatie tua$J tane, ^6e SXueen to England ijome ij3 gane, atl fiatl UJltlj Ijer Of Mortimer ann tljep tljat tijen left lucre, a foljile Ijer conuopeti Ijao, Berwick again tljep ratie, p p p p p of ana fpne foitfj all tljflt company Cotoatfc tfje fcing tljep toent in Ijp, 8trt lja& foitlj tljem tfte poung Davy, ana ate Dame Jane tfjat -poung- Latjp. COe ftmtj matie tljem fate foelcomfng, 120 gnu-after, lJUt long nelaptng f . Qe Ijas gact ret a pacUnment, tljttftet toitl) man? is lueitt : Ije tljougljt Ije UJOUID in Dig life Croum Ijis young few anti aliei lji0 uufe -, 125 ann attljatpatliament fo mn (je, Witt) gteat fate anti folemnftie* Cljeding Davy U)a0 ccotonefc t&ere, ^nt all tijc lo?u0 tbat tljece tljen loete, ^nn ate tlje commonalitp, 130 ^aneljim mancefcpn ann fetutte; antJ f02outfj tfiat tljep ccatoneu luccc Clje &tng Robert gatt o^ain tfjece, 3ift6at it fell 6i^fon Davy Dp feut Ijeir male of &te feotip 135 ^Otten, Robert Stewart OjOUlD 60 l\ing, ann fi^utlt all tlje copaltie, Cfiat Ijis naugljtec ftace Marjory, ann tljat fins tatl^ie ftoulD leallp 'BcfiolDen* ail tlje lo^js Cfoate, 140 ^nti it toftF) fenis afficmeo tljece* anti if it fjappen o Robert tlje l^ing, Co pate to eon, ioljiie tljep ate potutg, Clje gOOO Carl Of Murray Thomas, 3nn alfo tfje Lo^ of Dowgias, 145 Srfjouin lja5je tfiem into goiieming, Wile tijep fiao tutt to ffeec tbe reign, ROBERT BRDCE. 417 3nn t&ett tbe totfiftip fljotiin tljep ta. fyetetfl tfieft oatfig tftep all can ma, 3nn all tbe to^nte tljat tljcte foa-e Co tbit tiuo oaatnercs 0atijs tljep ftoace, C6em fo^ to obey in lalntic, 31f tftem fjapp'neti (inartien^ to be. Lord Dowglas chofen, to .bear- the King s Heart againft God's Foes. all tljtjs tljing tijttjs tceateti aim t&us afficm'n ujitij ficfeeaie^j tO Cardrofs tueitt lit f)P, tBete fit m toofc fa fellilj? anti ijtm tcaueU'd fa, Cljat ije tutOj'ti 6tm feeljo&'a to ma flDf all W life tftc common enn, C&at tis to nean, to^en <$on toiii fcnn ^ CDetefo^e Ijig letted foon fcnt 6c JFO? tljc LO?USJ of ijte oton countcie, ann tfiep came ag ije fitntien ijan* 8>fj$ teitament t(jen 6a0t)e mane Before botfi io?ti0 anti alis pjelateg, attn to rclffffoujs of felt ftate?, SToa fiaill of fjte foul gaue 6e S)(ltjee Into great quantttte* $)eo?nattVD tfiuss fojljis fotU'gs toell: tofien tins none ioa^ ima 5eal 9 ije fain, fo it 10 sane me, t&at tljete 10 not but ane, nean s;ean 5 mnti mutt tijole of neen 5 of tljanfc <$on tfjat ijag me rent pace in tljfs life me to repent; jfo? tfcougft me ana mp iuarcpino; Of blooti Ijag been rts&t great fptllfn$, OTljere manp fafeelefg men mere (lain : C6erefo?e tljiss ficfcner0 anD tljis pain 31 tafce in tfjank fa? mp mp ijeart fit(#n ficfeerlp ttja?, 31 foajs in p^ofpecitie, Of mp fi0 fo? to fa^eti be, Co trnfcel upon ^on'j5 foe0 ; anfc fince fje noto me to Ijim taeie?, gj >o tljat tfte ftoup map no imfe fulfil Mjat tlje 6eart can UemTe, 31 tooulti tlje Ijeact ujers tljitfjer fent, OLIljerein concert) to tua0 tljat intent; COcrefoje 31 P?ap pou e'etilltane, 40 cijat p'e amons pou c&oofe me ane, Cljat ij3 Ijoneff, UnTe antnutcjSt, ann of Ijig ijann a noble fonigljt, On OD l)f0 foe0 mp Ijeart to bear, OUfjen foul anti co;pg DiiTefcet'D are : 45 ifo^ 31 tooulD it luere uio^tljilp *B?ougljt tljere, fmce ^ou tmll not tfjat 31 rpaue potoer tfntljetttmrn to go. Cljen luere tfiefr fiearw all fo far too, djat none Ijim migljt ijoin from greeting $f 5>e bafce tfiem leatie tfieir fo?roa)ing, IFo? it, Be fain, migljt not relieue, aim migOttljemfelUe^ greatlp enpieue s ann p^apeti tljem in Dp to 5o 6e tljing tljat t&ep toere cfiargeti to* ROBERT BRUCE. 55 6en UJeut tfjep fo;c& tit tyeacp moot!, among: teem t&en tljep t&ou&fct ft Cfint tlje tfffljt ttJOtfljp LOaH Dowglas, Jn trtjom fcot& tuft ana fooafofp foa0, 8>&oul& tafce t&e travel upon Dam*. ^ Hereto t6cp foete ail acco?natt0, 8tm to tljc Etno: tbep luent fit f^, ann torn jjtm tfjat tljep tijougbt ttuip, C6at tftC nOUSfitp lO^U Of Dowglas 0!$eC ttjapen foa tijat trauel Ioa0 *? 8nn tufictt tlje ^iug Ijeacu tljat tfiep fa t)ntJ ijim o:tJaiit'D lj!0 beart to to, Dat be moa pacnen ftouin ft fiaue, Oe fain, 8>o 0ou ijimrcif me raue, 31 bolt* me tf fffjt lueli paia s tljat pe 79 &aue c&ofen fjim fo? ijiis boutttte, anfc fcfg toojftfp fet mp parttfrt& ap fince j tljouffbt to no t&te tfifng, 6at 6e ft toftfj 8fm tljete ftouiu fieac ; ann fince pt all alTenten are, 7? 31t i$ tfte mo?e Iffefng to me, Let fee nofo toljat tljeceto raw 6e anU toljen tfie ffootJ Lo;ti of Dowglas tKHitl t^at fuel) tftfng tfjus fpoften 5>e came, ana fcneelleti to tfje af n ff $ so ann on tfusi tutfe ma&e Ijfm tfianhin 31 tfiault pit ryceatip, Loan, fatti fie, SDf tttanp lattfes, ann bountfe, Cljat pe 6aue uoe to me feiltyfg, Since ficft 31 came to pour ferfefce ; sj 05ut o'er all tljinn; 3- mnfce tljanfetttg: , 8at pe to m'&n anu too^tljp tljtng Q. q q f all bountie aufc -aH t&at a in mp you, S>ir, 3i ftrtH,frt?t&l2 mafcfc i0 tra&el, if $on mill mg.g^e -. ^ : - Letfure ann fpace fa laug ta Hue* C6c ming 6f m t&anfcen tentnci:U% i crnB Cfien UJa0 none of t6at company. 95 Cljat t6ep not lucepeu fo* tf tfe^ Cfietr cljeac awnopen tirc? to fee* i i How King jR(?W died,; and was buried ,at fermling. tfie ILOjH Dewglas Ott tfjtg unnettane fo ftp emp?ife a tfie pon ftin0r0 ijeatt fo^ to beat foess upon toetc, empitfe tuag fje* 6fc inicmit^ mo^e ana moje, tufjtle at tlje laft ' Cfje riolefullieatj appzbacfieu fatf, ann toijen 6e &a& gatt to Ijt'tn tio u OT tbat goon CftnUitnt men feft to, fflitl) berp repentance &e gafee C6e s6off, tljat <$on to beauen IjaUe, among Iji0 cljofen foU to tie 3in (op, folace, anti angelg glee. ^5 ana fca &is folk toift (je ma0 neau, Cfte fojcoU) cofe fcom (lean to (teau* men mtgl)t fee tljem ritoe tljetr fiafi:, full fare, lUttJSt ROBERT B^UCE. 431 Snti aW t&efr nftes oft fanten 3 8n& ass toxioti men t&efr dottjg Bis toojtfjp botmtie, Urit, fjfg fftengtfr,. 610 fjoneft te, o'ec all, t&e Cljat ije tljcm mane Hefcnce, t&ep fe% alacei fie tfiat all out comfort Dur tuft, anti all out: .t0 etiutttffj ^ nun &tj5 meiftle mfgfjt, o\ WfiW oli mig6t ne'ec afcafefc be, CBtHe fa^out tfiem tljep mtgfit Ijtm fee* ftall toe -Ho. o^ faj? \ on life lobtfe fjejafteu, ap all out nefglftour* tJ^eati tucte toe, into man? far countne Of out foo?fi)ip fp^ang- t6e tenoUin, all foa^foum mafee tlj acfcetlp tuonuec tuass none -, fiettee gouetno? tljan 6e S@f S6t fn no counttp founder* Ije* 31 fjope tfiat none t&at 10 on life C6e lamentation can nefcci^e C6at tfiat folfe fo? tljetrlLoni mane* Sinn H)6en tfiep long tiju0 fo?totDe0 C6e? fiatie fjtm Ijatl t0 Dumfermline, ^nn film Memnlp 3In a fait tomb into tfte isityopis anti p^elat0 tfjat tfjere tyete, 43* Xty 3Ufe ana &&$ of fofien tbe feririce none, ag tbep bed couft gun fpne upon tljc otijec Da? g>cro ana too t&cw toent tljeir tuap 5 ^ $ anH be nebotDelleD lu ass cleanlp, aun ate balnuD 0?ne full ttcglp* 8nu tfte too^tljp Lo^ti of Dowgias OtjS Ijeact, d0 it fo^erpofecu tua0, Eecetucti ^ass in great naintie, tfo MJttlj great ann fair fcrtemnitie, How the Lord Dowglas took his Journey to th lo^ti of Dowgias fpnc ^art mnUe a cafe officer fine, enameirn tbwb fufetiittp, tlje ^ing'js ijeart put Hfn Ije/ a? about fj(0 fialfe it bare, &nu fad {jim ftouinetj fo^ to fare, teftament neutTen fjc, o^tiain'ti fjoiu iji0 lann fljauin lie iufjile fife gain coming >f ftienn$ $ an( ate ail otljer tbtng C6at to (im pertatn'n an? inife, zsnftf) fik fo^efigljt, ann aljJ fo tmTe, t)ii8 fa|t() pafllng OiUatu'D be, notljtng miffbt amenneB be. ROBERT BRUCE. 433 ann luljett tfiat DC fjis fca&e ijan tane, ao CO fttp tO Berwick ig Ije ann foitij a noble company >f &mgbt0 s ann a 8)e tljere &tm put eut to t&e fear a long ttap fosuarn ratten fje, 25; |fO? 'ttDfrt Cornwall aittl Britanie rpe fatt'D, aim left tlje gtounti of Sp On no?tij bnlfijun, an* tijcce ijcin tuap, S^jjfle to Seviie t&e gtanti came tfjep* *But sceatlp toece lj<0 men ana ije 30 Ctaljeird foitfj tempeft of tfte fea ; DaiU ann feec t&ep t^jece come ace amfcen at gceat Seviie, after, in a little tuljtle* i* ijo^fe to lann tljep naeti) iiuane, tfje toluit ga0 ijart^ tanc. !De Wnt conteenen tftjljt ttcljlp, f 02 Ije fjan a fair company, ann goin enongi) fo? to ntfpenn. Clje ifting Aiphonfe jjim after fettn, ann !jim rtffljt luell receiucn ije, ann p?offer'n ijim in ttreat plentte, ann treafttre, ljo?fe ann arming;, thereof foonin ta^e notljin$ ; 4> 5F02 tljat fie Ijan tane tijat uopase, Co paf0, into lji0 pilgrimage, 0n (Son ijiis foes, t&at ijis travail unto fjiis foul'0 IjatU a^ail ; ancjj Ije toift tljat ije ijan lueer Saracens, fje UJOllin UlUCU tljCte, R r r r r 434 * Of ann fer&e Ijim at ft* migbt leallp* Cbe &ing biro tbanfcen courteoufly, ann betaugbt bim goon men tbatfcere mell knotting of tljat lann's toeer, 5$ ann tlje manner tljereoC alfo, &pne to fitg tnnejs can &c go* 2SH6en tfjat tije fttaij bim lea^etJ Dan, a toei! gceat rojoucn tljece ije mate* fcnfgbtg tljat came out of fac counttfe, 60 came in gceat ijp btm fo? to fee, ana ijonouc'ii Dim full gceatumlp, ann o'cc all men fac fouecdff nip. Cfje Engiiih fonisW* tljat tfjen mere tfierc, Donouc anti companp Jim bare* 65 among tljefe Urangeris toa^ a C&at fjoinen tua0 toojt&p anti Ctjerefo^e one of tfte bed toasi be So faft to betoing tuajs b^ face, 70 Cbat ft o'er all near foounuet) foasf* ere be tlje Lo^u Dowgias ban feen, S)e tueen'ti bte face bau Doountiet) been, T5ut ne'er a burt tberein ban be* CBben be untoounneti can it fee, 75 8>e fain, tbat be ban great ferlp, Cbat fik a ^nig^t, ann fo tuo^tbP, p^aifen of fo great bottntie, in tbe face not tuounnen be* be tberetc anftoer'n meeUlj^, ann fain, Lone eon, all time ban 31 IDanns mp bean fo? to freer* TOo foouin keep tack to tb$ anf toer ROBERT BRUCE. 455 fee ft twserff animin; Cfjat if ije tfjat tfjte asking mane, 85 S>an banns fo? to luecr ijis face, Cfjat fa^ fault of Defence fo taas 8)0 frufteti fntfl places far, g>fjouUi ijatte been left fcorij ijafil ant) fcfr, tljat tfjenluece tftecebp anf inet greatumlp, it tt)a0 matte fend) meeft fpcaltinn:, fiati ctgfjt ftiglj unnecftanfinff* How the Lord Dowglas was flain by the Saracens in tljt'0 manner mil tfjep lap, t|je countrfe tfiep ijentti fap, Of Balmerine, matlP a mOOUl? Saracene, 5 CKHass entreti in tlje lanti of Spainie, ail fcafll tfie countrie fo? td rpul?ie r of Spain on ot&et pattp, Dealt t&em into battles 10 ^inD to t6e LOJD Dowgias ^fje atoatuatD to leas ana iieer, ail ftaill tfie drangerssi tDitfi fiim foere, great mafter of S>atnt Jack otfjer battle cart fje tafee 1 5 C6e reretoarn maDe 6e 6f mfelf tljer e* 6te sate De53ifeD 5 fo^tlj tijep fare Co meet t&eir focjs, tfjat in battaii tftem, reaDp to 436 3Ott 2Ufe a*l& #Ct Of Came tljem aty ainff full fluently 20 c&e Dowgks tbat foass fa foojtljp, OUljen ije to tljem of fji$ leaning Dan mane a fate atmtomdjtng, fo? to no tneii, ann not njean neaa, 5T02 8>ea&en'S Wifg ffiouin fie tfieic meHe 9 2 5 3if tljat tljep 5i>'ti in oirg fctuice, l)en a0 luitlj luacnojo goon ann luife liaiitlj tljem ttoutlp affemblcn ije* Cljete migljt men fellon figfititifi; fee, 5fo^ tljep all lutffljt aim Ujoatijp tuecc 50 cijat on tlje Clj^ftian pact]? foece ; etc tljep io)?nen in battle, Dowgias mn, 3 ftall pou tell. Bruce'0 ijeatt tjjat on Mass ftanginir, in tlje fiein be JDn a ffone^call anu mo^e before, fain, Boto pafg tljou fojtfj tijon tuagf ujont in fiein to tie, fljnll follotu, oj elfe nie. ann fo ntn ije toitgoutten ijo, 40 |>e fottgljt etjen toljtle ije came it to, ann tooU it up in gceat naintte, ann ay in fiein tfjtg nfen ije - 3 ann tottfibt fo faft uaitlj all tljetc main, Cljat Saracens tuete man? (lain, 45 lje luljete tmttj manp feil faucljion ^anp a cfciftian nang tljep notoiu But at tfie laft tlje lo?n Douglas, ann tlje sceat tout tljat UJitb ijtm twag?, On tlje Saracens fa, p ljailli> tlje bac^K caw-.ta ROBERT BRUCE. 437 ant! tfiep cfjareD tottfi all tljeir main, 3ttn man? in tlje cijafc bafce flaiiu g>o far cijafen tbe Loan Dowgias mctl fefo foifcs, tljat be paffen fta* ail tlje folk tljat uiece cljaCutg tfjeu ; fi)c dan not luttij ijim o&et ten, fall men tljat ftete UJitij ijtm tijccc* CBfien 6e Caiu all ^epafreO tuece, Cotaatn Ijt)S fiatt tljen tuct^o ijc. ^nti U)ljen tlje Saracens can Tee, Cfiat tlje c&aferg tucnetj again, Cljep callteti iwtf) meiWe main ; anU ag t&e gOOD lO^D Of Dowgias, 3$ 3! falu air, repairing foas, )o faiu be tiflfflt define tljem neat, William tlje Sinclair a great rout enttron'D uia0. annop n, nun fain, aiace i iuiil foon be nean 70 T5ut ije ftatje ijelp, ann our manljean 05in0 u0 ijelp 6tm into great ljp s Since tljat toe are fo near ijim bp ; flnn on luttjs loeil, our intent is Co Itte o? tite in big feruice* 75 ^)t55 urill in all tljingis no (ball foe, si^o peril fljall efcfjefcen be, be put out of j?on p*itn, i tben toe nil toitb bim be flaiiu tljat UJitlj fpurjs risbt fpeenil^ ftralte tlje ijotfe, ann in great b# among tlje Saracens tljep rane, room about tljem btifee tfjep mane* s f f f f 458 Xi)e Kitt ana 3lcts of Cfjep tinng on fait foitj) all tijeic mtgljt, anD feti of tijcm to QeaD &a&e 85 Beater Defence mane ne'ec fo fo fefl, as tftep fca&e Deem tljep mtg&t lafi, tijep gafce fiattatf, li5ttt mtff&t no tDQ?Onp ttjcre aunfi, f o? tfjep tlfeane tttece (lain tiotun tfiecc j 90 5fO| Saracens ffl manp tDCCe, Cfiat tftep toete ttoentp near fo? anc* Clje goon JLo^u Dowgias tijece tuaa anU S)IC William Sinclair alfO, ano otbet ujojtft? ftnigljtis 95 g)tt Robert Logan {jegljt tlje Clje Otljer S)fC Walter Logan, CEijeceouc Lo#, ti)?ougij 8i0 metHlc Cfjeic fouI0 Ija^c to tlje Ijeauenai be goonxo^ Dowgias tinm ioo 5nt! tfje Saracens f tjat fteati no mo?e, but ftein t&etc tuap, neau