UC-NRLF INDUSTRIAL I STUDIES ^EXERCISES f REIMOLD WORLD BOOK COMPANY Svv*< LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF PHILIPPINE EDUCATION SERIES INDUSTRIAL STUDIES AND EXERCISES BY O. S. REIMOLD AUTHOR OF FIRST AND SECOND PRIMARY LANGUAGE BOOKS FORMERLY A DIVISION SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS IN THE PHILIPPINES WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY DAVID P. BARROWS PROFESSOR OF EDUCATION IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA FORMERLY DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION FOR THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS ILLUSTRATED YONKERS-ON-HUDSON, NEW YORK WORLD BOOK COMPANY AND MANILA 191 o Copyright, 1905, iQio, by World Book Company. Entered at Stationers' Hall, London. Registrado en las Islas Filipinas. A II rights reserved. CONTENTS GIFT r; #./> INTRODUCTION ............ ABACA Making cord and rope ....... BAMBOO Making bamboo furniture ; joints . . . BASKETS, HATS, AND MATS Beginning diagonal weave .............. BLACKSMITH, THE Making awl, needles, and rule . BURI Weaving with the knot weave ..... CARPENTER, THE Making loom of cigar box . . COCONUT, THE Weaving coconut-fiber mat . . FISH, THE Weaving nets and net bags .... FISHING Weaving fish trap and wastebasket . . FOREST, THE Making chart stand and model stand GARDEN, THE Making fences and hedges . . . HOME, THE Making bamboo window shade . . HUNTING Weaving nets and hammocks . . . . MARKET, THE Making measures ...... PLAYING BALL Making a base-ball ..... POTTER, THE Covering flower-pots with weaves . RlCE Weaving winnowing baskets ; crop report . SABUTAN Hat weaving ......... SCHOOL Making bamboo loom ....... SEWING Weaving sewing basket ...... SHOEMAKER, THE Making sandals ..... SUGAR-CANE Writing crop reports ...... TAILOR, THE Making coat hanger and clothes rack TRANSPORTATION Writing road and animal reports WASHING Making bamboo toilet furniture . . . WEAVING Weaving on simple loom ..... PLATE I Bamboo furniture ........ PLATE II Adaptations of diagonal mat .... PLATE III Eight steps in weaving a buri hat . 3 5-8 9-12 1316 17-20 21-24 2528 29-32 33-36 37-40 41-44 45-48 49-52 53 56 57~6o 61-64 6568 69-72 73~?6 77~8o 81-84 85-88 89-92 9396 97-100 101-104 105-108 109 110 1 1 1 RISE -I INTRODUCTION The following studies in industrial work are based upon the arts and industries of the Filipino peoples. Few countries can show so many kinds of attractive handiwork suitable for teach- ing in schools. Trees, plants, and grasses which in other coun- tries have to be brought from afar to furnish the materials for this work here grow abundantly. The Filipinos have two fine gifts. First, the quickness of their hands ; perhaps no other people in the world learn so easily to use their hands and fingers cleverly. Second, the artistic sense ; they love beautiful things colors, patterns, and pictures and they love to make them. This talent shows itself not only in the paintings of such great artists as Luna and Resurreccion, but still more strikingly in the many beautiful articles made by humble people. For many years, the native arts and manufactures of the Filipinos have been disappearing. There are provinces where at the time of the Spanish conquest the people made fine cotton cloths, but today do nothing of the kind. There are towns once famous for mats and baskets which no longer make them. Only three or four towns make good hats, although the demand is so large that many hundreds are brought to Manila each year from foreign countries. In getting a modern education, the Filipino boy and girl should not forget or slight the many ex- cellent things done well by their parents and grandparents. Among these are the popular industries told about in this book. We whose aim is education believe that it is a great good to a child to learn to make well some useful thing ; to make it beauti- ful is an increased pleasure. We believe that the training of eye and hand obtained by learning to make a fine mat will help the child many times in after life to use his fingers skilfully and to know and love well-made things. Furthermore, we believe that the schools should encourage, in every way, the practice of "household industries," that is, industries that can be engaged in by all members of the family without leaving the home. In iii 219371 IV INTRODUCTION many provinces, people have little to do between rice planting and harvest, and again, between harvest time and plowing. Idleness frequently leads them to do foolish and harmful things ; sometimes they actually suffer want for lack of employment. To such people, household industries are most important. Were it not for the spinning and weaving of cotton cloths, the Ilokano people would not be able to make a living on their crowded and not very fertile coast. For all these reasons the native arts and industries were chosen as subjects of study in primary schools when, in 1904, the course of study for Philippine schools was framed. Splen- did teaching along these lines has already been given in all parts of the Islands. I have been in schools where every boy was wearing a buri or pandan hat which he himself had made, and in other schools where every girl had learned to embroider linen in a way to delight the purchaser of such fineries. About two years ago, a "standard" of industrial work was announced which each child must reach to be promoted from Grade III to Grade IV. This "standard" is the ability to make well some useful, salable article and to write a little essay tell- ing about the materials from which it is made, its manufacture, its use, and its worth. This book helps the pupil to both ends ; it teaches how to make beautiful things, and it teaches how to tell about them in accurate and well-chosen language. DAVID P. BARROWS University of California, I October, 1910 To the Teacher : On each first page of a subject (see pages 5, 9, 13, and each successive fourth page) is a list of words and expressions which it is essential that every pupil should understand and be able to use correctly. Let the pupils use each word or phrase in several sentences relating to the subject under discussion. Words followed by "(n. & v.) " are used both as noun and verb teach the use of both. Of the nouns, both singular and plural forms should be used ; of the verbs, the present, past, and participle forms should be used. CONVERSATION AND VOCABULARY DRILL 5 ABACA What is growing in this field? How tall are the plants? How do the men cut abaca? What is on the cart? Where will the man go with the cart? stalk leaf leaves abaca fiber coarse fiber fine fiber bleach strip (n. & v.) stripper stripping knife stripping machine baling machine bale cord rope lupis sinamay pinolpog READING AND CONVERSATION Cut a stalk of abaca or banana plant. You will find many small threads. These small threads in the stalk are called fibers. In abaca there are many fibers. Abaca fibers are very strong. This man is taking the fiber out of the abaca stalk. He is stripping off all the soft part with a smooth knife. If the knife is rough, the fiber will not be fine. Abaca fiber makes strong twine and rope. Cord is small rope. The fisherman uses rope and cord for his nets. Much rope is used on ships. Is the rope on your flag-pole made of abaca? Women can weave cloth from fine abaca fiber. The ladies make camisas of this cloth. Very much abaca grows in the southern part of Luzon. Can you tell on what other islands abaca grows? Much abaca is sent to America and Europe. Philippine abaca is the best in the world. CONVERSATION AND WRITING 1. How does the farmer plant abaca? 2. Why does he have trees in the field? 3. What plant does abaca look like ? 4. What kind of leaves has abaca? 5. How tall does abaca grow? 6. Can we eat the abaca fruit? 7. What part of the plant do we use? 8. How many times a year is abaca cut? 9. How can we tell when to cut abaca? 10. How do the men cut abaca? 1. How does the man take the fiber out of the stalk ? 2. What kind of knife is best for stripping? 3. How does the fiber look? 4. What color is it? 5. What can we make of strong fiber? 6. How is rope made? 7. For what can we use rope ? 8. What cloth can we weave of fine fiber? 9. What can be made of the cloth ? 10. In what provinces does much abaca grow ? INDUSTRIAL EXERCISES What is the difference between a cord and a rope ? You can make all the cord and rope that you need for your industrial work. Use good fibers of abaca, maguey, or sisal. See pages 32, 36, 52, 56, 68, 88, for the uses of cord and rope. To make a cord for weaving a net, select twenty good fibers of equal lengths. Take ten fibers in one bundle. Fasten one end of the bundle to a hook in the ceiling. Hang it so high that the other end does not touch the floor. Tie a stone or some other kind of weight to the lower end. Give the weight a spin so that it will twist the fibers. Twist the other ten fibers in the same way. Then twist the two strands into a cord. Measure the fibers before twisting, and again after twisting. When are they longer? Why? You can make a rope for a flag. How thick should it be? Twist three strands together. How many fibers will you need for each strand? Rope can also be made by braiding. Learn to braid with three strands; with four strands; with six strands. Braided rope is useful for basket handles and for the soles of sandals. (See page 88.) It can also be sewed together to make mats and baskets. Very pretty braided rope can be made from raffia and grasses. To the Teacher: Pupils should make at a time only as much cordage as their exercise requires. Read the chapters, "Braids " and " Knots and Nets." CONVERSATION AND VOCABULARY DRILL 9 BAMBOO What tall plants do you see at the left? What can you tell about them? What are the men doing? Of what are they building the house? What tools do they use? bamboo shoots bamboo stalks hollow stalks trim the stalks split the stalks between the joints' join two pieces make a joint* glue chisel pegs ruler *To the Teacher: Make clear these meanings of the word joint: (i) the node of a stem; (2) the part of a stem between the nodes; (3) the union of two or more parts or things, as the bamboo joints on page 12. 10 READING AND CONVERSATION Bamboo does not grow like trees. Many bamboo plants grow in one bunch. Here is a picture of a bunch of bamboo. Young bamboo grows very fast. It is tender and good to eat. The bamboo stalk is hollow. It is lighter than the trunk of a tree. The trunk of a tree is solid. Can you make a cup of bamboo ? When the wind blows, the bamboo bends and shakes its slender leaves. How beautiful it looks ! The farmer plants bamboo around his field. The carabao cannot get into the field. The carpenter can use bamboo for posts, because it is strong. Can all the parts of a house be made of bamboo ? We can make sawali and baskets of bamboo, because it bends and is light. The farmer makes rope of bamboo, because it bends and is strong. Very fine hats are made of bamboo. Bamboo hats are light and cool. In what town are many bamboo hats made ? CONVERSATION AND WRITING u 1. Where does bamboo grow best? 2. How much will young bamboo grow in a day? 3. How long will it take to grow as tall as you ? 4. How high does bamboo grow? 5. What kind of branches has bamboo ? 6. W T hat kind of leaves grow on bamboo ? 7. When do people cut bamboo ? 8. When must they not cut it ? 9. Do ants eat bamboo ? 10. How is bamboo different from a tree? 11. What kind of noise does bamboo make when it burns? 1. What part of your house is made of bamboo ? 2. Name some large things at your home made of bamboo. 3. Name some small things made of bamboo. 4. What can your father make of bamboo ? 5. What things made of bamboo does the fisherman use ? 6. What does the farmer make of bamboo ? 7. What can you make of bamboo ? 8. Why do you make your kite of bamboo ? 9. How much do you pay for a large bamboo stalk ? 12 INDUSTRIAL EXERCISES Where do the pupils in your school put their hats and umbrellas? Should you like to make an umbrella rack or a hatrack for your room? (See page 109.) Bamboo furniture should be strong. It will be strong if all the joints are well made. The pictures above show how to make strong joints. Measure accurately. Cut the edges even. Make the two joining pieces fit well. Do not use iron nails; use wooden pegs and hot glue. Make the joints neat. See that your saw and chisel are sharp so that you can cut smooth edges. No. i shows how joined pieces are held together while the glue is drying. No. 2 shows the miter joint ; Nos. 3 and 4, T joints; No. 6, the diagonal joint. To the Teacher : Read the chapter " Bamboo Work." Let the first work be simple. Do not let the pupils try to make furniture until they are able to make strong joints. Glue may be made from carabao hoofs and skins. CONVERSATION AND VOCABULARY DRILL 13 BASKETS, HATS, AND MATS What is this woman weaving? What material does she use? How many hats do you see? What other things can she weave? Of what is the mat made? weave mat weave weaving web weave wove coil weave woven knot weave border hexagonal weave lesign square mat sleeping mat table mat hand basket market basket sewing basket weaving materials READING AND CONVERSATION Many kinds of hats are made in the Philippines. Some hats keep off the rain, and others are made to wear in the sun. How many kinds of hats do you see in the picture ? In Baliwag hats are made of bamboo. The peo- ple of Lukban make fine hats of buntal. Sabutan makes very good hats. Baskets are very useful, and we should learn to make them. Many of them have beautiful shapes. Sometimes baskets have pretty colors, too. Strong baskets are made of bejuco, bam- boo, or buri. CONVERSATION AND WRITING 1. What kinds of mats are made in your province ? 2. Of what material are these mats made ? 3. What color are they ? 4. What are these mats used for? 5. Draw a design for a mat. 6. Beautiful mats are made in the Romblon Islands. Can you tell some other places where fine mats are made ? 1. What part of the basket do you weave first ? 2. What do you make last ? 3. What baskets are made of bamboo? 4. W T hat baskets are made of bejuco ? 5. What other materials are used to make baskets ? 6. Tell the use of each basket in the picture. 1. Can you make a bamboo hat? 2. How do you get the bamboo? 3. How do you split it for weaving? 4. How do you soften the bamboo ? 5. What part of the hat do you weave first ? 6. How many kinds of material are used to make hats ? / . Which hat in the picture do you like best ? i6 INDUSTRIAL EXERCISES 4 \ In weaving a mat, it is important to turn the corners correctly and accurately. The pictures show how to make correct turns. Lay a strip of buri or lupis before you. With the right hand bring the upper part over to the right. Make a right angle like No. i. Take the strip at the right and bring it over and down. Now you have the double turn shown by No. 2. Weave in a strip as shown in No. 3. All turns on the right are made by bringing the strip over and down. All turns on the left are made by turning the strip back and then down, like No. 4. Weave in other strips. When the edges are 20 cm long, make the double turn. Now weave until the mat is finished. What is the shape of your mat ? How large is it? On page 1 10 you will find pictures of things that can be made of square mats and oblong mats. To make a good mat, notice these points: use white buri; let the strips be smooth; weave the strips in straight; weave the strips closely. When a mat is well made, the edges are straight and even. To the Teacher: See the chapter "First Exercises " for exercises on making turns; also read the chapter " Diagonal Mat- Weave." This lesson will serve as a model for a composition exercise on how to weave a mat. CONVERSATION AND VOCABULARY DRILL 17 THE BLACKSMITH What is the man making? What is the man at the right doing? What do you call these men? Why do they need the fire? Tell the names of the things that you see in this place. metal iron steel tin brass copper gold and silver metal worker coppersmith tinsmith silversmith goldsmith blow the fire heat the iron red hot cool the iron bend the iron bent the wire 18 READING AND CONVERSATION I like to visit the blacksmith's shop and see the blacksmith work. A fire is burning in the forge. The blacksmith puts the iron into the fire. See how the fire burns ! I like to see the man blow the fire. The blacksmith takes the hot iron out of the fire with the tongs. How pretty the red iron looks ! He puts the iron on the anvil and strikes it with a heavy hammer. See the sparks fly ! Hear the anvil ring ! The blacksmith is making a bolo. He ham- mers the hot iron flat. He will sharpen the bolo and put a handle on it. The blacksmith will sell the bolo. He can buy food and clothes with the money. Who will buy the bolo ? CONVERSATION AND WRITING 19 1. Of what does the blacksmith make a bolo? 2. Can he make a bolo of cold iron? 3. How can he make the iron soft? 4. How does he make the fire burn? 5. How does he know when the iron is soft? 6. How does he hold the hot iron? 7. How does he shape the iron into a bolo? 8. Why does the blacksmith make bolos? 9. What does the carpenter give him for a bolo? 10. What does the blacksmith do with the money? 1. Draw pictures of three objects shown in the picture on page 2. 2. Write four sentences. In each sentence tell what the blacksmith does with one of these tools: anvil tongs hammer forge 3. Write four sentences. In each sentence tell what these things are used for: anchor spear bolo chain 20 INDUSTRIAL EXERCISES 3 4 For your industrial work, you need these tools : knife, scissors, ruler, awl, large and small needles, and bamboo needles. You can make most of your own tools yourself. Make an awl from a nail. Shape a wooden handle as No. i shows. Make it 6 cm long and 2.5 cm wide at the widest part. Drive a nail into the handle. File off the nail head and sharpen the nail, as shown in No. 2. Make a needle from a nail. File off the head. Hammer the nail flat and file it till it is thin enough. Punch a hole in one end. No. 3 shows the shape and size of the needle. A bamboo needle is needed for weaving colored buri into mats. Cut a thin piece of bamboo into a shape like No. 4. The split at one end will hold the colored buri. Directions for making a meter measure are given on page 60. In the same manner make a decimeter meas- ure. Divide the decimeter into ten centimeters. Divide the centimeters into millimeters. You cannot make a knife or scissors. These tools are made of hard steel. However, you can keep them sharp by using a whetstone. Some whetstones are used dry. On some whetstones water is used, on others, oil. CONVERSATION AND VOCABULARY DRILL 21 BURI Point to the leaf. How tall is the leaf? How tall is the petiole ? Point to the leaf bud. On what tree do they grow ? What part of the leaf is useful ? What fiber does it contain ? W T hy is the leaf bud valuable ? Name six things made of buri. rice water boiling water leaf bud petiole midrib buri fiber buntal buri raffia extract prepare soak boil rinse bleach vinegar sour dye (n. & v.) dyeing dyed color sibucao mangrove dilao cili 22 READING AND CONVERSATION Buri grows in nearly every part of the Philippines. Buri fiber is used more than any other kind in school industrial work. The fiber, commonly called buri, comes from the leaf bud. Buri is stronger and finer than pandan. White buri makes the best kind of cheap hats. See page ill for the weaving of a buri hat. A soft fiber, which resembles a material called raffia, is made from buri. Buri raffia can be woven in a small loom. It also makes attractive mats and baskets. The midribs of the leaf bud can be used as spokes in basket weaving. Bejuco and bamboo, however, make stronger spokes. The valuable buntal fiber is found in the petiole, or stem, of the buri leaf. The man in the picture is pulling buntal from a leaf stem. Few people know how to extract buntal. More people should learn how to do it. Have you tried it ? Most of the buntal comes from Tayabas prov- ince. Buntal is woven into fine hats. It is also used for cigarette cases and fine baskets. CONVERSATION AND WRITING 23 1. How tall do buri trees usually grow? 2. How often does a new leaf grow on a tree? 3. How tall is the leaf bud when it is ready to cut for weaving fiber? 4. What materials does the leaf bud give ? 5. Name the uses of the buri fiber, the midribs, and raffia. 6. From what part of the buri plant does buntal come? 7. Why is buntal valuable ? 8. Can any one in your town weave a buntal hat? 9. From what province do most of the buntal hats come ? Prepare and bleach buri for your own use. Make it as white as you can. WVite a composition on " How to Prepare Buri." Write about these things: (i) collect- ing leaf bud; (2) separating parts of bud ; (3) stripping from the midrib; (4) boiling; (5) drying; (6) soaking in rice water; (7) drying; (8) making smooth ; (9) roll- ing; (10) stripping. Be sure to tell how long to boil the buri; what you put into the water to make the buri white ; how long to dry it before rinsing; how often to rinse it. INDUSTRIAL EXERCISES These pictures show how the knot weave is made. Take two buri strips. Place one over the other to form right angles, as shown in No. i. Hold these strips in your left hand. With the right hand, make the turns as shown in Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5. No. 6 shows how the knot looks when it has been pulled tight. To make the next knot, add a new strip, as in No. 7. Make this knot as shown in Nos. i to 6. For each new knot, add a strip. When you begin the second row of knots, add a new strip, as in No. 8. Add a new strip for each row. Make the knots even and bring them close together. No. 9 shows how small bamboo splints are woven into the knot weave. This makes the weave strong enough to hold its shape. Weave the splints in firmly so that they will not fall out. You must strengthen the weave with splints when you make the articles shown on page 23. To the Teacher : Read the chapters ' ' Materials and their Preparation " (buri), " Dyes," " Hat Weaving." There ought to be a sale among officials for knot-weave baskets in which to put letters and papers dimensions 36 cm long, 26 cm wide, 9 cm deep. CONVERSATION AND VOCABULARY DRILL 25 THE CARPENTER What do you call these men? What materials are they using? Who made the boards? What tools are these men using? What things can they make? workshop workbench tool box sawhorse hardware try-square saw (n. & v.) ripsaw crosscut saw backsaw miter box mallet hammer (n. & v.) screw screw-driver bit brace plane (n. & v.) 26 READING AND CONVERSATION The carpenters are build- ing a house. First they dig holes in the ground and put in the posts. The posts are very strong. On top of the posts they make the roof. The frame of the roof is made of bam- boo. One carpenter is put- ting on the cogon. Nipa also makes a good roof. Cogon and nipa keep out the hot sun and the rain. Another carpenter is saw- ing a wide board. The board must be smooth. It will be used for the floor. The carpenters will cover the sides of the house with sawali. How do they put it on? They will put in large windows and a door. Light and fresh air can come through the win- dows. At night we should open the windows and shut the doors. The floor is high above the ground. The car- penter will make steps of boards. CONVERSATION AND WRITING 27 1. What things in the school-room can the carpenter make ? 2. Of what is your bench made? 3. What kind of wood is it? 4. How does the carpenter make the boards smooth? 5. What does he do with the saw? 6. How does he sharpen his saw? 7. What holds the bench together? 8. How does the carpenter put in the nails? 9. What can the carpenter make for the blacksmith? 10. What can the blacksmith make for the carpenter? 1. How long is your house? How wide is it? 2. How many posts are in your house? 3. How tall are they from the ground to the roof? 4. What kind of wood are the posts? 5. With w r hat is the roo.f of your house covered? 6. Count the steps from the ground to the floor. 7. Why is the floor so far from the ground? 8. Of what is the floor made? 9. With what are the sides of your house covered? 10. How many windows are in your house? 1 1. How many doors are there? 28 INDUSTRIAL EXERCISES This picture shows how a loom can be made from a cigar box. The box should be about 14 cm by 20 cm. On each end put a row of 19 pins 5 mm apart. These pins hold the warp threads. From the cover of the cigar box make the heddle. The heddle is used to raise and lower the warp threads. Make the heddle 11.5 cm long and 7 cm wide. Study the picture carefully. You see that the first warp passes through the first slit. The second warp passes through the first hole. How many slits are there? How many holes? First make a drawing of the heddle. The slits should be 4 cm long and 3 mm wide. The holes should be 3 mm in diameter. The holes are in a row through the middle of the heddle. How far should it be from slit to hole? How far from slit to slit? Cut the edges of the slits and holes smooth. How many heddles has the loom on page 105? Point them out. Make a bobbin of the cigar box cover. Make it 12 cm by 5 cm. For what is the bobbin used? Use this loom for weaving fine mats. (See page 108.) To the Teacher : The pupils should first make and use the loom as directed on page 80. Later have them make looms like the one here described but larger. See the chapter on " Textile Weaving." CONVERSATION AND VOCABULARY DRILL 29 THE COCONUT What kind of trees do you see? What grows on these trees? Can you tell what the horses are carrying? What is copra? W r here do you think the horses are going? coconut grove coconut palm coconut milk coconut oil coconut wine pack horse husk shell meat copra fuel burn export exporter import importer petroleum lamp READING AND CONVERSATION The boys are in a coconut grove. Pedro is climbing a tree. He will pick some co- conuts and throw them down to Juan. The coconut has a thick coat. This coat is the husk. Juan is taking off the husk. Under the husk is the shell. When the coconut is ripe, the shell is very hard. Juan will cut off one end of the coconut with his bolo. The coconut is full of good, sweet milk. Pedro and Juan like to drink the milk. Pedro will take out some of the meat with his knife. The boys will eat it. They will take some coconuts home to their mother. For what can your mother use coconuts? Pilar is carrying home the husks. She will burn them in the stove. Pilar will cook rice for the boys. She will take the rice from the pot with a spoon. The spoon is made of coconut shell. We get oil from the coconut. We can burn the oil. It gives us light at night. CONVERSATION AND WRITING 1. Where does the coconut tree grow? 2. What kind of leaves has it? 3. Where do the coconuts grow? 4. How many nuts grow on a tree? 5. What shape is the nut? 6. How large is it? 7. What is outside the shell? 8. What is inside the shell? 9. How does the meat taste? 10. How much milk is in a coconut? 1. Do many coconuts grow in your province? 2. In what province are large coconut groves? 3. What is copra ? 4. How can we make copra? 5. For what is it used? 6. How is coconut oil made? 7. For what can we use the oil ? 8. For what can your mother use coconut milk? 9. For what is the husk used? 10. What useful thing can you make of the husk? 1 1. What can you make of the shell? 12. For what can we use the leaves? INDUSTRIAL EXERCISES Weave a small door mat. Use the bamboo loom that you have made. (See page 80.) Warp the loom with strong twisted fiber. Thread two weaving needles with the same kind of fiber. With one needle begin to weave on the right and weave across once. Then with the other begin on the left and weave across once. In this way, weave across three times with each woof thread. Weave a bundle of coconut husk fiber around each warp. Then with the needle on the right, pass around the end warp and weave across once. Do the same with the other needle. Proceed in this way, weaving a row of fiber, then two woofs. While weaving, batten each row firmly against the weave. Trim each row of coconut fiber so that the fiber is about 2 cm deep on the mat. Finish the mat by weaving the woof across six times. Sew a braided rope around the edge of the mat to make it firm. If the mat is well made, the coconut fibers will be thick and even. To the Teacher : Simple loom weaving should precede this exercise. En- courage the children to make large door mats, 40 cm x 60 cm is a good size. There ought to be a ready sale for such mats. CONVERSATION AND VOCABULARY DRILL 33 THE FISH Count the fish in this picture, Where are the fish ? What are they doing ? What do fish like to eat ? Can you tell the names of these fish ? fish (n. & v.) fishing fished scales fins gills eggs spawn hatchery sea lake river jelly-fish sea urchin starfish sponge oyster seaweed 34 READING AND CONVERSATION The fish lives in the water. It cannot live on land. The fish breathes with its gills. How do you breathe ? Can you breathe under water ? I like to see the fish swim. It cannot walk or fly. I swim with my hands and feet. The fish swims with its fins and tail. Count the fins on this fish. Tell where they are. Some fish wear hard coats. These coats are of scales. The water cannot go through these coats. Have you ever seen a fish without scales ? Some fish live in the sea. They are called salt-water fish. Some of them are very large. There are many small fish in rivers and lakes. We call them fresh-water fish. Turtles, crabs, and frogs also live in water. CONVERSATION AND WRITING 1. Where does the fish live? 2. How does the fish use its gills? 3. Where are the gills? 4. What is the color of the gills? 5. How does the fish swim? 6. Where are the fins? 7. What fish has large scales? 8. What fish has no scales? 9. What does the fish eat? 10. How does the fish get its food? 1 1. What other animals live in water? 35 1. Is your town on a river or on the sea? 2. What kind of fish can you buy in your market? 3. How much do you pay for a large fish? 4. How large was the largest fish you ever saw? 5. What kind of fish was it? What color was this fish? 6. Write the names of some fresh-water fish. 7. Name some salt-water fish. 8. Give the names of some big fish. 9. Name some little fish. 10. What fish do you like best? INDUSTRIAL EXERCISES ...h Fishermen and hunters use nets to catch game. Net! can be put to other uses as well. The only tools necessary are the bobbin (a) and the mesh stick (^). Both may be made of bamboo, but hard wood is better. Abaca or maguey can be used for strong nets with coarse meshes. For fine nets with small meshes, linen or cotton thread is best. The first picture shows how to make a simple net knot. Other knots are shown on page 56. Be sure to make all the meshes the same size. Make a net bag for school-books like the one in the picture above. First make two strong rings of bejuco for the handles. Cover the rings with abaca, raffia, lupis, or thin strips of bejuco, as shown in the second picture. Begin your net by tying the cords on the rings. Very fine bags in which ladies may carry handkerchiefs or purses can be made of silk threads. Such bags may be lined with an inner bag of silk. Flower-pots may be covered with nets woven of raffia or lupis. (See page 68.) To the Teacher: Read the chapters "Braids" and "Knots and Nets." Let the pupils learn the net knot used by fishermen of their locality. CONVERSATION AND VOCABULARY DRILL 37 FISHING Where are the men ? What are they doing ? W'hat do they do' with the net ? What do you call these men ? What kind of fish can they catch ? net dip net scoop net dragnet sinker float pole line hook bait (n. & v.) weir trap bait the hook set the net draw in the net dry the net bait basket fish basket READING AND CONVERSATION Jose is fishing. How still he holds his pole ! He has a fat worm on his hook. A hungry fish sees the worm. It will bite the worm. Jose pulls up his line. Poor fish, it cannot get away. Jose puts it into his basket. He will take it home. The men in the boats are fishing in the sea. They have a long net between the boats. The net is under the water. See the men pull in the net. How heavy it is ! The net is full of fish. The men will put the fish into the boat and take them to market to sell. The fisherman can catch fish at night. He holds a candle in one hand. The fish like the light. They cannot see the man. The man will catch the fish in his trap. CONVERSATION AND WRITING 39 1. Where is Jose fishing? 2. What things does he use? 3. Of what is his pole made? 4. Why does he want a long pole? 5. Why does Jose put a worm on the hook? What else can he use for bait? Why is the hook sharp? How does Jose know when the fish bites the worm? Why does he have a basket? Why does he catch fish? Where are the men fishing? How do they catch fish? Of what is the net made? Who makes the net? What makes the net go down into the water? 6. What fish can they catch in the net? 7. What fish can we catch at night? 8. Why does the man have a candle? 