BIOLOGY REESE LIBRARY R 6 UNIVERSITY- OF CALIFORNIA. APR 24 1893 189 . j cces No.*-*' EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION RICHARD CLAY AND SONS, LIMITED, LONDON AND BUNGAY PREFACE THE following pages contain a record of lectures which I delivered in August, 1891, in Edinburgh, before the very cultivated and attentive audiences afforded by the Summer School of Art and Science which Professor Patrick Geddes is evolving with great expense of energy and devotion to science, aided by some personal friends whose interest he has well awakened in the organisation and diffusion of knowledge. I wish to be reckoned among these ; and I took part with much pleasure in the proceedings, while on a visit to Edinburgh, Oxford, Cambridge, and London, where the French Government had com- missioned me to investigate the University Extension Movement. These lectures do not cover the whole ground o of the subject : I have purposely given most attention to documents and facts of French origin, as they are certainly less familiar to an English audience, although the similar facts and documents of English origin are, if anything, more familiar vi PREFACE to myself, and also much more extensive in some lines. My desire has been more specially to show what should be done, in future, on behalf of the Evolution Theory, so that I may be excused if I have not gone entirely through the facts of the past ; and as I consider that experiment is now the only method of secur- ing any further advance in solving the problems of organic evolution, I have wished to state the matter clearly, and to give some circulation to the statement in the country where this line of study has most followers. And now I should ask of my readers to excuse such literary or grammatical defects as they may meet with in this volume. A foreigner can scarcely be expected to master all the niceties of the English language. However, my friends Prof. Patrick Geddes and J. A. Thomson having been kind enough to look over the proofs and this I most sincerely thank them for I feel the most important inelegancies or errors have been excluded, although English readers must doubt- less perceive that the author is not writing in his native language. H. DE V. MONTMORENCY (SEINE ET OISE), FRANCE, October io//z, 1891. CONTENTS LECTURE I The problem of the Living World The three Hypotheses concerning it General Statement of the Evolution- hypothesis Gradual Growth of this Hypothesis, considered especially in French Literature : Claude Duret (1605) ; de Maillet (1749); Robinet (1766); Buffon (1761-6); Lamarck (1809) ; Geoffrey St. Hilaire, etc. Naudin (Rev^^e Horticole, 1852) anticipates the Natural Selection Theory General Proofs of Evolution : Palaeontological, Embryo- logical, Morphological These Proofs not absolutely conclu- sive Direct Proof is wanted, and wanting Nothing will suffice but the Transformation of one Species into another : Experimental Evolution necessary LECTURE II ^^v Experimental Evolution based on Three- Groups of Facts First Group : the Facts of Natural or Spontaneous Variation : Organisms are not rigid structures, but exhibit much plasticity. Facts of Variation in Colour, correlated sometimes, and viii CONTENTS PAGE perhaps always, with variation of chemical composition (Armand Gautier's investigations) ; Variation in Dimensions and Experiments on the real cause of this Variation, Semper and the Author ; Variation in Integuments, Form, Shape of Fruits and Leaves, Flowers Penzig's Pflanzen- Teratologie Skeleton, Muscles, Internal Organs and Viscera ; Sexuality Neotenia 46 LECTURE III The Facts of Natural or Spontaneous Variation (concluded) Phy- siological or Chemical Variation Often exists where un- suspected May be noticed in all parts of the Body, even between very closely-related Forms Exists not only between different Species, but between Varieties of same Species, Individuals of same Variety, and even different ages of same Individual Chemical Variation explains Racial Immunity to peculiar Diseases This Chemical or Physiological Variation in some cases of much higher import than any Morphological Variation Chauveau's Experiments on Bacilhis anthracis Physiological Differences between Brown and Green Frog towards Poisons and Heat Tarchanoff's Experiments Variation generally exists at all Ages, in all Groups of Beings, at all Geological Epochs Sudden Variation ... 114 LECTURE IV Second Group of Facts supporting Experimental Evolution ; Facts of Domestication of Animals ; their Departure from the original Wild Type as seen in the cases where the latter still exists ; Much more might be done in this way, and many CONTENTS PAGE new Resources discovered ; Domestication has caused Animals to vary in all parts of their Organism, from Weight of Brain to Length of Digestive Tract. Third Group of Facts: Cultivation of Plants ; its Influence ; the Departure from the original Wild Type ; Variation in all parts of the Plants from Roots to Flowers ; Numerous Varieties of the commonly- cultivated Vegetables. Fourth Group of Facts : Influence of Environment on Structure ; Closeness of Agreement between Environment and Organism ; Beudant and Raulin's Experi- ments ; the Author's Experiments ; Dareste and Teratogeny ; Pouchet, Yung ; Facts and Experiments ; Pierre Lesage ; Schmankevitsch ; Weismann's Criticisms 156 LECTURE V Experimental Evolution based on the four preceding Groups of Facts. These Facts illustrate at the same time its Methods, which are : Change of Environment ; Use and Disuse ; Natural Selection ; Sexual Selection ; and Physiological Selection. These Factors of Evolution must all be subjected to Experimental Test in order to show what they can Effect. What is wanted : A Direct Proof, which all may Perceive and Touch, of one Species (or Form) giving Birth to another more or less Different, and Permanent. Numerous Accessory Problems to be Investigated at the same time. Scientific and Practical Import of this line of Investigation. Require- ments : Farm and Laboratory ; Animals and Plants ; Time ; Experiments must be able to last 20, 50, 100 Years or more. This Experimental Investigation must and shall be performed. But who is to begin ? . 226 INDEX 261 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECTURE I Summary The Problem of the Living World The three Hypotheses concerning it General Statement of the Evolution-hypothesis Gradual Growth of this Hypothesis, considered especially in French Literature: Claude Duret (1605); de Maillet (1749); Robinet (1766); Buffon (1761-6); Lamarck (1800); Geoffroy St. Hilaire, etc. Naudin (Revue Horticole, 1852) anticipates the Natural Selection Theory General Proofs of Evolution : Palaeontological, Embryological, Morphological These Proofs not absolutely con- clusive Direct Proof is wanted, and wanting Nothing will suffice but the Transformation of one Species into another : Experimental Evolution necessary. DURING countless ages, of which centuries are mere moments, and whose number and length we can yet by no known method pretend to appreciate, our planet an atom amidst an infinite world of similar bodies has been teeming with life. Innumerable millions of plants and animals have lived and died, on the earth, in the waters, in the air ; and if we can B EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION T/F.CT. hardly estimate the number of the forms of life, it is impossible to obtain any idea of the enormous although finite number of the individuals. How many plants were required to form a square foot of coal ; and of how many Protozoa and sponges is a cubic inch of chalk the only vestige ? Who could dare to form an estimate of the number of organisms which have disappeared and died with- out leaving a single vestige, whose bodies, through the slowly disintegrating processes of decomposition, aerial or submarine, have abandoned their elements to the atmosphere, the water, and the soil, the materials of life whence they have unceasingly re- turned to new organisms in the course of that circulus which, like life itself, knows neither rest nor immo- bility ? The very elements which at the present moment are parts of ourselves, of our bones, of our flesh, of our blood, brain, or nerve, were part, not very long ago, of our ancestors further back still, of prehistoric man ; and in a remote past, of that inconceivable number of organisms of part of which the sedimentary strata are the enormous burial-ground. And when we come to consider that the circulation of matter is unceasing and continuous between the earth, the air, and the water on the one hand, and all living organisms, animals, or plants, on the other, we cannot help coming to the conclusion that I THE PROBLEM OF THE LIVING WORLD 3 all present life is made up from the elements of past life that we are verily the flesh and blood of the dead, recent or remote, and that the air we in- hale, the water we drink, the food we eat, are for the greater part made with elements derived from these dead. This notion is a very simple one, and certainly familiar to all. And yet, its origin is not very remote. Not to speak of our ugly brute of an ancestor, that prehistoric man, who struggled hard for dear life and this we must thank him for under hard times and against many foes, without tools without weapons, " sans everything " in fact, and who, we may imagine, had but little spare time left for philosophical meditations after he had provided the food necessary to his companion and progeny, and settled his little accounts with troublesome neigh- bours, bipedal or quadrupedal, did this notion ever cross the brain of the Gauls, Celts, or Britons of old ? Did it even suggest itself to that old father of science, to Aristotle, or to his commentators of mediaeval times ? -Surely not, and in fact, no exact idea of the circulation of matter could be obtained even a century ago, when chemistry was yet only entering upon life, and acquiring the dignity of a science. The same is true of the greater part of our modern ideas and science. B 2 4 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. The philosopher of Geneva has said 1 that " the condition of him who reflects is an anti-natural condition, and that the man given to meditation is a depraved animal." Some doubts may be entertained concerning the second term of this sentence, although the unhealthiness of meditation is often obvitfus ; but it is certainly true that under natural conditions, very little time is available for meditative purposes. Even in our so-called civilized life, how very small is the number of those who do often really think and ponder on topics which are neither food, nor dress, nor money. Most men live, in fact, without troubling themselves with any of the really great questions which force themselves on the attention of the few who think, and they leave those vexed questions of force, matter, move- ment, space, life, consciousness, death, will, memory, morality, right and wrong, to the physicist, bio- logist, and moralist, with some disdain, pitying them most thoroughly for devoting their time, life, and energy to problems which apparently do not admit of being solved. The thinkers are however not of the same mind as the multitude ; they entertain the opinion absurd in the eyes of many that human science has yet a 1 J. J. Rousseau, Discours sur V Origin e et les Fondements de rin'egalite parmi les Homines, 1754. THE PROBLEM OF THE LIVING WORLD long road to travel, that unexplored fields are yet innumerable, and that no problem can be considered insoluble so long as it has not been subjected to a thorough investigation by means of all available methods. If we consider that the number of these methods increases each day, if we remember that discoveries which seem quite insignificant are often pregnant with the most important deductions from Galvani to the telegraph and the telephone one small century only has elapsed we may fairly con- clude that a problem which hardly admits to-day of any investigation may suddenly be solved to-morrow. I may be allowed to quote an instance among many. Some forty years ago a young man spent a long time in the seemingly very speculative and idle study of dissymmetry and symmetry in various crystals. The practical value of such investigation seemed to be nought, and at all events it had no interest save for the elucidation of some points in crystallography. But this investigation led logically to a study of fermentation, and the final outcome of Pasteur's earliest work has been leaving out the step- ping stones the discovery of the real cause of a large number of diseases, the cure of one of them, and the expectation, based on facts, that all of these diseases can be defeated by appropriate methods. Little causes have great effects, and no EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. ascertained fact is useless ; this must be kept in mind. To return to our question, we may conclude that no problem is out of man's reach : there is none he may not grapple with, more or less successfully. But this notion, also, is a very modern one, and while the many at present certainly disagree with it, we do not require to go centuries back to find the thinkers themselves of a different opinion on the matter, and sharing the creed of the mass. This explains how it is that man has so long delayed to investigate the problem of the present day, which is the problem of the world. He con- sidered the problem as admitting of no possible investigation, and accepting the Scriptures as a scientific text-book as well as a book of morals, he even perceived no problem at all, and lived in quiet- ness and repose. But some were at work, observ- ing, comparing, and noting facts. Their names are familiar to all, and the outcome of their diverse work and tendencies broke upon the world in 1859. For Darwin, while seemingly inquiring only about the origin of cats and dogs, and pigeons, and their pro- bable relationship with antecedent similar animals, had opened new prospects. This was immediately understood ; and behind the cats, clogs, pigeons, swine, and cattle, all beheld a new system of the THREE HYPOTHESES world, quite different from that of the currently accepted creed. The general system we shall leave out in the course of these lectures ; that which concerns us here is its application to the organic kingdom. How did animals and plants come to life, and how are we to explain the present state of nature ? As Professor Huxley clearly states in his American Addresses, there are only three hypotheses concerning this matter. The one is that the present state of things has always existed, -and, I presume, never began. This is one of the propositions which Herbert Spencer terms unthinkable. There must have been a begin- ning, because we know there is an end of all things ; but in fact, it would be perfectly Quixotic to argue against this windmill, as no one works it. I am not aware that any scientists maintain this position. The second hypothesis is that the present world of animals and plants began suddenly in some past epoch, in the course of the days or periods of crea- tion : this is the theory of the book of Genesis, of Milton's Paradise Lost, the orthodox theory of the greater part f the civilized millions. This hypothesis is a more rational one, and no objection could be raised against it, in my opinion, if the facts we are acquainted with were not in direct 8 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. contradiction with it. As to the feasibility of a creation after this mode, we can entertain no doubt. Miraculous and incomprehensible is this theory : but all theories which pretend to explain the beginnings are so ; they cannot avoid recurring to the hypothesis, either of the spontaneous generation of matter, energy, and life of the whole intricate and complex system of things, or of the creation of all this by some mighty being, the watchmaker of Paley's well-known argument. But who made the watchmaker ? it is naturally asked. To the last question neither you nor I are prepared to answer, and as none can answer it, many come to the conclusion that the question is absurd and must be dismissed as untenable. We must confess that this question is above our reason. But what of the first alternative ? Can any one of us show matter, life, or energy spontaneously generated out of nothing ? No ! and all the progress of physics and chemistry goes to show how numerous are the transformations of energy and matter, and to confirm steadily the axiom ex niJiilo nihil. If we are asked to believe in spontaneous creation of life, matter, or energy, we merely answer that this belief goes against our reason, because we are asked to believe in things which are contrary to all our experience. 1 And 1 This does not prevent Basile Conta, in his interesting Origine dcs Espcccs (Paris, Alcan, 1888), from supposing that spontaneous genera- SPECIAL CREATION THEORY between two creeds, the one above, the other against our reason, we prefer the first, willingly admitting that our present intelligence is not able to understand most of the phenomena we are acquainted with though we sincerely expect it to become so in the course of ages and that any adequate idea of the origin of the world is a thing much above the grasping powers of our intellect. Suppose some savages discovering one morning on a sea-beach a watch stranded from some shipwreck. No doubt, they all will come and cluster eagerly around it, and if the unfortunate machine be water-proof, they will listen to the ticking with great wonder, and will furthermore believe that this watch is some new and curious sort of animal which takes more pleasure in ticking than in anything else. If those savages are not mere brutes I presume some old wise man will express his astonishment, and im- mediately advise his slaves and followers to go and give fruit and hogs to the priests, because this is an extraordinary event which has some extraordinary origin. And if you were to tell him that this watch had been made by the rushing together of fragments of stone and sand, he would not believe it. At least, I tion has taken place, and is even taking place daily. He supposes that the inferior organisms are of very recent, contemporary origin, while the superior are derived from similar inferior organisms which have sprung into life in periods which are remote in proportion to the degree of perfection reached by the higher species. io EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. hope not. We are such savages. The more we study nature in its broadest sense, the more its wheels seem intricate, and its movements complex. Of course we do not understand how it was made so, we do not understand the watchmaker, nor even his design and purpose in making the watch, but we perceive the watch, we understand part of its movements, and so are compelled to believe in the existence of the' watchmaker, although we can form no definite idea concerning him. But the fact of believing in the watchmaker's exist- ence, which is forced upon us by the fact that we never have seen a single watch ; come spontaneously into existence, and that our experience shows that no single element wheel, axis, or spring has ever spon- taneously appeared, does not necessarily compel us to accept the second, above-named, of the three hypotheses which Prof. Huxley recognizes. We may very well accept the watchmaker's existence without being obliged to believe that he made the watch in the particular method described in the Scriptures, and assumed by the adherents of the Special Creation Theory. And we cannot so long as neither energy nor matter can be shown to arise spontaneously out of nothingness we cannot, upon any theory, dispense w r ith the existence of a Creator. The third hypothesis is the hypothesis of Evolution. i EVOLUTION THEORY u I cannot do better than quote Prof. Huxley's own words. It "supposes that at any comparatively late period of past time, our imaginary spectator [supposed to be a witness of the history of the earth] would meet with a state of things very similar to that which now obtains, but that the likeness of the past to the present would gradually become less and less, in pro- portion to the remoteness of his period of observation from the present day ; that the existing distribution of mountains and plains, of rivers and seas, would show itself to be the product of a slow process of natural change operating upon more and more widely different antecedent conditions of the mineral frame- work of the earth ; until at length, in place of that framework he would behold only a vast nebulous mass, representing the constituents of the sun and of the planetary bodies. Preceding the forms of life which now exist, our observer would see animals and plants, not identical with them, but like them ; in- creasing their difference with their antiquity, and at the same time, becoming simpler and simpler, until finally the world of life would present nothing but that undifferentiated protoplasmic matter which, so far as our present knowledge goes, is the common foundation of all vital activity." l To put it briefly : the evolutionary hypothesis sup- 1 American Addresses. Three Lectures on Evolution, p. 10. 12 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. poses that from matter and force, the entire world and the life it contains their past, present, and future have been, are, and will be evolved by a natural process, without any special interference of the Creator, whose existence seems to me necessarily assumed. To quote again Professor Huxley : l " The hypo- thesis of evolution supposes that in all this vast progression there would be no breach of continuity- no point at which we could say, 'This is a natural process/ and ' This is not a natural process,' but that the whole might be compared to that wonderful process of development which may be seen going on every day under our eyes, in virtue of which there arises, out of the semi-fluid, comparatively homo- geneous substance which we call an egg, the com- plicated organization of one of the higher animals." Excluding the first hypothesis, which explains nothing, and merely ignores the problem to be solved, the whole discussion is between the second and third. And we cannot wonder at the rivalry displayed on both sides we cannot wonder at the passionate fighting which has been carried on at each discussion of the matter, when we consider that in fact the question is not merely zoological, but metaphysical and speculative, and that the real 1 American Addresses. Three Lectures on Evolution, pp. 10, n. EVOLUTION THEORY 13 matter under discussion is not the origin of species, but the origin of the world and of all it contains, man himself included. It would require much time to convey a correct idea of the gradual evolution of the Evolution theory itself. It did not spring out of the brain of one man, fully equipped and ready, as Minerva is said to have come to life. On the contrary, it developed slowly, cautiously, very timidly, we may say. And this for good reasons, prominent among which was the un- animous assault its defenders had to receive each time they tried to say a word in its favour. No doubt these fights and defeats were unpleasant, but they turned to the advantage of the vanquished, and each defeat became a tonic to him, by which his forces were invigorated and freshened. The idea of evolution, and more specially of organic evolution, is, however, of recent origin. At first it was a very vague and unscientific notion. Although I have no intention of giving an historical account of the evolution of the Evolution theory, I may be allowed to give some instances, to show some stepping-stones. Similar instances are certainly to be found in English and German literature, but I shall be content with quoting here some facts belonging to French litera- ture, as they may be less familiar to most English readers. 14 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. In 1609 Mons. Claude Duret, President of the Bench in the town of Moulins, in central France, published a quaint book with still quainter illus- trations. This Histoire admirable des Plantes . . - 1 contains evolutionary notions of a very queer sort. He fully believes that many aquatic birds, as well as many sorts of insects, are generated from the rotten wood of trees. In Scotland it seems perhaps some of you have heard of the fact and are ready to vouch for it in Scotland there is one sort of tree more peculiar than others ; the leaves which fall on the ground yield birds, while those which fall into water are soon changed into fishes. There is no doubting the fact, as the scene is very distinctly depicted in an old wood-engraving. A photograph, how- ever, would be more convincing, but then Daguerre and Niepce had not made their appearance at that time. It may be remarked that some seventy years later Father Kircher, in his Mundus Subterraneus? still believed in many strange notions of the same sort, and depicted the genesis of birds, apes, and men by means of the transformation of some orchids. He had been 1 The full title is : Histoire admirable des Piantcs et Herbes esmer- veillables et miractileuscs en Nature, mesmes d'aticunes qui s.ont vrays Zoophytes on Plantes Animalcs .... avec I cur Portraits att natwel. 1 8. Paris, Nicolas Brion, 1609. 2 Amsterdam, 2. vols. in folio, 1678. DE MA1LLET 15 struck with the resemblance of these strange flowers to many animals, and therefore concluded that the latter were derived from the former. In the meantime De Maillet, French consul in Leghorn and in Egypt during a number of years, wrote, at the end of his life, a strange book called Telliamed^ (his own name reversed). The greater part of it has little to do with the matter under dis- cussion, but in the last ninety pages, after having considered the real nature of fossils a question at that time much discussed, and concerning which the truth became established only after numerous diffi- culties De Maillet concerns himself with the origin of man and animals. His main idea is that all terrestrial and aerial animals have their origin in some corresponding marine form. For instance, birds are derived from flying fishes, lions from sea-lions, &c., and man from the " homme marin" the husband of the mermaid. The reason he gives for these derivations is curious enough. Considering the many islands there were more of them in his time than at the present day which, although uninhabited by man, contain animals and plants, he argues that if these animals and plants are not derived from marin 1 Telliamed ; ou, Entretiens (fun Philosophe Indien avec un Missio- naire Francais, etc. , mis en ordre sur les Mtmoires de fen M. de Maillet. Basle, 1749. 16 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. forms, "we must assume a new creation, which is absurd" (p. 313). Some years after De Maillet, another French writer gave utterance to more valuable notions concerning evolution. This author was J. B. Robinet. There is but little to interest us in his book, De la Nature, published in 1 766 (four Svo volumes, Amsterdam,) but his Vues philosophiques de la gradation naturelle des Formes de FEtre, ou les Essais de la Nature qui apprend a faire r Homme (1768, Amsterdam,) contain curious passages. For instance, he clearly recognized the fact that all animals are in many points similar, and that if the similarity between any two animals at the opposed ends of the organic scale is difficult to perceive when they aie considered apart from the others, numerous transitional forms occur, and are real connecting links when the whole scale is taken into consideration. Robinet supposes that Nature has an aim, a con- stant tendency towards perfection, and towards perfec- tion of a given type. Since the beginning the aim of Nature has been to prepare man, and the proofs thereof are not wanting, according to Robinet. These proofs are the numerous stones or fossils which bear a more or less vague resemblance to the organs and various parts of man, monstrous turnips and extra- ordinary cabbages, in the form of a hand, a nose, or an ear, or other parts of the body, whether internal or I ROBINET AND BUFFON 17 external. Robinet is not very clear about the method which Nature followed in order to attain her object, but the last part of his story is quite fluent, and the ape appears as the last effort of Nature before she succeeded in making man. This is very crude and elementary evolutionism, to be sure, and the names of Robinet, De Maillet, and Duret l have but slight historical interest, but it must be remembered that between Robinet and Darwin not a century elapsed, and there lies the reason for which I have wished to recall briefly the quaint notions of these transformists of the past A word, however, may be said in their defence ; we must remember that at the time they wrote, little was known concern- ing species, and no idea could be obtained concerning their origin and derivation, so long as their nature was ignored. Evolutionism, scientific and really deserving this name, appeared only a few years after the publication of Robinet's ungainly views, and here the French scientists took a prominent part. Buffon comes first. Much has been said and written concerning the orthodoxy of the great natural- ist, and contradictory statements have been made, so 1 For details concerning their theories cf. Henry de Varigny : La Philosophic Biologique aux xvii 1 ' el xmii e Siccles, l\.evt(e Scientijiyuc, August 29th, 1889. Also De Quatrefages, Charles Darwin et ses Pre- curseurs francaiS) 1870, of which anew edition is in the press (1892). C J8 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. that many know not whether he is to be accounted as a friend or as a foe. The truth is that Buffon's views on the unity of species lacked unity themselves. From 1753 to 1756, it is quite clear, as Geoffroy Saint Hilaire has shown, that he believed in their immut- ability. "Species in animals," he says, "are all separated from each other by an interval which Nature cannot cross." Later on, his writings show a different turn of mind, and from 1761 to 1766, more particularly give evidence thereof. " One is surprised at the prompt- ness with which the species vary, and at the ease with which they become altered and assume new forms." This theory of the mutability of species he con- sidered, some years later, to be rather exaggerated, and he returned to more moderate views, though not abandoning the theory of variability and mutability, which, in his opinion, are due to the direct influence of environment. After Buffon comes Lamarck, a friend and pupil of the former. Lamarck was the first to state distinctly, in any developed form, the theory of the variability and transmutation of species, which many had before him briefly proposed or supposed, and he tried to dis- cover the cause of this variability. 1 The facts of varia- 1 See his Philosophic ZoologicjJie, 1809 ; Introduction a FHistoire naturelle des Animaux sans Verlebres, 1815 ; and Systeme de Con- naissances positives ', 1820. I LAMARCKIAN THEORY 19 bility were supplied to him by all sorts of animals, and in part by the domesticated forms, and among these the pigeon and fowl, of which, later, Darwin made great use. Lamarck believed in spontaneous genera- tion under laws given by a Creator of elemen- tary organisms which became gradually perfected and transformed into higher beings, under other laws which Lamarck recognized and stated. Among these laws is that of the hereditary transmission of acquired char- acters, which is at present so much discussed, after Weismann's opposition. As to the cause of variability, it is to be found, says Lamarck, in " new needs of the organism," so that the influence of environment plays but an accessory part. Whatever opinions may be entertained as to the views of this naturalist concern- ing the causes and methods of variation, it must be conceded that he was the first clearly to perceive and state the problem of the origin of species. Geoffrey Saint Hilaire (Etienne) was rather a disciple of BufFon than of Lamarck. He believed much in the influence of environment 1 and fought hard against Cuvier and his views, while Bory de Saint Vincent upheld the views of Lamarck. Of Geoffroy Saint Hilaire we shall have to speak again further on. We do not pretend to give here any com- 1 See his Sttr le Degre if Influence du Monde ambiant po^lr modifier es Formes animates. C 2 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. plete account of the progress of the Evolution theory- more especially after having announced our desire to restrict ourselves chiefly to French naturalists and shall dwell no longer on this point of history. It must be recalled, however, that Linnaeus, in 1762 (Amcenitates] had expressed the idea that all species of the same genus ab initio unam constituerunt speciem, without saying, however, how the differentiation of he primitive one species into many had taken place. Moreover many writers whose names are given by Darwin in his Origin of Species, anticipated him more or less, not in his explanation of the quomodo of trans- mutation, but in the statement of the fact, or theory. There is, however, one name to which attention must be called ; it is that of Naudin, the veteran French botanist, who, in 1852, published a very interesting paper in the Revue Horticole (1852, p. 102). As he recently wrote to me x this paper was published by the editors of the Revue with much diffidence ; they cared little about theoretical discussions, and the hypothesis of transmutation was " nowhere " in their opinion. Some passages are of much interest, and may be quoted here. 1 " The editors of the Revue Horticole did not feel inclined to allow such heretical notions to be expounded in it ; they accepted the paper, however, throwing the whole responsibility upon myself, and fearing to injure their orthodoxy through an irhpure alloy." (Letter, dated March 6th, 1891.) I NAUDIN (1852) 21 " We do not think that Nature has made her species in a different fashion from that in which we proceed ourselves in order to make our variations. To say the truth, we have practised her very method. When we wish, out of some zoological or botanical species, to obtain a variety which answers to such or such of our needs, we select (choisissons) out of the large number of the individuals of this species, so as to make them the starting point of a new stirp, those which seem already to depart from the specific type in the direction which suits us, and, by a rational and continuous sorting of the descendants, after an undetermined number of generations we create types or artificial species, which correspond more or less with the ideal type we had imagined, and which transmit the acquired characters to their descendants in proportion to the number of generations upon which our efforts have been bearing. Such is, in our opinion, the method followed by Nature; as well as by ourselves ; she has wished to create races conformable to her needs, and, with a comparatively small number of primitive types, she has successively, and at different periods, given birth to all the animal and vegetable species which people the earth." . . . This says nothing of the reason for which Nature follows such a method, but the method is exactly that which we know under the name of natural selection and artificial selection. It seems fair to say that Naudin's 22 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. name deserves a high place in the history of the rise and progress of evolutionary thought, and the paper to which I allude is not generally well known, even to writers familiar with the subject of evolution. Of Darwin's work I shall say nothing : all are familiar with the principles which lie at the root of his theory ; but it would be unfair not to put Herbert Spencer's name on the list, close to his. And now we may briefly recapitulate the theories which have been proposed on both sides to explain the present condition of the organic world. On the special creation side we meet with four distinct views : (1) Our planet, long uninhabited, has become peopled with the types and forms it now contains, from another planet in which these existed, and which has fallen on ours. This hypothesis might be discussed by savages or by lunatics ; to me it seems useless to show its failure, of which the least is that it merely puts off the problem without any attempt towards solving it. (2) All species have been specially created from the beginning of the world a very elastic term, to be sure and have lived in part, or in whole, until the present day, without any alteration. This hypothesis is untrue, as it is known that most I SPECIAL CREATION THEORIES 23 living species occur only very seldom in strata of some antiquity, and that the present fauna, for instance, is quite different from the various faunas which lived in the different geological epochs. (3) A large number of living beings specially created at the beginning, having been killed by various cataclysms, they have been created anew after the catastrophes which, in Cuvier's opinion, are the necessary concomitants of every geological epoch. This is Cuvier's hypothesis of the " revolutions of the earth." It may seem somewhat puerile to sup- pose that the Creator has seen His own doing turn against Him, and oblige Him to begin His work anew, on repeated occasions. (4) All species have been specially created from the beginning, but while some die out gradually, other new ones put in a sudden appearance, for reasons hitherto unexplained. This is only a part of an hypothesis, as it does not explain why or how new species appear, which is exactly the problem to be solved. On the adverse, non-special creation side, we have only one hypothesis, the evolutionary one, which sup- poses all living species to have been evolved from antecedent and different organisms all organisms having perhaps been evolved out of a single ele- mentary one, born we know not how, but certainly 24 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. created, unless we can believe that matter, energy, and life can originate spontaneously. Between the Special Creation and the Evolution theory the contest has been a fierce one, for reasons already given ; but it may be said that at the present moment the last-named has gathered around it the greater army. But it must be confessed, at the same time, that no positive and direct proof of the truth of the evo- lutionary theory has yet been given. It is true none can be given either of the opposite theory. In the very year, 1852, in which Naudin gave utterance to his theory of the origin of species by means of selection, Herbert Spencer published a short essay on the Development Hypothesis, which has been re- publishccl in his recent edition of Essays, as the first of the whole series. In this essay he speaks of the anti-evolutionists, who argue that " as in all our experience we know no such phenomenon as trans- mutation of species, it is unphilosophical to assume that transmutation of species ever takes place," and forget that " as in all our experience we have never known a species created, it is unphilosophical to assume that any species, has ever been created." We cannot exactly adhere to this reasoning. If species have been created, they may have been so before man could see them, while if species are I ARGUMENTS FOR EVOLUTION 25 derived from each other by evolution, there is no reason why the process should not be at all times going on, and why man should not witness it. So, on that point, creationists are entitled to ask of evo- lutionists demonstrations which, conversely, the latter cannot require from the former. Without proceeding to discuss more amply the matter so very well discussed by Herbert Spencer in this essay, I wish to recall briefly to your memory the general proofs of organic evolution as they are known at present. One of these proofs, or arguments, is that which results from palaeontological studies. Broadly speak- ing, an evolution in the animal and vegetable king- doms is indicated by the fact that the older strata of the earth contain organisms which are simpler than those which are contained in the newer, or are living at present. For instance, no Vertebrates are known in the Silurian strata save some lowly-organized fishes, and it is only in later deposits that the other groups put in an appearance. Of course, much may be said, even now, concerning the provisional con- dition of our palaeontological knowledge. We know but little of the contents of the geological strata, and of the greater part of the globe we are totally igno- rant. Future investigations and discoveries may con- siderably alter the present situation ; and, on the 26 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. other hand, our geological notions may require im- portant alterations as concerns synchronism and heterochronism of the strata and of their contents. It may happen that vestiges of animals which we consider as very recent may be found in much older strata ; it may also happen that some types have been evolved in very limited portions of the globe at different times and with different characters. It may be granted that our geological conceptions re- quire to be revised, and in many cases altered. But however fragmentary and imperfect our present know- ledge may be, it nevertheless yields important con- clusions. Through palaeontology we perceive in some cases the passage from one group of animals to another, and while theory shows that birds are probably in close relationship with reptiles, the Jurassic strata yield ArcJiceopteryx lithographic^ which partakes of the character of both groups, and in the more recent Tertiary deposits we meet with many forms which have now disappeared, but are in intimate connection with the existing species of many orders, and seem positively to be the ancestors from which the latter have been evolved with slight modifi- cations. It is enough to recall the important investi- gations of Gaudry, Leidy, Falconer, Cope, Marsh, Boyd-Dawkins, and Lartet, who have traced, with the utmost probability, the exact line of descent from PALAEONTOLOGICAL ARGUMENTS 27 those fossil forms of older strata to those which live at the present time. Palaeontology shows in some cases the process of evolution in much detail. I may refer to the researches of Hilgendorf and Hyatt, at Steinheim in Wiirtem- bcrg. They show that while the different species of Planorbis, when considered in the most recent of these strata, are very dissimilar, if the series is studied from the lower to the upper ones, it is easily seen that out of four initial forms, not very different from each other, slightly different forms have in the course of time originated, becoming, as we consider more recent strata, always more diversified, always more different from their ancestors, and from one another. While the origin is the same, the results are quite dissimilar, and if the older strata were wanting, no possible link could be found between the very dissimilar forms which co-exist in the more recent deposits, no line of descent or of relationship could be established. Investigations of less recent elate than those of Hyatt have afforded identical results. In his important work on the Foraminifera, 1 Terquem has shown the forms which are intermediate between types which at first glance seem very dissimilar ; and Rupert Jones more recently, in his " Remarks on the Fora- 1 Recherches sur les Foraminifcrcs du Lias du Dtpartement de la Moselle. 1858-1866, 28 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. minifera, with especial reference to their Variability of Form, illustrated by the Cristellarians " {Monthly Microscopical Journal, 1 876), has worked out the same matter, with the same general result. Palaeontology, upon the whole, although yet very fragmentary and incomplete, testifies to the truth of evolution, showing an unmistakable line of descent from ancient types of life to more recent types, and from these more recent types to those which live now. I do not mean to say that in the case of every animal we are enabled to trace its ancestry with exactness to the most remote times, but in many cases this ancestry admits of being very satisfactorily traced, and, with the future progress of geology and palae- ontology, many gaps will be filled up, and many connecting links discovered. Among recent books French books well illus- trating the preceding statements, I would recommend those which M. Gaudry, professor of palaeontology in the French Natural History Museum, and one of the leading evolutionists in France, has published, under the significant title of Les Enchainements du Monde Animal dans les Temps Geologiques. These three volumes are entirely devoted to the question of palae- ontological descent, and are most ably written and reasoned. Another argument for evolution is derived from I EMBRYOLOGICAL ARGUMENTS 29 the facts of embryology. Embryology is merely an evolution, and to study the development of any given organism is to study its evolution from a single ele- mentary cell the egg-cell to the stage when this has become capable of leading an independent or semi-independent life, and has acquired a form and complexity of structure which are truly marvellous. In many cases this evolution lasts some weeks, some months at the longest, and the organism thus evolved merely needs to acquire larger dimensions by growth ; but in many cases also there are breaks in the evo- lution process, and when one point is attained the process stops for some time, and is resumed later on. Such is the case in most butterflies where the evolution or development takes place in two or three periods, the adult period being singularly short, and some- times hardly exceeding a few hours, during which reproduction is the only function accomplished, and, in fact, the butterfly stage of life has no other object than reproduction. This process of evolution is a most marvellous one. While the brain the minute speck of brain of an ant may well cause the naturalist and thinker to wonder, by reason of the varied and complex acts it originates, the mere cell out of which a most complex organism with innumerable functions develops in the course of a few years, yielding a brain such as that 30 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. of a Pascal, a Lavoisier, a Newton, a Goethe, a Shake- speare, a Pasteur, or a Darwin, becomes to the natur- alist a subject of meditation still more extraordinary and astounding. This form of evolution is to be seen in all organisms, save in the simpler ones where no process of reproduction is present except mere division, and where the organism consists of mere cells one or more without any specialized organs and functions. There is a striking sameness in the development of animals of the same group, however much they may differ from each other when they attain the adult form. Such is the case, for instance, with many parasitic crustaceans. While the adult Sacculina, for example, is a mere mass of suctorial appendages converging towards an alimentary canal, and presents not a single one of the external characters of any adult crustacean, development shows the character- istic form of the crustacean larva, and no doubt can be felt as to the real nature, affinities, and systematic position of the degenerate adult, however unlike the general crustacean type it may be. This individual evolution is named ontogeny, as all know, and evolutionary naturalists consider it as repeat- ing, under a condensed and abridged form, the evolution of the species, or group, that is to say the pJiylogeny or palaeontological evolution. And while the study of the transitional phases in individual evolution shows I EMBRYOLOGICAL ARGUMENTS 31 the real relation between forms sometimes very dis- similar in adult age, it shows also the probable origin of the group or species under consideration. Why should a tadpole begin as a fish having' gills and the circulatory system belonging to fishes although destined to become something very different from a fish, if there is not some intimate relationship between am- phibians and fishes, if amphibians have not their origin in fishes, if amphibians are not transformed fishes ? And, if we turn towards man, who, according to the evolutionary hypothesis, is no more than the last result of the evolution of higher vertebrates, we meet with facts identical in nature, but more surprising still. Mammals must be considered as having been evolved out of lower vertebrates, exactly as amphibians must have been evolved out of fishes, and as all vertebrates must, in different lines, have been evolved from fishes, man's development or embryology should retain some trace of this long and varied ancestry. And it does retain such traces ; this is a very plain and precise fact. Haeckel, in his History of Natural Creation, and in his AntJiropogenie, has well summarized the facts bear- ing on this question, and it is useless to go over the details which are familiar to all. In the course of the few months during which the primitive egg-cell be- comes evolved into a new-born child, the human organ- ism offers unmistakable evidence of its animal ancestry 32 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT.. down to the fishes themselves, as, for instance, in its temporary branchial slits and arches, in the primitive circulatory apparatus of the earlier stages of develop- ment, in the various forms which the central nervous system presents at various periods. The evolution of the circulatory apparatus is wonderful. At the begin- ning, during the first hour of evolution, the heart is a mere tube or bulb, exactly similar to the heart of the ascidians. Through some modifications, it then pre- sents the typical aspect of the heart of mud fishes or Dipnoi'. Later on, we meet with the condition persistent in adult amphibians ; then follows a stage which corresponds to that of reptiles, and finally the heart corresponds to that of birds and mammals. The same process is to be seen in the evolution of the principal blood-vessels which are attached to the central organ of circulation, and the same stages are successively gone through. Classical as these facts may be, they may be briefly recalled, as their signification is of great weight. All fishes, it is well known, have a number of gill-arches on each side. In the amphioxus or lancelet, the lowest of known fish-like forms, there are very numerous slits, doubtfully homologous with those of true fishes, which have seven, five, four, or three. Their use is quite clear : the blood flows through the arches and the fringes they support, and thus be- I EMBRYOLOGICAL ARGUMENT 33 comes aerated. If we consider amphibians, we notice that the gill-arches and corresponding blood- vessels are retained in the tadpole, and do not wonder at it, since the tadpole, during its early life, is a gill- breather. But when we consider reptiles a lizard for instance we meet with the same vessels. Why ? No reptile, at any time of its life, is a gill-breather, and the use of these vessels is not easy to understand. It cannot be said that they are useful to circulation, since the circulatory function is much more effective in birds or mammals, where these vessels are pro- foundly modified. And no explanation can be given except that reptiles are derived from amphibians and fishes, and have retained a large part of the anatomy of their ancestors. A closer study of the amphibians shows that this explanation is acceptable. When the gills shrivel and disappear, while lung respiration be- comes established, the vessels do not entirely dis- appear : they remain and persist exactly as before : the gill-arches minus gills are known as aortic arches. The need of these aortic arches is gone ; a much better circulation might be provided otherwise, but this would require a miracle, and as none occurs, we readily under- stand how it is that these arches persist ; they have been useful and necessary, and their presence explains itself. So, then, if these aortic arches are present in the reptiles, we must interpret them as we have interpreted D 34 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. those of the frog, as having been useful at some time, when they were rendered efficient by the presence of gill-arches and gills, the only difference being in this last case, that they have been useful not some days or weeks or months ago, not in the same individual at an earlier stage of life, but in remote ancestors, and the remote ancestors are the amphibians, and, further still, the fishes. If any other intelligible explanation can be given of the presence of these aortic arches in reptiles, which never, at any stage of life, are gill- breathers, we certainly shall listen to it with great at- tention. But the argument does not stop here, and things may be pushed further still. Useless as cir- culatory organs, and useless as respiratory organs, these aortic arches are not limited to adult amphibians and reptiles ; we meet them in birds, in mammals, and even in man himself. At an early stage of their de- velopment the latter all have on the side of the neck several gill-slits and aortic arches. Will some creationist explain why these arches, most of which are destined to disappear, put in this temporary appearance ? Evolu- tionists explain it as we have briefly pointed out : but creationists must explain in some way or other the temporary presence of these arches of which the larger part rapidly disappears, while the remainder goes to build the principal blood-vessels which originate in the heart. I EMBRYOLOGICAL ARGUMENT 35 The development of the central nervous system furnishes us with another important argument out of many in favour of evolution. The brain of man, dur- ing the development of the embryo, passes through a series of stages of increasing complexity, and a careful study shows that these stages, which are temporary in the embryo, are permanent in the principal groups of animals. One may easily detect in the evolution of the human brain a stage corresponding to that of the brain of fishes ; but while the fishes permanently re- tain this brain-structure, an advance occurs in man, and the brain acquires the characters of the reptilian encephalon ; later on it progresses again, and acquires bird characters, then mammalian characters, and finally it acquires those characters which are peculiar to mankind. Here again, ontogeny demonstrates phy- logeny, and phylogeny, that is, derivation from the lower vertebrate forms, must be admitted to be true, unless some better explanation can be proposed. Many other embryological facts do not admit of any explanation, if the hypothesis of derivation and descent is not admitted. For instance, on the special creation theory, why have baleen whales been provided with a full set of teeth' which remain rudimentary, and soon disappear in the course of development, and which are never used nor even could be useful ? Again, why are there pelvic bones in the whale, and even D 2 36 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. rudiments of the hind-limbs, when both are totally useless ? Innumerable questions of the same sort might be and have been asked ; but no satisfactory answer has yet been given by any creationist. We may consider as belonging remotely to embry- ology, some pathological proofs of evolution of which a passing word may be said. I refer to those many cases, well known to the pathologist, of tumours, of fistulae, and of various malformations in many parts of the body, which are congenital, and are seen in the child from the moment of his birth, and cannot be ascribed to any disease or accident. Some of these cases are most curious and interesting to the evolu- tionist. A great number of them have been recently collected in an important work published by Professor Lannelongue and V. Menard, under the title of Affections Congenitalesl In the first volume of this work the only one yet published the authors deal with the congenital malformations of the head and neck, and, to those who are not familiar with the evolu- tionary theory, it may seem astounding that such or such malformation of the neck or ears is due to the persistence of the fish or amphibian stage of develop- ment of these parts. Such is the case, however, and 1 Affections Congenitales, vol. i. Tctc ct Con, Maladies des Bour- geons de FEmbryon, des Arcs brancliiaux et de leurs Fentes, Paris : Asselin et Houzeau. 1891. I PATHOLOGICAL ARGUMENT 37 there is no going against the facts of pathology which come to furnish an unexpected support to the theory of evolution. Other pathological, or, at least, abnor- mal, facts point in the same direction. Some years ago Dr. L. Testut, of Bordeaux, wrote l a large work on muscular anomalies in man. It is well known that there are frequent variations in the muscular system, muscles being sometimes differently attached, sometimes absent, while in many cases unusual muscles appear in the human organism. Have the persons who offer these abnormal conditions been specially created with these peculiarities ? There is no reason for supposing that they originated by a different method from that with which we are all acquainted, and then what can the creationists say to explain these facts ? The evolutionist appeals to descent, and does not much wonder at the occasional presence, in man, of muscles which exist permanently and constantly in other mammals. As Dr. Testut says, " When we consider the facts separately [the facts of muscular variation], we find, in short, that nearly all the muscular anomalies of man are normal dispositions in organisms which are inferior to him in the zoological scale." This means that no condition 1 Les Anomalies wuscntaires c/icz F Homme expliquecs par T Anatomic comparte, by L. Testut, Professor in the Medical School of Bordeaux. 8vo, 850 pages, 1884. Paris : G. Masson. 3cS EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. is exceptionally met with in man, which does not represent the normal condition in apes or in other animals, and this is a fact of great importance to the evolutionist. But it sorely tries the feelings of the creationist, who cannot explain the case, who cannot give any satisfactory reason for the presence, in that specially created creature, man, of muscles which typically belong to some other mammal, ape, bear, or hog, also specially created. A third argument for evolution is offered by the facts of morphology. Morphology shows the unity of plan of quite different organs, as for instance, the arm of man, the fore-paw of the lion, the wing of the bat, the fin of the whale, and the wing of the bird ; it shows that they arc all made up of the same ele- ments which are more or less modified in each case according to what is required from them. The same may be said of the numerous homologous organs in any large group : as for instance the mouth-parts of insects, which, although very different in their anatomy and also in their function, when considered in the dif- ferent orders of insects, are easily seen to be identical fundamentally, whether the mouth is used for biting, for sucking, or for other purposes. Other organs in the same group, and sometimes in very large sub- divisions of the animal kingdom, admit of being morphologically compared, and in many cases we MORPHOLOGICAL ARGUMENT 39 find that organs which often subserve very different functions have a common origin, and are identical in despite of the modifications through which they have been adapted to their peculiar uses. Such are, briefly stated, the general proofs of evolution, or at least the principal among them ; I must be content with this short statement. Are these proofs satisfactory, are they convincing, and what do they demonstrate ? To an impartial mind, they prove one thing to begin with, and it is that if we accept the creation theory, we must believe that creation has been going on through the whole series of past ages, and that every type of life has been specially created at some time or other, being in most, if not all cases, very similar to types which have lived before, and must also have been specially created. We must believe that the Creator while obeying a general tendency to progress, has first created some types of life which He, soon after, has diversified in various directions ; and that some of these types were doubtless of inferior order, since they have died out, while the types of new creation, the new species or varieties, have taken their place. But then, these new species also have proved inferior, and again new types have been created, or, again, without proving inferior, they have soon had new companions more perfect. Upon the whole, innumer- 40 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. able creations must have taken place, from the Cam- brian to the Quaternary period, during millions of years, and it would seem as if the Creator has been trying to evolve out of each given type the greatest number of forms without altering the fundamental structure of the type Also it would seem as if the Creator evolved the higher types very slowly and gradually, through small modifications in various parts, by a sort of patching, an ever-mending and rearrang- ing process, just as a man generally proceeds. Things stand, therefore, exactly as they should stand if the Creator had been unable to create immediately the desired form or types ; if He had begun by inferior forms which required much alteration to attain the desired degree of efficiency. This inability to attain, from the first, the desired result, is very striking ; palaeontology amply illustrates it, and embryology also ; and to many it may seem surprising, while evolutionists, and believers in natural selection, do not wonder at it. Palaeontology and embryology therefore, while not disproving the creation theory, render it rather un- intelligible to our reason, while they display facts which seem very intelligible upon evolutionary views. But can palaeontology and embryology, and all the other facts appealed to by evolutionists, disprove special creation, and establish the evolution theory I VALUE OF THESE ARGUMENTS 41 on a firm basis ? Can we consider the doctrine of the transmutation of species as firmly established, as demonstrated by fact in an unmistakable manner ? Certainly not. Evolutionists are convinced of the truth of their doctrine, they can point to a number of facts which fit with it, but they cannot give the re- quired demonstration. The situation of the creation- ists is different. If they accept the view and they must do so that every species and variety has been specially created, they may say that things stand as they ought to, if special creation has existed ; and as none of them claim that special creation is going on now we cannot ask of them to show us a creation of that sort. On the other hand, evolutionists cannot claim that evolution is a process of the past. They believe in its present existence, not only in organic structure, but in mental organization, and also in the inorganic world, and they point to the facts of psychology, zoology, and astronomy, as illustrating the pro- cess of evolution. And creationists may rightly demand of them to show precise and unmistakable instances of transmutation. Are evolutionists prepared to meet this difficulty, this requirement ? They may answer that the astron- omical facts are not under their control, and that an enormous amount of time is required to yield a single instance of evolution, so that all they can do is to 42 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. note the present condition of things, and let our de- scendants do the same and draw their conclusions. So far as psychology is concerned, they may answer that proofs of individual evolution are to be seen every day, and that mental evolution is a positive fact in every individual man, and in the animal kingdom as a whole. And as concerns zoology, they may reply that innumerable facts point to descent and evolution. But the creationists may object to this argument, and say ; if species are really evolved from each other and the case of species is only a very small point in the question you must show us species aris- ing, by evolution, from former species. In many palaeontological cases we do not find the connecting links of which you assume the existence in fact, it may be said with truth that their existence is not always* required and, especially, we have not yet seen a new species originate from a preceding one. Show us this, show us a positive case of transmuta- tion through natural means, such as may and do operate under natural conditions, show us a species becoming a new one, hitherto unknown? and we will believe in evolution. Such is the answer of creationists. It might be discussed whether this argument is not 1 This requirement is necessary to preclude all objection which might be raised with reason from the possibility of normal dimorphism. I A POSITIVE PROOF WANTED. 43 of the most : dangerous sort, more especially for creationists, whether there are not serious inconveni- ences in refusing 1 to believe in that which cannot be o demonstrated by actual, precise, visible and tangible fact. But this point had better be left out, and we will accept the reply of the creationists as it stands. They ask for a proof of transmutation : we must secure that proof and meet their demand. How so ? Through direct experiment, through experimental transformism. The notion is not exactly a recent one, but in the present debate it represents the only line along which we may expect to discover the positive facts which are necessary. As Buffon has said, " Man will never be conscious enough of nature's power, nor of his power on nature." And this state- ment I believe to be positively true. The only thing to be clone, at all events, is to subject the notion to the only possible test of which it admits, and to begin experiments. I have just said that the notion is not of recent origin. The fact is that we find it clearly expressed in the Nova Atlantis, where Bacon advises experi- mental investigations for the purpose of discover- ing how the environment reacts on living organ- isms and forms species. But the most authorized defender of experimental transformism has surely been Isidore Geoffroy Saint Hilaire, and many 44 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. passages concerning this matter might be quoted from his Histoire naturelle generate des Regnes orga- niques, and his Influence du Monde ambiant, etc. One will be enough, " Since Nature," he says," left to herself never allows us to witness considerable modifi- cations in the conditions of life, it is clear that only one way is open to us if we wish to perceive such modifications and to examine their effects on the organism ; we must oblige Nature to perform that which she would not spontaneously accomplish." (Hist. Nat. Gen. iii. p. 389.) This is exactly what we require. While facts of observation are sufficiently numerous to give us a fair idea of the amount of natural variability and variation although much may yet be done to give an adequate notion of the amount of this variability we require to extend our knowledge concerning the causes of vari- ability (the natural causes, of course), and to discover in what manner, and to what extent they do operate. We are already acquainted with some of these causes, and we know that by selection, crossings, modified en- vironment, much has been done. But still more can be done, and in experimental transformism lies the only test which we can apply to the evolutionary theory. We must use all the methods we are acquainted with, and also those, yet unknown, which cannot fail to disclose themselves when we begin a thorough investigation I EXPERIMENTAL TEST NECESSARY 45 of the matter, and do our utmost to bring about the transmutation of any species. We do not specially desire to transform any one species into another known at present ; we wish to transform it into a new species. And this is necessary, if we do not wish to remain open to an objection suggested by the facts of dimorphism. Many species occur in two or more forms, sometimes very different, and if we were merely to transmute one species into another, it might be said that we had mistaken the two forms of a dimorphic species for two different species, and then our attempt would be useless to a large extent. Experimental transformism is what we need now, and therein lies the only method we can use. But it must be demonstrated that this test is avail- able, and it remains to show what are the facts which lie at its basis, and what are the methods to be used. LECTURE II Summary Experimental Evolution based on Three Groups of Facts First Group : the Facts of Natural or Spontaneous Variation : Organisms are not rigid structures, but exhibit much plasticity. Facts of Variation in Colour, correlated sometimes, and perhaps always, with variation of chemical composition (Armand Gautier's investigations) ; Variation in Dimensions and Experiments on the real cause of this Variation, .Semper and the Author ; Variation in Integuments, Form, Shape of Fruits and Leaves, Flowers Penzig's Pflanzcn-Ter dialogic Skeleton, Muscles, Internal Organs and Viscera ; Sexuality Camerano's Neotenia. TJIUI.I groups of facts lie at the basis of experi- mental transformism and display at the same time its conditions and its methods. The first, and most important, comprises the facts which illustrate varia- bility in the state of nature, natural or spontaneous variability. Spontaneous, we call it, but in fact we use the word only because we are ignorant of the real and positive causes of this variability. The second group includes the facts of variation under domestication and culture ; the third, the facts illustrating the direct influence of environment as a factor of modification and transformation. These three groups of facts require LECT. ii BASIS OF EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION 47 to be briefly stated in order to show how experimental transformism must be carried out. Of course it is of much importance to prove that living organisms display a marked tendency to vary, under natural con- ditions, in most of their parts, in a more or less marked degree. For this natural variability l is that which 1 Cornevin (Traitc de Zootechnie generate, 1891, p. 226) establishes the following list of the modes of variation among domestic animals : I. Morphological variations. Variations through disappearance. Absence of horns, ears, hair, pigment, etc. Total. Dwarfing, discolour- ation. arrested ' Partial. Niatism, partial development, j discolouration, reduction in the number of limbs, etc. juxtaposition. Is seen in some hybrids when the characters of both progenitors coexist side by side. fusion. Diminished number of ribs, teeth, digits, verte- brae, etc. transformation. Wool replaced -by hair; scales replaced by fea- thers, etc. j Total. Giants, melanism, ; extreme hairiness. - hypertrophy. Partial Drooping ears ; very long horns, hairs or feathers of unusual length. ( Supplementary vertebrae division or ribs, teeth, horns, digits, repetition. / 48 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. has allowed natural selection to operate, and allows us to expect to push things further in the way of direct experiment. I do not intend to recall here all the facts which have been quoted by a large number of naturalists, up to the present day. I shall merely call attention to the most important of them, using again preferably, as they may be less familiar to my hearers, those which I have been able to collect from French sources. One of the variable characters in most living beings is colour, in most, not in all, for there is among the human races a strong tendency to the preservation of the race-colour, while among animals, and especially plants, colour varies a great deal. And this is the reason why Linnaeus wrote his ever-quoted nimium II. Physiological variations. Variations through diminished activity. Lateness of develop- ment ; enfeeble - ment of sexual ten- dencies ; sluggish- ness. earlier Precocity. exaggerated Increase in fertility, etc. stronger Vigour ; immunity from diseases, etc. To this list, as I shall show later on, we must make an important addition in Group II., and add what I propose to call physiological or chemical variation, although it differs entirely from the sort of variation included by Cornevin under the same name COLOUR- VARIATION 49 ne crede color i. It may be noticed here that persons who want their supposed good sayings to travel far and long, should always say them in Latin ; if Linnaeus had written the four words above in good sensible English, or in clear French, his saying, which seems to be a sort of divinely inspired axiom for many, would never have met with the success it has obtained, and it would have been better. Perhaps the fact that these words are a quotation from Virgil (Eclogues, ii. 17) has something to do with the matter. Accepting this dictum, many have considered colour as of no im- portance in the organism, whereas in many cases it is demonstrably of high import. 1 And, as we shall see further on, variations in colour cannot be considered as mere freaks of nature, however abundant they may be, for where colour varies, there is also a more or less pronounced variation in other characters, and more especially in some interior and less easily appreciated characters of chemical nature. And no one can dispute the import of chemical characters, when one knows the influence of chemical media on most organisms. So, while recognizing with Linnaeus that colour is certainly in many cases a very variable character, I would refrain from repeating after so many others nimium ne crede colori. For colour is a specific 1 Concerning the uses of colour see especially A. R. Wallace's Danvinism, which contains an excellent account of the matter. E So EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. character, or at least it -must be one to most of the present systematic naturalists (though I doubt if this state of things is eternal), and as evolutionists, we cannot allow this character to be lightly disposed of, when it is precisely one of the most variable in some cases. 1 In some cases, I repeat, not in all. For while some instances of colour variation may be observed in the state of nature among animals or plants, while some special variations are more especially met with, such as albinism and melanochroism, it must be noted that colour variations are especially frequent among cultivated plants and domestic animals, and are thus due to the results of changing environment. We do not always perceive how far there may be a change in environment, but colour variations show that it exists in many cases where we do not readily detect it. Among animals in their natural condition, colour variations are of no very rare occurrence. It is known that the common fox in the same country offers marked variations in colour, which are illustrated by the different names which have been conferred upon the principal forms ; Vulpes alopex, melanogaster, and crucigera. The beaver also offers important colour 1 Of course facts concerning colour variation are to be found in a large amount of works. But I would recommend, concerning colour variation in insects, two recent works. The one is Mr. S. H. Scudder's magnificent work on the Butterflies of New England ; the other is the Entomologist' s Record and Journal of Variation. COLOUR-VARIATION variations, and its fur is in some cases of much lighter colour, in others, of deeper. Colour variations are of no scarce occurrence among insects and fishes, and in a recent number of the Entomologists Record and Journal of Variation - 1 an interesting coloured plate may be seen, illustrating more vividly than whole volumes of description, the colour variations which Mr. J. A. Clark has met with among the British species of SmerintJius. Lacordaire records similar facts concerning the Sphinx elpenor, Audouin has some concerning Pyralis vitis, and Duges concerning Phasma. Among insects, again, Hulst has noticed a large amount of variation. From one and the same Arctia excelsa he has obtained a number of eggs and larvae which have yielded adult butterflies belonging to eight or nine different varieties or, to speak correctly, possessing eight or nine different specific names (Arctia phalerata, pallida, phyllina, flammea, decorata, nais, etc.). Of course this merely shows that the makers of these species were wrong in establishing species where mere varieties exist if even varieties may be spoken of in this case but does this not show also that variation may be very important ? 2 The common cray-fish is a well- 1 Edited by J. W. Tutt, London. March i6th, 1891. 2 Cf. Hulst: Variation in the Arctias. American Naturalist, 1884, P- J 93- E 52 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. known instance of colour variation, being generally brown, but sometimes blue, and even red in its living state. Leeches offer a large amount of colour- variation ; most Helices do the same, and in fact, it may be said that in all groups of animals varia- tions are met with in the colour of their garment. I refer here merely to occasional variations, for it is well known that a large number of mammals, birds, and other animals offer periodical or seasonal colour variations, especially in northern climates, being brown or grey during the summer, and becoming white during the winter. Such seasonal variations Wallace, in his recent and excellent book on Darwinism, ascribes to natural selection and to pro- tective necessities. Very numerous instances thereof might be adduced ; and Godron in his DcFRspeceet des Races dans les Rtres organises (1859, two volumes), gives a list which might be extended of course of the mammals and birds and other animals which show this seasonal variation, and also a list of animals which offer instances of albinism, melanism, and crythrism. But I maybe allowed to refer to Wallace's Darwinism for all seasonal colour variations, and for the investi- gation of the use and origin of colour generally. As the last named cases of colour variation, such as albinism and melanism, cannot be interpreted in a quite satisfactory manner, we had better leave them COLOUR-VARIATION 53 out. That which most interests us, so far as colour variation is concerned, is the evidence showing that a change of environment causes a change in coloration. Some instances may be adduced : for instance, Gerard states in the Dictionnaire dHistoire naturelle of D'Orbigny 1 that when the small brown honey bees from High Burgundy are transported into Bresse although not very distant they soon become larger and assume a yellow colour ; this happens even in the second generation. The same author gives some instances from the vegetable kingdom. As he rightly remarks, the roots of beet, carrot, radish, and other plants, are colourless in the wild and natural state, and as soon as they are subjected to the process of culture they become red, or yellow, etc. and Vilmorin in his Notice sur V Amelioration de la Carotte sauvage, originally published in the Transac- tions of the Horticultural Society (1840), has noted the same fact, the red and yellow colours, as well as a peculiar violet hue which has not been permanent, appearing only in cultivated carrots after some time their appearance being at first irregular and transitory. Moquin Tandon 2 records some instances of change in colour which are due to the influence of environ- mental change. For instance, he has seen gentians which are blue in valleys become white in the 1 Article Espcce. 2 Elements de Ttmtologie vcgetale. 54 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. mountains. Similarly Oxytropis montana and Trifo- lium pratense are white in the Alps and Pyrenees, and Geranium batrachoides, which is commonly bluish, becomes variegated, and turns generally white when it grows in unpropitious soil. There are white varieties of many plants, such as Latnium purpureum and Erica vulgaris, while Verbascum lycJinis, and Campanula Trachelium bear flowers which are blue, violet, or white, according to circumstances. Such instances might be given by hundreds, as is well known. In some cases it would seem that the in- fluence of environment is very plain, although difficult to explain, for there are places where some natural colours of plants or animals disappear soon, and are replaced by lighter tints, or in many cases by white. M. d'Apchier de Pruns records the fact as having been noticed by himself on his own land, and it seems that at Brassac les Mines, in central France, while oxen become of lighter hue, and pheasants, pigeons, ducks, &c., have more or less white feathers, plants with variegated leaves soon become uniformly green. 1 And some horticulturists and amateurs have complained, similarly, of their garden or grounds, saying that they find it impossible to keep variegated plants for all return to the ordinary type. The causes of these facts are difficult to ascertain, as the circumstances 1 Revue Horticole^ 1883, p. 316. II COLOUR-VARIATION 55 which determine variegations are themselves not known ; but the facts are numerous, well authenti- cated, and must be taken into account. Climate certainly has some influence on the colour of flowers, and although we do not exactly know yet what we mean when we speak of differences of climate, as Naudin aptly remarks, and though climate includes a large number of very different factors which are combined in different proportions according to localities, there are influences which may be ascribed to it, /;/ toto. G. Bonnier and C. Flahault have per- formed interesting experiments on this point. G. Bonnier 1 has compared flowers of the same species and age, from different altitudes, in the Austrian Alps and Carpathians, and the result has been that while some plants, such as Rosa alpina and Erigeron alpinus, have the same colour at different heights, others are slightly different : such is the case with TJiymus serpyllum and Geranium sylvaticum ; others are very different, such as Myosotis sylvatica, Campanula ro- tundifolia, Ranunculus sylvaticus, Galium cruciatum. Of course the colour is not radically changed a pink flower does not become yellow, but it grows deeper and richer in plants of higher altitude. Microscopical investigation shows that the pigment 1 De la Variation avec F Altitude des Matieres colorees dcs Fleurs chez line menu Espcce vegelale. Bull Soc. Botanique, 1880, . 103. 56 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. granules are more numerous in the flowers from high altitudes. C. Flahault's 1 experiments are more con- clusive, and the conditions under which they have been performed are more satisfactory. His experi- ments have been made on plants grown in Upsala and in Paris from seeds of same origin. One half of the Parisian seed has been sown in Paris, and the other in Upsala ; one half of .the Upsala seed has been sown in Paris, and the other in Upsala. With the two experiments the result has been the same, the flowers have always been more vividly coloured in Upsala than in Paris, and the same holds good when flowers of plants spontaneously growing around Paris and around Upsala are compared. In some cases, however, there is but a very slight difference. M. Flahault has had the exact colours represented in his paper, and the comparison of the Upsala and Paris flowers is thus shown to the reader as if he had the flowers themselves. Concerning colour variation in animals, I must be content with calling attention to some principal facts. One is, that while animals in their natural wild state offer but very slight colour variations in the same region, these variations become very numerous under 1 Nonvelles Observations sur les Modifications des Vegetanx suivant les Conditions physiques du Milieii. Annales des Sci. Nat. (Bot.) t. ix. 1880, p. 159. COLOUR- VARIATION 57 domestication. Of this, horses, oxen, cats, rabbits, guinea-pigs, &c., are instances. And this may be explained by natural selection, at least if colour is always of positive use in some way or other to animals, in escaping dangers which are of daily occurrence in the wild state of life, but which dis- appear under domestication. Under domestication colour variations, to which a more or less marked tendency may always exist, are of no inconvenience, unless positively repelled by artificial selection, and thus such variations are often present. On this point I may refer to the works of Darwin and Wallace. Another fact to be taken into account is that of the influence of food on colour. Many bird-fanciers think that by appropriate colour-feeding, as they call it, they can help the production or intensification of colours. For instance, they believe that canary birds can be made to become of a bright yellow when fed with egg, mustard seed, curcuma powder, saffron water, and alcohol, in definite proportions ; they even consider it useful to put yellow flowers around the bird's cage. But exact experiments, scientifically conducted, are yet wanting on this subject, as I have but second-hand and rather untrustworthy in- formation concerning the investigations conducted by Dr. Sauermann, which are alluded to in the previous sentence. 58 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. A third fact, which must be noticed here, is the posi- tive influence of the colour of environment on that of animals. Mr. E. B. Poulton has recently studied this matter, showing, in his important memoir published in 1887, that many lepidopterous larvae are strongly affected by the surrounding colour. The plates which accompany his memoir illustrate the fact very precisely. If we consider those freaks of colour which are familiar to horticulturists under the name of variega- tions, some interesting facts may be noticed. It has been often questioned whether variegations are not pathological symptoms, and whether variegated plants are not more or less diseased. M. E. A. Carriere * has carefully considered the matter, and his considerable horticultural experience does not make him feel in- clined to consider variegated plants as being diseased at all. It even seems that in many cases, variegated forms are healthier and stronger than the non- variegated : for instance, the variegated Euouymus of the Duke of Anjou variety. There is however one fact which has been noticed concerning variegations it is the impossibility of maintaining such plants with their variegation in some localities. Many horticul- turists have recorded the fact ; and while some com- 1 Lcs Panachures sont dies des Maladies? Revue Horticole, 1884, p. 198. ii COLOUR-VARIATION 59 plain that all variegated plants, when grown on their grounds, soon revert to the ordinary type, even when they belong to the most stable varieties, others notice that their garden seems very propitious to the produc- tion of variegations. There is some unknown influence at work in these cases, and experiments might show what it is. But it certainly seems that variegated plants cannot be considered as diseased, and M. Lebas x says posi- tively that Euonymus sulfurea, Euonyinus radicans variegata, and Thujopsis dolabrata variegata are cer- tainly stronger and hardier than the common non- variegated varieties; and, on the other hand, MM. Carriere and Andre 2 notice that while Aspidistra clatior variegata has a strong tendency, in most places, to revert to the non-variegated type, there are places where it remains quite constant, and where even non-variegated forms become spontaneously variegated. In some cases variegation comes on slowly, and Vilmorin 3 has studied the process with care, but in others it comes on all of a sudden. Carriere 4 has noticed a case of this sort in a garden where thousands of celery plants were growing, and 1 De qtielqttes Fusains du Japan a Feuilles panachees. Rev. Horticole, 1872, p. 139. -' Revue Horticole, 1888, p. 124. ;i Stir les Panachures des Fleiirs. Ibid. 1852, p. 128. 4 Panachurc dn Ccleri. Rev. Horticole, 1882, p. 541. 60 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. where all, in a more or less marked degree, at the same time became variegated. This fact, with others which might be quoted, goes to show that variegations depend on some environmental influence. Colour variations may, however, be noticed in cases where no environmental influence can, as yet, be traced. Every one has seen cases where the same rose-bush yields flowers of dissimilar colours. Carriere and Andre, 1 to take an instance among many, have noticed a rose of the Mabel Morison variety carrying- white flowers and one single pink one. The branch bearing the pink flower has been grafted on another bush, and it has maintained its special character, yielding always pink roses. Such cases are not of rare occurrence. But how can we understand the cause of this variation ? Environmental influence seems out of the question, and we are at a loss to account for this important variation. Similar colour variations are often noticed in fruits, and have often been recorded in connection with grapes. Carriere has quoted a case of this sort, and given a good coloured plate showing well how things stand. In the same bunch of grapes some are black or red, some colourless, and many variegated in different manners. It may seem that these cases are 3 Cwfc, le Hohtein, ft It Slesivig. 70 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. the result of the climate of the sea-shore, and in fact, , the descendants of these spotted animals bred inland, at Lyons for instance, were always pure white. 1 So much, then, for colour variation. But animals and plants vary in many other respects, and one of the most familiar examples is that of dimensional differences. I am not aware that any naturalist has said -unless in current English or French, happily not in a Latin aphorism that dimensional differences are of small importance ; but I presume many think so. Variations of this sort are very frequent, and although it is possible, by selection of extreme variations, to create varieties of giant or of dwarfed plants for instance, as any horticulturist may testify, one might rightly consider this sort of variation as more secondary than most others, if it could not be shown that, while dimensions vary, other variations are present at the same time, which may very well be of high importance. These dimensional variations arc in a large measure correlated with external influences. Darwin has shown how, among horses, the dimensions decrease in northern latitudes, in islands, and on moun- tains. Man also is smaller in extreme northern climates, and all the organisms of extreme northern parts tend to be small. It may be, as Alcide d'Orbigny 1 Fact quoted by Cornevin : Traitt de Zootechnie, p. 278, DIMENSIONAL VARIATIONS 71 believes ( Voyage dans ? Amerique meridionale, t. iv.), that cold on one hand, and decrease of pressure on the other, exert an unfavourable influence on growth. But certainly food has a great deal to do with dimen- sional variations. When food is abundant, and easy to get, animals and man are prosperous and attain large dimensions, while when it is scarce they remain smaller. Japanese horticulturists rely in part on this influence of the scarcity of food in their process for the dwarfing of plants. Most persons have seen or at least heard of these diminutive plants of theirs, mostly conifers, such as Thuja > Juniperus, etc., which, while aged 40, 60, 80, 100, or 150 years, are often much less than a yard high, although their relative proportions are well preserved, so that when you look at them it is exactly as if you were looking at a normal large tree through the wrong end of a glass. These dwarfs are the result, in part, of mechanical processes which prevent the spreading of branches, and in part, of a starving process which consists in cutting most roots, and in keeping the plant in poor soil. Many of these Japanese dwarfs may be seen in Europe, and they well illustrate the influence of external conditions on growth and dimensions. Num- erous instances show that plants or animals transferred from unfavourable to favourable conditions, or vice versa, acquire larger dimensions, or, on the contrary 72 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. become smaller. Such 'differences may be noticed among all sorts of animals, from the highest to the lowest. Gerard has noticed that bees transferred from Burgundy to Bresse become larger in a generation ; A. H. Curtiss has seen, in some places near the Potomac, Bidens cernua acquire a height which is six times the common average height of this plant, and he has seen the same in Oxalis stricta ; C. Lemaire states in D'Orbigny's Dictionary that, while cultivated hemp grows no higher than a metre and a half in France, in Piedmont it attains three and four metres ; and if Italian stock is planted in France it rapidly reverts to the small variety, in the course of two or three years. Speaking of horses and of their dimensional differences according to climate and environment, De Quatrefages expresses himself as follows : " These contrasts may be interpreted as due to the influence which must be exerted on the first-named [Corsican and Pyrenean stocks] by the stimulating and dry air of the mountains, the frugal food with which they must often be content, and, doubtless also, the hard exercise which is rendered necessary by the roughness of the soil. The others, on the contrary, [he refers to the large heavy horses of the Bresse province,] always immersed in a moist and heavy atmosphere, over-fed with watery plants, and having none but easy work to perform, must surely feel the effects of an environment ii DIMENSIONAL VARIATIONS 73 whose influence exerts itself even on plants." That such is the case, and that the influence of environ- ment on dimensions is a very direct one, is amply shown by the results of a change. Horses and oxen become larger when transferred from Brittany to Normandy, while the reverse happens in the reverse case, for when some oxen were sent from Poitou to Brittany, at the third generation the first named race had acquired all the characters of the Breton stock. Generally speaking, insular animals are smaller f than their continental congeners. In the Canary Islands the oxen of one of the smallest islands are much smaller than those of the others, although all belong to the same breed, and the horses are also smaller, and the indigenous inhabitants are in the same case, although, belonging to a tall race. It would seem that in Malta elephants were very small fossil elephants of course and that during the Roman period the island was noted for a dwarf breed of dogs, which was named after their birthplace, ac- cording to Strabo. In Corsica also horses and oxen are very small, and Cervus corsicanus> the indigenous deer, is quite reduced in dimensions, although, accord- ing to Polybius, this species was imported from Europe 2,000 years ago, which makes it a descendant of our Cervus elaphus ; and lastly the small dimensions of the Falkland horses imported from Spain in 1764 74 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. are familiar to all. The dwarf rabbits of Porto Santo described by Darwin may also be cited as a case in point Dimensional variations in wild animals are very numerous, and Locard (Etudes sur les Varia- tions malacologiques a" apres la Faime vivante et fossile de la partie centrale du Bassin du Rhone) notes among a large number of similar cases, the fact that many molluscs land or water common to France and Algeria, are much larger in Africa, where their dimen- sions are double those of their European con- geners. 1 Isidore Geoffrey Saint Hilaire says that Lymncea stagnalis is* much larger in ponds than in rivers. Moquin-Tandon notes that in the same' country the same species of molluscs exhibits im- portant dimensional variations, and he has seen Bulimus decollatns nineteen times larger in Africa than in Europe. Through careful selection these dimensional varia- tions may become permanent, especially if no change 1 Such is the case particularly with Helix aspersa, vermiciilata, lactea, melanostoma, Leticochroa candidissima, Fhysa contorta, and many others. And when Leucochroa, for instance, is transferred from Algeria to France it does not acquire a length of more than one centi- metre, while in its African home it is two or three centimetres long. Cf. Locard : L 'Influence des Milieux sur le Developpement des Mol- lusques. Societe d 'Agriculture ', Histoire Naturelle, et Arts Utiles de Lyon, 1891. It has also been issued in pamphlet form by J. B. Bailliere, Paris, 1892. A large amount of facts of French origin are quoted in this valuable contribution to the subject, and the author is one of the leading malacologists. II DWARFING AND STERILITY 75 occurs in the environment/ M. A. Roujon, of Clermont-Ferrand, 1 by selecting the central, smaller seeds of dwarfed plants of Helianthus annuus, Calen- dula arvensis, and Zea rnais^ has been able to obtain very small individuals of these three species. But the most important fact, among those he has observed, is that while the dimensions of the plants decrease, their fertility is much impaired : the number of seeds which are produced becomes smaller, and dwindles down to 4, 3, 2, i, only, and finally no more seeds are-' produced : a condition of absolute sterility is induced. This concomitant sexual variation is of great import- ance, of course, in showing that when dimensions vary they are not alone variable ; there are other variations which accompany the differences of dimensions. One fact must be noticed concerning the point which is now under consideration. It is the fact that while we can easily, through a number of methods,! induce unfavourable conditions, it is much more difficult to induce favourable circumstances which, lead to a better development. The advance of know- ledge, however, may be expected to yield results which shall prove more satisfactory, but we perceive the difficulty of progress through the difficulty we experience when we wish to maintain any natural or 1 De quelques Variations considerables observees chez les Vegetattx. Journ, d'Ifist, Nattirelle de Bordeaux, t, iii., 1884, p. 156. 76 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. artificial race at its highest standard, and we all know how readily degeneracy interferes with and ruins the work of man or nature. Dimensional variations, although very considerable, cannot be regarded as unlimited. We cannot expect to make any species of plant or animal become much larger or much smaller than it is. Of course there are natural or artificial conditions Under which all species acquire a better development, and many facts display this. But we cannot expect to be able to increase the dimensions of any species beyond a certain point. Such an increase would require numerous variations in all the systems of the organism, stronger bones for instance, a stronger heart, and so on. 1 And then, on another side, giant forms would require so much food that their number could never become very large, and in fact, much goes to prove that such forms would have much trouble to compete with others, while the smaller forms could more easily live and maintain themselves. So there certainly exists a limit to the increase of dimensions a physiological limit which cannot be passed without danger to the organism. Conversely, there is also a limit to the decrease of dimensions. Too small animals or plants are too 1 Paul Bert (Sur le Maximum de Tailk que puissent atteindre les Animaux Vertebres : Soc. de Biologic, 1878) considers the maximal dimensions of vertebrate animals as dependent upon the strength of the cardiac muscle. n EXPERIMENTS ON STARVING 77 weak to thrive unless considerable variations also occur in their mode of life ; or their fertility may be very much impaired, and thus the species is liable to go to ruin. Thus it seems that, as things are, the condition of every species including under this word condition the state of all parts of the organism is exactly what it should be to meet the present external circum- stances, and departures from this condition are possible only when necessary to the species itself, through a change in circumstances. Concerning decrease in dimensions, we may note that while a continuous decrease must surely end in death, there are cases where a large loss may be sustained without bringing about this result. I made some experiments on this point, a few years ago, and obtained the following results. Wishing to ascertain the loss of weight which animals are able to sustain without losing their life, I weighed a number of Invertebrates, crabs and medusae among others, and kept them in pure sea- water without any chance to get anything to eat, although I have reason to suspect some more enter- prising individuals did eat some of their brethren. But many mishaps befell this experiment, in one way or another the course of true experiment seldom runs smooth and at the end of a fortnight most of my animals were gone, so that, in order to prevent a complete disaster, I preferred stopping the process and 78 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. taking note of the results. Of all my animals only two were left : two Aurelia aurita, a species of medusa common on the Mediterranean coast. I had originally put three in the aquarium, but one had died. The three I had begun with weighed 98, 82, and 57 grammes at first. At the end of the fortnight the two remaining famished creatures weighed but 25 and 13 grammes. Assuming for accuracy's sake, and in order to prevent an over-estimation of the result, that these two were those which weighed originally 82 and 57 grammes, we see that the loss has been at least two-thirds in one case, and three-quarters in the other. 1 This loss is very considerable, for, as Chossat has shown in his investigations on the effects of inanition, mammals die before they have lost half of their original weight. When the experiment was interrupted, my Aurelia were in good condition, and seemed quite inclined to live longer : in fact they did live. This experiment should be repeated with Beroe ovata, or some other species of this genus, for I have noticed that these animals rapidly lose in dimensions when in captivity 1 Henry de Varigny, Bemerkung iiber den Gewichtsverlusl durch Nahrungsmangel bei Aurelia aurita. Centralblatt fiir Physiologic, 12 November, 1887. Of course it must be said that in this case the greater proportion of the loss of weight is due to loss of water, since water is in such animals even more abundant than in higher terrestrial organisms. But it must be noticed that even if the loss of weight is especially due to loss of water, the latter is due to the loss of organic tissues or substances with Which the water Was combined. SEMPER'S EXPERIMENTS 79 with little to eat. Of course it is quite natural that organisms which do not eat become smaller, and if under-fed as a rule they must doubtless remain of inferior dimensions. But there are cases where, not- withstanding abundant food, animals are unable to grow to their accustomed dimensions. Herbert Spencer says that it is well known by all anglers that trout and other fishes are small in small streams, and large in larger rivers, and many naturalists are of the same opinion. Is it that these animals remain small because they get less to eat ? or is there some other reason ? I have also made some investigations on this subject during the past two or three years, and may be allowed to recall them. The starting-point of these investigations was the fact announced by Karl Semper some twenty years ago, in a special paper on the matter, which he has since abstracted in his Animal Life, that if the common pond snail is kept in small volumes of water, of less than five or six litres, the animal does not attain its regular develop- ment, and remains more or less dwarfed. For instance, if three young pond-snails (Lymncea stagnalis, or L. auricular -ia), of the same brood and age, are put respectively into aquaria containing 500, 1,000, and 3,000 cubic centimetres of water, a difference in their dimensions may be detected even after a UNJVEESIIl 8o EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. few days, and if the experiment is allowed to last some months, we finally see that the inhabitant of the largest volume of water is the largest in all ways, that of the smallest being smallest, and that of the intermediate aquarium being between the two as concerns dimensions. Such is the general fact. But many points are to be considered when we try to explain it. The first explanation which suggests itself is that in the larger space there is more to eat, and that the pond-snails in small aquaria remain small because they cannot secure food enough. This objection and explanation are amply met by the fact that in all my experiments care was taken to provide superabundance of food in the form of aquatic plants, and that the animals, whether in small or large aquaria, had always at their disposal, a much larger quantity of food than they could possibly eat, or than they really did consume. So this explanation cannot stand. Prof. Semper has thought of a curious interpretation. He supposes that there exists in common water some matter which, while not possessed of nutritive properties, is conducive to growth and development, and is a sort of incentive to both. If the animal lives in a small body of water it has but a small quantity of this matter at its disposal, and does not grow as much as an animal in a larger quantity of water. This interpretation is contradicted ii SEMPER'S EXPERIMENTS 81 by a very simple experiment. Take two equal volumes of water, 1,000 cubic centimetres for instance, and put one of them into a broad and shallow basin, so that it extends over a large surface, while the other is poured into a spherical glass vessel, so that the horizontal surface is very small. The two volumes are equal, but their form is quite different. Into each vessel, with an abundance of aquatic plants Myrio- phyllum and Elodea especially : always submerged sorts, so that they are not in need of a large surface, and cannot interfere with it put one pond-snail of the same brood, or cluster of eggs, recently hatched. The difference after a few days is sur- prising, and in the course of time it is seen that the pond-snail of the large-surface vessel is much larger than the other one. As the volume of water is the same in both cases, we must conclude that in itself the volume is not that which determines the variations of growth, and also that Semper's interpretation cannot be accepted, for, whether spherical or wide- mouthed, the same quantity of the same water should contain the same amount of Semper's hypothetical matter. If, then, we cannot admit Semper's explanation, what is the cause of the observed facts ? This question may be answered by new experiments, in which various conditions may be made to vary at G 82 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. will and in different known degrees. In my first series of experiments I used equal volumes of water, but with different surfaces. One of the volumes, for instance, was poured into a large-surfaced vase of fifteen inches diameter, while the other was poured into a vase of only four or six inches diameter. In such cases I always found that the animals living in the large-surfaced vase became much larger than the others. Why so ? Is it that the water has better aeration in the large-surfaced vase ? But this is of no account at all. In the first place I would call attention to the fact which I have repeatedly ob- served since I began this series of experiments, (and of which I am at present a daily witness), that the aquatic plants which I used in my experiments (Myriophyllum and Elodea canadense] do positively thrive and grow much better in narrow-surfaced vases than in large-surfaced vessels, in spherical glass balloons with a long neck, in which the water has but a very meagre surface contact with the atmosphere (two centimetres diameter for instance), than in twenty centimetres diameter vessels. This shows certainly that in spherical vessels, with small surface, aeration must be very good. On the other hand there is no reason to think that aeration is better in one case than in the other, as the water contains a large amount of plants which ensure good aeration and II THE AUTHOR'S EXPERIMENTS 83 (in the last instance) the pond-snails care nothing whatever about the aeration of water, since they are not gill-bearers but pulmonated ; they breathe at the surface, and do not breathe the air contained in the water. So aeration has nothing to do with the matter. It has so little to do that I have, in some experiments purposely devised, been able to see that pond-snails live exactly as well in two identical vessels (identical in shape, surface, volume of water and amount of aquatic plants) one of which remains open, in contact with the atmosphere, while the other is stopped by a paraffined cork, the amount of air imprisoned between the cork and surface of the water hardly amounting to 50 cubic centimetres. Even if it is argued that some air may pass in and out, through the cork, the quantity is very small, and we may consider the renewal of the air as very incon- siderable so far as penetration from the atmosphere is concerned. Of course the air does and must remain quite suitable for the animals, since they thrive, and the plants are the agents of this continued purifi- cation. If the animals can and do live under such conditions, and even live as well as they do when the communication with the atmosphere is not inter- rupted, does this not show that aeration must be considered as quite sufficient even when the surface is small ? G 2 84 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. In a second series of experiments I varied the volume of the water, but allowed the surface to remain the same. For instance, into two vases of iden- tical form and diameter I poured unequal volumes of water. The surface was the same, but the volumes were very different. In such cases, while the animals were certainly larger in the larger volume, the differ- ence was not considerable. The influence of volume- variations is thus seen to be much less important than that of surface-variations. These experiments seem to me to call for the following interpretation. The volume of water is in itself of comparatively small importance, especially for some species of pond-snails, and the real influence is exerted by surface. And surface operates in this manner only : the larger it is, the more exercise the animals are able to take. The L. auricularia, to which the above-mentioned experiments refer more especially, seems to dislike deep vessels, and moves usually in the horizontal plane near the surface. If the surface is small it moves but little, while if it is large the animal moves a great deal. On the other hand L. stagnalis seems generally to care less about surface or depth, and to prefer living in the deep parts of the vessels where it is always moving about. I have seen it in one case live almost all the time in the deepest part of its prison (a glass balloon with a long SEMPER'S EXPERIMENTS 85 narrow neck), and it acquired dimensions certainly equal to those of another one living in a large- surfaced vessel. There is some difference certainly between L. stagnalis and auricularia in this respect, and I call attention to this point. I have tested Semper's interpretation in another manner. I have caused pond-snails of the same age and brood to live in unequal volumes of the same water in the following manner. In some eases I have used one, or two, or more glass tubes, of same length and diameter exactly (two pieces of the same tube), which were closed at one end with some muslin stretched over the aperture, and made fast by means of a string or thread wound around the tube. The tubes were suspended in a large vessel containing three or four litres, by means of a string, in such a manner as to allow the other end to rise, say two centimetres, above the surface (to prevent the animals from getting out of the tube and going into the vessel). In each tube I put one pond-snail, with a sufficient quantity of aquatic plants (submerged al- ways), and one in the vessel, outside of the tubes. Every day, and many times a day, the tubes were lifted so as to empty them of water, and immediately replunged, so as to ensure the mixture of the water inside them with the water outside; moreover the water in the tubes was in constant communication 86 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. with the water around them, through the muslin, whose only function was to prevent the animals from escaping from the tubes into the vessel, or vice versa. In all such experiments, the water being the same in both tubes and vessel, food being superabundant, temperature identical, and surface and volume only being different, I have seen the pond-snails in the tubes remain much smaller than those in the vessel. I may even add that in some cases I have had one tube as above described, and another stopped at the lower end with a good cork and wax around it, so that the water in the tube never got mixed with that of the vessel, and have hardly if at all noticed any difference in the dimensions of the animals of both tubes. This experiment may be performed in another manner by fixing up a sort of cage (with muslin and glass rods), which affords more space than the tubes, and more surface and volume ; the communication between the water inside and the water outside is still better, since it is effected through all the available sides of the cubic cage ; the results are the same, and the animal inside the cage remains much smaller than the one outside it. This series of experiments answers the objections which might be raised on the ground that in the smaller volume of water the proportion of waste products might be larger, and exert a noxious influence. But these waste products II SEMPER'S EXPERIMENTS 87 do not require to be taken into account in such cases. I have also seen that unless a given volume of water has been inhabited for a long time or by a large number, it exerts no bad influence on the growth of other pond-snails. For instance, take two identical vessels, and use, in one, one litre of pure fresh water, in the other the same quantity of water in which a pond-snail has been living two or three months ; in each put one young Lymncza, of same age and brood ; kill both after the same time (three or four months) ; there is no observable difference. Of course, if the stale water has been much inhabited by pond-snails, the growth of the fresh ones is impaired. But such impairment does not occur in my experiments, and I do not well see how waste products could accumulate more in a narrow-surfaced vessel where aeration is very good, as the plants show, than in a large- surfaced vessel, where it must be also good, the quantity of water being equal in both, or even, as is the case in many of my experiments, superior in the former. 1 So it seems that Semper' s interpretation has to be dismissed as unnecessary, and that a simpler expla- nation is furnished by the results of my experiments an explanation which depends upon known principles 1 All these experiments shall be related in greater detail in a forth- coming memoir, as soon as I have completed the experiments which are yet being continued (March, 1892). 88 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. of known influence. It is quite natural that exercise should have an influence upon growth and development, and that in cases where there are physiological or mechanical impedimenta to movement, dwarfing should be the result. I think that this is the explanation which must be accepted ; and if animals living in confined spaces remain small, this is due to the fact that they cannot move enough. At all events Prof. Semper's interpretation seems to me not acceptable. Further experiments will yield new facts, and time will tell whether this explanation is sufficient In this connection I may call attention to the cir- cumstance that an observer who has given some study to dwarfing in Lymncea has pointed out a singular fact connected with this process, but one which requires to be confirmed by new investigations. It is the fact that dwarfed forms are generally exclusively female, and that their liver offers a con- siderable amount of degeneration. So much for dimensional variation. If we now pass on to consider the integument, we perceive that in this part, and in its appendages, variations are numerous and also important. Many animals, when transferred to warm climates, lose their wool, or their hairy covering is much reduced. In some parts of the warmer region of our earth sheep have no wool, but merely hairs like those of II INTEGUMENTARY VARIATIONS 89 dogs. Similarly, as Roulin notices, poultry have, in Colombia, lost their feathers, and while the young are at first covered with a black and delicate down, they lose it as they grow in great part, and the adult fowls nearly realize Plato's realistic description of man a biped without feathers. Conversely, many animals, when transferred from warm to cold climates, acquire a thicker covering, dogs and horses, for instance, be- coming covered with wool, &c. Such cases are easily observed in Europe when animals from the warm regions are sent to our zoological gardens. In Paris, for instance, we have seen sheep from Senegal acquire, in the course of two years, a long and grizzled cover of hair, while at first they had but a short one. Similar modifications have been observed in a large number of animals, and more precise data could have been obtained if more attention had been paid to the subject. As M. Faivre rightly remarks in his La Variabilite des Especes et ses Limites (1868), while " no truth is better established in natural history than the influence of climate on the superficial cha- racter of animal species, on the dimensions, colour, form, nature of integuments and hairs, none has been less investigated and discussed by the naturalists whose business is to distinguish one might even say, to multiply species." Variability and variation of such superficial cha- 90 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. racters sometimes go to such an extent that animals of the same species have been at times considered as belonging to different species, and even to different genera. Such has been the case, for instance, with two fishes Abramis versicolor and Stilbe americana which C. C. Abbott recognizes as one and the same species which has a great tendency to variation, not only as concerns colour, but in respect of fins and scales, according to its environment. 1 This is doubt- less an extreme case, but its interest is considerable, in that it exemplifies, on the one hand, the importance of variation, while, on the other, it shows once more how very artificial and unsound our specific and even generic distinctions in some cases are. While we ascribe most of the superficial, or integumentary, variations to that general and complex factor which we call change of climate although we cannot in all cases tell which particular factor of the complex operates there are cases where we can trace the variation to one determined cause. Such is the case with the variation in length of wool. There is a direct relation between the abundance of food and the length of the wool of sheep, for instance. Krocker, 2 in Proskau, has shown that the amount of wool yielded 1 C. C. Abbott : Notes on the Cyprinoias of Central New Jersey. American Nattiralist, vol. viii. p. 326. - His paper has been published in the Annalen der Landwirthschaft in den Koeniglich Preussischen Staaten for 1869. n INTEGUMENTARY VARIATIONS 91 daily per 1,000 kilograms of sheep varies in the following proportions according to the food : Kg. o'69i of wool : scanty winter food. 0*870 ,, plenty of hay. 0*958 ,, good pasture. ro8o 1*240 ,, fattening process. If we now turn to plants, we perceive the same variability in the superficial integumentary organs. I merely recall here because I shall have to refer to it at greater length later on the considerable differ- ences which many observers have recently noticed in the anatomy and characters of the same parts which successively lead aquatic and aerial lives. In these cases the influence of environment is easily to be traced and appreciated. It is also well known that where mountain-plants are transferred to the valleys and plains they lose the hairy covering which they generally possess, while valley-plants transferred to the mountains acquire this same covering. Linnaeus noticed that Persicaria is devoid of this sort of down when living in humid places, while it becomes very villous in dry stations. The same is noticed of Thymus serpyllum. Many plants, in short, exhibit two varieties which are readily distinguishable the glabrous and the villous ; such are Prismatocarpus speculum, Isatis tinctoria, Jasione montana, Onopordon acanthium. 92 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. Similar cases are met with among spiny plants. While some plants, which possess no spines, become markedly spiny when they grow in some localities, others, which are spiny, lose their appendages. Such is the case with Capparis spinosa for instance, of which Turrel l has described a variety without spines in the Balearic Islands. In all other respects this variety exactly resembles the common form. Whether a lusus naturae or not, this peculiar character is heredi- tary, as the seeds of this form always yield non-spiny plants, in France as well as at Mahon. Another case is that of Ulex europaeus, of which there exists a non- spiny form, as Trochu has shown. 2 This form is seldom met with, as it has less chances of success in the struggle for life, for while oxen, rabbits, hares, and other animals are respectful and deferential towards the common spiny form, they have a great liking for the other one, and eat all they can of it. It must be added also that the last-named bears but few seeds, and thus cannot become very abundant. De Jussieu considers this Ulex nanus as a variety of Ulex europaeus, and Vilmorin has made some in- vestigations concerning this form, 3 which may become 1 L, Turrel : Sur le Caprier sans Epines. Bull. Soc. Zool. Acclima- tation, vol. viii. p. 448. 2 L. Vilmorin : De PAjonc sans Epines. Revue Horticole, vol. xii. p. 151. 3 Note sur un projet d? Experience ayant pour but de creer line Variete li FORM-VARIATIONS 93 very useful, as it can be given as food to animals which will not eat the common spiny form. His first experiments have not proved satisfactory, for the seeds of Ulex nanus have always yielded plants of Ulex europaeus. But since the tendency to vary is strong enough in Ulex europaeus to afford some plants vary- ing in the direction of non-spinosity, we may hope that by means of careful selection Ulex nanus may become an abundant and permanent form. So much for integumentary variations. While con- sidering variability of external and superficial charac- ters, we may now say a word of form-variations. These are very frequent among many groups of animals, and particularly among molluscs. Locard, in his interesting and valuable Variations malacolo- giques (vol. ii.), has collected many instances of form- variations noticed by himself and by others. In his opinion, Lymnaa frigida and thermalis are mere varieties of L. peregra, while Ancylus rupicola and thermalis are varieties of A. simplex, the only differ- ence being a matter of mere form. Brot has noticed that in the cool mountain waters, Lymncea auricularia has only four whorls to its shell instead of five, and the Marquis de Folin observes that the pond-snails of iCAjonc sans epines, se reproduisant de graines. Bulletin de la Socitte Industrielle d' 'Angers, 1851. Also in Notices sur I' Amelioration des Plantespar le Semis, 1 886. 94 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. the Lake of Constance are less regular in form, more abrupt, he thinks on account of the movements of the water of the Lake. Baudin also considers Pisidium pulchellum and cinereum as two forms of the same species, and Locard himself has discovered through experiments that L. turgida and elophila are mere varieties due to environment of the common Lymncea stagnalis. He says : " These are not new species, but merely different aspects of a common type, which is capable of modification and of adaptation according to the nature of the media in which it has to live." Bateson has recently observed similar facts concerning Cardium edule ; Locard shows how extensively any one species Unio rhomboideus for instance varies in forma and in colore according to its habitat, lake, river, or torrent, and an indefinite number of such instances might be quoted here. The same may be said con- cerning plants. All know that in different stations the same species exhibits considerable differences in form, in the comparative height of the stems, in the number, length, distance of the branches, and so on, and ex- perienced practical botanists easily recognize through these differences the origin of an individual plant, detecting whether it has grown in a valley or on the Alps, in dry or in moist soil, in an exposed or in a protected station, As the well-known fungologist, ii FORM-VARIATIONS 95 M. Boudier, of Montmorency, says, in valuable notes which he has kindly written down for me in answer to many queries, " plants growing in dry, unprotected soil are small and dwarfed, while the same species living in moist soil are more vigorous, more developed, and especially much taller. A common species, Serratula tinctoria, grows indiscriminately in dry and in moist soil ; in dry and unprotected stations it seldom is over ten or twenty centimetres' in height, while in moist soil it easily attains one metre (100 centi- metres). The common dandelion '(Taraxacum dens leonis] has in dry soil leaves which are much more irregular and incised, while they are hardly dentate in marshy stations, when it is called Taraxacum palustre" Individuals of the same species grow- ing near the sea-shore differ markedly from those growing far inland. Similarly species, such as some Ramuiculus^ which can live under water as well as in the air, exhibit marked differences when considered in their different stations, as is well known to all. These differences may be important enough to induce botanists to believe in the existence of two different species when there is only one. A century and a half ago, G. Bauhin and Tournefort described two different species of Coriander. But Fabrejou, a botanist of that time, who has written a large treatise on systematic botany, under the title, Description des 96 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. Plantes qui naissent ou se renouvellent aux environs de Paris} was able to show that the two so-called species are one and the same. " Here is the proof," he says : " When the same seed, sown in fertile and infertile soil, yields the two so-called species, one must conclude that there is but one single species, and that that which seems to establish a difference between the two so- called species, can only come from the climate and culture. It is certain, as I have often witnessed the fact, that the same seed, sown in fertile and infertile soils, produces the two alleged species." And Prof. Bonnier, recently, in his Etudes sur la Vegetation de la Valle'e de Chamounix et de la Chaine du Mont-Blanc (1889), says, corroborating others, that "in high alti- tudes the appearance of the same species is dissimilar : the stems straggle on the ground, leaves are narrower and thicker, flowers are comparatively large and of higher colour, and most of the plants even lose many morphological characters which they possess in the plains. . . . The characters of plants of high altitudes are even different enough to have induced many writers to describe these alpine forms as particular species." Prof. Bonnier's statements are of especial value from the fact that they are based on facts derived from experiments made in stations situated at different altitudes ; they are not facts of mere observation. 1 1740, 6 vol. in 1 8, vol, iii. p. 244. LEAF-VARIATION 97 I have alluded to the considerable morphological variations which are observed in Ranunculus aquatilis, Godron, who, in 1839, published an important mono- graph/ of the Ranunculus group, has studied these variations with great detail. When the plant develops wholly under the surface of water, all its leaves are delicately laciniated. If the plant is able to send some of its leaves to the surface, they float and assume a very different form, being kidneyvshaped and lobed. The same plant when growing entirely out of water presents a very different appearance : the stem is short, much divided into branches, which bear a large number of small leaves, cylindrical, much divided, and somewhat thick. If it were not for the floral organs, one would certainly believe in two or three species. There is but one, however, which varies greatly according to external circumstances, and this is shown by the fact that the same individual plant under different circumstances presents the different appearances which have been mentioned. Lamarck believed that Ranunculus aquatilis might be trans- formed into R. hederaceus through changes in the environment, but Godron denies the fact. Rubus fruticosus seems also to vary considerably. Sagittaria sagittcefolia, when growing in deep water has also ribbon-shaped leaves, while in shallow water it has also arrow-shaped leaves, which rise vertically instead H 98 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. of floating horizontally. Similar variations in form are to be observed in Myriophyllum verticillatum and Juncus supinus, and many other plants. Polygonum amphibiiun also exhibits important morphological variations. When growing out of water it has lanceo- lated, downy leaves, with short stalks, and covered with stomata on both faces, while the same leaves, if the plant is growing under water, are deprived of hair, have a long stalk, a,nd are obtuse, without stomata on the lower side. These two forms of leaves are often met with on the same plant, where it has been, through accidental circumstances, growing for some time under water and for some time out of water. Ch. Martins 1 notices similar facts concerning Jussicea grandiflora, where the variations are even more im- portant. Every one may notice in our common ivy considerable variations in the form of leaves, and these variations are also to be seen in other plants, in fact they are more or less present in most plants, and careful investigation will disclose their number and importance. 2 These variations, which seem to be of no account as far as the general life of the plant is concerned, may however be accompanied by important 1 Observations sur la Jussicea grandiflora, in Bull. Soc. Botanique de France, vol. xiii. p. 176. 2 G. Fournier : Recherches Anatomiques et Taxonomiques stir la Famille des Crucijeres, 1868, and also Faivre : La Variabilite des Especes et ses Li mites, 1868. FRUIT- VARIATION 99 differences in the physiology of the plant. For in- stance, Carriere, 1 after having noticed the formal variations of the leaves of the ivy according to its mode of life (climbing, or entirely independent and tree-like), adds the significant fact that the leaves of the climbing plant when inserted in the soil readily start an independent life, and emit roots very soon, while those of the independent form do so only with great difficulty. Here is certainly an inportant physiological difference ; not perhaps in itself, but as indicating differences in the structure and life of the whole plant. Fruits vary as well as leaves ; the same branch of a peach-tree, for instance, bears peaches and nectarines ; the same branch of an orange-tree bears oranges and lemons ; the same branch of an apple-tree bears quite different varieties of apples. Prof. Decaisne, who was an authority in the matter of fruit trees, especially apple and pear, observed 2 considerable variations among the descendants of seeds of the same sort ; in the course of a few years, from the same seeds, he obtained six different forms of pear-tree, in which the fruits were unlike, while differences also existed in the general morphology of the plant. 1 Polymorphisme des Vegetaux. Revue Horticole, 1886, p. 209. 2 De la Variabilite de F Espece dans le Poirier. C. R. Acad. des Sciences, 1863. ioo EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. Among flowers the same variability obtains. Colour may be different, but there are also important varia- tions of a morphological order, and many botanists have pointed out the more interesting cases in all parts of the world. Maxwell Masters has collected a number of them in his Teratology, and Udo Dammer has added many in the German edition of this work; more recently, Dr. O. Penzig, of Genoa, has collected all known cases anew, in his important Pflanzen-Teratologie (1890). In this book, of which only the first half has yet been pub- lished, we find a very complete list of teratological cases, of cases of variation in all parts of the plants, and of every sort, so that I may refer to this book once for all, as concerns all plant variation. Some idea of its value may be gathered from the fact that 1 66 large octavo pages are filled up with the mere titles of papers referring to variation, and that the whole work is devoted strictly to facts, so that it may really be considered as a list as complete as possible of all departures from the normal types. Of course variations of floral structures are numerous, and cases abound in this work, but I prefer referring, as an instance, to a case which is not noted by Dr. Penzig, and which is of great interest, as it concerns import- ant variations observed in the floral structures of one and the same individual plant, a Tradescantia virgi- FLOWER- VARIATION 101 nica. 1 "This plant," says Mr. G. A. Brennan, "presents, as the result of thirteen years' cultivation, the curious aspect of a monocotyledonous plant bearing in bloom at the same time flowers of dimerous, trimerous, tetramerous, pentamerous, hexamerous, and hepta- merous types respectively, each flower bearing twice as many stamens as sepals, petals, or carpels of the ovary. The plant was set out in 1872, and received very rich treatment, so that it gave forth blossoms measuring two inches in diameter. In 1874 it began to depart from the original trimerous type and to assume the tetra- merous one, by developing another petal, and instead of doing this at the expense of the pistil or stamens, it added another sepal, another carpel with style, and two stamens, thus making a typical tetramerous flower. The plant has since then continued to differentiate in a greater degree each succeeding year." In 1876 it became pentamerous, in 1879 hexamerous, in 1882 dimerous, in 1886 heptamerous ; thus you perceive that there has been no regular order in the course of differentiation. At present, while the pentamerous type is dominant in this plant, dimerous and hepta- merous flowers are scarce. It seems that further variation is forthcoming, for an octamerous ovary has been detected in one flower. This fact is certainly 1 G. A. Brennan : Variations of Tradescantia virginica. American Naturalist, vol. xx. 1886, p. 55. 102 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. one of the most striking which can be quoted in respect of floral morphological variation. Such varia- tion is always present among different varieties of the same species. For instance, C. E. Bessey l has investi- gated the floral structures of different varieties of apples, and while it is generally thought that no difference obtains, he has detected considerable differences in the form of the stigmas and styles, and found that the pistil varies much in length, breadth, hairiness, &c. And the proof thereof is seen in the engravings which accompany his paper, and refer to five well-known varieties of apples red Canada, Talman Sweet, Rambo, Wagner, &c. The very smell of flowers is also subject to variation, as Dalibard 2 showed by direct experiment nearly a century and a half ago. He planted mignonette in different soils, using seeds from the same mignonette plant, possessing its well-known fragrancy. While the seeds sown in rich garden soil became vigorous, and were well perfumed, the seeds sown in sandy soil produced plants which remained weak and small, and had no perfume. It even seems that the latter did not acquire any odour when transferred to rich 1 Can Varieties of Apples be distinguished by their Flowers ? American Nattwalist, vol. xx. 1886, p. 162. 2 Observations stir le Reseda a few odorante, in Me moires de Mathematiqucs et de Physique de V Academic des Sciences, 1750, P- 95- OSTEOLOGICAL VARIATIONS 103 garden soil. Similar facts have since been repeatedly observed and noticed. In the more internal functions and organs of animals and of plants as well the same variability shows itself. In man himself, as Mantegazza has shown, teeth vary considerably, and a careful study of the third molar tooth has shown that there is a strong tendency towards the disappearance of this part, and while among inferior races all that concerns it is normal in 50 to 54 per cent., abnormality becomes considerable among superior races, where the normal state is only met in 37*09 per cent., leaving 62'9i abnormal in one way or other. No doubt, we could find numerous cases of variation in the dentition of mammals, although the number and form of teeth is considered as a specific character. But teeth may be considered as external organs in some sense, just as fur or feathers ; and it is even more interesting to see that more internal parts vary perhaps as much, if not more. Such is the case with the bones which go to make the skeleton of mammals and other animals. Some instances are referred to by Darwin, and by Wallace in his recent and valuable Darwinism ; St. George Mivart has shown that the number of ribs varies among the apes ; in man himself the number varies from twelve to thirteen ; and concerning whales, Georges io| EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. Pouchet l says : " Balaenidae certainly are among those higher vertebrates whose skeleton exhibits least fixity ; this is a peculiarity which cannot be denied." The same writer also says that in many species which live in limited regions the same skeletal variability exists in a marked degree, and although the individuals are absolutely similar so far as exterior characters are considered, they may display a varia- bility which may be said to be unlimited, in the number and relations of the bones. And Pouchet and Beauregard 2 say also that it would prove difficult to meet with two skeletons of the Anteater which were exactly similar as concerns the number of the ribs or vertebrae, or the connections of the ilium or ischium with the vertebral column. As to differences in weight and length of the skeleton in different individuals of the same species, Darwin and Wallace have also collected numerous data of which all are cognizant. The soft parts of the body display the same tendency. All have heard of John Hunter's experiments on the sea-gull (Lams tridacty- lus}. He fed it during a year on grain, with the result of hardening to a large extent the inner coat of the 1 A propos de deux Photographies de Baleine Franc he. Compt. Rend, Soc. Biologie, 1890, p. 705. - Traite d? Osteologie Comfaree, 1889, p. xii. II VISCERAL VARIATION 105 stomach of this animal, which, being a flesh-eater, does not require to have the hard and horny coating of the gizzard of the pigeon or fowl. This experiment is repeated each year in nature, and without man's operation, by another gull (Larus argentatus}, of the Shetland Islands, which, according to Dr. Edmonstone, changes the structure of its stomach twice every year, according to its food, which consists of grain during part of the year, and of fish during the other months. So the stomach may vary considerably in its use and functions, and Holmgren's experiments show that the gizzard of a grain-eater, such as the pigeon, may be converted into a carnivorous stomach, such as that of one of the birds of prey. I have already said that there is great variability in the muscular system. Some anatomists have made a special study of this variability : Wenzel Griiber in Germany, Testut in France, Cunningham of Dublin, and many others. Not only are there variations in the mode of attachment and course of every muscle of the human body which has been more especially studied in this connection but super- numerary muscles are often found which are all exactly similar to muscles which normally exist in lower animals, but do not as a rule exist in man. Testut has dwelt upon this fact, which is of great significance in the evolution theory, and a very large number of io6 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. instances might be given of man having muscles which are considered as peculiar to the ape, horse, dog, bear, &c. 1 Variations also occur frequently in the anatomy of many internal organs. Wallace refers to the variability in the length of the digestive system in the giraffe and other animals, and in the nature and position of the gall-bladder, which in the same species is sometimes present, either single or double, some- times absent. These variations are not confined to higher animals. Claus observes that ^Equorea forskalea, a Ccelenterate, varies much in the number of the radiating canals 2 ; and many botanists have noticed the important structural variations which obtain in plants. E. Mer has carried his investigations into great detail in regard to Isoetes laciistris, and other plants. 3 It results from these investigations that the internal anatomy of plants may vary considerably. This variability displays itself also in regard to sex ; for it has been shown that external influences play a large part in the determination 1 Cf. R. Wiedersheim, Der Bail des Menschen ah Zeugniss seiner Vergangcnheit (Freiburg i. B., 1880). 2 American Naturalist, vol. xvi., 1882, p. 147. 3 De F Influence exercee parle Milieu stir la Forme, la Structure, et le Mode de Reproduction de F Isoetes lacustris. Ccmptes Rendus 1881, p. 94 (Jan.-July). See also Des Causes qui modifcnt la Strttcture de ccrfaines Plantcs aquatiques vegetant dan F Eau. Bull. Soc. Botanique^ 1880, p. 194. SEXUAL VARIATION 107 thereof. Whilst among tadpoles left to themselves, the females are in a slight majority, the proportion increases from 54 to 78 per cent, when the tadpoles are fed with beef, to 8 1 per cent, when fed with fish, and, when fed with frog-flesh, to 92 per cent. 1 Thus food, and the nature of food, has much to do in the determination of sex. The same is the case with bees, where the production of queens, workers, and drones is in great part a matter of nutrition. A worker-larva may be reared into a queen, if royal food is provided. Other facts show similarly that external influence must be at work to operate in the deter- mination of sex. Fisch has noted the sex of 66,327 plants of hemp, and he finds there are 154 female against 100 male plants. Among other plants, such as Spinacia oleracea and Ruinex acetosella, the proportions vary much, as in some cases the one sex, in others the other, is predominant. In the human species males are constantly in slight excess over females 105 against 100. The same condition obtains among oxen, sheep, hogs, and domestic birds. But in the case of the latter, the constancy is less, and during some particular years there is a very large number of individuals of one sex against a small number of the other. There 1 See Yung, Propos Scientijiques, 1890, Reinwald, Paris, quoted in Evolution of Sex, P. Geddes and J. A. Thomson, Lond. , 1889. io8 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. are some external causes in operation which are not yet detected. M. C. Cornevin thus summarizes the proportion of males to 100 females in the following species : Horses 101 males against 100 females. Oxen 104-6 Sheep 115-4 Hogs 104-9 . Turkeys 120 Guinea-fowl 102 Common fowl 101 ,, Duck 115 That external influences do play an important part in the determination of sex is shown by numerous facts. Spallanzani, Bernardi, and Autenrieth have shown that female plants of hemp when mutilated bear male flowers, and M tiller has in some cases seen male plants bear female flowers. M tiller has also ob- served female plants of Zea Mays bearing male flowers when nutrition was deficient. Hoffmann has noticed that in Lychnis, Spinacia, and Rumex the proportion of sexes varies according to the greater or less interval between each individual plant ; and Cornu, Giard, and Magnin have shown that in Lychnis vespertinci, under the influence of parasitic " rust " ( Ustilago antherarum\ female flowers bear stamens. Prantl has seen similar facts among Cryptogams. While the (seeds/ of ferns SEXUAL VARIATION 109 develop into male plants when the soil is poor in nitrogen, or when the seeds are very near each other, they yield female plants when nitrogen is abundant, and the seeds somewhat distant. Yung's experiments on tadpoles had already been performed by Born with similar results, and it seems that in the human species, a change of climate is often conducive to a larger production of females. In Java, for instance, European or white children are born in the proportion of five females against two ,' males ; in Yucatan, in the proportion of eight / females against two males. All these facts go to show that sexuality is in great part determined by external factors, whatever these may be, and that much variability is here present. This variability may be readily seen in the same species, under different conditions, and even in the same individual. For instance, Carriere has pointed out that variability is common in Ailanthus glandulosa,%. well-known plant in which the distribution of sexes is very inconstant. While some individuals bear a large number of female flowers, many bear but few, and it is a curious fact that they are all to be found on the same branch, instead of being on different branches, interspersed with male flowers. There seems to be some special condition in one or more branches which determines the production of female i io EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. flowers. 1 This condition may vary from one year to another, in the course of the lifetime of the plant. It even seems that in normally male plants, this condition may put in an appearance. Ch. Martins 2 observed at Moritpellier a male Chamcerops humilis which yielded only male flowers from 1851 to 1861 ; in 1861 this plant produced some female flowers, quite normal, since the seed from these flowers yielded vigorous young plants; and in 1862 a large proportion of female flowers were to be seen. This last fact is of real importance, as showing that sexual variability may exist to a high degree. Another very interesting form of variability is that which may be observed in individual evolution or development. Although there are numerous cases of this sort, and although a large number of instances might be quoted where the individual evolution is readily arrested or modified through different circum- stances, none seem more carefully ascertained than those which Camerano has published. This writer has investigated what Kollmann has called Neotenia in Amphibians. Neotenia is the lengthening (for an indefinite time) of the period during which Amphibians are gill-breathers. Every one knows that, at first, 1 Carriere, Sur FAilanthus glandulosa a propos des Sexes. Rev. Horticole. 1872, p. 234. Ch. Martins, Transformation d?un Chamcerops humilis male en polygame. Rev. Horticole, 1862, p. 353. ii NEOTENIA in frogs, toads, &c., breathe as tadpoles, by means of gills, and that after a few weeks the lungs develop and the gills disappear, while the animal becomes an adult, and acquires new characters and organs. But as every one can ascertain, this gill-breathing period may be considerably lengthened under natural or artificial and experimental circumstances. I have myself kept toads in the tadpole state for over two years, merely by feeding them very scantily. They were born in the spring of 1889, and remained all the time in an aquarium in the laboratory, having water enough at their disposal, being always sufficiently provided with aquatic plants, and enjoying heat enough : it cart by no means be said that their evolution was arrested by the cold of winter, as often happens in mountain ponds, when the cold of autumn sets in before the tadpoles have achieved their development, so that they become frogs or toads only in the course of the following year. In the case of my tadpoles, it seemed that the completion of development was due to my imprudent- ly feeding them in the spring of 1891 on the very sub- stantial flesh of their congeners ; and in the course of some three weeks at most, the limbs were evolved, the long tail disappeared gradually, the very colour and appearance of the skin underwent considerable changes, and my superannuated tadpoles became toads at last. This Neotenia has been observed by 112 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. many physiologists in different Amphibians. Mile, de Chauvin has reared larvae which were the progeny of Amblystoma, and while some of them became , Amblystoma, others remained Axolotls in con- sequence of being kept in very well aerated water, where the gills had no tendency to atrophy or retro- gression. Similar experiments have been performed by a large number of naturalists on different species of Triton, Salamandra, Pelobates, Alytes, Hyla, Rana, and Rnfo ; and the result is that while there arc Amphibians, such as Salamandra atra, in which the length of the branchial or gill-bearing period is very short, and others, such asfroteus anguineus, and some Tritons and Axolotls, where gills exist normally in adult and even in aged individuals, there exist also a number of Amphibians among which the gill-bearing period, normally short, may be much lengthened. But in Urodela (newts and sala- manders) this lengthening 1 may and does occur without seriously modifying the evolution of the remainder of the body ; and the result is that these tadpoles are sexually mature, while among Anura (frogs and toads) this lengthening interferes with the general development, and sexual maturity does not seem to occur among the tadpoles. New investigations are required to ascertain how far this sexual immaturity >** exists, and to what extent it may be retarded by the II NEOTENIA 113 lengthening of the gill-breathing period. 1 If it could be shown that sexual maturity may occur although the tadpole state is lengthened, and that sexual reproduc- tion may take place, although this is on obvious a priori grounds very improbable, we might perhaps try to obtain a new species which would exhibit very marked physiological features. 1 Camerano, Stir le Developfenient dcs Amphibiens, et sur ce que ton a nomme chez eiix la Neotenie. Arch. c 'ltaliennes de Biologic, vol. v., 1884, p. 27. Recherches sur la Prolongation de la Periode branchial e des Amphibiem. Ibid., p. 29. Recherches sur le Developpement et les Causes du Polymorphisme des Tetards des Amphibiens anoiires. Ibid., xv. 1891, p. 165. LECTURE III Summary : The Facts of Natural or Spontaneous Variation (concluded) Physiological or Chemical Variation Not always easily detected. May be noticed in all parts of the Body, even between very closely related Forms Exists not only between different Species, but between Varieties of the same Species, Individuals of the same ' Variety, and even different ages of the same Individual Chemical Variation explains Racial Immunity to peculiar Diseases This Chemical or Physiological Variation in some cases of much higher import than any Morphological Variation Chauveau's Experi- ments on Bacillus ant hr ads Physiological Differences between Brown and Green Frog towards Poisons and Heat Tarchanoff's Experiments Variation generally exists at all Ages, in all Groups of Beings, at all Geological Epochs Sudden Variation. THERE is a last form of variability to which I wish to call attention, and which has not been enough taken notice of up to the present time. I refer to what I have mentioned under the name of chemical or physiological variability. Under this name I include all facts which indicate a difference in chemical or physiological con- stitution, expressed through differences in the reaction of the organisms towards definite and common external influences. Such chemical variation must certainly exist at the basis of all specific or even racial characters, LECT. in VARIATION IN PHYSIOLOGY 115 and if I dwell somewhat upon the topic, it is owing to the fact that this sort of difference has not been as much investigated as it ought to have been. Between two species, however closely allied, between two varieties or races of the same species, there are not only those slight external differences upon which so much stress is laid by morphologists ; there are internal, chemical and physiological differences which are most likely of greater importance. For instance, Naudin cultivates in his gardens at Collioure, in the south of France, a number of plants of a species of Echium ; part are indigenous, part come from the Canary Islands ; they all exactly resemble each other, no external difference is perceptible ; they differ in origin only. During the night, the frost comes ; all the Canary plants die, while the plants of France resist. There is some difference in their constitution or physiology, some difference due to habit, to adaptation, however it may be called, and the result is that life may continue under circumstances which cause it to cease when this difference does not exist. This is one fact among a thousand, and horticulturists and breeders could provide many similar examples. It shows that, even in cases where no external differences are perceptible, variations do exist in given circum- stances which may be of the highest importance, and decide life or death. Though they are not always of I 2 ii6 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. equal magnitude, they admit of being detected with real accuracy by appropriate methods. While calling this variation physiological, I understand it to be, in fact, chemical ; the difference is in chemical constitution most probably but it displays itself mostly in physiological differences. I have collected some cases of this variability, endeavouring specially to obtain widely different instances, in order to show the extent to which this kind of variation occurs. Of positive chemical variability among animals, I meet with a good instance provided by two well- known savants Ch. Robin, the histologist, and Sainte-Claire Deville, the chemist who, at Sanson's request, examined comparatively the structure and composition of the bony structures of the common breed, and of a perfected breed, of sheep. While the microscope detected no difference at all between the two breeds, chemical analysis showed considerable variations in the respective percentages of organic and inorganic matters, as follows : Organic Substances. Inorganic Substances. Perfected breed 32*3 per cent. 677 per cent. Common breed 38*6 61*4 Similarly, considerable variations obtain in the chemical constitution of the integumentary append- ages of different varieties of animals. Here follows, in CHEMICAL VARIATION 117 for instance, the percentage of the principal com- ponents of the wool of some breeds of sheep (after Miintz and Girard) : Dfchley. Merino, So log not. Water .................. 15 10 14 15-5 16 Nitrogenous matters 63 48 53 64 53 Fatty substances ... 8 30 19 6 10 Ash ..................... ii 10-5 15 13 18 Potash .................. 6 4-5 7 6-5 4-5 While some components vary but slightly, such as water and potash, others, such as fatty substances, are found in very different proportions ; the difference being from six to thirty, or from one to five. Similar variations are to be observed in the mus- cular or fleshy parts. Sir R. Christison made chemical analyses of salmon in good health and con- dition, and of salmon after spawning. The results are as follows : 1 Healthy Salmon. Salmon out of Season. Oil ............ 18*53 per cent. 1*25 per cent. Nitrogen ... 1970 17-07 , Salts ......... 0-88 0-88 Water ...... 60-89 8o'8o It is not necessary to have studied physiology very deeply to understand that such differences in the flesh or skeleton, as are shown above, may be of great im- 1 From a paper read in the Royal Society, quoted in the American Naturalist, vol. vii., p. 372. i IS EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. portance under definite conditions, and may deter- mine life or death in some circumstances, while at all events they must, in every-day life, put the animals which exhibit them in very different positions as regards the struggle for life and success in it. Such differences are common in the chemical consti- tution of the different species of the same genus, and the following analysis by Forchammer well illustrates this : Fitcu Potash s digit alus. 20-66 7-65 6-86 10-98 2-36 0-57 1-44 26-18 F. vesiculosns. 13-01 9'54 6-12 836 1-16 24*06 0-28 1-15 21-45 F. serrati 18-67 10-29 14-41 18-59 0*30 0-38 16-56 Soda Magnesia Lime Phosphoric acid ... Sulphuric acid Ferric oxide Silica Sodium chloride ... And again, among different individuals of the same species considerable differences may obtain according to the mode of life, and particularly, as Hermbstaedt has seen, according to food. This fact is well dis- played by the results of Hermbstaedt's experiments on the influence of different manures on the propor- tion of gluten and starch in wheat. Wheat from common soil, neither rich nor poor, has 9-20 per cent, of gluten to 66-69 f starch ; manuring with human urine yields gluten 39- 10 and starch 39*30, and each in PHYSIOLOGICAL VARIATION 119 different manure more or less alters, between these two extreme data, the proportions of these two im- portant elements of the plant. The foregoing instances afford an example of posi- tive measurable variation in chemical constitution ; and if we were better acquainted with the details of the life-history of any species, we should readily perceive the corresponding effects from the physio- logical side : we should see, for instance, how such and such chemical variation, which we can measure and weigh, is of real advantage to those which possess it ; while those without it suffer definite and generally disadvantageous consequences. In other cases we perceive the physiological effects, while we are not yet acquainted with the degree or even the nature of the variability. We all know that different animals of the same or of different groups react quite differently under similar unfavourable circumstances. We know, for instance, that it takes a much longer time to drown a frog than a reptile or a bird, and we understand why ; we know also why a duck or penguin can withstand submersion a longer time than a hen or a quail. There are physiological reasons for these facts, and we are familiar with them. But in other cases such reasons must also exist, although we cannot tell what they may be. For instance, if different insects are subjected to the 120 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. same process which is injurious to life, as in Gratacap's experiments, 1 considerable differences are easily perceived, though not explained. While the common fly withstands living in pure oxygen less than thirty hours, Doryphora decemlmeata survives easily for three whole days, and Colias phyllodoce cannot stand it more than twelve hours. While the same DorypJiora can live twenty-four or even forty-eight hours in pure hydrogen, a species of Noctua cannot live more than twenty minutes, nor Poinpilns unifasciatus more than ten minutes. Why, we cannot tell, but there cer- tainly is some physiological and chemical reason accounting for the fact. Every physiologist knows well that the same poison exerts very different influences on different organisms. For instance, while brucine acts on dog or frog in the same manner as strychnine (although stronger doses are required than of the latter) it acts very differently on the common crab (Carcinus maenas}, which exhibits no convulsions but only a peculiar movement of the external mouth-parts. Picrotoxin, similarly, acts on dog and frog like strychnine ; on the crab it induces a powerful contraction which is most characteristic. 2 1 Gratacap, Vitality of Insects in Gases* American Naturalist, vol. xvi., 1882, p. 1019. 2 Cf. Henry de Varigny, De t Action de la Strychnine, de la Brucine et de la Picrotoxine sur le Carcinus maenas. Journal de V Anatomic et de la Physiologic, 1889, Paris. Also : H. de Varigny and Paul Langlois, in CHEMICAL VARIATION It may be argued that such instances are not very convincing : they concern very different species and genera ; how can it be proved that such important variations occur within the same species, for there is the point ? To this the answer is easy to give, and if we turn to any given species, we cannot fail to notice important differences. Take the human species, for instance, and consider the differences between man and woman, then those between the races of man, and finally between the different men of the same race. As an instance of chemical difference between man and woman, here are the percentages of the principal components of bony structures in man and woman of the same age, after Milne-Edwards : Woman. Man. Phosphate of Lime 62*15 5&'3~ Carbonate -. 4-52 9-98 Organic Substances 33'33 3170 Inorganic 66*67 68*30 And it must be noticed that the differences vary according to the age of the patients, and even to the side of the body. While in the young the proportion of inorganic substances is smaller than in the adult, the bones of the right side of the body contain more Sur r Action de quelques Poisons de la Serie cinchonique sur le Cardnus maenas (ibid. 1891), where similar facts are recorded. EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. than those of the left side, as H. Milne-Edwards clearly recognized in his investigation on animals, and such differences certainly obtain in man, as direct experiments have shown. And such differences are to be met not only between man and woman, between one side and another, but also between one part and another, lime-salts being more abundant in the thigh- bone than in the arm, &c. If we turn to the chemistry of the blood, the same facts appear. Quetelet has analyzed the salts which are contained in this fluid, and has seen that the differ- ences arc as follows : Man. Woman At one year 14/2 13-3 At ten years 37-1 34-4 At thirty years 98*9 78-4 There is more iron in male than in female blood (Boussingault) ; there arc also more salts in male than in female, more in the right thigh of the duck than in the left one ; there are more red blood-corpuscles in man than in woman (142 against 127, after Becquerel and Rodier, or 4*5 against 3*5, after Malassez), and so on ; and all these minute or important differences in anatomical or chemical structure are accompanied by more or less important variations in physiology. Of these differences I shall give only one instance : it is admitted in forensic medicine that when man and in ARGUMENTS FROM PATHOLOGY 123 wife are drowned together, the wife is considered as having died the last, because it is known that woman faints sooner, and has therefore more chances to survive than man, as experience has shown. So much then for variability between the different sexes of the same species. If we now compare two races of the same species mankind again similar differ- ences come in. 1 While man and woman are respectively more liable to certain diseases, each race seems to offer different predispositions to the principal diseases flesh is heir to. Pathologists are well acquainted with this fact, and numerous instances of it are known. The following figures show the death-rate from marsh fever among Europeans (Englishmen) compared with negroes, in different countries : 2 Death-rate per 1,000 Englishmen Negroes. Jamaica 101-9 8-3 Guiana 59'2 8'5 Trinidad 6r6 3'2 Sierra Leone 410^0 24 It has been sometimes said that negroes are entirely refractory to malarial fever : the fact is not accurate, but the figures show, at least, that the black race has, 1 Cf. G. Delaunay's interesting Etudes de Biologic Comparce basees sur V Evolution et la Nutrition. 1878-9. A. Delahaye, Paris. - After Borclier, Geographic Medicate. Paris, 1884, p. 475. 124 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. for some reason or other, much less to fear from malaria than the " white devils." The same difference is found concerning tuberculosis : while it is more dangerous for Polynesians and negroes than for whites, it is more deadly for the whites than for the Mongolians, among whom it has been said that Thibetans quite escape the disease. The statement may have been exagge- rated : at all events, it shows that the yellow race enjoys comparative immunity from tuberculosis. Similar instances are frequent among animals : not only do we meet with instances of diseases which are peculiar to some species only, 1 but within the same species some breeds enjoy immunity while others do not. For in- stance, Prof. Chauveau has shown that the sheep 01 Algeria enjoy a much greater immunity in respect to anthrax than those of France, and the same differ- ence obtains among asses. This is a racial character, for foreign breeds living in Algeria do not acquire it ; but the Algerian breeds transferred into Europe seem 1 For instance, anthrax affects sheep especially, while it is scarcer among oxen, hogs, and horses, and is never met with among birds. To glanders the pigeon seems to be the only bird at all susceptible. Syphilis is peculiar to man, though it possibly may be seen in apes and hogs. Rats and mice enjoy an almost perfect immunity from diphtheria, and any number of similar cases may be found in any text- book on Bacteriology. Perfect immunity is rather doubtful, but it is quite certain that many virulent diseases, due to microbes, exist spon- taneously only in a limited number of species, but may be conferred experimentally upon some or many others under experimental condi- tions. in IDIOSYNCRASY 125 to lose it gradually, so that the influence of environ- ment appears to have something to do with it. And now, if we consider men of the same race and the same facts would appear if we were to con- sider individuals of any species of animals or plants are we not all acquainted with facts of very notable variability ? The same external influence acts quite differently upon them, and of four men standing in a draught, for instance, one will have pneumonia, the other rheumatism, number three a bad cold, and number four nothing at all but a temporary relief from the heat of the day. The very same morbid influence typhoid fever as an instance acts differently, producing in the one patient gastric symptoms, while cerebral trouble is predomi- nant in another. Every physician can furnish any number of similar instances, and can also show that while in every epidemic of every disease there are different forms of the same disease which are doubt- less in correspondence with different personal variabi- lities or idiosyncrasies, these idiosyncrasies vary from one time to another, so that in one epidemic one form predominates, while in another some different form is most frequent. It thus seems that personal varia- tion varies according to seasons and periods under unknown influences. Or else, if no variation is assumed to exist in the patients, there then exists EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. some variation in the pathogenetic organism. For the present purpose this comes to exactly the same thing, our only point being to show that variability does exist in a marked manner. Later on I shall have something to say concerning the degree of variability among pathogenetic organ- isms under different modes of culture or treatment ; it is enough here to allude to the general fact of the attenuation of many sorts of virus which has led to the humane although as yet unexplained l practice of vaccination ; but something must now be said concern- ing the external manifestation of this variability. Many bacteriologists have thought at times that it might be possible to transmute one micro-organism into another under definite circumstances, and we have all heard of Biichner's or other experiments concerning the relationship between the common hay bacillus and the typhoid fever bacillus, as well as of similar in- vestigations. But investigators seem to think much too highly of mere morphological transmutations, and to have too much disregard for other transmutations which are in fact of much greater importance. They seem to be running after shadows while substantial reality lies disregarded at their very feet. Let us take 1 " Unexplained " refers of course to the process by which a bacillus or bacterium, although in appearance unchanged, becomes incapacitated for the production of disease of a virulent type. in CHAUVEAU'S EXPERIMENTS 127 an instance. Here is that much investigated anthrax bacillus. Many bacteriologists have tried to determine morphological variations of the species through various experimental methods, hoping to see it assume quite different characters : but they have utterly failed. Professor Chauveau studying the same general topic of variability, has investigated it not on the morpho- logical side, but on the physiological one. And he asks very appropriately whether a bacillus which has entirely lost its virulence, while retaining its morpho- logical appearance which is always very simple has not varied more than a bacillus in which form might have varied while the pathogenetic properties had remained unaltered ? The answer seems to me manifest, that variability of virulence is of greater importance than that of form and external appear- ance, especially in the case of such very simple and undifferentiated organisms, since this testifies to deep modifications in the chemistry and vital pror perties of the organism. How much more would this be evident if the new characters acquired by the organism were to remain unaltered from one generation to another, without it being necessary to provide permanently the special conditions or the peculiar environment which initiated the produc- tion of new characters ? And this case is not of hypothetical nature ; it really exists, and I have been 128 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. a daily witness to it. Professor Chauveau, from long, and, as usual very careful experiments on Bacillus anthracis, has been able to show that while no known method can as yet, entirely destroy the pathogenetic influence of this micro-organism, nor confer upon it new and different properties, the pathogenetic influence may be destroyed to the extent that it can no longer harm the animals in which it makes itself the most easily felt. Such virus may be inoculated into guinea- pigs and mice without doing the slightest harm. But it has not entirely lost its properties, since it retains its vaccinal influence : while apparently no longer noxious to animals, while producing no disease nor pathological symptoms, it acts like a vaccine lymph, and confers immunity against the inoculation of viru- lent bacillus, as experiment shows. Again, these devi- talised or altered bacilli, which only retain a vaccinal influence, may be made to acquire virulence of the highest type through very simple experimental pro- cesses. Lastly, these attenuated bacilli retain their new characters (of non-virulence and of mere vaccinal aptitude) as long as is required, without it being necessary to use particular methods of any sort, and, as M. Chauveau remarks, if one were to consider these bacilli in themselves, apart from their origin, and without knowing what they may be made to become under appropriate experiments, they might in CHAUVEAU'S EXPERIMENTS 129 certainly be looked upon as a distinct species. Between this ultra-attenuated and the highly virulent breed many intermediate types exist, but they have less fixity, and their nature as measured through their pathological effects is less constant. At all events Professor Chauveau has succeeded in obtaining three types of Bacillus anthracis : Firstly, the ultra-attenuated type, which has lost all pathological properties, and produces no disease even in the most delicate and appropriate animals (mouse, guinea-pig), but retains vaccinal influence, and can be used for vaccination of the same animals against the disease ; Secondly, the semi-attenuated type, 1 which kills some species of animals (rabbit and guinea-pig), but acts only as a vaccine in other larger animals ; Thirdly, the less attenuated type, which kills the rabbit, guinea-pig, and sheep, and plays the part of a vaccine only with the horse or oxen. These different types may exist in Nature, and some facts go to show that some of them probably do exist. The foregoing facts are of undeniable importance in regard to the question of physiological variability, 1 This type may be obtained either by attenuation of the highly virulent type, or by partial revivification of the attenuated bacilli. The latter method is certainly preferable. 130 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. as they clearly show that while no difference at all can be discovered in the external appearance of the different types, considerable variation is present when physiological properties are taken notice of. I have quoted this case at some length, because it is one of the most satisfactory yet obtained ; but similar instances are very numerous in bacteriology, where we perceive that very considerable differences of a phy- siological nature may exist although not perceptible from the morphological standpoint. 1 Zoology also provides us with other facts which are of great interest. I refer to those which concern the considerable physiological difference which obtains between two closely related species, the brown and the green frog (Rana esculenta and temporarid), when subjected to identical experiment. In 1 88 1 Monnier 2 noticed that brucin and its different compounds act differently on these two species. In R. esculenta this alkaloid determines a paralysis of the motor nerves, and at the same time an increase in the excitability of the spinal cord. Of 1 Cf. A. Chauveau : Sur les Proprietes vaccinates de Microbes ci-devant fiathogenes transformes en Microbes d'apparence saprogene. Archives de Medecine Exptrimentale, March, 1889, p. 161. Also, by the same author : Recherches sur le Transformisme en Microbiologie pathogene. Des Limites, des Conditions ct des Consequences de la Variabilitc du Bacillus Anthracis. Ibid. November, 1889, p. 757. 2 Archives des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles, Geneva, 1881. in GREEN AND BROWN FROG 131 course, the influence on motor nerves prevents the spinal influence from being detected, unless the experi- ment is performed in a particular manner. In jR. temporaries the symptoms are quite different ; tetanic convulsions appear, and if the dose is considerable, motor paralysis ensues later. The case is the same with the common toad. Similar facts had been witnessed years before by many physiologists. As early as 1864 my much re- gretted master Vulpian : found that the same poisons operate differently on the circulatory system of the two species. Two years afterwards J. L. Prevost 2 wit- nessed facts confirmatory of the preceding, concerning the same animals when subjected to the influence of veratrin ; the heart being arrested in one case, while it is merely slackened in the other. Then Schmie- deberg, in i8/4, 3 took up the question, studying the influence of caffein, and saw that in R. temporaria caffein operates in determining a local action which gradually spreads a sort of muscular rigor, accom- panied by a decrease in excitability ; in R. esculenta 1 Sur les Differences entre les Grenouilles rousses et les Grenouilles vertes sous le Rapport des Effets produits par les Substances Toxiques et sptcialement par les Poisons du cceur. Bull. Soc. Philomatique, 1864, p. 94. 2 J. L. Prevost, Recherches Experimentales relatives a F Action de la Veratrine. Thesis, Paris, 1886. 3 Ueber die Verschiedenheit der Caffeinwirkung an Rana temporaria und R. esculenta. Arch. f. Exp. Path, und Pharm. 1874. K 2 132 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. there appear, on the contrary, an increase in excita- bility and tetanic convulsions. But after two or three days the symptoms become similar in both species. Pilocarpin, also, acts differently on the two above- mentioned species, as Harnack and Meyer have shown. 1 In Rana temporaries, pilocarpin induces paralysis ; in R. esculenta, tetanus. Nicotin induces convulsions, followed by paralysis, in esculenta, while- paralysis is the immediate result in temporaria. Similarly, pyridin induces tetanus in esculenta, and in temporaria the symptoms resemble those of picrotoxin poisoning. L. Wintzenried has con- firmed Monnier's results on the different influences of brucin, 2 and Vulpian, 3 in a later paper,, investi- gated the accuracy of the statements of both to his complete satisfaction. Lastly I may be allowed to quote a few lines from a paper by Messrs. Lauder Brunton and Cash, 4 which bears very exactly on the topic : " Johannsen [who was working under Schmie- deberg's direction] observed in the frogs with which he 1 Harnack and Meyer, Untersuchungen it. d. Wirkungen des fabor- andialkaloide, nebst Bemerkungen u. d. Gruppe des Nicotins. Arch. /. Exp. Path, und Pharm. 2 Recherches Experimentales relatives a V Action Physiologiqite de la Rrucine. Thesis, Geneva, 1882. 3 Lemons sur V Action Physiologique des Substances Toxiques et Medica- menteuses. 1882. 4 Lauder Brunton and J. Th. Cash, On the Circumstances which modify the Action of Caffeine and Theine upon Voluntary Muscle. Journal of Physiology, vol. ix. p. 112, 1888 in GREEN AND BROWN FROG 133 experimented that the muscles became rigid at the place where caffein was injected, and this rigidity gradually extended to the rest of the body, but he failed to observe any tetanus. About three years afterwards, Aubert arrived at results entirely opposed to those of Johannsen, rinding that caffein in the frogs with which he experimented produced marked tetanus, but very slight rigor. These contradictory results induced Schmiedeberg again to take up the subject, and he found that the discrepancy be- tween the statements of Johannsen and Aubert was, to a great extent, due to the kind of frog employed by each observer in his experiments, the former having used specimens of R. temporaria, and Aubert of R. esculenta. According to Schmiedeberg, in R. tern- poraria caffein produces muscular rigor, without tetanus, the rigor beginning at the place where the poison is applied, and extending over the body so gradually that the muscles first attacked may be completely contracted and rigid, while others may be still slightly irritable. On the other hand, in R. esculenta, caffein frequently produces a violent and continuous reflex tetanus, without any rigidity of muscle other than that dependent on the tetanic con- traction. It is only at a late stage of the poisoning, two or three days after the caffein has been given, that these differences between these two kinds of frogs 134 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. become equalised, increased reflex action and even tetanic convulsions occurring in R. temporaria, and distinct stiffness of the muscles becoming observable in R. esculenta, although this stiffness never becomes so great as in R. temporaria" The foregoing differences in the nervous system of these two very closely related species are again exem- plified in other experiments, for Lautenbach 1 has shown that while the nerves of Rana temporaria are never excited by heat lower than 49 centigrade, those of R. esculenta are excited as soon as the temperature attains or exceeds 20 centigrade ; and, on the other hand, a friend of mine, M. C. Contejean, a dis- tinguished young physiologist, informs me that, according to his own experiments, considerable dif- ferences are noticeable in individuals of the same species which differ in colour. While frogs whose skin contains numerous pigment granules withstand for some time the effects of having part of their blood replaced by salt solution, frogs whose skin is sparsely coloured resist during a much shorter period. Again, the same physiologist informs me that while Rana esculenta and temporaria possess digestive glands in the lining of their cesophagus, the toad has none. Also, while the green and brown frog are provided 1 The Physiological Action of Heat. Journal of Physiology, vol. ii. in GREEN AND BROWN FROG 135 with gastric glands which are exactly similar, the brown certainly produces a much larger amount of pepsin. These are differences which may be of great importance in the life of the animals or may go with others yet unknown to make considerable differ- ences yet nothing in the external character of the animals would lead us to suppose that they were present. Among the facts which illustrate this physiological variability I shall quote a few more. We all are acquainted with the fact that while many varieties of grape-vine are killed by some fungus or insect Phyl- loxera, for instance others do not suffer at all, or at least, as a rule, withstand the unfavourable effects. We know also that while the venom of a snake is deadly for most other snakes, it is not so for the same species, as Surgeon Waddell x has recently shown with great care ; we have all heard of cases when the same plant is toxic for some animals and is not so for others. Willoughby in his Ornithologia 2 says that the common quail eats hellebore and water-dropwort (Cicuta] without danger ; Daniel Duncan 3 says the same of the same animal ; water-dropwort is not dangerous for goats, nor tobacco-leaves for oxen, 1 Are Venomous Snakes Autotoxic ? Calcutta, I 2 Francisci Willughbeii Ornithologia, Libri Hi. 1676. 3 La Chymie Naturelle^ on I Explication Chymique et Mechaniqtu de la Nonrritnre de I Animal, UNIVEBSITI 136 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. according to Cornevin ; common valerian, when growing in marshes, is half or three-quarters less toxic than when it grows in dry soil, according to Pierlot ; 1 and Coffcea arabica is killed by insect parasites (Cemiostoma caffeohnn] which do not attack C. liberica? 1 Physiological variability is displayed every day among the individuals of the same pro- geny or of the same brood. Human twins are often very dissimilar in regard to physical and mental abilities. Among animals, the same cluster of eggs gives birth to tadpoles which differ considerably as to the epoch at which the tail is cast off and the limbs put in their appearance, although all external con- ditions of temperature, food, etc., are exactly identical. Among hogs, the last born of the brood is generally much weaker than the others ; of the four or five dogs which are generated by the same parents, no two are alike in regard to the acuteness of the smell, swiftness, etc. Young turkeys of the same brood differ much, while there is but little difference between young ducks or geese. In my experiments on Lymnaea stagnates I have often noticed very marked differences in the length and weight of animals from the same cluster of eggs, although they lived together, under exactly identical conditions, in the same aquarium. For in- 1 Note sur la Valerians. Bull. Soc. Bot. France, vol. ix. p. 189. 2 Nature, vol. xxiii. 1881, p. 541. in PHYSIOLOGICAL VARIATION IN SEEDS 137 stance, in one case I have had animals of four or five millimetres in length only, while some of their brethren were over ten millimetres long, at the same age. In another case the difference between lengths was from three to ten, and in width from two to six. More detailed facts concerning this point I intend to publish shortly in a special paper, and I shall try to establish a comparison especially between the different indi- viduals of the same brood parthenogenetically pro- duced, or at least produced without previous fecunda- tion by a different animal of the same species, for it is a positive fact that Lymncea stagnalis and auricularia can yield fertile eggs without fertilisation by another individual having taken place. Similar facts are to be noticed among plants, as every one knows. Cornevin has provided a new demonstration of the fact by sub- jecting seeds of the same plant to the same conditions. He took thirty seeds from the same pea-plant, and steeped them some thirty hours in a solution of colchicin, and then planted them. Out of the thirty, twenty-five were entirely killed, and out of the five which survived, only three were able to develop a normal plant. Some years ago I had noticed similar facts, in a different manner. Four species of seeds were subjected to the influence of heat in the following manner : In one series the temperature was 80 Cent., and the seeds remained two minutes in the heated 138 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. water ; in the second, it was 90 Cent., and the time for heating was ten minutes ; in the third, the seeds remained two minutes only in the water at 90 Cent. The final result was that in the first series only one sort of seed was able to withstand the effects of the heat : two out of ten seeds germinated. In the second series one seed only germinated (Lepidium sativum}, and in the third series two species ger- minated (cress and radish). The same result was obtained when I planted seeds of different sorts whichhad been subjected to the influence of a solution of sulphate of copper in water, during a period varying from one to sixteen days. Some species were very sensitive, and did not germinate at all. Such was the case with radish and mustard seed. Others were less sensitive, and Lepidium sativum germinated even after ten days' immersion, but then only some of the seeds were able to germinate, and the proportion of those that were killed increased when the duration of the submersion was greater. Lastly, flax seed withstood sixteen days' contact with the copper solution, but the number of germinations was larger among the seeds which had been immersed four or eight days only, than among those which had remained the whole period. More recent experiments of the same sort with copper and strychnine have yielded the same results, and show that : istly, great differences occur in the in PHYSIOLOGICAL VARIATION IN SEEDS 139 sensitiveness of different species in regard to the same reagent ; 2ndly, marked differences occur also in regard to the sensitiveness of different individuals oi the same species in regard to the same reagent. I am at present engaged in repeating and develop- ing this series of experiments, as they help to illus- trate physiological variability, and can be used also for investigations in selection. Of course, in many cases the result may be interpreted as due to variation in the thickness of the seed-envelopes, or in the bulk of the seed itself; but whatever the cause of the differences in resistance may be, the main point is to demonstrate palpable variations, that is, a firm basis for the operation of selection ; and, on the other hand, the differences in thickness of the seed-en- velopes is not a mere anatomical fact, it is also a physiological character of the plant. Observation has, however, already provided very interesting facts bearing upon this question of physio- logical variability in regard to the influence of poison. We know that this influence varies according to many conditions, among which are the following : First, the mode of introduction, Many poisons are devoid of danger when introduced through the ali- mentary tract, while they are very dangerous when introduced into the blood or under the skin, because in the first case they are slowly absorbed or are HO EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. destroyed by their passage through the liver for instance. Secondly, the age of tJie animal under experiment. This is easily ascertained, and the fact is recognised in medical practice, where the dose of the same drug varies from one-sixteenth to one, according as it is given to a young child or to an adult. Thirdly, sex. Females are more sensitive than males, and accordingly are unable to withstand doses of drugs or poisons which males resist. Fourthly, species. Belladonna is very active on man, cat, dog, and birds ; less so on horses and hogs ; nearly without effect upon sheep and goats, and especially on rabbits. Within the same class the same differences obtain ; the rat is, generally speaking, more sensitive than the guinea-pig, and the rabbit is less so than the latter ; and the ass is more sensitive than the mule and the horse. Hemlock (Conium macnlatuni} is not injurious for the lark and quail ; although they may eat so much of it that their flesh may be poisonous for Carnivora, they themselves sustain no injury. The red corn poppy is not injurious for rabbits, and it is said that Euphorbia may be eaten without inconvenience by goats, although it confers toxic properties on their milk. Laburnum is not toxic for goats, rabbits, and hares. Within the same species, marked differences obtain between in FOOD AND POISON 141 varieties. The Pyrenean sheep feed without injurious effects on the leaves of Quercus tosa, while imported Southdovvns are killed by this plant. Lychnis Githago is very unequally toxic for different species ; calves require 2 g. 50 centigr. per kilogram of weight of flour, while the hog requires only one gramme, and the dog ninety centigrammes, to be killed. Similarly, while the horse is killed by two kilograms of fresh hemlock, the ox requires at least double this amount. Cyclamen europceum is very dangerous for man, and hardly at all for hogs ; it kills fishes and some other aquatic animals, while many Crustacea and different insect larvae do not suffer at all. Of course, there are many reasons for these dif- ferences in the influence of poisons, and in some cases we perceive them easily. But in others there is some intimate unknown reason which would require investi- gation, such as the case of the Pyrenean and South- down sheep. Even if there is merely here a case of habitual adaptation a mere verbal explanation such as is very often met with in experiments on the influence of toxic media on animals or plants, or on the influence of pathogenetic organisms on higher beings, there must be some difference between the organisms which perfected methods will be able to detect. There may be here some acquired character, some peculiar variation which has become inherited. 142 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. On the other hand, turning to plants, similar facts of physiological or chemical variation are noticeable. The same plant is more or less toxic, according to its age or period of life, and to the various parts con- sidered. While some plants are toxic in all their parts, such as meadow saffron (Colchiciim autummale) hellebore, squill (Scilla maritime), Pride of India {Melia azcdaracli], others are dangerous only in their roots, such as Atractylis gemmifera, or in their roots and stem, such as the common dog violet ; or in their aerial parts only, such as many Solanaceae ; or in their bark and leaves only, as is the case with the yew ; or in their flowers, as buckwheat (Polygonum fagopyrum) ; or in their fruits only, as, for instance, in the castor oil plant ; or even in one part only of their fruits. Other plants are dangerous in all their parts save one, the fruit for instance in sumach (R/ius coriaria). Young leaves of the yew are much less toxic than aged ones, which is the reverse of the case generally observed. Clematis vitalba displays the same fact. Ranunculus ficaria, while at first feebly toxic (through its leaves), becomes afterwards more so, but after flowering it loses much of its poisonousness, and the same is the case with Caltha palustris. Aconitum napellus is very toxic in warm climates, while in the northern or cold regions it is harmless ; culti- in TWO CLASSES OF SPECIFIC CHARACTERS 143 vation also diminishes its injurious properties in a marked manner. Of course, these differences in the physiological influence of the same plant can only be ascribed to variations in the protoplasmic or physio- logical processes of the plant, so that they afford very good instances of physiological variation. These are a few instances among many ; but they are enough. We may then draw the inference that between different species there are not only external dif- ferences which may seem more or less unimportant although we must believe them to have some use- fulness there are also other differences of a physio- logical nature. As yet we are acquainted with but a few of them, the matter having been but very slightly investigated, but we may rest assured that in fact they are numerous, and often very consider- able. While they may seem, and perhaps are, in many circumstances of small importance, they may, in others, become of the highest interest, and de- termine life or death. This is the main fact I wish to illustrate, and I entertain no doubt whatever concerning the novel, and certainly startling, character of the results, which will be put forward when some competent physiologist and chemist shall have devoted some time to the comparative investigation of two species, or better of two varieties of the same species, from this point of view. 144 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. With chemical investigation such as Armand Gautier's, and physiological experiments such as those which Vulpian originated, a great deal must certainly be discovered, and herein lies a new way to the investigation of the much debated question of variability. Even if it does not lead us any further, this line of study must bring us to this much needed requisite : an answer to the oft- repeated question, What is a species ? Species, we are always answered, are endowed with such and such characters, and when we come to look at matters, we find out that two forms say of Crustaceans or Rotifers are considered as speci- fically distinct because the one has a few hairs more than the other on this or that appendage, or because the form of such or such part is more elongated in one group and rather square in the other. This answer is doubtless very satisfactory, since so many are amply satisfied or seem to be so with it ; but in future we shall certainly come to define species not only by means of their external anatomical characters, but also in terms of a large number of physiological and chemical differences which have hitherto been entirely disregarded, which are but slightly apparent, and can be made quite clear only by means of careful and methodical in- vestigation with appropriate methods : to the mor- in TARCHANOFF'S EXPERIMENTS 145 phological diagnosis, a chemico-physiological diag- nosis shall be added, whose importance shall often, if not always, be much greater than that of the former. As I have dwelt at some length on the topic, I might be expected now to dismiss it, after having shown that variation is to be found in every part of the organism, even in its deepest and most secluded nooks ; but there arc still some important matters to be dis- cussed. Concerning physiological variability, many experiments might be suggested, and some have been made which show that physiological variations may be experimentally induced. Professor Jean de Tarchanoff, 1 investigating the physiological condition of the brain of new-born animals, has shown that this part of the nervous system does not at birth answer with the normal activity to external stimulations. While Fritsch and Hitzig, afterwards followed by Ferrier and a number of physiologists, established the fact that stimulation of certain parts of the mid-brain is followed by motor reactions in various parts of the body, Tarchanoff has shown that during the first days of life, and especially among the animals which enter upon life with closed eyelids, no motor reaction at all is produced. This is an important feature from the 1 Sur les Centres Psycho-moteurs des Animaux notiveau-nes et leur Develop f>euient dans differentes Conditions. Rev. Mensuelle de Mede- cine et de Chirurgie, 1878. L I 4 6 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. stand-point of physiological variability ; but there is something more that Professor de Tarchanoff has seen and proved. The brain of the new-born guinea-pig, for instance, does not answer to electrical stimulation during the first days doubtless because it is not yet developed enough. If it could be artificially developed or retarded in its growth and progress, it is likely that the moment at which electrical excitability exists could be hastened or retarded, and that, similarly, the moment at which the eyes open could be at will hastened or retarded. Methods are not wanting to allow the performance of the experiment, and Professor de Tarchanoff has artificially hastened the development by means of some phosphorus mixed with the food, and by means of cerebral hyperaemia in- duced by occasionally hanging the animals head down- wards, while the reverse position and a slight degree of alcoholism have been enough to render cerebral development much slower. The result was exactly what might have been expected ; when the develop- ment is retarded, excitability and sight are retarded, and another fact is noticeable : locomotion is also more difficult and is attained later, because the causes which retard the cerebral development inhibit more or less all functions which are dependent upon the brain. Professor de Tarchanoff thinks that it might be possible, by repeating the same experiments on the in VARIATION UNIVERSAL 147 successive generations, to hasten or to retard in a marked manner the nervous development. This may be : at all events the facts are interesting, and show that methods may be devised through which an in- fluence may be exerted on constitutional peculiarities. Such facts give us hopes of seeing where the cause of physiological variability may be sought. To all that has been said concerning variability, morphological and physiological, we must add that this variability is not limited to any group of plants or animals, to any time of life, nor to any geological epoch. From the very beginning of life variation is apparent. Take a number of eggs of the same frog, in conditions apparently identical : some are early and some late in developing into tadpoles. Tadpoles acquire their limbs and lose their tail at very different intervals, although all live in the same aquarium, are born from the same parents, and enjoy the same food ; and if you put some of them into the same toxic solution, some are certain to die much earlier than the others, and if the time during which they remain in the dangerous medium is not too long, some certainly will recover, while the others die. Of the whole progeny of the same parents, whether two or two hundred young are pro- duced at one time, no two are exactly alike : noticeable differences exist, if not in the external, certainly at L 2 148 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. least in the physiological characters. Of the same brood of pigs the last born is generally weaker ; of twin lambs one is always heavier, etc. And if any two animals of the same brood are selected and observed in after-life in order to estimate the differences between them in physiological respects, although they live under exactly similar conditions, consider- able differences appear in their weight, height, etc. It is enough to note these facts, without dwelling any longer on the topic. But while variability exists everywhere, in every species, in every individual, it must be also admitted that its sum total is very variable. Some species are much more liable to variation than others, as all horticulturists can testify. But, in fact, truth seems to require another statement. All species are probably equally variable, but all are not at the same time in conditions which are equally suitable for the production of variation. Take the case of any imported species of plants which is cultivated in our European gardens. At first no variability is apparent, and many horticulturists give up the hope of improving or of modifying it in any way. But those who have more experience go on with their plant, knowing very well that while at first no marked variability appears, very important variations may suddenly appear at a later stage, after cultivation has been continued for some time. Such in VARIATION UNIVERSAL 149 has been the case with the common pansy, as Weis- mann has noticed, and it often happens that the foreign species, after keeping very constant for some years, begins all of a sudden to vary considerably and in many directions, thus giving birth to an unexpected number of varieties. These facts must be kept in mind, and they go to show that one must not be hasty in deciding whether any species is or is not liable to vary more or less than another : variability is doubtless itself variable, according to influences of which we are more or less ignorant. Palaeontological facts are known which are of value in that they show that variability has existed in the past as well as in present times, and that it has been more apparent in some species or genera than in others. Mr. Hyatt provides a good instance of such facts, in his paper on the Steinheim fauna, 1 where a large number of fossil varieties of Planorbis are met, all of which most probably descend from four principal varieties of one single species, P. laevis, unless we prefer to believe that every single one of these principal or secondary varieties has been called into existence by an equal number of special creations. H. Filhol has also given valuable facts bearing on this matter, in his investiga- 1 See The Genesis of the Tertiary Species of Planorbis at Steinheim (Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 1880), and Transformations of Planorbis at Steinheim (Am. Naturalist, 1882, p. 441.) Cf. also Stearns, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc., Philadelphia, 1881. 150 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. tions concerning the fauna of the Quercy phosphorites. For instance, he shows that at St. Gerand le Puy, Amphicyon, that presumed ancestor of our dog, has a great tendency to vary in height, strength, form of the head, and in the teeth, while a number of other genera exhibit the same tendency in all the parts of the body : such are Palaeot her turn y EurytJiermm, Acerotheriuni) Palaeocliaerus, Cynodictis, Hyaenodon, Cynohyaenodon, Achirogalus, Necrolemur, Adapts, Psendelurus, etc. ; and so far as dimensions are con- cerned adult fossil remains are often met which indicate that the differences were often from one to two. Nor can all these differences be explained as of mere age or sex. As I have already noticed, we know nothing of the causes of variability. We can measure and appreciate it to some extent, but we do not know how it is determined in most cases, save in those where it is consequent upon some modification in external environment, and to these we shall have to revert further on. Must we believe in some innate " tendency towards variation " ? Buffon thought that every species tends towards degeneracy, while Lucas believed in some innate tendency towards the production of new forms, which is, of course, in constant warfare with conservative heredity. Naudin and Naegeli similarly believe in internal forces, and Delbceuf, the eminent in SUDDEN VARIATION 151 Belgian thinker, clearly expresses himself in favour of the belief in a " tendency to betterment," some per- manent cause with an unlimited aim, which will operate as long as our planet lasts, and as long as something may be imagined which is more perfect than that which exists. Clearly such a tendency is undemonstrable. For even if things could be seen to progress as they ought if this tendency exists, this is no proof of the existence of the tendency. On the other hand, many naturalists appeal to external influences in order to explain variation, and they certainly can point to many facts which are of weight, as we shall show further on. Conditions which seem, at first sight, to have no importance, often exert considerable influence on individuals or groups of individuals. But a discussion of this matter would require more time than can be afforded here, and I must dismiss the subject after having briefly stated the state of opinion concerning the cause of variation. I only wish to add that while, in the earlier period of Darwinism, much stress was laid on the slowness with which variation appears and operates, there is at present a tendency to a change of opinion. This change has been well expressed in a recent paper by W. H. Dall, On a Provisional Hypothesis of Saltatory Evolution! The writer bases his argument on the oft- 1 In this connection Mivart's Genesis of Species may also be cited. 152 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. repeated fact that in many cases while two forms of life, fossil and extant for instance, seem to be directly or genetically related to each other, some link seems to be missing through which the transition from the one to the other could be effected. In Mr. Ball's opinion no links are really missing in such cases, because none have existed ; the much asked for transitional forms have never lived. He supposes that sudden and considerable variation may take place under the cumulative influence of a number of small causes which remain a long time inoperative, but become efficient when at last one more slight in- fluence is added, which acts like the straw that breaks the camel's back. A good deal may be said in favour of this view, and many facts from zoology and palaeontology go to support it, and it may be that there is more truth in this manner of explaining some facts than in the former opinion. At all events abrupt or sudden variation is not an un- known fact. Some years ago, in France, a variety which stands between Begonia Schmidtii and B. semperflorens made its appearance quite suddenly in different points at the same time ; at Paris, at Poitiers, at Lyons, at Marseilles, etc. At Lyons the fact was very striking, as 500 specimens of the plant suddenly exhibited the new characters, and these characters were found in a plant which had been a ITI SUDDEN VARIATION 153 year previously isolated in order to prevent hybridisa- tion. 1 A year later, a similar fact was observed by another horticulturist when all of a sudden a large number of plants of Narcissus} which had met with adverse circumstances and had required some quan- tity of chemical manure, began to bear double flowers. Among animals, sudden variation is not uncommon, mainly through the disappearance of some external characters. In Paraguay, during the last century (1770), a bull was born without horns, although his ancestry was well provided with these appendages, and his progeny was also hornless although at first he was mated with horned cows. If the horned and the hornless forms were met in fossil state, we would certainly wonder at not finding specimens provided with semi-degenerated horns, and representing the link between both, and if we were told that the horn- less variety may have arisen suddenly we should not believe it, and we should be wrong. In South America also, between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries, the Niata 3 breed of oxen sprang into life, and this 1 Cf. A. Carriere, Spontaneite simultanee. Rev. Horticole, 1882, P- 534- 2 M. Poulin, Particular ites Vegetahs. Ibid. 1883, p. 342. 3 Niatas are occasionally met with in Europe, and many are living at present. They are descendants of common cattle and sheep, and no particular reason for their peculiarity is offered. This sort of variation thus seems to be common. 154 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. breed of bull-dog oxen has thriven and become a new race. So in the San Paulo province of Brazil a new breed of oxen suddenly appeared which is provided with truly enormous horns, the breed of Franqueiros, as they are called. The Mauchamp breed of sheep owes its origin to a single lamb which was born in 1828 from merino parents, but whose wool, instead of being curly like that of its parents, remained quite smooth. This sudden variation is often met with, and in France has been noticed in different herds. Other cases of the same sort might be quoted, showing that, as some naturalists feel inclined to believe, sudden variation is much less uncommon than has been generally supposed. Having dealt at some length with the facts con- cerning variability, we may briefly sum them up in the statement that a certain degree of variability is met with in every species, fossil or existing, animal or vegetable, and that this variability is not found merely in external characters, and does not affect only the colour, dimensions, or integumentary appendages, but that it extends also to the most deeply seated parts such as the viscera and bones of animals, and reaches even further, since physiological variability is merely the external expression of physical and chemical variations in the most intricate recesses of the various parts which make up the organism. in SUDDEN VARIATION 155 Here ends the first group of facts which lie at the basis of experimental transformism, the facts of varia- bility in the state of nature. We may now proceed to examine the second group, that of the facts of variability under domestication and culture. LECTURE IV Summary. Second Group of Facts supporting Experimental Evolution ; Fadts of Domestication of Animals ; their Departure from the original Wild Type as seen in the cases where the latter still exists ; Much more might be done in this way, and many new Resources discovered ; Domestication has caused Animals to vary in all parts of their Organism, from Weight of Brain to Length of Digestive Tract. Third Group of Facts : Cultivation of Plants ; its Influence ; the Departure from the original Wild Type ; Varia- tion in all parts of the Plants from Roots to Flowers ; Numerous Varieties of the commonly-cultivated Vegetables. Fourth Group of Facts : Influence of Environment on Structure ; Closeness of Agreement between Environment and Organism ; Beudant and Raulin's Experiments ; the Author's Experiments ; Dareste and Teratogeny ; Pouchet, Yung ; Facts and Experiments ; Pierre Lesage ; Schmankevitsch ; Weismann's Criticisms. WE positively know that some of our domestic animals and cultivated plants were companions of prehistoric man. It even seems that among the older nations, now dead and gone, some animals were subjected to domestication which have since been totally abandoned and allowed to run wild. The beech-marten and other Mustelidae were in part domesticated by the ancient Greeks in order to LECT. iv NUMBER OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS 157 destroy rats, and in ancient Egypt Lycaon pictus, a wolf, was tamed, and during a long period made use of as a dog. Similarly the jackal and lion were tamed and used for hunting purposes, and many species of antelopes were domesticated, being shut up at night in stables, while during the day shepherds led them about like ours with cows or sheep. But the domestication of these various species was soon abandoned, for while we notice these pictures in many sepulchral monuments of the earlier periods, they are no more to be seen in those of the more recent epochs, these animals having doubtless been superseded by others more useful and more easily tamed. If we call domestic those animals which remain voluntarily in man's dependence, while being of special use to him, we perceive that their number is very small. Excluding, of course, animals such as oysters, clams, bees, silkworms, trout, salmon, and the fishes which are the object of the pisciculturist's attention, domestic animals are wholly comprised in two classes those of mammals and birds. Among the birds we have the ostrich, swan, goose, duck, turkey, pheas- ant, peacock, guinea-fowl, common fowl, and pigeon. Among mammals : guinea-pig, rabbit, cat, dog, hog, horse, llama, camel, reindeer, sheep, buffalo, and ox, and partly also the elephant. If to these twenty-three 158 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. species we add some fifteen or eighteen species which are more or less domesticated by the inhabitants of other parts of the world, we obtain a sum total of some forty, let us say fifty species. The wild forms of these domestic species are nearly all known and living. The two genera of ostriches, found in Africa and America, are among the most recently domesticated forms, and in fact have been domesticated only to a slight extent. Wild swans are yet found in Sweden and Norway ; geese are met in Asia and Europe ; ducks are found in the greater part of Europe ; the turkey is an inhabitant of the New World, whence it was imported but a few centuries ago ; pheasants but yet partly domesticated live wild in Central Asia ; the guinea-fowl has been found wild in Africa by De Brazza ; the peacock inhabits India, Java, and Sumatra ; the common fowl is the descendant of the Indian Callus Bankiva ; the rock-pigeon is the ancestor of all our varieties of domestic pigeon. However, wild guinea-pigs are no longer found in South America, where they existed some centuries ago ; and of our hog only doubtful ancestors exist in Asia and the Sunda Islands (Sus vittatus and papu- ensis). Wild horses most probably still exist. Pliny, Varro, Strabo mention them, and Erasmus Stella and Rosslin speak of wild horses in 1518 and iv WILD AND DOMESTIC FORMS 159 1593 ' m Prussia and Alsace, while Gaspard de Saunier mentions their existence in 1711 in the forests between Dusseldorf and Wosel, where he had hunted this animal. And a few years ago the celebrated Russian explorer, Prjevalsky, discovered in Dzungaria a wild species, which has been named Equus Prjevalskii, and which seems to occupy a place between the horse and the ass. Wild asses have been seen by Prjevalsky in Kokonor, and by others in Africa, near Obock. In Egypt Marco Polo and Pallas found the wild camel, which, nearer us, Prjevalsky discovered near Lake Lob-nor. The wild form of the llama seems to be the guanaco ; the American caribou seems to be the wild form of the reindeer, and the Asiatic moufflon (Ovibos musi- mon) is considered as the wild form of our sheep, while wild goats are found in the Himalaya, buffaloes in Asia and Africa, and the yak in Asia, and oxen in Africa only, as they have now disappeared in the wild state from Europe and Asia, where they for- merly existed. Some points are, however, doubtful. Concerning the sheep, we cannot exactly tell whether our domestic form is derived from any one of the present wild forms or from the crossing of two or more, or from an extinct species ; and as to horses, while they were very abundant in the wild state during the neolithic period, when they were used as 160 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. food by prehistoric man, yet we cannot tell exactly whether our horses are derived from these wild ancestors, nor whether the descendants of the neo- lithic horse really persisted till some two or three centuries ago. Of our present domestic animals, most have been domesticated for a very long time, and while we feel assured that domestication is merely a matter of time and patience, we wonder at the fact that civilised man has been content to accept the legacy of his savage ancestors, and has done so little to increase it. At the present time man, in the civilised state, does not possess more than some twenty species of birds and some twenty of mammals in the domesticated state. It is true these species meet most of his requirements ; but who would venture to say that there is not much profit in store for him if he were to increase the number of his domestic friends ? While man in all parts of the earth is or ought to be eager to discover new vege- tables, or at least new fruits, and to cultivate and export them, how is it that our animal resources remain so very few in number ? I do not explain the fact, but merely call attention to it, and many, I hope, will concur with me, and think that much might be done in the way of acclimatising useful animals useful as meat or milk-givers or wool-producers of domesticating them, and of discovering new resources from which iv DOMESTICATION MUST ADVANCE 161 mankind may derive many benefits. Our acclimatisa- tion societies do not yet understand the real aim they ought to pursue, and they are much more occupied with the pursuit of new or rare animals, which are seldom of any use, than in that of the useful species which certainly exist. We cannot believe that our present domestic animals are the only ones which can be of use to us ; there are many others which may be profitable, but instead of trying to domesticate these, we often wantonly destroy them. Such is the case at present with the American bison, which com- petent writers state to be an excellent flesh-producer. While it roamed in millions some years ago, not 300 could be found to-day on the whole surface of the earth. I do not wish to open here a chapter recording the foolish and cruel dealings of so-called civilised man the real civilised man occurs in infi- nitesimal proportion among the featherless bipeds with animals, for a whole book would not suffice, but whoever is acquainted with the facts cannot help regretting this stupid and sinful waste. 1 Revenons a nos moutons. Domesticated animals are few in number. There are good reasons, however, apart from that which has been already given, for this fact. 1 For interesting details as to domestication of animals in India, see J. Lockwood Kiplings's recent volume, Man and Beast in India. Lond. 1891. M 162 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT- As Cornevin l remarks, some essential conditions must be fulfilled before any species can be domesticated. The principal requirements are the following : First, Sociability. All domestic animals, as observa- tion at once shows, live in societies, in herds all, save one, the cat ; the much-abused cat, the much-praised cat, the most independent and self-centred of our domestic friends. This gregariousness of all our do- mestic mammals and birds, pigeon or fowl, hog or ox, shows that if we are to attempt new domestica- tions we must direct our attention towards gregarious animals. Secondly, Tameness. Only docile animals can be domesticated, and all animals cannot be tamed with the same facility. Some retain a very considerable element of savageness, whatever care may be taken to tame them. Tameness is the result of kind treat- ment, and of the habit of being constantly with man, and while some species seem untamable, the greater proportion may be more or less tamed. Thirdly, Preservation of Fertility. Many animals, even in their own country, become sterile under domestication or captivity ; they have no progeny, or but a very small one. It also often happens that the transfer to a new country induces temporary decrease of fertility. The common fowl when intro- 1 Traite de Zoolechnie generate, 1891. iv CONDITIONS OF DOMESTICATION 163 duced into Colombia was at first nearly sterile ; but this condition does not last in most cases. It is useless to try to domesticate animals which do not multiply under domestication or captivity ; for even if acquired characters are in general not inherited, it is certainly true that the progeny of a wild species is much more difficult to tame and domesticate than that of the same species in the domestic state. And if this hereditary transmission of the acquired character of tameness did not exist, domestication would prove impossible. In fact, domestication may be more or less complete ; while some animals can hardly revert to the wild condition, in many others domestication has not existed long enough to dispel all natural tendencies towards wild life. Such is the case with the llama, the reindeer, the rabbit, goose, duck, and some others, and many instances might be given. Cornevin, for instance, has seen a flock of geese, which for over thirty years had lived in the same yard, arise in the air on seeing a flock of wild geese overhead, join them, and fly away for ever. The foregoing conditions must be fulfilled when the domestication of any species is contemplated, and we know enough of many animals to be assured that the number of our domesticated species might be easily increased if we only took some care. As I have already said, the domestication of animals M 2 1 64 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. has been the work of man. The study of the pre- historic vestiges of our ancestors shows that domestica- tion began at different times in different localities. Up to the palaeolithic epoch, man possessed no domestic animals. He hunted and killed the reindeer, aurochs, and horse, but ate them instead of domes- ticating them. In the Solutre encampment vestiges have been found of over 40,000 horses ; but all the bones are broken and shattered, the animals have been killed by the hunters and immediately eaten, and the flint arrow-heads have been found embedded in the bones, showing beyond doubt what use was made of the horse by palaeolithic man. It is only during the neolithic period that domestication began. The dog was one of the animals first domesticated, and he was already in use during the Kitchenmidden period. The domestication of other animals followed at very irregular intervals and in very different countries, and it is nearly impossible as yet to ascertain exactly at what period or epoch our domesticated animals entered upon their present condition. In fact it matters little, the principal point of interest for us being that the domestication of animals has been the work of man. This is sufficiently proved by all ascer- tained facts. The next and most important point is that domes- tication has been a means of transmutation. The IV ALTERATIONS THROUGH DOMESTICATION 165 species which have been domesticated have gra- dually departed from the feral ancestral type, and among the domestic descendants man has, by his industry and through the use of methods which he has discovered, established different types. It matters little from our point of view whether the ancestral form of our horse was one or many, for if many, they at all events had doubtless one common ancestral form, and we may consider all our present types and varieties of any one species as having, in each case, one single an- cestral form from which, as we see, they have con- siderably and in manifold ways departed. Compare, for instance, the Shetland pony, the racehorse, and the heavy clrayhorsc of the north of France ; compare the numerous and very different breeds of sheep, of oxen, of hogs, of dogs, so useful in different ways. In some cases the wild form has disappeared, and in those where it yet exists we perceive to what extent domestication has modified and transformed the de- scendants of the original stock. Whatever may have been the ancestor of our dogs, the differences the exist- ing breeds exhibit are marked enough to illustrate our thesis. The modifying influence of domestication makes itself felt in all parts of the organism, even in its depths and in its less external characters. For instance, if we measure the skull-capacity of wild and domestic 1 66 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. forms, we find, as Cornevin has well shown, a marked difference in favour of the former. Animals. Skull-capacity. Difference in favour of Wild Form. Wild Ass of Persia 521 ) Domestic 45O j cubic centimetres 71 Abyssinian Ox 479 \ Domestic African Ox ... 432) " " 47 Moufflon 240 } Sheep 122 j> Boar (Europe) 190 ) Hog 177 f " Cochin China Boar 162^ Stis mttatus 181 > Domestic Chinese Pig ... i5oJ Wolf 142! Dog ii6/ " Jackal 82 "I Italian Greyhound 76) " Wild Rabbit 9-4^ Tame Rabbit 7-5]" " At the same time wild animals have heavier brains than the domestic forms. Domestic animals are also heavier and more fleshy, and the tendency towards flesh-production increases with domestication. At the present day our oxen are three times heavier than the same animals, at the same age, four or five centu- ries ago. In France, since the beginning of the century, oxen have more than doubled their weight ; in 1808 the average was 300 kilograms, now it is 700. Domestication also reacts on the length of gestation, iv ALTERATIONS THROUGH DOMESTICATION 167 and even among domesticated animals, compared with one another, there are marked differences. Cornevin shows that this period in the cow varies in length from 288 to 277 days, a difference of eleven days. The following table gives details : Cows. Length of Gestation, in days. Schwytz 28875 Freiburg 287*50 Auvergne 286 Tarentese 282 Flemish 280 Durham 280 Valais 279-65 Jersey 279-40 Ayr 279 Dutch 279 Breton 277 The same is observed among sheep, according to Nathusius and others. Merino 150*3 Southdown 144*2 Southdown Merino 146*3 | Southdown I45'5 Southdown 144*2 It seems useless to do more than point to the modifying influence of domestication. While we must assume that domestic animals were not specially created for man, and that, as palaeontology, zoology, and anthropology show, they have been evolved by i68 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. man himself out of wild existing species which in some cases are yet living in the feral state, the mere comparison between the different types which have been evolved out of the original stock, at different times not always very remote is enough to show the influence of domestication. I may add that the divergence might have been even more marked. For we must remember that man has always had in view his own profit, excluding all other considerations ; the selection which he has consciously or uncon- sciously performed has always been directed along the same lines ; and all variations which were of no direct and positive use to him have been swamped. This is well displayed by the cases in which man has been less subservient to utility ; in pigeons, for in- stance, where the production of new types or varieties has been the business of amateurs and dilettanti who pursued no particular useful object, but merely wished to obtain the greatest number of variations, there arc more different types than among other species of which only a small number of useful characters useful to man, not to the animal itself arc required, all other characters being considered useless and un- interesting, and therefore neglected, the result being that the variations are swamped by intercrossing. As Geoffroy Saint Hilaire 1 observed, there is a 1 Histoire Natnrelle generate des Regnes Organiques,\o\. iii., p. 133 iv DOMESTICATION AND CIVILIZATION 169 definite relation between the degree of civilisation in man and the condition of his domestic animals. Many savages at the present time are yet devoid of domestic animals, although they possess hunting and fishing implements, and have even some cultivated plants. " Where man is much civilised, domestic animals are varied, either as species or as races of the same species ; and among races many exist which differ greatly from one another and depart greatly from the original type. On the contrary where man is himself not far removed from the wild condition, his animals are also very near to the feral state ; his woolless sheep is nearly a moufflon, his hog resembles a boar, his dog itself is no more than a tame jackal, and so on with the others if he possesses any more." I think none will dispute the accuracy of this state- ment. Some animals have, from the Cambrian to the Qua- ternary epoch, varied but in a very slight degree, such as Nautilus, and some fossil forms which lived in cretaceous times, are yet living in the depths of the present seas. Generally speaking, according to Gaudry and Lyell, the group of molluscs is less variable than that of mammals, and among molluscs Gasteropods vary more than Lamellibranchs, and among Gastero- pods, Siphonostomata have varied more than Holo- stomata. Among mammals, Artiodactyls and Perisso- 170 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. dactyls afford good illustrations of the variability of the group, and the number of fossil forms discovered in the Tertiary strata is very considerable. Among domestic animals there are very different degrees of variability ; Cornevin gives the following list of domestic birds and mammals, where the animals are arranged according to the order of decreasing varia- bility : Pigeon. Hogs. Fowl. Dogs. Duck. Oxen. Pheasant. Sheep. Goose. Rabbits. Guinea-fowl. Hares. Peacock. Donkeys. Swan. Camels. Turkey. Goats. Barbary Ducks. Guinea-pigs. Of these species, three which vary but very slightly (turkey, Barbary ducks, and guinea-pigs) are recent importations and will perhaps vary more in later periods. At all events guinea-pigs have already sufficiently varied to have become infertile with their original stock. The modifying influence of domestication on ani- mals has a parallel in the influence of cultivation on plants, and to these we must now turn, to call atten- tion to the important transformations which wild iv CULTIVATION 171 plants have undergone under cultivation at the hands of mankind. Man seems to have cultivated plants before he domesticated animals, in some cases at least. In the lake-dwellings of Lagozza, in Italy, belonging to the neolithic epoch, while flints, terra-cotta ware, and even crude linen are found, no bones are seen at all ; it would seem that the inhabitants were strict vegetarians^ and wheat, acorns, nuts, apples, and other vegetable products have been discovered, carefully stored away. The people who lived there, ages ago, were already well advanced comparatively speaking in agricul- ture, before they began domesticating, or perhaps even eating animals. But in other cases man seems to have begun with animal domestication before he cultivated plants. He began with the cultivation of the species which were abundant in his familiar haunts, and were of considerable use to him in one way or another, especially as food for himself or for his animals. Has he paid more attention to vegetable food, or is some other reason to be called for ? At all events, the number of plants which are cultivated in the different parts of the earth is much larger than that of domesticated animals. Truly, cultivation is an easier process than domestication, and while the latter is always attended with many difficulties, the former requires less care. In all parts of the world 172 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. some vegetable species are predominantly cultivated : in India rice, in Europe wheat, in Oceania the taro- plant, and so on. And while little more than nothing is done at the present time to increase our animal re- sources, much is being done every day to cultivate new plants, for food, pleasure, or drugs. But more remains also to be performed, and I doubt whether the hundred or more species which Sir Joseph Hooker pointed out in his Flora Tasmania as being suitable for cultivation, have all been added to those which have been known to mankind since the long-past ages when agriculture began to be evolved. Four centuries have now elapsed since the American continents were dis- covered : how many species have been added to those which were already under cultivation ? Some forty species, among which, it is true, we must include the potato, arrow-root, cinchona, tobacco, tomato, pine- apple, indian-corn ; but are there not many more which it would prove beneficial to cultivate ? But this is the business of the future, and ours is with the past. 1 Many of our cultivated plants differ but 1 While thus advocating the necessity of turning to a better account the numerous plants which exist and may be, by cultivation, made very profitable to man in one way or another, I perceive that Prof. G. L. Goodale was addressing the American Association for the Advancement of Science on the same topic at the same time. I will merely refer the reader to his very interesting paper published in the American Journal of Science, under the heading : Useful Plants of the Future. Some of the Possibilities of Economic Botany (pp. 271-303), where iv WILD AND CULTIVATED TYPES 173 slightly from their wild congeners, especially when we consider plants which have been cultivated only within recent times. De Candolle 1 shows that out of 247 cultivated species, 169 have enough resemblance to some wild species to allow us to trace with exact- ness their origin in the latter. In five cases there is room for doubt ; in four, the cultivated species although unlike the wild one is not different enough to prevent us from tracing its origin ; in fifteen the differences are greater, and the question remains open whether there are here distinct species or mere varieties ; in twenty-four cases wild forms are met which may be cultivated plants which have been dis- persed and have become naturalised ; in three cases the wild and cultivated forms differ to the extent of being considered as distinct species ; in three cases the species are distinct ; in twenty-four the wild form is unknown, but some may yet be recognised after more careful investigation. Upon the whole, then, out of 247 cultivated species of plants 113 exist in the wild as well as in the cultivated state, identical or more or less modified ; twenty-seven are doubtful ; and twenty-seven have not been found growing wild. Such is the result obtained by De Candolle in his valuable a large amount of useful information and valuable suggestions are embodied (April, 1892). 1 Origine dcs Plant es Cultivces, 1883. 174 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. investigations. Among these 247 species there are seven which are rapidly becoming extinct. 1 We thus see 1 The following is De Candolle's list : I. Species spontaneously growing in the wild state, with all the appearance of indigenous species, and identical with the cultivated species 1 69 Of these 169 species 31 are of very remote origin ; 56 have been cultivated for more than 2000 years ; the others are of unknown date. II. Species of the same category as I., but which have been found in a wild condition in one locality only, and only by one observer 3 Cucurbita maxima. Faba vulgaris. Nicotiana tabacum.^ III. Species seen and noticed, but not gathered, by non- botanical observers who may have been mistaken (old authors) 2 Carthamus tinctorius, Triticum milgare, IV. Species found in a wild state, by botanists, under forms which differ slightly from those which are cultivated, but not enough to prevent most botanists from recognising that both are of the same species 4 Olea europea, Oryza saliva, Solanum tuberosum, Vitis vinifera. V. Species found in a wild state, but considered by some authors of different species, by others, of different variety, when compared to the cultivated forms... 15 Allium ampeloprasum porrum, Cichorium endivia var.*, Crocus sativus var., Cucumis melo*, Cucurbita pepo, Helianthus tuberosus, Lactuca scariola sativa, Linuni usitatissimum anmuim, Lycopersicum esculen- tum, Papaver somniferum, Pyrus nivalis var., Ribes Grossularia*, Solanum melongena, Spinacia oleracea var. *, Triticum monococcum. 1 Italicised names are those of species which have been cultivated for a very long time ; names with an * are those of plants cultivated for less than 2000 years. iv WILD AND CULTIVATED TYPES 175 that the greater number of cultivated plants are known also in their wild condition. This result may seem surprising and we may wonder at it. As De Candolle VI. Species found in a sub-spontaneous condition, similar to any one of the cultivated forms, but which are perhaps cultivated species having run wild 24 Agave americana, Amarantus gangeticus, Amygdahis persica, Areca catechu, Avena orientalis*, Avena sativa, Cajanus indicus*, Cicer arietinum, Citrus decumana, Cucurbita moschata, Dioscorea japonica, Ervum ervilia, Ervuni lens, Fagopyrum emarginatum, Gossypium bar- badense, Holcus saccharatus, Holcus sorghum, Indigofera tinctoria, Lepidium sativum, Maranta arundinacea, Nico- tiana rustica, Panicum miliaceum, Raphanus sativus, Spergula arvensis. VII. Species found in a sub-spontaneous condition, but different enough from the cultivated varieties to allow most botanists to consider them as distinct species 3 Allium ascalonicum* (form of A. cepal), Allium scoro- doprasum* (form of A. sativum ?), Secale cereale (form of some other Secale ?). VIII. Species not found in a wild condition, nor in a sub- spontaneous state, having perhaps originated in cultivated forms, but too widely different not to be commonly called species 3 Hordeum hexastichum (derived from H. distichum?}, Hordeum vulgare (derived from H. distichon ?), Triticum spelta (derived from T. vulgare ?). IX. Species not found in a wild or sub-spontaneous condition, having originated in countries whose indigenous flora is not yet sufficiently known, but where wild species exist which are perhaps the same 6 Arachis hypogaea, Caryophyllus aromaticus, Convol- vulus batatus, Dolichos lablab*, Manihot utilissima, Pha- seolus vulgaris. 176 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. says, "we should have believed a priori &&&. a much larger number of species which have been cultivated for more than 4,000 years, would have departed from the original type to such a degree that the latter could not be recognised. It appears, on the contrary, that the wild forms have generally persisted." And he goes on to explain this fact in two ways. First of all, the period of 4,000 years is comparatively short, when we consider the duration of most phanerogamous species ; and on the other hand, intercrossing between the wild and the cultivated forms may have prevented the production of considerable differences between them in all cases where the wild form persisted. This last view is very important and goes far to explain why the cases where the wild progenitor is not re- cognisable are not more frequent ; and if it is correct, we should find the largest departure from the original X. Species not found in a wild or sub-spcitaneous condition, having originated in countries whose indigenous flora is yet incompletely known, but more different from the wild species of these countries than in the preceding case 18 Amorphophallus konjak, Aracacha esculenta, Brassica chinensis, Capsicum annuum, Chenopodium quinoa, Citrus nobilis, Cucurbita ficifolia, Dioscorea alata, Dioscorea batatas, Dioscorea sativa, Eleusine coracana, Lucuma mammosa, Nephelium Litchi, Pisum sativum*, Saccharum orncinarum, Sechium edule, Trichosanthes anguina*, Zea Total 247 iv VARIETIES DUE TO CULTIVATION 177 type in species cultivated in countries where the wild form does not exist. The foregoing facts show that some modification is due to cultivation, in cultivated plants, since some species exist which are not recognised in the wild state, such as indian-corn, sugar-cane, wheat, etc. But numerous modifications are met with, when we con- sider our cultivated species themselves, and investigate the orgin of the varieties they exhibit. Here, culti- vation shows itself as having played an important part. Let us consider, for instance, the cabbage, Brassica oleracea, which is most probably a European species. While Theophrastus recognised three varie- ties, Pliny was acquainted with six, Tournefort with twenty, and De Candolle enumerates more than thirty. These varieties are probably all due to cultivation, and in some cases the differences between them are very considerable, and the differences between the varieties and the parent form, which still exists in France and England, are greater still. Almost every part has varied in this species, from the root to the tip of the leaves and the peduncles of the flowers. Compare Brussels sprouts and Hungarian turnips, cauliflowers and common cabbage, for instance, or let us turn to the common kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) ; here also varieties are numerous. The potato has also a large number of varieties although its cultiva- N i;8 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. tion is of recent origin ; among the radishes consider- able differences obtain, whatever their original form may have been ; and the same is true of carrots, lettuce, strawberries, peaches, pears, apples, oranges in fact, of every cultivated species we are acquainted with. In all these species, and also in all plants which are cultivated for the sake of their flowers, or because they provide drugs which are of use to man, in all vegetable species, in short, which mankind cultivates for some reason or other, numerous varieties exist, and in many cases we meet with twenty, thirty, or forty varieties, if not even more, in the same species. These varieties man is responsible for : he has made them, he has evolved them out of the species, and some are of very recent origin, such as the Brussels sprouts, for instance some were made yesterday, and others will appear to-morrow. The process may be indefinitely varied, and so long as man cultivates plants he has the right to expect to create new varieties. The method used in such creations is no- wise mysterious, and all breeders, horticulturists, and gardeners are acquainted with its application. The mere enumeration of our garden vegetables, fruit trees, commercial and industrial plants, garden trees and flowers, and even their names show that variability exists amongst cultivated plants as well as among the wild species, and in plants generally iv INFLUENCE OF ENVIRONMENT 179 as well as in animals. It is because plants and animals vary naturally or spontaneously here spon- taneously merely means from unknown causes that man has been able to select among the variations and to make them become permanent. And when we see how very different are the lines along which the same species has varied take the cabbage, for instance, or the dog we are warranted in drawing the conclusion that variability is very considerable among cultivated or domesticated organisms. 1 We must now consider the last of the three groups of facts which lie at the basis of experimental trans- formism. We have considered variability in the state of nature, and shown that it is to be met with in all parts of the organism ; we have also shown that the same variability obtains among cultivated plants and domestic animals whose numerous varieties are the result of man's selection. We must now refer to the facts which show how natural variability may be determined or facilitated. These facts may be arranged under the general heading of the influence of environment in the production of variations. 2 Their 1 See De Candolle's Origine des Plantes Cultivees, and Sturtevant's important series of articles on Originof Cultivated Plants, in American Naturalist y 1887-89. - Besides Samper's well-known Animal Life (published in the Inter- national Science Series], the reader will find a large body of subsequent literature condensed in J. Arthur Thomson's Synthetic Summary of the N 2 i8o EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. interest lies in the fact that they can help to show us how and how far we can produce variation instead of having to wait for its spontaneous appearance. It must be said that up to the present date but little has been done in this line. Such investigations are only of speculative interest at least they seem so to most people and they require much time and patience as well as favourable conditions which are seldom offered by our city laboratories. On the other hand, we are allowed to use many facts of observation in this demonstration of the influence of environment upon parts or the whole of living organisms : they are of as much value as direct experiments when we can really ascertain what are the influences which have been in action. Between observation and experimentation there is not as much difference as is commonly said, and when the conditions under which any phenomenon is observed can be exactly recognised, the result of the observation has all the value of that of an experiment. 1 The investigation of the direct influence of environ- Influence of the Environment upon the Organism. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edin. 1887. 1 An observation made under circumstances which allow all the elements which co-operate to be well ascertained has as much worth as an experiment ; the only difference being that in the latter case the experimenter's will has determined the conditions while in the former he has had no control upon them. But if he is exactly acquainted with these, the result is quite as valuable, and the difference lies only in the mental process which precedes the recording of the result. iv ENVIRONMENT AND LIFE 181 ment illustrates from the very first a fact which is more or less familiar to all, the fact that living organisms can withstand, generally speaking, but a small amount of environmental modification. They are in so many ways, and by so many parts, dependent upon the ex- ternal medium, their adaptation to it is so very close, and the slightest change in environment is apt to react on such a large proportion of the vital functions, that we cannot wonder at the enormous influence which external modifications can exert on life. Suppose for instance the very small percentage 0,030-0,034% of carbonic acid which always exists in our atmosphere, were to disappear, life would soon be extinct on the whole earth, because plants cannot do without it, nor animals without plants. Thus a very small change, which would be perceived only through the use of precise methods and instruments, and could not be detected by our unaided senses, would suffice to ruin all life. This instance shows how very close is the adaptation between organisms and their environment, and teaches the need of care in all our experiments on the action of the latter on the former. A great number of instances are known which show the considerable influence of minute external variations, but none, I think, is more cogent than that which I gather from the excellent Etudes chimiques sur la Vegetation of Jules Raulin (Paris, 1870). This writer, 182 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. while investigating the influence of the different elements which go to make up that complex whole which we call environment, has studied the influence of many chemical substances upon the growth of Aspergillus niger. After having ascertained the exact nature and proportions of the chemical sub- stances which are required to provide for the plant the best suitable medium, he has investigated the influence of some chemicals which do not contribute to the making of that medium. Some of them exert a most unfavourable influence ; thus bichloride of platinum for instance prevents all vital manifestations of Aspergillus ; even when added in the very minute dose of y~oVo-, ** kills the plant. With bichloride of mercury these results are still more striking, as the dose of -5 T oVcro i s enough to kill Aspergillus ; and with nitrate of silver the results are still more surprising : add only i^nhnnr an d death ensues. It even happens that when Aspergillus is made to grow in a silver cup, the plant soon dies, because some of the silver dissolves in the liquid medium, and although there is not enough of the metal in the liquid to allow its detection through chemical analysis, the plant detects it immediately, and shows that it feels the influence of the poison. Similar facts are very abundant now, since bacteriology has sprung into existence, and we all know of the con- iv ENVIRONMENT AND LIFE 183 siderable influence exerted on micro-organisms by very dilute reagents. Very minute doses may kill, in more or less time, most bacteria, and this pro- vides a basis for the prevention and treatment of many diseases due to pathogenetic organisms, and for the disinfection of places where pathogenetic organisms are supposed to exist. It is needless here to quote instances. But this investigation has led to some interesting results, in showing also that different organisms require different quantities or proportions of the same substance to cause death, and that even the same organisms, under different forms, require different proportions. Here again, in these very minute and elementary organisms, we find physiological variability or variation in play ; here again, in these minute cells, where function would at first glance appear very elementary, great differences exist in reaction towards external agents, and hence in intimate physiology. We know, for instance, that while bacteria are killed, in one species, at 80 or 90 centigrade, the spores of the same species require 100 or 120; that one species is killed at 40 or 50, another at 70, 80, or 100 ; that the one thrives well in such and such a culture, while the other requires very different media. Here also, once more, physio- logical variability is in action ; the bacillus of tuber- culosis, for instance, thrives in bouillon of herring with 1 84 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. glycerine, or of clams, or of monkey, hen, or goose, while in rat broth it becomes very feeble. Each micro-organism has its very marked preferences as regards temperature and chemical conditions, and the susceptibility to variation in these conditions is so very marked, that while the fowl is too warm-blooded to allow anthrax to develop, it is enough to cool the animal artificially to render it inoculable. These facts show that the correspondence between the environment and the organism is very close, and that very slight alterations are enough to cause death, and the result is that in the experimental investigation of the influence of environment upon variability, we must be careful to handle our methods with great prudence. But, on the other hand, while in all cases very slight modifications in environment are apt to destroy life especially as concerns chemical environ- ment we often justly wonder at the extent of the modifications which may be introduced into the latter without impairing the vital functions. Micro-organ- isms afford numerous instances of this fact, but I prefer giving some examples from the higher organ- isms. It is a familiar fact that while most aquatic animals or plants die very quickly when transferred from sea to fresh water or from fresh to sea water, a number of them withstand the change perfectly iv BEUDANT'S EXPERIMENTS 185 well, and many fishes are known to spend part of their life in each of these media. Direct experi- ments on this matter were made in the beginning of the century by Beudant ; and the results were fully recorded by him in a paper read to the Academy of Sciences. 1 While sudden passage from one medium to another was in most cases conducive to death, he has shown that a gradual passage may be attended with success. A number of Lymnaea, Planorbis, Physa, Ancylus, Paludina^ etc. were divided into two sets ; the one lived in fresh water, the other were put into fresh water to which, every day, a small quantity of salt was added. After a few months, when in the latter case the saltness was 4 / the number of the foregoing individuals which were yet living in the salted water was nearly exactly the same as that of the individuals yet alive in the fresh-water aquarium : in both aquaria the same number of animals had been originally introduced, and out of 400 there remained 170 in salt water, 184 in fresh water. Other species suffered more ; while only 40 / Paludina died in fresh water, 71*54 % died m sa lt water, and while Unto and Anodonta all throve well in fresh water, they all died in salt. It is an 1 F. S. Beudant, Memoir c sur la Possibilite de fairs vivre des Mol- lusques fluviatihs dans les Eaux salees, et des Mottusques marins dans les Eaux douces, consideree sous le rapport de la Geologic. Paris, 1816, Journal de Physique, vol. Ixxxiii. p. 268. 1 86 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. interesting fact that some of the animals accustomed to salt water did very well when suddenly transferred into fresh water, and also when, a month later, they were again suddenly replaced in the salt solution, although, in the latter case, animals of the same species die immediately when they are placed in salt water without having been gradually accustomed to it by small doses of salt. In another series of experiments Beudant tried to accustom marine animals to fresh water. These animals, of the genera Haliotis, Cerithium, Buccinum, Tellina, Verms, Ostrea, Pecten, Mytilus, when suddenly immersed in fresh water soon died, although some of the littoral species certainly seemed to resist longer. After this experiment Beudant tried to accustom the same species gradually. He had thirty-eight species at his disposal, in great numbers, and performed the experiment as in the converse case, adding fresh water every day, so that after five months the animals were living in pure fresh water. Out of thirty-eight species, twenty withstood the change perfectly well ; 370 out of 610 being alive in fresh water, while in salt water there were 401 ; while the eighteen others were unable to exist. Lastly, in a third series of investigations, Beudant established the fact that marine molluscs are able to live in sea water containing 30 / of common salt, a iv AUTHOR'S EXPERIMENTS 187 much larger proportion than that which is commonly found in the sea. These experiments show that animals may be accustomed to live in media which are very different from those which they normally inhabit, provided the change is a gradual one. I performed similar investi- gations some years ago with different animals, 1 with the view of ascertaining whether it may not be gene- rally said that the animals which live close to the sea shore where the fresh water of river and rain must certainly somewhat sweeten the sea water, are more liable than others, inhabiting the sea at greater distances from the coast, to get accustomed to life in fresh water. I first compared the resistance to fresh water of three species of Actinozoa, which were A ctinia mesembryanthemum, Anthea Cereus, and Sagartia parasitica, putting them at first into an aquarium containing six litres of salt water and one and a half of fresh water. All went well. After a few days I increased the proportion of fresh water, and no change was apparent, so that on the seventh day I mixed four and a half litres of sea water with three of fresh water. On the ninth day death came, carrying off one Sagar- tia. A second died on the eleventh day, and on the thirteenth and fifteenth days the two last of this species 1 Henry de Varigny, Beitrag zum Studium des Einjlusses siissen Wasscrs auf die Seethiere. Centralblait f. Physiologic, 21 January, 1888. 1 88 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. died. The other species were doing quite well ; both are shore-inhabiting animals, while Sagartia lives at some depth in the sea. In another experiment, I used animals of very dif- ferent groups Carcinus maenas, Pagurus Prideauxii, Dromia vulgaris, Anthea Cereus, Sagartia para- sitica, Portunus puber, Doris tuberculata^ Venus (sp. ?), Actinia mesembryanthemum, Holothuria cucumaria, Grapsus (sp. ?) beginning with fresh water 20, and sea water 70. I gradually altered the proportions, so that on the thirty-fifth day I had 80 fresh water and 10 salt water. I cannot go into details of this experiment, or record the obituary of the different animals as they one by one died, dreaming doubtless of shores where experimenting bipeds are not admitted ; but the final result was, that on the thirty-eighth day I had nine animals living, of which eight were Actinia mesembryantJiemum, and one Carcinus maenas. While all my Anthea died, as also my Sagartia (the latter opening the march), I did not lose one single Actinia mesembryantkenmm. As all are aware, this species, as well as the Carcinus maenas^ lives as close as possible to the shore and to the surface, so that, in fact, both must certainly in their normal habitat have become accustomed to a decrease in the saltness of the water. I have wit- iv AUTHOR'S EXPERIMENTS 189 nessed facts which are exactly parallel l while compar- ing the influence of increased temperature on Crustace- ans of different species, some dwellers on the shore, and others at some distance ; the former withstand tem- peratures which the latter are unable to resist, and the reason may be found in the fact that the shore- inhabiting animals are liable (my experiments were made in Banyuls on the Mediterranean coast) to be much warmed in the pools or even in the surface water, by the heat of the sun. In the case of heat, as well as that of salt, there seems to exist a marked adaptation of the organisms, and this adaptation I have also investigated in regard quite different animals and conditions. 2 For instance while tadpoles soon die when introduced into water containing some amount of common salt, it is easy to enable them to survive by using at first very dilute solutions to which a small quantity of salt is added every day or every second day. But even when the pro- 1 Henry de Varigny, Ueber die Wirkung der Temperaturerhohungen auf einige Crustaceen. Centralblatt f. Physiologic, 1887. 2 Cf. Henry de Varigny : Influence exercee par les Principes contenus dans FEau de Mer sur le Developpement d? Animaux d'Eau douce. Comptes Rendus, 1883, vol. xcvii. p. 94.. But many of the results here recorded have been obtained at a later date, and the paper in which they have been embodied, read before the meeting of the French Association for the Advancement of Science, at the meeting held in Rouen, 1883, under the title : Sur V Action des Variations de Milieu sur les Animaux d'Eau douce, has remained unpublished. UNIVERSITY EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. cess is carefully and slowly accomplished, the age of the tadpoles experimented upon must be taken into consideration, for tadpoles of three weeks' age with- stand conditions which younger larvae cannot resist. For instance, young tadpoles, aged two or three days at the beginning of the experiment, all died when the water contained eleven grammes of salt per litre, while those which were three weeks old died only when the percentage was fifteen grammes per litre. Rather strangely, tadpoles of four or five weeks which had been accustomed to live in water containing fourteen grammes of salt per litre, died rapidly when I trans- ferred them to their normal element, fresh water : they had become so well adapted to the new environment that their normal medium had become deadly for them. Young eels may also be accustomed to live in salt water, although they are very sensitive to the influence of salt, even if there is less than two grammes of salt per litre of water : at the beginning they feel the change, and during some ten or twelve hours remain sluggish, seemingly half paralysed ; but they become quite well after twelve or fifteen hours, and recover their usual activity, and may be by gradual addi- tions of salt accustomed to live in water containing at least five grammes of salt per litre. P. Bert, Plateau, Hugo Eisig, and many others have performed similar experiments with similar results. They all show that REGNARD'S EXPERIMENTS 191 even inconsiderable differences in the environment, when sudden, are accompanied with great danger to the life of animals, while slow change may do no harm at all ; it even happens that the adaptation of the animal to the new environment becomes so close that sudden transfer to the formerly normal one is dangerous and even deadly. Instances of sudden changes of any sort where the result is death are to be met with in nature ; so that in all experiments bear- ing on the influence of environment upon organisms, care must be taken to alter it very gradually. Of course there are great differences in this influence of environ- ment on life ; any amount of carbonate or of sulphate of lime, for instance may be added to water in which tadpoles are living, without any injury ; other reagents are not equally dangerous, for a number of reasons which it is needless to enumerate here. Generally speaking, then, care must be taken to alter environment slowly, if we wish to appreciate its influence on organic forms and life. In some cases it happens that, while not totally impairing life, a change of environment is conducive to considerable change in the vital functions. Such 1 Regnard has seen to be the case in the animals subjected to pressures much greater than that under which they commonly live. 1 Cf. P. Regnard, Recherches experimentales sur les Conditions Physiqtusde la Vie sous les Eaux . Paris, 1891. 192 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. By means of instruments which he devised, he has been able to compel animals to live under enormous pressures, 500, 600, 800, and even 1000 atmospheres, which corresponds to a depth of over 30,000 feet in t?he sea, and he has seen that most animals, although they withstand 200 or 300 atmospheres without giving any signs of alteration in their vital functions, pass into a state of latent life when the pressure becomes higher. For instance, Vorticellae, under a pressure of 600 atmospheres, become motionless ; the cilia stop entirely, and the animal does not move at all : the same phenomenon is observed even at lower pressures (300), while other animals require higher ones. The same phenomenon appears with different species at different pressures. While some are killed if they remain some time in this condition, others revive when the pressure is diminished and becomes normal ; they revive in more or less time. Actinia plumosa may live a whole hour under 1000 atmospheres pressure : the animal seems to be dead, and when taken out of the apparatus strikes the spectator as being larger than before ; when weighed it is seen to be twice as heavy as before the experi- ment, water having doubtless been forced into its tissues. But after some hours the animal is itself again, has regained its normal weight and dimensions, and is quite well. The same obtains with star-fishes, iv EXPERIMENTAL TERATOGENY 193 ascidians, molluscs, worms, crustaceans, some aquatic insects, while frogs and fishes die when subjected to high pressures which the former easily withstand. I cannot enter here upon the details of the experi- ments or their results, nor upon the reason of these differences between different species, but the fact of latent life must be recorded. In experiments on the influence of environment such circumstances contrary to the continuation of life must be avoided ; they may be induced by other factors, such as change of chemical medium, for instance (in the case of micro- organisms), and it suffices to notice the fact. In some cases external influences may make them- selves felt by creating animals or plants which are abnormal and monstrous. Although in most cases life is impossible, through the importance of the disorders thus introduced, these facts are interesting, as they go to show that very slight influences may make themselves felt in a marked manner, when they are allowed to operate at certain periods of life, especially during that of early development, which is the only period during which real monsters may be produced. Among the physiologists who have investigated the question of experimental teratogeny, of the artificial production of monsters, none deserve mention more than Camille Dareste, the author of O 194 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. that celebrated work Recherches sur la Production A rtificielle des Monstruosites ; ou, Essais de Ttratogtnie Exptrimentale?- While Swammerdam 2 seems to have been the first to try to produce monstrosities in animals through experimental means, M. C. Dareste has been the first to investigate the subject in a precise manner, and he may indeed be called the founder of experimental teratogeny. All his methods, which are of a very simple sort, are described in his work ; they all have reference, as well as most of his investigations, to experiments on the eggs of birds, and they consist : (a) in placing the eggs in a vertical instead of a horizontal position ; (b) in covering part of the shell with some substance which resists the penetration of air ; (c) in keeping the eggs at temperatures which are slightly below or above that of normal incubation ; (d) in heating at different temperatures any two parts of the same egg. These methods have enabled M. Dareste to produce a large number of teratological specimens, many varieties of which were previously unknown, and the results obtained are very important in the discussion of many of the higher problems of natural science. But much remains to be done on the lines of investigation thus opened, and the main problem to be solved is that of 1 Paris, 1877 > 2n d edition in 1891. Reinwald. 8 Unfortunately, no record has been found of his experiments. iv EXPERIMENTAL TERATOGENY 195 producing monstrosities which are not of such a sort as to prevent the continuation of life after the end of the developmental period. We may expect that many methods will be discovered through which the embryo of most groups of animals and plants can be modified in some degree, without impairing vital functions, and this discovery will certainly prove most beneficial to experimental transformism. Other investigators have, in most parts of the scientific world, followed M. C. Dareste's experiments, and the results are valuable. For instance, M. J. Fallou l has shown that when cocoons of Attacus Pernyi are hung vertically, the butterflies are normal, while if resting horizontally the same cocoons yield abnormal butter- flies. He adds that a very slight disturbance in the internal conditions of the mode of suspension is enough to induce important variations. This point should be investigated anew. Again, G. Pouchet and Chabry have recently investigated the influence of some che- mical conditions on the development of young sea- urchins, by depriving the water in which the eggs are hatched of one of its normal components, carbonate of lime, 2 and they have seen that under such conditions 1 Etude sur la Prod^lction Artificielle des Lepidopftres anormaux. B^lll. Soc. Acclimatation, 1887, p. 499. 2 Sur le Developpement des Larves d* Our sin dans FEau de mer privee de Chaux. Comptes Rendusdela Societe de Biologic, 1889, p. 17. O 2, 196 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. considerable differences are noticeable in the evolution of individuals. The less carbonate there remains, the slower is the development ; and in no case does the larva go any further than the Pluteus stage. But the most interesting fact is that these embryos do not acquire the spicules which are so characteristic of their structure. The problem now consists in obtaining such abnormal embryos with sufficient vitality to keep alive, for the Pluteus obtained by Pouchet and Chabry have always proved unable to outlive the stage known by the same name. Recently also M. Marcacci has shown that when eggs of the common fowl are subjected to motion during^ the period of incubation, abnormal chicks are obtained and this is a new method of producing monsters. The foregoing general facts are enough to entitle us to draw the conclusion that environmental changes, while in many cases liable to cause rapid death, or considerable disturbance of vital functions, may in others, and especially when care is taken not to produce too important modifications, result in organisms which diverge widely from the common form. As yet, however, the divergences have been too great, involving changes which make life impos- sible. But new investigations may show that this influence of environment can be reduced in degree, so that the organisms thus modified may be able iv ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 197 to live to the adult condition. At all events, it is certainly more interesting for us to see that slight external causes may determine considerable effects than it would be to meet with sheer impossibility of any action or influence. The facts that we are now acquainted with go to show that the influence of environment upon the development of the egg is considerable from the very first stages of the building of the embryo, from the segmentation process itself. This has been ascertained by H. W. Conn in reference to the eggs of Thalassema mellita, where segmentation is regular or irregular according to the mode of life free or protected ; by Pfliiger, in reference to amphibian eggs, by O. and R. Hertwig, and by Marcacci ; while Tichomiroff has witnessed parthenogenesis artificially induced in insects by chemical stimuli. Many facts also go to prove that external influences are very efficient in accelerating or retarding the developmental processes, as every naturalist has certainly noticed when comparing the development of eggs from the same Lymnaea or Planorbis for instance, under different conditions of heat or light ; and other facts show that environment also exerts a marked influence on the general metabolism of the body. This influence is illustrated by experiments on the 198 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. growth of animals or plants, and it may be well to dwell upon this. As a general fact, growth and dimensions are correlated with the quantity and quality of food. All breeders know what is the most suitable food for their animals, according to the result they wish to obtain ; all agriculturists know exactly what are the manures they must use, according to the soil on which they grow their plants, and the species, the varieties even, that they put under culti- vation. These facts have been put beyond doubt by the numerous experiments which have been performed in the English, French, and German agricultural stations, and all have seen illustrations showing the influence of the principal manures, if not the plants themselves. Although these sorts of experiments originated over a century ago although Tillet began in 1770 to perform investigations with artificial soils made with different proportions of natural earth, with the view of ascertaining the influence of the com- ponents on the crop obtained, the study of manures, conducted in a scientific manner, has been only during the present century made to yield the precise and valuable results we are all acquainted with. 1 But 1 Tillet 's experiments were published under the following title : Experiences et Observations sur la Wgttation du Bit dans chacune des Matieres simples dont les terres labourables sont ordinairement composes, et dans different* melanges de ces matib-es, par lesquels on s'est rap- procht de ceux qui constituent ces mtmes terres a labour. Histoire et iv ENVIRONMENT AND GROWTH 199 many other external conditions exert a considerable influence on growth and weight, such as light, heat etc. In 1709 De Vallemont 1 noticed others may have done the same before him that in trees the wood is thicker on the southern than on the northern aspect, and he ascribed this fact to the greater heat received by the southern side of plants ; and Kraus has shown that fruits grow much more during the night than during daytime, the difference being be- tween eighty or ninety and twenty or ten per cent. ; eighty per cent, of the growth of an apple, for instance, occurring at night-time, while twenty per cent, occurs during the day. 2 On these points further information is to be found in any text-book of plant physiology, such as those of Sachs or of Vines. Concerning animal growth and its dependence upon external conditions, Yung, 3 of Geneva, has performed many useful experiments, showing how considerable variations are induced in the length and dimensions of tadpoles through the use of different foods, animal foods, such as egg and flesh especially, being much Memoires de f Academic Royale des Sciences, 1772, p. 99 of Part I. of the Memoires. 1 Curiosites de la Nature et de FArt, 1709, p. 57. 2 Cf. Naudin, Rythme de la Croissance. Revue Horticole, 1872, p. 408. 3 Cf. his recent Propos Scientifiques^ in which are abstracted most of his investigations. 200 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. more suitable than vegetable food. He has shown also that growth is certainly correlated with other influences, since, even when food is superabundant, tadpoles become sooner transformed into the adult form when they are few than when they are numerous in the same space. This had already been noticed by Semper in his experiments on Lymnaea stagnates* to which reference has already been made, and I have also spoken of my own experiments on the same subject. 2 To these facts I shall merely add the general fact, recorded by Herbert Spencer, that trout and other fishes living in small streams are generally small ; that pond-snails grow larger in ponds than in rivers, and that under natural conditions, as Balas- chewa has noticed, the smaller the mass of water in which molluscs live, the smaller they remain. And R. P. Whitfield, 3 who has performed experiments similar to those of Semper, has obtained the same results, with this additional interesting circumstance, that when the dwarfing process is made to operate 1 C. Semper, Ueber die Wachsthums-Bedingungen der Lymnaeus stagnalis. Arbeit en aus dem Zool. Zoot. Institut zu Wiirzburg, vol. i., 1874. 2 H. de Varigny, Contribution Experimental a f Etude de la Crois- sance. Comptes Rendus, June 15, 1891. 3 Description of the Animal of Lymnaea megasoma (Say), with some Account oj the Changes produced by Confinement in Aquaria and under Unnattiral Conditions. Am. Naturalist, 1880, p. 51 (abstract). iv ENVIRONMENT AND PHYSIOLOGY 201 on successive generations, important sexual changes occur which are correlated with the changes in growth and size ; instead of being as usual hermaphrodite the individuals (of Lymnaea megasoma] become uni- sexual and are exclusively female. At the same time also the hepatic gland undergoes a process of partial atrophy. These influences of external agents on in- ternal viscera, such as the sexual glands and liver, whether directly or indirectly exerted, are very inter- esting, and more cases of a similar nature may be discovered if more attention is paid to the process. It is merely a matter of historical interest to recall that the father of natural science, Aristotle, many centuries ago noticed the variations in growth and dimensions while comparing animals of the same species in Egypt and in Greece. The preceding facts show that external influences may react on the general growth of organisms, and perhaps on their internal constitution. In some cases, however, where variation in environ- ment might be expected on a priori grounds to inter- fere greatly with internal constitution, we perceive no such interference, and we are compelled to draw the conclusion that the organism admits of a greater amount of physiological elasticity than we expected. I find a good instance of such elasticity in the result of recent experiments which have been conducted by 202 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. Messrs. Irvine and Woodhead. 1 These experiments show that when laying hens are deprived of carbonate of lime by being shut into a room lined throughout with wood, without sand or soil, they are yet able to lay normal eggs, provided with the usual shell, if sul- phate of lime is given to them in their food. It follows that when the hen's organism does not receive carbon- ate of lime as is usually the case, it is able to trans- form sulphate into carbonate. We do not know exactly how things go on in this case, nor even in the normal case. 2 Are carbonate and sulphate of lime trans- formed into phosphate for instance, which is carried under this form to all parts of the organism, and is in the oviduct transformed by nascent carbonic acid the result of the respiration of tissues into carbonate of lime ? In such case the thing would be less surprising than in any other hypothesis ; at all events, whatever the case may be, we have here a very precise* instance of external variation being met by the organism, whether its physiology varies or not. But other animals offer the reverse instance, as Irvine and 1 R. Irvine and G. Sims Woodhead : On the Secretion of Lime by Animals ) Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin. May 7, 1889, and Secretion of Carbonate of Lime by Animals (Part II.), ibid. 2 I would refer the reader, for a recent investigation of this matter, to Moynier de Villepoise : Note sur le Mode de Production des Formations calcaires dti Teste des Molhisques. Comptes Rendus Societe de Biologic, 1892 iv IRVINE AND WOODHEAD'S EXPERIMENTS 203 Woodhead have shown. They have seen that crabs living in sea-water from which chloride of calcium is excluded, cannot, after shedding their exoskeleton, form a new one even when sulphate of lime and chloride of sodium are present in the water : chloride of calcium is quite necessary for the formation of the crab shell. Considering now external form, we see that it may be influenced by external influences, as well as internal constitution or physiology. Here are some instances out of many. M. Languet de Sivry, some fifty years ago, 1 noticed that seeds of short-rooted carrot, when sown in a particular soil, in the alluvial deposits formed by a small river in France, yielded imme- diately, during the first generation, a number of long- rooted plants, either white or yellow, whose roots were very much larger than those in the parent plants. The seeds of the best, or less deformed plants, were selected, and sown in the same soil. The result was that in the second generation hardly any roots were found of the short type, and most were exactly similar to the common wild form. Again, Petermann (Con- tribution a la Chimie eta la Physiologie de la Better ave a sucre, Brussels, 1889) notices the fact, familiar to all horticulturists, that when a plant beet for instance is grown in poor soil, its root becomes much longer 1 Cf. Societe Roy ale et Centrale d' Agriculture, 2nd series, vol. ii., 1846-7, p. 539. 204 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. than is usually the case because it lengthens in pur- suit of richer soil ; and when thick-rooted plants, such as beet, are experimented upon, a very striking differ- ence is produced in the length and also the thickness of the root by the chemical constitution of the soil the plants inhabit. Many facts of this sort might be quoted. Con- cerning animals, we may note that Bourguignat thinks left-handed shells of molluscs are due to some electrical influences in operation during the period when the embryo is rotating in the egg (experiment might settle this) ; and Brot 1 has noticed a fact which, although very singular, can be merely mentioned here. One year he remarked a small pond near Geneva which contained many pond-snails, and found that nine-tenths of them were in various respects abnormal. Next year he visited the place again, but found only normal forms. The fact remains unexplained but not unparalleled, as other observers have met with similar instances as our writer only notices that in the first visit he found a large amount of common Hydra, while none at all were to be found at the second. It would seem rather audacious to ascribe the deformations of the molluscs to the presence of Hydra, even in large quantities ; but, on the other 1 Cf. Locard, Variations Malacologiques, vol. ii., where these facts are noted. iv TEMPERATURE AND LIFE 205 hand, I think no naturalist, knowing anything about the mutual interaction of living organisms, would dismiss the case entirely, and say that any influence of the one on the other is impossible and incredible. Alterations in the forms of animals, especially molluscs, are very frequent, and in some cases a sug- gestion as to the causes may be gained, when the deformed animals live under circumstances where a departure from the normal conditions is obvious. It is well known that many warm springs contain a large number of living plants and animals. Physa acuta, for instance, has been found in waters at 30 Cent (Fischer), and even at 33 and 35 Cent, (at Dax, according to Dubalen, in Soc. Linneenne de Bordeaux, vol. xxix. p. 4), while Turbo thermalis lives at 50 Cent, at Albano, 1 and Neritina thermophila between 50 and 60 Cent, in New Brittany Island, according to Studer, etc. But it would seem that when individuals which have not been gradually accustomed to such con- ditions, through their ancestors, live for the first time in such unnatural media, many deformations are apt to appear. M. G. Regelsperger 2 has observed the following case. The waters of an artesian well, sunk 1 De Blainville's article Mollusques, in the Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles, 1816-30. 2 Deformations remarquables de Physa acuta observees a Rochefort surMer. Actes de la Societe Linneenne de Bordeattx, vol. xxxix. (vol. ix. of 4th series), 1885, p. 117. 206 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. many years before, were made to run into a garden. The water was ferruginous, and its temperature was 32 or 33 Cent, in 1881, when the writer first began to notice the facts. At that time individuals of Physa acuta were seen in the water, and it was re- marked that they were generally small, and in many cases much deformed, as one may perceive by a glance at the illustrations which accompany M. Regelsperger's paper. In 1882 the temperature of the water had fallen off considerably ; instead of being at 32 or 33 it had decreased to 26*5. M. Regelsperger again examined the animals, and saw that deformed individuals were very scarce. Since then the flow of the water has entirely ceased, the pipes having become im- permeable, and the part where the animals are seen re- ceives simply rain-water. Now the animals seem larger than they were when they lived in warm water, and none are deformed. In this case it seems quite certain that the deformations were the result of the heated water the animals lived in/ and experiments can easily be made to prove the fact, or to disprove it, as the case may be. Ritzema Bos l has observed other deforma- tions, or form-alterations, in very different animals and circumstances. Tylenchi (Tylenchus devastatrix), which have been accustomed for some generations to 1 Untersuchungen ilber Tylenchus devastatrix. Biol. Centralblatt, vii., 1887, pp. 232-243. iv ENVIRONMENT AND DEFORMATION 207 feed on one single sort of plant, acquire form and size which differ from those of the same species fed on other plants, and it even seems that here physiological variation also comes into play, since prolonged life on one plant makes them less dangerous for other sorts of plants. Deformations may be determined by other natural causes. M. Pire 1 has seen Planorbis complanatus much deformed in Belgium through the influence of a thick layer of aquatic plants on the surface of the pond, preventing easy access to the air, and S. Clessin 2 ex- plains the numerous deformations of the Lymnaea tumida in the Bodensee and Starnbergsee as due to the constant motion of the surface of these two lakes. Form may vary in plants also, according to motion for instance, many plants being much smaller and much deformed in windy localities. Behrens has noticed the influence of currents on the forms of aquatic plants, which E. Mer and others have also done ; and this leads us to consider the variations in internal structure, and in functions which are cor- related with those modifications of external characters. E. Mer is among those who have investigated the matter in the most precise manner, and the results 1 Annales Soc. Malacologiqne dc Belgiqtie, vol. vi., 1871, and xiv., 1879. a Deutsche- Excursions Molhisken Fauna, Nuremberg, 1876, p. 368. 2o8 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. obtained are interesting. His investigations were made upon amphibious plants. 1 In Ranunculus aquatilis the external differences are well known between the plants which grow in water, and those which live on land, in the length and thickness of the stem, the length of internodes, etc., and if direct ex- periment and observation had not shown that the two forms belong to the same species, they would certainly be considered as different. Important structural differences are also present. If we consider the leaves only, we see that in the aquatic leaf the dichotomies are from eight to ten in number ; the cells are cylindrical with two or three hairs ; the epidermic cells are regularly shaped and contain chlorophyll, and bear but few stomata ; while in the air-inhabiting leaf, dichotomies are from two to six in number ; cells are flattened, without hairs ; epidermic cells are irregular and contain no chlorophyll, while they bear a large number of stomata. The same differences obtain in the leaves of Carex ampullacea as shown here : Submerged leaves. Leaves not submerged. Epidermic cells long, wide, Very thick cuticle. Nu- without stomata. merous stomata. 2-3 rows of cells with 4-5 rows of cells with abun- chlorophyll. dant chlorophyll. 1 E. Mer, Des Modifications de Forme et de Structure que subissent les Plantes suivant qu'elks vegttent a F Air ou sous V Eau. Bull. Soc. Botanique, 1880, p. 50. iv ENVIRONMENT AND LEAF-FORMS 209 In a more recent paper Costantin has investigated the same subject, and given special attention to the influence of environment on the production of stomata. 1 In Hippuris vulgaris the leaves which live in water are long, thin, and sinuous, while in the air they are short and thick ; in the water the epidermis consists of short regular cells, bearing a number of stomata, while in the water the cells are long, thin, narrow, and bear no stomata. The writer has from the same rhizome of Polygonum amphibium grown two plants, one in water, the other in air, and while the latter was provided with numerous stomata, the former had none at all. This illustrates well the in- fluence of environment on the production of stomata, and in Stratiotes aloides stomata are seen to appear on the leaves as they gradually emerge above the surface of the water. But the most minute and valuable investigations in reference to this matter have been conducted by M. Pierre Lesage, and were described last year 2 in his inaugural thesis. His re- searches bear upon the question of the influence of 1 Costantin, Influence du Milieu Aquatique sur les Stomatcs. Bull. Soc. Botanique, 1885, p. 259. 2 Pierre Lesage, Influence du Bord de la Mer sur la Structure dcs Feuilles. Rennes, Oberthur, 1890. See also his Contributions a la Biologic des Plantes du Littoral et des Halophytes ; Influence de laSalure sur f Anatomie des Vegetaux, ibid. 1891, which contains an abstract of many experiments performed after the publication of this thesis. 210 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. shore and inland life on different individuals of the same species, the number of species investigated being eighty-five. The results have been that in fifty-four species leaves are thicker in the vicinity of the sea than in inland individuals ; in twenty-seven species no difference is apparent ; and in four, leaves are thicker inland than near the sea. If we consider that of the fifty-four species above mentioned, seven- teen are shore-inhabiting plants, while thirty-seven live preferably inland, it is obvious that, generally speaking, inland plants acquire thicker leaves when living in the vicinity of salt water. So much for the external characters. Now if we consider internal characters, many differences are detected which ex- plain the presence of the external differences, and these differences are observable in all parts of the leaves. Epidermic cells are larger in twenty-three shore plants, but in thirty-one there is no differ- ence, while in four the difference turns to the advan- tage of inland plants. Here, then, the influence makes itself but little felt. The case is quite altered when the mesophyll is considered, for while in eleven species there is no difference, in all others the palisade cells are either more numerous or attain greater thickness, or exhibit both characters at once, and at the same time the interspaces which underlie the stratum of palisade-cells are much reduced. The iv LESAGE'S EXPERIMENTS 211 principal cause of dimensional differences is then to be found here. And lastly chlorophyll is less abun- dant in shore-inhabiting individuals. These facts of observation have been confirmed by experimental facts. M. Lesage has cultivated plants of the same species under precisely similar conditions save one, and has found that the results concur with his obser- vations. The one condition which differs between the two sets of cultivations is the presence or absence of common salt in the water used for watering the plants. Of two individuals of the same species the one which has grown in soil watered with salted water has thicker leaves, and in these leaves the palisade cells are seen to be larger and more numerous. The experiments show that the influence exerted by sea-shore life on plants is principally due to the salt which is always contained in lesser or greater quantities in the soil, and is brought there by the winds carrying small drops of sea-water from the crests of the waves ; they show at the same time that external variations are accompanied by important structural differences. Sea-shore life or the presence of some common salt in the soil where plants grow exerts even more im- portant variations ; variations not in morphology and anatomical features, but in the physiological processes. In experiments concerning radishes M. P. Lesage has seen that while in radishes watered P 2 212 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. with common pure water starch is never or but rarely present in the root at the period when it is generally eaten, plants of the same age watered with solutions of common salt (from I to 20 per thousand) do con- tain a great deal of starch under certain conditions. For instance, if the water contains 20 per mille of salt, or i or 2 per mille, there is no starch ; at 3 or 5 /oo tnere is little of it ; at 10 % a little more, but at 4 /oo there is a large amount of starch. Thus, the presence of common salt, in definite proportions, exerts a considerable influence on the chemical structure and physiology of the plant. 1 With Lepidium sativum things are somewhat different : while the plant con- tains normally a large amount of starch, watering with a solution containing 10 / 00 or more of common salt causes the starch to diminish in a large measure and even to disappear totally, while weak solutions do not interfere with the proportions of this sub- stance. 2 1 Cf. Lesage : Sur la Quantite d'Amidon contenue dans les Tuber- cules du Radis. Comptes Rendus, September 7, 1891. 2 Cf. Influence de la Salure surla quantite de f Amidon contenue dans les Organcs vegetatifs du Lepidium sativum (Comptes Rendus, April 20, 1891), and two other notes in the Comptes Rendus, January 18, 1892, and March 31, 1891. I would also refer the reader, on this general subject i of 'the influence of salt on structure and physiology, to A. Batalin : Wirkung des Chlornatriums auf die Entwickelung von Salicornia herbacea (International Meeting of Botanists and Horti- culturists in St. Petersburg, 1884) ; and to C. Brick : Beitrage zur Biologic tind vergleichende Anatomie der baltischen Strandpflanztn iv SCHMANKKWITSCH'S EXPERIMENTS 213 But external differences seem in some cases to have much greater moment than has hitherto been re- cognised, and in this respect no facts are of higher interest than those which were some years ago made known by the investigations of a Russian naturalist, M. Schmankewitsch, 1 to whose work I must call attention, although most have certainly heard more or less about it. Daphnia (or Moina) rectirostris is a small Crustacean which lives indifferently in fresh water, in brine ditches, and in salt lakes when the con- centration varies from five to eight degrees of Baume's areometer. But this difference in life-conditions is .accompanied by noticeable variations in the physiology and structure of the animal. The mean temperature of the salt lake being lower than that of the fresh waters, Daphnia while being a summer form in the latter becomes an autumn form in the former, and thus has acquired the custom of living and even multiply- ing in salt water at temperatures at which the fresh- water form cannot live. So much for the physiological variation. M. Schmankewitsch goes on to say, as (Schriften der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Dantzig, 1888). Both authors obtain results which are entirely confirmed by M. Lesage's investigations. 1 Cf. Zeitschrijt f. Wiss. Zoologie, 1877, vol. xxix., p. 429, and also the Transactions of the Neo- Russian Society of Naturalists for 1875. The original papers have been abstracted in Packard's Monograph of North American Phyllopod Crustacea, 1883, Washington (Geological Survey). 214 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. concerns anatomical characters : "In the females of the Chadschibai Lake the penicilli or fascicles of knob- bed setae (Tast-Borsteri) are but little developed, being nearly fifty times shorter than the antennae themselves, while in the females of fresh water the same sensitive penicilli are moderately long and only six times shorter than the entire antennae. In the males the sensitive rods are also shorter than in those males inhabiting fresh water. The small hooks situated near the sensitive rods on the tips of the male antennae of fresh-water forms are strongly curved with pointed tips, while in the males of Chadschibai Lake those hooks are shorter, less curved, and with blunt tips. Of the two pointed pale sensory threads situated on geniculated protuberances of the first posterior third section of the male antennae, the posterior one is a little shorter than the anterior thread, the latter coming out a little more in front. These threads are, in the males of Dqphnia rectirostris of the Chadschibai Lake, not in a straight but in a screw-like line. The distance between the threads is considerable, which character in the fresh-water males is much less prominent." I should scarcely have ventured to quote the foregoing lines, and to enter into such very minute details, if it was not a fact familiar to all that many zoologists are to be found in all countries who spend their life in establishing new iv SCHMANKEWITSCH'S EXPERIMENTS 215 species which are often based on characters such as those which Schmankewitsch refers to. These are specific characters, or at least we are told so every day by any number of systematic zoologists, and they are supposed to know " all about species," so we may go on with the quotation. " Besides the differences observed in the antennae of the salt-water generations of Moina rectirostris, our attention is called to the number of slender finely-toothed spines which occur on the lateral surface of the post-abdomen of Daphnia rectirostris, running in lateral series and nearly parallel with the direction of the rectum. Leydig called them finely-feathered spines, which I would have called triangular laterally dentate plates. However this may be, we observe in our fresh-water forms of D. rectirostris on each side from eleven to thirteen of these spines or plates, and only from seven to nine in the salt-lake form, meaning here, as a matter of course, mature individuals only. In younger specimens there are fewer spines than in the adults of the same surroundings, and therefore the young fresh-water forms have the same number of spines at a certain age as the adult forms of the salt lake, which demon- strates the retarded development of the latter." And further on : " We now find, in comparing the fresh- water generations with the salt-water generations of Daphnia rectirostris, that the latter generations are 216 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. not only changed in consequence of the immediate effect of the surrounding elements, but also in con- sequence of retarded development under their influ- ence ; and, furthermore, that sexual maturity shows itself in the salt-water generations earlier than the complete typical development of the body-parts. The termination of the sensory antennae, the colour of the body, the lesser pinnulation of the bristles in the salt-water generations are principally dependent upon the immediate effect of the surrounding elements. The smaller number of the above-mentioned spines on the post-abdomen principally depends upon the retarded development under the influence of changed surroundings." We thus see that the change of environment makes itself felt in various changes in the anatomy and physiology of the species investigated. The same conclusion holds good in the case of Branchipus ferox, another Crustacean which inhabits both salt and fresh waters. The differences relate to the length which the egg-sac attains, the segments of the animal, its shape, the length of the furcal lobes, and the bristles of the latter. " The most important difference," says Schmankewitsch, " con- sists in that while in Branchipus ferox of our salt ditches the furcal lobes have both edges bristled, in the fresh-water form only the inner edges of the lobes iv SCHMANKEWITSCH'S EXPERIMENTS 217 are bristled, etc." And he again says, " Had I not found all possible transitory forms between salt-ditch and fresh-water specimens, had I not convinced my- self of the variability by domestication of this form, I should have regarded the salt-lake specimen as a new form." Other investigations have shown M. Schmankewitsch that Daphnia degenerata is merely a changed and degraded variety of D. magna, while the latter is an intermediate form between the typical D. magna and D. pulex. But among Phyllopods no species seem more sensitive to the influence of the surrounding element than the genera Artemia and Branchipus. Changes in environment are apt to produce such variations in the same generation that two closely allied forms hardly admit of distinction. For instance, Artemia salina, which lives in water whose concentration varies from 5 to 12 of saltness, exhibits at high con- centrations (12 or 15) strong tendencies towards the form of Artemia milhausenii, which is a form able to live in water at 24 or 25, in water where the self-deposition of salt is imminent, and between both forms all transitional types are found, which show that both are really of the same species, since A. milhau- senii may be obtained from A. salina through the increase of the proportion of salt in the water. And we cannot escape the conclusion that either our species 218 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. may be transformed into each other, or that the characters upon which they are based are worthless and require a severe revision. To end with external characters, I shall merely remind you of the facts which illustrate the influence of environment on integuments ; merino sheep lose their wool in warm climates and recover it under cold skies ; Iceland cattle have short and small horns which develop well under mild temperature ; the silky cover- ing of the common hen, in Guinea, becomes trans- formed in Europe into the feathers we are accustomed to see on our domestic fowl, etc. Such instances are very numerous, and since the anatomical change follows immediately upon the change of conditions, we are at liberty to ascribe the former to the latter. But we must now turn to more important changes in internal structure or functions, which may be experimentally produced at will through environ- mental changes. Schiibeler has shown that seeds may, through a change in climate and environment, be made to become larger than usual, and also to exhibit greater rapidity in the germinating process. At the same time the plants grown from the seeds are more coloured than in their accustomed climate. This fact may be ascribed to the influence of the greater light in northern regions, and light, it is known, is apt iv ENVIRONMENT AND PLANT LIFE 219 to make up for temperature, within some limits, in plant growth, as De Candolle and others have shown. At all events the fact that climate or environment reacts on the germinative faculty is a positive one. It is well known that the same animals or plants, in different climates or conditions, exhibit marked differences in their physiology and intimate functions. Grape-vines transferred from the Rhine valley to Madeira require but a few years to yield Madeira wine, very different from the Rhine wines. It seems, from the experience of vine-growers, that the taste of the grapes and wine depends largely upon the chemical composition of the soil, some soils being very un- favourable and always yielding wine or grapes of inferior taste. Of course, differences in taste are due to variations in the chemistry and physiological pro- cesses of the plant and fruit. The same fact may be observed with most vegetables ; all possess a pleasanter flavour when grown in one sort of soil than in another. In some cases these internal dif- ferences are accompanied by external differences, and M. Saint Lager has thus been led to consider Ulex major, Trifolium Molineri, Cirsium anglicum, and Rhododendron ferrugineum as forms of U. parvi- floruS) T. incarnatum, C. bulbosum, and Rh. hirsutum, due to the influence of soil containing much silicon, while the latter inhabit soils containing much lime. 220 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. Some mutilations react on the process of fructifica- tion, if it be true that by cutting through the medulla of a grape-vine stem, grapes are obtained which contain no seeds. The fact has been often spoken of for at least 1,900 years, as ancient Romans practised it, according to trustworthy witnesses, such as Columella, Camulogen, and Pliny. 1 At all events the experiment is worth trying, and some interesting facts might be derived from it. Colour variations may be experimentally deter- mined through changes in environment. Moleschott has observed that in pure oxygen no black pigment is generated in the skin of frogs, and the coloration of birds' eggs sometimes varies with the amount of light to which they are exposed. These facts are enough to point the way to many interesting experiments. We can also produce changes in sexuality, since we know that the want of suitable depositing ground for trout, is, according to Barfurth, followed by degenera- tion and permanent sterility, or at least by the production of weak forms. In many cases also, defi- cient nutrition of parents determines predominant maleness in the progeny, and Giard has shown that castration parasitaire, as he calls it, that is the presence 1 Cf. Revue Horticole, 1884, pp. 6 and 219; Couverchel, Trait* des Fruits, 1839 ; Columella, De Arboribus, and also Olivier de Serres, who knew of the process, but denied its efficacy. TV WEISMANN'S CRITICISMS 221 of parasites, affects in a marked degree some sexual characters, males being made thus to resemble more or less females in external secondary character?, while complete sterility may be induced through action on the essential sexual parts. Fertility may thus be affected in many manners, by want of space (Semper), by nutrition (Maupas), etc., and many facts also go to show that external influ- ences have a good deal to do with the nature of segmentation and even with the occurrence of par- thenogenesis. As concerns physiological characters, we are also able to induce much modification, by changes in pressure for instance, or by altered food, etc. Through gradual increase of heat we may, as Dallinger has done, accustom certain Monads to live at temperatures which are deadly to them in other circumstances ; Chauveau has shown us how we can profoundly alter the physio- logical characters of micro-organisms, etc. At least it seems to us that this conclusion fairly follows from the foregoing facts. But we cannot proceed without saying a word of Weismann's posi- tion in regard to these facts. In one of his essays, On the Supposed Botanical Proofs of the Transmis- sion of Acquired Characters, written a few years ago, Weismann has discussed some cases which are similar to some of those I have related. One of these cases, 222 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. brought forward by Detmer, is that of the shoots of Thiija occidentalis. These shoots contain in their upper side green palisade cells, while the under sides possess green spheroidal cells. And when the branches are turned upside down, and are fixed in this position, the anatomical structure of the shoots which put in their appearance later is reversed ; the side which was destined to become the upper side, and which a change in the branch's position has made the lower side, assumes the structure of the lower side, and vice versa. A similar case occurs with the climbing shoots of the ivy, and in Tropaeolum leaves important structural changes have been noticed by Detmer in response to differences in external influences, or change of envi- ronment. Now Weismann says, " Such differences [in structure] do not by any means afford proof of the direct production of structural changes by means of external influences. How would such an explanation be consistent with the fact that the leaves are, in all these cases, changed in a highly purposeful manner ? Or is it assumed that these organs were so constituted from the beginning that they are compelled to respond to external conditions by the production of useful changes ? Any one who made such an assertion now- adays, or who even thought of such a thing as a possibility, would prove that he is entirely ignorant of the facts of organic nature, and that he has no claim iv WEISMANN'S CRITICISMS 223 to be heard upon the question of the transformation of species." These are rather big words, and Professor Weismann has perhaps written somewhat hastily. It may be answered that all evolutionists, and more especially " Natural Selectionists," to whom Professor Weismann belongs, assume the production of " useful changes " with or without change of external condi- tions, since those only survive in the struggle for life who offer beneficial modifications or adaptations. And of course the production of such " useful changes " is of much higher importance when the en- vironment changes than when it remains unmodified. Professor Weismann denies the importance and trans- missibility of variations due to external modifica- tions. But then how does he explain the fact now repeatedly ascertained in all bacteriological labora- tories that all micro-organisms, bacilli, bacteria, etc., undergo under cultivation in different external condi- tionswhether of light, heat, or food, it matters little such important modifications that they may be made to lose their essential characters, and that these charac- ters are lost as long as the external modification per- sists ? Take Bacillus anthracis, for instance. Com- pared with many other bacilli, it differs very slightly in external characters ; the principal and all-important difference is that it determines in many animals a disease of a very precise character which can be mis- 224 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. taken for no other. But this bacillus, if you alter even very slightly some of the external conditions it lives in, gradually loses its most important character ; it is deeply modified for the time being that is for the time you compel it to live under particular conditions, and perhaps even for some time the normal conditions are restored. The usefulness or unusefulness of the modification are not in the slightest degree apparent, and to evolutionists it matters little, since modifications may be useful, useless, or indifferent, or even injurious, and natural selection destroys all that is not useful, or at least indifferent ; but the main fact is that here is an important modification which puts in its appearance when some external conditions are changed, and dis- appears when the normal condition reappears. Is envi- ronment operative here, or must we assume that when Bacillus anthracis is cultivated in some particular manner, it loses its most important character without any reference to the change of environment ? I dare say no bacteriologist or physiologist could be met who would venture to assert that the change of character is not in direct relation with the change of external conditions, whether the former is beneficial or not. It seems, then, that Prof. Weismann goes certainly too far when he asserts that we have no proof of the direct production of transmissible changes by means of external influences. It may be said that he iv WEISMANN'S CRITICISMS 225 restricts his denial to the Metazoa ; but this is assuming a physiological contrast to the unicellular forms of life which it will not be easy to justify. On the other hand, we possess, in the facts of domestica- tion and cultivation, a large number of cases of variation which occurs in every part due to environ- ment, and transmitted by inheritance in various degrees. Psychology affords similar instances : a kitten which has never seen a dog is afraid from the first moment it perceives one ; young birds of many species instinctively fear the hawk and other birds of prey, while remaining unaffected by the presence of other birds. Are these not psychological " attitudes " due to environment (acting on the mens of ancestors) which have been transmitted by inheritance ; are these not acquired characters / I would recommend, in regard to this discussion, two recent papers : Mr. J. A. Thomson's History and Theory of Heredity (Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., 1889), where the writer gives his reasons for not accepting Weismann's extreme views, and E. B. Poulton's Theories of Pleredity (Mid- land Union of Natural History Societies, 1889). The latter seems more favourably disposed to Weismann's theory, which he has greatly contributed to spread in England through his excellent translation of the Essays on Heredity. LECTURE V Summary : Experimental Evolution based on the four preceding Groups of Facts. These Facts illustrate at the same time its Methods, which are : Change of Environment ; Use and Disuse ; Natural Selection ; Sexual Selection ; and Physiological Selection. These Factors of Evolution must all be subjected to Ex- perimental Test in order to show what they can Effect. What is wanted : A Direct Proof, which all may Perceive and Touch, of one Species (or Form) giving Birth to another more or less Different, and Permanent. Numerous Accessory Problems to be Investigated at the same time. Scientific and Practical Import of this Line of Investigation. Requirements : Farm and Laboratory ; Animals and Plants ; Time ; Experiments must be able to last 20, 50, IOD Years or more. This Experimental Investigation must and shall be performed. But who is to begin ? WE have thus shown that a high degree of varia- bility exists among animals and plants in the natural state as well as under domestication, and that through the modification of environment, in part or in whole, we are able to determine some changes in organisms. This variability is met with in all parts of the body, even in those which seem to be the most permanent. What does this demonstrate ? it may be asked. And the objection arises : What does it matter that LECT. v USE OF FOREGOING FACTS 227 variability occurs in all animals and plants, even to a large extent ? Of course, if all parts of any animal or plant were to vary to the extent which has been shown, variability might explain the production of new species ; but do they really vary to this extent in any one individual or group of individuals ? Certainly not, and we must admit that variability is limited, and that it is not, so far as we know, sufficient to create new species. The differences are not numerous enough. What, then, is the use of the series of facts which have been examined, and what do they show ? They provide a basis for the study of variation, specific or otherwise, in showing that no species are so very permanent in their structure or functions that no departure from their type is possible. They form the solid ground on which evolutionists stand, and if this ground were missing the evolution hypo- thesis would have no support at all, and would be nothing more than an aerial and unfounded structure. In the second place, they provide the basis and suggest the methods for experimental transform ism. Believing as we do that transmutation or evolution must have taken place under the action of natural causes and influences, we consider that these causes have been natural selection and environment, in pro- portions which we cannot determine. But these causes Q 2 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. cannot have had any influence if the species do not admit of some variability ; and this very variability itself we consider as being in some degree the measure of their operativeness and influence. We are thus impelled to conclude that transformism admits of experimental investigation, and this is the main point we wish to establish. If the present species have really originated from the more or less closely allied species which have lived in the past, if the present has really been evolved out of the past through natural agencies, without any special intervention of any force, we do not see why there might not be in the future forms evolved out of the present, and why we could not evolve them ourselves, in part, and help towards their production, through the use of the methods which we believe to have been used by Nature herself. If we do not succeed, we are either mistaken in our general idea, or mistaken in regard to the methods through which evolution is supposed to have taken place ; but we can really draw no conclusion at all as concerns these methods, as long as we have not subjected them to experimental test. I do not propose to show all that can be done in this line ; the matter would require more time than I can devote to it, and on the other hand I am firmly convinced that much is to be done of which we have at present no idea at all. As Dareste rightly says : FACTORS OF EVOLUTION 229 " We may rest assured that the execution of experi- ments will cause a great number of questions to arise, of which we can at present have no idea. This is one of the great advantages of experiment. If we do not always find what we are seeking after, while starting from hypotheses which the facts do not support, we often find what we were not looking for, and light is thus cast on regions which till then seemed buried in complete darkness." This I consider as exactly true, and many unexpect- ed questions will certainly turn up of which we have no idea, while answers to others may also be found. But, if it is impossible to state exactly what will be done, we may at least gather some idea of the principal methods and hints of experimental transformism. The methods first. What can the methods of experimental trans- formism be ? The only answer to this question is based on the consideration of what the Factors of Evolution are or are supposed to be. At the present moment five are usually recognised. 1 I quote from Le Contc's able paper of recent date : " First. Presence of a changing environment affect- ing functions, and functions affecting structure, and the changed structure and function inherited and integ- rated through successive generations indefinitely. 1 Cf. Herbert Spencer's Factors of Organic Evolution, and Le Conte's The Factors of Evolution in The Monist, April, 1891. 230 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. " Secondly. Use and disuse of organs reacting on growth-force, and producing change in form, structure, and relative size of parts, and such change inherited and integrated through successive generations. " Thirdly. Natural selection among individuals of a varying progeny, of those most in accord with an ever-changing environment, or, as it has been other- wise called, survival of -the fittest in each successive generation. " Fourthly. Sexual selection. The selection of females among varying male individuals, all competing for the possession of the strongest or the most attractive. Among mammals the selection is mainly of the strongest as decided by battle ; among birds, of the most attractive, as determined by splendour of colour or beauty of song. " Fifthly. Physiological selection, or selection of those varieties, the individuals of which are fertile among themselves, but sterile or less fertile with other varieties and with the parent stock. This has also been called segregate fecundity by Gulick, and homogamy by Romanes." These five factors are not all recognised by the same group of evolutionists. The two first factors are Lamarckian ; the third and fourth are Darwinian ; the two first are supposed to operate during individual life ; the third and fourth operate on the offspring, v FACTORS OF EVOLUTION 231 which has more or less departed from the parental type. For some time an important discussion has been carried on, especially in England, Germany, and the United States, concerning these factors between Lamarckians and Darwinians, as to their efficiency and frequence. I cannot enter upon the discussion, which would require much time, and in fact it might seem rather early yet to discuss the quoinodo of a fact whose exist- ence is not proved to the satisfaction of all whose opinion is of any weight. Lamarckian views arc held especially by American and some French evolutionists, while in England and in Germany strict Darwinian theory prevails. It must be said, however, as concerns the Lamarckian theory, that, as Lc Conte has well remarked, the Lamarckian factors of environment and use and disuse, arc the most fundamental in importance, and first in order of appearance. Selective factors are conditioned by reproduction, and on sexual reproduc- tion particularly in which the characters of two diverse individuals are blended in different proportions in the individuals of the same progeny; sexual generation thus provides material for selection to operate upon. But where no sexual generation occurs and this is the case with the lower forms of life which were first evol- ved, and out of which the higher forms are supposed to have developed Weismann urges that selection is 232 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. impossible, since the progeny is nothing more than a part of the parent form, an outgrowth thereof, the two being so very similar that in most cases none can tell which is the parent, and which the progeny. It then results if really no selection can occur when sexual reproduction is wanting, and this is a matter which is not settled by Weismann's very sweeping assertion, with which I cannot concur, as there is no reason why some degree of variability should not exist in unicellular organisms as well as among multicel- lular plants or animals that Lamarckian factors must have operated, and must operate even now, if evolution has existed from the beginning, and has been carried on through natural agencies. Weismann strongly argues that at present, at all events, or as concerns higher animals, the Lamarckian factors are possessed of no influence, and his essays on heredity are all against the heredity of acquired characters. Such is the present state of the question. I have no intention to discuss the matter, as I have already said ; but I think it may be in the future discussed in a much more profitable manner than has been done till now. And this may be effected through experimental transformism. If we are to subject the evolution theory to the test of experiment, we can only do so by the investigation of the efficiency of the factors of evolution, and we must subject them to the said test. v PROPOSED EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION 233 This method cannot fail to be highly profitable to the discussion ; I do not think of any other that, at present, can settle the matter ; and if we are to know some- thing some day about the general fact of evolution, and the methods through which it has been going on, and may in future go on, it is through experiment that our knowledge will be acquired. Whatever our opinions may be as to the real value of the factors of evolution which have been suggested on different sides, all must be subjected to the same test, that of experiment : the results will allow us to decide upon the theory itself, and upon the details of the process. Such is the general view. As to details, now, I must confess that we are rather in the dark as yet. At first we shall have to grope about somewhat, search- ing for the ways in which the experiments may be performed, and for suitable organisms upon which we may experiment. Every one of the recognised factors must be investigated. Concerning environment, we may operate on many sorts of animals and plants. A first and simple method will consist in transferring animals and plants from one country to another, or from mountains to plains, or vice-versa, from dry to moist soil, from cold to warm, from calcareous to siliceous soil, from one pond in one sort of soil to another pond in another 234 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. soil, from light to semi-darkness, from land to water, &c. The experiment may be performed in a thousand ways, and all external differences, all changes in environment which seem to operate on organisms may be successively tested. Care must be taken, however, to watch the experiment without interfering, and the animal or plant must be left wild, without domestication or cultivation, so that they are exactly in the condition of a species transferred from one set of conditions to another without being particularly helped to support the change. Other experiments may be performed in a different manner. Instead of altering slightly all conditions of environment as in the preceding case, we may alter only one : for instance, while keeping the animal or plant in its native climate, alter the proportion of chemical com- ponents of the soil, alter the nature of food, add some new compound to the one or the other, increase or decrease motion around it, &c. All the facts men- tioned as illustrating the influence of environment show how numerous and varied are the experiments which may be performed, and it is needless therefore to repeat what has already been said on the matter. If the variations of environment have really effected the result noticed, such result must be again obtained by direct experiments. The fact is however, that in such experiments, the. v PROPOSED EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION 235 difficulty lies not in the experiment itself, but in appreciating the results. Such results are not always external and obvious ; many are internal and require chemical and microscopical investigation in minute details, and such differences in chemical constitu- tion or in structure may have a great influence in the struggle for life and operation of natural selection. In reference to use and disuse, experiments may be made to diminish or suppress the activity and use of some organ, by keeping plants or animals in such con- ditions as to render some character useless. For instance, one might try to obtain unscented or plain flowers through artificial fecundation of all the flowers of the same plant which require insect-intervention, as it is supposed to have developed scent or colour in view of attracting insects. Or again, place any animal in such conditions as to render any one function use- less ; or also, such as to render the development of some organ or function of great use and necessity. Experiments on the inheritance of mutilations may be repeated at the same time : those which have been already performed have not been successful nor sufficient, although a priori it seems most likely that the result will be exactly what it has been. For such and other experiments bearing on the question, intending experimenters may be referred to the essays of Weismann, and W. P. Ball's Effects of Use and 236 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. Disuse, where they will see what has been done and what may be attempted. Care should be taken to operate preferably on useless characters. But are there any useless characters ? It is a rather curious fact that while the operation of selection is recognised by most evolutionists, even if holding Lamarckian versus Darwinian views, but few experiments, as such, have been yet performed, although observations are plentiful. Among the best which have yet been made, I must refer to those of Vilmorin, 1 performed many years ago, and published for the first time in the Transactions oj the Horticultural Society in 1840 (2nd Series, vol. ii., p. 348). M. de Vilmorin, considering that most of our food-vegetables are derived from species which have been altered by man, and that the most interest- ing point to investigate is the methods through which the alteration has been obtained, notices the fact familiar to all, that while species which have been a long time under cultivation vary easily and in many directions, those which have been less cultivated, or have not been cultivated at all hardly exhibit an)' variation. Such has been the case with this writer in his experiments on Lactuca perennis, on Tetragonia, on Solanum stoloniferum, on Brassica orientalis. But 1 See his Notice sur f Amelioration de la Carolte Salvage in Notices sur t Amelioration des Plant es par la Cuttitre, Paris, 1886. EXPERIMENTS ON SELECTION 237 in the case of the wild carrot circumstances have been quite different, and through selection, artificial of course, he has obtained very precise and interesting results which it may be useful to quote here. In 1832, M. de Vilmorin, wishing to obtain from the wild carrot plants with thick and edible roots, planted some seeds of the wild plant. All the plants thus obtained grew quickly and yielded seed, while no root was any better than that of the common wild carrot. He began again in 1833, and among the seeds planted, many were late in germinating and no seed was produced, while some roots were somewhat larger and thicker than usual. These roots he selected and put apart so as to plant them in the following spring, and they yielded seeds in 1834. The seeds were again planted in 1835. Many gave plants with the ordinary wild carrot root, but a rather large proportion (-J-th) yielded plants with thicker roots. The seed of these plants was selected, and planted in 1836. Selec- tion again was performed, so that in 1837 many good roots were obtained. In 1838 and 1839 the process was continued, with the result of yielding a large pro- portion of satisfactory carrots ( T %ths). While acquiring different dimensions, the roots acquired also unusual colour : yellow, lilac, and even red. Here we have a good instance of the selective process and of its influence and operation. Another 238 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. is yielded by experiments on the beetroot, performed some years later by the same writer, with the view of obtaining a variety of this plant containing more sugar than is commonly the case. 1 It is worth recording, as it shows that through selection it is possible to influence physiological variability, and the result has been to increase the proportion of sugar from 10 on an average to 12, 14 and even 16 per cent. M. de Vilmorin notices a fact which it is well to state here, when he says that it is better to select seeds from plants belonging to a group with high average than from plants yielding high maxima but also low minima. A large number of facts from observation confirm these results of experiment. Our domesticated animals, our cultivated plants have been made to yield so many varieties simply through selection. While cultivation or domestication increases the tendency towards variation as we all know, selection of variations has led us to produce quite a number of varieties of which we make use in very different manners, because different variations have in turn been selected according to the particular wish of the selectors, or to the peculiarly interesting nature 1 Note sur un Projet if Experience ayant pour but tfaugmenter la Richesse saccharine de la Betterave. Loc. cit. (1890), and Note sur la Creation June nouvelle Race de Betterave a Sucre. Loc. cit. and Comptes Rendus, Nov. 1856. EXPERIMENTS ON SELECTION 239 of the variation. On this point I shall merely refer those who desire more information to Darwin's book on variation : instances are there most numerous and convincing, as concerns animals and plants, and are enough to show the power of selection. I may also refer to some recently-noticed cases. One con- cerns the production of a new variety of hornless oxen. In 1874 a Sicilian farmer noticed among his herd a young bull which had no horns at all. This young bull was allowed to mate, and the result has been the production of other hornless animals, so that, by selecting at each generation the progenitors of the following this farmer has obtained a hornless variety. A similar fact occurred in 1 86 1 in a village of the Mouse department. A cow gave birth to twins, male and female, deprived of horns : they were mated together, and thus, by constant selection of hornless animals as progenitors, a hornless variety has been also created. The breed of Mauchamp sheep has similarly been evolved out of a ram which was born in 1828, in the Mauchamp farm, with the peculiarity of bearing an even wool, instead of having it frizzled, merino-like. And M. Cornevin, from whose work I abstract these facts remarks that any day any breeder in the south of France can, if he chooses, pro- duce by simple selection a variety of sheep with four udders, for these animals often bear four of these 240 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. organs. From what we have seen, and that which has been done, purposely or unconsciously by man, we may infer that every possible variation may be permanently consolidated as a normal and fixed character, through selection, through the choice of progenitors based on the similarity of the character which it is required to render permanent. Some points concerning selection require a passing notice. In the first place, scientific investigation being the only aim, the only point in view, it seems advisable to undertake the study of the influence of selection be it on animal or on plant without any particular fore- thought at all. I mean by this that such investi- gations should be begun without any view of obtain- ing a variation and variety in any particular direction. For instance suppose Lysimachia nummularia I quote the first name which occurs to my memory, without the slightest choice among those which come with it is made the subject of an investigation in selection. Well, it would not do to decide before- hand to seek for a new variety having such or such a peculiarity in the roots, or stems, or leaves : one should merely cultivate the plants, and if among them some offered any interesting or curious variation in any part whatever, one ought to begin the process of selection, and try to consolidate in the progeny V EXPERIMENTS ON SELECTION 241 this particular variation. This method offers the advantage of opening a wider field to investigation, and on the other hand, animals or plants which, through culture have been brought to vary in any direction, are more apt to vary in the one particular direction which may be desired. Even in cases where one particular variation is desired in order to create a special variety, de Vilmorin rightly advises as follows : " In order to obtain from a yet unmodified plant, varieties of a determined character, I would strive at first to make it vary in any manner, and would choose, as progenitors, not the accidental variation which would most nearly approach that I am seeking for, but merely the one which offers the largest departure from the type. In the second generation, I would again select as progenitors the plants which are most different from the normal type, and, at the same time, from the progenitors selected in the previous generation." 1 In fact, as Vilmorin says, we must try to craze the plant, to make it vary as much as possible, in all possible directions ; and it is only when this result has been obtained that it becomes advisable to select the variations in the desired direction. We should always remember that plants and 1 Note snr itn Projet d^ Experience ayant pour but de creer ntie Variete d* Ajonc sans Epines. Loc. cit. p. 35. 242 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. animals may vary in a large number of directions, that variability increases with variation, and that any desired variation is more apt to occur among plants whose tendency to variability generally has been considerably increased through the process which has been mentioned. And then also, it is well to remember that while proceeding in this manner, though we may not meet what we desire, we may meet with very unexpected variations which may prove of even greater interest than that which we are seeking. In the second place one must not forget that in experiments of this kind, especially with wild or uncultivated plants, a long time is sometimes required before any important variations occur ; the species seems for a long period to resist all inducements to variation, and then, all of a sudden, it begins to vary considerably and in many different directions. So much for experiments on selection. While speaking of selection, a word may also be said of the method which is in some sense exactly the reverse of selection ; I refer to crossing. While in the course of selection progenitors are chosen among the animals which are the most similar to each other, in that of cross- ing, on the contrary, the progenitors are of different type, and crossing is performed in order to obtain animals or plants which combine the character of v EXPERIMENTS ON CROSSING 243 both parental forms. In natural conditions, crossing occurs both among animals and plants, although, generally speaking, among animals at least, there is a marked tendency against the mating of unlike, and towards that of similar animals. It has even been noticed that in the same town I have heard of the fact in Florence the pigeons congregate in flocks according to their colour, and keep together, and mate together, while they seldom do either with the pigeons of a different flock. In many cases, crossing gives origin to hybrids which are unable to reproduce their own form, so that the process is not of much use if new varieties are required. In other cases, however, the varieties produced by crossing are fertile inter se, and it must be noticed, that when crossing does not seriously impair or totally destroy fertility, it increases it in a marked manner. It is on account of this increase of fertility that crossing is often resorted to by breeders or agriculturists, and this increase has been demonstrated by Darwin for plants, and observed by many persons in animals. Cornevin quotes an instance when a flock of sheep yielding 6/ twin births had its percentage increased to 1 3 through the introduction of a ram of different breed. The same is true of hogs, of pigeons, and other animals. If crossing is to be used in experiments on Evolu- tion some points must be particularly attended to, R 2 244 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. Observation has shown that crossing is beneficial in some cases only, and many persons have spoken unfavourably of it. This is doubtless due to the fact that we are yet ignorant of some conditions which are of high importance in the matter, and it would seem that facts of apparently little significance have a great deal to do with the ultimate result. Fertility and sterility may be induced by very feeble external agencies, and at the beginning results may be obtained in crossing, which are quite unfavourable, and quite unlike those which are obtained later on. On the other hand some conformity must exist between the plants or animals between whom the crossing occurs. When it does exist and, in fact we hardly know when and where it does or does not the results may be un- favourable in that the characters of the parents, though apparent in the progeny, are not blended together, as was expected ; they are separate, and may be seen side by side instead of being combined. Such is the case, for instance, when white-seeded peas are crossed with green-seeded varieties ; in the progeny green peas arc met amidst white seeds, some seeds are green striped with white ; none are between green and white. Similar instances are met with among animals when among the progeny of the same parents, some exhibit the character of the one, and others those of the other parent. Another point which requires consideration v EXPERIMENTS ON CROSSING 245 is the fact that of the two progenitors in an intended crossing the one is generally as a variety possessed with stronger hereditary tendencies than the other, and the result is that the progeny takes more after one of the parents than after the other. For instance, in the crossing of the Angus bull with the Dutch cow, the progeny has more characters of the former than of the latter, and among plants, according to Cornevin, Vitis rupestris is said to transmit its characters very markedly when crossed with other varieties. Such varieties or individuals display what may be called predominant heredity ; by this is meant that in crossing the hereditary tendencies of one parent lord it over those of their mate. This is true of females as well as of males ; it does not seem to belong to the one sex more than to the other, and among horses and oxen Eclipse and Duchess have been renowned for the predominance of their own qualities over that, of their mates. Among plants, instances also occur, and are well known, although in many cases horticul- turists vainly strive to find individuals thus endowed. Many have sought to discover Ulex europaeus devoid of spines, able to transmit this peculiarity to their progeny this would be a very valuable conquest, as Ulex europaeus is good fodder but requires to be crushed so that the cattle do not injure themselves but none have obtained it yet. And this is but one 246 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. instance among a thousand. Why, and how it is that some individuals are thus endowed, we know not. It must be noticed that the pre-eminence of one of the progenitors, as a race or variety is not constant ; while variety a for instance, possesses stronger hereditary tendencies when crossed with b and r, its tendencies are overpowered by those of d in a crossing with this variety ; and in order to ascertain exactly or more accurately the relative energy of these tendencies, many systematic crossings would have to be made. This pre-eminence of one of the progenitors over the other, in regard to the character of the progeny may in some cases be so considerable that no difference is apparent ; it would seem that no crossing has been made and that both progenitors belong to the same variety. 1 As M. C. Dareste 2 rightly observes, " in the present 1 It may happen, however, that the difference, as concerns external characters, is well marked, but then one marked physiological feature may be transmitted from one of the progenitors to the hybrid ; for instance, M. Millardet, in his Essai sur F Hybridation de la Vigne (Paris, Masson, 1891), shows that in some hybrids between two varieties oi grape-vine, the marked immunity of one of the progenitors the male especially towards phylloxera, is transferred to the progeny, notwithstanding the reverse tendency in the other progenitor. The same writer notices that when the American variety is used as male, immunity towards phylloxera is considerable, while the amount of fruit produced is smaller ; the reverse obtains when the American variety is used as female. Similar facts have been observed by Th. Niebnei, Die Rose, Berlin, 1880. 2 Noiivdle Exposition d'un Plan d' Experiences sur la Variabilite des Aniiiiaux, p. 16 (Bull. Soc. Zool. Acclimatation, 1888). v FORMS OF HEREDITY 247 condition of science it is nearly impossible to foresee what will be the results of a crossing But we may assert that this method will yield very interesting results, and all the more so that the crossed varieties will be more dissimilar." This is quite true, and we cannot wonder at it when we consider how many different forms heredity is able to assume. Accepting Cornevin's recent classi- fication, we recognise the following modes : 1. Predominant or Unilateral Heredity ', where the hereditary tendencies of one of the two mates appear predominantly or exclusively in the progeny. 2. Bilateral Heredity. Here the progeny has characters of both progenitors ; and it seldom, if ever, happens that the progeny has both sorts of characters to the same degree, or in the same proportion ; one of the progenitors has more influence than the other. Both sorts of characters may fuse and combine together; white and black begetting gray for instance ; or may coexist, remaining separate, the progeny having some traits of the father, and others of the mother. In this sort of heredity four cases are possible : Heredity is Direct or Crossed, Equal or Unequal. These terms require no explanation. 3. Atavistic Heredity, or Retrogression, which may also be direct, crossed, or collateral. In this case the predominant characters in the progeny are charac- 248 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. ters belonging, not to the progenitors but to their ancestry, near or remote. Many anomalies in organ- isation are but reversions to former ancestral types ; and reversions exist to a less degree in the many cases when a child, for instance, resembles his grandfather or great-grandmother by some marked peculiarity instead of possessing the traits of one of his direct progenitors. 4. Indirect atavistic Heredity ', or Heredity tliroiigJi Influence. An instance will explain this form. Lord Morton caused a mare to be mated with a quagga ; she gave birth to a striped hybrid. Mated the following year with a thoroughbred, her progeny was again striped, although not hybrid ; and this occurred three following years, although she was but once mated with the Quagga. The influence of the latter and we do not know what we exactly mean by influence in this case had incorporated itself as it were, in the mare's organism so deeply as to make itself felt even three years after. Such cases are met in human marriage. They are, as yet, unexplained, but they are occasion- ally met with, and positively ascertained. 5. Homochronoiis Heredity. This term applies to cases where psychical or physical peculiarities put in their appearance among the progeny, at the age when they appeared among the progenitors. Many patho- logical tendencies are transmitted after this mode, in v FORMS OF HEREDITY 249 man as well as in animals, and this form of heredity may be direct as well as crossed. 6. Re inverted Heredity. The progeny may, at first, and during some time, closely resemble one of the progenitors, and later on, resemble 'the other. 7. Homotopic Heredity. In this case, a given peculiarity of one of the progenitors is met with in the progeny exactly in the same part of the body as in the former ; for instance, a differently coloured lock of hair, or a naevus maternus similarly placed in progenitors and progeny. This form may be also direct or crossed. 8. Heterotopic, or Homo/list Heredity. Peculiarities in one part of a progenitor may be transmitted to other parts (made of similar tissue) in the progeny ; the same disease, for instance, may assume one form in progenitors, and another in the descendants. The natural sequel to experiments in- crossing will be experiments in hybridisation, that is, crossing between distinct species. New hybrids must be obtained, and the number of those which are fertile inter se must be largely increased. And then, will the latter hybrids form permanent varieties or species ? Experiment only can decide. And while experiment and artificial impregnation may go a long way in creating entirely new and unexpected forms of life, which may be of great interest, particular attention 250 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. must be paid to the production of hybrids under natural conditions. This study of hybridisation, scientifically conducted, will certainly yield very useful results in being conducive to experiments concerning that very marked variability in the reproductive function which in so many cases determines sterility where fertility might have been expected, while fertility occurs where sterility would have seemed natural. It seems that the process of impregnation is of the most delicate sort, and very slight circumstances slight they seem at least determine its success or failure. Investi- gation of these circumstances cannot but prove profitable. Many experiments may also be performed in regard to sexual and physiological selection, which are con- nected with those on crossing and hybridisation, and Mr. Romanes has already suggested some. Such are, briefly stated, the methods of experimental transformism. I sincerely hope and expect that some years hence, perhaps when all of us shall have become things of the past, the lecturer who shall have assumed the pleasant task which I here fulfil, will have much more to say on this topic, and especially will be able to say : " this and that have been done," instead of the " this should be done " which is the somewhat monotonous conclusion of each of these lectures. v AIMS OF EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION 251 And now, what are the aims of experimental transformism ? As stated, from the beginning, we wish to test the theory of evolution, as applied to living beings. This is the main object : but I wish to call your attention also to the practical and utilitarian results which may be expected and attained. As you all know, most, if not all, of our garden vegetables and plants are the result of man's industry, and in the cases where the original wild form still exists, we can well measure the distance between Nature's product and the perfected form shaped by man, and best adapted to his needs. And if man had not undertaken the task of bettering bettering meaning here simply adapting more ade- quately to his needs Nature's work, many of our im- portant foods would not have existed. 1 The same is true of animals. Compared with our domestic animals the wild forms sink in insignificancy as concerns useful- ness, and here again man has been a most potent factor in creating out of the raw material those useful 1 Cf. Asa Gray : Were the Fruits made for Man or did Man make the Fniits? (American Natural, vol. viii., p. 116.) The veteran botanist here showed that while some fruits and vegetables have hardly departed from their original wild type (huckleberries, cranberries, persimmons, etc. ), others have been bettered and rendered more useful by cultivation (currants, gooseberries, raspberries, blackberries, chestnuts, straw- berries), while others have been so much perfected as to represent new fruits (apple, pear, peach, etc.). He adds a list of fruits which man should endeavour to render more perfect for his own needs. 252 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. allies which provide him with meat, milk, wool, or energy. But, since man has been able to do what he has done, while devoid of knowledge and unconscious of methods, what may he not expect to perform now, with larger means, more varied resources, many centuries of accumulated science, and the certainty of success if he is persevering enough ? The past is a promise for the future, and the results already obtained well show what we may attain to ; the whole thing rests in our hands. Are we to believe that among the unnumbered species of animals and plants which are yet living in the wild state, none remain which may be cultivated or domesticated ? Has all been done that was possible ? No naturalist would venture to answer yes, and to say that man has reached his Pillars of Hercules. We are then entitled to expect many useful discoveries if we only set to work, and the field which lies open to us is infinite. Both organic king- doms may be made to yield any number of new forms whose use we cannot even foresee, so short-sighted are we ; and even if we were only to increase the number of the useful animals or plants, without varying the use to which either may be put, a great deal would doubtless have been done for the benefit of mankind. But this cannot happen if we do not purposely set to work. In former times, when man lived in small or large tribes, widely separated, without easy means v AIMS OF EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION 253 of intercourse, it was necessary for him to attend at all costs to his cultures and herds ; it was a matter of life or death. Now, our most civilised nations are unable to produce all they need ; some work in one line, some in others, and by cooperation and exchange every one is provided with the things he needs, and none feels the necessity of creating new resources. But civilised man must be made to understand that he can considerably increase the latter if he chooses. Such is the practical interest of experimental transformism, and it can in no possible manner interfere with its scientific aim ; both are bound together. As to the latter purpose, I must be content with a few words on the principal lines of investigation. Our main aim must be the study of evolution, that is of the derivation of living forms from each other, and the study of natural influences on the process of this derivation. If the evolution hypothesis is true, we must find that new forms of life may be evolved out of pre-existing forms, by means of influences actually operative in Nature, without man's or any other agent's interference. Of course, in experiments on evolution, man must interfere, but he does so only in order to test the real efficiency of what he considers to be the factors of evolution. This general line of investigation is not a simple one ; a large number of questions are intimately connected 254 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. with it, and cannot be separated, concerning which information will be most valuable, from the practical as well as from the scientific point of view. Some of these questions may be briefly indicated. First the question of variability in species, or other groups, and how they are established. External and internal or physiological variability must both be in- vestigated anew, with the most delicate tests and methods, and particular attention must be directed to their causes. Of course, this study implicates that of species. What is a species ; what are specific charac- ters ? If we consider many of the recognised species, we see that these characters are often of the most insignificant sort, and that many of the so-called specific characters are even of less value than those which are used to distinguish varieties. It may be predicted that terrific discussions will arise concerning this vexatam questionem, which seems to become more intricate every day, and that much sorrow will befall that numerous and well-disposed class of systematists, whose self-assumed task in life seems to be to in- crease the list of specific forms. Perhaps we shall thus understand what really makes a species ; for while we talk much about them, we really do not understand what they are, and no thorough definition has yet been given. The problem of heredity will also be investigated, v AIMS OF EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION 255 What is heredity ? how does it operate ? what is transmitted ? We hardly know anything on the matter ; we all have read a number of anecdotes of more or less unscientific character, and remain in the dark. Weismann's solid and heavy essays are cer- tainly valuable, but facts must be added to reasonings, and the facts we need are mainly experimental. The whole problem requires a thorough investigation, al- though many facts are already ascertained, a great deal remains to be done to explain heredity, and to ascertain its limits and power. One important question is that of the heredity of Abnormalities and Mutilations. Many abnormalities, when not opposed to the continuation of life, are hereditary. 1 A good instance is provided in the case of the cats, mentioned by E. B. Poulton (^^^,1883-6), and in the case of the Fodli tribe, in Arabia, where all the individuals, since very ancient times, have been born with twenty-four digits instead of twenty, and where they all marry within the tribe. 2 Many diseases are hereditary, under 1 Paul Bert must be included among those who have somewhat investigated the subject, after Philipeaux, Bronn, and many others. He observed that if the eyes of young, newly-born rats are re- moved, death always ensues when the experiment attains the fourth generation, doubtless, says he, through some impairment of the optic lobes. Cf. his Essais cf Experience sur la Transmission hereditaire de certaines Lesions chirurgicales ; Relations trophiqnes entre les Yetix tt les Lobes optiques. Comptes Rendus Soc. de Biologic, 1870. 2 Aira, Bull. Soc. Anthropelogie, 1886, >56 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. the same or a different form. And finally comes that much-discussed question of the heredity of muti- lations, negatively settled by Weismann, but which certainly requires much new investigation. On hybridism, sexuality, and many other points, useful facts will be discovered ; in fact, as has been said, we cannot exactly foresee the subjects which will naturally offer themselves to our investigation. But there is enough to be done, even if experiment were to suggest nothing new, and the field which is opened to experiment, in the lines briefly indicated above, in the line of the investigation of organic evolution in its general sense, and in its details, is simply unlimited. All these experiments can be made on any animals and plants, and in any country. What is required for their execution is an institution of some sort specially devoted to this line of investigation. It appears to me that this institution should comprise the following essential elements : rather extensive grounds, a farm with men experienced in breeding, agriculture, and horticulture, some greenhouses, and a laboratory with the common appliances of che- mistry, physiology, and histology. Of course this must be located in the country. It is very important to have experienced farm-hands, and a good chemist and histologist are necessary in the staff of the insti- v A LONG TIME REQUIRED. 257 tution. As to the general management, it seems advisable to have a director with a board of com- petent men, whose function would be to decide, after careful investigation and exchange of views, what are the fundamental experiments to be performed. These experiments, when once decided upon, should be pur- sued during a long period of years, and nothing should be altered in their execution, unless con- sidered advisable by the board, or unless the experiment should be found useless or devoid of chances of success. The main thing should be to provide for the duration of this experiment, whether the originators were living or dead, and to follow it out for a long time. Time is an indispensable ele- ment in such investigations, and experiments of this sort will surely exceed the normal duration of human lifetime. But, as old Pierre Belon writes in his Remontrances sur le Defaut de Labour et Culture des Plantes, 1558 : " II ne se fault pas excuser sur la lon- gueur du temps pourentreprendrechoses seantesau bien public." Into the details of the work of the chemists, histologists, or physiologists, it is useless to enter ; the mere enumeration of the varied facts which have been quoted shows that their services are of the utmost usefulness, and are quite necessary for the investiga- tion of the results. Any number of experiments of minor importance may be carried UNIVERSITY VV OF J 258 EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION LECT. time, and surely the fact that they will be performed under good conditions, in a laboratory specially pre- pared for such investigations, will contribute greatly to the final success. The co-operation of many out- siders might be of great use. Young men might spend some time some three, four, or five years, or more in attending specially to some of the experi- ments in course of execution, in the investigation of some special points. Many friends of science could also do good work and help greatly by agreeing, for instance, to cultivate in various localities the same species of plant, or to co-operate in breeding special varieties of animals and reporting the results. In fact, all natural history societies, all laboratories, and all individuals could undertake a share of work, and among the individuals, naturalists, horticulturists, breeders, and pisciculturists would occupy a pro- minent part. The institution for the experimental investigation of evolution would thus be the head- quarters for all that concerns evolution, and its in- fluence would make itself felt in all departments of natural history, and thus create a strong current in the line which, sooner or later, must be opened. I do not entertain the slightest doubt as to the fact that it will be opened. The thing must be done. It is a matter of money as usual. But in civilized countries individuals or corporations are occasionally v EXPERIMENTAL STUDY INDISPENSABLE 259 met who understand that mankind's glory lies not entirely in the invention of instruments of war and death, and that there are aims in life higher than mere money-making or enjoyment. There are two main aims in life the benefiting of mankind, which may be performed in a thousand manners, and the pursuit of truth. Much money has already been given to- wards the accomplishment of these two purposes, and this allows me to hope that some charitable and en- lightened persons may be found who will be able and willing to help towards the experimental study of evolution. The matter is of sufficient importance when we consider that, in fact, nothing less is proposed than an application of experiment to the solution of one of the highest problems of science, and the one in which thinking mankind is most interested. POSTSCRIPT. Since the above lectures were de- livered, and even in type, I have had the pleasure of learning that Dr. Romanes has circulated an appeal for an experimental institute essentially on the lines above suggested, which he wishes to see established in connection with the University of Oxford. There is also a prospect that the Granton Marine Station at Edinburgh may be more fully adapted to some department of this line of research. S 2 INDEX A. Abratnisversicolor, see Stilbe Aconituat napellits, 142 Acquired characters, 163 ; Weismann on, 221 seg., 225 Actinia- mescinbryantheiiinui, trans- ferred to fresh water 187, 188 Actinia plumosa under high pressures, 192 sEqttorea Forskalii, 106 Ailanthiis glandulosa, variation in sexuality, 109 AIRA, on six-digited tribe of Arabia, 255 Albumen, not identical in all eggs, 66 Alytes, 112 Amblystoma, 112 Amphibians, neotenia among, 110-112 ; evolution of circulatory apparatus, Amphicyon, very variable, 150 Amphioxns, gill-slits, 32 Ancylns^ rupicola and thennalis, varieties of A. simplex ', 93; living in salt water, 185 Animals, domestication of, 156 ; depar- ture from wild type, 159 ; brain of wild and domestic, 166 ; marine animals in fresh water, 186 Anodonta, living in salt water, 185 Anomalies, muscular, 37; and heredity, 255 Anteater, osteological variability, 104 Antelopes, domesticated, 157 Anthea ccmis, transferred to fresh water, 187, 188 Anthrax, 124 Aortic arches, 33 APCHIER UE PRUNS, on the influence of environment on colour, 54 Apples, varieties of, 102 A rchtzopteryx lithographica, 26 Arctia, colour-variation in genus, 51 ARISTOTLE, on differences in animals from Egypt and Greece, 201 Artemia, salina and milhattsenii, relationship, 217 Artificial soils, 198 Aspergillnsniger, killed by r^J^th of nitrate of silver, 182 Aspidistra elatior variegata, 59 Atmospheric pressure, 192 Atractylis genimifera.) 142 A ttacus Pernyi, 195 AUBERT, on caffein, 133 AUDOUIN, on colour-variation, 51 Aurelia aurita, loss of weight through inanition, 78 AUTENRIETH, on sexuality, 108 Axolotls, 112 B. Bacillus anthracis, physiological variability, 127, 223 BACON, on experimental evolution, 43 Balcenidte, 104 BALASCHEWA, on growth, 200 BARFURTH, on sterility, 220 BATALIN (A.), on the influence of com- mon salt on Salicornta, 212 BATESON, on variation in Cardhim ednle, 94 BAUDIN, onPisidiujtipnlchelluin and cinerennt, 94 BAUHIN (G.)i 95 BEAUREGARD, see POUCHET Beech-marten, formerly domesticated, 156 Bees, changes in colour under change of environments, 53 ; sex, 107 Begonia Schmidtii, sudden variation, I 5 2 BEHRENS, on the influence of currents on aquatic plants, 207 BELON (PIERRE), on time required for experiments in cultivation and domestication, 257 BERNARDI, on sexuality, 108 Beroe ovata, loss of weight during inanition, 78 262 INDEX BERT (P.)i 9 n the physiological limit to dimensional variations, 76 ; on adaptation to salinity, 190 ; on heredity of mutilations, 255 BESSEY (C. A.), on differences of the flower in different varieties of apples, 102 BEUDANT (F. S.), on transferring marine forms to fresh water, and fresh-water forms to sea water, 185 Bidens cernua, variation, 72 Blood, chemical differences according to sexes, 122 Bones, chemical differences between man and woman, 121 BONNIER (G.) and FLAHAULT, on the influence of altitudes on colour, 55; on the influence of altitudes on form, 96 BOKY DE SAINT VINCENT, 19 BOUDIER, on relation between form and environment, 95 BOUKGUIGNAT, on possible connection between electrical phenomena and left-handed shells, 204 Brain, physiological conditions may be artificially hastened or retarded, 146 Branchipiis ferox, variations accord- ing to the mode of life, 216 Brassica olcracea, varieties derived from it, 177 ; B. orientalis, experi- ments on selection, 236 BKENNAN (G. A.), on variation in an individual plant of Tradescantia I'irginica, 101 BRICK (C.)> on physiology of sea-shore plants, 212 BRONN, on heredity of mutilations, 255 BROT, on abnormal Lymncea in ponds containing many Hydras, 204 Brucine, influence on common crab, 120 Buccinnm transferred to fresh water, 1 86 BUFFON, evolutionary and anti-evolu- tionary views, 17, 18 ; on man's power over nature, 43 ; tendency towards degeneracy, 150 Btijo, 112 Brilitmis decollatiis, 74 C. Calendula arvensis, 75 Caltha palustris, 142 CAMERANO, on neotenia, no Campanula trachelium, 54 ; C. rotnndifolia, 55 CAMULOGEN, 220 CANDOLLE (DE), on the origin of culti- vated plants, 173 ; on the varieties of Brassica oleracea, 177 ; on light and temperature, 219 Capparis spinosa devoid of spines, 92 Carbonic acid, its disappearance would destroy all life, 181 Cardium edule, 94 Carcinus mcenas, 120 ; transferred to fresh water, 188 Carex ampullacea, difference in aerial and aquatic leaves, 208 CARRIERS (E. A.), on variegation, 58 ; on .sudden variegation, 59 ; on dis- similarly coloured grapes in the same bunch, 60 ; on variation in the leaves of the ivy, 98 ; on variation of sexuality in Ailanthus, 109 ; on sudden variation, 153 CARRiEREand ANDRE, on variegation, 59 ; on dissimilarly coloured flowers on the same plant, 60 Carrot, experiments in selection on, 237 Cattle, different flavour and chemical characters of flesh according to mode of feeding, 66 ; insular smaller than continental, 73 ; sudden appear- ance of hornless, 153 ; Niata breeds, 153 ; Franqueiros breed, 154 ; weight increased by domestication, 166 ", length of gestation varies according to breeds, 167 ; hornless, 239 Cemiostoma caffeoium, 136 Cerithiuin transferred to fresh water, 1 86 Cerviis corsicanus a descendant of C. elaphus, 73 CHABRY, see POUCHET Chamcerops hnmilis no CHAUVEAU (A.), on the greater im- munity of Algerian sheep towards anthrax, 124 ; on physiological transmutation 127, 221 CHAUVIN (MARIE DE), on neotenia, 112 Chemical differences between the bony structures of different breeds of sheep, 116; in the percentage of principal components of the wool of various breeds of sheep, 117 ; in the flesh of salmon in normal condition and after spawning, 117 ; between different species of the same genus, 118 ; between plants of same species poorly or richly fed, 118 ; between bones of man and woman, 114, 121 ; between their blood, 122 Chlorophyll, not identical in all plants, 65 CHOSSAT, on inanition, 78 CHRISTISON (SiR ROB.), on chemical analyses of salmon betore and afte spawning, 117 Cicuta. 135 Circulation of matter, 2 Circulatory system, arguments for evolution, 32 Cirs27i)n anglicwn, form of C. Itilbo- $11111) 219 INDEX 263 Civilization and domestication, 169 CLARK (J. A.), on colour-variation in Smerinthus, 51 CLAUS, on variation in ^Eqnorea , forskalea, 106 lematis vitalba, 142 CLESSIN (S.)> on the influence of the movement of water on the form of molluscs, 207 Climate, influence on colour, 69 ; on sexuality, 109 Coffea arabica killed by a species of insects which does not attack C- liberica, 136 Colchicin, influence of germinating seeds, 137 Colchiciiin aiitnmnale, 142 Colzas phyllodoce, vitality, 120 Colour, variability, 48 ; in animals, 50 ; food and, 57 ', colour of envi- ronments, its influence, 58 ; and hybridation, 64 ; and vigour, 68, 69 ; and climate, 69 Colour-variation, Linnaeus on, 48 ; accompanied by other sorts of varia- tion, 49 ; in fox, 50 ; butterflies, 50 ; in insects generally, 51 ; cray-fish, 52 ; worms, 52 ; seasonal, 52 ; chemical variation underlying colour-varia- tion, 61 ; influence of light and oxygen, 220 ; and fecundity, 68 COLUMELLA, 22O Conium macnlatnm, 140 CONTA (BASILE), on origin of present forms of life, 9 CONTEJEAN (CM.), on physiological differences between differently coloured frogs, 134 ; on differences in the digestive tract between frog and toad, 134, 135 Copper (sulphate of), influence on germination, 137 Coriander, species, 95 CORNEVIN, on modes of variation in domestic animals, 47 ; on proportion of sexes in different species of animals, 108 ; on toxic foods, 135, 136 ; on conditions of domestication, 162 ; on differences in skull-capacity between wild and domestic forms, 166 ; on differences in length of gestation according to breeds of cattle, 167; on differences of variability among domestic animals, 170 ; on a variety of sheep with four udders, 239 ; on crossing and fertility, 243 ; on predominant heredity, 245 ; forms of heredity, 247 CORNU, on parasitism and sexuality, 108 COSTANTIN, on the influence of aerial and aquatic life on stomata and leaves, 209 Cray-fish, colour-variation, 51 Creation Theory, 7 four views, 22 what it implies, 39 Crossing between orange and lemon, 62 ; proposed method of experiments, 242 seq., 249 Cultivation of plants, its modifying influence, 171 ; should be extended to new forms, 172 ; origin of culti- vated plants, 173 CUNNINGHAM, on muscular variability, 105 CuRTiss(A. H.), on dimensional varia- tions, 72 CUVIER, 19 ; revolutions of the earth, 23 Cyclamen europce-itm, 141 D. DALIBARD, on variations in the scent of flowers, 102 DALL (W. H.), on sudden variation, *5i DALLINGER, on adaptation, 221 DAMMER (UDO), on teratology, 100 Daphnia degenerata, magna, and pulex, relationship, 217 Daphnia rectirostris, variations ac- cording to mode of life, 213 DARESTE(C.)I on experimental terato- geny, 193^^.. 228, 220 ; on crossing, 246 DARWIN (C.), Origin of Species, 6 Datura stramonhim crossed with D. Icevis, 62 DECAISNE, on variability in fruit trees, 99 DELAUNAY (G.), on comparative biology, 123 DELBCEUF, " tendency to better- ment," 151 DETMER, on the shoots of Thuja occidentalis, 222 Digestive system, variation, 106 ; physiological differences between frog and toad, 134, 135 Dimensional variation, 70 ; in man and animals, 70 ; in plants, 72 ; in insular animals and plants, 73 ; physiological limit, 76 Diphtheria, 124 Disease, racial immunity from 123 Domestic animals, number very small, 157 ; wild forms of, 158, 159 ; varia- bility is variable, 170 Domestication, 156 ; ought to be ex- tended to new forms, 160 ; conditions of, 162 ; as a means of transmuta- tion, 164 ; and civilization, 169 Doris tiibercnlata transferred to fresh water, 188 Doryphora decemlineata, 120 Down of plants more abundant in dry stations, 91 264 INDEX Dromia -vnlgaris transferred to fresh water, 188 DUBALEN, on molluscs living in warm waters, 205 DUGES, on colour-variation, 51 DUNCAN (D.), on toxic foods, 135 DURET (CLAUDE), quaint evolutionary notions, 14 Dwarf plants, 71 ; elephants, 73 ; dogs, 73 ; rabbits, 74 Dwarfing of Japanese plants, 71 ; and sterility, 75 ; of Lymntea, and in- fluence on sexuality, 200 Echium, physiological differences ac- cording to climate, 115 EDMONSTONE (DR.), on differences in the structure of the stomach of Larus according to food, 105 Eels, experiments en the influence of salt, 190 Elephants, small in Malta, 73 Elodea, 81, 82 Embryology : arguments for evolution, 29 ; ontogeny and phylogeny, 30 ; arguments from the circulatory apparatus, 32 ; from the nervous system, 35 ; from teratology and mal- formations, 36 Environment, its modifying influence on organisms, 179 ; a very slight change may be fatal, 181 ; and de- velopment, 197 ; and physiology, 201 ; and deformation, 207 ; and leaf forms, 209; and plant life, 219; factor in evolution, 229 ; proposed experiments, 233 Eqnns Prjevalskii, 159 Erica vulgaris, 54 Eiigeron alpinns, 55 Eiionymiis, variegated, 58 ; E. siil- furea, 59 ; E. ra.dica.ns variegata, 59 Euphorbia, 140 Evolution theory stated, n, 12 historical sketch, 13 proofs : palseontological, 29 embryological, 29 pathological, 36 ; morphological, 38 mental, 41 ; proof wanted, 42 and experiment (Bacon on), 43 factors of, 229 first, change of environment, 233 second, use and disuse, 235 third, selection, 236 Evolution, experimental, aims of, 251 need of, 45 based on three groups of fucts, 46 first, variations in structure, 47 second, variations in colour, 48 third, variations in dimensions, 70 first group of facts supporting it, 46 second group of facts supporting it, 156 third group of facts supporting it, 170 fourth group of facts supporting it, 179 Experiment and observation, 180 Experiments proposed on environment, 233 A j- on use and disuse, 235 on selection, 236 on crossing, 243 physiological, 250 FABREJOU, on the influence of environ- ment on plants, 96 FAIVRK, on variability, 98 FALLOU (J ), on experimental produc- tion of abnormalities among butter- flies, 195 Fertility influenced by external condi- tions, 221 FILHOL (H.), on variability in palaxm- tological faunas, 150 FISCH, on proportion of both sexes in plants, 107 FISCHER, on molluscs living in warm waters, 205 FLAHAL'LT, See BONNIER ', On the colour of plants grown from the same set of seeds under different condi- tions, 56 Flesh, chemical variations according to condition of the animal, 117 Flesh, differences in taste and chemis- try according to the food of the animal, 66 Flower, variability, 100 FOLIN (MARQUIS DE), on the irregu- larity of some pond snails, 93 Food and colour, 57 ; and length of wool, 90 ; and structure of the stomach, 105 ; and sexuality, 107, 109 ; and chemical composition, 118 Foraminifera, 27 FORCHAMMER, on chemical differences between different species of the same genus, 118 Form-variation, 93 ; among molluscs, 93 FOURNIER (G.), on variation among Cruciferae, 98 Fox, colour- variation. 53 Fresh water, generally but not always fatal to marine animals, 185 Fruit, variations, 99 Fiicns, chemical differences between different species, 118 INDEX 265 G. Galium cruciatum, 55 Callus bankiva, 158 GAUDKY(A.), on palarontological argu- ments for evolution, 28 ; on varia- bility among molluscs, 169 GAUTIER (ARMAND), on chemical variation accompanying colour- variation in grapes, 61 Gentians, colour-variation, 54 GEOFFROY SAINT HILAIRE, on en- vironment, 19; on experimental transformism, 43, 44 ', on dimensional variation, 74 ; on civilization and domestication, 169 Geological record, imperfection, 25 Geranium batrachioides, 54 ; G. sylva- ticum, 55 GERARD, on colour-variation in bees, 53 ; on colour-variation in plants, 53 GIARD (A.), on parasitism and sexu- ality, 108 ; on parasitary castration, 220 Gill-arches, 32 Glanders, 124 GODRON, on seasonal colour-variation, 52 ; on variation in the form of Ranunculus leaves, according to environment, 97 ; on Ranunculus, 97 GOODALE (G. L.), on plants suitable for cultivation, 172 Grape-vines from the Rhine valley yield Madeira wine in Madeira, 219 Grapes, differently coloured in the same bunch, 60', colour-variation and chemical variation, 63 Grapsus transferred to fresh water, 188 GRATACAP, on differences of resistance of different insects to various in- jurious processes, 120 GRAY (AsA), on cultivation and its results, 251 GRUBER (W.), on muscular variability, 105 H. HAECKEL (E.), on evolution, 31 Haliotis transferred to fresh water, 186 HARNACK and MEYER, on the in- fluence of pilocarpin on green and brown frog, 132 Heat, influence on germinating seeds, 137 ; on different bacteria, 183 : molluscs living in warm water, 205, 206 Helianthus annuus, dwarfed, 75 Helicidce, dimensional variations, 74 Hellebore, 135 Hemp, proportion of sexes, 107 ; muti- lated, 108 Heredity, 225 ; predominant, 245, 247; bilateral, 247 ; direct and crossed, eq^lal and unequal, 247 ; atavistic, 247 ; through influence, 248 ; homo- chronous, 248 ; rein-verted, 249 ; homotopic, 249 ; heterotopic, 249 ; in general, 255 ; of mutilations, or abnormalities, 255 HERMBSTAEDT, on the influence of food on chemical composition of plants, 118 HKRTWIG (R. and O.), on segmenta- tion, 197 HEUSINGER, on colour- variation, 67-69 HILGENDORF and HYATT, on the Planorbis of Steinheim, 27 Hippuris -vulgaris, differences in aquatic and aerial leaves, 209 HOFMANN, on sexuality, 108 HOLMGREN, on structure of the stomach and its variations accord- ing to food, 105 Holothuria cucumaria transferred to fresh water, 188 HOOKER (SiR JOSEPH), on Tasmanian species suitable for cultivation, 172 Horse, colour and fecundity, 68 ; do- mestic forms, 165 HULST, on colour-variation among Arctias, 51 HUNTER (JOHN), on visceral varia- bility in sea-gulls, 104 HUXLEY (Tn. H.), three hypotheses concerning the present world, 7 ; on evolution, n HYATT, see HILGENDORF ; on varia- bility of Planorbis, 149 Hybrids, colour in, 64 ; between grape- vines, 246 ; new experiments must be performed, 249 Hydra, possible influence on Lym- na?a, 204 Hyla, 112 Idiosyncrasy, 125 Immunity, comparative, to different diseases among different species, 124 Inanition, loss of weight in inverte- brates, 77 Insular animals smaller than conti- nental, 73 Integumentary variation, 89 ; in poul- try, 89 ; in sheep, 89 ; in the length of the wool, 89 ; in the amount of hairy covering among plants, 91 ; in the spines of plants, 92 IRVINE and WOODHEAD, on the pro- duction of lime by animals, 202 1 'satis tinctoria, 91 Isoetes lacustris, variability, 10 266 INDEX J- Jackal, formerly tamed, 157 Jasione montana, 91 JOHANNSEN, on caffein, 133 JONES (RUPKRT), on Foraminifera, 28 Juncussupinus, variation, 98 Juniperus, dwarfed, 71 Jussicea grandijlora, leaf-variatio n, 98 JUSSIEU (DE), on Ulexnanus KIPLING (LOCKWOOD), on domestic animals in India, 161 KIKCHEK, on genesis of animal forms, I 4 KRAUS, on growth of fruits during day- time and night, 199 KROCKER, on the amount of wool yielded according to the food of sheep, 91 L. Laburnum, 140 LACORDAIRE, on colour variation, 51 Lactuca perennis, 236 Lamarckism and Darwinism, 230, 231 LAMARCK'S theory of transmutation, 19 ; on Kamtnculns hederacens and aquatilis, 97 Lamiumpurpureum, 54 LANGUET DE SIVRY, on environment .and artificial selection, 203 Larus argentatus, variation, 105 Lams tridactylus, variation, 104 Latent life, 193 LAUDER BRUNTON and CASH, on the action of theine and caffeine, 132 LAUTENBACH, on the physiological action of heat on Rana temporaria and esculenta, 134 Leaves, variation, 97 ; toxicity, 142 ; variability according to mode of life, 208, 209-212 LEBAS, on the comparison of varie- gated and non-variegated plants, 59 LE CONTE, factors of evolution, 229 Leeches, colour-variation, 52 LEMAIRE (C.)j on dimensional varia- tions of hemp, 72 Lepidiiim sativum, 138 ; influence of fresh and sea water on starch-pro- duction, 212 LESAGE (P.), on the influence of sea- shore life on plants, 209 ; influence of salt water on thickness of leaves, influence of salt water on starch pro- duction, 212 Leucochroa candidissima, 74 Lime salts produced by animals, 202 Links, missing, not always required nor really missing, 152 LINNAEUS, on evolution, 20; on the influence of environment on the hairy covering of plants, 91 Lion, formerly tamed, 157 Living world, problem of, three hypotheses concerning, i LOCARD(A.), on dimensional variation among molluscs, &c., 74; on form- variation among molluscs, 93 ; L. turgida and elophila as 'varieties of L. stagnates, 94 ; on variations of Unto in form and colour, 94 LUCAS, tendency towards production of new forms, 150 Lycaonpictus domesticated in ancient Egypt, 157 Lychnis githago unequally toxic for different species of animals, 141 Lychnis, sexuality, 108 LYKLL (C.), on variability among molluscs, 169 Lyuintea stagnalis larger in ponds than in rivers, 74 ; stagnalis and auricularia artificially dwarfed, 79 seq. \frigida and the) malts varieties of L. peregra, 93 ; auricularia hav- ing only four whorls in mountain waters, 93 ; turgida and elophila varieties ^stagnalis^i, ; differences between individuals of the same brood, 136 ', living in salt water, 185 ; external influences, 197 ; growth, 200; dwarfing produces unisexuality, 201 ; abnormal in ponds containing many Hydras, 204 ; deformation by motion of water, 207 MAGNIN, on parasitism and sexuality, 108 MAILLET (DE), on the origin of man and animals, 15 Malformations, congenital, their value, 36 MANTEGAZZA, on variation in teeth, 10 MARCACCI, on experimental terato- geny, 196, 197 Marsh-fever, comparative death-rate of Europeans and Negroes, 123 MARTINS (Cn.), on variation in Jnssi&a, 98 ; on sex-variability in Chamcerops, no MASTERS (MAXWELL), on teratology, 100 Mauchamp breed of sheep, origin, 154, 239 MAUPAS, on nutrition and fertility, 221 Melia azedarach, 142 MER (E.), on variation in Isoetes INDEX 267 lacustris, ic6 ; on the influence of currents on aquatic plants, 207 MII.LAKDET, on hybrids between grape-vines, 246 MILNE-EDWARDS, on chemical differ- ences between the bones of man and woman, 121 MILTON, special creation theory ex- pounded in Paradise Lost, 7 MIVART, SAINT GEORGE, 103 Moina, see Daphnia MOLESCHOTT, on the influence of oxygen on pigments, 220 MONNIER, on the influence of brucin on green and brown frog, 130 MOQUIN TANDON, on changes in the colour of plants due to environment, 53 ; on dimensional variations, 74 Morphological argument for evolution, 38 MORTON (LORD), on mating a mare with a quagga, 248 MOYNIER DE VILLEPOISE, on the pro- duction of lime by marine organisms, 202 MCLLER, on sexuality, 108 Muscular system, variability, 105 Mutilations and sexuality, 220 ; here- dity of, 255 MUNTZ and GIRARD, on chemical differences of the wool of different breeds of sheep, 117 Myosotis sylvatica, 55 Myriophyllnm, variation, 98 My til us transferred to fresh water, 186 NAEGELI, internal forces tending to develop new forms, 150 Narcissus, sudden variation, 153 NATHUSIUS, on length of gestation in different breeeds of sheep, 167 Natural selection (anticipated by Naudin), 20 NAUDIN, his paper on selection (1852), 20, 21 ; on climate, 55 ; on varia- tion in fruits, 62 ; on physiological differences between Echhun of differ- ent climate, 115 ; internal forces tend- ing to develop new forms, 150 Nautilus has hardly varied since very remote epochs, 169 Neotenia in Amphibians, no Neritina thermophila, 205 Nervous system, argument for evolu- tion, 35 Niata breed of cattle, 153 Nicotin, influence on green and brown frog, 132 NIEBNER (TH.), on hybrids between roses, 246 Noctna, 120 O. Onopordon acanthiuin, 91 Ontogeny, 30, 35 ORBIGNY (D'), on dimensional varia- tion, 70, 71 Osteology, variations in, 103 Ostrea transferred to fresh water, 186 Ovibos moschatus, 159 Oxalis strzcta, variations, 72 Oxytropis man tana, 54 P. Pagiirus Prideauxii transferred to fresh water, 188 Palajontological argument for evolu- tion, 25 PALLAS, 159 Paludina living in salt water, 185 Pansy has varied slowly, 149 PASTEUR, 5 Pecten transferred to fresh water, 186 P debates, 112 PENZIG (O ), on teratology, 100 Persicaria, 91 PETERMANN, on the influence of soil on roots, 203 PFLUGER, on segmentation, 197 Phaseolus vnlgaris, varieties, 177 Phasnta, colour-variation, 51 Phylogeny, 30, 35 Physa contorta, 74 ; acuta, 205 Physiological differences between plants of same species, but different climate, 115 ; between different spe- cies, 119 ; between different species of insects towards the same external conditions, 120; between man and woman, 122 ; between different hu- man races, 123 ; between European and Algerian sheep, 124; between normal and attenuated Bacillus an- thracis, 127 ; between Rana escu- lenta and temporaria, 130 seq. ; be- tween the different individuals of the same brood, 136 ; between seeds, 137 ; may be experimentally in- duced, 145 ; between bacteria thriv- ing only in different media, 183 ', between plants watered with fresh and sea water, 211 Physiological transmutation, 127 Physiological variation. 114 Picrotoxine, influence on common crab, 1 20 PIERLOT, on variation of toxicity of valerian, 136 Pigeons in Florence congregating in flocks according to their colour, and breeding together, 243 Pilocarpin, influence on green and brown frog, 132 268 INDEX PIKE, on deformation of Planorbis by life in a pond containing a super- abundance of plants, 207 Pisidium pulchellum and cinerenm varieties of same species, 94 Planorbis of Steinheim, 27, 149 ; living in sea-water, 185 ; deformed by superabundance of plants, 207 Plants, wild and cultivated, types of, 173 ; De Candolle's investigations on, 173 ; list of cultivated species of, 174 PLATEAU, on adaptation to salinity, 190 PLINY, 158 ; on varieties of Brassica oleracea,) 177 ; on mutilation of grape-vine, 220 Poisons, physiological variability as concerns their effects, 139 POLO (MARCO), 159 POLYBIUS, 73 Polygonum amphibium, morphologi- cal variations, 98, 209 Polygonum fagopyrum, 142 Pompiliis UHifasciatus, 120 Portunns puber transferred to fresh water, 188 POUCHET (G.), on osteological varia- bility, 104 POUCHET and BEAUREGARD, on osteo- logical variability, 104 POUCHET and CHABRY, on the influ- ence of decalcification of sea-water on the development of larvae of sea- urchins, 195 POULIN (M.), on sudden variation, i53 POULTON (E B ), on the influence of the colour of environment, 58 ; on heredity, 225 ; on heredity of ab- normalities, 255 PRANTL, on food and sexuality, 108 Pressure, its influence on life, 191 PREVOST (J. L.), on the influence of veratrin on green and brown frog, 131 Prismatocarpus speculum, 91 PRJEVALSKY, 159 Proteus anguineus, neotenia, 112 Py ralis zntis, colour-variation, 51 Pyridin, influence on green and brown frog, 132 Q. Quagga, mated with a mare, 248 QUATREFAGES (DE), on dimensional variations, 72 Quercus tosa toxic for Southdowns, not injurious for Pyrenean sheep, 141 Quercy phosphorites, fauna of, 150 QUETELET, on thechemical differences of the blood of man and woman, 122 K Rabbits, dwarfed, 74 Rana esculenta, and tcmporaria, principal physiological differences, 130 Ranunculus, different forms according to environment, 95 ; forms of leaves, 97 ; R aquatilisa.n& hederaceus, 97 ; differences according to aerial and aquatic mode of life, 208 ; R. sylva- ticus, 55 ; R.Jicarla, 142 RAULIN ( JULES), on the influence of very slight chemical changes on the life of Aspergillus niger, 182 REGELSPERGER (G.), on deformation in molluscs by living in warm waters, 205 RFGNARD (P.), on the influence of pressure on life, 191 Reptiles, evolution of circulatory appa- ratus, 33 Rhododendron ferriigineum, form of R. hirsutuin, 219 Rhns corlaria, 142 Ribs, variation of number, 103 RITZEMA Bos, on peculiar characters of Tylenchi having fed only on one species of plants, 206 ROBINET(B. J.), on evolution, 16 ROMANES (G. J.)> ments, 250, 259 on propose exper- , d e Roots, influence of the soil on their growth, 204 Rosa alpina, 55 Rose carrying white and pink flowers, 60 ROSSLIN, 158 ROUJON (A.), on dwarfed plants, 75 ROUSSEAU (J. J.), on meditation, 4 Rubus, variation, 97 Rumex, sexuality, 108 S. Saccnlina, development shows its real systematic position, 30 Sagartia parasitica transferred to fresh water, 187 Sagittaria, leaf- variation, 97 SAINT GEORGE MIVART, on variability in the number of ribs, 103 SAINT HILAIRE, GEOFFROY, 19, 43 SAINT HILAIRE, ISIDORE GEOFFROY, SAINT LAGER, on special forms of some plants due to the chemical nature of the soil, 219 SAINTE CLAIRE DEVILLE, on chemical variability, 116 Salainandra atra, neotenia, 112 Salinity, adaptation to, 189 Salmon, chemical analyses of, 117 INDEX 269 SAUERMANN, on food in its relations to colour, 57 SAUNTER (GASPARD DE), 159 Scent of flowers, variation, 102 SCHMANKEWITSCH, on differences in- duced in Daphnia rectirostris by mode of life, 213 ; on Branchipus ferox, 216 ; on Artei/tia and Bran- chipus, 217 SCHMIEDEBERG, . on the action of caffein on green and brown frog, JSi-iSS SCHUBELER, on seeds of same species obtained under different climates, 218 Scilla maritiina, 142 Sea-shore, influence on plants, 211 Sea-urchins, development of their larvae in decalcified sea-water, 195 Sea-water fatal to most but not all fresh-water organisms, 186 ; influence on plants, 211 Seeds, physiological variability, 137- 139 ; influenced by environment, 218 Selection, natural, a factor in evolu- tion, 230 ; sexual, 230 ; physio- logical, 230; Weismann on, 231; experiments on, 236 ; proposed ex- periments, 240 Selection, Naudin on, 21 ; produces most new forms when not subservient to man's utilitarian demands, 168 ; of carrots, 203 ; proposed experi- ments, 241 SEMPER (K.), on dimensional varia- tions, 79, 200; on environment, 179, 221 Serratula tinctoria, 95 Sexuality, variation, 107 ; influence of food, 107 ; variation in plants, 107 ; variation in human species and ani- mals, 107 ; proportion of males to females among domestic animals, 108 ; and parasitism, 108 ; and muti- lations, 108 ; and food, 109 ; and climate, 109 ; and external factors, 109, no ; sexes, proportion of males and females in different animals, 108 ; and dwarfing, 200 Sheep, Mauchamp breed, 239 ; colour and flesh, 68 ; colour and climate, 69 ; from Senegal acquiring wool under northern climates, 89 ; chemi- cal differences in skeleton of differ- ent breeds, 116; Mauchamp breed suddenly produced, 154; variability in length of gestation of different breeds, 167 Shell, left-handed, due to electrical in- fluences, 204 Skull-capacity of wild and domestic forms, 165 Stnerinthus, colour-variation, 51 Soil, influence on taste of wine, 219 Solanum stoloniferum, 236 SPALLANZANI on sexuality, 108 Special creation theory, 7, 22 Species, different, react differently to- wards same poisons, 141 ; what are, 144, 254 ; all variable, 148 ; selec- tion, 203 Specific characters not merely external and morphological, but chemical and physiological, 143 SPENCER (HERBERT), on evolutionists' and anti-evolutionists' demands, 24 ; on dimensional variations, 79, 200 Sphinx elpenor, colour- variation, 51 Spinacia oleracea, proportions of sexes, 107 ; sexuality, 108 Starving, experiments on, 77 STELLA (ERASMUS), 158 Sterility of dwarfecl plants, 75 Stilbe americana and A bramis versi- color identical, 90 Stomach, variability, 105 Stomata in aquatic and aerial indi- viduals of same species, 208, 209 STRABO, 73, 158 Stratiotes aloides, influence of mode of life on leaves, 209 Strychnine, influence on common crab, 120 STUDER, on molluscs living in warm water, 205 STURTEVANT, on the origin of culti- vated plants, 179 Sus vittatus, 158 SWAMMERDAM, on experimental tera- togeny, 194 Syphilis, 124 T. Tadpoles, influence of food on sexua- lity, 107 ; experiments on the influ- ence of salt, 189 ; influence of food, 199 ; embryology, 33 Taraxacum dens-leonis and palustre, 95 TARCHANOFF (JEAN DE), on the brain of young animals, 145 Teeth of whales, 35 ; variation in num- ber, 103 Tellina transferred to fresh water, 1 86 Temperature and life, 205 "Tendency to betterment," Delbceuf's, i5 2 Teratogeny, experimental, 193 TERQUEM, on Foraminifera, 27 TESTUT, on muscular anomalies in man and their interpretation, 37 105 Tetragonia, 236 Thalassema mellita, 197 THEOPHRASTUS, on varieties of Bras- sica oleracea, 177 270 INDEX THOMSON (J. A.), on the influence of environment, 179 ; on heredity, 225 Thuja occidentalis^ influence of ex- ternal conditions, 222 ; dwarfed, 71 Thnjopsis dolabrata variegata, 59 Thytnus serpyllum, 55, 91 TICHOMIROFF, on artificially induced parthenogenesis, 197 TILLET, on investigations with artifi- cial soils, 198 TOURNEFORT, 95 ; on varieties of Brassica oleracea, 177 Toxicity of plants varies according to their different parts, 142 Tradescantia virginica, variation of an individual plant in respect of flower-ir.orphology, 101 Transmutation of one micro-organism into another, 126 Trifoliuin molineri, form of T. incar- natum, 219 Triton, 112 TROCHU, on the non-spiny form of Ulex europceus, 92 Tropceolum , influence of external con- ditions, 222 Tuberculosis, comparative immunity of Mongolians, 124 Turbo thermalis, 205 TURREL, on the non-spiny form of Capparis spinosa, 92 Tylenchus devastatrix acquiring pecu- liar characters from living on one species of plant only, 206 U. Ulex europceus devoid of spines, 92 ; Ulex nanus, 92 ; U. major, form of U. paiviflorus, 219 ; U. europceus, 245 Unio's variations in form and colour, 94 ; living in sea-water, 185 Urodela, 112 Use and disuse, a factor in evolution, 230 ; proposed experiments, 239 Ustilago antherarum, influence on sexuality, 108 dimensions, 70 ; integuments, 89 ; form, 93 ; leaf, 97 ; fruit, 99 ; flower, 101 ; personal, 125 ; universal, 147 ; sudden, 152 Variations, osteological, 103 ; visceral, 105 ; sexual, 107 Variegation and environment, 54 ; Carriere on, 58 ; some localities un- favourable to variegation, 58, 59 ; are variegated plants weaker than others, 59 ; sudden variegation, 59 VARIGNY (DE), on history of evolution- ary notions, 17 ; on the loss of weight in Coelenterates during inanition, 77 ; on dimensional varia- tions (experiments on Lymncea), 79 ; on abnormal prolongation of tadpole condition, in ; influence of brucin, strychnine, and picrotoxine on com- mon crab, 120 ; observations on normal variation among individuals of the same brood of Lymncea, 137 ; on the influence of heat on seeds, 137 ; on the influence of sulphate of copper and of strychnine on seeds, 138 ; experiments on accus- toming marine animals to live in fresh water, 187 ; experiments on the adaptation of fresh-water forms to life in saline media, 189 VARRO, 158 Venus, transferred to fresh water, 186 Veratrin, influence on green and brown frogs, 131 Verbascum lychnis, 54 Vigour and colour, 69 VILMORIN (L. DE), on changes of colour due to culture, 53 ; on variegation, 59 ; on Ulex nanus and europceus, 93; experiments in selection, 236, 237 ; experiments on beet-root, 238 ; on selection generally, 241 Visceral variations, 105 Vitis rupestris, predominant heredity, 245. Vorticellce subjected to high pres- sures, 192 Vulpes alopex, 50 VULPIAN, on the influence of poisons on green and brown frogs, 131 ; on the influence of brucine, 132 Valerian, less toxic when grown on dry soil, 136 VALLEMONT (DE), on growth in thick- ness partly determined by external influences, 199 Variability present at all epochs, in all organisms, 147 ; is itself variable, 149 ; causes unknown, 150 Variation among pathogenetic organ- isms under different modes of culture, 126 ; in structure, 47 ; colour, 48 ; WALLACE (A. R.), on seasonal colour- variation, 52 ; on colour-variation, 67 ; on variability of the length of the digestive system, 106 WEISMANN (A.), on variability in com- mon pansy, 149 ; on acquired characters, 221 ;on selection, 231 Whales, rudimentary teeth, 39 ; osteo- logical variability, 103 INDEX 271 Wheat, chemical differences according to soil, 118 WHITFIELD (R. P.)> on dwarfing in- ducing unisexuality in Lynin&a, 200 WILLOUGHBY (F.), on hellebore and water-dropwort not being toxic for the common quail, 139 WINTZENRIED (L.), on the action of brucin, 132 WOODHEAD, see IRVINE Wool of sheep, relation to food, 90 ; chemical differences according to breeds, 117 Y. YuNG(E.), on the influence of the nature of food on the development of tadpoles, 199 Zea Mays, sexuality and nutrition, 108 ; dwarfed, 75 THE END RICHARD CLAY AND SONS, LIMITED, LONDON AND BUNGAY. MESSRS. MACMILLAN & CO.'S SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. NATURE SERIES. CROWN 8vo. THE APODID^E. A Morphological .Study. 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