t&ere leauen tljep* g)ome of t&e Lo^n Dowgias'0 men^ Cftat tljefc lo?n neau founti fia0 t&en, 105 ^eeu toell near iuooa fo? Hole aitu io long to&tle o'er fitm tftep foitotuen fo, Qne tDftd great dole (jome ijim bare, tlje ding Ijijs Ijeact ijane founn tfjece, are toluarti tfjetr innes gane, 10 ann tljat 6ome toitfj tljem fia^e ttjep tane, Olitl) greeting, anti unto etiil cfjeer, Cftetr fo?rou) uaa0 angrp foa to fiean Sift tDljen Of Keith gOOH Sir William, Cljat all tfjat nap (jan been at ijame, 439 IFo? at Co peat malice um# fie, Cfiat ije came not to tfje ioucnie, jfoj ijte acm fyota urns in ttua. rail&eu fie tljat folk Ok Bole falu ma, 5>e agfcen toljat it foa<3 in OP, 120 3ttD tfjey Ijim toft all openly, tljat tljett nougijtp loan tua0 flatn Saracens tljat cailieu again, Uiljeit Ije lutft tfjat it luass Co, Out o ec all otljec be luas luo, ^nti matJe Co toonucc dnl cljeer, Jjat all iuonujeti tljat bp Ijim U)ecc, 13ut to tell of tfteit Coacotoing 3It HOPS, ann belp^ tut little tijtng-* eu mtgljt tucll luit, tbougft none tljem tell, 150 fDofo angcpfo; CojcoU), ann fjou? fell 5 Cis5 fo? to tine lifc lo^n asf fie, Co tfjem tljat luecc of fits men?ie, jTo^ije H)a0 CUieet ann nebonaic, $nn toeil couin treat ijiss ftfenng fair, IBJ 3nn 6W foejs rigfjt fellonlp @>tonep UJitfj fjfs great cfjefcaltp ; C6e luljet e of little feat toa0 fie, >'ec all tfiing loDen fie latotie, at treafon gcieften fie greatlp, 140 Cfiat no ttattoi migfit fie fiim fip, Cfiat fie migfit urn, tfiat fie fljouin fie OKell pttaiflj'ti of fiiss crueltie, 31 tCC'OJ tfie leal Fabricius, Cfiat from Rome to foarrap Pyrrhus tKUasi Cent foitfi a full great mensie, Oaten tteaCon no lees tfian fie. Cte 440 Xlje JLit e mis 2fttsf of fobete tofjen tljat fcins Pyrrhus Jan n (jim, ann on big men?ie mane an oittuagcoujs Bifcomfiture, 150 MJljecelje efcapen tb?ou&b a totter, ann many ofljfis men uiecc 'flain, ann ijc imt gatljcteti fjoft again. a peat matter of mentctne, &at 6^ Pyrrhus in fl-o^eciUnff, P^Offetetl tO Fabricius, 3(n tceafon foj to (lap Pyrrhus ; If o? into lj(0 nert potion 5>e fl^ouin ffiue Mm neatiip poifom Fabricius tljat foonnet ijati )f tljnt pjoffet tljat ije Ijim mane, >ain, Cectejs Rome is tuell of mtoftt, Cfj^outyl) ftcenutlj of atmjs into fifffjt, c;o uatiqitift tljeic foeief, tljottglj tljat tlje? Contort to tceafon ftp no toap ; 165 ann foz pouiDoulD no f;k tceafon, 31 (ball tbee get a iwncrifoiu o to Pyrrhus, ann let fjim no Cffllijate'ec Ijim Iie0 on (jeacttljeceto* Cljen to Pyrrhus ije fent in Ijp 1*70 cijts mafter, ann o:act openly 5Fca enn to enn tell Ijim tljtsJ tale* Oljen Pyrrhus ijan it fjeacn all 6aill, fi)e fain, CBa0 euec man tfjat fafo 5fo? latiJtie faace Ijim to Iji0 fae, 175 %$ bece Fabricius noes to me f at i0 au ill to fjat (jtm fie Curnen fca tuap of ciffljteoufnef^, ): elCe confent to lufcUennefi^, SU ROBERT BRUCE. 44.1 at minnap to turn agam 180 cijc fun, tljat rung ijte coutfe all plain. CljUS faitl f)C Of Fabricius, Cljat fpnefcanquifljen ilfc Pyrrhus 3ln plain battle, t&ouglj Ijarn $>te fjoneft lafotie gart me *85 Cljte enfample fit 6ece, fo? fie 5>an foueceign p?ice of latuttie 5 anti fO IjaUl tlje L0?tl Of Dowglas, Cljat aptuffe, leal, artut>5|tjf# 5at toa0 Beau, ag fiefo^e fatu 190 ail moanen ijtm in ilfc couutcte* OTfjen 610 men long finu mane moucning, Cfiep nebofoellen ijim, ann fpne i^att fl&eec fiim, fa tljat mtgljt 6e tane Clje fleflj all foljollp from Uje bane, i? j Sinn t&e caccton in (joi^ place tnen u>itlj cigljt gteat U)o?flnp toasf. lje 6onej5 Ijatie t&ep tljen lottlj tljem tanc 3 ann ftne arc to tftetr tyf PPCJS gane* csafien tljep foere leauen of tfje Utno;, 200 (pat ijan nole fo? tijeic fo^rotof no:, Co fea tljep foettt toitlj ujinn tlje? (jan* eourte to England ija\3e tljep arri^en tfjep, toloarn Scotland ijein tfjeir 205 anntfiere are come in full great Ijp 9 tfie fcirfe of Dowglas teere Crnen foitlj nole ann meiuie care v @>tc ArchibajcLW^ fon gart fpne, 210 2Df alataltec fair ann fine, T 1 1 1 1 ant* >>naiii 6tm a tomb fo n'cljlp, ss it beljofc'o to fo The Praife of the Earl of Murray, and his Death by Poifon. tljat on tfjts foife fe William 2>f Keith ijan fyougijt ijis bones ijame, tije soon &tn$ iji^ ijeatt nifa, men Ijau tfcbl^-gact ma c effeit: Ijt0 fepttltttte, &l)t acl Murray tfjat (an tfjc cure Cfjat time of Scotland ElftD great UJO^CJIP (je Cfje ftfitff 610 fieact at tfje abba? jo of Meirofs, tujjete mett paapetij ap, Cijat ije ann fjts ftaue patauffe* CJJ8cn tfiffi tons none tfjat 3{ tieWe, Cljc goon Cail n;oi3ei*nei3 tfje latin, ant! [jein tlje pofoet toell to toatran / > Cfje laltt fo tuell maintain*!) Ije, ann fjein in peace fo tfje countcic, t^fjat it fons ncUec 02 fjis nap o luelf, asJ 31 fieatn oin men fai;* OBiit fyne, alace, poifon'U luag (je 50 T3P a frdfe C^onk full ttaitojouflie, Co fee !)ts nean uiag great pitie* logins nien upon tfjis( luifr. tljat fjigf) Lo^tJ of all tljmo: 133 to Ots mefklc bIif-3 tljem b?ing, grant bte grace, tljat tljcir **- ^ ., ~ i Lean 44J lean tuell tljeinuti, nun intenttoe to follaiu in nil t&cit life noble elDecjs great bountie, (Ettlbete onefoiti 0on in ttlnttp us fifffft to fif0 metWe .ftitft, likfns ti5 enw tfie ftoofe of t&e noWett e'ec tn Scotland pet ntn reign. fitittg Robert tfte Bruce, tofts moa U)02tijy or alt race ; of tjje nofjie Lo?n Dowgias, ann man? mo?e tftat tuttu fiim FINIS. ,'. " : UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Jit 011987 QL JUL i 1991 A 001 436 885 6 *P"6-3Nt 7IF01