ELECTRIC WIRING AND LIGHTING A HANDBOOK OF APPROVED MODERN METHODS OF LIGHTING BY ELECTRICITY, AND OF INSTALLING CONDUCTORS FOR THE TRANSMISSION AND UTILIZATION OF ELECTRICITY FOR POWER, LIGHTING, HEATING, AND OTHER USES Part I ELECTRIC WIRING By CHARLES E. I^NOX, E. E. CONSULTING ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Part II ELECTRIC LIGHTING By GEORGE E. SHAAD, E. E. PROFESSOR OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS ILLUSTRATED AMERICAN TECHNICAL SOCIETY CHICAGO 1916 Copyright 1908, 1913 by AMERICAN TECHNICAL SOCIETY Copyright Great Britain AH Rights Reserved CONTENTS PART I ELECTRIC WIRING PAGE Wires run concealed in conduits 1 Wires run in rigid conduit 1 Wires run in flexible metal conduit 4 Wires run in moulding 9 Fibrous tubing 15 Wires run exposed on insulators 16 Two-wire and three-wire systems 20 Calculation of sizes of conductors 25 Planning a wiring installation 29 Wiring methods 29 Wiring systems 30 Location of outlets 30 Location of distributing centers 31 Branch circuits ."*". 32 Voltage drop in conductors 34 Feeders and mains 36 Testing circuits 36 Alternating-current circuits 40 Comparison with direct-current circuits 40 Skin effect 42 Mutual induction 42 Line capacity 43 Calculation of drop in a. c. lines 44 Single-phase circuits 48 Polyphase circuits 53 346638 CONTENTS PAGE Wiring an office building 54. Current supply '. . . 54 Switchboard 55 Load ' 55 Feeders and mains 55 Wiring plans for eacli floor :..... 56 Interconnection system 58 Outlet-boxes, cut-out panels and accessories 63 Overhead linework 68 Poles 69 Pole guying 72 Corners 75 Cross arms 75 Service mains 77 Lightning arresters 78 Lamp supports on poles 79 Underground linework 79 Iron pipe 80 Vitrified tile conduit 80 Laying conduit 82 Fibre conduit . . 83 PART II ELECTRIC LIGHTING PAGE History and development 1 Classification 2 Incandescent lamps 2 Manufacture of carbon filament lamps V 3 Voltage and candle-power 5 Efficiency 6 Selection of lamps 8 Distribution curves 11 Gem metallized- filament lamp 12 Metallic filament lamps 14 Helion lamp 21 Nernst lamp 21 Comparison of different types 25 CONTENTS PAGE Special lamps 27 Mercury vapor lamp 27 Moore tube light 29 Arc lamps 32 Control mechanisms 33 Types of 38 Direct-current arcs 38 Alternating-current arcs 39 Flaming arcs 42 Power distribution systems 46 Illumination '.,." 53 Residence lighting 56 Types of lamps 56 Illumination calculations . .". 56 Intensity constants for incandescent lamps. . 59 Intensity constants for arc lamps 59 Arrangements of lamps. 55 Lighting of public halls, offices, etc 64 Street lighting 67 Shades and reflectors 72 Frosted globes 73 Holophane globes 74 Opal enclosed globes 76 Photometry ,. 76 Light standards .......;.. . . . .- * 76 Photometers 79 Lummer-Brodhun 80 Weber 83 Portable 85 Integrating 86 Incandescent lamp photometry 88 Arc light photometry 93 INTRODUCTION T~^ LECTEIC lighting virtually started with the invention of the ' J Edison incandescent lamp in 1878, the discovery of this very useful and flexible lighting unit marking an epoch not only in home lighting., but also in the actual development of the electrical industry itself. This invention had been preceded by the invention of the higher powered but less flexible arc lamp, and these two fundamental lighting sources have been the standards of electrical illumination since that time. C The last few years have seen many notable improvements,, not only in the methods of lighting but in the light units themselves. The enclosed arc, the flaming arc, the Moore tubes, and the Nernst lamp have all contributed to this wonderful development, but the recent improvement in metallic filament lamps, notably the Tungsten, has given an impetus which is second onty to the original invention of the incandescent lamp itself. To cut the energy consumption per candle- power from 3.5 watts to 1.25 watts is certainly a triumph, and this improvement has opened up many fields of activity hitherto closed to incandescent lighting. It has even made the beautifully effective, but criminally inefficient, method of indirect lighting economically pos- sible. C In addition to the progress in the lighting phases of this interesting subject, the many precautions and safeguards which the building departments of our cities and the National Board of Fire Underwriters demand in connection with lighting and power circuits, make it all the more necessary that everyone actively engaged or interested in lighting and wiring should have a reliable handbook giving standard specifica- tions and requirements as to materials and methods, and adequate descriptions of recommended devices. C The material in this volume is especially adapted for purposes of self-instruction and home study. The utmost care has been used to make the treatment of each subject appeal not only to the technically trained expert, but also to the beginner and the self-taught practical man who wishes to keep abreast of modern progress. The language is simple and clear; heavy technical terms and the formulae of the higher mathematics have been avoided, yet without sacrificing any of the requirements of practical instruction. C For purposes of ready reference and timely information when needed, it is believed that this handbook will be found to meet every requirement. ELECTRIC WIRING METHODS OF WIRING The different methods of wiring which are now approved by the National Board of Fire Underwriters, may be classified under four general heads, as follows: 1. WIRES RUN CONCEALED IN CONDUITS. 2. WIRES RUN IN MOULDING. 3. CONCEALED KNOB AND TUBE WIRING. 4. WIRES RUN EXPOSED ON INSULATORS. WIRES RUN CONCEALED IN CONDUITS Under this general head, will be included the following: (a) Wires run in rigid conduits. (6) Wires run in flexible metal conduits. (c) Armored cable. Wires Run in Rigid Conduit. The form of rigid metal conduit now used almost exclusively, consists of plain iron gaspipe the interior sur- face of which has been prepared by removing the scale and by remov- ing the irregularities, and which is then coated with flexible enamel. The outside of the pipe is given a thin coat of enamel in some cases, and, in other cases, is galvan- i z e d . Fig. 1 shows one make 11 , Fig. 1. Rigid Enameled Conduit, Unlined. OI enameled (nu- Courtesy of American Conduit Mfg. Co., Pittsburg, Pa. lined) conduit. Another form of rigid conduit is that known as the armored con- duit, which consists of iron pipe with an interior lining of paper impregnated with asphaltum or similar compound. This latter form of conduit is now rapidly going out of use, owing to the unlined pipe being cheaper and easier to install, and owing also to improved methods of protecting the iron pipe from corrosion, and to the introduction of additional braid on the conductors, which partly compensates for the ELECTRIC WIRING pipe being unlined. The introduction of improved devices such as outlet insulators, for protecting the conductors from the sharp edges of the pipe, at outlets, cut-out cabinets, etc. also decreases the neces- sity of the additional protection afforded by the interior paper lining. Rigid Conduits are made in gaspipe sizes, from one-half inch to three inches in diameter. The following table gives the various data relating to rigid, enameled (unlined) conduit: TABLE I Rigid, Enameled Conduit Sizes, Dimensions, Etc. NOMINAL NUMBER OF ACTUAL NOMINAL STANDARD PIPE SIZE THICKNESS WEIGHT PER THREADS PER INCH OUTSIDE DIAMETER. INSIDE DIAMETER. 100 FEET OF SCREW INCHES INCHES j .109 84 14 .84 .62 | .113 112 14 1.05 .82 1 .134 167 11* 1.31 1.04 H .140 224 11* 1.66 1.38 i* .145 268 11* 1.90 1.61 2 .154 361 111 2.37 2.06 2i .204 574 8 2.87 2.46 3 .217 754 8 3.50 3.06 Tables II, III, and IV give the various sizes of conductors that may be installed in these conduits. Caution must be exercised in TABLE II Single Wire in Conduit SIZE WIRE, B. & S. G. LORICATED CONDUIT, UNLINED; D. B. WIRE No. 14-4 \ inch 2 1 ' 1 i ' f inch or 1 ' 00 1 000 1 ' 0000 1 t 250,000 C. M. H ( 300,000 C. M. H ( 350,000 C. M. H i 400,000 C. M. H " or if t 450.000 C. M. l| i SOOiOOO C. M. 1* i 600,000 C. M. H " or 2 1 700,000 C. M. 2 i 800,000 C. M. 2 * 900,000 C. M. 2 t 1,000,000 C. M. 2 " or 2 i . 1,500,000 C. M. 2* t 1,700,000 C. M. ( 2,000,000 C. M. 3 i ELECTRIC WIRING TABLE III Two Wires in One Conduit SIZE WIRE, B. & S. G. LORICATED CONDUIT, UNLINED; D. B. WIRE No. 14 \ inch. 12 \ irch or f ' 10 | < 8 1 < 6 1 ' 5 1 " or \\ ' 4 H t 3 H ( 2 U " or \\ 1 1 lj 1 H f 00 H " or 2 ' 000 2 1 0000 2 1 250,000 C. M. 2 " or 2i 1 300,000 C. M. 2i t 350,000 C. M. 2^ i 400,000 C. M. 2 " or 3 i 450,000 C. M. 3 < 500,000 C. M. 3 : 600,000 C. M. 3 t 700,000 C. M. 3 ( TABLE IV Three Wires in One Conduit SIZE WIRE, B. & S. G. LORICATED TUBE, UNLINED; Outside Center D. B. WIRE No. 14 No. 12 f inch 12 10 " 10 8 1 8 6 1 6 4 1* 5 2 H 4 1 1| inch or 1^ 3 1* 2 2/0 li " or 2 1 3/0 2 4/0 2 2/0 250 M. 2 " or 2J 3/0 300 M. 2* 4/0 400 M. 2* 250 M. 450 M. 2J " or 3 250 M. 500 M. 3 300 M. 600 M. 3 350 M. 700 M. 3 400 M. 800 M. 3 450 M. 900 M. 3 4 ELECTRIC WIRING using these tables, for the reason that the sizes of conductors which may be safely installed in any run of conduit depend, of course, upon the length of and the number of bends in the run. The tables are based on average conditions where the run does not exceed 90 to 100 feet, without more than three or four bends, in the case of the smaller sizes of wires for a given size of conduit ; and where the run does not exceed 40 to 50 feet, with not more than one or two bends, in the case of the larger sizes of wires, for the same sizes of conduit. Unlined conduit can be bent without injury to the conduit, if the conduit is properly made and if proper means are used in making the bends. Care should be exercised to avoid flattening the tube as a result of making the bend over a sharp curve or angle. In installing iron conduits, the conduits should cross sleepers or beams at right angles, so as to reduce the amount of cutting of the beams or sleepers to a minimum. Where a number of conduits originate at a center of distribution, they should be run at right angles for a distance of two or three feet from the cut-out box, in order to obtain a symmetrical and workman- like arrangement of the conduits, and so as to have them enter the cabinet in a neat manner. While it is usual to use red or white lead at the joints of conduits in order to make them water-tight, this is frequently unnecessary in the case of enameled conduit, as there is often sufficient enamel on the thread to make a water-tight joint. When iron conduits are installed in ash concrete, in Keene cement, or, in general, where they are subject in any way to corrosive action, they should be coated with asphaltum or other similar protec- tive paint to prevent such action. While the cost of circuit work run in iron conduits is usually greater than any other method of wiring, it is the most permanent and durable, and is strongly recommended where the first cost is not th'e sole consideration. This method of wiring should always be used in fireproof buildings, and also in the better class of frame build- ings. It is also to be recommended for exposed work where the work is liable to disturbance or mechanical damage. Wires Run in Flexible Metal Conduit. This form of conduit, shown in Fig. 2, is described by the manufacturers as a conduit com- posed of "concave and convex metal strips wound spirally upon each other in such a manner as to interlock several concave surfaces and ELECTRIC WIRING Fig. 2. Flexible Steel Conduit. Courtesy of Sterling Electric Co., Troy, N. 7. present their convex surfaces, both exterior and interior, thereby securing a smooth and comparatively frictionless surface inside and out." The field for the use of this form of conduit is rapidly increasing. Owing to its flexibility, conduit of this type can be used in numerous cases where the rigid conduit could not possi- bly be em- ployed. Its use is to be recom- mended above all the other forms of wiring, except that installed in rigid conduits. For new fireproof buildings, it is not so durable as the rigid conduit, because not so water-tight; and it is very difficult, if not impossible, to obtain as workmanlike a condu't system with the flexible as with the rigid type of conduit. For completed or old frame buildings, however, the use of the flexible conduit is superior to all other forms of wiring. Table V gives the inside diameter of various sizes of flexible con- duit, and the lengths of standard coils. inside diameter of this conduit is the same as that of the rigid conduit; and the table given for the maximum sizes of conductors which may be installed in the various sizes of conduits, may be used also for flexible steel conduits, except that a little more margin should be allowed for flexible steel conduits than for the rigid conduits, as the stiffness of the latter makes it possible to pull in slightly larger sized conductors. TABLE V Greenfield Flexible Steel Conduit INSIDE DIAMETER APPROXIMATE FEET IN COIL ft inch ? inches 200 200 100 50 50 50 50 Random Lengths 6 ELECTRIC WIRING This conduit should, of course, be first installed without the con- ductors, in the same manner as the rigid conduit. Owing to the flexibility of this conduit, however, it is absolutely essential to fasten it securely at all elbows, bends, or offsets; for, if this is not done, con- siderable difficulty will be ex- perienced in drawing the con- ductors in the conduit. The rules governing the in- stallation of this conduit are the same as those covering rigid conduits. Double-braided Fig. 3. use of Elbow ciamp for Fastening Flex- conductors are required, and ible Conduit in Place. ' , . . _ _ . / the conduit should be grounded as required by the Code Rules. As already stated, the conduit should be securely fastened (in not less than three places) at all elbows; or else the special elbow clamp made for this purpose, shown in Fig. 3, .should be used. In order to cut flexible steel conduit properly, a fine hack saw should be employed. Outlet -boxes are required at all outlets, as well as bushing and wires to rigid conduit. Fig. 4 shows a coil of flexible steel conduit. Figs. 5, 6, and 7 show, respectively, an outlet box and cover, outlet plate, and bushing used for this conduit. Armored Cable. There are many cases where it is im- possible to install a conduit system. In such cases, prob- bably the next best results may be obtained by the use of steel armored cable. The rules gov- erning the installation of armored cable are given in the National Electric Code, under Section 24-A, and Section 48 ; also in 24r-S. This cable is shown in Fig. 8. Steel armored cable is made by winding formed steel strips over the insulated conductors. The steel strips are similar to those used Fig. 4. A 100-Foot Coil of Flexible Steel Conduit. Courtesy of Sprague Electric Co., New York,N.Y. ELECTRIC WIRING 7 for the steel conduit. Care is taken in forming the cable, to avoid crushing or abraiding the insulation on the conductors as the steel Fig. 5. Outlet Box for Flexible Steel Conduit. strips are fed and formed over the same. In the process of manufac- ture, the spools of steel ribbon are of irregular length, and when a Fig. 6. Outlet Plate for Flexible Steel Fig. 7. Outlet Bushing. Conduit. Courtesy of SpragueElectric Co.,NewYork, 2V. F. spool is empty, the machine is stopped, and the ribbon is started on the next spool, the process being continued. There is no reason why Fig. 8. Flexible Armored Cable. Twin Conductors. Courtesy of Sprague Electric Co., New York, N. Y. the conduit cables could not be made of any length ; but their actual lengths as made are determined by convenience in handling. Armored 8 ELECTRIC WIRING cable is made in single conductors from No. 1 to No. 10 B. & S. G.; in twin conductors, from No. 6 to No. 14 B. & S. G.; and three-conduc- tor cable, from No. 10 to No. 14 B. & S. G. Table VI gives various data relating to armored conductors: TABLE VI Armored Conductors Types, Dimensions, Etc. SIZE B.&S GAUGE TYPE AND NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS OUTSIDE DIAMETER (INCHES) No. 14 BX twin conductor .63 " 12 it ti it .685 " 10 (t (t (t .725 " 8 ti tt it .875 " 6 ooo Alt. .035 Volts, O O 7200 AH. ,016 Volts, Fig. 35. O O I6 > 000 Alt - -' 5 Volts. 7,200 Alt. .0065Volts. Fig. 36. A r\ s-\ A 13000 Ait. .070 Volts. 7,800 Alt. .038 Volts. Fig. 37. O/~\ A fa I^OOO Alt. .006 Volts. ^ 7200 Alt. .0027 Volts. Fig. 38. 0O O A I6 POO Alt. .112 Volts. ^ 7 f aoo Alt .0^0 Volts, Fig. 39. Various Groupings of Conductors in Two Two- Wire Circuits, Giving Various Effects of Induction. five arrangements of two two-wire circuits; and show how relatively small the effect of first induction is when the conductors are properly arranged, as in Fig. 38, and how relatively large it may be when im- properly arranged, as in Fig. 39. These diagrams are taken from a publication of Mr. Charles F. Scott, entitled Polyphase Trans- mission, issued by the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company. Line Capacity. The effect of capacity is usually negligible, except in long transmission lines where high potentials are used ; no calculations or allowance need be made for capacity, for ordinary circuits. 44 ELECTRIC WIRING Calculation of Alternating=Current Circuits. In the instruction paper on 'Tower Stations and Transmission," a method is given for calculating alternating-current lines by means of formulae, and data are given regarding power factor and the calculation of both single-phase and polyphase circuits. For short lines, secondary wiring, etc., how- ever, it is probably more convenient to use the chart method devised by Mr. Ralph D. Mershon, described in the American Electrician of June, 1897, and partially reproduced as follows: DROP IN ALTERNATINQ=CURRENT LINES When alternating currents first came into use, when transmission distances were short and the only loads carried were lamps, the ques- tion of drop or loss of voltage in the transmitting line was a simple one, and the same methods as for direct current could without serious error be employed in dealing with it. The conditions existing in alternating practice to-day longer distances, polyphase circuits, and loads made up partly or wholly of induction motors render this question less simple; and direct-current methods applied to it do not lead to satisfactory results. Any treatment of this or of any engineering subject, if it is to benefit the majority of engineers, must not involve groping through long equations or complex diagrams in search of practical results. The results, if any, must be in avail- able and convenient form. In what follows, the endeavor has b?en made to so treat the subject of drop in alternating-current lines tliat if the reader be grounded in the theory the brief space devoted to it will suffice; but if he do not comprehend or care to follow the simple theory involved, he may nevertheless turn the results to his practical advantage. Calculation of Drop. Most of the matter heretofore published on the subject of drop treats only of the inter-relation of the E. M. F. J s involved, and, so far as the writer knows, there have not appeared in convenient form the data necessary for accurately calculating this quantity. Table X (page 47) and the chart (page 46) include, in a form suitable for the engineer's pocketbook, everything necessary for calculating the drop of alternating-current lines. The cnart is simply an extension of the vector diagram (Fig. 40), giving the relations of the E. M. F.'s of line, load and genera tpi\ In ELECTRIC WIRING 45 Fig. 40, E is the generator E. M. F. ; e, the E. M. F. impressed upon the load ; c, that component of E which overcomes the back E. M. F. due to the impedance of the line. The component c is made up of two components at right angles to each other. One is a, the component overcoming the IR or back E. M. F. due to resistance of the line. The other is 6, the component overcoming the reactance E. M. F. or back E. M. F. due to the alternating field set up around the wire by the current in the wire. The drop is the difference between E and e. It is d, the radial distance between two circular arcs, one of which is drawn with a radius e, and the other with a radius E. The chart is made by striking a succession of circular arcs with Oasacenter. x The radius of the smallest circle cor- responds to e, the E. M. F. of the load, which is taken as 100 per cent. The radii of the suc- ceeding circles in- crease by 1 per cent of that of the small- est circle; and, as the radius of the last or largest cir- cle is 140 per cent of that of the smallest, the chart answers for drops up to 40 per cent of the E. M. F. delivered. The terms resistance volts, resistance E. M. F., reactance volts, and reactance E. M. F., refer, of course, to the voltages for overcom- ing the back E. M. F. J s due to resistance and reactance respectively. The figures given in the table under the heading "Resistance-Volts for One Ampere, etc." are simply the resistances of 2,000 feet of the various sizes of wire. The values given under the heading "React- ance-Volts, ptc./' are, a part of them, calculated from tables published some time ago by Messrs. Houston and Kennelly. The remainder were obtained by using Maxwell's formula. The explanation given in the table accompanying the chart Fig. 40. Vector Diagram. 46 ELECTRIC WIRING 9 .7 LOAD POWER O 10 20 3 DROP IN PERCENT OF E.1M.F. DELIVERED Cnart for Calculating Drop in Alternating-Current Lines. ELECTRIC WIRING 47 TABLE X Data for Calculating Drop in Alternating=Current Lines To be used in conjunction with Chart on opposite page. By means of the table, calculate the Resistance- Volts and the Reactance-Volts in the line, and find what per cent each is of the E. M. F. delivered at the end of the line. Starting from the point on the chart where the vertical line corresponding with the power-factor of the load intersects the smallest circle, lay off in per cent the resistance E. M. F. horizontally and to the right; from the point thus obtained, lay off upward in per cent the reactance-E. M. F. The circle on which the last point falls gives the drop, in per cent, of the E. M. F. delivered at the end of the line. Every tenth circle arc is marked with the per cent drop *-o which it corresponds. en m 1 8 en 52 "*"bC e^ 03 "^ O) O !, P +^ ||0 PHW*O Throughout the table the lower figures in the squares give values for ONE MILE of line, corresponding to those of the upper figures for 1,000 feet of line. Upper figures are REACTANCE-VOLTS in 1,000 ft. of Line (= 2,000 ft. of Wire) for One Ampere at 7,200 Alternations per Minute (60 Cycles per Second) for the distance given between Centers of Conductors. w 1" 2" 3" 6" 9" 12" 18" 24" 30" 36" 0000 639 3,376 .098 .518 .046 .243 .079 .417 .111 .586 .130 .687 .161 .850 .180 .951 .193 1.02 .212 1.12 .225 1.19 .235 1.24 .244 1.29 000 00 507 2,677 .124 .653 .052 .275 .085 .449 .116 .613 .135 .713 .167 .882 .185 .977 .199 1.05 .217 1.15 .230 1.22 .241 1.27 .249 1.32 .254 1.34 .259 1.37 402 2,123 .156 .824 .057 .301 .090 .475 .121 .639 .140 .739 .172 .908 .190 1.00 .204 1.08 .222 1.17 .236 1.25 .246 1.30 319 1,685 .197 1.04 .063 .332 .095 .502 .127 .671 .145 .766 .177 .935 .196 1.04 .209 1.10 .228 1.20 .233 1.23 .238 1.26 .241 1.27 .251 1.33 1 2 253 1,335 .248 1.31 .068 .359 .101 .533 .132 .687 .151 .797 .183 .966 .201 1.06 .214 1.13 .246 1.30 .256 1.35 .265 1.40 201 1,059 .313 1.65 .074 .391 .106 .560 .138 .728 .156 .824 .188 .993 .206 1.09 .220 1.16 .252 1.33 .262 1.38 .270 1.43 3 159 840 .394 2.08 .079 .417 .112 .591 .143 .755 .162 .856 .193 1.02 .212 1.12 .225 1.19 .244 1.29 .257 1.36 .267 1.41 .275 1.45 .281 1.48 4 126 666 .497 2.63 .085 .449 .117 .618 .149 .787 .167 .882 .199 1.05 .217 1.15 .230 1.22 .249 1.32 .254 1.34 .262 1.38 .272 1.44 5 100 528 .627 3.31 .090 .475 .121 .639 .154 .813 .172 .908 .204 1.08 .223 1.18 .236 1.25 .268 1.42 .278 1.47 .286 1.51 6 79 419 .791 4.18 .095 .502 .127 .671 .158 .834 .178 .940 .209 1.10 .214 1.13 .228 1.20 .233 1.23 .241 1.27 .246 1.30 .260 1.37 .265 1.40 .270 1.43 .272 1.44 .278 1.47 .283 1.49 ,291 1.54 .296 1.56 .302 1.60 7 63 332 .997 5.27 .101 .533 .132 .697 .164 .866 .183 .966 .288 1.52 8 50 263 1.260 6.64 .106 .560 .138 .729 .169 .893 .188 .993 .220 1.16 .238 1.26 .252 1 33 .284 1.50 .293 1.55 48 ELECTRIC WIRING (Table X) is thought to be a sufficient guide to its use, but a few examples may be of value. Problem. Power to be delivered, 250 K.W. ; E. M. F. to be delivered, 2,000 volts; distance of transmission, 10,000 feet; size of wire, No. 0; distance between wires, 18 inches; power factor of load, .8; frequency, 7,200 alterna- tions per minute. Find the line loss and drop. Remembering that the power factor is that fraction by which the apparent power of volt-amperes must be multiplied to give the true power, the apparent power to be delivered is 250 K.W. A __ w - =312.5 apparent K.W, .8 The current, therefore, at 2,000 volts will be 312,500 1K . _ _-:=156.25 amperes. From the table of reactances under the heading "18 inches," and corresponding to No. wire, is obtained the constant .228. Bearing the instructions of the table in mind, the reactance-volts of this line are, 156.25 (amperes) X 10 (thousands of feet) X .228=356.3 volts, which is 17.8 per cent of the 2,000 volts to be delivered. From the column headed "Resistance-Volts" and corresponding to No. wire, is obtained the constant .197. The resistance-volts of the line are, therefore, 156.25 (amperes) X 10 (thousands of feet) X .197=307.8 volts, which is 15.4 per cent of the 2,000 volts to be delivered. Starting, in accordance with the instructions of the table, from the point where the vertical line (which at the bottom of the chart is marked "Load Power Factor" .8) intersects the inner or smallest circle, lay off horizontally and to the right the resistance-E. M. F. in per cent (15 .4) ; and from the point thus obtained, lay off vertically the reactance-E. M. F. in per cent (17.8). The last point falls at about 23 per cent, as given by the circular arcs. This, then, is the drop, in per cent, of the E. M. F. delivered. The drop, in per cent, of the genera- tor E. M. F. is, of course, 23 8.7 per cent. The percentage loss of power in the line has not, as with direct current, the same value as the percentage drop. This is due to the fact that the line has reactance, and also that the apparent power ELECTRIC WIRING 49 delivered to the load is not identical with the true power that is, the load power factor is less than unity. The loss must be obtained by calculating P R for the line, or, what amounts to the same thing, by multiplying the resistance-volts by the current. The resistance-volts in this case are 307.8, and the current 156.25 amperes. The loss b 307.8 X 156.25 = 48.1 K. W. The percentage loss is 48.1 250+48.1 Therefore, for the problem taken, the drop is 18.7 per cent, and the loss is 16 . 1 per cent. If the problem be to find the size wire for a given drop, it must be solved by trial. Assume a size of wire and calculate the drop ; the result in connection with the table will show the direction and extent of the change necessary in the size of wire to give the required drop. The effect of the line reactance in increasing the drop should be noted. If there were no reactance, the drop in the above example would be given by the point obtained in laying off on the chart the resistance-E. M. F. (15.4) only. This point falls at 12.4 per cent, and the drop in terms of the generator E. M. F. would be 12 4 ' =11 per cent, instead of 18 . 7 per cent. 11.2 .4 Anything therefore which will reduce reactance is desirable. Reactance can be reduced in two ways. One of these is to diminish the distance between wires. The extent to which this can be carried is limited, in the case of a pole line, to the least distance at which the wires are safe from swinging together in the middle of the span; in inside wiring, by the danger from fire. The other way of reducing reactance is to split the copper up into a greater number of circuits, and arrange these circuits so that there is no inductive inter- action. For instance, suppose that in the example worked out above, two No. 3 wires were used instead of one No. wire. The resistance- volts would be practically the same, but the reactance-volts would be 244 less in the ratio \ X ~ = 535, since each circuit would bear half the current the No. circuit does, and the constant for No. 3 wire i? . 244, instead of . 228 that for No. 0. The effect of subdividing the copper is also shown if in the example given it is desired to reduce the drop 50 ELECTRIC WIRING to, say, one-half. Increasing the copper from No. to No. 0000 will not produce the required result, for, although the resistance-volts will be reduced one-half, the reactance-volts will be reduced only in the ratio .212. If, however, two inductively independent circuits of No. .228* wire be used, the resistance- and reactance-volts will both be reduced one-half, and the drop will therefore be diminished the required amount. The component of drop due to reactance is best diminished by sub- dividing the copper or by bringing the conductors closer together. It is little affected by change in size of conductors. An idea of the manner in which changes of power factor affect drop is best gotten by an example. Assume distance of transmission, distance between conductors E. M. F., and frequency, the same as in the previous example. Assume the apparent power delivered the same as before, and let it be constant, but let the power factor be given several different values; the true power will therefore be a variable depending upon the value of the power factor. Let the size of wire be No. 0000. As the apparent power, and hence the current, is the same as before, and the line resistance is one-half, the resistance- E. M. F. will in this case be 15 4 , or 7 . 7 per cent of the E. M. F. delivered. Also, the reactance-E. M. F. will be .212X17.8 _ . 228~ - 16. 5 per cent. Combining these on the chart for a power factor of .4, and deducing the drop, in per cent, of the generator E. M. F., the value obtained is 15.3 per cent; with a power factor of .8, the drop is 14 per cent; with a power factor of unity, it is 8 per cenl. If in this example the true power, instead of the apparent power, had been taken as constant, it is evident that the values of drop would have differed more widely, since the current, and hence the resistance- and reactance-volts, would have increased as the power factor diminished. The condition taken more nearly represents that of practice. If the line had resistance and no reactance, the several values of drop, instead of 15.3, 14, and 8, would be 3.2, 5.7, and 7.2 per cent respectively, showing that for a load of lamps the drop will not ELECTRIC WIRING 51 be much increased by reactance; but that with a load, such as induc- tion motors, whose power factor is less than unity, care should ba taken to keep the reactance as low as practicable. In all cases it is advisable to place conductors as close together as good practice will permit. When there is a transformer in circuit, and it is desired to obtain the combined drop of transformer and line, it is necessary to know the resistance- and reactance-volts of the transformer. The resist- ance-volts of the combination of line and transformer are the sum of the resistance-volts of the line and the resistance-volts of the trans- former. Similarly, the reactance-volts of the line and transformer are the sum of their respective reactance-volts. The resistance- and reactance-E. M. F.s of transformers may usually be obtained from the makers, and are ordinarily given in per cent.* These per- centages express the values of the resistance- and reactance-E. M. F/s when the transformer .delivers its normal full-load current; and they express these values in terms of the normal no-load E. M. F. of the transformer. Consider a transformer built for transformation between 1,000 and 100 volts. Suppose the resistance- and reactance-E. M. F.'s given are 2 per cent and 7 per cent respectively. Then the corresponding voltages when the transformer delivers full-load current, are 2 and 7 volts or 20 and 70 volts according as the line whose drop is required is connected to the low-voltage or high-voltage terminals. These values, 2 7 and 20 70, hold, no matter at what voltage the trans- *When the required values cannot be obtained from the makers, they may be measured. Measure the resistance of both coils. If the line to be calculated is attached to the high- voltage terminals of the transformer, the equivalent resistance is that of the high-voltage coil, plus the resistance obtained by increasing in the square of the ratio of transformation the measured resistance of the low-voltage coil That is, if the ratio of transformation is 10, the equivalent resistance referred to the high-voltage circuit is the resistance of the high- voltage coil, plus 100 times that of the low- voltage coil. This equivalent resistance multiplied by the high-voltage current gives the transformer resistance-volts referred to the high-voltage circuit. Similarly, the equivalent resist- ance referred to the low- voltage circuit is the resistance of the low-voltage coil, plus that of the high- voltage coil reduced in the square of the ratio of transformation. It follows, of course, from this, that the values of the resistance- volts referred to the two circuits bear to each other the ratio of transformation. To obtain the reactance-volts, short- circuit one coil of the transformer arid measure the voltage necessary to force through the other coil its normal current at normal frequency. The result is, nearly enough, the reactance-volts. It makes no difference which coil is short-circuited, as the results obtained in one case will bear to those in the other the ratio of transformation. If a close value is desired, subtract from the square of the voltage reading the square of the resistance-volts, and take the square root of the difference as the reactance- volts. 52 ELECTRIC WIRING former is operated, since they depend only upon the strength of cur- rent, providing it is of the normal frequency. If any other than the full-load current is drawn from the transformer, the reactance- and resistance-volts will be such a proportion of the values given above as the current flowing is of the full-load current. It may be noted, in passing, that when the resistance- and reactance-volts of a trans- former are known, its regulation may be determined by making use of the chart in the same way as for a line having resistance and reactance. As an illustration of the method of calculating the drop in a line and transformer, and also of the use of table and chart in calculat- ing low-voltage mains, the following example is given : Problem. A single-phase induction motor is to be supplied with 20 am- peres at 200 volts; alternations, 7,200 per minute; power factor, .78. The distance from transformer to motor is 150 feet, and the line is No. 5 wire, 6 inches between centers of conductors. The transformer reduces in the ratio 2 000 ' , has a capacity of 25 amperes at 200 volts, and, when delivering this current and voltage, its re&Istance-E. M. F. is 2.5 per cent, its reactance- E. M. F. 5 per cent. Find the drop. The reactance of 1,000 feet of circuit consisting of two No. 5 wires, 6 inches apart, is .204. The reactance-volts therefore are .204 X ~ X 20 = .61 volts. 1 ,uUU The resistance-volts are .627 X r X 20 = 1.88 volts. At 25 amperes, the resistance-volts of the transformer are 2.5 per 20 cent of 200, or 5 volts. At 20 amperes, they are of this, or 4 volts. u Similarly, the transformer reactance-volts at 25 amperes are 10, and at 20 amperes are 8 volts. The combined reactance-volts of transformer and line are 8 + .61 = 8.61, which is 4.3 per cent of the 200 volts to be delivered. The combined resistance-volts are 1.88 +4, or 5.88, which is 2.94 per cent of the E. M. F. to be delivered. Combining these quantities on the chart with a power factor of .78, the drop is 5 per cent of the delivered E. M. F., or - = 4.8 per cent 105 of the impressed E. M. F. The transformer must be supplied with ELECTRIC WIRING 53 = 2 ,100 volts, in order that 200 volts shall be delivered to the motor. Table X (page 47) is made out for 7,200 alternations, but will answer for any other number if the values for reactance be changed in direct proportion to the change in alternations. For instance, i f\ nnn for 16,000 alternations, multiply the reactances given by ' ,^UU For other distances between centers of conductors, interpolate the values given in the table. As the reactance values for different sizes of wire change by a constant amount, the table can, if desired, be readily extended for larger or smaller conductors. The table is based on the assumption of sine currents and E. M. F.'s. The best practice of to-day produces machines which so closely approximate this condition that results obtained by the above methods are well within the limits of practical requirements. Polyphase Circuits. So far, single-phase circuits only have been dealt with. A simple extension of the methods given above adapts them to the calculation of polyphase circuits. A four-wire quarter-phase (two-phase) transmission may, so far as loss and regula- tion are concerned, be replaced by two single-phase circuits identical (as to size of wire, distance between wires, current, and E. M. F.) with the two circuits of the quarter-phase transmission, provided that in both cases there is no inductive interaction between circuits. There- fore, to calculate a four-wire, quarter-phase transmission, compute the single-phase circuit required to transmit one-half the power at the same voltage. The quarter-phase transmission will require two such circuits. A three-wire, three-phase transmission, of which the conductors are symmetrically related, may, so far as loss and regulation are concerned, be replaced by two single-phase circuits having no in- ductive interaction, and identical with the three-phase line as to size, wire, and distance between wires. Therefore, to calculate a three-phase transmission, calculate a single-phase circuit to ca^ry one-half the load at the same voltage. The three-phase transmis- sion will require three wires of the size and distance between centers as obtained for the single-phase. SL three-wire, two-phase transmission may be calculated 54 ELECTRIC WIRING exactly as regards loss, and approximately as regards drop, in the same way as for three-phase. It is possible to exactly calculate the drop, but this involves a more complicated method than the approximate one. The error by this approximate method is gen- erally small. It is possible, also, to get a somewhat less drop and loss with the same copper by proportioning the cross-section of the middle and outside wires of a three-wire, quarter-phase circuit to the currents they carry, instead of using three wires of the same size. The advantage, of course, is not great, and it will not be con- sidered here. WIRING AN OFFICE BUILDING The building selected as a typical sample of a wiring installation is that of an office building located in Washington, D. C. The figures shown are reproductions of the plans actually used in installing the work. The building consists of a basement and ten stories. It is of fireproof construction, having steel beams with terra-cotta flat arches. The main walls are of brick and the partition walls of terra-cotta blocks, finished with plaster. There is a space of approximately five inches between the top of the iron beams and the top of the finished floor, of which space about three inches was available for running the electric conduits. The flooring is of wood in the offices, but of concrete, mosaic, or tile in the basement, halls, toilet-rooms, etc. The electric current supply is derived from the mains of the local illuminating company, the mains being brought into the front of the building and extending to a switchboard located near the center of the basement. As the building is a very substantial fireproof structure, the only method of wiring considered was that in which the circuits would be installed in iron conduits. Electric Current Supply. The electric current supply is direct current, two-wire for power, and three-wire for lighting, having a potential of 236 volts between the outside conductors, and 118 volte between the neutral and either outside conductor. ELECTRIC WIRING 55 Switchboard. On the switchboard in the basement are mounted wattmeters, provided by the local electric company, and the various switches required for the control and operation of the lighting and power feeders. There are a total of ten triple-pole switches for light- ing, and eighteen for power. An indicating voltmeter and ampere meter are also placed in the switchboard. A voltmeter is provided with a double-throw switch, and so arranged as to measure the poten- tial across the two outside conductors, or between the neutral con- ductor and either of the outside conductors. The ampere meter is arranged with two shunts, one being placed in each outside leg; the shunts are connected with a double-pole, double-throw switch, so that the ampere meter can be connected to either shunt and thus measure the current supplied on each side of the system. Character of Load. The building is occupied partly as a news- paper office, and there are several large presses in addition to the usual linotype machines, trimmers, shavers, cutters, saws, etc. There are also electrically-driven exhaust fans, house pumps, air-compressors, etc. The upper portion of the building is almost entirely devoted to offices rented to outside parties. The total number of motors supplied was 55; and the total number of outlets, 1,100, supplying 2,400 incandescent lamps and 4 arc lamps. Feeders and Mains. The arrangement of the various feeders and mains, the cut-out centers, mains, etc., which they supply, are shown diagrammatically in Fig. 41, which also gives in schedule the sizes of feeders, mains, and motor circuits, and the data relating to the cut-out panels. Although the current supply was to be taken from an outside source, yet, inasmuch as there was a probability of a plant being in- stalled in the building itself at some future time, the three-wire system of feeders and mains was designed, with a neutral conductor equal to the combined capacity of the two outside conductors, so that 120-volt two-wire generators could be utilized without any change in the feeders. Basement. The plan of the basement, Fig. 42, shows the branch circuit wiring for the outlets in the basement, and the location of the main switchboard. It also shows the trunk cables for the inter- connection system serving to provide the necessary wires for telephones, FEEDERS X ALL CONDUCTORS IN ONE CONDUIT. XX SEPARATE CONDUIT FOR E ACH CONDUCTOR XXX THIS FEEDER IS TO BE DIVIDED INTO FOUR (-*) CONDUCTORS OF H 2OOOOOO CM. EACH. " EACH CONDUCTOR IS TO BE INSTALLED IN A SEP- - ARATE 3" (INSIDE DIAM) CONDUIT I_S?- LIGHTING SUPPLY P.S.=POWER XXX* SEPARATE 3" (INSIDE DIAt^CONDUIT FOR EACH CONDUCTOR X ALL CONDUCTORS IN ONE CONDUIT MOTOR CIRCUITS i SUPPLIED BY s ! Si oc ^ 0? LENGTH i JO 3ZIS | W ."-"-o E id i Z3 3 u. 1 INSID r; DIAM.C j!J CONOU ,- a ,.-' 5 20 5.0 s zz ',- E - _L5_ 15 6O -$- ^3 eo. -i- W- 3t 0-10 o 10 Th- 3O u-> -&- -4- BOTH CONDUCTORS IN ONE CONDUIT CUT-OUTS TH HAS CONNECTIONS FOR fr FE SWITCHES 8 Fig. 41. Wiring of an Office Building. Diagram Showing Arrangement of Feeders and Mains, Cut-Out Centers, etc. ELECTRIC WIRING 57 SCHEDULE OF CIRCUITS' CABt_E NO. & RISES TO S^d FLOOR Showing Explanation Of Various Symbols used in Figs. 41 to 46 Inclusive Ceiling Chandelier Wall Bracket --Gooseneck Bracket Wall Socket Drop Cord Arc Lamp Cooper-Hewitt Lamp Cluster Floor Outlet -Desk Light Extension Outlet Push Button Switch Snap Swltchi -Junction Box Electric Clock Master Clock Motor Starter Cut-Out Panel . Interconnection Box Power Panel -Pull Box Circuit under Floor " " " above "' on Ceiling- Exposed Service Line under Floor Fig. 42. Wiring an Office Building. Basement Plan Showing Branch Circuit Wiring for Outlets in Basement, Location of Main Switchboard, and Trunk Cables of the Interconnection System Providing Wires for Telephone, Ticker, and Messenger Call Service, etc, 58 ELECTRIC WIRING tickers, messenger calls, etc., in all the rooms throughout the building, as will be described later. To avoid confusion, the feeders were not shown on the basement plan, but were described in detail in the specification, and installed in accordance with directions issued at the time of installation. The electric current supply enters the building at the front, and a service switch and cut-out are placed on the front wall. From this point, a two-wire feeder for power and a three-wire feeder for lighting, are run to the main switchboard located near the center of the basement. Owing to the size of the conduits required for these supply feeders, as well as the main feeders extending to the upper floors of the building, the said conduits are run exposed on substantial hangers suspended from the basement ceiling. First Floor. The rear portion of the building from the basement through the first floor, Fig. 43, and including the mezzanine floor, between the first and second floors, at the rear portion of the building only, is utilized as a press room for several large and heavy, modern newspaper presses. The motors and controllers for these presses are located on the first floor. A separate feeder for each of these press motors is run directly from the main switchboard to the motor con- troller in each case. Empty conduits were provided, extending from the controllers to the motor in each case, intended for the various control wires installed by the contractor for the press equipments. One-half of the front portion of the first floor is utilized as a news- paper office; the remaining half, as a bank. Second Floor. The rear portion of the second floor, Fig. 44, is occupied as a composing and linotype room, and is illuminated chiefly by means of drop-cords from outlets located over the linotype machines and over the compositors' cases. Separate ^-horse-power motors are provided for each linotype machine, the circuits for the same being run underneath the floor. Upper Floors. A typical plan (Fig. 45) is shown of the upper floors, as they are similar in all respects with the exception of certain changes in partitions, which are not material for the purpose of illus- tration or for practical example. The circuit work is sufficiently intelligible from the plan to require no further explanation. Interconnection System. Fig. 46 is a diagram of the intercon- nection system, showing the main interconnection box located in the ELECTRIC WIRING 59 SCHEDULE OF CIRCUITS ~J3> RISE TO CONTROLLI 7-0" FF RISE TO CONTROLLED "-^-"rrB^'-O" 1 FRpMJF i ^---*---S-^ L* U UJ I '^ Mife^^l z SUP- PLED 5 1 OUTLETS SUPPLIED TOTAL AT WHAT POINT CONTROLLED 1 1 \r> til /) j I B 'N^? ci 1 8 Sa.tQ LL t' i' tocde 4- k ** ** m * 44 f 1 TV ** ** 1 : i V * ti 1 C =1 Wll ** -^ ,_.,,- IX ^rr ___ Him nop 3 3 6 * 1 14 *. (* z 1 : / 1f> ^ a' 1 U ; ii ii it 16 (4 - * t>' 1 6 1 / ** ** c'd'e'f ' ^ W) ii TT l>-1 3 Receptacles Q b 20 (i ' i B 8 |3 i- < [ E L.-I 1 v'z 1 ^ J Scz^ E. 3J 2 1 rt i* ii i* n ** ' * "b" 5 i * c 1 a s ti * * 1 d"e"fji g'). 4 ^ 35 1 ,-;,. =hb r- lEZZ. PLAN 38 3j ; 4U h 1 o" 1 B SatF 41 P" 1 '- 4? qii r n ^ ' 43 4 * * 1 1 ^i 44 fc * * 1 t"u!' 5 ID it * it 4S o 3j " fc " NOTE: THE CLOCKS IN STORE AND COUMTr ING ROOM ARE TO BE LOCATED AS DIRECTED BY ARCHITECT. WALL BETWEEN PRESS ROOM & PAPER STORAGE PRESS R'M SKETCH SHOWING ROUTE OF EMPTY CONDUITS RISIN3 TO COSH TROLLER PLATFORM IN PRESS ROOM.. NOTE: ALL CONDUITS FOR THE PRESSES MUST COME THROUGH THE CONTROLLER PLATFORM 2 1" FROM THE WALL. ALL CONDUITS ARE; TO TERMINATE IN PRESS Aia DIRECTE.P. Fig. 43. Wiring of an Office Building. First-Floor Plan, Showing Press Room in Rear, Containing Motors and Controllers for Newspaper Presses, Fed Directly from Main Switchboard in Basement; also, in front, Newspaper Counting Room and Bank Offices. SCHEDULE o* CIRCUITS SUP- PLIED NS^/BRANCMES OUTLETS SUPPLIED TCfTA AT WHAT POINT CONTROLLED b il NIVW^Ti OUTLETS LIGHTS J 7T- A-2 a. 1 2 So.tA E r def | 3 ^r-^- 4r- g ilki. a .'V 3 " m 1 a SBT^" !! ., >. [ * oqrs 4. ^-+ X " 4il ^ | 11 " ** v i IE w&6DrcpC'ds 2 IE ~rr r j g 2< /'- ib b S Drop Cords g g ib - * . 4 * ** ** * * 16 ** fci - ** ** 13 ** t< - * ** " 4 * S k ' t , * OL 4i . -* * * i? 4 * * fc ** ** ** * g i; ** 1 * * 30 '* ** 1 * n ^1 ' 44 * l 34 TV ~rr f B ", 35 " ^5" ** 1 Sat e < 9 ^ y ;' ~rr sat B I'm 1 ' J ' Sat B T^^ ~rr Drop Cords ^ f~\ 45 C ,-<> 1 ^'o' 1 5 Sat C' 46 " fct - 1 P* 1 M TERMINATE ALL. MOTOR CIRCUITS AT MOTOR CONTROLLER AS DIRECTED MOTOR CIRCU ITS * BOTH CONDUCTORS IN ONE CONDUIT * *2N- P - REDUCED TO ^ H.F? z SUPPLIED BY O UJ CURRENT IN AMPERES if 1! oj; Si 05 ** * * ** 52 ** i 2 ** ** ** 34 ** * 3S '* ** * i 48 \2 i ** * 3| 10 ? 33 41 ** '* * y <* t 4'd 44 3 OB " Fig. 44. Wiring of an Office Building. Plan of Second Floor. Rear Portion Occupied a a Composing and Linotype Room. ELECTRIC WIRING 61 SCHEDULE OF CIRCUITS su PL P- ED s TOT AL i-OP. d z ! Z 1 1 OUTLETS SUPPLIED |j LIGHTS AT WHA POINT C TROLLE I A Dcd 4- TT fgV.ijk -7 TT t m 2 3Z" 1 V 1 21 i V 1 ' 2 16 ii 1 x* 2 17 " 1 z.' 2 18 ' b" 'd 19 n 1 2O 41 e-fg-K'i 11 fci 21 41 _ X" 2 22 " 1 SafA fe4 46 23 B m" n" 2 Sat B 24 li o" 1 S *' " 25 ii p'cfr" 3 S *' " b M Fig. 45. Wiring of an Office Building. Typical Plan of Upper Floors, Showing Circuit Work, Schedule, etc. All the Floors above the Second are Similar to One Another in Plan, Differing Only in Comparatively Unimportant Details of Partitions. CABLES. FIXTURES. * EMPTY CONDUIT ONLY SEiCTON BOX FOR TlCKERSJvCSSENGER OO.LS.ETCo 4 Of IKTURCOWCCTION BOX fUft TELCPHONCS.BELl. CAO5.ETC. ; -::. BOXES. ^aREOUWroOF VAR.OUS ' Fig. 46. Wiring of an Office Building. Diagram of the Interconnection System. ELECTRIC WIRING 63 basement; adjoining this main box is located the terminal box of the local telephone company. A separate system of feeders is provided for the ticker system, as these conductors require somewhat heavier insulation, and it was thought inadvisable to place them in the same conduits with the telephone wires, owing to the higher potential of ticker circuits. A separate interconnection cable runs to each floor, for telephone and messenger call purposes; and a central box is placed near the rising point at each floor, from which run subsidiary cables to several points symmetrically located on the various floors. From these subsidiary boxes, wires can be run to the various offices requiring telephone or other service. Small pipes are provided to serve as race- ways from office to office, so as to avoid cutting partitions. In this way, wires can be quickly provided for any office in the building with- out damaging the building in any way whatever; and, as provision is made for a special wooden moulding near the ceiling to accommodate these wires, they can be run around the room without disfiguring the walls. All the main cables and subsidiary wires are connected with special interconnection blocks numbered serially; and a schedule is provided in the main interconnection box in the basement, which enables any wire originating thereat, to be readily and conveniently traced throughout the building. All the main cables and subsidiary cables are run in iron conduits. OUTLET=BOXES, CUT-OUJ PANELS, AND OTHER ACCESSORIES Outlet-Boxes. Before the introduction of iron conduits, outlet- boxes were considered unnecessary, and with a few exceptions were not used, the conduits being brought to the outlet and cut off after the walls and ceilings were plastered. With the introduction of iron con- duits, however, the necessity for outlet-boxes was realized; and the Rules of the Fire Underwriters were modified so as to require their use. The Rules of the National Electric Code now require outlet-boxes to be used with rigid iron and flexible steel conduits, and with armored cables. A portion of the rule requiring their use is as follows : All interior conduits and armored cables "must be equipped at every outlet with an approved outlet-box or plate. "Outlet-plates must not be used where it is practicable to install outlet- boxes. 64 ELECTRIC WIRING "In buildings already constructed, where the conditions are such that neither outlet-box nor plate can be installed, these appliances may be omitted by special permission of the inspection department having jurisdiction, pro- viding the conduit ends are bushed and secured." Fig. 47 shows a typical form of outlet-box for bracket or ceiling outlets of the universal type. When it is desired to make an opening for the conduits, a blow from a hammer will remove any of the weakened portion of the wall of the outlet-box, as may be re- quired. This form of outlet-box is fre- quently referred to as the knock-out type. Other forms of outlet-boxes are made with the openings cast in the box at the re- quired points, this class being usually stronger and better made than the univer- sal type. The advantages of the universal type of outlet-box are that one form of box will serve for any ordinary conditions, the openings being made according to the number of conduits and the directions in which they enter the box. Fig. 48 shows a waterproof form of outlet-box used out of doors, or in other places where the conditions require the use of a water- tight and waterproof outlet-box. It will be seen in this case, that the box is threaded for the con- Fig. 47. Universal and Knock-Out Type of Outlet Box. OD Fig. 48. Water-Tight Outlet Box. Courtesy of H. Krantz Manufacturing Co., Brooklyn, N. 1 . duits, and that the cover is screwed on tightly and a flange provided for a rubber gasket. ELECTRIC WIRING 65 Figs. 49 and 50 show water-tight floor boxes which are for outlets located in the floor. While the rules do not require that the floor outlet- box shall be water-tight, it is strongly recommended that a water- tight outlet be used in all cases for floor connections. In this case also, the conduit opening is threaded, as well as the stem cover through which the extension is made in the conduit to the desk or table. When the floor outlet connection is not required, the stem cover may be removed and a flat, blank cover be used to replace the same. A form of outlet-box used for flexible steel cables and steel ar- mored cable, has already been shown (see Fig. 5). There is hardly any limit to the number and variety of makes of outlet-boxes on the market, adapted for ordinary and for special con- Fig. 49. Types of Floor Outlet-Boxes. Fig. 50. ditions; but the types illustrated in these pages are characteristic and typical forms. Bushings. The Rules of the National Electric Code require that conduits entering junction-boxes, outlet-boxes, or cut-out cabinets shall be provided with approved bushings, fitted to protect the wire from abrasion. Fig. 51 shows a typical form of conduit bushing. This bushing is screwed on the end of the conduit after the latter has been intro- duced into the outlet-box, cut-out cabinet, etc., thereby forming an insulatec[ orifice to protect the wire at the point where it leaves the conduits, and to prevent abrasion, grounds, short circuits, etc. A lock-nut (Fig. 52) is screwed on the threaded end of the conduit before the conduit is placed in the outlet-box or cut-out cabinet, and this lock-nut and bushing clamp the ronduH securely in position. Fig. 66 ELECTRIC WIRING Fig. 51. Conduit Bushing. 53 shows a terminal bushing for panel-boxes used for flexible steel conduit or armored cable. The Rules of the National Electric Code require that the metal of conduits shall be permanently and effectually grounded, so as to insure a positive connection for grounds or leak- ing currents, and in order to pro- vide a path of least resistance to prevent the current from finding a path through any source which might cause a fire. At outlet-boxes, the conduits and gaspipes must be fastened in such a manner as to insure good electrical connection; and at centers of distribution, the conduits should be joined by suitable bond wires, preferably of copper, the said bond wires being connected to the metal structure of the building, or, in case of a building not having an iron or steel structure, being grounded in a permanent manner to water or gas piping. Fuse-Boxes, Cut-Out Panels, etc. From the very outset, the necessity was apparent of having a protective device in circuit with the conductor to protect it from overload, short circuits, etc. For this purpose, a fusible metal having a low melting point was em- ployed. The form of this fuse has varied greatly. Fig. 54 shows ohar^ctpristiV form of what is known as the link fuse with copper terminals, on which are stamped the ca- pacity of the fuse. The form of fuse used probably to a greater extent than any other, although it is now being superseded by other more modern forms, Fig. 52. Lock-Nut. Fig. 53. Panel-Box Terminal Bushing. Courtesy of Sprague Electric Co., New York, N. 1. ELECTRIC WIRING 67 is that known as the Edison fuse-plug, shown in Fig. 55. A porcelain cut-out block used with the Edison fuse is shown in Fig. 56. Within the last four or five years, a new form of fuse, known as the enclosed fuse, has been introduced and used to a considerable Fig. 54. Copper-Tipped Fuse Link. Fig. 55. Edison Fuse-Plug, Courtesy of 'General Electric Co., Schenectady.N. Y. Fig. 56. Porcelain Cut-Out Block. Courtesy ofGeneralElectricCo., Schenectady, Jf. Y. extent. A fuse of this type is shown in Fig. 57. Fig. 58 gives a sec- tional view of this fuse, showing the porous filling surrounding the fuse-strips, and also the device for indicating when the fuse has blown. This form of fuse is made with various kinds of terminals; it can be used with spring clips in small sizes, and with a post screw contact in larger sizes. For ordinary low potentials this fuse is desirable for currents up to 25 amperes; but it is a debatable ques- tion whether it is desirable to use an en- closed fuse for heavier currents. Fig. 59 shows a cut-out box with Edison plug fuse-blocks used with knob and tube wiring. It will be seen that there is no connection compartment in this fuse-box, as the circuits enter directly opposite the terminals with which they connect. Fig. 60 shows a cut-out panel adapted for enclosed fuses, and installed in a cab- inet having a con- nection compart- ment. As will be seen from the cut, the tablet itself is surrounded on the Fig. 58. Section of Enclosed Fuse. four sides by slate, which is secured in the corners by angle-irons. The outer box may be of wood lined with sheet iron, or it may be of iron. Fig. 61 shows a door and trim for a cabinet of this type. It will be seen that Fig. 57. Enclosed or "Cartridge" Fuse. ELECTRIC WIRING i i the door opens only on the center panel, and that the trim covers and conceals the connection compartment. The inner side of the door should be lined with slate, and the inner side of the trim should be lined with sheet iron. Fig. 62 shows a sectional view of the cabinet and panel. In this type of cabinet, the conduits may enter at any point, the wires being run to the proper con- nectors in the connection compartment. Figs. 63 and 64 illus- trate a type of panel- board and cabinet hav- ing a push-button switch connected with each branch circuit and so arranged that the cut- out panel itself may be enclosed by locked doors, and access to the switches may be obtained through two separate doors pro- vided with latches only. This type of panel was arranged and designed by the author of this instruction paper. OVERHEAD LINEWORK The advantages of overhead linework as compared with under- ground linework are that it is much less expensive; it is more readily and more quickly installed ; and it can be more readily inspected and repaired. Its principal disadvantages are that it is not so permanent as underground linework; it is more easily deranged; and it is more unsightly. For large cities, and in congested districts, overhead linework should not be used. However, the question of first cost, the question of permanence, and the municipal regulations, are usually the factors which determine whether overhead or underground linework shall be used. : Fig. 59. Porcelain Cut-Outs in Wooden Box. Courtesy of H. T. Paiste Co., Philadelphia, Pa. ELECTRIC WIRING The principal factors to be considered in overhead linework will be briefly outlined. Placing of Poles. As a general rule, the poles should be set from 100 to 125 feet apart, which is equivalent to 53 to 42 poles per mile. Under certain conditions, these spacings given will have to be modified ; but if the poles are spaced too far apart, there is danger of too great a strain on the poles themselves, and on the cross-arms, pins, and Fig. 60. Plan View, Cover, and Section of Double Cut-Out Box. Fig. 61. conductors. If, on the other hand, they are placed too close together, the cost is unnecessarily increased. The size and number of conduct- ors, and the potential of the line- Fig. 62. work, determine to a great extent the distance between the poles; the smaller the size, the less the num- ber of conductors; and the lower the potential, the greater the distance between the poles may be made. Of course, the exact location of the poles is subject to variation because of trees, buildings, or other obstructions. The usual method employed in locating poles, is first to make a map on a fairly large scale, showing the course of the line- work, and then to locate the poles en the ground according tc the actual conditions. 70 ELECTRIC WIRING Poles. Poles should be of selected quality of chestnut or cedar, and should be sound and free from cracks, knots, or other flaws. Experience has proven that chestnut and cedar poles are the most durable and best fitted for linework. If neither chestnut nor cedar poles can be obtained, northern pine may be used, and even other timber in localities where these poles cannot be obtained; but it is found that the other woods do not last so long as those mentioned, Pig. 63. Cut-Otit Panel with Push-Button Switches. Cover Removed. and some of the other woods are not only less strong initially, but are apt to rot much quicker at the "wind and water line" that is, just above and below the surface of the ground. The proper height of pole to be used depends upon conditions. In country and suburban districts, a pole of 25 to 30 feet is usually of sufficient height, unless there are more than two or three cross-arms required. In more densely populated districts and in cities where a great number of cross-arms are required, the poles may have to be ELECTRIC WIRING 71 40 to 60 feet, or even longer. Of course, the longer the pole, the greater the possibility of its breaking or bending; and as the length increases, the diameter of the butt end of pole should also increase. Table XI gives the average diameters required for various heights of poles, and the depth the poles should be placed in the ground. These data have been compiled from a number of standard specifications. TABLE XI Pole Data LENGTH OF POLE DIAMETER 6 IN. FROM BUTT DIAMETER AT Top DEPTH POLE SHOULD BE PLACED IN GROUND 25 feet 9 to 10 in. 6 to 8 in. 5 feet 30 11 5^ 35 12 5| 40 13 6 45 14 6^ 50 15 7 55 16 to 17 7 60 18 7* 65 19 8 70 20 8 75 21 8 80 22 9 As it is somewhat difficult, because of irregularities in size, to measure the diame- ter of some poles, the circumference may be measured instead: then, by multiplying the diameters given in the above table, by 3,1416, the measurements may be reduced to the circumference in inches. The minimum diameters of the pole at the top, which should be allowed, will depend largely on the size of the conductors used, and on the potential carried by the circuits; the larger the conductors and the higher the potentials, the greater should be the diameter at the top of the pole. Poles should be shaved, housed, and -gained, also cleaned and ready for painting, before erection. Poles should usually be painted, not only for the sake of appear- ance, but also in order to preserve them from the weather. It is par- ticularly important that they should be protected at their butt end, not only where they are surrounded by the ground, but for a foot or two above the ground, as it is at this point that poles usually deteriorate most rapidly. Painting is not so satisfactory at this point as the us6 of tar, pitch, or creosote. The life of the pole can be increased con siderably by treating it with one or another of these preservatives. 72 ELECTRIC WIRING Before any poles are erected, they should be closely inspected for flaws and for crookedness or too great departure from a straight line. Where appearance is of considerable importance, octagonal poles may be used, although these cost considerably more than round poles. Gains or notches for the cross-arms should be cut in the poles before they are erected, and should be cut square with the axis of the pole, and so that the cross-arms will fit snugly and tightly within the space thus provided. These gains should be not less than 4J inches wide, Fig. 64. Cut-Out Panel with Push-Button Switches. With Cover. nor less than J inch deep. Gains should not be placed closer than 24 inches between centers, and the top gains should be at least 9 inches from the apex of the pole. Pole Guying. Where poles are subject to peculiar strains due to unusual stress of the wires, such as at corners, etc., guys should be employed to counteract the strain and to prevent the pole from being bent and finally broken, or from being pulled from its proper position. ELECTRIC WIRING 73 Where there are a consider- able number of wires on the poles, or in case of unusually long poles, or where the linework is subject to severe storms, it is frequently necessary to guy the poles even on straight linework. In such cases, the guys should extend from a point near the top of the pole to a point near the butt of the adjacent pole. Straight guying should also be employed at the terminal pole, the guy extending to a stub beyond the last pole, to counter- act the strain of the wires pull- ing in the opposite direction. On particularly heavy lines, it is sometimes necessary to use straight guys for the second and even the third pole from the ter- minal pole, to prevent undue strain on the terminal pole itself, as shown in Fig. 65. Where there are three or more cross-arms, either two sets of guys should be employed, or else a "Y" form of guy should be used. If a single guy is used on a long pole or on a pole car- rying a number of cross-arms, or on which there is unusual strain, the pole is apt to break where the guy is attached. Figs. 66 and 67 show respectively a proper and an improper method of guying, and their effect. 74 ELECTRIC WIRING At corners, or wherever the direction of the linework changes, guys should be provided to counteract the strain due to the change in direction. Guys are also necessary at points where poles are set in other than a vertical position. Where the soil is not firm or solid, or where poles are subject to unusual stress, it is sometimes necessary to obtain additional stiffness by what is known as crib-bracing, as may be seen from Fig. 68. This consists of placing two short logs at the butt of the pole. These logs need not be more than 4 to 5 feet long, or more than 8 to 9 inches Fig. 66. Proper Method of Guying where there are Three or More Cross- Arms. A Y-form of Guy is Used at Left; Double Guy at Right. in diameter. This crib-bracing is sometimes also necessary to give greater stability to stubs or short poles to which guys are fastened. W r hile, as a rule, it is not advisable to use trees for guy supports, it is sometimes necessary to do this, but the trees should be sound and should be protected in a proper manner from injury. On private property, permission should first be obtained from the owner to use the tree for such purpose. The guy itself should be of standard cable, consisting of 7 strands of No. 12 B. & S. Gauge iron or steel wire. This is the standard guy cable, and should be used in all cases, except for very light poles and light linework, where a smaller cable having a minimum diameter of \ inch may be used. The guy wires should be fastened at the ends by means of suitable clamps. All guy cables and clamps should be heavily galvanized, to prevent rusting, ELECTRIC WIRING 75 Corners. In cases of heavy linework where there are a con- siderable number of wires and cross-arms, the turns should be made, Fig. 67. Improper Method of Guying where there are Three or More Cross-Arms. Strain is Concentrated at one Point, Causing Rupture of Pole. if possible, by the use of two poles. In cases where there are only a few wires, a double cross-arm may be employed, using a single pole. The two methods are illustrated in Figs. 69 and 70. Fig. 68. Additional Stiffness Secured by Use of Crib-Bracing. Cross-Arms. Cross-arms, where possible, should be of long leaf yellow pine, or of Oregon or Washington fir, of sound wood, 76 ELECTRIC WIRING thoroughly seasoned and free from sap, cracks, cr large knots. They should be not less than 3J inches thick by 4J inches deep, the length depending upon the number of pins required. Cross-arms, after being properly seasoned, should be painted with two coats of lead paint before erection. They should then be snugly fitted into the gain of the pole, and securely fastened with a bolt not less than f inch in diameter driven through a hole of slightly less diameter previously bored in the pole. A galvanized-iron washer not less than 2 inches diameter should be placed under the head and nut of Fig. 69. Two-Poles Used in Making Turn on Heavy Line. each bolt. The cross- arms should be at right angles to the pole, and should be parallel to one another where two or more arms are used on the same pole. The cross-arms should be braced with galvanized-iron braces approximately 1J inches wide, \ inch thick, and from 18 to 30 inches in length. The braces should be fastened to the cross-arm by means of f-inch galvanized-iron bolts passing through the brace and the cross-arm, washers being used under the nut and head of each bolt. Guys should be provided for the cross- arms in case of unusual strain. The dimensions of cross-arms re- quired for various numbers of pins, are given verv completely in a ELECTRIC WIRING 77 O LJ paper read by Mr. Paul Spencer before the Atlantic City Convention of the National Electric Light Association in 1906, and reprinted in a number of the technical journals. Wherever practicable, cross-arms should be placed on the poles before the poles are erected, as not only can they be more securely fastened when the poles are on the ground, but the cost of erection is thereby considerably reduced. Pins. Pins should be of selected locust, not less than f inch diameter at the shank portion, and not less than 1 J inches in diameter at the point where they rest upon the cross-arm. For po- tentials of 20,000 volts or over, the pins should be of ( metal, to avoid car- bonization of the ( wood due to static leakage. The top portion of the pin (if of wood) should be not less than one inch in diameter. The length of both the shank and the upper portion Fig>70> should be each ap- proximately 4J inches, making the total length approximately 9 inches. The pin should be threaded and tapered, and accurately cut. The pin should fit the hole in the cross-arm snugly, and should be nailed to the cross-arm with a sixpenny galvanized-iron wire nail driven straight through the center of the shank of the pin. Insulators. For potentials of 3,000 volts or less, insulators should be of flint glass, of double-petticoat, deep-grooved type. For potentials of over 3,000 volts, they should be of the triple-petticoat type, and preferably of porcelain, and should be of special pattern adapted for the potential. Service Mains, Pole Wiring, etc. For service connections- Double Cross-Arm Used on Single Pole to Make Turn in Heavy Line Carrying Only a Few Wires. 78 ELECTRIC WIRING that is, for the mains run to service switches in consumers' residences or other buildings, conductors of not less than No. 8 B. & S. Gauge should be used in order to obtain the necessary tensile strength. Where possible, the circuits should be arranged in such a manner as to have the service main connect with the line on the lowest cross-arm, in order to prevent crossing of wires. The transformers should be installed either on poles or in vaults outside of the building, or, where this is impracticable, in a fireproof vault or other enclosed space inside of the building itself. Small transformers may be fastened to a pair of cross-arms secured to the pole itself. For transformers of 25 K. W. and over, it is usually best to provide special poles. It is inadvisable to place transformers on building walls. Where appearance is of importance, when the transformer is placed underground, or when the wires enter the lower portion of a building, the conductors must be run underground. In such cases, a splice should be made between the weatherproof conductors and rubber-insulated lead-sheathed conductors, at a height of about 15 to 20 feet above the ground, and the mains run in iron pipe down the pole to a point underground, where they may be continued either in iron pipe or in vitrified or fiber conduits underground to the point of entrance. All circuit wiring on poles should be so arranged as to leave one side free for the linemen to climb the poles without injuring the con- ductors. As a rule, all poles on which transformers, lightning arresters, or fuse-boxes are located, should be provided with steps. In order to limit the area of disturbance of a short circuit or overload, fuses should be inserted in each leg of a primary circuit in making connections to transformers, or where tap or branch con- nections are made. The fuses should have a capacity of approxi- mately 50 per cent greater than the transformer or conductor which they protect. Of course, it would be undesirable to have an excessive number of fuses, and for short branch lines they might frequently be undesirable; but for important branch lines, they should be em- ployed in order to prevent the fuse on the main feeder from being blown in case of disturbance en the branch line. Lightning arresters should be placed on the linework in places particularly exposed to lightning discharges, and at all points where connections are made to enter a building. The location and number ELECTRIC WIRING 79 of lightning arresters will depend upon local conditions, the likelihood and frequency of thunderstorms, etc. Where lightning arresters are provided, it is essential that a good ground connection be obtained. The ground connection should be made by a fairly good-sized insu- lated rubber conductor, not less than No. 6 B. & S. Gauge, con- necting either with a water pipe to which it should be clamped, or fastened in such a manner as to obtain a good electric contact, or else to a ground-plate of copper embedded in crushed charcoal or coke. The neutral wire of a three- wire of both secondary alternating- current systems and direct-current systems, should be properly Fig. 71. Method of Wiring to and Sup- porting Lamp on Pole. grounded as required by the National Electric Code (see Rules 12, 13, and 13-A). Lamps on Poles. Fig. 71 shows the method of wiring to and supporting a lamp located on a pole. UNDERGROUND LINEWORK In large cities, or in congested districts, or where the appearance of overhead linework is objectionable, it is generally necessary to place the conductors underground instead of overhead. The advantages of underground linework are first, that of appearance; second, it is more permanent and less liable to inter- ruption than overhead work. The principal disadvantage of underground work is the greater first cost. In overhead linework, conductors having weatherproof insulators consisting of cotton dipped in a special compound similar to pitch, are used, the cost of which is relatively small. For under- ground linework, however, the conductors must not only have rubber insulation, but also a lead sheathing for mechanical protection. 80 ELECTRIC WIRING Furthermore, the cost of the ducts, trenching, concrete work, laying the ducts, etc., is much greater than the cost of poles, cross-arms, etc. As in the case of inside wiring, underground linework should be so arranged that the conductors may be readily removed and re- placed without disturbing the underground conduits or ducts. The system should be arranged with manholes, and in such a manner that changes or additions or branches may be readily and conveniently made. In order to provide for the removal and replacing of con- ductors, and also for growth in the system, the method formerly in vogue, of embedding the conductors in wooden boxes, or in trenches underground, has been abandoned; and the conductors are now placed in conduits or ducts. A number of different forms of ducts and conduits have been introduced, some of which have been dropped as cheaper and better forms have been introduced. The forms of con- duits or ducts now most generally employed include iron pipe, vitrified conduits, and fibre conduit. As all three of these forms of conduit are very generally employed, they will now be described, as well as the method of installing them. Iron Pipe. Three-inch iron conduit is frequently used for under- ground linework, particularly for short runs or where there are not more than two or three ducts required, or where the soil is bad and where the longer lengths and more stable joints of the iron conduit would make it more desirable than vitrified duct or fibre conduit. This conduit, however, is generally undesirable on account of its greater first cost, and also on account of its liability to deterioration from rust or corrosion. Where iron conduit is used, and where it is subject to corrosion, it should be coated with asphaltum or other similar protective composition. While it is not necessary to have a concrete bed under iron pipe, it is better to provide such a bed, especi- ally where the soil is shifting or not solid. Vitrified Tile Conduit. This type of conduit in both the single- and multiple-duct form, is used more extensively than any other form of conduit for underground work. It is made in lengths of 18 inches for the single-duct form, and in considerably greater lengths in the multiple-duct form. Fig. 72 shows the single-duct conduit, and Fig. 73 shows a multiple-duct form of conduit. Vitrified conduit requires less space for the same number of ducts than any other form, and is particularly desirable where a great ELECTRIC WIRING 81 number of ducts are required in a small space. The advantages of this form of conduit are that it is cheap in first cost; after being laid, it is practically indestructible; it is not subject to corrosion or Fig. 72. Self-Centering Duct, Vitrified Conduit. Courtesy of Standard Vitrified Conduit Co., New York, N. Y. Fig. 73. Multiple Duct, Vitrified Conduit. Courtesy of Standard Vitrified Conduit Co., New York, N. Y. deterioration; it is not combustible; it is fairly strong mechanically; and it does not require skilled labor to install. Table XII gives the principal data of one of the well-known makes of vitrified conduit TABLE XII Standard Vitrified Conduit STYLE OF CONDUIT DIMENSION OF SQUARE DUCT (INCHES) DIMENSION OF ROUND DUCT (INCHES) OUTSIDE DIMENSIONS OF END SEC- TION (!N.) REG. STOCK LENGTHS (INCHES) SHORT LENGTHS (INCHES) APPROX. WEIGHT PERDUCT (FOOT) 2-ducfc multiple. . . 3-duct multiple. . . 4-duct multiple. . . 6-duct multiple. . . 9-duct multiple. . . Common single duct 3| sq. 3| sq. 3f sq. 3f sq. 3f sq. COCOCOCOCO CO CO CO f \ 5x 9 5x13 9x 9 9x 13 13x 13 5x5 5x5 5 in. round 24 24 36 38 36 18 18 18 6, 9, 12 6,9, 12 6, 9, 12 6,9, 12 6,9, 12 6,9, 12 6,9, 12 6,9, 12 0000000000 00 O O 1 I 1 I Single duct, self- centering Round single duct, self-centering. . . In installing vitrified conduit, a trench following as straight lines as possible should be dug to such a depth that there will be a space of at least 18 inches from the top layer of the duct to the street surface. The bottom of the trench should be level; and a bed of good cement concrete not less than 3 inches thick should be laid. The following instructions* for installing vitrified conduit may be considered as typical of the best up-to-date practice: *From the Catalogue of the Standard Underground Conduit Company. 82 ELECTRIC WIRING Laying of Conduit. When the trench has been properly pre- pared and the concrete foundation set, the laying of conduit should be begun. The ends of the conduit should be butted against the shoulder of the conduit terminal brick; short length should be used for the breaking of joints. Care should be taken, when each length of conduit is laid, that the duct hole is perfectly clear and the conduit level. The work may then proceed; and if the following instructions are carried out, no difficulty will be encountered after the duct are laid. When the first piece of conduit is laid and the keys inserted, one on the top and one on the side of the duct, the burlap for joints should be slipped partly under the conduit, and the next piece brought up and connected. The burlap is then brought up and wrapped around the conduit. After this operation is completed, a thin layer of cement mortar is plastered around the burlap, extending over the edges, so as to cover the scarified portion of the conduit so that it may adhere to it, thus making the joint practically water-tight. The burlap should be first prepared in strips of not less than 6 inches in width, and of suitable length to wrap around the conduit, overlapping about 6 inches. If possible, the burlap should be satur- ated in asphaltum or pitch; but if this is not convenient, it may be dipped in water so as to stick to the conduit until the joint has been cemented. The engineer or foreman in charge should personally oversee the making of the joint, and especially see that the keys are inserted, as in many instances they are left out by the workmen, causing considerable trouble and expense. Sufficient time should be allowed for the joints to harden. After the duct are laid, the sides are filled in with either concrete or dirt, as specified, care being taken that the conduit are not forced out of alignment by the careless filling-in of the sides. The top layer of concrete may then be laid and leveled. After this the trench is ready for filling in. In the laying of our self-centering single-duct conduit, no dowel- pins are used, the ducts being self-centering one piece of conduit socketing into the other. Burlaping and cementing of joint is not necessary. Otherwise the instructions for the laying of multiple- duct should be followed. The use of a mandrel in laying self- centering conduit is superfluous. ELECTRIC WIRING 83 As each section of the system that is, from manhole to man- hole is completed, it should be rodded to insure the duct being clear. For this purpose wooden rods are employed, the rods being from 3 to 4 feet long by one inch in diameter and provided with brass couplings on the ends. The first rod is pushed into the duct chamber, the second one is then attached, and then the third and so on, until the first rod appears in the manhole at the opposite end, A wooden mandrel about 10 inches long, made to conform to the shape of the duct, but about J inch smaller in diameter, is attached to the last rod, and a galvanized -iron wire is then attached to the other end of the mandrel. The rods are drawn through the duct and uncoupled, until the mandrel has passed through the ducts. The wire is left remaining in the chamber, and secured in the manhole to prevent its being pulled out. The same operation is repeated until all the ducts are tested and wired. Should obstructions be met with and the mandrel bind, the location of the obstructions can readily be ascertained from the length of rod yet remaining in the duct, and can easily be removed. This method is far better than pulling the mandrel through as the ducts are laid, as in many cases the duct is obstructed or thrown out of alignment by the filling-in of the con- crete or trench, and this would not be noticed until an attempt was made to draw the cable. The wire left in the duct is used in drawing the cables. Fibre Conduit. This type of conduit consists of wood fibre formed into a tube over a mandrel under pressure. After the tube Fig. 74. Socket-Joint Fibre Conduit. is formed on the mandrel, it is removed, and, after being dried in air, is placed in a tank of preservative and insulating compound. Fibre conduits are made in three different styles namely, the socket- joint, sleeve- joint, and screw- joint types, shown respectively in Figs. 74, 75, and 76. The forms of conduit here shown are made by the Fibre Conduit Company, of Orangeburg, New York. In the socket-joint type, the connections between the lengths 84 ELECTRIC WIRING of conduit are made by means of male and female joints turned on the ends of the conduit so that it is necessary only to push one length within the other to secure alignment without the use of a sleeve- coupling or other device. While this is the cheapest and simplest Fig. 75. Sleeve-Joint Fibre Conduit. form of fibre conduit, the joint is not so secure as in either of the other two types. The sleeve-joint fibre conduit has the ends of each joint turned so that a sleeve may be slipped over the turned portion and butted up against the shoulder on the tubes. These sleeves are about 4 inches long and f inch thick. While this form of joint is more secure than the socket type, it is not so secure as the screw-joint type. The screw-joint type of fibre conduit is manufactured with a slightly thicker wall than the socket-joint type, in order to obtain the necessary thickness for getting the thread on the end of the pipe. The sleeve in this case is threaded; and, instead of being slipped on the conduit, as in the case of the sleeve-joint type, it is screwed on, and the thread may be filled with compound and a water-tight joint thereby obtained. Various special forms of elbows, bends, junction-boxes, tees, etc., are provided for this conduit, for special connections. Couplings are also made so that joints can be made between fibre conduit and iron pipe, where it is desirable to make such a connection. The advantages of fibre conduit are -first, that it is lighter than any of the other forms of conduit, which reduces the cost of trans- Fig. 76. Screw-Joint Fibre Conduit. portation, carting, and handling; and second, that the cost of labor for installing it is less than in the case of iron pipe, and less than that of the single-duct tile pipe. Table XIII edves the principal data relating to fibre conduit, ELECTRIC WIRING 85 TABLE XIII Fibre Conduit INSIDE DIAMETER (INCHES) TYPE OF CONDUIT LENGTH (FEET) THICKNESS op WALL, (INCHES) APPROX. WEIGHT PER FOOT (LBS.) 1 Socket -joint 2-i 0.50 1* 5 0.70 2 5 J 0.85 2i 5 1.02 3 5 1.20 3 5 1.40 4 5 1.60 li Sle eve-joi it 5 0.80 2 5 0.95 2| 5 i 1.15 3 5 1 7 6 2.40 3* 5 A 2.90 4 5 J 3.33 1* Scr ew-joir t 5 I 5 e 1.00 2 5 1 1.45 2* 5 f 1.75 3 5 T 7 6 2.40 3 5 TV 2.90 4 5 J 3.33 Fig. 77 shows the method of laying fibre conduit in a trench. A concrete bed should be provided for all three types of fibre conduit. Where the ground is moist or where there is likelihood of water getting in the joints, it is advisable to make a complete envelope around the conduit. The joints should be carefully dipped in or coated with a special liquid compound provided for this purpose, so as to insure water- tightness. The cables should be spaced about 1J inches apart, by means of wooden separators; and the spaces between the ducts, and between the walls of the trench and the outer ducts, should be filled with a thin grouting of cement and sand. If more than one horizontal row of ducts are installed, the grouting of each row should be smoothed over so as to prepare a base for the next row of ducts. To fish the conductors in fibre conduit, it is not necessary to fol- low the method of rodding usually required with vitrified conduits; but it is found that by utilizing a solid No. 6 iron wire, and fishing from one manhole to the next, the mandrels and brush can be attached to the end of the wire and pulled through the conduits, thus insuring that the joints are smooth and that there are no obstructions in the conduit. To prevent accidental clogging of the ends of the con- 86 ELECTRIC WIRING duit, wooden plugs should be installed in the openings of all un- finished conduit work, or in all unoccupied cable ducts at manholes. Drawing In the Cables. After the conduits have been tested by means of the mandrel to ascertain that they are continuous and that the joints are smooth, the work of installing the cables may be started. Special precaution should be taken to prevent sharp bending of the cables, and thus to prevent injury to the lead sheathing of the rubber insulation. If the cable is light and of small diam- eter, the distance not over 300 feet, and the run fairly straight, the ca- ble can usually be pulled in by hand; but often other mean s must be provided so as to secure sufficient power. Pr e cautions should be taken, however, to avoid placing too great a strain on the cables, as it is liable to in- jure them, and the injuries may not show up immediately, but may cause trouble later. The remedy is to avoid placing the manholes too far apart, and to have the runs as straight as possible; also to properly test the conduits for continuity and smoothness before starting to install the cables. Enough slack should be left in each manhole to allow the cables to pass close to the side walls of the manhole, and to have the centers free and acces- sible for a man to enter the manhole. Where there are a great number of cables in a manhole, shelves or other supports should be Fig. 77. Method of Laying Fibre Conduit in Trench. ELECTRIC WIRING 87 provided for holding the cables apart and in position. Where two or more conductors are placed in the same duct, they should always be pulled in at the same time, for otherwise the cables last pulled in are apt to injure those already installed. Manholes. Manholes should be provided about every 300 feet, in order to facilitate the installation of the conductors in the duct. The exact distance be- tween manholes should be determined by conditions; in some ?ases they should be placed even closer to- gether than the figure given, while in other cases their distance apart mi gh t be slightly greater. Manholes are built of concrete or brick, and provided with a cast-iron frame or cover. The man- holes may be of square, round, rect- angular, or oval sec- tion, the last-men- Fig. 78. tioned form of man- hole being probably the best, as it avoids the liability to sharp bends or kinks being made in the cable. The manhole cover may be of the same form as the manhole itself, or it may be of different form; but round or square covers are usually used. Fig. 78 shows a standard form of manhole used in New York City. This manhole is substan- tially built, and adapted for heavy traffic passing over the cover. For suburban or country work, manholes may be made of lighter con- struction. Plan and Sectional Elevation of Standard Form of Manhole Used in New York City. AERIAL CONSTRUCTION Telephone and Electric Light Wires. ELECTRIC LIGHTING HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT The history of electric lighting as a commercial proposition begins with the invention of the Gramme dynamo, by Z. J. Gramme, in 1870, together with the introduction of the Jablochkoff candle or light, which was first announced to the public in 1876, and which formed a feature of the International Exposition at Paris in 1878. Up to this time, the electric light was known to but few investigators, one of the earliest being Sir Humphrey Davy who, in 1810, produced the first arc of any great magnitude. It was then called the voltaic arc, and resulted from the use of two wood charcoal pencils as elec- trodes and a powerful battery of voltaic cells as a source of current. From 1840 to 1859, many patents were taken out on arc lamps, most of them operated by clockwork, but these were not successful, due chiefly to the lack of a suitable source of current, since all de- pended on primary cells for their power. The interest in this form of light died down about 1859, and nothing further was attempted until the advent of the Gramme dynamo. The incandescent lamp was but a piece of laboratory apparatus up to 1878, at which time Edison produced a lamp using a platinum spiral in a vacuum, as a source of light, the platinum being rendered incandescent by the passage of an electric current through it. The first successful carbon filament was made in 1879, this filament being formed from strips of bamboo. The names of Edison and Swan are intimately connected with these early experiments. From this time on, the development of electric lighting has been very rapid, and the consumption of incandescent lamps alone has reached several millions each year. When we compare the small amount of lighting done by means of electricity twenty-five years ago with the enormous extent of lighting systems and the numerous applications of electric illumination as they are to-day, the growth and development of the art is seen to be very great, and the value of a study of this subject may be readily appreciated. While in many Copyright, 1909, by American School of Correspondence. 2 ELECTRIC LIGHTING cases electricity is not the cheapest source of power for illumination, its admirable qualities and convenience of operation make it by far the most desirable. CLASSIFICATION The subject of electric lighting may be classified as follows: 1. The type of lamps used. 2. The methods of distributing power to the lamps. 3. The use made of the light, or its application. 4. Photometry and lamp testing. The types of lamps used may be subdivided into: 1. Incandescent lamps: Carbon, metallic filament; Nernst. 2. Special lamps: Exhausted bulb without filament, such as the Cooper- Hewitt lamp and Moore tube lamp. 3. Arc lamps: Ordinary carbon, flaming arc. INCANDESCENT LAMPS The incandescent lamp is by far the most common type of lamp used, and the principle of its operation is as follows: If a current I is sent through a conductor whose resistance is R, for a time t, the conductor is heated, and the heat generated = PR t, PR t representing joules or watt-seconds. If the current, material, and conditions are so chosen that the substance may be heated in this way until it gives out light, becomes incandescent, and does not deteriorate too rapidly, we have an in- candescent lamp. Carbon was the first successful material to be chosen for this conductor and for ordinary lamps it is formed into a small thread or filament. Very recently metallic filament lamps have been introduced commercially with great success but the carbon incandescent lamp will continue to be used for some time, especially in the low candle-power units operated at commercial voltages. Car- bon is a successful material for two reasons: .1. The material must be capable of standing a very high tem- perature, 1,280 to 1,330 C., or even higher. 2. It must be a conductor of electricity with a fairly high re- sistance. Platinum was used in an early stage of the development, but, as we shall see, its temperature cannot be maintained at a value high enough to make the lamp as efficient as when carbon, or a metal ELECTRIC LIGHTING 3 having a melting point higher than that of platinum, is used. Nearly all attempts to substitute another substance in place of carbon have failed until recently, and the few lamps which are entirely or partially successful will be treated later. The nature of the carbon employed in incandescent lamps has, however, been much improved over the first forms, and owing to the still very great importance of this lamp, the method of manufacture will be considered. Manufacture of Carbon Incandescent Lamps. Preparation of the Filament. Cellulose, a chemical compound rich in carbon, is prepared by treating absorbent cotton with zinc chloride in proper proportions to form a uniform, gelatine-like mass. It is customary to stir this under a partial vacuum in order to remove bubbles of air which might be contained in it and destroy its uniformity. This material is then forced, "squirted," through steel dies into alcohol, the W BODE. Fig. 1. Fonr.s of Filaments now in Use. alcohol serving to harden the soft, transparent threads. These threads are then thoroughly washed to remove all trace of the zinc chloride, dried, cut to the desired lengths, wound on forms, and carbonized by heating to a high temperature away from air. During carbonization, the cellulose is transformed into pure carbon, the volatile matter being driven off by the high temperature to which the filaments are subjected. The material becomes hard and stiff, assuming a permanent form, shrinking in both length and diameter the form being specially con- structed so as to allow for this shrinkage. The forms are made of carbon blocks which are placed in plumbago crucibles and packed with powdered carbon. The crucibles, which are covered with loosely fitting carbon covers, are gradually brought to a white heat, at which temperature the cellulose is changed to carbon, and then allowed to cool. After cooling, the filaments are removed, measured, and inspected, and the few defective ones discarded. 4 ELECTRIC LIGHTING In the early days, these filaments were made of cardboard or bamboo, and later, of thread treated with sulphuric acid. A few of the shapes of filaments now in use are shown in Fig. 1, the different shapes giving a slightly different distribution of light. As here shown they are designated as follows: A, U-shaped; B, single-curl; C, single-curl anchored; D, double-loop; E, double- curl; F, double-curl anchored. Mounting the Filament. After carbonization, the filaments are mounted or joined to wires leading into the globe or bulb. These wires are made of platinum platinum being the only substance, so far as known, that expands and contracts the same as glass, with change in temperature and which, at the same time, will not be melted by the heat developed in the carbon. Since the bulb must remain air-tight, a substance expanding at a different rate from the glass cannot 'be used. Several methods of fastening the filament to the leading in wires have been used, such as forming a socket in the end of the wire, inserting the filament, and then squeezing the socket tightly against the carbon; and the use of tiny bolts when cardboard filaments were used; but the pasted joint is now used almost exclu- sively. Finely powdered carbon is mixed with some adhesive com- pound, such as molasses, and this mixture is used as a paste for fasten- ing the carbon to the platinum. Later, when current is sent through the joint, the volatile matter is driven off and only the carbon remains. This makes a cheap and, at the same time, a very efficient joint. Flashing. Filaments, prepared and mounted in the manner just described, are fairly uniform in resistance, but it has been found that their quality may be much improved and their resistance very closely regulated by depositing a layer of carbon on the outside of the filament by the process of flashing. By flashing is meant heating the filament to a high temperature when immersed in a hydrocarbon gas, such as gasoline vapor, under partial vacuum. Current is passed through the filament in this process to accomplish the heating. Gas is used, rather than a liquid, to prevent too heavy a deposit of the carbon. Coal gas is not recommended because the carbon, when deposited from this, has a dull black appearance. The effects of flashing are as follows: 1. The diameter of the filament is increased by the deposited carbon and hence its resistance is decreased. The process must be ELECTRIC LIGHTING discontinued when the desired resistance is reached. Any little irregu- larities in the filament will be eliminated since the smaller sections, having the greater resistance, will become hotter than the remainder of the filament and the carbon is deposited more rapidly at these points. 2. The character of the surface is changed from a dull black and comparatively soft nature to a bright gray coating which is much harder and which increases the life and efficiency of the filament. Exhausting. After flashing, the filament is sealed in the bulb and the air exhausted through the tube A in Fig. 2, which shows the lamp in different stages of its manufacture. The exhaustion is accomplished by means of mechanical air pumps, sup- plemented by Sprengle or mer- cury pumps and chemicals. Since the degree of exhaustion must be high, the bulb should be heated during the process so as to drive off any gas which may cling to the glass. When chemicals are used, as is now almost universally the case, the chemical is placed in the tube A and, when heated, serves to take up much of the remain- ing gas. Exhaustion is neces- sary for several reasons: 1. To avoid oxidization of the filament. 2. To reduce the heat conveyed to the globe. 3. To prevent wear on the filament due to currents or eddies in the gas. After exhausting, the tube A is sealed off and the lamp com- pleted for testing by attaching the base by means of plaster of Paris. Fig. 3 shows some of the forms of completed incandescent lamps. Voltage and Candle=Power. Incandescent lamps of the carbon type vary in size from the miniature battery and candelabra lamps to those of several hundred candle-power, though the latter are very seldom used. The more common values for the candle-power are Fig. 2. Different Stages in Lamp Manufacture. ELECTRIC LIGHTING 8, 16, 25, 32, and 50, the choice of candle-power depending on the use to be made of the lamp. The voltage will vary depending on the method of distribution of the power. For what is known as parallel distribution, 110 or 220 volts are generally used. For the higher values of the voltage, long and slender filaments must be used, if the candle-power is to be low; and lamps of less than 16 candle-power for 220- volt circuits are not practical, owing to difficulty in manufacture. For series dis- tribution, a low voltage and higher current is used, hence the fila- ments may be quite heavy. Battery lamps operate on from 4 to 24 volts, but the vast majority of lamps for general illumination are operated at or about 110 volts. Fig. 3. Several Forms of Completed Lamps. Efficiency. By the efficiency of an incandescent lamp is meant the power required at the lamp terminals per candle-power of light given. Thus, if a lamp giving an average horizontal candle-power of 16 consumes J an ampere at 112 volts, the total number of watts consumed will be 112 X J = 56, and the watts per candle-power will be 56 -f- 16 = 3.5. The efficiency of such a lamp is said to be 3.5 watts per candle-power, or simply watts per candle. Watts economy is sometimes used for efficiency. The efficiency of a lamp depends on the temperature at which the filament is run. In the ordinary lamp this temperature is between 1,280 and 1,330 C, and the curve in Fig. 4 shows the increase of efficiency with the increase of temperature. The temperature attained ELECTRIC LIGHTING 7 by a filament depends on the rate at which heat is radiated and the amount of power supplied. The rate of radiation of heat is propor- tional to the area of the filament, the elevation in temperature, and the emissivity of the surface. By emissivity is meant the number of heat units emitted from unit surface per degree rise in temperature above that of surrounding bodies. The bright surface of a flashed filament has a lower emis- sivity than the dull surface of an unheated filament, hence less energy is lost in heat radiation and the efficiency of the filament is increased. As soon as incandescence is reached, the illumination increases much more rapidly than the emission of heat, hence the increase in 1400 3 4 56 78 9 Fig. 4. Efficiency Curve for Incandescent Lamp. 10 efficiency shown in Fig. 4. Were it not for the rapid disintegration of the carbon at high temperature, an efficiency higher than 3.1 watts could be obtained. By a special treatment of the carbon filaments, the nature of the carbon is so changed that the filaments may be run at a higher tem- perature and the lamps still have a life comparable to that of the 3.1- watt lamp. Lamps using these special carbon filaments are known as gem metallized filament lamps, or merely as gem lamps, and they will be described more fully later. Relation of Life to Efficiency. Ordinary Carbon Lamp. By the useful life of a lamp is meant the length of time a lamp will burn before its candle-power has decreased to such a value that it would be more economical to replace the lamp with a new one than to con- tinue to use it at its decreased value. A decrease to 80% of the initial candle-power of carbon lamps is now taken as the point at which a lamp should be replaced, and the normal life of a lamp is in the 8 ELECTRIC LIGHTING neighborhood of 800 hours. To obtain the most economical results, such lamps should always be replaced at the end of their useful life. In Table I are given values of efficiency and life of a 3.5-watt, 110-volt carbon lamp for various voltages impressed on the lamp. These values are plotted in Fig. 5. The curves show that a 3% increase of voltage on the lamp reduces the life by one-half, while an increase of 6% causes the useful life to fall to one-third its normal value. The effect is even greater w r hen 3.1-watt lamps are used, but not so great with 4-watt lamps. From this we see that the regulation of the voltage used on the system must be very good if high efficiency lamps are to be used, and this regulation will determine the efficiency of the lamp to be installed. Selection of Lamps. Ordinary Carbon Type. Lamps taking 3.1 watts per candle-power will give satisfaction only when the regulation of voltage is the best practically a constant voltage maintained at the normal voltage of the lamp. TABLE I Effects of Change in Voltage Standard 3. 5- Watt Lamp V OT/TAGE PER CENT. OF NORMAL CANDLE-POWER PER CENT. OF NORMAL WATTS PER CANDLE-POWER LIFE PER CENT. OF NORMAL DETERIORATION PER CENT. OF NORMAL 90 53 5.36 91 56 5.09 92 61 4.85 93 65 4.63 94 69 4.44 394 25 95 73 4.26 310 32 96 78 4.09 247 44 97 83 3.93 195 51 98 88 3.78 153 65 99 94 3.64 126 79 100 100 3.5 100 100 101 106 3.38 84 118 102 111 3.27 68 146 103 116 3.16 58 173 104 123 3.05 47 211 105 129 2.95 39 253 106 137 2.85 31 316 107 143 2.76 26 380 108 152 2.68 21 474 109 159 2.60 17 575 110 167 2.53 16 637 Lamps of 3.5 watts per candle-power should be used when the regulation is fair, say with a maximum variation of 2% from the normal voltage. ELECTRIC LIGHTING 90 92 94 93 98 100 102 104 103 108 Fig. 5. Curves of Efficiency and Life of Carbon Filament Lamps. 110 Lamps of 4 watts per candle-power should be installed when the regulation is poor. These values are for 110-volt lamps. A 220- volt lamp should have a lower efficiency to give a long life. This is on 100 200 300 400 500 00 HOURS Fig. 6. Life Curves of Incandescent Lamps. account of the fact that, for the same candle-power, the 220-volt lamp must be constructed with a filament which is long and slender com- pared to that of the 110-volt lamp, and if such a filament is run at a high temperature its life is short. The 220-volt lamp is used to some considerable extent abroad but it is not employed extensively in the United States. It is customary to operate such lamps at an efficiency of about 4 watts per candle-power. 10 ELECTRIC LIGHTING Lamps should always be renewed at the end of their useful life, this point being termed the smashing-point, as it is cheaper to replace the lamp than to run it at the reduced candle-power. Some recom- mend running these lamps at a higher voltage, but that means at a reduced life, and it is not good practice to do this. Fig. 7. Horizontal Distribution Curve for Single-Loop Filament. Fig. 6 shows the life curves of a series of incandescent lamps. These curves show that there is an increase in the candle-power of some of the lamps during the first 100 hours, followed by a period during which the value is fairly constant, after which the light given by the lamp is gradually reduced to about 80% of the initial candle- power. ELECTRIC LIGHTING 11 Distribution of Light. In Fig. 1 are shown various forms of filaments used in incandescent lamps, and Figs. 7 and 8 show the dis- tribution of light from a single-loop filament of cylindrical cross- section. Fig. 7 shows the distribution of light in a horizontal plane, the lamp being mounted in a vertical position, and Fig. 8 shows the dis- o Fig. 8. Vertical Distribution Curve for Single-Loop Filament. tribution in a vertical plane. By changing the shape of the filament., the light distribution is varied. A mean of the readings taken in the horizontal plane forms the mean horizontal candle-power, and this candle-power rating is the one generally assumed for the ordinary incandescent lamp. A mean of the readings taken in a vertical plane gives us the mean vertical candle-power, but this value is of little use. 12 ELECTRIC LIGHTING Mean Spherical Candle=Power. When comparing lamps which give an entirely different light distribution, the mean horizontal candle-power does not form a proper basis for such comparison, and the mean spherical or the mean hemispherical candle-power is used instead. By mean spherical candle-power is meant a mean value of the light taken in all directions. The methods for determining this will be taken up under photometry. The mean hemispherical candle- power has reference, usually, to the light given out below the horizon- tal plane. The Gem Metallized Filament Lamp. When the incandescent lamp was first well established commercially, the useful life of a unit, when operated at 3.1 watts per candle, was about 200 hours. The improvements in the process of manufacture have been continuous from that time until now, and the useful life of a lamp operated at that efficiency to-day is in the neighborhood of 500 hours. Experi- ments in the treatment of the carbon filament have led to the intro- duction of the gem metallized filament lamp. This lamp should not be confused with the metallic filament lamps, to be described later, because the material used is carbon, not a metal. As a result of special treatment the carbon filament assumes many of the character- istics of a metallic conductor, hence the term metallized filament. The word graphitized has been proposed in place of metallized. TABLE II * Data on the Gem Metallized Filament Lamp WATTS HORIZONTAL C. P. WATTS PER CANDLE tSPHERICAL REDUCTION FACTOR $ USEFUL LIFE 10 16 2.5 .816 450 hrs. 50 20 2.5 .825 450 80 32 2.5 .816 450 100 40 2.5 ; 460 125 50 2.5 ;; 450 187.5 75 2.5 ;; 450 250 100 2.5 % 450 * These lamps are normally rated at three voltages, 114, 112, and 110 volts, but data referring to the highest voltage only are given. t By spherical reduction factor is meant the factor by which the horizontal candle- power must be multiplied to obtain the mean spherical candle-power. J The larger units are almost invariably used with reflectors, hence no spherical reduction factor is given. $ The life of the lamps when operated at the lower voltage is increased to about 950 hours, and the efficiency is changed to 2.83 watts per candle. ELECTRIC LIGHTING 13 When a filament, as treated in the ordinary manner, is run at a high temperature in a lamp there is no improvement of the filament, but it was discovered that, if the treated filaments were subjected to the extremely high temperature of the electric resistance furnace 3,000 to 3,700 degrees C. at atmospheric pressure, the physical nature of the carbon was changed and the resulting filament could be operated at a higher temperature in the lamp and a higher efficiency, /J* 30' IS' 30 Fig. 9. Typical Distribution Curves of Gem Lamp with Different Types of Reflectors. and still maintain a life comparable to that of a 3.1-watt lamp. This special heating of the filament, which is applied to the base filament before it is flashed, as well as to the treated filament, causes the cold resistance of the carbon to be very materially decreased and the fila- ment, as used in the lamp, has a positive temperature coefficient rise in resistance with rise in temperature a desirable feature from the standpoint of voltage regulation of the circuit from which the lamps are operated. The high temperature also results in the driving off of considerable of the material which, in the ordinary lamp, causes the globe to blacken after the lamp has been in use for some time. The blackening of the bulb is responsible to a considerable degree 14 ELECTRIC LIGHTING for the decrease in candle-power of the incandescent lamp. The metallized filament lamp is operated at an efficiency of 2.5 watts pel candle with a useful life of about 500 hours. The change in candle- power with change in voltage is less than in the ordinary lamp on account of the positive temperature coefficient of the filament. These lamps are not manufactured for very low candle-powers, owing to the difficulty of treating very slender fila- ments, but they are made in sizes con- suming from 40 to 250 watts. Table II gives some useful information in connec- tion with metallized filament lamps. The filaments are made in a variety of shapes and the distribution curves are usually modified in practice by the use of shades and reflectors. The general appearance of the lamp does not differ from that of the ordinary carbon lamp. Fig. 9 shows typical distribution curves of the metallized filament lamp as it is installed in practice. Metallic Filament Lamps. The Tan- talum Lamp. The first of the metallic filament lamps to be introduced to any considerable extent com- mercially was the tantalum lamp. Dr. Bolton of the Siemens & Halske Company first discovered the methods of obtaining the pure metal tantalum. This metal is rendered ductile and drawn into slender filaments for incandes- cent lamps. Tantalum has a high tensile strength and high melting point, and tantalum filaments are operated at temperatures much higher than those used with the carbon filament lamp. On ac- count Of the comparatively low Fig - n - Tantalum Filament Before and J After 1,000 Hours' Use. specific resistance of this material the filaments, for 110-volt lamps must 'be long and slender, and this necessitates a special form of support. Figs. 10, 11, and 12 show some interesting views of the tantalum lamp and the fila- ment. This lamp is operated at the efficiency of 2 watts per 10. Hound Bulb Tantalum Lamp. ELECTRIC LIGHTING 15 candle-power, with a life comparable to that of the ordinary lamp. By special treatment it is possible to increase the resistance of the filaments so that they may be shorter and heavier than those used in Fig. 12. Appearance of Filament After Filament Frame Showing Having Been Used. Broken Filament. the first of the tantalum lamps. It should be noted that the life of this type of lamp on alternating-current circuits is somewhat uncer- tain; it is much more satisfactory for operation on direct-current circuits. Tables III and IV give some general data on the tantalum lamp, and Figs. 13 and 14 show typical distribution curves for the units as installed at present. TABLE III Data on Tantalum Lamp GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., MFTRS. SIZE OF BULB ESTIMATED LIFE DIAMETER OF BULB IN INCHES REGULAR ROUND ON A. C. ON D. C. 40 watt 2i 5 6 350 800 50 " 2& 350 800 80 " 3i 400 800 40 watt 31 350 800 80 " o 400 800 16 ELECTRIC LIGHTING TABLE IV Data on the Life of a 25-C. P. Unit No. OF HOURS BURNED CANDLE-POWER WATTS PER CANDLE 19.8 2.17 25 23.6 1.865 50 23.1 1.90 125 22.3 1.98 225 22.4 1.96 350 22.3 1.97 450 22.2 1.98 550 21.2 2.05 650 19.6 2.20 Fig. 13. Vertical Distribution Curve Without Reflector. The Tungsten Lamp. Following closely upon the development of the tantalum lamp came the tungsten lamp. Tungsten possesses a very high melting point and an indirect method is employed in farming filaments for incandescent lamps. There are several of these methods in use. In one method a fine carbon filament is flashed in an atmosphere of tungsten oxy chloride mixed with just the proper proportion of hydrogen, in which case the filament gradually changes ELECTRIC LIGHTING 17 to one of tungsten. A second method consists of the use of powdered tungsten and some binding material, sometimes organic and in other cases metallic. The powdered tungsten is mixed with the binding material, the paste squirted into filaments, and the. binding material is then expelled, usually by the aid of heat. Another method of manu- facture consists of securing tungsten in colloidal form, squirting it Fig. 14. Distribution Curves for Tantalum Lamp. No. 1, 40 Watts; No. 2, 80 Watts. into filaments, and then changing them to the metallic form by passing electric current through the filaments. The tungsten lamp has the highest efficiency of any of the com- mercial forms of metallic filament lamps now in use, about 1.25 watts per candle-power when operated so as to give a normal life, and lamps for 110-volt service and consuming but 40 watts have recently been put on the market. A 25-watt lamp for this same voltage appears to be a possibility. The units introduced at first were of high candle- power because of the difficulty of manufacturing the slender filaments required for the low candle-power lamps. 18 ELECTRIC LIGHTING The advantages of these metals, tantalum and tungsten, for incandescent lamps are in the improved efficiency of the lamps and the good quality of the light, white or nearly white in both cases. In either case the change in candle-power with change in voltage is less than the corresponding change in an ordinary carbon lamp. The disadvantage lies in the fact that the filaments must be made long and slender, and hence are fragile, for low candle-power units to be used Fig. 15. Multiple Tungsten Lamp. Fig. 1 6. Series Tungsten Lamp. on commercial voltages. In some cases tungsten lamps are con- structed for lower voltages and are used on commercial circuits through the agency of small step-down transformers. Improvements in the process of manufacture of filaments and of the method of their sup- port have resulted in the construction of 110-volt lamps for candle- powers lower than was once thought possible. Figs. 15 and 16 show the appearance of the tungsten lamp, and Figs. 17 and 18 give some ELECTRIC LIGHTING 19 typical distribution curves. Tables V and VI give data on this lamp as it is manufactured at present. One very considerable application 20* Jo Fig. 17. C. P. Distribution Curves of 100- Watt Gen. Elec. Tungsten Incandescent Units with B-3, C-3, and D-3 Holophanes. of the tungsten lamp is to incandescent street lighting on series cir- cuits, in which case the lamp may be made for a low voltage across its terminals and the filament may be made comparatively short and w'o 60 60* 50 40 3O 20 /O" O" W 20 3O 4O' 50" Fig. 18. Candle-Power Distribution Given with 40 c. p Gen. Elec. Tungsten Series Lamp and Radial Wave Reflector. heavy. The tungsten lamp is also being introduced as a low voltage battery lamp. The Just lamp, the Z lamp, the Osram lamp, the Zircon- Wolfram lamp, the Osmin lamp, etc., are all tungsten lamps, the filaments being prepared by some of the general methods already described or modifications of them. 20 ELECTRIC LIGHTING TABLE V Tungsten Lamps MULTIPLE WATTS VOLTS CANDLE- POWER WATTS PER C. P. TIP CANDLE- POWER SPHERICAL REDUCTION FACTOR 40 100 32 1.25 5 76.3 60 125 40 1.25 5.6 76.3 TABLE VI Tungsten Lamps SERIES AMPERES VOLTS CANDLE-POWER WATTS PER C. P. 4 13.5 40 1.35 20.25 60 5.5 9.8 40 1.35 14.7 60 6.6 8.2 40 1.35 12.3 60 7.5 7.2 40 1.35 10.8 60 The Osmium Lamp. Very efficient incandescent lamps have been constructed using osmium for the filament. An indirect method is resorted to in the formation of these filaments. Osmium lamps have not been successful for commercial voltages because the fila- ment is too fragile if it is made to have a high resistance, so these lamps must be operated in series or through the agency of reducing transformers if they are to be applied to 110-volt circuits. At 25 volts, lamps are constructed giving an efficiency of about 1.5 watts per candle-power with a life comparable to that of a 3.5-watt carbon lamp. Owing to the introduction of the tungsten lamp, the osmium lamp will probably never be used to any great extent. Other Metallic Filament Lamps. Table VII gives the melting points of several metals which are highly refractory and those already mentioned are not the only ones which have been successfully used in incandescent lamps. Titanium, zirconium, iridium, etc., have been successfully employed, but the tantalum and tungsten lamps are the only ones which are used to any extent in the United States. ELECTRIC LIGHTING 21 TABLE VII Melting Point of Some Metals METAL APPROXIMATE MELTING POINT IN DEGREES C. Tungsten 3080-3200 Titanium 3000 Tantalum 2900 Osmium 2500 Platinum 1775 Zirconium 1500 Silicon 1200 Carbon (not a metal) 3000 The Helion Lamp. The helion lamp, which gives considerable promise of commercial development, is a compromise between the carbon lamp and the metallic filament lamp. A slender filament of carbon is flashed in a compound of silicon (gaseous state) and a fila- ment composed of a carbon core more or less impregnated with silicon and coated with a metallic layer is formed. The emissivity of such a filament is high, the light is white in color, and the filament is strong. The efficiency of the helion fila- ment as far as it has been developed is higher than that of a carbon filament when operated at the same temperature. At 1,500 degrees C. the efficiency of the helion filament is 2.15 watts per candle- power, while for a carbon filament it is about 3.5 watts per candle-power. Fila- ments of this type have been made which may be heated to incandescence in open air without immediate destruction. This lamp is not yet on the market. The Nernst Lamp. The Nernst lamp is still another form of incandescent lamp, several types of which are shown in Figs. 19, 20, 21, and 22. This lamp uses for the incandescent material certain oxides of the rare earths, the oxides being mixed in the form of a paste, then squirted through a die into a string which is subjected to a roast- Fig. 19. Westinghouse Nernst Multiple-Glower Lamp. 22 ELECTRIC LIGHTING ing process forming the filament or glower material of the lamp as represented by the lower white line in Fig. 23. The more recent glowers are made hollow instead of solid. The glowers are cut to the desired length and platinum ter- minals attached. The attachment of these terminals to the glowers is an important process in the manu- facture of the lamp. The recent discovery of additional oxides has led to the construction of glowers which show a considerable gain in efficiency over those previously used. The glowers are heated to incan- descence in open air, a vacuum not being required. As the glower is a non-conductor when cold, some form of heater is t necessary to bring it up to a tem- ./ p^wMA \\ perature at which it will conduct. X r j\t/( r ^ wo f rms f neater nave been M^, =S3Jy& used. One of them consists of a porcelain tube shown just above the glower, Fig. 23, about which a fine platinum wire is wound; the wire is in turn coated with a cement. Two or more of these tubes are mounted directly over the glower, or glowers, and serve as a reflector as well as a heater. The second form of heater consists of a slender rig. 20. sectional view of Multiple- rod of refractory material about Glower Westinghouse Nernst Lamp. wm ' c h a platinum wire is WOUnd, the wire again being covered with a cement. This rod is then formed into a spiral which surrounds the glower in the vertical glower type, or is formed into the wafer heater, Fig. 24, now universally employed in the Westinghouse Nernst lamp with horizontal glowers. The wafer heater is bent so that it can be mounted with several sections parallel to the glower or glowers. ELECTRIC LIGHTING 23 The heating device is connected across the circuit when the lamp is first turned on, and it must be cut out of circuit after the glowers become conductors in order to save the energy consumed by the Fig. 21. Sectional Views of Single-Glower Westinghouse Nernst Lamp. heater and to prolong the life of the heater. The automatic cut-out is operated by means of an electromagnet so arranged that current flows through this magnet as soon as the glower becomes a conductor, and contacts in the heater circuit are opened by this magnet. The contacts in the heater circuit are kept normally closed, usually by the force of gravity. The conductivity of the glower increases with the increase of tem- perature the material has a nega- tive temperature coefficient hence if it were used on a constant poten- tial circuit directly, the current and temperature would continue to rise until the glower was de- Fig. 22. Westinghouse Nernst Screw stroyed. To prevent the current Burner. 24 ELECTRIC LIGHTING from increasing beyond the desired value, a ballast resistance is used in series with the glower. As is well known, the resistance of iron wire increases quite rapidly with increase in temperature, and the resistance of a fine pure iron wire is so adjusted that the resistance of the combined circuit of the glower and the ballast becomes constant at the desired temperature of the glower. The iron wire must be protected from the air to prevent oxidization and too rapid temperature changes, and, for this reason, it is mounted in a glass bulb filled with hydrogen. Hydrogen has been selected for this purpose because Fig 23. Westinghouse Nernst Screw it is an inert gas and conducts the heat Bur Z,;S 0"^' frm the ballast to the walls of the Tubular Heater. bulb better than other gases which might be used. All of the parts enumerated, namely, glower, heater, cut-out, and ballast, are mounted in a suitable manner; the smaller lamps have but one glower and are arranged to fit in an incandescent lamp socket, while the larger types are constructed at present with four glowers Fig. 24. Wafer Heater and Mounting. and are arranged to be supported in special fixtures, or the same as small arc lamps. All parts are mechanically arranged so that renew- als may be easily made when necessary and it is not possible to insert a part belonging to one type of lamp into a lamp of a different type. ELECTRIC LIGHTING 25 The advantages claimed for the Nernst Jamp are : High effi- ciency; a good color of light; a good distribution of light without the use of reflectors: a long life with low cost of maintenance; and a complete series of sizes of units, thus allowing its adaption to prac- tically all classes of illumination. If | The lamp is constructed for both direct- and alternating-current service and for 110 and 220 volts. When the alternating-current lamp is used on a 110- volt circuit a small transformer, commonly called a converter coil, Fig. 25, is utilized to raise the voltage at the lamp ter- minals to about 220 volts. Data on the Nernst lamp in its present form are given in Table VIII, and Figs. 26 and 27 show the form of distribution curves. TABLE VIII General Data on the Nernst Lamp Fig. 25. Converter Coil. LAMP RATING IN WATTS VOLTAGE CURRENT IN AMPERES MAX. CANDLE- POWER MEAN HEMISPHER- ICAL C. P. WATTS PER M. II. S. c. P. FROM TEST 66 110 .6 74 50 1.38 88 220 .4 105 77 1.2 A.C. 1-Glower or 110 110 1.0 131 96.4 1.2 D.C. 220 .5 132 110 1.2 156 114 1.2 220 .6 264 220 1.2 345 231 1 .2 [2-Glower-i . -, 396 220 1.8 528 359 1.15 J3-Glower [ or 528 220 2.4 745 504 1.09 }4-Glower j D - C * Comparison of the Different Types of Incandescent Lamps. A direct comparison of the different types of incandescent lamps can- not be made but it is desirable at this time to note the following points : The lamps which are considered commercial in the United States at the present time are the carbon, gem, tantalum, tungsten, and Nernst lamp. The efficiencies ordinarily accepted run in the order 26 ELECTRIC LIGHTING given, approximately 3.1, 2.5, 2, 1.25, and 1.2 watts per candle respec- tively. The figure of 1.2 watts per candle for the Nernst lamp is based upon the mean hemispherical candle-pov/er and it should not be compared directly with the other efficiencies. The color of the light in all of the above cases is suitable for the majority of classes of illumination, the light from the higher efficiency units being some- what whiter than that from the carbon lamp. All of these lamps are constructed for commercial voltages and for either direct or alternating current. The use of the tantalum lamp on alternating current is not 60' 75' SO' 75" 60' Fig. 26. Distribution Curve of 132- Watt Type Westinghouse Nernst Lamp. Single Glower. always to be recommended as the service is unsatisfactory in some cases. The minimum size of units for 110 volts is about 4 candle- power for the carbon lamp, 20 candle-power for the metallic filament lamp, and 50 candle-power (mean hemispherical) for the Nernst lamp. Some of the metallic filament lamps are constructed for a consumption of as high as 250 watts, while the largest size of the Nernst lamp uses 528 watts. The light distribution of any of the units is subject to considerable variation through the agency of re- flectors, but the Nernst lamp is ordinarily installed without a reflec- ELECTRIC LIGHTING 27 tor. Practically all of the other units of high candle-power use re- flectors and only a few of the typical curves of light distribution curves with reflectors have been shown in connection with the description of the lamps. The life of all of the commercial lamps described is considered as satisfactory. The minimum life is seldom less than 500 hours and the useful life is generally between 500 and 1,000 hours. On account of the slender filaments employed in the metallic filament 45- 60 75" 90 75" 60 Fig. 27. Distribution of Light from Multiple-Glower "Westinghouse Nernst Lamps with 8" Clear Globes. No. 1, 2 Glower; No. 2, 3 Glower; No. 3, 4 Glower. lamps they are not made for low candle-powers at commercial vol- tages. The introduction of transformers for the purpose of changing the circuit voltage to one suitable for low candle-power units has not become at all general as yet in this country. SPECIAL LAMPS The Mercury Vapor Lamp. The mercury vapor lamp in this country is put on the market by the Cooper-Hewitt Electric Company and it is being used to a considerable extent for industrial illumination. In this lamp mercury vapor, rendered incandescent by the passage of an electric current through it, is the source of light. In its standard form this lamp consists of a long glass tube from which the air has been carefully exhausted, and which contains a small amount of metallic mercury. The mercury is held in a large bulb at one end of 28 ELECTRIC LIGHTING the tube and forms the negative electrode in the direct-current lamp. The other electrode is formed by an iron cup and the connections between the lamp terminals and the electrodes are of platinum where this connection passes through the glass. Fig. 28 gives the general appearance of a standard lamp having the following specifications: Total watts (110 volts, 3.5 amperes) = 385 Candle-power (M. H. with reflector) = 700 Watts per candle = 0.55 Length of tube, total = 55 in. Length of light-giving section = 45 in. Diameter of tube = 1 in. Height from lowest point of lamp to ceiling plate = 22 in. For 220-volt service two lamps are connected in series. The mercury vapor, at the start, may be formed in two ways: First, the lamp may be tipped so that a stream of mercury makes contact between the two elec- trodes and mercury is vaporized when the stream breaks. Second, by means of a high inductance and a quick break switch, a very high voltage sufficient to pass a current from one electrode to the Fig. 28. Cooper-Hewitt Mercury Vapor ,1 ,1 1,1 Lamp other through the vacuum, is in- duced and the conducting vapor is formed. The tilting method of starting is preferred and this tilting is brought about automatically in the more recent types of lamp Fig. 29 shows the connections for automatically starting two lamps in series. A steadying resistance and reactance are connected as shown in this figure. The mercury vapor lamp is constructed in rather large units, the 55-volt, 3.5-ampere lamp being the smallest standard size. The color of the light emitted is objectionable for some purposes as there is an entire absence of red rays and the light is practically monochro- matic. The illumination from this type of lamp is excellent where sharp contrast or minute detail is to be brought out, and this fact has led to its introduction for such classes of lighting as silk mills and cotton mills. On account of its color the application of this lamp is limited to the lighting of shops, offices, and drafting rooms, or to disc ELECTRIC LIGHTING 29 play windows where the goods shown will not be changed in appear- ance by the color of the light. It is used to a considerable extent in photographic work on account of the actinic properties of the light. Special reactances must be provided for a mercury arc lamp operating on single-phase, alternating-current circuits. The Moore Tube Light. The Moore light makes use of the familiar Geissler tube discharge discharge of electricity through a vacuum tube as a source of illumination. The practical application of this discharge to a system of lighting has involved a large amount t03-I2O volts 3.5 Ampere Switch H Inductance \ j I|LKJ | induct once 1 Coil ==#^J Fig. 29. Wiring Diagram. Two H Automatic Lamps in Series. of consistent research on the part of the inventor and it has now been brought to such a stage that several installations have been made. The system has many interesting features. In the normal method of installation, a glass tube If inches in diameter is made up by connecting standard lengths of glass tubing together until the total desired length is reached, and this continuous tube, which forms the source of light when in operation, is mounted in the desired position with respect to the plane of illumination. In many cases the tube forms a large rectangle mounted just beneath the ceiling of the room to be lighted. The tube may be of any reason- able length, actual values running from 40 to 220 feet. In order to 30 ELECTRIC LIGHTING Tube distributed, in cmy form des~ire<4 to ofsoofeet. provide an electrical discharge through this tube it is customary to lead both ends of the tube to the high tension terminals of a trans- former, the low tension side of which may be connected to the alter- nating-current lighting mains. This transformer is constructed so that the high tension terminals are not exposed and the current is led into the tube by means of platinum wires attached to carbon electrodes. The electrodes are about eight inches in length. The ends of the tube and the high tension terminals are enclosed in a steel casing so as to effectually prevent anything from coming in contact with the high potential of the system. As stated, the low tension side of the trans- former is con- nected to the usual 60-cycle lighting mains. If direct current is used for distribution, a motor- generator set for furnishing alter- nating current to the primary of the transformer is required. Any frequency from 60 cycles up is suitable for the operation of these tubes. At lower frequencies there is some appreciable variation of the light emitted. One other de- vice is necessary for the suitable operation of this form of light and this is known as the regulator. In order to maintain a constant pres- sure inside the tube, and such a constant pressure is necessary for its satisfactory operation, there must be some automatic device which will allow a small amount of gas to enter the tube at intervals while it is in operation. The regulator accomplishes this purpose. Fig. 30 shows a diagram of the very simple connections of the system and gives the relative positions occupied by the transformer, tube, and regu- lator. Fig. 31 gives an enlarged view of the regulator, a description of which and its method of operation is given as follows: A piece of -inch glass tubing is supported vertically and its bottom end is contracted into a f -inch glass tube which extends to the main lighting tube. Fig. 30. Diagram Showing Essentia Features of the Moore Light. 1 . Light- ing Tube; 2. Transformer Case; 3. Lamp Terminals; 4. Trans- former; 5, 6, 7, 8, Regulators. ELECTRIC LIGHTING 31 At the point of contraction at the bottom of the f-inch tube there is sealed by means of cement a | inch carbon plug, the porosity of which is not great enough to allow mercury to percolate through it but which will permit gases easily to pass, due- to the high vacuum of the lighting tube connected to the lower end of the plug, and approximately atmospheric pressure above it. This carbon plug is normally com- pletely covered with what would correspond to a thimbleful of mercury which simply seals the pores of the carbon plug, and therefore has nothing whatever to do with the conducting properties of the gas in the main tube which produces the light. Partly immersed in the mercury and concentric with the carbon plug, is another smaller and movable glass tube, the upper end of which is filled with soft iron wire, which acts as the core of a small solenoid con- nected in series with the transformer. The action of the solenoid is to lift the concentric glass tube partly out of the mercury, the sur- face of which falls and thereby causes the minute tip of the conical shaped carbon plug to be slightly exposed for a second or two. This exposure is sufficient to allow a small amount of gas to enter the tube, the current decreases slightly, and the carbon plug is again sealed. The process above described takes place at intervals of about one minute when the tube is in operation. The color of the light emitted by the tube depends upon the gas used in it. The regulator is fitted with some chem- ical arrangement whereby the proper gas is admitted to it when the tube is in opera- tion. Nitrogen is employed when the tube gives the highest efficiency and the light emitted when this gas is used is yellowish in color. Air gives a pink appearance to the tube and carbon dioxide is employed when a white light is desired. Table IX gives general data on the Moore tube light. The advantages claimed for this light are: High efficiency, good color, and low intrinsic brilliancy. Fig. 31. Regulating Valve. 32 ELECTRIC LIGHTING TABLE IX Data on the Moore Tube Light LENGTH OF TUBE TRANSFORMER CAPACITY POWER FACTOR OF CIRCUIT VOLTAGE AT LAMP TERMINALS 40-70 ft. 80-125 " 2 kw. 2.75 " 65-84% 3,146 for 40-ft. tube, at 12 Hefners per ft. 130-180 " 3.5 " 190-220 " 4.5 " 12,441 for 220-ft. tube, at 12 hefners per ft. Pressure in tube, about ^ mm. of mercury. Watts per hefner, 3.2 for 20-foot tube including transformer. Watts per hefner, 1.4 for 180-foot tube including transfo.'mer. Hefner per foot, normal, 12. Note that one hefner equals 0.88 candle-power. ARC LAMPS The Electric Arc. Suppose two carbon rods are connected in an electric circuit, and the circuit closed by touching the tips of these rods together; on separating the carbons again the circuit will not be broken, provided the space between the carbons be not too great, but will be maintained through the arc formed at these points. This phenom- enon, which is the basis of the arc light, was first observed on a large scale by Sir Humphrey Davy, who used a battery of 2,000 cells and produced an arc between charcoal points four inches apart. As the incandescence of the carbons across which an arc is maintained, to- gether with the arc itself, forms the source of light for a large portion of arc lamps, it will be well to study the nature of the arc. Fig. 32 shows the general appearance of an arc between two carbon electrodes when maintained by direct current. Fig. 32. The Electric Arc between Carbon Terminals. ELECTRIC LIGHTING 33 Here the current is assumed as passing from the top carbon to the bottom one as indicated by the arrow and signs. We find, in the direct-current arc, that the most of the light issues from the tip of the positive carbon, or electrode, and this portion is known as the crater of the arc. This crater has a temperature of from 3,000 to 3,500 C., the temperature at which the carbon vaporizes, and gives fully 80 to 85% of the light furnished by the arc. The negative carbon becomes pointed at the same time thai the positive one is hollowed out to form the crater, and it is also incandescent but not to as great a degree as the positive carbon. Between the electrodes there is a band of violet light, the arc proper, and this is surrounded by a luminous zone of a golden yellow color. The arc proper does not fur- nish more than 5% of the light emitted when pure carbon electrodes are used. The carbons are worn away or consumed by the passage of the current, the positive carbon being con- sumed about twice as rapidly as the negative. The light distribution curve of a direct-current arc, taken in a vertical plane, is shown in Fig. 33. Here it is seen that the maximum amount of light is given off at an angle of about 50 from the vertical, the negative carbon shutting off the rays of light that are thrown directly down- ward from the crater. If alternating current is used, the upper carbon becomes positive and negative alternately, and there is no chance for a crater to be formed, both carbons giving off the same amount of light and being consumed at about the same rate. The light distribution curve of an alternating-current arc is shown in Fig. 34. AroLamp Mechanisms. In a practical lamp we must have not only a pair of carbons for producing the arc, but also means for sup- porting these carbons, together with suitable arrangements for leading Fig. 33. Distribution Curve for D. C. Arc Lamp (Vertical Plane). 34 ELECTRIC LIGHTING the current to them and for maintaining them at the proper distance apart. The carbons are kept separated the proper distance by the operating mechanisms which must perform the following functions: 1. The carbons must be in contact, or be brought into contact, to start the arc when the current first flows. 2. They must be separated at the right distance to form a proper arc immediately afterward. Fig. 34. Distribution Curve for A. C. Arc Lamp (Vertical Plane). 3. The carbons must be fed to the arc as they are consumed. 4. The circuit should be open or closed when the carbons are entirely consumed, depending on the method of power distribution. The feeding of the carbons may be done by hand, as is the case in some stereopticons using an arc, but for ordinary illumination the striking and maintaining of the arc must be automatic. It is made so in all cases by means of solenoids acting against the force of gravity or against springs. There are an endless number of such mechanisms, ELECTRIC LIGHTING 35 but a few only will be described here. They may be roughly divided into three classes: 1. Shunt mechanisms. 2. Series mechanisms. 3. Differential mechanisms. Shunt Mechanisms. In shunt lamps, the carbons are held apart before the current is turned on, and the circuit is closed through a solenoid connected in across the gap so formed. All of the cur- rent must pass through this coil at first, and the plunger of the solenoid is arranged to draw the carbons together, thus starting the arc. The pull of the solenoid and that of tha springs are ad- justed to maintain the arc at its proper length. Such lamps have the disad- vantage of a high resistance at the start 450 ohms or more and are difficult to start on series circuits, due to the high voltage required. They tend to maintain a constant voltage at the arc, but do not aid the dynamo in its regulation, so that the arcs are liable to be a little unsteady. Series Mechanisms. With the series-lamp mechanism, the carbons are together when the lamp is first started and the current, flowing in the series coil, separates the electrodes, striking the arc. When the arc is too long, the resistance is increased and the current lowered so that the pull of the solenoid is weakened and the carbons feed together. This type of lamp can be used only on constant- potential systems. Fig. 35 shows a diagram of the connection of such a lamp. This diagram is illustrative of the connection of one of the lamps manu- factured by the Western Electric Company, for use on a direct-current, Fig. 35. Series Mechanism for D. C. Arc Lamp. 36 ELECTRIC LIGHTING constant-potential system. The symbols + and refer to the termi- nals of the lamp, and the lamp must be so connected that the current flows from the top carbon to the bottom one. R is a series resistance, adjustable for different voltages by means of the shunt G. F and D are the controlling solenoids connected in series with the arc. B and C are the positive and negative carbons respectively, while A is the switch for turning the current on and off. H is the plunger of the solenoids and I the carbon clutch, ^ this being what is known as a carbon-feed lamp. The carbons are together when A is first closed, the current is excessive, and the plunger is drawn up into the so- lenoids, lifting the carbon B until the resistance of the arc lowers the current to such a value that the pull of the solenoid just counter- balances the weight of the plunger and carbon. G must be so adjusted that this point is reached when the arc is at its normal length. Differential Mechanisms. In the differential lamp, the series and shunt mechanisms are combined, the carbons being together at the start, and the series coil arranged so as to separate them while the shunt coil is connected across the arc, as before, to prevent the carbons from being drawn too far apart. This lamp operates only over a low-current range, but it tends to aid the generator in its regulation. Fig. 36 shows a lamp having a differential control, this also being the diagram of a Western Electric Company arc lamp for a direct- current, constant-potential system. Here S represents the shunt coil and M the series coil, the armature of the two magnets A and A' being attached to a bell-crank, pivoted at B, and attached to the carbon clutch C. The pull of coil S tends to lower the carbon while that of M raises the carbon, and the two are so adjusted that equilibrium is Fig. 36. Differential Mechanism for D. C. Arc Lamp. ELECTRIC LIGHTING 37 reached when the arc is of the proper length. All of the lamps are fitted with an air dashpot, or some damping device, to prevent too rapid movements of the working parts. The methods of supporting the carbons and feeding them to the arc may be divided into two classes: 1. Rod-feed mechanism. 2. Carbon-feed mechanism. Rod-Feed Mechanism. Lamps using a rod feed have the upper carbons supported by a conducting rod, and the regulating mechanism acts on this rod, the current being fed to the rod by means of a sliding contact. Fig. 37 shows the ar- rangement of this type of feed. The rod is shown at R, the sliding contact at B, and the carbon is attached to the rod atC. These lamps have the ad- vantage that carbons, which do not have a uniform cross- section or smooth exterior, may be used, but they possess the disadvantage of being very long in order to accommodate the rod. The rod must also be kept clean so as to make a good contact with the brush. Carbon-Feed Mechanism. In carbon-feed lamps the controlling mechanism acts on the carbons directly through some form of clutch such as is shown at C in Fig. 38. This clamp being lifted grips the carbon, but allows the carbon to slip through it when the tension is released. For this type of feed the carbon must be straight and have a uniform cross-section as well as a smooth exterior. The current may be led to the carbon by means of a flexible lead and a short carbon holder Fig. 37. Rod-Feed Mechanism. 38 ELECTRIC LIGHTING TYPES OF ARC LAMPS Arc lamps are constructed to operate on direct-current or alter- nating-current systems when connected in series or in multiple. They are also made in both the open and the enclosed forms. By an open arc is meant an arc lamp in which the arc is exposed to the atmosphere, while in the enclosed arc an inner or enclosing Fig. 38. Enclosed Arc Lamp with Carbon Feed Mechanism. globe surrounds the arc, and this globe is covered with a cap which renders it nearly air-tight. Fig. 38 is a good example of an enclosed arc as manufactured by the General Electric Company. Direct=Current Arcs. Open Types of Arcs for direct-current systems were the first to be used to any great extent. When used they are always connected in series, and are run from some form of ELECTRIC LIGHTING 39 special arc machine, a description of which may be found in "Types of Dynamo Electric Machinery." Each lamp requires in the neighborhood of 50 volts for its opera- tion, and, since the lamps are connected in series, the voltage of the system will depend on the number of lamps; therefore, the number of lamps that may be connected to one machine is limited by the maximum allowable voltage on that machine. By special construction as many as 125 lamps are run from one machine, but even this size of generator is not so efficient as one of greater capacity. Such gen- erators are usually wound for 6.6 or 9.6 amperes. Since the carbons are exposed to the air at the arc, they are rapidly consumed, requiring that they be renewed daily for this type of lamp. Double-carbon arcs. In order to increase the life of the early form of arc lamp without using too long a carbon, the double-carbon type was introduced. This type uses two sets of carbons, both sets being fed by one mechanism so arranged that when one pair of the elec- trodes is consumed the other is put into service. At present nearly all forms of the open arc lamp have disappeared on account of the better service rendered by the enclosed arc. Enclosed arcs for series systems are constructed much the same as the open lamp, and are controlled by either shunt or differential mechanism. They require a voltage from 68 to 75 at the arc, and are usually constructed for from 5 to 6.8 amperes. They also require a constant-current generator or a rectifier outfit if used on alternating- current circuits. Constant-potential arcs must have some resistance connected in series with them to keep the voltage at the arc at its proper value. This resistance is made adjustable so that the lamps may be used on any circuit. Its location is clearly shown in Fig. 38, one coil being located above, the other below the operating solenoids. Alternating-Current Arcs. These do not differ greatly in con- struction from the direct-current arcs. When iron or other metal parts are used in the controlling mechanism, they must be laminated or so constructed as to keep down induced or eddy currents which might be set up in them. For this reason the metal spools, on which the solenoids are wound, are slotted at some point to prevent them from forming a closed secondary to the primary formed by the solen- oid winding. On constant-potential circuits a reactive coil is used 40 ELECTRIC LIGHTING in place of a part of the resistance for cutting down the voltage at the arc. Interchangeable Arc. Interchangeable arcs are manufactured which may be readily adjusted so as to operate on either direct or alternating current, and on voltages from 110 to 220. Two lamps may be run in series on 220-volt circuits. The distribution of light, and the resulting illumination for the different lamps just considered, will be taken up later. Aside from the distribution and quality of light, the enclosed arc has the advan- tage that the carbons are not consumed so rapidly as in the open lamp because the oxygen is soon exhausted from the inner globe and the combustion of the carbon is greatly decreased. They will burn from 80 to 100 hours without retrimming. TABLE X Rating of Enclosed Arcs WATTS CONSUMED MEAN INTENSITY IN H. U. MEAN WATTS Oi a a 2 SPHERICAL aj , M ^. S a SPHERICAL H. U. ^ i ^ 3 H (X a o M a ti llsi g MK d P. & M A H 00 CO CLEAR OUTER 00 oo CLEAR OUTER 235 332 2.37 1.66 1 5.01 551 401 150 172 256* 362* 3.10 2.18* 1 .52* 3 5.08 559 406 252 195 216 282 2.85 2.60 1.99 4 4.76 524 381 143 127 139 208 4.12 3.76 2.52 5 4.16f 458 333 125 154 174 221 2.96 2.63 2.07 7 4.76 524 381 143 203 333 317 2.63 2.20 1.65 9 4.84 532 387 145 182 226 281 2.83 2.38 1.89 10 4 99 549 399 150 202 242 309 2.74 2 24 1 .77 12 4.87 536 3CO 146 178 195 230 3.05 2^66 2.33 Mean 4.9 529 384 144 176 207 272 3.03 2.60 1.98 a 1 Jj H cu P5 o tf 55 W "i O i O M d tf PH j * o S o u ^ < ! ( 1 d 2 d 2 t d 2 ^ I - k c.p. j p ( -77- 4~ 79 + ~~TT ~f~ 1- k where d, d v d v etc., equal the distances from the point considered to the various light sources. If the lamps are of different candle-power, the illumination, may be determined by combining the illumination from each source as calculated separately. An example of calculation is given under "Arrangement of Lamps." The above method is not strictly accurate because it does not take account of the angle at which the light from each one of the sources strikes the assumed plane of illumination. If the ray of C T) light is perpendicular to the plane, the formula I = ^ gives cor- rect values. If a is the angle which the ray of light makes with a line drawn from the light source perpendicular to the assumed plane, then the formula becomes I = C + X %*** ' Therefore, by or multiplying the candle-power value of each light source in the direc- tion of the illuminated point by the cosine of each angle a, a more accurate result will be obtained. It is readily seen that the effect of reflected light from the ceilings is of more importance than that from the floor of a room. The value of k, in the above formula, will vary from 60% to 10%, but for rooms with a fairly light finish 50% may be taken as a good average value. The amount of illumination will depend on the use to be made of the room. One foot-candle gives sufficient illumination for easy reading, when measured normal to the page, and probably an illumi- nation of .5 foot-candle on a plane 3 feet from the floor forms a suffi- cient ground illumination. The illumination from sunlight reflected from white clouds is from 20 foot-candles up, while that due to moon- light is in the neighborhood of .03 foot-candles. It is not possible to produce artificially a light equivalent to daylight on account of the 58 ELECTRIC LIGHTING great amount of energy that would be required and the difficulty of obtaining proper diffusion. The method of calculating the illumination of a room that has just been described is known as the point-by-point method and it gives very accurate results if account is taken of the angle at which the light from each source strikes the plane of illumination and if the light distribution curves of the units, and the value of k, have been carefully determined. Under these conditions the calculations be- come extended and complicated and methods only approximate, but simpler in their application, are being introduced. One method, which gives good results when applied to fairly large interiors, makes the flux of light from the light sources the basis of calculation of the average illumination. Flux of light is measured in lumens and a lumen may be defined as the amount of light which must fall on one square foot of surface in order to produce a uniform illumination of an intensity of one foot- candle. A source of light giving one candle-power in every direction and placed at the center of a sphere of one foot radius would give an illumination of one foot-candle at every point in the surface of the sphere and the total flux of light would be 4?r, or 12.57, lumens since the area of the sphere would be 4?r, or 12.57, sq. ft. A lamp giving one mean spherical candle-power gives a flux of 12.57 lumens and the total flux of light from any source is obtained by multiplying its mean spherical candle-power by 12.57. In calculating illumination it is customary to determine the illumination on a plane about 30 inches from the floor for desk work, and about 42 inches from the floor for the display of goods on counters. If we determine the total number of lumens falling on this plane and divide this number by the area of the plane, we obtain the average illumination in foot- candles. This of course tells us nothing about the maximum or minimum value of the illumination and such values must be obtained by other methods if they are desired. Reflected light, other than that covered by the distribution curve of the light unit including its re- flector, is usually neglected in this method of calculation. We may assume that in large rooms the light coming from the lamp within an angle of 75 degrees from the vertical reaches the plane of illumination. In smaller rooms this angle should be reduced to about 60 degrees. In order to determine the flux of light within this ELECTRIC LIGHTING 59 angle a Rousseau diagram, which is described later, should be drawn. By the means of this diagram the average candle-power of the light source within the angle assumed may be readily determined and this mean value, multiplied by 12.57, will give the flux of light in lumens. This method of calculation, together with some guides for its rapid application, is described by Messrs. Cravath and Lansingh in the "Transactions of the Illuminating Engineering Society, 1908." The same authorities give the following useful data: To determine the watts required per square foot of floor area, multiply the intensity of illumination desired by the constants given as follows: INTENSITY CONSTANTS FOR INCANDESCENT LAMPS Tungsten lamps rated at 1.25 watts per horizontal candle-power; clear prismatic reflectors, either bowl or concentrating; large room; light ceiling; dark walls; lamps pendant; height from 8 to 15 feet .25 Same with very light walls 20 Tungsten lamps rated at 1.25 watts per horizontal candle-power; pris- matic bowl reflectors enameled; large room; light ceiling; dark walls; lamps pendant, height from 8 to 15 feet .29 Same with very light walls 23 Gem lamps rated at 2.5 watts per horizontal candle-power; clear pris- matic reflectors either concentrating or bowl; large room; light ceiling; dark walls; lamps pendant; height from 8 to 15 feet 55 Same with very light walls 45 Carbon filament lamps rated at 3.1 watts per horizontal candle-power; clear prismatic reflectors either bowl or concentrating; light ceiling; dark walls; large room; lamps pendant; height from 8 to 15 feet. . .65 Same with very light walls 55 Bare carbon filament lamps rated at 3.1 watts per horizontal candle- power; no reflectors; large room; very light ceiling and walls; height from 10 to 14 feet .75 to 1.5 Same; small room; medium walls 1 .25 to 2.0 Carbon filament lamps rated at 3.1 watts per horizontal candle-power; opal dome or opal cone reflectors; light ceiling; dark walls; large room; lamps pendant; height from 8 to 15 feet 70 Same with light walls 60 INTENSITY CONSTANTS FOR ARC LAMPS 5-ampere, enclosed, direct-current arc on 110-volt circuit; clear inner, opal outer globe; no reflector; large room; light ceiling; medium walls; height from 9 to 14 feet 50 Arrangement of Lamps. An arrangement of lamps giving a uniform illumination cannot be well applied to residences on account of the number of units required, and the inartistic effect. We are 60 ELECTRIC LIGHTING limited to chandeliers, side lights, or ceiling lights, in the majority of cases, with table or reading lamps for special illumination. When ceiling lamps are used and the ceilings are high, some form of reflector or reflector lamp is to be recommended. In any case where the coefficient of reflection of the I ceilings is less than 40%, it is more economical to use reflectors. When lamps are mounted on chandeliers, the illumination is far from uniform, being a maximum in the neighbor- hood of the chandelier and a minimum at the corners of the room. By combining chande- liers with side lights it is generally possible to I ro e ^ a satisfactory arrangement of lighting for J small or medium-sized rooms. 1 Si -3 d 03 ^ JS bJC C 8 O01 CO .-H ^HCOCO 3 . ^ |^^ : 3 ^ : -"^^ \/ / 'i * \V/* x v r "--..' ; W |^7^>?^^^VN>x"/^ -V^ n I 'I I ' I n i li / - ' Jr~* \ ;;! i \ X C /^ 80 6 60 40 20 K'- O/O a 2030 ?5^ 60 75 90 /OS J3O /35 /50/65/aO a Fig. 82. Rousseau Diagram for Gem Lamp with Bowl Reflector. In all tests the voltage of the lamp must be very closely regulated. A storage battery forms the ideal source of current for such purposes. In testing incandescent lamps, a standard similar to the lamp being tested is desirable and it should, preferably, be connected to the same leads. Any variation in the voltage of the mains then affects both lamps and the error introduced is slight. ELECTRIC LIGHTING 03 ARC LIGHT PHOTOMETRY Owing to the variation of the amount of light given out by an arc lamp in one direction at any time, due to variation of the qualities of the carbons, position of the arc, and also on account of the color of the light, etc., the photometry of arc lamps is much more difficult than that of incandescent lamps. The curves shown in Figs. 33 and 34 are average distribution curves taken from several lamps and will vary considerably for any one lamp. If the arc is enclosed, this variation is not so great. The working standard should be an incandescent lamp run at a voltage above the normal so that the quality of the light will com- pare favorably with that of the arc. Since an incandescent lamp deteriorates rapidly when run at over voltage, the standard can be used only for short intervals and must be frequently checked. Since an arc lamp can be mounted in one position only, mirrrors must be used to obtain distribution curves. A mirror is used mounted at 45 with the axis of the photometer, and arranged so as to reflect the arc when in different positions. A mirror absorbs a certain per cent of the light falling upon it and this percentage must be deter- mined by using lamps previously standardized. The length of the photometer bar must include the distance from the mirror to the arc. The Weber photometer is well adapted to arc-light measure- ments inasmuch as appropriate screens may be used to cut down the intensity of the light. A special form of the Matthews photometer is also used for testing arc lamps. For the comparison of the illumination from arc lamps as in- stalled in service, an instrument known as an illuminometer is some- times used. This consists of a light wooden box, readily portable, having a black interior and arranged with two openings. One of these openings is for the purpose of admitting light from the source being considered, to a printed card. The other opening is for the purpose of viewing this card when illuminated by the light source. The printing on the card is made up from type of different sizes, and the smallest size which is legible, together with the distance from the light source, is noted. Another method of application is to select some definite size of type and then to move the instrument from the 94 ELECTRIC LIGHTING light source to a point where this type is just legible and note the dis- tance. From similar measurements taken on different lamps a good comparison may be obtained. Such an instrument is very convenient to use, and results obtained by different observers check very closely. The flicker photometer is used for the comparison of different colored lights, the basis for comparison being that each light, though different in color, shall produce light sensations equally intense for the purpose of distinguishing outlines. It consists, in one form, of an arrangement by means of which a sectored disk is rotated in front of each light source, these disks being so arranged that the light from one source is cut off while the other falls on the screen, and vice versa, any form of screen being used for making the comparison. The disks must be revolved at such a rate that the light, viewed from the oppo- site side, will appear continuous. When the illumination of the two sides of the screen, under these conditions, is not the same, there will be a perceptible flicker and the screen should be so adjusted that this flicker disappears. The value of the light source can then be calcu- lated from the screen reading in the usual manner. Another device consists of the use of a special lens mounted in front of a wedge- shaped screen, the lens being constructed so as to reverse the image of the two sides of the screen, as viewed by the eye, when such lens is in front of the screen. The lens is so mounted that it can be oscil- lated rapidly in front of the screen, giving the same result as would be obtained were it possible to reverse the screen at such a rapid rate as to cause the illumination on the two sides to appear continuous. The setting of this screen is accomplished as with the more simple forms. Still another flicker photometer, the Simmance-Abady, makes use of a rotating wheel. This wheel is made of a white material having a diffusing surface, and its edge is so beveled that during part of a revolution a surface illuminated by one of the light sources is viewed through the eye-piece of the instrument, and during the other part of the revolution a surface viewed by the second light source is observed. The flicker occasioned by this change disappears when the screen is brought to a point where it is equally illuminated by the two light sources. By the use of such forms of photometers it is found that results with different colored lights can be obtained, which are comparable with results obtained with lights of the same color. INDEX PART PAGE Alternating-current circuits I ? 40 calculation of I, 44 line capacity I, 43 mutual induction I, 42 skin effect I, 42 Alternating-current lines, drop in I, 44 Amyl acetate lamp II, 17 Arc lamps II, 32 carbons for II, 41 efficiency II, 41 electric arc II, 32 flaming arc II, 42 Bremer II, 42 magnetite II, 44 mechanisms II, 33 carbon-feed II, 37 rod-feed II, 37 series II, 35 shunt . , II, 35 rating of II, 40 types of II, 38 alternating-current II, 39 direct-current II, 38 interchangeable II, 40 Arc light photometry II, 93 B Bremer arc lamp II, 42 Bushings I, 65 C Carbon incandescent lamps, manufacture of II, 3 Carcel lamp II, 77 Concealed knob and tube wiring I, 13 Conductors, calculation of sizes of I, 25 Cross-arms : I, 75 Cut-out panels I, 66 i ii INDEX E PART PAGE Electric lighting II, 1.94 arc lamps II, 32 arc light photometry II, 93 classification II, 2 history and development II, 1 illumination II, 53 incandescent lamp photometry .'. II, 88* incandescent lamps II, 2 light standards II, 76 lighting of public halls, offices, etc II, 64 photometers : II, 79 photometry II, 76 power distribution II, 46 residence lighting II, 56- shades and reflectors II, 72 special lamps II ? 27 street lighting II, 67 Electric wiring I, 1-87 alternating-current circuits I, 40 alternating-current lines, drop in I, 44 concealed knob and tube wiring I, 13 conductors, calculation of sizes I, 25 methods of wiring I, 1 outlet-boxes, cut-out panels, and other accessories I, 63 overhead linework ; . I, 68 testing I, 36 two- wire and three-wire systems I, 20 underground linework I, 79 wires run concealed in conduits I, 1 wires run exposed on insulators I, 16 wires run in moulding I, 9 wiring installation I, 29 wiring an office building I, 54 English candle II, 76 F Fibre conduit I, 83 Fibrous tubing . I, 15 Frosted globes II, 73 Fuse-boxes I, 66 G Gem metallized filament lamp II, 12 German candle i II, 77 INDEX iii H PART PAGE Helion lamp 1I ? 21 Holophane globes n, 74 I Illumination n, 53 intrinsic brightness II ? 54 irregular reflection n, 54 regular reflection n, 54 unit of II, 53 Incandescent lamp photometry n, 88 Incandescent lamps !' II, 2 comparison of types II ? 25 distribution of light II., H efficiency II, 6 gem metallized filament lamp II, 12 helion lamp II, 21 manufacture of carbon incandescent lamps. II, 3 mean spherical candle-power II, 12 metallic filament lamps II, 14 Nernst lamp II, 21 selection of lamps II, 8 voltage and candle-power ( II, 5 Insulators I, 77 L Light standards II, 76 amyl acetate lamp II, 77 carcel lamp II, 77 English candle II, 76 German candle II, 77 pentane lamp II, 77 working standards II, 78 Lighting of public halls, offices, etc II, 64 Lightning arresters I, 78 Lummer-Brodhun photometer II, 80 M Mercury vapor lamp II, 27 Metal conduit, wires run in I, 4 Metallic filament lamps II, 14 Moore tube light II, 29 Mutual induction , , . . I, 42 iv INDEX N PART PAGE Nernst lamp II, 21 Opal enclosing globes II, 76 Osmium lamp II, 20 Outlet-boxes I, 63 Overhead Hnework I, 68 corners I, 75 cross-arms I, 75 insulators I, 77 lamps on poles I, 79 lightning arresters I, 78 pins I, 77 poles ' I, 70 guying of I, 72 placing of I, 69 service mains, pole wiring, etc I, 77 P Pentane lamp II, 77 Photometers \ II, 79 integrating II, 86 Lummer-Brodhun II, 80 portable II, 85 Weber II, 83 Photometry II, 76 arc light II, 93 incandescent lamp II, 88 light standards II, 76 photometers II, 79 Poles I, 70 Polyphase circuits I, 53 Power distribution II, 46 multiple or parallel systems of distribution II, 51 multiple-series or series-multiple systems II, 51 multiple-wire systems II, 53 series system II, 46 E Residence lighting II, 56 arrangement of lamps II, 59 calculation of illumination II, 56 plan of illumination II, 56 types of lamps II, 56 Rigid conduit, wires run in I, 1 INDEX v s PART PAGE Shades and reflectors H, 72 frosted globes II, 73 holophane globes II, 74 opal enclosing globes II, 76 Skin effect I, 42 Special lamps II, 27 mercury vapor lamp II, 27 Moore tube light II, 29 Street lighting II, 67 T Table absorption loss for different shades II, 72 arc lights per mile II, 70 armored conductors types, dimension, etc I, 8 change in voltage, effects of II, 8 conductors in fibrous conduit, sizes of I, 15 Cooper-Hewitt lamps - II, 65 drop in alternating-current lines, data for calculating. I, 47 efficiency of transmission of arc light globes II, 76 flaming arcs, general data on II, 46 gem metallized filament lamp data II, 12 Greenfield flexible steel conduit I, 5 illuminating data for meridian lamps II, 62 intrinsic brilliancies in candle-power per square inch . . II, 54 life of a 25 c. p. unit data II, 16 lighting data for arc lamps II, 66 melting point of some metals II, 21 Moore tube light data II, 32 mouldings, sizes of required for various sizes of con- ductors I, 12 Nernst lamp data II, 25 photometric units II, 78 pole data I, 71 relative reflecting power II, 55 residence lighting data 4 II, 63 rigid, enameled conduit sizes, dimensions, etc I, 2 single wire in conduit I, 2 standard vitrified conduit I, 81 street-lamp data II, 71 tantalum lamp data II, 15 three wires in one conduit I, 3 tungsten lamps (multiple and series) II, 20 two wires in one conduit I, Testing electric wiring I, 36 vi INDEX .... , i. PART PAGE Three-wire system,, details of -I, 22 Tungsten lamp II, 16 Two-wire and three-wire systems I, 20 details of three-wire system . . . . I, 22 relative advantages I, 20 U Underground linework I ? 79 fibre conduit I, 83 iron pipe I, 80 . laying of conduit I, 82 vitrified tile conduit I, 80 w Weber photometer II, 83 Wires run concealed in conduits I, 1 armored cable I, 6 in flexible metal conduit I, 4 in rigid conduit . I, 1 Wires run exposed on insulators I, 16 accessibility I, 17 cheapness I, 16 durability I, 16 Wires run in mouldings I, 9 Wiring installation I., 29 feeders and mains. I, 36 location of outlets . I, 30 method of wiring I, 29 systems of wiring I, 30 Wiring an office building I, 54 basement . I, 55 character of load I, 55 electric current supply I, 54 feeders and mains I, 55 first floor I, 58 interconnection system I, 58 second floor I, 58 switchboard I, 55 upper floors I, 58 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 5O CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. FEBs MA? 10 ... JUN 10 1941 '49' *6 SEP 2 3 1952 UJ 1933 LD 21-50m-l,'3 -o YC 19518 346638 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY