UNIVERSITY FARM - ,t- J7x ^ui . <, generally Known as a. u. Cowan, was born in 1650 on a fa.rm c~t Jew i'oint, iiea.r Oregon, Holt County, ^issouri. His father, J vj-. wowan, was a ohor thorn breeaer, ana j. o., after gr ng from Princeton, continuea in the worx of breeuing pedigreea ohortnorn Cattle. through this activity he become employed by the American ohorthorn ^reeaers Asso- ciation and ra r noved to opringfield, Illinois, and snortly tnereafter, in 1S03, to the Association's nonu office -;^go as assistant secretary, m the following years he was in constant demand u.s a juage of pedigreea cattle at fairs ana exhibitions country wide. otriCKen with paralysis in 1910, he never recovered sufficiently to continue his wor/c with the association. He removea to oanta GuJiiornia, in the winter of ana passea away there in RECORD OF SHORTHORN Prize Winners B. O. COWAN Volume I AMERICAN SHORTHORN BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION 13 DEXTER PARK AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. B. O. COWAN, Santa Monica, California, former assistant secretary of the American Shorthorn Breeders' Association, to whom the Shorthorn fraternity is indebted for the informing and historical value of the con- tents of this volume. INTRODUCTORY This record i>f prize winners \v:is prepared at tin- request "I" the Ani'-ri- eati Shorthorn 1 ireeders' . \ssocia lion ;l s conveyed ti. me by its e licient ary. \Vhil.' tliis is a record of tin- more prominent prize winners luring the last twenty years and makes 11.1 claim ti> ' history of Shorthorns. I think it is not inappn.priat. I wish a very brief in -Mt which may an historical s-ttii inent has >!, i taken, in part at least, from th.- ii.-implili-t. Shorthurn Cattle iti soiiri," which the writM- prepared in 1 !H 4 for the Missouri Stat-- Hoard of culture. Shorthorn cattle, like their original Aniilo- Sa \< >n owners and im- provei : c"tnposite di-i-in. Authentic history of the ).!<.(! i diu-in- tile lii-st h df of the IMh (nt nr\-, tlioiiuh tradition re] cattl. MII.L; in tlie northern counti- at a much earlier .-nturies prec.-dii.u th.- f..imati\e \ rim] of (he breed in the counties of fMirham. IJncoln Vorl< and Northumberland -town rth I'mbria the kingdom had I i\ coinpiercd. ruled and jiliindert'd b\ the K<>maiis. > . ,nd tinallx by the -. under William the t 'onqiieror. The .'. arrinL? i aliti' : and relit. eil in the cmcibl. diiiK centuries into :e that has lead th" civilization of the world the vine developmeMt jn N"rth l"n led b\- intelli- husbaiidmen and refined b\- a I..HL : and into the modern breed of Short!,. B the - \vlio iinpi-o\--(l Slioi-thnrii- ami ptpularit\ \!a\-nard. .an, \\'et iierel I. \Vaist.-lI. Vv'hin Stephens.>ii Uobson. rarcla\'. ('I. n I'ollin^, Tl, 'ths. Th. i .John. ! >l!inir brothers, Thomas I'.ates and the i;,H.;hs that popularity. This ! ,i|dished by judicious i ,1 f.-'diny iinl land. The earliest imp" 1 Shorihon.s into the I :iia. In IT'.Hi an im|or: . York. r ; more and were dri\ i le. though h- to the lishment of th- E I marched westward "with th< star "f eni|.. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners The exhibition of prize winners has always been an effective means of advertising the merits of Shorthorns and since the days of Ceilings' "Dur- ham Ox" and "The White Heifer that Traveled" the record of prize win- ners has been an interesting part of Shorthorn history. The story of show yard triumps during various periods of the breed's development furnishes more than a passing interest to ardent students of Shorthorn history. Such accounts are readable whether they portray the victories of Duchess 34th, the dam of E'ates' great sire, Duke of Northumberland (1940); Booths' twins, Bracelet and Necklace; Isabella Buckingham, Lady Fragrant, Dun- can's Duke of Airdrie, Loudon Duchess 4th, Loudon Duke 6th, Fanny For- rester, Young Abbotsburn, Mary Abbotsburn 7th, Viscount of Anoka, Whitehall Sultan, Whitehall Marshal, Choice Goods, Ruberta, Fair Queen, Cumberland's Last, Dorothea 2d or Ringmaster. This is a very brief list of notable prize winners. When Secretary Harding outlined a plan for this record of prize winners he suggested the short tabulated pedigree that has been used. As an advocate for many years of this form of pedigree I was pleased with the choice, as I firmly believe that many Shorthorn breeders have placed undue reliance on the female line and have failed to give proper emphasis to the improtance of good sires. The plan as suggested to me was to in- clude prize winners at the American Royal and the International shows from 1900 to 1918, at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition and at Iowa and Ohio State Fairs since 1910. As the Shorthorn show at the Minnesota State Fair was under the management of the American Shorthorn Breed- ers' Association from 1901 to 1909 I have included prizes awarded at Ham- line during that period, also those at the Lewis and Clark Exposition in 1905 and the essential ones at the Panama-Pacific Exposition in 1915. This involved a vast amount of detail a patient plodding through the records of nineteen years. The awards at national shows were secured from records of the association, but those of state fairs required a per- sistent search through files of livestock journals, with the added labor of identifying animals where name numbers had been omitted in reports of shows. This may account for the omission of worthy prize winners at some of these fairs. For fear this record would be too bulky it was agreed by the secretary and myself that at the earlier shows only prize winners above fifth place should be included, but in later ones a much longer list has been given. The preparation of this work required several months of painstaking labor, but it gave me a renewed* acquaintance with many show yard worthies upon which I used to hang prize ribbons during my twelve years' service with the association. This record of prize winners is submitted with the hope it will be of interest and possibly of some use to the Shorthorn breed- ers of America. B. O. COWAN. Santa Monica, California, 1919. Record of Shorthorn Prize Jf'inncrs A FANCIFUL SUGGESTION OF SHORTHORN ORIGIN In 1903 the Central Shorthorn Breeders' Association held its annual meeting in Lincoln, Neb., and was welcomed to the city by an address of Hon. W. J. Bryan. On behalf of the association B. O. Cowan responded as follows: "I confess it is with no little diffidence that I rise to respond to the cordial and earnest words of the gentleman who has just addressed us. But I should be wanting in courtesy due the gentleman and recreant to the spirit that I am sure animates this gathering if I should fail to express our hearty appreciation of this cordial welcome to the city of Lincoln and the state of Nebraska. Both city and state have many pos- sessions in material ami intellectual development of which her citizens may well feel prou.l. Tin- city has one resident whose eloquence has charmed vast audiences and another whose record has made him king of livestock auctioneers. "I desire now to speak to you briefly about the breed of cattle that brought us together today. Authentic bnvino historians, though differing somewhat as to exact datea, fix the origin of Shorthorns at one and a half to two centuries ago, while the claims of some ad : a rival breed go back to a time antedating the floo<1. I come to you today, gentlemen, with a suggestion, which, if a< ocates to i seat far back in the h ill of historical celebrit "When I was a schoolboy I found much pleasure in reading the mys- teries Of mythology and one of the stories that has often come back to me was about Jupiter, a god who was worshiped by the K<>mans, also by the Greeks, under the name of Zeus. Jupitfr "w of di and whi-n not engaged in hurling thunderbolts at ; s not averse to flirting with the fair young s who enlivened the Elysian This Jupiter had no right r 6 his wife. Juno, like many wives in modfrn histor\ i these flirtations. Among these goddesses lo, famed for her beauty and grace, was a :' f Jupiter. On one occasion, when he was basking in -her bewitching smiles, he was surprised by the approach of Juno and in order to avoid an embarrassing explanation he exercised his magic power by hastily surrounding himself and his love by a cloud, and when the indignant Juno peeped through a. rift in the mist instead of beholding her hated rival she saw a beautiful whjte heifer into which Jupiter had transformed lo. This heifer, gentlemen, I claim as the ancestress of Shorthorns, and my argument in defense .of the claim is that while other breeds of beef cattle have produced many beautiful heifers none will lay claim to a white heifer. "While Juno apparently was baffled and denied the ground for a specific accusation, yet her wrath was not . and it is evident that she knew a thing or two, so she importuned Jupiter to make her a present of this heifer. To this request he at first demurred, but, being unable to furnish a reasonable excuse for denying it, he finally consented. Upon obtaining possession of the beautiful heifer the revengeful Juno let loose on her tender back a vicious swarm of gadflies and thus gave the world the first exhibition of 'The White Heifer That Traveled.' To stockmen who know the nature of the gadfly it is needless to say that she broke all speed records. "But, turning from the realm of fancy to that of fact, we can point with pride and tion to the record of our favorite breed of cattle. More than a century of authentic hist. ;.'.ete with the victories of Short- horns and splendid acl ta of noted breeders who have made that history, illustrious -'. n to us diction of encouragement." Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners GET OF SIRE RATINGS In a few instances it will be noted that the lists of awards are in- complete, the reason being that full information was not obtainable from the records of published fair reports. As the names of the dams of the winning entries in the Produce of Dam classes are rarely given in the reports, the record of these ratings has been omitted entirely. It will be noted that the years 1914 and 1915 are not included, as both the American Royal and the International were called off those years on account of the quarantine due to the foot and mouth disease. American Royal 19001. St. Valentine 121014 2. Victorious 121469 3. Salamis 110075 4. Nonpareil Victor 132573 5. Gallant Knight 121468 International 19001. Salamis 110075 2. St. Valentine 1210 14 3. Baron Cruickshank 3d 117968 4. Star of the North 132076 19011. The Lad for Me 140618 2. Nonpareil Victor 132573 3. Lavender Viscount 124755 4. Viscount of Anoka 125081 5. Nonpareil Victor 132573 19011. Nonpareil Victor L'. Hanker 130857 3. Silver Plate 145554 4. The Lad for Me 14061s 5. Viscount of Anoka 125081 19021. Gallant Knight 121468 2. Viscount of Anoka 125081 3. The Lad for Me 140618 4. Best of Archers 141832 5. Lord Lovel 130157 19031. Best of Archers 141832 2. Hampton's Best 170818 3. Viscount of Anoka 125081 4. Gallant Knight 121468 5. Lord Lovel 130157 1. The Lad for Me IKK! is 2. Hampton's I Jest. 17 OS is -".. llapton Diamond 187000 4. Choice G6ods 186802 I:M:, 1. Choice Goods 186802 1'. Choice Goods 186802 3. Lord Lovel 130157 4. Gallant Knight 121 fi. Conqueror 149048 I'.HM; 1. March Knight 18XlOf> 2. Whitehall Sultan 163573 3. Whitehall Marshall 209776 4. Lord Lovel 130 IT. 7 r>. liHpton Diamond 187000 1907 1. March Knight 18S105 2. Gallant Knight 121468 3. Orange Monarch 1901S1 4. Whitehall Sultan H 1 ,: 5. Whitehall Marshal 209776 19081. Whitehall 'Sultan 163573 2. Avondale 245144 3. March Knight 188105 4. Orange Monarch 190181 19021. Silver Plate 145554 2. Conqueror 148048 3. Orange Chief 144650 4. Best of Archers 141832 5. Nonpareil Victor 132573 1903 1. Red Knight 157136 2. Hampton's Best 170818 3. Viscount of Anoka 125031 4. Best of Archers 141832 5. The Lad for Me L40618 19041. The Lad for Me 140618 2. Hampton's Best 170S1S 3. Choice Goods 186802 4. Lord Lovel 130187 5. Whitehall Sultan 163573 19051. The Lad for Me 140618 2. March Knight 188105 3. Red Lad 149033 4. Golden Mist 182753 5. Lord Lovel 130157 I:HM; I. Whitehall Sultan 163573 2. Orange Monarch 190.1X1 3. Cock Robin 192127 4. The Lad for Me 140(5 IS 5. March Knight ISsior, 19071. Whitehall Sultan 163573 2. March Knight 188105 3. Lavender Clipper 203771 4. Pitlivie Merry Lad 191507 5. "Red Lad 149033 19081. Whitehall Sultan 163573 2. Avondale 245144 3. March Knight 188105 4. Glenbrook Sultan 243185 5. Whitehall Marshal 209776 Record of Shorthorn Prize American Royal 1909 1. March Knight 188105 2. Snowthike 263207 3. Whitehall Sultan 163573 4. Cumberland's Last 229822 5. Avondale 245144 International 19091. Avondale LMf.l-U 2. March Knight 188105 3. Whitehall Sultan 163573 L (llenbrook Sultan 243185 6. Whitehall Marshal 2i".i77 1910 1. Glenbrook Sultan 243185 2. Cumberland's Last 229822 3. Whitehall Sultan 163573 19101. Cumberland's Last 229822 l'. dlenbrook Sultan 243185 3. Avondale 24f.Hl Straight Marshal L'47:.P. 5. \\ hitehall Marshal 209776 19111. Avondale 24.'. 144 L'. Kutierta/s Coeds L's:isi7 :-!. Villager 295884 4. Cumberland's I. :.. I'.armpton Knight 1 l'.li' 1. Whitehall Sultan 163 imberland's Last L'L".iM'L' :;. Villager i".5884 4. S-ari'hlight L".L'. mil.erland's Lasi l'L':isi'L' 19151. Avondale 1M:,144 L 1 . Ilul.erta/s (I Is 28! 3, Double I -ale 337156 i. Villager u:r>884 Itan Stamp 3! 19111. Avondale 245144 2. Clent.rook Sultan 243185 rinbcrta's (Jnods ^^:: 4. Cumhcrlaiurs l^ist : . Whitehall Sultan 1- 1. Av.ndal.' L'4:,144 1'. Whitehall Sultan L6J :: Villager 29 4. 1. Avondale IM:.I n 2. I 't.iii,. 17166 :; Whin-hall Sultan LI 1541 :. i I'.Mti 1. Avcn.lal.- l'4:,l H Itan Stamp Si -..Mill.- Dale 337156 4. Villa-- :.. Ka.imni ::s5197 1. \ '.".884 i'. Pair Acres Sultan 354154 :;. Radium 385197 15144 :.. i MI,- Clarion 385195 1H17 1. Sultan Stamp 89 i'. Avondale i-ir.144 1. Fair Arn-s Sul' ne :*;:, i n; I'.MS 1. I a Sultan 354154 2. Radium 385197 4. Lavender Sultan 474341 5. Dale Clarion 385195 I'.MS 1. Master Kuliy 1 :, I :;. Eladii 4. Villas :.. lale ciarii Lewis & Clark Exposition 19051. Choice Goods i i 1'. ( 'huice do. .ds 186802 3. T..p:-rnan 1^8153 4. Tin- La. I I'.'i Me I KitilS I '.ai Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners BARON BOOTH OF LANCASTER 7535... Red. white marks G. R. Barclay Baron Booth (21212) Red. R. S. Bruere CPrince George (13510) Robt. Booth Vesper I R. S. Bruere [Lord Raglan (13244) M. S. Stewart Mary of Lancaster.. R. & w. G;. R. Barclay I Lancaster 25th [_ A. Cruickshank BARON BOOTH OF LANCASTER was imported in 1867 by Hon. M. H. Cochrane, Hillhurst, Quebec, and was in the shipment with the noted cow Rosedale. His breeding is shown by the above tabulation, but it may be of interest to state that his dam, Mary of Lancaster, was one of a set of triplets born at Sittyton and her grand sire, Matadore (11800), was half brother to imp. Mazurka. As a yearling Baron Booth of Lancaster was undefeated at Canadian shows, and was first at New York State Fair. In January, 1869, he was sold to J. H. Pickrell, Harrington, 111. At that time he weighed 1,580', and twenty months later 2,400. A complete list of his prizes cannot now be given, but from 1869 to 1873 his record in American show yards was phenomenal, his winnings aggregating $4,000. His merit as a sire is attested by the fact that he was never defeated in get of sire class. In 1870 he was shown at Canton, 111., at the head of nineteen of his produce and won the $500 offered for ten head or more by one sire. ("Royal Oxford (18774) Samuel Thorne Muscatoon 7057. Red. R. A. Alexander | Mazurka 2d A. Alexander LOU DON 10399 . . DUKE 6TH Red. Wm. Warfield H Maz I R. Loudon Duchess 2d... Red. Wm. Warfield. Duke of Airdrie 2743 Jerre Duncan Miss Wiley 4th R. A. Alexander LOUDON DUKE 6TH was sold at two years of age to J. G. Cowan, Oregon, Mo., for $3,000. As a yearling he was a prize winner for Wm. Warfield, his breeder, at Kentucky and Ohio fairs. In his new home in the Missouri Valley he made a record as a prize winner and sire of prize winners that was not surpassed by any bull of his time. For three years he was shown at leading fairs and suffered but one defeat DUKE OF RICHMOND 21525.. Red. Jas. Bruce Lord St. Leonard's 21652. Roan. F. H. Fawkes ("Lord Cobham (20164) Earl of Zetland Lioness F. H. Hawkes Fanny . . . R, & w. ("Royal Errant (22780) Duke of Buccleuch Jas. Bruce Flora [ Duke of Buccleuch Few bulls, exerted a more potent influence on Shorthorns in the United States than Duke of Richmond. He was bred by James Bruce, Scotland, and was imported in 1874 by Edward lies, Springfield, Illinois, at a cost of $800, but so great Was his merit and so strong the demand for him that he was sold in 1875 for $4,500 to James Kissinger, Clarksville, Mo. He was imported with Orange Blossom 18th that sold for $3,500. Duke of Rich- mond was sold in 1876 to J. H. Potts & Son, in whose herd he became a very successful prize winner and a breeder of rare merit. Under his dominion the Potts herd was invincible in show yards for several years. No bull ever did as much to establish in America the fame of Scotch Shorthorns. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 'Rob Roy 94845 j Rosario 94896 A. H. Browne Red. J. A. Gordon Luxury \V. How CUPBEARER 91223. Roan. Wm. Duthie Countess 4th Roan. W. S. Marr {Gladstone (31253) W. Wilson Countess 2d A Cruickshank CUPBEARER was a bull of unusual m-rit. He represented the skill of three noted breeders, Duthie, Gordon and Marr, and among his ances- \vas Matadnn- MINIMI), half brother to imp. Ma/urka, for which R. A. Alexander paid .^'.i'"'' 1 in lsr>3. Cupbearer won in class at the Royal Northern and v. to the famous Fit-Id Marshal. He was imported ^7 by Luther Adams and during the m-xt two y<-ars his success in the show ring caused a genuine sensation which reached a climax when he met Young Abbotsburn at th- Illinois State Fair of ixio. This trial of merit between these great bulls had been wid.-ly advertised and it is doubtful if a larger or more interested audience ever witnessed a similar contest. This was < 'upb.-an-r's firs; YOUNG ABBOTSBURN 110679.. J. \V. B. A bbiitsbum im.;o:iO \. t'ruickshank ' 'ruickshank Amaranth A. Ci uicksha id; 19024 ruickshank . Village- Blossom... -( Roa iiank | Village Hud - The record of Young Ablmtsbuni is an in'' ills imme- diate ancestors were cattle <>f o accident that he V)>eame a chamiiimi. Hi- was bn-d by J. & \V. !'. Watt but .1 oped by Alex Xowie t I int., but was shi>\\-!i only at local fairs. In 1890 he wa who was in search of a bull good enough to beat imp. < 'upbt-an-r, the reigning champion of the American sh<>\ v yard. These two notable bulls met first at the Illinois State Fair at Peoria and their- upremacy truly a battle royal and it awoke a greater interest than had ever been witnessed in a similar contest. Youn^ Ablmtsburn won and so became champion of American show yards ST. VALENTINE 121014-j Roan. Jas. Gardhouse & Son Guardsman 108200 Roan. Wm. Duthie Verbena's Lady Roan. Jas ( ; & Son f Chesterfield 106811 A. Cruickshank Gardenia [ A. Cruickshank Reporter 113 . S. Campbell Verbena's Pride Jas. Gardhouse v ST. \'AL1-:.\TI\: notable bull, bner and breeder. ply vabiabh- to many herds, both in Canada and the Unit* <: ; <- e will not permit an .-\t-nded com- ment on his produce but conspicuous exarnpl.-s are r ni- I, ad For M- 140614 and Ruberta, l>f r.afs blood thai was iii all the excellent Goldendrops of Col. w. A. Harris. Prizes: Alice's Prine- pri/.r winm-r at variOU irs prior to 1900. At the American Royal he Wta 5th pri/e three bull. During that year he was sold at privat-- treat GWENALLEN 124438... Red and white. E. B. Mitchel g ilaron rruick.-hank :U1 Roan. C. I'.. Dust in r-in ( Yuicksh;!?ik T Wm. iMithi- | imp, T-.tth tank Wm. Duthie Gwendoline 2d Roan. Luther Ad .lirn- ruickshank l 1 ' "ml iri/e hull three -year- old at Chicago in L900. \\<- \v,is a pri/.o winne] ,[ state fairs that year, hut his pri/i-s c(,nl.l t lined. GALLANT KNIGHT 124468. . Ked. W. A. Harris C-ahth Ked. W. A. Harris Nth I, ill Wood ( Jolde; W. A. Harris r of th ickshank (la Ian thus W. A.. Ha i Knight A. ( 'niiek -hank \V. A. Ha Prizes: itch, In waa pri/.i- lui; 4th herd at tli" American Royal, and in I'.ei] v> and sire of the fith pri/e young herd. 12 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners LAVENDER VIS- COUNT 124755., Red. S. F. Lockridge Bloodlines: Scotch. Baron Lavender 3d 73.834- Red. W. A. Harris Gayety Red. W. A. Harris flmp. Baron Victor 42824 A. Cruickshank Imp. Lavender 38th A. Cruickshank Viscount Richmond 89826 Wm. Cummings & Son Gaillardia W. A. Harris Record of prizes: During 1900 Lavender Viscount was shown only at the American Royal. He was 4th prize two-year-old but with different judges was awarded grand championship and the Armour Trophy. In 1901 he won senior and grand champion prizes at both the American Royal and the International, but was barred from competition for Armour Trophy. In 1905 he was 5th prize bull of three-year-olds. {Abbotsburn 106090 A. Cruickshank Amaranth A. Cruickshank {Double Gloster 85526 Wm. Magill Imp. Princess Royal Wm. Duthie YOUNG ABBOTSBURN 2d 124780 Roan. T. R. Westrope & Son Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1900 he was 2d prize aged bull and headed the 3d prize herd at the American Royal, and in 1901 he was 2d in class and headed 5th prize graded herd. In 1901 he won 5th in class at the International and was also 5th at the American Royal of 1902. 1 Ducal Crown 11S719. Red. W. G. Miller VISCOUNT OFANOKA 125081.. ...... ... Roan. Geo. Harding & Son Viscountess of Anoka Crown Prince 96945 W. A. Harris Nannie of Hickory Park C. M. Sanger & Sons r Prince Victoria of Hick- ory Park 944S1 . J Wm. Cummings & Son White. C. M. Sanger Viscountess of Glen- & Sons wood. Wm. Cummings Bloodlines: 75 percent Scotch. VISCOUNT OF ANOKA made a record in the show arena that was equaled by no bull of his time and has been surpassed by few of any period. He was successfully shown by Geo. Harding & Son and was sold, when two years old, to H. F. Brown, who showed him at the Trans- Mississippi Exposition in Omaha in 1898, and won the champion prize. He was then sold to T. J. Wornall, and during 1899 and 1900 he headed the herd that was a winner at the leading state fairs, being uniformly successful. Viscount of Anoka was later sold to Dr. Givens, Fayette, Mo., and then to Thos. F. Murry, McCredie, Mo. He proved a good breeder and many of his calves were prize winners. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 13 PRINCE ARMOUR 127794. . White. E. B. Mitchel & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. Baron Cruickshank 3d 117968 Roan. C. B. Dustin & Sons Imp. Princess Alice.. Roan. Wm. Duthie Baron Cruickshank 106297. Wm. Uuthu Imp. Victoria 79th A. Cruickshank {Field Marshal 64894 A. Cruickshank Princess Royal 2d Wm. Duthie Prizes: In 19CO at the American Royal he was 2d prize two-year-old bull and headed 2d graded herd, and at the International he was 2d in class and was in 3rd graded herd. CHARMER'S VIC TORIUS 128013 . Red. N. H. Gentry Victorious 121469 Red. W. A. Il.-inis !l HfPl i A. Cruickshank . Cth Linwood Victoria W. A. Harris ]:anin-t<>n Walnut Lad 172685. S. E Son Royal Charmer 9th B. I* Win n Bloodlines: Scotch and Bates. Prizes: Fifth prize aged bull at the International in 1900. KINTORE HERO 130859.. Roan. Alex Campbell Bloodlines: Scotch. Emancipator 130854 ... Roan. A. Robertson 1 Dauntless 130865 Emmeline 3rd A. Cruickshank IGravesend 98361 A. Cruickshank Lady Ytlian 4th S. Campbell Prizes: Fourth prize three-year-old bull and in 4th prize graded herd at the International in 1900. 14 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners I Lord Douglas 132003 Wm. Duthie Lord James .132075 1 Chloe STAR OF THE NORTH Roan. C. E. Law Dowager Countess of Seafield Roan. A. W. & W. M. Law Zoe 2d {Star of Morning 121263 Wm. Duthie Roan. A. M. Gordon Zoe A. M. Gordon Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: First prize aged bull at the International in 1900 and 4 of his calves were in the prize list of that show. In the Association sale he was sold for $1,840 to Dr. J. D. Cole of Tennessee. WATERLOO DUKE OF CEDAR VALE 133066. . 2D Red. Gentry Bros. rLord Mayor 112 r i27 W. A. M arris Victorious 121469 , Red. W. A. Harris 1 6th Linwood Victoria [ W. A. Harris 1 Winsome Duke 32d 72209 H. M. Vaile Waterloo Duchess 5th H. M. Vaile Bloodlines: Half Scotch and half Bates, representing the Cruickshank blood from the herd of Col. W. A. Harris and the Bates blood of the noted herd of Col. H. M. Vaile. Prizes: At the American Royal in 1900 he was 3rd pri/o two-year-old and eli;impion bull in the Association sale. IOWA 'CHAMPION 135081. . Roan. K. B. Mitchel & Sons Il'.aron Cruickshank 106297 \Vm. Duthie Imp. Victoria 79th A. Cruickshank Gipsy Maid R. & w. Lake Slide Farm Co. f Knight of the Thistle 108656 A Luther Adams Gipsy of North Oaks-- 3d I Jas. J. Hill Bloodlines: Scotch and his immediate ancestors were most excellent breeders. Baron Cruickshank and Gipsy Maid was a fortunate blending, both being excellent breeders. Prizes: In 1900 at the American Royal he was 4th prize two-year-old and headed 4th herd, while at the International he was 4th in class and was in 3d herd. He was later sold for $1,400 for export to Argentina. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners GOLDEN VICTOR 138972 Red. C. C. Norton Bloodlines: Scotch. Salamis 110075 Red. Wm. Duthie Golden Victoria K. 'I. \\ . -\. Harris ( Chesterfield 106811 A. Cruickshank ' 1 Siren [ A. Cruickshank {Golden Lord 119422 W. A. Jl.-irris 1Hh Ivinwood Victoria \V. A. Harris Prizes: In 1900 Golden Victor was 1st prize yearling at the American Royal. In 1901 he was grand champion and won the Armour Trophy at the American Royal ami at the International he w is :M prize two-year- old and in 2d graded herd. In 1902 he was I'd pri/e aged bull at Hamline, Minn., and 3d at the American Koyal and the Intel-national. ROYAL STAR 139492 . .- Red. John Miller & Sons {Midas uickshar.k sin 'lirUshank Imi>. 1: itumn 4th \\'m. Dntliie :shank Autumn I; A . > 'ruicksha nk Kloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: At tlie International in J'.tnl he was ",th pri/.e two-year-old. DEPUTY MARSHAL 139707 Red and white Aaron Barber Sharon Marshal lL'li:;r, lied. Aaron I'.arli'-r , Yonn.n Marshal \V. A. Harris 5 Sharon K--d. Lady loth Aaron Aaron {.larshal 110705 \V. A, Harris I^imli- 1 Uth Th( Itloodlines: A blending of Scotch and Knylish blo,,d iliat produced excellent cattle. Through botli sire and dam the blood of Craven Knighl 96923 and imp. Priiu-ess Alice was blended with a i, r ood inda- tion. Sharon Marshal 121i:'.ti has never hail c-rc-dit for his gt'eat n both as a symmetrical individual and a useful si- Prizes: Third prize two-year-old at the Internal in 16 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners VICTOR BUTTERFLY 140127.. Red. N. H. Gentry Victorious 121469 Red. W. A Harris ILord Mayor 112727 W. A. Harris 6th Lanwood Victoria W. A. Harris {Waterloo Duke 8th 89876 H. M. Vaile Butterfly 58th S. L. Cheney- Bloodlines: Scotch and Bates, being good representatives of both lines of breeding. Prizes: Fifth prize two-year-old at the American Royal in 1900. Following this show Victor Butterfly was sold to an Iowa breeder in whose herd he proved an excellent sire. r Arthur 140577 Red. John I. Hobson JUSTICE 140578 Roan. C. E. Clarke Jolly Jilt 2d Roan. D. Milloy fWar Eagle 135464 Arthur Johnston Ada 2d John Ackrow & Son IKinellar 2d 130672 Thos. Nelson & Sons Jolly Jilt S. J. Pearson Bloodlines: -Scotch. Prizes: At the International in 1900 he was 1st prize yearling junior champion and in 3d prize young herd. In 1901 he was 2d prize two-year- old and headed 4th prize graded herd. THE LAD FOR ME 140618.. ("Guardsman 108200 Wm. Duthie St. Valentine 121014 J Roan. I Gardenia Jas. Gardhouse & Son A. Cruickshank Red and white J. G. Robbing & Sons Gay Lavender. R., 1. w. fEminent Commander 107785 J Wm. Moffatt & I'.ros. I Lavender Belle Wm. Moffatt & Bros. (. Jos. Magill Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: At the American Royal in 1900 he was 1st prize two-year-old and at the International 1st in his class and senior champion. In 1901 he was 4th at Kansas City and sire of the 1st prize Get, and at Chicago he was 3d in class and at head of 1st prize graded herd. He proved a pre- potent sire. At Chicago in 1901 in a ring of 50 senior heifers, his calves won 3d, 4th and 5th. In succeeding years his produce were very success- ful in the show yards. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 17 RAVENSWOOD COM- BINATION 140900.... Spartan Hero 77932 A. Cruickshank Godoy nr.rt7r Imp> Golden Thistle Red. W. A. Harris A A Cruickshank Son Airdrie Duke of Hazoi- r hurst 117846 Red. Chas. E. Leonard | Kirklevington Prin< Elbert & Fall of Haxelhurst sth. . .J Kirklevington Princess Red. Elbert & Fall 33d I H. M. Vaile Bloodlines: Scotch ami Bates, a blending that no doubt suggested the bull's name. I'ri/.t-s: Fourth prize, yearling at the American Royal in I'.HMI. BEST OF ARCHERS 141832 Red. Wm. l.uthie Bloodlines: Scotch. : 117301... I. A. < 'n. .J. Smith uickshank Surname A. Cruirk 1'lantagenet 141838 I A. Scott iith Prizes: At the International in 1900 he won :;d in class of aged bulls and head of 3d graded herd. At the International of I9(ii ( he was 2d in class and at head of 2d herd. His most notahl. nious Archer 171479. VICTORIA'S COUNT 141842.. {Prince Stephen 141839 J. Deane Willis Jacinth A. Cruickshank i Count Lavender 1 Win. luithie A. < ink Scotch. ull at th< Mills 18 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners ORANGE CHIEF 144650- Roan. W. Adams fMusgrave 144647 W. S. Marr Orange Duke 144651 J Roan. Duke of Rich- Rosa Hope 6th mond & Gordon [ Duke of Richmond & Gordon fllartington 144628 A. H. Grant Lady Laura 13th ;J Roan. W. Adams Lady Laura 10th A. Scott Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Was a prize winner before importation. Was bought for $1,810 from the W. D. Flatt sale August 7, 1900, and at the International of that year he won 4th prize in two-year-old class and was head of 3d prize graded herd. RED LAD 149033. ' Red. C. F. Rice I Royal Briton 100596 W. S. Marr Red Rose 2nd of Maple Grove Green Bros. [Tilly Nilt 101601 Elsie M J W ' S ' Marr Roan. T. R. Rice & Son Prairie Strawberry T. R. Rice Bloodlines: A combination of bloodlines. Prizes: He was 5th of yearlings at the International in 1900. CONQUEROR 149048. Red. W. S. Marr f Commodore 96849 A. Cruiekshank Wanderer 140614 J Roan. A. Cruiekshank] Godiva A. Cruiekshank Missie 152d Red. W. S. Marr Captain of the Guard 132059 A. Cruiekshank Missie 141st A. Cruiekshank Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: This bull was exhibited very little after his importation. At the International he was 3d of yearlings in 1900. Record of Shorthorn Prize 19 LODESTONE 149158 ., Roan. A. E. Leavitt Bloodlines: Scotch. St. Valentine 121014 Jas. Gardhouse & Son The Lad for Me 140618. ' R. & w. I Gay Lavender J. G. Robbins & Sons ( Win. Moffatt & Bros. IGay Monarch 92411 W. S. Marr Lovely of Elmhurst W. W. & C. R. Kstill Prizes: At the American Roy;il in and headed 2d prize young herd. l,od-ston' \vas 1th yearling LORD DARNLEY 151011.. Roan. Arthur Johnston Bloodlines: Scotch. Darnh-y 14-lx: 1 ,:. White. Arthur Johnston I Indian chief IM;:,I A i 'ruk-kshank :;7th I mchi'ss of ( ;:< Arthur Johnston fCraibstone i:, A. - Imp Beauty 19th. . , Red. Geo. Shepherd 1 Beauty 17th Geo. Shfph-nl I'rix.-s: Fourth pri/..- tWO-year-Old at tht- Ain.-iican l!..y;il in l!nj and ith priz.- at Hamline, Minn. CHERRY LAD 2D 151015.. X. H. Gentry i;. d. \\ . A. I [arris Mayor i 12727 W. A. Harris Lii.wood \ W. A. Harris f Royal Waterloo UTi'iT II. M. V .-lib- Waterloo Cherry ( Red. W. S. Allison Cherry W. L. Cress Bloodlines: This breeding is a combination of Scotch and Bates blood, the immediate ancestors coming from two K ,.II.I lu-nls ,,f th- two lines of breeding. Prizes: rlu-rry I.;u] jd \vas 4tli senior calf at tin- Am-ri<'an I{..yal in 1900. 20 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners MAZURKA CHAMPION 151022 Red. N. H. Gentry Victorious 121469 ....... Red W A Harris ("Lord Mayor 112727 W. A. Harris Linwood Victoria Mazurka of Wooddale Red. N. H. Gentry [ W. A. Harris Airdrie Duke of Hazel- { hurst 117846 Elbert & Fall Mazurka's Favorite J. F. Douglas Bloodlines: Scotch on Bates foundation. Prizes: Third prize yearling at the American Royal in 1900. INGLEWOOD 151200. Roan. Hanna & Co. Bloodlines: Scotch. Captain Inglewood 151190 Roan. D. Fisher Imp. Emma 33d Roan. W. S. Marr fCapt. of the Guard 132059 4 A. Cruickshank Inglewood Posey L D. Fisher Isittyton Pride 136401 Wm. Duthie Emma 25th W. S. Marr Prizes: At the American Royal he was 5th prize yearling in 1900 and 2d prize two-year-old in 1901, and in the Association sale at that show he brought $1,840. One of his sons was 1st prize junior calf at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition and later became a great sire in herds in Texas. BRAVE ARCHER 151718 . Roan. Wm. Duthie Bloodlines: Scotch. Cumberland 50626 . A. Cruickshank Scottish Archer 117301... Roan. A. Cruickshank. | Surname A. Cruickshank Bright Belle Roan. Wm. Duthie [Leon 99047 A. Scott Princess Consort [ Wm. Duthie Prizes: Before importation Brave Archer was a successful prize win- ner and captured many prizes at shows in Great Britain. His showyard record in the United States was brief. At the American Royal he was 3d prize aged bull, but had been more successful at some district and state fairs. At Indianapolis he was made champion, being placed over Viscount of Anoka 125081, a decision that caused very general dissent. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 21 THOMAS WORNALL 151953.. Roan. Geo. W. Thomas Baron Lavender 4th 84525 Roan. W. A. Harris Imp. Baron Victor 42824 A. Cruickshank Imp. Lavender 34th A. Cruickshank Victoria Knight 105861 Mary Ann of Variety L Barr & Son Grove J Mary Ann of Lancaster Red. Geo. W. Thoin 10th [ Jas. I. Davidson Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1900 this bull was 4th prize junior calf at the American Royal and 5th at the International. ROYAL VANGUARD 152552.. Red. H. F. Brown Vanguard 138567 Red. Geo. Harding & Son Violet Duke 121483 J. S. McCauley Victoria of Riverside Geo. Harding & Son Hospodar 103644 A. Cruickshank Rosemary 5th Red. Jas. I. Davidson | Rosemary 4th Jas. I. Davidson Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: First junior calf at the International in 1900. LOVELY LAD 153313. Red. {St. Valentine 121014 Jas. Gardhouse & son Gay Lavender Wm. Moffatt & Bros. J. G. Robbins & Sons Lucretia I Roan [Gay Monarch 92411 \V. S. .Man- Lovely of Sand Creek J. G. Robbins & Sons [ J. G. Robbins & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1900 he was tith senior calf at the American Royal and at the International. 99 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners CHOICE GOODS 186802 BRED BY JAMES DURNO, JACKSTON, ENGLAND WHITEHALL MARSHAL 209776 BRED BY E. S. KELLY, SPRINGFIELD, OHIO Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners VERBANK 153314 Red J. G. Robbins & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. St. Valentine 121014 H Roan Jas. Gardhou r lmp. Guardsman i Win. inithie Gardenia A. Cruickshank f Monitor 109140 F. Gartin &. Sons Verbena 4th Red I Verbena "t" Hickory Park J. G. Robbins & Sons ! Win. ' 'innmini-.s & Son Prizes: In r.ioo he was :M prize senior yearling at the American Koyal aii Red. A. I. i oitescue Rose of Elbe Red. J. Smith if Morning 121 2 n Win. imthie 1 1 \vynne ue nl .f i>fix-s W&B limited to the year I'.HI]. At tin- Ani-'iican Hoyal lit- \\as :;d pri/> .!-oM and at chica.m. in th.- Association sale of that year ; NONPAREIL OF CLO- VER BLOSSOM 153672 Geo. Bothwell. Nonpareil Vict> n. J. Deane Willis Count Virtnr I J. Deane Willis in-il I -5 loom :nk fGran. 1 Victor I! Victoria Sharon 7th.... J Red. Geo. ]',uth\v Rose 3d Geo. P.otlnvHl i:loodlin-s: Scotch on a f.mtida lion havinK Bates and oth< Xonpart'il Victur and (irand Vi( tnarkable breeders that it is nn accident that .\>np!r-il of CI prize winner. Prizes: In 1!* o at tin- American Ri.ysil he was 1st in -,f 42 calves, in 11)01 he was junii I prise 143815 Red. C. C. Bigler 'Peculated Wildeyes 109348 !!. M. Vaile i:;th l.inwood Golden- drop. W. A. Harris Prince of O 116886 C. C. Blish & Son Goldmine Red. O. H. Southworth | 9th Scottish Lady J. V. Grigsby Bloodlines: The paternal grandsire is Bates, the other blood Scotch. Prizes: Second junior calf at the American Royal in 1900. THE ADMIRAL 156839. J Roan. Abram Renick Gwenallen 124438 R. & w. E. B. Mitchel & Sons Baron Cruickshank 3d 117968 C. Dustin & Son Gwendoline 2d Luther Adams f 46th Duke of Airdrie 107212 Minnie 27th J A.J.Alexander Red. Abram Renick | Minnie 22d Abram Renick Bloodlines: Scotch <>n the descendants of imp. Rose of Sharon. First senior calf at tli- I nt .'nia t ional in 1900. 26 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners CHARMER 157092 Red. Leith Hay {Village Pride 157152 Wm. Duthie Primrose 2d A. M. Gordon C Sovereign 157146 J. W. Benton Fairy Queen J Roan. A. M. Gordon | Primrose A. M. Gordon Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth prize two-year-old at the International in 1900. {Abbotsford 151706 Wm. Duthie Ave-rne 12th Wm. Duthie Merry Monarch 141872 A. F. Nares Primrose 2d J Primrose Roan. Dowager Couiu- Dowager Countess of ess of Seafield Seafield Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: At the International in 1901 he was 4th pri/r two-year-old. LORD DERBY 157119. Roan. John Cran LORD BARRINGTON 2D 157319.. Red. N. H. Gentry Victorious 121469... Red. W. A. Harris Baroness of Wooddale. Red. Elbert & Fall ("Lord Mayor 112*27 W. A. Harris 1 6th Linwood Victoria L W. A. Harris (Airdrie Duke of Hazel- hurst 117846 -I Elbert & Fall Baroness of Hazelhurrth pri/.e senior but under tin- il.-cision of a dit: made junior cham- pion, a decision that s.iiuids rath'i- i-rmai'k i !>! at pics nt time. In I:HI:; U9 ^d pl'ixe a^ed bull at tile American Royal. VALEY COUNT 15735: Red and white. T. J. Wornall Viscount .f Anuka Du rn 118719 \\'. (J. Miller Roan. Geo. Hardi ' '. M. Sa: \"ali-nt ine 'ins Sons St. V L21014 !7th Scottish Lady .1. v. Qrij l''loi. 4 White. J. Bruce Mistletoe 14th Red. Wm. Duthie rWaverly 13640f. A. Strachan | Rosewood 67th [ J. Bruce {Scottish Archer 117301 A. Cruickshank Missie 137th A. Cruickshank Bloodlines: Scotch of good kind. Prizes: At the International in 1901 he was 4th prize yearling and \v;is in rui prize .yet of sire. SPECULATOR 158475..^ White. W. J. Hosken Bloodlines: Scotch. rRed Mowbray ]." ) S47: 1 . R. Stratton Treforrest 158477 J Roan. R. Stratton 1 * ose of Tredegar R. Stratton Lady Blithfield 8th Roan. W. Hosken & Son -Duke of Tregunter 10th 158470 Col. Gunter Lady Blithfield R. Blezard Prizes: In 1902 he was 3d prize aged bull at Hamline, Minn., 4th at the American Royal and at the International he was 3d and at head of the 2d herd. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 31 VICTOR ABBOTT 160877 Roan. T. J. Wallace & Son {Young Abbotsburn 110679 J. & W B Watt Rosedale Violet 9th Win. Thompson & Son Brunswicker 96512 A. Cruickshank Mary's Best 6th of . Maple Hill H. C. Duncan Mary's Best llth of Maple Hill Red. H. C. Duncan I'.lood lines: The foundation of this pedigree runs back through imp. Young Mary to early English herds, but the top crosses are of Scotch blood th;it has been potent in many American herds. Rosedale Violet 9th, granddam of Victor Abbot, was a very notable breeder, two of her sons being The Choice of All L'l'nr.n and choice. Goods Model 242589. Prizes: I-ifth senior yearling at the American Royal in 19il. {Victorious 121469 \\ A. Harris NVal, p. K. Uy< 3d Orange Bio ' V <:! ' hniore J Orange Klossom of R. & w. J. V Crethmore J. V. Grigsby MASTER OF THE GROVE 161394.. Roan. T. C. Robinson Bloodlines: The sire of this bull was 75 percent Scotch and had s<>in Bates blood. The dam could with perfect propriety be called all Scotch in spite of the tiny stream <>f Haes that trickles down from the Duke of Hillhurst. Prizes: This bull was not shown until he was f.>m yearfl old and then with very little litting was ::d at the American !l<.yal in 1904 and in the Association sale brought ^IJiT"-. At the International he was senior and grand champion. In 1'.m; he was ;th at the Aim > d and in 1907 was senior champion. Collision i:::,nii!i Roan. .) Q. & Sons Robbing inor Roan Ladv ( Roan. J. R. Sou Peak &1 ROLANDO 162647 Roan. W. O. M Bloodlines: Scotch on mixed foundation. Collynie 124709 .John Miller & Sons Valley !-[ antic .1. <',. Kobbins & SQ fScottish Lord 2d 113725 B. O. Cowan Effie llth J. R. Peak & Son Prizes: Rolando was a prize winner at fairs on the Pacific Coast when he was a calf. He was brought to the International in 1902 where he won 1st as junior yearling and was sold to E. W. Bowen for $880. At Hamline, Minn., in 1903, he was 2d prize two-year-old and at the American Royal was 2d in class and at head of 1st prize graded herd. 32 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners CUMBERLAND'S LAST 229822 BRED BY C. A. SAUNDERS, MANILLA, IOWA AVONDALE 245144 BRED BY E. S. KELLY, SPRINGFIELD, OHIO Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 33 WHITEHALLSULTAN 163573 White. J. Deane Willis | Bapton Victor 163571 Bapton Sultan 163570 . J J- Deane Willis Moon Daisy Roan. J. Deane Willis [ j Deane Willis Imp. Bapton Pearl I loan, j. Deane Willis r Count Lavender l: Wm. Duthie Primrose 2d Wm. Duthie Bloodlines: Scotch with a little Bates, to which no one objects. With such a bull and such a phenomenal record as a breeder, even beyond the "third and fourth generations," it would be a bold man indeed \vh. would object to the Bates that he carries. It would require a most wcll-infoi -mrd student of Shorthorn history to name a bull that made a greater im- provement in the breed; certainly none such have existed in modern times. Prizes: At the International of 1903 he was 3d prize two-year-old and in 1904 he was 2d prize three-year-old at Hamline, Minn., the Louisi- ana Purchase Exposition and at the International. In 1905 he was 1st at Hamline, 1st at the American Royal and at the International. ROYAL AVALANCHE 165010 Roan. S. F. Lockridge Bloodlines: Scotch. r.aron Lavender 3d 78854 Red. \V. A. Harris Il'.aron Vii tor HN-I A. < 'i uickshank imp. Lavender A. < "i lickshank I Golden Prince T."068 J '. C< Sm A lea t rax Standifonl X- I >anf..rth Prizes: In 1902 ho was 1st prize two-year-old ;i t the International. being the first bull to defeat Nonpareil of Clover Blossom. In 1903 he was 2d prjze three-year-old at Hamlino, Minn., I'd at the American I; and 4th at the International. CUMBERLAND BAN- NER BEARER 167064-' Roan. C. A. Saunders fKing James 102902 D. Cookson & Sons . J Roan. It. J. Johnston limp. Clover Flower Red, little white D. H. Gunsolus [ A. Cruickshank [Statesman 95338 C. \V. McCune tiny r. i inker s Bunker Bloodlines. Scotch on a foundation of mixed bloodl Prizes: Second junior calf at the Intel-national in 34 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners YOUNG NOMINEE 168433 . Roan. Browndale Farm Nominee 131262 Roan. E. Gaunt & Sons Miss Rosedale of Maple fEarl of Moray 128770 Wm. Mclntosh Starlight E. Gaunt & Sons Champion of Maple liill 118358 Hill . 7r."J F> Bell ws & Sons Red. H. C. Duncan I Miss Rosedale 10th [ Wm. Thompson & Son Bloodlines: While this bull was called a Young Mary, his blood was mainly Scotch. He had the briefest showyard record I ever knew for a bull of such remarkable merit. The Minnesota State Fair in 1902 was the only place where he was exhibited and there he was 1st senior yearling and junior champion. NORTHERN VICTOR 168893.. Red, little white John Skinner Bloodlines: Scotch. Lochinvar 119977 W A. Harris Chief Lavender 139145. ._ Red. C. C. Norton 1 Lavender Flower 2d C. C. Norton Prince President 2d {116890 G. W. Lyle Lady Victoria G. W. Lyle Prixes: Third senior yearling at International in 1902. GRAND VIOLET VIC TOR 169182 Red. Geo. Bothwell.. Bloodlines: Scotch. Grand Victor 115752.. , Red. Joseph Duncan Violet of Maple Hill Red. Wm. Thompson & Son {Grand Elector 86826 A. Cruickshank Imp. Lady Victoria E. Cruickshank Bonnie Scot 106590 Jas. i. juavldson Rosedale Violet 5th Wm. Thompson & Son Prizes: At the American Royal in 1901 he was 3d junior calf and 4th at the Internatinnal of that year. Record of Shorthorn Prize ll'inntrs 3.5 PRIDE OF MEADOW LAWN 169285 Roan C. E. Clarke Justice L40578 Roan. (.'. I-:. Clarke. . 'Arthur 140577 John I. Hobson Jolly Jilt L'.l I >. Milloy fReporter -456 J. Afkrow X- Sou Ivy Leaf J R. & w. Wm. Porter j Village Rose 7th Win. Porter Bloodlines: This pedigree represents a. combination of bloodlines. The sire Justice was a bull of much merit and was junior champion at the International. Prizes: Third senior calf at Oiicagn in 1901 and 3d senior yearling at Hamline, Mann., in 1902. DARING KNIGHT 170761.. Red. T. K. Tomson & Sons I Galahad 103259 ink Mh I.inwi.-- drop \V. A. II.-H Dot Red. A. L. McKeen lit 108086 W. A. 1! Kan. Am*. College Bloodlines: Scotch on a ootli foundation. Prizes: Eighth senior calf at the American Royal in 1901 and 1st senior yearling in 1902. In tin- public Bale -f ti ! -aring Knitiht brought $;IHI. ; ( price which indicates his merit :it that time. NONPAREIL HERO 170793.. Roan. Geo. Bothwell Bloodlines: Scotch. I Count Victor 132574 J. Deane Willis iareil Bloom A. Cruickshank Grand Nerissa Red. Geo. Bothwell Grand Victor 1 Jos. Duncan Ine Valloy Chandler Joi Pri '1 in 2d calf herd, and at the International f .f tliat year h<- nior calf, in 1st calf herd ;uid 1st get of sire. This bull combine! Qd Grand Victor. 36 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners HAMPTON'S BEST 170818 Roan. C. B. Dustin Bloodlines: Scotch. ("Prince Frolic 132571 W. S. Marr Merry Hampton 132572.-! Roan. Wm. Duthie Mademoiselle 6th [ Wm. Duthie {Lavender Lad 119937 Wm. Duthie Secret of Hill Farm C. B. Dustin Prizes: Fourth senior calf in 1901 and 3d senior^ yearling in 1902 at the American Royal. HAMPTON'S BEST was not shown after this year, but he proved an impressive sire and his produce were very successful as prize winners. At the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in 1904 the 1st and 3d young herds were of his produce. i 'Ringleader 162101 Wm. Duthie First Strawberry Wm. Duthie MASTER OF THE RING 171376 .. Roan. C. L. Gerlaugh Bloodlines: Scotch. Imp. Missie 154th... Roan. W. S. Marr rWanderer 140614 A. Cruickshank I Missie 145th W. S. Marr Prizes: Third senior calf at the International in 1901 and 5th senior yearling at the American Royal in 1902. CEREMONIOUS ARCHER 171479. Roan Geo. Harding & Son Bloodlines: Scotch. ("Scottish Archer 117301 A. Cruickshank Best of Archers 141832. J Red. Wm. Duthie Brenda [ J. Smith Master of Ceremonies 136633 A. Cruickshank Imp. Lady in Waiting..-^ Roan. Philo L. Mills Ripe Raspberry Wm. Duthie In his early years Ceremonious Archer had a very successful show- yard record. At two years old h e was sold for $5,0 CO to Col. Frank O. Lowden, Oregon, 111. Prizes: In 1901 he was 1st junior calf at both the American Royal and the International. In 19(T2 he was 1st junior yearling at Hamline, Minn., 1st junior yearling and junior champion at both the American Royal and the International. In 1903 1st prize two-year-old at Hamline, senior and grand champion at the American Royal and at the Interna- tional senior and grand champion and in 1st graded herd. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 37 GOLDEN KING 171592 ., Red. Purdy Bros Golden Knight of En- terprise 143815 Red. C. C. Bigler Peculated Wildeyes 109348 H. M. Vaile 13th Limvood Golden- drop W. A. Harris Scottish King 100743 Sea Maid J F. Bellows & Sons Red. I. KMT Ac Son Sunrise I. Barr & Son Bloodlines: In this pedigree there was a reversal of the usual custom, since here the Bates blood of the sire was crossed on a Scotch foundation. Prizes: Second senior calf at the Ann -vie-in Itoyul in 1901. ORANGE LAD 171599..- Red. Purdy Bros. fPeculated \\'il'leyes Kn Mter- 109348 J H. M. Vaile Red. C. C. Bigler 13th Linwood Golden- {, drop AY. A. Harris Prince Victoria 116918 J C. M. Sanger & Son Red. O. H. Southworth Sweetheart O. H. Southworth Bloodlines: This breeding is mainly Scutch, but has a dash of good blood that comes through the paternal grand Prizes: This bull was 3d senior calf at the American Royal of 1901 and in 1902 was 4th senior yearling and in 5th young herd. BLYTHE LAD 171999..- Red. J. G. Robbins & Sons - : Scotch. 21014 , Jas. Gardhouse & Son tor .M-- ! R. & \v. I Gay Lavender J. G. ]: . Sons ( Wm. Moffatt SL- Imp. Blythesome 18th.. ^ Roan. \V. S. Marr Sittyton Pride 136401 \Vm. Duthie Blythesome 9th W. S urth of aged bulls at the International of 1903 and 4th at Hamline, Minn., in 1904. 38 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners THE PROFESSOR 172332 Roan. C. L. Gerlaugh Bloodlines: Scotch. TWanderer 140614 A. Cruickshank Scotland's Crown 149652- Roan. Wrn. Duthie 1 Scotland's Belle Wm. Duthie Imp. Clara 58th Red. W. S. Marr I Golden Victor 140610 J. Deane Willis Clara 53d W. S. Marr THE PROFESSOR proved an exceptionally good sire in the herd of Abram Renick, Winchester, Ky. His career in the showring was brief. At the first American Royal in 1901 he was 7th senior calf and in 1905 he was 6th prize aged bull. He was exported to Argentina by J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. Prizes: At the American Royal in 1901 he was 7th senior calf and was 6th in class in 1905. ('mint Lavender Wm. Duthie Victoria 84th BARTON ENSIGN 172542 Roan. J. Deane Willis Bloodlines: Scotch. Emmeline 5th Roan. Wm. Duthie I A. Cruickshank {Rising Star 117096 W. S. Marr Emmeline 2d Wm. Duthie BAPTON ENSIGN was imported by C. E. Clarke and after a brief service in the Meadowlawn herd he was sold for $3,500 to Chas. E. Ladd, Portland, Oregon. At the Lewis and Clark Exposition he was 3d in class and headed the 1st prize graded herd. PRINCE OF TEBO LAWN 172599.... Red. T. J. Wallace & Son Alice's Prince 122593. Red. W. A. Harris ! Lord Athol 122011 W. A. Harris I Imp. Princess Alice Wm. Duthie f Scottish Chief 89317 I. Barr & Son Rosedale Violet 9th J Red. I Rosedale Violet Wm. Thompson & Son (_ W. A. Harris Bloodlines: Scotch. In commenting on this pedigree it is only proper to call attention to Rosedale Violet 9th, one of the most remarkable breeders of her generation. She produced ten calves, five of which sold for $5,510 at a time when values were low. Prizes: In 1901 he was 1st senior calf. In 1902 he was 2d senior yearling at Hamline, Minn., and 2d at the American Royal, and in 1905 was 5th prize aged bull. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 39 PRINCE FOREST 172397 Red. Otto Gehlbach Prince of Orange 2d 116886 Red. C. C. Blish & Son Lavender of Hill Farm 14th Red. C. B. Dustin A Son Prince of Orange 77016 A. Cruickshank Mary Anne 37th Standiford & Danforth Lavender Lad 119937 Wm. Duthie Lavender of Hill Farm C. B. Dustin Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth junior calf at the American Iinya.1 in 1901. SCOTTISH LAVEN- DER 172600.. Red. Hanna & Co. rollynie 135022 Red. \Vm. Duthiu Itish Archer ll7:;n! A. < 'ruickshank ier 45th A. Cruickshank Sweet Lavender Red. Hanna Cortez 114864 W. A. Harris Sf imported parents. He was a bull of at merit and his list of prizes long though only a part of it can be given here. At two years of age he was sold by D. R. Hanna to J. H. Glide, Sacramento, Cal. Prizes: Second senior calf at International in 1902. In 1903 he 1st senior yearling at the American Roval and the International 1st and junior champion. In ]'.< j .-it the Louisiana Purchase Exposition he was 1st prize two-year-old and d senior yearling .it Mainline, Minn., anurno Bloodlines: S< Kemus Roan. A. I. Kortes,- U e <;eraldine Gth White. Jas Jmrno Star of Alm-ninn 1IM1M:'. Win. iMithie me A. I. Portescue First Choice 1 S. dine : tnith Prizes: Before Importation <'hoi< was a champion at shows in Scotland and the Royal in Midland. At the International in 1901 he was 1st prize two-year-old, lint lost senior championship to unt llMTr,.".. In 1:11.11' he was senior and Ki'and champion at Mainline, Minn., the American Uoyal and th- International, and repeated this exploit in 11)04, and was also champion of tie- Louisiana Purchase Kxposition. In 1!()5 his calves won 1st on yonntf herd and 1st on calf herds, both junior championships and 1st and :M on ^<-l of sire, 1'oth at the Lewis and (.Tirk I-'x position and the American Royal. THE RUSTLER 186803. Ked. little White .1. U. Rol'bins 4 t The Lad foi M II. \- \\ . .!. (I. Lentine ui i der Win. Moftatt \- Hi os. linssella l-./ra Swain !' I'lTlldT l:/ra Swain j Duchess .\onpaieii Ezra Swain Hloodlines: Scotch. Till-: KLSTLKR is half brother to the famous Ruberta, Uussella the dam of eacn. I'rixes: AT the International in 1902 this bull was 4th prize j calf and at the American Royal he was 2d and was in the 2d produce of cow. 44 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners SIGNET 248501 BRED BY ABRAM RENICK, WINCHESTER, KY. KING CUMBERLAND 288383 BRED BY F. O. LOWDEN, OREGON, ILL. Record of Shorthorn Prize 45 MAGNET 188058. Red W. G. Pettit & Son Bloodlines: Scotch. {Cyprus 149530 Wm. Duthie Golden Thought M. & E. McRae Imp. Blossom Roan. John Knox Star of Morning 121243 Wm. Duthie Orange Blossom 34th A. Cruickshank Prizes: This bull was exhibited but one season. In 1902 he won 3d prize as a junior yearling, at Hamline, Minn., and 3d at the American Royal. He proved an impressive sjre in the herd "i" H. C. ininc-an. NOBLE KNIGHT 188106 Roan. C. E. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch. Red Knight 157136.. Red. D. C. Morris Rose of Marchmont. . Roan. W. S. List- i- { Favorite K.7106 W. Peterkin Clurry Blossom D. C. Morris f Indian Xol.l. man 138666 i'ur .Johnston I Ros ::.! W. S. Li Prizes: In 1903 he was 4th junior yearling at Hamline, Minn., and at the International was 3d in class and was in the 1st young herd. In 1904 he was sold to H. W. Peel, Spokane, Wash., and at the Lewis and Clark Exposition he was 2d prize aged bull and in 2d graded herd. Justice 140578 Roan. C. E. Clarke ROYAL WONDER 188110 Roan. C. E. Clarke.. Bloodlines: Scotch. Imp. Molly Red. Alex Macdonell f Arthur 14' John I. Hobson Jolly Jilt 2d D. Milloy Enthusiast i:.7lu:j W. Peterkin Molly Ryllie A. Macdonell Prizes: In 1902 as a junior calf Royal Wonder was 8th at the Amer- ican Royal, 5th at Hamline, Minn., and 1st at the International. In 1903 he was 1st junior yearling at Hamline, 1st junior yearling, junior cham- pion and in 2d young herd at the American Royal and at the Interna- tional was 1st junior yearling and in 2d young herd. Royal Wonder was a good breeder and two of his sons, both out of imp. Lady in Waiting, were Sightseer 224131 and Sidelight 242886, the latter an American Royal champion. 46 Record of Shorthorn Prize CLOVER BUD 188484, Red. Geo. Bothwell I Count Victor 132574 J. Deane Willis Nonpareil Bloom A. Cruickshank Grand Victor 115752 I Jos. Duncan Lucy B. 2d of Maine Valley Chandler Jordan Bloodlines: The first two sires in this pedigree were noted breeders of prize winners in herds owned in Missouri. Both were Scotch and before Grand Victor are two crosses of imported Cruickshank bulls, giv- ing this pedigree 93.5 percent Scotch on a foundation of mixed blood. Prizes: In 1902 Clover Bud was 2d at Hamline, Minn., and 3d at both the American Royal and the International as a junior calf; in 1903 he was 3d junior yearling at Hamline. NONPAREIL CHOICE 188485.. Red. Geo. Bothwell Count Victor 132574 J. Deane Willis Nonpareil Victor 132573. Roan. J. Deane Willis | Nonpareil Bloom A. Cruickshank Wildeyes Duchess 6th, Red. Elbert & Fall IWild Wildeyes 110645 H. M. Vaile Wildeyes Lady 12th A. J. Alexander Bloodlines: Scotch and E'ates. Prizes: In 1902 2d junior calf at Hamline, Minn., and 5th at the Amer- ican Royal. In 1903 he was 2d junior yearling at Hamline, 2d at the Amer- ican Royal and 4th at the International, and was 4th prize two-year-old at Hamline in 1904. NONPAREIL COMET 188486.. Red. Geo. Bothwell I Count Victor 132574 J. Deane Willis Nonpareil Bloom A. Cruickshank Victoria Sharon 5th. . . I Red. Geo. Bothwell fGrand Victor 115752 Jos. Duncan Lady Sharon Geo. Bothwell Bloodlines: 75 percent Scotch on a foundation of the Roses of Sharon. Prizes: First senior calf at, Minn., and 6th at the American Royal in 1902. In 1903 he was 3d senior yearling at Hamline, 4th at the American Royal and 5th at the International. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 47 NONPAREIL STAMP 188487.. Roan. Geo. Bothwell Nonpareil Victor 132573^ Roan. J. Deane Willis Violet Pride Red. J. S. McCauley Count Victor 1327)74 J. Deane Willis Nonpareil Bloom A. Cruickshank Canada's Pride 2d 73111 L. Miller Violet Queen J. S. McCauley Bloodlines: 87% percent Scotch and 12% of Bates, the Fates blood coming through Blocky 84800, sire of the maternal granddam. NONPAREIL STAMP was shown only as a calf, winning 5th at Hamline, Minn., and 4th at the American Royal in 1902. He proved an excellent sire and two at least of his calves will have a place in Shorthorn history. These are the bull Snowflake 263207 and his full sister Snowbird 11648. Snowflake sired the world-famous Ringmaster and Snowbird, herself an International champion, was dam of Fair Acres Sultan ::r>4154 NONPAREIL STAR 188488.. Roan. Geo. Bothwell Nonpareil Victor 1325.73^ Roan. J. Deane Willis Kirkle\ invti-n I/idy It'i . xted. J. F. Fin ley Bloodlines: Scotch and Bates. 'mint Victor 132574 J. Deane Willis Xonpareil I'.loom A. Cruickshank chi-f Violet 4th 111304 Wm. Thompson & Son KirkleviniUon Lady J. F. Finley Prizes: In 1902 he was 2d junior y.-.nrling at Hamline. Minn., and 2d at the American Royal, and at this show he was ;th prixe a yd hull in 1906. Goldendrop Victor 149537 Ren. Wm. Duthie VICTOR MISSIE 188493, Red. H. Cargill & Son Bloodlines: Scotch. ("Nonpareil Victor 132573 J. Deane Willis ] Goldendrop llth Wm. Duthie [Spicy Brown 1346<>7 J. Deane Willis Imp. Missie 163d J Roan. W. S. Marr le luitli [ W. S. Marr Prizes: In 1902 Victor A s :;d senior calf at Hamli-i.- Minn., 5th at the American Royal and 5th at the [nternational. In 1 904 'he was 1st prize two-year-old at Hamline, 4th at I.onisana I'urch -if i'.iowti' Red Wander.^- A. rruickshank Ifisale i.'i'd \V. S. Ma ri- ii Prince 2d of Oakwood 124!*7J S. L. Cheney Lady Victoria 2d 1 . R- <'i;iv. ,ns f J. B Sons Prizes: In 1903 he was .?<] juni.',- y ( -:irlin at the American Royal and 5th at Hamline, Minn. PLUTO OF DALMENY 190925.. Roan. Earl of Roseberry Bloodlines: Scotch. Villager 18! Red. J. J'.l ack White Primrose White. W. Duthie. ("Captain Ripley 136626 W. S. M 1 Village Maid 20th [ A. Cruickshank {Spicy Robin 134607 J. Deane Willis Scottish Primrose W. Duthie the American Royal in an.l L'<1 at the Int.-rnational 2 he was junior \carlinv 50 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners PITLIVIE MERRY LAD 191507 Red. Robt. Taylor Bloodlines: Scotch. Tip Top 159896 C. M. Cameron Merry Merlin 159858.... Roan. C. M. Cameron ] Merry Lass C. M. Cameron Imp. Caroline Red, little white Lord Lovat ("Ringleader 180008 Lord Lcvat Bannockburn Maid 6th Lord Lcvat Prizes: In 1902 he was 4th prize two-year-old and was 3d prize three- year-old in 1903 and also in 1904. BURNBRAE CHIEF 191747. . Roan. E. W. Bowen Bloodlines: Scotch. Orange Chief 144650 Roan. W. Adams Imp. Mayflower 4th Roan. R. Turner 1 Orange Duke 144651 Duke of Richmond Lady Laura 10th A. Scott {President 150745 Wm. Duthie Mayflower J. McWilliam Both sire and dam of this bull were bought from the great sale of W. D. Flatt in Chicago, August, 1900, the former at $1,510 and the latter at $2,050. Prizes: In 1903 Burnbrae Chief was 3d prize two-year-old at Hamline, Minn., and at the International he was 2d and in 2d graded herd. In 1904 he was the 4th prize three-year-old at Louisiana Purchase Exposition and 5th at both the American Royal and the International. BAPTON SOVEREIGN 192125 Prince of Sanquhar 149558 White. A. B. Law Rcan. J. Deane Willis Spicy 33th Red. Wm. Duthie {Prince of Hull 149556 C. E. Law Zoe 2d A. B. Law {Master Stroke 134598 J. Black Spicy 10th Wm. Duthie Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth prize yearling at the International in 1901. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 51 COCK ROBIN 192127 ..-| Roan. C. H. Gram JStar of Morning 121243 Wm. Duthie Roan. A. M. Gordon I Bessie A. M. Gordon Mavis Clare Roan. W. S. Marr {Spicy Robin 134607 J. Deane Willis Clara 51st W. S. Marr Bloodlines: Scotch. With the names of distinguished breeders so prominent in this pedigree, it seems unnecessary to comment on this breeding. Cock Robin proved an excellent sire. Prizes: His first appearance in American showyards was at the Inter- national of 1901 where he and Nonpareil of Clover Blossom fought for junior championship and Cock Robin had to be content with 2d. In 1902 he was 3d prize two-year-old, 1st prize three-year-old in 1903 and 3d in 1904. NONPAREIL KING 192871.. Red. Geo. Bothwell Nonpareil Viet Roan. J. I teane Willis Count Vic-tor ! .1. Deane Willis Nonpareil Bloom A. Cruickshank Grand Victor 115752 Duncan Grand X-rris.--a I'd -TNeriMa I'-th of Red. Geo. Bothwell Valley Chandler Jordan Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: At the International in 1!K)2 he was 1st in class and was con- sidered a phenomenal calf. Iii 1903 he was 3d senior yearling at Hamline, Minn., and 2d at the International. In 190r, IIP was 4th agod hull at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. GRAND DUKE 195175 H Red. C. C. Bigler Grand Duke of I pr:s- 143818 -^let- Wild. 103348 H M. Vaile Azalea 7th R. Huston & Son fAirdrje Duke of Hazr-1- hurst 11784C Wildeyes 61st J Klbert & Fall Red. Eibert & Fall Wildeyes 51st [ H. M. Vaile Bloodlines: Th.i.s breeding is as m-ar all Uatt-s as an\ vet nu-ntioiu-d in this record. S.-cond pri/.,- t \vo-v.-ar-old at tin- American Royal iii L905. 52 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners AVALANCHE ROYAL 200200 (twin) Red W. F. Christian & Son Bloodlines: Scotch. Royal Avalanche 165010. Roan. S. F. Lockridge Baron Lavender 3d 78854 W. A. Harris Almene Isaac Johnson {Georgia's Double Con- naught 92510 T. C. Anderson 2d Royal D'ss of Han'v'r G. J. Hagherty & Sons Prizes: In 1904 Avalanche Royal was 3d senior yearling at Hamline, Minn., and 3d at the International. LORD CHESTER- FIELD 201371.. Roan. Thos. Redmond I Royal Sailor 125761 Violet's Bud Jas. Gardhouse & Son Prime Minister 129938 Wm. Duthie Matchless Roan. Thos. Redmond ) Marigold 3d Wm. Redmond Bloodlines: This breeding is essentially of Scotch blood, but the dams on both sides are descendants of early importations, the one being of Lavinia by Son of Scipio (1421) and the other of Snowdrop by George (12939). Prizes: Fourth prize aged bull at the American Royal in 1904. THE DREAMER 203208 Roan. R. A. & J. A. Watt Bloodlines: Scotch. Royal Wonder 176735 J. & W. B. Watt Mildred's Royal 244703..' Roan. J. & W. B. Watt | Mildred 8th J. & W. B. Watt [Scottish Beau 224683 Wm. Duthie Matchless 36th J Red. R. A. & J. A. Watt I Matchless 33d J. & W. B. Watt Prizes: In 1908 he was 1st prize two-year-old at the American Royal and 3d at the International. Record of Shorthorn Prize BAPTON BROAD- HOOKS 2D 203770 .. White. C. E. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch. Bapton Ensign 172r>42.., Roan. J. Deane Wi.'lis Imp. I^ady Mary 4th. , Roan. Robt. Taylor Bapton Victory 157363 J. Deane Willis Victoria S4th A. Cruickshank Sir Wilfred Laurier 157744 \V. S. Mari- Mary Robt. Tayl'.r Prizes: At the International of 1903 he was 3d senior calf and 4th senior yearling 1 in 1904 at Louisiana Purch :>< K\ position. At the Inter- national of 1903 he was sold to Chas. B. Ladd, Portland, Ore. In 1905 he was 1st prize two-year-old and was r- nior champion to Hint--: Edward, then owned by J. H. Glide. In this connection there is a bit of unwritten history that is interesting. Mr. (Hide was somewhat doubt- ful about winning the championship on King Edward, so the day before the show he purchased P.apton Broadhooks 2d and then remarked, "N"\\-. I know I will get the grand prize." LAVENDER CLIPPER 203771 . . White. W. D. Flatt choice Goods 186802 n. Jas. Durno Remus If.l A. I. Fortescue Geraldine 5th Jas. Durno r Prince of Sanquhar 149558 Imp. Lavender Prince.ssJ A. B. Law Roan. J. Deane Willis Lavender I [ Wm. Duthie Bloodlines: Scotch. This bull proved a good sire in the herd of W. H. Dunw Prizes: Second junior yearling at the International in 1903 and in 1904 he was 2d prize two-year-old at Hamline, Minn., and 1st at the International. In 19< 5 he was 3d in class at Hamline and 2d at the Inter- national. ARCHER 205740 Roan. Hanna & Co. I'.loodlines: Scotch. Collynie 135022 Red. Wm. Duthie Imp. Circe 3d M. John Wilson Scottish Archer 1 A. Cruickshank A. Cruickshank {Sennacherib 136637 Jchn Wilson Circe John Wilson ARCHER followed Gallant Knight lL'44;x as sire in th- herd of T. K. Tomson & Sons, Dover, Kan. Prizes: Fifth prize ag-d bull at the American Royal ii 54 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners SELECTION 306209 BRED BY CARPENTER & ROSS, MANSFIELD, OHIO RINGMASTER 307894 BRED BY C. E. CLARKE, ST. CLOUD, MINN. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 55 VICTOR S. 206129. Red, little white D. Cresweli Victor Ramsden 121473. -| Red. O. H. Southworth Prince Victoria 116918 C. M. Sanger & Sons Glen Miss Ramsden Geo. W. Lyle Wallace Sharon 2d 140884 Miss Sharon 3d J Abram Reni( ' k Roan. M. M. Jones Elizabeth 2d M. M. Jones Bloodlines: The sin- is Scotch and while there is Scotch blood in the dam, her bloodlines came through Young Mary ;md Rose of Sharon. Prizes: Eighth junior calf at the American Royal in 1903 and r.tli prize two-year-old in 1905. Note: The writer remembers with distinctness Victor S as he was in 1903. He had remarkably short legs, was very smooth ami had a' mas siveness and wealth of flesh that really warranted a much higher rating than he received, but was disqualified by tin- judges becau upturned horn. ENGLISHMAN 206192. - Roan. W. S. Marr ii'ton Victor l: .}. l Mis Globe Flm A. Cnm kslruik ; tain of the Guard 26th I A - t'1-uk-kshank Roan. \V. S. .Marr M L;,dy 17th A. Cruickshank Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: At the International in r.Mc: he \vas 1th junior yearling. PRINCE ALBERT 206212.. Roan. C. Hintz & Son ISirius l i \Vm. InithH- Imp. Rose of Autumn : ; h Win. Duthie Fairy Flack Roan. J. M. ( lardhovst Prime Min. \\ m. I nithie .1 8. Gra rdhouse I'.loodlines: This breeding is 93.5 percent Scotch on a foundation imported from England in 1824. Prizes: Second junior calf at International in 1903. 56 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners INVINCIBLE HAMP- TON 206226 Roan F. Bellows & Son Bloodlines: Scotch. f Prince Frolic 132571 W. S. Marr | Merry Hampton 132572 J Roan. Wm. Duthie Mademoiselle 6th [ Wm. Duthie IfBarmpton Royal 122721 B. F. Myers Lovely of Greendale 3rdJ Red, little white Lovely 27th R. G. Scott [_ Isaac Johnson Prizes: In 1904 he was 2d prize two-year-old at the Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition, 1st at the American Royal and 2d at the International. At the International in 1906 he was 4th prize aged bull and in both 1905 and 1907 was 5th. HAMPTON'S CHAM- PION 206227 Red. C. D. Bellows f Merry Hampton 132572 Wm. Duthie Hampton's Best 170818. J Roan. C. B. Dustin 1 Secret of Hill Farm 21 C. B. Dustin & Son Valley Champion 110477 F. Bellows & Sons Valley Queen J Seraphina of Melrose Red. J. F. Douglas ] 16th L. Miller Bloodlines: This breeding shows 87.5 percent of Scotch blood, builded on a good foundation. In the fourth generation is the splendid Booth cow, Seraphina Carissima 3d, bred by Lord Sudeley, imported by the North Elkhorn Co. of Kentucky, and sold in 1875 for $2,800. She had some of the blood of the famous show bull, Baron Booth of Lancaster, and was quite similar in breeding to the bull imp. Cherub 11505 that was sold by Ed lies for $6,000 at Springfield, 111., in 1875. Prizes: First junior calf and in 1st calf herd at the American Royal in 1903. PARKDALE VICTOR 206228 Red. C. D. Bellows (The Lad for Me 140618 J. G. Robbins & Sons Golden Princess J. O. Stout {Grand Victor 115752 Jos. Duncan Sharon Rose 3d Geo. Bothwell Bloodlines: In this breeding the blood is largely Scotch and comes from great producing sires, but the female line runs back through imp. Rose of Sharon. It was this blending that gave Geo. Bothwell some of his greatest prize winners, where he used Nonpareil Victor on Grand Victor cows. Prizes: First senior calf at the American Royal in 1903. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 57 ANOKA ARCHER 206604.. Red. F. W. Harding. Bloodlines: Scotch. (Scottish Archer 117301 A. Cruickshank Best of Archers 141832. J Red. Wm. Duthie Brenda [ J. Smith i. Master of Ceremonies 136638 A. Cruickshank Ripe Raspberry Wm. Duthie Prizes: In 1903 he was 1st junior calf at Hamline, Minn., and 1M at the American Royal. This seems to be the only season he was shown. He is full brother to the champion Ceremonious Archer, and their dam produced more high-priced bulls than any cow of her time. NONPAREIL CHAM PlON 206646 Red. Geo. Bothwell i Count Vic-tor i::j:.74 J. Deane Willis Xonp ".i-eil Hit. on) A. < 'i iiieksliank !!,.! Victor 11 Jos. Duncan Sharon Rose 3d Geo. Bothwell Bloodlines: This breeding is largely of Scotch blood and the top bulls were most excellent breeders. No bull of his <1 iy produced more prize winners than did Nonpareil Victor, as this record will fully prove. The foundation of this pedigree runs back through th ; Sharon to Bates and other blood of early English herds. Nonpareil champion is full brother to the great prize winner il of clover Blossom. Prizes: This bull was 2d junior calf at Hamline, Minn., 6th at the American Royal and 4th at the International in 1903. NONPAREIL PERFECTION 206647 Roan. Geo. Bothwell Iiut Victor 132574 J. Deane Willis Nonpareil Bloom A. Cruickshank Kirklevington Duke of r Hazelhurst llth 123052 Elbert & Fall Kirklevington Beauty. J Beauty 29th of Maine Red. Geo. Bothwell Valley Chandler Jordan Bloodlines: This bull is of Scotch blood except the sire of his dam. This cross introduced strong Bates blood. Prizes: In 19C3 Nonpareil Perfection was I'd senior calf at Hamline, Minn., 2d at the American Royal and at the International he was 4th and in 3d calf herd. In 1904 he was 2d senior yearling at Hamline, 3d at Louisiana Purchase Exposition and 3d at the Am- yal. 58 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners SILVER KNIGHT 206653.. Roan T. K. Tomson & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. 1 Galahad 103259 W. A. Harris 8th Limvood Goldendrop W. A. Harris Signet Roan J. G. Robbins & Sons Strathallan Chief 134157 John Miller & Sons Sigma J. G. Robbins & Sons Prizes: At the American Royal in 1903 Silver Knight was 3d senior calf, 7th senior yearling in 1904, 4th prize two-year-old in 1905 and 8th prize three-year-old in 1906. PRINCE PAVONIA 207316 Roan. C. F. Wolf & Son fCapt. Inglewood 151190 Wm. Duthie Prince Lovely 155860... J Red, little white Princess Lovely 2d Wm. Duthie I Wm. Duthie Imp. Glendale Pavonia.^ Roan. Philo L. Mills Bold Count 163001 Jas. Durno Imp. Pavonia Geo. Longmore Bloodlines: Scotch. PRINCE PAVONIA left good produces in Missouri and Kansas herds. Prizes: At the American Royal in 1903 he was 3d junior calf and in 1905 3d prize two-year-old. LORD LASAILE 208139 Roan. Lord Roseberr:/ Bloodlines: Scotch. Villager 182632.. Red. J. Black Imp. Eliza 18th Red. John Wilson {Captain Ripley 136626 W. S. Marr Village Maid 20th J. Black 1 Lucky Pride 184976 Jas. Durno Eliza 14th John Wilson Prizes: Fourth junior calf at the International in 1903 and 3d junior yearling in 1904. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 59 ORANGE CHIEF 208640 Red. Purdy Bros. [St. Valentine 121014 Lord Lovel 130157 I Jas ' Gardhouse & Son Red I Monarch's Lovely J. G. Robbins & Sons [ j. G . Ro bbins & Sons [Bluebeard 114514 Wm. Duthie 10th Scottish Lady J Red I 9th Scottish Lady O. H. Southworth J. V. Grigsby Bloodlines: Scotch. In this breeding there is a faint trace of Bates blo ( l, which in the third generation came through the 5th Duke of Hill- hurst, but it is so small that the services of an expert mathematician would be needed to figure the percent. At the time when "Pedigree was in Flower" and most breeders were deeply concerned about "straights" and "pures," this cross caused some buyers to shy. Fortunately that foolishness is rapidly passing. Prizes: Third junior calf at th- American Royal in 1903. GWENDOLINE VIC- TOR 208932.. Red. Jos. Duncan : lines: Scotch. Kninht of Meat Kami ;M 14'J7:!4. .. Red J. W. Dawdy & Son 1 :aron (lolddust ;; 1L'7367 Forbes Bros. ly's Victoria. Isaac Uliss ("Victor Baron 127266 Gwendoline of Meadow - c B Dustiri & g iawn J Red I Gwendoline 5th J. R. Crawford & Sons [ Wm. Miller Prizes; Fifth senior calf at the American Koyal in inn:;, :,th senior yearling in 1904 and at the International that year h- was 1th in and in the Association sale brought $600. WHITEHALL MAR- SHAL 209776 .. !:. S. Kelly Bloodlines: Scotch. Sultan 163570 J. Deane Willis i Imp. Hapton Pearl .1. Deane Willis imp. Missie 167th Roan. W. S. Marr Lord of Fain*- .las. iMirno Alissi,- I 47th \\ . S. Man- WHITEHALL MARSHAL was the most successful prize winner of all the sons of Whitehall Sultain, yet at the International of 1903 he was 13th prize senior calf. His list of prizes is too long to be given in detail, so only a summary will be attempted for the shows at Hamline, Minn., the American J loyal and the International for 1904 to 1908 inclusive. During these 5 years he won eleven 1st prizes, two 2ds and one 3d and was grand champion nine times. During this time he won many champion prizes at state fairs. 60 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners FRANTIC LAD 210443 - Red & white J. G. Robbing & Sons JSt. Valentine 121014 Jas. Gardhouse & Son Gay Lavender Wm. Moffatt & Bros. Strathallan Girl. Roan C Strathallan Chief 134157 John Miller & Sons I Modest Girl J. G. Robbins & Sons [ J. G. Robbins & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch on mixed foundation, The Lad For Me, St. Val- entine, imp. Gay Monarch and Indian Chief 98651 ought to make any pedigree pretty good. Prizes: At the International in 1903 Frantic Lad was 2d senior calf and was in 2d calf herd. HAMPTON'S MODEL 210474 Roan. C. D. Bellows (Merry Hampton 132572 Hampton's Best 170S1S.J Wm ' DUtMe Roan. C. B. Dustin | Secret of Hill Farm 2d [ C. B. Dustin fRoanoke 136431 Mabel Washington.... J T " F ' AHen Roan. C. D. Bellows I Martha Washington 6th I C. D. Bellows Bloodlines: This breeding is called "Scotch -topped Young Mary." It is mainly Scotch blood and that of Young Mary exceeding small. The sire was properly named "Hampton's Best," as he was the most prepotent son of Merry Hampton, and this famous grandson was well named "Hampton's Model," being the most remarkable of many good sons of Hampton's Best. When two years old he was sold for $3,910 and in Argentina brought $7,0'CO. Prizes: At the International in 1903 he was 1st junior calf and in 1st calf herd. In 1904 at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition he was 2d junior yearling and in 1st herd, junior champion and in 1st young herd at the American Royal and at the International was 1st in class and in 2d young herd. GOOD LAD 215023.. Red. G. M. Casey Bloodlines: Scotch. {Remus 151790 A. I. Fortescue Geraldine 5th Jas. Durno [The Lad for Me 140618 J. G. Robbins & Sons Lad's Goldie .J Red I Imp. Goldie 44th J. G. Robbins & Sons [ W. S. Marr GOOD LAD was a good sire, the Choice Goods and St. Valentine blood proving a good combination. He was shown only when a calf. Prizes: In 1904 he was 2d senior calf at Hamline, Minn., 2d at the American Royal and 5th at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Record of Shorthorn Prize 61 THE CHOICE OF ALL 215050 Roan. G. M. Casey Choice Goods 186802 Roan. Jas. Durno Remus 151790 A. I. Fortescue Geraldine 5th Jas. Durno ("Scottish Chief 89317 Rosedale Violet 9th.... I ' Barr & Son Red I Rosedale Violet \\rn.Thompson & Son j W. A. Harris Bloodlines: Scotch. The excellence of this breeding is readily apparent to all who know Shorthorn pedigrees. Both his sire and dam were great breeders, and it was but natural that ho proved an impressive sire. He was shown only as a calf and yearling. Prizes: In 1904 he was 3d senior calf at Hamline, Minn., at the Amer- ican Royal he was 1st and in 1st calf herd and at the International 3d and in 3d get of sire. In 1905 at the American Royal he was 2d junior yearling and in 1st get of sire. THE CONQUEROR 215051.. Roan. G. M. Casey Bloodlines: Scotch. ' hoice Goods 1S6802. n. Jas. Durno fRemus 151790 A. I. Fortescue dine 5th Jas. Durno Imp. Clara r>Sth Marr Victor 140610 \V S. Man- Clara, \V. S. Man- As a calf and yearling in the show ring this bull seemed appropriately named. At the Tebo Lawn dispersion he sold f Prizes: In 1904 he \\ nior calf at Hamlim>. Minn., 3d at Louis- iana Purchase K\ position, 3d at the American Royal and 1st at the Inter- national and in 1st calf herd. In 1905 he was junior champion at Ham- line and the American Royal and the Lewis and Clark Exposition he was 1st senior yearling and in 1st young herd, at the American Royal in 1906 he was :M pri/e t\vo-\-..,n--old and was 4th prize three-year-old in 1907. COLUMBUS 220892...... Red. C. D. Bellows Hampton's Best 170818 H Roan. C. B. Dustin Merry Hampton I:; \Vm. Duthie Secret of Hill Farm 2d C. B. Dustin {Columbian Lord 1. Peter Forcade Valley Queen J. F. Dougl Bloodlines: This breeding is essentially Scotch but it was bnilt on a foundation of good Booth blood. The female line runs back thrmmli to imp. Seraphina Carissima 3d to some of the ancestors of imp. ''h-rub that sold in 1875 for $6,000 and to the noted show bull Huron Booth of Lancaster. Prizes: In 1904 Columbus was 3d junior calf at the L" Pur- chase Exposition, 5th at the American Royal and 2d at the International 62 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners DIAMOND KING 221076 Roan. D. R. Hanna f AuffUStin 156229 J. Deane Willis Bapton Diamond I87000J Roan. J. Deane Willis Imp. Bapton Pearl [ J. Deane Willis Imp. Village Belle... Roan. The Queen [Prince Victor 159879 J. Deane Willis I Village Maiden Wm. Duthie Bloodlines: Scotch. E'apton Diamond was half brother to Whitehall Sultan and was an excellent sire in the herd of D. R. Hanna. Imp. Vil- lage Belle was dam of King Edward 172814, a prize winner at Interna- tional, reserve senior champion at Louisiana Purchase Exposition and grand champion at Lewis and Clark Exposition. Prizes: Diamond King was 1st senior calf at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in 1904 and was sold for $2,500 to J. F. Scofield. In Texas he became a notable sire and a great prize winner. At the Texas State Fair in 1911 his produce won nearly all prizes awarded. TAugustin 156229 J. Deane Willis Bapton Diamond 187000J Roan. J. Deane Willis (Imp. Bapton Pearl [ J. Deane Willis MISSIE'S DIAMOND 221080.. White. D. R. Hanna Bloodlines: Scotch. Missie C White H. Cargill & Son {Prince Cruickshank 144655 John Marr Imp. Missie 163d W. S. Marr Prizes: In 1904 he was 1st junior yearling at Hamline, Minn., 1st and junior champion at Louisiana Purchase Exposition and at the Inter- national in 1905 he was 5th prize two-year-old. At the American Royal in 1906 he was 2d prize three-year-old. HIGHLAND CHAM- PION 222688.. Red. Wm. Duthie Bloodlines: Scotch. ("Royal Star 151795 J. L. Reid Lovat Champion 1576174 Red. Lord Lovat Victoria I Lord Lovat {Vice Chancellor 110492 A. Cruickshank Interlude 9th Duke of Richmond Prizes: This bull had a very limited career in the show arena. At the International in 1902 he was 5th prize two-year-old. He was a good breeder. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 63 WHITEHALL KING 222724.. Roan. E. S. Kelly.. Whitehall Sultan 163573. White. J.Deane Willis Queen of the Louans.. Red. H. F. Brown Bapton Sultan 163570 J. Deane Willis Imp. Bapton Pearl j. Daaa Willis Golden Victor 124164 H. F. Brown l.ouan of Browndale d H. F. Brown Bloodlines: This breeding is 75 percent Scotch on a mixed founda- tion that includes the Louan tribe that was so famous in the herd of Daniel McMillan in the '60s. At the dispersion sale of E. S. Kelly in Chicago Whitehall King was an undeveloped . yearling and sold to P. W. Harding for $155. His development was wonderful and after winning senior championship at Chicago in 1908 he was sold for $3,500 to L. V. Harkness. Prizes: In 1904 3d junior yearling at the American Royal and 5th at St. Louis. In 1907 he was 3d aged bull at Hamline, Minn., and in 1908 was grand champion at Hamline and senior champion at both the American Royal and the International 1 Baron Ury 118024 J. R. Crawford & Rose of the Thistle 2d S. L. Cheney LORD GILBERT 223307 Red. J. F. Stodder 17th Lady Bates of Shannon Hill . . Red. G. W. Click & Son Wildeyes Duke 124096 H. M. Vaile 9th Lady Bates of Shannon Hill G. W. Glick Bloodlines: Scotch and Bates. Prizes: At the American Royal Lord Filbert was 8th senior r.-ilf in 1!<>4. nth senior yearling in 1905 and 5th prize two-year-old in 1906. ORANGE MONARCH 2D 223493.. Red. Purdy Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. fSt. Valentine 121014 Jas. Gardhouse & Son Lord Lovel 130157 J Red j .Monarch's Lovely J. G. Robbins & Sons [ J. G. Bobbins & Sons Sweetheart 2d Red. O. H. Southworth Prince Victoria 116918 C. M. Sanger & Sons Sweetheart O. H. Southworth Prizes: Second senior calf at the American Royal in 1904 ami in 1905 at Lewis and Clark Exposition he was L.M senior yearling and in 2d young herd. 64 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners ROAN INGLEWOOD 223598.. Roan Forest Bros. & Dun- ham ICapt. Inglewood 151190 D. Fisher Imp. Emma ?3d W. S. Marr [Ringmaster 120815 T. R. Westrope & Son Lily Belle J L Red. Frank Dunham Lily E. C. Forest Bloodlines: This breeding is quite largely of Scotch blood. On the side of the sire it is entirely so. The dam carried a large percent of Scotch and among her ancestors are imp. King- of Aberdeen and imp. Duke of Richmond, noted sires in the herd of J. H. Potts & Son, but the foundation of her pedigree is promiscuous breeding. ROAN INGLEWOOD was 2d junior calf at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in 1904 and was there sold for service in Texas. In the herds of that state he proved a good breeder. GODWIN HERO 223933^ Roan. Geo. Allen Bloodlines: Scotch. {Spartan Hero 77932 A. Cruickshank Imp. Golden Thistle A. Cruickshank Butterfly of Spring Creek Red T. J. Wallace & Son Sir Abbot 128850 T. J. Wallace & Son Butterfly of Oakwood S. L. Cheney Prizes: In 1904 he was 5th junior yearling at Hamline, Minn., and 4th at the International. GRACEFUL KNIGHT 223938 Red T. K. Tomson & Sons Gallant Knight 124468... Red. W. A. Harris Graceful 23d, Red. V. R. Ellis Bloodlines: Scotch on mixed foundation. Galahad 103259 W. A. Harris 8th Linwood Goldendrop W. A. Harris fSir Charming 4th 131411 C. C. Morton Graceful 18th V. R. Ellis Prizes: Third junior calf at the American Royal in 1904 and 8th junior yearling in 1905. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 65 ISt. Valentine 121014 Jas Gardhouse & Son \|( march's Lovely J. G. Bobbins & Sons 2D 223943 \ f Prince Victoria 11691S Red. Purdy Bros. \I. s-mger x Son- I Sweetheart I'd J O. H. Southworth I SWIM theart >. H. Southworth Bloodlines: Scotch. This bull is full brother to I'urdy I'.ros. 1 noted sire ' >range Monarch L90181, In l!MU lit- was 1th senior calf at the American Royal and at the International was Ml) in class and in Mh pri/.e ge| of ROYAL SULTAN 223948 II Ilines: Scotch. sultan i - ,:;:, .1. Deane Willis Imp. P.apton Pearl .1. I 'cane Willis Imp. Jessie I'd Roan. John Wilson flan Alpine 1 kelson v Sons John Wilson This is one of several truly great bulls bred by E. S Kelly, and one of tlie many excellent ones ^ot b\- Whitehall Sultan. His show yard career was brief but brilliant and ti rice of his produce made it a distinct loss to his owners and to the breed when he died so youn.u. Pri/.es: His pri/.es at local and BO1 fairs w i 'liable in rinK this record, but at th International of ] '.i .", he was I'd senior \farlin.L; and was 1st pri/.e two-year-old in 1 SIGHTSEER 224131....^ White. K W. Harding Bloodlines: Scotch. Royal Wonder L88110..J ( ' B " Cto '. !;. ( 'lai'ke i imp. Molly donell '.nip. Lady in Wai: IMiiln L. Mill.- nonies I3t;> A. < M-nicUshank aS|'' \\'IT1. iHltilie To ihose who are familiar with the great merit of sire and dan this bull and both his .urand sires, it . onable belief that his bn fully expected something worth seeing-. The sire WB.B a v< pi-i/.e winner, both .urand sires wi-rc hi! *-rna t ional champions and one grand champion, and imp. Lady in Waiting t st bull breeder of modern times. In llnu lie was 4th senior calf ai Hamline. Minn., and r,t American Iloyal and in l:i;, h,- was 1th senior yeailing at Hamline and at the American Royal was :',d and in ::d pri/.e \iung herd. 66 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners ROAN SULTAN 316627 BRED BY THOMAS JOHNSON, COLUMBUS, OHIO, SHENSTONE ALBINO 317105 BRED BY R. P. COOPER, SHENSTONE COURT, ENGLAND Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 67 BARTON VICTOR 224278.. Roan. C. E. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch. IBapton Victory 157363 J. Deane Willis Emmeline 5th \Vni. Duthie (Merry Merlin 159858 Imp. Nellie of Carlogie c M Camer on 6th J R. & w. Robt. Taylor Nellie of Carlogie Robt. Taylor Prizes: First junior calf at Hamline, Minn., in I'.fJ. 1st at the Louisi- ana Purchase Exposition and at tin- American Koyal he was 1st in class and at head of 1st calf herd. BANFF OF ORANGE 224279.. !! ai i Ward Scotch. (Tap A Tie 106717 Lord P.anff 150718 J Kuan. Alex Watson ' K,, ; ,II I 1 . S. Campbell i u t y K.-.l I'.i-os. Abigail 1-J- Banm iksor I '.i <>s. The sire of this calf was an excellent breeder in the herds of Wanl and Milton I Prizes: In I!*".'. In- \\ ttiOr yearling at Hamlim the International was :td and in 1st pri/.e y.,uni? herd. Minn., and at MY CHOICE 224379... Red. Abram Renick (The Professor 1723 Roai Crown Win. Duthie Imp. 'Mara f.Sth W S. Marr Wallace L17I . J. Hill i J Kc.l. Abl ICfc i Kosrbuil 53d Alirani Kcnick Scotch on mixed foundation. This was a. very good bull, as his list of prizes fully attests. His was really an excellent breeder and it was a loss to Shorthorns in America and a mistake of his owner when the bull was sold for export \rgentina, his produce were largely roan, with some whites. lam, imp. Clara 58th, was dam of the noted show heifers. Claret (Mara Belle. First senior calf at International in 1903. In r.i'ii he was I'd senior yearling at Hamline, Minn., 2d at Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition, 2d at the American Royal and junior champion and in 1st young herd at the International. In 1905 he was 3d prize two-year-old at tin- Lewis & <'lark Exposition and at the International lid in class and in 2d pn/.e graded herd. 68 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners BLYTHE CONQUEROR 224431 Roan T. J. Wornall & Son Conqueror 149048 . Red. W. S. Marr {Wanderer 140614 A. Cruickshank Missie 152d W. S. Marr ("Sea King 125762 J. Nelson & Sons Imp. Blythe^ome 15th.. J Roan. W. S. Marr I Blythesome 9th [ W. S. Marr Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second junior calf at the American Royal in 1904. SUPERBUS 224710 .... Red. E. A. McCutcheon Bloodlines: Scotch. Scottish Pride 128543. Red. Wm. Duthie Pride of Morning 120551 Wm. Duthie Imp Missie H2d W. S. Marr Baron Montrath 2d 127799 E. B. Mitchel & Sons Secret Superb Red 1 Secrecy E. B. Mitchel & Sons ( W. A. Harris Prizes: In 1905 he was 2d junior yearling at both the American Royal and the International and at this show was 4th prize two-year-old in 1906. In 1908 he was 5th in class at Hamline, Minn., and in 1909 was 2d at Hamline 4th at the American Royal and 5th at the International. BARTON CHIEF 227581 Roan. C. E. Clarke !Bapton Victory 157363 J. Deane Willis Emmeline 5th Wm. Duthie f Chief of the Clan 14478J W. S. Marr I Imp. Fairplay 4th J Roan. Wm. Duthie ] Fairplay 2d Wm. Duthie Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1906 he was 1st prize two-year-old at Hamline, Minn., and 6th at the International. In 1907 he was 4th in class at Hamline. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners GOOD CHOICE 227852.., Roan Tebo Land & Cattle Co. 1 Remus 151790 A. I. Fortescue Geraldine 5th Jas. Durno {Valentine Duke 126695 C. L. Emmons Silene W. A. Harris Bloodlines: Scotch. GOOD CHOICE when a senior calf was sold to Bellows Hros. and in their herd proved a prepotent sire. He had a very limited show van! career. Prizes: At the American Royal he was 3d junior calf in 1904 and 1st prize two-year-old in 1906. MARSHAL'S BEST 227955.. Red. N. \V. Wanner Sharon Marshal 1L'1136. Red. Aaron p.arher Marshal 110705 \V. A. Harris Lady Sharon Aaron ! ;ai tier 11 nike of Fremont 129098 \V. P. Fry M "/so Tinto J. A. Gillmoi Bloodlines: This is a combination in breeding. Sharon Marshal was a very good bull and an excellent breeder. I doubt very much if his merit has ever been properly appreciated. The last time the writer saw him was when he was twelve years old, yet he was in tine form, with smooth flesh, straight leus and the action of a three-year-old. Prizes: Third price two-year-old at Mainline, Minn., and 4th at the International in 1905. CUMBERLAND'S LAST 229822 . . . White, c. A. Si'.unders Bloodlines: Scotch. Cumberland 1 is.". iN . . . . Roan. J.R.Johnston Imp. L;idy Douglas. . Roan. Jas. Durmi Kinu- James !'< I >. < 'ookson & Sons Imp. < 'lover Kl A. Cruickshank Lord Douirl-,s 1 Win. imthie Lady Cromwell J. Williamson All who are at all familiar with present day herds know something of the remarkable sire Cumberland. It was upon his produce that C. A. Saunders founded his very successful herd. Cumberland's Last proved a fitting finish to the procreative energies of this great sjre. Prizes: His record in the show ring was limited to two years. At the International in 1904 he was 1st and in 1905 was 1st junior yearling and junior champion. He was then sold for $5, COO to F. O. Lowden, but some years later repurchased by Mr. Saunders. 70 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners BAPTON FAVORITE 231780.. White. C. E. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch. IBapton Victory 157363 J. Deane Willis Emmeline 5th Wm. Duthie ("Crimson Chief 140441 Arthur Johnston Dorothea J Roan. Chas. Rankin Lady Jane -Hutton Chas. Rankin BAPTON FAVORITE was from same dam as the famous prize winner Dorothea 2d. Prizes: At the International in 1905 he was 3d prize two-year-old and in 1906 he was 2d prize three-year-old at Hamline, Minn., 3d at the Amer- ican Royal and 6th at the International. In 1907 he was 2d at Hamline, 2d at Kansas City and 4th at Chicago, and in 1908 he was 3d at both Hamline and the American Royal and 6th at the International. WHITE GOODS 234975. White. G. M. Casey Bloodlines: Scotch. Choice Goods 186802, Roan. Jas. Durno Imp. Bessie 51st . Roan. W. S. Marr f Remus 151790 A. I. Fortescue 1 Geraldine 5th [ Jas. Durno fSittyton Pride 136401 Wm. Duthie I Bessie 33d I W. S. Marr Prizes: At the American Royal in 1905 he was 5th senior yearling and 3d prize two-year-old in 1906. NONPAREIL STAR 238402. . White. Sam'l Fletcher Star of the North 152553" Roan A. W. & W. M. Law Lord James 132075 C. E. Law Zoe 2d C. E. Law [Nonpareil Victor 132573 J. Deane Willis Nonpareil Blossom ..... J Red. Geo. Bothwell Grand Blossom Geo. Bothwell Bloodlines: The major portion of this blood is Scotch, but it was bred on an old foundation that runs back through imp. Fisher's Roan. The first two sires were imported Scotch bulls and the third of Grand Victor 115752, an excellent sire. Prizes: In 1905 he was 1st senior calf at Hamline, Minn., and 2d at the International and in 1906 he was junior champion at Hamline and 1st in class at the International. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 71 GOLDEN MAGNET 238688.. Red. H. C. Duncan Bloodlines: Scotch. Mag-net 183058 Red W. G. Pettit & Son IPure Gold 156722 M. & E. McRae Imp. Blossom John Knox I Craven Knight 96923 A. Cruickshank 4th Linwood Goldendrop W. A. Harris Prizes: Golden Magnet was 4th junior yearling at the American Royal in 1905 and was in class in 1908. Victory i :.::;;: J. Deane Willis Bapton Roan. 1 1 U p. I I Knsign r, .1. 1 'cane Willis Emmeline Win. luithie Lord Lovat ('has. Alunro Mnrthly D.irlir.g Chas. Munro BARTON HERO 239401 in. C. E. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch. I'ri/es: In l:n.-, h,- W;( s :,th senior yearling at. llainliiie, Minn., and at the International was 4th and in 2d young herd. SILVER CROWN 240323 Roan. E. C. Holland 1 Wanderer 1 10614 A. Cruickshank Scotland's Belle Wm. Duthie Pearlette Red. I. Barr & Son Ducal Crown 97149 A. Cruickshank Perfection Jas. I. Davidson Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth junior yearling at the International in 1905. 72 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners MAYFLOWER CHIEF 241258 Red. W. H. Dun woody Fitlivie Chief 192919, Roan. R. Taylor fBapton Ensign 172542 J. Deane Willis I Fairplay 4th Wm. Duthio f Prince of Archers 141547 Wm. Duthie Imp. Princess Margaret-! Red. Robt. Bruce I Megmerrilies D/-K+ T3 Robt. Bruce Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Sixth senior yearling at International in 1906. CARELESS CON- QUEROR 241515 Red T. J. Wornall .fc Son Bloodlines: Scotch. Conqueror 14904N. . . Red. W. S. Marr Imp. Blythesome 15th. Roan. W. S. Marr f Wanderer 140614 A. Cruickshank 1 Missie 152d [ W. S. Marr [Sea King 125762 J. Nelson & Sons | Blythesome 9th [ W. S. Marr Prizes: Third junior calf at American Royal in 1905 and in 1906 he was 2d in class and in 4th young herd. DIAMOND'S MARINER 242273.. A.tigustin ir>>;22!> , J. I >'MMf Willis 1 Mapton Diamond Rcan. J. Deano Willis | Imp. Bapton Pearl J. Deane Willis Roan. D. R. Hanna Missie C. White H. Cargill & Son Bloodlines: Scotch in all crosses. Prince Cruickshank 144655 John Man- Imp. Missie 163d W. S. Marr Prizes: In 1906 he was 1st senior yearling at the American Royal and 5th at the International. Record of Shorthorn Prize ff'inmr* 73 BARON VISCOUNT 242294. . Red \V. I'. I larrii'ian & Son Scotch Viscount 2< Q Red. Chas. !:. Leonard Lavender Viscount 124755 S. F. Lockridge 7th Scottish Rosamond Chas. E. Leonard , Victoria Baron 105S59 S Steinmetz I Orphan 7th [ C. 1 1. I'.n.wn Bloodlines: From both sire and dam tlu-re was a considerable propor- tion of Scotch blond, but in both it was blended with that of a mixed foundation, the n both of tlie pedigree the immediate as well as remot - "rs were lirecdcrs. Ci is is so well known that no comment is i dale Violet Hth was among- the best hi- her day. Choic,. c,,iods Mod. 1 \\ns a ?OOd in th,- herd of !:. M. Hall. I'ri/es: In;, he \ enlor calf at Hamline. Minn., and at the American Royal In- wa^ 1st. junior champion, in 1st calf h-rd and 1st f sire, and each of these pri/.es !)> duplicated at Lewis and Clark Kxposition that sain.- fall. EVERLASTING 242727., 1 1.. an. C. I-]. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch. March Kni.nht 1 sMn.", Red. c. i-;. Clarke imp. 1 >airsie Maid Red. F. \V. Christie Red Kni.iiht 15 I '. C. Morris Imp jueen Anne Leith Hay Clinker \Vm. Duthie Try Maid :M l-\ W. Chi The ancestry (.f this bull would give warrant for good results. As eder he fulfilled this expectation, producing some good cattle in the r-Jurnbrae herd. His show yard record was very brief and hi only moderate. Prizes: In lit".". :d senior calf at Hamline, Minn., and at tin- International. 74 American Shorthorn Breeders' Association ROYAL KNIGHT 242731 . . Roan. C. E. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch. Red Knight 157136 March Knight 188105 ' D ' C ' M rris Red. C. E. Clar>e ) i mp . Queen Anne J^eith Hay {Klondike of Baltimore 140510 S. C. Isaac Dorothea Chas. Rankin ROYAL. KNIGHT has good breeding and exceptional merit on both sides of his pedigree. Both March Knight and his sire Red Knight were very impressive sires in the Meadowlawn herd and some of their heifers were champions at the International. On the other side there is also great distinction, as Dorothea, the granddam of Royal Knight, is dam of the famous Dorothea 2d. Prizes: In 1905 he was 1st junior calf at Hamline, Minn., and at the International he was 2d and in 1st calf herd. SIDELIGHT 242886 Roan. F. W. Harding Bloodlines: Scotch. Royal Wonder 188110 Red. C. E. Clarke Justice 140578 C. E. Clarke rmp. Moliy Alex MacDonell {Master of Ceremonies 136633 A. Cruickshank Ripe Raspberry Wm. Duthie The top ancestors look good to those who are familiar with modern Shorthorns. As a young bull Sidelight had been indifferent in the show ring", but in 19C9 he was senior champion at Hamu'ne, Minn., at the Amer- ican Royal senior champion and in 4th graded herd, and at the Inter- national 2d prize aged bull and in 5th herd. ROYAL ORANGE fGodoy 115675 fOrange Hero 152689.... I Red. W. A. Betteridge I Re d Orange [ Wm. J. Miller Roan. F. M. Marshall 'Golden Star 159823 W. S. Marr Roan. John Wilson Imp. Jessie 2d John Wilson Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Royal Orange was 4th senior yearling in 1906 and 6th prize two-year-old in 1907 at the American Royal. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 75 GLEN BROOK SUL- TAN 243185 .. White. E. S. Kelly Bloodlines: Scotch Whitehall Sultan White. J. Deane Victoria of Hill Farm 8th Roan. C. B. Dustin & Son. Bapton Sultan lt>3570 J. Deane Willis Jmp. Bapton Pearl J. Deane Willis Lavender Lad 119937 Wm. Duthie Victoria of Hill 5th C. B. Dustin Fan M As Glenbrook Sultan's show yard career was brief his prizes do not indicate his real m -rit. l.ui M B sir-. ..f prize winners he holds a high rank. He was one of t Whitehall Sultan. At two years of age he was sold at public- sale in Chicago to Thus. Johnson for $2,025 :ime when values ruled rather low. 1'ri/e.s: First seni'.r ealf at the International in l!o:> and in I'.'ns h" was I'd pri/.- a^-d hull and headed I'd herd. GWENDOLINE VIC- TOR 2D 243304 .... Red. . (Mmean iron dolddust ::d 1 Knight of Meadow Fatr.i F,. r i,,.v ] ! }_'7;M J torla J. W. Dawdy & Son f Victor 1 laron 1 :''. ''Ii! Gwendoline of Meadow-- c B Dustin & Son lawn J line .1. !: Win. Illoodi. ..tch. I'rixes: s-nior y.-arlini; at the Ainei-j.-an Koyal in ABBOTSBURN 243458. Red. X. W. Wagner in Marshal Red. Aaron Barber Carrie Abbotsburn . . . Red, little white W. A. Boland Marshal lluTnT, W, A. Harris Sharon Aaron Ba 11 f 11 ni:; i H. A. Colton Mary Abbotsburn 7th T. S. Moberly Bloodlines: A blending of Scotch blood with descendants of imp. Rose of Sharon and imp. Young Mary, two as prolific and profitable breeders as any cows of the early importations. Sharon Marshal was a bull of very great merit and a grandson of Col. Harris' great cow imp. Princess Alice. The maternal granddam, Mary Abbotsburn 7th, was by Young Abbotsburn and was the champion cow of American show yards for two or three years. Prizes: Abbotsburn was 4th junior calf in 1905, 4th aged bull at the International in 1910 and 6th in 1911. At the Ohio State Fair he was 3d in 1911 and 2d in 1912. 76 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners DIAMOND GOODS 333014 BRED BY BELLOWS BROS., MARYVILLE, MO. COUNT AVON 334946 BRED BY CARPENTER & ROSS, MANSFIELD, OHIO Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 77 GOLDEN MONARCH 243982 Red, little white Purely Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. Lord Lovell 157130 J. G. Robbins & Sons Orange Monarch 190181.' R. & w. Purdy Bros. | Sweetheart 2d O. H. Southworth Prince Victoria 116918 C. M Sanger & Son;. Gold Mine i' I Red. O. II. Southworth | GoHmine ( >. H. Soutbworth Prizes: At the American Royal in I'.Mir, he w.-is I'd junior calf and in I'd calf herd and at the International was t;th in cl:i SCOTCH PRESIDENT 245002. . Roan. i;o m 1 resident 177 Roan I..-.,|H.I,I .1,. i:. White President l77!U'i K. Tin -in r Imp- .Mayilowr :,th I.- op, ,1.1 eke Uothchild J Scottish Kin- inn74:{ K. I'.ellou Yionn:i (.^m-cn ::! R. NT \v. I. I'.arr A: Soi. ' \'i-nn;i (.Jut-en I. I'.; it i- ^- Son Bloodlines: Scotch. The breeding .,f Scotch Pr<-sid-nt warrants his nam>. His sire was bred in England but was calvd :iftf-r tli<- importation of Ma\ tlo\v-r f>th. She was a cow of great nu-rit and in the \V. I). Klatt saU- of August, 1900, was sold for $2,600 to O. M Carney. Prix.. nd junior calf at the AiiM-rican Royal in 1!H)L'. A VON DALE 245'44 I-:. S. Kt-lly \Vhit'ha!I Sultan 16 White. .1. 1 >-aiu> 1 :a"ton Sultan ' .]. Dean* Willis Imp. Hapton IVarl J. I )t-:ino Willis Itfescombe H. Allen ' valanch.- C. H. Jolliffe Bloodlines: Scotch. Whitehall Sultan conferred on the Shorthorns of America a bcm-Ht that can never h.- mcasim-d. of his many excellent sons A\ondal<> certainly holds premier place when coiisidfi urno Remus 151790 A. I. Fortescue Geraldine fith Jas. I Mirno Duke of ( >:ikl:md 1M 118945 ie of T*-l 10 Red. l\ A. Howards, i Golden Lassie John Mc-Ihmh CHOICE KNIGHT was what many judges thought the best bull calf in the dispersion sale of the Tebo Lawn herd. His price in that sale was $1,005. He proved a good breeder. He was shown only as a calf and yearling. Prizes: In 1906 he was 2d senior calf at Hamline, Minn., and at the American Royal he was 4th in class and headed 1st calf herd. In 1H07 he was 3d senior yearling at Hamline. ROSEDALE'S CHOICE 253419.. Red Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Bloodlines: Scotch. Choice Goods 186802. Roan. Jas. Durno Rosedale Violet 9th. Red 1 Remus 151790 A. I. Fortescue Geraldine 5th Jas. Durno Scottish Chief 89317 I. Barr & Son Rosedale Violet Wm. Thompson & Son L W. A. Harris ROSEDALE'S CHOICE when a calf was in the dispersion of the herd of the Tebo Land and Cattle Co. and was sold to Chas. E. Leonard & Son. He is own brother to The Choice of All 215050 and Choice Goods' Model 242589. Prizes: At the American Royal he was 5th prize two-year-old in 1908 and 8th prize three-year-old in 1909. 80 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners LORD CHAMPION 254700. . Red. C. A. Saunders Bloodlines: Scotch. ("Champion 11S343 J. S. McCauley King- Champion 191878.. Red. S. n. Crawford 1 Gladiolus Imp. Lady Douglas. . Roan. Jas. Durno H. C. Duncan 'Lord Douglas 132003 Wm. Duthie Lady Cromwell J. Williamson LORD CHAMPION in the herd of Purdy Bros, demonstrated the value of his good breeding by the quality of his get. Prizes: At the American Royal in 1906 he was 3d junior yearling and in 2d young- herd and at the International was 2d in class and was in the 1st young herd. In 1907 he was 1st prize -two-year-old at the American Roval and 2d at the International. IAugustin 156229 J. Deane Willis Imp. Rripton Pearl J. Deane Willis DIAMOND CROWN 258864. . Roan. D. R. Hanna Bloodlines: Scotch. Imp. Village Belle. . . Roan. The Queen C Prince Victor 159879 J. Deane Willis Village Maiden W. S. Marr This breeding is worthy of comment. Bapton Diamond was a good sire and had the distinction of being half In-other to he great Whitehall Sultan. Imp. Village Belle was dam of King Edward 172814, grand cham- pion of the Lewis and Clark Exposition. Prizes: In 1906 he was" I'd senior calf at the American Royal and 4th at the International. DIAMOND'S PRIDE 258868.. rAugustin 156229 J. Deane Willis Bapton Diamond 18700lJ Roan. J. Deane Willis I Imp. Bapton Pearl J. Deane Willis Roan. D. R. Hanna f Silver Plate J. Bruce Imp. Proud Averne 2d . . . J Roan. Wm. Duthie Proud Averne Wm. Duthie Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second junior calf at American Royal in 1906. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 81 SCOTCH GOODS 259864 Roan Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Hloodlines: Scotch. Choice Goods 188.'2. Roan. Jas. Durno Imp. Ciceley Koan. Thr Queen Remus 151790 A. I. Fortescue Geraldine 5th Jas. Durno ("Prince Victor 159879 J. Deane Willis | Christobel II. Nelson SCOTCH GOODS had fn and both cham- pions in the rnited States. Scotch (Joods when a small calf was sold with dam for $l.L'0se of Russell Red, little white Stuart Land a- Cattle Stuart Landfc(';ittl*-< !o Bloodlines: Scotch mi an Kn^lish frumdjition of mixed tdood. I'rix.-s: In 1906 he was I'd junior calf at Harnline. Minn., and ."th at the Intel-national. GLOSTER KNiGHT 263198.. Roan. larke l',l..odlines: Scotch. March Knight 18810" K.d. C. K. < 'larke Red Knight 157136 D. C. Mori-is Imp. Queen Anno Leith Hay 1 Blood Royal 168876 Wm. ('ummings & Son -list imchess of Gloster Arthur lohnsf n In th.- Association sale ;i( tin- International in lHnT C.l..ster Kni.uht was sold for $1,300 to Knx X- (Jal lather. MI,.^,,,, \\-j s I'rixes: In inn; at th- Intel-national he was iM junior yearling in 1st herd and I'd ^et of sire. In HMIS h.- was 1st pri/.e t\ "Id. 82 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners SNOWFLAKE 263207... White. .J.H.Anderson Nonpareil Stamp 138487 Roar. Ceo. Bothwel'. Imp. Pitlivie Caroline.. Roan. Robt. Taylor 'Nonpareil Victor 132573 J. Deane Willis Violet Pride J. S. McCauley Bold Archer 234833 John Gilmour Imp. Caroline Lord Lovat Bloodlines: This breeding is essentially and practically Scotch, yet there is a small portion of Bates blood that comes through Blocky 848CO, the sire of his paternal granddam. Snowflake is full brother to Snowbird 11648, an International junior champio^i, and dam of the noted Fair Acres Sultan 354154. A lasting distinction for Snowflake is that he sired Ringmaster, winner of more champion prizes than any bull of any time. Prizes: In 1907 he was 1st junior yearling at Hamline, Minn., was 1st at the American Royal and was 2d prize two-year-old at that show in 1908. [Whitehall Sultan 163573. White. J. Deane Willis ORANGE SULTAN 263522 Roan. F. W. Harding [ I Orange Blossom 35th. . ^ Rod Bapton Sultan 163570 J. Deane Willis Imp. Bapton Pearl J. Deane Willis Victor Brawith 151026 N. H. Gentry Orange Blososm of Oak- land 3d J. B. Biggerstaff Kellogg Stock Rarni Bloodlines: Scotch. Orange Sultan was 4th junior yearling at the International Prizes: in 1907. KNIGHT COM- MANDER 263720.. Red. C. E. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch. {Red Knight 157336 D. C. Morris Imp. Queen Anne Leith Hay ("Royal Exchange 151374 J. & W. Russell Miss Mysie J Red. John Fletcher Mysie 46th [ Geo. Thompson Prizes: In 1906 he was 1st junior calf at Hamline, Minn., 4th at the American Royal and at the International he was 1st in class and in 2d calf herd. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 83 FLOWER KNIGHT 264126.. Red. Thos. Harborn Bloodlines: Scotch. March Knight 188105 Red. C. E. Clarke JRed Knight 157136 D. C. Morris Imp. Queen Anne T.eith Hay Flower Girl llth... Red, little white R. Copeland [Royal Prince 201650 W. S. Marr Imp. Flower Girl 10th R. Copoland Prizes: In 1906 Flower Knight was r,th senior calf at Hamline, Mnn.. and in 1907 he was 2d senior yearling at Hamline, 2d and in 1st get of sire at the American Royal and at the International hi- was :',d in class and in 1st young herd. ANOKA SULTAN 264212.. White. F. \V. Harding Bloodlines: Scotch. Whitehall Si.ltan ,* White. .I. l.-ane Willis Imp l.:idy in Waiting. II. -an. I'hilo TV. Mills I'.apton Sultan J. Deane Willis Imp. I'.apton I' J. Deane Willis monies A. ( i-uiekshank i.;s| ' W.n. lUithie The breeding of Anoka Sultan d- refill study. It wmild bo hard to find an animal with more distingui.- and dam. When two years of age he was sold for $4,000 to I), li. Ha: 1'rizes: In 1906 lie was 1st ienlor at Hamline. Mi,, n .. 1st at the Amer- ican I-l,.y:iI and I'd at the Int.-rnat i.-na 1. In I'.'oT at Hamline he was 1st senior yearling and junior champion, 1st senior yearlitm and in 1st young herd at the Aim-riean Koyal an. I at the International 1st in class and in i -ire; in ]:enver, 1st pri/e tWO-year-Old at Hamline. ::| : ,t the Amerif-ai, I>o\al an.) I'd at the International. MONARCH'S MODEL 2D 264468 . . lied. Purdy Bros. Orans R. & w. Purdy Bros. Ruby 4Lh - Red. O. H. South v. Lord Lovel 13" J. G. Robbins & Sons Sweetheart 2d O. H. Southworth O. H. Southworth 21 O. H. oSuthworth Bloodlines: This breeding repres- percent Scotch blood on -is that runs back through imp. Rose of Sharon. Prizes: At the International junior calf and in 1st calf herd. in Monarcl s 3d 84 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners CHOICE ABBOTS- BURN 264801 Red. N. H. Gentry [The Choice of All 215' 5.0 Roan. G. M. Casey ("Choice Goods 186802 Jas. Durno , J Rosedale Violet 9th Win. Thompson & Ron ("Victorious 121469 W. A. Harris Lady Abbotsburn J Roan. N. H. Gentry ] White Rose Abbotsburn [ T. J. Wallace & Son Bloodlines: This pedigree is what we call Rose of Sharon, but it is 87% percent Scotch and has the blood of Choice Goods, Rosedale Violet 9th, Victorious and Young- Abbotsburn, all of very great merit and most excellent breeders. Prizes: Choice Abbotsburn was exhibited during but and at the American Royal in 1906 he was 3d senior calf. one season, SECRET HAMPTON 264849.. Roan. Bellows Bros. I' Merry Hampton 132572 Wm. Duthie Hampton's Best 170818. J Roan. C. B. Dustin Secret of Hill Farm 2d [ C. B. Dustin Sympathy ^ Roan. John McHugh Minatour 112844 D. Sheehan & Sons Sunflower John McHugh Bloodlines: This breeding is Scotch and both sire and dam are of the Secret family. Prizes: In 1906 at the American Royal Secret Hampton was 1st junior calf and in 1st calf herd. CHAMPION OF LYN DALE 265011.. White. C. D. Bellows Invincible Hampton 206226 Roan P. Bellows & Sons P.ose Admiral . Roan. Chas. Wells (Merry Hampton 132572 Wm. Duthie 1 Lovrly of Greendaie 3d [ R. T. Scott f Young Admiral 133614 C. D. Bellows I Tea Rose A. Chas. Wells Bloodlines: This is mixed breeding. The sire is Scotch and the dam is a mixture of Scotch, Booth and Bates. Young Admiral had Booth blood. Rose Admiral descended from imp. Young Mary. Prizes: Fourth junior yearling at the American Royal in 1906 ancl 5th prize two-year-old in 1907. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 85 INGLE LAD 266313 Roan. S. C. Hanna 'ollynie 135022 Red. Wm. Dr.thie ("Scottish Archer 117::1 A. Cruickshank I Lavender 15th A. Cruickshank Inglemaid Roan. Hanna .<: (V. Hanna & Co. Princess Beryl Hanna & Co. Bloodlines: This pedigree passes as a Scotch-topped Young Mary, but it is so thoroughly impregnated with goood Scotch blood that to all practical purposes it is Scotch all through. The sin- was import, d from Scotland and the dam runs back through the famous Fannie Ainlries of the Potts herd and has five crosses of Scotch bulls, tin- last on*- bring imp. Duke of Richmond. Ingle Lad was a good bull and a choice bn He was 98% percent Scotch and he furnishes the best argument I know against the folly of pedigree prejudice. Prizes: Third junior yearling at the American Royal in 1907 and 4th prize two-year-old in 1908. GOLDEN PRESIDENT 266327 Red. Fred Case nt 177'.J!) Roan President 177919. I R " Tur "" r Roan limp. Mayflower -".th ..I.I de Uothchild [ .,.,,1,1 de R.-hehild {Victor Brawit X. H. Gentry (loldenrod 4th Jas. 1. Davidson J'.loodlines: This breeding is E I for a tiny trace of B that comes through .">th Duke of Hillhuisi. Mayllo\ver :,th. th- pa i granddam, sold in the l-'latt sale August. I:HI . for .^L'.C.IMI, the higln-sr "f the sale. Prizes: Third senior yearling at the American Royal in fGodoy 1 1 :.*;::, mdard Bearer 220808 I XV> A " inis Roan. W. P. Harne- 1 .. 1 Flora G , STANDARD LAVEN- Frank liell, A, DER 266386 \ r Lavender Viscount Red 11-47.-,:, \V. H. H. Stephens & I Miss Leonard Viscount. J S. F. Lockridge Son R"^- v - v - !l H. Steph- Mary's Scotch L ens 17!0 A. I. Fortescue Geraldine 5th Jas. Durno ("Cortez 150677 R. Stratton Imp. Mayflower 5th.... J Red I Mayflower 3d Leopold de Rothchiid [ R. Stratton Bloodlines: Scotch. This bull had distinguished parentages from both sides of his pedigree. Prizes: In 1907 May King was 1st junior calf at Hamline, Minn., and 5th at the American Royal. Record of Shorthorn Prize ROYAL KINTORE 281530. . Royal Sultan 223948. Roan E. S. Kelly Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Jessie 2d John Willson L,orri Kintore 160283 ; I of Kintore Red Herr I '.ros. & Reynolds | Lady Kintore Roan. Arthur Johnston j Cecelia Queen Arthur Johnston l'lo..dlines: Scotch. Royal Sultan was a strictly choice Imll and proved an impressive sire, though he died when quite young. I'rix.. :1 Kintor-- was :;d senior calf .-it the International in 1!H>7, in 1908 he was IM senior yearling at Hamline, Minn., and Md at the International and was Uth pri/.e t wo-ye;, r -old at the Ameriean R in 1909. COUNT WINIFRED 281800. . Whitehall < JoUl Roan. !;. S. Kelly W. i I. i . Bloodlines Whitehall Sultan LI J. Deane Willis .'"hn Arthur 1 ; Winili-ed .',d ^ Blodgett A. I 1 ,. Watt ,ady Winifi'ed Mitchell . Prizes: In HHI; Count \\'inified was Ith junior calf at Haniline, Minn., llh at the American Royal and 7th at the Inti-rnatiimal. In UHI.X he was lior yi-arliiig at Haniline, :;d at the American Royal and at the International. NONPAREIL DIA MONO 281801.. Ion Ensign i eane ^\'illis Royal Roan lM Jonas Dininger Tins^i-i-.- i- i,f mix*--! l.rc.Mlin---. Th- Diamond Karl is a ^randsnn nf Ymnitf Ahl'ot shui'ii and through his dai: Uith. is .ant of imp. Hrlina !> liarmpton. < >n the side of tin- dam I liammid Karl has flu- hlo.i.l ,,f tin- ^n-:it sin- Mnpton Diamond, half hi-oiher to \Vhitt-hall Sultan, hut Js of mix.-d lu-.-i-ilin^ j n the foun- dation. I'ri/.es: Diamoiul l^ai-I was 1th senior >earliim ;i nd in 1th \oun.i; at the American Koy;l in 1!08. RUBERTA'S GOODS 283807 Roan Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Bloodlines: Scotch. Col.iell G00< Red Tobo Land &. Cattle Co. [Choice 186802 Jas. Durno leu Abbotsl.urn [ T. S. Moberly ("St. Valentine 121014 Jas. Gardhouse & Son Ruberta Roan Russella J. G. Robbins & Sons I Ezra Swain As might be expected from, such ancestors, Ruberta's Goods proved a very prepotent sire, and while his own prize record is brief he sired many successful prize winners. Prizes: In 1907 he was 1st senior calf, junior and grand champion at the American Royal, also 1st senior calf at the International, and at the International in 1908 he was 1st senior yearling". 92 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners Whitehall Marshal 209776 Roan. E. S. Kelly BRUCE 285232 \ Roan. F. W. Harding Bloodlines: Scotch. Imp. Minorca 4th.... Roan. A. M. Leslie {Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Missie 167th W. S. Marr Craibstone 135226 A. a Pirie Minorca Alex Milne Prizes: Bruce was 4th senior calf at Hamline, Minn., and 3d at the American Royal in 1907. MARSHAL'S' BEST 285233.. Red. F. W. Harding Bloodlines: Scotch. Whitehall Marshal 209776 Roan. E. S. Kelly {Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Missie 167th W. S. Marr {Master of Ceremonies 136633 A. Cruickshank Ripe Raspberry Wm. Duthie MARSHAL'S BEST had for sire the greatest prize winner of his day and for dam a cow that as a breeder had no equal. Prizes: In 1907 he was 2d senior calf at Hamline, Mjnn., 3d at the American Royal and 4th at the International and at the last named two shows he was in 3d calf herd. In 1909 he was 6th prize two-year- old at the American Royal. ROYAL ARCHER 285243.. Roan f Archer ^05740 ( Collynie Win. Duthie Roan. Hanna & Co. Imp . Circe 3d [ John Wilson [Gallant Knight 124468 T. K. Tomson & Sons I Rose Sterne 5th I W ' A " Harris I Red Rose Sterne I I m Tr m Bloodlines: Scotch on an old foundation that came to America through imp. Belina by Barmpton (54). She was calved in 1822 and was imported in 1825 by J. H. Powell. Prizes: Royal Archer was 2d junior calf at the American Royal in 1907. Record of Shorthorn Prize 'Winners 93 TEMPTATION Red 285244.. \ 1 Galahad 103259 W. A. Harris 8th Linwood Goldendrop W. A. Harris T. K. Tomson & Sons I Thorny Rose 3d !>...! "D U Curator 123068 L. E. Shattuck Red. P. H. Harsell I Thorny Rose 2d [ P. H. Harsell Bloodlines: Scotch on descendants of imp. Rose of Sharon. Prizes: At the American Royal in 1907 Temptation was 4th senior calf and in 4th calf herd. CLIPPER'S CHOICE 285658. . nder Clipper :J"::77i Whit.-. W. D. Halt Dice Coo, is 181 .las. Dnnio Imp. I.a\ encl.-r I'ri- Win. Dnthie White W. II. Dun woody Bloodlines: Scotch. ("Golden Mi.-- SWoodhill May Blossom \Vm. Duthie Bd 4 Roan W. H. I Hmwoody Imp. May Blososm 4th ('has. Munro Prizes: In 1907 Clipper's choice was 1st senior calf at Hamline, Minn., and r,th at the International. In 1908 he was 1st senior yearling at Ham- line, 2d and in 3d young 1 herd at the Intel-national, and at this show in he was L'd pri/.e two-year-old. JUNO CLIPPER 285660^ {Choice Goods 1S6802 Jas. Durno Imp. Lavender Princess J. Deane Willis Roan W. H. Dunwoody Bloodlines: Scotch. Juno of Woodhill Red W. H. Dunwoody fPitlivie Chief 192919 Robt. Taylor Imp. Juno c .M. Cordon Prizes: In 1907 Juno Clipper was 3d senior calf at Hamline. Minn., and at the International was 2d and in 2d calf herd. 94 Record of Shorthorn Prize dinners WOODHILL STAR- LIGHT 3D 285662.... \ Roan W. H. Dunwoody Bloodlines: Scotch. [Choice Goods 186802 Jas. Durno Lavender Clipper 2037714 White. W. D. Flatt Imp. Lavender Princess Imp. Juno Red. C. M. Gordon [ J. Deane Willis {Star of Morning 121243 Wm. Duthie Zealous Girl A. Scott Imp. Juno will be remembered as the dam of prize winners of hjgh merit at the International. Prizes: Woodhill Starlight 3d was 8th junior yearling at the Inter- national in 19(8 and was 5th prize two-year-old in 1909, KNIGHT CRUSADER 285677.. Red. C. E. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch. IRed Knight 157136 D. C. Morris Imp. Queen Anne Leith Hay IMurchison 192330 Geo. Bruce Ury Maid 2d Wm. Duthie limp. Sweet Maid 2d Prizes: Knight Crusader was 1st prize two-year-old at Hamline, Minn., and 4th at the American Royal in 1909. SCOTTISH LAD 285706 Red. D. B. Searle - Bloodlines: Scotch. Pitlivie Merry Lad 191507 Red. Robt. Taylor I Scottish Isabelle 2d L Red, little white Purdy Bros. Merry Merlin 15985S C. M. Cameron Imp. Caroline Lord Lovat [Scottish Victor 146360 0. H. Southworth Lady Isabelle 1. Barr & Son Prizes: In 1907 Scottish Lad was 5th junior calf at Hamline, Minn., and 3d at the International. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 95 PRINCE LUSTRE 286379 'Prince Lovely 155860 , Wm. Duthie [Prince Pavonia 207316... Roan. C. F. Wolf & Son ] Imp. Glendale Pavonia Philo L. Mills Roan. C. S. Nevius I Butterfly's Lustre Red W. B. Tucker Estate Lowland Chief 99277 A. Cruickshank Susan Cleveland \V. B. Tucker Bloodlines: Essentially of Scotch breeding, but in the third genera- tion of the female line there is a collateral cross that rims back through imp. Young Mary. I'ri/.es: S-<-..M. It. Hanna Haby lil\ tiles, ,me .1. \l. Lawn-' Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1907 Barrister was 3d junioi- calf at the American 1: and 9th at the International; in 1908 he was 4th in class at Kansas City and 6th at Chicago, and in 190M lie was :M pri/e two-year-old at Ham- line, Minn., and 5th at Chic KING CUMBERLAND 288383.. Roan. F. O. Lowden {Cumberland 1 K. .1. .Johnston Imp. Lady Don. Jas. Durno I iv Prince 177870 John Israel Walpole J Bonnie Belle Lancaster Red. Jas. Walpole 2d S. G. Crawford 1'loodlines: Scotch. King Cumberland made a sensational record in the show ring when a. yearling. The wonderful record of his sire as a breeder needs no further comment, but it may be of interest to state that Miss Walpole, dam of King Cumberland, sold at one time with other cows at $130 per head. After winning junior champion prizes at the International, King Cumberland was sold for $5,000 to Elmendorf Farm. Prizes: In 1907 he was 6th junior calf at the International. In 1908 he was junior and grand champion at both the American Royal and the International, and at Chicago he was 1st pri/e two-year-old in 1909 and 2d prize three-year-old in 1910. 96 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winner* BEST OF ALL 288740. Red. W. B. Dale {'Victor Mysie 2d 121471 S. H. Thompson & Sons Victoria Veech 4th R. S. Veech Lavender Viscount 124755 I Sylph of Glenmore 3rdJ R^d. S. H. Judy Sylph of Glenmore S. H. Judy Bloodlines: Scotch on a foundation of mixed breeding. Prizes: Third junior yearling at International in 1908. {Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche I'd C. H. JolitTe 291609 -j Scotch Mist 157620 Red. Carpenter & Ross | Wm " Duthie I Matchless Mist J Matchless of Cloverleaf Red. D. M. Ream 2d [ Ellis Williams Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second prize aged bull at Ohio State Fair in 1911 and 4th at the International. GALLANT KNIGHT'S HEIR 292014 Red, little white T. K. Tomson & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. [Gallant Knight 124468 Red. W. A. Harris Victoria of Maple Hill Red. H. C. Duncan Galahad 103259 W. A. Harris 8th Linwood Goldendrop W. A. Harris Chief Violet of Maple Hill 118394 Wm. Thompson & Son 21st Linwood Victoria W. A. Harris Prizes: At the American Royal he was 1st senior yearling in 19os. prize two-year-old in 1909 and 4th prize three-year-old in 1910. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 97 Lavender Viscount SEARCHLIGHT 292031 Roan Thomas, Jameson & Mitchell Orange Belle Wm. J. Miller {Symmetry 126509 Wm - W;irfield 41st Duchess of Gloster Arthur Johnston Bloodlines: Scotch in all crosses except Symmetry and he has three crosses of Scotch on a foundation of English blood that runs back through imp. Seraphic by Marmaduke 2d. Prizes: In 1908 Searchlight was 2d junior yearling at the American Royal and was 1st prize two-year-old in 1909. In 1912 he was 6th pri/.o aged bull. White COM.IS 234971 White. W. M. Casey COL. CARVEL 292926. j Choice Goods 186802 .las. Durno Imj-. 1st W. S. Marr Roan ho Mitchell I r.arrist.-r 101724 W. A. Han-is Thomas, Jameson & j La(ly i aic n e L Red. K. K. Thomas 1 Lucille 2d Bloodlines: This bn-- Red and white John Dryden & Son 4th Red. John Dryden {('ollyni.' Archer 149948 Win. Duthie Carrie John Dryden {Prince Gloster 152470 S. C, James & Sons Berti. John Dryden IJlondlines: I'ri/es: I'.'-rtie's Hen in 19 was 1st senior yearling at the International March Knight 188105. lie.]. < ' !] KNIGHT PERFEC- TION 299568 C. E. Clurko Scotch. I Golden Bud Red. John Dryden Anight 151 I*. C, Morris Imp. Queen Anne Leith Hi Earl of March J. & W. \\. Wall Imp. Orange 11 I-:. Cruickshank Knight. IVrlVrt ion was 2<\ s.-nioi- calf at. Hamlim-. Minn., in tnd at the Aniecican lxo\a| lie was :;d and in the ;!d calf 100 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners KNIGHT TEMPLAR 299569.. [March Knight 188105.... Red. C. E. Clarke Roan. C. E. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch. 41st Duchess of Gloster.. Roan. Arthur Johnston fRed Knight 157136 D. C. Morris Imp. Queen Anne Leith Hay King James 127948 S. Campbell 37th Duchess of Gloster Arthur Johnston Prizes: First junior calf at Hamline, Minn., and 5th at the Inter- national in 1908. PREMIER KNIGHT 299570 Roan. C. E. Clarke Red Knight 157136 D. C. Morris f March Knight 188105. Red. C. E. Clarke Imp. Queen Anne Leith Hay fPrince Arthur 165108 J. & W. B. Watt Lady Winifred 3d J Roan. C. E. Blodgett J Lady Winifred [ R. Mitchell & Son Bloodlines: This breeding is mainly of Scotch blood, but is on a foundation imported from England to Canada in 1833. Prizes: In 1908 Premier Knight was 5th junior calf at Hamline, Minn., 2d at the American Royal and 1st at the International. SUPERB 300054 Roan Ardmore Stock Co. Bloodlines: Scotch. Superbus 224170 Red. E. H. McCutcheon Miss Ramsden of Ard- more Roan. F. A. Edwards (-Scottish Pride 128543 Wm. Dulhie I Secret Superb E. B. Mitchell & Sons Duke of Oakland 2d 118945 J. R. Crawford & Sons Nina Lass Albert Johnston Prizes: Superb was 4th junior calf at Hamline, Minn., in 1908 and 3d junior yearling in 1909. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 101 [Captain Archer 205741 Red. Hanna & Co. THE CAPTAIN 300454. \ Roan. J. F. Stodder s< iainon Imp. Missi- 1 tilth \V. S. Marr Imp. Shenstone Princess- Roan. Henry Duddinj Bulwark __ C. M. Cameron :mp. Twin Princess 9th C. M. Cameron Bloodlines: Scotch. LEADER OF FASHION proved a good breeder. Prizes: Leader of Fashion was 1st senjor calf at Hamline, Minn., in 1908, was 1st and in 2d calf herd at the American Royal and 3d at the International. In 1909 he was champion at Denver. 102 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners KING COTTON 30081&.- White. W. W. Brown IBapton Ensign 172542 J. Deane Willis Imp. Fairplay 4th Wm. Duthie {Mystic Archer 145261 Wm. Duthie Oakwood Kirklevington Thos. H. Mastin Bloodlines: Scotch and Bates blended. Prizes: In 1909 King 1 Cotton was 2d senior yearling at Hamline, Minn., and 3d at the American Royal. ROSEBUD CHAMPION 300921 . . Roan. Thos. Johnson {Village Champion 206037 Wm. Duthie Pine Grove Clipper 3d W. C. Edwards & Co. ..Geneva's Champion of Maple Hill 128151 Geneva's Rosebud I Red. John P. Howell H. C. Duncan Belina John P. Howell Bloodlines: This is Scotch blood on a foundation of mixed breeding. Prizes: Second junior yearling at the International in 1908 and 5th prize two-year-old at Hamline, Minn., in 1909. VILLAGE MARSHAL 302358. . Roan. D. Tjetjen I Whitehall Marshal 209776 E. S. Kelly Royal Nora Hanna & Co. {Choice Goods 186802 Jas. Durno Imp. Village Belle Wm. Duthie Bloodlines: This breeding combines the blood of Whitehall Sultan and Choice Goods, both champions and famous breeders. Their blood has contributed in a marvelous way to the development of Shorthorns in America. Both had a small amount of Bates blood, as has been fre- quently stated, and in addition to that Village Marshal had a dash of Bates from his granddam Royal Nora, she being by a Scotch sire and out of a Rose of Sharon dam. Prizes: In 1909 Village Marshal was 5th junior yearling at the Amer- ican Royal and 7th at the International. In 1910 he was 4th prize two- year-old at the International and in the Association sale brought $1,125 for export to Argentina. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 103 SULTAN OF ANOKA 302426. . White. F. W. Harding Bloodlines: Scotch. IBapton Sultan 163570 J. Deane Willis Imp. Bapton Pearl J. Deane Willis {Master of Ceremonies 136633 A. Cruickshank Ripe Raspberry Wm. Duthte SULTAN OF ANOKA is full brother to Anoka Sultan 264212. Though he had great merit, his record in the show ring was brief, When a year- ling he was s..ld at auction to J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind., in whose herd he proved an excellent sire. Prizes: He was 3d junior calf at the Anu-ri< an Royal in inns and 5th at the International. At Ohio State Fair in 1912 he was 3d prize three- year-old. r Whitehall Marshal 209776 Roan. E. S. Kelly RED MARSHAL 303741, Red. F.W.Harding Bloodlines: Scotch. Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Missie 167th W. S. Man- Roscommon 150164 Geo. Bruce Imp. Countess t.'ashmere. Roan. Alex Innes ) Lady Cashmere Alex Im Prizes: In 1908 Red Marshal was nth senior calf at the International and in 1909 was 1st senior yearling at Hamline, Minn.. IM at the American Royal and 3d at the International. Royal Sultan _ Roan. E. S. Kelly ROYAL COUNT 304024 \ Red Whitehall Sultan l< J. Deane Willis Imp. Jessie 2d John Wilson rSir Taton 172752 Jas. Ferris & Son Herr Bros. & Reynolds j Duchess 1 tth J Duchess 20th of Dere- ham Abbey I " I Red. McDonald Bros. | .McDonald Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch in the main on an old English foundation. Prizes: In 1909 Royal Count was 2<1 junior yearling at Hamline, Minn., and 8th at the International. 104 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners NONPAREIL MAR QUIS 304059 I Spicy Robin 134607 J. Deane Willis Maude 37th W. S. Marr Roan. Wm. Van Home Bloodlines: Scotch. ("British Officer 181294 S. J. Pearson & Son Crimson Rose J Red I Nonpareil 47th A. Robertson & Son S. J. Pearson & Son Prizes: Fourth prize aged bull at Hamline, Minn., and 4th at the International in 1909. 'King Champion S ' LORD FAVORITE 304256. . Red. Purdy Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. 19187S fLord Champion 254700. Red. C. A. Saunders imp. Lady Douglas Jas. Durno rVictor Ramsden 121473 O. H. Southworth I Goldmine 3d ........... J Red. O.H.Souihworth Goldmine O. H. Southworth Prizes: Second senior calf at the American Royal in 1908 and 4th senior yearling in 1909. Avondale 245144 Roan. E. S. Kelly THE GALLANT 304330J White Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. (-Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis limp. Avalanche 2d [ C. H. Joliffe jimp. Rosewood Pride..., Roan. Geo. Walker fPride's Farewell 222708 Wm. Duthie Imp. Rosewood 86th Geo. Walker Prizes: In 1908 The Gallant was 1st junior calf and in 1st calf herd at the American Royal and was 4th in class at the International at the American Royal in 1909. He was 3d junior yearling and in 3d young herd and was 4th junior yearling at the International. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winner* 10.5 Choice Goods Model 242589.. & Roan. Hall Bros. Rosalie Roan. Hall Bros. Choice Goods 186802 Jas. Durno Rosedale Violet 9th i. Thompson & Sot. Admiral 172806 Geo - Bothwell Rosalind <.f Kllei slie T. J. Wallace & Son Tin- sin- ..f H;i lhv.. M | stamp is so well known that no comment is necessary cnmM-riiing either his merit or breeding. Admiral was 76 pefoenl Scotch on a promiscuous founwne<] ;i Letter breeder than Admiral. Hallwood Stamp is a descendant of imp. YminK Mary. I'1-i/..-s: At th- American K.\;il in l!ins }i- %vas 4th s.-nii.r calf and \\as senior y-!irliiiR in i:nji. :,th pri/.- two-year-old in I'.Hn and r.tli i lirec-\ car-old in 1 ! 1 1 . MINA'S PRINCE 304643 Red. Morris I k>U| Manly 1'rince 102142. Roan. Robt. Bruce limp. Mina 7th Roan. Alex Brown I'.loi.d lines: Scotch. fl'iince of Archers 141547 Wm. Duthie Maud 6th Robt. Bruce I< Paul IN J. li Mina 4th Alex Brown Pri/cs: Mina's Prince was 4th prixe t \v..-\ c;i r-old at the Interna- tional in 1908. OAKLAND STAR 305890.. f Diamond Star :-;nr,S89. White. \Vm. Duthio Kiyal \V. S. Marr i tiamond Beauty Wm. Duthie Roan Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. Baron Butt 282980 i J. D. Fletcher I Imp. Cadboll Gwynne. . . R. & w. J. & G. Tounj? I Duchess Gwynne 7th J. Young Prizes: In 1909 he was 4th junior yearling at Hamline, Minn., 4th at the International and 6th at the American Royal and at the latter he 4th prize two-year-old in 1910. 106 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners SELECTION 306209. Roan. Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. Avondale 2451.44 Roan. E. S. Kelly Cherry Missie L Roan. J. R. Lawrence (-Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis 1 Imp. Avalanche 2d [ C. H. Jolliffe fNew Year's Gift 198621 D. R. Hanna Missie Lane J. R. Lawrence SELECTION had a wonderful show yard record, especially during his first two years. After becoming grand champion of the International he was sold for $3,000. Prizes: At the International in 1908 he was 1st senior calf and in 19C9 was junior and grand champion. In 1910 he was 2d prize two-year- old at both the American Royal and the International and in 1911 he was 1st in class at Ohio State Fair and 4th at the American Royal. SCOTTISH CHOICE 306343 fGolden Champion 150443 Wm. Duthie Scottish Prince 250244.. J Roan. Alex Watson ] Queen Mab Alex Watson Choice Goods 186802 Jas. Durno Roan J. G. Robbins & Sons j Lucy's Choicf Roan | Lucy Lee J. G. Robbins & Sons [ J. G. Robbins & Sons Bloodlines: The names that appear in this pedigree indicate that it has a large percent of good Scotch blood, but the foundation goes back through imp. White Rose to Early English herds. Prizes: Second senior calf at the International in 1908. SULTAN'S CHOICE 306815.. ("Fair Sultan 242571 E. S. Kelly Rustic Sultan 275864... J White. J. A. Gerlaugh 1 Ruth Rustic Geo. Isaac Lord Lavender 120017 ~ . , f Wm. Moffatt & Bros. 32d Lady Jane Cruick- shank J ?th Lady Jane Cruick- Red. Jos. E. Bentley shank [ Jos. E. Bentley Bloodlines: Scotch on a mixed foundation. Prizes: At the International Sultan's Choice was 7th senior calf in 1908 and 4th senior yearling in 1909. Roan. C. A. Branson Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 107 RINGMASTER 307894.. Roan. C. E. Clarke Nonpareil Stamp 188487 Geo. Bothwell Snowflake 263207, White. J. H. Anderson | Imp. Pitlivie Caroline Robt. Taylor 'March Knight 188105 C. E. Clarke I Lady Dorothea 3d * Roan. C. E. Clarke Lady Dorothea 2d C. E. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch, with a trace of Bates blood that comes from a distant cross in Nonpareil Stamp. The fourth dam in the maternal line of Ringmaster was dam of the famous Dorothea 2d. RINGMASTER will be recorded in Shorthorn history as one of the most successful prize winners of the breed. No bull of modern times has equalled his brilliant record. Prizes: There is not space for a complete record of his prizes, but at Hamline, Minn., the American Royal and the International he won 20 champion and grand champion ribbons, and including other fairs the number is 47 championships. An item of interest concerning Ringmaster is that when he was small .Mr. Leslie Smith instructed the herdsmen to castrate him, luit Mr. Smith's small son Frank countermanded the order, and so Ringmaster became a champion bull instead of a prize winning steer. < 'uinl>hio 81 was grand champion. HAMPTON KING 316734.. Roan. G. H. White Hampton's Counsellor 264533.. Anoka Fluff Roan. F. \Y. Harding Hampton's l',.-st 170S13 C. B. Dustin Secret's Countess I. Barr & Son Whitehall King 222724 E. S. Kelly Rob Roy's Lass Robt. Miller Bloodlines: This breeding is nearly all of Scotch blood, though Anoka Fluff, both through her sire and dam, has the blood of some of the early importations to the United States. HAMPTON KING was exported to Argentina in 1912 and there proved a good sire. His son, Hampton King 14th, was champion at the Exposi- tion at Rosario in 1915. Prizes: In 1909 he was 2d junior calf at Hamline, Minn., and 2d at the American Royal. In 1910 he was 2d junior yearling at the American Royal and 3d at the International. In 1911 he was 1st pri/- two-year-old at Iowa State Fair. 110 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners PRIMROSE KNIGHT 316948.. Red. C. E. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch. [March Knight 188105. Red. C. E. Clarke Imp. Pitlivie Caroline. Roan. Robt. Taylor Red Knight 157136 D. C. Morris Imp. Queen Anne Lieth Hay fBold Archer 234833 John Gilmour I Imp. Caroline Lord Lovat Prizes: In 1910 Primrose Knight was 2d senior yearling at both the American Royal and the International. PRIME KNIGHT 31703SJ Roan. Fox & Gallagher r March Knight 188105 Gloster Knight 263198.. I C> E> Clarke Roan. C. E. Clarke 1 46th Duc hess of Gloster H. C. Stuart Foxhall Queen 31267, Red, little white Fox & Gallagher Royal Victor 224295 John Miller & Sons Oakland Profitable 64tl, Kiser Bros. Bloodlines: This breeding is of Scotch blood on descendants of Beauty by De Vaux, imported from England in 1837. Prizes: At the International he was 3d senior calf in 1909 and 2d senior yearling in 1910. SHENSTONE ALBINO j 317105 Speculator 317112... Roan. T. B. Earle White. R. P. Cooper Bloodlines: Scotch. I Army 3rd *- Roan. W. Graham {Speculation 317111 T. B. Earle Anna 2d T. B. Earle {Albion 78219 W. & J. Adams Amy Mr. Stevenson Prizes: Shenstone Albino was 1st prize three-year-old and senior champion at the International in 1909. At the American Royal he was 3d in class, both in 1910 and 1911, and in 1911 he was senior and grand champion at Denver. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 111 ARCHER SULTAN 317519.. American Archer 282935. Roan. F. Q. Lowden White. S. G. Eliason Bloodlines: Scotch. Ceremonious Archer 171479 Clara 30th F. W. Ayers I Scottish Lady 23887 4 ("Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Roan. F. W. Harding Lovely Queen Thos. Boak & Son Prizes: First calf at Hamline, Minn., and 8th at the International in 1909. ROYAL CHIEF 317245. Roan R. A. & J. A. Watt Bloodlines: Scotch. .Mildred's K..y;.l i'-l47n:i Roan R. A. & J. A. W:tt Imp. Crocus 59684 Alex Campbell [Royal Wonder 176235 J J. <<- \V. 11. Watt 1 Mildred 8th J. & W. B. Watt .-r- (( -nt of Scotch blood, but on the side of his dam he descended from imp. Young Mary. Red. E. M. Hall Prizes: Fourth junior calf at the American Royal in 19C9. 112 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners GOLD MINE 317535... Roan. W. O. Minor ("Choice Goods 186802 r Jas Durno [Golden Goods 253393... J Red Golden Abbotsburn Tebo Land & Cattle (_ T. S. Moberly .-I Co. [Ruddington Star 150761 Philo L. Mills I Miss Maple 4406S J Roan. W. O. Miner j White Marble [ W. O. Minor Bloodlines: The sire of Goldmine is of Scotch breeding and com- bines the blood of the famous champions Choice Goods and Young Ab- botsburn. Ruddington Star was by Best of Archers, sire of the champion Ceremonious Archer, and his grandsire was the famous breeder Star of Morning 121243. Miss Maple had three other crosses of Scotch on a foundation that is rich in Booth blood and that came to America in 1853 through imp. Gem by Broker. Prizes: Goldmine was 4th junior yearling at the International in 1910. TRUE CUMBERLAND 317602 White. C. A. Saunders Bloodlines: Scotch. {Cumberland 118578 R. J. Johnston Imp. Lady Douglas Jas. Durno {Mildred's Royal 244703 J. & W. B. Watt Wimple's Daisy Geo. B. Bristow Prizes: True Cumberland was 3d junior calf at the International in 1909 and in 1910 he was 1st junior yearling at both the American Royal and the International. TBapton Sultan 163570 SULTAN CHAMPION 317851 - Whitehall Sultan 163573. White. J. Deane Willis [J. Deane Willis Imp. Bapton Pearl J. Deane Willis Roan. F. W. Harding Missie of Browndale 12th 1 Young Nominee 168433 H. F. Brown Roan. Browndale Farm Missie Belle 3d Wm. Sauntry Bloodlines: This breeding is Scotch except Young Nominee and he was by a Scotch sire but out of a descendant of imp. Young Mary. He was a strictly choice bull and a good breeder. Prizes: Second junior calf at the International in 1909. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 113 COLLEGE COUNT 318176 {Baron Lavender 3d 78854 W. A. Harris Gayety W. A. Harris Red Chas. E. Leonard & Son Imp. Ravenswood Emerald John 244814 J. Wilson R. & w. Wm. Norrie | Imp. Emerald 4th Wm. Xorrie Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: College ('cunt \v;is 1st senior yi-arlini? at the American Royal in 1909. WHITEHALL ROSE- DALE 320004 Roan Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. Avondale 245144 Roan. E. S. Kelly {Whitehall Sultan 16S.TS J. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche 2d C. H. Jolliffe fBride's Farewell _' Wm. Duthie Imp. Rosewood Pride. ..J Roan. Geo. Walker Imp. Rosewood 86th Geo Walker WHITEHALL ROSEDALE was remarkable for excellence in breeding, merit in form, as attested by his prize record, and for his proven worth as a sire. Prizes: In 1911 he was 2d prize two-year-old at Ohio State Fair. Also at the International, and at this show he was 3d prize three-year-old in 1912. In 1913> he was 2d at the American Royal and 5th at the Inter- national and in 1914 was senior champion at Iowa State Fair. In 1915 he was 1st at Iowa, 2d at Kansas City and was 1st at Denver in 1916. LANCASTER DALE 2D . 320055 J Roan Carpenter & Ross Avondale 245144 Roan. E. S. Kelly Mary Lancaster 4th.. Red. A. E. Leavitt Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche 2d C. H. Jolliffe Golden Lavender 119421 Benj. Whitsitt Mary Lancaster 3rd Ezra Swain Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth junior yearling- at the American R'oyal and 7th at the International in 1911. 114 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners MAXWALTON ALBINO 320226, White Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. Shenstone Albino 317105 White. R. P. Cooper Imp. Maggie 18th 59549.. Roan. T. A. Anderson Speculator 317112 T. B. Earle Amy 3d W. Graham Challenger 166490 J. Wilson Maggie 9th T. A. Anderson Prizes: Maxwalton Albino was 7th junior yearling at the American Royal and 6th at the International in 1910. FOND MEMORY 320270. . . Roan. P. W. Harding Bloodlines: Scotch. {'Bapton Sultan 103573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Bapton Pearl J. Deane Willis Lavender Lad 119937 Victoria of Hill Farm Sth Roan C. B. Dustin & Son Wm.Duthie Victoria of Hill Farm 5th C. B. Dustin FOND MEMORY is full brother to the great sire Glenbrook Sultan. Prizes: In 1909 Fond Memory was 4th junior calf at Hamline, Minn, and at the International was 1st and headed 2d calf herd. At the Amer- ican Royal in 1910 he was 2d junior yearling and was 4th prize two-year- old at the International in 1911. GOLDEN LAIRD 320271- Roan. F. W. Harding f Whitehall Marshal 209776 Marshal's Best 285233.. J E. S. Kelly Red. F. W. Harding Imp . La (ly in Waiting I Philo L. Mills r Rover of Sanquhar 206947 A. W. & A. M. Law Jas. McWilliam Golden Queen Jas. McAViUiam Imp. Golden Duchess ^ Roan Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: At the American Royal in 1909 he was 2d senior calf and in 2d calf herd and was 10th in class at the International. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winner* 115 SULTAN LEADER 320272.. White. F. W. Harding fBapton Sultan 163570 J. Deane Willis Whitehall Sultan 16357:}) Whit.-. J. Dr. me Willis | Imp Bapton Pearl J. Deane Willis r Baron Gloster 101657 I. Barr & Son Queen of Scots 6th J Roan. Forbes Bros. | Queen of Scots T?nKt A.Tillor- Robt. Miller Bloodlines: Scotch. I'rix.'s: At the American Royal of I'.tun h- was 1st junior calf. SULTAN MINE 320273. Roan. l\ W. Harding Bloodlines: Scotch. Whitehall Sultan 16 White. J. Deane \Villis Z.-nda Ith v',16 Roan. X. S. Robertson Bapton Sultan J. De.ine Willis Imp. Bapton Pearl J. Deane Willi.- 'I.-n.-ral lUill-r 1SC122 Mel I.ady Zemla W. C, I-M wards & Co. Sl'I.TAN .MINK had a remarkable n-curd as a jiri/o winn.^r. Prizes: At the American Royal h<- was I'd junior yearling in 1909 and was 2d in class in 1910 and 1911. At the International of these three he was I'd one.- and 3d twice. At l.i\va Slat.- Fair he was senior and Ri-and champion j n both ] ; 11 and 1 !H :>, and won same prlxefl at Ohio Fair in I'.ML'. HIGHLAND SULTAN 320403.. White. Thos. H. Nelson Bloodlines: Scotch. {Whitehall Sultan 1 ;:::, 7 : J. I Ult. Orange Blossom 35th Kelloger Stock i White My si.- X208 ^ White. Thos. H. Nelson Prince of Perth 1." John Wilson of Spring 1 Grove John C. Pet Prizes: In 1911 he was 3d pri/..- two-year-old ai Mini at the International. 16 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners Archer 205740 Roan. Hanna & Co. DAYBREAKER 322642. \ Roan. J. G. Biller & Sen I Daybreak 2d 19285. l< Red. A. B. Clark Collynie 135022 Wm. Duthie Imp. Circe 3d John Wilson Cumberland Hero 167068 C. A. Saunders Scottish Daybreak I. Barr & Son Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1913 he was 4th prize three-year-old at Hamline, Minn, and 4th at the American Royal. ELMENDORF MAR- SHAL 323858.. Roan Elmendorf Farm Bloodlines: Scotch. Whitehall Marshal 209776 Roan. E. Kelly Mario's Heiress 3d {Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Missie 167th W. S. Marr Scottish Victor 133330 C. B. Dustin & Son White. B. C. Rumsev Imp. Mario's Heiress Philo L. Mills Prizes: Elmendorf Marshal was 6th junior yearling at the Interna- tional in 1909 and in 1910 he was 5th prize two-year-old and 6th in class at the American Royal. BARON WAVERLY 323880.. Red Thos. H. Canfield Bloodlines: Scotch. Baron Beaufort 206944..^ R. & w. Lord Lovat Royal Star 151795 J. L. Reid Rose of Underley 2d Lord Lovat fCount Amaranth 14460S Lake Park Augusta 2d Wm< Duth ie 24679 J Red, little white Imp. Augusta 99th Thos. H. Canfield Jas. Bruce When but a calf Baron Waverly was sold to H. F. Brown for a herd bull. Prizes: In 1909 he was 5th junior calf at the International and was 3d prize aged bull at Hamline, Minn., in 1913. The Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 117 ROYAL SEAL 324565.., White. Abram Renick Signet 248501 Roan. Abram Renick Imp. Pride of the Boyne 12th Roan. A. Horn The Professor 172332 C. L. Gerlaugh Minnie 35th Abram Renick Border Raider 211697 J. Wilson Ilride of the Boyne 10th A. Horn Bloodlines: The sire was 75 percent Scotch on a foundation that runs througn imp. Rose of Sharon. The dam of Royal Seal is all Scotch. Prizes: Second senior calf at International in l!>:i and was :M senior yearling in 1910. PRINCE IMPERIAL 325711 print-.- Qkwter i:.L'-i7u Red James & Sons Roan John McKenzic & Sou I Imp.' Helen 21st Roan. Wm. Anderson i i prim-*- of Maine Valley 1. < J, Jordan Duel). A. & G. Davidson Arch. -71 J. Gilmour Imp. 20th J. ( 'assie Bloodlines: Scotch. PRINCE IMPERIAL had an unusual career. 'When young he was badly neglected and improperly developed. From such maltreatment \V. A. Dryden rescued him, the purchase price being $60. Less than eighteen months from that date the bull was made grand champion of the at Toronto and in January, 191 >ld to Thos. Stanton for ?L At the International in 1910 he was .".th prize three-year-old. EMERSON 328919. Roan. Bellows Bros. Victor Red. I-', i >. Lowden Lady Mary 60038 Rcari. Bellows Bros. ( 'eremonioiis Archer 171 17'.' I-'. W. Haidinu 28th Linwood Yietoria W. A. Harris ' 'hoice '2- Tebo Land & < Co. j Mayday AI>1>- 'tsl.urn T .J. Wallace & Son Bloodlines: This breeding is essentially Scotch and it combines the blood of the great bulls, Young Abbotsburn, Choice Goods and Ceremo- nious Archer. Lady Mary is a descendant of imp. Blossom by Fitz Favorite. Prizes: In 1910 Emerson was 5th junior yearling at the American Royal and 8th at the International. 118 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners CRAIGHILL 331544 .. Roan. N. H. Gentry The Choice of All 215050^ Roan. G. M. Casey Choice Goods 186802 Jas. Durno Rosedale Violet 9th Wm. Thompson & Son (-Victorious 121469 Kirklevington Duchess" I W. A. Harris Hth ................ -M Oth Duchess of Walnut Red. N. H. Gentry Hill [ Martin Flynn Bloodlines: Scotch on Bates foundation. Choice Goods blood on the produce of Victorious brought good results. Prizes: Craighill was 5th senior yearling at the International in 1911 and in 1913 he was 3d in class. At the Ohio State Fair he was 2d prize aged bull, both in 1913 and 1914. DIAMOND GOODS 333014 {Choice Goods 186802 Jas Durno Silene 2d T. J. Wornall Co. Red. Bellows Bros. fVictorallan 212209 Sweetheart 13925 I s - E - Prather & Son I Red. Bellows Bros. 1 Modesty I Wm. Moffatt & Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. DIAMOND GOODS was an impressive sire in the herd of Bellows Bros. He was exhibited at fairs very little. Prizes: In 1912 he was senior and grand champion at Iowa State .Fair and was 1st at the International. VILLAGE DENMARK 334459 Villager 295884 I loan. C. H. Jolliffe Village Beau 295883 Wm. Duthie Rosy Cloud C. H. Jolliffe Roan. D. R. Hanna Bloodlines: Scotch. f Knuckle Duster 141674 J. Bruce I Lady Margaret J Roan. A. W. Smith Imp. Lady Mary 15th [ A. W. Still VILLAGE DENMARK was a very successful prize winner and his winnings include several state fair championships not mentioned in this list. He was sold by D. R. Hanna to F. W. Harding for $1,300. Prizes: At the International he was 5th junior calf and was 3d junior yearling in 1911 and that year at the American Royal he was 1st and junior champion. In 1913 he was 3d prize three-year-old at both the American Royal and the International and was 2d at the Iowa State Fair in 1914. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 119 VILLAGE RUSTIC 334463.. (Villager 295884 Roan. C. H. Jolliffe White. D. R. Hanna Bloodlines: Scotch. (Ruth Rustic Roan. Geo. Isaac Village Beau 295883 Wm. Duthie Rosy Cloud C. H. Jolliffe {Rustic Chief 236SOO A. Watson Imp. Ruth 8th T. A. Anderson Prizes: In 1910 Village Rustic was 4th senior calf at the American Royal and 3d at the International and in the Association sale at this show he brought $725. In 1911 he was 1st senior yearling at Ohio State Fair and 4th at the American Royal. 'Senator 287609 Roan. H. F. Brown CORRECTOR 334788... Roan. D. Tietjen Bloodlines: Scotch. Marquis of Ballechin 260758 A. Robertson Missio of Browndale 10th H. F. Brown Imp. Ballechin Charm- Macbeth 207128 ing Maid -j Lord Lovat Roan. A. Robertson Cherry Sweet A. Robertson Prizes: He was 7th junior calf at the International in 1910 and 5th junior yearling in 1911. In 1912 he was 1st prize two-year-old at Iowa State Fair and 4th at the American Royal. r Cumberland's Last .\ al Princess - Roan. I. M. Forbes suthie Dnrini; his first thr-e yeara Royal ( 'umberland made a brilliant record in the show arena. Pri/.rs: In 1910 he was 1st senior calf at both tin- American Royal and the International. In I'.Hl he was I'll senior yrarliim at Iowa State l-'air, 2d at the American Royal and I'd at the International. At the Western Livestock Show at Denver from 1<11 to 1913 inclusive, he was junior champion, junior and gnmd champion and senior and grand champion. COUNT AVON 334946. an. Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. Avondale 2461 14 Roan. E. S. Kelly (Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche 2d C, H. Jolliffe ider 132575 Win. Duthie Imp. I/ady .Marjory J tt. J. Deane Willis I Lady Mary li'th Wm. Duthie CXJUNT AVON was sold as a h-rd Lull to Prof. (\ K Curtiss. Prizes: In 1910 he was :;d senior calf at the American Royal and 5th at the International. In 1911 he was od senior yearling at the Iowa State Fair; in 1912 I'd prize two-year-old at !.-.< Moiru-s and senior and grand champion at the International. DALE'S RENOWN 334947.. Roan Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. ' .\\ondale L't:. 1 l i. K. S. Kelly Ala. \walton Alina 2d 86601 Roan < 'arpenter X- Ross Whitehall Sultan U J. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche 2d Jas. Durno [Avondale 245144 S .Kelly i Mina Princess 4th 'nter .- Ross Both sir<- and dam of Dale's Renown were prize winners and good breeders. He was sold to H. F. Brown for $1,000 when but a calf. Prizes: In 1910 he was 1st junior calf at the American Royal and also at the International. 122 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners GLORIOUS DALE 2D 334950 Avondale 245144 Roan E. S. Kelly. Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche 2d C. H. Jolliffe ^Clifton 128605 Stuart Red. Carpenter & Ross Aldie Duchess of Glos- ter ................ Roan. Henry Fairfax 3 9th Duchess of Gloster Arthur Johnston Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Eighth junior yearling at the American Royal in 1911 and at the Ohio State Fair he was 6th -junior yearling and in 1912 was 2d prize two-year-old. PRIDE OF THE DALES 334956 f Avondale 245144 Roan. E. S. Kelly Roan Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. ilmp. Rosewood 86th.. Roan. Geo. Walker f Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche 2d [ C H Jolliffe f Pride of Day 203941 Wm Duthie I Rosewood 81st [ J. Bruce Imp. Rosewood 86th and her daughter Rosewood Pride were breeders of great excellence and left a valuable progeny in the Maxwalton herd. Prizes: Pride of the Dales was 7th senior calf at the American Royal and 6th at the International in 1910. FIRST FASHION 334971 . . Lrader of Fashion Roan. F. W. Harding Bloodlines: Scotch. i Whitehall Marshal 209776 E. S. Kelly Imp. Shenstone Princess Henry Dudding Mysie's Red Rose. . Red. A. Montague Red Stanley 165110 J. & W. Russell Mysie's Miss T. E. Robson Prizes: 1910. First Fashion was 4th junior calf at the American Royal in Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 123 SULTAN'S CALCU LATOR 33497S... Red. F. W. Harding Whitehall Sultan 163573. White. J.Deane Willis Bapton Sultan 1G3570 J. Deane Willis Imp. Bapton Pearl J. Deane Willis Imp. Calceolaria 16th, Red. John Gilmour [Spicy Baron 213038 W. S. Marr ] Calceolaria 4th John Gilmour Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second junior calf at American Royal in 1910. SULTAN STAMP 334974. . White. W.F.Harding Bapton Sultan 163570 J. Deane Willis Imp. Bapton Pearl J. Deane Willis Whitehall Sultan 163573^ White. J. Deane Willis {Daybreak C. H. Graham Dolly Wm. Craigie Bloodlines: Scotch. Sultan Stamp was both a successful prize win- ner and a valuable breeder. While his sir.- m-.-ds no comment, it may not be amiss to call attention to his dam. she was a breeder, the com- pact, beefy typo, yet was a heavy milker and wn 1st in tin* milk at the International. Sultan Stamp sired An>ka Champion 555857, that sold for $17,000 December 1, 1917. Prizes: Second senior calf at the American Ki.yal in 1910 and in 1911 was 2d senior yearling and 3d at the International. In 1 ftl I' lie was 1st at Iowa State Fair. 1st at the American Royal and 2d at the filter- national, while in 101 :: lie \\-as 1th at the International hut at the Amer- ican Royal was senior and jur.-iml champion. FOXY FAVORITE 336713.. Red, white marks Rapp Bros. Gladsl L3 Kelly ( Whitehall Sultan .1. D.-ane Willis i in Lavender Goodfellow Bros ("Royal Bruce 273853 Princess Royal '2 1th Robt. Bruce 28095 J Red. Arthur Johnson Imp. Princess Royal Alex W. Still I'ri/es: In lull ustin 'Roan Champion :;i:M7.' Rol.t. Miller Village Maid I'd :,L'969 II. K. Fail-burn Prizes: Village Sultan made a record in winning 2d prixes. In 11*11 when a senior calf h>- won I'd at < >hio State Fair, iM at the American Royal and I'd at the International. At the American Royal IM senior yearling in IHll' and I'd prixe two-year-old in I'.t!:!. 128 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners GOOD KNIGHT 350286. J Roan. E. A. Hess Choice Goods 186802 Choice Knight 253397...' JaS ' Du Roan. Tebo Land & Lassie of Tebo Lawn Cattle Co. Dora May 3d 30704. . Roan. M. E. Jones F. A. Edwards Cherry Grove Banff ISth 231872 M. E. Jones I Dora May M. E. Jones Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth junior yearling- at the International in 1911. GLOSTER FASHION 350512 Roan. F. W. Harding Bloodlines: Scotch. Leader of Fashion 300790. Roan. F. W. Harding Whitehall Marshal 209776 E. S. Kelly Imp. Shenstone Princess Henry Dudding , Whitehall Marshal 209776 Anoka Gloster 2d I E. S. Kelly Roan. F. W. Harding j Anoka Gloster ' [ F. W. Harding It will be noticed that Gloster Fashion has Whitehall Sultan blood from both sire and dam and with such prize-winning ancestry it was but natural that he made a good record. Prizes: In 1911 he was 4th senior calf at the American Royal. In 1912 at the Iowa State Fair he was junior champion and in 1st young herd and was junior champion and in 2d young herd at both the Amer- ican Royal and the International. In 1913 he was 1st prize two-year-old at Des Moines, Hamline, Minn., American Royal and the International, and was senior champion at Denver in 1914. PRINCELY SULTAN 350513 Roan. F. W. Harding {Bapton Sultan 163670 J. Deane Willis Imp. Bapton Pearl J. Deane Willis ^Ceremonious Archer 171479 | Sinnissippi Broadhooks.. <- Roan. F. O. Lowden F. W. Harding Imp. Roan Lady A. Crombie Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Sixth senior calf at Iowa State Fair in 1911, 4th senior year- ling in 1912 at the American Royal and at this show in 1913 he was 3d prize two-year-old and 6th at the International. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 129 1 Bapton Sultan 163570 J. Deane Willis Imp. Bapton Pearl J. Deane Willis 350516 .{ fRed Stanley 165110 Roan. F. W. Harding I j & w Rusgell Mysie's Red Rose -j Red. A. Montague Mysie's Miss T. K. Robson Bloodlines: Scotch. Pri/.es: Second .junior calf at the American Royal in 1 !H 1 . SCOTTISH BARON 350870 . Roan. A. Chalni minis L'0HO. . . Koan. A. Chalmers .Martinis of Lome 1 '()." T. I-:. R>bsri/..- \vintit-r- at various slat*- and district shows on tin- Pacific coast, but only tin- Panama - Pacific will b included in this report. At this Kx posi- tion Scottish P.aron was 1st pri/.f agetl luill and senior champion. WOODLAWN SULTAN j . 351415 \ Roan. H. (J. powers | Village Sultan L'^004. .. Roan. E. S. Kelly Clover Blossom Wimple - Roan. Geo. Bothwell Bloodlines; Scotch. Prizes: In 1911 Woodlawn Sultan was 4th Iowa State Fair and 4th at the International. Whitehall Sultan 1- J. Deane Willis amp. Bapton Pearl J. Deane Willis Xonpareil Victor 132 J. Deane Willis Imp. Winifred 4th Win. Duthie senior yrarlini; at the 130 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners Gladstone 23931S . .. Roan. E. S. Kelly CASH TIP 351682.... Roan. Rapp Bros. May Red. W. S. Fox (Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Mina Lavender Goodfellow Bros. [Dewey 141256 I S. H. Thompson & Son* j Lady Violet W. S. Fox Bloodlines: This breeding is very largely of Scotch blood, but there is some mixed blood through the dam of Cash Tip, particularly through Dewey. Prizes: In 1911 Cash Tip was 2d junior yearling at the Iowa State Fair, 5th at the American Royal and 7th at the International. (-Straight Marshal 247511) F. W. Harding- [Village Marshal 302358 J Village Belle 3d Roan. D. Tietjen MAJOR 351957. \ Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Red, white marks D. Tietjen Sallie Morton - Red, little white D. Tietjen rFairview Scotchman 201881 J P. R. Stoffel & Son Mary Morton 15th P. R. Stoffel & Son Bloodlines: This is mixed breeding, though most of the blood is Scotch. Village Marshal was a prize winner at the International and was exported to Argentina. His grand sire was Whitehall Marshal and the dam of his sire was a Rose of Sharon. Village Belle 3d was by Choice Goods, out of imp. Village Belle by Pride of Morning. Sallie Morton is of mixed breeding. Prizes: In 1912 Major was 4th senior yearling at Iowa State Fair and 3d at the American Royal. THE GOVERNOR 351958.. White. D. Tietjen {Starlight Marshal 247519 F. W. Harding Village Bell 3d Tebo Land & Cattle Co. r Fair view Scotchman 201881 Morton Lassie 17810... J P. R. Stoffel & Son Roan. D. Tietjen Mary Morton 15th [ P. R. Stoffel & Son Bloodlines: This is mixed breeding. Most of the blood is Scotch, but through the dam and through the maternal line of Straight Marshal there is a combination of bloodlines. Prizes: In 1911 The Governor was 4th senior calf at both the Iowa State Fair and the International and in 1912 he was 5th at the American Royal and 4th at the International. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 131 .Cumberland's Last 229822.. KING CUMBERLAND 2D 352076 White. C. A. Saunders Roan. Son II. Powell & Miss Walpole Red. Jas. Walpole Cumberland U8578 R. J. Johnston Imp. Lady Douglas Jas. Durno Try Prince 177870 John Isaac Bonnie Belle Lancaster 2d S. G. Crawford Bloodlines: Scotch. This bull is full brother to King Cumberland that was grand champion of the American Royal and International in 1908 and was then sold for $5,000. Prizes: At the Iowa State Fair in 1911 he was 1st junior yearling and junior champion and was 3d prize two-year-old in 1912. -dilator 317 Hi' PRIDE OF ALBION 352820.... c T. B. Karl Shenstone Albino 317103J White. R. P. Cooper Amy 3d R. P. Cooper Roan Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. Imp. Rosewood Pride. Roan. Geo. Walker Pride's Farewell 222708 \Vm. Duthie Imp. Rosewood 86th Iker This bull was both a noted prize winner and a sin- >f prize win; Prizes: As a senior calf he was 1st at the American Royal and 1st at the International in 1911. At the Ohio State Fair he was 1st prize two-year-old in 1913 and in 1914 was 1st prize three-year-old and senior champion. In 1915 and 1916 he was senior and grand champion at this fair and won the same prizes at the American Royal. In 1916 he was 2d in class at the International, the only 2d prize in a long list of firsts. MAXWALTON JESTER 352821 Roan. Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. I Avondale 245144 Roan. E. S. Kelly Imp. Jeanie - Roan. C. H. Jolliffe Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche 2d C. H. 'Count Arthur 144609 J. Deane Willis Jill A. M. Gordon Prizes: In 1911 he was 3d senior yearling at the Ohio State Fair and \vas 6th at the International. 132 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners CUMBERLAND'S TYPE 388132 BRED BY C. A. SAUNDERS, MANILLA, IOWA CLOVERLEAF SULTAN 2D 396052 BRED BY W. C. ROSENBERGER, TIFFIN, OHIO Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 133 FOXHALL SULTAN 353255.. White Fox & Gallagher Whitehall Sultan 16357?, . J. Deane Willis White Rock 285236 White. F. W. Harding | Keepsake 5th J. F. Pratner Whitehall Sultan 163573 . J. Deane Willis Sultana 40315 Roan. F. W. Harding j Sally Archer I. M. Forbes & Son Bloodlines: This breeding in the main is of Scotch blood, having a double cross of Whitehall Sultan, but on side of his dam Foxhall Sultan has blood that came through imp. White Rose by Publicola. Prizes: Second junior calf at the International in 1911 and 5th junior yearling in 1912. MASTER AVONDALE 353301 . . Roan Carpenter Ross M Roan. K. S. Kelly ! Girl 2nd 6497 Roan. J<>s. P. SI ( Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. I iilis Imp. Avalanche 2d I C. H. Jolliffe 'Kelly's Archer 200147 E. S. Kelly Imp. Royal Girl John Young Scotch. Prizes: Fourth junior calf at the International in 1! 1 1 and 1st junior yearling at nhi.i State Fair in 112. TRUE CUMBERLAND 3D 353220 White. C. A. Saul Scotch. |( 'unibei land's Best 'X22 < '. A. Saurxi- Wimple's Royal 9796 Geo. 15. [Lord Banff 150718 Alex Watson Lake Park Senora ..... J Roan. Geo. E. Ward I Senora J. G. Robbins & Sons Prizes: In 1911 he was 1st junior calf at the Io\\a St. it" Fair, 1st at the American Royal and 5th at the International. At Iowa State Fair he was 3d in 1912, 3d in 1913 and 2d in 1915. At the American Royal he was 5th in 1912, 4th in 1913 and 5th in 1915. 134 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners LAVENDER MAR- SHAL 353516 .... Red & white Eimendorf Farm 'Bloodlines: Scotch. Whitehall Sultan 163573 Roan. E. S. Kelly Lady Lavender 14th 51014 Red. Geo Allen 'Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Missie 167th W. S. Marr {Lord Missie 252006 Geo. Allen Lady Lavender 9th Geo Allen Prizes: Second junior yearling at the International in 1912. RINGLEADER 353597... Red, little white White & Smith {Snowflake 263207 J. H. Anderson Lady Dorothea 3d C. E. Clarke fMarch Knight 188105 C. E. Clarke Gloster Queen 2d 5900G.J Roan. C. E. Clarke 1 Gloster Lady John Davidson Bloodlines: This breeding is of Scotch blood in all crosses except that in the third generation Snowflake had a cross of Bates. But since Snowflake sired the famous Ringmaster and was himself own brother to Snowbird, dam of the great sire Fair Acres Sultan 354154, it is the height of folly and an exhibition of extreme gall to criticize this breeding because of this faint trace of Bates. Prizes: First junior yearling at the International in 1912. SILVER SULTAN 353641 . . Roan. ,i. A. Kilgour Bloodlines: Scotch. [Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Scotch Sultan 296331... J Roan. F. W. Harding Imp. Red Lady [ A. Murray {Scotch Fame 151799 C. E. Law Imp. Flower Girl llth R. Copland Prizes: At Iowa State Fair Silver Sultan was 5th senior calf in 1911, 2d senior yearling in 1912, 2d prize two-year-old in 1913 and was 2d at Hamline Minn., and 5th at the International of that year. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 133 VILLAGE BARONET 354063.. Roan. D. R. Hanna Bloodlines: Scotch. Highland Arabella.. Red. I. M. Forbes {Village Beau 29-'S83 Wm. Duthie Rosy Cloud C. H. Jolliffe {Highland Champion 222688 Wm. Duthie r.unffs Arabella W D Flatt Prizes: In 1911 Village Baronet was 1st senior calf at Ohio State Fair, 3d at the American Royal and 4th at the International. In 1912 he was 1st senior yearling in Ohio and 2d at the International. In 1913 he was 4th prize two-> oar-old at both the Io\va and Minnesota State Fairs. He was a good sire, Collynie Rosewood and Lady Crocus, junior champion of Minnesota State Fair in 1916, being two of his produce. FAIR ACRES SULTAN 354154 (twin) White. F. W. Maiding Whin-hall Suit. White. .1. 1 "-an Willis I'.apton Sultan 163570 J. Deane Willis 'in 1 1. Bapton Pear) J. Deane Willis rXoiipan-il Stamp 1884S7 Geo. Bothwell ] Imp. Pitlivie Caroline Robt. Taylor Bloodlines: Scotch with a trace of Bates that came through Blocky 84800, great grandsii.- of Nonpareil Stamp. Snowbird is full sister to Snowflake 263207, sire of the famous Kinumast.T. Fair Acres Sultan has proven a great sire, in three herds. His show yard record was very short but that of his sons and daughters proves his worth as a sire. The only show I have examined in which he was exhibited was the International of 1912, at which he was 5th prize two-year-old. Snowbird White. 1 1 ; I x C.E.Clarke WHITEHALL CHIEF TAIN 354276.. Avondale 245144 Roan. E. S. Kelly Roan. E. S. Kelly Bloodlines: Scotch. Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche Ld C. H. Jolliffe Prince Robin 24S348 [Graceful 5th 36010 ' R ^ ' Ayers Roan. M. L. Andrews | Graceful 2d J. C. Mansfield Prizes: He was 8th junior yearling at th- International in 1911 and at < >hio State Fair was 1st in class in 1911 and 1st prize two-year-old in 1912. 136 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners AUGUSTINE 354344 Roan. D. R. Ilanna Bloodlines: Scotch. Village Beau 295883 Wm. Duthie Villager 295884, Roan. C. H. Jolliffe | Rosy Cloud C. H. Jolliffe I Imp. Augusta 83d 30671 . ("King of Fashion 151756 J. Merson Red. Jas. Morrison Augusta 80th Jas. Morrison AUGUSTINE became an excellent breeder in the herd of Owen Kane. He is sire of O K, herd bull of Forbes & Son, Unwood Clara 9th, Sweet Afton 4th and Sweet Afton 6th. Prizes: In 1911 Augustine was 1st junior calf at Ohio State Fair and 1st at the International and in 1912 he was 1st in class at both these shows. Villager 295884 Roan. C. H. Jolliffe VILLAGE CON- QUEROR 355010.... Roan. D. R. Hanna Bloodlines: Scotch. Grassland Violet 3d 65708 Roan T. J. Wornall & Sons ( Village Beau 295833 Wm. Duthie Rosy Cloud C. H. Jolliffe The Conqueror 215051 G. M. Casey J Sweet Briar Violet Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Prizes: Second junior yearling and in 1st young herd at the Amer ican Royal in 1912. Superb Goods 333019.. Roan. Bellows Bros CORNERSTONE 363116-! Roan. Bellows Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. f Good Choice 227852 Tebo Land& Cattle Co. | Lady Abbot Tebo Land& Cattle Co. Best of Goods 262678 f Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Queen of Beauty 20th 81014 J Barmpton Queen of Roan. Bellows Bros. Beauty R. T. Scott Prizes: In 1913 Cornerstone was 1st senior yearling at Hamline, Minn., and 2d at the American Royal. In 1916 he was 3d prize aged bull at Hamline. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 137 SULTAN'S LAST 363468 Bapton Sultan 163570 J. Deane Willis Whitehall Sultan 163573-' White. J. Deane Willis I Im P- Bapton Peaii J. Deane Willis Roan. F. \V. Harding ; < 'range Queen Red. W. \. ' Lavender Viceroy 223936 Chas. E. Leonard < ) range Lady Wm. J. Miller Bloodlines: Scotch. SFLTA.VS LAST was sold March. 1918, for $1.77."). Prizes: At the Iowa State Fair he was 3d prize aged bull for the years I'.ll. 1915 and 1916, and was also 3d at the American Royal in HU.".. GRAND MASTER 365234.. Roan. Whin- ^- Smith Bloodlines: Scotch. Ringmaster 30781)4... Roan. <'. I-:. Clarke Lady Dorothea 6th 86 'larke J. H. Anderson Lady Dorothea 3d C. E. Clarke {.March Knight 1^ C. E. Clarke Trout Creek Beauty ('has. Rankin Prizes: In i;UJ i;rand Master was nh junioi- calf at tin- Anu-rican K">al and 3d at the International. MUSIC MASTER 365235.. Red, little white White & Smith Rin.miiasl- ^ Roan. C. E. Clarke L-uly Dorothea i:th 98640 Red. C. E. Clarke Scotch. J. H. Anderson Lady Dorothea ;5d C. E. Clarke Nonpareil Stanii 188487 Geo. Bothwell Trout Creek Beauty ''has. Rankin Prix'-s: At tin- American Royal in 1 ! 1 J lit- was ::d senior calf and at head of 3d calf herd. 140 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winneis MAXWALTON CON- QUEROR 367539 ... Roan Carpenter & Re ss Avondale 245144 Roan. E. S. -Kelly [Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche 2d C. H Jolliffe [Conqueror 148048 W. S. Marr Clarinda J Red. C. L. Gerlaugh Cleopatra C. L. Gerlaugh Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1912 Maxwalton Conqueror was 3d senior calf at Ohio State Fair and 5th at the International and at this show he was 3d senior yearling in 1913. Avondale 245144 Roan. E. S. Kelly MAXWALTON PRIDE j 367542 J Red Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. limp. Rosewood Pride. L -D, [Whitehall Sultan. 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche 2d [ C. H. Jolliffe [Pride's Farewell 222703 Wm. Duthie Roan. Geo. Walker lm P- Rosewood 86th Geo. Walker Prizes: Fourth junior calf at Ohio State Fair in 1912; he was also 4th prize three-year-old in 1916 and 6th in 1917. In 1916 he was 4th at the American Royal and 9th at the International. MAXWALTON RE NOWN 367543.... White. Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. Avondale 245144 Roan. E. S. Kelly Imp. Lavender Bloom... Roan. J. Deane Willis Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche 2d C. H. Jolliffe Silver Plate 145554 J. Bruce Lavender Lady Wm. Duthie Prizes: At the International he was 1st senior calf in 1912, 1st senior yearling in 1913 and 6th prize three-year-old in 1916. At Ohio State Fair he was 1st senior yearling and junior champion in 1913, 1st prize two- year-old in 1914 and 2d prize three-year-old, both in 1915 and 1916, and was 4th prize three-year-old at the American Royal in 1915. In 1916 he was 2d in class at Denver, 6th at Chicago and 3d at Ohio State Fair in 1917. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 141 Sultan Mine 320273 Roan. F. W. Harding Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Lady Zenda 4th 8516 N. S. Robertson GLOSTER MINE 367596 Roan. Anoka Farms Bloodlines: Scotch. {Whitehall Marshal 20977H !:. S. Kelly i Gloster F. W. Harding This breeding warrants more than a hasty glance. In addition to the three illustrious bulls whose name's appear in this short tabulation, the sire of Anoka Gloster is Rest of Archers, the sire of the International grand champion Ceremonious Archer. Prizes: In 1912 Gloster Mine was 1st senior calf at Iowa State Fair and 2d at the American Royal. 1 Sultan Mine 320273 4 Roan. F. W. Hard in- SCOTCH MINE 367598 \ White. Anoka Farms I Scotch. Whitehall Snltat: 1635,':', J. Deane Willis Lady Zenda 4th 8516 N. S. Robertson I-rtish Prince 149661 \Vm. Duthie - Cinderella John Young Prizes: Second senior calf at the International and 6th at the Amer- ican Royal in 1912. FAIRVIEW CHAM PION 367805 lied, little white i dy Mros. {King rhampion 191878 S. G. Crawford Imp. Lady Dou^ Jas. Durno {Lord Lovel 130 If, 7 J. G. Robbins & Sons Sweetheart O. H. South worth Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third junior yearling at the American Royal in 1912. 142 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners MAXWALTON COMMANDER 406947 BRED BY CARPENTER & ROSS, MANSFIELD, OHIO LESPEDEZA SULTAN 406929 BRED BY ANOKA FARMS, WAUKESHA, WIS. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 143 VILLAGE KNIGHT 367812 Whiu D. K. Hanna Bloodlines: Scotch. Villager 295884 Roan. C. H. Jolliffe Belle of St. Cloud Roan. C. E. Clarke Village Beau 293883 Wm. Duthie Rosy Cloud C. H. Jolliffe March Knight 188105 C. E. Clarke Imp. Fairplay 4th \Vm. Duthie Prizes: Third junior calf at Ohio State Fair and 5th at the Intel na- tional in 1912. VILLAGE STAR 367815- Roan D. R. II:.nnu i lines: Scotch. {Village Beau 2958S3 Wm. Duthie Rosy Cloud C. H. Jolliffe I Spicy Diamond 241077 D. R. Hanna Missie C. H. Cargill & Son Prizes: In 1912 Village Star was 4th senior calf at Ohio State Fair, 3d at the International and 1st at the American Royal, and at both Chi- cago and Kansas City he headed 1st prize calf herd. FAIRVIEW SULTAN 368100.. Sultan 227050 Roan. E. S. Kelly White. X. A. Lind Bloodlines: Scotch. ("Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis I Imp. Sally 6th Thos. F. f.\I:tiquis of Zenda 157854 W. S. M:.rr I Imp. Victoria Alexa W. C. Edwards & Co | J. Deane Willis I Victory Queen I White In 3913 Fairview Sultan was 4th junior yearling at Minne- sota State Fair and 3d at Iowa State Fair, and at this fair he was 6th prize three-year-old in 1915. 144 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners KING'S SECRET 369111. Roan Elmendorf Farm f Cumberland's Last r King Cumberland 229822 288383 J C . A. Saunders Koan. F. O. Lowden Miss Walpole I Jas. Walpole (-Whitehall Ramsden 209777 | Secret Rose .48937 J E. S. Kelly Roan. T. E. Robson Imp. Strawberry 4th Thos. F. Jamieson Bloodlines: Scotch. KING'S SECRET had a brief but brilliant show yard record. Prizes: (At the International in 1912 he was 1st junior calf and junior champion and in 1913 was 1st junior yearling. [Royal Rex 3d 341710. Red. S. A. Bixler SCOTTISH REX 370101J Red. J. O. Wostrope f Diamond Rex 205067 Forbes, Prather & Norton Dalmeny Hanna & Co r Royal Prince 7th 195826 S. H. Thompson & Carrie Esther 2d 43469. J Sons Red. J. G. Westrope Carrie Esther J. W. Dawdy Bloodlines: Any reasonable analysis of this breeding will pronounce it Scotch in all lines, despite the fact that Chief Mason 102154, grand- sire of Carrie Esther, has a cross of Proud Duke 36660, a son of the great sire Duke of Richmond, but a descendant out of imp. Young Mary. Prizes: Scottish Rex was 3d senior yearling at Iowa State Fair in 1913, 1st prize two-year-old in 1914 and in 1916 was 10th in class at the International. no i ds Royal Sultan 223948 y Roan. C. A. Saunders i Bloodlines: Scotch. Fairy Queen 64155 - Roan. F. O. Lowden Cumberland's Last 229822 C. A. Saunders Village Queen C. S. Barclay Prizes: In 1912 Village Cumberland was 1st junior calf at the Iowa State Fair and 2d at the American Royal. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 145 GAINFORD MARQUIS 370987.. Roan. G. Harrison Bloodlines: Scotch. (iiiinford Knight 370S86. White. G. Harrison Dalmeny Marchioness 8th R. & w. Karl of I'osebeirv Goldie's Knight 3709SS J. & W. J. Paterson Gainford May Bud G. Harrison (Villager iM'632 G. D. Lloyd Marchioness L'lsl ( !. M . Ca nierop Prizes: At the International in 1!11 (lainford Marquis was junior champion at th*- International and :!<1 prize t wo-yea r-old in LOVELY SULTAN 371407.. Roan -valton Sultan White ( 'arp* i, tt-f \- ! W. C. Rosenberger f Flmir; ^- i-> j T^I n T-_:I.^^ Bricker I \Vhit.-hall Sultan L635T3 .1. Deane Willis Imp. Av:.!ancht- 'M C. M. J'.lliiT.- Scottish X'olli: i72 lampbeli . e 2.l \\'. < 5. I'M\\ at Bloodlines: Scotch. Maxwalton Sultan is own brother to Av.nul;il- and his r.^cord .s t-\ iik-nt that he inhci'itcd sonic of the merit that made . \vondale so famous. Prizes: Lovely Sultan was 1st junior calf at the < hio State Fair in 11'lL'. Maxwalton Sultan White penter & Ross SULTAN'S HEIK 371403 Roan \V. <\ Rosen).* Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche I'd If. Jolliffe \Vm. luithie in Imp. Donside Prile 61$. j Ked. Alex Campbell I Donside Maid 2d I Alex ('ampl.ell Illoodlines: Sc.,tch. Prizes: I-'irst senior calf and junior champ: 144 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners r King Cumberland 288383 Kban. F. O. Lowden KING'S SECRET 369111. Roan Elmendorf Farm Secret Rose .48937 Roan. T. E. Robson Cumberland's Last 229822 C. A. Saunders Miss Walpole Jas. Walpole Whitehall Ramsden 209777 E. S. Kelly Imp. Strawberry 4th Thos. F. Jamieson Bloodlines: Scotch. KING'S SECRET had a brief but brilliant show yard record. Prizes: At the International in 1912 he was 1st junior calf and junior champion and in 1913 was 1st junior yearling. Royal Rex 3d 341710. Red. S. A. Bixler SCOTTISH REX 370101-! Red. J. G. Wostrope I Carrie Esther 2d 43469.^ Red. J. G. Westrope Diamond Rex 205067 Forbes, Prather & Norton Dalmeny Hanna & Co Royal Prince 7th 195826 S. H. Thompson & Sons Carrie Esther J. W. Dawdy Bloodlines: Any reasonable analysis of this breeding will pronounce it Scotch in all lines, despite the fact that Chief Mason 102154, grand- sire of Carrie Esther, has a cross of Proud Duke 36660, a son of the great sire Duke of Richmond, but a descendant out of imp. Young Mary. Prizes: Scottish Rex was 3d senior yearling at Iowa State Fair in 1913, 1st prize two-year-old in 1914 and in 1916 was 10th m class at the International. VILLAGE CUMBER LAND 370215 Roan. C. A. Saunders Bloodlines: Scotch. f Royal Sultan 223948 E. S. Kelly Burwood Royal 317596. J Red I Lady Dorothy llth Herr Bros &. Rey- J. W. Dawdy nolds (-Cumberland's Last 229822 Fairy Queen 64155 J C. A. Saunders Roan. F. O. Lowden Village Queen C. S. Barclay Prizes: In 1912 Village Cumberland was 1st junior calf at the Iowa State Fair and 2d at the American Royal. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 145 GAINFORD MARQUIS 370987.. Roan. G. Harrison Bloodlines: Scotch. Goldie's Knight 3709SS J. & W. J. Paterson Gainford May Bud G. Harrison Dalmeny Marchioness 8th ................ J ixi!632 D R. & w. Earl of Ros.'berrv I Marchioii.-ss L'lsi ('. M. c micron Prizes: At the International in 1!11 (lainford Martinis was junior champion at the International and :id pri/e two-year-old in IH1L'. LOVELY SULTAN 371407.. Whitehall Sultan 1>, .Maxwal.on Sultan _, ,..,,, wmijs 870 J \Vhite | imp. Avalancl ( 'arpt i,ter ,v Uo-s Roan W. C. rjos.-nl)erger Bloodlines: Scotch. lively of Klmir-i L John (". Bricker Scottish Yohii IB72 lampbell ly of Pine N54 \\'. < \ I-: -a ! Maxwalton Sultan is own brother to Avondale and his record sire is evident that he inherited some of the merit that made Avondale so famous. Prizes: Lovely Sultan was 1st junior calf at (lie < hi- Slate Fair i n 1912. Whitehall Sultan 168573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche I'd C. If. Jolliffe Maxwalton Sultan 30f),S70 ........... White Carpenter & Ross SULTAN'S HEIR 371403^ Roan fGoldcn Fame 162443 W. C, Most-ii).. I'linp. lionsidi- 1'ri !<- 618. J i.nilell Donsid.- Maid 2d impbell Illoodlin- E 'tch. in Prizes: First senior calf and junior champion at Ohio State 146 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners ORANGE GOODS 372544 Roan. Purdy Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. {Best of Goods 262678 Tebo Land& Cattle Co. Barmpton's Queen of Beauty R. T. Scott rLord Champion 254700 C. A. Saunders I Carnation 113284 J Fairview Orange Bios- Red. Purdy Bros. SO m 15th Purdy Bros. Prizes: In 1913 Orange Goods was 2d senior yearling at the Interna- tional and at the American Royal he was 1st and in 2d young herd. COME IN TIME 385006-! White. J. G. Biller fThe Gallant 304/530. . White Carpenter & Ross I Imp. Rose of Tyne 59554-J v. r>, Avondale 245144 E. S. Kelly Imp. Rosewood Pride Geo. Walker f Caliph 317063 Lord Lovat Roan. A. G. Balfour Tea A. J. Balfour Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second junior yearling at Ohio State Fair and 4th at the International in 1913. {Golden Goods 253393 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Ruberta J. G. Robbins & Sons SECRET GOODS 385012-! Co. Macnaughton 153343 Roan. H. Rees & Son 8 Bloodlines: Scotch. Sunny Maid 2d. Red. Anton Williams John Wilson Sunny Maid I. Barr & Son Prizes: Secret Goods was 5th junior yearling at the International and at Ohio State Fair he was 1st in 1913 and 2d in class in 1914. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 147 Daybreaker 322^,42.. Roan LANCASTER DUKE j. G . B iller & Son Archer 205740 Hanna & Co. 1 >ayl.reak 2d 192S5 A. B. Clark 385035 J Superhus 224710 Roan. Farmer Farm Lancaster Duchess 3d K. H. MeCutcheon 36355 ............... Duchess of Lancaster * Red. Ardmore Stock Co. 16th Ardmore Stock Co. Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth junior calf at Minnesota State Fair and 2d at the American Royal in 1913. (-Avondale 245144 E. S. Kelly Double Dale 337156 J Maxwalton Rosewood Roan 12640 DALE CLAR,ON 38519C- ' ^' """^ & R 8S ( 'umbel land's Last \\ iiite. Owen Kane 229822 iLily of Sunnyland 13249J C. A. Saunders L White. Aug. Sonnelaml Lily I :. < J. Rumsey Bloodlines: Scotch^ This is breeding that has produced great results as prize winners and in tin- development of Shorthorns in several leading herds. Double Dale was one of the best sons of Avondale, ;md the dam of Dale Clarion is rich in the blood that eame from the herd of Jas. Durno, both her sire and dam having the blood of imp. Lady Douglas, darn of < 'umberland's I^ist. Dale (Marion was a threat breeder. S> Futurity champions were of his produce. Prizes: In 1913 he was 2d junior calf at the International and at Un- American Royal he was 1st and headed 1st prize calf herd. f Avondale 245144 K. S. Kelly Double Dale 337156 J Roan \walton Rosewood (twin)J Carpenter & Ross 12640 RADIUM 385197 (twinH Carpenter & Ross White. Owen Kane j Marengo's Count 154318 I Lady Fragrant J Phi l<> L- Mi" Roan. B. C. Rumsey Mp. i-i'L\ Marei [ Philo L. Mills Bloodlines: Scotch. In the show ring the record of Radium was brief but brilliant and as a sire he has made a record that marks him as one of the great breeders of his time. As a sire of Futurity winners I doubt if any bull has sur- passed his record. Prizes: In 1913 at the American Royal Radium was 1st junior year- ling, in 1st young herd and 1st get of sire and at the Intel-national he was 2d in class, in 3d young herd and 2d get of sire. 148 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners BURNBRAE SULTAN 385228 \ White. Robt. Miller [Superb Suitan 312047.... Red. F. W. Harding rWhitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Secret Sultana 2d F. W. Harding f Spicy King 156733 W. S. Marr Imp. Winifred c'd. Roan. Wm. Anderson 1 Winifred 2d I Wm. Anderson Bloodlines: Scotch. BURNBRAE SULTAN was a very prepotent sire and his produce was an indication of his inherited merit. Prizes: At the International in 1916 he was 1st prize aged bull and senior champion. CRUSADER 385486 ...-I {Cherry Grove Banff 16th 231870 M. E. Jones Jenny Stanley 2d . . ^^^ .. W. L. Ketcham Money Musk 186T-42 Red. G. H. Burge | Nonpare ii o f Wayside G H B urge 6th 4 Red. G. H. Burge | Nonpareil of Wayside 2d L G. H. Burge Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: First junior yearling at Iowa State Fair and 2d in Minnesota in 1913. FAIR ACRES GLOS- TER 385760 Roan. J. A. Kilgour Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Fair Acres Sultan 354154- White. F. W. llurdim? Snowbird 11648 C. E. Clarke Ontario Duchess 47864 * Red, little white John Miller rUppermill Omega 29576] W. S. Marr Est. J Ontario Duchess of Gloster 4th 47865 Sam'l Aliin Bloodlines: Scotch, with a small amount of Bates that every one now accepts in this breeding. Prizes: In 1913 Fair Acres Gloster was 5th senior calf at the Inter- national and at Iowa State Fair he was 2d in class in 1914 and 2d in 1915. In 1914 he was grand champion at Illinois State Fair. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 149 BANNER BEARER 387173.. Roan. Lespedeza Farm Imperial Gloster 340225H Roan. E. W. Bowen Everlasting 242727 C. E. Clarke Lady Gloster 6th I. M. Forbes & Son I Valley Champion 130485 J. G. Robbins & Sons Mattie Amelia 5th A. P. Adair Bloodlines: In the main this breeding is of Scotch blood, but is on a foundation that came through imp. Amelia. Preceding the three Scotch sires there are two crosses of Bates bulls. Prizes: Third senior calf at the International in 1913 and 1st senior yearling at Ohio State Fair in 1914. IMPERIAL BRACE 387183 Red. Lcspede/.a Fa in; Bloodlines: Scotch. {-lasting J4L'7l'7 C. E. Clarke iter 6th I. M. Forb.-s A: Son (/-Scotch Goods 259864 tM I.ari-1 \- 'attle Sweet 67986... J Co. Roan. K. \V. Bowen I '-ad's J. G. Robbins & Sons Prizes: Fourth junior calf at th- tional in 1'J13 and in 1914 he was junior and grand champion at Ohio State Fair and also at other fairs on the eastern and southern circuits. ROYAL SILVER 387283- White J. X. Tittemore Bloodlines: I Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Village Maid 2d H. Smith Premier Queen 99221'... . Roan. J. X. Tittemore Premier 280263 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Golden Queen C. C. Bigler & Sons In 1913 B 8 4th senior prize calf at Iowa State Fair, :;d in M inn's< >ta, 3d at the American Royal and 2d at thr Int. tional. In 1916 he was 2d prize aged bull at Mir.- and 5th at the International. In 1917 at public sale he was sold for $4,000. 150 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners VILLAGE FLASH 387926.. White. D. R. lianna Bloodlines: Scotch. [Village Beau 295883 Wm. Duthie Villager 205884. J Roan. C. H. Jolliffe Rosy Cloud C. H. Jolliffe Grassland Violet 3d rThe Conqueror 215051 G. M. Casey 65708 J Sweet Briar Violet Roan Tebo Land & Cattle T. J. Wornall & Sons [_ Co. This son of the great sire Villager was shown only as a calf and won 4th prize at the American Royal in 1913. He proved a good sire in the herd of E. M. Hall, and at the dispersion of the Hallwood herd was sold for $2,000. COUNT AVONDALE 387973.. Roan Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. Avondale 245144 Roan. E. S. Kelly Imp. Lady Marjory.... Roan. J. Deane Willis [Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche 2d [ C. H. Jolliffe "Count Lavender 132575 Wm. Duthie Lady Mary 12th W. S. Marr Prizes: Third junior yearling at Ohio State Fair and 3d at the Inter- national in 1913. CUMBERLAND AGAIN, 388131 J ("Cumberland's Last Cumberland's Best 229822 334805 \ C. A. Saunders White. C. A. Saundors | Pro Narcissus 2d I Cookson Bros. Roan. C. A. Blunders I Gladsome Red. S. G. Crawford ("Champion 118343 J. S. McCauley I Gladiolus H. C. Duncan Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: At the American Royal in 1913 he was 2d senior calf, 2d at Iowa State Fair, and at this fair he was 3d in class in 1914 and 4th in 1915. March, 1917, he sold for $1,500. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 151 CUMBERLAND'S TYPE 388132... Roan. C. A. Saunders Bloodlines: Scotch. Cumberland's Best 334805 White. C. A. Saunders Cumberland's Last 229822 C. A. Saunders Pro Narcissus 2d Cookson Bros. {Cumberland's Last 229822 C. A. Saunders Gipsy Maid 3d C. B. Dustin & Son CUMBERLAND'S TYPE inherited so much of the merit of his great grandsire that the name selected for him was fully justified. Prizes: In 1913 he was 1st senior calf and junior champion at Iowa State Fair, in Minnesota, at the American Royal and the International. At Des Moines he was junior and grand champion in 1914 and senior and grand champion in 1914. At Denver he was junior and grand cham- pion in 1914 and senior and grand champion in 1916. This list of prizes is only a small part of the winnings of this bull at the various shows, district, state and national. He won 36 champion ribbons. Cumberland's Best 334805 White. C. A. Saunders MARQUIS CUMBER- LAND 388134 \ rsl Cumberland's Last 220822 C. A. Saunders Pro Narcissus 2d Cookpon Bros. Roan. C. A. Saunders Bloodlines: Scotch. IAnoka Sultan 264212 F. W. Harding Pine Grove Mildred llth W. C. Edwards & Co. Prizes: In 1913 Marquis Cumberland was 2d junior calf at the Iowa State Fair, 3d in Minnesota and 5th at the American Royal. SILVER KNIGHT 388261 . . White. J. F. Prather Bloodlines: Scotch. Good Knight 350286 . Roan. E. A. Hess ("Choice Knight 253397 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Dora May 3d 30704 I M. E. Jones Diamond Lass 5th 2 ^ White. J. F. Prather Golden Victor 28.^307 J. F. Prather I )i;nnond Lass 2d J. F. & J. W. Prather Prizes: In 1916 Silver Knight was 1st prize three-year-old at the Iowa State Fair and was 3d at the American Royal and 3d at the Inter- national. 152 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners VILLAGE SUPREME 423865 BRED I!V MELLOWS BROS., MARYVILLE, MO. WESTERN STAR 471555 MKKD BY THE ALLEN CATTLE CO., COLORADO SPRINGS,COLO. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 15.3 REVOLUTION 383359... Roan. < 'arpenter & Ross Avondale 245144 Roan. E. S. Kelly [Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis \ Imp. Avalanche 2d C. II. Jolliffe f Damon 317068 Imp. Roan Rt.seluid IJJth | S. G. (Irani 59553, Rcan. A. M. Leslie I ^'ar Queen A "Vf I <-v.^ A. M. Leslie Bloodlines: Scotch. that places him REVOLUTION made a record in the show the notable prize winners. Prixes: Second junior calf at <>hi.. stat,- Pair and 2d at the Inter- national in 1913; 1st prixe t w-y -Mr-old in l\>\'. Loth in Ohio and at the American Royal; in inn; I'd prixe three- yi-ar-old at Columbus. L'd at Kansas City and Stli at Chicago. j n j ,, , 7 ,. %vas , tl , in ((hi( , ; . (1 .,, th ,. Int. M-natio rial and at tin- American Koyal was 1st and senior champion, and in 1 ! 1 s was senior and .uran.l c-hampii.n at Ohio Statf Pair and I'd in class in Indiana. LORD AVONDALE 391326.. Avondal.- iMf, l ; Roan !:. S. K> lly Roan Carpenti Bloodlines: Scotch. i Whitehall Sultan J. I)e.u;e Willis. ] Ini|>. Avalanche L'd C. II Jolliffe (-Godwin 11 -,<;-.; W. A Marris Lad: Myste :! J Ro in. Qeo. Allen jimp. Collynie Mi Win. Inithie Lord Avondalc has th- m-i it ol his sire in a lar^i- measui'e. The only t'ound of him in any sho\v rin- was I'd i-rixe two-year-old at 'mio State Pair in lit 1 L' and during that year he was sold fur > It was n-p'-rti-il that an otTer .,f $I':,.IKMI fnr him was refused in 1918. Johnson Thos. .Inhnson SULTAN GOODS 349031 Roan H. Rees & Sons ly Goods 85319. Red. Unwell I; < Henbrook Sultan : ; I-:. S. K-lly La\ -ndej- Spinstei John Dryden iSL- Son This hr-M|in.i,- is laihei-ta's diM.ds _- ! tl(i J J I.ady I'airon :id J. I'. KatTfiiberg ,f Scotch I.! ..... I. but the founda tion in the maternal line is of mixed |,: (H ,d. J'ri/es: At the American Koyal Sultan doods was White Wm. Herklemann Bloodlines: Scotch. Lady Violet 5th 109096 Roan. Howell Rees The blending of the Cumberland blood of the sire with the Choice Goods and Ruberta blood of the dam was a combination that brought good results. Prizes: In 1916 Cumberland Standard was 2d prize two-year-old at the American Royal and 5th at the International. In 1917 he was 1st in class at Des Moines, 2d at Kansas City and 7th at Chicago; in 1918 2d at Des Moines and 3d at Chicago. LESPEDEZA SULTAN 406929.. White. Anoka Farms .Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Rachel's Daughter Philo L. Mills (" Royal Sultan 339238 X. A. Lind Victoria 3d 12977"... Roan. las Neville Beaver Creek Victoria N. A. Lind Bloodlin'es: Scotch. LESPEDEZA SULTAN was a very successful prize winner and was also a sire of prize winners. Prizes: In 1916 he was 3d prize two-y';ir-old at Ohio State Fair and 3d at the International, and in 1917 was senior and grand champion at the former and 2d in class at the latter. In 1918 he was 2d in Ohio, 1st and grand champion in Indiana, 1st at the American Royal and 1st at the International. 156 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners MAXWALTON COM MANDER 406947.. Roan Carpenter & Ross fAvondale 245144 Roan. B. S. Kelly Imp. Roan Lady 36th fWhitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis I Imp. Avalanche 2d [ C. H. Joiliffe rNonpareil Crown 306269 J. L. Reid 70925 J Red Lady 35th Roan. T. A. Buttar T. A Buttar Bloodlines: Scotch. MAXWALTON COMMANDER had a remarkably successful career in the show arena and in sales. When two years old he was sold at private treaty for $7,COO to F. A. Gillespie of Oklahoma and at the recent dis- persion sale of that herd he went to H. C. Lookabaugh at $10,000. Prizes: At Ohio State Fair in 1914 he was 2d senior calf and in 1915 was 1st senior yearling and junior champion at this show and at the American Royal and 1st in class at Denver. In 1916 he was 2d at the International and in 1917 he was senior and grand champion at Denver and at the International was grand champion } both in 1917 and 1918. SUPERIOR KNIGHT 408979., Good Knight 320286. Roan. E. A. Hess Red. J. F. Prather I Nonpareil Queen 6th {Choice Knight 253397 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Dora May 3d 30704 M. E. Jones r Bapton Sovereign 192125 J. Deane Willis 94187 -| Nonpareil Queen 4th Red. J. F. Prather 22735 J. F. Prather Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth prize two-year-old at American Royal in 1916 and 10th at the International. WOODLAWN VIL- LAGER 409698.. f Villager 295884.. .... Roan. C. H. Joiliffe .J Red. D. R. Hanna Bloodlines: Scotch. Village Beau 295883 Wm. Duthie Rosy Cloud C. H. Joiliffe f Village Champion 20'6031 Wm. Duthie :hj Ruby of Pine Grove Ot-h Red | Imp. Ruby 15th W. C. Edwards & Co. [_ Thos. F. Jamieson Prizes: Woodlawn Villager was 3d prize two-year-old at Denver and in 1916 was 5th prize three-year-old at the American Royal and 4th at the International. In 1917 he was 2d in class at Denver and 5th at Iowa State Fair. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 157 (Avondale 245144 E. S. Kelly 1 Imp. Lavender Bloom J. Deane Willis Maxwalton Renown 367543 MAXWALTON CORAL! Sinter & Ross 4102/7 J Imp. Coral Beauty 2d f O " d J? U ** 59735 I J ' D " Fletcher Roan. Jas. Morrison i Ooral Beauty Jas. Morrison White Carpenter &, Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: First junior yearling at Ohio st:it> Fair and nth at the Amer- ican Royal in 1915. MAXWALTON PRIDE 2D 410278 ............ Roan ( 'arp.-Mt.-r Maxwalton K.-nown r: White < 'arpt-nt.-r X IJoss i Avondale iM.'.l 14 I! B. Kelly Imp". La\end-r .1. Deane (}(). Walker I'ri.l. ..-II Win. Imp. Riisi-\v..,d S6th Walk, r Bloodlines: Scotch. MAXWALTON PRIDE 2D did not have an extf-nd^.l )-.(.. id in th> show arena, but part of it was brilliant and spectacular. As a ilf he won 4th prize at the Ohio State Fair, but for t\\ State Fairs was eclipsed by th<> brilliance of Maxwalton Commander. He bided his time and at the International in l!Ut; h,- \vr-st-d 1st prize from walton Commander, \vh,, canu- to that show with tin- pn-sti. <7,000 valuation mi his head. At th- Ass,,cia I ion sah- at that show M.ixwalton Pride 2d was purchased by th- MaxwHI-Mill.-r C. {Gladstone 29331? i: S Kelly YillaK" n'"oin 280^7 Lowden White Sultan 296336 !'. \V. Hard. I'herry Arabella _' - nne 12707 ; Voung Duchess Gwynne 8th 86831 Roan. Thos. Jchnson Scotch. The sire ,f Favorite Sultan is full brother to Prizes: First prize two-year-old at Ohio State Fair in 1916. Bloodlines: Avondale. 160 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners Ruberta's Goods 283807^ Co [Golden Goods 253393 Tebo Land & Cattle RADIUM 412345 . Roan. H. Rees & Sojis Roan Tebo Land & Cattle Co. J Ruberta J. G. Robbins & Sons rChampion 127086 I. Barr & Son ( Aurora J Mazurka 2d of Maple- ^ Red wood O. Bumgarner & Sons [ M. Firich & Co. Bloodlines: The Scotch blood that came to Radium through the two champions, -Ruberta and Choice Goods, and through the sire of Aurora was blended with the mixed blood of early ancestors in the female line. This bull should not be confused with Radium owned by Bellows Eros. Prizes: Third junior calf at the American Royal and 6th at the Inter- national of 1913. GAINFORD MARQUIS 2D 412505.. Roan. Miller Bros. "Bloodlines: Scotch. ("Gainford Knight 37098S G. Harrison Gainford Marquis 3709874 Roan. G. Harrison Dalmeny Marchioness 8th G. Harrison Iuppermill Omega 295703 W. S. Marr Est Rosa Hope 17th 75967 Miller Bros. Prizes: In 1915 he was 6th prize two-year-old at Iowa State Fair and at the American Royal he was 2d and in 1916 was 7th in class. GOLDEN COUNT 2D 412514. . Roan. J. W. McDermott Bloodlines: Scotch. Good Count 338610. Roan J. W. McDermott Golden Choice 156179... L Roan. Tebo Land & Cattle Co. [Fair Goods 253301 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Cloverdale Countess W. C. Edwards & Co. Choice Goods 183802 Jas. Durno Golden Abbotsburn T. S. Moberly Prizes: In 1915 Golden Count was 3d at Iowa State Fair and 1st at the American Royal. Record of Shorthorn Prize dinners 161 COLLEGE KNIGHT 413982.. Roan. J. F. Prather Bloodlines: Scotch. Good Knight 350286. Roan E. A. Hess ("Choice Knight 253397 Tebo Land & Cattle 4 Co. Dora May 3d 30704 M. E. Jones {Matchless Robin 268244 I. M. Forbes & Son Golden Lass 3d 22730 J. F. Prather Prizes: Third prize two-year-old at American Royal in 1916, and at the association sale he brought $1,065. MAX WALTON AMATEUR 414027 Roan Carpenter Ross Maxwalton Renown } :'. White Carpenter Lake Talk A'luusia 2ll 24679. . lie.l. Thos. H. Canfield Avomlale LMT.144 !:. S. Kelly Imp. Lavender Bloom .]. Deanc Willis Count Ain.-tranth Win. Duthie Imp. Augusta 99th Jas. Bruce Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Eighth prize two-year-old at international in 1916 and 3d in class at Iowa State Fair in i:ti7. In June, r.OT. Maxwalton Amateur was sold for $3,450. DIVIDE CUMBER- LAND 417423 .... ^Royal Cumberland 334808. . Roan. Allen Cattle Co. White. C. A. Saunders Empress 115741 Red. Allen Cattle Co. Cumberland's Last 229822 C. A. Saunders Royal Princess I. M. Forbes & Son fStar Divide 306829 R. A. Carrier Divide Lass 44". R. A. Carrier Bloodlines: This breeding is quite largely of Scotch blood, but the foundation in the female line came through imp. Young Ph\ DIVIDE CUMBERLAND was not exhibited at eastern shows, l.ut was 1st pri/e junior yearling at the Panama-Pacific Exposition. 162 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners VILLAGER'S CORONET 476743 BRED BY UPPERMILL FARM, WAPELLO, IOWA SULTAN'S BRACE 491597 BRED BY LESPEDEZA FARM, HICKORY VALLEY, TENN. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 163 (Village Beau 295883 Wm. Duthie Villager 295884 J Roan. ('. H. Jolliffe Rosy Cloud C. H. Jolliffe f Missie Champion 236025 Roan. D. R. Hanna Duchess of Gloster 42d w c Edwards A Co. VILLAGE CREST 418376. . I 118Sb2, Roan Bonnie Gloster \V. c. Edwards & Co. [ John Morrison Bloodlines: Scotch. VILLAGE CREST was a choice son of the great sire Villager. The only year for which I have secured his prizes was 1915, winning 3d prize two-year-old both at Iowa State Fair and the American Royal. He was sold at $3,325 for export to Argentina. t'hampioii of Sc\va State Fair in I'.ii:.. and in 1 !i 1 7 \vn the same position at the American Royal. RUSPER CHAMPION 425338.. Proud Clvnnpion ; Roan. Win. Puthie Prid6 of Avon :U1139 C, II. Jolliffe toil Pride 4th \Vm. Duthi- Roan. E. R. Morrison P.loodlim-s: Seoteh. f Lavender Beau - . Alissie llth ^ ujjj 198421* J lied. H. ('. p.-wis 1 Princess Alissie 5th W. J. Buckley ; Rusper champion was r.tli prix- two-year-old at Iowa State Kali- in 1915. MISSIE'S PRIDE 425599- Red Frank R. Kdwards Ploodlines: .<, I tide of AH'io] Roan ! LOSS Shenstonc Albino :-}171ii."i R. P. Cooper I mi.. Rosewood Pride Geo. Walker {Rustic Sultan J. A. Gerlaugh AlissiM Pane J. R. Pawrence Pri/.es: .Missis's Prid.- u nior calf at Mu,, State Fair and 7th at the American Royal in P.P",. 168 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners CORRECT CUMBER- LAND 425657 Red Jos. Miller & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. Cumberland Archer 399513 Roan Jos. Miller & Sons Queen Bess 35th 85159 Red Jos. Miller & Sons 'Royal Cumberland 2d 334809 C. A. Saunders Flower Belle 85147 Jos. Miller & Sons [Craibstone 150955 Geo. Anderson Lovely Queen Woodford Bros. Prizes: Fourth senior calf at Iowa State Fair and 4th at the American Royal in 1915. THAXTON WHITE STAR 426149 White. Jas. Brown Bloodlines: Scotch. King's Secret 369111 . . Roan Elmendorf Farm IKing Cumberland 288383 F. O. Lowden Secret Rose 48937 T. E. Robson Lovely Roan 2d 82090... Roan John Lee & Sons fMina's Royal Gloster 333872 John Lee & Sons Lovely Roan 820S9 John Lee & Sens Prizes: Fifth junior yearling at the International in 1916, and in the sale at that time Thaxton White Star sold for $1,200. Roan Carpenter & Ross MAXWALTON LEADER 426445 J Maxwalton Renown 367543 White Carpenter & Koss | Maxwalton Lavender 62800 Red Carpenter & Ross f Avondale 245144 E. S. Kelly Imp T . Lavender Bloom J. Deane Willis ("Avondale 245144 E. S. Kelly Imp. Lavender Bloom J. Deane Willis Bloodlines: Scotch. It will be noticed that the sire and dam of this calf are own brother and sister, hence there is great concentration of the blood. Prizes: Second junior calf at Ohio State Fair and 5th at the Inter- national in 1915. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 169 MAXWALTON LORD 4TH 426446 White Carpenters-. Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. f Avondale 245144 Maxwalton Renown E s Kc n v 3-67543 J White. Carpenter & | Imp. Lavender Bloom Ross J. Deane Burwood Lady 29229 . . . White. John M. Blats Lord Kintore 2d 200369 Arthur Johnston Imp. Gwendoline Jas. Durno Prizes: In 1915 Maxwalton Lord 4th was 2d junior calf at Denver, 1st at Ohio State Fair and 6th at the American Royal. MAXWALTON MINSTREL 426447. White Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. Maxwalton Renown 367543 White Carpenter & Ross Lady Missie 2d Roan. Geo. Allen Avondale 245144 E. S. Kelly Imp. Lavender Bloom J. Deane Willis Godwin 115676 W. A. Harris Imp. Collynie Missie Wm. Duthie Prizes: In 1916 Maxwalton Minstrel was 1st junior yearling at Ohio State Fair, 4th at the American Royal and 10th at the International, and was 3d in class at Columbus in 1917. VILLAGE MARSHAL 427572 White J. W. McDermctt Cumberland Marshal 412384 Roan Elmendorf Farm Village Rosalie 203805, White D. R. Hanna [King Cumberland 288383 P. O. Lowden j Marshal's Queen 87585 Elmendorf Farm Village King 334462 D. R. Hanna Rosalie 3d 63960 D. R. Hanna Bloodlines Scotch. Village Marshal is a blending of the blood of the two great sires, Cumberland 118578 and Villager 295884. Prizes: First senior calf at the American Royal of 1915 and 1st senior yearling in 1916. 170 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners MAXWALTON DESTINY 427598.. Roan Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. Maxwalton Renown 367543 White Carpenter & Ross I Imp. Miss Dorothy 59736 R;an. Wm. Puthie 1 Lady Dorothy 33d I Wm. Duthie TAvondale 245144 E, S. Kelly | Imp. Lavender Bloom J. Deane Willis f Scottish Fancy 157741 W. S. Mai Prizes: In 1915 Maxwalton Destiny was 2d senior calf at Denver, 4th at Ohio State Fair and 6th at the American Royal. True Cumberland 3d 353220 CUMBERLAND GOODS] W hite ' ^ A. Saunders 427610 \ Roan Wm. Herkleman Bloodlines: Scotch. Lady Violet 5th 10909C. *- Roan. Howell Rees True Cumberland 317602 C. A. Saunders Lake Park Senora Thos. H. CanfieJd Ruberta's Goods 233S07 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Lady Violet 3d Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Prizes: At the Iowa State Fair in 1915 Cumberland Goods was 4th junior calf and at the American Royal he was 2d and 1st Futurity. ROSEDALE'S CHOICE , 427626 \ Roan Howell, Rees & Sons Whitehall Roseciaie 320004 Carpenter & Ross Sweet Choice 157333...^ - Red J. W. McDermoti ("Avondale 245144 E. S. Kelly Imp. Rosewood Pride [ Geo. Walker 'Fair Goods 2o339i Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Strawberry 40272 C. T. Nelson Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1915 Rosedale's Choice was 3d junior calf at Denver and at the American Royal he was 7th in class and 5th Futurity. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 171 [Blossom's Champion 264558 A! ysie'a < 'hampion 3354iq H D Parsons Red. W. K. McM'uen | Pri ncess Mysie 3d H. D. Parsons Red Victor 216682 H D Parsons Malaka Queen H. D. Parsons CHIEF CHAMPION 429096 . . Scotch. Prizes: Second junior yearling at the American Royal in 1 'iimlit rlaiul's Type 38X1 ML'. . Ii. an. A. A. Saundera TYPE'S MODEL 429408 Roan. 1 ;lo<>dlim-s: Scotch. ! Roan Sinnissippi 150932. Roan John R. Saunders Cumberland's Best 334805 C. A. Saunders Y Countess 65193 \. Saunders Tan wood Royal 317596 Herr Bros. & Reynolds Sinnissippi Blossom 10146 l ' >. Lowden In inr, Tyjc-'s Mod'l was : J ,d junior calf at Iowa Stat- Kair. In l!l he was 1st junior yearling at Minnesota State Fair, 1st at the International and junior champion at In January, 1917, he sold for $2,300. I od Choid Tebo & Cattle Superb Goods 333019.. J Roan ' Bellows Bros. Lady Abbot Land * Cattle 4 GO. [Archer's Rest 2872 Ceo. Kanliii^ t Golden Sunray 3d 34812X Red. Kills \viiiiams Imp. Sunray I Geo. p.ruce 1'rixcs: K,,urth junior- yarlins at the Intei-natiMjial in 1916. rni nPM rnonc G L n GOODS 4>3Lbyu ................ ,. K. J. Thonr, 172 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners SILVER SECRET 431242 Roan. Rapp Bros. Village Pride 352176. Roan. Rapp Bros. fGladstone 239313 B. S. Kelly Village Bloom 28097 F. O. Lowden I Crown Secret 3d 306703 F. P. Healey Louan of Hebron E. M. Hendershot Bloodlines: The breeding is of mjxed blood, the Scotch predominating. The female line goes back through the Louans. Prizes: In 1915 Silver Secret was 1st prize calf at Iowa State Fair, and at the American Royal he was 4th in class and 2d of Futurity. SILVER GOODS 432356J Roan. H. Rees & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. Ruberta's Goods 283807 Roan Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Silver Girl 106370 , Roan. O. O. Smith Golden Goods 253393 Tebo J.and cc Cattle Co. Ruberta J. G. Robbins & Sons rPerfection Marshal 33J.909 O. O. Smith Silver Belle A. B. Carter Prizes: In 1915 Silver Goods was 2d yearling at Denver, 2d at Iowa State Fair and 6th at the American Royal. DENMARK JR. 432677.4 Roan. Anoka Farms {Villager 295884 C. H. Jolliffe Lady Margaret A. W. Smith Imp. Maude 38th 81258 . L Roan. Thos. Garland Sir George 333191 W. S. Marr Maude 37th Thos. Garland Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: : Village Denmark Jr. was 4th at the American Royal in 1916 and in June, 1918, he was sold for $1,950. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 173 SULTAN MINE 2D 433457 Roan. Carpenter & Carpenter Bloodlines: Scotch. Sultan Mine 32C273 Roan. F. W. Harding Dale's Gift 4th 107198, Roan Carpenter & Ross Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Lady Zenda 4th 8516 N. S. Robertson fAvondale 245144 E. S. Kelly 1 Wedding Gift 16th Wm. Smith Prizes: In 1916 Sultan Mine 2d was 1st senior yearling at Minnesota State Fair and 5th at the American Royal. He was sold for $1,075. VILLAGE ARCHER 433475.. White. Anoka Farms Village Denmark 334459-1 Roen. D. R. Hanna Sinnissippi Broadhooks... Roan. F. O. Lo\\'den Villager 2958S4 C. H. Jolliffe Lady Margaret A. W. Smith Ceremonious Art her 171479 F. W. Harding Imp. Twin Princess 9th C. M. Cameron Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: First junior calf at the American Royal of 1915. MOUNT VICTORIA TYPE 436235.. fAvondale 245144 E. S. Kelly Glorious Dale 2d 33495-.M Red. Aldie Duchess of Gloster Carpenter & Ross [ Henry Fairfax 1 Royal Chnmpion 286915 A. Chrystal Royal Princess 2d 542C4 S. J. Paullin Bloodlines: This breeding is essentially of Scotch blood, but in the female line there is some mixed bolod. Roan. Pobt. Grain Prizes: Fourth senior yearling at the International in 1917. 174 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners C. K. 437588 Roan. Owen Kane Augustine 354344 Rcan. D. R. Hanna Lady Fragrant 5th 149203 Re'1. Owen Kane (Villager 29bS84 C. H. Jolliffe I Imp Augusta 3?d 30671 Jas. Morrison r Double D:\le 337156 Carpenter & Ross jWisner Lady 63044 Owen Kane Bloodlines: Scotch. This breeding is the blending of the blood of Avondale and Villager, two bulls that have made a great improvement in many herds. Prizes: In 1916 O. K. was 2d senior yearling at the American Royal and 2d at the International. He was 4th in class at the International in 1917 and was 5th in 1918. {Fair Acres Sultan 354154 F. W. Harding- Ontario Duchess 47864 John Miller MONO 438554 -I rFair Acres Sultan Roan. J. A. Kilgour | 354154 I Fair Acres Diana 150332-j F. W. Harding Roan. J. A. Kilgour Diana 15692 [_ J. A. Countryman & Son Bloodlines: Scotch. In March, 1916, Fair Acres Diamond sold for $1,COO. Prizes: Third junior yearling at International in 1916. KNIGHT AVON 3D 438984.. Count Avon 334946. . Roan Carpenter & Ross White. C. F. Curtiss Bloodlines: Scotch. ("Avondale 245144 E. S. Kelly Imp. Lady Marony J. Deane Willis [Red Knight 157136 D. C. Morris Laura Knight 2d. . . Roan. K. R. Stangland I Imp. Lady Laura (_ Robt. Bruce Prizes: At the Iowa State Fair in 1918 Knight Avon 3d was 1st prize aged bull and 2d at the International. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 175 [Good Knight 35025 A. E. Hess SILVER CROWN 440743.. Silver Knight 388261 White. J F. Prather I Diamond Lass 5th 22729 J. F. Prather Roan. J. F. Prather Bloodlines: Scotch. lavender i^ady Oth 941S6 Roan. J. F. Prather Matchless Robin 268244 I. M. Forbes & Son Lavender Lady 4th J. F. Prather Prizes: In 1916 Silver Crown was 3d junior yearling at Minnesota State Fair, 6th at the American Royal and 8th at the International. DALE VILLAGER 442215.. White. F. B. Jackson Bloodlines: Scotch. Pride of Avon Roan < 'urpenter & Ross Augusta 84th 152917... Roan. D. R. Hanna f Avondale 245144 K. S. Kelly !mp. Rosewood 86th [ Geo. Walker (-Villager 295884 C. H. Jolliffe Imp. August.-! s::th senior year- ling. At the public sale in December, 1917, In- brought $3,000. MASTER RUBY 446601-j Roan. W. A. Dryden | f Nonpareil Archer 236802 Archer's Hope 402425.. I Robt Bruce White. Peter White ] Rosa Hope 16th 48877 John Miller & Sons Ruby 36th 201016 Red. A. C. Pettit 1 Royal Champion 328892 W. G. Pettit & Sons Ruby S4th A. C. Pettit Bloodlines: Scotch. MASTER RUBY was bought from W. A. Dryden for $2,000 at a time when this was considered a liberal price for a good bull. In the herds of Herr Bros. & Reynolds he proved a good sire, and some of his produr the herd of Reynolds Bros, won high honors* at the International. MASTER RUBY won 1st prize at the Wisconsin State Fair, but at the International in 1916 he was 7th aged bull. 176 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners KING BARON 495053 BRED BY BELLOWS BROS.. MARYVILLE, MO. SUNRISE 553998 BRED BY S. G. ELIASON, MONTEVIDEO, MINN. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 111 ROYAL PRIDE 446973. Roan. Rapp Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. Village Pride 352176.. Roan. Rapp Bros. {Gladstone 239313 E. S. Kelly Village Bloom 28097 F. O. Lowden 1 Royal Cumberland 316722 F. O. Lowden Barmpton Lady 3d Geo. Allen Prizes: In 1916 Royal Pride was 1st junior yearling at the American Royal. and 2d at the International and was sold for $1,900. CLOVERLEAF PRIDE 453729 Roan John (Junsett \ Maxwalton Pride 367542 Carpenter & Ross Nellie 644T.1 Roan Jonas Dininger fAvondale 245144 !:. S. Kelly Imp. Rosewood Pride Geo. Walker I liny nl Diamond L 1 . K. Hanna :1 Maid Jonas Dininger Bloodlines: This breeding is 87V6 percent Scotcli and the balance is of good Bates blood. Royal Maid was sired by the great champion Young Abbotsburn, but beyond that cross has no Scotch blood, and is a descendant of imp. Georgia Hillhurst 3d by Duke ..f Hillhui- This hull was bred by M. H. Cochrane, Hillhurst, Canada, and was export) land. There he sired the famous Duke of Connaught (33604). Prizes: Fifth junior yearling at the American Royal, L'd jun and in 1st young herd at the Ohio State Kair in irling 'Second Thought 394904.^ Red. Owen Kane WESTERN STAR 471555 Roan. Allen Cattle Jo Double Dale 337156 Carpenter & Ttoss Little Lassie Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Goods 2t. ; Tebo Land & Cattle J Co. I Pansy Blossom 65243. Roan. Harriman Bros. I 45th Duchess of Gloster [ Stuart Land & C'tle Co. Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1916 Western Star was 1st senior calf at Denver, and at the International he was 1st in a ring of forty -seven calves and headed 2d prize calf herd. He was 1st that year at Utah and Wyoming State Fairs, and in 1917 he was 1st senior yearling and was also champion bull of the western division. Exported to Argentina in 1919. 178 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners RUBY'S KNIGHT 472893.. [Archer's Hope 402425 Master Ruby 440001. .J Peter White Roan. W. A. Dryden | Ruby 36th 201016 A. C. Pettit Roan Herr Bros. & Rey- nolds Bloodlines: Scotch. Sweet Violet 71... Roan. Jas. Neville Minas Knight 20S769 C. E. Clarke Viola Browndah Farm Prizes: In 1916 Ruby's Knight was 4th senior calf at Minnesota State Fair and 10th Futurity at the International, and at this show he was 6th senior yearling in 1917. In 1918 he was second in class in Minnesota and 10th at the International. MAXWALTON MANOR 473097 IAvondale 2-15144 E, S. Kelly Imp. Roan Rosebud 12th 59553 A. M. Leslie Max walton Mina 2d 86601 IAvondfile 245144 E. S. Kelly Roan Carpenter & Ross Mina Princess 4th 12i>41 Carpenter & Ross Roan Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. In June 1916 Maxwalton Manor was sold for $2,000. Prizes: In 1916 he was 1st senior calf and junior champion at Ohio State Fair, 5th at the American Royal and 6th at the International. GOOD STAMP 474340.. Sultan Stamp 334974 White Carpenter & Ross White. Anoka Farms (Whitehall Sultan T63J73 J. Deane Willis Imp. Rachel's Daughter [ Philo L. Mills rLeader of Fashion 300790 J F. W. Harding I Sayer's Rose 101915 . Roan. F. W. Harding I Moss Rose 2d 52475 F. O. Lowden Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1916 Good Stamp was 2d senior calf at the American Royal and headed 1st calf herd, and at the International he was 2d in class and was in 2d pri^e get of sire. In November of that year he sold at public sale for $5,200. he was 7th at the American Royal. In 1918 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winner* 179 [Whitehall Sultan 1 S573 J. Deane Willis [Sultan Stamp 3?.4<74...J White. F. W. I i irdii:-^ I Imp. Rachel's Dau^ht-i LAVENDER SULTAN Philo L. Mills 474341 \ rGolden Hero 177 .".'I' J. A. Country?. ian \- I Golden Lavender J Son r.oan .1. (w. With.ers jl.a\emi--r of Stu-kland A. A. Francis Bloodlines: Scotch. LAVKNDKR SFLTAX proved an excellent sire. He was seldom ex- hibited. Prizes: In 191S I.aveml'-r Sultan was ::d prize two-year-old at tin- American Royal and I'd at the International. At the American IJoyal the group of ten head that won 1st prize contained six of his calves. At the International Lavender Sultan and his sons, Anoka ( )me^a and Anoka <'n>wn Kingr, won the l>.-r-da trophy for thr.-e Lulls l,n-d l,y exliil.itor. GLOSTER'S FAVORITE 476311 ....] Red. J. A. Kilsour Bloodlines: Scotch. f-'air Acres Gloster . J \. IN Village Nell 150! I. D. R. Manna 1' Fair Acres Sultan W. Hanling ( >ntario 1 >U( John Miller Vill s84 C. H. Joiliffe Nell 4('l 17 1 '. II. Prizes: In \\\\\\ (Hosier's Favorite was Hth senior calf at the American Royal and sth in Futurity class at the International. GAINFORD MARSHAL} 476630 . . fGainford Gainford Champion ...J Whit,-, .i. A. Watt I Kinmeli! S709S Geo. Roan. C. L. McClelL'in ll-il llntterily 17921 t 1 nt Al'i.nt C. Hint. Red. C. L. McClellan Royal Butterfly 1 [ Y. 1!. Hart Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third senior calf at the International in 1916. 180 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winner a VAIN SULTAN 476691 Roan W. C. Rosenberger Maxwalton Sultan 305870 White Carpenter & Ross Miss Stamford 131673, L Roan W. C. Rosenberger (-Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche 2d [ C. H. Jolliffe Scottish Laird 223466 R. Copeland Missie Stamford 625 R. A. & J. A. Watt Bloodlines: dale. Scotch. The sire of Vain Sultan is full brother to Avon- Prizes: In 1916 Vain Sultan was 4th senior calf at the Ohio State Fair and 8th at the American Royal. VILLAGER'S CORONET 476743....-J Roan. Uppermill Farm Bloodlines: Scotch. Villager 295884 Roan. C. H. Jolliffe Village Beau 295883 Wm. Duthie Rosy Cloud C. H. Jr.iliffe IBapton Coronet 185913 J. Deane Willis Golden Venus 4th F. W. Ayers VILLAGER'S CORONET can be justly rated among the' great show bulls of his day. Prizes: In 1916 he was 3d senior calf at the American Royal and 5th at the International, and in 1917 he was 1st senior yearling at the Inter- national and junior and grand champion at the American Royal. In 1918 he was 4th prize two-year-old at the International and was senior and grand champion at Des Moines, Iowa, Hamline, Minn., and the American Royal. VILLAGER'S DIAMOND 476744 Roan. Uppermill Far;n Villager 295884 , Roan. C. H. Jolliffe Sultana's Secret 11643, Roan. D. R. Hanna {Village Beau' 295883 Wm. Duthie Rosy Cloud C. H. Jolliffe Royal Diamond 241076 D. R. Hanna Secret Sultana 12th Kellogg Stock Farm Bloodlines: Scotch. In this breeding there was blended the blood of Villager with that of Bapton Diamond, grandsire of Sultana's Secret. Prizes: Villager's D.iamond was 4th senior calf at the International of 1916, and at the American Royal was 1st and in 2d prize calf herd. In March, 1916, he brought $1,800 at public sale. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 181 DALE'S COMMANDER 485198. . 1, little white Owen Kane Double Dale 337156. Roan Carpenter & Ross r Avondale 245144 E. S. Kelly Maxwalton Rosewood 12640 Carpenter & Ross ("Choice Knight 253393 Tebo Land & Cattle Isabelle F. 40788 J Roan. D. B. Searle | Scottish Isabelle 2d Purdy Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third junior yearling at the American Royal in 1916. FIELD MARSHAL 487370.. Roan. A. F. & G. Aulcl .Isman 35 Bandsman's Com- Alex T Gordon mander 482919 J Red. Mitchell Bros. Imp. Red Rosemary Alex T. Gordon Belmar Wimple 28460..^ Roan. ivi'-r white Marigold Sailor 280121 Thos. Redmond Imp. Vand. .1. Dram- Willi.v Bloodlines: This breeding is Scotch, except that collateral crosses in Marigold Sailor have blood of an early importation from England. Prizes: Field Marshal was 2d prize two-year-old at the International In 1917. DALE CUMBERLAND | 487928 Roan \\". T. Turner & Son Bloodlines: Scotch. {ce 314000 Earles & Stanton .M MX walton Augusta 86594 Carpenter & Rt-ss Cecilia Beauty 3d 38716^ Red J. W. Dawuy & Son Pride's Baron 3d 173260 Chas. C. Norton Cecilia of Riven'.ale S. E. Prather & Son Prizes: In 1917 Dale Cumberland was 2d senior yearling at the Am-ri- can Royal and 8th at the International, and at Iowa s 2d in class both in 1917 and 1918. 182 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners VILLAGE VALENTINE 488724 J f Villager 295884 Roan. <'. H. JoilifTo (Village Beau 295883 Wm. Duthie I Rosy Cloud C. H. Jolliffe Roan Weaver & Garden Bloodlines: Scotch. i Royal Guide 343026 Geo. W. McKerg Matilda 74747 Geo. W. McKerg Prizes: Village Valentine was 3d junior calf at the International in 1916 and was sold for $1,600. ADMIRAL CUMBER- LAND 488835 .. Prince Cumberland 347311 Roan Burwood Stock Farm Cumberland's Last 229S22 C. A. Saunders Bonnie of Glencoe I C. E. Blodgett Roan E. D. Jones & Son rMaxwalton Sultan Verbena of Oaktlale 305870 149617 I Carpenter & Ross Red, little white Salem Bell 627 Frank R. Ed\% ards [ j. M . Barclay & Son Bloodlines: This breeding represents good Scotch blood, but in it is a diminutive stream of good Booth. This Booth blood came through Cap- tain Cook 65388, sire of sixth dam in the female line, and the percent is so small as to require a mathematical expert to compute it. Prizes: Third prize two-year-old at Minnesota State Fair in 1918. COLLYNIE CUMBER LAND 488836 .. White. E. D. Jones & Son .'Roan isultan 316627 Thos. Johnson Collynie Sultan 414233. j White. Thos. Stanton I Marchioness 19th luTGuS S. J. Pearson & Son Belle Cumberland 185542. . Red. E. D. Jones & Son Prince Cumberland 347311 Burwood Stock Farm Harvester Belle 791S1 E. D. Jones & Son Bloodlines: This breeding is mainly of Scotch blood, but some of the foundation was brought to America by the Ohio Importing Co., and the noted Rose of Sharon bull, Sharon Marshal, is an ancestor in this pedigree. Among the Scotch sires worthy of special notice is Roan Sultan, that was an International champion. Prizes: Collynie Cumberland was 8th junior calf at the American Royal in 1916, and in 1917 he was 6th junior yearling at Iowa State Fair and 10th at the American Royal. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 183 r Avondale's Choice 391327 J r Avondale 245144 E. S. Kelly PLEASMNT DALE 4TH 491505. . Roan Carpenter & Ross Burwood Lady 29229 John M. Blotz Roan H. C. Lookabaugh Maxwalton Averne 2cl 86596 Roan Carpenter & F;css Boquhan Monarch 317062 Stephen Mitchell Anagathle Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third junior yearling at the American Royal in 1917. I Sultan Stamp 334974 F. \V. Harding Victoria 3.1 ]L':770 Jas. Neville SULTAN'S BRACE 491597.. Roan. Lespedeza Farm Bloodlines: Scotch. [Scotch Goods 259864 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Sweet Bracelet 67986.. J Roan. E. W. Bowen Lad's Bracelet J. G. Robbins A: Sons Prizes: Sultan's Brace was 6th junior calf at the International in 1916, and in 1917 he was junior champion at Ohio State Fair and 1st junior yearling at the International. In 1918 he was 4th prize two-year-old at the American Royal and 7th at the International. FAIR SULTAN 494475.. White. Bellows Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Fair Acres Sultan 354154 Roan. F. W. Harding | Snowbird 11648 C. E. Clarke Lady Douglas 4th 28968., Roan. F. O. Lowden Glad.stone 239313 E. S. Kelly Lady Douglas 2d B. C. Rumsey FAIR SULTAN has a record quite similar, in some respects, to that of the sensational yearling Village Supreme. When a small calf he was sold with his dam to E. J. Thompson. His development was so phenomenal that in the summer of 1918 Bellows Bros, paid $17,500 for him at private treaty. Prizes: At the International he was 8th senior calf in 19Uj and I'd senior yearling in 1918. In 1918 he was 2d prize two-year-old at the American Royal and 3d at the International. 184 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners KING BARON 495053 ., Roan. Bellows Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. f Cumberland's Best pQI CO A fParkdale Baron 410363. J Q Saunders Roan. Bellows Bros. | Bender Goods 85322 Howell Rees "Bly the Baron 291256 Juno oi* Woodhill 3d David Birrell 62024, Red. W. H. Dunwoody | Juno of Woodhill 2d W. H. Dunwoody Prizes: At the International in 1916 King Baron was 1st junior calf and was Futurity champion. In 1917 he was 1st in class at Iowa State Fair, 4th at the American Royal and 3d at the Inernational. 'True Cumberland 317602 CUMBERLAND'S GOODS 2D 495511 White. Wm. Herkelmann Bloodlines: Scotch. C. A. Saunders Lake Park Senora True Cumberland 3d 353220.. , . White. C. A. Saunders , Thos. H. Canfield Ruberta's Goods 283807 r Tebo Land & Cattle Co. I Lady Violet 5th 109096 J Lady Violet 3d T?rnn TTrtw^n T?PPS Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Roan. Howell Rees Prizes: In 1916 Cumberland's Goods 2d was 5th junior calf at the American Royal, 10th Futurity at the International and 8th junior year- ling- at the American Royal in 1917. In June of that year he sold for $1,425. FAULTLESS DALE 495606.. Red. Owen Kane Bloodlines: Scotch. Double Dale 337156.. Roan. Carpenter & Ross Miss Sappho 145407. [Avondale 245144 E. S. Kelly I Maxwalton Rosewood 12640 Carpenter & Ross Agamond 319597 J C. F. Bohlers Roan. C. F. Behlers Imp. Sappho 3rd Robt. Bruce Prizes: In 1916, at the American Royal, Faultless Dale was 1st junior calf and junior champion and at the International he was 7th and 5th Futurity. Record of Shorthorn Prize It'inncrs 185 WELLINGTON DA4_E 495607.. White. Owen Kane Bloodlines: Scotch. Double Dale 337156. Roan Carpenter & Ross t'Avondale 245144 E. S. Kelly j ".vlaxwalton Rosewood 12640 I Carpenter & Ross {Glenbrook Sultan 243185 K. S. Kelly Lucy of Pine Grove 2d W. C. E'! wards & Co. Prizes: Seventh Junior calf at the American Royal in 1916 and 5th at the International. In December of that year he was sold for $1,525. CUMBERLAND MAR {King Cumberland 288383 , Lowden Marshal's Queen 87585 Elmendorf Farm Fair Goods 253391 T.-l.o 1,-nnl \- Cattle Co. Gold.-M i'hoi.-riii.iit. Cumberland Maishal CUMBERLAND MAR- SHAL 4th 495896 Roan J. W. .McDermott Roan. Elmendorf Farm Bernice 89113 Roan. H. F. Ross F. O. Lowden Marshal's Queen 87585 Elmendorf Farm Whitehall Victor 32351-3 H. F. Ross Beatrice \Y. I. Wood Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second junior y^arlinir at 1- Kait in I 1 .' 17. 186 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners FAIR ACRES SULTAN JR. 596263 BRED BY H. C. LOOKABAUGH, WATONGA, OKLA. STANDARD SUPREME 694164 BRED BY E. OGDEN & SON, MARYVILLE, MO. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 187 MAXWALTON DOWER 496403 ... White Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. Revolution 38S259... Roan Carpenter & Ross iAvondale 245144 E. S. Kelly Imp. Roan Rosebud 12th 59553 A. M. Leslie {Scottish Fancy 157741 W. S Marr 1. -iily Dorothy 32d Wm. Duthie Prizes: In 1917 Maxwalton Dower was 1st junior yearling at the American Royal and I'd at both Ohio st.ite Fail- and the International. In 1918 he was 2d prize two-year-old in Ohio and 3d in Indiana. MAXWALTON LUXURY 496+06. Roan Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. Maxwalton Renown 367543 White Carpenter & Ross Imp. Lady Dorothy 40th-| Red. John Al;,n Avondale LM">144 !:. S. Kelly Imp. Lavender Bloom J. Deane Willis Luxury 156593 J. Bruce Lady Dorothy 35th \V. S. Marr Prizes: P'ourth junior calf at Ohio State Fair in 1916 and 3d junior yearling in 1917. In June, 1918, he was sold for $3,100. MAXWALTON ^Revolution 38i Roan GLADIATOR 496410.. \ Carpenter & Ross Roan Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. I Hello Girl.. Red. Geo. E. Butler Avondale 245144 E. S. Kelly Imp. Roan Rosebud J2th 59553 A. M. Leslie Roan Cup 205461 J. R. Lawrence Fairy Maid E. S. Butler Co. Prizes: In 1916 he was 1st calf at Denver, 5th at Ohio State Fair, 8th at the American Royal and 4th ;it the International, and was 4th junior yearling in Ohio in 1917. In June, 1918, he was sold for $LM"". 188 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners PRIDE OF OAKDALE 496710 White Frank R. Edwards [Shenstone Albino 317105 R. P. Cooper limp. Rosewood Pride [ Geo. Walker Maxwaltori Sultan 1305870 Carpenter & Ross Imp. Collynie Rosewood 3d Wm. Duthie Pride of Albion 352820 Roan Carpenter & Ross I Sultan's Rosewood Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second junior calf at Columbus, Ohio, in 1916, and in 1918 he was 1st prize two-year-old at both Ohio and Indiana State Fairs and 5th at the International. In December of that year he was sold for" $9, 200. GLOSTER'S PRIDE 497332. . | Village Pride 352176.. Roan. Rapp Bros. Red. Rapp Bros. Red Duchess 208535 Red. Rapp Bros. [Gladstone 239313 E. S. Kelly 1 Village Bloom 28097 [ F. O. Lowden Foxy Favorite 336713 Rapp Bros. 5th Duchess of Gloster 70818 J. G. Brenizer Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third junior calf at the American Royal in 1916 CHOICE CUMBER- LAND JR. 497340... Roan Jos. Miller & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. Choice Cumberland 410309 Roan. Jos. Miller & Sons [Hopeful Cumberland 392004 -( Jos. Miller & Sons Gipsy Maid 15th 109032 C. A: Saunders Queen Bess 38th 165969, Roan Jos. Miller & Sons Flower Knight 264126 Thos. Harborn Queen Bess 34th 62565 Jos. Miller & Sons Prizes: In 1916 Choice Cumberland Jr. was 6th junior calf at the American Royal, and in June, 1917, he was sold for $2,125. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 189 Whitehall Rosedale 320004 , Roan Carpenter & Ross Avondale 245144 E. S. Kelly Imp. Rosewood Pride Geo. Walker CRESCENT DALE 497579 IRuberta's Goods 283807 Tebo Land & C-ittle Co. Imp. Crescent 8th John Wilson Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Crescent Dale was 6th junior yearling; at th- American Royal in 1917. CHAMPION GIFT 498392.. White. J. A. Kilgour Bloodlines: Scotch. Roan fRuberta'i Goods 283807 r lVI>o Land X- Cattle (loods ', ! < '<>. | l^idy Marengo 2d Ur.-s | C. A. \\VddiMi-r rjift 34th IKair Ac-r.'s Suit :in \\VdUiPU * \Vm. Smith Prizes: rhampion'x (lift was Hh junior calf at th<- Amt-rican lioyal in 1916. Loamlaml "S3..H Red. Geo. M. I^incoln SULTAN LORD 503927- Roan W. W. Washburn Bloodlines: Scotch. Scientific Sultana 1802'2oH White. Thos. Stanton r .Max \\alton Sultan 305870 Carpenter & Ross Lady Duchess , P"rank R. K<1 wards Roan Sultan 316627 Thos. Johnson Sultana F 40789 K \V. Harding' Prizes: In 1916 Sultan Lord was 3d junior calf at Ohio State Fair and in 1917 he was 2d junior \ ailing at the American Royal and 4th at the International. 190 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners MYSIE'S CHAMPION 508288. . Roan. J. A. Kilgour Bloodlines: Scotch. ("Ruberta's Goods ?83801 Tebo Land & Cattle Champion Goods 410385-j Co. Roan Howell Rees & Sons Mysie C 150341 Roan. J. A. Kiigour !Lady Marengo 2d B. C. Rumsey -Fair Acres Sultan 354154 F. W. Harding Mysie B 97668 Geo. H. Burge Prizes: Mysie's Champion was 4th senior calf at the American Royal in 1916 and was 3d senior yearling at the International in 1917. In March of that year he brought $1,175 at public sale. fAvondale 245144 The Bard of Avondale g g Kelly 367548 CLAN AVONDALE 514910 Roan Edward Clifford White Carpenter & Ross 1 Sultan's Jealousy Carpenter & Ross [Chief of Clans 226791 J. A. Gerlaugh I Oak Grove Mary 44444. J Roan. Asa W. Hodge Lady May [ J. M. Hodge & Son Bloodlines: This is Scotch blood on a foundation in the female line that runs through imp. Young Mary. Prizes: First senior yearling at Ohio State Fair and 3d at the Inter- national in 1917. DALE AUGUSTUS 515616.. f Pride of Avon 352673. Roan Carpenter & Ross White Jackson & White Bloodlines: Scotch. Augusta 84th 152917 Roan D. R. Hanna fAvondale 245144 E. S. Kelly 1 1mp. Rosewood S6th Geo. Walker {Villager 2S5884 C. H. Jolliffe Imp. Augusta 83(1 30671 Jas. Morrison Prizes: Dale Augustus was 2d senior yearling at the International in 1918. In February of that year he was sold at auction for $2,000. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 191 MARQUIS AGAIN 516424. Roan G. Harrison Roan. J. A. Watt * Roan Thos. Mercer May Ld 516435... {Gainford Knight 3709S6 ] Earl of Roseberry Squire Diamond 51642S Thos. Mercer Missie Mellerstain 205664 Thos. Mercer Bloodlines: Scotch. IVi/.es: Second junior calf at ih- international in 1916. '"aivview Monarch Red. PiirdN ! COUNT VICTOR 523469- Red. Purdy I'.ios. i < (range Monarch 190181 Purely Bros. j Victoria of <;i-n\sood 23d < >. \\' < < mmniM:;s < 'range Monarch 190181 | Count* ss Victoria ! * Red, little white Punly I'.ros. l;ros. Gokl.-n Victoria 81849 [ D. R. Husick Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Count Victor was ttth junior y-arliriK at tin- International in 1917. PRIDE'S RENOWN 526418.. Red. Rapp Bros. Village Pride SB Roan. Kapp | ( 'herry 1 '.loss >n, .... I'.. I. C :stone 239313 !:. S. j Villas- IHoon; V. ' i. J.ow.len 236170 \V. S I Cherry \\". S. Kox Bloodlines: The Scotch blood of the sire in this pedigree was 1. lended with a mixed foundatioi^ some of tin- hi 1 having come from the herd of James dirrii- of Scotland and here in American lu-nls was mixed with strains of early importations. Among ancestors in the female line is Lowden Duke 6th 10399, one of the great iiis day. Prizes: Pride's Renown was 5th junior yearling at Iowa State Fair in 1917 and 7th at the American Royal. 192 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners PLEASANT ACRES SULTAN 53890C .. Roan. II. C. Lookabaugh Pair Acres Sultan 354154^ White. F. W. Harding Lavender Beauty 7th 37731 Red. John Miller, Jr. Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Snowbird 11648 C. E. Clarke (-Contender 314338 John Dryden & Son Lavender Beauty 3d 978 John Dryden & Son Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth senior calf at the American Royal in 1917. DALE'S GUARDIAN 543356.. Roan W. E. Pritchard TDouble Dale 337156 Carpenter & Ross (Dale Clarion 385195..... J White. Owen Kane I Lily of Sunnyland 13249 Aug. Sonneland f Favorite 286046 Cookson Bros. Geraldine 4th 127857.... L Red I Lady Geraldine 51012 H. Pritchard & Son [_ Flynn Farm Co. Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third senior calf at the American Royal in 1917. DALE RELIANCE 543357 Dale Clarion 385195... White. Owen Kane Roan W. E. Pritchard Bloodlines: Scotch. Rosebud 100308 Red, little white H. Pritchard & Son Double Dale 337156 Carpenter & Ross Lily of Sunnyland 13249 Aug. Sonneland Favorite 286046 Cookson Bros. Scarlet Rose J. A. Stephenson Prizes: At the American Royal in 1917 Dale Reliance was 1st senior calf, champion of Fuurity class and in 1st calf herd, and at the Inter- national he was 4th in class and 2d Futurity. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 193 SUNRISE 553998 Roan. S. G. Eliason {Superb Goods 333019 Bellows Bros. Queen of Beauty 20th 81014 Bellows Bros. Simplicity 6th 162676. Red. The Farmer Farm f Superb 300054 Ardmore Stock Co. Simplicity 5th John Hughes Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: At the International in 1917 Sunrise was 1st senior calf and was grand champion of the Futurity calves, and in addition he and Lady Clara 9th won the Carlos M. Duggan trophy for best bull and heifer bred by exhibitor. At the Minneapolis State Fair in 1918 he was junior cham- pion. MARSHAL'S GLOS- TER 554995 .. I Imperial Gloster 340225- Roan. E. W. Bcwen White Lespedeza Farm Bloodlines: Scotch. Everlasting 24 L C. E. Clarke Lady Gloster 6th I. M. Forbes & Son (Whitehall Marshal 209776 Marshal's Heiress 90376J E. S. Kelly White - Mario's Heiress 3d Elmendorf Farm B. C. Rumsey Prizes: First senior calf at Ohio State Fair in 1917 and at the Inter- national he was 6th and was 4th Futurity. In 1918 he was 1st senior yearling in Ohio, 2d in Indiana, 6th at the American Royal and 4th at the International. SUPREME CHOICE 555628 ("Sultan Supreme 367161 Roan. Owen Kane Roan. Bellows Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. Butterfly 3d 101041... Red. Bellows Bros. Double Dale 337156 Carpenter & Ross Lustre of Anoka A 63041 F. W. Harding rGood Choice 227S52 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Butterfly 27175 J. J. Littrell & Son Prizes: In 1917 Supreme Choice was 4th senior calf at Iowa State Fair, 2d at the American Royal and 8th at the International, and in 1918 he was L'd in class at the American Royal and 6th at the International. 194 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners f Sultan Stamp 334974 F. W. Harding Crystal Stamp 402629.. _J White. Anoka Farms I Clipper Favorite 121303 [ A. T. Gordon ROYAL STAMP 555856-! f Sultan Royal 312046 Roan. Anoka Farms [ p w Harding (Clipper 9th 166829 J I F. W. Ayers Clipper 2d 23293 [ F. W. Ayers Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1917 Royal Stamp was 2d senior calf at Iowa State Fair j 3d at the International, and at public sale brought $5,000, Roan. Anoka Farms ["Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis (Sultan Stamp 334974.. J White. F. W T . Harding Imp. Rachel's Daughter ANOKA CHAMPION Philo L. Mills 555857. 1 Leader of Fashion 300790 F. W. Harding Moss Rose 2d 52475 F. O. Lowden Bloodlines: Scotch. ANOKA CHAMPION made a brilliant record during the one year he was in the show ring. December 1, 1917, he was sold at auction for $17,000 to B. F. Hales, Oak Park, 111. Prizes: At Iowa State Fair in 1917 he was 1st senior calf, and at the International he was 2d, headed 2d calf herd and was in 1st prize get of sire. Avondale 245144 E. S. Kelly Imp. Rosewood's Pride CLOVERLEAF PRIDE Carpenter & Ross eo. Walker 3D 556505 I ruppermill Ome; Roan Gloster of Blairgowrie W. C. Rosenberger 205653 Red. J. G. Borland Uppermill Omega 2957G.5 W. S. Marr Estate Gloster of Ivanhoe 35154 John Davidson Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1917 he was 4th senior calf at Ohio State Fair and 9th Futurity at the International. Record of Shorthorn -Prize Winners 195 VILLAGER'S CARD INAL 556784 .. Roan. UppermillFarm Bloodlines: Scotch. {Village Beau 295883 Wm. Duthie Rosy Cloud C. H. Jolliffe Salome- 3d 209226 Red, white marks H. S. & W. B. Duncan Morning Star 200060 J. D. Cole Salome 83435 ('has. C. Norton Prizes: Villager's Cardinal was 5th senior calf at Iowa State Fair in 1917 and was 10th Futurity both at the American Royal and the Inter- national. MASTER BARTON 556804.. f Mast.-r Rul>y Roan. W. A. Archer's HI- Peter White Roan Herr Bros & Reynolds j Lady F.apton 51168... Roan. A. Chrystal Bloodlines: Scotch. A. C. Pettit i '.ai-tnn Magnet 206699 J. Dean*' Willis Muriel Alfn-d I>;i\vson Prizes: In 1917 Master Bapton was llth senior Futurity calf at the International and in 1918 he w;is :: C. E. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Sixth junior calf at the International in 1917. 196 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners KING'S HEIR 557673.. Roan. W. F. Duthie Bloodlines: Scotch. [Golden Arrow 307775 Danesfield Storm King Wm Duthie 557672 J Roan. R W. Hudson Snow Queen R v W. Hudson I Collynie Princess 12th 557677 , L Red. Wm. Duthie f Pride of Avon 311139 C. H. Jolliffe Collynie Princess 4th 557676 Wm. Duthie Prizes: King's Heir was 6th prize aged bull at the International in 1917, and at a public sale in June of that year he brought $2,600. SULTAN'S MODEL 558846 [Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis f Princely Sultan 350513. .J Roan. F. W. E larding j Sinnissippi Broadhooks J Red. Wm. Herkelmann | Mildred of Oakland 101S56 Roan. Thos. Johnson Bloodlines: Scotch. F. O. Lowden Glenbrook Sultan 243185 E. S. Kelly Pinegrove Mildred 5th W. C. Edwards & Co. Prizes: In 1918 Sultan's Model was 2d senior yearling at Iowa State Fair, 4th at the American Royal and 5th at the International. MAXWALTON MAJOR 564163 Roan Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. Revolution 388359.., Roan Carpenter & Ross Maxwalton Mina 2d 86601 , Roan. Carpenter & Ross fAvondale 245144 E. S. Kelly '-jimp. Roan Rosebud 12lh 59553 I A. M. Leslie [Avondale 245144 E. S. Kelly I Mina Princess 4th 12G41 Carpenter & Ross Prizes: In 1917 Maxwalton Major was 2d senior calf at Ohio State Fair and was 6th at the American Royal. In 1918 he was 1st senior year- ling 1 at Indiana State Fair and 2d at Ohio. In June of that year he brought $3,050 at public sale. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 197 MAXWALTON MAS- COT 564164 White Carpenter & Ross Ma \\valton Renown 367543 White Carpenter & Ross Imp. Rosewood 92d 45357 Ro in. W. D. (Avondale 245144 E. S. Kelly Imp. Lavender Bloom [ J. Deane Willis [Golden Prince 306267 R. Copland >-i Rosewood 76th J. Bruce Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third senior calf at Ohio State Fair in 1917. OMEGA SECRET 564904.. f Villair.-r < >:7938.,| Red. D. R. Hnnna Villager 295884 C. H. JolliiTe r.uttertly Queen 2d 63953 A. Johnston Red. Rapp Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. (-Village Pride 355176 Rapp Bros. Village Secret 181423. . J Golden Secret 109842 Red. Rapp Bros. Her r Bros. & Rey- nolds Prizes: Omega Seen h junior yearling at Iowa State Fair and 5th at the American Royal in 1917. VILLAGE PRESIDENT) 565226.. .J fGood Knight 350286 E. A. Hess Superior Kniuht 108970 J Nonpareil Queen 6th Red. J. F. Prather 94187 Roan. J. F. Prather Bloodlines: Scotch. Xonpareil Queen 10th 1340/5 L Red. J. F. Prather C J. F. Prather -hless Robin 268214 I. M. Forbes & Son Nonpareil Queen 4th 2?735 J. F. Prather Prizes: In 1917 Village President \vas , tli senior calf at Iowa State Fair and at the International he was 7th in Futurity class. 198 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners ANOKA OMEGA 698327 BRED BY ANOKA FARMS, WAUKESHA, WIS. RODNEY 753273 BRED BY C. H. JOLLIFFE, DARLINGTON, ENGLAND Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 199 THAXTON'S MODEL 566383 . . King Cumberland 288383 [King's Secret 369111 -I F. O. Lowden Roan. Elmendorf | Secret Rose 4893< Roan. Jas. Brown T. E. Robson fSnow King 349761 N. H. Gentry I Valentine BeKe 71 I Coolidge Stock Farm Bloodlines: While the breeding is quite largely of Scotch blood, the female line goes back through imp. Rose by Son of Young Albion. Prizes: Fifth s-nhr calf and 3d Futurity at the International in 1917. Farm Valentine Thaxton 149G09 Roan. Jas. Brown SUPERIOR CUMBER LAND 563936 . White. Jos. Miller & Sons Hopeful Cumberland choice Cumberland 392004 410399 J Jos. Miller & Sons Roan. Jos. Miller & ,;j,, sv M: , :(1 ,- (h 109032, x. n. Gentry < 'umbcrland 165962 Jos. .Miller Sons Roy.ii ' Cumberland 2d 334809 \. Saunders Lady Belle 7th 85152 JOS. M iller .SL- Sons -oh. In I'.HT Superior Cumberland was Cth senior calf at Io\va St at> Fair, It the American Royal and li'th Futurity at tin- 1 nt.-rna tioi 1;! l. and in 1918 he was 3d senior yearling at D,-s ,M- CUMBERLAND MAR- SHAL 5th 570392 Roan. J. \V. McDei- mott s. Cumberland M Hl'3S4 Fimendorf 1 "arm . r.nh i i 8855 , Miller Cumberland 288383 F. O. Lowden Klmeixlo'.f I-'arm rpjH-rinill < >mega 295763 J W. S. Man Rosa Hope 17th 75967 Miller Bros. In I'HT Cumberland Marshal was sold for .$!.. 1'rixes: In 1 '.M 7 he was :-!d senioi- c.-tlf at Iowa B .!' and at both the American Royal and the International. 200 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners COUNT VALENTINE 572749 Roan. H. H. Holmes Prince Valentine 4th 342179 Roan. C. S. Nevius Orange Countess 3d 142664 Red. W. A. Bet- teridge Prince Pavonia 207316 C. F. Wolf & Son Signet J. G. Koouins & Sons ("Orange Model 317228 W. A. Betteridge 1 Orange Countess 39202 W. A. Betteridge Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth senior yearling at the American Royal in 1918. RED EMPEROR 572753.. {Prince Pavonia 207316 C. F. Wolf & Son Signet J. G. Robbins & Sons rKnight's Goods 336120 Knight's Empress 2d John H. Garrett 161352 J Empress of Clover- Roan. S. P. Emmons dale & Son [ W. v. Branstetter Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third junior yearling at the American Royal in 1918. Red. H. H. Holmes MASTER PRINCE 576033.. Roan. Reynolds Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. r Nonpareil Archer 236802 Master Ruby 446601.... J Robt- B ruce Roan. W. A. Dryden Rosa H ope 16th 48897 John Miller & Sons 5th Village Princess 150636 Red. Herr Bros. & Reynolds r Royal Count 304024 Herr Bros. & Reynolds Village Princess 4th 51024 Geo. Allen Prizes: Master Prince was 8th junior calf at the International in 1917, and in 1918 he was 1st in class at Minnesota State Fair, and at the Inter- national was" 2d and in 1st prize get of sire. In December of that year he was sold for $6,500. Exported to Argentina in May. 1919. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 20 LESPEDEZA COL- LYNIE 576037 . Roan. Lespedeza Farm Bloodlines: Scotch. Lespedeza Sultan 406929.. White. Anoka Farms Sweet Mistletoe Red. S. C. Hnnna Sultan Stamp 334974 F. W. Harding Victoria 3d 129770 Jas. Neville Collynie 135022 Wm. Duthie Imp. Mistletoe 15th Wm. Duthie Prizes: First junior calf at Ohio State Fair and 7th at the Inter national in 1917. SULTAN'S MEMORY 576039.. White. Lespedeza Farm Bloodlines: Scotch. Sultan Stamp 334974 Lespedeza Sultan R w . Harding 406929 White. Anoka Farms 1 Victoria 3d 129770 Jas. Neville Fond Memory 320270 F. W. Harding Imp. Red Lady 4th 81261 J. L. Reid Roan Lady 49th I 199196 Roan. W. H. Miner Prizes: In 1917 Sultan's Memory was 3d junior calf at Ohio State Fair and 3d at the International. In 1918 he was 1st yearling at both Ohio and Indiana State Fairs, 8th at the American Royal and 6th at the International. At public sale he brought $2,000. PRINCELY STAMP 576045 Roan. Anoka Farms Sultan Stamp 334974 F. W. Harding Regal Stamp 396730 . White. Anoka Farma ] Autumn Rose F. O. Lowden Premier Queen ''9222. L Roan. J. N. Titte- more rPremier 280263 Tebo Land & Co. Golden Queen C. C. Bigler & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. Princely Stamp combines the blood of the three great sires, Whitehall Sultan 163573, Choice Goods 186802 and St. Valen- tine 121014, and through his dam is a descendant of the famous imp. Prin- cess Alice. Prizes: Princely Stamp was 7th junior yearling at the International at Chicago and was later sold as herd bull to Maxwell-Miller Co. of Colo- rado. In 1918 he was senior and grand champion at the California Liberty Fair in Los Angeles. 202 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners VILLAGER'S KING 576159.. Roan. Uppermill Farm Bloodlines: Scotch. Villager 295884 Roan. C. H. Jolliffe Graceful Cumberland 155825 Roan. H. H. Powell & Son Village Beau 295883 Wm. Duthie Rosy Cloud C. H. Jolliffe King Cumberland 2d 352076 H. H. Powell & Son My Choice 14678 N. A. Lind Prizes: At the International in 1917 Villager's King was 3d senior calf, was in 3d calf herd and 3d prize get of sire. VILLAGER'S SIGNET 576160. . White. Uppermill Farm Bloodlines: Scotch. [Village Beau 295883 Wm. Duthie Villager 295884 J Roan. C. H. Jolliffe Rosy Clcud C. H. Jolliffe Golden Venus lith 93806 Roan. F. W. Ayers Bapton Coronet J8591S J. Deane Willis Golden Venus 4th F. W. Ayers Prizes: Villager's Signet was 3d junior calf at the American Royal and 5th at the International in 1917. EASTLAWN CHAM- PION JR. 576165.. Roan. Frank Toyne & Son Bloodlines: Scotch. ^Eastlawn Champion 419060 Rcan. D. R. Hanna Champion of Scotland 387167 Alex. T. Gordon Village Lassie 2d 127925 D. R. Hanna Bonnie Belle 14th Fair Acres Sultan 354154 180802 J F. W. Harding Roan. J. A. Kiigour Knight's Bonnie 55403 John Rasmess EASTLAWN CHAMPION JR. was fairly successful in the show ring and his dam was a prize winner in her day, being champion at several leading shows. Prizes: In 1917 Eastlawn Champion Jr. was 2d junior calf at Iowa State Fair, 4th at the American Royal and 9th at the International, and in 1918 he was 2d junior yearling at Des Moines and 8th at Chicago. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 203 PARKDALE EM- BLEM 576170 , Roan. Bellows Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. Radium 3S5197 r Double Dale 337156 Carpenter & Ross | Lady Fragrant B. C. Rumsey l Best of Goods 2G2678 r Tebo Land Jfe Cattle Parkdalt- Victoria 2d Co. 121152 J Sinnissippi Victoria Red. Bellows Bros. 1349 [ F. O. Lowden Prizes: Parkdale Emblem was 4th junior calf at Iowa State Fair in 1917 and at the American Royal he was 6th and was 5th in Futurity cl.iss. In June, 1918, he sold for $2.000 at public sale. CUMBERLAND'S CHOICE 576192.. Roan. Son Jos. Miller & Hopeful ('umbel-land 392004 Red. Jos. Miller & Sons Uipsy -Maid 15th 109032 Roan. X. II. Gentry i Cumberland C. A. Saundvrs I. < >\ely Queen \\ ooufoi 1 UrOS. rThe Choice of All 215050 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Gipsy Maid !)th 54901 C. B. Dustin Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: ('unrberland's Choice was 1st prize calf at the American Royal and 5th at Iowa State Fair and at this fair he was 1st in class in 1918. ORANGE STAMP 2d 576266. . Red. E. R. Silliman Bloodlines: Scotch. ! I tap ton A-lmiral I J. Deane Willis Imp. Diamond Alex Crombie Orange Bud 4th 63055... Roan. A. J. AncL r Victor's Roan Duke 189598 H. Cargill & Son Orange Bud 3d John Lister Prizes: Orange Stamp 2d was 9th junior calf at Iowa State Fair and 3d at the American Royal in 1917. 204 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners DALE VISCOUNT 583934.. Roan, ard W. E. Pritch- Dale Clarion 385195.. White. O\ven Kane Victoria Rose 66571.. Red. iuarl Maharg Double Dale 337156 Carpenter & Ross Lily of Sunnyland 13249 Aug. Sonneland {Burnbrae King 230620 E. W. Bowen Victoria Blossom 2d J. H. Maharg Bloodlines: Scotch. In addition to the good ancestors whose names appear in this short tabulation, it is proper to state that the dam of Burnbrae King is imp. Stella, one of the beautiful roan cows in the show herd of E. W. Bowen. Prizes: In 1917 Dale Viscount was 1st junior calf at Iowa State Fair, 5th at the American Royal, and at the International he was 2d and 1st in Futurity class. {Keep Smiling 516455 W. Parkin -Moore Lady Dorothy 51;-u Geo. walker LORD DERBY 583857. Roan. T. A. Buttar Peggy 4th 593860... Red. T. A. Buttar {Nonpareil Crown 306269 J. L. Reid Peggy 3d 593859 J. Watt Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Lord Derby was 6th prize aged bull at the International in 1918. FAIR ACRES SUL- TAN JR. 596263. Roan. H. C. Look- abaugh (Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Fair Acres Sultan 354154 -I White. F. W. Hard- Snowbird 11648 C. E. Clarke ing Wellington Amanda llth 177105 Roan. Owen Kane (Double Dale 337156 Carpenter & Ross J Wellington Amanda 89664 Owen Kane Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1917 Fair Acres Sultan Jr. was 2d junior calf at the Ameri- can Royal and at the International he was 1st and at head of 1st calf herd. In 1918 he was 1st junior yearling at the American Royal and 4th at the International. FAIR ACRES SULTAN JR. sold at auction May 13, 1919, for $17,250 to Wm. Stewart, Paris, 111. Record* of Shorthorn Prize Winners 205 PLEASANT LOOK SULTAN 610535 . Roan. H. C. Look- abaugh Bloodlines: Scotch. Kair Acres Sultan 354154 White. F. W. Hard- ing Pleasant Julia 137109. Roan. II. C. Look- aba ugh Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Snowbird 11648 C. E. Clarke Violet's Searchlight 375023 C. S. Nevius Imp. Julia A. Robertson Prizes: Pleasant Look Sultan was 6th junior yearling at the Ameri- can Royal in 1918 and in February, 1919, was sold for $4,000 to Park E. Salter. Whitehall Sultan 163573 Fair Acres Sultan j Deane willis 354154 White. F. W. Hard- Snowbird 11648 MAX ACRES SUL- ing C. E. Clarke TAN 617225 J rBoquhan Monarch M;tx\valton Averne Ml 7062 86595 J Stephen Mitcnel Roan, carpenter & Annagathle Ross Carpenter & Ross Roan. H. G. Look- abaugh Bloodlines: Scotch. MAX ACRES SULTAN sold May, 1918, for $13,200. Prizes: Fourth Junior yearling at the American Royal and 7th at the International in 1918. Roynl Silver 3872S3 White. J. N. Titte- NORTHCOTE SIT- more TYTON 617286 ....\ fGlenbrook Sultan 243185 White Sultan 296336 F. W. Harding Premier Queen 99222 J. N. Tittemore Roan. Walter J. Hill Sittyton j- 127036 E. S. Kelly Roan. Thos. Johnson Mary Anne of Anoka 3 Jp C r\ v TT* TT r TT .,!: Son F. \V. Harding Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Northcote Sittyton was 7th senior yearling at the Interna- tional in 1918 and was sold for $1,050. 206 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners KING CUMBERLAND 4th 621317 . Roan. H. H. Powell & Son ("King Cumberland 2d King- Cumberland 3d 352076 424495 \ H. H. Powell &. Son Roan. II. H. Powell Lady Early Bud 50938 & Son I Ed Morgan fPride of Fashion .264007 N. A. Lind My Choice 14678 Roan. N. A. Lind Choice Graceful G. M. Casey Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth junior yearling at the International in 1918. VILLAGE GOLDEN 643492.. White. O. A. Strahan Bloodlines: Scotch. Village Beau 397715... Roan. D. R. Hanna f Villager 295SSi C. H. Jolliffe Imp. Belle of Ordens Geo. Smith ("Victor Sultan 296335 F. W. Harding Golden Lady 5th 127174.4 Roan. Geo. Allen Imp. Golden Chain J. Deane Willis Prizes: In 1918 Village Golden was 4th junior yearling at Iowa State Fair and 3d at the International. ADVOCATE'S MODEL 647679 ...J White. Geo. Watson | Bloodlines: Scotch. ("Sir Fascinator (103949) Alex. T. Gordon Lord Advocate 57 7175.. J Roan. Aiex. T. Gor- 1 Lady Augusta 3on [ Alex. T. Gordon ("Decianus 333165 G. S. Grant Flora 6476SO J Roan. Andrew Da- Snowdrop 5th 647683 vidson Andrew Davidson Prizes: Advocate's Model was 6th prize two-year-old at the American Royal in 1918. In June, J917, he sold at auction for $3,100. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 207 CAPTAIN CLARION 654998. . Roan. H. Pritchard Bloodlines: Scotch. ("Double Dale 337156 , Carpenter & Ross Dale Clarion 385195 White. Owen Kane | Lily of Sunnyland 13249 I * Aug. Sonneland Cracidian Gem 2d 221749.. fFavorite 286046 Cookson Bros. Red. H. Pritchard & Cracidian Gem 137461 Son M. L. Andrews Prizes: In 1918, at the Iowa State Fair, Captain Clarion was 1st senior calf and junior champion, 7th in class at the American Royal and 6th Futurity at the International. GALLANT DALE 655001 . . Roan. H. Pritchard Bloodlines: Scotch. ("Double Dale 337150 <'ari>rnt>r & K--SS Dale Clarion 385195 J White. Owen Kane Lily of Suiinylaiul 13219 [ Aug. Sonneland i-'airx ic\v Lass 215181.. R. & \\. II. Pritchar.l & Son Favorite 286046 Cookson Bros. : . nt Qay 66670 Cookson Bros. Prizes: In 1918 Gallant Dal.- was 4th senior calf at Iowa State Fair, 12th Futurity at the American Royal and 9th in class at the International. SELECT DALE 655003.. Roan. H. Pritchard Bloodlines: Scotch. {Double Dale 337156 Carpenter & Ross Lily of Siumylami u?f) Aug 1 . Sonneland Susan Lady 4th 51923, r Scottish Champion 1436 If. D. Parsons Red. H. D. Parsons I Susan La d y Cookson Bros. Prizes: Select Dale was 3d senior calf at Iowa State Fair and 5th a the American Royal in 1918, and at the International he was 2d in the open class and was Futurity champion. 208 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners BRITISH EMBLEM 656540. . fCupid (105175) r R. Bruce [Gipsy Boy 656543 J Red. W. Anderson j Gipsy uiri 25th W. Wilson Roan. W. M. Cazalet ! Gi P g y Countess 3d 656554 White. A. Morrison Phingash Comet 656545 J. Morrison Gipsy Countess 656552 D. C. Bruce Bloodlines: Scotch. BRITISH EMBLEM was sold in November, 1917, for $3,250. At the American Royal in 1918 he was 1st senior yearling. f Whitehall SuUan 163573 J. Deane WiJlis PLEASANT FAIR SULTAN 662357 ...J Fair Acres Sultan 354154 White. F. W. Hard- 1 Snowbird 11648 ing- C. E. Clarke Roan. H. C. Look- abaugh Bloodlines: Scotch. 1 Prince Pavonia 207316 C. F. Wolf & Son Gloster's Vicltjt 15189 C. S. Nevius Prizes: In 1918 Pleasant Fair Sultan was 8th senior calf at the Ameri- can Royal and at the International he was 8th in the open class and 3d Futurity. PROUD MARQUIS 663566.. Village Marquis 430412.. Roan. Uppermill Farm Villager 295884 C. H. Jolliffe Sultan's Heiress 89942 F. W. Harding White. Macmillan & Macmillan I Avalona 142555 Roan. J. L. Reece 1 Juno's Heir 319471 W. H. Dunwoouy Angelina 95083 J. L. Reece Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second junior yearling at Minnesota State Fair in 1918. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 209 LESPEDEZA LAD 664101 . . Roan. Lespedeza Farm Bloodlines: Scotch. Imperial Gloster 340225 Roan. E. W. Bowen Nancy Stair 87759... Roan. W. B. Dale Everlasting 242727 C. K. Clarke Lady Gloster 6th I. M. Forbes & Son Gratitude's Lad 260113 J. L. Ormsby Miss Eugenia E. R. Bagby Prizes: In 1918 Lespedeza Lad was 2d at Indiana State Fair and 8th in Ohio. HILLSHADE SUL- TAN 665030 Roan. Eben E. Jones IRoan Sultan 316627 Thos. Johnson Marchioness 19th 107600 S. J. Pearson & Son ("Victor Lad 123184 C. B. Dustin & Son [Filligree's Pride Forbes Bros. Bloodlines: This breeding is four crosses of Scotch bulls on a founda- tion of mixed blood. Prizes: Fourth senior calf at Minnesota State Fair and llth at the International in 1918. Victor's Filligree Red. Forbes Bros. CUMBERLAND'S HEIR 665803.. White Wm. Herkelmann rTrue Cumberland 3d 353220.. White. C. A. Saunders Mildred of Oakland 101856 Roan. Thos. Johnson True Cumberland 317602 C. A. Saunders Lake Park Senora Thos. H. Canfield Glenbrook Sultan 243185 E. S. Kelly Pinegrove Mildred 5th W. C. Edwards & Co. Bloodlines: Scotch. Mildred of Oakland was a noted prize winner in her early days. Prizes: Eighth Futurity calf at the International in 1918. 210 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners CUMBERLAND'S MODEL 665804 Roan, mann Wm. Herkel- True Cumberland 3d 353220 White. C. A. Saun- ders [True Cumberland 31760* A C. A. Saunders Lake Park Senora I Thos. H. Canfield 1 Prince Gloster 152470 S. C. James & Sons Golden Star John Dryden Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth senior calf at Iowa State Fair and 13th Futurity both at the American Royal and the International in 1918. ANOKA CROWN KING 668040 . Roan. Anoka Farms Bloodlines: Scotch. ("Sultan Stamp 334974 Lavender Sultan F> w Harding 474341..- J Roan. Anoka Farms I Golden Lavender [ J. G. Withers {Leader of Fashion 300790 F. W. Harding Moss Rose 2d 52475 F. O. Lowden Prizes: Anoka Crown King was 3d senior calf at the American Royal U8, and at the International he was one of the trio of bulls that won the Pereda trophy for the best three bulls bred by exhibitor. In Novem- ber of that year he brought $6,200 at public sale. VILLAGER'S ARCHER 669851 Roan. Uppermill Farm (-Village Beau 295883 Wm. Duthie 1 Rosy Cioud [ C. H. Jolliffe [Whitehall Baron 209771 E. S. Kelly Laura Knight [ . E. R. Stangland Bloodlines: Scotch. Blending the blood of Villager, Whitehall Sultan and Red Knight 157136, all noted sires, made this breeding an excellent combination. Prizes: In 1918 Villager's Archer was 6th senior calf at the Minnesota State Fair, 9th at the American Royal, and at the International he was 5th in open class and 2d Futurity. Villager 295834 Roan. C. H. Jollifte Whitehall Laura 76510, Roan. E. S. Kelly Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 211 LESPEDEZA BRACE 675020. . Roan. Lespedeza Farm Bloodlines: Scotch. Lespedeza Sultan 406929. . White. Anoka Farms Sultan Stamp 334974 F. W. Harding Victoria 3d 129770 Jas. Neville Imperial Gloster 340225 E. W. Bowen Lespedeza Bracelet 2d 203741 Red. Lespedeza Farm | Sweet Bracelet 67986 E. W. Bowen Prizes: In 1918 Lespedeza Bracelet was 7th junior calf at the Ameri- can Royal and 13th at the International. SCOTCH GLOSTER 675022.. Roan. Lespedeza Farm Bloodlines: Scotch. Imperial Gloster 340225.. Roan. E. W. Bowen Scotch Lassie 109143.. Roan. E. W. Bowen KverlaMii.u C. E. Clarke Lady Gloster 6th I. M. Forbes & Son Scotch Goods 259864 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. The Lass for Me 1527G E. W. Bowen Prizes: In 1918 Scotch Gloster was 2d junior calf at both Indiana and Ohio State Fairs, 14th at the American Royal and 10th at the International. (Village Supreme 423865.. Roan. Bellows Bros. Sultan oupreme 367161 Owen Kano Village Clara 108337 D. R. Hanna SUPREME STAMP 676084 J rParkdale Baron 410363 White. Bellows Bros. | Queen of Beauty 35th Bellows Bros. 512701 \ Queen of Beauty 19th White. Bellows Bros. 81019 [ Bellows Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. The Sire of Supreme Stamp was grand champion at the International in 1917. Prizes: In 1918 Supreme Stamp was 8th junior calf at the American Royal, and at the International he was 5th in class and 4th Futurity. 212 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners CUMBERLAND'S CHOICE 676223 ... Roan. Wm. Herkel- man Bloodlines: Scotch. ITrue Cumberland 317802 C A Saunders Lake Park Senora Thos. H. Can field Imp. Beaufort Daisy 679380 Red. Lord Lovat {Nestor of Cluny 654728 Lady Cathcart Beaufort Queen 3d Lord Lovat Prizes: In 1918 Cumberland's Choice was 1st junior calf at Iowa State Fair, 4th at the American Royal and llth Futurity at the International. ANOKA FAVORITE 676758.. Roan. Anoka Farms Bloodlines: Scotch. TDouble Dale 337156 Carpenter & Ross Faultless Dale 495606.. I Red. Owen Kane ] Miss Sappho 145407 [ Chas. F. Behlers 2d rLinwood Favorite 268242 J I. M. Forbes & Son White. I. M. Forbes Queen of Scots ISlh & Son ( I. M. Forbes & Sou Favorite Queen 130833.. Prizes: In October, 1918, Anoka Favorite was 1st junior calf at the American Royal, and in November he was sold at public sale for $2,400. BARMPTON SUL- TAN 676759 . White. Anoka Farms Bloodlines: Scotch. Sultan Stamp 334 J7 4 F. W. Hardinar Regal Stamp 396730 White. Anoka Farms | Autumn Rose F. O. Lowden {Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Golden Venus 5th F. W. Ayers Prizes: At the Ameriacn Royal in 1918 Barmpton Sultan was 6th junior calf, and at the Anoka sale in November he brought $1,600. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 213 AUTUMN MAR- SHAL 67882f I Cumberland Marshal 412384 Elmendorf Faim Village Rosalie 2U3&05 D. R. Hanna Crescent Knight 180433 W. S Marr Roan. Tomson Bros. [ Norwood Augusta 3d 380S6 Red. R. O. Miller I Imp. Augusta 105th Jas. Bruce Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Autumn Marshal was 2d senior calf at the American Royal in 1918, and in the association sale he brought $2,575, being purchased by Ben Will Thatcher, Smithville Mo. MARSHAL'S CROWN 678827.... Roan. Tomson Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. Cumberland Marshal 412384 Klinendorf Farm D. R. Hanna Villas- Marshal 4: White. J. W. Mc- Dermott II'armptMii Knight 148795 B. F. M Norwood Marigold 2d 38089 R. O. Miller Prizes: Marshal's Crown was i;th senior calf at the American Royal in 1918. VILLAGER'S AL- PINE 679488 ., Roan. Up perm ill Farm Bloodlines: Scotch. Villager 295884 Roan. C. H. Jolliffe Village Beau 295S83 Win. Duthie Rosy Cloud C. H. Jolliffe 1 Morning Star 206060 J. D. Cole Yetive 2d 30601 Chas. C. Norton Prizes: In 1918 Villager's Alpine was 1st junior calf at Minn<- State Fair, 3d at the American Royal, and at the International he was 8th in open class and 5th Futurity. 214 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners VICTORIOUS DALE 679497.. Roan, ard W. E. Pritch- fDouble Dale 337156 Carpenter & Ross [Dale Clarion 38o j 95 J White. Owen Kane | L,ily of Sunnyland 13249 [_ Aug. Somielawl rFavorite Broadhooks | Fairview Victoria 367730 215384 I H. Pritchard & Son Red. H. Pntcnard & Victoria 72d 15183 Son C. W. Daws & Son Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1918 Victorious Dale was 2d junior calf at Iowa State Fair, 9th Futurity at the American Royal and 12th Futurity at the International. MAX WALTON WAN DERER 679512 .. Roan. Ross Carpenter & Revolution 388350 Roan. Carpenter & Ros?!? fAvondale 245144 J Imp. Roan 6 Rosebud 12th SQCIKQ 5 ?f 5 * A - M - Leslle Imp. Rosewood 92d 45857 {Golden Prince 306267 R. Copland Rosewood 76th J. Bruce Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second senior calf at Ohio State Fair in 1918. SILVER KNIGHT 680348 White. C. A. Saun- ders & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. r Royal Cumberland 5th 379277 Royal Silver 431512.... J c. A. Saunders White. S. S. Spang- Augusta Gem 159193 [ S. S. Spangler r Cumberland's Type 388132 J C. A. Saunders Mildred of Greeiey 5865 [_ F. O. Lowdcn ler Mildred's Type 227815, Roan. C. A. Saun- ders Prizes: In 1918 Silver Knight was llth junior calf at the American Royal and 3d at the International. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 215 THAXTON'S GUARD 680445.. Roan. James Brown Kind's Secrer. Roan. Elmendorf Farm King Cumberland 288383 F. O. Lowden Secret Rose 48937 T. E. Robson ("Gallant Knight 242912 Valentine Belle 71293.. J D " R Searle Red. Coolidge Stock | Valentine Farm [ Geo. L. Wright Bloodlines: This breeding is mainly of Scotch blood, but the founda- tion of the dam is of mixed blood. Prizes: Fourth junior calf at the International in 1918. PRIDE OF OAK- DALE 2d 681201... Whit..-. I-. li. :!- wards Scotch. Pride of Albion 352820. ., Roan. Carpenter & Ross .Missies Delight 'Shenstone Albino 317105 P. R. Cooper Imp. KMSC\VOI>. II. Manna Roan. Son E. Ogden & rFair Acres Sultan P Beauty i:i;:,71 J Frank Harding Roan. E. Ogden & Sittyton Beauty 15th I H. F. Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1918, at the American Royal, Standard Supreme was 2d junior calf and headed 1st prize calf herd, and at the International lie was 1st in class, 1st Futurity and was in 2d calf herd. 218 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners ANOKA OMEGA 693327.. Lavender Sultan 474341 Roan. Anoka Farms Roan. Anoka Farms | Proud Lady 118850... * Roan. Miller Bros. {Sultan Stamp 334974 F. W. Harding Golden Lavender J. G. Withers rUppermill Omega 295763 J W. S. Marr Estate I Imp. Proud Lovely Wm. Duthie Bloodlines: Scotch. In the Anoka sale of November 30, 1918, Anoka Omega sold for $12.000 to F. C. Merry, Kansas City, Mo. Prizes: First senior calf and junior champion at the American Royal, and at the International he won these same prizes, and with Lavender Sultan and Anoka Crown King he won the Pereda trophy for three bulls bred by exhibitor. MAXWALTON MON- ARCH 699471 . Roan. Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines : Scotch. 1 Avondale 245144 E. S. Kelly Imp. Roan Rosebud 12i:h 59553 A. M. Leslie 'Gay Monarch 39b379 W. C. Edwards & Co. Dora 200090 Judson Barlow I Sittyton Princess 201022 Red. Kerr & David- son Prizes: In 1918 Maxwalton Monarch was 4th junior calf at the Ohio State Fair, 3d at the Indiana State Fair and 6th at the International. MAXWALTON ROY- ALIST 699910 ... Roan. Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. i Avondale 245144 I-:. S. Kelly Lottie E E Souers /Maxwalton Renown j Max Rosewood 7th 367.",!:; 201420 ,( Carpenter & Ross White. Carpenter & I Imp. Rosewood 86th Ross Geo. Walker Prizes: Third senior calf at Ohio State Fair and 7th at the Interna- tional in 1918. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 219 Beaver Creek Sultan \ 352456 . {Sultan 227050 E. S. Kelly ROYAL SULTAN 716223 White. N. A. Lind Imp. Victoria Mary J. Deane Willis Roan. Tomson Bros. fBarmpton Knight 148795 E. S. Myers (Augusta 107th 181212. .J Red. Tomson Bros. | Imp. Augusta 105th .las. IJruce isloucllines: Scotch. Royal Sultan was 5th junior calf at th<> American Royal Prizes in 1918. LORD RHYBON 716299 . ..>. 'raiuavad I '.anker ;:>l) ' Lord Mand.-vilb- 71( Red. E. O. McDonnell Nymph 5th I! . Mi-I >omiHl Roan. E.G. S. Hornby Scotch. r Frayne Challenger 71- Rosemary 716303J <',. I-:. Moore Roan. !:. <:. S. Hornby Greenhead Rosemary J. Handley In a public sale in I >-c-ni!i*T. l'.is. l.ord Khybon \vas sold t> Lespedeza l-'arm or - At tin- hit "rn:Ui 11 IILT Abbotsburn 110679 Roan. J. & W. B. MARY ABBOTSBURN ' Watt 7th V 39-612 \ Roan. T. S. Moberly Forest Belle 6th - Red. T. S. Moberly {Abbotsburn 106090 A. Cruickshank Imp. Village Blossom A. Cruickshank .Minnie's Duke of Syca- more 57120 Van Meter & Hamil- '\ ton Sparswood Mary 3d (_ Tracy Bros. Young Abbotsburn sired some excellent Shorthorns, but his great- est produce was Mary Abbotsburn 7th. In 1S94 she won the yearling championship over all breeds at the Illinois Stab' Pair and was then sold to Aaron Barber of New York for $.1,(KO, a high price at that time. She developed into a phenomenal cow. and for three or four years was the unquestioned queen of the American show yard. The blending of the Cruickshank and Bates blood here produced an animal that was well- nigh faultless. ROSEBUD, V 40-768. . Roan. Wm. Moffatt Bloodlines: Scotch. ' 'i.nnnander 1. Win. MotT-itt Bros. Imp. I '.lushing' Rose. . K< an. Win. Duthie 1 r Craven Km'.uht A. < 'i nit kshank Imp. Atlf A. < 'ruickshank Scotland Yet 100736 A. Cruickshank Karly Rose Win. Duthie Vri/es: Rosebud won 4th in the cow class at Kansas City in 1900, and at the Intel-national she als., w\ herd. Her chief distinction breeder. Her daughters. Rose I'rin- cess and Autumn Rose, \\-on 1st as produce : times at various snows from 1900 to (Imperial Victor 108361 Victor of Homewood > ] uiekshank L10509 J Red. K. S. r.utler & | lmp . Mulberry SWEET AS EVER, Sons ,nk V 41-696 J Red. J. R. Peak & fvoi Son f Pride of the Farm J J. H. Pot: Red. J. R. Peak \ Effle 12th J. R. Peak \ P.londlines: This bi-eedin- is 7.", percent Scotch on a foundation of mixed blood. Prizes: In I'.nm Swe 8th cow at the American i: and third at the International. 224 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners SWEET VIOLET 2D, V 41-841.. King- of Aberdeen 75747 A. Cruickshank Lavender King 3d 9902-1.-' Red. J. H. Potts & limp. Lavender 31st Son Red. T. R. Westropej & Son Sweet Violet Red, white marks W. A. Harris Bloodlines: Scotch. A. Cruickshank Prince President 77023 A. Cruickshank March Violet A. Cruickshank SWEET VIOLET 2D was a successful prize winner in the herd of T. R. Westrope, and at the dispersion of his herd in 1901 she was pur- chased by G. M. Casey for $3,705, the highest price that had been paid for a cow since the New York Mills sale in 1873. Prizes: At the American Royal, Kansas City, in 1900 she was 1st in a class of 32 cows and was 4th at the same show in 1901. LADY SHARON 4TH, V 42-426.. Red. Aaron Barber Young Marshal 110705.. Roan. W. A. Harris Lady Sharon . L Red. Aaron Barber "Craven Knight 96923 A. Cruickshank Imp. Princess Alice Wm. Duthie {Rosebud's Acklam Sharon 2d 109972 Abram Renick Lady Waterloo Aaron Barber Bloodlines: This breeding is Scotch on the sire side and descends through Bates lines from imp. Rose of Sharon. Prizes: Lady Sharon 4th was a winner at various state fairs prior to 1900, the first year of this record, and at the International that year she was senior champion and was 5th in class in 1901. 2D MARY OF WAL- NUT, V 42-837... Red, white marks S F. Lockridge Golden Prince 2d 115697._ Red. C. B. Dustin Mary of Walnut... Red, white marks S. F. Lockridge Golden Rule 9826S Robt. Miller Imp. Violet Mist A. Cruickshank [Baron Lavender 3d 78854 I W. A. Harris 25th Mary of Xalapa Bloodlines: Mary. (. H. C. Buckner Scotch in the main, but on descendants of imp. Young Prizes: Fourth prize cow at the International in 1903. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 225 EMMA 17TH, V 42-893. Red. J. H. Potts & Son Victor of Homewood 110309 Red. E. S. Butler & Sons I Emma 10th. . Red. J. H. Imperial Victor 108361 E. Cruickshank Imp. Mulberry E. Cruickshank flting of Aberdeen 75747 A. Cruickshank Potts & Emma 7th Son J. H. Potts & Son Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Emma 17th was 5th prize ..row at the American Royal in 1900. Lord Athol 122011 Alice's Prince 122593... Wl A ' Harris Red. W. A. Harris Imp . Princess Alice Wm. Duthie (Eminent Commander 1"7785 Rosebud 4 Wm. Moffatt & Roan. Wm. Moffatt i m n. Blushing Rose Win. Duthie ROSE PRINCESS, V 42-927. . Red. white marks E. \'.. .Vitchel & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: At the American Royal, Rose Princess was 1st in a class of 30 two-year-old heifers and in 1st prize produce of cow in 1900, and in 1901 she was 1st prize cow and in 1st prize produce, a prize that she and her sister won 23 times. At the International in 1900 she was 1st prize two-year-old and reserve senior champion and in 1st prize produce, and in 1901 she was 4th in class and in iM graded herd and in 1st produce. GOLDEN ABBOTS- BURN, V 42-1163. Red. T. S. Moberly f Abbotsburn 106090 Young Abbotsburn \ Cruickshank 110679 I Roan. J. & W. B. Watt ] Imp. Village Blossom A. Cruickshank Royal Pirate 100640 A. Cruickshank 7th Linwood Golderidrop- Red, white marks I 2d Linwood GoMendrop W. A. Harris [ W. A. Harris Bloodlines: Scotch, save the faint trace of Bates blood that came from 5th Duke of Hillhurst, which was in all the Goldendrops of Col. W. A. Harris. Golden Abbotsburn was a most remarkable cow, weighing around a ton, a great flesh carrier and of smooth conformation, and was an excellent breeder. Prizes: In 1904 she was 4th cow at Minnesota State Fair and 2d at the American Royal, and at this show she was senior champion in 1905, although she was then nine years old. 226 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winner* SWEET CHARITY 5TH, V 43-916. Salamis 110075 Red. Wm. Diithie Red. C. C. Norton Bloodlines: Scotch. Sweet Charity Red. C. C. Platter [Chesterfield 106811 A. Crui'ckshank 1 Siren A. Cruickshank i Bandmaster 96032 A. Cruickshank Imp. Charity 3d Wm. Duthie Prizes: In 19CO Sweet Charity 5th was 5th prize two-year-old at the American Royal, and at the International she was 2d in class and was in 1st get of sire. LUCY ANN, V 43-964.. Red. J. O. Stout [Chief Justice 106824. . Red. M. E. Jones i Contain Red. E. Clore 'Spartan Hero 77932 A. Cruickshank Roxana A. Geo. A. Bean "Athelslane 26th 96001 Thos. Wilhoit Red Countess E. Clore Bloodlines: This breeding- is of mixed blood, there being some Scotch in both sire and dam, but in each case on a foundation that came from England in early importations. Prizes: Lucy Ann was 4th cow at the International in 1900. LADY VALENTINE V 43-1110.. fst. Valentine 121014 J Roan. Jas. Gardhouse I \ & Son Red. J. G. Robbins & Sons 17th Scottish Lady.. Red. J. V. Grigsby lmp. Guardsman 108200 Wm. Duthie A. Cruickshank I King Glamis 93198 Frank Bellows 6th Orange Blossom of Tenn. E. T. Noel Bloodlines: This breeding is of Scotch blood with a very small per- cent of Bates that came from the 5th Duke of Hillshurst in the dam's pedigree. Lady Valentine was the main cow in the herd with which T. J. Wornall was so successful in the shows in 1899 and 1900. Prizes: Second prize cow and senior champion at the American Royal in 1900 and 5th at same show in 1901. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 227 v ^-th cow at the American Royal in Jeans U'.'.Ti'T Roan. J. D. Williams NOLA, V 44-1005 f January Dude 115987 J. V. Grigsby Necklace J. il. Kobbins & Sons Roan. J. P. Douglas & Sons I imke Kirklevlngton 4th 107409 H T T ', Th " s - A. Cotton Red. J. D. Douglas cc Mary Cotton 2d Thos. A. Cotton Bloodlines: This breeding c mbines several bloodlines and has a dash of Bates, which comes through the dam. The sir-. i.< mainly Scotch and has the blood of the noted sire Gay Monarch. NOLA was in the prize winning herd shown by T. J. \Vornall in 1899 and 1900 which won fifteen first prizes in accession, and at the American Royal of the latter year she \ V;1S :>,d priz- two-year-old and was in 1st prize grade herd. DOROTHEA, V 45-645. Roan. Chas. Rankin {-Indian Chief 986H1 A. Cruickshank Crimson Chief 140441... J Red, little white 1 Crimson Bud Arthur Johnston Arthur Johnston Lady Jane Rutton Red. ('has. Rankin { J (. Chas. i Bloodlines: Scotch. DOROTHEA was in the show arena but two years, but her produce in the Meadowlawn herd made a brilliant record for several yi-ars, par- ticularly the many times champion Dorothea 2d. Prizes: At the International in 1900 Dorothea was I'd ro\\ and in 1st herd, and in lHnl she was ::d in class and in 4th prize herd. 228 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners rBarrington Duke 2d 114390 The Baron 121328 J W. Montgomery Red. N. P. Clarke Julietta N. P. Clarke 6th Duke of Forest r Grove 111640 ! Welcome of Meadow- T. S. Moberly lawn 4th. . I R. & w. N. P. Clarke ) Welcome of Meadow- lawn 2d I N. P. Clarke Bloodlines: This is mixed breeding. Prizes: Second prize senior yearling at the International in 1900 and 4th prize two-year-old in 1901. WELCOME OF MEAD OWLAWN 6TH, V 45-646 \ \ Red and white C. E. Clarke ROSE OF MARCH- MONT, V 45-C46.. Roan. W. S. Lister Bloodlines: Scotch. .Indian Chief 98651 A. Cruickshank Canadian .Duchess of Gloster 23d Thos. Allin & Bros. Rose Alberta 3d White. W. S. Lister fGravesend's Heir 2d 126653 J JoS- Redmond I Arthur Johnston Prizes: Rose of Marchmont was 5th prize junior yearling at the Inter- national in 1900. Roan. V. R. Ellis {Spartan Hero 77932 A. Cruickshank Imp. Golden Thistle A. Cruickshank [Richmond 67476 W. A. Harris Emma Richmond J Roan. V. R. Ellis Nora B lye's Rose 2d [ The Hamiltons Bloodlines: Scotch on a foundation of mixed breeding. Prizes: Emma Richmond 4th was 6th prize two-year-old at the Amer- ican Royal in 1900. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 229 YOUNG MATCHLESS, V 45-777. . Roan. T. A. Alban & Son Hero's Knight 112302.. H Roan. J. & W. B. Watt Barmpton Hero 58813 John Dryden Lovely 22d J. & W. B. Watt I Amhurst 49768 Young Roan Matchless. J A ' Cruickshank Roan. Wm. Moffatt & Bros Matchless 32d & J 8 ' f. Jos. Moffatt Bloodlines: This breeding is of Scotch blood in all crosses except Matchless 32d. She was sired by Karl of Goodness 8th 51441 and he by the noted Bates sire 4th Duke of Clarence. Prizes: Young Matchless was 3d prize cow at the American Royal in 1901. SCOTCH FLOWER, V 45-926.. Red. I-;. I Baron Lavender 3d 7SS.-.4 Flower 1 \ \ '">-. , - \V \ Harris Red. s. r. Lockrldge) Bunfloww . John DrydtMi Scutch .MissiK- I Red. ('has. I-:. Leonard llarlrtrossa A. Cruickshank British Missile Ch Bloodlines: This breeding is 87 1 /2 percent Scotch on descendant of imp. Charming Rose by Garibaldi, imported from Knuland in 1870 by \Yal- cott & Campbell of New York. Prizes: Scotch Flower was 1st junior yearling prize at the American Royal in 1900. 55TH DUCHESS OF GLOSTER, V 45-989 Sittyton Hero 130833 White. John Dry den -r Earl of March 124606 & W. B. Watt Carrie John Dryden Roan. Jas. I. David- fHospodar 108329 son & Son A. Cruickshank 41st Duchess of Gloster.J White. Jas. I. David- 9th Duchess of Gloster I Ja idson Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third prize cow at the Minnesota State P^air, 3d at the Ameri- can Royal and 5th at the International in 1902. 230 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners BUTTERCUP, V 45-994 Roan. E. B. Mitchel & Sons ("Baron Cruickshank* Baron Cruickshank 3d 106297 117968 J Wm. Duthie Roan. C. B. Dustin & Imp. Victoria 79th Son [ A. Cruickshank IGoldstaff 92587 Robt. Miller 9th Phyllis of Ce.lar J. S. l^alimer Bloodlines: This breeding is largely of Scotch blood on descendants of imp. Young Phyllis. Prizes: In 1900 Buttercup was 2d prize' two-year-old at the American Royal and 5th at the International. V 45-995 Red. E. B. Mitchel Son {Baron Cruickshank 106297 Wm. Duthie Imp. Victoria 79th A. Cruickshank [7th Loudon Duke of Woodland 87768 Annie Washington llth.X W. W. Massie Red. W. W. Massie A nnie Washington 10th Sam'l Patterson Bloodlines: Scotch on a mixed foundation. Prizes: Forest Belle was 5th prize senior yearling at the International in 1900. ROSE OF AUTUMN, V 45-995 , , Roan. E. B. Mitchel & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. Baron Cruickshank 3d ]19968. Roan. C. B. Dustin & Son Baron Cruickshank 106297 Wm. Duthie Victoria 79th A. Cruickshank [Eminent Commander 107785 I Rosebud 4 Wm. Moffatt & Bros. Roan. Wm. Moffatt., i mp . Blushing Rose i Wm. Duthie ROSE OF AUTUMN with her sister won 23 1st prizes when shown as produce of cow during the years 1900-1902. Prizes: Third prize two-year-old and in 1st prize produce at the 1st American Royal in 1901 and at the International she was 5th in class, was 1st produce and 2d graded herd. Record of Shorthorn Prize If'unnrs Salamis HOOTS Red. Win. Duthie SWEET CHARITY 7TH, V 45-1020....-I Red. C. C. Norton f Chesterfield 1068.11 A. Cruickshank Siren A. Cruickshar.k Bandmaster 96032 Sweet Charity J A - Cruiokshank Red. C.C. Platter ] Imp> charlty , d Win. Duthie Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: At the American Royal in 1900 Sw-t charity 7th was 4th senior yearling, was in ud voun.i; h-nl and :M produce of cow. At the International sin- was :M in class and was in 1st get of sire. ROSY O'GRADY, V 45-1084 Roan. J. G. Robbins & Sons st. Valentine Roan. Jas. (Jai Ihouse A Bon Rosebud , Red. J. G. Robbins ,v Sons Iiia i .is nan 108200 Win. Douthie A. Cruic kshank Monarch nj W. S. .Man- Rose Ron-.iiiL-.-r _'d ROI- Bloodlines: This fine combination of th<> Scotch blood of the great sires St. Vul.-ntinc and imp. c,a\ .Monarch was on a foundation that through imp. White Rose by Publicola. I'l'- a calf I mate to Ruberta, and thi-y won 1st and I'd at most fairs. In I'.inn sin- was I'd senior yi-arling, was in 1st young herd and 1st g the Am-i-ioan R nd at the International she was 4th in class and was in 1st young hord. lontine 121014 j Roan. Jas. ( Jaivlhouse & Son RUBERTA V 45-1084. J Roan. J. G. Robbins & Sens I Russella I Red. Ezra Swain Guardsman 108200 Win. Duthie Gardenia A. Cruickshank czar 10 Kzra Swain Duchess Nonpareil Ezra Swain Bloodlines: Scotch. Pui! the sensational prize winner of her day. From calfhood to a mature cow she had a brilliant career. Prizes: In IK'ii ; junior champion at the International and junior ai champion at the Amei-ic.m Royal. In nd champion at both tlu-st- shows, also at Ilamlinr, Minn., and several otl In 1:1114 sh- was 1st in class at Hamline and 5th at the American Royal. 232 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winner WARDEN SECRET, V 45-1221.. Red, white marks Geo. E. Ward f Knight of the Thistle 108656* Knig-htof Weldon 11262 -U Luther Adams Red, white marks Gwendoline 2d Wm. Miller Luther Adams I Selrna . *> Roan. J. G. Robbins & Sons St. Valentine 121014 Jas. Gardhouse & Son Touch-Me-Not J. G. Robbins & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. This is an excellent blending- of bloodlines. Knight of Weldon has the blood of Craven Knight through his sire and Cupbearer- through his dam. Selma combined the blood of the great sires St. Valen- tine and Gay Monarch. WARDEN SECRET was donated by Geo. E. Ward to the association sale at Kansas City in 1900 and at that sale she brought $950 and at the show was 5th junior yearling. RAVENSWOOD EX- PRESS, V 45-1263., Red. Chas. E. Leonard {Spartan Hero 77932 A. Cruickshank Imp. Golden Thistle A. Cruickshank Grand Victor 2d 115753 Jos. Duncan Scotch Lily 2cl Chas. E. Leonard Bloodlines: This breeding is 87% percent Scotch, but on an English foundation that goes back through imp. Charming Rose by Garibaldi. Prizes: Fifth junior yearling at the American Royal in 1900. Godoy 115675 Red. W. A. Harris Grand Lily 2d Red. Chas. E. Leonard Golden Fame 144750. Red. S. Campbell GOLDEN FAME'S BELLE, V 46-37.... -J Red, little white E. Coulson Lowville Belle Red. E. Coulson Emancipator 130854 A. Robertson Goldendrop 10th S. Campbell Milton Cumberland 144745 R. Ellis Hazel Thos. Alton & Son Bloodlines: Scotch blood in the main by descendants of imp. Lily by Warden, brought into Canada in 1833. Prizes: Golden Fame's Belle was 2d senior yearling at the American Royal in 1901. In 1902 she was 2d prize two-year-old at Hamline, 1st at the American Royal and 4th at the International. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 233 NONPAREIL 47TH, V 46-37.. Darnley 144835 'White. Arthur John- ston rlndian Chief 98651 A Cruickshank 37th Duchess of Gloster Arthur Johnston Roan. Arthur John ston Bloodlines: Scotch. Gen. Booth 112078 Nonpareil 42d J 5 " Campbell Red. J. M. Carruthers ] Non pareil 35th Geo. Campbell Prizes: Nonpareil 47th was 4th prize two-year-old at the American Royal in 1901 and in the International sale of that year she sold for $1,000. IMP. COUNTESS 3D V 46-139. . ! chancellor 11 Red, J. Wilson Red. J. Cran -utess Red. < 'oum*'ss of SeatiHd Sovereign 136638 J. Nelson & Sons < 'aroline J. Wilson Prince of Orton * 14844 Lord Lo vat Flowery Countess of Seafield Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth prize two-year-old at the International in 1900. KIRKLEVINGTON BLOOM, V 47-68...-J Roan. Geo. Bothwcll Nor.pareil Victor 13! Roan. J. Deane Willis Count Victor 132574 J. Deane Willis Nonpareil Bloom A. i 'hi. f \iolft 4th 11 Kirklevington Ladv 4thJ Wm ' Thom P so " & Sojl Red. J. F. Finley I Kirklevington I.ab I J. F. Finley Bloodlines: Scotch and Bates. Prizes: Kirklevington Bloom was 5th senior calf at the American Royal in 1900 and was 3d senior yearling there in 1901. In 1900 she and her half brother. Nonpareil Clover Blossom, won 1st as the best pair of calves in the show. 234 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners PRINCE'S VIOLET, V 47-119 Red. T. J. Wallace & Son Bloodlines: Scotch. Alice's Prince 122593. Red. W. A. Harris {Lord Athol 122011 W. A. Harris Imp. Princess Alice Wm. Duthie Scottish Chief 89317 Rosedale Violet 9th.. I- Barr & Son Red. Wm. Thompson 1 Rose dale Violet & feon W. A. Harris Prizes: Princess Violet was 2d prize two-year-old at the American Royal in 1901 and in 1902 she was 4th in the cow class. ETHEL, V 47-165.... Roan. Thos. A. Cotton | ("Gay Monarch 92411 W. S. Marr Lancaster 116202 -J Red. J.' G. Robbins & Lovely of Elmhurst Sons [ W. W. & C. R. Estill ILord Nonpareil 63437 A. Cruickshank Mary Ann of Lancaster 10th Mary Lancaster 2d... - Roan Ezra Swain Jas. I. Davidson Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth cow at the International in 1902. LOUISE, V 47-165 Roan. Thos. A. Cotton St. Valentine 121014 Jas. Gardhouse & Son 'Valley Champion 1304^5.1 Verbena of Hickory Red. J. G. Robbins & Park Sons Wm. Cummings & Son {Lancaster 116202 J. G. Robbins & Sons Mary Lancaster 2d Ezra Swairi Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Louise was 5th senior yearling at the International in 1901. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 235 (January Dude 115987 J. V. Grigsby fBlue Jeans 125797 J Roan. J. D. Williams Necklace J. G. Robbins & Sons MARCIA M., V 47-202. Roan. J. D. Douglas & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch blood on mixed foundation. Blue Jeans proved a good sire in several herds in Indiana. Prizes: In 1900 Marcia M. was 2d junior calf at the American Royal and 3d at the International. ' Flora 'Hero's Knight 112302 J. & W. B. Watt I Red. Thos. Wilhoit Florence Thos. Wilhoit SNOWBALL, V 47-202.-! White. J. D. Douglass & Sons January Dude 115987 J. V. Grigsby Blue Jeans L26797 J Roan. J. D. Williams Necklace J. G. Bobbins X- Sons IHero'a KnUht 112302 .J. vv \V. H. Watt Pineapple Thos. Wilhoit Bloodlines: This breeding is a combination of blood, Scotch being mixed with that of earlier Importation*. Prizes: At the International Snowball was 1th senior calf in 1900 and 4th senior yearling in 1901. VILLAGE ROSE, V 47-213 f Baron Rule 12 Red, white marks J. F. Prat her fBaron Cruickshank 10r,_ J Wm. Duthie nder of Hill Farm \ver S. Campbell Salamis HOOTS Wm.Duthie C. ( 5 . Norton Prizes: At the International in 1901 Sunlight 4th was :-!d senior scar- ling and in 4th prize young herd. CLARISSA, V 47-581..., Red. J. G. Robbins & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. {St. Valentine 121014 Jas. Gardhous^ ,i | fa Goldstaff 92587 [ 12th Phyllis of Cedar. . . Robt. Miller Red. J. S. Latimer h phylljg of Cedar J. S. Latimer Bloodlines: Scotch descendants of imp. Young Phyllis. Prizes: Fourth junior calf at the American Royal in 1901 and 5th at the International. In 1902 Phyllis Montrath was 5th junior yearling at the American Royal. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 251 4TH COUNTESS ROSAMOND, (BarDn Lavender 3d Lavender Viscount 78854 r J W. A. Harris Red. S. F. Lockridi;e 1 Gayety W. A. Harris V 50-797 J C3d Duke of Airdrie Red. Chas. E. Leonard I / irdrie Rosamond 107211 A. J. Alexander Red. Cb.-,s. K. Leonard). - th Scottish Rosamond ( 'has. E. Leonard Bloodlines: Scotch and Hates. Prizes: Fourth prize two-year-old and in Ltd graded herd at the Amer- ican Royal in 1903. I i '.a run Lavender 3d 78854 W. A. Harris W. A. Harris y ou-/ye j Red. Chas. E. Leonard Barbarw Scotch naisv 2d I Crulckahank Red. Chas. E. Leonard ^.^ ^^ 6th i. Cba.8. i-]. i . " Bloodlines: This breedin- is >f Seotch blood on a mixed foundation. Prizes: Fifth junior calf at the American Koyal in 1901. I iron Lavender 3d \v. A. Harris v w . /ys ........... ^ ^Harris Red. Chas. E. Leonard j ,nH-Ti' Red. Chas. K. Leonard I g^ L Chas. E. Lt-or Bloodlines: This breeding is mainly <>f Scotch blood but is on a foundation of mixed bloodlr Prizes: Second junior calf at the Ameri< i] in inni and 2d prize cow in 1905. 252 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners EULALA 6TH, V 50-903 Red. Powell Bros. I "Valley Champion 110477 Frank Bellows Kate Washington 12th F. Bellows & Sons [Master Primrose 93750 W. A. Harris 1 Bulala -i Red. Powell Bros. | Blondine 2d L Powell Bros. Bloodlines: This is mixed breeding. Both sire and dam have Scotch blood, but the former Is a descendant of imp. Young Phyllis and the latter of imp. Rose of Sharon. Prizes: Eulala 6th was 5th prize two-year-old at the American Royal in 1901. LOVELY 30TH, V 50-908.. Victor Ramsden 121473. Red. O. H. South- worth Red. Furdy Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. I Lovely 27th. ^ Red. O. H. South- worth Prince Victoria 116918 C. M. Sanger & Son Glen Miss Kamsden Geo. W. Lyle [Prince Victoria 116918 C. M. Sanger & Sons Lovely 26th Isaac Johnson Prizes: In 1901 Lovely 30th was 1st senior yearling at the American Royal and 1st at the International and was 4th prize two-year-old at the American Royal in 1902. Golden Knight of Enter- prise 143815 ORANGE BLOSSOM Red. C. C. Bigler OF FAIRVIEW 3D, V 50-908.. Red. Purdy Bros. Sweetheart Red. O. H. South- worth Peculated Wildeyes 109348 H. M. Vaile Azalea 7th R. Huston & Son Prince Victoria 116918 C. M. Sanger & Son 9th Scottish Lady J. V. Grigsby Bloodlines: Bates and Scotch. Prizes: Orange Blossom of Fairview 3d was 1st senjor calf at the American Royal in 1901. She was later sold to Chas. E. Ladd, Portland, Ore., and in his herd she was 1st cow at Louisiana Purchase Exposition in 1904 and was in 1st prize graded herd. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 253 GOLDEN LASSIE, V 50-931 The Lid for Me 140618. R. & w. J. G. Rob- bins & Sons rSt. Valentine 121014 Jas. Gardhouse & Son Gay Lavender Wm. Moffatt & Bros. Red and white fSittyton Stamp 110269 J. G. Bobbins & Sons f 4th Golden Crest ....... I Red. J. Miller* Sons John Miller & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1901 Golden Lassie was 6th senior calf at the American Royal and at the International she was 4th and was in 2d prize calf herd. LAD'S GOLDIE, V 50-932.. The Lad for Me 140618.^ R. & w. J. G. II..I.- I'ins ,\L- Sons lentine 121014 Jas. Gardhouso lt Son Gay Lavender \\ m. MotTa;t A- Bros. Red. J. G. Robbins & Sons Imp. Goldie I 1th i: MIL W. S. Ah.rr \ Spicy Robin 134607 J. Deane Willis I Goldie 39th W. S. Man- Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1901 Lad's Goldie was 2d senior calf at the American Royal and 3d at tin- International and in 1902 she was 4th in class at both of these shows and at Hamline, Minn. LAD'S LADY, V 50-932. The Lad for Me 140613 R. & w. J. G. Rob- bins & Sons Red and white J. G. Robbins & Sons I Monarch's Lady lid . . . Red. J. G. Robbins Sons St. Yalertinr 121014 . Gardhouse \ Gay Lavender Wm. .Moffattt & I Monarch 92411 \\ PI. J 17th Scottish Lady J. V. Grigsby Bloodlines: day. Scotch. Lad's Lady was a notable prize winner in her Prizes: In 1901 she was 7th senior calf at the American Royal and 5th at the International and in 1902 she was 5th junior yearling at )>"th these shows, and was 3d prize two-year-old at the International in 1903. In 1904 she was 4th in class at Hamline, Minn., 3d at Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1st at the American Royal and at the International shf was 1st, was in 1st prize herd and in 1st get of sire. In 1905 she was 3d at Lewis and Clark Exposition and 3d at the International. 254 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners LAD'S ROSE, V 50-932. Red. J. G. Robbing & Sons [St. Valentine 121014 Jas. Gardhouse & Son I The Lad for Me 140618. J R. & w. j Gay Lavender J. G. Bobbins & Sons [ Wm. Moffatt & Bros. [Success 110368 John Dryden I Blooming Rose J Red. Morton Kimrnel | B i ooniing Be ii e John Dryden Bloodlines: This breeding is of Scotch blood on a foundation that runs back to imp. Fisher's Run. Prizes: Lad's Rose was 1st junior calf and in 1st calf herd at the American Royal in 1901 and at the International she was 2d and in 2d calf herd. She was 2d junior yearling 1 at the International and at the Amer- ican Royal she was 1st in 1902 and 6th in class in 1904. ONEIDA, V 50-932 Red. J. G. Robbins & Sons The Lad for Me 140618. R. & w. J. G. Rob- bins & Sons Redrose Berry L Red. O. Kimmel 'St. Valentine 12^014 Jas. Gardhousr & Son Gay Lavender Wm. Moffatt &- Bros. Nonpareil Chief 1130S4 Arthur Johnston Tmp. Bramble Berry K. Cruickshank Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1901 Oneida was 2d junior yearling and in 2d young herd at the American Royal and at the International she was 3d in class and was in 1st young herd. In 1902 she was 3d prize two-year-old at Ham- line, Minn., and 3d at the American Royal. LADY SCOTCH. V 50-994.. Red. J. F. StodrJer Bloodlines: Scotch. f Prince President 2d Gwendoline's Prince 116895 130913 J Geo. W. Lyle Red. J. R. Crawford Gwendoline 5th & Sons Wm. Miller [Scottish Lad 113723 Coral I F. Bellows & Sens Red. F. Bellows & , Colene F Bellows & Sons Sons Prizes: Lady Scotch was 5th prize two-year-old at the American Royal in 1900. Record of Shorthorn Prize I Tinners 255 ROSE STERNE 6TH, V 50-1017 Red. "f . K. Tornson & Sons Gallant Knight L24468. Red. \V. A. Harris Rose Sterne 2cl Red. T. K. Ti'iiison t Sons Galahad 103259 W. A. Harris 8th TJnwood Goldendrop W. A. Harris Thistle Top 83876 A. ( iniekshank Rose Sterne T. K. Tom.'--.n Sons I'.lrodlines: This breeding is three crosses of Scotch on a founda- tion that t-ame through imp. Helina l>y I'.armpton (54). I'ri/es: At thf AnnrVan Royal in I'.n>; ternC t'.th was I'd senior and was in 1st prixe m-t of Sire. CELIA 9TH, V 50-1075. j Roan. Geo. Campbell Mines: Scoteh. i n>u.i Star r. Roan. \Vni. imp. ( 'elia - v t h Roan. Win. Henton Of .Murnin.i: 1. \Vm. Duthie I ri.ud A. C'rnic-ks!;ar.k a'-ni-y 1 I 47:i J. Wall Cella J. \v. Benton Prizes: Third junior calf at the Ann rican Royal in l!t>i, and 7th junior yearling in T.i'H. JENNIE JUNE, V 50-1075.. ("Ducal Crown 118719 .Viscount of Anoka W G Miller J . Roan. Geo. Harding Viscount X- Son C. M. Sang. T. .1. V ornall . I'd of i ial:\vood..J ^ R.-l. S. L. Cheney Bloodlines: Scotcli and Bal Italian 109675 S. I . Gazell< li. M. Vaile Prizes: In 1902 Jenni.- June WB.B :!d junior yt-arling at Hamline. Minn., ^d in class and in I'd . rd at the American Royal and at the In- ternational she was 1st in class and was in ::d young herd, ii I'd pi-ix- two-year-old at i.<.!h the American i:..\ai and : national and at the latter she was :!d jn'i/e cow in I'.t'il. 256 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners JULIA K., V. 50-1075.. \ Red. T. J. Wornall fDucal Crown 118719 Viscount of Anoky. \\r G Miller 125081 J Roan. Geo. Harding 1 Viscountess of Anoka & Son C. M. Sanger & Son f Chief Violet of Maple Hill 118394 of Grassland J Wm Thompson & Son ~ Red. H. C. Duncan 46th Ruby of Wiidwood I W. T. Clay Bloodlines: This is mixed breeding though Scotch blood largely pre- dominates. Prizes: Julia K was 4th junior calf at the American Royal in 1902 and as a junior yearling she was 3d at this show and was 4th at both Hamline, Minn., and the International. Red. T. J. Wornall PEACH V 50-1075 \ I Ducal Crown 118719 W G M iller Viscountess of Anoka C. M. Sanger &. Son Rose Helena 4th Red. John Morris {Lowden Duke 3d of Oakwood 108889 W. Z. Darr & Son Rose Helena 3d John Morris Bloodlines: This breeding is a combination of blood lines. The sire was a famous prize winner from 1898 to 1900. He is mainly of Scotch blood. The dam is a blending of Bates and Scotch and she descends from Rose of Sharon. Prizes: In 1902 Peach was 2d senior yearling at Hamline, Minn.. 2d at the International and at the American Royal she was 1st and in 2d young herd. In 1903 she was 5th in class at Hamline and 3d at the International. MARY BELLE OF LOCUST GROVE, V 51-685 I Baron Cruickshank 106297 Wm. Duthie Lavender of Hill Farm 7th C. B. Dustin Snow Mary's Belle of | Chief Violet 3d 111303 Plattsburg J Wm. Thompson & Son Red. J. EL Biggerstaff i Snow Mary's Belle S. E. Ward & Son Bloodlines: Scotch blood of the sire and maternal grandsire was built on a foundation that came through imp. Young Mary. Red. P. S. Duncan Prizes: Fourth junior yearling at the American Royal in 1902. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 257 ("Topsman 128153 J. & W. Russell KIRKLEVINGTON DUCHESS OF MA- PLE HILL,V51-748j I Red. U. Z. Green fMoneyfuffel Lad 1 367.17. ., Roan. J. & W. Russell | Isabella 1 J. & W. Russell L 3d Wild Duke of Gran- [ ville 121589 W. Montgomery | Zella Fern J 4th Kirklevington Red. John Montgom- Duchess ery ^ John Montgomery Bloodlines: Scotch, Booth and Bates are blended in this breeding. Prizes: Fifth prize cow at the International in 1905, also 5th in 1906. I Judge 131238 I Rosemary 5th Red. Jas. I. Davidson Rosemary 4th Jas. I. Davidson Bloodlines: Scotch. Pri/.es: First senior c;ilf ;it Hamline, Minn., in 1902. - SPICY OF BROWN DALE, 13TH, V 52-560 J Bar, of Brownda,e 2d 1 9 9 9 S4 Roai Brown .' I Klvira of Browndale 6th [ H. F. Brown [Golden Rule 98298 Robt. Miller 1 (nip. Spiry .1. Bruce Bloodlines: This breeding is of Scotch blood except that Earl of Browndale 2d had Bates blood from his dam. Red. Browndale Farm Kennedy *- Red. H. F. Brown Prizes: First senior yai linu at Hamline, Minn., in 258 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners fSt. Valentine 121014 c Jas. Gardhouse & Son Valley Champion 130485. J Verbena of Hickory Red. J. G. Robbing & Park Sons I Wm. Cummings <& Son {Lancaster 116202 J. G. Robbins & Sons Mary Lancaster 2d Ezra Swain Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth senior yearling at the International in 1903. MAGDALINE, V 52-607 Red. Frank W. Cotton IMP. SPICY CLARA, V 52-677 f Spicy King 156733.. Red. W. S. Marr i Roan. Wm. Anderson [ Bloodlines: Scotch. Spicy Robin 134607 J. Deane Willis Goldie 37th A. Cruickshank fFavorite 156706 F. Simmers Carnation _| Roan. Wm. Anderson I Clara 31sL A. Scott Prizes: Spicy Clara was 1st junior calf at the International in 1901 and 3d junior yearlipg in 1902, also 2d at Hamline, Minn. She was dam of Diamond's Clara, 3d junior yearling at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. 7TH MARY OF ELDERLAWN, V 52-1055.. [Gallant Knight 124468, Red. W. A. Harris Red and white T. K. Tomson & Sons j Betsy Daily 3d Red. T. K. Tomson .& Sons f Galahad 103259 W. A. Harris 4 8th Linwood Golden - drop I W. A. Harris f Thistle Top 83876 A. Cruickshank Betsy Daily T. K. Tomson Bloodlines: This breeding is quite largely of Scotch but the dam is a descendant of imp. Young Mary. Prizes: At the American Royal she was 5th senior calf in 1902 and 5th senior yearling in 1903. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 259 ROSE STERNE 8TH, V 52-1056.. Red. T. K. Tomson & Sons Tillycairn 150069 Red. Hanna & Co. | Rose Sterne 5th ^ Red. T. K. Tomson & Sons f Spicy Monarch 150068 W. S. Marr Imp. Circe 3d (, John Wilson 'Gallant Knight 124468 W. A. Harris Rose Sterne T. K. Tomson & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch on foundation of mixed breeding. Prizes: Second senior calf at the American Royal in 1902 and in 1903 4th senior yearling, also 4th at. Hamline Minn. BREEDERS' FAME, V 53-546.. Roan. Geo. Bothwell Bloodlines: Scotch. Nonpareil Victor 132573.. Roan. J. Deane Willb Count Victor 132574 J. Deane Willis Nonpareil Bloom A. Cruickshank rVictor Rex 110520 Beauty 27th of Maine \V. A. Harris Valley \ Beauty 18th of Maine Red. Chandler Jordan I Valley Chandler Jordan Prizes: In 1902 Breeders' Fame was 2d senior calf at Hamline, Minn., 4th at the American Royal and 4th at the International. In 1903 she was 3d in class at each of these three shows. In the Association sale at Chicago she was purchased for $l,02r, by E. W. Bowen. RUBERTRESS, V 53-589.. {The Lad for Me 140618 J. G. Bobbins & Sons Lucretia J. G. Robbins & Sons Red. .7. G. Robbins & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. Ruberta Roan. J. G. Robbins & Sons fSt. Valentine 121014 Jas. Gardhouse & Son I Russella Ezra Swain RUBERTRESS is a daughter of the famous prize winner Ruberta and has two crosses of the noted sire St. Valentine. Prizes: In 1902 she was 3d junior calf at Hamlino, Minn., 1st at the American Royal and 3d at the International. In 1904 she was 6th prize two-year-old at Hamline and 4th at the American Royal. 260 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners LADY DOROTHEA, V 53-603.. fRed Knight 157136.. Red. D. C. Morris ("Favorite 157106 W. Peterkin I Cherry Blossom J. McWilliams Red, white marks C. E. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch. (-Klondike of Baltimore 140510 j Trout Creek Beauty \ S. C. Isaac Roan. Chas. Rankin | Dorothea Chas. Rankin Prizes: Third senior yearling- at Hamline, Minn., in 1903 and at the International 2d in class and in 1st young herd and 1st get of sire. She was 3d prize two-year-old at Louisiana Purchase Exposition and was sold to Chas. E. Ladd, Portland, Ore., and at the Exposition in that city in 1905 she was senior and grand champion. WELCOME OF MEAD OWLAWN 8TH, V 53-604.. Red Knight 157136. . Red. D. C. Morris ("Favorite 1571 Of, W. Peterkin I Cherry Blossom ( J. McWilliams Red and white C. E. Clarke 6th Duke of Forest C Grove 111640 Welcome of Meadow- T. S. Moberly lawn 4th J Welcome of Meadow- R. & w. N. P. Clarke lawn 2d N. P. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch and Bates. Prizes: At Hamline, Minn., she was 6th junior calf in 1902 and 4th junior yearling In 1903. In 1905 she was 2d prize cow and in 5th graded herd at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. WELCOME OF MEAD- OWLAWN 9TH, V 53-604 Red, little whke C. E. Clarke fRed Knight 157136.. ("Favorite 157106 W. Peterkin Red. D. C. Morris Cherry Blossom J). C. Morris fine Baron 121228 Welcome of Meadow- N. P. Clarke lawn bth ". . J Welcome of Meadow- R. & w. C. E, Clarke I la\\ n 1th C. E. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch and Bates, the latter blood coming through The Baron, sire of the dam. Prizes: Second junior yearling at Hamline, Minn., in 1903 and at the International she was 1st in class and was in the 1st young herd and 1st get of sire. In 1906 she was senior and grand champion at Ham- line, the American Royal and the International, and at several state fairs. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 261 Baron Lavender 4th 84525. w - I la ron Victor ; ("ruickshnnk Imp. Lavender 34th V 53-617. r Royal Cn-wn 1 1 5590 Red. Geo.W. Thomas; ;Uary Ann of Variety 3. Barclay Grove 3d J Mary Ann of Lancaster Red. Geo.W. Tho! l"th Jas. I. Davidson i:i..oilines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1903 she was 4th prize t\vo-\ ar-old at the International and at Ilamlint', Minn., she won th,- same prize and in 1904 was 7th prize cow. >f Archei Red. Wm. Duthie b Archer 117301 A. ( 'n.iekshank Brenda ANOKA'S VILLAGE th GEM, V 53-740 J f Prince Albert 100060 Red. Geo. Harding ^ | _ c . k feon | Village Gem J ;i. H. & W. Smith I Villas- Maid [ H. & W. Smith tch. Prizes: Fifth juniu- y.-arling at tlic American Rnyal in f Scottish Arc ' nncKshank Red. Wm. I> I Brenda MAID OF HONOR, .) Smith V 53-740 J of Ceremonies Red. Geo. Harding &| -;33 Son In \\ ailing. . J -Usliank Red. Philo L. M^ills Ripe Raspberry [ Wm. Duthie Ploodiii;. g itch. Prizes: In L902 Maid of Honor junior c,-iir at the An- Rnyal and in 1903 \\.is ."th junior yearling and 8th at Hamline, Minn. 262 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners BAPTON PEARL (imp.) V 48-368 BRED BY. J. DEANE WILLIS, BAPTON MANOR, ENGLAND FAIR QUEEN, V 45-941 BRED BY H. K. FAIRBAIRN, THEDFORD, ONTARIO Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 263 LAVENDER DUCHESS 19TH, V 53-798.... Red. D. K. Kellernvin & Son Lavender King 4th 108682 Red. J. H. Potts Son -King of Aberdeen 75747 A. Crui-kshank Lavender of Oakland J. H. Potts & Son f Lavender Dorrit 123439 W. A. Harris I Lavender Duchess 12th. J 7th Duchess of Vinewoori Roan. D. K. Keller- D. K. Kellerman & man & Son Sons Bloodlines: Scotch on mixed foundation. Prizes: Third senior calf at th" Anv-rican Royal in 19i"2. Marksman 176045, Red. J. Merson DAYLIGHT, V 53-880. Red. Richard David- son. Red. Richanl son Leonard 176042 I >urno Evening: Star J. Merson Velvet 184983 Geo. Walker Russett Rose Richard Davidson Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth prize cow at the International in 1903. QUEEN MEDORA 4TH,, V 53-981 J Roan. A. J. Ryden Bridegroom 124526 Roan. J. F. Prather Queen Medora R. & w. C. C. .M< - Cutchen 1 Baron Cruickshank 106297 Wrn. Duthie Imp. Bridal Day 2d \Vm. Duthie {Baron Aylesby 122010 Thos. H. Mastin Queen O'l C. C. McCutchen Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth junior calf at the International in 1902. 264 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners Gwendoline's Prince OXFORD BLOOM 12TH, V 53-1C44. Red. J. F. Stodder ( Prince President 2d 116890 Geo. Lyle Red. J. R. Crawford Gwendoline 5th & Sons L Wm. Miller f Champion's Best 114671 F. Bellows & Sons | Oxford Bloom 7th Josiah Johnson I Oxford Bloom 9th Red. J. F. Stodder Bloodlines Scotch and Bates. Prizes: Second senior yearling- at the American Royal in 190S and 2d prize two-year-old in 1904. f Conqueror 149048. GLOSTERINA, V 53-1119.. Red. W. S. Marr I Wanderer 140614 A. Cruickshank 1 Missie 152d W. S. Man- Red. T. J. Wornall & Son Bloodlines: Scotch. ("Chief Captain 145030 Arthur Johnston Duchess of Gloster E...J Red. J. & E. Chinnick I Duchess of Gloster A Arthur Johnston Prizes: Sixth junior calf at the American Royal and 5th at the Inter- national in 1902. In 1903 1st in class at Hamline, Minn., 1st at the American Royal and 4th at the International. In 1904 she was 4th prize two-year-old at Hamline and 7th at the American Royal and at this show she was 6th prize cow in 1906. Roan. Robt. Taylor Bloodlines: Scotch. Bapton Ensign 172542.. Bapton Victory 157363 J. Deane Willis Roan. J. Deane Willis Emmeline 5th [ J. Deane Willis [Volga 191508 Imp. Nellie of Carlogie j Black 5th -I Roan. Robt. Taylor I Nellie of Carlogie 2d [ Robt. Taylor Prizes: First junior calf at Hamline, Minn., and 1st at the Interna- tional in 1902 and 6th junior yearling- at the American Royal in 1903. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 265 PRINCESS MAUD4TH, V 54-688 J [Best of Archers 141832.. Red. Win. Duthie Red. Geo. Harding Son Bloodlines: Scotch. I Princess Maud 2d.... I Red. ('. W. Norton Scottish Archer 117301 A Cruickshank Brenda J. Smith fGaveston 112058 \\ . A. Harris Xg. Son I Princess Maud John McHugh Prizes: Second junior calf in in i' at both the American Royal and the International; in 1903 she was 3d in class at Hamline, Minn., 2d at the American Royal and 3d at the International. In 1904 she was 8th at Hamline, 8th at the American Royal and 4th at the International. 7TH CRAGGS OF CEDARVIEW, V 54-852.. (lay La.lili.- 119293, Ili-.l. \V. A. Harris Red. Powell Bros. nil ' view L Red. Powell I'.: fr.alahad IOS2 W. A. Harris I Lees-i.l- Xt 11 6th C. T. P.lish & Son , <'hami>io!i 1 Frank Bellows Craggs of Cedarview Fow.-ll Bros. P.loodliiifs: Scotch aiul P.; Prizes: Fourth junior yearling at the Amci : 1 in 1902. MAID OF FAIRVIEW th calf herd at the Inter- national. 266 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners \ St. Valentine 121014 fLord Lovel 130157 J X Gardhouse & Son Red. J. G. Robbins & ] Monarch's Lovely RUBY OF FAIRVIEW, Sons [ j. G . Robbins & Sons V 54-917 J Red. Purdy Bros. f Prince Victoria 116918 C. M. Sanger & Sons I Ruby 2d J t Red. O. H. South- Ruby worth ( Abram Renick Bloodlines: Scotch on a foundation of imp. Rose of Sharon. Prizes: Fourth junior yearling at the American Royal in 1904. fLord Lovel 130157, St. Valentine 121014 Jas. Gardhouse & Son VISCOUNTESS OF Re( j. j. Q. Robbins & Monarch's Lovely FAIRVIEW 3D, So ns [ J. G. Robbins & Sons V 54-918 -I r Prince Victoria of Hick- Red. Purdy Bros. ory p ar k 94481 I Victoria Giltspur J Wm . Cummings & Son Red. C. M. Sanger Robbina I Gay Lavender V 54-932 & gons I Wm. Moffatt & Bros. Roan. J. G. Robbins I f Carlisle 150128 & Sons Trout Creek Missie I ^ & W. Russell Roan. W. J. Menzies j Missie of Springfield [ W. J. Menzies Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Lad's Missie was 6th senior calf at the American Royal in 1902 and at the International she was 5th and was 4th in class in 1903 1 . In 1904 she was 2d prize two-year-old at the Louisiana Purchase Exposi- tion, 3d at the American Royal and 3d at the International. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 267 LAD'S SECRET, V 54-932.. Red. J. G. Robbins & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. The Lad for Me 140618. .J R. & w. J. G. Robbins & Sons St. Valentine 121014 Jas. Gardhouse &. Son Gay Lavender \\ in. Moffatt & Bros. rGay Monarch 9:.'411 W. S. Marr Sunrise -(Sempstress of Sand Roan. J. G. Robbins I Creek & Sons J. G. Robbins & Sons Prizes: Lad's Se^rt-t was 3d senior calf and in 1st calf herd at the International in liiiii' and at the American Royal she was 8th in 1902 and 6th prize two-\ ar-old in 1904. FAIR QUEEN V 54-941J Roan. H. K. Fairbairn I Royal PrlDce 18* Roan. J. & W. B. Watt Fra!i< in 3d. . littk- white 11. F. I-'airb;iirn Sailor 125761 W. S. Marr Minnie _<1 of Lynden .1 \- \V. ]>,. Watt [Royal AllM-rt 140209 Mir Johnston Francis Folsom T. Nicholson & :- Bloodlines: This bn-.-diriK- is of Scotch blood in the main, but the foundation came from Yorkshire, Kimland, through Fanny by Hrideman (12493), that \vas imported into Canada jn lsr.7. Fair Queen had a sen- sational record in the show yard. frizes: Sli.- was 1st .If at the Intei-national in 1902. In 1903 she was junior champion at Mainline, Minn., and at the American I. and at the International junior ;i iid .urand champion. In 1904 she was senior and grand champion at llamlin*^ the Louisiana Pui -.posi- tion, the American Royal, the International and several state fairs. LADY MARSHAL, V 54-1038.... fSharon Marshal Red. Aaron Barber Marshal 110703 W. A. Harris Lady Sharon Aaron Barber Red. Barley Wagner IKing Oakland L2 C. A. Kellogg Delia J. A. Gil In, Bloodlines: This breeding is a mixture of bloodlines. Shan.n Marsha! an excellent breeder and M //<> Tinto won at the International in the class for produce of cow. Prizes: Fifth prize cow at Hamline, Minn., in 1905 and at the Inter- national she was 2d in 1905 and 3d in 1906. 268 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners JUNO OF WOODHILL, V 56-670.. Red. W. H. Dun- worthy Bloodlines: Scotch. I Bapton Ensign 172542 J. Deane Willis Pitlivie Chief 192919 Roan. Robt. Taylor 1 Fairplay 4th I Wm. Duthie Imp. Juno - Red. C. M. Gordon {Star of Morning 121243 Wm. Duthie Zealous Girl A. Scott Prizes: At Hamline, Minn., Juno of Woodhill was junior champion in 1904 and in 1905 2d prize two-year-old. At the International in 1904 she was 1st junior yearling, was in 3d young herd and 3d get of sire and in 1905 she was 4th prize two-year-old and was in 1st graded herd SILVERINE, V 56-742... Roan. D. R. Hanna {Silver Plate 145554 J. Bruce Mistletoe 14th Wm. Duthie Imp. Scotia 2d Red. Alex Milne fCraibstone 135226 A. C. Pirle Imp. Scotia Jas. Bruce Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth junior calf at the International in 1903. SILVER ROSALIND, V 56-742. . Roan. D. R. Hanna Silver Mist 158474 Roan. Wm. Duthie Imp. Rosalind Roan. A. M. Gordon Silver Plate 145554 J. Bruce ] Mistletoe 14th I Wm. Duthie Star of Morning 121243 Wm. Duthie Celia A. M. Gordon Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth senior calf at the American Royal in 1903. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 269 HAMPTON'S DUCH- ESS, V 57-527.... Red. C D. Bellows I Merry Hampton 132572 Hampton's Best 170818. J Wm " Duthie Roan. C. B. Dustin & Secret of Hill Farm 2d Son L C. B. Dustin [Chief Violet 4th 111304 Wm. Thompson & Son Acomb Duchess 15th... Red. J. F. Finley ] Acomb Duch. J. F. Finloy Bloodlines: Scotch and Bates. Prizes: Second junior calf and in 1st calf herd at the American Royal in 1903. HAMPTON'S PEARL, V 57-527. . 1M- rry Hampton ! Win. Duthie Secret of Hill Farm 1.M C. B. Dustin Roan. C. D. Bello\vs Sharoness of Forest.... -i Roan. B. O. Cowan Norfolk 120336 Thos. H. Martin i:i Sharon 9th Geo. Bothwell Bloodlines: Scotch and Bates. Prizes: Hampton's Pearl was 8th junior calf at the American Royal in 1903 and in 1904 she was 6th junior yearling and was in the 3d young herd at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. HAMPTON'S QUEEN, V 57-527.. Roan. C. D. Bellows Hampton's F-est 170818. .^ Roan. C. B. Dustin & Sons Mt-rry Hampton 132572 Wm. Duthie Secret of Hill Farm LM < J. B. Dustin r Columbian Lord 121951 Peter Columbian Queen J Red. J F. I>iuglas j Valley Queen J. F. Douglas Bloodlines: This breeding is essentially Scotch, yet the dam goes back through imp. S<-i- a phina Carissima 3d to the herd of Lord Sudeley and has good Booth blood much the same as that of the famous Baron Booth of Lancaster. Prizes: Fourth senior calf and in 1st calf herd at the American Royal in 1903. 270 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners HAMPTON'S QUEEN OF BEAUTY, V 57-527.. White. C. D. Bellows Bloodlines: Scotch. 1 Merry Hampton 132572 Wm. Duthie Secret of Hill Farm 2d C. B. Dustin Queen of Beauty 10th.- Roan. Job Goslee fLord Lavender 133092 Chas. C. Norton Queen of Beauty 9th Peter Forcade Prizes: Seventh senior calf at the American Royal in 1903 and at the International 2d in class, and in 1st calf herd at the Louisiana Ex- position in 190'4. She was 3d senior yearling, 2d at the American Royal and 3d at the International, and at the last two shows she was in 1st young herd and 2d get of sire. APPLE BLOSSOM, V 57-583.. Red. C. E. Clarke {Mutineer 150049 Wm. Duthie Emmeline 4th Wm. Duthie ("Mountain Hero 180003 Imp. Pine Blossom I J ' K Reid L Roan. A. Robertson j peach Blossom 4th A. Robertson Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: First senior yearling at Hamline, Minn., in 1904. FAIRPLAY 6TH, V 57-583.. fBaptori Ensign 172542...^ Roan. J. Deane Willis . Red. C. E. Clarke Bapton Victory 157363 J. Deane Willis Emmeline 5th Wm. Duthie ("Chief of the Clan 144733 W. S. Marr Imp. Fairplay 4th., Roan. Wm. Duthie 1 Fairplay 2d [ Wm. Duthie Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third junior calf at the International in 1903. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 271 GOLDEN BUD, V 57-638.. Marquis' Heir ir7<*F3 Roan. W. C. Edwards White. W. C. Ed- wards & Co. Bloodlines: Scotch. & Co. Imp. Golden Wreath llth.. Marquis of Zenda 157834 W. S. Marr Canadian Rosebud W. C. Edwards & Co. ("Knuckle Duster 141674.. J. Bruce White. R. Copeland Golden Wreath 7th J. B. Manson Prizes: In 1904 Golden Bud was 2d prize two-year-old, both at Ham- line, Minn., and the International, and in 1905 she was 3d in class at Hamline and at the International. She was 1st and was in 1st herd. ISittyton Archer 149569 Wm. Duthie Augusta 92d J. Bruce BARTON DUCHESS, V 57-660.. Roan. W. A. ForsytUo Duchess Agatha'. . - . Red. H. H. Grimes Barrington Duke 118040 Josh Barton Agatha 8th H. H. Grimes Bloodlines: Scotch and Bates. It may be of interest to state that King Edward 172814, grand cham- pion of Lewis and Clark Exposition, was by Papton Arrow. He proved to be an impressive sire and his early death was a loss to Shorthorns. Prizes: At the American Royal Bapton Duchess was 5th junior calf in 1903 and 5th junior yearling in 1904. ANOKA GLOSTER, V 57-709.. Roan. F. W. Harding Bloodlines: Scotch. Best of Archers 141832.. -\ Red. Wm. Duthie Queen of Scots 6th... Roan. Forbes Bros. Scottish Archer 117301 A. Cruickshank Brenda J. Smith f Baron Gloster 101657 I. Barr & Son Queen of Scots Robt. Miller Prizes: In 1903 Anoka Gloster was 1st senior calf at Hamline, Minn., 2d at the American Royal and in 2d yni< :,ih pri/.t in 1907 and in 1908 won the same prixe. l.oili at this slio\v .-mil at Ham- line, Minn. 274 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners COUNTESS VERA, V 57-1028.. Conqueror 14904S.. Red. W. S. Marr Roan. T. J. Wornall I & Son j Grand Rose 6th I Wanderer 140614 A. Cruickshank Missie 152d W. S. Marr r Grand Victor 115752 Jos. Duncan Roan. Geo. Both-well I Queen [ Geo. Bothwell Bloodlines: This breeding is Scotch blood in the main on a founda- tion that came through imp. White Rose by Publicola. Prizes: Seventh junior calf at the American Royal and 4th at the International in 1903 and 6th junior yearling at Hamline, Minn., in 1904. Conqueror 149048.. Red. W. S. Marr DEWDROP, V 57-1028.. Red. T. J. Wornali & Son Bloodlines: Scotch. [Wanderer 140614 A. Cruickshank 1 Missie 152d W. S. Marr {Sea King 125762 J. Nelson & Sons Blythesome 9th W. S. Marr Prizes: In 1903 Dewdrop was 1st junior calf and in 3d calf herd, both at the American Royal and the International, and was 1st at Hamline, Minn. In 1904 she was 2d in class at Hamline, 4th at Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition and 7th at the American Royal. 1 Bright Star 180001 A. M. Gordon VICTORIA OF LIN- WOOD 8TH, V 58-603 - Mavis Clare W. S. Marr Roan. I. M. Forbes &. Son Victoria of Linwood 7th.^ Red. I. M. Forbes & [Baron Gloster 101657 I. Barr & Son Victoria of Linwood Son Forbes Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third senior calf at the American Royal and 5th at the International in 1903. In 1904 she was 2d senior yearling at Hamline, Minn., 4th at the American Royal and 2d at the International. At the latter show she was 2d prize two-year-old in 1905 and 6th prize cow in 1906. Record of Shorthorn Prize' Winners 275 {Scottish King 113721 John Dryden Snowflake Thos. Wilhoit Roan. A. L. Winters ("Royal Champion 110004 F. Bellows * Sons Esther J Red. W. P. Cooper Cadiz Nora I W. D. Cooper Bloodlines: This is mixed breeding. Both grand sires are Scotch, but Snowflake is a young Phyllis and Cadiz Nora a Young Mary. Prizes: Fifth junior yearling at the International in 1903. MAYFLOWER 3D, V 58-716... Roan. W. McDermott Sailor Roan. W. S. Man- Sea Kin^r J. Xt-lson & Sons Red Lady 1Mb \V. S. .V.-irr IKing William 213191 ckie Line! Arthur Walker Bloodlines: This breeding is Scotch except a slight mixture in the maternal grandsire, King William. He runs back to ]',. Snowball (2647), imported from England in 1836. Prizes: Fifth prize cow at the American Royal in 1905. LAD'S CLARA, V 58-978.. Red. J. G. Robbins & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. St. Valentine 121014 The Lad for Me 1406 IS... 1 J> G ardho se ,< I Gay Lavender Wm. Moffatt & Bros. J. G. Robbins &. Sons Imp. Clara 55th Red. W. S. JNIarr f Spicy Robin 1 J. Deane WilJis I Clara 49th \V. S. _V:irr rizes: Fourth senior calf and in 2<1 calf herd at the International in 1903 and 7th senior yearling at the American H.yal in 1904. 276 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners LAD'S EMMA, V 58-978- Red and white J. G. Robbins & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. The Lad for Me 140618... R. & w. J. G. Rob- bins & Sons St. Valentine 121014 Jas. Gardhouse & Son Gay Lavender Wm. Moffatt & Bros. Imp. Emma 32d Red. W. S. Marr r Captain of the Guard 132059 J A. Cruickshank Emma 25th [ W. S. Marr LAD'S EMMA made a sensational record in American show yards. Prizes: First senior calf at the International in 1903. In 1904 she was 1st senior yearling 1 and junior at Louisiana Purchase Exposition, the American Royal and the International, and at all three of these shows she was in 1st prize get of sire. In 1905 she was senior and grand cham- pion at Hamline, Minn., and at the International, and at the latter show she was 2d in class in 19C6. MONEYFUFFEL MAID, V 58-981. Roan. Jas. Leask {Judge 131238 J. & W. B. Watt English Lady llth J. & W. B. Watt Green Bank Maid 4th, Roan. Alex Lee Brilliant Chief 193579 Jos. Bell Mayflower 6th John Lee Bloodlines: Scotch. This heifer was from the herd that produced Roan King, grand champion steer of the International in 1907, and a Roan Jim, a better one, shown in 1908. Prizes: Third prize cow at the American Royal in 1905 and at Ham- liiie, Minn., she was 2d in 1905 and 4th in 1906. CHRYSANTHEMUM, V 58-1020 Roan. E. E. Souers Bloodlines: Scotch. General White 162501 1 Captain Inglewood 151190 D. Fisher Imp. Blythesome 18th W. S. Marr fTouchstone 149631 A. Cruickshank Imp. Christina J Roan. A.M.Gordon I Zoe A. M. Gordon Prizes: Second junior calf at the International in 1903 and 5th prize two-year-old in 1905. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 277 Pride of Morning 120551 fscottish Pride 128543.. J Wm ' Duthie DUCHESS OF LAN- Red . Wm. Duthie I Imp. Missie 142d CASTER 13TH, w . s . MaIT V 59-536. Red. E. H. McCutch- eon Bloodlines: Scotch. Duchess of Lancaster (-Granite City 98353 W. S. Marr 8th J Duchess of Lancaster Red. McLay Bros. :,th I. Barr & Son Prizes: At Hamline, Minn., Duchess of Lancaster 13th was 1st prixe two-year-old in 1906 and was :M prize cow in 1907 ami in limn. At the American Royal she was 7th in 1906, 4th in T.H.T ami :M both in 1908 and 1909. At the International she was 2<1 in 1906, 2d in 1907. I'd in l'J08 and 3d in 1909, and in 1908 she won 3d in the Shorthorn Milk Test. Topsman L28153. LADY PORTLAND, V 59-785.. Red. J. & W. Russell Roan. Chas. E. Ladd Bloodlines: Scotch. Stanl< Jos. Redmond Nonpareil Victoria Arthur .Johnston JiuK-e 131238 . J. \. \V. \\. Watt Matchless 24th Red. J. & W. B. Watt | Mritr-hl.-ys 1 7th J. & W. B. Watt Prizes: Lady Portland was 2d senior yearling at the Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition in 1904 and at the Lewis and Clark Kxpositi.m in i:nr, she was 3d prize two-year-old and was in the 1st graded herd. Nodi-stone 149158 ("The Lad for M- 140618 J. G. Robbins & Sons LODESTONE'S MINA, V 59-884 \ Roan. V . rcli's Ln . J. G. Robbins ii Son:? Red. Wm. Hill Bloodlines: Scotch. I Mina Maud ' Arthur John- ston Darn ley 1 Arthur Johnston Mina \ Ai thur .loh Prizes: Second junior yearling at the Lewis and Clark , -n in 1905. 278 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners PRINCESS FLORA 2D, j V 59-991 Red. G. M. Casey Bloodlines: Scotch. I Choice Goods 186302. Roan. Jas. Durno f"Remus 151790 A. I. Fortescue I Oeraldine 5th [ Jas. Durno f Alice's Prince 122593 W. A. Harris Princess Flora J Red. T. J. Wallace & Scottish Flora 4th Son F. Bellows & Sons Prizes: In 1904 Princess Flora 2d was 5th junior yearling at Ham- line, Minn., 2d at the American Royal and 3d at the International. In 1905 she was 3d prize two-year-old at Hamline, 4th at Lewis and Clark Exposition and 1st at the American Royal; in 1906 she was 2d in class at Hamline and 4th at the American Royal. SWEET BRIAR ROSE, V 59-992 .{ Red. G. M. Casey Bloodlines: Scotch. Choice Goods 186802. Roan. Jas. Durno Remus 151790 A. I. Fortescue Geraldine 5th Jas. Durno fCortez 150677 R. Stratton Imp. Mayflower 5th. . .J Red. Leopold de Roth- Mayflower 3d child Leopold de Rothchiid Prizes: Fifth senior calf at Hamline, Minn., in 1904, and in 1905 she was 1st senior yearling, was junior champion, in 1st young- herd and 1st get of sire at Lewis and Clark Exposition, and at the American Royal she was junior and grand champion, was in 1st young herd and 1st get of sire. VICTORIA'S CHOICE, V 59-992.. Roan. G. M. Casey Bloodlines: Scotch. r Remus 151790 A. I. Fortescue Choice Goods 186802 J Roan. Jas. Durno 1 Geraldine 5th Jas. Durno. Baron Cruickshank r 106297 Victoria of Hill Farm Wm. Duthie 5th J Victoria of Hickory Roan. C. B. Dustin & Park Son C. M. Sanger & Sons Prizes: In 1904 Victoria's Choice was 1st senior calf at Hamline, Minn., 3d at Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 2d at the American Royal and 3d at the International and at both Kansas City and Chicago she was in 1st calf herd. In 1905 she was 4th in class at Hamline and 5th at the American Royal. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 279 OLDSTER'S ROSE, V 60-609. Gloster 137952 Red. T. R. Westrope & Son Red. C. D. Bellows p arkdale Rose , Roan. C. D. Bellows f Royal Gloster 117199 I. Barr .*, Son Queen Glamis F. Bellows & Sons Young Emperor 127650 F. Bellows & Sons B. 2d Peter For cade Bloodlines: This breeding has 87% percent of Scotch blood and the balance is a mixture of Bates and other lines. Prizes: In 1904 Gloster's Rose was 3d junior yearling- and was in 1st young- herd, both at Louisiana Purchase Exposition and the Amer- ican Royal, and at the latter she was 2d prize two-year-old in 1905. HAMPTON'S LAVEN- DER, V 60-609 Red. C. D. Bellows Bloodlines: Scotch. {Merry Hampton 132572 Win. Duthie Secret of Hill Farm 2d C. B. Dustin Baron Cruickshank 106297 Son Lavender of Hill Farm 22d Red. C. B. Dustin & Son Wm. Duthie avender of Hill Farm 8th C. B. Dustin Prizes: Hampton's Lavender was 1st junior yearling- at the Amer- ican Royal in 1904 and at the International she was 2d and was in 2d young herd. LADY GLOSTER 6TH, V 60-625 Red. I. M. Forbes & Son Cock Robin 192127 Roan. C. II. Graham ! Lady Gloster Red. Forces Bros. Bright Star 180001 A. M. Gordon is Clare \V. S. Marr ("Baron Gloster 103657 i-r & Son j I'.'tli Duchess of Gloster Jas. I. Davidson Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1904 Lady st<-r r,th \v;is Royal and 6th at the International. senior calf at the American 280 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners DOROTHEA 2D, V 54-582 BRED BY C. E. CLARKE, ST. CLOUD, MINN. CHRISTMAS LASSIE 15153 BRED BY T. K. TOM SON & SONS, DOVER, KAN. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 281 LAVENDER PRIN- CESS 2D V 60-717 J {Golden Sun 182754 J. Deane Willis .Missie 13(Hh W. S Man- Roan. W. H. Dun- woody Bloodlines: Scotch. /-Prince of S i Ul Imp. Lavender Princess. J A. 15. Law Roan. ,1. I)"-me WiilNj Lavender J. Deane Wil Willis Prizes: Third junior yearliim at Hamline, Minn., ;md 4th at the Intel-national in 1905. WOODHILL MAY BLOSSOM 2D, V 60-717.. Golden Mist IS: Roan. Win. Imthie I iden Sim J. Deane Willis lie 13Gth W. S Man- Roan. W. H. Dun- woody. Bloodlines: Scotch. ("Archer 180000 J. McWilliam Imp. May Blossom tth.J Roan. 'has. Murray I ^ I:| > ' ; ( 'ha:-:. .\1 Hill O Prizes: Second junior calf at Mainline, Minn., and 1st at the Int-T- national in i:mi. In 1:111:, sh- was Jd junior yi-irlinff at Hamlino a- th<- International sin- was 1st. was in 1st graded h.-rd and I sire. She was Hth in cl iss at the I .,1 in inn: ; , n .l at Hamline she was 1st and was ;tli ir, DIAMOND'S CLARA, V 60-797.. . D. R. Hanna Scotch. igustin 151 J. Deane Willis 1 Diamond . [ J. Deane Willis \\ . S. Man- Imp J Roan. Wm. Anderson Carnation \Vm. And* rson Sixth junior calf at Hamline, Minn., and 4th at I. Purch.-ise Exposition in mm and :;d junior ye K.x position in IS 282 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners IAugustin 156229 J. Doar.e Willis Imp. Bapton Pearl J. Deane Willis r Young Abbotsburn White. D. R. Hanna | 110679 [Rose Abbotsburn J J. & W. B. Watt Roan. T. S. Mobf-rly 6th Rose of Forest Grove [ T. S. Mobt-rly Bloodlines: This breeding is 75 percent Scotch and the combination of the blood of imp. Bapton Pearl, dam of Whitehall Sultan, and that of the noted champion Young Abbotsburn was a good mixture. The female line came through imp. Rose of Sharon. Prizes: In 1904 Diamond's Rose was 4th junior yearling at Hamline, Minn., and at the 'Louisiana Purchase Exposition she was junior cham- pion and was in 3d prize get of sire. Best of Archers 141832 Wm Duthie V OU-/30 ^ Red. F. W. H,ram g j [Ga-to Princess Maud 2d J Roan. C. W. Norton Princess Maud John McHugh Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: At the American Royal she was 7th senior calf in 1904 and 6th senior yearling in 1905. j". Stanley 113853 Jos. Redmond I Topsman 128153 J R/IATOLJI coo OATLJ Red - J - & W - Husficll 1 Nonpareil Victoria IVI A I O M L. t O o ou I M , . , . . V 60-866 ^ Arthur Johnston Red. Chas. E. Larld | f Judge 131238 J. & W. B. Watt 'tchless 24th J Red. J. & \V. B. Watt I Matchless 17th {_ J. & W. B. Watt Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: First junior yearling and in 2d young herd at Lewis and Clark Exposition in 1905. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners x 283 FAIRVIEW ORANGE BLOSSOM 10TH, V 60-988.. Red, little white Purdy Bros. fSt. Valentine 121014 Jas. Gardhouse & Son Lord Lovel 130157 ,J Red. J. G. Robl/ins & ] Monarch's Lovely Sons J. G. Robbins & Sons , < Goldmine Red. O. II. S worth Prince of Orange 2d lit; C. C. Dlish & Son 9th Scottish Lady J. V. Grigsby Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third junior c:tlf at the Ameri< 1 in 1904. St. Valentine 121014 J:is. C,;ird!.o' PAULINE OF FAIR- VIEW, V 60-988.... Red and white Purdy Bros. Red. J. G. R I-). Sens 1 1th Pauline of Glen- wood ^ rch's Lovely J. G. Kolibii 'Giltspur 92 A. ( 'MMl k>':Ullk * Red. Win. run*.' Son "-ill I'auline of Gler Wm. Cummings A Bloodlines: This 1. reeding is quit.- largH; tch blood'but the foundation on side of dam has good Bates blood, hup. Paulino 15th by Greal Hope 26765 was brought from England into Canada in 1876 by the da West Stock Farm Co. Prizes: In 1904 Pauline of Kairvi.-w was 1st senior filf at th- Louisi- I'urchase Exposition, 1st at th<- Am-rican R..yal and I'd at national. In 1905 she was r-th senior yearling at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. LAD'S CLARA 2D, V 60-1007.. Ihouse & Sen The Lad for Me I \ R. & w. J. G. Rob- | Gay Lavender Red. J. G. Robbins & Sons Imp. ' h Red. W. S. Man Wm. Moffatt ,v f Spicy" Robin 134G07 J. i iiis \V. S. bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth junior calf at the American Royal in 1904. 284' Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners LAD'S EMMA 2D, V 60-1007 Red. J. G. Robbins Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. Imp Emma 32d Red. W. S. Mnrr fSt. Valentine 121014 Jas. Gardhouse & Son | The Lad for Me 140618.. R. & w. J. G. Rob- bins \al and at the International 1st and junior champion and pri/e two-year-old in TINY MAUDE, V 60-1107.. Red and white John I'.ricker Heir ol .\vidpatn 2073G3.- ira. Red. I'lora John flndian Princ- A. i thur Johnston ipath Thos. I;all;intyne Son Jas. Hunter Rose L-'i Is I'loo, nines: This breeding Scotch 01 danta of imp. I- lora b\- a son n f Lafon's Smi of ('Miivt (IB I'rixes: Tiny Maude was Mil pri/e two-year-old at the American and Hth at the International in L905. 286 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners DUMPSIE, V 60-1134.., Roan. T. J. Worn all & Son Conqueror 1 1 90-! 8 . . , Red. W. S- Marr Imp. Rosetta 12th. - Roa.n. J. young Wanderer 140S14 A. Cruiokshank Missie 152d W. S. Marr Scottish Prince 189651 Wm. Duthie Rosetta 7th J. Young Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 19C4 Dumpsie was 1st junior calf at Hamline, Minn., 1st at the American Royal and 4th at Louisiana Purchase Exposition. In 1905 at the Lewis and Clark Exposition she was 3d junior yearling. SPRINGFIELD LADY, V 61-572 \ Red. Adkins & Ste- | venson Red Lad 149033... Red. C. F. Rice Briton Lady Red. E. P. Thompson Royal Twist 124803 Green Bros. Elsie M. T. R. Rice & Son Royal Briton 100596 W. S. Marr Red Lady of Cherry Grove W. H. Johnson Bloodlines: This breeding is a combination of bloodlines. The sire was an excellent breeder and left some choice Shorthorns, but his breed- ing was of mixed blood. Briton Lady was Scotch except that her ma- ternal grandsire, Duke of Dunmore 32248, was quite largely of Bates blood. Prizes: Third prize two-year-old at the International in 1905. MISSIE OF BROWN- DALE 12TH, V 61-639 [Young Nominee 168433... Roari. Browndale Farm fNominee 131262 E. Gaunt & Son Miss Rosedale of Maple Hill H. C. Duncan Roan. Browndale Farm I Missie Belle 3d Red. Wm. Sauntry {Golden Victor 124164 H. F. Brown Missie of Browndale 3d H. F. Brown Bloodlines: This breeding is a combination of bloodlines. Young Nominee was mainly of Scotch blood, but through his sire he descended from Old Willey and through his dam from imp. Young Mary. He was shown only at the Minnesota State Fair when a yearling and was made junior champion. His daughter, Missie of Browndale 12th, inherited his rare merit. Prizes: Fifth junior calf at the American Royal and 1st at the Inter- national in 1905. In 1906 she was 1st junior yearling at Hamline, Minn., 1st at the American Royal and 1st at the International; in 1907 2d at Hamline, 2d at the American Royal and 3d at the International. In 1908 she was 3d at Hamline, 3d at the American Royal and 4th at the Inter- national, and in 1909 3d at Hamline and 7th at the American Royal. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 287 ANOKA BROAD- HOOKS, V 61-809.. Roan. F. W. Harding Bloodlines: Scotch. TBest of Archers 1418:52 r Ceremonious Archer Wm rj ut hie 171479 J Roan. F. W. Harding Imp.. Lady in \Vaiting [ Philo L. Mills {Bulwark 28401 C. M. CanuM-on Imp. Princess 9th C. M. Cameron Prizes: Anoka Broadhooks was 3d junior calf at the International in 1904. In 1905 she was junior champion at both Hamlin<\ Minn., and the American Royal and was 2d junior yearling at the International. In 1906 she was 2d prize two-year-old at Hamline, 1st at the American Royal and 1st at the International, and in 1907 she won 4th, 6th and 4th in class at these three shows. LADY DARLING, V 61-901.. Joy of Morning 153003 I Wm. Du- j Good Mi-rnlnir Roan. M. II. CochiMii-- Imp. Vain Belle 2d \Vm. DIM hie Roan, den. Frank O. Low- Jmp. Nellie of Ordens... Red. Geo. Smith Win. Du1 >f >ni<-n.s Geo. Sr.ith. Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second junior calf at the International in 1904. LOTTIE, v. Gl-1073.. Roan. E. E. Souers. Bloodlines: Scotch. ISassanach 13:5681 w. A. H.,m a Touch -Me -Not J. G. Bobbins & Sons (-Master of the Clan 144, Wm. Duthie Xonpareil Lovely J. G. Bobbins .t Sons ely X< 11 1 Roan. K. E. Sonera Prix, s: At tin- International Lot: jth senior yearling- in 1904 and was :;d in class for tin- years 1906, 1907 and 1908, and at the i sin- \\.is :,th in th' Milk Test. At thr- Am. ; -he was 3d in md 2d in 1908. 288 Record of- Shorthorn Prize Winners IMP. RACHEL'S DAUGHTER, V 62-747.. [Daybreak 182751 Red. C. H Graham . Roan. Wm. Craigie Bloodlines: Scotch. Dolly Roan. j\. Murcar Star of Dawn 180313 A. M. Gordon Clara 51st W. S.-Marr Clear Ahead 227583 W. S. Marr Charlotte A. Murcar RACHEL'S DAUGHTER was in the show ring but two years, so far as my investigation of prizes has shown. While she did not rank high as a show cow she proved a remarkable breeder. The great sire Sultan Stamp 334974 is one of her sons. Prizes: She was 5th junior yearling and in the 2d young herd at the International in 1902. In 1908 she was 8th cow at the American Royal and at the International was 1st in the milking test for Shorthorns. COLLEGE MARY, V 62-796 Ravenswood Admration 186157 . Red. Chas. E. Leon- ard & Son Red. Kansas Agricul- tural College j Mary of Elderlawn I Red. T. K. Tomson AL- Sons Lavender Viscount 324755 S. P. LockridgG Scotch Missie Chas. E. Leonard Gallant Knight 1244 JS W. A. Harris Betsy Daily 2d . T. K. Tomson & Sons Bloodlines: This breeding is mainly Scotch, but in both sire and dam there are other bloodlines. Prizes: College Mary was 5th senior calf at the International and 5th at the American Royal and at this show she was 2d prize two-year-old In 19G7 and 2d prize cow in 1908. 47TH DUCHESS OF GLOSTER, V 62-1028 Red. E. K. Thomas [orange Viscount 157352.-, .1 Red, little white W. A. Betteridge f Lavender Viscount 124755 S. F. Lockridge Orange Belle Wm. J. Miller C Symmetry 126509 Wm. War'ield ith Duchess of Qloster.J Roan. Stuart Land & I 41st Duchess of Gloster Cattle Co. Arthur Johnston Bloodlines: This breeding is of Scotch blood in all crosses except that of Symmetry. He is fully three-fourths Scotch, but has Bates and other blood in the foundation of his pedigree. Prizes: Third junior yearling at the American Royal in 1906. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 289 WOODHILL MAY BLOSSOM 3D, V 63-659.... Golden Mist 182753... Roan. Wm. Duthio {Golden Sun 182754 J. Deane Willis .Missie 136th Wm. Duthie Roan. W. H. Dun- woody Bloodlines: Scotch. Imp. May Blossom 4th..., Roan. I'h-is. Munro Archer 180000 J. McWilliam May Blossom 2d i 'has. Munro Prizes: At Hamlino. Minn., Woodhill May Blossom 3d was 6th junior calf in 1905, 1st prize two-year-old and senior champion in 1907 and 4th prize cow in 1908. At the International she was 4th in 1905, 3d in 1906 and 4th in 1907. BALLACHRAGGAN FAVORITE, V 63-727 \ [challenger i;6490. , Roan. J. Wilson Red, little white T. A. Anderson Bloodlines: Scotch. Una . . ^ Red. Lord Lnvat Prince of Sanquhar 149558 \ A. B. Law Centerpiece scott A I Try Archer 1447:9 Win. r.u thii- I-oval Favorite 6th Lord Lovat Prizes: Second prize cow at the American Royal and 4th at the International in 1906. PEGGY WORNALL, V 63-955.. T. J. Wornall Conqueror 149048... Red. W. S \ Imp. Rosetta 12th. Roan. J. Young: Wanderer 140614 A. Cruickshank Missie 152d W. S. Marr Scottish Prince 149661 Wm. Duthie Rosetta J. Young Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second Junior calf at L.-wis an.i Clark Kxi>..siti..n in 1905 290 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners THORNY BUD, V 63-1026.. I Galahad 103259 W. A. Harris 8th T.inwood Goldendrop W. A. Harris Red. T. K. Tomsori Sons Thorny Rose 3d Red. P. II. Harsell f Curator 123068 L. E. Shattuck 4 Thorny Rose 2d P. H. Harsell Bloodlines: Scotch on a foundation that came through imp. Rose of Sharon. Prizes: Third junior yearling at the American Royal in 1905 and 6th prize two-year-old in 1906. Goldendrop Victor 149537 GLENBROOK BUT- TERFLY, V 64-550. Red. H. S. Bright Bloodlines: Scotch. Wm. Duthie Imp. Missie 163d W. S. Marr Butterfly of Sprinj Creek . Red. T. .T. Wallace & Son fSir Abbot 12S850 T. J. Wallace & Son Butterfly of Oakwood S. L. Cheney Prizes: Seventh senior calf at the International in 1905 and 3d senior yearling in 1906. ALICE OF MEADOW- j LAWN, V 64-582..^ f March Knight 188105. Red. C. E. Clarke Red Knight 157136 D. C. Morris Imp. Queen Anne Leith Hay Red. C. E. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch. fForest Lord 168138 Wm. Duthie j Imp. Alice of Carlogie. .J Red. Robt. Taylor Saucy Rcbt. Taylor ALICE OF MEADOWLAWN made a brilliant record in the show dur- ing three years. Prizes: Fourth junior calf at Hamline, Minn., in 1905 and 2d at the International in 1st calf herd. In 19 C 6 she was 2d junior yearling at Hamline, 2d and in 1st young herd and 1st get of sire at the American Royal and at the International she was 2d in class and was in 2d young herd and 2d get of sire. In 1907 she was 4th in class at Hamline and was senior and grand champion, both at the American Royal and the International. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 291 DOROTHEA 2D, V 64-582 . Roan. C. E. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch. March Knight 138105. Red. C. E. Clarke Dorothea Roan. Chas. Rankin Red Knight 157136 D. C. Morris Imp. Queen Anne Leith Hay Crimson Chief 140441 Arthur Johnston Lady Jane Hutton Chas. Rankin Without question Dorothea 2d was the most noted Shorthorn cow within the memory of any breeder now living. She was a fitting show yard companion of the famous Ringmaster. Prizes: In 1905 she was 4th junior yearling at Hamline, Minn., and 3d at the International. In 1906 she was 4th at Hamline, 3d at the Amer- ican Royal and 4th at the International. In 1907 she was 1st at the American Royal. At Hamline she was grand champion in both 1908 and 19C9 and in the last named year she was grand champion at both the American Royal and the International. In addition to the prizes just named she won 27 champion prizes at district and state fairs. LADY MYSIE 2D, V 64-582.. ight Archer 20909S. Red. H. C. Duncan Archer's Heir 20901' 7 J. Gilmour Imp. Hawthorn Blossom 9th A W. & A. M. Law Red. C. E. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch. rBapton Ensign 172542 J. Deane Willis Lady Mysie I Mysie of Sunnyside Red. C. E. Clarke s. H. Thompson & Sons Prizes: Lady Mysie 2d was 6th senior calf at the International in 1905 and in 1906 she was 10th senior yearling and was 5th at the Amer- ican Royal. FANCY LOVEL, V 64-702 . Fancy's Choice 201058... Roan. W. C. Edwards & Co. of Zenda 157864 W. S. Marr Imp. F in< y Geo. Bruce J Lady Lovel 2d r Admiral 144981 E. Gaunt & Son Roan. E. Gaunt & Son La\v in 1909. At the International she was I'd If in 1905 and I'd senior yearling in 1906. In 1908 she was champion at Denver. CHOICE VIOLET 2D, V 64-986.. Choice Goods 186802. Roan. Jas. Durno. Ran. Tebo Land & Cattle Co. I Princess Vinl.-t. ("Remus 151790 A. I. Fortescue Geraldine 5th [ Jas. Durno Alice's Prince 122593 W. A. Harris Red. T. J. Wallace & Son Rosedale Violet 9th \Vm. Thompson & Son Bloodlines: Scotch. choice Goods' record is so well known that it needs no comment, but I think it worth while to call attention to ; Violet 9th, a ew of i-'-niarUable m-rit as a t Pi-'' S< cond junior yearling and in 1st y.nin.n- herd a' the Amer- ican Royal in 1905. 294 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners CLARA BELLE, V 64-986.. ^Choice Goods 186802 Roan. Jas. Durno. . i Remus 151790 A. I. Fortescue Geraldine 5th Jas. Durno Roan. Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Bloodlines: Scotch. Imp. Clara 58th Red. W. S. Marr Golden Victor 140610 J. Deane Willis Clara 53d W. S. Marr CLARA BELLE was own sister to The Conqueror 215051, a phenom- enal prize winner as a calf and yearling. Clara Belle brought $1,005 at one sale and $1,510 at another. Prizes: In 1905 she was 2d senior calf at HamUne, Minn., 3d at the American Royal and at Lewis and Clark Exposition she was 1st and was in 1st calf herd. In 1906 she was junior champion at Hamline, 1st senior yearling 1 at the American Royal and 7th at the International. FAIR LOUISIANA, V 64-986.. Choice Goods 186802. Roan. Jas. Durno ("Remus 151790 A. I. Portescue 1 Geraldine 5th Jas. Durno White. Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Bloodlines: Scotch. [St. Valentine 121014 Jas. Gardhouse & Son Ruberta J Roan. J. G. Robbins Russella & Sons Ezra Swain Few heifers have had more distinguished prize-winning parents than Fair Louisiana. She was born during the Louisiana Purchase Exposi- tion and her name was suggested by this fact. Prizes: In 1905 at the American Royal Fair Louisiana was 2d junior calf, was in 1st calf herd and 2d get of sire and she held the same posi- tions at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. 5TH ELDERLAWN VICTORIA, V 64-993.. f Galahad 103259 W. A. Harris Gallant Knight 124468.. -j Red. W. A. Harris 8th Linwood Goldendrop [ W. A. Harris Red. T. K. Tomson & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. {Chief Violet of Maple Hill 118394 Wm. Thompson & Son 21st Linwood Victoria W. A. Harris Prizes: Seventh junior calf in 1905 and 6th junior yearling in 1906 at the American Royal. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 295 Sharon Marshal 121136.^ MARSHAL'S PRIN- CESS, V 64-1005... \ Red. Aaron Barber Young Marshal 110705 W. A. Harris Lady Sharon Aaron Barber Red, white marks Nicholas Wagner I Mezzo Tinto L Red. J. A. Gillmor fKing Oakland 122246 C. A. Kellogg I Delia J. A. Gillmor Ploodlines: This breeding is of mixed blood. Marshal's Princess proved good breeders. Both sire and dam of Prizes: Sixth junior calf at the American Royal and 3d at the Inter- national in 1905. SPICY'S DUCHESS, V 64-1014.. Roan. W. D. Flatt Scotch. Spicy Marquis 11*2914. m. \Y. S. .Ma IT , Imp. Duchess of San- quhar 3d Roan. A. & W. Law Spicy Robin 134607 J. Deane Willis Maude 37th \V. S. Man- Scotch Thistle 151800 W. S. Man- Duchess of Sanquhar A. & W. Law Prizes: Third senior yearling at the American Royal and 4th at the International in 1905. AMY 2D, V 65-533 J Red Lad 149033. . . Red*. C. F. Rice Roan. Adkins & Ste- | venson Red. Adkins & Ste- v-nson 1 Royal Twist 124803 Green Bros. Elsie M. T. R. Rice & Son Young Archer 127853 J. F. Prather Annette 3d Ail kins & Stevenson Bloodlines: This is of mixed breeding. Prizes: Fifth s, .rling at the International in 1906 and 6th pri/e two-year-old in 1907. 296 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners LAD'S COUNTESS, V 65-590 St. Valentine 121014 [The Lad for Me 140618. ' JaS " ardhouse & Son R. & w. J. G. Rob- I Gay Lavender bins & Sons m. Moffatt & Bros. Roan. J. G. Bobbins & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. First Choice 179847 i J. Cran Carthage Countess, Roan. H. S. C. Smith- I Imp.CountessVarnish 3d son H. S. C. Smithson Prizes: First junior calf and in 2d calf herd at the International in 1905. [Choice Goods 186802, Roan. Jas. Durno CLARET, V 66-735 \ Roan. Tebo Land & Cattle Co. limp. Clara 58th Red. W. S. Marr {Remus 151790 A. I. Fortescue Geraldine 5th Jas. Durno ("Golden Victor 140610 J. Deane Willis Clara 53d W. S. Marr Bloodlines: Scotch. Claret was own sister to Clara Belle and at the Tebo Lawn dispersion she brought $1,025. Prizes: In 1906 Claret was 6th senior calf, both at the American Royal and the International. Later she became a prominent prize win- ner in shows in Texas. ROSE O'DAY, V 66-1032. (The Conqueror 215051.. -| Roan. Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Roan. Tebo Land Cattle Co. I Rose Victor L R. & w. G. M. Casey Choice Goods 186802 Jas. Durno Imp. Clara 58th W. S. Marr Blythe Victor 140609 W. S. Marr Lavender Victor 18th D. K. Kellerman & Son Bloodlines: This breeding i.s quite largely of Scotch blood but the dam is a descendant of imp. Rose of Sharon. Prizes: Rose O'Day was 1st junior yearling at Hamline, Minn., in 1907, was junior champion at the American Royal and at several state fairs. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 297 1 Galahad 103259 W. A Harris 8th Linwood Goldendrop W. A. Harris ("Sir Charming 4th 131411 Chas. C. Norton Grace Greenwood 15th. J Roan. V. R. Kllis Grace Greenwood 10th [ V. R. Ellis Bloodlines: Scotch on a mixed foundation. Prizes: At the American Royal Grace was 3d junior yearling in 1906, 3d prize two-year-old in 1907 and 5th prize cow in 1908. GRACE, V 66-1040 J Red. T. K. Tomson & Sons MAID MARIAN, V 66-1091 \ Roan. Tebo Land & [ Cattle Co. Choice Goods 186802. Roan. Jas. Durno Imp. Mayflower 5th Red. Leopold de Roth- child Bloodlines: Scotch. Remus 151790 A. I. Fortescue <;*-raldine 5th Jas. Durno Cortez 150677 R. Stratton Mayflower 3d Leopold de Rothchild Prizes: Third junior yearling at Hamline, Minn., and 3d at the Amer- ican Royal in 1907. LADY DOROTHEA 4TH, V 67-642. Roan. C. E. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch. March Knight 188105, Red. C. E. Clarke Trout Creek Beauty. 'Red Knight 157136 D. C. Morris Imp. Queen Anne Leith Hay rKlondike of Baltimore 140510 J S. C. Isaac Roan. Chas. Rankin Dorothea ('has. Rankin Prizes: Third junior calf at Hamline, Minn., and 7th at the American Royal in 1906, and in in 7 sin- was r,th in class at Hamline, 4th at the American Royal and 2d at the International. 298 The Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 1 Merry Hampton 132572 Wm. Duthie Secret of Hill Farm 2d vo ,^ C. B. Dustin Roan. Bellows Bros, { Barmpton's Queen of Beauty Red. R. T. Scott j Q uee n of Beauty 8th Albert Johnston Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second junior calf and in 1st calf herd at the American Royal in 1906. ("Merry Hampton 132573 r Wm. Duthie Hampton's Best 170818. J Roan. C. B. Dustin & Secret of Hill Farm 2d HAMPTON'S TEA Son C. B Dustin ROSE, V 68-548... \ fRoan Scot 122183 Roan. Fellows Bros. I F Bellows I Tea Rose 17th J Red. Chas. Wells Tea Rose 13th [ L, Miller Bloodlines: This breeding is Scotch blood on descendants of imp. Young Mary. This particular breeding gave Bellows Bros, many prize winners. Hampton's Model, the bull that was exported to Argentina, was a notable example. Prizes: Third senior calf and in 1st calf herd at the American Royal in 1906. ("Whitehall Sultan 163573 [Whitehall Count 209775. I J- ^ane Willis SWEET DUCHESS OF | Roan . E.S.Kelly ] Imp Crescent V L 68 ST 89 R ' j - John Wilson Clifton 128605 Red. Carpenter & Aldie [Knight of Clift Duchess of Glos- H c Stuart Ross Roan. Henry Fairfax 1 39th Duchess of Gloster Arthur Johnston Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Eighth junior calf at the International in 1906. In 1907 she was 2d in class at the American Royal and 4th at the International, and in 1908 she was 4th at the former and 1st at the latter. In 1909 she was 6th at Hamline, Minn., 4th at the American Royal and 4th at the Inter- national. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 299 LADY DOROTHEA 3D, V 68-602 Roan. C. E. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch. Red Knight 157136 , D. C. Morris March Knight 188105.... Red. C. E, Clark | Imp. Queen Anne Leith Hay Lady Dorothea 2d * White. C. E. Clarke Justice 14C578 C. E. Clarke Trout Creek Beauty Chas. Rankin Prizes: In 1906 1st senior calf at Hamline, 2d at the American Royal and 8th at the International. In 1907 she was 6th in class at Hamline, Minn., 6th at the American Royal and 2d at the International. JUNO OF WOODHILL 20, V 68-643 Red. W. H. Dunwoody Bloodlines: Scotch. I'itlivie Chief 192919. Red. Robt. Taylor Imp. Juno ^ Red. C. M. Gordon Merry Merlin 149858 C. M. Cameron Imp. Caroline Lord Lovat {Star of Morning 121243 Wm. Duthie Zealous Girl I. Gordon Prizes: Third junior yearling 1 at the International in 1907 and at Hamline, Minn., 2 in class and 6th prize two-year-old in 1908. WOODHILL MAY BLOSSOM 4TH, V 68-644.. Roan. W. H. Dun- woody Bloodlines: Scotch. ("Golden Sun 182754 J. Deane Willis Golden Mist 182753 J Roan. Wm. Duthie Missie 136th Wm. Duthie {Archer 180000 J. McWilliam May Blossom 2d Chas. Munro Prizes: \V-r 203 . - 1 White. \v. i>. Kiatt < 'hoico Coods 1XiX02 .l:is. Durno imp. Lavender Princess j. Deane Willis I Miehess L'd . <;ran,l K.-inm 127304 Spri.^dale 1 ., u Kiotcher '. K. Stcelc- | Grace .1. S. Kawcett rdoodlines: Scotch. I'ri/.cs: Kirst junior calf :it tin- I nt CIMIM t iona 1 in I1HM5. ANOKA GLOSTER 2D, V 68-709.. Kn.-in. I-'. \V. Whitehall Marslial :'ii'.i , , i Koan. I-:. S. Kelly Anoka (Hosier. Koan. !'. W. Sc.>!di. \\-hiteliall Sullan Ll J. I)r;iin Willis Imp. Missie li;7(li \V. S. Mair I'.est (if ArclKM.s 1J1832 Win. iMithic of Scots titll l-'irst oalf at I lainlin.-, .Minn.. 1st at llic American Koyal and .".d at (lie International in I'.inr,; in 1 !M) , .".d in class at Mainline. Mil at Un- American Koval .-mil al lhi Int.M-national. In I'.tOS slie was fith pri/.e two year old at llamiine and also (lie American Ko\ al FAIRVIEW ORANGE BLOSSOM 15TH, V 68-907.. Ked. I'nrdx ! I'doodlines: Scotch. 1st. Valentine 121014 .las. Cardhonse \. Son Monarch's Lovely .1. (J. Kol'bins \- Sons Victoria i I;IMS C, M- San.i;tM- X- Sons Sweetheart L Ked. >. 11. Soiitlnvortli | Sweet ln-a rt O, M Sonthworth I'ri/.es: Third senior call and in 1st calf herd at the 1 nt crna t ional in L906, rd "f Sli'trtlintn /'//.:< U'inncrs 301 MONARCH'S RUBY, V 68-907.. I:.M|, \\ int.' nil rkt >i :i \\:\> Mi. 11:11 rli 1 '.Hi I SI . I : .v u I'lll (I \ I. Violet Red i > T- i...\. J. < I. Ki.liliins \- Sons Bwe< ; i Bouthworth I ' I' KisU Vlolel \i Warner 1:1 ..... iiim-s: in MM breeding the lire i oi Scotch i>i... Caroline ; .I..) B. C i I'l; Hi.' liiiiTii:iiini:il !C in I'.HM;, r.tli in .mil in L909, A i Hi- \' i I'.nis :in,l :it ll:iMiliii.'. MUM Ml SCOTTISH BELLE, V 68-955.. K.'.l. I .. i: . u |i I '.I.M.dlin.-s: Pltlivi< L91601 i;. .1 Robl T Bcotti Eled, Purdj f ' ..M Imp < % . I , LO <> u Bouthworth H,. I C.IM A Sun Prizes: Second Junior calf al MHIMIUM-. Minn., m L906, rth lunl lin;: :il llu- I nl ! i.:i t imi:i I in 1901 :iii'l in I'.ms :i,l |.M old fct f Lady Elizabeth by Emperor (1970). Prizes: Second senior calf at the International in 1906. .Ceremonious Archer 171479 , R ,n. F. W. Harding Best of Archers 141832 Wm. Duthie Imp. Lady in Waiting Philo L. Mills SINNISSIPI ROSE 2D V 69-857 , rksman 176045 White Frank O. Low- I j Merson den limp. Guelder Rose J Roan. Richard David- Scotch Rose son Richard Davidson Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth senior yearling in 1907 and 3d prize two-year-old in 1908 at Hamline, Minn.; at the International 7th in 1907 and 3d in 1908. At the American Royal she was 5th in 1910. 306 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners POPPY 114TH, V 69-966.. Roan. Abram Renick ("Scotland's Crown 149652 The Professor 172332... I w ^Duthie Roan. C. L. Gerlaugh Imp. Clara 58th [ W. S. Marr [Lord Butterfly 152407 H. W. McAfee Poppy 99th J Red. Abram Renick Poppy 90th [ Abram Renick Bloodlines: Scotch and Bates. Prizes: Third senior yearling at the International in 1907 and 5th prize two-year-old in 1908. CHOICE JEAN 3780... {Choice Goods 186802 Jas. Durno Lancaster Belle S. G. Crawford Red. J. D. Douglas & Son I Mamie ("Blue Jeans 125797 J. D. Williams l Roan. J. D. Douglas Josie Cotton & Son I J. D. Douglas & Son Bloodlines: This breeding is a mixture of bloodlines. Prizes: Choice Jean was 4th prize cow at Hamline, Minn., and 3d at the American Royal in 1909. COUNTESS SELMA 2D 8559.. Roan. B. W. Bowen Bloodlines: Scotch. {March Knight 188105 C. E. Clarke Imp. Dairsie Maid F. W. Christie Orange Chief 144650 W. Adams [Countess Selma 8558... Roan. E. W. Bowen | Imp: Selma Philo L. Mills Prizes: At the American Royal Countess Selma 2d was 7th junior year- ling in 1908 and 7th prize two-year-old in 1909. At the .International she was 2d in 1908 and in 1909 she was 3d, the 1st, 2d and 3d prize heifer in this class, all being owned by Thos. Johnson. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 307 ROSETTA OF GRASS- LAND 10019 I Red. T. J. Wornall ! V,mqueror 149048.. Red. W. S. Marr & Son Imp. Rosetta 12th I loan. J. Young {Wanderer 140614 A. Cruickshank Missie 151M W. S. Man- Scottish Prince 149661 \Vm. Duthie Rosetta 7th .]. Voung Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third junior calf at Hamline, Minn., and 3d at the American Koyal in 1907. At the association sale at the International that year Rosetta of Grassland sold for $1,02.". to I,. V. Harkness. GRAND BELLE 11453. Red. G. H. Sasebrook Champion 206113 Roan. E. J. Hays Mary Belle i:-d. P. C. Boasen 2d 122407 T. !;. \\Vsirope Strawberry G> G. A. Brodie {Forest Boy U Thos. Andr< Morning Glory 3d P. C. Boasen Bloodlines: This is Scotch and English breeding and in both sire and rtam represents early importations from England. Prizes: Third junior yearling at the International in 1908. ROYAL LADY 1'641.. D. R. llanna [Bapton Diamond 187000 J. Deane Willis Royal Diamond 241076. J j Red, little white. | Imp. Proud Averne 2d Wm. Duthie D. R. Hanna I Imp. Red Lady 38th ^ Red. W. S. Marr ( nderer 140614 A. Cruickshank Imp. Red Lady 28th W. s. Marr Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth senior yearling at the American Royal in 1908. 308 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners BELLE OF ST. CLOUD . 11647 \ Roan. C. E. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch. [March Knight 188105. Red. C. E. Clarke Red Knight 157136 D. C. Morris Chief of the Clan 144783 W. S. Marr ("Fairplay 2d Wm. Duthie Imp. Fairplay 4th J Roan. Wm. Duthie | i mp Queen Anne Leith Hay Prizes: Second senior calf at Hamline, Minn., 2d at the American Royal and 4th at the International in 1907. SNOWBIRD 11648 White. C. E. Clarke Nonpareil Victor 132573 J. Deane Willis I Nonpareil Stamp 188487 Roan. Geo. Bothwell | Violet Pride J. S. McCauley fBold Archer 234833 John Gilmour I Imp. Pitlivie Caroline.. J Roan. Robert Taylor Imp. Caroline [ Lord Lovat Bloodlines: Scotch, with a trace of Bates in the paternal granddam so faint that it is difficult to measure. Snowbird made a fine record in the show ring and as a breeder her son Fair Acres Sultan 354154 pro- claims her merit. She is full sister to Snowflake 263207, sire of the famous Ringmaster. Prizes: In 1907 Snowbird was 1st junior calf at Hamline, Minn., 2d at the American Royal, 1st at the International and was champion female at Denver. In 1908 she was 2d junior yearling at Hamline, junior and grand champion at the American Royal and junior champion at the Inter- national. In 1909 she was 3d prize two-year-old at Hamline and 5th at the American Royal. MAXWALTON ROSE , WOOD 12640 .( Roan. Carpenter & Ross Avondale 245144 Roan. E. S. Kelly ("Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche 2d [ C. H. Jolliffe [Pride of Day -203941 Wm. Duthie I Imp. Rosewood 86th . . . * Roan. Geo. Walker I Rosewood 81st Jas. Bruce Bloodlines: Scotch. Imp. Rosewood 86th was probably the most valuable breeding cow ever owned in the Maxwalton herd, and w r hen her large number of high-priced sons and grandsons are considered it seems rather remarkable that at one time she sold for the low price of $350. MAXWALTON ROSEWOOD seems to have been shown only when she was a calf and the only prize for her I have found was llth at the American Royal in 1907, but as a breeder she will be remembered in Short- horn history as the dam of Double Dale 337156. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners MINA PRINCESS 4TH 12641 J Whitehall Count 209775H Roan. E. S. Kelly Red. Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. Mina Princess 3d. .. Red. Carpenter & Williams Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Crescent John Wilson Koyal Canada 136788 Wm. Shier Mina Princess 2d Jnhii Miller & Sons Prizes: First prix- >\\ at the American Royal in 1910, and at the International she was 2d in 1910 and 6th in 1911. POPLAR PARK QUEEN 12878 Roan. W. H. Eng- lish Bloodlines: Scotch. Silver Kins 283074 ( Roan. F. A. Gardiner Daisy Belle 3d Red. Geo. Rankin Scotland's Fame 149597 R. Garden Mysi ( > 4 9th 12877 I-'. A. Gardiner il 283072 J. E. Smith Geo. Rankin Prizes: In 1907 1st senior yearling at Hamline, Minn., I'd and in I'd young herd at the American Royal and at the International 1st in and in 1st young herd. In 1908 she was I'd prize two-year-old at Hamline, 2d at the American Royal and 4th at the International. FIDELIA 13347 Red. Purdy Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. Orange Monarch 190181- R. & w. Purdy Bros. Lord Lovel 130157 J. G. Robbins & Sons Sweetheart 2d O. H. Southworth Sittyton Style 156624 Wm. Duthie Imp. l.aura, Roan. J. Ledingham | Lintz 6th A. H. Grant Prizes: Sixth senior calf at the American Royal and 8th at the Inter- national in 1907. 310 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners MONARCH'S PRIN- CESS 13348.. Red, white marks Purely Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. I Lord Lovel 130157 J. G. Robbins & Son Sweetheart 2d O. H. Southworth 'Giltspur Victor 148309 Princess Royal 14th ... . . J Wm " Cummings & Son "" R ed. _Wm. Cummings | p rinc ess Royal 12th Wm. Cummings & Sen & Son Prizes: Fourth junior calf at the International in 1907. VIQ COUNTESS 13349.. \ Purdy Br S ' Red, white marks Purdy Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. ('Lord Lovel 130157 [Orange Monarch 19018lJ J ' G " R bbins & Sons R- & w. Monarch's Lovely I J. G. Robbins & Sons ['Prince Victoria 116918 C. M. Sanger & Sons Victoria Giltspur 3d . . . J Red. O. H. South- Victoria Giltspur 2d worth O. H. Southworth Prizes: Sixth senior calf at the International in 1907 and at the Amer- ican Royal 5th in 1907 and 6th senior yearling in 1908. ROSALIE 13352. Red, little white. Purdy Bros. fLord Lovel 130157 r J. G. Robbins & Sons Orange Monarch 190181J j R, & w. Monarch's Lovely Purdy Bros. J. G. Robbins & Sons Kate . Red. Frank Wood [Major 158690 W. T. Munson I Hope Frank Wood Bloodlines: This breeding is Scotch in the sire and mixed blood in the dam, being a descendant of imp. Belina by Barmpton (54). Prizes: At the American Royal in 1907 Rosalie was 3d senior calf, was in 2d calf herd and 3d get of sire, and in 1908 she was 5th senior yearling. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 311 The Professor 172332...- Roan. C. L. Gerlaugh POPPY 115TH 13671... Roan. Abram Renick Poppy 94th Roan. Abram Renick Scotland's Crown 149652 Wm. Duthie Imp. Clara 58th \V. S. Marr Gwenallen 124438 E. B. Mitchel & Sons Poppy 66th Abram Renick Bloodlines: Scotch on Rose of Sharon. Prizes: First senior yearling at the American Royal in 1907. WINSOME SULTANA 14011 I Roan. F. W. Harding | wild Eyeg Winsome 25th . I Bapton Sultan 163570 J. Deane Willis Imp. Bapton Pearl J. Deane Willis Peculated Wildeyes 109348 H. M. Vaile \Vildey.-s Winsome 12th Red. C. C. Bigler & ' Bloodlines: Sons. Scotch and Bates. H. M. Vaile Prizes: Fifth junior calf at the American Royal in 1907. In 1*913 she was 3d prize cow at Ohio State Fair, 3d at the American Royal and 4th at the International. SULTAN'S ATHENE 15141 . Red. F. W. Harding Bloodlines: Scotch. Whitehall Sultan 163573^ White. J. Deane Wil- lis. Bapton Sultan 163570 J. Deane Willis Imp. Bapton Pearl J. Deane Willis (Victoria's Count 141842 Philo L. Mills I Athene of Riverdale. . . -| Red. S. E. Prather Modesty Wm. Moffatt & Bros. Prizes: At Hamline, Minn., 1st senior calf in I!'i07 and I'd s t . ling in 1908. At the American Knyal 1st senior calf and in 1st in 1907 and 1st senior yearling and 1st young herd in 1908. At the Inter- national she was 2d in 1907 and 4th in 1908. 312 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winner's CHRISTMAS LASSIE 15153 . Roan. T. K. Tomson ' & Sons ICollynie 135022 Wm. Duthie Imp. Circe 3d John Wilson {Gallant Knight 124468 W. A. Harris Cherry Bud Jas. Snell Bloodlines: This breeding is 87 1 / 2 percent Scotch on a foundation that came through imp. Rose of Sharon. Prizes: At the American Royal in 1907 Christmas Lassie was 12th senior calf, but was 2d senior yearling in 1908. In 1909 she was 1st prize two-year-old at the American Royal and the International. At the Amer- ican Royal she was sold at private treaty for $1,000 to Thos. Johnson, Columbus, O. IN WOOD LASS 15218 - Red* and white. J. H. Glide King Edward 172814.. Red. W. R. Nelson 3d Mary of Inwood.. Red. Jos. M. Hall Bapton Arrow 156230 J. Deane Willis Imp. Village Belle The Queen "Royal Amaranth 171377 C. L. Gerlaugh 29th Mary of Glenwood E. K. Thomas Bloodlines: Scotch on Young Mary foundation. Prizes: Fifth prize cow at the International in 1910. BEAUFORT PRIN- CESS 3D 15254... Roan. C. E. Clarke Bapton Nonpareil 242724 -| White. C. E. Clarke Bapton Ensign 172542 J. Deane Willis Imp. Dalmeny Nonpa- reil 3d Earl of Roseberry fRoyal Star 151795 J. L. Reid Imp. Beaufort Princess S Twin Princess 8th White. Lord Lovat Lord Lovat Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second junior calf at Hamline, Minn., in 1907, also 1st and in 1st calf herd at the American Royal and at the International 2d in class and in 1st calf herd. In 1908 1st junior yearling and junior champion at Hamline, 3d at the American Royal and 4th at the International. Record of Shorthorn I'lizc If inturs 313 QUEENIE 15257 ....... \ Bapton Nonpareil LMi' White. C. E. Clarke Bapton Ensign 17- J. Deane Willis Imp. Dalmeny Nonpa- reil 3d Karl of Roseberry E. Clarke I m p. o 1 leen \Illie {Tip Top 157150 John Wilson Red. I.eith Hay Fairy tjueen Leith Hay Roan. Bloodlin Prixes: Ki.u'hth senior ea If a t the Aimriran Royal ami liuli at the Inter- national in 1907, In l'.:,x Md senior yearling at Hamline. Minn., 3d at the Am-riean Royal and I'd at the International. ] n l:ni:t she was 1st prixe two-year-old at Hamline and 6th at the American Royal. ELMENDORF LASSIE 1 15353 \ Roan. Elmendorf im Mast.-r Kussell ^n9889. . Ke.i. white marks. J. G. Robbins & Sons Master of the Clan in. Wm. Duthie lla ain ods 186802 i Jas. iHirno Luc.\ i. J. G. Robbins & Son J. G. Robbins & Sons Bloodlines: The sotch and is from the same dam as the famous Ruberta. Lucy's Choice is 7r> pe a-h. hut descended through imp. White Rose by Publicola. Prizes: At Hamline, Minn., 3d senior calf in 1:1117 and 1st senior year- ling in 1908. At the International she wa ior calf and in 1st calf herd in 1907, 1st senior yearling in 1908 and 6th prize two-year-old in 1909. COLUMBIA 8TH 15371 Roan. W. H. Dun- I woody .irnbia 5th ("Choice Goods 186802 \ Lavender Clipper 203721 J Ja ' White, w. D. Flatt Imp. Lavender Princess J. Deane W r illis C. !:. Clarke {Red Knight 1 D. C. .Morris ''nhunl.ia 4th n Isaac dlines: Scotch. Third B< t at the fol ; at Hamline, Minn., she was in 1907 and was 6th in class in 1908. 314 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners ("Choice Goods 186802 r Jas. Durno Lavender Clipper 303771 J PRINCESS MARGAR- , ET 2D 15374 J White. W. D. Flatt Imp. Lavender Princess Roan. W. H. woody. Dun- t J. Deane Willis {Prince of Archers 141547 Wm. Duthie Meg Merrilies Robt. Bruce Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: At the International she was 5th senior calf in 1907, 3d senior yearling in 1908 and 5th prize two-year-old in 1909. At Hamline, Minn., she was 5th in class both in 1908 and 1909. <;vrAMnRF Roan. S. C. Hanna I Collynie 135022 I Red - Wm. Duthie ("Scottish Archer 117301 A. Cruickshank J Lavender 45th A ' Cruickshank f R J al Secre t 128690 Hanna & Co. Lilac Bloom ........... -I Roan. Hanna & Co. Lilac [ Hanna & Co. Bloodlines: This breeding is of Scotch blood except a small trace that came through the sire of Lilac. Prizes: Fifth junior yearling at the American Royal in 1907. FLORA 90TH 18995 Roan. Geo. Amos & Son King Robert 243273 . Alex. Crombie Old Lancaster 253007 Roan. Alex. Crombie | Lovely J. Murray Scotch Lassie 18997. R. & w. J. Sparrow {Gordon Prince 192406 S. J. Pearson & Son Maggie S. 18996 J. Sparrow Bloodlines: This breeding is Scotch blood except a little Bates that came through the maternal grandsire of Gordon Prince. FLORA 90TH was a strong contender for show yard honors during the years 1907-9. Prizes: Second prize two-year-old at the International in 1907. In 1908 she was 2d prize cow at Hamline, Minn., and was grand champion at both the American Royal and the International, and at the latter show she was 2d in 1909. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 315 MASTER'S CLARA 21444 . ("Master Russell 209889 fMaster Lavender 24749 8 J J ' G ' R bbl " S & Red, white marks. Gay Lavender J. G. Robbins & Sons I Wm. Mcffatt & Bros. Red. J. G. Robbins & Sons The Lad For Me 140618 , J. G. Robbins & Sons Lad's Clara 2d. Red. J. G. Robbins & I Imp. Clara 55th Sons \V. S. Marr Bloodlines: Scotch. This heifer is rich in the blood that produced many prize winners in the herd of J. G. Robbins & Sons. Master Lavender was out of the dam of the Lad For Me and Master Russell out of the dam of Ruberta, and both the Lad For Me and Rub rta \v-re by St. Valentine 121014. Prizes: Third junior calf at the International in 1907. BUTTERFLY QUEEN 35630 .............. Roan. C. C. McAvoy Bloodlines: Scotch." Scottish Fancy 157741 W. S. Marr Royal Fancy 299528. .. J Sensation 7th Roan. Wm. Duthie XVm , , uthie Court Favorite 270102 I Imp. Butterfly Maid 35629 Jimp. Jubilee Maid 2d Red. Geo. Campbell | 35632 Jas. Milne Prizes: First senior yearling at Hamline, Minn., 3d at the American Royal and 10th at the International in 1908. DOROTHEA 5TH 35665 J Roan. C. E. Clarke Bloo'dlines: Scotch. Red Knight 157136 D. C. Morris March Knight 188105... Red. C. E. Clarke 1 Imp. Queen Anne Leith Hay f Crimson Chief 140441 Arthur Johnston Dorothea J * Roan. Chas. Rankin Lady Jane Hutton Chas. Rankin DOROTHEA 5TH was from the sam< noted Dorothea 2d. Prizes: In 1908 she was ."th senior calf at Mainline. Minn., <'>th at the American Royal and 8th at the International. In 1909 she was 4th in at Hamline, 6th at the International and at the American Royal she was 4th in 1909 and 6th in 1910. 316 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners LADY DOROTHEA 7TH 35667 . Roan. C. E. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch. March Knight 188105 Red. C. E. Clarke Trout Creek Beauty... Roan. Chas. Rankin {Red Knight 157136 D. C. Morris Imp. Queen Anne Leith Hay i Klondike of Baltimore 140510 S. C. Isaac Dorothea Chas. Rankin Prizes: Fourth junior calf at the American Royal in 1908 and in 1909 she was 8th junior yearling and was 6th at Hamline, Minn. T March Knight 188105.. . H Red. C. E. Clarke r Red Knight 157136 D. C. Morris Imp. Queen Anne Leith Hay 149570 NONPAREIL QUEEN IE 86668.. J Roan. C. E. Clarke imp. Dalmeny Nonpa- reil 3d White. Earl of Rose- ] Nonpareil Pride berry [ Earl of Roseberry Bloo'dlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third junior calf at Hamline, Minn., 3d at the American Royal and 5th at the International in 1908. In 1909 she was 3d junior yearling at Hamline, 3d at the American Royal and 5th at the International, hold- ing the same rating at these three shows for two years. CHEERFUL 7TH 36821 Roan. W. H. Dun- woody Bloodlines: Scotch. {Choice Goods 186802 Jas. Durno Imp. Lavender Princess J. Deane Willis Imp. Cheerful 2d. R. & w. Alex. Campbell 1 Director 139622 W. Murray Cheerful S. Campbell Prizes: Fifth junior calf at Hamline, Minn., in 1908 and 1st junior yearling in 1909 and at the International she was 4th in 1908 and 7th in 1909. Record of Shorthorn Prize ITinncrs 317 WOODHILL BELLE 2D 36823 Lavender Clipper 203771. Whit.-. W. D. Flatt Roan. W. H. Dun- woody i Belle 3d Red, white marks. D. L. Norris ("Choice Goods 186802 Jas. Durno Imp. Lavender Princess J. Deane Willis (Jah-na Pro 124048 Cookson Bros. Pocahontas 3d D. L. Xorris Bloodlines: Scotch on a foundation that comes through imp. Ynunu Mary. Prizes: Fifth senior yearling at the Int<>niati<>!ial in : BRIGHT STAR 36867 (Twin) Red. J. F. Stodder LSSI Wm. imthie Imp. Mistletoe 15th Wm. Duthie Siar St. Valentine 12th 130486 .1. *'.. Rabbins AL- Sons H. .1. Master* star .if Klmwood 3d M . .1 . Mai Bloodlines: This breeding is Scotch, in the sin- and in tin- dam S> on a mixed foundation. Prizes: Fourth prize t\v>-y-ar-o!S MARSHAL 2D was sold at the Internationa] in 1910 for $1,230 to Casaeres x- s^n for export to Argentii I'ri/'-.s: Second junior yearling at the American Knyal in 1909 and at tin- Intei-nalional sh- was )-!d junior calf in 1908, - d 6th in 1! in. Grace . - Roan. I >. Tietjen I Hoodlums: This is promiscuous breeding. 318 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners VANITY 38906. Red. T. K. Tomson & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. fCollynie 135022 Wm. Duthie f Archer 205740 J Roan. Hanna & Co. | Imp. Circe 3d [ John Wilson [Gallant Knight 124468 W. A. Harris I Elder Lawn Victoria . . . J Red. T. K. Tomson Victoria of Maple Hill & Sons H. C. Duncan Prizes: Vanity was 5th senior calf at the American Royal in 1908 and 5th senior yearling- in 1909. (Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Glenbrook Sultan 243185-1 White. E. S. Kelly Victoria of Hill Farm [ 8th. C. B. Dustin {Mountain Archer 149639 Wm. Duthie Countess 6th Thos. F. Jamieson Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth senior calf at the International in 1908. COUNTESS F. 38929... White. H. S. Bright ANOKA ACONITE 2D 40311 Roan. F. W. Harding Bloodlines: Scotch. Whitehall Marshal 209776 Roan. E. S. Kelly Double Aconite 2d Red. W. P. Harned ("Whitehall Sultan 16)3573 J. Deane Willis limp. Missie 167th [ W. S. Marr fGodoy 115675 Red. W. A. Harris 1 Double Aconite W. P. Harned Prizes: Fourth senior calf at the American Royal in 1908 and in 1909 she was 3d senior yearling, 2d at Hamline, Minn., and 4th at the Inter- national. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 319 DIAMOND ANOKA 40313 . White. F. W. Harding Bloodlines: Scotch. Whitehall Sultan 163573^ White. J.Deane Willis Eapton Sultan 163570 J. Deane Willis Imp. Bapton Pearl J. Deane Willis Imp. Diamond 31st..., Roan. A. Crombie [Count Sunbeam 149192 Wm. Duthie 1 1mp. Diamond 30th A. Crombie Prizes: Second junior calf at Hamline, Minn., in 1908 and 1st at both the American Royal and the International. GLOSTER SULTANA 40314 . White. F. W. Harding Bloodlines: Scotch. {Bapton Sultan 163570 J. Deane Willis Imp. Bapton Pearl J. Deane Willis ("Baron Gloster 101657 I. Barr & Son Queen of Scots 6th J Roan. Forbes Bros. Queen of Scots Robt. Miller Prizes: Third junior yearling at Hamline, Minn., 4th at the American Royal and 10th at the International in 1908. Cumberland's Last 229822 . SUSAN CUMBER- LAND 40319 j Roan. Frank O. Low- | den White. C. A. Saunders limp. Susan 2d , Red. T. F. Jamieson Bloodlines: Scotch. Cumberland 118578 R. J. Johnston Imp. Lady Douglas Jas. Durno Mountain Archer 149639 Win. Duthie Imp. Susan Thos. F. Jamieson . During her first two years Susan Cumberland made a sensational rec- ord in the show arena. I rizes: First junior talf at Hamline. Minn., 1st at the American Royal and junior r-hamiii- International. In 1909 she was junior cham- pion at the American Royal and 1st in class at the International and in 1910 she -u r champion at the American : upion at the International. 320 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners FLEECY COTTON 40369 . Bapton Chief 227581., Roan. C. E. Clarke White. W. W. Brown Mamie Roan. J. D. Douglas & Son 'Bapton Ensign 172542 J. Deane Willis Imp. Fairplay 4th Wm. Duthie fBlue Jeans 125797 J. D. Williams Josie Cotton J. D. Douglas & Son I Bloodlines: Scotch blood in the sire and in the dam bloodlines are mixed. Prizes: Fifth junior yearling at Hamline, Minn., and 4th at the Amer- ican Royal in 1909. IRENE AVALON 40370 [Bapton Ensign 172542 J. Deane Willis Bapton Chief 227581... J Roan. C. E. Clarke Imp. Fairplay 4th [ Wm. Duthie Royal Avalanche 165010 S. F. Lockridge Irene Avalanche Red. W. F. Christian 1 Irene Avalon 26th & Son Wm. A. Macy Bloodlines: This breeding is about 90 percent Scotch on a foundation of mixed blood. Prizes: At Hamline, Minn., Irene Avalon was 4th prize two-year-old in 1909 and in 1913 she was 3d in class and 2d at the American Royal. Red and white W. W. Brown ROAN BESSIE 40509.. [Village Champion 206037 Wm. Duthie Village Clipper 236036. . J Roan. W. C. Edwards pine Grove Clipper 3d & Co. W. C. Edwards & Co. [Village Champion 206037 Wm. Duthie Roan. Thos. Johnson | Red Bessie of Pine Grove J I Red. W. C. Edwards Imp. Roan Bessie 3d & Co. Estate of S. Campbell Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second senior calf at the International in 1908. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 321 ROSE OF ELMEN- DORF 40614.. White. F. O. Lowden Bloodlines: Scotch. Cumberland's Last 229822 White. C. A. Saunders Rose of Strathspey.. Roan. Carpenter & Ross. Cumberland 118578 R. J. Johnston Imp. Lady Douglas Jas. Durno ("Royal Canada 136788 Wm. Shier 1 Rose of Strathdyde John Miller & Sons Prizes: Fourth senior calf at Hamline, Minn., in 1908 and at the Inter- national in 1908 she was 6th and was 9th in class in 1909. In 1910 she :th at the American Royal. QUEEN 40714 OF HEARTS Royal Victor 224295 Roan. John Miller & Sons Roan, gher Fox & Galla- < nt k land Young Mary 71st ^ Red. Kiser Bros. Royal Prince 136367 S. Campbell L.-idv Victoria Ki< hard Staples Duke of Marigold 167744 Win. Redmond Young Mary 58th of Oakland Kiser Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch on mixed foundation. Prizes: Third senior calf at the International in 1908. SULTANA F. 40789. Roan. p. W. Harding Scotch. Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Anoka Broadhooks ^ Roan. F. W. Harding fBapton Sultan 163570 J. Deane Willis Imp. Bapton Pearl [ J. Deane Willis rCeremonious Archer H1478 I-'. W. ! I.-i ruing .-'henstone Princess Henry Dudding Seventh junior calf at the International in 1908. In 1909 she \v;is _<1 in class .-it Hun: I\IH>, .Minn., 6th at the American Royal and 6th at the International. 322 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners ROAN QUEEN 108792 BRED BY JAMES LEASK, GREENBANK, ONTARIO MAXWALTON QUEEN 127524 BRED BY CARPENTER & ROSS, MANSFIELD, OHIO Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 323 DALE'S GIFT 41150. ...J Roan. Carpenter & Ross Avondale 245144 Roan. E. S. Kelly I Wedding Gift 16th.. ^ T?-.o-n "\A7rn GmitVi (Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis I Imp. Avalanche 2d [ C. H. Jolliffe f Meadow Lord 160284 \ George Argo Roan. Wm. Smith iding Gift 15th Wm. Smith Bloodlines: Scotch. DALE'S GIFT made a sensational record in the show arena. Prizes: Seventh senior calf at the International in 1908. In 1909 she was 1st senior yearling at the American Royal and at the International was junior champion. In 1910 she was 4th at the American Royal and in 1911 she was 2d at the show, 2d at the International and champion at Denver. In 1912 she was 3d at the International and was senior and grand champion at Denver, also at Ohio State Fair. In 1913 she was 1st at Iowa State Fair and grand champion in Minnesota. MAXWALTON DOR OTHY 4T.52.. Red. Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. Avondale 24T.144 Roan. i:. S. Kelly Whit.-hall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willi.s Imp. Avalanche 2d C. II. Jolliffo I Luxury 156593 Dorothy 35th John Marr Prizes At the American Royal Maxwalton Dorothy was 2d junior calf in 1908 and 5th junior yearling in 1909. At the International she was 2d in 1908, 3d in 1909 and 5th in 1910. MAXWALTON GLOS TER 41153 Roan. Carpenter Ross & Avondale 2 J 51 14 Roan. E. S. Kelly ("Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche 2d C. H. Jolliut among them there were some very good ones. Among these were Pleasant Valley Jilt 48528 and Flora 90th 18995, the latter a grand < hampion at both the American Royal and the International. Prizes: Second -r-old at the American Royal in 1909 and at the International S!M !i and was r,th in class in 1910. 326 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners PLEASANT VALLEY JILT 48528 Red. Geo. Amos & Son Bloodlines: Scotch. Old Lancaster 253007... Roan. Alex Crombie Imp. Scottish Queen 48529 L Red. John Young- King Robert 243273 Alex Crombie Lovely J. Murray {Scottish Prince 1496S1 Wm. Duthie Fancy 3d John Young PLEASANT VALLEY JILT was bought at auction when she was two years old for $2,050. She was half sister to Lancaster Bud 43024 and Flora 90th 18995, grand champion in 1908 at both the American Royal and the International. Prizes: In 1909 she was 4th prize two-year-old at the American Royal and 2d at both Hamline, Minn., and the International. HER LEADERSHIP 58002. . Roan. W. W. Brown Bloodlines: Scotch. TBapton Ensign 172542 Bapton Chief 227581. . . .1 J ' Deane Willis Roan. C. E. Clarke 1 i mp . Fairplay 4th [ Wm. Duthie -Royal Avalanche 165010 S. F. Lockridge I The Duchess I Duchess of Lancaster Red. W. F. Christian ] 6tn J. W. Williams & Sons Prizes: Eighth senior calf at the American Royal in 1908 and 4th senior yearling at the International in 1909. DAIRSIE MAID 4TH 59033 Roan. C. E. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch. I Bapton Ensign 172542 J. Deane Willis Imp. Fairplay 4th Wm. Duthie rClinker 179846 Wm. Duthie Imp. Dairsie Maid -I Red. F. W. Christie Ury Maid 2d Wm. Duthie Prizes: First senior calf at Hamline, Minn., 7th at the American Royal and 8th at the International in 1909. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 327 GLOSTER QUEEN 2D 59006.. Roan. C. E. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch. Red Knight 157136 March Knight 188105... J D ' C ' M rrls Red. C. E. Clarke ] i mp . Q ue en Anne . Leith Hay {Village Duke 232045 Geo. B. Bristow Gloster Lea Chas. Groat Prizes: In 1909 2d senior calf at Hamline, Minn., 1st at the American Royal and 1st at the International and in 1910 she was 6th senior yearling both at the American Royal and the International. LADY GRACEFUL 59008. . March Knight 188105. Red. C. E. Clarke Red Knight 157136 D. C. Morris Imp. Queen Anne Leith Hay Imp. Pitlivie Graceiul 73d . . ^ "Scotch Thistle 151800 W. S. Marr Red. Robt. Trjlor Graceful Lass Robt. Taylor Red, white marks C. E. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth junior calf at Hamline, Minn., 4th at the American Royal and 7th at the International in 1909. MINT DROP 15TH 59010.. Carlogie Knight 2619 Roan. C. E. Clarke March Knight 188105 C. E. Clarke Imp. Nellie of Carlogie 5th Robt. Taylor White. C. E. Clarke | [Scottish Sultan 197G45 Mint Drop 14th I E ' S.Kelly Roan. Browndale ] Royal Mint Drop Farm Browndale Farm Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Seventh junior calf at the American Royal and 9th at the Inter- national in 1909. 328 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners FLOWER GIRL 3D 59042.. White. Thos. Johnson ("Whitehall Sultan 163573 , J. Deane Willis Glenbrook Sultan 243185-^ Victoria of Hill Farn, White. E. S. Kelly 8t h J C. B. Dustin {Archer's Pride 203874 J. Gillmour Beauty 2d Wm. Anderson Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth senior calf at Hamline, *Minn., in 1909 and at the Amer- ican Royal she was 3d in 1909 and was 5th in class in 1910. MANDOLIN 2D 59045. . White. Thos. Johnson Bloodlines: Scotch. ("Whitehall Sultan 163573 C J. Deane Willis Glenbrook Sultan 243185 J victoria of Hill Farm White. E. S. Kelly 8th C. B. Dustin {General White 162501 W. S. Marr Marian Geo. Harding & Son Mandolin Roan. R. Leavitt & Son Prizes: At the American Royal Mandolin 2d was 6th senior calf in 1909 and 3d senior yearling in 1910 and at the International she was 3d in 1909 and 1st in 1910. Whitehall Sultan 163572 MARY ANNE OF OAKLAND 59046.. Roan. Thos. Johnson Bloodlines: Scotch. C. B. Dustin I Victor of Anoka 125070 Geo. Harding & Son Mary Anne of Glenwood Wm. Cummings & Son Prizes: Second junior calf at Hamline, Minn., and 3d at the Interna- tional in 1909 and in 1910 she was 8th in class at the American Royal and 3d at the International. The Record of Shorthorn Prize li'iinnrs 329 (Whitehall Sultan 163C73 OAKLAND NETTY 2D 59049.. White. Thos. Johnson Bloodlines: Scotch. J. Deane Willis 1 Viet Glenbrook Sultan 243185 J victoria of Hill Farm White. E. S. Kelly 8th I C. B. Dustin Whitehall Netty , Kuan. E. S. Kelly f Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis limp. Netty 5th Wm. Alexander Prizes: In 1909 Oakland Xetty _M \\;.s i;th junior calf at Hamline, Minn., and both the American Royal and the International she was 1st and was in 1st calf herd. ROSE OF AUTUMN 24TH 59051... Roan. Thos. Johnson Bloodlines: Scotch. ( ;irnl>r>t>k Sultan 243185-i White J-:. S. Kelly Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis i ia of Hill Farm 8th C. B. Dustin Salisbury 131545 J. & W. Russell Rose of Autumn 23d... Red. J. & W Russell | Rose of Autumn llth J. & W. Russell Pri- -lull junior calf at the Royal in 1909 and in 1916 she was 6th prize cow and was 7th at the International. SASSY VIOLET 3D 59495.. Red. R. E. Watts & Sons Sentinel 217597 Red. C. E. & J. A. White ("Grand Count 178761 Arthur Johnston Imp. Mercia Geo. Bruce {Sassy Boy 129808 J. G. Robbins & Sons Violet A. 4th R. E. White Iil'iodlines: This In a combination. The sire and maternal Scotch but the dam in female lines descends froln imp. Daisy by Wild. . Prl cow at I"\\a Sl.ite Fair in 1911 and in 1912 she _d at the American Royal. 330 The Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners HAPPY LASS 59500.... Red. T. K. Tomson & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. {Gallant Knight 124468 W A Harris Victory of Maple Hill H. C. Duncan Harmony 18th 12198.. R. & w. T. P. Babst & Sons fGolden Day 187219 Hanna & Co. Harmony llth T. P. Babst Prizes: Sixth junior calf at the American Royal in 1909 and 5th junior yearling in 1910. NEW YEAR'S DE- LUG HT 59502.. Roan. T. K. Tomson & Sons Barmpton Knight 148795^ Red. E. S. Myers Forest Daisy 2d Roan. B. O. Cowan Scarlet Knight 110111 W. A. Harris Barmpton's Joy B. P. Myers fNorfolk 120336 Thos. H. Mastin Daisy of North Oaks 5th Jas. J. Hill Bloodlines: Scotch and Bates. This breeding is mostly Scotch blood, but Norfolk was half Bates and there is other Bates in the female line. Prizes: In 1910 at the American Royal New Year's Delight was junior and grand champion and was then sold for $1,000 to Thomas Johnson, Columbus, Ohio. At the International she was 1st junior yearling and junior champion. In 1911 she was 1st prize two-year-old at Ohio State Fair, 2d at both the American Royal and the International, and was 2d prize cow at Iowa State Fair in 1912. ROAN LILY 59531. Roan. Jas. Leask Bloodlines: Scotch. Gloster's Roan. Choice 284895. -\ W. I. Wood May Lily 59528 Red. Jas. Leask Choice of the Ring 187237 W. I. Wood Gloster Girl Geo. Harding & Son King of Banff 306221 Wm. Craigie Money Mad 59529 Jas. Leask It may be interesting to note that Gloster's Choice, the sire of Roan Lily, was sire of the remarkable steers shown at the International by Mr. Leask in 1907 and 1908. Prizes: Third senior yearling at the International in 1909 and 5th prize two-year-old at the American Royal in 1910. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 331 .'OAN MAID 59532.. Roan. Jas. Leask Gloster's Choice 284895. Roan. W. I. Wood Choice of the Ring 187237 .W. I. Wood Gloster Girl Geo. Harding & Son {Magnet 279940 W. C. Edwards & Co. Lady Zenda 59525 N. S. Robertson Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second senior calf at the International in 1909. SPARKLING GEM 595S2 Roan. A. C. Shallen- berger Bloodlines: Scotch. Victor's Roan Duke 189598 Roan. H. Cargill & Son Butterfly Jubilee Red. I. Barr & Son [Goldendrop Victor 149537 1 J. Deane Willi : I Imp. Golden Duchess 2d I Geo. Walker I'rince Oderic 136398 \V. S. Man- Butterfly of Map!' A. P. Petrie Prizes: Second junior calf at the International in 1909 and 9th junior yearling in 1910. At the American Royal she was 3d in 1910 and 5th in 1911. QUEEN OF DREAM- LAND 59728.. Roan. H. K. Fairbairn Bloodlines: Scotch. Royal Prince 188293 , Roan. J. & W. B. Watt Frances Folsom 3d, Red, little white H. K. Fairbairn Royal Sailor 125761 W. S. Marr Minnie 2d of Lynden J. & W. B. Watt fRoyal Albert 140209 Arthur Johnston Francis Folsom H. K. Fairbairn Prizes: Eighth senior yearling at Hamline, Minn., and 2d at the Amer- ican Royal in 1909. 332 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners COUNTESS HALL- WOOD 3D 59908...^ Red. E. M. Hall Choice Goods Model 242589 Red. Tebo Land & Cattle Co. ("Choice Goods 186802 Jas. Durno jRosedale Violet 9th [ Wm. Thompson & Son (Grassland Victor 190896 T. J. Wornall & Son Countess Mary J. L. Chambers Bloodlines: As this cow is a descendant of imp. Young Mary she must be classed as Scotch-topped, though she had 96.875 percent of Scotch blood. Prizes: Fourth prize cow at the American Royal in 1912. Countess Hallwood, - Red. Jas. Luke DALE'S GIFT 2D 62794, Red. Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. Avondale 245144 Roan. E. S. Kelly Wedding Gift 16th * Roan. Wm. Smith Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Avalanche 2d C. H. Jolliffe Meadow Lord 160284 Geo. Argo Wedding Gift 15th Wm. Smith Wedding Gift 16th was an excellent .breeder and won many prizes in produce class. Prizes: Fifth senior calf at the American Royal and 7th at the Inter- national in 1909, and in 1910 she was 2d at the former and 3d at the lat- ter. In 1911 she was 1st prize two-year-old, was in 1st herd and 1st get of sire, both at the American Royal and the International and at the latter she was 1st prize cow and in 1st get of sire in' 1912. Avondale 245144 Roan. E. S. Kelly Roan. Carpenter & Ross Miss Consul Red. W. D. Flatt [Whitehall Sultan 163573 J J. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche ?d C. H. Jolliffe MAXWALTON CLIP- PER 2D 62798 \ {Consul 158468 J. D. Fletcher Imp. Christina A. M. Gordon Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Sixth prize cow at the International in 1913. Record of Shorthorn Prize 333 MAXWALTON JEAL- OUSY 62873 Roan. Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. Avondale 245144 Roan. E. S. Kelly [Whitehall Sultan 163:73 J. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche 2d C. H. Jolliffe {Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Jeanie C. H. Jolliffe Prizes: In 1909 she was 3d junior calf at Hamline, Minn., 3d at the American Royal and 6th at the International, and at this show she was 4th in class in 1910. Sold May, 1918, for $3,000. CALCEOLARIA ANOKA 63223. Roan. F. W. Harding Bloodlines: Scotch. {Bapton Sultan 163570 J. Deane Willis Imp. Bapton Pearl J. Deane Willis Imp. Calceolaria 16th Red. J. Gilmour Spicy Baron 213038 \V. S. .Man- Calceolaria 4th J. Gilmour Prizes: Third senior calf at Hamlin<\ Minn., in 1909 and at the Amer- ican Royal she waa _! and was in 1st young herd. In 1910 she was 7th in class both at the American and the International. SULTANA COUNTESS 63226 White. P. \V. Harding Mines: Scotch. Bapton Sultan 163570 J. Deane Willi ; Whitehall Sultan 163573-' White. J. Deane Willis | Imp. Bapton I J. Deane Willis Imp. Countess Cashmere - Roan. Alex Innes Roscommon 1501G4 Geo. Bruce Lady Cashmere Alex Innes Pri/es: First junior calf at Hamline, Minn., I'd at the American Royal and f>th at the International in 1909. 334 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners GJLTAN'S MAY- FLOWER 63227.... White. F.W.Harding Bloodlines: Scotch. IBapton Sultan 163570 J. Deane Willis Imp. Bapton Pearl J. Deane Wilis Imp. Minorca 4th (twin) . ^ Roan. A. M. Leslie Craibstone 135226 A. C. Pirie Minorca A. M. Leslie Prizes: Ninth junior yearling at the International in 1909 and 3d prize two-year-old at the American Royal in 1910. i Bapton Favorite 167139 J. Deane Willis Ma w ae s. 37 Ma rr rCount Favorite 270102 Roan. A. Johnston | Imp Butterfly Maid W. S. Marr 35629 ............... J Imp. Jubilee Maid 2d Red. Geo. Campbell 35632 I Jas. Milne Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Sixth senior calf at the International in 1909 and at the Amer- ican Royal she was 4th senior calf in 1909 and 8th senior yearling in 1910. FLOWER GIRL 13TH 63956.. White. D. R. Hanna Bloodlines: Scotch. Villager 295884 Roan. C. H. Jolliffe Imp. Flower Girl llth. Roan. R. Copland Village Beau 295883 Wm. Duthie Rosy Cloud C. H. Jolliffe Knuckle Duster 141674 Jas. Bruce Flower Girl 9th Geo. Walker Prizes: Fourth junior calf at the International in 1909 and in 1910 4th junior yearling at the American Royal and 8th at the International. The Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 335 CUMBErtLAND LAS SIE 64319.. Roan. Earles & Stan- ton {Cumberland 118578 R. J. Johnston Imp. Lady Douglas Jas. Durno ("Scotland's Fame 167040 Wm. Duthie Imp. Lena -| Red. H. R. Macrea Loveletter H. R. Macrea Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth senior calf at the International in 1909. ROAN ROSE 65145 Roan. R. Connor Co. [Royal Sultan 223948 E. S. Kelly R.yno,d. 108656 Luther Adams 5th Duchess of RosedaleJ Duchess of Liverpool Red. Stuart Land & ] 12th Cattle Co. Palmer & Bowman Bloodlines: This pedigree represents mixed breeding. There is Scotch blood in both sire and dam, but both through their dams were of other bloodlines. Royal Sultan was one of the many good sons of Whitehall Sultan. Prizes: Fourth prize two-year-old at the American Royal and 6th at the International in 1911. SWEET BRACELET 67986. . Roan E. W. Bowen Bloodlines: Scotch. ("Choice Goods 186802 (Scotch Goods 259864. . J JaS ' Durn Roan. Tebo Land & ] Imp. Cicely Cattle Co. [ The Queen I The Lad for Me 140618 J. G. Robbins & Sons Bracelet 7th Thos. Russell Scotch Goods was a champion at the International and both Choice Goods and The Lad For Me were noted prize winners and both were excellent sin Prizes Second senior yearling at the International in 1910. 336 Record of Shorthorn Prize W inner i IMP. FAIR START 2D . 68802 J Roan. Walter Hazel f Golden Hope 323637.. Red. W. & J. W. Peterkin (Royal Banner 323657 Wm. Duthie Golden Glow W. Peterkin ("Freshman 323636 G, Freeman Fair Start J > White. G. Freeman Fortress G. Freeman Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second senior yearling at the International in 1909. In 1910 she was 2d prize two-year-old and in 1st graded herd at both the American Royal and the International. In 1911 s.he was 2d at Ohio State Fair, 3d at the American Royal and 3d at the International. In 1912 she was 2d at the International and was senior and grand champion at Iowa State Fair, also at the American Royal. ROSE STRATH- ALLAN 69025, Roan. Elmendorf Farm Bloodlines: Scotch. /Whitehall Marshal 209776 Roan. E. S. Kelly I Rose of Strathspey. . . Roan. Carpenter & Ross Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Missie 167th W. S. Marr 'Royal Canada 136788 Wm. Shier Rose of Strathclyde John Miller & Sons Prizes: Fourth senior calf at the International in 1909 and in 1910 she was 5th in class at this show and 1st at the American Royal. {Marengo's Count 154318 Philo I, Mills Roan. John Rasmess Imp CraibstO ne Baron- ess -j Roan. Geo. Anderson Baroness 2d [ Geo. Anderson Bloodlines: Scotch. It is worthy of comment that imp. Lady Douglas, granddam of Lady Craibstone, is dam of Cumberland's Last, a sire famous in the herd of C. A. Saunders. Prizes: Second prize cow at Iowa State Fair in 1915. She was sold October, 1916, for $2,000. Record of Shorthorn Prize ll'inmrs 337 LADY MAY 81725 Roan. T. K. Tomson & Sons ICollynie 135022 Wm. Duthie Imp. Circe 3d John Wilson 2d Lady of Elder Lawn.. Red. T. K. Tomson & Sons Gallant Knight 124468 W. A. Harris Belle Daily T. K. Tomson & Sons- Bloodlines: This breeding is three-fourths Scotch blood on descendants of imp. Young IMary. Prizes: At the American Knyal I ;ly .Mary was 7th prize cow in 1911 and 3d in 1912. {P.apton Chief 227581 j Roan. C. E. Clarke Roan. W. \V. IJrown I Phyletta. Roan. W. W. P.rown Knsi^n 172542 J. I), an.- Willis Imp. Fairplay 4th Wm. Duthie rRosamond Chief 206283 \V. II. Colwell , IILT Phyllis of Helendale J. B. Power Bloodlines: This breeding is Scotch blood on descendants of imp. Young Phyllis. Prizes: Second senior calf at the Am-rii-an Royal in 1910. SALEM STAMFORD 82855 (twin) Jilt Victor 308836 Roan. John Young (Lord Methuen 213032 J. B. Manson -I Imp. Scottish Queen 48529 John Young J. A. Watt [Hillsburgh Tom 151339 JDlga Stamford .......... J A ' F " McG1U Roan. J. & W. B. Watt Daisy Stamford [ J. & W. B. Watt Bloodlines: This breeding- is Scotch except some mixed blood in Ilills- lescendant of imp. Fashion by Young Don Juan. ig at Ohio State Fair ami nth at the Amer- in 1H11 and in P.'li' 1st in class in Ohio and 3d at tli- tional. 338 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners BUTTERFLY QUEEN 3D 82903.. Roan. D. R. Hanna i Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Lady in Waiting Philo L. Mills -Count Favorite 270102 W. S. Marr Imp. Jubilee Maid 2d 35632 Jas. Milne Butterfly Maid 35629.. Red. Geo. Campbell Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth junior calf at the American Royal and 8th at the Inter- national in 1910. In 1911 2d junior yearling at Ohio State Fair and 8th at the American Royal. LADY MYSIE 3D 82909., White. D. R. Hanna Bloodlines: Scotch. {Village Beau 295883 Wm. Duthie Rosy Cloud C. H. Jolliffe Lady Mysie 2d Red. C. E. Clarke {Straight Archer 209098 C. E. Clarke Lady Mysie C. E. Clarke Prizes: Third senior calf at the American Royal and 3d at the Inter- national in 1910. HAMPTON'S DUCH- ESS 84574.. r Hampton's Counsellor 264533 Roan. J. F. Kellogg Roan. Geo. H. White Scotch Duchess. Roan. Geo. P. Bellows Hampton's Best 170818 C. B. Dustin & Son Secret Countess I. Barr & Son Victor Allan 212209 S. E. Prather & Son Boone Duchess 5th Alex Fraser Bloodlines: This breeding is largely Scotch but the foundation had Bates blood. Prizes: Seventh junior yearling at the American Royal and 6th at the International in 1910. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 339 WHITE LILY 85140.... White. Rapp Bros. Gladstone 239313 Roan. E. S. Kelly Dolly .. Roan. ("Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Mina Lavender {_ Goodfellow Bros. Victor Hero 170874 Geo. Bothwell W. S. Fox Lily W. S. Fox Bloodlines: This breeding is Scotch sire and maternal grrandsire on a foundation that came through imp. Rose of Sharon. Prizes: Tenth junior yearling at the International in 1910, and in 1911 she was 3d prize two-year-old at Iowa State Fair, 8th at the Amer- ican Royal and 4th at the International. CEDAR LAWN ALICE 85313 Roan. Howell Rees {Golden Goods 253393 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Ruberta J. G. Robbins & Sons Aurora Red. O. Bumgarner & Sons fChampion 127086 I. Barr & Son Mazurka 2d of Maple- wood M. Eirich & Co. Bloodlines: There are three crosses of Scotch bulls in this pedigree and they give the breeding 87% percent of that blood on descendants of imp. Mazurka by Harbinger (10297). Her blood in America cannot be regarded as Scotch, yet her half brother Matadore (11800) was used exten- sively by Amos Cruickshank. Prizes: Fourth senior yearling at the American Royal and 7th at the International in 1911. CRESSIE BELLE 85315- Roan. Howell Rees Ruberta's Goods 283807. Roan. Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Golden Goods Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Ruberta J. G. Robbins & Sons ("Prince of Fashion 136634 Wm. Duthie limp. Crescent 8th J Roan. John Wilson I Crescent 4th John Wilson Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third prize cow at Iowa State Fair in 1915. 340 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winner* SITTYTON GOODS 85327.. Roan. Howell Rees ("Golden Goods 253393 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Ruberta's Goods 283807. J Roan. Tebo Land & Ruberta Cattle Co. [ J. G. Robbins & Sons fSittyton Victor 215814 H. C. Duncan I Sittyton Duchess Red. Howell Rees Elkhorn Duchess Howell Rees Bloodlines: This breeding is Scotch blood in the main but the same as the Loudon Duchess that was so noted at an earlier date in the herds of Wm. Warfield and others in Kentucky. Prizes: Second junior calf at the American Royal in 1910 and in 1911 she was 3d junior yearling and was 2d at the International. VIOLET GOODS 8b328._j Roan. Howell Rees {Golden Goods 253393 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Ruberta J. G. Robbins & Sons Cattle Co. rChoice Goods 186802 Jas. Durno Sweet Goods 45534. Roan. Tebo Land & 1 Sweet Violet 4th Cattle Co. T. R. Westrope & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third senior calf at the American Royal in 1910 and in 1911 she was 2d senior yearling and was 3d at the International. At the Amer- ican Royal she was 3d prize two-year-old in 1912, was senior champion in 1916 and was grand champion at Denver in 1917. MARSHAL'S MISSIE 86337.. Roan. D. Tietjen {Whitehall Marshal 209776 E. S. Kelly Royal Nora Hanna & Co. ("Lord Victor 1! Missie of Browndale H - p Brown 10th J Red. Browndale Farm Missie Belle 2d [ Wm. Sauntry 124169 Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third senior yearling at Iowa State Fair and 6th at the Inter- national in 1911 and in 1912, 4th prize two-year-old at Iowa and 7th at the American Royal. Record of 'Shorthorn Prize Winners 341 DAISY QUEEN 86345..- Red % T. K. Tomson & Sons {Scarlet Knight 110111 W. A. Harris r.armpton's Joy B. F. Myers {Lavender Prince 144120 Chas. C. Norton Forest Daisy 2d B. O. Cowan Bloodlines: This breeding is mainly Scotch, though the sire of Forest Daisy 2d is half Bates and there is other Bates blood in the ancestors in the maternal line. Prizes: First prize two-year-oM al State Kair and 3d at the American Royal in 1911. BONNIE CUMBER- LAND 2D 86363.... Red. C. A. Saunders- Bloodlines: Scotch. Cumberland's Last 229822.. White. C. A. Saunders 'Cumberland 118578 K. J. Johnston Imp. Lady Douglas Jas. Durno ("Manchester 167725 Bonnie Belle 6th I Geo. Shepherd Red. Chas J. Stuckey | Bonnie Belle 4th S. G. Crawford Prizes: At the Internationa] she was 3d junior calf in 1910 and Oth junior yearling in 1!* 1 1 . .This year she was 4th at tin- American Royal and Iowa State Kair. and at t! she was in class in lull'. LADY CUMBERLAND 86364 Roan. C. A. Saunders Bloodlines: Scotch. Cumberland's Last 229822 White. C. A. Saunders Imp. Gwendoline Roan. Jas. Durno Cumberland 118578 R. J. Johnston Imp. Lady Douglas Jas. Durno Lord Marmion 145339 A. W. Still Geraldine 3d Jas. Durno LADY T,M I'.KKI.A XI > was. very successful in the show arena and In r pri/'s a1 fairs not mentioned herein is a very rn-.litaMe record. granddam Geraldine -d is uranddam of the many times champion Choice ; s 186802. Prizes: At the American Royal in 11)11 she was _d junior yearling and in 1st young herd and at Iowa State !-'air she was jui International was :;d in class. In 191. B 1st at the American Koyal and :!d at the International, and in ID 1 I was senior champion at Denver. 342 Record af Shorthorn Prize Winners PRINCESS MARSHAL 41341 BRED BY N. W. WAGNER, FREMONT, OHIO Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 343 MILDRED SNOW- BALL 86365.. White. C. A. Saunders Bloodlines: Scotch. Cumberland's Last 229822 White. C. A. Saunders 'Cumberland 118578 R. J. Johnston Imp. Lady Douglas Jas. Durno ("Marquis of Zenda 157854 Pine Grove Mildred llthJ W- S Roan. W. C. Edwards Mildred 9th & Co. R. R. Sangster Prizes: Third junior ca]f at the American Royal and 1st at. the Inter- national in 1910. In 1911 she was 2d in class at Iowa State Fair, 5th at the American Royal and 5th at the International. In 1913 she was 5th prize cow at Ohio State Fair. SCOTTISH CUMBER LAND 86367.. Roan. C. A. Saunders Cumberland's Last 229822.. White. C. A. Saunders Scottish Sempstress. . . . _| L Red. J. R. Crawford & Sons Cumberland 118578 R. J. Johnston Imp. Lady Douglas Jas. Durno fVictor Baron 127266 C. B. Dustin & Son Touch Me Not J. G. Robbins & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Sixth senior calf at the American Royal in 1910. In 1911 she was 1st senior yearling at Iowa State Fair, 3d at the American Royal and 5th at the International. SWEET CUMBER- LAND 86368 Cumberland's Last 229822 White. C. A. Saunders {Cumberland 118578 R. J. Johnston Imp. Lady Douglas Jas. Durno Roan. C. A. Saunders Bloodlines: Scotch. [True Briton 101102 S. Campbell Cherry Sweet Brier J Roan. John Johnston I Sweet Brier of Oak Hill John Johnston The Cumberland blood is quite well known and its influence has been potent in many American herds, but in this pedigree another's sire is worthy of especial mention. This is imp. True Briton. The writer remem- bers seeing an excellent lot of cows sired by him in herds of Northern Iowa and Southern Minnesota, cows that were compact and smooth, with beautiful heads and drooping horns. Prizes: Ninth senior calf at the American Royal and 5th at the International in 1910. 344 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners MAXWALTON CLIP PER 5TH 86598 (twin) J Roan. Carpenter & Ross Avondale 245144 Roan. E. S. Kelly [Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche 2d C. H. Jolliffe {Conqueror 149049 W. S. Marr Cleopatra C. L. Gerlaugh Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth senior calf at the International in 1910. MAXWALTON MINA 3D 86602.. 'Avondale 245144 Roan. E. S. Kelly ("Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche 2d C. H. Jolliffe Roan. Carpenter & Ross> [Whitehall Count 209775 E. S. Kelly Crumpled Mina 41148.. J Roan. Carpenter & JMina Princess 3d Ross Carpenter & Williams Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth iunior calf at the International in 1910. MISSIE SULTANA 86625. . Roan. F. W. Harding fBapton Sultan 163570 J. Deaae Willis Whitehall Sultan 163573J White. J. Deane Willis limp. Bapton Pearl [ J. Deane Willis [Young Nominee 168433 Browndale Farm I Missie of Browndale 12th J Roan. Browndale Missie Belle 3d Farm Wm. Sauntry Bloodlines: This pedigree is Scotch in all crosses except the sire of dam, Young Nominee, was junior champion at Minnesota State Fair and proved an excellent sire. He was largely of Scotch blood but was de- scendant of imp. Young Mary Prizes: Fourth junior calf at the International in 1910. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 345 SULTAN'S ACONITE 86627.. Whitehall Sultan 163573^ White. J.Deane Willis Roan. F. W. Harding I Double Aconite 2d L Red. W. P. Harned Bapton Sultan 163570 J. Deane Willis Imp. Bapton Pearl J. Deane Willis Godoy 115575 W. A. Harris Double Aconite W. P. Harned Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Finist junior calf and in 1st calf herd at the American Royal and 9th at the International in 1910. In 1912 she was 3d prize two-> old at Iowa State Fair. SULTAN'S VENUS 86629.. White. F. W. Harding ! Bapton Sultan 163570 J. Dean.. Willis Imp. Bapton Pearl J. Deane Willis Golden Venus 5th . F. W. Ayers fRoyal Robin 165629 W. S. Marr Golden Venus Forbes Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth senior calf at the American Royal in 1910. DUCHESS GWYNNE 8TH 86831.. Glenbrook Sultan 243185^ White. E. S. Kelly Roan. Thos. Johnson I i mp> cadboll Gwynne 12707 Red. J. & G. Young Bloodlines: Scotch. Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Victoria of Hill Farm 8th C. B. Dustin Baron Butt 282930 J. D. Fletcher Duchess Gwynne 7th J. & G. Young Prizes: Second junior a1 Ohio State Fair. 7th ai lean Knyjil ami xth at the International in p.m. 346 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners MARY ANNE OFOAK- LAND 2D 86840.... Roan. Thos. Johnson Glenbrook Sultan 243185^ White. E. S. Kelly fWhitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Victoria of Hill Farm 8th C. B. Dustin Ingleside Belle Red. Edward Johnson -Victor of the Ring: 185476 W. I. Wood Mary Anne of Anoka 3d Geo. Harding & Son Bloodlines: This breeding in the main is of Scotch blood, but there is mixed blood in the sire of the dam. Prizes: At the American Royal in 1910 she was 1st senior calf in a class of forty-eight entries and was in 1st calf herd and 1st get of sire and at the International she was 1st in 1910 and 2d in class. in 1911. In 1912 she was 1st prize two-year-old at Iowa State Fair, 2d at the Amer- ican Royal and 2d at the International. ORANGE LADY 2D 86842.. White. Thos. Johnson I Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Victoria of Hill Farm 8th C. B. Dustin Orange Lady 5643 L Roan. Thos. Johnson Royal Sultan 245594 Thos. Johnson Orange Best 2d John C. Saunders Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth junior calf at the American Royal and 2d at the International in 1910. In 1911 she was 1st junior yearling at Ohio State Fair, 6th at the American Royal and 4th at the International. ANOKA GLOSTER 3D 87208 Anoka Sultan 264212...^ White. F.W.Harding Roan. F. W. Harding Bloodlines: Scotch. Anoka Gloster 2d, Roan. F. W. Harding fWhitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Lady in Waiting Philo L. Mills rWhitehall Marshal 209776 E. S. Kelly Anoka Gloster F. W. Harding Prizes: Seventh junior yearling at the American Royal in 1910 and in 1911 she was 5th in class at Iowa State Fair and 7th at the International. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 347 Daisy 3d DANDY LADY f1>ff... Red. W. H. Lincoln & Son Vice President 282944 W. Anderson 154245 Ll " le Lady ..... I A. Crombie r4th Lord of Lawnfield Carpenter Roan. Geo.W. Linscott 1 polly Geo. W. Linscott Bloodlines: This breeding is a mixture of blood in the maternal line. Prizes: Second prize two-year-old at Ohio State Fair and 6th at the American Royal in 1911. MINNIE 4TH 88079.... Roan. C. A. Sauinl'-rs {Cumberland's Last 229822 C. A. Saunders 'hi-rry Sweet Brier John Johnston Minnie 2d 28033 Roan. C. A. Saunders Marshal 160922 C. B. Minnie J. P. Miller Bloodlines: This breeding is three-fourths Scotch blood, but mixture in the female line. Prizes: Second junior yearling at both the American Royal and the International in 1910 and in 1911 she was 4th prize two-year-old at Iowa State Fair. aulo , .............. "" Golden Goods 253393 Tebo Land & Cattle Co Ruberta J. a. Robbins & Sons Imp. Royal Queen Roan. A. Mitchell Empress Queen I W. A. Mitchell Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: At the International 2d junior calf in 1910 and 4th junior yearling in 1911, and at Iowa State Fair of that year she was 1st. 348 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winrer: (" Master Russell 209889 J. G. Robbins & Sons Master Lavender 247498J ( Anv rRATFFHi Red) little white Gay Lavender 90342 J> G< Robbins & Sons I Wm - Moffatt & Bros. f Nonpareil Lad 187064 & Sons n H - J. G. Robbins & Sons i Graceful Lass 35038... J Red. J. G. Robbins & j Imp. Graceful Rose Sons. Charles E. Law Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: At the International in 1910 she was 7th senior calf and in 1911 8th senior yearling and 6th at the American Royal. PRINCESS DIAMOND 97607 . Red. N. W. Wagner fBapton Diamond 187000 J. Deane Willis Diamond's Pride 258868^ Roan. D. R. Hanna. Imp. Proud Averne 2d Wm. Duthie fKing Oakland 122246 Mezzo Tinto I C " A " Kellogs Red. J. A. Gillmor 1 Delia [ J. A. Gillmor Bloodlines: This breeding combines bloodlines. Mezzo Tint was a choice breeder and at several important fairs her calves won in the produce of cow class. Prizes: Third prize two-year-old at Ohio State Fair and 5th at the International in 1911 and in 1912, 2d in class at Ohio and 4th at the Inter- national. NONPAREIL 44TH S9716 Red. Geo. Amos & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. ("King Robert 243273 Alex Crombie Old Lancaster 253007... J Roan. Alex Crombie 1 Lovely J. Murry r British Statesman 124890 S. Campbell Nonpareil Violet Red. S. J. Pearson & Son. Nonpareil 42d J. M. Carruthers Prizes: In 1911 Nonpareil was senior champion at Iowa State Fair, 6th at the American Royal and 5th at the International. Record of Shorthorn Prize ll'ininrs 349 MILDRED OF OAK- LAND 101856 I Roan. Thos. Johnson Bloodlines: Scotch. f Whitehall Sultan 163573 Glenbrook Sultan 243185 L J ; Dean * White. E. S. Kelly V T* f Hl " 8th I C. B. Dustin & Son f Marquis of Zenda I.~i7v~4 Pine Grove Mildred 5th I w - s - Marr Roan. W. C. Edwards ] Mildred 9th & Co. R. R. Sangster Prizes: Second senior calf at Ohio State Fair in lull. In 191^ sh* was 1st senior yearling at Iowa State Fair and at the American I and at a public sale at the International she sold fur in I'.H:: she waa 6th prize two-year-old at the American Roy ;l ] ami I'd at In\va State Fair and at this fair she was 1st in class both in 1914 and I'.'i:.. CLIPPER SULTANA 104734 . l'\ \V. Harding ipton Snltan 163570 'Whitehall Stiltanlfl Whit.-. .1. Deane Willia lril|) . Bapton Pearl .1. Deane Willis Idily Star ::n7S08 AI. Cordon Corona Alex T. Gordon Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second junior calf at Iowa State Fair and 7th at the Amer- i< ar Royal in 1911. LAVENDER SUL- TANA 2D 104737... _ ::. P. W. Hardini; {Ilapton Sultan 163570 .1. ! ..,-,,.. \\ illis imp. Bapton Pearl J. Deane Willis len Lavender i:. an, J. K Wil Golden Hero 17 J. A. Countryman & Stockland A. A. l'"raneis Bloodlines: Scotch. Prix-" : sond senior ycarlin.u 1 at [owa State l-'air and fith at the ! loyal in 1911. 350 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners VICTORIA SULTANA 104740 iBapton Sultan 163570 J. Deane Willis Imp. Bapton Pearl J. Deane Willis {Lavender Lad 119937 W T m. Duthie Victoria of Hill Farm 5th C. B. Dustin & Son Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth junior calf at the International in 1911. Roan. F. W. Harding HER EXCELLENCE 106079 Roan. D. Tietjen Straight Marshal 247519. Roan. F. W. Harding Village Belle 3d Roan. Tebo Land & Cattle Co. 'Whitehall Marshal 209776 E. S. Kelly Royal Nora Hanna & Co. Choice Goods 186802 Jas. Durno Imp. Village Belle Wm. Duthie Bloodlines: This breeding does not come up to the standard that has been fixed to measure all-Scotch, but the blood of the great bulls Whitehall Marshal, Whitehall Sultan, Choice Goods and Pride of Morn- ing, sire of imp. Village Belle, ought to give assurance of good results. This breeding is Scotch except that Royal Nora has Bates and other blood below her sire. Prizes: Third junior calf at the International in 1911 and in 1912 she was 3d junior yearling at Iowa State Fair and 2d at both the American Royal and the International. PLEASANT MILDRED 106369. . . Red. Rapp Bros. Gladstone 239313 Roan. E. S. Kelly Orange Blossom 28094... Red. Rapp Bros. ("Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Mina Lavender I Goodfellow Bros. 'Iowa Orange 250702 Jas. Wilson & Sons Flora W. S. Fox Bloodlines: This breeding is of Scotch blood on a foundation of early importations to America. Pleasant Mildred was a remarkably hand- some calf and when Shorthorns were very low sold for $720. Prizes: In 1911 she was 1st senior calf at Iowa State Fair 1st at the American Royal and 1st at the International. She was 2d in class at the American Royal both in 1912 and 1913, and in the latter year she was 2d at the International and 1st at Minnesota State Fair. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 351 DALE'S GIFT 4TH 107198... Roan. Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. Avondale 245144 Roan. E. S. Kelly- Wedding Gift 16th.. Roan. Wm. Smith ("Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis I Imp. Avalanche 2d C. H. Joliffe ("Meadow Lord 160284 George Ar-<> I Wedding Gift 15th Wm. Smith Wedding Gift 16th was one of the best breeders of her time and the numerous prizes won by her produce at national and state shows has been surpassed by very few cows of any time. Prizes: In 1911 she was 7th senior calf at the International and at the American Royal she was 3d and was in 1st calf herd. She was 3d in class at Ohio State Fair in 1912 and 3d in Iowa in 1913. GIFT OF ALBION 107199... Roan. Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. {Speculator 317 111' Amy 3d W. C, rah am Dale's c.ift n ir.o Roan. Carpenter & Ross Avondah- lT.144 I-]. S. Kclly (lift 16th Win. Smith Prizes: Seventh senior calf at the American Royal and 5th at the International in 1911. MAXWALTON BEAU-i TY 107204 \ Roan. Carpenter & Ross Shenstone Albino 317105^ \\ hite. R. P. Cooper 'Speculator 317112 T. B. Earle Amy 3d \V. Graham Imp. Coral Beauty 2d 95735 _| r Ormond Duke 317278 J. D. Fletcher Roan. Jas. Morrison ('oral Beauty Jas. Morrison Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth junior yearling at Ohio State Fair in 1912 and in 1913 she was 4th prize two-year-old at both Iowa and Minnesota State Fairs. 352 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners MAXWALTON MISSIE | 2D 107208 Roan. Carpenter & Ross ("Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Avondale 245144 I Roan. E. S. Kelly j Imp. Avalanche 2d C. H. Jolliffe {Lavender Victor 167130 J. Deane Willis Imp. Missie 144th W. S'. Marr I Imp. Missie 145th Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third senior calf and in 1st calf herd at the International in 1911. In 1913 she was 2d prize two-year-old at Minnesota State Fair, 1st and senior champion at Iowa State Fair and senior and grand cham- pion at the International. MAXWALTON GLOS- TER 3D 107403.... Red. Carpenter & Ross. Bloodlines: Scotch. Avondale 245144...... Roan. E. S. Kelly ("Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis I Imp. Avalanche 2d I C. H. Jolliffe 39th Duchess of Gloster. Roan. Art. Johnston Clan Campbell 125765 S. Campbell Estate 35th Duchess of Gloster Arthur Johnston Prizes: In 1911 she was 1st junior yearling and in 1st get of sire, both at the American Royal and the International. In 1912 she was junior and grand champion at Denver and in 1913 2d in class at Ohio State Fair and 2d at the International. {Royal Diamond 2d W 35 D 8 Flatt Imp. Glosterina 9th .,, ___ .............. 107602. J. Marr Red. S. J. Pearson & [Royal Scot 254069 Son Marchioness 16th 10760 5 J W " G Pettit & S n Red. S. J. Pearson & Marchioness loth 107604 Son [ F. A. Gardner Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third prize two-year-old at the International in 1911. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 353 BONNIE CUMBER- LAND 4TH 107932.- Red, white marks C. A. Saunders ("Cumberland's Last , See A. Cumberland 229822 267738 * \ C. A. Saunders Roan. C. A. Saunders Cherry Sweet Brier L John Johnston Bonnie Ramsden Red. Chas. J. Stuckey Manchester 157 i !'." Geo. Shepherd P.niinie Belle of Oak Grove. Geo. M. Woody Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth prize two-year-old at Iowa State Fair in 1913. GIPSY CUMBERLAND (twin) 107933 Roan. C. A. Saunders {Cumberland u> i:. J. Johnston imp. Lady i>..u.uiass Jas. Durno Gipsy Maid 3d, Jinan. C. B. Dustin & Son The Baron 16" < '. i;. Dustiii & Son Gipsy Maid 2d Nirhls & Gibson Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth prize cow at Ohio State Fair in UK also in 1917. Cumberland's Last 229822.. GIPSY CUMBERLAND 2d 107934 (twin)...^ White. C. A. Saunders Bloodlines: Scotch. White. C. A. Saunders Gipsy Maid 3d, Roan. C. B. Dustin & Son Cumberland 118578 R. J. Johnston Imp. Lady Douglas . Durno fThe Baron 160923 C. B. I >ustin & Bon Gipsy Maid 2d Nichols & Gibson Prizes: Fifth junior calf at Iowa State Fair ami at the American Royal in 1911. 354 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winnt*'S ^Cumberland's Last 229822.. MAID OF THE RING 107939 White. C. A. Saunders White. C. A. Saunders Cumberland 118578 R. J. Johnston Imp. Lady Douglas Jas. Durno Master of the Ring 171376 Maid of the West J C. L. Gerlaugh Roan. Geo. Bothwell ) Sweet Lavender Geo. Bothwell Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth senior calf at the American Royal in 1912. -Cumberland's Last 229822.. TOUCH-ME-NOT 107940... -i Cumberland 118578 R. J. Johnston Roan. C. A. Saunders Bloodlines: Scotch. White. C. A. Saunders Imp. Lady Douglas Jas. Durno Victor Baron 127266 C. B. Dustin & Son Scottish Sempstress. . ... Red. J. R. Crawford I Touch-Me-Not & Sons J. G. Robbins & Sons Prizes: First senior calf at the American Royal and 4th at the Inter- national in 1911, and in 1912 2d senior yearling at the Iowa State Fair. CHEERFUL8TH 108036 White. W. H. Dun- woody Bloodlines: Scotch. {Lavender Clipper 203771 W. D. Flatt Juno of Woodhill W. H. Dunwoody Cheerful 4th , Roan. W. H. Dun- woody 'Golden Mist 182753 Wm. Duthie Imp. Cheerful 2d Alex Campbell Prizes: Fifth senior yearling at the American Royal and 4th at the International in 1912. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 355 COUNTESS 3D 108326., Red. D. R. Hanna Villager 295884 Roan. C. H. Jolliffe Diamond's Rosebud.. Red. D. R. Hanna Village Beau 283883 Wm. Duthie Rosy Cloud C. H. Jolliffe r Bapton Diamond 187000 J. Deane Willis J Viscountess of Fair View 3d [ Purdy Bros. Bloodlines: This breeding is about 90 percent Scotch but in the female line is on descendant of imp. Fashion by Don Juan, the same as the great prize winner, Viscount of Anoka 125081. Prizes: Second junior calf at Ohio State Fair and :M at the Amer- ican Royal in 1911. In 1912 she \vas iM junior yearling in Ohio and 3d at the International. MOSS ROSE6TH White. D. R. Hanna {Whit. -hall Sultan L68673 J. Deane Willis Imp. I.ady in Waiting I'hil.. I,. Mills f Crescent Knight 180433 W. 9. Marr Wm. Duthie | Moss Rose 4th Whit.-. H. <'argill Son Bloodlines: Scotch. Anoka Sultan was sold when a yearling for $2,500 and proved a very prepotent sire in the herd of J. H. Miller, Peru, Indiana. Prizes: Fourth senior calf at the Ohio State F.-iir in V.ul. iM senior yearling in 1912 and 1st at the International. In 1913 she was 3d in (lass at both the American Royal and the International. {Mynie 135022 Win. Duthie Imp. Mistletoe 15th Wm. iMithie 18230 J. Deane Willis f Oxford Alex l-'i Bloodlines: Scotch and Bates. Prizes: Third prize cow at the American Royal in 1918. CRYSTAL MAID 108448. Roan J. F. Stodder 356 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners ROAN QUEEN 108792. Roan. Jas. Leask Bloodlines: Scotch. {Choice of the Ring 187237 W I Wood Gloster Girl Geo. Harding & Son {Magnet 279940 W. C. Edwards & Co. Lady Zenda 2d 59525 N. S. Robertson ROAN QUEEN was a remarkable heifer and was quite successful in the prize ring. Her sire was also sire of the remarkable steers shown at the International by Jas. Leask. Prizes: In 1911 Roan Queen was 1st senior yearling and junior cham- pion at both the American Royal and the International. In 1912 she was 1st prize two-year-old at the American Royal and was grand champion at the International, and at the show she was 1st in class in 1913 and 2d at Minnesota State Fair. [Orange Chief 144650 W. Adams LADY DEVERGOIL 108829.. Red. Earl Maharg Bloodlines: Scotch. Burnbrae King 230620. Red. E. W. Bowen I i mp . Stella [ Robt. Brown r Palermo 226054 Jas. Durno Devergoil 2d J Red. J. G. Robbins & | Devergoil Sons Geo. Mackie Prizes. Second prize cow at the American Royal and 5th at the Inter- national in 1916. Sold March, 1917, for $1,925. LADY VIOLET 5TH 109096. . Roan. Howell Rees ("Golden Goods 253393 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Ruberta's Goods 283807.^ Roan. Tebo Land & I Ruberta Cattle Co. [ J. G. Robbins & Sons I Choice Goods 186802 Jas. Durno May Violet 2d B. O. Cowan Bloodlines: Scotch. This pedigree combines the blood of Choice Goods, Ruberta, St. Val- entine, Craven Knight and Young Abbotsburn. Such a combination gives rich breeding. 'Lady Violet 5th is dam of Cumberland Goods 427610, 1st Futurity calf at the American Royal in 1915. Prizes: Fourth senior yearling at Iowa State Fair and 8th at the American Royal in 1912. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 357 WHITEHALL MAID 109117 . Red. E. S. Kelly Bloodlines: Scotch. .Whitehall Rosedale 320004 Roan. Carpenter & Ross Sweet Maid 5th 44264 Red. C. E. Clarke Avondale 245144 E. S. Kelly Imp. Rosewood Pride Geo. Walker March Knight 188105 C. E. Clarke Imp. Sweet Maid 2d F. W. Christie Prizes: Third senior calf at Ohio State Fair and 4th at the Interna- tional in 1911. Villager l".t:,SS4 Roan. C. H. Jnlliffe VILLAGE PRIMROSE , 109216 \ Roan. D. R. 1 1 anna Beau 295883 Win. Duthie 'loud C, H. I Primrose -d 40123... Red. Carpenter & Ross IAvondale L'45144 iv S. Kelly Primrose .1. <;. Withers Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1911 Village Prim?...- \\.is 1st senior calf at Ohio State Fair, at the American Koyal sin- was I'd. was in :H .-alf herd and 3d get of nd at the International I'd in class and in I'd calf herd. In 1912 she was junior champion at < hio State Fair and at the American Royal 4th in class and in 1st young h<-rd. CLOVERLEAF MIL- DRED 109560.. . Max walton Sultan 305870 . White. Ross Carpenter & lied. Rosenberger & Edwa Bloodlines: Scotch. Mildred 20th Roan. R. A. & J. Watt Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche 2d C. H. Jolliffe ISprin.uhurst 195136 H. Smith Mildred 5th J. & W. B. Watt Max walton Sultan is own brother to Avondale and both proved excel- lent sires. Prizes: Third jui, ; ; ohio State Kair and Nth at the American K"\ a l in I'.Hl and in 1913 I'd pri/.- t WO -year -old in Ohio and hh at the International. 358 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners LAVENDER S. 109696., Red. C. S. Nevius Searchlight 292031 Roan. Thomas, Jame- son & Mitchell Lavender Princess 86810 Red. C. S. Nevius Orange Viscount 157352 W. A. Betteridge 45th Duchess of Gloster Stuart Land & Cattle Co. r Prince Pavonia 207316 C. F. Wolf & Son Lavender Duchess 14th D. K. Kellerman & Son Bloodlines: This breeding is quite largely Scotch but the foundation is from early importation to America. Prizes: Third senior yearling at the American Royal in 1912. ("Avondale 245144 ' Kell y EVENING STAR1098S6J J. G. Biller & fThe Callant 304330 ..... White. Carpenter & Imp> Rosewood Pride Ross Geo. Walker Roan. Son Eva Star 2d 45625 Red. H. T. Bassett {Harmonious 187837 T. K. Tomson & Sons Eva Star H. T. Bassett Bloodlines: The sire is Scotch and the dam has Scotch blood on a foundation of mixed breeding. Prizes: Fifth prize two-year-old at Minnesota State Fair in 1913. SNOW QUEEN 112184. J White. White & Smith Bloodlines: Scotch. {Scottish Pride 128543 Wm. Duthie Secret Superb E. B. Mitchel & Sons Pitlivie Caroline Roan. Robt. Taylor Bold Archer 234833 John Gilmour Imp. Caroline Lord Lovat Prizes: Second junior calf at the International in 1911 and 8th junior yearling at the American Royal in 1912. Record of Shorthorn Prize 359 78TH DUCHESS OF GLOSTER 112340...^ Roan. C. A. Saunders Bloodlines: Scotch. True Cumberland 317602^ White. C. A. Saunders 'th Duchess of Gloster 50997 Red. Jno. R. Saunders Cumberland's Last 229822 C. A. Saunders Wimple's Royal 9796 Geo. B. Bristow rSee A. Cumberland 267738 < '. A. Saunders 76th Duchess of Gloster John R. Saunders Prizes: In 1911 she was 4th junior calf at Iowa State Fair, 2d and in 2d calf herd at the American Royal and at the International 1st in class and in 1st young herd. In 1912 junior champion at both the Iowa State Fair and the American Royal and 1st in class at the International. In 1913 junior champion at Denver. Sold in June, 1916, for $2,050. Glenbrook Sultan 243185H OAKLAND LUCY 3D ! White. E. S. K.-lly 112494 J White. Thos. Johnson Bloodlines: Scotch. of Pine Grove 3d. Roan. W. C. Edwards Co. 'Whit-hall Sultan 163573 .1. !> an.- Willis Victoria nf Hill Farm 8th C. B. Dustin & Son Champion 236025 F>.] wards & Co. fMissie ( (Lucy of Pine Grove W. C, I'M wards & Co. Prizes: First junior calf at Ohio State Fair, 4th at the American Royal and 10th at the International in 1911. QUEEN MILDRED 118851. . Roan. Peter Stewart Bloodlines: Scot li. St. Augustine 352599, R. & w. < Hit. Arg'l College Mildred 13th 109967. Roan. J. & w. i:. Watt f Golden Champion 236019 | W. C. Edwards & Co. Imp. Augusta Duchess [ J. Deane Willis I Royal Wonder 176235 J. & W. B. Watt Mildred 4th J. & W. }>.. Watt Prizes: In 1912 Queen Mildred was 2d prize two-year-old at Iowa State Fair and 4th both at the American Royal and the International. 360 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners HILL KREST LASSIE 123300 Roan. D. Tietjen Bloodlines: Scotch. Corrector 334788 Roan. D. Tietjen [Senator 287609 H. F. Brown 4 Imp. Ballechin Charm- ing Maid I A. Robertson Village Lassie 3d 75219.^ Roan. John Dryden & Son f Prince Gloster 152470 S. C. James & Sons Village Lassie 35181 A. E. Meyer Prizes: Second junior calf at Iowa State Fair and 4th at the Amer- ican Royal in 1912. MISS MISSIE 124891. Red. W. E. Graham Bloodlines: Scotch. Mysie's Champion 335411 Red. W. E. McCuen Blossom's Champion 264558 H. D. Parsons Princess Mysie 3d H. D. Parsons rClaverburn Gloster 243008 Missie 3d 124890 J E,. R. Silliman Red. W. E. Graham Missie Lily 15658 W. E. Graham Prizes: Fifth senior yearling at Iowa State Fair and 7th at the Amer- ican Royal in 1913. MISSIE 3D 125641 (twin) * [ Fancy's Pride 182014 Geo. Bruce Baron Foxglove 231479. J Roan. N. A. Lind Cherry Grove Foxglove M. E. Jones & Son Red, white marks Wm. Herkelmann Bloodlines: Scotch. Missie 2d 66121... Red, little white C. L. McClellan {Aberdeen Chief 219839 J. & W. B. Watt Glendale Missie 10613 C. L. McClellan Prizes: Fifth junior calf at Iowa State Fair in 1912 and 5th junior yearling in 1913. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 361 CHRISTABEL 125721... Roan. \V. W. Brown Bloodlines: S Bapton Ensign' Bapton Chief 227581. . . J " Deane Willis Roan. C. E. Clarke Imp . Fairplay 4th \Vm. Duthie {Golden Czar 200253 \V. K Christian & Son Duchess Avalanche \V. F. Christian & Son Prizes: At the American l^yal sin- was .~th junior yearling in 1912 and 4th prize two-year-old in 1913 and 3d pri: ir-nld at the Min- ta State Fair. LANCASTER DUCH- ESS 7TH 125860. . Red. The Farmer : m Bloodlines: Scotch. (0054 Roan. Ardmore Stock Co. 3d Co. 710 !:. H. MEcCutcheon M of Ard- more !'. nls fSup ;7io !:. M. MeCutcheon I nicliess of Lancaster 16th A r.] more Stock Co. Prizes: In 1913 2d junior yearling ,1 and the I c-liampion at Mi: In 1914 senior and .uran-1 champion at Io i-'air and grand cham- pion at Denver. MARIA 125862. Stock : rmer i m Bloodlines: Scotch. heon i of Ard- more F. A. Edwards irke Airdrie 4th "g& Second senior ! in 1913. 362 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners DALE'S GIFT 41150 BRED BY CARPENTER & ROSS, MANSFIELD, OHIO MAXWALTON MLSSIE 2D 107208 BRED BY CARPENTER & ROSS, MANSFIELD, OHIO Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 363 BRITISH COUNTESS 126927 Roan. Rookwood Farm Bloodlines: Scotch. Count Avon 334946 Roan. Carpenter & Ross British Victoria 85282, Red. C. F. Curtiss Avondale 245144 E. S. Kelly Imp. Lady Marjory J. Deane Willis British Glory 180304 Geo. Walker Royal Victoria A. L. Ai The sire of British Countess was grand champion at the International and her grandsire Avondale was a most remarkable breeder. Prizes: At the Iowa State Fair I'.ritish Countess was 4th senior rulf in 1912 and 3d senior yearling in 1913. SITTYTON ANNA 127036 . Roan. Thos. Johnson Bloodlines: Scotch. i" Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Victoria Of Mill Farm 8th C. R Dustin & Son Anoka 125079 Geo. Harding & Son Mary Anne of Uleiiwood Win. ^ 'uniniinus \ Son Mary An in- of Red. Geo. Harding & Son Prizes: Second senior calf at Iowa State Fair, 7th at the American Royal and 5th at the International in 1912. In 1913 1st senior yearling at Minnesota State Fair, 1st and junior champion at the American Royal and 7th at the International. BETTY DALE 127136.. Red, little white Owen Kane Double Dale 337156 Roan. Carpenter & Ross I Arabella 2d 63490 Roan. Tebo Lai Cattle Co. Avondale 245141 E. S. Kelly Maxwalton Rosewood 12640 Carpenter & Ross The Conqueror L' 15051 o Land & Cattle Co. Aral" G. M. Casey Bloodlines: Scotch blood on mixed foundation. Prizes: Second junior calf at the International in 1 yearling in 1913 and 5th at the American Royal. '364 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners WELLINGTON LAS- SIE 2D 127141..... White. Owen Kane Double Dale 337156... Roan. Carpenter & Ross Good Lassie Roan. Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Avondale 245144 E. S. Kelly Maxwalton Rosewood 12640 Carpenter & Ross Choice Goods 186802 Jas. Durno Golden Lassie John McHugh Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third junior calf at the International in 1912. BONNIE DUCHESS 127354 Roan. Rapp Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. [ Whitehall Sultan 163573 Gladstone 239313 I J - Deane Willis Roan. E. S. Kelly 1 Mina Laven der Goodfellow Bros. 5th Duchess of Gloster 70818 Red. J. G. Brenizer rCuster Butterfly 279472 Philip Erbes 3d Duchess of Gloster 13417 J. G. Brenizer Prizes: Fifth senior calf at Iowa State Fair in 1912 and at the Inter- national she was 2d in 1912 and 5th in class in 1913. HERDSMAN'S QUEEN 127355 Red. Rapp Bros. Gladstone 239313 Roan. E. S. Kelly Cherry Blossom.... Red. Chas. Rapp Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Mina Lavender Goodfellow Bros. 1 Robin 336170 W. S. Fox Cherry W. S. Fox Bloodlines: This breeding is Scotch blood in the sire on a mixed foundation in the dam. Prizes: Eighth senior calf at the International in 1912 and 2d senior yearling in 1913. Record of Shorthorn Prize Wuiners 365 CUMBERLAND'S DARLING 127375... -I Koan. Klmendorf Farm King Cumberland 288383 Roan. F. O. Lowden Imp. Polmaise Grace Cumberland's Last 229822 C. A. Saunders .Miss \\'alpole Jas. Walpole plillicent Chief 324891 Lord Lovat Roan. A. B. Murray Graceful Maid :id A. B. Murray Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third senior calf at the International in MAXWALTON QUEEN 127524 Roan. ( 'arpent- : lines: Scotch. f Whitehall Sultan 163573 fAvondale 245144 I J ' 1>eane Willis Roan. E. S. Kelly j Imp Avalanche 2d [ C\ H. JollitTe /-Highland <'hampion .'188 Highland Queen 46493.. J Win. Duthie Eled. I. M. A- SoOtfl r,th Son Ki.rl-fs ! Prizes: Second junior yearling at Ohio Stat .Fair in 1913 and 4th lrixt> cow in 1915. In 1916 she was 1st at Minnesota State Fair. 1st at the American Royal and 4th at the International. In 1:17 s ; Lflt in class at both the American Royal and the International and was grand champion at Iowa State. Fair. In October, 1917, she sold for $4,200. MAXWALTON ROAN LADY 127525.. Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. Avondale 245144 Roan. E. S. Kelly | Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche 2d I C. H. Jolliffe 1 crown 306269 J. L. Reid Imp. Roan Lady 36th 70925 Roan. T. A. Buttar 1 Red T. A. Buttar Prizes: At Ohio State Fair she was 3d senior calf in 1912, 1st senior yearling in 1913 and at the International that year she was 1st in class, in 1st young herd and 1st get of sire. In 1914 she was 3d in class in Ohio, 3d also in 1915 and iM at the American Royal. In 1916 she was 1st at the International and at Denver grand champion, both in 19K 1917. 366 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners DALE'S DOROTHY 127602 . fAvondale 245144 Roan. E. S. Kelly Whitehall Sultan 161573 .T. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche 2d C. H. Jolliffe Roan. Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. {Scottish Fancy 157741 W. S. Marr Lady Dorothy 33d Wm. Duthie Prizes: Fourth senior yearling at Iowa State Fair and 5th at Minne- sota State Fair in 1913. DUCHESS OF GLOS- TER 127621.. Roan. Anoka Farms Bloodlines: Scotch. I Whitehall Sultan 163573 Sultan Mine 320273.... J J - ^ane Willis Roan. F. W. Harding Lady Zenda 4th 8516 (. N. S. Robertson {Baron Gloster 101657 I. Barr & Son Queen of Scots Robt. Miller Prizes: Fourth senior calf at the American Royal and 7th at the International in 1912. In 1913 she was 2d senior yearling at Iowa State Fair, 3d in Minnesota, 4th at the American Royal and 6th at the Inter- national. Sultan Mine 320273 4 Roan. F. W. Harding FANCY MINE 127622.. White. Anoka Farms Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Lady Zenda 4th 8516 N. S. Robertson r Pride of Morning 120551 I Wm. Duthie limp. Proud Fancy J Roan. Wm. Duthie Fancy 9th [ Wm. Duthie Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1913 she was 3d senior yearling at Ohio State Fair, 3d at the American Royal and 3d at the International. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 367 ,, Leader of Fashion 300790.. VILLAGE ROSE 2D 127626. . Roan. Anoka Farms Roan. F. \V. Harding | Village Rose Roan. H. Smith Whitehall Marshal 209776 E. S. Kelly Imp. Shenstone Princess Henry Budding fAbbotsford 126696 J. & W. B. Watt j Village Gem H. & W. Smith Bloodlines: Scotch. VILLAGE ROSE 2D has very distinguished ancestry. Her sin-, grand- sire and great grandsire, Whitehall Sultan, were n<>ted prize winners a ml breeders. Her maternal grandsire, Abbottsfnnl, was half brother to the famous Young Abbottsburn. Prizes: Fourth junior yearling at Iowa State Fair in LESPEDEZA BRACE LET 127782. . Roan. LespedezaFarm Imperial < ; Roan. K. W. BO Sweet Bracelet 67986. . Roan. E. W. Bowen Everlasting 24L ) 7L'7 C. !:. 'larke Lady dl.-ster 6th I. -M. Forbes & Son 2.J9864 Cattle Co. Land Lad's J. CJ. Knbbins & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second prize two-year-old at Ohio State Fair in 1914. FANCY GOODS 127867.. I Joan. Howell Rees & Sons ("Golden Goods 2533S3 Tebo La le Co. Ruberta's Goods 283807." Roan. Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Ruberta J. G. RoMiins Sons Gay Choice 13918 Red. Bellows Bros. fGood Choic. Land & Cattle Co. J Gay Gloster 3d Geo. P. Bell" Bloodlines: About 90 percent Scotch on descendants in the female line of imp. Young Mary. Prizes: Sixth junior yearling at the American Royal and 6th at the International in 1913. 368 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners JUNE GOODS 127869. Roan. Howell Rees & Sons (Golden Goods 253393 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Roberta's Goods 283807. J Roan. Tebo Land & 1 Ruberta Cattle Co. (_ J. G. Robbins & Sons f Nonpareil King 153467 F. A. Edwards | Lady Patron 4th 85320. _j Red. Howell Rees I Lady Patron 3d J. P. Raffenberg Bloodlines: Scotch on mixed foundation. Prizes: Fifth .junior yearling in 1912 and 5th prize two-year-old in 1913 at the American Royal. RUBY GOODS 127874... Red. Howell Rees & Sons Ruberta's Goods 283807.^ Roan. Tebo Land & Cattle Co. j Aurora I Red. O. M. Bumgar- ne.r & Sons Golden Goods 253393 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Ruberta J. G. Robbins & Sons Champion 127086 I. Barr Sons Mazurka 2d of Maple- wood M. Eirich & Co. Bloodlines: Scotch on descendants of imp. Mazurka by Harbinger, brought over in 1853 and sold to R. A. Alexander for $3,050. Mazurka was half sister to Matadore (11800), used as a herd bull by Amos Cruickshank. Prizes: Third junior calf at the American Royal in 1912. In 1913 she was 8th junior yearling at this show and at the Iowa State Fair 2d and 3d prize two-year-old in 1914. CHOICE VICTORIA 127901 . . Roan. Purdy Bros. {Best of Goods 262678 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Barmpton's Queen of Beauty R. T. Scott rLord Champion 254700 C. A. Saunders | Grandiflora 59978 J Victoria of Glenwood L Red, little white 23d Purdy Bros. [ O. W. Cummings Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth junior yearling at the American Royal in 1912. In May, 1917, she sold for $1,350. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 369 COUNTESS VICTORIA 127902 Red & white Purdy Bros. {Lord Level 130157 J. G. Bobbins & Sons Sweetheart 2d O. H. Southworth | Golden Victoria 81849..^ I Red. D. R. Buaick Golden Drop 17189C Albert Hurrah Riverside Victoria Queen 4th Albert Hurrah Prizes: Third senior calf at the American Royal in lull' and 5th senior yearling in 1913. Level 130157 Sons MONARCH'S VICTO- RIA 127903 Red. little white Purdy ! f .1. Old Lancaster 253007 Al- x Crombie Scotch Lassie 18997 J. ^ f prince Imp. Mabel of Know-' j D head 75952 J . Red. T. Mclntosh Mabel 3d Prince Victor 17::'.'L'l Fletcher Miss Hepburn I'doudlines: Scotch. Prizes:- Second senior yearling at the International in i:li'. VILLAGE BLYTHE- SOME 141638.... Red. D. R. Hanna {Village H.-au 295883 Wm. Duthie Cloud C. II. Jolliffe Blythesome <:ii-i *- Red. I >. II. Hanna Royal Diamond 241076 D. R. Hanna I'.Iytli. i Md H. Cargil] ^ Son Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second junior calf at the A loyal in 1913. f Ringmaster 307894 Roan. C. E. Clarke RINGMASTER'S QUEENIE 145568... 4 Roan. White & Smith ;IOSUT 134513. Roan. C. E. darke J. H. Anderson C. E. Clarke C Bapton Nonpareil :. C. E. Clarke -I Gloster I.ady John I'doo, llines: S : Eighth prize cow at the Int. i in 1918. 374 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners SNOW GIRL'S QUEEN 148800 Roan. A. W. Foster {King Edward 172814 W. R. Nelson Greenwood Mary J. H. Glide Snow Girl 83380 Roan. A. W. Foster ("Best Bank 210567 C. B. Wade I Snowball 33475 T. Douglas & Son Bloodlines: This breeding is a combination of blood lines. The grand- sire, King Edward, was reserve senior champion at Louisiana Purchase Exposition and was grand champion at the Lewis and Clark Exposition in 1905. This breeding has the blood of several early importations, includ- ing Young Mary and Old Willey. Prizes: First prize two-year-old and senior champion at the Panama- Pacific Exposition in 1915. COLLYNIE MARIE 149024 Roan. Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. Shenstone Albino 317105.. White. R. P. Cooper Dale's Gift 41150 Roan. Carpenter & Ross Speculator 317112 T. B. Earle Amy 3d W. Graham fAvondale 245144 E. S. Kelly I Wedding Gift 16th Wm. Smith Prizes: Third junior yearling at Iowa State Fair and 4th at Minne- sota in 1913. SUNSHINE 7TH Roan. S. G. Eliason Bloodlines: Scotch. iSnowflake 263207 J. H. Anderson Lady Dorothea 3d C. E. Clarke f American Archer 282995 F. O. Lowden Sunshine 4th 59586 4 Roan. S. G. Eliason I Sunshine 3d P. R. Stoffel & Son The sire of Sunshine 7th was the most noted prize winner of modern times. Prizes: Second senior calf at Minnesota State Fair in 1913 and 4th senior yearling at Iowa Fair in 1914. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 375 ISABELLA 149202.... White. Owen Kane ( Double Dale 337156 j Roan. Carpenter & Ross I Isabella F. 40788 I Roan. D. B. Searle Avondale 245144 E. S. Kelly Maxwalton Rosewood 12640 Carpenter & Ross {-Choice Knight 253397 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. I Scottish Isabelle 2d Purdy Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth junior yearling at the American Royal in 1913. LADY FRAGRANT 6TH 149204.. f Avondale 24.' 1 41 Double Dale 337156.... I E - S " Kell y Roan. Carpenter & 1 Maxwalt.m Rosewood 12640 Carpenter & Ross Ross Roan. Owen Kane Baron's 63039 Red. C. A. Saunders Baron Dust in I Gipsy 1 J C. B. I Lady Kramatit :M 19354 C. A. Saunters Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth junior calf at thf InU-nwtional in 1912. SWEET AFTON 3D 149205.. White. Owen Kane (Villager 295884 C. H. Jolliffe Augustine 354344 J Roan. D. R. Hanna j Imp. Augusta 83d 30671 Jas. Morrison Sweet Afton li'4L' Roan. Carpenter & Rose (-Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis I Imp. Avalanche 2d C. H. Jolliffe Bloodlines: Scotch. The granddam of Sweet Afton 3d is dam of Avondale. Prizes: Third senior calf and in 1st calf herd at the American Royal in 1913, 376 The Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners fAvondale 245144 r . E. S. Kelly Double Dale 337156 \ Maxwalton Rosewood WELLINGTON GOL- DIE 2D 149206.. . . J Roan. Carpenter Ross 12640 Carpenter & Ross Roan. Owen Kane ("Choice Goods 186802 Jas. Durno I Goldie's Jewel J Red. Tebo Land & I Lad's Goldie Cattle Co. J. G. Robbins & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second junior calf at the American Royal in 1913. VERBENA OF OAK- DALE 149617 Red, little white F. R. Edwards f Whitehall Sultan 163573 Maxwalton Sultan j Deane Willis 305870 -.. J I White. Carpenter & Imp. Avalanche 2d Ross I C. H. Jolliffe {Lovely Prince 263521 J. Gardhouse & Son Vanilla 3d 631 J. & W. B. Watt Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third prize cow at Minnesota State Fair in 1916 and in 1917 she was 8th in Iowa, 2d at the American Royal and 4th at the Interna- tional. In December, 1917, she sold for $4,800. SILVER MYSIE 149735^ Roan. Geo. H. Burge | {Scotch Sultan 296331 F. W. Harding Glenfoyle Flower Girl A. Chrystal r Money Musk 186542 Geo. H. Burge | Mysie Mae 85730 J Red. Geo. H. Burge I Mysie of Wayside Geo. H. Burge Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1913 Silver Mysie was 6th senior calf at the International and 3d at the Minnesota State Fair, and at Iowa State Fair she was 2d in 1913 and 2d senior yearling in 1914. The Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 377 LAUREL 149776 Roan. W. W. Brown British Glory 180304 British Knight 322593..: Ge - Walker White. C. F. Curtiss | Laura Knight 2d E. R. Stangland f Sharon Marshal 121136 Aaron Barber Laura Marshal -| Red. M. A. Wagner Blush Rose r.arlry Wanner Bloodlines: This breeding is Scotch blood on foundation of early importations. Prizes: Fifth junior calf at Minnesota St it.- Fair and 1M at the American Royal in 1913. White. J. A. Whit. -hall Sultan 163573 j. Deane Willis DAINTY 12TH 150324.. \ ("air Acres Sultan :'.r.4ir.4 White. K W. Harding] Snowbird 11648 I ha int. v LM J:;L".U L Roan. F. O. Lowden iMiiinus Archer 17: ' I-'. W. Harding Mario's I ! . B. C. Rurasey Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth senior calf at the Intn national in 1913. FAIR ACRES NELL 150334.. J. A. Kilgour {Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Snowbird 11648 EX Clarke Golden Favrite 240626 A. Cargill & B Diamond Nellie D. R. Hanna Golden Nell 40117 Red. D. R. Hanna Third junior calf at the International in I'.M: 1 .. 1st jiniim- ling and junior champion at Iowa State Fair in ITU I and 3d in class at the i*c:ui i:iyal in 1915. Sold for $1,775 at pultlic sale June, 1918. Bloodlines: Scotch. 378 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners PROUD ROSE 150343. White. C. F. Curtiss f Whitehall Sultan 163573 Fair Acres Sultan j Deane wmis 354154 J White. F. W. Harding Snowbird 11648 [ C. E. Clarke rGay Victor 171933 C. E. Forest Primrose . . .-I Janesville Champion Roan. J. A. Kilgour I Ros e 106th [ Walter Little Bloodlines: Scotch on descendants of imp. White Rose by Publicola. Prizes: First senior calf at the International in 1913 and 1st senior yearling at Iowa State Fair in 1914. LESPEDEZA BLOS- SOM 152176 Roan. Lespedeza Farm ("Scotch Goods 259864 r Scotch Legacy 354285.. J Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Roan. E. W. Bowen Missie's Legacy 15293 j IE. W. Bowen {Rustler 242648 W S Marr Cherry Blossom 6th A. Chrystal Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second senior calf at the International in 1913 and 2d senior yearling at Ohio State Fair in 1914. AUGUSTA 112TH 152321 Red. Anoka Farms Fond Memory 320270 Roan. F. W. Harding [Whitehall Sultan 163573 Deane Willis Victoria of Hill Farm C. B. Dustin & Son fLord Lancaster 270685 H. Cargill & Son j Augusta 110th 121392...-! Norwood Augusta 4th Roan. R. O. Miller 38087 [ R. O. Miller Bloodlines: Scotch. Fond Memory is a full brother to the great sire Glenbrook Sultan 243185. Prizes: In 1913 Augusta 112th was 4th senior calf at Minnesota State Fair, 3d at the International and 1st at the American Royal, and at Iowa State Fair she was 1st in 1913 and 3d in class in 1914. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 379 [Fond Memory 320270.... Roan. F. W. Harding FOND FANNY 152325. Red. Anoka Farms Bloodlines: Scotch. Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Victoria of Hill Farm 8th C. B. Dustin & Son f Manchester 157725 Early Morning 24919... J Ge ' Sh *P herd Red. Chas. J. Stuckey | Fairy Morning Cochrane I Fairy M M. H. Those who find pleasure in studying pedigrees may be interested in the statement that the sire of Fond Fanny is an own brother to Glenbrook Sultan 243185. Prizes: Second junior calf at Iowa State Fair, 2d at Minnesota and 4th at the American Royal in 1913. SCOTTISH LADY 2D 152329.. White. Anoka Farms Memory :'.-"270 Roan. F. W. Harding Imp. Scottish l.ady. . . . White. John Young Whin-hall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Victoria of Hill Farm 8th C. B. Dustin & Son .sh Prince 149661 Win. Duthie Cinderella John Young Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth junior calf at the American Royal in 1913. Avondale 245144 Roan. E. S. Kelly MAXWALTON GLOS- TER 6TH 152498. Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche 2d C. H. Jolliffe Roan. Carpenter & Ross fClan Campbell 125765 S. Campbell Estate I 39th Duchess of GlosterJ Roan. Arthur John- 35th Duchess of Gloster ston Arthur Johnston Bloodlines: Scotch. I'rixes: Eighth prize cow at the International in 1916. In March, 1917, she sold for $2,000. 380 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners VILLAGE FLOWER 3D 152931 Roan. D. R. Hanna Bloodlines: Scotch. ("Village Beau 295883 Wm. Duthie Villager 295884 J Roan. CL H. Jolliffe 1 Rosy Cloud C." H. Jolliffe Flower Girl 12th 40115 Roan. A. Chrystal J- Penn; 2; W. fPennan Commander 239340 Craigie | Imp. Flower Girl llth R. Copland Prizes: Third junior calf at Iowa State Fair, 4th in Minnesota and 6th at the American Royal in 1913. Avondale 245144 Roan. E. S. Kelly MAXWALTON JUBI LEE 153016.. Roan. Carpenter & Ross I Jubilee 4th Red. Michael & Pringle f Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche 2d [ C. H. Jolliffe r Prime Minister 211526 S. F. Lockridge I Jubilee Michael & Pringle Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second junior yearling at Ohio State Fair in 1914. In 1915 2d prize two-year-old at Iowa State Fair, 2d at the American Royal and 1st in class at Denver in 1916. In July, 1915, she brought $1,500 at public sale. LOVELY GOODS MISSi 153149 -I Roan. Purdy Bros. (Best of Goods 262678 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Standard Goods 333018. J Barmpton Qu6en of Roan. Bellows Bros. I Beauty R. T. Scott fLord Champion 254700 I Lady Lovely 2d 115903.. \ . A. Saundera Red, little white I Lovely of Fairview 2d Purdy Bros. ^ Purdy Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth senior calf at the American Royal in 1913. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 381 PAULINE GOODS 153150.. Red. Purdy Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. [Best of Goods 262678 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Standard Goods 333018. J Barmpton Queen of Roan. Bellows Bros. Beauty R. T. Scott IQUtapur 92520 A. Cruickshank 8th Pauline of Glen- wood Wm. Cummings & Son Prizes: First junior calf at the American Royal an 22751 Red. .1. I-'. Choice Knight L.T.3397 nd ^ Cattle Co. l :;n;ni -M. I-:. Jones ., Victoria fount 141842 I'liilo I,. Mills <;..l'lon Pride 4th J. \-\ Prather mes: ScolHi. Prizes: Fourth junior calf at the International in 1913. ANOKA CLIPPER 156245.. f Sultan Stamp :!34'.t71. . . White. K \v. Harding f Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. I >eane \Viilis Rachel's Daughter Wm. Craigie Annl\a Farms r 340771 A. T. <;\Vfu Kane Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth prize two-y-;:r-old at Iowa State I-'air and 5th at Un- American Royal in 1915. Cumberland's Best 334805 GIPSY CUMBERLAND; 3D 166289 j Roan. C. A. Saunders I Bloodlines: Scotch. White. C. A. Saunders Cumberland's Last 229822 C. A. Saunders Pro Narcissus 2d okson Bros. C Cumberland's Last 229822 Countess 65193.. .-( C. A. Saunders Roan. C. A. Saunders I Gipsy Maid 3d C. B. Dustin & Son Prizes: First senior calf at Iowa State Fair in 1914 and 1st senior yearling in 1915. In a public sale June, 1916, she brought $3,030. 384 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners The Dutchman 282689 E. E. Souers Saranac 3,55331 Roan. J. G. Robbins | Sunday 45466 JULIETTE 158351 \ Roan. J. G. Robbins & Sons & Sons J. G. Robbins & Sons f Lucky Pride 2"d 228570 Frank W. Cotton Red Julia 90345 (twin).J Red. Frank W. Cot- Imp. Julia I A ton. A. Robertson Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: First junior calf at the International in 1913 and at Ohio State Fair 1st junior yearling in 1914 and 2d prize two-year-old in 1915. CUCKOO BEAUTY 2D 172503 Roan. W. A. Weber [Royal Village 402445 Geo. B. Bristow White Oak 402449 J White. JohnBoland Lady Broadhooks 172521 (. Robt. Mercer ,-King of Mizpah 402438 W. J. Stinson Cuckoo Beauty 172502. J Strathnairn Lass 2d Roan. W. A. Weber | Jas. Bowes Bloodlines: Scotch on a mixed foundation. Prizes: Fifth prize two-year-old at Iowa State Fair and 6th at the American Royal in 1917. ANOKA ROSE 2D 172760 'Sultan Stamp 334974...^ White. F. W. Harding White. Anoka Farms Bloodlines: Scotch. Sayer's Rose 101915... Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Rachel's Daughter W. Craigie Leader of Fashion 300790 F. W. Harding Roan. F. W. Harding I Moss Rose 2d 52475 F. O. Lowden Prizes: Second junior calf at Iowa State Fair in 1914 and in 1915 she was 4th junior yearling and at the American Royal was 10th. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 385 MAXWALTON MINA 6TH 172874.. Avondale 245144 Roan. E. S. Kelly Roan. Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. Mina Princess 2d Red. John Miller & Sons [Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche 2d [ C. H. Jolliffe [Sittyton Stamp 110269 Wm. Duthie Mina's Julia Jas. Leask Prizes: First senior yearling and junior champion at Ohio State Fair in 1914 and 5th prize cow at the American Royal in 1916. In June, 1916, she brought $2,000 at auction. DOROTHY MINE 175046.. f Sultan Mine 320273 4 Roan. F. W. Harding Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Lady Zenda 4th 8516 X. S. Robertson Red and white Carpenter & Ross rAvondale 245144 Max walton Rosewood E. S. Kelly 2d 124939 jimp. Rosewood 92d Roan. Carpenter & 45357 Ross \V. D. Morrison Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third junior yearling at Iowa State P'air in 1915 and at the American Royal she was 1st and junior champion. MAUDE 64TH 176018. Roan. A. C. Shallen- berger {Victor's Roan Duke 189598 H. Cargill & Son Maude 50th A. C. Shallenberger jimp. Maude 44th... I Red. W. S. Marr ILovat Star 167141 Lord Lovat Maude 37th W. S. Marr Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth senior yearling at Iowa State Fail- and at Un- American Royal in 1915. 386 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners DAI RSI E LASS 3D 176325 Archer Sultan 317159...^ White. S. G. Eliason American Archer 282995 P. O. Lowden Scottish Lady 28887 F. W. Harding Roan. S. G. Eliason [Ringmaster 307894 C. E, Clarke jDairsie Lass 2d 149100.. J Red. White & Smith | Dairsie Maid 3d 47816 I C. E. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second prize two-year-old at Iowa State Fair, 2d in Minne- sota and 9th at the International in 1916. MAXWALTON CROWN ROSE 176761 ....... J fAvondale 245144 Roan. E. S. Kelly White. Ross Carpenter & Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche 2d C. H. Jolliffe TGolden Chief 209657 J. K. Alexander | Crown Rose 7th 16335..^ Roan. J. K. Alexander Crown Rose 3d Geo. W. Thomas Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third prize two-year-old at Iowa State Fair and 4th at the American Royal in 1915. MAXWALTON MINA 8TH 176765 Roan. Carpenter Ross fAvondale 245144 Roan. E. S. Kelly Maxwalton Mina 2d 86601 - 'Roan. Carpenter & Ross {Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Avalanche 2d C. H. Jolliffe fAvondale 245144 E. S. Kelly I Mina Princess 4th 12641 Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. This cow is rich in the blood of Avondale. Prizes: In 1915 she was senior and grand champion at Ohio State Fair and the American Royal. In 1916 she was 1st at Ohio 2d at the American Royal and 3d at the International. In 1917 1st at Ohio and 3d at both the American Royal and the International, and in 1918 1st at Indi- ana State Fair, 2d at Ohio and 5th at the International. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 387 (Avondale 245144 Maxwalton Renown ' E g Ke n y f 367543 I White. Carpenter & 1 Imp. Lavender Bloom MAXWALTON ROSE- Ross J. Deane Willis WOOD 4TH 176766 .\ TGolden Prince 306267 Roan. Carpenter & | Imp. Rosewood 92d R Copland Ross 45357 J I Roan. W. D. Morrison | Rosewood 76th I Robt. Bruce Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth junior yearling at the American Royal in 1915 and iM at Ohio State Fair. fCumberland's Last Scotch Cumberland 229822 348063 .............. J ,-. A. Baund Roan. C. A. Saunders I Golden Sempstress 28032 c A S aunder s r Young Demonstrator Roan. Macmillan & j 206082 Macmillan I Eva. 121295 ............. J F. n. ] >ivan Roan. R, C. Jones | j a i i:>se9th Walter Little Bloodlines: This breeding is Scotch on a mixed foundation. Prizes: Third senior yearling at the American Royal in 1915. {Cumberland's Last 229822 C. A. Saunders Golden Sempstress 28032 ^n-u, ,,ooo, i C - A " Bunders Roan. Macmillan & ! f R >' al C ' 2 >- Macmlllan | Red Roan Lady 176583..J HerrBroa & Reyi Red. Macmillan & I Imperial Doris 99832 Macmillan Bloodlines: This breeding is of Scotch blood through the sire and maternal grandsire on a foundation that goes back through in. by DeVeaux (1916). Prizes: Second junior yearling at the Ameriran Royal in 388 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners LADY VIOLET 7TH 180078 White. Sons f Ruberta's Goods 283807 -< Roan. Tebo Land & | Ruberta ("Golden Goods 253393 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Cattle Co. J. G. Robbins & Sons H. Rees & | f Choice Goods 186802 Jas. Durno Lady Violet 3d J Roan. Tebo Land & May Violet 2d Cattle Co. B. O. Cowan Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third senior calf at Iowa State Fair in 1914 and 3d senior yearling in 1915 and during this year she was 1st at Denver and 1st at the American Royal. In 1916 she was 1st prize two-year-old at the Amer- ican Royal and 4th at the International and senior champion, both in Iowa and Nebraska. In May, 1918, she was sold for $2,100. LOVELY GOODS 180080 Roan. Howell Rees & Sons Ruberta's Goods 283807. Roan. Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Golden Goods 253393 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Ruberta J. G. Robbins & Sons Monarch Cup 141577 J. E. Britain | Lady Cup 36342. Roan. John S. Lewis I Lady 6th Jr. W. J. Isaac Bloodlines: This breeding is essentially of Scotch blood, but Monarch Cup is a descendant of imp. Young Phyllis. Prizes: Seventh junior yearling at the American Royal and 8th at the International in 1913 and 2d prize two-year-old at Iowa State Fair in 1914. LAVINIA CUMBER- LAND 3D 180195... Roan. C. A. Saunders ( Cumberland's Last Cumberland's Best 229822 334805 \ C. A. Saunders White. C. A. Saun- Pro Narcissus 2 d ders Cookson Bros. ("Martinet 187766 John Miller & Sons | Lavinia 2d J Red. Stuart Land & | Imp. Lavinia Cattle Co. L Wm. Duthie Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Senior and grand champion at Denver and senior and grand champion at Iowa State Fair in 1915 and 2d in class at the International in 1917. In February, 1918, she brought $1,225 at public sale. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 389 C Prince Cumberland CUMBERLAND LASS 180293 Red. Herr Bros. & Reynolds Cumberland Ideal 35589s Bood Stock Farm Roan. Herr Bros. & Mina Ivanhoe 2d 47857 Reynolds Pretty Lass 109847... Red. Herr Bros. & Reynolds I John Davidson [Golden Sultan 317179 Herr Bros. & Reynolds I Florodora Frank Herr Bloodlines: This breeding is mainly Scotch and combines the blood of the great sires Whitehall Sultan and Cumberland's Last, but in the female line the foundation runs through imp. Miss Hudson by Hermes (8145), ancestress of the Loudon Duchesses. Prizes: First junior calf at Iowa State Fair in 1914. SARAH BELLE 180673J Red. J. G. Robbins & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. [Saranac 355331 I Roan. J. G. Robbins & Sons The Dutchman 282689 E. E. Souers Sunday 45466 J. G. Robbins & Sons [Lord Lasaile 208139 Lord Roseberry Village Belle 4th J Roan. Fnrnk \\'. Cot- I Village Belle 3d ton John Stitt Prizes: At Ohio State Fair Sarah Belle was 1st senior calf in 1914 and 1st senior yearling in 1915. BONNIE BELLE 14TH 180802, Roan. J. A. Kilgour fF;iir Acres Sultan 354154^ White. F. W. Harding | Knight's Bonnie 55498. ^ Red. John Rasmess Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Snowbird 11648 C. E. Clarke Red Knight 174212 B. C. Rumsey Bonnie Belle Mahone S. G. Crawford Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: First senior yearling at Iowa State Fair and 4th at the Amer- ican Royal in 1915. In 1916 she was 3d in class, both at Minnesota State Fair and the International and in 1917, 6th at the International and 4th at the American Royal. In March, 1918, she sold for $2,370. 390 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners SILVER NELL 180804. Roan. J. A. Kilgour {Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Fnowbird 11648 C. E. Clarke | Golden Nell 40117 i Red. D. R. Hanna f Golden Favorite 240626. H. Cargill & Son I Diamond's Nellie D. R. Hanna Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1915 she was 1st junior yearling and junior champion at Iowa State Fair and 6th at the American Royal. I Superb Goods 333019 Bellows Bros. Queen of Beauty 20th 81014 Bellows Bros. DALE 12TH 181295J Roan. Bellows Bros, j Hampton's Lovely Red. C. D. Bellows ("Hampton's Best 170 818 C. B. Dustin & Son I Lovely of Greendale 3d R. T. Scott Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth senior calf at Iowa State Fair in 1914. TRILBY ALLEN 181418. Roan. Rapp Bros. I Edith Allen 118574.. ^ Red. Geo. Allen [Gladstone 239313 E. S. Kelly Vmase B1 oo m [ F. O. Lowden fVictor Sultan 296335 F. W. Harding -j I Barmpton Lady 3d Geo. Allen Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second junior calf at Iowa State Fair, 2d junior yearling at Denver and in 1916 she was 4th prize two-year-old at the American Royal and 6th at the International. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 391 FAIR GIFT 182698 Roan. J. W. McDer- mott Good Count 338610 4 Roan. J. W. McDer- mott Fair Goods 253391 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Cloverdale Countess W. C. Edwards & Co. IShenstone Albino 317105 R. P. Cooper Wedding Gift 16th Wm. Smith Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth senior yearling at Iowa State Fair and 2d at the Amer- ican Royal in 1915. In 1916 she was 2d prize two-year-old at Ohio State Fair and 1st and senior champion at the International. In March, 1916, she sold for $2,000. LAVENDER MAID 187905.. Royal Cumberland 334808.. White. C. A. Saunders Roan. The Allen Cot- tie Co. I Misty Maid 87191 L Red. C. A. Saunders 'Cumberland's Last 229822 C. A. Saunders Royal Princess I. M. Forbes & Son rSee A. Cumberland 26773$ J C. A. Saunders .MM id of the Mist Geo. Bothwell Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1915 Lavender Maid was 1st junior yearling and reserve junior champion at the Panama Pacific Exposition. In 1916 she was 5th prize two-year-old at the International and was senior and grand cham- pion at the Utah and Wyoming State Fairs. ANOKA CLIPPER 2D 193605.. Roan. Anoka Farms [Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Sultnn Stamp 334974... J White. F. W. Harding [Imp. Rachel's Daughter [ W. Craigie [Ruddy Star 307808 Imp. Clipper Crescent A. M. Gordon 47716 -( Red. A. T. Gordon | Corona A. T. Gordon Bloodlines:. Scotch. Prizes: Fifth senior calf at Iowa State Fair and r,th at the American Royal in 1915. 392 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners fBapton Admiral 1F,77G4 . J. Deane Willis Diamond King- 237456... J Red. C. C. Norton ] Imp. Diamond 32d ANOKA BOLSSOM Red. E. R. Silliman [ Alex Crombie Claverburn Blossom 193731, fRoan Knight 2d 311715 John Rasmess I Roan. E. R. Silliman i Orange Bud 4th 63055 I A J. Andrews Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: First senior calf at Iowa State Fair and 3d at the American Royal in 1915. Sultan Standard 334975., Roan. F. W. Harding r Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Orange Queen i W. A. Betteridge MAY SULTAN 195670.. \ f Sultan 227050 Roan. J. T. Judge E g Kelly j Nonpareil May 66912... J Roan. N. A. Lind Imp. Nonpareil 33d [ Alex Campbell Bloodlines: Scotch. MAY SULTAN was appropriately named as she was born in the month of May and she is rich in the blood of Whitehall Sultan, he being her grandsire and also the grandsire of her dam. Prizes: In 1918 she was 1st prize cow at Minnesota State Fair, 1st and senior champion at Iowa State Fair, 1st at the American Royal and 4th at the International. (Avondale 245144 E, S. Kelly Selection 306209.. Roan. Carpenter & \ Cherry Missie EASTLAWN LASSIE Ross J. R. Lawrence 196426 \ r Cumberland's Ideal Roan Thos. Stanton | Cumberland's Lassie 2d 301984 142260 I F . . Lowden Roan. Thos. Stanton Dutch Lass i e 41408 [_ J. G. Robbins & Son Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second senior yearling at Minnesota State Fair and 6th at the International in 1916. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 393 WOODLAWN RUBY 197984. . Orange Sultan 263522.. ^ Roan. F. W. Harding Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Orange Blossom 35th Kellogg Stock Farm Village Champion 206037 Wm. Duthie Red. C. P. West & Sons | Ruby of Pine Grove 9th Red. W. C. Edwards I Imp. Ruby 15th & Co. Thos. F. Jamieson Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1915 4th senior calf at Iowa State Fair, 1st at the Amer- ican Royal and 1st at Denver, and in 1917 she was 7th prize two-year-old at the International. ROSEWOOD PRIDE 198792. . (Shenstone Albino 317105 ( Pride of Albion 352820.. -( R. P. Cooper Roan. Carpenter & Ross Imp. Rosewood Pride Geo. Walker Roan. F. R. EdwanN Bloodlines: Scotch. Sultan's Rosewood 109564 Roan. Rosenberger Ac Edwards fMaxwalton Sultan 305870 Carpenter & Ross Imp.Collynie Rosew'd 3d Wm. Duthie Prizes: Second junior yearling at Ohio State Fair and 5th at the American Royal in 1916. COLLYNIE BEST 199377.. Roan. Carpenter & Carpenter Bloodlines: Scotch. Sultan Mine 320273 j Roan. F. W. Hardir.?,' Barmpton Leaflet 29518. Red. F. W. Harding Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Lady Zenda 4th 8516 N. S, Robertson Whitehall King 222724 E. S. Kelly Barmpton Leaf 3d Pliny Nichols & Son Prizes: Third senior calf at Iowa State Fair in 1915. In 1916 she was 1st senior yearling at Minneapolis State Fair, 3d at the International and 7th at the American Royal. In 1917 she was 7th prize two-year-old at this show and 5th at Iowa State Fair. 394 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners LUCILE 199705 \ {The Dutchman 282689 E. E. Souers Sunday 45466 J. G. Robbing & Sons White. J. G. Bobbins & Sons C Scottish Choice 306343 J. G. Robbins & Sons | Scottish Sowerby 168123J Roan. Geo. Robbins I Dutch Sowerby 114634 J. G. Robbins & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second senior yearling at the International in 1916 and 3d prize two-year-old in 1917. February, 1918, she sold for $2,050. VILLAGE CLARA 6TH 199754 Roan. Uppermill Fai m {Village Beau 295883 Wm. Duthie Rosy Cloud C. H. Jolliffe I Clara C. 5th 35618 Roan. H. Cargill & Son ["Merchantman 246495 Wm. Duthie I Imp. Clara 57th W. S. Marr Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third junior calf at Iowa State Fair in 1915 and at the Amer- ican Royal she was 1st in class and champion Futurity, and at this show in 1916 she was 3d junior yearling. VILLAGE VENUS 2D 199757 \ White Uppermill Farm {Village Beau 295883 Wm. Duthie Rosy Cloud C. H. Jolliffe Bapton Coronet 185918 J. Deane Willis | Golden Venus llth 98806 Roan. F. W. Ayers j Golden Venus 4th F. W. Ayers Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: First junior calf at Iowa State Fair and 2d at the American Royal in 1915. In 1916 she was junior champion at Ohio State Fair and 3d at the International and in 1917 7th prize two-year-old in Iowa and 6th at the American Royal. In June, 1917, she sold for $1,550. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 395 LADY VIOLET 8TH 199786. . [Ruberta's Goods 283807 Roan. Tebo Land Cattle Co. Golden Goods 253393 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Ruberta J. G. Robbins & Sons Roan. Howell Rees & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. fChoice Goods 186802 Jas. Durno Lady Violet 3d J * Roan. Tebo Land & I May Violet 2d Cattle Co. B. O. Cowan Prizes: In 1916 2d senior yearling calf at Denver, 1st at Iowa State Fair, 2d at the American Royal and 7th at the International. In 1917 she was 4th prize two-year-old at the American Royal and 2d at Iowa State Fair. In 1918 she was grand champion at Denver. In May, 1918, she sold for $2,575. SITTYTON MARY ANN 3D 200975.... Roan. Thos. Stanton (Avondale 245144 11 o TCpllv Browndale_ 334947 J MaxwaltOD Minn L 86601 Roan. Carpenter Ross :de Belle , Red. Edw. Johnson Carpenter & Ross ("Victor of the Ring 18f. : \\ . I. Wood y Anne of Anoka ?d Geo. Harding- & Son Bloodlines: This breeding is of Scotch Mood except some mixed blood in sire of the dam. The dam of Browndale won in the Milk Test at the International. Prizes: Fourth prize t\vo-year-old at < >hio State I-'air and 7th at the International in 1916. LESPEDEZA ROSE BUD 203184.. ("Benedict S390:>fi f Frederick 360944 ....... H ' S "" th Roan. Howell Rees 1 Cedarlawn Alice 85313 [ Howell Rees Red. Lespedeza Farm & Sons f Imperial Gloster I Imperial Rose 152169... J Red. Lespedeza Farm I Scarlet Rose 40616 Lespedeza Farm I'.lomllincs: Scotch. Prizes: Third senior calf at Ohio State Fair in yearling in 1916 and 4th at the International that year. and id 396 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners KING'S GIFT 203804.... White. J. W. McDer- mott Cumberland Marshal 412384 Roan. Elmendorf Farm King Cumberland 288383 F. O. Lowden Marshal's Queen Elmendorf Farm fShenstone Albino 317105 R. P. Cooper | Gift of Albion 107199. .. Roan. Carpenter & I Dale's Gift 41150 Ross [ Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: At the Iowa State Fair King's Gift was 6th senior calf in 1915, 3d prize two-year-old in 1917 and 2d prize cow in 1918. At the Amer- ican Royal she was 2d and in 1st calf herd in 1915 and in 1916 3d senior yearling and in 2d young herd. In October, 1918, she sold for $3,975. GAY LADY 2D 203900. Roan. Howell Rees & Sons Ruberta's Goods 283807.. Roan. Tebo Land & Cattle Co. f Golden Goods 253393 Tebo Liandfe Cattle Co. Ruberta J. G. Robbins & Sons Golden Sovereign 295327 Gay Lady 85317 I J " K ' Alexander Red. Bellows Bros. 1 Qay cholce . 13918 Bellows Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch on descendants of imp. Young Mary. Prizes: Third junior calf at the American Royal in 1915 and 7th junior yearling in 1916. ANOKA AUGUSTA 204993.. Sultan Stamp 334974... ^ White. F. W. Harding Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Rachel's Daughter W. Craig ie f Golden Champion 236019 W. C. Edwards & Co. Roan. Anoka Farms | College Augusta 3d 149255 -I Red. Ont.Agr*! College Imp. Augusta Duchess [ J. Deane Willis Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Sixth junior calf at Iowa State Fair and 5th at the American Royal in 1915. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 397 PRINCESS PERFEC- TION 205954 Perfection Marshal 339909 Roan. O. O. Smith i IGloster Marshal 261U30 F. W. Harding: Golden Jewel C. S. Barclay & Son fMissie Pride 264875 N. A. Lind Red & white | Homewood Princess I :. AT. Parsons & Son j 178342 J Roan. E. M. Parsons I Royal Princess 42104 .<: Son John Rasmess Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth senior yearling at the American Royal in 1916. Cumberland Marshal RUBERTA'S IMAGE 207372.. Roan. Elmendorf i m Koan. J. W. M mott I Golden Girl 3d 207271 . .. Roan. .1. \\'. McDer- mott Kin* Cumberland 2SS3S3 P. O. Lowden Marshal's Queen 87 I.lmendorl' Farm Fair r.oods l':,3391 U> Co. Golden Choice 15617.' Tebo Land x- Cattle Co. Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 191 she was LM juni.n- calf and in :M calf herd at Iowa. State Fair and 4th in (lass and in 1st calf herd at the American Royal. Village Belle 35-M7G. . Roan. Rapp Bros. SWEETHEART 208538. . Ilai-j. : stone 239313 E. S. Kelly Village Bloom 2*5097 F. O. Lov [Gladstone 239313 E. S. Rellv I Queen of Hearts ^ T?rnn "Rarm Rrnc Roan. Rapp Bros. Rachel [ W. S. Fox Bloodlines: This breeding is essentially Scotch. Whin-hall is the grandsire of both sii-c and dam and Village Bloom 28097 was got by Mit.nious Archer. Rachel, the maternal gramldam, conu-s from a good Scotch foundation, but has some mixed blood. Prizes: Sixth junior yearling at tin- International i n 1916. 398 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners VILLAGE ADELAIDE f Villager 295884 4 Roan. C. ii. Jollift'e Villag-e Beau 295883 Wm. Duthie Rosy Cloud C. H. Jolliffe 4TH 209231 ( Villager 295F34 Roan. Uppermill r Tolliffp Farm | Adelaide 2d 141635 I v. Roan. D. R. Hanna j Adelaide C. 8752 [ H. Cargill & Son Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth junior yearling and in 2d young herd at the American Royal in 1915. f Village Beau 295883 Wm. Duthie Villager 295884 ^ C ' H ' V.LLAGE BLYTHE- ' ' JoWff8 SOME 3D 209232....! . _ f Avondale 245144 Red. Uppermill Ftom Biythesome Girl 4th E.S.Kelly 41193 .............. J Roan. Carpenter & I Blythesome Girl 3d Ross [ H. Cargill & Son Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third junior yearling and in 2d young herd at the American Royal in 1915 and 10th prize two-year-old at the International in 1916. {Prince Pavonia 207313 C. F. Wolf & Son Signet J. G. Bobbins & Sons ZlUOitt ^ f Crescent Knight 180433 Roan. Tomson Bros. | Norwoo d Augusta 3d W s Marr S8086 4 Red. R. O. Miller I Imp. Augusta 105th Jas. Bruce Bloodlines: Scotch. . Prizes: Fourth senior yearling- at American Royal in 1916. Record of Shorthorn Prize Dinners 399 RED GEM 210799 Red. J. G. Robbing Sons (The Dutchman 2S2689 E. E. Souers fSaranac 355331 I Roan. J. G. Robbins 1 Sunday 45468 & Sons J. G. Robbins & Sena CThe Dutchman 2826S9 E. E. SOIHTS I Dutch Gem 3d -173758. J Roan J. r;. Robbins limp. Golden Gem 2d & Sons Wm. Neish Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1915 Red Gem was junior .^rand champion at Ohio State Fair and in 1916 senior and ^raml champion and I'd pri/r two-year-old at the American Royal. ustino 3.14344 Kuan. D. R. Hanna FOREST QUEEN 7TH , 212146 \ Red, white re; Owen Kane Vill;..u-er 295884 C. H. Jolliffe Imp. Augusta S3d 30671 [Heir Apparent -13068 !:. s. RafCei ; I Forest Queen . J R. & w. Mrs. J. P. uieen Bloodlines: Raffenberg S.-otdi in the sire <>n mixed 1 Mrs. J. P. Raffenberg in the dam. Prizes: Ftmrth s-iiir rait at tin- Am I'ican K<.yal in 1M1. CRESSIE BELLE 2D 212189.. L-Iowell Roes & Sons Whit.'liall !: 320004 Roai, ater Ross ! 1 5 . . . Roan. -lowcll Rees i44 I-:. S. Kelly Imp. Rosewood Pride Geo. Walker Goods L' Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Imp. Cn-scent Sth John AVilson Prizes: In 191.'. she was 7th junior g at the Am-iican M..\ai and at Denver junior champion. In l!Ut; ftth prize two-year-old ut the American Royal and grand champion at Denv 400 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners f Avondale 245144 E. S. Kelly Maxwalton Pride 3675424 Red. Carpenter & I Im P- Rosewood Pride ELSIE 214955, Ross Red. Jchn Gunsett &| Son I Evening Fancy 127303. ^ R. & w. E. E. Dininger [ Geo. Walker Evening Star 252811 N. A. Lind Dutch Girl 15724 Jonas Dininger Bloodlines: This breeding is mainly Scotch but there is a small portion of Bates blood in the ancestry of the dam. Prizes: Fifth junior yearling at Ohio State Fair, 8th at the American Royal and 4th at the International in 1916. 1 Avondale 245144 E. S. Kelly ]mp. Rosewood Pride Geo. Walker VIOLA 214958 Roan. John Gunsett & Son Juliet Roan. Jonas Dininger Royal Hero 113611 W. A. Harris Miss Abbot Jonas Dininger Bloodlines: In considering the illustrious prize winners in the ances- try of Viola it eems folly to quibble about 6% percent of blood that is not Scotch. Among her ancestors are Whitehall Sultan, imp. Princess Alice and Young Abbotsburn. Her dam had a small dash of Bates and among her ancestors in this line is Duke of Hillhurst 9862 that was ex- ported to England in 1871 and there sired Duke of Connaught that sold for $25,000 in 1875. Prizes: In 1916 Viola was 4th junior yearling at Ohio State Fair, 2d at the International and junior and grand champion at the American Royal. In 1917 she was 3d prize two-year-old in Ohio, 2d at the International and senior and grand champion at the American Royal. She was sold Feb- ruary, 1918, for $2,800 and in May, 1919, she brought $2,000 for export to Argentina. CARRIE'S LAST 218404 Red. Wagner Stock Farm I Sharon Marshal 121135 Aaron Barber Came Abbotsburn Aaron Barber | Carrie Abbotsburn, Red, little white Aaron Barber Scottish Chief 110134 H. A. Colton Mary Abbotsburn 7th T. S. Moberly Bloodlines: This breeding is rather an unusual combination of blood- lines. Scotch blood largely predominates and in both sire and dam there is a cross of Young Abbotsburn and the famous Mary Abbotsburn 7th is a maternal granddam, but ancestors include descendants of imp. Rose of Sharon and imp. Young Mary. Prizes: Sixth junior yearling at the American Royal in 1916 and 5th prize two-year-old at the International in 1917. In 1918 she was 3d prize cow at Indiana State Fair, 3d at Ohio and 3d at the International. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 401 GAZELLE FLOWER 2D 224875.. Red. H. M. Hill fPrince Royal 270647 S. C. Hunna Mistletoe Archer 33220-U Red. H. M. Hill Sweet Mistletoe I S. C. Hanna r Secret Archer 217305 Hanna & Co. I Gazelle 8th 792*2 J Roan. Fred Cowley I Gazelle Forest Park W. F. Cowley Bloodlines: Scotch on a foundation in which Bates blood was a part. Prizes: Fourth prize cow at the American Ii>yal in 1918 and in the Association sale she brought $1,250. In 1919 she was exported to South America. QUEEN OF THE SUL- TANS 462035 Red. \v. l. Wood Whitehall Sultan ! J. Deane Willis. Spicy gull :'. ' Roan. F. W. Hardline -ll-sml H. I'. lYi\vn [Whitehall Count 209775 I E. S. Kelly | Dolly Vaiden ?d 36077.. J ^ Roan. ler & j < Ross . -h Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth prize cow at Ohio State I 5th at the Interna- tional in 1918. WOODLAND SPICY 462038. . Roan. \V. I. Wood Spicy Sultan ?707S9 . Roan. F. \V. Harding Whitehall Sultan 1> J. Deane Willis Spicy of Woodland H. F. Brown Choice of the Ring I Woodland Dolly 149238. 4 W. I Red. W. I. Wood Dolly Varden 2d 3G077 Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth prize row at ohi,. Slat,- Fair and 7th at the Interna- tional in 1918. 402 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners FAIR GIFT 182698 BRET> BY J. W. McDERMOTT, KAHOKA, MO. JULIETTE 158351 BRED BY J. G. ROBBINS & SONS, HORACE, IND. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 403 LEONORA GOODS 466313 Roan. Howell Rees Sons fRuberta's Goods 283807.. I Roan. Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Golden Goods 2533^3 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Ruberta J. G. Robbins & Sons r Champion 1270S6 I. Barr & Son j Aurora j Mazurka 2d of Maple- Red. O. Eumgarner | & Sons wood M. Eirich & Co. Bloodlines: Scotch on descendants of imp. Mazurka by Harbinger. Prizes: Second junior yearling at the American Royal ;md 4th at the International in 1916 and at both shows she was in 1st young herd, and at Iowa State Fair she was junior and grand champion. JEALOUSY 4TH 470653, Red. Kyle Bros rCam Newton Ringleader ( . ( , . (( | J M. A. .\r. Gordon | Merry Countess A. M. Gordon fRecl Light 149760 Rose of Towie 4th \ Jas. Black Red. W. G. Pettit & j Imp. Rose of Towie 3d Sons [ w. \\Yl.ster Bloodlines: Scotch. Prixcs: Fifth prize two-year-old at the International in 1913. Gainford Ideal 470630. Roan. J. A. Y/att VILLAGE ROSE 470670-j I Red, little \vhiu- J. A. Watt ! Village Queen 9th 470663. Red. Jas. Lemon Gainford Marquis 3/0987 G. Harrison Rosebud 470C64 I >. Gunn & Son Squire Wimple 470642 Geo. B. Bristow Village Beauty 3d Geo. B. Bristow Bloodlines. Scotch, Prizes: Third prize two-year-old at Ohio State Fair and 9th at the American Royal in 1916. 404 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners VICTORY 471558 \ Roan. Allen Cattle Co. [Double Dale 337156 r Carpenter & Ross Second Thought 394904. J Red. Owen Kane Little Lassie [ Tebo Land & Cattle Co. [Victoria Sultan 29G3?5 Countess Victoria 7th ;p ^ Harding 96660 Roan. Geo. Allen Countess Victoria [ Geo. Allen Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Ninth senior calf at the International in 1916. LADY CLARA 9TH 471771.. Roar S. G. Eliason {Superb Goods 333019 Bellows Bros. Queen of Beauty 20th 81014 Bellows Bros. Lady Clara 4th 220460... Roan. S. G. Eliasoi; Ringmaster 304894 C. E. Clarke Lady Clara 28882 S. G. Eliason Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: At Minnesota State Fair she was^Sth senior calf in 1916 and 2d prize two-year-old in 1918, and at the International in 1917 1st senior yearling and in 1st young herd. VIOLET MAID 8TH 471773 I American Archer 282935 F. O. Lowden Scottish Lady 28887 F. W. Harding Roan. S. G. Eliason Bloodlines: Scotch. Violet Maid 2d 28889.. . Roan. H. F. Brown f Pride of Scotland 195715 Geo. Campbell Violet Maid A. Chrystal Prizes: Second junior yearling and in 1st young herd at the Inter- national in 1917. In 1918 she was 5th in class at Ohio State Fair, 8th at the International and at Indiana State Fair senior and grand champion. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 405 CLARA 70TH 471882... Roan. Bellews Bros .1 {Double Dale 337158 Carpenter & Ross Lady Frangrant E. C. Ramsey I Clara 60th 242027. ^ N. H. Gentry Star of the Mist 354219 X. H . Gentry Clara 59th 41014 X. If. Gentry Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third junior calf at the International in 1916 and in 1917 sin- was 3d junior yearling at Iowa State Fair and ith at the American Royal. VILLAGE MAY- FLO V/ER 471940, Red, little white Jos. Miller & Sons Villager 295884 C. H. Jolliffe Village King 334462 Roan. D. R. Hanna I Imp. Spicy Clara \\ m. Anderson H, r Cumberland's Last | Cumberland Flower J C. A. Saunders Ro - & ytan- ! Mai.sie. 7th ton \V. \V. Knapp Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth senior yearling at I<>\ ican Royal in 1917. and sth at the Amer- Silvor Seaforth 414460. \\'hite. A. Chalmers TOPSY 4TH 472564.... J Roan. Day & Rotii- rock Lord Seaforth 361237 A. Chalmers Red Roan Bloom 108354 A. Chalmers rGolden Goods 253393 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. I Young Topsy 2d 50607.. J \V. O. Minor I Young Topsy \V. O. Minor Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1917 grand champion at Pacific International EZxpoc In 1918 Topsy 4th was 4th prize two-year-old at Ohio State Fair, 4th in Indiana, ."ith at the International and 6th at the American It- In. November, 191.7, she sold i'<>r $1.77r. and \\-as later sold to the Amer- Shorthorn Breeders Association for export to South America. 406 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners VILLAGE BLOSSOM 8TH 472916 Roan. J. F Prather fGood Knight 350236 T^ A TTpac [Superior Knight 408979. J Red. J. F. Prather 1 Nonpareil Queen 6th 94187 J. F. Prather [Village Robin 353733 Village Blossom 3d J. p. Prather 134078 \ White. J. F. Prather I Village Blossom 60487 Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth senior calf at the American Royal in 1916 and 2d junior yearling at Iowa State Fair and junior champion at Illinois State Fair in 1917. At a sale in November, 1918, she brought $2,000. In 1919 she was sold for export to South America. ("Avondale 245144 E. S. Kelly MAXWALTON JUBI- LEE 3D 473102.. [Revolution 388359 Roan. Carpenter & | Imp. Roan Rosebud 12th Ross Roan. Carpenter & ROSS j Jubilee 4th Red. Michael & Pringle Bloodlines: Scotch. 59553 A. M. Leslie [Prime Minister 211526 S. F. Lockridge 1 Jubilee Michael & Pringle Prizes: First junior calf at Ohio State Fair and 4th at the American Royal in 1916. LADY SULTAN 47329S.. Roan. Wm. Herkel- mann ! Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Sinnissippi Broadhooks F. O. Lowden Nonpareil Princess L Roan. (" Pr ^ e John McKenzie & Son Geo. J. Sayer I Nonpareil Beauty 102655 Wilson 1 I Nonpare N. F. Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Eighth senior yearling at Iowa State Fair and 4th at the American Royal in 1917. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 407 f Sultan Stamp 334974....^ White. F. W. Harding ANOKA BLOSSOM 2D 474344 J White. Anoka Farms ! ciaverburn Blossom 17692. Roan. E. R. Silliman f Whitehall Sultan 163573 J.-Dsane Willis Imp. Rachel's Daughter \V. Craigie Roan Knight 2d 3117 lo John Rnsmess Orange Bud 4th 63055 A. J. Andrews Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: First senior calf at Minnesota State Fair. :M ;it the American Rcyal and 5th at the International in 1916. ANOKA BROAD- HOOKS 3D 474345. Roan. Anoka Farms Rusper Champion 425338 Roan. E. R. Morrison Lomond Broadhooks 177461 Red. F. Johnson & Son Proud Champion 4: \Vm. Duthie I'rmc.'ss Missie Hth 19^ H. C. Lewis Ben Lomond 253006 Francis Simmers Red Blush 177462 C. D. Wagar Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second junior calf at Minnesota State Fair in 1916. ANOKA CLIPPER 3D 474346. Regal Stamp 396730 . White. Anoka Farms fSultan Stamp 334974 K. W. Harding Autumn Rose F. O. Lowden Roan. Anoka Farms I Clipper 9th lt>*>329 *> Red. F. W. Ayers C Sultan Royal 312046 F. W. Harding I Clipper 2d 23293 F. W. Ayers Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: At the American Royal Anoka Clipper 3-i in 1916, was 5th senior yearling in 1917, 3d at low, 51 Pair and 6th at the International. In October, 1916, she sold for $1,850. 408 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners [Radium 385197... White. Owen Kane QUEEN OF BEAUTY 33D 476108 J Roan. Bellows Bros. | Queen of Beauty 23d 121155 *- Roan. Bellows Bros. Bloodlines: cotch. {Double Dale 337156 Carpenter & Ross Lady Fragrant B. C. Runsey rBest of Goods 262678 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. -I Hampton's Queen of Beauty 2d Bellows Bros. Prizes: First senior calf at the American Royal and 6th at the Inter- national in 1916. Sold October, 1916, for $1,425. VILLAGER'S GRACE- ! FUL 2D 476702....^ [Village Beau 295883 [Villager 295884 Wm. Duthie Roan. C. H. Jolliffe (Rosy Cloud White. Uppermill Farm I Graceful Cumberland 155825 Roan. H. H. Powell & Son L C. H. Jolliffe King Cumberland 2d 352076 H. H. Powell & Son My Choice 14678 N. A. Lind Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: At the American Royal she was 3d junior calf in 1916 and 8th junior yearling in 1917 and 5th junior yearling at Iowa State Fair. At the International she was 2d in 1916 and 6th in 1917. In a sale March, 1918, she brought $2,350. VICTORIA 2D 476785.. Roan. Tomson Bros. {Avondale 245144 E S Kelly Imp. Rosewood Pride Geo. Walker [Archer 205740 Hanna & Co. | Vanity 38906 J L Red. T. K. Tomson I Elderlawn Victoria & Sons T. K. Tomson & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Eighth senior calf at the American Royal in 1916. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 409 NORTHCOTE GIPSY MAID 483040 \ Roan. Wm. Herkel- mann Princely Sultan 350513..- Roan. F. W. Harding I Gipsy Maid 5th 115280, Roan. C. M. Gage fWhitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Sinnissippi Broadhooks F. O. Lowden rKnight's Count 286576 John Rasmess I Gipsy Maid 4th C. A. Saunders Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Tenth senior calf at the International in 1916. In 1917. she was 6th in class at the Iowa State Fair, 2d at the American Royal and 3d at the International. GLOSTER'S HEIRESS 491603 -I Imperial Gloster 34022o.- Roan. E. W. Bowen Everlasting 242727 C. E. Clarke White. Lespedeza Farm Lady Gloster 6th I. M. Forbes & Son Whitehall Marshal 209776 E. S. Kelly j Marshal's Heiress 90376. s - White. Elmendorf I Mario's Heiress 3d Farm B. C. Rumsey Bloodlines: Scotch. Second senior calf and in 2d calf herd at Ohio State Fair in 1916 and 3d senior yearling in 1917. In 1918 she was 6th prize two-year-old in Ohio, 5th in Indiana, 5th at the American Royal and 10th at the Internationa.1. LESPEDEZA ROSE- BUD 3D 491617.. Roan. Lespedeza Farm f Lespedeza Sultan 406929, White. Anoka Farms ' j Imperial Rose 152169... Red. Lespedeza Farm Sultan Stamp 334974 F. W. Harding Victoria 3d 129770 Jas. Neville "Imperial Gloster 340225 E. W. Bowen Scarlet Rose 40616 Elmendorf Farm Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth senior calf at Ohio State Fair in 1916. 410 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners COLLYNIE MINT- DROP 2D 493775. Red. Carpenter & Carpenter Bloodlines: Scotch. fGartley Landseer 425332 A. M. Mennie Lord Cullen 425335 J Roan. W. & R. Connon 1 Emmeline 13th 198425 [_ W. Connon Athene's Victor 3d 251153 Mint Drop 20th 48181.. J Browndale Farm Red. Browndale Farm I Mint Drop 13th Browndale Farm Prizes: Fourth junior calf at Minnesota State Fair and 8th at the International in 1916. LOVELY ANOKA 3D 494956.. Edgcote White Eagle (115284) White. Edgcote Short- horn Co. Edgcote Chieftain (111666) Edgcote Shorthorn Co. Mistletoe 41st Wm. Duthie Roan. Anoka Farms rComing Storm 494777 Imp. Princess Beauty Wm. Duthie 494784 ,\ Princess Lovely 6th Red, little white 494787 H. S. Leon Wm. Duthie Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third junior calf at Minnesota State Fair and 4th at the International in 1916. PARKDALE VICTO- RIA 8TH 495054 [Radium 385197 White. Owen Kane ... Double Dale 337156 Carpenter & Ross Lady Fragrant B. C. Rumsey rBest of Goods 262678 Roan. Bellows Bros, j Parkdale Victoria 2d Tebo Land & Cattle Co. 121152 J Sinnissippi Victoria ^ Red. Bellows Bros. 1349 F. O. Lowden Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: At the American Royal Parkdale Victoria 8th was 6th junior calf in 1916, 1st junior yearling and junior champion in 1917 and 2d prize two-year-old in 1918. At the International she was 1st junior calf and in 1st calf herd in 1916, 1st junior yearling and junior champion in 1917 and 3d prize two-year-old in 1918. In November, 1918, she brought $3,600 at public sale. Record of Shorthorn Prize dinners 411 ROSEMARY CUM- BERLAND 495903, Red. J. W. McDer- mott Bloodlines: Scotch. Cumberland Marshal 412384 Roan. Elmendorf Farm Village Rosalie 203805. - White. D. R. Hanna ("King Cumberland 288383 F. O. Lowden I Marshal's Queen 87585 Elmendorf Farm [Village King 334462 D. R. Hanna [Rosalie 3d 63960 D. R. Hanna Prizes: Fifth junior calf at the American Royal in 1916 and 6th junior yearling at Iowa State Fair in 1917. IAvondale 245144 E S Kellv Imp. Roan Rosebud 12th 59563 A M T^lio GUSTA17TH 496408^ fBaron Beaufort 206944 Roan. Carpenter & Ross I Lady Augusta 76430....-! Lord Lovat Red. Thos. H. Can- jimp. Augusta 99th field . Jas. Bruce Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third junior calf at Ohio State Fair and 9th at the American Royal in 1916. In June, 1915, she was sold for $3,000. MAXWALTON MINA 12TH 496412 Roan. Carpenter & Ross f Revolution 388359 Roan. Carpenter & Ross j Crumpled Mina 41148 Roan. Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. {Avondale 245144 E. S. Kelly Imp. Roan Rosebud 12th 59553 A. M. Leslie i Whitehall Count 209775 E. S. Kelly I Mina Princess 3d Carpenter & Williams Prizes: First junior calf at Ohio State Fair in i916. In 1917 she was 2d in class at Ohio and 2d at the American Royal, and in 1918 2d prize two-year-old at Ohio, 3d at Indiana State Fair and 6th at the International. In November, 1918, she sold for $3,300. 412 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners Red Knight 174212 FAIRVI'EW FLORA 2D, 496714 Roan. F. H. Ehlers (Roan Knight 2d 311115. Roan. John Rasmess 1 Imp. Gladys of Dalmeny Earl of Roseberry Flora Belle 43998..., Red. John Lister {Fearless Victor 174014 J. F. Prather Orange Flora H. A. Barber Bloodlines: Scotch. Red Knight, grandsire of Fairview Flora 2d, is half brother to the noted sire Cumberland's Last 229822, imp. Lady Douglas being dam of both. Prizes: Sixth junior calf at the American Royal in 1916. BARMPTON FLOWER 497334 Red. Rapp Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. Village Pride 352176. Roan. Rapp Bros. Barmpton Lady 3d Red. Geo. Allen [Gladstone 239313 E, S. Kelly 1 Village Bloom 28097 [ F. O. Lowden [Godwin 115676 W. A. Harris Barmpton Princess Pliny Nichols & Son Prizes: Tenth junior calf at the International in 1916 and at the American Royal she was 1st in 1916 and 5th in class in 1-917. CHOICE MAYFLOW ER 497342... Roan. Jos. Miller &. Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. Choice Cumberland 410399 Roan. Jos. Miller & Sons Oakdale Mayflower 212624 Roan. Jos. Miller Sons f Hopeful Cumberland 392004 Jos. Miller & Sons Gipsy Maid 15th 109032 N. H. Gentry Hopeful Cumberland f 392004 Jos. Miller & Sons ( Cumberland Flower 64386 ^ Earles & Stanton Prizes: Second junior calf at the American Royal in 1916. In 1917 9th junior yearling at the American Royal, 5th at the International, and at Iowa State Fair she was 1st in 1917 and 1st in 1918. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 413 {Golden Goods 253393 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Ruberta J. G. Robbins & Sons 497573. rGolden Sovereign 29592" J. K. Alexander Gay Lady 85317 J ^ Red. Bellows Bros. I Gay Choice 13918 Bellows Bros. Roan. Howell Rees X Sons Bloodlines: This breeding is vory largely Scotch, but the dam is a descendant of imp. Young Mary. Prizes: Seventh junior calf at the American Royal in 1916 and 8th junior yearling at Iowa State Fair in 1917. VILLAGE GEM 497577. J Roan. W. C. Rosen - berger Village Royal 355016.. Roan. D. R. Jl.mni Villager 295884 c. H. JollifiV Rosetta 108333 H. Cru^ill i* Son .\Iaxwalt< .11 Sultan 305870 penter & Ross Sultan's Gem "' Red. F. R Edwards j liallechin Lady 615 R. A. & J. A. Watt 128896.... J BJpodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth junior calf at tin- American Royal in 1916. In 1917 she was 1st in class at Ohio St.i' .1 at the American Koyal and 4th at the International. In February, I'.'ls. she sold for $1,400. DAINTY DUCHESS 3D 498393.. Roan. J. A. Kilgour fEuberta's Goods 283807 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Champion Goods 4103S.J.J Roan. Howell Rees ; irengo 2d & Sons I c. A. Saunders Dainty Duchess 15032G.. Roan. J. A. Kilgour : tan 35 il." 1 1-. \\". I larding Duchess Dinah l.",()328, J. A. Kilgour Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth junior calf at the International in 1916. 414 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners f Double Dale 337156.. MISS DAYBREAK 3D 500176.. Roan. Carpenter & Ross Roan. Owen Kane Miss Daybreak 101197, I Red. E.' E. Healy Avondale 245144 E. S. Kelly Maxwalton Rosewood 12640 Carpenter & Ross Lancaster Duke 296773 F. P. Healy Settle Daybreak I. Barr & Son Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Sixth senior calf at the American Royal and 7th at the Inter- national in 1916. PRINCESS HAMPTON 501624 I f Royal Orangeman 338262 [Royal Archer 370176... .1 GeO- H Burge Roan. E. C. Forest j Go i de n Beauty 2d 116S58 E. C. Forest Roan. Wagner Stock Farm r Marshal of the Mound 280701 j Leda's Lass 89773 J o scar Hadley Roan. W. H. Miller Roan Leda 25123 & Sons J. T. Chambers & Son Bloodlines: This breeding is mainly of Scotch blood but there is a combination of bloodlines in the sire of the dam. Prizes: Fourth junior calf at Ohio State Fair in 1916. VILLAGE GWYNNE 502614. . Village Royal 355016. Roan. D. R. Hanna (-Villager 295884 C. H. Jolliffe '4 Rosetta 108333 [ H Cargill & Son White. W. C. Rosen - berger Bloodlines: Scotch. rGlenbrook Sultan 243185 E. S, Kelly Duchess Gwynne 86831. J Imp . cadboll Gwynne Roan. Thos. Johnson | 12707 J. & G. Young Prizes: Fourth junior yearling at Ohio State Fair and 3d at the International in 1917. In 1918 she was senior and grand champion in Ohio, 3d at the American Royal and 7th at the International. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 415 C Cumberland's Last 229822 MERRY ROSEBUD 3D 503929 [Masterpiece 314000 , c A Saunder s Roan. Earles & Stan- | Orcnard Farm Flora 5lh ton I C. S. Barclay & Sons Roan. W. W. Wash- jimp. Merry Rosebud [*%** burn 16715 < J Roan. J. Young j i a i r Rosebud J. Young Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second junior calf at Ohio State Fair in 1916. ("Second Thought 39490 1.^ DIVIDE SUSAN 504776. Roan. Allen Cattle Co J i Roan. Owen K;nu> Secret Susan 163844.... Roan. Allfii Catt Double Dale 337156 Carpenter & Ross Mttk> Lassie Ti-lio Laml X- <':iillr '). Uoyal ( 'umln-rland 334808 \. s Hinders Susan 4th 87192 D. !:. Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third senior calf at th- International in 1916, grand cham- pion at Utah State Fair in 1917 and grand champion of Western division at Denver in 1918. GOLDIE'S RUBY 505073 . . [Master Ruby 446601 _____ , Roan. W. A. Dryden Archer's Hope 402425 Peter White Ruby 36th 201016 A. C. Pettit Red. Herr Bros. & Reynolds f Archer's Hope 4< JGoldie's Rose 1930*5... .1 Peter *"* Red. J. F. Richardson I G oldie's Gipsy 193034 J. F, Kirhanlson Bloodlines: Scotch. This brief record gives the prizes of Goldi-'s liul.y at only two fairs, but she was champion at several state fairs not m-ntiunod herein, H-r sire, too, was a champion of Wisconsin and other fairs. Prizes: In 1918 Goldie's Kul.y was 1st prize two-year-old, senior and grand champion at Minnesota State Fair and at the International sh- was senior and grand champion and was in 1st get of sire. At the A ciation sale she brought $3,100. 416 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners HAMPTON'S QUEEN 505565 Roan. Michael Wagner f Royal Orangeman 838202 Geo. .H. Surge Royal Archer 376176... J Roan. E. C. Forest Golden Beauty 2d 116858 [ E. C. Forest rRoyal Marshal 163927 John C. Peters I Marshal Glorietta J I Roan. A. P. Hottinger I Rosy Spencer [^ Karl Hottinger Bloodlines: The sire of Hampton's Queen is Scotch but the dam is of mixed breeding. Her sire, Royal Marshal, is Scotch and Bates, and in, the female line she is a descendant of imp. Arabella by North Star (460). Prizes: In 1916 she was 1st senior yearling at Ohio State Fair, 1st at the American Royal and 5th at the International. In 1917 she was 2d in class at Ohio State Fair and 4th at the International. LADY VICTORIA 506940 Roan. Purdy Bros. Fairview Monarch 353426 Red. Purdy Bros. ("Orange Monarch 190181 Purdy Bros. Victoria of Glenwood [ 23d O. W. Cumming's ("Standard Goods 33301 8 Bellows Bros. Choice Victoria 127901. J * Roan. Purdy Bros. I Grandiflora 59978 Purdy Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second senior calf in 1916 at the International and in 1917 5th in class at this show and 3d at the American Royal. MISS LOVELY 506941 Roan. Purdy Bros. r Fairview Monarch S53426 Red. Purdy Bros. [ Lovely Goods Miss 153149 ^ Roan. Purdy Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. f Orange Monarch 190181 Purdy Bros. Victoria of Glenwood [ 23d O. \V. Cummmgs C Standard Goods 333018 Bellows Bros. Lady Lovely 2d 115903 Purdy Bros. Prizes: Fourth senior calf at the International in 1916 and in 1917 she was 1st senior yearling at Iowa State Fair and 1st at the American Royal. Record of Shorthorn /V/'zr ll'inncrs 417 CHAMPION'S ROSE 508289.. Roan. J. IRuberta's Goods 283807 Tebo Land X- < 'attle Co. Lady Marengo 2d C. A. Saunders [Fair Acres Sultan 354154 F. W. Harding l air \cres Rose 218939. -| White. J. A. Kil-our I Primrose J. A. Kilgour Bloodlines: This breeding is of *>.\r< -llent Scotch blood on a mixed foundation that came through imp. White Kose 1>\ Warrior (673). Prizes: Seventh prize two-year-old at tin- American Royal in 1918. EASTLAWN BARON- ESS 5-.Q234 J (-Cumberland's | Cumberland I.M .... ............ J C. A, Saui White. C. A. Saunders win ]p |,- s ,, (iv;ll I Geo. \\ White. Krank Toyne | Villas- Barone ^ .- 152&27 L Roan. 1). R. Bloodlines: Scotch. \\. I',;; Vil, \84 C. II. .JnllilTe I!arin. L. '. .Jones Prizes: Tenth senior yearling at the American Royal and at I.i\\.i State I-'aii- sh> was !th in 1 !H 7 MIK! :!d prize two-year-old in 1918. GRAND DUCHESS 8TH 512682... Red. L. r. Boyle I ride of the I 334956 iter Avoiiilali- i 1 }:, Ml I'!. S. Kelly Imp. Rosewood 86th G. Walker '.rand Duchess g F Lockrid " :>0 JGrand Duchess Red. S. l-'. Lockri 134921 s. p. Lo< Bloodlines: This IT. -.din- is mainly Scon h. but then- is good Bates blood in the earlier ancestors of the dam. Seventh junior calf at the Internationa] in HUG. 418 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners {Bonrisman 358322 Alex T Gordon Imp. Red Rosemary J. Young fWaverly 346579 I Meadow Gypsy 514420. J Geo< Gler Roan. Geo. Amos & Meadow Girl 514421 Sens [_ Geo. Amos & Sons Bloodlines : Scotch. Prizes: First senior calf at the International in 1916. BRITANNIA 514411. ...J Roan. A. F. & G. Auld COUNTESS 16TH 514416 Roan. J. G. Thomson Bloodlines: Scotch. Lyn Hero 514405 Roan. H. Cargill Son Proud Hero 503041 Wm. Duthie Imp. Julia Lynedoch 14000 Jas. Durno {Diamond King 514402 H. Cargill & Son Belle 514410 John D. Lynch Prizes: Second prize two-year-old and in 1st graded herd at the International in 1916. fClan Alpine 2d 509586.. White. F. W. Ewing EVELYN 514418 White. Geo. Ferguson fProud Monarch 39S3S6 H. Cargill & Son Imp. Donside Alexandra F. W. Ewing rWoodfield Wonder 514409 j Queen Wonder 514431.. J Woodfield Stock Farm Roan. Richard Dick- I Miss Mayflower 514423 ieson [ Richard Dickieson Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth junior yearling at the International in 1916. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 419 QUEEN ELIZABETH 514430.. Bondsman's Commander 482919 Red. Mitchell Bros. Roan. A. F. & G. Auld I Cecelia Lady 514414.... Bandsman 358322 Alex T. Gordon Imp. Red Rosemary J. Young fWaverly 316579 Geo. Gier Roan. Geo. Amos & I Cecilia Ray 43256 Sons Uvmihiirst Farm Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: First senior yearling and in 2d young herd at the Interna- tional in 1916. DUCHESS OF GLOS TER 80TH 515379. Roan. J. A. \Vatt Gainford Marquis 370987-) Roan. G. Harrison th IHH-IH-.-S of Gloster 112340 lit 370036 G. Harrison Dalmeny Marchioness 8th Kail of Roseberry True (';iinl><-rl-tn8733 limp. Winifred M \ W ' S ' Marp Roan. Wm. Anderson I Winifred ^.1 ^ V Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth senior calf at the International in 1912. 420 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners fKeep S'miling- 516455 W. Parkin-Moore I Winter Blossom J. W. Barnes Roan. J. Deane Willis ["Hoar Frost 526409 White. W. P.irkin- 1MP. LADY DOROTHY Moore 526415 \ fLadas 2d 526410 R. W. Bell [Countess 6th 526414 \ Red. W. T. Chalmers I Countess 5th 526413 W. T. Chalmers Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Lady Dorothy was junior champion at Denver in 1916 and at the International she was junior and grand champion. In 1917 she was senior and grand champion at Ohio State Pair, 2d prize two-year-old at the American Royal and senior and grand champion at the Interna- tional. LADY SUSAN 543365... Roan. W. E. Pritchard Dale Clarion 385195.. White. Owen Kane Susan Lady 4th 51923. . Red. H. D. Parsons f Double Dale 337156 Carpenter & Ross Lily of Sunnyland 18249 Aug. Sonnelar.d Scottish Champion 224435 H. D. Parsons Susan Lady Cookson Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1917 Lady Susan was 9th senior calf in Futurity class. In 1918 she was junior and grand cjiampion at Iowa State Fair, 2d senior yearling at the American Royal and 1st at the International. fDouble Dale 337156 Carpenter & Ross 1 Dale Clarion 385185 J White. Owen Kane 1 Lily of Sunnyland 13249 Aug. Sonneland VICTORIA 73 D 543367. Roan. W. E. Pritchard | fBanner Chief 200218 R. E. Owens ! Victoria 72d 15183 ^ Red. C. W. Daws & Victoria Rose Son Alex Jo tin & Son Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth junior yearling at Iowa State Fair and 7th at the American Royal in 1917. Record of Shorthorn Prize Wintnrs 421 PLEASANT ACRES BELLE 553525.... Roun. H. C. Look.i- ba igh Kair Acres S'.ili.-m 364154. White. F. W. Harding Bearer 16375 Red. \V. M. II. Ste- phens t \:- Son fWhitehall Sultan J. Deane Willis Sno\v ii'.rd 11648 C. K. Clarke . Standard Bearer - W. P. Harned nd's Scotch Belle \\ . II. ii. Steph< Bloodlines: Scotch on a mixed foundation, though the blond is largely Scotch. Prizes: In 11*17 slie was 1st senior calf and in 4th calf herd at tin- American Royal and 1st and in 1st calf herd at the Intel-national. In 1918 she was 8th in class at the former and tith at the latter. MISS CUMBERLAND 553954.. Lrch' Standard Goods Bellows Bios ; Ko;.n. .1. .1. Vinson\ Cumberland I'urd.\ I'.ros. < 'uinl.erland ....... j Red. J. J. Vinson \V. Thnmas IMoo.llines: Scotch. I'rixes: Second senior \carliiiL; at lo\\ :'air in l!Ux. LADY CLARA 12Th 554002 White. S. G. I'j: Sinnlssippi Bios r.l.illin. S : Scotch. LoWdell x wallon I adv Roan. s. G. Klia ; Prlzei iitli senior calf in Kuturity class ai the I nterna tional in 1917 and 1M senior \earliim at Minnesota Stat,- l-'aii' in L918. 422 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners LADY CLARA 9TH 471771 BRED BY S. G. ELIASON, MONTEVIDEO, MINN. PARKDALE VICTORIA 8TH 495054 BRED BY BELLOWS BROS., MARYVILLE, MO. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 423 IRoan Sultan 316627 Thos. Johnson Marchioness 19th 107603 S. J. Pearson & Son 554044 I'rinre Cumberland r 347311 Roan. TCben E. Jones j Myra ^Cumberland Burwood Stock Farm 465105 -( Harvester s Fancy Roan. E. D. Jones & I 121932 I E. D. Jones & Son Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third prize cow at Minnesota State Fair in 1918. In No- vember, 1918, she was sold for $1,000. RICHLAND BEAUTY berger Su:tan Roan. W. C. Rosen- AlaxNvalton Suit-in 30r,870 Carpenter & Ross Imp. < 'nllynie Rosew'd 3d Wm. Duthie 554682. 'Orphan's Lovat Ring Roan. Cortland Mar- -94 shall lEstervillo JJrauty 1834 38 J K. H. I'rton Red. Goo. A. II irlow i i->t*Tville J.ady 101582 Hi'l'low Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third junior yearling at the International in 1918. : lton Sultan 5870 f Rosewood Sultan 87070lJ Carpenter & Ross Roar). W. C. Rosen- i mp . Colly nie Rosewood RICHLAND ROSEGEM berger 3d 554683 -| \\ m . Duthie fpride of Linwood 306027 ^hite. Cortland Mar- : A , Korbes & gon shall I Rosa Gem Mh 171*568...-! Red, white marks | Rosa 1;T Rigg & Glasgow L. A\\ II. N't ece Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Eighth senior yearling at the International in 1918. 424 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners LOVELY OF PARK- DALE 15TH 555630. {Double Dale 337156 Carpenter & Ross Lady Fragrant B. C. Rumsey fEest of Goods 262678 Roan. Bellows Bros. | Lovely of Parkdale 4th Tebo Land & Cattle Co. 12.1149 -j Red. Bellows Bros. I Hampton's Lovely C. D. Bellows Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: First senior calf and junior champion at Iowa State Fair in 1917, and at the American Royal she was 2d in class and 1st Futurity and at the International 1st in class and 2d Futurity. In 1918 she was 1st senior yearling and in 1st young- herd at the American Royal and 2d in class and in 1st young herd at the International. F _, fBest of- Goods 262678 Roan. Bellows Bros. | Lovely of Parkdale 6th Tebo Land & Cattle Co . 121150 J Bros. Hampton's Lov ly C. D. Bellows Double Dale 337156 Carpenter & Ross j Radium 385197 J White. Owen Kane 1 Lady Fragrant LOVELY OF PARK- B. C. Rumsey DALE 16TH 555631.. Red. Bellows Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth senior calf at Iowa State Fair and 5th at the Amer- ican Royal in 1917. In November, 1917, she was sold for $1,700. fRadium 385197 QUEEN OF BEAUTY 36TH 555634... White. Owen Kane Roan. Bellows Bros. | Queen of Beauty 23d {Double Dale 337156 Carpenter & Ross .Lady Fragrant B. C. Rumsey CBost of Goods 262678 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. 121155 J Hampton's Queen of Roan. Bellows Bros. Beauty id Bellows Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1917 she was 2d senior calf and in 1st calf herd at Iowa State Fair, at the American Royal 6th in class and 4th Futurity and at the International 6th in both open and Futurity classes. rjf Shorthorn Prize Winmrs 425 COLUMBIA ANOKA 555860.. f Sultan Stamp 334974...., White. V. W. Harding White. Anoka Farms | Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Imp. Rachel's Daughter Philo L. Mills Lavender Clipper 203771 W. D. Flatt | Columbia llth 86869... J Roan. W. H. Dun- I Columbia 7th woody W. H. Dunwoody Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Sixth senior calf at Iowa State Fair and 8th at the Inter- national in 1917. CLOVERLEAF MIL- DRED 3D 556509. . Roan. W. C. Rosen- berger Villa-e Royal 355016 D. R. I lanna .Milc!r.-d I 1 ', th 624 Roall. H. A. iNL- .1. A. Watt Villager 295884 C. 11. Roaetta ms333 II. < \ti-Kill x- Son II Smith Bloodlines: Scotch. Mildred :,ih .1. \- \V. B. Watt in mi7 slu- was 1st senior calf at <>hi<> stat- l-'air. 4th in open flass anil ^d Kuturity at tin- Ani.-ric.m Royal and :,th in class and 4th 1-uturity at tin- Intrrna t ic.nnl. In I'.'ls sh.- was 1st in class in ohic. ."th at the American Royal and 5th at the International. 1LLINI SULTANA 556703 K< an. : rhiversity Illinois [Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Village Sultan 229004... -^ -Roan. E. S. K.-lly Im P- Vil lage Maid 30th i'.lack I. Wildej Red. Tnivrsity of 111. .Major Hampton 2816V f 111. 1'nivcrsity \Vildeyes of 111. Bloodlines: Scotch and I la'- Prizes: Seventh senior calf at the International in 1IU7. 426 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners VILLAGER'S MAU- RI NE 556786 I illager 295884 Roan. C. H. Jolliffe Red, white marks Uppermill Farm I Maurine 161470...., Red, white marks Village Beau 2958S3 Wm. Duthie Rosy Cloud C. H. Jolliffe [Morning Star. 206060 J. D. Cole Marchioness Champion H. S. & W. B. Duncan [ S. G. Crawford Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Eleventh senior calf at Iowa State Fair, 8th at the American Royal and 6th at the International in 1917. Master Ruby 446601. . Roan. W. A. Drydeii AVERNE 15TH 556802. \ Red. Herr Bros. & Reynolds Lady Averne 127766 Red. Herr Bros. Reynolds Archer's Hope 402425 Peter White Ruby 36th 201016 A. C. Pettit [Choice Master 267262 E. E. Souers 1 Averne 13th 48860 W. G. Pettit & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Thirteenth Futurity senior calf at the International in 1917. In 1918 she was junior champion at Minnesota and Wisconsin State Fairs and 4th senior yearling at the International. In 1919 she was exported to South America. LADY MARENGO 11TH 557865... Roan. C. A. Saunders & Sor-s ("Cumberland's Best Cumberland's Type 334805 388132 j C. A. Saunders Roan. C. A. Saunders Gipsy Countess 65193 I C. A. Saunders {Cumberland's Best 334805 C. A. Saunders Lady Marengo 3th 92595 C. A. Saunders Lady Marengo 9th Bloodlines: Scotch. This pedigree is rich in the blood of Cumberland's Last 229822. Prizes: Sixth junior yearling at the American Royal and 9th at the International in 1918. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 427 TYPE'S DUCHESS 557879.. ("Cumberland's Best Cumberland's Type 334805 388132 J C. A. Saunders Roan. C.A. Saunders Gipsy Countess 65193 L C. A. Saunders See A. Cumberland Roan. C. A. Saunders Bloodlines: Scotch. S'lst Duchess of Glostei 150914.. 267738 C. A. Saunders Red. JohnR.Saund^sl 751 ^^ 68 John R. Saunders Prizes: Sixth senior calf at the American Royal and 10th at the International in 1918. VILLAGE ROSEMARY \Y.MMlla\vn Villager 409698 Red. D. K. llanna Villager 295884 c. H .lolliffe Uuby ol' 1'ini- di-ove iih W. C. Edwards & Co. 560684. Roan. Theo. Martin The Bard of Avondale r 367548 Carpenter & Ross mary 1S1999.J Qnkgrove Rosemary l White. C. A. Branson] 87206 Geo. E. Butler Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: At Iowa State Fair she was 7th s.-nir calf in 1917 and 5th senior yearling- in MAXWALTON DAM \\hite. Carpenter | Revolution R88359 Roan. Carpenter ROSS ( Avondale 245144 !:. S. Kelly J Imp Roan R OS ebud 12th 59553 A.M.Leslie ( Pride of the Dales 3:; I Carpenter & R Dal-- Lavender 15477. .J \\'hite. F. O. Lowden I Dorothy UivmT 81036 v. F. O. Lowden Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1917 she was 2d senior calf at Ohio State Fair, 6th at the American Royal and 7th at the International. 428 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners fAvondale 245144 Maxwaltonj Renown E g Kelly 367543 J White. Carpenter & I Imp. Lavender Bloom MAXWALTON FANCY | Ross J. Deane Willis 2D 564180 \ f First in the Ring 162100 Roan. Carpenter & Wm Duthie Ross Sinnlssippi Fancy 1340. J L Roan. W. I. Wood 1 imp. Proud Fancy [ Wm. Duthie Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1918 she was 3d at Ohio State Fair and 2d at Indiana State Fair. In June, 1918, she was sold for $2,500. {Good Knight 350286 E, A. Hess Nonpareil Queen 6th 94187 J. F. Prather {Village Robin 353783 J. F. Prather Village Blossom 6048Y Carpenter & Fcoss Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third senior calf at Iowa State Fair and 10th Futurity at the International in 1917. VILLAGE BLOSSOM 11TH 565229 Roan. J. F. Prattler {Hopeful Cumberland 392004 Jos. Miller & Sons Gipsy Maid 15th 109032 N. H. Gentry Sons CUMBERLAND FLOWER 2D 568533J r Cumberland's Last White. Jos. Miller & [ Cumberland FloAver 229S22 Sons 64386 -1 C. A. Saunders Roan. Earles Stan- Maisie 7th ton W. W. Knapp I'.ioodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Eleventh Futurity senior calf at the American Royal in 1917 and 6th senior yearling at Iowa State Fair in 1918. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 429 f Cumberland Marsha! Cumberland 412384 ; '-'"'- ' Klmendorf Kami While. .1. \V. MrDer- ... . g J37 '' W " " ;l " il ' 'nrilierla'id Vrcher Roan. Jos. Miller & -, l:; Sons [Lovely Queen I'd : 061 J(IS ;uni ( . r \: Sons Red. .los. Mill'-r v'v: jl,o\cl\- C^in-en Sons \\ ondfnrd I ;r .'. Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Seventh senior calf and in Knturity class at the American Royal in 1917. . >. K. '.. '.)\v-n Kane LINWOOD CLARA 9TH 569414 \ I. M. ' 3or LinwOOd 'Mara 'ith SMI, AugU8tin< I '. II. 1 1 mna grant r,th 149! Viet I. M. I'". 1" - A Soil Linwood < 'la ' I. M. ' Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Tliirlii<> State l-'air. 1st in Indiana and Uh at the American Royal. At a sale in November, to South America in ! . she brought |1,350. si. sported ter & Ross I-!. S. K.-Ily Revolution 3S Roan '',ii pent< i -., i, cot Slttyl - Red. K- A. M. I.- Monarch \\". C. E Judson i :ai : - otch. I'l-ixes: I-'om-th junior \-earlin^ at <>hio SI and 3d at In 430 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners Maxwalton Renown 367543 fAvondale 245144 -nj g Kellv MAXWALTGN SPICY P. 574863. White. Carpenter &, 1mp. Lavender Bloom Ross [ J. Deane Willis f First in the Ring 161:100 Roan. Carpenter & | Spicy of Pickaway Wm Duthie Ross 20003 J Red. W. I. Wood 1 Spicy of Brcwnuale 9th [ H. F. Broun Bloodlines: Scotch. In 1914 Spicy of Pickaway was 1st prize cow at Ohio State Fair. Prizes: Seventh junior calf at the American Royal in 1917. ( King Cumberland 288383 Cumberland Marshal F Q Lo W( j en 412384 I Roan. Elmendorf j Marshal's Queen 87585 Farm Elmendorf Farm FAIR GIFT 2D 575021.. \ Roan. J,W. McDer- mott j Gift of Albion 107199. . . Roan. Carpenter & Dale's Gift 41150 Ross Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. This breeding combines the blood of Cumberland's Last, the noted champion Whitehall Marshal and the great sire Avondale. Dale's Gift and her full sister, Dale's Gift 2d, were both prize winners, especially when shown as produce. Prizes: First junior yearling at Iowa State Fair in 1918 and at a public sale in October of that year she brought $2,300. ("King's Secret 369111 .Thaxtons Secret 2d Elmendorf Farm 411372 4 Lady Dorothea 6th Roan. Jas Brown 35666 MISSIE QUEEN 575982.1 _ , ,, T __. fRoan Sultan 316627 Roan, falter J. Hill Thos John30n Queen Missie 176568 J White. Thos. Stanton Missie C. 52473 [ F. W. Harding i Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third junior calf at Ohio State Fair and in llth Futurity at the International in 1917. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 431 i .Master Ruby 446601 , Roan. W. A. Dryd.-n f Archer's Hope 402425 Petor White GOLDIE'S RUBY 2D 576035 . . Goldio's Rose I92r Red. J. F. Ruby :J:th 21-1016 A. C. Pettit r Archer's Hope 402425 Peter White Goldie's Gipsy 1?3034 J. F. Richardson Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second junior yearling at Minnesota State Fair in 1918 and at the International she was 4th and in 1st get of sire. LESPEDEZA BROAD- HOOKS 576042 Roan. Lespedi'/a. Farm [Lespedeza Sultan 406929. White. Sultan St.un?) 334974 F. W. Harding ria 3d 129770 Neville r Scotch Legacy ?,: E. W. Bowen | Orphan Lass 176745.... J ii. LespedezaFarui i Hcatlu-r i;.-llf ::d 59007 C. E. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: At the Intrrnatith at Iowa and 7th at the Intel-national. VILLAGER'S LAVEN- , DER 576163 ^ White. n.|..-rmill Parxn Roai Mean 29 Win. iH'.thi" ( loud C. H. Jolliffe Missi< , W. C. I I Lavender 5 1 - rd? Tri- iderSd & C W. D. Klatt g itch. I n im.s she was 1th senioi- ytMi-liiiL; al S i-'air. Tth at the American Mnyal and nDi at ih- 1 n t "rnat ional. In X(\-einler of that vea old f..r $1,800. 434 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners CUMBERLAND BES3 2D 576194 . Roan. Joseph Milter & Sons f Hopeful Cumberland Choice Cumberland 392004 410399 J jog. Miller & Sons Roan. Jos. Miller it | Gipsy Maid 15th 109032 Sons L N. H. Gentry r Flower Knight 264126 Thos. Harborn | Queen Bess 38th 165969. J ^ Roan. Jos. Miller <& Queen Bess 34th 625f 5 Sons Jos. Miller & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third junior yearling at Iowa State Fair in 1918. HILLSHADE BEAUTY 576268 Roan. Eben E. Jones {Roan Sultan 316627 Thos. Johnson Marchionr.-ss 19th 10760C S. J. Pearson & Son r Prince Cumberland Lucy Cumberland 3d 347311 465104 J Bunvood Stock Farm Red. E. D. Jones & j Harvester's Nola 52033 Son E. D. Jones & Son Bloodlines: Scotch in the main, but on a mixed foundation. Prizes: In 1917 she was 6th junior calf at Iowa State Fair and at the International 10th in open class and 5th Futurity. ROSEWOOD LADY 2D 576314. . White. Owen Kane Bloodlines: Scotch. {Double Dale 337156 Carpenter & Ross Queen 13012 Chas. F. Behlers r Augustine 354344 D. R. Hanna Rosewood Lady 17938^1 .J Wellington Rosewood White. Owen Kane 127142 Owen Kane This pedigree combines the blood of some very noted Shorthorns Whitehall Sultan, Avondale, Double Dale, Choice Goods and Villager were all most excellent sires. Wellington Rosewood, the maternal grand - dam, was out of Maxwalton Rosewood 12640, dam of Double Dale. Prizes: First junior calf at Iowa State Fair and 5th at the Inter- national in 1917. Record of Shorthorn Prize dinners 435 'Royal Robin 4219G8 Roan. R. E. Baldwin LADY AUGUSTA 9TH 578394 fRoan Victor 2d 334392 A. Alexander Sweet Charity Robin 101200 C. C. Norton Roan. S. A. Nelson Lady Augusta 7th [ Vi tO ^ Sl 5 a ". 2&6335 & Sons 200598 I F ' W " p Red. Geo. Allen & Imp. Augusta 99th Sons Jas. Brace Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third senior yearling at Iowa State Fair in 1918. Champion Goods 4103S5. Roan. Howell Rees &. OAKLAWN ALICE Sons 578473 J Roan. T. A. Kilgour Village Nell lM 211 Roan. J. A. Kilgour Ruberta's Goods 283807 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. 11140 2d C. A. Saunders Fair 'an 354154 I-'. \V. l!:inliim' Village Nell 150350 D. R. Hanna Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third junior calf at the American Royal in 1918. r Sultan Stamp 334974 F. W. Harding Crystal Stamp 402629... J White. Anoka Farms Clipper Favorite 121396 FANNY ANOKA 578895! Roan. Anoka Farms ! ("Manchester 157725 Early Morning 34919... J G ^ Shepherd Red. Chas. J. Stuckey | Fairy Morning [ M. H. Cochrane Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth senior calf and in 2d calf herd at the International in 1917. 436 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 'Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. Deane Willis Fair Acres Sultan 35415-1. White. F. W. Harding 1 Snowbird 11048 PLEASANT PRIN- C. E. Clarke CESS 581625 J f Prince Pavonia 20731;? Roan. H. C. Looka- | p r i nc ess Josephine 2d c F Wolf & Son baugh 86165 J Red. C. S. Nevius Josephine 4th T. P. Babst Bloodlines: This breeding is mainly Scotch, but through the sire there is a trace of Bates blood and the dam is a descendant of imp. Flora by Young Albion (15) brought over by the Ohio Importing Co. in 1834. Prizes: Fourth junior yearling at the American Royal in 1917 and in 1918 she was senior champion at this sh'ow and was 2d in class at the International. She was sold for export to South America in 1919. HEATHER BELLE 583137 {Blood Royal 311137 Wm. Duthie . Imp. Floretta 35021 A. Watson Roan. J. A. Watt Fanny B. 38th 851 C Orange Victor 274339 W. C. Edwards & Co. Roan. Duncan Me- Fanny B. 34th 850 Laren Duncan McLaren Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth junior yearling at the International in 1913. DALE'S BANGLE 583935.. {Double Dale 337156 Carpenter & Ross Lily of Sunnyland 13249 * -. Aug. Sonneland Roan. W. E. Pritchard r Young Commodore 203988 j Favorite's Bangle 131264J Cookson Bros. Red. Cookson Bros. I i mp . Scarlet Bangle H. R. Macrae Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1917 4th junior calf and in 1st calf herd at the American Royal and 8th Futurity at the International. In 1918 she was 2d junior ^earling at Iowa State Fair and 2d at the American Royal. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 437 CLOVERLEAF BLOS SOM 583942 J Roan. W. C. Rosen- berger Maxwalton Pride 367542H Red. Carpenter & Ross Avondale 245144 E. vS. Kelly Imp. Rosewood Pride Goo. Walker -Marigold Sailor 2d Matchless Maid 120270.. Roan. E. C. Hunter Thos. Johnson .Matchless Queen 51043 E. C. Hunter Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second junior calf at Ohio Stat- Kair in 1U17. CLOVERLEAF GLOS- .M-ixwalum I'riiu- 31 Red. Carpenter TER 583943 ........ Avondah- iM'141 K. S. Kelly Imp. Rosewood Geo. Walker Red. \\ . C. Rosen- bei [ Gloster of S52 ^ Red. .1. <;. r.Mrlawl rpp-rmill < >n \\ . S. Man : ! <;iost>T <>r [vanhoe John David- Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1U17 she was 1st junior calf .it < '! Fair, 1st at the American Royal and I'd at the InU-i na t ional. In p.Mx sh- was junior champion in ohi<. junior champion at tin- International and junior and urand champion at the American Royal. VILLAGE VIOLET 594534 . . (Villager 295884 C. H. Jolliffe 367938. J Red. D. R. Hanna | r.utterliy Qiu- A. John- -I (Fox Ite 336713 j Lady Violet iMis',33 I R^ J fl. Rapp I I Sunset Viol< < >. \V. < 'ummings Scotch. Prizes: Third senior calf at the American Royal in 1!17. Red. R 438 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners CLARA 71ST 598742... White. Bellows Bros. {Double Dale 327156 Carpenter & Ross Lady Fragrant B. C. Rumsey ["Star of the Mist 35421.) N. H. Gentry | Clara 69th 242027 J Roan. N. H. Gentry I Clara ?9th 41014 N. H. Gentry Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third senior yearling at the American Royal and 5th at the International in 1'918. GLOSTER LADY 7TH 602501 Roan. L. F. Boyle Pride of the Dales 334956 Roan. Carpenter Ross Lh | I. M. Forbes & Son r Avondale 245144 E. S. Kelly Imp. Rosewood 86th Geo. Walker Norseman 225810 L Roan. L. F. Boyl< IGloster of Hennepin W. E. Boyden Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Seventh junior calf at the International in 1917. AUGUSTA ANOKA 6TH 607298... Red. Anoka Farms Rusper Champion 425818 Roan. E. R. Morrison Proud Champion 425330 Wm. Duthie Princess Missie llth 198429 H. C. Lewis [Loyal Scot 352?10 David Anderson Red. Ont. Agr'i College I College Augusta 149251 O. A. College Augusta O. A. C. 2d 149251.. Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth junior calf and in 2d calf herd at the International in 1917, Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 439 fDale Clarion 385195.. White. Owen Kane f Double Dale 337156 Carpenter Ross Lily of Sunnyland 13219 . Sonneland VICTORIA 74TH 607986. Roan. W. E. Pritchurd r Favorite Broadhooks 367730 i Fairview Victoria 215184J H. Pritchard ,fc Son Red. H. Pritchard ft I Victoria 72d 15183 Son C. W. Daws & Son Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1917 5th junior calf at Iowa State Fair, 5th at the American Royal and 8th at the International, and in 1918 5th in class at the American Royal and 2d at the International. PLEASANT AVERNii 608717.. White. H. C. Looka- baugh ( Whitehall Sultan 163573 J. ix-ane Willis Kair Acres Sultan 8541G4J \\ hite. F. W. Harding Snowbird 11648 C. E. Clarke \vait<>H Averni 86596 .............. Roan. Carper ter Ro?s Iioquhan Monarch ',17062 Stephen Mitchell Annagathle Carpenter x Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Eighth junior yc.irlinu at the American Royal in 1918. In November of that year she sold for $4,100. :rquis of Dorchester f (11- : Earl of Kingston 613050. J Earl T\j an vers R an ' Earl Manvers Pierrepont Grist Ida Earl Manors Diamon-1 540539 \V. T. Game & Son Roan Edgcote Short- I imp. , eth horn Co. 610507 Roan. Sydney Dennis Sydney Dennis Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third senior yearling at the International in 1918. 440 Record of Shorthorn Prize, Winners f Sultan's Heir 368468 Thos. Johnson [Sultan's Prince 422450.. J Red, white marks 1 Robin's Princess 165021 ETHEL SULTAN W. C. Prewitt & Sons! M. F. Prewitt 618298 \ f Proud Monarch 360067 Roan, llarnman Bros. [White Ethel 246759.,.. \ Harriman Bros. White. Harriman | Roan Ethel 175548 Bros. L Harriman Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third senior yearling at the American Royal in 1918. In November of that year she sold for $1,450. I Cumberland's Best 334805 C. A. Saunders Gipsy Countess 65193 C. A. Saunders wezz/ ............ \ Prince Cumberland Red. C. A. Saunders [ Lavij . )ia Cumberland 3d j o h'n *R. Saunders 507774 .............. 4 Lavinia Cumberland Red. John R. Saunders | 107938 C. A. Saunders Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Sixth junior yearling at the International in 1918. r Captain of the Mint President of the Mint 387166 387170 J Wm. Duthie Red. D. Stewart Stella iM IMP. WINDSOR D . Stewart BELLE 23D 647022. J /Edgcbte Jester 613581 Red. Lady Oathcart | Windsor Belle 22d Edgcote Shorthorn Co. 613603 J Windsor Belle 21st It. & \v. 613602 Lady Cathcnrt [ Lady Cathcart Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1917 she was 6th prize 2-year-old at Iowa State Fair, 5th at the American Royal and 6th at the International. Record of Shorthorn Prize ll'lntnrs 44! FAIRVIEW LILY 2D 655C04.. Roan. \V. H. I'ritcharl 1 Double I alr Carpenter & Lily of ^U'ir.% Ivr.i Aim\ Bon vonte L'SGO-ifi Cookson Brcs. .' Fairvie-w Lily 202500. . .. Red. H. Pritchard & I Lily 1 \ Son 1 If. I'ritrharcl & Son Bloodlines: Scotch. Prices: 1-Mi-st si-nii>r calf at I"\va Siat<- l-'aii- in ROSEBUD 5TH 655005. H \v. I-;, pritc Clario Whit Doubl< Lily . mil Si-ai .1. A. Step! Bloodlines In 1 '.* 1 s sh.- was :M senior -n!f 'it I"\>. i-'aif, 'Jth at the Anit-rican ' imlM-rlainl's ler 334, re I Sinnissippi Bio mi i.-, I-'. O. I." \Vlli: - i ,, in: _. e , th 149104. ...J ( \ i CUMBERLAND SU- PERB 663439.. : Sunshin.- (^ S. (5. K"! Scotch. i senior calf at .\iinni->-..ta a 442 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners GOLDIE'S RUBY 505073 BRED BY HERR BROS. & REYNOLDS, LODI, WIS. CLOVERLEAF GLOSTER 583943 BRED BY W. C. ROSENBERGER, TIFFIN, OHIO Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 443 Cumberland's Archer Cumberland's Best 33480 r DA.RS.E LASS 7TH 663444 < 3 2399 -" ........ C. A. Saunders B,os Sum White. S. G. Eliaoon Dairsie Lass 3d 176325 F.O Lwden Archer Sultan ?171.V.' s . G. Eliason Roan. S. G. Eliason Dairsie J>iss 2d 149100 ' \Vliit.- \ Smith Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second senior calf at Minnesota State Fair in 1918. Cumberland's Archer 432399 .j < 'umlMTla'ul's : LADY CLARA 13TH 663445 . White, r. A. San i Ml- -rs & Sons ^ . ,-\ . fcMinnclors Siiinissippi i;ii.-\som Roan. S. G. Eliason '4 : Lady Clara Sth .: Red. S. G. Eliason F. O. Lowden Villa ere Baronet 354063 D. R. Hanna Clara L'*S82 S G. Kli. Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: First senior calf at .Minn-siit;i Stau- I-'air in 1918. SUNSHINE 11TH 663446 Cumberland's Archer \Vhif-. c. A. Saunders | Cumberland's Best 334805 C. A. Saunders & sons Roan. S. G. Elliason F. O. Lowd-n Sunshine l r.434 Red, little white S. G. Eliason American Archer 282995 J F. O. Lowden Sunshine 3d [ P. R. Stoffel & B Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth senior calf at Minnesota State Fair in 1918 and 2d at North Dakota State Fair. In 1919 she was exported to South Amei , 444 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners ("Everlasting 242727 O. E. Clarke Imperial Gloster 340225. J Roan. E. W. Bowen Lady Gloster 6th LESPEDEZA RAIN- I. M. Forbes & Son DROP 2D 664103... \ White. Lespedeza Farm . I Raindrop 142431 -j ^ Roan. White & Smith Ringmaster 307*94 C. E. Clarke Mint Drop 15th 59010 C. E. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1918 2d senior calf at Indiana State Fair, 8th in Ohio and 18th Futurity at the International. ROSE OF AUTUMN 27TH 654108 Red & white Theo. Martin Woodlawn Villager 409698 Red. D. R. Hanna Villager 295884 C. H. Jolliffe Ruby of Pine Grove 9th W. C. Edwards & Co. f Diamond Gloster 355DG1 ! Gloster's Autumn Rose I. M. Forbes & Son iM.r,526 1 Rose of Autumn 24th Roan. Theo. Martin 59051 Thos. Johnson Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Sixth senior calf at Iowa State Fair in 1918. CLOVERLEAF MISS 2D 665036.. W. C. Rosen - bergrer & Sons {Villager 295884 C. H. Jollii'fe Rosetta 108333 H. Cargill & Son r Maxwalton Sultan 305870 i Cloverleaf Missie 222523J Carpenter & Ross Roan. W. C. Rosen- Miss Stamford 131673 berger W. C. Rosenfcerger Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1918 she was 2d senior calf at Ohio State Fair, 1st at the American Royal and 3d at the International. Record of Shorthorn Prize 445 Radium 385197 ^ \Vhitf. i ixven Kane PARKDALE AUGUSTA . 6TH 665051 ......... -| Double Dale 337156 Carpenter & Ross Lady Kraurant 1'.. '. Rumsey Roan. Bello\\ s i Bloodlines: Scotch. II >iamond Goods 333011 Bellov/s l Xorxvnnd AuKU.sta 7th 97076 R. <>. Miller Prizes: Sixth senior calf at national in 1918. tin- American K<>yal and the Inter- Kiim Ciunl..-1-laivl 388":!S3 LOVELY THAXTON Farm 2D 666002. . SGiMl! . . . Red. J;ix. \ ( >. I...\\d-n T. !:. i:->liiin -Kaithful .\reh.-r 279841 H. 1-'. Ross, [X>Vely Thaxt>n 1- Red. QftO. .1 [y .Jehu i:i M'090 & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second s.-ninr call at th- Intt-rnaiional ii : VILLAGE MAID 5TH 669849 . . { Vill-im r's ii.-ir 17( n. l T pi" rniill i i 8 89942 \V. Red. I. Farm 137108 C. F. Woll Scotch. Prizes: Fifth senior calf at th.- [nternationaJ in 446 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners VILLAGER'S LASS ' 669854.. [Villager 295884 , r Village Beau 295883 Wm. Duthie Roan. C. H. Jolliffe Rosy Cloud , C. H. Jolliffe Roan. Upper-mill Farm I [Sterling Scotty 352395 (Diamond 36th 219610... J J - -* Kilgour Roan. Fred Wolf j Diamond 35th S0258 [ H. F. Brown Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third senior calf at Minnesota State Fair, 8th at the Ameri- can Royal and 12th Futurity at the International in 1918. Sold in November, 1918, for $1,300. Sultan Stamp 334974 'Reeal Stamp 396730 CLOPPER ANOKA J Sultan 1 P.W. 9TH 671866. White. Anoka Farms I Autumn Rose F. O. Lowden Roan. Anoka Far j Imp . clipper Crescent 47716 J Red. Alex T. Gordon Corona A. M. Gordon Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Second senior calf at the American Royal in 1918. I Roan Sultan 316627 Thos. Johnson Marchioness 19th 107606 S. J. Pearson & Son r Prince Cumberland Roan. Eben H. Jones 347311 Belle Cumberland 1855421 Burwood stock Farrn Red. E. D. Jones & Harvester Belle 79191 Son j E. D. Jones & Son Bloodlines: This breeding is Scotch blood on a foundation of early importations from England. Prizes: Fifth senior calf at Minnesota State Fair in 1918 and 16th Futurity at the International. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 447 LESPEDEZA BRACE , LET 8TH 675024... j 1 Sultan Stamp 334974 F. W. Harding Victoria 3d 129770 Jas. Neville Roan. Lespedeza Farm { I Scotch Bracelet 109142.- L Roan. E. W. Bowen Scotch Goods 253864 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. Lad's Bracelet J. G. Robbins & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1918 she was 2d junior calf at Ohio State Fair, 1st in Indiana, 5th at the American Royal and 2d at the International. True Cumberland 3d True rmnlMTland 317602 C. A. Saumlers VILLAGE BEAUTY 4TH 676043 Whit*-. C. A. Saunders I.ak.- Park Senora Thos. H. ('anlifM , Roan. Wm. Herkel- mann Villagi- Heauty 3.1 ! Roan. Uppermill ran Villain- J95884 ' ' H. Julliffe (M-MI-D Hope 35156 John Dryih-n & Son Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: First junior calf at Iowa State Fair and 8th at the American Royal in 1918. PARKDALE VICTO- RIA 10TH 676085.. J Roan. Bellows I Bloodlines: Scotch. Radium White. Owen I'arkdale Victoria 6th 196775 Red. Bellows Bros. Double Dale 337156 Center & Ross Lady Fragrant B. C. Rumsey b S'ilt:,n 395720 I Iros. Parkdale Victoria 3d 164499 Bellows Bros Prizes: Ninth junior calf at the Ameri. ! and i:th Futurity at the International in 1918. 448 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners PARKDALE VICTO- RIA 11TH 676086. Double Dale 337156 [Radium 385197 I Carpenter & Ro White. Owen Kane 1 Lady Fragrant Roan. Bellows Bros j Parkdale Victoria 2d B. C. Rumsey rBest of Goods 262678 Tebo Land & Cattle Co. 121152 J Sinnissippi Victoria L Red. Bellows Bros. 1349 I E. R. Stangland Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1918 1st junior calf at the American Royal and at the International she was 3d and was in 2d calf herd and 3d get of sire. EWINGACRES EMMA 676206 Roan. Ewing- Bros. Linwood Dale Roan. I. M. 422137. . .- Forbes & Son Hallwood Emma 4th 203819 Roan. E. M. Hall Master of the Dales 350648 Carpenter & Ross Queen of Scots 26th I. M. Forbes & Son {Princely Sultan 360513 F. W. Harding Hallwood Emma 3d 328328 I! all Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth senior calf at the American Royal in 1918. SILVER ETHEL 676207.) I Glenview Dale 2d 384508 C. J. McMaster Diamond Dale 436014...' Roan. P. C. Straubyl Diamond's Aconite 68933 S. P. Emmons fProud Monarch 36006' Harriman Bros. White. Harriman Bros. I Roan Ethel 2d 500835... Roan. Harriman Bros.! Roan Ethel 175348 Harriman Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth senior calf at the American Royal in 1918. R.cc7:i J. Deane Willis .\lis.sie of Bro\vndale 12th Browndale Farm Bloodlines: This breeding is of Scotch blood, except that Young Nominee 168433, sire of Missic of l',i owndale 12th, descends from imp. Young- Mary. Prizes: Fourth junior calf at the American Royal in mix. ESCANA MISSIE 3D 677084.. Red. Mitchell Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. Right Sort 510586 Roan. A. T. Gordon rite MisMe 158305... Red. W. C. Ed\\ Red Rosewood 878 Geo. Walker Sophia 2d 510588 John Mackie Royal Favorite 289942 W. D. Flatt l of Pine Grove 6th W. C. Edwarda s: First junior yearling and junior champion at <>hi" State Fair in 1917. In 1918 she was 3d prize 2-year-old in Ohio, 2d at Indiana State Fair and 9th at the International. Sold in June, lit 17, for $1,350. MAYFLOWER 9TH 678832 (twin) ("Cumberland Marshal 412S84 'illage .Marshal 427572.1 F ,lmendorf Farm White. J. \V. McDer- village Rosalie 203805 D . R . Hanna White. Tomson Bros. I Mower 3d 201293 L Roan. Tomson Bros. Crusader 87 Tomson Bros. Mayflower 159481 Tomson Bros. r.ioo.i;. otch. Third if at the Royal in 1918. 450 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winncis Cumberland Marshal 412384 Elmendorf Farm ..-PUG. 6 TH w r t J w - McD - | ~ E b/oooo J Roan. Tomson Bro E . f Golden Lavender 222970 Geo. Bothwell I Simplicity 3d 63211 J Red. H. C. Duncan I Martha Washington Geo. L. Belcher Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Seventh senior calf at the American Royal in 1918. VILLAGER'S MARI- GOLD 679493 White. Uppermill Farm ( Village Beau 295883 Wm. Duthie Villager 295SN4 J Roan. C. 1-1. Jolliffe 1 Rosy Cloud [ C. H. Jolliffe [ Village Star Marigold 15th 485790... I D> R< Hanna Roan. Leslie Farms I Marigold 10th 124663 A. L. Robison & Sons Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1918 she was 4th junior calf at the Minnesota State Fair, 3d at the American Royal and at the International 5th in class, 5th Futurity and in 5th calf herd. VILLAGER'S MAY 679494. . f Villager 29f.sx4 \ Roan. Uppermill Farm I Roan. C. H. Jolliffe Village Beau 295883 Wm. Duthie Rosy Cloud C. H. Joliffe [ Sultan Standard 334075 F. W. Harding May Sultan 195670 Roan. J. T. Judge I Nonpareil May G6912 N. A. Lind Bloodlines: Scotch, Prizes: In 191s she was 2d junior calf at both the Iowa and Minne- sota State Fairs, 7th at the American Uoyal and Kith Futurity at th< International. Record of Skwtkortt Prize ///'////< r.\ 451 MAX FANCY 4TH 679513 Roan Carpenter Ross Maxwalton Renown fAvondale J \\ hit . Carpenter & | Imp. Lavender Bloom Ross J. I),- an.' Willis Sinnissippi Fancv I'd R. & w. Carpenter SL- Rom I 'rid.- <>f ill-' I teles :::;4'.':.'; Carpcntrr .<- ROM in;;:. I-'. <>. Lowden Bloodlim-s: Scotch. Prizes: In 1918 she was 1st st-nio.- calf at both the < >hi<> and Indiana State Kairs and at the International she was 1st in class, champion Ku- turity heifer and was in 1st calf herd. MAXWALTON JULIA 679515 J K-\olution 8881 Roan. Carpenter 'Avondal.- J r. 1 M E. S. Kelly A. M. Ix^slie Il^ucky I 'ride I'd 8 ;k W. Cotton imp. Julia A. Robert - Bloodlines: Scotch. Imp. Julia, uranddam ..f .Max Julia, was out of imp. Juno by Star of Morning UH'i:;. a r-markable breeder in the herd of \V. M. Imnwnody. In 1 '.< ; s she was .:! scnio,- ,-alf at both the Ohio and Indiana State Fairs and at the International 4th and also 4th Futurity. GOLDEN LAVENDER 2D 679940 Roan. Anoka Farms 11'ioud champion \\*m. Duthie Princess Missie llth 429 H. C. I. Golden Hen. 17 J. A. Countryman vV nder of Stocklan.l A. A. Francis I Golden Lavender -j Roan. J. (I. \Vitl Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Seventh junioi yearling \rn.-i lean Royal In HM v 452 Record of Sharthorn Prize Winners MAX. LAVENDER 14TH 680833... Roan. Carpenter & Ross Bloodlines: Scotch. ( Avondale 245141 -^ g Kellv Maxwalton Renown 367643 White. Carpenter & Imp. Lavender Bloorn Ross J. Deane Willis [Avondale 245144 E. S. Kelly Maxwalton Lavender 62800 Red. Carpenter & 1 Imp. Lavender Bloom Ross J. Deane Willis It will be noted that sire and dam in this pedigree are full brother and sister. Prizes: Fourth junior calf at Ohio State Fair) and 12th Futurity at the International in 1918. fShenstcne Albino 317105 R, P. Cooper j Pride of Albion 352820. J Roan. Carpenter & "nip. Rosewood Pride MISSIE OF OAKDALE ROSS Geo. Walker E. 681202 J {'Roan Sultan 316627 Thos. Johnson Missie C. 52473 F. W. Harding Koan. Frank R. Ed- wards Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1918 she was 1st junior calf at Ohio State Fair, 2d in Indi- ana and 4th at the International. {Shenstone Albino 3 1 7 1.0.) R P. Cooper Imp. Rosewood Pride Geo. Walker ROSA MOPE 2D bSI^O^ f Favorite 274135 White. F. R. Edwards | Lady Rope of Ridgeway Geo Campbell 2d 620 J L Roan. E. C. Attrill | Imp. Lady Rope 619 I Geo. A. Wilson Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: In 1918 3d junior calf at Ohio State Kair, 4th in Indiana and 15th Futurity at the International. Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners 453 IMP. BRANDSBY'S JINNY 19TH Roan .7. .M. Strickland liloodlines: Scotch. ilirandsby's Jolly Jilt 680119 J. M. Stricklan.i Carrie R. Anderson r Regal Broad hooks l:randsby's Jinny 10th i;<01 680764 J J. Cran I J. M. I Hrandsby's Jinny sth .1. M. Strickland Prizes: In 11 this cow was imported by Carpenter ami Ross and in their sale at Chicago she was purchased by Hallows i:n>s. for $3,100. In 1917 she was 1st pri/e two-year-old at Iowa State Fair ami was :'.d at the American Royal ami at both shows sh.- was in 1st herd. DIAMOND BEAUTY 682684. . ! :rowmlal- :::; I'.' 17 Jioan. Carpei Jas. { .14-1 8. K.'lly .\la\\saiton M ; . 866826K5 Imp Hiamond I'.'tli \ /~V ..A.^Vv J *. A Crombie Bloodlines: Scotch. Iliowndale 334947 was 1st junior calf at both the An " : '1 "!\- AVii'ai Prizes: First, junior calf at Minnesota State Fair and 7th Fiitm ernational in 454 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners MODEL ROAN LADY 690460.. Roan. D. Warnock & Sons {Cumberland's Type 388132 C. A. Saunders Marengo Cumberland 330856 C. A. Saunders fParkdale Baron 410363 jMaid Myra 493242 I Bellows Bros. Red. Bellows Bros. 1 :i o t h Lady Myra 1644<)0 Bellows Bros. Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Tenth junior calf at the American Royal in 1918. SUPERB MINA 691045. Roan. S. G. Eliason {Superbus 224710 E. H. McCutcheon Miss Ramsden of Ard- more F. A. Edwards Mina 7th 116952 Roan. S. Fletcher Star of the North 152553 H. F. Brown Mina 4th C. E. Clarke Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fifth junior calf at Minnesota State Fair in 1918. PLEASANT FAIRY QUEEN 692443 White. H. C. Looka- baugh Bloodlines: Scotch. Whitehall Sultan l(irr>7.5 J. Dear.e Willis 1-air Acres Sultan 354154. White. F. W. Harding' | Snowbird 11648 C. E. Clarke IDuke of Gloster 452390 F. A. Schaefer Fairy Queen 16th 26232 E. R. Stangland Prizes: Second junior calf at the American Royal and 13th Futurity at the International in 1918. Record of Short horn /V/>< ll'innrrs 455 SWEET BLOSSOM 2D I 694469 .............. Roan. II. H. Holmes Prince Valentine 4th 842179 . c. s. Kevitu Prince l'-i\-i>tii;i jt),::i<; ,. ,, Woll - iV Soll .1 <;. RoM-ins \- Boi 'icely'a Kin?; :: x\". A. i;.-ttM-i|o(. s\v--t r.lossom 15941 5.. J Orange Cresl nth XV. A. Betteridg 155493 \v. A. Betteridge Bloodlines: Scotch. ;: *Sixth junior calf at th< i American Ko\al in Avitn.ialr L'-J.'-I-J ! I-:. S. K-l!\ Lord Avonds ,,i\ Missii PRINCESS ALICE 3D 696682 ianil Marshal Roan, Je M C. Andrew [ K1 ^, Iry 25122S. Queen of n.-aris -j. i:. .J. XV. Mr! molt K. I-:. IMoodlii; itch. I'ri'/.'s: Sevnth jnnioi- calf at ' .tional in MAXWALTON DORO- THY 2D 699927.... 1 \ \ i:. S. K-lly . .......... Roan. C. .). Brodie l>. Birrell * J j imp. Poroth Mr. v'amplx-ll liloodl: lOtch. Prizes i junior yearling a1 Indian L lr in 456 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners [Avondale 245144 r Maxwalton Renown E. S. Kelly 367534 \ White. Carpenter & Im P- Lavender Bloom MAX WALTON MUL- Roog j. Deane Willis BERRY 6TH 699964 \ fClipper Prince SOG62S Roan. Carpenter & Ross Roan Mulberry 107388.. J W " C " Edwai ' ds & Roan. Geo. F,. Butler 1 Flossie Geo. E. Butler Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Third junior yearling at Ohio State Fair in 1918* i Prince Superior 417599 White & Smith Lavender May 48340 N. A Lind IV\fl A. C. Pettit uond Kins ^ A. E. Stevenson Belle of I-air Aerea Stevenson Bloodlines: Scotch. Archer's Hop<>, .Lirandsii-.- of 1',,-lN- W in Canadian herds an. K. 437588 Roan. Owen Kane ; Linwood Clara 6th 194651 Roan. I. M. Forbes & Son f Augustine 354344 D. R. Hanna Lady Fragrant 5th 14S203 Owen Kane Victor Linwood 268249 I. M. Forbes & Son Linwood Clara 3d 4789:) T. M. Forbes & Son Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Eighth junior calf at the International in 1918. {Pride of Tees (96474) C H Jolliffe Stanley Rhoda T. M. Crook rElvetham Sweetmeat (91621) j Sw-ct Raglan J Lord Calthorue Red. G. Harrison j Ursula Raglan A. I )obson GAINFORD RAGLAN 2D, 99148 Roan. Get). Harrison Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Fourth junior yearling at the International in 191 1'. rGainford King 370986 Geo. Harrison rGainford Marquis 370987! Dalrner >y Marchioness Roan. Ge<-. Harrisori g t ^ Karl of Ros< 'berry SILVER QUEEN _1 04134.. White. J. A. Watt { .Mildred's Royal 45353 Emmeline 14th --8S451-- 1 j & w 1; Watt Geo. GUM- ] Emmeline 13th 80829- Geo. (Jier Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: l-'ourlh senior calf at the International in 1913. GAINFORD BELLE 129997. . White. J. A. Watt Gainford Knight. :!7iMS'l Geo. Hai-i'ison Gainford .\larrpils 370987 J DalmeRy ^archioness Koan. (Iro. I !ai-ri>!iii! | xt) , I'larl of l-ios( berry r Golden Mist [Woodhill Duchess Sd \Vm. Duthio 36824 J Duchess of Roan. \V. li. Dun- 2d woody C. R. Bloodlines: Scotch. Prizes: Seventh senior yt-arling at th< 3 International in of Shorthorn Prize Winners Winners of the Argentine Trophies, Which Must Be Won Three Times Before Becoming the Actual Property of Exhibitor. < Vledonia I'ereda Trophy. 1 test three hulls hrt-d and owned by exhibitor. 1916, won by Bellows I'.ros.. Maryville. Mo.. on 1'AKKI'ALK BARON 410363, KING BARON 4!f,or,3 and VILLAGE STIMiE.ME 423865.' 1917, won by Anoka Kanns, Waukesha, Wis.. on 1KYAL STAMP 555856, ANOKA CHAMPION 5558." and LAVKXDKK Sl'LTAX 174341. 1918, won by Anoka Karms ..n LAVEXMKU STLTAX 474:541, AXoKA nMKHA 698327 -ind AX<>KA 'i:<\VN KINC 668040. Pedro T. I'au.-s' r l'r..|)h\. IN-st thfct- I. nils li\ OIK- sii-<-, lu-rd and owned by exhibitor. 1917, won by fppermili Kami. \Vapello. la., on VI LI,A< I Kl I'S CORONKIT 47674:!. VI LLA< : KK'S KIM : 576158 and VILLAGER'S SIGNET 576160. 1918, won by H. C. I kabanuh ..n PLKASANT KAIK SKI/PAX 662357, FAIR ACRES Sl'I/TAX .IK. f,!6263 and MAX Adi. Wis.. on MASTK.K :,7;o:{:! and c< HJUK/S Kl'liV 505073. 'T~^HE magnitude of the labor involved in the pivpara- -* tion of this reference work will be- apparent to the most casual reader. The work of research and com- pilation of data by the author has been extensive. It is believed that the book will be most valuable to the student of pedigrees and that its accuracy is thoroughly reliable. Therefore, if an occasional error is detected it is hoped that such will be called to the attention of the publishers so that future editions maybe corrected. 460 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners Index to Illustrations BULLS NAME Anoka Omega 698327 Avondale 245144 .. PAGE ... 198 Burnbrae Sultan 385228 120 Choice Goods 186802 22 Cloverleaf Sultan 2d 396052 132 Count Avon 334946 76 Cumberland's Last 229822 32 Cumberland's Type 388132 132 Diamond Goods 333014.... Fair Acres Sultan Jr. 596263. 186 Gainford Marquis 370987 120 Gainford Matchless 814439 220 King Baron 495053 176 King Cumberland 288383 44 King Edward 172814 10 King's Secret 369111 108 Lespedeza Sultan 406929 142 Lord Rhybon 716299 220 Maxwalton Commander 406947 142 Maxwalton Renown 367543 .... .. 108 Fride of Albion 352820 98 Ringmaster 307894 54 Roan Sultan 316627 66 Rodney 753273 198 Selection 306209 54 Shenstone Albino 317105.. 66 Signet 248501 44 Standard Supreme 694164 186 Sultan Stamp 334974 98 Sultan's Brace 491597 162 Sunrise 553998 ... .. 176 NAME PAGE Village Denmark 334459 86 Village Supreme 423865 152 Villager's Coronet 476743 162 Western Star 471555 .. 152 Whitehall Marshal 209776 22 Whitehall Sultan 163573.... 10 COWS Bapton Pearl (imp.) V 48-368 262 Christmas Lassie 15153 280 Cicely (imp.) V 48-218 242 Cloverleaf Gloster 583943.... .. 442 Dale's Gift 41150 362 Dorothea 2d, V 64-532 280 Fair Gift 182698 Fair Queen, V 54-941.... Flora 90th 18995.... 402 262 302 Goldie's Ruby 505073 ^42 Juliette 158351 402 Lady Clara 9th 471771 422 Lady Dorothy (imp.) 526415 432 Lady Susan 543365 432 Maxwalton Missie 2d 107208 362 Maxwalton Queen 127524 322 Monarch's Victoria 127903 382 Parkdale Victoria 8th 495054 422 Princess Marshal 41341 342 Roan Queen 108792 322 Ruberta, V 45-1084 242 Susan Cumberland 40319 302 Villas- Primrose 2d 127928.... .. 382 of Shorthorn Prize // inncrs 461 Index to Bulls NAME PAGE NAME PAGE Abhotsburn 1'4345& 7. r > Admiral Cumberland 488835 182 Advocate's Model 647HTM Alice's Prince 122593 11 Allen A Dale 338516 125 American Archer 282995 90 Anoka Archer 206604 Anoka Champion 555857 194 An'.ka Crown Kin.u ri;xni> Jin Anoka Favorite 6767:.^ Anoka Omega 698327 218 Anoka Sultan 264211' ... 83 Anoka Topsnian i'.s] :< 16 - 1 I Archer IMir.Tin :,:>, Arch- -r Sultan 317,M'.' ... Ill Augustine 3543 H Augustus Secret 316619 107 Autumn Marshal 67^_'. .213 Avalanche Royal 200200 Avomlale : I'anff of Oranj Banner I : l : Mapton P.roadhooks I'd ! 1 '.apt. ,n chi.-f 22758] .. 68 Bapton Knsisn 1725 I- ..38 I'.apton Favorite 231780.. 7 I'.apton Hero 239401 71 I'.apton sovereign r. i I'll 1 :, Mapton Victor 22427^ .. 67 liannj.ton Sultan 676759 I'.ar None 2d 18882" .. 48 Baron Bootli of Lancaster 758 Uaron Oxford 157773 ... 28 P.anm Viscount 241'U'I Baron Waverly 323880.... in; I'.aron's Choice 1796::7 Marrister 286456 ! Knight 182517 Bertie's Hero 299168 >f All 288740. Best of Archers 141832. Blackwatch 153334 . 23 I'.lythe Conqueror 224431 .... 68 Ulytlu- Lad 171999 Bobby Burns 400997 Brave Archer 15171s . 20 British Emblem 656540. Bruce 285232 ... 1 '.umbrae Chief 11)1747 Burnbrae Sultan 385228. 14s .in Clarion 654998 Careless Conqueror 241.",;:. 7_ Cash Tip 351682 . 130 nonious Archer 17147'.' 36 champion Goods " ' Champion champion of Lynda! I.""'.'!' Charmer's Viotorioiifl l-sni:; . i:; hi-rry I. ad iM 1 :> 1 1 :, .. 1 H Chief Cliampion 41!096 171 Choice Ahbotsburn 264801 84 Choice CunilxTlaml 410399 L&8 Choice Cumberland Jr. 497340 Choice Goods 186SOL: Choice Goods Mn,l-i i!42589 '. 7M Choi,> e Knight 253397 79 Choice Master 267262 87 Clan Avondale 514910 190 Clara's Choice 269384 ciippci ' S choice 285658.. .. 93 Clover I'.ud 188484.. ciovrleaf Pride 453729. .. 177 Cloverleaf Pride 3d ... 194 Cloverleaf Sultan 2 ... 154 Cock Robin 192127 .51 col. Carvel i'!i'!i'; 97 mi :nsi7; i i:i Coli.-.^e KniKht 418882 Collyni.- Ctimh.'rlai L82 Columbus !ome in Tin.- i M; Coniinu Star !, .. 41 CnlKji Ifl IN rston,. HI;:; i ]; mbt-rlan.l 125651 Corrector 334788 .119 Count Avon 334:- 1>; 1 1' l Count Avondale 387973 . ir.n Count Va lentil Count Victor Count Winifred 281800. ... 89 . us nt Dale 497579.... :'.85486 ... 148 Crystal Stamp 402^,1 Cumberland Again 388131 Cumberland Banner Bearer 167064.. 33 Cumberland Goods 427610 170 Cumberland Marshal 2d 4Mr,s:M 185 Cumberland Marshal 4t Cumberland Marshal 5th 576392 10'.) Cumberland Standard 403027 Cumberland's Best 334805 11!' Cumberland's Choice 576192. Cumberland's Choice 67*;_j:: Cumberland's Goods 2d 495511 Cumberland's Heir 665803 Cumberland's Last 229Si'L .. 69 Cumberland's Model 665804. Cumberland's Type 38Sl.:_ ... 151 Cupbearer 91223 Dale Augustus 5i616. 100 Dale Clarion 385195 Dale Conqueror 424286. Dale Cumberland 4879,28 462 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners NAME PAGE Dale Villager 442215 175 Dale Viscount 583934 204 Dale's Commander 485198 181 Dale's Guardian 543356 192 Dale's Renown 334947 121 Dale's Viscount 300643 101 Daring Knight 170761 35 Daybreak 247687 78 Daybreaker 322642 116 Denmark Jr. 432677 172 Deputy Marshal 139707 15 Diamond Crown 258864 80 Diamond Earl 283691 91 Diamond Goods 333014 118 Diamond King 221076 62 Diamond's Mariner 242273 72 Diamond's Pride 258868 80 Dictator 182524 42 Divide Cumberland 417423 161 Duke of Richmond 21525 8 Earl Marshal 682162 216 Eastlawn Champion 419060 163 Eastlawn Champion Jr. 576165 202 Elmendorf Marshal 32385S 116 Emerson 328919 117 Englishman 206192 55 Everlasting 242727 73 Fair Acres Diamond 438554 174 Fair Acres Gloster 385760 , 148 Fair Acres Sultan 354154 135 Fair Acres Sultan Jr 596263 204 Fair Sultan 494475 183 Fairview Champion 367805 141 Fairview Sultan 368100 143 Faultless Dale 495606 184 Favorite Sultan 410895 159 Fayette Marshal 367393 139 Field Marshal 487370 181 First Fashion 334971 122 Flower Knight 264126 83 Fond Memory 320S70 114 Foxhall Sultan 353255 133 Foxy Favorite 336713 123 Frantic Lad 210443 60 Gainford Marquis 370987 145 Gainford Marquis 2d 412505 160 Gainford Marshal 476630 179 Gainford Matchless 814439 221 Gallant Dale (55001 207 Gallant Knight 124468 11 Gallant Knight's Heir 292014 96 Glaryford Augustus 716421 221 Glenbrook Marquis 337657 124 Glenbrook Sultan 2.43185 75 Glorious Dale 2d 334950 122 Gloster Fashion 350512 128 Gloster Knight 263198 81 Gloster Mine 367596.... .. 141 NAME PAGE Gloster's Favorite 476311 179 Gloster's Pride 497332 188 Godwin Hero 223933 64 Golden Choice 294795 97 Golden Count 2d 412514 160 Golden Goods 430590 171 Golden King 171592 37 Golden Knight of Fairview 154952 25 Golden Laird 320271 114 Golden Leaf 157609 28 Golden Magnet 238688 71 Golden Monarch 243982 77 Golden President 266327 85 Golden Victor 138972 15 Gold Mine 317535 112 Good Choice 227852 69 Good Count 338610 126 Good Knight 350286 128 Good Lad 215023 60 Good Stamp 474340 178 Graceful Knight 223938 64 Grand Duke 195175 51 Grand Master 365234 137 Grand Violet Victor 169182 34 Grassland Victor 190896 49 Gwenallen 124438 11 Gwendoline Victor 208932 59 Gwendoline Victor 2d 243304 75 Hallwood Stamp 304512 105 Hampton King 316734 109 Hampton's Best 170818 36 Hampton's Champion 206227 56 Hampton's Model 210474 60 Headlight 340752 126 Herdsman's Favorite 336714 124 Highland Champion 222688 62 Highland Sultan 320403 115 Hillshade Sultan 665030.... ... 209 Imperial Brace 387183 14\ Short hum Prize 463 NAME Kniii'ht Avon 3d ISf KnUht c..mmander 2H3720 Knight Crusader 285671 Knitfht I'orfection 299068 Knight Templar 2995'' K. < '. 687226 Lancaster Dale I'd 320058 Lancaster Duke 38503.' Lavender Clipper 2o3771 Lavender Lad i72Mo Lavender Marshal :;:>35n; Lavender Sultan 474341 I .a vender Viscount 1247.',:, ler if Kashion 3oo;'.M! Leapedeza Brace 675020 Lesp.'d.'za Oollynie 57;o:;7 Lespede/.a Lad tiKllol Lespede/a Sultan 4ot;:r_".i Liberty Stamp 7213U1 Linwood Kavorite Lodestone 14H15X L..rd Avondal Lord Harrington I'd 157319 Lord Harrington 3d 151 Lord Champion 254700 '..-Id 201371 ; Cullcn 4LT)3a.'. Loi-d Darnley ir>KMl. Lord Drrhy 157118 Ixird Drrl.y 583867 Lord Favorit. Loi-.i am I-tsaih- L..r,l Khybon 71f.L'!'!t London Duke l"3'r.< Lovely l-id : Lovelj Sultan 371 l'>7 PAGE . 174 ... 82 ... 94 ... 99 .. I'M' 117 ... 113 147 ... 40 . 134 17!t . 11' . mi 211 201 209 ... 155 27 80 I'M 19 204 104 58 8 21 1 r, Ma.i;-nt-t L88058 Major 351957 Marquis .\ 124 Marquis < 'umberland 388134 Marshal's Marshal's Marshal's Crown 678S27 Marshal's ' ,:;:->: Master Baptoi. . r of the Grove L61394 r of the Kin.n 17137. Masterpiece 314' ..... s- rrinct- 576033 r Kuby 440ni Max Maxwalton Albino 32022G Maxwalton Amateur 114H27 Maxwalti'ii i 'ommander ; Maxwalton i'oii(|uei-or . 14> Maxwalton ( Oral j; 130 1 ' 1 69 92 193 31 114 161 NAME Maxwalton Pestiny 127 Maxwalton Dower 49H4" Maxwalton Cladiator 496410... Maxwalton Jest-r 3T.2S21 Maxwalton Leader 4i'44.". Maxwalton Lord Uh4i'614; Maxwalton Luxury 496406 Maxwalton Major 564163.. Maxwalton Manor 473097 Maxwalton Mascot 5641*14 Maxwalton Minstrel 426447 Maxwalton Monarch C,n;i471 Maxwalton Pride 367H42 Alax walton I 'rid.- 2<1 41 > MaxwalK.n Keno\\ Maxwalton Royalist f'.rr.t 1 n Maxwalton Wandt rer i;7::,12 Mayll.. \\.-r Chi.-f 241258 Ma/urka Champion I.')ln22 Mina's I'rince 3040}:; Missi,- Sultan 316621 Missis's Diamond I'l'li'Mi Missic's I 'rid- Mist.-r Lad 2',:.l |Q Molliea Avalaneh.- 41!': Monarch 713mi rch'a MO.I.-I & Money Musk ISfif, }. Mount Victori Musie M Muti: My Choice 224379 Mysii-'s Champion PAGE 17" ... 187 ... 187 131 ... 168 L9 .. 187 ... 196 ... 178 169 21 s 1 to 157 L40 21 x 214 72 88 LOS ion IS7 219 83 43 173 137 120 67 190 Noble Knight I.SSIM; C, Nonpareil I laron 1 5733" Nonpareil <'hampion 2";; 16 Nonpareil Choice 1 g Nonpaieil Comet 188486 Nonpareil Diamond Nonpai-eil Hei-o 17' 46 ireil Kin:: Nonpareil ; reil of c Noiipar.-il 9 Nonpai-eil Star 188488 47 Nonpareil . North- Northern Victor 16S Oakland Star 305890 < '. K. 137588 a Secret is ... 59 Orange Goods _,- Lad 171599 il 11HI1M 464 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners NAME PAGE Orange Monarch 2d 223943 65 Orange Stamp 2d 576266 203 Orange Sultan 263522 82 Orange Viscount 157352 28 Parkdale Baron 410363 157 Parkdale Emblem 576170 203 Parkdale Rex 424166 165 Parkdale Victor 206228 56 Pine's Emblem 690635 217 Pitlivie Merry Lad 191507 50 Pleasant Acres Sultan 538900 192 Pleasant Dale 4th 491505 183 Pleasant Pair Sultan 662357 208 Pleasant Look Sultan 610535 205 Pluto of Dalmeny 190925 49 Premier Knight 299570 100 Pride of Albion 352820 131 Pride of Meadowlawn 169285 35 Pride of Oakdale 496710 188 Pride of Oakdale 2d 681201 215 Pride of the Dales 334956 122 Pride's Renown 526418 191 Primrose Knight 316948 110 Prince Albert 206212 55 Prince Armour 127794 13 Prince Forest 172397 39 Prince Imperial 325711 117 Prince Knight 317036 110 Prince Lustre 286379 95 Prince of Roses 317419 Ill Prince of Tebo Lawn 172599 38 Prince Pavonia 207316 r, s Prince Valentine 342179 127 Princely Dale 367156 138 Princely Stamp 576045 201 Princely Sultan 350513 128 Proud Marquis 663566 208 Proud Star 158285 29 Radium 385197 147 Radium 412345 ... 160 Ramsden Viscount 282749 90 Ravenswood Admiration 186157 42 Ravenswood Combination 140900.... 17 Ravenswood Viscount 154415 25 Red Emperor 572753 '200 Red Lad 149033 18 Red Marshal 303741 103 Red Marshal 3d 367240 139 Revolution 388359 153 Ringleader 353597 134 Ringmaster 307894 107 Ringmaster 681578 215 Roan Gauntlet 158286 29 Roan Ihglewood 223598 64 Roan Sultan 316627 109 Rodney 753273 221 Rolando 162647 31 Rosamond Victor 26th 153675 24 Rosebud Champion 300921 102 NAME PAGE Rosedale's Choice 253419 79 Rosedale's Choice 427626 170 Royal Archer 285243 92 Royal Avalanche 165010 33 Royal Chief 317245 Ill Royal Count 304024 103 Royal Cumberland 334808 121 Royal Diadem 283492 90 Royal Kintore 281530 89 Royal Knight 242731 74 Royal Orange 243113 74 Royal Pride 446973 177 Royal Seal 324565 117 Royal Silver 387283 149 Royal Stamp 555856 194 Royal Star 139492 15 Royal Sultan 223948 65 Royal Sultan 716223 219 Royal Vanguard 152552 21 Royal Wonder 188110 45 Royal's Best 295598 99 Ruberta's Goods 283807 91 Ruby's Knight 472893 178 Rusper Champion 425338.... .. 167 Scotch Cumberland 348063 127 Scotch Goods 259864 81 Scotch Goods 365464 138 Scotch Gloster 675022 211 Scotch Mine 367598 141 Scotch President 245002 77 Scottish Baron 350870 129 Scottish Choice 306343 106 Scottish Lad 285706 94 Scottish Lavender 172600 39 Scottish Prince 250444 79 Scottish Rex 370101 144 Searchlight 158288 29 Searchlight 292031 97 Secret Goods 385012 146 Secret Hampton 264849 84 Select Dale 655003 207 Selection 306209 106 Senator 424614 166 Senator's Master 557667 195 Shenstone Albino 317105 110 Sidelight 242886 .- 74 Sightseer 224131 65 Signet 248501 78 Silver Crown 240328 71 Silver Crown 440743 175 Silver Goods 432356 172 Silver Knight 206653 5* Silver Knight 388261 151 Silver Knight 680348 214 Silver Secret 431242 172 Silver Sultan 353641 134 Silvermist 158474 ... 30 Sittyton Sultan 367000 13S Snowflake 263207 82 Snow King Sultan 394083.... .. ir.4 Record of Shorthorn Prize H'inrnrs 465 NAME PAGE Speculator 158475 30 Spicy Lad 175401 .' Standard Lavender 266386.... Standard Supreme 694164 217 Star of the North 132076 14 Stars and Stripes 182768.... Star's Champion 1582S9 30 Straight Marshal 247519. 78 St. Valentine 121014 9 Sultan Champion 117851 - 112 Sultan Commander 263132.... Sultan Goods 394031 - 153 Sultan Leader 32027L' Sultan Lord 503927 ... 189 Sultan Mine 320273 ... 115 Sultan Mine 2d 433451 Sultan of Anoka 802426 I"- Sultan Selection 350516 1 -"' Sultan Stamp 128 Sultan Suprem,- 3(17 1: I - 139 Sultan's Brace 491691 Sultan's Calculator 88497J , I--''. Sultan's Choice 306815 I'M; Sultan's Heir 871409 H" Sultan's Last 36346x ... 137 Sultan's Memo; Sultan's Model 5588!'. ... 196 Sunrise 5339HS ... 193 Sup.-rb 300054 Superbus 2' Superior CumlH-rlaml r,;x:::; l:i'.i Superior Knight 4ns:.:- .. 156 Supreme Chou-o 555628 ... 193 Supreme Stamp 67f,' : ... 211 Temptation 2X5244 . 93 Thaxton Whit- ... 168 Thaxton's Guard 6Sn;i;, ... 215 Thaxton's Master 42 .. 164 Thaxmn's Model 5663^:: The Admiral 156839 ... 25 The Gallant 304330 ... 104 Til.- Captain 800 . 101 The Choice of All 215050 61 The Conqueror ... 61 The Dreamer 203208 52 The Governor 351958 130 Th l>ad For All 189410 .. 48 Tin- Lad For M.- 140618 16 The Marshal 337666 125 Tin- Professor 172332 38 The Rustler 186803. 43 Thomas Wornall 151953 ... 21 True Cumberland 317602 112 True Cumberland 3d 353220 133 Type's MO.I.-I .. 171 Vain Sultan 17M'.1 180 Valley Count ... 27 Yerbank : ... 23 : Abbott 1HOX77 .... 31 r I'.utt-rtly 14IH27 NAME PAGE Victor Clover Blossom 153676 24 Victor Linwood 268249 87 Victor Missie 188499 47 Victor Orange 190218 49 Victor S 206129 Victoria's Count 141842 17 Victorious Dale 679497 214 Village Archer 433475 173 Village Baronet 354063 135 Village Conqueror 355010 136 Village Crest 418376 163 Village Cumberland 370215 144 Villago Denmark 334459 118 Village Flash 387926 150 Village Golden 6434'.'!' 206 Village King 410463 158 Village Knight 887812 ... 143 Village l~id 410464 l.V.i Village Marshal 802858 - H'2 Village Marshal 127672 ... 169 Village Ordens 124559 ... 166 Village President 515228 . l'7 Village Rustic 3344f!:'- .. 119 Village Star 367815 it:: Village Sultan 348513 ... 127 Village Sultan 410465 Village Supreme 4i^xt;;, 1 f, I Village- Valentine 4XS71M Villager's Alph - 1 3 Villager's Archer 66985] Villager's Cardinal :,r,f,7x4 195 Villager's C.,iniini.!i.r.- r,x;7xx L' 1 ; Villager's Coronel iTf.T}:; Vill.-.ger's lianiMM.l 176744 180 Villager's Sigi,- 's Dale 42 ... 166 -;int of Anoka ILT.nxi 12 ant of the Kealm 2X3r>4! 91 \\'aterloo l)i! i.u N'ale 2d 133066 ... - 14 8th Waterloo Duke of K Wellington Dale 495607 ... 185 Whit- .. 70 Whitehall ciii,-ftaii 135 Whitehall King 22L':_; 63 Whitehall Marshal 209776 59 Whitehall Rosedale 320004 113 Whitehall Sultan 163573 33 White Star 338500... 125 ihill Starlight 3d 285662 94 lawn Sultan 351415 129 :!awn Villager 409698 i'otsburn 110679 g Abbotsburn 2d 124780 \~i Young Dainty 154039 Young Nominee 168433 34 466 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners Index to Cows NAME PAGE Alice of Meadowlawn, V 64-582... 290 Amanda Ellerslie, V 50-567 249 Amy 2d, V 65-533. 295 Anoka Aconite 2d 40311 318 Anoka Augusta 204993 396 Anoka Blossom 193731 392 Anoka Blossom 2d 474344 407 Anoka Broadhooks, V 61-809 287 Anoka Broadhooks 3d 474345 407 Anoka Clipper 156245 381 Anoka Clipper 2d 193605 391 Anoka Clipper 3d 474346 407 Anoka Gloster, V 57-709 271 Anoka Gloster 2d, V 68-709 300 Anoka Gloster 3d 87208 346 Anoka Missie, V 57-769 272 Anoka Rose 156246 383 Anoka Rose I'd 172760 384 Anoka's Village Gem, V 53-740 261 Apple Blossom, V 57-583 270 Augusta 109th 210523 398 Augusta 112th 152321 378 Augusta Anoka 5th 576047 431 Augusta Anoka 6th 607298 438 Averne 15th 556802 426 Ballachraggan Favorite, V 63-727.. 289 Bapton Duchess V 57-660 271 Bapton Pearl (imp.), V 48-368 245 Barmpton Flower 497334 412 Baroness Lady 7th 128292 370 Baroness 5th o f Wooddale, V 47-268 236 Beaufort Princess 3d 15254 312 Belinda 2d, V 50-567 249 Belle of St. Cloud 11647 308 Betty Dale 127136 363 Bluegrass Beauty, V f>S-639 27-". Bonnie Belle 14th 180802 389 Bonnie Cumberland 2d 86363 341 Bonnie Cumberland 4th 107932 353 Bonnie Cumberland 8th 130853 372 Bonnie Duchess 127354 364 Bonnie Lassie, V 48-296 244 Bramble (imp.) 713264 457 Brandsby's Jinny 19th (imp.) 682347 453 Breeder's Dream, V 50-533 248 Breeder's Fame, V 53-546 259 Bright Star 36867 317 British Countess 126927 363 British Maid, V 47-270 237 Brittannia 514411 ., 418 Browndale Rothnick Rose, V 69-615 305 Burnbrae Wimple 516428 419 Buttercup, V 45-994 230 Butterfly Queen 35630 315 Butterfly Queen 2d 63953 334 I'.utterfly Queen 3d 82903..., .. 338 Calceolaria Anoka 63223 333 Carrie's Last 218404 400 Cedar Lawn Alice 85313 339 Cedar Lawn Lady 497573 413 Celia !>th, V 50-1075 255 Ceres, V 57-955 273 Champion's Rose .",08289 417 Charming Rose 3d 41596 325 cheerful 7th 36821 316 rheei-ful 8th 108036 354 Cherry Lass, V 60-1083 284 NAME PAGE Choice Jean 3780 306 Choice Mayflower 497342 412 Choice Princess 41431 324 Choice Victoria 127901 368 Choice Violet 2d, V 64-986 . 293 Christmas Lassie 15153 312 Christabel 125721 361 Chrysanthemum, V 58-1020 276 Cicely (imp.), V 48-218 244 Clara 70th 471882 405 Clara 71st 598742 438 Clara Belle, V 64-986 294 Claret, V 66-735 '. 296 Clarissa, V 47-581 239 Cleopatra, V 47-271 !?.! Clipper Anoka" 9th 671866 446 Clipper Sultana 104734 349 Cloverleaf Blossom 583942 437 Cloverleaf Gloster 583943 437 Cloverleaf Mildred 109560 357 Cloverleaf Mildred 3d 556509 425 Cloverleaf Miss 2d 665036 444 Cloverleaf Myra 554044 423 College Mary, V 62-796 288 Collynie Best 199377 393 Collynie Marie 149024 374 Collynie Mintdrop 2d 493775 410 Columbia Anoka 555860 425 Columbia 8th 15371 313 Countess 3d (imp.), V 46-139 233 Countess 3d 108326 355 Countess 16th 514416 418 Countess F 38929 318 Countess Hallwood 3d 59908 332 4th Countess Rosamond, V 50-797.. 251 Countess Selma 2d 8559 306 Countess Vera, V 57-1028 274 Countess Victoria 127902 369 7th Craggs of Cedarview, V 54-852 265 Cressie Belle 85315 339 Cressie Belle 2d 212189 399 Crystal Maid 108448 355 Cuckoo P.eauty I'd 17L'"o:5 384 Cumberland Bess 2d 576194 434 Cumberland Flower 2d 568538 42S Cumberland Lass 180293 389 Cumberland Lassie 64319 335 Cumberland Queen 568937 429 Cumberland Superb 663439 441 Cumberland's Darling 127375 365 Dainty Duchess 3d 498393.... ... 413 Dainty 12th 150324 377 Dairsie Lass 3d 176325 386 Dairsie Lass 7th 663444 443 Dairsie Maid 4th 59003 326 Daisy Queen 86345 341 Dale Lady 156381 383 Dale's Bangle 583935 436 Dale's Dorothy 127602 366 Dale's Gift 41150 323 Dale's Gift 2d 62794 332 Dale's (lift 4th 107198 351 Dandy Ladv 87677 347 Daylight. V r>3-880 263 Delightful, V 68-1008 303 Dewdrop, V 57-1028 : 274 Diamond Anoka 40313 319 Diamond Beauty 682684 453 Record of Shorthorn Prizr If "in nt is 4o7 NAME PAGE Diamond's Clara. V 60-797 281 Diamond's Flower, V 68-957 303 Diamond's Rose, V 60-797 282 Divide Susan 504776 415 Dorothea, V 45-645 227 Dorothea 2d V 64-582 291 Dorothea 5th 35665 315 Dorothy Mine 175046 3sfj Duchess Gwynne 8th 86831 345 Duchess of Glostor 127621 366 Duchess of Gloster 80th 5i:.:i7n 419 47th Duchess of Gloster, V r,L'-l<)28 288 48th Duchess of Gloster, V t',8-1003 303 55th Duchess of Gloster, V 45-989.. 229 78th Duchess of (Hosier 1H.':U 82(1 Duchess of Gloster L30866 .... 372 Duchess of Lancaster 13th. V r,9- 536 ... 277 Dumpsie, V 60-1134. .. 286 Eastlawn Baroness 510234 417 Kastlawn lassie 196426 Edgcote Medora (imp.) 6130',> 3d Klderlawn Victoria. V 57-972 4th Klderlawn Victoria, V 60-1083.. 285 5th Klderlawn Victoria, v 64-898 Elmendorf Lassie 1",:: 313 Elsie 214955 400 Kmma Kiehmond Ith. \' 46-61 Kmm:i 17th. \' 42-893 225 Kmpress 12th (imp.). V 48-218 Kscana Missie 3.1 6771 8 ; Kthel Sultan 618298 440 Kthel. V 47-16.",. ... 234 Knlala !th. V .... 252 Kva ( 'uml.erland I'xxsr, .... 387 Bvelj n 514418 us Kvening Star LO K \viptracre.v Kmm.-i . I is Fair 377 Fair Cift 182698 391 Fair Gift 2tl f>7.".o21 ... 430 Kair Louisiana. V 64 Kairplay Hth. V 57-583 Fair Queen. V r, 4-941 267 Fair Start 2d (imp.) 68802 336 Fail view Flora 2d 496714 412 Fairview Lily 2d 655040 ... .. 441 Kairview Orange Blossom 8th, V 57-887 272 Fairview Orange Blossom 10th, V 60-988 283 Kairview Orange Blossom 15th, V 68-907 Fancy Goods 127867 367 Lovel, V 64-702 ... 291 Fancy Mine 127622 366 Kanny Anoka 578895 435 Kashion of Meadowlawn, V 48-123.. 243 Kidelia 13347 309 y Cotton 40369 320 Flora 90th 18995 Flower Girl 3d 5904L' ... 328 Flower Girl 13th 63'.<:>: 334 Kond Fanny 152325 ... 379 ... 230 Forest Queen 7th 21 21 40 ... 399 (lainfoi-d P.elle -129997 C.-tinford Kaplan 991 I* NAME PAGE Cay Lady 2d 203900 396 Gazelle Flower 2d 224875 401 Geranium 2d, V 44-414 227 Gift of Albion 107199 Gipsy Cumberland 107933 353 Gipsy Cumberland 2d 107934 353 Gipsy Cumberland :!d L56289 (Had Smile, V 68-1060 3u4 Glenbrook Butterfly, V 64-550 290 Gloster Girl, V 50-712 250 Glustrr Queen 2d 59006 327 Gloster Sultana 40314 319 (Hosier's Heiress 491603 109 Clostci's Lady 7th Hm'.'ol 43g Gloeter'a Hose, V 60-609 279 Clost.M-ina, V 53-1119...... 264 Golden Abbotsburn. V 42-1163 Bud, V 57-638 . 271 Fame's Belle, V 46-37 232 Golden Lassie, V 50-931 253 Cold.-n Lav-nder 2d 679940 451 Golden Pride 7th 153453 ... 381 Goldif's Rul.y 415 Goldie's liuby L'd 576035 \- 66-1040 I Belle 11453 .... Grand Duchess 8th 512682 417 Hallw.M.d Kmma 3.1 lL's::2s Hampt. Hi's Duchess. V Hampton's I tUChesfi Hampton's Lavt-nd.-i'. \ Mampti.n's 1'carl. \ - r,7-. r ,^7. Hamilton's QIII--M. \' S7-527 1 lampion's Qn .. 416 Hampton's Qn-.-n ..f Beauty, \' 57- 270 Hampton's Queen of Iti-auty L'd, V 68-548 298 Hamilton's Tea Kos,., V 68-548 298 Happy Lass 59! ... 330 Happy Valley, v \\\-M\\ ier Belle 5831::, ... 436 Herdsman's Queen 127356 ... 364 Her Kxcellence 106o: 350 Her Leadership 5Sii"_ Hill Krest lassie 123300 ... 360 Hillsdale Ardale 68901 - 453 Hiilsdale Beauty 576268 .... 434 Hillshade Queen 672356.... Illini Sultana 556703 425 Inwood Lass 15218 312 Irene Avalon 40370 320 375 Jealousy 4th 470653.... .. 403 .lenni. Julia K, V 50-1 "7.", .Juliette 158351 384 June Goods U'7869 368 Juno of U'M.Mlhill. \ 268 Juno of Woodhill 2d, V 68-643 299 King's Gift 203804 .. 396 Kirklevington Bloom, V 47-68 Kirklevinutim I)H. Hil! ra. V 58-978.... Lad's Clara 2.1. v 60-1007 468 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners NAME PAGE Lad's Countess, V 65-590 296 Lad's Emma. V 58-978 276 Lad's Emma 2d, V 60-1007 284 Lad's Goldie, V 50-932 253 Lad's Lady, V 50-932 253 Lad's Lavender, V 64-906 293 Lad's Missie, V 54-932 266 Lad's Rose, V 50-932 254 Lad's Secret, V 54-932 267 Lady Augusta 9th 578394 435 Lady Belle 15th 714763 457 Lady Clara 9th 471771 404 Lady Clara 12th 554002 421 Lady Clara 13th 663445 443 Lady Craibstone 73344 336 Lady Cumberland 86364 341 Lady Darling, V 61-901 287 Lady Devergoil 108829 356 Lady Dorothea V 53-603 260 Lady Dorothea 3d, V 68-602 299 Lady Dorothea 4th, V 67-642 297 Lady Dorothea 7th 35667 316 Lady Dorothy (imp.) 526415 420 Lady Fragrant 6th 149204 375 Lady Gloster 6th, V 60-625 279 Lady Graceful 59008 327 Lady Graceful 90342 348 Lady Hamilton, V 48-193 243 Lady Lovell 4th, V 50-530 248 Lady Marengo llth 557865 426 Lady Marshal, V 54-1038 267 Lady May 81725 337 Lady Mysie 2d, V 64-582 291 Lady Mysie 3d 82909 338 Lady Portland, V 59-785 277 Lady Scotch V 50-994 254 Lady Sharon 4th, V 42-426 224 Lady Sultan 473298 406 Lady Susan 543365 420 Lady Valentine, V 43-1115 226 Lady Victoria 506940 416 Lady Violet 5th 109096 356 Lady Violet 7th 180078 388 Lady Violet 8th 199786 .' 395 Lancaster Bud 43024 325 Lancaster Duchess 7th 125860 361 Laurel 149776 377 Lavender Daisy, V 50-798 251 Lavender Duchess 19th, V 53-798.... 263 Lavender Heiress 701772 456 Lavender Maid 187905 391 Lavender Princess 2d, V 60-717 281 Lavender S. 109696 358 Lavender Sultana 2d 104737 349 Lavinia Cumberland 3d 180195 388 Lavinia's Type 2d 636226 440 Leonora Goods 466313 403 Lespedeza Blossom 1521T6 378 Lespedeza Bracelet 127782 367 Lespedeza Bracelet 8th 675024 447 Lespedeza Broadhooks 576042 431 Lespedeza Raindrop 2d 664103 444 Lespedeza Rosebud 203184 395 Lespedeza Rosebud 3d 491617. 409 Linwood Clara 9th 569414 429 Linwood Clara 12th 718907 458 Lodestone's Mina, V 59-884 277 Lottie, V 61-1073 287 Louise, V 47-165 234 Lovely 30th, V 50-908 252 NAME PAGE Lovely Anoka 3d 494956 410 Lovely Goods 180080 388 Lovely Goods Miss 153149 380 Lovely Maid. V 49-989 247 Lovely of Grasmere, V 57-991 273 Lovely of Parkdale 12th 181295 390 Lovely of Parkdale 15th 555630 424 Lovely of Parkdale 16th 555631 424 Lovely Thaxton 2d 666002 445 Lucile 199705 394 Lucy Ann, V 43-964 226 Lyndale Queen, V 48-123 243 Magdaline, V 52-607.... .. 258 Maid Marian, V 66-1091 297 Maid of Fairview 4th, V 54-917 265 Maid of Honor, V 53-740 261 Maid of the Ring 107939 354 Mandolin 2d 59045 328 Manilla, V 64-880 292 Marchioness 19th 107606 352 Marcia M, V 47-202 235 Maria 125862 361 Marshal's Missie 86337 340 Marshal's Princess, V 64-1005 295 Mary Abbotsburn 7th, V 39-612 223 Mary Abbotsburn 9th 130148 371 Marv Anne of Oakland 59046 328 Mary Anne of Oakland 2d 86840 346 Mary Ann of Variety Grove 5th, V 53-617 261 Mary Belle of Locust Grove, V 51- 685 256 7th Mary of Elderlawn, V 52-1055.. 258 2d Mary of Walnut, V 42-837 224 Master's Clara 21444 315 Matchless 30th, V 60-866 282 Maude 64th 176018 385 Max Fancy 4th 679513 451 Max Lavender 14th 680833 452 Maxwalton Augusta 17th 496408 411 Maxwalton Beauty 107204 351 Maxwalton Clipper 2d 62798 332 Maxwalton Clipper 5th 86598 344 Maxwalton Crown Rose 176761 386 Maxwalton Damsel 564178 427 Maxwalton Dorothy 41152 323 Maxwalton Dorothy 2d 699927 455 Maxwalton Fancy 2d 564180 428 Maxwalton Gloster 41153 323 Maxwalton Gloster 3d 107403 352 Maxwalton Gloster 6th 152498 379 Maxwalton Jealousy 62873 333 Maxwalton Jubilee 153016 380 Maxwalton Jubilee 3d 473102 406 Maxwalton Julia 679515 451 Maxwalton Mina 41154 324 Maxwalton Mina 3d 86602 344 Maxwalton Mina 6th 172874 385 Maxwalton Mina 8th 176765 386 Maxwalton Mina 12th 496412 411 Maxwalton Missie 2d 107208 352 Maxwalton Mulberry 6th 699964 456 Maxwalton Princess 574862 429 Maxwalton Queen 127524 365 Maxwalton Roan Lady 127525 365 Maxwalton Rosebud 132518 372 Maxwalton Rosewood 12640 308 Maxwalton Roso\v<>ol 4th 176766.... 387 Maxwalton Spicy P. 574863 430 Record of Short hum Prize Winners 469 NAME Mayflower 3d, V 58-71; Mayflower 5th (imp.), V 47-243 Mayflower 9th 678832 May Sultan 195670 Merry Maid, V 68-955 Merry Rosebud 3d 503929 Mildred of Oakland 101856 Mildred Snowball 86365 Mina Princess 4th 12641. Minnie 4th 88079 Mint Drop 15th 59010... Miss Cumberland 553'.' ' \ Miss Daybreak 3d 500176 .Miss lively 506941 .Missie 124891 Marshal 2d 38834. Miss Sharon 3d, V 48-644 Missie of Browndale 12th. V 639 Missie of Oakdale E. 6812M2 Missie Queen 575982 Missi.- Suit ma 86625 .Missie Sultana 4th 67676U Missie 3d 125641 165th (imp.), V 47-271 Model Kuan I-idy 69046" Monarch's Princess 133! Monarch's Ruby, V 6S-9>7 Monarch's Victoria IL'7 1 ." Monarch's Viscountess 13349.... Moneyfuffel Maid, V 58-981 Moss Rose of Wooddal.-. V 17- Moss Rose 6th 108330.... My Hannah Lady, V 47-501 PAGE ... 275 ... 236 ... 449 ... 392 ... 301 ... 415 ... 349 ... 343 ... 309 ... 347 ... 327 ... 421 ... 414 ... 416 ... 360 317 .. 246 61- 452 360 237 310 301 310 276 269.. 236 .. 238 Nellie Ellerslie, V 50-58'.' Xellie of Meadowlawn. V r.4-684 264 s Delight 69:,"-J ... 330 Xola. V 44-1005 227 Nonpareil Queenie 35668 316 Nonpareil 44th 99716 ... 348 n-fil 47th, V 46-37 ... 233 Northcote Gipsy Maid 483040 < 'akland Lucy 3d i Oakland Netty 2d ... 329 'aklawn Alice 578473 435 Oneida, V 50-932.... ... 254 Orange Blossom of Fairvi-\v 3d Y 50-908 Orange Lady 2d 86s ]_ ... 346 d Bloom 12th, Y r,3-ln4l 264 Parkdale Augusta 6th 665051 445 Parkdale Victoria 8th 495054 .410 Parkdale Victoria 10th 676085 447 Parkdale Victoria llth 676086 448 Pauline Anoka 4th 128477 . 371 Pauline Goods 153150 ... 381 Pauline of Fail-view, V 60-988 283 Peach, V 50-107:. ... ... 256 NAME Peggy Wornall, V 63-955 Phacel'ia 82441 Phyllis Montrath, V 50-713 Phyllis of Fairview 8th, V 48-543 Pleasant Acres Belle 553525 Pleasant Averne 608717 Pleasant Fairy Queen 692443 Pleasant Mildred 106369 Pleasant Princess 581625 I'li-asant Valley Crocus 1333' Pleasant Valley Jilt 48:. i'- Pluto's P.erry, V 60-1008 Poplar Park Queen 12878 Poppy of IVabody 10th, V 4x-lll Poppy H4th. V 69-966.... poppy I3f,7i Princess Alice 3d ;: Princess Cumberland 17^37 Princess Diamond 97607 Princess Flora d, V 59-!''.' 1 Hampton 501624 Princ-ss Margaret I'd 16374 Priii. i hal 41311 Princess Maud 4tb Princem Maud 6th, V : Prim t 17-119 Proud P. Purity. V M-02 PAGE .. 289 .. 337 .. 250 . J4:, . 421 . 439 .. 454 .. 350 .. 436 .. 373 .. 326 .. 284 .. 309 . 241 .. 306 .. 311 .. 387 . 348 . . 4M 31 I .. 378 Queen Kliz:ib,-th 514430 Queen Ideal, Y Hn-l LI 8 M.-dora nil. Y 58-981 i Mildred 1181 .iv. \' :,M-r,3i ;th : of 1 1- arta 40714 M of tin- Loiiaus. Y 47-397 >i of th.- Sultans 46203G , BIOS :,:>:>; 3 \ 4 1 '.' .... 285 .... 263 .... 248 .... 408 .... 331 . 321 .... 238' ... 401 .. 313 Daughter (imp.). Y 62- 747 .... .. 288 7th Rnveus\v< ss, Y 50- 798 251 - v 3 232 nth Kavet ler 41989.... 325 "od KllbesCent Count- V 64-791 Richland Beauty 554682 .... 423 Richland Rosegem 554683 423 Ringmast Bessie 40509 ... 320 Roan Lily 59531 ... 330 Roan Maid 59532 ... 331 Roan Mulberry 4th Roan Queen 108792 Roan Rose 6~> 470 Record of Shorthorn Prize Winners NAME PAGE Rosa Hope 2d 681203 452 Rosa Hope 21st 702651 :... 456 Rosalie 13352 310 Rosalind, V 47-726 240 Rose Archer, V 68-1008 304 Rosebud, V 40-768 223 Rosebud 5th 655004 441 Rosemary of Browndale 8th, V 52- 560 257 Rosemary Cumberland 495903 411 Rose of Autumn, V 45-995 230 Rose of Autumn 24th 59051 329 Rose of Autumn 27th 664108 444 Rose O'Day, V 66-1032 296 Rose of Elmendorf 40614 321 Rose of Marchmont, V 45-646 228 Rose Princess, V 42-927 225 Rose Sterne 6th, V 50-1017 255 Rose Sterne 8th, V 52-1056 259 Rose Strathallan 69025 336 Rosetta of Grassland 10019 307 Rosewood Lady 2d 576314 434 Rosewood Pride 198792 393 Rosy O'Grady, V 45-1084 231 Royal Lady 11641 307 Ruberta, V 45-1084 231 Ruberta's Choice 90184 347 Kuberta's Imago 207372 397 Rubertress, V 53-589 259 Ruby Goods 127874 368 Ruby of Fairview, V 54-917 266 Salem Stamford 82855 337 Sapho, V 47-502 238 Sai-Mli Hollo 1.S73 389 Sassy Frantic, V 47-582 239 Sassy Violet 3d 59495 329 Scotch Flower, V 45-926 229 Scottish Belle, V 68-955 301 Scottish Cumberland 86367 343 Scottish Lady 2d 152329 379 Scottish Princess, V 49-796 247 Silver Ethel 676207 448 Silver Mysie 149735 376 Silver Nell 180804 390 Silver Queen 104134 458 Silver Rosalind, V 56-742 268 Silverine, V 56-742 268 Simplicity 6th 678833 450 Sinnissippi Lady 2d, V 69-857 305 Sinnissippi Rose 2d, V 69-857 305 Sittyton Anna 127036 363 Sittyton Goods 85327 340 Sittyton Mary Ann 3d 200975 395 Slippers, V 64-907 293 Snowball, V 47-202 235 Snowbird 11648 308 Snow Girl's Queen 1488JO 374 Snow Queen 112184 358 Sparkling Gem 59582 331 Spicy Tiara (imp.), V 52-677 258 NAME PAGE Spicy of Browndale 13th, V 52-560.. 257 Spicy's Duchess, V 64-1014 295 Springfield Lady, V 61-572 286 Star's Queen, V 49-942 247 Stella (imp.), V 48-69 240 Sultana Countess 63226 333 Sultana F 40789 321 Sultana's Mayflower 63227 334 Sultan's Aconite 86627 345 Sultan's Athene 15141 311 Sultan's Venus 86629 345 Sunlight 4th, V 47-526 239 Sunshine 7th 149104 374 Sunshine llth 663446 443 Superb Mina 691045 454 Susan Cumberland 40319 319 Sweet Afton 3d 149205 375 Sweet as Ever, V 41-696 223 Sweet Blossom 2d 694469 455 Sweet Bracelet 67986 '.. 335 Sweet Briar Rose, V 59-992 278 Sweet Charity 5th, V 43-916 226 Sweet Charity 7th, V 45-1020 231 Sweet Cumberland 86368 343 Sweet Duchess of Gloster, V 68-589 298 Sweet Harmony, V 57-972 273 Sweetheart 208538 397 Sweet Violet 2d, V 41-841 224 Sycamore Secret 16763 314 Thorny Bud, V 63-1026 290 Tiny Maude, V 60-1107 285 Topsy 4th 472564 405 Touch-Me-Not 107940 354 Trilbv Allen 181418 390 Typo's Duchess 557879 427 Vain Beauty (imp.), V 48-69 241 Vanity 38906 318 Verbena of Oakdale 149617 376 Victoria of Linwood 8th, V 58-603.. 274 Victoria Sultana 1C4740 350 Victoria 2d 476785 408 Victoria 73d 543367 420 Victoria 74th 607986 439 Victoria's Choice, V 59-992 278 Victory 471558 404 Village Adelaide 4th 209231 398 Village Beauty 4th 676013 447 Village Belle 2d, V 48-108 241 Village Blossom 8th 472916 406 Village Blossom llth 565229 428 Village Blythesome 141638 373 Village lUythosome 3d 209232 398 VillMge Clara 6th 199754 394 Village Flower 2d 127923 369 Village Flower 3d 152931 380 Village Com 497577 413 Village Gift, V 48-572 246 Village Gwynne 502614 414 Village Maid 669849 ... 445 Record o/ Shorthorn I'rizc II inn< r.\ 471 NAME PAGE Village Mayflower 471940 405 Village Primrose 109216 357 Villain Primrose 2cl 127!'2s Village lio.s.-. V 47-21" Village Rose 47<>t;7'> ... 403 Village Rose 2cl li'7;2'; . 367 Village Rosemary r.f.mis ! )L'7 Village Venus 21 199757 ... 394 Village Vlolel U7 Villager's Clara 7th 576161 ... 433 Villas -.-fill I'd 176752 .. 408 VillaL 440 Villager's I-issi,- 576162 Villas. i nd.-r 576168 Villager's Marigold f,7:i;3 Villager's Main Villager's May ;79i!i 160 \'i..Ia L'UHr.S 40.1 Violet Coo. Is 86328 Viol.-t Mai.l vtli 17177:'. 1' l-'airvi<-\v M.l V 918 894 . . 292 < Ir.-isslaiKl. \' I7-75L' -In NAME PAGE \Vagn. -r's I'riuc.-ss 13nl4! 371 \Vanl.-ii Secret, V 45-1221 232 \\Vlcome of Meadowlawn 6th, V :*6 228 Welcome of Meadowlawn 8th, V M4 260 \Velconie of .Meadowlawn 9th, V 53-604 .... 260 Wellington (H.I. lie 2d 149206 376 \\Vllinu-t.m I^issie Jd 127141 364 Whit. 'hall Maid In:ni7 . White Lily xr.140 339 Whit,. Rose, V 48-523 Wild Scottish Rose. V 50-534 21 : Windsor Helle 23d (imp.) r, I7"L'L' H" \Vinsorne Sultana 14011 . ... 311 w...Mihiii Belle 2d IM2I XV.M.dliill Duchess 2d. V 6S-6U ... 300 \Voo,lhill May Blossom 2d, V 60- 717 . 281 W.-Mlhill May IMnssmn 3d. \' \\ Ihill M:..\ , Mh. \' Woodland E >8t \\'<"dla\vn Kill. Match:- 7 . , UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BRANCH OF THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW lowan. 3 3rd of prize winne * v.l -i:!" r ::if")K te LIBRARY, BRANCH OF THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, DAVIS