9. How does he catch the fish? 10. Of what is the fish-trap made? 1 1. What do you call a fish-trap? INDUSTRIAL EXERCISES Make a fish trap like No. 3. Let it be 25 cm tall, 7 cm in diameter at the small end, and 1 8 cm at the large end. Weave it of thin bejuco strips 4 mm wide. Take 1 1 strips 65 cm long. Weave them in the middle, as shown in the first picture. These strips form 22 of the spokes. Add a twenty-third spoke, (a) No. 2. With one end of this added spoke, begin to weave, bending the spokes upward, as the second picture shows. First weave under one spoke; then over two; then under two ; then over one. After this, weave under two and over two, going round and round. Keep the spokes at equal distances apart. The distance between the spokes grows greater nearer the top. Finish the top neatly, as is shown in No. 3. With this weave, you can make a strong and attractive wastebasket for your home. You will, however, need a greater number of spokes to make the bottom large enough. To the Teacher: Let the pupils learn from fishermen the different weaves employed in making traps and let them apply those weaves to other practical pur- poses. See the chapter on "Web Weave " for applications. CONVERSATION AND VOCABULARY DRILL 41 THE FOREST What is the man doing with the ax ? Which way will the tree fall? What are the men doing with the saw ? How many logs do you see ? What will the men do with the logs ? tree trunk bark branch limb twig leaf leaves log board seedling sapling sawmill woodcutter forester ranger forest fire Arbor Day READING AND CONVERSATION Many large trees grow in the forest. Have you ever been in a forest? The forest is the home of birds and wild ani- mals. The birds build their nests in the trees. The monkeys jump and play among the branches. How happy they are! The wood-cutter cuts down the tree with a sharp ax. How the chips fly! He cuts the branches off the trunk. Then two men saw the trunk into logs. How the saw sings ! The carabaos are hauling a log to town. Count the carabaos. Is the log heavy ? How can you tell? These men are sawing a log into boards. The car- penter will use the boards. He can make boxes, tables, benches, and desks of boards. CONVERSATION AND WRITING 43 1. What is a forest? 2. Do people live in the forest? 3. What birds live in the forest? 4. \Vhat wild animals do we find there? 5. What does the wood-cutter do? 6. What tools does he use? 7. How does he take the logs to town? 8. What can be made of the logs ? 9. What things in the school-room are made boards? 10. What things at home are made of boards? 1. Is there a large forest near your town? 2. Write the names of some large trees. 3. What wood is very hard? 4. What wood makes the best posts? 5. What wood is used for doors? 6. What wood makes pretty tables? 7. What wood is used for boats? 8. Of what wood can we make canes? 9. Of what wood is your desk made? 10. What wood do the ants like to eat? 1 1. What wood do the ants not like to eat? 44 INDUSTRIAL EXERCISES You can make a stand for The Philip- pine Chart or music chart. Make the chart stand of the same dimen- sions and in the same way as the clothes rack on page 96. The chart stand, however, has no pegs in the upright. Trim the top edges of the upright round so that the chart will not tear. Get a large nail that fits the hole in the chart stick. Drive the nail into the top of the upright. File off the nail head. Sometimes your teacher puts models for industrial work before the class. The picture shows how the chart stand can be ,made to hold these models. The shelf for holding the models is a board about 20 cm wide, 30 cm long, and 2 cm thick. In one end of the board cut a square hole. The hole must be just large enough to let the upright pass through it easily. As the picture shows, a small three-cornered brace is fastened to the under side of the shelf. This brace is not attached to the upright. The shelf is held in place by a wooden peg, as the picture shows. The wooden peg runs through a hole in the upright and ex- tends about 5 cm on each side. If holes are bored through the upright at different heights, the shelf can be raised and lowered. Let the holes be 10 cm apart. The shelf should be taken off before the chart is put on the stand. CONVERSATION AND VOCABULARY DRILL 45 THE GARDEN What are these boys making ? What is each boy doing? What tool is each boy using ? What are the tools made of ? Why is there a fence around the garden ? spade (n. & v.) spading hoe (n. & v.) hoeing rake (n. & v.) raking weed (n. & v.) weeding fertilize fertilizer cultivate mulch plant (n. & v.) transplant seed fruit vegetables flowers 4 6 READING AND CONVERSATION Let us make a garden. We must first turn the soil with a spade. Seeds cannot grow in hard soil. Chop the soil fine with the hoe, Benito. Pick out the grass. Grass will kill the young plants. We shall rake the garden. Now the soil is soft and fine. We shall plant vegetable seeds. Antonio, make a straight row with your stick. Plant some radish seeds in the row. Now cover the seeds with a little soil. Manuel is sowing some tomato seeds. By and by he will set out the little tomato plants. Now, boys, take care of the gar- den. Do not let the weeds and grass grow. Keep the soil loose and soft. Soon we shall have fresh vegetables. CONVERSATION AND WRITING 47 1. What is a garden? 2. How do we make a garden? 3. What tools do we use? 4. Of what are the tools made? 5. Why do we turn the soil with a spade? 6. Why does the farmer plow the field ? 7. Why do we pick out the grass? 8. What do we do with the rake ? 9. What is the best month for making a garden? 10. Why is it the best month? 1 1. Draw a picture of a spade, a hoe, a rake. 1. Where do we plant seeds? 2. Where do we get the seeds? 3. What kind of seeds are the boys planting? 4. How do you plant radish seeds? 5. What part of the radish do we eat? 6. What seeds do ants eat? 7. What kind of plants do we set out? 8. What do you do when weeds and grass grow in the garden? 9. Write the names of five vegetables. 10. What vegetable do you like best? 48 INDUSTRIAL EXERCISES Every yard and especially every garden should have a fence around it. This fence must be strong enough to keep out all animals and attractive enough to add beauty to the place it surrounds. The best fence is made of trimmed wood posts and wire. Vines can be planted around the posts, and in a short time they will cover the posts and hide many of the wires. Another good fence is made by using wood posts and wood pickets. Bamboo makes poor fence posts, because it rots easily. One school made a fence as follows: The pupils got cuttings of tangan-tangan (katumbao, in Ilokano). They planted the cuttings about 25 cm apart. Then they wove in a bamboo strip at the top and the bottom. The plants grew rapidly, and their branches formed a thick fence. When the plants were about one meter high, the tops were trimmed off square. Such a fence is called a shrub fence or hedge. Animals do not eat tangan- tangan, because its bark and leaves are poisonous. Madre de cacao may be used in place of tangan-tangan. The hibiscus, or gumamela, with its beautiful red blos- soms and thick foliage, makes a most attractive and use- ful hedge. All fences and hedges must be kept in repair. Hedges should be trimmed often, in order to look well. Gates should be made of wood and should swing on wooden posts. They should be made so that they will close easily and will stay closed. To the Teacher: Read the chapter, "Agriculture and Gardening." CONVERSATION AND VOCABULARY DRILL 49 THE HOME What do you see in this picture? What makes this home beautiful ? Is any one working? Who are playing? Does the baby like her horse ? yard well clean healthy filthy unhealthy house walls roof veranda ceiling window shade living room dining room kitchen bedroom bath room furniture READING AND CONVERSATION Antonio has a beautiful home. He loves his home and likes to keep it clean. His father catches fish and sells them in the market. He brings home a big one to eat. Antonio's mother is cooking the good, big fish. The rice is in the pot on the stove. Antonio has brought some radishes from his garden. Here comes Pilar with bread from the baker. Pilar and her mother put the rice, fish, radishes, and bread on the table. Antonio calls his father to dinner. Now they must wash the dishes. Antonio gets the hot water from the pot. Pilar plays with her baby brother. Pilar likes to help her mother. When she is older, she will go to school with Antonio. CONVERSATION AND WRITING 51 1. How many rooms are in your house? 2. What do you call the largest room? 3. What do you do in the kitchen? 4. How do you keep the floors clean? 5. How do you keep the yard clean ? 6. Why do we plant flowers in the yard? 7. How can you help your mother ? 8. What do you need when you sleep? 9. Why do you boil water before you drink it? 10. With what kind of water do you wash dishes? 1 1. Why is it good to have trees near the house? 12. How can you help your father? 1. On what street do you live? 2. How many persons are in your family? 3. How many brothers have you? 4. How many sisters have you? 5. Write the names of your brothers and sisters. 6. Have you a baby in your home? 7. Who takes care of the baby? 8. What does your father do? 9. Who cooks your dinner? 10. W r hat games do you play with your brothers and sisters? INDUSTRIAL EXERCISES Make a window shade of thin bamboo strips about 5 mm wide. Cut the strips evenly. Measure your window. How wide is it? Your shade should be about 10 cm wider than the window. How long will you cut your strips? How high is your window? Your shade should be about 10 cm longer. For the top of the shade, use a strong piece of bamboo. On this piece mark the points where your weaving cords will be tied. The pair of cords nearest to each end should* be about 5 cm from the end. The next pairs come about 5 cm from the end pairs. The other pairs of cords may be from 10 cm to 15 cm apart. Use fine, strong cord. Wind each cord on a bobbin. Tie a pair of cords at each point marked on the top bamboo stick. The picture shows how the thin strips are woven in. Always pass the cords from front to back, and from back to front. Then hold the strips in place by sticking one of the bobbins of each pair of cords in the weave, as the picture shows. Pull the cords tight, so that the strips will be woven in securely. When the last strip is put in, tie the cords. The strip at the bottom should be as strong as the one at the top. To the Teacher: Have the pupils first weave a small shade. A profitable industry of making window shades could be developed. Many bamboo shades are now imported from Japan and China. An exhibit of industrial work done in Pampanga province contains a device for weaving window shades, information about which teachers may get from the Division Superintendent of that province. CONVERSATION AND VOCABULARY DRILL 53 HUNTING Why did the wild chicken fly? Why is the deer standing still ? Does the deer see the man ? W^hat is the man doing? W T hy did he come here ? hunt hunter hunting (n. & v.) bow and arrow spear spearhead gun shot gun rifle revolver shot (n. & v.) cartridge cartridge belt bullet ammunition powder load a gun set a trap 54 READING AND CONVERSATION These men are hunting wild pigs. They spread out a net in the forest. Then the men and the dogs drive the pigs into the net. What a noise they make ! The men are shout- ing and the dogs are barking. Some men have spears and some have bolos. They will kill the pig. Look out, boy, the pig will hurt you with its tusks. Wild pigs are very good to eat. This is a snare to catch a wild chicken. The chicken will come to eat the bait. How does the snare catch the chicken ? Wild chickens and pigeons are good to eat. Bad boys sometimes catch pretty song-birds with snares. CONVERSATION AND WRITING 55 1. Name the birds in this picture. 2. Do they sing? Are they good to eat? 3. How can you catch wild chickens or pigeons? 4. How can men catch ducks? 5. Where can we find ducks? 6. In what months do we hunt ducks? 7. Have you a blow-gun? 8. Why is it wrong to kill song-birds? 9. Write the names of four song-birds. 1. Why does the man hunt wild animals? 2. What does the hunter use for hunting? 3. How does he hunt deer? 4. What can he do with the deer-skin? 5. How can he catch the wild pig? 6. What can he make of the tusks of the pig? 7. How is the wild pig different from the pig at home? 8. What other wild animals can we hunt? 9. What meat do you like best? INDUSTRIAL EXERCISES After you have learned how to make a net like that on page 36, you will be able to make a hammock. For the end pieces of the hammock, use two pieces of wood 80 cm long, 6 cm wide, and 3 cm thick. Round the edges as the picture shows. Tie a rope about 2.25 m long at each end of one stick. These ropes form the edges of the hammock, as the picture shows. Begin weaving the net on the stick to which the ropes are- tied. Weave the first and last mesh of each row around the ropes. Weave until the hammock is long enough. Weave the last row of meshes around the second stick. Tie the ropes to the ends of this stick. Make the weaving loose near the middle of the ham- mock, so that it looks as the picture shows. To the Teacher: Read the chapter on "Knots and Nets." Simple work in net weaving should be given before the hammock is attempted. The children may use for the hammock some other knot than the one here suggested. Hammocks might be made to sell. Pupils might also be taught how to make hammocks of bejuco, the art of which some Filipinos know. CONVERSATION AND VOCABULARY DRILL 57 THE MARKET Where are these people ? What are they here for? Point to some one selling a fish. Who is buying the fish? W^hat can the people buy in this market ? merchant license money coins cheap dear expensive too expensive measure (n. & v.) dry measure wet measure ganta measure liter vara-stick meter-stick scales weigh weight READING AND CONVERSATION These people live in the barrios. They are going to the market. The fisherman has a basket of fish. What are the women carrying? What is the man carrying in his two baskets ? Felisa is going to the market. She will buy some things for dinner. Her mother gave her 40 centavos. What a noisy place the market is! Everybody is talking. Some are selling and some are buying. Felisa sees a big fish. The fisher- man wants 20 centavos. That is too much. Felisa buys another fish for 15 centavos. She gives the man a 2O-centavo piece. How much does he give Felisa? Felisa buys four eggs for 10 centavos, and she pays 5 centavos for some bananas. CONVERSATION AND WRITING 59 1. Where are these people going? 2. What will they do with the things they are carrying in the baskets? 3. Why does the farmer take the rice to the market? 4. What will the fisherman get for his fish? 5. \Vhy does Felisa go to the market? 6. What has she in her basket? 7. How much does she pay for a fish? 8. How much money does she spend? 9. How much money does she take home? 1. What day is market-day in your town? 2. What can you buy in your market? Name some things to eat; name some things to wear; name some things to use at home. 3. How much does a candle cost? 4. How much does a ganta of rice cost? 5. How much do you pay for a chicken? 6. What do you pay for a large jar? 7. How much petroleum can you buy for a half-peso? 8. How many bananas can you get for 5 centavos? 6o INDUSTRIAL EXERCISES To make a liter measure, take a piece of bamboo 10 cm in diameter. Fill a liter measure with water. Pour the water into the bamboo. With a stick, measure exactly from the top of the water to the top of the bamboo, as No. i shows. Indicate this distance by several marks on the outside of the bamboo. (See No. 2.) Then draw a circle through these marks. If your measurements are accurate, this circle will show exactly where the top of the water is. Empty the water and saw off the top of the bamboo, following the circle. Now pour in a liter of water. Does the water fill the bamboo measure exactly? In the same way, you can make other measures to hold smaller or larger quantities. You need a meter-stick in much of your work. Take a straight piece of wood 3 cm wide and 5 mm thick. Cut it exactly i m long. Measure the decimeters. How many are there? Mark the dividing lines across the stick. Divide the first decimeter into centimeters. How many are there? Mark the lines half-way across the stick. J L J L To the Teacher : Insist upon accurate measurements in these exercises. See Mercer-Bonsall's Complete Arithmetic, Part I, page 109, for directions for making a pair of balances. CONVERSATION AND VOCABULARY DRILL 61 PLAYING BALL What are these boys playing ? How many boys are playing ? Where is the ball ? Who will catch the ball ? Why is the boy running? team home team visiting team pitcher catcher shortstop first-base man fielder batter umpire home base third base strike (n. & v.) foul home run score champions champion team 62 READING AND CONVERSATION These boys are playing sipa. They all stand in a large circle. Pedro tosses the ball and kicks it to Maximo. See Maximo kick the ball with his heel. All the boys watch the ball. The ball must not touch the ground. Let us go to the plaza and play ball. Where are the bats ? Please give one to me. This one is too heavy. Let me have a lighter one. Throw the ball to me, Francisco, and I will bat it. See the ball high in the air. Run, boys, run! Do not fall ! Catch it, Juan ! That is a good catch. Now you may bat. CONVERSATION AND WRITING 63 1. What game are these boys playing? 2. How many boys can play this game ? 3. How do you play this game ? 4. Of what is the sipa ball made ? 5. How is it different from a. base-ball? 6. With what is the base-ball covered ? 7. How can you make a ball ? 8. How far can you throw a ball ? 9. What can you do with a bat? 10. How long is a bat? 1. Can you play base-ball? 2. How many teams play in a game of base- ball ? 3. How many boys are in a team ? 4. What things do you have for playing base- ball ? 5. Where does the catcher stand ? 6. Why does he wear a big glove ? 7. Where does the pitcher stand ? 8. What does the pitcher do ? 9. What does the boy do when he strikes the ball? 10. How many bases are there? INDUSTRIAL EXERCISES To make a base-ball cover, wind twisted abaca into a round ball, until it measures exactly 22.5 cm around. Make the cover of two pieces of soft, strong leather. Shape each piece like the picture above, but make each one twice as long and twice as wide. Draw a pattern of the cover piece. Make all lines twice as long as above, and all distances between lines twice as great. Measure the horizontal line. Draw it exactly 19 cm long. How far is the first vertical line from the end of the hori- zontal line ? How far will it be in your drawing? Draw all the vertical lines. Draw the curved lines to touch the ends of all lines, as in the picture. Cut out the pattern along the curved line. With this pattern, cut the two cover pieces from the leather. The lower picture shows how to begin sewing the two pieces together. CONVERSATION AND VOCABULARY DRILL 65 THE POTTER What are these men making? What material do they use ? What do you call these men ? What is the boy doing ? W T here is the potter's wheel ? pot potter pottery mix mold model flower-pot cooking pot water jar clay tile brick kiln heat (n. & v.) bake glaze (n. & v.) glazed unglazed 66 READING AND CONVERSATION In every house we see many pots and jars. Jars and pots are made of clay. Clay is a kind of soil. Men dig it out of the ground. Dry clay is very hard. The men put water on the clay and make it soft. Then they can make the jars. A man who makes jars and pots is called a potter. The potter puts a large piece of soft clay on the wheel. The boy turns the wheel with his foot. How fast he makes the wheel spin! The potter forms the clay with his hands, and soon he has a jar. Do not touch the jar. We shall let it dry. Then we must put it over a hot fire. Tomorrow the jar will be hard. Stoves, also, are made of clay. CONVERSATION AND WRITING 67 1. Of what are jars and pots made ? 2. What is clay ? What color is it ? 3. Do plants grow in clay ? 4. Describe dry clay. 5. How does wet clay feel ? 6. Is the jar the same color as the clay? 7. What is the difference between a jar and a pot ? 8. For what are jars and pots used ? 9. Why do we keep drinking-water in jars ? 10. What things at home are made of clay? 1 1. What can you make of clay ? 1. What does the potter make? 2. Why does the potter put water on the clay ? 3. What else does he mix with the clay? 4. How does he make ajar? 5. How does the boy turn the wheel ? 6. Why does the potter put the jar over the fire ? 7. How long must the jar be over the fire ? 8. How much do you pay for a small pot? 9. What does a large jar cost ? 10. What do you pay for a stove ? 1 1. How many stoves are there in the picture on page 2 ? 68 INDUSTRIAL EXERCISES If you cannot make flower-pots of clay, you can at least beautify those that others have made. Large open windows look very attractive with artistic pots filled with pretty plants hanging in them. Pots may be covered with an open weave of bejuco, as shown in the first picture. Probably you know some other pretty open weave to use. Grasses or lupis may also be used for this kind of weave. Pots may have a net of raffia or abaca woven around them, as shown in the second picture. Other weaves of nets are shown on page 56. These may also be used for decorating flower-pots. The hanging ropes can be made of braided or twisted fibers. The third picture shows a pot entirely covered with a basket weave of bejuco or bamboo. A pretty covering for a pot may be woven of bejuco and twisted grass, raffia, or sabutan. (See page 84.) Basket-covered pots may be used for holding cut flowers in water. On page 109 is a design of a bamboo stand for flower- pots. To the Teacher : Take up this work as soon as the pupils have learned the processes of weaving involved. Encourage the attempt to strive for artistic effects. Clay pots decorated with weaves always find a good sale. CONVERSATION AND VOCABULARY DRILL 69 RICE Where are these men ? What are they doing? Is the field wet or dry ? How do you know ? What will the farmers plant ? rice plantation plow (n. & v.) rice field dike irrigate irrigation irrigating ditch harvesting thresh plowing threshing harrow (n. & v.) threshing machine harrowing hull harvest (n. & v.) hulling rice straw READING AND CONVERSATION In the rainy season the farmer plows his rice- fields. There is much water in the fields. Rice grows well in water. See the busy workers! The rice is ripe. The men and boys are cutting rice. Benito and his little brother are in the field. The rice is nearly as tall as Benito. Benito will carry home a bun- dle of rice. Here he is hulling the rice. The chickens are eating the pa- lay on the ground. Benito' s mother will cook the rice for supper. After supper Benito will go to bed. Tomorrow he will go to the field to cut more rice. CONVERSATION AND WRITING 71 1. When does the farmer plant rice? 2. Why does he plow the field? 3. Does the carabao like to plow in the wet field? 4. How does the farmer plant rice? 5. How tall does rice grow? 6. What color is the field when the rice is ripe? 7. How do farmers cut rice? 8. What is the color of palay? 9. How do we hull the rice? 10. What is the color of rice? 1 1. How does your mother cook the rice? 1. Does rice grow in your province? 2. In what province does much rice grow? 3. In what months does the farmer plant rice? 4. Why does he plant rice in these months ? 5. In what months does he cut rice? 6. What insect eats rice? 7. How can we keep away the insects? 8. How much do you pay for a ganta of rice? 9. How much does the merchant get for a picul of rice? 10. When is rice cheap? 1 1. When is rice dear? 72 INDUSTRIAL EXERCISES For what is a winnowing basket used ? Small winnow- ing baskets make pretty card trays. They also serve to hold collar and sleeve buttons and pins. Make a small winnowing basket about 20 cm in di- ameter. Weave it of thin, narrow strips of bejuco or bamboo. Follow the pattern of the basket above. Finish the edge neatly with a strip of bejuco. The pictures, Nos. i, 2, and 3, show how to make the knot. The winnowing basket makes a good tray for serving refreshments. The tray must be made strong and with a flat bottom. Make a tray 35 cm in diameter. Visit a man who owns a rice plantation. Get all the information you can about his rice crop. On page 92 are questions about a cane crop. Use these same ques- tions in writing a report on the rice crop. Write the ten questions, substituting the word "rice" for "cane." Write an answer to each question. Let your title be "A Report of 'Mr. - -'s Rice Crop." Put the report into an envelope and address it to your teacher. To the Teacher : Preliminary work in splint weaving should precede the weav- ing of a winnowing basket. Small well-made baskets of this type find a good market in Manila and abroad, being useful and at the same time unique. Read the part of the chapter, "Industrial Language and Composition Work, "that relates to writing crop reports. CONVERSATION AND VOCABULARY DRILL 73 SABUTAN What is the name of this plant ? Like what other plant does it look ? In what provinces does it grow ? Does it grow in your town ? What part of the plant is useful ? What is sabutan fiber used for ? W r hat color is the fiber? Point to the suckers. W r hy are the suckers useful ? school garden suckers serrated edges sharp knife wilt the leaves strip the leaves fine strips panlinas dry the fiber smooth the fiber round-edged stick weaving a hat hat weaving hat weaver block a hat hat block high crown low crown wide brim narrow brim Formosa hat Panama hat 74 READING AND CONVERSATION Sabutan looks like pandan, but it does not grow so large. It grows about as tall as a man. Its leaves are finer than pan- dan leaves, and its fibers are stronger. Sabutan is found in only a few provinces. Much of it grows in Laguna and Rizal provinces. Pupils in many other places are now planting sabutan in their gardens, and soon sabutan will be found in many provinces. Can you get sabutan suckers to plant in your garden? The suckers grow around the stem of the large plant. In a year the suckers now set out will be large plants. The fiber of sabutan leaves makes good hats. They are better than bamboo hats, because they wear longer; they are better than buntal hats, because they are cooler. Many sabutan hats might be sold in America and Europe. Sabutan fiber also makes pretty mats and baskets. CONVERSATION AND WRITING 75 1. How tall does sabutan grow? 2. How long are the leaves? How wide? 3. What kind of edges have the leaves? 4. How many leaves can be cut at a time without in- juring the plant? 5. What is the value of the fiber that one plant produces in a year? 6. How many years will a plant produce good leaves? 7. Why is sabutan better for hats than bamboo ? 8. Why is a sabutan hat better than one of buntal? 9. What is the price of a fine sabutan hat ? Prepare the sabutan yourself for weaving. W r rite a letter to a friend telling how to prepare sabutan. Give the steps of the process in this order: (i) cutting leaves; (2) wilting in sun; (3) stripping; (4) tying into bundles; (5) soaking in cold water; (6) boiling; (7) cooling; (8) rinsing; (9) drying. Be sure to tell how to strip the leaves; how long to soak the fiber in cool water, and how often to change the water; how long to boil; how long to rinse. To the Teacher : Read the chapters, ' ' Industrial Language and Composition Work" and "Materials and their Preparation" regarding the preparation of materials by the pupils and their writing out directions for such preparations. 76 INDUSTRIAL EXERCISES To make fine hats to sell, the hat weaver must be very careful (i) in preparing and selecting" the fibers, (2) in weaving the fibers, and (3) in getting the correct shape and proportions. Although the fibers may be stripped evenly, they will be of different thicknesses after they are dried. Care- fully select fibers of uniform thickness for each hat. Weave the fibers evenly and closely. Make neat joints where new fibers are inserted. The crown, abed, must fit the head. It should not be round, but shaped as No. 2 shows. The line a b shows the length from the front to the back of the hat; the line c d shows the width from left to right. The crown is nearly flat on top and tapers out a little toward the bottom, as No. i shows. The crown should be from 8 cm to 10.5 cm high; the lines a d and b c in No. i show the height of the crown. The brim, e a bf, should curve up, as No. i shows. The lines a e and b f show the width of the brim, which should be from 6.5 cm to 8 cm. On page 75 are pictures of three styles of blocking hats. No. i is called a telescope hat ; No. 3 is called an Alpine hat; No. 2 has no special name. To the Teacher : See the chapter on " Hat Weaving. " CONVERSATION AND VOCABULARY DRILL 77 THE SCHOOL Where are the children going? How can you tell that this is a school ? Who is the man in the window? Why are the boys running ? How can you tell the time of day ? Director of Education Division Superintendent Supervisor Principal Primary Teacher Janitor Provincial High School Central School Trade School Normal School Primary Department Intermediate Department READING AND CONVERSATION The little pupils are reading the chart. Hear the little boy read, "The dog can run." The girls can read, too. How still the room is ! All the pupils are studying. Some are reading their primers, and some are writing on their slates. Soon they will recite. They like to know their lessons well. Now it is recess. Go out and play. Run, jump, and play ball. It is good to be in the fresh air. After play you will be able to study better. Ding-a-ling! Hear the bell! Do not crowd, boys. Let the girls go in first. Now you may take your loom and weave a mat. CONVERSATION AND WRITING 79 1. When does your school begin in the morning? 2. At what time do you have recess? 3. When do you go home? 4. How many hours are you in school? 5. How many school-days are there in a week? 6. What do you do on Saturday? 7. What day is to-day? 8. In what month does school begin? 9. In what month does school close? 10. How many months do you go to school? n. Write the names of the school months. 12. What month is this? 1. How many pupils are in your school? 2. How many teachers are in this school? 3. Who is your teacher? 4. In what grade are you? 5. How many pupils are in this grade? 6. How many books have you? What do you do with your slate ? 7. Write the names of your books. 8. What lessons do you have every day? 9. Which lesson do you like best? 10. Which lesson is hard for you? 1 1. How many years have you been going to school? 8o INDUSTRIAL EXERCISES Make a loom of four bamboo sticks. Make it large enough to weave a mat 18 cm wide and 24 cm long. How far apart should the short pieces be ? The long pieces ? How wide should they be? Tie the sticks together with twisted abaca or maguey. Which pieces are laid on top, the long or the short? Make each corner a right angle. Tie the frame securely that it may hold its shape. Put a row of 18 wooden pegs one centimeter apart on each of the shorter sticks, as the picture shows. These pegs hold the warp threads. Make a weaving needle of a thin board or bamboo. The weaving needle is used to carry the woof thread through the warp. Make the needle about 20 cm long. The picture shows how the needle is shaped. In this loom, the needle does the work of bobbin, shuttle, hed- dle, and batten. Can you tell what each of these things is used for? Use this loom for weaving the door mat of coconut- husk fiber described on page 32. You can also weave mats of raffia or cotton on this loom. A frame for embroidery can be made of four bamboo sticks tied together as for a loom. To the Teacher : Let the children do their elementary work in .textile weaving on this loom. Read the chapter, " Textile Weaving." CONVERSATION AND VOCABULARY DRILL 81 SEWING What is Paz doing? What is she making ? What has she in her left hand ? What has she in her right hand ? What does she do with the scissors ? lace lace making drawn work embroider embroidering embroidery crochet crocheting crochet hook knit knitting knitting needle hem (n. & v.) hemstitch mend cotton thread linen thread silk thread 82 READING AND CONVERSATION Can you sew, little girls? Here are needles, thread, scissors, and some cloth. Take a needle and some thread. Why has the needle a sharp point ? Do not stick it into your finger. Find the eye of the needle. Now thread the needle. Put a thimble on your finger. Here is a piece of cloth. We will fold one edge. Now let us sew a hem. Hold the cloth in your left hand. Take the needle in your right hand. Push the needle through the cloth with your thimble. Make the stitches short and straight. Cut the thread with the scissors. Now let us put all the things in the sewing-basket. By and by you will know how to sew. Then you can make a camisa for your mother. CONVERSATION AND WRITING 83 1. What things do you use for sewing? 2. What can you tell about a needle? 3. Of what is the needle made? 4. Why do you use a needle? 5. How much thread do you put in a needle? 6. Where do you wear the thimble? 7. What do you do with it? 8. What can you do with the scissors? 9. In which hand do you hold the cloth when you sew? 10. In which hand do you hold the scissors? 1. Of what is your dress made? 2. Who made your dress? 3. How did she make it? 4. What else can she make? 5. What kind of sleeves has your camisa? 6. What color is your camisa? 7. Where do you wear your panuelo? 8. Of what is your skirt made? 9. What is the shape of your handkerchief? 10. How wide is the hem around your handkerchief? 11. Who makes your brother's coat? 12. What can your mother make for your father? INDUSTRIAL EXERCISES Make a sewing basket with a cover. Let the di- ameter be about 15 cm and the height 6 cm. For the splints use thin strips of bamboo or bejuco. Twisted grass or raffia can be used for weavers. Start the bottom, as No. i shows, with 20 splints. When the splints are arranged, weave around 5 or 6 times with a single weaver to keep the splints in shape. Then double a weaver around a splint, as in No. i, a. This gives two weavers. W T eave round and round with the two weavers, one going under, while the other goes over, as in No. i. Finish the top of the basket by sew- ing a thin strip of bejuco about 5 mm wide inside and outside the basket. Sew with bejuco. Cut the 20 splints for the cover, as shown by No. 2. Begin weaving at the center with the double weaver. Finish the edge like the top of the basket. Be sure that the cover is a little larger than the basket, so that it will fit over the top. The handle on the cover may be made of twisted or braided grass. To the Teacher: Encourage weaving with grasses. Read the chapters, " Materials and their Preparation " and "Web Weave." CONVERSATION AND VOCABULARY DRILL 85 THE SHOEMAKER What place do you see here? What do you call this man ? What is he making ? What tools does he use? What material does he use? high shoes low shoes tan shoes canvas shoes button shoes lace shoes rubbers slippers sandals stockings socks leggings shoe polish whiting shoe laces shoe buttons button hook shoehorn 86 READING AND CONVERSATION Francisco will have a pair of new shoes. The shoemaker is measuring his foot. Francisco wants white shoes. White shoes are light and cool. They are made of cloth. The shoemaker makes some shoes of leather. Leather is the skin of cows and carabaos. Cow leather is the best for shoes. The shoemaker cuts the leather with a sharp knife. When the leather is thick, he cannot use a needle. He makes holes in the leather with an awl, and puts the thread through. The sole of the shoe is thick. The shoemaker puts on the soles with pegs. Some shoes have soles of wood. We call them clogs. Many boys and girls wear slippers. Slippers are made of leather and cloth. Francisco has holes in his old shoes. The shoemaker will mend them. CONVERSATION AND WRITING 87 1. What does the shoemaker make? 2. Of what does he make shoes ? 3. Where does he get the leather ? 4. Of what is leather made ? 5. What is the difference between leather and cloth ? 6. How does the shoemaker sew thick leather ? 7. Why can he not cut leather with scissors ? 8. How does he put on the soles ? 9. Why are the soles thick? 10. What shoes are best to wear in the rainy season ? 1. Of what are clogs made ? 2. Who makes clogs? 3. Where can you buy slippers? 4. What kind of shoes do you wear? 5. What color are your shoes ? 6. Who made them ? 7. What kind of shoes do you like best? 8. Why do you like them best? 9. What are white shoes made of? 10. How much does a pair of white shoes cost? 11. What kind of shoes do the Chinese wear? 88 INDUSTRIAL EXERCISES Make a pair of sandals for yourself. Set your left foot on apiece of paper and draw a line around it; do the same with your right foot. Use these patterns in weaving your sandals. The frame may be made of bejuco or a bundle of strong grass or lupis, as shown in No. i. Make neat joints. Take care that the frame fits the size and shape of your foot as you have drawn it. Weave twisted abaca, maguey, lupis, or grass into the frame, as in No. 2. Weave very closely so that the frame is entirely covered. The toe straps may be made of braided abaca, maguey, lupis, or strong grass, as in No. 2. The straps are sewed to the bottom of the sandal. The toe cover may also be made of cloth or a fine net of abaca. Cover the whole sole with braided abaca, as shown in No. 3. Begin by sewing it around the outer edge; sew it on smoothly. The Japanese make very good sandals. Sometimes they cover the sandals with matting which makes them soft. Here is a picture of a slipper case. Can you make one of woven abaca or raffia or of buri mats ? To the Teacher : Encourage the weaving of fine sandals, for which there ought to be a good market in every town. CONVERSATION AND VOCABULARY DRILL 89 SUGAR-CANE What kind of field is this ? What are the men doing ? How do they cut sugar-cane. ? Where is the man going with the cart ? What is made from sugar-cane ? refined sugar unrefined sugar granulated sugar powdered sugar brown sugar cane syrup recipe batter flour water eggs bake sweet sweeten cake candy custard caramel READING AND CONVERSATION The farmers cut the sugar-cane with a bolo. They cut the long leaves off the long stalks. The man takes the stalks to the sugar-mill on the cart. Farmers keep the heads of stalks to plant. Juan drives the carabaos round and round. The large rollers turn slowly. Pedro puts the stalks between the rollers. The sap runs out of the stalks. The sap is very sweet. There is sugar in it. The sap runs into large pans. The men make a hot fire under the pans. When the sap boils a long time, it gets thick. The thick sap is called syrup. The men put the syrup in jars. By and by the syrup becomes sugar. When the sugar is dry, it is put into sacks. Large boats take the sugar to the United States. CONVERSATION AND WRITING 1. Describe the sugar-cane. 2. Why do we call it sugar-cane ? 3. When does the farmer plant it? 4. How does he plant it? 5. W T hen does he cut it ? 6. How many times a year does he cut it? 7. How tall does cane grow ? 8. What part of the plant is useful ? 9. Why is it useful ? 10. What is the color of the stalk ? 11. What insect eats sugar-cane ? 1. How do we get the sap out of the cane ? 2. For what do we use the dry stalks ? 3. What is the color of the sap ? 4. How does it taste? 5. What is in the sap ? 6. How do we get sugar out of the sap ? 7. What is the color of sugar ? 8. For what does your mother use sugar? 9. Where is much sugar made ? 10. Where do the boats take much sugar? 92 INDUSTRIAL EXERCISES Visit a man in your town who owns a cane plantation. Ask him for information about his sugar-cane crop. Write a report of this man's sugar-cane crop. Use as a title, "A Report of Mr. - -'s Sugar- Cane Crop." Copy each question. Fill in the man's name in the blanks. Write an answer after each question. Be sure that your answers are accurate. 1. How many hectars are in Mr. - -'s plantation ? 2. How many hectars are planted in cane? 3. In what month was the cane planted ? 4. Is the cane in good or bad condition? 5. Has the weather been favorable or unfavorable for it? 6. Have insects or animals damaged it? 7. When will Mr. harvest his crop? 8. How much does he expect to get from each hectar? 9. Is this more or less than he harvested last year? 10. What is the present price of cane? Put your report in an envelope and address it to your teacher. Write a note, like the one below, about the conditions of crops in your town for the past month: "The condition of abaca and coconuts is good. Rice is fair, but corn is poor. Some rice has been harvested. High water has damaged much corn." To the Teacher : Read the chapters, " Industrial Language and Composition Work " and "Agriculture and Gardening. " Let the pupils write reports of other crops raised in the community. (See page 72.) CONVERSATION AND VOCABULARY DRILL 93 THE TAILOR What place is this? What do you see on the table ? How many rolls of cloth do you see ? What are the men making- ? W T hat do you call these men ? white suit khaki suit dark suit belt buckle button-hole coat collar coat pocket trousers pocket watch pocket button (n. & v.) unbutton shirt cuff necktie collar button cuff button coat hanger 94 READING AND CONVERSATION Maximo is in the tailors shop. He wants a new suit of clothes. He sees many rolls of cloth on the shelves. Maxi- mo will have a white suit, be- cause white is cool. Here the tailor is measuring Maximo. What does he meas- ure with ? The tailor cuts the cloth with large shears or scissors. He bastes the pieces together with needle and thread. He sews them on a sewing-machine. Do you see how he makes the sewing-machine go? He sews the buttons on with needle and thread. Some buttons are white and some are black. What kind of buttons will Maximo have on his coat? Here is Maximo wearing his new suit. His coat has a high collar. There are pockets in his coat and trousers. Maxi- mo carries his pencil in his coat pocket. What else do you think he carries in his pockets ? He will try to keep his suit white and clean. CONVERSATION AND WRITING 95 1. Does the tailor make all your clothes? 2. Who made your coat? 3. Of what is your coat made? 4. Where does the tailor get the cloth? 5. What is the color of your coat? 6. How many buttons are on your coat? 7. Is your coat like Maximo's coat? 8. How many pockets are in your coat? 9. What do you carry in your coat pocket? 10. Where do you carry your knife? 1 1. How much do you pay for a white suit? 1 2. In most parts of the world, people wear dark clothes. Why do we wear white clothes ? Use these words in ques- tions. Then write statements using these words : tailor suit sew buttons baste coat cloth trousers needle thread pocket collar sewing-machine Draw a picture of a pair of scissors. Draw a picture of Maximo's coat. 9 6 INDUSTRIAL EXERCISES Your coat will hold its shape well, if you hang it on a coat hanger. Make a coat hanger of a bam- boo strip 2.5 cm wide, as shown in this picture. The bamboo should be long enough to reach from shoulder to shoulder. Make a ring of bejuco by which to hang up the coat hanger. A clothes rack is useful for hanging coats and hats. Should you like to make a clothes rack for your bedroom ? You can hang your clothes on it every night. In the morning they will be dry and fresh. This clothes rack is 160 cm high. The up- right is 5 cm square. The base is made of two pieces 9 cm by 55 cm and 3 cm thick. Join the two pieces together with the half joint. Mortise the upright into the base. The upright is held secure by 4 braces, each 4 cm by 2.5 cm. Secure the braces with wooden pegs. Study the position of the pegs in the up- right. Each peg is driven into a hole through the upright. Make the holes with a chisel and mallet. Be sure that the pegs fit the holes tightly. A dowel is driven through the small end of each peg. To the Teacher : See "Woodworking " by R. B. Blackman " Half Joint," pages 75, 76; "Mortising," pages 77, 78; "Securing Braces," pages 82 and 83, No. 42. CONVERSATION AND VOCABULARY DRILL 97 TRANSPORTATION What are these men doing with the abaca? Where did the abaca come from ? How was it carried to this place? Where will the boat take it ? W T hat kind of boat is this ? wagon cart carromata sled harness yoke boat sailboat ship launch casco lorcha mast sail sail yard anchor rudder paddle 9 8 READING AND CONVERSATION These people are going to town. Some have things to sell. They can walk fast when their loads are light. We put heavy loads into a cart. Sometimes carabaos and horses carry loads on their backs. When the roads are good, they can go very fast. Some people live near a river. They can carry things in bancas. Two men can paddle a banca very fast. A prahu has sails, and the wind makes it go fast. We see larger boats on the sea than on rivers. Sailboats and steamboats carry abaca, copra, sugar, and tobacco to other countries. Near Manila is a railroad. Did you ever see a train of cars? CONVERSATION AND WRITING 99 1. How do women carry loads? 2. How can men carry big loads? 3. For what do we use the cart? 4. What animal pulls the cart? 5. For what is the carromata used? 6. What animal pulls the carromata? 7. On what does the train run? 8. What pulls the train? 9. Of what use is the train? 1. How do we carry things on water? 2. What kinds of boats are on the river? 3. What kinds of boats are on the sea ? 4. How do men make the banca move ? 5. When can the sailboat go very fast? 6. Why can a banca not go far on the sea ? 7. Where do steamboats go ? 8. What kinds of boats have you seen ? TOO INDUSTRIAL EXERCISES Write a report about the condition of the road from your house to the schoolhouse : 1. Is the road good or bad? 2. Is it well crowned ? 3. Do weeds or grass grow on it ? 4. Are there holes or ridges in the road ? 5. Are there loose stones in it? 6. Are there ditches on both sides? 7. Are the ditches in good condition ? 8. What could you do to improve the road? 9. Who is the provincial road foreman in your town? W T rite a report about the horses and carabaos in your town. Copy each question and write an answer after each : 1. How many horses are there in your town? 2. For what are they used? 3. Are many horses sick at present? 4. W T hat is the sickness? 5. What does a good horse cost? 6. How many carabaos are there in your town? 7. How many died last month ? 8. Are many carabaos sick now? 9. What is the sickness? 10. How much does a good carabao cost? Write five questions that you could ask for a report on the following named animals : pigs ; sheep ; goats ; chickens. Write an answer to each question. CONVERSATION AND VOCABULARY DRILL 101 WASHING Is this a river or a sea? What is the girl doing? What is her mother doing? W T hy are the clothes on the bank? What are the children doing? washing clothes washing his hands wash myself rinsing clothes drying clothes ironing clothes toilet set washbowl water pitcher soap dish towel towel rack 102 READING AND CONVERSATION Good morning, Clara. Where are you going? I am going to the river to wash my clothes. Is this not a beautiful river? See how clear the water is. Look at the shady trees on the banks. Whack! Whack! Clara beats the clothes with a big paddle. She puts soap on the clothes. The clothes will be white and clean. Clara's mother is rinsing a coat. She rinses out all the soap and dirt. She will put the coat on the clean stones to dry. The sun is shining brightly. Soon the clothes will be dry, and Clara will take them home. Clara is ironing the clothes. She puts fire in the large iron. The iron must be very hot, so that the clothes will be smooth. Do you know what Clara puts in the iron to make the fire burn? Where does she get the charcoal? CONVERSATION AND WRITING 103 1. Why does Clara go to the river? 2. How does she carry the clothes ? 3. Why does she wash the clothes? 4. How does she wash them? 5. Why does she beat them? 6. Why does she use soap? 7. Where does she get the soap? 8. Why does she put the clothes on the bank of the river ? 9. How does Clara iron the clothes? 10. How does she keep the iron hot? 1 1. Why must the iron be hot? 1. What river is near your town? 2. Do people wash clothes in this river? 3. Where does the river come from? 4. How wide is the river? 5. Are the banks rocky or sandy ? 6. What kinds of trees grow on the banks? 7. How deep is the water? 8. Does the water flow fast or slow? 9. Where does it go? 10. How can people cross this river? n. What kinds of boats are on this river? IO4 INDUSTRIAL EXERCISES Make a washstand, water pitcher, and towel rack of bam- boo. Green bamboo is best to use, because it will not break. The cane for the washstand and pitcher should be at least 10 cm in diameter. The washstand should be high enough for you to wash yourself conveniently. Notice where the cane joint is in the washstand. In the pitcher, the joint furnishes the bottom. For making the washstand and the bottom of the pitcher, split the bamboo evenly. Let the splints be about one centimeter wide. The bamboo splints of the stand and pitcher are held apart by weaving in strands of bejuco. Be sure that your washdish will fit nicely into the top of the stand, as the picture shows. Can you bend a piece of bamboo for the pitcher handle? Fasten the handle with a weave of bejuco, as the picture shows. The towel rack is as high as the washstand. It is made of smaller canes than the stand. Make all joints strong and neat. On page 12 you will see how good joints are made. The two parts of the rack are tied to- gether with bejuco and fold like a screen. CONVERSATION AND VOCABULARY DRILL 105 WEAVING What is the woman doing? What is she making ? What is the name of the machine ? What do you see at the left of the picture ? What is the girl doing ? loom reed heddle batten (n. & v.) shuttle bobbin spool (n. & v.) spooling machine warp (n. & v.) warping machine woof weaver's knot fly shuttle to and fro over and under cotton cloth fiber cloth silk goods io6 READING AND CONVERSATION Here is a picture of some fiber plants. The fibers of abaca and of the banana plant are in the stalks. They are very long. Abaca has many fibers. The banana plant has not many fibers. The fibers of maguey and the pineapple plant are in the leaves. These fibers are shorter than abaca fibers. Pineapple fiber is very fine and strong. This fiber makes fine cloth. In provinces where hemp grows, sinamay and pinolpog are woven. The Ilokanos make cloth and rope of the maguey fiber. They also weave much cloth of cotton. Jusi is made of the silk of a wild silk-worm; the silk of the cultivated silk-worm is often woven in to form stripes and figures. The finest fiber cloths are made in Panay. CONVERSATION AND WRITING 107 1. Name some important fiber plants. 2. Why do we call them fiber plants? 3. Describe the abaca and banana plants. 4. Where are the fibers of these plants? 5. Describe the pineapple plant. 6. Where are the fibers of this plant? 7. What other plant has the fibers in the leaves? 8. What plants have very long fibers? 9. What plant has the finest fibers? 10. For what can we use fibers? 1. Who weaves the cloth? 2. How do they weave the cloth? 3. Of what do they weave fiber cloth? 4. What is the finest fiber cloth? 5 Of what fiber is it made? 6. Of what is jusi made? 7. What cloth is made of banana fiber? 8. Of what fiber is sinamay made? 9. What cloth is made of maguey fiber? 10. What else can we weave into cloth? n. Write the names of all the fiber cloths you know. io8 INDUSTRIAL EXERCISES Weave with the loom that you made of a cigar box. (See page 28.) For the warp, you can use strong, single fibers of abaca or maguey. You can also use several fibers twisted to- gether or raffia. The same fibers can be used for the woof. Weaving with warp and woof of raffia gives a pleasing design of small squares. If two colors of each warp and woof are used, patterns in squares and plaids can be woven. With a fine warp of abaca and a woof of raffia in two colors, patterns in stripes can be woven. Make drawings of patterns to help you in warping your loom and in weaving. Study the picture of the loom on page 28. To warp your loom, tie the warp to one of the end pins. Pass it through the first slit in the heddle to the pin opposite. Then pass it around the second pin and through the first hole in the heddle to the pin opposite. Continue in this way and fasten the warp to the last pin. When the heddle is raised, all the warps in the holes are raised. Pass the bobbin with the woof between the upper and lower warps. Then lower the heddle so that the warps in the holes are below. Pass the bobbin back. Proceed in this way, till the weave is done. Every time the woof passes through, batten it firmly against the weave with the heddle. Learn to use correctly all the words that a weaver uses. Try to tell your schoolmates how to prepare a loom for weaving, and how to weave. BAMBOO FURNITURE PLATE I ICQ ._ 60 COT -- --*! The dimensions given here need not be followed exactly; the designs may also be varied. The woven work of tables, chair, and screen may be done with abacd or maguey. The umbrella rack to the right of the tables is adapted for the home; the one below the tables, for the school. Place tin receptacles in the bottom of the umbrella racks to catch the water. no ADAPTATIONS OF DIAGONAL MAT PLATE II Nos. I and 4, photograph holders; No. 2, whisk broom holder; No. 3, cornu- copia wall pocket for newspapers or waste paper; No. 5, fan; No. 6, wall pocket for magazines ; No. 7, wall pocket for pictures, post cards, letters, etc. EIGHT STEPS IN WEAVING A BURI H AT 1 1 1 PLATE III Step I. Beginning top of crown with four pairs of strips. Step 2. Beginning top of crown, two pairs of strips added. Step 3. Same number of strips as in No. 2 ; changing weave from pairs to single strips. Step 4. Same number of strips as in No. 2; weaving first time around. Step 5- Adding a new strip (a}. Step 6. Continuation of No. 5 after additions have been made in weaving twice around; continue weaving and adding new strips until the top of the crown is of the desired size ; then continue weaving without adding new strips until the crown is suffi- ciently high. Step 7. The lov/er part of the crown, showing how the strips are turned at the lower edge to begin weaving the brim ; after the strips are turned, add new strips as in weaving the top of the crown until the brim is of the required width; on account of the larger circumference of the brim, new strips are not added so frequently as in the case of the top of the crown. Step 8. Finishing the edge of the brim. NEW BOOKS FOR PHILIPPINE SCHOOLS FIRST SPELLING BOOK. By Margaret A. Purceil. For Grades II, III, and IV. This book is of the same convenient and attractive size as The Philippine Chart Primer. 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Much valuable help in the preparation of this text has been given by officials and employees of the Bureau of Health. Illustrated. Mailing price 60 cents. COMPLETE ARITHMETIC: PART I. By G. E. Mercer and Mabel Bonsall. For Grade V, intermediate course, following Primary Arithmetic: Part III. It reviews fundamental operations, presents the essentials of common fractions, decimals, the metric system, and percentage, and gives correct ideas of business practice in the Philippines. It has been ordered by the Bureau of Education. Illustrated. Mailing price 54 cents. COMPLETE ARITHMETIC: PARTS II and III. By G." E. Mercer and Mabel Bonsall. For Grades VI and VII, intermediate course. The metric system and the applications of percentage receive special attention. Sufficient abstract work is given to lead the pupil to acquire the computing habit. Mathematical principles are embodied in groups of instructive Philippine problems. The exhaustive reviews are a valuable feature of this book. Part III introduces the elements of algebra and geometry. Illustrated. It has been ordered by the Bureau of Education. Mailing price 90 cents. INDUSTRIAL STUDIES AND EXERCISES. By O. S. Reimold. For Grades III and IV. Based upon Composition Leaflets, this book extends their industrial feature by suggestions for making simple, useful, and artistic articles. Directions are given for the collecting and preparing of materials, emphasizing their importance with reference to the efficiency of the finished article. Brief composition exercises help the pupils in accurate and intelligible ex- pression regarding materials and processes, and clinch their knowledge of the technique of the arts in which they work. It is hoped through the schools to promote and spread localized industries by means of intelligent labor. The Teachers' Edition gives such details as could not be included in a pupils' elementary text and is complete enough to guide even the untrained teacher. Illustrated. 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