STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES GOODWIN J. KNIGHT, Governor FRANK B. DURKEE, Director of Public Works A. D. EDMONSTON, State Engineer BULLETIN No. 54-B IVAPORATION FROM WATER SURFACES IN CALIFORNIA BY HARRY F. BLANEY, Principal Irrigation Engineer GILBERT L. COREY, Irrigation Engineer A^COOPERATIVE REPORT BY THE WESTERN SOIL AND WATER MANAGEMENT SECTION SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION RESEARCH BRANCH AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OCTOBER 1955 LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CAUFCR:<1A DAVIS to '■. T r' Ai. 8}IH0W DUti aaoau ao. " nT*",TV^T^ T Id3ai3|n3 aJis i H-15 .0/1 i'■ ■^?^: '■ nl 8noii692i-39vnI suoiifiV yd bsnlmtsJsQ an e*n«ifj>n^i»oa nol*6ioqBv3 .1 > "■ . ^ w _■. -6i.niOTxIsQ..oi'39X6J I'6r.3'vs8 -ttol; ■- •.;, ■.•^ — 'sO ,iv -^ e ;• - - - ^ -^rl/^^Uio ' . \:^',[\ ' ■ •■•• ;!.- •■.:•;■ ;.' V ''iV- ■.'^■' 01:' - - =• « ■■ sinaoiiisi^ 4YJ'''^^o?.'..8si?P^f^ 'st^-^-'i^iiB if.; . . .te.oo'xifiibqBva' • j[j[-- > ::. i w ■• r •;v■^•■^:vcfJ5a •jY:}'nf;o3 ■-'■■'"•;'■ ■ ••••;.■■;■'•■-•;•. ... ^ ■ ..--■'•■--' -vH- ,o- ::J «•. =iiiBO ,Y^fuoD- 39l.9DnA eoi" i-ix" > ■ . \ • - 81 - -■-' -'•-j^'.T. r;",:T-: T:-.;.. '-"-'- ■■': ^ '^^?o'-'; ••■ ■-\il63' ,Y^f^w3, asi?eoA. 3pJ'_ t'lXGva'ocroil :fOxn.... j:\.;^.jQil:i& 3i:jihX'eiq^t .ei' (?,i, - - »••.■« ;-( !•■•".;•/'. ••■./-■ •■'-.'"■ <--.--*'- •'■ -' — — — - -, -:. -, -. -,'•■ »ix'n*ro- • "' • •'• ' ^S -^ - * , » ., .;., ; agp'',YJCf4!^3^'V ■ '■ ' ■■ ''-^ ■ ■ :.-^^? is si'/ ' '.; .-- isS i A 1- « - €iK^_,..rp..^Y^f;iyp'ri'oc^- --■•■- --•.•:.; ..•;.v.>;ite.^nj9«Di-.^ '{-IVi «^'i^ es -. -^'f >v.v: :-•-.. ^ ^i_;...,jv 1 -'.-''? -^'-••■■^■- '-•■ :' ■ '" ' ." "''r^'. '■"■ ••_ • — .-..-.-..,;_..- £,f.- '."•■'' • ' ■ .■ o-ioY/ . - ■ * • •.■-..-.-. Bxri-i- -^ ...^ . { ..."■-■ :;i-QY;, J; .■..;.,..,,. ... ,-..' — ...■■-.;.... -Ul. --'-•. ._... .. _ ^{;io^ixp.,' '^\^*nuoO sv6t39fl inoiri-ris-i. .?6. noJis'ioaivH * yO£ ;^e ' - •^■t:niQl^4-ljBQv,v4'(U)oCi' , •' ■ ■ •■ -■: ;;; ■ .' • '• ■ '58 - ■•■sxn'io^il£C?.,.\'JnopO ...-.v....... .. ^x.- ;; ■^....:- .^-.i..,,;., _._■... ...o^ ., "..:■•- '.•-•• ■ ■-lo^lXfrD. ,Yt-auoO' 6ies.48 ,(.T:s"9n) alli.'! lavifl iXsl ie i. ' . \ iiVlW •*•;<:£ .Vr ■ ->'.---- .siniol;lX5,0 ,Y?nuoO'onssi^ ' • •■'^ '^'•■-■^-.')X^ ie r-v' '"•■'>' ■;v^ .r..: ;6. - siniolilB-S. »YJ"f'"oD onea-i^ ,qm60 1 :.^^ ii -3. ,ee ^£ ■ • " einaoliilep (,Y;J"auo3'on3.9aH V^l"^^ :rni«&ni«vocj j/iBii3, j-s 33.K T ,d£ *T?»'l:Ji83 ^Y^nupO oneatH t9»»3 inoaa'tQvoO AnsliH j-s ^oams^x.;. -y "■-'• *>" 0^ ... - • ■ — . .'- - .i > i «.-- - * >.-'-- J- g'lh' . - --.-..- 1 6iniQ'iiXfiO-,YJ'fJ" - « - - fiintollXsD tY^^nuoa aonBiO ^ is npi^--^ ■ ^ "^ iii LIST OF TABiES— Continued Table Page 42. Evaporation at Lake Mathews (Cajalco Reservoir), Riverside County, California 45 43. Evaporation at Lake O'Neill, San Diego County, California - — — 46 44. Evaporation at Lake Tahoe, Placer County, California -- — - 47 45. Temperature at Lake Tahoe, Placer County, California 48 46. Wind Movement at Lake Tahoe, Placer County, California — ----- 49 47. Evaporation at Lakeshore, Shasta County, California -------- 50 48. Evaporation at Lodi, San Joaquin County, California -------- 51 49. Temperature at Lodi, San Joaquin County, California -------- 52 50. Wind Movement at Lodi, San Joaquin County, California ------- 53 51. Evaporation at Long Valley Reservoir (Lake Crowley), Mono County, California --------------------------- 54 52. Evaporation at Lower San Fernando Reservoir, Los Angeles County, California --------------------------- 55 53. Temperature at Lower San Fernando Reservoir, Los Angeles County, Calj./ornia --------------------------- 56 54. Wind Movement at Lower San Fernando Reservoir, Los Angeles County, California --------------------------- 57 55. Evaporation above Matilija Reservoir, Ventura County, California - - 58 56. Evaporation at Morena Reservoir, San Diego County, California - - - 59 57. Evaporation at Morris Reservoir, Los Angeles County, California - - 60 ?8. Evaporation at Moorpark, Ventura County, California -------- 61 ^■9. Temperature at Moorpark, Varrtjra County, California -------- 61 60. Wind Movement at Moorpark, Ventura County, California ------- 61 61. Evaporation at Murrieta, i-i/erside County, California ------- 62 62. Evaporation at Newark, Als'^da County, California --------- 63 63. Temperature at Newark, Ala:.v.'Ja County, California --------- 64 64. Wind Movement at Newark, Alameda County, California -------- 65 65. Evaporation at Oakdale (near), Stanislaus County, California - - - - 66 66. Evaporation at Palmdale, Los Angeles County, California ------ 67 67. Evaporation at Pardee Reservoir, Calaveras County, California - - - 68 68. Temperature at Pardee Reservoir, Calaveras County, California - - - 69 69. Wind Movement at Pardee Reservoir, Calaveras County, California - - 70 70. Evaporation at Prado Dam, Riverside .County, California ------- 71 71. Evaporation at Puddingstone Dam, Los Angeles County, California - - 72 72. Evaporation at Salt Springs Reservoir, Amador County, California - - 73 73. Evaporation at San Gabriel Dam No. 2, Los Angeles County, Califor- nia — -- — ----- — — -- — - 74 74. Evaporation at San Jacinto, Riverside County, California ------ 75 75. Evaporation at San Pablo Reservoir, Contra Costa County, Califor- nia — ---- — ---- — - — ----- — — 76 76. Temperature at San Pablo Reservoir, Contra Costa County, Califor- nia — — 77 77. Wind Movement at San Pablo Reservoir, Contra Costa County, Califor- nia 78 78. Evaporation at San Pasqual, San Diego County, California - - - - — 79 79. Evaporation at San Vicinte Reservoir, San Diego County, California - 80 80. Evaporation at Santiago Dam, Orange County, California ------- 81 81. Evaporation at Shasta Dam, Shasta County, California — _-- 82 82. Temperature at Shasta Dam, Shasta County, California 83 83. Wind Movement at Shasta Dam, Shasta County, California - - 84 in 8^ oe 15 ee ee ae ee ee- Od Id- Id id Sd ed ad dd Vd 8d ot IT ST er •5T dT rt 3T ^T C8 18 28 bsunllfto>-23aaAT ^' tY^nuoO sbiaiaviJI ^dloviaesfl oalstsO) swsrit*: • •;;.•«• siniclilsD ,Y^nuoO 190 ------ ixXsO f\(f(\uoO 1^ , ^IdfiT ,YJt»JoD ortoM ,(Y»XwotD ajlsJ) tiovi* '^ 'I&V enoi js (Y^t-'oO 29l®E«A eoJ ,*xov.xs8®H or • slnTolilsD ^v^'^wo^ SYJtneV ,tiovte • .«••.. eJtniolIIsO ,y*nt/oD si • •.««« sinioliisD ,Y-^""<>^ -• sxoq6v3 .25 •i • • « « - eimolilsQ tY-'^ "»"• — " — - Si. -■ glnioltxi^b ,Yd^^uoO e^iwgpA "- Eiftio'iilf'' ■•• -- -■'-'-*■.. igxoqsva .d€ ts ncitsioqsva Is* *,• w J t • v*'-- -' > ■-' li^ is fioi .Id - 4 ,^ V- •A' .i^d , .;- -t.'^' - >"j V .f .t V.'W STtooi?v3 .rd aq ^6 • ■ j-g in..;..,. \ V "-I it'- ."■•.■'•A _ ';■_ ' ' ' . .,:■..;•.,.:;•.;:.;■.. • i'-^-' 4pBrtii-,-r?f""t)^s ooi:tegi ;■ jeilK;|-v3qa llsie Isoxndaor^ ........ , ,. , . fijb-ts^^jH fane viil ACKNOWLEDG^ENT The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of city, county, state, federal, and private water organizations through- out the State for furnishing evaporation and other records here- tofore available only in office files. The name of each contri- butor is given in the tables of the report, which present the evaporation records and other data from these organizations. AIV!JK)HIJAO MI .3 flJTAW'MOfi^ MOI^ASOqAVa \S ctoiia^iTti toi Ton I sldfciqq sb'sm f--— '-m -ta^w --'- ■"- ---'■---■- bns ^aSboIl ihivstq «3- qXsrl ^bstsBw id d-d.e;^* S3 bel-wafle;vr: '^ ':^- ■' :,: ;-.•■--■ ;' -■•'' s'jfir - ■ ' ^' • ',■■■■;.■' enlsi; ^ . ■/ io Bboiisq o:}nx esriainivfb Ylblq«x.«« lebnU ., ^ j*sw ^o 3tB»Y gniiL-b ^ Y£no 'ddJ «d yara ailoviaaoi »p6ttoj-,8 io m© al IlsvSTCj giioii ni ;fneioiisb yjl - — --.. ~- ■- •Tcs esaaol ,931638 si laJ-fiw, aavar • el 8936laus -xsd-fiw moT'i noi^sToqeva ,■ »noJ:fn9Ji« aldsi .... — . ■flirft ^0 ,^ na noltseliii yd beioi' dox6989H noi.. .. ., ,no3 tsJbW bne iio8 ,no.^. ,. exuiluoiipA Vo clrtdatJ-'asqea- aaJstS balinll <9oiv eJn9m9Tua£sm i.;v,j . .. ,. u^.-.j6.v3 .vLa-ieoY Y'l-'" '■"" "' " • ■ !■-">■■-■ ,9;^6i2 YM£AJ.Guq gfaioDdx as noitfie*!!^! io noi alvlQ arij dJ-fw noXd-ET' "■ ■ ,a3i\na2 no.ti-ev ■•;eiii»oY .A 7 ■ • plXdu9TLfa6,9rn 9c y®'^^' as^nei^cn/ edj- llo hoijbnimie^ab to^ eeibuic ..... ..,.,. ...,, ,..,.. :odn si . doirfw <3T9nifitnob Xlfima raoi^ rjol:J-6ioq6V6"n99wi9<;i pnij.-ix'i ctx^ir.nj -- ■ ■- dDidw tolf Toctew lo aoibbd.c- eqii-.^.i -...„,. .^ ./...;. lo sbsm naed fevsri asxbvta ^' '•■- -^ - aeuli,39a . XS^nsfflcvcT! bniw bnc vtibxmufi ,20T:ud •,9j-6cill3 fane sbuj-iJ-Is nl ;Hib"9di^ la si to 65 12 srlJ- lo Bsaasq laJ-sw doiriw yd aeaootq 9rit" as banilsb. • 51 noitsioq&v9 {Yileugli ."loqev 6 oj'^sjr '' ffguoriile (tnsmsiussam sgse-Moorf ycf Sflaqjioi aol 9bem ai SunswoIIA .baau 9T6 etdae isiew rioum oa as enol+siucynoo •'■'■,..-. bolisq 3ri^ .lol noi:ta-ioq»v9 lo yd bstuqmoo sd vef'J eesTcs isJ-sw sgie; betuqraoo Qd^'^am ozie, il .ibroo^n r- ...uii »»ol^j-"o Ixjs wolini'lo enaJ^i ^i lo. no ^j n^ ;lt oi aaonBfio bnB ,afia-iiB i^i-fiw art*: s£ c"- '- ■' - - gf IsJo* sifiT . .soLiri-L cmsi £ ,ffoli'6ioqsv9 "i-bri" bsliw «i Xislnisu d •noiTSTO ■ •„., I.,-;,..: ni gaiilol niei '3 .jnemsiuc ata jinsd pnibuXoni. " lO OOi;jFV9l9 , qsys. "aaoxp" .'nim'noiJ-6ioq6V9 zzoit> 'a i e Y6wi s no x i s iq q.6 V9 . e ao iD .«qY± hTBfcaificJ'a slpnia b moil efotoosT hss- nl6:tdo oj- ixolls bexi bs jif^';. -Sri* 916 ei.riblilsO ' ' ^fnei'J'.lo iShBiu'S "iAi bns nsq -n ... .. . ,,.... . : . -^ .. -...-. ,,..:,.. srit. .bf>6 ^.eoividS doxsaaafl iBtUJ-iuoxxgA ae^fsj-p bsj-inU .srid^ lo nsq •Yx:>;aiitxil ns^. u. vd T9i9maib ni isal ^ «noxi b'-~' -SS lo ebsra. ei r. .spBiii^e naboovv riini-d S'rtc ..v/*3« ai i^I .q' a-jfi 2bi!io3x'9y:oft!- btis' edtfiJ'S tJ. I'j iuv. r sau .' e* J"! neq lo^aqyi- sxrii- moxl ^^JfiyJ' ,xsii.. . ,^..0 moxl ;..-..: eiriJ^ ^.^^ ■. a. ...^JsIisvB b3i')9j-oxq ei ii ,bnuOxp^vodB isa ai Ji sausbsd bn£ ^bsJ-osisb v^-ibssx 9^:6 • , '• ■ "■ .tMisa pnxj-lxxi? bns sba«w eoilXox awil ,xuoL .aXslxa^sM b9d7.3vxfl bae xsJsW ^o t nii-eXioa .ffosT .lewdoH X'u ' • -•: --—---■ -■ \i .. .2 .U ^I Screen Pan This pan is made of 22-gauge galvanized iron, 2 feet in diameter by 3 feet in depth, set 2.75 feet in the ground with the water surface maintained at ground level. The screen is made of l/4-inch galvanized hard- ware cloth enclosed in a stout wire ring slightly smaller than the diameter of the pan. It prevents interception of a portion of the solar energy dur- ing the day and decreases back radiation at night, thus maintaining a more uniform water temperature than would exist without the screen. This pan was developed by Arthur A. Young of the United States Department of Agriculture in cooperation with the California State Division of Water Resources, Bureau of Plant Industry Pan This pan is made of 22-gauge galvanized iron, 6 feet in diameter, 24 inches deep, set 20 inches in the ground with the water surface in the pan at ground level. Because this pan is set in the ground and contains a greater volume of water than the V-Jeather Bureau pan, its water temperatures are cooler during the day and warmer during the night. Consequently, evaporation is lower than from the more exposed pan. Square Floating U. S. Geological Survey Pan This pan is made of 18-gauge galvanized iron, 3 feet square and I-I/2 feet deep. It is supported either by a raft or two metal cylinders so placed that the surface of the water in the pan coincides with the-.-r surface of the reservoir. Evaporation Coefficien ts Evaporation from pans with small water surfaces is greater than the loss for larger areas. It is common practice to apply a coefficient to pan evaporation to estimate that occurring from an adjacent lake or reservoir. The ratio of evaporation from a given type of pan to evapo- ration from a larger body of water is designated as an evaporation coefficient. It is variable according to the integrated effect of the meteorologic factors on different pan«. Coefficients obtained as the results of research studies in California^/, Colorado^/, and Oklahoma^/ are useful for conversion of measured evaporation from a small pan to equivalent evaporation from a lake or reservoir. Table 1 shows evaporation coefficients for several pans used in California and other western states. \J Evaporation From Water Surfaces in California by Arthur A. Young. Bulletin No, 54, California State Department of Public Works, Division of Water Resources, 1947. 2 / Evaporation From Free Water Surfaces by Carl Rohwer. Tech. Bulletin No. 271, U. S. Department of Agriculture. 1931. 3/ Water-Loss Investigations! Lake Hefner Studies. Tech. Report, United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 269. 1954. • " -. ■- ":'■. it 'Cl.yJi'.i.'cu^.Q V'ij- r .. t ' t ■_ : . t 00,1 .,_ , ^^4i. &^.v;\V Vr/\£ :,.:.. •pnupY-.v.iiiunfiA; : :aii&a^trtojxyIIu^ .^^ -n-.. ^;'Onuoy ■:•:.. I $yn^tiA■ ,!ix-£^2- t'S^x.U- -lav '■■•:, ,.. , OO.i ;.-■. ^s'. .•■•-: \';;-'9d.A^- .-..'CI ■■•AVQU-iaA '^.o!': .;.•/' 00.1,- ^V/"' 0-:! "0^-^v.::;-V^-..9ii.-«¥V :-'■•.■, '-'^ -. ' l: ..., 08, ;■■•:•' '"•■^;^3>c\A •, -„ _ ■.' "- '■' ., .:^g^.a,6V£i/3. .i9;J:?w tns.ii ,nfifi^aof^<5y'^-.5.qlTii.f«^-3ra.:^ol:.=:fi/5q ^au.::Yinoc?(rioc; isotn sdT '.[■^ .",p ■'■'..' >.'.ei' Ot.Q,.^'?.'. - , ' ',' -:' ■;;:. ■• ,: ■;:'.a--.n:^c3s-!»T6 '• ■■."■ "'" '; . . -,0,i§.4-.(io .,9.TS. e£i.3%s. asifew^e^iiAJ.. .-.-..,.-..x,^.-. .^ . :... -.;-sb.«i:c-... , ;. .; •-. '. ,, J.n<)i;^^-,..,. -■^^.:.. ...... ;,-.:3-:3Si,r..;.,..; , .....,■.;,■; — -•■--,: cxf Id" -10 1. ...3;; .,;_:..,,,._.. .;-i . . ^i-.BTpqsY^ 9^fi'l -bas. xiovT:oi,33i lt>, fi! ; .-ja- j^iffl;^sq• s*n'iuC'i-i'i'?0FO -has -'iixioosi nsq : ' :'.',ji'. .3i^p;j^.ni. nwofia 23cs-./io.^i's.-5oq£;i<.^,ri£UMnii;-i?.9iu:ifsoa . • £ aJSAT ; ;. ..kimQ'il^AOMJ. S^^lAi.-iAflaV-aa-fJO;? H.0JTA-R0m jo •. ' '.• ■ ■ • - "^ ••: nl ' .vJ.t.J-icjo ti XsJoJ" • ^. ad* s ^ .. , , . 9dT .Rffiuio'o, isfirf. nx JasJ-^xi. ''' ..".,-'' ..Tia'^a ';?>■. ' " -• : ' loiiq'bci'' "' . ^i- -jo^; ■:'■•■■■■■■" ..,, J'!' ■■>'" "- - ■ . ' ;' ■ .. --'■■.'■ TABLE 3 EVAPORATION AT ACTON (NEAR), LOS ANOELES COUNTT, CALIFOflNZA Station: Location ----------->••> At Uellen's Ranch, Southwest of PalmdaJe, In Eseen- dldo Canyon, North Branch, Lat. J^i" UO' N., Long. 1180 ig. „, Elevation 3»075 feet. Evaporation pan: Type -------»-«------ Screened pan=/ Description Olaffleter 2 feet, depth 3 feet, set In ground 2.75 t«Bt» Authority for data --.--.-. Los Angeles County Flood Control District. Publication reference - Annual Reports of Los Angeles County Flood Control Dlstrlot Ueteorologlc data ------ None I Tear t. Evaporation In Inches ' Jan. • Feb. * Mar. * Apr. > Key * June * July : Aug. > Sept. < Oct. t Nov. * Deo. * Annual t , t , t » 1 t t , t t I t t ; I3M kM 3,55 i+,28 5.72 6,98 11,23 11.9^ 12.76 9.70 5.80 3.02 2.1U 8I.60 lji*7 3»02 2.7't 3«'*2 5.10 7.85 8.32 11.87 10.3U 8.U7 5,50 3.98 2.83 73.'«»* 19'*8 3,98 3.07 3.'t7 5.10 7.21 7.8U lU(k U,l8 9.26 5.53 5.02 2,67 75.97 I9't9 1.12 2.12 3.05 5.35 6.92 8.93 lO.W 10.23 8.87 5.70 '♦.'♦5 3.19 TCft 1950 2.04 2.50 k,2k 5.76* 8.53* 10.82 13.76 IU.3I1 9.65 8.90 7.7Jt 5.92 9U.20 1951 '♦.02 '♦,32 7.12 6.18 10.02 10.78 13.62 13.72 11.78* 9,36 6.3c 3.10 100,3^ 1952 2,57 U,30 2.98 U.38 8,92 9.08 12.18 12.46 10.66 8,52 4,75* 3.20* 84.o6 1953 3.95* 4,14* 4.48 5.13 7.'t8 8.88 13,40 12,53 10.22 8.27 5.'»6 6.30 90.24 1954 3*09* 5,54* 3,53 5.04 8.29 10.26 13.86 U.36 10.21 8,33 5.50 4.60 89.81 "I^t^ord 5.13 3.59 4.06 5.31 8.02 9.57 12.53 12.10 9.87 7.33 5.1'* 3.80 84.45 1/ Same as ground pan, reported In Table 18, Bui. 54~A, with a reducer screen Installed. * Pau^ly estimated. 4 18.41 . .. c awA* " • ■■■■■' '■■ ,„■'■•'". .;■•■■ , ,••.:'■•■'•'■ ittaltatt .*«;■; .■■. ■-•".■' ~ notiturtVi ^— —<— *iiiiii ii»i«iw I -ii m ipwip. I ■■■^■> ■!■.■ ; *■■ ■■^-■.^■ — - a>>*i>. ' I m w i i f « g i fa .ii.»>i».. i w t — m u n i i> n i«i|i | | j i^ii M i %■ ■ '■' ^ i p i. K Wii-. .■* I ■■■<— III- ; — »» ■wi t i 'T . ^^ . ■—».-. . ___ _. _, . ■- *■ ^^ . '■• ■ • '■' _^ . * ' "* " . , . ..^. ' ' * ; 'UB8. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm aJii ■ i mn iiii^i ,m m wmt'i*m,m^mmiwmm> i ■ ' ■■■ u ■ n < i n i p wj iw ^ j upi i l ii.— ■—■■ . mmt^m.- m i m r .i ,«»» » ^ m u_ » u m m — m i."h i4m. ^wp i. i i. i ■ i ■■> ■■ i ■ t m ._ ...M.Tit i.lji. M '...1 .nil .- tiX".,.' 1i , II. I ,..,tijti .j.'.W.-'- ;■- ■_ I. .t^i. « i'« -.1 I , 'ti I ii^'i. i'J.Si. ^.X^i .'CS.XX • o?,J 4i.«' ■ ...,.•:.:•.■.•■ ■ : -itl-' ^i.i»9-"o8.c ^i*i^ Ce*.^' ^8.«' OX.SX _.iev:.4 • . K5.^-"^o.8 xe^ . ,^o,;i, ...«^ ti.? H*^ •d;x3 ' *'i«8. , SO.C •. 08^ ' • ot.? '*»*'*c^ e8.s „ .8«^ . ..0?^^ ^*i.8 •t?.?^" "ta.s . , ?"•? ■. .C?.5 • Jt.? •iMJ.O^ ei.e ,;?•'.*' ■ 0!^.2 \8.8 os.*«? s?.? ♦•r.t oe.8 34.? ♦^e.ooi ox.e V 8c*? *8^:Vxx 'j«)':4 •05 .£ *3Ky 88.8 sa.ox i»5'^ oc.> i*'.? ts.* S2.0X ttied Od.4i oji.? C5^ xs.'bi s-C.? . ■-??.e • S+i.** i-i'V - ox.g -^ .s*'*^ ,'»»^.S SQ^ t*^i ox^ v:^*'*« . ■■ ?o.e «?.c' iwex 5cy .Jo.t .vsi.!: ' J'x.x t^t »iv.e 4«W .)Qi'*i «*),$ oe?x dx.) fX.^ - -15^ sd.*i x??i SC.^' »«.s >0C»»» "t^'tS s«x f:x.? B'i.t! .■•«*e' mf " '4I0;?' e?-£. ■w^**- •?o.t ^iu 8aaMHan9KagwacMB±safe&: " * i. i i'ii . ii* .at<-*«X*i!» ^Xt«<3 • TABLE iM EVAPORATION AT BACKUS RANCH, KESH COUNTY, CALIFORNIA (28) Sta,-tlon< Loeation -->--->- -.-- Eight miles south of UoJavs In Mojave Desert. Lat* 3l+« 57' N., Long, llS" 10 » W. Elevation -._-._-- 262O feet. Eraperatlon pant Type _ __-_.- .---.Ut S. Veather Bureau pan. Desorlptlon -- --.■.--..•.. Diameter ^1 feet, depth 10 Inches, set on 2 z 4 Ineh timber grill. Authority for data >----• U. S. Veather Bureau. Publication reference ----- — -U. S. Weather Bureau Cllmatolegleal Data. Meteorologlo data ------- — - Temperature, wind. t I Evaporation In inehes Tear ; . *Jan« ' Feb. ' Mar. ' Apr. ' May ' Arne * July • Aug. * Sept. ' Oct. ' Nov. * Deo. « Annua J t » J « « : : t I I I « iioan '.5:6-45 2.85 3.58 6.09 5.27 13.58 16.93 19.31 18.31 12.66 7.7'+ '+.50 S.ll* II8.C I9U6 3.83 3.73 6.53 IO.I4? 12.40 17.6? 16.57 17.14 12.^5 7.27 3.41 2.08 113.5, 1547 3.23 3.61 7.05 10.56 14.45 15.32 18.45 15.03 13.08 7.29 3.85 2,45 114.3, ■i?48 3.27 4.66 5.98 8.48 I3.08 14.12 18.51 16.52 13.50 6.73 '♦.68 2,69 II2.2 :9'i9 1.96 2.70 5.59 10.77 12.16 17.42 17.01 14.82 13.3'* 7.60 4.18 2,39 109.9- i5»50 2.30 3.88 8.42 11.68 I3.58 I6.15 17.87 17.51 11.51 8.62 4,49 3.91 II9.9. :951 3.11 4.27 7.73 8.10 13.02 16.89 18.70 17.03 I3.W %67 3.65 2.42 118.0; 1952 2.06 4.09 5.56 8.13 14.25 13.15 15.80 16.95 11.78 7.95 2.93 1.99 104.6- '?53 3.02 4.25 6.55 8.92 10.26 14.60 18.79 15.55 ll.'*3 7.97 '♦.59 3.19 109.I 3.>>4 2.91 4.3^ 5.09 1'».85 15.21 16.22 18.85 14.39 12.25 9.20 4.o4 2.65 II5.9 3.94 6,50 17.84 16.10 12.54 3.S-o-^54 2.85 9.78 13.16 15.73 8.03 3.98 2.64 II3.C itt^n of ;• curd 2.87 3.77 6.31 9.52 13.37 16,36 18.61 17.21 12.60 7.88 4.25 2.88 115.6 t - ttaJL (iioao •Ami «»(*• .»(>«<' ■.«#0(I iMlB'A'Ii^^'Mnil ffi •'.'TAT ' V ■?;' 3017.' .fi^«1^va '■• - - - • t I : t f "iMt H^ 0?^ A%t i^M XC.8I 1 I tit fl ■ 6?.^ t$. .«.exx 3o,s y Ks.t e.Hix ?♦«.£ ?«.c w.^ .211 Cd.S 8a.»i^ et.3 : ■ ?''■£ ?€•« 81 .i* c8. .?i?ix x?^ ?^.»» sJ,s ;3.«xx S^.i ?i.c ^a.. -d.«JOX w.x CP.S ?«.^ I.?OI .0X e?,i c^.^ cf sik.ix sM. 8e.c flc oz.a. cv.'j- ts-**' xi.^ ex.3 s?.r ?8.'>i • >c.- 3.CXX *Q.S 6^.e C0.8 *i?.SX OX.iX ♦'S.VX eK.?X ii.?X e^.? o^.i: ti^.e •"^s.s .v.4-5U 1*3 47 50 60 67 74 83 80 76 63 52 44 63 -•!:•.-. I of . >co;'d ^^ 46 50 59 67 74 83 81 75 63 52 45 62 >':-J>r«b' ,rT»WOO' IWSO^JCTttH aW3Aa .»^■.^f:U^.!JE'^4CT nesY IBM , .mC , .ToU I .*«iG I .*qe«; | .yA | ^XjA. J •nsb I y^it ^ ."kiA j .-uM . .do*? , .imI j "• - .. «J8«U ^4" %i si- tif $5 ti i\ 8i 8? X? i>i eJ' C'^veiei ; .' tf^ «> e^ 08 8T ^a «4 55- 0? s»J sii 4¥?l ^ ♦Mi. ?*'. 6? » c+i X4 t;! *^ 08 08 «hr ;ia ^■? ^4^ ^* ^ 8^ex Xd fi es tst ?4i ^, •,'■■ s-' <« ^? ti iy C? c» Sk ^ 6^ e3 ^ •^3 OtI 05?x ei s+i 13 ^ OB s^ ?? ^ ^ ca 5? ^J tld X?fX s» ?♦* s« f.h \t *« e8 or ix 5^ ?4i 83 c)>; -:• r ^ ?*« • •-♦ie.- ♦ft... ^- . .06.. ■ ^ ^^ ?« '?t' X5 ■'j.tJ p.-' ?3 C*^ ♦^ ud ?V ^ dS A* S^ 4i^ 0? e? ?■' ^' ■■ - ■ ■ ■ - ^.. -. ea 4^;! £i? .e-* i^: 09 e8 ^ 'Ca 0» 0? ^fi ■ e+^ ^.- '■ r- ti ?t X8 C8 " .. - . . ., « ■ 0?" ' w «ii b TABLE 6 WIND AT BACKUS RANCH, KERN COUNTY, CALIFORNIA (30) Year I I Total wind In mllea ' Jan. ' P«b. ' Uar. ' Apr. ' May f June ' July * Aug. ' Sept. ' Oct. ' Nov. ' Deo. * Annual Uean 1936-1»5 i,Mt8 1,837 2,799 3,298 3,569 3,782 3,037 2,642 2,015 1,835 1,366 1,398 28,026 l9'+6 2,239 2,267 3,8'*6 3,588 3,782 U,922 2,934 2,843 2,259 2,721 1,788 1,019 34,0O8 1947 l,8o4 1,198 2,793 4,218 3,676 3,8ll 3,464 2,452 2,191 2,4o4 1,656 1,830 31,697 1948 938 3,005 3,407 3,087 4,426 3,487 3,393 1,842 2,039 1,203 1,204 l,l45 29,176 1)49 1,103 1,359 1,896 2,286 2,551 1,922 1,143 1,324 l,2l6 908 455 756 16,919 1950 1,644 1,254 2,905 3,134 2,838 3,263 2,744 2,348 2,434 1,627 1,035 1,096 26,327 1951 1,528 1,341 2,269 2,251 3,424 3,265 2,563 2,394 2,015 2,310 996 1,890 26,246 1952 1,267 1,677 2,805 2,141 2,725 2,603 2,105 2,525 1,300 727 826 1,336 22,037 1953 1,847 1,921 2,022 2,516 2,832 3,777 3,310 2,390 1,246 1,913 1,905 1,768 27,447 195>» 1,454 1,370 2,099 3,166 3,170 3,858 3,222 2,752 2,073 1,663 989 1,233 27,049 Mean 191^6-54 1,536 1,710 2,671 2,910 3,292 3,'*35 2,764 2,319 1,864 1,720 1,206 1,341 26,768 wan of rjcord 1,492 1,770 2,730 3,104 3,430 3,618 2,908 2,480 1,939 1,780 1,290 1,369 27,910 2.00 2.63 3.67 4.31 4.61 5.02 3.91 3.33 1.79 1.84 iSMi ml. p«r hr. 2.69 2.39 3.18 AiH30"?iiHo ■^yrmjcfo ms (St^fuw 5ujioa« u mW msSSi^:^ V'— r^ "; -^r«*-' :vr;sea ees '1>-| ' tVl' *'f1 ll^ll ■ Mfcl'l ll*lll lammii * .Vea t* .«?9H i ' • .»aO / .>^«£ ' ---< -;-li: .'^'.A- -y-i.^t. '•.'jiii ' TO*'! ■ .iqA ' ■•.Tail. ' ■-.d*'? * .^irt. ,,,! ^iHc.i J»t8,i i'io,s s;iS,s .,e -^eK^s te8j e^ii'.x ?«'-i{ 8oo,«Sf ?IO,i 68t J Xst»s f?s.i e«i6.8 ♦*e«,s SS«,4» S8t,e M^.C ^i8,£: ^iS.S «t,s ^l Wi»xt 'oca.f J3a\x ♦»0(J,S i?i-.s • ■8?»',i ■j^fi.e XX9,C s^:e,c '6If,4» ' «^,s «txj ■ *l08,t \Hi »tl,n ?*ii,x •'<*oc,i eosj eto,s S4!»^I t?c,e ■w«c ^S«>«4i ^8o,e ■ tc*!..;: ?0D.e 8ee 6tJ?I ?i«,^x ■^ ??+i ■&0? ils,x ■<*2r,x ''e*if,x ??s*>x -X^tS • i8S,S •SeM ■ e?evx cox.x ^x ^sc,is >?0.I ?Co',x T?a,x ■ 4«C»*,S ■•8j^,s ■^♦*v',^ e^ft,s ^^»C ?o^,s ♦^esa ■♦»*'i,x 0??1 Ms,^ 9e8,i ie? o£e,s 'ew,s ■t^^i e^^\s '■«^',e '♦»S*^,P •x?s,^ ?4s.s t«^,x •8s*,X x??x ^:tO,£8 »tt»x ii?e w ■ ooc^x ?s2vs ■ '^OX^S exj&.s ?«^,fi ^i4^l,s eo9,s ^^,r 'tS£,X se?x ^♦M.ts tot,x ^?^i 'exe.x Ws\x '%,S oxc,c • W.e '$e«,s ^X?»I ^SJK)«S xs?,: ^tX :t??x «<^.tt cts,x • e8? e^,i WtS "se^.s m ,e 89»,(; i^itt »x,e ?e«tS ^XkI 4^w»- 1-t.-.'. ai'^^'v. titC^X o?s«x m^t ^«,I ■■•oW,s 80r,S 6:^.- ■ Q^^i O'C'v.s otV,x *?" - 10 TABLE 7 EVAPORATION AT BALDWIN PARK, LOS ANGELES COUNTY. CALIFORNIA (31) Station: Location -»-- — -_-__ — _0n Soott Place In Baldvln Park. Lat. 3*** 0^' "., Long. 117* 58' W. Elevation --387 feet. Ctaporatlon pan: Type --------.---.---. Screened pani/ Deeoriptlcn - — - — - — Diameter 2 feet, depth 3 t«»t, set In ground, 2,75 feet. Authority for data -- _-.- Los Angeles County Flood Control Dlstrlot.i/ Publloation reference - — ..-.__ Annual Reports of Los Angeles County Flood Control Dlstrlot lieteorologlo data ---. ..... Temperature, wind. t Tear < Evaporation In Inohes . Jan. « Feb. « Mar. « J Apr. 1 liay i June •* t t July » i Aug. > t Sept. t Oct, « i ] Nov. « 1 Dea. s 1 Annual I9U6 2.I45 2.02 3.31 1+.18 I+.62 4.36 5.08 8.61+ 8.36 7.1+2 3.61+ 1.73 1.19 1.66 55.50 I9U7 1.37 I.U3 2,50 U.09 8.06 7.11 5.2I+ 3.21 2.64 46.75 I9't8 1.61+ 2.11 3.06 k.k6 5.88 5.63 7.70 7.32 5.86 3.37 2.88 1.39 51.50 1949 l.»t2* 1.21 2.61+ 3.90 I+.9I+ 6.83 7.82 7.97 6.30 1+.27 2.33 1.1+3 51.06 1950 .94 1.28 2.99 3.88 1+.68 6.16 7.21 6.32 5.1k 1+.1+3 3.00 1.83 47.86 1951 1.6k 2,ll+ 3.31 2.95 5. to 5.36 6.09 6.75 5.01 1+.22 2.26 1.00 45.91 \952 .68 2.14 1.88 2.10 5.16 5.66 7.13 7." 5.80 3.78 1.83* 1.06* 44.33 '553 1.05* 2. 43* 2.63* 3.1+0 5.00 5.27 7.2I+ 6.81+ 5.38 it.Sl 2.23 2.70 48.68 ■^ro^ 1.13* 2.16* 2.51* 3.12 1+.66 5.20 7.11+ 6.87 5.1+2 3.91 2.22 1.1+0 45.74 ■■■\7: Of ' ■.'vord 1.37 1.88 2.76 3.5^ I+.91+ 5.92 7.'t5 7.18 5.73 3.93 2.35 1.52 48.59 Tsar— r: 1/ Same as ground pan, reported In Table 3I, Bui. ^k-A, with reducer screen Installed. 2/ In cooperation with SCS and ARS, U. S. Dept. of Agrlo. and State of California, Department of Public Works, Division of Vfater Resources. * Partly estimated. ox .yiaJ «.K 'to *«C .taJ ' ■■.Ji'd'^'tttrblfill rji .i4«< Vo., rs3l*«vi£a,«nr?»^ 5?.W' ^,1. ♦'i.s' rs.V-'' +.5V?. - ix,!: 40.6" So.'- 3F:;y. ^-.X? «;„/, 88.S ^r.t iiv?. SC,^. Ot.s c-^c jro.xj. cH.x ec.s ^.-a oc^- '^^.v ss.r: ^ij.i' ■«^,^ ,4;8Ji oo.c 5ti:i« ji^^ £i.> I?.t x^r"?*^ '.-«>.• I ^s.s i^.*' .ff>.« ?^;-^ ?o.^ ''ec.<^ ■*jKj..f. *c&.i ftf.i W.W ,:Ot.s cs.s ^?.»* '-S?-? ^^.i ^'s.^ ♦fX.?** Otl.X SS.S "I^.C 2»i.3 .'ja.S iil.r sv :;s' .%? xx.x CI.^ bi.i gX.\- Uii io )»t i-.i- +'i-.I,, 8<^i .L'rtel *td.S *^r»i *X5.2 ■■»4i.5 ■'••t- ^5.B4J ^■s?,X;.,.,..5?.s~ ■ t?.c ■ ■ t'C.?"''"J*'';r'- sie.e. '-•*"»"~- ji^.e s^.: " -ssa'-.' tci. ,'4t, iij»3 .i)9XX«*arfi ne»ls!i. lesuliBT rftX» ^A-iiS •Xi* flC •tcfaT aX-. |j«|#3(0ii(fti ,a»T Sscue'i^ m wSje' ' '■':-. ■•' ' ■ ■ .■..^. . . ■->"■•..-•:-. __ .b«iMitta^ Xltt^'i ♦ 11 TABLE 8 EVAPORATION AT BALDWIM PAHK, LOS ANGBXES COUNTY, CALirORNIA (32) Station! Looatlen -..-•------->-Cn Seott Plaee In Baldwin Park, Lat. 3U0 06* V,, Long. 1170 58' W. 1/ Elevation ------- -38? foet. Evaporation peAt Typ« ----- — --------- Ground pan. Description Dlaffloter 2 feet, depth 3 feet, set In ground 2.75 f«et. Authority for data -------- — Los Angeles County Flood Control District. 2/ Publication raferenoe - — -- — -- Annual Reports of Los Angeles County Flood Control District . ). Uetsorologlo data --------- — Teaperature, wind. 1 T.« « lear ^ 1 Jan* 1 Feb, 1 Mar. | Apr. : "V ' June ' July | Aug. ' Sept. | Oct. | Nov. | Deo. ^ Annua 6.38 liean 1.68 i9?U.it5 2.09 3.16 k.k2 6.87 8.70 8.03 6.72 ^»n 3.06 2.26 58.08 19U6 2.1+7 2.0I1 l9»+7 1.35 2.21 1946 2.10 2.55 1949 2.01 I.I15 1950 1.46 1.84 1951 2.32 2.39 1952 .78 2.63 1953 1.38* 2.87* 1954 1.30 2.50* 3.47 4.15 4.59 7.95 8.60 8.99 7.28 4.61 2.36 1.61 58.12 3.62 5.26 6.16 6.32 9.57 8.41 6.21 3.90 305 2.31 59.27 3.50 5.04 6.57 6.45 8.4o 7.96 6.39 3.3^ 3.09 1.94 5705 3.06 4.14 4.94 6.69 8.10 6»57 6.50 4.62 3.28 2.00 55.38 3.73 4.22 5.27 f'06 7.64 7.99 5.45 4.90 2.76 2.16 54.48 3.82 3.62 6.35 6.36 7.06 8.02 5.99 4.83 2.70 1.32 54.78 2.24 2.83 5.72 6.83 8.59 8.23 6.60 4.17 2.19* 1.23* 52.04 3.02* 4.15* 6.94 5.89 8.69 7.44 5.89 4.69 2.10 2.23 55.29 3.02* 3.76 5.39 5.98 7.74 6.72 6.64 4.64 2.61 1.88 52.18 tiean 1946-54 ^"75 2.28 3.28 4.13 5.77 6.61 8.26 8.04 6.33 4.4l 2.72 I.85 55.43 "'word ^'71 2.17 3.21 4.30 6.12 6.76 ' 8.52 8.03 6.55 4.$8 2.91 2.09 56.95 1/ Slnoe 1939» station surroimded by trees and small buildings. \ "?'-"•• 2/ In eooperatlon with SCS and ARS, U. S. Dept. of Agrle. and State of California, Department of Public Works, Division of Water Resources. * Partly estlsatsd. . ^ „.,,-^»^.- -~^ — ,r,i < ,CM ■ij . ^.:;n n i:'if !-.!-!-: ^.^m%>^.-i ,'■"■■ •;' >'•;^H r*. >>:•■■■ -k-uv;: .i«A i^.fi fcn.'-, SiJ-VJ;' >V^>t■J<^?^&\>•')V.^•^^>>«als■Ki.■•■ ■'".■^ . . — , ..^, .,..^,xlit. ^aiTi.'.-,_^ ...... . , liafint^ tnotiai?. - ..yJ^irreia"" ■■■■ ,.'■■ ■ r*^-. iT^ttAHtiHiiA'' ■ ■■■' f autsA ^'.•.?»a .'..,»#« '•,>4ori ),.*3efc .- -. So.Se St.S SO.C . X^C.^ .lt,S ,?0..a ova t8^* 9e?> S"-- -'f^. ?0.? ,8d.X ae»i; ;^--< /■%• •>••>• .--^ '-A ^^ /-.^ ^^ '):*.<: ^ i'^y .;^-- ^N .!• ••■■K ^ ;^ ■ e»!^ {- '■ L^A ••^,s '!*;♦« ■'•e«;'? '-^ia ■■■64;e ■■'■5^;'j v.^^.;. *).■=..' .:tj4j.j "4W.5 >.%? ;-S^€ ^tefvS ^i^i^ ■■*^,~& '-.^S ^r;':^ ^■^^iit ^-Sgit- •?\».+i ■^■e^i« ^■^ti^ ■■'.■■■ '''•'.■^!:'' ^--'v: •a-'';?: -S^^ '>o^.»J •■^^J! ^-teit -i*.; .-^M.^ ^T:'' ■■'■*»>;a - ^K^t '-ie!^* ■■•^" ^ftil *^^5is •■■ '^' 'cv'" ^-^i^'i 8*i^i ^^oi>>: 'JV:*-; -Vci-; -^l : ; .•; - - . , '.■■ ■ .v^^x '•■■'■'"•,.:. ■•■'{'C-.. "■«'!/<•. ■'S.^l ■-Hf ■'"'^•'J.S '*^.i .*3t'-£ « ; ii n » ii .iii i' ii t iii fc i j. ; II ii ' i i- iiii - .i y iiiiii i. I i -,i" « -i !» ' ij iB i ii j . - ^•<: S'^.s e^r ..^.^jj^^ ^o,i T^.s 8|,i! ?a.d e<'.."j 15^.5 ^'^ mmmmmmm u m mm i ii i m i ii i i i ■"■ n ' i iii Mj f | i .t , ,..- "^> < •'. •.".t,'''i ," .•r,"? Ml* 808; .• .bs^Ml^* Xlt^M'i ■* 12 TABI<£ 9 EVAPORATION AT BALDVrtN PARK, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Stat lent Location -.-....On Seott Place In Baldwin Park, Lat. ^' c6' N., Long. 1170 58 • H.l/ Elevation --..387 feet. Evaporation pant Type -- — ---._--_-_-- Ground pan. Desorlptlon .... Diameter 6 feet, depth 3 feet, sat In ground 2.75 feet. Authority for data ---- Los Angeles County Flood Control District.^/ Publloatlon referenoe Annual Reports nT Loe Angelea County Flood Control District .;.'rf; Ueteorologlo data -----.--- — Temperature, wind. , Evaporation in Inches Tear ' _^_______^__^_ .Feb. , Mar. , Apr. , May ^ June ^ July ^ Aug. ^ Sept. j Oct. j Nov. . Deo. j Annual Jen. Mean 1532-41+ 1.51 2.C6 2.98 3.57 5.75 6.22 7.59 7.r8 5.60 k.ok 2.70 1.76 51.26 1.27 5.18 1945 1.78 2.52 4.'>6 4.55 6.96 5. '+3 5.57 3.57 2.64 1.71 45.24 1946 2.25 1.91 3.22 3.96 4.03 6.95 7.60 7.43 6.17 3.90 2.08 1.49 50.99 1947 1.72 1.77 2.93 4.47 5.16 5.37 8.40 7.31 5.53 3.25 2.75 1.94 50.60 1948 1.76 2.21 3.15 4.47 5.47 5.64 6.95 6.76 5.47 3.07 2.75 1.71 49.41 1949 1.78 1.41 3.36 3.63 4.50 6.29 6.95 7.21 5.58 3.78 2.99 1.83 49.31 1950 1.18 1.60 3.06 3.84 4.17 7.3^ 7.13 6.49 4.25 3.68 2.18 1.76 46.68 1951 1.87 2.16 3.67 3.50 5.18 5.70 5.94 6.76 5.07 4.18 2.22 1.27 47.52 1952 .81 2.47 1.68 2.09 5.50 5.65 7.44 7.02 5.48 3.77 1.90* 1.03* 44.84 1953 1.16* 2.49* 3.31* 3.89* 6.57 5.27 7.51 6.54 5.32 4.68 2.06 2.09 50.89 1954 1.04 2.18* 2.36* 3.23 4.73 5.28 6.90 6.02 5.30 3.70 2.13 1.45 44.32 Vsan l.-)^-;-54 1.48 2.00 2.93 3.71 5.05 5.80 7.18 6.70 5.37 3.76 2.37 1.63 47.98 lt-,o.n of .•R.ord 1,50 2.03 2.96 3.85 5.43 6.03 7.41 6.92 5.50 3.92 2.56 1.70 49.81 1/ Since 1939, station surrounded by trees and small buildings. Jlf' In cooperation with SCS and ARS, U. S. Dept. of Agrlc, and Stats of California, Departmetrt of Publle Works, Division of Water Resources. * Partly estimated. s: P JUaAT AiHno^i-4AO ^Ttm-rs ssoao'/- .J-TA HaStWlOSJlVJI 5^.S hawx^ nl t«*. •■■■ ■ '" .»«Bt • -• '\J,rB'fViiiK5 iotJfloO bosi'4 xi^nwoO *:>r»«>.rt« • .Jbtprl* ■,«ii«ir«i».'? i;C.\ s;.i* :s.. ,c ??-& f^ «n,S j.i>i. '"--ii^l r <^\^j xif;x ♦ii.s , .^?..c. . -r^.v'- -€<'.?■ '"j$,d ■■'•■-, ■ -. - ' ' s^i- ti.t ? ' '^^.o? ^♦i.i 80..S. 0?.^- \i;h , .; ■,■ ' oi.t ijtr.c- c. '•<>*'. • i?.?' i^ .i ?S,S S aJ.iHJ ♦^•^ ?t,s ?s.e «** iCs\' ■ 9f>;8 «^ Si^C :■".: ■ ,,;,-• "t-f ■■ ■ • I*i'.?4l it.x «.; t5.e.. •jt^.? ■ H.>" ??.s ♦^•.^ ■ <^.ri , " " . ^- ' ii'»i <5':.i CS.X «.s fr:.e. 6;.?- ttii ■ ?t.s ts.,^.. o?.** .. <:.X *.'t€.s ^^c? ■ 51.^ o6,? ?8-? I^C ■ -cp.-. ''•??0.2 " " W 41?: x8.e*i ...ot.x -■^e.r se.f' ' "■?,? £?.i X**.. .-.- »?>? .^y '^ tf^ f I *** "" ' " *** afccs: - ^«;.. ';6.S Oj.i «lWul 1o .♦--♦-». ....•^;i'"- .•(>«>Mii»«« tX^uS 13 TABLE 10 EVAPOUTION AT BALDVaN PARK, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CAUPORNIA (31*) Sta'tloni Lftoatlon --------------On Scott Place In Baldwin Park. Let. 34' 06' N., Long. 1170 58' W.l/ Elov&tion ---------- 387 fott. Evaporation pant Type --------- — — ---U. S. Weather Bureau pan. Description Diameter 4 feet, depth 10 Inches, set on 2 x 4 inoh timber grill. Authority foi* data .--.--.. Los Angeles County Flood Control Di8trlot.2/ Publication reference -- — - — - Annual Reports of Los Angeles County Flood Control District. Ueteorologlo data ..-._ — Temperature, wind. t Tear' Evaporation In inches t Jan. 1 Feb. luar. i i Apr. !-« ; June , July ' Aug. 1 Sept. I Oct. ; Nov. \ Dec. ; Annual 3.85 4.87 6.76 7.26 8.91 2.23 Uean 1932-44 2.10 2.57 8.22 6.54 ^»77 3.30 11.38 1945 1.74 2.3? 3.36 5.09 6.07 5.21 7.93 5.93 6.02 3.97 3.06 1.96 52.73 1946 2.68 2.26 3.41 4.14 4.16 7.30 8.08 7.78 6.51 4.01 2.29 1.71 54.33 1947 2.03 2.19 3.70 5.29 5.10 6.12 9.68 8.14 5.63 3.69 3.15 2.25 56.97 1946 2.16 2.98 3.67 6.27 5.99 6.27 7.96 7.60 6.07 3.66 3.30 2.15 58.08 1549 1.76* 1.94 3.48 4.45 5.29 7.00 7.90 8.12 6.37 4.49 3.44 2.41 56.65 1950 1.78 1.99 4.02 4.97 5.65 7.17 8.34 7.89 5.29 4.93 2.57 2.20 56.80 1951 2.16 2.74 4.32 3.94 6.22 6.17 7.01 7.73 6.00 5.05 2.83 1.72 55.89 1952 1.12 3.20 2.53 3.61 7.08 6.48* 8.83 8.21 6.78 4.15 2.51* 1.68* 56.18 1?53 2.57 3.65 4.49 4.67 7.45 loontinued 6.35 9.21 7.59 operation in January, 6.15 1954 5.55 2.63 3.25 63.56 Dii Mean 1945-53 2.00 2.59 3.66 4.71 5.89 6.45 8.33 7.67 6.09 4.39 2.86 2.15 56.79 Uean of record 2.06 2.58 3.77 4.80 6.39 6.91 8.68 7.99 6.36 4.62 3.12 2.20 59.W 1/ Since 1939> station surrounded by trees and small buildings. 2/ In cooperation vith SCS and AR5, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, and State of California, Department of Public Works, Division of Water Resources. * Partly estimated. ex ^ "bf XOs^T •■.■■"',.•• >j.-' "•■'■•■.' '■ •-. -, • - {w^) .>:; ••■^ ^.7 .J*: .5;~..'S .,..,. . .,.....,,, , " If.'.- ,. ■: ':•■•>■ f' ■■ '-, >• ,•...., ,•..■,.,:;.,-..; .,• .. i.rj^cj jusbijia ;, ' ■'," .: '.r -"-'-■■-■-•'---■.•- -■ «.->..■.-♦ eq^T loT^floO &ooi^ x^MUoO s^f-snA eoij ^c?.«ji'^X'J*J' J ,"j'''rtA" -' ~" - -" " '■■■■'■ •:>r;t sv;5i,,-j .r'.";.-.;; ■ ..-? ..... " :' ■l.;>^^y«t<:' ■..-Tr'r- rri^5:'"**:>V'$i'.i.«£"' .».«„. — - i T i. ■■ w i— n il ■ ' ■■I .I.III.. i 1 . ■■■ I .i»i^ w ^ n . ^ ■■■ ii.rf,,..^^. ■^m^^.X**'^**—-^*-' r .iiii ■ I ^ '-t.J%^'.^iB.a.Vi *inw «w. n^ a*i^i|.. > ii J. I , n ; » *»—i ''■ " *■ ■••*' '•"■»■' Vi,'- !- ■ ■■ - '•• ... ©i.Sr.- iS:!5Ka.v.ia " — --- i>p f » 'j 't' "g ' . *^. ■: £t?v5?: i?.?;^. ^'C ^.e. 80.4' £?.?' t^'.T'' t^-^'"' K^^'^ f!C^i^^ ic'C.^ v:;^.; i^i c+'s:i ec^.ji? x\.x 53. s xo>" i?.^' e-f.^:' eo';*"' ot.\'' ^.i^^-' 3?.. 6>•' ■-■■..■ .•:•■.• ■".,■ .:^ . ^\ii ?^.s ?r.f 5i.e c^.? »»^i'r 8s.y sr,^- o/.^-? es-if '^^^4: -.x.S' -50.2 'c^^r 80,3^ jx.s oe,c sa.e ^o.^ oa.^' h^y \'?.i- c^,^-- ts-"^* 'v*.^'; -^.i ii^s fti^^x .. ?>.s,3 :4.i m.r ^^Cti' ^;s sxi'o' ofh'^ o&vt cs?5- w?,i. *jtj,i eji^x . c3...); os,s K^.s e?.*^' cs»e f^'.f' jif.e' fi'jr- jdJ?" ^f«y>' itai-'i o",,!. j^ti 05?: . ^3,.25 sr.i e8.s ?o»3 od.^ t'^'^' xcitr' vx'.a ss^ii''. ''ijte' ■•'*'<■** "^^s. ...ii.i.'i i?-,e p?'rf- t^v-f; sx.-.x sjex 4?.e^ ?t.c f^.s 5?.?' si.i ?.c'.V is'.V ?t^«' ?^.^-' '!^.'i- ^<«4 ^M:.. 1^^^ t^i ^^1 ,;it«lf^V «l"n"i>iij!'i"9iJfl'-ii'9Utt%*r!3atiCt II III I -— ^■^-^-— . — J a II . ii w .111 » 'T'*"''^^ ^3S:.^V. Vf i ff H n ii—iiai« I .»..^.»H...^ J 1 1 t I m IJtl,^ I .— w^ttw .qki hM. A; W: ~ Jhfc. m ^W - .'..'.A^j^a,,. j?L,.s....xijS i^'** 2e'.i 'fe'.t fe'i 't^s -s:''.*- 03,*) '^,«: £5. 5 ,. >o.s! .■3i;lVRtL-**l£Xaf.!«' i.-^e aei>i*''^'-b«tyuw^ .,fe?X ao.^i" Ik TABLE 11 EVAPORATION AT BIO CALTON DAU, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA (51) Station! Loeatlon -..--.-----.--In Big Dalton Canyon In San Gabrl«l Uountalns, about k miles northeast of Glendora. Lat. 34° 10^ N., Long. 1170 1+8' W.l/ Elevation - 1,575 f«»t. Evaporation pan: Type ....... — . — Los Angeles County Flood Control District pan.^ Desorlptlon --- ..... Diameter 2 feet, depth 3 feet, set In ground 2.75 feet. Authority for data ... .... Los Angeles County Flood Control District. Publication referenee --...-.- Annual Reports of Los Angeles County Flood Control District, Iteteorologlo data .......... None. Evapo Tear : ration In Inches Jan. * < Feb. « Mar. « 1 Apr. « May » June » JUly * : i Aug. » Sept. ' Oct. » « ■ Nov. « 1 Deo. ' : Annual l9i+« .... ..— .... .... 6. 11+ 8.28 8.69 6.26 kA5 2.23 1.30 .-.— . 1947 2.73 2.01+ 1.36 2,32 4.26 4.28 9.00 7.14 5.99 4.17 3.78 2.94 50.01 191+8 3.20 2,83 2.10 3.12 3.71* I+.32 6.70 7.1*9 6.89 3.40 2.92 .98 »»7.69 I9U9 1.18 1.38 1.37 3.38 3.38 5.93 7.05 6.80 6.72 4.22 3.02 1.80 46.23 1950 .86 1.51 2.76 2.71 3.7't 5.88 7.1*0 6.79 5.14 4.93 3.o4 2.22 H6.98 1951 1,40 1.86 3.07 2.58 3.85 1+.88 7.37 6.94 6.63 4.83 2.31 1.46 47.18 1952 1.08 2.01 2.07 2.36 5.62 5.1*8 7.81 7.80 6.10 4.64 2.08 1.17* 48.22 1953 1.50* 3.27 2.81 2.70 It. 58 1+.62 7.05 6.77 5.43 4.41 2,31 2.52 47.97 195*+ 1.37 2.1+6* 2.1+2 2.73 3.98 1+.1+7 6.64 6.14 5-70 4.04 2.35 1.55 t3.85 liean of record 1.66 2.17 2.2U 2.74 i+.lU 5.11 7.48 7.17 6.10 4.31 2.67 1.77 '*7.56 1/ station located on the shoulder of a hill above the canyon bottom. 2/ Pan equipped with a reducer screen In September, 1946. * Partly estimated. ., __ . •-. ... _, .. ■■': rsnvAfji^Z \i - -.-■'•■ ~ t - - . , - jjfft^evoXS N^4lfiii JoiiJ-ilC lot;': "■ ■' ""•■• " ■" -i-^.iH',; -■ -_- - .. . " ■ - —> .. XeiiooO - _. . - ■"' ■■ ."• ' TT--. ■■"■-- -..-. lo.o? iJ^.s It:^ -^ij ^t?t? *^J^'*'^ **•« -^'-^ ^sl^ "sr;? ac*i t^.y •■?-••;-.. .-.^•ft^ ^i.^i^ b», i^.s oji.c 58.5 e**.^ 0^.^ scj^ ''''\-s ' «r.c >«';*^ c*»5 ^>z tw^.- ' . .i> . • •■- :• ■ ■■••,;i ■• '.' ■. . 8?.i«j 5S.S ''"i>o,e ■ ^.p . tn.2 st-i '0*1.'; f.fc-ae.i: . ^^s^.e ■'''■, . , na is, 05*: ■'■■■'' ..■ . ' '" ■■ •.: ■; ' •■-'■^ ... " ' ■.: sfi.w ♦ti»i • •'Scs' . ♦i.i.+j., .01. s oe.^ • ■i8.^ ..■•... e?'.?, ^-.. •■•■:,- .-.vo.t . . io.x r .•■J ^, ■ . •-■■-■^.-~'-.... '-■.' '^ • ■ '^ ■'•''■/'' . rar: 15 TABLE 12 EVAPORATION AT BIGGS RICE STATION, BUTTE COUNTY, CAUPOHNIA Station! .".'."' Location -.->---•>•••••-> Four and one-half mllea northwest of Biggs. Lat 39* 28 • N., Long, 121« k^' W. Elevation — - — ------ — 98 feet. Evaporation pan: Type -- ------>-«----- U. S. Bureau of Plant Industry pan. Deeorlptlon -.--.-.----- Diameter 6 feet, depth 2 feet, set 20 Inches In ground. Authority for data ---- — - — - Biggs Rloe Station, U. S. Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. D. A. Publication reference ---.-•-« Unpublished Annual Reports, Biggs Rloe Station. Meteorologlc data -._-----.- Temperature, «lnd* Y Evaporation In Inches : : : : > : t > > I Jan. , Feb. , Mar. , Apr. , May , June . JUly , Aug. , i : s >Mar.-Oo' Sept. , Oct, , Nov. , Dee. , ^gi^ Mean 1913-1+5 2.95 '♦.21 6.10 7»^ 8.19 6,91 5.33 3.62 iat.85 194^ 19U7 191+6 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 195'* -— 2.62 5.09 2.2U 1.36 3.02 3.01+ 3.25 5.69 5.U0 5.64 3.39 '♦.17 3.M1 5.37 7.03 7.42 7.65 5.75 4.90 3.61 Records missing 4.50 6.21 7.98 6.15 3.59 2.82 5.33 7.91 7.73 6.27 5.06 4.19 6.2U 6.25 7.40 5.07 4.21 2.60 7.31 8.89 8.52 7.33 4.67 3.45 Records missing U,26 6,31 7.55 6.53 4.09 3.26 5.28 6.83 7.62 6.11 4.93 3.57 — 44.07 — 36.74 — 43.54 — i4oa9 48.85 39.56 43.15 Mean 1946-54 — — 2.73 4.94 5.71 7.12 7.78 6.17 4.49 3.36 42.30 6.78 5.18 3.57 Mean of record — — 2.89 4.36 6.02 7.46 6.12 44.38 vt th ?x 51 3ja*t^ : ^ _ .A .a .i .y . • ■ • • . -. ' .. ■.■ - -J - * - .». ■ .. - . If-,---- ,j . -.v.-- ™,._^.--„,.>.^...-,^, ^ ,,_j,, _^,__ _,_.._ _„,,^, :~;_j^j;';;;;_";_;^ _: -r.-- 58'.'«f'''" —--"■' — s^rf-' ce-i?--" x^, ■- j;.-.^.. .:»'...^ • ??♦>■, «3i.-fc; u iw'.v— '-.ntoiw . -»■«- *^ vciiiy* —::.-■ -«~ xa.*- »e.;i- ?c.p ?d.. n ,\: ..._ — — i^i ii<.i^ -.^•; -^i- sb,i ij^vC ^i^ ■ 8^-.^--. X-A c?,f. ?s.t;, ■tiv: iik<\. «J£»Ji '■'»*'•< 1 i'-'!«t; -r-r. — ■- :^M -^~:-" —--•■ l\i.^, xi,^ CC»t?. s^^e,- ei-.C,' ie.^, i^i^.- »'P^^ --- -'c. ■•''^■^" ^;~' .„..::^- ;»s.; ?o;+ii ?;e;J- ?^'r •'-.■•v:'' ™;-r- „^ ^^- 5^.4 iiUi riifli?'; ;J.a-- eSiJ.. -??:*? 4^4. — - -:-;. *'2'':-, • ■ ^ ■.«■..._,«.« ^ ^. ^ .,-,..'.., if- ... I W iii>ii ' «»»—i « « ni. — i — IM ■■■■■■!— «ii«Niw——««*MWi||lii i i.^^afc.*.....-^*.,*, ■■ — -.Miow. .^ I ^■■ M ■l|■ w i»»i ii >» . m — p ■ ■ " ■*■ lom of;5i'' --'■" "-— it.t ;«>>♦'■ ^I'.S^ 3Va".- '*i*«-':' xj^j^ii- #,;J. pr.s. ■^if^' n i'aw' .wm . ' Vm ^ i P I f .'^w-i » , 3?:;fl;j' Jl--> -:-^-- '^J.f 9X.§ S'^.S SiJ^ WvJ: ?j3-^: «iC^^ "':■■;:> -:— -: 16 TABLK 1) EVAPORATION AT BOCA, NEVADA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Statloni Loeation ----•.--••----- Seven Jdlee noriheat't of Truokee and 3OO feet south of Beea Dam. Ut, 35» 23 • N., Long, 120* 05» W.l/ Elevation -- ---- 5,590 feet. Evaporation pant Type — .....n. s. Weather Bureau pan. Description -- .... Diameter k feet, depth 10 Inches, set on 2 x 4 Inoh timber grill. Authority for data - >--H, S. Weather Bureau. Publication reference .-•.-->.-. U. S. Weather Bureau Cllaatologlcal Data, lleteorologlc data Temperature, wind. Tear Evaporation in Inches Jan. ' Feb. I _| Mar, I Apr. t May ' Am* AU7 I Aug. J ' Sept, _J Oct. ' Nov. 9 Dae* 'through Mean 6.75 10.27 9«35 7.07 Ul,32 194£ 19U7 i^i+a 19U5 1350 1951 1952 1953 195U 7.72 10,80 10.95 10,13 7.08 U,92 8.36 6M n.35 9.5't 3.54 6.0U 7.58 10.67 9*W 7.02 k.JD 6,9>* 9.8U 10.62 8.70 7.15 k.n 6.61 8. 34 10.6h 9,20 5M It, 16 6-77 8,98 11.12 8,86 7.03 3.57 8,79 6.68 9.54 9.90 6.72 4,67 5,08 7.75 10.9»t 9.07 6,36 3.91 8.76 6,34 11.55 10.00 7.72 6.11 Mean 191+6-5'* 6,87 8.7U 10.54 9.63 7,12 42.90 Mean of record »-— 1' 6.82 8.1+3 10,144 9.47 7,10 It2.26 1/ Land around the station is approximately level for 800 feet to the north and 60O feet to the east, then rises toinrd forest-covered mountains. u Muea ,'«»1 rof {in« »9:i(o;r.'T ^» t^Mintifim flit, nav»3 \£.ir 1^9 ^o%i .s«9J ».M «cs •?? .*-«J .«»a «<»« ta .♦.-1 8o.\: n,oi 3«.0i 36*01 st.t *^^e »*?.? i(.M ♦M.6 ^.6 sc.u oc. v?.e ro-t S8.e Sf.IZ 8? .8 f-.a t>.4i s^i oe-« ♦J?.? e».9 ?^.8 x«.c: ac.3 ^0,? ♦J? .01 V ■■' 80.? ii.h s^\ ^o.ox w.f' it. 3 OP.U — ii,K ti.i i^*Ol 4^.8 K'^.'d is.s»» OX.'T 0«({<^ ,fu»i. .-tfiari •«'» 0* t^tt*. i308 noil i»v«i x' ' .AV9^ kn>t X7 TABLE l4 EVAPORATION AT BOULDER CITY, NEVADA Statloni Location --.~-. ---... --In Boalder City, N«vada. Lat. 3^^ ^^i ff,^ Long* llUo 51 « w. Elevation -------------2,525 feat. Evaporation pant Type ----------------0, S. ffeather Bureau pan. Description ------------ Diameter 4 feet, depth 10 Inehes, set en 2 x 4 Inch timber grill. Authority for data ------U. S. Bureau of Reclamation. Publloatlon reference -------- U. S. Weather Bureau Cltmatologloal Data* Meteorologlo data ---------- Temperature, vlnd. Toar Evaporation In Inches I Jan. I Feb, | Mar. ' Apr. * May ' June ' July ' Aug. | Sept. ' Oct. | Nov. ' Deo. ' Annual I93fi 4.56 4.73 9.46 1937 3.30 4.59 4.30 6.84 1938 4.42 6.91 1539 3.43 4.02 7.37 I9U0 2.70 4.83 9.10 I9U1 2.35 2.89 6.03 l9»+2 3.71 4.71 7.86 19U3 4.09 4.66 7.32 I9M+ 3.24 3.21 7.9^ 1945 2.66 4.79 6.45 1946 4.28 4.61 8.15 1947 3.36 4.41 7.83 1948 4.18 4.07 7.06 1949 2.59 2.80 6.93 1950 3.43 4.41 7.92 1951 3.43 4.19 8.21 1952 2.53 4.94* 6.36 1953 4.15 5.03 8.60 1954 3.05 5.65 6.64 13.24 17.82 20.04 18.37 15.63 13-99 11.98 17.36 18.23 17.73 18.43 13«39 11.96 13.39 17.11 17.40 15.50 12.11 10.93 15.08 19.01 18.39 I' 18.53 10.60 15.70 17,31 19.85 17.72 11.19 8.30 14.19 16.25 15.37 13.03 11.56 11.13 14.77 18.75 17.41 14.14 12.59 13.21 15.80 17.52 16.96 14.49 12.18 9.78 13.94 16.68 18.63 17.64 12.90 10.78 15.10 15.72 14.64 12.71 11.94 11.06 14.66 17.96 14.65 13.76 10.98 11.77 13.87 16.37 1^.67 l'*.'*2 13.46 10.90 14.92 15.52 17.88 15.17 12.18 10.17 12.18 16.38 17.36 13.89 12.09 12.55 13-86 16.72 15.28 14.05 11.61 9.59 13.38 15.42 16.22 12.46 11.32 8.85 13.75 15.55 1^.22 13.55 10.51 10.21 13.90 16.63 14.16 14.66 10.72 10.89 14.47* 14.86 14.63 14.10 11.55 8.06 5.93 3.53 135.36 9.83 5.»t7 4.33 131.15 7.85 5.47 3.46 120.17 8.23 3.67 3.'»7 126.31 7.65 5.05 2.29 123.95 6.43 4.11 2.65 103. l£ 8.17 5.71 3.63 122.58 8.01 4.93 3.04 122.20 8.60 4.47 3.58 120.6] 6.71 4.83 2.39 108.72 6.25 3.31 3.11 112.78 7.53 4.66 3.77 112.76 8.04 5.08 3.28 118.26 7.52 4.62 2.97 109.5c 8.54 5.28 4.08 117.7' 7.38 4.12 3.26* 108. 9P 7.28 4.45 2.65 104.61' 7.83 4.44 4.26 114.55 8.48* 4.93 2.90 112.15 Mean of record 3.45 4.35 7.52 10.94 14.64 16.95 16.62 14.71 12.36 7.81 4.76 3.30 117.41 * Partly estimated. V .■ " ,w v^: ■ ■ ■ " Ill '' *■ ■ ■■■ m ii A i J il L-^jt-j-^ * ^ ' ^ ■ * ' . ■' . ' Jv?.]. ' a '' ' .". i i ' i !' .".'i ' .K .... •qil*-.- ^ EJOAOtOUJ-*'^ ■ £e.ds.i^-...,t»<.c, ,.^ M.Sfil #).{. tS.OSt 8?,t :, ^.8x1 «s.e '^.ifox 3J.S , ^x.sxi «;.£ .,t<'»?c i. E®'«. . ?e^x, .: t^M «s*fti- . J»-tx xi.a 8c^ $>.*« . sx.i* ..l»-- #.©f . :ox.? ; . cfi.«» • fr: .?»?.fr>\ co«^: ?».s • 2fi ■■ . a.«^- :M.t XT.i' .-It / .■■t':,rt ■, .'.ti^X-. ..■^.»J' ■?'•• • ,'■ *?^ .ViS,? '♦Js.v- ■^■''\' .-e^.s/. ..\'T.*'- SS--'- ;■'-' 21.8 id J ■ e-.:. SX'li:. cs.'C «t r ■ io.t .^j« 8x.f.r ., :i»-,h, ,•• i^+i3 ^;' ,*,«{i»,a5..-v-'V3S*"*'j ■■4is/'< { '■ '^■' S'»^' . «'»f' ^ ■ ; ■- •■.■■','''' .;'^'»uit 'j — ; ..p?.e . ,.4»$.£ i^;.% %:^ V'- .~ lCfiv> ^n^'ii ?!K\ &€.»* '■■ ... ^i/ji ei:4 ^a 01.5 %t^l$ ^^,4, ^e^-'- ;v!-^.fe "^k so.ix e*J.of |;;.^. ;^;,:? ^s,,^§ ^A cK.c t'^i'. ^V.^ iiV.ix sfl.r: .:, •;' :.S,v <:ci.4): i-'i.v. .«s^.f *^.''' ^t-oi so.'si i^^ti i^., (^-..w ii.-i^- ifK-s ii'.f *!o^ ;;ii: e«5*sa i^ir^r, i-j5ii? %f e^Vir sa,ii 80. u a«.,e. ^li^. sSm*' »^".f' .i^i •oo»*' ?»«?i. f?.*^., ie»<^.i "^-ii'- ^».f- si;ft" ea'.xx' i^.xi tvi..?. oJi^tv 8e..Jifi., sfi,,i:.» iii?-' s3i>r- s^rdf' 45 .ox i^.xx _ cf.c..; 5c),^'.; xrj.?8,., 2^:,.- xcv2.:= er-t' 81I? n'.ox os.xx. , 4W.8 a?.f.- 6^.93... .?f',i .: Pl*i.: hi:i'^ bl.^'- V^.U ic.SI i'stK.- 3?i^ ■■ '-•?'' '<'?.' 5o.V.,K^.- ■'- * ■' ... -. *■ - - •— •■' •■ • ■ . ' , : ''■'• >■ • ^ ' ^■ i^i-a' x^^? ^k;v LP A 0?^X ■.<^.* .'i;V" .' !;' . '■ " C;S.S ^'- sn?-- et^t-' //.?' ■ ♦'J.X '^CU .. . ■■■•.\: ■■■■'■■■ ■-' -■■ "flisJI •:."ic .-i^oir''- 19 TABLE IS TEMPERATURE AT BOOOUET CANYON RESERVOIR- LOS ANGELES CODNTY, CALIFORNIA l/ Mean tefflperature in °F J iui\, , Feb, j Mar. '. Apr, i[ May , June j July j Aug. , Sept. J Oot. j Nov. , Deo. ^ Annual Itivn in^:..i4'i 46 Ui 51 155 60 66 ?•+ 75 71 ^3 5^ ^9 59 i:<^5 k6 k6 kk ^i 57 6"* 77 75 71 62 51 ^+7 58 I9>f6 »*7 i^ W 58 56 68 75 75 72 58 Uj 49 58 35'-i7 »♦« 51 52 57 66 67 75 72 T** 62 50 W 60 i?'t8 52 UU 1+4 52 58 66 73 73 72 62 53 U2 58 i<)iij 35 1+2 46 58 58 68 73 72 7^ 61 61 1+6 58 1?50 Ui 50 50 56 58 65 73 75 67 66 58 5U 59 i^si 1*5 U6 50 52 60 64 74 72 7^ 62 52 Mt 58 :'.?52 42 46 43 53 63 58 74 75 70 67 49 44 57 i?53 50 46 48 54 55 64 77 72 73 63 56 50 59 \rA 46 54 48 56 62 .66 77 70 70 64 57 48 60 1?' j-54 45 47 47 55 59 65 75 73 72 63 54 47 58 Vtex of 45 47 49 55 60 66 74 74 71 63 54 48 59 1/ Los Angeles Depeu'tment of Water and Power resords. _^X. fQ9LAt...vv ■ ■"'■ ''■• ■■■•■••■■■■■■'■■ 'c>*; .— • • - •••• "■ vv >. :. ■■ ' ■^ ■ r— ■ : « , * - ' . » v t* : ^ ' ?'. - J ..ta . t ri'iMi.ii.n !■ inMi.ii I «fifit •'■ -"iTii. .11.1 I* I * ,1 , •;! ,1 III II \ Ill I ■,,.■„■-■„ /;, .......m^"-. , n.. M4MinM«MHiiM«||>Mi fl? ,.^y ,..:54i vej -^st ■ f? ^^.c-; .,;f-:' vii>? ^"-s? '■'■'■ .» ..ui^ , :0? ■■••«§ '■■4*^ 'J': fV .,.,\''j --vMl -c:^ ,8? jSf Jib n ■ Vt £^ ^ ,'3a -..v; -t;Q ''^^ ?i f? .ii? ^6? is ^d 'T. p ■8i' "J^ (•■ i? .***i •:£? -i'5 M s^ i^ ... :;■. ii 'tk .) J^ M ?^^ v« 0^ 3V ^ iv s-> »3 {♦■• 5r w 03 5< f:3 ti 55? 5;:^, v, ;:^ ^i Sii i\i 8?, ^«i *^' t^- fir _j;\ it..-—^--^i"' g? ^t* v*^ ■ " ' , ' . ^ ' -- ' » ' "■" ' ' " ' '' ' I ' l ' ' ■ " i ' «i»i I ' lii" ! 1 ■ — I . — I , .- 11 , . II in' ii n i mi r . ^? (A 8# "5 «4- ? a,-* <— — M iM j iw ^ i r »* '" ..-■ .■ H a..-.'— '».Liiii — »t>.a — 'i.« o «>i.ii Ml i«»» * . M »i M ii.i».i. I I I iiiwi w i ■ m i ii". . mh— > l ...i w ia^ K i 1 'I « ■ ..i^ioi w - n »ii» nn .- -..■w''---- .<^».--,->'>'^---^— **— "*j ■■■■■ ■ min »i*^»iw^-- - .aM?>ri - .' ■ • •■ -,:,-; »0 B»X«:^i 20 ti^nix 17 WND MOVEMENT AT BOUUUET CANYON RESERVOIR, LOS AHCELES COUNTY, CALIPOBNIA l/ (70) Year t . lean «^.nd In uilas per hour t 1 Jan, , Feb. 1 Uar. ! Apr. Msy . June J July ! 1 Aug. , Sept. t t Nov. 1 Dee. , Annuaj I3U0 11.6 9.3 9.1 7.3 8.1 6.5 6.9 6.3 6.3 8.8 13.3 11.7 8.e 191+1 10.5 8.0 8.7 7.3 8.1+ 6.9 6.1+ 6.2 7.3 9.2 U.7 10.7 8.1+ l9'+2 12.8 9.8 10.6 8.0 7.5 7.6 7.1 6.1+ 6.3 7.7 8.3 7.8 7.i» 9.3 12.5 9.7 13.7 8.6 7.1 6.9 6.2 6.1 6.8 6.1+ 6.0 6.5 7.2 P I5M* 11.8 12.1+ 9.8 11.2 6.9 6.1+ 7.t 8.8 9.3 9.2 10.5 8.3 7.6 6.8 10.2 10.9 12.7 11.2 8.7 I9U5 7.5 7.2 6.8 7.5 7.2 8.3 191*6 13.9 8.6 8.1+ 6.7 6.6 6.3 5.5 5.8 6.7 8.0 10.8 10.0 8.1 19^7 11.1+ 7.5 7.1+ 7.9 6.6 7.2 6.0 6.5 6.5 7.9 10.1+ 11.2 8.0 I9U8 191+9 1950 10.5 8.6 R 1 8.3 < 1 6.9 6.6 6.9 7.0 6.1 6.7 6.2 6.2 6.0 5.5 5.8 6.0 6.5 6.1+ 5.9 8.1 8.0 6.6 13.0 9-7 10^3 10.0 11.3 9.3 8.1 7.9 7.3 8.5 8.1 0.3 7.6 6.9 1551 Q f\ fl 1 8.1+ 6.7 6.7 6.7 5.9 6.1 5.6 9.2 10.1+ 12.3 7.$ 9.0 0.3 1552 10.7 9.2 8.1 6.9 6.1 6.6 5.5 5.1+ 6.6 5.6 9'7 9.7 7.J 1953 10.3 10.6 7.7 6.1+ 7.6 6.1 5.7 5.9 5.8 7.7 9.2 13.7 8.: 195't 8.6 11.2 7.«* 6.3 6.1 6.6 5.1+ 6.0 5.6 7.7 9.5 12.6 7.f Maar 1940-51+ 11.0 9.1 8.2 7.0 7.1 6.6 6.0 6.1 6.5 7.8 10.7 11.3 8.12 1/ Anemoneter set about 7 fe«'t above ground surfaoe. Los Angeles Department of Water and Power record. % i j) < ■ " . 1 't*'"""' i T' J tTTTI^T' ' ■■ ' ■» ' ■ I ' . T **^'*"^"" " ^ "f^; . ' ' Lii ' , ' ! !*'^*"**^"* £,'r^'L^^ I iiitiiw ,n . 1 wi i ■■ n wii . i ii j^ .«ti ^ ■' n ' M i' j ' ^^ '■*' " ■ - "n^ i i P iV T^" ** , n " ! , " " ' " V i — ^- ^ - '' - ' ^w I »i W I I ■ m^ i Bl' ' -■ —III. m m il I III m Wi s.§^, e.ei di " (,.j" ?i'' ^. •*'•■' ?... e.e e.8 t.s: c.V" ii^i' 4,8, x.ii,^; 6.': ^.j" e.'r 5.8 o.ox 0.f;l i.S 5.^ 8.^' s.S" r.Sf ?i.}( i--\ p:.U t't^ 0.6 i».'i o.'i o.i t."'"^' f'V 5." P.? ?.0I s>.i ?.^ ^,i t't ■"'' ''^■^ jj.:'^ ,t.^X «>.0I '..5 i»i iJ& (f.e V.^ ••'" 2-.t .^..?, ,^.^v» ^.2 i.& »2.9 i;.^ '■■■" ^>d — ';^i.......s.e „ ^L, .^-^ ^'^ 'f*^ '^'^ ^"^ .\^ .a,$i e.? ".t s.? c.a ♦1.5 .' 1 (W-f a.8 .:. t.;jf .„t,oi!_ 3.'C ?«^ f-* 0'^ 5.6 " r.'f • ■ ■"' 'o.'-f ■■■s'.e i-^?- - -cu- .■•J?-.o :/ .■■'■;■■'; ,:, ' i ■■ ' v r - ■ ■ ■■ «.' .'■'■' » • ■ ji "' ■" .■.'•|...-.i,.ii,, r.... ||^ll^M.J^ ■ .-i l i- ■rr^■^rr3= L L■y - ■ ■-=- ^ ^JL., ! -L^:l - '' ■ i -j ^ "' "t-— — ..-; 21 TABLE 18 EVAPORATION AT CHICO EXPERIUENT STATION, BUTTE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Stations Looatlon ••--•.-■.-->->>»-'f miles southeast of Chleo, California. Lat 39^ 42' N. Long. 1210 h?' W, Elevation ~--. >1&9 feet. Evaporation pans Type --- — ......-.--. U, S. Weather Bureau pan. Desorlptlon ------->- > Diameter k feet, depth 10 Inehea. Set on 2 x 4 inch timber grill. Authority for data ---------- U. S. Weather Bureau. Publication reference --------V. S. Weather Bureau Climatologieal Data* Meteorologio data ---------- Temperature, wind. Tear Evaporation in Inohea I Jan. . Feb. j tiar. , Apr. , lisy , June , July , Aug. , Sept. , Oot. , Nov. , Dee. , Annual 1951 . — 9.10* 11.01 12.13 10.75 9»27 '♦•8't 1.72* — — 1952 .86* 1.69* 3.27* 6.1+5 8.93 8.52 U.62 9.98 7.60 U.23 2.39 .87* 66,1*1 1953 1.21 2M U.26 5.04 6.1*0 8.78* II.49 9.73 6.80 5.03 1.59 1.47 6I+.2I4 1954 2.16* l.W* 3.53 4.60* 7.73 8.84 10.86 8.79 7.57 4.58* 1.41* Uean of record 1.41 1.87 3.69 5.36 8.04 9.29 II.52 9.8I 7.8I 4.6? I/78 1.17 66,42 * Partly estimated IS 8X 2JS[AT »1 x 1 M «*S. «»W .ff .Tl >■' - - - - «*«!> Bisei»i«»riHI :j££: *9d'eiat oi etlian^jst/i . . t M»T I" ^» IM — — I I 1 1 11. I B I — ■PB^^^B^^FIH^B B II I I I ■ I HI I I II ■ VI. siw— Wi>v^^-^a«^>^^B— BV w ■* HI II ■ I ■ •• II I HI M |l i|Iil I IHilii 1 1— I •■ 1 1 1 v-B^^v^a^B^vn-B^^v— I I ■ IKI^»aB— ^^— i^^—a V ~ I II - j ,a«a J .▼«¥■•; .*oO !.,*i;ea . .,3JM .-. %tiiT, ■ »kA j 5i«>| j .-nil ,' ,'^^- \ .. .dn^, j ►n^4..i, . — _>. — - *r:.i lie.*', ts*? ;t.oi u»ti' io.ii'*oi.c — " ~,^ —*... .^» i,,,^ £f'.i4 *t8» of.-i es»i^ oj.^ e^.i;* si.n s:f.3. c?.8 g<'.i "♦fs.e *^a.'x. . .*S(5v;_ .s?ei t'j.*'^ t**.i ?5-i to.? o8.4 e**.? ^^.Jt V^t-S'' oi»,d ^k),? 3t2. Diameter k feet, depth 10 Inches, eet on 2 x 4 Inoh tenber grill* Authirity for data ----------- U. S. Weather Bureau. PubXv.octicn r8.°er«noe — - — U. S. Weather Bureau Cllmatologloal Data. Metebrologic data ----------- Temperature, «lnd. Tear t Evaporation In iiiBliea J Jan. 1 Feb, ^ Uar. j Apr. , May . June J July ^ Aug. ^ Sept. ' Oet. ' Nov. Dee. ^ Annual Mean 1513-1+5 2.81 3.25 "+.5? 5.72 6.72 6.9U 7.50 7.0? 5.95 lf.76 3.68 2.7? 62.10 I3k6 3.0l| 3.U U.c^ 5.59 7.33 7.36 7.76 7.91 6.29 U.85 3.06 2.05 63.29 I9k7 2.72 3.02 5.15 7.10 7.09 7.6c 8.2I+ 6. 21+ 6.06 1+.89 3. '+9 3.03 66.63 191*8 2.76 3.39 1+.70 6.1+5 7.51 7.08 7.66 7.28 6.11 1+.16 3.83 2.5'+ 63.'t7 I5U9 2.35 2.77 it.63 5.3^ 6.1+1+ 7.'*3 7.147 7.^9 5.92 5.20 3.75 2.85 61.61+ 1950 2.1+5 2.38 it.78 5.29 6.58 7.18 7.17 6.97 5.52 1+.80 3.32 2.3U 58.78 1951 2.£9 3.40 3.66 5.85 «.92 7.69 7.96 7.21 7.22 5.00 5.91 5.10 I+.07 3.59 3.21 2.1*9 2.67 6). 57 1952 2.32 3.80 U.80 1+.70 6.82 6,91 6.91 59.33 1953 2.<3 3.82 k.^ 5.1+7 7.7^ 7.05 7.80 7.20 5.86 5.^9 3.5't 3.09 6I+.63 195'* 2.19 3.96 5.27 6.33 7.06 7.82 8.10 6.5»t 1+.63 3.50 2.9>» 63.18 Mean 19H6-5't 2.57 3.29 lt.9U 5.67 6.97 7.26 7.68 7.1+8 5.91 1+.80 3.W 2.67 62.72 Uean of record 2.75 3.26 •+.90 5.71 6,79 7.02 7.5't 7.19 5.9M >*.77 3.63 2.76 62.26 .„-►.— _-,>„«..x 1/ Leeated at the Western Salt Works. The Pacific Ocean lies to the West, le» level land extends three miles south, gently rolling land six miles east, and low level land 10 miles north. Area Is heavily populated. St ?! 3JSJ.7 v4l *M. *se ^«4;-;>'o.e ;,?8.«i • ■ .<:s.8 •:''2?.K ' J^.^ k'S «.? .".%!?.. '.♦^.«.*.' . li...e. . i^O^ . it^^ t:>,W- tOit --e*'^ ■ -^B.? ib.T ■«is.8 ',' >.8 «?'^ . ?0A ;: ,.qx.t :. .2i.? . 50 .c ^^<\:.s t^r ^t^-.c»-' it's .2 'c».e ^X.<1 xx.a , Ss.'C . W.^ .. 80.^ .j:;.^ ' . ^>i.h ■ A'^'*' • «t.c h\.^ .Uf. i-'S.Id i^.s • OS*? s?.? ^'•^ , ^*'»'J , .tl'.V pji.a ■ H'i ei.t^ ■ • r?.s - 5e.s • <?.^ ,?^.'^ ■ SP^ • 58.? w.? • o»'.c •' ti.s ' X?":- «e.« ■ ^i.2 'i^e ■^o,»i 1^^ «^ xs.t; it'* ., S8.a . qi:.# , pe.^ •08.^ ■ se.s s?tx ct^ ♦^.S Of^ ea.v ' 4i?'.» 01.8 _««.<; .S^^'t K«& . ts»$ . +1.6^*' *e'C ••^.s : f*?*!! JV.Sd ■■^».s 'w.t oh.*! '^itk. .ekt . ..^K ••^ii- ■ ^a.? <»5;u ii4.' SsisJ >t,f tJ^ ..%^.. ,;'^.^. ....SitX... W»> xr;?- o?;v mjL ■'rc.s ,.1« naeM bTci&ert H fiL t0f V.' ' •■' lOfl . ■■'- ■ ■■-•■ ■ ,«yVf;'A' T th '■-».» iia^ "■. , '■«&»»-«$& li-j , r. ; K 63 «3 TABLE 20 TEUPERATtmE AT CHUU VISTA, SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CAUPORNIA (81) Oo Y,^_ J Mean temperature In P Jan, ' Peb. ] Mar. . Apr. . May , June . July . Aug. . Sept. Oot. . Nov. * Dec. . Annual Mean 1920-U5 52 5U 55 57 >F»»fi; wy i ■!■ — - .: Mi -J? •••15 -^4 '■?& jQ v^S e? .S/: v^j- -* *^e \'i hh ,«j» ^ii ^:l '-'t ^i \^ %>i 8?- '.> ?=^ ^^ ?a .^. t« eJ ?« 3j ^ fi ?.i; «? l '^' ti .6i>. •-'■•- '" _.'^S' .„ «i-- ■• •■ -r:; I .;<■ 6i ;:^ (d. Xj-- *^— WIWMW#— W»*MiHWWi W II I. ^ 1..^^.^— .■■.*.J..4».~ — ..^M*. illliBi I ] I V- ■ - :.a? • h\ ic TA 'i^ 'c . * - ■ ?<^i «(! ■ !jii } * 84i o^ei i;" .- . • ^ ■ „ 8? ^c ^e ■ 2?. r.v*.-' «: «^ *'?■ .ii. . %r'-';. s? ;*** -^- ♦i?' vf' ^ -■' ■-"'■*'"■' ■* ______ . . .-. -. •■■'•' " t^/,.-..-i?,^~;rr:'Ji?"'-'"^'s^'''"''" '■"''" ■" '"■ ■''' i«» 2k TABLE 21 WIND UOVEUEKT AT CHULA VISTA, SAN OIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA (82) J '■ ' Y,^ji ' Total nlnd In milts I Jan. ! Feb. | ll&r. Apr. ] Uay ] Aina \ July ' Aug. | S«pt. | Oct. , Nov. \ Deo. , Annual Mean 19l8-it5 1,935 2,128 2,70»t 2,871 3,oi8 2,906 2,933 2,786 2,503 2,166 1,786 1,867 29,60; 1946 1,989 1,750 2,900 2,1*55 3,25't 2,173 2, '♦61* 2,373 2,oo4 1,898 1,964 1,587 26,i 19I+7 i,7Wt 1,697 2,U75 2,893 2,907 3,o64 2,76U 2,913 2,062 2,107 1,820 1,881 28, 19>»8 1,510 2,2i*6 2,569 2,873 3.303 3,152 2,871 2,722 2,376 2,2U5 l,i»70 1,802 29,*j>7 I9U9 2,306 2,042 2,786 2,369 2,751 2,791 2,1498 2,392 2,072 2,210 1,392 2,067 27,676 iQKn oUa 1 do t iSti o c/C? i not •> oki <> ftUn 9 09^ 1 •mo o ooU 1 "71 o 1 CH 9R.«9 811 327 139 663 879 972 560 .,y^-r Jf-m-T •■H^J •.,.^-r •■tl-^ •■f/J '■t'^J "t"^/ '■tJ'-'- »w, ywx 1,56't 2,794 2,872 2,851 2,99'* 2,126 2,004 1,612 1,493 28,123 Mean 1946-54 1,966 1,923 2,782 2,736 3,045 2,936 2,778 2,749 2,289 2,124 1,710 1,755 28,793 Uean of record 1,943 2,077 2,724 2,837 3,025 2,913 2,894 2,777 2,450 2,156 1,768 1,840 29,4o4 Uean ml. per hr. 2.6l 3.09 3.66 3.9'* 4.06 4.04 3.89 3.73 3.40 2.90 2.46 2.47 3.35 ifS ■"sJilr'nJ! xjrtiw i.-itgT — — — — »*i ■* t * t '1 .i ^M,i ^-^^j ^^^J,s r^^,-: ^S?,:v i:e?,i ^o'?,'? rr.t i-^o.'; =1.-.,^ -6^1. ..:; \'iic,' ^'s^ti fi*j6,J JlOC.i rff,^ *»,.,' .^r:, "^scSs X85,i »;?,: ^oi^s 2ao,s tl?,S «ib:,•>, 3e'^,i 'b^i,i ♦leo.s "e«.s .'Ce^»s i«,s .n?o»c st^.? .i8c,3 -tsi.f -^-i^t- .'*CQ.s c^?,8s «^,x 'Caa,! f8i,<: ?5^,s o»»t.s .»V3,s .?«t.3 «'n^ ^^t,i -•Cii^^a :j>-\,: ?Cc.f ::^.^^ cs*^.i 5ii,x i'cK>,s Jsx^i ♦?«•?,£ i^^; v\% ...,2 ;i{J<,i ?t?.5; ss?j r i^'^^c: c,:x.: eot.:; ;; t> «■>.; »> -i.- • »< ■r,.-!v,t ''*!.-;. y-o,i . odv,; c^.i C?ii,S ^t";.' '■?*-.• 'if'i.S ??«*<. se6,f ^f\s {;.■►,; cc-t <:*•• i^J.s '\i:.f Oii.c ^ij.e jS.e fio.- ^c.u i'^,*.' i^.c =o.{; id.t ,-u -ioq ». ,* •'. '••' •»' '■ 15 TABLE 22 EVAPORATiai AT CITRUS EXPERIMENT STATIMl, UNIVERSITy OP CAUPCRNIA RIVERSIDE COUHTY, CALIFORNIA (83) Station: Location .-_-.._-_- Three nilea east of Riverside. Lat 33** ^Qt j),^ Long* 117° 20 « V. Elevation 1,0U0 foet. Evaporation pant T./pe — -U. S. Woather Bureau pern. Description -.--»_-- Diameter U feet, depth 10 Inohes, set on 2 Z U Inoh timber grill. Authority for data Rlverwlde Citrus Station. Pub\ioatlon referenoe Calif. Dept, of Pub. VHcs. Bull. No. kk, Meteorologlo data ---------- Temperature, wind. t Year s Evapo ration In Inches : 1 Jan. ' t Feb, ' i Uar. ! Apr. • : "«■ * June ' July '• Aug. I Sept. ' Oct. : '• Nov. '■ i i Deo. Annual Uean 152:-U6 2.56 2.85 It. 32 5.39 6.78 7.t9 9.12 8.62 6.1+1+ 1+.78 3-51 2.36 61+. 22 lSk6 8.29 8.06 8.1+7 6.71 't.39 2.56 2.26 61.95 1^7 2.9I4 2.50 U.12 5.86 6.75 13.93 10.11 8.27 6.58 1+.27 3.57 2.55 7i.it5 I9I+8 3.27 2.97 U.I3 5.11 6.57 7.06 8.96 8.23 6.63 3.61+ 3.85 1.73 62.15 I9U9 2.36 1.83 3.59 5.98 ■6.11+ 8.08 8.68 8.35 6.93 1+.1+9 3.25 2.12 61.80 1950 1.5^ 2.1+7 4.05 5.08 5.60 7M 8.56 8.1+0 5.50 '♦.93 . 3.70 2,76 60.27 1951 2.13 2.77 5.01 it.1+7 6.72 7.11 8 81 8.08 6.11+ '+.93 2.93 1.78 60.88 1952 1.74 3.29 3.9't 1+.28 7.65 7.38 9.21 — — 7.21 It. 63 2.1t7 1.86 1953 2.67 it.31 U.78 ■^51 7M 7*27 9.00 8.56 6.65 5.80 3. 21+ 1+.03 68.1+8 ly^ 2.0U i*.i+9 3.1+1 5.09 €.1*5 7.60 9.81 7.91 6.60 5.27 3M 2.71+ 61+.87 Uean 19'+o-5'* 2.3't 3.08 1+.I3 5.05 6.72 8.21+ 9.02 8.28 6.55 it.71 3.23 2,1+3 63.78 Uean of racord 2.50 2.91 '♦.27 5.30 6.76 7.71 9.09 8.53 6.1+7 4.76 3.1+2 2,38 61t.l2 Ci IS ZAur tjfioa ,.?. 'S? "et *■»>* .oMetsvi -rfT - - - !»ITA.H'WAVa eaiio/rJl ai aoZt.iiovv"-" PT;.:^ €(;.(; xr..^ il-'.; r..i! i^.i f«'.8 &. ?^^ .«.fi 'i;?..- 7^-1^ s^.i* r^.^i H.oi ?x,s^ t^,i ?8.r f's.e *:a.i oe.ii :i.s <"■":.;' ?»'.ii c^.a ?^.?. «\? "* rR,r:h nx*t P^.'}. tP.ii tii.S •- ■ . d&.I ':*S.? f.J.M IS.T Bi».6-i tJ.*^ ''J-f "S.^ ?^-^ ^a.*!^ t'^.s ?v.f ^s.e oi.3 i;.: ^-.i^ :.- S'C.cJi f'-'.i CS.e ««♦> (!?.i 6^-.'-' S'' iL^i 65.2 s;»5.«: dt.4» ti'.J CcI.S 05. V SK3S3 TABU 23 E7AP(»ATI0N AT CUYAMACA RESERVOIR, SAM DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA (92) Station I Location -----•.-.-..-.. On Bculdtr Cr*«k, « tributary of San Diego River. Ut. 320 59' N.* tong. 1160 35* W. 1/ Elevation ......... U,^ f«et. Evaporation pant Type — --.-_..-.._._. Ground pan* Description --....---.-. Square, 3 3^ 3 t«»t, depth I8 Inches, set In ground* Authority for data -..-.....-La Mesa, Lemon Grove, and Spring Valley Irrigation District. Publication reference ..-..--. Nona* Meteorologle data .......... None* J Evaporation in Inches ■~- Tear 1 t s Jan. t 1 Feb. t i Uar. 1 « Apr. t « Hay t t June 1 July » . 1 Sept. t i Oct. t ? Nov. i t Dee. t Kay to J Oet. Mean 1935-^5 i.52 J.08 11.07 9.75 a. 69 6.56 51.69 19>4< 151+7 19U8 19U9 1550 1951 1552 1953 195'* •+.35 5.89 6.69 8.16 8.16 8.10 10.68 8.03 6.91 4.3U *•—•»«> 1+1.1+5 3»80 7.OU 6.55 3.82 — — U2.9U 3.76 9.78 10.38 9.28 5.09 — ~. 9»1'+ 9.80 9.1+0 8.30 U.58 '♦.75 6.26 6.52 7.51 10.16 7.51 6.36 3.33 >t6.32 7.72 9.«t6 10.61 10.59 8.27 5.W 2.60 52.13 5.36 9.66 7.61 6.30 5.76 9.5'* 10. 2U 8.66 9.82 6.06 3.2U — 50.08 5.51 7M 8.73 8.80 9.20 7.13 6.0U 3.73 1»7.32 Ueaa 19U6-5'* 7.01 8.93 9.Wt 9.18 7.93 5.?h — — U7.83 MMUnor record — ~ 6.71 9.01 10.35 9.50 8.33 5.99 — »t9.89 1/ Cuyaoaca Reservoir Is located about 40 miles from the Pacific Ocean near the top of the dtvlde «hloh separates the semi-arid region of San Otego from the arid region of the Imperial Valley. Owing to Jta liwaMoo «iw.«VB|Mn>»«lea '■ '» '-i.-.-'^l? ■ . ,. . « •» ,• . -;." "_- " ' t'J>'\ ^;>'OnO - ■ ._-.-...- r - .?>i»at^ ui Joe ,iieii«itJt 6X litq-b ,*»aV ^ x f ' ,-<-;-.op£ - • ...'-..«:_ "aoM'q.;-. asii'i'Ri'rii T**JJ»V ^ittui beta ,&vona no:3aU ..i'^ . . . „ — - . _ ^j.^fc •loi ^*i"ioi{*oi • if^' ; ■• ' ' ' ^e.'^Oiti flii .•»';. i J naa/ivS - - — ., ... .--...-,. .. ^ ... . ...... . ne^S; ■?').<3 —i* ■ — * . ^.i , ?s.3 . 5',.e 8o.« s^.d — --— -- 5-v gv-sct 5ii,xtf ---.- - -.' ■•;'••' 'i'^ •'."•; "i.'i- ^.t.8 e9.? ^c^*- — - • ^'*^-^t: .♦Jjj^Sk. -..~-~ ..— . sd,5- .?c»A-' i^A •!*>.-.,• • .0 — i?i,3..,. oS^. . ^— • — ■- -. .• •. 1:^L :l::j — „ i5o,ji ec.t: 6..';oi St.": ----> -^-' «^'.t~ -— -'■— — 5*.'?f »:. ..:.::' :::.. Hjli -il^ o5.e cf<;^' ii.- -.. .. .,'-i. ^-: :--. :■.:; 55,a*i ::::: ^^.^ ^j,^ ili^ i^.- ;■;.' ^i.j ji^.i „,.; -..: «rj.. '??i i::u. d^;? w;? ^r?;'^ p;.oi ;■>:!-.; Sti:? i,? 3£;,^> - — — ' — -- '•"— v- Sf,;?,g ;•.::::: jis.? jncs ?e.e JVi' »'r.;o.r iJ^ie A^.? .■■;-■ — .::.' - .. g?cx st;..v.*. ».^. Vr' S^ * ^3:?n -— : -™: r,?.- cc.') -c'.e ?£'.oi M.* xt.a 1/ - . SRSi m TABLE 2U EVAPORATION AT DAVIS, YOLO COUNTY, CAUFOKNIA Statlont Lee&tion - ..-....-At the Univeraity of California, Agricultural Experi- ment Station. Lat. 36" 32« N., Long, lai** 4Ui W* Elevation ----..--.- -51 feet. Evaporation pant Type .-..._-- — .U. S. Weather Bureau pan. Deeorlptlon — ..-..--.... Diameter 4 feet, depth 10 inohee, set on 2 x U Inoh timber grill* Authority for data •.•.-.--..- University of California, Agrloultural Experiment Station. Publication reference --.-.--.-U. S. Weather Bureau Cllmatologloal Data. Ueteorologlo data .-.-.-..-.- Temperature, wind. Tear 1 Evaporation In Inches ' Jan. ' Feb. ' : : Mar. ' Apr, ' May ' June ' July ' Aug. ' : J J J » Sept, ' Oct. ' Nov. ' Deo. ' Annual J J X : Mean I926-U5 1.06 l.?3 3.64 5.58 8.22 9.6? 10.84 9.84 7.82 5.o4 2.38 1.18 67.24 1946 1.58 1.59 1947 1.35 1.33 1948 1.94 2.70 1949 2.29 1.73 1950 1.77* 2.69 1951 .69 1.33 1952 1.71* 4,32* 6,19* 1553 1.11* 3.37 '♦.04 5,46 1954 1.30 1,66 3.30 6,01 3.61 5.62 3.50 6.91 3.96 3.92 3.35 7.21 3.76 7.48 5.33 5.92 7.93 10.35 11.47 10.50 8.72 9,87 11.27 11.89 10.13 9.30 6.47 9.00 11.25 9.42 6.95 8.67 11.82 12,37 9.92 8.52 9.72 9.84 12.37 10,32 7,84 8.50 11.17 11*21 10.02 8.o4 9.35 8.80 10.59 9.74 7.44 6.69 9.45 11.26 9.24 7.56 9.19 10.68 12.80 9.71 8,17 5.69 3,26 .70 71.02 4.12 2,97 1.45 74,09 4,89 3,32 .98 64.80 6.69 2.54 1.32 76.43 H.65* 2.35* 5.3't* 1»99* l.'t9* 71.03 4.45 2.67* 5,79 1.58 2,01 67,56 5.96 1.67 1,01 71,46 Itoaa 1J46-54 1,50 2,01 3.91 6.08 8,49 10.26 11.69 9.89 8,06 5.29 2.48 1.28 70,94 Mean of r«eord 1.21 1.96 3.73 5.74 8,31 9.87 11.10 9.66 7.89 5.12 2.41 1.20 68.40 * Partly estimated. iir] . ■■■■■■■ • .S '»W "iSi .jjatfJ ,,J* «S£ "^e ^1*4 •■p /><^,( ,,;.j^n«iBi'Si>^;.-i iA-u-'JIwXiaA jjsinioliXai Ic . - . - - ■, ~wi x^ijo«i»i .fcnlip .: . „ „ =~»3*?K= '• '^-/si r:«l»TB'fcvq«v55 r tl , o' :i V ^ ^ r ^t ^ iS Si;. J (.c.i;: n^-'i'. *?•?*- *'^i".«v *'"•-'■ '■•".<5i ii»xx u.-' -C.5 . ' .'f..\^ ♦nj.(.' ??.cx oe,8 i?,V4 . • •■• • '•■' ^^.'.'■' ■v^2,-;'" >s.:.c <• • .r ■ Jw.f? vi.''' i\.C -''■•■:*■ j..r: ^♦'.s .•• !js.? '' ^^ac jij.'u na.M i»«Y 1 62.5 ■'^^' sf'.rr 'vr. ^:=.- pi'.o s"- '•■•^^ '■-'.t' ??-'^x "':-"' ?^.^ .'S.' f-?.' '^r .l>4^ TABLE 25 TEaiPERATURE IS DAVIS, YOLO COUNTY, CALIPOBNIA : Tear >. Uean temperature In ''F ' Jan. ' Feb. ' Mar. * Apr. ' May Jiine ! Ally , Aug. . Sept. ' Oct. ' Nov. ' Dee. | Annual Uean l926-i*5 '♦5 50 S** 58 6it 71 75 73 70 63 53 '♦fi *> I9U6 M» 1+5 52 55 «3 ^8 75 73 71 ^0 50 Mi 59 19»»7 kl 50 55 62 68 72 73 72 73 62 50 U4 60 I5W U8 1+7 50 53 61 70 7** 72 ij <3 52 '♦3 58 I5UJ 39 US 52 61 (5 72 7"+ 71 72 62 55 '♦3 59 1950 k2 50 50 60 65 69 77 75 72 64 57 50 61 1951 i»5 U9 54 58 66 70 73 73 72 6U 54 46 60 1952 44 50 51 60 66 66 77 74 7^ 66 52 47 60 1953 51 51 53 58 60 68 77 72 7'* 63 54 49 61 1954 47 49 51 62 66 71 77 70 70 63 52 44 60 Ui^an 1946-54 44 48 52 59 64 70 75 72 72 63 53 46 60 Mean of record 45 50 53 58 64 71 75 73 70 63 53 46 60 ^4 „ *' i • .-A ! — i~ ,«ijt. TJ«M .nqA , .laH ^ .drt [• ;««'. J ■■■» ■■ t '■■' I ■ r i II I ■ i»i I «.— i- ■■ ■ I" ■ II * !■■ ■ ^ — - .« -M*! p,\ t^ • ;:^ n *K a :--.3 «:??i eV ?^ ■ X'C *^i fl? c? r."- t* VttND MCWElffiNT AT DAVIS. YOLO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 6?) 1 y,^p , Total wind In mllee I J&n. I Feb. [ Mar. | Apr. \ May | June | July | Aug. j Sept. ! Pot. | Nov. ' Deo. | Annual Mean Ijzr-Uj l,W5 1,583 1,575 l,**?** 1,630 1,51? l,3'+6 1,162 1,151+ 1,080 1,035 1,320 16,363 I9I+6 1,62U 787 1,548 6U3 971 1,173 1,359 1,886 1,580 1,9U8 2,032 1,24^ 16,797 I9U7 1,1+30 1,100 2,o86 l,7U5 1,915 2,1+15 2,072 1,715 1,14140 1,782 1,9014 1,583 21,187 1948 1,694 1,933 2,349 2,375 1,755 1,837 1,782 1,511 987 1,271 1,936 l,8o4 21,234 1949 3,044 1,506 1,962 1,387 1,778 1,644 1,502 1,218 880 1,115 489 983 17,508 1950 1,169 1,315 1,596 2,206 1,549 1,732 1,509 1,368 1,377 1,804 1,182 1951 2,264 1,501 2,870 1,914 1,996 1,989 1,784 1,602 1,289 1,491 1,051 1,786 21,537 1952 1,998 1,492 2,559 1,981 1,602 1,475 937 1,046 843 564 522 1,014 16,033 1953 1,662 1,563 1,553 392 882 1,596 1,130 1,492 1,123 1,711 1,259 1,679 16,042 1954 1,868 1,318 1,676 1,571 1,917 2,027 1,940 1,945 1,523 1,977 1,088 1,351 19,801 Mean 1946-54 1,948 1,374 1,991 1,512 1,669 1,745 1,582 1,547 1,226 1,426 1,343 1,403 18,766 Mean of record 1,622 1,516 1,709 1,486 1,643 1,592 1,422 1,286 1,177 1,175 1,134 1,347 17,109 Mean mi. per hr. 2.18 2.26 2.30 2.06 2.21 2.21 1.91 1.73 1.63 1.58 1.58 1.81 1.96 AIIWWI^ . ' . . A-KMSiOa fiiiW -C^CH os%V ■"?C&,i ' oeoj- '^'^iJ •:?:.: ..".a«if . I " %!?,! 9^5^^' 4^rtJ,r ?t2-,i c?\t- ?<>« T^'Ctil Sr.i .s;v,i. • ^>r^; J <>&§J db-.;,i ^c€«'£ CU»' , T'^ 4^25,/ ,^»i^i" t8£»is'' e9e,x ' i'o^^jf 885:^c • o;!t'.- • ■ : .. v,* .i; " *■■ " ■■^•.' : • ',' ^4'e,i scs^s cQ<,r e^cx . ?^i^ • f^^^x tr?»is M^,i jRo,i xef,i efis,! scAti 4^6^,1 ^6^,1 if< J ;^i?»' -3,s io<:«JC «^,s X??X s^,5i; ft**! €? . ^ *p?, infc.pi i?.-,f ftSo.f T'^Pjf fS'^. I ;»*?,! c»^?,i ^w. . ' Ih' ^^o^^i fi}i,i -*ca,i f's. ^'i.r f.c^j 1 -1° TABLE 27 EVAPORATION AT DAVIS OAU, tlOJAVE COUNTY, AiUZONA Station! Loeatiea --•---•-•>.->•. At D«t1« Daa on the Colorado Rlvop. Lat< 35^ 12* N» Long. lltfO 3h* W. Elevation --------- ----^57 feot» Evaporation pant Type u. S. Weathop Bureau pan* Description ------------ Dlaaeter U feet, depth 10 Inohea, set on 2 z 1^ Ineh timber grlllt Authority for data ---------- D. S. Bureau of Reelaaatlen. Publication referenoe -------- U. S. Veather Bureau Cllmatologloal Data* Meteorologlo data ---------- Tenperature, wind* 1 j Jan. ^ fob. ^ Mar* ^ Apr. ^ May ^ I9U8 7.87 9.77 12.35 I2.2U 13.82 11.89 9*93 '♦.69 S.^W it.02 l9'+9 5.28* 3.88 6.09 9.19 11.1+5* 13.77 13.81 12.79 9.65 7.5'+ 6.3^ 3.99 IO3.60 1950 3.'*2* k.j3 7.76 11.30 11*95* 12.87 12.02 11.69 9.17 7.17 6.09 "4.31 I02.7U 1951 3.96* •+.83 10.25 8.87 lO.sU* 12,1+8 12,73 11.02* 8.83 7*27 i+,8l 2,89 98.1+8 1952 2.82 5.19* 6.3U* 7.8U* 12,98* 13.76 13.16 13.52 9.91 7.71 1+.69 3.33 101.25 1953 '+.56 5.02 8.00 9,38 11.98 13.78 13.'tl 12,5'+ 9.71 7.20 5.07 h,66 105.51 195"+ 3.22 7.1'+ 8.10 9.1*6 18.29 18.91 20.07 l9.'+8 16.71 12.37 10.06 8.70 152.51 i Teart ^■~ Evaporation In Inohe* 1 « Jan. t rob. 1 t Mar. i Apr. s May > June 1 July 1 Aug, * Sept. t JL Oot. i _£- Nov. 1 * Dee. Annual ■•an of record 3.88 5.18 7.77 9.'+o 12.79 13.97 li+.l"* 13.28 IO.56 7.73 6.07 1+.59 109.36 * Partly estimated. ^ AMOSXStA ^rW-s-- -"VSUyji ^a ?:'.•-? ?.«. ;^■••(•^\so-^^r' ♦M 'JI *{;<; ,**il ,nrvir. abaitolo^ silt no ««C afv^u : . - .p. -_-..., , , . .. «ciJijjoJ : .ijoiJ.n*flXo >f : . ,a ,"J - . • ...-._ ejjBb no? x^^'**>i*"^ '■ i i lain-.s;. .ocia .veH .*oO .*tj».3 .-..'". ' ■-Xot ' -a;(i x^^* . •f«jA ' •■"**' •<'•'* •"■ ■ i i SO.W o;!.? <(6,^ -l ^,sx ?c.;.: .; " ^(J.\ --- ; Ofi.tOi ??-f iiC-'^ •'^•^ C^-- ■ ' '■'^•^ 8e,£ »dS.? j tJt.soi XF..V e<>-5 tr.v ^:-'.>,5i *je.Xi ';r...u it-K «•** *S4J.£ o?^i | 3*'.8< »3.<; i«,4i : , .?x {U-.-rr *^o'''^ s;8.6 ^s^i ?:8.J i^^.e ! ?5./tox ec«C ^^'t* ^^.^ ^ ''\'-':i ';■■:.>-' *''8a"' *!->>;5 ♦ex.? s8.s iapt' j X?.?OX 48,1! r,>.,^ a.C.ri l:,l! .ie*? 0«-3 SO,? Jj.i ' X?.VX CKA ^C.Ct te»«i ' • '■■ ^5.?C &l*.^ OI.e *^I.r SJ.f ;*'-.po.' cci.** x>.;! e*^.^ 2?,or ,. .: .... / _, . oti.^ r?.*: ai.? bp.f tioectj 31 TABLE 28 EVAPORATION AT EAST PARK RESERVOIR. CaUSA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA (109) Station i Location -- — -- — -_--_- About three miles east of Stonyford, Lat, 39* 21* N., Long. I220 31' W, Elevation -_---__-- About 1,200 feet. Evaporation pan; Type --------I--- Ground pan. Description — -.-_-_ . Diameter k feet, depth 3 feet, set 2.75 foet In ground. Authority for data ---- -...--U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Or land Project. Publication reference -.-.--- . U. S. D, A. Tech. Bull. 271, Trans. Am. Soc. C. E., Vol. 90, and Bureau of Recltuiatlon operating records. Ueteorologlc data --«-_ Temperature. t Year 1 Evaporation In Inches . Jan. '. Feb. ; Mar. ; Apr. J Uay . June , July '. Aug. . • • • « Sept. J Oct. 1 Nov. '. Dee. , Annual Uean 1531-1+5 1.11 1.51 2.70 3.77 6.24 8.05 9.95 9.33 7.09 U.30 2.22 1.06 57.33 191+5 - 5.60 11.08 lO.UU I9U6 1.36 1.28 2.36 3.52 6.87 8.64 9,77 8.58 1947 1.6U 1.36 1.64 3.96 6.48 7.88 10.28 8.96 1948 1.20 1.00 1.52 1.76 4.36 6.12 8.80 8.76 1949 2.12 2.03 2.96 7.86 7.76 11.36 13.61 11.32 1950 1.16 1.77 3,94 8.02 11.04 n.94 15.60 13.32 1951 1.05 1.33 5.28 5.89 8.64 12.43 13.03 12.27 1952 1.08 1.94 4.02 6,55 9.75 9.17 13.19 12.19 1953 1.62 3.57 4.98 6.14 7.63 9.72 13.46 10.89 1954 1.76 2.22 3.08 5.31 9.43 9.80 13.96 10.95 8.09 4.16 1.52 .84 6.45 5.03 2.48 1.08 57.42 7.52 3.28 2.04 l.o4 56.08 7.12 4.04 2.22 .80 47.70 8.95 6.41 2.53 1.22 78.13 9.^7 5.68 2.37 .74 85.25 8.88 5.17 2.00 2.22 78.19 8.93 5.38 2.60 1.27 76.07 7.85 3.68 2.15 2.06 73.75 8.61 6.05 2.05* 1.22 74.44 Uean 1945-54 1.44 1.83 3.31 5.45 7.99 9.27 12.28 10.77 8.21 4.89 2.20 1.25 68.89 Mean of 1.64 2.94 4.43 6.93 8.58 10.96 9.9« 7.58 4.56 2.21 record 1,25 1.14 62.18 * Partly estimated. XC .M'i'junuki' «vT.ros)j Asi/jra ^(iiovsr'?'i<; ^at teas ta hc.i?a&:s-av2 ,.^ •!<; ^-•: ,*-3i ,lnetxf»ff, t» -1?ii9 ■•l/ir' 6»".rt* tfuot'A .* 'Xe -S2X .Rr!o:t ■ ■ ' ..Jsfll 002-,! *«0'.- ' ■ ,.3 ,0 ,so: ,rJi , «!<>,•*? . .s!!ioo« %fittv\9Hc atittsr'^tl'y , ■ *!■. j.; t-^r.itffiZ ^goffltofitsM : ; . t ^ t ^ 5 . .._Aj_^« : •.',*;* . »t'4»-. ec.^2 tfs.i £s.£ oe.4« «" ?b.8 ii5, S<.i '-'=.« 60.: 6:'.- eo.Sf5 A>.I }>0..C w;.^*' 06. ss.s ctA ss.r ?s.?« »^:. '• .; ?x.8^ £s;s 0"..£ ^f*.*^ ^S.i Od.S ?T.r ao.s 5X.? Xi^.c* e" ^r.$ 8'' 6*i.o d?. :?.X ' . S0«9 ti?.C ^•<: .a r-l.'^ ^^.^ ■4UI,4J^ SS.I •?0.i ?0.i Ir ^?.i>» es.i os.s ''°.-i f 8r.s* '"I./ i. . > 8?.t a?.§ a? ti?.*: .l>».ti ,7. • 32 TABLE 29 EVAPORATION AT ENCINO RESERVOIR., LOS ANGELES COONTY, CALIFORNIA inj) Stationt Location -.--•>--. -....On orest of Enoino earth dan at southern edge of San Fernando Valley. Lat. ■^k" 09' N., Long. Il8« 31» W.l/ Elevation ----.------ — Approz. 1,020 feet. Evaporation pan: Type ----- — ----.--.-0. s> Weather Bureau pan. Desorlptlon .- — ---- — — Diameter k feet, depth 10 inohee, set on 2 z 1^ inoh timber grill. Authority for data - - — - - - Los Angeles Dept. of Water and Power* Publication reference -------- None. Meteorologlc data --- — -- — - Temperature, wind. : Tear , Evaporation in inches t Jan. ' Feb. ' Mar. ' Apr. 1 May ' June 1 July ; Aug. ' Sept. * Oct. ' Nov. ' Dee. ' Annual i Mean lj32-»+5 3.26 3.08 4.72 5.92 7.71 8.14 10.48 10.14 8.24 6.18 4.70 3.02 75.59 l^ 4.5»* 3.53 5.19 5.50 5.60 9.24 10.57 10.65 9.12 6.56 3.56 2.48 76.54 19^7 3.92 3.33 U.62 6.56 6.1+5 7.13 U.75 9.88 8.96 5.68 4.79 3.58 76.65 I9>td 4.28 3.89 '+.25 6.2i 7.01* 7.43 10.58 10.94 9.40 5.95 6.18 3.00 79.22 I9U9 2.19 2.52 3.88 6.62 6.95 8.40 9.87 10.16 9.08 7.14 4.95 3.59 75.35 1950 2.(9 2.76 5.89 6.32 6.82 7.88 9.97 9.70 6.83 6.60 4.53 4.11 74.10 1951 2.91 3.03 6.03 5.35 6.14 7.60 10.56 10.20 8.04 7.59 5.13 2.20 76.78 1952 2.16 4.02 1^51 1+.87 8.30 7.22 10.87 10.61 8.89 5.72 2.88 2.37 72.42 1953 2.77 '♦.87 5.56 5.30 -8»91 8.68 11.37 9.91 7.91 7.62 4.33 4.64 81.87 I95U 2.39 '♦.53 3.86 1+.80 6.21 7.16 10.99 8.78 9.2* 6.47 4.58 3.32 72.29 Uean 3.09 3.61 I1.86 5.73 7.16 7.86 10.72 10.09 8.60 6.59 4.55 3.25 76.11 MMn of reoord 3.IJ 3.29 4.78 5.85 7.148 8.03 10,58 10.12 8.38 6.34 4.64 3.11 75.79 1/ Pan is exposed to north winds. :{,■ «■•'•-"- '-Psf-'-jWaAT; :v,.^ ■:■* (3.- tm;!*"' .'• ■' ■■•■ ; . .*-»ol OSO,! .su'i.;. - . - . ^ >siS.>v..i;i ^■^s■i ;5SW*'(«q«va .«■«} IWVWd 1«.H*«»';' ,?;^ .U ■• •■■.•- . - - KYl^-'' .'r;f-i-^ ';»;!.; M ; . ,•»«»*• fc-*)* --in^s:" '. , 1 .,........-•.;. . ■_:■<•■) -.u'^iii. ■; ... . «p»ioVI - . - ■ .laialei ; .'^ ■"■"'■■■ '-■ ■■'-■-'\,. :■::■■ ■ ■ .: ■ . ,.■ ';.v;-^T - '•+►•., . -.! t v" r ' ■■■*"' ^ r ictmoA '''Uda ' -.VoH ' .$aO * ^^^Z * ,^»^ \ >^l^ ' wx^. ^ v*^ ' .uqA ^ .^ *' '.'dot * ' iftjs'i J -- • | i.*>.iit....^X»W.»»M>HpjlT«>^M^i ■■■■?.>— -*.. ■■■J ..■■.>..,.,. I I ..t.,i.J., ■i.ii.^.*— .«^..».— ^-^v^tM*. W.;.. .. ■■ I 1 .u^.Li. ■* ■I..IWL ■'■■■ i^l. .^mm,l,„mmm: in ■■■?.. i»>- ... ■ Ifj e?»?t 'so,t ■9^»4' "-fi^.^ >:a'; ^^■\ V-.? "r. •.)'••• -So ..« as«e.-?.^sf?£i • ■'■'■ •■■ ■ ■: ■■:..> ■ -'-■ ■ •• .^. v..- ii.ix . 3?»i: ?':.4' 6J.C ov . •'^a'.,'j • ?i«.a ,:..Jip.^ sd,.i ?$.«: s^.? SS.tV. 00.5 , ei-^ >^'.': -^.': •■ as.i ?;,»' p6,e 3s. f* ^(;£ j 9t.J>x ns.s ;. ' ■ .ox- >?.^f" ca.-: rc.8 ?e.2 .,■. cr.c , <:o«c - ' - ' S^'.i'C TC.? 66.2 ■ , ^ • r(5.6 - -a;",,- .. ;■?.•■ t^.fl va.xe.. «d,f.. , si-f * ■ ' ' ■ ■ '■■'• • '■'^ '^ . .'^t.-? - ^ri?.? 'C^,.^ \K.: C2ei ! es.Vv. Sj£.f a?.*' fs.s; ^"^.S ec-i^x ^Tl'V x«.d - cSi*:-- 3?.::.. .f.?.»i, . ,.p?.-: ♦«?»x j ■W l l^ ^ .^ *».Uir V — %- W I.I WII^ K a.a^ ?s.c. ?2.«» w.^ cs.8 e.»,f.i M.^' <:?,- ^^?,v. :a.£ ^o.p ♦j?-^!; (;^,?< li.e ^.v 4e.4 et.S SX.0X"""6>.iJ£- eo.^ fiii.'\' ■■ !8.^-- ''■'■.*i . Pi.i: . ?X,C Jy?^r. , , y , 33 TABLE 30 EVAPORATION AT FAIBMONT RESERVOIR, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA (I2U) Stfttlont Location — - — - --_-_- About 17 miles wost of Lancaster. Lat. JU" U2» N., Long. 118* 1U» W. Elevation -- --------- 3,050 feet. Evaporation pan: Type ----------------- Ground pan. Description --- Square, 3x3 feet, depth 18 Inches, set In ground. Authority for data Los Angeles Dept. of Water and Power Publication reference - ----- Calif. Dept. Pub. Uks. Bull. No. 44. Ueteorologlo data -------- Temperature, wind. ! > Tear * Evaporation In Inches Jan. I Feb, | Mar. J Apr. ^ May . June . July ^ Aug. J Sept. ^ Oct. , Nov. , Dee. | Annual Mean X924-UU 2.1+2 2.?? 5,20 7.03 10.80 13,36 16.88 15.2? 10.53 7.OU k.2^ 2.35 ?8.33 2.56 3.72 2.61 8.26 13.05 18.22 15.31 '♦.35 2.80 1545 11.17 11.51 6.1+2 59.98 19it6 3.73 3.61 U.56 8.7't I0.U2 15.25 16.19 17. 3t 11.1+2 7.37 3.28 2,03 103. 9I+ I5U7 3.31 3.82 5.66 7.88 12.35 13.23 17.27 lit,67 12.60 7.21 1+.2I+ 2.82 105.06 19»t8 3.73 3.72 It. 1+1 7.25 11.20 13.00 17.95 16.10 13.06 7.1+2 5.20 1.71 10I+.75 I9U9 2.57 1.72 U.80 8.96 10.66 15.56 18.03 li+.69 13.21+ 7.83 ■4.57 2.15 10I+.98 1950 2.26 3.65 6.59 8.86 11.53 l't.53 18.18 17.19 11.06 6.59 1+.52 1+.I3 111.09 1951 3.07 3.'+7 6.80 7.21 12.52 II+.9I+ 17.63 I6.it4 13.'t3 7.96 3.92 1.70 109.09 1952 2.20 3.11+ U.86 6.71+ 12.1+8 12.00 16.16 15.73 11.16 8.81 3.23 1.53 98.01+ 1953 2.69 3.88 5.61 7.7'» 8.98 12.1+8 17. 81+ II+.92 11,1+1 7.59 i+.Uo 3.19 100.73 195't 2. 34 '♦.05 k.k2 8.32 12.1+3 13.19 16.25 13.68 11.00 8.51 1+.23 2.31+ 100.76 Mean 2.85 3.W 5.03 8.00 11.37 13.72 17.37 15.63 11.99 7.77 1+.19 2.1+U 103. 81+ lUan of record 2.56 3.15 s.iu 7.3»* 10.98 13.1+8 16.90 15.1+0 11.27 7.28 1+.22 2,38 100.10 et '•'"■ •■ ,,,. Oi 3Je.'.T ■ '•!..'■>.' .... ■■ ilM^O'ifl.U') . ,'CTJ<'»0 S3J30X.A :./J ^HiciaZtZR WaWHlA^-^.VKOTTiHCJVya '■' -' • ■„. . . 1-0 • ' ' •■''■ ■■ '■'■^f .inl .la^cecniJ Is *»«w tali's •^i'J-ptlfi."-' - - - j^ .t**) OJO4C - - -•"■. . - - - - srrcij-bnwo'!!! • biMM^ nl *«c ^aorianl Bit. rii'^afe" ii^»s\ (^ x t ,ensurS tiraity.ti. - - ;:(X?. ' i^fr.-tv^li i ♦t:^'rf. ,'ia-T ..-.;{ ' - V,-, 1 ftf . noJttsisqiHiQ >?. v.:r!. .•;«*T ."•jjA ."fep-'i .d«V . ,a»ii ice. 8? ?t.s --■'.'It 6f"?«^ 08.S ir'; >•> ♦«^;?0i to*?.- tii.C ^•:- ■ - iOf^m s^.s '?r.^lOX fiX.»£ OS. 3 Sti'.v S'^.rx b^Ml ■?/.'. .\C-tJ CP/^ l^S.Ti' ^o;iix tf-^ ■ rV.ii ^C.eOi-'f; . '-/."' *^\\-'- .?.».. Z^.li . 66. ^ ' ■ ^-- .fl • ::<^iy,'iii ^ co.v *■:.? V fr,?'. ts.rtf' 3o,if>'; 'Cin?i vs.^x rx-'ii P4,ei C';-\i t--V«:x 02. xx ?6.iix so.Sr ^5.'iix ,^,,ox ..?x,.tx sx'.'fex e:?.*'! Ct-^'- .■ Ujl.ix f'^..■!■.,- . i-,i,i: c^. ^ Xi»C -^ . ~- i* .— Hb.fM. \\'\ w ■■' t" •■..•> a 00 .v^ ?.i).c oi.o^x »e.s iv.4^ fti,^ •■ vjs.xx- !>ti.<:i t;..,-* 2ji.t TABLE 31 EVAPORATION AT FALL RIVER MILLS (NEAR), SHASTA COUNTY, CALIFCSOtlA (127) Station i Location -->-_-__--- About two miles northwest of Pall River Mill* and 3OO feet east of the Intake of Paolflo Gas and Eleotrlo Company Pit No. 1 power house. Lat. Ul* 01' N«, Long. 121'' 28 » W. Elevation 3,^ feet. Evaporation pan: Type — U. S. Weather Bureau pan. 1/ Description ... _. Diameter U feet, depth 10 Inehes, set on 2 x '^ inch timber grill* Authority for data ------- — --U. S. Weather Bureau, Publication referenee ------ U. S. Weather Bureau Cllnatolegloal Data* lieteorologle data _ Temperature, wind* Yj^j, Evaporation In inches .^ , Jan. Feb. , Mar. .* Apr. , May . Jua* July ' Aug. . Sept, Oct, [ Nov. * Deo. '. Annual Mean 1>25-It5 .95 1,1*2 3.20 I+.96 7.35 9.30 12,22 10.91 7.07 3.96 1.31 -70 6305 I9iti 2,1+5 5.92 8.57 9.26 9.96 9.30 6.8it 3.ltO 1,26 — - — — 1947 it.i8 7.U6 it.52 12,1+0 11,55 8.61+ 3.81 I9l»8 2.1+8 2.03 5.1+9 7.71+ 11.19 9.69 6.30 3,18 191+9 1.98* 6.50 6.79 10.10 12.27 9.9^ 7.**3 ^'05 LZ** — — 1950 2.73 5.75 7.95 8.97 12,79 10,57 6.10 3.32 1.07 .52 1951 3.51* 5.53 7.01+ 10.5I+ 12,93 10.91 8.10 3,09 1.31+ — — 1952 1.98 5,87 7.93 8.03 11.23 lo.'*2 6,1+1+ 3,73 —— 1953 6,05* 7.96 lt.71 10,37 7.96 '♦.it7 1.02 I95I+ „_ .. 6,31 10.03 9«'to I3»5l 10.1+3 8,03 — , jjjj:-— Mean Dee. IjW-SU 2.52 5.26 7.*t8 8,50 12.11 10.36 7.32 3.63 1.19 .52 58.69 IMan of Moord .95 1.1+2 3.03 5.05 7.39 9.05 12.18 10.71+ 7.1'* 3.87 1.28 .68 62,78 1/ Evaporation records In Bulletin 5I+-A for this pan appear In table 128. The records appearing In table 127 are for the floating pan. * Partly estimated. Arr*r<:TliiO .'••:i-fTO? ATSAS;. ,.:-:\^V ?J1JIM i?*VlS .Uf*"? tA !40I?A«a«l4TJ . .liffl-^. if-r-S no {"ei ■ t.-. •T—rfT^ ^ ..... . ,-;!ii!«i.r^ • - . , ' iii-:". •, .gw*' ] )ti«l '.»»•■■'- \ ■•-i • t ' ■ I M H I ' I — . . n«i t:^f»(: ■ ■ 1 ,d«i : •'"'• i ■ .J • ^'.' e^ft .<:' ^ ^.5 ■■ .. ?i«.S <\K C^.S tC.ii <+itQ*. li*i.i y'^'i .i*:?! J ':^?i '. - 1 ) ••f ^ ^-iKi 1 .- ... ■*( «c. -".r-.'jT.rjiTR. td.? St^A' di.:; ->^aT r" * Uf ^ ■*■«'■' ii»>« H I* .M-^. -^ , ., *-».i^-^-* ■■WW I III ■ II —I Wl ■! II ■ !!■■ .■».w..-».h- 0;. ..65.. ii Oii M^ "?»;: -^- r-.^ . r, . 5j 5i» o»t u 1? ' ' ^^ aa ■• ^i •.- .sd . r? .J.- »»; ^ f>i' Ot" ■ it iu s?' r-a ?? ?: ?? i? O*! ^. 1.1 r,- s. &e r-i 64^ h^ 1^ C? .65.. . . . ii Oii TABLE 33 VIND UOVEICNT AT FALL RIVER UILLS (NEAR)» SHASTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA (130) y,m. I toXal Tlnd In ml lea , Jan. I Fab. Uar. , Apr. May Juna Atly Aug. , Sapt. ^ Oet. Nov. , uae. Itaan Ijas-J+S 833 1,012 1,551 1,812 1,826 1,5?2 l,ft7 1,559 l,28x 1,028 815 728 15,684 1946 592 '♦63 1,232 1,353 1,150 1,553 1,»52 8l> 1,095 1,157 l,046 32"* ",836 1947 1,109 577 1,400 1,538 1,519 1,555 2,988 2,836 2,183 2,101 1,304 1,080 20,190 1948 2,365 2,265 2,472 2,885 3,160 2,107 2,267 2,028 1,498 1,266 1,250 1,199 24,762 1945 2,393 2,414 2,600 2,121 1,995 1,937 1,571 1,751 84l 1,322 1950 1,002 2,311 2,382 2,283 1,881 1,857 1,697 l,W9 1,769 1,066 735 1951 1,496 794 2,401 1,990 2,150 1,818 2,262 1,961 1,600 1,473 1,081 1,506 20,532 1952 886 2,221 2,514 2,352 2,380 1,927 2,019 1,274 568 690 921 1953 1,55^ 1,660 2,199 2,053 2,518 2,425 2,085 2,339 1,554 1,753 1,199 1,279 22,618 1954 — _ 2,572 2,729 2,814 3,037 7,791 2,l4l 1,992 — — Maan 1946-54 1,423 1,092 2,079 2,189 2,273 2,073 2,168 2,046 1,568 1,530 1,060 1,046 20,547 Maaa of raoord 951 1,033 1,702 1,929 1,965 1,741 1,803 1,705 1,367 1,179 882 816 17,073 Maan Bi. par hr. I.28 I.5U 2.29 2.68 2.64 2.42 2.42 2.29 1.90 1.58 1.22 1.10 1.95 4c s.l t t'A'Wf.'^ <1HTii -I*9Y jo:; , .5o« , ,ti,i , .-^.. _ . ♦ii^ ^t-v iHuA ^ t^ J ' 'V- . •■»-a*t , ^i^*^^ I •*««*► ^^i, ■' 6£o.,x xas,? L A A -?■ V « *. .If.' ; ■ •■• * ■'■ ■' » * S?'. <-8X,S 5e8.s 68p,s ??i»,i X4i5 «tj t\'=,; t«,i ?e^,. t8tl sw i»^X ■;^^ ?ox %? stM ?»S,5 ?^. ' w,? ■ *\ « i =* '., 'i; -'- 1 i : ■■- ^ ■• ?<"»pl , ■, «■» -'VO ?i':.C. <; ,,i OdO,X C^i!,l U65,I 54>0,S iiiX,: C^O^S CtS.i ?6i«S ?^3,S JfO^X CS»-",X ♦'2-*»*ff axa sos ?ri,x t^t^x eo<-,x eo8,i it'\, ^^^ >.;: ?\;.i '-i^.i 8j,x .id icq o^MJ^t 37 TABLE 31+ EVAPORATION AT FLORENCE LAKE, FRESNO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Station! Looatlen -->-.--->->--- West aide of Plorenoe Lako y>0 foot fpoD hoad- works tendor'o houso* Lat. 37° l6' N., Long. 1180 53' W. Elevation ------------- 7,31+5 foot. Evaporation pant Type ---------------- D. S. Weather Bureau pan. Description ------------ Diameter k feet, depth 10 Inches, set on 2 Z 4 inob timber grill. Authority for data - — ------- Southern California Edison Company. Publication referenoe -------- None. lleteorologlo data Temperature. Year , , t Jan. t Feb. Evaporation In Inches t ' liar. « t t Apr. i Hay t -1 . . « « • ' Jim* t July ' Aug. : Sept. ' I < t t . Cot. Nov. * I June • D«o. « Oct. IS^7 1945 1950 1951 1952 1953 195^ 7.35 6.69 6. 19 8.08 7.1+6 8.12 9.25 8.59 8.59 8.5U 7.91 8.92 7.58 8.18 8.13 7.05* 8. 30 8.0U 8.15 8.71 8.68 6.29 6.67 6.53 5.01 7.05 5.17 6.19 6.69 3.3> 3.'*7 3.70* '♦.30 4.90* it.9> U.8> 3k,l 35.'< 3't.5 36.0' 37.3' Mean of record — — 7.65 8.55 8.23 6.23 k,^ ? * Partly estimated. Ke il? sua AT •AV3 r.filfatZ won.. .a«{ twr .X SMfooi At naf ax. 3 c *^,4i \;i»? oe.d tFo.t ' ' fi.h »x,a iio.e es.c ,b»i0att»» ^tisl ■* 38 TABLE 35 EVAPORATION AT PRIANT GOVERNMENT. CAMP, FRESNO COUNTY, CAUFOFWIA Station: Location _-_-.__-_»» ORo quarter mil* north of Prlant. Lat. 3^' Jj* N*, Long. 119« Itjt W.l/ Elevation UOO fe»t. Evaporation pani Type U. S. Weather Bureau pan type.2/ Deserlptlon ----■. ..... Diameter k feet, depth 12 Inches, set on 2 x U Ineti timber grill. Authority f^r data ... U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Central Valley Project. Publication reference --U. S. Weather Bureau Cllmatologlcal Data. Meteorologlo data ----.------ Temperature, Tlnd. J Tear |, Ev^oratlon In Inches It:: :Jan. t Feb. : Mar. : : J 8 : : Apr. J « : t : : : t t : May : June : July : Aug. : Sept. t Oct. : Nov. : Dee. : Annual : t > : t t t : Mean 153M5 1.15 1.77 3.50 5.36 10.31 13.89 16.01 13.76 9.59 5.82 2.5"+ 1.33 85.03 19>^ .87 1.82 U.Ol 6.53 I9U7 .77 1.58 3.87 6.93 . 19^8 2.65 3.22 It. 1*4 5.37 I9U9 1.70* 2.29 3.86* 7.18 1950 1.51 2,24* 3.83 7.23 IJ51 1.27 2.16 U.65 6.96 1952 1.76 2.57 3.60 5.52 1.30 1953 2.58 U.78 7.53 195'+ 1.66 1.6k 3.17 6.04 9.1+9 12.88 lU.140 13.25 9.'*6 11.79 13.76 is.i+s 12.71 10.69 9.31 13.1'+ 16.51 IU.93 11,11 11.08 15.51 16.56 13.>K) 10.62 11.95 i't.'t7 17.3'* l'+.25 9.61 12.05 I'+.'to 16.38 l't.29 10.55 11.84 11.65 13.'*5 13.22 9.77 9.85 11.93 17.85 13.73 9-71 11,29 13.63 16.89 12.69 9«62 4.62 2.11 .•+3 79.87 5.37 2.26 1.46 86.64 6.42 3.89 1.28 92.27 7.27 3.31 1.71 94.69 7.07 2.26* 1.08 92.84 6.97 3.93 1.30 94.91 6.46 3.12 1.66 84.62 6.53 3.12 1.26 90.17 6.52 2,50 1.15 86.80 Mean 19^-54 1.50 2.23 4,02 6.59 10.96 13.48 16.09 13.61 10.15 6.36 2.94 1.26 89.19 Mean of record 1,37 2.07 3.82 6,10 10.68 13.66 16.06 13.67 9.91 6.12 2.77 1.29 87.52 ^ Instruments are exposed In gently rolling l««er foothill country on eastern edge of San Joaquin Valley. 2/ This pan Is reported as 12 Inches In depth Instead of the usual 10 Inches and to be filled with water to a depth of 11 Inches. * Partly estimated. at i,7x T- l-i^ntft/'Mt' ;. ilawf •*' y. S no ' • •; ,.-.-s rf j;'»i*ao»i.'. ----- •nt - «i ■'^tuA sMMaais BStCKAraBsriKS I ft »fc !■■■ i ; ii.i^ t 1 I ■ f ; v*qi»2 J .8J.A i 'iiwV XB> 3e:»; 15 ,«''■■, aaritMataanmiH ■Kix &e.a "?.e '.^> Ci-''' J^«''' ^'. '^^ ' *■ ' "■> .- :g.5: f?,.% /'.'.;; # ■ "MX C?.d "e.£ ' »• ' It.C "C.5 ?),!.»'• .. . -^ 43.XJ HX.^ ♦»o.e V''.Vi ??.n fS.^ fS.f '. > ■' '" Y^.i^L >0,?.I se.j ?j.ti '-■> e^.ix ^■^-.'.i. -c.v "''■.! ».t;f «.rx c3,5 t:«.^ et.** ■•.^•1*^ ?i.H A..:s Vi.C ^u )»M fl.pft 4s.X ^^ ^i. /■J P-.^T W.ei h^c.-ll fjj.d v->.*i ^5,CX i'^.i-'' *>..')I W.S 'JJ.C «4MtMi#a« iX*vjs^ *i i9 Ti3(PEBA.rU6{r AT FVANT OOVEaNUSNT CMf,. FRESNO CODtlTY^ CAUFQRNU (X35) i Year » Um& temperature la "F t { Jan. < « ( 2 Feb. 1 liar. ^ Apr. ;"^ t t 1 : t t * , June J Ally , Aug. , Sept. ^ Oot. ^ Nov. . Dee. , Atinual Mewl I9U? MS U6 50 53 58 M 7« 82 78 75 « 5>» W «2 I9U6 l4U if8 53 ex 67 73 81 81 7»^ 62 50 ki 62 I9U7 Ul 51 57 6y 73 76 78 77 77 65 50 k5 <3 I9U8 51 l4« 51 58 <3 75 80 78 7k 65 53 "♦3 62 l?"*? 3J W 53 63 67 77 61 76 n 64 61 U6 62 1950 •♦3 52 53 62 68 73 8U 6e 73 66 58 51 6>» 1951 U5 50 53 60 67 7U 79 78 75 6k 55 Ml 62 1952 M» «»? W 62 73 70 83 80 77 n 5»» •♦7 <3 1953 50 50 5"+ 60 62 70 81+ 77 77 65 5< ltd <3 1951+ U7 50 52 63 70 73 83 76 72 65 S"* Uh 62 Mean 19^6-5't ^ Uj 53 61 68 73 81 78 75 65 54 1(6 62 Uean of reoord k^ 149 53 60 67 73 82 78 75 66 54 1(6 62 «c ■.f,:' l-.iA'-- JiMt ■■■ ■■iiiTli '" I .m,' — .^-.^ ... - — ^A. . — — [-y y— .— ..^^„.^ ,-- ... -j i p-j^^j p .."VWC*'."*'***"*'*'" ■'■■**^* * **"**•*■ '"'"■»^'* ■ " *■■'* "'" ■'* " ' '*' " ^' -■»M^«^iii*i ■ j i.'i' — ■ 1 M.~ . A III ri irf I I .■111 x.—, ,^ — i:.,,^.— ■■.,^^.;i..,:'.^^A."..v..;^^—^- ' .r,. ,, ^,..-. ; .—, . .|_,,. . ...fa. .. ^^a..^ — -«^.. ■ . i-i ■ "^ . r m i n iM ^' , .. S't /S5 . '^? -.^ 3? ^' ""J »9 't^ fV* «^ viV i^ no 't*« *»? .-' "8^ -■>? ■s ■ r^ th ♦I;! +!<: '.* ;' .•^'' "^^ Xi * r.? t^;-' W ei ^j iv! t:^ 8? re ?.-i ^5 ei ^:e ^ -_, <:S (C ,■> ■V . .'J e? (15 e^ SJ I'l' t^ ch ♦ie 0? ri se ^i K-J fi ti -Sti »ie .^a ..?t a? /« c\ ;i«> id c? ?>> ■ si -■^' ■.':: ■»■ Vd li c? Uo TABLE 37 WIND MOVEMENT AT PRIANT GOVERNMENT CAMP, FRESNO COUNTY, CAUPORNIA (136) t t Total wind In miles , Jan. , Peb. j Mar. , Apr. , May , Aine , July , Aug. , S«pt. , Oot. , Nov. , Doo. , Annual M«an l939-'+5 l,^i 1,593 1,51? 1,340 1,661 1,930 1,771 l,'+83 1,185 1,119 1,0^5 1,297 17,38* 19I+6 601 1,075 1,5't'* 933 1,336 1,633 1,'*18 957 7W 600 833 556 12,4314 1947 550 61+7 8U8 876 1,312 1,892 1,792 1,559 1,212 1,324 933 1,048 13,99; 1948 1,051+ 1,567 1,682 1,536 1,609 1,742 1,758 1,505 1,150 1,01»+ 1,006 1,212 16,84; I9I+9 1,276 1,31+1+ 1,803 1,093 1,608 1,516 1,293 1,220 860 774 l,oi+3 1950 1,267 1,046 1,097 913 1,338 1,831 1,601+ 1,265 1,002 997 970 868 14,19< 1951 969 916 1,160 1,254. 1,916 1,750 1,579 1,331 1,066 1,200 1,180 1,1+78 15,79' 1952 2,11+5 1,385 2,379 1,202 1,455 1,606 1,138 971+ 909 585 897 1,659 16,33' 1953 1,401+ 1,1498 1,858 1,894 2,331 1,848 1,786 1,662 1,255 1,357 1,520 1,382 19,79f 1954 1,996 1,515 1,826 1,216 1,914 2,438 2,042 1,855 1,487 1,245 1,117 1,322 19,973 Year Mean 1946-54 1,274 1,221 1,577 1,213 1,646 1,806 1,601 1,370 1,076 l,04o 1,026 1,174 16,024 Mean of redord 1,341 1,370 1,554 1,264 1,652 1,861 1,675 1,419 1,124 1,077 1,034 1,228 16,59? Mean ml. per hr. 1,80 2.04 2.09 1.76 2.22 2.58 2.25 1.91 1,56 1.45 1.44 1.65 1.90 w "'■ rkSJowM mm 08l..t n:)s,r ^>'>,! '^Xu'' , l».'4ii^ ,n(}A"j .li.- J-, .Jb*?. , .a*. ■i. '■•\.,? ex? \v;o.i" ^■'*o:i f?s,f ■ ■ ■'■-■:, i o:ir,r ^.r A:^ r '.I '■^X. r??i .•(^ £ ♦ieo.x. v^,i r>?.i ?J-,x -^Kf ' 54.; 1^ i.\.f,S i'i^^i !ii,i ci^ ^l C-'U' ^'^vi- :-A* ; ■!■!■ I ■* ^»-*» .1. -I ..■ .■I...I . .— • »;.iw»....ii...» » ■■»ii. » *«.i w ii 1^/-*^ ■! itwffi :,/ 0\e.; lv^^^ 5cC,> 'cHi,;.r f:X\^x Vvc^i u;.^' i\',i tv-iWifl ;.'.x o«.i l^i' ■il rji^ • la -;aPJ ■ L " "0-5 . *IO,S 08.; f xs:ssrssi^xss .:i-3 1»1 II TABLE J6 EVAPORATION AT GIBRALTAR RESERVOIR, SANTA BARBARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA St&iloni Location ----------- — -At Gibraltar Reservoir on Santa Tne« River 7 *« 8 Bille* north of Santa Barbara. Lat* 3I+" 3I* N., Long. II90 37' W. Elevation ---- ------- Apprex* 1,210 feet. Evaporation pant Type U. S. Weather Bureau pan. Description -- -------- -- Dleneter 4 feet, depth 10 Inehes, set on 2 x U Inch timber grill. Authority for data ---------- Santa Barbara Water Department. Publication reference -------- None. Uetoorologlo data ---------- Temperature* ( Tear j Evapore.tlon In Inohea t t Jan. • Feb. • Mar. ' Apr. J : May ' June « July • • Aug. Sept. 1 « Oot. 3 •• Nov. t « Deo. : ' Annual i Mean I93IJ4U 1.29 1.62 3.79 5.12 6.83 7^9'^ 9.66 9.16 7.36 5.09 2.83 1.32 62.21 xs^s 1.51+ 2.12 2.91 5.51 6.30 7.31 9.36 8.59 7.31 U.52 2.7it 1.1+8 59.69 I9H6 1*92 2.1+1 3.82 1+.66 k.3k 7.1+8 8.88 9.06 7.50 l9«+7 1.56 1.9^ 3.50 1+.8I 6.72 8.19 10.01 9.31 6.65 5.02 2.92 1.7't 6U.37 I9I+8 2.1+5 2.78 3.32 1+.3I 6.21 6.61 8.95 8.76 8.06 It. 58 3.38 1.39 60.80 I9U9 1.05 2.12 3.39 5.35 £.68 8.1+2 10.20 9.11 8.09 5.18 3.05 1.U8 6U.12 1950 1.35 2.25 I+.58 5.98 7.18 8.16 9.58 9.72 7.02 5.12 2.1+2 1.1+1+ 6U.80 1951 Uk6 2.30 I+.7I U.90 7.60 8.1+2 10.56 9.85 8.38 5M 2.52 l.OfI 67.11+ 1952 1.21 2.68 3.06 1+.66 7.32 6.95 9.22 9.39 7.68 4. 98 2.02 1.01 60.20 1953 1.76 3.15 1+.60 5.10 6.1+8 7. 01+ 10.55 9.06 7.61 5.21+ 2.66 2.05 65.32 I95U 1.51 2.60 3.03 5.35 6.88 7.92 10.11+ 8.11 7.76 Mean l9^5-5»t 1.58 2.1+1+ 3.69 5.06 6.59 7.65 9.7»+ 9.10 7.81 5.01 2.72 1.1+5 62. 81+ Uean of record 1.1+2 2.09 3.75 5.09 6.72 7.81 9.69 9.13 7.55 5.06 2.79 1.39 62.1+9 la :lJ.' Wi((tL"iA- ■IW8 no .:,iKSiU -j-i i-.vit4J»«UVS iaal/«J3 f* X J. res j«e .r..iM<~.i» •! !■; ., .. _ - _ tr;> T 3S „L,„ ,•-■:> .,., ',. ','„ ti.f? SJ-.i ;f^»S 8?.tJ ? 'i. ^ , ' ■ ,J SI.S ■ I ■ 08.0* $5.i 35.5; B-?.^' xn.S .rr.i' ?5.i hri.i ^i.e tJJ.s 8$..( anHHMa .^.i r.s ?t.c •f'.s sti.x H8 TABLE 39 KVKPORAnom AT OIUNT LAKE, UONO COUNTY, CALIP<«NIA Statleat Leeatlon .... On Ruah Cr««k, tributary to Uono Laka. Lat. 37^ 50' v.. Long 11?" 06» W. Elevation ----- — Approx. 7»130 f««t« Evaporation pani Type neatlng pan* Dosorlptlon ------------ Square, 3x3 feet, depth l8 Inehes. Authority for data ---------- Los Angelea Dept. of Water and Power. Publication reference ---- — -- None. Ueteorologlo data None. Tear s Evaporation In Inches T . , , Total 1 Nov. Dee. , Apr, - , Jan. , Feb. , liar. , Apr. \ May , JUna , July , Aug. , Sept. , Oct. Nov. Mean 15i41-Mt 6.12 6.31 7.00 6.55 8.13 6.3U 5.53 3.97 151+5 I9I+7 I9U6 I9U9 1950 1951 1952 1953 195'* —— 6.06 7.5? 6.7U 6.93 4.26 __ — — — 6.92 8.54 7.17 6.66 14.89 — — l».>»0 6.05 7.53 9.38 8.96 5.0I4 4.88 >-— 7.63 7.00 11.60 7.51 4.82 4.57 — 5»26 7.51 8.59 8.13 7.13 5.36 1.47 3.28 5.18 7.15 7.62 8.01 5.60 't.S? 6.02 6.I46 8.75 9.24 6.15 5.73 6.19 5.97 8.68 6.99 5.42 3.32 U.75 5.96 5.75 8.66 6.01 4.71 — — 6.88 7.05 8.56 8.I40 6.61 5.23 Uean 191+5-54 — - 3.85 5.97 6.79 8.24 8.15 6.35 5.00 3.02 47.37 Mean of reeord — >• >.. - 4.64 6.07 6.84 8.31 8.1$ 6.53 5.28 3.65 49.47 >ffZ *Kt: .»«a .= <3 /f»«ii oO (ICj^-Jji'toJ ■■■■( ■ » ' ■" ■' ■" ' • ■ y i— lafti T ■ ' i ■smT . "i '■ :-;^n ■i i' wosl * t ~ ■ ■-■ : ?%^ ■ — .C . Ci rr- H t- i *' ■■■' "» ?.n.a it' \ '5;i.a,, j»^.t S&.^i s^.e «<».?'• 00^ iit:.^ ?/.3 t's.S et.i \i*i 58«C ««- l€. on»se"l 'i ki TABLE kO EVAPORATION AT HENSHAW RESERVOIR, SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA (152) Stations Looatlon --.--...---. --On San Luis Rey River. Lat. 330 l4' N., Long. ll(° U6' W. Elevation 2,700 feet. Evaporation pans Type ----»_--__ Ground pan* Description — ---.. Square, J x ^ feet, depth I8 Inohes, set in ground 15 Inches. Authority for data -.--■. ... San Diego County Water Co. Publication referenoe None. Ueteorologle data ---------- None* ■ ' ' 1 ' ■ ' ' — — ^^__ ^ Evaporation In Inohea ' Jan. ' Feb. ' Mar. ' Apr. ' May ' June .' July | Aug. J Sept. \ Cot. ^ Nov. J Deo. 1 Annua Uean 1922-U5 2.00 2.03 3.31 '♦•30 6.7h 8.28 9.98 9.55 7.27 5.09 3.2U 1.99 63.77 191+5 — - l^ki 2.52 2.26 3.00 4.92 I9I+7 2.0U 1.92 3.48 5.76 I9I48 2.64 2.52 2.78 5.16 I9I49 1.92 2.88 5.64 1950 >96 2.04 4.08 5.76 1951 1.20 1.92 4.44 4.80 1952 2.64 1.08 4.44 1953 2.16 3.00 3.96 5.04 195't 2.62 3.36 4.40 6.18 7.68 8.16 10.06 10.08 6.84 10.20 10.08 11.28 7.92 8.64 13.20 9.48 8.16 9.24 12.12 11.28 6.84 10.20 11.28 10.56 7.68 10.20 10.68 10.08 7.80 9.24 10.08 10.68 9.24 10.56 11.52 11.88 8.03 9.38 11.89 11,14 8.94 10.30 6.96 5.52 3.24 1.68 8.28 4.32 1.68 1.32 66.72 — 5.16 2.76 2*40 9.00 5.28 4.68 1.80 74.66 8.28 5.28 3.48 1.92 7.20 6.24 3.60 2.76 71.28 9.00 6.24 3.36 3.12 71.88 8.88 8.04 3.60 1.44 8.84 6.25 3.39 3.«5 76.73 Mean l945-5»* 2.02 2.40 3.34 5.30 7.91 9.61 11.21 10.72 8.30 5.81 3.31 2.23 72.16 Mean of record 2.00 2.13 3.32 4.58 7.11 6.68 10.33 9.88 7.54 5.29 3.26 2.06 66.16 f.-' .•.i.i'hi^"<-.'3 , , ••!'.■-.;. a.-*l'jO'«0 .,.-..» - » ^ ~ .7. r^-irsa; rrry- -«r^ TS::. " . -, .. >■ ^«»'w.g.;~ ■ 'I " ; I tuxtX' sr.d?' -^;.'^ .V.-J ■ I .-T . ,:.M.. h':. >>.;'•: .'>ifl;i •■?^.'' S<;„' vetf : .-j^i ; .isl* ; • .cf»T-. .art ' ^ . lit .III 'ill [ ■ 111^ I I* ic.5: " (.v.- .... ot:.i-i ;. ■-' i. -:: ■ .^Ji.S 2>:.J "o»f; -.= ■k.CX i'S.B SQ.-^ c';.c aii.c £?./ »*o.s t^k;: 8s .« SX.3 ^.",0! '6:'^,fr oi,ni >iii.b ^ii,,? 8b, ^ ^ '6»,ix ^:*;i: ijifi -^>..: • "k*it i^eixx er'.t: tc-6 ■^■:_> ■_•::- 'fir.ox ii^",2 i*a.C BlMT ^e'. '■•;:'ef r>6.4' Ui;,.! .;- , .Jij.+i fO.J i-. . ^.? i?".( 00. r ou . ',«i .^I.a (iM.*! .. ^'<.< Sd.S, . - ; u^.*» iC.C ;i:.iii- TABLE kl EVAPCRATION AT IRVINE, ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 1/ Station! Location -- -------«-~>~ 350 feet east of Irvine railroad station* Lat* 339 1+1 • N., Long. 1170 1*6' W. Elevation •.-.... -.196 feet* Evaporation pcuit Type __-_--,_--.--_ U. S. Weather Bureau pan* Description ■.------ — ... Diameter 4 feet, depth 10 Inches, set on 2 x 1+ Inoh timber grill* Authority for data >•.>----■.-. Orange County Flood Control Dlstrlot. Publication reference >---■.■>-- None* Meteorologlc data --_ None* Tear «_ r Evaporation In Inches Jan* Feb. I Mar. j Apr. | May | June ' July | Aug. ' Sept, ' Oct. ' Nov. Dec* Annual 1946 2/ 3.51 3.37 5.02 >+*50 7.03 7.38 7.'t5 5.59 1+.9I 2.12 1.50 I5U7 2.1+9 2.20 U.Ol 5.86 5*1+8 6.1+1 8.03 7.68 5.87 1+.02 3.21 3.1+2 58.68 I5M 3.72 3.65 1+.22 5.85 6.20 6.56 7.39 7.37 5.95 3.81+ 4.80 2.37 61.92 lj4j 2.89 2.0I+ 2.29 5.07 5.65 7.37 7.X3 7.1+2 6.10 I+.63 3.50 2.11+ 56.23 1950 1.71 1.81+ 1+.21+ 5.25 5.78 7.03 7.81+ 7.20 5.65 1+.86 3.50 2.26 57.16 1951 2.51 3.03 6.00 5.07 6.1+8 6.68 8.22 6.97 5.1+8 5.10 3.16 2.66 61.36 X952 1.92 3.1+6 3.74 1+.11+ 7.28 6.1+7 8.26 7.51 6.32 3.72 3.28 1.92 58.02 1953 2.1+3 it.1+5 5.08 5.13 8.1+2 7.20 9.13 7.37 5.71 5.68 3.1+2 I+.52 68.58 195^ 2.71 1+.15 I+.62 It. 62 5.86 6.68 7.95 7.37 6.12 4.70 s.i+s 2.58 60.79 Mean of record 2.55 3.15 1+.17 5.11 6.18 6.83 7-93 7.37 5.87 4.61 3.38 2.60 59.75 \/ This pan was moved from Huntington Beach where records «ere kept from I934 to 1945. The Huntington Beach record appears In Bulletin 54-A. j/ Pan Installed January I8, 1946. tiji X4 SJIAt \£ An«Hitjio ^rmm ^mam ^ivftx u »uTA»<]Ava :i.r. -••-■-• »■ ■■■■ ' ,■■■ ,«»«-_--- d«ini »< X K nil *»• itettont i, . t,T-" ' I ■ ■ ."^ -. . '^ -.{S » , ,.- ' ...-T * ie.i* «?,♦• ic..<;^ ve.*: » fTftV ae.i Si«S k*^ eOA ; i^<" «i.e? ' fi^^t ■■ *s.5: ' -soil! . ta^'^ "di.<- (0,8 i;««*d M*^ M.^ 'lo^a os.s AS.«i I«.C !«*? tt.t ^.d OS,S '?8.3 SS,4J ?ii.t I .' ■■ ' ■'3.-C £5.^ Oi.i si'.t f:x.^ - -1 * ?»«3 to;? ?s;i lic.i ?8,s ??.s 9?»e; d«,*« !&.? ->-»->-. -At Uetropolitan Water District's Cajaloo reservoir, 5 miles south of Arlington. Lat, 330 51' N., Long. 1170 26» W. Elevation ------------- 1,U00 feet. Evaporation pan: Type — -.---..---. U. S. Weather Bureau pan* Desorlptlon ------------ Diameter k feet, depth 10 inehes, set on 2 z ^^ Inoh timber grill. Authority for data -.----.. Metropolitan Water District of Southern California* Publication referenee -------- None* lleteorologio data ---------- Temperature, Kind. J Year t Evaporation in inches j Jan. . Feb, j Mar. 1 Apr. j May j June | July | Aug. ^ Sept. 1 Oct. . Nov. . Deo. . Annual Mean 1939-45 2.80 2.90 U.1+3 5.67 8.33 8.9U 11.20 10.22 7.93 5.92 1+.26 2,80 75.'+6 191+* '♦.27 19H7 3.26 I9't8 U.93 19't9 2.63 1950 1.87 1951 2,41 1952 1.82 1953 3.0U 1954 2.68 2.98 3.2U 4.08 2.67 2.51 3.27 2.84 4.24 3.29 4.76 4.55 4,25 4.10 4.98 5.78 4.01 4.94 3.44 5.06 6.14 7.23 6.56 5.39 4.49 4.39 4.64 5.34 7.19 8.82 7.4o 7.30 7.15 7.07 5.14 9.31 7.68 8.61 9.66 11.01 9.'^ 9.57 -—1/ 13.15 10.91 10.69 8.76 10.22 7.47 9.55 7.59 10.99 8.79 10.89 10.66 9.59 9.5't 10.92 9.1+7 8.13 10.68 9.66 7.97 6.20 7.13 8.58 8.21 5.22 7.10 5.18 5.02 6.02 5.56 6.60 5.93 3.14 5.06 5.66 3*91 4.69 3.36 2.88 3.35 y Pan noved to island in lake August 1, I947. 2.11 69,33 3.70 2.54 82.56 3.12 74.71 3.58 71. SI 2.29 68.00 1,98 69.67 4.16 72* 80 Mean 1946-54 2.99 3.24 4.53 5.'t9 6.93 8.46 10.43 10.46 8.32 5.83 4.01 2.94 73.65 Hsan of reoord 2.9I 3.09 4.49 5.57 7.58 8.70 10.84 10.35 8.14 5.87 4.13 2.87 74.54 ?i^ i\i 3J8AT . ii: \: :■■■■'■■ '<■:■ .Cf... .•..■I^v , ■ : .-: ,.K 'ic «tC fJ'-aJ .«e*s^i£-iA 'j -1; • •!,; ■ ; ; • • f • • » "' ■-•■?- ^*-*' , • ".' ' '•'^'.a^:,']^" ' '*• *'— ■•i • — .# -.1,.. .__ II. 1.1 ""..I ...-?■ 'i^'. •ii'.'.', r ,.i ,-■' -«i->iiiii.. HI..' .,:,. ■!..:. i. . '.''-.'L''^' — ' " ' ■ — '~~—— — ■•■. ..,.— ..j- •^ »«"! - i I null a*«.?^ eS.s i%,4 i^^ 'sp'.t" ss;oi •■•o?,ir ■ <='t.ft-- •" rf,6. ■ -.^^j.^-.i cV"*^ ...j.P?.t.,u^^ •_ tc.p^ li.i . .♦!;.*£, ..,>5i2.. e^'P... "C^»? •^•> -Tce ^ce ^■^•^: 3v,^ a*.? . . ."- ''i Zii:. ctit :,r ^i.^ 8c.»i I|V5 ■ ^.. ' 4 •wA'd ■?&■;* ^t'.: ■*?>? ti*'C »i?.*>^ r?..?; .5-»*,J' c-f^^ 'i.^'-.:' .^v.? ts.j i*-' a '^^.^^ 8?.i ■SS'.S "ad*^ se.OX f?..0£ .Q^.i' .^,'C ^i.^ .xo.+> »«.$ s£ 5 a&i^. J^i^i -^Rie !f<>.? -K.S .^^u^. ,.';3.,ai ,.?t.S .•mx.^ ♦»&-;'■ «f?.4i <*£.*■! »»c. i '^-i:S. •■■-a;_ \_*i. -i.-*. :-,.- .-^— --.r-; .^:— .fj--- 3;— r .:!'♦'*? v;^«C 8^' ''.I I'lii' If";*,) ■>iiii 1 1 aa.ct ri^.v }£'>"'' r3.r' "'si; .s'''" '^»'-',ei -c^.ox- ■-'i^-'-.a {;?.■>- -?**•?• xs.i^ ... ♦'j8.«£ .._g.c-.:„ :..,..,,' •AMWy^ ♦J?.!^ S*8.s ?t.*^ -^vQ" '■•f^X.6. 'ec-w ^8.-"'X n>^,»" Pj.v • VI"'- .^Jr'.-' '•1«-.ll^ .^♦^pr ,1 *5' ;,rA 9:4eX at iMlst ot be- TABLE 1*3 KVAPORATION AT LAKE O^NEia, SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CAUFORNIA Statlent Location ---------••---■.On east shoro of Lake O'Neill at Pendleton Uarlne Base. Lat. 33<» 15» N,, Long. II70 IJ' W, Elevation ------------- I50 feet* Evaporation pan: Type ---------------- U, S. Weather Bureau pan* Description ------------ Diameter k feet, depth 10 Inohea, set on 2 x U inoh timber grill* Authority for data ---------- Soil and Water Conservation Researeh Branch, Agrl. Res* Serv* Publication reference ------ -- None* keteorologlo data ----- ----- Temperature, wind* - Evaporation In Inches I Jan. . ?eb. . Uar. . Apr. Kay ' June ' July ' Aug* * Sept. Oct. Nov. Deo. ' Annual j Installed 3/1/53 1953 - 't.fiS '+.91 7.60 6.59 8*66 8.49 5.1+1 6.08 3.58 U.27 , 195"+ 2.21 U.57 3.93 U.75 6*09 7.86 b»2k 8.07 6.60 5.16 3.80 2,92 64.20 Mean of I record 2*21 l+*57 U.29 >l*83 6,84 7.22 8.U5 8.28 6.00 5.62 3*69 3*6o 65.60 JUI ij.iii .amiM ,111. I iiLiii I 11. 1 m I, 1.11 ,111. Ml. 11 jM^ jl i nimi i ^ i w ■ mw J i - ' J '! ' i' ' i m y " rr i rg i i^m i iii TEUPERATURE AT LAKE 0*NEIU., SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CAUFCSWIA Y I Mean temperature In "P ' Jan. ' Feb* ' Mar. ' Apr. ' May * June ' July ' Aug* ' Sept. ' Oct. ' Nov* ' Deo* * Annual 8 i t 5 I t I 8 ; t t t 8 1953 57 61 61 68 74 72 71 69 6U 5^ — 195't 51 59 53 57 60 63 72 69 67 61 60 55 61 Mean of record 5I 59 55 59 60 66 73 70 69 65 62 5U 62 WIND MOVEMENT AT LAKE O'NEILL, SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Year Total wind In miles Jan* J Feb. ^ Mar* ^ Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct* Nov. * Deo* Annual 2,2U8 2,6U6 2,781 1,972 2,190 2,135 2,267 1,912 1,683 2,059 1954 1,819 1,849 2,231 1,520 1,548 1,563 1,495 1,566 1,492 1,419 l,l4l 1,315 18,958 1953 Mean of record l,8l9 1,849 2,24o 2,083 2,l64 1,768 1,842 1,850 l,88o 1,665 1,412 1,687 22,259 Mean Ml. per hr* 2*44 2*75 3.01 2.89 2.9! 2.46 2.48 2.49 2.61 2.24 I.96 2*27 2.54 !••:■ •» jp ■ 't iiaSWWAC . -^- mi t^^fi^.t'f^n-tdtom^ (fa<8 » .• - . Of :,«»-- -r-r.- •Cr-.M 8?,]? Sc«^ t4^«e ^tJ** W. e?,-f-?^ .■■\ ' -'^•■-' '^ " ■■ 'ek$ t^'i'S »ii.-! Lo.s c ? fe»fX«' 0^.?^ oj.^ ?**( siii$ oe;o 8S.6 e»*,d ss.v n^sV i.5 ■--ja ooatc ..a?:. "tSAU TA KrjtAa2M («Xh ?ef»,S e8»,X 5Xt,f '^S^S KM «t«tS S^ti i8f«S ^t.25 4.44 4.88 3.08 3.55 3.36 4.60 4.70 3.39 2.59 3.23 4.42 4.53 3.37 1.47* 3.15* U.I5 4.91 4.80* 3.32 1.98* 5.16* 6.76 5.94* 3.52* — - 5.48 6.37 5.24 3.71 1.23* 4.71 5.65 5.62 2.89 1.37 4.57 5.95 5.20 2.78 1.20* 5.36* 4.72 6.26 5.49 3.44 1,74* Mean l9i4^5U - 3.62 4.4c 5.48 5.1^ 3.28 1.50 18.32 Mean of record — — . ^»— ^ 3.89 4.38 5.56 5.64 3.98 2.31 19.56 1/ Land near station slopes east on about a 10 percent grade. Station Is near mouth of Truekee River. Hl^ peaks of Sierra Nevada lie to the vest. Lake Tahoe lies to the east. • Partly estimated. ^«J }itl lif^tA .ryl ■ i W' %t \- ja— ^.L » S . S J t s . ..'182 * .Md Vj^ft*? ^ . «»«0 I .l«|«2 j .J^ j tfe* I sa^Ji ' 'tea • .i(jA'i f'T'^M ' .4 i m ii l i l I 1 I m il t i i r i i « i |» i; j ii . t wm : .i i .l ! ,, I H' 1 1 , j i n ' H ' 1 . . i i ^ .r ' ■ » ^.^.^ -■-■■■ . • ' ■ * * ,^ I "■ ■ -- -^^-s XS..-■: ;/\.s os^ ??.«! ^*t» ■"■--»- ■ — .- -.-_- — „. -..-.- .^fitj.x «ji(i,e ?»i.? 88.a St.'' '*3c.< — — ■ »l»l ■■■■! PII H 1 !■■ II Ml »■ » > <■■■■»■>»■»»— 1^—— Mill ■! ■ ■ _ - ; ■ I l—I H IW* - M—>««»MII ■< ■■J - I II H ■ * ■ ■ .Wl ■ ■ ^«^WWil^^^^^yW^^*r^»M^III «! l l 1 1 1 l H W » I ■» 1 1 1 '■ - — ^ — — *o5,x teU »x.? e**.? oji.*' s5.£ -i— ■ ■I ■ I ■ l u i MUM i « ■ 1^ »ii' M i-i^wan iiii»»< w <" ■■ - -— .HI— iM^»1iii«i I mm I i mwn ■ —wM m r n — —»■»>*■*■— O — > ■ ■i|i' ■!■ iiim u ie. ■ if.t« ae;« ■■■ -*.,...^.i'-^ ---— ^. ■■ ,. „.,„■ ■* ^. i^ oc ?ij 3** 1*"^' el' 5S 4?g ^ ."* si St cc OM ^^ ,?3 Lh te ^4^ OJi K' ^ ■ 3t' H ?»1 f!? B? s? X3 I> 0|i f fyi f«t H ?^ r* ?2 52 ■ se S** et t' ;■• i'' '• ■: ■■ II ■Will I II 111 1 , 1 i ' wpMi n iMtiiM ' »MWMWM*«P*i«WMt»IMMyBh-»*»M A -w«--«^ 1 i .-Jt>W ^ . ^ . i - - ■■^^■t-.a:jt*wriV-«»-M^Hfc»Jtf>Jt • «»9 TABLE k6 WIND MOVEMENT AT LAKE TAHOE, PLACER COUNTY, CALIFORNIA (181+) Year j Total wind In miles ' Jan. ' Feb. ' • I ! Mar. 1 Apr. \ May [ June | July | Aug. | Sept. | Oot. | Nov. | Dee. | Annual Ueaa l?21-45 1,539 Ij'+S'* MoU 1,689 1,502 1,346 1,212 1,227 1,175 l,27o i,506 1,595 17,1'tS I91+6 i,U8l 1,111 1,261 8U5 72U 800 if09 368 1*29 51U 1,992 1,0U2 10,976 l9'+7 1,520 986 1,250 1,470 533 528 416 317 284 347 1,617 1.623 10,981 1948 1,501 1,512 1,617 1,770 646 531 363 296 191 207 1,350 1,123 11,107 I9I+J — 579 452 292 213 — 308 149 479 1950 910 1,095 856 766 631 546 593 1,000 1,664 1,490 1951 1,661 1,387 2,113 1,073 164 32 75 32 347 985 1,727 1952 963 570 1,167 1,369 210 — — — 20 1,556 996 1953 855 2,028 1,499 1,236 713 437 96 98 59 314 1,084 2,010 10,429 19514 736 161 98 107 200 378 690 llean 1946-54 1,330 1,215 1,548 1,264 803 450 292 252 255 382 1,232 1,311 10,334 1,409 1,592 1,598 1.-317 1,109 989 983 960 1,426 1,514 Mean of record 1,487 1,028 15,412 Mean ml. per hr. 2.00 2.10 2.14 2.22 1.77 1.54 1.33 1.32 1.33 1.38 1.98 2.03 1.76 ?*> • . •("-•■ ^^.-A... y ^^ U-_ 1 — ^^ In. . r...... .-■■ A..,.r7., .8 , , .,T..i..-^ I— if^iXi ?e^ :' 'y'-?,! f^S.,1 .?^it.{- • -ySS,! siS,'i 'WC,i: SO?,l ?83,i J^S.I i^t!,! «i' 4"»,0I £'*8,I St?«i,i lU^? ?S<1 .S^t ?C}i .503 ^^St 3<*ft I*<:,£ XiX,X -^.oz i:r:i,x VIM 'i»^e »'6i -jxc JfH "fe? «$ v^''-^i a?:s,i 53? osc. .'?f>i,£x esf.x og?»i ^08 x?£ o?s ck ■:/£:? wa o^.x ^u,i sx;f,x xoc «_ ^ii 5fii 8ot .— .^X5 .s?s 'S^ e^f — — ~— — •-• rr-*- — ...,„ o^4i,f iJba,x '^rici e^e .?>4i5 ji-;d -ajv ^9 ??o,x — — ox? •-- :. ts^,i ?&t ^"''t ^C 5^ SQ- <*^x ' tso.i exi,s K5t,i xa^,' R?.!; ■"- — Jw!? i!»?,x 02 — — «-. ois ^5f:,r ?>f,x - — 0^ e^t ^•ii'-iOl PlOtS (^8o,X tllC ?^ &5 a?- '??«' ?.i\ ^f3j»X f?*l,l ^iC',S ■■ -^^^ - ---.---- Diameter k feet, depth 10 Inohes, set on 2 x 4 ineh timber grill* Authority for data U. S. Bureau of Reclamation. Publication reference -------- U. S. Weather Bureau Cllnatologloed Data* Meteorologle data ---------- Temperature, wind. i Evaporation in Inches Year ! Jan. ! • • Feb. 1 Mar. 1 Apr. 1 "- ; June : July ; Aug. 1 Sept. ; Oct. ; Nov. '. Deo. Annual 1JU8 U9( 1.37 2,34 3.0'* U.6U 6.68 8.92 8.20 5.58 2.74 1.52 0.66* 47.65 I5I+9 .81* .92* 2.33* 5.61 5.87 8.57 10.28 8.69 6.42 3.64 1.49* .69* 55.35 1J50 1.14 2.57 5.62 7.19 7.47 10.73 9.70 5.87 2.99 1.39 .82* 1J51 1.34 4.09 5.33 6.45 9.26 10.97 10.04 7.16 2.56 1.42 1.09 1952 1.29 3.36 5.02 6.81 6.65 9.66 9.04 6.21 3.52 1.51 1553 1.96 3.32 4.25 5.05 6.76 9.80 7.52 5.89 3.07 .84 1?5»* 2.22* 2,87* 5.22* 6.66 6.39 9.97 7.76* 5.06 2.90 1.16* ■mm of reeopd l.>40 1.46 2.98 4.87 6.10 7.40 10.05 8.71 6,03 3.06 1.33 .82 54.21 * Partly estimated. r - . ' i t i t I , i I i ' .. ..... . • - a*.t4'- "♦i"' '■'" "3,1 4*C.s -.•&?»« "• ns..'j i;<,3 .i^i.j s^d.;^ m^ il^.S — c?.s V9.? («;.? t^.Qt Ci^.v ^t.T sA.? ??.•? «.; . ^^.X su..( oj.i i;.- ,1-,, 3^.5 (.|-,j ^O.tJ x<;.c s?,e is .,' dii.« e^.d iS.a s;-.? 5?,^ ■^'- *i3. ''J.e ?8.? 2?.^ o6\^ i^.^} <;o.? ?*!,♦« «?^ 5^,1 *„'i-- «jjt.i e?.S io.? ♦S'v-" ?.e-^- ^i.n ■" *»:.? '-sd.i »;S;,S ■1 ,b«j-i5iii#»t t**'^' * 51 TABLE 1+8 EVAPORATION AT LODI, SAN JOAOUIN COUNTY, CALIFORNIA (187) Station! Leeation --->->.-----..- Three-quarters nlle northeast of Lodi Post Offloe at edge of Lawenoe Park. Lat. 38O 08' N., Long. 121*> W W. 1/ Elevation --- — ---------60 feet. Evaporation pani Type -- — .....n. S. Weather Bureau pan. Desorlptlon •...--. — .. Diameter k feet, depth 10 Inches, set on 2 z *+ Inoh timber grill. Authority for data - — ----- U. S. Weather Bureau. Publication reference .-- ---U. S. Weather Bureau Cllmatologloal Data. Ueteoroleglo data •.-.-.-..... Temperature, wind. Evaporation In Inches ' May * June ' July ' Aug. ' Sept. ' Oot. ' It ft t t » I '^ • Jan. ' Feb. ' Mar. ' Apr. ' May * June ' July ' Aug. ' Sept. ' Oot. ' Nov. ' Deo. * Annual t t I 1 I , t ft t t » I t > Mean IJ3I-45 0.35 1.83 3.60 5.68 8.85 10.66 12.00 10,l»0 7,81 k,^ 1,98 1,05 69.3? 5.17 11.U3 11.17 10.00 10.33 11.18 12.61 10.23 7.45 9.85 11.06 7.36 10.35 10.76 8.46 10.30 11.26 8.I49 10.02 10.07 9.41 e.6x 9.2U 7«4o 9.26 11.59 8.84 9.91 11,09 1946 1.07 1.39 4.03 7.09 1947 .99 1.26 3.61 7.20 1948 1.39 2.70 1.53 3.22 3.25 4.45 1949 1.50 6.49 1950 1.56 1.74 3.24 6.24 1551 .84 1.43 3.73 5.88 1952 1.15 1.39 3.60 5.15 1?53 .99 2.66 3.86 6.07 1954 1.01 1.24 2.56 5.71 0.00 7.02 4,26 2.42 .64 69.69 0,23 8.55 3.65 2.17 1.10 72.88 9*39 7.19 4.06 2.06 .72 63.54 9.01 6.87 5.25 1.94 .86 65.17 9.30 6.99 3.65 1.16 .69 64.79 8.32 6.78 4.10 1.41 .87 61.94 8.36 6.04 4.04 2.16 1.85 60, 40 8.98 7.04 4.16 1.41 1.23 64.65 8.48 6.56 4.60 1.16 .57 61.73 Mean 1946-54 1.17 1.70 3,46 6.03 8,55 10,10 10.98 9.12 7.00 4.22 1.76 .88 64.97 r lan of Moord 1.06 1.78 3.54 5.81 8.73 10.44 11. 62 9.92 7.51 4.42 I.90 .98 67.7I ^ The Mokelunine River Is one-half mile to the north; surrounding country Is generally level but slopes to the east. .. .,-;•■• -' :,. ■ ■ ■■ : '''^'"'- ;-?Sl".»noJ ,,« *8<5 *85: .#,'J .si"*'' 90R6n**J •>;: Si-^» • . ". ,nj9q w«»f.'4B^ «^^JI «:(«<« j'«lC ^ ansa jiJV? II » l yi iW ft ■ ■ M I a>t> I' I III w M ^ i-'**! I ' lii^i - ■■■■■! ,— ^^^ ^ -i j ^. M t^. -- M Bii 1^ ■ I I I I iiwi wi I ■. war,/ ' ..Mill III im < I I ill I' I I A—— ~. «>~.ii. ii..i,i t.,i-X-~~.A»-i.';.„~..,-V .1, .i»,i.,-....».,M4; L „- t_ — .1.1 f. . I. ml- .i». ,A^,f^'^ i:"^'^ ''"•■ ^^t''^' *9''J "i^fi.Ojt nr<.^t' ifb.o: 6>.: od.; rfi.i i5?,c '.--fei ti.?i .•■**J. ' ■:«C JJ«X ?». M^.ti %% ao.s io.*i 'ji.^c ^c;.? jrti.'C ?M s:.C '>?.^- ef.' rfSv. iio'.t cs.? ''a.^v. • :o-.^ it. ox ??.oi ^t,". Ki^X i'.c ii.*i, o^.i ft;,iS; _ fj-.'. ,ij:.-.r* 58,e pf..A . n^-f. .■)! i*ii? iii'.a Us,5 ''^.l:.? ^.f Co.- It'.X x.r^ : , \o,:: po.oi . ^I'.iS flf'.P $'^.5 P»l.X . ifS.- -?*',?& /j.f: S/,2"' •'l.i» i'f?.3- ^^. ■ .. tt«.e ' (;;.$ n-^.c Pf.i ' ii.: fC.xS Vi' ii-' oi,^ Je.S- '8-' li :':.^ m.t ' • X\.? h*,,t^. i'-^-.r" io,- V:;. ••>,, tt6 '' f'v.i >tS.«^ 'tj'.s; "' ^'l.P B^.Oi ox.oi ,??,8 ■ -^ci J^lfi ..-ot.x- \i.' —«-_»«-.■,»,-,-. 1: ... ' ■ ■ . • ■ 'i5 !• 3 i'.',;l vif .i-ii' ', r- i V'l^^.jL'On v'i-*'-'''"' ■>■'"• Sri*ioti ■ ■■ i 52 TABLE U9 TEMPERATURE AT LOM, SAM JOAftUIN COUMTY, CALIFORNIA (188) T«ar « Mean tenperature In ^f J Jan. , Feb. ^ Mar. ^ Apr. ^ May J Juna , July , Aug. , Sept. J Oot. , Nov. J Dee. . Annual Mean 1931-1+5 ^5 >♦? 53 58 63 69 73 71 66 (1 51 >46 59 19^6 Uk U6 52 55 62 66 72 n 69 59 U9 ^ 58 19^7 kl 50 55 61 67 70 69 69 70 60 k7 m 59 I9U8 U6 4« U8 5>» 58 «7 70 69 66 59 Uj k\ 56 I9U9 37 >« 52 60 62 70 69 66 66 58 56 U5 57 1950 m 50 53 61 €k 68 75 7k 70 63 58 50 61 1951 46 U9 52 57 6h 68 71 70 68 60 53 ^ 58 1952 m t46 it9 58 6k (k 73 70 70 63 50 k7 58 1953 50 49 52 57 59 65 7k 68 69 59 53 k7 58 I95U U6 W 50 61 6k 68 7k 68 66 60 50 kk 58 Mean 191+6-54 UU W 51 59 63 67 72 69 68 60 52 46 58 Mean of raeord '♦5 «»9 52 58 63 66 73 70 68 61 51 U6 59 2? ■sz =j=:st=: %^ al •tufan»tsaat ;• ei ?d 0" "c» ■ 8?""" e? ;> « ?i> • x?» -^ Ort f.c .-> i: \ 3? t3 ct ot K ef p^ £5 0? od ^ 6d ^' S? "A » fd c' 8J .' e** xd R +9 2,651 1,877 2,851 2,062 1,983 1,876 2,297 1,982 l,U8i+ 1,292 925 1,532 22,81: 1950 3,001 1,585 2,130 1,81+8 2,313 2,701 2,071 1,527 l,>t88 1,158 1,999 1,175 22,99^ 1951 1,59*+ 885 1,331+ 1,956 2,335 2,238 1,11+5 1,323 1,11+6 1,118 1,023 1,950 l8,oi+' 1952 2,368 1,271 2,1+22 1,588 1,71+0 1,838 1,378 991+ 720 651 991 2,372 18,33 1953 1,909 1,588 1,681 2,0l+l 2,0i+U 1,903 1,1+57 1,681+ i,lt26 1,315 986 965 19,01 1951+ 1,283 1,261 1,1+80 1,1+91 1,81+9 2,223 1,639 l,5't7 1,138 995 979 1,588 17,1+7? Uean 19i+6-5»+ 1,697 1,291 1,876 1,929 2,172 2,216 l,79»t l,5'+5 1,236 1,090 1,171 1,1*91 19,50; Kean of recor* 1,598 1,1+00 1,674 1,728 2,077 2,096 1,792 1,572 1,3W 1,101 l,00l+ 1,385 18,77: Mean ml. per hr. 2.15 2.08 2.25 2.1+0 2.79 2.91 2.1+1 2.11 1.87 1.1+8 1.39 1.86 2.11+ i C5 ■ v. ■■ «i ).l. . L" t: Utfnaft ! .o»Q j' .VoU- i .siiY J .f:;,. :t^,§i jib^i ■■■■(' . W^KS se5,t est . 'J- ••<-.,r x^f.,x c??,x s?i\l +!a4iiJ x8?,l Mes,s ^X -Cv\.( Vja.i t^i\% %jt j^'xj cisr.i 5«»i,'£ Ri os^ ti?? e.^e»x ?xc.i i>^,i *^^.i 5?'-./ 5^? 8ei,; vi'^x ^~a... .^:^lf:,i £^?^X 8?t,X oP'SJ •'*!>,« BSV,I ♦«f^ { no*J,f 80 .» ■>.f r*^.! :i.\ cti.s xc-s ?<;.'; •'>4i.s ?^.i 3o.s ^i.s". TABLE 51 EVAPORATION AT LONG VALLEY RESERVOIR (LAKE CROWLEY), MONO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA fttatlvn: LosAtlen -------------- Near lower end of reservoir. Lat> 37' 35' ",, Long. 118» 1*2 « W.l/ Elevation ------------- 6,782 feet. Evaporation pant Type ----------- Oround pan. Deaorlptlon Square, 3*3 feet, depth 16 Inohes, set Ik inches In ground. Authoritv for data ---------- Loa Angeles Dept. of Water and Pover. Publlca- Ion reffrenee -------- None. Ueteorologlo data - ----- Temperature, wind. Tear Evaporation in Inches Jan. Feb. , Uar. I t t > i i : Apr* , May , June , July , Aug. , Sept. , Dot, ^ Nov. t i Dee. J- JL -L. t Total : Ap«*« - , Got. 15^5 l^ I9U8 XJ50 1951 1552 1>53 IJS^t 3.89 3.59 U.it5 6.78 6.10 6.35 5*76 5.87 5.73 5.15 6.77 6.22 6.97 8.53 6.83 6.6U 7.89 6.91 6.26 6.9U 7.37 7.17 8.98 7.33 8.22 9.39 8.99 8.66 7.(53 7.30 6.60 6.89 7.88 7.89 6.38 7.39 7.62 8.11 7.23 7.15 6.59 6.85 7.01 7.U2 6.2it 3.if5 5.39 2.85 5.(8 6.13 6.15 kM 5M '♦.72 5.3^ 5.3't 3.25 3.30 3.36 3.82 3.13 3.U2 2.80 3.t9 Mean of reeord 3.7i» 7.07 7.93 7.2'* 5.W 3.29 U0.63 1/ Pan moved about one-quarter mile to an arm of the reservoir April 1, l^Mi. w? ■•:^.n>\ r-.vtin-''.lJ.H .v.nJ ./: »?P •^r ,teJ ,livnM»'\ ?r Ki« trr-*' -^Jul* .. .iJwU tix *«»- Mttsnti Ajft-iO^ev^ U^f i ' t I t « J > • • ^. J ♦••(I ^ .v^ J ♦4-sO , .*q»3 J ,stfA , t^i* , Mrtfl. , v^ , _ I ;^ » j_ i_ J ^..,.J_. .„ L -JL. ?ft.3 fX.i ?». ^d.d e?.& „^-_ •^>tt e?.^ ^^.8 .,— . ,. r?.i ^3.3 hi,i e\*.? «. ♦i?.^ pb.i ^C.\ ?x'.? sa.-: '■<:.d ^ . ^ Ci.(H' £«»t ^"A . . 86.? ii^^ i^< tc^ ntw ciiS «* •! te ib- -TOd airt 55 TABLE 52 EVAPORATION AT LOWER SAN FERNANDO RESERVOIR, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA {200) Statloni Location --■ — -In northern part of San Fernando Valley. Lat. 3U* 17' N., Long. 118« 29 « W. Elevation Approx. l,llK) feet. Evaporation pan: Type --------- — - -0. S. Weather Bureau pan. Description Diameter k feet, depth 10 Inches, set on 2 x U Inch timber grill. Authority for data _-.-- — Los Angeles Dept. of Water and Power. Publication reference - Calif. Dept. of Pub. Wks. Bull. No. ^k^ Ueteorologlc data ---------- Temperature, wlnd.l/ i Evaporation In Inches ', Jan. , Feb. , Uar. , Apr. , Uay : t i t J June J July , Aug. j Sept. Oct. 1 Nov. , Deo. ^ Annual Uean 1931-^5 5.99 ^.77 6.53 6.78 7.55 7.72 10.11 9.U6 8.35 7M 7.90 6.28 88.92 l^ 7.18 1947 6.83 1948 7.39 1949 3.69 1950 3.'t8 1951 U.1+5 1952 3.71 1953 6.69 195'* "+.53 '♦.95 It. 27 '♦.97 3.30 3.»>9 3.51 5*16 8.1*5 3.03 5.76 5.12 5.41 »t.08 5.55 7.26 5.10 6.21 1+.60 5.9U 6.92 6.21 7.52 6.61 U.27 6.05 5.21 5.54 5.92 6.76 8.67 7.76 7.18 8.01+ 7.64 9.4o 6.79 8.80 10.13 6.97 I2.U5 6.92 10.26 9.09 10.23 7.82 9.92 7.51 10.25 7*25 10.50 8.00 H.M+ 7.73 12.00 9.69 9.81 9.51 6.3I1 9.93 9.59 9.6U 9.81 8.74 8.58 8.64 9.50 9.00 6.35 8.07 9.77 8.69 9.62 7.93 5.99 5.82 7.64 6.47 8.88 5.87 8.73 8.34 5.48 6.80 9.95 8.03 6.82 5.21 4.99 6.98 8.27 5.02 65.38 5.94 86.50 3.95 88.56 5.60 84.28 6.32 79.94 4.43 81.47 4.68 80.36 10.11 99.72 ^.06 86.25 Mean 1546-54 5.33 4.57 5.45 6.03 7.57 7.79 10.80 9.45 8.69 7.30 6.95 5.90 85.83 a ree( of peoord 5.74 4.69 6.13 6.50 7.5^ 7.75 10.37 9.46 8.48 7.4l 7.54 6.l4 87.77 1/ High irlnds appear to be contributing faotor In causing high evaporation during vlnter months. ?? AiyjKJiiOsa „V,«<0ri3 r>SJi3?HA 80J .' c'OTiAKKsi v!A?, nstwa TA »5it;j:o«Ara »fl«q wifiiva Tar -.J - .»¥ .o;i 'iiXwa .ajW .dirt le .f:!'»G -Hat) ••'■ I- ■■■> «..-•? ' - ntsk "K 'Kodiai ' fil MiJ-A-wqf'-. ^M-^ -- ■•■ •- '^*^'' "^ J ITUT^1IIJ-|;»«. *^^*^.B in I will ^ IMIBIIUI.U .. J ._. -«-■..»-«--. .^^. 5 f L . " . ti ; J .-' * " f-jA . .•t^-.V ." 1. cT iiRr. -mm sjf.ea 82 iS 34. •. 6e.?5 so'.e- vr^ii t5v% ^;«.u -^ c;;s6 ^'e.? c«,> ?c.e a?. 88 ?^-.c .8 ifi.' j-j.^e ' *o.-* Jjs.S • ;'C.8 , 5?,:- 'r;^ii "^e.^s 0!,,? §?.s 5rl.Sf ♦«i' :-l.9 '■^.Cd X'C.'JS jix.a K'. <"'. ir«^ ■ ■ .^.e d\.i^ ^«i»*-' 6X.\ ^*' ^<' , OE.C \ M '1....' ia.3 e?< \^.^ 'a^.t f>9m >J'-.i8 ,SS.:- as.-; lU '?*i.»i ''^ . c;-'''' ■■x.;; il^ f ' ■■ .-' ; ■,-;, . IS.3 xs.d '?*i.8 - •■ '^^^«^ r^.3 ;.»^-i o&.»J ep.c v,^ , ,^ ■/A ' .-.::: ■ i''-" • 1 ', ..■ !< •jr.:xsT tedicioa lafntv gitt'u/b noltaioqi' •■» rfpJH ^ninuea nl '>6»««"> |b.•.>♦i.'J^i^*oo■B M ot -w»qqe 8hfii»t rfjjXK \^ TABLE 53 TEUPERATURE AT LOWER SAN FERNANDO RESERVOIR, LOS AN^XES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA l/ (201) 5< t Tear i Mean t8mp«ratur« . in Op t t Jan. \ Feb. ;^. , Apr. : ^ ; Jun* t Aug' , Sept. 1 Oot. , "ov. , Dee* Annual Mean 1931-45 54 54 58 60 65 06 75 76 73 68 63 57 6I» I9U6 53 51 55 62 61 71 76 7fi 7« 64 56 54 63 19^7 — 57 58 62 65 68 78 74 76 66 56 52 - 1948 58 49 50 59 62 66 73 73 75 65 61 49 62 I9U9 41 48 51 62 63 70 72 74 76 65 69 48 62 1950 kl 53 57 60 61 67 75 80 70 71 66 63 64 1951 55 55 58 59 64 67 76 75 75 69 61 52 64 1952 51 55 52 60 68 66 76 77 80 70 56 55 64 1953 5? 58 58 57 62 67 78 74 74 — ~ 59 — 1954 53 63 54 60 64 68 80 74 75 69 65 57 65 Mean 1946-54 51 54 55 60 6J 68 76 75 75 67 62 54 63 M«an of reeord 53 54 56 60 64 68 75 76 74 68 62 56 64 1/ Reoorda by Los Angelea Department of Water and Power* ^ *I«;«'^r.H:: .VT^l/O.-^ 3:^,s'>5Kft r j:>^;'T;,:% ■■■■■;■. :? ith Pi 5i 00 iin *iP Jtr . -^r- •■.»T-n'iTO'I Ir/f IC'JJ .4 soJ ipf ab" 57 TABLE 5U WIND MOVEBIEMT AT LOWER SAN FERNANDO RESERVOIR, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 1/ (202) Year ♦ Ueein wind In miles per hour 1 "''«• . Feb. ', Uar. , Apr. , May 1 June , July 1 Aug. , Sept. ; Oct. ; Nov. \ Dee. , Annual I9U2 7.W 4.20 4.50 3.00 2.70 2.60 3.10 5.30 7.70 7.10 191*3 8.96 8.10 4.06 3.77 4,52 3.69 3.01 2.57 2.83 3.81 8.28 8.43 5.17 IjMt 9.60 7.30 8.80 5.4o 3.30 3.40 2.70 2.90 3.70 2.90 6.90 8.80 5.48 19^5 8.61 6.59 6.21 5.68 7.19 3.17 2.69 2.61 3.60 4.40 8.79 8.19 5.64 19U6 9.58 6.14 5.76 3.98 2.98 3.17 2.60 2.46 3.11 5.32 7.83 8.82 4.98 1947 9.30 5.59 3.56 3.31 3.30 3.03 4.04 7.67 8.85 1948 7.9^ 7.08 5.71* 4.88 4.50 2.94 3.17 2.74 3.72 3.76 10.27 7.01 5.31 I9U9 9.9^ 5.71 3.99 4.48 4.03 3.87 2.77 2.81 3.^5 •♦.95 6.95 8.71 5.05 1950 6.30 4.69 4.19 3.3't 3.15 2.87 3.79 7.'+i 7.19 1951 7.5»* 5. 14 6.39 3.28 3.7U 3.10 2.9I+ 2,94 2.76 5.79 7.1*9 7.88 4,92 1952 1953 7.65 7.06 5.78 5.53 4.40 3.97 3.01 5.91 3.3't 3.43 2.73 3.10 2.7U 3.'+5 2.52 6.06 tlnued 7.72 4.70 9.39 10.98 Uean of record 8.62 6.97 5.9'* 4.43 4.28 3.31 2.90 2.75 3.30 4.23 7.76 8.06 5.21 1/ Anemometer about 7 feet above ground surface. Records by Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. « ♦J? SJflUT ;-• Mia A*soj TA wsvrwos esow asacs= •-' ;• "li'O.j. laq ss i>..-j fli "^ iMosiA, I .*»c ! iVsH ; •w.aO , .3^q«2 iish. ! 9aiA ! x^ .teM .■ ..■ ,— •^r " o'j.': 'K\Z ■?0i.<; ot.*: 00. t \* ■ 'I^J.+l ■■'«, - .TX.§ t+i.S 6s .5 ■ i8.e f.'i,^ ■\i-^ \^.f. '■40. 8>-'.^ ne.ft oe.'j rt-<.2 o?.c 0?.S w.: Ofi.t w;.c ■:.»'. i: "0».i, -.CCA oi.? ♦»?»,? ei.B «.« 0»l.»i Oj.f. x^.s e3.s Z^' • •■ •ll.h ;; ^?.a XJ,8 S^.ii S6.8 f.8.^ se.? Xi.f ,>i*t ^.s \- ti^-.e ' ■^.? ..: *. ■ - ..... ■■■?. xe.? M."C ■ "^S-OX ■ JV.C • .sv.c 4i.t.S 'vi.-: ♦Ip.i 0?. ■ . 1* '• .-I"^.? '>0.' 50.? rf.8 ?«.s '' 5?«»' ?»*.c tS.s V..i' to. 4 -8»».4 t^.t x^.? — ' ii'^y i4.r ?v.f f"^, ?X.i! e^.ii s?.^ 88.^ C*!.^ ?^.<^ \.i\. n?->; w.? ' i"^^ 85.C ■ ?t.^ 4»1.5 •IT " rr.'-i sK.\' io.^ s?.s ?'»*£ 4>^.S , f--': (ip .If; I0»£ ■■ 04l.lJ 8^? ^0.^ 5^.y f>9«nitaoo8lC — :-.. '^'}-'i'' •■• 'C^.r «.. -■' ^f..c 8:.ii'''*' *!«..? ^c-i ttsflttn bixa isteK lo trSfiOi^aqtiQ ••I»^iA koil -^ olHoadfl •SDje^'iitt' .;--- Abova Uailllja Reservoir. L&t, 3U0 30» N., Long. 119" 20' W, Elevation ------------- 1,X50 feet. Evaporation pant Type - — -_-_-_-_____- Young, sorsened. Oeeerlption ---...--.-.. Diameter 2 feet, depth 3 feet, tet In ground 2.75 feet. Authority for data ---------- Ventura County Department of Public Works. Publloatlon referenee -------- None* Ueteorologleal data --------- None. Y,J^p I Evaporation In lnehe» I Jan. i Feb. j Uar. J Apr. » May | June | July | Aug. | Sept. | Oot, | Nov. | Dee. | Annual 1952 U.22 6,67 6.73 &M 9.20 7.9^ S*!** 2.81 2.21 1953 U^ 3.89 '♦.19 '♦.82 6.73 6.79 ^»90 8.92 7.39 ^.l"* 3*66 3.51+ 67.91 195't 2.28 3,14 2.78 4.33 5.29 6.87 8.96 8.00 7.67 S.^ 3.22 2.06 60.08 MMm of record 2.11 3,51 3,>»5 ^M 6.23 6.fl0 9.IO 8,71 7.67 5.59 3.23 2.6o 63.59 se. ?' -,;?AT i-*Uf , [ J fiVv- • ^LI . "-s TrT» ■ ;:Af7.> Xr- "4^ ^tsd .liovnssefl ii^iri* tHtnr' ..-.jQ J .vaH XS.S r6.s ..i'lO.. |.*<|92 « ^?-c Kh'fi 5?ei :^.c •.'>■ fiZ^J (, 1(1 n««M 59 TABLE 56 EVAPORATICM AT UORENA RESERVOIR, SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CAUF(»WIA (212) Station! Looatloa — _.__, — ____.on Cottonwood Creek, a tributary of Tla Juana Rlirer. Lat. 32« kV N., Long. 116«> 31« W. Elevation -.--..--..... 3,01^5 feet. Evaporation pant Type ------~- ... Ground pas* Description - — >....-..- Square, 3x3 feet, depth I8 Inehea, set I3 Inohea In ground. Authority for data .-._.--. San Diego Water Department, Division of Water Develop- ment and Conservation. Publication reference -----.--- None. Ueteorologlo data -- -.-.--.- None* Tear i Evaporation In Inches Jan. * Feb. ' Uar. ' Apr. ' May June * ialj ' Aug. * Sept. * Oct. * Nov. ' Deo. * Annual ; a I I : Mean 1/ lJ35Jt5 2.35 2.80 U.61 5.14 6.kk 8.75 10.67 9.80 7.80 5.77 3.52 2.60 70.49 13M 2.04 1.81 3.19 5.46 7.5't 9.70 8.20 9.11 7.12 4.30 2.06 1.89 62.42 19U7 2.23 2.32 3.42 5.17 6.93 8.23 10.70 8.02 6.84 4.81 2.87 2.68 64.23 19U8 3.15 2.96 3.31 5.23 7.64 8.47 10.72 10.00 8.19 5.33 4.11 2.16 71.27 1949 1.31 1.66 2.77 4.91 5.87 8.46 9.67 8.94 7.37 4.81 4.30 2.66 62.73 1950 1.23 2.11 3.78 5.02 5.78 7.83 7.87 8.52 5.82 4.38 2.8« 1.95 57.10 1951 1.58 1.49 3.73 3.36 5.24 6.08 7.62 8.03 6.68 4.74 2.37 1.48 52.40 1952 1.24 2.57 1.63 3.35 7.03 7.99 8.56 8.62 6.75 5.02 2.80 1.66 57.21 1953 2.16 1.98 3.21 4.00 5.53 6.45 8.38 8.22 6.96 5.17 2.43 2.90 57.39 195"+ 1.52 3.65 2.08 4.78 6.13 6.86 7.19 7.12 6.82 4.70 2.97 2,03 55.85 Mean 1946.54 1.83 2.28 3.01 '♦.59 6.41 6.67 8.77 8.62 6.95 4.81 2.97 2.16 59.07 Mean of record 2.11 2.57 3.89 4.90 6.43 8,34 9.82 9.22 7.42 5.33 3.27 2.51 65.81 ^ These means, though different from those found In Bulletin 54-A, are assumed to be oorreot since they were taken directly from the San Diego Water Dept. reeords* ?.» »fi*rj? :\-.Av'. it le X' «3(«»l3 » «*. » -•■,',■♦;■ -q-: . ■•li ?X #•« ,iio<1a«. oqcrS /<1 .-ii^ifA .if bo \C.!C ^\.»^ 8t).^ t(*»'J iS.8 6f:.6 lO'J;' ^*% td>6 ■" 4^^;** oi«ir i|Mt# MAta ttu^tdi •«} 9# bflOVBiMi tnm «A-4'^ Yaar i 60 TABLE 57 EVAPORATION AT MORRIS RESERVOIR, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA (2llt) S tail on i Loeatlon --•••••••-••••••-•••••i. In San Gabrlal Canyon en San Oabrlel River about k BileB abovo Acusa. Lat. 3^0 11* N., Lang. II70 53 • W. Blsvatton ----__- (1)950 faat from Oot. I930 to Nov. 1933. (2) 1,210 faet from Jan. I93U to Dao. IjUU, Evaporation pant Type -----_ ... U, S. Weather Bureau pan* Deeerlptlon ------.-.- — - Dlaneter k feet, depth 10 Inehe*, set en 2 z 4 Inch timber grill. Authority for data ------ - Pasadena Water Department. Publication reference -------- - None. Ueteerologlo data -------- - Temperature, wind* Evaporation In Inches 'jan. ' Feb, ' Mar. * Apr. ' May ' June ' July ' Aug. *' Sept. | Oot. ' Nov. ' Deo. ' Annual Mean I93U-44 2.06 2.08 3.56 I+.3I+ 6.15 6,85 9,01* 8*5£ ... ■.-■.. : ^ ■■■■■:■' '""-■ ■■ ■ «'""f .n.i.'J ,.« ♦;* Wj ,♦*.! .a8U«A »V«<1« »aiJi« ♦! ■ ' ' • - '" ' . - ■■■■=■" ■ ■. ■ .W 'C? ' .^^J ,vcU.:tt .0^:91 .:'Ml P2« (X) --.-.----.-. r - -v rtiiWelS . •• ■ .!'»J?;X .jkC £>♦ dC'^I ./uW «'.>il it.ii\k'!j h) ^^ , \ ,j:;7 ..' • ■ " ' , : .*ft-- t i i - « _ ■, ... ;..t^i> oiy ,j^-yjt. •• " " " ' ' ' " '"! ■ " — " - " ■- — »-i—--~-.~rt:»—~— J^-— — - -' .. " J " ■ ■ — -1-— Sfw- twmai ; .mC' ! .yaM [ . + -. ; ..*3»3 '* .yi/A^ "' 4li'V '',».?*>!."•- -"^V ■'" .ndA '..'•.■u-i^ ■..)■;■•? ' wJ-'iS. ?+i.^ ■■..■.■ ..5 A.r .j:*".- "Bp.e »iv.8 ^,i,.. -^ ..- .\.. _?:;,< .-. ^?.sa i:«),s aJ« \ ■ • *i .-^e^r e?,a «\\o,f \ii.s §i.? g^.»i ,>'r.- M^.'-S ■". ':.^ ^/;;...i ■ rs.^: e5j8 ot;.'*; <[3,J f'>,? .0p.t' ! ■ itt:l/19c«iO -a.V ES.P "r.e ifi*.":: tJ^-.J l^,;i v., .;;-^^- ^;>^.; • .■..*'• ,..■»■■ it-w ':?.x . st«e- . , r.'> —' III * — ■<■— XM^-^w — w»» i m jiMi w uAwiaiUMa i ■ wA w ^ ■ _ i . ' l y i m m t v y mimmmtmmmt^w mWiiwigi— i ■»— |i »Li| i i >.hM»-. (1 TABLE 5fi EVAPORATION AT UOORPARK, VENTURA CODMTT, CAUFORNIA Statleai LeoatlOB .------->--->- At the Soil ConserTatlon Servlee offlo* In Moorpark* Lat. 3U' 17' N., Long. 1X8» 52» W. Elavatlon ------------- 50O f«et. Evaporation pant Type - — ._--.-. — ...-Q, S. Veather Bureau pan. D«iorlptlon --.-.-.----- Dlametsr U feet, depth 10 Inehei, set en 2 x k Inoh timber grill. Authorllgr for data ---- -...-- Soil and Water Conservation Researeh Branch, Agrl* Res. Serv. Publication reference -------- None* Uateorologle data ---------- Temperature, wind* Tear Evaporation In Inches . Jan. , Feb. . liar. . Aor. ! llay . June . July . Aug. . Sept. . Oot. . Nov. . liar. , Apr. | May , June . July , Aug. , Sept . , Oot. , . Dee. , Annual 1951 Installed—— 5.06 1952 3.07 3.89 3.67 U.I6 1953 3.67 3.95 "+.99 5.19 1951+ 3.23 5.10 3*80 U*55 7M 6.92 7.0U 6.11 6.86 7*^5 5.71 8,19 9.51 8.61* 7.95 7.03 6.25 8*U2 8.50 7.28 9.28 7.67 3.75 8.01 7.16 5.93 W.07 2.79 3.25 2.88 «2.57 U.oo '*.73 5.79 5.62 72.80 Uean of record 3*32 "+.31 4.22 U.72 6.77 7.17 8.96 8.P3 6.30 5.'t3 '♦•28 '♦.05 67.56 Tear TABLE 59 TEUPERATURE AT UOORPARK, VEOTORA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA I Uean temperature In *F ; Jan* , Feb. , Mar. , Apr. , Hay , June , July , Aug. ^ Sept. \ Oot* , Nov* , Deo. , Annual 1951 — ~ ~ 56 60 62 68 66 67 64 58 50 — 1952 48 53 Uj 58 60 58 66 67 68 60 54 51 58 1953 56 53 52 ^ 58 60 <9 6U <5 63 59 5< 59 195»* 51 60 52 57 60 63 70 66 60 63 <3 56 60 Mean 52 55 51 5i 60 61 68 66 65 62 58 53 59 TABLE 60 WIND MOVEMENT AT MOORPARK, VENTURA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA I Year t. Mean wind In miles per hour » Jan. t Feb. t Mar, t Apr, t May t JUne t July t Auft. i Sept. t Oot. 1 Nov* t Deo, t Annual 1951 m i.U i,k 1.3 1.1 1,0 1.2 1.1 1.4 1952 1.1 1*4 1.4 .9 .9 1.0 .9 ,f .6 .4 .4 .4 .8 1953 *8 1*3 1*2 1.2 1.3 1.0 .9 .6 .5 .7 .6 1.0 .9 1954 .7 1.6 1.5 1.1 1.0 1.2 1.0 1.3 1.1 1*2 1.4 1.8 1*2 Mean .9 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.0 .8 1.2 1.1 AIWIOT' .}(*i6q^«oM at »oit^1« •• • l.tsni« ,e • ■nMirfrt.i 11 J li'lil . II II i t l li H I I II II lll ^ .l.«ll«l..l. ■ » • - I II. ' I.. I.. .,,fi - - - - «5X,f ■tensislst iHttfa aiab sJtnoXoics^sM ttmi J ."sVI J ».iji<< Oit 'belSjttzai^- r??i ;.J.^ I' t: . ??.»i .r ♦»??:£ (^,)> f.'^.n i^p.R ''f.'* '^' . ■ ^UBi it-vrtnA .of'V. J •voH AIl«0'»IJAt» ,n;: ;-'.i5 ,. f^?; a; '^^ 8^ ?.) '.c eu •■ . od 82 . ''.. i ;■''•' i CS XJ 9i i? X? Ad SJaAT AiitnovjftD tTtNooo Mmm jiukviaon ta TMnennit anw tmrff*^ Ji«««rwfA f .«*a 1 tVsK 1 .*rO s .?!|*8 t .•^(/* ». e. "T— ~— 0.x t. ?. • -^ 5^^■ a«x c..£ S.I .A-' r».x x.x ?.x «.* S- 1.1 r TABLE 61 EVAPORATION AT IIUItRIETA, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CAUFORNIA Station I Looatlon -- -.-.>-_. ..-.At Soil Conservation Servlee offloa, 1 Washington Street, on Hl^way 71 In Murrleta. la.%, 33» 33« N., Long. 117^ 131 W. Elevation ............. l^lUo ftft* Evaporation pmi Type -....----.••-.... U. S. Weather Bureau pan« Desorlptlon ............ Diameter k feet, depth 10 inches, set on 2 z U Ineh timber grill* Authority for data ......--.- Soil and Water Conservation Researoh Branch, Agrl. Res. Serv. Publication refarenee -. .-.--- None. Meteorologlo data .---.----> Temperature, wind. t ——————.—.— _ t Evaporation In Inches . ; 1 { } } t t I ; } } t , Jan. , Feb. ' Mar» . Apr. , May , June , July ' Aug. , Sept. , Pet, ^ Nov. ^ Dee. , Annual 1J53 2.3I4* 3.10 k.6k 5.36 8.^2 9.82 n,6k loM 8.52 6.61 U.oU it.33 79.23 I95I+ 2.7U* 3.61 3.30 509 7.18* 7.53* 9.16 6.67 7.71 '♦.91 3.01* 2.2k* 63.»»5 Mean of record 2.5U 3.36 3.97 5.37 7.80 8.68 lO.Uo 8.5U 8.12 5.76 3.52 3.28 71. 3'* * Partly estimated. S5 - '-ii »nK *n4=l •* • ■. -^ ■ ..- _ • ■ ■'• iaMniiA .««d ,,j.„ .W« J »*io .fq«C . ■e€.<' ^-^j^ i^.«* ,„ ..s«.8 Jtliit* .•^.•s *i&.C !?■ "■ " SiJ.C ■ WK-^ .'-«6afl Jvroa .' ..JoO * ,»^a8 '»■;»'''> ' ■'t'^ *-''ei«t'V ^. '%ai\ '■'.•!.?/( i . , ■ vfX .f. •■■*U?/,!-' •■'■"••' ■f.^.a ••xv'.;" ..- ??.^ '•' a,:.' t- «• ' f^,i iCf.?? ' ■'■■ S". o8.r ?►.' \>- * ■■ .. \ . 1 * ?i.'.; v?.- " ^i..W €£.-t ■C«2^' J-i.c R■;.^ ■ io.s ■■ns,<: ♦!^i,l •.■^e,<; ••-cl^.i' ■ ?*! •5 55.<;^ ■..;j:.;> 'i.s ?^.X t?.X inoc .(A*l?'iiuS) S*!*;! «* UMihreiq «Moart to'i o&jnsviA m3' TABLE 63 TEUPEIUTUR£ AT NEWARK, ALAUEOA COUNTY, CAUFORNIA (222) -,-_ ' Uean tsmperature In "p I Jan. I Feb, | Mar, | Apr. | Hay | *ine J Ju ly | Aug. | S»pt. | Pot. | Nov. | Daa. | Annual Mean I5>t2-»t5 U8 50 52 5I4 59 62 «5 t8 U8 47 49 56 57 62 64 65 63 56 — — — 19"t9 kl 48 55 62 63 68 68 68 69 60 ~ 48 — 1950 Uh 49 50 56 57 61 64 67 64 60 58 53 57 1951 «48 49 52 54 59 62 64 64 64 60 54 48 56 1952 U7 50 50 55 59 60 66 64 66 62 52 49 57 1953 51 50 51 54 58 61 66 64 68 59 56 50 57 195»» 48 50 50 57 60 63 ... 63 64 .^ __ 47 _~. Mean 1946-54 46 49 51 56 59 62 «5 65 «5 60 5^ 49 57 Mean of reoord 47 49 52 56 59 62 65 64 65 60 53 49 57 ilj \iSr) •■*l* h f ■■ " vn j^ -- — - ■ .■ J. . ' 1 •up' XawiaA ' .wtQ | .vsrti ■* .JeO.'- .*r;g8.| .8*.A.! x^t* | anjA ! XfiV ] .-wji | «adt | .rfe*^ .^ .flat, * i? ?♦* xa ♦iS Jl^ ?a <^> Sa '■■ t'^ .^ sa 5:? ^? > O'i ■■-(' 0? =^3 f*i c? ' ?i,i if . i';i'''ri ; . Vy ■ i .. '. C," ^ i^. ..6e • ■s^ — . -a. rd ?^ ■K \ i< 1? '>'' t?c . jg ^a f^ eS sa ?i» a? s5 i;-' bt«i»;M TABLE 6k WIND MOVEMENT AT NEV/ARK. ALAUEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA (223) Y,|^ f Total wind In mllea * Jan. ' Feb. ' Mar. ' Apr. * May ' June * July ' Aug. * Sept. * Oot. * Nov. ' Deo. ' I t t t t t I * » t ; 8 t : Annual Mean I9W2-U5 1,710 1,897 2,036 2,351 2,647 2,920 2,776 2,683 2,220 1,951 1,586 1,750 26,527 I9U6 1,762 1,279 2,1*07 1,953 2,528 2,675 2,U88 2,153 2,065 1,875 1,5^ l»235 23,9 ■■■• ■ - T v^l.'^ J-W 'I B^dftni ai n9i*ti'to«jV'e<< _ _^. ,.,... ^,.;-. ••"^ -^ ti^ot _»i „i_-:.v.. - ■ i — 1 — Aj.h^.J.~ ■ ■■ .,i.^ iJi::ii^:JL. - . ,1 ,1, ■; — ...—. J _ " * 8<:.o ' Bo:? ■i^.^i'. A : m; \>,P fif U) c3.P od.o ' ."■ e.-j..i •V 1 » ■ ib.i- *' -■ ••■ \ ■r'*.-' y<^ ^;>.ex ;'j.i- 1 »■ • -. ."4-;i> p$,e of.S ii,rf •l;,^ d'V.c ;-\%<. ;»6.8 _ ''■"!• -»»- «_-..» H ?o.5x .jx.^x s**^ o?.'X SStljf' CM \V-V .5?..^.. iiH.«l..-. -^e.s ■ ■;^r 22>,£ le.'-^ ■ ^^»', ■:-i:'''' ■■'■■-i'- ■ v.fS-- f?ir' <;?'.!'' +-'.^' W''>i es.ii fOjfi , f.^.ax ?i'C K'^ ?r«6: XX.C* ——,",•. Jii'^ • ar.f ' 'yf.y' s^.T 'i^-?''- ?*'.-' 6a,xr .■ •'■i.3.. ;5.'?- a^.**'' a.s* — • < a..' '■••■ ■•'■•' ■•'•■•' . . , r:.^:^ i!i.';f. • v.i' 50.^ ?<;.\* ?";.ox ^, .:s jx .s^.^, ^f.i, rv.*i-' o^.^ <;-." ?-•' o??-t (^ ..... \- ." ■ tie.? :V^\:'f SP-.I£ ?0 .OX ;■«?,? . . i^.f • ft^.£ '•-." --'•'^: '.;» ■ '•''••■;' "'• ■ ' ' ', ■ ■■•'. I8.^p. rr,., ■ ^^.i^ ?ri.!ti 25.dl ,, iii.XX ;Ui.e... no.'^'- ?(».?> •' 3?.. ..-.. ':.:»i' : '. ■■■■■■ .. ■ ■ .•; •'■ PM-t •■'- c.** 5i.K <*&.? Xi.i'X *Jt«.vX tSJ.Xt. .4»X.i.t. ?r.3- bS.f- 8?.s «..; i'-^t (I?,c8 it»,s„ .■ . iCi-X - 8a.:,x "fcoi "if.? 6&.d rr" 66 TABLE 67 EVAPORATION AT PARDEE RESERVOIR, CALAVERAS COUNTY, CAUFOFMIA (237) Siationi Loo&tlon -.-_-. --At Pardee Dan on Uokeluone River. Lat. 38' 15' N.^ Long. 1200 5it w. Elevation — -____- — ___« 670 Feet. Evaporation pant Type ---..-.-- -tr. S. Weather Bureau pan. Desoriptlon -.---.- — Diameter 4 feet, depth 10 Inches, set on 2 z U Inoh tlnber grill* Authority for data East Bay Uunlolpal Utility District. Publication reference -U. S. Weather Bureau Cllfflatologleal Data. Ueteorologlc data — Temperature, wind. t _ , Evaporation In Inches _^ * Jan. ' Feb, * Mar, * Apr. ' May ' June * July ' Aug. * Sept. ' Oct. | Nov. ' Dee. ' Annual Uean l530-'t5 0.75 1.37 2.68 '♦.28 7.38 9.85 12.17 10.72 7.65 '♦.27 1.^0 0.75 ^'+•37 lj»t< .58 .81 1.56 U.Ol 7.18 9.70 11.11 10.30 7.^2 j.ko I.U2 .30 58.39 19'*7 .37 .75 1.79 '♦•71 8.71 9.8U 11.81 10.37 8.45 2.76 1.07 .58 61.21 1948 .72 1.36 1.80 2.UU 4.83 7.79 10.66 9.06 7.81 3.15 1.^3 '7i* 52.01 1949 .69 1.05* 1.67 5.11 6.20 10.96 12.07 9.'*1 7.32 4.60 1.76 .86 61.70 1950 .69 1.13 1.84 U.51 8.03 9.77 12.41 10.83 6.52 3.83 .94* .54* 61.04 1951 .67* ,77 2.20 3.54 6.81 10.00 11,32 10.19 7.3^ 3.81 1.10 .62 58.39 1952 .7'+ .86 2.05 3.41 7.53 8.15 11.17 10.61 7.33 '♦.04 1.55 .77 58.21 1953 .53 1.79 1.96 3.60 5.71 7.95 12.72 9.56 6.26 3.81 1.24 .79 55.92 195't •(/* .73 1.23 '♦.01 7.58 9.'^9 12.53 9.62 6.84 4.17 1.24 .59 58.67 Mean X546-54 .62 1.03 1.83 3.93 6.95 9.29 11.76 ^'99 7.28 3.73 1.33 .65 58.39 Mean of record .70 1.24 2,38 4.15 7.23 9.65 12.02 10.46 7.52 4.08 1.50 .71 61.64 * Partly estlawited. di ^.<4 ♦?* *fif •*;»»{ .nsviH siOhilsjIoM no ti- . , :■.-:• •".>-. .■•.,*»»t Ot^ ,._■»..- . • . na J»-fv» '-'4 ■ * ii ;" - ■ « ■ji'JRi •■.rtl nj. _ ~ -.I-- ir-»a--« ?<:.*'^ - r ■-. . ij^.r r.oi c-8.? 65. •: . Sv.i^ ,f ■■ '?:<:.o -s'- '>:-:! <; >f.oi' XX. ii fK.? C:.\: .f«5.v« , >,.i . ■ ' . IS .v; ■ ■ • • "-. •- i. ;■■•.. ^io.l3 *^. -■^t* ii,t ;2.i "f*e',oi U^''".;! 't^.? tp-'-* .■<•',■ •f' ♦'^♦i ^>.ft? ;;■'. -k,i; r'-.,«i ^f?,P) ii.-?: f}':''i ra.c> p;,,.; fo . i- •• ■■■' '.flS »ii.... i,. .„;.: 81... i,;.'^ Am.'U <:•'". i. ?i.Q rs.'C ?f.t' '' 1 ." .■■■••»-*_ 69 TABLE ^8 TEMPERATURE AT PARDEE RESERVOIR, CALAVERAS COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Year i. U«an temperature In ^f , Jan. , Feb. liar. . Apr. , Uay , Jvme . July . Aug. , Sept* ' Oot. ' Nov. ' Oee. . Annual Mean 1930 - '♦^ 50 5"* 5? 63 72 80 78 73 66 56 W 62 l^ — — — ~ — — 75 77 76 «7 52 I49 ~ 11^ Mt 50 49 59 62 73 80 76 75 66 53 U8 61 13M ^5 1*7 52 60 6k 70 77 77 7^ 61 51 k6 60 15U7 Ul 51 55 61 70 73 75 7^ 77 63 50 •♦5 61 l^ 50 47 1+9 5^ 59 70 76 75 73 &t 53 1*3 59 1949 38 '♦S 51 61 6U 75 78 7U 7l^ 63 60 '+5 61 l?50 •ts 50 52 60 66 70 80 79 72 65 58 50 62 1551 t5 1*9 52 58 65 71 76 76 7^ 6>4 55 k5 61 X552 i953 49 U8 1*9 52 58 57 66 66 67 79 81 77 73 75 7'* 68 6U 53 hi Uft 61 61 50 59 55 195>» U7 W 50 61 66 70 80 73 71 61* 52 43 60 Itoaa *jly, 1*5 ljMt-54 48 51 59 64 70 78 7« 7U 64 3h 46 61 of TCoord 45 49 53 59 65 71 79 77 73 65 55 47 62 ?^ • 6i .'WeA? II -■» t . .. i ' . .1. ., -A-^^.. ,.» ..^ .1 , r .,i I I I _A-»-".-:jjitf rf< r ti a rM I ,-,— A-; — .« .^^.i^^^rr-r"' £3 8»i- Ji dd e?' ( ?^ s? ^vi it* id 'Ji'" ee d^ ?t' r^' diJ" i? l'« iT Id !>J IS Vi ^^: ?? "/ C2 !& V- ^^ i^ - -*. *.. — % § k ^ i^t - ■ ..'. «•■ '<^X od s^- ?d^ ??C w,;. f? ?4i. ., ^ C \ '• ... — .>T 08 rO SSV-; •?e^ ?''■ oc - ,-,Ju ?■ \ '." 0^ ♦i-j ■ oc.-^ 03. -n^-. ■■',■ 0\.' r;i- ?^ i?^- vvf,;! ;-,• , • ... V i 5^.v k^ ■''■ ^*^. ';- ■ J^ 6\' ^v- ^S* 1^- X? f^^ ,^Br ?-: o'*" ov aS'.- 6^- <- i' 0^. „,. ^; /^> ?3<.> 85- s? *J*i ^: - *i ^v 8? 511 8»l ■}'■■'. ■^y '-■- ir ■v^ ?i?'" T? S5- 02 n'i ^:i «:^- oS 3«?' &3: f.i 0? e*i t;;J ^- .... >«-, ,, . ,. - . ... ,. ^. . C-'- 'ii^ *J 1>S « t? L:)^ •■'^ ,^\ ^- ■-*■ — *A«-I«,^a Si "^ii ?j .^i ^T 'f^ ?^ xt j'.^ f? w ".'^ *MM.---a'«''-Ji:^.'». n.j.mi.fcw »,»..^.Jl0^My^, 70 TABLE 69 WIND MOVEMENT AT PARDEE RESERVOIR, CALAVERAS COUNTY, CALIFORNIA (2I+2) ' Total irlnd In miles Tear « ' Jan. i Feb. | Mar. * Apr. * May ! June ' July | Aug. * Sept. ' Oct. ' Nov. | Deo. | Annual Mean I930-U5 835 802 7^1 521 721 8»t3 880 818 729 661 562 758 8,873 1*66 937 1,138 1.106 95'* 5U0 821 1,106 1,112 1,056 &i2 605 591 6k7 1,048 1,199 1.19'* 1»179 — l,lii8 1,123 629 882 1,092 1,092 1,002 5»tl 736 1,015 982 1,000 602 977 923 ^ 1,125 •♦98 897 1,002 l,09U 1,026 1946 632 668 775 1947 617 614 623 1948 454 704 725 1949 960 950 1,214 1950 1,082 718 802 195X 821 616 612 1952 1,175 755 1,132 1953 831 753 777 195^ 768 719 777 894 769 828 591 9,8o£ 755 726 509 592 9,071 — 824 686 921 993 836 580 759 11,559 973 917 816 692 889 851 663 1,036 10,185 796 578 726 1,081 10,517 841 797 679 607 9,856 836 724 639 809 9,785 Mean 1946-54 821 72? 826 571 863 1,008 1,084 1,058 872 780 681 788 10,074 Mean of reeord 830 773 772 538 770 900 948 898 777 704 605 769 9,281- Mean ml. per hr. 1.12 1.15 1.04 .75 1.03 1.2$ 1.08 .95 .84 1.03 1.27 1.21 1.06 Ott i'v^tS 99^ S3l5 t^ ?5^ ei8 .. ?!.,£ £S5 i4*? SQ3 Kft j;;- 3c-', ^^ 4^p>r -■?': !.,;, ■ i,i Kff ^2.: J^ m. S?^ ^t^^tv i«o»^J st;^ «a5 5s^ c^v ai - ; - irSt 585 );;.•- --,- ■-.-— --•■- k? f^'^ %^k l^% ^ ' %; -P^- wivH s^t' p^ H^ «? «<^i4 ^<.4 e-«^^ ^9,J ^ti«i ♦l^j.i g?? c'*8 '-., '.-.:. ■ i*5 (!i£S W Ete e2X,r ^ ■ :~- ■:---- —r co6 51^ S80,( tm^m ko,x tdS /«t; $ft« SPO,I £tO,i S^0«4 <;8i; IJS^^ %i^ hii fS8 x^sl ?! ?e«i J|$o.i i«K»,i sop,i ^^iii 3f4i ^!Ct si^ W"? »'.. , *0,q{ 83^ XS^i o^\ St«, S?o,i .:. ■ Soo,{ {,>?» fS^ ^8 ^^* XS8- - . • *s ■ rv', . ..■ y. V. . iiasj? fit ?oi •'.' -yii >;:. . ., -r ?|:2 ?^'? etK cts t^,-. 71 TABLE 70 EVAPOBATION AT PRADO DAM, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA (258) S-tatlont Loeatlon -• ------....On south bank of Santa Ana Rlvor below Prado Dan* Lat. 330 53' N., Long. 117' 38' W. Elevation Approx, WO fest. Evaporation pan: Type .-.- .--_ ---0. S, Weather Bureau pan* Den'trlptlon ..-.--..-- Diameter 4 feet, depth 10 Inches, set on 2 X 4 Inch timber grill* Autho?»?.JX c?;« 8^,W ed.ii $3,t asi8 ?».0f sS.ii 72 TABLE 71 EVAPORATION AT PUDDINCSTONE DAM, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA (260) Station t Looatlon -<•---.-•.-■.--.- On« and one-half miles south of San Dlnas. Lat. 34" 06* N»« Long. 1170 l»8« ff.l/ Elevation 1»030 feet. Evaporation pant Type - — __-_._ Ground pwa.l/ Description --- — .... Diameter 2 feet, depth 3 feet, set in ground 2.75 feet. Authority for data .---.--. — Los Angeles County Flood Control Dlstrlot. Pttblloatlon referenoe ........ Annual Reports of Los Angeles County Flood Control Dlstrlot lieteorologlo data ....... None. Tear t Evaporation In Inohes ! Jan, ' Feb, * Mar, * Apr. Uay ' June ' July ' Aug. • Sept. ' Oot. ' Nov. ' Dee. ' Annual t J I t 19U6 3.54 2.14 2.90 3.50 3.?2 7.55 8.45 8.72 7.52 4.56 2.62 2.18 57.60 1947 2.66 2.40 2.68 3.52 3.98 4.70 6.28 7.32 5.86 4.28 3.52 2.80 52.00 19U8 3.22 2.83 2.73 3.16 U.87 4.96 7.44 6.3? 5.98 4.00 4.21 2.33 52.12 IJU? 2,05 l.UO 2.18 3.42 4.20 5.86 6.14 6.61 5.88 4.36 3.97 2.78 48.85 1950 1.(2 I.U2 2.14 3.01 3.58 $.22 6.22 6,72 4.32 5.36 3.42 3.12 46.15 1951 2,52 2.22 3.37 2.33 3.88 *.76 6.60 6.51 5.28 5.02 3.36 2.29 48.14 1952 1.8U 2.72 2.56 2.66 4.85 5.02 6.72 7.02 6.72 4.59 3.66* 2.52 50.90 1?53 2.5U »».>«) 3.'+0 3.30 5.7'^ 5.20 7.47 6.96 5.90 6.04 3.98 4.34 59.27 I95»t 2.38 3.68 3.30 3.33 4.98 5.70 7.56 6.40 5.70 3.76 2.79 2.38 51.98 Mean of reoord 2.48 2,58 2.81 3.14 4.44 5.44 7.21 6.96 5.9I 4.66 3.50 2.75 51.88 1^ Pan looated on a knell 125 f**^ «(^*'^ «' ^"^ In rolling hlU oountrjr. j^ Pan equipped vlth reduoer soreen In Sept«ab«r, 194^. * Partly estlnated. ?t X^ SJBAT ai»«»^:jio ,ywjoo sajscw ;T*4;;'Jfl3 3«3T3o«icacj ta HaitAfofAva ,.H iV.) "^'C .*dJ ..*!W «x.f; lo .■i^civu i.»iJirav'-' _'■■'■:•., - •• •*■ ■••.. .^ » .-;,.•• ..<,' ,. '•^'^! '■' ~- ,'■■■ ^^ •* ■ '?•'•': - ■ ■ . •■••-^ 'r.V •. - .^ . , ... ■:?.'<..■ .-,;,,• =2s: ■ u:i. :■:■ ■ ■< ,. « • « - ■* III Wl I llilfcl W ^» IM ^ I i f I* » _ ■« i«^-^y----— • u . ft .. ^ « f < W will Will ll l l . l « IJM f ill ■ l«W , ili n »'. iiW I'.i.iaaiii » ■vr^tr ■:;».$ *4d.c •■'■■68.?' Xct.i'-.' '-^i .• ^6.?. os,;i. - : ■' le.'c-.- oi.? • St.** ?^.e , fc.s tc? ;:.--4;'*'' 5':,y-^ ;a.»-. Jt.*-' w.?-., ^8.v, 5.^.s s^.r. t**?.?'' 0?;?"' S?;^ - X^-A'. OS.a,,. *.'\\J: .v.''-' OT.oi'' -,;].;»: Of,S 0*!,f »J.. ' ^" " ' ■■:'■- (fSiVf MHigjc.»7,(;;£ .';;. »j»«7«tt 7r Jt--. Aiix ^.'^qsj/ 73 TABLE 72 EVAPORATIOH AT SALT SPRINGS RESERVOIR, AUAOOR COUNTY, CALIFORNIA (26U) Station! Location ..... — .-On North Pork of Uokeluone River abou|| kO miles above Jaokson, California. Lat. 38 30' N., Long. 120" 12' W.l/ Elevation __>,-.,_ Approx. 3,650 feet. Evaporation pcuii Type — --- — ____U, S. Weather Bureau pan. Desoriptlon — ...-._.... Diameter k feet, depth 10 inehes, eet on 2 z U Ineh timber grill* Authority for data .... .- Paolfle Gae and Electrle Company. Publieatlon reference •......- None. Ueteorologlo data --......-. Temperature* > Evaporation In Inohes Tear t jjan. 1 Feb. j Mar. 1 Apr. j May | June | July | Aug. [ Sept. j Oot. \ Nov. j Deo. j Annua) Uean 1932-45 1.97 1.85 3.62 5.36 6.95 8.03 10.93 10.68 8.37 5.18 2.97 2.11 68.02 19't8 3.W 2.1+8 3.05 5.31 6.72 10.66 9.9'* 8.1+6 1+.77 2.58 19'*9 - 2.21+* 6.59 5.5't 9.92 11.3'+ 9.08 8.58 5'^5 '♦.'♦8 1950 3.17* 7.71+* 8.36 7.73 11.85 11.1+3 6,82 1+.61 3.'t5 1.89 1951 5.12* 5.X2 7.09 9.71 11.30 10.96 9.1+9 5.21 2.50* 1952 2.12* 5.1*6 7.78 6.69 9.71+ 11.10 7.72 6.09 3.13 - 1953 2.20* 3.62 3.90* 4.98 1+.3I+ 6.63 11.1+3 9.00 8.85 5.55 2.00 2.68 65.18 1954 1.34 5.11+ 2.86 6,55 7.72 7.62 11.71 9.92 8.69 6.02 3.27 1.97 72.81 Mean I9I+8-5I+ 2.3»+ 3.63 3.30 5.6I+ 6.59 7.86 11.15 10.20 8.37 5.38 3.06 2.18 69.70 1/ In I9I+7 this station «as moved to the Salt Springs power-house. Lat. 38° 30' N., Long. 120" 13< W, Elevation 3,700 feet. * Partly estimated. t\' 5^ IJS.l'.f \i.w icf °, i OSi ,: .*«6l ■1?3!,C .3(-..ii.;i;: IWKi .-,C,!. ■ . C .9'?-;>3-i3'l«ti-i'' . - - - ri**i:> vsl v« ! DCi^ant 'il aoi^Ai-iOMrS t»^T •■ jE'jK.,...- vtf'i .;5x.i= .j^^-s w.ox .'ee.ox tc.8 ?i'.i 5e«? s4.e ?8,i ?«.;^g^~;. : t-- i'.ii:-. '\t.)' >.; .M>.cf 2^^ jte.? ' 20.C at-.i n-J.v <^..i .; Jjb'.e ^if.rf SF.? i"'.? pe.2> *»'i.- -.r ^t).!-; i^»i< $8.a tJi.x: pfi.,; ,., -..•. «<;.•. c- ♦rr,- j.s[.t K.? eJi.'* ^p,n? oe.XX rV". f-^r .... ■ 8ii.>- ; r -• an i ' *".t. t.c'. ' u..:., N.-,f t£4;. soTi-' *;5:0 s^.tj f\,i> s^.t ej.d J8.': li.^ t^t-x +'•"' -' .vf >. * ■■'O'" f .t ^,ti^.iiaa xX*'''*' • 7U TABLE 73 EVAPORATION AT SAN OABRIEL DAM NO. 2, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 1/ (280) Statlont Loeation -.-.•--.------ ifest Fork of San G&brtel Canyon. Lat. 3U0 15* N*, Lon«. 1170 58' W. 2/ Elevation _-_-_ 2,33!+ feet. Evaporation pant Type --- — ----------- Ground pan. 2/ Desorlptlon ------------ Diameter 2 feet, depth 3 feet, set In ground 2.73 feet. Authority for data ---------- Loa Angeles County Flood Control Olstrlat* Publloatlon reference -------- Annual Reports of Los Angeles County Flood Control Dlstrtet. Ueteorologio data ----.•---- None. Yg-- • Evaporation In Inehes , Jan. . Feb, ^ Mar« ^ Apr. , May , June , July ; Aug. ^ Sept. , Pet. , Nov. , Deo. , Annual ISM 3.02 2.10 2.86 U.63 5.3U 8.68 9.UI 10.10 7.81 3.50 1.U8 1.22 6O.I5 1947 2.20 1.60 2,W 3.88 5.62 6.25 9.22 8.13 6,69 k,67 3.20 2.06 56.2U 1948 2.99 2.52 2.66 3.36 5*36 6.23 10.10 10.00 9.10 5.42 U.62 I.58 6U.llt I9U9 1.04« 1.36 2.82 4.90 5.50 8,13 10.13 9»94 10.02 6.08 14.60 2.31 66.83 1950 1.31 2.30 3.7U kM 5.96 6.10 9,90 10.65 7.32 6.29 3.79 2.86 66.68 1951 1.91 2,26 l».12 3.9U 6.16 7.95 10.78 11.03 J*^^ 6*00 2.88 1.45 67. 9U 1952 1.95 2.U6 2.3U 3.77 7.10 7.6^ 10,13 10.30 8.26 7.0U 2.72* 1.76 65.'t7 1953 2.3c* 3.76 3.84 4.411 6,38 7,02 10.78 10.68 8.61 6.23 3.22 3.29 70.55 1954 1.60* 3.20* 2.92 5.00 6.36 7.60 9.63 9.32 8.35 6.22 3.76 2.24 66.20 Mean 2,o4 2.39 3»09 4.29 5.97 7-52 10.01 10.02 8.42 5.72 3.36 2.08 64.91 1/ Station now Venom as Cogswell Dan. 2/ Station leoated In open exposure on shoulder of the neuntaln above valley floor. 2/ Pan equipped with reduser screen In Septe&ber, 1946. * Partly sstloatsd* Xf ;.H-jo- •^•r-,1i^ ^:^? t; }nT*'tu>^AVS Vdl* ?V»S fciVWg fl* *tt tl»»' C iff net ^itiol fsMtfrtcD fecolS X**--'- i>Xni" "'•' ^0 «*^- 'f^i^vtS , f: - '. •»'9tt , ♦vaU ^ ,J-aO , .?%^ S^.i: s;'^v •>:•. .• '.OS-' ii ;• ti.tri'" t'ih:'- io.f' ' ^^^ \.<:' l-i^'J -iy.i" Of.j A » ■ «.. 'a,- -Y>r^- 4i<*tiaa'.i'ur.rf'::f'.r\t,bLu9sU no'-S^t'iOffici m^O III ES^isof AC.i.+>?t'■ .-.-,■ .-.n- -• . . • ?•- • ■ • »...,.».■ „., ,-•»-■.■ •Ml" Cs • ';- .f;f!'"-; 75 TABLE 71+ EVAPORATION AT SAN JACINTO, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA (281) Statlont Losation --.-----------At City Water Works In San Jaolnto. Lat. 330 it7' N., Long. 11(0 571 w. Elevation --- — -..-----1,350 feet. Evaporation pan: Type -...---.. ..U, S. Weather Bureau pan* Desorlptlon ------------ Diameter k feet, depth 10 Inches, set on 2 T k ituh timber grill* Authority for data ...--.--.. Uetropolltan Water Dlstriot of Southern California* Publication referenee .------- None. Ueteorologlo data - -------.- Temperature, vlnd* i Tear 1. Evaporation In Inches 1 « Jan* t Feb. i Mar. i t Apr. t 1 liay t t June 1 July , Aug* , Sept. t t Oct. : t Nov. t Dee* , Annual Mesa 1539J*5 2.22 2.71 14.32 5.3? 8*22 9*146 11*M0 10,03 7.70 5.'*5 3.38 2.05 72.»*7 I5M 3.22 3.09 •+.23 5.«5 19»»7 3.10 2.5't 3.70 6.3»t I9l»8 2.87 2.99 3.69 5.97 19»49 1*50 2,10 3.71 6.29 1950 2.01 2.72 U.76 6.23 1951 2*16 2*75 3.7^ U.89 1952 1.63 2.93 3.1+2 5.51 1953 2.92 3.65 5.36 5.77 6.62 10.26 10.51 lOM 8.17 9.62 12.96 3'3i^ 8.13 9.22 11.93 lO^S** 7.18 10.12 11.07 10.51+ 7.1+8 9.20 10.13 10.U9 8.13 7.93 10.31 10.11+ 10.17 9.79 12.1+7 12.06 8.31 8.21+ 9.16 8.70 7.32 8.10 9.30 9.88 11.27 13.56 11*7*+ 10.15 1+.61 1+.90 k.m 5.1+8 6.35 5.56 6.99 7.81+ 2.19 3.29 3.81 3.88 3.71 2.99 3.29 t+.21 1.67 70.77 2*1+5 75.25 1.80 74.75 2*26 72*83 2*97 73.37 2,13 70.83 2,57 80.13 5.90 92.25 Mean l9^<-53 2.1+3 2.85 '+.33 5.83 8.22 9.68 11.62 10*71 6*66 5.82 3.55 2.72 76.1+2 Mean of "+.33 5.62 8.32 9.58 11*52 10*37 8*38 5.61+ 3. 1+0 2.1+1 reoord 2.26 2.76 7»+.59 ?t ••.jt MAS .'h, li'-jij^fs; 5A J .««a. '. -•: T**.*^ ?i .? ?*i. Xlf.t K.t Cfe. ,? Ot.S <>$^ OC- 1 »i?.ri- 2i?,f£ .^s.ii. "^ 'vit-f ? t«.s O':. -.S XO. ..s 3)1 iS fi.i Si'^S': *NP««NMM|*MMaHB«W»> "~1 £.';:i ! H , :r:;;"; i i ^i sy r sKi ji^tfii i y c: 76 TABLE 75 EVAPORATION AT SAK PABLO RESERVOIR. CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA S-tatlon! Location North of Berkeley en San Pablo Creek, Lat 37" 57* N,, Long. 122<» 16' W. Elevation --_- 33O feet. Evaporation pani Type — Ground pan* Description Square, 3x3 feet, depth 18 Inohes, set In ground 15 Inches. Authority for data East Bay Municipal Utility District. Publication reference -------- None* Meteorologlc data ---------- Temperature, wind* Tear t Evaporation In inohes ' Jan. ' Feb. ' Mar. ' Apr. ' May ' June * JUly ' Aug. -1 : : : I. : t : I : — Sept. ' Oct, ' Nov. ' Dec, ' Annual « : i i Uean IJ30-M+ 1.19 1.51+ 3.06 1^.31+ 6.28 7.1+1 8.36 7.68 6.06 U.26 2.«t7 1.36 S'^.oi 19UI+ — — — — — — — — — _ — — 1.10 1.06 1+9.85 I5»t5 '?^ 1.61 2.09 5.30 5.31 7.57 7.5^ 7.IK) 6.10 3.62 1.1+8 .91 1+9.71 I9I16 1.38 1.11 2.56 l+.3't 5.84 7.35 7.50 7.35 6.29 k.yh 1.86 1.02 51.34 I9U7 1.19 1.33 2.26 i+.e7 6.70 7.13 7.88 6.82 6.68 2.73 1.92 1.10 50.61 l9«+8 1.68 1.53 2.1+2 2.58 1**85 5.97 7.i«> 6.73 5.5'+ 3.50 2.19 .72 1+5.11 19^9 \.^ 1.09 2.12 1+.63 5.25 7.'«) 7.25 6.1+6 5.33 1+.06 2.39 2.51 1+9.93 1950 1.36 1.89 3.1*1+ 5.27 6.58 7M 8.2I+ 7.97 6.1+3 3.75 2.20 .71 55.30 1951 1.00 1.16 3.32 3-52 5.90 6. 91+ 7.92 6.86 5.07 3. 81+ 1.77 1.07 48.37 1952 .83 1.52 2.9I+ 1+.11+ 6.21 6.I4I+ 7.22 7.53 6.26 3.53 2.37 .68 1+9.69 1953 1.03 2.63 3.28 3.9U 5.50 6.91 8.61+ 6.62 5.61 1+.63 1.1+0 1.68 51.87 195^ 1.30 2.20 2.29 1+.13 6.62 7.53 8.1+2 6.52 5.97 1+.61 1.53 1.17 52.29 Mean 19^1^51* 1.22 1.61 2.67 1+.27 5.88 7.07 7.80 7.03 5.93 3.90 1.81+ 1.15 50.37 Mean of record 1.20 1.57 2.90 i+,31 6.12 7.27 8.11+ 7.'+2 6.01 1+.12 2.19 1.27 52.52 >^ AtHftot:/"- . ; vn-- . *~o.r) . a.Sv^o* -tari-n^iiii o.TJig was Ta wiTA.'50'tAVi ■ '^ 9£iili9 aiftB m t9l«#i«a la ■ -■■.■.■.. ..-. . *;^,?4J-' r?,:; y5,s , ^««' k«? ,W.S ; , •;. ^ ^'- ■,. c-.a •. .^v ^ • -^-.x . iisM ■'•1* ■ • '■ I.-' - . :. ■ . ' ■ . i'i.d - j iiiiiii n iii |%i.i) i l ii | i » l>i ml. i i: i n ii i« "'i i ' 1 11^-- vp.o? sr.j: •<■ \, _^ ,: ... ' -^wiWWM*l*«>WMMWiiii I' ll n Iiiii1lilh»i i« ■ I ^■^^■■. >n.t- ve.« .•.?6.^' ." i>S.« »^it- *A e?-f - '^^ - ^ ^'• ■ ,• f "' .ri ■, , ,■,:■/ > . ';''■-■' ? "* ■ '•;*.; ^,;.S n,» ,a '•if , .' • •■ fc-': ..^. V naiPERATURE AT SAN PABLO RESERVOIR, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CAUrORCCA {2?2) 77 : Tear ' Meeui temper»*ut«« In *F i Jan. ', Feb, ; Mar. i . 1 , Apr. , ^ \ June , July 1 Aug. , Sept. !oct. i Nov. Dee.; Annual Uean 1J30-4U 1*7 •♦9 53 55 58 61 64 64 64 60 5»* 48 5< 15»t5 itk 48 ^7 53 51* 62 62 61 64 58 49 46 5'* I9U6 m 44 4j 53 5^ 60 63 £l «5 57 49 U5 5»» 19^7 ki 49 52 56 59 <3 63 62 65 58 49 44 55 I91+8 48 ^5 46 49 5»» 59 61 61 «3 58 51 41 53 l?Uj 38 43 45 55 57 60 60 59 «3 59 57 44 5H 1950 kl 46 48 54 5^ 57 61 0( 63 59 55 49 ^ X951 Uk 46 50 50 55 56 60 60 61 58 52 '♦5 53 1952 U2 47 47 53 58 56 61 62 64 59 49 46 54 1953 1*8 48 49 51 53 58 63 61 <3 58 52 48 54 195^ 45 46 48 55 56 59 64 58 62 58 51 43 54 Uean 4U 46 ^9 53 55 59 62 61 63 58 51 ^ 54 Mean of record 46 48 51 ^ 57 60 63 63 64 59 53 47 55 ^K aymiUK^ jTHWao ateoo A/?r»>j . -: a,m.n m^ n m^umniaf ,.?,„■ : :. S* rt> '■ ■'■ " ■ " - ^ i " ' * ■ ■ ■' 1 . 111 - I I ii l ii » n .ii . ii « . . I ' I m iil .iy « f i.>. Ill ■.ifi »i * '-j-i I .. . . i" ' iir ' I' ll ■'i 'k ' «^'''''■■~^"~"•■'•1»'■■■•■■■••'■'3.■.V■.^^■^S--.■,n".^.. ... _ ie? .. _ C? -^^ ■■■■;■" ■■ ei i^ s;^_ ''t;> <:v ■, -m} v •''ei ■■■■•ii r.u ...V -■: ''■?? '-Kd ''-m .><* .>«» I ' , "' 6? '^^^ i3> -'.■ C'S {! oa ^: as s^:* ■'■■ 5? "■' r? ' •■ :i :■■: ^5 .;. 02 -^'^^— — — t m i i~~— .»-. . .. «... , . - . . i . .i» . i»~ , II. .^ I nil iiiil l<» i ln.l li : iii •^e . ?''■■ 3ti • ?t «| ?«i -•■itt^"- vi-*- ►'f>'t- -.•'''''^1^ -^c -A ■'^lA. ^i-^i^r ^i>8,s' :'.■', ■ -v-P-'tf 5.St.i" ./ . ''^»«' -t«f,l' f^.l 8«W,J, ^1,1 ESF,f ■•6?*l,t' r^.;i%M -IV^^i ses,i SH^I,,. s$«,l , it^,l • 8ir ■',! ?a^,/ y0s„; •":-,:■ '0*1,1 4- ,;.„.. OS?,! VJs,! :.^,^ •,,■..■,- .-•,; errj :% , • :• • ,l^l' tn^i ,'••:. ' "'^4,- ' ^?s,i . oc.^,ji ; -gaojS ■cex.s gee; -.^ ■ ,^c':,i .-;, ;>; ^ yitp.iS ''j^^JtS c8\,i 05c,x .":-». ^ ■- v,'^'. -:. '■ ■ ' .,;^ ' ■'^,,,; ';;w.,i ^?s,5 "^ ■■'H^i^ '^\r' ■■'■''f '"■■.' >^<> ■ '■■'.■ ■■--,- . ;:?^^i o^e^x ?tkv': ^;''''' .. ■?a?-.->> Soil and Water Conservation Research Branch, Agrl. Res. Serv. Publication reference --• ---__ None. Ueteorologlo data ---..-. — - Temperature, wind* Evaporation In Tear t inches t t Jan, \ Feb. ,■""• > , Apr. ;««■ ; June ; July ; Aug. ; Sept. t : Nov. : ^^°* s Annual — - 13^ U.8I 2.97 1.78 I9U7 2.90 2.63 U.61 6.30 7.3t 8.U5 11.28 9.5t 7.86 5.H* 3.UU 3.29 72.80 I9I46 3.67 3.32 U.3U 6.3»t e.09 8.27 10.62 9.69 ^38 i».8U 1+.8I 2.31 75*«8 I9U5 1.61 2.13 3.9't 5.72 6.6it 8.32 7.77 5.61 k,m 2.6U 1950 3.12 1.51 U.30 5.17 6.75 8.66 9.7t 11.03 6.96 6.30 ^-35 3.09 70.98 1951 .53 2.51 5.69 U.81 7.06 8.63 9.89 10.01 7.27 5.83 3.60 1.44 67.47 1952 6.37 2.31 6.1+8 U.lU 7.39 7.67 9M 9.30 7.62 5.20 U.32 1953 2.86 3.15 5.16 7.56 9.57 8.51* 7.2U — 3.93 195»t 3.91 U.Sl 6.13 5.00 6.62 7.72 7M 8.32 9.15 5.63 3.85 3.07 71.35 Uean of reoord •Sk. 3.12 2.76 5.10 5.33 7.18 8.23 9.71 9.3^ 7.91 5.U2 3.97 2.69 70.76 - - : . . ,: / ■ • ■ '• .vi«2 J«iS ',?■*!?" ----- »C(iT r;i:3-.-«-.r,s;:; seri-irtf nl oo!tiT..J , »inA ^ ,ti^. , .tfo^ , .nfil j -. le.'s rs.V t-'(S4i' 6e..? |jai;s ■ ♦M.ii' x&'.V vv.<: CO.}- ??.«! OC.d >?.5 ;J;*.t od.< e8>,! t - „..u,ifm.i .... . . . .,. i:.'-" ^.^ 8S.1£ ?»1.8 at.t ^5..^: CO.OX (";.;: pj... ih.\ o^.c t'iJ.c ■•;;.v iii.i; -v^.e ice •• — - None. Ueteorologlc data. -.-.-.---- None* f Year * Evaporation In Inohes . Jan. . Feb. ^ Mar. j Apr. ^ May ^ June J July J Aug. ^ Sept. | Oet. . Nov. Doe. j Annual -*^ I9I+3 ^ 5,1+0 3.52 i.jit 19^ 2.69 2*20 U.17 U.52 6.03 6.61 9.0U 9.38 7.62 5.51 3.U9 3.13 6k.^i 19'+5 2.68 1.85 6.93 lt.53 6.35 5.98 8.26 5.51 6.98 5.U9 3.92 2.72 61.2c 19^6 2.55 2.38 3.06 1+.I6 -5.90 8.0U 8.2it 8.70 7,50 5.39 3.06 2.02 61.00 19^7 2.78 2.49 3.52 5.82 6.91 7.73 10.08 8.73 7.87 5.30 3.69 2.58 67.Uk 1948 3,57 3,00 3.50 5.17 7.53 7.43 10.22 8.95 8.15 5.27 5.58 2.66 70.83 1949 ^.89 1.79 3-39 5.35 6.05 8.22 9.2»* 9-29 7.55 5.81 3.97 2.66 65.2I 1950 1.80 2.05 3.90 5.21 6.51 8.6U 9.55 9.13 7.29 5.01 2.95 2.66 6U.70 1951 1.78 2.06 k.k6 3.1U 5.58 7.00 8.1U 7.14 7.l|l 4,33 2.63 1.29 5I4.98 1552 .81 2.U 2.08 2.74 6.68 6.79 8.42 8.32 7.00 4.98 2.75 1.^9 54.37 1953 2.J0 3.21 3.74 4.06 7.00 6.92 8.85 7.75 6.50 5.90 3.3« 3.76 63.15 1954 1.42 3.18 2.07 3.63 4.85 6.58 7.62 7.22 6.33 4.36 2.91 2.07 52.24 Mean of record 2.16 2.39 3.71 4,39 ^.31 7.27 8,88 8.1J 7.29 5.23 3.49 2.43 61.74 08 ?t a-iSA? swaoiv MAS t* mit/uKiqjiO 'i9*iiW 050:- ■ I i i ' I . II i n ' r^.i'S ^^ .-e '?.? =*= .-. .. — I I i L A 3«>.& ?I,6 -.=• i;i;,^' X*ii> , •'•4*' ,.. . Op,>; +!0.? ,'■. 1?.? hi.b (! '.■ . '. Jf.f: ;ir..S 30. UX ct/c ' i::.^ ??.8 ss.ox ^t^.^ «.^ ^i.3 ?S.i' ill.? SS.8 ?0.d ?f.? ?:.t- .■ ^. <\'\ ^S.r, i ■ . . i..V s^.^ o<,^ (.'0, ■ •.3. , o?-e. S8.« , .«t , i .f Oiiv .f 0: . -■ *. . *;?■; . .'Of vs.v r.Z'^' ?e.4^ x^-c ?e»s ix.s i'^' TABLE 80 EVAPORATION AT SANTIAGO DAM, ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Stat 1 on i Looatlon ...•>••.>«->-- 1.5 miles east of Irvlns Park and 5 miles east of Villa Park. Ut. 33** '♦7' H,, Long, 117« Elevation ------------- 790 f eot. Evaporation pant Type -.-.------------ U. S. Weather Bureau pan. Desoription ------------ Olaneter k feet, depth 10 Inohes, set on 2 x H Inoh timber grill on downstreaa face of dam* Authority for data ---------- U. S. Geological Survey. Publication reference -------- None* Meteorologio data ---------- None. t Evaporation in inches Toar : : i Jan. 1 Fob. iMar. ; ^p- ; -ay I •Tune ! July , Aug. ; Sept. 1 Oct. ; H- ! Deo. 1 Annual I9U6 5.29 3.97 U.3I 5.1( H.6U 8.06 6.81 8.82 8.05 5.68 U,30 2.90 69.9^ 1947 U.5U 3.08 1».16 6.0U $.80 6.85 10.52 8.89 8. lit 5.10 5.I46 it.56 I3U6 5.36 3.?7 U.fil 6.32 6.61 7.00 9.22 8.U7 8.111 U.93 7.22 2.99 I5U5 3.7'* 2.33 U.12 6.01 6.71 8.63 9.26 9.86 9.07 7.57 6.72 6.12 80.16 1950 2.30 3.9« U.5I 5.27 6.07 7.92 9.16 9.07 6.m 6.58 5.66 3.7»* 71.08 l?5l 2.63 3.56 6.06 k.62 7.09 7.70 9.89 8.20 6.9»» 6.91 '».79 3.07 71. W 1952 2.87 kM k.^ >*.15 7.30 6.55 9.11+ 9.26 8.77 7.00 U.oo 3.50 71.5* 1J53 U.OO 5.02 kM k.o6 8.86 7.87 10.U9 9.12 7.7«* 6.20 3.66 5.11 76.55 l?5»t 2.83 U.67 3.38 U.99 5.60 7.9'* 7.03 6.65 — — — 6.86 7.82 6.25 5.23 U.oo ■•an of rooord 3.73 3.89 >».6o 5.00 6.23 7.3< 9.38 72.35 X8 V X \ :■■ ,:;-,:v-» err - sn .;i ' -■ • S o'Ct «:o.t sS.*: ^-.s ' <>■: - . ?:-J . ;t ^*^,': '";••; 0:>«^ ;• '^ • "' 6e.? \ ■■' • ^ C •' f'f.? , ac.'; r;; .i '"'.e c^:.c -rr- .- , — ■- — — . — 3''C'I 6f TABLE 81 EVAPORATION AT SHASTA DAU, SHASTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Station: Looatlon --_.. . About 9 mile* north of Rodding and 1,000 fe«t south of loft abutment of Shasta Dam. Lat. kC^ Ifji N., Long. 1220 23* V. Elevation 1,080 foot. Evaporation pans Type — 0. S. Weather Bureau pan. Description -----.-.---- Diameter k feet, depth 10 Inches, set on 2 z U ineh timber grill* Authority for data ..-U. S. Bureau of Reclamation. Publication reference --------U. S. Weather Bureau Cllmatologloal Data. Meteorologlo data -- — Tei^>erature, vlnd. _ * Evaporation In Inches Tear t *Jan. ' Feb. ' Mar. * Apr. * May * June ' July * Aug. * Sept. ' Oct. ' Nov. ' Deo. ' Annual 15U6 3.23 2.07 3.02 7.?o 10.12 11.U8 iU.62 15.16 10.28 6.36 3.13 2.02 89.35 ijit? 2.02 2.62 k.y/ 7.36 9,62 8.61 10.17 9M 9.75 3.88 2.67 1.23 71.96 I9W 3.30 2.09 2.80 2.92 5.85 8.37 10.88 9.78 7.08 k.36 2,99 1.54 61.96 19'*9 2.25 .92 2.38* 6.86 7.05* 11.32 12.15 10.3»t 7.70 5.69 3,56 1950 1.80* 3.09 7.02 9.31 9.83 13.15 11.68 7.59 It.l8* 2.13 .1*3* 1951 1.13* IM U.18 5.86 7.5U 10.U2 12.12 11.29 SI8 "+.62* 2.83 1.95* 72.52 1952 .83* 2.01 3.86 6.69 8.98 8.06 12.60 11.31 8.61 5.94 3.70* .66* 73.25 1953 1,58* 3.38 U.17* 5.42 5.71 9.15 12.65 9.52 7.44 6.05* 1.60 2.15 68.82 1954 1.82* 3.70* 3.1+3* 6.U8* 9.95 8.97 12.81 9.1+3 7.60 5.38 2.10 1.1+1* 73.08 Mean 51+6-5I+ 2.02 2.22 3.50 6.28 8.2I+ 9.58 12.35 10.88 8.36 5.16 2.74 I.U2 72.75 Partly estimated. t*i( *ii^ "-^^ .itaa ..-_,:. 4,'-tSSl8 1o 3- •<^»*) 0(iO,i ■rf**a /*oisOioi-i. t»: ^£.1- ,«^.': 'y..9 (;o,^:i 'vC.'i ?^.^ - i2.c ?^.2 0':,'^ *!e.oi se.ic *?3,t «t«Si^ «9e.i C<}.i «£d.«i $X.^ ^S.ii vi.U SV'.Ol .l%.t ^ tS.dd "rt.i *?o.i . ♦M.^j Si;.? 9>.sf ex^ rt.J st^^ ♦.« *«i e».) as.c ic. j i I II . ■■o m iiiiipt —w i l H M i m W*!! ?t«*t t**.! **?.s ii.? ^P.8 .? i»*^ fltJ flf^; 'fi!. 83 TABLE 82 TEMPERATURE AT SHASTA DAM, SHASTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 1 i Mean temperatups In ^F Jan* ! Feb. 1 Mar, , Apr. ! Ma. J June 1 Aug, , Sept. : Oct. ; Nov. , Dee. , Annual 19X< 47 k6 52 62 69 72 82 82 74 61 52 49 62 19*7 H6 53 57 64 72 71 78 77 76 62 53 46 63 1946 52 k6 48 51 61 73 79 79 72 65 53 42 60 19^9 kl 44 48 64 ■67 77 ■ 62 78 76 64 59 46 62 1550 37 48 51 61 69 74 85 »3 It 62 55 48 62 1951 U2 4« 51 62 66 78 62 81 77 62 52 45 62 1952 Uo 46 48 60 67 67 84 86 76 70 54 43 62 1953 1+8 50 51 56 58 68 82 76 78 64 53 50 61 I95U Mt 53 50 62 69 70 81 75 71 64 54' 44 61 "llean 1*1* 48 51 60 66 72 82 80 75 64 54 46 62 es s5 ajai"! ■ ' ■! - ■ ■-•:- ■. • - 1* nl itufA'sHmfit aaiif . »»oo ; "+qs?. \ ,^VA ^ M^iut; tsH. 1 .iqA- J" A '■ '^\ oj S5 ■ xa jr ?3 S8 St' -=15 ■ 5^' f ■? e& , if C? S;^ <-\ ^\- 6^ .". tiS 0^ £4i es 33 Sa ?t ?^ e\ *d i^ SJ do « >id ^t e\' s8 ^i;,; s^ 8>i ?? S8 it c« es f»t eV Jd s» *^ SS s^ Vi X8 S8 6t i^ a C*i ^ f'"^ S' JS »!5 tJ> ^ 0& tl** id 85 e? ;^ W yi s8 dd 8? is. i? . ,.# , . '**e.. )JS J\" i< 16 ot ?i ^ «? h^ tJ? 4 ?<^ 69 s^ ^ TABLE 83 WIND MOVEMENT AT SHASTA DAM, SHASTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA r«&r i t Total vlnd in mll«B Feb. \ Mar. ! t Apr. . May , June 1 July J Aug. , Sept. , Oct. ', Nov. : °e«' 1 Annual 191I6 3,117 2,068 2,1488 2,733 2,603 2,1497 2,929 3,024 3,120 2,864 2,522 2,309 32,274 isu? 2,012 1,91*4 2,14148 2,391 2,0l41 1,9»41 1,317 1,1490 2,135 1,544 1,962 1,869 23,064 1948 2,938 1,319 1,880 1,666 1,569 1,779 1,857 1,630 1,798 1,805 1,966 1,924 22,131 19149 3,168 1,222 1,587 1,158 1,015 l,l422 973 7I45 1,031 1,834 1,235 1,456 16,846 1950 1,2514 1,255 l,'t95 1,920 1,866 l,83t 1,620 815 767 1,211 1,195 1,050 16,282 1951 1,213 867 1,631 1,021 1,200 l,00l4 l,07»» 1,252 1,771 2,472 2,667 3,390 19,562 1952 2,7'4't 2,14514 2,716 2,951 2,997 2,651 2,718 2,2149 2,248 2,259 2,916 2,916 31,819 1953 3,089 2,507 2,921 2,2314 2,297 2,233 2,187 1,563 1,868 2,471 2,020 2,409 27,799 195'» 3,107 2,6140 2,111 2,626 2,293 1.867 1,928 1,727 1,887 1,980 1,711 1,660 25,537 Kean *6-54 2,516 1,805 2,142 2,078 1,987 1,914 1,845 l,6l0 1,847 2,o49 2,022 2,109 23,924 aa nl. •f hr. 3.38 2.69 2.88 2.89 2.67 2.66 2.48 2.16 2.56 2.75 2.8l 2.83 2.73 »i3 Sg-^T^' ^•iJtfl .1.' : ,:•■;,. ♦i^t,?, eo*,s sse4 vi^i' ''"?.5 t;^?^i.: ^ _ 6JCvx :-;i|, Xf:i,ss ii'iz.i .'idp,i .?o8.i &'''-:. f rt£&,i t28,x ttt,i c>i,x •>;';<;jx d? , i l!'>■^,J /r''*-' P.t't er" ss4,i: ?.f^.j i^r.:.' •'(•83.1 sss.x ft^r;' s9p,E rs;^,5; ^vi',s tx-? . ■;-,5 Qci»i a^'itli ^^£,S Saw? i^d^S 'J.ig.i ^.;.... V-,: :'.^... i'^-V^ S^'^ t e^,X 561,2 £|^SvS " ^^^ a{,i «.;,,. xw-,i vav.iX es<>,i-A^,^•••^ ■ * ' ' ■ '• ^^.s " ^,e vs^t^s ijoi,: icso,r. ^iJo.s YvSS^x oj.3.,i ,. ^ri?u..,..t'i^,x \tt?ii- ••i>^<5,i s-^i,s ' ?o8;i iXt :>.? I3.S _?\;S B?,S &X.?„ .64i.£ .-.~.b^ Mar, i Apr^ May t June t July ; Aug, : s * Sept. Oct. i tJiine • Nov. ; Dec.i Oct. I9I47 19^8 191+9 1950 1951 1952 1953 195't 6.80 8.58 7.88 6,87 3.08 33.21 6M 8,63 7,95 6.29 3.38 32.69 8.29 8.87 7,27 6.52 U.70* — : i.—- 35,65 7.51 9.'+9 8. 84 5.15 3.95 3'+.9'+ 7,78 9.31 8.73 6.60 3,76= 36,18 6.30t= 8.33 8.69 5,80 U.UO' 33.52 9.2I+ 7,73 5.96 6.30 9,36 8.13 5.88 3,73. 33.26 record 7.06 8,98 8,15 6,13 3,86 — 3^.18 Partly estimated. a iti s.mi? I 'l'.'C> JT.14'> V.r,'ai Xtx .sjiiea ,.m '?o *^ ,*»j ■Vjt^'i.-T lOnsifflst ao. ...^.'..■"3ii5*Tar— ,;,.v.*,^..,icf^,^ '- '' ■. .■:--r:r*::;rjcr::cx;^^^."0' .o;-*fct*».-' .I'VJ — • — • -c^»^ ■■"*: • - . . . — ■ ,b»J-«:;i ■] M TABLE 85 EVAPORATION AT SOUTH HAIWEK RESERVOIR, INYO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA (303) Station! Looation ...--..-- Near Halwee, south of Owuia Lake. Lat* 360 10* N«, Long, 1170 50 » W, Elevation Approx. 3>800 feet* Evaporation pan: Type ----------------- Ground pan* Desorlptlon -.- --- --- Square, 3x3 feet, depth I8 Inohea, set in ground 13 Inchesa Authority for data ----------- Los Angeles Dept. of Water and Power* Publioation referenoe -- -.- ---- Calif* Dept. of Pub. VRcs. Bull. Uk, Ueteorologlo data ----------- Temperature, wind* * Evaporation In Inches Year > _— ^__— — _— — "• Jan. ' Feb. ' Mar. ' Apr. ' Kay ' June * JUly ' Aug. ' Sept. ' Oct. ' Nov. * Deo. ' Annual UeGin I92it-Mt 1.1+9 2.08 3.81 5.12 7.32 8.67 9.93 8.87 6.78 4,26 2.38 1.57 62.28 191+5 2.35 2.08* 3.81 6.1»+ 7.7'* 8.58 10.1+3 8,29 6.90 3.56 2.18 .87 62.93 19I+6 1.66 2.18 it.19 5.19 8.00 10.2I+ 10.32 8.8I+* 7.27 '♦.5'* 1.62 ,9'+ 6i+*99 191+7 1.1+7 1,95 1+.25 5.1+3 7.88 10.02 12.02 10.53 7*86 5.20 2.5I .98 70.10 I9I+8 1.25 2.66 i+,i+3 6.88 9.13 9,88 12.06 10.50 8.27 U.80 2.81+ 73.6I+ 191+9 1.25* 2.60* 1+.81 6.18 7.29 11.12 11.1+5 9.1+2 7.92 5.08 2.20 1.18 70.50 1950 1.32 2,38 1+.83 6.^6 8.72 10.5I+ 11.19 9-60 6.62 5.'+7 2.10 1.1+1+ 71,17 1951 1.38 2.59 5.23 5.52 8.72 10.28 11.82 11.12 8.1I+ 5.3I+ 2.01 1.31 73.1+6 1952 .7? 2.1+0 3.1+1 5.37 5.37 9,50 9.68 9.37 6.1+5 1+.1+8 1.68 .66 59.16 1953 1.57 2.71+ 1+.5U 5.77 7. 24 9.83 10.58 9.78 6.51+ 1+.67 2.17 1.1+3 66.86 195't 1.20 2.57 3.71 6.26 8.80 9.92 10.2I+ 10.11+ 7.07 5.00 1.78 .88 67.57 Uean I9I+5-5I+ 1.1+2 2.1+1 I+.32 5.97 7.89 9.99 10.98 9.76 7.30 I+.8I 2.11 1.07. 68.03 Mean of record 1.1+7 2.18 3.98 5.1+0 7.50 9.IO 10.27 9-l6 6.95 '+•'+'+ 2.30 1.1+1 6I+.16 f Partly estimated. il yi;,iAa {iU'iv ;■>, •'o:ri^;o-j«,v.: I . ..^ • ■ ■ "liiiiiiiiiiw ' > - .... er.d ^b.s e?. i(:. ■• ^ 4>>.ft' ■OJ.t ^'8.>.' c:;.4i T'..c -. • di*i 05.: a-).:. '•'•-V . Vi. ■■ '>i.j :-.^.'^^' ie.i ri5.S i^. .IS.i &J..!; f , 8^.e r.'-i ■j.Xi' j&e.ox 4I1.0T iis.of sp.? . 11 ,1 1 i ii B Ill i ''*' ii ' i ■ - -«»<^iw>— rl « ii ii.>ih iv'.i O'e.'i' ■".*■ ^?,a. , ■v'Xt^: . "tJ.OI Of.,- cr.t.' oe.^ 33. 5 , e- • ' ■ • -■ .■ — ~':::s.!.vA. '• .H'' -.a- :-i r? \ U •■* 'A c c.$ P- ■ c'.e i' 1 ' 63 ivxc X.6 ?:.-: *J ■■■- .- •r.S .,., T il •5 ?- s.?x .i" ' ^ v ■ ' ^ ? J !? C t !!! l^ ! ^ t ?'?^ ^^ "'i.'. " ' '•' 'T*' - ' "t r ? ' ■ ■' " I'Sfu a u * " ^ **^ " " ****' " !'?'r ? .u y r " ***?? "^ I ' . ' - T . ? !. '? . '*?!' ?- ff"' J " "- ' . * ? ■- ' ■I ff " "B' r •"' ■ l...-i..'- 85 TABLE 86 EVAPCmATIW AT TINEMAHA RESERVOIR, INTO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA (319) Statlont Looatlon --~ In Owene Valley, 10-15 lolles acuth of Big Pine* Approx. Lat. 370 05« N,, Long, llflo 15« W, Elevation _«»__----- Approx. 3»870 feet. Evaporation pemt Type — -._ — Ground pan, Desorlptlon -.-.---•-.-- Square, 3x3 feet, depth I6 Inches, set In ground 15 Inches. Authority for data — .-.----. Los Angeles Dept, of Water and Power, Publication reference -------- None, Ueteorologlc data — --- ----- Temperature, wind* m il I Bg— B-^B-ax^aaa 1 r: 1 » i 1 11 11 ' ■ 1 1 s^es=s8i , 1 i r i 'i acs:^:^ •, , ^s y,^p ' Evaporati on In Inches I Jan, t Peb. t Mar. , ^P**' t ^^ t ^»* » ^^y t *"g' t Sept. , Cot, , Nov, , Dee. , Annual Mean 19314-M* 1,88 2,43 5.27 7.71 IO.69 12.53 15.81 12.80 9.3€ 6M k,07 2,37 90,00 191+5 3.0U 3.69 it.82 8.19 e.76 12.02 lU.W 11.61 9.92 5.17 S.'H 1.19 86.30 191*6 2,55 2,95 6,29 8.16 10.50 13.36 13.25 12.9'+ 9.78 6.95 2.'+6 1.98 91.17 191*7 2.1+7 2.7? 5.99 7.69 11.21+ 12,56 II+.88 13.11+ 10.31+ 7.01 1+.1+1+ 2.1+2 9»+.97 I9I+8 3.72 3.88 6.21 8.2I+ 11.66 12.35 IS.'W 13.81+ lO,i+8 7.25 '+.58 2,17 99.78 19I+9 2.16* 2.67* 5,79 8.62 10,10 13.38 li+,22 11.91 10,16 6.78 3.56 2,00 91.35 1950 1,35 3.33 6.1+3 9,1+1+ 11.38 13.92 11+.2I+ 13.20 8.82 7.1+8 3.72 2,oi+ 95,35 1951 2.06 3,1+1+ 6,62 7.1+1 11,25 12.80 li+,28 13.83 11.66 8,51 5.08 1.55 98.51 1952 ,76 3,21 it.58 7.11 10,30 12.01 12.1+0 12.98 9.38 8.12 4.91 2.15 87,91 1953 3,52 5.01 6.28 7.66 9.18 12.86 II+.6I II+.OI+ 10.1+2 7.96 6.21 5.02 102,77 195"+ 3.29 1+.21 5.28 8.23 11.33 12.32 13-9* 13.50 10.16 7.56 1+.51 2,12 96.1+5 Mean 19»»5-5'* 2.49 3.52 5.83 8.08 10.57 12,76 Ii+,17 13.10 10,11 7.28 1+.29 2,26 9i+.lt6 Mean of record 2.17 2.95 5.54 7.89 10.63 12,61+ 15.03 12,91+ 10.03 6.86 i+,17 2.32 93.17 * Partly estlnated. e breuotj; «iEWro ffrfefij. «' /t^A t *i^ .^^tf*? I «a«l ^A'< . oa.o<[. te.t-.-; ■?:-.; 0?v66 <*'.'".' '■ 'J . ■ ■ Vi.3 ti'.re ^r 4 i "- >. i.-A fF.-.rx ^S.CX i<:.t ts.5 <£•*? kAM^ . d0,i'i s?t;.Sj •'.".;■; .:, J "^^y K.5i ^^.: i <^,sr gi.ii K^>^ a^.S <;aA* ??.? F-: .'■ iij.a IS.& P SJ.S e^.e ly.l; r . : - . : si.d *M< d?.8.t *I5.5 ??.s tbafiUttaa Xlt'ia'i JO TABLE 89 EVAPORATIOH AT TORRANCE, LOS AMGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 1/ (323) Stations Location --- — -. -....At Southern California Edlaon Company Substation. Lat. 330 52« N., Long. H8o I9' W. Elevation 57 feet. Evaporation pan: Type — ___--_ — __ Ground pan. 2/ Description Diameter 2 feet, depth 3 feet, set In ground 2.75 feet. Authority for data - - Los Angeles County Flood Control District, Publication reference - -- Annual Reports of Los Angeles County Flood Control Dlstrlot. lleteorologlo data ---------- None. _ ' Evaporation In Inches Tear ' — — • — — — I Jan. * Feb. j Mar. . Apr. ^ May | June , July ^ Aug. ^ Sept. ^ Oct. j Nov. j Dee. ^ Annual 1546 - — 3.66 3.02 1.12 1947 2.58 1.07 2.12 k,2k kM it.96 6M 5»9^ ^.26 3.12 2.36 1.1+6 42.97 1948 1.32 2.08 2.48 3.80 5.00 5.14 {.39* 5.89 '+•66 3.12 2.83 I.26 43.97 1949 1.36 1.50 2.22 3.42 3.92 4,31 4.74 5.03 4.14 3.60 2.52 1.65 38.41 1950 1.35 1.07 2.02 3.24 4.12 4.48 5.22 5.11 3.60 3.12 2.12 I.8I 37.26 1951 1.54 1.95 2.96 2.64 4.69 4.24 5.45 5.32 3.80 3.51 2.16 1.63 39.69 1952 1.38 1.97 2.45 2.72 4.56* 4.89* 5,03 4.96 3.98 2.90 2.02 1.24 38.10 1953 1.51* 2.66 3.00* 6.14* 4.61 5.80 4.70 3.52 3.70 2.54 2.13 1954 1.34 2.36 2.52 2.80 3.78 4.58 5.28 4.80 3.96 3.20 2.18 1.66 38.46 Mean of ^^55 3,^33 2^1^^ 3^26 4.58 4.65 5.5^+ 5.22 3.99 3.32 2.42 1.55 "+0.38 record 1/ Station now known as La Fresa, located at I768O Tukon Street. i/ Pan equipped with reducer screen In October 1946. * Partly estimated 0* ?8 sms^.7 "■■'' ■'■ '&2 °St '^^ '■.■■■. ' ■.■:.•• "• . ttmt t? - ■- -' ■ ■ • . - - -' ^c!9trm9li'i ■-■•,,. .-• ..■ - -a ~ - -"-"- '~ . - -,.. '" ■ '___' ;; "' l^^;^; ^ M I i ii j li ■■ " Willi :' U^' fi i t f Km sr.f so,r '5".^ --• ■ : ■^^-■- *-7-^. ■-■'■-,- .--■- .T-;:-r, -J™.»'' , i:**.*^ , ■ •■ , ,. i^,** i<:,i its^ ^ .. ., ■ s£.j,j 8;^;' ^iviJ -i^^t .JiO.-^ vo.i ^s.f;--' .^i;-.^ '?!'.; ^■■.»-' '"i^.t^ .t'^i;*' -^s.!: iK'^ — -.: — ";:,,■.,:■ ,i , ■ l ] WMWI»l »i II ■^■ f iHiy.M r.t.,ov _ .;;?..i :■ sii.i • 'SCif ??.C 'ss.? '■•J^»5"- ?5.4' ,6?.*^ ^«i.s , co.i . (.c.i 91 TABLE 90 EVAPORATION AT TURNTABLE CREEK, SHASTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Station! Looatlon - - --_---. MeLoud arm Shasta Reservoir* Lat Uo^ U6* N., Long. 1220 18' W. Elevation 1,080 feet. Evaporation pant Type -_-__U, S. Weather Bureau pan. Desorlptlon - - Diameter U feet, depth 16 inohee, set on 2 x ^ inoh timber grill. Authority for data .--.U. S. Weather Bureau. Publication referenoe »---..--U. S. Weather Bureau Cllmatologleal Data. Ueteorologlo data ---.--•.-.- Temperature, wind. Tear « : Jan. I Feb. \ Evaporation In Inohes Nov. ' Deo. I Annual , Uar. . Apr. _i • ■ •ft , May . June . July , ' r • f Aug. j Sept. I Got. 131^6 U.59 2.31 3.20 It. 10 l^k^ 2.72 2.1*4* 3.03 7.16 1550 2.58* 3.13 7.02 1951 2.02* 1.99* 6.59* 6.92* 1952 1.78* 3.'+7* '♦•'+'♦* 6.51 1953 2.05* 3.66 1+.85* 5.33* I95U 2.10* >t.M4* 4,11* 5.82* 4.47 7.61 10.90 9.82 11.37 6.86* 10.27 il«25 10.06 9.47 8.69 9.13 12.50 10.84 8.43 7.07 12.04 11.05 12.07 9.61 6.94* 6.86 10.13 10.20 8.09 ^'3?* 7.73 10.32 8.83 8.98 7.63 6.80 11.03 9.13* 8.22 5.53 4.11 7.44 3.14* 2.59 76.^5 3,36* 3.1'* — — 5.50* 4.87* 5,02* 84.75 6.30 4.71* 1.33* 70.76 6.46 1.87* 3.11* 68.13 5.92 2.92* 2.00* 70.12 Mean of record 2.54 2.98 4.19 6.12 6.67 8.63 11.02 10.14 9.17 6.19 3.57 2.86 7'+.o8 * Partly estimated* 15 Airac;:j:i.. ; fWj.; c iTCUis asAti:a'--4: SA naJTAiWlAVa .flag ifsaioa nsrl.'. . ' • „»■„_,„.- stjv. t iJ i-.I no .• ■ • • '■I W I1I ; " II * «'■« ■ i..»*i..*«.. . -t^^*^, . , I... . . .v iii i i n l H l n iiii M ili i ii M II M il ^ li _jj III I I Milil ll l M I H illl W III I I I lemak ; .oed ' ,y^ ■' .*oO ' .i-qci.r '. ^-^m * tit'.. ; .•■a.. ^ 'ia'4.,,. .iq* • , •'»*.,. •'Jet [ .oA ■» — I — •''■ I ■iiii *M »|il1i mi l ^*i .£,cx tc;ii":a,3 ^i.i sx»i tx,4* 8?.s ->.-»--- .... 460 feet maximum, 38O feet olnlmum, varies «lth reservoir level* Evaporation pan: Type -_-,-__. — . Floating pan. Description ---->-.-.--- Square, 3x3 f^et, depth I8 Inches. Authority for data •.-. . East Bay Uunlolpal Utility District. Publication reference -------- None Ueteorologie data ---------- Temperature, wind. ihes t > ig. , Sept. , .75 5.29 y^ « — .— 5.52 5.53 5.03 2.96 1.35 X.28 I9U5 1.25 1.23 1.58 3.92 4.21 6.28 6.69 6.09 5.61 2.99 I.U3 .96 »t2.2lt 1946 1.61 1.24 2.06 3.76 4,78 6.19 6.48 6.24 5.30 4.27 2.08 I.20 45.2I 1947 1.34 .86 1.43 3,83 5.94 5.75 6.95 6.37 5.62 2.51 2.03 1.11 43.74 1948 1,52 1.27 1.68 1.99 4.25 5.01 6.77 6.06 5.08 3.06 2.42 ,86 39.97 1949 1.51 .82 1.62 3.98 4.78 6.15 5.88 5.75 5.o4 3.92 1.94 2,50 43.89 1950 1.48 1.34 2.52 4,20 5,39 5.01 6.46 5,44 4.37 2.95 1.97 1.34 42.47 1951 1.84 1,26 3,00 2.87 4.55 6.00 Discontinued : Tear s , , „ Evaporation In inches : , Jan. 1 t t : i it Feb. , liar. , Apr. , Uay , June , July , Aug. , Sept. , Oct. , Nov. , Dec. , Annual Mean IJ30-44 1,20 1.20 2.29 3.62 5.32 6.16 7.30 6.75 5,29 3.94 2.49 1,62 47.18 Mean 1544-51 1.51 1.14 1,98 3.51 4.84 5.77 6.39 5.92 5.15 3,24 1.89 1.32 42.66 MMn of record I.30 1,18 2.19 3.58 5.17 6.04 6.99 6.48 5.24 3.70 2.29 1.52 45.68 s^ r$, JijITAJJiii/iV % ■•*n'.. ... • •floH 'iii'tiitt nX ■■ ^ not' J ,vrtK ' ..to3 ^ «»q*S ^^ .St* J fll/t •. «wA'' _• ^' -'■-J. I I ^ ! — ,., ^A r,-,>iii, .. U.K* ss.l' fji.s, »!§.«; i;?.2 ■• St**- •. «?; '%"<■' \?»«(; ^;i. ■c- ■ ^•'■.if . '•-:■ i%^- »c.o t^.ai •:''• vs.v 71.VJ jis.a w.i" Qi', ■ ■^^ *^.^' i:i't^ ??^i 'ix ■■ ,^«^ vtj.i «;.? . ■bj?-.*' ,:^^.e s^. .v.t^i'' d*".x \t-.r -s«.«i S^^? il^.X ^^!./ ,i&i.!t;. s?.i ?8.i »-'s.c' ^I'."!!- SiV'. . K(..~i ^.? -^ ^■ 8d.5--- S^.i PS.S Ot^'' •"<(SS7«;-— ^'t..^ ^ ??.5 ■ * , sx , ,tj- . ' ,. - a..a ' ., ' .'. '.:ra ;-;jL^ljjj!jj-JUuia-j Ssfe: » Table 92 evaporation at upper san leandro reservoir^ aumeda county, california Statlpnt Location ----------.-_- About five miles northeast of San Leandpo, 8,000 feet upstream from outlet tower to upper San Leandro Filter Plant. Lat. 37» l+7« N., Long. 122«> Ofl* », Elevation --.-UjO feet. Evaporation pant Typo -_--_«._« Ground pan. Desorlptlon ------ — --_- Square, 3x3 feet, depth 18 inches, set In ground I5 Inches. Authority for data East Bey Municipal Utility District, Publication referenoe --.-.-.- None. Ueteorologlc data ---------- Temperature, idnd. s Tear i. ^^ ^"^ ^M^ ^■^ Evaporation In Inches : t Jan. 1 i Feb. t t Mar. 1 : Apr. i May 1 t June j Ally ; Aug. \ Sept. t Oct. » Nov, : : Dec. Annual Mean l930-'4lt .% 1.08 2.29 3.35 5.03 5.?7 7.18 6.U5 k.U 3.25 1.67 .?o U2.7J 19^* 5.75 5.71 it.86 2.51 .8»t .7* I5U5 .79 1.04 1,55 '».17 3.60 5.7? fi.73 5.97 5-^ 2.58 .95 M 38.67 X^6 1.02 .72 1.91 3.35 W.25 5.87 6.31 6.02 »t.96 3.26 1.36 .76 39.79 I9't7 .78 .93 l.S'* 3.'w 5.W 5.66 7.09 6.28 5.93 2.23 1,29 .75 1*1,36 19U8 1.02 1.15 1.60 2.oi» 3.80 U.92 6.67 5.95 '♦•72 2.90 1.67 .63 37.07 1949 .93 ,84 1.65 3.96 2,U9 Discontinued Uean 19MU»9 ,91 .91* 1.65 3.38 3.92 5.56 6,52 5.99 5.10 2.70 1.22 .67 38.56 Mean of record .80 l.OU 2.I3 3.36 4.75 5.88 7.00 6.33 U.92 3.I0 1.55 .84 41.70 w i.C'i- .•X}\'.;- ,^'r\'^''i> :>>t:^:'y: Jll'^y.. .'/ jhr?-'..!?,. ,-i3i' ' ■. foh^t:' tse^- ■"" iH ^f-:' : ■-•■ > ^J ■■: ■: " ■:■>■'■■ ■ ■;;? • .-.flf- ..,.,. ,::-;». .,;.i ' . • -V- •■" •■ *'•■ ■ '■■"■" ,«i»\ -riff*^ *..•- ■ '- ri?l-iiV«X3, -' • ■ ■: . - • • .■ ; .' .,.: ^ . i.,^ir- ^i ;■,*; V ■• ■.?.':« r.';-?n73Es/'y2, ^ . ■ ■ ■ " • 'v •■ 'J ' ,''"' ■ ■■'■ ••■■-, '-o : .t- ■ -x^- ■ . A 5?,% ti. ■ sS.X 'W-'s" .. ,, ,.,f '■*'l$'^>i*'""V.t"' i?.'C~ Be> '?Kt '" ^'V «■>—.. i l ii j ll - ■ I iaww> ii iii j MMi^»MW»«*WWIByW>W**IW<«»«WW»^^ ::j^Tfc.,g:i: z = a'Ty::'r .:::a3g3r.a;?yfa;gj= TABLE 93 EVAPORATION AT UW»ER SAN LEANDRO RESERVOIR, ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA (332) Station: Looation -------------- About five miles northoae^ of San Laandro, 8,000 feet upstrecun from outlet tower to upper San Leandre Filter Plant. Lat. 37" kj' N., Long. 1220 08« W. Elevation --. ....l^^o feet. Evaporation pant Type ----------- — - — Ground pan. Description Dlaneter 6 feet, depth 2k Inohes, set In ground 21 Inohes. Authority for data ---_ East B^ Municipal Utility District. Publication reference -------- None. Meteorologle data -_-_.- Temperature, wind, _ i Evaporation In inohes lear , Jan. , Feb. , Mar, f Apr. . May , «fune , July ; Aug. , Sept. . Oct. , Nov. , Dee. ^ Annual Mean I930J4U 0.7»» 1.07 2.25 3.33 5.00 5.8U 6.92 6.20 k.6h 3,07 1.56 0.85 19UU ~ 5.7« 5.73 ^-71 2.52 .81 .79 19»»5 .73 1.01 1.61 it.19 3.73 5.88 6.77 5.87 '♦.97 2.50 .^ M 36.68 I9I+6 l.Ol .75 2.01* 3.35 4.1+5 5.94 6.36 5.86 U.76 3.02 1.32 .7* 39.62 1947 .76 .87 1.59 3.49 5.4U 5.78 7.0W 6.14 5.29 2.15 1.30 .70 40,55 1948 1.00 1.18 1.66 2.17 4.00 5.04 6.71 5.84 4.47 2.74 1,56 ,64 37.OI 1949 .94 .83 1.75 3.88 4.21 6.10 6.44 5.43 4.41 2.87 I.I6 .97 38.9? 1950 .94 1.01 1.9c 3.82 4.64 5.22 6.99 5,91 4.30 2.18 1.92 ,92 39.75 1951 1.45 1.26 2.63 2.68 4.15 5.57 Dlsoontlnued Mean 1944-51 .98 .99 1.88 3.37 4,37 5.65 6.58 5.82 4.70 2.57 1.29 .75 38.95 MMn of record .62 l.o4 2.I3 3.34 4.80 5.78 6.8I 6.07 4.66 2.90 1.47 ,82 40.64 e? aJHAT Al^5iO-«.: •M- H&e ■:; iVimwn H0^tfav«X3 ,a»Aoal ' l" "'. !.' '*™'' ^ * *" .btiln te^u: ici'-jai ., ...c-"-i « ♦ ^ sH I *-i-j'i . * •.'i*i» » 1JW>. 8*.5t ♦*-.' '. ' '■ ■ '. ^ "-^ 5^.^! 80;;?. «,0(J es;? ♦Jt.S «Jo.^ fi?.?' t^.?. f^.C ■ ■'■,, ' JS.< -'■%?.• :'>;3- OC.ji , f- ee.Pc x»fr.t». til.?- ■W-'iS-' ox-.a x:.4i Ba^ ?V.?f .i ei.s oe:'.«i' t(j;?- ---- Diameter k feet, depth 10 Inohes, set on 2 z I4 Ineh timber grill. Authority for data ---------- Soil and V/ater Conservation Researeh Branch, Agrl. Res. Serv. Publloatlon referenee -------- None. lletaorologlo data Temperature, vlnd* Year » evaporation In Inohes , Jan. . Feb. , Uar. , Apr. . Hay , June , July | Aug. , Sept. , Oct. , Nov. . Dee. , 1952 1953 3.75 195'* 2.52 U.82 Annual 5.67 9.17 8.9U ll.Ul 11.92 8.5»t 7.00 lt.22 2.65 6.37 5.U7 6M 10.10 12.95 11.56 9.52 6.63 U.35 l*.3l+ 3.1+3 6M 7.97 9.3'* "•05 9.56 7.98 6.67 '*.03 3.50 77.35 Uean of record 3.1'* '♦,82 U.90 5.87 8.51* 9.1*6 11.80 11.01 8.68 6.77 '♦.20 3.50 82.69 ik 3.KA7 tttrt f'**"--? "•»£*'' t b^f ■ d?.? ?o.if «»5.t t. !.■• 11. -:.' 9i TABLE 95 EVAP(»ATI(M AT YtniA CITRUS STATION, YUUA COUNTY, ARIZONA (351) Statloni Looatlon ---..■.->------Qn Unlvarslty of Artzoiui Citrus Experiment Farn, 8 miles south of Yuna, Arlxona, Uo feet higher than Tuna Valley. Elevation ------------- l8l feet. Evaporation peat Type -- — --...-... U. S. Weather Bureau pan. Description ----.----- — Diameter U feet, depth 10 Inehes, set on 2 z U tnoh timber grill. Authority for data -...----.- University of Arizona Citrus Experiment Station. Publication referenoe --- — ... Cllmatologloal Data, Arizona Seetlon* Ueteorologlo data - — ----..- None. Tear Evaporation In Inohes 'Jan. « Feb, * Mar. ' Apr. ! ««y : June ' July 1 Aug. 1 Sept. ' Oct. » Nov. « Deo. ' Annual Mean 1?21-U»* 4.04 5.05 8.25 10.67 13.98 15.28 16.60 14.56 11.58 8.33 5.43 3.90 117.67 I9U5 3.10 5.03 £.(5 10.2$ 13.96 14.28 15.72 13.17 11.70 8.67 5.42 3.53 111.48 1^6 4.41 4.41 7.37 8.56 11.63 12.96 13.13 12.29 9.20 6.42 3.68 3»l4 97.20 l?47 3.58 4.38 6.76 6.67 11.10 11.66 12.70 12.64 11.21 8.19 4.97 3.34 99.20 1948 3.99 4.25 5.68 9.00 10.77 11.58 14.21 12.79 10.25 7.34 4.83 2.94 97.83 lj45 2.28 3.17 3.81 4.62 6.74 7.52 8.58 11.02 14.08 13.36 15.40 13.82 12.58 13.26 10.40 9.90 6.83 7.05 4.82 5.41 3.10 3.60 99.64 1950 9.50 11.92 103.33 1951 3.71 4.47 7.11 8.51 11.00 12.74 13.63 11.57 9.16 7.37 4.13 2.96 96.36 1952 2.87 4.45 6.25 8.56 12.35 13.44 14.82 14.08 9.98 7.08 3.79 2.36 100.03 1?53 3.63 4.46 7.2a 9.26 11.67 12.70 14.92 13.01 8.67 7.01 4.10 3.78 100.45 1954 3.10 5.6( 5.9« 10.73 10.76 11.82 12.64 8.85 2.18 2.93 Uean 1945-54 3.38 4.55 6.75 8.99 11.62 12.76 14.02 12.80 9.93 7.33 4.33 3.19 99.65 Mean of reeord 3.85 4.90 7.81 10.21 13.28 14.54 15.84 14.04 11.10 8.06 5.11 3.69 112.43 H ...-i.vuX« < « '..,\^^..*» 785 ^f!»a^[Ii '.-i ..~ Tvw .-',3; y •>:'.v.--'-.i/:u •■'• •■ ' =■ ' Milt ledsit ■:■■ zintitu oMStHA t» t^tm»vtnO - - . . . tMMfi '»q«^ff»iy»f "— 1. — .■ jn ii ^ iii w a l ii n iiii n -1 1 ) ^^ -. j-vimms'r --: — £,C«3 ^i'-^k <> e8.t? ^:=V. <%^ .... ; e«.£oi os.f: it.a? 3?.^ i./ toMi ^.s ' «:\ ei»»ooi H.t 0: ?>.?<; '. ',» .,?!■• +1?., .-•.li rtf. R, .'f te,*(f ^.pf .:r. sa«i£ w.n $t<.0tl ^.^ eoi.? 01. t >?.8 r i«!.fi . i- ■ ta.8 st.^ 8e.*» e?.f i^.O 'a.? ?S.4i , C^-c. r-V ,0 f n ^ i" '•'<; s vC.'^J K r-. • ■ •■:- ^5't • • ■• ' i!?.«» 8e« t^.Sil xi.e *i8.?^--*i2.^'I Ss.! '^^.*. 57 TABLE 9^ TEMPERATUHE AT YtJMA CITRUS STATION, YUMA COUNTY, ARIZONA -gj^ * Uean temperatur* *P ' Jan. ' Fab. ' Uar. ' Apr. ' Kay ' June * July ' Aug. * Sept. * Oe-t. ' Nov. ' De«. ' Annual I t I t "^ t ^ t i ^ ; ** » '^ 1 > I » 15U5 53 57 59 68 76 82 92 9fi W 77 6^1 5>* 71 l^ 9* 55 62 72 76 85 90 91 86 69 58 56 71 19^7 52 61 64 69 78 82 90 89 87 74 58 53 71 19U8 56 56 57 70 75 82 50 92 86 75 59 51 71 19U9 •♦5 52 61 72 75 86 91 89 90 71 67 53 71 1950 51 60 64 72 74 82 90 90 62 77 66 60 72 1951 53 56 61 68 76 82 92 89 87 74 62 53 71 1952 50 56 58 70 81 81 91 92 87 80 59 53 72 1953 58 56 62 67 71 82 93 90 84 73 64 51* 71 195»» 54 64 60 __ 77 82 91 88 86 75 65 5>t — Mean of record 53 57 6I 70 76 83 9I 90 86 74 62 5'* 71 \'e' :.a;iin:,i;-,8:: ■-■■■• ,suv "■ X.CiV ..-■. ■ .taO, '■^T ■ .TtJA" '!' IK <^ '„ ■ ■:- :>5 s^,. «i?. ' ' ' ' tx. jj. ix- ^, ^K c«- ?8 55: iv '-•-, .■:,. ;e' 3^: V;> ?3. ri?. 2.3 §^ ?^. ^.. E? L^ >-'*i ■*' ! ^ Sj? >?_. sA eK 0^ X? ^i, T^. ?^ i^- ^ 5t ^^ X^ '.. "v H'^ c^. 00 se. ^v ^K US - •'■ *'\ ^8 es •■?. se ^V ^. i3 ';:■■■ -.5 W 5f le #. re ^ -?4 r? «•'<; f'Cf '?v l!^. •-•;; f.e 2& ^t ^^ Sd i|. ' ■.'* c* v?^ as 6S {? iS; '^^ — od •^^ ^!\• a-^ Q? iZ i£§ ^T p-C iS >; •rm'-'r 'W " w »w y ~ 58 TABLE 57 WIND UOVEUENT AT YUUA CITRUS STATION, YWIA COUNTY, ARIZCMA t Y,^p s Total wind In miles * Jan. ' Feb. | Mar, J Apr. j May | June * July | Aug. | Sept. | Oct. | Nov. [ Deo. | Annual 1545 1,211+ 1,U31 1,810 1,677 1,808 1,37U 1,52'+ 1,426 1,296 1,349 1,335 1,464 16,491 1946 1,687 620 1,051 525 711 571 961 854 523 484 487 4o8 6, 88 J 19U7 557 373 800 78U 791 533 1+37 545 414 278 419 614 6,54^ 19>48 693 762 788 803 486 512 957 644 465 458 668 504 7,740 19^9 800 513 777 528 675 735 964 483 582 425 386 568 7,436 1950 U57 374 881 785 907 636 1,075 666 599 237 648 503 7,766 195X 768 751 961 927 774 667 773 781 322 561 583 766 8,654 1952 58I+ 637 975 322 511 51+5 581 721 404 216 445 4l4 6,355 1953 505 596 580 985 1,017 727 957 722 217 424 509 716 7,95f 1954 567 752 770 — ..• ..... 270 581 359 424 273 -■Sofin :y-r-54 785 681 941 815 853 700 850 742 518 492 590 623 8,59c Ii='«n ml* ..y.T hr. 1.06 1*01 I426 1.13 1.15 .37 1.14 1.00 .72 i66 .82 .84 .98 8< ' " " '^^'i'^i?^^yT^-?>ii>xj'-z^''S.:::zz::^. s'il' ^. " * •'» - .1. , ■ll^^^ll I I iiin.n II ™. • 7 l> MM '"" 'itSm ■lllllV l""*' '■•■ ^^ " ?88,8-'*-/'Sot' ■-■... ^ea .,„, *J5«J . fi? •"'■si^S ■'"-■■■ xa? -•■:•.:• Its ;-v''^^^ ..r 52-^ ' i?Oti" OS'* ■'■' ^■■".i•^•,.,; '■''"''- •'=.!■ .-.:- ' ''■ <'•? W ■>■'.*' --i^!:^ /A ^-^ :.s. S^s Ji,t4i (!4i? ^- "■■ tr*' ^''*- £« •• / l^X . *^- '5iJS ^ "t^ '"' "■ '"^ • '"■' '.':■■- •,■■ • " •'■■'• ■-.'•;■ . , ' ' Ott,^'""-'"*^?;---.^ Sri?*,.,,.. S§ii^_ i^^ m'^''' t??'--:^ S£5y.-., iM . £88 ' Bd^:'^" sSv?''.- 5?» •,•;; JCti^T''- K'?i V M?-..:., ?s*» sc^'"'" tt4'^'''' iid?'-'i^ 3c;t^' ?.' 3??,& ""BS"""!??!;'- •S^v„>,8i? -"i^' '^'i i'^i WS ^16 ifi