in cr* GIFT OF low "Reason -Why" Copy Dried Up a County Reprinted From JUDICIOUS ADVERTISING Published by American Issue Publishing Company WESTERVILLE, OHIO How "Reason- Why" Copy Dried Up a County. Reprinted from "Judicious Advertising" Many are the uses of good advertising creating appetites and thirsts, but simon- pure "reason why" copy had a new work- out a few weeks ago in Lenawee County, Michigan in which it turned the trick with the biggest "dry" majority in Michigan. The copy writer first laid out plans for a beautiful "human interest" campaign that would bring sobs from a murderer, but his "dry" ideals were badly spilled on find- ing that the voters were talking against local option rule on the basis of the possi- bility of higher taxes. So taking a new tack and getting right down to the commercial aspect of the thing, a campaign which led off with a talk of rule by outside "booze barons," followed by actual facts and figures showing how taxes are really cut down by the elimination of saloons, was decided upon. The first ad of the two weeks* campaign of "reason why" copy had for its keynote "shall the whiskey machine of the United States rule Lenawee County and you?" For an entire week th