RV\nt A^ 2TX3z^ t!t^^^^ ''^^^^^ jg^^^-r CATALOGUE THE LIBRARY losal Mmita ^crMcr 3firstit«tmii, ^logal lliiitci) ^crbicc ^ {To JANUARY 1st, 190S.) PART I LONDON. M.DCCCC.VIII. HARRISON & SONS, rRINTKRS IN ORDINARY To HIS MAIESTY, ST. martin's lane. LIBRARY CATALOGUE. A. A. A. L'Armee et la Cavalerie Itali- enne. 8vo. Paris, 1892. Abbott, Major-General A. (.s>6' Lo^^■.) Abbott, Charles. {See Colchester.) Abbott, G. F. The Tale of a Tour in Macedonia. 8vo. Load. 1903. Abbott, Captain Jas. Journey from Herat to Khiva, Moscow and St. Peters- burgh. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Abbott, J. H. M. Tommy Cornstalk ; being some Account of the less Notable Features of the South African War, from the point of view of the Australian Ranks. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Abbott, T. E. The Soldier's Friend. 4to. Hull, 1828. Abdur Rahman, Amir of Afghanistan. [Sec Khan, also Wheeler.) Abdur Razzak, Jemadar 1st Madras Lancers. The Native Officer's Diary. Madras, 1894. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 60.) Abeille, J. Notes et Pieces Officielles relatives aux evenemens de Marseille et de Toulon, 1793. 8vo. n.p., n.d. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Abeille, Le Capitaine L. Marine Fran- (jaise et Marine Etrangeres. 8vo. Paris, 1906. Abel, Sir F. A. Application of Electricity to the E.\- plosion of Gunpowder. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 57.) Composition of the great Bhurtpoor Gun, stationed at Woolwich. Lond. 1862. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 63.) Applications of Electricity to Naval and Military Purposes. Lond. 1S69. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 77.) Recent investigations and applications of Explosive Agents. Edinburgh, 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 97.) Accidental Explosions. Lond. 1875. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 32.) Explosive Agents applied to industrial purposes. Lond. 1880. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 39.) Abel, Sir F. A. {con/d.)— Electricity applied to explosive pur- poses. Lond. 1883. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 39.) Accidents in Mines. 8vo. Lond. i883. Explosives. {See Noble.) Smokeless Explosives. Lond. 1890. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 51.) Address, British Association for the Advancement of Science. Leeds, 1890. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, voL 52.) Abel, Sir F. A., and C. L. Bloxham. Hand-book of Chemistry. 2nd edition. 8vo. " Lond. 1858. Abell, Mrs. L. E. Recollections of Napoleon at St. Helena. 8vo. Lond. 1844. Abercromby, The Hon. R. Principles of Forecasting by means of weather charts. 8vo. Lond. 1885. Weather : exposition of the nature of weather changes. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1SS8. Abercromby, Lieut.-General Sir Ralph. [Sec Dunfermline.) Abercromby, Major-General Sir Robert, K.B., Commander-in-Chief in India, Oct., i793i to Dec, 1796. Public Letters. 9 vols. MS. Abney, Lieutenant W. de W., R.E. Instructions in Photography. Chatham, 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 97.) Treatise on Photography. i2mo. Lond. 1878. Abruzzi,The Duke of the. Onthe "Polar Star ■' in the Arctic Sea. 2 vols. Trans- lated by W. Le Oueux. 8vo. Lond. 1903. Abyssinia. Routes in Abyssinia ; compiled by Lieut -Colonel A. C. Cooke. 8vo. Lond. 1867. Views in Abyssinia. Lithographed in the Topographical Department of the War Ofiice. Oblong folio. Lond. 1867. Photographs taken in Abyssinia, by the loth Company, Royal Engineers. Oblong 4to. n.p., 1868. Report on the Survey Operations, by Lieutenant T. T. Carter. ".p., 1869. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 7.) (For other Works sec Index.) A 2 ACC ADM Acclimatisation and Ornithological Society. Fifth Annual Report. 8vo. Lend. 1865. Seventh ditto. Lond. 1867. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 70.) Achard, Amedee. Montebello, Magenta, Marignan. Lettres d'ltalie. i2ino. Paris, 1859. Acheson, Frederick. Collection and storage of Water in Victoria. Melbourne, 1861. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 23.) Acklom, Captain J. E. England for ever "safe" from the Invader, or the Rifle Volunteers' guide to arms. 3rd edition. Jersej', 1859. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 64.) England's " Home " Guards, or per- manency of the Volunteer Army. Birmingham, i860. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 57.) Origin of the present Rifle Volunteer Movement. L,ond. 1862. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 64.) Suggestions for the improvement of the health, hippiness, and efficiency of the British -Soldier, as regard.s lodging, cloth- ing, cooking, ventilation, &c. 2nd edition. Birmingham, 1866. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 79.) Acland, Lieut.-Colonel T. D. Mounted Rifles. The use of the Horse and Gun for National Defence. Lond. i860. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 60.) Principles and practice of Volunteer Discipline. Lond. 1868. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. yy.) Acland - Troyte, Lieutenant J. E. Through the Ranks to a Commission. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Acts of the Privy Council, A.D. 1598-9. New Series. Vol. 29. 8vo. Edited by direction of the Lord President of the Council by J. R. Dasnet, C.B. 8vo. Lond. 1905. Adair, Captair F. E. S. A Summer in High Asia. 8vo. Lond. 1889. Adair, R. A. Shafto, Lord Waveney. {See Waveney.) Adam, Alexander. Roman Anticjuities : or an accoimt of the manners and customs of the Romans. 5th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1 801. Adami, Colonel L. I Combustibili P'ossili, i Meteriali Refrattari e I'lndustria Siderurgica all' Esposizione Nazionale di Torino nel 1884. 8vo. Rome, 1886. Adams, Arthur. The Zoology of the Voj'age of H.M.S. ".Samarang." 5 parts. 4to. Lond. 1848-9. Adams, Major C. Great Campaigns in ]'.ur()[ic, 1706 — 1870. Edited by Captain C CooiKi- King. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1877. Adams, John. An Analysis of Horsemanship, teaching the whole Art of Riding in the Manege, Military, Hunting, Racing, and Travelling .Sj-stcm, together with the method of Breaking Horses for every purpose for which those noble animals are adapted. 8vo. Lond. 1799. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1805. Adams, J. C. Explanation of the observed irregularities in the Motion of Uranus. 8vo. Lond. 1846. Adams, W. D. Dictionary of English Literature. 4to. I^ond. n.d. Adams, W. H. Davenport. Lighthouses and Lightships : account of their construction and organization. 8vo. Loud. 1871. England on the Sea ; or the Story of the British Navj'. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1885. England at War : the story of the great Campaigns of the British Arm3^ 2 vols. 8vo. " Lond. 1886. Adams, W. Marsham. Handbook to the Coelometer. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 26.) Handbook to the Mensurator. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 26.) Outlines of Geometery. 8vo. Lond. n.d. Adderley, The Rt. Hon. Sir C. B. Review of "The Colonial Policy of Lord J. Russell's Administration, " by Earl Grey, 1853 ; and of subsequent Colonial History. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Addington, Anthony. Essay on the Sea Scurvy. Reading, 1753. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 15.) Addison, Joseph. Works of Joseph Addison, with notes, by Richard Hurd. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1811. Adenaw, A., and A. von Kaven. Die Barracken-Lazarethe des Vereins fur des Regierungs-Bezirk Aachen im Kriege, 1870-71. Aachen, 1872. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 8.) Adie, Alexander. Description of the patent .Sj'mpiesometer or new Air Baro- meter, n.p., n.d. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 4.) Admiralty. The Conduct of the Admiralty in the late Expedition of the Enemy to the Coast of Ireland as stated by Ministers in the House of Commons on the 3rd March, 1797. 8vo. Lond. 1797. Remarks on Revolving Storms. Lond. 1851. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 42 (ii).) ADM 5 AF(; Admiralty {confd.)— Rules for ascertaining the Deviations of the Compass caused by the iron in a ship. Lond. 1852. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 42 (ii).) Ditto, ditto. 8vo. l-ond. 1855. Orders in Council, vols, i to . 8vo. Lond. 1B56. Admiralty Administration, its faults and its defaults. 8vo. Lond. i86i. Manual for ascertaining and applying the Deviations of the Compass caused by the iron in a ship : edited by F. J. Evans and Archibald Smith, and edition. Bvo. Lond. 1863. Monuraenta Juridica. The Blacke Booke of the Admiralty, with an Appendix. Edited by Sir Travers Twiss, Q.C., D.C.L. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1871. H.M.S. "Valorous." Deep-Sea Sound- ings and Temperatures, North Atlantic Ocean. Folio. Lond. 1875. Drawings of the Flags in use by the various Nations. Folio. Lond. 1875. Index to Charts and Plans published by the Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty. Folio. 1875 ^"^l up to date. Lond. General Instructions for the Hydro- graphic Surveyors of the Admiralty. 8vo. Lond. 1877. List of Time Signals in Various Parts of the World. Bvo. Lond. 1880. Remarks on Revolving Storms. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Dock Book ; containing dimensions of the wet and dry Docks, Patent Slips, &c., of the World. P'olio. Lond. i8go. Additions and corrections to Dock Book, 1890, for the 3'ear ending 31st December, 1892. Folio. Lond. 1B93. List of Lights. {See Lighthouses.) Sailing Directions. {See Sailing Direc- tions.) Adolphus, Edwin. Essay on the Patho- logy of the Urine. 8vo. Lond. 1838. Adolphus, John. Causes of the present Rupture with France. Lond. 1B03. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 24.) History of England from the Accession of George III. to 1783. 3rd edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1810. History of England from the Accession to the Decease of King George the Third. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840-45. Adts, Le Lieutenant N. Canons Rayes systemes Cavalli et Armstrong. Paris, 1861. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixi (i).) Le " Monitor " et le " Merrimac." Systeme de Projectile. Paris, 1862. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 47). Recherches nouvelles sur les Canons Rayes. Paris, 1862. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 47.) "Adventure" and "Beagle," H.M. Ships. Narrative of the Surveying Voyages of H.M. Ships "Adventure" and " Beagle," between the years 1826 and 1836, describing their examination of the Southern Shores of South America and the "Beagle's" Circumnavigation of the Globe. 4 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1839. Vol. I. Proceedings of the First Ex- pedition, 1826-30, under the Command of Capt. P. Parker King, R. N. Vol. 2. Proceedings of the Second Ex- pedition, 1831-36, under the Command of Capt. Robert Fitzroy, R.N. Vol. 3. Journal and Remarks, 1832-36, by Charles Darwin. Vol. 4. Appendix to Volume the Second. Adye, General Sir John. The Defence of Cawnpore. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Report on Artillery Materiel in India, with observations by Sir Patrick Grant. Madras, i860. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 59.) Sitana : a mountain campaign on the borders of Afghanistan in 1863. Bvo. Lond. 1867. The British Army in 1875. Lond. 1876. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 46,) In Defence of Short Service. Lond. 1B92. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 57.) Recollections of a Military Life. 8vo. Lond. 1895. Indian Frontier Policy. 8vo. Lond. 1897. Adye, Captain Ealph Willett. The Bombardier and Pocket Gunner. 7th edition. Revised and corrected by Capt. W. G. Eliott. i2mo. Lond. 1813. Adye, S. P. Treatise on Courts-Martial. 8vo. New York, 1769. Treatise on Courts- Martial. 8vo. Lond. 1810. ffilianus, Claudius. Tactiks of. Old edition. 4to. Lond. 1616. Tactics, comprising the military system of the Grecians. Edited by Viscount Dillon. 4to. Lond. 1814. (See also Scriverius.) .ffilianus, Claudius, and Leo, Emperor of Rome. Tactica, sive de instruendis aciebus. 4to. Leyden, 1613. .ffineas Tacticus. {See Beausobre, also Scriverius.) .ffisopus. Fables written in Chinese, with a translation by R. Thorn. Folio. Canton, 1840. Afghanistan. Memorandum on Afghanistan with reference to the probable British Operations consequent on the Murder at Kabul of the Resident and Escort, on 3rd September, 1879. Folio. Lond. 1879. AFG AIR Afghanistan 'confd.)— Fight or Arbitrate ? or How shall we settle the Alsiliiui Frontier? Lond. 1885. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 40.) Dehmitation Afghane : Negociations entre la Russie et la Grande-Bretagne. 4to. St. Petcrshiirtf, 1886. Kabul and its environs. (Photographs). Folio. Lond. n.cl. (For other Works, sec Inde.x.) Africa. Precis of Information concerning the British Central Africa Protectorate, with Notes on Adjoining Territories. Official cop}'. Compiled in the Intelligence Division, War Office. By Major C. B. Vyvj'an. 8vo. Lond. 1899. Notes on the Geology of the Con- tinent of Africa. With an Introduc- tion and Bibliography. Compiled in the Department of the General Staff, War Office, by Alexander Knox, B.A., Map Curator. Official. 8vo. Lond. 1906. Africa, British. British Empire Series. Vol. 2. 8vo. Lond. 1899. „ Central. Precis of Information concerning the British Central Africa Protectorate, with Notes on Adjoining Territories. Official. Revised in the Intelligence Division, War Office, by Major C. B. Vyvvan. 8vo. Lond. 1899. „ East. Precis of Information con- cerning the British East Africa Pro- tectorate and Zanzibar. Official. Revised in the Intelligence Division, War Office, 19C0. 8vo. Lond. 1901. „ South. P'acts from the Diamond Fields of South Africa. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 17.) The Transvaal in 1876. Grahamstown, 1881. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 36.) Illustrated Official Hand-book of the Cape and South Africa. By J. Noble. 8vo. Lond. 1894. Natal Route-Book. For official use only. Prepared for the General Staff', War Office. 2 vols, and i case of maps. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1906. Manual for ]\Iounted Riflemen, Cape Colonial Forces, 1906. Official. i2mo. Cape Town, 1906. Military Report on Zululand. For official use onlj-. Prepared for the General Staff', War Office. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1906. Central South African Railways : Report of the General Manager of Rail- ways for the Year Ending 31st December, 1906. F'cap folio. Pretoria, 1907. (For other Works, see Index.) A. G. Le Blocus de Paris et la Premiere Armee. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1889-1894. Maximes de (Guerre de Napoleon P^ 8vo. Paris, 1898. Agius de Soldanis, Georgio Pietro Francesco. Delia Lingua Punica pre- sentemente usata da Maltesi ; owero nuo\i documenti, li quali possono servire di lume all'antica lingua Etrusca, stesi in due dissertazioni. 8vo. Rome, 1750. AgOStini, L. {See Paruta.) Agricultural Society of England, Royal. Journal. From 1848 up to date. Svo. Lond. Minutes of Proceedings at meetings of the Chemical Committee. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Agricultural Society of New South Wales. {See New South Wales.) Agrippa, Camillo. Trattado di Scientia d'Arme, con un Dialogo di Filosofia. 4to. Rome, 1553. Trattato di Scienza d'Arme. 4to. Venice, 1604. Aicha, Emil Glanz, Freiherr von. Geschichtliche Darstellung der Panzerun- gen und Eisen-Constructionen fur Befesti- gungen. 8vo. Vienna, 1873. Aikin, John. Annals of the Reign of King George the Third. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1825. Aikin, Lucy. Memoirs of the Court of Queen EHza- beth. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1818. Memoirs of the Court of King James the First. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1822. Memoir of John Aikin, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1823. Memoirs of the Court of King Charles the First. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1833. Ainger, The Rev. A. Charles Lamb. Crown Svo. Lond. 1882. Ainslie, Major C. P. The Cavalry Manual. i2mo. Lond. 1843. Ainslie, General G. B. Illustrations of the Anglo-French Coinage. 4to. Lond. 1830. Ainsworth, R. Latin Dictionary'. Re- printed with additions by the Rev. B. W. Beatson. Revised and corrected by William Ellis. Svo. Lond. 1830. Ainsworth, William Francis. Travels in Asia ]\Iinor, Mesopotamia, Chaldea, and Armenia. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1842. Euphrates Valley Railway. Svo. Lond. 1872. Personal Narrative of the Euphrates Expedition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 18S8. Airey, Major-General Sir Richard. Addresses to the Board of General Officers on the Commissariat Department in the Crimea. Svo. Lond. 1S56. Airlie, The Earl of. Is our Yeomanry worth preserving? Lond. 1891. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 53.) AIR ALD Airy, Sir George Biddell. Gravitation : explanation of the pertur- bations in the Solar System. 8vo. Lend. 1834. Catalogue of Circumpolar Stars, de- duced troin the observations of Stephen Groombridge. Reduced to January i, 1810. 4to. Lond. 1838. Account of the Northumberland Equa- torial and Dome, attached to the Cam- bridge University. 4to. Cambridge, 1844. New Method of clearing the Lunar Distance. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Popular Astronomy : a series of lectures delivered at Ipswich. 12th edition. i2mo. Lond. 1887. (See also Tredgold.) Aitchison, Sir Charles. Lord Lawrence. Crown 8vo. Oxford, 1892. Aitken, Sir William. The Growth of the Recruit and j'oung soldier. 8vo. Lond. 1862. Akerman, John Yonge. Naval Honorary Medals. Lond. n d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 26.) Numismatic Manual. 8vo. Lond. 1840. Remarks on the Coins of Ephesus struck during the Roman Dominion. 8vo. Lond. 1841. The Forgeries of Public Money. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Coins of the Romans relating to Britain. 8vo. Lond. 1844. The New Testament, with historical notes and numismatic illustrations. No. i. 8vo. Lond. 1844. Ancient Coins of Cities and Princes- 8vo. Lond. 1846. Examples of Coffee House, Tavern, and Tradesmen's Tokens, current in London in the 17th Century. 8vo. Lond. 1846. Ditto, ditto. 2nd series. 8vo. Lond. 1847. Introduction to the study of ancient and modern Coins. i2mo. Lond. 184S. Tradesmen's Tokens current in London. 1648-72. 8vo. Lond. 1849. Origin and History of the Bayonet. Lond. 1861. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 7.) (See also Catalogues : Numismatics.) •' Alabama." Official Correspondence on the claims of the United States in respect to the ''Alabama.' 8vo. Lond. 1867. Albeca, Cesar L. d'. Livre de Guerre Moderne. 8vo. Lond. and Paris, 1872. Albega, A. L. d'. La France au Dahomej'. 4to. Paris, 1895. Albemarle, George, Duke of. Observa- tions upon Militaiy and Political Affairs. Folio, Lond. 1671. Albemarle, Greorge Thomas, Earl of. Fifty years of nn- life. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1876. Albert, King of Saxony. {See Uassell.) Alberti de Villeneuve, F. d'. Grand Dictionnaire. Fi'ancois-Italien, Italiano- Fi"ancese. 2 vols. 4to. Bassano, 1811. Albertus, Giuseppe Antonio. Istruzioni Pratiche, per I'lngegnero Civile, o sia perito agrimensore e perito d'acque. 4to. Venice, 1799. Albrecht of Austria, H.I.H. the Arch- duke. Responsibility in War. Translated by Colonel H. A. Ouvry. Lond. 1869. (Pamphlets, and series, vol. 79.) Das Jahr, 1870, und die Wehrkraft der Monarchie. 2nd edition. Vienna, 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 92.) (See also Duncker.) Alcock, Sir Rutherford. Capital of the Tj-coon ; narrative of a three years' resi- dence in Japan. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Alcock, Colonel T. St. Leger. The Militia, the nucleus of our defen- sive force. Lond. 1867. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 73. j Remarks upon some of the Movements of the present day. Lond. 1872. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 97.) Relative equality of men. Lond. 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 20.) Relative power of nations. Parts i and 2. Lond. 1873-4.. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 2o4 Aldeguier, M. Flavien d'. Des Prm- cipes qui servent de base a I'lnstruc- tion et a la Tactique de la Cavalerie. Svo. Paris, 1843. Aldershot Military Society. Lectures, Svo. Aldershot, 1. Halford, Colonel Sir Henry St John, Bart., ist V. B. Leicestershire Regiment. New Service Magazine Rifle. 1888 2. Warre, Rev. E. History of Tactics 1888. 3. Onslow, Colonel G. M., A.A.G Aldershot. Physique of the Soldier and his physical training. 1888 4. Hale, Colonel Lonsdale, R.E Spirit of Tactical Operations of to-day 1888 5. Miles, Major P. W. H., R.A Night Operations. 1888 6. Brackenbury, Colonel C. B., R.A Use and Abuse of Field Artillery. 1888 7. Stone, Captain F. G., R.A. Maxiin. Machine Gun. 1888. 8. Liddell, Colonel R. S., h.p. iVIodern Cavalry on the Field of Battle. i883. 9. Knox, Major W.G.,R.H. A. Personal Reminiscences of the Turco-Russian War, 1877-8. 18 ALD ALD Aldershot Military Society (co/iid.)~ 10. Davies, Surgeon A. M. Food of the Soldier. 1888. 11. Fenton, Licut.-Colonel Mylcs, Engineers and Railway Transport Volunteers. British Railways and their capabilities for Home Defence. 1888. 12. Harrison, Major-Cicneral R. Or- ganization of an Army for War. 1889. Fleming, George. Horses for military purposes. 1889. Savage, Major J. W., R.E. Appli- cation of Fortification to the require ments of the Battlefield. 1889. Hutton, Major E. T. H., K.R. Rifle Corps. Mounted Infantry. 1889. Grattan, Lieut.-Colonel E., A.S.C. Consumable Supplies for an Army. 13- 14. 15- j6. 17- 18. 19. 20. Seeley, J. R. The Empire. 1888. Elsdale, Major H., R.E. Military Balloons. 1889. Buckle, Lieutenant C. R., R.A. Service Range-Finding. 1889. Jelf, Lieut.-Colonel R. H., R.E. Field Telegraph. 1889. Glen, Captain A. A Light Field Telegraph. 1889. 21. Brackenbury, Major-General C. B. Defence of Villages and Street Fight- ing. 1889. .22. Chapman, Major-General E. F. Emploj'ment of the Soldier in Civil Life. 1889. 23. Hale, Colonel Lonsdale, R.E. The Battle of Noisseville (Resume). 1890. .24. Slade, Colonel C. G., h.p. Modern Militarj' Rifles and how to use them. 1890. 25. Bell, Colonel C. W. Bowdler, D.A.A.G., Military Intelligence. Fundamental principles of Cavalry Drill. 1890. 26. Parkin, G. R. Imperial Federa- tion and the Defence of the Empire. 1890. 27. Chapman, Major-General E. F. Physical Geography in its relation to Military Operations. 1890. .28. Gouraud, Colonel late U.S. Cavalry. The Phonograph and its Practical Application to Military and other Purposes. 1890. 29. Hale, Colonel Lonsdale, R.E. The Battle of Villiers - sur- Marne (Resume). 1890. 30. James, Major W. C, 2nd Dragoons. The Development of Modern Cavalry Action in the Field. 1891. 31. Hippisley, Major R. L., R.E. Electricity and its Tactical Value for Military Operations. 1891. 32. Smith, Vet. Surgeon F. Saddles and .Saddlerj^, Bits and Biting. 1891. _33. Keyser, Colonel F. C, Inspector of Signalling. Visual .Signalling, 1891. Aldershot Military Society Uonid.)^ 34. Colomb, Rear -Admiral P. H. Combined Military and Naval War Operations. 1891. 35. Fox, Lieut.-Colonel G. M., Inspector of Gymnasia. The Physical Training of the Recruit and Drilled Soldier. 36 In- Lec- War, Henderson, Major G. F. R., Instructor R. M. C, Sandhurst, ture on the American Civil 1861-65. 1892. Ditto, ditto. Second part. 1892. Walford, Lieut.-Colonel N. L., R.A. The Applied Tactics of Field Artillery. (Resume.) 1892. Hayes, Captain M. H. The Horse for Military Purposes. 1892. Maguire, T. M., Esq. The Im- portance of the American War of 1861-65 as a .Strategical Study. 1892. Bengough, Colonel H. M., h.p. Modern Infantry Fire Tactics (Offensive) 1892. Hale, Colonel Lonsdale, R.E. Wood Operations (synopsis of Lecture). 1892. 43. Colomb, Vice-Admiral P. H. Command of the Sea and its upon Military Operations. Henderson, Major G. F. R., fessor Military Art and History, Staff College. The Battle of Gettysburg, July ist, 2nd and 3rd, 1863. 1893. Benson, Captain G. E., R.A. Smokeless Powder, and its probable effect upon the Tactics of the future. 1893. Maguire, T. M., Esq. The Stra- tegic Geography of Central and Wes- tern Europe. 1893. Colomb, Vice-Admiral P. H. Coal- ing .Stations and their Relations to our Trade Routes. 1893. 48. Maunsell, Captain F. R., R.A. The Geography of Eastern Turkey in Asia. 189.1. 49. Donovan, Captain C. H. W., A.S.C. With the Victoria Column in Matabe- leland. 1894- 50. James, Captain W. H., late R.E. The Role of Cavaliy as Affected by Modern Arms of Precision. 1894. 44 The effect 1893. Pro- 45- 46. 47- 5i. Grierson, Lieut.-Colonel J. M., R.A. Umpiring at Field Manoeuvres as Practised by various Foreign Nations. 1894. 52. Maurice, Colonel J. F., R.A. How Far the Lessons of the Franco-German War are now out of date. 1895. 53. Clarke, Lieut.-Colonel Sir G. S., R.E. Field Fortification as Applied to Modern Conditions of War. 1895. 54. Calhvell, Captain C. E., R.A. Lessons to be Learnt from Small Wars since 1870. 1895. 55. Taylor, Surgeon-Colonel W. The Medico-Military Arrangements of the Japanese Army in the Field. 1895. ALD ALE Aldershot Military Society {contd.)— Thomson, \'et. -Lieut. -Colonel H. Our Military Horses. 1895. Maguire, T. M. Strategical Ques- tions in connection with India. Further India, and China. 1896. Hale, Colonel Lonsdale, R.E. The FoffofWar. 1896. 56. 57- 58. 59- 60. 61. 62. 63- 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. JO. 71- 72. 73- 74- 75- 76. 77- Hutton, Colonel E. T. H., C.B., Commandant Colonial Forces, New South Wales. Our Comrades of Greater Britain. 1896. Adam, Colonel F. Campaign of the Pyrenees, 18 13. 1896. May, Major E. S., R.H.A. Horse Artillery and Cavalrj^. 1897. Goldie, Lieut.-Colonel H. M., R.E. Tactical Application of Field Defences in Battles of Recent Campaigns. 1B97. Butler, Major - General Sir W., K.C.B. The Nile Cataracts. 1897. Arnold, Lieutenant A. J., Com- manding Royal Niger Company's Forces. The Niger-Sudan Campaign of 1897. 1897. Goldie, Lieut.-Colonel H. M., R.E. The Defence of a Flank. 1897. Hutton, Colonel E. T. H., C.B., A.A.G., Dublin Command. The Ger- man and French Military Manceuvres of 1897, 1897- Colornb, Vice-Admiral P. H. The Co-operation between the Army and Navy. 1898. Boisragon, Captain A. M., late Commandant Niger Coast Protectorate Force. The Benin Country ard the Niger Coast Protectorate. 1898. May, Major E. S., R.H.A. The Problem of the Attack. i8g8. Steevens, G. W. The Downfall of Mahdism. 1898. Alderson, Lieut.-Colonel E. A. H., D.A.A.G. The Counter- Attack. 1898. Elmslie, Lieut.-Colonel F.B., R.A. The Possible Efi'ect on Tactics of Recent Improvement in Weapons. 1899. Clayton, Lieut. - Colonel F. T., A.S.C. .Supply of an Army in the Field. 1899. Librarian, Prince Consort's Library. Thoughts on Modern Fight- ing Methods. Translated from the " Militar-Wochenblatt.' Lond. 1903. Browne, Colonel G. F., D.S.O., A.A.G. War Office (late Military Attache in China.) Manchuria. Lond. 1903. Ballard, Commander G. A., R.N., Naval Intelligence Department. Naval and Military Co-operation in War. Lond. 1903. Hale, Colonel Lonsdale, R.E. .Synopsis of two Lectures en "The Peoples War," as illustrated by the later phase of the Franco-German War. Lond. 1903. Aldershot Military Society {confd.)— 78. .Maude, Lieut.-Colonel F. N., late R.E. Evolution of Modern Infantry Tactics. Lond. 1904. Gordon, Brevet Lieut. - Colonel A. H., R.A., D.A.O.M.G., ist Army Corps. Changes in Field Artillery Equipment and their Effect on the Action of Artillery in the Attack. Lond. 1904. Bird. Lieut.-Colonel W. D., D.S.O., Chief Instructor School of Musketry, Hythe. Rifle-Calibre Machine Gun Tactics. Steveni, W. Barnes. The People, Army, and Resources of Russia. Lond. 1904. Haking, Lieut.-Colonel R. C, D.A.A.G. Staft" College. Staff Rides. NotTublished. igoS- 83. Maguire, T. Miller. The British in the Iberian Peninsula, 180S-1814, as illustrating Sea Power and Strategy. Lond. 1905. Long, Brevet Lieut.-Colonel S. S., A.S.C. Army Transport. Lond. 1905. Kiggell, Lieut. - Colonel L. E D.A.A.G., Staff College, Camberly. The Counter-Attack 1905- Colonel G. G. Aston, C.B., D.A.A.G. Imperial Strategy. iQOS- Major-General H. J. Scobell, C.B. Cavalry. i90S- Brigadier-General T. D. Pilcher, C.B., A.D.C., Commanding 3rd In- fantry Brigade. Some Considerations Connected with the Formations of Infantry in Attack and Defence. 1906. Haldane, C.B., D.S.O., Colonel J. A. L. Some Lessons from the Russo- Japanese War. 1906. 90. Pilcher, C.B., A.D.C., Brigadier- General T. D. The Use and Abuse of Fire in the Field. 1907- Esher, G.C.V.O., K.C.B., The Right Hon. the Viscount. The .Study of Modern History. i907' Repinton. Lieut.-Colonel C. k Court. Peace Strategj'. IQO?- Brevet Colonel J. E. Capper, C.B., R.E. Information on the Battle-field. 1907. Colonel F. G. Stone. The Employ- ment of Heavy Artillery in the Field. 1907. Aldershottana, or chinks in my hut. 2ud edition. 8vo. Lond. 1859. Alderson, Lieut.-Colonel E. A. H. With the Mounted Infantry and the Mashonaland Field Force. 8vo. Lond. 1898. Pink and Scarlet ; or, Hunting as a School for Soldiering. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Aldington, Major I. A Short Essay on the Construction and Advantages of Light Artillery. 8vo. Carlisle, 1808. Aldous, The Kev. J. C. Definitions in Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. 8vo. Portsmouth, 1895. Alemhert, Jean - le - Rond d'. {See Gerard.) 79- 80. 81. 82. 84. 85. 86. 87. 89. 91. 92. 93- 94. ALE ALL Alexander I., Prince of Bulgaria. (Scr Ciolowiiu-. ) Alexander, A. Physical Drill of All Nations. Svo. ' Loud. 1894. Alexander, Lieutenant Boyd. From tlic Niger to the Nile. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1907. Alexander, Brigadier-General E. P. Military Memoirs of' a Coiit'eilerate. 8vo. New York, 1907. Alexander, Major-General Sir James Edward. Travels to the Seat of War in the East 1111829. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Sketches in Portugal during the Civil War of 1834. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Life of the Duke of Wellington. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend. 1840. Remarks on our Naval Organization. Portsea, 1858. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. i.) Command of the Channel and the sateiy of our Shores. Lond. i860. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 56.) Incidents of the Maori War, New Zealand, in 1860-1. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Bush Fighting ; illustrated by remark- able actions and incidents of the Maori War in New Zealand. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Alfieri, Francesco. L'Arte di ben maneggiare la Spada. Oblong 8vo. Padua, 1653. Lo Spadone. Oblong 8vo. Padua, 1653. (Bound with above.) Alford, Lieutenant H. S. L., and Lieu- tenant Denistoun Sword, North Staffordshire Regt. The Egyptian- .Soudan : its Loss and Recovery. 8vo. Lond. 1895. Alger, Prof. P. R,, and Eus. N. C. Twiny, U.S.N. The Colt Automatic Gun, Calibie 6 Millimetres, Mark L Lond. 1899. ("Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 64.) Algeria. Etat actuel de I'Algerie. Dapres les Documents Officiels. 8vo. Algiers, 1862. (For other Works, see hidex. ) Alghisi da Carpi, Galasso. Delle Fortificatione. Folio. Venice, 1570. Alglave, E., and J. Boulard. La Luniiere Electrique. 8vo. Paris, 1882. All-Bey, a/ms Domingo Badia y Lehlich. Travels in Morocco, Tripoli, Cyprus, Egj-pt, Arabia, Syria, and Turkeyj 1803- 1807. 2 vols, in one. 4to. Lond. 1816. Alls, H. Nos Africains. 8vo. Paris, 1894. Alison, Sir Archihald, Bart. History of Europe during the French Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1833. History of Europe, 1789 to 181 5. 10 vols. 8vo. And oblong 8vo Atlas. Lond. 1835-42. Alison, Sir Archibald, Bart, {tontd.)— The Life of John Duke of Marlborough. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1852. History of Europe, 181 5 to 1852. With Index. 9 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1852-9. Lives of Lord Castlereagh and Sir Charles Stewart. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1861. Epitome of History of Europe. Bvo. Lond. 1887. Alison, General Sir Archibald, Bart. On Army Organization. 8vo. Lond. 1869. \'on Moltke's Franco- German War of 1870-71. Bvo. 1 89 1. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 53.) On our Army. Edinburgh, 1892. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 55.) Aiken, H. The Horse, his Beauties and Defects. 8vo. Lond. 1866. Allan, George. Life of Sir Walter Scott. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1834. Allan, Major-General W. My Early Soldier Days, including the Crimean Campaign. 8\'o. Edinburgh, 1897. Allan, Lieut-Colonel W., U.S.A. History of the Campaign of General Stonewall Jackson in the 'Shenandoah Valley. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1880. Jackson's Valley Campaign. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1880. The Army of Northern Virginia. Bvo. Boston, 1892. History of the Campaign of General Stonewall Jackson, 1861-62. 8vo. New York, 1894. Allanson-Winn, R. G., and C. Phillipps- Wolley. Broad-Sword and Single- Stick. Svo. Lond. 1S90. Allardyce, Alexander. Memoir of the Hon. George Keith Elphinstone, Viscount Keith, Admiral. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1882. Allatt, Lieut.-Colonel H. T. W. The Condition of the Army National Recruit- ing. Dover, 1897. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, 58.) Allen, I. N. Diary of a March through Sinde and Atlghanistan duiing the Cam- paign of 1842. Svo. Lond. 1843. Allen, James, Junr. Trip by the " Lady Augusta '' on the River Murray. Adelaide, 1853. ('Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 5.) Allen, Joseph. Memoir of the life and services of Admiral Sir William Hargood. 8vo. Greenwich, 1841. Battles of the British Navy. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1842. Ditto, ditto. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1852. Allen, The Rev. Roland. The Siege of the Pekin Legations. Bvo. Lond. 1901. ALL AND Allen, Captain Scott. Our Home Defence Army. n.p., n.cl. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 64.) Allen, W. (Brave Colonel Titus.) Killing- no Murder. Proving 'tis lawful to destroy tyrants. Edinburgh, 1879. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 9.7 Allen, Captain William, R.N. Pictur- esque Views of the Island of Ascension. Oblong 4to. Lond. 1835. Allen, Captain William, R.N., and Surgeon T. R. H. Thomson, R.N. Narrative of the expedition to the River Niger in i8|i. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1848. AUgood, Major-General G. China War of i860. Demy oblong. 4to. Lond. 1901. AUnutt, H. Historical diary of the War between France and Germanj', 1870-1. 8vo. Lond. n.d. Almack, Edward. Regimental Badges worn in the British Army One Hundred 'k'ears Ago. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Alomhert, Le Capitaine P. C. Le Corps d'Armee aux Ordres du Marechal Mortier : Combat du Diirrenstein. 8vo. Paris, 1897. Alphabetum Barmanum, seu Bomanum Kegni Avae. 8vo. Rome, 1776. Alston, Captain A. H., R.N. Seaman- ship and its associated duties in the Royal Navy ; with a treatise on Nautical Sur- veving. 3rd edit. Revised and enlarged bj' Captain T. P. Walker, R.N. 8vo. '^ Lond. 1894. Alten, General Carl Graf von. Zur Errinnerung an das Dienst.-Jubel- fest des Generals und Kriegs-Ministers Grafen Carl von Alten. Folio. Hanover, 1831. Die Feierlichkeiten bei Beerdigung des Generals Carl Graf von Alten. Folio. Hanover, 1840. Alten, Lieut. -General G. von. Krieg- skunst in AiUgaben. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1902. Ambert, Le General Baron Joachim. Etudes Tacticjues pour Tlnstruction des Camps. 8vo. Paris, 1865. Atlas to ditto. Folio. Ambrose, J. D. Points of interest in the Medical History of H.M. 58th Regiment. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 47.) Ambulance. Secours au.\ Blesses. Communication du Comite International faisant suite au Compte Rendu de la Conference Inter- nationale de Geneve. Geneva, 1864. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 3.) Red Cross Operations in the North of France, 1870-72. Svo. Lond. 1872. Ameer Ali. England and Russia in Afghanistan. Svo. Lond. 1905. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, \ol. 69.) Amelot de la Houssaie, A. N. History of the Government of Venice. Svo. Lond. 1677. America. Outhne of the Revolution in .Spanish America. By a South American. Svo. Lond. 1S17. (Foi- other Works, see United States and Index.) Amery, L. S. The Problem of the Army. 8vo. Lond. 1.903. Amiot, Le Fere. Art ^Nlilitare des Chinois, (ui recueil d'anciens traites sur la guerre. Edited by M. Deguignes. 410. Paris, 1772. Ammianus Marcellinus. The Roman Historic, containing such acts and occurrents as passed under Con- stantius, Julianus, Jovianus, Valentinianus, and Valeas, Emperours. Translated into English by Philemon Holland. 4to. Lond. 1609. Rerum Gestarum. Ex MS. Codicibus emendati ab Henrico Valesio. 4to. Paris, 1636. Roman History during the Reigns of the Emperors Constantius, Julian, Jovianus, Valentinian, and Valens. Translated by C. D. Yonge. Svo. Lond. 1862. Ammunition. Treatise on Ammunition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1867-70 and up to date. Amory, Thomas C. Military services and public life of Major-General John Sullivan, of the American Revolutionai-y Army. Svo. Boston, 1868. Ancell, Samuel. Journal of the Blockade and Siege of Gibraltar, 1779-1783. Cvo. Liverpool, 1785. Ancona. Defense d' Ancone, et des Departments Romains, etc., par le Genei-al Monnier, aux Annees vii et viii. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, An. x, 1802. (Radstock Collection.) Anderson, Lieutenant .ffineas, 10th Reg. Journal of the Forces under Sir Ralph Abercombie in the Mediterranean and Egvpt, v.'ith an account of Malta. 4to. Lond. 1802. Anderson, Captain A. Dunlop. Pioneers. Lond. 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i.) Anderson, Benjamin. Journey to Mus- ardu, the Capital of the Western Man- dingoes. New York, i8;o. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 26.) Anderson, Edward L. How to ride and school a horse. Svo. Lond. 1881. Vice in the Horse, and other papers on horses and riding. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Anderson, J. H. The Waterloo Campaign, 181 5. Svo. Lond. 1907. Precis of (ireat Campaigns, 1796-181 5. Svo. Lond. 1907. Anderson, Richard. Lightning Conductors. Svo. Lond. 1879. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. Svo. Lond. 1885 AND ANN Anderson, Robert. The genuine use and effects of the Gunne. With Tables of Projection, tS:c., by T Streete. 4to. Lond. 1674. To Hit a Mark, as well upon ascents and descents as upon the plain of the Horizon. 4to. Lond. 1690. (Bound with above.) To Cut the Rigging : and proposals for the improvement of Great Artillery. 4to. Lond. 1 691. (Bound with above.) Anderson, Eobert. [Sir Potter, a/so Smollet.) Anderson, Colonel W. Sketch of Field Exercise for a Troop of Bengal Horse Artillery as practised at Meerut. Folio. Meerut, 1837. Sketch of the mode of manufacturing Gunpowder at the Ishapoor Mills, Bengal, with Notes and Additions, by Lieut.- Colonel Parlby. 4to. Lond. 1862. Anderson, W. L. Muzzle Pivoting Accomplished. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i.) Feathering Propeller. 2nd edition. Lond. 1872. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 3.) Equilibrio Cabin and Couches to counteract the motions of a ship at sea. Lond. 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 3.) Andersson, C. J. The Okavango Ri\er. 8vo. Lond. 1861. Andigne, Le General d'. Memoires. Vols. With Introduction and Notes by E. Bire. 8vo. Paris, 1901. Andlan, Le Baron d'. Metz, campagne et negociations. 7th edition. 8vo. Paris, 1872. Andre, Le Lieutenant d'. La Rasance des Terrains avec le Clipsometre. Imp. 8vo. Paris, 1898. Andrew, Major A. W. Ca\ah-y Tactics of To-day. 8vo. Bombay, 1903. Andrew, Sir W. P. The Scinde Railway and its relations to the Euphrates Valley and other routes to India. 8vo. Lond. 1856. Letter on the poHtical importance of the Euphrates Valley Railway ; with Reports by Major-General Chesney and Sir J. Macneill, and Memorandum by .Sir Justin .Shell. Also Minutes of Evidence betore the House of Commons on Tele- graphic Communication with India. Lond. 1857. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 51.) Completion of the Railway System of the Valley of the Indus. Lond. 1869. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 2.) Break of Gauge in India. 2nd edition, containing a further Report by Lieut. - Colonel J. P. Kennedy. Lond. 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 2.) Andrew, Sir W. P. {contd.)— India and her Neighbours. 8vo, Lond. 1878. The Bolan and Khyber Railways. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Our Scientific Frontier. 8vo. Lond. 1880. Euphrates Valley Route to India 8vo. Lond. 1882. Andrews, James Pettit. History of (ireat Pji'itain, connectetl with the Chrono- logy of Europe. 2 vols, in one. 4to. Lond. 1794. Andrews, J. R. Life of Oliver Cromwell to tlie death of Charles the First. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Andrews, Staff-Surgeon 0. W., R.N. Handbook of PubHc Health, Laboratory Work, and Food Inspection. Portsmouth, 1898. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 64.) Public Health. Laboratory Work and Food Inspection. 8vo. Lond. 1901. Angeli, Colonel M. von. Erzherzog karl von ffisterreich, als Feldherr und Heeres- organisator. 5 vols., with i vol. plates. 8vo. Vienna, 1895-96-97. Angeli, S., and T. Evans. Sculptured Metopes discovered amongst the ruins of the ancient City of Selinus in Sicily. Folio. Lond. 1826. Angelo. L'Ecole des Armes, avec I'explication general concernant I'Escrime. Oblong folio. Lond. 1763. Angelo, Colonel E. A. Observations on the Military Exercises formed by the late Henry Angelo. irmo. Lond. 1853. Angelo, Henry. Reminiscences of, with Memoirs of his late Father and Friends. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond.. 1S30. Bayonet Exercise. 8vo. Lond. 1857. {Sec also Rowlandson.) Angier, R. H. Military Small Arms and Ammunition. Lond. 1902. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 67.) Angier, T. V. S. Our Food Supply in the time of War. Lond. 1903. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 68.) Anglo-Africander. Africanderism : A Retrospect and a Forecast. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Anglo-Saxon. Prospectus. 2nd edition. Lond. 1849, (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 46 (i).) Anich, Petro, et Blasio Huel)er Colonis. Atlas Tyrolis. Folio. Vienna, 1774. Anitchkoff, Captain. Der Feldzug in der Krim. 8vo. '^^57- Anne, Queen of England. Life and reign. 8vo. Lond. 1738. Annesley, James. Researches into the causes, nature, and treatment of the more prevalent Diseases of India, and of warm climates generallj'. 2 vols. 4to Lond. 1828. ANN 13 ARA Annesley, William. New System of Naval Architecture. Loud. 181S. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 8.) Anquetil, Louis Pierre. L'Esprit de la Ligue. 3 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1767. Histoire de France jusqu'a la mort de Louis XVI. Contiuuee jusquen 1839, par T. Burette. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1838-9. Ansart, A. Essai sur la Mecanique des Vents et des Courants. 8vo. Paris, 1874. Anson, Lieut. -Colonel the Hon. A. Abolition of Purchase and the Army Regulation Act of 1871. Lond. 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 13.) Army Reserves and Militia Reform. Lond. 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 13.) Anson, George, Lord. {See Walter, R.) Anson, Major 0. H. With H.M. 9th Lancers in tlie Indian Mutinj'. Letters edited by his Son, H. S. Anson. Bvo. Lond. 1895. Ansorge, W. J. Under the African Sun. Large Royal 8vo. Lond. 1899. Anstice, Colonel R. H. The " Decisive" Campaign of Torres Vedras, 1810-11. Crown 8vo. Aberdeen, 1905. Anstis, Jolin. Observations introductory to an historical essaj- upon the Knighthood of the Bath. 4to. Lond. 1725. Anstruther, Major-General P. Memoir recommending a light i8-pounder Gun. Lond. [1839]. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 12.) Trajectory of Shells. Madras, 1855. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 43 (ii).) Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 52.) Flight of Projectiles. Kelso, 1857. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 52.) Ditto, ditto Malvern, 18&4. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 64.) Table showing the Fall by Gravity in the Atmosphere. Edinburgh, 1866. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 79.) Instrument to facilitate the drawing of the Trajectory of any Ball. n.p., 1868. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 2.) Theory of Gunnery. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, 94.) Anstruther, Lieutenant R. H., R.N., and Capitano di Vascello R. Settemhrini. Seafaring Phrases, English and Italian. i2mo. Portsea, 1894. Antarctic Regions. Third Report of Committee appointed for the purpose of drawing attention to the desirability of prosecuting further research in the An- tartic Regions. n.p., 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 46.) Anthoine, E. {See Schrader.) Anthropological Institute. Journal. Vols. V up to date. 8vo. Lond. 1875- . Antiquaries, Society of. Liber Quotidianus Contrarotulatoris, 1299-1500. 4to. Lond. 1787. Ordinances and Regulations for the Government of the Royal Household, from Edward III to William and Marj', also Receipts in Ancient Cookerj'. 4to. Lond. 1750. Archreologia ; or miscellaneous tracts relating to Antiquitj-. Vols, i to 45. 4to. Lond. 1 804- 1 8 80. Ditto, ditto. Second series. Vols. 46 to . 8vo. Lond. 1 881 to Codex Exoniensis. {See Thorpe.) Index to the Archaeologia. Vols. 1-50. 4to. Lond. 1889. Antiquaries, Royal Society of Nor- thern, of Copenhagen. Guide to Northern Archaeology. Edited by the Earl of Ellesmere. 8vo. Lond. 1848. Antommarclii, F. The last days of Napoleon. Memoirs of the last two years of Napoleon's Exile. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826. Antoni, Alexandro Vittorio Papacino d'. Dell Architettura Militare. 5 vols. 8vo. Turin, 1778-81. Du Service de I'Artillerie k la Guerre. Traduit de Tltalien, avec des Additions et des Notes par M. De Mont-Rozard, Chevalier de Saint Louis etc. 8vo. Paris, 1780. Abhandlung fiber den Artillerie — Dienst im Kriege. Uebersetzt von J. H. Mal-Herbe. 8vo. Dresden, 1782. A treatise on Gunpowder ; a treatise on Fire-arms ; and a treatise on the Service of Artillerj' in the time of War. Trans- lated by Captain Thomson, R.A., 8vo. Lond. 1789. Antoniazzi, Le Capitaine. {See Turmel.) Antonius. Antonii Muste quze super- sunt. Ex Museo G. B. Macdonald. n.p., 1840. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 35.) Antwerp. Etudes critique, considerations His- toriques et Politiques sur les Fortifi- cations d' Anvers. 8vo. Paris, 1867. Eight Photographs of the Gates of Antwerp, in folio case. (For other Works, see Index.) D'Anvers, N. Heroes of North African Discover3\ 8vo. Lond. 1S77. Anville, Jean Baptiste. Atlas and geo- graphj' of the Antients. Translated from the French. Folio. Lond. 181^. Apianus, Petrus. Ceesarium. Folio. Astronomicum Ratisbon, 1532. Appia, L. {See Moynier.) Arago, Fran(jois. Meteorological Es- saj-s, with an Introduction bj' Baron Von Humboldt. Translated under the super- intendence of Colonel Sabine. 8vo. Lond. 1855. ARA M ARE Arana, Diego Barros. Histoire de la Gufire ilii Paoitique, 1880-1. 2 vols. 3vo. Paris, 1881-2. Arc, Jeanne d'. Alemoircs. (.SV^' Petitot's CoUei'tion, \i_il S.) Archaeological Institute. Archaeological Journal, vols, i to date. 8vo. Lond. 1846 History and antiquities of York. 2 vols. 8vo. ' Lond. 1847. Ditto, ditto, Lincoln. 2 \ols. 8vo. Lond. 1850. Ditto, ditto, Norfolk and Norwich. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1S51. Ditto, ditto, O.xford. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1854. Old London. Papers read at the London Congress, July, 1866. 8vo. Lond. 1867. Archer, Thomas. The War in Egypt and the Sudan. 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 1886. Archer, "W. H. Progress of Victoria : a statistical Essay. Melbourne, 1867. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 23.) (Sec also Victoria.) Archibald, J. F. J. Blue Shirt and Khaki— A Comparison. Crown 8vo. New York, 1901. Architects, Institute of Naval. Trans- actions. Vols, i to date, with Index. 4to. Lond. i860. Architecture. Elemens d'Architecture, de Fortifica- tions, et de Navigation. 8vo. Paris. 1-87. Glossary of Terms used in Grecian. Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture- 3rd edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1840, (For other Works, see Index.) ./Architecture, Naval. L'Art de Batir les Vaisseau.x. 2 vols. in one. 4to. Amsterdam, 1719. Collection of Engravings of Ships. Folio. U-P-. 1748-56. Instruction sur les Bois de Marine. i2mo. Lond. 1780. Address to the Public from the Society for the Improvement of Naval Architec- ture. Lond. 1791. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 19.) Collection of Papers on Naval Archi- tecture, from the "European Magazine.'' 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1791-3- (Radstock Collection.) Account of the Society for the Im- provement of Naval Architecture. 8vo. Lond. 1792. The Shipwright's Vade-Mecum. 8vo. Lond. 1805. Draughts of a 74-Gun Ship and a Merchant Ship, to accompany the Ship- wright's Vade-Mecum. Lond. 1805. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 3.) Architecture, Naval {confil)— Duty to be imposed on India-built Shipping. Lond. 1813. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 8.) Vindication of the use of Round Sterns of H.M. Navy. Portsmouth, 1822. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 9.) Apology for English Ship-builders. Lond. 1833. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 6.) Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 9.) Lectures on Naval Architecture and Engineering. Delivered in connection with the Exhibition of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering in Glasgow (1880-81). 8vo. Lond. and Glasgow, 1881. Book of Plates. Oblong 4to. n.p., u.d. Essays and Gleanings on Naval Archi- tecture, n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 36.) Instruction Sur les Bois de INIarine et leur application aux constructions navales. 4to. Paris, n.d. Shipbuilder's Repository : or, a treatise on Marine Architecture. 4to. Lond. n.d. Shipbuilding. 4to. No title page. (For other Works, see Index.) Arctic Regions. The impracticability of a North-West Passage for ships, impartially considered. Lond. 1824. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 2.) Chart of the South Polar Sea. 8vo. n.p., 1839. (Radstock Collection.) Arctic Rewards and their Claimants. 8vo. Lond. 1856. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Natural History, Geology, and Physics of Greenland and the Neighbouring Re- gions. Prepared for the use of the Arctic Expedition of 1875. Edited by Professor T. Rupert Jones. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Polar Exploration. Edinburgh, 1875. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 2)3-) Die CEsterreichische Arktische Beo- bachtungs-Stationauf Jan Mayen, 1882-3. Svo. Vienna, 1882. Report of the International Polar Ex- pedition to Point Barrow, Alaska. 4to. Washington, 1885. Observations of the International Polar Expeditions, 1882-83. Fort Rae. 4to. Lond. 1886. The South Polar Times, April, 1892, to August, 1903. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1907. (For other Works, see Index.) Ardouin-Dumazet. Les Grandes MancEuvres Navales et Militaires de 1892. 8vo. Pari.s, 1892. L'Armee et la Flotte en 1895. i2mo. Pari.s, 1896. Arentschildt, Lieut. -Colonel von. Out- post Duty. Svo. Lond. 1854. ARC 15 ARM Argentine RepiiWic. The Argentine Estancia, by Tvl. Bernardcz. 8\o. Buenos Aires, 1903. Sketch of the Argentine Republic. 8vo. Buenos Aires, 1904. Argyll, The Biike of. India under Dalhousie and Canning. 8vo. Lend. 1865. Primeval iMan. 8vo. Lend. 1869. The Reign of Law. 5th edition. 8vo. Loud. 1870. The Eastern Question. 2 vols. 8vo. Load. 1879. Armandi, P. Histoire Militaire des Eltj[)hants. 8vo. Paris, 1843. Armed Strength. Compiled in the Intelligence Department, War Ofiice. Austria- Hungary. 1873-1891-1902 Balkan States. 1895-1900-19D2 Belgium. 18B2-1 899-1900 Denmark. 1 874-1904 Egypt. 1904-1905 France. 1877-1901 German Empire. 1888-1897-1900, Greece i9o5 Holland. {See Netherlands.) Italy. 1875-1891-1900 Japan. 1886-1901 Netherlands. 1887 Norway. {See Sweden.) Portugal. 1887 Roumania. 1888-1907 Russia. 1882-1890-1894-1898 Spain. 1883 Sweden and Norway. 1874-1901 Switzerland. 1880-1889 Turkey 1 892-1900-1905 Die Heere und Flotten dcr Gegenwart Vol. I. Deutschland. 8vo. Berlin, 1896 Vol. II. Grossbritannien und Ireland 8vo. Berlin, 1897 Vol. III. Russland. 8vo. Berlin, 1898 Vol. IV. Oesterreich-Ungern. 8vo. Berlin, 1898 Frankreich. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1900, Italien. 8vo. Berlin, 1902 Turkei und Bulgarien. 8vo. Berlin, 1905. Armenia. Armenian Newspaper. (4to Pamphlets, vol. i.) Armies. Nouvelles Constitutions Mili- taires, avec une tactique adaptee a leurs principes. 8vo. Frankfort, 1760. Armies, Foreign. Summary Account and Military Character of the Different European Armies Engaged in the late War. Trans- lated from the French. 8vo. Lond. 1802. Accounts of the Military Education in France, Prussia, Austria, Bavaria, and United States. Lond. 1870. Die Streitkrafte der Europaischen Staaten. Crown 8vo. Vienna, 1876. Armies, Foreign {coiitd.)— Report on the Persian Army. By J. A. Douglas. (Intel. Branch, O.M.G. Dept., India.) Folio. Simla, 1892. Organization of Voluntary INIcdical Aid in War in Austria, France, and Germany. Edited in the Intelligence Division of the War Office. Bv Major J. E. Edmonds, R.E., D.A.A.G. "Svo. Lond. 1901. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 66.) Handbook of the Medical Organiza- tions (chiefly for War) of Foreign Armies. Official Copy. Crown Svo. Lond. 1902. Arminjon, F. V. Corazzate e Torpe- diniere Svo. Genoa, 1888. Armit, Lieutenant R. H., R.N. Light as a motive power ; a series of Meteoro- logical Essays. Vol. i. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Armitage, Captain C. H., and Lieut. - Colonel A. F. Montanaro, The Aslianti Campaign of 1900. Svo. Lond. 1901. Armstrong, Alex. Observations on Naval Hygiene and Scurvj'. Svo. Lond. 1S58. Armstrong, Lieutenant G. E., R.N. Torpedoes and Torpedo - vessels. 2nd edition. Crown Svo. Lond. 1901. Armstrong, R. High Speed Steam Navigation and Steamship Perfection Lond. 1859. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 56.) Army. The Army brought to the Barre, legally examined, arraigned, and adjudged. Lond. 1647. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) A little Eyesalve for the Kingdom and Army. Lond. 1647. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) An Eyesalve for the Armie, or a dis- course to cleere their eyesight. Lond. 1*^47. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) Works of Darkness brought to Light, or a true representation of the dangerous designes driven by the Sectaries in the Army. Lond. 1647. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) The Armies Declaration examined. Lond. 1659. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) Debates in the House of Commons, relating to the Establishment of the Militia, Disbanding the New Raised Forces, and raising a present supply for His Majestj'. Lond. 1697. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) Discourse concerning Militias and .Standing Armies. Lond. 1697. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) The Argument against a Standing Army rectified. Lond. 1697. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) ARM i6 ARM Army {co7iid. )- Argument showing that a Standing Army is inconsistent with a Free Govern- ment, and destructive to the Constitution of the English Monarchj'. Lond. 1697. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) Ditto, ditto. 2nd part. Lond. 1697. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) Reflections on a Pamphlet entituled an Argument showing that a Standing Armj^ is inconsistent with a Free Government. Lond. 1697. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) Remarks on a Scurrilous Libel, called an Argument showing that a .Standing Army is inconsistent with a Free Govern- . ment. Lond. 1697. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) Dialogue betwixt Jack and Will about a Standing Army. n-P-> 1697. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) Letter ballancing the necessity of keep- ing a Land Force in times of peace ; with the dangers that may follow on it. Lond. 1697. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) Letter from the Author of the Argu- ment against a Standing Armj', to the Author of the Balancing Letter. Lond. 1697. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) Confutation of a Letter ballancing the necessity of keeping a Land Force in time of peace, with the dangers that maj' follow on it. and edition. 4to. Lond. 1698, (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 26.)^ Ditto, ditto. 2nd copy. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) The Argument against a Standing Army, discuss'd. Lond. 1698. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) A Letter to A, B, C, D, E, F, &c., con- cerning their Argument about a Standing Arm}'. Lond. 1698. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) Short History of Standing Armies in England. Lond. 1698. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 26.) Reply to the History of Standing Armies in England. Lond. 1698. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) The late Prints for a Standing Army, and in vindication of the Militia consider'd. Lond. 1698. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) Letter to a Foreigner on the present debates about a Standing Army. Lond. 1698. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) Some queries concerning the Disband- ing of the Armj-. Lond. 1698. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) Further considerations about a Stand- ing Arm}'. Lond. 1699. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) Army {contd.)— Letter concerning Guards and Garri sons. 8vo. Lond. 1699. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) Reflections on the History of Standing Armies in England. Lond. 1699. (Pamphlets, o.s., \'ol. 2.) The Seaman's Opinion of a Standing Armj' in England, in opposition to a Fleet at Sea. Lond. 1699. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) True method for raising Souldiers and Seamen. Lond. 1703. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 19.) Prints for a Standing Army, and others, in vindication of the MiHtia, considered. Lond. 1707. (Pamphlets, o s., vol. 2.) Abstracts of the Number and Yearly Pay of the Land Forces of Horse, Foot, and Dragoons in Great Britain, for the j'ear 1718. Lond. 1718. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) Some thoughts on the Land P^orces kept up in this Kingdom. 8vo. Lond. 1739. (Radstock Collection, Tracts 1739-1744.) Rates of Pay. 8vo. Lond. 174 1. Dutch Faith : an enquiry into the probability of the success of the British Arms, on the Continent, next Campaign. Lond. 1745. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 4.) A System of Camp Discipline, Military Honours, Garrison Dutj', and other Regu- lations for the Land Forces. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1757. Cautions and advices to Officers of the Army. i2mo. Lond. 1760. Rules and Articles for the better Government of H.M. Horse and Foot Guards and all other H.M. Forces. 8vo. Lond. 1778. Treatise on Military Finance. i2mo. Lond. 1795. Ditto, ditto. i2mo. Lond. 1796. Ditto, ditto. i2mo. Lond. 1798. General Arming ni Four Classes. Fairburn's Abstract of an Act, passed Julj^ 27, 1803, for Arming the Nation. Containing the Regulations for Training and Exercising of the Four Classes from the Ages of .Seventeen to Fiftj^-five. Lond. 1803. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 26.; Military Memorandums. Lond. 1804. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 48.) Ivlilitary Mentor : being a series of Letters from a General Officer to his Son. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1804. The Aide-de-Camp or Staff Officer's Assistant : containing correct statements of the Pay, Allowances, and Contingencies granted to everj' Officer. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1805. Instructions for Infantry,translated from the French, with Explanatory Notes hy John Macdonald. 2 vols. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1807. ARM 17 ARM Army {contd.)— General State and View of His Majesty's Forces in the United Kingdom and its Dependencies. i2mo. n.p., 1807. A Letter to His Royal Highness the Duke of York or an Exposition of the Circumstances which led to the late Appointment of Sir Hew Dalrymple. By Thomas Hague. Lond. 1808. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 26.) A Letter to His Royal Highness the Duke of York on recent Events, with a Statement of the Conduct of Generals Triggs and Fox during their Commands at Gibraltar. By Thomas Hague. Lond. 1809. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 26.) Strictures on the Army : by a Field Officer. Dublin, 1809. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 8.) New Canterbury Tales ; or the glories of the garrison. 8vo. Lond. 1811. ■ Military Extracts (Newspaper cuttings). 6 vols. Folio. i8o3-i8i6. The Composition and Organisation of the British Forces in the Peninsula, 1808- 1814. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 68.) Treatise on British Drill. Lond. 1814. Notes upon the Staff, with suggestions for its remodelling. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 42 (i).) Plan for raising a Military Force on the principles of Free Service. Lond. 1827. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 44 (ii).) Vicissitudes in the life of a Scottish .Soldier, written by himself. 8vo. Lond. 1827. Hints to Aspirants for the Army and young Officers on Appointment. 8vo. Lond. 1840. Rambles in Military Economy and Strategy. n.p. 1842. The Military Annual for 1844. 8vo. Lond. 1844. Extracts from the Reports of the Com- mittee on the question of providing Military Prisons. 8vo. Lond. 1847. Promotion from the Ranks. Lond. 1849. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 35.) Memorial to the Queen from the Colonels and Lieut-Colonels of the Brigade of Guards. Lond. 1855. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 81.) Observations on the Purchase System in the Army. Lond. 1857. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 42 (i).) Is it beneath the Dignity of a Nation to employ Foreign Soldiers ? Lond. 1857. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 52.) The Army Purchase Question, and Reports and Minutes of Evidence of the Royal Commission considered, with ex- amination of the evidence of Sir Charles Trevelyan. Lond. 1858. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 52.) Army {contd.)— Report on the Sanitary Condition of the Army, particularly during the late War with Russia. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 83.) A Plea for the British Soldier. Lond. 1859. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 57.) Sanitary Reform of the British Army. 3rd edition. Lond. 1859. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 57.) Ditto, ditto. 2nd copy. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 59.) Our Military Administration, past and present. Lond. 1863. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 64.) Army Directory for 1863. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1863. How the British Soldier is armed. Lond. 1867. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 73.) Observations on the System of Pro- motion without purchase in the British Army. Calcutta, 1868. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 74 (i).) The Church in the Army. Lond. 1868 (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 77.) Army Marriages. Belfast, 1868. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 77.) Administration and organization of the Land .Services of the British Empire. Lond. 1869. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 75.) Military Work by Military Labour. Lond. 1869. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 75.) Military Administration, 185 5- 1870. Lond. 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 79.) Military essays and reviews. ( i .) Camps of instruction and modern tactics. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 19.) Field Fortification, military sketching) and reconnaissance. 8vo. Lond. 1871. Abolition of purchase and army reform. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 96.) Comprehensive scheme for re-organizing the Army. Lond. 1871, (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 100.) Remarks on Mr. Cardwell's Army Re- organization Bill. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 87.) Constitution and organization of Land Forces reformed. Lond. 1871, (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 86.) Offence and Defence. By 2K0n02. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 86.) Reflections upon the Army, from August, 1871, to October 1872. Lond. 1872. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 100.) ARM iS ARM Army {coufd.)— Our Autumn Manctuvrcs. Ediiiburfjli, 1S72. (Pamphlets, 3rcl series, vol. 29.) Practical Lessons in Reconnoitring-, Outpost Duty, &c. No. I. Reconnaissance of the Coimtrv between Alderslidt and Wool 111 er. No. 2. Disposition of Vedettes, Sentries, and Piquets. Lend. 1872-3. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 10.) Battalion Re-organization. Lond. 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 19.) The march of an Army Corps. Lond. 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 4.) Correspondence on Mounted Riflemen. Lond. 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 13.) The ^''olunteer, the Militiaman and the Regular Soldier. A consei-\'ative view of the Armies of England. 8vo. Lond. 1874. Sobriquets of the British Army. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 2)7 ■) The Staff of our Army : a remonstrance. Lond. 1877. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 46.) Treatise on Military Carriages and other Manufactures of the Royal Carriage Department. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Ditto, ditto. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Military System by " Flamingo." 8vo. Lond. 1880. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i.) Tabelle relative alia Costituzione delle Forze Militari dell' Inipero Britannico. i2nio. Rome, 1880. (Italian Official Translation.) Six Months in the Ranks, or the gentleman private. 8vo. Lond. 1881. The Military Budget. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Fifteen Years of " Army Reform " : by an Officer. 8vo. Lond. 1884. Our Military Weakness. Compulsory Ser\'ice, a scheme of limited conscription. Lond. i836. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 42.) Employment of Machine Guns mth Infantry and Cavalry. n.p., 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 45.) Infantry Tactics as influenced by fire, i2mo. Lond. 1888. The English Military Power and the Egj'ptian Campaign of 1882. Lond. 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 45.) Mihtary sketching for Non-Coms. and men. i2mo. Lond. 1889. ?Jow to improve Shooting in the Rpnks. i2mo. Chatham, 1890. Army (to/i/if.) — Nicknames and Traditions in the Army. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1891. Our Army and its Detractors : with a rejoinder, by .Sir Charles Dilke. Lond. 1891. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 56.) About Soldiers, by a Soldier. Lond. 1892, (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 55.) The British Army and our Defensive Position in 1892. With a preface by the Right Hon. E. Stanhope. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1892. The essential Foundation of real Army Reform. Lond. 1892. (Pamphlets, 3rd scries, vol. 55.) Our Military Unreadiness. Lond. 1892, (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 56.) The Armies of to-day. A description of the Armies of the leading Nations of the present time. Bvo. Lond. 1893. British Army, The. By a Lieut-Colonel in the British Army. 8vo. Lond. 1899. Guide to Recent Large-Scale Maps. 8vo. Lond. 1899. The Array from Within. Anon. Bvo. Lond. 1901. Army, England's Phantom. By a Patriotic Soldier. Lond. igoi. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 66.) The Army Diary and Pocket-Book for 1902. By T. M. B. i2mo. Aldershot, 1901. Compulsory Ser\ice, or the Army we need. Lond. 1904. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 69.) Rules for the Translation of Place- names occurring on Foreign Maps. (Com- piled in the Topographical Section, General Staff". Official. Bjf Alexander Knox. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1905. The Army Problem : The " Times " and the Parliamentarj' Critics, I. and II. By S. C. G. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 68.) Ar/iiy Lists. The List of the Army raised under the Command of His Excellencj', Robert Earle of Essex and Ewe, Viscount Hereford, Lord Ferrars of Chartley, Bouchier and Lovaine : Appointed Captaine Generall of the Armj-, Imployed for the defence of the Protestant Religion, the safety of His Majestie's Person and of the Parliament ; the preservation of the Lawes, Liberties and Peace of the King- dom, and protection of His Majestie's Subjects from violence and oppression. With the names of severall Officers be- longing to the Armj'. Crown Svo. Lond. 1642. List of the Trained Bands of the City ot London, together with the Speech of the Right Honorable Lord Major of London to the King's Most Excellent Majestj'. With His Majestie's most Gracious Answer. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1661. ARM 19 ARM Army. Army Lists {contd.)^ Army Lists of the Roundheads and Cavaliers, 1642. Edited by Edward Peacock. 8vo. Lond. 1863. EngHsh Army Lists and Commission Registers, 1661-1714. Edited by Charles Dalton. 6 vols. 1661-1714. 8vo. Lond. 1892-1904. Irish 'Army Lists, 1661-1685. Edited and annotated bj' Charles Dalton. Bvo. Lond. 1907. List of Half-Pay Officers (EngHsh Establishment). 1714. By Charles Dalton. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Annual Army Lists, 1740, 1742, 1746, 1754, 1756, and yearly up to 1869. Bvo. The Monthly Army List, June, August, and December, 1798 ; February and September, 1799, 1800, 1801 ; Februarj-, June, August, and October, 1802; Janu- ary, February, April, June, August, October, 1803 ; May and September to December, 1804 ; Februarj', July, and September, 1805 ; Januarj', February', April, June, July, October, December, 1806 ; Februarj', June, Jul}-, September, October, 1807 ; March, April, June, 1808, 1809 ; Juty, 1810 ; March, May, November, 181 1 ; Januarj', March, Maj-, Jul}', No- vember, 1812 ; May, August, September, October, November, 1813 ; July, Septem- ber, October, November, December, 1814, 1815 to date. 8vo. List of the Officers of the Royal Marine Forces; 1755 and 1757 to 1S68. 8vo. Official Army Lists ((2uarterly). 1880 to date. 8vo. The Succession of Field Officers, Captains, Paymasters, Adjutants, Quarter- masters, .Surgeons, and Assi3tant-.Sur- geons, in the several Regiments of Cavalry and of the Line, from iSoo to 1839. 4to. Lond. 1839. The New Army List ; by H. G. Hart. 1838 to date. Svo. List of Officers Serving with Mounted Infantr}' in South Africa, 1901 and 1902. 8vo. Pretoria, 1901 and 1902. Officers and Yeomen of H.M. Royal Body Guard : compiled by G. Felstead. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 91.) Indian Army. {See India, also Manuscripts.) Medical Department. Official Documents relative to the Dis- agreements between the Members of the late Army Medical Board. Lond. iSio. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 25.) Position of the Officers, with special reference to service in India. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 44.) Anatomical Drawings, selected from the collection of Morbid Anatomy in the Army Medical Museum at Chatham. Fasc. 2, 3, and 5. Folio. Lond. 1834-50. Statistical, Sanitary, and Medical Reports for the years 1859 to date. Svo. Lond. 1861- , Army {contd.)— Military Laiv. Abstract of an Act for arming the Nation. 8vo. Lond. 1803. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 26.) Charges and Penalties with reference to the Mutiny Act and Articles of War. i2mo. Bombay, 1860. Army discipline and regulation Acts. 1879. 8vo. Army Act and other Statutes relating to the Army. 8vo. Lond. 18S1, and up to date. Manual of Military Law (War Office). 8vo. Lond. from 1877 to date. Staff Rides. Report on a Staff Ride held by the Chief of the General .Staff in the Severn Valley, September 3rd to 7th, 1905. i vol. and I vol. maps. Royal Svo. Lond. 1906. Report on a Preliminary Siege Staff Ride, held at Chatham, 6th to loth May, 1907, and Subsequent Siege Operations, held at Chatham, July and August, 1907. F'cap. folio. Lond. 1907. Army Orders and Regulations, Instruc- tions, Warrants, &c. Certcn Instructions, Observations, and Orders Militarie, requisit for all Chieftains, Captains and higher and lower men of charge, and Officers to understand, know, and observe. Composed by Sir John Smythe ; Knight 1591, and now first Imprinted 1594. Crown Svo. Lond. 1594. Lawes and Ordinances of Warre, established for the better Conduct of the Army by His Excellency the Earle ot Essex, Lord Generall of the Forces raised by the Authority of the Parliament, for the defence of the King and Kingdom. Crown Svo. Lond. 1642. Abridgment of the English Military Discipline. i2mo. Lond. 1686 [Containing Rules and Articles for the better Government of H.M. Land-Forces in pay.] Ditto, ditto. Second copy. [Containing Rules and Articles for the better Government of H.M. Land-Forces in the Low Countries, 1704.] Exercises for the Horse, Dragoon, and Foot Forces. Official. 4th edition. Crown Svo. Dublin, 1728. Extract of Orders by H.R.H. the Duke of York. Svo. Lond. 1757. Military Instructions for Officers de- tached in the Field. i2mo. Lond. 1770. Ditto, ditto. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1779. A Collection of Orders, Regulations, and Instructions for the Army on Matters of Finance and Discipline. Sections i, 2, 3, and 4. 17S8, 1S07, 1815. Lond. 1815. Standing Orders for the Royal Wagon Train. Lond. 1S04. General Regulations and Orders. Svo. Lond. 1799, 1S04, 1807, 181 1, 1822. B 2 ARM ARM Army Orders, &c. UondL)— Instructions for Military Officers fiiiplo3-cd on Foreign Service. and edition. i2mo. Lond. 1807. General Orders. Spain and Portugal, i3o9-i2. 12 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1811-3. General Orders. Spain and France, 1813. 8vo. 3 vols. Lond. 1814. (To which are added such Regulations as have been issued to tiie ist of June, 1815.) General Orders. France, Flanders and Portugal. 1814. 8vo. 11 vols. Lond. 1817. General Orders issued from the Office of the Adjutant-General. Vols, vi, vii, ix, xiii, to xxi, and xxiii-xxxi. 8vo. Lond. 1803-15. Regulations for the Army Serving in Ireland. Lond. 1826. Addenda to do. 1829-1830. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Standing Orders of the Light Division by the late General Crawford, 1809- 11. Lond. 1831. General Orders of the Duke of Wellington in Portugal, Spain, and France, 1809-14, and the Low Countries and France, 1815. Compiled alphabetic- ally by Lieut. -Colonel John Gumvood. 8vo. Lond. 1832. Ditto, ditto. 1 836- 1 839. 8vo. Lond. 1840. King's Regulations and Orders for the Army. 8vo. 1837 Queen's Regulations and Orders for the Army, 1844, 1854, 1857, 1859, 1868, 1873, i38i, 1883, 1885, 1889, up to 1900. (Large edition.) Ditto, ditto. i2mo. 1859, 1873. Addenda to the Queen's Regulations and Orders for the Army. July i, 1844, to March 31, 1854. King's Regulations and Orders for the ArmJ^ 8vo. 1901 and up to date. General Orders issued to the Army of the East, 1854-5. 8vo. Lond. 1856. General Orders and Circular Memor- anda, War Ofiice Circulars, Regulations, and Warrants. 8vo. Lond. 1856-66. Instructions for Officers on Outpost and Patrol Duty. Lond. 1861. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 58.) Military Train Manual. 8vo. Lond. 1862. Regulations applicable to the European Officer in Lidia. Bj' George E. Cochrane. Parts 1-3. 8vo. Lond. 1864. Royal Warrants, Circulars, General Orders, and Memoranda, 1856-66. Classified and Indexed by Major J. M. Bannatj-ne. 8vo. Glasgow, 1866. Duties of the Department of the Adjutant-General to the Forces, with Appendix ; wherein is traced the Origin of each Head of Business. Official. 8vo. Lond. itJ67. Companion to the Queen's Regulations. i2mo. Lond. 1875. General Orders. 1878 to 1888. Army Orders, &c. (contd)— Army Circulars. 1867 to 1872 and 1878 to 1888. Army Orders. 1888 up to date. Changes in War Material, Nov. 1885, up to date. Trumpet and Bugle Calls for all Branches of tlie Army. Ollicial. Crown 8vo. 1883 and up to date. Extracts from Division Orders by Lieut- General Sir F. Robert.s, K.C.B., V.C, CLE., Commander Kabul Field Force. Official. Lond. 1885. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 64.) Advanced and Rear Guards and Flank Guards. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Instructions for the conduct of Opera- tions by Night. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Handbook of the Mekometer. Svo- Lond. 1897. Handbook for the o"303-inch Maxim Machine Gun (Magazine Rifle Chamber). Mounted on Carriages, Field, Machine Gun, Cavalry and Infantiy, ; Carriages, Parapet ; and Cone Mountings. 8vo. Lond. 1898. Text- Book of Military Topography. Parts I. and II. 8vo. Lond. 1898. Instructions for Armourers. 8vo. Load. 1892. Manual for Instruction in Regimental Transport Duties. Official. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1892. Artificers (Militar)'). Handbook for Military Artificers. Crown 8vo. 7th edition. Lond. 1894-1899. Manual of Military Electric Lighting. Official. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Manual of Field Sketching and Recon- naissance. Official. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1903. Regulation for Mobilisation. Official. Crown 8vo. 1904 and up to date. Regulations for Intelligence Duties in the Field. Official. Pamphlet. Lond. 1904. Handbook of Physical Training. 2 vols. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1905-06. Manual of Map Reading and Field .Sketching. Official. Crown Svo. Lond. 1906. Field Service Pocket Book. Official General Staff, War Office. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1907. Army Serx'ice Corps. Manual for Field Service. Svo. Lond. 1889. Regulations for Army Service Corps Duties. Svo. Lond. 1889. Army Supply Handbook. 8^•o. Lond. 1895. Regulations for Supply. Transport and Barrack Ser\'ices. Crow^n 8vo. Lond. 1899. Drills and Exercises. Lond. 1891. Army Regulations, India. {See India.) Transport Manual. (Field Service.) Part I. Svo. Official. Lond. 1905. ARISI ARM Army Orders, &c. {con/d.)— Artillery. Instructions and Regulations for Field Battery Exercise and Movements tor Ro3-arRegiment of Aitillery. 8vo. Woolwich, 1831. Instructions and Regulations for the Exercise and Movements of the Royal Horse Artillery. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lend. 1835. Instructions and Regulations for the service and management of Heavy Ordnance for the Roj-al Regiment of Artillery. 8vo. Woolwich, 1835. Manual of Artillery Exercises. 8vo. Lond. i860. Ditto, ditto. Parts I and 2. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Standing Orders, Dress Regulations, Trumpet and Bugle Sounds for the Roj-al Regiment of Artillery. 8vo. Lond. 1864. Manual of Field Artillery Exercises. 1861, 1875, 1877, and 1881. IVLanual of Siege and Garrison Artillery Exercises. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Manual of Siege Artillery. 8\-o. Lond. 1886 and up to date. Manual of Mountain Artillery. 8vo. Lond. 1882 and up to date. Field Artillery Drill. i2mo. 1881 and up to date. Regulations for Magazines, Ammuni- tion, &c. Lond. 1894. Instructions for Siege Artillery Prac- tice. 1S95. Handbook for Range-Finding. With Watkin Field Range-Finder and Tele- meter. For use with Movable Arma- ment and Batteries of Position. 8vo. Lond. 1897. Notes on Mechanism as applied to Artillery. Official. By Captain S. B. Von Donop, R.A. Small Roj-al 8vo. Lond. 1897. Derricks, Sheers, and Holdfasts, 1898. i2mo. Lond. 1898. Regulations for Magazines and the Preser\-ation of Artillery Materiel, 1899. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1899. Siege Artillery Drill. i2mo. 1891 up to date. Mountain Artillery Drill, 1891 and up to date. i2mo. Horse, Field and Mountain Artillery. Official. Pamphlet. Lond. 1901. Notes on Mechanism as applied to Artillery. Official copj'. 63- Captain S. B. Von Donop, R.A. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Heavy Artillery Training (Provisional). Official. i2mo. Lond. 1904. Instructions for Practice — Horse and Field Artillerj\ Official. Svo. Lond. 1905. Garrison Artilleiy Training. Part IL Official. i2mo. Lond. 1906. Text Book of Gunnery. Part I. Official. Compiled at the Ordnance College, Woolwich. Svo. Lond. 1907. Army Orders, &c. icontd)— Barracks. Barrack Regulations. Svo. Lond. 1811. Warrant for the regulation of Barracks. Svo. Lond. 1824. Instructions for conducting the Barrack Service on Foreign Stations. Svo. Lond. 1827. Instructions to Barrack Masters. 8vo. Lond. 1828. Rules and Regulations for Garrison or Barrack Cells. 8vo. Lond. 1850. Cavalry. Rules and regulations for the Ca\'alry. 8vo. Lond. 1795- Instructions for Hussars and Light Cavalry acting as such. 8vo. Lond. 1798. Elucidation of several parts of H.M. Regulations for the formation and move- ments of Cavahy. 8vo. Lond. 1798, 1803, and 1808. Exercice fiir die Cavallerie der Konig- lich Grossbritannisch - hannoverischen Armee. Svo. Hanover, 1817. Instruction in Military Equitation, and in the elements of Field Movements of Cavalry. Svo. Lond. 1819. Regulation for the Instruction, Forma- tion, and Movements of the Cavalry, 1796, 1799, 1801, 1807, 1832, 1833, 1S51, 1862, 1S63, 1865, 1869, 1874, 1876, 1S85, and 1887. Drill Books, from 1887 up to date. Rules and Regulations for the Sword Exercise of the Cavalry. Svo. Lond. 1796, 1797, 1803, 1819 and 1840. Instructions for the Carbine and Pistol Exercises for the Cavalry. Svo. Lond. 181C. Regulations for the Movements and Formations of a Division or Brigade of Cavalry. Svo. Load. 1834 and 1863. Instructions for the Sword, Carbine, Pistol and Lance Exercise, together witli Standing Gun Drill. Svo. Lond. 1864. Instructions for the Sword, Carbine Pi^tol, and Lance Exercise, with Field Gun Drill. i2mo. Lond. 1871. Trumpet and Bugle Sounds for Mounted Services and Garrison Artillery. Svo. Lond. 1879. Colonies. Military Forces of New South Wales. 1894. The Land Forces of the British Colonies and Protectorates. Compiled in the Intelligence Division, War Office, 1902. Revised by the General Staff, War Office. Svo. Lond. 1505. Coininissariat. General Instructions to Commissaries. 8vo. Lond. 1814. Regulations and Instructions for the guidance of Officers of the Pur\-eyor"s Department of the Armj-. Svo. Lond. 1861. Commissariat Department. Svo. Lond. 1876. Commissariat and Transport Staff. Svo. Lond. 1881. ARM 22 ARM Army Orders, &c. {cotiftl) — Communications. Regulations for the Organization of the Line of Communica- tions of an Armv in the Field. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Cookery. Memoranda on the Messing of the Soldier. Lond. 1892. Sequel to ditto : Schedules illustrative o( the new system of Military, Cooking. Chatham, 1892. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 55.) Manuel of Military Cooking. 8vo. Lond. 1895. Dress Regulaiions. Regulations relative to the Clothing and Half-mounting of the Infantry. Lond. iSoo. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 25.) Ofificers of the Army. 1822, 1834, 1846, 1855, 1857, 1861, 1864, 1874, 1883, 1891 and up to date. 8vo. Regulations for the supply of Clothing and necessaries to the Regular Forces. 8vo. Lond. 1887. (With alterations and additions to 1889 and up to date.) Education. Army School Regulations. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1898 and up to date. Reports of Examinations. From 1891 up to date. Text-book of Military Administration and Law. Ofticial. Lond. 1903. Text-book of Military Topography. Parts I and II. 8vo. Lond. 1898. Army School Regulations, 1898. Standing Orders for Inspectors of Army Schools, Examiners and Teachers. Official. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1906. Encampments. Regulations and instruc- tions for Encampments. 1871, 1S75, 1877, 1883, 1888, to date. Engineers. Instructions and Standing Orders for the Roj'al Engineer Department serving with the Army upon the Continent. 8vo. Paris, 1 815. Orders and regulations for the guidance of the Corps of Royal Engineers and Royal Sappers and Miners, at home and abroad. 8vo. Lond. 1832. Regulations for the Royal Engineer Department. 8vo. Lond. 1873, 1882 to date. Field Entrenching. Lond. 1878. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 60.) Military Engineering. Vol. i. (Part II.) Attack of Fortresses. Official. 8vo. Lond. 1896. Regulations and Instructions, Hull. Machinery and Boilers of Submarine Mining Vessels. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1898. Field Engineers' Drill, 1899. Demy i2mo. Lond. 1899. Army Orders, &c. Engineers {cnitd.)— Instruction in Military Engineering, compiled at School of Military Engineer- ing :— Part I. Field Defences. 7th edition. 1902. Part II. Attack and Defence of For- tresses. 5tli edition. 1896. Part III. Military Bridging and use of spars. 4tli edition. 1894. Corrected to Jan. 1902. Part IV. Mining and Demolition. 5th edition. 1901. Part V. Miscellaneous. 1907. Part \T. Military Railways. 1898. Manual of Military Engineering", 1893 to date. Royal Engineers' Training. Official. Demj- i2mo. Lond. 1907. (Sf(' rt/so Engineers, Royal.) Egtdpiiicnt. Regulations for the Provision of Cloth- ing, Necessaries, Appointments and Accoutrements. Lond. 1857. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 46 (ii).) Royal Warrant and I'egulations for the Equipment of H.M. Ami}'. 8vo. Lond. 1876 and 1881. Regulations from 1S64 up to date. EstablisJiments. Regimental Establishments for Regular Forces, the Hon. Artillery Company, Militia, Yeomanry Cavair}', and Volun- teer Corps. 1894-95. W'ar do. 1888 to date. Field Army Establishment. 8vo. 1888 to date. E.vplosives. Treatise on Service Explo- sives. Official Copy. 8vo. Lond. 190c. Finance. Letters to Colonels of Regiments rela- tive to Regimental Paymasters. i2mo. Lond. 1797. Treatise on Military Finance. i2mo. Lond. 1795, 1796, 1798, 1804, Collection of Orders, Regulations, and Instructions for the Arnij- on Matters of Finance. 8vo. Lond. 1807. W'arrants for Military Pay and Allow- ances. 8vo. Lond. 1826-30. Collection of Warrants and Regulations issued to the Armj-on Matters of Finance. 121110. Lond. 1841. Ditto, ditto. i2mo. Lond. 1847. Royal Warrant and Regulations regard- ing Army Services and explanatory directors for the information and guidance of Pa\-inasters and others. 8vo. Lond. 1848 up to date. Widows' (.^rmy) Pension Warrants. Lond. 1855-56. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 83.) Army Pension (Revised) Warrant. Lond. 1857. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 84.) ARM ARM Army Orders, &c. Finance {contd.) — Royal Warrants for the Pay and Promo- tion, &c. of H.M. Forces. 1866 up to date. Regulation for the Allowances of the Army. 1881 up to date. Financial Instructions in relation to Army Accounts. 8vo. 1886 and up to date. Infantry. The Exercise for the Foot (in Ireland), 8vo. Limerick, 1758. Regulations for the Exercise of Rifle- men and Light Infantry. 8vo. Lond. 1798. (Bound in vol. lettered " Sword Exercise.") Ditto, ditto. 1808, 1812. Rules and Regulations for the for- mations, field exercise, and movements ot His ^Majesty's Forces. 8vo. Lond. 1801, 1803, 1813. Abstract of the Field Exercise and Evolutions of the Army. 8vo. Lond. 1834. Field Exercise and Evolutions of Infantry, 1690, 1728, 1739, 1758, 1792, 1801, 1803, 1809, 1815, 1824, 1833, 1859, 1862, 1867, 1870, 1874, 1877, 1884 up to date. Angelo's Bayonet Exercise. 8vo. Lond. 1857. Infantry Sword Excercise, 1817, 18 19, 1842, and 1875. Infantry Sword and Carbine Sword- Bayonet Exercises. i2mo. 1880 up to date. Infantry Manual, 1847, 1854, 1855, 1857. Infantry Bugle Sounds, i860, 1877. Regimental Transport (Infantry). i2mo. Lond. 1877. Regulations for Mounted Infantry. 8vo. 1884 up to date. Physical Drill with Arms and Bayonet Exercise. i2mo. Lond. 1889. Field .Service Manual — Infantry. War Office. Pamphlet. Lond. 1899. Cyclist Drill. Official. Lond. 1900. His Majesty's Regulations for the Brigade of Guards. Lond. 1904. Instruction in Bayonet Fighting. Pamphlet. i2mo. Lond. 1907. Medical Department. Instructions for General Hospitals. Svo. Lond. 1800. Duties of residential Stafif Surgeons of Districts and Assistant Inspectors of Hos- pitals in Ireland. Dublin, 1804. Instructions to Regimental Surgeons for regulating the concerns of the Sick and of the Hospitals. To which is pre- fixed H.M. Warrant for increasing the advantages of the Medical Officers of the Army. 8vo. Lond. 1808 and 181 2. (Bound in vol. lettered " Medical Instruc- tions.") Army Orders, &C. Medical Department i contd.) — Instructions for the regulation of Mili- tary Hospitals and the Sick, with divi- sions of the Army in the Peninsular, under the command of Field-Marshal the Duke of Wellington, K.G., K.B. 8vo. Lisbon, 1813. (Bound in vol. lettered "Medical Instruc- tions.") Instruction for the regulation of Army and Regimental Hospitals. Lond. 1813, 1820, 1835, 1845. Regulations for the Duties of Inspec- tors-General and Deputy Inspectors- General of Hospitals ; of Stafl" and Regi- mental Medical Officers, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1859. Manual of Instructions for Non-Com- missioned Officers and Men of the Army Hospital Corps. i2mo. Lond. 1875. Regulations for the Army Hospital Corps. Svo. Lond. 1875 and 1878. Regulations for the Medical Corps of H.M. Army. 8vo. From 1878 up to date. Manual of Exercises for Training Stretcher-Bearcrs and Bearer Companies. i2mo. Lond. 1878. Army Medical Department Reports- L^p to date. Regulations for Army Medical .Ser- vices, 1900. Pamphlet. Lond. 1900. Manual for the Royal Army Medical Corps. (Official.) Crown Svo. Lond. 1904. Manual of Sanitation in its Application to Military Life. Official. Svo. Lond. 1907, .Standing Orders of the Royal Army Medical Corps. Official. Crown Svo. Lond. 1907. Musketry. Manual Exercise as ordered by His Majesty. Svo. Lond. 1766. IManual and Platoon Exercises. Lond. 1780-1804, 1823. Manual and Platoon.Exercises. Lond. 1792. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 35.) Ditto, ditto. 8vo. Lond. 1804 and 1834. Rules and regulations for the Manual and Platoon Exercises, Formations, &c., of H.M. Forces. i2mo. Lond. 1S17. Manual and Platoon Exercises for Percussion Carbines. Svo. Lond. 1S40. The Platoon Exercise for the Rifle Musket. Translated into Turkish by Lieutenant W. H. J. Lance. Kertch, 1856. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 54.) Regulations for Conducting the Mus- ketiy Instruction of the Army. 1859, and up to date. Text Book on the theory of the Motion of Projectiles ; the historj-, properties, manufacture, and proof of Gunpowder ; the history of Small Arms. Svo. Lond. 1S68, Ditto, ditto. 8vo. Lond. 1880. ARM 24 ARM Army Orders, &c. Muskdry {coiitd.)— Treatise on Military Small Arms and Ainiminition, witli tlie Tlieorv of the Motion of a Ritle Bullet. A text-Book for the Army. V>\ Lieut. -Colonel H. Bond. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1884. Ditto, ditto. 8vo. Lond. i838. Text-Book of Small Arms and Ammu- nition. Crown Svo. Lond. 1894. Text-Iiook for Military Small Arms and Ammunition. Svo. Lond. 1894. Text-Iiook of Small Arms. 8\"o. Lond. 1904. Regulations for Musketry Instruction. i2mo. 1884, and up to date. Report on the Instruction carried out at the School of Musketry, Hythe, and Progres.^ of Musketry Instruction in the Army from 18S1-1894. Musketry Notes in South Africa. Bloemfontein, 1905. (Pamphlet, 3rd series, vol. 69). 0rdna?jcc. Instructions to Officers in Charge of Ordnance, Camp Equipage, Military Stores, and Ammunition, and also to Ordnance Paymasters, on Service in the Field. 8vo. Lond. 1833. Ordnance Store Department. Svo. Lond. 1876. (Bound with Commissariat Department.) Ditto, ditto. Svo. Lond. 1879. Treatise on the construction and manu- facture of Ordnance in the British Service. Prepared in the Royal Gun Factory. 8vo. Lend. 1879. Shells and Fuzes for smooth bore and rifle Ordnance. Lond. 1883. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 40.) Breech-loading Ordnance and Naval Gun Question, in 1885. Portsmouth, 1885. (Pamphlet, 3rd series, vol. 41.) Treatise on the manufacture of Guns and te.\t-book of Service Ordnance. 3rd edition. Svo. Lond. 1S86. Treatise on Service Ordnance. 4th edition. Svo. 1893, 'i"<^ "-'P '^ date. Treatise on Military Carriages. Svo. Lond. 1888 and up to date. Text-Book of Gunnery, 1897. Svo. Lond. 1897. Regulations for Army Ordnance .Services. From 1900, up to date. Ordnance College Regulations, 1901. Svo. Lond. 1901. Text-Book of Gunnery. Official. Svo. Lond. 1902. Arsenal, Royal, Woolwich : Royal Gun Factory. P^'cap. folio. Plates. Royal Laboratory. F'cap. folio. Plates. Royal Carriage Department. F'cap. folio. Plates. Standing Orders of the Army Ordnance Corps 1906. Official. Crown Svo. Lond. 1906, Army Orders, &c. (coiicL)— Outposts. Regulations for Outpost Duty. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i.) Outposts. l2mo. Lond. 18S8. Prisons. Rules and Regulations for the District Militarj' Prisons. Svo. Lond. 1846. Rules and Regulations for Military Prisons. Svo. Lond. 1851. Ditto, ditto. Lond. 1870, (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 79.) Quarter- Master Geno-aFs Department. Special Instructions for the Officers of the Quarter-Master General's Departirient. Svo. Lond. 1854. Railways- Manual of Military Railways. Svo. Lond. 1S89. Recruiting Ser-dice. Regulations and instructions for carry- ing on the Recruiting Service of H.M. Forces, 1796, 1799. Instructions to Officers employed on the Recruiting Service of H.M. Forces in the LTnited Kingdom. Svo. Lond. i8o6» Recruiting Regulations. From 1900, and up to date. Remount. Remount Manual. Official. Demj' lamo. Lond. 1906. Returns. Annual Returns of British Army up to date. Return (Pari.) of the British Army for 1S94. Lond. 1895. Salutes. Instructions regarding Salutes Lond. 183S. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 12.) Signalling. Reports, Journals, &C., on Army Sig- nalling and Heliography in India. Folio. 1879-80. Signalling Regulations : Being a com- plete compilation of all orders, regulations and warrants relating to signalling. Chatham, 1889. Manual of Instruction in Signalling. i2mo. Lond. 1891 and up to date. Catechism on Army Signalling. By Major L. Edye, R.M.L.L, and Major Rhodes, D.S.O. lamo. Lond. 1S94. Standing Ch'ders. Standing Orders of Various Regiments. (5fy Major Jarvis. 8vo. Lond. 1866. 83rd Foot. Extracts from Regimental Standing Orders. Montego Bay, Jamaica, from Februarj- 21st, 1794, to July 9th, i8oo_] Manuscript. Army. Records (r<^;//^/.)— 84th York and Lancaster Regiment Roll of the Officers, by Major G. A. Raikes. Second Battalion, 1758-1884. 8vo. Lond. 1885. 85th Bucks Volunteers, King's Light Infantry. Alphabetical List of the Officers, by Henry Stocks Smith. 8vo. Lond. 1851. 88th Foot. Records of the 88th Regi- ment, or Connaught Rangers. Lond. 1838. A History of the Mess Plate of the 88th, the Connaught Rangers. By Cap- tain H. F. H. Jourdain. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1904. 89th Princess Victoria's Regiment. Historical Record, compiled by Rowland Brinckman. 8vo. Chatham, 1888. 90th (Perthshire Light Infantry). Records of, with Roll of Officers from 1795-1880, by A. M. Delavoye. 8vo. Lond. 1880. 91st Princess Louise's Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. History of the ist Battalion, hy Lieut. -Colonel H. G. Roblej- and P. J. Aubin. 4to. Cape Town, 1883. Short Summary of the Records. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i.) Standing Orders. 8vo. Nagpore, 1861. Addenda to ditto, by Col. Sprot. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Appendix to Standing Orders. Folio. n.p., n.d. Historical Records of the 91st Argyll- shire Highlanders, now the 1st Battalion Princess Louise's Argyll and Suther- land Highlanders, containing an account of the formation of the Regiment in 1794, and of its subsequent services to 1881. Arranged by G. L. Goff, gist Highlanders. 8vo. Lond. 1891. 93rd Sutherland Highlanders. Histori- cal Records, by R. H. Burgoyne. 8vo. Lond. 1883. History of the 93rd Sutherland Highlanders. By Lieut. -Colonel Percj- Groves. 4to. Lond. 1895. 94th Foot. Regimental Standings Orders, bj' Sir Thomas Bradford. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1824. Alphabetical List of the Officers,. 1800-1869, by Henry Stooks Smith. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Historical Records of the 94th Regiment, by William Wheater. 8vo. Lond. n.d. 95th Regiment. The Derbyshire Cam- paign Series. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1899-190C. looth Foo*-. 1st Battalion Leinster Regiment (Ro3'ai Canadians) Standing Orders. Crown 8vo. Devonport, 1897. iGist Foot (Bengal European Regi- ment). Royal Munster Fusiliers. History of loist Bengal European Regiment. By Lieut.-Colonel P. R. Innes. 8vo. Lond. 1885.. ARM 31 ARN Army. Records icontd)— 102nd Foot (Madras European Regi- ment) Royal Dublir. Fusiliers. Historical Record of 102nd Foot, Madras European Regiment, 1645 to 1842. By General Neill. 8vo. Lond. 1843. The Regimental Records of the ist Battalion Royal Dublin Fusiliers, for- merly 102nd Royal Madras Fusiliers, ist Madras Fusiliers, the Madras European Regiment, 1842-1904 8vo. n.p., 1904. 103rd Foot. Historical Records of the Royal Bombay Fusiliers. Anon. 8vo. Devonport, n.d. Rifle Brigade. Twenty-five Years in the Rifle Brigade, by William Sui-tees. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1833. Sketch of the Field Services of the Rille Brigade, by Lieut.-Col. Leach. Lond. 1838. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 17.) Alphabetical List of the Officers from 1800 to 1850, hy Henrj' Stooks Smith. 8vo. Lond. 1851. History of, by Sir W. H. Cope, Bart. 8vo. Lond. 1879. The First British Rifle Corps. By Captain W. Verner. 8vo. Lond. 1890. British Regiments in Peace and War. The Rifle Brigade. By W. Wood. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1901. ■ 1st West India Regiment. Histoiy of, by A. B. Ellis. 8\^o. Lond. 1885. 2nd West India Regiment. One Hundred Years' History of the 2nd Battalion West India Regiment, from date of Raising, 1795 to 1898. Compiled by Colonel J. E. Caulfield. 8vo. Lond. 1899. Scottish Regiments. An Historical Account of the British Regiments employed since the reign of Queen Elizabeth and King James in the formation and defence of tlie Dutch Republic, particularly of the Scotch Brigade. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1795. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 22.) History of the Scottish Regiments in the British Armj-, by A. K. Murray. 4to. Glasgow, 1862. An Account of the Scottish Regi- ments, W'ith the Statistics of each, 1808- 61. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1862. Highland Brigade. The Highland Brigade, its Battles and its Heroes, by James Cromb. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Army Service Corps, Records. Regi- mental Standing Orders of the Army Service Corps, 1906. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1906. Regimental Badges worn in the British Army One Hundred Years Ago. By Edward Almack. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Records and Badges of the British Army. 2nd edit. By H. M. Chichester and Major G. Burgess Short. 8vo. Lond. and Aldershot, 1900. Do. do. 2nd edition. Army. Records {contd)~ The Regimental Records of the British Army. By J. S. Farmer. 8vo. Lond. 1901.. Short Histories of the Territorial Regi- ments of the British Armj'. Edited bj- R. de M. Rudolf, I.S.O. 8vo. Lond. 1905.. King's German Legion. History of the King's German Legion.. By Lieut. -Colonel N. Ludlow Beamish. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1832-37. Listen und Nachweisungen auf dea Dienst der Koniglich Deutschen Le- gion. 8vo. Hanover, 1837. Zusatze und Veranderungen zu den Listen und Nachweisungen auf den Dienst der Koniglich Deutschen Lc-- gion. Hanover, 1839. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 43 (i). Geschichte der Koniglich Deut- schen Legion, 1803-1816. By Captain B. Schwertfeger. 2 vols. 8vo. Hanover, 1907. Black and White War Albums. Nos.. I, 2, 3, and 4. Royal 410. Lond. 1899. St.anding Orders of the 38th and 64tli, Regimental Districts. 8vo. Lichfield, 1895. Lichfield Garrison Standing Orders.. 8vo. Lichfield, 1895. Cape Garrison Orders for 1807 and 1808. Manuscript. Oblong 8vo. The British Army. Being a series of photographs taken on the occasion of the Queen's jubilee Review. Folio. n.p., n.d. Types of the British Army. Containing coloured plates, with historical notes on each regiment. 10 Vols. Folio. Lond. 1888-90.. (" Army and Navy Gazette Album.") Short Histories of the Territorial Regi- ments of the British Army. Edited hy R. de M. Rudolf. 8vo. Lond. 1895. Songs for Soldiers and Sailors. B>' J. Farmer. Imp. 8vo. Lond. 1896. Armytage, Hon. Mrs. Wars of Queea Victoria's Reign, 1837-87. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Arnauld, L'Abbe. Memoires. (^^c*- Petitot Collection. 2nd series. Vol. 34.) Arnim, R. von. Aus dem Tagebuche eines Kompagnie- Chefs. 8vo. Cologne, 1874. Die Schlachten Taktik sonst und jetzt. 8vo. Berlin, i83i. Arnold. Instructions concerning Chrono- meters. Lond. 1788. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 2.) Arnold, Arthur. Through Persia b\- caravan. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1877. Arnold, Edwin. The Marquis of Dalhousie's Adminis- tration of British India. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1862. Simple transliteral grammar of the Turkish Language. i2mo. Lond. 1877. India revisited. Svo. Lond. 1886.. ARN ASH Arnold, Richard. The Customs of Loiulon, otlierwise called Arnold's Chroniile. 4to. Lond. 1811. Amold-Forster, H. 0. The People of England versus their Naval Officials. Lond. 1884. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 40.) Parliamentary misrule of our War Services. Lond. 1889. ( Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 49.) In a Conning Tower ; or, how 1 took H.M.S. "Majestic" into action. 5th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1891. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 58.) The Army in 1906. 8vo. Lend., 1906. Arrianus, Flavins. Histoire des Expeditions d'Alexandre. Traduction nouvelle par P. Chaussard. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1802. Atlas to ditto. 4to. History of the expedition of Alexander the Great, and conquest of Persia ; translated by Mr. Rooke. 8vo. Lond. 1812. Art of War. (Sec Why.) Arthur, Colonel George. Observations upon Secondary Punishments ; with a letter from the Archdeacon of New South Wales (W. G. Broughton). Hobart Town, 18S3. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 6.) Artillery. Anfangsgrunde der Praktischen Artillerie. i2mo. Hanover, 1782. .System der Feldartillerie in Fuss. i2mo. Leipsic, 1825. (Bound with Decker, " Artillerie in Europa.") The British Gunner. i2mo. 1828. (No title page.) Notice Abregee des Collections dont se compose le Musee de I'Artillerie. i2mo. Paris, 1831. Experiences faites a Metz en 1834, sur les Batteries de Breche, sur la Penetration des Projectiles, et sur la rupture des corps par le choc. 8vo. Paris, 1836. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. 8vo. Paris, 1856. Rights of Priority in the principles and method of Constructing Ordnance in superimposed rings with initial tension. Dublin, i860. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 58.) A few words on the construction of Ordnance. Lond. 1862. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 64.) Armstrong Guns. Land Service. Observations on the Guns, Carriages, and Ammunition ; and instructions for their care and use by the Royal Artillerv. 8vo. Lond. 1862. Remarks on the Ordnance Committees, and the Great Gun Controversy. Lond. 1863. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 64.) Artillery {contd.) — Allgemeine Schuss-Tafeln fur gezogene Geschi'itze. i2ino. Berlin, 1865. Report of a professional tour in Sweden, the Netherlands, and Belgium, in 1864. 8vo. Lond. 1S65, Report of a professional tour in Denmark, Prussia, Austria, &c., in 1865. 8vo. Lond. 1860. Tour of Artillery Officers in Russia. 8vo. Lond. 1867. Our effective Artillery. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 83.) Our Artillery : a plea for its better Technical Education. Lond. 1875. (Pamphlets 3rd series, vol. 34.) Discussion on Gun-making in the U.S. New York, 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 44.) Artillery Carriages. Plates. Folio. n.p., n.d. (For other Works, sec Index.) Artillery, Royal. Remarks on the organization of the Corps of Artillery in the British Service. 8vo. Lond. 1818. (Bound with Jenning's "Attack and Defence.'') Ditto ditto. 2nd ccpy= ■ Rumoured Reconstruction of the Royal Regiment of Artillery. Lond. 1868, (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 75.) Artillery Institution, Royal. Minutes of Proceedings. Vols, i to date. 8vo. Woohvich, 1858- . Translations and Miscellaneous Papers. 8vo. Woolwich, 1872-4. Artois, Captain P. H. d'. Relation de la Defense de Danzig en 1813. With plan. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1820. Arts, Society of. Transactions. Vol. i and 4 to 45. 8vo. Lond. 1806-45. Journal. Vols. 7 to date. 8vo. Lond. 1858- . Asakawa, K. The Russo-Japanese Conflict. 8vo. Lond. 1904. Ascham, Roger. English Works of with a life of the Author. Edited by James Bennet. 4to. Lond. 1761. Ashe, Oliver. Besieged by the Boers — A Diary of the .Siege of Kimberley. Crown 8vo. Lond. iqoo. Asher, C. W. Principes a poser pour le Droit maritime international de I'avenir. Hamburg, 1856. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 95.) Ashley, The Hon. Evelyn. The Life of Henry John Temple, Viscount Palmerston, 1846-1865. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1876, Ashmead-Bartlett, E. Port Arthur : The Siege and Capitulation. 8vo. Lond. 1906. ASH 3- Ashmolean Society. Proceedings. No. ^._ Oxford, 1855. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 52.) Asia, Central. The Central-Asian Question from an Eastern Staridpoint. J.ond i860. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol 2.) (For ether Works, see Index.) Asiatic Society, Royal. Transactions. Vols. 1-3. 4to. Lond. 1827-35. Journal. Vol. i-io and 12-20. 8vo. Lond. 1834-63. Ditto, ditto. New series. Vols. 1-9, II, 12 ; vol. 14, part iv ; and vol. 18, part i. 8vo. Lond. 1865-86. Asiatic Society. Bombay Branch. Journal. Vol. 13 and Nos. 40 (vol. 15, part ii) to 46. 8vo. Bombay, 1878-87. Ditto. 8vo. Bombay, 1894. The Origin of Bombay. By J. Gerson da Cunha. ' Lond. 1900. Asiatic Society of Bengal. Journal. \'ols. 1-13. 8vo. Calcutta, 1832-44. Asiatic Researches, or Transactions. Vols. i-io. 8vo. Lond. 1806-11. Askwith, G. R. {See Bovill.) Askwith, General W. H., Colonel- Commandant, Royal Artillery. List of Officers of the Royal Regiment of Artillery from the year 1716 to the year 1899. 4th edition. Demy 410. Lond. 1900. Aspin, Jehoshaphat. The Naval and Mihtary Exploits wliich have distinguished the reign of George the Third. i2mo. Lond. 1820. Aspland, A. Examination of the Report of the Commissioners on the Mortality of the Army. Manchester, 1859. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 57.) Aspland, Lieut.-Colonel J. L. English Drill. Manchester, 18S7. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 45.) Association. Formation of Associations for the accommodation of Officers, Civilians, Clergymen, and others of small income. Richmond, 1839. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 16.) Assolant, Alfred. La Bataille de Laon (1814). 8vo. Paris, 1881. Campagne de Russe, 18 12, Folio. Paris, n.d. Astley, Philip. Remarks on the profession and duty of a Soldier. Lond. 1794. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 118.) System of equestrian education, ex- hibiting the beauties and defects of the horse. 7th edition. 8vo. Dublin, 1802. Projects in his management of the horse. i2!no. Lond. 1804. ATK Aston, Captain G. G., R.M.A. Homing Pigeons in War. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 52.) Astronomical Society, Royal. Memoirs. Vols, i to 7, 9 to date 4to. Lond. 1822- . Monthly Notices. Vols. 8. to 18, 28 to 31. 8vo. Lond. 1847-71. Index to the first twenty-nine volumes of Monthly Notices. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Astrup, E. With Peary near the Pole. Translated by H. J. Bull, from the Norwegian. 8vo. Lond. 1898. Atchison, Captain Thomas. The Case of Captain Atchison. n.p., 1834. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 13.) Statement in defence of his Military Integrity. Lond. 1834. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 7.) Account of the circumstances which led to the restoration of Captain Thomas Atchison. 8vo. n.d., 1866. Atchison, Captain T., and Lieutenant Dawson, and the Roman Catholic Cere- monies at Malta. n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 58.) An account of the circumstances which led to his restoration to his former rank of Captain Thomas Atchi.son, R.A., after his dismissal by sentence of Court- Martial, at Malta, in 1824 ; with some account of Lieutenant Dawson, dismissed at the same time. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 58.) (See also Courts-Martial.) Atherley-Jones, L. A., and H. H. L. Bellot. Commerce in War. 8vo. Lond. 1907. Atherton, C. The Capability of Steam Ships. 2nd edition. 8vo. Woolwich, 1854. Atkins, J. Black. The War in Cuba. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1899. The Relief of Ladysmith. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Atkinson, Captain G. F. The Campaign in India, 1857-8. Folio. Lond. 1859. Atkinson, Captain Henry. The Tri- partite System. Lond. 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 10.) Atkinson, J. The Expedition into Afghanistan, 1839-40. 8vo. Lond. 1842. The Shah Nameh. Edited by the Rev. J. A. Atkinson. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1892. Atkinson, Thomas Witlam. Oriental and Western Siberia : explora- tions and adventures in Sibeiia, Mongolia, the Kurghis Steppes, Chinese Tartary and part of Central Asia. 8vo. Lond. 185B. Travels in the Regions of the Upper and Lower Amoor and the Russian Acquisitions on the confines of India and China. 8vo. Lond. i860. C ATL 34 AUS Atlases. Hand-Atlas die Geschichte des Mittelalters iiiid der Neueren Zcit. 3te Aullage. voii Dr. K. von Spruticr's Hand- Atlas, neu Gearbeitct vun Dr. T. Menke. F'cap. fol. Gotha, 1880. Atlas de Geologic. l>earbeitct von Dr. Hermann Hcrghaus. Imp. 410. Gotha, 1892. Bartholomew's Atlas of Meteorology- Prepared by J. G. Bartholomew and A. J. Herbertson, and edited bj' A. IBuchan. Demy folio. Lend. 1899. The Times Atlas. New Edition- Demy folio. Lond. 1900. Philip's Mercantile Marine Atlas- Ro3'al folio. Lond. 1904. Atlay, J, B., M.A. The Trial of Lord Cochrane before Lord EUenborough. 8vo. Lond. 1897. Atteridge, A. H. Towards Khartoum. 8vo. Lond. 1897. Attlmayr, F. Ritter von. tjber Seetaktik. 8vo. Vienna, 1875. Uber den Seekrieg. 8vo. Vienna, 1878. Der Kreig Osterreichs in der Adria im Jahre 1866. 8vo. Vienna and Pola, 1896. Attwood, E. L. War Ships. A Text- book on the Construction, Protection, Stability, Turning, &c., of War Vessels. 8vo. Lond. 1904. Aube, Le Contre-Amiral. La Guerre Maritime et les Ports Militaires de la France. Paris, 1882. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 40.) Auber, Peter. Rise and progress of the British Power in India. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Aubry, A. Studio sulle Bussale. Delia nostra Marina de Guerra. 8vo. Roma, 1890. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 52.) Aubuisson de Voisins, J. P. d'. Traite de Geognosie. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1819. Audiffret, Pasquier, Le Due d'. The Re-organization of the (French) Armj-, and on Contracts. 8vo. Lond. 1874. (Bound with " W.O. Misc. Publications.") Audouin, Xavier. Histoire de I'Admin- istration de la Guerre. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1811. Augereau, Le General. Campagne sur le Mein et la Rednitz de I'Armee Gallo- Batave (1800-1). 8vo. Paris, 1802. Aumale, Le Due d'. Histoire des Princes des Conde pendant les XVI et XVII Siecles. 7 vols, and i vol. of Maps. 8vo. Paris, 1863-1896. Austin, Major H. H. Among Swamps and Giants in Equatorial Africa. Lond. 1902. With Macdonald in Uganda. 8vo. Lond. 1903. Australia. The Routes to Australia, considered in reference to commercial and postal interests. 8vo. Lond. 1854. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 43 (ii).) Travels with Dr. Leichhardt in Australia. i2mo. Melbourne, 1859. Australia. Manual of Drill for Mounted Troops. i2mo. Sydnej-, N.S.W., 1895. Letters from Victorian Pioneers. Edited by T. F. Bride, LL.D. 8vo. Melbourne, 1898. Australian Views ; North-East Coast Obi. 4to. n.p., n.d. Australian Direct Steam Navigation Company. Prospectus, &c. Lond. 1853. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 29.) Light Horse and Mounted Infantry, etc. Official. lamo. Sydney-, 1902. Defence of Australia. F'cap. folio. n.p., 1902. (^For other Works, see Index.) Austria, Don John of. Livro de Marin- haria — Tratado da Agulha de Marear de JoSo de Lisboa. Edited by the Duke of Palmella. Large royal 8vo. Lisbon, 1903. (Sec also Stirling-Maxwell.) Austria-Hungary. Coup-d'CLiil rapid sur Vienne. Paris, 1805. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 25.) Ideen liber unser Militiirisches Ver- haltness bei einem Kriege mit Russland. 8vo. Vienna, 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol 82). Ideas on our Military Position in a War with Russia. Translated by E. Baring. Lond. 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 82.) (For other Works, see Index.) Austria-Hungary. Army. Prejuger Militaires. Par un Officer Autrichien. 8vo. Paris, 1875. Organisation de I'Armee Austro-Hon- groise. Le Capitains Debains. (Mai, 1900.) 8vo. Paris, 1900. Military History. Die Oesterreichische Armee, 1700-1867. 2 vols. By Rudolf von Ottenfeld and Oscar Teuber. Folio. Vienna, 1895. Ausgewahlte Schriften des Erzherzogs Carl von Osterreich. 6 vols., with 2 vols, maps. 8vo. Wien, 1893-94. Historische Legionen Habsburgs. By Oskar Teuber. 8vo. Wien, 1896. Mittheilungen des K. u. K. Kriegs- Archivs. 10 (with i Supplementary) vols. Herausgegeben von der Direction des K. u. K. Kriegs-Archivs. 8vo. Vienna, 1897-1898. Ausgewahlte Schriften des Raimund Fiirsten Montecuccoli, General-Lieutenant und Feldmarschall. 2 vols. Heraus- gegeben von der Direction K. u. K. Kriegs-Archivs. Bearbeitet von Haupt- mann Alois Veltze 8vo. Vienna and Liepzig, 1899. (For other Works, see Index.) i AUS 35 Austria-Hungary, Army— Orders and Regulations. Aft! lie >y. Instrukzion iiber die Beschaffenheit den Gebrauch und die Ausriistung der 4 und 8 pfiindigengezogenen feldgeschiitz. 8vo. Vienna, 1864. Provisorische Instrukzion iiber die Einrichtung und den Gebrauch der Rota- zions-Raketen. 8vo. Vienna, 1865. Artillerie Unterricht fiir die Mannschaft der Batterien und Park Coinpagnien. i2mo. Vienna, 1866. Artillerie-Unterricht fur die Mannschaft der Festungs- und Kusten-Artillerie Com- pagnien. 2 vols. i2mo. Vienna, 1866. I. R. Austrian Artillery Field Exercise. Parts III and VII. Translated by Lieut.- Colonel W. H. Goodenough. Woolwich, 1872. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 16.) Exercier-Reglement fiir die K. u. K. Artillerie. I. Theil. Crown 8vo. Vienna, 1891. Cavalry. Reglement d'Exercise de la Cavalerie Autrichienne. By le Coinmdt. Chabert. Translated from the German. 8vo. Paris, 1887. Aphorismen iiber die K. u. K. Cavalerie 8vo. W^ien, 1893. Vorschriften fiir das Satteln. Packen. und Zaumen in der K. u. K. Cavallerie. i2mo Wien, 1893. Etude sur le reglement d'exercises de la Cavalerie Autrichienne. Par P. A. G. 8vo. Saumur, 1892. Exerciser-Reglement fiir die K. u. K. Cavallerie. 1. Thiel. Crown 8vo. Vienna, 1898. Education. Leitfaden der Allgemeinen Kriegs- geschichte. Zum Gebrauche an den K. u. K. Militar-Akademien. Published by order of the Imperial Ministry of War. 8vo. Wien, 1896. Infantry. Exercir-Reglement fur die K. u. K. Fuss-Truppen. 8vo. Vienna, 1862. AYS Ditto, ditto. Vienna, 1903. Abrichtungs-Reglement fiir die K. u. K. Linien- undGrenze-Infanterie, 1851. 8vo. Vienna, 1851. Abrichtungs-Reglement fur die K. u. K. Fuss-Truppen. 8vo. Vienna, 1862 and 1868. Field Exercises and MancEuvres in time of peace, with special reference to Infantry. Translated by Lieutenant E. Baring. 8vo. Lond. 1871. (Bound with "W.O. Miscellaneous Pub- lications.") Austria-Hungary, &c. l7jfantry{conid^— Instruction pour I'emploi de la beche d'Infanterie. Vienna, 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxv.) Exerzir-Reglement fur die K. u. K. Fusstruppen. 2 parts. 8vo. Vienna, 1874-5. Schiess-Instruktion fur die Infanterie und die Jager-Truppen des K. u. K. Heeres. 8vo. Vienna, 1879. Wafifen-Instruktion fiir die Infanterie und die Jager-Truppen des K. u. K. Heeres. 8vo. Vienna, 1880. Austria-Hungary, Navy, Artillerie-Unterricht fur die K. u. K. Kriegs-Marine. Vol. i. 8vo. Bamberg, 1880. Exerzir-Reglement fur die Fusstruppen der K. u. K. Kriegs-Marine. Zweite Auflage des Reglements vom Jahre 1878. 8vo. "Pola, 1881. Aumale, Le Due d'. Prince, Soldat, Un Grand Seigneur au XIX" Siecle. Anon. 8vo. Tours, 1899. Auvergne, Henry de la Tour d'. {See Turenne.) Ava. Two years in Ava, 1824-6. By an Officer of the Staff" of the Ouartermaster- General's Department. 8vo. Lond. 1827. (For other Works, -:ee Index. )^ Aveling, S. T. Heraldry ; ancient and modern ; including " Boutell's Heraldry." 8vo. Lond. 1873. Avera, Fernand d'. The English in Burma. Translated by Captain Eustace E. M. Lawford. Allahabad, 1887. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 48.) France, Upper Burma, and Tonquin. Translated by Captain Eustace E. M. Lawford. Rangoon, 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 48.) Axtrez, Piales D'. {See Romagny.) Aylward, Alfred. The Transvaal of To-day ; war, wichcraft, sports, and spoils in South Africa. 8\-o. Lond. 1878. Ayres, Major C. " Organisagao Militar dos Arabes na Peninsular." 8vo. Lisbon, 1902. " Pela Patria ! A Conquista de Por- tugal. Lisbon, 1902. Ayrouard. Recueil de Plusieurs Plans des Ports et Rades et de quelques Cartes Particulieres de la Mer Mediterranee. 4to. n.p. [1746]. Ayscough, The Rev. Samuel. Index to the remarkable passages and words made use of Shakespeare. 8vo. Lond. 1790 C 2 AYT BAD Aytoun, Captain A. The success of the Suez Canal antici- pated. Edinlnirjih, 1870. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 3.) Ditto, ditto, Second copy. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 17.) Azara, Don Felix de. Voyages dans lAmeriqiic Meridioiiale Publics d'aprcs les manuscrits de rAuteur, par C. A. Walckenaer ; avec notes par G. Cuviei\ 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1809. Azeglio, Massimo Tapparelli, Mar- quis d'. Precis of the Operations of General Diirando in Venetia. Translated by Captain Kinloch. Lond. 1B67. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 72.) Azemar, Le Baron d'. Avcnir de la Cavalerie. 3 vols, in one. 8vo. Paris, 1 860-1. Azores. History of the Azores or Western Islands. 4to. Lond. 1813. (For other Works, see Index.) B " B " Brigadier-Greneral. A General and his Duties Lond. 1^ Babbage, Charles. Economy of Machinery and Manu- factures. 4th edition. lamo. Lond. 1835. Occulting Telegraph. 1851. (Pamplets, 3rd series, vol. 52.) Observations addressed to the Royal Society after the delivery of the Medals. Lond. 1856. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 46 (i).) Baber, ZeMr - ed - din Muhammed. Emperor of Hindustan, June, a.d. 1494 — .September, a.d. 1529. Memoirs. Written by himself in Jaghatai Turki. Translated by John Leyden and William Erskine. 4to. Lond. 1826. Babington, Major C. W. A new " Form of Attack " and system of mancEuvring troops in open formation. Folio. Banda, 1884. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 8.) Bacharach, Le Capitaine A. Considera- tions sur les Defences naturelles et artifi- cielles de la France, en cas d'une Invasion Allemande. Paris, 1867. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 72.) Back, Captain Sir George, E..N. Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedi- tion to the mouth of the Great Fish River, and along the shores of the Arctic Ocean, 1833-5. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Narrative of an Expedition in H.M.S. "Terror," undertaken with a v^iew to Geographical Discovery of the Arctic Shores, 1836-7. 8vo. Lond. 1838. Bacon, Le Comte de. Manuel de Jeune Ofticier, ou Essais sur la Theorie Mili- taire. 8vo. Paris, 1782. Bacon, General A, {See Boger.) Bacon, Francis, Lord Vernlam. Works of Francis Bacon, edited by Basil Montagu. 16 vols, (bound in 17). 8vo. Lond. 1824-35. The Mythology of the Ancients. i2mo. Lond. n.d. Bacon, Francis, Lord Veriilam {contd) — Biography : consisting of the Civil Characters of Julius Csesar, Augustus Caesar, Henry VII, and Queen Elizabeth. i2mo. Lond. n.d. (Bound with Mythology of the Ancients.) Specimen of Animated Astronomy. i2mo. Lond. n.d. (Bound with Mythology of the Ancients.) Bacon, Commander R. H., R.N. Benin the Cit3' of Blood. 8vo. Lond. 1897. Bacot, Surgeon-Major J. T. W. The Bahamas. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Bacqua, Napoleon. Codes de la Legis- lation Francaise. 5th edition. 8vo. Paris, 1845. Baczyiiski, K. u. K. Hauptmann R. von. Zum Studium des Verpilegwesens im Kriege, vom Operativen .Standpunkte. 8vo. Vienna, 1894. Baddeley, M. J. B. Bath and Bristol and Forty Miles Round. Crown 8vo. 1902. Badeau, Colonel Adam, U.S. Army. Military History of Ulj'sses -S. Grant from 1861-5. 3 vols. 8vo. New^ York, 1868-81. Badeaux, J, B. Journal des Operations de TArmee Americaine lors de I'Invasion du Canada en 1775-76. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 8.) Baden-Powell, Major B. F. S. War in Practice. 8vo. Lond. 1903. Baden-Powell, Captain R. S. S. Reconnaissance and Scouting. i2mo. Lond. 1884. Cavalry Instruction. i2mo. Lond. 1885. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1888. „ Colonel. The Matabele Campaign, 1896. 8vo. Lond. 1897. „ Major-General. Aids to Scouting for N.C.O.'s and Men. i2mo. Aldershot, 1906. Sketches in Mafeking and East Africa. Oblong 4to. Lond. 1907. BAD Z7 BAL Badeslade, Thomas. Chorographia Hritanniae, or a set of maps ot all the Counties in England. 8vo. Lond. 1742. Badia, Domingo. {See Ali Bey.) Badily, Richard. {See Spalding.) Bagay, V. Nouvelles Tables Astrono- miques et Hydrographiques. 4to. Paris, 1829. Bagot, A. G. Sport and Travel in India and Central America. Bvo. Lond. 1897. Bagot, C. H. National Importance of Emigration. Lond. 1863. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 65.) Bagot, Mrs. D. Shadows of the War. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Bailey, G. W. A private chapter of the War (1861-5). 8vo. St. Louis, 1880. Bailey, J. A. Assault of Delhi. Vindi- cation of H.M. 52nd Light Infantry and the 3rd Column of Assault from the asper- sions of .Sir John Kaye. Lond. 1876. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 47.) Bailey, N. Etymological English Dic- tionaiy. 20th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1763. Baillet, Ed. Forces des Etats. 8vo. Paris, 1868. Baillie, Major F. D. Mafeking— A Diary ut the Siege. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Baillie-Grohman, W. A. Fifteen years' .Sport and Life in the Hunting Grounds of Western America and British Columhia. 8\'o. Lond. 1900. Baily, Francis. An account of the Rev. John Flam steed, the first Astronomer Royal. To which is added his British Catalogue of Stars. 4to. Lond. 1835. Supplement to the account of the Rev. John Flamsteed. Lond. 1837. f4to Pamphlets, vol. 3.) Baily, John. Central America ; des- cribing each of the States of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. 8vo. Lond. 1850. Bain, Alexander. Education as a Science. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Bain, R. Nisbet. Peter III., Emperor of Russia. 8vo. Lond. 1902. The First Romanovs. 8vo. Lond. 1905. Scandinavia : A Political History of Denmark, Norwaj^ and .Sweden from 1513 to 1900. 8vo. Cambridge, 1905. Bainhridge-Hoff, Com. W., U.S. Navy. Examples, conclusions, and maxims of modein Na\'al Tactics. 8vo. Portsmouth, U.S.A., 1885. Bainhrigge, Lieut.-General P. Mis- statements in the Historical Records of the 20th Regiment, in reeard to the services of the late Lieut. -Colonel P. Bainhrigge in the Expedition to Holland in 1799. Lond. i860. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 60.) Baines, E. History of the Wars of the French Revolution from 1792-1815. 2Vois. 4to. Lond. 1818. Baines, T. {See Lord, W. B.) Baker, Captain E. Organization Scheme for the English Military Forces. Woolwich, 1887. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 44.) „ Major E. Preliminary Tactics : an introduction to the .Study of War, for the use of Junior Officers. 8vo. Woolwich, 1892. Baker, Ezekiel. Thirty-three years' Practice with Riiled Guns. 8vo. Lond. 1813. Baker, James. Turkey in Europe. Bvo. Lond. 1877. Baker, Sir Richard. Chronicle of the Kings of England from the time of the Romans. Folio. Lond. 1696. Baker, Sir Samuel White. The Albert N'Yanza. Great Basin of the Nile. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1866. Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia and the Sword Hunters of the Hamram Arabs. 8vo. Lond, 1867. Ismalia ; A narrative of the expedition to Central Africa for the suppression of the Slave Trade. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1874. Baker, Captain Valentine, 10th Hussars. The British Cavalry, with Remarks on its Practical Organization. 8vo. Lond. 1858. „ Colonel. General Principles of the Pivot System of Cavalrv Drill. Dublin, 1865. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 61.) Army Reform. Lond. 1869. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 75.) „ Lieut.-General. Clouds in the East ; travels and adventures on the Perso - Turkoman Frontier. 8vo. Lond. 1876. War in Bulgaria. 2 vols. Bvo. \^o\v\. 1 879. Baker, General Sir William Erskine. (Sec ynXf.) Bakewell, F. C. Dynamical Theory of the Figure of the Earth ; proving the Poles to be elongated. Lond. 1867. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 70.) Bakewell, J. R. Introduction to the study ot Mineralogy. i2mo. Lond. 1829. Balaklava. The British Cavalry at Balaklava. Lond. 1855. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 42. (i).) Balhi, Adrien. Essai Statistique sur le Royaume de Portugal et d'Algarve. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1822. Balck, Hauptmann a la suite des Infanterie-Regiments No. 78. Taktik. 3 vols. Bvo. Berlin, 1897-98-03. Modern European Tactics. Vol. i. Translated by L. R. M. Maxwell. 8vo. Lond. 1899. BAI, 38 BAR Baldock, Major T. S., R. A. Cromwell as a Sdldit-r. (Wolsrk-y Scries.) 8vo. Lond. 1899. Balearic Isles. Descripciones de las Islas Pitliiusas y Baleares. 4to. Maiiiid, 1787. (For other Works, src Index.) Balfour, The Right Hon. A. J. Imperial Defence. A Speecli delivered in the House of Commons, May nth, 1905. 8vo. Lond. 1905. Balfour, Lady Betty. The Histor)- of Loid I.yttiin's Indian Administration. 8vo. Lond. 1899. Balfour, Edward. The Timber Trees &e., of Lidia. 8vo. Madras, 1862. Balfour, Major-General G., R.A. The Budgets and Accounts of England and France. Lond. 1866. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 69). The Military Conscription of France. Lond. 1867. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, \ol. 7;^.) Balfour; John Hutton. Manual of liotanv. Svo. Lond. 1849. Balfour, Dr. T. G. Statistical Report on th= Sickness and MortaHty among the Troops serving in the Madras Pi-esidency. Edinburgh, 1847. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 30.) Addresses as President of the Royal Statistical Society 1888-89. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 51.) Balkans, The. Elf Jahre in Balkan. By a Prussian Officer. 8vo. Breslau, 1889. (For other Works sec Index). Ball, Captain, Alexander. Personal Narrative ot .Seven Years (1835-43) ''i Spain. Svo. Lond. 1846. Ball, J. (.SVf Hooker.) Ball, J. Dyer. Things Chinese. 4th edition. Svo. Lond. 1904. Ball, Sir Robert S. Elements of Astro- nomy. Svo. Lond. 1883. Ballistics. Un the Motion of a Projectile in a resisting medium, and particularlj' when the resistance varies as the cube of the velocitj'. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 53.) Bamford, Captain J. Illustrations of the Field Movements of Cavalty. 2 parts. Folio. Lond. 1824. Bancroft, George. History of the United .States. 7 vols. Svo. Boston, 1841-5S. Bancroft, H. H. The New Pacific. 8vo. New York, 1900. Baness, J. Frederick. Index Ceographi- cus Indicus, being a list of the principal places in H. M. Indian Empire. 8vo. Lond. i88r. Banister, John. A needefull, new, and necessarie treatise of Chyrurgerie. i2mo. Lond. 1575. Banister, Thomas. Britain and her Colonial Dependencies. Lond. 1844. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 31.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 43 (ii).) The Present Crisis as regards our Colonies, Trade, Circulating Medium, and Railways. 2nd edition. Lond. 1848. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 31). Finance Essay for the Society of Arts. Lond. 1857. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 69.) Our Military System at home and abroad. 3rd edition. Lond. 1857. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 52.) Bankes, The Rev. T., E. W. Blake, and A. Cooke. System of Universal Geo- graphy, antient and modern. Folio. Lond. n.d. Banks, The Right Hon. Sir Joseph, Bart.,KB.,P.R.S., Journal of. Edited by .Sii" Joseph Hooker. Svo. Lond. 1896. Bannatyne, Lieut.-Colonel J. Millar. Guide to the Professional Examinations in the Infantry. Part I. Rank of Second Lieutemant. 15th edition. Svo. Glasgow, 1879. Guide to the Examinations for Promo- tion in the Infantry. Part II. Rank of Major. 15th edition. Svo. Glasgow, 1 886. Banning, Major S. T. Catechism on Field Training. 2nd edition. Svo. Aldershot, 1903. Organisation and Equipment made Easy. 3rd edition. Svo. Aldershot, 1903. The Militia and Volunteer Officer's Guide to Promotion. New edition, revised. Svo. Aldershot, 1903. Military Law made Easy. 3rd edition. Revised. Svo. Aldershot, 1907. Administration, Organisation, and Equipment made Easj-. Revised and brought up to date by Capt. R. F. Legge. 7th edition. Svo. Aldershot, 1907. Bannister, S. Humane Policy ; or Justice to the Aborigines of New Settlements. Svo. Lond. 1830. British Colonization and the Coloured Tribes. Svo. Lond. 183S. Bapst, Germain. Le Marechal Can- robert : Souvenirs d'un Siecle. vols. Svo. Paris, 1898. Bar, Dr. L. von. Der Burenkrieg ; die Russificirung Finlands ; die Haager Frie- denscOnferenz. Hannover, 1900. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 70.) Barante, M. de. Historic des dues de Bourgogne de la Maison de Valois, 1364- 1477- 13 vols. Svo. Paris, 1824-6. Baratieri, General 0. Memoires d'Afrique, 1892-1896. Svo. Paris, 1898. BAR 39 BAR Barbadoes. Account of the fatal Hur- ricane in August, 1831. Bridge Town, 1831. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 22.) (For other Works, ^ec Index.) Barbary. Several Voyages to Barbary ; containing an historical and geographical account of the Countrj-. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1736. (Radstock Collection.) (For other Works, s^ec Index.) Barbe, Emile. Le Nabab Rene iMadec. Histoire Diplomatique des Projets de la France sur le Bengale et la Pendjab (1772- iSoSj. 8vo. Paris, 1894 Barbensi, A. Sulle Principal! Macchine presentate all" Esp(jsizione Universale di Vienna. 8vo. Florence, 1873. Atlas to ditto, folio. Barberin, Le Capitaine de. Manoeuvres et Tir des Batteries a Cheval attachees aux Divisions de Cavalerie. Pamphlet. 8vo. Paris, 1882. Bardet de Villeneuve. Traite de I'Architecture Civile. 8vo. The Hague, 1740. (Bound with "Attaque des Places.") Traite de FArtillerie. 8vo. The Hague, 1741. Traite de I'Attaque des Places. 8vo. The Hague, 1742. Bardin, Le General. Dictionnaire de TArmee de Terre, on Recherches his- toriques sur I'Art et les Usages Militaires des Anciens et des Modernes. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1831. Barere, Bertrand. Memoirs of. Trans- lated by De V. Payen-Paj'ne. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1896. Baretti, Guiseppe. Dizionario delle Lingue Italiana ed Inglese. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839. (Sec also Neuman.) " Barfleur." Naval Policy : A Plea for the .Studv of War. 8vo. Lond. 1907. Baring, Alexander. Inquiry into the causes and consequences of the Orders in Council, and an examination of the con- duct of Great Britain towards the Neutral Commerce of America. Lond. 1808. (Radstock Collection, Military Tracts.) Baring, Lieutenant E., R.A. Staff College Essays (i.) Changes in the Art of War from 1792-1815. (2.) Campaign at Ulm. (3.) Operations in Poland from Dec. I to 26, 1806. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Baring, Maurice. With the Russians in Manchuria. Svo. Lond. 190-. A Year in Russia. Svo. Lond. 1907. Barker, Lieut.-Colonel F. W., R.A. Modern Gunpowder and Cordite. Woolwich, 1893. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 57.) Barker, Consul-General John. Syria and Egvpt under the last five Sultans of Turkey. Edited by E. B. B. Barker. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Barker, W. Burckhardt. Practical grammar of the Turkish language. i2mo. Lond. 1854. Barlow, Captain J. W., and Captain D. P. Heap. Reconnaissance of the Basin of the Upper Yellowstone in 1871. Washington, 1872. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 8.) Barlow, Peter. The strength and stress of Timber, with an appendix on the strength of iron. Svo. Lond. 1817 Tables of Squares, Cubes, Square Roots, &c. Svo. Lond. 1840. Barnaby, Sir N, The Naval Review. British, French, Italian, German, and Russian Ships ot War. Svo. Lond. 1886. Navnl Development in the Century. 8vo. Lond. 1904. Barnaby, S. Marine Propellers. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Barnard, H. Traite de Tacticjue. 4 vols. 8vo. Tarbes, 1878-82. Barnard, Major J. G., U.S. Army. The Gyroscope. New York, 1858, (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 58.) The dangers and defences of New York. New York, 1859. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 67). Notes on Sea-Coast Defence. Svo. New York, 1861. {See also U.S. Armj-, Engineers Prof. Papers, No. 20 and No. 22.) Barnard, Major J. G., and W. F. Barry. Report of the Engineer and Artillery' Operations of the Armies of the Potomac. Svo. New York, 1863. Barnes, Captain A. A. S. On Active Service with the Chinese Regiment. Crown Svo. Lond. 1902. Barnes, J. Naval Actions of the War of 1812. Svo. Lond. 1897. Barnes, Commander J. S., U.S.N. Submarine Warfare, offensive and defensive : including a discussion of the offensive Torpedo-system. 8vo. New York, 1869. Barone, Enrico. La Guerra in Mare. Crown Svo. Torino, 1900. Baronetage. Letter to the Chairman of the Com- mittee of Baronets. Lond. 183S. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 21.) Declaratory Rules and Bye-Laws of the Committee of the Baronetage for Privileges. Lond. 1841. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 21.) Report from the Committee, setting forth the grounds upon which all Baronets are entitled to bear supporters, and other exterior Heraldic Ornaments. Lond. 1841. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 45.) Notitia Heraldica. Lond. 1843. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 31.) BAR 40 BAR Baronetage icotttd.)— Report of the Proceedings of the Gt-'iieral Meeting of the Baronets ot Scot- land and Nova Scotia. Edinburgh, 1844. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 31.) Report from the Committee of the Baronetage for Privileges, to the fa^st Anniversary Meeting of the Order. Lond. 1845. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 21.) Colonization. Nova Scotia Baronet Rights. Lond. 1848. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 31.) Barr, Major -General H. J. Automatic Danger Signal tor Railways. n.p. 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 20.) Barr, Lieutenant W. Journal of a march from Delhi to Peshawur and from thence to Cabul. 8vo. Lond. 1844. Barral, G. L" Epopee de Waterloo. i2mo. Paris, 1895. Barras. {See Duruy.) Barrett, C. R. B. Battles and Battle- fields in England. 8vo. Lond. 1896. Barrett, H. J. Fifteen years among the Zulus and the Boers. With account of the circumstances which have led up to the present War, and its probable results. Hull, 1879. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 36.) Barriffe, Captain W. Military Discipline ; or, the Young Artilleryman. 3rd edition. Small 4to. Lond. 1643. Ditto, ditto. 6th edition. Small 4to. Lond. 1661. Barrington, Sir Jonah. Personal Sketches of his own times. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1830. Barrington, Captain J. T. England on the Defensi\-e ; or, the problem of in- vasion. 8vo. Lond. 1881. „ (Colonel.) Infantry Equipment. Lond. 1903. (Pamplets, 3rd series, vol. 68.) Barrow, Colonel A. Short Militaiy Re- port on the Province of Chi-li. Simla, .1900. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 60.) Barrow, Sir John, Bart. Naval History of Great Britain. 2nd edition. 4 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1776. (Radstock Collection.) Account of Travels into the interior of Southern Africa in theyears 1797 and 1798. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1 801-4. Travels in China. 4to. Lond. 1804. Voyage to Cochin China in 1792-3. 4to. Lond. 1806. Some accounts of the public life and a selection of the unpublished writings of the Earl of Macartney. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1807. Chronological History of Voyages into the Arctic Regions. 8vo. Lond. 181 8. Barrow, Sir John, Bart, (coti/d.) — Excursions in tlie North of Europe, through parts of Russia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, 1830-33. 8vo. Lond. 1834. Visit to Iceland in 1834. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Tour round Ireland in 1835. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Life of Admiral Earl Howe. Bvo. Lond. 1838. (Radstock Collection.) Life of Admiral Lord Anson. 8vo. Lond. 1839. Tour in Austrian Lombardy, the Northern Tyrol, and Bavaria, in 1840. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Voyage of discovery and research within the Arctic Regions. 8vo. Lond. 1846. Autobiographical Memoir. 8vo. Lond. 1847. Barrow, John, F.R.S. Life, voyages, and exploits of Sir Francis Drake. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Memoirs of the Naval Worthies of Queen Elizabeth's Reign. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Life and correspondence of Admiral Sir William Sidney Smith. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1848. Sketches of the Royal Society and Royal Society Club. 8vo. Lond. 1849. Memoir and description of the Barrow Monument. n.p. 1852. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 29.) Tour on the Continent by rail and road in the Summer of i8=;2. Lond. 1853. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 44 (i).) Summer Tours in Central Europe, 1853-4. 2 parts. Lond. 1855-6. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 44 (i).) Ditto, ditto. 1855-6. Part 3. Lond. 1857. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 54.) Memoir of the life of Peter the Great. 5th edition. i2mo. Lond. n.d. Barry, The Rev. Edward. Letter on the Practice of Boxing. Lond. 1789. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 19. Barry, Captain Gerat. Discourse of Military Discipline devided into three boockes. Folio. Brussels, 1634. Barry, P. Dockyard Economy and Naval Power. 8vo. Lond. 1863. The Dockyards, Shipyards, and Marine of Franc-2. Svo. Lond. 1854. Barry, W. F. {See Barnard.) Bartelot, R. G. {See Broadley.) Bartels. {See Schnackenburg.) Barthelemy. History of Boulogne-sur- Mer. i2mo. Boulogne, 1825. (Radstock Collection.) Bartlett, Sir E. A. The Battle-fields of Thessah'. 8vo. Lond. 1897. BAR 41 BAU Bartlett, E. 0. Battalion and Brigade Drill for Savage Warfare. 121110. Lend. 1904. Bartlett, John. Familiar Quotations. 3vo. Lond. n.d. Bartolus, Petrus Sanctus. Columna Antonina. Marci Aurelii Antonini August! rebus gestis insignis. Folio. Rome, n.d. Colonna Traiana eretta dal Senato, e Popo'.o Romano all' Imperatore Traiano Augusto nel suo foro in Roma. Folio. Rome, n.d. Barton, William. Journal of the Im- perial Armj''s advance into, and incamp- ments in Italy. Lond. 1702. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) Bashford, J. L. Germany in the Mediter- ranean. Lond. 1905. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 69.) Bashforth, Francis. Description of a Chronograph, adapted for measuring the varying velocity of a body in motion through the air. Lond. 1866. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol 68.) Reports on experiments made with the Bashforth Chronograph, 1865-70. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Mathematical treatise on the Motion of Projectiles. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Report of experiments made with the Bashforth Chronograph (Part 2), 1878-79. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy). (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 40.) Final Report of experiments made with the Bashforth Chronograph. 8vo. Lond. 1880. Supplement to ditto. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Revised account of the experiments made with the Bashforth Chronograph. Bvo. Cambridge, 1890. Description of a Machine for finding the Numerical Roots of Equations and tiacing a Variety of Useful Curves. Cambridge, 1892. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 55.) A Second Supplement to a Revised Account of the Experiments made with the Bashforth Chronograph. Cambridge, 1900. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, 65.) A Historical Sketch of the Experi- mental Determination of the Resistance of the Air to the Motion of Projectiles. Cambridge, 1903. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 68.) Basing House. History of Basing House, with account of the Siege it sustained during the Civil War. 6th edition. Basingstoke, 1869. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 100.) Bassompierre, Le Marechal de. Me- moires. (Sec Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols. 19-24.) Basson, W. Die Eisenbahnen im Kriege. Ratisbon, 1867. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 95.) Basta, George, Le Comte. Gou\erne- ment de la Cavallerie Legere. Translated by Jean Berthelin. 4to. Paris, 1639. Bastard, George. Armee de Chalons. Un Jour de Bataille. Vol. ii. 5e-7e Corps. 2nd edition. 8vo. Paris, 1888. Basteed, H. E. Echoes from Old Cal- cutta. 8vo. Calcutta and Lond. 1897. Bastonl, Le Commandant F. Lance et .Sabre. Paris, 1897. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 61.) Basutoland. Precis of information concerningBasuto- land. 8vo. Lond. 1880. Short History of Basutoland. Compiled by Captain L. Darwin, R.E., for Intel. Branch W.O. Bvo. Lond. 1886. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 53.) (For other Works, see Index.) Bate, John. Emigration to the British Colonies of North America, Australia, New Zealand, Cape of Good Hope, and Natal. Lond. 1862. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 65.) Bate, The Eev. Julius. Critica Hebraea r a Hebrew-English Dictionarj', or without points. 4to. Lond. 1677. Bateman, J. F., and J. J. Hevy. De- scription of a proposed Cast-iron Tube for carrying a Railway across the Channel between England and France. Lond. 1869. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 81.) Bates, H. W. (See Somerville.) Batsch, Vice-Admiral C. F. Gross- britannieiis "ultima ratio." n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 45.) Battenberg, Captain H.S.H. Prince Louis of, G.C.B., R.N. Men-of-War Names. i2mo. Lond. 1897. Battersby, H. E. Prevost. In the Web- of a War. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Battine, Captain C. Some Tactical Considerations arising from recent Events in South Africa, n.d. (Pamphlet, 3rd series, vol. 68.) Crisis of the Confederacy. 8vo. Lond. 1905. Batts, H. J. Pretoria from Within dur- ing the War, 1 899-1900. 8vo. Lond. 1 901. Batty, Captain R. Historical Sketch of the Campaign of 1815. 8vo. Lond. iBio. Campaigns of the Left Wing of the Allied Army in the Western Pyrenees and South of France, 1813-4. 4to. Lond. 1823. Baucher, F. Dressage Methodique da Cheval de Selle. 8vo. Paris, 1891, BAU 42 BEA Baiimgarten, G, Sechszig Jahre des Kaiikasisclicii Krioges mit bcsonderer ]ierucksiclitiguiig de.s Feldzugcs im Nord- lichen Daghestan im Jahre 1839. Trans- lated from the orfginal Russian into German. 8vo. Leipzig, 1861. Bavaria ; Army. Geschichte des Bayerischen Heeres. Ilcrausge.u:eben vom K. B. Kriegsarchiv. vols. 8vo. Munich, 1901. Die Bayerische Hcerftihrung und der Chefdes Geiieralstabes. Munifh, 1866. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 82.) Antlieil der Koniglich Bayerischen Armee am Kriege des Jahres 1866. Bvo. Munich, 186S. Atlas to ditto, folio. MilitJir Handbuch des Konigreiches Bayern. Bvo. Munich, 1876. (For other Works, sec Index, also Catalogues.) Military History. Darstellungen aus der Bayerischen Kriegs- und Heeresgeschichte. Parts I. to XII. Published by the Ministry of War. 8vo. Munich, 1892-1902. (For other Works, sec Index.) Bawr, F. W. de. Plans des Campagnes de Prince Ferdinand en 1758. Folio. n.p., n.d. Bax, Captain B, W., R.N. The Eastern Seas : being a narrative of the Voyage of H.M..S. "Dwarf in China, Japan, and Formosa. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Bay, C, F. Fuldstcendig Engelsk og Dansk Ordbog. 2 vols. 8vo. Copenhagen, 1806. Bayard, Pierre du Terrail. Histoire de. Edited by Loedan Larchej'. 4to. Paris, 1882. [^Scc rt/so Petitot's Collection, ist series, vols. XV. , xvi.) Bayfield, Captain Henry Wolsey, E.N. .Sailing Dii ections for the Gulf and River of St. Laurence. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Bayle, Pierre. Dictionnaire Historique et Critique. Edited by M. Bohm. 4 vols. Folio. Rotterdam, 1720. Ditto, ditto. New edition. 16 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1820. Bayley, John. History and Antiquities ot the Tower of London. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1830. Baylis, T. H., K.C. The Temple Church and Chapel of St. Ann, &c., an Historical Record and Guide. Svo. Lond. 1900. Bayly, Lient.-Colonel C. Copy of Cor- respondence. Lond. 1828. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol.43, (i-) -Bayly, Colonel R. Diary of 1796- 1830. 8vo. Lond. 1896. Bayly, W. {See Wales, W.) Bazaine, Le Marechal. Rapport somniairesur les Operations de FArmee du i-ihin du 13 AoCit au 29 Octobre. 1870. Berlin, 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 92.) Coup d'ceil sur le rapport sommare du Marechal Bazaine sur les Operations de FArmee du Rhin. Brussels, 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 92.) Capitulation de Metz. Rapport Ofificiel. Lyons, 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 92.) L'Armee du Rhin depuis le 12 Aout, jusqu"au 29 Octobre, 1870. 8vo. Paris, 1872. Proces Bazaine (Capitulation de Metz). Compte rendu des Seances du ler Conseil de Guerre de la ler Division Militaire. 4to. Paris, 1873. Episodes de la Guerre de 1870 et le Blocus de Metz. Svo. Madrid, 1883. Bazancoiirt, Le Baron de. L'Expedition de Crimee jusqu'a la prise de Sebastopol. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1856. Le Canipagne d'ltalie de 1859. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1859-60. Les Expeditions de Chine et de Cochin- Chine. 2 vols. 8\-o. Paris, 1 861-2. Beaconsfield, Benjamin D'Isrseli, Earl of. The Letters of Runnymede. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Beadnell, Surgeon C, R.N. On the Decline of Sciirvej^ afloat. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 59.) Beamish, Lient.-Colonel N. Ludlow. History of the King's German Legion. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1832-7. The Uses and Application of Cavalry in War. Svo. Lond. 1855. {Sec also Bismark and Chesne^-.) Beaston, The Rev. B. W. Latin Dictionary. Beatson, Major - General Alexander. The origin and conduct of the War with Tippoo Sultaun ; comprising a narrative of the Siege of Seringapatam. 4to. Lond. 180C. Beatson, Robert. Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, from 1727 to 1783. 6 vols. Svo. Lond. 1804. Political Index to the Histories of Great Britain and Ireland. Svo. Lond. 1806. Beatty, Sir W. Narrative of the Death of Nelson. 3rd edition. Svo. Lond. 1825. Beauchamp, Alphonse de. Histoire de la Campagne de 1814, et de la restauration de la Monarchie Fran^aise. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1815. Narrative of the Invasions of France in 1S14 and 1815, comprising a circumstantial detail of the Battle of Waterloo. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1816. BEA 43 BEE Beauchamp, Alphonse de {contd.) — Histoires des Campagnes de 1814 et de 1815. 4vols. 8vo. Paris, 1816-17. Histoire de la Guerre de la Vendee, ou tableau des Guerres Civiles de I'Ouest, 1792-1S15. 4th edition. 4V0IS. 8vo. Paris, 1820. Beaiichant, Lieutenant T. S. The Na\ al Gunner. i2nio. Devonport, 1828. Beaufort, Francis. Survey of the Coast of Karamania. 8vo. Lond. 1820. (Bound in vol. lettered " Sailing Direc- tions.") Beaufoy, Corporal. Scloppetaria ; or the nature and use of Rifled Barrel Guns. 8vo. Lond. 1808. Beauge, L. Manuel de Legislation, d'Administration et de Comptabilite Mili- taires a I'usage des Ofliciers et des Sous- officiers de toutes Armes. 2 vols. 8th edition. 8vo. Paris, 1891. Beaumont, Francis, and John Fletcher. \Vor!;s of Beaumont and Fletcher. With an introduction and notes b3' Henry Weber. 14 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1812. Beaumont, J. Considerations on a Book, Entituled "The Theory of the Earth, Published some j'ears since by The Learned Dr. Burnet " ; with which is boui:d the Picture of the late King James by Titus Gates, D.D. 4to. Lond. 1693. Beausobre, Le Comte de. Commentaires snr la Defences des Places d'iEneas le Tactii ien, avec notes ; le tableau militaire des Grecs du mesme Temps ; les ecoles militaires de I'antiquite ; et quelques autres pieces. 2 vols, in one. 4to. Amsterdam, 1757. Beaurain, Jean de. Histoire Militaire de Flandre, 1690-94. 2 vols. Folio. Paris, 1755. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Folio. Paris, 1776. Histoire de la Campagne de M. le Prince de Conde en Flandre en 1674. Folic. Paris, 1774. H istoire des quatres derniers Campagnes du Marechal de Turenne en 1672, 3, 4, et 5. Folio. Paris, 1782. Beauregard, General P. {See Roman.) Beautemps-Beaupre. Expose des travaux relatits a la Reconnaissance Hydrograplii- que des Cotes Occidentales de France. 4to. Paris, 1829. Beaver, Captain P. Letter published lu the "Courier"' on the Threatened In- vasion. Lond. 1806. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 13.) Beazeley, Alexander. Phonic Coast Fog- .Signals. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 3.) Beazley, C. Raymond, Prince Henry the Navigator : The Hero of Portugal and of Modern Discovery, 1394-1460. 8vo. Lond. 1895. Becher, Captain A. B., E.N. The Landfall of Columbus. Lond. 1B56. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 42 (i).) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol 43 (ii).) Bechuanaland. Precis of the situation in Bechuana- land. (Intel. Branch W.O.) Lond. 1883. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 8.) With Methuen's Irregular Horse in Bechuanaland. Lond. 1886. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 42). (For other Works, sec Inde.x. ) Beck, Colonel Fritz. Geschichte der Grossherzoglich Hessichen Fahnen und Standarten.' Crown 8vo. Berlin, 1895. Becke, L., and W. Jeffery. The Naval Pioneers of Australia. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1899. Becker, Bernard H. Scientific London. 8vo. Lond. 1874. Beckerhinn, Carl. Die Gebirgsartillerie in den Europaischen Armeen. 8vo. Vienna, 1883. Beckmann, John. History of Inventions and Discoveries. Translated by W. Johnston. 3rd edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1817. Bedford, Captain F. G. D., R.N. The Sailor's Handbook. i2mo. Portsmouth, 1890. Sailor's Ready-Reference Book. i2mo. Portsmouth, 1890. „ Vice-Admiral. The Sailor's Pocket Book. i2mo. sth edition. Portsmouth, 1898. Bedford, W. R. K., and Lieut.-Colonel R. Holheche. The Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Bedos de Celles, Don Francois Benedic- tin. La Gnomonique pratique, ou I'Art de tracer les Cadrans Solaires. 2nd edition. 8vo. Paris, 1774. Beecham, John. Ashantee and the Gold Coast. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Beechey, Captain F. W., R.N. Voyage to the Pacific and Beering's Strait, to co-operate with the Polar Expeditions performed in H.M. Ship " Blossom, " 1825-28. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831. Voyage of Discovery towards the North Pole in H. M.S. " Dorothea "and "Trent,'" 1818. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Beeching. Northumberland Prize Life Boat. 8vo. (2 copies.) Yarmouth, 1852. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Beerhohni Julius. Wanderings in Pata- gonia ; or life among the Ostrich-Hunters. 8vo. Lond. 1879. BEH 44 BEL Behmen or Bcemen, Jacob. Epistles, ;iliter IViitonirus I'hilo^-opluis. i2mo. Lnnd. 1649. Beke, Charles T. The Alluvia of Babylonia Chaldita. I.ond. 1839. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 26). Summary of recent Niloctic Discovery. Lond. 1851. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 26). Enquiry into M. Antoine D'Abbadie's Journey to KaH'a to discover the source of the Nile. 2nd edition. Lond. 1851. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 26). Belcher, Vice-Admiral Sir E. Treatise on Nautical Survey. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Voyage round the World in H.M.S. "Sulphur," 1836-42, including details of Naval Operations in China. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Last of the Artie Voyages, 1852-4; with notes on the Natural History by Sir John Richardson, Professor Owen, Thomas Bell, J. W. Salter, and Lovell Reeve. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1855. Directions for the River Gambia. Svo. Lond. n.d. Belcher, Lady. The Mutineers of the "Bounty" and their descendants in Pit- cairn and Norfolk Islands. Svo. Lond. 1870. Belgium. (kiide pittoresque et artistique du voyageur en Belgique. Brussel-s, 1838. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 21). Ce que vaut la Garde Civique. Brussels, 1872. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 17). Ni vehement General de Royaume de Belgique. Nivellement de Base. 4to. Brussels, 1879. Belgium, Army. Conferences Militaires Beiges. ist and 2nd series. 8vo. In 4 '^'ols- Brussels, 1870-6. Series i. No. I. Tactique de Tlnfanterie. By Le Capita! ne Pontus. No. 2. Des Chemins de Fer en temps de guerre. By Le Capitaine A. Formanoir. No. 3-4. La Fortification improvisee. By A. Brialmont. No. 5. Elements d'Hvgiene. By L. Wuillot. No. 6. Les Machines Infernales. By H. Wauwermans. No. 7. Construction et emploi des Defences Accessoires. B\- Le Capitaine H. Girard. No. 8. Telegraphie Electrique de Cam- pagne. By Le Capitaine Van den Bogaert. No. 9-10. L'Artillerie de Campagne Beige. By Le Capitaine A. Nicaise. No. II. Ponts Militaires. By Le Capi- taine J. de Ruydts. No. 12. Emploi de TArtillerie Rayee en Campagne. Belgium Army (conid.)— Series 2. No. I. La Guerre Sous-Marine et les- Torpedoes. By Major L. Ci. Daudenart. No. 2-3. La Guerre des Bois. By Major C. Monnier. No. 4-5. Etude sur la Tactique de la Cavalerie. By A. de Formanoir. No. 6. Etude sur I'emploi des Corps de Cavalerie au Service de Siirete des Armees. By Major A. Fischer. No. 7. Kriegsspiel ; jeu de la Guerre, By Le Capitaine A. Petre. No. 8, 9, and 10. Balistique. By Le Capitaine J. M. de Tillej*. No. II. Les Mines Sous-Marines. By Le Capitaine C. Huet. No. 12. La Photographie dans lesr Armees. Bj' Le Capitaine Hannot. Belgium, Army.— Orders and Regula- tions. Projet de reorganisation de I'lnfanterie Beige. Brussels, 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 92). Reglement sur I'Exercice et les manoe- uvres d"" I'lnfanterie. Iwo parts in one vol. i2mo. Brussels, 1874. Reglement sur le Service des Armees en Campagne. i2mo. Brussels, i88o» Reglement sur I'Exercice et I'Manoe- uvres de I'lnfanterie. 3 vols. i2mo. Brussels, 1886. (For other Works, see Index.) Belidor, Bernard F. de. La Science des Ligenieurs des la con- duite des travaux de fortification et d'architecture civile. 4to. The Hague, 1734. Le Bombardier Francois, ou nouvelle methode de jetter les Bombes. 4to. Amsterdam, 1734. Belin, Leon. Guerre de 1870-71. Le Siege de Belfort. Svo. Paris, 1871. Bell, A. H. Telemeters, or instruments for measuring distances. Lond. 1865. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 68.) Bell, Colonel C. W. Bowdler. Catechism of Cavalry reconnaissance, marches, and outposts. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1878. Manual of Squadron Drill, being a catechism of Part II of Cavalry Regu- lations. Svo. Lond. 1878. Notes on the German Cavalry Regu- lations of 1886. Svo. Lond. 1S87. Bell, Major Evans. The Oxus and the Indus. 8vo. Lond. 1869. The Annexation of the Punjaub and the Maharajah Duleep Singh. Svo. Lond. 1882. Bell, P. W. The South African Con- spiracy. Svo. Lond. 1900. Bell, H. Railway Pohcy in India. Svo. Lond. 1894. BEL 45 BEN Bell, John. Travels from St. Peters- burg to various parts of Asia. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1788. Bell, Captain Lynden. A Primer of Tactics, Eortification, Topograph^', Mili- tary' Lav\'. i2mo. Lond. 1899. Bell, Lient.-Colonel Mark S. Afghanistan as a theatre of operations and as a defence to India. n.p., 1885. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 11.) Imperial stragetic communications, with special reference to the Turco-Persic- Indian line. 8vo. Simla, 1885. Bell, Major Thomas. Essay of Military First Principles. Lond. 1770. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 5.) Bell, Thomas. History of British Rep- tiles. 8vo. Lond. 1839. Bellairs, Lady. The Transvaal War 1880-81. 8vo. Lond. 1885. Bellairs, Sir William. The Military Career. A guide to young officers, army candidates, and parents. 8vo. Lond. 1899. Bellamy, J. C. The Constitution of Nature expressed in aphorisms. n.p., 1845. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 44. (ii).) Bellavene, Le General. Cours elemen- taire de Fortification, ou elemens de Part de construire, attaquer et defendre les retranchemens et les places. Bvo. Paris, 1806. Bellay, Martin et Guillaume. {See Petitots Collection, ist series, vols, xvii, xviii, xix.) Bellay-Langez, Le Chevalier de. Tre Li'ori della Disciplina Militare. i2mo. Venice, 1550. Belleisle, Le Marechal Due de. The Case of the Marshal Belleisle truly stated. Lond. 1745. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 4.) Review of the Case of the Marshal Belleisle. Lond. 1745. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 4.) Belleval, Le Comte de. Panoplie du XVe au XVIIe .Siecle. 8vo. Paris, 1873. Belle w, Surgeon-Major H. W. Journal of a Political Mission to Afghanistan in 1857, under Colonel Lums- den. 8vo. Lond. 1862. Kashmir and Kashgar. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Afghanistan and the Afghans. 8vo. Lond. 1879. The Races of Afghanistan. 8vo. Calcutta, 1880, Bellin, Nicolas. Hydrographie Frangoise : recueil des Cartes Marines. 1737-72. 2 vols. Folio. n.p., n.d. Ditto, ditto, (second copy.) Cartes Hydrographiques. Containing a plate with the Flags of all Nations. Folio. Bordeaux, 1765. Belloc, J. J. Cours de Medecine Legale. 8vo. Paris, 181 1. Bellot, H. H. L. {See Athcrley-Jones.) Bellot, Lieutenant de Vaisseau J. E., La Marine Francaise. Journel d'un Voyage aux mers Polaires. 8vo. Paris, 1854. Bellows, John. Roman Wareham and the Claudian Invasion. Dorchester, 1892. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol 57.) Belmas, J. Journeaux des Sieges faits ou soutenus par les Fran9ais dans la Peninsule de 1807 a 1814. 4 vols. 8vo. and folio atlas. Paris, 1836-7. Belzoni, G. Operations and recent discoveries in Egj'pt and Nubia ; and journey to the coast of the Red Sea in search of the ancient Berenice ; and another to the Oasis of Jupiter Ammon. 4to. Lond. 1820. Appendix to ditto. 4to. n.p., n.d. Description of an Epyptian Tomb. Lond. 1821. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 16.) Bemis, George. American Neutrality. 8vo. Boston, 1866. Benard, T. Dictionnaire classique uni- versel Frangais. i2mo. Paris, 1870. Benedetti, Le Comte. Studies in Diplomacy. 8vo. Lond. 1896. Essais Diplomatic|ues. 8vo. Paris, 1897. Benet, Lieut.-Colonel S. V., U.S. Army. Treatise on Military Law and the practice of Courts-Martial. 5th edi- tion. 8vo. New York, 1866. Bengal Military Repository. 5 vols. 8vo. Calcutta, 1822-7. Bengough, Colonel H. M. Cavalry distance rides. Bangalore, 1886. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 42.) Illustrations of Field Exercises by the Three Arms, of Exercises in Minor Tactics, and War Games. With Maps. 8vo. Printed in India. Lond. 1891. „ Major-General. Thoughts on Modern Tactics. 8vo. Aldershot, 1896. Prepatory Battle Formations. Lond. 1898. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, 58.) Notes and Reflections on the Boer War. Crown 8vc. Lond. 1900. Preparatory Battle Formations. 2nd edition. Aldershot, 1900. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 64.) Benko, J. F. von. Raise S.M. Schiftes "'Zrinyi" iiber Malta, Tanger und Tenerifl'a nach Wes- tindien, 1885-6. Bvo. Pola, 1887. Reise S.M. Schififes " Frundsberg " im Rothen Meere und an den Kiisten von Vorderindien und Ceylon, 1885-6. 8vo. Pola, 1888. BEN 46 BER Benko, J. F. von Uofi/d)— Rcise S. M. SchitTes "Albatros" nach Slid Amerika, dem Caplande und West Afrika, 1885-1886. 8vo. Pola, 1889. Die Schiffs-.Station der k. undk. Kriegs Marine in Ost-Asien. Reiseii S. M. ScliitVf, "Nautilus ' und "Aurora,"' 1884-88. 8vo. Vienna, 1892. Bennett, F. D. Whaling- Voyage round tiie (ilobe, 1833-6 ; with sketches of Poly- nesia, Califofnia, the Indian Archipelago, \-c. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1840. Benoist, Le General Jules de. Instruction de FEscadron pour le Com- bat. Crown Svo. Paris, 1898. Instruction du Pelton pour le Combat. Paris, 1898. Dressage et Conduite du Cheval de Guerre. 8vo. Paris, 1899. Bent, Theodore, and Mrs. Theodore Bent. Southern Arabia. Svo. Lond. 1900. Bentham, Jeremy. Essay on Political Tactics. Lond. 1871. (4to Pamphlet, vol. i.) Panopticon, or the inspection house. i2mo. Dublin, 1791. Chrestomathia. Svo. Lond. 1816. Political Pamphlets. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1817-23. Treatise on Judicial Evidence, Ex- tracted from the MSS. of Jeremy Bentham by M. Dumont. 4to. Lond. 1825. Rationale of Judicial Evidence. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827. Justice and Codification Petitions. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Constitutional Code for the use of all Nations. Vol. i. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Official aptitude maximised ; expense minimised. Svo. Lond. 1830. Rationale of Punishment. Svo. Lond. 1830. Rationale of Reward. Svo. Lond. 1830. Defensive Force. Svo. Edinburgh, 1842. Bentham, General Sir Samuel. Causes of Decay in Ships of War, with proposals tor effecting the due seasoning of Timber, and the more economical construction of ships of War. Lond. 1814. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 34.) Letters and papers on the mode of Arming Vessels of War. Lond. 1828. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 12). Naval Essays, or essays on the manage- ment of Public Concerns as exemplified in the Naval Department. Svo. Lond. 1828. Naval papers and documents referred to in Naval Essays. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1828. Financial Reform Scrutiny. Lond. 1830. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 25.) Memoir of: by his Widow. 4to. n.p., n,d Bentivoglio, The Cardinal Guido. Raccolta di Lettcro scritte dal Cardinal Bentivoglio in tempo delle sue Nuntiature di Fiandra e di Francia. Small 4to. Cologne, 1631. History of the Wars of Flanders.. Englisiied by the Earl of Monmouth. Folio. Lond. 1678. Benton, Captain J. G., U.S. Army. Course (it instruction in Ordnance and Ciunnerj', fur tlie use of the Cadets of tiie U..S. Military y\cademy. Svo. New York, 1861. Berchem, W. van. Considerations sur les ,\rmes a Feu portatives se chargeant par la culasse. ]''aris, 1865. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 67.) Berchtold, Count Leopold. Essay to- direct and extend the inquniesuf Patriotic Travellers. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 17S9. (Radstock Collection.) Berendt, R, Erlebnisse bei der Ein- nahme von Le Mans 11-13 Januar, 1871. Ruhetage in Tours, Februar, 1871. Svo. Diisseldorf, 1S92. Berenger, Richard. The History and art of Horsemanship. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1 77 1. Beresford, Captain Lord Charles, R.N. The Admiralty Confusion and its cure. Lond. 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 45.) The Question of Imperial Safety. A Workable Admiralty. Lond. 18S8. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 45.) The British Fleet and the state of Europe. Lond. 18S8. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 47). „ Rear-Admiral. The Break-up of China. Lond. 1899. Beresford, Rear-Admiral Lord Charles, and H. W. Wilson. Nelson and His Times. Royal 4to. Lond. 1S9S. Bergen-op-Zoom. An Authentic Journal of the remarkable and bloody .Siege of Bergen-op-Zoom, by the French under M. de Lowendall, begun July 14 and ended September 16, N.S. 1747- Svo. Lond. 1747. (For other Works, see Index.) Berjeau, Charles. The Horses of Antiquity, Middle Ages and Renaissance. 4to. Lond. 1S64. Berkley, Captain The Hon. George, R.N. Naval History of Britain. Edited by John Hill. Folio. Lond. 1756. Berkeley, G. F. H. The Campaign of Adowa and the Rise of Menelik. Svo. Lond. 1902. Berkeley, Captain The Hon. Maurice Fitz-Harding, R.N. System of War and Peace Comple- ments in H.M. Ships. Lond. 1839. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 10.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) BER 47 BES Bernacchi, Louis. To the South Polar Regions. 8vo. Lond. 1901. Bernadon, Lieutenant J. B., U.S.N. Smokeless Powder, Nitro-Cellulo=e, and Theory' ot the Cellulose Moleculi. Crown 8vo. New York, 1901. "Bermuda" Dock. Voyage of H.M. Floating Dock " Bermuda" trom England to Bermuda. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Bernadotte, Charles John, King of Sweden and Norway. {See Meredith.) Bernard, Viscount. Speech on Mr. Ward's Motion in the House of Commons, with notes on the early history of the Church in Ireland. Lond. 1843. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 41.) Bernard, Montague. Account of the neutralit3' of Great Britain during the American Civil War. Svo. Lond. 1870. Bernard, P. J. CEuvres. i2mo. Paris, 1819. Bernard, W. D. Voyage and ser\'ice of the "Nemesis," 1840-3; from notes by Captain W. H. Hall. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1844. Bernardez, M. The Argentine Estancia. 8vo. Buenos Aires, 1903. Bernatsky, Captain K. Kampf um vorbereitete Stellungen. Svo. Berlin, 1904. Berndt, Otto. Die Zahl im Kriege. Svo. Vienna, 1897. Bernhardi, Charlotte. Memoir of the celebrated Admiral Adam John de Krusenstern, the first Russian Circum- navigator. Edited by Rear-Admiral Sir John Ross. Svo. Lond. 1856. Bernhardi, F. von. Unsere Kavallerie im nachsten Kriege. Large Ro\'al Svo. Berlin, 1S99. La Cavalerie AUemande dans la prochaine guerre. Paris, 1900. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 70.) Cavalry in Future Wars. Translated by C. S. tioldman. Svo. Lond. 1906. Bernhardi, Theodor von. Unter Nikolaus L, und Friedrich Wilhelm IV., 1834-57. Svo. Leipsic, 1895. Aus den letzten Tagen des Deutschen Bundes. Svo. Leipsic, 1897. Berruyer, A. de. L'Obelisque de Louqsor a Cherbourg. Cherbourg, 1S33. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 6.) Berry, Sir Edward. Narrative of the Battle of the Nile. 3rd edition. Svo. Lond. 179S. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, 1798-1824). Berry, R. P. History of the Volunteer Infantry. Svo. Lond. and Huddersfield, 1903. Berry, William. History of the Island of Guernsey. 4to. Lond. 1815. Encyclopjedia Heraldica, or complete dictionary of Heraldry. 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 1828-40. Berthaut, Le General. Des Marches et des Combats. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1S77-9. Principes de Strategic. Etude sur la Conduite des Armees. Svo. Paris, iSSi. Atlas to ditto. Folio. Berthier, Le General A. Memoir of the Campaigns of General Bonaparte in Egypt and Svria. Trans- lated by T. E. While. Svo. " Lond. 1805. Relation de la Bataille de Marengo. 8vo. Paris, 1S05. Berthod, Le Pere. Me'moires. (See Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. 48.) Berthon, The Rev. E. L. The Fareham Lite-Boat. Fareham, 1853. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 85.) Bertin Emile. Notes on waves and rolling. Svo. Lond. 1874. Bertin, G. Les Campagnes de 1812, 1S13, 1814, d'apres des Temoins oculaires. 3 vols. Svo. Paris, 1900. Bertin, L. E. Marine Boilers. Translated and Edited by L. .S. Robertson. Svo. Lond. 1898. Chaudieres Maiines. New Edition. Svo. Paris, 1902. Bertrand, Le General, Campagnes d'Egypte et de vSyrie, 1798-9. Memoires pour servir a Ihis- torie de Napoleon. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1847. Atlas to ditto. Folio. Bertrand, Alfred. Au Pays des Barotsi. Small Royal Svo. Paris, is'gS. The Kingdom of the Barotsi. Trans- lated by A. B. Miall. Svo. Lond. 1899. Bertrand de Moleville, A. F. Annals of the French Revolution. Translated by R. C. Dallas. 5 vols. Svo. Lond. 1813. Berwick, Le Marechal Due de. Memoirs. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1778. (Also Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols. 65-66.) Berzelius, J. J. Traite de Chimie. Edited by B. Valerius. 3 vols. Svo. Brussels, 1S39. Rapport Annuel sur les Progres des Sciences Physique et Chimiques, 1841-8. Translated by M. Plantamour. 6 vols. Svo. Paris, 1841-8. BesanQon, Louis. War with the Tactics of the three arms abridged. 3rd edition. Translated by Lieut. -Colonel S. H. S. Inglefield. i2mo. Lond. 1871. Besant, Walter. The Life and Achievements of Edward Henry Palmer. 4th edition. Svo. Lond. 1883. Captain Cook. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1890. Beseler, Generalmajor H. Der Frei heitskampf Nordamerikas und der Buren- krieg. Berlin, 190J, (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 70.) BES BIB Bessemer, H. The Bessemer Channel Steamer. H-P-i '1-<1- (I'amphlets, 3rd scries, vol. 15.) Besser, L. von. Die Preussische Kavallerie in der Campagne 1866. 8vo. Berlin, 1868. Aus der Campagne 1870-71. Der Ehrentag der Deutscheii Cavallerie ain 16 AuRiist, 1870, bei Vionville und Mars la Tour. Berlin, 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 16.) Best, Captain J. J. Excursions in Albania, and a journey from thence to Thessalonica and Constantinople, and up the Danube to Pesth. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Bethell, Lieutenant G. R., R.N. Man- CEUvres of two Vessels in action. Portsmouth, 1881. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. ;i7.) Bethell, Major H. A., R.A. Modern Guns and Liunnery. 8vo. 2nd edition. Woolwich, 1907. Bethune, Admiral C. R. Drinkwater. Instructions for using his Night Signals. Lond. 1 86 1. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 5.) Bethune, Colonel Drinkwater. Narra- tive of the Proceedings of the British Fleet in the Action with the Spanish Fleet, February 14, 1797, of Cape St. Vincent. 4to. Lond. 1797. (Radstock Collection, Armada and Naval Actions.) Bettini, Marius. Recreationum Alathem- aticarum Apiara novissinia duodecim. Folio. Bologna, 1658. Bevan, A. Beckford, and H. B. Wolryche-Whitmore. A Sailor of King George. The Journals of Captain Frederick Hoffman, R.N. I 1780-1814. 8vo. Lond. 1901. Bevan, Major A. Thirty Years in India. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1839. Bevan, G-. Phillips. Handbook to the county of Kent. 3rd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1880. The Statistical Atlas of England, Scot- land, and Ireland. Folio. Lond. 1S82. Be van-Edwards, Major J. An organization for the Army of England. Lond. 1867. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. y^-) A National Army, or how to solve the problem of the day. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 87.) Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i.) Beveridge, A. J. The Russian Advance. 8vo. Lond. 1903. Beveridge, Henry. History of India ; civil, military, and social. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1862. Beveridge, Surgeon H. T. S., R.N. Result of practical obser\'ation of Asiatic Cholera. n.p., 1869. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 84.) Beverloo. Carte topographique des En- xirons du Camp de Beverloo. Folio. n.p., n.d. Beyerlein, F. A. Jena oder Sedan ? 8\'o. Berlin, 1903. Beynon, Lieutenant W. G. L. With Kelly tu Chitral. Svo. Lond. 1896. Bezout, Etienne. Cours de Mathematique a I'usage des Gardes du Pavilion, et de la Marine. 26 partie. Contenant les Elemens de Geo- metrie et Trigonometrie. Svo. Paris, 1782. Cours de Mathematique a I'usage de la Marine. Svo. Paris, 1803-4. Traite d'Arithmetique a I'usage de la Marine et de I'Artillerie. Avec des notes et des tables de Logarithmes, par A. A. L. Reynaud. 8th edition. Svo. Paris, 1S16. Bhutan. Short Gazetteer of Bhutan. B^' Major Newnham Davis. (Intel. Branch, "O.M.G. Dept., India). Svo. Simla, 1892. Biancardi, Captain. Aftusto idraulico a contrappeso ed affusto idropneumatico discendenti nel linculo. n.p., 1S70. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 15.) Bianchi, T. X. Dictionnaire Francjais- Turc. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1843-6. {Sec also Kiefler.) Bible, the Holy. BiBLiA Sacka intrgriim iitriu^qur tc^tn-- mrnti raipus' ramplrrtriis, Utligcntrr vrrognita n rir.rnJiata ; rum ron- rorHautii^ at summaiit^ stniul rt argumrnti^. J-u^ujpr r in ralrc riusUrm aintcrr sunt n0miiiuin fiKlJi''iiron»n» (!ri)altff0rum atquc ©rrarrum arcuratr tntrrprctattaiiihus" (I'rehxed to it). (ifptstala Ucatt ^ijtriannmt air |3aitli-- luim J^tr^&yirriiim : ' tfr omntSusS Oifainc Ijt^taiTr ililirisf. 2 vols. lamo. Paris (printed by Thielman Kerver), 1534. The Holy Bible, conteyning the Olde Testament and the Newe, with a prologue made by Thomas Cranmer, sometime Archbishop of Canterburie. Folio. Lond. 1595. The Holy Bible, Geneva Version (want- ing Title-page). Imprinted at London by Robt. Barker. Cum Privelegio Regiae Maiestatis. Anno 1608. Note. — This version is commonly known by the name of the "Breeches Bible," from the peculiar rendering of Genesis iii. 7, and was prepared during Queen Mary's persecution by Bishop Coverdale, Ant. Gilbie, Wm. Whit- tingham, C. Goodman, Ihos. Sampson, and Thos. Cole, to whom some add John Knox, John Bodleigh, and John Pullein. It was the first English Bible wherein any distinction of verses was made. 5c<^|i|iinn5 on re<^ii5inbh U5litt<^- |iAch 50 3Aii3<^1ili3 C[ie CluriiAni A5Uf )*<\ocd|i <^ii Ooccufi Uilli<^ni bheSel, e^ypo5 ChiUenioipe, <^5uy BIB 49 BIO Bible, the Holy {contd.)— La Bible, Qui est toute la Saincte Escriture de Vieil et Nouveau Testament autrement, L'ancienne et la nouvelle Alliance. Le tout reveu et confere sur les textes Hebreux et Grecs, suivant la copie de Charenton, par Philipe de Croy, a Leyden. lamo. 1665. Malay Bible, in Roman characters. 4to. Amsterdam, 1733. Biblia dat is de Gansche H. Schriftuur vervattende alle de Canonijhe Boeken des Ouden en des Nieumeii Testaments. 8vo. Lond. 1817. Het Nieuwe Testament of alle boeken des nieuwen verbonds van onzen heer Jesus Christus. 8vo. Lond. 1817. An Biobia Naomhtha am a Bhfuild an Tsean Tiomnadh ; ar na Tharruing go Firinneach as a Neabhra Ughdarach. Ris an Tathair ro onorach a ndia Uilliam Bhedel Easpug Chille Moire ; agus an Tiomna Nuadh ar na Tharruing go Firin- neach as a Ngreigis Ughdarach ris an Tathair is onoruighthe a ndia Uilliam O'Donihnuill, Ardeaspug Thuaim. Bvo. Lond. 1817. La Sainte Bible, qui contient le Vieux et le Nouveau Testament, revue sur les originaux par David Martin. 8vo. Paris, 1827. Bickersteth, The Rev. Edward. The Divine Warning to the Church at this time. Lond. 1842. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 16.) Bidder, G-. P., Junr. The National Defences. Lond. 1S61. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 87.) Biddlecomhe, G. Naval Tactics and trials of sailings. 4to. Lond. 1850. Steam Fleet Tactics ; to which is added trials of sailing. 4to. Lond. 1857. Biddulph, Colonel J. Stringer Lawrence : the Father of the Indian Army. 8vo. Lond. 1901. Biddulph, Major M. A. S. Topographical sketches of the ground before Sevastopol. Folio. Lond. 1855. Studies in the tactics of Infantry. Sialkot, 1875. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 47.) Biddulph, Sir Robert. Lord Cardwell at the War Office. 8vo. Lond. 1904. Biden, Christopher. Naval Discipline : subordination contrasted with insubordina- tion ; or, a view of the necessity for passing a law establishing an efficient Naval Discipline on board ships in the Merchant Service. 8vo. Lond. 1830. (Radstock Collection). Bidwell, C. T. The Balearic Islands. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Biensan, Le Capitaine R. Conduct of a Contact Squadron. Translated from the French by Major C. W. Bowdler- Bell, 8th Hussars. "Svo. Lond. 1883. Biffart, Le Lieutenant M. Venetia with the Quadrilateral, a military geographical sketch. Translated by Lieut. -Colonel A. C. Cooke. 4to. Lond. 1866. Bigelow, John. France and the Con- federate Navy, 1862-8. Svo. Lond. 1888. Bigelow, Lieutenant J., U.S. Army. The Principles of .Strateg3\ Illustrated mainly from American Campaigns. 4to. Lond. 1891. Bigelow, Poultney. The White Man's Africa. Svo. Lond. 1898. Au pays des Boers. Svo. Paris, 1903. Biggs, James. History of Don Francisco de Miranda's attempt to effect a revolution in South America. 8vo. Lond. 1809. Biggs, William. The Military History of Europe, from the commencement of the War with Spain in 1739 to the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748. Svo. Lond. 1755. Bigham, Clive. With the Turkish Armv in Thessaly. Svo. Lond. 1897. A Year in China, 1899- 1900. Svo. Lond. 1901. Bigot, Charles. Gloires et Souvenirs Militaires. 4to. Paris, 1894. Bigsby, Robert. The Venerable English Langue of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Lond. 1861. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 55.) Tribute to the memory of Scanderbeg the Great. Lond. 1806. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 70.) Bilse, Lieutenant. Aus einer kleinen Garnison. Svo. Vienna, 1904. Bindloss, Harold. In the N iger Country. Svo. Lond. 1898. Bingham, Captain the Hon. D. A Selection from the Letters and Des- patches of the First Napoleon. 3 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1884. Recollections of Paris. 2 vols. Svo. Lend. 1896. Binghan, Brigadier - General H. H., U.S.A. An oration at the unveiling of the Equestrian Statue of Major-General W. S. Hancock on the Battle-field of Gettysburg, June 5th, 1S96. Philadelphia, 1899. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 65.) Bingley, William. Musical Biography : memoirs of the most eminent musical com- posers and writers. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1814. Binning, Captain T. A light to the art of Gunnery. Small 4to. Lond. 1680. Biographical Dictionaries and Series. Lives, English and Foreign ; containing the history of the most illustrious persons. 2 vols. Svo. . Lond. 1704. BIO 50 BIO Biographical Dictionaries and Series {co/itcL)— Nouveau Dictionnaire Historique ; ou histoire abregee de tous les homines qui se sont fait iiii 110m. 7th edition. 9 vols. 8vo. Caen, 1789. Martial Biography, with a glossary of military terms and phrases, and list of all the principal battles, sieges, and actions. i2mo. Lond. 180^. Naval Biography ; or, the history and lives of distinguished characters in the British Navj^ 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1805. Biographic Universelle, ancienne et moderne. 85 vols. 8vo. Paris, 181 1-62. Biographie des hommes vivants. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1 816-19. Biographical Dictionary of the Society for the Diilusion of Useful Knowledge. Vols. 1-4, part I. 8vo. Lond. 1842-4. Naval Biographical Dictionary. Edited by W. R. 0"Byrne. 8vo. Lond. 1849. British Military Biography. i2mo. Lond. 1853. Ditto, ditto. New and enlarged edition. Vol. I. Folio. Lond. 1861. Men of the Time. Edited by G. H. Townsend. 7th edition. 8vo. 1868. Dictionary of General Biography. Edited by W. L. R. Gates. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Men and Women of the Time. Edited by V. G. Plarr. 14th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1895. Naval Biography : Our Naval Heroes. Edited by G. E. Marindin. 8vo. Lond. 1901. Dictionary of National Biography. By Stephen Leslie and Sidney Lee. Vols. I to 63. 8vo. Lond. 1885-1900. Supplementary Vols, to ditto, L, ILand III. 8vo. Lond. 1901. Index and Epitome to ditto. 8vo. Lond, 1903. Errata to ditto. 8vo. Lond. 1904. JEnglish Men of Action. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1889-1905. Campbell, Colin. By A. Forbes. ■Clive. By Colonel Sir Charles Wilson. Cook, Captain. By Sir Walter Besant. Dampier. By W. Clark Russell. Drake. By Julian Corbett. Crown 8vo. Dundonald. By Hon. J. W. Fortescue. Gordon, General. By Gen. Sir W. Butler. Crown 8vo. Hastings, Warren. Bv Sir Alfred ■ Lyall. Havelock, Sir Henry. By A. Porbes. Henry V. By the Rev. A. J. Church. Lawrence, Lord. By Sir Richard Temple. Livingstone. By Thomas Hughes. Monk. By Julian Corbett. Montrose. By Mowbray Morris. Napier, Sir Charles. By Colonel Sir Wm. Butler. Nelson. By Prof. J. K. Laughton. Peterborough. By W. Stebbing. Biographical Dictionaries and Series. English Men of Action {contd.) — Raleigh, Sir W. By Sir Rennell Rodd. Rodney. By David Hannay. Smith, Captain John. By A. G. Bradley. Strafford. By H. D. Traill. Warwick, The King-Maker. By C. W. Oman. Wellington. By George Hooper. Wolfe. By A, G. Bradley. English Men of Letters. Edited by John Moriej-. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1879-83. Bentley. By Prof. R. C. Jebb. Bunyan. By J. A. Froude. Burke. By John Morley. Burns. By Principal Shairp. Byron. By John Nicol. Chaucer. By A. W. Ward. Cowper. By Goldwin Smith. Defoe. By W. Minto. De Quincey. By David Masson. Dickens. By A. W. Ward. Dryden. By George Saintsbury. Fielding. By Austin Dobson. Gibbon. By J. C. Morison. Goldsmith. By William Black. Gray. By E. W. Gosse. Hawthorne. By Henry James, Jr. Hume. By T. H. Huxley. Johnson. By Leslie Stephen. Lamb. By Rev. A. Ainger. Landor. By Sidney Colvin. Locke. By Thomas Fowler. Macaulay. By J. C. Morison. Milton. By Mark Pattison. Pope. By Leslie Stephen. Scott. By R. H. Hutton. Shelley. By J. A. Symonds. Sheridan. By Mrs. Oliphant. Southey. By Edward Dowden. Spenser. By Dean R. W. Church. Sterne. By H. D. Traill. Swift. By Leslie Stephen. Thackeray. By Anthony Trollope. Wordsworth. By F. W. H. Myers. Rulers of htdia : The History of the Indian Empire in a carefully compiled succession of Political Biographies. Edited by Sir W. W. Hunter. Crown 8vo. O.xford, 1890-1905. Akbar. By Colonel G. B. Malleson. Albuquercjue. By H. Morse Stephens. Amherst. By Anne T. Ritchiel and R. Evans. Auckland. By Capt. L. J. Trotter. Aurungzib. By S. Lane-Poole. Baber. By S. Lane-Poole. Bentinck. By D. C. Boulger. Canning. By Sir H. S. Cunningham. Clive. By Colonel G. B. Malleson. Clyde and Strathnairn. By Maj.-Gen. Sir O. T. Burne. Cornwallis. By W. S. Seton-Karr. Dalhousie. By Sir W. W. Hunter. Dupleix. By Colonel G. B. Malleson. Haidar Ali and Tipii Sultdn. By L. B. Bowring. BIO 51 BLA Biographical Dictionaries and Series. Rulers of India (contd.)— Hardinge. By his Son, Viscount Hardinge. Hastings. By Major Ross of Bladens- burg. John Russell Colvin. By Sir A. Colvin. Lawrence. By Sir C. Aitchinson. Madhava Ras Sindhia. By H. G. Keene. Mayo. By Sir W. W. Hunter, ^lountstuart Elphinstone. By J. S. Cotton. Munro. By J. Bradshaw. Ranjit Singh. By Sir. L. Griffin. Warren Hastings. By Capt. L. J. Trotter. Wellesley, K.G. By The Rev. W. H. Hatton. Supplementary Volumes. Asoka. By V. A. Smith. James Thomason. By Sir R. Temple. Sir Henry Lawrence, the Pacificator. By Lieut. -Gen. J. F. M'Leod Innes. Bionne, H. Dupleix. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1881. Biot, Jean Baptiste. Traite de physique experimentale et mathematique. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1816. Essai de Geometrie Analytique. 8th edition. 8vo. Paris, 1834. Birch, Captain J. F. Historical memoirs of His late Royal Highness William Augustus, Duke ot" Cumberland. Bvo. Lond. 1767. Memoir on the National Defence. 2nd edition. Lond. 1808. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 6.) Birch, S. Egypt from the earliest times to B.C. 300. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Bircher, Major H. Die Rekrutirung und Ausmusterung der Schweizerischen Armee. Aarau, 1886. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 9.) Bird, Isabella L. Unbeaten Tracks in Japan. 8vo. Lond. 1893. Bird, John. Method of dividing Astronomical In- struments. Lond. 1767. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 2.) Method of constructing Mural Quad- rants. Lond. 1768. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 2.) Bire, Edmond. Journal d'un Bourgeois de Paris pendant la Terreur. i2mo. Paris, 1897. Birkbeck, Dr. G. Lecture on the preservation of Timber by Kyan's Patent for preventing Dry Rot. Lond. 1834. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 7.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 15.) Birley, Major R. K. Volunteer Artillery. Manchester, 1887. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 45.) Field Artillery for Home Service. (Manchester Tactical Society). Manchester, 1889. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 49.) Birnie, Captain R., U.S. Army. Gun- making in the United .States. Svo. New York, 1888. Bishop, Mrs. J. F. Korea and Her Neighbours. 2 vols- 8vo. Lond. 1898. The Yang-tze Valley and Beyond. Bvo. Lond. 1899. Bismark, Graf von. Ideen-Taktik der Reuterei. i2mo. Carlsruhe, 1829. Atlas to ditto. Folio. Instruction for the Field Service of Cavalry. Translated by Captain N. L. Beamish. i2mo. Lond. 1825. Lectures on the Tactics of Cavalry. Translated with notes by Major N. L. Beamish. 8vo. Lond. 1827. Bismarck, Otto, Fiirst von. Gedanken und Errinnerungen. Edited by Horst Kohl. Svo. Stuttgart, 1898. (For other Works, see Index.) Bisset, Major-General J. Sport and War ; or recollections ot" fighting and hunting in South Africa, 1834-67. Svo. Lond. 1875. Bittard des Fortes, Rene. Histoire de TArmee de Conde pendant la Revolution, Franyaise, 1791-1801. Bvo. Paris, 1896. Bixby, Captain W. H., U.S. Army. New Ordinance, Material and Armor Material in Europe. Folio. New York, 1886. B. K., C. von. Geist und Stofif im Kriege. Svo. Vienna, 1896. Black, A. E. Drill Book for the Use of .Sub-Marine Mining Engineer Volunteers. i2mo. Lond. 1S87. Black, William. Goldsmith. Crown Svo. Lond. 1879. Black, Staff-Surgeon W. T. Sanitary State of Hong Kong, 1865. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 52.) Sanitary State of Hong-Kong in 1865. Edinburgh, 1S69. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 64.) Notes on Typhoid and Remittent Fevers. Lond. 1879. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 60.) The Fish River Bush, South Africa. Svo. Lond. 1901. Blackader, Lieut.-Colonel John. Select passages from the diary and letters of John Blackader. With a Preface by the Revd. John Newton. Svo. Edinburgh, 1806. D 2 BLA BLO Blacker, Lieut. - Colonel Valentine. Operations o( tlic British Ariii^- in India duri'ig the Maliratta War, 1817-19. 4to. Lond. 1821. Blackie, W. G. Imperial Gazetteer. 2 vols. 8\o. Lond. 1856. Supplement. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Ditto, ditto, with Supplement. New edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Blackstone, Sir William. Commentaries on the Laws ot Enj^land. 15th edition. Edited, with Notes, by E. Christian. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1809. Blackwell, John. Compendium of Mili- tary Discipline as practised by the Honour- al)le Artillerj' Companj'. 8vo. Lond. 1726. Blackwood, Lady Alicia. Narrative of a residence on the Bosphorus throughout the Crimean War. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Blades, William. List of medals, jettons, tokens, ikc, in connection with Printers and the Art of Printing. 8vo. Load. 1869. Blaev. J. Theatrum Urbium Belgica; Fccderatae. 2 vols. Folio. Amsterdam, 1648. Blair, Hugh. Chronological and histori- cal tables from the Creation to the present time. With additions by Sir Henry Ellis. 4to. Lond. 1844. Blair, W. The Soldier's Friend. 8vo, Lond. 1803. Blake. Remarks on Com. Johnstone's account of his Engagement with a French Squadron on April 16, 1781, in Port Praj-a Road, in the Island of St. Jago. 8vo. Lond. 1782. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Blake, E. W. (See Bankes.) Blake, John. How Sailors Fight. Svo. Lond. 1901. Blake, Robert. History and Life of Robert Blake of Bridgewater. i2mo. Lond. n.d. (Radstock Collection.) Blakeney, Captain W. Improved Knap- sack Equipment. i-p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 54.) Blakiston, Lieutenant J. Twelve years' military adventure in three quarters of the Globe ; or memoirs of an officer. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1829. Twenty years in retirement. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Blakiston, Captain T. W., R.A. Five months on the Yang Tsze. Svo. Lond. 1862. Blanc, Henry. Narrative of captivity in Abyssinia. Svo. Lond. 1S68. Blanckley, T. R. Naval Expositer. 4to. Lond. 1750. Bland, Lieut. - General Humphrey. Treatise on Military Discipline. 8th edition, Svo. Lond. 1759. Bland, Miles. Geometrical Problems ; with an appendi.x containing the elements of Plane Trigonometry. 3rd edition. Svo. Cambridge, 1S27. Blane, Sir Gilbert, Bart. Statements of the comparative Health of the British Navy, 1779 to 1814. Lond. 1815. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 2.) Select dissertations on several subjects of Medical Science. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1833. Blanford, W. T. Observations on the geologj' and zoology of Abj-ssinia. Svo. Lond. 1870. Blankenhurg, H. Uer Deutsche Krieg von 1866. 8\'o. Leipzig, 1868. Blayney, Lieut. -General Andrew Thomas, Lord. Journey through Spain and France as a prisoner of war, 1810-14. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1814. Blaze, Sebastian. Memoires d'un Aide- Major sous le Premier Empire. Guerre d'Espagne, 1808-14. Svo. Paris, n.d. Bleloch, W. The New South Africa. Svo. Lond. 1901. Bleyhoeffer. Die Schwere Artillerie des Feldheeres (Fussartillerie). Svo. Berlin, 1905. Bligh, Lieut.-General T. Secret In- structions for General Bligh for the attack of Cherbourg, and Letter from General Bligh. Svo. Lond. 1758. (Radstock Collection, Expedition to France.) Bligh, Lieutenant W. Narrative of the Mutiny on Board H.M.S. "Bounty." 4to. Lond. 1790. (Radstock Collection.) Blind, Karl. The German Army, with personal recollections, 1848-89. 1890. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 50.) Bliss, Captain H. C. J. The Relief of Kumasi. Svo. Lond. 1901. Bloch, J. Is War now Impossible? Translated from the Russian. Crown Svo. Lond. 1S99. La Guerre. Traduction de I'ouvrage russe — "La Guerre Future aux Points de Vue Technique, Economique et Politique. " 6 vols. Imp. Svo. Paris, 1900. Block, Maurice. Puissance comparee des divers Etats de I'Europe. Svo. Gotha, 1862. Atlas to ditto, folio. Statistique de la France, comparee avec les .divers Pays de I'Europe. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1865. Blois, E. de. De la Fortification en presence de FArtillerie nouvelle. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1S65. Blomfield, Captain C. J. Elements of Minor Tactics for the use of Volunteers. i2mo. Chatham, 1S87. BLO S3 BOI Blondel, Prangois. L'Art de jeter les Bombes. 4to. Paris, 1619. Nouvelle, maniere de Fortifier les Places. i2mo. Lond. 1684. Bloxam, C. L. {See Abel.) JBluui, Hans. Die Deutsche Revolution, 1843-49. 8vo. Leipsic, 1897. Bluine, Major W. Feldzug, 1870-71. Die Operationen der Deutschen Heere von der Schlacht bei Sedan bis zum Ende des Krieges. 3vo. Berlin, 1872. Campaign, 1870-71. The operations of the German Annies in France, from Sedan to the end of the War. From the Journals of the Headquarters Staff. Translated by Major E. M. Jones. Bvo. Lond. 1872. Strategie. 8vo. Berlin, 1882. Bluinentlial, Generalfeldmarschall Graf von. Tagebi.icher des Generalfeldmarschalls Graf von Blumenthal, i865 und 1870-71. Edited by Graf A. von Blumenthal. 8vo. Berlin, 1902. Journals of Field-Marshal Count von Blumenthal for 1866 and 1870-71. Edited by Graf A. von Blumenthal, and trans- lated by Major A. D. Gillespie-Addison. 8vo. Lond. 1903. Blumenthal, Madame. The Life of General Zieten. Translated from the German by Rev. B. Beresford. 8vo. Berlin, 1803. Blumhardt, J. F. Military Vocabu- laries : — 1. English — Hindustani. 2. English — Russian and Russian English. Lond. 1892. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 57.) Blundell, William. {See Crosby Records.) Blundevil, Mr. Exercises contayning eight treatises on the Art of Navigation. Small 4to. Lond. 1636. Blunt, Lady Anne. Bedouin Tribes of the Euphrates. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Blyth, A. W. Manual of practical Chemistry : the analysis ot foods and the detection of poisons. Bvo. Lond. 1879. Board of Trade. A Digest of Statutes Relating to Merchant Shipping. Lond. 1878. The International Code of Signals for the Use of all Nations. Bvo. Lond. 1896. Bocher, A. La Marine et les Progres Modernes. Crown 8vo. Paris, 18B8. Bocher, Charles. Lettres et Recits MiHtaires. Afrique et Armee d'Orient. 8vo. Paris, 1897. Boddington, N. The perfection of Military Discipline. i2mo. Lond. 1701. Bodie, James. Observations on Tele- graphic Cables. Devonport, n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 51.) Bodin, Felix. {See Thiers.) Body, Michael. Aide-Memoire portatif de campagne pour I'emploi des chemins de fers en temps de guerre. i2mo. Liege, 1870. Boeheim, Wendelin, Waffenkunde. 8vo. Handbuch der Leipzig, 1B90. Bcemen, Jacoh. {See Behmen.) Bogsert, le Capitaiae P. J. van den. Hygiene Assainissement d'une Caserne. 8vo. Paris, 18B4. Bogdanovitch, Le General Eugene. La Bataille de Navarin. 1827. 8vo. Paris, 1887. Boger, A. J. The story of General A. Bacon. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1903. Boguslawski, Lieut.-General A. von. Taktische Folgerungen aus den Kriege, 1870-71. Berlin, 1872. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 99.) Tactical deductions from the War of 1870-71. Translated by Colonel Lumley Graham. Bvo. Lond. 1872. Ausbildung und Besichtigung oder Rekrutentrupp und Kompagnie. Berlin, 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 7.) Role et Tactique de la Cavalerie. Translated from the German. Pamphlet. Paris, 1873. Die Entwickelung der Taktik seit dem Kriege von 1870-71. 3 vols. Bvo. Berlin and Leipzig, 1877-7B. Das Leben des Generals Dumouriez. 2 vols in one. Bvo. Berlin, 1B79. Die Hauptwaffe in form und wesen. 8vo. Berlin, iBBo. Die Fechtweise aller Zeiten. 8vo. Berlin, 1B83. Die Anlage, Leitungund Durchfiihrung von Feldmanovern. Bvo. Berlin, 1BB3. Der Krieg der Vendee gegen die Franzosische Republik, 1793-96. Bvo. Berlin, 1B94. Taktische Folgerungen aus dem Buren- kriege und der Gruppenangriff. Bvo. Berlin, 1903. {Sec also Militarische Klassiker.) Bohrdt, Hans. Deutsche Flottenbilder. Imp. 4to. Berlin, 189B. Bo'ielle, James. Cassell's New French and English Dictionarj'. Revised and enlarged. Bvo. Lond. 1903. Boileau, Lieutenant A. H. E. Tour through the Western States of Rajwarah in 1835. 4to. Calcutta, 1837. Boileau, Despreaux Nicolas. CEuvres Completes. 3 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1820. Boileau, Lieut. -Colonel I. T. Collec- tion of Tables, astronomical, meteoro- logical, and magnetical, also for deter- mining the altitudes of mountains. 4to. Umballa, 1B50. Boillot, J. Artifices de Feu et divers instrumens de guerre. 4to. n-P-, 1598. BOI 54 BON Boisgelin, Louis de. Ancient and Modern Malta : coiitainiiia: an account ot the present state of tlie Islands of Malta and Gozo, the history of the Knii:akwater ou Jetee de Plymouth. 4(0. Paris, 1S20. Cadiat, E. {See Ledieu.) Csemmerer, Lieut.-General von. Magenta — Dor P'eldzug von 1859. Svo. Berlin, 1502. The Development of Strategical Science during the 19th Century. Authorised translation by Karl von Donat. Svo. Lond. 1905. Die Befreiungskriege, 1813-1815. Ein Strategischer Ueberblick. Svo. Berlin, 1907. Caermarthen, The Marquis of. Journal of the Brest Expedition. Svo. Lond. 1694. (Radstock Collection, Naval Proceedings.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy, bound in vol. lettered "Remarks on the Navy.") Ditto, ditto. Third copy. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. i.) Caesar, Cains Julius. Commentaries of his Warres in Gallia and the civile warres betwixt him and Pompey ; translated with observations, as also the art of our Modern training or tactick practise, by Clement Edmonds ; with life of Caesar, &c. 4to. Lond. 1665. Ditto, ditto. With the Remarks of the Duke of Rohan, also the commentaries of the Alexandrian and African Wars, by Aulus Hirtius ; and a geographical nomenclature. Folio. Lond. 1695. De Bellis Gallico et Civili Pompejano, nee non A. Hirtius, alorumque de Bellis Alexandrine, Africano, et Hispanicnsi Commentarii ; cum Notis. Curaet studio F. Oudendorpii. 4to. Rotterdam, 1737. Commentaries on his Wars in Gaul, and Civil War with Pompey. Translated by Colonel Martin Bladen. Svo. Lond. 1737. Melanges de remarques, surtout sur Caesar et autres auteurs militaircs, anciens et modernes. i2mo. Warsaw, 1782. Commentaries, translated into English ; to which is prefixed a discourse concern- ing the Roman Art of War : by William Duncan. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1819. Caffarena, Louis. Etude critique sur les Abordages. Svo. Toulon, 1876. CAF 70 CAM CafBn, J. C. Observations by the Director of Stores, War Office, on Lieut. - Colonel Reiliy's Memorandum on the Prussian Army in relation to the Campaign of 1866. Lond. 1867. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 74 (ii).) Caiani, Capitano A. Termini Tecnica Militari liiglesi e Italiani (English and Italian Technical Military Terms). 8vo. Rome, 1907. Cahors, Clement Marot de. Ses CEuvres. i6mo. Lyons, Jean c/e Totirnes, 1546. Cailland, F. FleuveduNil. (11 Plans.) Explication de la Carte detaillee du Cours du Nil dans la Haute et Basse Nil. Folio. Lond. n.d. Caillie, Rene. Travels through Central Africa to Timbuctoo, and across the Great Desert to Morocco, 1824-28. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Caine, The Rev. C. Barracks and Battle- fields in India ; or, the Experiences of a Soldier (Thomas Malcolm) of the loth Foot in the Sikh Wars and Sepoy Mutiny. Bvo. York, 1891. Cairnes, Captain W. E. The Coming Waterloo. 8vo. Lond. 1901. Lord Roberts as a Soldier in Peace and War. 8vo. Lond. 1901. Calder, Vice-Admiral Sir R. Roches Bonnes, ofi Rochefort. 4to. Rochefort, 1804. (Book of Remarks for the Western Station.) Calendars. Royal [Military Calendar, or Army Service, and Commission Rank, contain- ing the services of the Generals and Field- Officers of the Army. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1815-6. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1820. Caldwell, Lieut. -Colonel R., R.A.M.C. The Prevention of Disease in Armies in the Field. 8vo. Lond. 1904. Military Hygiene. 8vo, Lond. 1905. Calhoun, J. E. and the Hon. J. Buchanan. Claims of the United States to Oregon. 8vo. Lond. 1846. Callcott, Lady. Description of the Chapel of the Annunziata dell' Arena, or Giotto's Chapel in Padua. Folio. Lond. 183-;. Callendar, George. Nautical remarks for the Chart of the Harbour of Boston. Lond. 1775. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 2.) Callendar, G. A. R. Sea Kings of Britain. Hawkins to Drake. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1907. Callet, Francois. Tables portatives de Logarithmes. Svo. Paris, 1795. Call well, Captain C. E. Wastage in War. 1890. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 8.) Callwell (Major). The Effect of Maritime Command on Land Campaigns since Waterloo. Svo. Lond. 1897. The Tactics of To-day. 8vo. Lond. 1900. „ (Colonel). Military Operations and Maritime Preponderance. Svo. Lond. 1905. Small Wars — Their Principles and Practice. Intelligence Division, War Office. 3rd edition. Svo. Lond. 1906. Calthorp, Capt. E. F. A Dictionary of Military ferms. English- Japanese — Japanese-English. Crown Svo. Tokyo, 1907. Calver, Captain E. K., R.N. Construction and principle of a Wave Screen, designed for the formation of Harbours of Reluge. Lond. 1853. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 46 (2).) Proposed National Harbour at Dover. Lond. 1875. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 30.) Calvert, A, F. Explorations of Australia, 1844-96. Svo. Lond. 1896. Calvert, General Sir Harry, Bart. Journals and correspondence. Edited bj' his son, Sir Harry Vcrnej'. Svo. Lond. 1853. Camara, A. A. Ensaio sobre as con- struccoes Navaes Indigenas do Brasil. Svo. Rio de Janeiro, 1881. Camhrelin, Le Major A. L. Campe retranche d'Anvers. Considera- tions critiques sur le systeme de Defense de la Belgique adopte en 18159. Svo. Paris, 1S60. Le Generalat, les armes speciales et les armes de ligne. Brussels, 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 22.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 28.) Cavalerie et Forteresses. Svo. Gand. 1877 Essai sur la Defense de la Belgicjue Svo. Paris, 1SS4 La Fortification de I'avenir. 2 vols Svo. Paris, i£ _ Cambridge Modern History. 10 vols. and 2 supplementary' volumes. Svo. Cambridge, 1902- Vol. I. The Renaissance. Vol. II. The Reformation. Vol. II L The Wars of Religion. Vol. n^ The Thirty Years' War. Vol. \. The Age of Louis XIV. Vol. VII. The United States. V^ol. VIII. The French Revolution. Vol. IX. Napoleon. Vol. X. The Restoration. CAM 71 CAM Cainl)ridge Asylum for Soldiers' Widows. Report for 185 1. Lond. 1851. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 35.) Cambridge Essays, 1858. Containing Colonel R. A. Shafto Adair's Paper on the National Defences and Organization of the Militia ol the United Kingdom. 8vo. Cambridge University. Cantabrigienses Graduati sive Catalogus ab anno 1659 ad annum 1800. 4to. Cambridge, 1800. Cambridge, Richard Owen. Account of the War in India, between the English and French on the Coast of Coromandel, 17-0-60: with a relation of the events on the Malabar Coast, and the expeditions to Golconda and Surat. 4to. Lond. 1761. Cambuskenneth. Registrum Monasterii de Cambuskenneth, 1147-1523. 4to. Edinb. 1872. Camden, William. Annals, or the history of the most re- nowned and victorious Princess Elizabeth, late Queene of England. Translated by R. N. Gent. 3rd edition. Folio. Lond. 1635. Britannia ; or a chronological description of the Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Islands adjacent. Translated and edited by Richard Cough. 3 vols. Folio. Lond. 1789. Camden Society. Narratives illustrative of the Contests in Ireland in 1641 and 1690. Bj^ T. C. Croker. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Memoirs relating to the Lord Torring- ton. Edited bj' John Knox Laughton. 8vo. Lond. 1889. Camelford, Thomas Pitt, Lord. Life, adventures and eccentricities of the late Lord Camelford, with particulars of the late fatal duel. 8vo. Lond. 1804. (Radstock Collection.) Cameron, Sir Charles A. History of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and of the Irish schools of medicine. 8vo. Dublin, 1886. Cameron, Lieut. -Colonel G-. P. Personal adventures and excursions in Georgia, Circassia and Russia. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Cameron, Lieutenant Verney Lovett, E..N. Across Africa. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1877. „ (Commander). The Log of a Jack Tar, or the Life of James Choyce, Master Mariner, also O'Brien's Captivity in France. 8vo. Lond. 1891. Campaigns. {Canipaig)is arc arranged in cliruiiological order and under this heading are included all official woiks and those published anonymously. For other ivorks, see under ^' Canipaigtis' in Index.) La Guerre de Flandre, 1 578-1 589. Crown 8vo. n.d. Campaigns {contd)— The Souldier's Companion : or Military Glory display'd, in a description of all the memorable Battels and Fights by land sea. i2mo. Lond. 1088. Sieges and battles in the North of England during the Civil War in 1642-3, &c., with the life of Oliver Cromwell, and an impartial history of the Rebellions in 1715 and 1745. 8vo. Bolton, 1786. The Pacquet-Boat Advice : or a dis course concerning the War in France. 4to. Lond. 1678. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Letters to the Earl of Carlingford, 1683-4 ; relating to the Siege of Vienna. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 19.) Campagne de Namur, contenant une relation de tout ce qui s'est passe pendant la prise decette Place avec les mouvemens des Armees Confederees et ceux de I'Armee de France. i2mo. The Hague, 1695. Relation de la Campagne de Flandre et du Siege de Namur en I'Annee 1695, avec les Cartes et Jes Plans necessaires pour la parfaite Intelligence de cette Relation. Folio. A la Haj'e, 1696. "War in Flanders and Spain 1691-1704 {Series of Tracts) : — 1. An impartial Relation of all the Transactions between the Army of the Confederates and that of the French King- in their last Summers Campaign in Flanders, with more particular respect to the Battle of Fle.ury. By W. Sawle, Chaplain to their Majesties Regiments in Flanders. 8vo. Lond. 1691. 2. The History of the last Campaigne in the Spanish Netherlands, by Edward d'Auvergne, M.A. 8vo. Lond. 1693. 3. The Paris Relation of the Battel of Landen, July 29th, 1693. 8vo. Lond. 1693. 4. A Relation of the most remarkable Transactions of the last Campaigne in the Confederate Army under the Command of His Majesty of Great Britain, and after, of the Elector of Bavaria in the Spanish Netherlands, A.D. 1692. 8vo. Lond. 1693. 5. A Journal of the Siege of Bar- celona. 8vo. Lond. 1698. 6. The German and French Journals of the late Campaign in Italj- confronted together. Bvo. Lond. 1701. 7. Mareschal Tallard's Aid-de-Camp : His Account of the Battle of Blenheim. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1704. 8. A short but impartial account of the most remarkable occurrences and Transactions of the two last Campaigns in the Netherlands. 8vo. Lond. 1704. Campagna IMiravigliosa, or an E.\act Journal of the Imperial Army's Advance into, and Incampments in, Italj' under the Command of Prince Eugene of Savoy. By an Officer of the German Army. Lond. 1702. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) CAM 72 CAM Campaigns {co?i{d.)~ Campagne de Monsieur le Marechal Due de Villeroy et de Monsieur le Mar- quis de Bedmar en Flandrts. L'an 1704. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1762. Description of all the seats of the present Wars in Europe. 121110. Lond. 1704. La Manoeuvre de Denain. Publie sous la Direction de la Section Historique de I'Etat-Major de I'Armee. By M. Sautai. 8vo. Lille, 1902. Historia de las Guerras Civiles de Granada. 8vo. Amberes, 1714. Letter upon the present intended Ex- peditions. 8vo. Lond. 1740. (Radstock Collection, "Pay of Sea Officers.)" Sammlung ungedriickter Nachrichten so die Geschichte der Feldziige der Preussen von 1740 bis 1779 erlautern. 3 vols. 8vo. Dresden, 1782. Der Zweite Schlesische Krieg, 1744-45. 3 vols. 8vo. With maps and plans. Published by the Grand General Staff. Berlin, 1895. Les Campagnes de Marechal de Saxe, 1744. Premiere Partie. L'Armee au Printemps de 1744. Par le Capitaine J. Colin. Publie sous la direction de la Section Historique de I'Etat-Major de I'Armee. vols. 8vo. Paris, 1901. Military operations of the English and French Armies during the Campaigns of 1747 ; to which are added (i) military principles and maxims {2) the Siege of Bergen-op-zoom. 8vo Lond. 1760. Plans et journaux des Sieges de la derniere Guerre de Flandres. 4to. Strasburg, 1750. Operations in Canada, 1749 to 1776. (See Quebec, Transactions of Literary and Historical Societ3\) Criterion of the reason and necessity of the Present War. Lond. 1745. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 4.) Geschichte des im i756-7ften Jahre in Deutschland und dessen angranzenden Landern gefuhrten Krieges. 4I0. . Frankfort, 1759. Account of the Expedition to the Coast of France under the conduct of the Admirals Hawke, Knovvles, and Brod- erick. General Mordaunt, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1757. (Radstock Collection). The Expedition against Rochefort fully stated and considered. 8vo. Lond. 1758. (Radstock Collection. Expedition to France.) Report of the General Officers ap- pointed to inquire into the causes of the failure of the late Expedition against the Coasts of France. 8vo. Lond. 1758. (Radstock Collection. Expedition to France.) Account of our last attempt upon the Coast of France. Bvo. Lond. 1758. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Campaigns {contd) — The Military Arguments in the Letter to a Right Hon. Author fully considered. 8vo. Lond. 1758. (Radstock Collection. Expedition to France.) Candid Reflection on the Report of the General Ofliccrs appointed to inquire into causes of the failure of the late Expedition to the Coasts of France. 8vo. Lond. 1758. (Radstock Collection. Expedition to France.) Theatre de la Guerre derniere en Allemagne. 2nd edition. 4 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1763. Atlas to ditto. Folio. The Operations of the Allied Army during the greatest part of six cam- paigns, 1757-62. 4to. Lond. 1764. Relations et plans des battailles et combats de la Guerre de 1756-63 en Allemagne, premiere partie. 4to. Dresden, 1778. Plans des battailles et combats de la Guerre de 1756-63 en Allemagne. Folio. Dresden, 1781. Sieges et batailles, 1756-62. 8vo. n.p., n.d. Der Siebenjahrige Krieg 1756-1763, Herausgeg ben von Grossen General- stabe. Vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1901. Britannia's Triumph in the year 1762- A series of Plates. Attack and Capture of Havannah by the Expedition under Rear-Admiral Pocock and Lord Albemarle. Folio. Lond. 1766. Storia della Guerra presente tra la Russia e la Porta Ottomana. 11 vols. 8vo. Venice, 1770. Narrative of the Russian Expedition against the Turks bj^ Sea and Land. 8vo. Lond. 1772. (Radstock Collection.) Evidence relative to the conduct of the American War. 8vo. Lond. 1779. (Radstock Collection. " Howe.") Memoirs of the War in Asia, 1780-4. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 17S9. La Eataille de Jemappes. Par le Capitaine d'Artillerie C. de la Jonquiere Publie sous la Direction de la Section. Historique de I'Etat-Mnjor de lArmee. 8vo. Paris, 1902. Campagne de 1793 en Alsace et dans le Palatinat. Par le Capitaine J. Colin. Publie sous la Direction de la Section Historique de I'Etat-Major de I'Armee. vols. 8vo. Paris, 1502. Toulon et les Anglais en 1793, d'apres des documents inedits. Redige par Paul Cottin. 8vo. Paris, 1898. La Campagne de 1794 h. I'Armee du Nord. Par le Colonel H. Coutanceau et le Chef d'Escadron C. de la Jonquiere. Publie sous la Direction de la Section Historique de I'Etat-Major de I'Armee. Vol. L, Parts i and 2, and Vol. II. 8vo. Paris, 1903-07. CAM 11 CAM Campaigns {confd.)^ Histoire de la Campagne de 1794 en Italic. Par le Capitaine G. Fabry. Public sous le Direction de la Section Historique de I'Etat-Major de I'Armee. vols, with maps. 8vo. Paris, 1905. Campagne de I'Armee d' Italia, 1796- 1797. Par le Lieutenant G. Fabry. Public sous la Direction de la Section Historique de TEtat-Major de TArmee. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1900-1901. The Chronologist of the Present War ; or register ot the events from the com- mencement of the French Revolution to the end of tr.e year 1798. i2mo. Dublin, 1799. Accurate and impartial narrative of the War. Bvo. Lond. n.d. (Radstock Collection. Bound in " Ship- wrecks.") Atlas des Operations Militaire entre la Lahn et la Siege en 1796. Folio. n.p., n.d. Poetical sketch of the Campaigns of 1793-5. 2 vols, in one. i2mo. Lond. n.d. Campagne du General Buonaparte en Italic pendant les annees IV et V de la Republique Frangaise. 8vo. Paris, 1797. Tableaux Historiques des Campagnes d'ltalie, depuis Fan IV jusqu'a la Bataille de Marengo. Folio. Paris, 1808. Memoires pour servir a I'histoire de la Campagne de 1796. 8vo. Paris, 1818. Collection of State Papers relative to the War against France, 1794-1801. 11 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1794-1802. History of the Campaigns in 1796-9, in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, &c. 2nd ^4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 181 2. Etudes sur les Armees du Directoire. Premiere Partie. October, 1798 — January, 1799. Par le Capitaine D. Mahan. Publie sous la Direction de la Section Historique de I'Etat-Major de FArmee. vols. 8vo. Paris, 1905. History of the Campaign of 1796 in Germany and Italy. 8vo. Lond. 1797. Campagne de 1799 en Allemagne et en Suisse. 2 vols in one and box of plates. 8vo. Vienna and Lond. 1820. The Swiss Campaign of 1799. A Translation of the Swiss Narrative, com- piled from the works of the Archduke Charles, Jomini, and others, by Major- General Shadwell, C.B. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Journal kept in the British Army from the Landing of the Troops at Ost'end, in 1794, to their return to England the following j'ear. 8vo. Liverpool, 1796. Cartel for the exchange of Prisoners of War between Great Britain and France, n.p., 1798. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 44 (2).) L'Expedilion d'Egypte, 1 798-1 801. (Par C. de La Jonquiere, Chef d'Escadron d'Artillerie.) Publie sous la Direction de la Section Historique de I'Etat-Major de I'Armee. vols. 8vo. Paris, n.d. Field of Mars : an alphabetical digest of the principal Naval and Military Engage- ments. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1801. Campaigns {contd.)~ Campagne de I'Armee de Reserve en 1800. Parle Capitaine de Cugnac. Publie sous la direction de la Section Historique de I'Etat-Major de I'Armee. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 19CO. Notes on the Campaign of the Army of Reserve. 1800. Lond. 1827. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 23.) Precis de Campagne de 1805 en Alle- magne et en Italic. 8vo. Brussels, 1886. Projets et Tentatives de Debarquement aux les Britanniques. By Le Capitaine E. Desbriere. 1795-1805. 4 vols. 8vo, Paris, 1900. La Campagne Maritime de 1805. Trafalgar. Public sous la Direction de la .Section Historique de I'Etat Major de I'Armee. By Chef d'Escadron E. Desbriere. 8vo. Paris, 1907. La Campagne de 1805 en Allemagne. Par P. C. Alombert et le Capitaine Colin. Publie sous la Direction de la Section Historique de I'Etat-Major de I'Armee. vols, with maps. 8vo. Paris, 1902. Recueil des Bulletins Officiels sur les operations de la Grande-Armee contra la quatrieme coalition. 8vo. Paris, 1806. Bulletins of the Grand Army. Folio. 1806-7. Bataille de Preussich-Eylau le 8 Fevrier 1807. Folio. Paris, 1807. Darstellung der Schlacht bei Jena und des Trefifensvon Auerstaedt. In German and French. 3rd edition. 4to. ■Weimar, 1808. Campaigns in Spain and Portugal under Sir Hew Dalrymple. Vol. 2. 8vo. n.p. [1808.] Letters from Flushing ; containing an account of the expedition to Walcheren, Beveland, and the Scheldt, under the command of the Earl of Chatham. 8vo. Lond. 1809. Campagne de Napoleon en Espagne.. 1808-1809. By Le Commandant Balagny. Publie sous la Direction de la Section Historique de I'Etat-Major de I'Armee. vols, with maps. 8vo. Paris, 1902. Account of the Battle fought near Aspern on the Marchfield, May 21 and 22, 1809. 8vo. Lond. 1809. (Radstock Collection, Military Tracts.) Recueil des Bulletins de la Campagne d'Autriche, en 1809. Extrait du Journel Officiel. 8vo. Paris, 1809. Account of the operations of the corps under the Duke of Brunswick. 8vo. Lond. 1810. (Radstock Collection, Military Tracts.) Sammlung der Plane und Nachrich- ten von den beiden Hauptschlachten von Gross-Aspern und Teutsch-Wagram, im Jahr 1809. In German and French. 4to. Weimar, 1809. Projet d'une Convention pour I'echange des Prisonniers de Guerre de toutes les Nations Belligerentes. 8vo. Lond. 1810. (Radstock Collection, Mihtary Tracts.) CAM 74 CAM Campaigns {conid.)— Narrative of the late Campaign of the British Army ; with remarks on the Topography and Channels of Zealand. 8vo. Lond. 1810. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Bulletins Fran9ois concernant la Guerre en Russia pendent I'Annee 1812. Lond. 1813. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 25.) Campagne de Russie 1812. Par le Lieutenant G. Fabr3'. Public sous la direction de la Section Historique de I'Etat-Major de I'Armee. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1900-02. La Guerre Nat'onale de 1812. Pub- lished by the Russian General Staff. Translated into French by Captain G. Cazalas, under the direction of the His- torical Section of the French General Staff. vols. 8vo. Paris, 1904. Precis d'un journal de la Retraite et de la Fuite de I'Armee Fran(;aise de Moscou, et de la Poursuite des Russes, jusqii a leur Arrivee sur la Vistule. Lond. 1813. (4to Pamphlets, vol. i.) Campagne du Marechal Soult dans les Pyrenees Occidentales, en 1813-14. D'Apres les Archives Franpaises, Anglaises, et Espagnoles. Redige par le Commandant Clerc. Bvo. Paris, 1894. Cartes des Pays, pour servir a I'intelligence des Bulletins. Paris, 1812. (4to Pamphlets, vol. i.) Operations of the British Army in Spain. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1809. (Radstock Collection, Military Tracts.) The principles and conduct of the War. Bvo. Lond. 1809. (Radstock Collection, Military Tracts.) Journal of a Regimental Officer during the recent Campaign in Portugal and Spain. 8vo. Lond. 1810. Sketch of the Campaign in Portugal. 8vo. Lond. 1812. (Radstock Collection, Military Tracts.) Inquiry into the reasons alleged by Mr. Madison for declaring War against Great Britain. 8vo. Lond. 1812. (Radstock Collection, American Pamph- lets.) America, 181 2-1 814. Miscellaneous Pamphlets published in United States. 1875- Documentary History of the Campaign upon the Niagara Frontier. Collected and Edited for the Lundy Lane Historical Society by Lt.-Col. Cruikshank. 7 vols. 3vo. Welland, 1906. History of the Campaigns of the British Forces in Spain and Portugal. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1812-3. Illustrated Records of Important Events in Europe during the Years 1812, 1813, 1814, and 1815. Anon. Demv fol. Lond. 1816. Campaigns {contd.)— Geschichte der Befreiungskriege, 1813- 1815:— 1. Der Friihjahrsfeldzug, 1813, und seine Vorgeschichte. Bearbeitet von General der Infanteriez. D. v. Holleben. Vols., with maps. 8vo. Berlin, 1904. 2. Der Herbstfeldzug 181 3. Bear- beitet von Major Freidrich. 3 vols., with maps. 8vo. Berlin, 1903-1906. 3. Der Feldzug 18 14 in Frankreich. Bearbeitet von General-Lieutenant v. Janson. 2 vols., with maps. 8vo. Berlin, 1903-1905. 4. Napoleons Untergang 181 5. Bear- beitet von General Major v. Lettow- Vorbeck. 2 vols., with maps. 8vo. Berlin, 1904-1906. Versuch einer militarisch-historischen Darstellung des grossen Befreiungs- Krieges in den Jahren 1813-4. Part i. Den Feldzug von den jahre 1813. In German and French. 4to. Weimar, 1814. Bulletin de Paris, ou relation histori- que des evenaments qui sont arrives en France en 1814-5, et particulierement pendant la Siege de Paris. 8vo. Paris, 181 5. Atlas containing plans of the prin- cipal Battles, Sieges, and Affairs in which the British Troops were engaged during the war 1808-14. Folio. Lond. 1841. Memoir to ditto. 4to. Lond. 1841. Uebersicht des Feldzugs m Jahre 1813, zwischen den Aliirten und K. Franzosischen Armeen. Zweite Abthei- lung. In German and French. 4to. Weimar, 1814. British Minor Expeditions, 1746- 1814. Published by Intelligence Depart- ment of War Office. 8vo. Lond. 1884. Battle of Waterloo, containing the accounts, published b\' Authoritj-. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1815. (Radstock Collection.) Account of the Battle of Waterloo, by a British Officer on the Staff. 8vo. Lond. 1815. The Battle of Waterloo, containing the series of accounts publislied bj' authority, British and Foreign, with circumstantial details. 8th edition. Bvo. Lond. 1816. The Campaign of Waterloo. Illustrated. Demy fol. Lond. 1816. Relation circonstanciee de la derniere Campagne de Buonaparte, terminee par la Bataille de Mont-Saint-Jean, dite de Waterloo ou de la Belle- Alliance. 4th edition. Bvo. Paris, 1816. W^aterloo Memoirs; or record of the events connected with, and arising out of the battles fought on the i6th, 17th, and iBth June, 1815. Two vols, in one. Bvo. Lond. 1817. The English Army at Waterloo and in France. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1831. CAM 75 CAM Campaigns {contd.)— Military Sketches of the Goorka War, 1814-15-16. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1822. Summary of the Mahratta and Pin- daree Campaigns, 1817-19. 8vo. Lond. 1820. Journal des Operations de I'Artillerie pendent I'Expedition de Constantine, 1837. 8vo. Paris, 1838. Campagnes d'Afrique, 1835- 1848. 8vo. Paris, 1898. The War in India. Despatches of the Right. Hon. Lieut. -General Viscount Hardinge, G.C.B., the Governor- General of India ; the Right Hon. Lord Gough, G.C.B., Commander-in-Chief; Major-General Sir Harry Smith, Bart., G.C.B., and other Documents compris- ing the Engagements of Moodkee, Ferozeshah, Aliwal, and Sobraon. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1846. Sechzig Jahre des Kaukasischen Krieges, mit besonderer Periicksich- tigung des Feldzuges im Nordlithen Daghestan im Jahre, 1839. Translated from the original Russian into German by G. Baumgarten. 8vo. Leipzig, 1 861. A Narrative of the Russian Military Expedition to Khiva, under General Perofski in 1839. Translated from the Russian for the Foreign Department of the Government of India. 8vo. Calcutta, 1867. Rough Notes of the Campaign in Scinde and Afghanistan in 1838-39. 8vo. Bombay, 1840. Recollections of the first Campaign West of the Indus, and of the subse- quent operations of the Candahar Field Force under Major-General Sir W. Nott, G.C.B. By a Bengal Officer. i2mo. Lond. 1845. Relazione Storica delle Operazioni Militari dirette Dal Generale Bava, Commandante II Primo Corpo d'Armata in Lombardia nel 1848. "-P-, 1848. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 67.) Leaves from the journal of a subaltern during the Campaign in the Punjaub, 1848-9. 8vo. Lond. 1849. Cronstadt and the Russian Fleet. 8vo. Lond. 1854. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) The War : or \oices from the ranks. i2mo. Lond. 1855. Ricordo pittorico militare dela Spedizione .Sarda. Folio. Turin, 1857. Atlas historique et topographique de la Guerre dOrient en 1854-6. Folio. Paris, 1858. Letters from Head-Quarters ; or the realities of the War in the Crimea. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Account of the Artillery Operations at the Siege of Sebastopol : compiled by Capt. W. E. M. Reilly. 4to. Lond. 1859. Campaigns {con id.)— Journal of the Operations conducted by the Corps of Royal Engineers at the Siege of Sebastopol. Part I by Capt. C. H. Elphinstone. Part II by Sir Harry D. Jones. 2 vols., and case of plates. 4to. Lond. 1859. Siege de Sebastopol. Historique du Service de I'Artillerie (1854-6.) 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1859. Atlas of Plates to ditto. Folio. Encyclopaedia of the War. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 46 (i).) State Papers, Despatches, &c., rela- tive to the Indian Mutiny preserved in the Military Department. Edited by G. W. Forrest. vols. 8vo. Calcutta, 1 893-1902. Newspaper Cuttings of the Indian Mutiny. Folio. n.p., n.d. History of the Indian Revolt and of the Expeditions to Persia, China, and Japan, 1856-58. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Documents officiels sur la Campagne d'ltalie en 1859. 8vo. Paris, i860. Campagne de I'Empereur Napoleon III en Italie, 1859. 4to. Paris, 1862. Atlas to ditto. 2 vols. Folio. Der Krieg in Italien, 1859. 3 vols. 8vo. Vienna, 1872-6. Die Schlacht bei Magenta am 4 Juni 1859, und die Ursachen des osterreichis- chen Misserfolges von D-d-f. 8vo. Mainz, 1893, II Genio nella Campagna d'Ancona e della Bassa Italia, 1860-1. 410. Turin, 1864. Atlas to ditto. Fol. Operazioni dell' Artiglieria Negli Assedi di Gaeta e Messina Negli Ann- 1860-1861. Publicata Con Autorizzai zione del Ministro della Guerra. 8vo. Turin, 1864. Atlas historico y topografico de la Guerra de Africa, 1859-60. Folio. n.p., n.d. Relation de I'Expedition de China en i860. Paris, 1862. Atlas to ditto. Folio. Campaigns of the Civil War in America. 12 vols., and .Supplement- ary Volume. 8vo. New York. 1881-3. Vol. I. Outbreak of the Rebellion, by J. G. Nicolay. Vol. 2. From Fort Henry to Corinth, by M. F. Force. Vol. 3. The Peninsula, McClellan"s Campaign of 1862, by A. S. Webb. Vol. 4. The Army under Pope, by J. C. Ropes. Vol. 5. The Antietam and Fredericks- burg, b\' F. W. Palfrey. Vol. 6. Chancellorsville and Gettys- burg, bj' A. Doubledaj-. Vol. 7. The Army of the Cumberland, by H. M. Cist. Vol. 8. The Mississippi, by F. V. Greene. Vol. 9. Atlanta, by J. D. Cox. CAM Campaigns (yo?i/(f.)~ Vol. lo. The March to the Sea. Franklin and Nashville, by J. D. Cox. Vol. II. The Shenandoah Valley in 1864, by G. E. Pond. Vol. 12. The Virginia Campaign of '64 and '65. The Army of the Potomac and the Army of the James, by A. A. Humphreys. Supplementary Volume. Statistical R-cord of the Armies of the United States, by F. Phisterer. Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. Medical Volume, Parts i and 2. 4to. Washington, 1873-9. •Surgical Volume, Part i and 3. 4to. \Vashington, 1870-83. Medical volume, Parts 3, Vol. i. 4to. Washington, 1888. Southern History of the War. Official Reports of Battles. 8vo. New York, 1864. Narrative of privations and suffer- ings of Prisoners of War in the hands of the Rebel Authorities. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1864. Military Maps illustrating the opera- tions of the Armies of the Potomac and James. May 4th, 1864, to April 9th, 1865. Folio. n.p., 1867. Campaign of Fredericksburg. Nov.- Dec, 1862. 8vo. Lond. 1886. The Navy in the Ci\-il War :— 1. The Blockade and the Cruisers by J. R. Soley. 8vo. New York, 1887. 2. The Atlantic Coast, by D. Ammen. 8vo. New York, 1883. 3. The Gulf and Inland Waters, by A. T. Mahan. 8vo. New York, 1883. Battles and Leaders of the Cival War. 4 vols. 4to. New York, 1889. War of the Rebellion. Official Records of tlie Union and Confederate Armies. 68 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1893-99. Maps and Plans to ditto. 2 vols. 18 in. by 15 in. Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion. 8vo. vols. Washington, 1S94-1904. La Cavalerie Americaine dans la Guerre de la Secession. Bvo. Paris, 1903. Der Deutsch-Diinische Krieg, 1864. PublisJied by the Historical Section of the Prussian General Staff. 2 vols., and I vol. of maps. 8v'o. Berlin, 1886. Den Dansk — Tydske Krieg, 1864. 8vo. Kjobenhavn, 1892. La Guerre de 1866 en Allemagne et Italic. 2 vols. 8vo. n.p., n.d. Narrative of the War between Austria and Prussia. Lond. 1866. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 72.) Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 91.) 76 CAM Campaigns {cnntd.)— La Campagne de 1866 en Italic. Published by he Historical Section of the Italian General Staff. Translation. 2 vols, and i vol. of maps. 8vo. Paris, 1896. Dcr Feldzug von 1866 in Deutsch- land. 8vo. Berlin, 1867. Osterreichs Kampfe im Jahre 1866. 5 vols. 8vo. Vienna, 1866-69. Praktische Riickblicke auf dem Feld- zug von 1866. Berlin, 1870. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 52.) Taktische Riickblicke auf 1866. 8vo. Berlin, 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 52.) The Campaigns of 1866 : a tactical retrospect. Translated from the Ger- man bj- Colonel H. A. Ouvrj'. Lond. 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 79.) Campaign of 1866 in Germany ; com- piled by the Department of Military History' of the Prussian Staff. Trans- lated by Colonel von Wright and Cap- tain H. M. Hozier. 8vo. Lond. 1872. Atlas to ditto. Fol. Les Luttes de I'Autriche en 1866. Published bj' the Historical Section of the Austrian General Staff, and tran.s- lated into French by Captain F. Crousse, of the Belgian General Staff. 5 vols., with I vol. of maps. 8vo. Brussels, 1 868-1904. Histoire de la Campagne de 1866, Published by the Historical Section of the Prussian General Staff, and trans- lated into French by Captain Percj'- Raynaud. 8vo. Paris, 1868. The Abyssinian Expedition : re- printed from the "Illustrated London News." Folio. Lond. 1868. Record of the Expedition to Abyssinia. Compiled hy order of the Secretary of State for War. 2 vols., and one case of maps. Folio. Lond. 1870. Report on the Red River Expedition of 1870. By S. J. Dawson. Printed by order of the Dominion House of Com- mons. 8vo. Ottawa. 1871. Der Deutsch - Franzosische Krieg, 1870-1. Redigirt von der Kriegsges- chichtlichen Abtheilung des Grossen Generalstabes. 5 vols., with 5 cases of plates. 8vo. Berlin, 1874-81. Gefechts - Kalender des Deutsch- Franzosischen Krieges 1870-71. Her- ausgegeben vom Grossen General- stabe. 8vo. Berlin, 1886. The Franco-German W^ar, 1870-71. Translated from the German Official Account by Major F. C. H. Clarke. 5 vols, and 5 cases of plates. Bvo. Lond. 1881-4. Analytical Index to Major Clarke's Authorised Translation of the Franco- German War, 1870-71. Compiled by Colonel Lonsdale Hale. 8vo. Lond. 1890. La Guerre de 1870-71, redigee a la Section Historique de I'Etat-Major de I'Armee. vols. 8vo. Paris, 1901- . CAM n CAM Campaigns {could.) — Rapport fait au Nom de la Commis- sion d' Enq uete sur les actes du Gouverne- ment de la Defense Nationale. lo vols. 4to. Paris, 1875. Der Krieg von 1870-71. 7 vols. Crown 8vo. Nordlingen, 18S8-90. Vol. I. Weissenburg, Worth, Spicheren, by Captain C. Tanera. Vol. 2. Um und in Metz, by Dr. J. Stein- beck. Vol. 3. Die Schlachten von Beaumont und Sedan, bj' Captain C. Tanera. Vol. 4. Strasburg unser ! Bis aus Meer, by B. von Pressentia. Vol. 5. Au der Loire und Sarthe, by Captain C. Tanera. Vol. 6. Belfort, Dijon Pontarlier, by Dr. J. Steinbeck. Vol. 7. Die Belagerung von Paris, by Captain C. Tanera. The Franco-German War, 1870-71. Translated and Edited by Major-General J. F. Maurice, Captain W. J. Long, and Mr. A. Sonnenschein. Imp. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Le BIocus de Paris et la Premiere Armee de la Loire. By A. G. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1889. The Franco-Prussian War, 1870-71. Illustrated. Edited by Captain H. M. Hozier. 7 vols. 4to. Lond. 1872. Causes qui ont amene les desastres de lArmee Francaise dans la Campagne de 1870. Brussels, 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 92.) 'Gedenkbuch an den Deutsch-Fran- zosischen Feldzug von 1870-1. Folio. Leipsic, 1870-1. Accounts in the " Illustrated London News" and "Graphic." 2 vols., folio. Lond. 1870-1. Who is responsible for the war ? Reprinted from the "Times." 8vo. Lond. 1871. Der Krieg um Metz. 2nd edition. Berlin, 1871. (Pamplets, 2nd series, vol. 92.) Causes qui ont amene la Capitulation de Sedan. 2nd edition. Brussels, 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 92.) The War Correspondence of the "Daily News."' 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1871. Militarische Gedanken und Be- trachtungen iiber den Deutsch-Fran- zosischen Krieg, 1870 und 1871. 8vo. Mainz, 1871. Recueil de Documents sur les ex- actions, vols et cruautes des Armees Prussiennes en France. Bordeaux, 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 92.) Histoire de I'Armee de Chalons. 8vo. Brussels, [1871] Eight months on duty : diary of a young officer in Chanzy's Army : Translated by the Rev. Dr. Vaughan. 8vo. Lond. 1872. Campaigns (contd.) — Traveaux d'Investissement executes par les Armees AUemandes autour de Paris. 8vo. With Atlas. Paris, 1872-4. Dies Iroe. Erinnerungen eines Franzosischen Offiziers an die Tage von Sedan. Stuttgart, 1882. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 56.) Album of Newspaper Cuttings relative to the Khiva, Ashanti, and other Cam- paigns. The Times, 1873. Leaves from a Soldier's Pocket Book, being thoughts suggested during the Looshai Campaign. Allahabad, 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 4.) Geschichte des Russich-Turkischen Krieges, 1877-78, auf der Balkan Halb- insel. ist Vol. Bis einschliesslich der ersten Schlacht bei Plevna. Heraus- gegeben von der Kaiserlich Russischen. Kriegsgeschichtlichen Kommission der Hauptstabes. Deutsche Autorisirte Bearbeitung von Krahmer, General- major z. L). Bvo., with I vol. of maps. Berlin, 1906. Newspaper Cuttings. Folio. War Correspondence in the " Daily News." 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Der Russisch-Turkische Krieg 1877 bis 1878. Auf Grundlage der veroifent- lichten Officiellen Russischen Rapporte dargestellt von Christian von Sarauw. 8vo. Leipsic, 1878. La Guerre D'Orient en 1877-8. Ouvrage redige sur les Documents Officiels. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1879-85. Die Occupation Bosniens und Herze- govina durch K. K. Truppen im Jahre, 1878. Mit Karten und Planen. Pub- lished by the Historical Section of the Austrian General Staff. 8vo. Vienna, 187S. Herat : with reference to the British Occupation of Kabul and Kandahar, 1879. Folio. Lond. 1879. The Anglo-Afghan War, 1878-9. Sections 1-3. Folio. Lond. 1878-9. Ditto, ditto, 1879-80. Sections 1-5. Folio. Lond. 1880-1. The Afghan Campaigns of 1878- 1880. Compiled from olticial and other sources by Sydney H. Shadbolt. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1882. Narrative of the Field Operations connected with the Zulu War of 1879. With case of maps. 8vo. (Intel. Branch, War Office.) Lond. 1881. The War between Chili and Peru, 1879-81, bj' Lieutenant T. B. M. Mason. Published by the United States Office of Naval Intelligence. 8vo. Washington, 1885. The War in Turkumania: SkobelefiPs Campaign of 1880-81. Translated from the Russian by Lieutenant J. M. Grier- son, R.A., for the Government of India. 4 vols. 8vo. Simla, 1884. CAM 78 CAM Campaigns (c o/i /(/.)— Siege and Assault of Denghil-Tepd. General SkobeletVs Report. Translated from the Russian in the Intelligence Department, War Office. 8vo. Lond. 1 88 1. L'Expedition Militaire en Tunisie, 1881-1882. 8vo. Paris, 1898. Military History of the Campaign in Esj\-pt in 1882. Prepared by the Intelli- gence Branch of the War Office, with maps. 8vo. Lond. 1887, British Naval and Military Operations in Egj-pt, 1882. Naval Intelligence De- partment Reports. Washington, 1885. Arab Warfare : Souakim, 1885. History of the Sudan Campaign, 1884-85. Compiled for the Intelligence Division of the War Office. By Colonel Sir H. E. Colvile, C.B. 2 vols., with maps. 8vo. Lond. 1889. History of the Third Burmese War, 1888-89. Period IV. The Winter Cam- paign of 1888-89, and Subsequent Opera- tions up to December 3, 1889. Compiled under the orders of the Quartermaster- General in India, in the Intelligence Branch. 4to. Simla, 1892. Operations against the Orakzai Tribe on the Miranzai Frontier in 1891. Com- piled in the Intelligence Department in India. F'cap. fol. Simla, 1891. Report of the Chittagong Column, Chin-Lushai Expedition of 1889-90. Compiled in the Intelligence Depart- ment in India. F'cap. fol. Simla, 1893. Capture of Valparaiso in 1891. Reports of the Commander-in-Chief, and Chief of the Stafi" of the Constitu- tional Army. Translated from the " Diario Official" (Intel. Div., War Office.) 8vo. Lond. 1892. Expedition against the Isazai Clans on the Hazara Border in 1892. Com- piled in the Intelligence Department in India. F'cap fol. Simla, 1894. Photographic Albums of the China- Japan War, 1894 : — Part I, Corea and Manchuria ; Part II, the Kinchow Pen- insula ; Part III, Wei-hai-Wei. The China-Japan War, 1894: On the Regent's Sword ; Kinchow, Port Arthur and Talienwan. Compiled from Official and other sources by Jukichi Inouj-e. 8vo. Hong Kong, n.d. The China-Japan War. Surgical and Medical History of the Naval War between Japan and China during 1894- 95. Translated from the original Japan- ese Report, under the direction of Baron Sanej'oshi, Director-General of Medical Department, Imp. Japanese Navy. Demy 4to. Tokio, 1901. Precis of the Ashanti Expedition, 1895-96. Compiled in the Intelligence Division of the War Office (confiden- tial). F'cap. fol. Lond. 1897. Official Account of the Chitral Ex- pedition, 1895. Compiled in the Intelli- gence Department in India. Fcap. fol. Simla, 1898. Campaigns Uonid.)— Chitral Field P'orce, 1895. A series of Views taken by Serg.-Major Develin, R.E. F'cap. fol. Lond. 1895. Report on the Sana-Kachin Expedi- tion, 1895-96. Published by the Govern- ment of India. F'cap fol. Rangoon, 1896. Report on the Kairuma, Naring, and Daidin Columns, Chin Hills, 1895-96. Published by the Government of India. F'cap fol. Rangoon, 1896. Rapport sur I'Expedition de Madagas- car, 1895-96. Bj' Le General Duchesne. 8vo., with case of Maps. Paris, 1897. History of Operations in Northern Arakan and the Yawdwin Chin Hills, 1896-97. Published by the Government of India. F'cap fol. Rangoon, 1897. Soudan, 1896- 1899. 8vo. Lond. 1899. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 42.) Operations of the Mohmand Field Force in 1897. Compiled in the Intelli- gence Department in India. F'cap. fol. .Simla, 1899. The Operations of the Alalakand and Buner Field Forces, 1897-98. Compiled in the Intelligence Department in India. F'cap fol. Simla, 1900. Operations of the Tochi Field Force in 1897-98. Compiled in the Intelligence Department in India. F'cap fol. Simla, 19C0. The Greco-Turkish War of 1897. From official sources by a German .Staff Officer. Translal ed by Frederica Bolton. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1898. The Spanish-American War. Pub- lished by the United States Office of Naval Intelligence. 8vo. 2 vols. Washington, 1898-99. History of the War in South Africa, 1899-92. Com.piled by direction of His Majesty's Government by Major-General Sir F. Maurice, K.C.B., with a Staff of Officers. vols. 8vo. Lond. 1906- The TiDies History of the War in South Africa. Edited b\' W. L. Ameiy. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1906- Boer Version of the Transvaal War, being an English translation of all Dutch Official Telegrams issued at Vrj'heid during the Boer War. 8vo. Lond. 1901. Detailed History of the Railways in the South African War, 1 899-1 902. 2 vols. Foolscap folio. Chatham, 1904. German Official Account of the War in South Africa, October, 1899 to Feb- ruary, 1900. Authorised translation from the German by Colonel W. H. H. Waters, Military Attache at Berlin. Lond. 1904. The German Official Account of the War in South Africa : March, 1900, to September, 1900. Authorised trans- lation by Colonel H. Du Cane, R.A., Military Attache at Solia. 8vo. Lond. 1906. CAM 79 CAN Campaigns {contd.) — The True History of the War, being the Official Despatches from the General Commanding-in-Chief the Forces in South Africa. Parts I., II., III., and IV. Folio. Lond. 1901. Report on the Military Operations in Ashanti, 1900. Compiled by Major H. R. Beddoes. 8vo. Lond. 1901. The Russo-Japanese War. Part I., with Maps. Compiled by the General Staff", War Office. 8vo. Lond. 1906. The Russo-Japanese War. (Official Reports.) Vols. I. and II. Compiled by M. Kinai. (English Translation from Japan Times.) 8vo. Tokyo, 1906. The Russo-Japanese War, fully illustrated 3 vols. Tokyo, 1904-05. History of the Japanese War. Com- piled bj' Cassell and Co. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1904-05-06. Die Schlacht bei Mukden. (Beiheft zum MilHar-Jl'odieiiblait.) 8vo. Berlin, 1905. The Battle of Mukden. Translated from the Milifar-VVochcnblatt by Karl von Donat. 8vo. Lond. 1906. Die Schlacht am Schaho. (Beiheft zum Milit(ir-]]'ochcnblatt.) 8vo. Berlin, 1906. The Battle on the Sha-Ho. Trans- lated from the MilHiir-Wocheiiblatt by Karl von Donat. 8vo. Lond. 1906. Reports of MiHtary Observers attached to the Armies in Manchuria during the Russo-Japanese War. Com- piled in the Office of the Chief of the Staff", War Department, United States. Parts I and II, III, IV and V, and i vol. Maps. 8vo. Washington, 1906. Before Port Arthur in a Destroyer, the Personal Diary of a Japanese Naval Officer. Translated from the Spanish edition by Captain R. Grant, D.S.O. 8vo. Lond. 1907. Official History of the Operations in Somaliland, 1901-04. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1907. (For other Works, see Index.) Campan, Madame. Memoirs of the pri- vate life of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France and Navarre. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824. CamplDell, Lord Archibald. Armada Cannon. F'cap. 4to. Lond. 1899. Campbell, Lieutenant C, R.N. {See Noel.) Campbell, Lieutenant E. S. N. Dic- tionary of Military Science. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Campbell, Captain E. A., and Major R. M. Kelly. Lectures on Position Artillery and Mobilization of Volunteer Artillery in Cases of Apprehended In- vasion. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 57.) Campbell, Colonel F. Letters from Camp during Siege of Sebastopol. 8vo. Lond. 1894. Campbell, Lord George. Log-letters from "The Challenger.'" 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1877. Campbell, Sir George. A handybook on the Eastern Question, being a very recent view of Turkc}'. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Campbell, Dr. John. Naval History of Great Britain, including the history and lives of the British Admirals. 8 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1813. Campbell, Major-General John. Thir- teen j'ears' service amongst the Wild Tribes of Khondistan for the suppression of Human Sacrifice. Bvo. Lond. 1864. Campbell, J. G. D. Siam in the Twen- tieth Centurj'. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Campbell, Captain J. R. Range Finding for the Service of Ar- tillery', with a description of Campbell's Range Indicator. Lond. 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 19.) Ditto, ditto. (Second Copy.) (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 28.) Campbell, Colonel Neil. Instructions for Light Infantry and Riflemen. i2mo. Lond. 1831. „ Major-General Sir Neil. Napoleon at Fountainbleau and Elba ; being a journal of occurrences in 1814-5. With a memoir of General Campbell by A. N. Campbell- Maclachlan. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Campbell, Thomas. Strictures on the ecclesiastical and literarj- History- of Ireland. 8vo. Dublin, 1789. Poetical works. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Frederick the Great, his court and times. 4 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1842-3. Campbell, Lieut.-Colonel T. Hay. Construction of Iron-clad Ships of War. Madras, i860. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 62 (i).) Iron Shields for Ships of War. Bangalore, 1861. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 62 (i).) Campbell-Hepworth, Commander M. W., C.B., R.N.R. Notes on Maritime Meteorologj-. Bvo. Lond. 1907. Campbell-Maclachlan, A. N. William- Augustus, Duke of Cumberland : a sketch of his military life and character. 8vo. Lond. 1B76. {See also Campbell, Sir Neil.) Camperdown, The Earl of. Admiral Duncan. Bvo. Lond. 1898. Campion, Henri de. Extrait des Me- moirs. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. 50.) Camprano, Dr. M. "V^ersuch einer Mili- tar-Psychologie. Translated from the French by Captain Ion Strisca, Roumanian Armj'. Bvo. Bucharest, 1904. Canada. Histoire du Montreal, 1640 - 1672. Manuscript de Paris. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 8.) CAN 80 CAP Canada {con/d.)— RccLieil dc ce qui s'est passe en Canada au sujet de la guerre, taut des Anglais que des Iroquois, depuis I'annee 1682. Quebec, n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 14). Account of the expedition against Quebec in 1759. Quebec, 1872. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 14.) The life of a Backwoodsman. Lend. 1843. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 85.) Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatorj^ at Toronto ; under the superintendence of Major-General Edward Sabine. Vols, i-iii (1840-48). 4to. Lond. 1845-57. Conquest of Canada : by the author of " Hochelaga." 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1850. Canada : outline of her Geographical Position, Productions, &c. Toronto, 1857. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 85.) Canada Gazette, directing the raising of the looth Regiment. Folio. Toronto, 1858. Report on the exploration of the coun- trj^ between Lake Superior and the Red River Settlement. 8vo, with map in case. Toronto, 1858. Thoughts on Defence, from a Canadian point of view. Montreal, 1870. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 14.) From Toronto to Fort Garry. Account of the second expedition to Red River. Hamilton, 1872. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 25.) Public Accounts of the Dominion of Canada, 1871, 1872, and 1874. 8vo. Ottau-a, 1872-5. Report of the Department of Marine and Fisheries, 1 871-5. 8vo. Ottawa, 1872-6. Militia Reports, 187 1-9, and 1884 to . 8vo. Ottawa. Report of the Indian Branch of the Department of the Secretary' of State for the Provinces. Ottawa, 1872. Report on the causes of the difficulties in the North-West Territory' in 1869-71. 8vo. Ottawa, 1874. (Pamphlets. 3rd series, vol. 8.) Canadian Pacific Railway. Report of progress on the Explorations and Sur- veys. 8vo, with case of maps. Ottawa, 1874. Historical Record of the Governor- Generals Body Guard, and its standing orders. By Captain F. C. Denison. 8vo. Toronto, 1876. Geological and Natural History Survey. Annual Reports, with maps, 1879 to date. 8vo. Montreal, 1881- . Royal Society of Canada. Proceed- ings and Transactions. Vol. i to date. 4to. Montreal, 1883- . Regulations for the Schools of Military Instruction for the Active Militia of the Dominion of Canada. i2mo. Kingston, 1884. Canada {coft/d.)~ Militia List of the Dominion of Canada. i2mo. Ottawa, 1886. Ditto, ditto. l2mo. Ottawa, 1888. Geological and Natural History Survey. Contributions to Canadian Palaeontology. Vol. I. Part 2. 8vo. Montreal, 1889. Militia of Canada. Toronto, 1892. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 57.) Proceedings of the Society of Civil Engineers for 1896-97. Annual Reports for 1897, 1898, 1899. Ottawa, Cavalry Training, Canada. 1904. Official. i2ino. Ottawa, 1904. Report of the Royal North-West Mounted Police, 1904. ' 8vo. Ottawa, 1905. (For other Works, see Index). Candia. List of all the Forces sent upon the Expedition for the Relief of Candia, 1669. Lond. 1669. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. i.) Chandler, E. The Unveiling of Lhasa. 8vo. Lond. 1905. Candolle, Aug. Pyramus de. Prodomus, Sj-steniatis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis. II vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824-47. Canivell, Don Francisco. Tratado de Vendages y Apositos para el uso de los reales colegios de Cirugia. 2nd edition. 8vo. Madrid, 1706. Canning, The Rt. Hon. George. The Grand Vizier unmasked, or remarks on the supposed claims of Mr. Canning to Public Confidence. 2nd edition. Lond. 1827. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 3.) Cannon, John. History of Grant's Cam- paign for the capture of Richmond (1864-5), with an outline of the previous course of the American Civil War. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Canrobert. {See Bapst.) Canski, Joseph. Tableau statisque, politique et moral du Systeme Militairj de la Russie. 8vo. Paris, 1833. Canuel, Le Lient.-General S.. ^Nlemoires sur la Guerre de la Vendee, en 1815. 8vo. Paris, 1 817. Capadose, Lient.-Colonel H. Sixteen Years in the West Indies. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Cape of Good Hope. Zenith Distances observed with the Mural Circle and calculation of Geocentric South Polar Distances. 4to. n.p., 1836. Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory', under the superintendence of Lieut. -Colonel Edward Sabine. Vol. i (1841-46). 4to. Lond. 1 851. Catalogue of 4,810 stars for the epoch 1850. 8vo. Cape Town, n.d. CAP CAR Cape of Good Hope {conid.)~— Results of Astronomical Observations made in the year 1856. 8vo. Cape Town, 1871. Results of Astronomical Observations during the j'ear 1874. 8vo. Cape Town, 1S77. Results of Meridian Observations made during the years 1879, 1880, and 1881. 8vo. Cape Town, n.d. Results of Meridian Observations. 1882 1882 to Feb. 8th, 1888. 8vo. Cape Town, 1888. (For other Works, see Index). Capefigue, M. B. Operations de I'Armee Frangaise en Espagne sous les Ordres de S. A. R. le Due d'Angouleme. 8vo. Paris, 1823. Madame la Marquise de Pompadour. 121T10. Paris, 1858. Capem, David. Principal events in con- nexion with the Volunteer Force, from 1859 to the present time. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 25.) Capper, H. South Australia : extracts from the official dispatches of Colonel Light, and from letters of settlers. i2mo. Lond. 1837. Capper, James. Observations on the Winds and Monsoons. 4to. Lond. 1801. (Radstock Collection.) Capper, John. The Three Presidencies of India : a history of the rise and progress of the British Indian Possessions. 8vo. Lond. 1853. Capra, Alessandro. Nuova Architettura civile e militare. 2 vols, in one. 4to. Cremona, 1717. Caqueray, G-. de. {See Loir.) Carandini, Lance - Corporal F., 16th (Queen's) Lancers. Cavalry Memo- randa. 121110. Bangalore, 1874. Carhuccia, Le General J. L. L'Arme'e d'Algerie : Du Dromodaire comme Bete de Somme et comme Animal de Guerre. 8vo. Paris, 1853. Carbntt, Edward H. Ordnance : Ad- dress as President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Lond. 1887. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 44.) Cardigan, Lieut. -General the Earl of. The Cavalry Brigade Movements, sm. 4to. Lond. 1861. Cardinal von Widdern, Lieut.-Colonel G. Die Russisschen Kavallerie-Divisionen. Armee-Operationen in Balkan-Feldzug, 1877-8. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. Berlin, 1878. Manuel de la Conduite des Troupes et de la redaction des ordres. Translated by E. Libbrecht and F. Cravatte. 3 vols, in two. 8vo. Brussels, 1880-1. L'Infanterie au Combat et la petite guerre. Translated by Captain Boillot. 8vo. Neuchatel, 1889. Cardinal von Widdern, Lieut.-Colonel G. {contd.) — Handbuch fiir Truppenfiihrung und Stabsdienst. 8vo. Gera, 1884-5. Das XVI Armee-Korps und die 7 Kavallerie-Division wahrend ihrer selb- standigen operationen im Mosel-Feldzug bei Metz. 8vo. Gera, 1886. Das Gefecht an Flussiibergangen und der Kampf an Flusslinien. 8vo. Berlin, 1850. Heeresbewegungen und Marsche tak- tische und kriegsgeschichtliche Studien (being the 4th edit, of ist part of the "Handbuch fiir Truppenfiihrung und Stabsdienst"). 2 vols, 8vo. Liepzig, 1892. Deutsch-franzciischer Krieg, 1870-71. Der Krieg an den riickwartigen Verbin- dungen der deutschen Heere und der Etappendienst. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1893. Kiistenschutz und Unternehmungen gegen denselben an der Schleswig- Holsteinisch-Jiitischen Nord und Ostsee- kiiste im Feldzug, 1864. 8vo. Berlin, 1906. Cardonnel, Adam de. Numismata Scotise, or a series of the Scottish Coinage. 4to. Edinburgh, 1786. Carew, Sir George. {See National Defence. Carey, W. H. The Mahomedan Re- bellion. 8vo. Roorkee, 1857. Carles, W. R. Life in Corea. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Carleton, Captain George. Memoirs, including anecdotes of the War in Spain under the Earl of Peterborough. 4th edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1809. Carli, Denis de. Voyage to Congo. {See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 16.) Carlisle, N. Account of the several Foreign Orders of Knighthood and other marks of honorable distinction. 8vo. Lond. 1839. Carlyle, Thomas. On Heroes, Hero Worship, and the Heroic in History. 8vo. Lond. 1840. French Revolution. 3rd edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1848, History of Frederick II of Prucsia, called Frederick the Great. 6 vols. 8%'o. Lond. 1858-65. (See also Cromwell.) Carmichael-Smyth, Sir James. {See Smyth.) Carnarvon, The Earl of. The Cape in 1888. Lond. 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 45.) The Defence of the Empire. Edited by Lieut.-Colonel Sir G. Clarke, R.E. 8vo. Lond. 1897. Came, Louis de. Travels in Indo- china and the Chinese Empire. 8vo. Lond. 1872. CAR CAS Carnot, L. N. M. Defense des IMaccs F'ortes. 2nd edi- tion. 8vo. Paris, 1811. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. 8vo. Paris, 1812. Treatise on the Defence of Fortified Places. Translated bj' Lieut. -Colonel Baron de Montalembcrt. 8vo. Lond. 1814. Caro, Georg. Cenua und die Machte am Mittelnieer. i2^7-ic!ii. 2 vols. 8vo. Halle, 1895. Carpenter, Captain E. J., R.N. Docu- ments relatins: to the invention of the '• Screw Propeller." Lond. 1855. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, voL 63 (2). Carpenter, "William B. Manual of Physiology, including Physio- logical Anatomy. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Principles of Human Physiology. Edited by Heniy Power. 7th edition. Svo. Lond. 1869. Inquiries on Oceanic Circulation. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. ^}.) Carpne, J. C. History of the high opera- tion for the Stone by incision above the Pubis. 8vo. Lond. 1819. Carr, Francis Culling. Handbook of the Administrations of Great Britain, 1801-69. Svo. Lond. 1869. Carr, Jolin, A northern summer or travels round ihe Baltic. 410. Lond. 1805. Cartan, Major. Declaration of War. The Regulations ei^ecting Ncr; -Com- missioned Officers' and Soldiers' Wives. Lond. 1854. (Pamphlets, 2nd scries, vol. 42 (i).) Carte, Thos. The Life of James, Duke ofOrmond. 6 vols. Svo. Oxford, 1851. Carter, Colonel F. C. The Training and Use of Scouts. Lond. 1904. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 69.) Carter, H. S. Geological papers on Western India, including Cutch, Sinde, and the South-East Coast of Arabia. 8vo. Bombay, 1857. Carter, Lient.-Colonel J. Money. In- fantry Equipmcr.t. Lond. 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 79.) Carter, Thomas. Curiosities of War and Military Studies. i2mo. Lond. i860. Medals of the British Army. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1861. Carter, T. F. A narrative of the Boer War. New edition. 8\o. Lond. 1896. Carter, Lieutenant William. The Disbanded Subaltern : a poem. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 9.) Carter, Captain W. H., 6th Cavalry, I'.S.A. Horses, .Saddles, and Bridles. Crown 8\o. Kansas, 1895. Carthagena. Journal of the Expedition to Cathagena- Svo. Lond. 1744. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 22.) Authentic Papers relating to the Ex- pedition against Cathagena. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1744. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, 1739-44.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Original Papers relating to the Ex- pedition against Carthagena. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1744. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, 1739-44.,' (For other Works, sec Index.) Cartwright, F. D. Life and correspon- dence of Major John Cartwright. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1826. Cartwright, John. England's ^gis, or the military energies ot the Empire. Svo. Lond. 1804. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. Vol. IL Svo. Lond. 1806. Cary. Names and situations of the Con- stellations and the principal Stars therein. Svo. Lond. 1837. Cary, Henry. Memorials of the great Civil War^ in England, 1646-52. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1842. Cary, John, New Itinerary, or delinea- tion of the great Roads throughout England and Wales ; with many of the principal roads in Scotland, nth edition. Svo. Lond. 1S2S. Casey, Brig.-General Silas. Infantrj- Tactics. 3 vt)ls. i2mo. New York, 1S62-3. Casgrain, P.-B. La Vie de Joseph- Francois Penault. Crown Svo. Quebec, 189S. Caspersonn, Dr. S. E. Arithmology, or theoiy of common Arithmetic proved without Algebra. i2mo. Lond. 1S44. Casserly, Captain G. The Land of the Boxers. Svo. Lond. 1903. Cassini, J. D. Voyage pour eprou\er les Montrcs Marines. 4to. Paris, 1770. Cassini de Thury, Cesar-Frangois. La Meridienne de I'Observatoire Roj-al de Paris, verifiee dans toute I'etendue du Ro3'aume. 410. Paris, 1744. Castellane, Le Marechal de. Journal 1804-62. 4 vols. Svo. Paris, 1896-97. Campagnes de Crimee, d'ltalie, d'Afri- que, de Chine et de Syrie, 1849-62. Svo. Paris, 1898. Castellani. \^ers le Nil Francais avec la Mission March.and, S.-o. Paris, 1898. CAS CAT Castelliis, Gabriel Lancilottus. Sicili;i; Populorum et Urbium Regum quoque et tyrannorum veteres nummos. Saracenorum epocham antecedentes. Folio. Palermo, 1781. Ad Siciliiis Populorum, etc. Folio. Palermo, 1789. Castle, Egerton. Schools and Masters of Fence, from the Middle Ages to the Eighteenth Centura. 410. Lond. 1885. Castner, Julius. Militar-Lexikon. 8vo. Leipsic, 1882. Catalogues, Anatomy, Surgery, &c. Catalogue of the INIuseum attached to liie class of Military Surgery at Edinburgh University. Edinburgh, 1855. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 69.) Catalogue of articles contained in the Museum of Military Surgery attached to the Army Medical School at Netlej'. Lond. 1867. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 73.) „ Antiquities. Catalogo de una collection de Antegiiedades Mejicanas, que ecsiste en podor de Don Juan Weth- erell. 8vo. n.p. [1844]. „ Armour, Arms, Artillery, &c. Catalogue des collections dont se com- pose le Musee de TArtillerie. Par. F. de Saulcy. i2mo. Paris, 1854. Catalogo de la Real Armeria. 8vo. Madrid, 1854. Catalogue of Ancient Armour at St. Petersburg (in Russian). 8vo. St. Petersburg, i860. Catalogue des collections composant le Musee d'Artillerie ; par O. P. L'Haridon. 8vo. Paris, 1862. Catalogue (sale) of collection of Arms, Implements of War, Husbandry', &c., procured during Expeditions up the White Nile, &c. Lond. 1862. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 61 (2).) Catalogue des collections composant le Musee Roj-al d'Antiquites d'Armuies et d'Artillerie (Bruxelles). Precede d'une notice historique, par Theodore Juste. 2nd edition. 8vo. Brussels, 1867. „ Art. Beschreibung der Glyptothek Sr. Majestat des Konigs Ludwig I von Bayern. By Leo von Klenze Ludwig Schorn. i2mo. Munich, 1830. Descriptive Catalogue of the Portraits in the possession of the Roj-al Society : byC. R. Weld. Lond. i860. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 89.) Catalogues of the Pictures, Busts, &c., in the National Portrait Gallery : bj- George Scharf. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Descriptive Catalogue of the Portraits of Naval Commanders, in the Painted Hall of Greenwich HospitaL Bvo. Lond. 1881. Official Catalogue of the Royal United Service Museum, Whitehall. Compiled by Colonel A. Leetham and B. E. Sargeaunt. Crown Bvo. Lond. 1907. Catalogues, Books, Manuscripcs, &c. Catalogue of Pilots, Charts, and Books of navigation and commerce, on sale by P. Steel. Lond. 1810. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 2.) Catalogue of the Chinese Library of the Roj-al Asiatic Societj^ ; bj- the Rev. S. Kidd. Lond. 1838. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 12.) General Catalogue of Law Books, by Henrj' Butterworth. i2mo. Lond. 1843. List of some of the Early Printed Books in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth ; by the Rev. S. R. Maitland. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Catalogus der Bibliotheek van het Ministerie van Oorlog. 8vo. Hague, 1864. Bertrand, Librairie maritime et scien- tifique. Paris, 1865. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 66.) King, Catalogue of important Reports, Evidence, and Papers, printed bj' order of the Houses of Lords and Commons. Lond. 1865. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 69.) Tanera. Catalogue (sale) des Livres de Fonds. Paris, 1865. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 72.) Catalogue of Books in the Library of the Anthropological Society of London. Lond. 1866. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 73.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Autograph Letters and Documents, prin- cipally relating to Lord Nelson and Lady Hamilton. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 69.) Asher & Co., Catalogue of Books. n.p., 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 83.) Catalogue of Tourists' Books and Maps, selected from the stock of Edward Stan- ford. Lond. 1870. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 26.) Die Literarischen Erscheinungen, 1865-9, auf dem Gebiete der Kriegs- wissenschaft und Pferdekunde. Leipsig, 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 79.) The Canon Riego's Catalogue (sale) of Books. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 18.) Dumaine, Catalogue de la Libraire Militaire. Paris, 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 80.) Mittler, \'erzeichnitz Militairischer Werke, 1816-1869. Berlin, 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 83.) Baldamus, Die Literarischen Erschein- ungen des Deutsch-FranzOsi'schen Kriegs, 1870. Leipsic, 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 82.) Catalogue of Naval and Military Books published or sold \>y Edward Stanford. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 94.) F 2 CAT 84 CAT Catalogues, Books, Manuscripts, &c. {contd.) — King, Parliamentary Papers respecting the Ariny, Ordnance, National Defence, &c. Lond. 1 87 1. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 89.) Catalogue of Works on Cavalry, com- piled by Lieut. G. H. Elliott. 8vo. Allahabad, 1876. (Bound with Elliott's Armament of Cavalry.) Hinrichs' Fiinfjahriger Biicher-Catalog. Edited by Richard Haiipt. Vol. 5. 1871-5. 4to. Leipzig, 1876. Ditto, ditto. Vol. 6. 1876-80. 4to. Leipzig-, 1 881. Katalog der Bibliothek des Koniglich Preussischen grossen Generalstabes. 4to. " Berlin, 1878. Catalogues of the Radstock Collection. Folio. "P-, iid. Guerre Franco - Allemande (i 870-1), Bibliographie de la ; et de la Commune de 1871. By A. Schulz. 8vo. Paris, 1886. Catalogue of the Books, Maps, and Plans in the Military Library of H.R.H. the Prince Consort, Aldershot. 8vo. Lond. 1895. Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Geographical Society. Lond. 1895. Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of Autograph Letters and Documents princi- pally relating to Lord Nelson and Lady Hamilton, the property of Mrs. L. F. Holding. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 69.) Catalogue of the War Office Library. Part I. 8vo. Lond. 1906. „ Maps, &c. Admiralty Catalogue of Charts, Plans, and Sailing Directions, up to date. 8vc. War Office Catalogue of Maps. Vol. I. The World and Europe. ,, 2. Asia. ,, 3. Africa. ,, 4. America, West Indies, and Oceania. Folio. Lond. 1880. „ Natural History. Hortus Cantabrigiensis ; or, a Cata- logue of Plants, indigenous and exotic : by James Donn. 8vo. Cambridge, 1812. Index Testaceologicus, or a catalogue of Shells, Brit'sh and Foreign, by W. Wood. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1828. Catalogue of Hemiptera in the collec- tion of the Rev. F. \V. Hope. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Catalogue of the Minerals, United Service Museum. Lond. 1837. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 17.) Catalogue of Mamrcalia and Birds in the Museum of the Army Medical Depart- ment. Chatham, 1838. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 12.) „ Numismatics. Catalogue of a Cabinet of Roman Imperial Large-Brass Models : by W. H. Smyth. 4to. Bedford, 1834. Catalogues, Numismatics {co?itd.)— Descriptive Catalogue of rare and unedited Roman Coins : by J. Y. Akerman. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834. Catalogue de 1601 Medailles Antiques Romaines : chez J. L. E. Curt. 4to. Turin, 1838. Catalogue d'une partie de la Collection de Medailles du Chevalier de Horta : par John Yonge Akerman. 8vo. Lond. 1839. Catalogue of Roman Silver Coins, in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. 8vo. Dublin, 1839. Catalogue Numismatic of a Sale, &c., by Maximilian Boveil, 1841. Catalogue of Roman Coins collected by the late Rev. T. Kerrick. Lond. 1852. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 26.) Descriptive Catalogue of the London Traders, Tavern, and Coffee - House Tokens, current in the 17th Century ; presented to the Corporation Library by H. B. H. Beaufoy : by J. H. Burn. 8vo. Lond. 1853. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1855. Catalogue of a Cabmet of Roman Family Coins belonging to the Duke of Northumberland : by Rear - Admiral W. H. Smyth. 4to. Lond. 1856. Medals, Clasps, and Crosses in the collection of J. W. Fleming. 4to. n.p., 1871. Catalogue of British War Medals, Badges, &c., by Colonel J. Lawson Whalley. 4to. Lancaster, 1875. Ditto ditto 4tO. Lancaster, 1877. Catalogue of British War Medals, Crosses, &c., in the collection of Lieut. - Colonel Murray of Polmaise. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Catalogue of British, Hanoverian and other Waterloo Medals in the collection of Henry Gaskell, with Notes on tlie Last Survivors by N. Kynaston Gaskell. By Henry Gaskell. 8vo. Lond. 1905. (See also Museums.) Cataneo, Grirolamo. Tavole Brevissime per sapere con prestezza quante file vanno a formare una guitissima battaglia. 4to. Brescia, 1567. Avertimenti et Essamini intorno a quelle coseche richiedea un Bombardiero. 4to. Bescia, 1567. (Bound with " Tavole Brevissime.") Libro nuovo di Fortificare, ofifendere et difendere. 4to. Brescia, 1567. (Bound with "Tavole Brevissime.") Nuovo Ragionamento del Fabricare le Fortezze. 4to. Brescia, 1571. Ditto, ditto. 2nd copy. (Bound with "Tavole Brevissime.") Modo di fomare con prestezza la Moderne Battagliedi Picche, Archibugieri, et Cavalleria. 4to. Brescia, 1571. (Bound with "Tavole Brevissime.") Ditto, ditto. 2nd copy. (Bound with " Nuovo Ragionamento.") Del Misurare le Muraglie, e altre cose necessaire a gli Agrimensori. 4to. Brescia, 1572. (Bound with " Nuovo Ragionamento.") CAT 85 CAV Cathcart, Lieut.-General The Hon. Sir George. Commentaries on the War in Russia and Germany in 1812 and 1813. 8vo. Lond. 1850. Correspondence relative to his miHtary operations in KaftVaria. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1857. Cathcart, John. Letter to Vice-Admiral the Hon. E. Vernon concerning some gross misre- presentations in a pamphlet relating to the Expedition to the Island of Cuba. Lond. 1794. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 12.) Ditto, ditto. 2nd copy. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Ditto, ditto. 3rd copy. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 22.) England's ^gis, or the Mihtary Energies of the Empire. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1807. Ditto, ditto. 2nd copy. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 22.) Catlin, George. Manners, customs, and conditions of North American Indians. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1841. Cattermole, The Rev. Richard. Civil War of the time of Charles I and Cromwell. 4to. Lond. 1866. Caulaincourt, Eugene von. Das Russi- sche Reich. Crown 8vo. Leipsic, 1854. Gaunter, Major J. E. The Campaign of the Free State and its Lessons. Aldershot, 1900. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 66). Cautley, Colonel Sir Proby T. Report on the Ganges Canal Works. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. i860. Atlas of Plates to ditto. Folio. Cavalli, Jean. Theorie de la Resistance statique et dynamique des Solides. Paris, 1863. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 6.) Recherche dans I'etat actuel de 1' Indus- trie Metallurgique de la plus puissante Artillerie et du plus formidable Navire Cuirasse. 4to. Turin, i866. Cavalry. Militarie Instructions for the Cavallrie : or rules and directions for the service of horse. Folio. Cambridge, 1632. Les Fonctions du Captaine de Cavalerie et les principales de ses officiers Sub- alternes. i2mo. Paris, 1669. Nouveau Guide des Sous-Officiers des Troupes a Cheval de la Garde et de la Eigne. i2mo. Paris, 1825. Ueber die Kavallei-ie. Berlin, 1829. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 37 (i).) Etude sur les Cavalerie Etrangeres. Cavalerie Anglaise. Svo. Paris, 1862. Notes on Cavalry tactics, organisation, &c. Svo. Lond. 1S78. Cavalry {contd.) — A travers la Cavalerie. Organisation, mobilisation, instruction, administration, remontes, tactique. Svo. Paris, 1886. Cavalry in Modern War. (From the " Revue des Deux Mondes.") Translated by Colonel C. W. Bowdler Bell. Svo. Lond. 1890. The Cavalry Manoeuvres in Italy and France. Prepared in the Intel. Div., War Office. Lond. 1891. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 55.) La Cavalerie en avant des Armee par un Officier Superieur de Cavalerie. Svo. Paris, 1893. Cavalry Studies from Two Great Wars. Svo. Kansas City and Lond. 1S96. Comprising : 1. The French Cavalry in 1870. By Lieut. -Colonel Bonie. 2. The German Cavalry in the Battle Vionville— Mars-la-Tour. By Major Haekler. 3. The Operations of the Cavalry in the Gettysburg Campaign. By Lieut. - Colonel G. B. Davis. Miscellaneous Pamphlets on the Native Cavalry of India. Svo. n.p., n.d. Cavalry and its Princioal Arm. By "Eques." Lond. 1903. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 68.) Die Zukunft der Kavallerie. Svo. Vienna, 1907. (For other Works, see Index.) Cavalry, Essays on, by different writers, translated into French. Vol. I. La Division de Cavalerie dans la Bataille, par le Capitaine E. Thomann. 1885. La Cavalerie aux Manoeuvres des 4^ et 17' Corps, par Ubiez. 1885. La Cavalerie Legere, par le Colonel Baron M. Daru. 1873. Les Dragons, par le Baron F. de Reif- fenberg. 1866. Vol. 2. Service de la Cavalerie en Cam- pagne, par le Colonel L. Augej'- Dufresse. 1875. A Propos d'une Nouvelle Tactique des Batteries de Cavalerie, par le Major P. Durand. 1887. Du Cheval d'Artillerie dans les Divi- sions de Cavalerie Independantes, par le Lieut. P. G. Aubineau. 1S87. L' Artillerie h, Cheval en Union avec la Cavalerie Independante, par le Major C. de Job. 1882. L'Artillerie a Cheval dans la Divi- sion de Cavalerie, par le Major P. Durand. 1886. Manoeuvres et Tir des Batteries a Cheval attachees aux Division de Cavalerie, par le Capitaine de Barberin. 1882. Le Combat, from La Revue de Cava- leiie. '887- CAV 86 CAV Cavalry, Essays on, &c. {con/,/.)— Les Grandes Manoeuvres de Cava- leriede 1879. Encore quelques Mots sur la Cava- lerie Allemande en 1870, from La Rcvite dc Cavalcrie. 1887. Vol. 3. Le Combat de la Cavalerie Contre riiifanterie, par im Officicr d'lnfanterie. 1889. LaCavalerie pour la Guerre Moderne. Anon. 1890. Tactique de I'Artillerie a Cheval dans le Combat de Cavalerie contre Cava- lerie, par A. T. 1886. Examen Critique de la Direction actuellement donnee aux Operations de la Cava'.erie. Anon. 1881. Aux Revolution dans la Tactique de la Cavalerie, par un Cavalier. 1890. Reflexions sur la Tactique Actuelle tie la Cavalerie, par B. de G. 1895. A Travers la Tactique de la Cava- lerie a propos de la Tactique de Deci- sion, par D'll. 1885. La Cavalerie aux Manoeuvres du Camp de Chalons en 1888, par un Officier de Cavalerie. 1889. Role des Divisions de Cavalerie AUemandes du 8 Aout au i"" .Septem- bre, 1870, par un Officier de Cavalerie. 1894. Vol. 4. L'Artillerie a Cheval dans les Com- bats de Cavalerie — Opinion d"un Officier de I'Artillerie Prussiennes, translated from German by General Baron R. de Petersdorf. 1S40. Tactique de I'Artillerie a Cheval, dans ses Rapports avec les grandes masses de Cavalerie, par le General Monhaupt, translated from the German by General Baron de Petersdorf. 1840. L'Artillerie a Cheval et la Cavalerie, par le Major Schlieben. 1875. La Patrouille d'Officier et le Role Strateg:ique de la Cavalerie, par le Capi- taine G. V. Kleist, translated from the German by Capt. A. D'Assailly. 1889. Du Passage de Cours d'Eau par la Cavalerie, par le Lieut. H. von Hart- mann. Translated from the German. 1892. Vol. 5. La Cavalerie Moderne, par le Colonel Moreno. Translated by E. T. 1865. L'Artillerie a Cheval dans le Combat de Cavalerie, par le Major H. Ducasse. 1894. La Cavalerie des Armees Frangaise et Etrangeres en Route, en Cantonne- ment, au Bivouac, et en Garrison, par E. Aureggio. 1891. L'Etude sur I'Emploi de la Cavalerie en Campagne. Anon. 1879. Emploi de la Cavalerie en Campagne, par le Lieut.-Colonel Thomas. 1878. De la Cavalerie, par le Colonel G. de Pim.odan. 1856. Cavalry, Essays on, &c. {con/d.)~ Le Combat a Pied de la Cavalerie au Mozen Age, parM. de la Chauvelays. 1885. Etudes sur la Cavalerie, par H. Martin. 1887. Vol. 6. La Nouvelle Tactique de Lignes de la Cavalerie Allemande, par le Lieut.- Colonel Baron C. Greindl. 1886. Du Role Strategiques de la Cavalerie, par A. A. 1892. Notre Cavalerie, par le Capitaine Chatterbox. 1893. Service Strategique de la Cavalerie, par le Capitaine L. Libbrecht. 1880. Vol. 7. Etude sur la Tactique et les Procedes de Manoeuvre de la Cavalerie a Propos du dernier Reglement Beige, par le Capitaine J. Leuss. 1884. Sur I'Organisation de la Cavalerie, par le General Preval. 1842. Notes sur la Cavalerie, par le Lieut.- Colonel A. Guerin. 1871. La Cavalerie, par le Capitaine Riva. 1874. Vol. 8. Du Role et de I'Emploi de la Cavalerie aux diflerentes Epoques, par le Lieutenant A. Lefebvre. 1872. La Cavalerie et son Armement depuis la Guerre de 1870, par le Capitaine Baron A. Labure. 1873. Etude sur I'Emploi des Corps de Cavalerie au Service de Surete des Armees, par le Major A. Fischer. 1872. Coup d'Qiil sur I'Entrainement, les Manoeuvres et TEmploi de la Cavalerie, par le Lieut.-Colonel H. Happich. 1884. Etude sur la Tactique de la Cavalerie, par le Capitaine A. Formanoir. 1872. De la Pour suite, par le Capitaine Fauvart-Bastoid. i8go. La Cavalerie de Reserve sur le Champ de Bataille, translated from the Italian by Sub-Lieutenant Foueriere. 1872. Vol. 9. Esquisses Historiques sur la Cavalcrie, chez les Peuples Anciens et Modernes, par le Capitaine T. Pasquier. 1875. La Cavalerie dans la Guerre Moderne, p.-ir A. A. 1890. Questions d'Organisation sur la Cavalerie, par le Capitaine Hocquet. 1873. Vol. 10. La Cavalerie au Combat dans les Guerres de I'Avenir, par P. S. 1899. La Cavalerie en Avant des Armees, parle Lieut.-Colonel J. de Chabot. 1900. La Cavalerie des 1'°'' et IP Armees AUemandes dans les Journees du 7 au 15 Aoiit 1870, par le Lieut. -General von Pelit-Narbonne. Translated from the German by Lieut.-Colonel P. Silvestre. 1900. CAV 87 CHA Cavalry, Essays on, &c. {co/ifd.) — Vol. II. Instruction des Cadres de I'Escadron, bj' un Officiers de Cavalerie. 1900. Service d'Exploration et Service de Surete, par le Major Picard. 1900. L'Espril, la Lettre, et I'Evolution des Idees d'un Reglement de Cavalerie, par A. A. 1901. Les Corps de Cavalerie. Etude sur I'Emploi de la Cavalerie en (irandes Masses. Par P.S. 1902. Cave, H. W. The Ruined Cities of Ceylon. 4to. Loud. 1897. Cave, Captain, L. T. The French in Africa. 8vo. Lond. 1859. Cave, Colonel T. Sturmy. The Operations of rhe Third German Army from 4th to 6th August, 1870. 8vo. 1898. Mobilisation for War. Lond. 1900. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 59.) Cave, Colonel T. Sturmy, and Captain L. Tebbut. The British Army and the business of War. Lond. 1896. (Pamphlets, 3rd serie?, 58). Cavelier de Cuverville, Le Lieutenant de vaisseau. Cours de Tir. Etudes sur les Armes Portatives. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1864. „ Le Vice-Amiral. Les Le^on de la Cjuerre — Port Arthur — Tsou-Shim — Ce qu'il faut a la Marine. Crown Bvo. Paris, 1906. Cavenagh, General Sir Orfeur. Rough notes of the state of Nepaul. 8vo. Calcutta, 1851. The Native Army in India. Lond. 1879. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 38.) Reminiscences of an Indian Official. 8vo. Lond. 1884. Cavendish, Captain A. E. J. Korea and the Sacred White Mountain, being a brief account of a journej' in Korea in 1891, with an account of an ascent of the White Mountain. 8vo. Lond. 1894. Cayet, Pierre Victor Palma. Histoire de la Guerre sous le regne du Roy Henrv IV. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vols. 38-43.) Cayley - Webster, H. Through New- Guinea and the Cannibal Countries. Small Royal Bvo. Lond. 1898. Caylus, Madame de. Souvenirs. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. 56.) Cayol, J. A. Manual du Materiel et des Equipages de Campagne des Troupes. 8vo. Paris, 1865. Cecil, Lord Eustace. Speeches on Army Reform by G. O. Trevelyan, examined and considered. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 86). Celsus, Aurelius Cornelius. De Medi- cina, libri octo ; ex fide vetustissimorum librorum recensuit. Edited by Carolus Christian Krause. 8vo. Leipsig, 1766. Cenni, CI. L'Esercito Italiano. Schizzi Militari. Folio. Milan, 1880. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. Vida y Hechos del Ingenioso Cavallero Don Quixote de la Mancha. 2 vols, in one. 4to. Maflrid, 1741. Life and exploits of the ingenious gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1809, Cesnola, General Louis Palma di. Cyprus : its ancient cities, tombs, and temples. 8vo. Lond. 1877. Cevallos, Don Pedro. Exposure of the Arts and Machinations which Jed to the Usurpation of the Crown of Spain, and of the means pursued by Bonaparte to carry his views into effect. Translated and revised bv J- J. Stockdale. Lond. 1808. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 6.) Expose des Moyens employes par I'Empereur Napoleon pour usurper la Couronne d'Espagne. 2nd edition. 8vo. Paris, 1814. (Radstock Collection, ^Military Tracts.) Chabaud- Arnault, Le Capitaine C. Essai Historicjue sur la strategie et la tactique des Flottes Modernes. Paris, 1879. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 40.) Bibliotheque du Marin. Historie des Flottes Militaires. 8vo. Paris, 1889. Chabot, Le Major Jules de. Etudes his- toriques et tactiques de la Cavalerie Allemande pendant la Guerre de 1870-71. 8vo. Paris, 1887. ,, Le Colonel. La Cavalerie en avant des Armees. 8vo. Paris, 1900. La Cavalerie Russe dans la Guerre de 1877-1878. 8vo. Paris, 1900. Chabrol, Le Commandant. Operations Militaires an Tonkin, 1885-95. ^'^O- Paris, 1896. Chad, J. W. Narrative of the late Revolution in Holland. 8vo. Lond. 1814. Chads, Admiral Sir Henry Ducie. Memoir of. i2mo. Portsea, 1869. Chadwick, Edwin. National as against -Standing Armies. Lond. 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 86.) Advantages of smooth and imperme- able Street Surfaces. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 97.) An Imperial Police Force as an avail- able reserve Military Force. Lond. 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 44.) Progress of Sanitation, civil and mili- tary, to the year 1888. Lond. 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 48.) Address on Economy and Trade. n.p., n.(\. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 21.) Chadwick, Captain F. G., U.S.N. Ocean .Steamships. 8vo. Lond. 1890. CHA 88 CHA ChafiFers, W. Hall Marks on gold and silver \i\Mc. 8vo. Loud. 1868. " Challenger " Expedition. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voj'ajje of H.M.S. "ChaUeiij,'er, " 1873-6. Prepared under the superintendence of Sir C. W. Thomson and John Murray. Narrative. 2 vols, in three. 4to. Lond. 1882-5. Chalmers, A. The British Essayists with prefaces, historical and biographical, and an index. 38 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1823. Tatler, 4 vols. Connoisseur, 2 vols. Spectator, 8 ,, Idler, i ,, Guardian, 3 ,, Mirror, 2 ,, Rambler, 3 ,, Lounger, 2 ,, Adventurer, 3 ,, Observer, 3 ,, World, 3 ,, Looker-On, 3 ,, Index, I vol. Chalmers, George, F.R.S.S.A. An Esti- mate of the Comparative Strength of Great Britain and of the Losses of Her Trade from Every War since the Revolution. 8vo. Lond. i8io. Chalmers, James. Armour for ships and forts. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Naval Armour. Lond. 1865. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 62 (ii).) Chalmers, The Rev. T. The Christian Revelation viewed in connection with modern Astronomj'. 8vo. Glasgow, n.d. Chamberet, G. de. De I'lnstitution et de I'Hotel des Invalides. 8vo. Paris, 1854. (Bound in vol. lettered " Des Invalides.") Chamberlayne, John. Magnas Britanniae Notitia : or the present state of Great Britain : with list of all the Offices and Officers emploj'ed bj* Government. 8vo. Lond. 1743. (Radstock Collection.) Chambers, George F. Handbook of Descriptive Astronomy. 3rd edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1877. A digest of the Law relating to Public Libraries and Museums, and Literaiy and Scientific Institutions. 2nd edition. 4to. Lond. 1879. Tourist's Guide to the County of Sussex. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1880. Handbook of descriptive and practical Astronomj'. 4th edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1889-90. Chambers, Robert. History of the Rebellion in Scotland, 174S-6. Crown 8vo. Edinburgh, 1830. Chambray, Le Marechal Marquis de. Des Changemens survenus dan I'Art de la Guerre, 1700-1815. Paris, 1830. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 22.) Prussia m 1833. Organisation of the Army of Prussia and her Civil Institutions. 8vo. Lond. 1834. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 65.) Histoire de I'Expedition de Russie. 3 vols, and i vol. Maps. 8vo. Paris, 1839. '^Euvres du Marquis de Chambray, 3vo. Paris, 1840. Champlouis, Le Capitaine Nau de. Notice sur la Carte de TAfrique sous la dominations des Romains. 410. Paris, 1864. ChampoUion, J. F. Precis du Systeme Hicrogl^-phique des anciens Egj'ptiens. 2nd edition. With plates. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1827. Chandler, Dr. R. Travels in Asia Minor and Greece. 3rd edition. 2 vols in one. 4to. Lond. 1817. Chanzy, Le General. Campagne de 1 870-1. La Deuxieme Armee de la Loire. 4th edition. 8vo. Paris, 1872. Atlas to ditto. Folio. Chapman, F. H. Architectura Navalis Mercartoria. Folio. Stockholm, 1768. Traite de la construction des Vaisseux. Translated by Vial du Clairbois. 4to. Paris, 1781. Method of finding the proper area of the Sails for Ships of the Line. Lond. 1794. (Pamnhlets, 2nd series, voL 34.) Treatise on Shipbuilding. Translated by Rev. J. Inman. 4to. Cambridge, 1820. Chapman, H. C. Brief Review of the Shipping Bills of 1870-1. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 88.) Chapman, Captain, I. J. Remarks upon the ancient City of Anarajapura or Anara- dhepura, and the Hill Temple of Mehen- tele in the Island of Ceylon. Lond. 1833. (4to Pamphlets, vol. i.) Chapman, W. Directions for the Glenan Islands. 4to. Glenan, 1808. (Book of Remarks for the Western Station). Formation of a Harbour at Lake Lothing, and on the means of improving the Navigation from Norwich to Yar- mouth. Lond. 1827. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 5.) Charavay, Etienne. Memoires du Comte de Paroy, 1789- 1797. 8vo. Paris, 1897. Le General Lafayette, 1757- 1834. 8vo. Paris, 1898. Chareton, Le General. Les Cadres et les Eflectifs des Armees active et territoriale 4to. Paris, 1874. Chareton, Le Capitaine V. Les Corps Francs dans la Guerre Moderne ; les Moj-ens a leur opposer. 8vo. Paris, 1901. Charles, H.I.H. The Archduke. Princi- pes de la Strategie, developpes par la relation de la Campagne de 1796. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1818. Atlas of Plates to ditto. Folio. Charles and William, T.I.H. The Arch- dukes. Ausgewahlte Schriften des Erzherzog Karl von Oesterreich. 6 vols., 2 vols, of Plates. 8vo. Wien, 1893-94. CHA 89 CHA Charles XV., King of Sweden and Norway. Considerations sur I'lnfan- terie. 8vo. Stockholm, 11. d. Charles Gustavus, King of Sweden. Plates and plans illustrating his memor- able reign. Folio. n.p., n.d. Charles, George. History of the trans- actions in .Scotland in the years 1715-16 and 1745-46. 2 vols. 8vo. Leith, 18 17. Charlesworth, E. Illustrated Zoological Notices. Lend. 1837. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 17.) Remarks on Gun Accidents and on the safety elevator. Lond. 1859. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 59.) The stone-boring problem. Lond. 1869. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 17.) Charmes, Gabriel. La reforme de la Marine. 8vo. Paris, 1886. Naval Reform. Translated by J. E. Gordon-Cumming. Bvo. Lond. 1887. Charnock, John. Biographia Navalis ; or memoirs of the lives and characters of Officers of the Navy of Great Britain, from the year 1660. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1794-98. Prospectus and specimen of an history of Marine Architecture. Lond. 1796. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 44 (ii).) History of Marine Architecture, 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1800. Charras, Le Lieut.-Colonel. Histoire de la Campagne de 181 5. 2 vols, in one. i2mo. Brussels, 1858. Histoire de la Guerre de 1813 en Alle- magne. 8vo. Leipzig, 1866. Charrier, Captain P. A. Cromwell : The Campaigns of Edge Hill, Marston Moor, Naseby, and of 1648 in the North of England. Imp. 8vo. With Maps. Lond. 1906. Charrin, Le Capitaine. Armes a Feu portatives se chargeant par la culasse. Paris, 1865. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 64.) Notice sur une nouvelle Balle de Cara- bine pour les petites Armes. Paris, 1866. (Pamplets, 2nd series, vol. 67.) De I'emploi d'un Abri improvise ex- peditif et efficace pour proteger le fan- assin contre les balles de I'ennemi. 8vo. Paris, 1869. Chartier, Aime. La 3*= Division de I'Armee d'Orient et le Prince Napoleon. Paris, 1897. Chartres, Robert d'Orleans, Le Due de. Une Visite k quelques Champs de Bataille de la Vallee du Rhin. 8vo. Brussels, 1869. Charveriat, E. Histoire de la Guerre de Trente Ans. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1878. Chase. Narrative of the preservation of Mr. Chase in the Earthquake at Lisbon, 1755. 8vo. Lond. 1833. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Chase, The Hon. J. C. {See Wilmot.). Chasseloup de Laubat. System of Fortification as executed at AUessandria. Lond. 1833. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 9.) Atlas of Plates to ditto. Folio. Chasseur. A Study of the Russo-Jap- anese War. Crown 8vo. Edinburgh, 1905. Chateaubriand, Le Vicomte de. Essay on Revolutions, ancient and modern. 8vo. Lond. 1815. Trav^els in America and Italy. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828. CEuvres de le Vicomte de Chateau- briand. Edition lUustree par T. Fragonard. 4to. Paris, 1838. Chatelain, Le Chevalier. Le Guide des Officiers de Cavalerie. 8vo. Pairs, 1817. Chatfield, Henry. Advantages of observing a Ship's In- clination at sea in connection with stability, gunnery, &c. Lond. 1831. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 9.) New method of constructing Beds and Coins for Naval Guns. Lond. 1832. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 4.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 9.) State of British Naval Construction in 1831. Lond. 1832. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 5.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 9.) Elementary essay on the principle of Masting Ships. 4to. Devonport, 1834. (See also Re id.) Chatham, William Pitt, Earl of. Cor- respondence. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838-40. Chatham Chest. Strictures on the Second Report of the Commissioners of Naval Enquiry, relative to Chatham Chest. Lond. 1804. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 24.) Chatterton, Lady Georgiana. Me- morials, personal and historical, of Admiral Lord Gambler.^. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1861. Chaucer, Geofifry. The Canterbury Tales, with notes, &c. 5 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1775. Chauvenet, W. Manual of spherical and practical Astronomy. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Chauvin, General von. Organisation der Elektrischen Telegraphie in Deutsch- land fiir die Zwecke des Krieges. 8vo. Berlin, 1884. CHA 90 CHE Chavanne, Dr. J. Afghanistan. Land nnd Lcute init riicksicht aiif den Englisch- Ati^lianisclien Krieg. 8vo. Vienna, 1879. Chavanon, Jules, and Georges, Saint- Yves. Joachim Murat, 1767-181 5. 8vo. Paris, 1905. Cheadle, Dr. W. B. {See Milton, Viscount). Chelard, R. Les Armees Fran^aises jugees par les habitants de I'Autriehe, 1707-1800-1809, d'apres des rapports de repoquc. 8v(.). Paris, 1893. Chelmsford, Lord. {See Thesiger.) Chelsea Hospital. Regulations for the establishment and government of the Royal Military Asj'lum. Svo. Chelsea, 18 14. Papers illustrative of the origin and early history of the Royal Hospital at Chelsea. 8vo. Load. 1872. Handbook for visitors to Chelsea Hos- pital. Svo. I.ond. n.d. (For other Works, see Index.) Chemistry, Institute of. Register of Fellows and Associates. Svo. Lond. 1885. Chenevix-Trench, Colonel F. New system of Military Transport. Lond. 1868. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 75.) The Russo-Indian Question. Svo. Lond. 1S69. The "Army Enhstment Bill of 1870," analysed and discussed. Lond. 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 79.) Short Service and deferred pay. Svo. Dublin, 1875. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i.) Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. Lond. 1876. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 38.) Short Service, Indian Service, and the Army Reserve. J-irighton, 1877. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 39.) Questions and answers on advance and rear guards, outpost duties, and scouting. Brighton; 1878. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 36.) Cavalry in Modern War. i2mo. Lond. 1884. Dark side of Short Service. Lond. 1887. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 44.) „ Major-General. The Growing Un- popularity of Mllitaiy Service. L 1891. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 52.) The Growing Unpopularity of Military Service. IL . Svo. 1891. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 53.) The Future Ro/e of the Army Reserve. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 53.) Chenier, L. J. G. de. Manuel des Conseils de Guerre, ou Recueil Alphabetique de Questions de Droit Militaire. Svo. Paris, 1S31. Guide des Tribunaux Militaires ou Legislation Criminelle de I'Armee. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1838. Chemi, Dr. J. C. Rapport au Conseil de .Sante des Armees sur les resultats du Service Medico-Chirurgical aux Aniljulances de Crimee et aux hopitaux militaires fran<;ais en Turquie pendant la Campagne d'Orient en 1854, 1855, 1856. 4to. Paris, 1865. Satistique Medico-Chirurgical de la Campagne d'ltalie en 1859-60, with Atlas. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1869. Mortalite dans I'Armee et des Moyens d'econotniser la vie humain. Svo. Paris, 1870. Aperi^u sur les service des Ambulances et des Hopitaux de la Societe Fran^aise de Secours aux Blesses des Armees de Terre et de Mer, pendant la Guerre de 1870-1. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1874, Cherfils, Le Commandant. Cavalerie en Campagne. Etudes d'Apres la Carte. Svo. " Paris, 1S88. „ Le Colonel. Essai sur I'Emploi de la Cavalerie. .Small Royal Svo. Paris, 1899. Chomel, C. Etude sur I'Entrainement et sur la Preparation de Chevaux a la Guerre. Svo. Paris, 1892. Cherry, F. C. Description of a cart for Hospital Service and Army Transport generally. Svo. Lond. n.d. Chesney, Lient.-Colonel, C. C. Value of Fortresses and Fortified Posi- tions in defensive operations. Lond. 1864. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. yj.) Campaigns in Virginia, Maryland, &c. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1864-5. Tactical use of Fortresses. Lond. 1 868. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 77.) W'aterloo Lectures : a study of the Campaign of 1815. Svo. Lond. 1868. Ditto- ditto. 4th edition. Svo. Lond. 1907. Chinese Gordon : A memoir. Svo. Lond. 1869. Essays in modern Military Biography. Svo. Lond. 1874. Chesney, Lieut.-Colonel C. C, and Henry Reeve. The military resources of Prussia and France and recent changes in the Art of War. Svo. Lond. 1S70. Chesney, General F. R. Steam Navigation along the Euphrates. Folio. Lond. 1S33. Navigation of the Euphrates. Folio. Lond. 1S33. Expedition for the Survey of the Rivers Euphrates and Tigris. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1850. Case of Maps to ditto. Folio. Observations on the past and present state of Fire-arms. Svo. Lond. 1852. Recent Improvements in the construc- tion of tire- arms with an account of experiments with Norton's Projectiles, by Lieut.-Colonel Beamish. Cork, 1852. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 32.) CHE 91 CHO Chesney, General F. E. {co/itd.)— The Russo-Turkish Campaigns of 1828 and '29. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1854. Narrative of the Euphrates Expedition carried on by order of the Britsh Govern- ment, 1835-37. Bvo. Lond. 1868. A true reformer. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1873. Life of: by his Wife and Daughter. Edited by Stanlej- Lane-Poole. Svo. Lond. 1885. {Sec also Andrew, W. P.) Chesney, Lieut.-Colonel G, Amalgamation of the Regiments of Royal and Indian Artillery and Engineers. Lond. 1 861. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 64.) Indian Polity : a view of the system of admini.stration in India. Svo. Lond. 1868. English Genius and Army organisation. Lond. 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 19.) „ (Lieut-General Sir G.) The Army as a Public Department. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 53.) The Confusion worse Confounded at the War Office. 1891. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 63.) How to Reorganise the War Depart- ment. Lond. 1891. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 55.) Memoirs of General Marbot. Edinburgh, 1S92. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 55.) „ (General Sir G.) Indian Polity. 8vo. Lond. 1894. Chesterton, T. The Theory of Physical Edncation. i2mo. Lond. 1895. Chevalier, C. Tours Capitale : La Dele- gation Gouvernementale at I'Occupation Prussienne, 1870-71. Svo. Tours, 1806. Chevalier, Le Capitaine E. Histoire de la Marine Frangaise pen- dant la Guerre de 1" Independance Ameri- caine. Svo. Paris, 1S77. Histoire de la Marine Franqaise sous la Premiere Republique. 8vo. Paris, 1 886. Histoire de la Marine Frangaise sous le Consulat et I'Empire. Svo. Paris, 1SS6. Histoire de la Marine Frangaise de 1815 a 1870. Svo. Paris, 1900. Histoire de la Marine Frangaise depuis les Debuts de la Monarchic jusqu'an Traite de Paix de 1763. Svo. Paris, 1902. Cheverny, Philippe Hurault, Le Comte de. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vol. 36.) Cheyne, John. Letter on the feigned Diseases of Soldiers, Dublin, 1826. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 23.) Childe, Edward Lee. The life and cam- paigns of General Lee. Translated from the French by George Litting. Svo. Lond. iS7t. Childers, Erskine. In the ranks of the C.I.V. Crown Svo. Lond. 1901. The Riddle of the Sands. Crown Svo. Lond. 1903. Chili. Anuario Hidrografico de la Marina de Chile. Ano 1-6. Svo. .Santiago, 1877-80. Anuario de la Oficina Central Meteor- ologica de Santiago de Chile, 1873-4. Svo. Santiago, 1S79. Narrative of the Events which led to the Declaration of War by Chili against Bolivia and Peru. Svo. Lond. 1S79. The Chilian Revolution. Svo. 1S91. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 53.) Lond. 1S92. The Capture of Valparaiso in 1891. Reports of the Conunander-in-Chief and Chief of Staff" of the Constitutional Army- Official. Translated from the " Diario Oficial," in the Intelligence Division, War Office. By Emilio Korner. Lond. 1892. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 60.) (For other Works, see Index.) China. Various works in the Chinese Language. Chee Kiao Too Ho Pee. Anglice— "The seven ingenious figure-forming Tablets." Two Chinese pamphlets on the game known in England as the Chinese Puzzle. Hints for Collecting Information ; com- piled for the Expedition to China. Calcutta, 1840. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 38.) The Manchu Drill delineated. Folio. n.p., n.d. Photographs of views in China. 4to. (For other Works, sec Index.) Chiosso, Captain James. Gymnastics, an essential branch of national education. Lond. 1854. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 89.) Chirol, Valentine. The Far Eastern Question. Svo. Lond. 1896. The Middle Eastern Question, or Some Political Problems of Indian Defence. Svo. Lond. 1903. Chitty, S. C. Ceylon, Gazeteer. Svo. Ceylon, 1834. Choisnin, Jean. P21ection du Roy de Pologne. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vol. 38;. Choisy, L'Ahhe de. Memoires pour servir a I'histoii'e de Louis XIV. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. 63.) Choppin, Le Capitaine H. Histoire Generale des Dragons depuis leur origine iusqu'a IT^.mpire. i2mo. Paris, 1888. La Cavalerie Franc^aisc. 4to Paris, 1893. CHO CIV Choppin, Le Capitaine H. [con/d.) — Trente Ans de la \'ie Militaire. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1897. Les Hussards. Royal 4to. Paris, 1898. Souvenirs d'Un Cavalier du Second Empire. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1898. Les Origines de la Cavalerie Fran9aise. 8vo. Paris, 1905. Chomnara, Le Capitaine T. Memoire sur les Fortifications de Paris, Comparaison du prqjet de Vauban avec celui des Generaux Haxo et Valaze. Paris, 1838. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 22.) Considerations militaires sur les memoires du Marechal Suchet et sur la Bataille de Toulouse. 8vo. Paris, 1838. Chuquet, A. Les Guerres de la Revolution. 8vo. Paris, n.d. Vol. I. La Premiere Invasion Prus- sienne (1792). „ 2. Valmy. „ 3. La Retraite de Brunswick. „ 4. Jemappes et la Conquete de la Belgique (1792-931. „ 5. La Trahison de Dumouriez. „ 6. L'Expedition de Custine. „ 7. Mayence (1792-93). „ 8. Wissembourg, 1793. „ 9. Hoche et la Lutte pour TAlsace (1793-94). „ 10. Valenciennes. „ II. Hondschoote. La Guerre de 1870-71. 8vo. Paris, 1897. La Jeunesse de Napoleon. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1898. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1899. L'Alsace en 18 14. 8vo. Paris, 1900. Church, A. H. Food-Grains of India. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Church, The Rev. A. J. Henry the Fifth. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1889. Church, E. M. Sir Richard Church in Italj' and Greece. 8vo. Lond. 1895. Church for Seamen. Office to be used at lajMiig the Foundation Stone of the Church for the Seamen of the Port of London. 8vo. Lond. 1846. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Church of England. Tripartite Division of Tithes in Eng- land. Lond. 1833. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 12.) Church Property. Lond. 1834. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 12.) Church, P. W. Chinese Turkestan with Caravan and Rifle. 8vo. Lond. 1901. L'Ecole de Mars (1794). Church, The Very Rev. Dean. Spenser. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1880. Church, SamueL Oliver Cromwell. 8vo. Lond. 1894. Church, Sir R. Chapters in an Adven- turous Life. 8vo. Lond. 1895. {See also Lane-Poole). Church, Lieut.-Colonel W. C, U.S.A. UUysesJ. Grant, and the period of National PreseiA'ation and Reconstruction. 8vo. New York, 1897. Churchill, Major S. General Gordon. The Chiistian Hero. 8vo. Lond. 1890. Churchill, W. Mount Lebanon, a ten years' residence, from 1842 to '52. 2nd edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1853. Churchill, Winston L. S. The Story of the Malakand Field Force. 8vo. Lond. 1898. The River War. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1899. London to Ladysmith via Pretoria. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Ian Hamilton's March. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1900. Lord Randolph Churchill. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1906. Churchman, John. The Magnetic Atlas ; or variation tables for the whole Terraqueous Globe. 4to. Lond. 1804. Cicero, Marcus TuUius. Rhetoricorum Opera praecipua. Juxta editionem J. Oliveti. 8vo. Vienna, 1761. Les Offices de Ciceron. Translated by M. de Barrett. 3rd edition. 8vo. Paris, 1776. The Letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero, with remarks by William Melmoth. 3rd edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1778. Epistolarum ad Familiares Libri XVI. i2mo. Venice, 1783. Orationum Selectarum Liber Unicus. i2mo. Naples, 1792. The Republic of Cicero. Translated by G. W. Featherstonhaugh. 8vo. New York, 1829. Cimaglia, Vicenzo Maria. Tratato com- pleto di Tallica Navale. 2nd edition. 8vo. Naples, 1822. Cinuzzi, Imperiale. Delia Disciplina Mililare antica e moderna. 4to. Sienna, 1620. Ciscar, Don Francisco. Reflexiones sobre las Maquinas y Maniobras del uso de a bordo. 410. Madrid, 1791. Civil Engineers, Institution of. Charter, Supplemental Charters. By- Laws, and List of Members. 8vo. Lond. 1904. Minutes of Proceedings. Up to date. 8vo. Civis. The state of the Navy in 1907. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1907. CLA 93 CLA Clairac, L. A. L'Ingenieur de Campagne ou Tiaite de la Fortification Passagere. 4to. Paris, 1749. L'Esprit de Clairac, ou abrege de ringenieur de Campagne. Redige par le Rouge. 8vo. n.p., n.d. Abhandlung von der Befestigungskunst im Felde. Nach der Pariser Ausgabe vom Jahre 1749 iibersetzet. 4to. Breslau, 1755. Clanchy, Captain H. T., R.N. The Navy and its Resources for the Manning of its Ships in an Emergency. Ardendel, 1896. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 66). Clapeyron, Le Capitaine A. Etude sur les Causes de nos Desastres et la Reorganisa- tion de I'Armee, suivie d'un projet de loi militaire. 8vo. Paris, 1871. Clapperton, Captain Hugh. Journal of a second expedition into the interior of Africa, to which is added the Journal of Richard Lander from Kano to the Sea-coast. 4to. Lond. 1829. {See also Denham). Clarac, Le Comte de. Description du Musee Royal des Antiques du Louvre. i2nio. Paris, 1830. Clarence, H.R.H. Albert Victor, Duke of. In Memoriam, with Poem by Sir Theodore Martin. Edinburgh, 1892. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 55.) Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of. History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, begun in the year 1641. 3 vols. Folio. Oxford, 1701-4. Clarendon and Whitlock compar'd ; with a comparison between the History of the Rebellion and other histories of the Civil War. 8vo. Lond. 1727. Life of ; written by himself. Folio. Oxford, 1759. History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1807. Clark, Charles. Prospectus of Pyro- Hydro-Pneumatic Apparatus, for con- verting sea-water into fresh. Lond. 1844. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 38). Clark, Geo. T. Mediaeval Military Architecture in England. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1884. Clark, S. Narrative of those two Deliverances : one from the .Spanish Invasion in 88, the other from the Hellish Powder Plot, November 5, 1605. i2mo. Lond. 1657. (Radstock Collection.) Clark, Stewart. By S. E. S. C. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1898. Clark, Dr. T. {See Lankester). Clark, W. P. Indian Sign Language, with notes, pvo. Philadelphia, 1885. Clarke, Lieut.-Colonel A. {See Richards). Clarke, Captain A. R., R.E., and Colonel Sir Henry James. Determination of the positions of Feaghmain and Haver- fordwest. Longitude Stations on the great European Arc of Parallel. 410. Lond. 1867. Clarke, Edward Daniel. Tour through the South of England, Wales, and part of Ireland. 8vo. Lond. 1793. Travels in various countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa. 6 vols. 4to. Camb. i8io. Clarke, Major F. C. H. Statistics and Geography of Russian Turkestan. Folio. Lond. 1879. Staff Duties. A series of Lectures for the use of Officers at the Stafl~ College. 2nd edition. Revised and corrected by Lieut.-Colonel J. S. Rothwell, R.A. 8vd. Lond. n.d. Clarke, Francis L. Life of the Most Noble Arthur, Marquis and Earl of Wellington. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1817. Clarke, Lieutenant G-. S. The principles of Graphic .Statics. 4to. Lond. 1880. „ Major. Report on Visit to Messrs. Gruson's Manufactory at Magdeburg, 1890. „ Colonel Sir G. S. The Defence of the Empire. A Selection from the Letters and Speeches of the Fourth Earl of Carnarvon. 8vo. Lond. 1897. Imperial Defence, 8vo. Lond. 1897, Russia's Sea Power Past and Present, or the rise of the Russian Navj'. 8vo. Lond. 1898. Fortification : its past achievements, recent development, and future progress. 8vo. 2nd edition. Lond. 1907. \{Scc also Kinglake.) „ and E. Thursfield. The Navy and the Nation. Bvo. Lond. 1897. Clarke, Hyde. Colonization, defence and railways in our Indian Empire. Lond. 1857. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 51). A short handbook of Comparative Philology. i2mo. Lond. 1859. English Stations in the Hill Regions of India. Lond. 1881. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 38). Clarke, Major H. Wilherforce, R.E. Report on the transporting of Ele- phants by Railway. Folio. Lond. 1879. Longitude by Lunar Distances. 8vo. Lond. 1885. The Sextant. i2mo. Lond. 1885. „ Lieut.-Colonel. Calculations to ascertain the Transverse .Strength of a Railway Rail. F'cap folio. Calcutta, 1890. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 8.) Clarke, Lieutenant J. Military Institu- tions of Vegetius. 8vo. Lond. 1767. CLA 94 CLI Clarke, The Rev. J. S.,and J. M'Arthiir. Life of Admiral Lord Nc-lson. 2 xols. 4to. Loud. 1809. Clarke, Robert. Attempt to introduce a bcttur method for workinj? Ship's Pumps. n.p., 1797. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 4.) Clarke, Major S. A Sketch of the Waterloo Campaign. 8vo. Aldei'shot, 1904. Clarke, Samuel. Looking-glass for Saints and Sinners. Folio. Lond. 1671. Geographical descriptions of all the Countries in the known World. Folio. Lond. 1671. (Bound with " Looking-glass for Saints and Sinners.'') Clausewitz, General Carl von. Der Feldzug von 181 5 in Frankreich. Bvo. Berlin, 1835. Strategische Beleuchtung mehrerer Feldziige von Gustav Adolph, Turennc, Luxemburg und andere historische Mater- ialien zur Strategic. 8vo. Berlin, 1837. The Campaign of 1812 in Russia. Bvo. Lond. 1843. (Bound with "Der P'eldzug von 181 5.") Der Feldzug von 1796 in Italien. 2nd edition. 8vo. Berlin, 1858. Die Feldziige von 1799 in Italien und der Schweiz. 2nd edition. 8vo. Berlin, 1858. Der Feldzug von 18 12 in Russland, der Feldzug von 1813 bis znm Wassenstillstand und der Feldzug von 18 14 in Frankreich. 2nd edition. Bvo. Berlin, 1862. On War. Translated by Colonel J. J. Graham. 3 vols, in one. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Theorie de la Grande Guerre. Tra- duction du Lieut. -Colonel de Vatry. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1899. {See also Militarische Klasiker, vol. i.) Claxton, Captain, R.N. Description of the "Great Britain" .Steam Ship. 8vo. Bristol, 1845. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, Modern.) Claxton, Le Colonel. Les Mitrailleuses ou Armes Mecaniques, leur role dans les operation militaires. Bvo. Liege, 1869. Clay, Captain C. H. A Short Military Report on Delagoa Bay. Simla, 1899. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 59.) Cleaveland, Parker. Elementary treatise on Mineralogy and Geology. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, U.S., 1822. Cleghorn, T. The Hydro- Aeronaut or navigator's life-buoy. i2mo. Lond. 1810. Clement, le General. Lettres sur la Poudre sans Fumee et les Methodes de Guerre. Bvo. Paris, 1891. Clerc, Le Lient.-Colonel. Capitulation du Baylen. Bvo. Paris, 1903. Clercq, Jacques du. Memoires. {See Petitot's Collection, vol. 2.) Clerk, Colonel H. Determination of distances in the Field. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 61 (i).) Change of Form assumed by Wrought- iron and other metals when heated, and tlien cooled bj- partial immersion in water. Lond. 1863. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 61 (ii).) Application of Hydraulic Buffers to pre\'ent the destructi\'e efiect of Railway Collisions. n.p., 1868. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 64 (i).) Experiments on Friction. Lond. 1868. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 64 (i).) Clerk, John. Essay on Naval Tactics, systematical and historical. Part i. 4to. Lond. 1750. (Radstock Collection.) Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 4to. Edinburgh, iBoj. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition, with notes by Lord Rodney. Bvo. Edinburgh, 1827. Clermont-Tonnere, Le Baron Tillette de. Memoires du Chevalier de Mautort (1752-1802). Bvo. Paris, 1BB7. Clery, Major-General C. F., C.B. Minor Tactics. New edition. i2mo. Lond. 1B96. Cleveland, H. W. S. Hints to Riflemen. Bvo. New York, 1864. Clifford, C. How to lower Ships' Boats. Lond. 1858. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 3.) Clifford, E. Considerations on Marquois' Parallel .Scales, and the protractor. Lond. 1841. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 18.) Fractional Arithmetic reviewed and practically exemplified. i2mo. Lond. 1842. Clifford, Hugh. (Sec Exploration Series). Clinch, Captain Timothy, R.N. The propriety of erecting a Breakwater for the Isle of Portland. Portsmouth, 1B43. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 17.) Clinton, Brigadier-General H. A few Remarks explanatory of the Motives which guided the Operations of the British Army during the late short Campaign in Spain. Lond. 1B09. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 615.) Clinton, Le Colonel Henry. Tableau syn- optique de Prononciation Internationale: precede dun traite sur la prononciation, par A. 'V. W. Bikkers. 8vo. Paris, 1875. Clinton, H. R. The War in the Peninsular and Wellington's Campaigns in France and Belgium. 3rd edition. Bvo. Lond. 1881. Clive, Colonel E. H. Notes of the Campaign of 1886 in Bohemia, for a lecture given at the R.U.S.I. Sm. 4to. Lond. 1871. Field Training for non-commissioned officers and private soldiers. i2mo. Lond. 1B83. CLO 95 Clode, Charles M. Military P'orces of the Crown ; their administration and government. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Administration of Justice under Military and Martial Law. 8vo. Lond. 1872. Statute Law relating to the Army. 8vo. Lend. 1877. Statutory Powers of H.M. Principal Secretary of State for the "War Depart- ment. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Statutes relating to the War Office and to the Army. 8vo. Lond. 1880. Clodomir, P. L'Organisation des Societes Musicales. 8vo. Paris, 1873. Cloete, The Hon. H. Emigration of the Dutch Farmers from the Cape of Good Hope, and their settle- ment in the District of Natal. Natal, 1852. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 17.) The History of the Great Boer Trek. Edited by his Grandson, W. Broderick- Cloete. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1899. Close, Lieut.-Colonel F. Military Tra- velling Carriages. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Clowes, Sir W. Laird. The Royal Navy : A History from the earliest times to the present. 7 vols. Imp. 8vo. Lond. 1898-99. Four Modern Naval Campaigns. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1902. Clutterbuck, J. B. Port Phillip in 1849. i2mo. Lond. 1850. Clynton, Richard. Life of a Celebrated Buccaneer 8vo. Lond. 1889. Coal. Report on Spontaneous Combustion of coal in ships. Lond. 1866. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 66.) (For other Works, sec Index). Cohbold, R. P. Innermost Asia. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Cobden Club. The Burden of Arma- ments. 8vo. Lond. 1905. Cobden, Richard, M.P. {See Financial Reform Assoc. Tracts, No. 6.) Cochet de Savigny , P. C. M. D ictionnaire de la Gendarmerie, island 2nd Divisions. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1838-44. Cochetenx, Charles. Etudes sur les Mines Militaires. 8vo. Liege, 1878. Cochran, Lieut.-Colonel. Diary of Lieut. - Colonel Cochran, 58th Regiment, 1753- 1781. Manuscript. Cochrane, Lord. {See Atlay and Rad- stock Collection — Naval Tracts.) Cochrane, Sir Thomas. Proposal for the more efficient Manning of H.M. Fleet. 8vo. Lond. 1840. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Cockbnrn, General Sir George. Voyage to Cadiz and Gibraltar, up the Mediterranean to Sicily and Malta, in 1810 and 1811, including a description of Sicilj-^ and the Lipari Islands, and an excursion in Portugal. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1815. COL Cockburn, General Sir George {con/d:}— Safe remedy for the present difficulties by means of which the National Debt may be liquidated. Lond. 1843. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 41.) State of the British Finances, the Debt, &c. Lond. 1843. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 41.) Cockburn, Admiral Sir George. Neces- sity' of remodelling the Admiralty Board. Lond. 1855. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 43 (ii).) Cockle, M. J. D. Bibliography of Military Books up to 1642. Imp. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Cocks, John. Reasons for a Bill for the better breeding of Shipwrights, and for the better building of Ships. [i?o5]- (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Codrington, Vice-Admiral Sir Edward. Compressed narrative of his proceedings on the Mediterranean Station. 1827-8. Bvo. Lond. 1832. Codrington, Admiral Sir H. Selections from his letters. Edited by Lady Bourchier. 8vo Lond. 1880. Codrington, General Sir William J. Gibraltar and Ceuta. Lond. 1832. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 38.) Coehoorn, Baron de Mennon. Nieuwe Vestingbouw op een natte of Lage Horisont. Folio. Leeuwarden, 1702. The New Method of Fortification. Translated by T. Savery. Folio. Lond. 1705. Nouvelle Fortification ; tant pour un Terrein bas et humide que sec et eleve. 8vo. The Hague, 1741. Coffin. {See Pearce.) Coffin, "William F. 1812 ; the War and its moral : a Canadian Chronicle. 8vo. Montreal, 1864. Coffinieres, Le General de Nordeck. Capitulation de Metz. Reponse du General Cofiinieres de Nordeck a ses detracteurs. 2nd edition. Brussels, 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 92.) Coillard, Francois. On the Threshold of Central Africa- Translated by C. W. Mackintosh. 8vo. Lond. 1897. Sur le Haut-Zambeze. 8vo. Paris, 1859. Coke, Sir Edward. Institutes of the Laws of England. Parts III and IV. Folio. Lond. 1644. Abridgment of the first part of my Ld. Coke's Institutes. 3rd edition. i2mo. Colbeck, C. The public schools historical Atlas. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1885. COL 96 COL Colborne, The Hon. J. Diary of the last KuropLan who lode through the Desert from Berber to Suakin. Lend. 1884. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 41.) Colby, Captain T. (.?ain, France, and America, 1809-15. 8\o. Lond. 1869. Cooper, Samnel. Dictionary of Prac- tical Surg^ vy. Svo. Lond. 1838. Cooper, Captain T. H. Practical Guide for the Light Infantry Oflicer. Svo. Lond. 1806. Military Cabinet. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1809. Cooper, W. R. Short history of the Kiivptian Obelisks. Svo. Lond. 1877. Cooper-Key, Admiral the Right Hon. Sir Astley. (.vv Colomb). Cope Cornford, L. The Defenceless Islands. Crown Svo. Lond. 1906. Copenhagen Congress. Association Internationale de la Marine. Svo. Paris, 1902. Coppinger, Dr. R. W. Cruise of the "Alert" in Patagonian and Pol3'nesian Waters (1878-82). 4to. Lond. 1883. Corballis, James. Topography Ivlade l^asy. Crown 3vo. Aldershot, 1896. Corhett, Julian. Monk. Crown Svo. Lond. 1889. Sir Francis Drake. Crown Svo. Lond. 1890. Drake and the Tudor Navy. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1898. The Successors of Drake. Svo. Lond. 1900. England in the Mediterranean, 1603- 1713. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1904. England in the Seven Years' War. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1907. (See also Mahan.) Cordage. Hawser and Cable-Laid Rope. n.p. 1821. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 5.) Observations on the manufacture of a new Rope. Lond. 1829. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 7.) Cormontaigne, Le Marechal. Memorial pour I'attaque des places. Edited by M. de Housniard. 8vo. Paris, 1 803. Ditto, ditto. Different edition. [No title page.] Memorial pour la defense des places. 8vo. Paris, 1806. Memorial pour la Fortification per- inanente et passagere. Svo. Paris, 1809. Cornaro, Luigi. Sure and certain methods of attaining a long and healthful life. 45th edition. i2mo. Cheltenham, 1823. Discorsi intorno alia Vita Sobria. i2mo. Venice, 1826. Cornet, Julius. Manual of Russian and English Conversation. 3rd edition. i2mo. Leipsic, 1875. Corney, Bolton. On the new General Biographical Dic- tionary. Lond. 1S39. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 14.) Curiosities of Literature, by L D'Israeli. Illustrated by Bolton Corney. Svo. Greenwich, n.d. Cornewall - Jones, R. J. The British Merchant Ser\'iee. Svo. Lond. 1S98. Cornwallis, The Earl. Answer to that part of the narrative of Sir Henry Clinton which relates to the Conduct of Earl Cornwallis during the Catnpaign in North America, in 1781. Svo. Lond. 1783. Cornwallis, The Marquis of. Cor- respondence. Edited, with notes, by Charles Ross. 2nd edition. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1859. Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria. Atlante Veneto, nel quale si contiene la descritt one geografica, storica, sacra, profana e politica degl' Imperii, Provincie et Stati deir Universo, vol. i. Folio. Venice, 1690. Corradi, Domenico de. Considerazioni sopro la proporzione del vigor delle Pol- \cri da Fuoco. i2mo. Modena, 1708. Correard, Alexander. {See Savigny.) Correard, F. La France sous le Con- sulat. Svo. Paris, 1S99. Corry, Commander Alvin Coote, R.N. The executive officers orders, &c., with regard to the Internal Economy of a Man- of-War. Svo. Portsmouth, 1888. Cortes, Hernan. Despatches of Hernando Cortes, the Conqueror of Mexico. Trans- lated with introduction and notes by George Folsom. Svo. New York, 1843. Cory, Lieut.-Colonel Arthur. Shadows of coming events, or the Eastern Menace. Svo. Lond. 1876. Coryat, Thomas. Coryat's Crudities. 2 v(3ls. Svo. Glasgow, 1905. Costello, Edward. Adventures of a Soldier, comprising narratives of the Cam- paigns in the Peninsular and the recent Civil War in Spain. Svo. Lond. 1841. COT lOI COU Cotes, Everard. Signs and Portents in the Far East. 8vo. Lond. 1907. Cotes, Kenelm D. Social and Imperial Life of Great Britain. Vol. i. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Cotterill, The Right Rev. Henry. Relation between Science and Religion. 8vo. Lond. 1880. Cottin, P. L'Angleterre devant ses Allies, 1793-1814. Toulon (1793) ; Anvers et Nimegue (1794) ; Ouiberon (1795) ; Guade- loupe (1795) ; Egypte (1798-1800) ; Naples (1799) ; Cadix et Cabrera (1808-14). 8vo. Paris, 1893. Cotton, General Sir Arthur. {See Hope.) Cotton, Charles. {See Walton.) Cotton, Sergeant - Major Edward. A voice from Waterloo ; a history of the Battle. i2mo. Lond. 1862. Cotton, Lieutenant E. T. D. Questions and answers for mounted men and drivers of field Artillerj'. Woolwich, 1877. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 48.) Cotton, J. S. iVIouut Stuart Elphinstone. Crown 8vo. Oxford, 1892. Cotton, Lieut.-General Sir Sydney. Nine Years on the North-West Frontier of India, from 1854 to 1863. 8vo. Lond. 1868. The Central Asian Question. Manchester, 1869. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 76.) Cottrell, Chas. H. Recollections of Siberia in 1840-1. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Couch, Captain James, R.N. Observa- tions on the Solid Channel. Lond. 1834. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 7.) Couhard, Captain. Abstract of the Cellular Theory of Steel. Translated by Major J. A. S. Colquhoun. Woolwich, 1877. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 56.) Coulier, M. Guide des RIarins pendant la navigation nocturne, ou description des phares, fanaux, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1829. Coulton, Or. G. A Strong Army and a Free State. Lond. 1901. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 64.) Coumes, Le Commandant. Aper9us sur la Tactique de Demain, mise en rapport avec la puissance du nouvel armement et I'emploi de la poudre sans fumee. 8vo. Paris, 1892. Courtigis, Le Capitaine M. de. Note sur un nouveau systeme de Bivouac. Compiegne, 1837. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 10.) Courts-Martial. Ambrose, Captain Joh?t. Defence made by John Ambrose, late Captain of H. M.S. " The Rupert " on his trial. Bvo. Lond. 1745. (Bound in vol. of Courts-Martial.) Courts-Martial {contd.)— Atchison, Captain Thomas. Trial of Captain Thomas Atchison at Malta, for having requested to be exonerated from firing Patteraro Salutes and tolling a Roman Catholic Bell. Lond. 1825. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 24.) Boteler, Captain Philip. Minutes of Proceedings at a Court- Martial (on Capt. Philip Botcler) assem- bled to inquire mto the cause of the loss of H.M. late Ship "Ardent." 410. (Radstock Collection, Armada and Naval Actions.) Boysc, Lieut. -Colonel S. Letter on the inadequacy of Courts- Martial in their present form to purposes of Justice. 8vo. Lond. 1819. (See also Paterson.) Breretojt, Captain William. Minutes of the Trial of Captain William Brereton at a Court-Martial assembled on board His Majesty's Ship " Elizabeth," the 22nd June, 1778. 8vo. Lond. 1779. (Radstock Collection—Naval Tracts.) Minutes of a Court-Martial held on board His Majest3'"s Ship "Queen," at Sea. 25th August, 1778. 8vo. Lond. 1779. (Radstock Collection — Naval Tracts.) Bridge, IV. H. Proceedings of a Court-Martial held for the trial of W. H. Bridge. 8vo. 8vo. Portsmouth, 1845. Burrish, Capt. George and others The Trials at large taken at the Court-Martial held upon Henry Page, Charles Davids, William Griffiths, and Cornelius Smelt, also upon Capt. George Burrish. 8vo. Lond. 1745. Burto7i, Major- Gefieral. Proceedings of a General Court- Martial on Major-General Burton. Lond. 1804. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 24.) Byng, Admiral. Trial of Admiral Byng at a Court- Martial for an enquiry into his conduct, while he commanded H.M. Fleet in the Mediterranean. 8vo. Lond. 1757. (Radstock Collection.) Examinations of the Resolutions and Sentence of the Court-Martial on the Trial of Admiral Byng. 8vo. Lond. 1757. (Radstock Collection). The Trial of Admiral Byng. With which is bound Admiral Byng's Defence. 8vo. Dublin, 1757. Queries on the Minutes of the Coimcil of War held at Gibraltar from which reasons may be drawn for a Noble Colonel's having taken so large a pait in the Defence of Admiral Byng. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1757. (Radstock Collection.) Trials of Admirals Byng, Keppel, and Palliser. Folio. Lond. 1757-79. (Radstock Collection.) COU I Courts-Martial Uonttt)— Calder, Vice-Admiral Sir R. Minutes of the proceedings at a Court-Martial for the Trial of Vice- Admiral Sir Robert Calder. 8vo. I.oiid. 1805. (Radstock Collection.) Proceedings of a Court-Martial assembled for the trial of Sir Robert Calder, Bart., Vice-Admiral of the Blue. Lond. 1806. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. i.) Trial of Vice-Admiral Sir Robert Calder. 8vc. Lond. 1805. Canada, Rebellion in. Report of the State Trials before a General Court-Martial held at Montreal in 1838-9 : e-xhibiting a complete history of the late Rebellion in Lower Canada. 2 vols. 8vo. Montreal, 1839. Coffin, Captain I. Minates of a Court-Martial assembled to try Isaac Coffin, Captain of H.M.S. the "Thistle." Lond. 1789. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 6.) Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (Radstock Collection.) Cope, Lieut.-General Sir J. and others. E.xamination into the conduct, be- haviour, and proceedings of Lieut.- General Sir John Cope, Colonel Peregrine Lascelles, and Brig.-General Thomas Fowke. 4to. Lond. 1749. Cornwallis, Vice-Admiral W. Proceedinj,rs on the Trial of Vice- Admiral Cornwallis. Lond. 1796. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 6.) Dalrymple, Lieut.-General Sir Hew. The Proceedings on the Enquiry into the Armistice and Convention of Cintra and into the Conduct of the Officers concerned. Lond. 1809. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 7.) Daivsoft, Lieut. G. Court-Martial at Malta on Lieutenant G. ^. Dawson for hesitating to assist in the Ceremonies of the Romish Church. 8vo. Load. 1825. {See also Atchison.) Dou(;las, Captain G. Court-Martial on Captain George Douglas, i6th Regiment. 8vo. Lond. 1849. Downing, Captain. The case of Captain Downing. i2mo. Lond. 1796. Duckwortli, Vice-Admiral Sir J. T. Minutes of the Court-Martial for the Trial of Vice-Admiral Sir J. T. Duck- worth. Portsmouth, 1805. (Radstock Collection.) Gamljier, Admiral J., L.ord. Minutes of a Court-Martial holden on the Trial of Admiral James Lord Gam bier. 8vo. 'Lond. 1809. Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (Radstock Collection.) '■ COU Courts-Martial {contd.)- ■ Gillespie, Licut.-Colonel. Proceedings of a General Court- Martial held on the conduct of Lieut.- Coloiicl Gillespie. Lond. 1804. Graves, Captain S. Copy of an Order for trying Captain Samuel Graves for the Loss of a j)art of the Quebec Fleet, in 1780. Lond. 1871. Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 25.) Ditto, ditto. Third copy. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 22.) Hall, LJcutcnant John. {See Powell.) Harvey, Admiral Sir E. Trial of Admiral Sir E. Harvey upon charges exhibited by Lord Gambier. 8vo. Lond. 1809. (Radstock Collection). Jebb, CaptaifiJ. The Case of John Jebb. 8vo. Chelsea, 1830. (Bound with the Trial of Lieut. -Colonel G. Johnston.) JoJmston, Lieut.-Colonel G. Proceedings of a General Court- Martial, held for the Trial of Lieut.- Colonel Geo. Johnston on a charge of mutiny for deposing William Bligh, Governor-in-Chief of New South Wales. 8vo. Lond. 1811. Johnstone, Colonel the Hon. C. Correspondence between the Hon. Colonel Cochrane Johnstone and the Departments of the Commander-in- Chief and the Judge Advocate-General, during the period from September, 1803, to August, 1804. 8vo. Lond. 1805. Keppcl, Admi}-al. Considerations on the principles of Naval Discipline and Naval Courts- Martial ; in which the Conduct of the Courts-Martial on Admiral Keppel and .Sir Hugh Palliser are compared. 8vo. Lond. 1 78 1. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Kirkby, Colonel R., and others. Account of the Arraignments and Trj-als of Colonel R. Kirkby, Captain C. Constable, Captain Cooper Wade, Captain Samuel Vincent, and Captain Christopher Fogg. 410. Lond. 1703. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) K?iowles, Admiral. Proceedings at the Trial of Rear- Admiral Knowles for his conduct and behaviour in and relating to an Engagement with a Spanish Squadron, Oct. 1st, 1748. 8vo. Lond. 1750. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, 1740-56.) Lestock, Vice-Admiral R. (See Mathews and Lestock.) Z(97f', Liciite?iTropical Campaigns. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Duncan, Colonel Francis. Cupolas and Forts. Lond. 1862. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 61 (ii.).) Our Garrisons in the West, or Sketches in British North America. 8vo. Lond. 1864. Canada : a lecture. Lond. 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 85.) Canada in 1871. Lond. 1872. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 100.) The English in Spain : or the Story of the War of Succession, 1834-40. 8vo. Lond. 1877. Duncan, John M. . Travels through part of the United States and Canada in 1818-19. 2 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1823. Travels in Western Africa in 1845 ^^^d 1846. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1847. Duncker, Carl von. Feldmarschall Erzherzog Albrecht. Imp. 8vo. Wien und Prag, 1897. Duncomhe-Jewell, L. C. R. The Hand- book to British Military Stations. i2mo. Lond. 1898. Dundas, General Sir David. Principles of Military Movements, chiefl3' applied to Infantrj'. Illustrated by manoeuvres of the Prussian Troops, and bj- an outline of the British Campaigns in Germany during the war of 1757. 4to. Lond. 1788. Summary Account of the Proceedings of the Fleet and Army, employed at Toulon in 1793. 4*^0- Brentford, 1805. (Radstock Collection, Armada and Naval Actions.) Dundonald, Admiral The Earl of. Mineralogy, government and condition of the British West India Islands and North American Maritime Colonies. Lond. 1851. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 80.) Dundonald, Thomas, Tenth Earl of. Autobiography of a Seaman. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. i860. Ditto, ditto. New edition. 8vo. Lond. 1890. Dundonald, Thomas, Eleventh Earl of, and H. R. Fox Bourne. Life of Thomas, Lord Cochrane, Tenth Earl of Dundonald. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Dunfermline, James, Lord. Memoir of Lieutenant -General Sir Ralph Aber- cromby, 1793-1801. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1861. DUN DUR Dunham, S. A. History of Spain and Portu,s;al. 5 vols. 121110. Lend. 1832. Dunkirk. Description of the Town and Citadel of Dunkirk. 4to. Loud. 1712. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Memorial against the Fortifying the Ports and Harbours of Dunkirk and Mar- dike. Lend. 1715. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 20.) Plans of Dunkirk from the year 646 to 1768. Folio. n.p., n.d. (For other Works, see Index.) Dunlap, William. Memoirs of George Fred. Cooke, late ot the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1813. Dunlop, John. Mooltan, during and after the Siege. Royal 4to. Lond. 1849. Dunlop, R. H. W. Service and Adven- ture with the Khakee Ressalah, or Meerut Volunteer Horse, during the Mutinies of 1857-58. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Dunmore, The Earl of. The Pamirs : being- a Narrative of a Year's Expedition on Horseback and on Foot through Kash- mir, Western Tibet, Chinese Tartar\', and Russian Central Asia. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1893. Dunn, Lieutenant Beverly W., U.S.A. Development of Power in the modern Military Rifle. n.p., 1887. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 44.) Dunn, Samuel. New Directory for the East Indies. 5th edition. 410. Lond. 1780. Dunraven, The Earl of. The Great r)ivide : travels in the L^pper Yellowstone in 1874. 8vo. Land. 1876. Dunsany, Edward Plunkett, Lord. Past and future of the British Navy. i2mo. Lond. 1846. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1847. Our Naval Position and Policy. 8vo. Lond. 1859. Dunton, John. Journal of the Sally Fleet. 121110. Lond. 1637. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts, 1637-1806.) Dupanloup, Mgr. Lettres sur I'educa- tion des tilles. 8vo. Paris, 1879. Duparcq, E. de la Barre. Des Imitations Militaires. 8vo. Paris, 1866. Duperrey, L. I. x\tlas du Voyage autour du Monde, execute sur la Corvette "La Coquille," 1822-5. Folio. Paris, 1827. Du Picq, Le Colonel Ardent. Etudes sur le Combat. i2mo. Paris, 1880. Dupin, Le Baron Charles. Force Militaire de la Grande-Bretagne. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1820. History and actual state of the Military Force of Great Britain. English trans- lation. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822. Dupin, Le Baron Charles {contd.) — Force Navale de la Grande-Bretagne. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1825. Commercial Power of Great Britain. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1825. Plans, &c., to ditto. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 3.) Narratives of two Excursions to the Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, 1816-8. 8\o. Lond. n.d. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Dupin, L. Sancti Optati Afri Milivitani Episcopi de Schismate Donatistarum Libri Septem. Foolscap iolio. Paris, 1702. Du Plat Taylor, F. Handbook for the Volunteer Artillery. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1905. Duplessis, C. L'Eciuitation en France, ses Ecoles et les Maitres dapuis le XV™"^ sieclejusqu'a moi jours. 8vo. Paris, 1892. Du Pre, Major C. C. The Construction of Ordnance. i2mo. Lond. 1899. Dupuis, Joseph. Journal of a residence in Ashantee ; comprising notes and re- searches relative to the Gold Coast and the interior of Western Africa, with an account of the origin and causes of the present war. 4to. Lond. 1824. Duquet, Alfred. Froeschwiller, Chalons, Sedan. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1880. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. Paris, 1882. La Guerre d'ltalie (1859). Crown 8vo. Paris, 1882. Guerre de 1 870-1. Les grands batailles de Metz. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1888. Les Derniers Jours de I'Armee du Rhin, 19 Aout — 29 Octobre. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1888. Guerre de 1870-1871. Les Batailles de la Marne. 8vo. Paris, 1888. Paris. Le quatre-Septembre et Chatil- lon. 2 Septembre — igSeptembre. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1890. Chevilly et Bagneux, 20 Septembre — 20 Octobre. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1891. La Malmaison, Le Bourget et le Trente et un Octobre. 21 Octobre — i Novembre. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1893. Second Echec du Bourget et Perte d'Avron, 9-31 Decembre. V^ol. 5. Small 8vo. Paris, 1896. Le Bombardement et Buzenval i'^'"' et 22"" Janvier. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1898. La Capitulation et I'Entree des Alle- mands, 23 Janvier — 3 Mars, 1871. 8vo. Paris, 1899. La \^ictoire a Sedan. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1905. Duran, J. A. Nouveau Systeme de Phy- sique Generale en opposition avec les principes re^us. Paris, 1843. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 38.) Durand, Colonel A. The Making of a Frontier. 8vo. DUR 124 EAS Durand, Sir H. M., Major-General. The lir^t Ati;haii War and its lausi-s. 8vo. Loud. 1879. Diirand, H. M. The Life of Major- Gcncral Sir Henry Marion Durand, K.C.S.I., C.B., Royal Engineers. 2 vol.s. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Durant, G. M. 0. Horseback Riding from a Medical point of view. Bvo. New York, 1878. Durdent, R. S. Histoire critique du Senat-Conservateur depuis sa creation en Nivose an viii., jusqu'a sa dissolution en Avril, 1814. 8vo. Paris, 1815. Durer, Albert. Instruction sur la Forti- fication des Villes, Bourgs et Chateaux. Traduit de rAlIemand par A. Ratheau. Folio. Paris, 1870. Durnford, Lieut.-Colonel E. A Soldier's Life and Work in South Africa, 1872-1879. A Memoir of the late Colonel A. W. Durnford, R.E. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Duro, C. p. La Armada Invencible. 2 vols. Bvo. Madrid, 1884. Duronceray, P. L. Consolations d'un Solitaire, ou quelques opuscules philo- sophique, litteraires et poetiques. 3 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1815. Duruy, G. Memoires de Barras 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1895. Memoirs of Barras. Translated from the French by C. E. Roche. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1895. Du Teil, Le Baron I. Une Famille Militaire au i8"« Siecle. 8vo. Paris, 1896. Du Verger de Saint-Thomas, Le Comte, L'ltalic L-t son Armce en 1865. 8vo. Paris, 1866. Duveyrier, H. La Tunisie. 8vo. Paris, 1881. {Sec also Maunoir.) Duvillars, Le Baron Francois de Boyvin. Guerres dt-meslees tant en Piedmont qu'au Montferrat et Duche de Milan. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vol. 28-30.) Dwight, T. F. Critical Sketches of some of the Federal and Confederate Com- manders. 8vo. Boston and New York, 1895. Dwyer, Edward. Compendium of the principal laws and regulations relating to the Militia, &c. i2mo. Lond. 1857. Dwyer, Major F. On seats and saddles, bits and bitting, draught and harness, and the prevention and cure of restiveness in horses. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1859. {Sec also Borbstaedt.) Dyer, G. L., Lieutenant U.S.N. Geo- graphy of the Sea n-P-i 1889. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 49.) Dyer, Thomas H. Pompeii : its history^ buildings, and antiquities. Bvo. Lond. 1867. Dyke, Major F. H. Lectures on Tactics. 4to. Lond. n.d. Dyott, General W. Dyott's Diary, 1781- 1845. Edited by R. W. Jeifery. 2 vols, Bvo. Lond. 1907. E Eardley, Sir C. E., Bart. Imprisonment and deliverance of Dr. Giacinto Achilli. Lond. 1850. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 31.) Eardley-Wilmot, A. P. Midshipman's Friend : or hints for the cockpit. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1845. Eardley-Wilmot, Major-General F. M. Preliminary Education for the Profes- sion of Arms. Lond. 1856. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 42 (i.).) Memorials of: by his Widow. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Eardley-Wilmot, Captain S. M., R.N. The Development of Navies during the last half-century. Bvo. Lond. 1892. Life of Vice-Admiral Edm.und, Lord Lyons, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., K.C.B., etc. Bvo. Lond. 1898. Our Navy for a Thousand Years. Crown Bvo. Lond. 1899. „ Rear-Admiral. Our Fleet To-day. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Our Flags. Small Royal 8vo. Lond. 1501. Earl, George. The line system of draw- ing in perspective simplified by the Gonio- metricon. Folio. Lond. 1846. Earl, George Windsor. Sailing Direc- tions for the Arafura Sea. Lond. 1837. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 17.) Earle, Augustus. Narrative of a nine months" residence in New Zealand in 1827 ; with a journal of the residence in Tristan D'Acunha. 8vo. Lond. 1832. East India Company. East India Shipping. Letter to the Board of Controul for India Affairs, the Court of Directors of the East India Company, and to the Proprietors of East India .Stock. Lond. 1803. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 2.) Minutes of Evidence, taken before the House of Lords, relating to the Charter of the East India Company. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1813. The spirit of the Press and of the Proprietors of India Stock, relative to the compensations to be granted to the East India Company's Maritime Service. Lond. 1834. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 25.) EAS 125 EDU East India Company {contd)— Public Examination at the East India Company's Military College, Addiscombe, June 13th and December 12th, 1856. n.p. 1856. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 42 (i.).) List of Marine Records of the late East India Company. Fcap, fol. Lond. 1896. Letters received by the East India Company from its servants in the East, transcribed from the "Original Corre- spondence " series of the India Office Records, 1602-1617. Edited by William Foster, B.A. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1896-1902. Spoliation of Oude by the East India Company. 8vo. Lond. n.d. Charters granted to the East India Company, from 1601; also the Treaties and Grants, made with or obtained from the Princes and Powers in India, 1756-1772. 4to. I1-P-, n.d. Proceedings relative to Ships tendered for the service of the United East India Company, 1 780-1 809. 6 vols. Folio. Lond. n.d. Appendices to ditto, 1800- 1806. 2 vols. Folio. Lond. n.d. (For other Works, see Index.) Eastwick, E. B. "Un-Ne" Nama ; or the Urdu pronominal expressions "Un- Ne," "In-ne," "Jin-ne, " "Kin-ne," are they plural or singular ? 2nd edition. Lond. 1869. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 76.) Eastwick, Captain R. W. A Master Mariner, being the Life and Adventures of Captain Robert William Eastwick. Edited by Herbert Compton. 8vo. Lond. 1891. Eastwick, Captain W. J. Lord Lytton and the Afghan War. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Eaton, Surgeon-Major R. C. A Guide to Health, for the use of Soldiers. 8vo. Lond. 1890. Eberstein, Freiherr A. von. Erfah- rungen eines Truppen-fiihrers. 8vo. Darmstadt, 1894. Echard, Lawrence. Roman History. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1707. Eckhel, Josephus Hilarius. Doctrina Numorum Veterum. 8 vols. 4to. Vienna, 1792-8. Addenda ad Doctrinam Numorum Veterum. 4to. Vienna, 1826. Eckstein, Charles. New method for reproducing Maps and Drawings. 4to. The Hague, 1876. Eddy, C.W. Colonial means of Defence from Naval Attack. Lond. 1865. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 78.) Survey of our Second or Middle Line of Defence, viz., the Coast, with sugges- tions for the Defence of London. 3 parts. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 87.) Ede, J. View of the gold and silver coins ot all Nations. 121110. Lond. n.d. Edelsheim, Freiherr von. Operationen iiber See. 8vo. Berlin, 1901. Eden, C. H. China, historical and de- scriptive ; with an appendix on Corea. 8vo. Lond. 1877. Edgar, M. Ten Years of Upper Canada in Peace and War. 8vo. Toronto, 1890. Edge, Major J. S. A Guide to Medical Officers on Field Service. Crown 8vo. Aldershot, 1904. Edgeworth, R. L. Letter on the Tello- graph and on the Defence of Ireland. Dublin, 1797. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. i.) Edinburgh Observatory. Report to the Secretary of State for the Home Department. Edinburgh, 1846. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 44 (ii.).) Scottish Meteorology, 1856-71. 4to. Edinburgh, n.d. Report to the Board of Visitors, Wed- nesday the 29th of June, 1870. Edinburgh, 1870. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 7.) Edison, T. {See Dickson.) Edmonds, Cyrus R. Life and Times of General Washington. 3rd edit. 2 vols, lamo. Lond. 1839. Edmonds, Major J. E., R.E. {See Wood, W. B.) Education. Recent Measures for the Promotion of Education in England. 8th edition. Lond. 1839. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 12.) The School in its relation to the State, the Church, and the Congregation. Lond. 1847. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 30.) Reports on Technical Instruction in France, Germany and Switzerland. 8vo. Lond. 1868-9. Education, Military. Remarks on the Report of the Com- missioners on Military Education. Lond. 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 79.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) Lond. 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 83.) The Joint Education of the Artillery and Engineers injurious to the Public. Service. 2nd edition. Oxford, 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i.) How we educate our Officers, 8vo. Lond. 1884. The first-class Army School Certificate made easy. 8vo. Chatham, 1888. The second-class Army School Certifi- cates made easJ^ 5th edition. 8vo. Chatham, 1889. The third-class Army School Certifi- cate made easy. 121110. Chatham, 1880. (For other Works, sec also Index and Par- liamentary Papers.) EDW 126 ELC Edwardes, Sir H. B., A year on the Egypt {conid.)- I'uiijal) Kixiiitiii-, ill 1848-9. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1851. Edwardes, Sir H. B., and Herman Meri- vale. Life of Sir Henry Lawrence. 2ntl t'llition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1872. Edwards, Bryan. History, civil and commercial, of the British West Indies. 5th edition. 5 vols. Svo. Lond. 1819. Edwards, Edward. Practical treatise of Perspci'tive, on the principles of Dr. Brook Taj-lor. 2nd edition. 4to. Lond. i8o5. Edwards, Edward. The Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, together with his letters. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1868. Edwards, Captain F. M. The Defence and Defensive Positions. 8vo. Madras, 1900. Edwards, H. Sutherland. Russian Pro- jects against India. Svo. Lond. 18S5. Edwards, J. Figures of Euclid, with questions, and a praxis of geometrical exercises. i2mo. Lond. 1836, Edwards, Jonathan. Life of the Rev. David Brainerd. Revised with an in- troductory essay by James Montgomery. i2mo. Glasgow, 1829. Edwards, Thomas. Leading Decisions in the High Court of Admiraltj', in cases of ves.sels sailing under British Licences. Lond. 1812. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 2.) Edye, John, F.R.S. Calculations relating to the Equipment and Displacement of Ships and Vessels of War. 4to. Lond. 1832. Addenda to ditto. Lond. 1859. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 81). Edye, Major L., and Major E. Rhodes. Catechism on the Manual of Instruction in Army Signalling, &c. New edition. Svo. Chatham, 1894. Egerton, Mrs. Fred. Admiral of the Fleet Sir GeofiVey Phipps Hornby, G.C.B. Svo. Lond. 1896. Egerton, H. E. A Short History of British Colonial Policy. Svo. Lond. 1897. Egerton, Sir P. de M. G. {See Sykes.) Eggers, Jacob von. Neues Kriegs- Ingenieur-Artillerie-See-und Ritter- Lexi- con. 2 vols. 8vo. Dresden, 1757. Egypt. Memoirs relative to Egypt, written during the Campaign of General Bona- parte, 1798-9. Svo. Lond. 1800. Description de I'Egypt ; ou recueil des observations et des recherches qui ont ete faites pendant I'Expedition de I'Armee Fran^aise. 9 vols of text and 12 vols, of plates. Folio. Paris, 1809-22. Provinces of the Equator : letters and reports of General Gordon, Governor- General. Part I. 1874. Svo. Cairo, 1877. Report on Northern and Central Kor- dofan. By Colonel R. E. Colston. Small 4to. Cairo, 1878. Report on Egypt. (Intel. Bch. W.0.> Svo. ' Lond. 1S82. Report on the Egyptian Provinces of the Sudan, Red Sea, and Equator. (W.O.) Svo. Lond. 1883. Ditto, ditto (revised). Svo. Lond. 1S84. Recensement General de I'Egypte^ Vol. I. 4to. Cairo, 1S84. The Nile above the Second Cataract. (Intel. Bch,, W.O.) By Lieut.-Colonel R. H. O'Grady Haly. Svo. Lond. 1S84. Routes between Suakin and Berber By Captain J. J. Leverson. Folio. Lond. 1S84, Report on the principal Caravan Routes from Egypt and the Red Sea to Berber and Khartum. By Captain J. J. Leverson^ Folio. Lond. 1SS4. Our Task in Egypt. Lond. 1888, (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 47.) Handbook of the Soudan. Crown Svo. Lond. 1898. Nile and Country between Dongola, Suakin, Kassala, and Omdurman, Report on the. Crown Svo. Lond. 1S98. The Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. Official. Edited by Lieut.-Colonel Count Gleichen, C.V.O., C.M.G., D.S.O. 2^ols. Oblong folio. Lond. 1905. Military Report of Egypt. For official use only. Prepared for the General Staff, War Office. Svo. Lond. igo6. ,, Army. La Loi de la Guerre ; codification preparee a I'usage des Officiers de I'Armee Egyptienne. Cairo, 1S72. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 7.) (For other Works, see Index.) Ehrenkrook, F. von. Die Fisch-Tor- pedoes. Svo. Berlin, 1S78. Eisenberg, John. Observations on the Diseases of the Human Foot : with advice on the management of the hand. 4to. Lond. 1845. Eissler, M. Handbook on Modern Ex- plosives. Svo. Lond. 1890. Ekins, Vice-Admiral Sir Charles. Naval Battles, 1744 to 18 14. 4to. Lond. 1824. Naval Battles of Great Britain, from the accession of the House of Hanover to the Battle of Navarin. 2nd edition. 4to. Lond. 182S. Elcho, Lord. Army Organisation and Reserves. Lond. i86g. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 75.) Letters on Military Organization. Svo. Lond. 1S71. ELE ELS Electrical Society, London. Report of a Committee appointed to test an instrumeut invented by Lieutenant R. J. Morrison, R.N., called a Portable Magnetic Electrometer. Lond. 1838. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 16.) Transactions and Proceedings from 1837 to 1840. 4to. Lond. 1841. Proceedings during the Sessions 1841-2 and 1842-3. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Elgar, Francis. The Royal Navy ; in a series of illustrations. 2 vols. 4to. Portsmouth, 1873-81. Elgger, Karl von. Die Kriegsfeuer- waffen der Gegenwart. 8vo. Leipsic, 1868. Eliot, Sir C. The East Africa Protectorate. 8vo. Lond. 1905. Letters from the Far East. 8vo. Lond. 1907. Eliot, Captain W. G. Defence of Portugal, with sketch of the principal events of the Campaigns in 1808 and i8og. 8vo. Lond. 1810. Eliott - Lockhart, Lieutenant P. C. {Sec Fincastle.) Elizabeth, Clueen of England. Life and reign of Queen Elizabeth : as also the trial, sufferings, and death of Mary, Queen of Scots. 4to. Lond. 1739. Elkington, Lieut.-Colonel H. P. G., R.A.M.C. Notes on Military Sanita- tion. i2mo. Lond. 1906. EUenborough, Lord. History of the Indian Administration of Lord Ellen- borough in his correspondence with the Duke of Wellington, with his letters to the Queen during that period. Edited by Lord Colchester. 8vo. Lond. 1874. EUesby, J. Letter about the late Northern Invasion. Lond. 1708. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 19.) EUesmere, The Earl of. Military Events in Italy, 1848-9. i2mo. Lond. 1851. Personal Recollections of the Duke of Wellington, by Francis, the First Earl of EUesmere. Edited by Alice, Countess of Straflbrd. 8vo. Lond. 1903. Elliot, Captain C. M, Magnetic Survey of the Eastern Archipelago. 4to. Lond. 1851, Elliot, Admiral Sir George. Treatise on future Naval Battles, and how to fight them. 8vo. Lond. 1885. Elliot, G. F. Scott. Chile. 8vo. Lond. 1907. Elliot, Captain R. J. Proposal in be- half of the Seamen of the Kingdom. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 37.) Elliott, Lieutenant G. H. Armament of Ca\alry. 8vo. Allahabad, 1875. Historical memoir of the dismounted serx'ice of Cavalry. 8vo. Allahabad, n.d. (Bound with " Armament of Cavalry.") „ Major. Notes on Cavalry Literature, treating more especiallj- of its Armament. Parts I and 2. 8vo. Allahabad, 1890. Cavalry Literature : a Biographical Record of Works on the Historj-, Organi- zation, Tactics, and Administration of Cavalry'. In two parts, English and French. 8vo. Calcutta, 1893. Ellis, Major C. H. Fairfax. Extracts from the Drill Regulations for the Pru.s- sian Artillery' and from the Handbook for Prussian Artillery Officers. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Ellis, Sir Henry. Journal of the proceedings of the late Embassy to China. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1815. Original Letters, illustrative of English History. ist series. 3 \ols. 8vo. Lond. 1824. Ditto ditto. 2nd series. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827. Ellis, Lieut-General Sir S. B. Me- moirs and services 8vo. Lond. 1866. Ellis, The Rev. W. Narrati\'e of a tour through Hawaii or Owhyhee. 8vo. Lond. 1826. History of Madagascar. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838. Polynesian Researches. 2nd edition. 4 vols. i2mo. Lend. 1839-42. Three visits to Madagascar, 1853-6. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Ellis, Captain W. B. E. Military Notes, written at Secundera- bad, India. Nos. 1-3. Secunderabad, 1859. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 81.) Our Artillery as proposed to be re- modelled. Lond. 1864. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 64.) Brief Notes on Field Artillery. Aldershot, 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 94.) Ditto ditto. 2nd copy. Lond. 1872. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 100.) Ellis-Barker, J. (0. Eltzbacher). The Balance of Power in Europe. Lend. 1905. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 69.) The Rise and Decline of the Nether- lands. 8vo. Lond. 1906. Ellison, Captain G. F. Home Defence. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1898. Elmslie, Major F. B. The Attack of a Coast Fortress. Duncan Gold Medal Prize Essay, 1893, R.A. Institution. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 57.) Elsmie, G. R. {See Lumsden, General Sir P. S.) ELP 128 EXG Elphinstone, The Hon. Mountstuart. Account of the Kingdom of Caubul and its dependencies in Persia, Tartar}-, and India ; comprising a view of the Afghaun Nation, and historj' of the Douraunee Monarchy. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839. History of India. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Selections from the minutes and other official writings of. Edited with a me- moir by G. W. Forest. 8vo. Lond. 1884. Rise of the British Power in the East. Edited by Sir Edward Colebrooke. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Elson, S. R. Prospectus and Plan of Maritime Code of Signals. Calcutta, 1819. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 49.) Elton, Lieut.-Colonel Richard. Com- pleat Body of the Art Military. 2nd edition. Folio. Lond. 1659. Eltzbacher, 0. {See Ellis-Barker.) Elwai't, A. Manuel des Aspirants au.x grades de Sous-Chef et de Chef de Musique de lArmee. 2nd edition. 8vo. Paris, 1861. Elwood, Mrs. Narrative of a journey overland to India. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Emerson, William. Principles of Me- chanics. 2nd edition. 4to. Lond. 1758. Emerson-Tennant, Sir J. Picture of Greece in 1825 ; as exhibited in the personal narratives of James Emerson, Count Pecchio, and W. H. Humphrej's. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826. Letters from the ^gean. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829. History of Modern Greece, from its conquest by the Romans, B.C. 146. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Ceylon. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1859. Story of the Guns. 8vo. Lond. 1864. Emin Pasha. {See Schweitzer.) Emigration. Report of a Public Meet- ing of the National Colonial Emigration Society. Lond. 1863. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 65.) Encyclopaedias. Agriculture, 6 vols. 1787-1816. American Annual Cyclopaedia and Record of important events of the year 1861. 8vo. New York, 1862. Americana. Vols, i to . 4to. New York, 1883- . Antiquites, Mythologie, Diplomatique des Chartres. 6 vols. 1786-1803. Architecture. 2 vols. 1788-98. Encyclopaedias {conid) — Art anitoire et du jardinage. i vol. and vol. of plates. 1802. Art Militaire. 4 vols. 1784-97. Arts et Metiers Mecanicjues. 8 vols. and 6 vols, of plates. 1782-91. Assemblee Nationale Constituante. Vol. 2. 1792. Beaux Arts. 2 vols. 1788-91. Botanique. Vols, i to 3 bound in six, vol. 5, and vol. of plates. 1784-1804. Britannica. loth edition. 35 vols, with indices. 4to. Lond. 1875-89. Cetologie. 1795. Chambers'. 10 vols. New edition. Imperial 8vo. Lond. 1895. Chasses. i vol. and vol. of plates. 1792. Chimie, Pharmacie, et Metallurgie. 5 vols, and vol. of plates. 1786-1808. „ Recueil des Planches. 1813. Commerce. 3 vols. 1783-84. Equitation, Escrime, &c. 1786. Finances. 3 vols. 1784-87. Forets et Bois. 1791. Geographie Ancienne. 3 vols, in five. 1788-92. „ Moderne. 3 vols, in six. 1785-91. „ Physique. 4 vols. 1792-1811. ,, Atlas. 3 vols. 1789-90. Histoire Naturelle des Animaux. 7 vols, in 10 and vol. of plates. 1784-93. Insectes. Plates. Part i. Ichthyology. 1791. Jurisprudence. 10 vols. 1782-91. Logique, metaphysique et morale. Vols. 2-4. 1789-91. London. Parts 1-8 (A-Cadiz). 8 vols. 8vo. Lond. n.d. Manufactures, Arts et Metiers. 3 vols, and 2 vols, of plates. 1785-90. Marine. 3 vols, and vol. of plates. 1783-87. Mathematiques. 2 vols. 1784-89. Medecine. 3 vols. 1789-94. Methodique, ou par ordre de Matieres. Par une Societe de Gens de Lettres, de Savans, et d'Artistes. 4to. Paris and Padua, 1782-1816. Musique. 2 vols. 1791-1818. Ornithologie. 1792. Philosophie, ancienne et moderne. Vol. I. 1791- Recueil des Planches. Vols. 7 and and II. 1789. Engel, Dr. Die Verluste der Deutschen Armeen an Offizieren und Mannschaften im Kriege gegen Frankreich 1870-71. 4to. Berlin, 1872. Engelhard, R. Specimen Juris Militum Naturalis methodo scientifica. 4to. Frankfort, 1754 ENG 129 ERC Engelhardt. A Russian Province of the North. Small Royal 8vo. Lend. 1S99. Engineers, Committee of Civil. Experi- ments on the Mechanical and other pto- perties of Steel. Folio. Lond. 1868-70. Engineers, Institution of Civil. Charter, Bye- Laws, and List of .Members tor 1807, 1873, 1S79, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1886, 1887. 8vo. Lond. 1867-87. List of Officers, &c. Lond. 1833. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 32.) Transactions. Vol. i and up to date. Engineers, Institution of Electrical (late Society of Tele.^raph Engineers). Journal. Vol. i and up to date. 8vo. Proceedings for 1S96-97. Engineers, North of England Institu- tion of Mining and Mechanical. Illustrations of Fossil Plants. Edited by G. A. Lebour. 8vo. Lond. 1877. Engineers, Koyal. Papers on subjects connected with the duties of the Corps of Royal Engineers. Vol. I to 10. 4to. Lond. 1837-49. Corps Papers, and Memoirs on MiH- tary Subjects. Vol. i. 8vo. Lond. 1849-50. Aide-Memoire to the MiUtary Sciences. Part IL Vols, i, 2 and 3. 8vo. Lond. 1846, 1850 and 1852. Course of MiHtary Instruction, Chatham. 8vo. Chatham, 1855. Professional Papers. Vols, i to 23. 8vo. Lond. 1851-76. Ditto, ditto. New .Series. Up to date. 8vo. Chatham, 1877- . ^Miscellaneous Papers. 4 vols. 8vo. Chatham, n.d. Exercise of Military Bridges of Casks. Chatham, 1822. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 33.) Operations in the arrangement and formation of a camp for 10,000 Infantry on the Curragh of Kildare. By Lieut. - Colonel H. W. Lugard. 4to. Dublin, 1858. School of Military Engineering, Chatham. Lectures. Folio. Chatham, 1866- . Aide-Memoire for the use of Officers of Royal Engineers. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1876-83. Engineers, Junior Institution of. Re- cord of Transactions. 8vo Lond. 1900. England. Fifth Letter to the People of England on the Subversion of the Constitution. Lond. 1757. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 17.) England's Monarchs in Characteristic Costumes, with brief notices of their reigns, 1066-1820. Folio. Lond. 1822. England, A History of. A History of lingland in six volumes, and I supplementary volume. Edited by C. W. C. Oman. 8vo. Lond. 1904. 1. From the Beginning to 1066. By Prof. Oman. 2. England under the Normans and Angevin; (1066-1 272;. By H. C. W. Davis. 3. From 1272-1483. By Owen Edwards. 4. England under the Tudors (1485- 1603) A. D. Funes. 5. England under the Stuarts (1603- 1714). By G. M. Trevelyan. 6. From 1714-1815. By C, Grant Robinson. Suppleiticiitary Voliur.c. 7. England since Waterloo (181 5-1900.) By J. A. R. Marriott. England, The Rev. T. E. Memoli ot an antique IMedal, bearing on one side the representation of the Head of Christ, and on the other a curious Hebrew Inscrip- tion ; found at Friar's Walk, near Cork. 8vo. Lond. 18 19. Ense, Varnhagen von. Sketches of German Life, and Scenes from the War of Liberation in (Germany. Translated by Sir Alexander DuffGordoti. 8vo. Lond. 1847. Vie de Seydlitz. Translated by Savin Delarclause. 8vo. Paris, 1869. Entick, The Rev. John. New Naval History, or compleat view of the British Marine Folio. Lond. i7.";7. History of the late War. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1763. Eothen. New edition. 8vo. Lend. 1864. Epauchin, Colonel. Operations of (ieneral Gurko's A.dvance < lUard 1:13877. Translated from the Russian by H. Have- lock. 8vo. Lend. i«)oo. (Wolselcy Seric;.) Equitation. Cours d'Ecjuitation Mihtalre. 2 vols, and I vol. Plates. 8vo. I'ar;s, 1830. The Book of Aids, or the System of Equitation. With the Sword and Lance Exercise. 8vo. Canterbury, 1888. L'Equitation Moderne. 8vo. Paris, 1892. (For other Works, sec Lidex.) Erckmann-Chatrian, MM. Maitre Daniel Rock. i2mo. Paris, 1 861. Maitre Gaspard Fix. i2mo. Paris, n.d. Alsace. l2mo. Paris, n.d. Le Banni ; Roman patriotlque. i2mo. Pari.-, n.d. Le Blocus : PLpisode do la fin de rfinipire. 10th Editio". icrno. Paris, n.d. Le bon vieux Temps. (Bound with "Histoire d'un Sous Maitre.") I ERC EST Erckmann-Cliatrian, MM. ^ro/i/i/.)— Lc Brigadier Frederic : histoire d'un Fraii(;ai.s cliasse par Ics Alleiiiancis. 3ril edition. 121110. Paris, n.d. Unc Campagne en Kabylic, recit d'un Chasseur d'At'rique ; et aiitres recits. i2ino. Paris, n.d. Confidences dun Joueur de Clarinctte. 4tli edition. i2nio. Paris, n.d. Contes do la Montague, i^mo. Paris, i860. Contes dcs Bords du Rhin. 3rd edition. i2niu. Paris, 1863. Contes populaires. i2mo. Paris, n.d. Contes Vosgiens. i2mo. Paris, n.d. Les Deu.K Freres. i2mo. Paris, 1873. L'Education d'un Feodal. (Bound -with " Maitre Gaspard Fix.") L'Exile. (Bound with ''Souvenirs d'un Chef de Chantier.") Le Grand-Pcre Lebigre. i2mo. Paris, n.d. La Guerre. 4th edition. i2mo. Paris, 1886. Histoire d'un Conscrit de 1813. 25th edition. i2mo. Paris, n.d. Histoire d'un Homme du Peuple. 7th edition. i2mo. Pari.s, n.d. Histoire d'un Paysan. 4 vols. l2mo. Paris, 1869-70. 1789. Les Etats Generaux. 15th edition. 1792. La Patrie en Danger. loth edition. 1793. L'An I de la Republique. 2nd edition. 1794-1815. Le Citoyen Bonaparte. 6th edition. Histoire d'un Sous-Maitre. i2mo. Paris, 1871. Histoire du Plebiscite racontee par un des 7, 500,000 oui. i2mo. Paris, 1872. L'Ami P^ritz. 7th edition. i2mo. Paris, 1878. L'lllustre Docteur Matheus. 4th edition. i2nio. Paris, n.d. L'Invasion ou le fou Yegof. nth edition. i2nio. Paris, n.d. Le Juif Polonais. l2mo. Paris, n.d. Lettre d'un Electeur a son Depute. (Bound with " L'Esprit Humain.") Madame Therese. i6th edition. i2mo. Paris, n.d. La Maison Forestiere. 5th edition. i2mo. Paris, n.d. Les Orateurs de nion village. (Bound with " Histoire d'un Sous INLaitre."; Les Papiers de Madame Jeanette. (Bound with " Histoire d'un Sous Maitre. "j Quelques mots sur I'Esprit Humain. i2mo. Paris, n.d. Erckmann-Chatrian, MM. {cofitd.)— La .Sentinellc Perdue. (Bound with "Histoire d'un Sous Maitre.) Souvenirs d'un ancien Chef de Chan- tier a ristlinie de Suez. i2mo. Paris, n.d. Les \'ieux de la \'ieille. 4th edition. i2nio. Paris, n.d. Waterloo ; suite du Conscrit de 1813. 2oth edition. 121110. Paris, n.d. Erichsen, John Eric. Science and Art ot .Surij:cr\-. 5th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Errard, J, La Fortification demonstree. Folio. Paris, 1620. Errera, Professor Leo. The Russian Jews : Extei-mination or Emancipation. 8vo. Lond. 1894. Erskine, Captain John Elphinstone, R.N. Journal of a cruise among the Islands of the Western Pacific. Svo. Lond. 1853. Erskine, Captain Eohert. The facts and accusations set forth in a late Pam- phlet intitled "The conduct and treat- ment of John Crookshank,"' proved to be false and g^i-oundless. 8vo. Lond. 1759. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Escaude, Benjamin. Sou\enirs hitimes. Svo. Geneva, 1889. Esher. Viscount. National Strategy. Lond. 1904. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 69.) Esniarch, Dr. Friedrich. The first dressing on the battle-field. Translated by Dr. T. Guy. i2mo. Lond. 1870. The .Surgeon's Handbook on the treat- ment of wounded in war. Translated bv H. H. Glutton. 4to. Lond. 1878. Chirurgie de Guerre. Translated by Dr. Rouge, 4to. Paris, 1879. First aid to the Injured. Translated by H.R.H. Princess Christian. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Espinosa y Tello, Don Josef. Memorias sobre las Observaciones Astronomicas, hechas por los Na\eg;antes Espanoles en distintos lugares del Globo. 2 vols. 4to. Madrid, 1809. Charts of the Atlantic, hidian, and Pacific Oceans. Folio. Lond. 1813. Esquemeling, John. Buccaneers and Marooners c>t America. Edited b\- Howard Pyle. Svo. Lond. 1891. Essex, Eohert Devereux, Earl of {See National Defence"). Este, Dr. M. L. Letter concerning the Royal and other Scientific Institutions. Lond. 1810. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 14.) Remarks on Baths. Svo. Lond. 18-!=;. EST 131 E\'A Este, Dr. M. L. {contd?) P^acts respecting- the Drainage of London and the pollution ot the Thames. Lond. 1858. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 52.) Remarks on Railways. Lond. 185S. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 51.) Infanticides-Suicides. n.p., i860. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 68.) Estienne de Lusignan, F. Histoire contenant une sommaire Description des Genealoo;ies, &c. de tous les Princes et Grans Seigneurs qui ont commandees Royaumes de Hierusalen, Cypre, Arinenie, et lieux circonuousins. 4to. Paris, 1759. Estrees, Le Marechal d'. Regence de Marie de Medecis. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. 16.) Etonian. 4th edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824. Etreillis, Le Baron d'. Ecuyers et Cavaliers ; autrefois et aujourd'hui. 8vo. Paris, 1887. Etruria, Maria Louisa, ftneen of. (.S>^ Kelly.) Etyler, J. A. Description of the Naval Automaton. i2mo. Lond. 1836. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, Modern.) Eugene of Savoy, The Prince. Memoirs written by himself. Translated bj- F. Schoberl. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1811. Euler, Professor. {See Brown, Hugh.) Euler, Leonard. Theory of the construction and proper- ties of Vessels, with practical conclusions for the management of ships. Translated bj' Col. H. Watson. 8vo. Lond. 1790. Elements of Algebra. Translated from the French, with the notes of M. Bernouilli, and the additions of M. de la Grange. 4th edition. By the Rev. John Hewlett ; with a Life of Euler, by tne late Francis Horner. 8vo. Lond. 1828. Europe. Compleat History of Europe, 1676-99. Bvo. Lond. 1699. Ditto, ditto. 1 600- 1 700. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1705. Ditto, ditto. 1701-12. 12 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1702-13. Military Costume of Europe. Vol. i only. 4to. Lond. 1812. Balance of Power in Europe, its Na^■al Aspect. Lond. 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 45). Conference Internationale de la Paix. La Haye, 18 Mai-29 Juliet, 1899. Royal 4to. La Haj'e, 1899. (For other Works, sec Index.) European History Series. Periods of European History in 8 \-t)luines. Bvo. Lond., 1903-05. Period I. The Dark Ages, 476-918. By C. W. C. Oman. Period //. The Empire and Papac)-, 918-1273. Bj' T. F. Tout. Period III. The Close of the Middle Ages, 1273-1494. By R. Lodge. Period IV. Europe in the Sixtcent\i Century, 1494-1598. By A. H. Johnson. Period V. The Ascendency of France, 1598-1715. By H. O. Wakcman. Period VI. The Balance of Power, 1715-1789. By A. Hassall. Period VII. Revolutionary Europe, 1815-1899. By H. Morse-Stephens. Period VIII. Modern Euro^ie, 181 5- 1899. By W. Alison Phillips. Eusebius, Joannes. De nova Moneta Alexandri VII. i2mo. n.p., 1656. Eustace, The Rev. John Chetwode. Classical tour through Italy, 1802. 4th edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1817. Evans, General Sir de Lacy. Memo- randa of the contest in .Spain, 1840. 8vo. Lond. 1840. Evans, F, J. Amount and changes of the Polar Magnetism in H.M.S. "Northumberland." Lond. 1868. (Pamphlets, vol. 5.) Elementary manual for the deviation of the Compass in iron ships. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Evans, H. B. Jamaica, a source of national wealth and honoin\ Lond. 1855 (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 5.) Evans, Major H. C, Company Training Made Easy. 2nd edition. Revised by Captain R." F. Legge. 8vo. Aldershot, 1905. Evans, Captain H. D. Development of Reserve Forces. Lond. 1875. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i.) Evans, The Rev. J. Letters written during a tour through South Wales, in 1803. ' 8vo. Lond. 1804. Evans, John. Ancient stone implements, weapons, and ornaments of Great Britain. 8vo. Lond. 1872. Evans, Maurice. The /Egis of England ; or the Triumphs of the late War. 4to. Lond. 1817. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) 8vo. Lond. 1817. Evans, T. State of the Masters' Mates, Midship- men, Inferior Officers, and Seamen of H.M. Navy. Lond. 1791. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol 3.) (S^r also Angell.) EVA EVR Evans, Dr. T. W. Sanitary Institutions during the Austro- Prussian-Italian Conflict. 3rd edition. 8vo. Paris, 1868. History and description of an Ambu- lance Waj^on. Paris, 1868. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 74.) Evans, W. Sandford. The Canadian C'oiitiii,i(tnts and Canadian Imperialism Svo. Lend. 1 901. Evelyn, John, Numismata : a discourse of Medals, ancient and modern. Folio. Lond. 1697. Memoirs : comprising his diary and a .selection of his familiar letters. Edited by William Bra^-. 5 vols. Svo. Lond. 1827. Ditto, ditto. Complete in i vol. i2mo. Lond. 1 871. Everett, Edward. {See :\Ioore, F.) Everitt, Herhert. System for directing and converging the fire of Heavy Guns. Portsmouth, 1B73. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 12.) Ewald, A. C. Reference Book of Enghsh History. 8vo. Lond. 1866. The last century of universal histor)' : 176710 1867. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Ewart, Lieut-Colonel C. B. Report on the proper Principle of Drainage to be adopted in Oxford, Eton, Windsor, and Abingdon. Lond. 1868. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 74 (i).) Ewhank, Major W., R.E. Tactical Studies. Svo. Bombay. 1905. {See also Shadwell, Major L. J.; Exchaqnet, H. Essai sur les moyens de rectifier les jugemens que nous portons sur les Distances des Objets Eloignes. 8vo. Lausanne, 1800. Exhibitions. India, 1870. Report of the central committee of the Soldiers' Industrial Exiiibition, India. Lahore, 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 85.) Catalogues, etc. Lahore, 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 85.) London, 1862. Record of the Great E.xhibition, 1862. ("Practical Mechanics Journal.") 4t0; Lond. 1862. „ 1882. Report on the Exhibition of Ship Models, &c. , held in Fishmongers' Hall, London, May, 1882. The Hague, 1882. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 54.) ,, 1890. Official Catalogue Royal Military Exhibition, 1890. 3rd edit. 8vo. Lond. 1890. Ditto, ditto, Royal Naval Exhibition, 1891. 5th edit. Svo. Lond. 1891. Royal Naval, 1891. Official Report of the Executive and Sub-Committees, together with Statement of Accounts, &c. Svo. Lond. 1892. Exhibitions {eon/d.) — Pans, 1855. Catalogue of the British Section. Svo. Lond. 1855. Description of new or improved Instruments for Navigation and Astro- nomy, exhibited by C. Piazzi Smyth. Edinburgh, 1855. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 46 (i.).) Reports of the Paris Universal Ex- hibition ; presented to Parliament. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1856. „ 1867. Rapport de la Haute Commission Militaire. Svo. Paris, 1869. „ 1878. Handbook and Official Catalogue of the Canadian Section. Svo. with Svo case of maps. Lond. 1878. La Marine a I'Exposition Universelle de 1878. Text 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1879. Atlas to ditto. 2 vols. Folio. Vienna, 1873. Reports of the Vienna Universal Ex- hibition. 4 vols. Svo. Lond. 1874. Map and Plans to ditto. Folio. Exploration Series. The Nile Quest. By Sir Harry John- ston, G.C.M.G., K.C.B. Svo. Lond" 1903. The Penetration of Arabia. By D. G. Hogarth. Svo. Lond. 1904. Further India. By Hugh Clifford, C.M.G. Svo. Lond. 1904. The Siege of the South Pole. By H. R. Mill. 8vo. Lond. 1905. The Saint Lawrence Basin. By C. G. Dawson. Svo. Lond. 1905. Tibet the Mysterious. Bv Sir Thomias Holdich, K.C.M.G., K.C.I.E.,C.B. Svo. Lond. 1906. Eyes, Diseases of. Operations performed by Mr. Adams for the cure of the various species of Cataract and the Egyptian Oph- thalmia. Lond. 1814. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 1.) Eyre, Edward John. Journals of ex- peditions of discovery into Central Aus- tralia, 1840-1. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1845. Eyre, Major-General Sir Vincent, Military operation at Cabul, 1842. i2mo. Lond. 1843. Metallic Boats and floating waggons for naval and military service. Lond. 1856. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 81.) Retrospect of the Affghan War, with reference to passing events in Central Asia. Lond. 1869. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 76.) A fortnight's tour among French Am- bulances. Lond. 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 89.) The Kabul Insurrection of 1841-2: edited by Col. G. B. Malleson. Svo. Lond. 187c. FAB FAN F Faber Du Faur, Major C. G, de, and Major F. de Kausler. Campagne de Russic, 1812. Ro\-al 4to. Paris, 1897. Fabre, Le Colonel. Precis de la Guerre Fi-anoo-Allemande. 8vu. Paris, 1875. FabricillS, H. Auxerrc-Chatillon. I. and II. Theil. 8\o. Berlin, 1900. Fabrizi, Jean. L' Italic apres la Guerre. Translated by M. Martin Doisj-. Bvo. Paris, 1859. Fabyan, Robert. New Chronicles of England and France. Edited by Henry Ellis. 4to. Lond. 1811. FacciolatllS, J. Totius Latinitatis Lexicon. Opera et studio -iEi^idii Forcellini. Edited bj' J. Bailey. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1828. Faddy, Colonel Peter. Defence and Militar_y System of Great Britain at home and abroad. Lond. 1848. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. ^2-) Fadeeff, General Rotislav. Opinion on the Eastern Question. Translated by T. Michell. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 2.) Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. Lond. 1876. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 48.) Fadejew, General. Uber Russlands Kriegsmacht und Kriegspolitik. Mit einem Vorwort von Julius Eckardt. 8vo. Leipzig, 1870. Faidherbe, Le General. Campagne de LArmee du Nord en 1870-71. Paris, 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 95.) Faija, Henry. Portland cement for users. Bvo. Lond. 1881. Fain, Le Baron. Manuscript of 18 14. Memoirs of the last six months of the Reign of Napoleon. Comprising a Historj' of the Events which led to his Abdication. Written at the Command of the Emperor. Translated from the French. 8vo. Lond. 1826. Manuscrit de 18 12, contenant le precis des evenements de cette annee. 2 vols. Bvo. Paris, 1827. Manuscrit de 1813, contenant le precis, des evenements de cette annee. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Bvo. Paris, 1825. Manuscrit de 1814, trouve dans les voitures Imperiales prises a Waterloo, contenant les six derniers mois du Regne de Napoleon. 2nd edition. Bvo. Paris, 1830. Fairbairn, Williani. Iron shipbuilding : its history and progress. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Fairfax, W. Handbook to Australasia. i2mo. Melbourne, 1859. Fairholt, F. W. Costume in England ; a history of dress to the end ot the eighteenth century. 3rd edition. Edited by the Hon. H. A. Dillon 2 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1885. Dictionary of Terms in Art. 8vo. Lond. n.d. "Fairy," H.M.S. Loss of H.M.S. "Fairy." 8vo. Lond. 1841. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, Modern.) Falbe. Les Antiques Monnaies d'Abdera de la Betique. Copenhagen, 1840. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 26.) Falck, N. D. Ready Observator ; or an infallible method for determining the Latitude at Sea. 4to. Lond. 1771. Falconer, Thomas. Disco\ery of the Mississippi, the S.W. Oregon, and the N.W. Boundarj- of the United States. Svo. Lond. 1844. Falconer, "William. Universal Dictionary of the Marine. 4to. Lond. 1769. Ditto, ditto. Modernised and enlarged bj- W. Burney. 4to. Lond. 18 15. The Shipwreck, a poem ; with addi- tional notes and illustrations and sketch of the Author's lite. 4to. Lond. 180S. Falconer, Dr. W. Dissertation on St. Pauls \'oj'age from Caearea to Puteoli. 2nd edition. Bvo. Lond. 1870. Falkner, Thomas. Description of PatagDnia and the adjoining parts of South America and the Falkland Lslands. 4to. Hereford, 1774. Falkonberg, B. E., ah'(rs B. Solymos. Desert Life : recollections of an expedition in the Si^udan. 8\-o. Lond. 1880. Falle, The Rev. P. Ca?sarea, or an account of Jersey*. 4th edition. Bvo. Jersey, 1835. Fame. Nautical Poem, entitled "The Fame." i2mo. Lond. 1809. Fanshawe, Lady. Memoirs ; written l_)v hei'self 121110. Lond. 1830. Fanshawe, Vice-Admiral E. G. Suggestions on the entry, education and promotion of Naval Officers. Lond. 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 21.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 24.) „ Admiral Sir E. G, Sir Hugh. Dairy m pie at Gibraltar and in Portugal in i8o3. 3\i). Lond. 1900. Fanshawe, H. C. Delhi, Past and Present. Svo. Lond. 1G02. FAN 134 FEL Fantin-Desodoards, A. E. N. Histoirc Pliil<)so|)hi(|ne cic l;i I'^cvti'iitidii dc Frame, de]-mls la prcniicrc As^cinblce jusqira la Paix de ricsbourg. 5th edition, jovol-s. 8vo. Paris, 1807. Faraday, Michael. Practical I'rcvcntion of Dry Rot in Timber. Lond. 1836. (Pamphlets, 2ncl series, \ol. 8.) Ditto, ditto. (Second Copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 10.) Experimental Researches in Electricity. Vols. I and 2. 8vo. Lond. 1839-44. Chemical Manipulation. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lend. 1842. Experimental Researches in Chemistry and Physics. 8vo. Lond. 1859. Farces. Collection of the most esteemed Parces. 6 vols. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1792. Farcy, Camille. La Guerre sur le Danube, 1877-78. 8vo. Paris, 1879. Parmer, J. Songs for Soldiers and .Sailors. hnp. 8vo. Lond. 1896. Farqiiharson, Colonel J., C.B., R.E. The Principles of Army Organization as applied to English Ai-my .Service. Lond. 1898. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 60.) Farragut, L. Life of David Glasgow Farragut, First Admiral of the U.S. Navj-. 8vo. New York, 1879. Farrelly, M. J., LL.D, The Settlement alter the War in South Africa. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Farrer, Henry. Irish Marriages. 2 vols. Foolscap 4to. Lond. 1897. Farrer, J, A. Zululand and the Zulus. i2mo. Lond. 1879. Military manners and customs. 8vo. Lond. 1885. Farrer, T. H. The altcratiors which would be made in the present law by the enactment of the Merchant Shipping Code, 1870. Lond. 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 84.) Farrow, Edward S. Military Encyclo- paedia : adictionary of military knowledge. 3 vols. 4to. ■ Lond. 1885. Farsetti, T. G. Lettere Militare. 8vo. Venice, 1759. Father of the City of Eutopia, or the surest road to riches. 8vo. Ltjnd. 1757. '■Radstock's Collection, ]>yng's Tracts.) Faulkner, T. Account of the Royal Hospital and the Royal Military Asylum at Chelsea, with an account of Kmg James' College. i2mo. Lond". 1805. Faussett, The Rev. Bryan, Collection of Anglo-Saxon Antiquities. Lond. 1854. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 43 (ii).) Fanvart - Bastoiil, Le Capitaine L. Des Marches de la Cavalerie. 8vo. Paris, 1S88. „ Le Commandant. Lance et sabre. I'ari.s, 1897. (Pamphlets. 3rd series., vol. 61.) Faux, W. .Memorable days in .\merica. 8vo. Lond. 1823. Fave, Le General. L'Armee Francaisc dc])uis la guerre. Paris, 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 22.) (Sec also .\ap(j!eon III. and Reinaud.) Favre, Le Colonel C. Coup d'ceil sur la guerre Sud- Africaine. Lond. 7903. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 70.) A Model for National Militia. A Lecture translated from the French ^V Captain C. L. OMalley. Lond. 1904. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 69.) Favre, Edmond. L'Autriche et ses In- stitutions Militaii-es. 8vo. Paris and Leipsic, 1866. Favre, Jules. (jouvernement de la Defense Nationale, 1871-2. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1871-2. Fay, Le General C. Souvenirs de la (juerre de Crimee, 1854-6. 8vo. Paris. 1867. Journal d'un Officier de I'.Armee du Rhin. 8vo. Paris, 1S71. Etudes de Marches (Ic'na — Sedan;. Royal 4to. Paris, i8cc. Fayrer, Sir Joseph, Bt. Recollections of my Life. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Fayrer, J. The Thanatophidia of India : being a description of the venomous snakes of the Indian Peninsula. Folio. Lond. 1872. The Royal Tiger of Pengal, his life and death. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Fea, Allan. The Flight of the King'. 8vo. Lond. 1897. King Monmouth. 8\o. Lond. 1902. After Worcester Fight. 8vo. Lond. 1904. Featherstonhaugh, G. W. Obser\ations upon the Treaty of Waslungton, signed August 9, 1842. 8vo. Lond. 184^. Fee, A. L. A. .Souvenirs de la Guerre d'Espagne, dite de Flndependance, 1808- 1813. 8vo. Paris, 1856. Feilding, Colonel the Hon. W. Attack and defence. Lond. 1S73. f Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 16.) Feiss, J. Das Wehrwesen der Schweiz. 8vo. Zurich, 1880. Fell, J. B. .System for the rapid con- struction of Military Field Railways. 8vo. Ulverston, 1876. FEL 135 FEU Fellowes, Sir Charles. Account of dis- coveries in Lj'cia. 3vo. Lond. 1841. Fellowes, Robert. History of Ceylon ; to which is subjoined Robert Knox's Historical Relation otthe Island. 4to. Lond. 1817. Fellowes, William Dorset. Loss of H.M. Packet the " Lady Hobart "' on an island of" ice in the Atlantic. 8vo. Lond. 1S03. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Felsenbrxum, K. F. von. Die Stellung des Subaltern-Officiers in der Campagnie und sein Einfluss auf die Erziehung des Soldaten. 8vo. Wein, 1893. Fenby, J. Beverley. Report on the Swinburne Breech-Loading Riile. 4to. ]?iriningham, 1873. Feneion, Francois de Salignac de la Motte. Ad\entures de Telemaque fils d■Uly^se. Adventures of Telemachus, the son of Ulysses. French and English. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1795. Fenin, Pierre de. .Memoires. 'Petitot's Collection, vol. 7.) Fenn, John. Paston Letters. Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VL, Edward IV., and Richard III. Edited by A. Ramsay. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840-1. Fenwick, Lieutenant Horace. Essays on Field Fortifidtion. i2mo. Dublin, 1833. Fer, M. de. Introduction a la Fortitica- tion. Oblong 410. Paris, n.d. Fer, Nicolas de. L' Atlas Curieux, ou le I\Ionde represente dans des Cartes gene- rales et particulieres du Ciel et de la Terre. Folio. Paris, 1705. Ferguson. Biographical Dictionary. 12010. No title page. Ferguson, Adam. History of the pro- gress and termination of the Roman Re- public. 5 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1825. Ferguson, A. M. Summary of Informa- tion regarding Ceylon. Colombo, 1865. 'Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 70.) Ferguson, A. M. and J. Ceylon Directory for 1868. 8vo. Colombo, 186S. Ditto, ditto, 1874. 8vo. Colombo, 1874. Ferguson, James. Introduction to Electricity. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's principles, with notes by David Brewster. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1811. Atlas of Plates to ditto. 4to. Ferguson, James. Two Scottish Soldiers: a Soldier uf 1688 and Blenheim, a .Soldier of the American Revolution, and a Jacobite Laird and his Forbears, 8vo. Aberdeen, 1888. Ferguson, E. S. Chincellor. Picture lioard Dummies at the County Hotel, Carlisle (representing (Grenadiers of H.M. 2nd Regiment of Foot, 1714-27). (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 52.) Retreat of the Highlanders through Westmoreland in 1745. Kendal, i88g. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 47.) Second Copy. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 49.) Ferguson, Captain V. A Dictionary of Kussi.in .^Iiiitary and Naval Terms. Official. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1906. Ferguson, William. Nature and history of the Marsh Poison. Edinburgh, 1821. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 44 (ii.)-) Fergusson, James. Essay on the ancient Topography of Jerusalem. 4to. Lond. 1847. Essay on a proposed new system of Fortificatiiin. Folio. Lond. 1849. The Peril of Portsmouth, or French Fleets and English Forts. 3rd edition. Lond. 1853. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. S3-) Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Portsmouth Protected : a sequel to the ' ' The Peril of Portsmouth.'' Lond. 1856. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 87.) Fergusson, Thomas. Apercju de la Situa- tion en Chine, 1861-63. Lond. 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 34.) Fernandez, Captain John. :\Ieans for the termination of African Slavery. Lond. 1827. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, voL 23.) Ferrettus, Julius Ravennatis. De Re et Disciplina .Militari. Folio. Venice, 1575. Ferrier, J. P. Caravan journeys and wanderings in Persia, Afghanistan, Turkistan, and Be- loochistan. Translated by Capt. W. Jesse ; and edited by H. D. Seymour. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1857. History of the Afghans. Translated by Capt. William Jesse. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Ferro, Colonel Francesco. Istruzioni Militari. 4tn, Brescia, 1751.. Ferron, Le General. Quelques indica- tions pour Le Combat. 36 edit. 8vo. Paris, 1892. Feiiquiere, Le Lieut.-G-eneral Marquis de. Memoirs : written for the instruction of his Son. Translated from the F"rench. -; vols. £vo. Lond. 1737. Memoires de M. le Marc[uis de Feu- quiere, Lieut. -General des Armees du Roi. 4 vols. i2mo. New edition. Paris, 1750. FEZ 136 FIR Fezensac, La General Due de. Journal de la Coiiipayiic do Riissic, en 1812. 8\-o. " Paris, 1850. Journal of the Russian Compaign of 1812. Translated bj- Col. W. Knollys. 121110. Lond. 1852. Souvenirs Militaircs de 1804 a 1814. 8vo. Paris, 1863. Ficker, Dr. Adolf. DieX'olkerstamme der Qi!.sterreichisch-l'iigarischen Mrmarchie, ihre Gebiete, Clriinzeii und Inseln. 8vo. Vienna, 1869. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 16.) Field, A, \'erb. Sap. On going to West Africa, Northern Nigeria, Southern, and to the Coasts. 8\ o. Lond. 1905. Field, Henry M. Gibraltar. Svo. Lond. 1889. Field, The Rev. William. Memoirs of the lite, \\-i-iting:-., and opinions of tb.e Rev. Sanuiel Parr. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828. Fife, Captain J. C. Army reorganization : a defensive scheme. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 19.) On the best mode of providing Re- cruits and forming- Reserves for the British Army. 8vo. Lond. 1875. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i.) Fife-Cookson, Lieut. -Colonel J. C. With the Armies of the Balkaiis and at Galii- poli in 1877-8. 8\o. Lend. 1879. Fighting Instructions. {Sec Manu- scripts, Navy, and Signals.) Fillis, James. Principes de Dressage et d'Equitation. 8vo. Paris, 1892. Grundsatze der Dressur und iiber die Reit-Kunst. Berlin, 1894. Breaking- an J Riding, with Military Commentaries. Translated by M. H. Ha^'es. Svo. Lond. 1902. Finance. The State of the Nation, comprised in the Report of the .Select Committee on Finance, 1797 4 vols. 8\-o. Lond. 1798-1800. Credit Pernicious. Lond. 1823. (Pamphlets. 2nd series, \o\. 2.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 41.) Financial Reform Association. Financial Reform Tracts. Nos. 1-12. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 31.) No. I. Civil List. 2. Pension List. (2nd edition.) 3. Taxation. 4 and 5. Army, Ordnance, Connnis- sariat, Na\-_\', Colonies. 6. The National Budget, bj' Richard Coliden. Financial Reform Association {cotitd) — 7. Ann\-, ()i-ilnance. Commissariat, Na\-y, Colonies. 8. The Woods, Forests, and Estates- of the Crown. 9. The Dead Weight of the Army. 10. The Na\-y. II and 12. Speech of Sir William Molesworth on Colonial Expendi- ture and (kiNernment. Fincastle, Viscount, and Lieutenant P. C. Elliott-Lockhart. A Frontier Campaign, 1807-r,;. Svo. Lond. 1898. Fincati, L. Vocabulario Nautico, Inglese-Italiano e Italiano-lnglese, lamo. Rome, 1877. Le Triremi. 2nd edition. Svo. Rome, 1 88 1. Aforismi Militari. Svo. Rome, 1882. Considerazioni sulla Tattica Navale, .Studi sui Combattimenti in Mare. 410. Rome, 1882. Fincham, John. Introductory outline of the practice of Ship-building. Svo. Portsea, 1821. Directions for the repairs of Ships. Portsea, 1824. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 9.) On Masting Ships, and mast-making. Svo. Lond. 1829. Findlay, A. G. Descriptions and list of the Lighthouses of the world. Svo. Lond. 1862. (Sec also Purdy. ) Findlay, Sir George. The Working and Management of an English Railwaj'. 6th Edition, edited by S. M. Philip. Svo. Lond. 1899. Finlason, W. F. Treatise on Martial Law : as allowed by the law of England in time of re- bellion ; with illustrations drawn from the oflicial documents in the Jamaica case. 8vo. Lond. 1866. Commentaries upon Maitial Law ; with comments upon the Charge of the Lord Chief Justice in the Jamaica Case. Svo. Lond. 1867. Re\iew of the Authorities as to the repression of Riot or Rebellion. Svo. Lond. 1868. Report on the Case of the Queen v, Edward John Eyre, Governor of Jamaica. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Justice to a Colonial Governor ; or some considerations on the case of Mr. Eyre. Svo. Lond. 1868. Finlayson, Dl*. R. IMeans of preserving the health of crews ; with directions for the prevention of Drj- Rot in Ships. Lond. 1824. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 18.) Fircks, W. Freiherr von. Taschen- kalender fin- das Heer, 1894, mit Genehmigung des koniglichen Kriegs- ministeriums hcrausgegeben. 121110. Berlin, 1893. FIR FIT Firth, C. H., M.A. Marston Moor. Lond. 1S97. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 60.) The Raising of the Ironsides. Loud. 1899. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 60.) Scotland and the Protectorate. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1890. The Capture of Santiago, in Cuba, by Captain Mynf;s, 1662. Lond. 1899. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 59.) Cromwell's Army. Svo. Lond. 1002. Fischbach, Gustave. Guerre de 1870. La Siege et le Bombardement de Stra:sbourg. 5th edi- tion. Svo. Paris, 1871. Guerre de 1870 — Le Siege de Stras- bourg. Royal 4to. Strasbourg, 1897. Fischer de "Waldheim, Gotthelf. Notice sur Ic Phloceru>, genre nou\-eau d'Orthop- teres de la Russia. Moscow, 1833. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 6.) Fisbourne, Admiral E. Gardner. Observations on the present state of Naval Architecture. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 50). Naval Construction. Lond. 1S45. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 28). Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, \ol. 2,7 (•')•) Ditto, ditto. Second letter. Lond. 1845. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 42 (ii).) Lectures on Naval Architecture. 8vo. Lond. 1846. Loss of H.M.S. " Captain." Illustrating a new principle of Naval Architecture. Lond. 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 84.) Current fallacies in Na\al Architecture. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 88.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) Lond. 1 871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 94.) Our iron-clad Fleet. Lond. 1872. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 3.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.} (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 12.) Condition of the Ships of the Fleet. Lond. 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 24.) Our Ironclads and Merchant Ships. Svo. Lond. 1874. Stability, the seaman's safeguard. i2mo. Lond. 1878. Why ships capsize. Lond. 1SS2. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 37. > Letter to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty and to the President of the Board of Trade. Lond. 1834. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 41.) Fisher, Major A. T. The Farrier, or " No Foot, nu Hor.-e," with some descrip- tion of the Anatomy of the Horse's Foot, and how to Shoe and preserve it in Health. Svo. Lond. 1893. Fisher, Lieut. -Colonel A. A'Court, R.E. Personal narrative of thiee year's service in China. Svo. Lond. 1863. Fisher, Richard S. Statistical account of the West India Islands, with descrip- tions of the Bermudas, Bay Islands, and Belize, and the Giiayana Colonies. 121110. New York, 1855. Fisher, W. E. Garrett, The Transvaal and the Buers. Svo. Lond. 1900. Fiske, A. K., M.A. The West Indies. Crown S\o. Lond. 1S90. Fiske, Lieutenant B. A., U.S. Navy. Ranye and Pd.-iticin-Fin.der. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 52.) Fiske, John. The critical period of American History, 1783-80. 8vu. Lond. 1888. The American Revolution. 2 vols. Crown Svo. Lond. 1891. Fitchett, W. H. How England sa\ed Europe. 4 vols. Crown Svo. Lond. 1899. Wellington's Men. Svo. Load. 1903, Nelson and his Captains. 8vo. Lond. 1902. FitzClarence, Lieut.-General Lord F. Manual of Outpost Duties. Svo. (No title page. 1 FitzGeorge, Captain G. Plan of the Battle i)t Sedan, with memoir. Svo. Lond. 1S71. Fitzgerald, Rear-Admiral C. C. Penrose. Lite of Vice-Admiral Sir George Trj-on, K.C.B. Svu. Lond. 1807. Fitzgerald, E. A. Climbs in the New Zealand Alps. 8vo. Lond. 1896. The Highest Andes. 8\o. Lond. 1S99, Fitzgerald, W. A. Travels in the Coast Lands of British East Africa. Svo. Lond. 189S Fitzgihbon, Mary. Trip to Manitoba 8\-,,. Lond. 1880 Fitzgibbon, Maurice. Arts under Arms 3\o. Lond. 1901 Fitzniaurice, Lord Edmund. Charles William Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick: An Historical Study, 1735- 1S06. Svo. Lond. iQOi. The Life of the Second Earl Granville,, 1815-1801. 2 vol.-. Svu. Lond. 1905. Fitzpatrick, J. P. The Transvaal from Within. Svo. Lond. 1899.. FIT , FitzRoy, Admiral Robert. Sailiii}^ Directions for South America. Part II. 8vo. Loud. 1848. Ditto, ditto. 2ncl edition. By Captains P. P. King and Robert FitzRoy. 8vo. Lontl. 1850. Application of .Steam to Ships of War. Lond. 1853. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 28.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Passage Table and General Sailing Directions. Lond. 1S59. iTamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 15.) Weather book, a manual of practical meteoroloory. 8vo. Lend. 1863. (Sec a/so Adventure.) FitzWygram, Major-General F. W. Notes on Shoeing Horses. 2nd edition. 8vo. " Lond. 1863. Horses and Stables. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Cavalry Memoranda. 8\o. Lond. 1883. Fix, Le Colonel H. C. La Strategic Applique. - vols. 8vo. Brussels, 1884. „ Lieut. -General H. C. Aide-Memoire de Manoeuvres et de Can;pa,s,me. 8vo. Brussels, 189-. Fix, Theodore. La Telegraphic Militaire. 8vo. Paris, 1S69. ^Scc also France, Conferences, No. 8.) Flachat, Eugene. Navigation a \ apeur tran-^uceaiiic. 2 vols, and Atlas. 8vo. Paris, 1866. Flags. Flag book containing 306 Flags of all Nations. Lond. n.d. rPamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 44 (ii).) Flamsteed, The Rev. J. {See Baily.) Flanders. -Militargeschichte von Flandern, 1690-2. 4to. (No title page.; Atlas to ditto. Large 4to. ( For other Works. sr?c Index.) Flaiihert, Gustave. Salammbo. Eng- lished by M. French Sheldon. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Flechier, Esprit. Histoire du Cardinal Ximenes. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1693. Fleming, George. Horse-shoes and horse-shoeing ; their origin, uses, and abuses. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Practical Horse Keeper. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Roaring in Horses 'Laryngismus Paralyticus). 8vo. Lond. 1889. The Horse's Hoof. (;Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 52.) Fleming, H. F. von, Der Vollkommene Deutsche Soldat. Folio. Leipsic, 1726. Fleming, John, D.D. Molluscous Animals, including shell fish. Bvo. Edinburgh, 1837. 30 FLO Fleming, Sandford. England and Catuid.!. A summer tour between old and new Westminster, with historical notes 8vo. Lond. 1884. Fleming, W. Manual of Moral Philo- sophy, for the use of students. 8vo. Lond. 1874. Fletcher, Colonel H. C. History of the .American War, 1861-5. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1865-6. The Militia System of Canada. Ottawa, 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 22.) Defence of Canada. Ottawa, 1875. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 31.) Report on the Military Academy at V/est Point, U.S. "-P-, nd. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 19.) Ditto, ditto. 'Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 28.) Fletcher, John. \See Beaumont and Fletcher. ) Fletcher, W. Steam on Common Roads. 8vo. Lond. 1891. Fletres, H. de. L' Education de ITnfan- terie Fran(;aise. 8vo. Paris, 1887. Fleurange, Rohert de la Mark, Seigneur de. Histoire du Rcigne de Louis XII et Francois I. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vol. 16.) Fleury, Le General Comte. Mes Souvenirs, 1837-1867. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1897-98. Flinders, Commander Matthew, R.N. Voyage to Terra Australis in the years 1801-2-3. 2 vols. Fohu. Lond. 1814. Flint, Grover. Marching with Gomez. 8vo. New York and Lond. 1898. Flinter, Major George. History of the Revolution of Caracas, with a description of the Llaneros. 8vo. Lond. 1819. ^Radstock Collection.) Flood, Captain Warden. Sketch of the military and political State of Prussia. Portsmouth, 1833. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 6.) Florence. Description de la Galerie Royale de Florence. i2mo. Arezzo, 1792. I Radstock Collection.) (For other Works, sec Index.) Florent, Sire d'lUiers. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, vol. 8.) Florian, Jean-Pierre-Claris de. Numa Pompilius, second Roi de Rome. i2mo. Lond. 1820. Floras, L. Annseus. Epitome Rerum R(jmannruni. Recensuit C. A. Dukerus. 2 vols. Sv(j. Lej-den, 1722. Flower, Captain L. The Prince of Wales and Sanitary Rel'orm. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 97.) FLO 139 FOR Flower, Lamorock. Marching out : a manual of Survevin.t;- and Field Sketching-. 121110. ^ Lend. 3850. Fliigel, M. Complete Dictionary of the German and English Languages. Adapted to the English Student by C. A. Feiling and A. Heimann. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend. 1843. Foa, Edoiiard. A travers rAfric[ue Ccntrale — Du Cap au Lac Nyassa. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1897. La Traversee de TAirique du Zambeze au Congo Francais. Crown Bvo. Paris, Tcoo. Foch, Le Lieut.-Coloiiel F. Conferences faites a TEcole Superieur de la Guerre — 1. Des Principes de la Cuerre. Svo. Paris, 1903. 2. De la Conduite de la Guerre — La Manoeuvre pour la Eataille. 8vo. Paris, 1904. Focilloil, A. (Sec- Deschanel.) Foerster, F. B. I'ractical Bayonet Fighting. i2mu. Aldershot, 1900. Folard, Le Chevalier de. Sentiments d'un Homme de Guerre sur le nouveau systeme du Chevalier de Folard. 4to. Paris, 1739. Abrege des Commentaircs sur I'Histoire de Polybe. 3 vols. .,to. Paris, 1754. L'Esprit du Chevalier Folard tire de .■-■es commentaires sur I'Histoire de Polybe. Svo. Amsterdam, 1760. (SiC alsu Polyiiius. ) Folger, W. M. Adaptability of the Catling Gun for Naval Purposes. Hartford, Conn., 1879. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 39.) Folliet, Andre. 'Sec Dessaix.) Fonssagrives, J. B. Traite d'Hygiene Navale. Svo. Paris, il Fontiii, Paul. Les Sous-Marins et L'Angleterre. Svo. Paris, 1902. Fontenay-Mareuil, Le Marquis de. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vols. 50 and 51.) Fonton, F. de. La Russie dans I'Asie Mineure, ou Campagnes du Marechal Paskevitch en 1828-9. 8vo. Paris, 1840. .\tlas to ditto. Folio. Fontrailles, M. de. Chosesparticulieres de la tour pendant la faveur de M. k* (irand. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. 54.) ForlDCS, Alexander. History of Upper and Lower California. Svo. Lond. 1839, Forbes, Archibald. ?ily Experiences of the War between France and Germany. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1871. William of (lermany : a Biography of William L, German Emperor, and King of Prussia i2mo. Lond. 1888. Havelock. Crown Svo. Lond. 1890, The Recruiting Problem. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 52.) Moltkc and Moltkeism. Lond. 1S91. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 55.) A War Correspondent's Reminiscences. Svo. 1891. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 53.) Failure of the Nile Campaign. Lond. 1892. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 56.) Napoleon the Third at Sedan. Lond. 1892. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 56.) The f^rench Empress and the German War. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 57.) The Afghan Wars, 1839-42 and 1878-80. 8vo. Lond. 1892. Czar and .Sultan. Svo. Lond. 1894. Colin Campbell, Lord Clyde. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1S95. Memories and Studies of War and Peace. Svo. Lond. 1895. [Sec also Colomb. 1 Forbes, Lieutenant A. V. S. Proposal for the formation of a New Corps to be called Pioneer Light Infantry, adapted to the Service of the Canadas, and British North America. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 43 (\).) Forbes, Dr. Charles. \'ancouver Island: its resources and capabilities as a colonj-. Vancouver, 1862. ('Pamphlets, 2nd scries, vol. 63.) Forbes, Duncan. Grammar of the Hindustani Language in the Oriental and Roman Character. 8vo Lond. 1858. Dictionary, Hindustani and English, accompanied by a leversed dictionarj', English and Hindustani. Svo. Lond. 1866. Forbes, Commander F. E., E.N. Da- homey and the Dahomans in 1849-50. 2 vols'. Svo. Lond. 1851. eScc also Vahie.) Forbes, J. D. Tra\els through the Alps of Savoy, with observations on the Phenomena of Glaciers. Svo. Edinburgh, 1843. Forbes, Dr. Litton. Two years in Fiji. 8\'i'. Lond. 187-;. Forbes, R. B. Construction of Ships for the Merchant Service. Boston, 1866. (Pamphlets, 3rd scries, vol. 24.) FOR 140 FOR Forbes, E. B. {contd.) - Means for making the Highways of the ocean more sale. Boston, 1867. (Pamphlets, 31CI series, vol. 24.) New Rig for square-rigged vessels. Boston, 1869. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 24.) System of Sails and their management. Load. 1869. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 24.) New Rig for schooners. Boston, 1872. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 24.) Rigs for fore and aft vessels, steamers, ships, baiks, vachts, and boats. 410. New York, 1880. Personal Memoranda. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 24.) Forbes-Leith, W. The Scots Men-at- Arms and Life Guards in France. 2 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1882. Forbes-Mitchell, W. Reminiscences of the Great Mutiny, 1S37-1859, including; the Relief, Siege and Capture ot Lucknow, and the Campaign in Rohilcund and Oude. 8vo. Lond. 1893. Forbin, Le Comte de. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols. 72-75.) Forcellinus, .Egidius. \Scc Facciolatus.) Ford, Douglas. Admiral \'ernon and the Navy. 8vo. Lond.Too7. Ford, John. Dramatic Works. With notes by W. Giftbrd. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1827. Ford, W. Wilbraham. Consolidation of the Royal Forces : national insurance against war taxation. Lond. 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 25.) Fordyce, Lieutenant A. D., R.N. Out- lines of Naval Routine. Svo. Lond. 1837. Foreman, J. The Philippine Islands. Svo. Lond. 1899. Forest, F., and H. Noalhat. Les Bateaux Sous-Marins. Svo. Paris, 1900. Forestier, Le Capitaine. Traite sur le service de llnfanterie Legere en Cam- pagne. i2mo. Paris, n.d. Forfait, P. A. L. Traite elementaire de la Matvu-e des Vaisseaux. 2nd edition. Edited b}- Captain E. Willaumez. 4to. Paris, 1815. Forjett, C. Reply to General Jacob's Pamphlet. Lond. 187c. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 61. Forman, Captain Walter, R.N. Treatises on sexeral very important subjects in Natural Philosophy. 8vo. Shepton-Mallet, 1832. (Bound with Kinnis, Report on Small Po.x.) Letter to the Secretary of the Royal Astronomical Society in refutation of notions held by that Society, and bj- all the Newtonian Philosophers. Shepton-Mallet, 1833. (Pamphlets, 2ud series, vol. 6.) Forrest, G. W. Sepo\ Generals. 8\o. Lond. 1901. Cities of India. 8\o. Lond. 1903. A History of the Indian INIutiny. 2 vols. 'c\<_'. Lond. 1904. Forrest, R. Illustrated Handbook of Militarv Engineering and the Implements of \Vai\ Forsbroke, The Rev. Thomas Dudley. Encyclopaedia of Antiquities and Ele- ments of Archselogy. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1825^ Foreign Topography ; or an encyclo- paedic account of the Ancient Remains in Africa, Asia, and Europe : forming a sequel to "Encj'clopaedia of Antiquities." 4t.-. Lond. 1828. Forster, The Rev. Charles. Historical Geography' of Arabia. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1844. Forster, George. Journey from Bengal to England. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1798. Forster, Commander George Henry, R.N.. Mercantile Marine Reserve. How to. man the War Fleets of England without imprisonment or consci-iption. Lond. 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 21.) Forster, John R. History of the \'oyages and Discoveries made in the North. 4to. Lond. 1786. Forsylh, Captain James. The Sporting Rifles and its Projectiles. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1867. Highlands of Central India. Svo. Lond. 1871.. Forsyth, William. History of the captivity of Napoleon at .St. Helena ; from the letters and journals- of the late Lieut. -Cieneral Sir Hudson Lowe. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1853. The Slavonic Provinces south of the Danube. Svo. Lond. 1876. Fort, Major Freiherr von. Kritische Blicke auf die Deutsche Kavallerie nach den letzten Feldzi'igen. Berlin, 1873.. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 7.) Fortescue, The Hon. J. W. I>undonald. Crown Svo. Lond. 1895.. A History of the British Army. \'ols. Svo. Lond. 1899- .. The British Army. 1783-1802. Svo. Lond. 1505.. Fortification. Enchiridion of Fortitication : or a hand- full of knowledge in martiall afl'aires. i2mo. Lond. 1645. Fortification and Military Discipline :: by Captain J. .S. i2mo. Lond. 1688. Memoires sur la Fortification Per- pendiculaire. 4to. Paris, 1786. Entwurf zur Anleitung iiber den Bau von Angrifts- und Kiistenbatterien. Svo. Berlin, 1865. (For other Works, see Index.) FOS 141 FKA Poster, John, Essays in a scries of letters. 12th edition. 121110. Lond. 1S3S. Poster, Michael. Text Book of Physiol- ogy. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Potheringhame, Thomas. Directions for ascertaining and counteracting the effects of Local Attraction on the Mariners Com- pass. 4to. Lond. 1S37. Foncart, Le Capitaine P. Campagne de Pologne. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1882. Campagne de Prusse, 1806. D'Apres les Archives de la Guerre. 2 vols. Bvo. Paris, 1893. „ Le Commandant, Bautzen (une bataille de deux joursi, 20-21 mai, 1813. 8vo. Paris, 1897. Poiiche, Joseph, Dxike of Otranto. {See Otranto.) Poulerton, Eohert, Letter on the Ship Manoeuverer. Lond. 1846. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 28.) Ditto, ditto. 1 2nd copy.) (Pamphlets, 2iid series, vol. 37 (ii).) Poiintain, Paul, The Great Deserts and Forests of North America. Svo. Lond. 1901. Pourcanlt, Le Capitaine P, Le Canon Priissien juge par les Alle- mands. Paris, 1861. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 61 (i).) Le Canon Rave Prussien. Comparaison des sj'stemes Francais et Prussien. Paris, 1861. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 61 (i).) Fourean, P, Mission chez les Touaregs, 1894-95. 8vo. Paris, 1895. Au Sahara. Mes deu.\ Missions de 1892 et 1B93. 8vo. Paris, 1897. Mon Neuvieme \^oyage au .Sahara et au pays Touareg, Mars-Juin, 1897. 8vo. Paris, 1898. D'Alger au Congo par le Tchad. Svo. Paris, 1902. Pournier, le Capitaine de Vaisseaii, P, E, Deviations des Compas. Svo. Paris, 1S73. Determination immediate de la Devia- tion du Compas. Svo. Paris, 1878. „ Contre-Amiral P, E, La Flotte Necessaire. 8vo. Paris, 1896. Pournier, P,, and M. Nevue. Cours d'Administration des Eleves-Commissaires de la Marine. 8vo. Paris, 1880. Powle, T. E, Notes on Staff Rides or Tours. Svo. Lahore, 1901. Fowler, Thomas. Locke. Crown Svo. Lond. 1880. Pox, Colonel A. H. Lane. Examination of the Hill Forts of .Sussex. 4to. Lond. 1869. Fox, General C, R, Engravings of unpublished or rare Greek Coins. Part i, Europe. Part 2, Asia and Africa. 410. Lond. 1862. On a Coin of Glauconnesus. Lond. 1869. (Pamphlets, rnd series, vol. 76). Fox, Lieut.-Colonel G. M. Physical Drill, with and without arms, and the new baj'onet exercise. i2nio. Lond. 1889. Fox, Captain L. Loftus B. The Major's Manual and Marker's Guide. i2nio. Lond. 1873. Fox, Lady Mary, The Country flouse. 4to. Lond. 1843. Mary Madeleine. From the French. 8vo. Lond. 1851. Pox, William, War in New Zealand. Svo. Lond. 1866. Poxe, The Rev, John, The Book of Martyrs. Revised, with a Life of the Author by the Rev. Mr. Madan. Folio. Lond. 1761. Foy, Le General Maxmilian Sebastian. History of the War in the Peninsula under Napoleon. 2 vol. Svo. Translated from the French. Lond. 1827. {Sec also lAin.j France, La justification du Parlement et de la Ville de Paris dans la prise des armes ; contre I'oppression et tyrannie du Cardinal Mazarin. Paris, 1649. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 19,) Fight in France between the King's Army and 15,000 horse and foot com- manded by the Prince of Conde. Svo. Lond. 1652. (Radstock Collection, War with Holland.) Christianissimus Christianandus, or Reason for the reduction of France to a more Christian .State in Europe. Lond. 16-3. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, voL 19.) Atlas topographique ; ou plans et de- scriptions particuheres des 100 places ou villes fortifiees. 4to. Paris, 1749. Nouveau Theatre de Guerre ou Atlas Topographique et Militaire. 4to. Paris, 1758. Memoire presente au Conseil de la Guerre, au sujet des Places fortes qui demolies ou abandonnes. Paris, 1789. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 25.) New Atlas of France. 4to. Lond. 1794. Official Correspondence relative to the late Negociation with France. Svo. Lond. i3o6. (Radstock Collection, American Pamphlets.) Tableau Historique de la Guerre de la Revolution de France. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1808. Code Napoleon, nouvelle edition, con- forme a Tedition originale de Timprimerie Imperiale ; a laquelle on a ajoute les lois transitoires. i2mo. Paris, 1810. FRA 142 FRA France icontd.) — Comparative Display of the dift'eicnt Opinions of tiie French Revolution. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1811. Les cinq codes dc rEnipire Fran^ais. i2mo. Paris, 1812. Les Ports de France, points par Joseph Vernet et Hue. 8vo. Paris, 1812. (Radstock Collection.) Victoires, conquetes, desastres, revers et guerres civiles des Fran9ais de 1792 a 1815. 27 vols, and map. 8vo. Paris, 1818-20 Narrative of the French Re\ olution in 1830. i2mo. Paris, 1830. Military events of the late French Revolution, or an account of the conduct of the Royal Guard on that occasion. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Memoires tires des papiers d'un Homme d'Etat sur les causes secretes qui ont de- termine la Politique des Cabinets dans les Guerres de la Revolution. 13 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1831-3. Institut de France. Dictionnaire de I'Academie Fran- 9aise. 6th edition. 2 vols. 410. Paris, 1835. Complement du Dictionnaire. 4to. Paris, 1842. Societe Generale des Naufrages et de rUnion des Nations. Journal. No. i. Paris, 1835. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 8.) Colonic Agricole de Mettray. Tours, 1 841. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 38). Ports, Arsenals, and Dockyards of France. 8vo. Lond. 1841. (Radstock Collection.) Rapports sur un projet de creation, par une Compagnie Etrangere d"un nouveau Port au sud du Cap G ris-Nez. Boulogne, 1869. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 6.) Papiers Secrets du Second Empire. 4th edition. 8vo. Brussels, 1870. Memorial du Depot General de la Guerre, 10 vols, bound in 11. 4to. Paris, 1870-1. La verite sur les Causes de nos Desastres. Paris, 1871. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 22). Affaires Etrangcres. Documents Dip- lomatiques. Folio. Paris, 1873. Conservatoire Imperial des Arts et Metiers. Annales. Vols, i to 10. 8vo. Paris, 1861-73. Societe pour I'Etude des Questions dEnseignement Superieur. Etudes de 1878. 8vo. Paris, 1878. Affaires de Tunisie, avec une Carte de la Regence 1870-1881. Documents Diplo- matiques. Folio. Pai-is, 1881. La France dans I'Afrique Occidentale 1 879-1 883. With atlas. 2 vols. 8vo. France [avi/d.) — C>pcrations in Annam, China, and long King. (Intel. Bch. W.O.) Folio. Lond. 1884-5. La France par rapport h. I'Allemagne. Etude de Geographic Militaire. 8vo. Brussels, 1884. Description des Phares et P^anau.x. (Sec Ligiithouses.) France. Army. Journal du Camp de Compiegne de 1739, Auginente des Epreuves des Mines faites en presence du Roi, par MM. De Turmel et Antoniazzi, Capitaines Mineurs. Redige par oidre de M. Dangervillei's, Ministre de la Guerre, par le Sieur Le- Rouge. 8vo. Paris, 1761. Le Militaire en Franconie, ou traite sur une Constitution Militaire. 2 vols. 8vo. I-iege, 1777. Recherche sur la Force de TArmee Fran^aise, les bases pour la fi.Ker selon les circonstances. 8vo. Paris, 1806. Sketch of the Etat-Major : by a Field Officer. 8vo. Lond. 1810. Curiosities Militaires. i2mo. Paris, 1855. Die Franzosische Armee auf dem Exercirplatze und im Felde. Mit eincni riickblick auf den f^eldzug in Italien ini Jahre 1850. 2nd edition. 8vo. Berlin, 1861. Reponse d'un Officier Inferieur a rOflicier General, Auteur de I'Armee Fran9aise en 1867. 4th edition. 8vo. Paris, 1867. Commission des Conferences Regi- mentaires. 32mo. Paris, 1869. (i.) L'Etat Militaire de la France et des Puissance Etrangeres. (2.) Armement Nouveau ; Modification de la Tactique. (3.) Les Chemins de Fer de la Telegraphe Militaire. (4.) La Tactique separee de la Cavaleriie. (5.) Le Campagne d'Allemagne en 1866. (with two maps;. (6.) L'Infanterie Prussienne en 1866. (7.) La Cavalerie en Allemagne en 1866. (8. ) La Tactique des Trois Arnies dans la Division. (9.) La Geographic de I'Allemagne (with map). (10.) L'Organization Militaire de TAlle- magne. (11.) L'Artillerie de Campagne en 1866. (12.) La Fortification Passagere dans les. Combats. (13.) La Garde Nationale Mobile. (14.) Service de Sante ea Campagne. (17.) Quelques recents Travaux sur la Tactique. Conferences du Ministere de la Guerre,. 1869-70. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1870. No. I. Conference sur la Marche d'un Corps d'Armee, par M. I^ewal. No. 2. Etude sur la Campagne de 1866 en Italie et sur la Dataille de Custozza, pai- J. Vial. FRA 143 FRA France. Army 'contd)— No. 3. De la Cavalerie dans le passe et dans Tavenir, par G. D'Andlaii. No. 4. Conference siir la Tactique de rinfanterie, par C. Deschamps. No. 5. Etude sur la Frontiere du Sud-Est, par M. Borson. No. 6. Les Operations de Nuit en Cam- pagne, par Jules Bourelly. No. 7. L"Insurrection de la Dalmatic, 1869, par M. Derrecagaix. No. 8 Guerre da Paraguay, par T. Fi.x. No. 9. De I'Armement de FEurope et des Etats-Unis, par M. de Parades de la Plaigne. Reunion des Officiers. Annuaire pour 1872-4. 8vo. Paris, 1872-4, Bulletin, 187 1-2. 4to. Paris, 1872. Entretiens. \o\%. 1-3. 8vo. Paris, 1872-3. Vol. I. Percin. Instruction de llnfan- terie. ,, Herbinger. Des Tirailleurs. ,, Sacreste. Tactique de Conibat. ,, Girard. Compagniesde Partisans. ,, Sebert. Bouches a Feu de la Marine Fran^aise. ,, Herbinger. Des Soutiens d Artil- lerie. Vol. 2. Lewal. Administration Militaire. ,, Baratier. Administration Mili- taire. ,, Burgkly. Manuel d'Hygiene. ,, Arnould. Hygiene Militaire. ,, Bourboulon. Enseignment de la Geographic. ,, Dumas. Photographic. ,, Lahaussois. L'Armee Prussienne. Vol. 3. Derrecagaix. Service de I'Etat- Major. ,, Baratier. Creations de Manu- tentions roulantcs. ,, Delambrc. Aerostation Militaire. ,, ,, Emploi militaire des Chemins de Fer. ,, Baratier. Marche des Impedi- menta dans les Grandes Armees. Description des Effets d'Habillement, de Coiffure de grand et de petit equip- ment, de petite monture, dc pansage et objets divers a l"usage des Corps de Troupe. 4to. Paris, 1879. La France, est-elle prete ? Etude sur la reorganisation de I'Armee Franyaise depuis 1871. 4to. Paris, 1884. L'Armement de I'lnfanterie Frangaise. n.p., 1886. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 43.) The Armed Strength of France in 1889. Lend. 1889. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 49.) Formation und Taktik dor franzosischen Armee, mit 5 Beilagen. Bvo. Berlin, 1893. L'Emplacement des Troupes de TArraee Francaisc pour FAnnee 1899. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1899. Album Militaire de I'Armee Fran- caise. Royal 4to. Paris, n.d. France. Array \ionf(L,~- Lc Farceur du Regiment. i2mo. Paris, n.d. Album du Materiel de Guerre. F'cap. fol. n.p., n.d. Organisation et Tacticjue des Trois Amies. Publication de la Section Histori- que de I'Etat Major de lArmee. 8vo. Paris, 1906-07. 1. L'ArtillerieFran9aiseau XVIII*". Siecle. Par le Conunandant E. Picard et le Lieutenant L. Jouau. 2. Fasc. I. La Cavalerie de 1740 a 171^9. Ease. II. La Cavalerie pendant la Revolution du 14 juillet 1789 au 26 Juin, 1794. Par le Commandant E. Westriere et le Capitaine .Santai. 3. Llnfanterie au XVII L. Siecle — Fasc. I. La Tactique. Par lc Comman- dant Colin. Fasc. II. Organisation. Par lc Capitaine Bacquet. France, Army. Orders and Eegula- tions. Ordonnance pour regler le service dans les Places et dans les Ouartiers. i2mo. Metz, 1785, Instruction sur la forme des Camps d'Infanterie et de Cavalerie. 8vo. Bingen, 1792. Decrets Imperiaux des 14 Octobre, 23 et 30 Novembre, 181 1, repressif's de la Desertion. Paris, 181 1. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 21.) Instruction pour I'enseignment de la Gymnastiquc dans les Corps de Troupes ct les Etablisscmcnts Militaires. Atlas only. 4to. Paris, 1847. Instruction pour le trace et I'elevation des Tentes et des Manteaux d'Armes Paris, 1853. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 83.) Livret des Itineraires a suivre, en dehors des voies (errees paries militaires vo\"igeant isolement. 4to. Paris, 1866, Manuel de Droit International k I'usage des Officiers de FArmec de Terre. i2mo. Paris, 1884, Decret du 26 Octobre, 1883, portant reglcment sur le Service des Armees en Campagne (Novembre, 1891). i2mo. Paris, 1892, Reglement sur le Service des Armees en Campagne. i2mo. Paris, 1895. Manuel des Candidats de toutes Amies aux differents Grades d'Officier. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1900^ Artillery. Projet de Reglement sur les mancEuvres de lArtilleric. 8vo. With atlas. Paris, 1825. Procedes de Fabrication dans les Forges, appliques particuliercnient au Service de Guerre extrait du cours sur le service des Officiers d"Artillerie. 8vo. Paris, 183c, Aide-Memoire a I'Usagedes Officiers d'Artillerie. 3'imt edit. Bvo. Paris, 1856. FRA 1 44 FRA France, Army. Orders and Regula- tions. ArtiUt-ry ,a>iitd.)— Rcglement provisoire sur rinstruc- tion a pied et a chcval dans les Regi- ments d'Aitillcrie. 2 vols, and atlas. i2mo. Paris, 1862. Rciglement sur le service des Bouches :>. Feu Rayees. Svo. Pari?, 1862. R^glement sur le service des liouches a Feu Rayees appronve le 27 Mai, 1862. 121110. Paris, 1867. Instruction provisoire sur le Service de I'Artillerie en Campagne. 121110. Paris, 1881. Bases generales de T Instruction des Corps de Troupes de I'Artillerie. 121110. Paris, 1889. Reglement sur les Manceuvres des Batteries Attelees. 3 vols. 321110. Paris, 1893. Reglement sur les Manoeuvres des Batteries Attelees. 121110. Paris, 1895. Reglement sur les Manceuvres des Batteries Attelees. Titles I. and II. 2mc edit. 121110. Paris, 1896. Instruction Speciale sur TEmploi des Debouchoirs doubles des Gonio- metres et de la Lunette de Batterie, Modele 1897. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1897. Reglement sur les Manoeuvres des Batteries Atteles. Titres III., IV., and V. 3™«^ edit. 121110. Pans, 1899. Projet de Reglement de Manoeuvre de TArtillerie de Campagne. Crown Svo. Paris, 1899. Instruction Generale du 4 Fevrier, 1899, sur la (iuerre de Siege. 1" Til-age. Ministere dt- la Guerre. Svo. Paris, 1899. Reglement sur le -Service des Canons de 95, Mle. 1888, Montes sur Aft'iit de Campagne, Ministere de la Guerre. 1 21110. Paris, 1900. Reglement sur le Service du Canon de 120 Court. Ministere de la Guerre. 121110. Paris, 1901. Reglement Provisoire de Manoeuvre de lArtillerie de Campagne. 2 vols. Ministere de la Guerre. Crown Svo. Paris, 1902. Reglement de Manoeuvre de I'Artil- lerie a Pied— Artilleriede Siege et Place —Instruction sur le Tir. Ministere de la Guerre. Crown Svo. Paris, 1904. Reglement de Manoeuvre de I'Artil- lerie de Montague. 2 parts. Crown Svo. Paris, 1906. Reglement de Manceuvre de I'Artillerie de Campagne. Ministere de la Guerre. 2 vols. 121110. Paris, 1906. Cai'dlry. Ordonnance du Roi, sur I'exercice de la Cavalerie du 22 Juin, 1755. i2mo. Paris, 1760. Planches relatives a 1' Instruction con- concernant I'Exercice et les Manoeuvres des Troupes a Cheval. 8vo. Paris, 1 801. Ordonnance provisoire sur I'Exercice et les Manceuvres de la Cavalerie. Planches. Svo. Paris, 1820. France, Army. Orders and Regula- tions. Cavalry (contd.) — Ordonnance sur TExercice et les Evolutions de la Cavalerie. 3 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1S32. Ditto, ditto. 4 vols, in case. i2mo. Saumur, 1855. Ordonnance sur I'Exercice et les Evolutions de la Cavalerie, du 6 Decem- bre, 1829. 3 vols. i2mo. Paris, i860. Modifications apportees aux Regle- ments sur les Manoeuvres de la Cava- lerie. i2mo. Paris, 1868. Decret du 17 Juillet, 1878, portant reglement sur les Exercices de la Cava- lerie. 121110. Paris, 1877. Decret du 31 Mai, 1882, portant reglement sur les Exercices de la Cava- lerie. 2 vols. 121110. Paris, 1883. Instruction pratique sur le Service de la Cavalerie en Campagne. i2mo. Paris, 1884. Decret du 31 Mai, 1882, portant reglement sur les Exercices de la Cava- lerie. Revisant et Completant le Decret du 17 Juillet, 1876. 2 vols. 121110. Paris, 1892. Exercices de la Cavalerie. Vols. i. and 2. i2mo. Paris, 1898. Les exercices et les Manoeuvres de la Cavalerie. Vols, i, 2, and 3. 121110. Paris, 1899 Reglement sur les Exercices et les Manoeuvres de la Cavalerie. Tomes 1, II, and III. i2mo. Paris, 1899. Instruction des Cadres de I'Escadron. Ministere de la Guerre. Svo. Paris, 1900. Instruction Pratique sur le .Service de la Cavalerie en Campagne. Ministere de la Guerre. i2nio. Paris, 1902. CoiiDiiissanat and Transport. Instruction sur la [Comptabilite en Deniers du service des Subsistances Militaires, et du Chauffage. 4to, Paris, 1852. Application des Regies Administra- tives du Service des .Subsistances Mili- taires et du Chaufiage. Paris, 1S54. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 64.) Service des Subsistances Militaires. Svo. Paris, 1S54. Instructions for the Commissaires des Guerres, 1796 : also Order of the Re- public constituting the Inspecteurs aux Revues, 1800; anil Royal Ordinance e.s- tablishing the Intendance Militaire, 1817. Translated from the French. Svo. Loud. 1856. Reglement sur la conduite des voi- tures et des mulets de bat pour les "Troupes de Train des Equipages Mili- taires. i2nio. Paris, 1S90. Engineers. Traite de Fortification. Manuscript, n.p., 1679. Me'morial de I'Officier du Genie. Vols. I to 13. Svo. Paris, 1003-39. FRA 14; FRA France, Army. Orders and Regula- tions. Eugiiicos icontd.) — Reglement sur le Service et les Manoeuvres des Pontonniei-s. Vols, i and 2. i2mo. Paris, 1898. Service du Genie. Bulletin Officiel du Ministere de la Guerre. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1899. Jnfaiiiry. Evolutions de I'lnfanterie Frangoise suivant TOrdonnance du ler Janvier, 1763. 8vo. Paris, 1768. Reglement concernant I'Exercice et les MancEuvres de I'lnfanterie du ler Aoiit, 1791. i2nio. Paris, 1793. Rules and Regulations for the Field Exercise and Manceuvres of the French Infantry: Issued Ausjust i, 1791. Trans- lated by John Macdonald. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend. 1806. Ordonnance du Roi sur I'exercice et les Manoeuvres de I'lnfanterie, du 4 Mars, 1831. 3 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1831-32. Instruction du 17 Avril, 1863, sur I'Exercise et les Manoeuvres de I'lnfan- terie. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1862. Reglement sur les Manoeuvres de rinfanterie. i2mo. Paris, 1869. Reglement du 16 Mars, 1869, sur les Manoeuvres de 1 Iiifanterie. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1870. Reglement du 12 Juin, 1875, sur les Manoeuvres de I'lnfanterie, modifie par rinstruction du 20 Avril, 1878. 4 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1876-80. Instruction sur I'Armement, les Munitions, les Champa de Tir et le Materiel de I'lnfanterie. 121T10. Paris, 1888. Instruction du 9 Mai, 1885, sur le Service de I'lnfanterie en Campagne. i2mo. Paris, 1889. Reglement du 29 Juillet, 1884, Modi- fie par decision du 3 Janvier, 1889, sur I'Exercice et les Manoeuvres de I'lnfan- terie. 4 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1892-93. Instruction sur les Travaux de Cam- pagne a I'usage des Troupe d'lnfan- terie approuvee par le Ministre de la Guerre le 15 Novembre, 1892. i2mo. Paris, 1893. UExercice et rinstruction de I'lnfan- terie, 1894. i2mo. Paris, 1894. Infanterie : Service en Campagne. i2mo. Paris, 1898. L'Exercice et les Manoeuvres de I'lnfanterie. 121T10. Pari*, 1899. Manuel Equestre de MM. les Officiers dinfanterie. Pamphlet. Paris, 1900. Instruction sur I'Armement, les Munitions, les Champs de Tir et le Materiel de I'lnfanterie. 17th edition. i2mo. Paris, 1900. Decret du 3 Decembre, 1904, portant Reglement sur les Manoeuvres de I'lnfanterie. Ministere de la Guerre. 8vo, Paris, 1905. France, Army. Orders and Regnla- lations {ioutd.)— Medical Sa-7'icc. Instruction Medicale pour I'Armee d'Orient du 13 Mai, 1854. Bvo. Paris, 1854. (Bound in vol. lettered "Des Invalides.") Service des Hopitaux Militaires. 8vo. Paris, 1854. (Bound in vol. lettered "Des Invalides.") Autonomy of the Medical Service of the Army of France. n.p., 1889. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 51). Miliicvy Linv. Recueil de Lois, Decrets et Arretes concernant la Justice Militaire. Paris, 181 1. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol 21.) Code de Justice Militaire pour I'Armee deTerre. Official. i2mo. Paris, 1857. Musketry. Reglement sur rinstruction du Tir, approuve le 11 Nov., 1882. i2mo. Paris, 188.^. Reglement sur rinstruction du Tir i2mo. Paris, i88c . Instruction sur les Accessoires d'En- tretien des Armes a feu portative. Min- istere de la Guerre. Pamphlet. Paris, 1899. National Defence. Rapport sur les Actes du Gouverne- ment de la Defense Nationale, 1870-71. 18 vols. 4to. Paris, 1866. Raihvays. Transport des Troupes. Infanterie et du Genie par les Voies Ferrees. i2mo. Paris, 1899. Transport Militaire par Chemin de Fer. Bulletin Officiel du Ministere de la Guerre. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1899. Reci tiititig. Manuel encyclopedique du Recruie- ment et de la Reserve de I'Armee, i2mo. Paris, 1848. Recrutement des .A.rmdes de Terre et de Mer. Loi de 1872. Folio. Paris, 1872. Signalling. Instruction Pratique pour la Service des Signaleurs. Ministere de la Guerre. Pamphlet. Paris, 1887. Staff. Le Service d'Etat-Major, texte et commentaire de la loi du 20 Mars, 1880. 8vo. Paris, 1880. France, Army. Records of Regiments. (^Arranged in chronological ordo:) Histoire du Corps Imperial du Genie. By A. Allent. Bvo. Paris, 1805. Histoire de I'Ex-Garde, depuis sa for- mation jnsqu'a son licenciement, con:- prenant les Faits Generaux des Can.- pagnes de 1805 a 1815. 8vo. Paris, 1 82 1. FRA 146 fra France, Army. Records of Regiments {coiiid.) — Histoire du XII'' Regiment de Dragons, liy L'Abbe Gabriel. Crown 8vo. Verdun, 1882. Le I" Regiment de Chasseurs d'Afrique. By S. Hue. 8vo. Paris, 1887. Historique du 7" Regiment de Cui- rassiers (1659-1886). By Le Capitaine- Conimandant G. De Juzancourt. 8vo. Paris, 1887. Historique du 3- Regiment de Hus- sards (1764-1887). By Le Capitaine- Commandant R. Dupuy. 8vo. Paris, 1887. Historique du 9" Regiment de Cui- rassiers. By Le Capitaine A. De Mar- timprej'. 8vo. Paris, 1888. Historique des Regiments de Hus- sards (1689-1892). By Le Capitaine- Conimandant R. Dupuj'. i2mo. Paris, 1893. Historique du 28"^ Regiment de Dragons. By Le Capitaine S. Bou- chard. Imp. 8vo. Paris, 1893. Historique du lo'^ Regiment de Cui- rassiers. By Le Commandant G. De Juzancourt. Paris, 1893. Les Regiments d'Artillerie a Pied de la Garde : le Regiment Monte de la Garde et le 23""= Regiment dArtillerie. Notice Historique par E. Litre, Chef d'Escadron au 23'"'^ Regiment dArtil- lerie. 8vo. Paris, 1895. Epopee des Zouaves. 4" Zouaves et Zouaves de la (iarde. By Le Lieutenant Burkard. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1897. Le Regiment d'Alsace dans I'Armte Fran^aise. By A. Touchemolin. 8vo. 1897. Le i'^'' Regiment de Zouaves. 1852- 95. By Le Capitaine Godchot. Demy 4to. Paris, 1898. Historiques des Corps de Troupe de lArmee Fran^aise (1569-1900). 8vo. Paris, 1900. France, Navy. Translation of the French King's Ordinance relating to the Enrolling of Sea-Officers, Sailors and Sea-Fairing People, the 15th of April, if 89. 8vo. Lend. 1740. (Radstock Collection, Tracts 1739-44.) Etat de la Marine, 1787. i2mo. Paris, 1787. Tactique a I'usage des Armees Navales de la Republique Fran9aise. Folio. Paris, 1793. Exercices et manoeu\res des Bouches a Feu. Paris, t8ii. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 12.) Ordonnance du Roi sur la nouvelle formation du Corps des Officiers de la Marine. 8vo. Brest, 1815. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Etat General de la Marine et des Colonies. 8vo. Paris, 1839. Ditto, ditto. 8vo. Paris, 1844. France, Navy {contd.)— Note sur I'etat des Forces Navales de la France. 8vo. Paris, 1844. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) EnquL'te Parlcmentair sur la situation et l"organisation des Services de la Marine Militaire. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1851. Compte General du Materiel du De- parteinent de la Marine et des Colonies pour lAnnee 1849. Folio. Paris, 1852. Dccrct sur I'Organisation du Personnel des Equipages de la Flottc. i2mo. Paris, 1857. Naval Tactics : Extract containing : Ci) general instructions ; (2) principles of chasing ; (3) naval tactics under steam and sail. Translated by A. PhiUimore. 8vo. Lond. 1859. Livre ues Signaux et Tactique des Embarcations. i2mo. Paris, 1864. Lois, Decrets, Sec, sur I'lnscription Maritime, les Ecoles de la Marine, les Peches, la Navigation Commerciale, rOrgaiiisation des Services de la F"lotte et le Regime Colonial, 1861-7. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1867. Ecole Navale. Astronomic et Navigation : Cours de M. Mas St. Guiral. Ditto, ditto. Cours de M. G. Hilleret. 01)servations et Calculs Nautiques. Cours de M. Moreau. 410. Brest, 1871-3. Reglement sur le Service Interieur a Bord des Batiments de la Flotte (24 Juin, 1870). i2mo. Paris, 1871. Manuel du Matelot-Canonnier. i2mo. Paris, 1873. Memoires Militaire et Scientifique publics par le Departement de la Marine (Sen'ice de lArtillerie). Vols, i to 8vo. 1877- (With folio atlas to vol. 4.) Experiences executes par la Marine sur des Fusils a Repetition. 8vo. Paris. 1878. Cours d'Administration des Eleves Commibsairesde la Marine. 8vo. Paris, 1878. Les Troupes de la Marine et I'Armee Coloniale devant le Pays. Paris, 1883. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 44). Operations of the French Navy during the recent War with Tunis, i83o-8i. Naval Intelligence Department Reports. Washington, 1885. Transports Maritime (France-Algerie- Tunisie). Bulletin Ofliciel du Ministere de la Guerre. Pamphlet. Paris, 1899. Memorial du Genie Maritime. 3"""® Serie. Fascicule IV. Ministere de la Marine. 8vo. Paris, 1902. Bulletin de I'Association Technique Maritime. 8vo. Paris, 1907. France and Russia. Sketches on the intrinsic strength, military and naval force of France and Russia. 8vo. The Hague, 1803. FRA 147 FRA France, Captain Hector. John Bull's Army from a French point of view. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Francheville, L'Abbe de. L'Histoire des derniers Campagnes et Negociations de Gustave-Adolphe en AUemagne. 4to. Berlin, 1772. Francis, Bros. Statement of their position with the Lords Commissionens of the Admiralty relative to Dredging for Ccnient Stone in Christchurch Bay, Hampshire. 8vo. Lond. 1856. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Francklin, Lieut. -Colonel W. History of the Reign of Shah-Aulum, the present Emperor of Hindoustan. 4to. Lond. 1798. Military Memoirs of Mr. George Thomas ; who rose from an obscure situa- tion to tlie rank of a General. 4to. Calcutta, 1803. Ditto, ditto. Second copy. 8vo. Lond. 1805. Researches in the Tenets and Doc- trines of the Jeynes and Boodhists. 4to. Lond. 1827. (Bound with "Reign of Shah-Aulum.") Franccenr, L. B. Cours complet de Mathematiques Pures. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1828. Complete course of pure Mathematics. Translated by R. Blakelock. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1829. Astronomie pratique. 8vo. Paris, 1S50. FranQois, Major von. Lehren aus dem JSiidafrikanischen Kriege fiir das Deutsche Heer. 8vo. Berlin, ic,co. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 70.) Frankland, Captain Charles Colville, R.N. Travels to and from Constan- tinople in 1827 and 1828. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1830. Frankland, Captain W. A. Sapper's Manual, for the use of Engineer Volunteer Corps. Part i. i2mo. Lond. n.d. Franklin, Benjamin. Memoirs of his Life and Writings ; written by himself to a late period, and continued to the time of his death by his Grandson. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1818. Posthumous and other Writings. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1819. Franklin, Captain Sir John, R.N. Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar .Sea, 1819-22. 410. Lond. 1823. Narrative of a second expedition to the shores of the Polar Sea, 1825-7; including an account of the progress of a detach- ment to the eastward : by Dr. John Richardson. 4to. Lond. "1828. Journey to the shores of the Polar Sea, T819-22; with a brief account of the second journey-, 1825-7. 4 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1829. A brave man and his belongings : passages in the life of Sir John Franklin. 8vo. ' Lond. 1874. (.5V<; rt/so Richardson, J.) Franklin, Major-General William B., U.S. Army. The Catling (iun. 4to, Hartford, 1874. Franklyn, H. B. Outlines of Military Law and the laws of evidence. i2mo. Lond. 1874. Essays on Military Subjects. Lond. 1875. T^imphlcts, 3rd series, vol. 38.) Education for the Army. Lond. 1883. I Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 36.) The Gieat Battles of 1870, and Blockade of Metz. Bvo. Lond. 1887. Franzini, Marino Miguel. Description of the Coasts of Portugal, with nautical instructions. Translated by Captain W. F. W. Owen. 410. Lond. 1814. Fraser, Colonel C. C. Cavalry in the Field. Concise Notes for the Use of the nth (P.A.O.) Hussars. 8vo. Lond. 1871. Fraser, David. A .Modern Campaign. 8vo. Lond. 1905. The Marches of Hindustan. The Record of a Journey in Thibet, Trans- Himalayan Lidia, Chinese Turkestan, Russian Turkestan and Persia. 8vo. Lond. 1907. Fraser, Edward. The Enemy at Trafal- gar. 8vo. Lond. 1906. Fraser, Major James. Major Eraser's Manuscript ; his adventures in Scotland and England, (S:c., 1696-1737. Edited bj' Alexander Furgusson. 2 vols. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1889. Fraser, James. The History of Nadir Sliah. 8vo. Lond. 1742. Fraser, James Baillie. Tour through part of the snow)- range ot the Himhla Mountains. 4to. Lond. 1820. Journey into Khorasan in 182 1-2. 4to. Lond. 1825. Travels and adventures in the Persian Provinces on the southern banks of the Caspian Sea. 4to. Lond. 1826. Military Memoir of Lieut.-Colonel James Skinner, C. B. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1851. Fraser, J. F. The Real Siberia. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Frsser, Simon. A Letter to the Rt. Hun. William Windham on a Partial Re- organization of the British Army. Lond. 1799. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 61.) Fraser, Captain T. Defence of a Position selected as a Fieli of Battle. 8vo. Woolwich, 1875. Attack of Fortresses in the future. 8vo. Lond. 1877. (Bound with " Defence of a Position.") Fraser, Sir William, Bart. \Vords on Wellington. The 13ukc. Waterloo. The Ball. 8vo. Lond. 1880' Hie et LTbique. 8vo. Lond. 189-. Napoleon HI. (My Recollections.) Small 8vo. Lond. i8q^. FRA 14S FRE Frazer, Colonel Sir A. S. Letters, wriLtc-n diiiiiii; tlie Peninsular and Wati-rloo Cainpaif;ns. Edited by Major- Ck'iieral V.. Sabine. 8vo. Lond. 1859. Frazer, G. A. (Str Mudge.) Frederick II, King of Prussia. Memoirs of. 3rd edition. 8\o. Dublin, 1753. Memoirs ])our ser\ir a I'Histoire de Brandebourj;. 3 vols, in one. lamo. n.p., 1753. Instruction Militaire du Roi de Priisse pour.sesGenerau.K. Traduit de rAlleniand par le Lieut -Colonel P'aescb. i2mo. Frankfort, 1761. Instruction particuliere du Roi de Prusse aux Officiers de sou Armee, principale- ment a ceux de Cavalerie. 8vo. n.p., 1788. Vie de Frederic II. Roi de Prusse. 4 vols. i2nio. Strassburg, 1788. CEuvres Posthumes. 19 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 17S8. Supplement aux CEuvres Posthumes de Frederic 11, Roi de Prusse. 6 vols. 8vo. Cologne, 1780. Posthumous Works. Translated from the French bj' Thomas Holcrott. 13 vols, in II. 8vo. 1789-91. Ditto, ditto. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. n.d. Memoire sur le Roi de Prusse, Frederic le Grand. 4to. Berlin, 1789. Secret Strategical Instructions for his Inspectors - Cieneral. Translated by Captain C. H. Smith. 4to. Coventrx', 1811. {See aho Militarische Klassiker.) (For other Works, sec Index.) Frederick III, Grerman Emperor. Diary of the Austro-Gernian War, 1866, and the Franco-German War, 1870-71 : to which is added Prince Bismarck's rejoinder. Edited b}' H. W. Lucy, icmo. Lond. iSSS. Frederick Charles, Prince of Prussia. Military Memorial. Edited from the German Lond. 1866. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 72.) Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. Lond. 1872. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i.) Frederiksen, N. C. Finland-Its Public and Private Economj-. 6s. 8vo. Lond. 1502. Freeman, Professor E. A. History and Conquests of the Saracens. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1876. The Ottoman Power in Europe. 8vo. Lond. 1877. The History of the Norman Conquest of England, its causes and its results. 3rd edition. 6 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1877-70. Historical (ieography of Europe. 2nd edition. With maps. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1882. (See aisc Biitar.nic Confederation.) Freeman, R. A. Travels and Life in .\-;iianti and \'aman. 8\o. Lond. 1898. Freeman-Mitford, A. B. The Attache at Peking. 8\(>. Lond. 1900. Freeth, General Sir James, K.C.B., K.H. Costumes of the Kings of England, and other remarkable per.sons. 8th to i6th centuiy. Folio. MS. Freind, John. Account of the Earl of Peterborow's conduct in Spain, chiefli' since the raising of the Siege of Barce- lona, :7o'3. 8vo. Lond. 1708. Fremantle, Captain the Hon. E. R., R.N. The proposed alterations in SteeiMug and Sailing Rules. Lond. 1867. (Pamphlets, 2nd scries, vol, 71.) „ Admiral the Hon. Sir E. R. The Navy as I have known it, 1849-1899. 8vo. Lond. 1894. Fremantle, F. E. Impressions of a Doctor in Khaki. 8vo. Lond. 1901, Fremantle, Lieutenant Sydney R., R.N. iScc Pi card. 1 Fremantle, Lieut, -Colonel T. Three months in the Southern States, April- June, 1863. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Fremantle, The Hon. T. F. Notes on the Rifle. 8vo. Lond. 1896' The Book of the Rifle. 8vo. Lond. 1901, Freminville, De. (See Kerhallet.) Frere, Sir Bartle, {See Martineau.) Frere, J, H. Directions for teaching the Blind to read. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 14.) Freshfield, D. W., and Captain W. J, L, Wharton, R.N, Hints to Travellers, Edited lor the Council of the Royal Geo- graphical Society. i2mo. Lond. 1893. Freshfield, D, W., and V, Sella. The Exploration of the Caucasus. 2 vols. Imp. 8vo. Lond. 1896. Frey, Le General H, L'Armee Chinoise. 8vo. Paris, 1904. Francaise et Allies au Pe-Tchi-Li. 8vo- Paris, 190.4. Les Egyptians Prehistoriques identifies avec les Annamites. 8vo. Paris, 1905. Frey, L. Das Ofllcierspferd. Prak- tischer Rathgeber insbesondere fiir berit- tene Infanterie-Ofliciere und Pferde- besitzer iiberhaupt. i2mo. Darmstadt, 1869. Freytag, Gustav, The CroAvn Prince (afterwards Frederick III), and the German Imperial Crown. Reminiscences. Translated by George Duncan. 8vo. Lond. iSgo- Freytag-Loringhoven, Freiherr von, Der Infanterie-Angi iff in den neuestei» Kriegen. 8vo. Berlin, 1905. FRE 149 FUR Trezier. Voyage to the South Sea, and along the Coast of Chili and Peru, 1712-14. With a postscript by Dr. Edmund Halley, and an account ot the settlement, com- merce, and riches of the Jesuites in Paraguay. 4to. Loud. 171 7. (Radstock Collection.) Tricker, Dr. Karl. The Antarctic Regions. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Friedjung, H. Der Kampf um die Vor- herrschaft in Deutschland, 1859 bis 1866. 6th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1904. i'riedrich, Kaiser von Deutschland. (Sec Poschinger. ) Trith, C. H. Marston Moor. Lond. 1867. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 60.) The Raising of the " Ironsides." Lond. 1S99. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 60.) Prith, Lieut. -Colonel J. H. Repository Exercise for the use of the Madras Artillery. Folio. Madras, 1830. Prith, Colonel T. D. Questions and Answers on the prac- tical duties of Artillery. 4to. Madras, 1826. Ditto, ditto. 8vo. Madras, 1831. Fritsch-Lang, A. LArtillerie Rayee Prubsienne a I'attaque de Diippel. Bvo. Paris, 1863. ]Frol)enius, Oberstlieutenant a. D. Kriegsgeschichtliche Eeispiele des Fes- tungskrieges aus dem Deutsch-Franzo- sischen Kriege von 1870-71. 3 vols. Bvo. Berlin, 1S99. Frocard, Le Lieut.-Colonel, and Le Capitaine Painvin. La Guerre au Transvaal. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1900-01. Froelich, A. Heerwesen des Nord- ileutschen Bundes. 8vo. Berlin, 1S68. Froese, A. (Sec tieyde.) Froissart, Sir John. Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining Countries, Edward II- Henry IV. Translated by Thomas Johnes, with a Life of the Author, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839. Chroniques. Edited by Madame de Witt, nee Guizot. 4to. Paris, 18S1. Frome, Lieut. -General E. C, and Cap- tain Charles Warren, R.E. Outline (it the method of conducting a Trigono- metrical .Survey. Bvo. Lond. 1873. Froment, Lieutenant A. Vingt-quatre Millions de Combattants. Crown 8vo. Paris, n.d. Frontinus, Sextus Julius. Stratagems of War, or Greek and Roman Anecdotes. Translated by Robert .Scott. Bvo. Lond. 1816, (Sec also Scriverius.) Frossard, Le General. Operations du Deuxieme Coips d I'Armee du Rhin dans la Campagne de 1870. Part i (all pub- lished). 8vo. Paris, 1870. Frosterus, Henric. Inledningtil Swensta Ki igs-Lagl;u'enheten. 4to. .Stockholm, 1765. Froude, J. A. Caesar. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Two Lectures on South Africa. 8v'0. Lond. 1880. Bunyan. Crown 8vo. Lond. i38o. The English in the West Indies. New edition. Crown Bvo. Lond. 1888. English Seamen in the Sixteenth Cen- tury. 8vo. Lond. 1895. Froude, W. Experiments for the deter- mination of the Resistance of a full-sized ship at various speeds. Lond. 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 24). Fry, General James B., U.S. Army. Lord Wolselcy answered. 1890. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 50.) Fuel. History and description of Fossil Fuel, the Collieries, and Coal Trade ot Great Britain. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1841. FuUerton, Lieutenant J. D. Rough Notes on " Minor Tatics.'' Infantry. (The Companj-.) n.p., 1878. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 35.) Fullom, S. W. The Human Mind : a Discourse on its acquirements and history. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Life of General Sir Howard Douglas. Svo. Lond. 1863. Fulton, Captain C. How to train a CGmpan3'. i2mo. Bombay', 1883. Fulton, Eohert. Torpedo War and submarine explosions. Folio. New York, 1810. Funeral Eulogies upon Military Men, from Thucydides, Lysias, Plato, and Xenophon, with extracts from Cicero. Bvo. Oxford, 1768. Furley, Sir John. In Peace and War, 8vo. Lond. 1905. Furlong, Captain Lawrence. American Coast Pilot. 6th edition. Svo. Newbury port, 1809. Furness, W. H., 3rd. The Home Life of Borneo Head-Hunters, its Festivals, and Folk-Lore. Svo. Philadelphia, 1902. Furse, Captain A. D. Tabular Precis of Military Law. Demy 4to. Lond. 1896. Furse, Colonel G. A., C.B. Studies on Military Transport. 8vo. Load. 1B78. Military Transport. Svo. Lond. 1BB2. Fl'R GAL Furse. Colonel G. A., C.B. Uontd:)— ■ Line of Communications. 8vo. Loixl. 1883. M()l)ilisation and embarkation of an Army Corps. Svo. Loud. 1883. Embarkation and disembarkation of Troops. I'oitsnioutli, 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 45.) Lines of Communication in War. 8vo- Lond. 1894. Information in War ; its Acquisition and Transmission. 8\(). Lond. 1896. Military Expeditions beyond the Seas. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1897. Provisioning Armies in the Field. 8vo. Lond. i8qq. Furse, Colonel G. A., C.B. \confd.)— The Art of Marching. 8vo. Lond. 1 901. Scouting. l2mo. Lond. 1902. 1800. Marengo and Hohenlinden. 8vo. Lond. 1903. Fnrttenbach, Josephus. Halinitro-Pyro- bolia-Hcsclircibung einer nevven Biichse- meisterey, nemlichen : CJrundlicliei- Be- richt, wie der Salpeter, Scluvefel, Kohlen und das Pulfer v.xx probiei-en. Folio. n.p., 1627. Fyfe, H. C. Submarine Warfare. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Fyfe, Laurence R. {Sec Sinclair.) G Gachot, Edonard. La Deuxieme Campagne d'ltalie (1800). Crown 8vo. Paris, 1899. La Premiere Campagne dTtalie (1795- 1798). 8vo. Paris, 1901. Souvarow en Italie. 8vo. Paris, 1903. La Campagne d'Helvetie, 1799. 8vo. Lond. 1904. Les Campagnes de 1799 — Jourdan en AUemagne et Brune en Hollande. 8vo. Paris, 1906. Gadaud, L. L'Artillerie de la Marine Frani^aise, en 1872. 8\'o. Paris, 1873. Gaelic Society of London. Catalogue of Books, Tracts, and Papers. Lond. 1840. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 35.) Gaflfarel, Paul. Les Colonies Francaises. 8vo. Paris, 1880. Gaiani, Gio. Battista. Arte di Maneg- <^iar la .Spada a piedi ct a cavallu. 4to. Loano, 1619. Gaigne, A. T. Nouveau Dictionnaire Militaire. 8vo. Paris, An x-1804. Galateri, Captain P. Armata Sarda uniformi antichi e moderni. Folio. Turin, 1844. Galbraith, Captain W. Grie\ances of Officers. Aldershot, 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 13.) Galdos, B. p. Episodios Nacionales. Trafalgar. 7th edit. Madrid, :888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 56.) Galenns, Claudius, Pergamenus. Opera omnia Latine ex Quarta Juntariim Edi- tione, cum locis etiam Hippocratis quos citat Galenus in marsjine indicatis et indice Antonii Musae Brasavoli ; accedit Oribasii liber de laqueis et de machina- mentis. 8 vols, in 7. Folio. Venice, 1568. Galileo. Life of Galileo. 8vo. Lond. n. d. Galitzin, Prince N. Allgemeine Kriegs- geschichte des Alterthums und der Neuzeit. 3 vols. 8vo. Cassel, i875» Gall, Captain H. R. Modern Tactics. With plates. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1889. Tactical cjuestions and answers on the Infantry Drill Book. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1890. Questions and Answers on Combined Training, 1902. Crown 8\'o. Lond. 1903. Gallatin, Albert. Right of the U.S. of America to the N.E. Boundary, claimed by them. 8vo. New York, 1840. Gallenga, A. Invasion of Denmark in 1864. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1864. Galli, H. L'Armee Frangaise en P^gypte, 1798- 1801. 8vo. Paris, 1883. La Guerre a Madagascar de 1885-95. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1897. Gallieni, Le Lieut.-Colonel. Deux Cam- pagnes an Soudan Francais, 1886-88. 8vo. Paris, 1891. „ Le General. Trois Colonnes au (Tonkin 1894- 1895). Crown 8vo. Paris, 1899. La Pacification de Madagascar (Opera- tions d'Octobre 1896 a Mars 1899). 8vo. Paris, 1900. {See also X.) Galloway, J. A. Communication with India, China, &c. Proposed improve- ments in the Overland Route via Egj-pt, with remarks on the Ship Canal, the Boulac Canal, and the Suez Railroad. Lond. 1844. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 39.) Galloway, W. The Battle of Tofrek, fought near Suakin, March 22nd, 1885. 4to. Load. 1887. Galster, C. Die Schifts- und Kiistenge- schiitze der Deutschen Marine. 8vo. Berlin, 1885. Gait, John. Life of Lord Byron. 5th edition. i2mo. Lond. 1831. Lives of the Players. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1831. GAL IS! GAR Galton, Francis. Arts of Campaigning". Lond. 1855. (Pamphlets, 2nd scries, vol. 45.) Art of Travel. 3rd edition. i2mo. Lond. i85o. Meteorographica, or methods of map- ping the weather. Oblong foHo. Lond. 1863. Galvaeyn, Sydney. War Horses Present and Future, or Remount Life in South Africa. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1902. Gamljier, Commander J. W. Links in My Lite on Land and Sea. 8vo. Lond. 1906, Gamon, Achilla. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vol. xxxiv.) Gander, Joseph. The Glory of Queen Anne, in the Roj-al Navy, also a treatise of Navigation and Commerce. 8vo. Lond. 1703. (Radstock Collection.) Ganilh, C. Liquiry into the various .systems of Political Economy. Translated b3' D. Boileau. 8vo. Lond. 18 12. Ganniers, A. de. Les lies Samoa ou des Navigateurs. Paris, 1889. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 49.) Ganot, Professor. Elementary Treatise on Physics. Translated by E. Atkinson. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Ganter, H. Histoire des Regiments Suisses au Service d'Angleterre, de Naples et de Rome. 8vo. Geneva, 1901. Garbett, Captain H., R.N. Naval Gun- nery : A Description of the Fighting Equipment of a Man-of-War. 8vo. Lond. 1897. Garden, F. Dictionary of English Philo- sophical Terms. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Gardiner. Answer to a Pamphlet of Mr. James Poole. 8vo. Lond. 1804. (Bound with Poole's Narrative.) Gardiner, The Eev. F. A. Christian Warfare. Chatham, 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 97.) Gardiner, General Sir Robert. Report on the numerical deficiency, want of instruction, and inefiicient equi]i- ment of the Artillery- of the British Armv. 8vo. Lond. 1848. Illustrations of the numerical deficiency, want of instruction, and inefficient equip- ment of the Artillery of the British Army. 8vo. Lond. 1849. Report on Gibraltar considered as a Fortress and a Colony. 8vo. Lond. 1856. The benefits derivable from the Li- corporation of the Artillery with the Cavalry and Infantry of the Army. 8vo. Lond. 1856. Notes on the Organization and Arma- ment ot the Artillery of the British Ainiy. 8vo. Lond. 1856. Cursory View of the present Crisis in India. 8vo. Lond. 1857. ■ Is England a Military Nation or not ? 2nd edition. 8vo. ' Lond. 1857. Gardiner, General Sir Robert icontd.)— Question of Legislative Military Re- sponsibilit}'. 2iid edition. 8vci. Lond. 1857. Considerations on the Military Organ- ization of the British Army. Addressed to H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge. 8vo. Loud. 1858. Ditto, ditto. Addressed to the Members of the House of Commons. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Position of the Royal Artillery of the British Armv. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Analysis of the causes of the Indian Rebellion. 2ud edition. 8v£>. Lond. 1858. Military Analysis of the Remote and Proximate Causes of the Indian Rebellion. Lond. 1858. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 61.) Comments on the question of Legisla- tive Militarv Responsibility. 2nd edition. 8vo. " Lond. 1858. Minute on the Military Changes in the Ordnance Department ; with observations on the Reorganization of the Royal Artillery. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1859. Political and legislative Considerations on National Defence. 8vo. Lond. i860. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. i860. Sacrament of the Holy Communion or Lord's Supper. 8vo. Lond. 1864. Gardiner, S. R. Thirty Years War, 1618-48. 12 mo. Lond. 1874. History of the Great Civil War. 1642- 1649. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1886-1891. History of the Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649- 1660. 3 vo'-'^-i 1649-51. 8vo. Lond. 1894-1901. Gardner, Colonel Alexander. {See Pearse.) Gardner, Dorssy. Quatre Bras, Ligny, and Waterloo : a narrative of the Cam^ paign in Belgium, 1815. Bvo. Lond. 1882, Gardner,CaptainG.H.,R.N. Suggestions for forming a new Reserve of Seamen. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 84.) Gardner, Major-General W. B. Hints for the application of Shrapnel Sliell. Woolwich, 1868. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 74 (i).) Garger, Lieut-Colonel E. von. Der Patrouillendienst bei der Infanterie (Jager) Truppe, mit besondere berticksichtigung der Meldedienstes. 8vo. Trient, 1894. Garibaldi, Giuseppe. Autobiography of Giuseppe Garibaldi. Authorised trans lation by A. Werner, with a supplement by Jessie White IVIario. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1889. Garnier. Political Economy. {See Smith, Adam.) Garnot, Le Capitaine. L'Expedition Fran^aise de Formose. 8vo. Paris, 1894. GAR GEL Garrard, William. Trigonometrical Tables, intciulcd to (.omjik-tc the necessary Tables to tile Nautical Almanac. 8vo. I.ond. 1789. Garrel, A. Ordonnance du Roi sur le Service Interieur des troupes a Cheval, du 2 Nov., 1833. i2mo. Paris, 1859. Ordonnance du Roi sur le Service Interieur des Troupes d'lnfanterie, du 2 Nov., 1833, annotee de toutes les dis- positions qui I'ont modifiee jusqu'au lerjan., 1861. 3rd edition. i2mo. Paris, 1861. Garrett, Elizabeth. Enquiry into the character of the Contagious Diseases Acts 011866-1869. ' Lond. 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 83.) (Garston, Captain E. T. How it strikes a Revenant. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 64.) Gaskell, George. Algeria as it is. 8vo. Lond. 1S75. Gastrell, Lieut.-Colonel J. E., and Henry F. Blanford. Report on the Calcutta Cyclone of October 15th, 1864. 8vo. Calcutta, 1866. Gatelet, Le Lieutenant. Histoire de ia Conquete du Soudan Pran9ais, 1878-1899. Svo. Paris, 1901. Gatling Gun. Catling's system of Fire-Arms, with Official Reports. Target Records of the U.S.A. Ordnance Department. New York [1870]. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 79.) Instructions for the use and care of Naval Catling Guns. n.p., 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vok 31.) Gaiidard, Jules. Etude comparative de divers systemes de Ponts en Fer. Svo. Paris, 1865. Atlas to ditto, foHo. Gaudi, Le Lieut.-Colonel F. de. Instruction adressee aux Officiers d'lnfanterie pour tiacer et construire toutes sortes d'ouvrages de Campagne. Svo. The Hague, 1768. Ditto, ditto. Revised and edited by A. P. J. Belair. Svo. Paris, 1821. „ Le General. Instructions for Officers of Infantry showing how to trace and construct all sorts of Field Works. Trans- lated from the French by Captain C. Malorti de Martemont, late French Roj-al Artillerj'. Svo. Lond. 1804. Gailld, George. Observations on the Florida Kays, Reef, and Gulf: with directions for sailing along the Kays. Lond. 1796. (Pamphlets, vol. 2.) Gaulette. L'Usage d'un Nouveau Plani- sphere. i2mo. Toulon, 1688. Gaume, A. Etude i.ur la Ferrure des Chevaux de Guerre. Paris, 1S72. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 44.) Remarques sur les Chevaux de Guerre. .Svo. Paris, 1873. Gautier, Hubert de Nismes. Traite des Ponts. 8\o. Lond. 1716. Traitc de la Construction des Chemins. Svo. Paris, 1721 Gautier, Hippolyto. L'An 1879. Ev^ne- inents, My F. C. Carr-(;on-.m. Svo. Lond 18S1. GON i6i GOR Goniieville, Le Colonel A. de. Souvenirs Militaire du Colonel de Gonnevillc ; publics par la Comtesse de Miiabeau, et precedes d'une Etude par le General Baron Ambert. 8vo. Paris, 1875. Recollections of Colonel de Gonneville. Published by the Countess de Mirabeau, with an introductory sketch bj' General Baron Ambert. Translated by Charlotte M. Yonjfe. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1875. Gontaut-Biron, Le Comte R. de. Travail a la lar-je et Dressage a I'obstacle. 8vo. Paris, 1888. Goode, W. A. M. With Sampson through the War. 8vo. Lond. 1899. Goodenough, Commodore J. G., R.N. Journal during' 187:5-5. Edited, with a memoir, by his Widow. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Goodenough, Major 0. H. Notes on Gunpowder. 4to. Woolwich, 1865. Manual of Interior Economy : an ex- planation of all matters affecting a Soldier. 8vo. Woolwich, 1878. Goodenough, Lieut.-Colonel W. H. Ac- coiuit ot a Prussian Divisional Manceuvre in the Rhine Province. Woolwich, 1869. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 74 (i).) „ Lieut-Gen. W. H., and Lieut.-Col. J. C. Dalton. The Army Book for the British Empire : a record of the development and present composition of the Military Forces and their duties in Peace and War. 8vo. Lond. 1893. Goodrich, Aaron. A History of the Character and Achievements of the so- called Christopher Columbus. 8vo. New York, 1874. Gopcevic, Spiridion. Conquest of Britain in 1888. Translated by F. H. E. Crowe. Portsmouth, 1887. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 42.) Gordon, Chain Messenger. Lond. 1831. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 71.) Gordon, Captain A. An Idea of Defence (Cuts and Guards). MS. Dublin, 1804. Gordon, Lieut.-Colonel The Hon. A. Remarks on National Defence, Volun- teers, and Rifles, with a report on experi- ments with small arms. Lond. 1853. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 32.) Ditto, ditto. (Second Copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Gordon, Lieut. -General Sir A. An Enquiry into tlie Defects of the Organiza- tion of the Army. Lond. 1875. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i.) Gordon, Alexander. Itinerarium Septen- trionale : or a Journey thro' most of the Counties of Scotland, and North of Eng- land. Folio. Lond. 1726. Gordon, Alexander. Railway M onopolies and remedial measures. Lond. 1841. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 16.) Gordon, Major-General Alexander. The History of Peter the Great, Emperor ol Russia. 2 vols. 8vo. Aberdeen, 1757. Gordon, C. A. Army Surgeons and their works. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Points for comparison between the French and British Soldier. Lond. 1872. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 100.) The Administrative Services during the Franco-Prussian War. n.p. (1873]. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 10.) Life on the Gold Coast. Svo. Lond. 1874. Trip to Burmah, with notes on that countiy. 8vo. Lond. n.d. „ Surgeon-General Sir C. A. Re- collections of Thirty-nine Years in the Army. 8vo. Lond. 1898. Gordon, General C. G. Colonel Gordon in Central Africa, 1874-9, from original letters and docu- ments ; edited by G. B. Hill. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Journals of Major-Gen. C. G. Gordon at Kartoum. Introduction and notes by A. Egmont Hake. 8vo. Lond. 1885. Letters to his Sister. 8vo. Lond. 1888. {Sec also Index.) Gordon, Sir H. W. Events in the Life of Charles George Gordon. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Gordon, The Rev. James. History of the Rebellion in Ireland in 1798. 8vo'. Dublin, 1801. Gordon, Lieut.-Colonel John. Address to Volunteer Corps going on Permanent Duty. 8vo. Lond. 1808. Gordon, General J. B. Reminiscences of the Civil War. 8vo Lond. 1904. Gordon, General Sir J. H. The Sikhs. 8vo. Lond. 1904. Gordon, J. W. Military Transactions of the British Empire. 4to. Lond. 1808. Gordon, Pryse Lockhart. Personal Memoirs ; or reminiscences of men and manners at home and abroad during the last half century. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Gordon, Thomas. Principles of Naval Architecture, with proposals for improving the form of ships. 8vo. Lond. 1784. Gordon, Lieutenant W., R.N. Economy of the Marine Steam Engine ; with sug- gestions for its improvement. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Gordon, W. The Horse World of London. Small 8vo. Lond. 1893. Gordon, W. J. Round about the North Pole. 8vo. Lond. 1907. Gordon-Alexander, Lieut.-Colonel W. Recollections of a Highland .Subaltern. 8vo. Lond. 1898. Gore, Surgeon-General A. A., F.R.C.S.I. A Medico-Statistical Sketch of the Operations on the North-West Frontier of India, 19th June, 1897, to 8th April, 1898. F'cap. folio. Dublin, 1899. GOR 162 C.RA Gore, Montag^ue. Description of some of the principal Harbours and Towns of the Krimea. 3rd edition. Lond. 1854. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 5.) Products and resources of British India. 2nd edition. Lond. 1855. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 11.) Gere-Browne, W. The I'rivate Soldier's Wrongs. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 52.) Gorlaeus, A. Thesaurus Numismatum Romanoium ad familias ejus urbis spec- tantiuni usque ad obitum Augusti. 4to. Antwerp, 1605. Gorst, Harold E. China. 8vo. I.ond. 1899. Gosse, E. W. Gray. Crown 8\o. Lond. 1882. Gosselin, Le Capitaine. Le Laos et le Protectorat Franfais. 8vo. Paris, 1900. Gostling, Geo. Extracts from the Treaties l^etween Great Britain and other Kingdoms and States of such Articles as relate to the duty and conduct of the Commanders of H.M. Ships of War. 4to. Lond. 1792. Gotzler, Major von. Graf Albrecht v. Roon. 8vo. Berlin, 1879. Goudar or Gondard, Ange. General History of the late Revolution of Genoa. 8vo. Lond. 1752. Gougeard. Les Arsenaux de la Marine. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1882. La Marine de Guerre ; son passe et son avenir. Cuirasses et Torpilleurs. 8vo. Paris, 1884. Gough, General Viscount. (Sc^e India and Rait.) Gongh, General Sir C, and A. D. Innes. The Sikhs and the Sikh Wars. 8vo. Lond. 1897. Gough, General Sir Hugh. Old Memories. 8vo. Lond. 1897. Gould, A. C. American Rifleman's En- cyclopedia. i2mo. New York, n.d. Gould, John. Synopsis of the Birds of Australia. Parts 1-4. Folio. Lond. 1837-8. Introduction of the Trochilidae, or family of Humming Birds. 8vo. Lond. 1861. Gould, Robert Freke. The four old Lodges, Founders of Modern Freemasonry, and their Descen- dants. 4to. Lond. 1879. Military Lodges, 1732-1899. Crown 8vo. Lond. and Aldershot, 1899. Gourgaud, Le General Baron. Sainte- Helene. Small Roj'al 8vo. Paris, 1899. Gourgaud, Le General Gaspard. Campagne de 1815, ou relation des operations militaires qui ont eu lieu en France et en Belgique pendant les cent jours. 8vo. Paris, 1818. Gourgaud, Le General Gaspard (r^i/z/rt^.) — Menioircs pour servir a I'Histoire de France, .sous Napoleon, ecrits a Sainte- Helenc. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823. Napoleon and the Grand Army in Russia, or a critical examination of the work of Count P. de Segur. 8vo. Lond. 1825. Napoleon et la grande-armee en Russie. 4tli edition. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1827. Gourville, J. H. de. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. hi.) Government. Modest Censure on some mistakes concerning Civil Government. Lond. 1713. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 20.) Gowan, Ogle R. Annals and defence of tlie Loj-al Orange Institution of Ireland. Dublin, 1825. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 3.) Gower, Sir Erasmus. {See Staunton, Sir George.) Gower, Lord Ronald. Rupert of the Rhine. 8vo. Lond. 1890. Grafton, Richard. Chronicle, or history of England. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1809. Graham, Lieut.-General Sir Gerald, V.C, G.C.B., R.E. {See Vetch.) Graham, Major J. Discipline of Candi- dates for the Arnn^. Lond. 1882. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 38.) Graham, Major James D. Report upon the Military and Hydrographical Chart of the Extremity of Cape Cod, including the townships of Provincetown and Truro. Folio. Washington, 1838. Graham, The Rev. John. History of the Siege of Londonderry and defence of Enniskillen, in 1688 and 1689. 2nd edition. 8vo. Dublin, 1829. Graham, Colonel J. J. Military Ends and Moral Means : exemplifying the motives to enlistment, the use of strata- gems in war, etc. 8vo. Lond. 1864. Graham, John Murray. Memoir of General Lord Lvnedoch. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Graham, Colonel Sir Lumley. Remarks on Infantry Tactics. •Sandgate, 1866. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 67.) On the best mode of providing Recruits and forming Reserves for the British Army. Lond. 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i.) Graham, Miss M. Journal of a Resi- dence in India. 4to. Edinburgh, 1813. Graham, Thomas. Elements of Chemis- try. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Grahame, James. Rise and progress of the United States of North America till the British Revolution in 1688. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827. Gramont, Le Marechal Antoine, Due de. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols. Ivi-lvii.) GRA 163 GRE Grampian Club, Scotland, social and domestic. By the Rev. Charles Rogers. Svo. Lond. 1869. Estimate of the Scottish Nobility during the minority of James the Sixth. Svo. Lond. 1873. Genealogical collections concerning the Scottish House of Edgar. Edited by- Andrew Edgar and Charles Rogers. 4to. Lond. 1873. Grandin, L. Frederic III, Roi de Prusse, Empereur D'Allemagne. Svo. Paris, 1888. Grandin, Le Coinmandaiit. Les Fran^ais a Madagascar. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1S96. Le General Bourbaki. Svo. Paris, 1897. Grandprey, Colonel C. de. Le Siege de Port Arthur. 8vo. Paris, 1906. Granier, Herman. Der Feldzug von 1864. Small royal 8vo. Berlin, 1898. Grant, Sir Alexander, Bart. Xeno- phon. Svo. Lond. 1871. Grant, Anne. Letters from the Moun- tains. 2nd edition. 3 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1807. Grant, Captain Henry D., R.N. Report on Nitro-Glycerine. Lond. 1866. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 69.) Grant, Captain J. Supply of Fuel for the Army. Lond. [18,58]. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 59.) Grant, James. Memoirs and adventures of Sir John Hepburn. Svo. Lond. 1851. British Battles on Land and Sea. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1 89 1. Recent British Battles on Land and Sea. [Forming a supplementary volume to the above.] 4to. Lond. 1899. Grant, Lieutenant James, R.N. Voyage of discovery performed in the "Lady Nelson '' with sliding keels. 410. Lond. 1804. Grant, General Sir J, Hope. Incidents in the Sepoy War, 1857-8. With some explanatory' chapters by Capt. H. Knollj's. Svo. Lond. 1873. (See also Knollys.) Grant, Lieut.-General IT. S., U.S. Army. Personal Memoirs. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1885-6. {See also Index.) Grant Duff, M. E. Notes of an Indian Journey. Svo. Lond. 1876. Grantham, John. Iron Ship-Building, with practical illustrations. 5th edition. Svo. Lond. 1868. Atlas of plates to ditto. 4to. Granville, A. B. St. Petersburgh. A Journal of Travels to and from that Capital ; through Flanders, the Rhenish Provinces, Prussia, Russia, Poland, Silesia, Saxony, and France. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S28. Graser, B. De vctcrum re navali. 4to. Berlin, 1864. Grassi, Giacomo di. Ragione di adoprar sicuramente I'Arme si da offesa, come da difesa. 4to. Venice, 1570. Grattan, W. Adventures with the Con- naught Rangers. Edited by C. Oman. Svo. Lond. 1902. Graves, S, R. {See Ryder.) Gray, Lieutenant Charles, R.M. Poems and Songs. 2nd edition. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1814. Gray, Henry. Anatomy, descriptive and surgical. Svo. Lond. 1S83. Gray, John. Treatise of Gunnery. Svo. Lond. 1731. Gray, J. A. My Residence at the Court ot the Amir. Svo. Lond. 1901. Gray, John Henry. China : a history ot the laws, manners, and customs of the people. Edited by W. Gow Gregor. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1878. Gray, Thomas. Mercantile Marine Legislation. Lond. 1S66. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 66.) Regulations for preventing Collisions at Sea. Svo. Lond. 1S67. (Bound in vol. lettered " Rule of the Road at Sea.") Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 71.) Observations on the Rule of the Road at Sea. Svo. Lond. 1878. Value of Coloured Side Lights as a means for preventing Collisions at Sea. Svo. Lond. n.d. (Bound in vol. lettered " Rule of the Road at Sea.") Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 81.) Graydon. Dynamite Projectile high ex- plosive and accelerated cartridge. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 44.) Great Britain. Military History of Great Britain, for 1756, 1757. Svo. Lond. 1757. (Radstock Collection.) Situation Militaire de la Grande- Bretagne. Paris, 1S60. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 64.) (For other Works, sec Index.) Greathead, H. H. Letters written during the Siege of Delhi. Svo. Lond. 1S5S. Greece. The History of. Svo. Lond. 1S48. Greely, Adolphus W. Three Years of Arctic Service, 1S81-4. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1886. Green, Benjamin Richard. Guide to the Numismatic Atlas of Grecian History. Folio. Lond. 1829. Lecture on the Study of Ancient Coins, in connection with Histo^3^ Svo. Lond. 1829. L 2 GRE 164 GRE Green, Colonel Sir Henry. Defence of the Xorth-West Frontier of India, with lelerence to the advance of Russia in Central Asia. Lend. 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 2.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 2.) The " Great Wall " of India. Lond. 1885. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 40.) Green Jolm. Vicissitudes of a Soldier's Life. Bvo. Lond. 1827. Green, John Ricliard. Short History of the English People. 8vo. Lond. 1876. History of the English People. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Making of England. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Conquest of England. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Green, Jonathan. Utility of Fumigating and other Baths. Lond. 1834. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 21.) Practical Compendium of the Diseases of the Skin. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Green, Lieutenant William Pringle, R.N. Fragments from remarks on Electricity, Magnetism, Aeroliths, &c. Lond. 1833. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 6.) Precautions to avoid Accidents by Lighting. Lond. 1837. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 2.) Greene, F. V. The Russian Army and its campaigns in Turkey in 1877-78. 2 vols. (Text and Atlas.) 8vo. Lond. 1879. The Campaign in Bulgaria, 1 877-1 878. Bvo. Lond. 1903. Greener, W. A Secret Agent at Port Arthur. Bvo. Lond. 1905. Greener, W. W. Gunnery in 1858 : being a treatise on Rifles, Cannon, and Sporting Arms. Bvo. Lond. 1858. Modern Breech-Loaders : sporting and military. Bvo. Lond. 1871. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Modern Shot Guns. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Greenhow, Rohert. Memoir of the N.W. coast of North America. Bvo. New York, 1840. History of Oregon and California. 8vo. Lond. 1844. Greenough, G. B. First Principles of Geology. 8vo. Lond. 1819. Greenwich Hospital. Her Majesty's (Queen Anne) Com- mission for Greenwich Hospital for Seamen. Lond. 1704. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 19.) His Majesty's (George I) Commission for the Roj'al Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich. Lond. 1714. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 19.) Greenwich Hospital {contd.)— His -Majesty's (George II) Commission for the Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich. Lond. 1727. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 20.) Establishment of Officers, Pensioners, Servants, and others, with their Salaries. &c. Lond. 1738. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 20.) Regulations for the establishment and government of the Royal Naval Asj'lum. 8vo. Lond. 1820. Portraits of Naval Commanders in the Painted Hall. (Sec Catalogues.) Greenwich Ohservatory. Astronomical and Magnetical and Xleteorological Ob- servations. 1 83 1 to date. 4to. Lond. 1832- . Greenwood, P. Commerce and War. Lond. 1889. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 49.) Greenwood, Colonel G. Cavalry Sword Exercise. 8vo. Lond. 1B40. Field Days of the Second Life Guards in the Years 1837, 1838, 1839. F'cap folio. Lond. 1843. Hints on Horsemanship to a Nephew and Niece ; or common sense and common errors in common riding. New edition. Bvo. Lond. 1871. Greenwood, Lieutenant J. H.M. 31st Regiment. Narrative of the late victorious Campaign in Afghanistan, under General Pollock. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1844. Greenwood, Jonathan. Sailing and Fighting Instructions, or Signals as they are observed in the Roj'al Navy of Great Britain. i2mo. n.p., 1714. Greg, W. R. Miscellaneous Essays. Bvo. Lond. 1881. Gregg, St. George. The Currency ; its evils and their remedies. Lond. 1B39. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 12.) St. George's vision of St. Patrick's ideas on Currency and Coin. Lond. 1B40. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 14.) Ambition, a poem. 2nd edition. Lond. 1840. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 14.) Gregorovius, Ferdinand. Lucretia Borgia. Translated by J. L. Garner. Bvo. Lond. 1904. Gregory, E. Tighe. Ireland in 1829, or the tirst year's Administration of the Duke of Northumberland. Dublin, 1830. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 25.) Grehan, Amedee. La France Maritime. 4 vols, in two. 4to. Paris, 1853. Grenander, B. K. Sur les Conditions necessaires, selon le droit des Gens, pour avoir, en Guerre le droit d'etre considere ettraite comme Soldat. Bvo. Paris, 1882. Grenest. L'Armee de I'Est. Relation Anecdotique de la Campagne de 1870-71. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1894-95. Grenier, Le Vicomte de. L'Art de la Guerre sur Mer, ou Tactique Navale. 410. Paris, 1787. GRE 165 GRO Grennel, George Bird. (Sec Burroughs.) Greswell, William. Our South African Empire. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1885. Greville, Lady Violet. Montrose. With an introduction by the Earl of Ashburn- liam. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Grey, Earl. (See Adderley.) Grey, Admiral Sir F. W. Organization of the Navy. Lond. i860. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 21.) Suggestions for improving the character of our Merchant Seamen and for providing an efficient naval reserve. Lond. 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 21.) Grey, Sir George. Two e.xpeditions of discovery in north-west and western Australia, 1837-9. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Grey, Henry. The Classics for the Million : an epitome in English of the works of the principal Greek and Latin Authors. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Grey, H. M. In Moorish Captivity. 8vo. Lond. 1899. Grey, Walter. Walcheren : proceedings on a motion for inquiry into the conduct and policy of the late Expedition to the Scheldt. 8vo. Lond. 1810. (Radstock Collection.) Gril)l)le, H. Why not render the Red and Indian Seas secure for Passengers, !tnia;ssani(,-. Crown Svo. Lond. 1907. Henderson, Major G. F. R. The Battle of Spicheren, a study in Practical Tactics and War Training. Svo. Lond. 1891. The Campaign of Fredericksburg, Nov.-Dec, 1S62. 3rd edition. Svo. Lond. 1891. „ Lieut.-Colonel G. F. R. .Stonewall Jackson, and the American Civil War. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1898. Short Tactical Studies, i. The Battle of Wflrth, August 6th, 1870. Yorktown, 1899. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 59.) „ Colonel G. F. R. The Science of War — A Collection of Essays and Lectures, 1892-1903. Edited by Captain N. Malcolm, D.S.O. Svo. Lond. 1905. Heneker, Lieut.-Colonel W. C. G. Bush Warfare. Svo. Lond. 1907. Henk, L. von. Die Kriegfuhrung zur .See in ihren wichtigsten epochen. Svo. Berlin, 1881. Hennehert, Le Lieut.-Colonel. Les Torpilles. Svo. Paris, 1884. Frontieres de France. Svo. Paris, 1 838. Gribeauval, Lieut. -General des Armees du Roy, Premier Inspecteur-General du Corps Royal de I'Artillerie (1715-17S9). Svo. Paris, 1896. Artillerie moderne. Svo. Paris, n.d. Les Armees Modernes. i3mo. Paris, n.d. Attaque des Places. Crown Svo. Paris, n.d. Hennell, Colonel Sir R, The History of the King's Bodyguard of the Yeomen ot tlie Guard. Uemy 4to. Lond. 1904. Hennen, John. Medical Topography of the Mediterranean. Svo. Lond. 1830. Hennin, Michael. Manuel de Numis- matique Ancicnne. 2 vols, in one. Svo. Paris, 1830. Henning, A. Unsere Festungen. Svo. Berlin, 1890. Henningsen, Captain C. F. E\ents of a Twelvemonth's Campaign with Zuma- lacarregui, in Navarre and the Basque Provinces. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S36. Henrard, P. Les Proctides Tactiques de Jules Cai'sar. Svo. Paris, 1S84. Henry, Prince of Portugal. {See Bcazley. ) Henry, J. F. Essai sur I'arrondisment communal de Boulogne. 4to. • Boulogne, iSio. Henry, Professor L. E. Napoleon's War Maxims. Svo. Lond. 1899. Henry, "Walter. Events of a Military Life. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S43. (Vol. ii. missing.) HEN 183 HEX Henslow, The Rev. J. S. Principles of descriptive and physiological Botany. 121110. Lond. 1835. Hensman, Howard. Afghan War of 1879-80. 8vo. Lond. 1881. A History of Rhodesia. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1900. Hentsch, F. Construction und Handii- bung- des Gewehr-Sy stems Mauser. Berlin, 1872. (Pamphlets, 3rd scries, vol. 22.) Henty, G. A. March to Magdala. 8vo. Lond. 1868. One of the 28th : a tale of Waterloo. Bvo. Lond. 1890. With Lee in Virginia : a story of the American Civil War. 8\'o. Lond. 1890. Hepworth, The Rev. G. H. Through Armenia on Horseback. 8vo. Lond. 1898. Hepworth, T. C, The Electric Light. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Herald, B. D. Series of nine views round Kolapore. Folio. Lond. 1845. Herapath, John. Utility, &c., of Mr. Gurnej^'s Steam-Carriage. Lond. 1829. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 23.) Herbelot, M. D'. Bibliotheque Orientale, ou Dictionnaire Universel ; contenant tout ce qui fait connoitre les Peuples de rOrient. 4 vols. 4to. The Hague, 1777-9. Hercert, Lady. A search after Sun- shine, or Algeria in 1871. 8vo. Lond. 1872. Heroert, David. Great Historical Mutinies. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Her'oert of Cherbury, Edward Lord. Expedition to the Lsle of Rhe. Edited by the Earl of Powis. Sm. 4to. Lond. i860. Herbert, Luke. Engineer's and Me- chanic's Encycloptedia. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836-7. Herbert, The Rt. Hon. Sidney. The conduct of the War. Lond. 1854. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. il.) Herbert, Sir Thomas, Bart. Some yeares travels into divers parts of Asia and Afrique : describing the Empires the Persian and Great Mogull. Folio. Lond. 1638. Herbert, W. V. The Defence of Plevna, 1877. The Chronicles of a Virgin Fortress. 8vo. Load. 1896. The Bulgarian Army. Lond. 1905. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 6g.) (See also Maguire.) Herford, Captain I. S. A. Stirring times under Canvas. 8vo. Lond. 1862. Herisson, Le Cornte d'. Journal d'un OBicier d'Ordonnance, Juillet, 1870 — Fevrier, 1871. 6th edition. 8vo. Paris, 1885. Hermant, Dr. E. Modeles de Sac (.lAnibulance et de .sacoches a medica- ments pour la Cavalerie. Brussels, 1872. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 16.) Herodianus. History of his own Times, or of the Roman Empire after Marcus. Translated by J. Hart. 8vo. Lond. 1749. Herodotus. The History of Herodotus, translated from the Greek, with notes by the Rev. W. Beloc. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1791. Herre, Dr. Paul. Europaische Politik im Cyprischeii Krieg, 1570-1573. VoL i. 8vo. Leipzig, 1902. Herschel, Carolina. Catalogue of Stars taken from Mr. FL'uiisteed's observations : to which is added a collection of errata. With introductory remarks by W. Herschel. Folio. Lond. 1798. Herschel, Sir J. F. W., Bart. Preliminary discourse on the study of Natural I^hilosophy. i2nio. Lond. 1830. Treatise on Astronomy. i2mo. Lond. 1S33. Outlines of Astronomy. 8vo. Lond. 1849. Sensorial Vision. Leeds, 1858. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 58.) Familiar Lectures on Scientific Sub- jects. i2mo. Lond. 1867. Manual of Scientific Enquiry. 8vo. Lond. 1849. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. Edited by Rev. R. Main. 8vo. Lond. 1859. Ditto, ditto. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1871. Ditto, ditto. 5th edition. Edited by Sir Robert S. Ball. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Hershey, A. S. The International Law and Diplomacy of the Russo-Japanese Wai-, 8vo. Lond. and New York, 190:. Hertslet, Sir E. The Map of Europe byTreaty. Showing the various Political and Territorial Changes which have taken place since the General Peace, 1814. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1875-1891. Hervey, F. The Naval History of Great Britain. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1779. Hervey, M. H. Dark Days in Chile ; an account of the Revolution of 1891. 8vo. Lond. 1891-92. Heusch, Le Capitaine Waldor de. La Tactique d'aujourd'hui et quelques mots de la tactique de demain. Svo. Brussels, 1887. La Tactic]ue d'aujourd'hui et Considera- tions sur la Tactique de demain : Les Nouvelles Armes et la Poudre sans Fumee. Svo. Brussels, 1890. Hewett, Lieutenant W. Remarks to accompany chart of the Leman and Ower .Shoals, situated in the North Sea. 8vo. Lond. 1826. (Bound in vol. lettered " Sailing Directions.") Hewitt, John. Ancient Armour and Weapons in Europe. 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford, i860. Hewson, W. B. Case of the Queen against .Serva and others. Lond. 1846. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 41.) Hexham, Captain Henry. Principles of the Art Military. 2nd edition. Folio. Delf, 1642. HEV 184 HIS Heyde, E,, and A. Froese. (".cschiclitc (Jlt lit'lageniiiijvoii Paris im Jalire 1870-71. Svo. With Atlas. " Hciiin, 1874. Heydekampf, Stieler von. Operations du \' Corps Prii.ssicii dans La Guerre Contre La France. Traduitde TAllLMiiand [lar V. X. IIunibcL Svo. Paris, 1873. Heyfelder, Dr. 0. Transkaspicn unci seine Kisenbahn. 8vo. Hanover, 1888. (Ser also Kralimer.) Heylin, Peter. Cosmography. P^olio. Lund. 1701. Heylli, Georges d'. Journal du Siege tie Paris. 3 vols. Svo. Paris, 1870. Heylyn, Peter. Help to English History. New edition, with lists ot tiie extinct Vis<'oniits and Barons and of all the Lord Mayors of London. Edited by Paul Wri.<,dit. Svo. Lond". 1786. Heyne, Paul. Practical Dictionary of Electrical Engineerine;^ and Chemistry. 3 \-ols. Vol. I, German-En^lish-Spanish. Vol. 2, Eng^lish-Spanish-German. Vol. 3, Spanish-German-English. Small Svo. Dresden-London, 1899. Heywood, Thomas. The English Tra- veller : a trag-i-comedy. 8vo. Lond. [1815]. Hickley, W. The Tanjore Mahratta Principality in Southern India. 2nd edition. Svo. Madras, 1874. Hickman, J. Work and rations of the Soldiei-. Svo. Dublin, 1888. Hickman, W. Treatise on the lav/ and practice ot Naval Courts-Martial. Svo. Lond. 1851. Hicks, E. Rupert. The Ram in Our Navy. Lond. 1897. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 58.) Higginson, General Sir George. Dis- cijjline and the Army. Lond. 1892. (Pamphlets, 3rcl series, vol. 56.) Highton, E.Gilbert. A voice from the ■'London" and its echoes. 8vo. Lond. 1866. (Bound in vol. lettered " Rule of the Road at Sea.") Hill, Berkeley. Essentials of Bandaging. 2nd edition. i2nio. Lond. 1869. Hill, John. A general Natural History. Fossils. Folio. Lond. 1748. Construction of Timber from its early growth. Svo. Lond. 1770. Hill, General Lord. {Sec Sidney.) Hill, M. D., Cl.C. Opinions on Lord Broufvham's application in 1848 for French Letters of Naturalization. I3ristol, 1869. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 80.) Hill, PaScoe Grenfell. Life of Napoleon IIL 8vo. Lond. 1869. Hill. The Rt. Hon. Richard. Diplomatic Correspondence. Edited by the Rev. W. Blackley. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1845. Hill, Captain R. B. Ca\ airy IManual for the Use of Officers of the Bengal Cavalry. Svo. Simla, 1869. Hill, R. T. Notes on the Forest Con- ditions of Porto Rico. Washington, 1899. (I'amphlets, 3rd series, vol. 62.) Hillary, Sir William. Plan for the con- struction of ;i Steam Life Boat ; also for the extinguishment of Fire at Sea. Lond. 1824. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 13.) Hillegas, H. C. With the Boer Forces. Cidwn 8\'n. Lond. 1900. Hills, Major-General Sir J. The Bom- bay Fiekl Force, 1880, and the Battle of Maiwand. Lond. 1900. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 64.) Hills, Rohert. Sketches in Flanders and Holland with some account of a tour through parts of those Countries shortly after the Battle of Waterloo. 4to. Lond. 1816. Hiltl, G. Der Franzosische Krieg von 1S70-71. 2 vols. 4to. Berlin, 1895. ., and C. F. Schindler. Preussens Heer. 2nd edition. 410. Berlin, 1871. Hirae, Lieutenant H. W. L. Words of Command. Lond. 1866. (Pamphlets, 2nd scries, vol. 67.) „ Lieut.-Colonel. Stray Military Papers. Svo. Lond. 1S97. (junpowder and Anmiunition. Svo. Lond. 1904. Himly, Auguste. Histoire de la forma- tion territoriale des Etats de I'Europe centrale. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1876. Hind, John. Principles and practice of Arithmetic. 2nd edition. Svo. Cambridge, 1835. Elements of Algebra. 3rd edition. Svo. Cambridge, 1837. Hinde, Captain Rohert. Discipline of the Light-Horse. Svo. Lond. 1778. Hinde, S. L. The Fall of the Congo Arabs. Svo. Lond. 1897. „ and Hildegarde. The Last of the Masai. Imp. Svo. Lond. 1901. Hippisley, A, J. An Introduction to Militajy Equitation. MS. Lond. 1S26. Hirsch, Dr. Paul. Bibliographic der Franzosischen Truppengeschichten. Crown Svo. Berlin, 1906. Hirtenfeld, Dr. Skizze der Feldzuges 1859 in Italien. Svo. Vienna, 1859. Historical Manuscripts Commission. Rejjort on American Manuscripts in the Royal Institution of Great Britain. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1904-06. Report on the Manuscripts of Lady Du Cane. Svo. Lond. 1905. Report on the Manuscripts of J. B. Fortescue, Esq., preserved at Dropmere. Svo. Lond. 1906. " Historicus." (See Harcourt, G. V.) HIT 185 Hitchcock, F. H. Trade of Porto Rico. Washington, 1898. (Pamphlets, 31-d series, vol. 62.) Trade of the Philippine Islands. Washington, 1898. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 63.) H. K. Chaplains in Khaki. 8vo. Loud. 1902. Hoare, J. Douglas. Arctic lixploration. 8vo. Lend. 1906. Hobart, Colonel G-. B. B. Marching Power. A Lecture delivered before the East of Scotland Tactical Society, 6th February, 1893. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 57.) Hobart Pacha. The Torpedo Scare. Experiences during the 'I'urco-Russian War. 8vo. ' Lond. 1885. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 52.) Hobbs, Lieut. - Colonel. Subaltern's Hand-Bool<, and guide to the Military examination. i2mo. Belfast, 1859. Hobday, Major E. A. P. Sketches on Service during the Indian Frontier Cam- paigns of 1897. Small Roj'al 8vo. Lond. 1898. Hochstetter, P. von. Geology of the Province of Nelson. Auckland, 1859. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 4.) New Zealand ; its physical geography, geologj', and natural history, &c. Partty from the German of Edward Sauter. 4to. Stuttgart, 1867. Asien seine Zukunftsbahnen und seine Kohlenschatze. 8vo. Vienna, 1876. „ and A. Petermann. Geological and topographical Atlas ot New Zealand. 8vo. Auckland, 1864. (jcology of New Zealand ; in explana- tion of the Atlas. 8vo. Auckland, 1864. Hocquard, Dr. E. L'Expedition de Madagascar. 4U). Paris, 1897. Hodge, W. B. Mortality arising from Naval Opera- tions. Lond. 1855. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 42 (i).) Mortality arising from Military Opera- tions. Lend. 1856. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 42 (i).) Shipwrecks in the Royal Na\y. Lond. 1864. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 62.) Hodges, W., R.A. Travels in India, 1780-83. 4to. Lond. 1794. Hodgetts, E. A. In the Track of the Russian Famine. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1892. Hodgetts, J. F, Lawson's Patent Normal .Ship. 8vo. 1889. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 53.) Hodgson, G. The Life of the State. 8vo. Lond. 1903. Hodgson, Captain Studholme. Truths from the West Indies. Including a sketch of Madeira in 1836. 8vo. Lond. 1838. HOF Hodson, Lady. The Siege of Kumassi. 8\u. Lond. 1901. Hodson of Hodson's Horse. {Sir Trotter.) Hodson, Thos. The Accomplished Tutor, or a complete sj'stem ot liberal education. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1802. Hodson, W. S. R. Twelve years of a soldier's life in India. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1859. Hoenig, Major Fritz. Zwei Brigadcn. 8vo. Berlin, 1882. Taktische Directiven Rir die Formation und Fi'ihrung der Kavallerie-Division. 8vo. Berlin, 1885. Oliver Cromwell. 3 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1887-88. Untersuchungen iiber die Taktik der Zukunft. 8vo. Berlin, 1890. Der V'olkskrieg an der Loire im Herbst, 1870. 6 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1893-97. Die Gefechte von Boiscommun und Lorcy am 24 und 26 November, 1870. 8vo. Berlin, 1893. Oliver Cromwell. 2 vols. Bvo. Berlin, 1887-88. 24 Stunden Moltkescher Strategie, i8th August, 1870; and Translation by Lieut. -Colonel N. L. Walford, R.A. 8vo. Berlin, 1891. Gefechtsbilder aus dem Kriege 1870-71. 3 vols. i2mo. Berlin, 1891-94. Untersuchungen fiber die Taktik der Zukunft. With plans. 8vo. Berlin, 1894, Die Entscheidungskampfe des Main- feldzuges an der Frankischen .Saale. 8vo. Berlin, 1895. Tactics of the Future. (4th edition of the "Zwei Brigaden.") Translated by Captain H. M. Bower. 8vo. Lond. 1899, Die Wahrheit fiber die Schlacht von Vionville-Mars la Tour. Small Royal 8vo. Berlin, 1899. Dokumentarisch-Kritische Darstellung der Strategie fiir die Schlact Vionville — Mars la Tour. 8vo. Berlin, 1899. Hoflfbauer, Major-General E. von. The Command of Artillery in the Army Corps and the Infantrj' Division. Translated by S. Wilkinson. (Manchester Tactical Society.) Manchester, 1889. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 49.) „ General E. von. Schwebende Feld- artillerie Fragen. 8vo. Berlin, 1904. „ Major E. von, and Major Leo. Die Deutsche Artilleric in den Schlachten und Tref^'en des Deutsch- Franzosischen Krieges, 1 870-1. 3 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1873-8. Vol. i. Weissenburg. Worth. Vol. ii. Metz. Vol. iii. Sedan. Campaign of 1870- 1. The German Artillery in the Battles near Metz. Translated by Captain HoUist. 8vo. Lond. 1874. Taktik der Feld-Artillerie. 8vo. Berlin, 1876. HOF 1 86 HOL Hoffbauer, G. Applikatorische Etudie (ibcr \'cr\vendunf< dor Artillcrie in (uch^sLTcn Truppenvcrbaiulc'H. 8vo. licrlin, 1884. Hoffman, Captain Frederick. {See Bevaii, A. B.) Hoffman, M. Statistical View of the ]->irtlis aiul Deaths in the Prussian States, 1820-3^. Translated by Walter Riiding Deverell. Load. 1837. (Pamphlets, 2nd scries, vol. 44 (ii).) Hofmeyer, Adrian. The Story of my Captivity' durins; the Transvaal War, 1899-19CX). 8vo. Lond. 1900. Hofricliter, Lieut.-Colonel. Schicssregln tin" der Schweren, leichten und reitenden Battcrien der Russischen Feld-artillerie, 1900. 8vo. Berlin, 1902. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 70.) Hogan, Majoi*. Proofs of the Forgeries in Major Ho<;an's Pamphlet. Lond. 1808. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 8.) Hogendorp, Le Comte D. C. A. van. Mcmoires du Genei"al Dirk von Hogen- dorp. 8vo. The Hague, 1887. Hogg, Lieutenant Arthur. Field Exercises in Hindostanee. 8vo. Calcutta, 1837. Hogg, Lieut.-Colonel G. C. Cavalry Swarms. Bvo. Bombay, n.d. Hogg, Jatez. The Microscope ; its history, construc- tion, and application. 6th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1867. Impairment or loss of vision, from spinal concussion or shock. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Hohenlohe, The Late Prince Victor of, 1391. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 57.) Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen, Prince Kraft zu. Strategische Briefe. I-II. 8vo. Berlin, 1877. Militarische Briefe. Kavallerie, Infan- terie, und Artillerie. 3 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1884-5. Gespriiche iiber Reiterei. Bvo. Berlin, 1887. Letters on Artillery. Translated by Major N. L. Walford'. Svo. Woolwich, 1887. Ditto, ditto. (Stanford's edition.) Svo. Lond. 1888. Lettres sur La Strategie traduits par A. Veling. 2 vols., and case of Maps. 8vo. " Paris, 1887-88. Letters on Cavalry. Translated by Lieut.-Colonel N. L. Walford. Svo. Lond. 1889. Letters on Infantry. Translated by Lieut.-Colonel N. L. Walford. 8vo. Lond. 1889. Letters on Strategy. Edited by Captain W. LL James. 2 vols. Lond. 1898. Aus Meinem Leben. 2 vols. Svo. Berlin, 1897 and 1905. Hohenlohe - Schillingsfuerst, Prince Chlodwig von. Memoirs of Prince Chloiiwig ot Hohenlohe-.Schillingsfuerst. Edited by Priedrich Curtius for Prince Alexander of Hohenlohe-Schillingsluerst, and translated from the first German edition and supervised by G. W. Chrystal. 2 vols. 8\n. Lond. 1906. Holbeche, Lieut.-Colonel R. {See Bed- lord.) Holden, Captain R. H. Musketry pocket- book loi- the Militia. i2mo. Lond. 1882. Holdich, Colonel Sir T. H. The Indian Borderland. Bvo. Lond. 1901. The Countries of the King's Award. 8vo. Lond. 1904. India. S\o. Lond. 1906. Holdsworth, A. H. Dartmouth : the advantages of its Harbour as a Station for Foreign Mail Packets. Svo. Lond. 1841. Improvements in constructing Ships and Vessels, in order to airest the pro- gress of fire, and for regulating tempera- ture. Lond. 1842. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 18.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 34.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 40.) Advantages derived from working Low- Pressure Marine Engines by expansion. Lond. 1843. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. iB.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 40.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 44.) Description of Water Bulk - Heads, adapted to j'achts and passenger vessels. Lond. 1844. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 40.) Description of Water Bulk-Heads, adapted to j-achts and passenger vessels. (.Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. B4.) Water Bulk-Heads for reducing' the temperature and arresting fire in ships. Lond. 1852. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 28.) Holdsworth, T. W. E. Campaign of the Indus. Svo. [Privately printed.] Lond. 1840. Holinshed, Raphael. Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland. 6 vols. 4to. Lond. 1807-8. Holland. {Sec Netherlands.) Holland, Professor T. E., K.C. The Laws and Customs of War on Land. 8\'o. Lond. 1904. Holland, Major T. J., and Captain H. M. Hozier. Record of the Expedition to Abyssinia. 2 vols. Lond. 1870. Maps to ditto. 4to. Hollander, 0. Nos Drapeaux et Eten- dards de 1812 ii 1815. Svo. Paris, 1902. HOL 187 HOO Hollebeii, General Albert von. Die ParisL-i- Koniimine 1S71. 8vo. l^erlin, 1897. Holleben, Captain von. (lebranchs- Tabellen fur Marine-Artilleristen. 8vo. Berlin, 1879. Holley, A. L. Treatise on Ordnance and Armor. 8vo. New York, 1865. Holliday. Gunnery. 8vo. I77-- (No title page.) Holman, Lieutenant James, R.N. Narrative of a journey through France, Italy, Savoy, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, and the Netherlands. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1827. Travels in Russia, Siberia, Poland, Austria, Saxony, Prussia, Hanover, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1832. Voyage Round the World ; including travels in Africa, Asia, Australasia, and America. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834. Holme-Twentyman, W. A. The British Empire, or Rule Britannia. 8vo. Lond. 1903. Kolmes. Magneto-Electric Light, as applicable to Lighthouses. Lond. 1863. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 12.) Holmes, G-eorge C. V. Marine Engines and Boilers. Bvo. Lond. 1889. Holmes, Lieut.-Colonel J. G. H. Speci- fication of the Holmes Rapid Range Finder. Folio. n.p. , n.d. Holmes, N. J. Storm and Danger Signal as a means of saving life at sea. Washington, 1872. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 3.) Holmes, R. E., and W. GiVo. Naval and Military Trophies. Imp. 4to. Lond. 1896. Holmes, T. Trcc^tise on Surgery, its principles and practice. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Holmes, T. R. E. History of the Indian Mutiny. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1885. Four famous soldiers ; Sir Charles Napier, Hodson of Hodson's Horse, Sir William Napier, Sir Herbert Edwardes. 8vo. Lond. 1889. Holmes and Co. The Bengal Obituary. 4to. Calcutta, 1848. Holms, John, M.P. l^ritish Army in 1875 with suggestions on its administration and organization. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Ditto, ditto. New edition. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Hclohan, A. W. Book of Scales. 4to. Lond. 1881. Holstein. (See Schieswig-Holstein.) Holt, H. F. Spherical Trigonometry. .Standaid formula;, drawn and explained. n.p., n.d. Holt, William. Admiralty Court Cases on the Rule of the Road. 8vo. Lond. 1867. Holtrop, John. English and Dutch, and Dutch and English Dictionary. 2 vols. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1823-4, Holty, Ludwig, H. C. Gedichte. i2mo. Hamburg, 1783. Hoitzapffel, Charles. (See Royle.) Holwell, Captain M. Doherty. Practical Instruction in Minor Tactics. Lond. 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 46.) Holzn{;r, F. Foreign Attempts at making Rifles of Smaller Calibre. Translated by Major W. McClintock, R.A. Woolwich, n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 56.) Homans, Benjamin. Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Navy of the United States. 8vo. Baltimore, 1843. Home, John. History of the Rebellion in 1745. 4to. Lond. 1802. Home, Colonel Robert. A Precis of Modern Tactics, originally compiled in 1873. Revised and rewritten by Lieut.- Colonel Sisson C. Pratt. 8vo. Lond. 1892, Homer. The whole Works of Homer : trans- lated by Alexander Pope. With a Life of Hom'er. 4to. Lond. n.d. OMHPOY AHANTA. Opera Omnia. Cura J. A. Ernesti. 5 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1814. Odissea di Omero, tradotta da Ippolito Pindemonte. 2 vols, in one. i2mo. Naples, 1 83 1. Homoeopathy. Homoeopathy explained and objections answered. 4th edition. Lond. 1842. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 39.) Honourable Artillery Company. The ■ History of the Honourable Artillery Company from its earliest annals to the Peace of 1802 : by Anthony Highmore. 8vo. Lond. 1804. List" of the Chiefs, Officers, Court of Assistants, &c., for 1840. 8vo. Lond. 1840. History of the Honourable Artillery Company : by Captain G. A. Raikes. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1878-9. Incidents in the history of the Hon. Artilleny' Company : by Capt. Woolmer- Williams. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Royal Charter of Incorporation granted .to the Honourable Artillery Company by Henry V'llL, also Royal Warrants and Orders in Council relating to the government of the Company. Edited by Lieut.-Colonel G. A. Raikes. 8vo. Lond. 1889. The Ancient A'ellum Book of the Honourable Artillery Company, being the roll of members from 161 1 to 1682. By Colonel G. A. Raikes, F.S A. 8vo. Lond. 1850. Hood, Lieutenant Nathaniel. Elements of War : or rules and regulations of the Army in miniature. 3rd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1804. Hood, Thomas. The use of the Celestial Globe in plans, set forth in two hemi- spheres. Small 4to. Lond. 1550. Hoog, M. C. van der. Verslag Engelsche Manoiuvres, 1S93. Crown 8vo. Gravenhage, " 1893. HOO HOR Hook, Theodore. Life of General Sir l)a\id liairtl. 2 vols. 8\i). Lond. 1832. Hooke, Nathaniel. Account of the conduct of the Dowager Duchess of Marlboroiigli. 8vo. Lond. 1742. Roman History, from the building of Rome to the ruin of the Commonwealth. 6 vols. &VO. Lond. 1823. Hooker, Sir J. D. Journal of the Right Honuurable Sir Joseph Banks, Bart., K.B., P.R.S. 8vo. Lond. 1896. „ and J, BalL Tour in Marocco and the (Jreat Atlas. 8v(i. Lond. 1878. Hooker, Sir W. J. Journal of a tour in Iceland in the summer of 1809. 8vo. Lond. 1811. Botanical Miscellany, with plates. 3 vols. Royal 8vo. Lond. 1830-33. (Sec also Smith, Sir J. E.) Hooper, George. The Italian Campaigns of General Bonaparte in 1796-97 and 1800. Lond. 1859. The Campaign of Sedan : the downfall of the Second Empire, 1870. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Wellington. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1889. Waterloo ; the downfall of the first Napoleon : a history of the Campaign of 1815. New edition. 8vo. Lond. 1890. Abraham Fabert, Governor of Sedan, Marshal of France, his Life and Times, 1 599-1662. 8vo. Lond. 1892. Hooper, Dr. G. S. Topography, climate and prevalent diseases of the Island of Jersey. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Hooper, Jacob. History of the Rebel- lion and Civil Wars in England during the reign of King Charles the First. I'olio. Lond. 1738. Hooper, Dr. R. Physician's Vade Mecum. i2mo. Lond. i8i2. Lexicon Medicum ; or Medical Dic- tionary. 7th edition, revised by Dr. Klein Grant. 8vo. Lend. 1839. Hop, Jacques. (See Vreede.) Hope, A. J. B. Beresford. The American Disruption. 6lh edition. Lond. 1862. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 14.) Social and political bearings of the American Disruption. 3rd edition. Lond. 1863. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 14.) Hope, Captain C. W., R.N. Education and training of Naval Oflicers. Lond. 1869. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 88.) Hope, The Rev. F. W. Address on the second Anniversary of the Entomological Societj'. Lond. 1836. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 16.) Coleopterist's Manual, containing the Lamellicorn Insects of Linnaeus and Fabricius. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Hope, Lady. General Sir Arthur Cotton, R.E., K.C.S.I. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Hope, T. Costume of the Ancients. 8\x). Lond. 1809. Hopf, Jules. (.S",v Martens.; Hopflfgarten-Heidler, Major H. von. Die Schlacht i)ei Beaumont. Bvo. With one case of maps. Berlin, 1897. Hopkins, David. A Vocabulary ; Per- sian, .\iahic, and English ; abridged from Richardson's Dictionary. Bvo. Lond. 18 10. Hopkins, Thomas. Winds and Storms ; with an essav on weather and its varieties. 8vo. ' Lond. i860. Hoppenstedt, Major. (.s>^ Crowe.) Hopton, Lord. Bellum Civile : Hopton's Nari'ative of his Campaign in the West, 1642-1044, and other Papers. Edited by C. E. H. C. Healey, Somerset Record Society. Vol. xviii. 8vo. n-P-i 1902. Horatius Flaccus, Guintus. Works of Horace, ti-anslated literally into English prose, by C. Smart. 2 vols. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1819. Hornaday, W. T. Two Years in the Jmigle : the experiences of a Hunter and Naturalist in India, Ceylon, The Malay Peninsula, and Borneo. 8vo. Lond. 1885. Hornhy, Admiral Sir G. Phipps. {See Navy, 1888.) Horner, Leonard. Addrc-is as President of the Geological Society of London. Lond. 1846. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 38.) Ditto, ditto. Lond. 1847. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 26.) Horrocks, W. H. {See Notter.) Horsburgh, B. A. Waterloo : A Narra- tive anil a Criticism. 8vo. Lond. 1895. Horsburgh, James. Directions for sailing to and from the East Indies, China, New Holland, Cape of Good Hope, and interjacent ports. 2 parts in one vol. 4to. Lond. 1809-11. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1826-7. Horses. llorsc-emancipation, or the abolition of the Bearing-Rein. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 12.) The Horse, with a treatise on Draught. 8vo. Lond. 1831. The Griffin's Aide-de-Camp. By " Blunt Spurs." 8vo. Lond. 1843. Ditto, ditto. 4th edition. 8vo. Madras, 1863. Three Letters on the Horse, Master, and Donkey. By " Blunt Spurs." 8vo. Lond. 1870. Few lines on the hunter, the charger, and the roadster. By "Woodman." 8vo. Lond. 1872. Etude sur la Ferrure des Chevaux de Guerre. Paris, 1872. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 44.) Unasked Advice : A series of Articles on Horses and Hunting. 8vo. Lond. 1872. HOR 189 HOU Horses {ccmid.) — The Handy Horse-book ; by "Magenta." 8vo. Lond. 1877. Indian Horse Notes. By Major C. 2nd edition. 8vo. Calcutta, 1885. Horsetzkey, K. u. K. General-Major Adolph von. Kriegsgeschichtliche Uebersicht der wichtigsten Feldziige in Europa seit 1792. 7tli edition. Bvo. Vienna, 1905. Atlas to ditto, 27 inches by 20 inches. Horticultural Society. Transactions. Vols, i to viii. 4to. Lond. 1820-31. Horton, J. A. B. Physical and Medical Climate and Meteorology of the West Coast of Africa. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Hosack, John. Our Maritime Rights. * Lond. i860. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 46.) Rise and Growth of the Law of Nations. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Hoseason, Captain J. C, R.N. Remarks on the errors contained in a circular on the Properties of the Expan- sion and Throttle Valves. Bvo. Lond. 1844. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 12.) The Steam Navy ; and the application of screw propellers to sea-going line of battle-ships. Lond. 1853. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 28.) Ditto, ditto. (Second Copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Remarks on the late war with Russia ; with appendix and maps. 8vo. Lond. 1857. Inefficiency of the Steam Navy for general service and the purposes of war. Lond. 1866. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 66.) Remarks on the Naval, Military, and Financial Resources of Great Britain. 8vo. Lond. 1868. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 75.) Remarks on the Abyssinian expendi- ture and the general inefficiency of the over-sea steam transport for militaiy purposes. 8vo. Lond. 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 88.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 93.) Relative cost of the English, Prussian, and Austrian Soldier. 8vo. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 86.) Remarks on the Channel Passage, and on the importance of Dover for offensive and defensive warfare. Lond. 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 21.) New Harbour at Dover. Lond. 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 21.) Hosie, Alexander. Manchuria, its People, Resources, and Recent Historj'. 8vo. Lond. 1901. Hospitaller, E. Modern Applications of Electricity. Translated by Julius Maier. 8vo. " Lond. 1882. Hospitallers. {See St. John of Jerusalem.) Hospitals. Report of the Committee of the Hospital for Seamen, on board the "Dreadnought." 8vo. Lond. 1839. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Report of the Governors of Sir P. Dun's Hospital, Dublin. Dublin, 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 83.) Hoste, Le Pere Paul. L'Art des Armees Navales, ou Traite des Evolutions Navales. Folio. Lj'ons, 1697. (Very rare ; Southey's copy.) Naval Evolutions : or a system of Sea Discipline. Extracted by C. O'Bryen. 4to. Lond. 1762. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection.) Hoste, Captain Sir William, R.N. Memoirs and Letters. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1833 Service Afloat, or the Naval Career of Sir William Hoste. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Hotchkiss Ordnance Co. Record of experiments with the Hotch- kiss rapid-firing- Gun. 4to. Paris, 1884. Measurements and weights of the Hotchkiss rapid-firing Gun. 4to. Paris, 1885. Handbook of the Hotchkiss rapid-firing Gun. 6 lb., 3 lb., and i lb. guard-boat gun. 8vo. Paris, 1885. The Hotchkiss System of rapid-firing Guns. 4to. Lond. 1887. Howell Torpedo : general description and notes. 4to. Lond. 1888. Description of the Hotchkiss Automatic Machine Gun (Rifle Calibre) Model, 1901. 4to. n.p., 1901. Hotham, Captain H. Marks, &c., for les Birvideaux. 4to. n.p., 1807. (Book of Remarks for the Western. Station.) Hough, Captain William. Case Book of European and Native General Courts-Martial. 8vo. Calcutta, 1821. Practice of Courts-Martial, and other Military Courts. 8vo. Lond. and Calcutta, 1834. Simplification of His Majesty's and Hon. E.I. Company's Mutinv Acts and Articles of War. 8vo. Calcutta, 1836. „ Lieut.-Colonel. Practice of Courts-Martial, also the legal exposition and military explanation . of the Mutiny Act and Articles of War. Partly revised by G. Long. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1825. Military Law Authorities. 8vo. Calcutta, 1839. March and operations of the Army of the Indus, in the expedition to Afghanistan, 1838-9. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Pohtical and military events in British India, from 1756-1849. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 18^^. HOU 190 HUG Hough, Lieut.-Coloiiel {co/it(f.)— Prcccclcius in Military Law : inckiding the piiut ice of Courts-Martial, &c. 8vo. Loud. 1855. Improved system for the Military Education of Ofticers for the British Army. Load. 1857. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. .'I3 (i).) Houghton, Lieut.-Colonel J. {Sec Yate.) Hourst, Le Lieutenant. La Mission Hourst, 8vo. Paris. 1898. The Exploration of the Nit^cr. Trans- lated by Mrs. Arthur Bell (N. D'Anvers). Svo. Loud. 1898. House, E. H. Japanese Expedition to Ft'iniosa. Svo. Tokio, 1875. Houssaye, Henry. 181 5. Waterloo, 2nd edition. Svo. Paris, 1898. 181 5. Waterloo. Translated from the French by A. E. Mann. 8vo. Lond. 19C0. 18 14. 8vo. 49'^""^ Edition. Paris, 1905. Hovell, Lieutenant H. de B. Soldiers' Sliooting. i2mo. Chatham, 1888. „ Major. Soldiers' Training. Crown Svo. , Lond. 1900. Hovgaard, Lieutenant G. W., Danish NavV- Submarine Boats. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Howard, Charles. Roads of England and Wales particularly adapted to the use of Bicvclists and Tricyclists. 3rd edition. Svo. ' Lond. 1883. Howard, John. The state of the Prisons in England and Wales, with an account of some Foreign Prisons. 4to. Warrington, 1777. Appendix to ditto. 4to. Warrington, 1784. Account of the principal Lazarettos in Europe. 2nd edition. 4to. Lond. 1791. Howard, Luke. Barometrographia : the variation of the Barometer in the climate of Britain. 2 vols. Folio. Lond. 1847. Papers on Meteorology : being Parts i and 2 of the Appendix to " Barometrc- graphia." 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1850. Howard, Sir Philip, and Sir Francis Watson. The new invention of Mill'd Lead, for Sheathing of .Ships. i2mo. Lond. 1691. (Radstock Collection.) Howard, Captain W. J. The Volunteer Light Cavalryman's A B C. icmo. Gaya, 1892. Howe, Lord Viscount. Letter to Lord Howie on his naval conduct in the American War. Svo. Lond. 1779. „ EarL Signals, 1790, '91, and '94. Manuscript. Crown Svo. n.p., n.d. (Radstock Collection, " Howe.") Howell, Captain, U.S. Navy. Auto- mobile Torpedo. 1888. ("410 Pamphlets, vol. 9.) Howell, John. Essay on the War- Galleys of the Ancients. Svo. Edinburgh, 1S26. Howell, T. B. Complete Collection of State I'rials. With index, 34 vols. Svo. Lond. 1816-28. Howgate, Captain H. W., U.S. Army. Cruise of the Florence ; or extracts horn the journal of the preliminarj- Arctic Ex- pedition of 1877-8. i2mo. Washington, 1079. Howlett, Captain A. Precis of informa- tion conterning the Province ot Tong- King. Svo. Calcutta, 1883. Howlett, S. B. Directions for using Barometers in determining altitudes. Lond. 1859. (Pamphlets, 2nd scries, vol. 55.) Howson, The Very Rev. J. S. {See Conybeare.) Hoyerj J. G-. von. Handbuch fur Oftiziere in den angewanden Theilen der Kriege-s-Wissenschaften. Wierter Theil, von der Strategic. Svo. Hanover, 1S29. Hozier, Colonel H. M. Seven Weeks' War ; its antecedents and its incidents. 2 vols. &vo. Lond. 1867. British Expedition to Abyssinia. Svo. Lond. 1869. {See also Netherlands.) The Franco-Prussian War. 4 vols. 4to. Lond. n.d. Invasions of England. A history of the past with lessons for the future. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S76. Russo-Turkish War : including an account of the rise and decline of the Ottoman Power, and the histor}- of the Eastern Question. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1879. Turenne. 8vo. Lond, 1883. Military Equipment. Lond. 18S6. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 43.) The Question of Imperial Safety. Our actual Military Strength. Lond. 1S88. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 45.) Hubhack, J. H. Jane Austen's Sailor Brothers. Svo. Lond. 1905. Hudson, James. Observations and investigations on the Barometer. Lond. 1S32, (4to Pamphlets, vol. i.) Hue, Gustavo. Apergu de la Geographic Militaire de LEurope. (Moins la PYance.) Svo. Paris, iSSo. Hliffer, Hermann. Die Schlacht von Marengo und der Italienische Feldzug des Jahre iSoo. Svo. Leipzig, 1900. Htigel, Le Baron Charles. Tra\els in Kashmir and the Panjab ; with notes by Major T. B. Jervis. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Hughes, J. The Boscobel Tracts, relat- mg to the Escape of Charles the Second after the Battle of Worcester. Svo. Lond. 1830. Hughes, Michael. A plain narrative and authentic journal of the late Rebellion, begun in 1745. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1747. Hughes, M. L. Manual of Chiropody. Lond. IC02, (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 67.) HUG 191 HUN Hughes, Captain R. M. Epitome of the regulations in force in the Bombaj' Army, with instructions and forms for conducting and recording Courts-Martial, Inquiry', Inquest, and Courts of Request. 8vo. Bomba}', 1843. Duties of Officers superintending Native Minor Courts- jMartial in the East Indies ; to which are annexed the Articles of War for Hon. East India Company's Native Troops, promulgated in October, 1845. 8vo. Lond. 1B47. Hllglies, The Rev. T. S. Travels in Greece and Albania. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Hughes, Thomas. David Livingstone. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1889. Hughes, The Rev. T. P. Notes on Muhammadanism. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1875. Hughes, W., and J. F. Williams. The Advanced Class Book of Modern Geo- graph}', Phj'sical, Political, Commercial. 8vo. Lond. 1892. Hughes, William. Geography of British History. Svo. Lond. 1874. Hugo, Le Citoyen Adjt.-Major. Coup d'lEil Militaire sur la Maniere d'escorter, d'attaquer, et de defendre les Convois. Svo. Paris. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 54.) Hugo, Herman. Seige of Breda by the armes of Phillip the Fourt under the Government of Isabella atchived by the conduct of Ambr Spinola. Translated bj- Captain Gerrat Barry. Folio. Louvain, 1627. De Militia Equestri antiqua et nova, ad Regnum Philippum IV. Folio. Antwerp, 1630. Hugoniot, Le Capitaine. {See Sebert.) Huguenin, Le General. Description de la Fabrication des Bouches a Feu en fonte de fer et des projectiles a la Fonderie de Liege. Translated from the Dutch bj' Captain Neuens. Svo. Paris, 1839. Huidekoper, F. L. Military Studies. 8vo. Kansas City, 1904. Hull, Commander T. A., R.N. Practi- cal A^autical .Surveying and the Handicraft of Navigation. Small Royal Svo. Lond. 1898 Hulme, F. Edward. Mathematical Instruments and how to use them. Svo. Lond. iSSo. Humane Society, The Royal. Annual Reports. 1844-48, 1852-57, and 1882 to . Svo. Lond. 1844 to Huniber, W. A Complete Treatise on Cast and Wrought-Iron Bridge Construc- tion. 2 vols. Imp. 4to. Lond. 1861. Humbert, E. Programme elementaire d"un cours d'Art et d'Histoire Militaires applique a la Cavalerie. 8vo, with 4to atlas. Saumur, 1866. Humbley, W. W. W. Journal of a Cavahy Ofllcer, including the memorable Sikh Campaign of 1845-46. Svo. Lond. 1854. Humboldt, Le Baron Alexandre von. Essai GL'Ognostic|ue sur le Gisement des Roches. Svo. Paris, 1823. Examen critique de I'Histoire de la Geographie du nouveau continent et des progres de I'astronomie nautique aux quinzieme et seizieme siecles. 5 vols. Svo. Paris, 1836. Asie Centrale. Recherches sur les Chaines de Montagues, et la Climatologie comparee. 3 vols. Svo. Paris, i8'43. Cosmos : sketch of a physical descrip- tion of the Universe. Translated under the superintendence of Lieut. -Colonel E. Sabine. Vols, i and ii, vol. iii, parts r and 2, and vol. iv, part i. 5 vols. Svo. ilond. 1S47-58. „ and Aime Bonpland. Personal nar- rative of travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent during the years 1799-1804. Translated bj' Helen Maria Williams. 7 vols, bound in 9. Svo. Lond. 1814. Hume, David. History of England from the Invasion of Julia Caesar to the Revolution in 1688. 8 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1818. Essays, literary, moral, and political. Svo. Lond. n.d. {Sec also Smollet. ) Hume, Captain J. F. Attack Formation. Svo. Lond. 1887. Hume, MajOr-General J. R. The Re- miniscences of the Crimean Campaign v/ith the 55th Regiment. 8vo. Lond. 1895. Humfrey, Lieut.-Colonel I. H. Essay on the modern system of Fortifi- cation adopted for the Defence of the Rhine Frontier. Svo. Lond. 1838. Atlas to ditto. Folio. Humfrey, Captain J. The Steeplechase Horse : How to select, train, and ride him. Crown Svo. Calcutta, 1879. „ Major. Horse Breeding and Rearing in India. Crown Svo. Calcutta, 1SS7. Humphreys, H. Noel. Coin Collector's Manual. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1853. Humphreys, W. H. {See Emerson Tennant.) Humphry, W. G. St. Martin-in-the- Fields in the Olden Time. i2mo. Lond. 1876. Hungarian Diet. Nev, es Lak-Kony\e az 1839, esz. Junius 2. napjara szabad. Kir Posony Varossaban Orszaggyiilesre. i2mo. Posonj'ban, 1S39. Hungerford Suspension Bridge. Par- ticulars of the Hungerford Suspension Bridge. Svo. Lond. 1845. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Hunt, Captain G. H. Outram and Have- lock's Persian Campaign. With a Sum- mary of Persian History : bj' G. Town- send. Svo. Lond. 1S58. Hunt, James. Address as President of the Anthropological Society of London. Lond. 1866. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, \o\. 70.) HUN 192 HUT Hunt, Leigh. Lord Byron and some of his C'(iiitcmj)oiarit's. 2iul etlition. 2 vols. 8vo. Luiul. 1828. Hunt, R. New plan for the Construction i)t licaiiisi. 4tu. l)cvoiii)oit, 1834, Hunt, R. Iff. Life of Sir Hugh Palliser, Bait , Admiral. 8\o. l.cind. 1844. Hunt, Major S. Leigh, and A. S. Kenny. Oil Duty under a 'I ropical Sun ; being' sugji:estions for the maintenance of health. cS:c. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Hunter, The Rev. H. H istory of London and its environs. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 18 II. Hunter, John. Concise Description of tht- Insiirnia of the Orders ot British Knighthood. 4to. Lond. 1S81. Hunter, Captain John. Historical journal of the transactions at Port Jackson and Norfolk Island ; including the journals of Governors Phillip and King. 8vo. Lond. 18 10. Hunter, W. W. The Indian Empire: its history, people, and products. 8vo. Lond. 1882. „ SirW.W. The Marquess of Dalhousie. Crown 8vo. Oxford, 1890. The Earl of Mayo. Crown 8vo. Oxford, 1891. Bombay 1885 to 1890. A Study in Lidian Administration. 8vo. Lond. 1892. A History of British India. 8vo. Lond. 1899. Huot, Lucien. Siege of the Fort of St. lohns in 1775. Translated by George H. "Flint. St. Johns, 1889. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 51.) Hurault, Philippe I'Ahhe de Pontlevoy. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vol. xxxvi.) Hurd, Archibald S. The British Fleet. Lond. 1901. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 64.) How Our Navy is Run. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Naval Efficiency — The War Readiness of the Fleet. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Hurd, Captain, R.N. Nautical descrip- tion of the Bay of Brest. 4th edition. Lond. 1809. (Book of Remarks for Western Station.) Hursthouse, C. F. Short, synoptical view of the New Zealand of to-day. Lond. [1866]. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 70.) Hurt, P. A. The Guards' Cemeteries .St. Etienne, Bayonne, with a concise Narrative of the Campaign in .S.W. France. i2mo. Lond. [1877]. HuSSOn, Le General E. Manuel d' Ad- ministration et de Comptabilite Militaires, a I'usage des Sous-Officiers d'Infanterie. 4th edition. lamo. Paris, 1844. Hutcheson, Francis. Short Introduction to Moral Philosophy ; translated from the Latin. 2nd edition. i2mo. Glasgow, 1753. Hutchinson, Captain A. H. The ne.xt battU-ticld. Lond. 1871. (Pampiilcts, 2nd series, vol. 96.) Hutchinson, Major H. D. Military Sketching made easy and military majis explained. i2mo. Chatham, 1886. The story of Waterloo. A popular account of tlie Campaign of 1815. 8vo. Chathain, 1890. „ Colonel. Tirah, 1897-98. 8vo. Lond. 1898. „ Major-General. Field Fortification. 5th edition. Clown 8vo. Aldershot, 1904. Hutchinson, Lucy. Memoirs of the life of Colonel Hutchin- son. 3id edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1810. Ditto, ditto. 5th edition, with a des- cription of Lathom House. 8vo. Lond. 1846. Hutchinson, W. Treatise on Naval Architectuie founded upon philosophical and rational principles. 4to. Livei"pool, 1794. Hutchinson, General W. N. Brigade Drill as established by order in the Field Exercise and Evolutions of Infantry, as revised in 1859. 8vo. Lond. i860. Torpedoes ; a protection for harbours. Lond. [1881.] (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 37.) The Navigable Balloon in war and peace. Eastbourne, 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 44.) Hutchison, Lieut.-Colonel F. J., and Captain H. G. MacGregor. Military .Sketching and Reconnaissance. 121110. Lond. 1878. Huth, F. H. Works on Horses and Ec[uitation : a bibliographical record of Hippology. 4to. Lond. 1887. Hutt, William. The Stade Duties considered. Lond. 1839. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 13.) Hutton, Captain Alfred. Bayonet-Fencing and Sword-Practice. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Cold Steel : a practical treatise on the sabre. 4to. Lond. 1889. Fixed Bayonets : a complete system of Fence for the British Magazine Rifle. 4to. Lond. 1890. Old Sword Play. 410. Lond. 1894. Descriptive account of 16th Century Swordplay. 8vo. Kingston-on-Thames, 1895. The Swordsman. New edition. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1898. Hutton, Charles. Course of Mathematics. 5th edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1807-11. Tracts on Mathematical and Philo- sophical Subjects. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1812. Philosophical and Mathematical Dic- tionary. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1815. HUT 193 IND Hutton, Darnton, Master Mariner. Pole Star Latitude: a method ot' finding the latitude from an altitude of the Pole Star. Lond. 1891. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 52.) Hutton, Colonel E. T. H. Five Lectures on Mounted Infantry. 1886-91. A Co-operative System for the Defence of the Empire. Lond. 1898. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 58.) „ Major -General Sir E, Operations of General (Hutton's) Force, South African Campaign, 1900. Itinerary Maps and Plans of Engagements. Imp. Bvo. Lond. 1901, The Defence and Defensive Power of Australia. Melbourne, 1902. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 67.) Hutton, Surgeon-Major G. A. Remi- niscences. Crown Bvo. Lond. 1907. Hutton, R. H. Sir Walter Scott. Crown Bvo. Lond. 1879. Hutton. The Rev. W. H. The Marquess Wellesley. Crown Bvo. Oxford, 1B79. Hutton, W. Battle of Bosworth Field. 8vo. Birmingham, 1788. Huxley, T. H. Physiography. 8vo. Lond. 1B77. Hume. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1879. Huyshe, Captain G. L. Red River Ex- pedition. Bvo. Lond. 1B71. (See also Brackenbury.) Huyshe, Wentworth. The Liberation of Bulgaria. Small Bvo. Lond. 1B94. Hyde, John T. Principles of Gunnery. 2nd edition. Bvo. Lond. 1862. Hythe, School of Musketry. Hythe Certificates and ho\v to obtain them. i2mo. Lond. 1B79. Ihrahim, Effendi. Traite de Tactique ou Methode Artificielle pour Lordonnance des Troupes. Ouvrage publie et imprime a Constantinople I'an de I'Hegire 1144 (1730 A. D.). Traduit du Turc. i2mo. Vienna, 1769. Ideville, Le Comte H. d'. Le Marechal Bugeaud. 3 vols. Bvo. Paris, 188 1-2. " Ig^otus." Pen and ink sketches of Military Subjects. Bvo. Lond. 1882. Immanuel. Der Russisch - Japanische Krieg. Bvo. Berlin, 1904-06. Impeachments. Letter relating to the matter of Impeachments. Lond. 1715. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 20.) Ince, Commander J. M. R., R.N. Obituary Notice in the ''Naval Standard." Lond. 1851. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 29.) India. History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation, in Hindostan, from the year 1745. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1753. Notes Relative to the late Transactions in the Marhatta Empire. Imp. Bvo. Lond. 1804. Narrative of the origin and progress of the dissentions at the Presidency of Madras. Bvo. Lond. 1810. Prospectus for establishing by means of Steam Navigation a communication with Calcutta and the East Indies generally. Bvo. Lond. 1823. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, Modern.) On a Russian Invasion of British India. Lond. 1 83 1. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 4.) Remarks respecting Steam Communi- cation with India, and suggestions on the best mode of establishing it. Lond. 1837. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 8.) India {confd) — True position and prospects of a Steam Communication with India. Lond. 1837. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, voL 8.) Recollections of the Deccan. 8vo. Calcutta, 1B3B. Reports and papers submitted to Gov- ernment on Scinde, Affghanisthan and adjacent countries. Folio. Calcutta, 1839. Report of a Committee appointed to enquire into the prospects of a Company established in London for Navigating the Rivers in the East Indies by Steam Boats. Lond. 1B39. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, voL 46 (ii).) Correspondence relating to Scinde. 1B3B-39. (Presented to Parliament.) Calcutta, 1843. Letters from Madras by a Lady, 1836 to 1839. 8vo. Lond. 1843. History of the Punjab, and of the rise, progress, and present condition of the Sect and Nation of the Sikhs. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1B46. Tables of routes and stages through the territories under the Presidency of Bombay. 4to. Bombay, 1B51. The World's Highway. Lond. 1B56. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 80.) Highways to the East. Lond. 1857. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 49.) London to Lahore, or the Euphrates, Scinde and Punjaub Railways. 2nd ■ edition. Lond. 1857. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol 4.9.) The Euphrates railway the shortest route to India. 2nd edition. Lond. 1857. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 49.) Defence of Lucknow. A diary, by a Staff Oflicer. Bvo. Lond. 1B5B. IND 194 IND India {cofiid.)— Letters briefly describing the probable causes of the Indian Outbreak. By an Indian Officer. Bombay 1858. (Pamphlet, 3rd series, vol. 61.) Letters of Indophiliis to " The Times." Lond. 1859. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 16.) Essay on the formation of an Intelli- gence Department foi" India. n.p., 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 34.) Defensive Necessities of our Military Position in India. Madras, 1875. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 34.) Memoranda, etc., on the Malayan Peninsula and Perak drawn up in Militaiy Department of the Government of India, 1875. Folio. Calcutta, 1875. The Punjaub and North-West Frontier of India. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Imperial Gazetteer of India. By W. W. Hunter, g vols. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Armies and Native States of India. Reprinted from "The Times." 8vo. Lond. 1884. The Baluch and Afghan Frontiers of India. Lond. 1889. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 49.) Incidents in India and Memories of the Mutiny. Edited by F. W. Pitt. 8vo. Lond. 1896. Letters received by the East India Company from its servants in the East, transcribed from the ''Original Corre- spondence" Series of the India Office Records, 1602-1617. Edited bj' William Foster, IB.A. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1896-1902. Memorandum on the Age Tables and Rates of Mortality of the Indian Census of 1901. By G. F. Hardj'. F. cap. folio. Calcutta, 1905. The Imperial Gazetteer of India. New edition, published under the authority' of H.M.'s Secretary of State for India in Council. vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1907. (See alsu East India Company and Index.) Eni^inccring. Professional Papers on Indian Engi- neering. First Series. 7 vols. 8vo. Roorkee, 1863-70. Second Series, 10 vols., and No. 43 (incomplete). 8vo. Roorkee, 1872-82. Third Series. Vols, i to . 8vo. Roorkee, 1882- . Index to First and Second Series. 8vo. Roorkee, 1884. Meteorology. Report of the Midnapore and Burdwan Cyclone of the 15th and 16th of October, 1874. Folio. Calcutta, 1875. Indian Meteorological Memoirs. Vols. i to . 4to. Calcutta, 1876- . Report on the Meteorology of India ; by Henrj' F. Blanford. 1876 (2nd year) to . Folio. Calcutta, 1878- . Report of the Administration of the Meteorological 1 epartment of the Govern- ment of India, 1878-79 to . 4to. Calcutta, 1879- • India. Meteo-ology (contd.)— Meteorological Observations recorded at six Stations in India. 1879 to Folio Calcutta, 1881- . Charts of the Bay of Bengal and adjacent Sea North of the Equator ; showing the Mean Pressure, &c. Folio, Simla, 1886. Winds and Monsoons of the Arabian Sea and North Indian Ocean ; bj' W. L. DA.llas. Folio. Calcutta, 1887. Magnetical and Meteorological Obser- vations made at the Government Obser- vatory, Bombay, 1882 to . 4to. Bombay-, 1883- . (Folio atlas of plates to accompanv 1886.) Cyclone Memoirs. Part I. Bay of Bengal Cyclone of May 2oth-28th, 1887. 8vo. " Calcutta, 1888. Ditto, ditto. Part II. Bay of Bengal Cyclone of August 2ist-28th, 1888. 8vo. Calcutta, 1890. Handbook of Cyclonic Storms in the Bay of Bengal. Yor the use of Sailors. 8vo. Calcutta, 1890 ]\aiki'ays. Description of the North-Western Railwaj- Bridge over the Indus at Sukkur. 8vo. Lahore, 1889. Administration Report on the Railways in India for 1894 and 1895. Parts I and II. Report on the Railways in India for 1895 and 1896. Parts I and II. Administration Report on the Railways in India, 1895-1900. Folio. Calcutta, Siin'ey. Topographical Survey of part of the Himalaj-a Mountains. Folio. Calcutta, 1861. General report on the operations on the Survej' of India, 1877-78 to date. Folio. Calcutta, General Report of the Marine Survey of India for 1877-78. Folio Calcutta, 1879. Catalogue of Stars for the Epoch Januarj', 1892, from observations bj' the Trigonometrical Survey of India. 4to. Calcutta, 1893. India, Army. Account of the late discontents of the Arm\' of the Madras Establishment. 8\o. Lond. 1810. Remarks on excluding Officers of H.M. Service from the Staffof the Indian Army, and on the present state of the European Soldier in India, by a King's Officer. 8vo. Lond. 1825. Claims of the Indian Army on Indian Patronage. Lond. 1852. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 32.) Thoughts on the Reconstruction of the Indian Armj'. n-P-i 1859. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 59.) Amalgamation of the Indian Army with H.M. Sei"\'ice, and the scheme of the Amalgamation Commission for the retire- ment of Indian Officers. Lond. 1861. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 59.) IND 195 INI> India, Army {confd.)~ The trutli about the Indian Army and its Officers. Lond. 1861. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 83.) Memoiandum on Indian Reliefs. Lond. 1865. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 4.) Regulations applicable to the European Officer in India. Bj" George E. Cochrane. 8vo. Lond. 1866. Military Settlements in India. Madras, 1872. (Pamphlets, 2nd scries, vol. 100.) My diary at the Punjab Camp of Exercise, 1872-3. Bombaj-, 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 7.) Reorganization of Regiments of Native Infantrj- ot the Line. Allahabad, 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 22.) Handbook of the Indian Army. Com- piled from Official Publications by Col. J. R. Slade for the Intel. Div., W.O. ■ Lond. 1891. Memorials addressed to the Secretary of State for India, on the subject of the Instructions contained in his Despatches of 26th March, 1897, for Improving the Health of the British Troops in India. A History of the Imperial Service Troops of Native States. By Brigadier- General S. Beatson. 8vo. Calcutta, 1903. Handbook for the Indian Army. 7 vols. Compiled under the orders of the Government of India. 1. Brahmans. By Captain A. H. Bingley and Captain Nichols. 8vo. Simla, 1897. 2. Rajputs. By Captain A. H. Bingley. 8vo. Simla, 1898. 3. Dogras. By Captain A. H. Bingley. 8vo. Simla, 1899. 4. Sikhs. By Captain A. H. Bingley. 8vo. Simla, 1899. 5. Jats, Gujars, and Ahers. By Major A. H. Bingley. 8vo. Calcutta, 1904. 6. Mapillas or Moplaks. By Major Holland-Pryor. 8vo. Calcutta, 1904. 7. Gurkhas. By Lieut.-Col. E. Van- sittart. 8vo. Calcutta, 1906. The Indian Army : A Sketch of its History and Organization. Crown 8vo. Oxford, 1907. Army Lists. India Army and Civil Service Lists. 1826, 1828-31, 1833-47, 1849-95. 8vo. Quarterly Army List, Bengal Estab- lishment. 1857. 8vo. The Indian Army List. 1896 to date. 8vo. Alphabetical list of the OfiRcers of the Indian Armj-, 1834-7, by Edward Dodwell and James Miles. 410. Lond. 1838. Majtoeuvres. Report on the Camp of Exercise held in the neighbourhood of Delhi and Um- balla, 1885-6. Folio. Simla, 1886. India, Army icontd.) — Medical Department. Report on the Medical Topography and Statistics of the Presidency Division of the Madras Army. 8vo. Madias, 1842. Report on the Medical Topography and Statistics of the Centre LJivisioii of the Madras Army. 8vo. Madras, 1843. (Bound with abo\e.) Report of a Departmental Committee on the Prevalence of Venereal Disease among the British Troops in India. No. I. (1897.) Memorandum by the Army Sanitary Commission and Correspondence regard- ing the Prevalence of Venereal Disease among the British Troops in India. No. II. (1897.) Memorials addressed to the Secretary of Stats for India, on the subject of the Instruct-'ons contained in his Despatches of 26th March, 1897, for Improving the Health of the British Troops in India. Military Lau\ Articles of War for the Government of Native Officers and Soldiers of H.M. Indian Army. i2mo.- Calcutta, 1861. Musketry. Annual Reports of the Progress of Musketry Instruction, &c. , 1889-90^ 1890-91. 8vo. Simla, Reports and Routes. Routes in Central Asia. Section I. Being a Compilation from all available Sources of Routes in Asia Minor, Armenia, Kurdistan, Georgia, Mesopotamia, and part of Westenr Persia. Compiled under the Orders ot the O.M.G., India, by Captain W. J. Boyes. 8vo. Calcutta, 1877. Routes in Asia. .Section II. Routes in Afghanistan. Compiled under the Direction of the Q.M.G., India, by Major F. J. N. MacKenzie. 8vo. Calcutta, 1878. Section III. Being a Compilation from all a\'ailable Sources of Routes in Khiva, Bokhara, Khokand, Yarkand, and Russian Turkestan. Compiled under the Orders of the Q.M.G., India, by Captain R. H. Fawcett.~ 8vo. Calcutta, 1878. Section IV. Being a Compilation from all available Sources of Routes in Persia and Baluchistan. Compiled under the Orders of the O.M.G., India, by Colonel C. M. MacGregor. 8vo. Calcutta, 1878. Section V. Being a Compilation from all available Sources of Routes in the Territories of the Maharaja of Jummoo. and Kashmir and adjacent Countries. Compiled under the Direction of the Q.M.G., India, by Captain M. H. Saward. Bvo. Calcutta, 1878. Section W. Comprising Routes in Nepaul, Bhutan, Sikhim, Tibet, Burmah, and Routes between Assam and Burmah. Compiled under the direction of the Q.M.G., India, by Captain H. S. Brown- rigg. 8vo. Calcutta, xZ-ji^. Report (topographical, political, and military) on the North-East Frontier of India. B3' Captain St. John F. Michell. Bvo. ' Calcutta, 1883- N 2 INI) 196 IND India, Army. Reports ami Routes {con tit.)— Lower Assam Report ; the Aka Monkpa Group. By Captain St. John F. Miclicll. 8vo. Simla, 1883. Report on Kafiristan and its People. BvSirG. S. Robertson. K.C.S.I.. British Agent at Gilf;it. Simla, 1895. Report on the Proceedings of the Pamir Boundary Commission. (Official.) By Major-General M. G. Gerard, C.B., C'S.I. F'cap. folio. Calcutta, 1897. Routes in Sikkim. Compiled in the Intelligence Branch of the Q.M.G.'s Department, India, by Captain W. F. O'Connor. (Official.) Folio. Calcutta, 1900. Report on the Kong Tung Keng Cheng Mission for 1893-94. By Captani H. B. Walker. F'cap folio. Calcutta, 1895. Routes in the Bengal and Punjab Com- mands. Revised edition with Map. Com- piled in the Office of the G.M.G. in India. Fcap. folio. Calcutta, 1900. Military Report of the Mishmi country. Published by the Intelligence Branch, Q.M.G.'s Department, India. Compiled by Lieutenant O. L. S. Ward. (Official.) 8vo. Simla, 1901. Military Report of the Mishmi Country. By Lieutenant G. L. S. Ward, 44th Gurkha Rifles. Published by the Intel- ligence Branch, Q.M.G.'s Department, India. Simla, 1901. India, Army. Orders and Regulations. General Orders for the Indian Army, October 1793, to November, 1796. 5 vols. MS. Bengal Military Regulations. 8vo. n.p., 1812. Orders and Regulations of the Bengal Army. Part I. Bvo. Calcutta, 1839. Books of instruction for the Regiment of the Madras Artillery'. 8vo. Madras, 1841-7. Instructions in Repository Exercise for the use of the Madras Regiment of Artil- lery. Compiled by Capt. A. F. Oakes. Bvo. Madras, 1847. General Regulations of the Madras Army. 8vo. Madras, 1849. Regulations for the Dress of General, Staff, and Regimental Officers of the Bombay Army. 8vo. Bombay, 1850. Compilation of the General Orders, &c., issued in 1842-47, by Sir Charles James Napier, G.C.B., Major-General, Governor of Scinde, to the Army under his com- mand. 8vo. Bombay, 1850. Regulations for the Dress of the Army of Fort St. George. Bvo. Madras, 1851. General Regulations of the Bengal Army. Bvo. Calcutta, 1855. Ditto, ditto. Calcutta, 1878. General Orders by the Commander-in- Chief. 8vo. ' n.p., 1868. General Regulations of the Bengal Army. Bvo. Calcutta, 1873. Single-stick Practice for Gymnasia in India. i2tno. Calcutta, iB8^. India, Army. Orders and Regulations {co/itit.) — Circular Orders, iv:c., issued by the Quartermastcr-tiencral in India in con- nection with the camp of exercise Delhi- Umballa. Folio. Simla, 1886. Field Service Manual for Commissariat and Transport Officers of the Indian Army. Crown Bvo. Simla, 1887. Army Regulations, India. 14 vols. Vol. I. Pay and Allowances and Non- effective Pay. Part I, British Troops. Bvo. Calcutta, 1898. Part II, Native Troops. Bvo. Calcutta, 1904. Corrections to ditto. Lists Nos. 1-19. Bvo. Calcutta, 1901. Vol. 2. Regulations and Orders for the Army. Bvo. Calcutta, 1904. Vol. 3. Financial Instructions. 8vo. Calcutta, 1904. Vol. 4. Ordnance. 8vo. Calcutta, 1904. Vol. 5. Supply and Transport. 8vo. Calcutta, 1904. Vol. 6. Medical. 8vo. Calcutta, 1904. Vol. 7. Dress. 8vo. Calcutta, 1886. Corrections. Lists Nos. 1-8. 8vo. Calcutta, 18B6-9. Vol. 8. Veterinary. 8vo. Calcutta, 1904. Vol. 9. Regulations for the Volunteer Force. Bvo. Calcutta, 1904. Vol. 10. Part I. Passages. 8vo, Calcutta, 1904. Vol. II. Clothing. 8vo. Calcutta, 1904. Vol'. 12. Military Works. 8vo. Calcutta, 1904. Vol. 13. British Army Schools. 8vo. Calcutta, 1 888. Vol. 14 {a.) Native Army Schools, Bengal. Bvo. Calcutta, 1886. Vol. 14 {l>.) Ditto, ditto, Madras. 8vo. Madras, 1B96. Vol. 14 {c.) Ditto, ditto, Bombay. 8vo. Bombay, 1B87. Field Service Manual. Crown Bvo. Calcutta, 1894. Frontier Warfare. (Official.) i2mo. Simla, 1901. Frontier Warfare and Bush Fighting. (Official.) i2mo. Calcutta, 1906. Penal Code. Copy of the Penal Code prepared by the Indian Law Commissioners. Bvo. Hertford, 1851. India, Army. Records of Regiments. Reports, correspondence, and original papers of the Corps of Engineers, Madras Presidency. Arranged by Capt. J. T. Smith. 2 vols. 4to. Madras, 1B39-46. History of the Rise and Progress of the Bengal Army, by Capt. A. Broome. Vol. i. Bvo. Calcutta, 1B50. A Sketch of the Services of the Bengal Native Army to the Year 1895. Compiled in the Office of the Adjutant-General in India by Lieutenant F. G. Cardew. 8vo. Calcutta, 1904. History of the Madras Army. Com- piled by Colonel W. J. Wilson. 5 vols. 8vo. Madras, 1B82-B9. IND 197 INF India, Army. Records of Regiments {coutd.) — Historical records of the services of the Oiieen's Own Corps of Guides. 4to. n.p., 1887. A History of the Hyderabad Contin- gent ; bj' Major R. G. Bnrton. 8vo. Calcutta, 1905. A)-/ ill cry. Madras Artillery Records 1850 (in parts) and 1 852-1 862. 8vo. Madras, 1852-62. Ditto, ditto. Miscellaneous Selec- tions. 8vo. Madras, 1838-62. List of the Officers who have served in the Madras Artillerj- from its Formation to 1861. Demj' 4to. By Major J. H. Leslie. 1900. Historical Record of No. 5 (or Garrison) Batteiy, Punjab Frontier Force. 8vo. Lahore, 1886. Historical Record of No. i (Kohat) Mountain Batterj-, Punjab Frontier Force. 8vo. ' " Lahore, 1886. History of the organization, equip- ment, and war services of the Bengal Artillery, by Colonel F. W. Stubbs. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1877. List of Officers who have served in the Bengal Artillerj-, with Tables of Successive Establishments, Roll of the Victoria Cross, and Stations of Troops and Companies. Compiled by Major-Gen. F. W. Stubbs. 4to. Bath, 1892. The Bombay Artillery List of Officers. By Colonel F. W. M. Spring. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Memoir of the Services of the Bengal Artillery, by Captain E. Buckle ; edited 63- J. W. Kaye. 8vo. Lond. 1852. Ca7'ahy. Standing Orders for the Light Cavalry of the Armj' ot Fort .St. George. 8vo. Fort St. George, 1833. Standing Orders for the Light Cavalry of the Army of Fort St. George. 8vo. Madras, 1848. History of the ist Punjab Cavalry. 8vo. Lahore, 1887. Standing Orders of the ist Bengal Cavalry. Crown 8vo. Saugor, 1892. Records of the Scinde Irregular Horse. 2 vols. Pott folio. Lond. 1856. Infantry. Historical Account of tiie Bengal Native Infantry, 1757-1796 : by Capt. J. Williams. 8vo. " Loiid. 1817. Standing Orders for the Bengal Native Infantry. 2nd edition. 8vo. Calcutta, 1840. Standing Orders for the Native Infantrj' of the Madras Army. 8vo. "Madras, 1848. Standing Orders for the Madras European Infantry. 8vo. Madras, 1849. Military history of the Madras Engineers and Pioneers, bj- Major H. M. Vibart. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1881-5. India, Army. Records of Regiments Infantry {contd.) — Historical Records of the XIII. Madras- Infantrj-. Compiled by Lieutenant R. P. Jackson, Adjutant XIII. Madras Infantry.. "Svo. Lond. 1898. History of the ist Sikh Infantry,. 1846-86. 8vo. Calcutta, 1887. Historical Record of the 3rd Sikh Infantry Punjab Frontier Force. Svo. Lahore, 1887. Historical Record of the 4th Sikh Infantry, Punjab Frontier Force. Svo. Lahore, 1887. A History of the Imperial Service Troops of Native States, by Brig.-Genl. Stuart Beatson, C.B. Svo. Calcutta, 1903. 32nd Sikh Pioneers Regimental Historj\ 1S57-1904. 2 vols. Crown Svo. n.p., 1905-6. Ceylon Rifle Regiment. Standing Orders. Svo. i^'P-i n.d. India, Navy. Regulations of H.M. Indian Troop- Ships. Svo. Lond. 1873. Reports, &c.. Relative to the " Warren Hastings," 14th Januarj', 1897. Wreck of the Indian Transport. Memorandum on H.M. Indian Navy. Broadstairs, 1861. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 62 (ii).)' Indian Record Series. Bengal in 1756-1757. Edited by S. C. Hill. 3 vols Svo. Lond. 1905.. Old Fort William in Bengal. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1906. Indian Text Series, i. Storia de Mogor,, or Mogul India, 1653-1708. Bj' Niccolao- Manucci, Venetian. Translated by William Irvine. 4 vols. Svo. Lond. 1907. Indra, Alois, Ballistik der Handfeuer- watfen in Tabellen. Svo. Vienna, 1879.. Infantry. Letter from an Officer to a Friend, upon- the methods of forming Infantry for- Action. 4to. n.p., n.d. Manoeuvres for a Battalion of Infantry. i2mo. Lond. 1766. Essay on the Command of small. Detachments. i2mo. Lond. 1766. (Bound with " Manoeuvres for a Battalion.") Manual Exercise, with explanations, as- ordered by His Majesty. i2mo. Lond. 1766. (Bound with " Manoeuvres for a Battalion.") Manoeuvres for a Battalion of Infantry upon fixed principles. Svo. Lond. 1766. Ditto, ditto. Svo. Lond. 1777. (With an essay on the command! of small detachments.) Tactique de I'lnfanterie. Svo. Dresden, 1787. Instruction concernant le Service d6- rinfanterie Legere en Campagne. i2mo. Lond. 1801.. INF 198 IRE Infantry {to/iiit) — Manuel cl'Infanterie, ou resume dc tous les regletjiens, decrets, usages, rensei^nc- niens, propres a cette arme. and edition. i2mo. Paris, 1808. Recherches sur le feu do rinfantcrie. 8vo. Paris, 1826. British Infantry Tactics, or the attack forniatioii >.xplained. Loud. 1877. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 38.) Instruction pratique de la Compagnic d'lntanterie sur le service en cainpagne et les operations du combat. 8vo. Paris, 1877. Outline of the "Attack Formations" for Infantry in the Austrian, French, German, and Italian Armies. Compiled in the Intelligence Branch, W.O. 8vo. Lond. iCoi. (For other Woi^ks. sec Index.) Ingalls, Captain James M., U.S. Army. Exterior Ballistics in the plane of fire. 8vo. New York, 1886. Handbook of Problems in Exterior Ballistics. Part I. Direct Fire. 4to. Virginia, 1890. Ingersoll, L. D. History of the War Department of the United States. 8vo. Washington, 1879. Inglefield, Captain I. N., R.N. Narra- tive of the loss of the " Centaur.' i2mo. Lond. 178^. Inglefield, Commander E. A., R.N. Summei- search for Sir John Fianklir, with a peep into the Polar Basin. 8vo. Lond. i85j». Inglis, Captain T., R.E. Results of Artillery Fire against Iron Armour. Woolwich, 1865. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 61 (ii).) Inglis, H. D, The Channel Islands. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Inglis, The Honourable Lady. The Siege of Lucknow : a Diaiy. 8vo. Lond. 1892. Ingram, Quartermaster - Sergeant. Analytical Tables for use in the Labora- torjr, School of Military Engineering. Brompton, n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 90.) Inman, The Rev. J. Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Nautical Tables. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Inman, James. Introduction to Naval Gunnery. 8vo. Portsea, 1828. Innes, A. The multiplying Alidade or practice register. n-P-i 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 89.) Innes, A. D. Britain and her Rivals in the Eighteenth Centurj-, 1713-1789. 8vo. Lond. 189;. Innes, Lieut.-Greneral J. J. Macleod, V.C. Lucknow and Oude in the Mutiny. 8vo. Lond. 1895. The Sepoy Revolt. 8vo, Lond. 1897. Sir Henry Lawrence, The Pacificator. Crown 8vo. Oxford, 1898. The Life and Times of General Sir James Browne, R.E., K.C.B., K. C.S.I. (Buster Browne). Bvo. Lond. 1905. Insects. Natural History of Insects. 2 vols. 121110. Lond. 1830. Ionian Islands, The Ionian Islands under British Piotectioii. 2ud edition. Lond. 1851. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 5.) (VoY other Works, sec Index.) Irby, The Hon. Charles Leonard, and James Mangles. Travels in Egypt and Nul)ia, Syria, and Asia Minor, during 1817-8. 8vo. Lond. 1823. Ireland. True impartial history and wars of the kingdom of Ireland. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1692. Conduct of the Admiralty in the late Expedition of the Enemy to the Coast of Ireland, as stated b}^ Ministers in the House of Commons. 4to. Lond. 1797. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Arguments for and against an Union between Great Britain and Ireland, con- sidered. 4th edition. Dublin, 1799. (8vo. Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 23.) Narrative of what passed at Killalla, in the county of Mayo, and the parts adjacent, during the French Invasion in the Summer of 1798, by an Eye-witness. 8vo. Lond. 1800. Orders and Regulations for the Army serving in Ireland. 8vo. Dublin, 1826. General Orders for the guidance of the Troops, in atibrding aid to the Civil Power and to the Revenue Department in Ireland. i2mo. Dublin, 1847. History of the Warr of Ireland from 1641101653. 8vo. Dublin, 1873. Handbook of railway distances. 8vo. Lond. 1874. (For other Works, sec Index.) Ireland, Military Society. Lectures. James, Captain W. H. Modern Strategy. 1894. James, Captain W. H. The Functions of the Navy and Army in the Mainten- ance of the British Empire. 1894. Maguire, T. Miller. The Eastern Ques- tions. 1896. May, Major E. S. Cavalry and Horse Artilleiy. 1896. Cave, Col. T. Sturmy. The Operations of the Third German Army from 4th to 6th August, 1870. 1 8c 8. Maguire, T. Miller. Surprise in War, from a Military and National Point of View. 1898. Stewart, Lieut.-Colonel H. The Militia, Past and Present. 1898. Rycroft, Major W. H. Somaliland. 1903. Maguire, T. Miller. European Strategy and Command of the Sea. ISC4. Macartney-Filgate, Lieut.-Colonel E. An Outhne of the Military History of Ireland. 1904. Rimington, Brigadier-General M. F., C.B. The Horse in Recent War. 1904. Maguire, T. Miller. Military Geo- graphy of the Pacific, or Sea Power and -Strategy. 1904. IRE 199 ITA Ireland, Military Society. Lectures {contd.) — Thomas, Brevet-Colonel A. H., C.B., D.S.O. Methods of Feedinj,^ Troops in War. 1904- Seely, Major J. E. B., D.S.O. The Private Soldier in Modern War. 1904- Banon, Major L. The Situation in the Far East and the Events that have led up to it. 1904- Blenkinsop, Lieut.-Colonel L. J., D.S.O. Contagious Diseases Among Animals. 1904. Cayzer, Brevet-Major J. T. Signalling in Conjunction with the Conveyance of Orders in Action. 1904. Maguire, T. Miller. The Military History of Russia. i9o5' Macartney-Filgate, Lieut.-Colonel E. The War of WiUiam III. in h'eland. 2 parts. 1905- Clive, Captain C. S. Morocco. 1905- Grenfell, General Lord, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., etc. Napoleon and the Capture of Malta, 1798. 1905. Gartside-Spaight, Major C. W. Scheme for the Provision of Riding Horses for the Army, and more particularly Officers' Chargers, by Breeding in Ireland. 1905. Gartside-Spaight, Major C. W. The Adaptability of the Civilian Resources of Ireland to the Requirements of an Army in the Field as regards .Supply and Trans- port. 1905. Simpson, Colonel C. R., p.s.c. The British Expedition to Egypt in 1801. 1905. Rycroft, Lieut-Colonel W. H., nth Hussars. The Desert Frontiers of Lower Egypt. 1906. Cantan, Captain H. T., Superintendent of Gym., D.D. Physical Training and its Advantages. 1906. Davis, Lieutenant H. J. N., Connaught Rangers. Scouting and the Training of Scouts in Peace. Dublin, 1907. Iron. Experiments connected with the com- parative strength of Iron used in the manufacture of Mortars. Woolwich, 1857. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 53.) Transactions and Report of the Special Committee on Iron. 2 vols. Folio, and 6 cases of Photographs. Lond. 1861-4. Irving, Joseph. The Annals of our time, a diurnal of events from the accession of Queen Victoria. 8vo. Lond. 1871. Supplement to ditto. 187 1-4. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Ditto, ditto. 1874-S. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Irving, Washington. History of the lite and voyages of Christopher Columbus. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828. Irwin, D. Hastings. War Medals and Decorations, 1588-1889. 8vo. Lond. 1890. Irwin, Major Frederick Chidley, State and position of Western Australia, or the Swan River Settlement. Bvo. Lond. 1835. Irwin, Lieut.-Colonel Fox. Notes on Fortifications. 8vo. Jersey, 1892. Isabelle, Madame Marie. Surfaix Cavalier : A New System of Breaking-in and Training Horses. 8vo. Lond. 1856. Islington Literary and Scientific Society. Tenth Annual Report. Lond. 1843. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 17.) Eleventh ditto. Lond. 1844. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 38.) Italy. Operazioni dell' Artiglieria negli asscdi di Gaeta e Messina negli anni i860 e i83i. 8vo. Turin, 1864. Relazione a corredo del Piano Generale di Difesa dell' Italia. Rome, 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 99.) The Triple Alliance and Italy's place in it. Lond. 1889. La Cavalerie Italienne. By G. R. Small ro3'al 8vo. Paris, 1898. (For other Works, see Index.) Italy, Army. Orders and Regulations. Esercito Italiano. i2mo. Milan, n.d. Italian Musketry Regulations, Precis of 1895. Ariillc}y. Experiments at Spezzia. Folio Case ot Photographs. Spezzia, 1876. Istruzioni Pratiche dell' Artiglieria. Demy i2mo. Rome, 1897. Cavalry. Reglement du 4'^™ Juillet 1872, pour r Instruction tactique des troupes de Cava- lerie Italienne. By Chef d'Escadron Durostu, et Capitaine VoIIot. 8vo. Paris, 1873. Reglement d'Exercice et d'Evolution pour la Cavalerie Italienne, 1872. By Capitaine A. Cersoy. Translated from the Italian. 8vo. Paris, 1874. Regolamento di Esercizi per la Caval- leria. Vols. I, II, and III. i2mo. Rome, 1896. Regolamento di Esercizi e di Evoluzioni per la Cavalleria. 2nd edition. 3 vols. i2mo. Rome, 1856. Regolamento di Esercizi per la Caval- leria. Vols. I, II, and III. Ministero della Guerra. i2mo. Roma, 1501. Le Nouveau Reglement de la Cavalerie Italienne. By Lieut.-Colonel Picard, 9th Cuirassiers. 8vo. Paris, 1902. Infantry. Regolamento di Disciplina Militare e di Istruzione e Servizio per la Fanteria. Con annotazioni et addizioni, per cura del G. M. Cargnino. 8vo. Turin, 1868. Regolamento d'Esercizio e di Manovra per la Fanteria di Linea. Vol. i. 12010. Florence, 1868. Istruzioni sulle Armi e sul Tiro per la Fanteria. i2mo. Rome. 1876. ITA 200 JAG Italy, Army. Orders and Regulations. Infantry {co/itd.) — Nuova cdizione del Regolamento di Esercizi c di Evoluzioni ]X'r la Faiitcria (4 Dicembre, 1869). Evoluzioiii di Hrig^ata — Riviste e Parate. Evoluzioiii di Com- pagnia — Evoluzioiii di Battaglioiie. 2 parts. lamo. Rome, 1876. Ditto, ditto. Allegato Istruzione per gli Esercizi di Ginnastica e di Scherma. i2mo. Rome, 1876. Regolamento di Esercizi per la Fanteria. 121110. Rome, 1892. Itinerary. Nouvel Itineraire General. Folio. Paris, 1766. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 49.) lung, Le General. Stratdgie tactique et I)()litique. 8\o. Paris, 1890. Ivanoflf. A. Russian Grammar. Trans- lated hy W. E. Gowan. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Ives, Lieutenant R. A., U.S.A. Treatise on Militaiy Law and the jurisdiction, constitution, and procedure of Military Courts. 8vo. New York, 1879. Iwan-Mtiller, C. B. Lord Milner and Sc)uth Africa. 8vo. Lond. 1902. lyana. Teloogoo Drill ; done from the Hindostanee Translation into Teloogoo. 8vo. Madras, 1839. J. Jacks, W. Life of Prince Bismarck. 8vo. Glasgow, 1899. Jackson, Colonel. Military Anecdotes. 8vo. Lond. 1831. Jackson, Lieut-Colonel Basil. A course of Military Surveying. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Notes and Reminiscences of a Staff Officer. Edited by R. C. Seaton. 8vo Lond. 1903. Jackson, B. D. Vegetable Technology : a contribution towards a Bibliography of Economic Botany. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Jackson, F. G. A Thousand Days in the Arctic. 2 vols. Small Roj'al 8vo. Lond. 1899. Jackson, Sir George. Diaries and Letters, from the Peace of Amiens to the Battle of Talavera. Edited bj' Lady Jackson. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1872. The Bath Archives. A further selec- tion from the Diaries and Letters of Sir George Jackson. 1809-1816. Edited by Lady Jackson. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Naval Commissioners, 1660-1760, with Historial Notices by Sir G. F. Duckett, Bart. 8vo. Lond. 1889. Jackson, Colonel J. R. What to Observe ; or, the traveller's remembrancer. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Commentary Notes on the first two chapters of the "Vestiges of the Natural Historj' of Creation." Lond. 1845. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 39.) On National Education, with remarks on education in general. 2nd edition. Lond. 1845. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 41.) Military Geography ; its nature, object, and importance. 8vo. Lond. 1850. Jackson, Lowis D'A. Manual. 8vo. Hydraulic Lond. 1875. Jackson, Mary Anna. Memoirs of .Stonewall Jackson. .Small ro3'al 8vo. Louisville, K3-., n.d. Jackson, Robert. Remarks on the constitution of the Medical Department of the British Army. 8vo. Lond. 1803. The formation, discipline, and economy of Armies. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Jackson, Thomas. Tourist's Guide to Britannia Bridge, with an account of the Conwaj' Tubular Bridge, and Menai Suspension Bridge. 8vo. Lond. 1852. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Jackson, General T. J. (Stonewall). i5Vtf Allan also Henderson.) Jacob, Major-General Sir George Le Grand. Western India before and during the mutinies. 8vo. Lond. 1871. Jacob, Brig.-General John. Rifle practice. 3rd edition. Lond. 1857. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 46 (ii).) Views and opinions. Edited by Capt. Lewis Pelly. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Tracts on the Native Army of India, its Organization, and Discipline. Lond. 1858. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 61.) {See also Innes and Martin.) Jacqmin, F. Les Chemins de Fer pendant la guerre de 1870-1. 2nd edition. 8vo. Paris, 1874. Jacquemont. L'Armee Danoise au ler Janvier, 1870. Paris, 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 82.) Jacquinot De Presle, Le Capitaine C. Lours d Art et d'Histoire Militaires de rEcole Royale de Cavalerie. 8vo. Saumur, 1829. Jaeger, G. Essays on Health-Culture. Translated bj' L. R. S. Tomalin. 8vo. Lond. 1887. JagO, William. Inorganic Chemistrj'. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Jagor, F. Travels in the Philippines. 8vo. Lond. 1875. JAH 2C Jahns, Max. Das Franzdsischc Hecr von der Grossen Revolution bis zur Gegenwart. 8vo. Leipzig, 1873. Geschichte der Wissenschaften in Deutschland. 3 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1889-91. Moltke's Lehr- und Wanderjahre. 8vo. Berlin, 1894. Jal, A. Archeologie, Navale. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1840. Glossaire Nautique. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1848. Abraham du Quesne et la Marine de son temps. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1873. James, Capt. Military Costume of India in an exemplification of the Manual and Platoon Exercises. 4to. Lond. 1814. James, Major Charles. Some existing cases of probable mis- application of Contingent Allowances particularly in the Militia of Great Britain. Lond. 1797. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 23.) Regimental Companion. 4th edition. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1803. Ditto, ditto. 6th edition. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. i8o£. New and enlarged Military Dictionary. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1805. Supplement to ditto. i2mo. Lond. 1807. Regimental Companion. 7th edition. 3 vols. i2mo. Lond. 181 1. Collection of the charges, opinions^ and sentences of General Courts-Martial from 1795. 8vo. Lond. 1820. James, D. H. The Siege of Port Arthur. Bvo. Lond. 1905. James, F. L. Wild Tribes of the .Soudan. Bvo. Lond. 1883. James, G. P. R. History of Chivalry. i2mo. Lond. 1830. History of the life of Edward the Black Prince. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Life and times of Louis XIV. 4 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1839. James, Colonel Sir Henry. Tables for the reduction of the Meteorological Observations taken at the Stations of the Royal Engineers. Bvo. Lond. i860. Instructions for taking Meteorological Obser\'ations, with tables for their correction, and notes on Meteorological Phenomena. Bvo. Lond. 1861. Abstracts of the Principal Lines of Spirit Levelling in England and Wales. With Plates. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1861. {Sre also Clarke, A. R., and Scott.) James, Henry, jr. Hawthorne. Crown 3vo. Lond. 1879. James, H. E. M. The Long While Mountain. Bvo. Lond. 1B88. James, J. 0. N. Topographical Sur- veyor's Handbook. Oblong 4to. Calcutta, i860. I JAM James, Lionel. The Indian Frontier War, 1897. Bvo. Lond. 1898. James the Second, King of England, Life of. 8vo. Lond. 1702. James, Captain Thomas. \'oyage in discovery of a North- West Passage into the South Sea. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1740. (Radstock Collection, Tracts 174°- ■756.) „ Lieut.-Colonel Thomas. History of the Herculean Straits, now called the Straits of Gibraltar. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1771. James, William. Naval Occurrences of the late War between Great Britain and the United States of America. Bvo. Lond. 1817. Ditto, ditto. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1818. Warden refuted ; being a defence of the British Navy. Lond. 1819. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 2.) Reply to " A brief statement arising out ot a passage in the third volume of James's Naval History of Great Britain, on the conduct and character of Lord. W. Fitz-Roj% in 1805.' 8vo. Lond. 1824. (Radstock Collection.) Ditto, ditto. (Second Copy.) (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 2.) Improved Rail and Tram Roads. Lond. 1B25. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 5.) Abstracts of the British Navy, 1793- 1800. 4to. Lond. 1826. Naval History of Great Britain, 1793- 1B20. 6 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1826. Ditto, ditto. New edition. 4 vols. Lond. 1886. Naval History. Epitomised in one volume by R. O'Byrne. Bvo. Lond. 1B88. Index to James' Naval History. Edited by T. A. Brassey. Bvo. Lond. 1894. James Captain W. H., late R.E. Questions in Topography, Tactics, Mili- tary Law, Fortification, Military Adminis- tration, and Drill. Bvo. Lond. iBBi. „ Lient.-Col. W. E. Handbook of Tactics. i2mo. 1894- Modern Strategy. 8vo. 1903. James, Lieut.-Colonel W. Hill. A Bad Four Hours. 8vo. Lond. 1894. „ Colonel W. Hill. Sir Rowland Hill's Great Fight at St. Pierre. Lond. 1894. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 60.) Napoleon and Josephine at Bayonne and Biarritz. Edinburgh, 1898. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 60.) James, Right Hon. Sir W. M. The British in India. Svo. Lond. 1B82. Jameson, Mrs. Memoirs of the Loves of the Poets. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1831. Jameson, Snrg.-Greneral J. Medical Administration and the South African War. Lond. 1901. (Pamphlet, 3rd series, vol. 67.) JAM JEN Jameson, Robert. System of Mineralogy. 3rd edition. 8vi). Edinburgli, 1820. Manual of Mineralogy. 8vo. Edinburuli, 1821. (St'c also Leslie.) Jammotte, E. Etude sur la Construction dun Appareil destine a lancer des charj^es de dynamite. 8vo. Paris, 1884. Jane, F. T. Fighting .Sliips. Oblong 4to. Lond. 1898 to date. The Torpedo in Peace and War. Demy 416. Lond. 1898. Tho Imnerial Russian Navy. 8vo. Lond. 1899. Hints on Playing the Jane Naval War Game. Ob'.oni; Imp. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Here- ies of Sea Power. 8vo. Lond. 1906. Janeway, James. Token for Mariners. i2mo. Lond. 1708. Japan. Drill Books. Translated from the En.q;h'sh. 5 vols. i2mo. "-P-, n-d- Seismological Society of Japan. Trans- actions. Vols. 4 to 9, II and 12. 8vo. Yokohama, 1882-8. Japan, Army. L'Armee Japonaise. 8vo. Pari.s, 1904. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 70.) Jaques, Lieutenant William H., U.S. Navy. Torpedoes for National Defence. New York, 1886. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 142.) Detachable Ram, or Ericsson Sub- marine Gun and Projectile. Lond. 1892. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 55.) Present Development of Heavy Ord- nance in the United States. Philadelpliia, 1893. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 57.) Jaijuier, L. de. La Cavaleric Fran^aise. 1800-1815. 8vo. Paris, 1894. Jarras, Madame. Souvenirs du General Jarras. 8vo. Paris, 1892. Jarry, Le General. Outpost Duty. With Treatises on Military Reconnaissance and Road Makincr. Translated from the French. By Major-General W. C. E. Napier. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1872. Jasolino, Giulio. De Rimedii Naturali, che sono nell' Isola di Pithecusa, hogjii delta Ischia. Con alcune annotationi del Si^. Gio. Pistoya, e nell' ultimo aggiunti li Bagni dTschia di Gio. Elisio, Med. Nap., con le note di Gio. Francesco Lombardo. 4to. Naples appresso Giuseppe Cacchii, 1588, e di nuovo, 1689. Jaubert, B. Amedee. Elemens de la Grammaire Turke. 410. Paris, 182^. Jaussen, Mgr. Tepano. Grammaire et Dictionnaire de la langue Maorie. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1898. Jeajffreson, J. C. Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson. An historical biography. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Queen of Naples and Lord Nelson. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1889. Jeannin, President. Ncgociations. (Petitol's Collection, 2nd series, \()!s. 1 1 to 16.) Jeans, Surgeon T. T. R., R.N., Edited by. Naval Brigades in the South African War, 1899-1900. 8vo. Lond. 1901. Jebb, Lieut.-Colonel J., R.E. Treatise on strengthening and defend- ing Outposts, Villages, Houses, Bridges, &c. Svo. Chatham, 1836. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. Svo. Ciiatham, 1837. Practical Treatise on the .Attack of Military Po.sts, Village.?, &c. 8vo. Chatham, 1837. Practical Treatise on Strengthening and Defending Outposts. Svo. Lond. 1852. A flying shot at Fergusson and his " Peril of Portsmouth," &c. Lond. 1853. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 33.) Jebb, Prof. R. C. Bentley. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1882. Jecks, Isaac. Armour-clad .Ships at Shoeburyness : also a new principle of construction. Lond. 1863. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 62.) Jeffery, Alfred. Notes on the Marine Glue. Svo. Lond. 1843. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, Modern.) Marine Glue. Svo. Lond. 1848. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Jeffery, W. {See Becke.) Jefferys, T. Description of the Maritime Parts of France ; illustrated with charts of the sea- coast, and plans of all the fortified places on it ; with a glossary and plans of the several parts of fortification. Oblong 4to. Lond. 1 76 1. The West India Atlas ; or a compen- dious description of the West Indies. Folio. Lond. 1775. Chart of the British Channel. Folio. Lond. 1775. Jeffi'eys, Judge. (See Woolrych.) Jeffreys, Julius. Loss of Life through the inefficiency of Ship's Boats. Svo. Lond. 1852. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) The British Army in India. Svo. Lond. 1858. Jekyll, Commander John, R.N. Port- able Vapoiu" Bath for the cure of Cholera, Yellow Fever, &c. Lond. 1832. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 4.) Jenkins, Richard. Report on the Ter- i-ituries of the Rajah of Nagpore. 4to. Calcutta, 1827. Jenkinson, H. I. Guide to the Isle of Man. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1878. JEN :: Jeimer, Tlios. London's Blame, if not its shame : manifested by the great neglect of the Fishery. Small 4to. Lond. 1651. (Bound with "The Common weakh's Great Ship.") The Commonwealth's Great Ship called the " .Soveraigne of the Seas." 4to. Lond. 1653. Jennings, Major J. W., and C. Addison. With the Abj-ssinians in Somaliland. 8vo. Lond. 1905. Jennings, William. System of Attack and Defence ; with rule for erecting Fortifications. 8vo. Dublin, 1808. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1S15. Jerdan, William. Plan of a National Association for the encouragement and protection of Authors, and men of talent and genius. Lond. 1839. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 14.; From West to Lond. 1907. The Armies of the World. Lond. 1800. Jerningham, Sir H. East. 8vo. Jerram, C. S. Jerrold, Blanchard. Egypt under Ismail Pacha. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Jervis, Henry Jervis-White. History of Cortu and the Ionian Islands. 8vo. Lond. 1852. Jervis, Lieutenant Humphrey. Narra- tive of a journey to the P'alls of the Cavery ; with an historical and descriptive account of tiieNeilgherr^' Hills. 8vo. Lond. 1834. Jervis, Captain J. W. The Rifle Musket. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1859. Our Engines of War, and how we got to make them. 8vo. Lond. 1859. Jervis, Major T. B. India in relation to Great Britain. Considerations on its future administration. Lond. 1853. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 93.) (See also Hiigel.) Jervis, W. P. Geological Map of the Crimea. In 8vo. case. Lond. 1858. Thomas Best Jervis. Bvo. Lond. 1898. Jervise, Andrew. Memorials of Angus and the Mearns. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1861. Jervois, Colonel Sir W. F. D., R.E. Defensive Policy of Great Britain. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 94.) Defence of New Zealand. Folio. Wellington, 1884. Home Rule for the Navy. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 52.) Jesse, Edward. Joiu-nal of a Naturalist. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Gleanings in Natural History. 3rd edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1835. An ,\ngler's Rambles. 8vo. Lond. 1836. >3 JOH Jesse, J. Heneage. Memoirs of the life and reign of King George the Third. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1867. Jessop, C. M. Past and Future of Saturn's Kingdom, or Fable and Fact. 8vo. Lond. 1892. Jesuites. A Peece of Ordnance invented by a Jesuite, for Cowards. i2mo. n.p. 1645. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts, 1 637- 1 806.) Jenne de Boulencourt. Description generale de I'Hostel Royal des Invalides. Folio. Paris, 1683. Jewitt, Llewellynn. Handbook of Numismatics. English Coins. lamo. Lond. 1840. Jews. History of the Jews. 2nd edition. 3 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1830. \u:h ^'h^ ^^nuT'' "^:i^- The rights of the Jewish Nation asserted. Lond. 1840. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 13.) Jews' Hospital. Rules and Regulations. Lond. 1808. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 35.) Jinkins, Captain. Spanish insolence corrected by English Bravery ; an account of the Naval Atchievements obtained by the English over the Spaniards, 1350- 1739. 8vo. (2 copies.) Lond. 1739. (Radstock Collection, Spanish War.) Jocel3m, Captain J. R. J. Short notes on Tactics and Recon- naissance. Lond, 1881. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 35.) Ditto, ditto. 8vo. Lond. 1887. „ Colonel J. R. J. Two regimental Institutions. 8vo. Woolwich, 1906. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 69.) Jocelyn, Lieutenant Viscount. Six months with the Chinese Expedition ; 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Jochmus, A. von. Gesammelte Schriften Herausgegeben von Dr. G. M. Thomas. 4 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1883-4. Vols, i and ii. The Syrian War and the decline of the Ottoman Empire, 1840-48. „ iii. Beitrag zur Aktenmiis- sigen Darstellung des Deutschen Reichsminis- teriums von 1849. „ iv. Briefwechsel seiner Kaiserlichen Hoheit des Erzherzogs Johai.'n von Osterreich vom 1S50-59. John, King of France. (^S"^^ Duckett.) Johns, "W. Regimental Nicknames. Lond. 1881. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 27.) Johns, Major, R. and Lieut. Nicolas. Naval and Military Heroes of Great Britain, ur Calendar of Victory. 8vo. Lond. i860. JOH Johnson, A. C. On finding the Latitude and Longitude. 8tli edition. Loud. i886. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 42.) Ditto, ditto. 9th edition. Loud. 1887. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 44.) Short Tables and Rules for finding Latitude and Longitude. 8vo. Lend. 1887. Hour-Angles of the Sun, Moon, and Stars. 8vo. Lond. 1891. Johnson, Commander Edward John, R.N. .Sailing Directions from Sunder- land I'oint to Berwick, including- the Farn Islands. 8vo. Lond. 1836. (Bound in vol. lettered "Sailing Directions.") Johnson, Francis. Dictionary ; Persian, Arabic, and English. 4to. Lond. 1852. Johnson, Dr. J. Influence of Tropical Climates on European Constitutions ; including an essay on indigestion. 5th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Johnson, Captain J. E. Advantages of a Steam iNavigation to India. Lond. 1824. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 5.) Johnson, Manuel J. Catalogue of 6c6 principal Fixed .Stars in the .Southern Hemisphere. Lond. 1835. (Pamphlets, vol. 3.) Johnson, Captain R. F. Night Attacks. A treatise on noctui-nal tactics. lamo. Lond. 1886. Johnson, SamueL Argument proving that the Abrogation of King James was according to the Constitution of the English Government. 5th edition. Lond. 1693. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 19.) Works. With an essay on his life and genius, by Arthur Murphy. 12 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1792. Dictionary of the English Language. Edited by the Rev. H. J. Todd. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1827. Johnson, Captain T. G-. Fran^ois-Severin Marceau, 1769-1796. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1896. Johnson, Major W, F. Twelve Years of a Soldier's Life. 8vo. Lond. 1897. Johnson, William. The Light of Na\'i- gation, wherein are declared and lively pourtrayed all the coasts and hauen.s of the West, North and East .Seas, &c. 4to. Amsterdam, 1620. Johnston, G. M. Description of the Province of South Carolina, with an account of the air, weather, and diseases of Charles Town. 8vo. Lond. 1770. Johnston, Sir H. H. River Congo, from its mouth to Bolobo. 8yo. Lond. 1884. British Central Africa. Royal 8vo. Lond. 1897. The Uganda Protectorate. Large Royal 8vo. 2 vols. Lond. 1902. Liberia. 2 vols. Large Royal 8vo. Lond. 1906. {See also Exploration Series.) 204 JOM Johnston, H. P. The Battle of Harlem Heights, 16th .September, 1776. 8vo. New York, 1897. Johnston, Keith. Map of tlie Lake Region of Eastern Africa, showing the sources of the Nile ; with notes on the exploration of this region. 8vo. Lond. 1870. A physical, historical, political and descriptive (;eograi)hy. 8vo. Lond. 1880. {See also Stanford's Compendium.^ Johnston, R. The Competitive Geography. 3rd edi- tion. 8vo. Lond. 1877. Civil Service Guide. 7th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Johnston, R. M. Leading American .Soldiers. 8\-o. Lond. 1907. Johnston, W. P. Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston. 8vo. New York, 1879. Johnstone, The Chevalier de, Assistant Aide-de-Camp to Prince Charles Edward. Memoirs of the Rebellion in 1745-6. Translated from a French MS. deposited in the Scots College at Paris. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1821. Johnstone, Captain H. M. A History of Tactics. 8vo. Lond. 1906. Johnstone, Major-General Sir J. My Experiences in Manipur and the Naga Hills. 8vo. Lond. 1895. Johnstone, Major J. R. Tactical Fitness for Command. i2mo. ■ Lond. 1898. (Pamphlets, 3rd scries, vol. 60.) Joinville, Jean Sire du. Hisioire de Saint Louis. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, \ol. ii.) Join'dlle, Le Prince de. Naval Strength of France in com- parison with that of England. Lond. 1844. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 88.) Note sur I'etat des Forces Navales de la France. Paris, 1844. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 88.) Memoires. Ti-anslated from the French by Lad}' Llo3'd. 8vo. Lond. 1895. Joly, Claude. Memoires concernant le Cardinal de Retz. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. xlvii.) Joly, G-uy. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. xlvii.) Jomini, Le General G. La Formation des Troupes pour le Combat. Paris, 1856. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 72.) Jomini, Le General H. Baron de. Histoire critique et militaire des Guerres de Frederic II, comparee au systeme moderne, av-ec un recueil des principes de Tart de la guerre. 3rd edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1818. JOM 205 JOU Jomini, Le General H. Baron de(tw//(i'.)— Histoire critique et milltaire des Guerres de la Revolution. 15 vols. 8vo. and folio Atlas. Paris, 1819-24. Ditto, ditto. New edition. 15 vols. Bvo, and 2 vols, of Atlas, 410 and folio. Paris, 1820-4. E.xposition of the first principles of Grand Military Combinations and Move- ments ; with remarks by Lieut. J. A. Gilbert. 8vo. Lond. 1825. Vie politique et niilitaire de Napoleon. Bvo. Brussels, 1829. Tableau Analytique des principales Combinaisons de la Guerre, et de leur rapports aveo la politique des Etats. 3rd edition. 8vo. Paris, 1830. Precis de I'Art de la Guerre, ou nouveau tableau analytique des principales com- binaisons de la strategic, de la grande tactique et de la politique niilitaire. 8vo. Paris, 1837. New edition, with Atlas. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1894. Summary of the Art of War. Trans- lated from the French by Major G. F. Winship, A.A.G., and Lieutenant E. E. McLean, U.S.A. Crown 8vo. New York, 1854. Precis politique et mihtaire de la Cam- pagne de 1815. 8vo. Paris, 1839. Precis politique et militaire des Cam- pagnes de 1812 a 1814. Edited by F. Lecomte. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1886. Jones, Captain. Artificial Fireworks improved to the Modern Practice, from the minutest to the highest branches ; also Mr. Muller's Fireworks for sea and land service. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1776. Jones, Lieutenant Charles. {See Stoney.) Jones, D. Secret History of Whitehall, 1660-85. Lond. 1717. Jones, Captain D., R.A. Notes on Mili- tary Law for the Use of the Cadets of the Royal Military College of Canada. 8vo. Ottawa, 1880. Jones, Captain Felix. Vestiges of Assyria. 3 maps in folio case. Lond. 1855. The direct Highway to the East. Lond. 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 2.) Jones, The Rev. Frank. Life of Sir Martin Frobisher, containing a narrative of the Spanish Armada. Bvo. Lond. 1878. Jones, Captain George. Battle of Waterloo, also of Ligny, Quatre-Bras, &c. loth edition. 4to. Lond. 1817. Ditto, ditto. I ith edition. 8vo. Lond. 1852. Jones, Lieut.-General Sir Harry D. Reports relating to the re-establishment of the Fortresses in the Netherlands, 1814-1830. Bvo. Lond. 1861. Jones, Major H. Helsham. The history and geography of Afghani- stan and the Afghan Campaigns of 1838-9 and 1842. Bvo. Chatham, 1878. Campaigns of Lord Lake against the Marathas, 1B04-6. Bvo. Chatham, 1881. Jones, Captain Jenkin, R.N. Character and conduct of Captain Corbet vindicated. Bvo. Lond. 1839. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Jones, Sergeant - Major John. The Iron-Band Gabion, and its application to military field purposes. Chatham, 1862. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 64.) Jones, Colonel J. T., R.E. Journal of the Sieges undertaken Ijy the Allies in Spain, in 1B11-12. Bvo. Lond. 1814. (Radstock Collection.) Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. 3 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1B46. Account of the War in Spain, Portugal, and the South of France, 1808-14. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1821. Memoranda relative to the Lines thrown up to cover Lisbon in 1810. Bvo. Lond. 1B29. Jones, Captain L. T. Historical Journal of the British Campaign on the Continent in 1794, with the retreat through Holland in 1795. 4to. Birmingham, 1797. Jones, Panl. {See Buell.) Jones, T. Rupert. Diamond Fields of South Africa. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 17.) Jones, "William A. Report upon the Reconnaissance of North - Western Wyoming, including Yellowstone National Park, made in 1B73. Bvo. Washington, 1875. Jongh, MM. de, freres. L'Armee Russe. Imp. 4to. Paris, 1895. Jonson, Ben. Works. With notes and a biographical memoir, by W. Gifitbrd. 9 vols. 8vo. Lond. 18 16. Jonville, Le Baron Michel de Castelnau de. Memoirs. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vol. 2)?)-) Joost, Captain L. J. J. A., Lieut. W. B. J. Duycker, and Lieut. W. C. F. Bresler. Handleiding tot de kennis der Draagbare Wapenen. Bvo. Breda, 1B70. Atlas to ditto. Folio. Jordan, W. L. Astral Gravitation. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Joseph II. Empereur d'AUemagne. Recueil de Lettres Originales, au General Dalton, November, 1789. Bvo. Lond. 1790. (See also Bright.) Josephus, Flavins. Works. Trans- lated by William Whiston. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1817. Jouart, A. Manuel a I'usage des Ofliciers d'Artillerie de Reserve et de Armee Territoriale. i2mo. Paris, n.d. Jouhert, Carl. Russia as it really is. 8vo. Lond. 1904. Jourdain, Captain H. F. N. A History of the Mess Plate of the BBth, the Con- naught Rangers. Bvo. Edinburgh, 1904. JOU 206 KAY Journals. Journal of a Nobleman ; comprising an account of his travels. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend. 1831. Juan y Santacilia, Don George. KxaiUL-n Maritime, tlicoriquc ct pratique, ou Traite de Mecaniquc, appli(iue a la construction et a la manocuvix" des Vaisseaux. Translated by M. Levcqiie. 4to. Nantes, 17S3. „ Don George, and Don Antonio de mioa. Relacion historica del viagc a la America Meridional. 4 vols in two. 4to. Madrid, 1748 Voyage to South America. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend. 1772. Observaciones astronomicas y pbysicas. 4to. Madrid, 1773. Jukes, J. B. CJcncral Report of the Geological Sur- vey of Newfoundland, 1839 and 1840. Bvo. Lond. 1843. Jukes, J. B. {cfl/iid.) — Narrati\e of the Surveying Voyage of H.M..S. "FI3''' in Torres Strait, New Guinea, and other islands of the Eastern Archipelaf^o, during the j'ears 1842-1846. 2 \(ils. 8vo. Lond. 1847. Julien, Felix. L'Amiral Bouiit - Willanniez el I'Expedition dans la Balti(|ue. 8vo. Paris, 1872. Junius. Letters published under the name of Junius. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1805. Junk, Rittmeister a. D. Die Fiinfte Ka\a'ilerie l)i\ision von 3. Se|)teml)er bis zum 25. Mai, 1871. 8vo. Herlin, 1898. Justamond, J. 0. The pri\ate life of Lewis XV. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1781. Jlistinus, M. J. F^x Trogi Pompeii Mistc.riis externis. With tables and index by N. Bailey. 8vo. Lond. 1732. Justinvs. Hi.storia^ Philippicie, cum versione Anglica, bj' John Clarke. 8vo. Lond. 1732. K. K, B. C. von. Geist and Stoft'. 8vo. Wien, 1906. Kaehler, Major. French and Prussian Cavalry in the Battle near Vionville and Mars-la-Tour, 16th August, 1870. Translated bj' T. Hector Smith. Lond. 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 48.) Die Preussische Reiterei von 1806 bis 1876. 8vo. Berlin, 1879. La Cavalerie Prussienne. Traduit par E. Thomann. 8yo. Paris, 1883. Kaempfer, E. The History of Japan, together with a description of the King- dom of Siam, 1690-92. Translated bj- J. G. Scheuchzer. 3 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1906. Kaisertreu. Die principiellen Eigen- schaften der automatischen Feuerwafien. 8vo. Vienna, 1902. Kalakoutsky, General Nicholas. In- vestigations into the Internal Stresses in Cast Iron and Steel. 4to. Lond. 1888. Kandelsdorfer, Karl. Episoden aus den Kampfen der K. und K. Truppen im Jahre 1882, mit Bewilligung und Unterstiitzung des K. K. Reichs-Kriegs-Ministeriums. 8vo. Vienna, 1884. Kane, Dr. E. K. Arctic Explorations : the second Grinnell Expedition in search of .Sir John Franklin, 1853-54-55. 2 vols. 8vo. " Philadelphia, 1856. Kane, Brig.-General Eichard. Cam- paigns of King William and the Duke of Marlborough ; with remarks on the stratagems, 1689-1712 : also a new sj-stem of militarj' discipline. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1747. Kane, Robert. Industrial Resources of Ireland. 2nd edition. 8vo. Dublin, 1845. Karamsin. Histoire de I'Empire de Russie, traduit par MM. St. Thomas et lauftVet. II vols. 8vo. Paris, 1819-26. Karcher, Theodore. Les Ecrivains Mili- taires de la France. 8vo. Lond. 1866. Karl, Erzherzog von Osterreich. {Sec Angeli.) Kastner, G. Les Chants de I'Armee Fran9aise. 4to. Paris, 1855. Kaulbars, Le Colonel Baron A. V. Rapport sur l'A..rmee Allemande. Trans- lated from the Russian by G. Le Mar- chand. 8vo. Paris, 1878. Ditto, ditto. New edition. 8vo. Paris, 1880. „ Le General-Major. Les Esca- drons de Decouverte. Translated from the Russian. 8vo. Paris, 1889. Kausler, F. von. Atlas des plus memorables Batailles, Combats et Sieges. (In French and German.) 4to. Carlsrue, 183 1. Atlas to ditto. 2 vols. Folio. Kaven, A. von. {See Adenau.) Kaye, J. W. History of the War in Afghanistan. 2 vols. 8vo. - Lond. 1851. Administration of the East India Com- panj'. 8vo. Lond. 1853. Life and Correspondence of Henry St. George Tucker. 8vo. Lond. 1854. Life and Correspondence of Major-Gen. Sir John Malcolm. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1856. Life and Correspondence of Charles, Lord Metcalfe. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1858. History of the Sepoy War in India, 1857-8. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1864-76. Analytical index to ditto. Compiled by F. Pincott. 8vo. Lond. 1880. Lives of Indian Officers. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1867. KEA 207 KEP Keats, Admiral Sir Richard Goodwin. Order of Proces;.sion for his f'uneral. 8vo. n.p., 1834. (Radstock Collection. Naval Tracts.) Keats-Young, Captain H. W. On Army Reorg-aiiization and Recruiting. Sandgate, 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i.) Keene, H. Gr. The Aloghul Empire ; from the death of Aurun.s;zeb to the overthrow of the Mahratta Power. 8vo. Lond. 1866. Fall of the Moghul Empire of Hindu- stan. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Madhava Ras Sindhia. Crown 8vo. Oxford, 1891. History of India. 2 vols. 8vo. Load. 1893. A Servant of John Company. 8vo. Lond. 1897. Hindustan under Free Lances, 1770- 1820. 8vo. Lond. 1907. Keith, Admiral Viscount. {See AUar- d3-ce. ) Kelaart, E. F. Prodromus Faunae Zey- lanicae ; being contributions to the Zo- ology of Ceylon. Vol. i and vol ii, part i. 8vo. Cej-lon, 1852-3. Kell, Captain John Mcintosh. Cruise and combats of the "Alabama." Washington, n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 43.) Kelly, C. The Memorable Battle of Waterloo, &c. 4to. Lond. 1817. Histor)' of the French Revolution and of the wars produced bj^ that event. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1819. Kelly, P. Universal Cambist and Commercial Instructor. 2nd edition. 2 vols, in one. 4to. Lond. 1831-5. Practical introduction to Spherics and Nautical Astronomy. 8vo. Lond. 1796. Kelly, Major R. M. {See Campbell.) Kelly, Mrs. Tom. From the Fleet of the t ifties. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Kelly, W. Hyde. The Battle of Wavre and Grouch\-'s Retreat. 8vo. Lond. 1905 Keltie, I. S. The Partition of Africa. 8vo. Lond. 1892. Kelway, C. E. Patent Electric Log. Lond. 1882. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 38.) Kemmis, Major W., R.A. Treatise on Military Carriages and other Manufactures of the Royal Carriage Department. Small Royal 8vo. Lond. 1876. Kemp, Dixon. Yacht Designing. Imp. 4to. Lond. 1876. Kempe, A. J. Historical Notices of the Church of St. Martin-le-Grand, London. 8vo. Lond. 1825. The Losely Manuscripts. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Kempe, H. R. Handbook of Electrical Testing. 3rd edition. Bvo. Lond. 1884. Kennedy, Major J. Clark. Algeria and Tunis in 1845. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1846. Theor)' of Musketry adapted for the use of the Troops. Lond. 1855. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 54.) Kennedy, Lieut.-Colonel J. P. Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railwaj'. Lond. 1854. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 43 (ii). ) {Sec also Andrew.) Kennedy, General Sir James Shaw. Notes on the Defences of Great Britain and Ireland. 4th edition. Lond. 1859. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 87.) Notes on the Battle of Waterloo. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Kennedy, R. H. Narrative of the Cam- paign of the Army of the Indus, in Sind and Kaubool, in 1838-9. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840. Kennedy, Vice-Admiral Sir William. Hurrah for the Life of a Sailor ! Pifty Years in the Royal Navy. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Kennet, Basil. Romae Antiquje Notitia ; or the Antiquities of Rome ; to which are prefixed two essays concerning the Roman learning and the Roman education. 8vo. No title page. Kenney, Charles Lamb. Gates of the East. Ten chapters on the Isthmus of Suez Canal. 2nd edition. Lond. 1857. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 47.) Kennish, W. Method for concentrating the Fire of a Broadside of a Ship of War. 4to. Lond. 1837. Kenny, A. S. {See Hunt.) Kent, John. Biographia Nautica ; or memoirs of illustrious Seamen. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 178 1. (Radstock Collection.) Kent, W. Saville. Official Guide-Book to the Brighton Aquarium. Brighton, n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 20.) Kente. Abrege de la Mission de Kente. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 8.) Keppel, Admiral the Hon. A. Letter from an Officer of the Naval Army of France to the Hon. Admiral Keppel. 8vo. Lond. 1778. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts, 1637-1806.) Three Poems dedicated to Admiral Keppel — {a) Nereus's Prophecy. (6) A Congratulatory Ode. (c) The Anti-Palliseriad. 4to. Lond. 1779. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Vindication of the Conduct of the Admiralty towards Admiral Keppel. 8vo. Lond. 1779. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Description of the Freedom Box voted bj' the Citj' of London. Lond. n.d. KEP 208 KIN Keppel, The Hon. George. Personal narrative of travels in Baby- lonia, Assj-ria, Media, and Scvthia, in tiie year 1824. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827. Journey across the Balcan by the two passes of" Selinino and Pravadi ; also of a visit to Azani, and other ruins in Asia Minor, 1829-30. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831. Keppel, Captain the Hon. H., K.N. ExiK-ditiun to Horneo of H.M.S. "Dido' ; with e.xtiacts tVom the Journal of James Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1846. „ Admiral of the Fleet. A Sailor's Life under Foiw Sovereigns. 3 vols Crown 8vo. Lond. 1899. (See also West.) Keppel, The Hon and Rev. Thomas. Life of Admiral Augustus, Viscount Keppel. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Ker, David. On the Road to Khiva. 8vo. Lond. 1874. Kerguelen, L'Amiral Y. J. Relation des Combats et des Evenements de la Guerre Maritime de 1778 entre La France et L'Angleterre. 8vo. Paris, An 9-1803. (Radstock Collection.) Kerhallet, Le Capitaine C. P. de. Examination of the Pacific Ocean. 8vo. Washington, i86c. General examination of the Atlantic Ocean. Translated by Capt. R. H. Wyman. 8vo. Washington, 1870. Examination of the Indian Ocean. Translated by R. H. Wyman. 8vo. Washington, 1870. „ Le Capitaine C. P. de, De Freminville, Bontroux, Terquem, et C. Lahoulaye. Guide du Marin, resume des connaissances les plus utiles aux marins. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1863. Kerigan, Thomas. Complete Mathematical and general Navigation Tables. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828. Treatise on the Eclipses of the Sun and Moon, with remarks on the Theory of the Tides. 8vo. Lond. 1844. Kerros, C. Manuel du Pilote-Cotier. i2mo. Paris, 1869. Kessel, General von. Die Ausbildung des Preussischen Infanterie-Bataillons im praktischen dienst. 8vo. Berlin, 1869. Kessler, Le General. Tactique des Trois Armes. 2nd edition. 8vo. Paris, 1903. Key, Captain Astley Cooper, E.N. Narrative of the recovery of H.M..S. " Gorgon," stranded in the Bay of Monte Video. 8vo. Lond. 1847. (See also Colomb.) Khan, Sultan Mahomed. The Life of Abdur Rahman, Amir of Afghanistan. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Khiva. Narrative of the Russian Military Expedition to Khiva under General Perofski in 1839. 8vo. Calcutta, 1867. Khiva {to/i/ii.) — Narrative of the Russian Military Expedition to Kiiiva in 1717. Translated by R. Michell. Lond. 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 47.) Kidd, B. Social Evolution. 8vo. Lond. 1894. Kidd, J. Outlines of Mineralogy. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1809. Kieffer, J. D., and T. X. Bianchi. Dic- tionnaire 'Iurc-Fran9ais. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1835-7. Kielland, A. L. Napoleon's Men and Methods. 8vo. Lond. 1907. Kiernan, John. Hints on Horse-shoeing : an exposition of the Dunbar System, taught to the Farriers of the United States Army. 410. Washington, 1871. Killick, Captain G. L. B. The French Army in Egypt, 1798-1801, and the English Army in Egj'pt, 1882. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1898. Kincaid, Captain J. Random Shots from a Ritleman. 8vo. Lond. 1835. King. Marine Lamps. Lond. 1814. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 3.) (Sec also Hunter.) King, Captain C. Cooper. Map and plan Drawing. Svo. Lond. [1876]. „ Lieut. - Colonel. History of the British Armj'. 8vo. Lond. 1897. King, Captain James. (See Cook.) King, Chief Engineer J. W., U.S.N. European Ships of War and their Armament. 8vo. Washington, 1877. Ditto, ditto. Revised and corrected with notes by an "English Naval Aichi- tect." Svo. Lond. 1878. War-Ships and Navies of the World. Svo. Boston, 1880. King, Lieutenant J. W. Training and Management of Chargers. i2mo. Calcutta, 1888. King, Staff Commander J. W., E.N. The Pilot's Handbook for the English Channel. Revised to present date by Commander T. A. Hull, R.N. 13th edition. Svo. Lond. 1898. King, Peter Lord. Life of John Locke, with extracts from his correspondence, journals, and common-place books. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1830. King, Captain Phillip Parker, R.N. Sailing Directions for the coasts of Eastern and Western Patagonia, the Strait of Magalhaens, and the coasts of Tierra del Fuego. Svo. Lond. 1832. (Sec also " Adventure" and Fitzroj-.) King, Richard. Polar Sea Expeditions and Polar land journeys. Lond. 1845. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 38.) King, Captain W. R. Campaigning in Kaffir- land or Scenes and Adventures in the Kaffir War of 185 [-52. Svo. Lond. 1853. King-Harman, Major M, J. Recon- noitrer's Ciuide and Field Book, adapted for India. 2nd edition. Svo. Calcutta, 1884. KIN 209 KLU Kinglake, A. W. Invasion of the Crimea. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1863-87. The Invasion of the Crimea. Student's Edit. Adapted for Military Students, by Colonel Sir Georges. Clarke, K.C.M.G., R.E. 8vo. Lond. 1899. Reference Atlas to ditto. Demy folio. Mr. Kinglake and the Quarterlies. Lond. 1863. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 65.) Kingsford, W. History of Canada. 10 Vols. 8vo. Lond. and Toronto, 1887-95 Kingsley, Mary H. West African Studies 8vo. Lond. 1899 Kingzett, C. T. Animal Chemistry. Svo Lond. 1878. Kinloch, Captain A. Santa Maura: a few pages upon that Island. Edinburgh, 1852. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 35.) The Murray River. Adelaide, 1853. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 5.) Russian Conversation Grammar. 12 mo. Lend. 1890. Kinnis, Dr. J, Report on Small-pox as it appeared in Ceylon in 1833-34. Colombo, 1835. Letter to the Inhabitants of Ceylon, on the advantages of Vaccination. Ceylon, 1837. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 10.) Kirl)y, F. Vaughan. Sport in Central Africa. Small Roj'al 8vo. Lond. 1899. Kirby, The Eev. William, and William Spence. Introduction to Entomology or elements of the natural history of insects. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1815. Kircheisen, F. Bibliographie Napoleons. 8vo. Berlin, 1902. Kirk, J. W. C, B.A. A Grammar of the Somali Language. Svo. Cambridge, 1905. Kirkaldy, David. E.xperimental Inquiry into the tensile strength and other properties of various kinds of Wrought-Iron and Steel, and edition. Svo. Lond. 1866. Results of an Experimental Inquiry into the Mechanical Properties of Steel. 4to. Lond. 1873. Kirkby, Colonel Richard. Account of the Transaction between Admiral Benbow and M. Du Cass, with the proceedings thereupon in the case of Col. Kirkby. 8vo. Lond. 1705. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts, 1659-1707.) Kirke, Henry. First English conquest of Canada, with some account of the earliest settlements in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. Svo. Lond. 1871. Kirkpatrick, Colonel. Account of the Kingdom of Nepaul, 1793. 4to. Lond. 1811. Kirwan, Charles J. Notes on the dis- patch of Troops by Sea. Lond. 1859. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 84.) Zirwan, Richard. Geological Essays. 8vo. Lond. 1799. Kishida, Seiji Gr. The International Position of Japan as a Great Power. Svo. New York, 1905. Kitson, Arthur. Captain James Cook, R.N., F.R.S., The Circumnavigator. Svo. Lond. 1907. Kjerulf, Professor. The Terraces of Norway. Translated by Marshall Hall. Lond. 1S70. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 80.) Klaczko, Julian. The Two Chancellors ; Prince Gortchakof and Prince Bismark. Translated from the French, by Mrs. Tait. Svo. Lond. 1S77. Klado, Captain N. L., Imp. Russian Navy. La Marine Russe dans la Guerre Russo-Japonaise. Translated into French by R. Marchand. Crown Svo. Paris, 1905. The Russian Navy and the Russo- Japanese War. Translated from the French by L. J. H. Dickinson. Svo. Lond. 1905. The Battle of the Sea of Japan. Authorised translation from the Russian by J. H. Dickinson and F. P. Marchant. Imp. Svo. Lond. 1906. Klapka, General. Memoirs of the War of Independence in Hungary. Translated by Otto Wenckstern. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S50. Kleber, Le General Jean - Baptiste. Leben und Thaten des franzosischen Generals Jean-Baptist Kleber. By Hans Klaeber. Svo. Dresden, 1900. Kleeman, General-Major von. Die Linien (Linien Verschanzungen) in Mittel- Europa im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. Svo. Dresden, 1S94. Klein, The Pastor. The Pastor's Narra- tive, or before and after the Battle of Worth, 1870. Translated by Mrs. F. E. Marshall. Svo. Lond. 1879. Kleinschmidt, Dr. Arthur. Drei Jahr- hunderte Russischer Geschichte seit der Thronbesteigung der Romanow bis heute (1598-1898). Svo. Berlin, 1S98. Kleist, E. C. von. Samtliche Werke. 4th edition. 2 vols, in one. i2mo. Berlin, 1782. Klemm, Dr. Gustav. AUgemeine Culturwissenschaft. Das Feuer. Die Nahrung. Getranke. Nar- kotica. Svo. Leipsic, 1855. Die Werkzeuge und Waffen. Ihre Entstehung und Ausbildung. Svo. Sonderhausen, 1858 Klinger, F. M. Theater. 2 vols. i2mo. Riga, 17S6. Kloss, Boden C. In the Andamans and Nicobars. Svo. Lond. 1903. Klotzius, C. A. Historia Numorum Obsidionalium. i2mo. Altenburg, 1765. Klotzmann, Franz. Drehbare Panzer fiir Kanonen in Landbefestigungen. Svo. Vienna, 1887. Plates to ditto. Folio. Klunzinger, C. B. Upper Egypt : its people and its products. Svo. Lond. 1878. O KMO KOH Kmoch, George. (5tv Kohlmeistcr.) Knesebeck, E. von dem. Geschichte der Churhannovcr.sclit'n Truppen in Gibraltar, Minorca und Ostindien. 8vo. Hanover, 1845. Knight, E. F. The Falcon on the Baltic. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1892. Where Three Empires Meet : A Nar- rative of Recent Travel in Kashmir, Western Tibet, Gilgit, and tlie adjoining Countries. 8vo. Lond. 1893. Rhodesia of To-day. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1895. Letters from the Soudan. 8vo. Lond. 1897. With the Royal Tour. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Knight, Captain John, R.N. Sailing Directions for the Road of Leghorn. Lond. 1797. (4to Pamphlets, vol. ii.) Maritime Survey, containing directions for navigating the Iroise Passage, or Bay of Brest, with the Glenan Isles and Isle Houat. Lond. 1802. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 44 (ii).) Survey of the Bay of Brest. Folio. Lond. 1802. (Containing a Chart of Falmouth Harbour by Lieut. James Man- derson.) Knight, J. G. The Australasian Colonies at the International Exhibition, London, 1862. Melbourne, 1865. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 23.) Knight, Corporal Thomas. British Battalion at Oporto, with adventures, anecdotes, and exploits in Holland, at Waterloo, and in the expedition to Oporto. 8vo. Lond. 1834. Knight, Captain W. H. Diary of a pedestrian in Cashmere and Thibet. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Knighthood. Historical anecdotes of heraldry and chivalry. 4to. Worcester, 1795. Collections made for a history of chivalry, knighthood, &c. 4to. n.p., n.d. Knighton, W. History of Ceylon. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Knipping, Erwin. Seetafeln. 8vo. Hamburg, 1903. KnoUys, Captain H. P>om Sedan to Saarbruck, via Verdun, Gravelotte, and Metz. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Incidents in the China War of i860, compiled from the private journals of General Sir Hope Grant. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Life of General Sir Hope Grant. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1894. Shaw, the Life-Guardsman. 8vo. Lond. n.d. Knollys, Major W. W. Hand-Book of Field Fortification. i2mo. Lond. 1873. Knoop, Le Capitaine W. J. Remarques critiques sur I'ouvrage du Capt. Siborne intitule : " Histoire de la Guerre de 18 15, en France." Traduction Fran9aise par P. G. Booms. The Hague, 1847. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 53.) Knorr, Emil. Das Russische Heeres- Sanitiitswesen wahrend des Feldzugs 1877-78. 8vo. Hanover, 1883. Knowles, Admiral. The Conduct of Admiral Kncnvles on tlie late Expedition .set in a true light. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1758. (Radstock Collection, Expedition to France.) Knowles, Sir Charles Henry, Bart. ObsLivatiuns on Ship-Huililiui;-. Lond. 1795. (Pam])hlets, 2nd series, vol I.) Knowles, John. Inquiry into the means which have been taken to preserve the British Navy from the Dry Rot. 4to. Lond. 1821. Knox, E. Blake. Buller's Campaign with the Natal Field Force of 1900. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Knox, Captain John. Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North America, 1757-60. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1769. Knox, Rohert. Historical Relation of the Island of Ceylon. Folio. Lond. 1681. (Sec also Fellowes.) Knox, Thomas W. Decisive Battles since Waterloo ; the most important military events 1815-1887. 8vq. New York, 1887. Knox, The Rev. Vicesimus, D.D. Liberal Education ; or a practical treatise on the method of acquiring useful and polite learning, nth edition. 2 vols. i-j:mo. Lond. 1795. Knox-Little, The Rev. W. J. Sketches and Studies in South Africa. 8vo. Lond. 1899. Knyvett, Sir Henry. The Defence of the Realme, 1596. Crown 8vo. Oxford, 1906. Koch, Le General F. Memoirs pour servir a I'histoire de la Campagne de 18 14. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1819. Atlas to ditto. Folio. Tableau des Revolutions de I'Europe. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823. Bulletin des Sciences Militaires. Huitieme Section de Bulletin Universel des Sciences et de I'lndustrie, public sous la direction de M. le Baron de F"erussac. Vols, iv to xi (bound in five). 8vo. Paris, 1827-31 Koch, George. Bei den Fahnen des III Armee Korps, 1870-71. Crown 8vo. Miinchen, 1890. Kcechlin, Le Capitaine J. L. Les Ordres de la Couronne de Fer et de la Couronne d'ltalie, 1805-1905. Royal 4to. Paris, 1907. Koerner, Alfred. The Hotchkiss single- barrel rapid-firing Gun. 4to. Paris, 1884. Koettschau, Le Lieut.-Colonel C. La Prochaine Guerre Franco-Allemande. Translated by Ernest Jaegle. i2mo. Paris, 1887. Kohl, J. G. Russia. 8vo. Lond. 1S42. Austria, Vienna, Pi ague, Hungary, Bohemia, and the Danube, . Paris, 1718. Lake, Colonel A. Narrative of the Defence of Kars. 8vo. Lond. 1857. Lake, Lieutenant Edward, Madras Engineers. Journal of the Sieges of the Madras Army, 1817-19. 8vo. Lond. 1825. Plates to ditto. 4to. La Lande, Joseph-Jerome le Francois de. Connoissance des Temps, pour I'Annee Bissextile 1768. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1766. Tables de Logarithmes. i6mo. Pari.s, 1818. (Sec also Reynaud.) La Laurencie, S. de. Etude Technique sur le .Service de Artillerie, dans la place de Belfort pendant le Siege de 1870-71. 8vo. Paris, 1872. La Llave y Garcio, Le Commandant de. La Guerre de Montagnes pendant !a derniere Insurrection Carliste en Catalogue (1872-5). Translated by A. Jouart. 8vo. Paris, 1881. Lallemand, A. Traite theorique et pratique des Operations Secondaire de la Guerre. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824. Topographical Atlas to ditto. 4to. Paris, 1846. Principles of the Minor Operations of War. Translated from the French of Lallemand, bj- St. Vincent Troubridge. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1852. Lamarck, J. B. P. A. de M. de. Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vertebres. 7 vols, in eight. 8vo. Paris, 1815-22. „ and A. P. De CandoUe. Flore f ran- caise. 3rd edition. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1805-1815. La Marche, Olivier de. Memoires. (Fetitot's Collection, vols. 9 and 10.) La Marmora, General A. Un po' piu di luce : sugli eventi politici e militari dell' anno 1866. 4to edition. 8vo. Florence, 1873. Lamarqne, Le Lieut. -General Max. De I'Esprit Militaire en France, des causes qui contribuent a I'eteindre, de la necessite et des moyens de la ranimer. 8vo. Paris, 1826. Lambarde, William. Perambulation of Kent ; conteiningtlie description, hj'storie, and customes of that Shy re. i2mo. Lond. 1596. (Black Letter. Title-page wanting, supj)lied in ^LS.) Lambert, Vet.-Colonel J. D. Horse .Sickness in Soutli Africa. Lond. 19CO. (Pamphlet, 3rd series, vol. 67.) Laming, Richard, Primary Forces of Electricity. Lond. 1838. (Pamphlet-., 2nd series, vol. 10.) Lamiraux, Le General. Etudes Pratiques de Guerre. 36 edit. 8vo. Paris, 1893. Plates to ditto. 410. Lament, Le Major de. Les Fonctions de tons les Ofticiers de I'lnfanterie. i2mo. Paris, 1670. Lament, James. Yachting in the Arctic .Sea. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Lampiough, E. Yorkshire Battles. 8vo. Hull, 1891. Lander, Richard. (See Clapperton.) Landers, Anthony. Shipowners' Com- plaint ; with a proposed method to improve the Merchant Sendee, and edition. Lond. 1829. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 13.) Landmann, George. Universal Gazet- teer, or Geographical Dictionary. 8vo. Lond. 1840. Landmann, Isaac. Principles of Artil- ler}'. 8\'o. Lond. 1801. Landmann, Lieut. - General K. von. Wilhelm III. von England und Max Emanuel von Baj'ern im Niederlandischen Kriege 1692-97. 8vo. Munich, 1901. Landolt, Le Capitaine H. M. F. Diction- naire Polyglotte de termes technique militaire et de marine. Neerlandais, Franipais, Allemand, Anglais. 4 vols, and supplement. 8vo. Leyden, 1865-71. Landon, Perceval. Lhasa. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1905. Landor, A. H. Savage. In the Forbidden Land. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1898. China and the Allies. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1901. Tibet and Nepaul 8vo. Lond. 1905- Across Wildest Africa. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1907. Landor, Walter Savage. Imaginary Conversations of Literary Men and States- men. 2nd edition. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826. Landrieux, Jean. Memoires de I'Adju- dant-General, Chef d'etat-Major de la Cavalerie de I'Armee d'ltalie charge du bureau secret 1795-97 fivec une introduc- tion biographique et historique par Leonce Grasilier. 2me edit. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1893. Landsborough. (See Burke.) Landseer, John. Saba^an Researches. 4to. Lond. 1835. Landt, The Rev. G. Description of the Feroe Islands. 8vo. Lond. 1810. LAN 215 LAN Lane, Edward William. Account of the manners and customs of the modern E.ffj-ptians. 5th edition. Edited bj' E. S. Poole. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1871. Lane, Major F. W. Bowyer. Suggestions for the more systematic instruction of an Administrative Battalion of Rifle Volunteers. Exeter, 1861. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 57.) Memoir of Major Henry Bowyer Lane, of the Royal Artillery. U.sk, 1883. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 39.) Lane, James R. Prevention of Contagious \'enereal Disease. Lond. 1869. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 76.) Facts respecting the Contagious Diseases Acts. Lond. 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 83.) Lane, Michael. Directions for navigating the Bay of Placentia from Cape Chapeau Rouge to Cape St. Mary on the south coast of New- foundland. 2nd edition, revised by J. F. Dessiou. 8vo. Lond. 1810. (Bound in vol. lettered " Sailing Directions.") Directions for navigating part of the coast of Labradore, from Cape Charles to Sandwich Bay. 2nd edition, revised by J. F. Dessiou. 8vo. Lond. 1810. (Bound in vol. lettered " Sailing Directions.") Directions for navigating part of the coast of Newfoundland, from Cape Spear to Cape Bonavista. 2nd edition, revised by J. F. Dessiou. 8vo. Lond. 1810. (Bound in vol. lettered " Sailing Directions.") (See also Cook, J.) Lane-Poole, S. Egypt. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Life of the Right Hon. Stratford Can- ning, Viscount Stratford de Redclifte. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Thirty years of Colonial Government. A selection from the Despatches and Letters of the Right Hon. Sir George Ferguson Bowen, G.C.M.G. Governor successively of Queensland, New Zealand, Victoria, Mauritius, and Hong Kong. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. i88g. Sir Richard Church, C.B., G.C.H., Commander-in-Chief of the Greeks in the War of Independence. 8vo. Lond. 1890. Life of Sir H. Parkes. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1894. Baber. Crown 8vo. Oxford, 1899. Aurungzi'b. Crown 8vo. Oxford, 1901. Lanessan, J. L. de. Le Programme Maritime de 1902. gieme Edition. Paris, 1903. Le Programme Maritime de 1900- 1906. Deuxieme edition, augmentee dune Preface nouvelle. Crown Bvo. Paris, 1903. Les Enseignements Maritimes de la Guerre Russo-Japonaise. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1905. Lanfrey, P. Histoire de Napoleon I". 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1870-5. Lang, Oliver. Improvements in Naval Architecture. 8vo. Woolwich, 1831,. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, Modern.) Ditto, ditto. Woolwich, 1847. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 34.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 40.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy.) (Radstock Collection.) Ditto, ditto. Lond. 1848. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 12.) Ditto, ditto. 8vo. Woolwich, 1853. Lang, R. Hamilton. Cyprus. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Langallerie, Le Marquis de, JMemoirs. 'I'ranslated from the French. 8vo. Lond. 1710. Lange, D. A. Isthmus of Suez Canal question. Lond. 1859. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 55.) Langford, J. Treatment of Asiatic Cholera and Choleric Diarrhoea with Tartarized Antimonj\ Lond. 1833. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 6.) Langley, Captain Edward Archer. Nar- rative of a residence at the Court of Meer Ali Moorad. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. i860. Langlois, Le Colonel H. L'Artillerie de Campagne en liaison avec les autres Amies. 8vo. 2 vols, and atlas. Paris, 1892. „ Le General H. Consequences Tactiques des Progres de I'Armement. 2nd edition. 8vo. Paris, 1903. Enseignements de Deux Guerres Re- centes — Guerres Turco-Russe et Anglo- Boer. 8vo. Paris, 1903. La Belgique et la Hollande devant le Pangermanisme. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1906. Langton, John Stephen. Invention of Methods for Seasoning Timber. Lond. 1828. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 5.) Langton, Richard. Narrative of a cap- tivity in France from 1809 to 1814. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836. La NicoUiere-Teijeiro, S. de La Course et les Corsaires du Port de Nantes, Arme- ments. Combats, Prises, Pirateries, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1896. Lankester, Dr. E., and Dr. P. Redfern. Microscopical Examination of the organic matters on solid contents of Waters sup- plied from the Thames and other sources. With a report on the qualitj' of Water from Chalk Springs near V/atford. By Dr. T. Clarke and Dr. John Smith. Lond. 1852. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 89.) Lansdell, H. Russian 2 vols. 8vo. Central Asia. Lend. i88'5. LAN 216 LAU Lansdowne, H. F., The Marquess of. Speech on the CJovernnicnt Plan for pro- moting National Education. 7th edition. Lend. 1839. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 13.) Lanterius, Jacohiis. De modo sub- .'-tiiiendi 'rerreiia Mnniinenta ad urbes, atque o[)pida. .jto. Venice, 1563. Lapasset, Le General. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1898. Lapene, Le Capitaine Edouard. Evene- ments, Militaires devant Toulouse en 1814. Paris, 1822. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 11.) La Perouse, J. F. G. de. Voyage round the World, 1785-8 ; edited by"L. A. Milet-Mureau. 3 vols. 8vo. Lend. 1798. Voyage in Search of La Perouss, 1791- 93, in the " Recherche "and " Esperance," ships of War. Translated from the French of M. Labilliardere. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1800. Atlas to ditto. 4to. La Perre de Roo, V. Le Pigeon Mes- sager, ou guide pour I'eleve du pigeon voj'ageur et son application a Fart militaire. 8vo. Paris, 1877. La Perrierre, E. de. L'Armee Fran- ^aise ; Organisation. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1898. Laplace, Le Capitaine. Voyage autour de Monde, execute pendant les annexes 1830-32. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1833-35. Atlas to ditto. Folio. Laplace, Pierre Simon, Le Marquis de. Traite de Mecanique Celeste. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1799-1805. La Plata. Notes on the Viceroyalty of La Plata ; with a sketch of the manners and characters of the inhabitants. 8vo. Lond. 1880. Laporterie, M. Institutions Militaires pour la Cavalerie et les Dragons. 8vo. Paris, 1754. Larauza, J. L. Histoire Critique du pas- sage des Alpes par Annibal. 8vo. Paris, 1826. Larchey, Loredan. Dictionnaire historique d'Argot. 8vo. Paris, 1881. Journal de Marche du Sergent Fricasse de la i27e demi-brigade, 1792-1802. 8vo. Paris, i88'2. Lardner, Dionysius. The Steam-Engine explained and illus- trated : with a memoir ot Watt. 7th edi- tion. 8vo. Lond. 1840. Steam Communication with India by the Red Sea. 8vo. Lond. 1837. La Roche- Aymon, Le Comte de. Des Troupes legcres ou reflexions sur I'or- ganisation, ['instruction et la Tactique de rinfanteric et de la Cavalerie legeres. 8vo. Paris, 1817. La Rochefoucauld, Francois. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. li-lii.) La Rochette, de. {See \^incent, The Very Rev. W.) La Ronciere, C. de. Histoire de la I\Iarine Fran9aise. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1900. La Ronciere Le Noury, Le Vice- Amiral Baron de. La Marine au Siege de Paris. 8vo. Paris, 1872. Atlas to ditto. Folio. Larpent, Sir George, Bart. Private Journal of F. S. Larpent during the Peninsular War. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1853. Lasa, Heydehrand. Ueber die Taktik der Kavallerie des Herrn Major von Decker. Berlin, 1828. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 22). Lasalle, Le General. {See Clcry). Las Cases, Le Comte de. Journal of the private life and conversations of the Emperor Napoleon at .St. Helena. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1825. Laskey, Captain J. C. Description of the Series of Medals struck by order of Napoleon Bonaparte. 8yo. Lond. 1818. Lassalle, C. Manuel de I'Organisation de I'Armee et du Fonctionnement des Services Militaires a I'usage des Etats- Majors, Chefs de Corps, et Ofticiers de toutes Amies. 8vo. Paris, 1892. Latchford, Benjamin. The Loriner. Opinions and Observations on Bridle-bits and the Suitable Bitting of Horses. 8vo. Lond. 1871. Latham, John. Rifle Ranges at Genoa. Lond. i860. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 57.) Latham, R. G. Dictionary of the Eng- lish Language. Abridged from that of Dr. Johnson. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Latour, Major A. Lacarriere, United States Engineer Corps. Memoir of the War in West Florida and Louisiana, 1814-15. Translated from the French by H. P. Nugent, Esq. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1816. Latrie, L. de Mas. L'lle de Chypre ; situation presente et .^es souvenirs dn moyen-age. 8vo. Paris, 1879. Lauhert, Dr. Manfred. Die Schlacht bei Kunersdorf am 12. August 1759. 8vo. Berlin, 1900. Laugel, Auguste. Les Etats-Unis pen- dant la Guerre (1861-5). i2mo. Paris, 1866. Laughton, Professor J. K., R.N. Physical Geography in its relation to the prevailing winds and currents. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Barometric differences and fluctuations. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol 94.) Introduction to the practical and theo- retical study of Nautical .Survej'ing. 8vo. Lond. 1872, Du Quesne and the French Navy of the Seventeenth Centurj-. Lond. 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 33.) Letters and despatches of Horatio, Viscount Nelson. 8vo. Lond. 1886. LAU ;i7 LAW Laughton, Professor J. K., R.N. {conid.)— Hobart Pasha. Lond. 1886. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 42.) Studies in Naval History. Biographies. 8vo. Lond. 1887. The Invincible Armada : a tercentenary retrospect. Lond. 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 44.) Story of Trafalgar. 8vo. Portsmoutli, 1890. Nelson. i2mo. Lond. 1894. The Nelson Memorial. Nelson and his Companions in Arms. 8vo. Lond. 1896. From Howard to Nelson. 8vo. Lond. 1899. (See also Noel.) Laugier, Le Pere. Essai sur I'Archi- tecture. 8vo. Paris, 1755. Laurencin, Paul. Lc Telegraphe ter- restre, sousmarin, pneumatique. i2mo. Paris, 1877 Laurent- Atthalin, G Laurezac, Le ColoneL Lutzen, 1813. 8vo. Lauribar, Paul de. Abyssinie. Crown 5 {See Risler.) La Manoeuvre de Paris, 1904. Douze Ans en vo. Paris, i8q8. Laurie, Colonel W. F. B. Second Burmese War : a narrative of the Operations at Rangoon, in 1852. 8vo. Lond. 1853. Pegu : a narrative of events during the second Burmese War, from August, 1852, to June, 1853. 8vo. Lond. 1854. Sketches of some distinguished Anglo- Indians. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Lauth, J. L'Etat Militaire des Princi- pales Puissances Etrangeres en 1902. 8vo. 1902. Lavallee, T. Military Topography of Continental Europe. Edited by Col. J. R. Jackson. 8vo. Lond. 1850. Physical, historical, and military Geo- graphy. Edited by Capt. A. F. Lendy. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Geographic Physique, Historique et Militaire. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1882. Lavaysse, J. J. Dauxion. Statistical, commercial, and political description of Venezuela, Trinidad, Margarita, and Tobago. 8vo. Lond. 1820. Laveaux, J. C. Nouveau Dictionnaire de la Langue Fran9aise. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1820. Laveleye, Emile de. La Prusse et TAutriche depuis Sadowa. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1870. Laverne, L. M. P. de. Histoire du Feld- Marechal Souvarof, liee a celle de son temps. Svo. Paris, 1809. Lavisse, Le Commandant. Sac au Dos. Etudes Comparees de la Tenue de Cam- pagne des Fantassins des Armees Fran- 9aise et Etrangeres. 8vo. Paris, 1902. Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent. Opuscules physiques et chimiques. 2nd edition. 8vo. Paris, 1801. Traite Elementaire de Chimie. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1801. Lavoisne, C. V. Genealogical, historical, and chronological Atlas. Folio. Lond. 1807. Law, Commander, E. D., R.N. Improve- ments in Practical Navigation. Svo. n.p.| n.d, Lawley, Captain the Hon. R. N. The Battle of Marston-Moor. York, 1865. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 100.) Lawrence, Edwin. Progress of a Century. i2mo. Lond. 1886. Lawrence, Lieut. -General Sir George. Reminiscences of forty-three years in India, Edited by W. fldwards. Svo. Lond. 1874. Lawrence, Sir Henry Montgomery. ■ Essays, military and political, written in India. Svo. Lond. 1859. (For other Works, see Index.) Lawrence, John, Lord. {See Bosworth- Smith.j Lawrence, John. History and delinea- tion of the fiorse : with instructions for breeding, breaking, training and general management. 4to. Lond. 1809. Lawrence, Stringer. {See Biddulph.) Lawrence, The Rev. T. J., M.A., LL.D. The Principles of International Law. 8vo. Lond. 1895. War and Neutrality in the Far East. Svo. Lond. 1904. Lawrence, Sergeant William. Auto- biography of Sergeant William Lawrence, a hero of the Peninsular and Waterloo Campaigns. Edited by G. N. Bankes. 8vo. Lond. 1SS6. Lawrence, W. R. The Valley of Kashmir. Svo. Lond. 1895. Lawrence-Archer, Major J. H. The Battle of Chillianwala. Rawal Pindi, 1878. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 66.) Commentaries on the Punjab Campaign,. 1848-9. Svo. Lond. 187S. Orders of Chivalry. Svo. Lond. 1S81. The British Army : its regimental records, badges, devices, &c. Svo. Lond. 1S88. Lawson, Inspector-General of Hospitals. R., LL.D. Mortality among the Troops serving in the United Kingdom from Consumption. Lond. 1887. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 43.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 3rcl series, vol. 43.) Cause of the diurnal oscillation of the Barometer. Lond. i338. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 44.) The Milroy Lectures. On Epidemic Influences. On the Epidemiological Aspects of Yellow Fever. On the Epi- demiological Aspects of Cholera. Svo. Lond. 1888. Notes on the Transmission of Cholera from one Country to another. 1891. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 54.) LAW !l8 LEC Lawson, Inspector-General of Hospitals R. LL.D. co/ifd.)— Operation of the Contagious Diseases Acts iVom 1864 to their ultimate Repeal in 1884. 1891. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 54.) Manifestations of Cholera in ships at sea, and their connections with outbreaks on land. Lond. 1892. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 57.) Lawton, Captain H. W. Instructions for using Moore's Improved Pack Saddle. Washington, 1881. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 41.) Lax, The Rev. W. Tables to be used with the Nautical Almanac for finding the Latitude and Longitude at Sea. Bvo. Lond. 1821, Layard, A, H. Nineveh and its remains. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1849. Prospects and conduct of the War. Lond. 1854. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 11.) ,, Sir A. H. Autobiography and Letters. Edited by Hon. W. N. Bruce. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1903. Layman, Captain, R.N. Syllabus of a work entitled " Outhnes for a Maritime History." Lond. n.d. (Xaval Pamphlets, vol. iii.) The Pioneer, or strictures on maritime strength and economj^ Lond. 1821. (Xaval Pamphlets, vol. iii.) Laymann, Captain 49tli (Pomeranian) Infantry Regiment. About Tactics. From the German Edition of 1869, by Capt. E. M. Jones. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, voL 10.) Layriz, Lieiit.-Colonel 0. Mechanical Traction in War. Translated from the German, bj- R. B. Marston. Svo. Lond. 1900. Leach, Lieut. -Colonel J. Rough Sketches of the life of an old Soldier, 1802-18. 8vo. Lond. 1831. Recollections and reflections relative to the duties of troops comprising the advanced corps of an army. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Leake, Lieut.-Colonel W. M. Travels in the Morea ; with a map and plans. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. ^830. Travels in Northern Greece. 4 vols. Svo. Lond. 1835. Topography of Athens. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1841. Peloponnesiaca : a supplement to " Travels in the Morea." Svo. Lond. 1S46. Claim to the Islands of Cervi and Sapienza. Svo. Lond. 1850. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) {See also Yorke.) Leared, Dr. A. Morocco and the IMoors. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Leather, Major G. F. T. A Week after Ibex trom Gib. Crown Svo. Dover, 1905. Le Barzic, H. Manuel d'Artillerie. Svo. Paris, 1880. Lehedev, V. T. Vers rinde. Traduit du russe par le Capitaine du Genie brevete Cazalas. Crown Svo. Paris, 1900. To India — Military, Statistical, and Strategical Sketch — Plan of Future Cam- Eaign. Translated from the Russian bj' ieutenant H. C. Holman, LA. Svo. Lond. 1901. Le Blond. Traite de I'Artillcrie. Svo. Paris, 1743. Traite de I'Attaque des Places. Svo. Paris, 1743. Essai sur la Castramentation, ou sur la mesure et le trace des camps. Svo. Paris, 174S. Traite de la Defense des Places. 2nd Edition. Svo. Paris, 1762. Le Bon, G. Psychologie des Foules Crown Svo. Paris, 1907 Lehon, M. Andre. (Ministre des Colonies.) Mission au Senegal et au Soudan. (Octobre — novembre, 1897.) Rapport Presente par Eug. La Grilliere- Beauclere. Svo. Paris, n.d. Le Boulenge. Description, maniement et usage des Telemetres Le Boulenge. Svo. Liege, 1877. Le Brethon, J. J. P. Guide to the French Language. 7th edition. Svo. Lond. 1837. Lehrun, Le General. Bazeilles-Sedan : Guerre de 1870. Svo. Paris, 1884. (See also Gumpertz.) Le Brun, C. Voyage au Levant : L'Asie Mineure, Chio, Rhodes et Chj-pre, &c. Folio. Paris, 1714. Lecestre, Leon. Lettres Inedites de Napoleon i". 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1897. Lecky, Captain S. T. S. " Wrinkles " in practical Navigation. Svo. Lond. 1881. Leclercq, Le Capitaine. Cours Pratique de Tir. Svo. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 70.) Leclerq, lEmile. La Guerre de 1870. L'Esprit Parisien produit du Regime Imperial. 6th edition. i2mo. Brussels, 1871. Le Cointe, Le Capitaine. La; Science des Ports Militaires. Svo. Paris, 1759. Lecompt, Le Chef d'Escadron. The Tente d'Abri. Translated by Lieut.-Col. Hallewell. Malta, 1859. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 54.) Lecomte, Le Colonel Ferdinand. Relation historique et critique de la Campagne d'ltalie, en 1S59. 2 vols, in one. Svo. , Paris, i860. Guerre des Etats-Unis d'Amerique. Svo. Paris, 1863. Guerre de la Prusse et de I'ltalie contre I'Autriche, et la Confederation Ger- maniqueen 1866. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1S68. Le General Jomini, sa vie et ses ecrits 2nd edition. Svo. Paris, 1S69 Atlas to ditto. 4to. LEG ;i9 LEH Lecomte, Le Colonel Ferdinand (tv;//^?'.)— Etudes d'Histoires Militaire, antiquite et in oven age. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1870. Relation Historique et Critique de la Guerre Franco-Allemande en 1870-1871. 4 vols, and case of maps. 8vo. Paris, 1872-74. Guerre D'Orient en 1876-77. 2 vols. in three. 8vo. Lausanne, 1877-9. Le General Jomini, sa vie et ses ecrits. 3rd edition. 2 vols. Bvo. Lausanne, 1888. Atlas to ditto, folio. Guerre d'Espagne. Extrait des Sou- venirs inedits du General Jomini (1807-14). Bvo. Paris, 1892. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 55.) Lecount, Lieutenant Peter, R.N. Re- marks on the cheapest distance for Railway Blocks. Birmingham, 1836. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 11.) Le Creulx. Recherches sur la formation et I'existence des ruisseaux, rivieres et torrens. 4to. Paris, an xii (1805). Ledeilil, Edonard. Commentaries sur I'Lcole du .Soldat. i2mo. Paris, 1875. Lediard, Thomas. Naval History of England from the Norman Conquest to 1734. 2 vols. Folio. Lond. 1735. Life of John, Duke of Marlborough. 3 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1736. Ledieu, A., and E. Cadiat. Le nouveau Materiel Naval. 2 vols. Bvo. Paris, 1889. Atlas to ditto. 4to. Ledward, Major A. P. The conduct of Infantry Fire according to the French Regulations of 1888. (Manchester Tactical Society.) Manchester, 1889. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 49.) Lee, Fitzhngh. General Lee of the Con- federate Arm J'. Crown Bvo. Lond. 1895. Lee, G. C. The True History of the Civil War. 8vo. Philadelphia and Lond. 1903. Lee, Lient.-Colonel Henry. Memoirs of tiie War in the Southern Department of the United States. With a Biography of the Author. Bvo. Lond. 1869. Lee, Captain R. E. Recollections and Lettei-s of General Robert E. Lee. Bvo. Lond. 1904. Lee, Captain, T. J., U.S. Army. Tables and tormulae useful in Survej'ing, Geodesy, and Practical Astronomj', including ele- ments for the projection of Maps. 2nd edition. Svo. Washington, 1853. Leech, A. B. Irish Riflemen in America. Bvo. Lond. 1875. Leech, A. G. A ]\Ianual of the Laws and Usages of War on Land. i2mo. Dublin, 1906. Lee-Warner, Sir W. The Life of the Marquis of Dalhousie, K.T. 2 vols. Lond. 1904. Le Fehvre, Le Major. Essai sur les Mines. 4to. Nice, 1764. Qluvres completes. 2 vols. 4to. Maestricht, 1778. Le Fehvre. Anciens Memoires du Bert- rand du Guesclin. (Petitot's Collection, vols, iv-v.) Lefevre, A. Nouveau traite de I'Arpen- tage. 3rd edition. 2 vols, in one. Bvo. Paris, 1811. Lefevre, Le Colonel J. B. V. Etude Balistique sur les Bouches a Feu de I'Artillerie Navale. Paris, 1891. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 55.) Lefroy, General Sir J. H. Memorials of the discovery and earlj' settlements of the Bermudas or Somers Islands. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1877-9. Legendre, Adrien-Marie. Elemens de Geometrie, avec des notes. 12th edition. Bvo. Paris, 1823. Legendre, Pierre. Notre Epopee Colon- iale. Roj-al 4to. Paris, 1900. Legge, Captain R. F. The Auxiliary Officer's Handbook of General Information and Company Officer's Lecture Book. Crown Bvo. Aldershot, 1904. Mainly about Shooting. Crown Svo. Aldershot, 1904. Army Sketching and Map Reading for Non-Coms. and Men. Crown Svo. Aldershot, 1906. Leggett, Lieutenant E. H. M., R.E. Narrow - Gauge Railways for Military Purposes. (Translated from Revue Milttnire de V tty auger.) Chatham, 1B97. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 66.) Legh, Gerard. The Accedens of Armory With wood engravings, a table, and "The way to understande tryckyng." Small 4to. Lond. 1568. Legion, The British, Twelve Months in. By an Officer of the Ninth Regiment. Bvo. Lond. 1824. Legoyt, M. A., and M. G. Vogt. La Suisse Territoire, population, agriculture, industrie, commerce, histoire, institutions, &c. Bvo. Paris, 1B66. Legrand, Dr. M. A. L' Hygiene des Troupes Europeennes aux Colonies. 8vo. Paris, 1893. {See also Burot.) Legrande-Girard, E. Le Genie a ]\Iada- gascar 1895-96. Royal Bvo. Paris, 1B98. Le Gras, Captain A. Examination of the Mediterranean Sea. Translated by R. H. Wyman. Svo. Washington, 1870. Legros, Le Capitaine V. Des Effets de la Mousqueterie selon le terrain et les formations. Svo. Paris, 1S78. Lehanlt, Philippe. La France et LAngle- terre en Asie. Tome premier. Indo-Chine, les derniers jours de la dynastie des rois d'Ava. Svo. Paris, 1892. LEH LEN Lehaiitcourt, P. tlistoirc de la Guerre de 1870-1871. 15 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1886-1905. I'* Partie. — La Guerre de 1870 : I. — Les Origines. II. — Les Deux Aclversaires. Premieres operations (7 juillet-2 aoiit 1870). IIL — Wissembourg, Froeschwiller, Spicheren. IV. — La Retraite sur la Moselle. Borny. V. — Rezonville ct Saint-Privat. VI. — Sedan. VII. — Capitulation de Metz. 2^ Partie. — La Defense nationale : I. — Campagne de la Loire. Coulniiers, Orleans. II. — Compagne de la Loire. Josnes, Vendome, Le Mans. III. — Compagne de I'Est. Nuits, Villersexel. IV. — Compagne de I'Est. Hericourt, La Cluse. V. — Campagne du Nord (Xouvelle edition). VI. — Siege de Paris. Chatillon, Chevillj', La Malmaison. VII. — Siege de Paris. Le Bourget, Champigny. VIII. — Siege de Paris. Buzenval, la Capitulation. La Russie et I'lnvasion de I'lnde. Paris, 1892. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 55.) Etudes de Tactique Appliquee — - L'Attaque de Saint-Privat, 18 Aout, 1870. 8vo. Paris, n.d. Lehmann, Gustaf. Die ]Mobilmachung Vijn 1870-71. 8vo. Berlin, 1905. Lehmann, Max. Scharnhorst. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipsic, 1895. Leichhardt, Dr. L. Explorations in Australia. i2mo. Melbourne, 1859. Leighton, John. Paris under the Com- mune : or the seventy-three days of the second siege. 8vo. Lend. 1871. Leitenitz, A. Nozioni sul servizio dell' artiglieria in Guerra. 8vo. Turin, 1874. Leitner, Dr. G. W. The Hunzaand Nagyr Handbook, being an introduction to a knowledge of the Language, Race, and Countries of Hunza, Nagyr, and a part of Yasin. 2nd edition. Folio. Woking, 1893. Dardistan in 1866, 1886, and 1893, being an account of the Historj*, Religions, Customs, Legends, Fables, and Songs of Gilgit, Chilas, Kandia (Gabrial), Yasin, Chitral, Hunza, Nagyr, and other parts of the Hindukush. 8vo. Woking, 1893. Lejeune, Le Baron. Memoires of Le Baron Lejeune. Translated from the original French by Mrs. A. Bell. 2 vols. 8vo. • Lond. 1897. Lejenne-Choquet, A. Histoire Militaire, du Congo. 8vo. Paris, 1906. Le Jnge. Das Englishe Heer. 8vo. Leipsic, 1896. Leland, Thomas. History of Ireland from the Invasion of Henry II 3 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1814. Lelewel, Joachini. Nuniis!natiquc du Moyen-Age. 8vo. Paris, 1835. Atlas to ditto. 4to. Xe Messurier, Major. Kandahar in 1S79. 8vo. Lond. 1880. Le Mesiirier, Major Havilland. The British Commissary. 8vo. Lond. 1798. Ditto, ditto. New edition. 8vo. Lond. 1801. Reflections on Modern War. 8vo. Lond. 1809. Le Mesurier, Lieut.-Colonel T. A. Reminiscences of a Commissariat Officer. 8vo. Lond. 1899. Commissariat in the Field. 8vo. Lond. 1899. The Feeding of Fighting Armies — Franco-German War of 1870-71. 8vo. 1904. Lemoyne, Le Capitaine M. Enseigne- ment Tactique des Troupes de Cavalerie en Italic. 8vo. Paris, 1873. Lempriere, J. Classical Dictionary with the value of Coins, Weights, and Measures, used among the Greeks and Romans, and a Chronological Table. 4to. Lond. 1804. Lempriere, William. Observations on the Diseases of the Army in Jamaica, 1792-7. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1799. Popular Lectures on the Study of Natural Historjr and the Sciences ; vege- table phj'siologj^, zoologj^, the animal and vegetable poisons, and on the human faculties, mental and corporeal. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Lendy, Captain A. F. Principles of War or Elementary Treatise on the Higher Tactics and Strategy. 8vo. Lond. 1853. Elements of Fortification : field and permanent. 8vo. Lond. 1857. Maxims, advice, and instructions on the Art of War. i2mo. Lond. 1857. Treatise on Fortification. 4to. Lond. 1862. Practical Course of Military Surveying, including the principles of Topographical Drawing. 4to. Lond. 1864. Patent Topograph. Lond. 1865. (Pamphlets, vol. 4.) Lenet, Pierre. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols, liii-liv.) Lenfant, Le Capitaine. Le Niger. 8vo. Paris, 1903. Lentner, Dr. F. Das Recht im Kriege. 8vo. Vienna, 1880. Lentxilus, Le Baron R. S. de. La Vie de. 8vo. Berne, 1788. Lenz^ A. von, Lebensbild des Generals Lchatius. 8vo. Vienna, 1904. Lenz, Dr. Max. Napoleon, a Biographical Stud\'. Translated from the German by Frederic Whyte. 8vo. Lond. 1907. LEO LEU Leo, Emperor of Rome. Trattato brieve dello schierare in ordinanza gli esercid, et dell" apparecchia- inento del la guerra. 4to. Venice, 1586. Documenti et avisi notabili di Guerra. Translated bj' M. Filippo Pigafetta. 4to. Venice, 1602. Institutions Militaires. Traduites en Francois avec notes, par M. Joly de Maizeroi. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1770. Leo, Major. {Sir Hoffbauer.) Leon, Edwin de. Egypt under its Khedives. Bvo. Lend. 1882. Leonard, Major A. G. The Camel. 4to. Lend. 1894. The Lower Niger and its Tribes. 8vo. Lond. 1906. Leonard, Surgeon Peter, E.N. A'oyage to the West Coast of Africa in H M.S. "Drj'ad," and the service on that station for the suppression of the Slave Trade in the years 1830-32. Bvo. Edinburgh, 1833. Ls Clueux, W. The Great War in England in 1897. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1894. Leroi, M. Les Armements Maritimes en Europe. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1899. Le Rouge. Theatre de la Guerre en AUemagne, i733"35- Oblong 4to. Paris, 1741. Recueil contenant des Cartes Nouvelles. Folio. Paris, 1742. Recueil des Sieges et Batailles pour ser\Mr a I'Histoire des Guerres de 1741. Folio. Paris, 1754. Le Roy, J. D. La Marine des Anciens Peuples. 8vo. Paris, 1777. Les Navires des Anciens. 8vo. Paris, 17S3. Leroy-Beaulieu, P. The Awakening of the East. Translated bj' R. Davey. Bvo. Lond. 1900. Le Sage. Historical, genealogical, chrono- logical, and geographical Atlas. Folio. Lond. 1818. Lescallier. Vocabulaire des Termes de Marine. Anglois-Fran9ois et Fran^ois- Anglois. Bvo. Paris 1800. Leslie, A. Life Buoy. Lond. n.d. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. viii.) Leslie, Colonel C. Instructions for the application of Light- Drill to Skirmishing in the Field. Bvo. Dublin, 1831. Military Journal of Colonel Leshe, 1807-32. 8vo. Aberdeen, 1837. Leslie, Major J. H., late R.A. The History of Landguard Fort in Suffolk. Large Royal 8vo. Lond. 1898. Leslie, Professor, Professor Jameson, and Hngll Murray. Narratne of discovery and adventure in the Polar Seas and Regions. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1830. Leslie, Rol)ert C. Old Sea Wings, Ways, and Words in the days of oak and hemp. 8vo. Lond. 1890. Lessar, M. H. La Russie et FAnglcterre en Asie Centrale. 8vo. Paris, 1886. Lesseps, Le Comte Ferdinand de. Ma Mission a Rome, Mai 1849. Paris, 1849. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 49.) Reponse au Ministere et au Conseil d'Etat, Aoiit, 1B49. Paris, 1840. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 49. Percement de I'lsthme de Suez. Atlas. 4to. Paris, 1856. Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim. Vermischte Schriftcn. 4 vols. i2mo. Berlin, 1771-B5. Theatralischer Nachlass. 2 vols. i2mo. Berlin, 1784-6. L'Estoile, Pierre de. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vols, xlv-xlix.) de. Elements de Paris, 1889. Recollections of the 8vo. Lond. n.d. Lestrade, Combes Sociologie. Bvo. L'Estrange, Sir. G. Peninsular War. Leti, Gregorio. Vita dell' Invittissimo Imperadore Carlo v. Austriaco. 2 vols. i2in(5. Amsterdam, 1700. Lettenhove, Le Baron H. Kervyn de. La Toison d'Or. Demy 4to. Brussels, 1907. Letters. Letter to William Pitt ; being a vindi- cation of the Conduct of the Ministry. Bvo. Lond. 1756. (Radstock Collection, Byng's Tracts.) Letter to the D of N e, on the duty he owes himself, his King, his Coun- try, and his God. Bvo. Lond. 1757. (Radstock Collection, Byng's Tracts.) Three letters relating to the Navy, Gibraltar, and Portmahon. Lond. 1757. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 22.) Letters from an Officer in the Guards to his friend in England, containing some accounts of France and Italy. Bvo. Lond. 1778. Letters intercepted on board the " Admiral Aplin," captured by the French. (In French and English.) Lond. 1804. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. i.) Letters from the North of Italy, ad- dressed to Henry Hallam, Esq., by W. S. R. 2 vols, in i. Bvo. Lond. 1819. Letter Books of Major-General Sir Robert Abercrombj-, K.B., Commander- in-Chief in India, October, 1793, to Decem- ber, 1796. 9 vols. MS. Lettow-Vorbeck, Oscar von, Oberst a.D. Kriegsgeschichtliche Beispiele. 8vo. Berlin, 1863. Der Kreig von 1806 und 1807. 4 vols. With I vol. Maps. Bvo. Berlin, 1892-99. Geschichte des Krieges von 1886 in Deutschland. 4 vols. With case of Maps. Bvo. Berlin, 1897. Letts, Major. The ABC of Minor Tactics. i2mo. Leutherie, Charles Francais de 1' Ocean. Svo Lond. 1885. Cotes et Ports Paris, 1901. LEV 222 LIE Leveu, The Earl of. {See Terry.) Lever, Darcy. Young Sea Officer's Sheet Anchor or a kej' to the leading of Rigging and to Practical Seaman.ship. 4to. Lond. 1835. Lever son, Captain J. J. Insurrection of tlic False I'rophct. Parts I— II. Folio. Lond. 1883-4. Leveson, H. A. England rendered im- pregnable bj' the practical military or- ganization and efficient equipment of her National Forces. 8vo. Lond. 1871. Levitzky. Aper^u sur les divers pro- cedes de Fabrication des Canons adoptes en Riissie. 8vo. Liege, n.d. Levy, Arthur. The Private Life of iS'apoleon. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1894. Lewal, L. Principcs des Evolutions Navales et de la tactique des combats de mer. Bvo. Paris, 1868. Atlas to ditto. 4to. Lewal, Le General. Etudes de Guerre : Tactique de Stationnement. 8vo. Paris, 1879. Tactique de Renseignements. 2 vols. Bvo. Paris, 1881-3. The French Army. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol 52.) Strategic de Marche. 8vo. Paris, 1893. Strategic de Combat. 8vo. Paris, 1895. Lewes, Major G. A. Sighting of Small Arms. Woolwich, n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 56.) Lewes, Vivian B. Service Chemistry : being a short manual of Chemistry and its applications in the Naval and Military Sen.'ices. Bvo. Lond. 1889. Lewin, Thomas. Invasion of Britain by Julius Caesar. 2nd edition. Bvo. Lond. 1B62. Lewin, Captain T. H. Wild Races of South-Eastern India. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1B70. Lewis, A. J. Indian Penal Code. 8vo. Lond. 1B70. Lewis, General, The Rt. Hon. Sir G. C, Bart. Military Locations for the Defence of the Eastern Frontier. Cape Town, 1839. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 85.) Defence of London, Fortification, and the Defensive Resources of England. Lond. 1857. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 67.) Letters : edited by his brother. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Lewis, J. F., Major R.E. Permanent Fortification for English Engineers. Bvo. Chatham, 1890. Lewis, R. Our Lifeboat. Lond. 1B57. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 52.) History of the Lifeboat, and its work. Bvo. Lond. 1B74. Lewis, Samuel. Topographical Dic- tionary of Ireland. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1837. Lex, Dr. Rudolf. (See Roth.) Ley, W. Clement. Aids to the study and l(]rcca-t of weather. Bvo. Lond. 1880. Lhotsky, John. Cases of Death by .Starvation, with an introduction by Viscount Ranelagh. Lond. 1844. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 39.) Liardet, Captain F., R.N. Professional recollections on points of Seamanship, Discipline, &c. Bvo. Portsea, 1849. Midshipman's Companion. i2mo. Lond. 1B51. Friendly hints to the Young Naval Lieutenants. i2mo. Lond. 1858. Lihhrecht, E. Des BeUigerants. Du tlroit d'etre traite comme soldat. Bvo. Paris, 1885.. Libert, J. Histoire de la Chevalerie en France. i2mo. Paris, 1856. Librarians, Conference of. Transactions and proceedings of the Conference of Librarians held in London, 1B77. 4to. Lond. 1878, Library Association of the United Kingdom. Transactions and proceedings of the First Annual Meeting held at Oxford, 187B. 4to. Lond. 187c. Ditto, ditto. Second ditto, held at Manchester, 1879. 4to. Lond. 1880. Ditto, ditto. Third ditto, held at Edinburgh, 18B0. 4to. Lond. 1881. Library of Entertaining Knowledge. 23 vols. Crown 8vo. Lond. 183c. Lichtenstern, F. von. Schiessausbildung und Feuer der Infanterie im Gefecht. Bvo. Berlin, 1S95. Liddel, R. The Seaman's new Vade Mecum : con- taining a practical essaj' on naval book- keeping. 8vo. Lond. 1787. Details of the Duties of a Deputy Judge Advocate, with proceedings, &c., of a Naval Court Martial. Folio. Lond. 1B05. Liebe, C. S. Prodromi Reformationis Pia memoria recolendae sive Nummi Ludovici XII Regis Gallorum. i2mo. Leipsic, 1717. Lieber, Francis. Guerrilla Parties con- sidered with reference to the laws and usages of war. i2mo. New York, 1862. Liebig, Justus. Traite de Chimie Organique. 3 vols. Bvo. Paris, 1840-44. Animal Chemistrj', or organic chemistry in its application to physiologj^ and pathology. Edited by William Gregory. 8vo. Loud. 1842. Chemistry in its application to Agri- culture and Phj'siology ; edited by Dr. Lyon Playfair. 2nd edition. Bvo. Lond. 1842. Familiar Letters on Chemistry ; edited by John Gardner, M.D. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1844. Liebmann, Professor J. A. "\'ocabuIary of Technical Military Terms — English- German, German-English. Bvo. Lond. 1896. LIF LIN LifelDoat Institution, Royal National. Annual Reports, 1883 to . Svu. Lond. 1883 to date Lifeljoats. Report of the Committee appointed to examine the Lifeboat models submitted to compete for the premium offered by the Duke of Northumberland. Folio. Lond. 1851, Description du Canot de Sauvetage. Paris, 1B67. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 71.) Light, Colonel W. {See Capper.) Lighthouses and Lights. Admiralty Lists of Lights. 8vo. Lond. v.d. Description of the Lighthouses on the coast of the United States. Svo. Lond. 1S27. France. Description sommaire des Phares at Fanaux allumes sur les Cotes de France au ler Juillet 1834. Paris, 1834. (Pamphlets, 0.3., vol. 22.) Corfu Lighthouses. Svo. Lond. 1835. (Bound in vol. lettered " Sailing Directions.") United States, Bureau of Navigation : — Lists of Lights : corrected to 1877. 8vo. Washington, 1877. No. I. North and South America. ,, 2. South and East Coasts of Africa and the East Indies. ,, 3. West Coast of Africa and the Mediterranean Sea. ,, 4. Atlantic Coast of Europe, the English. Channel, and North Sea. ,, 5. North, Baltic, and White Seas. ,, 6. British Islands. Ditto, ditto. Nos. i to 5. Corrected to 1879. 8vo. Washington, 1879. Lightning-rod Conference. Report of the Delegates. Edited by G. J. Symons. 8vo. Lond. 1882, Ligne, Le Prince de. Prejuges Mihtaires. 2 vols. Svo. Kralovelhota, 1780. Instruction secrete derobee k Frederic II., Roi de Prusse. Svo. Paris, 1877. Ligon, Richard. History of the Island of Barbadoes. Folio. (With autograph of Robert Southey.) Lond. 1657. Lihou, Captain John, R.N. Danger and difficulties attending the present mode of hanging Ships' Rudders. Lond. 1830. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iv.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 3.) Improvements in Ship.s' Rudders. Lond. 1834. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 7.) Suggestions for the Establishment of a Royal Naval Nursery for Sailors. Lond. 1838. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 13.) Lillie, Arthur. Railway Fortress. (With plan for the Defence of London.) Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 46.) Linares, Arsenio. Les Reformes Mili- taires Adoptees dans I'Armee Espagnole par la Loi du 16 Juillet, 1904. Madrid, 1904. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 70.) Lindau, Otto Brandt von. Des Deut- schen Soldaten Fuss und Fussbekleidung, 8vo. Berlin, 1883. Lindenau, Lieut. -Colonel von. Was lehrt uns der Burenkrieg fiir unseren Infanterieangriff? Svo. Berlin, 1902. Lindley, John. Natural System of Botany. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1836. Introduction to Botany. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1839. Lindley, Thomas. Voyage from the Cape of Good Hope to Brazil in 1802-3 I vvith a description of St. Salvadore and Porto Seguro. Svo. LoTid. iSoS. Lindsay, Lieut.-Colonel The Hon. Colin. A Military Miscellany. Extracts from Colonel Tempelhotfe's History of the Seven Years' War, also a Treatise on Winter Posts, &c. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1793. Lindsay, Colonel The Hon. J. Royal Warrant of the 6th October, 1S54, and its eflect on Lieut. -Colonels. Lond. 1S57. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 53.) Lindsay, James B. Pentecontaglossal Paternoster, or the Lord's Prayer in fifty languages. Dundee, 1846. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 93.) Lindsay, John. View of the Coinage of Ireland. 4to. Cork, 1839. View of the Coinage of the Heptarchy. 4to. Cork, 1842. View of the Coinage of Scotland. 4to. Cork, 1845. 1st and 2nd Supplements to ditto. 4to. (Bound with " Coinage of Scotland.") Cork, 1S59. Notices of Remarkable Medieval Coins, mostly unpublished. 4to. Cork, 1S49. (Bound with " Coinage of Scotland.") View of the History and Coinage of the Parthians. 410. Cork, 1S52. (Bound with " Coinage of Scot- land.") Notices of remarkable Greek, Roman, and Anglo-Saxon and other Medieval Coins. 4to. Cork, i860. (Bound with " Coinage of Scot- land.) Lindsay, W. S. Law of Merchant Shipping. Svo. Lond. 1867. (Bound in vol. lettered '' Rule of the Road at Sea.") History of Merchant Shipping and ancient commerce. 4 vols. Svo. Lond. 1874-6. Manning the Royal Navy and Mer- cantile Marine ; also belligerent and neutral rights in the event of war. Lond. 1S77. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 48.) LIX 224 LLO " Linesman." Words by an Eye-witness — The Strugsile in Natal. 8vo. Lond. 1901. The Mechanism of War. 8vo. Loud. 1902. Lingard, John. Inc|uiry into the nature and constitution ot Tiinber. Loud. 1819. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iii.) History of England from the first Invasion bj^ the Romans. 3rd edition. 14 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1825. Lin-Le. Ti-ping tien-kwoh ; history of the Tiping Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1866. Linnaeus [Linne], Sir Charles. Genuine and universal system of Natural History: improved, corrected, and enlarged by J. Frid. Gmelin. 7 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1802. Linnean Society. Transactions. Vol. xvi. 4to. Lond. 1829. Ditto. Vol. xvii. Parts i and 2. 4to. Lond. 1834-5. Lintott, Bernard. ^liscellaneous poems and translations, by several hands. 8vo. Lond. 1712. Lintott, William. Structure, economy, and pathology of the human teeth. i2mo. Lond. 1841. Lippitt, F. J. Treatise on the tactical use of the three arms. 8vo. New York, 1865. Lipsius, Justus. De Militia Romana. Small 4to. Antwerp, 1596. Lithgow, William. Lithgo\v's Rare Adventures. 8vo. Glasgow, 1906. Litschfousse, Le Capitaine. {See Serda.) Little, Archibald, J., F.R.G.S. Through the Yangtse Gorges. New and enlarged edit. 8vo. Lond. 1888. ^Tount Omi and Beyond. 8vo. Lond. 1901. Little, Mrs. Archibald. Intimate China. Small Royal 8vo. Lond. 1899. The Land of ihe Blue Gown. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Little, J. S. The United States of Britain. Address on England and her Colonies. Guildford, 1887. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 42.) Littleton, Commander The Hon. A. C, R.N. Vocabulary of Sea Words in English, French, German, Spanish and Italian. 8vo. Portsmouth, 1879. Littre, E. Dictionnaire de la Langue Francaise. 3 vols, and supplement. 410. Paris, 1863-77. Littrow, H. von. (See Brommy.) Livermore, Captain W. E,., U.S. Army. American KriegsspieL 8vo. Boston, 1882. Atlas of Plates to ditto. Oblong 4to. Liversidge, Archibald. Report to the Legislative Assembly, New South Wales, upon certain Museums for Technology, Science, and Art, also upon Scientific, Professional, and Tech- nical Instruction, and systems of Evening Classes in Great Britain and on the Con- tinent of Europe. Folio. Sydnej', 1880. Minerals of New South Wales. 2nd edition. 4to. S^'dnej', 1882. Livesay, G. H. P. Notes on Military Transport. 8vo. Calcutta, 1881. Notes on Military Transport on the North-Eastern and Eastern Frontiers of India. Calcutta, 1881. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 61.) Livingstone, David. Missionary Travels and researches in South Africa. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Last journals of David Livingstone in Central Africa from 1865 to his death ; with a narrative of his last moments bj"- Horace Waller. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1874. „ David and Charles. Narrative of an expedition to the Zambesi and its tributaries ; and of the discovery of the Lakes Shirwa and Nyassa. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Livius, Titus. History of Rome. Translated by George Baker. 3rd edition. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822. Historiarum Libri, qui supersunt omnes et deperditorum fragmenta. (Draken- borchius.) 4 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1840. Lizars, John. System of Anatomical Plates of the Human Body. Folio. Edinburgh, n.d. Llanos, Valentin. Sandoval ; or the Freemason. A Span- ish Tale. 2nd edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826. Don Esteban; or memoirs of a Spaniard. 3 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1826. Lloyd, Arthur. Admiral Togo. Crown 8vo. Tokyo, 1905. Lloyd, A. B. The Dwarf Land and Can- nibal Country — A Record of Travel and Discovery in Central Asia. 8vo. Lond. 1890. Lloyd, Major E. M. Vauban, Montalem- bert, Carnot : Engineer Studies. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Lloyd, Commander, E. W., R.N., and A. G. Hadcock. Artillery ; its progress and present position. 8vo. Portsmouth, 1893. Lloyd, General. Militairisch-praktisches Handbuch fur Officiere. i2mo. Leipzig, 1802. Lloyd, General Henry. Plistory of the late War in Germany between the King of Prussia and the Empress of Germany and her Allies. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1790. Political and Military rhapsody on the invasion and defence of Great Britain and Ireland. 5th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1798. Ditto, ditto. 6th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1803. LLO '■S LOL Lloyd, General Tempelhoff. Henry, and General History of the Seven Years War in Germany ; -.vith observa- tions of General Jomini. Translated by Capt. C. H. Smith. Vol. i. 4to. I.ond. n.d. Lloyd, J. Barclay. One Thousand Miles with the C.I.V. 8vo. Lond. 1901. Lloyd, L. Field .Sports of the North of Europe ; comprised in a personal narra- tive of a residence in Sweden and Nor- way, 1827-8. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1831. Lloyd, T. H. Primer for horse, field and mountain Artillery. 8vo. Woolwich, 1878. Lloyd, Sir William. Journey from Caunpoor to the Boorendo Pass in the Himalaj^a Mountains ; and Capt. A. Gerard's account of an attempt to pene- trate by Bekhur to Garoo and the Lake Manasarovvara. Edited by George Lloyd. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840. Lloyd's Eegister. Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign Shipping. 1866-7, 1871-2, and 1874-5. 4to. Lond. 1866-74. Dismasting of large iron sailing vessels. Lond. 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 24). Particulars of the War Ships of the World. 4to Lond. 1890, 1892, 1894. Lobo, Jerome. Voyage historique d'Abissinie. Traduite du Portugais par M. Le Grand. 4to. Paris, 1728. (With Robert Southey's Auto- graph.) Loch, Captain GranviUe G., R.N. Clos- ing events of the Campaign in China, Bvo. Lond. 1843. Loch, H. B. Personal Narrative of occurrences dur- ing Lord Elgin's Second Embassy to China, i860. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Military Resources of England, with suggestions as to the manner in which they may be strenghened. Lond. 1870 (I'aniphlets, 2nd series, vol. 86.) Lochee, Lewis. Military Mathematics. 8vo. Lond. 1776. Essay on Castramentation. 8vo. Lond. 1778. Elements of Fortification. 8vo. Lond. 1780. Lochner, J. J. (See Crockers.) Locke, John. Works. 1 2th edition. 9 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824. Lockhart, J. G. The Ballantyne-Humbug Handled, in a letter to Sir Adam Fergusson. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1839. Reply to Mr. Lockhart's pamphlet, entitled, "The Ballantyne-Humbug Handled."' 8vo. Lond. 1839. Lockhart, J. G. {contd) — Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. 2nd edition. 10 vols. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1839. Ancient Spanish Ballads : historical and romantic. Translated, with notes. 4to. Lond. 1841. Lockinge, H. Historical Gleanings on the memorable Field of Naseby. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Lockroy, Edouard. M. Le Comte de Moltke ses Memoireset La Guerre Future. 3rd edit. 8vo. Paris, 1892. Lockroy, W. E. La Defense Navale. 8vo. Paris, 1899. Lockwood, Anthony. Description of Nova Scotia, with plates of the principal Harbors, and an account of the Island of Grand Manan. 4to. Lond. 1818.. Lodge, H. C. The War with Spain. 8vo.. Lond. and New York, 1899. Lodge, W. Statistics of Population,, Races, Mineral Resources, etc., of the: Philippine Islands. Official. Washington, 1900. (Pamphlet, 3rd series, vol. 63.) Lodwick, Captain E. W. P. Guide to obtaining a Hythe Certificate. i2mo. Chatham, 1886. Loe, Le General Baron de. Service de la Cavalerie en Campagne. 8vo. Paris, 1883. Loftus, Lord Augustus. The Diplo- matic Reminiscences of, 1837- 1862. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1892. Logan, James. Concealment of the Scottish Regalia in the Kirk of Kinneff. Lond. 1847. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 21.) Logan, M. Remarks on the new system of Artillery. Lond. 1810. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. }p (i).) Lohlein, Captain Ludwig. P^ldzug, 1870-71. Die Operationen des Korps des Generals von Werder. 8vo. Berlin, 1874. Campaign of 1870-71. Operations of the Corps of General v. Werder. Trans- lated by Lieut. F. T. Maxwell. 8vo. Chatham, n.d. Loir, Maurice. La Marine Royale en 1789. 8vo. Paris, 1892. La Marine Fran^aise. Illus. 4to. Paris, 1893. „ Maurice and G. de Caqueray. La Marine et le Progres. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1901. Lolme, J. L. de. Constitution of England, or an account of the English Government. Edited by J. Macgregor. lamo. Lond. 1853. Lolme, J. P. de, "Wallace, and H. Bridge- man. French and English Dictionaiy (Cassell's). Revised by Professor E. Roubaud. 8vo. Lond. 18&1,. LON 226 LON London. Excursionist's Map of the Environs of London. Folio. Loiui. n.d. Ambulator : or a pocket companion in a tour round London. 8th edition. i2mo. Lond. 1796. Babylon the Great : or men and things in the British Capital. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828. Second Judgement of Babylon the Great: or more men and things in the British Capital. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829. London, The City of. Callenderof Letter- Books preserved among the Archives of the Corporation of the City of London. Ctfcn. A.D. 1275-1399. Vols. A to H. Edited by R. R. .Sharpe. 8vo. Lond. 1903. London, Old and New. Compiled by Cassell and Co. 6 vols, and case of maps. 4to. Lond. n.d. London, The Port of. Plans and drawings referred to in the Third Report from the Select Committee upon the improvement of the Port of London. 2 vols. Folio. Lond. 1799-1800. London (Watford) Spring Water Com- pany. Report of the Provisional Directors. Lond. 1852. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 27.) London, The Tower of. Historical des- cription of the Tower of London. Lond. 1803. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 90.) London, The University of. Second .Statement by the Council. 2nd edition. Bvo. Lond. 1828. Londonderry, General The Marquess of. Narrative of the Peninsular War, from 1808-13. 2nd edition. Imperial 8vo. Lond. 1826. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Narrative of the War in Germany and France, in 1813-4. 2nd edition. 4to. Lond. 1830. Story of the Peninsular War. Revised edit. Crown 8vo, Lond. 1848. Long, A. L., and Marcns J. Wright. Memoirs of Robert E. Lee, his military and personal history. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Long, Colonel C. Chaille. Central Africa. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Long, The Rev. F. P. Caesar's Civil War with Pompeius. Crown 8vo. Oxford, 1906. Long, The Rev. J. Various pamphlets on Proverbs. 8vo. Lond. n.d. Proposed Bishopric of Heligoland. 8vo. n.p., n.d. Russia versus England in Central Asia. 8vo. n.p., n.d. Notes on a visit to Moscow and Kief in 1873. 4to. n.p., n.d. Village communities in India and Russia. 8vo. np. , n.d. Present position of Russia in Central Asia, in relation to the spread of Chris- tianity and civilization in the East. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Long, The Rev. J. {contd)— Slavonic Provinces of Turkey : a tour in 1875. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Position of Turkey in relation to British Interests in India. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Visit to Russia in 1876. 8vo. Lond. n.d. (The above are all bound in one vol.) Long, Captain S., R.N. Naval Tactics on the open sea. Lond. 1880. (Pamphlets, 3rd scries, vol. 2)1-) Long, W. H., Edited by. Medals of the British Navy and how thej' were won. 8vo. Lond. 1895. Naval Yarns, 1616-1831. 8vo. Lond. 1899. Long, Captain W. J. i^See Maurice.) Longinus, Dionysius. nepi x^ovi YTTOfivrjun. Dionysii Longini de Sub- limitate Commentarius. Edited by Zacharias Pearce. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1743. Longman, F. W. Pocket Dictionary of the German and English Languages. i2mo. Lond. 1876. Longmore, Surgeon-General T. Probable surgical effects in battle, of Projectiles of a more elongated form, such as the Whitworth Projectiles. Lond. 1865. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 68.) Report on the fitness for use in the British Service of a Wheeled Ambulance Transport Conveyance. Lond. 1865. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 68.) Transport of sick and wounded Troops. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Preliminary care and attention neces- sary' for injuries occurring in mines and establishments where manj^ workpeople are employed. Lond. 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 22.) Gunshot Injuries : their history, features, and treatment. 8vo. Lond. 1877. The Sanitary Contrasts of the British and French Armies during the Crimean War. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Transport of Sick and Wounded. New edition. 8vo. Lond. 1894. Longridge, J. A. Construction of Artillery, and other vessels, to resist great internal pressure. Lond. i860. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 58.) Construction of Heavy Ordnance. Lond. 1879. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 38.) Modern Ordnance. Lond. 1882. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 37.) Application of Wire to the construction of Ordnance. 8vo. Lond. 1884. Our new Armament. Lond. 1884. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 41.) Guns considered as thermodynamic machines. Lond. 1885. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 41.) LON 227 LOY Longridge, J. A. {contd)— " Is England to be caught napping?" (A letter on the construction of Ordnance.) Load. 1885. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 41.) Our Ordnance Administration. Lond. 1885. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol 41.) Further remarks on our Ordnance Ad- ministration. Lond. 1886 (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 42.) Internal Ballistics. Lond. 1887 (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 44.) Cause of rupture of Jacket 6" B.L Wire Gun. Lond. 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 44.) Internal Ballistics. 8vo. Lond. 1889 Smokeless Powder and its influence on Gun Construction. 8vo. Lond. 1890. The Artillery of the Future and the New Powders. 8vo. Lond. 1891 LongstaflF, C. B. Studies in Statistics — Social, Political, and Medical. 8vo. Lond. 1 89 1. Longstreet, Lieut.-General J. From Manassas to Appomattox. 2nd edition revised. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1903. Lonlay, Dick de. Fran^ais et AUemands : histoire anecdotique de la Guerre de 1870-71. 7th edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1889. Lopez, Thomas. Atlas Geografico de Espana. Folio. Madrid, 18 10. (Note, — This atlas was picked up on the field of battle at Vittoria, 21st June, 1813, by the Donor, then Lieut. Thoreau, of the 40th Regiment. Lord, H. W. Highway of the Seas in time of war. Lond. 1862. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 21.) Lord, Lieutenant W. Telegraphic Vocabulary adapted ior the Line of Semaphoric Telegraphs from Liverpool to Holj'head. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Lord, W. B. Diamonds and Gold. The three main Routes to the South African Ophir and how to equip for the journey. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 89.) Lord, W. B., and T. Baines. Shifts and expedients of camp life, travel and ex- ploration. 8vo. Lond. 1871. Lord, W. F. The Lost Possessions of England. 8vo. Lond. 1896. England and France in the Mediter- ranean, 1660-1831. 8vo. Lond. 1901. Lorenz, K. u. K. Oberst-lieutenant K. Operative und taktische Betrachtungen iiber die Concentrierung des io<'° Corps am 23. und 24. November 1870, bei Beaune La Rolande. Bvo. Wien, 1896. Lossing, Benson J. Story of the United States Navy. 8vo. New York, 1881. Lostelneau, Le Marechal le Sienr de. Le Marechal de Bataille, contenant le maniment des Armes, les Evolutions, &c. Folio. Paris, 1647. Lothian, The Marquess of. The Con- federate .Secession. Bvo. Lond. 1864. Loti, Pierre. India. Translated by G. A. Inman. 8vo. Lond. 1906. Louise, Ulrique, Reine de Suede. {See Heidenstam.) Lovell, George. Suggestions for the cleaning and management of Percussion Arms. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Lovenbrn, P. de. Sailing directions for the Kattegat. Translated by F. Schneider. 4to. Copenhagen, 1800. Low, C. R. Great Battles of the British Navy. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Life and correspondence of Field- Marshal Sir George Pollock. 8vo. Lond. 1873. History of the Indian Navy, 1613-1863. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1877. Afghan War, 1838-42. From the journal and correspondence of the late Major-General A. Abbott. 8vo. Lond. 1879. General Lord Wolseley (of Cairo). A memoir. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Major-General Sir Frederick S.Roberts. A memoir. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Old England's Navy. 8vo. Lond. 1891. Cressy to Tel-el-Kebir. 8vo. Lond. 1892. Britannia's Bulwarks. 8vo. Lond. 1895. Low, Sidney. Old-Age Pensions and Military Service : A Suggestion. Lond., n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 68.) Lowe, C. B. Breeding Racehorses by the Figure System. 8vo. Lond. 1895. Lowe, F. {See Smyth, W.) Lowe, G-eorge May. Long Range Sights and method of applj'ing them to rifled small-arms. 4to. Lond. 1879. Lowe, Lieut.-General Sir Hudson. (Sec Forsyth, W.) Lowndes, The Rev. J. aesikon th2 ArrAlKHS KAI rPAIKIKHS TAQSSHS. 8vo. Corfu, 1827. Lowndes, W. T. British Librarian, or book-collector's guide. Parts i-vii and ix-xi. Bvo. Lond. 1839-42. Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. New edition corrected and enlarged by Henry G. Bohn. 4 vols. Bvo. Loud. 1B64. Lowry, The Rev. E. P. With the Guards' Brigade. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Loyalist, The. Containing original and select papers, intended to arouse and animate the British Nation during the present crisis. Bvo. Lond. 1803. Loyd, Lady Mary. New Letters of Napoleon I. Bvo. Lond. 189B. Loys, Le Lieut.-Colonel de. La i^*" Brigade aux Manoeuvres de Cavalerie, Septembre, 1902. Lausanna, 1903. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. To) P 2 LUA 228 LOL Luard, Lieut. -Colonel John. History of the Dross of tlie British Soldier. 4to. Loud. 1852. Lubbock, Sir John, Bart. Origin of Civilisation and the primitive condition of man. 2nd edition 8vo. Loiul. 1S70. Luca, R. de. II Cannone da 100 Ton- nellate e le Corazze di 55 Centimetri. 8vo. n.p., 1877. Lucan, Lieut. -General The Earl of. En,r. 5. Petersburg. 6. The Campaign in \'ire:inia in 1864, 1865. Cedar Creek to Appomattox. 7. Campaigns in Kentucky and Ten- nessee. April, 1862, to November, 1863. 8. The Campaign in Georgia. May to December, 1864. 9. Opsrations in the Carolinas, 1861-1863. ID. Critical Sketches of some of the Federal and Confederate Com- manders. 11. Naval Actions and Operations against Cuba and Porto Rico, 1593-1815. 12. Naval Actions and History, 1799-1898. Massena, Andre. Memoires rediges d'apres les documents qu'il a lais.ses, par le General Koch, 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1848. Massey, Edward. Statement respecting his Sounding Machine. Pi'escot, 1820. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 2.) Massinger, Philip, riays. With notes by W. Gift'ord. 2nd edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1813. Masson, Charles. Narrati\e of ^•arious journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan, and the Paujab. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Masson, David. DeQuincey. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1 88 1. Masson, F. Cavaliers de Napoleon. Illustrated by E. Detailles. 4to. Paris, 1895. Massontier, C. Etude sur I'Organisation et la conduite des Convois des colonne operant dans le Sad de I'Algerie. 8vo. Algiers, 1882. Massiicco, Celestino. Giornale delle Operazioni Militari dell' Assedio e del Blocco di Geno\a. i2mo. Genoa, 1800. Mastin, The Rev. John. History and antiquities of Naseby. 8vo. Cambridge, 1792. Matcham, George. Notes on the charac- ter of Admiral Lord Nelsf^n. Lond. 1861. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 58.) Mathematics. Library of Useful Know- ledge. Vol. i. 8vo. ' Lond. 1836. Mathers, S. L. Practical instruction in Infantry Campaigning Exercise. Tran.s- lated from the French. 8vo. Lond. n.d. Matthew, Patrick. Emigration Fields. North America, the Cape, Austialia, and New Zealand. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1839. Matthews, Veterinary-Major. Report on Horse-Breeding in France. Lond. iSg-i- (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 59.) Matthews, Captain A., R.N. Fnc con- sidered as the seaman > scourge. Lond. i856. f Pamphlets, 3rd series, \ol. 12.) Matthews, J. Twenty-one plans, with explanations, of different Actions in the West Indies. 4to. Chester, 1784. Matthews, Dr. J. W. Incwadi 'S'ami,. ' pei-sonal experience in S,)Utli Africa. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Matthews, V,, and J. Harper, A Hand- book for V(_)lunteer Medical Officers. i2mo. Lond. 1898. Matthise, A. Copious Creek Grammar ; l)y E. V. Hlomfield. 6th edition. Edited by Jtihii Kenrick. 2 \ols. 8\o. Lond. 1837. Matusovski, Lieutenant Z. The Chinese. Vice-rnyaltv of Manchuria. Translated by Lieut. -Colonel W. E. Gowan. n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 60., Maude, Colonel F. C, I'l! •, and J. W, Sherer. Memories of the Mutiny. 2 \-o!s. c\'o. Lond. 1894.. Maude, Captain F. N., R,E. Tactics and Organization. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Invasion and defence of England. Svo. '' Lond. 1888, „ (late R.E.) Military Letters and Essays. 8vo. Kansas Citj', 1896. Attack or Defence. Seven Military Es.says. Lond. 1896. Cavalry 7'crsus Infantry and other Essays. 8vo. Lond. 1896. „ Lieut.-Colonel F. N. \'oluntary 7'C7'si!s Compulsory Service, 8vo. ' Lond. 1897. Cavalry : Its Past and Future. 8vo. Lond. loo^. „ Colonel F. N. The Evolution of Modern Strategy, from the XVIIIth Century to the Present Time. 8vo. Lond. 1905. Notes on the Evolution of Infantry Tactics. 8vo. Lond. 1905. Die Entwickelung der Modernen. Strategie. Translated from the English by Julius Nestler. 8vo. Leipzig and Lond. 1907. War and the World's Life. 8\o. Lond. 1997 Maudry, Hans. E.xploslve Praparate uud die (leschos.s-Construction. 8\'0. Wien, 1895. Maugham, R. C. F. Portuguese East Africa. Svo. Lond. 1905. Maule, Major Francis. Memoirs of the principal events in the Campaigns of North Holland and Egypt ; togethei" with a brief description of the islands of Crete, Rhodes, Syracu.se, Minorca, and the voyage in the Mediterranean. Svo. Lond. 1816. Maule, The Rev. J. (See Cooke, The Rev. J.) Maunder, E. W., F.R.A.S. Astronomy without a Telescope. 8\\). Lond. 1904. MAU M5 MAX Maunder, Samuel. lliographicalTrcasurc ; forming a com- plete Dictionary oi Universal Biojjjraphy. i2mo. Lond. 1838. Scientific and Literary Treasury. 1 2mo. Lond. 1858. Maunoir, C, and H. Duveyrier. L'Annee I .eographique. i2mo. Paris, 1879. Maurice, Major F. B. The Russo-Turkish War. 1S77. £vo. Lond. 1905. Maurice, Colonel J. F. Hostilities without Declaration of War, from 170C-1870. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Military History of the Campaign of 1882 in E^ypt iCritiqiie; " Ldinbinj^h Review"). ' Edinburgh, 1888. f Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 45.) Critics and Campaigns. Lond. 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 45.) Balance of Military Power in Europe. gvo. Lond. 1888. The Zeit-Geist under drill. Lond. 1889. Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 49). Two Years of Xaval .Manoeuvres. Lond. 1889. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 49.) War. Reproduced with amendments iVom the article in the last edition of the "Encyclopaedia Britannica," to which is added an es^ay on Military Literature and a list ot books with brief ccmment.s. 8vo. Lond. 1891. „ Major-General J. F. National Defences. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1897. The Diary of .Sir John Moore. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1904. I. See also Wellington Prize Essaj'.) „ (Major-General) Sir J. F,, Captain W. J. Long, and Mr. A. Sonnen- schein. The Franco-German War. rranslated and Edited bj'. Imp. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Maurice, The Rev. T. History of Hindo- --taii ; it- art- and its sciences. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1795-8. Maurice, Le P. Emile. Essai sur la Fortification Moderne. Svo. Paris, 1845. National Defence in England. Trans- lated by Capt. J. E. Addison. Lond. 1852. Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 32.) Maurie, Jules, et Adrien Basile. Le Livre du Bon Soldat. Examples de patriotisme appliques a la theorie. i2mo. Paris, 1893. Mauritz, J. A. C. Material Fluctuante da .Armada Nacional. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1882. Maury, M. F. Physical Geography of the Sea. Svo. Lond. 1858. Steam-Lanes across the Atlantic. Washington, 1872. 'Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 18.) Mautort, Le Chevalier De. {See Clermont-Tonnerre.; Maw, Lieiitenant H. Lister, R.N. .MeuKjir of the early 0];erati(jns of the Burmese War. Lond. 1832. (Pamphlets, 2nd scries, vol. 4.) Mawson, John. Records of the Indian Connuand of General Sir Charles James Napier, (J.C.B. Svo. Lond. 1851. Max Emanuel von Bayern. {See Landmaiin. 1 Maxim Gun. Extract from Report of the Austrian Military Committee on the trials at Vienna, 1887, with the 11 nniL (Ritlc Calibre) .Maxim Mitrailleuse. Lond. 1888. (i'amphlcts, 3rd series, vol. 44.) Handbook on the mechanism and drill of the Riile Calibre Maxim Automatic Hun, for use with infantry. ]2mo. Hythe, 1889. Maximilian, Prince of Wied-Neuwied. 'J"ravels ill Hia.^,il. jSi--y. 4to. Lond. 1820. Maxse, Captain F. J., Coldstream Guards. Our Military Problem for Civilian Readers. 8vo. Lond. 1896. Maxwell, C. R. Fortification : per- mar.ent and field. Folio. "-P-. 1836. Maxwell, Colonel H. H. Rifled Mortars. Lond. 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 79.) Maxwell, Sir Herbert, Bart., M.P. Sixty Years a Queen ; The Story of Her Majesty's Reign. 4tQ. Lond. 1897. The Creevy l*apcrs. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1904. The Life of Wellington — The Restora- tion of the Martial Power of Great Britain. 6th edition. Svo. Lond. 1907. Maxwell, James Clerk. Treatise on Electricity and .Magnetism. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Oxford, 1881. Maxwell, John Irving. Spirit of .Marine Law ; or compendium of the Statutes relating to the Admiralty. 8vo. Lond. 1804. Report of the Commissioners of Naval Inquiry, for 1804. Svo. Lond. 1805. (Radstock Collection.) Maxwell, Captain Keith. Portable Telegraphic .System for the .Army. 410. Lond. 1811. Maxwell, Colonel K. H. Montgomery. My AdventiH'cs. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1845. Maxwell, Captain R. Seamanship and Navigation required for the examinations of the Local Marine Board. 7th edition. Lond. 1885. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 42.) Maxwell, W. With the " Ophir " round the Empire. Svo. Lond. 1902. From the Yalu to Port Arthur. Svo. Lond. 1906. Maxwell, W. H. Life of His Grace the Duke of Welling- ton, K.G., &c. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1839-41. History of the Irish Rebellion in 1798 ; with Memoirs of the Union, and Ennnett's Insurrecti(;n in 1803. Svo. Lond. 1845. IVIAV 14C MEA May de Romainmotier. Histoire Mili- lain- il'- la Sui.-sL-, ct il-11<- des Siiisses dans Ics ditVcfeiis .'crviies dc I'Europe. 8 vols. 8vo. Lausanne, 1788. May, Captain E. S., R.H.A. Influence of Smokeless I'owder on the Tact'L^ of tlie Battlelield. Woolwich, 1889. (Pamphlets, 3id series, vol. 56.) Mounted Infantry Detachments : a Review. 8vo. 1891. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 53.) „ Major E. S. Achievements of Field Artillery. 4to. Load. 1894. Guns and Ca\alr)- ; Their performances in the past, and their prospects in the future. 8vo. Lond. 1896. Field Artillerv with other .Arms. Crown 8vo. " Lond. 1898. „ Lieut.-Coloiiel E. S. A Retrospect of the South African War. 8vo. Lond. 1 901. Principles and Problems of Imperial Defence. 8vo. Lond. 1903. Do we Require Field Artillery ? Woolwich, 1903. (^Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 68.) Geography in Relation to War. 8vo. Lond. 1907. May, F. L. British and Irish Press Guide. 8vo. Lond. 1882. May, Gr. Ballooning : a concise sketch of its history and principles. 8vo. Lond, 1885. May, Henry. Reasons wherefore Eng- land and the Low Countries may not have warres with each other. Svi). Lond. 1652. (Radstock Collection.) May, Thomas. Histoiy of the Parlia- ment of En.^land which began Novem- ber 3rd, 1640. Originally printed in 1647. 4to. Lond. 1812. Maydman, Henry. Naval Speculations and maritime politiks : a discourse ot the Royal Navy of England. i2mo. Lond. 1691. Maydon, J. G. French's Ca\alry Cam- paign. 8vo. Lond. 1901. Mayer, S. R. Townshend, and John C. Paget. Afghanistan : including an account of the Wars of 1839-42. i2mo. Lond. 1879. Mayerhoffer, K. u. K. Oberst-lieutenant Eberhard. Applicatorische Studie iiber die (^efechte bei La Fourche am 5. und 6. Januar 1871. 8vo. Wien, 1897. Mayers, W. F. Introduction and use of Gunpowder and Firearms among the Chinese. Shanghai, 1872. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 100.) Mayes, Charles. Manufactures more mnmediatelN' required for the economical development of the Resources of the Colony (of Victoria). Melbourne, 1861. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 23.) Mayhew, Lieut.-Colonel C. G. A. Train- ing of Infantrj' Volunteers. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 57.) Mayhew, E. Illustrated horse doctor. Jth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Illustrated hor.sc management. 8vo. Lond. 1872. Illustrated Horse Management, contain- ing remarks upon anatomy, medicintr, shoeing, teeth, food, vices, stables. Re- vised by .1. I. Lupton, M.R.C.V.S. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Mayne, Captain C. B., R.E, The late Battles in the Soudan and modern tactics. 8vo. Lond. 1884. Infantry Fire Tactics. i2mo. Chatham, 1885. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 8vo. Chatham, 1888. „ Major C. B. Infantry Fire Tactics suitable to the Canadian IVIilitia. Toronto, 1890. (Pamphlets, 3rd scries, vol. 52.) The late Battles in the Soudan and Modern Tactics. A Reply. i2mo. Chatham, 1894. „ Lieut.-Colonel C. B. The Infantry Weapon and its L'se in War. 8vo. Lond. 1903. Mayne, Captain R. C, R.N. Practical notes on Marine .Sr.i-veying and Nautical Astronomy. 8\d. Lond. 1874. Mayo, The Earl of. The War Cruise of the Aires. Dublin, 1894. (Pamphlets, 3rd scries, vol. 58.) Mayo, Herbert. Management of the Organs of Diges- tion in health and disease. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Philosophy of Living. 8vo. Lond. 1838. (Bound with " Organs of Diges- tion.") Mayo, J. H. Medals and Decorations of the British Armj- and Navj-. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1897. Mayor, Captain Edgar J, Key to Clery's Tactics. 8vo. Lond. 1882. The Tactical Tutor for the Militia Com- petitive Examination. 8vo. Lond. 1891. Mazarredo Salazar, Don Josef de. Rudimcntos de Tactica Naval, para in- struccion de los oficiales Subalterno.s de Marina. 4to. Madrid, 1776. Instrucciones y Senales para el Regi- men y Maniobras de la Esquadra. Sm. 4to. Cadiz, 1781. Mazukeveuemv. nPIIBPE/KHAH BOH- HA (Coast Warfare). 8vo. St. Petersburgh, 1874. Mead, Henry. The Sepoy Revolt, its Causes and its Consequences. 8vo. Lond. 1857. Meade, Lieutenant The Hon. Herbert, R.N. Ride through the disturbed districts of New Zealand ; with some account of the South Sea Islands. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Meade, Sir Richard. (Se^ Thornton.) Meadows. Italian and English Dic- tionaiy. Edited by J. Jazdowski. 8vo. Lond. 1878. MEA 247 MEN Meagher, The Rev. Andrew. The Popi.-b. M;is>, or the contoiMnity nf the Clinrch nf Rotiit- with Paganism. 8\-o. Cork, 1823. Meakin, Budgett. The Laiid of the Moors. 8vo. Lond. 1901. Tlie Moors. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Mechain, M., and M. Delambre. Base du .Sy^teme Metrique Decimal ou mesui-e tie lArr du Mei-idien compris entre les paralleles de Dunkerque et Barcelone. 3 vols. 4to. Pari.s, 1806-10. Mecham, Lieutenant C. H. Sketches and incidents of the .Siege of Lncknow. Folio. ' Lond. 1858. Meckel, Major J. von. Allgemeine Lehre von f'.er 'li iippcnfiihrung im Felde. 8vo. Berlin, i88r. ,, Allgemeine Lehre von der Trup- penfiihi-inig im Kriege. Dritte Auflage. 8\o. Berlin, 1890. ,, General-Major J. von. Grundriss der Taktik. 8\- '. Berlin, 1895. Medici, Lorenzo de. Poesie del Magnifico L(M-enz(i de Medici. 4to. Liverpool, 1795. Meding, M. For Sceptre and Crown. Tianslated from the German of Gregor Samarow ( M. Meding I. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Medows, Sir Philip. Observations con- cerning the dominion and sovereignty of the Seas. i2mo. Lond. 1689. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts, 1637-1806.) Meekison, Lieutenant Cdin. Instruc- tions for the exercise, field-movements, iS:c., of a i-egiment or battalion of Infantry. i2mo. Newport, LW., 1807. Meer Hussein, Ali Khan Kirmani. History of Hydar Naik : translated by Colonel W. Miles. 8vo. Lond. 1842. History of the reign of Tipu Sultan : translated bj- Colonel W. Miles. 8vo. Lond. 1864. Meerheimb, F. von, Geschichte der Fariser Commune vom Jahre, 1871. 8vo. Berlin, 1880. Meidinger, Jean- Valentin. Grammaire Allemande Pratique, ou Methode nouvelle et amusante pour apprendre FAllemand. 7th edition. S\-o. Frankfort, 1812. Meinert, C. A. Armee- und \'olksernah- rung. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1880. Meissner, A. G. Skizzen. 4 vols. i2mo. Leipzig, 1783-5. Meldegg, Colonel Baron von Reichlin. Treatise on the disposition and duties of Outposts. Abridged from the German by Captain C. \V. .Short. 8vo. Lond. 1827. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1 83 1. Treatise on Patroling. Translated by Captain C. \V. Short. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1 83 1. (Bound w ith " Duties of Outposts.") Mellen, Grenville. Book of the United States. 8\o. New York, 1839. Mellerv, E., and K. Modrachv. HliMEHKO - PyCCKIl'l BOEHHO- TEXHIIHECKIli CJIOBAPb (German and Russian Military Dictionarj-), Parts 2, 5, 6, 7, 3, 0, 12. 8vo. St. Petersburgh, 1 881-7 Melo, Francisco Manuel de. Historia dc los mo\-iinentos, separacion yguerraen Cataluna en tiempo de Felipe IV'. i2mo. Madrid, 1808. Melsens. Appareil destine a I'essai des I^oudres de guerre, de mine et de chasse. Paris, 1863. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 6.) Melvill of Carnbee, The Baron, and H. D. A. Smits. Seamen's Guide round Java and round the Islands east of Java. Svo. Lond. 1850. Melville, Commodore G. W., U.S.N. Views as to Strategic and Commercial Value of the Nicaraguan Canal, etc. Washington, 1898, (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 60.) Melville, The Rt. Hon. Henry Dundas, Viscount. Pacts relating to the Conduct of the War in the West Indies. From the .speech of the Right Hon. Henry Dundas in the House of Commons, 28th April, 1796. Lond. 1796. Speech (concerning the Report of the Commissioners of Naval Enquiry) in the House of Commons on the nth June, 1S05. Edinburgh, 1805, (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 6.) Speech in answer to Lord Darnley's Motion respecting the State of the Navy. Svo. Lond. 1805. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Letter on Naval Timber. Lond. 1810. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 6.) Speech on the Subject of Troop Ships. 8vo. Lond. 18 10. (Radstock Collection, Na\al Tracts.) Substance of Speech on Troop Ships. Bv^o. Lond. 1810. (Bound with Goldsmith's " Conduct of France.") Letter relative to the management of the Civil Service of the Navy. Lond. 1810. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 6.) Letter relative to the establishment of a Naval Arsenal at Northfleet. Lond. 1810. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 6.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Bound with Bligh's " Mutiny of the Bounty." ) Melzo. Regies Militaires de la Cavalerie. 4to. Paris, 1615. MendeleeflF, D. The Principles of Chemistry. Translated from the Russian by G. Kamensky. 2 vols. Demy Svo. Lond. 1897. Mendelssohn, Moses. Philosophische Schriften. 2 V(j1s. i2mo. Berlin, 1777. Mendoza-Rios, J. de. Tables for Navi- gation and Nautical Astronomy. 2nd edition. 4to. Lond. 1809. MEN 248- .MET Mends, B. S. Life of Adiniml Sir William Robiit Mtiids, (J.C.H. 8vo. l.ond. 1899. Meneval, Le Baron Claude Francois. Mcmoiii-s yuur >ii\ii' ii I lii^toirc i!c N;i|>nln>n I". 3 \-,)ls. 8\o. Paris, 181(4. Menger, Rudolph. (Jcschichte des Deutsclien Kneges von 1870 wider den Erbfeind. 8vo. Berlin, 1870. Menpes, Mortimer. War Impressions, I'.ciiii; a Rci-ortl in Colour. 8\-(). J^oiul. T901. Mention, L. L'Annec de I'Ancien Rf.uimc. 8v(). Paris, 1900. Mercantile Marine. Case of Uie Traders Ijy Sea. Lond. 1707. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 19.) A Code of Signals for the use of Vessels employed in the Merc-iiant Service. By Captain Marrvat, K.N. 8th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Instruction to Naval Officers relating to matters aflecting the British Mercantile Marine. Lond. 1862. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 81.) Proceedings of a ]\Iecting held to con- sider the present condition of Merchant Seamen, and how it may be improved. Lond. 1B63. CPamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 65.; Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 66.) Report of the Committee of the Society tor improving the condition of Merchant beamen. Lond. 1867. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 71.) " The Lancet " Reports on the present Sanitary Condition of the Mercantile Marine. Lond. 1867. 'Pamphlets, 2nd scries, vol. 71.) International (Commercial) Code of .Signals fey- the u.se of all Nations. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Bureau Veritas (Societe Anonyme) Repertoire general. General List ot Merchant Shipping of all Nations. Part i. Sailing Vessels. Part 2. Steamers. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1879-80. Regulations relating to the Examina- tions of Ma.sters and Mates in the Mercan- tile Marine. Bvo. Lond. 1881. Mercator, Gerard. Calli;e tabule Geographicir. Folio. Dnysbourgli, 1585. Historia Mundi, or Mercator's Atlas ; enlarged with new mappes and tables by ludochus Hondy. Folio. Lond. 1635. Mercer, General Cavalie. Journal of the Waterl(jo Campaign. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Mercur James. Eleiuents of the Art of War. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1889. Meredith, W. G. Memorials of Charles John, King of .Sweden and Norway. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Merewether, P, H. S. Through the Famine Districts of India. 8vo. Lond. 1898. Mergey, Jean de. Mt'moircs. (Pctitot's Collection, ist series, vol. xxxiv.) Merian, Le Colonel R. Lcs Progrcs de r.Xitilk rii- dans les si.\ ilernieres annees. Jradnit i)ar Major A. Davall. Paris, 1866. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 74 (ii).) Mericourt, A. Le Roy de. Rapport sur le-^ |)iogies lie rilyuicnc .Navale. 8vo. Paris, 1867. Merivale, Herman, (Scy Edwardes, ,Sn- H. i;.) Merle d'Auhigne, J. H. Histoire de la Relonnation du .Seizieme .Siecle. and etlition. 3 vols. 8vo. Brussels, 1839-40. Merrifield, John. Treatise on Navigation. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Magnetism and the Deviation of the Compass. i2mo. Lond. 1893. Merritt, General Wesley, U.S. Army. Thr .Army <>f the I'nitr-d .States. 1890. ■'Pamphlets, 3rd series, \ol. 50.) Mersey, The River. Report on the present state of the Navigation of the Kiver Mersev. 1881, 1883, 1884, 1885, and 1888. Mertens, C. Fusees de Cuerre de William Hale, etudes de Tinventeur. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 22.} Merys, Michel. La Cuerre Navale Moderne— De Lissa a Tsoushima. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1906. Metcalfe, Captain H., U.S. Army. A Course of Instruction in Ordnance and Gunnery, U.S. Military Acadeni\-. 2nd edition, i vol. 8vo. New 'S'ork. 1891. Plates to ditto. Folio. Meteorological Office. Charts showing the Surface Tempera- ture of the South Atlantic Ocean in each month in the year. Folio. Lond. 1869. .Synchronous Charts of the North Atlantic during August, 1873. F(;lio. Lond. n.d. Charts of Meteorological Data, for .Square 3. Lat. o'-io'' X., Long. 2o°-30° \V. Folio. Lond. n.d. Remarks to accompany ditto. 4to. Lfind. 1874. Charts of Meteorological Data for nine ten-degree .squares, Lat. 20° N., to 10° S., Long 10° to 40° W. Obi. 4to. Lond. n.d. Remarks to accompany ditto. 4to. Lond. 1876. Meteorology of the North .Atlantic dur- ing Augu.st, 1873, illustrating the hurri- cane of that inonth : by Captain Henry To\nbee. 4to. Lond. 1878. Meteorological Charts for the Ocean District adjacent to the Cape of Good Hope. Folio. Lond. n.d. Remarks e.xplanatory of ditto. 4to. Lond. 1882. Barometer Manual for the use of sca- inen. 8vo. Lond. 1884. Meteorological Society. Modern Me- teorolotiy : a ^ei'ies of six lectures. j2mo. Lond. 1879. -MET '49 MIL Metford, W. E. Memoir of. Li>ik1. 1900. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 60.) Metternich, Prince. Memoirs of Pnnce Metternich, 1773-1815. Edited by Priiu-e Richard Metternich and translated by Mrs. Alexander Napier. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1880-Si, (Src also Demelitsch.) Metz, C. M. Imitations of ancient and nuidern Drawings. Folio. Lond. 1798. Uleunier, Chef d'Escadron R. La (kierre RussG-Japcinai.-e. £v(i. Paris, 1906. Meurdra, Le Capitaine M. H. Fonts .Militaires et passages tit Rivieres. Bvo. Paris, 1 861. Meyer, E. T. Los von EngLmd. 8vo. Rostock, 1902. (Paniphlets, 3rd series, voL 70.) Meyrick, J. J. Stable management and the prevention of disease among Horses in India. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Meyrick, Sir S. R. Engraved illustrations of ancient Arms and Armour. Edited by Joseph Skelton. 2 vols. Folio. Lond. 1830. Antient Armour, as it existed in Europe, but particularly in England, from the Norman Conquest to the reign of King Charles 11. 3 vols. Folio. Lond. n.d. Meyserey, M. de. La Medecine d'Armee. 3 \'()ls. i2mo. Paris, 1754. Mezbacher, Dr. Gottfried. The Central Tian-Shan Mountains, 1902-3. 8vo. Lond. 1905. Mezerette, Henri. L'.\rt de Combattre I'Armee Prussienne et d'aborder de loin lArtillerie.Mlemande. 8vo. Paris, 1885. Michaelis, J. B. Poetische Werke. i2nin. Giesen, 1780. Michand, Joseph. llistoire des Croisades. 4th edition. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1825-9. Bibliothec[ue des Croisades. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829. Micheels, M. Etude sur les equipages de Siege. 8vo. Paris, 1884. Michel, Charles. \ers Fachoda. 8vo. Paris, 1 901. Michel, Gr. Histoire de \'auban. 8vo. Pai'is, 1879. Michelet, Jules. La France devant I'Europe. 2nd edition. Florence, 1871. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, voL 25.) Michell, J. and E. Russians in Central Asia. 8v(). Lond. 1865. Michell, Robert. Turkestan. Russian Position and Rus- sian Military Forces in the Provinces. 4to. Lond. 1873. Country of the Turcomans, giving an account of the Russian Occupation of the East Coast of the Caspian. 410. Lond. 1873. Michell, Captain St. J, Instructions in Scouting Duty for the u.=e of Native Oflicers of Indian Cavalry Regiments. 8vo. Calcutta, 1883. Michell, Tobias, Improved method for working Pumps. Lond. n.d, (Naval Pamphlets, vol. viii.) Michie, Alexander, Siberian Overland Route from Peking to Petersburg through M(jngolia, Tartary, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1864. Michie, Peter S. Personnel of Sea-coast Defense. n.p., 1887. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 45). Mickiewicz, Adam. Books and Pilgrim- age ot'the Pnhsh Nation. Lond. 1833. (Pamphlets, o.s., \ol. 22.) Microscopical Society, The Royal. Transactions : Monthly Miiioscopical Journal. Vol. xiv. Bvo. Lond. 1875. Middletori, Lieut.-Colonel F. English rules for playing the War Game. Lond. 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.; 'Pamphlets, 3rd scries, vol. 10.) Middleton, Colonel 0. R. Outlines of Military History. Svn. Lond. 1886. Miethen, Michael. Xeuere curiose Geschiitz-Beschreibung. Folio. Dresden, 1705. Mignan, Captain Robert. rra\els in Chaldaea ; including a journey from Bussorah to Bagdad, Hillah, and Babjlon, performed on foot in 1827, with observa- tions on the sites and remains of Babel, Seleucia, and Ctesiphon. Svo. Lond. 1829. Mignet, F. A. Histoire de la Revolution Fran^aise 1789-1814. 3rd edition. 2Vols. Svo. Paris, 1826. Mikhailofski - Danilefsky, Lieut. - General A. History of the Campaign in France, in 1814. Svo. Lond. 1839. „ Lieut. -General A., and Miliutin. Geschichte des Krieges Russlands mit Frankreich im Jahre 1799. Translated by C. .Schmitt. 5 vols. 8vo. Munich, 1856-8. Milbuvne, Surgeon H. Xarrati\e of the Retreat of tne British Army under the late Lieut. -Gen. Sir John Moore, K.B., with a Concise Account of the Battle of Corunna. Svo. Lond. 1809. Miler, Franpois. Description de la Cathedrale de .Strasbourg. i6mo. Strasbourg, 1818. "Miles." (^-!i:; to present Seniority of Rei^inients.) Militia Colours from 1807 to 18 14. 8vo. Manuscript. ".p., ".d. Records of tho Waterford Militia : by Major O. W. Cufte. 8vo. Waterford, 1885. Some Records of the Royal Monmouth Militia. By Captain W. F. N. Noel. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Second Royal Surrey or Ele\enth Regiment of Militia. Historical Records : by Lieut. -Col. John Davis. 8vo. Lond. 1877. History of the Second Queen's Royal Regiment, now the Queen's (Royal West Surrej') Regiment : bj- Lt.-Col. John Davis. 8vo. Lond. 1887. History of the 53rd, or 2nd Warwick- shire Regiment of Militia, now the 6th Bn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment. 8vo. Warwick, 190;'. Annals of the South De\on Regiment. 8vo. Plj-mouth, n.d. Historical Records of the ist Devon Militia (4th Bn. Devonshire Regt.). By Colonel H. Walrond. 8vo. Lond. 1897. Records of the 4th Bn. Suffolk Regiment (Cambridge Militia). B3' Colonel H. Frost. 8vo. Cambridge, 1896. Standing Orders of the 3rd West York Light Infantry. i2mo. York, 1853. Origin and services of the Third West Yorkshire (Light Infantry) Regiment of Militia : bj' William .Sheardown. Doncaster, 1870. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 13.) First Regiment of Militia ; or Third West York Light Infantry- : bv Capt. G. A. Raikes. 8vo. Lond. 1876. A Continuation of the Historical Records of the First Regiment of Militia or the Third West York Light Infantry, now the Third Battalion York and Lan- caster Regiment, from 1875 to 1905. By Major E. C. Broughton. 8vo. Lond. 1906. Bedfordshire Militia ; Regimental Records, 1759-1884, by Lieut. -Col. Sir John M. Burgcyne, Bart. 8vo. Lond. 1884. The History of the North York Militia, now known as the Fourth Battalion, Alex- andra, Princess of Wales's Own (York- shii-e RegimentL Compiled by Major R. B. Turton. 8vo. Leeds, 1907. Account of the Regiments of Royal Lancashire Militia, 1759 to 1870: bj- Lt.-Col. J. G. Rawstorne. 4to. Lancaster, 1874. History of the Old County Regiment of Lancashii-e Militia. Compiled by Major R. J. T. Williamson. Continued hy Col. J. Lawson Whalley. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Roll of Officers of the Old County Regi- ment of Lancashire Militia from 1642 to 1889. Corrected to ist May, 1889. Com- piled b}' Col. J. Lawson Whallej*. 8vo. Lond. 1889. A Militia Unit in the Field — Being- a brief account of the doings of the 6th Bn. Lancashire Fusiliers in the South African War during the j-ears 1900 and 1901. Anon. 8vo. Lond. 1902. MIL MIL Militia. Records of Regiments 'cotj/d.)— Scottish Borderers Militia, History of : by Rtv. Robert \V. Weir. 8vo. Dumtries, 1877. 2nd 'now Soth' or Royal Tyrone Fusilier Regiment of Militia : Iw Ouartennaster John Core. 8vo. Omagh, 1872. Royal North Gloucester Militia. Notes from the Regimental Orders and Corres- pondence, (Sec. : Jjy \V. J. Cripps. Svo. Lond. 1875. Historical Record of the 3rd and 4th Battalions of the Worcestershire Regi- ment : b^- Capt. R. Koldcn. Svo. Lond. 1887. Historical Record of the W'orcester- .shire Regiment. By Captain R. H. Holden. {Sec Reserve Forces.) 3rd Royal Surrey Regiment of Militia : by Capt. L. Flower. 8\t). Lond. 1869. Records of the Militia Battalions of the County of Southampton, [757 to 1894. By Colonel Lloyd-Verney and Lieut. - Colonel J. M. F. Hunt. 4to. Lond. 1894. Historical Records of the ist King's Own Staftnrd MiUtia, now the 3rd and 4th Battalions South Staflord Regiment. By Captain C. H. Wylly. Svo. Lichfield, 1893. History of the Oxfordshire Regiment of Militia, 1778-1900. By Lieut. -Colonel Frank Willan, 4th Battalion Oxfordshire Light Infantry. Svo. Oxford, 1900. Royal Sherwood Foresters, or Notting- hamshire Regiment of Militia : Historical Recoid by Capt. A. E. Lawson Lowe. Svo. Lond. 1872. History of the Roval Berkshire Militia By E.' E. Th.oyts. 'Svo. Reading, 1897. The Buchan Rifles ('3rd Battalion Gordon Highlanders). B3- Captain J. Ferguson. 8vo. Edin. 1894. Regimental Records of the 3rd Bat- talion Royal Munster Fusiliers, formerly South Cork Light Infantiy Militia. Crown Svo. Cork, 1906. Miliutin. {Sec Mikhailofski-Danilefsky.) Mill, James. History of British India. Edited, with notes and continuation, bj- H. H. Wilson. 9 vols. Svo. Lond. 1840-8. Mill, Johll Stuart. Principles of Politi- cal Economy, 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1848. Millan. Succession of Colonels to all H.M. Land Forces, General and Field Officers, with dates, uniform, &c., to September, 1755. i2mo. n.p., n.d. (Bound with "Army List," 1755.) Millard, John. Plan for the better management of the British Museum. Lond. 1836. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 8.) Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. Lond. 1836. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 9.) Miller, E. D., late 17tli Lancers. Modern Pnlo. Crown 8\o. Lond. 1896. Miller, Lieut.-Colonel F. Study of the Italian Campaign in 1859. Svo. Woolwich, i860. Plans to ditto. Folio. Miller, Lieut.-Colonel F. (could.; — Index to the Officers serving on full pay, in the Royal Regiment of Artiller}-. Woolwicli, i860. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 60.) Gun Cotton. Lond. 1864. 'Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 61 (ii).) Operations of the War in 1866. No. I. ln\-asion of Bohemia. Lond. 1866. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 67.) Comparative advantages of Breech- loading and Muzzle-loading .systems for Rifled Field Artillery. Woolvvich, 1867. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 74 (ii).) Lecture on the Campaigns of 1866 in Germany. Woolwich, 1867. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 74 (ii).) Miller, H. P. Guide to the " Queen's Sixty "■ ; or the way to become a good rifle .shot. 4th edition. i2mo. Lond. 1877. Miller, Jolm. Memoirs of General Miller in the .service of the Republic of Peru. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1820. Miller, Thomas. Complete Modellist : shewing the way of raising the model of any ship or vessel. Lond. 1684. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 18.) Miller, William Allen. Elements of Cheiuistry. 3rd edition. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1867. Millet, Frank D. Campaigning with the Cossack--. Washington, n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 43.) Millhouse, John. New English and Italian Dictionary. Svo. Milan, 1886. Millingen, Major Frederick. Wild Life among the Kivjrds. Svo. Lond. 1870, Milling-en. Dr. J. G. Curiosities ot Medical Experience. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1839. Millington, Powell. To Lhassa at Last. Crown S\i:). Lond. 1905. Millner, John, Serjeant in the Honour- able Royal Regiment of Foot of Ireland. Journal of the late War digested into twelve Campaigns, begun A.D. 1701, and ended in 1712, under John, Duke of Marlborough, &c. Svo. Lond. 1733. Mills, Staff-Sergeant S. Manual 6t Field, Siege, and Garrison Artillen,-. i2mo. Portsmouth, 1890. Milne, James. The Epistles of Atkins. Svo. Lond. 1902. Milne, John. Practical vie^^■ of the Steam Engine. Svo. With two folio plates. Edinburgh, 1830. Milne, Samuel. The Standards and Colour.-- cpf the British Armj-. 4to. Leeds, 1893. Milner, Sir A. England in Egypt. 7th edition. Crown Svo. Lond. 1S99. iScc also Iwan-Mi'iller. ) Milner, The Rev. J., and 0. W. Brierly. Crui-e of H.M.S. "Galatea." Svo. Lond. i860. MIL MOL Milton, Viscount, ami Dr.W. B. Cheadle. Nortli-Wc^t I'assaiic by laiul ; narrative nt' an cx|H'diti<)n from tlu- Atlantir tt> the I'aiilii'. .(til edition. S\'i). l.nnd. 1805. Jlilton, John. roctical Works. Edited by the Rev. H. J. Todd, o vols. 8vo. 'Lend. 1801. Prose Works. Edited, with a life of the Author, by Charles .Symmons. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1806. jttilton, Thomas, (".conietrical plans of tile Doekyards at DeiHtord, Woolwioh, Portsmouth, Sheeriiess, Chatham, and Plymoutli. Folio. n.p., 1753-6. Minorca. Account of the Siege of Minorca by the French, in 1756. 8vo. Loud. n.d. (Radstock Collection, Tracts 1740-56.) (Observations on the conduct of the late Administration ; particularly in retrard to our loss of Minorca. Svo. Lond. 1757. (Radstock Collection, iiyng's Tracts.) Report of the General Officers appoin- ted to enquire into the conduct of' iMajor- (ier. Stuart and Colonels Cornwallis and Earl of Ertinjiham, December 8th, 1756. Svo. Lond. 1757. I For other Works, scr Index.) Minshen or Minshaens, John, (uiidc into the Ton.mies : witli their agreement and consent one with another, as also their Etymologies. Folio. Lond. 1627. Minssen, J. F. Dictionnaire des Sciences Militaires Allemand-Fran^ais. Svo. Paris, i88c. Terines, Sujets et Dialogues Militaires en Francais et en Alleniand. 121110. Paris, 1880. Mint. Fifth Annual Report of the Deputy Master of the Mint, 1874. Lond. 1875. 'Pamphlets. 3rd series, vol. 34.) Minto, Gilbert Elliot, Earl of. Life and Letters, 1 751-1806. Edited by the Countess of Minto. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1874. Lord Minto in India, 1807-14. Edited by the Countess of Minto. Svo. Lond. 1880. Minto, W. Defoe. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1879. Mionnet, T. E. Atlas de (ieographie Numismatique. 4to. Pans, 1838. Miot, Jacques. .Memoircs pour servir a THistoire des Expeditious en Egypte et en Syrie. 2iid edition. Svo. Paris, 1S14. Mirahean, Le Comte Honore Gabriel Riqnetti de. Secret histoiy of the Court of Perlin. Svo. Dublin, 1789. (Src also Welxliiiiger. ) Mirv.s, Major-General von. Cavalry Field Duty. Tran-^lated by Capl. F. .S. I'ius.'^ell. Svo. Lond. 1872. Mismer, Ch. Sou\enirs d'un Dragon de lAnnee de Crimee. Crown Svo. Pari.s. 1887, Mitchel, F. A. Cen. Huell's criticism ( n Gen. Mitchel. New York, 1S88. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 47.) Mitchell, Albert. Recollections of One I f the Light Brigade, and edition. Svo. Lond. n.d. Mitchell, Lieut.-Colonel J. Life of Wallenslein, Duke of Friedland. 8\ .^. Lond. 1837. Thoughts on Tactics and Military Organization : witii an enquiry into the power and position of Russia. Svo. Lond. 1838. Fall of Napoleon : an historical memoir. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1845. Mitchell, Major T. L. A Series of F i;u;i'- -howing all the Motions of the .Maniuil and Platoon I"xercise<. Svo. Lond. 1830. „ Lieiit.-Colonel Sir T. L. Figures shewing the motions in the Manual and Platoon Exercises and the difl'ereiit Firings. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1835. Three Expeditions into the interior of F^asteru Australia ; with descriptions of Australia Felix and New .South Wales. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1839. .Australian Geography. Svo. Sydney, 1850. Origin, history, and description of the Bomerang Propeller. Lond. 1853. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 28.) Ditto, ditto. ("Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Mitford, Major - General R. C. W. Reveiy. To Caubul with the Cavalry Brigade. 2nd edition. 8\o. Lond. 1S81. Orient and Occident : a journey East from Lahore to Liverpool. 8vo. Lond. iSSS. Mitford, William. Essay upon the Harmon\- of Language. Svo. Lond. 1774. History of Greece. With a memoir of the Author, bj- his brother, Lord Redes- dale. 8 vols. Svo. Lond. 1829. Mivart, St. George. On the Genesis of Sjieries. Svo. Lond. 1871. Mockler, Lieutenant P. R. Notes for Officers quality iiig for the Transport De- partment of India. 121110. Calcutta, 1 884. Mcckler-Ferryman, Captain A. F. Up the Niger. Narrative of Major Claude Macdcnald's Mission to the Niger and Beiuie Rivers, West Africa. Svo. Lond. 1892. „ Major A. F. l>ritish West Africa. 3vo. Lend. 1S98. „ Lieut.-Colonel A. F. British Nigeria : A Geographical and Historical Eescriptioii. Svo. Lond. 1902. Military Sketching and Reconnaissance. Cii.wn Svo. Lend. 1903. (Sec also Lyde.) Modrachv, K. {See Mellerv.) Mclard, J. Puissance Militaire des Etats de tons les Commentateurs. 8 vols. Sv. I. Paris, 1823-4. Moliua, Don J. Ignatius. Geo|. i-:iiii). Lund. 1883. Morgan, Sir T. C. Sketches t)rilie Philosophy of Lite. 8vo. I.ond. i8iS. Sketches of the I'hilosophy of AI orals. 8vo. Lond, 1822. Morgan, William. Letter to the Chair- man of the Kast India Company on the prupo.-cd communication with India by means of Steam Navif^ation. Lond. 1835. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 12.) Morgand, Henri. Lcs Requisitions mili- taiifs, 2iul edition. 8vo. Paris, 1880. Moris, H. Journal de l)ord du Bailli de ^utlVen dans rinde. 8vo. Paris. 1888, Morison, B. J. Walker. Svsteni of Nautical Signals for the use of Merchant N'essels. Edinbursh, 1867. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 71.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Bound in volume lettered " Rule of the Road at Sea.") Morison, D. B. The British Naval En- gineer: His present Position and hitlu- ence on our Sea Power. Lond. tqoq. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol 65.) Morison, J. C. ("■ibbon. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1879. Macauhi)-. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1882. Morison, Major-General Sir William. The Advanta.ijes of the Pike- .Musket and Pike-Ritle, as compared with the arms at pit'sent in use. 8vo. Lond. 1 ^50. Morke, John. Illuminatio Britannia; : or a narrative of what pasped at a Ccn- feience between Sir Charles Wa^er and Captain John Morke. 4to. Lond. 1742. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Morley, John. Burke. Crown 8vo. ^-o'ltl. 1870. OUver Cromwell. 8vo. Lond. 1901. The Life of William Ewart C.ladstonc. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1904. Moro, Jose Gomez de Arteche y. Cuerra de !a Independencia. Historia Militar de Espana de i8c8 a 1S14. Con un prolojio esrrito por Eduardo Eernandez San Ron^an. 3 vols. Svo. Madrid, 1868-7S. Morocco. Journal of a Member of the Expedition sent for the P el i very of Cap- tives in., Crown 8vo. Lend. 1704. (Foi- (ither Works, yir Lidex.) Morogues, S. F. B., Le Vicomte de. Taciique Navale, ou Traite des Evolu- tions et des .Signaux. 4to. Paris, 1763. Naval Tactics, or a treatise of Evolu- tions and Signals, lately published in France. 4to. '^ ' Lond. 1767. Morris, Charles. The American War \cith Spain : A Complete History of tht- War of 1898. Svo. Lrjnd. 1898. Morris, Isaac. Narrative of the dangers ant! distioscs which befel Isaac Morris and scxcn niorc of the crew belonging to the ■• Wager ". Store-Ship. Svo. Dublin, i7.'2. Morris, Mowbray. Tlie first .Afglian War. i2mo. Lond. 1878. Claverhousc. 8vo. Lend. 1887. Montrose. Crow n 8vo. Lond. 1892. Morris, Valentine. Narracive of the ollicial conduct of Valentine Morris, (iovernoi-in-Chief of tiie Island of St. Vincent. 8vo. Lond. 1787. Morris, Brig.-General William H., U.S. Army. Field Tactics for Infantr)-. i2mo. New York, 1854. Infantry Tactics. 2 vols. i2mo. New York, 1855. Morris, W. O'Connor. (ircat Commanders of Modern Times and the Campaign of 1815. Svo. Lond. 1 89 1. Moltke, a Biographical and Critical Study. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1854. Hannibal. Crown Svo. Lond. 1897. The Campaign of 181 5. 8vo. Lond. ira~. W^ellington : Soldier and Statesman. 8\'o. Lond. 19D4. Morrison, C. G. C.uide to Court-Martial Proceduie. i2mn. Chatham, 1886. Morrison, Major C. G., 5th Dragoon Guards. Notes on Militar\' Law, Organization, and Intei-ior Economy. Svo. Lond. 18 jt'. Tactics of the Drill-Books. Svo. Lond. 1890. Morrison, Lieut. E. W. B., Royal Cana- dian Artillery. With the Cuns in South Africa. Crown Svo. Hamilton, 1901. Morrison, The Rev. Robert. Grammar of the Chinese Language. 4to. Serampore, 18 13. \'iew of China for philological purpose.-. 4to. Macao, 1817. Morrison, Captain R. H. Questions and answers cm Ca\alr\- Outposts. i2mo. Chatham, jSSS. Mortier, Pierre. Amusemens des Eau.x: d'Ai.x-la-Ch.ai^elle. 2 \'ols. i2mo. Amsterdam, 1736. Mortier, Pieter. Medalische der Rc- pnblvk \an Holland. 410. Amsterdam, 1690. Morton, Major C. G., U.S.A. Stratagem. S\-o. Kansa.s, 1904. Morton, Thomas. Patent Slip. Leith, 1824. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iv.) Moryson, Fynes. An Itinerary containing his Ten Yeeres' Travell through thetwehe Dominions of Germany, Bohmeiland, Switzerland, Netherland, Denmarke, Poland, Italy. Turky, France, England, Scotlaiul, and Ireland. 4 vols. Svo. Glasgow, 1907. MOS MUF Mosblech, Boniface, M. L'Abbe. Voca- bulaire Occanien-Fran9ais et Fran9ais- Oceanien ; des dialectes paries aux lies Marquises, Sandwich, Gambier, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1843. Moseley, Henry. Treatise on Hydrostatics and Hydro- djmamics. Bvo. Cambridge, 1830. Mechanical principles of Engineering and Architecture, and edition. 8vo. Lond. 1855. Mossman, Samuel. New Japan, the land of the Rising Sun. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Mosso, Angelo. Life of Man on the High Alps. Translated b}' E. Lough Kiesow. 8vo. Lond. 1898. Mothes, Dr. 0. (.S>6' Rumpf.) Motley, J. L. History of the United Netherlands. 1584-1609. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1860-7. Rise of the Dutch Republic. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1861. Mottart, Felix. La Toison d'Or d'Es- pagne. 8vo. Brussels, 1907. Motte, Ch. Revolution de Paris, 1830. Plan figuratit" des Barricades, &c. Folio. Paris, n.d. Motteville, Mme. de. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols, xxxvi-xl.) Mouat, Dr. F. J. Adventures and researches among the Andaman Islanders. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Death Tribute of England to India : death and invaliding of Officers of H.M. British Forces serving in India. Lond. 1875. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 31.) Army reorganization : with special reference to the British Soldier in India. Lond. 1881. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 41.) Mouat, Surgeon-General J. Reintro- duction of the Regimental Sj'stem in a modified form. Portsea, 1875. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 31.) Mouldee Mohummud Musseehood-deen, Khan Bahadoor. Oude : its princes and its government vindicated. 8vo. Lond. 1857. Mounsey, A. H. Journey through the Caucasus and the interior of Persia. 8vo. Lond. 1872. Satsuma RebeUion. An episode of Modern Japanese Historj'. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Mounsteven, Captain W. J. B. Observa- tions on the Infantry Manoeuvres of the British Army. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Mount, Richard. Sea-coasts of France from Calais to Baj-onne. Folio. Lond. 1701. Mountaine, William. Seaman's Vade- Mecum and defensive war by sea : con- taining a Maritime Dictionary. i2mo. Lond. 1783. Moimteney-Jephson, R. Sword and Song. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1895. Mouravieff, A. N. History of the Church of Russia. Translated by the Rev. R. W. Blackmore. 8vo. Oxford, 1842. Mouzaffer Pacha, Le General, and Le Lieut.-Colonel Talaat. Guerre d'Orient, 1877-78. Defense de Plevna. D'apres les documents officiels et prives. 8vo, with case containing 10 maps. Paris, 1889. Mouze, Chef de Bataillon du Genie. Traite de Fortification Souterraine, suivi de quatre Memoires sur les Mines. 4to. Paris, 1804. Moxly, The Rev. J. H. S. The Tides Simply Explained. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1899. Moynier, G. The Red Cross ; its past and its future. Translated bj' John FurleJ^ 8vo. Lond. 1883. „ G., and L. Appia. Help for sick and wounded. Translated from " La Guerre et la Charite," by John Furley. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Mudford, William. Historical Account of the Campaign in the Netherlands in 181 5, comprising the Battles of Ligny, Quatre-Bras, and Waterloo. 4to. Lond. 1817. Mudge, Captain W., R.N. Sailing Directions for Dublin Bay, and the coast from thence to Strangford. 8vo. Lond. n.d. (Bound in vol. lettered " Sailing Directions.") Description of an ancient structure dug out of Drumkelin Bog, Donegal, in 1833. 4to. Lond. 1833. „ Captain W., R.N., I. Dalby, and Captain T. Colby. Account of the Operations carried on for accomplishing a Trigonometrical Survey of England and Wales, 1784-96. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1799-1811. „ Captain W., R.N., and G. A. Frazer. Sailing Directions for the N.E., N., and N.W. coasts of Ireland. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Mudie, James. Historical and critical account of a grand series of National Medals. 4to. Lond. 1820. Mueller, Baron F. von. Analytical drawings of Australian Mosses. Ease. i. 8vo. Melbourne, 1864. Vegetation of the Chatham Islands. 8vo. Melbourne, 1864. Descriptive notes on Papuan Plants. 8vo. Melbourne, 1875. Mliflaing, General Baron von. A Sketch of the Battle of Waterloo, to which are added official Despatches of F.-M. the Duke of Wellington, F.-M. Prince Blucher, and reflections on the Battles of Ligny and Waterloo. i2mo. Brussels, 1842. Passages from my Life ; with memoirs of the Campaign of 1813-4. Edited by Col. P. Yorke. 8vo. Lond. 1853. Missions to Constantinople and St. Petersburg in 1829-30. Translated by David Jardine. 8vo. Lond. 1855. MUI 258 MUN Mllir, John. {See liurroughs.) Muir, Sir W. The Caliphate, its Rise, Decline, and Fall. 8vo. Loiul. 1891. Records of the Intelligence Depart- ment of North-West Provinces of India during the Mutiny of 1857. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1902. Miilhall, Michael G. Progress of the World. 2nd edition. 8vo. l.ond. 1880. Balance-sheet of the World for ten years, 1870-80. 8vo. Loud. 1881. Dictionary of Statistics. 4th edition revised. Large roj^al. Lond. 1903. MuUan, Captain John, U.S. Army. Report on the construrtioii of a Military Road from Fort Walla-Walla to Fort Benton. 8vo. Washington, 1863. Mullens, Major R. L. Some Notes on the Campaign in Bohemia, 1866. 8vo. Colchester, 1907. Muller, Major C. Sufferings of the Inhabitants of the Tj'rol and Vorarlberg, during the last and preceding wars. 8vo. Lond. 1810. (Radstock Collection, Military Tracts.) Muller, Captain Friedrich. Ver- wendungslehre der Feld- und Gebirgs- Artillerie, mit besonderer Rucksicht auf den Gebrauch grosser Artilleriekorper. i2mo. Vienna, 1866. Miiller, F. Max. Languages of the Seat of War in the East. 8vo. Lond. 1854. Lectures on the Science of Language. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1862. Ditto, ditto. 2nd series. 8vo. Lond. 1864. Chips from a German Workshop Vols, i to iv. 8vo. Lond. 1867-75. Sacred Books of the East. 46 vols. Svo. Oxford, 1879-97. Miiller, Major H. Die Entwickelung der Feld-Artillerie in Bezug auf Material, Organisation und Taktik, von 1815 bis 1870. 8vo. Berlin, 1873. Festungskrieges seit allgemeiner Ein- fiihrung der Feuerwaffen bis zum Jahre i88q. Svo. Berlin, '1880. „ General-Lieutenant H. von. Die Entwickerung der Feld-Artillerie von 1815 bis 1892. 2 vols. Svo. Berlin, 1893. Die Thatigkeit der Deutschen Festungs- Thatigkeit der Deutschen Festungs- Artillerie bei der Belagerungen, Beschies- sungen und Einschliessungen im Deutsch- FranzOsischen Kriege 1870-71. 8vo. Berlin, 1900. Die Artillerieangriffe auf Paris und Schlussbetrachtungen iiber den Festungs- krieg im Kriege von 1870-71. 8vo. Berlin, 1901. Miiller, Johann (Regiomontanus). .Matiuniatiii Clarissinii Tabula-. 4to. Tubingen, 1550. Muller, John. Attack and defence of fortilifd i)laces. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1757. Miiller, Don Jose y Tetjeiro. Combates v Capitellacion de Santiago de Cuba. Svo. Madrid, 1898. Muller, Louis. Tableau des Guerres de Frederic le Crand. Traduit de lAUemand par Prof, de la Veaux. 4to. Potsdam, 1785. Ditto, ditto. New edition. 4to. Potsdam, 1786. Muller, Paul. L'Espionnage Militaire sous Napoleon I. Charles Schulmeister. Crown Svo. Paris, 1896. Miiller, Rudolf. Entstchungsge - schichte des Roten Kreuzes und der Genfer Konvention. Svo. Stuttgart, 1897. Miiller, Lieutenant W. Relation of the operations and battles of the Austrian and Fi-ench Armies, in 1809. Svo. Lond. 1 8 10. Elements of the Science of War. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. iSii. Muller, Prof. W. The Rhine-Watch. Translated by Gustav Soiling. Berlin, 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 91.) Field-Marshal Count Moltke, 1800-78. Tran.slated by Percy E. Pinkerton, and edited by Captain H. M. Hozier. Svo. Lond. 1S79. Mlillner. Adele : translated from the play called "Die Zweiflerinn," by Lieut. - Colonel H. Capadose. Svo. Grenada, 1834. Muinme, Z. La Tactique appliquee an terrain ; etudes raisonnees sur la carte. 8\o. Paris, 1S94. Munch, P. A. Trondhems Domkirke udgivet ester Foranstaltning af Den Norske Regiering. Folio. Christiania, 1859. Munde, Carl. Genaue Beschreibung der Grafenberger Wasserheilanstalt und der Priesznitzischen Turmethode. Leipsic, 1S39. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 21.) Mundy, Lieut.-G '^neral G. B. Life of Rodney. 121110 Lond. 1836. Mundy, Captain Rodney, R.N. Events in Borneo and Celebes down to the occupation of Labuan, from the journals of James Brooke. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S48. H.M.S. "Hannibal" at Palermo and Naples, during the Italian Revolution, 1859-61 : with notices of Garibaldi, Francis 11, and Victor Emanuel. Svo. Lond. 1S63. Munro, Innes. Narrative of the military operations on the Coromandel Coast. 4to. Lond. 17S9. Munro, Surgeon-General W. Records of Service and Campaigning in many lands. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1SS7. MUN ^59 MUS Munro-Biitler-Johiistone, H. A. A trip up the Volga to the Fair of Nijni-Novgorod. 2nd edition. 8vo. Oxford and Lond. 1876. Handbook of Maritime Rights, and the Declaration of Paris considered. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Munson, E. L. The Theory and Practice of Military Hygiene. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Munster, The Earl of. Account of the British Campaign in 1809, in Portugal and Spain. 8vo. Lond. 1831. Murat, Le Conite. Murat, Lieutenant de FEmpereur en Espagne, 1808. D'apres correspondance inedite et des documents originaux. 8vo. Paris, 1897. {See also Weil.) Muraviev. Journey to Khiva through the Turcoman Country, 1819-20. 8vo. Calcutta, 1871. Murchison, Sir R. I. OutHne of the Geology of the neigh- bourhood of Cheltenham. Cheltenham, 183^, (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 7.) Silurian System with descriptions of coalfields and overljnng formations. 4to, with case of maps. Lond. S839. Sketch of some of the results of a second Geological Survey of Russia. Lond. 1841. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 16.) Address delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the Geological Societj' of London, 1843. 8vo. Load. 1843. Address as President to the Royal Geographical Society of London. Lond. 1845. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 38.) Silurian Rocks and their associates in parts of Sweden. Lond. 1847. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 26.) Address as President to the Royal Geographical Society of London. Lond. 1852. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 26.) Classification of the Sedimentary Rocks of Cornwall. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 26.) Distribution of the Superficial Detritus of the Alps as compared with that of Northern Europe. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 26.) Review of the labours of ^L Barrande in preparing his work, "The Silurian System of Bohemia." n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 26.) Mure of Caldwell, William. Journal of a Tour in Greece and in the Ionian Islands. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Murhard, G. F., von. (See Martens.) Murray, Lieut.-Colonel. Journal of Siege of Quebec, i8th September, 1759 — 25th May, 1760. Quebec, 1760. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 14.) Murray, Captain A. M., R.A. Armed Strength of (iermanj' in iJ The (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 50.) „ Major A. M., R.A. Fire Discipline. A Lecture delivered in the rooms of the Liverpool Military Society. Liverpool, 1898. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 53.) „ Colonel A. M. Imperial Outposts. 8vo. Lond. 1507. Murray, Hugh. Encyclopaedia of Geography. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834. (See also Leslie.) Murray, The Rev. James. History of the present war in America. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1778. Murray, J. A. H. New English Dic- tionary on historical principles. Parts i to . 4to. Oxford, 1884 to Murray, The Rev. J. H. Travels in Uruguaj', South America. 8vo. Lond. 1 871. Murray, Mungo. Treatise on Shipbuilding and Naviga- tion ; to which is added an English abridgment of " Treatise on Naval Archi- tecture " by M. Duhamel. 4to. Lond. 1754. References and explanations of four prints exhibiting the different views of a 6o-gun Ship. 8vo. Lond. 1780. Murray, Lieutenant Stewart, Gordon Highlanders. Fire Discipline : Its Foundation and Application. i2mo. Lond. 1893 Discipline : Its Reason and Battle Value. i2mo. Lond. 1894. Murrell, Dr. W. What to do in cases of Poisoning. i2mo. Lond. 1881. Museums. British Museum. Catalogue of the Harleian Manu- scripts, with Indices. 4 vols. Folio. Lond. 1808-12. Veterum Populorum et Regum Numi qui in Museo Britannico adservantur ; by Taylor Combe. 4to. Lond. 1814. Description of the Anglo-Gallic Coins : by Edward Hawkins. 4to. Lond. 1826. Select Papyri in the Hieratic Character from the collections of the British Museum. 4 vols. Folio. Lond. 1841-60. Mammalia. List of the specimens of Mammalia in the collection of the British Museum. i2mo. Lond. 1843. Catalogue of the Hebrew Books in the Library. 8vo. Lond. 1867. Department of Coins and Medals. Guide to the English Medals exhibited in the King's Librarj' ; by H. A. Grueber. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Catalogue of a series of Photographs (by S. Thompson) from the Collections in the British Museum. 8vo. Lond. n.d. R 2 MUS 260 NAF Museums {confd.)~ South Ketuini(ion Musvuiii. Catalogue of the Special Loan Ex- hibition of Spanish and Poituj^uese Ornamental Art, South Kensington Museum ; bj- J. C. Robinson. 4to. Lend. 1881. Sir Jo/in Sonne's Musctiui. General Description, with notices of some of the works of art. Lend. [1863]. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 63.) iMi/st'u/n F'ran^ais. Manuel du. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1802. Ger))ianischcti Museu}ii. Quellen zur Geschichte der Feuer- wafien. Herausgegeben vom Gernian- ischen Museum. 4to. Leipsic, 1877. Musee dc la Villc de Gafid. Notice des Tableaux. Ghent, 1833. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. li.) Jilusc'c de la Villc de Lillie. Catalogue des Tableaux des Ecoles Jtalienne, Hamande, et Fran^aise. Lille, 1832. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 11.) "Waterloo Museian. Catalogue of the late Serjeant-Major Cotton's Waterloo Librarj' and Museum. Brussels, n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 67.) Musgrave, Captain Thomas, R.N. (See Norman.) Musset-Pathay, V. D. Relation des Principaux Sieges, faits ou soutenus en Europe par les Armees Fran^aises depuis 1792. With vol. of plates. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1806. Mussou. Eugene. Letter to Napoleon 1 1 1 (III Sla\ery in the Southern States. Lond. 1862. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 65.) Musters, G. C. At home with the I'atagonians. 8vo. Lond. 1871. Mutinies. " Bounty." Minutes of the Proceedings held at Portsmouth, August 12, 1792. 4to. Lond. 1794. (Bound with " Bligh. Narrative of the Mutiny.") Narrative of the Mutiny of the Bounty, MS. By Frj'er, Master R.N. n.p., n.d. History of the Mutiny and piratical seizure of H.M.S. "Bounty'": its cause and consequences. i2mo. Lond. 1831. " Hermione." Narrative of the Mutiny, Murder, and Piracj' committed on board H.M.S. " Hermione." 8vo. n.p., 1798. (Bound in vol. lettered " Nautical.") ■Nore. Narrative of the Mutiny at the Nora, 1797. 8vo. Chatham, 1829. (Radstock Collection. Naval Tracts.) History of the Mutiny at Spithead and the Nore. i2mo. Lond. 1842. Myers, A. B. R. Etiology and prevalence of Diseases of the Heart among Soldiers. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Myers,F."W.H. Wordsworth. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1881. N. Nadaillac, Le Marquis de. Prehistoric America. Translated by N. DAnvers. Edited by W. H. Dall. 8vo. Lond. 1885. Nadal y Mora, Francisco. Explicacion breve, y util de las piezas que componen el Fusil, Carabina, y Pistola. i2mo. Madrid, 1768. Nadarov, J. P. The Southern Ussurian District at the present time. Translated hy Lieut. -Col. J. C. Dalton. Lond. 1890. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 8.) Nader Shah, King of Persia. H istory of the Life of Nader Shah ; from an Eastern Manuscript. Edited hy W. Jones. 8vo. Lond. 1773. {Sec also Eraser.) Naej. Equitation et instruction equestre des Cavaleries Europeennes. 8vo. Paris, 1892. Nansen, Dr. Fridtjof. Farthest North. The Noi-w^egian Polar Expedition. 1893-96. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1897. Napier, Admiral Sir Charles. War in Syria. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1842. History of the Baltic Campaign of 1854. Edited by G. Butler Earp. 8vo. Lond. 1857. Napier, Lieut.-General Sir C. J. The Colonies : treating of their value generally', of the Ionian Islands in partic- ular. 8vo. Lond. 1833. Remarks on Military Law and the punishment of flogging. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Baggage of the Indian Army. 3rd edition. Lond. 1849. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 11.) Lights and shades of Military Life. 2nd edition. Bvo. Lond. 1851. Defects, civil and military of the Indian Government. 8vo. Lond. 1853. {See also Mawson.) Napier, Colonel Elers. .Scenes and sports in Foreign Lands. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840. Past and future Emigration ; or the book of the Cape. 8vo. Lond. 1849. Excursions in Southern Africa, including a history of the Cape Colon3'. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1850. The Linesman ; or Service in the Guards and the Line, during England's long peace and little wars. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 18^6. NAP 261 NAP Napier. General Sir George T. Passages in the early military lite of. Written by himself, edited by his son, General W. C. E. Napier. 8vo. Lend. 1884. Napier, Captain H. E., E.N. Florentine History, to the accession of Ferdinand III. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1846. Napier, Jas. R. Remarks on the 3rd, 13th, and 14th Articles of the Admiralty Regulations for preventing collisions at sea. Lond. 1867. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 71.) Napier, Lieut. - Commander R. A., R.N.A.V. Coast and Harbour Defence (^Firths of Forth and Clyde). Glasgow, 1887. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 42.) Napier, Major-General W. C. E. Outpost duty, by General Jarry (Translated from the French), with Treatises on Military Reconnaissance and on Road Making. Bvo. Lond. 1869. Napier, Colonel W. F. P. History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France. 1807-14. 6 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1828-40. Reply to various opponents, particularly to " Strictures on Col. NapiePs History of the War in the Peninsular." 2nd edition. Bvo. Lond. 1S33. Strictures on those passages in the second and third volumes of Napier's History of the Peninsular War which relate to Gen. Lord Viscount Beresford. 2nd edition. Bvo. Lond. 1835. „ Major-General Sir W. F. P. Conquest of Scinde. 8vo. Lond. 1845. History of Gen. Sir Charles Napier's Administration of Scinde, and Campaign in the Cutchee Hills. Bvo. Lond. 1851. Life and Opinions of Gen. Sir C. J. Napier. 4 vols. Lond. 1857. Enghsh Battles and Sieges in the Peninsula. Bvo. Lond. 1869. Narrative of the Peninsular Campaign, 1 807-1 814 ; its Battles and Sieges. Abridged from "The History of the War in the Peninsular." By W. T. Dobson. Bvo. Lond. 1B89. History of the War in the Peninsula (Epitomised). By R. O'Byrne. Bvo. Lond. 1BB9. Napoleon Bonaparte. Copies of original letters from the Army of Gen. Bonaparte in Egypt, intercepted by the fleet under Lord Nelson. With an English Translation. 4th edition. Bvo. Lond. 1798. Copies of original letters from the Army of Gen. Bonaparte in Egypt. 2nd edition. 3 vols, in one. Bvo. Lond. 1798-1 800. (Radstock Collection.) Correspondance inedite Officielle et Confidentielle de Napoleon Bonaparte. 7 vols. Bvo. Paris, 1809-20. Essai sur le Systeme Militaire de Bona- parte. Bvo. Lond. 1810. (Radstock Collection, Military Tracts.) Confession du General Bonaparte a I'Abbe Maury. Edited by General Sarrazin. Bvo. Lond. 1811. Napoleon Bonaparte {contd.) — Essays on the Military .System of Bonaparte. By C. H. S. 1811. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 65.) Buonapartiana ou choix d'anecdotcs curieuses. i2mo. Paris, 1814. Manuscript venu de Ste. Helene, d'une maniere inconnue. 8vo. Lond. 1817. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, bound with " Maitland's Narrative.") Anecdotes of the Court and family of Napoleon Bonaparte. 2nd edition. Bvo. Lond. 1818. Napoleon et la Grande Armee, precede d'une Litroduction historique sur la Revolution Fran^aise. 2 vols. Bvo. Paris, 1B22. Historical Miscellanies. 3 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1B23. Memoirs of the History of France during the reign of Napoleon. 4 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1B23-4. Maximes de Guerre de Napoleon. i2mo. Paris, 1830. Court and Camp of Buonaparte. i2mo. Lond. 1831. Officers' Manual. Military maxims of Napoleon. Translated by Colonel D'Aguilar. i2mo. Dublin, 1831. Confidential Correspondence with his Brother Joseph, sometime King of Spain. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1855, Correspondance de Napoleon P'^^ 32 vols. Bvo. Paris, 1B5B-70. Commentaires de Napoleon V". 6 vols. 4to. Paris, 1867. Original Journals of the Eighteen Campaigns of Napoleon Bonaparte. Trans- lated from the French. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond. n.d. La Republique, Le Consulat, L'Empire, Sainte Helene. Royal 4to. Paris, 1B97. Lettres Inedites de Napoleon I'*^'. Edited by Leon Lecestre. 2 vols. Bvo. Paris, 1897. Napoleon's Last Voyages. Being the Diaries of Admiral Sir Thomas Ussher, R.N., K.C.B. (on board the "Undaunted"), and John R. Glover, Secretary to Rear- Admiral Cockburn (on board the "Nor- thumberland "). 2nd edition. Bvo. Lond. 1905, (For other Works, see Index.) Napoleon III, Emperor of the French. Des Idees Napoleoniennes. (With author's dedication and signature.) Bvo. Lond. 1839. L'Empereur Napoleon HI et I'ltalie. Paris, 1859. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 16.) Etudes sur le passe et I'avenir de LArtillerie. Continue sur le plan de I'Empereur par Fave. 6 vols. 4to. Paris, 1863-71. Histoire de Jules Cesar. 2 vols. 4to, and atlas. Paris, 1865-6. Life of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte. Folio. n.p , n.d. (For other Works, sec Index.) NAP 262 NAT Napoleon, Le Prince. Napoleon et ses Detracteurs. 8vo. Paris, 1887. Narcissus : or the Young Cientleman's Mirror. i2mo. (Wanting title-page.) Nares, Captain Sir G. S., R.N. Naval Cadet's Guide ; or .seaman's companion. 8v'o. Portsea, i860. Ditto, ditto. 6th edition. 8vo. Portsmouth, 1882. Extracts from the Reports of Capt. Nares, H. M.S. "Challenger." Folio. Lond. 1873. Narrative of a voyage to the Polar Sea, 1875-6, with notes on tlie natural history ; edited by H. W. Feilden. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1878. „ Vice-Adniiral Sir G. S. Report on the present State of the Navigation of the River Mersej^, 1900. Lond. 1 90 1. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 66.) Ditto, ditto, 1903. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 69.) Nares, RolDert. Glossary of words, phrases, &c., in the works of English Authors. New edition edited by J. O. Halliwell and T. Wright. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1876. (Sec also Vincent, the Verj' Rev. W.) Narrien, John. Historical account of the origin and progress of Astronomy. 8vo. Lond. 1833. Practical Astronomy and Geodesy. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Nash, Captain E. The Principles of Strategy'. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1905. Nash, J. T. Volunteering in India ; or an Authentic Narrative of the Militarji- Services of the Bengal Yeomanry Cavahy during the Indian Muting' and Sepoy War. 8vo. Lond. 1893. Nash, Vaughan. The Great Famine and its Causes. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Nasmyth, James, . Autobiography. Edited by S. Smiles. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Natal. Precis of Information concerning Natal : prepared at the War Office. 8vo. Lond. 1879. (For other Works, see Index.) National Defence. Opinions delivered by the Earl of Essex, Lord Burleigh, Lord Willoughbj', Lord Burrough, Lord North, Sir William Knollys, Sir Walter Raleigh, and Sir George Carew, on the Alarm of an In- vasion from Spain, in 1596, and the measures proper to be taken on that occasion. 8vo. n.p., n.d. (Radstock Collection.) Certain Advertisements out of Ireland concerning the losses of the Spanish Armada. i2mo. Lond. 1588. (Radstock Collection, Armada and Naval Actions.) Letter written upon the rumour of an Invasion. Lond. 1719. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 2.) National Defence {contd.)~ Spanish Armada and coast defences, 1588. n.p., 1730. (Folio volume of plans, (S:c.) History of the Spanish Armada. 4to. Lond. 1759. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Armada and Naval Tracts.) Instructions patriotiques et militaires addressees aux Anglais par un Citoyen du Monde. i2mo. Lond. 1780. Essay on the modes of defence best adapted to the situation and circumstances of this Island. Lond. 1785. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 5.) Answer to preceding Essay. Lond. 1785. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 5.) Reply to answer. Lond. 1785. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 5.) Names of the Nobility, Gentry, and others, who contributed to the Defence of this Country at the time of the Spanish Invasion, in 1588. 4to. Lond. 1798. (Radstock Collection, Armada and Naval Actions.) History of all the real and threatened Invasions of England. 2nd edition. 8vo. Windsor, 1798. Report on the arrangements which have been adopted, in former periods, when France threatened Invasions of Great Britain or Ireland. 8vo. Lond. 1798. Report on the arrangements which were made for the internal defence of these Kingdoms when Spain by its Armada projected the invasion and con- quest of England. 8vo. [Printed for the State Paper Office, bearing the signature of John Bruce. May 17, 1798.] Arcanum of National Defence ; by " Hastatus." Load. 1808. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 8.) The French in England ; being the story of the Emperor Napoleon's projected invasion. Lond. 1852. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 25.) The Invasion of England rendered impossible. Lond. i860. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 56.) Defence of Great Britain against inva- sion : a system of local coast defence hy means of the Volunteer Forces. Edinburgh, 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 19.) Defence of the Firth of Forth. Edinburgh, 1875. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 46.) Can we hold our own ? Lond. 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 45.) Military Memoir for the defence of the Eastern District. 8vo. [Privately printed.] The Universities and Indirect Conscrip- tion for National Defence. By T.F.C.H. Cambridge, 1901. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 64.) (For other Works, s(?^ Index.) NAT J63 NAV Natural History Objects. Instruction sur la maniere de recueillir, de conserver, et d'envoyer les Objets d'Histoire Natu- relle. Paris, 1824. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 2.) NaildseilS, Gabriel. Syntagma de Studio Militari. 4to. Rome, 1637. Naumann. Das Regiments-Kriegsspiel. 8vo. Berlin, i88i. Naval Architects, Institute of. {See Architects. ) Naval Architecture. {See Architecture.) Naval Arsenal, Naval considerations upon the Letters of Lord Melville and Mr. Rose relative to the construction of a Naval Arsenal at Northfleet. Lond. 1810. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 4.) Observations on the Letters of Lord Melville and the Right Hon. George Rose, relating to a Naval Arsenal at Northfleet. Lond. 1810. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 2.) Ditto, ditto. 2nd copy. (Radstock Collection.) Naval Benevolent Society. Reports, &c. Lond. 1838-47. (Radstock Collection.) Naval Charitable Society. General State. i2mo. Lond. 1809-33. (Radstock Collection.) Naval History. Declaration to the King of Portugal. With the Answer thereunto, in defence of the Parliaments Proceedings. By Prince Rupert. Lond. 1650. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. i.) Declaration of the Parliament relating to the affairs between the Commonwealth and the Low Countries. 8vo. Lond. 1652. (Radstock Collection.) Declaration of the Lords of the States General of the United Netherlands Pro- vinces. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1652. (Radstock Collection.) Answer of the Parliament to three papers delivered into the Council of State by the Lords Ambassadors Extraordinary of the .States General of the United Pro- vinces : also a Narrative of the late Engagement. 8vo. Lond. 1652. (Radstock Collection.) The case stated between England and the United Provinces. Bvo. Lond. 1652. (Radstock Collection.) Seasonable expostulation with the Netherlands. 8vo. Lond. 1652. (Radstock Collection.) Fight at Sea upon the Coast of Corn- wall, on Sunday the 13 of this instant June. Bvo. Lend. 1652. (Radstock Collection.) The last great and bloudy Fight be- tween the English and the Dutch on Thursday morning last neer the Downs (? July ist, 1652). 8vo. Lond. 1652. (Radstock Collection.) Naval History {contd.)^ Narrative of a great and bloudy Fight between the English and the Dutch upon the Northern Seas {circa July i, 1652). 8vo. Lond, 1652. (Radstock Collection.) Relation of a bloudy Fight at Sea ; between Sir George Ascue and the Hollanders. (Aug. 16 to 18, 1652.) 8vo. Lond. 1632. (Radstock Collection.) Great Victory obtained by General Blake and Sir George Ascue against two of the Dutch Fleets on Thursday last (Aug. 26) between Plymouth and Fal- mouth. 8vo. Lond. 1652. (Radstock Collection.) Relation of the last fight neer the the Downs, between England and Holland, on Tuesday last (Sept. 14?). 8vo. Lond. 1652. (Radstock Collection.) Particulars of the great and bloody fight with the Dutch, neer Goodwin Sands, on Tuesday night last (Sept. 28 ?). 8vo. Lond. 1652. (Radstock Collection.) Relation of the Engagement of the Fleet of England with the Dutch Fleet, and the particulars of all the three Fights on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday last Feb. (18-20). 8vo. Lond. 1653. (Radstock Collection.) Letter touching the last Engagement between the two Fleets of England and Holland. (Feb. 18-20.) 8vo. Lond. 1653. (Radstock Collection.) Letters from the Fleet at Sea, touching the late Fight (June 2, 1653). ^vo. Lond. 1653. (Radstock Collection.) Relation of the late great Sea Fight (Tune 3rd) from General Blake and General Monck. 8vo. Lond. 1653. (Radstock Collection.) Particulars of the late fight at Sea, on Thursday and Friday last (June 3 and 4). 8vo. Lond. 1653. (Radstock Collection.) Remonstrance of the Fight in Legorn Road between the English and the Dutch. 4to. Lond. 1653. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Articles of Peace concluded between England and Holland. 8vo. Lond. 1634. (Radstock Collection.) Letter of the 22 of December, 1659, from the Fleet riding at an Anchor at Gravesend. Bvo. Lond. 1639. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) A second narrative of the Signal Victory of H.M. Navy, over the States Fleet of the United Netherlands. June 3, 1663. Bvo. Lond. 1663. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) NAV 164 NAV Naval History {co/itd.) — Narrative of the Engagement between H.M. Fleet and that of Holland, June 1-4, 1666. 4to. Lend. 1666. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Relation of the victory obtained against the Turks of Argiers at Bugia. 8vo. Lend. 1671. (Radstock Collection, Armada and Naval Actions.) Relation of the Engagement of H.M Fleet with the Dutch, May 28, 1672. 4to. Lend. 1672. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Narrative of the late Engagement between H.M. Fleet under Prince Rupert, and the Dutch, Wednesday, May 28. 1673. 8vo. Lond. 1673. (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Relation of the several Engagements and Actions ot H.M. Fleet, under Prince Rupert. Lond. 1673. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. i.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 15.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Proceedings.) Relation of the Engagement of H.M. Fleet with the Enemies, Aug. 11, 1673. 4to. Lond. 1673. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) An Accompt of both the Fleets, their number and Stations, with a narrative of occurrences that have passed between them hitherto. 410. Lond. 1673. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) List of Ships belonging to English Merchants, taken by French Privateers, since December, 1673. Amsterdam, 1677. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. i.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 15.) Account of the Retaking a Ship, called the "Friend's Adventure of Topsham,'' from the French, by one Englishman and a boy. By Robert Lj'de. Lond. 1689. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. i.) Ditto, ditto. (Second Copy.) (Radstock Collection.) Relation of the late Action at Sea between English and Dutch and the French Fleets, June 22 to July 5, 1690 ; with Reflections thereupon and the Present State of the Nation. Lond. 169c. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. i.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 24.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Proceedings.) Some modest reflections upon Mr. Stephens's late book, entituled "A Plain relation of the late Action at Sea. ' Lond. 1691. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. i.) Naval History {con id.) Account given to the Lords Commis- sioners of the Engagement at .Sea between the English, Dutch, and French Fleets, June 30th, 1690. By Ashby, Vicc- Admiral Sir John, and Rear-Admiral Rooke. Lond. 1691. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. i.) Ditto, ditto. 2nd copy. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. i.) Account of the Engagement between the English, Dutch, and French Fleets, June 30, 1690. 8vo. Lond. 1691. (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Proceedings.) Letter containing Relation of the late Victory and Success against the French Fleet. By Admiral Edward Russell. Lond. 1692. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 15.) Account of the Great Sea - P'ight wherein Their Majesties Navy-Royal, in conjunction wnth the Dutch Squadron, engaged the French Fleet off Cape Barfleur, May 19th, 1692. Lond. 1692. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. i.) Account of the Victory obtained against the French, near the Cape of Barfleur, in ]\Iay, 1692. Lond. 1692. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. i.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Pro- ceedmgs.) Journal of the Victorious Expedition (1694) of the Confederate Fleet under Admiral Russel : the Relief of Barcelona, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1695. (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Pro- ceedings.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Account of what English Men of War have been taken or otherwise lost during the present War. Lond. 1696. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. i.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) True State of the Case of the Suedish Merchant-Fleet, lately brought up, on their Voyage from France, by Admiral Rooke, and sent into Plimouth. Lond. 1697. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. i.) Account of the Transactions of the Grand Fleet and Land Forces, 1702 ; with a Relation of the Expedition at Cadiz and the Victory at Vigo. 8vo. Lond. 1703. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, 1740-56.) NAV Naval History icontd)- 265 NAV Narrative of Sir George Rooke's late Voyage in the Mediterranean, where he commanded as Admiral of the Confederate Fleet ; with a description of Gibraltar, which was attacked and taken by the said Fleet, and an account also of the Naval Battel, fought between the Confederates and French King's Fleets. 8vo. Lond. 1704. (Radstock Collection, Naval Pro- ceedings.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Naval Pamphlets, o.s., vol. i.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy.) (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 15.) Review of the late Engagement at Sea (13 Aug., 1704). 8vo. Lond. 1704. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts, 1 637-1 806.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Naval Pamphlets, voL i.) Account of the Transaction between Admiral Benbow and M. Du Cass ; with the proceedings thereupon in the Case of Col. Kirkby. 8vo. Lond. 1705. (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Inquiry into the causes of our Naval Mi.scarriages. 2nd edition. Bvo. Lond. 1707. (Radstock Collection.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection.) The cases of some EngHsh Ships taken by the Spaniards. Bvo. Lond. 1731. (Radstock Collection.) Account of the Expedition of the British Fleet to Sicily, 1718-20. 3rd edition. Bvo. Lond. 1739. Account of the Naval Victories obtain'd by the English over the Spaniards, from 1350 to the present time. 2nd edition. Bvo. Lond. 1740. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts, 1637-1806.) Remarks on a Letter from on board the "Dreadnought.' Bvo. Portsmouth, 1744. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, 1740-56.) Narrative of the Victory obtained by the English and Dutch Fleet over that of France, near La Hogue, 1692. Bvo. Lond. 1744. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Narrative of the Taking the Ship "Northumberland" by the French. Bvo. Lond. 1745. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, 1740-56.) y\ccount of the late Expedition to Bretagne, conducted by Admiral Lestock and General St. Clair. Bvo. Lond. 1747. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Transactions of the British Squadrons in the East-Indies, during the late War. 8vo. Lond. 1751. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts, 1637- 1806.) Naval History {contd.)— The Antigallican Privateer ; with an account of tlie taking the " Duke of Penthicore." Bvo. Lond. 1757. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Naval History of Great Britain. 4 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1758. Observations and closer remarks on Commodore Johnstone's letter, dated at Port Praya, in the Island of St. Jago. 8vo. Lond. 17B2. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) The Naval Atalantis ; or a display of the characters of such Flag Ofticers as were distinguished during the last War. 8vo. Lond. 17B8. (Radstock Collection.) Short account of the Naval Actions of the last War ; with obser\'ations on the discipline and hints for the improvement of the British Navy. Bvo. Lond. 17B8. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Statement of the Services of those Naval Officers who were overlooked in the last promotion of Admirals. Bvo. Lond. 1788. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Particulars of the Victory obtained over the Batavian Fleet, Oct. nth, 1797. Bvo. Gosport, 1797. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) The British Flag Triumphant, being copies of the London Gazettes, containing accounts of the Victories of the British Fleets, during the last and present war. Bvo. Lond. 1B06. (Radstock Collection.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection.) Account of the Siege of Copenhagen by the British in the j'ear 1807. Bvo. Lond. 1807. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Papers relating to the Action between H.M. Sloop "Lille Belt" and the U.S. Frigate "President." Bvo. Lond. 1811. (Bound with " Goldsmith, Conduct of France.") Histoire des Combats d'Aboukir, de Trafalgar, de Lissa, du Cap Finistere et de autres batailles navales, 179B-1815 ; suivie de la relation du Combat de Navarin. Bvo. Paris, 1B29. Battle of Navarino (various papers), Bvo. Lond. 1832-4. On Naval History, with strictures on Capt. Brenton's work. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 8.) Naval Professional Association, Junior. Proceedings. Vol. i. Bvo. Portsmouth, 1872. Naval Scripture Readers' Society, Royal. Fourth and Fifth Reports of the Committee. Stonehouse, 1B64-5, (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 66.) NAV 266 NAV Navez, Captain. Instruction sur I'appareil electro-balistique. Folio. Antwerp, 1858. Navez-Leurs. PLlcctro-Hallistic Chrono- scopc. Lond. 1868. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 64 (i).) Navies. The Neptune of Europe, con- taining lists of the Naval Force of Great Britain, France, Holland, Denmark, Spain, Sweden, Russia, and Portugal. i2mo. Lond. 1782. Navigation. Navigazioni et \"irggi de Ramusio. 3 vols, in 2. n.p., 1563. Position and Prospects of Steam Navi- gation in 1840. 8vo. Lond. 1840. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Importance of the Navigation Laws. Bvo. Lond. 1S49. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Rules for ascertaining the Deviations of the Compass caused bj' the iron of a ship. 8vo. Lond. 1852. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Rules for finding distances and heights at sea. 8vo. n.p., n.d. (Bound in vol. lettered " Sailing- Directions.") Navy Records Society. Defeat of Spanish Armada. Compiled from State Documents. Edited b}^ John KnoxLaughton, M.A., R.N. 2 vols. "Svo. Lond. 1894. Letters of Sir Samuel Hood. Edited by David Hannaj'. Svo. Lond. 1895. Index to James's Naval History. Edited by T. A. Brassej'. 8vo. Lond. 1895. Life of Captain Stephen Martin. Edited by Clements Markham, C.B., F.R.S. 8vo. Lond. 1895. Journal of Rear-Admiral B. James, 1752-1828. Edited by Professor Laughton, M.A., and Commander J. F. Sulivan, R.N. Svo. Lond. 1896. Account and Inventories of Henry VII. Edited by I\L Oppenheim. Svo. Lond. 1896. Hollond's Discourses of the Navy. Edited by J. R. Tanner. Svo. Lond. 1S96. Journal of Sir George Rooke. Edited bj^ Oscar Browning. Svo. Lond. 1897. The French War of 15 12-13. Edited bj' Alfred Spont. Svo. Lond. 1897. The Spanish War of 1565-87. Edited by Julian Corbett. Roj'al Svo. Lond. 189S. The Russian Fleet under Peter the Great. Edited bj' Vice-Admiral Sir Cyprian A. G. Bridge, K.C.B. Svo. Lond. 1899. Great Sea Fights, 1 794-1 805. Edited by Rear-Admiral T. .Sturges Jackson. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1899-1900. Navy Records Society [co>itd.)~ The First Dutch War, 1652-54. Edited byS. R. Gardiner, M.A., D.C.L., LL.D., Vols, i and ii. Svo. Lond. 1S99-1900. The Blockade of Brest, 1803-05. Edited bj'J. Leyland. Vol. i. Svo. Lond. 1899. The Naval Miscellany. Edited by J. K. Laughton, M.A., R.N. Vol. i. Svo. Lond. 1902. The Naval Tracts of Sir William Monson. Edited b}* M. Oppenheim. 2 vols. Lond. 1902. Letters and Papers of Admiral of the Fleet Sir Thomas Bj'am Martin, G.C.B. Edited bj' Admiral Sir R. Vesej' Hamilton, G.C.B. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1 898-1 903. Nelson and the Neapolitan Jacobins. Edited bj^ H. C. Gutteridge. Svo. Lond. 1903. .Selections from the Correspondence of Admiral John Markham. Edited by Sir Clements Markham, K.C.B. Svo. Lond. 1904. Fighting Instructions, 1530- 1816. Edited by J. S. Corbett. Svo. Lond. 1905. Recollections of James Anthony Gardner, Commander R.N. (1775-1814). Edited by Sir R. Vesey Hamilton, G.C.B., Admiral, and John Knox Laughton, M.A. Svo. Lond. 1906. Letters and Papers of Charles, Lord Barham, Admiral of the Red .Squadron, 1758-1S13. Edited by Sir John Knox Laughton. 8vo. Lond. 1907. Navy, The Royal. General treatise of the Dominion of the Sea, and a compleat bodj' of the Sea-Laws. 2nd edition. 4to. Lond. n.d. (Radstock Collection.) Abridgement of all Sea Lawes. By William Welwod. Lond. 1613. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 18.) Proposals for the entring of all Letters of Attornej', Bills of Sale, or Assignments of Seamen's Wages. (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Vindication of the Principal Officers of H.M. Ordnance from the Aspersions laid upon them. Svo. Lond. 1674. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Gloria Britannica, or the boast of the British Seas : containing a full account ot the Royal Navj'. Lond. 1689 (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 16.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) England's safety, or a Bridle to the French King : proposing a method for encouraging Navigation and raising qualified Seamen. B^- Captain George St. Lo. 2nd edition. Lond. 1693. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 18) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Pro- ceedings.) NAV 267 NAV Navy, The Royal {conid.)— England's Interest, or a Discipline for Seamen. By Captain George St. Lo. Lond. 1694. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 19.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy.) (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) The Pathway to Peace and Profit, or a \\'a.y for the more speedy and effectual Building and Repairing the Royal Navj-. By George Everett. Lond. 1694. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 16.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 18.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy.) (Radstock Collection, " Remarks on the Navy.'") Encouragement for Seamen and Mariners. Being a method for the more speedy and effectual furnishing their Majesties Navy with Seamen and Mariners. By George Everett. Lond. 1695. (Pamphlets, O.s., vol. i.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, o.s. vol. 15.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy.) (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 16.) Great Britain's Groans, or an account of the oppression, ruin, and destruction of the Loj-al Seamen of England. Bj- William Hodges. 'i-P-, 1695. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 16.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Naval Pamphlets, vol. i.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy.) (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Humble Proposals for the relief, en- couragement, securitjf-, and happiness of the loyal courageous, Seamen of England. B3' William Hodges. 8vo. Lond. 1695. (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 16.) A Regulation for Seamen, wherein a method is humbly proposed whereb}- Their Majesties' Fleet maj' at all times be speedily and effectively manned, etc. Bj' John Perry, late Captain of the "Cj'gnett" Fire Ship, to which is appended a short narrative relating to his loss of the said ship. Lond. 1695. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. i.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 15.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy). (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 16.) Easie Method for the Manning of H.M. Fleet, and preventing Merchant Men being impress'd. Lond. 1695. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 16.) Navy, The Royal {contd.)— Baston's Case vindicated ; or a brief account of some evil practices of the present Commissioners tor .Sick and Wounded. Bj' Samuel Baston. Lond. 1695. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. i.) Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 16.) Proposal for the Incouragement of Sea- men. B3' Thomas Morin and Nicholas Jennings. Lond. 1697. (Pamphlets, o.s., voL 16.) State of the Navy consider'd in relation to the Victualling. 2nd edition. Lond. 1699. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 19.) Ruin to Ruin, after Misery to Misery : being the distressed, and ruined, and perishing state of the 103'al and faithful Seamen of England. By William Hodges. Lond. 1699. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 19.) Remarks on the Present Condition of the Na\y, and particularl}- of the Victuall- ing. Parts I and 2. Lond. 1700. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 16.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection.) Observations on a Pamphlet, touching the present condition of the Navy and Victualling. Lond. 1700. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 19.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Proposal to the House of Commons With respect to the Seamen's Wages for the year 1700. (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) The present condition of the English Navj', set forth in a Dialogue betwixt Young Fudg of the Admiralty, and Capt. .Steerwell, an Oliverian Commander. 8vo. Lond. 1702. (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy.) (Naval Pamphlets, vol. i.) The Sailors' Groans : relation of many of the abuses and oppressions our English Seamen lay under during the late War. Lond. 1702. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 16.) An Essay on the Navy. In two parts. Lond. 1702. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 18.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 19.) Hints upon re-modelling the Navy : by " High Pressure." 8vo. n.p., n.d. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) NAV 268 NAV Navy, The Royal icontd.)— True method for raising Souldiers and Seamen. Lomi. 1703. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 19.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Historical and political treatise of the Navy. 8vo. Lond. 1703. (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Reasons offered by the Sailors for taking off the Q"s and R"s set upon their names in the Navy Books. n.p. \circa 1705]. (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Case of the Captains who have served .since the new Establishment. n.p. \circa 1705]. (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) The Sailor's Advocate. Nos. i and 2. 8vo. Lond. \circa 1705]. (Radstock Collection, Pay of Sea Officers.) The Three Establishments concerning the Pay of the Sea-Ofticer.s. 8vo. Lond. 1705. (Radstock Collection.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy.) (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 19.) The old and true way of Manning the Fleet. Lond. 1707. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 19.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) The Case of the Traders by Sea. Lond. 1707. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 19.) Proposal to Man the Navy Royal the Great Britain and raise a Nunsery for Seamen. By John Swanne. Lond. 1709. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 18.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 19.) Letter concerning the Naval Store- Bill. Lond. 1720. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 19.) Letter relating to the Bill for encourag- ing Seamen to enter voluntarily to serve in the Navy. Lond. 1728. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. i.) His Majesty's (George H) Commission for establishing a Charity for relief of poor Widows of Commission and Warrant Officers. Lond. 1732. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 20.) Seamen. Reasons for giving Encourage- ment to the .Sea-Faring People of Great Britain. 8vo. Lond. 1739. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, 1 739-44-) Navy, The Royal {contd.)— Observations and proposals concerning the Navy. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1745. (Radstock Collectinn, Tracts, 1739-17440 Narrative in justification of injured innocence : with some of the causes of that extreme aversion which Seamen shew to the Royal Navy. Lond. 1749. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 11.) Remarks on a Pamphlet called " Con- siderations on the Bill for the better Government of the Navy."' 8vo. Lond. 1749. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, 1740-1756.) Collection of Statutes and parts of Statutes as relate to the Admiraltj', Navy, and Ships of War down to the 14th year of King George the Second. 4to. Lond. 1755, Royal Navy-Men's Advocate, wherein are set forth the corrupt practices ot Victualling the Roj'al Na\y. By William Thompson. 8vo. Lond. 1757- (Radstock Collection.) Britannia's Triumph in the year MDCCLXIL, and Series of Plates and Conquest of Havannah under Brave Admiral Pocock and Lord Albemarle. Royal folio. Lond. 1764. Collection of Statutes relating to the Admiralty, Navy, Ships of War, &c., to the eighth year of King George the Third. 4to. Lond. 1768. Letter from a Captain of a Man of War to a Member of Parliament. 8vo. Lond. 1773. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts, 1637- 1806.) Distressed Situation of the Widows of the Officers of the Navy. 8vo. Lond. 1775. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts, 1637- 1806.) Address upon the degenerated, dis- satisfied State of the British Navy. 2nd edition. Lond. 1784. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 9.) Strictures upon Naval Departments ; with a recommendation to abolish the Coppering of Ships' Bottoms. Lond. 1785. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 9.) Address upon the pernicious mode of Coppering Ihe Bottoms of Kings Ships in time of peace. Lond. 1786. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 9.) Letter to Lord Howe on the subject of a late determination, at the Cock-Pit, in a Prize Cause. 8vo. Lond. 1787. (Radstock Collection, " Howe.") Treatise on the Office of a Purser on board H.M. Ships. Bvo. n.p., 1788. View of the Naval Force of Great Britain. 8vo. Lond. 1791. Seamanship. Elements and practice of Rigging and Seamanship. Vol. ii. 4to. Lond. 1791. NA\' 269 NAV Navy, The Royal {contd.;— " The Names of H.IM. Shipps, with the nomber of men and funiiturc requisite for the settinge forth of them :" also "The general musters taken throughout the whole Realme of England and Wales." Extracted from a MS. of the reign of James I. 4to. Lond. 1802. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Reports of the Commissioners of Naval Enquiry. 1-14. 3 vols. Folio. Lond. 1803-6. Ditto, ditto. 1-12. 4 vols. Folio. Lond. 1803-6. (Radstock Collection.) Observations and instructions for the use of Officers of the Roj-al Navj'. 8vo. Lond. 1804. Answer to Mr. Pitt's attack upon Earl St. Vincent and the Admiralty. 8vo. Lond. 1804. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, 1798-1824.) Accounts and papers presented to the House of Commons, relating to Ships of War. Folio. Lond. 1805. Naval Anecdotes for the years during which the Earl of St. Vincent presided at the Board of Admiralty. 8vo. Lond. 1805. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Naval Anecdotes ; or a new key to the proceedings of a late Naval Adminis- tration. 8vo. Lond. 1807. (Radstock Collection, Political Tracts.) Observations and instructions for Officers of the Ro^'al Nav3^ 8vo. Lond. 1807. (Radstock Collection.) Contract for building His Majesty a 3rd Rate Ship of War to carrj' 74 guns, now named the " Benbow.'' Lond. 1808. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iv.) Instructions for the Conduct of the Ships of War. Official fcap. folio. n.d. Appeal against a late rejection of the petition of the Captains of the Royal Navy for an augmentation of paj'. Lond. 1809. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. vi.) Collection of the Statutes relating to the Admiralty, Navy, Shipping, and Navigation, down to the fiftieth of George III. 4to. Lond. 1810. Extension of the Naval Establishments of the Country, with sketch of Falmouth Harbour. Lond. 1810. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. vi.) Letters from a Post Captain to Lord Viscount Melville (on the State of the Navy). Lond. n.d. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. ii.) Letter to Lord Viscount Melville on the .subject of his Motions respecting Troop- Ships and upon the general state of the Navy. Lond. 1810. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. vi.) Navy, The Royal {co/tfd.) — Naval Economy : exemplified in con- versations between a Member of Parlia- ment and the Officers of a Man of War. Lond. 1811. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. vi.) Claims of the British Navy subsequent to the Termination of War with France. 8vo. Lond. 1816. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, Modern.) Cursory Suggestions on Naval Sub- jects, with a plan for raising Seamen bj^ Ballot. Lond. 1822. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 2.) Letter addressed to the Lords Com- missioners of the Admiraltj', shewing the necessity of appointing a Board of Inquirj' to investigate the present state of His Majestj''s Ships of War, &c. ; ^vith nauti- cal observations on Sir Robert Seppings" letter to Lord Melville. By E. Edwards. Lond. 1824. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 10). Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 14.) Measurements of the " Baron of Renfrew" (Newspaper cutting). n.p., 1825. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iv.) Sale of Ships. Lond. 1825. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iv.) Popularity of the Royal Naval Service. Lond. 1826. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 24.) Cruise of the Experimental Squadron (Newspaper cutting). n.p., 1827. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iv.) Launch and dimensions of H.M.S. "George the Fourth" (Newspaper cutting). n-P-i 1827. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iv.) Hints on the Impressment of Seamen ; bj^ a Commander in the Roj'al Navj^ Lond. 1827. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 10.) State of the Navy of Great Britain, in 1831 : by a Commander. Lond. 1831. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 14.) Impressment of Seamen totally un- necessaiy. By Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Ekins. Lond. 1835. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 17.) Letter on the Navy Estimates, shewing the expense of building and repairing H.M. Navy, 1800-20. Lond. 1836. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 8.) Preparation and discipline of the British Navy with suggestions for a better system. 8vo. Lond. 1837. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Conservatives ot our Wooden Walls and Shipping, against any enemies whatever. Lond. 1837. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 2)7 (")•) Letter upon the actual Crisis of the Country in respect to the State of the Navy. London, 1838. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 10.) NAV 270 NAV Navy, The Royal {contd)~ Letter to the Earl of Minto, by One of the People, and edition. Lund. 1839. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 10.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection.) Letter upon the state of the English Navy in compari<;on with that of other Navies. Lond. 1840. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 13.) Statistical Reports on the Health of the Navy, 1830-6, South American, West Indian, and North American, Alediter- ranean and Peninsular Commands. Bvo. I.ond. 1841. (Radstock Collection.) Remarks on the Naval Administration of Great Britain since 1815 ; with a pre- face by Admiral Bowles. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1847. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Case of the Assistant-Surgeons of the Royal Navy. 3rd edition. Lond. 1850. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 30.) Introduction and progressive increase of Screw Propulsion in H.M. Navy. Folio.' Lond. 1850. Facts for consideration with respect to the Navy. Lond. [1856]. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 42 (i).) Our future Navy ; its tactics and how to construct it. Lond. [1864]. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 62 (ii).) Marine Mutiny Act, &c., 1856 and 1863. Bvo. Remarks on Naval Promotion and Retirement. Lond. 1864. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 62 (ii). ) The Church in the Navy. Lond. 1865. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 62 (ii). ) Crime and Punishment in the Royal Navy, 1B62-3 Portsea, 1866. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 66.) Our Naval Training System : by a Commander R.N. Guildford, 1B66. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 66.) The Naval Expenditure from 1860-6, and its results. Lond. 1867. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 71.) Results of Trials made in H.^L Screw Ships and Vessels. Folio. Lond. 1870. Regulations for establishing a uniform system of training the Boys of the Royal Navj'. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 27.) Cruise round the World, of the Flying Squadron, 1869-70. Bvo. Lond. 1871. Report of the Sanitary Commission on H.M.S. " Victor Emanuel." Lond. 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 27.) " A soft answer turneth away wrath." Lond. 1875. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 30.) Royal Naval Engineers. Lond. 1877. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 46.) Lay work in the Royal Navy : Essay on the " Promotion of Religion on board of Men-of-War." Portsea, 1881. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i"].) Navy, The Royal {cotitd.)~ Truth about the Navy and its Coaling Stations. Lond. 1884. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 40.) The Navy of Old England : is it ready for War? Lond. 1885. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 40.) Narrative of the Expedition of the Australian Squadron to New Guinea in 1884. I"iP- 4to. Sydnc}', 1B85. The Cruise of Her Majesty's Ship "Bacchante." 2 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1886. The "(]reat Naval War of 1887." Lond. 1886. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 42.) The Naval Manoeuvres. Lond. 1888, (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 47.) Position of Senior Lieutenants. Lond. 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 44.) What our Navy. should be. Introduc- tion, by Frank Harris. 1. By Admiral of the Fleet Sir Thomas Symonds. 2. By Admiral Sir G. Phipps Hornby. 3. By Admiral Lord Alcester. Lond. 1888, (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 47.) Naval Manoeuvres of 1889. Lond. 1889. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 49.) Lessons of the Naval Manoeuvres. 1889. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 50.) The relative importance of " Broadside '' and "End on" Fire from ships of war tactically considered. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 2,7-) The White Ensign. By Officers of the Roj-al Navy. Demy 8vo. Lond. 1897. The Royal Navy. By a Lieutenant, R.N. Bvo. Lond. 1897. The Pilot's Handbook for the English Channel. By Staft' Commander J. W. King, R.N. 13th edition, revised to present date by Commander T. A. Hull, R.N. Bvo. Lond. 1898. Peace Establishment. n.p., n.d. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iv.) Case of Captains who have long com- manded H.M. Ships as Commanders. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 62 (i). ) Exercise of the Small-Arms and Great Guns for the Seamen on Board His Majesty's Ships. 410. n.p., n.d. Hints to Young Navigators of the Royal Navy and Mercantile Marine. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 67.) Royal Fleet and Naval Records. 3 vols., Imp. 4to, with Arctic .Supplement, Royal 4to, being Newspaper Cuttings col- lected by the late Commander W. H. Hood, R.N. n.d. Sea Songs and Ballads. Selected by Christopher Stone. Crown Bvo. Lond. 1907. NAV 271 NAV Navy, The Royal {contd.)— Navy Lists. List of the Officers of H.M. Royal Navy. 1739, 1740, 1742, 1754, 1766, 1767, 1769, 1774, 1777, 1778, July 1779. Jan. and July 1781-3, Jan. 1784-94, Aug. 1794, Feb. and Aug. 1795, July 1796, Jan. and July 1797-9, Jan. 1800, f\'b. 1801, Jan. and July 1802-5, Feb. 1806, Jan. and July 1807, Jan. 1808, Jan. and July 1809, Jan. 1810, Jan. and July 1811-3, 1814-33, 1835-9, and 1845. Steel's List of the Royal Navy, Apl. 1783, Nov. and Dec. 1795, March, Apl., and June 1796, Feb., June, Aug., Sep., and Dec. 1797, July, Aug., and Dec. 1798, Jan. to Apl. and June to Dec. 1799, 1800- 13, Jan., Apl., Oct., and Nov. 1814, Jan., Apl., and July 1815, Oct. 1816. lamo. Official Navy List. 1814 to date. Campbell's improved Navy List. Nos. I and 4. i2mo. Lond. 1808-9. The New Navy List ; compiled by C. Haultain. Aug. 1839, Apl. and Nov. 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, Feb. and May 1844, Feb., Maj', and Aug. 1845. Svo. Lond. 1839, &c. Ditto, ditto. Continued by Joseph Allen. 1846, 1847, Jan. 1848, 1849-55, and Feb. 1856. Svo. Lond. 1846, &c. Royal Navy List. Edited by C. E. Warren and Lt.-Col. F. Lean. No. i. (1878) up to date. Active List of Flag Officers, Captains, Commanders, and Lieutenants of the Royal Navy. Corrected from the original of the Rev. W. Harvej^, by Capt. W. Arthur and James Griffin. Portsea, 1868. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 84.) Active List of Flag Officers, Captains, Commanders, and Lieutenants of the Royal Navy. Corrected from the original of the Rev. W. Harvey, by Capt. W. Arthur and James Griffin. Portsea, 1870. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 24.") Active List of Flag Officers and Captains of the Royal Navy, to ist January, 1S79; also Active List of the future, 1 879-1914. Svo. Portsmouth, 1879. Steel's Original and Correct List of the Royal Navj'. Pott Svo. Lond. 1893. Navy. Orders and Regulations, In- structions, Warrants, &c. Instructions for the Conduct of the Ships of War. Ofticial. F"cap fol. n.d. The Duke of York's Instructions for the Better Ordering His Majestie's Fleet in Sayling. About 1665. Regulations and instructions relating to H.M. Service at Sea. 1731, 1740, 1747, i757> 1772, 1790, i8o6,|i8o8, 1813,1826,1833. Ditto, ditto, 1826. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Regu- lations.) General Orders issued to the Fleet at Gibraltar by Admirals Robert Calder, Lord St. Vincent, J. Elphinstone, Keith, etc., 1795-1799. Manuscript. Svo. n.p., 1799. Regulations established by the King in Council for H.M. .Service at Sea. 4to. Lond. 1824. Ditto, ditto. Lond. 1825. (Bound in one vol. containing plates of Naval Uniforms.) Navy. Orders and Regulations, In- structions, Warrants, &c. {conid.)— Queen's Regulations and Admiralty Instructions, 1844, 1862, 1871, 1879, 1S99. Addenda to the " Queen's Regulations and Admiralty Instructions" and "In- structions for Paymasters." 4to. Lond. 1S64. Ditto, ditto. 4to. Lond. 1865. Ditto, ditto. 4to. Lond. 1S6S. Standing Orders for the North America and West Indian Station. 1861-1S64. Queen's Regulations and Admiralty Instructions. Addenda. (1900.) Svo. Lond. 1900. King's Regulations — Addenda, igoi. Official Copy. Svo. Lond. 1901. King's Regulations — Addenda, 1904. Official Copy. Svo. Lond. 1904. The King's Regulations and Admiralty Instructions for 1906. With Addenda. Svo. Lond. 1906. Blockade. Analysis of the Three Orders of Council, dated nth November, 1S07, for imposing the Restrictions of Blockade. Lond. 1807. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 12.) Dress. Description of the Uniform to be worn by Officers of the Royal Navj-. 4to. Lond. 1825. Uniform Regulations for Officers, Petty Officers, and Seamen of the Fleet. Svo. Lond. 1879. Finance. Three establishments concerning the Pay of the Sea Officers. Lond. 1705. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 19.) Orders in Council as to Naval Rank, Pay, Promotion, and Retirement. Svo. Lond. 1747-1859. Revised Pension Regulations for Officers and Men of the Roj'al Navy and Marines, and their relatives. Svo. Lond. 1S76. Gunnery. Instructions for the E.Kercise of Great Guns. Lond. iSiS. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 3.) Instructions for the exercise and service of Great Guns, &c., on board H.M. Ships. Svo. Portsea, 1S60. Manual of Gunnery for H.M. Fleet. i2mo. Lond. 1873. Gunnery Drill Book for H.M. Fleet. i2mo. Lond. 1895. Medical. Instructions for the Royal Naval Hospitals at Haslar and Pl3-mouth. Svo. Lond. 1834. Regulations and Instructions for the Medical Officers of His Majesty's Fleet. Svo. Lond. 1S35. Musketry. Rifle and Field E.xercises and Musketry Instruction for H.M. Fleet, i2mo. Lond. iS32. Royal Naval Reserve. Revised Regulations for the Appoint- ment, Promotion, and Emplojnnent ot Officers of the Royal Naval Reserve. Official. Crown Svo. Lond. 1896. NAV 272 NEU Navy. Orders and Regulations, In- structions, Warrants, &c. Royal Naval Reserve \contd.) — Royal Naval \'olunteer Reserve. Part I. — Regulations. Part II. — Civil and Administratue Rules. Part III. — The Acts providing lor the Constitution of the Reserve. Ofticial. 8vo. Lond. 1903. Trattsporl . Regulations for Transport Service (not Troopships. 8vo. Lond. 1872. yScc also Signals.) Neal, W. G. {See Hall, R.N.) Neale, Dr. Adam. Letters from Portugal and Spain ; comprising an account of the operations of the armies under Sir Arthur Wellesley and Sir John Moore, from the landing o"f the troops in Mondego Bay to the BaUle of Corunna. 4to. Lond. 1809. Neale, The Rev. E. The Model Soldier- Brig. -General Cureton, C.B., A.D.C. Dover, 1894. (Pamphlets, 3rd scries, vol. 67.) Needham, Lieut.-Col. J. Layland. The Solution of Tactical Problems. 8vo. Lond. 1906. Negrier, Le General de. Lessons of the Russo-Japane.se War. Translated by Second "Lieut. E. L. Spiers, 8th Hussars. 8vo. Lond. 1906. Neilson, George. Trial by Combat. 8\xi. Glasgow, 1890. Nelson, Viscount. The Dispatches and Letters of Vice- Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson. With Notes by Sir Nicholas H. Nicolas, G.C.M.G. 7 vols. " Svo. Lond. 1844-46. Unpublished Letters of Lord Nelson. New York, 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 47.) (For other Works, sec Index.) Nemirovitch-Dantchenko, V. I. Per- sonal Reminiscences of General Skobeleff. Translated by E. A. Brayley Hodgetts. 8vo. Lond. 1884. Nemours, La Duchesse de. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. 34.) Neptune. Story of the new Planet, Neptune. ' Lond. 1847. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 27.) Neree, A. von. Die Militar-Dampfkiiche und Bade-Anstalt. Svo. Berlin, 1880. Neren'burger, Le General. Notice sur les Triangulations qui ont ete faites en Belgique, depuis 1617. Svo. Brussels, 1857. Netherlands. Advis Fidelle aux Veritables Hol- landois ; touchant ce qui s'est passe dans les Villages de Bodegrave et Swammer- dam. 4to. n.p., 1673. Le Systeme Defensif Neerlandais. 8vo. Paris, 1866. Nieuwe Bewerking door kleuren en letterdruk van Topographische Kaarten. Oblong 4to. n.p. [1866]. Topographische Atlas van het Koning- rijk der Nederlanden op de schaal van I : 200,000. Folio. Amsterdam, 1869. (For other Works, see Index.) Netherlands. Army. Lawcs and Ordinances touching Mili- tarj' Discipline. Small4to. Hague, 1631. Technische en Taktische. Artillerye. Folio. BreJa, 1861. Verzameling van platen betrekking hebbende op de Nederlandische Artillerie in de i6de, i7de, en i8de eeuw. Folio. Breda, 1861. Standgezigten van Artillerie Materieel. Folio. Amsterdam, 1861. Rapport omtrent de Proef genomen met een Getrokken Ijzeren Kanon 24 cm. i2mo. Breda, 1871. Plates to ditto. Folio. Beproeving van pantsergranaten uit het Getrokken Ijzeren en stalen Kanon van 24 cm, op een pantserschijf Svo. Hague, 1879. Voorschriften nopens de Instelling van-, alsmede het Toezigt, de directie en het administratief beheer over-de Militaire Zicken-Inrigtingen. Svo. Hague, 1880. Gids voor den Milicien der Infanterie, by Major W. L. de Petit and Captain H. C. Brandt. 2nd edition. Crown Svo. n.p., 1891. Military Works. Handbook for the Militarj' Telegraph Service. Part I. Telegraph Service in the Field. Svo. Breda, 1896. Algemeene Maatregelen van Bestuur en Andere Koninklijke Beluiten uit Staatsblad van Belangvoorde Landmacht. i2mo. 1897. Beknopt Overzieht der Proeven en Oefeningen die in het Jaar 1896. Official. Svo. Breda, 1S97. Neerlands Leger. Crown Svo. December, 1898, to March, 1899. Wetten en Wetsbepalingen van Belang voor de Landmacht. i2mo. 1894. Leidraad voor de Levering van Benoodigdhedenten Dienste der Artillerie- Inrichtingen. Official. Crown Svo. 1895. (For other Works, see Index.) Neton, Alheric. Sieges (1748- 1836.) 8vo. Paris, 190J. Neudeck, G., and Schroder, Dr. H. Das Kleine Buch von der Marine. Crown Svo. Kiel and Leipzig, 1S99. Neufeld, Charles. A Prisoner of the Khaleefa. Svo. Lond. 1899. Neuman, Henry. Marine Pocket Dic- tionary of the Italian, .Spanish, Portu- guese, and German Languages, with an English-French and French-English Index. Svo. Lond. 1799. Neuman and Baretti. Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. 5th edition. Edited by M. Seoane. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1831. Ditto, ditto. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1867. Neumann. Leitfaden fur den Unter- richt in der Was.senlehre an den Konig- lichen Kriegsschulen. 4to. Berlin, 1879. Neumann, A. H. Elephant-Hunting in East Equatorial Africa. Svo. Lond. 1S98. Neumann, L., and A. de Plason. Recueil des Traites et Conventions conclus par I'Autriche depuis 1763. 11 vols. Svo. Vienna, 1877-84. NEU '■73 NIC Neuinayer, Dr. G. Anleitung zu Wissen- schattlichen Be(jbachtungen auf Reisen. 8vo. Berlin, 1875. Neunieyer, G. A. Inexplosive Gun- powder. Lond. 1867 (4to Pamphlets, vol. 5./ Neveu, M. [See Fournier, P.) Nevile, George. Horses and Riding. 2iid edit. Cnjwn Svo. Lond. 1877. Neville, Captain L. Treatise on the Di.scipline of Light Cavalrj'. 8vo. Lond. 1795. Nevinson, H. W. Scenes in the Thirty Days' War between Greece and Tiirkej'. Crown 8\'o. Lond. 1898. Ladysmith : The Diary of a Siege. 8vo. Lond. 1900. New South Wales. Map of New South Wales to accom- panj'^ "Correspondence respecting Emi- gration." Folio. Lond. 1871. Mines. Annual Report of the Depart- ment of Mines, 1877-81. 4to and folio. Sydney, 1878-82. Report of the Royal Commission ap- pointed to inquire into the Military Ser- vice of New South Wales, 1892. 4to. Sydnej-, 1892. Stations determined Astronomically in connection with Trigonometrical Survej'. Sj'dnej', 1892. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 55.) Wealth and Progress of New South Wales. By T. A. Coghlan. Svo. Sydney, 1893. Military Forces of New South Wales. 1894. The Mother Country of the Australias. Published by Authoritv. Demy Svo. Sj'dnej', 1896. New South Wales : The Mother-Coun- try of the Australian. Published by Authority. Demv Svo. Sj'dnej', 1896. History of N.S.W. Corps of Royal Engineers. By Captain C. Stuart-Cansdell. Vol. i. 1869-1899. Sydney, 1899. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 60.) Australian Cavalry — The New South Wales Lancer Regiment and First Austra- lian Horse. By Frank Wilkinson. Svo. Sydney, 1901. (For other Works, see Index.) New Zealand. Official Handbook of New Zealand. By Sir Julius Vogel. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1875. (For other Works, see Index.) Newall, Major-General D, J. P. High- lands of India. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1882-7. Newbolt, Henry. The Year of Trafalgar. Svo. Lond. 1905. Newcastle and Gateshead Chamber of Commerce. Report of the Com- mittee. Svo. Newcastle, 1868. (Bound in vol. lettered "Rule of the Road at Sea.") Newcastle, William Cavendish, Duke of. General system of horsemanship in all its branches. 2 vols. Folio. Lond. 1743. Newdigate, Colonel Edward. Army of the North German Con- federation. Svo. Lond. 1872. Frontal-attack of Infantry. Svo. Lond. 1873. E.xperimental tactics of Infantry in 1872. Lond. 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 4.) Analysis of the " Formations for attack on the Half-Battalion System." Lond. 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 19.) Royal Newfoundland Companies. Regimental Standing Orders lor the Guidance of the Royal Newfoundland Companies. Crown Svo. St. John's, Newfoundland, 1S50. Newitt, E. I. D. The Theory of Rifle Sights and Targets, and Scoring. Lond. 1905. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 69.) Newlands, J. A. R. Discovery of the Periodic Law, and on relations among the atomic weights. Svo. Lond. 1S84. Newman, Edward. History of British Ferns. Svo. Lond. 1854. Newnham - Davis, Lieut. - Colonel N. Military Dialogues. Crown Svo. Lond. 1S99. Newton, C. T. Travels and discoveries in the Levant. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1865. Newton, Sir Isaac. Mathematical principles of Natural Philosophy. Translated into English bj' Andrew Motte : to which are added "The Laws of the Moon's Motion according to Gravity"; b3\Tohn Machin. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 172c. Philosophise Naturalis Principia Mathe- matica Perpetuis commentariis illustrata, communi studio PP. Thomae Le Seur et Francisci Jacquier. 3 vols. 4to. Geneva, 1739. Note. — Commonlj- called the Jesuits edition ; containing also — Traite sur le flux et reflux de la mer : par M. Daniel Bernouilli. — De Causa Physica fluxus et refluxiis maris a D. Mac-Laurin. — Inquisitio Physica in causam fluxus ac refluxCis maris a D. Euler. ^ Opera quae extant omnia. Com- mentariis illustrabat Samuel Horslej'. 5 vols. 4to. Lond. 1779-85. Ney, Marshal. Memoirs of Marshal Ney. Published by his Familj'. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1834. Nichol, John. Byron. Crown Svo. Lond. iSSo. Nichol, J. p. Views of the Architecture of the Heavens. 3rd edition. Svo. Edinburgh, 1839. Nichols, Major George Ward, U.S. Army. Story of the Great March (General Sherman's March through Georgia.) Svo. Lond. 1865. Nichols, T. Propagation and management of Oak Trees. Southampton, 1791. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iii.) Methods proposed for decreasing the Consumption of Timber in the Navy. Southampton, 1793. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iii.) NIC 74 NOE Nichols. Thomas. Handbook for RcaJcrs ill the British Museum. 8vo. Lond. 1866. Nicholson, George, Jun. The Cape and its Colonists : with liints to Settlers in 1848. 8\d. Lond. 1848. Nicholson, Captain H. Whally. From Sword to Share ; or a fortune in five years at Hawaii. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Nicholson, Prof. Shield. (Sec Britannic Confederation. ) Nicholson, W. (.S',v Kiittner.) Nicolai, Ludwig Heinrich. \'crmischte Gedichte. 9 vols. i2mo. Berlin, 1778-86. Nicolas II., Emperor of Russia. (See Ookhtonisky. 1 Nicolas, Sir Nicholas Harris. Siege of Carlaverock, 1300 ; with a translation, a history of the Castle, and memoirs of the personages commemorated by the poet. 4to. Lond. 1828. Statutes of the Order of St! Michael and St. George. 4to. Lond. 1832. History of the Battle of Agincourt, and of the Expedition of Henry the Fifth into France in 1415. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1833. Chronology of History. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1838. History of the Orders of Knighthood of the British Empire, of the Order of the Guelphs of Hanover, and of the medals, clasps, and crosses conferred for naval and military services. 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 1842. History of the Royal Navy from the earliest times to the wars of the French Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1847. (Radstock Collection.) Nicolas, Lieutenant P. H. (Sec Johns.) Nicolay, Fernand. Napoleon at the Boulogne Camp. Translated byGeorgina L. Davis. Crown 8vo. Lond. n.d. Nicolay, John G., and John Hay. Abraham Lincoln : a history. Plans of Campaign. New York, 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 47.) Jackson's Valley Campaign and the Seven Days' Battles. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 47.) Nicolson, Captain Sir F., Bart., R.N. Remarks on Naval Courts-Martial. Lond. 1849. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 29.) Niebuhr, B. G-. History of Rome. Translated by J. C. Hare and Connop Thirlwall. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1832-7. Niehuhr, Le Capitaine Carsten. Description de I'Arabie, d'apres les recherches faites dans le pays meme. 4to. Copenhagen, 1773. Voyages en Arable, et en d'autres pays circonvoisins I'AIlemand. 2 vols. 410. Amsterdam, 1776-80. Niel, Le Marechal. Siege de Sebastopol. Journal des Operations du Genie. 4(0. Paris, 1858. Atlas to ditto. 2 vols. Folio. Niemann, A. Der Franzosische Feldzug, 1870-71. 8vo. Hildburghausen, 1871. The French Campaign, 1870-71 ; Mili- tarj' Description. Translated by Colonel Edward Newdigate. 8vo. Lond. 1872. Militar-Handlcxikon. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1877. Niessel. Le Capitaine. Lcs Cosacjues. I'tuile Ilistorifiuc, Cleographique, Econo- mique, ct Militiiire. 8vo. Paris, 1898. Nightingale, Florence. Life or death in India : with an appendix on life or deatli by irrigation. Lond. 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 20.) Nijne Tagilsk. Observations Meteoro- logiques faites a Nijne-Taguilsk, Montes Ourals, 1857-63 and 1865. 8vo. Paris, 1860-66. Nisbet, John. Burma under British Rule — and Before. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1901. Nixon, Lieut.-Colonel J. E. Notes on Military Law. 3rd edition 8vo. Lahore, 1897. Solutions of Tactical Problems on Maps. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1897. Noailles, A. M., Le Due de. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols. lxxi-l.\.\iv.) Noake, Captain R. C. Mode of re- cruiting tor the Army. Lond. 1867. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 19.) Noakes, Sergeant-Major A. G. Free Gymnastics and Light Dumb-bell Drill. i2mo. Aldershot, 1898. Noalhat, H. Les Torpilles et les Mines sous-marines. 8vo. Paris, 1905- {See a/so Forest.) Noble, Sir Andrew. Artillery and Ex- plosives. 8vo. Lond. 1906. Noble, The Rev. Mark. The Lives of the English Regicides. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1798. Noble, Captain W. H., R.A. Reports on Ballistic Experiments. 2 parts in one vol. 8vo. Lond. 1803. „ Captain W. H., and F. A. Abel. Researches on Explosives. Fired Gun- powder. Lond. 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 19.) Ditto, ditto. 4to. Lond. 1875. Noble, W. M. Huntingdonshire and the Spanish Armada. Lond. 1896. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 67.) Noe, M. le Comte de. Memoires relatifs a I'Expedition Anglaise, partiedu Bengale en 1800, pour aller combattre en Egypte I'Armee d'Orient. 8vo. Paris, 1826. Noehden, G. H. Selection of Ancient Coins. (Lord Northwick's Coins.) 4to. n.p., n.d. Noel, Major The Hon. E. Science , of Metrology, or natural Weights and Measures. 8vo. Lond. 1889. International Time : a Scheme for Harmonising the Hour all the World Round, 1892. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 57.) NOE 275 NOR Noel, Lieut.-Colonel Hon. E. Gustaf Adolf, The Father of Modern War. 8vo. Lond. 1905. Noel, Commander Gerard H. U., R.N. The Gun, Ram, and Torpedo. Manoeuvres and tactics of a naval battle in the present day. To which are addetl "Essay on Naval Tactics," by J. K. Laughton ; and " Essay on .Steam Tactics in a general action," by Lieut. C. Camp- bell, R.N. 8vo. Lond. 1874. Naval Essay : '' Great Britain's Mari- time Power : how best developed." King's Lynn, 1878. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 37.) Noel, Le Colonel J. N. A. Souvenirs Militairesd'un Officier du Premier Empire, 1 795-1 832. 8vo. -Paris, 1895. Noizet, Le G-eneral. Memoir en reponse a I'ouvrage de General Prevost de Vernois ayant pour titre " De la Fortification depuis Vauban." 8vo. Paris, 1862. Noizet-Saint-Paul, Le Colonel G. Elemens de Fortification. 8vo. Paris, 1811. Atlas to ditto. 4to. Traite complet de Fortification. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1818. Atlas to ditto. Folio. Ditto, ditto. Atlas only. (Second copy.) Nolan, Captain J. P., R.A. Range- finder. Woolwich, 1872. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 19.) Nolan, Captain L. E., 15th Hussars. Cavalry ; its history and tactics, and edition. 8vo. Lond. 1854. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. Crown 8vo. Lond. i860. The Training of Cavalry, Remount Horses. New edition. 8vo. Lond. 1861. Noll, Ned. Histoire de I'Armee Coloniale 8vo. Paris, 1896. Nolli, G-iambattista. Nuova Pianta di Roma. Folio. Rome, 1748. Nolloth, Captain M. S., R.N. Reminis- cences of St. Domingo in 1849. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 55.) Norbury, H. F. The Naval Brigade in South Africa, 1877-9. 8vo. Lond. 1880. Norden, Captain F. L. Travels in Egypt and Nubia. 2 vols, in one. Folio. Lond. 1757. Nordenfelt, T, Handbook of the i" Nordenfelt Gun. 8vo. Lond. 1880. Ditto, ditto. 8vo. Lond. 1883. The Nordenfelt Machine Guns described in detail and compared with other .S3'stems. 4to. Portsmouth, 1884. Nordenskiold, A. E. Arctic Voyages : edited by A. Leslie. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe. Translated by A. Leslie. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Norfolk. Plain address to the Farmers, Labourers, and Commonalty of the County of Norfolk. Lond. 1757. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 25.) Norgate, Lieut.-Colonel J. T. From Sepoj' to .Soobadar. 8vo. Lahore, 1880. Norie, J. W. Set of Linear Tables for correcting the apparent distance of the Moon from the Sun or a Fixed Star. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1 81 7. Naval Gazetteer, Biographer, and Chronologist. i2mo. Lond. 1827. Complete set of Nautical Tables. 9th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Complete epitome of Practical Naviga- tion. 12th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1839. Plates descriptive of the Maritime Flags of all Nations. 8vo. Lond. 1840. Nork, F. Etymologisch - symbolisch- mythologisches Real-Worterbuch. 4 vols. in one. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1843-5. Norman, Captain A. 0. Field Duties for Volunteers. Petershead, 1900. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 65.) Norma u, C. B. Tonkin ; or France in the Far East. 8vo. Lond. 1884. Colonial France. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Corsairs of France. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Armenia and the Campaign of 1877. 8vo. Lond. n.d, Norman, Commander F. M., R.N. ALartello Tower at School and at Sea. 8vo. Lond. 1899. Martello Tower in China and the Pacific in H.M.S. "Tribune," 1856-60. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Norman, Henry. The Peoples and Politics of the Far East. 8vo. Lond. 1895. Ditto, ditto, (later Edition) 8vo. Lond. 1899. All the Russias. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Norman, Colonel H. W. Narrative of the Campaign of the Delhi Army. Lond. 1858. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. jt,.) Lecture on the Relief of Lucknow. Lond. 1867. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 93.) „ General Sir H. W., and Mrs. Keith Young. Edited by. Delhi, 1857. The Siege, Assault, and Capture, as given in the Diary and Correspondence of the late Colonel Keith Young, C.B., Judge- Advocate-General, Bengal. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Norman, Captain W. H., R.N., and Captain T. Musgrave. Journals of the voyage and proceedings of H.M.C.S. "Victoria" in search of shipwrecked people at the Auckland and other Islands. Melbourne, 1865. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 27.) Norregaard, B. W. The Great Siege : Investment and Fall of Port Arthur. 8vo. Lond. 1906. Norris, Major S. L. The South African War, 1899-1900. 8vo. Lond. 1900. S 2 \OH 276 O'BY Norris-Newinaii, C. L. In Zululand wiih thv liritisli in 1879. 8vo. Loiul. 1880. North, Lord. (.SVy National Defence.) North, Major C. N. Journal of an English (Jllnii- in hulia. 8vo. I,ond. 1858. North, The Hon. Roger. Lives of the Kif^lit Hon. Francis North, Baron Ciiilford; The Hon. Sir Dudley North; and the Hon. and Rev. Dr. John North. 3 \nis. 8vo. Lond. 1826. Northampton, The Marquis of. Address as President of the Royal Society. Lond. 1840. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 16.) Address as President of the Royal Society. Lond. 1843. (Painphlets, 2nd series, vol. 38.) Address as President of the Royal Society, 1845. Lond. 1846. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 27.) Northcote, James. Life of Sir Joshua Keynokls. 2 voW. 8vo. Lond. 1819. {Sec also Hazlitt.) Northcott, Walter W. Short sketch of tlie Peninsular War, with a chapter on the Waterloo Campaign. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1 88 1. Northrop, L. B. Memoranda on the Civil War. Washington, 1886. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 43.) .Norton, Lieut.-Colonel C. B., and W. J. Valentine. Report to the Govern- ment of the United States on tlie Munitions of War exhibited at the Paris Exhibition, 1867. 8vc. New York, 1868. Norton, Captain J. Lecture on Projectiles and his own inventions. Lond. 1837. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 8.) Application of the Percussion Principle to Naval and Military Firearms. Lond. 183S. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 10.) List of Projectiles and other inven- tions ; with correspondence. i2mo. Gravesend, i860. Direct continuity of Momentum. Dublin, 1862. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 63.) Norton, J. B. Topics for Indian States- men. Edited by G. R. Norton. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Norton, The Hon. Mrs. Residence at Sierra Leone. 8\o. Lond. 1849. Norton, Robert. Ihe Gunner, shewing the whole practice of Artillerie. 4to. Lond. 1628. Norway, Arthur H. History of the I'ost-Oiruc Packet Service 1793-1815. Lond. and New York, 1895. Norway. Topografisk kart over Kongeriget Norge. Folio. n.p., 1870. Tegninger af dc Norske Smalsporede .Stats-Jernbaner samlede og udgivue af Jernbanens IngeniOrer. Folic. Chrisliania, 1870. Exercer - Reglement for Infanteriet. Bataljonen og; Brigaden. i2mo. Christiania, 1871. Ditto, ditto. Almindelig Indledning, Rekrutskolen og Konipaniet. i2mo. Christiania, 1871. (For other Works, src Index.} Nottingham, Daniel Finch, Earl of. Obsei-vations upon the state of the Nation in January 1715. Lond. 1713. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 20.) Notter, J, L., and Horrocks, W. H. The Theory and Practice of Hygiene (Notter and Fn-th). 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Nugent, Lord. Memorials of John Hampden. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1832. Nugent, Major G. Lectures on Com- panj- Drill. i2mo. Lond. 1902. Numismatic Society. Proceedings of the Numismatic Society, 1836-7, and 1844-52. 8vo. Lond. 1837-52. Numismatics. Medallic History of England. 4to. Lond. 1790. Remarks on the Ancient British Coins. Folio. Lond. 1848. Souvenirs of Heroism. Brighton, 1875. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 31.) History of medals, chains, clasps, and crosses, conferred in reward of militarj' or naval services. 4to. n.p., n.d. Explicatio Literarum et Notarum fre- quentis in antiquis Romanorum monu- mentis occurrentium. 4to. n.p., n.d. Medailles, Louis XIV et Louis XV, Rois de France. Small 410. Paris, n.d. Two Folio Volumes containing figures of Coins. Presented by W^. H. Hawkins. n.p., n.d. Nursey, Perry F. Recent improvements in Explosive Compounds. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 25.) o. "'0." The Yellow War. 8vo. Lond. 1905. Oalies, Captain A. F. Proposed instruc- tions and regulations for the Exercise and F'ield Movements of the Horse Artillerj- in India. 8vo. Madras, 1837. Oates, Titus, D.D. eikqn basiaikh or the picture of the late King James. 3rd edition. 410. Lond. 1696. Oaths. Nature and obligation of Oaths in the Church of Rome. Dublin, 1844. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 41.) O'Brien, Captain D. H., R.N. My Adven- tures during the late War, 1804-14. Edited by C. Oman. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1902. O'Byme, Robert. Collection of Army Circulars and General Orders, 1867-71. 8vo. Lond. 1872. Ditto, ditto, 1867-75. Svo. Lond. 1876. Ditto, ditto, 1867-77. Svo. Lond. 1878. Dit-to, ditto, 1867-79. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Ditto, ditto, 1 87 1 -3. Svo. Lond. 1873. O'BY 277 OLI O'Byrne, Rol^ert {conid.)— Military Almanacks. 1871-72-73. Military History of our own times, 1874. Folio. Lond. 1874. Ditto, ditto, 1874-8. Folio. Lond. 1878. Naval History of our own times, 1874. Folio. Lond. 1874. Ditto, ditto, 1874-.8. Folio. Lond. 1878. Victories of the British Army in the Peninsula and the South of France, 1808 to 1 814. An epitome in one volume of Napier's History of the Peninsula War and Gurwood's Collection of the Duke of Wellington's Despatches. 8vo. Lond. 1889. (Sec also James W.) O'Callaghan, Captain E. Infantry Piquet Duty. i2mo. Lond. 1875. O'Callaghan, J. C. History of the Irish Brigades in the Service of France. 8vo. Lond. 1886. O'Connell, Mrs. Morgan John. The Last Colonel of the Irish Brigade, Count O'Connell, and old Irish Life at Home and Abroad, 1745-1833. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1892. O'Connor. Chronicles of Eri ; being the History of the Gaal Sciot Iber : or, the Irish People. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822. O'Connor, Lient.-Colonel J. Our Naval and Military Home Coast Defences. Liverpool, 1889. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 50.) Discussion on above paper. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 51.) O'Connor, V. C. S. The Silken East - A Record of Life and Travel in Burma. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1904. O'Conor, Matthew. Military History of the Irish Nation, comprising a memoir of the Irish Brigade in the service of France. 8vo. Dublin, 1845. Odelehen, Le Baron d'. Relation circon- stanciee de la Campagne de 1813, en Saxe. Traduit par M. Aubert de Vitry. 2 vols. 3vo. Paris, 181 7. Odiardi, E. Des Balles Explosibles et Incendiaires. 8vo Paris, 1869. OTonovan, E. The Merv Oasis : travels iind adventures East of the Caspian. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1882. O'Dowd, J. C. Army Reform : a few words on the purchase system, and regimental organiza- tion. Lond. 1868. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 75.) Practical hints to Courts-Martial. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Odysseus. Turkey in Europe. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Ogden, Charles. The British Army as it is and as it should be. Bradford, 1501. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 64.) Ogilby, John. Africa ; being an accurate description of the regions of Egypt, Bar- bary, Lybia, and Billedulgerid. Folio. Lond. 1670. Oglethorpe, General J. {See Wright, R.; O'Halloran, Colonel H. D. Volunteer Equipments in War. Lond. i86i.. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 60.) O'Halloran, Major-General Sir Josephs Services ot' Sir Joseph O'Halloran. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 36.) O'Halloran, S. Introduction to, and history of Ireland. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1803. O'Keeffe, John. Recollections of the Life of John O'Keefe, written by himself 2 \'uls. 8vo. Lond. 1826. Okonneff, Le Colonel N. Considerations sur les grandes operations, les batailles, et les combats de la Campagne de 1812 en Russie. 8vo. Paris, 1829. Olascoaga, Manuel J. La Conquete de la Pampa. Recueil des documents relatifs a la Campagne du Rio Negro. 8vo. Buenos Aires, iBBi. Oldecop, A. Noiiveau Dictionnaire de poche, Fran9ais-Russe et Russe-Franijais. 2 vols. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1841. Oldfield, Lieut.-Colonel J. Value and importance of our North American Colonies. Lond. 1838. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 10.) Oldfield, R. A, K. (See Laird.) Oldfield, Major Thomas. Memoirs ; extracted from his own papers. 8vo. Dartford, n.d.. (Bound with Jennings, "Attack and Defence.") Oldknow, Fleet-Engineer, R. C, R.N. Mechanism of Men-of-War. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1896. Oldmixon, Captain J. W., R.N. Gleanings from Piccadilly to Pera.. 8vo. Lond. 1854. Transatlantic wanderings, or a last look at the United States. 8vo. Lond. 1855. Oliphant, Laurence. Trans - Caucasian Campaign of the- Turkish Army under Omer Pasha. 8vo. Lond. 1856. Narrative of Lord Elgin's Mission to China and Japan, in the years 1857-58-59. 2 vols. 8vo. Edin. and Load. 1859. Oliphant, Nigel. A Diary of the Siege of the Legations in Peking. 8vo. Lond. 1901. Oliphant, Mrs. Sheridan. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1883. Olivarius, Professor. Description du Combat Naval qui a eu lieu le 2 Avril dans la rade de Copenhague, 8vo. Kiel, n.d. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Oliveira, Benjamin. Observations upon the works of the Isthmus of Suez Canal. Lond. 1863. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 65.) Capabilities of the Island of Teneriffe as a winter residence ; and the climate and general history of the Island of Madeira. Lond. 1865. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 69.) Visit to the Spanish Camp in Morocco during the late war. Lond. 1865. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 69.; OLI 278 ORL Oliver, Edward E. Across tlie Border or Pathan and Biloch. 8vo. Lond. 1890. Oliver, E. E. Punitive Expeditions on the N.W. Frontier of India. 1890-91. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 53.) Oliver, Captain J. R. Notes on Field Artillery Projectiles. Lond. 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 25.) Oliver, Captain S. P. The Hovas, and other characteristic tribes of Madagascar. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 14.) Prehistoric remains in Brittany. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 14.) Megalithic structures of the Channel Islands. Lond. 1870. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 14.) Nuragghi Sardi and other non-historic stone structures of the Mediterranean Basin. Dublin, 1875. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 32.) On and oft" duty, being leaves from an Officer's note-book. 410. Lond. 1881. On board a Union Steamer. To which is added "A sketch abroad," bj' Miss Doveton. 8vo. Lond. 1881. French Dispute in Madagascar. 8vo. Lond. 1885. Madagascar. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1886. Oliver, W. A. Collision Diagram illus- trating the Rule of the Road at Sea. i2mo. Lond. 1868. (Bound in vol. lettered " Rule of the Road at Sea.") Oliver, Surgeon-Major W. S. Instruc- tions for lilting and using Magazine Accoutrements. np-, n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 47.) Oliver and Boyd. Pronouncing Gazetteer of the World. Svo. Edinburgh, 1880. Ollech, General von, Geschichte des I'eldzuges von 1815. Svo. Berlin, 1876. Ollendorff, H. G. New method of learn- ing to read, write, and speak the German Language in six months. Svo. Frankfort, 1840. OUivier, Emile. L'Empire Liberal. \'ols. . 8vo. Paris, 1894- . Oman, C. W. The Art of War in the Middle Ages, A.D. 378—1515. 8vo. Oxford, 1SS5. Warwick. The Kingmaker. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1891. A History of the Art of War of the Middle Ages. Svo. Lond. 1898. A History of the Peninsular War. Vols. . Svo. Lond. 1902. The Great Revolt of 1381. Svo. Oxford, 1906. Oman, V. E. Swedish-English Dictionary, Svo. .Stockholm, 18S8. O'Meara, Barry Edward, Napoleon at St. Helena. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1888. Omnium, Jacob, Letters on Military Education. Lond. 1855. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 45.) Story of the Mhow Court-Martial. Svo. Lond. 1864. Omond, G, W. T. The Boers in Europe. Crown Svo. Lond. 1903. Ompteda, Christian Freiherr von, Ein Hannoverisch-Englishcher Offizier vor Hundert Jahren. Svo. Leipsig, 1892. A Hanoverian English Officer a hun- dred years ago. Memoirs of Baron Ompteda, Col., King's German Legion. Translated by John Hill. 8vo. Lond. 1892. O'Neill, Lieutenant The Count T, Account of his sufferings while confined in the Prison of the Conciergerie at Paris, 3rd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1807. Account of the proceedings of the Squadron in effecting the escape of the Royal Family of Portugal to the Brazils, on November 29, 1807. Svo. Lond. 1810. Onosander. Strategicus, sive de Impera- toris Institutione. Edited by Nicolaus Rigaltius. 4to. Paris, 1600. Ookhtomsky, Prince E, Travels in the East of Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia, translated by R. Goodlet, edited bj' Sir G. Birdw^ood. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1896. Oppenheim, L. International Law. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1906. Oppenheim, M, A History of the Administration of the Roj'al Navy, and cf Merchant Shipping in relation to the Nav3', from 1509-1660. Svo. Lond. 1897. Oppianus. Halieuticks of the nature oi' fishes and fishing of the ancients. Svo. Oxford, 1722. Oram, H, P, (Siv Sennett.), Orderson, J, W, The Fair Barbadian. A comedj'. Liverpool, 1835. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 16.) Ordnance Survey. (5"^'^ Survey.) Orford, Horace Walpole, Earl of. Private Correspondence of. 4 vols. Svo. Lond. 1820. Mernoires of the last ten years of the Reign of George the Second. 2 vols, in one. 4to. Lond. 1822. Oriental Translation Fund, Report of the Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of the Subscribers. 4to. Lond. 1S30. (Bound with Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Asiatic Society.) List of Works. Lond. 1844. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 38.) Ditto, ditto. [Lond. 1863.] (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 45.) Orleans, Gaston, Le Due d'. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. 31.) Orleans, Le Due d'. Campagnes de L'Ai-mee dAfrique 1835-39. Svo. Paris, 1870. ORL 279 ouv Orleans, Le Prince Henry d'. Une Visite a I'Empereur Menelik. 8vo. Paris, 1898. From Tonkin to India by the Sources of the Irrawadi, January, 1895 — Januarj', 1896. Translated by H. Bent. 8vo. Lond. 1898. Orlich, Leopold von. MiHtary Mutiny in India : its origin and its results. Translated, vv^th observations, by Major- General Sir W. M. G. Colebrooke. Lond. 1858. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 64.) Orlowski, L. W. Discourse on the historical events of Poland. Lond. 1842. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 17.) Orme, R. History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation in Indostan. 3rd edition. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1870. Ormond, James Duke of. {See Carte.) Ormsby, The Rev. James Wilmot. Account of the Operations of the British Army, and of the state and sentiments of the People of Portugal and Spain, during the Campaigns of 1808-9. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1809. O'Rourke, Count John, Colonel of Horse. A Treatise on the Art of War. 8vo. Lond. 1778. Orr, A. S. Scottish Yeomanry in South Africa, 1 900-1 901. 8vo. Lond. 1901. Orrego, Luis Uribe y. Combates Navales en la Guerra del Pacifico, 1879- 1881. 8vo. Valparaiso, 1886. Orrery, Roger Boyle, The Earl of. Treatise of the Art of War. Folio. Lond. 1677. Orton, James. The Andes and the Amazon ; or across the Continent of South America. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Orton, Reginald. Essay on the Epidemic Cholera of India. 2nd edition. 8vo. . Lond. 1831. Ortroy, Le Capitaine F. van. Conventions Internationales definissant les Limites actuelles des Possessions, Protectorats et Spheres d'Influence en Afrique. 8vo. Brussels, 1898. Osborn, Captain Sherard, R.N. Quedah. A Cruise in Japanese Waters. The Fight on the Peiho. In i vol. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Discovery of a North-West Passage hy H.M.S. " Investigator " during 1850-54. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Stray Leaves from an Arctic Journal, or eighteen months in the Polar Regions in search of .Sir John Franklin's Expe- dition in 1 850-1. Bvo. Lond. 1865. „ Rear-Admiral Sherard. Impressment of British Seamen and the necessity for a Naval Militia Bill. Lond. 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 27.) A Memoir. Edinburgh, 1875. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 2i3-) Osborne, John. Guide to the West Indies, Madeira, Mexico, Northern South America, &c. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Oscar Fredrik, King of Sweden. Charles XII. Translated by George F. Apgeorge. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Osgood, H. L. The American Colonies in the .Seventeenth Century. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1904. Osier, Edward. Life of Admiral Viscount Exmouth. i2mo. Lond. 1841. Ossbahr, C. 0. Vagledning for Besokande i Lifrustkammaren och darmed forenade Samlingar. Crown 8vo. Stockholm, 1905. Osten Oberst von der. Unterrichts fur Junglinge besonders fur solche die dem Mililair sich widmen. i2mo. Hamburg, 1804. Osten, W. A. von. Feldziige der Aliirten Armee in den Jahren 1757-62. i2mo. Hamburgh, 1805. Otis, Major-General E. S., U.S.V. Report on the Military Operations and Civil Affairs in the Philippine Islands, 1899. Washington, 1899. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 63.) Otranto, M. Fouche, Duke of. Authentic memoirs of the public life of M. Fouche, Duke of Otranto. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1 81 8. Ottley, Brevet-Major, W. J. With Mounted Infantr}^ in Tibet. 8vo. Lond. 1906. Otway, The Right Hon. Sir A., Bart. Autobiograph3' and Journals of Admiral Lord Clarence E. Paget, G.C.B. 8vo. Lond. 1896. Oudin, C. Tesoro de las dos lenguas Espanola y Francesa. i2mo. n.p., 1675. Oudinot, Le Marechal. Due de Reggio. Considerations sur lemploi des Troupes aux grands travaux d'utilite publique. Paris, 1839. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 10.) {See also .Stiegler.) Oudney, Dr. {Sec Denham.) Outram, Captain James. Rough notes of the Campaign in Sinde and Aftghanistan. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1840. Rough notes of the Campaign in Sinde and Affghanistan, in 1838-9. i2mo. Lond. 1840. „ Lieut.-General Sir James. Persian Campaign in 1857. 8vo. [Pri- vatelj' printed.] Lond. i860. Campaign in India, 1857-8. 8vo. With I vol. of maps. 8vo. [Privately printed.] Lond. i860. {See also Trotter. ) Ouvry, Colonel H. A. Military Government. Lond. i86r. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 91.) The Reserve Fund and the purchase corps. Lond. 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 91.) Cavalry Experiences and Leaves from my Journal. 8vo. Lj'mington, 1892. OVI 280 PAL Ovid. Metamorphoses. Translated by the most eminent hands. Edited by S. tJarth. FoUo. Lond. 1717. Owen, Lieut.-Colonel C. H. Essay on llic Motion of Projectiles fired iVuni Rided Arms : with remarks on the emploj'ment of Rifled Ordnance. 8vo. Lond. 1862. Report on Artillery. Woolwich, 1868. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. "]"] ^ Remarks on the Education given at the Roj-al Mihtary Academy at Woolwich, with observations on the training of Artillery Officers. Woolwich, 1868. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 79.) Principles and practice of modern Artillery. 8vo. Lond. 1871. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1873. „ Lieut.-Colonel C. H., and Captain T. L. Dames. Elementary Lectures on Artillery, pre- pared for the use of the Gentlemen Cadets of the Royal Military Academy. 4to. Woolwich, 1859. Ditto, ditto. 4th edition. 4to. Woolwich, 1865. Owen, Douglas. Declaration of War : a survey ot the position of belligerents and neutrals with relative considerations of shipping and marine insurance. 8vo. Lond. 1889. Owen, Captain J. F. Mitrailleurs or Machine Guns. 8vo. Lond. 1874. Our .Auxiliary Forces. Plymouth, 1874. I'Pampiiicts, 3rd series, vol. 19.) Owen, The Rev. N. British Remains ; or a collection of antiquities relating to the Britons: with memoirs of Edward Llwyd. 8vo. Lond. 1777. Owen, Rear-Admiral Richard. Nautical memoir descriptive of the sui-veys made in H.M.S. " Blossom ■' and "Thunder," 1829-37. With an essay on the use of the Chronometer. 8vo. Dublin, n.d. Owen, Professor Richard. Anatomy of the Brachiopoda of Cuvier, and more especially of the Genera Tere- bratula and Orbicula. Lond. 1833. (4to Pamphlets, vol. i.) [See also Belcher. ) Owen, Captain W. F. W., R.N. Narrative ot voyages to explore the shores of Africa, Arabia, and Madagascar, performed in H.M.S. " Leven ' and '' Barracouta." 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1833. Oxenham, The Rev. H. N. Memoir of Lieutenant Rudolph de Lisle, R.N. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Ozanam. Traite de Fortification, con- tenant les methodes anciennes et modernes pour la Construction et la Defense des Places. 8vo. Paris, 1694. Paasch, Captain H.,Iinp. Grerman Navy. Vom Kiel zum Flaggenknopf. 4to. Homburg, 1894. Pack, Captain. Another Fight at Sea between the English and the Dutch, on Saturday last (July 10, 1652). 8vo. Lond. 1632. (Radstock Collection.) Page, Admiral B. W. Biographical Notice. Ipswich, 1830. (Pamphlets, vol. 3.) Page, Captain S. Flood. Discipline and drill ; lectures. 8vo. Lond. 1871. Page, Thomas. Eligibility of Milford Haven for Ocean .Steam .Ships, and for a Naval Arsenal. Lond. 1859. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 7.) Paget, Admiral Lord Clarence E. {See Otway.) Paget, C. J., and James. Natural Histoiy of Yarmouth and its neighbour- hood. 8vo. Yarmouth, 1834. Paget, General Lord George. Light Cavalry Brigade in the Crimea. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Paget, John. Income Tax Act, with introduction and index. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1842. Paget, John C. Naval Powers and their policy : with tabular statements of British and Foreign Ironclad Navies. 8vo. Lond. 1876. {See also Mayer.) Paget, Lient.-Coionel W. H. Record of the Expeditions against the N.W. Frontier Tribes since the annexation of the Punjab. Revised and brought up to date by Lieut. A. H. Mason. 4to. Loiid. 1884. Painvin, Le Capitaine. {See Frocard.) Paixhans' Mortar Cannon. Experiment made at Brest. 8vo. Lond. 1824. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Paixhans, H. J. Nouvelle Force Mari- time, et application de cette force a quelques parties du service de I'armee de terre. 4to. Paris, 1822. Paladines, Le General D'Aurelle de. Campagne de 1870-71. La Premiere Armee de la Loire. 2nd edition. 8vo. Paris, 1872. Palat, Le Commandant. La Preparation au Combat de I'lnfan- terie AUemande. 8vo. Paris, n.d. Bibliographie generale de la Guerre 1870-71. 8vo. Paris, 1896. Palestine Exploration Fund. Our work in Palestine. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Palgrave, Reginald F, D. Chairman's Handbook. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1877. Oliver Cromwell : the Protector. 8vo. Lond. 1890. PAL PAR Palgrave, William GriflFord. Narrative of a year's journey through Central and Eastern Arabia (1862-3). 2 vols. 8vo. Lend. 1865. Palliser, Mrs. Bury. Historic Devices, Radges, and War-Cries. Bvo. Lond. 1870. Palliser, Major W. Trial of a 32-pounder cast iron Gun converted into a 64-pounder Rifled Gun of 60 cwt. Lond. 1866. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 7;^.) Use of Earthen Fortresses for the defence of London and as a preventive against invasion. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 87.) Pallme, Ignatius. Travels in Kordofan. 8vo. Lond. 1844. Palmer, F. With Kuroki in Manchuria. 8vo. Lond. 1904. Palmer, F. I. Disconnecting Spur- Torpedo-Ram and dome-shaped, double roller, one gun Turret. 4t(~. Lond. 1873. Palmer, Major J. Detail of Line Alove- ments. 8vo. LonJ. 1812. Palmerston, Viscount. Letter to M. Thiers, dated August 31st, 1840 : with Reply of M. Thie.s, dated October 3rd, 1840, and the additional Memorandum. Lond. 1840. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 13.) Selections from private journals of Tours in France in 1815 and 1818. 8vo. Lond. 1871. (See also Ashlej', The Hon. E.) Pambour, Le Comte F. M. G-. de. Practical Treatise of Locomotive Engines. 8vo. Lond. 1840. Panigarola, F. Francesco, Vescovo d'Asti. Specchio di Guerra. 4to. Bergamo, 1595. Panzavecchia, Canon Fortunato. Gram- matica della Lingua Maltese. 8vo. Malta, 1845. Pappus. Pappi Ale.xandrini CoUectiones Mathematicae. Nunc primum Greece edidit H. J. Eisenmann. Folio. Paris, 1824. Parades, Count Robert de. Secret Memoirs, containing an account of his successful transactions as a Spy in England, with the real causes ct the failure of the Expedition against Plymouth, in 1779. 8vo. Lond. 1791. (Radstock Collection.) Parent!, Dante. Disposizioni Vigenti suUe Pensioni Militari in Italia ed in altre Nazioni. 8vo. Livorno, 1892. Le Scuole di Marina all' Estero e in Italia. 8vo. Rome, 1892. Paris. Paris as it was and as it is ; a sketch, illustrative of the effects of the Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1803. Les Nouveaux Forts de Paris (Loi du 27 Mars, 1874). 8vo. Paris, 1874. Declaration of Paris of 1856. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Paris {confd.) — La Nouvelle Defense de Paris. Paris, 1876. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 67.) My Pans Note Book. By the Author of an Englishman in Paris. 8vo. Lond. 1894. (For other Works, sec Index.) Paris, Le Comte de. Histoire de la Guerre Civile en Amerique. 6 vols. Bvo, and case of maps. Paris, 1874-83. Paris, L'Amiral Edmond. L'Art Naval a I'Exposition Universelle de Londres de 1862. With supplement, 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1863-/. Atlas to ditto. P'oHo. Le Musee de Marine du Louvre. Folio. Paris, 1883. Souvenirs de Marine. Collection de Plans on Dessias de Navires. 3 vols Folio. Paris, 1882-6. Utilisation econoraique des Navires k Vapeur. Roj'al 8vo; Paris, n.d. L'Art Naval a I'Exposition Universelle de Paris en 1867 ; augmente des derniers perfectionnements et inventions maritimes jusqu'en 1869. 8vo. Paris, n.d. Atlas to ditto. Folio. (Sec also Bonnefoux.) Paris, General F. A. Der Felddienst der Infanterie. i2mo. Breslau, 1868. Paris, John Ayrton. Life of Sir Humphry Davy. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831. Parish, Sir "Woodbine. Buenos Ayres and the provinces of the Rio de la Plata. 8vo. Lond. 1839. Park, Mungo. Travels in the interior districts of Africa in 1795-7. With appendix contain- ing geographical illustrations of Africa, by Major Rennell. 4to. Lond. 1799. Journal of a Mission to the Interior of Africa in 1805. 4to. Lond. 1815. Parke, Surgeon T, H. How General Gordon was really lost. Lond. 1892. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 56.) Parke, W. T. Musical Memoirs : com- prising an account of the general state of music in England, 1784-1830. 2 vols. 8vu. Lond. 1830. Parker, Captain E. D. An Outline of Reconnaissance. i2mo. Lond. 1898. (See also Verner. ) Parker, Commodore F. A., U.S. Navy. Battle of Mobile Bay. 8vo. Boston, 1878, Parker, John. Early history and antiqui- ties of Wycombe in Buckinghamshire. 4to. Wj'combe, 1878. Parker, J. H. Chart of Gothic Architecture. 2nd edi- tion. i2mo. Lond. 1841. An Introduction to the Study of Gothic Architecture. 13th edition. Crown 8vo. Lond. iQoo. Parker, Captain Sir Peter, Bart., R.N. Biographical Memoir of the late Sir Peter Parker. 4to. Lond. 1815. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) PAR 282 PAS Parker, Captain Robert. Memoirs of the most remarkable Militarj' Transactions from 1683-1718. 8vo. Lond. 1747. Parkes, Edmund A. Manual of Practical Hygiene. Pre- pared csperially for use in the Medical Service of the Arm J'. Lond. 1864. Ditto, ditto. 6th edition. Edited by F. S. B. F. De Chaumont. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Parkes, Sir H. (Sc^ Lane-Poole.) Parkin, G. Imperial Federation. 8vo. Lond. 1894. Parkman, Francis. History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac and the War of the North American Tribes against the English Colonies, after the Conquest of Canada. Svo. Boston, 1868. Montcalm and Wolfe. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1884. Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV. Lond. 1899. The Old Regime in Canada. Svo. Lond. 1904. A Half Century of Conflict. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1907. Parkyn, Lieutenant S. S. Transport in Southern Afghanistan between Sukkur and Quetta, 1 878-1 880. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1882. Parlby, Le Lieut. - Colonel Samuel. Nouveau Systeme pour le Trace des Chemins de Fer, la construction des rails et des voitures. Paris, 1842. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 17.) Parliament. The Case fairly stated in a Letter from a Member of Parliament in the Country Interest. Lond. 1745. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 4.) Anticipation : containing the substance of His M — -ty's Most Gracious Speech to both H s of P — 1 — t on the opening of the approaching Session. Lond. 1778. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 3.) Thanks voted by the House of Lords and House of Commons to the Armj- and Navy, 1 801-1 859. Svo. Lond. 1859. Parliamentary Officers of the great civil war. i2mo. Lond. 1873. Parliamentary Papers. (.SV^ Special Catalogue.) Parmelee, G-. W. (SW Doughty.) Parnell, Colonel The Hon. A. Defences of the Kingdom. Lond. 1882. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 39.) The War of the Succession in Spain, 1702-11. 8vo. Lond. 1888 Parnell, Sir H. A Treatise on Roads 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 183S Parola, Giuseppe. Saggio di Clima tologia et di Geografia Nosologica dell Italia. Svo. Turin, 1880. Paroy, Le Comte do. (.S>^ Charavay.; Parquin, Le Commandant. Souvenir et Campagnes d'un vieu.x soldat de I'Empire, 1803-1814. Svo. Paris, 1892. Parr, Colonel H. H. Sketch of the Kafir and Zulu Wars. Svo. Lond. 1880. Dress, Horses, and Equipment of Infantry and Staff Officers. Svo. Lond. 1 881. Further Training and Employment of Mounted Infantry. Svo. Lond. iSSS. „ Major-General H. H. The Further Training and Employment of Mounted Infantry- and Yeomanry. Crown Svo. Aldershot, 1900. Parry, The Rev. E. Memoirs of Rear- Admiral Sir W. Edward Parry. i2mo. Lond. 1S60. Parry, Major E. Gambler. Suakin, 1885 ; a sketch of the cam- paign of this j-ear. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1S86. Reynell Taylor : a biography. Svo. Lond. 188S. Parry, H. D. Britain's Roll of Glory. Svo. Lond. 1906. Parry, Captain Sir W. E., R.N. Three Voyages for the Discovery of a North-West Passage, and narrative of an attempt to reach the North Pole. 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 1821-8. Ditto, ditto. 5 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1831. Parsons, Major Clifford. Precis of the provisions of the Mutinj' Act and Articles of War. Svo. Lond. 1S75. Parsons, Lieutenant G. S., R.N. Nelsonian reminiscences. Svo. Lond. 1843. Parsons, William. Method of admeasuring Ships for ascer- taining their Tonnage. Lond. 1S30. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 9.) Scales of the displacements of ships of the British Navy. Folio. Lond. 1831. Partington, Charles F. Botany illustrated on entirely new principles. Svo. Lond. n.d. Account of Steam Engines and other models of machinerj-. i2mo. Lond. n.d. Paruta, Filippo. La Sicilia ; descritta con Medaglie e Ristampa con Aggiunta da Leonardo Agostini. Folio. L3'ons, 1697. Pascal, Adrien. Les Bulletins de la Grande Armee precedes des rapports sur 1 Armee Fran9aise depuis Toulon jusqu'a Waterloo. 5 vols, in three. Svo. Paris, 1841-4. Histoire de I'Armee, avec Tableaux Synoptiques par Col. Brahaut, et des Tableaux Chronologiques par Capt. Sicard. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1S47-50. Pascal, Slaise. Les Provinciales, ou lettres de Louis de Montalte. 2 vols, in one. i2mo. Paris, 1820. Pasco, Commander Crawford, R.N. A Roving Commission ; Naval Reminis- cences. Svo. Lond. 1897. Paskevitch d'Erivan, Le Marechal Comte de. Prince de Varsovie. Rapport addresse a sa Majeste L'Em- pereur Nicolas Premier. 4to. .St. Petersburg, 1831. PAS 283 PEA Pasley, Colonel C.W., R.E. Essay on the Military Policy and Institutions of the British Empire, and edition. Part i. 8vo. Lond. 1811. Ditto, ditto. 4th edition. Parti. 8vo. Lond. 1 81 3. Course of Elementary Fortification, including rules for determining the strength of revetments. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822. Complete Course of Practical Geometry, including Conic Sections and Plan Drawing. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1822. Description of the Universal Telegraph, for day and night signals. Lond. 1823. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 2.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 9.) Key of the Universal Telegraph, adapted to Rear- Admiral Popham's Tele- graphic Vocabulary. Chatham, 1823. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 25.) An Enquiry into the System of Com- mercial Contracts for Supplying His Majesty's Army. Bvo. Chatham, 1825. Expediency and practicability of sim- plifying and improving the Measures, Weights, and Money, used in this Country. 8vo. Lond. 1834. Rules for conducting the practical operations of a Siege. 8vo. Lond. 1832-41. Pasley, L. M. Sabine. Memoir of Admiral .Sir Thomas Sabine Pasley. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Pasquin, Anthony. {See Williams, John.) Patarol, Laurentis. Opera Omnia. 2 vols, in one. 4to. Venice, 1743. Series Augustarum, Caesarum, et Tyrannorum omnium a C. J. Caesar ad Carolum VII. 4th edition. 4to. Venice, 1743. Patents, A Compendium of the Laws of. 19 vols. n.d. Paterson, Daniel. Description of all the direct and principal cross Roads in Great Britain. 12th edition. i2mo. Lond. 1799. Ditto, ditto. 18th edition. Remodelled by Edward Mogg. 8vo. Lond. n.d. Paterson, Lieut. -Colonel W. Treatise on Military Drawing and Surveying. Oblong 4to. Lond. 1802. Supplementary Notes to a Treatise on Military Drawing and Surveying. 8vo. Lond. 1871. Notes on Mihtary Surveying and Re- connaissance. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 187^. Topographical Examination Papers. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Patry, Le Capitaine Leonce. Campagne de P' ranee de 1870-1. Etude densemble. FoHo. Paris, 1879. „ Le Lieut.-Colonel. La Guerre telle qu'elle est (Campagne de 1870-71). Crown 8vo. Paris, n.d. Patten, The Rev. Robert. History of the late Rebellion [1715]. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1717. Patterson, Lieutenant A. Mobilization. Lond. 1897. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 58.) Patterson, Captain John. Adventures of Capt. John Patterson, with notices of the Officers, &c., of the 50th or Queen's Own Regiment from 1807-21. 8vo. Lond 1B37. Pattison, Mark. Milton. Crown Bvo. Lond. 1879. Patton, Admiral Philip. Account of the Mutinies at Spithead and St. Helens, in 1797. 4to. n.p., 1798. Natural Defence of an Insular Empire. 4to. Southampton, 1810. Strictures on Naval Discipline and the conduct of a Ship of War. 4to. n.p., n.d. Paul I., Emperor of Russia. {See R.R.) Paul, J. B. History of the Royal Com- pany of Archers ; the Queen's Body- Guard for Scotland. 4to. Edinburgh, 1875. Paulus, G. Die Cernirung von Metz im Jahre 1870. 8vo. With atlas. Berlin, 1875. Pausanias. Description of Greece. Translated by Thomas Taylor with notes in which much of the Mythologj- of the Greeks is unfolded. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824. Pa"Vy, A. L'Expedition de Mores. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1897 Pavy, F. W. Treatise on food and dietetics. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Payer, Julius. New Lands within the Arctic Circle. Narrative of the discoveries of the Austrian ship " Tegetthoff '' in 1872-4. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Payne, John. Naval, commercial and general history of Great Britain. 2nd edition. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1793. (Radstock Collection.) Payne, J. Home. Adiresses of the Hungarian Diet of 1861, to the Emperor of Austria. Lond. 186-2. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 82.) Payne - Gallwey, Sir R. Projectile- Throwing Engines of the Ancients. Royal 4to. Lond. 1907. Paynter, Captain Aylmer. A few words on the Laws of the Helm. 8vo. Devonport, 1867. (Bound in vol. lettered " Rule of the Road at Sea.") Peace, W. Our Colony of Natal. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Peacock, Captain George. Panama Canal. n.p., 18S1. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 39.) Peacock, R. A. Saturated steam tlie motive power in volcanoes and earth- quakes. 2nd edition. 8vp Lond. 1882. PEA 284 PEL Pead, Major L. W. Military Competitive Course : Exami- nations required to be pash^ed by Subaltern Officers of Militia in qualifying for Com- missions in the Regular Sei"vice. Lond. 1886. (Pamphlets, 3rd scries, vol. 42.) Ditto, ditto. Lond. 1888. (Paniplilcts, 3rd scries, vol. 46.) Pearce, Captain F. B. Rambles in Lion- land. Svo. Lond. 1898. Pearce, Nathaniel. Life and adventures during a residence in Abyssinia, 1810 to 1819; together with Mr. Coffin's account (if liis visit to Gondar. Edited by J. J. Halls. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831. Pearse, H. H. S. P'our Months Besieged. The Story of Ladysmith. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Edited by. The History of Lumsden's Horse. Imp. Svo. Lond. 1903. Pearse, Major H. W. The Crimean Diary and Letters of Lieut. -General Sir Charles Ash Wvndham, K.C.B. Svo. Loiid. 1897. Colonel Alexander Gardner, Soldier & Traveller. Svo. Lond. 1898. „ Colonel H. W. The Hearseys. Five Generations of an Anglo-Indian Family. 8vo. Lond. 1Q05. Pearse, Commander John, R.N, Reflec- tions on the imperfect state of Naval Architecture. Plymouth, 1847. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 34.) Pearse, J. N., and B. Great Coats for the Army. Lond. 1808. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. v.) Pearson, Lieut. - Colonel Alfred. The early Furtifications of Rome. Rome, 1877. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 46.) Pearson, C. H. National Life and Character. Svo. Lond. 1893. Pearson, Captain R. F. Military Pano- rama Drawing in Three Lessons. Crown Svo. Aldershot, 1907. Pearson, The Rev. William. Introduc- tion to practical Astronom\'. Text and Plates. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1824-39. Peary, Lieut. R. E., U.S.N. Northward over the Great Ice. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1898. Nearest the Pole. Svo. Lond. 1907. Pechell, S. John. Defective equipment of Ship Guns. Svo. Lond. 1825. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Peck, F. Memoirs of the life and actions of Oliver Cromwell. 4to. Lond. 1740. Peclet, E. Traite de la Chaleur con- sideree dans ses applications. 3 vols. Svo. Paris, i860. Pedrusi, Paolo. Raccolta di Medaglia delle Museo Farnese. 8 vols, in four, and 3 vols, of Plates. Folio. Parma, 1694. (For continuation, ne Piovene.) Peel, The Hon. G, The Enemies of England. Svo. Lond. 1902. The Friends of England. Svo. Lond. 1905. Peel, Sir Robert, Bart. Speech at Merchant Tailors' Hall, Monday, May nth, 1835. _ Lond. 1835. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 36.) Peel, The Hon. Sidney. Trooper S008 I.Y. Svo. Lond. 1901. The Binding of the Nile and the New Soudan. Svo. Lond. 1904. Peerage. The British Peerage. Reign of (ie. irge 1st. i2mo. (No title page.) Pegge, Samuel. Assemblage of Coins, tahiicatcd by Authority of the Archbishops of Cantrrhur},-. 410. Lond. 1772. Pegus, Lieutenant Campbell J. The Athenian Maid. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 3.) Peigne, Paul. Dictionnaire geogra- phique, topographique, statisque et postal de la France. 4th edition. Svo. Paris, 1S75. Peithmann, L. T. Refutation of Pierre Franc M'Callum's Remarks on the Royal Military College. Svo. Lond. 1809. (Bound with " Poole's Narrative.") Pelet, Le General. Memoires sur la Guerre de 1809 en Allemagne. 4 vols. Svo. Paris, 1824-6. Pelet-Narbonne, General-Lieutenant G. von. La Service des Rapports et Reconnais- sances de rOfficier de Cavalerie. Svo. Paris, 18S7. Ueber Erziehung und Fiihrung von Kavallerie. Svo. P)erlin, 1894. Instruction et Conduite de la Cavalerie. Traduit de I'Allemand. Svo. Paris, 1S96. Der Kavalleriedienst ; ein Handbuch fiir Offiziere. Svo. Berlin, 1897. Ditto, ditto. 5th edition. 2 vols. Svo. Berlin, 1901-03. La Cavalerie des P® et IP Armees Allemandes dans les journees du 7 au 15 Aoiit, 1870. Traduit de lAllemand par le Lieut.-Colonel P. Silvestre. Svo. Paris, 1900. „ General G. von. Cavalry on Service. Translated from the German bj^ Major D'A. Legard. Svo. Lond. 1906. Pellerin, Joseph. Recueil de Medailles de Rois. 4to. Paris, 1762. Recueil de ]\Iedailles de Peuples et de Villes. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1763. Melange de di verses Medailles, pour .servir de Supplement aux Recueils des Medailles de Rois et de Villes. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1765. Supplement aux six volumes de Recueils des Medailles de Rois, de Villes, &c. 4to. Paris, 1765. Pellew, Captain Sir Edward, Bart., R.N. Description of Betanzos Ba\% near Ferrol. 4to. np-, 1804. (Book of Remarks for the West Station.) Pellew, Commander PownoU, R.N. Fleet Manceuvring. 4to. Lond. 1868. Pellicciari, Bartolomeo. Universale Instruttione per servitio della Cavalleria. 4to. Venice, 1617. PEL PER Peltier, J. The late picture of Paris ; a narrative of the Revolution of the Tenth of August. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1792-3. Pembroke, Henry, The Earl of. Military Equitation ; or, a method of breaking horses and teaching soldiers to ride. 3rd edition. 4to. Lond. 1778. Ditto, ditto. 4th edition. 4to. Lond. 1793. Penfentenyo, M. A. de. Projet de Tactique Navale pour les beliers a vapeur. 8vo. Paris, 1873. Penhoat, Le Vice-Amiral. Elements de Tactique Navale. 8vo. Paris, 1879. Penn, G-ranville. Memorial of the pro- fessional life and times of Sir William Penn. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1833. Pennant, Thomas. Tour in Scotland and the Hebrides in 1772. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1776. Some account of London. 2nd edition. 4to. Lond. 1790. Pennethorne, J., and J. Rohinson. GeometrA' and Optics of Ancient Archi- tecture. Folio. Lond. 1878. Penrose, Bernard. Account of the last expedition to Port Lgmont, in Falkland's Islands, 1772. 8vo. Lond. 1774. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Penrose, Vice-Admiral Sir C. V. Observations on Corporal Punishment, Impressment, and other matters relative to the present state of H.M. Roj-al Navy. Bodmin, 1824. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 14.) Remarks on the Naval Administration of Great Britain since 1815. Lond. 1830. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 14.) Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. Lond. 1830. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 11.) Pentland, J. B. Fossil remains of some animals from the North-East Border of Bengal. Lond. 1828. (4to Pamphlets, vol. i.) Penzler, J, Kaiser und Kanzler — Briefe. 8vo. Leipzig, 1900. Pepys, Samuel. 5lemoirs relating to the State of the Royal Navj' of England for ten j'ears, determin'd Dec, 1688. i2mo. Lond. 1690. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection.) Memoirs, comprising his Diar)- from 165^ to 1669, deciphered by the Rev. J. Smith, and a selection from his correspon- dence. Edited by Richard Lord Braj^- brooke. 2nd edition. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829. The Diary of Samuel Pepys, M.A., F.R.S. Edited, with Additions by H. B. Wheatley. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1904. Memoirs relating to the State of the Royal Navy of England for Ten Years, Determin'd December, 1688. Crown 8vo. Oxford, 1906. Perceval, Lieutenant M. H., R.N. Letter on Army Brevet and its application to the Royal Navj-. Lond. 1862. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 64.) Percy, The Earl, M.P. The Highlands of Asiatic Turkey. 8vo, Lond. 1901. Percy, John, Metallurgy. 8vo. Lond. 1801-80. Vol. i. Fuel. ,, ii. Iron and Steel. ,, iii. Lead. ,, iv. Silver and Gold. Fart i. Percy, Thomas. Reliques of ancient English Poetrj-. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1812. Perier, J. Histoire de ce qui s'est passe par chacun jour au Siege de la villa d'Ostende. i2mo. Paris, 1604. Perigal, F. Chart of the Navy of Great Britain. Folio. Lond. 1859. The Year 1800. Lond. i860. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 4.) Pering, Richard. Causes of Decay in our modern Bul- warks. Plj'mouth, 1812. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 3.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Xaval Pamphlets, vol. 7.) Reply to strictures on Indian-Built Ships. Plj-mouth, 1814. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 7.) Treatise on the Anchor, with observa tions on the Chain Cable. 8vo. Plj-mouth, 1819*. (Radstock Collection.) Periodicals, &c. Annual Register. Vols. i-c.\.\i. 8vo. Lond. 1758-1879. Ditto, ditto. New series. 1880 to date. 8vo. Lond. 1881- . General Index to ditto. 1758-1819. 8vo. Lond. 1826. Army and Navy Magazine. Vols, i to XV. 8vo. Lond. 1880-88. (Afterwards amalgamated with "Col- burn's United Service Magazine.'') Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register for British and Foreign India, China, and Australasia. ist series. Vols, i-xxviii. 8vo. Lond. 1816-29. Ditto, ditto. 2nd series. \'ols. i-xl. 8vo. Lond. 1830-43. Ditto, ditto. 3rd serie> \'ols. i-iv. 8vo. Lond. 1843-5. Bibliographer. A journal of book-lore. \'ols. i-vi. 4to. Lond. 1882-4. British and Foreign Review ; or Euro- pean Quarterly Journal. Vols, i-xviii. 8vo. Lond. 1835-44. British Army and Navy Review. Vols. i-iv. 8vo. Lond. 1864-66. British Military Journal, October, 1798, to March, 1801. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1798-1801. British Military Library, or Journal. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1799. Bulletins from the London Gazette : arranged by T. Walker. 8vo. Lond. 1793- Civil Engineer and Architects' Journal. 4to. Lond. 1838-67. Colburn's United Service Magazine and Naval and Military Journal. 1829 to date. 8v0( Lond. 1829- . PER :86 PER Periodicals, &c. {co/i/(L)~ Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal. \'ols. i-xv and xvii-lvii. 8vo. Edinbur[;li, 1826-5.;. Ditto, ditto. New series. Vols, i-xix. PMinbiirgh, 1855-6^;. Edinburgh Review. Vol. i to Lond. 1802- . Edinburgh Philosophical Journal. \'ols. i-xiv. 8vo. £dinburs;li, 1819-26. European Magazine, and London Review, for March 1782 : containing a Map of the Islands of St. Christopher's and Nevis, with the position of the English and French Fleets, and a Map of Plymouth and Fortifications at the last siege, 1643. Bvo. Lond. 1782. (Radstock Collection.) Foreign Quarterly Review. Vols, i-xxxvii. 8vo. Lond. 1827-46. Gentleman's Magazine. 1 731- 1868. Index to ditto. 1731-86. 2 vols. Ditto, ditto. 1787-1818. 2 vols. List of Plates and Woodcuts, 1 731- 18 18. Gentleman's Magazine Library, being a Classified Collection of the Chief Contents of the Gentleman's Magazine from 1731 to 1868. Edited by G. L. Gomme. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1891-96. Historical Register, containing an im- partial Relation of all Transactions, Foreign and Domestic. Vols, i-xxiii. 8vo. Lond. 1716-38. Illustrated Naval and Military Maga- zine. 15 vols. 4to and 8vo. Lond. 1884-1891. London Gazette, 1686-1701. 1772 and up to date. London Magazine, 1748, i75o-3- Magazine of Natural History. Con- ducted by J. C. Loudon. Vols. i-ix. 8vo. Lond. 1829-36. Ditto, ditto. New series. Conducted by E. Charlesworth. Vols, i-iv, vi-xvi. Bvo. Lond. 1837-45. Military Magazine. Vols. i-iv. 8vo. Lend.' 1811-12. Military Panorama, or Officer s Com- panion. Vols, i-iii. 8vo. Lond. 1812-14. Military Register. Bound in 8 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1814-22. Monthly Miscellany. Vol. ii. 8vo. Lond. 1774. Monthly Register, or Memoirs of the Affairs of Europe. July-Dec, 170.1. Sm. 4to. Lond. 1704. Nautical Magazine. Vols, i to date. 8vo. Lond. 1832- . Index to ditto. Vols, i-xxxix. 8vo. Lond. [1871]. Naval and Military Magazine. Vols, i-iv. 8vo. Lond. 1827-8. Naval Chronicle. Vols, i-xlviii. 8vo. Lond. 1799-1818. Naval Science. Vols. i-iv. 8vo. Lond. 1872-5. North British Review. Vols. i-iv. Edinburgh, 1844-6. Notes and Queries. Vols, i to date. 4to. Lond. 1850- _ . Numismatic Chronicle. Vols, i-xiv. 8vo. Lond. 1839-52. Periodicals, &c. (co/i/t/.)— Philosophical Magazine. Vols, i to xi. 8vo. 1827-32. Ditto, ditto. New series. Vols, i to xxviii. 8vo. Lond. 1832-46. Ditto, ditto. 4th series. Vols, x.wii to 1. 8vo. Lond. 1864-75. Ditto, ditto. 5th series. Vols, i to date. 8vo. Lond. 1875- . Quarterly Review. Vols, i to date. 8vo. Lond. 1809- . Royal Military Chronicle, or British Oilicer's Monthly Register and Visitor. Vols. i-vi. 8vo. Lond. 1811-13. Ditto, ditto. New series. Vols. i-vi. 8vo. Lond. 1814-17. MS. List of contents to ditto. Scot's Magazine for June, 1801. Edinburgh, 1801. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 76.) Simmonds's Colonial Magazine and Foreign Miscellany. Edited by P. L. Simmonds. Vols, i-viii. 8vo. Lond. 1844-6, The Lifeboat ; Journal of the Institu- tion. Vols, i to viii, and Nos. 126, 127, 129, 130, 131, 133, 134, 135, 137, 138, 139, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 147, 149, 150. 8vo. Lond. 1852- Westminster and Foreign Quarterly Review. Vols, xlvi-lv. 8vo. Lond. 1847-51. Westminster Magazine. Vols, vi and vii. 8vo. Lond. 1778-9. Westminster Revie^v. Vols, i to 8vo. Lond. 1852- . Yorkshire Magazine. 8vo. n.p. 1786. Fraticc. Almanach Royal. Annee Commune, 1789. 8vo. Paris, 1789. Almanach Imperial, 181 1. 8vo. Paris, 1811. (Radstock Collection.) Annales Hydrographiques. Recueil d'avis, instructions, documents et memoires relatifs a I'Hydrographie et a la Navigation. 1864 and 1865. 8vo. Paris, 1864-5. Annuaire presente au Roi, par le Bureau des Longitudes, 1834-42. i2mo. Paris, 1833-42. Etrennes interessantes des quartre parties du monde, pour I'annee 1814. i2mo. Paris, 1814. Journal de I'Armee. Vols, i to 4. 8vo. Paris, 1833-6. Journal de la Marine, des Colonies, des Consultats, et des Voj'ages. Vols. 1-4 and 6. 8vo. Paris, 1833-8. India. Asiatic Annual Register ; ox a view ot the History of Hindustan, 1799-1811. 13 vols. 8vo. Asiatic Department of the Calcutta Journal, 1821 and '22. East India Associated Journal. Vol. I to date. East India Military Calendar. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1826. PER 287 PET Periodicals, &c. India {avitd.)— Gleanings in Science. Vols, i to iii. 8vo. Calcutta, 1829-31. Madras Almanac for 1803. 8vo. Madras, 1803. United Service Institution of Western India. Report for 1860-61. Bombay, 1861. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 17.) United Siafes. American Almanac and repository of useful knowledge, for 1842. 8vo. Boston, 1842. Army and Navy Chronicle. 8vo. Washington, 1840. Library Journal : Journal of the American Library Association, with supplement (Co-operative Index to lead- ing Periodicals). Vols, i to . 4to. New York, 1877- . Literary News. Vols, v and vi. 4to. New York, 1884-85. Naval Magazine. Edited by the Rev. C. S. .Stewart. Vol. i. 8vo. New York, 1836. Naval Institute. Papers and Proceed- ings. Vols, i to . New York, 1875- . Perizonius, H. Taktik nach der fiir die Koniglich Preussischen Kriegsschulen vorgeschriebenen " genetischen Skizze." 4th edition, with atlas. Edited by F. K. Paris. 8vo. Berlin, 1870. Perkins, A. M. Three official reports of rigid trial tests of Perkins' system of Engines and Boilers. 8vo. Lend. n.d. Perkins, Jacob. Steam Navigation im- provements. Part I. The Boiler. Lond. 1832. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 4.) Perkins, John. A Profitable Book : treating of the Lawes of England. i2mo. Lond. 1642. Perley, M. H. Report of the sea and river Fisheries of New Brunswick, \vithin the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and Bay of Chaleur. Fredericton, 1850. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 85.) Report upon the Fisheries of the Bay of Fundy. Fredericton, 1851. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 85.) Peroz, Le Capitaine E. Au Soudan Fran(;ais. Souvenirs de Guerre et de Mission. 8vo. Paris, 1891. Perrault, Joseph - Francois. {See Casgrain.) Perret, J. Des Fortifications et Artifices Architecture et Perspective. Folio. n.p. 1594. Perretj P. M. Histoire des Relations de la France avec Venise du XIII"= Siecle a I'Avenement de Charles VIII. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1896. Perrin, Albert. Tambours et Musique Militaires. 8vo. n-P-i n d. Perrot. A. M. Collection Historique des Orcires de Chevalerie civils et militaires. 4to. Paris, 1820. Perry, Charles. View of the Levant : particularly of Constantinople, -Syria, Egypt, and Greece. Folio. Lond. 1743. Perry, Commodore M. C, U.S. Navy. Narrative of the expedition of an American Squadron to the Chinese Seas and Japan in 1852-4. Compiled from the original notes by F. L. Hawks. 8vo. New York, 1857. (See also Griffis, W. E.) Perry, Ottley Lane. Guide to Official Regulations and Mili- tary Law on the duties, discipline, arms, and dress of Regimental (iuards and Sentries, Piquets, and Patrols. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Ranks and badges, precedence, salutes, colours, and small arms, in H.M. Army, Navy, and Auxiliary Forces. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1888. Persigny, Le Vicomte, F. de. Enter- prise du Prince Napoleon-Louis et motifs qui I'y ont determine. (Attempt at Stras- burg.) Lond. 1837. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 25.) Perspective. A new system of Perspec- tive. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Perthes, Justus. Deutscher Armee- Atlas. Demy 4to. Gotha, 1899. Petavel, J. E. The Pressure of Explo- sives : Experiments on Solid and Gaseous Explosives. Reprint from the Proceedings of the Royal Society. 4to. Lond. 1905. Peter the Great, Czar of Muscovy. History of the life and actions of Peter Alexowitz, Czar of Muscov3'. 8vo. Lond. 1723. (For other Works, see Index.) Peter III., Emperor of Russia. {See Bain.) Peterman, Dr. A. {See Hochstetten) Peters, Dr. Carl. New Light on Dark Africa. 8vo.. Lond. 1891. The Eldorado of the Ancients. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Peters, Hugh. A word for the Armie, and two words to the Kingdome. Lond. 1647. (Pamphlets, o.s. vol. 2.) Peters, J. Gr. Treatise on Equitation simplified for Amateurs. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Petherick, John. Egypt, the Soudan, and Central Africa. 8vo. Lond. 1861. Travels in Central Africa and explora- tions of the Western Nile Tributaries. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1869.. Petict, Le General Baron A. de. .Souvenirs Militaires de IHistoire Contem- poraine. 8vo. Paris, 1844. Petitot, Claude Bernard, Collection des Memoires relatifs a IHistoire de France. ist series. 52 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824-6^ „ Claude Bernard, et M. Monmerque. Collection des Memoires relatifs a IHistoire de France. 2nd series. 78 vols, in 79. 8vo. Paris, 1820-29. PET 288 PHI Peto, Sir Morton, Bart. Observations on the Report of the Defence Commissioners. Lond. 1862. (Pamphlets, 2nd scries, vol. 64.) Sir Morton Peto and the Defence Coniniission. Lond. 1862. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 63.) Petre, Loraine F. Napoleon's Campaigns ill I'dlaiid, iSo'j-7. 8\o. Lond. 1901. Petre, The Hon. Henry. Account of the .Settlements ot" the New Zealand Com- pany. 5th eilition. Bvo. Lond. 1842. Petrie, George. Ecclesiastical Architec- ture of Irehmd, anterior to the Anglo- Norman Invasion, comprising an essay on the Round Towers of Ireland. 2nd edi- tion. 4to. Dublin, 1845. Petroni, Stefano Egidio. La Napoleonide. 8vo. Paris, 1813. Napoleone : Poeme en dix chants. (In French and Itahan.) 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834. Pettigrew, T. J. Life of Vice-Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1849. Peyremol, L. L'Amateur d'Equitation. Bvo. Paris, 1892. Pezay, Le Marquis de. Bibhotheque Alpine Militaire. Grenoble, 1894. Description des Vallees des Grandes Alpes. 8vo. Grenoble, 1894. Pezzl, J. Beschreibung von Wien. 121110. Vienna, n.d. Pfeflfel. Nouvel Abrege chronologique de I'Histoire et du Droit Public d'Alle- niagne. 2 vols, in one. 4to. Paris, 1776. Pfeil, Richard Graf von. Experiences of a Prussian Officer in the Russian Service during the Turkish War of 1877- 78. Translated from the German (4th edit.), by Col. C. W. Bowdler. 8vo. Lond. 1893. Pfister, General-Major A. Aus dem Lager des Rheinbundes, 1812 und 1813. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1897. Pfister, H. Das Franzosische Heerwesen. Cassel, 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 82.) Pfister, Lieutenant R. Monstre-Ges- chiitze der Vorzeit. Cassel, 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol 82.) Pflugk-Harttung, Dr. J. von. \"orge- schichte der Schlacht bei Belle-Alliance Wellington. 8vo. Berlin, 1903. P. H. Infantr>^ Tactics and Modern Weapons. Allahabad, 1897. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 58.) Phayre, Lieut. - General Sir A. P. Historj' of Burma. Bvo. Lond. 1883. Phelps, Harry. Practical Marine Survey- ing. 8vo. New York, 1889. Philehert, Le Colonel C. Expedition dans les Beni Menacer en 1871. Paris, 1873. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 9.) Considerations sur I'Occupation Militaire de I'Algerie. Paris, 1874. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 9.) Philippart, John. Northern Campaigns, 181 2-1 3 ; with an Appendix, containing all the Ikilletins issued bj- the French Ruler. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1B13. Memoirs and campaigns of Charles John, Prince Koj'al of Sweden. 8vo. Lond. 1814. Memoirs of General Moreau. 8vo. Lond. 1B14. Philippi, Bernardo E. Nachrichtcn ubcr die Provinz Valdivia. 8\'o. Cassel, 1851. Neueste Nachrichten viber die Provinz X'aldivia. Cassel, 1852. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 35.) Philippine Islands. Notes on the Philippine Islands. By Captain E. D. Norrie. Oflicial. Royal 4to. Calcutta, 1896. Notes on the Philippine Islands. By Captain E. W. M. Norie, Middlesex Regiment. Official. Roj-al 4to. Simla, 1896. Military Notes on the Philippines. Adjutant-General's Office, U.S.A. Bvo. Washington, 1B98. Report on the Financial and Industrial Conditions of the Philippine Islands. By E. W. Harden. Washington, 1898. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 63.) Report on the Military Operations and Civil Affairs in the Philippine Islands, 1895. By Major-General E. S. Otis, U.S.V. Washington, 1899. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 63.) Report of the Philippine Commission to the President. 2 vols. Oflicial. Bvo. Washington, 1900. Statistics of Population, Races, Mineral Resources, etc., of the Philippine Islands. Compiled by W. Lodge. Official. Washington, 1900. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 63.) Monthly Summary of the Commerce of the Philippine Islands, Dec, 1899. Official. Washington, 1900. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 63.) (For other Works, see Index.) Philipps, Captain Ivor. The Issue of Orders in the Field. Crown Bvo. Calcutta, 1898. Philips, Captain G. Elementary course ot FMeld and Permanent Fortification, and of the Attack of Fortresses 4to. Lond. 1866. „ Colonel G. Text Book of Fortification, &c., for the use of the Royal Military College, Sand- hurst. 4th edition. Bvo. Lond. 1884. Ditto, ditto. 6th edition. Small royal Bvo. Lond. 1899. Philipson, J. Harness : as it has been, as it is, and as it should be ; with remarks on traction and the use of the Cape Cart, by Nimshivich. 8vo. Newcastle-on-Tj'ne, 1882. PhiUimore, Rear-Admiral Augustus. Life of Sir William Parker, Bart., Admiral. 3 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1876-80. PHI 289 PIE Phillip, Governor. {See Hunter.) Phillipps, H. C. Rules to be observed in forming a Code of International Signals : with a compara- tive review of the systems proposed by E. C. Phillipps and Capt. L. J. Rohde. Lend. 1835. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 7.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 28.) Code of Universal Naval Signals. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Observations on Capt. Rohde's Uni- versal Sea Language. Lond. 1836. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 7.) Phillipps, L. March. With Rimington. 8vo. Lond. 1901. Phillipps - WoUey, C. Big Game Shooting. (Badminton Library Series.) Bvo. Lend. 1894. (See also Allanson-Winn.) Phillips, Captain Charles, R.N. Explanation of Improved Capstans. Lond. 1830. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 13.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 3.) Phillips, Captain G. P. A. Guide to Military History for Examinations. Part L Peninsular War, 1808-10. Crown 8vo. Aldershot, 1905. Part IL Peninsular War, 1811-13. Crown 8vo. Aldershot, 1906. Part IIL Peninsular War, 1813-14. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1907. Phillips, Henry. History of cultivated vegetables. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822. Pomarium Britannicum ; an historical and botanical account of fruits known in Great Britain. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1823. Phillips, Lieut.-Colonel J. C. Abolition of the Bonus System in the Indian Army. Lond. 1869. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 75.) Phillips, William. Elementary introduction to Mineralogy. i2ino. Lond. 1816. Ditto, ditto. 4th edition. Augmented by Robert Allan. i2mo. Lond. 1837. Outlines of Mineralogy and Geology, comprehending the elements of those sciences. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1826. {See also Conybeare.) Philon de Byzance. Traite de Fortifica- tion, d'Attaque et de Defense des Places. Traduit du Grec par Albert de Rochas d'Aiglun. 8vo. Paris, 1872. Philpott, T. Historical Discourse of Navigation. 4to. Lond. 1661. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Phipps, Constantine John. Voyage towards the North Pole, with appendix. 4to. Lond. 1774. Phipps Hornhy, Admiral of the Fleet Sir G. {See Egerton.) Phipps, Colonel R. W. Office Manual 1882, for Batteries of the Royal Horse Artillery and of the Royal Artillery. 8vo. Woolwich, 1882. PhuU, Le Baron C. L. de. Systeme pour servir de Guide dans I'etude des Operations Militaires. Edited by Baron F. de Batz. 8vo. Leipsic, 1853. Piarron de Mondesir, Lieut.-Colonel L. Essai sur LEmploi tactique de la Fortifica- tion de Campagne. 8vo. Paris, 1906. Piazzi Giuseppe. Delia Cometa dell 181 1, osservata nella Specola di Palermo dai 9 .Settembre ai 11 Gennaro 1812. 8vo. Palermo, n.d. Picanon, Eugene. Le Laos Frangais. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1901. Picard, Le Capitaine E., French Navy, and Lieutenant Sydney R. Fre- mantle, R.N. Nautical Terms and Phrases in French and English. i2mo. Portsmouth, 1890. Picard, H, New Pocket Dictionary of the English -Dutch and Dutch -English Languages. 121110. Gouda, 1877. Picard, Le Capitaine L. Album d'Hippiatrique et d'Equitation de I'Ecole de Cavalerie. Folio. Paris, 1892. „ Le Commandant L. Notes sur la Cavalerie Suedoise et sur les Institutions se rapportant a cette Arme, 1880. 8vo. Paris, 1880. La Cavalerie dans les Guerres de la Revolution et de FEmpire, 1792-1808. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1895-96. L'Armee en France et k. I'Etranger. 4to. Tours, 1897. Service d'Exploration et Service de Surete. 8vo. Paris, 1900. La Cavalerie AUemande aux dernieres Grandes Manoeuvres et d'apres ses Regle- ments. 8vo. Paris, 1902. „ Le Lieut.-Colonel. Le Nouveau Reglement de la Cavalerie Italienne. 8vo. Paris, 1902. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 70.) „ Le Capitaine , L., et le Docteur G. Bouchard. Ecole du Cavalier a Pied— a Cheval. 8vo. Paris, 1894. Picha, G. Leitfaden der Waffenlehre. Bvo. Vienna, 1875-8. Pichegru, Le General Charles. Recueil des pieces authentiques relatives au Suicide de I'Ex-General Pichegru. Paris [1804]. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 22.) Pick, Aaron. Bible Student's Concor- dance. 4to. Lond. 1845. Pickering, W. A., C.M.G. Pioneering in Formosa. 8vo. Lond. 1898. Pickett, William Vose. New system of Architecture. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Piddington, Henry. Researches on the Gale and Hurricane in the Bay of Bengal, June 3-5, 1839. Calcutta, 1839. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 15.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 29.) Pienaar, Philip. With Steyn and De Wet. 8vo. Lond. 1902. PIE 290 PIN Fieri, Major J. P. The Fieri Rifle and metallocaoutchouc cartridge. Lond. 1875. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 31.) Pierron, Le General. Les methodes de Guerre actuelles et vers la fin du ig'^'n'^Siccle. 3 vols, in four. 8vo. Paris, 1878-81. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. Vol. i, parts I, 2, and 3. 8vo. Paris, 1886-93. Strategic et Grande Tactique d'apres I'experience des deriiiei es guerres. 4 vols. 8vu. Paris, 1887. Comment s'est forme la Genie Militaire de Napoleon I". Paris, 1889. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 46.) La Defense des Frontieres de la France. Tome premier. 8vo. Paris, 1892. La Strategic et la Tactique Allemande au Debut du XX*"« Siecle. 8vo. Paris, 1900. Pietraszewski, Ignatius. Numi Mo- hammt-dani Fasc. i. With plates. 2 parts. 4to. Berlin, 1843. Pigafetta, Antonio. Magellan's Voyage Round the World. Translated from the Original Text bj' J. A. Robertson. 2 vols, and Index. 8vo. Cleveland, U.S.A., 1906. PigOt. Universal money table and com- mercial exchange standard. Folio. n.p., n.d. Pilcher, Colonel T. D. Some Lessons from the Boer War. 8vo. Lond. 1903. Pirn, Captain Bedford, R.N. Appeal on behalf of the missing Arctic Expedition. Lond. 1857. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 27.) Notes on Cherbourg. Lond. 1858. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 52.) The Negro and Jamaica. Lond. 1866. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 68.) War Chronicle of 1870. Lond. 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 91.) Gems from Green^vich Hospital. 4to. Lond. 1881. Pimentel, Manoel. Arte de Navegar, em que sc ensinam as Regras Praticas ; e Roteyro das viagens, e costas maritimas de Guine, Angola, Brasil, Indias, e Ilhas Occidentaes, e Orientaes. Folio. Lisbon, 1746. The Brazil Pilot ; or a description of the Coast of Brazil. Translated by Captain W. F. W. Owen. 410. Lond. 1809. Pincott, F. Analytical Index to Kaye's "History of the Sepoy War," and Malleson's " History of the Indian Mutiny." 8vo. Lond. 1880. Pindaries. Origin of the Pindarics, pre- ceded by historical notices on the rise of the different Mahratta States. 8vo. Lond. 1818. Pine, John. Tapestry Hangings of the House of Lords : representing the several engagements between the English and Spanish Fleets in the year 1588. Folio. Lond. 1739. Pinkerton, John. Essay on Medals. 3rd edition. 2 vols, 8vo. Lond. 1808. Collection of the best and most interest- ing voyages and travels in all parts of the World. 17 vols. 4to. Lond. 1808-14. VOL. I.— Europe. Voyages of Sir Hugh Willoughby, Richard Chancelor, and others, to the northern parts of Russia and Siberia. Dutch Voyages to the north of Europe. Pontanus, John Isaac. Dis.sertation con- cerning the North-East Passage. Regnard. Journey to Lapland, &c. Maupertius. Journey to the Polar Circle. Outhier. Journal of a Voyage to the North. Ehrenmalm, M. Arwid. Travels into Western Nordland. Leems. Account of Danish Lapland. Allison. Voj'age from Archangel. A new Account of Samoiedia and the Samoiedes. Journal of seven .Seamen left at Spitz- bergen. Account of forty-two persons shipwrecked near Spitzbergen. Phipps. Journal of a Vovage to the North Pole. Le Roj". Narrative of four Russian Sailors cast upon the Island of East Spitzbergen. Bacstrom. Voj-age to Spitzbergen. Troil, Uno von. Letters on Iceland. Kerguelen. Voyage to the North. Cumberland, The Earl of. Vo\-age to the Azores. Evesham, John. Voj'age to the Azores. Flicke, Robert. Success of a part of the Supplies sent to Lord Howard to the Azores. Raleigh, Sir Walter. Report of an En- gagement near the Azores. De Chaste. Voj'age to Tercera. VOL. II.— Europe. Gonzales. Voyage to England and .Scot- land. Shaw. Tour to the W^est of England. Bray, William. Sketch of a Tour into Derbyshire and Yorkshire. Ferber. Oryctographj' of Derbyshire. Moritz, C. P. Travels through several parts of England. Skrine, Heniy. Tours through Wales. Malkin. Tour through Wales. Hassel, F. Tour of the Isle of Wight. Heath, Robert. Account of the Islands of Scilly. Robertson, David. Tour through the Isle of Man. VOL. III.— Europe. Pennant, Thomas. Tours in Scotland. Garnet. Account of the Drosacks. Martin. Description of the Western Islands. Martin. Voj'age to St. Kilda's. Mackenzie, Sir George. An Account of Hirta and Rona. Brand. Description of the Orkneys and Zetland. Young. Abstract of his Tour in Ireland. Hamilton. Letters on the Northern Coast of Ireland. VOL. IV— Europe. Lister. Journey to Paris, 1698. Young. Travels in France. Saussure. Attempts to reach the summit of Mont Blanc. Ramond. Journey to the summit of Mont Perdu. PIN 291 PIN Pinkerton, Jolm {contd.)^ VOL. V. — Europe. Spallanzani. Travels in Italy. Dolomieu. Account of the Earthquakes in Calabria, in 1783. Bourgoanne. Travels in Spain. Coxe. Travels in Switzerland. VOL. VL— Europe. Riesbeck. Travels through Germany. Coxe. Travels in Denmark. ,, Travels in Norway. ,, Travels in Russia. Fortia. Travels in Sweden. VOL. VII.— Asia. Benjamin, The Rabbi. Travels from Spain to China. Rubruquis, William de. Travels into Tartary and China. Polo, Marco. Voyages and Travels. The Travels of two Mohammedans through India and China ; translated from the Arabic bj' the Abbe Renaudot. Nieuhoft", John. Travels in China. Bell, John. Travels in Asia. Hamel, Henry. Travels of some Dutch- men in Korea. A Description of Tibet. Goez, Benedict. Travels from Labor to China. Travels through Tibet, to and from China, by several Missioners. Caron. Account of Japan. Hearne. Copy of a Japan Diary. Kempfer, Engelbert. History of Japan. VOL VIII. —Asia. Roe, Sir Thomas. Voj'age to India. Bernier. Voyage to the East Indies. Tavernier. Extract from his Voyages. Hamilton, Capt. Alexander. Account of the East Indies. Lord, Henry. Discovery of the Banians and Persees. Buchanan, Francis. Journey through Mysore, Canara, and Malabar. VOL. IX.— Asia. Valle, Pietro delle. Travels into Persia. Chardin, Sir John. Travels into Persia. Description of Persia. Francklin, William. Tour from Bengal to Persia. Forster, George. Travels in Persia. Accounts of Independant Tartary. Jenkinson, Anthony. Travels to Bucharia. Balbi, Gasparo. Voyage to Pegu. Fitch, Ralph. Voyage to Ormus and the East Indies. Symes, Michael, Lieut. -Colonel 76th Regt. Embassy to Ava. Turpin. History of Siam. Baron, S. Description of the Kingdom of Tonqueen. Richard. History of Tonquin. Borri, R. E. Christopher. An Account of Cochin-China. VOL. X.— Asia. Niebuhr, Carsten. Travels in Arabia. Blount, Henry. A Voj'age into the Levant. Dandini, The Rev. Father Jerom. A Voyage to Mount Libanus. Maundrell, Henry. A Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem. Ditto, An Account of the Turks. Ditto, Journey from Aleppo to the River Euphrates. Clayton, the Right Rev. Robert. A Journal from Cairo to Mount Sinai. Pococke, Richard. Travels in the East. Pinkerton, John {contd.)~ VOL. XL— America. Dampier. Account of the Philippines. Guignes, M. de. Observations on the Philippine Islands, and the Isle of France. Beeckman, Daniel, Captain. A Voyage to Borneo. Stavorinus. Account of Java and Batavia. Ditto, Account of Celebes, Amboj-na, &c. Pigafetta, The Chevalier. Voyage round the World. Pelsart, Francis. Voyages to Australasia. Tasman, Captain Abel jansen. Voyage of Discoveiy. Dampier, Captain William. Account of New Holland. Cook, Captain. Three Voj'ages. Peron. Voyage for the Discovery of Southern Lands. VOL. XII.— America. Colon, Don. Ferdinand. The Life of Admiral Christopher Colon. The Discoveries and Settlements made by the English in different parts of America, from the reign of Henry VII to the present time. Frobisher, Martin. Three Voyages for the Discovery of a North- West Passage. (Two Accounts.) The Voyages and Navigations of the English Nation to Virginia, and the several discoveries thereof, chiefly at the charges of the Honourable Sir Walter Raleigh, Kt. Carthieu, Jacques. The first relation of the new land called New France. Navigation of the French to the Islands of New France. VOL. XIII. —America. Smith, Captain John. General History of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles. Lahontan, the Baron. Travels in Canada. Memoirs of North America. Kalm, Peter. Travels into North America. Burnaby, The Rev. Andrew. Travels through the Middle Settlements in North America in the years 1759, 1760. Menonville, M. Nicolas Joseph Thierj' de. Travels to Guaxaca. VOL. XIV.— America. Betagh, Captain. Account of Peru. Ovalle, Alonso de. Historical relation of Chile. Condamine, M. de la. Travels through the Interior of South America. Bouguer. Voyage to Peru. Juan, Don George, and Don Antonio de Ulloa. Voyage to South America. Nieuhoflf, John. Travels into Brazil. VOL. XV. -^Africa. Lobo, Father Jerome. A Voj^age to Abyssinia. Poncet, C. J. A Journey to Abyssinia. Browne, Mr. Journe3' to Dar-fiir. Pococke, Richard. Travels in Egypt. Addison, Lancelot. An Account of West Barbary. Windhus, John. A Journey to Mequinez. Shaw, Thomas. Travels in Barbar3\ Lempriere, William. Tour to Morocco. Allatif, Abd. Relation respecting Egypt. VOL. XVI.— Africa. Thunberg, C. P. Account of the Cape of Good Hope. T 2 PIN 292 PLE Pinkerton, John ( co/itil)— Angelo, K. F. Michael, and Denis de Carli. Vo^-age to Congo. Merolla da Sorrento, Father Jerom. A Vo^'age to Congo. Battel, Andrew. The Strange Adventures of. Bosnian, William. Description of the Coast of Guinea. Proyart, the Abbe. History of Loango, &c. Adanson, M. Voyage to Senegal, &c. Santos, The Rev. Father Joano dos. History of Eastern Ethiopia. Rochon, The Abbe. V^oj'age to Mada- gascar. Glas, George. Historj' of the Canary Islands. Browne, Mr. Journies in the Interior of Africa. Park, Mungo. Travels in Africa. VOL. XVII. Retrospect of the Origin and progress of Discover^', by .Sea and Land, in Ancient, Modern, and most recent times. Catalogue of Books ot Voj-ages and Travels. General Fndex. Piobert, Le Lieut-Colonel G. Traite d'Artillerie theorique et pratique. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1845-7. Piovene, Pietro. I Cesari in Metallo Mezzano e Piccolo racolta nel Museo Farnese. Folio. Parma, 1727. (Forming a continuation to Pedrusi.) Pipon, Colonel J. K., and J. F. Collier. Manual of Military Law. i2mo. Lond. 1861. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1863. Piranesi, G-iov. Batt. Trofeo o sia Magnifica Colonna Coclide di Marmo composta di Grossi Macigniove se Veggono. Folio. Rome, n.d. Plrpn, F. P. J. Etudes sur les Batteries Casematees, et sur une nouvelle Bouche a Feu. Namur, i860. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 61 (i).) Le Bombardement et la fortification moderne. 8vo. Paris, 1872. Les Fougasses Instantanees, ou les mines projetantes simplifiees. 8vo. Paris, 1872. Pirrie, W. A Technical Dictionary of English and French Sea Terms. i2mo. Lond. 1895. Pirscher, J. D. E. Coup d'oeil militaire, odcr Kurzer Unterricht wie man sich ein militarisch Augenmaas erwerben. i2mo. Berlin, 1775. Pistofilo Bonaventure. Oplomachia, nella quale si tratta del maneggio e dell' uso delle armi [dedicated to Don Kenelmo Digbi, Cavalierelnglese], with his portrait. Siena, 1621. Pitman, Isaac. Phonographic Teacher. Lond. 1868. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 26.) Pitt, William. Correspondence of William Pitt, when Secretary of State, with Colonial Governors and Military and Naval Commissioners in America. Edited by Gertrude S. Kimball. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1906. Pittakys, K. S. L'Ancienne Athenes, ou des( ri])!!!)!! des antiquites d' Athenes et de ses environs. 8vo. Athens, 1835. Pitt-Rivers, Lieut. -General A. Lane- Fox. The Evolution of Culture and other Essays. Edited by J. L. Mj^ers. 8vo. Oxford, 1906. Pizan, Christine de. Fais et bonnes meurs du sage Roy Charles V. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vols, v-vi.) Plaisted, B. Journal from Calcutta, by sea, to Busserah, from thence across the Great Desart to Aleppo, and from thence to Marseilles, and through France to England ; \vith Elliots directions for pas- sing over the Little Desart, and journal of proceedings of the "Doddington." i2mo. Lond. 1758. Planche, J. R. The Pursuivant of Arms ; or Heraldry founded upon facts. 8vo. Lond. 1859. History of British Costume, from the earliest period to the close of the i8th Century. 3rd edition. Bvo. Lond. 1874. Plans. Plans of Towns and Environs. 3 vols. Folio. n.p., circa 1760. Planta, Joseph. History of the Helvetic Confederacy. 2nd edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1807. Playfair, John. Outlines of Natural Philosophy. 2 vols. Bvo. Edinburgh, 1812-19. Works of. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1822. Elements of Geometry ; to which are added elements of plane and spherical Trigonometrj'. 7th edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1826. Playfair, Lyon. Industrial instruction on the Continent. 8vo. Lond. 1852. Plessis, Le Marechal du. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. Ivii.) Plessis, J. 0. Discours a I'occasion de la Victoire remportee par les Forces Navales de Sa Majeste Britannique dans la Mediterrannee le i et 2 Aout, 1798, sur la Flotte Fran9aise. Prononce dans I'Eglise Cathedrale de Quebec le 10 Janvier, 1799. 8vo. Quebec, n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 70.) Plessix, H. Carnet de poche a I'usage des Sous- Oriiciers d'Artillerie, 1882, '83, and 1885. i2mo. Paris, 1882-5. Carnet de poche k I'usage des Ofificiers d'Artillerie, 1883-5, '87, and 1888. i2mo. Paris, 1883-8. Pleydell, Lieutenant J. C. Essay on Field Fortification. Lond. 1768. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 98.) PLI 293 PON PlimsoU, Samuel. Our Seamen. 4to. Lond. 1873. Condition of Malta. Lond. 1879. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 38.) Plinger, P. Methode de Dressage du Cheval de troupe. 8vo. Paris, 1894. Pliny. Letters, with occasional remarks. Edited by William Melmoth. 5th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1770. Histoire Naturelle. Traduction Nou- velle, par M. Ajasson de Grandsagne, avec le texte Latin. 20 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829-40. Ploennies, W. von. Neue Hinterladungs- Gewehre nach Officiellen Versuchen beurtheilt. Darmstadt, 1867. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 72.) Plomer, Captain W. Guide to Promotion for Militia Officers. Crown 8vo. Aldershot, 1899. The Officer's Pocket-Book. Oblong 8vo. Aldershot, 1900. Plowden, W. C. India, Report on Census of 1881, with statistics of population. 3 vols. 4to. Calcutta, 1883. Plximer, Lieut.-Colonel H. An Irregular Corps in Matabeleland. Bvo. Lond. 1897. Plummer, B., Jun. The Tyne as a strategic and refuge harbour. Newcastle, 1875. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 30.) Plutarch. Lives ; translated, with notes, by John and William Langhorne. 3rd edition. By the Rev. F. Wrangham. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1819. Poems. Love and War ; and other poems. 8vo. Lond. 1810. Original Poems, on a variety of sub- jects, by different hands. 8vo. Durham, 1815. Nautic hours. Lond. 1816. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 2.) Battle of Navarine, Malta, and other poems. Bvo. Lond. 1828. Poetry and Criticism ; by Outis. 8vo. Lond. 1850. Poggi, A. C. de. Narrative of the Pro- ceedings of H.M. Fleet from May 2nd to June 2nd, 1794; with a list of Officers engaged. 4to. Lond. 1796. (Radstock Collection, Armada and Naval Actions.) Pogson, Lieutenant Frederick. Manual of Agriculture for India. Crown 8vo. Calcutta, 1883. Poinsot, L. Elemens de Statique. 6th edition. 8vo. Paris, 1834. Pointer, John. Britannia Triumphans : or an account of some of the Naval Victories obtained by the English over the Spaniards in 1577, 1587, 1588, 1596, 1601, 1655, 1656, 1657, 1702, 1704. 8vo. Lond. 1743. 'Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Pointis. Account of the taking of Carthagena by the French and Buccaniers. 8vo. Lond. 1740. (Radstock Collection, Spanish War.) Poisson, S. D. Traite de Mecanique. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1833. Recherches sur le Mouvement des Projectiles dans I'air. 4to. Paris, 1839. Poland. The Books and the Pilgrimage of the Polish Nation. Translated from the Polish. Lond. 1833. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 22.) Rocznik Woyskowy Krolestwa Polskiego (Military A'nnual of the Polish Army). Na Rok 1820-22. i2mo. Warsaw, 1820-2. Pola seine Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft. 8vo. Vienna, 1887. (For other Works, see Index.) Pole, W. Life of Sir William Siemens. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Politics. Letter on the nature and prospects of Political Party. Lond. 1858. (Pamphlets, -znd series, vol. 68.) Politovsky, E. S. From Libau to Tsushim.a. Translated by Major F. R. Godfrey, R. M.L.I. 8vo. Lond. 1906. Polk, W. M. Leonidas Polk, Bishop and General. Crown 8vo. New York, 1894. Pollard, J., et A. Dudebout. Architecture Navale. Theorie du Navire. Tome I. Calcul des elements geometriques des carenes droites et Inclinees-geometrie du Navire. Tome II. Statiaue du Navire. Dynamique du Navire ; Roulis en milieu calme, resist- ant ou non resistant. Tome III. Dynamique du Navire Mouve- ment de roulis sur houle, Mouvement rectiligne horizontal direct (resistance des carenes). 8vo. Paris, 1890-92. Pollock, Major A. W. A., Somersetshire L.I. Simple Lectures for Company Field Training. Crown Bvo. Lond. 1500. With Seven Generals in the Boer War. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Polo, Marco. Book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian. Translated and edited by Col. Henry Yule. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1871. Polyaenus. Stratagems of War. Trans- lated by R. Shepherd. 4to. Lond. 1793. Polybius. Histoire de Polybe. Traduite du Grec par Dom. Vincent Thuillier. Edited by M. de Folard. 7 vols. 4 to. Amsterdam, 1753. General History of Polybius, translated from the Greek by James Hampton. 4th edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1809. Ponchalon, Le Colonel H. de. Nouvelle Tactique de Combat. Bvo. Paris, 1892. Pondoland. Precis of information con- cerning Pondoland, including Port St. John's. Corrected to Feb. 1886. Intel. "Branch, W.O. 8vo. Lond. 1886. PON 294 POR Pontalis, Antonin Lefevre. John de Witt, Ciiaml IV-nsioiiaiy (jf Holland, or twenty years of a Parliamentary Republic. Translated l)y S. E. and A. Stephenson. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend. 1885. Pontchartrain, P. de. France sous la Repfenee de Marie dc Medecis. (Pctitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols, xvi and xvii.) Pontecoulant, Le Capitaine M. G. de. Tlieorie anal\tique du s^-stetne du Monde. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829. Pontis, Le Sieur de. Mcmoires. 2 vols, in one. i2mo. Amsterdam, 1694. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols, xxxi-xxxii.) Ponza, M. Vocabolario Piemontese- Italiano e Italiano-Piemontese. 4th edition. 121110. Turin, 1847. Poole, James. Narrative exposing a variety of irregular transactions in one of the Departments of Foreign Corps. 8vo. Lond. 1804. Poortmans, John. Relation of the last great light between the English and the Dutch, July 29 and 31, 1653. 8vo. Lond. 1653. (Radstock Collection.) Pope, Alexander, Works of Alexander Pope, with notes and illustrations. To which is added a new life of the Author by William Roscoe. 10 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824. Pope, The Rev. G. U. Text-Book of Indian Histor3'. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1880. Popowski, Joseph. The Rival Powers in Central Asia. Translated by A. B. Brabant and C. E. D. Black. 8vo. Lond. 1893. Population. Observations on the Law of Population. Lond. 1832. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 5.) Pornain, Le Lieutenant E. Sea Terms and phrases in English and French. 8vo. Portsmouth, 1877. Termes Nautiques (Sea Terms) Anglais-Fran^ais. 5th edition. i2mo. Lond. 1899. Portal, Gerald H. My Mission to Abys- sinia. 8vo. Lond. 1892. „ Sir Gerald H. The Mission to Uganda. 8vo. Lond. 1894. Porter and Co. Description of their patent Anchor. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 43.) Porter, Admiral D. D., U.S. Navy. Torpedo Warfare. n.p., n.d. (Parnphlets, 3rd series, vol. 41.) Naval History of the Civil War. 4to. Lond. 1887. Porter, G. R. Progress of the Nation in its various social and economical relations. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Porter, General Horace. Campaigning with Grant. 8vo. New York, 1897. Porter, Surgeon-Major J. H. Surgeon's Pocket-Book : an essay on the treatment of wounded in war. i2mo. Lond. 1875. Porter, Noah. (Sn- Webster.) Porter, Sir Robert Ker. Narrative of the Campaign in Russia, during the j'ear 1812. 4to. Lond. n.d. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1 8 14. Travels in Georgia, Armenia, Ancient 15abylonia, &c., 1817-20. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1821. Porter, Major-General Whitworth. History of the Knights of Malta or the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Ditto, ditto. Revised edition. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Portland Hospital. Report of the Com- mittee. 8vo. Lond. 1901. Portlock, Lieut. -Colonel J. E. Report on the Geology of the county of Londonderry, and of parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh. 8vo, with vol. of plates. Dublin, 1843. Reform or no Reform for the Army. n.p. 1857. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 57.) Memoir of the life of Major-General Colb}'. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Porto Rico. Report and Recommendations on the Customs Tariff of the Island of Porto Rico. Washington, 1899. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 62.) Report on the Currency Question of Porto Rico. Washington, 1899. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 62.) Report on the United States Insular Commission to the Secretary of War upon Investigations made into the Civil Affairs of the island of Porto Rico. Official. Washington, 1899. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 62.) Report on the Industrial and Com- mercial Condition of Porto Rico. By H. K. Carroll. Washington, 1899. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 62.) Education in Porto Rico — Letter from the Secretary of War. Oflicial. 8vo. Washington, 1900. Levy and Collection of Taxes in Porto Rico. Official. Washington, 1900. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 62.) Census of Porto Rico, taken under the Direction of the War Department, U.S.A. Official. Bulletins I. and II. Washington, 1900. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 62.) Reports on Industrial and Economic Conditions of Porto Rico. By Brigadier- General G. W. Davis, U.S.A. Washington, 1900. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 62.) Report of Brigadier-General G. W. Davis on Civil Affairs of Puerto Rico, 1899-1900. Official. 8vo. Washington, 1900. (For other Works, see Index.) POR ^95 TOY Portsmouth. Prqposed improvement of Portsmouth Harbour. Lond. 1823. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 24.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Naval Pamphlets, vol. v.) History of Portsmouth ; with notices of the Towns of Portsea, Landport, Southsea, and Gosport. 8vo. n.p., n.d. (Radstock Collection.) (For other Works, see Index.) Portugal. Deducgao ou manifesto dos factos que na crise actual suscitao a plena observancia dos Direitos Publicos da Na(;ao Portu- gueza. Lisbon, 1826. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 23.) Lord Mayor's sympathy towards the British Auxiliaries who assisted to place the Queen of Portugal on her throne, and in preventing the dethronement of the Queen of Spain. Lond. 1840. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 13.) British Naval and Military Claimants on the Portuguese Government. Westminster, 1841. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 16.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 29.) (For other works, see Index.) Portugal, Army. Regulamento para o Exercicio, e Disciplina dos Regimentos de Cavallaria. i2mo. Lisbon, 1798. PoscMnger, M. von. Kaiser Friedrich. 3 vols. 1831-1S62-1870. Small royal 8vo. Berlin, 1899. Postans, Captain T. Hints to Cadets, with observations on the Military .Service of the Hon. East- India Company. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Personal observations on Sindh. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Postulates and Data. Small 4to. No date or printer's name. Pote, Joseph. History and antiquities of Windsor Castle, and the Royal College and Chapel of .St. George, with the institu- tion, laws, and ceremonies of the most noble Order of the Garter. 4to. Eton, 1749. Potemkin, Field - Marshal Prince Gregory Alexandrowitz. Memoirs, inchiding numerous anecdotes of the Russian Court. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1813. Poten, B. Handworterbuch der Gesamten Mili- tarwissenschaften. 9 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1877-80. Unser Volk in Wafifen. Das Deutsche Heer in Wort und Bild. Folio. Berlin, 1885. Pott, Percivall. Chirurgical Works : with a short account of the life of the Author, &c., by James Earle. 3 vols, (vol. i missing). 8vo. Lond. 1790. Potter, The Most Rev. John, Archbishop of Canterbury. Arch^ologia Gricca, or the Antiquities ofCireece. 6th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1740. Ditto, ditto. A new edition, with a life of the Author, by Robert Anderson, and an Appendix containing a concise history of the Grecian States, by George Dunbar. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1832. Potto, V, Steppe Campaigns. Trans- lated by Capt. F. C. H. Clarke. 8vo. Lond. 1874. Pouillet, M. Elements de Physique experimentale et de Meteorologie. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1837. Ditto, ditto. 7th edition. 2 vols, and vol. of plates. 8vo. Paris, 1856. Poussart, A. Dictionnaire des Termes de Marine. i2mo. Paris, n.d. Pouteaux, A. La Poudre sans Fumee et les Poudres Anciennes. 8vo. Dijon, 1892. Powell, Captain T. H. Description of Patent Sectional Transferable Railway Carriage. Lymington, 1846. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 39.) Powell, Joseph. Two Years in the Pontifical Zouaves, a narrative of Travel, residence, and experience in the Roman States. 8vo. Lond. 1871. Powell, Colonel W. H., U.S.A. The Fifth Army Corps (Army of the Potomac). 8vo. New York, 1896. Powell-Cotton, Major P. H. G. A Sporting Trip through Abyssinia 8vo. Lond. 1902. In Unknown Africa. 8vo. Lond. 1904. Power, Frank. Letters from Khartoum. 8vo. Lond. 1885. Power, Jeannette. Itinerario della Sicilia riguardante tutt' i rami di Storia Naturale, e parecchi di Antichita' che essa contiene. 8vo. Messina, 1839. Observations et experiences physique sur plusieurs Animaux marins et terrestres. Paris, i860. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 68.) Poyen, Le Chef d'Escadron H. de. Renseignements sur I'Artillerie de la Marine et sur Tartillerie de cote de I'ltalie.' 8vo. Paris, 1878. „ Le Colonel H. de. Histoire Militaire de la Revolution de Saint Domingue. 8vo. Paris, 1899. Poyser, R. The " Collinsian (F.F.) " ; First Prize Essay, on the best method of stable management of troop horses in India ; and on the diseases to which they are liable from irregularities in digestion, their intrinsic and extrinsic causes, and the available means of preventing them. 8vo. Simla, 1879. PRA 296 PRI Pratt, E. A. American Railways. 8vo. New York, 1903. The Organisation of Agriculture. 8vo. Lond. 1904. • Licensing and Temperance in Sweden, Norwaj' and Denmark. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1907. The Licensed Trade. 8vo. Lond. 1907. Pratt, Major Sisson C. Precis of the Franco-German War. 8vo. Lond. 1877. Military Law ; its procedure and prac- tice. i2mo. Lond. 1883. Field Artillery. 12 mo. Lond. 1887. „ Lieut.-Colonel Sisson C. Guide to Promotion : an Aid to Officers of all arms in preparing for Examination in Regimental Duties. Part IL Rank of Major. 8vo. Lond. 1893. • Ditto, ditto. Part L Ranks of Lieu- tenant, Captain, and Major. 8vo. Lond. 1896. Military Law. i2mo. Lond. 1895. Saarbriick to Paris, 1870. 8vo. Lond. 1.904. The Military Law E.xaminer. 6th edi- tion. Crown 8vo. Aldershot, 1906. The Waterloo Campaign. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1907. {See also Home.) Pre, Le Capitaine C. C. du. Pocket treatise on Ammunition. i2mo. Lond. 1888. Preaux, Le Lieut.-Colonel. Instruction sur le Canonnage a Bord. 2nd edition. 8vo. Paris, 1839. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 34.) Prejevalsky, Colonel N. Mongolia, The Tangut Country, and the solitudes of Northern Tibet. Trans- lated by E. D. Morgan. Introduction by Col. H. Yule. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1876. From Kulja, across the Tian Shan to Lob-Nor. Translated by E. D. Morgan. Introduction by Sir T. D. For.syth. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Prendergast, Harris. Law relating to Officers in the Army. i2mo. Lond. 1841. Law relating to Officers of the Navy. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1852. Prendergast, John P, Cromwellian .Settlement of Ireland. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Prescott, William Henry. History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic, of Spain. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839. History of the Conquest of Mexico, with the life of Hernando Cortes. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1843. History of the Conquest of Peru, with a preliminary view of the Civilization of the Incas. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1847. History of the Reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain. 3 vols. Lond. 1859-60. Presle, C. J. de. Cours d'art et d'histoire -Miiitaires. 8v(>. Saumur, 1829. Pressentin, Botho von. Die Kriegsaus- riistung der Ofliziere, iiber die Ernahrung im Biwak und auf dem .Schlachtfelde. 8v(.). Diisseldorf, 1893. Preston. J. A. ALap of Oregon and Washington Territories. i2mo. Washington, 1856. Preston, Thomas. Jubilee of (jeorge the Third, 25th October, 1809. 8vo. Lond. 1887. The Yeoman of the Guard. Their History from 1485 to 1885, and a concise account of the Tower Warders. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. n.d. Prestwich, Joseph. Origin of the Chesil Bank. Lond. 1875. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 2>^.) Preval, Le Lieut.-General. Memoires sur rOrganisation de la Cavalerie et sur I'Administration des Corps. 8vo. Paris, 1816. Prevost, Major L. de T. Aide to Mili- tary Instruction, with plans and diagrams. 8vo. Lond. 1884. Prevost de Vemois, Le General. De la Fortification depuis Vauban. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1861. Atlas to ditto. Folio. Priaulx, The Rev. John. Account of the nature, use, and end of the Office of Dean Rural. Edited by the Rev. W. Dansey. Lond. 1832. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 5.) Price, Captain E., R.N. Navigation of Her Majesty's Ships. Lond. 1876. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 46.) Price, Lake. Manual of Photographic Manipulation. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Prichard, Hesketh. Where Black Rules White — Hayti. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Prichard, J. C. Researches into the Physical History of Mankind. 4th edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841-44. Atlas to ditto. Folio. Prideanx, T. Symes. Prevention of Smoke. Lond. 1854. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 45.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 26.) Prideaux, Lieutenant W. F. {See Markham, Clements R.) Pridham, Charles. Historical, political, and statistical account of Ceylon and its dependencies. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1849. Priestley, Joseph. Historical account of the navigable Rivers, Canals, and Rail- way's, throughout Great Britain. 4to. Lond. 1831. Priests' Protection Society. Address to Christians. 8vo. Lond. 1856. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Pringle, Captain. Vigil of a Young Soldier ; a poem. i2mo. Lond. 1834, PRI 297 PYR Pringle, Dr. John. Observations on the Diseases of the Army. 8vo. Lond. 1761. Prinsep, H. T. Narrative of the Pohtical and Mditary Transactions of British India under the administration ofthe Marquess of Hastings, 1813-18. 4to. Lond. 1820. History of the PoHtical and MiHtary Transactions in India during the Adminis- tration of the Marquess of Hastings, 1813-23. Enlarged edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1825. Note on the Historical Results, deduc- ible from recent discoveries in Afghanistan. Bvo. Lond. 1844. Prinsep, James. Essays on Indian Antiquities ; to which are added his Tables of Indian History, &c. Edited, with notes by Edward Thomas. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Prinsep, Val C, Imperial India : an artist's journals. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Prior, James. Life of Oliver Goldsmith. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Prior, Matthew. Poems on several occasions. Folio. Lond. 1718. Pritchard, Andrew. History of In- fusoria, living and fossil ; arranged according to "Die Infusions-thierchen " of C. G. Ehrenberg. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Pritchett, H. S. {see Mahan). Proctor, Richard A. Transits of Venus. 8vo. Lond. 1874. Star Atlas. 4th edition. Folio. Lond. 1877. Prompt, Le Lieutenant P. Tactique des Abordages en Mer et moyens de les prevenir. Paris, 1868. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 78.) Prost, M. Aug. Le BIocus de Metz en 1870. 8vo. Paris, 1898. Prudent, F. {See Schrader.) Prussia. {See Germany.) Prutz, Dr. Hans. Aus des Grossen Kurfijrsten letzten Jahren. 8vo. Berlin, 1897 Prynne, William. Account of Mont Orgueil Castle in the Island of Jersey, with a poetical description. Jersey, 1838. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 10.) P. s. La Cavalerie au Combat dans les Guerres de I'Avenir. 8vo. Paris, 1899. Cavalry in Action in the Wars of the Future. Translated by Lieut.-Colonel J. Formby. 8vo. Lond. 1905. Puerto, Vizconde de. Reflexiones Militaires. 10 vols. 8vo. Turin, 1724. Puffendorf, Samuel. De Officio Hominis et Civis secundum Legem Naturalem. i2mo. Frankfort, 1759. Puissant, Le Colonel L. Traite de Topographie, de Arpentage et de Nivellement. 4to. Paris, 1807. Recueil de diverses propositions de Geometrie, resolues ou demontrees par I'Analyse Algebrique ; precede d'un precis du leve des Plans. 3rd edition. 8vo. . Paris, 1824. Traite de Geodesic. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1842. Pulitzer, Albert. Le Roman du Prince Eugene. 8vo. Paris, n.d. Pulteney, William. Considerations on the question whether the Proceedings of Commanders-in-Chief of Fleets and Armies are subject to the review of the Civil Courts of Law. Lond. 1787. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 18.) Purdon, Captain H. Gr. Remarks and suggestions on our Military System. i2mo. Chatham, 1884. „ Major H. G. The Localisation of our Forces Revised. 8vo. Lond. 1891. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 57.) Purdy, John. Memoir to accompany the new chart of the Atlantic Ocean, and comprising instructions for the navigation of that sea. 5th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1825. Columbian Navigator, or sailing direc- tory for the American Coasts and the West Indies. Vol. i. Part i. Bvo. Lond. 1833. Sailing Directory for the Gulf of Venice and the eastern division of the Mediter- ranean Sea, the Sea of Marmora, and the Black Sea. 8vo. Lond. 1834. Memoir to accompany the charts ofthe Northern Atlantic Ocean, and comprising instructions for the navigation of that sea. loth edition, corrected, by A. G. Findlay. 8vo. Lond. 1853. Pursh, Frederick. Flora Americce Sepieiiti'ioimlis, or a systematic arrange- ment and description of the Plants of North America. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1814. Pushtshin, Captain. Caspian Sea : hydrographic description and sailmg guide. Translated by Major E. R. Ellis. Bvo. Simla, 1884. Puteo, Paris de. Di Ri Imperaturi, Principi, Signori, Gentilhommi, e de tucti Armigeri continente Diside, Con- cordie. Pace, Casi accadenti et Judicii. 4to. Naples, 1518. Puthaux, Le Colonel de. Constructions Defensives rendues inabordables. Mezieres, 1865. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 6.) Puysegur, Le Marechal Jacques Franpois de Chastenet, Marquis de. Art de la Guerre. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1749. Ditto, ditto. New edition. Folio. Paris, 1749. Pycroft, James. Collegian's Guide ; or recollections of college days. Bvo. Lond. 1B45. Pyle, J. C. Abstract of Meteorological Observations made at Futtegurh, for the year 1850, N.W.P., Bengal. Transmitted by Dr. Buist, and communicated by Colonel Sykes. Lond. 1851. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 27.) Pyrotechny. Essay sur les Feux d' Artifice pour le spectacle et pour la guerre. Bvo. Paris, 1745. Traite des Feux d'Artifice pour le spectacle. 8vo. Paris, 1747. <3UA 298 QUO Q. (luain, Richard. Elements of Anatomy. 7th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1867 Dictionary of Medicine. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Quay le- Jones, Captain M. On Guard : what to do and how to do it. 6th edition. i2mo. Chatham, 1889. Quebec Garrison Club. Lectures, 1888-9. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 48.) 7-) Ranelagh, Viscount T. H. Present state of our National Defences. Lond. 1845. ('Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 2,7 (ii)-) Ranke, Leopold von. History of Servia and the Servian Revolution ; with a sketch of the insur- rection in Bosnia. Translated by Mrs. Alexander Kerr. To which is added the "Slave Provinces of Turkey ' : from the French of Cyprien Robert. 8vo. Lond. 1853. Der Ursprung des Siebenjahrigen Krieges. 8vo. Leipsic, 1871. Rankine, W. J. M. ^Manual of Applied Mechanics. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1864. Useful Rules and Tables, relating to mensuration, engineering, structures, and machines. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1867. Manual of the Steam Engine and other prime movers. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Ranking, Surgeon-]!liIajorG.S.A.,Bengal Medical Service. Talim-i-zaban-i- Urdu. A (iuide to Hindustani. Svo. Calcutta, 1889. Ransom, Colonel T. B. Discourses at Norwich, Vermont, during the Obsequies of Truman Bishop Ransom, Colonel of the New England Regiment, February 22nd, 1848. Norwich, n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 69.) Ransome, Cyril. The Battles of Fred- crick the Cireat. Svo. Lond. 1892. Ransome, StaflEbrd. Japan in Transition, 8vo. Lond. 1899. Raoul, M. de. {See Regnault.) Raoul-Duval, R. Au Transvaal et dans le .Sud-Africain avec les Attaches Mili- taires. Svo. Paris, 1902. Rapallo, Don Manuel Montero y. Ensayo de Estrategia Naval. Svo. Madrid, 1892. Raper, Rear- Admiral Henry. New Sj'stem of Signals, by which colours may be wholly dispensed with. 4to. Lond. 1828 Raper, Lieutenant Henry, R.N. Rules for finding distances and heights at sea. Svo. Lond. 1S31. Remarks on Mr. Robert Steele's Report to the Chamber of Commerce of Greenock on the Bill for the Measurement of Tonnage. Lond. 1834. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 7.) Tables of Logarithms to si.x places. Svo. Lond. 1846. Maritime Positions. Svo. Lond. 1849. Practice of Navigation and Nautical Astronom}'^. With supplement. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1840. Ditto, ditto. 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th editions. Svo. Lond. 1S49-57. Ditto, ditto. 19th edition. Revised and enlarged by Commander R.N. Svo. Rapier, R. C. Remunerative Railways for new Countries ; with some account ot the first railway in China. 4to. Lond. 1878. History of N. Tindal. Lond. 1743-7- Memoirs of Lond. 1823. Thomas Hull, Lond. 1891. Rapin de Thoyras, Paul. England. Translated by 4 vols, in five. Folio. Rapp, Le General Comte. written bv himself. Svo. Rarey, J. S. The Art of Taming Horses. Lond. i8^8. Rascon, Le Comte de. L'Armee de I'Alle- magne du Nord. Translated from the Spanish by A. de Paniagua. Svo. Paris, 18S0. Rask, Dr. E. C. Danish Grammar Edited by T. G. Repp. 2nd edition. Svo. Copenhagen, 1846. Ratheau, Le Capitaine A. Traite de Fortification ; comprenant la fortification passagere, la castramentation, la fortification permanente, Fattaque et la defense des places fortes. Svo. Paris, 1858. Attaque et Defene des Places Fortes. Svo. Paris, 1877. Atlas to ditto folio. RAU REC Eau, S. L'Etat Militaire des principales Puis- sances Etrangeres. 8vo. Lond. 1880. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. Lond. 1883. Ditto, ditto. 4th edition. Lond. 1886. Eaumer, Friedrich von. Geschichte der Hohenstauten und ihrer Zeit. 6 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1823-25. Eausenl)erger, Professor F. Theorie der Rohrrticklautgeschutze. 8vo. Berlin, 1907 Eavenllill, J. E. Twenty minutes with onr Commercial Marine Steam Fleet in 1877. 4to. Lond. 1877. Eavenstein, E. G. The Russians on the Amur. 8vo. Lond. 1861. Cyprus : its resources and capabiUties. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Eawling, C. G. The Great Plateau. 8vo. Lond. 1905. Eawlinson, Captain George. Selections from mj' journal during a residence in the Mediterranean. 8vo. [Privatelj- printed.] Lond. 1836. Eawlinson, Major-General Sir Henry. England and Russia in the East. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Eawlinson, Captain Sir H. E. The Otficer's Note Book. i2mo. Lond. 1895. Eawlinson, Eobert. Hygiene of Armies in the Field. Lond. 1883. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 35.) Eawson, E. K. Twenty Famous Naval Battles, Salamis to Santiago. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Eawstorne, Captain J., E.N. Plan and key to the view of the sailing of the British Portion of the Allied Expedition from Baljik to the Crimea. Lond. 1859. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 4.) Eay, James. Compleat history of the Rebellion, 1745-6. 8vo. Lond. 1759. Ditto, ditto. ^Second copy.) Eaymond, Xavier. Les Marines de la France et de TAngleterre, 1815-63. i2mo. Paris, 1863. Eaynal, G. T. F. Histoire Philosophique et Politique des Etablissemens et du Commerce des Euro- peans dans les deux Indes. 10 vols. i2mo. Geneva, 1780. Atlas des toutes les parties connues du Globe Terrestre, dresse pour " THistoire Philosophique.'' 4to. n.p., n.d. Ee, L'Isle de. Relation de la descente des Anglois en lisle de Re. i2mo. Paris, 1628. (Radstock Collection.) Eead, Chatfield, and Crenze. Reports on Naval Construction, 1842-4. Folio. Lond. 1847. Eead, S. Memoir on a new Armament for the 42 and 46 gun Frigates. Chatham, 1831. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 4.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 9.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 37 (ii).) Eead, S. {contd)— Observations illustrative of a Memoir on a new Armament for the 42 and 46 gun Frigates. Chatham, 1831. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 4.) Eeade, The Eev. J. B. New organic remains in the Flint of Chalk. Lond. 1838. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 14.) Eeade, Winwood. African Sketch-Book. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Eecords, the National. Nonarum Inquisitiones in curia Scac- carii. Temp. Regis Edwardi IIL Folio. Lond. 1807. Note. — An account of the Subsidy granted at Westminster in the 14th of Edw. IIL, and ist of his Reign in France, stat. i, c. 20, of "the ninth lamb, the ninth fleece, and the ninth sheaf, to be taken for two j-ears then next to come. And of cities and boroughs the very ninth part of all their goods and chattels to be taken and levied in aid of the good keeping of this realm," &c. Rotulcrum Originalium in curia Scaccai ii Abbreviatio. Vols, i and ii (Hen. III. — Edw. III.). Folio. Lond. 1805-10. Note. — The Estreats of all Grants of the Crown enrolled whereon any rent is received, any salary payable, or anj' service to be performed. Placitorum in domo Capitulari West- monasteriensi asservatorum Abbreviatio. Temporibus Regum Ric. I., Johann, Henr. IIL, Edw.^L, Edw. II. Folio. Lond. 1811. Calendars of the Proceedings in Chancery in the reign of Queen Elizabeth ; to which are prefixed examples of earlier proceedings in that Court, namely, from the reign of Richard the Second to that of Queen Elizabeth, inclusive. From the Originals in the Tower. 3 vols. Folio. Lond. 1811-16. Inquisitionum ad capellam Domini Regis retornatarum quae in publicis archivis Scotiae adhuc servantur, abbre- viate. 3 vols. Folio. Lond. 1811-16. Note. — The Record, of which an abridg- ment is here given, comprehends all those proceedings by "Inquest," or the verdict of an "Assize," which originate in certain \vrits issuing from Chancery, and which are ulti- mately transmitted or " retoured " to that office. Rotuli Hundredorum, Temp. Hen. IIL and Edw. I. in Turr' Lond' et in curia receptse Scaccarij Westm. asservati. Vols, i and ii. Folio. Lond. 1812-18. Note. — The Hundred Rolls contain inquisi- tions taken in pursuance of a Special Com- mission, issued under the Great Seal in the second year of King Edward I. Placita de quo Warranto, temporibus Edw. I., II., IIL, in curia receptae .Scaccarii Westm. asservata. Folio. Lond. 1818. Rotuli Scotiai in Turri Londonensi et in domo Capitulari Westmonasteriensi asservati (19th of Edw. I. — 18th of Hen. VIII. ). 2 vols. Folio. Lond. 1814-19. Statutes of the Realm. Printed from original records and authentic manu- scripts. Vols, ii, iii, iv (2 parts), v, vi, vii, viii, ix. (Richard II. to Anne.) Folio. Lond. 1816-22. REC 302 REE Records, The National icontd)— Alphabetical Index to ditto. Folio. Lond. 1824. Chronological Index. Folio. Lond. 1828. Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland (1424-1707). Vols, ii to xi. Folio. Lond. 1814-24. Calendarium Inquisitionum postmortem sive Eschaetariiin (Henry IIL — Rich. TIL). 4 vols. Folio. Lond. 1806-28. Foedera, Conventiones, Litter?e, et ciijusciinque generis Acta Publica. Cura et .Studio T. Rhymer et R. Sanderson. Denuo aucta, et inultis locis emendata, jussu serenissimi Regis Georgii Tertii. Accurantibus J. Caley et T. Holbrooke. 3 vols, in six. Folio. Lond. 1816-30. Valor Ecclesiasticus. Temp. Hen.VIII. Auctoritate regia Institutus. 6 vols. Folio. Lond. 1810-34. (Containing maps of the Dioceses.) Note. — The Ecclesiastical Survey, made in pursuance of an Act of Parliament, 21st of Henry VIII., headed "Instructions devysed by the Kynges Highnes by the advj-se of his counsaylle for knowledge to be had of the hole true and juste yerelj' values of all the posses- sions, maners, londes, ten'ts, hereditaments, and p'ffets aswel sp'uall as temporall apper- tenynge to any maner of Dignyte, Monasterie, Priorie, Church, CoUegiat Church, Con- ventuall, P'snage, Vicariage, Chaunterie, fre Chapel), or other dignitye, office, or p'mocion sp'uall within this realme, Wales, Cales, Berwyk, and Marches of the same, " &c. Ducatus Lancastrite. Pars I. Calen- darium Inquisitionum post mortem, &c. (Edw. I. — Carol. I.). Parts 2, 3, 4. Calendar to the Pleadings, Depositions, &c. (Hen. VIL— Eliz.). 3 vols. Folio. Lond. 1823-34. Parliamentary Writs and Writs of Military Summons, together with the Records and Muniments relating to the suit and ser\'ice due and performed to the King's High Court of Parliament and the Councils of this Realm. Collected and edited by Francis Palgrave. Vols, i and ii (bound in three). Folio. Lond. 1827-34. Magni Rotuli Scaccarii Normanniae sub Regibus Anglise. Opera Thomae Staple- ton. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1840. Recruiting. On the best mode of providing Recruits and forming Reserves for the British Army. Lond. 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i.) Thoughts on the Recruiting Question. By a Soldier. Lond. 1875. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i.) (For other Works, see Index.) Reddie, James. Historical view of the law of Maritime Commerce. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Mechanics of the Heavens. Lond. 1862. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 65.) Vis inertiae victa, or fallacies affecting science. Lond. 1862. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 55.) Reddie, James {confil.) — \'ictoria Toto Coelo ; or modern Astro- nomy recast : a paper on the motions of the Earth, .Sun, Moon, and Planets. Lond. 1863. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 65.) Slavery. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 63.) Redfern, Dr. P. {See Lankester.) Redfield, W. C. Hurricanes of the Atlantic and their relations to the Northers of Mexico and Central America. New Haven, 1846. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 36.) Redhouse, J. W, Grammaire raisonnee de la Langue Ottomane. 8vo. Paris, 1846. The Mesnevi. 4to. Lond. 1881. Redman, J. B. Alluvial Formations and local changes of the .South Coast of England. Lond. 1854. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 30.) Report on Sandown Castle. Lond. 1857. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 32.) The East Coast between the Thames and the Wash Estuaries. Lond. 1865. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 30.) Redway, Captain G. W. How to Check a Pay List. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1901. „ Major G. W. How to Pass in Topography. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1904. Fredericksburgh, a Study of War. 8vo. Lond. 1906. Reed, Sir E. J. Shipbuilding in iron and steel. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Our Iron-Clad Ships : with chapters on Turret Ships, Iron-Clad Rams. &c. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Our Naval Coast Defences. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 88.) Treatise on the Stability of Ships. 8vo. Lond. 1885. The British Navy. Washington, 1886. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 43.) Navies of the Continent. Washington, 1887. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 43.) Proposed further outlay upon the Navy. Lond. 1889. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 48.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 49.) The British Navy. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol 40.) Our Merchant Marine. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 40.) Proposed further outlay upon the Navy. Lond. 1899. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 49.) „ Sir E. J., and Ed"ward Simpson. Modern .Ships of War. With supple- mentary chapters and notes by J. D. Jerrold Kelley. 410. Lond.' 1888. REE REN Reed, Lieutenant H. A., U.S. Army. Pliotographv applied to Surveying;. 4to. New' York, t888. Reehorst, Dr. K. P. Ter. The Mariner's Friend and Technical Uictionarj' in ten Languag^es. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lend. 1865. Manufacturers' and Miners' Vade- Mecum, in five Languages. i2mo. Lond. n.d. Rees, L. E. Rimtz. Personal narrative of the Siege of Lucknow. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Reeve, Henry. {See Chesney.) Regla, P. de. La Turquie Officielle, Constantinople. Son Gouvernement, ses Habitants, son Present et son Avenir. 3«' edition. 8vo. Paris, 1891. Regnault, Felix, and M. de Raoul. Com- ment on Marche. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1898. Reich, Dr. Emil. Success among Nations. 8vo. Lond. 1904. Reichel, C. H. Danisches Theater. Vol. i. 8\'o. Leipzig, 1782. Reichskanzler-Amt. Die Schifffahrts- zeichen an der Deutschen Kuste. 8vo. Berlin, 1878. Reid, Arnot. From Pekin to Petersburg. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1899. Reid, General Sir Charles. Extracts from Letters and Notes written during the Siege of Delhi. 8vo. Lond. 1895. Record of the Services in the Field. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 60.) Reid, D. B. The study of Chemistry considered as a branch of elementary education. 2nd edition. Lond. 1842. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 38.) Illustrations of the theory of Ventila- tion. 8vo. . Lond. 1844. Reid, Cr. H. Essay on New South Wales. 4to. Sj'dnej', 1876. Reid, J. Wyatt. New system for day or night Signals. 8vo. n-P-t "-d. Reid, Brig. - Major Thomas. Staif Oflicer'.s Manual ; in which is detailed the duty of Brigade-Majors and Aides-de- Camp. i2mo. Lond. i8o5. Reid, Colonel Sir William. Attempt to develop the Law of Storms, and to point out a cause for the Variable Winds with the view to practical use in Navigation. 8vo. Lond. 1838. Progress of the development of the Law of Storms and of Variable Winds. 8vo. Lond. 1849. Reide, Major T. Treatise on the duty of Infantry Officers and the present system of British Military Discipline. i2mo. Lond. 1795. Ditto, ditto. i2mo. Lond. 1801. Treatise on Military Finance, contain- ing the pay and allowances of the Briti.sh Army. 9th edition. i2mo. Lond. 1805. Staff Officer's Manual ; in which is de- tailed the Duties of Brigade-Majors and Aides-de-Camp. i2mo. Lond. 1806. Reiff, C. P. English-Russian Grammar. 8vo. Carlsruhe, 1853. New Parallel Dictionaries of the , Russian, French, German, and English Languages. 4 vols. 8vo. Carlsruhe, 1871-2. Reile, E. von. Die Zukunft der Polen. 8vu. Berlin, 1856. ReiUy, Colonel W. E. M. Memorandum on the Prussian Army,, in relation to the Campaign of 1866. Lond. 1867. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 74 (ii).) Notes of a visit to Berlin, 1872 (German Artillery). 2nd edition. Lond. 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 7.) Report on the French Artillery, 1873. Lond. 1873.^ (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 34.) War Materiel at the Vienna Exhibition,. 1873. Lond. 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 34.) [See also Caffin.) Rein, J. J. Japan : travels and re- searches. 8vo. Lond. 1884. Reinagle, G. P. Illustrations of the Battle of Navarino. Folio. n.p., n.d. Reinaud and Fave. Histoire de I'Artillerie, i'^ partie. Du Feu Gregeois, des feux de guerre et des originesde la poudre a canon. 8vo. Paris, 1845. Plates to ditto. 410. Rememont, C. de. Campagne de 1866. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1900, Remington and Sons. The Remington- Lee Magazine Gun and Ammunition. 8vo. St. Louis, Mo., 1884. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 53.) Remond, Le General Baron. Tactique appropriee au perfectionnement des Armes a Feu portatives. 8vo. Paris, 1853. Remusat, Paul de. Memoires de Madame de Remusat. 21st edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1885. Renard, B. La Marine Cuirassee en 1865. Paris, 1866. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 78.) Commentaires sur les Reglements de la Cavalerie. Tactique elementaire de I'arme. 8vo. Brussels, 1884. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1886. Renard, Leon. Le Fond de la Mer. 3rd edition. 8vo. Paris, n.d. Rendel, Stuart. The Question of the Guns as now debated. Lond. 1875. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 31.) Rennell, Major James. Memoir of a Map of Hindostan or the Mogul Empire. 8vo. Lond. 1788. Geographical System of Herodotus examined and explained. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830. (See also Park.) REN 304 RIC Eennie, Dr. D. F. British Arms in North China and japan. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Peking and the Pekingese during the first year of the British Embassy at Pekinj;, 1860-1. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Bhotan ; and the story of the Dooar War. 8vo. Lond. 1866. Eennie, George. Quantity of Heat developed by Water when rapidl3^ agitated. Lond. 1857. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 52.) Employment of Rubble Beton, or Concrete, in works of Engineering and Architecture. Lond. 1858. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 46 (ii).) Eennie, G. B. Improvement of the River Danube between Isatcha and the Siilina Entrance. Lond. 1856. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 43 (ii).) Eepiquet, Jules. Le Sultanat d'Anjouan. 8vo. Paris, 1901. Eepton, H. Landscape gardening and landscape architecture. New edition : by J. C. Loudon. 8vo. Lond. 1840. Eeresby, Sir John, Bart. Travels and memoirs. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1831. Eetz, J. F. P. de Gondi, Cardinal de. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols, xliv-xlvi.) Eeuniont, Alfred von. Memoir of General the Rt.-Hon Sir Frederick Adam. Translated by Henry Reeve. Lond. 1855. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 46 (i).) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 63.) Eenter, lEmile. Reconnaissances et Dialogues Militaires, en Francais, Flamand, et Allemand. Brussels, 1872. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 48.) Eenter. Das Militairische Berlin. Zusammenstellung der Militairischen Einrichtungen und Etablissements von Berlin. i2mo. Berlin, 1873. Eenther, Capt. A. E. Het Ijzer meer bepaaldeliJK beschouwd als grondstof, bestemd tot vervaardiging van vuurmon- den. The Hague, 1867. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 74 (ii).) Eevel, Genova di. La Cessione del Veneto. 8vo. Milan, 1890. Dal 1847 al 1855 — La Spedizione di Crimea. 8vo. Milan, 1891. II 1859 e r Italia Centrale. 8vo. Milan, 1S91. Da Ancona a Napoli. 8vo. Milan, 1892. Umbria ed Aspromonte. 8vo. Milan, 1894. Eeventlow, Graf von. Die Deutsche Flotte. Crown 8vo. Berlin, 1901. Eevy, J. J. {See Bateman.) Eeynand, A. A. L. Trigonometrie Kectiligne et Sphiirique, 3rd edition, suivie des Tables de Logarithmes des Nombres et des lignes Trigonometriques de Jerome de Lalande. i2mo. Paris, 1818. {Src also Bezout.) Eeynold de Chaiivancy, Le Capitaine C. de. Code International. Telegraphie Nau- tique. 4th edition. 8vo. Paris, 1857. International Nautical Telegraph. Translated from the French. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1857. Eejmolds, Lieut.-Colonel A. The Life of an enlisted Soldier in the United States Army. Washington, 1904. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 69.) Eeynolds, Frederick. Life and times of Frederick Reynolds. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827. Eeynolds-Ball, E. A. Practical Hints for Travellers in the Near East. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1903. Ehind, W. G. Marine Safety Seats. Lond. 1846. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 39.) Ehodes, Lieutenant C. D., U.S.A. History of the Cavalrj' of the Armj' of the Potomac. Crown 8vo. Kansas City, 1900. Ehodes, Major E. (See Edye.") Ehodes, Major Godfrey. Tour of Military Inspection in European Turkej'. 2nd edition. Bvo. Lond. 1854. Tents and Tent Life. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Tents and Tent Life. (A Review.) Dublin, i860. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 84.) Ehodesia. Precis of information con- cerning Southern Rhodesia. Official. Compiled bj' Major C. T. Dawkins. Lond. 1899. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 59.) Eiant, Dr. A. Le Materiel de secours de la Societe Fran9aise des Secours aux Blesses des Armees de Terre et de Mer, a I'Exposition de 1878. 8vo. Paris, 1878. Eibaud, Pietro. Trattato nel Canale di Messina. 410. Naples, 1824. Eibbentrop,Le Lieutenant. Vocabulaire Militaire Fran9ais-Allemand. i2mo. Leipsic, 1877. Eicardo, David. Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1821. Eicardo, Captain F. C. Company Drill, on the system laid down in the " Infantry Drill, 18S9." i6th edition. i2mo. Lond. 1889. Eice, Lieut.-Colonel J. M., U.S. Army. Hooks, hook-bands and hook-swivels, for stacking rifles, muskets and carbines. Washington, 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 31.) Experiments with Rice's Trowel Baj'onet. Springfield, Mass, 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 31.) RIC 305 RIF Rice, William McPherson. Account of an Ancient vessel found under the old bed of the River Rother, in Kent. Lond. 1824. (4to Pamphlets, vol. i.) Richard, L'Abbe. Description historique et critique de ritalie. Vol. i. 121T10. Paris, 1770. Le Veritable Conducteur aux Cimetieres du Pere la Chaise, Montmartre, Mont- Parnasse et Vaugibard. 4th edition izmo. Paris, 1836 Richard, Le Capitaine. La Garde 1854-1870. Folio. Paris, 1898 Richard, J. Napoleon III. en Italic Deux mois de Campagne. i2mo. Paris, 1859 {Sec also Detaille.) Richards, Thomas. New South Wales in 1881. 8vo. Sydney, 1882. Richards, W. Her Majesty's Army. 4to. 3 vols. Lond. n.d. Richards, Colonel W. H. Text book of Military Topography. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Ditto, ditto. Lond. 1888. Richardson. iSi:e Hopkins.) Richardson, B. W. Health of Nations. Review of the works of Edwin Chadwick. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1887. „ Sir B. W., M:.D., P.R.S. Biological Experimentation. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1896. Richardson, Major, K. S. P. Movements of the British Legion. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1837. The American War of 18 12. 8vo. Quebec, 1842. Richardson, Charles. Dictionary of the English Language, combining explanation and etymology. 8vo. Lond. 1856. Richardson, C. T. History of the British Flag. Lond. 1869. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 90.) Richardson, David Lester. Anglo- Indian passage ; homeward and outward. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Richardson, H. T. Cruise of the " Challenger " Life-Boat, and voyage from Liverpool to London, in 1852. i2mo. Lond. 1853. Richardson, Sir John. Fauna Borcali- Aiiicn'cana, or the Zoology of the Northern Parts of British America, containing de- scriptions of the objects of Natural History collected on the late northern land expedi- tions under command of Captain .Sir John Franklin, R.N., assisted by W. Swainson and the Rev. W. Kirby. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1829. {Sec also Belcher and Franklin.) Richardson, Sir Wodehouse. With the Army Service Corps in South Africa. 8vo. Lond. 1903. Richardson, Colonel J. B. Defence of a Coast Fortress. Woolwich, 1893. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 57.) Richardson, William. Catalogue of 7385 Stars, chiefly in the Southern Hemisphere, from observations in 1822-6 at the Observatory at Paramatta, New South Wales. 4to. Lond. 1835. Richelieu, Le Cardinal de. Memoires sur la regne de Louis XHL (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols. X and xi, and vols, xxi (bis) to XXX.) Richemont, Artus III, Due de Bretaigne, Comte de. Histoire. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vol. viii.) Richert, Le Capitaine G. Canevas etymologique du Vocabulaire Allemand. 4to. Paris, 1892. Richthofen, Freiherr F. von. Schan- tung und Seine Eingangspforte Kiauts- chou. Super Royal 8vo. Berlin, 1898. Ricketts, Major, Royal African Corps. Narrative of the Ashantee War. Bvo. Lond. 1833. Rickman, Thomas. Attempt to dis- criminate the styles of Architecture in England with remarks on the Architecture of France. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Ricraft, Josiah. Survey of England's Champions and Truth's faithful Patriots, or a chronologicall recitement of the principall proceedings of the most worthy commanders of the prosperous armies raised for the preservation of Religion, the King's Majestie's Person, &c. Pub- lished by Authority. Lond. 1647. (Also a second title, the Civill Warres of England, etc., collected by John Leycester.") .Small 4to. (Fac-simile reprint, 18 18.) Riddell, Major-General C. J. B., C.B. Scheme for the Division of the Royal Artillery into separate regiments. n.d. (Pamphlet, 3rd series, vol. 60.) Army Administration. Lond. 1901. (Pamphlet, 3rd series, vol. 66.) Army Administration, Staff Arrange- ments, War Office, Out Commands. Lond. 1901. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 67.) Riddell, Lieutenant H. S. H. Red River Expedition of 1870. Quebec, 1871. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 14.) Riddle, Edward. Treatise on Navi- gation and Nautical Astronomy. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Rid^eway, West. The New Afghan Frontiers. Lond. 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 45.) Ridout, Lieutenant J. B. Information regarding the Henry-Martini Rifle, and how to determine the velocity, &c., of an elongated projectile. Woolwich, 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i.) Riego, Don Miguel. Los doce Triunfos del Cartujano, sobre las vidas de los doce Apostoles. 4to. Lond. 1841. Coleccion de Obras Poeticas Espaholas. 4to. Lond. 1842. (Bound with " Triunfos del Cartu- jano.") Rifle Association, The National. Pro- ceedings. 8vo. Lond. i860 to date. U RIF Rifle Conference, 1864. Report and lVocc<.-din.t;s. Lond. 1864. (Pamphlets, 2nd scries, vol. 89.) Rigaltius, N. Glossarium Tqktikov fii^o^ap-Sapov. De Verborum signi- ficationc, quae ad novellas Impp. qui in Oriente post Justiniam regnauerunt, de re militari Constitutiones pertinent. 410. Lutetiae, 1601. Rigaud, Major-General Gibbes. Lines formed round Oxford bv King Charles the I-'irst. " O.xford, 1880. 'Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 36.) Riley, Harvey. The Mule. A treatise on the breeding, training, and uses to which he may be put. 8vo. New York, 1867. Rimington, Brigadier-General, M. F. Hints to Stable Management. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1905. -Rimpler, George. Samtliche Schrifften von der Fortification. 4to. Dresden, 1724. Hiordan, Surgeon-Major W. E. Manual for Army Jledical Services. 8vo. Lond. 1890. Rishworth, Captain A. H,, and Captain H. D. Sichel. Notes on Tactics. i2mo. Lond. 1895. Risler, C, and G. Laurent-Atthalin. La Geurre en Alsace. Neuf-Brisach, souvenirs de siege et de captivite. i2mo. Paris, 1 88 1. Risley, H. H. The Tribes and Castes of Bengal. Anthropometric data. 2 vols. 8vo. Calcutta, 1891. Hisley, J. S. The Law of War. 8vo. Lond. 1 891. Ritchie, Anne F., and R. Evans. Lord Amherst. Crown 8vo. Oxford, 1894. Rivanlt, Flurance. Les Elemens de I'Artillerie. i2mo. Paris, 1608. Rivett-Carnac, Colonel S. Presidential Armies of India. With a continuation and general remarks on India. 8vo. Lond. 1890. Riviere, Armand. La Guerre avec la Chine. La Politique Coloniale et la question du Tonkin. 8vo. Paris, 1883. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 9.) Robbins, Captain Thomas. Cavalr)^ Catechism. 8vo. Lond. 1859. Ditto, ditto. New edition. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Robert, Charles. 1795. Expedition des Emigres a Ouiberon. 8vo. Paris, 1899. Robert, Cyprien. {See Ranke.) Roberti, M. G. Memoires d'un Officier aux Gardes Fran^aises (1789-93). 8vo. Paris, 1897. Roberts, Field-Marshal Lord. The Rise of Wellington. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1895. Forty-one years in India. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1897. Imperial Defence. Address given to the Members of the Newcastle-on-Tjme Chamber of Commerce. 8vo. Lond. 1905. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 69.) •A Nation in Arms. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1907. 306 ROB Roberts, The Rev. Charles. South Afri- can rraxeiicrs" Handbook, containing Zulu Kafir, Xnsa Kafir, and Dutch. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Roberts, George. Etymological and explanatory dictionary ot the terms and language of Geology. i2mo. Lond. 1839. Life of James, Duke of Monmouth. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1844. Roberts, Joseph. Handbook of Artillery for the .Service of the United States. 9th edition. i2mo. New York, 1865. Roberts, Captain Julius. Harbour of Refuge ana Docks at Newhaven. n.p., 1866. (4to. Pamphlets, vol. 4.) Robertson, Colonel A. C. Notes on Mr. Cardwells Speech [on Army Reform]. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 86.) Robertson, General B. H., U.S. Army. General Robertson in the Gettysburg Campaign. New York, 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 47.) Robertson, Lieutenant C. G. Kurum, Kabul, and Kandahar, a record of three Campaigns under General Roberts. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1881. Robertson, George. Proposed Ship Canal at Paumben. Folio. Edinburgh, 1873. Robertson, Sir G. S. The Kaffirs of the Hindu-Kush. Royal 8vo. Lond. 1896. Chitral : The Story of a Minor Siege. 8vo. Lond. 1898. Robertson, J. Elements of Navigation, with a Treatise of Marine Fortification. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1764. Ditto, ditto. 6th edition. Revised by W. Wales. 8vo. Lond. 1796. (Radstock Collection.) Robertson, The Rev, J. Traveller's Guide through Ireland. i2mo. Edinburgh, i3o6. Robertson, James A. Historical Proofs respecting the Gael of Alban, or High- landers of Scotland. 2nd edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1866. Robertson, John. Alphabetical List of Clergy of the Irish Church. Revised by Arthur King. i2mo. Dublin, 1843. Robertson, Colonel J. P. Personal Adventures and Anecdotes of on Old Officer. Bvo. Lond. 1906. Robertson, J. Ross. Landmarks of Toronto : A Collection of Historical Sketches. Bvo. Toronto, 1895. The History of Freemasonry in Canada. 2 vols. 8vo. Toronto, 1899. Robertson, Leslie S. Water - Tube Boilers. 8vo. Lond. 1901. Robertson, William. Proceedings relating to the Peerage of .Scotland, 1707-88. 4to. Lond. 1790. Historical Disquisition concerning the knowledge which the Ancients had of India. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1804. ROB 307 ROC Kobertson, William (contd.) — His Works. To which is prefixed an account of the life and writings of the Author, by Dugald Stewart. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827. RoMnet de Clery, Lasalle : D'Essling a Wagram. 8vo. Paris, 1896. Robins, Benjamin. Proposal for increasing the strength of the British Navy, by changing the Guns from 18 lbs. downwards into others of equal weight but of a greater bore. Lond. 1747. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 19.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 20.) Mathematical Tracts, containing his New Principles of Gunnery and sub- sequent Discoveries, edited b3^ J. Wilson. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1761. New Principles of Gunnery ; containing the determination of the force of Gun- powder, and an investigation of the resisting power of the air. With account of his life and writings by James Wilson. Edited bj' Charles Hutton. 8vo. Lond. 1805. Eobinson, Charles. New South Wales. S3'dney, 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 23.) Robinson, Christoplier. Collectanea Maritima ; being a collec- tion of public instruments, &c., tending to illustrate the history and practice of Prize Law. 8vo. Lond. 1801. Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the High Court of Admiralty. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1808-12. Robinson, Commander C. N., R.N. The British Fleet. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1894. Robinson, Captain C. W. Lectures upon the British Campaigns in the Peninsula, 1808-14. Bvo. Lond. 1871. „ Major-General C. W. Wellington's Campaigns, 1808-15; also Moore's Cam- paign of Corunna. Part L, 1808-9-10, Roleia to Busaco. Bvo. Lond. 1905. Ditto, ditto. Part IL, 1811-12-13. Barrosa to Vittoria and Invasion of France. Bvo. Lond. 1905 Ditto, ditto. Part IIL, 1813-14-15. Nivelle to Waterloo (Campaigns in South of France and Belgium). 8vo. Lond. 1906. WeUington's Campaigns, Peninsula — Waterloo, 1B0B-15, also Moores Campaign of Corunna. New edition. Bvo. Lond. 1907. Robinson, Edward. Biblical researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai, and Arabia, 1838. 3 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1841. Robinson, Lieutenant Frederick, R.N. Refutation of Lieut. Wellsted's attack upon Lord Valentia's (now Earl of Mount Norris) work upon the Red Sea. 4to. Lond. 1842. Robinson, Sir F. P. Charges made by the House of Assembly of Tobago against Sir F. P. Robinson, and his replies. Paris, 1830. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 23.) Robinson, Commander G-., R.N. Ice- Riding Pinnipeds. Lond. 1897. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 58.) Robinson, Rear - Admiral Hercules. Sea Drift. Bvo. Portsea, 1858. Robinson, H. B. Memoirs of Lieut.-Gen. Sir Thomas Picton, including his corre- spondence. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1835. Robinson, J. {See Pennethorne.) Robinson, Sir John, K.C.M.G. A Life- time in .South Africa. Bvo. Lond. 1900. Robinson, John. Mode of ascertaining the capabiHties of Soil. 2nd edition. Lond. 1863. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 63.) Robinson, The Rev. J. L. Treatise on Marine Surveying. Bvo. Lond. 1882. Robinson, Phil. Cabul ; the Ameer, his country and his people. Bvo. Lond. 1878. Cyprus : its physical, economical, historical, commercial and social aspects. Lond. 1878. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 36.) Robinson, Captain R. S., R.N. Nauti- cal .Steam Engine. Bvo. Lond. 1B39. Robinson, Admiral Sir Spencer. Results of Admiralty Organization as established by Sir James Graham and Mr. Childers. " Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 94.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 21.) Remarks on H.M.S. " Devastation." Lond. 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 3.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 12.) Robison, John. System of Mechanical Philosophy ; with notes by David Brewster. 4 vols. Bvo. Edinburgh, 1822. Robison, Robert. A few plain facts to disabuse the minds of those who may have been misled by a letter by Robert Robi- son. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Robson, Lieut.-Colonel H. D. A Series of Five Lectures on the Russo-Japanese War, 1904. Aldershot, 1905. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 69.) Robson, Joseph. The British Mars : containing several schemes and inventions to be practised by land or sea against the enemies of Great Britain. Bvo. Lond. 1763. Rocca, M. de. Memoires sur la Guerre des Frangais en Espagne. Bvo. (No title page.) Ditto, ditto. New edition. 8vo. Paris, 18 17. Memoirs of the War of the French in Spain. Translated by Maria Graham. 2nd edition. Bvo. Lond. 1B16. Memoires sur la Guerre des Frangais en Espagne. 3rd edition. Bvo. Geneva, 1890. Rocca, Bernardin. Imprese, Stratagemi, et Errori Militari. 2 vols. Bvo. Venice, 1568. De Discorsi di Guerra. 4to. Venice, 1582. U 2 ROC 308 ROL Rochef ort, Le Comte de. I dees pratiques sur la Cavalerie. 2nd edition. 8vo. Savimur, 1865. Rochefort, Henri. The Adventures of my Life ; arran^ced lor Ens^lish readers by the author and E. W. Smith. 2 vols. 2nd edition. Lond. 1897. Rock, T. Dennis. Military Organization for the British Empire. ' Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 96.) Rodd, Sir Rennell. Sir Walter Raleigh. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1905. Rodd, Thomas. Narrative of the Pro- ceedings instituted against Mr. Thomas Rodd for the purpose of wrestling from him a certain Manuscript Roll. Lond. 1845. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 41.) Rodger, Lieutenant W., R.N. Make-shift Anchor. Lond. 1829. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 3.) Syphon for watering ships. Lond. 1829. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 3.) Improved patent small-palmed Anchor. Lond. 1847. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 28.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Rodgers, Commodore John, U.S. Navy. Marine Railway or inclined plane. Washington, 1823. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. v.) Rodney, Lord. Letters relative to the Capture of St. Eustatius, and its depen- dencies ; and shewing the state of the War in the West Indies, at that period (1781.) 4to. n.p., n.d. (Radstock Collection, Armada and Naval Actions.) Rodolanachi, E. Bonaparte et les lies loniennes, 1797- 1816. 8vo. Paris, 1899. Les Derniers Temps du Siege de la Rochelle. (1628.) 8vo. Paris, 1899. Rodrigues, D. A. O Tiro Nacional. 8vo. Lisbon, 1902. Rodwell, Major E. H. Four Tactical Lectures delivered at Bangalore in the Autumn of 1898. Lahore, 1898. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 58.) Roe, Art. Pingot et Moi. Journal d'un Officier d'Artillerie. 8vo. Paris, 1893. Roebuck, Captain T. English and Hindoostanee Naval Dic- tionary, with a short Grammar of the Hindoostanee Language. Lond. 1813. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 90.) Laskari Dictionary or Anglo-Indian Vocabulary of Nautical Terms and Phrases in English and Hindustani. Edited by G. Small. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Roemer, J. Cavalry ; its history, manage- ment, and uses in war. 8vo. New York, 1863. Rogers, Charles. Poetical Remains of King James the First of Scotland : with a memoir and an introduction to the poetry. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1873. Rogers, Major E. Campaigning in Western Africa and the Ashantee Invasion. Bvo. Lond. 1874. Machine Guns. 4to. Washington, 1882. „ Lieut.-Colonel E. Machine Rifle Batteries for Volunteers. 8vo. Manchester, 1889. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 49.) A Modern Sphinx. 8vo. Lond. 1896. Rogers, H. J. American Code of Marine Signals. 8vo. Baltimore, 1856. Life-saving Signal Book : or appendi.x to the American Code. 8vo. Baltimore, 1856. Rogers, Samuel. Poems. 8vo. Lond. 1834. Italy. A poem. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Rogers, Captain W. Life aboard a British Privateer in the time of Queen Anne. Edited by Robert C. Leslie. 8vo. Lond. 1889. Roget, Peter Mark. Thesaurus of English words and phrases. New edition. 8vo. Lond. 1901. Rognetta, Capitano P. B. Manuale da Campagna ad use degli UCfiziali d'Artig- lieria. i2mo. Turin, 1870. Rogniat, Le Lieut.-General Baron. Considerations sur FArt de la Guerre. 8vo. Paris, 1820. Rohan, Le Due de. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols, xviii and xix.) Rohde, R. T. Redemption of the National Debt. Lond. 1891. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 57.) Rohne, Lieut.-General H. Das Artillerie-Schiess-spiel. Anleitung zum app'.ikatorischen .Studium der Schiess- vorschrift und zur Bildung von Schiess- beispielen. 8vo. Berlin, 1893. Das Gefechtsmassige Abtheilungs- schiessen de Infanterie und das Schiessen mit Maschinengewehren. 8vo. Berlin, 1905. „ General H. Les Progres de I'Artil- lerie de Campagne Moderne. Translated from the German by Lieut.-Colonel Frique. 8vo. Paris, 1905. Rohrig, E. English and German Dic- tionary of Terms used in Mining and Metallurgj', &c. Including a collection compiled by A. Becker. 2 vols, in one. Bvo. Leipsic, 1881. Rojas, Capitan Christoval de. Teorica y practica de Fortificacion. Folio. Madrid, 1598. Roland, Etienne. Methode militaire d'Enseignement primaire adoptee pour lArmee en 1840. 8vo. Paris, 1856. Roland, Joseph. Amateur of Fencing, or a treatise on the art of sword defence. 8vo. Lond. 1809. RoUeston, L. Yeomanry Cavalry or Mounted Infantry. 8vo. Lond. 1901. RoUeston, Lady Maud. Yeoman Service. 8vo. Lond. 1901. ROL 309 ROS RoUin, Charles. Ancient history of the Egj'ptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonians, and Grecians. nth edi- tion. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1808. Roloff, Dr. Glistav. Die Kolonialpohtik Napoleons I. 8vo. Munich and Leipzig, 1899. Rolt, J. Rolt on Moral Command. 3rd edition. Svo. Lond. 1842. Romagny, Ch. Guerre Franco-AUemande de 1870-71. Svo. Paris, 1891. „ and Piales D'Axtrez. Etude som- maire des Batailles d"un Siecle. 4to, maps to ditto, Svo. Paris, 1890. Roman, Alfred. Military Operations of General Beauregard in the War between the States, 1861 to 1865. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1884. Romanetti, Capitano Dionigi. Istituzioni ed Esempi di Letteratura Militare. 2nd edition. Svo. Turin, 1889. Millecinquecento temi di argomenti svariatissimi, per uso delle Scuole ddTcscvciio. Svo. Torino, 1892. Romanovski, M. Notes on the Central Asiatic Question. Svo. Calcutta, 1870. Romberg, Le Capitaine H. Fusees Prussiennes modifications pro- posees. Brussels, 1871. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 28.) Recherches theoriques et pratiques sur les Fusees pour projectiles creux. Svo. Brussels, 1S71. Rome. The History of. Svo. Lond. 1846. Lyrics and Legends of Rome, by "Idea." Svo. Lond. 1S60. Romilly, H. H. The Western Pacific and New Guinea. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1887. Romme, C. L'Art de la Marine. 4to. Paris, 1787. Romocki, S. J. von. Die Geschichte der Explosivstoflfe. Vol. L, Geschichte der Sprengstoftchemie der Sprengtechnik und des Torpedowesens. Vol. IL, Die rauchschwachen Pulver in ihrer Ent- wickelung bis zur Gegenwart. 2 vols. Svo. Berlin, 1S91-96. Ronaldshay, The Earl of. Sports and Politics under an Eastern .Sky. Svo. Lond. 1902. The Outskirts of Empire in Asia. Svo. Edinburgh, 1906. Ronda, Commandate G. Manuale del Tiro. Svo. Livorno, 1901. Manuale di Balistica Esterna. 2 vols. Svo. Livorno, 1901. Rondelet, J. Traite theorique et pratique de I'Art de Batir. 5 vols. 4to. Paris, 1 8 12-14. Roney, Sir Cusack P. The Alps and the Eastern Mails. Lond. 1S67. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. So.) Rooke, Admiral Sir George. Life and glorious actions of Sir George Rook. i2mo. Lond. 1707. Rooke, Hayman. Meteorological Regis ter kept at Mansfield Woodhouse, in Nottinghamshire, 1785-94. Svo. Nottingham, 1795. Roon, Waldemar, Graf von. Krieg- meister von Roon als Redner. 3 vols. Svo. Breslau, 1S95. ROOS, Gustaf. Emploi des Mitrailleuses et Canons a tir rapide. 4to. St. Petersburg, 1886. Roosbroeck, Julien, van. Cours d'Ophthalmologie ou traite des maladies des yeux. 2 vols. Svo. Ghent, 1853. Roosevelt, Theodore. Naval War of 1812, or the histoiy of the United States Navy during the last war with Great Britain. Svo. New York, 1882. The Winning of the West. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1889. The Rough Riders. Svo. Lond. 1899. Rope, Charles. Rome et Berlin. Operations sur les Cotes de la Mediter- ranee et de la Baltique au printemps de 1888. Svo. Paris, 18&S. Ropes, J. C. The Campaign of Waterloo : A Military History. Svo. Lond. 1893. Atlas to ditto. 4to. The Story of the Civil War, 1S61-1865. Parts I and II and i vol. maps. Svo. New York and Lond. 1895-9S. Rosales, Henry. Origin and distri- bution of Gold in Quartz Veins. Melbourne, 1S61. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 23.) Roscoe, Henry E. Spectrum Analysis. Svo. Lond. 1869. Roscoe, William. Life of Lorenzo de' Medici called the Magnificent. 2 vols. 4to. Liverpool, 1795- Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth. 4 vols. 4to. Liverpool, 1805. Illustrations historical and critical of the life of Lorenzo de' Medici. 4to. Lond. 1822. (See aho Pope.) Rose, Captain Cowper, R.E. Four Years in Southern Africa. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Rose, G. H. Instructions for Hussars and Light Cavalry, acting as such in time of War. i2mo. Lond. 1809. Rose, Henri. Traite pratique d' Analyse chimique. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1832. Rose, J. Holland. The Life of Napoleon I. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1902. Napoleonic Studies. Svo. Lond. 1904. The Revolutionary and Napoleonic Era, 1789-1815. Crown Svo. Cambridge, 1904. The Development of the European Nations, 1S70-1900. Svo. Lond. 1905. Rose, Major J. Markham. Summary of Tactics for Militarj'^ Examinations, including Lessons of the South Africa and Russo-Japanese Wars. 5th edition. Crown Svo. Portsmouth, 1907. (See also Moores.) Rosebery, The Earl of. Pitt. Svo. Lond. 1S92. Napoleon : the last Phase. Svo. Lond. 1900. ROS 310 ROU Rose-Innes, Cosmo. Horse to the Front. With Paget's ). Lond. 1901. Rosenberg, Major-General von. I dees Pratiques sur le Service de la Cavalerie. Traduit de rAUemand. 8vo. Paris, 1887 Ditto, ditto. 8vo. Paris, 1898. Rosengarten, J. G. The German Soldier in the Wars of the United States. 8vo. Piiiladelphia, 1890. Ross, Lieutenant Albert, U.S.N. Deck Cliart Board. Annapolis, 1883. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 44.) Ross, Andrew. Illustrations of the Achromatic Tele- -scope. Lond. 1840. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 14.) Old Scottish Regimental Colours. 4to. Lond. 1885. Ross, Captain C. Representative Government and War. 8vo. Lond. 1903. The Problem of National Defence. 8vo. Lond. 1907. Ross, David. Transport by Rail of troops, horses, guns, and war material in India. Lond. 1879. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 37.) Land of the Five Rivers and Sindh. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Military Transport by Indian Railways. 8vo. Lahore, 1883. Ross, Dunbar. Seat of Government of Canada. Quebec, 1856. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 85.) Ross-of-Bladensburg, Major. The Marquess of Hastings, K.G. Crown 8vo. Oxford, 1893. Ross, Captain Sir James Clarke, R.N. Voyage of Discovery in the Southern and Antarctic Regions, 1839-43. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1847. Ross, Rear-Admiral Sir John. Voyage of discovery for the purpose of exploring Baffin's Bay, and enquiring into the probability of a North- West Passage. 4to. Lond. 1819. Narrative of a second voyage in search of a North-West Passage, and of a residence in the Arctic Regions, 1829-33. With Appendix. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1835. Treatise on Navigation by Steam, com- prising a history of the Steam Engine. 2nd edition. 4to. Lond. 1837. M emoirs and correspondence of Admiral Lord du Saumarez. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838. Ross, Captain W. A. Pyrology, or Fire Analysis. Lond. 1872. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 100.) Ross, Lieut.-Colonel W. G. Oliver Crom- well and his Ironsides. 8vo. Chatham, 1889. Rossel, L. N. La reparation militaire des Ponts par les Armees en Campagne. 8vo. Paris, 1869. Rossi, Capitano V. Guerra in Montagna. Svo. Rome, 1902. Rossignol, S. Traite elementaire dfivgicne Militaire. 2nd edition. 8vo. Paris, 1883. Rosslyn, The Earl of. Twice Captured. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Rotenham, Colonel F. von. Die neuere Kriegsgesihichte der Cavalerie von Jahre 1859 bis lii-ute. 2 vols. Munich, 1896. Roth, J. C. Les Musiques Militaires en France. Svo. Strasljurg, n.d. Roth, Dr. Wilhelm. Jahresbericht liber die Leistungen and Fortschrittc auf dem gebiete des Militair-Sanitatswesens. 1873 to date. 4to. Berlin, 1874- . „ Dr. Wilhelm, and Dr. Rudolf Lex. Handbuch der Militar-Gesundheitspflege. 3 vols. 4to. Berlin, 1872. Rothan, G. L' Affaire du Luxembourg ; la prelude de la Guerre de 1870. Svo. Paris, 1882. Rothe, Johann Gottlob. Kurze Anweis- ung was ein Officier von der Infanterie von Absteckung, Trazirung undErbauung der im Felde vorkommenden Verschanz- ungen zu wissen nothig hat. Svo. Leipzig, 1765. Rothert, Professor Dr. E. Karten und Skizzen aus der vater- landischen Geschichte der neueren Zeit (1517-1789). Svo. Diisseldorf, 1895. Ditto, ditto letzten 100 Jahre (neueste Zeit). Svo. Diisseldorf, 1896. Rothery, H. C. Defense of the rules of the Admiralty Court in cases of collision between ships. Svo. Lond. 1873. (Bound in vol. lettered " Rule of the Road at Sea.") Rouen, Le Colonel. L'Armee Beige. Royal 4to. Brussels, 1896. Rougeterre, Capitano C. A. de. Dimo- strationi delle Operationi della Cavalleria per ammaestrare le Truppedi nuova Leva, etessercitar le Militie Equestri. F'cap. fol. .Siena, 1708. Roumania. Die rumanische Armee nach der Neuorganisation vom Jahre 1891 und 1892. von N. V. E. Svo. Mainz, 1893. Rouquerol, Le Major G. Emploi de I'Artillerie a Tir Rapide. 8vo. Paris, 1901. Organisation de FArtillerie a Tir Rapide. Svo. Paris, 1902. The Tactical Employment of Quick- firing Field Artillery. Translated from the French by Captain P. de B. Radclifle, R.F.A. Svo. Lond. 1903. LArtillerie dans la Bataille du 18 Aout, with I vol. Maps. Svo. Lond. 1906. Rouse, Rolla, Practical Geometry on an entirely new plan. i2mo. Lond. 1867. Measurement of Gun and Rifle Ranges. Woodbridge, 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 26.) Rousseau, J. J. CEuvres complettes. 30 vols. i2mo. Deux Ponts, 1782. Roussel, M. de. {See Montandre.) ROU Ml RUH Rousset, Camille. Histoire de Louvres. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1864. Histoire de la Guerre de Crimee. 2 vols. 8vo. And vol. of plates. Paris, 1877. Ditto, ditto. New Edition. La Conquete d'Alger. 8vo. Paris, 1879. La Conquete de I'Algerie, 1841-57. 2 vols. 8vo. Pari.s, 1889. Rousset, Le Commandant. Scenes et Episodes de la Guerre, 1870-71. Crown 4to. Paris, 1896. Histoire generale de la Guerre Franco- Allemande (1870-71). 6 vols, and i vol. Maps and Index. 8vo. Paris, 1896-98. „ Le Lieut.-Colonel. Le 4° Corps de FArmee de Metz. Small royal 8vo. Paris, 1899. Rousset de Missy, Jean. {See Dumont.) Routier, Gaston. L'Espagne en 1897. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1897. Rouvre, Le Lieut.-Colonel. Aide-Me- moire de I'Officier d'Etat Major principale- ment en ce qui concerne le service en cam- pagne. 2nd edition. i2mo. Paris, 1859. Roux, Joseph. Recueil des principaux plans des Ports et Rades de la Mer Mediterranee. Oblong 8vo. Paris, 1779 Rouy, C. Uranorama Familier : Astro- nomie Phj'sique et Geographique. 4th edition. i2mo. Paris, 1834. Rovighi, C. Storia della Terza Divisione deir esercito .Sardonella guerra del 1859. i2mo. Turin, i860. Rowell, G. A. Abstract of a paper on the Storm of September 22nd, 1856. Oxford, 1856. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 53.) Essay on the beneficent distribution of the sense of Pain. Oxford, 1857. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 53.) Rowlandson, T., and H. Angelo. Hun- garian and Highland Broadsword. Folio. Lond. 1799. Rowley, Captain R. A. D. Simple Notes on Outpost Reconnaissance and Fire Discipline (for Militia Officers and N.C.O.'s). 8vo. Lond. 1896. Roy, Jules. Turenne, sa vie les institu- tions militaii es de son temps. 4to. Paris, 1884. Roy, Major-General William. Experiments and observations made in Britain in order to obtain a rule for measuring Heights with the Barometer. 4to. Lond. 1778. Military of the Romans in Britain. Folio. Lond. 1793. Royal Institution of Great Britain. Proceedings. Vol. i to date. 8vo. Lond. 1854- . Lectures on Education, delivered at the Royal Institution. 8vo. Lond. 1855. Royal Society. Philosophical Transactions abridged. 10 vols, in thirteen. 4to. Lond. 1705-56. Philosophical Transactions. 1751-1777. 4to. Lond. 1753-78. Royal Society {aw /OITH2. Helveticus sive itinera Alpina tria. 4to. Lond. 1708. Schiessler, S. W. Handbuch der Oester- reichischen Armee. 8vo. Prague, 1834. SchiUer, Friedrich. Gedichte. 2 vols. i2mo. Hamburgh, 1816. Schiller-Tietz. Heer und Nationalkraft. Volkswirthschaftlich-nationalokonomische Untersuchung in Beziehung auf die zwei- jahrige Dienstzeit. 8vo. Diisseldorf, 1892. Schilling, Captain Baron N. Die Bestandigen Stromungen in der luft und im meere. Berlin, 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 24.) Schimmer, Karl August. Sieges ot Vienna by the Turks. 8vo. Lond. 1847. Schindler, C. F. {See Hiltl.) Schlagintweit, Emil. Buddhism in Thibet. 8vo. Leipzig and Lond. 1863. Atlas to ditto. Folio. Schlagintweit, Hermann, Adolphe, and Robert de. Results of a Scientific Mission to India and High Asia. 4 vols. 4to. Leipzig, 1861-6. Atlas to ditto. Folio. Schleiden, J. M. Principles of Scientific Botany. Translated by Edwin Lankester. 8vo. Lond. 1849. Schleswig-Holstein. Reasons that mo\ed the King of Denmark as Liege Lord ot the Dukedom of Sleswig to sequester the Duke of Holstein Gottorps part thereof. Lond. 1677. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 19.) SCH SCH Schley, Commander W. S., U.S.N., and Professor J. R. Soley. Rescue of Creely. Svo. New York, 1885. Schleyer, Colonel L. Infanterie-Tele- ^Maphenpatrouillen. 8vo. Vienna, 1905. Schlichting, Colonel von. Infantry Battle Tactics. Translated by Captain E. Gunter. nPi n-d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 57.) „ General von. Taktische und Strategische Grundsiitze der Gegenwart. Svo. 3 vols, in 2. Berlin, 1899. Moltke und Benedek. Svo. Berlin, 1900. Schlimmbacll. Examen Critique des differences essentielles qui existent entre les Armes a Feu Fran9aises et Anglaise.s. i2mo. Brussels, 1839. Schlozer, Rittmeister L. von. Ur- sprung und Entwicklung des Alt- Tiirkischen Heeres. Berlin, 1900. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 70.) Schmidt, Professor. Instruction pour la Cavalerie sur le maniement le plus avantageux du Sabre. Svo. Paris, 1828. Schmidt, Major-General Carl von. Instructions for regiments taking part in the manoeuvres of a Cavalry Division. Translated by Major-General Walker. Svo. Edinburgh, 1S76. Instructions for the training, employ- ment, and leading of Cavalry. Compiled by Captain von Vollard - Bockelberg. Translated by Capt. C. W. Bowdler-Bell. Svo. Lond. 1881. Schmidt, Dr. Emil. Die Expedition gegen Chiwa im Jahre 1S73. St. Petersburg, 1874. Schmidt, Major R. Le developpement des Armes a Feu et autres Engins de Guerre. Traduit par E. Volmar. Svo. Paris, 1S70. Les Armes a Feu Portatives. 4to. Geneva, 1S77. Allgemeine Wafifenkunde fiir Infanterie. With plates. 2 vols. 4to. Bern, 1888. Schmidts, M. I. Geschichte der Ueutschen. 12 vols, in six. i2mo. Mannheim, 1783. Schnackenburg und Bartels. Leitfaden fiir den Unterricht in der Dienstkenntniss auf den Koniglichen Kriegsschulen. 4to. Berlin, 1876. Schneider, L. Das Buch vom Eisernen Kreuze. Royal 4to. Berlin, 1872. Schomberg, Captain Isaac, R.N. Naval Chronology ; or a Summary of Naval Events from the time of the Romans. 5 vols. Svo. Lond. 1802. Naval Chronology ; or an historical summarj' of Naval and Maritime Events. 5 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S15. (Radstock Collection.) Schombnrgk, Sir R. H. Description of British Guiana. Svo. Lond. 1840. Schon, The Rev. F. H., and S. Crowther Journals during the Expedition up the Niger in 1841. Svo. Lond. 1S42. Schott, Le Capitaine. Des Forts de- taches. Traduit de I'AUemand par A. Bacharach. Paris, 1867. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 72.) Schott, Major T. Das Kaisermanover in Pommern 1900. Berlin, 1901. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 70.) Schrader, F., F. Prudent, and E. Anthoine. Atlas de Geographie Moderne. Folio. Paris, 1890. Schrevelius, Cornelius. Lexicon Man- uale, (jraeco-Latinum et Latino-Graecum. Svo. Lond. 1S31. Schroder, Dr. H. {See Neudeck.) Schubert, J. Die Feld- und Gebirgs- Artillerien. Der Europaischen Staaten im Jahre 1S90. i vol., and case of plates (16). Folio. Wien, 1890. Schueler. Leitfaden fiir den Unterricht in der Befestigungskunst an den Konig- lichen Kriegsschulen. 4to. Berlin, 1S78. Schulmeister, Ch. L'Espionnage Mili- taire sous Napoleon I". i2mo. Paris, 1S96. Schulz, A. The New Africa. Svo. Lond. 1S97. Schumann, Major. Les Cuirassements rotatifs : Afifuts Cuirasses." Svo. Potsdam, 1885. Plates to ditto. Folio. Schurmann, The Rev. C. W. {See Teichel- niann.) Schtitz, Julius von. La Question des Cuirasses dans la defense des cotes. Translated by E. Bracke. Svo. Paris, 1884. Gruson's Chilled Cast-iron Armour. Translated by H. H. Grenfell. 8vo. Lond. 18S7. German Armour Constructions and French Imitations, with an answer of three French Firms. Magdeburg, 1S93. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 57.) Schutze, E. Briickenbauten und Meeres- iibergange im Kriege gegen Danemark im Jahre 1864. Dantzig, 186S. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 99.) Schuyler, Eugene. Turkistan : Notes of a journey in Russian Turkistan, Khokand, Bukhara, and Kuldja. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Peter the Great, Emperor of Russia. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1884. Schwartz, Dr. C. V. Sketch of the History of Poland. Lond. 1842. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 16.) Schwartz, 0. von. Zehn Monate Kriegskorrespondent beim Heere Kuro- patkins. Svo. Berlin, 1906. Schwarz, StaflF-Vet.-Surgeon A., 1st Bavarian Light Horse. The Horse : Its External and Internal Organisation. Crown Svo. Lond. 1S94. Schwarz, Josef. Ueber die Panzer- wirkung der Geschosse. Pola, 1886. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 43.) Schwatka, Frederick. Report of a Military Reconnaissance in Alaska, made in 1883. 8vo. Washington, 1885. SCH SCR Schweinfurtli, Dr. G. The Heart of Africa. Three years' travels and adven- tures in the unexplored regions of Central Africa, 1868-71. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Schwertfeger, Captain B. Geschichte der Koniglich Deutschen Legion, 1803- 1816. 2 vols. 8vo. Hanover, 1907. Schweitzer, George. The Life and Work of Emin Pasha. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1898. Scoflfern, J. Projectile weapons of War and explosive compounds. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Scoresby, The Rev. "W. Account of the Arctic Regions, with a history and description of the Northern Whale Fishery. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1820. Journal of a voyage to the northern Whale Fishery, including researches and discoveries on the eastern coast of West Greenland, 1822. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1823. Magnetical Investigations. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1844. Scotia. The Voyage of the " Scotia." By Three of the Staff. 8vo. Lond. 1906. Scotland. Popery and Slavery reviving, or an account of the Growth of Poperj', and the insolence of Papists and Jacobites in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1714. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 20.) A Short History of the Highland Regi- ment ; Interspersed with some occasional Observations as to the Present State of the Country, Inhabitants, and Govern- ment of Scotland. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1743. Reports from the State Paper Office on the Union of the Kingdoms of England and Scotland. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1799. Plan of Military Operations for the Expedition to Scotland. 8vo. n.p., n.d. Full and authentic history of the Rebellion, 1745-6. i2mo. Lond. n.d. The Scottish Highlands, Highland Clans, and Highland Regiments. 8 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, n.d. (For other Works, see Index.) Scott, Captain A. de C, and Colonel Sir Henry James. On Photo-Zinco- graphy and other photographic processes employed at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton. 2nd edition. 410. Lond. 1863. Scott, Captain C. R. Excursions in the Mountains of Ronda and Granada. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838. Scott, Eva. Rupert, Prince Palatine. 8vo. Lond. 1899. Scott, G. Firth. The Romance of Australian Exploring. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1899. Scott, Rear - Admiral James. Naval Reform. Lond. 1855. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 42 (i).) Scott, John. A visit to Paris in 18 14. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1816. Paris revisited in 181 5, by way of Brussels and Waterloo. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1816. Scott, John Lee. Narrative of recent imprisonment in China after the wreck of the "Kite." 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1842. Scott, Michael. Projectiles and Guns. Lond. 1862 (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 64.) Improved Ships of War. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 84.) Occasional Papers. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1874. Vol. I. Civil Engineering. Vol. II. Gunnery and Naval Architecture Scott, Lieut.-Colonel Percy. Hand- Book Dictionary for the Militia and Volun- teer Services. i2mo. Lond. 1861 Scott, Commander R. A. E., R.N. Construction and armament of Iron- clads. Lond. 1864. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 4.) Structures for carrying Heavy Ord- nance. Lond. 1866. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 4.) Scott, Robert B. Digest of the Military Law of England. 8vo. Lond. 1810. Excellence of the British Military Code. 8vo. Lond. 1811. Scott, Captain R. P., R.N. The Voyage of the " Discoverj-." 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1905. Scott, R. H. Report on the Storm of October 13-14, 1881. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Elementary Meteorology. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Scott, Lieut.-Colonel R. N., U.S. Army. Analytical Digest of the Military Laws ot the United States. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1873. Scott, Sir Sibald David, Bart. To Jamaica and back. 8vo. Lond. 1876. The British Army : its origin, progress, and equipment. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1868-80. Scott, Sir Walter. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, with a preliminary view of the French Revolution. 8vo. Paris, 1828. Scrafton, Luke. Reflections on the Government, &c., of Indostan, and a short sketch of the history of Bengal, 1739-1756- i2mo. Edinbu''?h, 1761. Scrap Book of Prints. Folio. n.p., n.d. Scratchley, Major-General Sir Peter. {Sec Cooke, C.K.) Scrive, Dr. G. Relation Medico- Chirurgical de la Campagne d'Orient, 1854-6. 8vo. Paris, 1B57. SCR SEL Scriverius, vulgo Schryver, Petrus. Veteres de re militari Scriptores. 8vo. Raphelenj^ii, 1607. In coniinentur. Vegetius. Instituta rei militaiis. Frontinus. Strategematum. iElianus. De instruendis aciebus. Modestus. De vocabulis rei militaris. Polj'bius. Castrametatio Roman- orum. ^neas. Poliorceticus seu de toler- anda obsidea. Strevvechius. Commentarius in Vegetium. Scriverius. Aniinadversiones in Vegetium. Scudamore, Edward. The Nomenclator : a technological dictionary. 8vo. Lond, 1 84 1. Scudamore, Francis. Troubled Egypt and the late Khedive. Edinburgh, 1892. ^Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 55.) {See also Colomb.) "Seagrim, Lieutenant Dudley, R.A. Notes on Hindus and Sikhs. i2mo. Allahabad, 1895. The Officer's Guide to Campaigning Equipment — How, Where, and What to Obtain. Crown 8vo. Aldershot, 1899. Seaman, L. L. From Tokio through Manchuria with the Japanese. 8vo. Lond. 1905. SeameUj Missions to. Report read at the Eighteenth Annual Meeting. Lond. 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 27.) Searle, Charles. Cholera, its nature, cause, treatment, and prevention. 2nd edition. Lond. 1831. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 4.) Seaton, A. E. Manual of Marine En- gineering. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Seaton, Field - Marshal Lord. (See Smith, G.C.M.) Seaton, R. C. Napoleon's Captivity in Relation to Sir Hudson Lowe. 8vo. Lond. 1903. Seaton, Major - General Sir Thomas. From Cadet to Colonel : the record of a life of active service. 8vo. Lond. 1877. Seaward, John & Co. Steam Power in navisjating .Ships between this countrj' and the East Indies. Lond. 1829. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 27 (ii)-) Sebastopol. Collection of plans and charts shewing the progress of the Siege of Sebastopol. Folio. n.p., n.d. (For other Works, see Index.) Sehert, Le Lieut.-Colonel H., and Le Capitaine Hugoniot. Etudes des Efiets de la Poudres dans un canon de lo centimetres. 8vo. Paris, 1882. SeckendorflF, G. Graf von. Meine Erleb- nisse mitdem Englischen Expeditionscorps in Abessinien, 1867-8. 8vo. Potsdam, 1869. Seddall, The Rev. Henry. Malta : past and present. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Seddeler, Baron. Fire of Infantry at long ranges. Translated by Major-General Bainbrigge. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 39.) Sedgwick, Captain F. R. The Russo- Japanese War on Land. 8vo. Lond. 1906. Sedillot, L. A. Histoire Generale des Arabes. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1877. Seeley, Sir J. R. The Expansion of England. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1900. Seg^ttin, L. La Prochaine Guerre. 8vo. Paris, 1880. Segur, L. P. Histoire des Principau.x Evenemens du regne de F. Guillaume II. Roi de Prusse ; et tableau politique de I'Europe, 1786-1796. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1800. Segur, Le General Philippe, Comte de. Lettre sur la Campagne du General Macdonald dans les Grisons, 1800-1. Paris, 1802. De rinfanterie. Paris, 1822. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 22.) Histoire de Napoleon et de la Grande- Armee. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1825-6. Ditto, ditto. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. Paris, 1825. Histoire de Russie et de Pierre-le- Grand. 2nd edition. 8vo. Paris, 1829. History of the Expedition to Russia, 1812. 7tli edition. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1837. Melanges. 8vo. Paris, 1873. Histoire et Memoires. 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1873. An Aide-de-Camp of Napoleon. Trans- lated by H. Pahkett-Martin. 8vo. Lond. 1895. Segur, Pierre de. Le Royaume de la Rue Sainte Honore. 8vo. Paris, 1897. Seignohos, Ch. Histoire pohtique de I'Europe contemporaine. 8vo. Paris, 1897. Selden, John. Mare Clausum : the right and dominion of the Sea. 4to. Lond. 1663. Selkirk, Thomas Douglas, Earl of. Necessitj' of a more effectual .Sj'stem of National Defence. Lond. 1808. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 6.) Sella, V. (See Freshfield.) Sellers, "W. E. From Aldershot to Pretoria. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Selous, F. C. Sport and Travel. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Selwvn, A. R. C, and G. H. F. Ulrich. Physical Geographj^, Geologj^ and Mineralogy of Victoria. Melbourne, 1866. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 23.) Selwyn, Captain J. H., R.N. Form of Vessel most adapted for laying Submarine Telegraph Cables. Lond. 1862. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 4.) E.xplanation of the Floating Cylinders for laying Telegraphic Submarine Cables. Lond. 1863. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 65.) SEM 323 SHA Semenov, Captain V. Battle of Tsu-shima (in Russian). Crown 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1906. The Battle of Tsu-shima. Translated by Captain A. B. Lindsay. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1906. Semmes, Admiral Raphael, Confederate Navy. Memoirs of Service afloat during the War between the States. 8vo. Baltimore, 1869. Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Tragoediae cum exquisitis variorum observationibus et nova recensione Antonii Thysii. 8vo. Leyden, 1651. Senior, Nassau W. Conversations with M. Thiers, M. Guizot, and other distinguished persons during the Second Empire. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Conversations and journals in Egypt and Malta. Edited by M. C. M. Simpson. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Sennett, R. Marine Steam Engine. 8vo. Lond. 1882. „ and Henry P. Oram. The Marine Steam Engine. 6th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Seppings, Sir Robert. Statement of the Case between Capt. Rob. Keen, R.N., and Mr. Seppings, respecting an invention for obviating the necessity of Lifting Ships in the King's Docks. Chatham, 1804. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 14.) New principle of constructing H.M. Ships of War. 4to. Lond. 1814. Ditto, ditto. Lond. 1817. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 11.) Letter on the circular sterns of Ships of War. 4to. Lond. 1822. ^ Bound with " New principle of constructing ships of war.") Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (4to Pamphlets, vol. 3.) Seppings Wright, H. C. With Togo. Lond. 1905. Septans, Le Lieut.-Colonel. Les Expeditions Anglaises en Afrique. 8vo. Paris, 1896. Les Expeditions Anglaises en Asie. 8vo. Paris, 1897. Sereno, Bartolomeo. Trattati dell' uso della Lancia a Cavallo, del combatteri a piede, &c. 4to. Naples, 1610. Sergent-Marceau. Reminiscences of a Regicide. Edited from the original MSS. by M. C. M. Simpson. 8vo. Lond. 1889. Serignan, Le Commandant de. La Premiere Invasion de la Belgique (1792). 8vo. Paris, 1903. Serjeant, Captain W. C. E. The Com- plete Guide to Company Drill. Lond. 1884. „ Lieut.-Colonel W. C. E. Guide to Officers' School of Instruction, Aldershot. Lond. 1895. Serurier. {See Tuetey.) Seruzier, Le Baron. Memoires Militaires du Baron Seruzier, Colonel d'Artillerie Legere. Mis en ordre et rediges par son ami, Le Miere De Corvey. 8vo. Paris, n.d. Servan, Le General Joseph. H istoire des Guerres des Fran^ais en Italie. 6 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1805. Serviere, Le Capitaine A. De I'Artillerie des Divisions de Cavalerie. 8vo. Paris, 1885. Sestini, Domenico. Descrizioni d'Alcune Medaglie Greche del Museo particolare di Christiano Federigo. 4to. Florence, 1821. Seton, Surgeon-Captain Bruce. Elementary Veterinary Manual. i2mo. Aldershot, 1895. Ditto, ditto. l2mo. Lond. 1898. Ditto, ditto. Ciown 8vo. Aldershot, 1900. Seton, Captain J. L. Army Regulations. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 96.) Notes on the operations of the North German Troops, in Lorraine and Picardy. 8vo. Lond. 1872. The Volunteers at Easter. Lond. 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 10.) Seton-Karr, W. S. The Marquess Corn- wallis. Crown 8vo. Oxford, 1890. Settembrini, P. Pratica Idrografia Nautica. Traduzione dall' Inglese. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 46.) Settembrini, Captain R. Nautical and Technical Dictionary of the English and Italian Languages. 8vo. Naples, 1879. Seward, Miss Anna. {See Smith, J. H.) Sewell, George. Remarks upon a Pamphlet intitul'd "Observations upon the State of the Nation in January, i7i§ " [by the Earl of Nottingham]. Lend. 1713. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 20.) Seybert, Adam. Statistical Annals of the United States of America. 4to. Philadelphia, 1818. Seydlitz, General P. W. von. Der Deutschen Reiterei. 8vo. Cassel, 1882. Seylor, Olivier. Les Maritimes. 8vo. Paris, 1901. Seymour, The Hon. Edward. Complete history of England. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1764. Seymour, Rear -Admiral E. H. Present State of the Panama Canal. Lond. 1892. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 55.) Seyssel Asphaltic Mastic. Instructions for the use of i2mo. Lond. 1844. Shadbolt, S. H. Afghan Campaigns, 1878-80. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1882. Shadwell, Admiral Sir C. P. A. Table of Arcs for facilitating the com- putation of the Latitude by double altitudes of the principal Fixed Stars, calculated for 1835, 1845, and 1855. Lond. 1836. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 43 (i).) X 2 SHA 324 SHE Shadwell, Admiral Sir C. F. A. {cotitd.)— Tables for facilitating the approximate prediction of occultations and eclipses. 8vo. Lond. 1847. Tables for facilitating the determination of the Latitude by simultaneous Altitudes of two stars. 8vo. Lond. 1849. Tables for facilitating the determination of the Latitude and Time at Sea by obser\-ations of the stars. Svo. Lond. 1854. Tables for facilitating the Reduction of Lunar Obser\'ations. Svo. Lond. i86o. Notes on the management of Chrono- meters, and the measurement of Meridian Distances. Svo. Lond. 1S55. Ditto, ditto. New edition. Svo. Lond. 1861. Formulae of Nautical Astronomy. 12 cards in case. Lond. 1856. Ditto, ditto. Revised. Lond. 1869. Notes on Interpolation. Svo. Lond. 1879. Shadwell, Lieut.-General L. Life of Colin Campbell, Lord Ch'de. 2 vols. Svo. " Lond. 1881. Shadwell, Captain L. J. Lockhart's Advance through Tirah. Svo. Lond. 1898. Key to Military Sketching made Easy. Large Royal Svo. Aldershot, 1899. „ Major L. J. North- West Frontier Warfare. Svo. Calcutta, 1902. Notes, Questions and Answers on Militarj' Law. Svo. Calcutta, 1904. [See also Sherston.) „ Major L. J., and Major W. Ewhank. Fortification applied to Schemes. Svo. Calcutta, 1904. Shairp, T. C. Robert Bums. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1S79. Shajrat nl Atrak, or Genealogical Tree of the Turks and Tatars ; translated and abridged by Colonel Miles. Svo. Lond. 1S38. Shakespear, Captain Sir R. Journey from Heraut to Ourenbourg, on the Caspian, in 1840. (Blackwood's Mag.) Edinburgh, 1842. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 29.) Shakespeare, Major Henry. Wild Sports of India, with detailed Instructions for the Sportsman. Svo. Lond. 1862. Shakespeare, William. Plays : with corrections and illustra- tions of various commentators ; and notes by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens. Revised by Isaac Reed. 6th edition. 21 vols. Svo. Lond. 181 3. Macbeth. Szomoru jdtek 6t Fel- vonasban. Angolbol, mai Eleadhatashoz Alkalmaztatva. i2mo. Pesth, 1S30. Hamlet, and As You Like It : a speci- men of an edition of Shakespeare, by Thomas Caldecott. Svo. Lond. [Privately printed] 1832. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Edited by W. G. Clark and W. A. Wright. Svo. Oxford, 1872. Shand, A. Innes. Life of General Sir E. B. Hamley. 2 vols. 8vo. The War in the Peninsula. Crown Svo. Lond. 1898. WeUington's Lieutenants. Svo. Lond. 1902. Soldiers of Fortune in Camp and Field. Svo. Lond. 1907. Shand, W. J. S. Japanese Self-Taught. Crown Svo. Lond. 1907. Sharp, A. H. {See Grogan.) Sharp, James A. Establishment of Navigation Institutions at the Outports. Svo. Lond. 1845. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 37 (ii).) Sharpe, Commander B., R.N. Tables for ascertaining the Distance ot objects. Lond. 1S50. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 8S.) Description of revolving guns, expand- ing carriages, and winged shot. Hanwell, 1871 (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 15.) Sharpe, R. R. London and the kingdom : A Histor3'. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1895. Shaw, Flora L. (Lady Lugard). A Tropical Dependencj'. Svo. Lond. 1906. Shaw, Robert. Visits to High Tartary, Yarkand, and Kashgar, and return journey over the Karakoram Pass. Svo. Lond. 1 871. Shaw, Major Wilkinson J. Elements of Modern Tactics. i2mo. Lond. 1879. „ Lieut.-Colonel Wilkinson J. The Elements of Modern Tactics. 7th edition. i2mo. Lond. 1890. Ditto, ditto. 8th edition. Crown Svo. Lond. 1894. „ Colonel Wilkinson J. Studies in Field Engineering. Svo. Aldershot, 1901 Studies in Map-Reading and Field- Sketching. Crown Svo. Lond. 1902. Tactical Operations for Field Officers. Svo. Lond. 1903. Shaw - Kennedy, Lieutenant - General, C.B. A few more notes on the Defences of Great Britain and Ireland from Foreign Invasion. Lond. 1859. (Pamphlet, 3rd series, vol. 65.) Sheardown, W. Notices of Military and Naval Officers, connected with Doncaster with short notices of the sieges. Doncaster, 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 25.) Shee, G. F. The Briton's First Duty. 8vo. Lond. 1901. Sheepshanks, The Rev. R. {See Taylor. Shell, Sir J. (.SV^ Andrew, W. P.) Shelton, E. Historical finger-post : a handy book of terms, phrases, &c. Svo. Lond. 1S79. Shepherd, A. Tables for correcting the apparent distance of the Moon and a Star from the effects of refraction and parallax. 4to. Camb. 1772. SHE 325 SHO Shepherd, Peter. Aid for cases of Injuries or sudden illness. i2mo. Lond. 1878. Handbook describing Aids for cases of Injuries. i2mo. Lond. 1881. Shepherd, The Rev. W. Life of Poggio Bracciolini. 410. Liverpool, 1802. Sheppard, The Rev. E. The Old Royal Palace of Whitehall. 8vo. Lond. 1902. H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge : a Memoir. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1906. Sherhurne, J. H. Life of Paul Jones. 8vo. Lond. 1825. Sherer, Major Moyle. Recollections of the Peninsula. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1824. Tales of the Wars of our times. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Sherer, J. W. Daily Life during the Indian Mutiny. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1898. Sheridan, General P. H., U.S. Army. Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1888. In Memoriam — General Philip Henry Sheridan. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1888. From Gravelotte to Sedan. New York, 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 47.) Sheringham, Vice - Admiral W. L. Alderney Harbour. Paignton, 1872. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 100. Sherman, John. His Recollections of Forty Years in the House, Senate, and Cabinet. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1896. Sherman, General William T. Memoirs. Written by himself. 2 vols. 8vo. (with loose map). Lond. 1875. Sherring, C. A. Western Tibet and the British Borderland. 8vo. Lond. 1906. Sherston, Major J. Tactics as applied to Schemes. 8vo. Lond. 1897. „ Major J., and Major L. J. Shadwell. Tactics applied to Schemes. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1905. Shervington, Kathleen. The Sher- vingtons. 8vo. Lond. 1899. Shillibeerj Lieutenant J., R.M. Narra- tive ot the "Briton's" Voyage to Pitcairn's Island. 8vo. Taunton, 1817. Shillinglaw, John J. Narrative of Arctic discovery ; with details of the measures adopted for the relief of the expedition under Sir John Franklin. 8vo. Lond. 1850. Historical Records of Port Philhp : the first annals of the Colony of Victoria. 8vo. Melbourne, 1879. Shipp, Lieutenant John. Memoirs of the extraordinary military career of John Shipp. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1832, Ditto, ditto (Adventure series), 8vo. Lond. 1890. Ships. Account of the Mechanism of the new Hydrostatic Ship, and edition. Lond. 18 1 5. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 24.) Considerations sur les Marins k voiles et a vapeur de France et d'Angleterre. Bvo. Paris, 1844. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Observations respecting the admeasure- ment of Tonnage. Bvo. Lond. 1867. Shipwrecks. Loss of the " Richard Denton." i2mo. n.p., n.d. (Bound in vol. lettered " Rule of the Road at Sea.") Narrative of the loss of the " Earl of Abergavennj'," East Indiaman. 3rd edition. Bvo. Lond. 1805. (Radstock Collection.) Narrative of the loss of the "Kent," Last India.Tian, by fire. 4th edition. Bvo. Edinburgh, 1B23. (Radstock Collection.) Instructions in respect of the Rocket and Mortar Apparatus for saving life from Shipwreck ; also directions for restoring the apparently drowned. Lond. 1866. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 68.) Report on Wrecking in the Bahamas. Lond. 186S. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 78.) Wrecks and Misconduct at Sea. 8vo. n.p., 1873. (Bound in vol. lettered " Rule of the Road at Sea.") Shipwrecked Fisherman and Mariner's Royal Benevolent Society. Twelfth Annual Report. Bvo. Lond. 185 1. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Shipwrecked Mariner's Society. Maga- zine. Vols, xix, xxi-xxiv, xxix (incom- plete), and xxx to date. Bvo. Lond. 1872- . Shipwrights. Case of the Free-Shipwrights of England. Bvo. n.p., n.d. (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Reasons for the regular re-establish- ment of the Corporation of Shipwrights of England. Bvo. n.p., n.d. (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Shirley, James. Dramatic works and poems. With notes by W. Gilford and the Rev. A. Dyce. 6 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1B33. Shoberl, F. Narrative of events which occurred in and near Leipzig, Oct. 14-19, 1813. 8vo. Lond. 1814. Historical account with biographical anecdotes of the House of Saxony. Bvo. Lond. 1816. Shooting. Essay on Shooting. 2nd edition. Bvo. Lond. 1791. SHO 326 SIG Shore, The Hon. H. N. Smuggling Days and Smuggling Ways ; or, the Story of a Lost Art. 8vo. Lond. 1892. Short, Lieut-Colonel C. W. Position of Barracks in the West Indies, and the health of European Soldiers serving in the Tropics. Lond. 1844. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 39.) Short, Major G. Burgess. {Si-e Chiches- ter. ) Short, W. P. Ta aedXa ayyafiepiKava. Gesta Anglo-Americana. 8vo. Exeter, 1850. Shortland, Captain P. P., R.N. Sounding voyage ot RM.S. " Hydra," 1868. 8vo. Lond. 1869. „ Vice-Admiral P. P. Nautical Sur- veying. 8vo. Lond. 1890. Shortland, T. G. Remarks on the S.W. and N.W. Coasts of Ireland. 4to. Lond. 1809. (Book of Remarks for the Western Station.) Showers, Lient.-General C. L. Central Asian Question, and massacre of the Cabul Embassy. 8vo. Lond. 1879. A missing chapter in the Indian Mutiny. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Shrapnel, H. N, S. Petition to the House of Peers. .Salisbury [1868]. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 74 (i).) Shrimpton, Surgeon - Major Charles. Crimean War. The British Army and Miss Nightingale. 8vo. Paris, 1864. Shuldham, Commander Moljmeux, R.N. Suggestions for Reducing the Manning of the Navy. Lond. 1854. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 42 (i).) Shway, Yeo. The Burman ; his life and notions. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Sibbald, Sergt.-Major P. W. Flag Drill for signallers. i2mo. Chatham, 1889. Signalling Regulations. Lond. 1893. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 57.) Sihley, Major H. H., U.S. Army. Im- proved Conical Tent. Baltimore, i860. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 60.) Sibome, Captain W. Practical Treatise on Topographical Sui"veying and Drawing ; with instruc- tions in Topographical Modelling. 8vo. Lond. 1827. History of the War in France and Belgium in 1815 ; containing details of the Battles of Quatre-Bras, Ligny, Wavre, and Waterloo. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1844. Atlas of plates to ditto. Folio. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1848. Atlas of plates to ditto. Oblong royal folio. (See also Knoop.) Sibree, James. Madagascar and its people. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Sichel, Captain H. D. {See Rishworth.) Sickler, P. C. L. Plan Topographique de la Campagne de Rome. 4th edition. 8vo. Rome, 1821. Sidney, The Rev. Edwin. Life of Lord Hill. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Sidney, Philip. The Headsman of Whitehall. Crown 8vo. Edinburgh, 1905. Sidney, S. The Book of the Horse. Demy 4to. Lond. 1874. Siemens, Sir C. William. Scientific Works. Edited bj' E. E. Bamber. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1889. Signals and Pighting Instructions. The General and Additional Sailing and Fighting Instructions together with all those Additions and Alterations made by Admiral Sir Charles Hardy, Knt., Vice- Admiral Arbuthnot and Rear-Admiral Thomas Graves. Arranged and digested for the ready and immediate making of .Signals. Manuscript. 8vo. n.p. 1780. Essay on Signals : by an Officer of the British Navy. 8vo. Lond. 1788. Army and Navy Signal Book. i2mo. Lond. n.d. Earl Howe's Signals 1790, '91, and '94. Manuscript. Crown 8vo. n.d. Signaux Generaux k I'usage des Armees Navales de la Republique Eran^aise. 4to. Lorient, 1799. Night Signals and instructions for the conduct of Ships of War. 4to. Lond. 1799. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) Signal-Book for the Ships of War. 4to. Lond. 1799. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) Ditto, ditto. 4to. Lond. i8o3. Ditto, ditto. 4to. n.p., n.d. Telegraphic Signals or Marine Vocabu- lary. By Captain Sir Home Popham, R.N. 4to. Lond. 1803. Telegraph Signals or Marine Vocabu- lary, with Observation on Signal Flags, and the best mode of applj'ing them. By Captain Sir Home Popham, R.N. 8vo. Lond. 1812. Book of Signals and Instructions for the use of H.M. Fleet. By Captain .Sir Home Popham, R.N. 4to. Lond. 1816. Telegraphic Signals for the use of H.M. Fleet. (Compiled by Sir Home Popham.) 4to. Lond. 1816. A Code of Signals principally formed from the systems recommended by .Sir Home Popham, and Mr. Goodhew. Manu- script, n.p., n.d. Sailing and Fighting Instructions for H.M. Fleet. Folio. n.p., n.d. Naval and universal Signals in symbols of black and white. By Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Ekins. Lond. 1837. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 81.) Universal Signals in symbols of black and white. By Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Ekins. Lond. 1838. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 18.) Night and Fog Signals for the use of H.M. Fleet. 4to. Lond. 1839. Signals for the Royal Navy and Ships under Convoy. i2mo. n.p., n.d. SIG 327 SIM Signals and Fighting Instructions {contd.) — Additional instructions for the Ships of War. 4to. Lond. n.d. Navy. Sm. 4to. n.p., n.d. A Code of Signals for the use of Vessels employed in the Merchant Sei-vice. By Captain Marrj'at, R.N. 8th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1841. International (Commercial) Code of Signals for the use of all Nations. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Boats' Signals for the use of H.M. Fleet, 1890. i2mo. Lond. 1890. The International Code of Signals for the use of all Nations. Prepared under the Authority of the Board of Trade. Demy 4to. Lond. 1899, {See also Manuscripts.) Sigsbee, Captain C. D., TJ.S.N. The "Maine." Personal Narrative of Captain Sigsbee. 8vo. Lond. 1899. Silesia. Atlas Silesi-x, id est Ducatus Silesise. Folio. Nuremberg, 1750. (For other Works, see Index.) Silva, Le Marquis de. Pensees sur la Tactique et sur quelques autres parties de la guerre. 8vo. Paris, 1768. Silver, S. W. Handbook for Australia and New Zealand, including also the Fiji Islands. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1874. Handbook to South Africa. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1876. Handbook to the Transvaal ; British South Africa. i2mo. Lond. 1877. Australian Grazier's Guide. i2mo. Lond. 1879. Handbook to Canada. i2mo. Lond. 1881. Sim, Major-General E. C. Our Narra- tive, 1897-1898. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1,899. Simes, Captain Thomas. Military Course for the government and conduct of a Battalion, and edition. 8vo. Lond. 1777. The Military Instructor for the Non- commissioned Officers and Private Men of he Infantry. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1778. The Regulator ; or, instructions to inform the Officer and complete the Soldier. 8vo. Lond. 1780. Military Guide for Young Officers, con- taining a sj'stem of the art of war. 8vo. Lond. 1781. Simienowicz, Casimir. The great art of Artillery. Translated by George Shel- vocke. Folio. Lond. 1729. Simmons, General Sir Lintorn. Military Forces of Great Britain. Lond. 1 871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 86.) Army Organisation as propounded in "The Times." Lond. 1881. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol, 39.) „ Field-Marshal Sir Lintorn. Inefficiency of the Army. Lond. 1892. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 56.) Military Organization. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 59.) Simmons, Captain T. F., R.A. Application of Artillery in the Field ; with remarks on the promotion of Officers of that Corps in the British Service. Bvo. Lond. 1819. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Bound with Jennings' " Attack and Defence.") Constitution and practice of Courts- Martial. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. Bvo. Lond. 1843. Ditto, ditto. 5th edition. Bvo. Lond. 1863. Ditto, ditto. 6th edition. Bvo. Lond. 1873. Supplement to remarks on the consti- tution and practice of Courts-Martial, including the alterations eflected by the Mutiny Act for 1833, and by the Irish Disturbance Act. Lond. 1833. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 6.) Effect of Heavy Ordnance directed against and applied by Ships of War, particularly with reference to the use of hollow shot and loaded shells. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Plan to concentrate the fire on board Ships of War. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 15.) Simmons, The Rev. T. F. Sermon preached after the funeral of General Lord Hotham. Beverley, 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 91.) Simms,F. W. Treatise on the principal mathematical drawing instruments employed by the Engineer, Architect, and Surveyor. i2mo. Lond. 1837. Treatise on the principal mathematical instruments employed in surveying, level- ling, and astronomy. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Treatise on the principles and practice of Levelling. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Simon, James. Essay on Irish Coins ; with Mr. Snelling's Supplement, and an additional plate. 4to. Dublin, 1810. Simond, C. L' Afghanistan ; les Russes aux Portes de I'lnde. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1885. Simonde de Sismondi, J. C. L. Historical View of the Literature of the South of Europe. Translated, with notes, by Thomas Roscoe. 4 vols. 8vo. , Lond. 1823. Etudes sur les Constitutions des Peuples libres. 8vo. Brussels, 1836. Histoire des Frangais. 20 vols. Bvo. Brussels, 1836-44. De la Litterature du Midi de I'Europe. 2 vols. 8vo. Brussels, 1837. Etudes sur I'Economie politique. 2 vols. 8vo. Brussels, 1837. Histoire des Republiques Italiennes idu Moyen Age. 5th edition. 8 vols. 8vo. Brussels, 1838-9. SIM 328 SLE Simonds, Captain C. B. Hints on Military Mapping. 121110. Loud. 1904. Simpson, Captain C. N., R.A. Horse Artillery Batteries ot" Cavalry Divisions in the Russian Army. Woolwich, n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 56.) „ Colonel C. N. The Eyes and Ears ofthe Artiilerj-. 8vo. Lond. 1905. Simpson, Rear-Admiral Edward, U.S. Navy. Treatise on Ordnance and Naval Gunner}'. 2nd edition. 8vo. New York, 1862. {Sec also Reed.) Simpson, Ensign Edward, U.S. Navy. Report of Ice and Ice Movements in Behring Sea and the Arctic Basin. Washington, 1890. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 50.) Simpson, Sir Geo. Narrative of a journey round the World during the years 1841-42. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1847. Simpson, Captain H. C. C. D., R.A. The Garrison Gunner (Regular, Militia, and Volunteer). i2mo. Lond. 1890. Manual of Volunteer Position Artillery. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1890. Simpson, Thomas. Narrative of dis- coveries on the North Coast of America, effected by the Officers of the Hudson's Bay Company', 1836-9. 8vo. Lond. 1B43. Simpson, William. Seat of War in the East. Series i and 2. Folio. Lond. 1855-6. Buddhist Architecture : Jellalabad. 4to. Lond. 1880. With the Afghan Boundary Commis- sion. Washington, 1886. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 43.) Simpson, W. J., M.D. The Maintenance of Health in the Tropics. 8vo. Lond. 1905. Sinclair, Angus. Locomotive Engine Running and Management. Small 8vo. New York, 1892. Sinclair, A. C, and Laurence R. Fyfe. Handbook of Jamaica for 1885-6, 1886-7. 8vo. Kingston, 1885-7. Sinclair, John. Is a Soldier's Life worth saving? Lond. 1889. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 49.) Sinclair, W. Thomson. Two journeys through Italy and Switzerland. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Sinnott. Military Catechism. Edited by Capt. W. B. Malton. nth edition. 8vo. Lond. i860. 29lh edition. 8vo. Lond. 1885. (See also Malton.) Sirbu, Ion. Meleiu - Voda Basarbas auswartige Beziehungen, 1632-1654. 8vo. Leipzig, 1899. Sironi, Colonel G. Geografia Strategica. 8vo. Turin, 1876. Skeene, Captain R. Progressive Military Instructions for forming Men and Horses. 8vo. Lond. 1807. Skinner, Captain A. Macgregor, R.N. New Mode of Shipbuilding. Belfast, 1866. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 12.) Skinner, Lieut.-Colonel James. (See Fraser. ) Skinner, Thomas. Life of General George Monk, Duke of Albemarle. With a preface bj' William Webster. and edition. 8vo. Lond. 1724. Skobeleflf, General. Siege and Assault of Denghil-Tepe. Translated bj' Lieu- tenant J. J. Leverson. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Skrine, F. H. Fontenoy and Great Britain's Share in the War of the Austrian .Succession, 1741-48. 8vo. Edinburgh and Lond. 1906. Slack, Lieutenant Chas. Handbook of Company Drill. 19th edition. i2mo. Lond. 1881. „ Captain Chas. Company and Battalion Drill. 1806. Lond. 1896. Tourists and Students Manual of Languages. 5th edition. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1903. Handbook of Company, Battalion, and Brigade Drill, etc. i2mo. Lond. 1907. Slade, Rear -Admiral Sir Adolphus. Turkey and the Crimean War : a narra- tive of Historical Events. 8vo. Lond. 1867. Slade, Sir Alfred, Bart. The Yeomanry, and the best way of utilising it in an army of defence. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 22.) Slade, Colonel C. G. Magazine and Small-bore Rifles. 1888. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 8.) Sladen, Douglas. Queer Things about Japan. 8v"o. Lond. 1903. „ Douglas and Norma Lorimer. More Queer Things about Japan. 8vo. Lond. 1904. Sladen, Major J. Principles of Gunnery. Rifled Ordnance. Bvo. Lond. 1879. Slatin Pasha, Rudolph. Fire and Sword in the Soudan. 8vo. Lond. 1896. Sleeman, Lieutenant C. W., R. N. Torpedoes, and Torpedo Warfare. Svo. Portsmouth, 1880. Ditto, ditto. Second edition. Svo. Portsmouth, 1889. Defence of the approaches by sea of Constantinople with the Laj' Torpedo. 4to. Constantinople, 1882. Sleeman, Major-General Sir W. H. Rambles and recollections of an Indian Official. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1844. Ditto, ditto. (2nd copy.) 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1893. Journey through the Kingdom of Oude, 1849-50. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Sleigh, Captain A. W. Portable Field Telegraph. Lond. 1838. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 74 (ii).) Description of the buoyant sheltering Sea Barrier. Manchester, 1842. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 43 (i).) SLE r~9 SMI Sleigh, Captain A. W. {contd.)— Hydrographical Engineering as applic- able to floating sea barriers, harbours, batteries, &c. Lond. 1859. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 62 (i).) Sloane, W, M. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. 4 vols. Royal 4to. New York, 1896. Small Arms. Scloppetaria : the nature and use of Rifled Barrel Guns. 8vo. Lond. 1808. Abridgments of the Specifications re- lating to firearms and other weapons. Lond. 1859. Rifling with ridges in the gun and grooves in the shot. Lond. 1863. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 64.) Handleiding tot de Kennis van Ge- trokken Geweren door de Commissie der Normaal-Schietschool. 8vo. The Hague, 1865. Rapports aux Autorites Federales Suisses sur les essais de Fusils se chargeant par la culasse. Paris, 1867. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 74 (ii).) Bericht liber das Schweizerische Repetir-Gewehr. 8vo. Bruges, 1868. Repetir-Gewehre. Ihre geschichte, entwickelung, einrichtung und leistungs- fahigkeit. 2 vols. 8vo. Darmstadt, 1882-6. Das Gewehr der Gegenwart und Zukunft. 4to. Hanover, 1883. Ditto, ditto. Hanover, 1886. Small Arms in use in the British Service, 1891. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 8.) Les Armes a feu portatives des armees actuelles et leurs munitions, par un Officier superior. 8vo. Paris, 1894. (For other Works, see Index.) Smee, Alfred. Elements of Electro- Metallurgy. Svo. Lond. 1841. Smekal, Gustav, K. u. K. Hauptmann des Generalstabs -Corps. Fiinf taktische Aufgaben iiber Fiihrung und Verwendung der Feld-Artillerie. Svo. Wien, 1897. Smerdon, F. G. B. Cavalry Field Move- ments when working in Divisions. Svo. Umballa, 18S9. Smiles, Samuel. Lives of the Engineers, with an account of their principal works. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1862. Smirke, Robert. Review of a Battalion of Infantry, including the eighteen manoeuvres. Svo. Lond. 1799. Smirke, R. Review of a Battalion of In- fantry, including the eighteen manceuvres. 4th edition. Svo. Lond. 1806. Smith, Adam. Nature and causes of the Wealth of Nations ; with a life of the Author, and a view of the doctrine of Smith compared with that of the French economists ; from the French of M. Garnier. 3 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1819. Smith, Aquilla. Irish Coins of Henry the .Seventh. 4to. Dublin, 1S41. Smith, Archibald. Method of correcting the deviations of a ship's Compass. Svo. Lond. 1S55. Supplement to the rules for ascertaining the deviations of the Compass. Svo. Lond. 1S55. Smith, Augustus. Observations on the Lights and Pilotage Services as adminis- tered by the Trinity House. Svo. Lond. 1869. (Bound in vol. lettered " Rule of the Road at Sea.") Smith, A. D. Through Unknown African Countries. Svo. Lond. 1897. Smith, Arthur H. China in Convulsion. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1901. Smith, Benjamin. Improved system of working Railways. Carnarvon, n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 36.) Smith, Lieut. -Colonel Charles Hamilton. Costume of the Army of the British Empire. 1814. 4to. Lond. 1S15. Treatise on the Order Ruminantia of the Baron Cuvier. (Pecora of Linnaeus.) Svo. Lond. 1827. Natural History of the Human Species. Svo. Edinburgh, 184S. Smith, C. J. Synonyms Discriminated. A complete catalogue of Synonymous Words in the English Language. Svo. Lond. 1871. Smith, Edward. The Theatre ; its history and moral tendency. Lond. 1844. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol 41.) Smith, Edward Herbert. Recherches etymologiques sur le Colera-Morbus. Paris, 1832. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 5.) Smith, Veterinary-Surgeon F, A Manual of Saddles and Sore Backs (official). Svo. Lond. 1S91. Ditto, ditto (2nd copy). i2mo. Lond. 1893. „ Colonel F. A Manual of Veterinary Hygiene. 3rd edition. Lond. 1905. Veterinary Physiology. 3rd edition. Svo. Lond. 1907. Smith, F.E. International Law. i2mo. Lond. 1901. Smith, F. Harrison, R.N. Through Abyssinia ; an Envoy's ride to the King of Zion. Svo. Lond. 1890. Smith, Captain F. M. Handbook of the manufacture and proof of Gunpowder, as carried on at the Roj^al Gunpowder Factory, Waltham Abbey. Svo. Lond. 1870. Smith, F. P. Prospectus of the Ship Propeller Company, with extracts from the log of the "Archimedes." Lond. 1S40. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 15.) Smith, Captain George. Universal Militar3' Dictionary. 4to. Lond. 1779. SMI SMI Smith, Captain George, R.N. Plan for the suppression and prevention of Piracy. Lond. 1832. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 6.) Remarks on the Siege of Antwerp. Lond. 1832. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 6.) Life of a Tar. Brighton, 1833. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 6.) Remarks on the State and Prospect of the Navy in 1838. 8vo. Lond. 1838. Smith, George. Geography of British India ; poHtical and physical. 8vo. Lend. 1882. Twelve Indian Statesmen. 8vo. Lend. 1897. Smith, Goldwin. Cowper. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1880. Smith, G. Barnett. William I. and the German F-mpire. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Smith, G. C. Moore. Autobiography of Lieut. -General Sir Harry Smith. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1901. The Life of John Colborne, Field- Manshal Lord Seaton. 8vo. Lond. 1903. Smith, Henry Stooks. Parliaments of England from George I. to the pre.sent time. 3 vols. i2mo. Lond, 1844-50. Military Obituary, 1853-7. 8vo. Lond. 1854-9. Smith, Horace. Gaieties and Gravities ; a series of sketches, comic tales, and fugitive vagaries. 3rd edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826. Festivals, Games, and Amusements, ancient and modern. i2mo. Lond. 1831. Smith, James. Projection and Artistic Drawing. 2nd edition. Lond. 1843. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 17.) Smith. James, of Jordanhill. Voyage and shipwreck of St. Paul ; with disserta- tions on the life and writings of St. Luke, and the ships and navigation of the ancients. 8vo. Lond. 1866. Smith, Sir James Edward. English Flora. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828-30. Ditto. Vols, v and vi, Cr>'ptogamia, by William Jackson Hooker. 8vo. Lond. 1833-6. Smith, Captain John. Description of Virginia. Small 4to. No title page. Accidence for young Seamen. Small 4to. Lond. 1626. Advertisements for the unexperienced Planters of New England ; or the pathway to experience to erect a plantation. Small 4to. Lond. 163 1. Seaman's Grammar : containing direc- tions, how to build, rigge, j'ard, and mast any ship. Lond. 1653. (Pamphets, o.s., vol. 18.) Seaman's Grammar and Dictionary. .Small 4to. Lond. 1692. Captain John Smith's Travels. 2 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1907. Smith, Dr. John. {See Lankester.) Smith, J. H. Arnold's March from Cambridge to Quebec. 8vo. New York and Lond. 1903. Smith, John Thomas. Nollekens and his times : comprehending a life of that celebrated Sculptor ; and memoirs of several contemporary artists. 2nd edition, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Smith, Joshua Hett. Authentic narra- tive of the causes which led to the death of Major Andre : with a monody on his death by Miss Anna Seward. 8vo. Lond. 1808. Smith, L. F. A Sketch of the Rise, Progress, and Termination of the Regular Corps, formed and Commanded by Euro- peans, in the Service of the Native Princes of India. Imp. 8vo. Lond. 1805. Smith, Major-General M. W. Drill and manoeuvres of Cavalry com- bined with Horse Artillerj'. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Cavalry Outpost Drill ; with a chapter on Cavalry Skirmishing. 8vo. Lond. 1867. Modern Tactics of the Three Arms : with reference to recent improvements in the arms of precision. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Smith, R. A. Memoir of John Dalton, and history of the Atomic Theory. 8vo. Lond. 1854. Centenar}' of Science in Manchester. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Smith, R. Baird. Italian Irrigation ; being a report on the Agricultural Canals of Piedmont and Lombardy. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 3vo. Lond. 1855. Maps and plans to ditto. Folio. Smith, R. Bosworth. Rome and Carthage. The Punic Wars. i2mo. Lond. 1881. Life of Lord Lawrence. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Smith, Lieut-Colonel R. M. Memo- randum on the Persian Army. Teheran, 1883. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 8.) Smith, The Rev. Sydney. Works of. 4to. Lond. 1850. Smith, Thomas. Art of Gunnery. 4to. Lond. 1600. Smith, Captain Thomas. Narrative of a Five \ ears" Residence at Nepaul. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1B52. Smith, V. A. Asoka. Crown 8vo. Oxford, 1 901. Smith, William. Journal of the Expe- dition to Belleisle, and of the Citadel ot Palais. 8vo. Lond. 1761. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts, 1637-1806.) Smith, Dr. William. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1851-53. SMI SNE Smith, Dr. William {contd.)— Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography'. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1854-57. Dictionary of the Bible. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Smith, W. E. Distribution of Armour in Ships of War, with a reference to the Central Citadel System, &c. Folio. Lond. 1S85. Smith, The Right Hon. W.H. The Navy, its duties and capacity. Lond. 1884. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 40.) Smith, W. Richmond. The Siege and Fall of Port Arthur. 8vo. Lond. 1905. Smits, H. D. A. {See Melvill of Carnbee.) SmoUet, Tobias. The History of England from the Revolution to the Death of George IL Designed as a continuation of Mr. "Hume"s History. With a Life of the Author, by R. Anderson. 5 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1818. Smyth, C. Piazzi. Method of cooling the Air of Rooms in Tropical Climates. Lond. 1850. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 44 (ii).) On raising Water for the purposes of Irrigation in the Colonies. Lond. 1853. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 27.) Two Lectures : I. The Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce. 2. Present state of the Longitude Question in Navigation. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1859. Report to the Special Meeting of H.^I. ( lovernment Board of Visitors at the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1864. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 4.) Poor Man's Photography at the Great Pj-ramid in 1865. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Madeira Spectroscopic. 4to. Lond. 1882. Smyth, H. Warrington. Five Years in .Siam — 1891-1896. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1898. Smyth, Major-General Sir James Car- michael, Bart. Chronological Epitome of the Wars in the Low Countries from the Peace of the Pyrenees in 1659, to that of Paris in 1815. 8vo. Lond. 1825. Precis of the Wars in Canada, from 1755 to the Treaty of Ghent in 1814. 8vo. Lond. 1826. [Privately printed.] Smyth, Captain J. S. Method of com- munication by signals. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets. 3rd series, vol. 15.) Smyth, Lieut. -Colonel R. {See Thuillier.) Smyth, William. Lectures on Modern History from the Irruption of the Northern Nations to the close of the American Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1841. Ditto, ditto. 2nd series. On the French Revolution. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Smyth, Commander W., R.N., and F. Lowe. Journey from Lima to Para, across the Andes and down the Amazon. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Smyth, William Carmichael. Dictionary, Hindoostanee and EngHsh. 8vo. Lond. 1820. The Luta ifi Hindee, or Hindoostanee Jest-Book. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1840. The Persian Moonshee, also the Pund- Namu of Shykh Sadee. Vol i. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1840. The Hindoostanee Interpreter ; with dialogues, and a naval dictionary. 2nd edition. Vol. i. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Smyth, Admiral W. H. Resources, inhabitants, and hydro- graphy of Sicily and its Islands. 4to. Lond. 1824. Sketch of the present state of the Island of Sardinia. 8vo. Lond. 1828. Life and services of Captain Philip Beaver. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Account of a private Observatory, erected at Bedford. Lond. 1830. (4to Pamphlets, vol. i.) Observations of Halley's Comet. Lond. 1836. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 3.) Biographical sketch of Captain Dampier. Lond. 1837. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 12.) Nautical observations on Cardiff, with strictures on the report of the Taff Vale Railway Directors, and remarks on the commerce of Glamorganshire ; with ap- pendix containing Rules and regulations of the Bute Docks. 8vo. Cardiff, 1840. Cycle of Celestial Objects. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1844. Roman Vestigia recently found at Kirkby Thore, in Westmoreland. Lond. 1845. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 44 (ii).) Address, as President, to the Royal Geographical Society of London. Lond. 1850. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 26.) Ditto, ditto. Lond. 1851. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 26.) Supplement to the description of an Astrological Clock, belonging to the Society of Antiquaries. Lond. 1851. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 44 (ii).) Mdts Hartwellianas, or notices of the Manor and Mansion of Hartwell. 4to. Lond. 1851. Addenda to ditto. 4to. Lond. 1864. The Mediterranean ; a memoir, physical, historical, and nautical. 8vo. Lond. 1854. A word more on the " Double Faced " Brass in Stone Church, Bucks. Lond. 1861. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 65.) Sidereal Chromatics : the colours of Multiple Stars. 8vo. Lond. 1864. (Printed for Private Circulation.) {See also Collier.) Smythe, Mrs. Ten months in the Fiji Islands. 8vo. Lond. 1864. Snell, Albion T. Electric Motor Power. 8vo. Lond. 1894. Snell, Captain W. H. Company and Battalion Drill. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1849-50. SNE 332 SOW Snelling, T. Coins of Great Britain, fraiice, and Ireland. 410. Lond. 1833. {Sec also Simon.) Snodgrass, Lieut.-Colonel J. J. Narra- ti\'c ot the Bunncse War. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1827. Snow, Dr. John. Inhalation of the vapour of Ether in surgical operation.s. 8vo. Lond. 1847. Snow, W. Parker. Voyage of the "Prince Albert" in search of Sir John Franklin. 8vo. Lond. 1851. Southern Generals : Who they are, and what they have done. 8vo. New York, 1865. Soady, Lieut.-Colonel F. J. Lessons of War as taught by the great masters. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Soboleff, Major-General L. N. Cam- paigns Against India from the West and through Afghanistan. Translated and condensed from the Russian bj' Lieut.- Colonel W. E. Gowan. 8vo. Lond. 1903. Society of Antiquaries. Archaeologia : or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. 2nd series. Vol. viii. 4to. Lond. 1902. Proceedings. Vol. xix. No. i. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Archaeologia. Imp. 8vo. Lond. 1903. Soldiers. Le Soldat, ou le metier de la guerre considere comme le metier d'honneur. i2mo. Frankfort, 1743. Recollections of an eventful life ; by a soldier. 2nd edition. 8vo. Glasgow, 1825. Soldier's Club, Secunderabad. n.p., 1862. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 63.) Employment of Soldiers in useful arts. Lond. 1865. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 69.) Soley, James Russell, U.S. Navy. Report on foreign systems of Naval Education. 8vo. Washington, 1880. {See also Schley.) Soligny, Count Victoire de. Letters on England ; translated from the original MS. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1823. Soloviev, Le Capitaine. Impressions d'un Chef de Campagnie — Guerre Russo-Japonaise. 8vo. Paris, 1906. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 70.) Soltyk, Le General Comte Eoman. La Pologne, precis historique, politique et militaire de sa Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1833. Solymos, B. {See Falkonberg.) Somali-Land. Miscellaneous Compila- tions. Prepared in the Intelligence Branch, Q.M.G.'s Department in India. By Captain E. I. E. Swayne. 8vo. Simla, 1900. Someryille, Alexander. History of the British Legion, and War in Spain. 8vo. Lond. 1839. Somerville, Lieutenant G. F., R.N. Address to the Commission of Naval and Militar}' Inquiry, on presenting the Memorial of the Lieutenants of H.M. Fleet. Devonport, 1839. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 37 (ii).) Somerville, Mary. Mechanism of the Heavens. 8vo. Lond. 1 83 1. Connection of the Physical Sciences. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Physical Geography. 6th edition, revised by H. W. Bates. Svo. Lond. 1870. Somerville, M., Malta Protestant College. Polyglot Dictionary — Eng- lish, trench, Spanish, Italian, German, Modern Greek, and Maltese. Manuscript. 2 vols. 1852. Sonnenschein, Mr. A. {See Maurice.) Sonnini, C. S., and Vivant Denon. Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt. Svo. Glasgow, 1815. Sopwith, T. Treatise on Isometrical Drawing. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1838. Sorb, Le Capitaine. Quittons la Mediter- ranee et la Mer de Chine. Crown Svo. Paris, 1905. Sorel, A. Bonaparte et Hoche en 1797. 8vo. Paris, 1896. Sorell, Lieut.-Colonel T. S. Notes on the Campaigns of 1808-1809 in the North of Spain. Lond. 182S. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 65.) Sosnosky, T. von. England's Danger. Translated by M. Sinclair. Crown Svo. Lond. 1901. Soult, Le Marechal-General Due de Dalmatie. Memoires. Part i. Histoire des Guerres de la Revolution. 3 vols and i vol. maps. Svo. Paris, 1S54. South Sea Scheme. Lond. 1720. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 20.) Southey, Robert. History of the Peninsular War. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1823-32. Life of Nelson. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1825, Ditto, ditto. I vol. i2mo. Lond. 1S31. Lives of the British Admirals, with an introductory view of the Naval History of England. 5 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1833-40. Poetical Works. 10 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1838. Southey, Captain T., R.N. Chrono- logical history' of the West Indies. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S27. Souza, J. de. Caderno de Todos os Barcos do Tejo, tanto de Carga e Trans- porte como d'Pesca. Obi. Svo. n.p., n.d. Sowerby, G. B. Thesaurus Conchyliorum, or figures and descriptions of Shells. Parts 1-6. 4to. Lond. 1842-6. {See also Broderip.) Sowerby, G. B., Junr. Conchological Manual. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1842. Sowerby, James. New elucidation of Colours. 4to. Lond. 1809. SPA SPE Spaccamela, P. Fortificazione Improv- visata attacco e difesa di localita e di posizioni fortificate. 8vo. Roma, 1891. Spackman, W. P. Statistical Tables of the agriculture, shipping, colonies, manu- factures, commerce, and population of the United Kingdom. i2mo. Lond. 1843. Spadafora, Padre Placido. Prosodia Italiana ovvero I'arte con I'uso degli accenti nella volgar favellad'Italia. 2 vols. 8vo. Naples, 1791. Spain. Mapa Itinerario Militar de Espaiia. Folio. Madrid, n.d. A proposal for humbling Spain, written in 1711. 8vo. Lond. n.d. (Radstock Collection, " Spanish War.") Observations on the present Convention with Spain. 8vo. Lond. 1739. (Radstock Collection, " Spanish War.") Review of all that has pass'd between the Courts of Great Britain and Spain, from 1721 to the present Convention. 8vo. Lond. 1739. (Radstock Collection, " Spanish War.") Series of Wisdom and Policy : a justi- fication of all our Measures since 1721, and especially our late Convention with Spain. 8vo. Lond. 1739. (Radstock Collection, " Spanish War.") Address to the Electors of Great Britain, giving an account of all our Negociations with Spain, and their treatment of us for above ten years past. 8vo. Lond. 1739- Address to the Merchants of Great Britain, showing how the Trading Interest have been impos'd upon by the Enemies of the Ministry and a justification of the Convention. 8vo. Lond. 1739- (Radstock Collection, " Spanish War.") Popular prejudices against the Con- vention and Treaty with Spain, examin'd and answered. 8vo. Lond. 1739. (Radstock Collection, " Spanish War.") His Catholic Majesty's Manifesto, justi- fying his conduct in relation to the last Convention ; with his reasons for not paying the ninety-five thousand pounds. Svo. Lend. 1793. (Radstock Collection, " Spanish War.") Political Constitution of the Spanish Monarchy proclaimed in Cadiz, 19th of March, 1812. Lond. 1813. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 21.) (For other Works, see Index.) Spain, Army Orders and Regulations. Ordenanzas de S. M. para el regimen disciplina, subordinacion y servicio de la Infanteria, Cavalleria, y Dragones de sus exercitos en Guarnicion, y en Campana. 2 vols. i2mo. Madrid, 1728. Ditto, ditto. Vols, ii and iii. i2mo. Madrid, 1768. Spain, Army Orders and Regulations {conid.) — Ordenanza para el regimen, govierno, servicio, y disciplina de los dos Regimentos de Guardias de Infanteria. i2mo. Madrid, 1750. Reglamento para el exercicio y manio- bras de la Infanteria De las Evoluciones de Linea. 8vo. Madrid, 1813. Ordenanzas de S. M. para el regimen, disciplina, subordinacion y servicio de sus Exercitos. 2 vols. i2mo. Madrid, 1815. Campos de Instruccion para las tropas que guarnecen a Madrid y sus Cantones. 4to. Madrid, 1862. Cartilla de Tiro para la Infanteria. i2mo. Madrid, 1881. Escuellas de Compaiiia del Batallon de Telegrafos. Pamphlet. Madrid, 1891. Batallon de Telegrafos. Seccion Optica. Royal 4to. Madrid, 1893. Batallon de Telegrafos. Secciones de Telegrafia Electrica. Royal 4to. Madrid, 1895. Telegrafia Optica. Pamphlet. Madrid, 1896. Cartilla de Telegrafia para las Escuellas del Batallon de Telegrafos. Pamphlet. Parts I and 2. Madrid, 1897. Cartilla de Telegrafia Electrica. 2 vols. i2mo. Madrid, 1898. Alma Parens de Nuestra Adminstra- cion Militar, por Manuel Piquer, Comisario de Guerra. 8vo. Avila, 1899. Reglamento del Servicio Telegrafio Militar. Pamphlet. Madrid, 1899. Spain, Navy. Real Ordenanza Naval para el servico de los Baxeter de .S. M. 8vo. Madrid, 1802. Spalding, Lieut. -Colonel H. S. Suvoroff. Svo. Lond. 1890. Epochs of the British Army. Svo. Lond. 1891. Spalding, J. J. Die Bestimmung des Menschen. Svo. Leipsic, 1774. Spalding, T. A. The Life and Times of Richard Badily. 8vo. Lond. 1899. Spanheim, Ezekiel. De Prfestantia et usu Numismatum Antiquorum. 2nd edition. Small 4to. Amsterdam, 1671. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 4to. Amsterdam, 1671. Sparks, Jared. Memoirs of the life and travels of John Ledyard. 8vo. Lond. 1828. Diplomatic correspondence of the American Revolution. 12 vols. Svo. Boston, 1S29-30. Sparks, Major J. P. Details of Light Infantry Drill, with some instruction for patrols. i2mo. Lond. n.d. Sparr, J. E. Geology of the Aspen Mining District, Colorado. With atlas. Demy 410. Washington, 1898. Spearman, Captain J. Morton. British Gunner. 3rd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1844. Speckel, le Capitaine C. L Armee Allemande. Svo. Paris, 1895 SPE 334 STA Speke, John Hanning. Journal of the discovcrj' of the source of the Nile. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Spence, Graeme. Account of the Tides at and about the Scilly Islands, with tide tables. 4to. Lond. 1794. Spence, Colonel J., and St. Aubyn, Captain G. A Talk with the Three Companies of Mounted Infantry proceeding from Malta to S. Africa. Malta, 1900. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 64.) Spence, William. {See Kirby.) Spencer. Repeating Rifle, Carbines, and Sporting Rifle. Boston, U.S., 1864. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 68.) Spencer, B., and F. J. Gillen. The Native Tribes ot Central Australia. 8vo. Lond. 1899. Spencer, Edmond. Travels in Circassia, Krim-Tartarj', &c. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839. Spencer, Thomas. Expedition against the French, in the Carribbee Islands. 410. Lond. 1 69 1. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Spencer, Thomas. Multiplication of works of art in metal by Voltaic Electricitj'. Glasgow, 1840. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 43 (ii).) Spenser, Edmund. Works of Edmund Spenser. Edited by the Rev. H. J. Todd. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1805. Spielmann, C. General Marceaus' letzter Feldzug. 8vo. Dusseldorf, 1893. Spon, Ernest. Workshop Receipts. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Spratt, The Right Rev. Thomas, Bishop of Rochester. History of the Royal Society ot" London. 4to. Lond. 1667. Spratt, Vice-Admiral T. A. B. Investigation of the prevailing wave influence on the Nile deposits. Folio. Lond. 1859. Dissertation on the true position of Pelusium and Farama. Folio. Lond. 1859. (Bound with " Wave influence on Nile deposits.") Travels and researches in Crete. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Evidences of the rapid silting in pro- gress at Port Said. Lond. 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 84.) Undercurrent theory of the Ocean. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 97.) Sprigge, Joshua. Anglia Rediviva ; England's Recovery : being the history of the actions, &c., of the army under Sir Thomas Fairfax. 4to. Lond. 1647. Sprigge, J. A., W. F. Doak, T. C. Hudson, and A. S. Cox. Stars and Sextants — Distance Tables for Facilitating the Use of Lord Ellenborough's Method of Correcting the Centring and Total Errors of Sextants at Sea. 8vo. Lond. 1903. Sproat, Gilhert Malcolm. Scenes and Studies of Savage Life. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Sprot, Colonel J. A few notes on Outpost Duty, Skirmish- ing, Tent-pitching, &c. lamo. Lond. 1871. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1874. Fire engine drill for the use of regiments ofinfantrj'. i2mo. Lond. 1874. On the best mode of providing Recruits and forming reser\'es tor the British Armj'. 8vo. Lond. 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i.) Key to the rules of the War Game. i2mo. Lond. 1875. „ Lieut. -General J. Incidents and Anecdotes in the Life of Lieut. -General J. Sprot. 2 vols. 8vo. n.p., 1906. Spurrell, W. Dictionary of the Welsh Language. 8vo. Carmarthen, 1848. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 8vo. Carmarthen, 1851. English- Welsh Pronouncing Dictionary. 8vo. Carmarthen, 1850. (These three Works are bound together.) Staal, Madame de. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. Ixxvii.) Stack, Edward. Six months in Persia. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Stacpole, Captain J. A Guide to Meat Inspection for Regimental Officers. Illus- trated by Lieutenant W. S. Melvill, Leicestershire Regiment. 8vo. Lond. 1891. Stacy, Lieut.-Colonel S. R. Narrative whilst in the Brahooe Camp and in the subsequent operations of General Nott's army in its march to and from Cabul. 8vo. Serampore, 1844. Stael Holstein, La Baronne de. De TAllemagne. 2nd edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1813. Staff, H. von. Der Befreiungs-Krieg der Katalonier, in den Jahren 1808-14. 8vo. Breslau, 1821. Staff College. Report on the Examination for Admis- sion, 1863 and up to date. Ditto, ditto, 1865. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 7J.) Report of the Final Examination, 1869 to date. Ditto, ditto, 1866. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 72>-) Stafford House Committee. Report and record of the operations of the Staflord House Committee for the relief of sick and wounded Turkish soldiers, 1877-8. 4to. Lond. 1879. Report of the Stafford House South African Aid Committee. (Zulu War.) 4to. Lond. 1880. Stafford, Thomas. Pacata Hibernia, or a history of the wars in Ireland during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. 2nd edition. 8vo, with 8vo vol. of plates. Dublin, 1820. STA 335 STE Stalkartt, Marmaduke. Naval Architecture, or the rudiments and rules of Shipbuilding. Folio. Lond. 1781. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. Folio. Lond. 1787. Stamer, W. Army Reform. Lond. 1893. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 64.) Stanford, Edward. Compendium of Geography and Travel ; with Ethnological Appendix by A. H. Keane. Africa ; by Keith Johnston. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Asia ; edited by Sir R. Temple. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Europe ; by F. W. Rudler and G. C. Chisholm. Edited by Sir Andrew C. RamsaJ^ Bvo. Lond. ^i 885. Central and South America ; by H. W. Bates. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Ditto, ditto. (New Issue.) 2 vols. By A. H. Keane. 8vo. Lond. 1901. North America ; by F. V. Hayden and Prof. A. R. C. Sehvyn. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Australasia ; by A. R. Wallace. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Ditto. (New Issue.) Vol. i. Australia and New Zealand. By A. R. Wallace. 8vo. Lond. 1893. Parliamentary County Atlas and hand- book of England and Wales. 8vo. Lond. 1885. Stanhope, The Hon. A. Spain under Charles the Second. 8vo. Lond. 1840. Stanhope, Charles, Earl. Papers relative to the Sailing Experiment with the Kent Ambinavigator Vessel. Lond. 1813. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iv.) Stanhope, Philip Henry, 4th Earl. Addresses as President of the Medico- Botanical Society. Lond. 1836-7. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 8.) Stanhope, Philip Henry, 5th Earl. History of the War of Succession in Spain. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1836. History of England from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Versailles, 1713- 1783. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839-54. Life of Belisarius. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1848. Life of the Right Hon. WilHam Pitt. 4 vols. Svo. Lond. 1861. Life of Louis, Prince of Conde. Svo. Lond. 1 861. Miscellanies. Bvo. Lond. 1863. History of England, comprising the Reign of Queen Anne until the Peace of Utrecht. 8vo. Lond. 1870. French Retreat from Moscow, and other historical essaj's. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Notes of conversations with the Duke ot Wellington. 8vo. Loud. 1888. Stanley, The Very Rev. A. P., Dean of Westminster. Sinai and Palestine in connection with their history. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Stanley, Edward. The Young Horse- woman's Compendium of the Modern Art of Riding. Svo. Lond. 1827. Stanley, H. M. How I found Livingstone : travels, &c., in Central Africa. Svo. Lond. 1872. The Congo, and the founding of its Free State. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1885. Coomassie and Magdala. The Story of Two British Campaigns in Africa. New edition. Svo. Lond. 1891. Stanley, J. Ireland and her evils. i2mo. Dublin, 1836. Stanley, John Thomas, of Alderley. Account of the Hot Springs in Iceland : with an analj'sis of their waters. By Dr. J. Black. 8vo. Lond. 1792. Stapleton, A. G. The French case truly stated. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 91.) Starke, Dr. Der naturgemasse Stiefel. 8vo. Berlin, i88c. Starkey, Captain. Dictionary, English, and Punjabee, with grammar and dialogues. Svo. Calcutta, 1849. Statistical Society. Journal. Vols, i to date. Svo. Lond. 1S39- . Index to ditto. Vols. i-xv. Svo. Lond. 1854. Ditto, ditto. Vols, xvi-xxv. Svo. Lond. 1863. Bye-Laws, Regulations, &c. Svo. Lond. 1888. Staunton, Sir George T., Bart. Account of an embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China ; with a relation of the voyage to the Yellow Sea and the Gulf of Peking : chiefly from the papers of the Earl of Macartney and Sir Erasmus Gower. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1797. Narrative of the Chinese Embassy to the Khan of the Tourgouth Tartars in 1712-15. Svo. Lond. 1 82 1. Miscellaneous notices relating to China. Svo. Lond. 1S22. Staunton, Martin Joseph. Manual on the Care and Management of Transport and Instruction of Transport Training Classes. Svo. Allahabad, 1S92. Stausburg, Lieutenant H., R.N. Notes on Naval Strategy and Tactics. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 65.) Stavenhagen, W. Grundriss der Befestigungslehre. Svo. Berlin, 1900. Aus der fortifikatorischen Vergangenheit von Paris. Berlin, 1901. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 67.) Verkehrs-, Beolaachtungs- und Nach- richten-Mittel in Militarischer Beleuchtung fiir Offiziere aller Waffen des Heeres und der Marine. 2nd edition. Svo. Leipzig, 1905. Stead, Alfred. Great Japan : A Study in National Efficiency. Svo. Lond. 1906. Steam Navigation. Position and pros- pects of Steam Navigation in 1S40. Lond. 1840. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 13.) STE 336 STt Steam - Vessel Company. Statement delivered at a meeting held to take into consideration a plan tor forming a general Steam- Vessel Com{)any ; with Prospectus and Report of the Committee. Lond. 1823. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 5.) Stebbing, William. Peterborough. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1890. Sir Walter Raleigh : a Biography. 8vo. Oxford, 1 891. Sir Walter Raleigh. Oxford, 1899. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 60.) Stedman, C. History of the American War. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1794. Steel, David. View of the Dimensions of the most approved Ship of each Class in the British Navy. Lond. 1781. Naval Remembrancer, 1793 - 1800. i2mo. Lond. n.d. Ditto, ditto. i2mo. Lond. 1784. Ship-Master's Assistant and Owner's Manual. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1792. Ditto, ditto. 8th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1799. Elements and practice of Rigging, Seamanship, and Naval Tactics. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1800. (Radstock Collection.) Prize Pay Lists, containing accounts ot Prize and Head-Money. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1802. Supplement to ditto. i2mo. Lond. 1804. Elements and practice of Naval Archi- tecture. 2nd edition. 4to, with folio plates. Lond. 1812. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. Containing the principles and practice of constructing the Royal and Mercantile Navies. Edited by J. Knowles. 4to. Lond. 1822. Art of making masts, yards, gaffs, booms, blocks, and oars. 2nd edition. 8vo, with 4to vol. of plates. Lond. 1816. Naval Chronologist of the late War, 1793 to 1801. 3rd edition. i2mo Naval Monitor. i2mo. Lond. n.d. Lond. n.d. Steele, Captain H. Gr. L. Cavalry on Outpost Duty. 8vo. Aldershot, n.d. Cavalry : Advanced and Rear Guards. Svo. Aldershot, n.d. Steele, John Henry. A Manual of the Diseases of the Elephant, and of his management and uses. Svo. Madras, 1885. A Manual of the Diseases of the Camel, and of his management and uses. Svo. Madras, 1890. Steele, Sir Richard. The importance of Dunkirk considered. 3rd edition. Lond. 1713. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 20.) Steenackers, F. P. Histoire des Ordres de Chevalerie et des distinctions honorifiques en France. 4to. Pari.s, 1867. Les T^legraphes et les Postes pendant la Guerre de 1 870-1. Svo. Paris, 1883. Steevens, Lieut.-Colonel Charles. Re- miniscences of my Militarj- Life from 1795-1818. Edited bj- his son Lieut. -Col. N. Steevens. Svo. Lond. 1S78. Steevens, G. W. Naval Policy, with some account of the War-ships of the Principal Powers. Svo.. Lond. 1S96. With the Conquering Turk. Svo. Lond. 1897. With Kitchener to Khartoum. Svo. Lond. 1S98. Egypt in 1898. vo. Lond. 189S. From Capetown to Ladysmith — Egypt in 1898. Svo. Lond. 1900. Glimpses of Three Nations. Svo. New York, 1900. Steevens, Lieut.-Colonel N. Crimean Campaign with The Connaught Rangers, 1854-6. Svo. Lond. 187S. Stein, F. von. Geschichte des Russi- schen Heeres vom Ursprunge desselben bis zur Thronbesteigung des Kaisers Nikolai I. Pawlowitsch. Svo. Leipsic, 1895. Steinitz, Francis. The Ship, its origin and progress ; being a general history from its first invention. 410. Lond. 1849. Steinman, G. S. Submarine Steam Pro- pelling. Svo. Lond. 1S43. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, Modern.) Steinmetz, Andrew. Musketry Instruction for the Cavalry Carbine and Pistol, recentlj' issued to the French Cavalry. Lond. 1862. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 57.) Military Gymnastics of the French. Lond. 1862. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 57.) Stent, George Carter. Scraps from my Sabretache : being personal adventures while in the 14th (Kings Light) Dragoons. Svo. Lond. 1 882, Stenzel, Captain A., Imp. German Navy. Die Britischen Flotten-Manover vom Jahre 1889. (Beiheft zum Militar Wochenblatt.") Berlin, 1889. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 51.) Uber Kriegfiihrung zur See. Eine strategische Studie an der Hand der Englischen Flotten - Manover im Jahre 1888. Berlin, 1889. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 51.) The British Navy. Translated from the German by A. Sonnenschein. Small Royal Svo. Lond. 189S. STE 357 STE Stephen, James. War in disguise, or the frauds of the Neutral Flags. 3rd edition. 8vo. (2 copies.) Lond. 1806. (Radstock Collection, Military Tracts.) Dangers of the Country. 8vo. Lond. 1807. (Radstock Collection, Military Tracts.) Stephen, Leslie. Samuel Johnson. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1879. Alexander Pope. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1880. Swift. Crown Svo. Lond. 1882. Stephens, A. H. The War between the States. 2 vols. Svo. Philadelphia, Pa., 1867. Stephens, A. J. Constitution of the Lcclesiastical Courts. Lond. 1853. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 35.) Stephens, E. L. Exposition of the Merits of the Port of Southampton. Southampton, 1837. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 8.) Stephens, H. Morse. Albuc[uerque. Crown Svo. Oxford, 1892. Stephens, J. E. R. ; Gifford, C. E., C.B., R.N. ; Harrison - Smith, F., R.N. Manual of Naval Law and Court Martial Procedure. Svo. Lond. 1901. Stephens, James Francis. Illustrations of British Entomology. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1828. Systematic catalogues of British In- sects. Svo. Lond. 1829. Manual of British Coleoptera, of Beetles. Svo. Lond. 1839. Stephens, John L. Incidents of travel in Central America Chiapas, and Yucatan. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1841. Incidents of travel in Yucatan. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1843. Stephenson, Captain John. New British Channel Pilot. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1799. (Bound in vol. lettered " Sailing Directions.") Stephenson, Sir Macdonald. Railways in Turkey- Lond. 1859. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 49.) Stephenson, Robert. Report on the Atmospheric Railway System. 4to. Lond. 1844. Sterling, Lieut. -Colonel A. The Story of the Highland Brigade in the Crimea. Svo. Lond. 1895. Sterling: Ryerson, Snrg.-Lieut.-Colonel G., M.D. The Soldier and the Surgeon. Toronto, 1S99. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 59.) Sternberg, Adalbert G-raf von. Meine Erlebnisse und Erfahrungen im Boerenkriege. Crown Svo. Berlin, 1901. My Experiences of the Boer War. Translated, with an Introduction, by Lieut.-Colonel G. F. R. Henderson. Svo. Lond. 1901. Sterne, Lawrence. Works ; with a life of the Author. Svo. Lond. n.d. Steuart, James. Passage between the Coasts of Hindoostan and the Island of Ceylon. u.p., 1837. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 10.) Steveni, W. B. Through Famine- Stricken Russia. Svo. Lond. 1892. Stevens, J. E. Yesterdays in the Philip- pines. Crown Svo. Lond. 1898. Stevens, Captain J. H. Method used in Pointing Guns at Sea. Svo. Lond. 1834. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 7.) Stevens, John L. History of Gustavus Adolphus. Svo. ' Lond. 18S5. Stevens, John Lee. New method of propelling Steam Vessels, Canal Boats, &c. Lond. 1S28. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 5.) Opinions on the new method of Pro- pelling Steam Vessels, Canal Boats, &c. Lond. 1829. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 9.) Stevens, R. W. Stowage of Ships and their cargoes. 5th edition. Svo. Lond. 1S69. Stevens, T. Through Russia on a Mus- tang. Svo. Lond. 1 891. Stevenson, Alan. Report to the Commissioners of Northern Lights on the subject of illumi- nating the Lighthouses by means of Len.ses. 4to. Edinburgh, 1S35. Extracts from Reports on the new Dioptric Light of Inchkeith. Lond. 1835. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 44 (ii).) Stevenson, David. Sketch of the Civil Engineering of North America. Svo. Lond. 1838. Stevenson, Captain John. Abstract of the Bill for manning the Royal Navy with Volunteers. Lond. 1787. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 9.) Cattegat, Baltic and Gulf of Finland Pilot. Svo. Lond. 1797. Stevenson, Corporal-Major Joseph, 1st Life Guards. Hints to the Yeomanry Cavalry of Great Britain. i2mo. Lond. 1851. Stevenson, Rennie. Through Rhodesia with the Sharpshooters. Crown Svo. Lond. 1901. Steward, Captain E. Harding. Notes on Armour Plated Turrets, com- monly called Cupolas. Portsmouth, 1864. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 61 (ii).) Notes on Submarine Mines, commonly called Torpedoes. Woolwich, 1866. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 71.) Stewart, B. Experiments on Aneroid Barometers, made at Kew Observatorj'. Lond. 1868. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 78.) Stewart, 2nd Lieutenant B. Active Service Pocket Book. i2mo. Lond. 1906 Ditto, ditto, 3rd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1907. STE ^8 STO Stewart, Field - Marshal Sir Donald, G.C.B., G.C.S.I., CLE. Kdited by ti. R. Klsniie. 8vo. Lond. 1903. Stewart, Major-General David. Sketches ot' tile rliarai'ter, inaiincrs, and present state ot the Hij^hlandcis ol bcolland, with details of the Hi.t;hland Regiments. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1825. Stewart, Major Duncan J. An Army t'or Iiitlia. Lahore, 1880. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 47.) Stewart, Lieut. -Colonel H. The Militia. I'ast and Present. 1898. Stewa,rt, John. Directions for the Navigation of the [Grecian] Archipelago. Bvo. Lond. 1826. (Bound in vol. lettered " Sailing Directions.") Stewart, Brig.-General The Hon. W. Plan for the (General Reform of the British Land Forces. 2nd edition. Lond. 1806. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 6.) Stewarts, Story of the. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1901. Stiegler, Gaston. Memoires du Mare- clial Oudinot, Due de Reggio. 8vo. Paris, 1894. Stier, Ernst. Erlebnisse eines Musketiers vom io<^" Armee-Corps. Crown 8vo. Miinchen, 1890. Stigand, Captain C. H. Scouting and Reconnaissance in Savage Countries. 8vo. Lond. 1907. Stiles, Robert. Four Years under Marse Robert. 8vo. New York and Wasnuigton, 1903. Stirling, Captain J, The Colonials in South Africa, 1899-1902. Lond. 1907. Stirling-Maxwell, Sir William. Don John of Austria. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Stockdale, J. J. Proceedings on the Enquiry into the Armistice and Convention ofCintra. Lond. 1809. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 7.) Stocqueler, J. H. Fifteen months' pilgrimage through Khuzistan and Persia. 2 vols, in one. i2mo. Lond. 1832. The Wellington Manual. 8vo. Calcutta, 1840. Memorials of Afifghanistan : illustrative of the British Expedition, 1838-42. Calcutta, 1843. Handbook of India. 8vo. Lond. 1844. Life of Field-Marshal the Duke of Wellington. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1852-53. Military Encyclopaedia. 8vo. Lond. 1853. Memoirs and correspondence of Major- Gerieral Sir William Nott. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1854. Familiar history of the British Army from 1660 to the present time. 4to. Lond. 1871. Personal history of the Horse Guards fiom 1750-1872. 8vo. Lond. 1873. {Sec also Walshe, A.) Stoddart and Conolly Fund. First Rejiort of tile Committee. Lond. 1844. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 39.) Stofifel, Le Colonel Baron. Rapports Militaires ecrits de Berlin 1866-70. 8vo. Paris, 1 871. Reports on the Military Forces of Prussia, 1868-70. Translated by C. E. H. Vincent. Lond. 1872. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 13.) La bepechc du 20 Aout 1870 du Marechal Bazaine an Mareclial de Mac- Mahon. Paris, 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 38.) Stokes, Captain J. Lort, R.N, Discoveries in Australia. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1846. Survey of the Southern Part of the Middle Island of New Zealand. Lond. 1851. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 5.) Stokes, Captain 0. H. Economical Fortifications. n.p., 1868. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. JJ.) Stolzma,n, Karola B. Partyzantka czyli Wojna dla ludow Powstajacych Najwlas- ciwsza. 8vo. Paris and Leipzig, 1844. Stona, The Rev. Thomas. Letter to the Norfolk Militia upon the proceedings of Ancient Nations when engaged in War. Lond. 1759. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 25.) Stone, Captain F. G. Tactical Studies from the Franco- German War of 1870-1. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Relative importance of Mobility and Shell Fire in the Field Artillerj'. Woolwich, 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 47.) Stone, William L, Life of Joseph Brant- Thayendanegea, including the Indian Wars of the American Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1838. Stoney, Captain F. S., and Lieutenant C. Jones. Construction and manu- facture of the Rifled Ordnance in the British Service. Bvo. Lond. 1872. Storm. The Storm ; or a collection of the most remarkable casualties and disas- ters which happened in the late Tempest, by sea and land. 8vo. Lond. 1704. Stormonth, The Rev. J. Etymological English Dictionary. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1877. Story, Donglas. The Campaign with Kuropatkin. 8vo. Lond. 1904. Story, Joseph. Commentaries on the Conflict of Laws, foreign and domestic. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Stothard, C. A. Monumental Effigies of Great Britain. With historical descriptions and notes by A. J. Kempe. New edition, with additions by J. Hewitt. 4to. Lond. 1876. Stotherd, Captain R. H. Lectures on Electrical Measurements : corrected and delivered bj' Fleeming Jenkiii. Lond. 1867. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 78.) STO 339 STR- Stothert, Captain W. Narrative of the principal events of the Campaigns of i8og- II in Spain and Portugal. 8vo. Lond. 1812. Stout, Captain Benjamin. Cape of Good Hope and its l)ependencies ; likewise Captain Stout's travels through the Deserts ofCafiVaria. Bvo. Lond. 1820. Stow, John. Survej^ of the Cities of London and Westminster, and the Borough of .Southwark. Edited bj' John Strype. With Atlas. 3 vols. Folio. Lond. 1754-5. Stow, J. P. South AustraHa : its history, productions, and natural resources. 8vo. Adelaide, 1883. Strabo. Geografia di Greco tradotta in Volgarc Italiano da Alfoiiso Buonac civoli. Part I. 2 vols. i2mo. Venice, 1562. Part 2. 2 vols. i2mo. Ferrara, 1565. Geographic de Strabon traduite par les MPvl. de la Porte du Theil et Coray ; avec notes par Gossellin. 5 vols. 4to. Paris, 1805-19. Geography of Strabo, translated by H. Hamilton and W. Falconer. 3 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1854. Strachan, R. Principles of Weather Forecasts and storm prevision. Lond. 1886. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 78.) Strachey , Lieutenant Henry. N arrati \e of a journej' to the Lakes Cho Lagan, or Rakas Tal, and Cho Mapan, or Manasa- rowan, and the Vallej' of Pruang in Tibet, in 1846. 8vo. Bengal, 1848. Strachey, Sir John. India. 8vo. Lond. 188S. Hastings and the Rohilla War. 8vo. Oxford, 1892. Strachey, Lieutenant R. Description of the Glaciers of the Pindu and Kuphinee Rivers in the Kumaon Himalaya. n.p., 1847. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 68.) Strada, J. de. Imagines Imperatorura. 8vo. Turin, 1557. Strada, R. P. Famien. Histoire de la Guerre des Pa'is-Bas. Traduite par P. du Ryer. 4 vols. i2mo. Brussels, 1727. Strafforde, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of. Letters and Dispatches, with an Essay towards his life by Sir George Radcliffe. Edited by William Knowler. 2 vols, in one. Folio. Lond. 1739. Strahlenberg, P. J. von. Description of the North and Eastern Parts of Europe and Asia. Sm. 4to. Lond. 1738. Straith, Hector. Treatise on Fortification and Artillery. 8vo. Croydon, 1833. Atlas to ditto. Folio. Ditto, ditto. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1846. Atlas to ditto. Folio. Strange, Lieut. -Colonel A. Aluminium Bronze for the construction of Astronom ical and other Philosophical Instruments. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 65.) Strange, Lieut.-Colonel T. Bland. Artil- lery Retrospect of the last great war, 1870. Quebec, 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 22.) Strange, Major - General T. Bland. Gunner Jingo's Jubilee. 8vo. Lond. 1893. Stratford, Lieutenant W. S., R.N. I ndex to the .Stars in the Catalogue of the Astronomical Society. Lond. 1831. (4to Pamphlets, vol. i.) Stratton, Dr. T. Celtic C)rigin of a great part of the Greek Language. 8vo. Kingston, 1840. Illustrations of the affinity of the Latin Language to the Gaelic or Celtic of Scotland. 8vo. Toronto, 1840. Derivation of many Classical Proper Names from the Gaelic Language, or the Celtic of .Scotland. Edinburgh, 1845. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 40.) Celtic Origin of a great part of the Greek and Latin Languages. 2nd edition. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1870. Affinity between the Hebrew Language and the Celtic. 3rd edition. Edinburgh, 1872. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 26.) Streete, Thomas. Tables of Projection.. 4to. Lond. 1690. (Bound with Anderson's "Use of the Gunne.") Strenner, Franz. Praktische Grundsatze zur hoheren taktischen fiihrung der- Reiterei. 8vo. 'Vienna, 1855. Strickla^nd, Edward. Reorganization of the British Army. Lond. i860. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 64.) Greece : its condition, prospects and resources. Lond. 1863. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 65.) Strohl, Lieut.-Colonel A. Aspern und Wagram. 8vo. Wien, 1897. Custoza - Aufgaben. Sammlung von. applicatorischen Taktik-Aufgaben. 8vo. Wien, 1897. Custoza. Kurze Darstellung der Ereig- nisse von und in der Schlact bei Custoza, 1866. 8vo. Wien, 1897. Stromheck, R. F. von. Kriegs-Tage- biicher aus den Jahren 1864 und 1866. 8vo. Darmstadt, 1869.. Strozzi, Carlo. Quadro di Geografia Numismatica. 4to. Florence, 1836. Struensee, C. A. Anfangsgriinde der Artillerie. 2nd edition. 8vo. Leipsic, 1769. Anfangsgriinde der Kriegsbaukunst. 3 vols. 8vo. Leipsic, 1771. First principles of Field-Fortification. Translated by William Nicolay. 8vo. Lond. 1800. Strutt, Joseph. Sports and Pastimes of the People of England. 8vo. Lond. 1867. Strutton, Richard. Relation of the cruelties and barbarities of the French upon the English Prisoners of War ; a journal of their Travels from Dinan to- Thoulon, with a description of the Forti- fications of the Towns on the road. 8vo. Lond. 1690. (Radstock Collection, Naval Pro- ceedings.) y 2. •STR 340 SUL •Stryker, W. S. The Massacre near Old Tappan. Trenton, N.Y., 1882. (Pamphlet, 3rd series, vol. 65.) 'Stuart, Lieutenant H. B. History of Infantry tVoni tin- oarliest times to the present. Tost Svo. Lend. 1862. Stuart, Major-General James. Letter to the Kast India Company, with appen- dices. 4to. n p., 1787. Stuart, John. Pictures of War. Svo. Lond. 1 901. Stuart, Major-General J. E. B. (^V^ McClellan.i Stuart, Robert. Descriptive history of the Steam Kn,<,nne. Svo. Lond. 1824. Stubbs, Dr. J. H. E. Remarks on Asiatic Cholera. Lond, 1853. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 44 (i).) fStudling, J. Through Siberia. Svo. Lond. 1 901. Stuers, Major F. V. A. de. Memoires sur la Guerre de I'lle de Java de 1825 a 1830. 4to. Leyden, 1833. 'Btumm, Lieutenant F. Meine Erleb- nisse bei der Englisehen Expedition in Abyssinien 1868. Svo. Frankfort, 1868. Stumm, Hugo. Aus Chiwa. Svo. Berlin, 1873. Der Russische Feldzug nach Chiwa. Vol. i. 8vo. Berlin, 1875. (Sec also Vincent, C. E. H.) rSturgis, Julian. A Boy in the Peninsular War. Svo. Lond. 1899. Sturm, L. C. Le \'eritable Vauban se montrant au lieu du faux Vauban. Svo. The Hague, 1710. Architectura Militaris Hypothetico- Eclectica, oder Grundliche Anleitung zu der Kreigs-Baukunst. 4to. Vienna, 1755. Sturt, Captain Charles. Two expeditions into the interior of Southern Australia, 1828-31 ; with obser- vations on the Colony of New South Wales. 2nd edition. 2 vols, in one. Svo. Lond. 1834. Narrative of an expedition into Central Australia. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1849. Stutfield, H. E. M., and Collie, J. N. Climbs and Explorations in the Canadian Rockies. Svo. Lond. 1903. Stutterheim, Major-General. Detailed account of the Battle of Austerlitz. Translated by Major Pine Coffin. Svo. Lond. 1807. Styflfe, Knut. Elasticity, extensibility, and tensile strength of Iron and .Steel. Translated by C. P. .Sandberg. Svo. Lond. i86g. Suasso, Captain A. Treatise on the British Drill. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1S16. Subaltern's Letters to his Wife. Svo. Lond. 1901. Subaltern's Log Book : including anec- dotes of well-known Military Characters. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1828. Suchet, Le Marechal Due d'Albufera. Memoires sur ses Campagnes en Espagne, 1808-14. 2 vols. Svo, Paris, 1828. Atlas to ditto. Folio. Memoirs of the War in Spain, 180S-14. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1829. Sudlow, J. J. J. Inaugural Address delivered at the Islington Literary and Scientific .Society. Lond. 1837. ('Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 40.) Sudre, F. Rapports faits sur la Langue Musicale. Paris [1833]. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 14.) Sue, Eugene. Histoire de la Marine Franqaise sous Louis XIV. 2nd edition. 5 vols. Svo. Paris, 1838. Histoire de la Marine Militaire de tons les peuples. Marine Ottomane. Svo. Paris, 1841. Sueter, Commander M. F., R.N. The Evolution of the Submarine Boat, Mine and Torpedo, from the Sixteenth Century to the Present Time. Svo. Portsmouth, 1907. Suetonius, Tranquillius Caius. Opera. l2mo. Amsterdam, 1661. Opera. Ex recensione F. Oudendorp. 2 vols. Svo. Leiden, 1751. Suez Ship Canal. New facts and figures relative to the Isthmus of Suez Canal. By Le Comte Ferdinand de Lesseps. Lond. 1S56. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 47.) Opinions of the Commercial Classes of Great Britain on the Suez Ship Canal. Hy Le Comte Ferdinand de Lesseps. Lond. 1857. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 48.) Report and plan of the International Scientific Commission. Lond. 1857. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 4S.) Report on the Maritime Canal con- necting the Mediterranean at Port Said, with the Red .Sea at Suez. By Captain Richards, R.N., and Lieut. -Colonel Clarke. Folio. Lond. 1S70. Address on the Inter-Oceanic Canal Scheme. By Le Comte Ferdinand de Lesseps. Liverpool, 1880. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 35.) Isthmus of Suez question. By Le Comte Ferdinand de Lesseps. Lond. 1885. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 47.) Suffren. {Sir Moris.) Suhm, Peter Fridrich von. Sigrid, Die drey Freunde und Alfsol. Drey Erzahlungen. Aus dem Danischen von C. H. Reichel. i2mo. Leipsic, 17S5. Sulivan, Admiral Sir B. J., K.C.B. Life and Letters of, 1810-1S90. Edited by his son, Henry Norton Sulivan. Svo. Lond 1896. Sulivan, Captain G. L., R.N. Dhow chasing in Zanzibar Waters and on the Ea.stern Coast of Africa. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1873. SUL 341 SWA Sulivan, Vic 3 -Admiral Sir James. Honorary Rewards for Naval Services. Lend. 187 r. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 12.) Sulivan, Kichard Joseph. Thoughts on Martial Law. 4to. Lend. 1779. Thoughts on Martial Law, with a mode recommended for condiictinpf the pro- ceedings of General Courts-Martial. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1784. Sullivan, Sir Edward, Bart. Conquerors, Warriors, and Statesmen of India. 8vo. Lond. 1866 The Froth and the Dregs (Pamphlet on "Army Reform "). Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 96.) Princes of India. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Sullivan, Captain John. Channel Islands Militia. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 2)7-) Sully, Maximilien de Bethune, Le Due de. Memoires. 8 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1745. Memoirs, translated from the French by Charlotte Lennox. To which is added the Tryal of Ravaillac for the Murder of Henry the Great. 5 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1778 CKconomies d'Estat de Henry le Grand. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols, i to ix.) Superannuation Tax. Letter on the recommendation that the Superannuation Tax should be reenacted. Lond. 1828. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 5.) Surgeons, Eoyal College of. Invitation for donations to the Museum, also directions for preserving^ Animals anci Extraneous Fossils. Lond. 1826. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 17.) List of Fellows and Members. Bvo. Lond. 1844. Surgeres, Le Chevalier E., de. Voyage cl'Iberville. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 8.) Surirey de Saint Remy. Memoires d'Artillerie. 2 vols. 410. Paris, 1707. Surrey Archaeological Society. Report of Proceedings, 1854-55, List of Members, Rules, &c. Lond. 1855. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 50.) Surrey Collections. Vol. i. Lond. 1856. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 50.) Surtees, Major C. Campaign in Italy, 1796. Lond. 1897. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 67.) Surveys. Notes on the Government Surveys of the principal Countries. (Official copy.) 8vo. Lond. 1882. Report of Committee on a Military Map of the United Kino;dom. War Office. Lond. 1892. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 10.) Methods and Processes Adopted for Production of the Maps of the Ordnance Survej'. 2nd edition. Royal 4to. Lond. 1902. Surville, Madame de, nee Marguerite Eleonore Clotilde. Poesies ; edited by C. Vantlerbourj^. i2mo. Paris, 1804. Susane, Le General. L'Artillerie avant at depuis la Guerre. Paris, 1871.. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 48.) Sussex, H.R.H. Augustus Frederick,, Duke of. Address as President of the- Royal Society. Lond. 1837. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 10.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 43.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy.) Lond. 1838.. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 12.) Sussmisch, Lieut. - Colonel M. von„ Hornig. Katechismus fiir den Ein- jahrig Freiwilligen. i2mo. Leipzig, 1876. SutclifFe, M. Practice, proceedings, and' lawes of Arnies. 8vo. Lond. 1593. Sutherland, Lieutenant James, R.N,. Narrative of the loss of H.M.S. "The Litchfield,'' Capt. Barton, on the Coast of Africa, with a description of Morocco. 8vo. Lond. 1768. (Radstock Collection. Bound witlij " Byron's Voyages.") Sutherland, William. Shipbuilders' Assistant : or some essays'' towards compleating the art of Marine Architecture. Small 4to. Lond. 1711. Britain's Glory, or Shipbuilding Un- veiled ; being a general director for build- ing and compleating the said machines. 2nd edition. Folio. Lond. 1740. Sutton, Captain Evelyn, R.N. Con- siderations on the question now in liti- gation between Commodore Johnstone and Captain Sutton. 8vo. np-, n.d'.. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.): Sutton, M. J. Permanent and Tem- porary Pastures, with descriptions and coloured illustrations of leading natural/ grasses and clovers. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1891. Suyematsu, Baron K. The Risen Sun. 8vo. Lord. 1905. Suzanne, F. de. E.xamen ciltique de I'Armement Fran(;ais. Paris, 1870. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 28.) Svinine, Paul de. Quelques details sur le General Moreau et ses derniers- moments. i2mo. Lond. 1814. S"wrabey, Lieutenant W. (R.H.A.). Diar)- of, in tile Peninsular War. Fdited by Colonel Whingates. 8vo. Lond. 1895. Swaine, Colonel L. V., and Captain W. Verner. Ad\anced Guard and Out- post duties for Riflemen. 8vo. Lond. 1889. S-wainson, W. Preliminary discourse on the study of" Natural History. i2mo. Lond. 1834. Geography and classification of Animals. i2mo. Lond. 1835. Natural History and classification of Quadrupeds. i2mo. Lond. 1835. Natural History and classification of Birds. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1836.. Animals in menageries. i2mo. Lond. 18^8.. SWA 342 SYK Swaiiison, W. {confif.)— Natural History of Fishes, Ampliibians, and Reptiles. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1838. Habits and instincts of Animals. 121110. Lond. 1840. Treatise on Malacology, or Shells and Shell-Fish. 121110. Lond. 1840. Taxidermy ; with the biography of .Zoologists. i2mo. Lond. 1840. {See also Richardson, j. ) Swayne, Major H. G. C. Through the Hi.irhlands of Siberia. 8vo. Lond. 1904. Sweden. Swedish Intelligencer : wherein are the famous actions of Prince Gustavus Adolphus, historically along; until the Battell of Leipsick. 410. Lond. 1634. Svenska Kungliga Hufvudbauer Samt Flattecken. Stockholm, 1900. (For other Works, sec Index.) Swinljuriie, H. L., (Sec Wilkinson, N.L.) .Swift, Jonathan. Works of Jonathan Swift. With notes and a life of the Author : by Waller Scott. 19 vols. 8vo. Edinbursih, 1814. ^Swiney, Lieut. -Colonel G. Reflections on the present state of British India. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Swinhoe, Robert. Narrative of the North China Campaign of i860. 8vo. Lond. 1 86 1. ;Swinton, W. Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac. 8vo. New York, 1882 .Switzerland. Vv'inkelreid-Stiftung. \'or- lagen der Engern Commission an die grosse Winkelreid-Commission. 4to. Berne, 1868. .Switzerland, Army. Rapport dii Departement Militaire Federal sur sa gestion en 1867. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 76.) Eidgenossische Militar - Schulen fiir 1869. Berne, i86g. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 6.) Aide-memoir a I'usage des officiers d'artillerie Suisses. 15 parts in 3 vols. 8vo. Aarau, 1870. Materiel du Service de Sante de TArmee Sui.s.se. Oblong 8vo. n.p., 1870. Lehrbuch fur die Frater und Kranken- warter der Eidgenossischen Armee. i2mo. Berne, 1871. Departement Militaire. n.p. 1871. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 28.) Departement Militaire du Canton de Vaud. Rapport sur les Affaires Federales du 31 Oct. au 30 Avril, 1871. Lausanne, 1871. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 28.) Nouvelle organisation militaire Suisse, 1874-6. 8vo. Lausanne, 1876. Annuaire pour les Militaires Suisses, 1877-9. i2mo. Berne, 1877-9. Resultate der Aertlichen Recrutenun- tersuchune im Herbste, 1885. 4to. Berne, 18S6. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 9.) Organisation 3ililitaire de la Confedera- tion Suisse. i2m.o. n.p., 1888. L'Annee Suisse. Geneve, 1894-95. Switzerland, Army {con/d.)— Annexes de Manuel de Gymnastiquc. Zurich, 1898. Lois, Ordonnances et Arretes du Conseil Federal concernant I'Organisation des Troupes de TArmee Suisse. i2mo. Berne, 1898. Rapport du Departement Militaire Federal sur sa Gestion en 1898. Pamphlet. 1899. Articles de Droit Penal Militaire ^Pamphlet. up., 1899. Ecoles Militaires en 1899. Pamphlet. Berne, 1899. L'Etat des Officiers de I'Armee Suisse au i'^'' Avril, 1899. Pamphlet. Zurich, 1899. Manuel de Gymnasticjuc. i2mo. Lausanne, 1899. Prescriptions concernant I'Assurance, par la Confederation, des Troupes en Cas d'Accident. Pamphlet. 1899. Militarorganisation der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft. i2mo. up., 1903. Lois, ordonnances et arretes du Conseil Federal concernant lOrganisation des Troupes de I'Armee Suisse. i2mo. n.p., n.d. Gesetze, \'erordnungen und Bundesrats- beschliisse betreflend die Truppenordnung. i2nio. "Pm n d. Rapport du Departement Militaire Federal sur sa Gestion en 1905. Crown 8vo. n.p., n.d. Bericht des Eidgenossischen Militar- departments iiber seine Geschaftsfuhrung im Jahre 1905. Crown 8vo. n.p., 1905. Botschaft des Bundesrates an die Bundesversanimlung, betreflend den Entwurf einer neuen Militarorganisation. Crown 8vo. n.p., 1906. Militarschulen im Jahre 1906. Crown 8vo. n p., 1906. Services Militaires en 1906. Crown 8vo. Berne. 1906. Ordre de Bataille der Schweizerischen Armee, 1 April, 1906. 8vo. Berne, 1906. (For other Works, sec Index.) Sword, Lieutenant W. Denistoun. {Sec Alford. ) Sykes, Captain C. S. Service and Sport on the Tropical Nile. 8vo. Lond. 1903. Sykes, P. W. With Plumer in Matabele- Land. 8vo. Lond. 1897. Sykes, Major P. Molesworth. Ten Thousand Miles in Persia or Eight Years in Iran. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Sykes, Colonel W. H. Special Report on the Statistics of the four collectorates of Dukhun under the British Government. 8vo. Lond. 1838. Special Report on the Statistics of Cadiz. 8vo. Lond. 1838. Notes on the religious, moral, and political state of India before the Maho- medan Invasion. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Buddhism versus Brahminism. Lond. 18.^2. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 16.) Statistics of the Free City of Frankfort- on-the-Main. n.p., 1844. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, voL 39.) SYK 343 TAG Sykes, Colonel W. H. {conhl)— Vital Statistics of the East India Com- pany s Aniiy in India. n.p. [1845]. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 27.) Administration of Civil and Criminal Justice in British India, 1841-44. Lond. 1846. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 27.) Statistics of the Government Charitable Dispensaries of India. Lond. 1847. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 27.) Mortality in the Jails of the 24 Per- gunnahs, Calcutta. Lond. 1849. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 27.) Statistics of Civil Justice in Bengal. Lond. 1849. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 27.) Statistics of Sugar produced within the British Dominions in India. Lond. 1850. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 27.) Mortality and chief diseases of the Troops under the Madras Government. Lond. 185 1. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 27.) Fossil Fish from the Table-Land of the Deccan ; with a description of the Speci- mens, by Sir P. de M. G. Egerton. Lond. 1 85 1. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 27.) Speech on the proposed India Bill. Lond. 1853. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 27.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 49.) Administration of Civil Justice in British India, for a period of four yeans, 1845-8. Lond. 1853. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 27.) Address on the opening of the 103rd Session of the Society of Arts. Lond. 1856. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 45.) Address at the E.I. College at Hailey- bury. Hertford, 1856. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 42 (i).) Account of some Golden Relics dis- covered at Rangoon. Lond. 1859. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 55.) Taeping Rebellion in China. Lond. 1863. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 65.) Organization, strength, and cost of the Engli.sh and French Navies in 1865. Lond. 1866. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 66.) Sykes, Colonel W. H. (avifd.)— Storm Warnings, their importance and practicability. Lond. 1867. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 70.) Analysis of report upon the state of France. Lond. 1868. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 76.) Use of common Thermometers to determine lieights. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 27.) {Src also Crawfurd and Pyle. ) Sylvester, Asst.-Surgeon J. H. Recol- lections of the Campaign in Mahoa and Central India under Major-General Sir Hugh Rose, G.C.B. 8vo. Lond. i860. Sylvester, J. J. Address to the Mathe- matical and Physical Section of the British Association, 1869. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, \o\. 80.) Symes, Lieut.-Colonel Michael. Account of an cn]bas.sy to the Kingdom of Ava. 4to. Lond. 1800. Synionds, J. A. Shelley. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1879. Symonds, Commander T. E., R.N. Ob- servations of the Fisheries of the West Coast of Ireland. 2nd edition. « _ Lond. 1855. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 43 (ii).) Symonds, T. J. Indian Grasses. 8vo. Madras, 1886. Sjrmonds, Admiral Sir Thomas M. C. Our Great Peril if war overtake us with our Fleet deficient. Lond. 1882. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 37.) Naval Defences. Newton Abbot, 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol.'45.) Symons, Lieutenant T. W., U.S. Army. Examination of the Upper Columbia Rivtr. 4to. Wa.shington, 1882. Synge, The Rev. Dr. Edward. Essay towards making the Knowledge of Religion easy to the meanest capacity. 8vo. Lond. 1759. (Radstock Collection. Bound in vol. lettered " Marine Society.") Synge, Captain M. H. Great Britain one Empire. The vm.ion of the dominions of Great Britain. 8vo. Lond. 1852. The Country 7a the Company ; or why British North America may be peopled, and how it may be done. Lond. 1861. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 63.) T. T. Heere und Flotten aller Staaten der Erde. 8vo. Leipzig, 1903. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 70.) Tacitus, Caius Cornelius. Works of Cornelius Tacitus ; by Arthur Murphy : with an essay on the life and genius of Tacitus. 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 1793. Opera, recognovit, emendavit, supple- mentis explevit, notis, dissertationibus, illustravit Gabriel Brotier. Curante et impriiucnte A. J. Valpj-. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1 81 2. Tackels, Captain C. J. Etude sur les Armes se chargeant par la culasse. 8vo. Paris, 1866. Armes de Guerre. Etude pratique sur les Armes se chargeant par la Culasse, les Mitrailleuses et leurs Munitions. 8vo. Paris, 1868. Conferences sur le Tir et projets divers relatifs au nouvel Armement. 8vo. Paris, i86g. Le Nou\el Armement de la Ca\alerie. Huy, 1870. TAC 544 TAY Tackels, Captain C. J. icontd.)— Arnics a Kcu portatives se chargeant par la culassc. Les P'usils Cliassepot tt Albini. Antwerp, ii.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd scries, vol. 74 (ii).) Etude sur Ic Pistolct. 121110. Paris, 11. il. Taillefer, Nugent. Rondeaus of the Hritisli X'oluiitecrs. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1872. Takahashi, Sakuye. Cases on Inter- iiatit)nal Law diiriiis;' the Chino-Japanese War. Bvo. Cambridge, 1899. Talaat, Lieut.-Colonel. {.See Mouzaffer.) Talbot, Gerald F. Organization of the Prussian Ann}'. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 95.) Talleyrand, Le Prince de. Memoirs of the Prince de Talleyrand. Edited by the Due de Broglie, and trans- lated by R. L. de Beaufort and Mrs. Angus Hall. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1891. Memoirs of C. M. Talleyrand de Perigord. By the Author of " The Revo- lutionary Plutarch." 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1895. Talon, Omer. Memoires ; continues par Denis Talon son fils. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols. lx-l.\iii.) Tamerlane. {See Timur.) Tancred, G. Historical Record of Medals and Honorary Distinctions con- ferred on the British Navj% Army, and Au.xiliary Forces, from the earliest period, to which is added the Catalogue of the Collection of Colonel Murray, of Polmaise. 8vo. Lond. 1891. Tangiers. A discourse touching Tanger. Lond. 1680. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 19.) Tangye, Sir R. The Two Protectors : Oliver and Richard Cromwell. 8vo. Lond. 1899. Tardieu, Ambroise. La Colonne de la Grande Armee dAusterlitz, enrige en bronze, sur la place Vendome de Paris. 4to. Paris, 1822, Tariff, Count. Memoirs of Count Tariff. Lond. 1713. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 20.) Tarleton, Lieut. - Colonel Banastre. History of the Campaigns of 1780-1, in the Southern Provinces of North America. 4to. Lond. 1787. Tarnier, E. A. Le Patriotisme en Action. Histoire abregee des gloircs militaires de la France. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1881. Tarver, J. C. Dictionnaire des Verbes Fran9ais. 8vo. Lond. 1821. English-French and French-English Dictionarj'. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1853-4. Tassin. Plans et profilz de toutes les principalles Villes et Lieux considerable de France. Oblong 4to. n.p., 1631. Tate, A. Norman. Petroleum and its piodr.cts. i2ino. Lond. 1863. Tate, J. Roddam. Madeira ; or the Spirit of Anti-Christ in 1846. 8vo. Lond. 1847. Taubert, Captain and Battery Com- mandant, 8th Prussian Regiment of Artillery. Use of Field Artillery on Service, ^vith c-special reference to that of an Army Corps. Translated by H. H. Maxwell. " 8vo. Lond. 1856. Taubert, Otto. Die Sclilachtfelde von Metz. Folio. Berlin, 1894. Taubman, N. Memoirs of the British Fleets and Squadrons in the Mediter- ranean, 1708-9. 8vo. Lond. 1710. (Radstock Collection.) Tavannes, Gaspard de Saulx, Seigneur de. Memoirs. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vols. xxiii-x.\v.) Tavannes,Guillaume de Saulx, Seigneur de. Choses advenues en France es Guerres Civiles, 1560 a 1596. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vol. XXXV.) Tavernier, Jean Baptiste. Travels in India. Translated, with a biographical sketch of the author by V. Ball. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1889. Tayler, Rear-Admiral J. N. Plans for the formation of Harbours of Refuge, improvement of rivers and sea ports : with suggestions for ameliorating the condition of Seamen. 4to. Plymouth, 1840. Defence of the Coast of Great Britain. Lond. 1848. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 39.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 46 (i).) Taylor, Arthur. Glory of Regality : an historical treatise of the anointing and crowning of the Kings and Queens of England. 8vo. Lond. 1820. Taylor, Dr. Brook. {See Edwards, E.) Taylor, Fred., late 8th Hussars. Organ- ization of Irregular Cavalry- Bengal, 1857. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 61.) Taylor, Sir Herbert. Last illness and decease ot H.R.H. the Duke of York 7th edition. Lond. 1827. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. y] (i).) Taylor, Janet. Lunar Tables : by which the true distance is obtained. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Planisphere of the Fixed Stars. Lond. 1846. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 7.) Directions for using the Planisphere of the Stars. 8vo. Lond. 1846. Taylor, John, and The Rev. R. Sheep- shanks. Correspondence respecting the Liverpool Observatory. Lond. 1845. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 39.) TAY TEN Taylor, Meadows. Students' Manual of the History ot India. 31-d edition. 8vo. Lond. 1877. Taylor, Michael. Sexagesimal Tables. 4to. Lond. 1780. Tables of Logarithms of all numbers from I to 101,000; and of the sine.s and tangents to every second of the Quadrant : with preface and explanation by Nevil Maskelyne. 4to. Lond. 1792. Taylor, Pringle. Narrative touching ;\Iilitary Punishments, Discipline, Censure, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Taylor, Lieut.-General Reyuell. Notes on the Afghan Question. 8vo. Paignton, 1878. (Pamphlets, 3rd scries, vol. 54.) Taylor, Lieut.-General Richard, Con- federate Army. Destruction and Reconstruction ; personal experiences ot" the late war in the United States. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Taylor, Richard. Scientific Memoirs. 5 vols. 8\-o. Lond. 1837. Taylor, Thomas E. Running the Blockade : a personal narrative of adven- tures and escapes during the American War. 8vo. Lond. 1896. Taylor, Walter H. Four Years with General Lee, in the war between the States. 8vo. New York, 1878. General Lee. His Campaigns in Virginia, 1861-1865. 8vo. Norfolk, Va., 1906. Taylor, William. Scenes and Adven- tures in Afghanistan. 8vo. Lond. 1842. T. B. C. War Policy for Greater Britain. Lond. 1901. (Pamphlet, 3rd series, vol. 66.) Tebb, W. The Recrudescence of Leprosy. 8vo. Lond. 1893. Tebbut, Captain L. (.sv^ Ca\ e.) Tecklenborg, H. Internationales Wor- terbuch der Marine. 8vo. Bremen, 1870. Teeling, Captain Bartle. Military Maxims and apophthegms of Commanders. i2mo. Lond. 1881. Teeling, Charles Hamilton. Personal narrative of the Irish Rebellion of 1798. 8vo. Lond. 1828. Tegg, Thomas. Chronology, or the Historian's Companion. 3rd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1824. Teichelmann, The Rev. C. G., and The Rev. C. W. Schnrmann. Outlines of a grammar and vocabulary, and phrase- ology' of the aboriginal language of South Australia. 8vo. Adelaide, 1840. Telegraph. Handbook of Communication by Tele- graph ; describing the various methods. Lond. 1842. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 27.) North Atlantic Telegraph ; via the Faroe Isles, Iceland, and Greenland. Lond. 1861. Great North Atlantic Telegraph Route. Lond. 1866. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 5.) (For other Works, see Index.) Telemeter. Experience de guerre faite en Russie avec le Telemetre le Boulenge. 8vo. Brussels, 1876. Telfer, Commander J. Buchan, R.N. The Crimea and Transcaucasia ; being the narrative of a journey in the Kouban, in Gouria, Georgia, Armenia, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Telford, T. Charts and Plans referred to in Mr. Telford's Report and Survey on the Communication between England and Ireland bv the North-West of Scotland. Folio. Lond. 1809. Tellenbach, Major. Art of operating under the enemy's fire. Translated by Captain C. W. Robinson. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 96.) Tempelhofi", General. (Sec Lloyd.) Temple, Edmond. Travels in various parts of Peru, including a year's residence in Potosi. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Temple, Major Sir Gren-sdUe T. Excursions in the Mediterranean ; Algiers and Tunis. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Travels in Greece and Turkey, being the Second part of " Excursions in the Mediterranean." ?. vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Sketch of the Campaign of Kostantinah in 1837. 4to. Lond. 1879. Temple, Sir Richard. Men and events of my time in India. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Oriental Experience. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Cosmopolitan Essays. 8vo. Lond. 1B86. Journals kept in Hyderabad, Kashmir, Sikkim and Nepal. Edited by Capt. R. C. Temple. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Lord Lawrence. Crown 8\ o. Lond. 1889. Weak points in our Indian Frontier. Lond. 1889. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 49.) James Thomason. Crown 8vo. Oxford, 1893. Temple, Sir William, Bart. Memoirs. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd [^series, vol. Ixiv.) Temple-Leader, John, and Giuseppe Marcotti. Sir John Hawkwood (L'Acuto;. Story of a Condottiere. Translated from "the Italian hy Leader Scott. 4to. Lond. 1889. Templer, Mrs. H. A labour of Love under the Red Cross, during the late war. 8vo. Guernsey, 1872. Tenhove, Nicholas. Memoirs of the House of Medici. Translated, with notes and observations, bv Sir Richard Clayton. 2 vols. 4to. " Bath, 1797. Tennant, Colonel J. F. Report on the preparations for, and observations ot the Transit of Venus, at Roorkee and Lahore, Dec. 8th, 1874. 4to. Calcutta, 1877. TEN 346 THO Tenot, Eugene. Lcs Noir.elles Defenses de la France. Tome 1. Paris et ses Fortifications, 1S70-80 8vo. Paris, 1880. Tome 2. La Fronticrc, 1870-82. 8v(i. Paris, 1882. Tenterden, Charles, Lord. Treatise of the Law relatins: to Mcrcliaiit Ships and Seamen. 6th edition, by W. Shee. 8vu. Lond. 1840. Teonge, The Eev. Henry. Diary in His Majesty's .Ships "Assistance," "Bristol," " Roj-al Oak,'" from 1675 to 1679. 8vo. Lond. 1825. Terquem. (^Scv Kerhallet.) Terry, Charles. New Zealand ; its ad- vantages and prospects as a British Colony-. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Terry, C. S. The Life and Campaigns of Alexander Leslie, First Earl of Leven. Svo. Lond. 1899. Terry, Samuel. H istory of Samuel Terry in Botany Bay. Lond. 1838. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 36.) Terstyanzky, A. Das strategische Verhaltniss des Serbisch-Bosnischen und Bulgarischen Kriegsschauplatzers gegen- iiber dem Oesterreichisch-Ungarischen Staate. "Vienna, 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 46.) Testa, G. B. History of the War of Frederick L against the Communes of Lombard^-. 8vo. Lond. 1877. Teste, Dr. Manuel pratique de Mag netisme Animal. Exposition methodique des procedes employes pour produire les Phenomenes Magnetiques. 8vo. Paris, 1840. Tettau, Freiherr von. Die Russische Armee. In Einzelschriften. Hefte I., II., III. and IV. Svo. Berlin, 1899. Teyler, Johannis. Architectura Militaris. 4to. Rotterdam, 1697. Thackeray, Colonel E. T., R.E. T\\o Indian Campaigns in 1857-58. Crown 8vo. Chatham, 1896. Thackwell, E. J. Narrative of the Second Sikh "War, 1848-9. 8vo. Lond. 1851. Thames Tunnel. Explanation of the works of the Thames Tunnel. i6th edi- tion. Lond. 1862. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 81.) Theal, George M'Call. Compendium of the History and Geographj' of .South Africa, ^rd edition. Svo. Lond. 1878. History of the Boers in South Africa. 8vo. Lond. 1887. History of South Africa, i486- 1872. 6 vols. Svo. Lonil. 1 888-1 893. The Beginning of South African His- tory. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Progress of South Africa in the Century. Svo. Lond. 1902. Theology. Idee Generale de la Theologie Paycnne. i2mo. Amsterdam, 1699. Thesiger, Lieut.-Colonel Hon, F. A. .Strategy. Bombay, 1863. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 61 (ii).) Thiebault, Le General Paul. .Manuel des .\djudans Cicnerau.x et des adjoiiits employes dans lcs Etats-Majors divisionnaires des Armees. Svo. Paris, An viii (1801). Journal of the Military Operations during the Blockade and Siege of Genor ; with a summary view of the situation of the .\rm3r of Italj-. Translated by John Mauude. Svo. Lond. 1809. Relation de I'expedition du Portugal faite en 1807 et 1808. Par le ler Corps d'Observation de la Gironde, devenu Armee de Portugal. Svo. Paris, 1817. Memoires du General Baron Thiebault. Publiees .Sous les Auspices de .sa fille Mile. Claire Thiebault, d'apres le Manu- scrit original, par Fernand Calmettes. 4 vols. Svo. Paris, 1 893-1 895. The Memoires of Baron Thiebault. Translated and condensed by A. J. Butler. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S96. Thielmann, Lieutenant Baron Max von. Journey in the Caucasus, Persia, and Turkej' in Asia. Translated by Charles Heneage. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1875. Thierry, A. Histoire de la Conquete de TAngleterre par les Normans. 5th edition. 4 vols. Svo. Paris, 1838. Lettres sur I'Histoire de France. 6th edition. Svo. Paris, 1839. Thierry, Le Capitaine de. Extrait d'un memoii-e sur le Chcvalet Beige. Folio. n p., 1S49. Thiers, A. Histoire du Consulat et de I'Empire. 21 vols. Svo. Paris, 1845-69. Atlas to ditto. Folio. (See also Palmerston. ) Thiers, A., and Felix Bodin. Histoire de la Revolution Francaise, accompagnee d'une Histoire de la Revolution de 1355, ou des Etats-Generaux sous le Roi Jean. 10 vols. Svo. Paris, 1823-7. Thimm, C. A. A Complete Bibliography of the Art of Fence. Comprising that of the Sword and of the Baj-onet, Duelling, &c. i2mo. Lond. 1 891. Arabic Self-Taught. Crown Svo. Lond. 1899. Dutch Self-taught. Svo. Lond. 1904. Hindustani Ciranmiar Self-taught. 2nd edition. Crown Svo. Lond. 1907. Thirion, A. Sou\cnirs Militaires. Crown Svo. Paris, 1892. Thirlwall, Connop. History of Greece. 8 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1839. Thival, Louis. Role des Localities a la Guerre, attaque et defense des villes ouvertes, bourgs, villages, hameaux, fermes. "W^ith Atlas. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1880. Thorn, Adam. Emmanuel : both the germ and the outcome of the .Scriptural Alphabets, and the metallic image. A Pentaglot Miniature. Svo. Lond. 1S85. Thorn, Alexander. Nature and cotirse of Storms in the Indian Ocean south of the Equator. Svo. Lond. 1845. THO 347 THO Thomann, Le Capitaine E. Armcmcnt, Instruction, Or.T™ff^iiiark-^ on his tiyal _ xlcquitmcnt. Loud. 1091. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. i.) Speech occasion'd by the Ingagenient at Scii 1)11 tlie 30th of June, 1690, between the Confederate and French Fleets. 8vo. Lond. 1710. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Totten, Lieutenant B. J., U.S. Navy. Naval Text-Book. 8vo. Boston, 1841. Totten, Lieutenant C. A. L. U.S. Army. Strategos : a series of American games of war. Bvo. New York, 1880. Atlas of plates to ditto. 4to. Touchard, Le Vice-Amiral V. La De- fense des Frontiei-es Mai-itimes. Paris, 1877. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 40.) Toulongeon, Le Marquis de. Unc Mission iVIilitaire en Prusse, en 1786. Recit d'un voyage en AUemagne et obser- vations sur les manoeuvres de Potsdam et de Magdebourg. Edited by J. Finot and Roger Gahniche Bouvier. 8vo. Paris, 1 88 1. Tourines, Albert. Vadier, le President du Coniite de Siirete Generale sous !a Terreur. Svo. Paris, 1898. Tournadre, Le Capitaine de. Lettres a Plok — La Cavalerie depuis, 1870. Svo. Paris, 1906. Toussenel, T. Precis Chronologique de I'Histoire de France : pour servir de texte explicative aux planches d'apres la collec- tion des Medailles Historique des Roi de France. 410. Paris, 1845. Toutee, Le Commandant. Dahome, Niger, Touareg. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1897. Tovey, Lieut.-Colonel, R.E. Martial Law and the Custom of War. gvo. Lond. 1886. Military Law, with a chapter on the Military Law of Foreign States. 8vo. Chatham, 1887. Elements of Strategy. Svo. Lond. 1887. The Elements of Strategy. New edition. Revised and edited by T. Miller Maguire. 8vo. Lond. 1904. The Elements of Strategy. 2nd edition. Revised and edited by T. Miller Maguire, M.A. Lond. 1906. Townsend, G. (Sec Hunt, Captain G. H.) Townsend, The Rev. G. F. Siege of Colchester ; or an event of the Civil War, 1648- 8vo. Lond. n.d. Townsend, G. H. Men of the Time. 7th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Townshend, Colonel. The Militarj' Life of Field-Marshal George, ist Marquess Townshend, 1724-1807. Svo. Lond. 1 90 1. Towson, J. T. Tables to facilitate the practice of Great Circle Sailing, ami the determination of Azimuths. 2nd edition. Lond. 1848. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 42 (ii).) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 15.) Tables for the reduction of E.\-Meridian Altitudes. Lond. 1849. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 42 (ii).) Ditto, ditto. 6th edition. Svo. Lond. 1856. Toxophilite Society, Royal. History of the Rinal Toxophilite Soi-ict}'. Svo. Lond. 1867. Toynbee, Captain H., R.N. Our Sailors' wants, and how to meet them. 2nd edition. Lond. 1865. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 66.) Specific Gravity, temperature, and currents of the Seas passed through during voyages from England to India. Lond. 1865. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 66.) Mercantile Marine Legislation, as affecting the number and efiiciency of British Seamen. Lond. 1867. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 71.) Weather Forecasting for the British Islands. i2ino. Lond. 1890. Tozer, Captain A., R.N. Plan for pro- viding a supply of Seamen, and for con- stituting the .Seamen of the Mercantile Navy a Naval Reserve. Svo. Plj'mouth, 11. d. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Tracts. Collection of scarce and interest- ing Tracts. Written upon the most important Political and Commercial Sub- jects, 1763-70. 4 vols. Svo. Lond. 1788. Tracy, Hanbury, and Lord Brassey. Speeches in favour of abolishing a separate and distinct branch of Ofticers for Navi- gating Duties. Lond. 1872. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 15.) Trade. Consequences of Trade as to the wealth and strength of any Nation. Svo. Lond. 1740. (Radstock Collection, Spanish War.) (For other Works, see Index.) Traill, H. D. Sterne. Crown Svo. Lond. 1882. Lord Straftbrd. Crown Svo. Lond. 1889. England, Egypt, and the Soudan. Svo. Lond. 1900. Traill, Thomas W. Chain Cables and Chains. Folio. Lond. 1885. Transits. Transits as observed, and calculation of the Apparent Right Ascen- sions. With which are bound " Bessel's Refraction Tables." 4to. n.p., 1834. Trant, Captain T. Abercromby. Narra- tive of a journey through Greece in 1830, with remarks upon the actual state of the Naval and Military power of the Ottoman Empire. Svo. Lond. 1830. TRE 351 TRI Treaties. Breve Ristretto de Capitol! della Pace Generale stabilita nella Citta di Ratisbona il di 13 Ottobre ranno 1630. Florence, 1630. (Pamphlets, and series, vol. 19.) Convention between the Crowns of Great Britain and Spain concluded at the Pardo, Jan. 14th, 1739. Lond. 1739. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, \^ol. 19.) Extracts from the several Treaties sub- sisting between Great Britain and other Kingdoms and States, relating to the duty and conduct of the Commanders of H.B.M. •Ships of War. 4to. Lond. 1741. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. 4to. Lond. 1758. Extracts from the recent Treaties between Great Britain and Russia, Den- mark, and Sweden, relating to the duty and conduct of Commanders of H. M. Ships of War. 4to. Lond. 1803. Traite et conventions conclus entre la France et les Puissances Alliees, le 20 Nov., 1815. Paris, 1815. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 2.) Le Traite de Paris. Paris, 1856. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 17.) (For other Works, see Index and Catalogue of Parliamentary Papers.) Trebeck, Geo. {See Moorcroft.) Tredgold, Thomas. Steam Navigation, and its protection, regulation, and encouragement. Lond. 1825. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 5.) The Steam Engine, its invention and progressive improvement. New edition, edited by W. S. B. Woolhouse. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1838. Appendices. A and B. Experiments on the Dis- turbance of the Compass in Iron Built .Ships, made by G. B. Airy. 4to. Lond. 1840-41. C. Gorgon Engines as fitted on board II. M.S. "Cyclops,"' by Samuel Clegg, Junior. 4to. Lond. 1842. D. On the Archimedean Screw, or Submarine Propellor, bj- Elijah Gallo- way. 4to. Lond. 1842. Folio Plates to Appendices A. B. C. Essay on the Strength of Cast Iron. 4th edition, with notes by Eaton Hodgkin- son. To which are added Experimental Researches on the strength and other properties of Cast Iron : by the Editor. 2 vols. ovo. Lond. 1842-46. Treitschke, Heinrich von. Zehn Jahre Deutscher Kampfe. Schriften zur Tages- politik. 2 vols. 3rd edition. 8vo. Berlin, 1897. Trench, Major F. Manoeuvre Orders.' 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1899. Trengrouse, Henry. Shipwreck investi- gated, and a remedy provided in a portable and practicable Life .Saving Apparatus. Falmouth, 1817. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 13.) Trery, W. Gr. Study book of civil and mechanical Engineering. Parts 1-4. Folio. Lond. n.d. Trevelyan, Sir Charles E. The Ikitish Army in 1868. Lond. 1868- (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 75.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 86.) {See also Fonblanque.) Trevelyan, G. M. Garibaldi's Defence of tlie Roman Republic. 8vo. Lond. 1907. Trevelyan, Sir G. 0. Cawnporc. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Speeches on Army Reform. Lond. 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 86.) Speech delivered on the second reading of the Army Regulation Bill. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 87.) The American Revolution. Vols. Lond. 1903. (Sec also Cecil.) Treves, F. The Tale of a Field Hospital. 8vo. Lond. 1900. „ Sir F. The Other Side of the Lantern. 8vo. Lond. 1905. Trevithick, Francis. Life of Richard Trevithick, with an account of his inven- tions. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. Lond. 1872. Trevor-Battye, A. Ice-bound on Kolguev. 8vo. Lond. 1893. A Northern Highwaj- of the Tsar. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1898. Trials. Tryal, attainder, or condemnation ot Sir John Fenwick, Bart. Folio. Hague, 1697. Trial of John Hamilton Moore for pirating a chart. 8vo. Lond. 1798. (Bound in vol. lettered " Sailing- Directions.") Trial of William Codling, John Reid, William Macfarlane, and George Easterby for destrojnng the Brig "Adventure.' 8vo. Lond. 1803. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Berkeley v. Whiting, Parsons and Congreve for Libel. 8vo. Lond. 1804. (Radstock Collection.) Trial by impeachment of Henry Lord Viscount Melville, for high crimes and misdemeanors. 8vo. Lond. 1806. (Radstock Collection.) Daly V. Rolles. Report of the Trial between Mr. Daniel Daly, late Midshipman of H.M.S. "Lion" and Robert Rolles, late Captain of the said .Ship. 8vo. Lond. 1808. Draper. Trial of Lieut. -Col. Edward Alured Draper for a libel against the Rt. Hon. John .Sullivan. 8vo. Lond. 1808. Trial of Lord Cochrane and others for a Conspiracy. 8vo. Lond. 1814. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) TRI '* c -» J3- 'IKO Trials {om/d.) - Report of tlic trial ol an Action ljrouyl\t liy Ml-. William Hauf against Vii-f- Aiiiniial Sii- Cliarlfs Hamilton, liart. l.oiul. l82.|. (l'aMii)lilets, 2n(l scries, vol. 2.) Morton v. I5ari:lay ; for infringenienl of :i I'atcnt slij) liy wliicli Nliips ;irc liaiilcd out ottlu- watiT, ii|i an inclined i)lanc, lor ivi)airs, \c. li-ith, i8ji. (Naval I'aniiililcts, vol. iii.) Trial of Alexander McLeod for tlu- inuriUT of Amos Diirlcc. 8vo. VVasliington, i8.)i. Report of tlif I'ron-edings in the Queen's Hcmli taUtii by l.i<-nl.-(ii-n. ll"- Karl of CardiKan on a|)i>lyin,n for a Criminal information for lilu-l against I.iiMit.-Col. the lion. Somi-rsel John (aiUKli Ciiltlioriie. Hvo. l-ond. i8(>?. Statement and remarks upon the .Affi- davits lilrd I.V l.lrill.-( nl. ( ^lil In iil)e. Hvo. I.niid. i8(i.|. i.S/c ,iAw ((mils Mailial.) Trimen, Captain Richard. KcKinienis of the British .Xnny, chi oiioioKR'aily arr.iiiKed. 8vo. 1 ond. 1878. Trinity House. Royal Charier of C'onliini.ition planted hy lames 11. to the Trinity House of lieii'llord Stroud, the (iiant of I'.li/ahelh of tlie BallastaKf, HeaconaKf. and HiioyaKe, (Jranlof Charles II., Orders, Coiistilntion and Hye Laws. 8vo. l.oiul. 1OK5. (Radslock Collection.) Reports on I-'o}; Sij^nals. 1 \ ols. I'oiio. l.oiul. lo/o. Corres])oiulcnce and icports on trials of I'lleeliic l.iulil-- al the Soiilli I'onl.ind. Kolio. I Olid. 1877. l'"og Si^nids. I'art z. Furtlier correspondence and reports in relation to the utilization of (.1111 Cotton and Cotton I'owder for FoK .Signal I'liriioses, with ri'ferenee to the (levelopmeiit of the Soiiiul Rocket, {■'olio. l.oiid. 1878. (j'oi- other Works, ,svr liide.x.) Tripier, Louis, (ode de Justice Miiilaire pom- I'.Xrnuede Mer, ex|>li(|iie par I'expost:- des motifs. Paris, 1858. Tristan, Jean. Commentaires hisloriques, conlrii.ins rilistoiie .uineiale des Km- l>(ieiiis, lm|iei,itiices, Casals, et Tyiaiis de ri'.in|.iiv Komaiii. ,i vols. Folio. Paris, 1637. Trochu, Le General. l.'.\rint-e l''raiiraise en 1867. 8vo. r.uis, 1 867. l.es Institutions Miiitaires de la France. 8vo. ''"'■•^. i*^/V- line i)aj,a- d'histoire contemporaine (levant I'Assemlilee Natioiiale. Paris, 1871. (Paniphlel-., 2nd series, vol. 95.) L'Arniee Franc^aise en 1879. 2nd edition. 121110. Paris, 1880. Ditto, ditto. Hvo. P.uis, i88j. La Societe, I'Ktat, r.\ini<-e. 8vo. Tours, 1896. Lo Siege de Paris. 8vo. Paris, 1896. Trollope, Anthony. .\ustr,di.i and .\eu /.i.d.uid. 2 vols. 8vo. l.oiul. 1875. .South Africa. 2 vols. 8vo. Fond. 1878. lliai ker.iy. C'rown 8vo. l.oiul. 1870. Tronip, T. H. A. N a vires Cuirassi^s de r.\iiL;letei II', de la Fiance et de lAlU- ma^iir. |to. I'trecht, 18^0. Troschke, T. F. von. ICrnsi Siegfried Mittl.i ; (ill l.elxiishild. Merlin, 1870. ( P.implilets, 2nd series, vol. 83.) Trotha, Colonel J. von. lutrodiution to llie eiii|ilo\iiieiit of the Kriexs - Spit I - Apparatus. rianslated by laeut.-Col. W. C. Maiicroft. Wiesbaden, 1872. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 100.) Trotha, Captain Thilo. von. .Anleitung /ur Darstellung von Cesechts- bilderii mittelstdes Krie>,'.s-si)iel-Ai)|)aiates. Hvo. Heilin, 187.1. 1 )er Ix.inipl urn Plewna. 8\'o lierliii, 1S78, Der Polnische Aufstand im Jalire 1863. l-l\'o. i'.iilin, it.'95. I'actical Studies on the Battles around Plevna. Tiauslated by isl Lieutenant C. Keichmaii, U..S. ,\niiy. 8vo. Lond. 1896. Trotman, John. Naval lL,.xpenditure and Admiralty Ad- ministrati'.'ii. Lond. 187J. (Panipiilets, 3rd series, vol. 21.) .\dmiralty anchor scandal. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. :;4.) Letter anent Ailmiralty .Misrule, lUun- derini;, and Phuiderillf;-. Lond. 1889. I P.impliiels, 3rd series, vol. 50.; Trotter, Captain Henry, R.E. Aciount of the Siir\i-\' Operations in connection with the Mission to ^'arkaiul and Kash- y^v.Wy i-7,i-|- Ito. Calcutta, 1875. Trotter, Captain L. J. ilist(ny of the IVritish lCm])ire in India, i8.||-6j. .; \()1s. 8vo. Lond. 1 8^)0. Warren Hastings: a biography. Svo. Loud. 1878. Lord Lawrence. .\ .Skt'tch of his Public Career. 121110. Loud. 1880, Life of the Maripiis of D.illiousie. Hvo. Loud. 1889. Warren Hastings. C'rown Hvo. Oxford, 1890. 'I'he Lileof Jolin N icholson, Soldier and Administrator. 8vo. Loud. 1897. A Leailer of Light Horse llodson of Hodson's Horse. Svo. Lond. 1901. The Huyard of Lulia : A Life of General Sir James Outiam, Hart., (J.C.H. Svo. Lond. 11^03. 'File Larl of .\ui kl.iiul. C'rown Hvo. Oxford, 190 ;. Trotter, Dr. T. Plan for maiuiing the Uoyal .Navy without im|)ressuieiit. Newcastle, iHie. (Nav.d P.iinphlels, vol. 8.) Troilde, 0. P.al.ulii's Navales de La I'laiice. .) vols. Hvo. Paris, 1867. Trower, Captain, C. F. Hints on I rregu- lar Ca\idiy ; its Couformatioii, Mananc- meiit, and I'se ill both a Military and Political Point of \'iew. 8vo. Calcutta, 18 |-,. TRO J5J TUR Troyes, Jean de. (."liKiniquos. (I'otitot's C"olli\'lioii, 1st scries, vols, xiii and xiv.) Troyon, F. Habitations Lacustros ilos ti-mps iUH'ii'iis ct moiliTiU", 8vo. l..'Uisaniu-, 1800. Tnichses-Waldbuvt;:, Count. Nanaii\o of N.i|hO. Ucilli-, 1870. Tucker, B. Rt^pon on tlic lonnalion of a Rii.ulslc.ul witliin llir l^l.iiuK .ilSrilly. l.ond. 1810. (N.nal I'aniphli'Is, \-ol, h.) Tucker, J. S. Memoirs ot' Aduiii.il l\\v Kii;l>l ll>'ii. IIk- Karl o[ SI. N'liu-.iit. 3 l>ls. 8\ll. 1 iMul. 18 1 |. Tucker, W. Guise. Rei-olli-i lions oi a C'li.i|il,iin in llu- Isoyal Navw 8\m. I on.l. i88(.. Tuckett, Harvey. Imlian Rcvomio Sysli'iii as it is. 8\ii. I cihiI. i8.)i>. Tuckey, Captain J. K., R.N. N.m,iti\c 111 an cxpcililiiui to r\pli>ir llu- Kivt-r Zairi", ii.siially ralli-il tin- (.'oii.m', in i8i(). To whioli is added tlie loninal nt' I'rdt'essor Smilli. .ito. " I (ind. 1818. Tuetey, Louis. Semiit-r, 17.1.! iSk). 8\ii. r.n is, i8i)<). Tullocli, Colonel A. B. lilenientaiy l.eitnres on MiHl.ii\' Law. 8vi). ' 1 nlld. 187:2. Natal aiul (he /nlns. N.it.d, 1885. (l'anipl\leis, ^rd series, vol. 42.) Memos lor l'"ielil l'"irin_s.^' .and Attack. Natal, 1885. (I'amphlels, ;,rd series, vol. .(5.) Memor.nul.i on .Atl.ui., I'Oiinalion. C.nio, 1887. (^I'.im|)lilels, ^rd serit's, vol. 45.) „ Major-General A. B. !)( leiKc (iT .Anslralia. Mellinuriie, i8i)i. ( I'.iinpldels, 3rd series, vol. 59.) Recolleelions of l'"oily ^'ears' Service. 8vo. l.ond. ii)o;. Lecture on ihe .\n\iliar\- l''orces, ^iven to the VaM nl S.nll.intI r.icli.'al .Soi'iety. 8vo. I (linliinj^h, 11)05. (Pamphlets, 3ril series, vol. In).) Tunzelmann, G. W. de. Wireless Tele- ^rapliy. A I'opulai- I'.xposilinn. .Mid cdi tion. Crown 8vo. I mid. ojc'. Tupinier, M. le Baron. I )iniensions ol liie .Siiip', ilto, dillo. 4 \x)ls. 1 .'mo. r,n is, 177.). M.iish.d I'menne. Uy the .Author ol " .\ 1 lie ol .Sn Kciiclm'ni.nhy." 8vo. l.ond. igo7. (Sir ,)/so IVlilol's Collet lion, 1st .series, vol. XXXV. "l (For olhei Works, s.r liid.'x.) Turkey. .Mihl.irx (.'osUnne ol Tnrkev. l''olio. l.oiul. i8i8. Correspondeiue, |)apers, iVi., respectinj; the linlits and piivilei;es ol' the Latin and (h'eek (.'Innihes in I'mkey ; hostilities with Rnssia ; niilitaiy alknrs in .\si.uie Tinkey ; and the re-estahlislimeni ol re.uc' .-vols. 8vo. l.ond. i8r,.|-(). O'or ollu 1 Works, siY Index.) Turley, E. A. h'iist lines ot I'.dncition. 8\o. Woni'slri, 1 8.<(). Turnbull, Lieut.-Colonel J. R. h^ssay on Kill nitini; on the system ol Ueleiieil Payments. 8vo. LoikI. 1875. (Pamphlets, ^iil stM'ies, vol. i.^l Turnbull, Lieutenant M. J. the I'oriii Is .\ssist.int. Ojiloni; po. C.il.iitta, 18.18. Turner, Major-General A. E., C.B. I'he Uelreat I'rom Moscow and Passage ol iIk' Heresina. Wonlwieh, iBijS. (Pamnhlels, 3rd series, vt)l. 5<).) h'tom W'eissenhiir^' to Seilaii. l.ond. irti)i). I i'.imphlets, ^rd series, \ol. £;<;.) (.S',r ,»/s<. .Sehrll.) Turner, George. Di'scriplion ol iinpiovi-d miht.ii)' .md other Tents, \e. l.ond. 1858, (P.imphlels, Jiid series, \()I. 59.) 1 )illo, dillo. ^.Second copy.) ( P.nnpiiiels, .'ml seiies, \i>l. S3.) M.mpiisc , el I'enles. l.ond. 1851). I, P.iinplilels, Jiul seiies, vol. 83.) Turner, H. Lieid Loniiic.iiion : with L.\ainpli-s .Hid .\iis\\ 11 s. ;i\ o. I oiul. 18.IJ. Turner, Sir James. I'.ili.is Armata. Mililar\' Lssayes olllic .1111 iiospects of the (irand Trunk Railway of Canada. Lond. 1867. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 70.) Tyndall, John. Heat considered as a mode of motion. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Sound. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Researches on Diamagnetism and Magne-Crj-stallic Action. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Fragments of Science for unscientific people. 8vo. Lond. 1871. Lessons in Electricity at the Royal Institution, 1875-6. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Tynte, C. K. Sketch of the late Revo- lution in France: or "La Grande Semaine." i2mo. Lond. 1830. Tyrrell, J. W. Across the Sub-Arctics of Canada. 8vo. Lond. 1898. Tytler, The Hon. A. F. Essay on Military Law and the Practice of Courts Martial. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1806. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. Revised by Charles James, 8vo. Lond. 18 14. „ The Hon. A. F., Lord Woodhouselee. Liniversal History, from the Creation of the World to the beginning of the i8th Century. 3rd edition. 6 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1839. Tytler, Patrick Praser. Lives of Scottish Worthies. 3 vols, i2mo. Lond. 1831-40. Histor}' of Scotland, 1249-1587. 8 vols. 8vo. F!dinburii;h, 1 841-2. u. ITbiez. La Cavalerie Francaise en 1884. 2nd edition. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1886. " ITbique." Modern Warfare. 8vo. Lond. 1903. TJchatius, General. {See Lenz.) UfanO, Diego. Tratado de la Artilleria y uso della Platicado. 4to. Brussels, 1613. Uganda. Notes on the Geography, Government, and Inhabitants of Uganda, with a Sketch of its History to 1892. (Prepared in the Intell. Division, War Office, by Captain Hubert Foster, R.E.) Lond. 1892. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 10.) Precis of Information concerning the Uganda Protectorate. Official Cop^-. Compiled in the Intelligence Division, War Office, by Brevet-Major E. M. Woodward. 8vo. Lond. 1902. (For other Works, see Index.) TJjfalvy de Mezo-Kovesd, C. E. de. Le Kohistan, le Ferghanah et Kouldja ; avee un Appendice sur la Kachgharie. 8vo. Paris, 1878. TJlloa, Don Antonio de. Noticias Americanus Entretenimientos Phisicos-Historicos sobre la America Meridional j' la .Septentrional Oriental. 8vo. Madrid, 1772. El Eclipse de Sol con el anillo refractorio de sus rayos, June 4th, 1778. Madrid, 1779. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. i.) Ulrich, G. H. F. {See Selwyn.) Underwood, Lieut.-Colonel W. C. The British War Horse. Lond. 1893. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 57.) Ditto, ditto. (Second Copy.) Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 59.) UND 355 UNI Underwood, Lieut. - Colonel W. C. (cojttd.) — A Plea for Conscription in Great Britain. Lond. 1901. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 64.) linger, L. A. Histoire critique des Exploits et Vicissitudes de la Cavalerie. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1848-49. Unger, Major-Greneral W. von. Bliicher. 8vu. Berlin, 1907. United Service Institution, Royal. Report of the Executive Committee appointed to arrange the purchase of the Model of the field and battle of Waterloo. 4to. Lond. 1842. Visit to the United Service Institution in 1849. Lond. 1849. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 90.) United Service Institution of India. {Sec India.) United States. American State Papers, relative to the War between the United States and Great Britain. 2 vols in one. 8vo. Lond. 1795. (Radstock Collection.) American State Papers and Corre- spondence, containing Papers relative to the Annexation of Holland to France, repeal of the Berlin and Milan Decrees, English and Irish Budget, French .State Papers, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1812. (Radstock Collection, American Pamphlets.) Documents on the subject of British Impressments of American Seamen. 8vo. Lond. 1812. (Radstock Collection, American Pamphlets.) Lyceum of Natural History of New York. Annals. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1824-8. Fourteenth Annual Report of the Trustees of the State Lunatic Hospital at Worcester. Boston, 1847. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 42 (ii).) Report on the Overland Emigration Route from Minnesota to Oregon. St. Paul, 1858. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 70.) Canal connecting the Mississippi River with the Gulf of Mexico. 8vo. Washington, 1874. Annual Report of Operations of the Life Saving Service, 1876, 1879-1881, and 1883. Report of the Board appointed to test Iron, Steel, and other metals. 2 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1881. Progress Report of the Mississippi River Commission. 8vo. Washington, 1881. Regulations for Lighting Bridges over Navigable Rivers. 410. Washington, 1883. Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currencj'. 8vo. Washington, 1885. Ceremonies at the Twenty-fifth Anni- versary American Academy of Music. Philadelphia, April 15, 1890. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1890. United States {contd)— Report of the Executive Committee of the National Relief Commission, 1898-99. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1899. Compilation of Narratives of Explora- tions in Alaska. Official. 8vo. Washington, 1900. Engi/icers^ American Society of Civil. Transactions and Proceedings, 1874' to date. 8vo. New York, 1874- . Constitution, By-Laws, and List of Members. 8vo. New York, 1884. Ditto, ditto. 8vo. New York, 1886. Geological ami Geographical Survey. Annual Reports. 1880 to date. 8vo. Monographs. 188:? to date. 4to. Railways. Report of the Directors of the Boston-. and Worcester Railroad. Boston, 1847. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 42 (ii).) Annual Reports of the Railroad Cor- porations in the State of Massachusetts for 1846. Boston, 1847. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 42 (ii).) SmitJisoiiiaii Institution. Annual Report of the Board of Regents 1867, 1868, and 1870 to date. 8vo. Washington, 1868- . List of Foreign Correspondents. 8vo. Washington, 1882. Bureau of Ethnology. 1887 to date.. 8vo. Washington, United States, Army. Military Reconnaissance from Fort Leavenworth in Missouri, to San Diego, in California. 8vo. Washington, 1848. Sword Exercise arranged for military' instruction : by H. E. Waj-ne. i2mo. Washington, 1850. Army Meteorological Register, 1843-54. 4to. Washington, 1855. The Tent Knapsack invented by an Officer of U.S.A. New York, i860. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 60.) Handy - Book for the U.S. Soldier.. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1861. Report on Permanent Fortifications and Sea Coast Defences. 8vo. Washington, 1862. Description of U.S. Military Posts and Stations in 1871. 4to. Washington, 1872. Army-Staff .Organization. 8vo. Washington, 1872. Statistics, Medical, and Anthropo- logical of the Provost-Marshal-General's Bureau ; hy J. H. Baxter. 2 vols. 4to. Washington, 1875. Report of a Reconnaissance from Carroll, Montana Territory, to the Yellow- stone National Park, in 1875 ; by Capt. W. Ludlow. 4to. Washington, 1876. Our National Military System. 1. What the United States Army should be : by A. V. Krautz. 2. Militarj^ Education and the Volunteer Militia : by J. M. Rice. 3. Comment on Col. Rice's Paper : bj'. G. W. Wingate. Z 2 'UNI 356 UNI United States (coma.) — 4. Our National Guard : by E. C. Hrus^t. (Excerpt " Ci-iitury Ma^- ) (Paniplilcts, 3rd series, vol. 47.) Uniform of the Army of the United States. Oblong 410. Philadelphia, 1882. Men of the Army and Navy — Characteristic Types ot our Fighting Men. Six Pastels in Colours, by H. C. Christj'. Royal Folio. New York, 1899. The Army and Navy of the United States, 1 776-1 898. 2 vols. Demy folio. New York, 1900. La Cavalerie Americaine dans la Guerre de la Secession. 8vo. Paris, 1903. En^iitcers^ Department. Report of the Chief of Engineers, 1870 to date. 8vo. Washington, 1870- . Treatise on Limes, Hydraulic Cements, and Mortars : by Q. A. Gillmore. 8vo. New York, 1863. Report concerning Explorations and .Surveys principally in Nevada and Arizona, 1871 : from Brigadier-General A. A. Hum- phreys. 4to. Washington, 1872. Construction of the Piers of the Acjue- duct of the Alexandria Canal across the Potomac River : by W. Turnbull. 4to. Washington, 1873. T^eport of a Reconnaissance of the Black Hills of Dakota in 1874: by W. Ludlow. 4to. Washington, 1875. Keport of the Exploring Expedition from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to the junction of the Grand and Green Rivers of the Great Colorado in the West, in 1859 : by Capt. J. N. Macomb ; with Geological Report by Prof. J. S. Newberry. 4to. Washington, 1876. Report of Explorations across the Great Basin of the Territory of Utah, in 1859 : by Capt. J. H. Simpson. 4to. Washington, 1876. Fortifications of To-day. Fire against Models of Coast Batteries and Parados. Horizontal and curved Fire in Defense of Coa.sts. 4to. Washington, 1883. Tables of Geographic Positions, Azi- muths, and Distances : by Lieut. M. M. Macomb. 4to. Washington, 1885. •Operations of the Division of Military Engineering of the International Congress of Engineers held at Chicago, 1893. 8vo. Washington, 1894. .Massachusetts. Military Order of the Loyal Legion ot the United States. Register of the Com- mandery of the State of Massachusetts. Constitution and B}--Laws. 4to. Boston, 1882. The Two Hundred and Fifty-Ninth Annual Record of the Ancient and Honor- able Artillery Company of Massachusetts. 8vo. Boston, 1898. Annual Report of the Adjutant- General of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. 8vo. Boston, 1891. Annual Report of the Adjutant- General of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. 8vo. Boston, 1892. Annual Report of the Adjutant- General of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. 8vo. Boston, 1894. United States \contd.)— Medical. Rules for Preserving the Health of the Soldier. Washington, 1861. (P.imphlets, 3rd series, vol. 58.) Statement of the objects and methods of the Sanitary Commission, appointed 1861. New York, 1863. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 68.) United States Sanitary Commission. (Reprinted from the Norlh Aincrkan Review.) Boston, U..S., 1864. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 69.) Sanitary Commission of the U.S. Army : a succinct narrative of its works and pur- poses. 8vo. New York, 1864. Military Medical and Surgical Essays prepared for the U.S. Sanitary Com- nnssion. Edited by W. A. Hammond. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1864. Circular No. 2. Approved Plans and .Specifications for Post Hospitals. 410. Washington, 1871. Circular No. 4. Report on Barracks and Hospitals, with descriptions of Military Posts. 4to. Washington, 1870. Circular No. 6. Reports on the ma- terials available for the preparation of a Medical and Surgical History of the Rebellion. 4to. Philadelphia, 1866. Circular No. 8. Report on the Hygiene of the United States Army, with descrip- tions of Military Posts. 4to. Washington, 1875. Circular No. 9. Transport of Sick and Wounded by Pack Animals : by George A. Otis. 4to. Washington, 1877. Military Education. Guide to West Point and the U.S. Military Acadenu'. i2mo. New York, 1867. Regulations for the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York. Bvo. New York, 1873. Report of the Commission to e.xamine into the Organization, &c., of the United States Military Academy at West Point. 8vo. Washington, 1881. Annual Report of the Board of Visitors to the United States Military Academy for 1904. Washington, 1904. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, voh 70.) Regulations governing the System of Military Education in the Army. Washington, 1904. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 69.) Ordnance Department. Artillery for the United States Land Service : by Brevet-Major Alfred Mordecai. 8vo. Washington, 1849. Reports of experiments on the strength and other properties of metals for Cannon. 4to. Philadelphia, 1856. Reports of experiments on the pro- perties of metals for Cannon, and the qualities of Cannon Powder : by Capt. T. J. Rodman. 4to. Boston, U.S., i86r. Ordnance Manual for the use of the Officers of the United States Army. 3rd edition. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1863. Report of the Chief of Ordnance, 1866, and 1872 to date. 8vo. Washington, 1866- . UNI 557 UNI- United States {con/d.)— Letter from the Secretary of War, recommending an appropriation for Gat- ling Guns. Washington, 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 19.) Ordnance Notes. No. 163 and vols, vi to . Folio. Washington, 1881- . Report of the Board on Heavy Ord- nance and Projectiles. 8vo. Washington, 1882. Description and rules for the manage- ment of the Springfield Rifle, Carbine, and Armj' Revolvers. Springfield, Mass, 1882. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 43.) Report of Gun Foundry Board. Washington, 1884. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 40.) Pennsylvania. Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Register of the Com- manderj'of Pennsjdvania, 1865-1882. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1882. Register of the Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania. From April 15, 1865, to May 5, 1887. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1887. Register of the Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania, April isth, 1865. September ist, 1902. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1902. War Departme?it. Report of the Secretary of War, 1866, 1869, and 1871 to date. 8vo. Washington, 1866- . Report of the Major-General Com- manding the Army to the Secretary of War for the Year 1893. ^^o. Washington, 1893. Instructions for Officers of the Adju- tant-General's Department and others of kindred duties. i2mo. Washington, 1865. Sources of Information on Military Professional .Subjects. Adjutant-General's OiBce. 8vo. " Washington, 1898. Selected Professional Papers. Adju- tant-General's Office. 8vo. Washington, 1898. Staffs of Various Armies. Compiled by Adjutant-General's Office. Bvo. Washington, 1899. Report of the Paj'master - General. 8vo. Washington, 1876. Report of the Quartermaster-General, 1865, 1868 to 1871, 1873 ^"d 1874. Target Practice and Remount Systems Abroad. Compiled for the War Depart- ment, U..S. : by Captain E. A. Edwards, and Captain J. S. Herron. 8vo. Washington, 1902. United States, Army. Orders and Regulations. Revised United States Army Regula- tions, of 1861. 8vo. Washington, 1863. Instructions for Officers and Non-com- missioned Officers on Outpost and Patrol Dutj', and troops in campaign. i2mo. Washington, 1863. United States, Army. Orders and Regulations {conid.)— Regulations for the Recruiting Service- ot the Army of the United States. i2mo.. Washington, 1863. Instructions to Mustering Officers and others of kindred duties. i2mo. Washington, 1863. Regulations of the Army of the United; States. i88itodate. 8vo. Washington, 1881- . Firing Regulations for Small Arms^. 1904. 8vo. Washington, 1904- A7-iillcry. Instruction for Mountain Artillery.. i2mo. Washington, 1851. Manual for Heavy Artillery for the use- of Volunteers. i2mo. New York, 1862. Instruction for Heavy Artillery. 8vo. Washington, 1863.. Ditto, ditto. With service of a Gun. mounted on an iron carriage. 8vo. Washington, 1863. Instruction for Field Artillery : to whichi is added the Evolutions of Batteries. 8vo. Washington, 1864. Drill Regulations for Light Artillery. Official. i2mo. Washington, 1896.. Cavalry. Cavalry Tactics. i2mo. New York, 1874.. Cavalry Drill Regulations. i2mo. Washington, 1891.. Infantry. Rules and regulations for the Field Exercise and Manoeuvres of Infantry. 3vo. New Yoriv, 1815. Infantry Drill Regulations. Revised edition. i2mo. Washington, 1904. United States, Army. Records of Regiments. History of the United States Cavalry.. Bv A. G. Brackett. 8vo. New York, 1865. Historical sketch of the Artillery, United States Army. By W. E. Birk- himer. 8vo. Washington, 1884. The Story of a Cavalry Regiment (4th Iowa Veteran Volunteers), 1861-65.. By W. Fosse Scott. 8vo. New York and Lond. 1893. A Short History of the 5th Regiment U.S. Artillery. By Lieut. J. C. Bush, U.S.A. 8vo. Wa.shington, 1896.. United States, Navy. Navy of the United States. (News- paper cutting.) n.p., 1823. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iv.) Estimates. (Newspaper cutting.) n.p., 1826.- (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iv.) History of an existing Controversy on Assimilated Rank in the Navy of the United States. Bvo. Philadelphia, 1850. (Radstock Collection, Naval; Tracts.) UNI 35« USS United States, Navy {■.<>/i/i/.) — Report of the Secretary of the Navy, 1863-79. 8vo. Washing;ton, 1863-79. Message of the President of the United States, and ai-companying docu- ments : Repoil of t lie Secretary of the Navy. 8vo. Washington, 1864. Armoured \^eisels. Report of the Secrctarj- of the Navy in relation to Armoured Vesstl.s. 8v'o. Wasliinf^ton, 1864. Jieport of the Cliict of the Bureau of Ordnance. Washington, 1864. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 62 (ii).) Report of a Naval Mission to Europe, especially devoted to the material and construction of Artillery. By Commander E. Simpson. 2 vols. 4to. Washington, 1873. Report of the action of the Navy Department in the matter of the disaster to the United .States Exploring Expe- dition towards the North Pole. 8vo. Washington, 1873. History of the United States Marine Corps. By M. Almy Aldrich. 8vo. Boston, 187.^. Report of Chief-Engineer J. W. King on U.S. Navy. 8vo. Washington, 1877. Report of the Select Committee on Ordnance and War Ships, with an appendix. 8vo. Washington, 1886. Report on European Dockyards. By Naval Constructor Philip Hichborn, U.S.A. 8vo. Washington, i386. The Chilean Revolution of 1891. By Lieutenant J. H. .Sears, U.S.N. , and Ensign B. Vv'. Wells, U.S.N. 8vo. Washington, 1893. Naval Progress, July 1900, and July 1902. ovo. Wa.shington, 1900-02. Report of Secretary of State of the Navy for igoi to date. Official. 8vo. Washington, Coast Survey. Reports of the Superintendent. 1851-57. 8vo and 4to. Washington, 1852-8. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Deep-sea sounding and dredging. By C. D. Sigsbee. 4to. Washington, 1880. Attempt to solve the problem of the First Landing Place of Columbus in the New World. 4to. Washington, 1S82. Report upon the Seventh International Congr>iss of Navigation, held at Brussels, Belgium, July, 1898. 8vo. Washington, 1900. Office of Naval Intelligence. Annual Reports from 1883 to 1902. Surveys. Reports on Explorations and Surveys for the location of Interoceanic Ship Canals through the Lsthmus of Panama, and by the Valley of the River Napipi, by U..S. Naval Expeditions, 1875. Com. E. P. Lull, commanding Panama Expedition ; Lieut. F. Collins, commanding Napipi Expedition. 4to. Washington, 1879. Unverzagt, W. 'See Rumpf.) Upton, General Emory, U.S. Army. Prussian Company Column, n.p., 1875. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 34.) Armies of Europe and Asia : accom- jianied by letters descriptive of a journey from Japan to the Caucasus. 8vo. Portsmouth, 1878. Ure, Andrew. Dictionary of Chemistry and Mineral- ogy. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Recent improvements in Arts, Manu- factures, and Mines. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines. Edited by Robert Hunt. 5th edi- tion, with supplement. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1860-78. Urquhart, David. Turkey and its resources ; its municipal orfanizatinn and free trade. 8vo. Lond. 1833. England, France, Russia, and Turkey. 4th edition. Svo. Lond. 1835. The Sultan Mahmoud and Mehemet All Pasha. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Turkey and Russia, or observations on their political and commercial relations \vith England. 8vo. Lond. 1835. (The above are bound in one vol.) La Crise. La France devant les Ouatres Puissances,; Paris, le 20 .Sepn tembre, 1840. Paris, 1840. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 13.) Urquhart, Thomas. Letter to Lord Melville, with the outlines of a plan to raise British Seamen and to do away with the evils of Liiipress- ment. 8vo. Lond. 1815. (Radslock Collection, Naval Regu- lations.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 8.) Letters on the evils of Impressment. Lond. 1 81 6. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. 8.) Letter to W. Wilberforce on the subject of Impressment. 8vo. Lond. 1816. (Radstock Collection, Naval Regu- lations.) Urtubie, Theodore d'. L'Artilleur. 4th edition. Manuel de Svo. Paris, 1794. Usiglio, Giuseppe. Delia Machina dell' Uomi), de" suoi rapporti in generale ed in particolare di quelli esistenti fra le esterne le piii nobili sue interni parti. Svo. Florence, 1 826. Usler, RufllS. Essays on the Dwellings of the Poor, &c. Svo. Lond. n.d. Ussher, Captain Sir T., E.N. Narrative of events connected with the first abdica- tion of the Emperor Napoleon. To \vhich is added "His embarkation at Elba, and march to Paris : by Col. Laborde. " Svo. Dublin, 1841. VAC 359 VAN V. Vachon, Marius. Detaille. Royal 410. Paris, 1898. Vahie or Vai Phonetic. A Negro laniTuage, discovered by Commander F. E. Forbes. Loud. 1851. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 21.) Vaillaiit, J. Foy. Selectiora Numismata in a^re maximi moduli e Museo Francisci de Camps. 410. Paris, 1695. Historia Ptolemasorum ^gypti Regum ad fidem Niimismatum accommodata. Httic conjtingiiiti- .^Egyptus Numismatica ex Imperatoribus Romanis desumpta. Folio. Amsterdam, 1701. Nummi Antiqui Familiarum Romana- rum, perpetuis interpretationibus illustrati. 2 vols. Folio. Amsterdam, 1703. Arsacidarum Imperium, sive Regum Parthorum Historia, ad fidem Numis- matiim accommodata. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1728. Seleucidarum Imperium sive Historia Regum Sj-riae ad fidem Numismatum accommodata. 2nd edition. Folio. The Hague, 1732. Numismata Imperatorum Romanorum prestantiora, a Julio Csesare ad Postumum usque. 3 vols. 410. Rome, 1743. Vaimbois, Le Capitaine. Campagne de 187C-71 : Le 13*^ Corps dans les Ardennes ct dans I'Aisne ; ses Operations et celles des Corps Allemands opposes. 8vo. Paris, 1896. Vaibezen, E. de. Les Anglais et L'Inde. 2\(j1s. 8vo. Paris, 1875. Valentia, Viscount George. Voyages and travels to India, Ceylon, the Red Sea, Abyssinia, and Egypt, in the years 1802-6. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1809. Valentine, W. J, {See Norton, C. B.) Valentini, General Baron von. Die Lehre vom Krieg. Parts I and 2. Abhandlung iiber den Krieg, in Beziehung auf grosse Operationem. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1 821-4. P^rt 3. Der Turkenkrieg. 8vo. Berlin, 1822. Military reflections on Turkey. 8vo. Lond. 1828. Valesius, H. {Sec Ammianus Marcel- linus.) Valicourt, Le Comte Charles de. Le Siege de Tarragone en 181 1. 8vo. Paris, 1900. Vallet, L. Le Chic a Cheval : histoire pittoresque ^ de I'equitation. 4to. Paris, 1891. A Travers FEurope — Croquis de Cava- lerie. Royal 4to. Paris, 1893. Vallier, Le Commandant. L'Artillerie, Materiel — Organisation. 8vo. Paris, 1899. Vallo. Libro continente appertenente ad Capitanii, retenere e fortiticare una Citta. i2mo. Venice, 1524. Valturius, Robertus. De Re Militari. Folio. (No title page.) Verona, 1483. De Re Militari. Folio. Paris, 1534. Vambery, Arminius. Travels in Central Asia in 1863. Svo. Lond. 1864. History of Bokhara. Svo. Lond. 1873. Central Asia and the Anglo-Russian Frontier Question. 8vo. Lond. 1874. Life and adventures. Svo. Lond. 1884. Russo-Afghan Boundary Commission. Lond. 1884. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 40.) Coming struggle for India. Svo. Lond. 1885. Hungary in ancient, mediaeval, and modern times. (Story of the Nations.) Lond. 1889. The Shah's impressions of Europe. Lond. 18S9. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 49.) Van Cortlandt, Major A. J, R. Ques- tions and Answers on the Theory and Practice of Equitation for the Course of .Squadron Training. i2mo. Lond. 1897. Vancouver Island. Exploration. Victoria, Vancouver Lsland, 1864. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 68.) (For other Works, see Index.) Vancouver, Captain George. Charts showing parts of New Holland and North America, with the tracks of H.M. .Sloop " Discovery." Folio. Lond. 1798. Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean and round the World, 1790-5. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1798. Vandam. My Paris Note-Book. Svo. Lond. 1894. Vandeleur, Lieutenant Seymour. Cam- paigning on the Upper Nile and Niger. 8vo. Lond. 1898. Vander Byl, Lieutenant C. F., 16th Lancers. Practical Military Sketching. Svo. Aldershot, 1901. • Patrolling in South Africa. i2mo. Aldershot, 1901. Vandermselen, P. Cours d'Art Militaire. Svo. Brussels, 1836. Vandevelde, Le Capitaine L. Revue des Evenements Militaires en Orient. 8vo. Brussels, 1854. Considerations politiques, geographiques et militaires sur la Guerre dans lltalie Centrale en i860. Svo. Paris, 1862. Les Fortifications de Paris et la guerre de 1870. 8vo. Paris, 1871-72. VAN 360 \'EI Van Lennep.The Rev. Henry J. Tiavcls Vaudoncourt, Le General F. Guillaume ill lillU- kiuiwn |i,iil vols. Hvu. il A-.iii Minor. I.Diul. 1870. Van Loon, Gerard. 1 1 istoirc M(l.illi(|uc (Ics .W 1 1 I'ion iiu t-s (U's l';iys-l!as, (l('|)uis r,\l)(li(atioii (It- C'liai'lfS (Jlliiil, jllsi|ii';i la I'aix ilr Hade cii 171'). 'I'ratlnitc dii 1 lollaiidois. 5 vols. Folio, Tlic I laKiif, 1722-^7. ! Icdfiida.i^^si lie rciinin^kuiulc. Folio. The lla.uiir, 17 i|. Van Miiyden, Le Capitaine A. L;i dis- iicrsoiii naliiii'ilr dcs I'l ojcctilcs ct la loi lies fririirs. l.aiisaiiiK', 187'). d'aiiiljhifls, }n\ series, \()1. 46.) Vapereau, G. Dictioniuiire Uiiivcrsol di-s l.ittciatiiiTs. ■_' vols. 8v(). I'aiis, 1876. Vargas y Ponce, Captain Don Josef de. Vaiiiiirs Ijnslii-s (If I.I Manna i;-.|iano!a. \'ida d.- Don I'l-dro Nino. ovo. IVladii.l, 1K07. Varlo, C. Keliections upon l'"ri(;lion, with plan ol'llic new Macliinc foi" taking il oil' ill Wlu-el-eania);cs, Windlasses ol .Ships, iSfc. I.ond. 1772. (I'iimplilcts, O.s., vol. I \.) VaSSar, J. J. ('oirespor.denre on tiie .siihjeels of tin- Waste and Abuses in the Military I'.slahlisliiiients and Fxpendiliire. 8\'(). I.ond. 1811. (15otiii(l with l'o()li''s "Narrative.") "Vates." I'lie roli(\- of the (;eiiiiaii l''.lii|iel'oi'. I I iiid. n.d. (I'aiiipliiels, Jill series, vol. 68.) Vatslik, J. Y. I he 'IfaiLS-Caspian Kail \va\' : its nieaniii); and its future. Trans- lat.il l.y JJeiit.-Col. W. K. (;o\vaii. n.]!., 1H80. (Taiiiphlets, 3r(l series, vol. 49.) de. Ciilieal .Siiu.itioii of Honaparte in his retreat out ol Russia ; narrative of tlu- repassinj; of the Beresiiia, il) 1812. Bvo. I.ond. 1815. (Kadslock Collect ion, Military Tracts.) Memoirs |)otir servir a I'liistoire dc la dilerrc' eiitre I. a I'"ranee et la Knssie en 181J. 2 vols, in one. .|lo. I'aris, 1817. Ilisloire dcs Cainpa^mes d'ltalie en 181 )-i.|. Avec iin All, IS Militaire. 2 vols, in one. 4to. imid. 1817. llistoire polilicpie et militaire dii I'rince laim'-ue Napoleon, \'iee-l\oi d'llalii-. 2 vols, 8vo. I'aris, 1828. Vaughan, C. R. Nanativi' of the Siege ol /.ar.ii;o/a. H\'o. I.ond. i8oy. (Ivadslock Colleilioii, Military 'I'racls.) Vaughan, General Sir J. Lnther. My Servii'e in the Indian Aiin\', and After. 1'^ o. I, Olid. icjo.]. Vaulabelle, Achille de. Campagiie et lialaille de Waterloo. 121110. I'aris, 1845. I.i^ny — Waterloo, 1815. Folio. Paris, 1866. Vault, Lieut. -General de. I\l(''moir(!s Militaires relatils .\ la .Suc- cession d'l'!spai;lle sons l.ouis XIV. K'eviic par le l.ieiil.-( ieneral I'elet. 11 vols. .|lo, I'aris, i835-6a. .'\llas to ditto. Folio. Vaux, Le Major-Gen6ral Charles Grant, Vicomte de. Kecueil d'lvssais ott precis des Opinions et des Menioires (111 Vte. De * * * 2 vols. Ill one. 8v(). Means of lim •Ito. Vattel, E. de. le Droit des (lens, oil Vaiix, Le Barou de I.ond. 1793-.I. lie l.oii};iliide at Sea. I.ond. 1808. PI incipes de la 1 .01 Nallll'elle. 2V()ls. 8vo. I'aris, 1820. Vauban, Le Mar6chal Sebastien le Prestre. \'erilal)le maiiiere de Men Fortilier. Kdited l.y l.'Al.he Dn I'ay and the theva- lier de ( 'aiiil)ia\-. ^ \'ols. in 1. 8vt). Amsterdam, 1702. De I'Attaquc el de la Defense des I'laees. 4t(J. The I labile, 1737. Ditto, ditto. \'ol. ii. Containiii}^ : Un 'rrail('- |)ratic|ue des ftliiies, et nn autre De la ( iiieire en ( icnci al |to. The I lai'.ne, 17. |_'. New Method of I'drlilicalion ; with a new Ire.itise ol (■eoinelrv. 5I h edition. 8vo. I.ond. 17.18. 'I'raitc de r.Attacpie lies I'Lu cs. 8\'o. I'aris 17(19, 'I'raiti' di' la Defense des 1 'laces. 8vo. I'aris, 1769. .System of Fortification. I'lates. 410. n.|)., 11,(1. VaUChelle. (■onrsd'Administration Tvlili- taiic, ;\'i\ edition, j \'ols. 8\'o. Paris, 185.J. Fes hlcoles de ('a\aKrie ; ri^liiiiitation ,eii fiance 8\d, I'aris, 1896. K(|iiilalion, Ancienne el Moderne. 8vo. I'aris, 1898. Vaux, W. S. W. luij^lish and Foreign W.ileiloo Medals. I.ond. 18O9. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 76.) Vavasseur. IC.Kperimenls with the V'a- xasseiir Kil) Killed (iiiii. up,, 187^. ( l'ain|)hlels, 3rd sei ii's, sol. 19.) Vegetius Flavins, Renatus. Traduction de \'ei;ece, a\'ec des i<-llexioiis Milit.'lires, par le ( 'lii\ alier dc Hoiij;ars. 121110. I'aris, 1772. (Srr (i/so Scriverins. ) Veitch, Dr. James. Assimilation of llu> Medic.il Depart- mcnls of llie Army and Navy. I.ond. 18.47. 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AuiolMomaplii Kritisrhc HtMiiuhluMm'U lUvs li>t/ti'n iiml ■ il .Skrii lu-.-., ^n>ll^>llll^•ll lyv I'. H. \vii'lnii;^li'n I'.l.i.'Ui-s ill Ai'l\l.'.l\nl.ii I'riois, j v>»la. Hvt). I (ii\il, iHH/. .I.iiuiuin.i.,!. :!xo, iiiiu>-,\vuk. .soj. Vovmira, Ramon Onovroro. 1 .-i .1.- ., J' n 1 1 1- M .11 rs.iv ii'.u uui ill' I.I KciiiiMii .1 ill t lull' tU>i Vonnli, Roanlnhinna. Nuiwi-.m.u.i i\o ' nuuiu.i ri •; m.uunnn, l,a.l,.un,M ,u . ■ .,,nl uu ., .. VtSvillon. Lo CommandlUll. M .^ ' I r-. '^'"'"""^ .ull-.,„,h..,nn ^l\,^j;;;^.^^^ l,.,,.i:,..,.KI., iM.uu. Uov.l ,.,. Vordy du Vornoia, Gonoral J. von. Vornioil do Conoliard, Lo Comnumdanl. Siiuliiii ulu I 1 iii|.|uu Inhmn^^, I'lirll. iM.u^lial lUiuln'i .i-. |>iMlia\ril ii\ In-, li.'ilm, »H/o, l'.\rii-.i\.\ii.l. Ml.- rinnr>l(ili'>l li\ Mii,|"i vr.niii.lilcl-.. .Mul •..•11.-.. vol. OS.) (i.'.i.T.il.l, Wall-. .!.• l'.'v.|.., :In.. 1 \ ,, I ,, 1. , . Ill ,1 N. v\ N.iik, iil.M., I Mil.), illll.). r.lll J. ltd 111, Itl/J. ir n i ' iirjii ii il'.nupiiUM.. -Mul ■,.11..... V..1. oo.) Vo nor Caplani WiUonRhby. ^''•""I'l'l'"'. ii'l •-•IK-.. \->l. '/.) Kiini.V I...1.I •,k..|.l.mi; .....1 li-.'.'nmtiih ' ''I'". 'I'l'" I'-lll I It.'.'llll, l«7.), „„,„.,, ;lv,,, I .Ul.l, iHilu, ' ''•""l'''''i'. ii'l •.'•lu-,, \..l .|(.A SiMiu' N..I.-. .Ml Milii.iiN I'.ip.tKiiipliy. .siiuii.". Ill ruuip I .....liii^. ri.iir.i.ii.'.i ihii, I iiiui 111. I. In 1 unl. II ,1 I llil.K.iul, I |Mil 111 Ihlii^^t'ii...,^, .». n.n.'i,' I mul iM... Uviivols ;uu I.Mul. .M/j, ^I'.impliU.lh, V'l •M'lifh, \.i| s i SlUdU'S (Ml llli' I.e. I. nil}; .il I ..tops. t sVi' .(/.s.i Swiii.l.' ) rian->l,il. .1 I'N t .>t II A I hi\ i \ I .uui lil.J „ Colonol WillonRhby. I, , , , I I . ■ A n. 1.1- h Kiilf M.iii. ( i.iw II .S\ It. ^1 .ii.ipni.'h., 'ml •..•. If., \ 111. ijo,) I , |_ ^ "''"V''""i, ''"''•''''•""■ I ;'"'!■ 'B7J. Map Ki.ulm,; ,,i,.| .!,.• |. I. ,11! 'ni-,".il ll .i.iiplii.'l-., .;..! si'i...... \..|. .|,) lul.l M.. i.liiiif |ili .iliiiuii t imvii ^lllnli<•ll iilui TiiippiM. I.ilii.iii}^ 1111.1 !h.. 1 .iiul i... M '"'■''"'"" ""'"■ ""\u ,.H/,.H,.,. n C<\';"';;' WiHonRl.by .mi Capla.n r.niip.^^.. \,.l , Ml, I in, I, MM.), IVa.lui. "■'\"' ' " ""^' ' ""'" "' « ""'l^'-l^^' • par A. M.r....i,, i .|iu., Itni^M-is, itW.s. '' ^ "'"''' Ki-i..(:..j;<-.i hu hilh h.. Siii.ii.'ii iia.'li ilt'i- Vomonil, E. do. Nmi.. .m ih.. l;l.l»lo^^l .i|i|.iik,il..ii . lu n l\l. Ilui.l. :iM, "il ''III" II I ''I'.im n I' . " '' It, 1 lin, iil;r,, i I 'a III pi 1 1. I ■., .'ml m I l<-., \ .il. 'd,^ Hfiti.tK /uin Ki.fK.^.pi.'l. .Sm.. Vovnoy, Lioiil.onanr K. H.. R.N. I''i'"i, ';',"• r.lii'iiin, III •. Illll'. ul, III liului , 1m mil: .-.an. I'll \ .iN.i;;.' M.imi iiv ..■ .!.• ( '.|\ alciic, ii.'.iiunl .,! '.n \\ illi.nii l'.,|. N.n,.l I i.uliiill''" ' ''I'l "• I'. I.'IIN !!\'.|, Uripiul. Ill 111, liuli.iii < ,iiii|.,Hiil ..I .11.^/ II. ra.'i.--, irii;'. Hv.i. I .uui. ill'u, .S.iuplii.... lain .III |.ii .!.• (iii.M... Vonjoy, Sir Iliurv, Hart, t.s.v i'..lvni,) linililll |KII M.ij.ii l\l,,|ll.ili;,r iJiiui A 1 ■ 1 ,11 I Illll •>.|s, lit;/. Voriion, A«lmii'al Kdward. r.ii 11..1I W .11 Ciiiic .\ ii.iii.,lali'oii ul Sp.'f. I. (.1 III.' ,'..M < Mil. .I, .Il .1 • .11.11, il .. II,. Illll,'. .11111 Im I, ,,',..|,i, I, \,\ Mal.ir j, "I W.n , tU,i. I.m,,I i p Iv IVIiirli, 11 I .111,1 iMMj. (Ini.iioH (I.I li..^ p.i^.iiil l.il. 'li iIh .Sl.itlics III li.i.ip LclIiiiu. 'I'lif' III. (.. -ill Navy, ih... I.'.ul i.n Caval.^y D.x'ihi.m I 1 .m .|.ii. .1 fiy W, II. ( Uail.il.iik < nil.. 1 1. 111, Nav.il llur.-lM.iii ; I'.liL.I liN I I. Ill ( .il', (', W. 'I'laits,) U.iw.li.'r Hfll. liv.. I.iiul, iMH/, |.,.||,'|.,. \.i|iiiii. l,ii.ii..K : Slinlic.i i.lxM' I'fUldli'.f.l. K\.>. ,, |,,uiii.il ,,l III. I \p. .11.1. Ill I.. I a (i... Ill ll'il.ii, .HH,(, .111,1 I'.Hi.i » .i\.ill,i^, III llu« Wi^t^l Imll.'a, Stiidi.^ii iiliii .1.11 Kill').',. t v.ilh. nil, I, I ( ,1111111, „|, II , Kii,i\vl..M. Hv'.i. Hv.i. II.'i Iiii, i;I,)J iuuj, l.tiinl, I7,|.(. VKR 362 VIE Vernon, Admiral Edward icouh/.V - 2.. .SpfiiinrimrXakcirriiith trom a Hritish Sailor. 8vo. Lond. 1746. 3. Letter to a certain Eminent British Sailor occa.sion'd by his Speiinien of Naked Truth. 8vo. Lond. 1746. 4. Some .seasonable advice from an Honest .Sailor. 8vo. Lond. 1746. 5. Original Letters to an Honest .Sailor. 8vo. Lond. n.d. Specimen of Naked Truth from a British Sailor. Lond. 1746. (Pamphlets, o.s , \q\. 12.) Letter to a certain eminent British Sailor, ocoasion'd by liis .Specimen of Naked Truth. Lond. 1746. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 12.) Some seasonable advice from an Honest Sailor. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, o.s., \o\. 12.) Life of Admiral Vernon. i2mo. Lend. 1758. (Radstock Collection.) Vernon, Captain Francis. Hints to VoiHii; Officers on some of the principles of Military Law and on the practice ot Courts Martial. i2mo. Lond. 1829. Vernon, Le Capitaine J. G. de. Essai hist(>ri(|ue de la Cavalerie legere. 8vo. Paris, 1853. Vernon, W. F. Memorial of Admiral Vernon. i2mo. Lond. 1861. Vertot d'Auboeuf, Rene Anbert de. History of the Rc\olution in Sweden occasioned by the Change in Religion in that Kingdom. Translated by J. Mitchel. 6th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1729. Histoire des Chevaliers Hospitallers de S Jean de Jerusalem, appellcs dcpuis Chevaliers de Rhodes, et aujourd'hui Chevaliers de Malthe. 7 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1772. Histoire des Revolutions arrivees dans 1; Gouvernement de la Republique Romaine. 4 \'ols. cko. Paris, 1796. Very, Lieutenant E. W., U.S. Navy. Navies of the World ; giving descrip- tions of plans, armament, and armour. 8vo. Lond. 1880. The Development of Armor for Naval Use. (U.S. Nava! Inst.) 8vo. Annapolis, 1883. Hotchkiss Revolving Cannon. 410. Paris, 1885. Vesey, Lieut.-Colonel. Questions and Answers on Artillery Subjects, Drills, &c. i2mo. Woolwich, 1867. Vetch, Captain James. Means of establishing a Ship Navigation between the Mediterranean and the Red Seas. Lond. 1843. ''Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 39.) Vetch, Colonel R. H. Life, Letters, and Diaries of Lieut. - General .Sir Gerald Graham, V.C., G.C.B., R.E. 8vo. Lond. 1901. Life of Lieut.-tieneral the Hon. Sir Andrew Clarke, G.C.M.G., C.B., CLE. Bvo. Lond. 1905, Vetterli. Description a\ ec planches de dessins (In Modele de Fusil d'apres le Systcme \'etterli simple charge. Oblong 4to. 11. p., 1870. Ordonnance avec planches de dessins du Mousqueton a Repetition .Suisse (Systeme Vetterli). Oblong 4to. n.p., 1871, Vial, Lieut.-Colonel J. Cours d'Ari ct d'Histoire Militaires. 2 vols. 8vo. i'aris, 1861. Histoire abregec des Campagnes Modernes. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1876. Vibart, Colonel E. The Sepoy Mutiny, as seen b^' a Subaltern, from Delhi to Lucknow. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1898. Vibart, Colonel H. M., R.E. Addisconilje and its Heroes. 8vo. Lond. 1894. Richard Baird Smith. The leader of the Delhi Heroes in 1857. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1897. Vicars, John. England's Worthies ; under whom all the civill and bloudy wars since Anno 1642, to Anno 1647, ^""s related. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Vicat, *L. J. Treaties on Calcareous Mortars and Cement, artificial and natural. Translated hy Captain J. T. Smith. 8vo. Lond. T837. Victoria, Colony of. Report of the Registrar-General on the Progress and .Statistics of Victoria, 1851-1858. Melbourne, 1858. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 52.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 23.) Gold Fields of \'ictoria in 1862. 8vO: Melbourne, 1863. Melbourne University Calendar for 1872-3. i2mo. Melbourne, 1872. (For other V/orks, sec Index.) Victoria Cross, The. An official chronicle of deeds of personal valour. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1866. Ditto, ditto. Edited by R. W. O'Byrne. 8vo. Lond. 1880. (Furothei- Works, sec Index.) Victoria Institute, or Philosophical Society of Great Britain. Journal of the Transactions. Vols, v to date. Bvo. Lond. 1871- . Victoria, Clueen. Letters of Queen Victoria, 1837-1861. Published by Authority of H.M. the King. Edited bv A. C. Benson, M.A., and Viscount Esher, G.C.V.O., K.C.B. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1907. Victory, Captain D. Antonio. Memo- landuni del (illicial de Estado Ma^or en Campaha \ en gi^andes Maniobras. 8vo. Barcelona, 1897. Vieilleville, Francois de Scepaux, Sire de. ?»Iemoires. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1757. (^Sec also Petitot's Collection, ist series, vols, xxvi-xxviii.) VIE 563 VIN Vielle, Le Capitaine. rhcorie-pratiiiue sur i'adiiiiiiistration c-t la comptabiJite des Corps de Troupe de toute.s annes 3 vols. Gvo. Pan's, 1845. Vieyra, A. Dictionary of the Portuguese and En.Ljlish Languages. 2 vols. 8vo. Load. 1805. New Portuguese Grammar. 8vo. Load. 1809 Vigier, Le Comte. Davoust, Marechal d'Einpire, 1770-1823. 2 vols. Paris, 1898. Vignoles, Charles. Observations to accompany the Map of the .Shadow Path thrown by the total Eclipse of the .Sun on the iSth July, i860, across the N.E. part of .Spain. With map. 8vo. Lond. i860. Vignoles, Olinthus J. Life of Charles Blacker Vij^noles, Soldier and Civil Engineer. 8vo. Lond. 1889. Vignot, Le Commandant H. Apergu de Tactique Navale. Svo. Paris, 1905. Vignotti, A. Recherches et resultats cFExpcriences relatifs a la mise en service des Chronoscopes Electro - Balistiques. Svo. Paris, 1859. Vilbort, J. L'oeuvi-e de M. de Bismark, 1863-6. Sadowa et la Campagne des Sept Jours, 8vo. Paris, 1869. Viljoen, General Ben. My Remi- niscences of the An,L;lo-Boer War. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Villani, Giovanni. Chronica. 8 vols. 8vo. Florence, 1823. Villarceau, Yvon. (.sVc Bury.) „ Yvon, and Aved de Magnac. Nouvelle Navigation Astronomique. 4to. Paris, 1877. Villari, Professor P. The Life and Times of Niccolo Machiavelli. Trans- lated by Linda Villari. 3rd Impression, "a-o. Lor.d. 1905. Villars, Le Marechal Louis Hector, Due de. \'ie du, ecrite par lui-meme. 4 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1784. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols. Ixviii-lxxi.) Ville, Antoine de. De la Charge de Gouverneurs des Places. Folio. Paris, 1639. La Fortification, ou I'Ingenieur parfait. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1672. Viilebois-Mareuil, Le Colonel De. Dix Mois de Campagne chez les Boers. Par un ancien Lieutenant de. Svo. Lond. 1901. English Translation of above. Svo. Lond. 1901. Carnet de Campagne. Svo. Lond. 1902. War Notes. The Diary of Colonel De Viilebois-Mareuil, from November 24th, 1899, to April 4th, 1900. Authorised Translation from the Paris " Liberte " by Frederick Lees. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1902. Ville-Hardouin, G. de. Conquete de Constantinople. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vol. i.) Villeneuve, Guillaume de. Memoires. ('Petitot's Collection, ist series, vol. xiv.) Villeneuve, L. P. C. Eloge de Kleber. 8vo. Pari.s, An ix (1798). Villeroy, M. de. Memoires d'Etat. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vol. xliv.) Villers, Victor Doublet de. Dictionnaire National Beige. Svo. Brussels, 1869. Villette, Michaud de. Tableau historique et raisonne des Guerres de Napoleon Buonaparte. Paris, 1814. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 25.) Villette - Chivron, Le Lieut. - Colonel Theophile de. Relation Militaire des Principaux Mouvemens et Combats de lArmee Austro-Sarde dans la Campagne de 1S15. Svo. Turin, n.d. Villiers Du Terrage, E. de. Journal et .Souvenirs sur I'Expedition d'Egvpte (1798- 1C02;. Crown Svo. Paris, 1899. Villiers, F. Port Arthur — Three Months with the Besiegers. Svo. Lond. 1905. Peaceful Personalities and Warriors Bold. Svo. Lond. and New York, 1907. Villot, Le Commandant. Instruction pratique sur le Service des Colonnes en Algerie. Svo. Paris, 1876. Vincent, Lieut.-Colonel C. E. Howard. Elementary Military Geography, recon- noitring and sketching. i2mo. Lond. 1873. Russia's advance Eastward based on the Ofiicial Reports of Lt. Hugo .Stumm. Svo. Lond. 1O74. Law of Criticism and Libel. Svo. Lond. 1S76. Police Code, and Manual of the Criminal La\v. Svo. Lond. 1881. Vincent, Edgar, and T. G. Dickson. Handbook to Modern Greek. Svo. Lond. 1879. Vincent, Frank. Actual Africa or the Coming Continent. Svo. Lond. 1895. Vincent, The Very Eev. W., Dean of Westminster. ^^oyage of Nearchus from the Indus to the Euphrates ; with dissertations on Acronychal Rising of the Pleiades : by Dr. Samuel Horsley and Mr. William Wales ; and by Mr. De la Rochette on the First Meridian of Ptolemj'. 4to. Lond. 1797. Commerce and Navigation of the Ancients in the Lidian Ocean. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1807. Sermons on faith, doctrines, and public duties ; with a life of the Author by the Rev. R. Nares. Svo. Lond. 1817. Ditto, ditto. Vol. ii, with a preliminary discourse, by Lieut. -Gen. W. Thornton. Svo. Lond. 1S36. Vine, The Rev. F. T. Cssar in Kent ; an account of the lantling of Julius Caesar and his battles with the Ancient Britons. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 18S7. VI N 364 VOL Vinoy, Le General. Campagne de 1870-71. Siege de Paris. 8vo. Paris, 1872. Atlas to ditto. Folio. L'Armee Franqaisc en 1873. 8vo. Paris, 1873. Viollet-le-Duc, E. Essai sur rArchitecturc Militaire au moyen age. 8vo. Paris, 1854. Dictionnaire raisonne de I'Architecture Franyaise du XI" au XVI'' siccle. 10 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1854-75. Essay on the Military Architecture of the Middle Ages. Translated by M. Macdermott. 8vo. Oxford, "i860. Histoire d'une P'orteresse. 8vo. Paris, n.d. Virenque, G. L. L'Album d'un Saint- Cyrien : deux amiees d'ecole. Imperial 4to. Paris, n.d. Virgin, Jean Bernard. La Defense des Places. 4to .Stockholm, 1781. Viscardo y Guzman, Don Juan Pablo. Carta derijida a los Espanoles Americanos 8vo. Lond. 1 801. Visconti, Ennius Cluirinus. Iconographie Grecque. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 181 1. Atlas of plates to ditto. Folio. Iconographie Romaine. Parti. Folio. Paris, 1817. Atlas of plates to ditto. Large folio. Visscher, N. \'aria; Tabula; Geographic.e in quibus Loca in Orbe Bello I'lagrantia iiiiispiciuntur. Folio. Amsterdam, n.d. Vitruvius PoUio, Marcus. Architecture ; in ten books. Translated by Joseph Gwilt. 4to. Lond. 1S26. De Architectura, libri decern. Editio .Stereotj'pa. i2mo. Leipsig, 1836. Vittre, C. de. Cavalerie Frangaise ; Cavalerie Allemande. 1 870-1 879. 8vo. Paris, 1880. Vitu, Auguste. Histoire Civile de L'Armee ou des conditions du .service militaire en France. 8vo. Paris, 1868. Vivant, E. Dictionnaire Technique Anglais-Fran^ais. Public avec I'autorisa- tion du Ministre de la Marine. 8vo. Paris, 1885. Vivian, The Hon. Claud. Richard Ilussey Vivian, First Baron Vivian : A Memoir. 8vo. Lond. 1897. Vivian, Herbert. Tunisia. Bvo. Lond. 1899. Abyssinia. 8\o. Lond. 1901. Vizetelly, Edward. The Reminiscences of a Bashi-Bazouk. 8vo. Bristol, 1897. Vladimir. The China-Japan War. 8vo. Lond. 1896. Russia on the Pacific and the Siberian Railwaj-. 8vo. Lond. 1899. Voet, J. De Jure Militari, Liber Singu- laris. i2mo. Brussels, 1728. Vogt, Lieut.-Colonel Hermann. Egyptian War of 1882. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Vogt, M. G. {See Legoyt.) Voigt, J. C. Fifty Vears of the History of the Republic in .Soulli Africa, 1795-1845. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1899, Voigts-Rhetz, Dr. A. von. IJriefe des Generals der Infanteiie von Voigts-Rhetz aus den Kriegsjahren, 1866 und 1870-71. 8vo. Bi-rlin, 1906. Voltaire, Franpois-Marie Arouet de, Histoire de Charles XI I, Roi de Sutide. 3rd edition. i2mo. Basle, 1732. Histoire de la Guerre de 1741. i2mo. Lond. 1756. History of the War of 1741. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1756. Age of Louis XIV. To which is added an ab.stract of the Age of Louis XV. Translated with notes by R. Griffith. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1779. Gi'ivres completes. 70 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1784-g. La Henriade en dix chants ; avec la Dissertation sur la Mort d'Henry IV. i2mo. Hamburg, 1795. Romans. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1821. (See also Gerard.) Volunteers. Digest of the Law relating to Volunteer Corps. Lond. 1803. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 46.) Volunteers of the United Kingdom. Folio. Lond. 1803. The Soldier's Companion ; Containing instructions for the Drill, Manual and Platoon Exercises, as Commanded by His Majestj', intended for the use of the Volunteers of this Country. 43rd edition. Lond. 1805. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol 60.) The War Office and the Volunteer Force. Lond. 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 10.) The \'olunteer, the Militiaman and the Regular .Soldier. A conservative view of the Armies of England. 8vo. Lond. 1874. Improvement of the Volunteer Force. With Preface and Notes by Col. C. E. H. Vincent. 8vo. Lond. 1878. The Volunteers from Wimbledon to Bisley, 1859-1889. By "The Ancient" (J. White). i2mo. Lond. 1889. Discussion on " Some Needful Re- forms" by the East of Scotland Tactical Society. Edinburgh, 1892. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 57.) Training of Infantry Volunteers. Derby, 1892. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 57.) Lectures io Volunfeer Officers. Changes of Tactics consequent on the improvement of weapons and other circumstances : b3'' Lieut. - Colonel F. Middleton. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Thorough knowledge of the Fortifi- cations the Volunteer Artillery would be called upon to defend : by Colonel H. P. Yates. 8vo. Lond. 1873. VOL 365 VOY Volunteers {contcf.)— Volunteer Lists. Lists of the Officers of the Gentlemen and Yeomanry Cavalry and Volunteer Infantry of the" United Kingdom. 1804-5. 8vo. Volunteers. Orders and Regulations. Manual for Volunteer Corps of Infantry. Svo. Lond. 1803. Manual of Drill for Mounted Rifle Volunteers and Volunteer Irregular Cavalry. Svo. Lond. 1863. Volunteer Acts, 1863, and up to date. Regulations for carrying into effect the Act for the Royal Naval Artiller3' Volun- teers. 8vo. " Lond. 1873. Regulations for the Volunteer Force, 1878, and up to date. Equipment Regulations. {See Army.) Annual Returns of Volunteers Corps, 1880, and up to date. Regulations, Circulars, &c., for the Reserve Forces. Svo. Lond. 1S68-75. Ditto, ditto. Svo. Lond. 1S78-9. Manual of Law for the Reserve Forces and Militia. Svo. Lond. 18S6. Orders and Regulations for Volunteers in Brigade and Regimental Camps, or when encamped with Regular Forces. i2mo. Lond. 1889. Volunteers. Records of Regiments. {Arranged accordijtg to seniority of Reginie7tts.) The British Volunteer ; or a general history of the formation and establishment of the Volunteer and Associated Corps. 4to. Lond. 1799. Light Horse Volunteers of London and Westminster. General Regulations and Instructions. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1798. Standing Regulations of the Light Horse Volunteers of London and West- minster. i2mo. Lond. iSoi. Historical Record of the Light Horse Volunteers of London and Westminster. Svo. Lond. 1843. History of the Volunteers of 1782. By T. MacNevin. 4th edition. i2mo. Dublin, 1S45. History of the Fife Light Horse. Col. J. Anstruther Thomson. 4to. Edinb. and Lond. 1892. History of the Volunteer Infantry. By R. P. Berry. Svo. Lond. and Huddersfield, 1903. I St Gloucester Artillery. Records, rules, regulations, rolls, &c. lamo. Bristol, iSSi. The Percy Artillery Records. By Lieut. -Colonel J. G. Hicks. Svo. Lond. 1899. History of the rise, opposition to, and establishment of the Edinburgh Regiment. 4to. ^ Edinb. 1778. Volunteers. Records of Regiments {contd.) — • History of the Queen's City of Edin- burgh Rifle Volunteer Brigade. By William Stephen. Svo. Lond. 1881. 1st East York Rifle Volunteer Corps. Standing Orders. i2mo. Lond. 1879. Cheshire Rifle Volunteers. 5th Bat- talion. Standing Orders. i2mo. Sandbach, 1875. Historical Records of the 5th Adminis- trative Battalion of the Cheshire Rifle Volunteers. By Capt. A. Terry. 4to. Sandbach, 1879. Regulations for the ist Regiment of Surrey Volunteers. Lond. 1S03. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 48.) Records of the 2nd Volunteer Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment from 1859 to 1903. Demy 4to. Lond. 1903. History of the ist Volunteer Battalion Hampshire Regiment, 1S59 to 1889. By Colonel T. Sturmy Cave, V. D. 4to. Lond. 1905. Records of the 3rd Middlesex Rifle Volunteers. By E. T. Evans. Svo. Lond. 1885. History of the ist BattaHon Wilts Volunteers, from 1861 to 1SS5. By R. D. Gilney. Svo. Lond. 1888. History of the Civil Service Rifle Volunteers. By Edward Merrick. Svo. Lond. 1S91. The Tower Hamlets Rifle Volunteer Brigade (ist Tower Hamlets Rifle Volun- teers). A short History compiled from Official Documents and other sources. By Col. E. T. Rodney Wilde. Svo. Lond. 1892. Records of the 5th (Deeside Highland) Volunteer Battalion Gordon Highlanders. 2nd edition. By Major P. L. Davidson. Large Royal Svo. Lond. 1898. Record of the Doneraile Rangers, with a list of the Volunteer Corps in the County of Cork, 1779. By Major J. G. White. From the Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society, January, 1893. One Thousand Miles with the C.I.V. By J. Barclay Lloyd. Svo. Lond. 1901. The Journal of the C.I.V. in South Africa. By Major-General W. H. Mac- kinnon. Svo. Lond. 1901. Volz, Gr. B., and G. Klintzel. Preussische und Osterreichische Acten zur Vorge- schichte des Siebenjahrigen Krieges. Svo. Leipzig, 1899. Voyages, Travels, &c. Wonderful and tragical Relation of a Voyage from the Indies. 4to. Lond. 1684. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) New general collection of Voyages and Travels : comprehending everything re- markable in its kind, in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 1743-7- VOL 366 WAL Volunteers. Records of Regiments {contii.) — Historical account of all the voyages round tlie World pcrfoniicd l)y Kiij^lish Navijiators : with an appendix containing- the journal of a Voyaj^c to tlie Nortli Pole, bj' Commodore Phipps and Captain Lut- widf;e. 8vo. Lend. 1773-4. Naval Chronicle : or voyages, travels, expeditions, &c., of the most celebrated English Navigators. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1760. (Radstock Collection.) (For other Works, see Index.) Voyle, Major-General G. E. Military Dictionary. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Vreede, C. Night and fog signalling apparatus. Svo. l.eytlen, 1883. Vreede, G. G. Conespondance diplo- matique et militaire du Due de Marl- borough, du Hcinsius et du Jacques Hop. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1850. Vyse, G. W. Egypt : political, financial, and strategical. Svo. Lond. 1882. w. "Wachs, Major Otto. Die WeltstellungEnglands, militarisch- politisch beleuchtet namentlich in bezug auf Russland. Svo. Cassel, 18S6. Schlaglichter auf das Mittelmeer. Svo. Berlin, 189S. Die Etappenstrasse von England nach Indien. 8vo. Berlin, 1S99. Malta. Svo. Berlin, 1901. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 70.) Waddell, Major L. A. Among the Himilayas. Svo. Lond. 1899. Lhasa and its Mysteries. Svo. Lond. 1905. Waddington, R. Louis XV. et le Rcnversement des Alliances. Svo. Paris, 1896. La Guerre de Sept Ans. Svo. Paris, 1899. Wade, T. F. Chinese Arm)-. Canton, 1851. (Pamphlets, 2nd scries, vol. 81.) Wager, W. Survey of the River Ore at Orford, Suffolk. Orford, 1813. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. viii.) Wagner, Captain A. L., U.S. Army. Organisation and Tactics. Svo. Lond. 1895. Catechism of Outpost Duty. Kansas Citv, 1896. The Service of Security and Informa- tion. 12th edition. Svo. Kansas City, 1904. Wagner, R. Geschichte der Belagerung von .'Strassburg im jahre 1870. Svo. Berlin, 1874. Wahl, M. La France aux Colonies. Svo. Paris, 1896. Waite, J. M. Lessons in Sabre, Single- stick, Sabre and Ba3'onet and Sword Feats. Crown Svo. Lond. 18S0. Wake, Robert. Southwold and its vicinit3', ancient and modern. Svo. Yarmouth, 1839. Waldersee, General Count von. Details of Outpost and Patrol Duty, from the instructions for Prussian Infantry. Trans- lated by Major-Gen. .Sir C. Staveley. i2mo. Lond. 1872. Waldstatten, Freiherr J. von. Die Taktik. Svo. Vienna, 1806. Wales, Prince of. Neptune's Letter to the Prince of Wales. No title page. (Circa 1797). (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 3.) Wales, William, and W. Bayly. Original Astronomical Observations made in the course of a voyage to the South Pole and round the World, in 1772-75. 4to. Lond. 1777 Walford, Major N. L. Parliamentary Generals of the great Civil War. Svo. Lond. 1886. Waliszewski, K. Peter the Oeat. Translated from the French by Lady Mary Loyd. 2 vols. 8\'o. Lond. 1S97. Ivan the Terrible. Translated from the French by Lady Mary Loyd. Svo. Lond. 1904. Walke, Lieutenant W., U.S. Artillery. Lectures on Lxplosives. Svo. New York, 1S98. Walker, A. The Rifle ; its theory and practice. Svo. Lond. 1864. Walker, Lieutenant B. J., R.N. Code of Signals for the use of the Mercantile Navy. 2 vqJs. Svo. Lond. 1841. Walker, Major-General C. P.Beaucliamp . Organisation and tactics of the Ca\alry Division. Svo. Edinburgh, 1876. „ General Sir C. P. Beauchamp. Days of a Soldier's Life. Svo. Lond. 1S94. Walker, Charles V. Electrotype mani- pulation. 3rd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1 841. Walker, Captain Edmond, R.E. Military Elements : notes from Lectures to Cadets, R.M. College, Sandhurst. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Walker, G. R. Rational treatment of Horses and our other domestic animals. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 20.) Walker, Captain H. Military Adminis- tration for Volunteer Officers. Svo. Chatham, 1889. Walker, Sir Hovenden. Journal of the late expedition to Canada. Svo. Lond. 1720. Walker, Hugh, M.A. Three Centuries of Scottish Literature. 2 vols. Svo. Glasgow, 1893. WAL 367 WAL Walker, James. Danger to the Metropolis by the im- proper conveyance and keeping ot Gun- powder. Lond. 1813. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. viii.) Con\eyance and preservation of Gun- powder. Lond. 1814. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iii.) Description of New Vessel and Work- ing Guns. Lond. n.d. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 4.) Walker, Joseph C. Historical memoirs of the Irish Bards ; an historical essay on the dress of the ancient and modern Irish, and a ineinoir on the armour and weapons of the Irish. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 181S. Walker, M. A. Through Macedonia to tlie Albanian Lakes. 8vo. Lond. 1864. Walker, Colonel NichoUs T. Guide for Mounted Volunteers, especially Mounted Rifles. i2mo. Calcutta, 1891. Walker, 0. Greek and Roman History, illustrated by Coins and Medals. i2mo. Lond. 1697. Walker, P. F. Afghanistan ; its histor}^ and our deal- ings with it. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1895. Walker, W. S. Corpus Poetarum Latin- orum. 8vo. Lond. 1840. Wall, Anton. Bagatellen. 2 vols. i2ino. Leipzig, 1786. Wall, Lieutenant Robert, E.N. Suggestions for the establishment of a Naval University, with observations on the formation of a Corps of Naval En- gineers. Lond. 1831. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 18.) Popular history of the Steam-engine. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Wallace, Prof. {See Lolme.) Wallace, A. R. Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection. 8vo. Lond. 1 87 1. Wallace, Edgar. Unofficial Despatches. 8vo. Lond. 1901. Wallace, D. M. Russia. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1877. Egypt and the Egyptian Question. 8vo. Lond. 1883. „ Sir D. M. The Web of Empire. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Waller, Horace. (See Livingstone.) Wallhausen, J. J. von. L'Art Militaire pour I'Infanterie. Folio. Frankfort, 1615. Art Militaire a Cheval. Instructions des principes et fondements de la Caval- lerie. Folio. Frankfort, 1616. Romanische Kriegskunst. 4to. Frankfort, t6i6. Wallington, Nehemiah. Historical notices ot events occurring chieflj' in the Reign of Charles I. 2 vols, in one. i2mo. Lond. 1 869. Wallis, C. Braithwaite. The Advance of our West African Empire. 8vo. Lond. 1903. Wallis, John. Dendrology ; in which are facts, experi- ments, and observations, demonstrating that trees and vegetables derive their nutriment independently of the earth ; and also observations on decay and defects in trees, together with a better method of pruning. Svo. Lond. 1835. Examination of the Nebulous Hypo- thesis, with strictures on "Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation." Lond. 1845. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 27.) Wallis - Tayler, A. J. Motor Cars. Crown Svo. Lond. 1897. Walpole, Horace. Memoirs of the Reign of King George III. Re-edited by G. F. Russell Barker. Svo. 4 vols. Lond. 1894. Walsh, E. A Narrative of the Expedition to Holland in tlie Autumn of the Year 1799. 4to. Lond. iSoo. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 4to. Lond. 1800. Walsh, J. H. Modern Sportsman's Gun and Rifle. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1882. Walsh, Lieutenant John. Earl Howe's Signals b\- which the Grand Fleet was governed in 1790-91-94. Sv^o. n.p., n.d. Walsh, The Rev. R. Residence at Con- stantinople during the Greek and Turkish Revolutions. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S36. Walsh, Thomas. Journal of the late Campaign in Egj'pt, 4to. Lond. 1803. Walshe, Anthony. Military catechism and handbook of regimental standing orders, &c., with an abstract of the Militia Regulations, bj' J. H. Stocqueler. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1855. Walter, Captain Edward. State Rewards for State Services : the emploj'ment in subordinate situations of the Civil Service of Soldiers and Sailors. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 94.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 27.) Walter, Lieutenant George, R.N, Iron Ships for war or peace. Lond. 1850. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 34.) Walter, The Rev. Richard. Voyage round the World in the years 1740-44, by George Anson, Esq., now^ Lord Anson. Compiled from his papers • and materials. 5th edition. 4to. Lond. 1749. Ditto, ditto. 14th edition. Svo. Lond. 1769. (Radstock Collection.) Walton, Colonel C. History of the British Standing Army. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1894. Plates to ditto. 3 vols. Folio. Walton, Isaac, and Charles Cotton. The Complete Angler. Svo. Lond. 1824. Walton, Joseph, M.P. China and the present Crisis. Crown Svo. Lond. 1900. WAL 368 WAR Walton, William. Expose on the dissensions of Spanish America. 8vo. Load. 1814. Letter respecting the relations of Eiij^laml with Portu.u;al. Lond. 1830. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 25.) War, The Art of. L'Art de la Guerre. 4to. The Hague, 1741. Essay on the Art of War. 8vo. Lond. 1761. Reflexions Militairessurdififerens objets de la Guerre. 121110. Frankfort, 1762. Rudiments of War ; comprising the principles of Military Duty. Lond. 1777. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol.98.) Grande Tactique et Manoeuvres de Guerre suivant les principes de sa Majeste Prussienne. 2 vols, in one. 4to. Cologne, 1780. Taktische Grundsiitze und Anweisung zu Militarischen Evolutionem. 8vo. Frankfort, 1781. Essay on Defensive War and a Con- stitutional Militia. 8vo. Lond. 1782. Officer's Manual in the Field, or a .Series of Military Plans representing the principal operations of a Campaign. Translated from the German. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1798. Treatise on the Art of War. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1803. Principles of War, exhibited in the practice of the camp ; and as developed in a series of General Orders of the Duke of Wellington. 8vo. Lond. 181 5. Stratagemes militaires et ruses de guerre. 2 vols, in one. i2mo. Paris, 1826. Reflections upon the Art of War. n.p., 1840. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 15.) IMaximes, Conseils et Instructions sur I'Art de la Guerre. 36th edition. i2mo. Paris, 1870. Essay on Tactics. By an Adjutant. Lond. 1872. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 10.) Ueber den Einfiuss der Feuerwafifen auf die Taktik. Berlin, 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 7.) Influence of firearms upon tactics. Translated by Captain E. H. Wickham. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Les Transformations de I'Art de la Guerre. 8vo. Paris, 1878. Field Intrenching : its application on the battlefield and its bearing on tactics. n.p., 1878. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 35.) Composition of armies, military recon- naissance, and defence of fortified towns Lond. 1880 (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 39.) Les Lois de la Guerre sur Terre. Bvo Brussels, 1880 Notes on the Attack of a Position as practised by Continental Nations. i2ino Lond. 1888 Sciences appliquees a I'Art Militaires 4to. Brus.'^els, 1888 War, The Art of {contd)— Science et Guerre. Telegraphic Opti- que jiar Max Ue Nansout}-, Cryi)t()grai)hie par H. Mamy, Eclairage Electrique ])ar P. Jupjjont, Poste par Pigeons par G. Ricliou. i2mo. Paris, 1888. La Guerre de Masses. Premiere Etude. Preparation Stregique dcs Actions diicisives. jitre Partie. Guerre Napolicnne. 2101110 Partie. Guerre de 1870. Dis- cussion du Plan d'Operations Francpais. 8vo. Paris, 1890-93. Studies in Tactical Progress during the last 25 years. 8vo. 1891. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 53.) Modern War. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vols. 16 and 11-) (For other Works, see Index.) War Game. Rules for the conduct of the War- Game. (Official.) 8vo. Lond. 1884. Lieutenant W. C. H. Snell's War Game. Rules for playing it, suggested byC. A. G. B. Portsmouth, 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 44.) Conduct of a War Game on a Map. 8vo. Lond. 1896. Jeu de la Guerre. Public par la Reunion des Officiers. F'cap. folio. n.p., n.d. (For other Works, see Index.) War OflBce. The War Office, n.p., 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 45.) War Office (Reconstitution) Committee. Report. Parts i, 2, and 3. 8vo. Lond. 1904. Waraker, T, Naval Warfare of the Future. A consideration of the Declara- tion of Paris, 1856 : its obligation and its operation upon Maritime Belligerents. 8vo. Lond. 1892. Warburton, Eliot. Memoirs of Prince Rupert and the Cavaliers. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1849. Warhurton, Sir Robert. Eighteen Years in the Khyber. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Ward, A. W. Chaucer. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1879. Dickens. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1882. Ward, Major B. R., R.E. Notes on Fortification. 8vo. Lond. 1902. Ward, Lieiit.-Colonel E. W. D. Army .Service Corps Duties. 8vo. Lond. 1897. Ward, Harriet. Recollections of an Old Soldier : a biographical sketch of the late Colonel Tidy. i2mo. Lond. 1849. The Cape and the Kaffirs : a diary of five years' residence in Kaftirland. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. i860. Ward, H. G. Mexico. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Ward, John. Information relative to New Zealand. i2mo. Lond. 1840-1. Ward, Rear-Admiral J. R. Lyric Poems and thoughts in verse. 3rd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1874. WAR 369 WAT Ward, Robert. Animadversions of Warre ; or a mili- tary magazine of the rules and instructions for the managing of warre. Folio. Lond. 1639. Treatise of the relative rights and duties of belligerent and neutral powers in Maritime Affairs. Reprinted with a preface by Lord Stanley of Alderley. Svo. Lond. 1875. Ward, T. H. Reign of Queen \'ictoria : a survey of fifty years of progress. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1887. Warden, Major-General W. H. Notes on Gunpowder. Svo. Lond. 1877. (Bound with Geary's " Gun Cotton.") Handbook of Gunpowder and Gun- cotton. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Waring, Edward Scott. History of the Mahrattas ; with an historical sketch of the Deccan. 4to. Lond. 1810. Warner, John. Computation of Earth- Work. Svo. Philadelphia, 1861. Warnery, Le Major-General M. de. Remarques sur le Militaire des Turcs at des Russes. i2mo. Breslau, 1771. Remarques sur la Cavalerie, 12 mo. Lublin, 1781. Ditto, ditto. New Edition. Svo. Paris, 1898. Remarks on Cavalry. Translated from the French, 4to. Lond. 1798. Warnet, Le General. Emploi des Eclaireurs d'lnfanterie pour les Prelimin- aires du Combat. Svo. Paris, 1S93. Warren, Lieut.-General Sir C. On the Veldt in the Seventies. Svo. Lond. 1902. (See also Frome, Wilson, and Defender.) Warren, Count Edward de. European Interests in Railways in the Valley of the Euphrates. Lond. 1857. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 49.) Warren, Captain F., R.N. Patent army cooking apparatus. Lond. iSSS. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 76.) Corn supply of England in case of \\:\r. Lond. i0j3, (Pamphlets, 3rd series vol. 44.) Warren, Sir John Borlase. \'ie\v of the Naval Force of Great Britain : with Appendix containing the Regulations of the E. 1. Co.'s and Merchant Shipping, and notices of the Ports of Dover, Shoreham, Rye, Winchelsea, Sandwich, and Milford Haven. Svo. Lond. 1791. (Radstock Collection.) Wartenburg, Graf Yorck von. Napoleon als Feldherr. 2 vols. Svo. Berlin, 1885-6. Napoleon Chef d'Armee ; traduit de I'Allemand par le Commandant Richert. Parts I and 2. Svo. Paris, 1899. Napoleon as a General (Wolseley .Series.) 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1902. Wartensleben, Colonel Count Herr- man von. Feldzug 1870-71. Die Operationen der I. Armee unter General von Manteuffel. Von der Capitulation von Metz bis zum Fall von Peronne. Svo. Berlin, 1872. Feldzug 1870-71. Die Operationem der Siid-Armee in Januar und Februar 1871. Svo. Berlin, 1872. Campaign of 1870-71. Operations of the South Army in January and Februarj', 1871. Translated by Colonel C. H. von Wright. Svo. Lond. 1872. The Campaign of 1870-71. Operations of the first Army under General von Manteuffel. Translated by Colonel C. H. von Wright. Svo. Lond. 1B73. Warwick, Sir Philip. Memoires of the rcigne of King Charles L with a con- tinuation to the happy Restauration ol King Charles 11. Svo. Lond. 1701. Washburne, E. B. Recollections of a Minister to France, 1S69-77. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S87. Washington, Captain I., R.N. Lecture on the progre.'^s of Naval Architecture, and on Life-Boats. Lond. 1852. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 2)7 (i)-) Washington, George. Official Letters. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1795. (For other Works, see Index.) Waterloo, Battle of. A Letter written after the Battle by Sir Felton Hervey, A.D.C. to the Duke of Wellington. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 57.) Waterloo Letters, a selection from original and hitherto unpublished letters bearing on the operations of the i6th, 17th, and iSth June, 1815, by Officers who served in the Campaign. Edited by Major-General H, T. .Siborne. Svo. Lond, 1891. Inscriptions gravees sur les Monu- mens eriges a Waterloo. Brussels, n.d. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 4.) (For other Works, see Index.) Waterson, Staff-Sergeant W. K. Guide to stretcher and bearer Company Drill. i2mo. Lond. 1889. Wathen, Major A. Figures for the elucidation of Cavalry Movements. i2mo. Lond. n.d. Watkin, Sir E. W. Ships upside down. Speech on the construction of the "Captain," "Devastation," and other ironclads. Manchester, 1874. ■ (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 21.) Watkin, Captain H. Paris Electrical Exhibition, 1881. Report on Appliances connected with Artillery. Lond. 1882. f4to Pamphlets, vol. 8.) Watkin, Major H. S. S. Modern Slides Rules. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 40.) Watkins, Captain C. R. W. Opinions and aspects of a Great Crisis. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 42 (i).) WAT WEB Watkiiis, Frederick. Something about Hi^)isi-s. S\o. Calcutta, 1887. Watkins, John. Memoirs of the public and private Life of K. H. Sheridan, with an accoiuit of his family and connexions. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. " Lond. 181 8. Memoirs of Her Most Excellent Majesty Sophia Charlotte, Queen of Great Britain. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1819. (See also Wright, G. N.) Watson, B. L. Code of Signals. Svo. Lond. 1841. Watson, Sir F. (Sc-r Howard.) Watson, Major Gordon. Catechetical Dijjest of Lieut. -Colonel Clery's Minor 'J'actics. Kyde, 1883. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 36.) ,, ColoneL Questions and Answers on Fortress Tactics. 1890. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 52.) Watson, Ralpll. Plan for preventing ships foundering at sea. Lond. 1829. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 13.) Watson, Robert. History of the Reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain. 6th edition. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1803. „ Robert and William Thomson. Historj' of the Reign of Philip the Third, King of Spain. 3rd edition 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1808. Watson, R. Gr. History of Persia from the beginning of the 19th century. Svo. Lond. i366. Watson, W. Life in the Confederate Arnij- during- the American Civil War. Svo. ' " Lond. 1887. Watt, George. The Camel. 8\o. Simla, 1887. Watt, Henry F. State of the Navy, 1878. 8vo. Liverpool, 1878. State of the Navy, 1886. Unarmoured Ships. Svo. ' Lond. 1886. Watt, Robert. Bibliotheca Britannica ; or a General Index to British and Foreign Literature. 4 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1824. Watts, Henry. Dictionary of Chemistry. \'o!s. i-vii, and vol. viii, part i. Svo. Lond. 1868-79. Watts, Thomas. A Letter on the reputed earliest printed Newspaper, " The English Mercurie, " 1588. Svo. Lond. 1839. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Wauchope, Major-General A. (See L)ous.\a>. ) Waiiwermans, Lieut.-Colonel H. Les Machines hifernales dans la Guerre de Campagne. Application de laTheorie des Mines. 2nd edition. i2mo. Brussels, 1S76. Waveney, Lord. Lectures on National Defence, and on Militarj'^ Organization and History. Svo. Lond. 1 87 1. Part I. Organization of the Militia. , , 2. Defence of London. ,, 3. Defence of Portsmouth and East Suflblk. Waveney, Lord (cfl/i/tf.) — Part 4. England and her wars since 1815. ,, 5. Ireland, her wars and strategical history. Communications between Central Asia and Hindostan. ,, 6. Classification on the causes of war. National Defences and Militia. Forty years since ; or Italy and Rome. Svo. Lond. 1876. Waxell, L. de. Essai sur les Medailles Plaquccs drs Anciens. Svo. Lond. 1809 Way, Lieut.-Colonel G. A. Report on the Akhas, the Akha Country, and the Akha Expedition. Svo. Simla, 1884. Wayte, Samuel C. The Equestrian's Manual, or the .Science of Equitation. 8\-u. Lond. 1850. Weale, B. L. Putnam. The Re-shaping of the Far East. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1905. Indiscreet Letters from Pekin. Svo. Lond. 1906 The Truce in the Far- East and its Aftermath. Svo. Lond. 1907. Weale, John. Dictionary of Terms used in Architecture, Building, &c. Edited bj' Robert Hunt. 5th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Weatherhead, Dr. G. Hume. Pedestrian tour through France and Italy. Svo. Lond. 1834. Account of the Royal Beulah Saline Spa at Norwood, Surre3^ 5th edition. Lond. 1835 (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 7.) Weatherly, Dr. L. A. Ambulance Lectures. i2mo. Lond. 1S80. Webber, Lieut.-Colonel C. E., R.E. Duties of a Royal Engineer Officer in time of peace. Lond. 1869. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 79.) Military Telegraphs in connection with the Autumn Manoeuvres. Lond. 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 10.) Lines of Communication of an army in the field and their working. Lond. 1882. {.Set: also Collinson and Cooke, A. C.) Webber, Eduard. Technisches Worter- buch in Vier Sprachen — Deutsch, Italien- isch, Franzosisch Englisch. 4 Vols. i2mo. Berlin, 1904. Webber, Lieut.-Colonel G. D. British Guiana. The Essequibo and Potaro Rivers, with an account of a visit to the Kaieteur Falls. Svo. Lond. 1873. Weber, Ernest de. Quatre ans au Pays des I^oers. (1871-5.) Traduit par Jules Gourdault. i2mo. Paris, 18S2. Webster, James. Travels through the Crimea, Turkej', and Egypt, 1825-1S2S, including particulars of the last illness and death of the Emperor Alexander, and of the Russian conspirac}' in 1825. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1830. Webster, Noah. Complete Dictionary of the English Language ; revised bj- Chaunce\- A. Goodrich and Noah Porter. 4to. Lond. 1864. WEB 571 WEL Webster, Robert G. Amalgamation of the British Army. A Proposed Scheme. 8vo. Lond. 1S77. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) Lond. 1877. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 64.) Trade of the World : our present system of commerce examined. 8vo. Lond. 1880. Webster, William. Course of Practical Mathematics : par- ticularly adapted to the Army and Navy. i2mo. Lond. 1731. Weddell, James. Voyage towards the .South Pole in 1822-24, containing an ex- amination of the Antarctic Sea and a visit to Tierra del Fuego. Svo. Lond. 1827. Weil, Le Capitaine M. H. Les Dragons Russes. (Extrait du " Militar-Wochenschrift.") Svo. Paris, 1873. Les Forces Militaires de la Russie. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 18S0. Campagne de 1813. La Cavalerie des Arniees Alliees. Svo. Paris, 1886. La Campagne de 1814. 4 vols. Svo. Paris, 1891-96. La Guerre de Montagues. Crown Svo. Paris, 1896. Prince Eugene et Murat, 1813-1814. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1902. Weintz, H. J. Japanese Grammar Self- taught. Crown Svo. Lond. 1904. Weise, A. J. Discoveries of America to the j-ear 1525. Svo. Lond. 1884. Weiss, Aloys. British Wars of the Victorian Era. Crown Svo. Lond. 1898. Welby, Captain M. S. Through Unknown Thibet. Svo. Lond. 1898. 'Twixt Sirdar and Menelik. Svo. Lond. 1901. Welch, C. History of the Tower Bridge. 8vo. Lond. 1S94. Welch, J. J. Text Book of Naval Architecture. Svo. Lond. 1889. Weld, C. R. History of the Royal Society, with memoirs of the Presidents. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1848. Weldon, Major F. Range Finder. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 48.) Wellesley, Colonel The Hon. F. A. With the Russians in Peace and War. Svo. Lond. 1905. Wellesley, Richard, The Marquess. Despatches, Minutes, and Correspon- dence. Edited by R. Montgomery Martin. 4 vols. Svo. Lond. 1836-7. IMemoirs and correspondence. Pub- lished by R. R. Pearce. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S46. Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of. The Duke of Wellington and the Whigs. Lond. 1830. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 10.) Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of (co/i/d.)— Dispatches during his various Cam- paigns. Edited by Lt. -Colonel Gurwood. With Index. 15 vols. Svo. Lond. 1834-9. Selections from the Dispatches and General Orders of the Duke of Wellington. Bj^ Lieut. -Col. Gurwood. Svo. Lond. 1S41. Supplementary Despatches. Edited bj' his Son, the Duke of Wellington. S vols. Svo. Lond. 1858-61. Ditto, ditto. [In continuation of the former series.] With Index. 15 vols. Svo, Lond. 1867-72. The Words of Wellington : collected from his despatches, &c., by Edith Walford. i2mo. Lond. 1869. Letters of the Duke of Wellington to Miss J., 1834-51. Edited byC. T. Herrick. Svo. Lond. 1890. A volume relating to the Duke of Wellington, K.G. Imperial 4to. n.p., n.d. Funeral of. Official Report, &c., bound in one vol. Folio. (For other Works, see Index.) Wellington College. Rules and regula- tions, n.p., 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 26.) Wellington Prize Essays. Essays on the " Svstem of Field Manoeuvres best adapted for enabling our troops to meet a Continental army," written for the Wel- lington Prize by Lieut. J. F. Maurice ( Prize-Essav, bound separately), Lieut. H. J. T. Hildvard, Lieut. S. Waller, Capt. J. C. Russell, Col. Sir G. J. Wolseley, Gen. J. R. Crauford, and Lieut. C. Cooper King. Svo. Lond. 1872. Wells, Dr. C. Practical Grammar of the Turkish Language. Svo. Lond. 1880. The Literature of the Turks : a Turkish Chrestomathy. Svo. Lond. 1891. Wells, J. C. Gateway to the Polynia : a vovage to .Spitzbergen. Svo. Lond. 1876. Wellsted, Lieiitenant J. R. Travels in Arabia. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1838. Travels to the City of the Caliphs, along the shores of the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean ; including a voyage to the coast of Arabia and a tour in the Island of Socotra. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S40. (See also Robinson, F.) Welschinger, Henri. La Mission Secrete de Mirabeau a Berlin (17S6-17S7). Svo. Paris, 1900. Welsh, Colonel James. Military Remin- iscences ; extracted from a journal of nearlj- fortj- j-ears' active service in the East Indies. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1830. Welsh, John. Report on the performance of three Magnetographs. Lond. 1S52, (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 27.) Welton, T. C. With Rundle's Eighth Division. Svo. Lond. 1904. A 2 WEN 372 WHE Wengen, Freiherr von der. Die Kampfc vor Bclfort iin Januar 1871, und die historische Wahrheit. 8vo. Berlin, 1899. Die Schlacht von Vionvillc — Mars la Tour. Berlin, igcx). (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 67.) Werner, A. G. New Theory of the formation of Veins ; with its application to the art of workinjr mines. Translated, with appendi.x and notes by Charles Anderson. Bvo. Edinburgh, 1809. Werner, Vice-Admiral a. D. Bilder aus der 1 )tutschen .Sce-Kriegsgeschichte. Bvo. Munich, 1899. West, Sir Algernon. Memoir of Sir lUnry Keppcl, G.C.B., Admiral of the Fleet. 8vo. Lond. 1905. West Indies. Causes of the depreciation of West India Property. 2nd edition. Lond. 1807. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 24.) (For other Works, sec Index.) Westbrook, R. A. The Question of \'entilation considered. Lond. 1861. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 55.) Western, Lord. Management of Merino Sheep. Lond. 1842. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 39.) Westlake, John. International Law. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1904-07. Westmacott, Captain R. M. Sketches in Australia. 4to. n-P-i nd. Westminster. Address to the Inhabi- tants of St. James's, Westminster, on the health of rich and poor. Bvo. Lond. 1847. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) (For other Works, see Index.) Westminster Bridge, New. Lond. 1856. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 43 (ii).) Westminster and Lambeth Homoeo- pathic Medical Institution. Report. Lond. 1844. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 39.) Weston, Commander H. B., R.N. Tables for finding the Longitude by Chronometer at sunrise and sunset. Lond. 1848. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 43 (ii).) Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1856. Weston, James. Stenography com- pleated, or the art of Short-hand brought to ijcrfection. Bvo. Lond. 1748. Weston, Stephen. Historic notices of Towns, in (ireece and in other countries, that have struck coins. Bvo. Lond. 1826. Wet, Christian de. Three Years' War, October, 1899 — June, 1902. Bvo. Lond. 1902. Wethered, Major. Remarks on the Loss of Life by F"ire, with description of patent domestic fire escape. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 89.) Wetter, R. van. La Telegraphie Ojitifiue. Antwerp, 1883. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 41.) Weyhern, Hann von. Ansichten iiber Ansbildung einer Eskadron nach tlen AufDrilcrungen der Jestzeit. 8vo. Berlin, 1876. Weyl, E. Les Crandes Manoeuvres de L'Escadre Fran9aise. Bvo. Paris, 1886. La Marine Anglaise. 2nd edition. Bvo. Paris, 1BB7. Lettre sur La Marine, a la Commission du Budget. 8vo. Paris, 1890. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 52.) La Flotte de Guerre et des Arsenaux. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1894. La Marine Militaire, 1888-89. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1899. Whall, W. B. (Sec Todd.) Whalley, Colonel J. Lawson. Catalogue of British War Medals, Badges, &c. 4to. Lancaster, 1875. Ditto, ditto. 4tO. Lancaster, 1877. Gold War Medals, Elizabeth to Vic- toria. 4to. Lancaster, 1888. Wharton, The Duke of. Reasons for leaving his native country and e.spousing the causes of King James III. n.p. {circa 1720). (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 19.) Wharton, Captain W. J. L., R.N. History of H.M.S. "Victory." Portsmouth, 1872. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 27.) Hydrographical Surveying. A descrip- tion of the means and methods employed in constructing Marine Charts. Bvo. Lond. 1882. {Sec also Freshfield.) Whately, Richard. Essays on the writings of St. Paul and other parts of the New Testament. Bvo. Lond. 182B. Elements of Logic. 9th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1862. Wheatley, Henry B. Bookbinding. Folio. Lond. 1882. How to Catalogue a Library. Crown Svo. Lond. 1889. Wheatley, Captain John, R.N. Use of Medicated Baths in training. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 26.) Wheaton, Henry. Elements of Inter- national Law. Second annotated edition, by William Beach Lawrence. Bvo. Lond. 1S64. Wheeler, H. F. B., and A. M. Broadley. Napoleon and the Invasion of England. 2 vols, Bvo, Lond. 1007. Wheeler, J. Talboys. India under British Rule, from the foundation of the East India Comjianj'. Svo. Lond. 1886. Wheeler, Lieutenant 0. E. Somali Land, or the North-East Horn of Africa. Bvo. .Simla, 1884. Note on the Gulf of Tajourah. Svo. Simla, 18B4. WHE 37: WHI Wheeler, Stephen. The Black Mountain Campaign, 1888 Lond. 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 47.) The Ameer Abdur Rahman. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1895. Whelan, Peter. Numismatic Atlas of the Roman Empire, B.C. 44 to a.d. 476. 8vo. Lond. n.d. Numismatic Dictionary. i2mo. Lond. n.d. Whewell, The Rev. W. Elementary treatise on Mechanics. 5th edition. 8vo. Cambridge, 1836. Free motion of Points, and universal Gravitation, being the first part of a Treatise on Dynamics. 3rd edition. 8vo. Cambridge, 1836. Histor\' of the Inductive Science from the earliest to the present times. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1837. Mechanical Euclid, containing the elements of Mechanics and Hydrostatics. 2nd edition. i2mo. Cambridge, 1837. Doctrine of Limits, with its appli- cations ; namely. Conic Sections, the first three Sections of Newton, the differential Calculus. Svo. Cambridge, 1838. Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences, founded upon their historj\ 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1840. Strictures on Dr. Whewell's History of the Inductive Sciences. Lond. 1847. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 27.) Whigham, H. J. The Persian Problem. Manchuria and Korea. Svo. Lond. 1Q03. Svo. Lend. 1Q04. Whinyates, Colonel F. A., late R.H.A. l)iary and Reminiscences of Lieutenant W. Swabey, R.H.A., in the Peninsular War. Svo. Lond. 1895. Whistler, Captain Fuller. Things to Know for Volunteer Officers. Svo. Glasgow, 1898. Whishaw, Francis. Railways of Great Britain and Ireland practically described. 4to. Lond. 1840. Whitaker, C. W., and H. G. Brann. Whitaker's Modern Method of Learning German. Crown Svo. Lond. 1904. Whitchurch, S. Monody to the Memory of Admiral Hyde Parker, who was lost in the "Cato," Bath, 1785. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 43 (i).) White, Arnold. Efficiency and the Empire. Svo. Lond. 1901. White, Captain C. W. The Army and the Public. 3rd edition. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 41.) Our Military Position — A Note of Warning. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 68.) White, E. Practical treatise on the Game of Billiards. Svo. Lond. 1807. White, Captain F. B. P. Substantive seniority army list. First issue, Majors and Captains. Svo. Lond. 1871. White, The Rev. Gilbert. Natural His- tory and Antiquities of Selbourne. New edition with notes, by E. T. Bennett. Svo. Lond. 1837. White, Henry. Guide to the Civil Service. 8th edition, revised by A. C. Ewald. Svo. Lond. 1867. White, The Rev. Hugh. Duelling. Dublin, 1843. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 40.) White, H. A. Robert E. Lee and the Southern Confederacy, 1 807-1 870. Svo. New York, 1B97. White, Captain Martin, R.N. Sailing Directions for the English Channel. Svo. Lond. 1S35. White, Captain Thomas, R.N. Relation of the light between the English and Dutch Fleets in the Downs, May 19th, 1652. Svo. Lond. 1652. (Radstock Collection.) Naval Researches, or a candid inquiry into the conduct of Admirals Byron, Graves, Hood, and Rodney, in the actions of Grenada, Chesapeak, St. Christopher's, and of the 9th and 12th of April, 1782. Svo. Lond. 1830. White, Thomas, Junr. Theory and practice of Ship Building. Svo. With folio Atlas. Lond. 1858. White, Thomas Evanson. History ot the rise and progress of the Naval Power of England, with notices relative to the French Marine. Svo. Lond. 1802. (Radstock Collection.) White, W. Sir Lyon Playfair. Svo. Lond. 18S4. White, Captain W. Letter relating to Military Flogging. Lond. 1823. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 24.) White, W. H. Manual of Naval Architecture. Svo. Lond. 1877. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1882 Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. Svo. Lond. 1894. „ Sir W. H. A Manual of Naval Archi- tecture. 5th edition. Svo. Lond. 1900. „ Sir W. H., Major - General F. S. Russell, Lord Meath, Lord Erroll, Lieut. - Colonel A. W. A. Pollock. The Defence of the Empire. Lond. 1905. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 69.) White, Captain W. L. The French Mountain Artillery in Tonkin, 1883-87. Woolwich, 1889. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 56.) Mountain Artillery. Woolwich, n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 56.) White - Jervis, Lieutenant J., R.E. Manual of Field Operations. Crown Svo. Lond. 1852. Whitehouse, Cope. The Raigan Moeris. New York, 1S90. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 50.) WIJI 374 WIL Whitelocke, Sir Bulstrode. Memorials of the English Affairs, 1625-1660. t'olio. Lond. 1732. Journal of the Swedish Ambassy, in 1653 and 1654. 2 vols. 410. Lond. 1772. Whitelocke, R, H. Memoirs, bio- .Uiapliiral ami historical, of Bulstrode Wliitclockc. 3vo. Lond. 1860. Whitman, Walt. Army Hospitals and Cases, 1S03-0. New I'ork, 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 47.) Whitmore, Major-General Sir Gr. S. The Last Maori \Var in New Zealand. Svo. Lond. 1902. Whittingham, Captain Bernard, R.E. .Notes on the late E.xpedition af;'ainst the Russian Settlements in Eastern Siberia. Svo. Lond. 1856. Whittingham, Major-General F. Personal Recollections of a Ten Months' Residence in Berlin ; also extracts from a Journal kept in Paris during the crisis of 1839. Svo. Lond. 1846. Bermuda. Svo. Lond. 1857. Four years in the Ionian Islands. Edited by Viscount Kirkwall. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1864. Comparison of the Prussian and British Armies. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 92.) Our Military System. A lecture on "How depending solely on Voluntary Enlistment, Great Britain may maintain an effective and well organized army." Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 96.) Whittingham, Lieut. - General Sir Samuel Ford. Memoir of his Services. Svo. Lond. iS63. Ditto, ditto. New edition. Svo. Lond. 1868. Whitworth, Charles. List of the English, Scots, and Irish Nobility. i2mo. Lond. 1765. (Radstock Collection.) Whitworth, Sir Joseph. Miscellaneotis Papers on Mechanical Subjects. Svo. Lond. 1858. Note. — This volume contains papers on "Plain Metallic Surfaces," "Uniform Sj'stem of Screw Threads," "Standard Decimal Measures of Length, ■ "Rifled Fire Arms, ' &c. Miscellaneous Papers on Mechanical Subjects. Manchester, 1869. Penetration of Armour Plates with long .Shells fired obliquely : with Report of the Discussion. Papers on Rifled Artillery. Form of Projectiles for penetration through water. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 7.) Report of the Armstrong and Whit- worth Committee, with a letter and appendices. 4to. Manchester, 1866. Guns and Steel. 4to. Lond. 1873. Whitworth, R. P. Bailliere's New South Wales Gazetteer and road guide. Svo. .Sydney, 1866. Whymper, E. Travels amongst the Great Andes of the Equator. Svo. Lond. 1902. Whymper, Frederick. Travel and Ad- venture in the Territory of Alaska. Svo. Lond. iS'jS. Wickham, Captain E. H. The Pighting ot' to-day. Lonil. 1873. 'Panii:)h]cts, 3rd scries, vol. 13.) Wickham, Henry L., and The Rev. J. A. Cramer. Dissertation on the Passage of Hannibal over the Alps. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1828. Wickham, Captain W. Military Trans- poit in India. Svo. Bombay, 1892. Wickremasinghe, Don M. de Zilva, Tamil Self-Taught. Crown Svo. Lond. 1907. Widdrington, Captain L. E., R.N. Spain aiid the Spaniartis in 1863. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1844. Widegren, G. Svenskt och Engelskt Lexicon (Swedish and English Dictionary). 4to. Stockholm, 1788. Wiebeking, C. F. Traite de la Science de Construire les Ponts, avec une description de la nouvelle methode economique de con- struire des ponts a Arches de Charpente. 4to. Munich, iSio. Atlas to ditto. Folio. Wieland, Christoph Martin. Auserlesene Gedichte. 6 vols. i2mo. Leipzig, 1784-5. Kleinere prosaische Schriften. 2 vols. i2mo. Leipzig, 17S5. Wiffen, J. H. Julia Alpinula ; with the Captive of .Stamboul and other Poems. i2mo. Lond. 1820. Wight, Rear- Admiral John. CoUapsion Rudder. Folio. n.p., n.d. Wightman, J. W. One of the " Six Hundred "' on the Balaclava Charge. Lond. 1892. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 56.) Wilberforce, R. G. An Unrecorded Chapter of the Mutiny. Small Svo. Lond. 1S94. Wilberforce, Robert Isaac, and Samuel. Life of William Wilberforce. 5 vols. Svo. Lond. 1838. Wilbraham, Captain R. Tra\els in the Trans-Caucasian Provinces of Russia in 1837. Svo. Lond. 1839. Wilcocks, W., C.M.G. Egyptian Irriga- tion. 2nd edition. Imperial Svo. Lond. 1899. Wilcox, Lieutenant C. M., U.S. Army. Rifles and rifle practice. Svo. New York, 1859. Evolutions of the Line, as practised by the Austrian Infantry, and adopted in 1853. Svo. New York, i860. Wilford, Colonel E. C. Class book for the School of Musketry, Hythe. 4to. Hythe, 1861. Wilhelm, Captain T. Military Dictionary and Gazetteer. Svo. Philadelphia, 1881. Military Pocket Book. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1882. WIL 375 WIL Wilkes, C. Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition, 1838-42. 5 vols., and Atlas. Royal 8v-o. Philadelphia, 1845. Wilkeson, F. The Soldier in Battle, or Lite in the Ranks of the Army of the Putomac. 8vo. Lond. 1896. Wilkie, C. J. The Oxford Military Note and Sketch Book. Oblong 8vo. Aldershot, 1899. Wilkin, Anthony. Among the Berbers of Algeria. 8vo. Lond. 19C0. Wilkins, Colonel H. St. Clair, R.E. Reconnoitring in x\b3'ssinia. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Wilkins, J. W. The Second Congress and the Russian Claim to the Isle of Serpents and Bolgrad. 2nd edition. Lond. 1857. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 83.) Wilkins, W. H. The Love of an Un- crowned Queen. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Wilkinson, Frank. Australia at the Front. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1931. Wilkinson, Sir Gardner. Modern Egypt and Thebes. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Wilkinson, Henry. Engines of War, ancient and modern, including the manufacture of guns, gun- powder, and swords. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Observations on swords. Lond. 1844. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 40.) Ditto, ditto. 7th edition. Lond. i860. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 57.) Observations on muskets, rifles, and projectiles. 8vo. Lond. 1851. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts, 1846- 1852.) Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. Lond. 1852. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 25.) Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. Lond. 1858- (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 54.) Cause of the external pattern or water- ing of the Damascus Sword-Blades. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlels, 2nd series, vol. 15.) Wilkinson, Captain H. Spenser. Suggestions for a new Field E.xercise for the Volunteer Infantry. Manchester, 1886. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 45.) Exercises in Strategy and Tactics. Manchester, 1887. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 45.) Essays on the War-Game. Manchester, 1887. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 45.) The Brain of an Army. A popular account of the German General .Stati". 8vo. Lond. 1890. The Great Alternative. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1894. The Nation's Awakening. 8vo. Lond. 1896. The Volunteers and the National Defence. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1896. British Policy in South Africa. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1899. Wilkinson, Captain H. Spenser (c^///^/.)— i:' rom Cromwell to Wellington. 8vo. Lond. 1899. Lessons of the War. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1900. War and Policy. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Moltke's Projects for the Campaign of 1866 against Austria. Official. 8vo. Lond. 1902. (See also Dilkc.) Wilkinson, N. L., and H. L. Swinburne. '1 he Royal .\avy. 8vo. Lond, 1907. Wilkinson, Major-General 0., C.B., and Major-General J. Wilkinson. The IMtmoirs of the Gemini Generals. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1896. Wilkinson, J. G. Manners and customs of the Ancient Egyptians. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Ditto, ditto. 2nd series. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Wilkinson, William. Account of the Principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia. 8vo. Lond. 1820. Wilks, Lieut.-Colonel Mark. Historical Sketches of the South of India, in an attempt to trace the History of Mysoor. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1810-17. Will, Lieutenant George, and Lieu- tenant J. C. Dalton. Artillerist's handbook of reference. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Willaumez, Le Vice-Amiral J. B. P. Dictionnaire de Marine. 3rd edition. 8vo. Paris, 1831. Willcocks, Brig.-General Sir J. From Kabul to Kumassi. 8vo. Lond. 1904. Willcox, Lieutenant Cornells de Witt, U.S.A. A French-English Military Technical Dictionary. 8vo. Washington, 1B99. Willmore, J. S. Handbook of Spoken Egyptian Arabic. i2mo. Lond. 1903. Wille, 0. Ueber Anlage und Durch- fuhrung der Manover. 8vo. Frauenfeld, 1893. Wijle, Lieutenant R. Ueber Kartatsch- geschtitze. Berlin, 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 99.) „ General-Major R. Schnellfeuer- Feldkanonen. Part i. 8vo. Berlin, 1899. Willett, James R. Rambling recollec- tions of a Military Engineer. n.p., 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 49.) William III, King of England. Reasons of the Nobility and Gentry's Invitation of the Prince of Orange. Lond. 1688. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 4.) Life of. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1703. (Sec also Landmann.) Williams, Charles. Armenian Campaign ; a diary of the Campaign of 1877. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Hushed Up. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1902. William?,, Clement. Through Burma h to Western China, in 1863. 8vo. Lond. 1868. WIL 376 WIL Williams, C. R. Defence of Kaliun. A forgotten episode of the first Afghan War. Svo. Loud. 1886. Williams, C. W. Conibustion of Coal and the prevention of smoke. Part i. 8vu, Loud. 1841. Plates to dttto. 4to. Williams, D. E. Life and correspondence ()( Sir rhniiias Lawrence, Kt., President (if tile Royal Academy. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1831. Williams, The Rev. E. A. The Cruise of tile •• Pearl." Svo. Lond. 1859. Williams, E. Crawshay. Across Persia. o\u. Lond, 1907. Williams, Gomer. The Li\erpool Pri- vateers and Liverpool Slave Trade. Svo. Lond. 1897. Williams, Hamilton. Britain's Naval Power. Crown Svo. Lond. 1894. Williams, Harry. Steam Navy of England : Past, Present, and Future. Svo. Lond. 1893. Williams, John (Anthony Pasquin). Satires and Biographies. Svo. Lond. 1793-7. Williams, John. Natural History of the Mineral Kingdom. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, iSio. Williams, J. Butler. Practical Geodesy. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1S46. Williams, J. F. {See Hughes, W.) Williams, J. J. Location of the Tehuan- tepec Railway- and Can-iage Road. New York, 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 85.) Williams, Monier. Modern India and the Indians. Cvo, Lond. 1S78. Williams, General S. H. Great Britain's Defence of her South and South-Eastern Coasts, Metropolis, and Dockyards. Lond. i860. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 56.) Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. Lond. i860. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 11.) Danger and difificulty of Fortifying London. Ramsgate, 1872. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 96.) Williams, S. Wells. " The Middle " Kingdom ' : the Chinese Empire and inhabitants. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1883. Williamson, Brig.-General A. Military memoirs and maxims of Marshal Turenne. i2mo. Lond. 1740. Williamson, Captain John. The Elements of Military Arrangement and of the Discipline of War, adapted to the practice of the British Infantrj-. New edition, augmented and improved. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. n.d. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1781. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. , 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1791. Willoughhy, Moncrieffe. Patent Ac- celerating Lnprovements in Naval Archi- tecture. Lond. 1S23. (Pamphlets, o.s., vol. 13.) Wills, W., and L. CoUingridge. The Downfall of Lobengula. Svo. Lond. 1894. Willson, Beckles. The Great Company (i 667-1 871). 2 vols. Crown Svo. Lond. 1900. Ledger and Sword. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1903. Willyams, The Rev. Cooper. Account of the Campaign in the West Indies, in 1794. 4to. Lond. 1796. (Bound Avith Walsh's "E.xpedition to Holland," 2nd edition.) Wilmot A., and The Hon. J. C. Chase. History of the Colony of the Cape ot Good Hope. Svo. Lond. 1869. Wilson, Alexander. American Orni- thology, or the Natui-al History of the Birds of the United States ; with a con- tinuation by Charles Lucien Bonaparte ; and illustrative notes and life of W^ilson bj- .Sir W. Jardine, Bart. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1832. Wilson, Andrew. The " Ever Victorious Army." History of the Chinese Cam- paign under Lieut. -Colonel C. G. Gordon. Svo. Lond. 1868. Wilson, A. J. Resources of modern Countries. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1878. Wilson, Christopher. Method of Com- bining Timber, applicable to Nav'al Architecture. Lond. 1795. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iv.) Wilson, Lient.-ColonelC. T. The Duke of Berwick, Marshal of France, 1702- 1734. Svo. Lond. 1883. Wilson, Colonel Sir Charles W. Notes on Maps. Svo. Lond. 1S73. Address to the Geographical Section of the British Association, Belfast, 1S74. Lond. 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 20.) From Korti to Khartum ; a Journal of the Desert March from Korti to Gubat and of the ascent of the Nile in General Gordon's Steamers. Svo. Lond. 1885. Tribes of the Nile \"alley, North of Khartum. Lond. 1887. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 44.) Lord Clive. Crown Svo. Lond. 1890. Wilson, Captain C. Holmes, R.A. The Relief of Ladysmith — The Artillery- in Natal. Crown Svo. Lond. 1901. Wilson, David Mackay. Behind the Scenes in the Transvaal. 8vo. Lond. iQoi. Wilson, Captain E., R.N. Observations on the deterioration of our Iron Navy. Lj'mington, 1S67. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 71.) Health of the Navy in Tropical Climates. Lj-mington, 1870. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 84.) Our iron-clad Fleet : showing how they should be constructed and armoured. Lj'mington, 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 88.) Our future iron-clad Fleet. Lj-mington, 1S72. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 96.) WIL Wilson, Captain E., R.N. {contd)— Our Merchant Navy and its reserve of seamen. Lymington, 1875. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 21.) Our Navy, as it was and is. Lj'mington, n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 21.) Wilson, Sir Erasmus. Cleopatra's Needle : with notes on Egypt and Egyptian Obelisks. 8vo. Lond. 1877. Wilson, Horace Hayman. Documents illustrative of the Burmese War. 4to. Calcutta, 1827. Dictionary in Sanscrit and English. 2nd edition. 4to. Calcutta, 1832. Ariana Antiqua : account of the antiquities and coins of Afghanistan. 4to. Lond. 1841. Wilson, H. M. Water Supply and Irri- gation Papers of the United States Geological Survey. No. 32. Washington, 1899. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 62.) Wilson, H. W. . Ironclads in Action. A Sketch of Naval Warfare from 1855-1895. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1896. The Downfall of Spain. 8vo. Lond. 1900. (See also Beresford.) Wilson, James B. Ship's Cook and .Steward's Guide. Lond. 1882. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 43.) Wilson, Jasper. {See Currie.) Wilson, Surgeon, Joseph, U.S. Navy. Naval H3'giene, with an appendix ; moving wounded men on shipboard, bj- A. C. Gorgas. 8vo. Washington, 1870. Wilson, J. Cook. Manual of Cyclist L)rill for the use of the Cyclist Section of the Oxford University Rifle Volunteer Corps. Oxford, 1889. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 51.) Wilson, J. I. History of Christ's Hospital. 6th edition. i2mo. Lond. 1838. Wilson, The Rev. J. L. The British Squadron on the Coast of Africa. The Slave Trade. 8vo. Lond. 1850. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Western Africa. 8vo. New^ York, 1856. Wilson, Captain R. E., and Captain C. Warren. Recovery of Jerusalem ; a narrative of exploration and discovery- in the City and the Holy Land : with an introduction hy A. P. .Stanley'. Edited by Walter Morrison. 8vo. Lond. 1871. Wilson, General Sir Robert. Remarks on the character and com- position of the Russian Army, and a sketch of the Campaigns in Poland, 1806-7. 4to. Lond. 1810. yil WIN Wilson, General Sir Robert {contd.)~ Narrative of events during the invasion of Russia by Napoleon Bonaparte, and the retreat of the French Army, 1812. Edited by the Rev. Herbert Randolph. 8vo. Lond. i36o. Private Diary of travels, personal services, and public events during the Campaigns of 1812-14. Edited by the Rev. h! Randolph. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1861. Wilson, Lieut.-Colonel R. T. History of the British Expedition to Egypt. 4to. Lond. 1802. Ditto, ditto. 4th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1803. Enquiry into the present state of the Military Force of the British Empire. 8vo. Lond. 1804. Wilson, Samuel. Imperial Federation. Lond. 1884. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 40.) Wilson-Barker, Commander D., R.N.R. A Note on the Relative Value ot Sail and Steamship Training. Lond. 1900. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 60.) Wimpffen, Le General De. Sedan. 2nd edition. 8vo. Pans, 1871. Winans, W. The Art of Revolver Shooting. Imp. 8vo. Lond. 1901. Wing, Major H. T. Rhyming Remem- brancers of Military Tactics, Administra- tion, and Lawr. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1885. Wingate, Major F. R. Chronological Index of events m the Sudan, 1881-9. i2mo. Lond. 1890. Mahdiism and the Egyptian Sudan, being an account of the rise and progress of Mahdiism, and of subsequent events in the Sudan to the present time. 8vo. Lond. 1891. Ten Years' Captivity in the Mahdi's Camp, 1882-92. From the original Manu- scripts of Father Joseph Ohrwalder, late Priest of the Austrian Mis.sion Station at Delen in Kordofan. 8vo. Lond. 1892. Wingate, Lieutenant J. Storming ot Ghuznee and Kelat. Folio. Lond. 1842. Wingfield, Sir Charles. Central Asian Question. Lond. 1873. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 2.) Winkelmann, Giovanni. Storia delle arti del Disegno Presso gli Antichi. 3 vols. 4to. Rome, 1783. Winn, A. R. G., and C. WoUey Phillips. Broadsword and Single-stick. 8vo. Lond. 1890. Winn, The Hon. C. AUanson. What I saw of the war ; at th2 battles of Speichern, Gorze. and Gravellotte. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Winsor, Justin. Narrative and Critical Hi.storv of America. 8 vols. 4to. Lond. 1889. Winter, Captain C. F. The Evolution of the Canadian Army. Ottawa, 1899. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 60.) Winterberg, A. Malta. Geschichte und Gegenwart. i2mo. Vienna, 1879. WIN 37S WOL Winterbotham, William. Historical, geographical, commercial, and philo- sophical view of the American United States, and of the European Settlements in America and the West Indies. 4 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1 70-. Winterhalder, Theodor, Ritter von. Kiiiiijiic ill China, 1900-1901. Svo. Vienna, 1902. Winthrop, Lieut-Colonel W. Military Law. 2 vols. Svo. Washington, 1886. 'Wise, Henry. Analysis of One Hundred Voyages to and from India, China, &c., performed by ships in the Hon. E. I. Co.'s Service ; with reinarks on the advantages of Steam Power, and a descripton of Melville's Patent Propellers. Svo. Lond. 18,9. Wise, T. A. History of Paganism ^in Caledonia. 4to. Lond. 1884. Wiseman, Nicholas. Horse Training upon New Principles. 3rd edition. Svo. Lond. 18:2. Wislicenus, Georg. Deutschlands See- macht. Imp. 410. Leipz'g, 1S96. Wisser, Captain J. P., U.S.A. Explosive Materials. i2mo. New York, 1898. The Second Boer War, 1899- 1900. With I Case Maps. Svo. Kansas City, 1901. „ Major J. P., U.S.A. The Tactics of Coa.^t Defence. Svo. Kansas, 1902. „ Major J. P., U.S.A., and H. C. Gauss. A Military and Naval Dictionary. Croun Svo. Xew York, 1905. Wit, Jean de. Memoires de Jean de Wit, Grand Pensionnaire de Hollande. 3rd edition. i2mo. Ratisbon, 1709. (Radstock Collection.) Witherby, H. F. Bird Hunting on the White Nile. Svo. Lond. 1902. Witherow, T. Derry and Enniskillen in 1639 : the story of some famous Battle- Fields in Ulster. Svo. Belfast, 187^. Withers, John. The Whigs vindicated. Lond. 1715. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 20.) Witt, George. Dissertatio medica inauguralis de Cholera Indica. Leyden, 1830. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 2.) Compendium of Osteology. Oblong 4to. Lond. 1833. Wittich, General von. Aus Meinem Tagebiiche, 1S70-71. Svo. Cassel, 1872. Journal de Guerre de General de Wittich. Translated into French by Com- mandant Richert. Svo. Paris, 1902. Wittman, William. Travels in Turkey, Asia-Minor, S3-ria, and into Egypt, 1799- 1801. 4to. Lond. 1803. Witzlehen, A. von, Heerwesen und Infanteriedienst des Deutschen Reichs- heeres. 12th edition. Svo. Berlin, 1871. Woerl, Dr. J. E. Atlas der Schlachten, fressen und Belagerungen aus der Ges- chichte der Kriege, 1792-1815. Edited by F. von Durrich. 4to. Freiburg, 1857. Woide, von, General - Lieutenant im Russischen General-Stabe. Die L'rsachcn der .Siege und Niedcr- lagen im Kriege 1870. 2 vols. Svo. Berlin, 1894. Die Ursachen der Siege und Nieder- lagen im Kriege 1S70. Ausdem Ru.ssischen iibersetzt von Klingender, Major im General-Stabe. Small Royal Svo. Berlin, 1899. Woinovits, Captain lUia, Austrian General Staff". Austrian Cavalry Exercise. Translated from the abridged edition, by Captain W . S. Cooke. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1874. Wolfe, Major-General James. Instruc- tions to Young Officers, together with the orders and Signals used in embarking and debarking the army by flat-bottomed beats, and a placart to the Canadians. 2nd edi- tion. i2mo. Lond. 1780. Wolff, Ernst. En Dansk og Engclsk Ord-Eog. 4to. Lond. 1779. WolflF, The Eev. J. Narrative of a Journey to Bokhara in the Years 1843- 1S05, to ascertain the fate of Colonel Stoddart and Captain Conolly. 3rcl edition. Svo. Lond. 1846. Wolley Phillips, C. {See Winn.) Wolowski, Ladislas. Campagne de 187C-71. Corps Franc des Vosges (Armee de I'Est). Svo. JParis, 1871. Wolryche-Whitmore, H. B. (See Bevan.) Wolseley, Hon. Francis. The Story of Marlborough. Designs bj* Caran d'Ache. Lond. 1897. Wolseley, General G. J., Viscount. Narrative of the War with China in 1S60. Svo. Lond. 1862. The Soldier's Pocket-Book for Field .Service. 121110. ist. 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th editions. Lond. 1869-1S89. Field Pocket-Book for Auxiliary Forces. 121110. Lond. 1873. The Use of Railroads in War. Svo. Lond. 1873. Courage. Lond. 1888- (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 47.) Military Cienius. Lond. 1S8S. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 47.) The Negro as a soldier. Lond. 1SS8. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 47.) War. Lond. 188S. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 47.) Is a Soldier's Life worth living? Lond. 1 889. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 49.) An English View of the [American] Civil War. 1890. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 50.) Standing Army of Cireat Britian. 1890. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 50.) „ Field-Marshal G. J., Viscount. Life of John, ist Duke of Marlborough. Vols, i and ii. Svo. Lond. 1S94. The Decline and Fall of Napoleon. Crown Svo. Lond. 1895. The Story of a Soldier's Life. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1903. (For other Works, sec Index.) WOL 379 WOO Wolseley Series. 8vo. Lond. 1897-1902. 1. With the Roj-al Headquarters in 1870- 71. By General Verdy du Vernois. 2. Letters on Strategy. 2 vols. By Prince Kraft zu Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen. 3. Indian Frontier Warfare. By Major G. J. Younghusband. 4. The Conduct of War. By Lieut. - General von du Goltz. 5. Cromwell as a .Soldier. By Major T. S. Baldock. 6. Operations of General Gurko"s Advance Guard in 1877. By Colonel Epauchin. 7. Napoleon as a General. 2 vols. By Count Yorck von Wurtenburg. Wood, C. A. Military Transport by Sea. Lond. 1859. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 52.) Wood, Charles, Secretary of the Ad- miralty. Speech on the State of the Xavy. 8vo. Lond. 1839. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Wood, General Sir Evelyn. The Crimea in 1854 and 1894. 8vo. Lond. 1895. Cavalry in the Waterloo Campaign. Small 8vo. Lond. 1895. Achievements of Cavalry. Svo. Lond. 1897. „ Field - Marshal Sir Evelyn, From Midshipman to Field - Marshal. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1906. Wood, Major Herbert. Cause probable du changement de direction survenu dans le Cours de I'Amou Daria. Geneva, 1875. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 34.) Shores of Lake Aral. Svo. Lond. 1876. Wood, The Very Rev. James, Dean of Ely. Elements of Algebra. 8th edition. Svo. Cambridge, 1825. Wood, Lieutenant John, Indian Navy. Journey to the source of the River Oxus. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition ; with an essay on the geography of the valley of the Oxus : by Colonel Henry Yule. 8vo. Lond. 1872. Wood, Major-G-eneral L., U.S.V. Roster of Troops serving in the Division of Cuba. Havana, 1900. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 63.) Wood, W. Illustrations of the Linnasan Genera of Insects. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1821. Wood, Walter. The Despatches of Field - Marshal the Duke of Welhngton during the Cam- paigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, the Low Countries and France, and relat- ing to America, from 1799 to 1815. Selected and arranged. 8vo. Lond. 1902. The Fight for Canada. Svo. Lond. 1904. „ and Major J. E. Edmonds, R.E. A History of the Civil War in the United .States, 1 861-5. Svo. Lond. 1905. Woodard, David. Narrative of Captain David Woodard and four Seamen, who surrendered themselves up to the Malays in the Island of Celebes. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1805. Woodberry, Lieutenant 18th Hussars. Journal 1813-1815. Crown Svo. Paris, 1896. Woodbridge, Dr. W. E. Measurement of Powder Pressures in Cannon by means of the registered com- pression of oil. Washington, 1879. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 35.) Gun Construction on the " Woodbridge System." Washington, 1881. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 35.) Wire-wound Guns. Washington, 1884. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 41.) Woodcroft, Bennet. Sketch of the origin and progress of .Steam Navigation. 4to. Lond. 184S. Woodford, Major-General Sir John G. (.SVt' Crosthwaite.) Woodhouse, Robert. Treatise on plane and spherical Trigonometry. 5th edition. Svo. Cambridge, 1827. Woodley, W. The Longitude obtained with the same facility as the Latitude. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 37 (i).) Woodthorpe, Lieutenant R. G. Lushai E.\'pedit;on, 1871-2. Svo. Lond. 1873. Woodward, Dr. John. Natural History of the Earth and terrestrial bodies. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1702. Woolhouse, W. S. B. Tables of Con- tinental lineal and square Measures. Lond. 1836. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. S.) WooUcombe, R. W. Application to projectiles of the eccen- tric principle. Lond. 1856. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 64.) Experiments with eccentric oblate bodies and disks as Projectiles. Lond. 1862. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 64.) Woolrych, Humphry W. Memoirs ot the Life of Judge Jetlreys, sometime Lord High Chancellor of England. Svo. Lond. 1S27. Woolwich. Records of the Woolwich District. By W. T. Vincent. 2 vols. Svo. Woolwich and Lond. 1890. Woolwich. Royal Military Academy. Records of the Royal r^Iilitary Academy, Woolwich. By Colonel W. D. Jones. Folio. Woolwich, 1851. Elementary Course of Mathematics, prepared for the use of the Royal Military Academy. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S53. Reports on Examinations. Svo. Lond. 1856-70. Instruction in Fortification, Military Engineering, and Geometrical Drawing. 4to. Lond. 1 871. Atlas to ditto. Folio. Lond. 1871. Examination Papers. Svo. Woolwich, 1S79. woo 380 WYL Woolwich. Royal Military Academy {cont(i.)~ Woolwich Handbook : being notes for tlie information of Candidates for admis- sion to the Royal Military Academy. lamo. Lond. 1889. The Shop : The Story of the Royal Military Academy. By Captain F. G. Ciiiii.Lrisbei tr, R.K. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Worcester, Dean C. The Philippine Islands and their People. Small Royal 8vo. Lond. 1898. Worcester, The Marquis of. (Sec Dircks.) Wordsworth, William. Poetical Works. 7 \()ls. i2nio. Lund. 18402. Workman, Fanny B., and William H. In the Ice World of Himalaya. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Through Town and Jungle. 8vo. Lond. 1904. Worsley, Sir Richard, Bart. History of the Isle ofWiiiht. 4to. Lond. 1781. Worthington, Lieutenant B,, R.N. Pro- posed plan for improving Dover Harbour. Bvo. Dover, 1838. Wostrowitz, E. B. Fleissner von. Handbuch der Krj'ptographie. 8vo. Vienna, 1881. Wrangel, Admiral Fred. von. Narrative of an expedition to the Polar Sea in the years 1820-23. Edited bj' Colonel Sabine. 8vo. Lond, 1840. Wrangel, Count Gr. Ungarn's Pferdezuclit Wort und Bild. 4 vols. 8vo. -Stuttgart, 1895. The Cavalry in the Russo-Japanese War. Translated from the German by Lieutenant J. Montgomerj', 3rd Hussars. 8vo. Lond. 1907. Wraxall, Lascelles. Armies of the Great Powers. 8vo. Lond. 18^9. „ Sir Lascelles, Bart. Military Sketches. 8\-o. Lond. 1864. Wray, Colonel Henry. Some applica- tions of theorj' to the practice ot Con- struction. 8vo. Chatham, 1872. Wren, Christopher. Parentalia : or memoirs of the family of the Wrens ; viz., of Mathew, Bishop of Ely, Christopher, L^ean of Windsor, &c., but chiefly of Sir Christopher Wren. Folio. Lond. 1750. Wren, W. Military Education. The Education of Officers, 1891. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 53.) Wrey, W. Long. Steam Navigation direct to Australia and New Zealand, via the Cape of Good Hope. Lond. 1867. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 93.) New Zealand in 1867. Lond. 1867. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 93.) Wright, Francis Vere. The Broad- swoi'd. Bvo. Lond. 1889. Wright, The Rev. G. N. New and comprehensive Gazetteer. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834. Life and Campaigns of Arthur Duke of Wellington, K.G. 4 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1841. Wright, The Rev. G. N., and John Watkins. Life and reign of Wiliiani the I'unrth. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Wright, Captain H. 0. P. Volunteer (.DiupariN' Oflicers' Handbook for Parade. 1211111. Glasgow, 1888. „ Major H. 0. P. Practical Tactics for l-Jcginners. 8vo. Colchester, 1898. Wright, John. Proposed new plan of a general Ijiiigration Societj-. Lond. 1842. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 39.) Wright, Marcus J. {See Long.) Wright, Robert. Life of Major-Gencral James Wolfe. 8vo. Lond. 1864. Memoir of General James Oglethorpe. 8\(i. Lond. 1867. Wright, Thomas. Original theory or new hypothesis of the Universe. 4to. Lond. 1750. The Life of Sir Richard Burton. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1906. Wrottesley, Lieut. - Colonel The Hon. George. Life and correspondence ot .Sir John Burgoj'ne. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1873. ,, Major - General The Hon. George. Crecv and Calais. Imp. Bvo. Loud. 1898. Wllrttemhurg, Field-Marshal William, Duke of. System of -Attack of the Prussian Infantry in the Campaign ot 1870-71. Translated bj' Captain C. W. Robinson. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 96.) Wyatt, Charles and John. Tinned copper sheets and pipes. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 19.) Wyatt, Matthew. Observations on our Reserve Forces and on the necessity for a central fortress in Great Britain. Newcastle, 1872. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 13.) Remarks on the defence of England. 2nd edition. Bvo. Lond. 1874. Wyatt, M. ("Miles.") The Empire Menaced. Remarks on the Defence ot the British Empire. 121110. Lond. 1889. Wyatt, Captain W. J. A Political and Military History of the Hanoverian and Italian War. Bvo. Lond. 1868. Reflections on the formation of armies, with a view to the reorganization of the English Army. With appendix on "Re- sponsibility in War."' Lond. 1869. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 79.) Political position of England, and her armaments. Lond. 1874. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 28.) Wyke, Lieutenant William Byam, R.N. Private Log of, 1764 to 1798. 2 vols. MS. n.p., n.d. Wyld, James. Chart of the Canton River with the entrances and islands. 121110. Lond. 1840. Maps and Plans, shewing the principal Movements, Battles, and Sieges from 1808 to 1B14 in the Spanish Peninsular. 30 in. by 24 in. Lond. n.d. WYL YAV Wylde, Augustus B. '83 to '87 in the Soudan, with an account of Sir William Hewett's Mission to King John of Abyssinia. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Modern Abyssinia. 8vo. Lend. 1901. Wylie, Mrs. M. The Gospel in Burmah ; the story of its introduction and progress among the Burmese and Karens. i2mo. Lond. 1859. Wylly, Colonel H. C. British Relations with Tibet. 8vo. Lond. 1904. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 69.) The Campaign of Magenta and Solferino, 1859. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1907. Wynier, F. W. Approximate Free-Board, with measurement of tonnage and crew space. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Wyndham, Colonel Crole. Questions and Answers fur Cavaliy Non-commis- sioned Officers. 2nd etlition. 8vo. Lond 1904. Wyndham, Horace. The Queen's Ser- vice. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1899. Wyngaerde, A, van den. View of London (circa 1550). Published by the Topographical Society. Folio. Lond. 1881-2. Wyon, Alfred Benjamin, and Allan Wyon. The Great Seals of England. Demy folio. Lond. 1887. Wyse, The Rt. Hon. Sir Thomas. Ex- cursion in the I'eloponnesus. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Wyse, Thomas, Junr. Historical sketch of the late Catliolic Association of Ireland. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Wyvill, R. A. Sketch of the military life of R. A. Wyvill. 8vo. Lond. 1820. X. X, Le Lieutenant. La Guerre avec I'Angleterre. Crown 8vo. Paris, 1900. „ Le Capitaine. Voyage du General Gallieni. Roj^al 4to. Paris, 1901. Xenophon. Yivpov IlaiSetar — Bt/3Xia o/cro). Edited by Thomas Hutchinson. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1747' Rules for the Choice, Management, and Training of Horses. 4to. Lond. 1802. Xenophon {contd.) — Minor Works. Translated from the Greek by Rev. J. S. Watson. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1869. The Cyropaedia, or Institution of Cyrus, and the Hellenics, or Grecian Hi.stoiy. Translated by the Rev. J. S. Watson, and the Rev. Henry Dale. 8vo. Lond. 1882. The Art of Horsemanship. Translated by M. Morgan. i2mo. Lond. 1894. Y. Yarranton, Andrew. England's Improvement by Sea and Land : to out-do the Dutch without Fight- ing, to pay debts without moneys. 4to. Lond. 1677. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection.) Yarrell, William. History of British Fishes. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Supplement to ditto. 8vo. Lond. 1839. History of British Birds. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Supplement to ditto. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Yate, Lieutenant A. C. England and Russia face to face in Asia. Travels with the Afghan Boundary Commission. 8vo. Lond. 1887. „ Major A. C. The Life of Lieut. - Colonel John Haughton. 8vo. Lond. 1900. Yate, Major C. E. Northern Afghanistan, or letters from the Afghan Boundary Com- mission. 8vo. Lond. 1888. „ Lieut.-Colonel C. E. Khurasan and Sistan. Svo. Lond. 1900. Yates, James. Remarks on the formation of Alluvial Deposites. Lond. 1831. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 4.) Remarks on " Palaographische Studien iiber Phonizische und Punische Schrift, herausgegcben von Wilhelm Gesenius. Lond. 1837. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 14.) Origin and formation of the Interna- tional Association for obtaining a universal Decimal System, and edition. Lond. 1856. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 43 (ii).) What is the best Unit of Length ? Lond. 1858. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 51.) Yavorski, Dr. I. L. Journey of the Russian Embassy through Afghanistan and the Khanate of Bukhara in 1 878-1 879. Translated in the Intell. Branch Q.M.G. Depart., India, by Majors E. R. Elles, R.A., and W. E. Gowan, Gen. List Infantrj-. 2 vols. 8vo. Calcutta and Simla, 1885. YEO ?82 YOU Yeomanry. Yeomanry Cavalry : by C. G. E. 2nd edition. Lond. 1871. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i.) Patterns of Uniforms of Officers of Yeomanry Retjimcnts. M.S. Medium folio. n.p., n.d. Yeomanry Lists. Lists of the Officers of the Gentlemen and Yeomanry Cavalry and Volunteer Infantry of the United Kingdom. 8vo. 1804-5. Yeomanry. Orders and Regulations. Abridgment of the regulations for the Formation and Movements of the Cavalry, adapted to the use of Yeomanry Corps. i2mo. Lond. 1835. Instructions in the duties of Cavalry, for the use of Auxiliary Cavalry. i2mo. Lond. 1875. Instruction in the Duties of Cavalry Reconnoitrins? an Enemy, Marches, Out- posts, and Reconnaissance of a Countrv, for the Use of Auxiliary Cavalry. i2mo. Lond. 1875. Detached duties of Yeomanry Cavalry under the mobilization scheme. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Regulations for Yeomanry Cavalry, 1885 and up to date. Regulations, Circulars, &c., for the Reserve Forces. 8vo. Lond. 1868-75. Ditto, ditto. 8vo. Lond. 1878-9. Manual of Law for the Reserve Forces and Militia. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Yeomanry. Records of Regiments. {^Arranged accordi/ij to Seniority of Regiments.) Annals of the Yeomanry Cavalry of Wiltshire. By Henry Graham. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Extracts from Acts of Parliament, Standing Orders, Rules and Regulations, Fines, etc., of the Queen's Own Regiment of Yeomanry Cavalry. Bvo. Dorchester, 1847. Queen's Own Ro)'al Regiment of .Staffordshire Yeomanry : by P. C. G. Webster. 8vo. Lichfield, 1870. Historical Record of the Shropshire Yeomanry Cavalrv. Compiled by Col. Wingfield. 8vo. " Shrewsbury, 1888. The Earl of Chester's Yeomanry Cavalry, 1 797-1 897. By H. A. Birley. .Super Royal 8vo. Edinburgh, 1898. Regimental Instructions for the Forma- tions and Movements of the West Somer- setshire Regiment of .Yeomanry Caval^J^ By Captain M. C. Maher. 8vo. Taunton, 1833. North Somerset Regiment of Yeomanry Cavalry. 8vo. Bath, 1850. Rules and Regulations to be observed by the South Herts Yeomanry in the Formation of the Squadron and the Move- ments. 8vo. St. Albans, 1832. 1st West Yorkshire Regiment of Yeomanry Cavahy. Its formation, &c., M' W. Sheardown. Doncaster, 1872. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 13.; Yeomanry. Records of Regiments {con tit.) - History of the Old Second West York Yeomanry* Cavahy, 1 843-1894, and the Hudderstield Yeomanrj'. l-?y R. P. Berrj' and Engineer-Lieutenant B. F. M. Free- man, R.N. 8vo. Huddcrsfield, 1905. An Account of the Yeomanry of Ire- land, 1796-1834. With a list of the Corps in County Cork, and the Records of the Doneraile Yeomanry Cavalry. Bv Major J. (;. White. 8vo. Cork, 1893. Rhodesia — and After : Being the Story of the i7tha nd i8th Battalions of Imperial Yeomanrj' in South Africa. By S. H. Gilbert. 8vo. Lond. 1901. Scottish Yeomanry in South Africa, 1900-1901. By A. S. Orr. 8vo. Lond. 1901. The History of Lumsden's Horse. Edited by H. H. S. Pearse. Imp. 8vo. Lond. 1903. Records of the Rough Riders (XXth Battalion Imperial Yeomanry). Boer War 1899-1902. By Captain H. G. McKenzie Rcw. 8vo. Bedford, 1907. Yoe, Shway. The Burman ; his life and notions. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Yonge, C. D. History of the British Navy. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Our Great Military Commanders ; sketches of the Lives of Duke of Marl- borough, Lord Clive, Duke of Wellington, .Sir C. Napier, Lord Gough, Lord Clyde. Svo. Lond. 1892. Yonge, Major W. L. Clock Signal- Vane. 8vo. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 15.) York, James, Duke of. Lord High Admiral, afterwards James II. Memoirs of the English affairs, chiefly Naval, from the j'ear 1660 to 1673. Bvo. Lond. 1729. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection.) Instructions for the better ordering His Majestie's Fleet in Sayling. Folio. (Pri- vately printed.) York, H.R.H. the Duke of. Extract of Orders by. Svo. Lond. 1757- York, Frederick, Duke of. Posthumous Letter. 3i-d edition. Lond. 1827. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 3.) Yorke, The Rt. Hon. C, and W. M. Leake. Remarks on some Egyptian Monuments in England. 4to. {Circa 1827.) Yorke, Colonel Philip I. Auro-sulphurets of Sodium and Potas- sium, n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 27.) Brown Iron Ore. Lond. 1845. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 27.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 38.) Solubility of Oxide of Lead in Pure Water. n.p., n.d. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 27.) Youatt, William. The Horse. 8vo. Revised edition. Lond. 1863. Young, Arthur. Nautical Dictionary. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1863. YOU 383 ZOL Young, Surgeon -General A. Graham. Story of active service in foreign landjs : South Africa, India, and China, 1856-82. Bvo. Lond. 1888. Young, Edward. Poetical Works. 2 vols. i2nio. Lond. 1834. Young, F. Imperial Federation of Great Britain and her Colonies. 4to. Lond. 1876. Emigration to the Colonies. Lond. 1886. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 42.) Young, Major G. F., A.G.M.G. Transport. Lahore, 1887. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 61.) Infantry Tactics of the future. n.p., 1888. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 47.) Young, Mrs. Keith. {See Norman.) Young, Thomas. Lectures on Natural Philosophy and the Mechanical Arts. New edition by Rev. P. Kelland. 2 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1845. Young, Tilson. The Relief of Mafeking. Svo. Lond. 1900. Young, Major William. Manoeu\res, or practical observations on the art of war. 2 vols in one. i2mo. Lond. 1770-1. Young, William. Portugal in 1828 ; comprising sketches of the state of private society and of religion in that kingdom under Don Miguel ; with a narrative of the Author's residence there and of his ])ersecution and confinement as a state prisoner. Svo. Lond. 1828. Younghusband, Captain F. E. The Heart of a Continent. 8vo. Lond. 1896. Among the Celestials. Svo. Lond. 1898. South Africa of To-day. 8vo. Lond. 1898. Younghusband, Lieutenant G. J. Eighteen hundred miles on a Burmese Tat. Svo. Lond. 1888. Younghusband, Captain G. J. Frays and Forays : sketches in peace and war. Svo. Lend. 1890. The Queen's Commission. How to prepare for it, How to obtain it, and How to use it. With practical information on the cost and prospects of a Military Career. Svo. Lond. 1891. ,, Major G. J. Indian Frontier Warfare. 8vo. Lond. 189S. The Philippines and Round About. Svo. Lond. 1890. „ Captain G. J., and Captain F. E. Younghusband. The Relief of Chitral. Svo. Load. 1895. Yriarte, C. Les Prussiens a Paris et el iS Mars. Svo. Paris, 1S71. Yule, Colonel Henry. African Squadron vindicated. Lond. 1850. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 29.) Fortifications for Officers of the Army and .Students of Militarj- Historj'. Svo. Lond. 1 85 1. Narrative of the mission to the Court of Ava, 1855. Svo. Lond. 1858. (Sec also Wood, John. ) „ Colonel H,, and General R.Maclagan. Memoir of General Sir William Erskine Baker, K.C.B., R.E. Lond. 1882. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 68.) Yule, Major-General P. Remarks on the disputed North- western Boundarj' of New Brunswick. 2nd edition. Lond. 1838. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 10.) Breakwaters and buoys of vertical floats. Lond. i860. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 56.) Yule, Captain R. A. Notes on the Em- ploj'ment of Cavalrj- and Horse Artillery, with Instructions for the Evolutions of a Brigade. Svo. Calcutta, 1856 z. Z***. Le Major. La Guerre de la .Succession d'Autriche (1740-1748)— Cam- pagne de Silesie, 1741-1742. Svo. Paris, 1901. Zahrtmann, Vice - Admiral. Danish Pilot. Svo. Lond. 1853. Zastrow, A. V. Histoire de la Fortification Permanente. Translated by Captain Neuens. Svo. Liege, 1846. Atlas to ditto. Folio. Zeni and Deshays. Le materiel de FArtillerie Navale de la Grande-Bretagne et les Fabrications qui s'y rattachent. 4to. Paris, 1840. Atlas to ditto. Folio. ZQ\!iS.^ Friedrich. Die Offentlichkeit im Militarstrafprozesse, Svo. Wurzburg, iSgS. Zernin, Gebhard. Das Leben des Generals August von Goiben. Svo. Berlin, 1895. August \'on Goeben. Svo. Berlin, 1901. Zieten, General von. {See Blumenthal.) Zogbaum, R. F. Horse, Foot, and Dragoons. Sketches of Arm}' Life at Home and Abroad. Svo. New York, 188S. Zola, £mile. La Debacle. Svo. Paris, 1892. The Downfall (la Debacle) : a Story of the Horrors of War. Translated by A. Vizetelly. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1S92. Three Wars : personal recollections. Lond. 1892. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 56.) zoo 384 ZUR Zoological Society of London. Transactions. \'ols. i and up to date. 4to. I.oiui. 1835- . Index to ditto. \'ols. i and up to date. 4to. Lond. 1881- . Proceedings. 1858 and up to date. Index to ditto. 1848 and up to date. 8vo. Lond. 1848- . Report of the Council. Lond. 1866. (Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 69.) List of \'ertebrated Animals living in tlie Gardens. 8vo. Lond. 1872. Ditto, ditto. 7th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Ditto, ditto. 8th edition. 8\o. Lond. 1883. Zouch, Thomas. Memoirs of the life and writings of .Sir Philip Sidney. 2nd edition. 4to. York, 1809. Zululand. Precis of information concerning the Zulu Countrj'. Corrected to January, 1879. 8vo. Ditto, ditto. 8vo. Ditto, ditto. 1885. 8vo. The Zulus. Lond. 1879. Corrected to July, 1879. Lond. 1879. Corrected to October, Lond. 1885. Lond. n.d. (Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. 36.) Precis of Information, etc. 8vo. Lond. 1895. (For further Works, see Index and Parliamentary Papers.) Zurlinden, L. General. La Guerre de 1870-71. Reflexions et Souvenirs. 8vo. Paris, 1904. HARRISON AND SON'S, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HIS MAJESTY, ST. MARTIN S LANE, LONDON. t:l h DATE DUE i ^<.-.^.^ 1 .1 ' )'.l -— 1 ^ ' - OCT 172 .-, ^ r- - '372 '..■'■'.- ' ^■•' '- JU 1 S73 fv<2 ^ ^^ ?s 'is i^JF,] I f]"3J nn-msx ^^^QtSM f^PCD rr:: ^ DEC^ 41991 GAYLORD PRINTEDINU.S.A. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY EACILITY D 000 894 026 4