UC-NRLF SB 57 A VISIT TO THE COURT OF MOROCCO >OHOM Part of MOROCCO Shewing* D!*Lear Bokhara. 30 74 93 77 ) 31 3.40 148 72 91 67 June Zacouta. 1 74 94 80 .. A thunderstorm in the 2 3 74 74 99 88 78 68 evening, with some rain. 4 68 86 72 - 5 2 8 69 91 67 Cassar Pharaon. 6 1-45 7 94 102 Wad Cazar. ( Arrived at Mequinez ; 7 1-30 6 76 80 79 J total time spent in 1 travelling, 39h. 25m.; ' distance, 157| miles. 8 72 84 -> 9 82 87 84 10 83 89 86 11 83 85 81 12 80 81 80 13 79 82 79 Thunderstorm. 14 78 81 77 > Mequinez. 15 78 80 79 Thunderstorm. 16 78 81 78 17 78 82 78 18 77 79 77 19 77 79 77 20 77 78 77 21 76 77 75 22 75 77 76 23 5-40 228 74 "V Left Mequinez : stopped -J a little beyond Wad ( Enga. 82 APPENDIX E. JOURNEY FROM TANGIER continued. Date. I 1 Temperature in the shade. Names of Stopping Places and Remarks. If f I June h.min Fah. Fah. Fah. / Fez ; time spent in tra- j veiling between Me- 24 2-45 11 74 74 i quinez and Fez, 8h. 25 74 98 \ 25m.; distance, 33fm. 26 72 91 77 {Left Fez ; camped at Hezana. 27 6-50 27J 69 72 Hezana. 28 8-45 35 70 74 Hadcour. 29 7 28 70 82 Alcassar. 30 510 20f 72 80 Larache. July 1 6-55 27f 74 77 Garbia. ( Arrived at Tangier ; 1 time spent in travel- 2 5-35 22J 75 77 ( ling from Fez to Tan- j gier, 40h. 15m. ; dis- (^ tance, 161 miles. APPENDIX E. BEFORE leaving with the Embassy, I made an excursion with my wife to Tetuan, which was very interesting. In that part of the country there is no difficulty on the score of safety. My former guide, the redoubtable Kador, accompanied us, together with a soldier mounted on a sumpter mule. In the early morning of May 10th, we rode out of the south gate of Tangier for some distance along the smooth sands of the bay. Then inland and over two small stone APPENDIX E. 83 bridges across a winding river ; next along its banks fringed with oleanders in full flower. The country was astir for once. Much of it was cultivated, and ploughing and maize-sowing were in active progress. Birds were in full song, and here and there the blue convolvulus was massed in large patches as effectively as if done by the most skilful cultivator. In other places were patches of mallows of bright pink and other colours. There had been rain recently, and the contrast of various flowers set in tender green charmed the eye. It is the custom with some people to decry Morocco as an arid wilderness, but this comes from the misfortune of only having seen it after or during the long summer drought. Now and then we came upon the beautiful white flowers of a bulb (Ornithogalum arabicum)* besides other flowers quite new to us. Plains and valleys and streams were traversed until at length the Funduk, or so-called half-way house, with its stone wall enclosure, was gained. The journey to this place, which my aneroid showed to be 700 feet above the sea level, occupied five hours and a half. There were some fine olive trees close to a well of good water, and here we lunched, in company with a gentleman from Lima, whose taste for travelling had brought him to this out-of-the-way spot. The road from this place lay through a mountain pass, and was extremely rough and rocky. After the lapse of an hour from starting, Tetuan was seen in the distance, but soon disappeared. When again seen, the place remained long in view, not seeming to become much nearer, in spite of our exertions to reach it. At length the stone bridge over the river that flows to Tetuan was reached, and we entered the town soon afterwards. The * A list of plants, collected by me during this visit to Morocco, but chiefly on the journey with the Embassy, has been printed in the " Spicilegium Florae Marocanae," by John Ball, F.R.S. (London, 1878); a work of s^reat industry. 84 APPENDIX E. last portion of the journey occupied four hours and a half, and, according to my computation, the distance between Tangier and Tetuan was exactly forty miles. We went to the house of Isaac Nahon, an Israelite, as his named showed, and an obliging host. Here we took our ease in our inn, tired enough after the long hot ride. What then was our surprise to find that a courier came in from Tangier, about an hour after our arrival, bringing me a letter of introduction from Signer Colaco for Signer Salvador Hassan, the Spanish Vice-Consul. The promised letter had been forgotten, and was most kindly forwarded after our departure from Tangier. Postal service in Morocco is substituted by a class of couriers, who, by practice, get over astonishing distances in a single day, and maintain the same pace for many days together. Nahon's visitors' book dated from 1838, and contained the names of many distinguished persons who have made the journey from Tangier, or else came by sea. Tetuan is situated in a verdant valley at the foot of picturesque mountains, the highest of which, called Beni Hosmar, form part of the lesser Atlas chain. The river which flows by it, and which was said to contain real trout, was flanked with orange orchards, and dotted with the country houses of the townspeople. A swampy plain extended towards the sea, and there was a road, probably the best in all Morocco, six miles long through it to San Martin, the port. This road was made by the Spaniards during their three years' occupation of the place, and boasted, we were told, of a traffic in which two or three carts were conspicuous. Tetuan is a much larger and more imposing place than Tangier. The streets differed little from those of other Moorish towns ; but there was a large open space of between three and four acres in extent. On the north side of this was a large mosque, while the other three sides were surrounded by shops and workshops. These APPENDIX E. 85 were almost all occupied by gunmakers, one of the chief of whom, Hadge Abdeslam el Fassy, was good enough to tell me much about his branch of industry which was the leading one of the place. The whole number of workshops was about 100. But, contrary to what one would have expected to find, there was a division of labour ; some were barrel, others lock makers, others finishers. The higher priced, gold inlaid specimens of these ungainly flint-lock weapons must be admitted to have been fairly well finished. But one could not help wondering why the Moors in this matter, as in every thing else, per- sistently ignore modern improvements. A good deal of gold embroidery was done at Tetuan ; and another branch of industry was the manufacture of brackets, chests, and other wood work, ornamented with arabesque painting, in brilliant colours. Slipper making and other leather work was also carried on extensively. Signor Hassan was good enough to take us to see the houses of three rich Moors, as the best specimens which the place afforded. They had, as usual, gardens, with fine fruit trees attached to them ; also terraces, fountains, and small ponds, containing gold fish, &c. The houses were different, and in some respects better than any one had seen in the interior of the country. Proximity to Europe had plainly had its effect. Some of the rooms were of large size, and besides being beautifully decorated in the Moorish style with tiled floors, in elaborate patterns, covered with rich carpets, were supported by pillars, and had glass windows. The European ornaments could not be praised ; there were mirrors, artificial flowers, and clocks without end. Musical boxes also prevailed. Brackets, of Moorish design, held not only specimens of Moorish pottery, but some very good pieces of china, chiefly old Oriental. These, of course, could not be pur- chased. But who would have thought it ? Even Morocco has been invaded by the insatiable bric-a-brac hunter. 86 APPENDIX E. About five years previously the then Spanish vice-consul set to work and bought up all the old china that he could, which had hitherto found a resting place here. According to Nahon's account, he made a good harvest. There was a Spanish convent at Tetuan, presided over by Padre F. Jose de Larchundi, to whom I presented a letter, and by whom I was courteously received. The success of the mission in making converts was the same as that of all missions amongst Moslems none whatever. Tetuan was stated to be a healthy place, in which pulmonary consumption was almost unknown. Only two or three lepers were known to be in the town. On the third day after our arrival we left Tetuan by the road already traversed having the rare advantage of a cloudy day for the journey and reached Tangier safely. PABDON AND SON, PRINTERS, PATKBNOSTER ROW, LONDON, BY THE SAME AUTHOR. MOROCCO AND THE MOORS; Being an Account of Travels, with a General Description of the Country and its People. BY ABTHUR LEAKED, M.D., E.R.C.P., ETC. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. " A complete and graphic account of a country little known, in a pleasant and lively style." Academy. " The narrative portion of the book is done very well indeed, and some of the special chapters and appendices are full of interest." Athenaeum. " We can honestly commend Dr. Leared's book." Nature. 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An entirely New Edition, with 59 Full-page and other Woodcuts. Square crown 8vo, cloth extra, *]$. 6d. ; Text only, paper, is. Theophilus and Others, i vol., small post 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, 3-r. 6d. Dogs of Assize. A Legal Sketch-Book in Black and White. Containing 6 Drawings by WALTER J. ALLEN. Folio, in wrapper, 6s. 8d. Dore's Spain. See " Spain." DougalFs (f. -D.) Shooting; its Appliances, Practice, and Purpose. With Illustrations, cloth extra, IQJ. 6d. See " Shooting." TJARLY History of the Colony of Victoria (The}, from its *-^ Discovery to its Establishment as a Self-Governing Province of the British Empire. By FRANCIS P. LABILLIERE, Fellow of the Royal Colonial Institute, &c. 2 vols., crown 8vo, 2is. Echoes of the Heart. See MOODY. Elinor Dryden. By Mrs. MACQUOID. Crown 8vo, 6s. English Catalogue of Books (The). Published during 1863 to 1871 inclusive, comprising also important American Publications. This Volume, occupying over 450 Pages, shows the Titles of 32,000 New Books and New Editions issued during Nine Years, with the Size, Price, and Publisher's Name, the Lists of Learned Societies, Printing Clubs, and other Literary Associations, and the Books issued by them; as also the Publisher's Series and Collections altogether forming an indispensable adjunct to the Bookseller's List of Publications. Establishment, as well as to every Learned and Literary Club and Association. 30^., half-bound. * # * Of the previous Volume, 1835 to 1862, very few remain on sale ; as also of the Index Volume, 1837 to 1857. English Catalogue of Books (The) Supplements, 1863, 1864, 1865, 3-r. 6d. each ; 1866, 1867, to 1878, 5^. each. Eight Cousins. See ALCOTT. English Writers, Chapters for Self-Improvement in English Literature. By the Author of " The Gentle Life," 6s. Eton. See " Day of my Life," " Out of School," " About Some Fellows." Evans (C.) Over the Hills and Far Away. By C. EVANS. One Volume, crown 8vo, cloth extra, IQJ. 6d. A Strange Friendship. Crown 8vo, cloth, $s. T^AITH Gartney's Girlhood. By the Author of "The * Gay worthy's." Fcap. with Coloured Frontispiece, 3-r. 6d. Familiar Letters on some Mysteries of Nature. See PHIPSON. Favourite English Pictures. Containing Sixteen Permanent Autotype Reproductions of important Paintings of Modern British Artists. With letterpress descriptions. Atlas 4to, cloth extra, 2/. 2s. Fern Paradise ( The] : A Plea for the Culture of Ferns. By F. G. HEATH. New Edition, entirely Rewritten, Illustrated with eighteen full-page and numerous other Woodcuts, and four permanent Photo- graphs, large post 8vo, handsomely bound in cloth, \2s. 6d. Fern World (The). By F. G. HEATH. Illustrated by Twelve Coloured Plates, giving complete Figures (Sixty-four in all) of every Species of British Fern, specially printed from Nature ; by several full- page Engravings ; and a permanent Photograph. Large post 8vo., cloth, gilt edges, 400 pp., 4th Edition, 12s. 6d. Feiu (A) Hints on Proving Wills. Enlarged Edition, i s. Five Weeks in Greece. By J. F. YOUNG. Crown 8vo, IQS. 6d. Flammarion (C.) T/ie Atmosphere. Translated from the French of CAMILLE FLAMMARION.. Edited by JAMES GLAISHER, F. R.S., Superintendent of the Magnetical and Meteorological Depart- ment of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich. With 10 Chromo- Lithographs and 8 1 Woodcuts. Royal 8vo, cloth extra, 3cxr. Flooding of the Sahara (The). An Account of the project for opening direct communication with 38,000,000 people. With a de- scription of North- West Africa and Soudan. By DONALD MACKENZIE. 8vo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, los. 6d. Footsteps of the Master. See STOWE (Mrs. BEECHER). Forrest (John) Explorations in Australia. Being Mr. JOHN FORREST'S Personal Account of his Journeys. I vol., demy 8vo, cloth, with several Illustrations and 3 Maps, i6s. io Sampson Low, Marston, 6^ Co.'s Franc (Maude Jeane). The following form one Series, small post 8vo, in uniform cloth bindings : Emily's Choice. $s. HalVs Vineyard. 45. John's Wife : a Story of Life in South Australia. 4$. Marian ; or, the Light of Some One's Home. 5^. Silken Cords and Iron Fetters. 45. Vermont Vale. $s. Minnie's Mission, 4$. Little Mercy. $s. French Heiress (A) in her own Chateau. Crown Svo, 1 2S. 6d. Funny Foreigners and Eccentric Englishmen. 16 coloured comic Illustrations for Children. Fcap. folio, coloured wrappper, 4?. (^AMES of Patience. See CADOGAN. Garvagh (Lord) The Pilgrim of Scandinavia. By LORD GARVAGH, B.A., Christ Church, Oxford, and Member of the Alpine Club. Svo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, icw. 6d. Geary (Grattan). See " Asiatic Turkey." Gentle Life (Queen Edition). 2 vols. in i, small 4to, IQS. 6d. THE GENTLE LIFE SERIES. Price 6s. each ; or in calf extra, price icw. 6d. The Gentle Life. Essays in aid of the Formation of Character of Gentlemen and Gentlewomen. 2 1st Edition. " Deserves to be printed in letters of gold, and circulated in every house." Chambers' Journal* About in the World. Essays by the Author of " The Gentle Life." " It is not easy to open it at any page without finding some handy idea," Morn- ing Post. Like unto Christ. A New Translation of Thomas a Kempis' " De Imitatione Christi." With a Vignette from an Original Drawing by Sir THOMAS LAWRENCE. 2nd Edition. " Could not be presented in a more exquisite form, for a more sightly volume was never seen." Illustrated London News. Familiar Words. An Index Verborum, or Quotation Hand- book. Affording an immediate Reference to Phrases and Sentences that have become embedded in the English language. 3rd and enlarged Edition. "The most extensive dictionary of quotation we have met with." Notes and Queries. List of Publications. 1 1 The Gentle Life Series, continued : Essays by Montaigne. Edited, Compared, Revised, and Annotated by the Author of "The Gentle Life." With Vignette Por- trait. 2nd Edition. " We should be glad if any words of ours could help to bespeak a large circula- tion for this handsome attractive book." Illustrated Timks. The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia. Written by Sir PHILIP SIDNEY. Edited with Notes by Author of "The Gentle Life." *]s. 6d. "All the best things in the Arcadia are retained intact in Mi-. Friswell's edition." Rxaminer. The Gentle Life. 2nd Series, 8th Edition. " There is not a single thought in the volume that does not contribute in some measure to the formation of a true gentleman." Daily News. Varia : Readings from Rare Books. Reprinted, by permission, from the Saturday Review, Spectator, &c. "The books discussed in this volume are no less valuable than they are rare, and the compiler is entitled to the gratitude of the public. "Observer. The Silent Hour: Essays, Original and Selected. By the Author of "The Gentle Life." 3rd Edition. "All who possess 'The Gentle Life ' should own this volume." Standard. Half-Length Portraits. Short Studies of Notable Persons. By J. HAIN FRISWELL. Small post 8vo, cloth extra, 6s. Essays on English Writers, for the Self-improvement of Students in English Literature. " To all (both men and women) who have neglected to read and study their native literature we would certainly suggest the volume before us as a fitting introduction." Examiner. Other People's Windows. By J. HAIN FRISWELL. 3rd Edition. "The chapters are so lively in themselves, so mingled with shrewd views of human nature, so full of illustrative anecdotes, that the reader cannot fail to be amused. " Morning Post. A Man's Thoughts. By J. HAIN FRISWELL. German Primer. Being an Introduction to First Steps in German. By M. T. PREU. 2s. 6d. Getting On in the World ; or, Hints on Success in Life. By W. MATHEWS, LL.D. Small post 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. gilt edges, 3-r. 6d. Gouffe. The Royal Cookery Book. By JULES GOUFFE ; trans- lated and adapted for English use by ALPHONSE GOUFFE, Head Pastrycook to her Majesty the Queen. Illustrated with large plates printed in colours. 161 Woodcuts, Svo, cloth extra, gilt edges, 2,1. 2s. Domestic Edition, half-bound, ios.6d. far the ablest and most complete work on cookery that has ever been sub- to the gastronomical world." Pall Mall Gazette. The Book of Preserves ; or, Receipts for Preparing and Preserving Meat, Fish salt and smoked, Terrines, Gelatines, Vege- tables, Fruit, Confitures, Syrups, Liqueurs de Famille, Petits Fours, Bonbons, &c., &c. I vol., royal Svo, containing upwards of 500 Receipts and 34 Illustrations, I or. 6d. ;^ Illustrations of Local Government and History. Drawn from Original Records (chiefly of the County of Devon). By A. H. A. HAMILTON. Crown Svo, cloth, los. 6ct. ft ALSTON (W. R. S.) Early Russian History. Four * * Lectures delivered at Oxford by W. R. S. RALSTON, M. A. Crown Svo, cloth extra, 5-r. Rambaud (Alfred}. History of Russia, from its Origin to the Year 1877. With Six Maps. Translated by Mrs. L. B. LANG. 2 vols. demy Svo, cloth extra. Recollections of Samuel Breck, the American Pepys. With Passages from his Note-Books (1771 1862). Crown Svo, cloth, ios. 6d. "The book is admirable." Standard. Recollections of Writers. By CHARLES and MARY COWDEN CLARKE. Authors of " The Concordance to Shakespeare," c. ; with Letters of CHARLES LAMB, LEIGH HUNT, DOUGLAS JERROLD, and CHARLES DICKENS ; and a Preface by MARY COWDEN CLARKE. Crown Svo, cloth, IQJ. 6d. Reynard the Fox. The Prose Translation by the late THOMAS ROSCOE. With about 100 exquisite Illustrations on Wood, after designs by A. J. ELWES. Imperial i6mo, cloth extra, Js. 6d. Robinson (Phil.). See " In my Indian Garden." Roche (Mrs. H.). See " On Trek in the Transvaal." Rochefoucauld's Reflections. Bayard Series, 2S. 6d. Rogers (S.) Pleasures of Memory. See " Choice Editions of Choice Books." 2s. 6d. Rohlfs (Dr. G.) Adventures in Morocco, and Journeys through the Oases of Draa and Tafilet. By Dr. G. ROHLFS. Demy Svo, Map, and Portrait of the Author, I2s. Rose in Bloom. See ALCOTT. Rose Library (The). Popular Literature of all countries. Each volume, is. ; cloth, 2s. 6d. Many of the Volumes are Illustrated 1. Sea-G-ull Rock. By JULES SANDEAU. Illustrated. 2. Little Women. By LOUISA M. ALCOTT. 3. Little Women Wedded. Forming a Sequel to "Little Women. " 4. The House on Wheels. By MADAME DE STOLZ. Illustrated. 5. Little Men. By LOUISA M. ALCOTT. Dble. vol., 2s. ; cloth, 3^. 6d. 24 Sampson Low, Marston, 6 C0.'s Rose Library (TTie), continued: 6. The Old-Fashioned Girl. By LOUISA M. ALCOTT. Double vol., 2s. ; cloth, y. 6d. 7. The Mistress of the Manse. By J. G. HOLLAND. 8. Timothy Titcomb's Letters to Young- People, Single and Married. 9. Undine, and the Two Captains. By Baron DE LA MOTTE FOUQUE. A New Translation by F. E. BUNNETT. Illustrated. 10. Draxy Miller's Dowry, and the Elder's Wife. By SAXE HOLM. 11. The Four Gold Pieces. By Madame GOURAUD. Numerous Illustrations. 12. Work. A Story of Experience. First Portion. By LOUISA M. ALCOTT. 13. Beginning- Ag-ain. Being a Continuation of "Work." By LOUISA M. ALCOTT. 14. Picciola; or, the Prison Flower. By X. B. SAINTINE. Numerous Graphic Illustrations. 15. Bobert's Holidays. Illustrated. 1 6. The Two Children of St. Doming-o. Numerous Illustrations. 17. Aunt Jo's Scrap Bag-. 1 8. Stowe (Mrs. H, B.) The Pearl of Orr's Island. 19. The Minister's Wooing 1 . 20. Betty's Brig-ht Idea. 21. . The Ghost in the Mill. 22. Captain Kidd's Money. 23. We and our Neighbours. Double vol., 2s. 24. My Wife and I. Double vol., 2s. ; cloth, gilt, 3-r. 6d. 25. Hans Brinker ; or, the Silver Skates. 26. Lowell's My Study Window. 27. Holmes (O. W.) The Guardian Angel. 28. Warner (C. D.) My Summer in a Garden. 29. Hitherto. By the Author of "The Gayworthys." 2 vols., is. each. 30. Helen's Babies. By their Latest Victim. 31. The Barton Experiment. By the Author of " Helen's Babies." 32. Dred. By Mrs. BEECHER STOWE. Double vol., 2s. Cloth, gilt, 3J-. 6d. 33. Warner (C. D.) In the Wilderness. 34. Six to One. A Seaside Story. Russell (W. H., LL.D.) The Tour of the Prince of Wales in India, and his Visits to the Courts of Greece, Egypt, Spain, and Portugal. By \V. H. RUSSELL, LL.D., who accompanied the Prince throughout his journey ; fully Illustrated by SYDNEY P. HALL, M.A., the Prince's Private Artist, with his Royal Highness's special permission to use the Sketches made during the Tour. Super-royal 8vo, cloth extra, gilt edges, 52^. 6 Co.'s Smith (G.) The Chaldean Account of Genesis. Containing the Description of the Creation, the Fall of Man, the Deluge, the Tower of Babel, the Times of the Patriarchs, and Nimrod ; Babylonian Fables, and Legends of the Gods ; from the Cuneiform Inscriptions. By the late G. SMITH, of the Departmennt of Oriental Antiquities, British Museum. With many Illustrations. Demy 8vo, cloth extra, 5th Edition, i6s. Snow- Shoes and Canoes ; or, the Adventures of a Fur- Hunter in the Hudson's Bay Territory. By W. H. G. KINGSTON. 2nd Edition. With numerous Illustrations. Square crown 8vo, cioth extra, gilt, 7^. 6d. South Australia: its History, Resources, and Productions. Edited by W. HARCUS, J.P., with 66 full-page Woodcut Illustrations from Photographs taken in the Colony, and 2 Maps. Demy 8vo, 2is. Spain. Illustrated by GUSTAVE DORE. Text by the BARON CH. D' AVILLIER. Containing over 240 Wood Engravings by DORE, half of them being Full-page size. Imperial 4to, elaborately bound in cloth, extra gilt edges, 3/. 3-r. Stanley (H. M.) How I Found Livingstone. Crown Svo, cloth extra, "js. 6a. j large Paper Edition, los. 6d. "My Kalulu," Prince, King, and Slave. A Story from Central Africa. Crown Svo, about 430 pp., with numerous graphic Illustrations, after Original Designs by the Author. Cloth, js. 6d. Coomassie and Magdala. A Story of Two British Campaigns in Africa. Demy Svo, with Maps and Illustrations, i6s. Through the Dark Continent, which see. St. Nicholas for 1878. The First Number of the New Series commenced November 1st, 1877, and contains a New Story by LOUISA M. ALCOTT, entitled "Under the Lilacs." is. Monthly. Story without an End. From the German of Carove', by the late Mrs. SARAH T. AUSTIN. Crown 4to, with 15 Exquisite Drawings by E. V. B., printed in Colours in Fac-simile of the original Water Colours ; and numerous other Illustrations. New Edition, 7^. 6d. square 4to, with Illustrations by HARVEY. 2S. 6d. Stowe (Mrs. Beecher] Dred. Cheap Edition, boards, 2s. Cloth, gilt edges, 3^. 6d. Footsteps of the Master. With Illustrations and red borders. Small post Svo, cloth extra, 6s. Geography, with 60 Illustrations. Square cloth, 45. 6d. Little Foxes. Cheap Edition, is. ; Library Edition, 4_r. 6d. Bettys Bright Idea. is. List of Publications. 27 Stowe (Mrs. Beecher) My Wife and I ; or, Harry Henderson^ History. Small post 8vo, cloth extra, 6s.* Minister's Wooing, $s.\ Copyright Series, is. 6^/.;cl., 2s* Old Town Folk. 6s. : Cheap Edition, 25. 6d. Old Town Fireside Stones. Cloth extra, 3^. 6d. Our Folks at Poganuc. los. 6d. We and our Neighbours, i vol., small post 8vo, 6s. Sequel to "My Wife and I."* Pink and White Tyranny. Small post 8vo, $s. 6^. ; Cheap Edition, is. 6d. and 2s. Queer Little People, is. ; cloth, 25. Chimney Corner, is. ; cloth, is. 6d. The Pearl of Orr's Island. Crown 8vo, 5 *.* Little Pussey Willow. Fcap., 2s. Woman in Sacred History. Illustrated with 15 Chromo- lithographs and about 200 pages of Letterpress. Demy 4to, cloth extra, gilt edges, 25^. Street Life in London. By J. THOMSON, F.R.G.S., and ADOLPHE SMITH. One volume, 4to, containing 40 Permanent Photographs of Scenes of London Street Life, with Descriptive Letterpress, 25.?. Student's French Examiner. By F. JULIEN, Author of " Petites Lemons de Conversation et de Grammaire-" Square crown 8vo, clo; h extra, 2s. Studies from. Nature. 24 Photographs, with Descriptive Letter- press. By STEVEN THOMPSON. Imperial 4to, 35^. Sub-Tropical Rambles. See PIKE (N). Sullivan (A.M., M.P.). See " New Ireland." Summer Holiday in Scandinavia (A). By E. L. L. ARNOLD. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, los. 6d. Sumner (Hon. Charles}. See Life and Letters. Surgeon's Handbook on the Treatment of Wounded in War. By , Dr. FRIEDRICH ESMARCH, Professor of Surgery in the University of Kiel, and Surgeon-General to the Prussian Army. Translated by H. H. GLUTTON, B.A., Cantab, F.R.C.S. Numerous Coloured Plates and Illustrations, 8vo, strongly bound in flexible leather, I/. Sj. 'TTAUCHNITZ'S English Editions of German Authors. * Each volume, cloth flexible, 2s. ; or sewed, is. 6d. (Catalogues post free on application.) * See also Rose Library. 28 Sampson Low, Marston, 6 Co.'s Tauchnitz (JB.) German and English Dictionary. Paper, I.T. cloth, is. 6d: ; roan, 2s French and English. Paper, is. 6d. ; cloth, 2$ ; roan, 2s. 6d. Italian and English. Paper, is. 6d. ; cloth, 2S. ; roan. 2J. 6d. Spanish and English. Paper, is. 6d. ; cloth, 2s. ; roan, 2s. 6d. New Testament. Cloth, 2s. ; gilt, 2s. 6d. The Telephone. An Account of the Phenomena of Electricity, Magnetism, and Sound, as Involved in its Action ; with Directions for Making a Speaking Telephone. By'Prof. A. E. DOLBEAR, Author of "The Art of Projecting," &c. Second Edition, with an Appendix De- scriptive of Prof. BELL'S Present Instrument. 130 pp., with 19 Illus- trations, is. Tennyson's May Queen. Choicely Illustrated from designs by the Hon. Mrs. BOYLE. Crown 8vo (See Choice Series), 2s. 6d. Textbook (A) of Harmony. For the Use of Schools and Students. By the late CHARLES EDWARD HORSLEY. Revised for the Press by WESTLEY RICHARDS and W. II. CALCOTT. Small post 8vo, cloth extra, 3-r. 6d. Thebes, and its Five Greater Temples. See ABNEY. Thomson (J.) The Straits of Malacca, Indo- China, and China; or, Ten Years' Travels, Adventures, and Residence Abroad. By J. THOMSON, F.R.G.S., Author of "Illustrations of China and its People." Upwards of 60 Woodcuts. Demy 8vo, cloth extra, zis. Thorite (E.) The Queen of the Colonies ; or, Queensland as I saw it. I vol., with Map, 6s. Through the Dark Continent : The Sources of the Nile ; Around the Great Lakes, and down the Congo. By HENRY M. STANLEY. 2 vols., demy 8vo, containing 150 Full-page and other Illustrations, 2 Portraits of the Author, and 10 Maps, 42^. Sixth Thousand. Map to the above. Size 34 by 56 inches, showing, on a large scale, Stanley's recent Great Discoveries in Central Africa. The First Map in which the Congo was ever correctly traced. Mounted, in case, i/. is. " One of the greatest geographical discoveries of the age." Spectator. " Mr. Stanley has penetrated the very heart of the mystery. . . . He has opened up a perfectly virgin region, never before, so far as known, visited by a white man." Times. To the Arctic Regions and Back in Six Weeks. By Captain A. W. M. CLARK KENNEDY (late of the Coldstream Guards). With Illustrations and Maps. 8vo, cloth, i$s. Tour of the Prince of Wales in India. See RUSSELL, List of Publications. 29 Trollope (A.) Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. A Story of Bush Life in Australia. With Graphic Illustrations. Small post, cloth, $s. Turkistan. Notes of a Journey in the Russian Provinces of Central Asia and the Khanates of Bokhara and Kokand. By EUGENE SCHUYLER, Secretary to the American Legation, St. Petersburg. Numerous Illustrations. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth extra, 5th Edition, 2/. 2s. Two Americas ; being an Account of Sport and Travel, with Notes on Men and Manners in North and South America. By Sir ROSE PRICE, Bart. I vol., demy 8vo, with Illustrations, cloth extra, 2nd Edition, iSs. Two Friends. By LUCIEN BIART, Author of "Adventures of a Young Naturalist," " My Rambles in the New World," &c. Small post 8vo, numerous Illustrations, JS. 6d. Two Supercargoes (The) ; or, Adventures in Savage Africa. By W. H. G. KINGSTON. Square imperial i6mo, cloth extra, js. 6d. Numerous Full-page Illustrations. J/ANDENHOFF (George, MA.). See " Art of Reading " Aloud." Clerical Assistant. Fcap., 35. 6d. Ladies' Reader (The). Fcap., 5*. Verne's (Jules} Works. Translated from the French, with from 50 to 100 Illustrations. Each cloth extra, gilt edges Large post Svo, price los. 6d. each 1. Fur Country. 2. Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea. 3. From the Earth, to the Moon, and a Trip round It. 4. Michael Strogoff, the Courier of the Czar. 5. Hector Servadac. 6. Dick Sands, the Boy Captain. Imperial 1 6mo, price js. 6d. each 1. Five Weeks in a Balloon. 2. Adventures of Three Englishmen and Three Russians in South Africa. 3. Around the World in Eighty Days. 4. A Floating- City, and the Blockade Runners. 5. Dr. Ox's Experiment, Master Zacnarius, A Drama in the Air, A Winter amid the Ice, &c. 6. The Survivors of the " Chancellor." 7. Dropped from the Clouds. | The Mysterious Island. 3 voK, 8. Abandoned. > 2 2*. 6d. One volume, with some of the 9. Secret Of the Island. J Illustrations, cloth, gilt edges, ictf. (>d. 10. The Child of the Cavern. 3.) My Summer in a Garden. Rose Library, is. Back-log Studies. Boards, is. 6d. ; cloth, 2s. In the Wilderness. Rose Library, is. Mummies and Moslems. Svo, cloth, i2.r. List of Publications. 31 Weaving. See " History and Principles." Westropp (H. M.) A Manual of Precious Stones and Antique. Gems. By HODDER M. WESTROPP, Author of "The Traveller's Art Companion," " Pre-Historic Phases," &c. Numerous Illustrations. Small post 8vo, cloth extra, 6s. Whitney (Mrs. A. D. T.) The Gayworthys. Cloth, 3*. 6d. Faith Gartney. Small post 8vo, 35. 6d. Cheaper Editions, is. 6d. and 2s. Real Folks. 12 mo, crown, 3^. 6d. Hitherto. Small post 8vo, 3^. 6d. and 2s. 6d. Sights and Insights. 3 vols., crown 8vo, 31$. 6d. Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite 's Life. Cloth, 35-. 6d. Tfie Other Girls. Small post 8vo, cloth extra, 3*. 6d. We Girls. Small post 8vo, 35. 6d.- f Cheap Edition, is. 6d. and zs. Wikoff (H. ) The Four Civilizations of the World. An Historical Retrospect. Crown 8vo, cloth, 12s. Wills, A Few Hints on Proving, without Professional Assistance. By a PROBATE COURT OFFICIAL. 5th Edition, revised with Forms of Wills, Residuary Accounts, &c. P'cap. 8vo, cloth limp, u. Wilson (H. Schultz}. See "Alpine Ascents and Adventures." With Axe and Rifle on the Western Prairies. By W. H. G. KINGSTON. With numerous Illustrations, square crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, 7^. 6d. Woolsey (C. D., LL.D.) Introduction to the Study of Inter- national Law ; designed as an Aid in Teaching and in Historical Studies. Reprinted from the last American Edition, and at a much lower price. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 8s. 6d. Words of Wellington: Maxims and Opinions, Sentences and Reflections of the Great Duke, gathered from his Despatches, Letters, and Speeches (Bayard Series). 2s. 6d. World of Comets. By A. GUILLEMIN, Author of " The Heavens." Translated and edited by JAMES GLAISHER, F.R.S. I vol., super- royal 8vo, with numerous Woodcut Illustrations, and 3 Chromo-lithographs, cloth extra, 31^. 6d. "The mass of information collected in the volume is immense, and the treatment of the subject is so purely popular, that none need be deterred from a perusal of it." British Quarterly Review. Wreck of the Grosvenor. By W. CLARK RUSSELL. 6^. Third and Cheaper Edition. 32 Sampson Low, Marston, 6 Co's List of Publications. VENOPHON'S Anabasis ; or, Expedition of Cyrus. A Literal Translation, chiefly from the Text of Dindorff, by GEORGE B. WHEELER. Books I to III. Crown 8vo, boards, 2s. Books /. to VII. Boards, 3*. 6d. (J. F.} Five Weeks in Greece. Crown 8vo, IQS. 6d. Km&mt. 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