QL 416 !3576| -i IB9I UC-NRLF BIOLO6Y LIBRARY ' --^ (L '" s*^ n ^ A LIST OF MOLLUSCA OTHER FORMS OF MARINE LIFE COLLECTED IN THE YEARS 1889-1890, IN JAPAN BY ' FREDERICK STEARNS, ii ' OF DETROIT, MICHIGAN, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. WITH THE AUTHOR'S COMPLIMENTS, INVITING CORRESPONDENCE. WILL BE AT HOME FROM JULY TO NOVEMBER, BOTH INCLUDED. AFTER THAT EX- PECTS TO VISIT THE HAWAIAN IS- LANDS FOR A YEAR. DETROIT, MAY. 1891. A LIST MOLLUSCA OTHER FORMS OF MARINE LIFE COLLECTED IN THE YEARS 1889-1890, IN JAPAN FREDERICK STEARNS, it OF DETROIT, MICHIGAN, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. DETROIT: John F, Eby & Co., Printers, 65 West Congress Street, 1891, BIOLOGY LIBRARY PREFACE. In 1889-90 I spent nearly a year in Japan and some few weeks in China. I went for health and pleasure, devoting much of my time to making a collection of Japanese art objects, which now is arranged, catalogued and mounted, as a donation to the Detroit Art Museum. I also attempted to make a collection of the Molluscan Fauna of Japan, and was assisted in that purpose by an intelligent Japanese who was in my employ during my entire stay in that country. He visited at intervals the entire east coast from Tokyo along Sagama and Saruga, down along Kii, Awa and Toza, along the north shore of the Inland Sea as far as Bingo, in communication with the fisher- men, who gather not only fish but largely mollusks, mostly by dredge nets, in water sometimes as deep as thirty fathoms. This region lies between 33 and 36 north latitude, and between 133 and 141 east longitude, and this collection may be fairly said to represent the Marine Fauna of that limit. It is on this east coast, moreover, that the Kuro-Shiwo, or Gulf Stream of the Pacific, trends to the north east, and which accounts probably for finding occasionally the more strictly tropical species of mollusca. On arriving home and sending specimens of my shells to the Phil- adelphia Academy of Natural Sciences for comparison and determin- ation, I have been delighted to find that Prof. H. A. Pilsbry speaks of it in high terms. I quote as follows from his letter to me of November i9th, 1890: " Your collection is a very valuable one and includes many species not in our Museum. * * * It would be very useful to have a list of these shells published. If you would get up such a list, giving exact localities wherever known, it would form a useful supplement to Dunker's Index Molluscorum Marts Japonici the most complete sum- mary heretofore published. M941GO Iv PREFACE. " You have many forms not found by Dunker or previous observ- ers. * * * A number of your bivalves are probably new. The Scalpellum you sent is a new form which I shall name S. Stearnsii with your permission. It is a very distinct species, more nearly allied to the fossil S. Pf eifferi Weithof er of the Vienna Basin (Miocene) than to any living species. * * * " Of the Brachiopoda sent, two are new species, and one of them I propose to name Terebratella Stearnsii." In accordance, therefore, with Prof. Pilsbry's suggestion, I publish this list, which contains all the species obtained by me, over half of which were so rare and found in such limited numbers and at such long intervals that they are retained in my private cabinet; of the others I have abundance for exchange and for sale. There are in the collection 72 named species not found in Dunker; 32 species remain as yet undetermined, many of which will prob- ably be found to be new to science. In Rotella, Tapes, Cytheria, etc., are many beautiful color varieties which I believe have not been before recorded. Preliminary descriptions of a number of the new species collected have been published in The Nautilus for December, 1890, and Jan- uary, 1891. An illustrated paper on the Brachiopoda, by Wm. H. Dall and H. A. Pilsbry, will appear in the Proceedings of the Acad- emy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1891; and another paper by H. A. Pilsbry, in the same Proceedings, will describe new Gastropoda and Pelecypoda. FREDERICK STEARNS. LIST OF JAPANESE MOLLUSCA, ETC. NOTE. The numbers preceding the names of the shells are those upon my stock boxes containing my specimens, and correspondents can order by numbers only, or by both number and name. Those species preceded by a " xx" I have abundance of, and it is not likely that my exchanges will exhaust them. Those species prefixed by a single " x" are fewer in number, and it is quite likely that within a year or two of the date of this publication the stock of these will be exhausted. Those species not preceded by " x " or " xx " are limited in find to one, or at most three, shells; these I retain in my private cabinet, and no attention whatever will be paid to requests for any of these. I am not a dealer in shells, hence I expect to use this material to obtain in exchange from other and original collectors desirable species not now in my cab- inet. Persons receiving this list and desiring to exchange will send me a list of what they have to offer of the rarer species, not necessarily showy or striking, among which new and undetermined species and varieties will be welcome, so long as they are known to be such and from the hands of the original collectors. I have no lists of desiderata to send to anyone. Freight or postal charges in all cases to be paid by the sender and not by the receiver, unless under special arrangements to the contrary. Correspondence will be acceptable in Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, as well as English. Persons having rare shells which they prefer to sell for cash only will be treated with. Most of the shells on this list have a fixed value on price lists of dealers where represented on such at all, and these values must be considered in making exchanges, rather than exchange of species for species or shell for shell. ARGONAUTID^E. 349 x Argonauta gondola, Dill w. ; medium and small; loc. Kishu coast and Inland Sea. 330 xx Murex (s. s.) tenuispina, Lam.; loc. Kishu coast, Prov- ince Kii. 331 x Murex (Haustellum) pliciferus, Sby. ; = M. Senegalensis, var. calcar, Kiener; loc. Inland Sea. 333 x Murex (Pteronotus) foliatus, Gmel.; loc. east coast Tokyo to Oshima. 334. xx Murex (Chicoreus) brevifrons, Lam.; loc. Kamakura coast; dead shells without opercula. 645 x Murex (Ocinebra) clathratus, Lin; loc. east coast Kii. 14 / xx p ur p ura (Stramonita) luteostoma, Chem. (var) ; loc. Seta 448 ) coast 32,8 Purpura (Thalessa) tumulosa, Rve; var. Bronni. Lischke; loc. Saruga coast. 3o6 xx Rapana bezoar, Lin.; medium and young, clear salmon col- ored aperture, most with opercula; loc. Tokyo Harbor. /3P7 x Rapana bezoar, Lin.; medium or half -grown, aperture slightly streaked with black lines; loc. Tokyo Harbor; with opercula. /^ ** 6 LIST OF JAPANESE MOLLUSCA 308 x'"* K.kpana b'ezoaiy Lin. ; aperture filled with darker parallel * black, lines; loc. Tokyo Bay. 658 Rapana bezoar, Lin.; var. bulbosa Sol.; two only found; Yokohama Bay. TRITONID.33. <7 441 x Triton (s. s.) nodiferous, Lam; loc. sea coast of Kii. 771 Triton (s. s.) variegatus, Lin; one only; Inland Sea. -442 xx Triton (Simpulum) olearium, Lam; mostly with epidermis and in many stages of growth; and all along the coast from Tokyo to Ojima. 769 Triton (Lampas) lampas, Lin.; Kii coast; three only found; Inland Sea. 66 1 Triton (Gutturnium) tuberosus, Lam. (var.); one shell only ; Sagama Bay. 329 xx Ranella (Bursa) albi-varicosa, Rve.; loc. Kii coast. * 332 x Ranella (Eupleura) pulchra, Gray; =R. perca, Perry; loc. Inland Sea. 643 Ranellasp.; one only found; Inland Sea. FUSION. m 3T% xx Fusus (s. s.) inconstans, Lischke; loc. Sagami Bay; with and without opercula. 870 Fusus nodoso-plicatus, Dkr.; one shell. *-*"454 x Fusus pagoda, Less.; loc. Inland Sea near Awaji. Fasciolaria glabra, Dkr.; two shells only found; east coast.. 770 Fasciolaria trapezium, Lin.; var. Audouini Jonas; a rare shell; five only found; with opercula; Inland Sea. 742 Fasciolaria sp. ; young shells; two only found; Inland Sea. 744 Latirus recurvirostris, S. & Wgn.; one shell found only; new to Japan; east coast. BUCCINID^E. 315 ) xx Hemifusus ternatanus, Gmel.; along east coast, Tokyo to 316 j Kii; full-grown and medium, with opercula; this shell not before reported from Japan. 3166 Hemifusus colloseus, Lam. I brought home but one shell of this species; abundance of them were seen in the market, Hong Kong, China, where they are kept liv- ing, anchored near the market wharf in very large globular open-work bamboo baskets; the animal is con- sidered a great dainty as food, and they are sold at about 30 cents, gold, each. The pinkish aperture is used for inlay and other ornamental work. 663 Siphonalia fuscolineata, Pease; two only found, very rare; Inland Sea. 662 Siphonalia fusoides, Rve. ; four only found; a very rare shell; loc. southeast coast Kii. 657 Siphonalia Kellettii, Forbes; three only found; loc. southeast coast Ise. r 443 x Siphonalia signum, Rve. (var.); loc. south coast of Kii, on Inland Sea. 437 xx Euthria viridula, Dkr. ; loc. east coast. COLLECTED BY FREDERICK STEARNS. 7 302 xx Volutharpa Perryi, Jay; various stages of growth; loc. Tokyo Bay. 300 xx Eburna Japonica, Rve. ; with epidermis and opercula; from two to four fathoms, both on sandy and muddy bottom; those in the latter, larger and rougher; much used as food by the Japanese; loc. Tokyo Harbor. 301 xx Eburna Japonica, Rve.; smaller than No. 300; little or no epidermis; loc. near Enoshima. 303 xx Eburna (s. s.) lutosa, Lam.; found in the market, Hong Kong, China, where they are sold ready cooked on the streets, about 20 for one cent; buyers pick out the meats, with their fingers dip in a little soy sauce, and eat them. 664 Nassaria magnifica, Lischke; very rare, one only found; Inland Sea. - 435 xx Nassa (Hima) f estiva, Powis; loc. Inland Sea. 444 x Nassa (Niotha) gemmulata. Lam; loc. Inland Sea; extra- ordinarily large if they are of this species. 840 Nassa livescens, Phil, (typical) ; one shell only. 766 Nassa, sp.; one only. VOLUTID^E. 455 x Voluta (Alcithoe) megaspira, Sby.; loc. along Inland Sea. MITRID^. 751 Mitra Hanleyana, Dkr. ; three only found, rare; Inland Sea, Japan. OLIVID^. 651 Oliva (Strephona) erythrostoma, Lam; one only found; Inland Sea. 652 Oliva (Porphyrea) irisans, Lam; one only found, rare color, variety; loc. Inland Sea. 650 Oliva (Porphyrea) mustelina, Lam; four only found, very fine color; loc. Inland Sea. 707 Ancillaria albocallosa, Lischke; three only found; darker than the type, east coast. 653 Harpa articularis, Lam.; one only found; Inland Sea. ^440 \ xx Columbella (Pygmaea) pardalina, Lam. ; var. Sagena, Rve. ; loc. Inland Sea. COLUMBELLID^E. ^440 ) ., J 4406 ) 709 x Columbella (Pygmaea) scripta, Lam.; loc. Inland Sea. CANCELLARIID^E. 756 Cancellaria (Merica) asperella, Lam.; a rare shell; only four found; Inland Sea. _ 445 x Cancellaria (Euclia) Spengleriana, Desh.; loc. along the south coast and the Inland Sea, at rare intervals. TEREBRID^E. 672 Terebra duplicata, Lin.; one shell only; Inland Sea. 668 Terebra Lischkeana, Dkr.; three shells only; southeast coast Kii. 8 LIST OF JAPANESE MOLLUSCA 749 Terebra (s. s.) Loebeckeana, Dkr.; very rare, only one found in a year; Inland Sea. 750 Terebra (Sabula) maculata, Lin.; not common; I found but one. 748 Terebra (s. s.) triseriata, Gray; very rare, only one found in a year; Inland Sea. PLEUROTOMID^. 736 Pleurotoma cingulif era, Lam. ; one only found; Inland Sea. 741 Pleurotoma Indica, Desh; seven only found; east coast. 738 Pleurotoma Kaderleyi, Lischke. ; one found only; east coast. 669 Pleurotoma (sp. undetermined, may be new); three shells only, from near Hiogo. 671 Pleurotoma (sp. undetermined, may be new); one shell only; Inland Sea. 737 Pleurotoma (sp. undetermined, may be new); one only found; east coast. 745 Drillia latisinuata, Smith; two found only; Inland Sea. CONID^. 641 Conus (Rhizoconus) mustelinus, Brug.; var. Ceciliae Chemn. ; one only found; loc. Inland Sea. 863 Conus pauperculus, Sby. ; one shell. 642 ) Conus (Leptoconus) Sieboldi, Rve; = C. fulmen, Rve.; 6426 j three only found; Inland Sea. STROMBID^:. 313 xx Strombus (Conomurex) luhuanus, Lin. ; loc. Oshima, Prov- ince Kii. 314 x Strombus (Gallinula) Japonicus, Rve.; loc. near Oshima, coast of Kii; dead shells, only fair. 659 Strombus (Pterocarpus) sp.; one only, young shell; loc. $ 438 xx Cypraea (s. s.) macula, A. Ad.; loc. Inland Sea; somewhat worn. Q 439 xx Cypraea, sp.; loc. Inland Sea; too much worn to identify. 852 Cyprsea guttata, Rump., two shells only. 853 " Arabica, Lin., three shells only. 854 " vitellus, L., seven shells (dark var.) 855 " caput serpentis, Lin., 19 shells. 856 " tigris, Lin., young and light color, two shells. 857 Lamarckii, Gray, two shells. 860 " helvola, Lin., one shell. 862 " miliaris, Gmel., two shells. 865 " caput anguis, Phil., one shell. All the foregoing Cypraeas from various parts of the east coast and Inland Sea. OVULID^E. C 4 53A I x Ovulum (Birostra) volva, Lin., loc. Ojima; three varieties J 453 f o f \453C ) COLLECTED BY FREDERICK STEARNS. 9 CASSIDIDJE. 311 ) x Cassis (Phalium) glauca, Lin. (var. coronulata, Sby.) ; loc. 312 j Oshima, coast of Kii. . .j 31 x Cassis (Semi-cassis) saburon, Lam. and Ad.; full grown; loc. Oshima, coast of Kii. 702 Cassis (Casmania) vibex, Lam.; one shell only, found; east coast. DOLIID^. __347 x Dolium costatum, Mke., young shells; loc. Inland Sea. 344 | xx Dolium luteostoma, Kiist, var. Japonica, Dkr.; loc. east * 348inc ] coast south of Tokyo; various stages of growth from medium to mature and with varieties in colors and markings. 343 x Dolium zonatum, Green; well-grown, dark variety; loc. east coast, south of Tokyo Bay. 309 Dolium zonatum, Green; young shells; loc. east coast. ^ 323 xx Pyrula reticulata, Lam.; = S. ficoides, Lam.; loc. Matsu- yeno-hama coast. NATICID^. 304 xx Natica (Neverita) ampla, Phil.; var. Lamarckiana, Redfld; loc. east coast Tokyo to Enoshima; with opercula, large and fine. 305 x Natica (s. s.) Adamsiana, Dkr.; with opercula; loc. Inland Sea (not quite sure this is the right specific name). 763 x Natica sp. 723 Velutina cryptospira, Midd. (var.); one shell only found; Inland Sea; very rare species. 729 Calyptrsea, sp.; nine only found; Inland Sea. p 3* j- xx Crepidula aculeata, Gmel.; loc. Enoshima. _ 360 xx Hipponyx (Amalthea) Australis, Desk; loc. east coast south to Ojima. ^~ 362 ) xx Hipponyx foliaceous, Quoy; found abundantly as parasites 363 j" on Haliotis gigantea; loc. Awa coast. ONUSTID^. 618 Xenophora (Tugurium) exuta, Rve.; loc. east coast. - 353 x Xenophora pallidula, Rve; loc. at intervals along the east coast, fine specimens covered with dead shells. SCALARID^E. 710 Scalaria lineolata, Sby.; two shells only found, a very rare species; one young, one mature; loc. Inland Sea. VERMETIDJE. 765 Vermiculus imbricatus, Dkr.; four only, worn specimens; Inland Sea. , _ ~ 319 x Vermetus (Siphonium) Medusae, Pilsbry; Saruga coast; exceedingly fine specimens in large groups; a new species. 10 LIST OF JAPANESE MOLLUSCA -320 x Same as 319, but smaller groups, but generally attached to dead shells; loc. the same. 321 xx Same as 319, but not so large or perfect. 835 Siliquaria Australis, Quoy; one young shell. LITTORINID^:. 624! 626 I xx Littorina (s. s.) Sitchana, Phil.; loc. Inland Sea and along O 628 ( east coast. 385 J CERITHIID^E. 436 xx Cerithium humile, Dkr.; = C. variegatum, Quoy, and == C. morus, Lam.; loc. east coast. 423 x Cerithium sp.; fossil in sandstone, brought from Awaji. ~ ,424 x Vertagus obeliscus, Brug. ; loc. Inland Sea. *;L^43o x Tympanotomus fluviatilis, P. et. M.; loc. Inland Sea. I xx Lampania zonale, Brug.; loc. Tokyo Harbor. fc 434 x Lampania zonale, Brug.; var. aterrima Dkr.; loc. Inland Sea. ^ .428 ) x Lampania multiformis, Lischke; loc. Inland Sea; very 429 j large. ^ 433 xx Cerithidea rhizoporarum, A. Ad.; loc. Inland Sea (new to Japan). MELANIID^:. 413 xx Melania (Tarebia) libertina, Gld. (typical); loc. paddy fields near Yokohama. 414 xx Melania (Tarebia) libertina, Gld.; var. ambidextra, Mart.; loc. Kamakura. 412 1 415 I xx Melania (Tarebia) libertina, Gld.; var. tenuisulcata, Dkr.; 619 [ loc. paddy fields near Yokohama and Tokyo. 6i 9 BJ ASSIMINIID^S. ^404 xx Assiminea Japonica, Mart. ; loc. Inland Sea. 732 x Assiminea, sp. ; quite distinct from No. 404; loc.? PALUDINID^E. 4 >- xx Paludina Ingallsiana, Rve; with opercula; loc. near Kobe. i* A f xx Paludina Japonica, Mart.; with opercula; loc. paddy fields 4iiBJ near Tokyo. 407 xx Paludina Japonica, Mart; var. Sclateri, Ffld.; with oper- 410 cula; loc. paddy fields near Tokyo. 405 xx Paludina Japonica, Mart.; var. stelmaphora, Bourg.; with 406 opercula and with some very young shells; paddy fields near Tokyo. NERITID^E. 734 Nerita (Thelicostyla) albicella, Lin. (var.); seven only found; Inland Sea. 383 xx Nerita (s. s.) pica, Gld.; loc. Inland Sea. ^-*, 733 x Neritina (Neripteron) auriculata, Lam. (var.); Inland Sea. COLLECTED BY FREDERICK STEARNS. II TURBINID^E. 317 xx Turbo (s. s.) marmoratus, Lin.; medium and full-grown, with opercula; loc. Sagami Bay. NOTE. The animal of this Turbo is considered by the Japanese a great delicacy. The animal is first removed from the shell, cut into little squares like dice, replaced in the shell again, with a little soy, and cooked therein over a charcoal fire. 633 Turbo (s. s.) petholatus, Lin.; loc. Inland Sea; four only found. 631 ) Turbo (Marmorostoma) coronatus, Gml.; loc. east coast; 632 [ three only found. 3541 ** I xx Turbo (Marmorostoma) granulatus, Gml.; var. Coreensis, 3 4 I Reclus., with opercula; loc. Enoshima. 630 J ^ 452 x Astralium (Guilfordia) triumphans, Phil.; loc. southeast coast Kii. 451 x Astralium (Pomaulax) Japonicum, Dkr.; loc. southeast coast Kii. 45 1 B Astralium- (Pomaulax) Japonicum, Dkr.; southeast coast Kii; one shell of this sp. very large, 160 mm. diameter, against 95 mm., the size of the largest previously reported; with its operculum (not hitherto known). 450 x Astralium (Bolma) Modestum, Rve.; loc. southeast coast. TROCHID^. 623 Delphinula distorta, Lin.; loc. Inland Sea; only two found. ^87 x Pyramidea Mauritianus, Gml.; sea coast, Kii; worn shells. 358 xx Monodonta labio, Lin.; Seta coast; with opercula. ^359 xx Monodonta neritoides, Phil.; with opercula; southeast coast Kishu. 621 Calliostoma consors, Lischke; only two found; loc. Inland Sea. 351 Calliostoma Sowerbyi, Pilsbry; two shells only. 619 Calliostoma unicum, Dkr. ; loc. Inland Sea; only five found. -449 x Turcica argenteonitens, Lischke; loc. Inland Sea. 833 Turcica imperialis, A. Ad. ; one shell, rare. 386 x Chlorostoma argyrostomum, Gmel.; with opercula; Kii sea coast. x Chlorostoma argyrostomum, Gml.; dead shells covered with Serpula, sp.; Province Kii; no opercula. Chlorostoma argyrostomum, Gmel.; var. distinguenda, Dkr. ; only one shell. xx Chlorostoma Carpenteri, Dkr.; loc. south east coast Kii; no opercula. Chlorostoma Pfeifferi, Phil.; loc. south east coast Japan; only one found. Chlorostoma unicolor, Lischke; loc. Inland Sea. (Trochidae) gen. and sp.? loc. Inland Sea. Umbonium (syn. Rotella) gigantea, Less.; color var. A. Umbonium (syn. Rotella) gigantea, Less.; color var. B (typical). 394 x Umbonium (syn. Rotella) gigantea, Less.; col var. C. 12 LIST OF JAPANESE MOLLUSC A 395 x Umbonium (syn. Rotella) gigantea, Less.; D. 396 x Umbonium (syn. Rotella) gigantea, Less. ; E (atr a. Pilsbry). 397 x Umbonium (syn. Rotella) gigantea, Less.; F. 398 x Umbonium (syn. Rotella) gigantea, Less.; G (olivacea, Pilsbry). 399 Umbonium (syn. Ratella) gigantea, Less., H; rare. 400 Umbonium (syn. Rotella) gigantea, Less., I; rare. Umbonium (syn. Rotella) gigantea, Less., J; very rare; all numbers from 392 to 401 inclusive, from along Kii coast. 402 xx Umbonium (syn. Rotella) gigantea, Less.; mostly gray; not so large as previous varieties, and so far as my obser- vation goes this should be the typical variety rather than No. 393, though it is considerably smaller than the more rare color varieties. "-^403 xx Umbonium (syn. Rotella) superbum, Old.; color var. C; Inland Sea. 635 x Umbonium (Rotella) superbum, Gld. (typical variety); loa near Enoshima. 636 x Umbonium (Rotella) superbum, Gld.; color var. B. 637 x Umbonium (Rotella) superbum, Gld.; color var. D. ^638 x Umbonium (Rotella) superbum, Gld. ; color var. E. ; (nigrum, Pilsbry). 639 Umbonium (Rotella) superbum, Gld.; color var., F. 640 Umbonium (Rotella) superbum, Gld., color var., G.; only four of these two last found; loc. near Enoshima. STOMATELLID^:. 869 Stomatella articulata, A. Ad. ; one shell only. 767 Stomatia rubra, Lam.; three only found; Inland Sea. HALIOTIDJE. xx Haliotis diversicolor, Rve.; var. Gruneri, Phil.; loc. Awa and Kii coasts. 459 v 337 to xx Haliotis gigantea, Chemn.; various ages, and at least two 34 2ir we ll defined varieties; along the east coast from many localities. 461 798 x Pearls obtained in the province of Kii, from Awabi shells, Haliotis, sp.; 17 pieces. 859 Haliotis super texta, Lischke; one only. PATELLIDJS, 372 xx Acmsea concinna, Lischke; loc. Yokohama Bay. -373 xx Acmsea Heroldi, Dkr.; var. conulus, Dkr.; loc. Enoshima. 3 I xx Acmsea saccharina, Lin.; var. lanx, Rve; sea coast of Kii. 374 x Acmsea Schrenckii, Lischke; loc. Ojima east coast. 365 ) 367 > xx Patella amussitata, Rve; loc. Enoshima. 381) * 375 I x Patella nigrolineata, Rve; loc. Enoshima. COLLECTED BY FREDERICK STEARNS. 1 3 >xx Patella toreuma, Rve; loc. Enoshima. 366 377 378 379 380 382 J 371 x Patella Stearnsii, Pilsbry; loc. coast of Province Kii (a new species). See The Nautilus for January, 1891, for description and engraving of this species. CHITONID^E. 324 xx Chiton, sp. undetermined; loc. near Enoshima. 325 xx Chiton, sp. undetermined; loc. Enoshima; very near No. 3 2 4. BULLID^. 655 Bulla ampulla, Lin.; two only found; Inland Sea. APLUSTRID^E. 704 Hydatina physis, Lin.; loc. Inland Sea; four only found. 391 xx Helix (Euhadra) peliomphala, Pfr.; full grown and young in many stages of growth; loc. near Yokohama. 390 xx Helix (Euhadra) quaesita, Desh.; both full grown and young, a sinistral Helix; loc. near Yokohama. * , 388 xx Clausilia (Phaedusa) eurystoma, Mart.; loc. near Yoko- hama. - .389 xx Clausilia (Hemiphaedusa) platyauchen, Mart.; loc. near Yokohama. LIMNJEID^. 35 1 ) 352 r xx Limnaea pervia, Martens; loc. near Tokyo. 45 6 ) DENTALIID^:. 350 xx Dentalium octagonum, Lam.; loc. Kii coast south. 802 Dentalium Vernedei, Hanley; three found only, at long intervals. SIPHONARID^E. 720 Siphonaria cochleariformis, Rve; seven only found; near Enoshima. _ 369 x Siphonaria sipho, Sby.; loc. southeast coast of Kii. SOLENIDJE. 811 Solen grandis, Dkr. ; three shells only found; very fine. 60 1 xx Solen Krusensternii, Schrenk; loc. Akashi Bay. 503 x Machaera (syn. Aulus, syn. Siliqua) piilchellus, Dkr.; loc. east coast Tokyo to Oshima. 779 Solecurtus (syn. Macha) divaricata, Lischke'; one specimen only; Inland Sea. 14 LIST OF JAPANESE MOLLUSCA MYACID^E. 578) tf* 579 > xx Mya arenaria, Lin.; loc. east coast; various stages of growth. CORBULID^. ^ 507 xx Corbula erythrodon, Lam.; loc. along east coast s. to Kii. MACTRID^E. ^576 xx Mactra sachalinensis, Schrenk; loc. east coast. 821 Mactra spectabilis, Lischke; two shells only; southeast coast and Inland Sea. r- .561) xx Mactra (syn. Trigonella) veneriformis, Desh.; loc. near 836 j Awaji, Inland Sea. 575 xx Mactra sp. (a new species); loc. Yokoska Harbor. 577 xx Mactra sp. (a new species); loc. Sagama Bay. .529 xx Tresus (Schizothserus) Nuttalli, Conrad; loc. Yokohama Bay. TELLINID^E. 80 1 Soletellina (s. s.) Boeddinghausi, Lischke; five shells only found; Inland Sea. "^ 5*5 I x Soletellina olivacea, Jay; loc. near Sakai, Inland Sea. 504 ) ^ 574 xx Tellina inquinata, Desh.; loc. Inland Sea. 808 Tellina (Tellinella) perna, Spengler; one shell only found. 807 Tellina (Tellinella) vulsella, Chemn.; two shells only found. ^^.517 xx Tellina, sp. (anew species); loc. Inland Sea. . ' 513 xx Tellina, sp. (anew species); loc. Inland Sea. 800 Macoma nasuta, Conrad; one shell only. 516 xx Macoma prsetexta, Martens; loc. east coast. g 1 t xx Macoma secta, Conrad; loc. Sakai, Inland Sea. PETRICOLID^. 799 Venerupis (syn. Rupellaria) semi-plicaria, Dkr.; one shell. only found. ^-^ 560 xx Venerupis (syn. Rupellaria) semi-purpurea, Dkr.; loc. Inland Sea. 508 xx Saxidomus purpuratus, Sby. = S. Nuttalli, Conrad; loc. Tokyo Harbor. VENERID^. 586 x Gomphina (Venus) melanaegis, Roemer; color var. E. 591 x 592 x L. " " " N 593 x 595 x 596 x 598 xx 599 x 600 x 597 x u K.' U it u O. Q. R. S. P. All the foregoing are beautiful cabinet shells with much variety of marking, and are found in the shallow bays on the east coast and in the Inland Sea. COLLECTED BY FREDERICK STEARNS. 823 589 581 xx 582 xx ,583 xx 584 585 x 587 x 588 x 590 527 xx _ , 511 xx 5 1 1 B xx 509 xx 5096 xx xx 562 x 563 xx 526 xx 26B xx x 518 xx 5 1 9 x 520 xx 521 x 522 x 5 2 3 x 52 3 B x 524 xx 525 xx 528 x Cytheria divaricata, Chemn.; seven shells found; Inland Sea. Cytheria (Meretrix) impudica, Lin.; var. castanea, Lam.; loc. shallow bays east coast. Cytheria (Meretrix) lusoria, Chemn.; small shells. Cytheria (Meretrix) lusoria, Chemn.: color var. A; full grown. Cytheria (Meretrix) lusoria, Chemn.; color var. B; small shells. Cytheria (Meretrix) lusoria, Chemn.; color var. C; not far from typical and full grown. Cytheria (Meretrix) lusoria, Chemn.; color var. D; full grown and young. Cytheria (Meretrix) lusoria, Chemn.; color var. F. Cytheria (Meretrix) lusoria, Chemn. ; color var. G (typical). Cytheria (Meretrix) lusoria, Chemn. ; color var. I. These were found along the east coast from Tokyo to Idzumi; are all beautiful cabinet shells. Callista Chinensis, Chemn.; color var. A; loc. south coast of Kii. Callista Chinensis, Chemn.; color var. B; loc. south coast of Kii. Sunetta (syn. Meroe) excavata, Hanley; loc. Seta coast, K am ay am a. Young shells, same as No. 511. Dosinia bilunulata, Gray; mature shells; loc. Sagama coast. Dosinia bilunulata, Gray; young shells, various ages; loc. Sagama coast. Dosinia Troscheli, Lischke; loc. Inland Sea. Cyclina Orientalis, Sby. (var.); loc. coast near Yokohama. Cyclina Orientalis, Sby. (typical); loc. Yokohama Harbor. Tapes (Textrix) amabilis, Phil.; color var. A; loc. Shidaka coast. Tapes (Textrix) amabilis, Phil.; color var. B; loc. same. Tapes (Textrix) euglypta, Phil.; loc. shallow bays on east coast to Inland Sea; a spotted variety. Tapes (Amygdala) Philippinarum, Ads. st. Rve; color var. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. These are beautiful cabinet shells, and were found along the east coast from Tokyo to Ojima; No. 524 came from Seta coast. Tapes (a new species); loc. near Sakai, in Inland Sea; a handsome cabinet shell. CYRENID^:. 417 xx Cyrena (Corbicula) Martensii, Cless. ; found at fish market, Tokyo; Japanese name, Shijime-Kai. l6 LIST OF JAPANESE MOLLUSCA 610 xx Cyrena Martensii, Cless. ; loc. Yokohama tide flats; these shells smaller than No. 417. 416 } xx Cyrena (Corbicula) fluminea, Miill.; found in the market, Hong Kong, China; some of these shells are purple 418 ) inside, others are white and purple. 419 xx Cyrena (Corbicula) fluminea, Miill.; Hong Kong, China; somewhat smaller size. 420 xx Cyrena (Corbicula) straminea, Reinhart; loc. mud flats Kishu coast. 705 Cyrena sp.; Kanagawa mud flats; only six found. ISOCARDIID^E. 613 xx Cypricardia lirata, Rve. ; loc. Awa in Bishu. 550 xx Cardium (Cerastoderma) Calif orniensis, Desh.; loc. along east coast Tokyo to Ojima. 602 xx Cardium (Serripes) muticum, Rve. ; loc. Tokyo Harbor. CHAMID^. 812 Chama ambigua, Lischke; one shell only found, young; Inland Sea. LUCINID^E. 825 Loripes Philippinarum, Rve.; two shells only; Inland Sea. UNIONID^E. /"542 xx Unio Japanensis, Lea; loc. paddy fields near Tokyo. 540 xx Unio Nipponensis, Martens; loc. paddy fields near Kama- kura. 794 Dipsas pictorum, two half shells, painted with landscapes inside as they are sold at the shrine of Benten, on the Island of Enoshima. 539] 544 f xx Dipsas plicatus, Sol.; loc. rice paddy fields, near Yokohama, 546 ( various stages of growth. 548 J x Dipsas Reinianus, Mart.; loc. paddy fields near Yokohama. 543 xx Anodonta cellensis, Schrot; loc. Odelawara. 541 xx Anodonta Japonica, Martens; loc. paddy fields near Sagama. 538 ) xx Anodonta Woodiana, Lea.: various stages of growth; loc. 545 j rice paddy fields near Yokohama. Area compacta, Rve.; loc. Yokohama Harbor. Area (Barbatia) decurvata, Lischke; loc. Inland Sea. Area ( Anomalocardia) pulchella, Dkr. ; loc. east coast. Area (Scapharca) inflata, Rve.; loc. Tokyo Harbor; four only found. __ -.553 ) xx Area Krausii, Phil.; (varieties) loc. east coast Tokyo to 559 inc j Awaji, very near to A. navicularis Brug. _ 552 x Area nodosa-crenata, Lischke; loc. Inland Sea. ^ 549 xx Area setosa, Dkr. ; loc. Sagama coast. -^ 537 xx Pectunculus albo-lineatus, Lischke; loc. coast of Kii; these seem to be gigantic shells of this species. COLLECTED BY FREDERICK STEARNS. 17 MYTILIDJE. J5 } x Mytilus atratus, Lischke; loc. south coast Province Ise. 536 xx Mytilus crassitesta, Lischke (or it may be a variety of mytilus giganteus Holmb.); this is a very large species; many are loaded with barnacles, all more or less cracked in drying; loc. Akashi coast. 573 x Mytilus Dunkeri, Rve.; loc. Inland Sea. 790 Mytilus giganteus, Holmberg (typical); three shells only; Inland Sea. 785 Mytilus hirsutus, Lam.; two only; Inland Sea. - 574 x Mytilus rostratus, Dkr. ; loc. Kii coast. 786 Mytilus sinuatus, Dkr.; (var.) one only; Inland Sea. 791 Modiola modiolus, Lin. ; three shells; Inland Sea. 793 Modiola modiolus, Lin.; var. Philippinarum, Hanley; one shell only found. x Modiola nitida, Hanley; very large; Inland Sea. xx Modiola senhausii, Rve.; a very small but beautiful species found near Enoshima. xx Modiola (s. s.) traillii, Rve.; loc. Idzu coast, xx Lithodomus curtus, Lischke; loc. Joga-shima. Modiolaria cumingiana, Dkr.; one only found; Inland Sea. AVICULID^:. 512 x Avicula (Meleagrina) Martensii, Dkr.; loc. Province Kii, south coast. 797 x Pearls from Meleagrina Martensii, from the Province of Kii, where young girls are trained to dive for the shells. 773 Malleus albus, Chemn.; two fine large specimens; Inland Sea. 780 Avicula brevialata, Dkr.; two shells only; Inland Sea. PINNID^E. 674 Pinna assimilis, Hanley and Dkr.; one shell only, loc. west part Inland Sea. 606 xx Pinna Japonica, Hanley; loc. Kishu coast. 535 xx Pinna, sp. (a new species), this is a very large Pinna, many of them have at the lip large Balanus sp. ; loc. Tokyo Harbor; these and the various species of Mytilus are very apt to split and crack when dry, and most of those in my collection are in that condition. SPONDYLID^. Spondylus cruentus, Lischke. Spondylus regius, Gml.; one only found; Inland Sea. Spondylus Sinensis, Sby.; Inland Sea. LIMID^E. 809 Lima excavata, Chemn.; one very large shell, on which were two specimens of Scalpellum Stearnsii, Pilsbry. 810 Lima squamosa, Lam.; one shell (var). PECTINIDJE. 694 Pecten crassicostatus, Sby.; two shells only found; east coast. 1 8 LIST OF JAPANESE MOLLUSC A Pecten crassicostatus, Sby. (var.); one shell only found, x Amussium Japonicica, Oral.; loc. various parts of east coast and Inland Sea. 565 xx Pecten laetus, Old.; color var. A. 5656 x Pecten laetus, Gld. ; covered with groups of Balanus amphi- trite; loc. Ikai coast Joga-shima. x Same as No. 565; color var. B; loc. as 5653. Pecten laetus, Gld.; color var. C; greenish. x Pecten laetus, Gld.; small shells; loc. for foregoing num- bers Sagama Bay and coast of Joga-shima. x Pecten (Vola) laqueata, Sby.; loc. east coast. Pecten (Vola) puncticulata, Dkr.; one shell only; Prof. Pilsbry states that this is so much larger and finer than Bunker's type that it ought to be figured. ' ! Pecten squamatus, Gml. ; three only found; Inland Sea. ANOMIID^E. 500 xx Anomia sp.; var. A. 501 x Anomia sp.; var. B. 502 xx Anomia sp. ; var. C. 7 24 to ) Anomia, 6 species; but two or three of each. 728 B j NOTE These nine species Anomia are yet unde- termined, so much confusion existing in this genus that it is almost impossible to determine with accuracy the oriental forms; they are, however, very distinct and perfect; loc. Kishu coast and Joga-shima coast. Prof. Pilsbry writes me that these are unlike any forms hitherto described as far as he knows. OSTREIDJE. 774 Ostraea gigas, Thunb.; var. Goliath, Pilsbry; a half shell; the largest on record, 17^6 inches long by 3^6 inches wide; length of ligament area 3^ inches; form straight, parallel sided; very thick but comparatively light; ' found at Enoshima. 839 Ostraea gigas, Thunberg; var. Talienwhanensis Cross; one shell only. 530 xx Ostraea (Alectryonia) cucullata, Born.; form var. A. 531 x " " " " " B. 533 x " " " " C. 608 xx " " " " " D. 776 " " " " " E. 777 p. Foregoing varieties from east coast Sagama. . 532 xx Ostraea (Alectryonia) plicata, Chemn.; two form varieties A and B; loc. Kishu coast. 534 x Ostraea denselamellosa, Lischke; loc. Tokyo Bay. BRACHIOPODA. 713 Terebratula Stearnsii, Pilsbry; a new and distinct species, named after me, and figured by Prof. H. A. Pilsbry, in the Proceedings of the Academy Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, for 1891 (see Plate I, Figs. 4, 5, 6); only two specimens found; east coast, near Kii. COLLECTED BY FREDERICK STEARNS. 19 6 1 2 B Terebratulina Crossei, Davidson ; two specimens only found, attached to a bit of silicious substance which may have been part of a glass sponge; loc. Inland Sea. 714 Terebratella Gouldii, Dall.; (see Plate I, Figs. 2, 3); one shell only found, in the adult form (not before seen) ; east coast, dredged. 712 Terebratella Coreanica, A. Ad.; three specimens only found, attached to a piece of rock; dredged; loc. Inland Sea. 505 Laqueus Blanfordi, Dkr; loc. east coast. 609 ) 612 > xx Laqueus rubella, Sby.; loc. Joga-shima. 614) LINGULID^. <2 504 } xx Lingula anatina, Lam.; loc. vicinity of Enoshima; some are dried and some brought home in alcohol and since 617 ) dried. CIRRIPEDIA. 605 Scalpellum Stearnsii, Pilsbry; this is a new and distinct species named after me by Prof. Pilsbry, who states it to be more nearly allied to the fossil S. Pfeifferi Weit- hofer of the Vienna Basin (Miocene), than to any living species. (See Plate I, Fig. i.) I only obtained twelve of these at long intervals, during a year, from the fishermen who dredged them in six to ten fathoms along the east coast of Tokyo to Inland Sea. None of these can be had in exchange, as they will be sent to Public Institutions only. In all cases I found them attached to other shells. 758 Balanus amarylis, mixed with B. amphi trite Darwin; four groups; Inland Sea. 327 x Balanus amphitrite, Darwin; a white variety in groups; dead shells; loc. Akashi coast. 759 Balanus cepa, Darwin; a group on a Cancellaria noduli- fera, Sby; Inland Sea. 326 x Balanus tintinabulum, Lin; (typical) loc. Awaji coast; dead shells. 760 xx Lepas anatifera, Lin.; east coast near Yokohama; a lot of groups. 607 xx Pollicipes mitella, Lin; loc. near Enoshima. 3276 ) xx Pollicipes mitella, Lin.; loc. near Enoshima; fine groups. 607 j xx 'j?5 Tetraclita porosa, Gmel.; three only found; Inland Sea. VERMES. 322 x Serpula, undetermined species; loc. east coast between Tokyo and Ojima. 3226 Serpula, undetermined species; loc. unknown. Nos. 506, 629, 634, 646, 803 are species of shells of which only one or two each were found, but are as yet not determined. MOLLUSCA OF THE BAHAMA ISLANDS. I spent the winter of 1887-8 at Nassau, the capital of Bahama Islands, and while there made an excursion covering several weeks to the various sponge fishing banks around Andros Island, and to other islands in the vicinity. I collected nearly 200 species, of which I yet have the following in sufficient number to offer them in exchange. AURICULIDuE. 9 xx Melampus sp.; loc. Mayport, Florida. 65 xx Melampus coffeus L.; var. conifor- mis, mft., loc. Andros, n. side. CASSIDIDJE. , no x Cassis (s. s.) tuberosa, Lin.; well grown and finely marked. " - > iioB x Cassis flammea, Lin.; fine. uoC x Cassis varians, Mke.; fine. 166 x Cassis cameo Stimps. "82 x Cassis (Cassidea) testiculus, Lin. : not very fine. NOTE. Large shells like these cannot be sent by mail. CERITHID^E. 28 xx Cerithium nigrescens, Mke. CHITONID^. ^ 9? x Chiton (s. s.) Piceus Gmel. COLUMBELLLID^E. 163 xx Columbella (Pygmaea) mercatoria, Lin.; very fine color varieties. CYPRIOTE. 89 xx Cyprsea (s. s.) exanthema, Lin.; va- rious sizes ; maculated and reticu- lated. FASCIOLARIID^. 72 x Fasciolaria tulipa, L.; various sizes. HELICID^E. in xx Helix (Hemitrochus) varians, Mke.; very finely banded. Lot B the same in alcohol with the animal ; Lot C, ditto faded ; Lot D, ditto bleached. 113 xx Helix Stearnsianella, Pilsbry, discov- ered at Grantstown, back of Nas- sau, and named after me by Prof. H. A. Pilsbry (a new species). 112 x Helix (Thelodomus) provisoria, Pfr. (var.) LITTORINID^E. 10 x Littorina (Melaraphe) scabra L.; var. Lineata, Gmel. (= var. anguli- fera Lam.(; a variety of fine colors and with opercula. 16 x Littorina (Melaraphe) ziczac, Chemn. , with opercula. 17 xx Tectariusdilitatus, D'orb.; with oper- cula. 18 xx Tectariusmuricatus, Lin.; with oper- cula. MARGINELLIDJE. -. - 43 xx Marginella (Cryptospira) flavida, Redfield, beautiful shells, bright . glossy yellow. ^ 71 xx Marginella (G 1 a b e 1 1 a) opalina, Stearns. MURICID^E. 12 xx Murex (Chicoreus) Salleanus A. ad. (= M. pudicolor); with opercula. 13 xx Purpura (s. s.) patula, Lin.; fine, with opercula. 158 xx 7 x 7 B x 7 Dx NATICID^E. 446 xx Natica (s. s.) Marochiensis, Gmel.; var. livida Phil.; in alcohol, with animal and opercula. 159 xx Natica (mamma) porcellana, D'orb. NERITID./E. Nerita (Peleronta) peleronta, Lin.; fine and large, with opercula. Nerita Listeri Recluz ; (var.) fine, with opercula. Nerita (Peleronta) tessellata, Gmel.; with opercula. Nerita (Peleronta) versicolor, Lam.; with opercula. Neritina Virginia L.; very fine; re- quires many specimens to exhaust the varieties of markings. Neritina vita-pupa, Say.; a very beautiful shell. OLIVIDJE. Oliva (Strephona) fusiformis, Lam.; only fair. Oliva (Strephona) fusiformis, a tes- sellate variety, Lam. Oliva (Strephona) fusiformis, Lam.; yellowish and white variety, fine. Oliva biplicata, Sowb. (these are from Alaska). PUPID^E. Strophia marmorata, Pfr. Strophia glans, Kiister. STROMBID^E. Strombus gigas, L.; with opercula. Strombus, gigas, L. ; opercula only. Strombus gigas ; young ; several stages of growth ; quite unlike the adult shell and in good colors. Strombus costatus, Gmel. Strombus bituberculatus, Lam. TEREBRIDyE. Terebra (Myurella) dislocata, Say.; color varieties. TROCHID^. Trochus (Livona) pica L.; with oper- cula various ages. 86 x 86B x 85 xx 50 x ?4 xx BIVALVES. AVICULIDJE. 25 xx Perna (Isognomon) epiphium, Lin. LUCINID^E. 31 x Lucina Pennsylvania, Lin. 6 xx Lucina (Codakia) tigrina, Desh.; sev- eral stages of growth, the inner lip and hinge being tinged either with pink, yellow or purple, form- ing three color varieties. TELLINID^E. 6u x Tellina laevigata, Lin; i xx Asaphis sanguinolaria ; var. coc- cinea, Martyn. Asaphia sanguinolaria ; yellow color variety. Asaphia sanguinolaria ; purple color variety. MISCELLANEOUS. In addition to the foregoing, I have a number of Star Fishes ; Sea Urchins, among them Cidaris tubuloides ; Fish Scales, about fifteen varieties for microscopic study ; Sponges, about twenty species undetermined, having only scientific value. STEARNS : Catalogue Japanese Mollusks, etc. Plate I, i, Scalpellum Stearnsii, Pilsbry. 2, 3, Terebratella Gouldii, Ball, Adult. 4, 5, 6, Terebratula Stearnsii, Dall and Pilsbry. Stockton, Calif. T.M. Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY