SB pr clithic Concrete Silos Folk S; UC-NRLF AGRIC. DEPT. **lllV%/U I I LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY CALlFORNIAv Contents Frontispiece I Officers and Directors - 4 Introduction 6 Concrete Its Value 7-8 Short Story about Concrete . - 9-13 History of the Silo 14-16 The Value of the Silo 17-19 Table Dry Matter and Digestible Nutriments in Silage from Different Crops 20 Table Showing Acreage Required to fill Silo and Amounts to Feed - 2 1 Photograph Showing "Feeders" 22 Concrete in Silo . Construction 23-26 Silo Showing Water Tank 27 Photograph Showing Filling process - 28 Handling Ensilage to the Best Advantage 29-3 1 Photograph 32 Our System - 33-35 The Polk Silo Door 36-37 Capacity of Round Silos in Tons 38 Facts-^Not Fancies 39 Testimonials - 40-47 Remerrfher - . 48 . Monolithic Concrete Silos The Polk System OF RE-ENFORCED MONOLITHIC CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION Pat. Oct. 23, 1906 Pat. Dec. 29, 1908 C. F. WIELAND CONSULTING ENGINEER 914 Mutual Savings Bank Bld. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. POLK-GENUNG-POLK CO. INCORPORATED FORT BRANCH, IND. OFFICERS: W. C. POLK, H. 0. CHERRY, H. T. GENUNG, W. A. POLK, President Vice President Secretary-Treasurer Assistant Secretary-Treasurer DIRECTORS: W. C. POLK, H. 0. CHERRY, H. T. GENUNG, R. M. STORMONT, W. A. POLK, Fort Branch, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. Fort Branch, Ind. Springfield, 111. Fort Branch, Ind. In selecting the photographs for this cata- logue, we have made use of those v/ews that illustrate, to the best advantage, those points which we have endeavored to cover, and we have tried to arrange them with some pre- cision that their force may not be lost. The cuts of complete or incomplete jobs represent the work of our machines. The photographs from which they are made have never been re-touched, hence you see exact images of actual conditions. We wish to express our. kindest thanks to those who have furnished us cuts and to others for the interest they have shown in this catalogue. 272656 Introduction THE average American farmer is not one-half as rich as he ought to be. There are too many leaks in the business. The one greatest loss to-day is in the handling of the corn crop by the stockman and dairyman. The progressive man who is feeding silage is getting 100 per cent, of the nutriment out of his corn, while the other fellow is getting only about 60 to 65 per cent, and is losing the remaining 40 per cent. We are sending this catalogue to you because this is so. We want to give you straight facts in a straightforward manner. We want to show you that you absolutely cannot afford to be without a good silo. The unprecedented rise in land values means that a corresponding return must be got or failure and bankruptcy will follow. The scientific management of the big progressive stock- man means that his competitors will have to stop every leak or else get out of the business. The economy of the silo means that you must own one. We wish to show you that the best silo you can buy is the only one you can really afford to buy, that you are losing money when you build a silo that won't last you forever. We want you to read the following pages of facts, undisputable and to judge the proposition fairly. Then if you build anything but an im- perishable monolithic concrete silo we shall be surprised at you. But you won't surprise us you can't afford to. We have never had a single failure or a single complaint. Our efficiency is 100 per cent. Every silo that has ever been erected by the Polk system has given absolute satisfaction. Yes, there is a reason. Our machine and our methods don't allow any builder to go wrong. We hope that you will closely examine the following pages so that we may convince you that our assertions are true. THE POLK SYSTEM Concrete Its Value THE modern farmer would no more think of trying" to get along without concrete than the modern manufacturer would think of dispensing with electricity or steam. Not many years ago con- crete was an unknown quantity, the engineer and builder didn't know whether to use it or not. Today no- man builds that does not consider concrete, and no wise man builds that does not use it. Concrete has not only revolutionized our recent ideas of building; it has exploded them. Concrete is supplanting stone, brick, iron, and wood. The farmer, who some not over-wise people say is always Silo of Mr. C. W. Broughton, McGirr, III., diameter 16 feet, height 45 feet. Built by Polk System. backward about taking up new ideas, has been decidedly in the foreground here, and it is building "for keeps" in concrete, while his less knowing city cousin "burns wood." Why has concrete come to the front so rapidly? There are many reasons, but one is, sufficient. IT IS EVERLASTING. It has a cumulative strength and a 100 per cent, plus efficiency. The ''They are not built of pieces and they cannot go to pieces. " 8 THE POLK SYSTEM modern farmer has found it his greatest single agency in the con- struction of a farm on the business basis. He has circumvented deteoriation- he has no up keep his profits go into the bank: because, simply because he has used concrete in the building. Concrete is vauable on the farm because it can be put to an almost endless number of uses. From the basement to the water-tank, from the barn to the fence-post, from the silo to the cistern, in the corn-crib and the trough, on the floor and the sidewalk, we find concrete. No one WHO KNOWS builds with anything but concrete, it means sanitary conditions, puts the kibosh on the rats and mice, turns water at the roof and in the basement, laughs at fire and makes the insurance man drive on to the next place in hopes of finding an easy vic- tim. Build with concrete and don't mind the weather even if the wind ''do blow." What do you care? Build with concrete and build right and nothing but a double-geared, back ac- tion, hammerless, six-cylinder, earthquake could ever ruffle your peace of mind. BUILD RIGHT! We know how to do that today. A few years ago some mistakes were made by workers in con- crete, because they were care- less about proportions and mix- tures. These mistakes have been given wide publicity as Monolithic silo, nearly completed by the Polk-Ge- nung-Polk system, on the farm of John Creighton, Geneva, HI W. H. Warford, Contractor. suitable material for this kind of proof that concrete is not a construction, and consequently some of the unwise fear the concrete is tricky. Today the fail- ures by inexperienced and expert are not one in a hundred. ' ' They arm not built of piece* and they cannot go to pieces. THE POLK SYSTEM 9 Short Story About Concrete T^GYPTIANS. On the top of the huge pyramids of Egypt I* there are enormous blocks of stone of such size that modern engineers wonder how they ever were put there. They are well preserved and show little effect of the 4,000 years weathering they have undergone. Recent investigation on the subject of this vast engineering feat seems to show that those huge stones were prob- ably carried there in water pails or some similiar contrivances. The Egyptians knew how to make a hydraulic cement, and pieces of wood found within these big blocks together with the conglom- erate structure seem to show that they made use of their secret in the erection of the pyramids. GREEKS and ROMANS. The Greeks also knew about cement. Many of their walls and slabs of stone which have until recently been supposed to be solid rock, have proved to be exam- ples of an enduring concrete construction. The Romans built the best roads that man has ever known. They dug to solid rock, filled in with crushed rock, bouldei's and pebbles, and then coated the top with a hydraulic cement. Over this they put paving stones. The paving stones have worn away and crumbled to dust, but the concrete mixture remains stronger than it was the day it was put there. Fallen columns, pillars and arches of concrete con- struction among Roman ruins show much better lasting qualities than the hardest marble that was used for mural decoration. In this connection the Architecture Record issue of February, 1909 says: "The Romans mixed their' concrete exactly as we mix ours- in a general batch that is, stones, cement and lime were mixed to- gether and thrown into a wooden form, precisely as we do it to- day. The marks of the wooden forms are at all times discernible, and especially is this so in the corridor of the house of Augustus on the Palatine (P. 10) where the grain of the wood can be clear- ly seen. These walls are some twenty-four feet above the ground ' 'They are not built of piece* , and they cannot go to pieces. 10 THE POLK SYSTEM level, and though the construction of the forms seems to have been carlessly done, as the photograph shows, yet the result is none the less interesting. Here is a splendid opportunity to see concrete and leisurely inspect it from every point of vantage. Above these concrete foundations rose the palace of Augustus, formed of these stupend- ous walls and vaults of brick, which here, as else- where i n Rome, thrust its arches through the air with such poise and pre- cisi on that they are t o this day the admiration of every behold- er and gave to the Romans their proud p o s i t i on HOUSE OF AUGUSTUS Notice impression of the wood forms as well as actual grain of the wood. among the master builders of the world. The structure of brick above these concrete walls have suc- cumbed to the ravages of time and to the hand of the destroyer, but the concrete remains without a crack or a fracture that could be discovered by careful and frequent examination. Its adhesion is perfect, and that there has not been the slightest disintegration of even the outside surface is attested by the fact that the grain of the wood from the old forms may still be seen on the concrete, though its imprint was made over two thousand years ago. The silent and sturdy witnesses in the Roman Forum and the Appian Way give convincing testimony as to the efficiency and durability of concrete. Looking back through the centuries in which the ''They are not built of pieces and they cannot go to pieces. THE POLK SYSTEM I I character has been so notably maintained, we must see that there is a material on whose merits we can form a definite and certain judgment, and the judgment thus formed impels us irresistibly to the conclusion that we have no building construction which, viewed from any standpoint, measures up to the incomparable standard established by concrete." Other evidences of the constructive uses of cement are found in various parts of the old world. In Ireland are old lookout towers, supposed to have been built by the Druid priests more than one thousand years ago. They are made of hydraulic cement concrete, and are cylindrical in form, about six feet in diameter, and 100 feet high. Some years ago one of these tow- ers was undermined and fell over. The shock was so great that the shaft was bur- ied one-half in the ground for its entire length, yet there was not the slightest fracture in the monolithic structure. Any natural rock would have been shat- tered to bits. In Spain and other countries with a flour- ishing early history all signs point to an early and exten- sive use of a rude sort of ce- ment and concrete. The pre-historic people of the New World also knew some- thing of the value of an artificial stone. The Mound Builders who inhabited the Ohio Valley some 12,000 years ago cooked and boiled in vessels that appear to have been made of a rock conglomerate held together by a cement. The Peruvian Incas built themselves houses of a crude concrete to prevent loss from earthquakes and volcanic tremors. So the Ancients worked in concrete. Of course they had noth- Ed John's Concrete Silo, 16x40 feet, La Fox, III. by Polk System. W. H. Warford Contractor. "They are not built of pieces* and they cannot go to pieces. 12 THE POLK SYSTEM ing to compare with the highly developed Portland cement of to- day, yet they did imperishable work. Strange to say, the people of the medieval times lost the secret and all the fine architectural- work of the "dark ages" is fast crumbling into oblivion. Not un- til the opening of the nineteenth century did man again become in- terested in means of making artificial stone. The modern searcher after the secret, how- ever, turned his at- tention to the produc- tion of a fine powder that would do the ce- menting when mixed with rock and water. He wanted a much smoother and neater result than the ancient builder. In England, Germany, and France, chemists and engineers worked on the produc- tion of a dependable cement from 1790 un : til 1850 before they made one that fulfilled the requirements. In 1865 the first Portland cement was brought to the United States, and in 1872 the first home-made product was put on the market. In 1880 the output of all factories in our country was only 82,000 barrels. In 1896 it had passed the million mark, and in 1909 it was sixty millions. That's the way America does things. Today there is practically no foreign cement for sale on our markets. Today we stand on the threshold of the concrete age. The possibilities of a concrete construction are numberless from the sewer to the tip-top of the sky-scraper re-enforced concrete is displacing all other forms of masonry and building materfal. En- gineers are doing with concrete, things that we did not -dream Twin Concrete Silos on farm of Frank White, La Fox, 111., each 18x45 feet. Built by Polk System. W. H. Warford, Geneva, 111., Contractor. ''They are not built of pieces and they cnnnot go to pieces. THE POLK SYSTEM 13 about ten years ago. They go straight to dizzy heights with seemingly little attention to the laws of equilibrium; they bridge spans with no at- t e n t i o n to the laws of gravity. Concrete means just as much to the farmerp f; as the same -rapid stride s that characterize the engineering field are being made proportionate- ly of course, on the farm. Prin- ciples of conser- vation and per- manence are be- ing adopted in the agricultural field just as as- suredly as they are in the engi- neering fi e 1 d . i.. i6xio feet, capacity Concrete is more Built by Polk System |>flB J flr^n permanent; -m> Strength -is cumulative?* A^oncrete silo will be stronger 5 ten J^ars hence tKan it is now and "s'tiW stronger when your great-great-grandchildren are ready to use it. Concrete annihilates two words " and ".vpmrs." S. C. M. Saxby's Concrete Silo, Freeport, 111. 180 tc "They are not built of piece* and they cannot go to pieces. ' ' 14 THE POLK SYSTEM History of the Silo ALONG time ago, even before man had become accustomed to settled agricultural life, the primitive farmers were guessing at the secret of the silo. A "pit" was first used as a receptacle for dry grain. The Greeks called such a pit "siros" and the Spanish have a word "ensilar" meaning to store grain m a pit. From these two words comes our term "ensilage." The Roman farmers stored green forage in air-tight pits and fed the "silage" to their stock. That was two-thousand years ago. In 1786 we have our first authentic record of the actual prep- aration of stock food by the "silage" method when Symonds wrote of Italians preserving fresh leaves for cattle in casks and pits in the ground. In 1843 an Englishman named Johnston who had been observing Germans store green clover, grass, or vetches in pits, published an article giving his views on such a method for treating food. These pits the Germans used were ten or twelve feet square and about as many feet deep. The floor was of packed clay and the sides were lined with wood. The green food was well salted as it was thrown into the pit and the top was given an extra thick layer of salt and then a close-fitting cover of boards was put over it. Then enough dirt to make the pit air- tight was thrown over the top of the boards and the "silage" was allowed to ferment and settle for a few days. Then more green stuff was added to fill the crude silo, and the board and dirt cover was again added. The grass thus treated had the appearance of being boiled, was sharply acid, and was much enjoyed by the cat- tle. Between 1860 and 1870 Samuel Jones in England experi- mented extensively with tares or rye. He cut it green, chopped it up, and then allowed it to ferment in air-tight vats. To Adolph Reihlen, a sugar manufacturer of Germany, belongs the credit for first storing green maize in pits. He had lived a number of years in the United States and had taken back to the old country with him some large dent corn. Since the crop did not always mature in that climate he conceived the idea of treat- "They are not built of pieces, and they cannot go to pieces. THE POLK SYSTEM 15 ing- it the same way that he had successfully treated green beet leaves and beet pulp. The results of his works were published in the German and French papers at the time and the use of thesilo was strongly urged upon the people of France. The French farmers wisely heeded the good ad- vice and built them- selves many pits in the earth for the storing of green forage. In 1877 Auguste Goffart, a French farmer, wrote a book giv- ing the results of twenty-five years experience with the method of preserv- ing green forage in air-tight pits. He told little that was new, but what he told was so well put and so well ar- ranged that he now bears the distinction of being the Father of Modern Silage. Now, when America is not first at anything she is always a very close second, and in 1876 a progressive Maryland farmer named Morris built a structure to contain silage. Shortly after the intro- duction of the silo in America enthusiasts made many extravagant claims for its usefulness and effectiveness which early experiments failed to vindicate. These early experiments were crude and ex- travagant, and the silo did not become popular at that time. In Silo of George Dick, Sycamore, III., Size: Diameter 16 feet, Height 40 feet. Polk Syitem "They are not built of pieces and they cannot go to piece*. " 16 THE POLK SYSTEM fact in 1882 only 92 American farmers used the silo. Later and more careful investigations by agricultural schools and scientific farmers revealed the true worth of the silo until it is to-day an un- disputed fact that no man who raises stock for any purpose what- ever can afford to be without one. There are over 500,000 silos in the United States at the present time. 16 x 50 feet monolithic silo of State Hospital Farm No. 1, Fulton, Missouri, showing cutter in position for filling. Built by Polk System. "They are not built of pieces and they cannot go to pieces. THE POLK SYSTEM 17 The Value of the Silo SILO MEANS SAVE HPHE silo offers a quicker and larger return on the investment 1 than does any other improvement that is being considered by the dairy farmers and stockmen of America today. We assert this without fear of contradiction because we have the judgment and experience of the progressive, brainy American farmer to up- hold us. We have boiled down a great mass of facts here for your convenience and enlighten- ment. Our authority for the following statement consists of the experiments of Agricultural Schools and Stations and of the personal experiences of advancing, broad-minded farmers. We have no desire to burden your mind with rows of facts and figures that confuse you and make your head swim. We want to give you in tabloid form some informa- tion about the value of the silo. Here it is: Lewis McNutt's monolithic silo, Brazil, inu., showing cutter and blower in position ready for filling. Notice That Every Fact Cited Means a Saving. 1. THE SILO REDUCES THE COST OF PRODUCTION, (a). The cost of feed is reduced one-half. Chemists who have examined fodder as it goes in the shock and as it is when ready to be fed later in the winter find that often only half of the original nutriment re- mains. The weather and the air have made way with one-half of your feed. The Silo does not retain all of the food value, but the "They are not built of pieces and they cannot go to ot'eces. 18 THE POLK SYSTEM loss is never greater than ten per cent, (b) An acre of corn can be placed in the silo at much less cost than it can be put up as cured fodder. An experiment made in 1903, in filling a 100-ton silo, shows the cost of filling- to be only i > > 50 cents per ton. (c) There is abso- lutely no waste to any part of the corn crop, provided you exercise a fair de- gree of care in han- dling it. (d). Care- ful and fair experi- ments show that you can feed your stock on one-half of the acreage other- wise needed. II. THE SILO IN- C REA SES THE AMOUNT OF PRO- DUCTION, (a) Dai- ry cattle give more milk and cream when fed on silage than when fed on dry fodder and ear corn, (b) The in- crease in butter fat is enough to reduce the cost of produc- tion 9c per pound, from22c to 13c. (c) Steers fattened on silage show a saving of 50c for every 100 pounds, and bring an average of 20c per 150 better on the market; a total saving of 70c on every 100 pounds. III. MISCELLANEOUS ADVANTAGES. (a) Ensilage fed cattle have a good appetite are healthy, (b) Your stock does not have to be reduced during a dry season, (c) There is no exposure to bad weather in feeding ensilage, (d) There is great economy of Twin Silos, 16x40 feet, in process of construction by Polk System. Built for W. T. Robinson, Harrodsburg, Ken- tucky. Scaffolding and superstructure is unnecessary in this System. "They are not built of pieces and they cannot go to pieces. ' ' THE POLK SYSTEM 19 storage room. Ten tons of silage occupies the same space that one ton of hay does. (e). The food supply is constant. With the right kind of a silo there is no fear of fire, flood, drouth, lightning nor wind. A careful reading and a brief review of the foregoing will con- vince you that the most extravagant farmer in the business to-day ir, the one who is trying to get along without a silo. Ask yourself if, in the coming days of closer competition, you can stand up against your progressive neighbor who is producing the same goods that you produce at one-half of your cost of production. Be one of those progressive neigh- bors yourself and let the other fellows wonder where you get the money to keep your farm so well stocked and equipped, and your buildings in such good shape. Let him wonder how you can afford to pay cash for your fine touring car. As any business grows and iu- tensifies, as competition becomes fiercer, there is al- ways a struggle for a de- decreased cost of production and the man who solves the problem first is the man who makes the money. The silo solves the problem for the man who feeds stock. C. A. Baber's Monolithic Silo, LaFox, Illinois. Diam- eter 18 feet, height 45 feet. Polk System. W. H. Warford, Geneva, Illinois, Contractor. "They ore not built of piece* and they cnnnot go to piece*." 20 t THE POLK SYSTEM ea 1 "x OOOO +* 4-- >> o OOOKDIOOJOUD' <^ 3 ^ u . CNCNOJCNrOCMCNCNCN z 1 oj ^ D. I < In Q 0) TOD co IN Q D T3 KO I 0) to) S r* nJ ttf ^ 5 ^ c ^2 ^ 0) ID tn "^ "5 3 DQ t/3 a C C 5* w a "CD "^ ^ v o ^ S >> > I .S oo Q fc E > P > S ^ -o 11* - s s s 73^:^ co a- ^ g ^^i-c^f^g^l^^ OCC;COur silo machine. Built six without any expense as to repairs, and don't look as if there was much wear on the machine. *t Everyone that I built for was well pleased and thought it was a great labor saver. Yours truly, "They arm not built of piece* and they cannot go to piece*." POLK SYSTEM STATE OF ILLINOIS. 7 NORTH LAKE STREET AURORA, ILLINOIS J P MASON PRESIDENT t to >N A N ABBOTT VICE PBES.OENT MORR.SON FRANK H HAIL. SUPERINTENDENT H A M C KEENE SECRETARY F I MANN. AUDITOR January 2, 1910. TO WHOM IT MAY COHCERJJ: In the spring of 1909, the Polk, Genung, Polk Co. of Port Branch, Indiana, built for me a reinforced concrete silo, 1 ft. by 40 ft. The structure seems to be perfect in every respect, and the men who built it, so far as I can Judge from my dealings with them, are courteous, competent, reliable business men. They know their business and promptly do as they agree. They are not built of piece*, and they cannot go to piece*. THE POLK SYSTEM LKWIS McNUTT -*-, MWBR HII'K j^jjfg^^ IXI>KPK.XI>*NTWO. B u9uirrti WALNUT rr. BRAZIL. IN l>.. August 10, 1909. Messrs. Polk, Genung, Polk Co., Fort Branch, Indiana. Gentlemen: Let me commend you for the workmanship and the square dealing on the silo that you built for me, 14/40 ft. it ex- ceeded my expectations. I could not realize that a silo that tall could be built perfectly 'Straight both in the radius and the perpendicular, and the manner in which it ie re- enforced I think it is impossible for it to ever give way in any particular, I do- not know when I have had anything done that gave me as little anxiety and trouble as this job did. Everything, went along smoothly; the contract was carried out to the letter and settlement made without the least hitch. I do not believe I could consent to have it removed for considerable more than t cost me. I also want to speak a word for the gentlemen that did the work, for they were everything that the word gentleman means. With kindest regards, I am, respectfully, "They are not built of pieces and they cannot go to piece*. " 48 THE POLK SYSTEM R e m e m b e r 1 That the Polk System mono- lithic silo lasts forever. 2 That "they are not built of pieces and they can not go to pieces/' 3 That there are no bands or any wires to adjust and re-ad- just. 4 That they are rat proof. 5 That they are "insurance agent proof." 6 That the wind has never yet blown strong enough to blow one down. 7 That high silos are the prac- ticable silos and easy, high con- struction is the Polk System's "long suit." "They are not built of piece*, and they cannot go to piece*. ' ' 272656 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY