UC-NRLF .. ELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOOKS AND MONOGRAPHS ON EDUCATION BY FREDERICK E. BOLTON Dean College of Education University of Washington, Seattle PUBLISHED BY MRS. JOSEPHINE CORLISS PRESTON State Superintendent of Public Instruction OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON mi GIFT F A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOOKS AND MONOGRAPHS ON EDUCATION BY FREDERICK E.\BOLTON Dean College of IjdtrcStlon University of Washington, Seattle PUBLISHED BY MRS. JOSEPHINE CORLISS PRESTON State Superintendent of Public Instruction OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON J92J OLYMPIA, WASH. FRANK M. LAMBORN PUBLIC PRINTER 1921 GIIT w CONTENTS Page Foreword 4 Introductory Statement 4 5 Educational Magazines 6 Encyclopedia and Indispensable Aids 8 Administration and Supervision 8 v Childhood and Adolescence 17 J )of ectives and Delinquents 22 Foreign Education 24 Heredity and Eugenics 27 History of Education 27 Hygiene 33 Educational Measurements 36 Methods of Teaching (a) General 41 Civic Education 44 English 46 Foreign Languages 48 Geography 48 History 49 Home Economics 50 Kindergarten > 52 Manual and Industrial Arts 53 Mathematics 55 Montessori Method 59 Moral Education 60 Play and Recreation 62 Reading 64 Sciences 65 Spelling ' 67 Writing '. 68 Psychology : General 69 Psychology: Educational 69 Rural Education 76 Secondary Education 79 Educational Sociology 82 Educational Surveys 85 Educational Theory 92 Vocational Education .98 478385 FOREWORD Few educational bibliographies have been written with the view- point of one who so thoroughly understands the problems of the teachers in the elementary and secondary schools as does Dean Frederick E. Bolton. Too many times the compilers cover a special field, giving a mass of poorly classified material, through which a teacher must search for what might be useful. Dean Bolton has spared himself no amount of labor in collecting and classifying the material in this bibliography, and it is to be hoped that it may be of genuine service to the teachers of the State of Washington. JOSEPHINE CORLISS PRESTON, State Superintendent of Public Instruction. INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT In connection with most public school systems in small towns as well as in large cities the custom of having libraries containing books and magazines useful to the pupils in the school has become quite thoroughly established. There is one phase of the library de- velopment, however, which is gaining very little momentum anywhere in the country. In very few places is there any real development of a library of books and magazines for the teachers. It is very gener- ally conceded by superintendents and school boards that teachers should be in touch with the latest educational literature. It is usu- ally assumed, however, by boards that the teachers should provide themselves with such literature. A moment's thought will show that this is entirely impracticable and in most cases impossible. The beginning teacher recently from the normal school or univer- sity has accumulated few books. It is also very difficult for a teacher without definite tenure of office in a given place to ac- cumulate much of a library because of the impracticability of moving it each year. As a consequence, the great majority of teachers have few general books on education and no magazines except the current numbers of a few magazines. Would it not be desirable for school boards to provide a profes- sional teachers' library in connection with the school system? Every small village ought to have a teachers' library in connection with the school library. In the larger cities there ought to be such a library in every grade building. The board of education ought to provide a, reasonable amount each year for the purchase of the best books that appear and for subscriptions to the standard educational magazines. In addition to that, the board of education ought to encourage teachers to subscribe for a certain number of magazines individually. The magazines subscribed for individually would be taken to the school where all could have access to them. At the close of the year, should the individual teacher not care to keep the magazines for which they subscribed individually they could donate them to the school district. In the accompanying bibliography there is an attempt to bring together a list of the most useful educational books and magazines which should be accessible to every teacher in a school system. Oil course it is not expected that every teacher will read all of the books included in the list, but all the books included should be made avail- able to the teaching corps as a whole, so that all teachers could have access to those of general import and each individual could have access to those related to his special line. It should be noted that the books listed are all of recent date, almost none having been published before 1900. Magazine articles are not included. The bibliography is selective and limited rather than exhaustive. Those who have access to this list can easily extend it to include Selected Bibliography books, pamphlets, and magazine references along specialized lines In a few cases some desired items are not given. Inasmuch as the bibliography was nearly ready before the war the prices indicated are mainly pre-war list prices. It was hoped to recheck each refer- ence so as to insure absolute accuracy and completeness of detail v but that would greatly delay publication. Prices are so fluctuating that direct inquiry of the publishers is the only way to secure cor- rect prices. So many calls constantly come for this kind of material that it is believed the main purpose will served by publication at this time. This is to be regarded as a preliminary edition. It is hoped that many persons interested will help to revise and extend it. EDUCATIONAL MAGAZINES Agricultural Index. H. W. Wilson & Company, New York. Bi- monthly. (Valuable aid in discovering useful agricultural ma- terial). American Physical Education Review. American Physical Education Association. Springfield, Mass. Monthly, $3.00. American Primary Teacher, Boston, Massachusetts. Monthly, $1.50. The American School. American School Publishing Company, Mil- waukee, Wis. Monthly, $1.50. American School Board Journal. Bruce Publishing Company, Mil- waukee, Wis. Monthly, $2.00. The American Schoolmaster. State Normal School, Ypsilanti, Michi- gan. Monthly, $1.00. Atlantic Educational Journal. Warwick & York, Baltimore. Monthly, $1.25. Catholic Educational Review. Washington, D. C. General articles and news of Catholic Schools. Monthly, $3.00. Child, The. John Bale, Sons & Danielson, London. Monthly, $5.25. Child Life. George Philip & Son, Ltd., 32 Fleet St., London, 8 times yearly, 4s. Child Study. Edward Arnold, London. Monthly, 3d. Education. The Palmer Company, Boston. Monthly, $3.00. Educational Administration and Supervision. Warwick & York, Bal- timore, Maryland. Monthly, $2.00. Educational Review. Educational Review Publishing Company, New York City. Monthly, $3.00. Elementary School Journal. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois. Monthly, $2.50. Eugenics Review. Eugenics Education Society, Kingsway, W. C. Quarterly, 4/8. History Teachers' Magazine. McKinley Publishing Company, Phila- delphia. Monthly, $2.00. Of Books and Monographs on Education Hygiene and Physical Education. F. A. Bassette Co., Springfield, Mass. Monthly, $1.50. Industrial Arts Magazine. Bruce Publishing Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Monthly, $1.50. Journal of Applied Psychology. Florence Chandler, Worcester, Mass. Quarterly, $4.00. Journal of Education, Boston, Massachusetts. Weekly, $2.50. Journal of Education. William Rice, London. Monthly, 8s. Journal of Educational Administration and Supervision. Warwick & York, Baltimore, Md. Monthly, $3.00. Journal of Educational Psychology. Warwick & York, Baltimore. Maryland. Monthly, $4.00. Journal of Educational Research. Public School Publishing Co., Menesha, Wis. Monthly, $4.00. Journal of Experimental Pedagogy. Longmans, Green, New York. Three times yearly Journal of Home Economics. Official Journal of American Home Eco- nomics Association, Baltimore, Maryland. Monthly, $2.00. Kindergarten and First Grade. Springfield, Massachusetts. Articles, stories, games, songs. Monthly, $1.50. Kindergarten Review. Springfield, Massachusetts. Monthly, $1.50. Kindergarten Primary Magazine. Manistee, Michigan. Programs, games, paper work. Monthly, $1.00. Manual Training Magazine. Manual Arts Press, Peoria, Illinois. Monthly, $2.00. Mathematics Teacher. Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Useful Articles and Reviews. Quarterly, $1.00. National Geographic Magazine. Washington, D. C. Monthly, $2.50. Nature-Study Review. American Nature Study Society, Ithaca, New York. Monthly, $1.00. Northwest Journal of Education. School Journal Publishing Com- pany, Seattle, Washington. Monthly, $1.50. (Other State Jour- nals for each State). Pedagogical Seminary. Florence Chandler, Worcester, Massachusetts. Quarterly, $5.00. The Playground. Playground and Recreation Association of America, New York. Monthly, $2.00. Popular Educator. Boston, Massachusetts. Monthly, $1.50. Primary Education. 50 Bromfield Street, Boston, Massachusetts. Psychological Clinic. L Witmer, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Monthly, $1.50. Quarterly Journal of Public Speaking. Menasha, Wisconsin. Public speaking, debate, oral English. Quarterly, $2.00. Religious Education. Religious Education Association, Chicago, Illi- nois. Bi-Monthly, $3.00. Rural Educator. Rural Educator Company, Columbus, Ohio. Monthly. $1.00. A Selected Bibliography School Arts Magazine. Boston, Massachusetts. Monthly, $2.00. School and Home Education. Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois. Monthly, $2.00. School Music. P. C. Hayden, Keokuk, Iowa. Bi-monhtly, 50 cents. School Life. U. S. Bureau of Education. Semi-monthly. Free. School and Society. The Science Press, Garrison, New York. Weekly. $3.00. School Science and Mathematics. Mount Morris, Illinois. Monthly $2.00. Story Tellers' Magazine. New York. Monthly, $1.50. Teachers College Record. Teachers College, Columbia University, New York. Bi-monthly, $1.50. The Training School Bulletin. Training School, Vineland, New Jer- sey. Monthly, $1.00. The School Review. University of Chicago Press. Monthly, $2.50. Work with Boys. William McCormick, Reading, Pennsylvania. Monthly, $1.50. INDISPENSABLE AIDS Proceedings of the National Education Association. Annual Volume and separate Monographs, in connection with membership in the Association. Address the Secretary, Washington, D. C. Yearbooks of the Society for the Study of Education. In connection with membership in the Society or by separate monographs. Ad- dress the Secretary, Bloomington, 111. U. S. Bureau of Education. Annual reports and a large number of exceedingly valuable monographs, circulars of information on special topics. Address Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C. ENCYCLOPEDIA. Monroe, Paul. Encyclopedia of Education, 5 vol. Macmillan. $5 per Vol. ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION Alderman, L. R. School Credit for Home Work. Houghton-Mifflin, 1915. 181 p., $1.40. Allen, Wm. H. and Pearse, Carroll G. Self-Surveys by Teacher Train- ing Schools, World Book Co., 1917. 207 p., $2.25. Allen, William Harvey. Self-Surveys by Colleges and Universities World Book Co., 1917, 394 p., $1.00. Alexander, Carter. Some Present Aspects of the Work of Teachers* Voluntary Associations in the United States. Teachers College. Columbia University, Bull., 36, 1908, 109 p., 75 cents. Of Books and Monographs on Education Arnold, Felix. A Text-book of School and Class Management. Mac- millan, 1908, 409 p., $1.25. Ayres, Leonard P. and Others. The Cleveland School Survey. Rus- sell Sage Foundation, 1915, 25 monographs, 25 cents each, ex- cept, two at 50 cents, or $7.00 a set. Ayres, Leonard P. Laggards in Our Schools. Survey Associates, Inc., 1909, 326 p., $1.50. Ayres, Leonard P., and McKinnie, Adele. The Public Library and the Public Schools. Cleveland Education Survey. Russell Sage Foun- dation, 1915, 93 p., 25 cents. Ayres, Leonard P. and Ayres, May. School Buildings and Equipment. Cleveland Education Survey. Russell Sage Foundation, 1915, 117 p., 25 cents. Ayres, Leonard P. School Organization and Administration. Cleve- land Education Survey. Russell Sage Foundation, 1915, 135 p., 25 cents. Bachman, Frank P. Problems in Elementary School Administration. World Book Co., 1915, 272 p., $1.25. Bachman, Frank P. and Bowman, Ralph. Costs School Year 1915- 1916 of the Gary Public Schools. General Education Board, 1918, New York, 82 p., 25 cents. Bag ley, William C. Class Room Management: Its Principles and Technique. Macmillan, 1907. 322 p., $1.25. Bagley, William C., and Others. Third Report of the Committee on Economy of Time in Education. Seventeenth Yearbook, 1918, Part I. Nat. Soc. for the Study of Educ., 134 p., 75 cents. Baker, James H. American University Progress and College Reform Relative to School and Society. Longmans, Green, 1916, 189 p., $1.00. Baker, James H. Report of the Committee of the National Council cf Education on Economy of Time in Education. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1913, No. 38, 106 p., 10 cents. Baldwin, Bird T. Present Status of the Honor System in Colleges and Universities. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1915, No. 8, 31 p., 5 cents. Bard, Harry Erwin. The City School District. Statutory Provisions for Organization and Fiscal Affairs. Teachers College, Columbia University, Bull., 28, 1909, 118 p., 75 cents. Bliss, Don Carroll. Methods and Standards for Local School Surveys. Heath, 1918, 264 p., $1.00. Bobbitt, Franklin. The Curriculum. Houghton-Mifflin, 1918, 295 p., $1.50. Bobbitt, Franklin. The Supervision of City Schools. Twelfth Yearbook, 1913, Part I, Nat. Soc. for the Study of Educ., 119 p., 75 cents. Bourne, Randolph S. The Gary Schools. Houghton-Mifflin, 1916, 178 p., $1.15. 10 A Selected Bibliography Boy kin, James C. and Hood, William R. Legislation and Judicial De- cisions Relating to Education. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1913, No. 55, 304 p., 35 cents. Boykin, James C. and King, Roberta. The Tangible Rewards of Teach- ing. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1914, No. 16, 465 p. Bray, S. E. School Organization. Warwick & York, 1914, 406 p., $1.00. Bunker, F. F. Reorganization of the Public School System. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1916, No. 8, 186 p., 20 cents. Burris, William P. The Public School System of Gary, Indiana. U. S. ' Bureau of Education, Bull., 1914, No. 18, 49 p., 15 cents. Burritt, Bailey B. Professional Distribution of College and University Graduates. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1912, No. 19, 147 p., 10 cents. Butterworth, Julian Edward. Problems in State High School Finance. World Book Co., 1918, 214 p., 99 cents. Butler, Nicholas Murray. Education in the United States. American Book Co., 1910, 1068 p., $2.50. Separate Monographs, 20 cents each, $15.00 per C. Caldwell, Otis, W. The Gary Public Schools. General Education Board, New York, 1919, 125 p., 10 cents. Capen, Samuel Paul. Accredited Higher Institutions. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1917, No. 17, 79 p., 10 cents. Capen, Samuel Paul. Recent Movements in College and University Administration. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1916, No. 46, 60 p., 10 cents. Carroll, Charles. Public Education in Rhode Island. Commissioner of Public Schools, Providence, R. I., 1918, 500 p. Cattell, J. McKeen, University Control. Science Press, N. Y., 1913, $3.00. Chancellor, William E. Our City Schools: Their Direction and Man- agement. D. C. Heath, 1909, 354 p., $1.25. Chancellor, William E. Our Schools: Their Administration and Sup- ervision. D. C. Heath, 1909, 452 p., $1.50. Clark, Earle. Financing the Public Schools. Cleveland Education Survey. Russell Sage Foundation, 1915, 133 p., 25 cents. Clement, John Addison. Standardization of the Schools of Kansas. University of Chicago Press, 1912, 130 p., 50 cents. Cleveland, Public Schools. Salary Schedules. Qualifications and Con- ditions of Employment of Teachers, Principals, Supervisors, and Assistant Superintendents. Cleveland, Ohio Board of Education, 1918, 11 p. Collar, George, and Crook, Charles W. School Management and Meth- ods of Instruction. Macmillan, 1901, 336 p., $1.00. Comparative Study of the Salaries of Teachers and School Officers. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1915, No. 31, 125 p., 15 cents. Of Books and Monographs on Education 11 Compulsory School Attendance. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1914, No. 2, 137 p., 15 cents. Report of Committee of the National Council of Education on Economy of Time in Education. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1913, No. 38, 103 p., 10 cents. Report of Committee on Uniform Records and Reports. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1912, No. 3, 46 p., 5 cents. Cronson, Bernard. Pupil Self Government. Macmillan, 1907, 110 p., 90 cents. Cubberley, Ellwood P. The Portland Survey. World Book Co., 1916, 441 p., $1.50. Cubberley, Ellwood P. Public School Administration. Houghton- Mifflin, 1916, 497 p., $1.75. Cubberley, Ellwood P. School Funds and Their Apportionment. Teachers College, Columbia University. Contributions to Edu- cation, No. 2, 1906, 255 p., $2.00. Cubberley, Ellwood P., and Elliott, Edward C. State and County School Administration. Macmillan, 1915, 729 p., $2.75. Cubberley, Ellwood P. Certification of Teachers. Fifth Yearbook, 1906, Part II. Nat. Soc. for the Study of Education, 93 p., 60 cents. Cubberley, Ellwood P., et al. School Organization and Administration, Based on the Salt Lake City Survey. World Book Company, 1920, 346 p., $2.00. Cubberley, Ellwood P. Public Education in the United States. Hough- ton-Mifflin, 1920, 517 p., $2.00. Cubberley, Elwood P. State and County Educational Reorganization. Macmillan, 1915, 257 p., $1.60. Dayton Bureau of Research. Building New Schools for Dayton's Children. Bureau of Research, 1917, 50 cents. Deffenbaugh, W. S. School Administration in the Smaller Cities. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1915, No. 44, 238 p., 25c. Deffenbaugh, W. S. Summer Sessions of City Schools. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1917, No. 45, 45 p., 5 cents. Deffenbaugh, W. S. Current Practice in City School Administration. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1917, No. 8, 98 p., 15 cents. Deffenbaugh, W. S. and Muerman, J. C. Administration and Supervi- sion of Village Schools. U. S. Bureau of Education, 1919, No. 86, 63 p., 10 cents. Doughty, W. F. School Grounds, School Buildings, and Their Equip- ment. Von "Boeckmann- Jones Co., 1917, 69 p. Dresslar, Fletcher B. American School Houses. U. S. Bureau of Edu- cation, Bull., 1910, No. 5, 133 p., 75 cents. Dutton, Samuel T., and Snedden, David. The Administration of Pub- lic Education in the United States. Macmillan, 1908, 601 p., $1.75. Dutton, Samuel T. School Management. Scribner's, 1904, 278 p., $1.00. 12 A Selected Bibliography Edson, Andrew W. A Bibliography of a Course on School Administra- tion. Teachers College, Columbia University, Bull., 1911, No. 6. 2nd Ed., 29 p., 15 cents. Educational System of South Dakota. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1918, No. 31, 304 p., 25 cents. Eliot, Charles W. University Administration, Boston, New York. Houghton-Mifflin, 1908, 266 p., $2.00. Elliott, Edward C. State School Systems: Legislation and Judicial Decisions Relating to Public Education. U. S. Bureau of Educa- tion Bull., 1908, No. 7, 364 p., 30 cents. Elliott, Edward C. State School Systems II. U. S. Bureau of Educa- tion, Bull., 1908, No. 7, 364 p., ,30 cents. Elliott, Edward C. State School Systems III. U. S. Bureau of Educa- tion, Bull., 1910, No. 2, 305 p., 25 cents. Elliott, Edward C. City School Supervision. World Book Co., 1914, 258 p., $1.50. Elliott, Edward C. Some Fiscal Aspects of Public Education in Amer- ican Cities. Teachers College, Columbia University, Bull. 1905, No. 6, 101 p., $1.00. Examination Questions from 1901-1912. Set by College-Entrance Exam- ination Board. Ginn & Co., 1912, 12 vol., 60 cents each. Expressions on Education. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1913. No. 28, 39 p., 5 cents. Foster, William T. Administration of the College Curriculum. Hough- ton-Mifflin, 1911, 390 p., $2.25. Fleming, Ralph D. Railroad and Street Transportation. Cleveland Education Survey. Russell Sage Foundation, 1915, 76 p., 25 cents. Flexner, Araham, and Bachman, Frank P. A General Account of the Gary Schools. General Education Board, New York, 1918, 265 p., 25 cents. Finney, Ross L., and Schafer, Alfred L. The Administration of Vil- lage and Consolidated Schools. Macmillan, 1920, 298 p., $1.75. Flexner, Abraham. The American College; A Criticism. The Cen- tury Co., 1908, 237 p., $1.00. Gilman, Daniel Colt. Launching of a University. Dodd, 1906, $2.50. Arithmetic. Macmillan, 1916, 225 p., $1.60. Gilman, Daniel Coit. University Problems in the United States. The Century Co., 1898, 319 p., $2.00. Haney, John Darling. Registration of City School Children; A Con- sideration of the Subject of School Census. Teachers College, Columbia University, Bull., 1910, No. 49, 156 p., $1.15. Hanus, Paul H. School Efficiency. World Book Co., 1913, 128 p., $1.00. Hanus, Paul H. School Administration and School Reports. Hough- ton-Mifflin, 1920, $1.75. Harper, William Rainey. The Trend in Higher Education, Chicago. The University of Chicago Press, 1905, 390 p., $1.50. Of Books and Monographs on Education 13 Hartwell, Shattuck O. Overcrowded Schools and the Platoon. Cleve- land Education Survey. Russell Sage Foundation, 1915, 77 p., 25 cents. Henderson, Joseph Lindsey. Admission to College by Certificate. Teachers College, Columbia University, Bull., 1912, No. 50, 171 p., $1.15. Holland, Ernest O. The Pennsylvania State Normal Schools and Pub- lic School System. Teachers College, Columbia University, Bull., 1912, No. 55, 94 p., 75 cents. Hollister, Horace A. The Administration of Education in a Demo- cracy. Scribner's, 1914, 383 p., $1.25. Hollister, Horace A. High School Administration. D. C. Heath, 1909, 379 p., $1.50. Hollister, Horace A. High School and Class Management. D. C. Heath, 1915, 314 p., $1.25. Holmes, William Henry. School Organization and the Individual Child. Davis Press, Worcester, Mass., 1912, 211 p. Hood, William R. State Laws Relating to Education Enacted in 1915, 1916 and 1917. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1918, No. 23 r 259 p., 30 cents. Hood, William R. Digest of State Laws Relating to Public Education in Force January 1, 1915. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1915 r No. 47, 987 p., 60 cents. Hutch inson, J. Howard. School Costs and School Accounting. Teach- ers College, Columbia University, Bull., 1914, No. 62, 148 p., $1.15. Jackson, George Leroy. The Development of School Support in Co- lonial Massachusetts. Teachers College, Columbia University, Bull., 1909, No. 25, 95 p., 75 cents. Jessup, Walter Albert. The Social Factors Affecting Special Super- vision in the Public Schools of the United States. Teachers Col- lege, Columbia University, Bull., 1911, No. 43, 123 p., $1.00. Jessup, Walter Albert, and Coffman, Lotus D. The Supervision of Arithmetic. Macmillan, 1916, 225 p., $1.60. Jones, Arthur J. The Continuation School in the United States. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1907, No. 1, 157 p. Judd, Charles Hubbard, and Parker, Samuel Chester. Problems In- volved in Standardizing State Normal Schools. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1916, No. 12, 141 p., 15 cents. Judd, Charles Hubbard. The Evolution of a Democratic School Sys- tem. Houghton-Mifflin, 1918, 119 p., 60 cents. Kemp, William Webb. The Support of Schools in Colonial New York by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Teachers College, Columbia University, Bull., 1913, No. 56, 279 p., $1.50. 14 A Selected Bibliography Keyes, Charles Henry. Progress Through the Grades of City Schools. Teachers College, Columbia University. Contributions to Educa- tion, No. 42, 1911, 79 p., $1.00. Kilpatrick, Van Evrie. Departmental Teaching in Elementary Schools. Macmillan, 1908, 130 p., 60 cents. Lowry, C. D. The Relation of Superintendent and Principals to Training and Improvement of Teachers. Seventh Yearbook, 1908, Part I. Nat. Soc. for the Study of Educ., 75 p., 75 cents. MacDowell, Theodore L. State Versus Local Control of Elementary Education, U. S. Bureau of Education., Bull., 1915, No. 22, 83 p., 10 cents. MacLean, George Edwin. Present Standards of Higher Education in the United States. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1913, No. 4, 191 p., 20 cents. Maennel, B. Auxiliary Education. Translated from the German by Emma Sylvester. Doubleday, Page, 1909, 267 p., $1.50. Mahoney, James. Advancement of the Teacher with the Class. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1915, No. 42, 81 p., 10 cents. Manny, Frank A. City Training Schools for Teachers. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1914, No. 47, 165 p., 20 cents. Manual of Educational Legislation (For the Guidance of Committees on Education in the State Legislatures). U. S. Bureau of Educa- tion, Bull., 1919, No. 4, 68 p., 10 cents. Mathews, John M. A Report on Educational Administration. Win- dermere Press, 1914, 83 p., 50 cents. McDonald, Robert A. F. The Adjustment of School Organization to Various Population Groups. Teachers College, Columbia Uni- versity, Bull., 75, 145 p., $1.50. McDowell, Floud M. The Junior College, U. S. Bureau of Education, 1919, No. 35, 139 p., 20 cents. Meriam, Junius Lathrop. Normal School Education and Efficiency in Teaching. Teachers' College, Columbia University, Bull., 1905, No. 1, 152 p., $1.15. Monahan, A. C. Free Textbooks and State Uniformity. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1915, No. 36, 67 p., 10 cents. Monahan, A. C. Organization of State Departments of Education. 'IT. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1915, No. 5, 46 p., 10 cents. Monahan, A. C. and Dye, C. H. A Comparison of the Salaries of Rural and Urban Superintendents of Schools. U. S. Bureau of Educa- tion, Bull., 1917, No. 33, 68 p., 10 cents. Monahan, A. C. The Supervision of Rural Schools. Twelfth Year- book, 1913, Part II. Nat. Soc. for the Study of Educ., 119 p., 75 cents. Morehause, Frances M. The Discipline of the School. D. C. Heath, 1914, 342 p., $1.25. Of Books and Monographs on Education 15 Moore, Ernest Carroll. How New York Administers its Schools. World Book Co., 1913, 334 p., $1.50. Muerman, J. C. Minimum School-Term Regulations. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1916, No. 42, 18 p., 5 cents. Nutt, Hubert Wilbur. The Supervision of Instruction. Houghton- Mifflin, 1920, 277 p. Oberholtzer, Mrs. Sara Louisa. School Savings Banks. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1914, No. 46, 34 p., 5 cents. Perry, Arthur Cecil. Discipline as a School Problem. Houghton- Mifflin, 1915, 271 p., $1.25. Perry, Arthur Cecil. The Management of a City School. Macmillan, 1908, 350 p., $1.25. Perry, Arthur Cecil. Outlines of School Administration. Macmillan, 1912, 465 p., $1.40. Perry, Arthur Cecil. Status of the Teacher. Houghton-Mifflin, 1912, 78 p., 35 cents. Perry, Clarence Arthur. The Extension of Public Education. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 28, 1915, 67 p., 20 cents. Perry, Clarence Arthur. Wider Use of the School Plant. Russell Sage Foundation, 1910, 423 p., $1.25. Perry, Clarence Arthur. Significant School Extension Records. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1915, No. 41, 36 p., 5 cents. Prosser, Charles A. The Teacher and Old Age. Houghton-Mifflin, 1913, 139 p., 60 cents. Public Education in Maryland. Second Edition containing New Mary- land Educational Laws. General Education Board, New York, 1916, 230 p. Report of the Committee on Uniform Records and Reports. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1912, No. 3, 46 p., 5 cents. Ruediger, William Carl. Agencies for the Improvement of Teachers in Service. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1911, No. 3, 157 p., 15 cents. Ryan, W. Carson, Jr., and King, Roberta. State Pension Systems for Public School Teachers. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1916, No. 14, 46 p., 10 cents. Sears, Jesse B. Classroom Organization and Control. Houghton-Mif- flin, 1920, 300 p., $1.75. Sandiford, Peter. The Training of Teachers in England and Wales. Teachers College, Columbia University, 1910, 168 p., $1.15. Sies, Raymond W. Teachers' Pension Systems in Great Britain. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1913, No. 34, 88 p., 10 cents. Slosson, Edwin E. Great American Universities. Macmillan, 1910, 528 p., $2.50. Snedden, David. Administration and Educational Work of American Juvenile Reform Schools. Teachers College, Columbia University, Bull, 1907, No. 12, 206 p., $2.00. 16 A Selected B4bUography Srredden, David, and Allen, W. H. School Reports and School Effi- ciency. Macmillan, 1908, 183 p., $1.50. Snow, Louis Franklin. The College Curriculum in the United States. Teachers College, Columbia University, Bull., 1907, No. 10, 186 p., $1.50. Special Features in City School Systems. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1913, No. 31, 61 p., 10 cents. Standards and Tests for Measuring the Efficiency of Schools or Sys- tems of Schools. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1913, No. ,13, 5 cents. Stewart, Rolland Maclaren. Co-operation Methods in the Development of School Support. Chesnutt Printing Co., Iowa City, Iowa, 1912, 180 p., $1.00. Strayer, George D., and Bachman, Frank P. Organization and Ad- ministration of the Gary Public Schools. General Education Board, 1918, New York, 126 p., 15 cents. Strayer, George D. Age and Grade Census of Schools and Colleges. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1911, No. 5, 144 p., 10 cents. Strayer, George D. City School Expenditures. Teachers College,, Co- lumbia University. Contributions to Education, No. 5, 1905, 103 p., $1.00. Strayer, George D., and Thorndike, Edward L. Educational Admin- istration: Quantitative Studies. Macmillan, 1913, 391 p., $2.00. Strayer, George D. Some Problems in City School Administration. World Book Company, 1916, 234 p., $1.50. Suzzallo, Henry. The Rise of Local School Supervision in Massachu- setts. The School Committee, 1635-1827. Teachers College, Co- lumbia University, Bull., 1906, No. 3, 154 p., $1.50. Sykes, Frederick Henry. University Extension. Teachers College Record, Columbia University, No. 4, September, 1903, 15 cents. Talbdt, Winthrop. Adult Illiteracy. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1916, No. 35, 90 p., 15 cents. Teachers' Salaries and Cost of Living. The National Education As- sociation of the United States. Special Report, July, 1918, 71 p. The University and the Municipality. (Summary of Proceedings of : : ' the ' First Session of the National Association of Municipal Uni- versities). U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1915, No. 38, 66 p., 11 10 cents. Thorndike, Edward L. The Elimination of Pupils from School. U. S. : Bureau of Education, Bull., 1907, No. 4, 63 p. Thwing, Charles Franklin. College Administration. Century, 1900, ' ' 321 p.; $2.00. Uyidegraff, Harlan A. A Study of the Expenses of City School Sys- tems. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1912, No. 5, 96 p., 10 cents. Of Books and Monographs on Education 17 Van Denburg, Joseph King. Causes of the Elimination of Students in Public Secondary Schools of New York City. Teachers College, Columbia University, Contributions to Education, No. 47, 1911, 205 p., $1.50. Van Sickle, J. H., and Others. Public Education in the Cities of the United States. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1918, No. 48, 46 p., 5 cents. Wheelwright, Edmund M. School Architecture. Rogers and Man- son, Boston, 1901, 324 p., $5.00. Wilson, H. B., and Others. Report on Economy of Time in Learning, Eighteenth Yearbook, 1919, Part II. Nat. Soc. for the Study of Education, 123 p., $1.00. Wilson, H. B. and Others. Minimum Essentials in Elementary-School Subjects. Fourteenth Yearbook, 1915, Part I. Nat. Soc. for the Study of Education, 162 p., 75 cents. Wilson, H. B. and Others. Second Report Committee on Minimal Es- sentials in Elementary School Subjects. Sixteenth Yearbook, 1917, Part I. Nat. Soc. for the Study of Education, 204 p., 90 cents. Winder, Phyllis D. The Public Feeding of Elementary School Chil- dren. Longmans, Green, 1913, 95 p., 75 cents. CHILDHOOD AND ADOLESCENCE Adamson, Ellen Winifred. The School, the Child and the Teacher. Longmans, Green, 1915, 446 p., $1.25. Ayres, Leonard P. Child Accounting in the Public Schools. Cleve- land Education Survey. Russell Sage Foundation, 1915, 68 p., 25 cents. Baker, Franklin Thomas. A Bibliography of Children's Reading. Teachers College, Columbia University, Bull., 1908, Nos. 1 and 2, 125 p., 60 cents. ^ Baldwin, Bird Thomas. A Study in Mental Retardation in Relation to Etiology. W. Wood & Co., 1917, 25 cents. ^ Baldwin, Bird Thomas. Physical Growth and School Progress. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1914, No. 10, 215 p., 25 cents. Barnes, Earl. The Psychology of Childhood and Youth. Huebsch, 1914, 68 p., 50 cents. Beebe, Katherine. The First School Year. Werner, 1895, 147 p., 50 cents. Bibliography of Child Study for the Years 1910-1911. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1912, No. 26, 90 p. Bigelow, Maurice A. Sex-Education. Macmillan, 1916, 251 p., $1.25. Binet, Alfred. The Development of Intelligence in Children. Train- ing School, Vineland, N. J., 1916, 336 p., $1.00. 18 A Selected Bibliography Boston, Special Class Teachers. The Boston Way; Plans for the De- velopment of the Individual Child. Rumford Press, 1917, 127 p. Chamberlain, Alexander F. The Child and Childhood in Folk Thought. Macmillan, 1896, 464 p., $3.00. Chamberlain, Alexander F. The Child: A Study in the Evolution of Man. Scribner's, 1901, 495 p., $1.50. Chrisman, Oscar. The Historical Child. Richard G. Badger, 1920, 547 p, $2.00. Clark, Thomas Arkle. The High School Boy and His Problems. Mac- millan, 1920, 194 p., $1.20. Compayre, Jules Gabriel. Later Infancy of the Child. D. Appleton, 1902, 300 p., $1.20. Curtis, Elnora Whitman. The Dramatic Instinct in Education. Hough- ton-Mifflin, 1914, 245 p., $1.00. Dinsmore, John Wirt. The Training of Children. American Book Co., 1914, 336 p., $1.00. Drummond, William Byron. An Introduction to Child Study. Long- mans, Green, 1912, 348 p., $1.70. Forbush, William Byron. The Boy Problem. Pilgrim Press, 1901, 194 p., 50 cents. Forbush, William Byron. The Boy Problem in the Home. Pilgrim Press, 1915, 287 p., $1.00. Forbush, William Byron. Child Study and Child Training. Scribner's, 1915, 319 p., $1.00. George, William R. The Junior Republic. D. Appleton, 1910, 326 p., $1.50. Gesell, Arnold L., and Gesell, Beatrice Chandler. The Normal Child and Primary Education. Ginn & Co., 1912, 342 p., $1.25. Gilbert, Charles B. What Children Study and Why. Silver, Burdett, 1913, 345 p., $1.50. Godin, Paul. Growth During School Age. Richard G. Badger, $2.50. Gorst, Sir John E. The Children of the Nation. Methuen & Co., 1907, 287 p., $1.75. Groszmann, Maximilian P. E. The Career of the Child. Badger, 1911, 335 p., $2.50. Groszmann, Maximilian P. E. The Exceptional Child. Scribner's, 1917, 764 p., $2.50. Gunckel, John E. Boyville. Toledo Newsboys' Association, 1905, 219 p., 75 cents. Hall, Granville Stanley. Adolescence: Its Psychology and Its Rela- tions to Physiology, Anthropology, Sociology, Sex, Crime, Re- ligion and Education. D. Appleton, 1904, Vol. I, 589 p., $7.00; Vol. II, 784 p., $7.50. Hall, Granville Stanley. Aspects of Child Life and Education. Ginn & Co., 1907, 326 p., $1.50. Of Books and Monographs on Education 19 Hall, Granville Stanley. Youth: It's Education, Regimen and Hy- giene. D. Appleton, 1907, 379 p., $1.50. Hallam, Julia Clark. Studies in Child Development. Row, Peterson, 1915, 285 p., $1.25. Healy, William H. Honesty: A Study of the Causes and Treatment Among Children. Bobbs-Merrill, 1915, 214 p., $1.00. Hillyer, Virgil Mores. Child Training. Century Co., 1916, 300 p, $1.60. Hogan, Louise. A Study of a Child. Harper Bros., (Out of Print) $2.00. Holmes, Arthur. The Conservation of the Child. Lippincott, 1912, 345 p., $1.40. Johnson, Buford Jennette. Experimental Study of Motor Abilities of Children in the Primary Grades. Johns Hopkins Press, 1917, 62 p., 75 cents. Johnson, Franklin W. The Problems of Boyhood: A Course in Ethics for Boys of High School Age. University of Chicago Press, 1914, 154 p., $1.00, postage extra. Kent, Ernest B. The Constructive Interests of Children. Teachers College, Columbia University, 1907, 78 p., 50 cents. Key, Ellen. The Century of the Child. Putnam, 1905, 339 p., $1.50. King, Irving. The High School Age. Bobbs-Merrill, 1914, 288 p., $1.00, postage extra. King, Irving. The Psychology of Child Development. University of Chicago Press, 1903, 226 p., $1.00. Kirkpatrick, Edwin A. Fundamentals of Child Study. Macmillan, 1903 (Revised, 1917), 384 p., $1.25. Kirkpatrick, Edwin A. Genetic Psychology: An Introduction to an Objective and Genetic View of Intelligence. Macmillan, 1909, 373 p., $1.25. Kirkpatrick, Edwin A. The Individual in the Making. Houghton- Mifflin, 1911, 333 p., $1.25. Kirkpatrick, Edwin A. The Use of Money: How to Save and Spend. Bobbs-Merrill, 1915, 226 p., $1.00. Mackie, Ransom A. Education During Adolescence. E. P. Dutton, 1920, 222 p., $2.00. Major, David R. First Steps in Mental Growth. Macmillan, 1906, 360 p., $1.25. Mangold, George B. Problems of Child Welfare. Macmillan, 1914, 522 p., $2.00. Mangold, George B. Child Problems. Macmillan, 1910, 381 p., $1.25. Mateer, Florence. Child Behavior. Richard G. Badger, $2.50. McCracken, Elizabeth. The American Child. Houghton-Mifflin, 1913, $1.25. McKeever, William A. Training the Boy. Macmiilan, 1913, 368 p., $1.50. 20 A Selected Bibliography McKeever, William A. Training the Girl. Macmillan, 1914, 342 p., $1.50. McManis, John T. The Study of the Behavior of an Individual Child. Warwick & York, 1916, 64 p., 60 cents. Merrill, Lilburn. Winning the Boy. Fleming H. Revell, 1908, 160 p., 75 cents. Moll, Alfred. The Sexual Life of the Child. Macmiilan, 1912, 339 p., $1.75. National Child Labor Committee. Child Welfare in North Carolina; an Inquiry by the National Child Labor Committee for the North Carolina Conference for Social Service, under the direction of W. H. Swift. New York, National Child Labor Committee, 1918, 314 p. Norsworthy, Naomi, and Whitley, Mary T. The Psychology of Child- hood. Macmillan, 1918, 375 p., $1.50. Oppenheim, Nathan. The Development of the Child. Macmillan, 1910, 296 p., $1.25. Oppenheim, Nathan. Mental Growth and Control. Macmillan, 1902, 296 p., $1.00. O'Shea, Michael Vincent. Linguistic Development and Education. Macmillan, 1907, 347 p., $1.25. O'Shea, Michael Vincent. Social Development and Education. Hough- ton-Mifflin, 1909, 561 p., $2.00. O'Shea, Michael Vincent. The Trend of the Teens. Chicago, F. J. Drake & Co., 1920, 281 p., $1.40. Preyer, William. Mental Development in the Child. D. Appleton, 1897, 176 p., $1.00. Preyer, William. The Mind of the Child: Part I, The Senses and the Will. D. Appleton, 1889, 353 p., $1.50. Preyer, William. The Mind of the Child: Part II, The Development of the Intellect. D. Appleton, 1896, 317 p., $1.50. Puffer, J. Adams. The Boy and His Gang. Houghton-Mifflin, 1912. 187 p., $1.00. Reed, Anna Y. Newsboy Service. World Book Co., 1920, 28-1-175 p., $1.20. Reeder, Rudolf R. How Two Hundred Children Live and Learn. Charities Pub. Co., 1910, 247 p., $1.25. Rafferty, W. Edward. Brothering the Boy. Griffith & Rowlands, 1913, 220 p., 50 cents. Rowe, Stuart H. The Physical Nature of the Child. Macmillan, 1906, 211 p., 90 cents. Sandiford, Peter. The Mental and Physical Life of School Children. Longmans-Green, 1913, 358 p., $1.35. Save 100,000 Babies. Get a Square Deal for Children. U. S. Depart- ment of Labor. Govt. Print. Off., 1918, 8 p. Of Books and Monographs on Education 21 Schoff, Hannah Kent. The Wayward Child. Bobbs-Merrill, 1916, $1.00. Scott, Miriam Finn. How to Know Your Child. Little, Brown, 1915, 316 p., $1.25. Shinn, Millicent. The Biography of a Baby. Houghton-Mifflin, 1900, 247 p., $1.50. Slaughter, John Willis. The Adolescent. London, G. Allen & Co., 1912, 100 p., 60 cents. Smith, Nora Archibald. The Home-made Kindergarten. Houghton- Mifflin, 1920, $1.25. Smith, William Walter. The Elements of Child Study and Religious Pedagogy. The Young Churchman Co., 1912, 277 p., 90 cents. Sully, James. Children's Ways. D. Appleton, 1907, 517 p., $1.25. Sully, James. Studies of Childhood. D. Appleton, 1910, 527 p., $2.50. Swift, Edgar J. Mind in the Making. Scribner's, 1908, 329 p., $1.50. Swift, Edgar J. Youth and the Race. Scribner's, 1912, 342 p., $1.50. Tanner, Amy E. The Child, His Thinking, Feeling and Doing. Rand McNally, 1904, 430 p., $1.25. Taylor, Albert Reynolds. The Study of a Child. D. Appleton, 1899, 215 p., $1.25. Thorndike, Edward L. Child Study. Sources of Material and Syllabi of College Courses. Teachers College Record, May, 1901, No. 3, 30 cents. Thorndike, Edward L. Notes on Child Study. Teachers College, 1903, 2d Ed., 181 p., $1.00. Tracy, Frederick, and Stimpfl, Joseph. The Psychology of Childhood. D. C. Heath, 1909, 231 p., $1.20. Tracy, Frederick. The Psychology of Adolescence. Macmillan, 1920, 246 p., $3.00. True, Ruth S. Boyhood and Lawlessness. The Neglected Girl. Rus- sell Sage Foundation, 1914, 1 Vol., 143 p., $2.00. Tyler, John Mason. Man in the Light of Evolution. D. Appleton, 1908, $1.50. Tyler, John Mason. Growth and Education. Houghton-Mifflin, 1907. 294 p., $1.50. Urwick, W. E. The Child's Mind. Longmans, Green, 1907, 281 p., $1.50. Waddle, Charles W. Introduction to Child Psychology. Houghton- Mifflin, 1918, 317 p., $1.50. Warner, Francis. The Study of Children and Their School Training. Macmillan, 1897, 264 p., $1.00. Wiggin, Kate Douglas, and Smith, Nora A. Children's Rights. Hough- ton-Mifflin, 1892, $1.65. Winch, William Henry. When Should A Child Begin School? War- wick & York, 1911, 108 p., $1.25. Winston, Annie Steger. Memoirs of a Child. Longmans, Green, 1903, 177 p., $1.00. 22 A Selected Bibliography DEFECTIVES AND DELINQUENTS Adler, Alfred. The Neurotic Constitution. Moffat, Yard & Co., 1917, p. xxvi, 456, $3.00. Binet, Alfred. The Intelligence of the Feebleminded. Training School, Vineland, N. J., 1916, 328 p., $1.00. Binet, Alfred, and Simon, Th. Translated from the French by W. B. Drummond. Mentally Defective Children. Longmans, Green. 1914, 190 p., $1.00. Bonner, H. R. (Under supervision of). Industrial Schools for De- linquents. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1919, No. 52, 53 p., 10 cents. Breckenridge, Sophonisba Preston, and Abbott, Edith. The Delin- quent Child and the Home. Russell Sage Foundation, 1912, 2d Ed., 355 p., $2.00. Bridgman, Olga Louise. An Experimental Study of Abnormal Chil- dren. University of California Press, 1918, 59 p., 25 cents. Brigham, Carl Campbell. Variable Factors in the Binet Tests. Prince- ton Press, 1917, $1.00. Bronner, Augusta F. A Comparative Study of the Intelligence of De- linquent Girls.' Teachers College, Columbia University, Bull., 1914, No. 68, 95 p., 75 cents. Bruce, Henry Addington Bayley. Handicaps of Childhood. Dodd, Mead & Co., 1917, 310 p., $1.00. Goddard, Henry H. The Criminal Imbecile. Macmillan, 1915, 157 p., $1.50. Goddard, Henry H. Feeblemindedness: Its Causes and Consequences. Macmillan, 1914, 599 p., $4.00. Goddard, Henry H. The Kallikak Family: A Study in the Heredity of Feeblemindedness. Macmillan, 1912, 121 p., $1.50. Goddard, Henry H. School Training of Defective Children. World Book Co., 1914, 98 p., 75 cents. Goddard, Henry H. Psychology of the Normal and Sub-normal. Dodd, Mead, 1919, 349 p., $5.00. Healy, William. The Individual Delinquent. Little, Brown, 1915, 862 p., $5.00. Hiatt, James S. The Truant Problem and the Parental School. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1915, No. 29, 35 p., 5 cents. Hollingworth, Leta S. The Psychology of Subnormal Children. Mac- millan, 1920, 288 p., $1.80. Holmes, Arthur. Backward Children. Bobbs-Merrill, 1915, 247 p., $1.00. Holmes, Arthur. The Conservation of the Child. J. B. Lippincott, 1912, 345 p., $1.25. Of Books and Monographs on Education 23 Huey, Edmond B. Backward and Feeble-Minded Children. Warwick & York, 1912, 221 p., $1.40. Kelynack, Theophilus Nicholas. Defective Children. John Bale, Son? & Danielson, London, 1915, 478 p., $3.00. Lapage, Charles Paget. Feeble-Mindedness in Children of School Age. University Press, Manchester, England, 1911, 359 p. MacDonald, Arthur. Bibliography of Exceptional Children and Their Education. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1912, No. 32, 46 p. 5 cents. Melville, Norbert J. Testing Juvenile Mentality. J. B. Lippincott, 1917, 140 p., $2.00. Miner, James Burt. Deficiency and Delinquency. Warwick and York, 1918, 355 p., $2.25. Mitchell, David. Schools and Classes for Exceptional Children. Cleve- land Educational Survey. Russell Sage Foundation, 1915, 122 p., 25 cents. Morrison, William Douglas. Our Juvenile Offenders. D. Appleton r 1902, 317 p., $1.50. Scripture, E. W. Stuttering and Lisping. Macmillan, 1912, 251 p., $1.50. Sherlock, Edward Birchall. The Feeble-Minded. Macmillan, 1903, 327 p., $3.00. Shuttleworth, George Edward, and Potts, W. A. Mentally Deficient Children. P. Blakiston's Son, 1910, 4th Ed., 225 p., $2.50. Swift, Walter B. Speech Defects in School Children and How to Treat Them. Houghton-Mifflin, 1918, 128 p., 75 cents. Terman, Lewis M. The Measurement of Intelligence. Houghton- Mifflin, '1916, 362 p., $1.50. Tredgold, Alfred Frank. Mental Deficiency (Amentia). Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, London, 1914, 2d Ed., 391 p., 12 s. 6 d. net. Tredway, Walter L., and Lundberg, Emma O. Mental Defect in a Rural County. U. S. Department of Labor, Children's Bureau, Washington, D. C., 96 p. Van Sickle, James Hixon, Witmer, Lightner, and Ayres, Leonard P. Provision for Exceptional Children in the Public Schools. U. S. Govt. Printing Office, U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1911, No. 14, 10 cents. Wallin, J. E. Wallace. Experimental Studies of Mental Defectives- Warwick & York, 1912, 156 p., $1.25. Weidensall, Jean. The Mentality of the Criminal Woman. Warwick 6 York, 1915, 350 p., $1.75. Witmer, Lightner. The Special Class for Backward Children. The Psychological Clinic Press, Philadelphia, 1911, 275 p., $1.50. Woodrow, Herbert. Brightness and Dullness in Children. J. B. Lip- pincott, 1919, 322 p., $1.40. 24 A Selected Bibliography FOREIGN EDUCATION Alexander, Thomas. The Prussian Elementary Schools, Macmillan, 1918, 571 p., $2.50. Anderson, David Allen. The School System of Norway. Badger, 1913, 232 p., $1.25. Arnold, Julean H. Education in Formosa. U. S. Bureau of Educa- tion, Bull., 1908, No. 5, 70 p., 10 cents. Balfour, Graham. The Educational Systems of Great Britain and Ireland. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1903, 2d Ed., 307 p., $2.50. Barrarico, Manuel. Mexico: Its Educational Problems and Suggestions for Their Solution. Teachers' College, Columbia University, Bull., 1915, No. 73, 78 p., $1.00. Beckwith, Holmes. German Industrial Education and Its Lessons for the United States. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1913, No. 19, 15 cents. Brandon, Edgar Ewing. Latin-American Universities and Special Schools. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1912, No. 30, 153 p. Brown, John Franklin. The Training of Teachers for Secondary Schools in Germany and the United States. Macmillan, 1911, 335 p., $1.75. Bolton, Frederick Elmer. The Secondary School System of Germany. D. Appleton, 1900, 398 p., $1.50. Burstall, Sara A. English High Schools for Girls. Longmans, Green, 1907, 258 p., $1.25. Burstall, Sara A. Impressions of American Education in 1908. Long- mans, Green, 1909, 341 p., $1.25. Burstall, Sara A., and Douglass, M. A. Public Schools for Girls. Longmans, Green, 1911, 302 p., $1.30. Cloyd, David E. Modern Education in Europe and the Orient. Mac- millan, 1917, 451 p., $1.40. Coleman, Herbert T. J. Public Education in Upper Canada (Ontario), 1791-1841. Teachers College, Columbia University, Bull, 1907, No. 15, 120 p., $1.00. Consular Reports on Continuation Schools in Prussia. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1913, No. 9, 30 p., 5 cents. Consular Reports on Industrial Education in Germany. U. S. Bureau of Education, 1913, No. 54, 75 p., 10 cents. Edmunds, Charles K. Modern Education in China. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1919, No. 44, 72 p., 20 cents. Farrington, Frederic Ernest. French Secondary Schools. Long- mans, Green, 1910, 462 p., $2.50. Farrington, Frederic Ernest. The Public Primary School System of France. D. Appleton, 1906, 265 p., $2.50. Of Books and Monographs on Education 25 Foght, Harold W. The Educational System of Rural Denmark. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1913, No. 58, 46 p., 15 cents. Foght, Harold W. The School System of Ontario. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1915, No. 32, 58 p., 15 cents. Foght, Harold W. The Danish Folk High School. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1914, No. 22, 93 p., 30 cents. Foght, Harold W. Danish Elementary Rural Schools. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1914, No. 24, 45 p., 10 cents. Foght, Harold Waldstein. Rural Denmark and Its Schools. Mac- millan, 1915, 355 p., $1.80. Friedel, V. H. The German School as a War Nursery. Macmillan, 1918, 270 p., $1.60. Friend, L. L. The Folk High Schools of Denmark. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1914, No. 5, 24 p., 5 cents. Greenough, James C. The Evolution of the Elementary Schools of Great Britain. D. Appleton, 1903, 265 p., $1.20. Hegland, Martin. The Danish People's High School. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1915, No. 45, 182 p., 20 cents. Hendry, F. J. R. The Universities and the Training of Teachers. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1920, 28 p., 70 cents. Hughes, Robert E. The Making of Citizens. Walter Scott Pub. Co., Ltd., London, 1906, 2d Ed., 405 p., $1.50. Jesien, W. S. Secondary Agricultural Schools in Russia. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1917, No. 4, 22 p., 5 cents. Jesien, W. S. Military Training of Youths of School Age in Foreign Countries. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1917, No. 25, 34 p., 5 cents. Judd, Charles H. The Training of Teachers in England, Scotland and Germany. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1914, No. 35, 86 p., 10 cents. Kandel, L. L. Education in Great Britain and Ireland. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1919, No. 9, 138 p., 15 cents. Kandel, I. L. Elementary Education in England. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1913, No. 57, 161 p. Kerschensteiner, George. A Comparison of Public Education in Ger- many and in the United States. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1913, No. 24, 15 p., 5 cents. Kilpatrick, William Heard. The Dutch Schools of New Netherlands and Colonial New York. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1912, No. 12, 239 p., 20 cents. King, Harry Edwin. The Educational System of China as Recently Reconstructed. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1911, No. 15, 105 p., 10 cents. Klemm, Louis Richard. European Schools: Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland. D. Appleton, 1907, 426 p., $2.00. 26 A Selected Bibliography MacLean, George Edwin. Studies in Higher Education in England and Scotland. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1918, No. 16, 279 p., 25 cents. MacLean, George Edwin. Studies in Higher Education in Ireland and Wales. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1917, No. 15, 118 p., 15 cents. Maennel, B. The Auxiliary Schools of Germany. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., No. 3, 137 p., 15 cents. Montgomery, Walter A. Educational Conditions in Spain. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1919, No. 17, 28 p., 5 cents. Palmer, Harold E. The Scientific Study and Teaching of Languages. World Book Company, 328 p., $3.00. Paulsen, Friederich. Translated by T. Lorenz. German Education, Past and Present. T. F. Unwin, London, 1908, 310 p., $1.25. Ping Wen Kuo. The Chinese System of Public Education. Teachers' College, Columbia University, 1915, 209 p., $1.00. Prettyman, C. William. Higher Girls' Schools of Prussia. Teachers' College Record, 1911, 59 p., 30 cents. Richards, H. S. Legal Education in Great Britain. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1915, No. 18, 20 p., 5 cents. Russell, James E. German Higher Schools; the History, Organiza- tion of Secondary Education in Germany. Longmans, Green, 1907, 468 p., $2.50. Sandiford, Peter, and Others. Comparative Education (U. S., Eng- land, Germany, France, Canada, Denmark). E. P. Button, 1918, 500 p., $5.00. Seeley, Levi. The Common School System of Germany. A. S. Barnes, 1896, 248 p., $1.60. Sharpless, Isaac. English Education in the Elementary and Secondary Schools. D. Appleton, 1907, 193 p., $1.00. Show, Arley Barthlow. The Movement for Reform in the Teaching of Religion in the Public Schools of Saxony. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1910, No. 1, 45 p., 5 cents. Smith, Anr.a Tolman. Secondary Schools in the States of South America and the West Indies; Scholastic Scope and Standards. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1915, No. 26, 40 p., 10 cents. Tate, William Knox. Some Suggestive Features of the Swiss School System. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull.; 1913, No. 56, 119 p. Foght, Harold W. The Educational System of Rural Denmark. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1913, No. 58, 46 p. Winch, William H. Notes on German Schools. Longmans, Green, 1904, 272 p., $1.50. Of Books and Monographs on Education 27 HEREDITY AND EUGENICS Burbank, Luther. The Training of the Human Plant. Century, 1907, 100 p., 60 cents. Davenport, Charles B. Eugenics The Science of Human Improvement by Better Breeding. Henry Holt, 1910, 35 p., 50 cents. Davenport, Charles B. Heredity in Relation to Eugenics. Henry Holt, 1911, 287 p., $2.00. Downing, Elliott R. The Third and Fourth Generations: An Intro- duction to Heredity. University of Chicago, 1917, 164 p., $1.00. Drummond, Henry. The Ascent of Man. James H. Pott & Co., Phila- delphia, 1894, 346 p., $1.25. Dugdale, Richard L. The Jukes: A Study in Crime, Pauperism, Dis- ease and Heredity. Putnam, 1902, 120 p., $1.50. East, Edward M., and Jones, Donald F. Inbreeding and Outbreeding. J. B. Lippincott, 1920, $2.50. Forbush, William B. The Coming Generation. D. Appleton, 1912, 402 p., $1.50. Guyer, Michael. Being Well Born. Bobbs-Merrill, 1916, 374 p., $1.00. Jewett, Frances Gulick. The Next Generation. Ginn & Co., 1914, 235 p., 75 cents. McKim, W. Duncan. Heredity and Human Progress. Putnam, 1901, 283 p., $1.50. Morgan, Thomas Hunt. The Physical Basis of Heredity. J. B. Lip- pincott, 209 p, $2.50. Popenoe, Paul, and Johnson, Roswell H. Applied Eugenics. Macmil- lan, 1918, 445 p., $2.10. Rhodes, Frederick A. The Next Generation. Badger, 1915, 290 p., $1.50. Ribot, Theodule Armand. Heredity. D. Appleton, 1898, 393 p., $2.00. Schuster, Edgar. Eugenics: A Science and an Ideal. Warwick & York, 1915, 263 p., 40 cents. Thomson, J. A. Heredity. Putnam, 1913, 2d Ed., 641 p., $3.50. Smith, Nora A. The Children of the Future. Houghton-Mifflin, 1920, $1.35. Walter, Herbert E. Genetics: An Introduction to the Study of Here- dity. Macmillan, 1913, 272 p., $1.50. (See also under Defectives and Delinquents.) HISTORY OF EDUCATION (a) GENERAL HISTORIES OF EDUCATION -'Anderson, Lewis F. History of Common School Education. Henry Holt, 1909, 308 p., $1.25. - Boone, Richard G. Education in the United States. D. Appleton, 1894,. 402 p., $1.50. 28 A Selected Bibliography Brown, Elmer E. The Making of Our Middle Schools. Longmans, Green, 1903, 561 p., $3.00. ,/Burnham, W. H., and Suzzallo, Henry. History of Education as a Pro- fessional Subject. Teachers College, Columbia University, 1907, 67 p., 50 cents. Cole, Percival Richard. Later Roman Education in Ausonius, Capella and the Theodosian Code. Teachers College, Columbia Univer- sity, Bull., 1909, No. 27, 39 p., 25 cents. Comenius, Johann Amos. The School of Infancy. D. C. Heath, 1916, 99 p., $1.00. Compayre, Jules Gabriel. Abelard and the Origin and Early History of Universities. Scribner's, 1901, 315 p., $1.25. Compayre, Jules Gabriel. Translated by W. H. Payne. The History of Pedagogy. D. C. Heath, 1907, 2d Ed., 626 p., $1.75. Cubberley, Ellwood P. Syllabus of Lectures on the History of Edu- cation. Macmillan, 1904, 2d Ed., 361 p., $2.60. *~ Cubberley, Ellwood P. The History of Education. Houghton-Mifflin, 1920, 849 p., $3.00. Cubberley, Ellwood P. Readings in the History of Education. Hough- ton-Mifflin, 1920, 684 p., $3.50. Davidson, Thomas. Aristotle and the Ancient Educational Ideals. Scribner's, 1910, 256 p., $1.00. Davidson, Thomas. Education of the Greek People. D. Appleton, 1898, 229 p., $1.50. -- Davidson, Thomas. History of Education. Scribner's, 1900, 292 p., $1.00. Davidson, Thomas. Rousseau and Education According to Nature. Scribner's 1898, 253 p., $1.00. De Garmo, Charles. Herbart and the Herbartians. Scribner's 1896, 268 p., $1.00. -f Dexter, Edwin Grant. A History of Education in the United States. Macmillan, 1904, 656 p., $2.00. Duggan, Stephen Pierce. A Student's Text-Book in the History of Education. D. Appleton, 1916, 397 p., $1.25. Felkin, Henry M., and Felkin, Emmie. Introduction to Herbart's Science and Practice of Education. D. C. Heath, 1900, 193 p.. $1.00. Fitch, Sir Joshua. Thomas and Matthew Arnold and Their Influence on English Education. Seribner's, 1898, 274 p., $1.00. Craves, Frank P. Great Educators of Three Centuries. Macmillan, 1912, 289 p., $1.10. Graves, Frank P. A History of Education Before the Middle Ages. Macmillan, 1909, Vol. I, 304 p., $1.10. Craves, Frank P. History of Education During the Middle Ages and the Transition to Modern Times. Macmillan, 1910, Vol. II, 328 p., $1.10. Of Books and Monographs on Education 29 Graves, Frank P. A History of Education in Modern Times. Macmil- lan, 1913, Vol. Ill, 425 p., $1.10. Graves, Frank P. A Student's History of Education. Macmillan, 1915, 453 p., $1.25, Green, John Alfred. Educational Ideas of Pestalozzi. Warwick & York, 1914, 222 p., 90 cents. Green, John Alfred. Life and Work of Pestalozzi. Warwick & York, 1913, 393 p., $1.40. Herford, William H. The Students Froebel. D. C. Heath, 1896, 128 p., 75 cents. -* Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. Horace Mann and the Common School Re- vival in the United States. Scribner's, 1898, 326 p., $1.00. Holman, Henry. Pestalozzi, An Account of His Life and Work. Long- mans, Green, 1908, 322 p., $1.10. Hoyt, Charles O. Studies in the History of Modern Education. Sil- ver Burdett, 1910, 223 p., $1.50. Hughes, James L. Dickens as an Educator. D. Appleton, 1901, 319 p., $1.50. v Hughes, Thomas. Loyola and the Educational System of the Jesuits. Scribner's, 1901, 302 p., $1.00. Laurie, Simon Somerville. Historical Survey of Pre-Christian Educa- tion. Longmans, Green, 1900, 423 p., $2.00. Laurie, Simon Somerville. The Rise and Early Constitution of Uni- versities. D. Appleton, 1902, 302 p., $1.50. V MacVannel, John Angus. The Educational Theories of Herbart and Froebel. Teachers' College, Columbia University, Bull., 1905, No. 4, 120 p., 75 cents. 1 Misawa, Tadasu. Modern Educators and Their Ideals. D. Appleton, 1909, 304 p., $1.25. Monroe, Paul. A Text-Book in the History of Education. Macmillan, 1905, 772 p., $1.90. sr Monroe, Paul. A Brief Course in the History of Education. Macmil- lan, 1907, 409 p., $1.25. Monroe, Paul. A Source Book of the History of Education for the Greek and Roman Period. Macmillan, 1901, 515 p., $2.25. Munroe, James P. The Educational Ideal. D. C. Heath, 1909, 270 p., $1.00. Painter, Franklin Verselius Newton. Great Pedagogical Essays from Plato to Spencer. American Book Co., 1905, 426 p., $1.25. - Painter, Franklin Verselius Newton. History of Education. D. Ap- pleton, 1904, 408 p., $1.20. Parker, Samuel C. The History of Modern Elementary Education. Ginn & Co., 1912, 505 p., $1.50. Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich. Leonard and Gertrude. D. C. Heath, 1907, 193 p., 90 cents (paper, 25 cents). 30 A Selected Bibliography Pinloche, Auguste. Pestalozzi and the Foundation of the Modern Elementary School. Scribner's, 1901, 306 p., $1.00. Bobbins, Charles Leonidas. Teachers in Germany in the 16th Cen- tury. Teachers College, Columbia University, Bull., 1912, No. 52, 126 p., $1.00. Rousseau, Jean Jacques. Rousseau's Emile; or, Treatise on Educa- tion. D. Appleton, 1899, 363 p., $1.50. Rusk, Robert R. The Doctrines of the Great Educators. Macmillan, 1919, 294 p., $2.00. ^Seeley, Levi. History of Education. American Book Co., 1914, 343 p., $1.25. Sheldon, Henry D. Student Life and Customs. D. Appleton, 366 p., 1901, $1.20. Steiner, Bernard C. Life of Henry Barnard, U. S. Bureau of Edu- cation Bull., 1919, No. 8, 131 p., 15 cents. Stowe, A. Roy Monroe. English Grammar Schools in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Teachers' College, Columbia University, Bull., 1908, No. 22, 200 p., $1.50. ^.Thwing, Charles F. A History of Higher Education in America. D. Appleton, 1906, 501 p., $3.00. Weeks, Stephen B. History of Public School Education in Arizona. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1918, No. 17, 141 p., 15 cents. West, Andrew F. Alcuin and the Rise of the Christian Schools. Scribner's, 1901, 205 p., $1.00. Wilson, Louis N. Hall Stanley G.: A Sketch. G. E. Stechert, 1914, 144 p. (b) SPECIAL MONOGRAPHS ON THE HISTORY OF EDUCATION MM AMERICA ^>4^' Cutler, Horace. The Rural School: Its Methods and Management. % Silver-Burdett, 1913, 365 p., $1.10. Davis, Charles W. Rural School Agriculture. Orange Judd Co., N. Y., 1907, 267 p., $1.00. Dinsmore, John W. Teaching a District School. American Book Co., 1908, 294 p., $1.00. Eggleston, J. D., and Bruer, Robert W. Work of the Rural School. Harper and Bros., 1913, 286 p., $1.00. Ferrell, John A. The Rural School and Hookworm Disease. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1915, No. 20, 56 p. ^ Foght, Harold W. Efficiency and Preparation of Rural School Teach- % ers. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1914, No. 49, 54 p., 10 cents. Foght, Harold Waldstein. The Rural Teacher and His Work in Com- munity Leadership, in School Administration, and in Mastery of the School Subjects. Macmillan, 1917, 359 p., $1.40. Foght, Harold Waldstein. Rural and Agricultural Education at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition. Govt. Printing Office, 1917, 112 p. Foght, Harold Waldstein. Rural Education. U. S. Bureau of Educa- * tion Bull., 1919, No. 7, 27 p., 5 cents. 78 A Selected Bibliography * Foght, Harold Waldstein. The American Rural School. Macmillan, 1910, 361 p., $1.80. .Foght, Harold W. The Rural School System of Minnesota. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1915, No. 20, 56 p. Foght, Harold W. Rural-Teaclier Preparation in County Training Schools and High Schools. J5. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1917, No. 31, 71 p., 10 cents. Francis, J. H. The United States School Garden Army. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1919, No. 26, 6 p., 5 cents. Greene, Maria Louise. Among School Gardens. Charities Pub. Co., 1910, 388 p., $1.25. -Hart, Joseph K. Educational Resources of Village and Rural Com- munities. Macmillan, 1913, 277 p., $1.00. Hodges, W. T. Important Features in Rural School Improvement. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1914, No. 25, 55 p., 10 cents. Judd, Zebu Ion. Cultivating the School Grounds in Wake County, North Carolina. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1912, No. 28, 12 p., 5 cents. Kennedy, Joseph. Rural Life and the Rural School. American Book, 1915, 189 p., $1.00. Kern, O. J. Among Country Schools. Ginn & Co., 1906, 366 p., $1.25. Knorr, G. W. Consolidated Rural Schools. U. S. Bureau of Agri- culture. Free. Lane, C. H., and Crosby, D. J. The District Agricultural Schools of Georgia. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1916, No. 44, 32 p., 5 cents. Larson, W. E. The Wisconsin County Training Schools for Teachers in Rural Schools. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1916, No. 17, 40 p., 10 cents. McKeever, William A. Farm Boys and Girls. Macmillan, 1912, 326 p., $1.50. Miller, James Collins. Rural Schools in Canada, Their Organization, Administration and Supervision. Teachers College, Columbia University, Bull., 1913, No. 61, 236 p., $1.50. * Monahan, A. C. Consolidated Rural Schools and Transportation of Pupils at Public Expense. Bureau of Education Bull., 1914, No. 30, 108 p., 25 cents. Monahan, A. C. County-Unit Organization for the Administration of Rural Schools. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1914, No. 44. 56 p., 10 cents. Monahan, A. C. Agricultural and Rural Extension Schools in Ireland. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1916, No. 41, 38 p., 15 cents. Monahan, A. C. The Status of Rural Education in the United States. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1913, No. 8, 72 p., 15 cents. Of Books and Monographs on Education 79 Monahan, A. C., and Phillips, A. The Farragut School, A Tennessee Country-Life High School. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1913, No. 49, 23 p. Monahan, A. C., and Wright R. H. Training Courses for Rural Teach- ers. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1913, 61 p., No. 2, 5 cents. Mullan, E. H. Mental Status of Rural School Children. U. S. Public % Health Service. Govt. Printing Office, 1916, 30 p., 5 cents. Mutchler, Fred, and Craig, W. J. A Course of Study for the Prepara- tion of Rural-School Teachers. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull.,* 1912, No. 1, 23 p., 5 cents. Myers, George E. Problems of Vocational Education in Germany. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1915, No. 33, 42 p., 10 cents. Myers, William Starr. Country Schools for City Boys. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1912, No. 9, 22 p., 10 cents. Readjustment of a Rural High School to the Needs of the Community. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1912, No. 20, 31 p. Seerley, Homer H. The Country School. Scribner's, 1913, 218 p., $1.00. ' Showalter, Noah D. A Handbook for Rural School Officers. Hough- ton-Miffilin, 1920, 213 p., $2.00. W Updegraff, Harlan, and Hood, William B. A Comparison of Urban and Rural Common School Statistics. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1912, No. 21, 31 p., 5 cents. Williams, J. Harold. Reorganizing a County System of Rural Schools. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1916, No. 16, 50 p., free. Woofter, Thomas Jackson. Teaching in Rural Schools. Houghton- Mifflin, 1917, 327 p., $1.40. SECONDARY DUCATION Agricultural Instruction in Secondary Schools. U. S. Bureau of Edu- cation Bull., 1913, No. 14, 51 p., 10 cents. Babcock, Kendric Charles. Accredited Secondary Schools in the United States. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1913, No. 29, 65 p., 10 cents. Ballou, Frank W. High School Organization. World Book Co., 1914, 187 p., $1.50. Bennett, G. Vernon. The Junior High School. Warwick & York, 1919, 224 p., $1.40. Bolton, Frederick E. The Secondary School System of Germany. D. Appleton, 1900, 398 p., $1.50. Briggs, Thomas H. Secondary Education. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1918, No. 47, 44 p., 10 cents. Briggs, Thomas H. The Junior High School. Houghton-Mifflin, 1920, 350 p., $2.00. 80 A Selected Bibliography Brown, Elmer Elsworth. The Making of Our Middle Schools. Long- mans, Green, 1907, 3d Ed., 561 p., $3.00. Brown, John F. The American High School. Macmillan, 1909, 462 p., $1.40. Brown, John F. The Training of Teachers for Secondary Schools in Germany and the United States. Macmillan, 1901, 335 p., $1.25. Burstall, Sara A. American High Schools. In Her Impressions of American Education in 1908. London, New York, Longmans, Green, 1909, $1.75. Capen, Samuel Paul. Accredited Secondary Schools in the United States. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1915, No. 7, 106 p., 15 cents. Capen, Samuel Paul. Accredited Secondary Schools in the United States. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1916, No. 20, 120 p., 15 cents. Colvin, Stephen S. Introduction to High School Teaching. Mac- millan, 1917, 451 p., $1.90. Committee of Ten on Secondary School Studies. American Book Co., 1893, 261 p., 30 cents. Davis, Calvin O. The High School Courses of Study. World Book Co., 1914, 172 p., $1.25. Davis, Calvin O. The Subject-Matter and Administration of the Six- Three-Three Plan of Secondary Schools. George Wahr, Ann Ar- bor, Michigan, 1916, 35 p., 25 cents. Davis, Calvin O. The Accredited Secondary Schools of the North Central Association. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1919, No. 45, 140 p., 25 cents. Davis, Calvin Olin. Public Secondary Education. Rand McNally, 1917, 306 p., $1.00. Davis, Calvin O. High School Courses of Study. World Book Co., 1920, 14-441 p., $2.25. DeGarmo, Charles. Principles of Secondary Education: Vol. I. The Studies. Macmillan, 1907, 338 p., $1.25. DeGarmo, Charles. Phinciples of Secondary Education: Vol. II. The Processes of Instruction. Macmillan, 1908, 200 p., $1.00. DeGarmo, Charles. Principles of Secondary Education: Vol. III. Eth- ical Training. Macmillan, 1910, 213 p., $1.00. Douglass, Aubrey Augustus. The Junior High School. Fifteenth Yearbook, 1916, Part III. Nat. Soc. for the Study of Education, 157 p., 75 cents. Eliot, Charles W., and Nelson, Ernesto. Needed Changes in Secon- dary Education. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1916, No. 10, 32 p., 5 cents. Elliott, Edward C., and Others. The Education and Training of Sec- ondary Teachers. Fourth Yearbook, 1905, Part I. Nat. Soc. for the Study of Education, 117 p., 75 cents. Of Books and Monographs on Education 81 Farrington, Frederic E. French Secondary Schools. Longmans, Green, 1915, 2d Ed., 468 p., $2.50. Farrington, Frederic E. The Public Primary School System of France. Teachers College, Columbia University, 1906, 303 p., $2.50. Hanus, Paul H. A. Modern School. Macmillan, 1904, 306 p., $1.80. Hanus, Paul H. Educational Aims and Educational Values. Macmil- lan, 1899, 211 p., $1.00. Holly, Charles Elmer. Relationship Between Persistence in School and Home Conditions. Fifteenth Yearbook, 1916, Part II. Nat. Soc. for the Study of Education, 119 p., 75 cents. Hollister, Horace A. The Township and Community High School Movement in Illinois. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1917, No. 35, 48 p., 15 cents. Inglis, Alexander James. The Rise of the High School in Massachu- setts. Teachers College, Columbia University, Bull. 1911, No. 45, 166 p., $1.15. Inglis, Alexander James. Principles of Secondary Education. Hough- ton-Mifflin, 1918, 741 p., $2.75. '3 Johnston, Charles H. High School Education. Scribner's, 1912, 555 p., $1.50. Johnston, Charles H., and Others. The Modern High Schooi: v Its Ad- ministration and Extension. Scribner's, 1914, 848 p., $1.75. Kingsley, Clarence D. College Entrance Requirements. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1913, No. 7, 110 p., 15 cents. Koos, Leonard V. The Administration of Secondary School Units. University of Chicago Press, 1917, $1.00. Koos, Leonard V. The Junior High School. Harcourt, Brace & Howe, 1920, 179 p., $1.48. Lewis, William D. Democracy's High School. Houghton-Mifflin, 1914, 129 p., 60 cents. Miller, H. L., and Others. Professional Preparation of High School Teachers. Eighteenth Yearbook, 1919, Part I. Nat. Soc. for the Study of Education, 372 p., $1.50. Monahan, A. C. Agricultural Education in Secondary Schools. Elev- enth Yearbook, 1912, Part II. Nat. Soc. for the Study of Educa- tion, 113 p., 75 cents. u Monroe, Paul, and Others. Principles of Secondary Education. Mac- millan, 1914, 790 p., $1.90. Morrison, H. C. Some Aspects of High School Instruction and Ad- ministration. Thirteenth Yearbook, 1914, Part I. Nat. Soc. for the Study of Education, 124 p., 75 cents. Pearson, F. B. The High School Problem. Row, Peterson & Howe, 303 p., $1.50. Pittenger, B. F. The Efficiency of College Students as Conditioned by Age and by Size of High School. Sixteenth Yearbook, 1917, Part II. Nat. Soc. for the Study of Education, 112 p., 75 cents. 82 A Selected Bibliography Preliminary Statements by Chairmen of Committees of the Commis- sion of the National Educational Association on the Reorganiza- tion of Secondary Education. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1913, No. 41, 80 p., 10 cents. Prosser, Charles A. A Study of the Boston Mechanic Arts High School; Being a Report to the Boston School Committee. Teachers College, Columbia University, Contributions to Education, Bull. 74, 1911, 134 p., 95 cents. Public and Private High Schools. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1912, No. 22, 375 p. Reorganization of Secondary Education. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 41, 1913, 80 p., 10 cents. Russell, James E. German Higher Schools. Longmans, Green, 1905. New Ed., 591 p., $2.50. Russell, William Fletcher. Economy in Secondary Education. Hough- ton-Mifflin, 1916, 74 p., 35 cents. Russell, William F. Economy in Secondary Education. Houghton- Mifflin Company, 35 cents. Sachs, Julius. The American Secondary School and Some of Its Prob- lems. Macmillan, 1912, 295 p., $1.75. Sachs, Julius. Theory and Practice of Teaching in the Secondary School. Teachers College, Columbia University, Bull., 1911, N_ 5, 38 p., 20 cents. Secondary School Curriculum, Part I. Language, History, Mathematics. Teachers College Record, Columbia University, March 1906, 15 cents. Secondary School Curriculum, Part II. Science and Art. Teachers College Record, Columbia University, May, 1906, 15 cents. Smith, Anna Tolman. Secondary Schools in the States of Central America, South America and the West Indies. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1915, No. 25, 40 p., 10 cents. Smith, Frank Webster. The High School: A Study of its Origin and Tendencies. Macmillan. 458 p., $2.00. Snedden, David Samuel. Problems of Secondary Education. Hough- ton-Mifflin, 1917, 333 p., $1.50. Snyder, Edwin R. The Legal Status of Rural High Schools. Teachers College, Columbia University, 1909, 205 p., $1.50. Stout, John E. The High School. D. C. Heath, 1914, 340 p., $1.50. Study of the Colleges and High Schools in the North Central Asso- ciation. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1915, No. 6, 127 p.. 15 cents. Thorndike, Edward L. The Teaching Staff of Secondary Schools in the United States. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1909, No. 4, 60 p., 10 cents. Of Books and Monographs on Education 83 Van Denburg, Joseph King. Causes of the Elimination of Students in Public Secondary Schools of New York City. Teachers College, Columbia University, 1911, 205 p., $1.50. Walkley, Raymond Lowrey. Bibliography of the Relation of Secon- dary School to Higher Education. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1914, No. 32, 57 p., 10 cents. Wilson, Martha. Library Books for High Schools. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1917, No. 41, 175 p., 15 cents. EDUCATIONAL SOCIOLOGY Betts, George H. Social Principles of Education. Scribner's, 1912, 313 p., $1.25. Byington, Margaret F. What Social Workers Should Know About Their Own Communities. Russell Sage Foundation, 1916, 3d Ed., 43 p., 10 cents. Cabot, Ella Lyman. Volunteer Help to the Schools. Houghton-Mifflin, 1914, 141 p., 60 cents. Chancellor, William Estabrook. Educational Sociology. Century Co., 1919, 422 p., $2.25. Clow, Frederick R. Principles of Sociology with Educational Appli- cations. Macmillan, 1920, 436 p., $1.80. Coffman, Lotus Delta. The Social Composition of the Teaching Pop- ulation. Teachers College, Columbia University, Bull., 41, 1911, 87 p., $1.00. Cohen, I. Davis. Investigation Into the Cases of One Hundred Boys Who Left School to Go to Work. Educational Foundations, 30: 239-43, February, 1919. Cooley, Charles Morton. Social Organization. Scribner's, 1909, 426 p., $1.50. Davis, Philip. The Field of Social Service. Small, Maynard & Co., 1915., 436 p., $1.75. Dench, Ernest Alfred. Motion Picture Education. The Standard Pub. Co., 1917, 353 p., $1.00. Dewey, John. The School and Society. University of Chicago Press, 1907, 129 p., $1.00. Dutton, Samuel T. Social Phases of Education in the School and the Home. Macmillan, 1900, 259 p., $1.25. Foster, Willian Trufant. The Social Emergency. Houghton-Mifflin, 1920, $1.60. Gignilliat, Colonel L. R. Arms and the Boy. Bobbs-Merrill, 1916, 370 p., $1.50. Hoi lister, Horace A. The Woman Citizen. A Problem in Education. D. Appleton & Co., 1918, 307 p. Howerth, Ira. The Art of Education. Macmillan, 1917, 253 p., $1.00. 84 A Selected Bibliography Kellicott, William Erskine. The Social Direction of Human Evolu- tion. D. Appleton, 1911, 249 p., $J.50. Kelly, Helen W. Handbook of School Nursing. Macmillan, 1917, $1.00. King, Irving. Education for Social Efficiency. D. Appleton, 1913, 371 p., $1.50. King, Irving. Social Aspects of Education; A Book of Sources and Original Discussions with Annotated Bibliographies. Macmillan, 1912, $1.60. Kirkpatrick, Edwin Asbury. Fundamentals of Sociology. Houghton Mifflin, 1916, 291 p., $2.00. Leavitt, Frank M., and Brown, Edith. Elementary Social Science. Macmillan Co., 1917, 142 p., 75 cents. McDougall, William. An Introduction to Social Psychology. John W. Luce, 1914, 355 p. McFee, Inez N. The Teacher, the School and the Community. Amer- ican Book Company, 256 p., $1.28. Miller, Herbert A. The School and the Immigrant. Cleveland Edu- cation Survey. Russell Sage Foundation, 1915, 102 p., 25 cents. Morgan, Alexander. Education and Social Progress. Longmans, Green, 1916, 252 p., $1.20. National Society for the Study of Education. The Rural School as a Community Center. University of Chicago Press, Tenth Yearbook, 1911, Part II, 76 p., 75 cents. O'Shea, Michael Vincent. Social Development and Education. Hough- ton-Mifflin, 1909, 561 p., $2.00. Pearson, Francis B. The Vitalized School. Macmillan, 1917, 335 p., $1.60. Pearson, Francis B. The Reconstructed School. World Book Co., 1919, 120 p., $1.05. Robbins, Charles L. The School as a Social Institution. Allyn & Bacon, 495 p., $2.00. Scott, Colin A. Social Education. Ginn & Co., 1908, 300 p., $1.25. Socialization of the High School. Course of Study in High School English The Making of a Festival Development of the Visiting Housekeeper Fine Arts Problems in Pageant Making Design in Courses in Textiles and Clothing. Teachers College, Columbia University, Bull. 1915, No. 3, 40 cents. Smith, Walter Robinson. An Introduction to Educational Sociology. Houghton-Mifflin, 1917, 412 p., $1.75. Spargo, John. The Bitter Cry of the Children. Macmillan, 1909, 337 p., $1.50. Suzzallo, Henry. The School as a Social Institution. Houghton-Mifflin, 1909. Trowbridge, Ada Wilson. The Home School. Houghton-Mifflin, 1913, 97 p., 60 cents. Of Books and Monographs on Education 85 Ward, Edward J. The Schoolhouse as the Polling Place. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1915, No. 13, 25 p., free. Ward, Edward J. The Social Center. D. Appleton, 1913, 359 p., $1.50. Weeks, Ruth Mary. Socializing the Three R's. Macmillan, 1919, 182 p., $1.20. Whitney, William T. The Socialized Recitation. A. S. Barnes, 1915, 110 p., 60 cents. EDUCATIONAL SURVEYS (a) CITY SURVEYS Ashland, Oregon, Constructive Survey of the Public School System of. By Fred C. Ayer, Charles R. Frazier and Don C. Sowers. State Printing Office, Salem, Oregon, 1915, 52 p. Baltimore, Report of the Commission Appointed to Study the System of Education in the Public Schools of. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull, 1911, No. 4, 112 p., 10 cents. Bloomington, Indiana, A Survey of the Public School System of. By H. L. Smith. Teachers College, Columbia University, 1917, 304 p. Boise, Idaho, Expert Survey of the Public School System of. By E. C. Elliott, C. H. Judd, and G. D. Strayer, 1913, 31 p. Boise, The Boise Survey. Sears, Jesse B. World Book Company, 1920, 290 p., $2.70. Boston, Massachusetts, Report of a Study of Certain Phases of the Public School System of. Finance Commission of the City of Boston, 1916, 219 p. Boston, Massachusetts, Report of the School System of. Finance Commission of the City of Boston, 1911, 234 p. Boston, Massachusetts, Report of the School Department. With Espe- cial Emphasis on the Need for a Reorganization of Its Central Administration System. Finance Commission of the City of Bos- ton, 1916, 66 p. Bridgeport, Connecticut, Report of the Examination of the School System of. Conducted by James H. Van Sickle, Board of Edu- cation, Bridgeport, Conn., 1913, 129 p. Brookline, Massachusetts, Educational Survey of the Public Schools of. By J. H. Van Sickle and others. The School Committee, Brook- line, Mass., 1917, 436 p. Buffalo, New York, Examination of the Public School System of the City of. University of the State of New York, Albany, N. Y., 1916. Butte, Montana, Report of Survey of the School System of. Board of Trustees, Butte, Montana, 1914, 163 p. Chicago, A Report of the Educational Commission of the City of. Board of Education, 1898, 248 p. 86 A Selected Bibliography Chicago, The Public Schools of. A Sociological Study by Hannah B. Clark. University of Chicago Press, 1897, 117 p., 50 cents. Chicago, Survey of the Public Schools of. By Ella Flagg Young. Board of Education, Chicago, 111., 1914, 257 p. Chicago, Recommendations for Reorganization of the Public School System of. City Council, Chicago, Illinois, 1917, 83 p. Cleveland, Ohio, Report of the Educational Commission Appointed by the Board of Education to Examine into the Government, Super- vision and Course of Study of the Public Schools of. Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohio, 1906, 120 p. Cleveland, The Three R's. Improvement in Them. Place in Pres- ent Course of Study, Public Schools of. Board of Education, Cleve- land, Ohio, 1909, 30 p. Cleveland, Educational Survey of. By Leonard P. Ayres. Survey Committee of the Cleveland Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio, 1915- 16, 25 vols., $7.00. Dallas, Texas, Report of the Public Schools of the City of. Wil- kinson Printing Co., Dallas, 1915. Denver, A Report of the School Survey of. School District, No. 1, Denver, Colorado. Part I, General Organization and Management by Franklin Bobbitt, 116 p.; Part II, The Work of the Schools, by Franklin Bobbitt and Charles H. Judd, 180 p. ; Part III, Vocational Education, by C. A. Prosser, W. H. Henderson, 91 p.; Part IV, The Business Management, by J. T. Bryne, 108 p.; Part V, The Building Situation and Medical Inspection by Lewis M. Terman, 75 p.; Supplemental Reports on the Organization and Administra- tion, by Elwood P. Cubberley, 21 p.; Comparison of By-Laws and the Preliminary Report of the School Survey, 24 p. Published by the Board of Education, Denver, Colorado, 1916. East Orange, Report of the Examination of the School System of. Board of Education, East Orange, New Jersey, 1912, 64 p. Elyria, Ohio, Educational Survey of. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1918, No. 15, 300 p., 30 cents. Gary, Indiana, The Public School System of. By W. P. Burris, U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1914, No. 18, 49 p., 15 cents. Gary, The Gary Schools. Bourne, Randolph S. Houghton-Mifflin, 203 p., $1.15. Grand Rapids, Michigan, A School Survey of. Board of Education, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1916, 510 p., $1.10. Indianapolis, Indiana, Report of the Survey for Vocational Educa- tion of. Vol. I. Indiana State Board of Education, Bull., 1917, No. 21. Janesville, Wisconsin, An Educational Survey of. State Department of Education, Madison, Wisconsin, 1918. Of Books and Monographs on Education 87 Leavenworth, Kansas, Report of a Survey of the Public Schools of. Bureau of Education, Measurement and Standards, Kansas State Normal School, Emporia, Kansas, 1915. Los Angeles, California, Report of the Advisory Committee to the Board of Education of the City of Los Angeles on Certain Aspects of the Organization and Administration of the Public School Sys- tem of. Board of Education, Los Angeles, 1916. 177 p. Madison, Recreational Survey of. Madison, Wis., Board of Commerce, 1915, 103, p., 50 cents. Memphis, An Abstract of the Report on the Public School System of Memphis, Tennessee. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1919, No. 72, 43 p., 10 cents. Memphis, The Public School System of Memphis, Tennessee. Part I. An Industrial and Social Study of Memphis; 2, School Organiza- tion, Supervision and Finance; 3, The Building Problem. Commis- sioner of Education (Survey under Direction of) U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1919, No. 50, 7 parts, 160 p., 20 cents. Memphis, The Public School System of Memphis, Tennessee. Part II. 1, The Elementary Schools; 2, The High Schools. Commissioner of Education (Survey under Direction of). U. S. Bureau of Edu- cation, Bull., 1919, No. 50, 7 parts, 191 p., 20 cents. Memphis, The Public School System of Memphis, Tennessee. Part III. Civic Education. Commissioner of Education (Survey under Di- rection of). U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1919, No. 50, 7 parts, 60 p., 10 cents. Memphis, The Public School System of Memphis, Tennessee. Part IV. Science. Commissioner of Education (Survey under Direction of). U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1919, No. 50, 7 parts, 23 p., 5 cents. Memphis, The Public School System of Memphis, Tennessee. Part V. Music. Commissioner of Education, (Survey under direction of), U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1919, No. 50, 7 parts, 74 p., 10 cents. Memphis, The Public School System of Memphis, Tennessee. Part VL Industrial Arts: Home Economics and Gardening. Commissioner of Education (Survey under direction of). U. S. Bureau of Educa- tion, Bull., 1919, No. 50, 7 parts, 48 p., 10 cents. Memphis, The Public School System of Memphis, Tennessee. Part VII. Health Work. Commissioner of Education (Survey under direc- tion of). U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1919, No. 50, 7 parts, 48 p., 10 cents. Milwaukee, Report of a Survey Made by the Tax-Payers' League of. By Walter Matscheck, Madison, Wisconsin, 1916, 73 p. Minneapolis, A Million a Year: A Five-Year School Building Pro- gram. By Superintendent F. E. Spaulding. Board of Education, 1916, 90 p. (Several other special monographs). 88 A Selected Bibliography Minneapolis. Report of the Minneapolis Survey for Vocational Edu- cation. Nat. Soc. for the Promotion of Industrial Education, Bull., No. 21, 1916. Minneapolis, Vocational Education Survey of. Made by the National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education. U. S. Bureau of Labor, Bull., 1917, No. 199, 592 p. Minneapolis, Report of the Survey of the Business Administration of the Public Schools of. Bureau of Municipal Research of the Min- neapolis Civic and Commerce Association, 1915. Montclair, New Jersey, Report on the Program of Studies in the Pub- lic Schools of. Board of Education, by P. H. Hanus, 1911. Newburgh, New York, The Survey of. Department of Surveys and Exhibits. Russell Sage Foundation, New York City, 1913. New Orleans. Facts about the Public Schools of New Orleans in Re- lation to Vocation. By David Spence Hill. Published by the Commission Council, New Orleans, 1914, 58 p. New York City. The Official Wirt Reports to the Board of Educa- tion. Introduction by Howard W. Nudd. Published by the Educa- tion Association of the City of New York, 1916, 59 p. New York. Report of Committee on School Inquiry. Board of Esti- mate and Apportionment. Vol. I, 820 p.; Vol. II, 829 p.; Vol. Ill, 924 p.; 1911 to 1913. Oakland, California. Summary of a Survey of the School Department. Report No. 19, Tax Association of Alameda County, Oakland, Cal., 1915, 20 p. Oakland, California. Report of a Survey of the Organization, Scope, and Finances of the Public School System. By E. P. Cubberley, Board of Education Bulletin No. 8, Oakland, Cal., 1915, 48 p. Ogden, Utah. Report of the Ogden Public School Survey Commission. By W. S. Deffenbaugh and others. State Department of Educa- tion, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1914, 42 p. Portland, Report of the Survey of the Public School System of 1913, and Yonkers, N. Y., 1915, 441 p. Board of Education, 1913, and World Book Co., 1915, 441 p., $2.25. Richmond, Va., Vocational Educational Survey of. U. S. Depart- ment of Labor, No. 162, 1916, 333 p. Rockford, III., A Review of the Public Schools of. Board of Educa- tion, Rockford, 111., 1915-16, 126 p. Salt Lake City, Utah, Report of a Survey of the Public School System of. Board of Education, Salt Lake City, 1915, 324 p. San Antonio, Texas, A Survey of the Public School System of. By Franklin Bobbitt. San Antonio, 257 p. San Francisco, The Public School System of. U. S. Bureau of Edu- cation Bull., 1917, No. 46, 649 p., 60 cents. Of Books and Monographs on Education 89 San Francisco, Some Conditions in the Public Schools of. By Mrs. J. H. Steinhart and others. School Survey Class, San Francisco, Cal., Board of Education, 1914. South Bend, Indiana. Superintendent's Report of the Schools of the City of South Bend, Indiana, and School Survey by the Depart- ment of Education of the University of Chicago. Board of School Trustees, South Bend, Ind., Sept., 1914, 219 p. Springfield, III., The Public Schools of. Under the direction of L. P. Ayres. Russell Sage Foundation, New York, 1914, 152 p., 25 cents. St. Louis, Missouri, Report of the Survey of the School System of. Board of Education, 1917. St. Louis. Survey of the St. Louis Public Schools. By Judd and oth- ers. World Book Co., 1919, $7.50. St. Louis, Survey of the St. Louis Public Schools. Judd, Charles H., et al. Part I. Organization and Administration, 276 p.; Part II, The Work of the Schools, 359 p.; Part III, Finances, 246 p. World Book Company, 1919, $7.50 per set. St. Paul, Minnesota. Classroom Instruction in St. Paul, Minn. Help- your-School Surveys. Bureau of Municipal Research, New York, 1913. Report of Committee on School Inquiry, New York City, Board of Edu- tion. Separate Reports reprinted as single volumes of World Book Company's School Efficiency Series, Yonkers, New York. Wilmington, Industrial Education in Wilmington, Delaware. Com- missioner of Education (Report of survey under direction of). U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1918, No. 25, 102 p., 15 cents. (b) STATE, COUNTY, AND OTHER SURVEYS Alabama, An Educational Survey of Three Counties in. Bull. No. 43, 1914, State Department of Education, Montgomery, Alabama, 179 p. Alabama, An Educational Study of. Foght, Harold Waldstein, Capen, Samuel W. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1919, No. 41, 522 p. Alabama, The Public School System of. A Comparative Study. De- partment of Education Bulletin, No. 55, Montgomery, 1916, 32 p. Arizona, Educational Conditions in. Report of a Survey by the Unit- ed States Bureau of Education. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1917, No. 44, 200 p., 35 cents. California, A Rural Survey of Tulane County, Board of Home Mis- sions of the Presbyterian Church, 156 5th Avenue, New York City, 1915, 115 p. California (San Mateo County), Reorganizing a County System of Rural Schools. By J. H. Williams. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1916, No. 16, 50 p., 10 cents. Colorado, A General Survey of Public High-School Education in. Uni- versity of Colorado Bulletin, No. 14, 1914, 106 p. 90 A Selected Bibliography Colorado, A General Survey of Public High-School Education in. Bull. No. 10, 1914, University of Colorado, 92 p. Colorado, Rural and Village Schools of. By S. C. Sargent. Colorado Agricultural College, Fort Collins, Colorado, 1914. Colorado, Report of an Inquiry into the Administration and Support of the School System of. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1917, No. 5, 93 p., 10 cents. Connecticut. Report of the Special Educational Commission. State Board of Education, Hartford, 1909, 14 p. Delaware (Newcastle County), Mental Status of Rural School Chil- dren. By E. H. Mullan, Reprint No. 377 from Public Health Re- ports, Washington, D. C., 1916. Foreign Educational Surveys. By James Mahoney. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1915, No. 37, 39 p., 10 cents. Georgia. The Georgia Club, By E. C. Branson. U. S. Bureau of Edu- cation Bull., 1913, No. 23, 41 p. Georgia. An Educational Survey of Screven County. By M. L. Dug- gan. State Department of Education, 1916, 47 p., Atlanta, Ga. Illinois, School Survey: A Cooperative Investigation of School Con- ditions and School Efficiency. L. D. Coffman, Director. Illinois State Teachers' Association, 1917, 377 p. Indiana, Rural School Sanitation of Porter County. Treasury De- partment, U. S. Public Health Service, 1916. Iowa, State Higher Educational Institutions of. U. S. Bureau of Edu- cation Bull., 1916, No. 19, 223 p., 25 cents. Kansas, Survey of Accredited High Schools and Professoinal Direc- tory of. By H. W. Josselyn. Bulletin of the University of Kan- sas, No. 16, 1914. Kansas, Report of a Survey of the Public Schools of Leavenworth. Published by Kansas State Normal School, Emporia, 1915, 206 p. Maryland, Public Education in. A Report to the Maryland Educa- tional Survey Commission. By A. Flexner and E. P. Bachman. General Education Board, New York, 1916, 176 p. Maryland (Montgomery County). An Educational Survey of a Sub- urban and Rural County. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1913, No. 32, 68 p. Minnesota, The Rural School System of. A Study in School Efficiency. By H. W. Fo^ht, U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1915, No. 20, 56 p. Missouri. A Study of the Rural Schools of Saline County. By J. D. Eliff and A. Jones. University of Missouri Bull. 16, No. 22, Co- lumbia, Mo., 1915, 32 p. New York (Westchester County). A Study of Local School Condi- tions. By A. J. Inglis. Westchester County Research Bureau, White Plains, New York, 1912, 29 p. Of Books and Monographs on Education 91 North Dakota, State Higher Educational Institutions of. U. S. Bu- reau of Education Bull., 1916, No. 27, 30 cents. North Dakota, Report of the Temporary Educational Commission to the Governor and Legislature of. Grand Forks, North Dakota. The State, 1912, 61 p. Ohio, Report of the State School Survey Commission of. Horace L. Brittain, Director. State Board of Education, Columbus, 1914, 352 p. Ohio, Report of the State School Survey Commission of. By M. E. Campbell and others, 1914. Oregon. Report of a Survey of the University of Oregon made by the U. S. Bureau of Education, 1915. University of Oregon Bul- letin 13, No. 4, 1915, 28 p. Oregon, A Rural Survey of Lane County. By Fred C. Ayer and Her- man H. Morse. Bull. No. 14, University of Oregon, Eugene, 1916, 109 p. Pennsylvania, The State Normal Schools and Public School System of. E. O. Holland. Teachers College, Columbia University, 1912, No. 55, 94 p., $1.00. Plans for Organizing School Surveys. By H. L. Smith. Thirteenth Yearbook, 1914, Part II. Nat. Soc. for the Study of Education, 85 p, 75 cents. Report of the Mosely Educational Commissioners to the United States of America. Published by the Cooperative Printing Society, Manchester, England, 1904, 400 p. South Dakota, The Educational System of. Commissioner of Educa- tion (report of a Survey made under the direction of). U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1918, No. 31, 304 p., 25 cents. Southern Appalachian Mountains, A Statistical Study of the Public Schools of the. By Norman A. Frost. U. S. Bureau of Educa- tion Bull., 1915, No. 11, 71 p., 20 cents. Texas, A Study of Rural Schools in Travis County. By E. E. Davis, University of Texas, Austin, 1916. Texas. The Organization and Administration of a State's Institu- tions of Higher Education. By A. LeFevre. Austin, Texas, 1914, 524 p. United States. A Comparative Study of the Public School System in Forty-Eight States. Russell Sage Foundation, New York, 1912, 32 p. Vermont, Education in. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Bulletin No. 7, Parts 1 and 2, 1914, 214 p. Washington, A Survey of Educational Institutions of the State of. (Survey Conducted by the U. S. Bureau of Education). U. S. Bu- reau of Education Bull., 1916, No. 26, 228 p., 25 cents. Wisconsin, Preliminary Report on Conditions and Needs of Rural Schools in. State Board of Public Affairs, Madison, 1912, 92 p. 92 A Selected Bibliography Wisconsin, Report Upon the Survey of the University of. State Board of Public Affairs, Madison, 1914, 957 p. Wyoming, Educational Survey of. By A. C. Monahan and Katherine M. Cook. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., No. 29, 1916, 120 p., 15 cents. Allen, William H., and Pearse, Carroll G. Self-Surveys by Teacher- Training Schools. World Book Company, 1917, 207 p., $2.25. Allen, William H. Self-Surveys by Colleges and Universities. World Book Company, 1917, 392 p., $3.00. Buchner, Edward Franklin. Educational Surveys. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1918, No. 45, 46 p., 10 cents. Righter, L. The Educational Survey Preparatory to the Organization of Vocational Education. Teachers' College, Columbia Univer- sity, 1913. EDUCATIONAL THEORY Andrews, Benjamin R. The Girl of Tomorrow What the School Will Do for Her. Teachers College, Columbia University, Technical Education Bull. 9, 8 p., 10 cents. Bachman, Frank P. Principles of Elementary Education. D. C. Heath, 1915, 305 p., $1.25. Bag ley, William C. Craftsmanship in Teaching. Macmillan, 1911, 247 p., $1.10. , Bagley, William C. Educational Values. Macmillan, 1911, 267 p., $1.10. Bain, Alexander. Education as a Science. D. Appleton, 1898, 453 p., $1.75. Barnett, Percy Arthur. Common Sense in Education and Teaching. Longmans, Green, 1899, 338 p., $1.50. Bett,s George Herbert. Fathers and Mothers. Bobbs-Merrill, 1915, 126 p., $1.00. Blan, Louis B. A Special Study of the Incidence of Retardation. Teachers College, Contributions to Education, No. 40, 1911, 111 p., 75 cents. Bobbitt, Franklin. What the Schools Teach and Might Teach. Cleve- land Education Survey. Russell Sage Foundation, 1915, 108 p., 25 cents. Bolton, Frederick Elmer. Principles of Education. Scribner's, 1910, 790 p., $3.00. Bonser, Frederick Gordon. The Elementary School Curriculum. Mac- millan, 1920, 466 p., $2.20. Boone, Richard Cause. Science of Education. Scribner's, 1904, 408 p., $1.00. Of Books and Monographs on Education 93 Boswell, Foster Partridge. The Aims and Defects of College Edu- cation. Houghton-Mifflin, 1920, $1.00. Bowen, H. Courthope. Froebel and Education Through Self Activity. Scribner's, 1901, 208 p., $1.00. Browning, Oscar. An Introduction to the History of Educational Theories. Harper & Bros., 1905, 196 p., 50 cents. Bryan, Elmer B. The Basis of Practical Teaching. Silver, Burdett, 1905, 190 p., $1.25. Bryan, Elmer B. Fundamental Facts for the Teacher. Silver, Bur- dett, 1911, 111 p., $1.00. Butler, Nicholas M. The Meaning of Education, and Other Essays. Macmillan, 1915, Rev. Ed., 386 p., $1.00. Chamberlain, Arthur Henry. Ideals and Democracy. Rand, McNally, 1911, 180 p., $1.00. Chamberlain, Arthur H. Standards in Education. American Book, 1908, 265 p., $1.00. Chancellor, William E. Motives, Ideals and Values in Education. Houghton-Mifflin, 1907, 535 p., $1.75. Cole, Percival Richard. Herbart and Froebel: An Attempt at Syn- thesis. Teachers College, Columbia University, Bull., 1907, No. 14, 116 p., $1.00. Colgrove, Chauncey P. The Teacher and the School. Scribner's, 1910, 406 p., $1.25. Colvin, Stephen S. The Learning Process. Macmillan, 1911, 336 p., $1.25. Coursault, Jesse H. The Learning Process or Educational Theory Im- plied in Theory of Knowledge. Teachers College, Columbia Uni- versity, Bull., 1907, No. 16, 99 p., $1.00. Coursault, Jesse H. The Principles of Education. Silver, Burdett, 1920, 468 p., $2.50. Cubberley, Ellwood P. Changing Conceptions of Education. Hough- ton-Mifflin, 1909, 70 p., 35 cents. Darroch, Alexander. Education and the New Utilitarianism, and Oth- er Educational Addresses. Longmans, Green, 1914, 169 p., $1.20. Davenport, Eugene. Education for Efficiency. D. C. Heath, 1909, 184 p., $1.00. Davidson, Percy E. The Recapitulation Theory and Human Infancy. Teachers College, Columbia University, Contributions to Educa- tion, No. 65, 1911, 104 p., 75 cents. Davis, Sheldon Emmor. The Work of the Teacher. Macmillan, 1918, 342 p., $1.60. Dewey, Evelyn. New School for Old. E. P. Dutton, 1919, 337 p., $2.00. Dewey, John. The Child and the Curriculum. University of Chicago Press, 1902, 40 p., 25 cents. Dewey, John. Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education. Macmillan, 1916, 434 p., $1.40. 94 A Selected Bibliography Dewey, John. The Educational Situation. University of Chicago Press, 1902, 104 p., 50 cents, postage extra. Dewey, John. Interest and Effort in Education. Houghton-Mifflin, 1913, 102 p., 60 cents. Dewey, John. The School and Society. University of Chicago Press, 1907, 129 p., $1.00. Dewey, John. Schools of Tomorrow. E. P. Button, 1915, 316 p., $1.50. Dooley, William H. The Education of the Ne'er-Do-Well. Houghton- Mifflin, 1916, 163 p., 60 cents. Eliot, Charles William. Education for Efficiency. Houghton-Mifflin, 1909, 57 p., 90 cents. Eliot, Charles William. Educational Reform. Century, 1898, 418 p., $2.00. Eliot, Charles William. The Tendency to the Concrete and Practical in Modern Education. Houghton-Mifflin, 1913, 56 p., 35 cents. Ellis, Alexander Caswell. The Money Value of an Education. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1917, No. 22, 52 p., 15 cents. Emerson, Mabel Irene. The Evolution of the Educational Ideal. Houghton-Mifflin, 1914, 185 p., $1.00. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Education. Houghton-Mifflin, 1909, 76 p., 90 cents. Evans, Charles. Growing a Life. Rand McNally, 1912, 214 p., $1.00. Fiske, John. The Meaning of Infancy. Houghton-Mifflin, 1909, 42 p., 35 cents. Froebel, Friedrich. Education by Development D. Appleton, 1899, 347 p., $1.50. Froebel, Friedrich. The Education of Man. D. Appleton, 1906, 332 p., $1.50. Gilbert, Charles B. The School and Its Life. Silver, Burdett, 1906, 259 p., $1.25. Griggs, Edward Howard. The New Humanism. Huebsch, 1908, 239 p., $1.50. Groszmann, Maximillian P. E. Some Fundamental Verities in Educa- tion. Badger, 1911, 118 p., $1.25. Gulick, Luther H. The Efficient Life. Doubleday, Page, 1907, 195 p., $1.20. Guyer, Michael F. Being Well Born. Bobbs-Merrill, 1916, 374 p., $1.00. Hall, Granville Stanley. Educational Problems. D. Appleton, 1911, Vol. I, 710 p.; Vol. II, 714 p.; $7.50. Ham, Charles H. Mind and Hand. American Book, 1900, .492 p., $1.25. Haney, John Dearling. Lessing's Education of the Human Race. Teachers' College, Columbia University, Bull., 1908, No. 20, 47 p., 75 cents. Harper, William R. The Trend in Higher Education. University of Chicago Press, 1905, 390 p., $1.50. Of Books and Monographs on Education 95 Harvey, Nathan A. Principles of Teaching. Row, Peterson, 1915, 423 p., $1.25. Heck, William Henry. Mental Discipline and Educational Values. John Lane, 1911, 208 p., $1.00. Henderson, C. Hanford. Education and the Larger Life. Houghton- Mifflin, 1902, 386 p., $1.30. Henderson, C. Hanford. What It Is to Be Educated. Houghton-Mifflin, 1914, 462 p., $1.50. Henderson, Ernest N. A Textbook in the Principles of Education. Macmillan, 1910, 593 p., $1.75. Herbart, Johann Friedrich. Translated by A. F. Lange, Annotated by Charles De Garrao. Outlines, of Educational Doctrine. Macmil- lan, 1901, 334 p., $1.25. Herbart, Johann Friedrich. Translated by H. M. Felkin and E. Fel- kin. The Science of Education. D. C. Heath, 1902, 286 p., $1.00. Hinsdale, Burke A. Studies in Education. Werner, 1896, 384 p., $1.25. Home, Herman Harrell. The Philosophy of Education. Macmillan, 1904, 295 p., $1.50. Home, Herman Harrell. The Teacher as Artist. Houghton-Mifflin, 1920, 60 cents. Howerth, Ira Woods. The Art of Education. Macmillan, 1912, 253 p., $1.60. Howland, George. Practical Hints for the Teachers of Public Schools. D. Appleton, 1898, 202 p., $1.00. Hughes, James L. Froebel's Educational Laws for All Teachers. D. Appleton, 1899, 296 p., $1.50. Hyde, William DeWitt. The Teacher's Philosophy In and Out of School. Houghton-Mifflin, 1910, 87 p., 35 cents. Jennings, Herbert S.; Watson, John B.; Meyer, Adolpf. Suggestions of Modern Science Concerning Education. Macmillan Co., 1917, 211 p., $1.00. Johnson, Anna. Education by Doing. A. S. Barnes, 1916, 109 p., 60 cents. Jones, L. H. Education as Growth. Ginn & Co., 1911, 275 p., $1.25. Judd, Charles Hubbard. Introduction to the Scientific Study of Edu- cation. Ginn, 1918, 333 p., $1.96. Keith, John A. H., Bagley, William Chandler. The Nation and the Schools. Macmillan, 1920, 364 p. King, Henry C. Rational Living. Macmillan, $1.25. Klapper, Paul. Principles of Educational Practice. D. Appleton, 1912, 485 p., $1.75. La Rue, Daniel W. The Science and the Art of Teaching. American Book Company, 336 p., $1.28. Lincoln, Lillian I. Everyday Pedagogy. Ginn & Co., 1915, 310 p., $1.00. Lynch, Ella Frances. Educating the Child at Home. Harper & Bros., 1914, 214 p., $1.00. 96 A Selected Bibliography Magnus, Sir Philip. Educational Aims and Efforts. Longman's Green, 1880-1910, 300 p., $2.25. Mark, Harry Thiselton. Modern Views on Education. Warwick & York, 1915, 263 p., 40 cents. McAndrew, William. The Public and Its School. World Book, 1916, 50 cents. McKenny, Charles. The Personality of the Teacher. Row, Peter- son, 1915, 192 p., $1.00. McMurry, Charles A. Conflicting Principles in Teaching. Houghton- Mifflin, 1914, 290 p., $1.25. Miller, Irving Elgar. Education for the Needs of Life. Macmillan, 1917, 353 p., $1.00. Milner, Florence. The Teacher. Scott, Foresman, 1912, 287 p., $1.25. Moore, Harry H. The Youth and the Nation. Macmillan, 1917, 180 p., $1.50. Moore, Ernest Carroll. What Is Education? Ginn & Co., 1915, 357 p., $1.25. Munroe, James Phinney. The Human Factor in Education. Macniil- lan, 1920, 317 p., $1.60. Nearing, Scott. The New Education. Row, Peterson, 1915, 264 p., $1.25. O'Shea, M. Vincent. Dynamic Factors in Education. Macmillan, 1906, 320 p., $1.25. O'Shea, M. Vincent. Education as Adjustment. Longmans, Green, 1903, Rev. Ed., 348 p., $1.50. O'Shea, M. Vincent. Everyday Problems in Teaching. Bobbs-Merrill, 1912, 400 p., $1.00. Partridge, George. Outline of Individual Study. Sturgis & Walton, 1910, 24 p., $1.25. Pearson, Francis B. Reveries of a Schoolmaster. Scribner's, 1917, 203 p., $1.50. Raymont, Thomas. The Principles of Education. Longmans, Green, 1905, 389 p., $1.40. Rein, Wilhelm, Translated by C. C. Van Liew and Ida Van Liew. Out- lines of Herbart's Pedagogics. A. S. Barnes, 1916, 145 p., 60 cents. Rowe, Stuart H. Habit Formation and the Science of Teaching. Longmans, Green, 1909, 308 p., $1.50. Ruediger, William C. Principles of Education. Houghton-Mifflin, 1910, 305 p., $1.25. Sabin, Henry. Common Sense Didactics. Rand McNally, 1904, 343 p., $1.00. Salisbury, Albert. The Theory of Teaching and Elementary Psychol- ogy. Row, Peterson, 1906, 330 p., $1.00. Sarkar, Benoy Kumar. Introduction to the Science of Education. Longmans, Green, 1914, 172 p., $1.10. Schaeffer, Nathan C. Thinking and Learning to Think. Lippincott, 1900, 351 p., $1.25. Scott, Harriet M. Organic Education. D. C. Heath, 1899, 344 p., $1.25. Of Books and Monographs on Education 97 Search, Preston W. An Ideal School. D. Appleton, 1901, 357 p., $1.20. Sewell, Elizabeth M. Principles of Education. Longmans, Green, 1914, 134 p., 36 cents. Shreves, R. M. The Philosophical Basis of Education. Richard Bad- ger, 1917, $1.50. Smith, Henrietta Brown. Education by Life. Warwick & York, 1914, 211 p., $1.25. Smith, William Hawley. All the Children of all the People. Mac- millan, 1912, 355 p., $1.60. Snedden, David. Problems of Educational Readjustment. Houghton- Mifflin, 1913, 262 p., $1.50. Spencer, Herbert. Education, Intellectual, Moral and Physical. D. Appleton, 1900, 301 p., $1.25. Stoner, Winifred Sackville. Natural Education. Bobbs-Merrill, 1914, 295 p., $1.00. Suhrie, Ambrose L. The Inductive Determination of Educational Method. Warwick & York, 1915, 62 p., 75 cents. Swift, Edgar James. Learning by Doing. Bobbs-Merrill, 1914, 249 p., $1.00. Thorndike, Edward L. Education: A First Book. Macmillan, 1912, 292 p., $1.25. Thorndike, Edward L. Principles of Teaching. A. G. Seiler, 1906, 293 p., $1.25. Tompkins, Arnold. Philosophy of Teaching. Ginn, 280 p., $1.20. Tompkins, Arnold. The Philosophy of School Management. Ginn & Co., 1895, 22 p. f 75 cents. Ufer, Christian. Introduction to the Pedagogy of Herbart. D. C. Heath, 1896, 133 p., 90 cents. U. S. Commissioner of Education (Report of Citizens' Conference) The National Crisis in Education: An Appeal to the People. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1920, No. 29, 191 p., 25 cents. Welton, James. Principles and Methods of Teaching. Warwick & York, 1914, 566 p., $1.65. White, Emerson E. The Art of Teaching. American Book, 1901, 321 p., $1.00. White, Emerson E. School Management. American Book, 1894, 320 p., $1.00. Wilson, H. B., and Wilson, G. M. The Motivation of School Work. Houghton-Mifflin, 1916, 265 p., $1.25. Winch, William Henry. Inductive Versus Deductive Methods in Teaching. Warwick & York, 1913, 160 p., $1.25. Winship, Albert E. Danger Signals for Teachers. Forbes & Co., $1.25; by mail, $1.35. Woodley, Oscar I., and Woodley, Virginia M. The Profession of Teaching. Houghton-Mifflin, 1917, 317 p., $2.00. 98 A Selected Bibliography Wright, Henry Parks. The Young Man and Teaching. Macmillan, 211 p., $2.00. Young, Ella Flagg. Isolation in the School. University of Chicago Press, 1901, 112 p., 50 cents. Young, Ella Flagg. Scientific Method in Education. University of Chicago Press, 1903, 14 p., 25 cents. Young, Ella Flagg. Some Types of Modern Educational Theory. Uni- versity of Chicago Press, 1902, 70 p., 25 cents. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION INCLUDING VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE AND TRAINING Abels, Margaret Mutton. From School to Work: A Study of Children Leaving School Under 16 Years of Age to Go to Work in Waltham, Mass., etc. Govt. Printing Office, 1917, 59 p. Advising Children in Their Choice of Occupation and Supervising the Working Child. Leaflet No. 53, Childrens' Bureau, U. S. Depart- ment of Labor, Govt. Printing Office, 1919, 14 p. Allen, Charles R. The Instructor, the Man and the Job. J. B. Lip- pincott Co., 375 p., $1.50. Allen, Frederick J. Business Employments. Ginn & Co., 1916, 218 p., $1.25. Allen, Frederick J. The Law as a Vocation. The Vocation Bureau of Boston, 1913. Allen, Frederick J. A Guide to the Study of Occupations (Contains a selected bibliography). Harvard University Press, 1921, 183 p., $2.50. Ayres, Leonard P. Some Conditions Affecting Problems of Industrial Education in 78 American School Systems, 22 p., 10 cents. Bibliography of Industrial, Vocational and Trade Education. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1913, No. 22, 92 p., 10 cents. Bishop, F. L. Engineering Education. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1919, No. 19, 8 p., 5 cents. Bloomfield, Meyer. Readings in Vocational Guidance. Ginn & Co., 1915, 723 p., $2.60. Bloomfield, Meyer. The School and the Start in Life. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1914, No. 4, 146 p., 15 cents. Bloomfield, Meyer. Finding One's Place in Life. Howard-Severance, 1917, $1.00. Bloomfield, Meyer. Youth, School, and Vocation. Houghton-Mifflin Co., 1915, 273 p., $2.00. Bloomfield, Meyer. The Vocational Guidance of Youth. Houghton- Mifflin, 1911, 124 p., 60 cents. Breckenridge, Sophonisba P. Guidance by the Development of Place- ment and Follow-up Work. Bureau of Education Bull., 1914. Brewer, John M. The Vocational Guidance Movement. Its Prob- lems and Possibilities. Macmillan, 1918, 333 p., $1.80. Of Books and Monographs on Education 99 Brown, J. S.; Morrison, G. B.; Richards, Ellen. The Place of Voca- tional Subjects in the High School Curriculum. Fourth Yearbook, 1905, Part II. Nat. Soc. for the Study of Education, 50 cents. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Vocational Education Survey of Rich- mond, Va., 1916. Richmond, Va. Cabot, Ella Lyman. Volunteer Help to the Schools. Houghton-Mifflin, 1914, 140 p., $1.35. Chamberlain, James F. The Occupations of Man. Teachers' Mono- graph, New York, 1903. Cole, Percival R. Industrial Education in the Elementary Schools. Houghton-Mifflin, 1914, 64 p., 90 cents. Davis, Jesse B. Vocational and Moral Guidance. Ginn & Co., 1914, 303 p., $1.25. Eaton, J. Shirley. Education for Efficiency in Railroad Service. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1909, No. 10, 159 p. Eaton, Joseph J. Record Forms for Vocational Schools. World Book Co., 1917, 56 p., 75 cents. Ellis, A. CasweM. The Money Value of Education. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1917, No. 22. 52 p., 15 cents. Farrington, Frederic E. Commercial Education in Germany. Mac- millan, 1914, 267 p., $1.40. Federal Board for Vocational Education. Emergency Training in Shipbuilding, Evening and Part-time Classes for Shipyard Work- ers. Wash. Govt. Printing Office, 1918, 71 p., free. Federal Board for Vocational Education. Mechanical Training for Conscripted Men. (Air Division, U. S. Signal Corps.) Wash. Govt. Printing Office, 1918, 47 p., free. Fletcher, Alfred P. Guidance by Means of a System of Differentiated Courses. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1914, No. 14, p. 48-52. Fuld, Leonhard Felix. Service Instruction of American Corporations. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1916, No. 34, 73 p., 15 cents. Giles, F. M. Guidance by Systematic Courses of Instruction in Voca- tional Opportunities and Personal Characteristics. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1914, No. 14, p. 52-59. Gillette, John M. Vocational Education. American Book Co., 1910, 331 p., $1.00. Goldmark, Josephine. Fatigue and Efficiency. Charities Publication Committee, 1912, Rep. by Russell Sage Foundation, 1919, 342 p., $2.00. ' Gowin, Enoch B., and Wheatley, William A. Occupations. Ginn & Co., 1916, 357 p., $1.36. Greinshaw, Robert. Personal Efficiency. Macmillan, 1919, 218 p., $1.50, Hanus, Paul H. School Efficiency, a Constructive Study Applied to New York City. World Book Company, 1913, 280 p., $1.80. Hanus, Paul H. Beginnings in Industrial Education, and other Edu- cational Discussions. Houghton-Mifflin, 1908, 199 p. 100 A Selected Bibliography Harper, Jane R. A Survey of Opportunities for Vocational Education in and near Philadelphia, 1915. Education Association, Philadel- phia, Pa. Herrick, Chessman A., and Others. Vocational Studies for College Entrance. Sixth Yearbook, 1907, Part I. Nat. Soc. for the Study of Education, 79 p., 60 cents. Hill, A. C. .Prison Schools. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1913, No. 27, 47 p. Hill, David Spence. Introduction to Vocational Education. Macmil- lan, 1920, 483 p., $2.00. Hoke, K. J. Placement of Children in the Elementary Grades. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1916, No. 3, 92 p., 10 cents. Hotchkiss, WiMard Eugene. Higher Education and Business Stan- dards. Houghton-Mifflin, 1918, $1.00. Hoxie, Robert F. Scientific Management and Labor. D. Appleton & Co., 1915, $2.50. Hyde, William DeWitt. Self-Measurement. B. W. Huebsch, 1908, 74 p., 60 cents. Jarvis, Chester D. Vocational Teachers for Secondary Schools. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1917, No. 38. 85 p., 10 cents. Judson, Harry Pratt. The Higher Education as a Training for Busi- ness. The University of Chicago Press, 1911, 54 p., 50 cents. Kahn, Joseph, Klein, Joseph J. Principles and Methods in Commer- cial Education. Macmillan, 1915, 439 p., $1.80. Kandel, Isaac Leon. Federal Aid for Vocational Education; a Report to the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Carnegie Foundation, 1917, 127 p. Kelley, Truman L. Educational Guidance. Teachers College, Colum- bia University, Contributions to Education, No. 71, 1914, 116 p., $2.00. Kelly, Rob Willmarth. Hiring the Worker. The Engineering Maga- zine Company, 1917. Lapp, John A., and Mote, Carl H. Learning to Earn. Bobbs-Merrill 1915, 421 p., $1.00. Lasalle, Mary A., and Wiley, Katherine E. Vocations for Girls. Houghton-Mifflin, 1913, 139 p., $1.60. Leake, Albert H. Industrial Education: Its Problems, Methods and Dangers. World Book Co., 1920, 430 p., $1.50. Leake, Albert H. Vocational Education of Girls and Women. Mac- millan, 1918, 430 p., $1.80. Leavitt, Frank M. Examples of Industrial Education. Ginn & Co., 1912, 330 p., $1.32. Leavitt, Frank M., Brown, Edith. Prevocational Education in the Public Schools. Houghton-Mifflin, 1915, 245 p., $1.80. Lindsay, Forbes. Everyday Efficiency. Thomas Y. Crowell, 1919. 300 p., $1.25. Of Books and Monographs' b'ri Education 101 Lovejoy, Owen R. Vocational Guidance and Child Labor. U. S. Bu- reau of Education Bull., 1914, No. 14, pp. 9-16, 10 cents. Marot, Helen. Creative Impulse in Industry. E. P. Button, 1919, 146 p. $1.50. Massachusetts Committee on Unemployment. Why Labor Exchanges. Bull. No. 1, 1915. McCann, Mathew R. The Fitchburg Plan of Cooperative Industrial Education. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1913, No. 50, 10 cents. McMurtrie, Douglas. The Evolution of National Systems of Voca- tional Reeducation for Disabled Soldiers and Sailors. Federal Board of Vocational Education, Washington, D. C., Bull. 15, 1918, 319 p. Mead, George Herbert. The Larger Educational Bearings of Voca- tional Guidance. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1914, No. 14, pp. 16-20; also in Bloomfield's Readings, pp. 43-55, 10 cents. Merton, Holmes. How to Choose the Right Vocation. Funk & Wag- nails, 1917, 302 p., $1.50. Mitchell, John. The Wage Earner and His Problems. P. S. Ridsdale, Washington, D. C., 1913, 186 p., $1.00. Muensterberg, Hugo. Psychology and Industrial Efficiency. Houghton- Mifflin, 1913, $2.50. Myers, George E. Problems of Vocational Education in Germany. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1915, No. 33, 42 p., 10 cents. Minneapolis Survey for Vocational Education. Vocational Education Survey of Minneapolis, Minn. Nat. Soc. for the Promotion of In- dustrial Education. Govt. Printing Office, 1917, 592 p., Bull. U.' S. Bureau of Labor, No. 199. National Education Association. Business Education in Secondary Schools. Report of the Commission on the Reorganization of Sec- ondary Education. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1919, No. 55, 68 p., 10 cents. National Education Association. Vocational Guidance in Secondary Education. Report of the Commission on the Reorganization of Secondary Education. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1918, No. 19, 29 p., 5 cents. National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education. Report of the Minneapolis Survey for Vocational Education. Society Bull. No. 21, 1916. Norton, Helen Rich. Department-Store Education. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull. 1917, No. 9, 79 p., 15 cents. Parsons, Frank. Choosing a Vocation. Houghton-Mifflin, 1909, 165 p., $1.65. Personnel Work in the United States Army, Washington, D. C., Janu- ary, 1919, 15 p. Puffer, J. Adams. Vocational Guidance. Rand McNally & Co., 1913, 306 p., $1.50. 102 A Selected Bibliography Perkins, A. F, Vocations for the Trained Woman. Longmans, Green, 1911, 296 p., $1.20. Redfield, William C. The New Industrial Day. The Century Co., 1913, 213 p., $1.25. Reed, Anna G. Junior Wage Earners. Macmillan, 1920, 171 p. Reed, Anna Y. Vocational Guidance Report, 1913-1916. Board of School Directors, Seattle, Washington, 1916. Report of the Meeting of the Association of Urban Universities, No- vember 15-17, 1915. University Training for Public Service. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1916, No. 30, 94 p., 15 cents-. Report by the Committee on Vocational Education of the National Education Association. Vocational Secondary Education. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1916, No. 21, 163 p., 15 ; cents. Report Presented at the Organization Meeting of the Vocational Guidance Association, Grand Rapids, Mich., Oct. 21-24, 1913. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1914, No. 14, 91 p., 10 cents. Ryan, W. Carson Jr. Vocational Guidance and the Public Schools. U. S. Bureau of Education, Bull., 1918, No. 24, 151 p., 20 cents. Schneider, Herman. Education for Industrial Workers. World Book Co., 1915, School Efficiency Series. 98 p., $1.80. Scott, Walter Dill. Influencing Men in Business. Roland Press Co., 1911. Seashore, Carl E. Vocational Guidance in' Music. University of Iowa Monographs. Iowa City, Iowa. September, 1916, 11 p. Shepherd, George H. The Application of Efficiency Principles. The Engineering Magazine Co., 1919, 368 p., $3.00. Siepert, Albert F. Courses of Study for the Preparation of Teachers of Manual Arts. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1918, No. 37, 30 p., 5 cents. Smith, Anna Tolman. Demand for Vocational Education in the Coun- tries at War. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1917, No. 36, 16 p., 5 cents. Smith, Harry Bradley. Establishing Industrial Schools. World Book Co., 1920, 90 cents. Snedden, David. Vocational Education. Macmillan, 1920, 587 p., $2.25. Snedden, David; Weeks, Ruth Mary, and E. P. Cubberley. Vocational Education. Houghton-Mifflin, 1914, 207 p., $1.60. Stimson, R. W. The Massachusetts Home-Project Plan of Vocational Agricultural Education. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1914, No. 8, 104 p., 15 cents. Swiggett, Glen Levin. The Conference ou Training for Foreign Ser- vice. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1917, No. 37, 67 p., 10 cents. Taylor, Frederick Winslow. The Principles of Scientific Manage- ment. Harper and Brothers, 1911, 144 p., $2.50. Tead, Ordway. Instinct in Industry. Houghton-Mifflin Co., 1919, 222 p., $1.40. Of Books and Monographs on Education 103 Thompson, Clarence B. (ed.) Scientific Management. Harvard Uni- versity Press, 1914. Thompson, Frank V. Commercial Education. U. S. Bureau of Educa- tion Bull., 1919, No. 18., 11 p., 5 cents. Thompson, Frank V. Commercial Education in Public Secondary Schools. World Book Co., 1915, 199 p., $2.25. Thompson, Frank V. Commercial Education. U. S. Bureau of Edu- cation Bull., 1919, No. 18, 11 p., 5 cents. The Vocation Bureau of Boston. Vocational Guidance and the Work of the Vocation Bureau of Boston, 1915 report. U. S. Federal Board for Vocational Education. Vocational Rehabili- tation of Disabled Soldiers and Sailors. Govt. Printing Office, 1918, 112 p. Weaver, E. W. Vocations for Girls. The A. S. Barnes Co., 1913, 220 p., 80 cents. Weaver, E. W., and Byler, J. Frank. Profitable Vocations for Boys. A. S. Barnes Co., 1915, 288 p., $1.00. Women's Educational and Industrial Union. The Public Schools and Women in Office Service. Boston, 1914. Wood, Arthur Evans. A Study of the Unemployed. Reed College Record, No. 18, Dec. 1914. Woolley, Helen Thompson. The Present Trend of Vocational Guid- ance in the United States. U. S. Bureau of Education Bull., 1914, No. 14; Vocational Guidance, pp. 43-47, 10 cents. Wright, Carroll D. The Apprenticeship System. U. S. Bureau of Edu- cation Bull., 1908, No. 6, 116 p., 15 cents. Wright, F. W. Bridging the Gap The Transfer Class. The Harvard- Newton Bulletins, Harvard University Press, 1915. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. FEB 121935 MAY b 133 1 / 20 2Jul'51H REC'D LD 2 -65 -9 A LD 21-100m-8,'34 YC 02849 478385 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY