LIBRARY =P T I UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Received. Q^^:^'>^^^kz^-__ , i8 Accessions No..^^4:/.^^^.y Shelf No unity. AP If — = + I, then P bisects AB. PB \P If : — = - I, then P is at an infinite distance. PB The point at an infinite distance beyond A is identically the same point as that at an infinite distance beyond B ; for when P is at A, AP : PB is zero ; when P is at the middle point of AB then AP : PB is + i, as P approaches B the ratio continually increases in value, becoming equal in the limit to + =c ; as P passes through B the sign of the ratio changes and gradually decreases numerically from - x (in the limit) to - I, which is the value it assumes when P is at an infinite distance beyond B. Up to this point the value of the ratio has undergone a continuous change, and the motion of P has also been continuous. As P moves from the point at an infinite distance beyond A to A, the ratio gradually decreases numerically in value from - i till in the limit it assumes the valae zero. The changes in the value of the ratio have been continuous throughout. This, then, points to the conclusion that the motion of P has also been continuous ; that is, that the point at an infinite distance beyond B may be considered as identically the same as that at an infinite distance beyond A, and that the straight line may be considered as a continuous locus. Note. — When a straight line AB is mentioned, a confusion is likely to arise in the mind of the student as to whether the Finite straight line AB is meant, or the continuous Locus of which AB MODERN PLANE GEOMETRY. 5 is a portion. It may be safely itiferred that tJie latter is always meant except where the lengtii AB is expressed or implied. (3) Ratios may be compounded to any extent in the way of either multiplication or division. It is usual to write a h c d e , , _._._._._= J og ahcde = p(]rst : p q r s t ' 11^ AB, AB _ I _^ I _ ^ Ac"^Ab ~ "' ""' AC ^ AD AB' and so forth ; but it must be distinctly understood that the second equations are simply convenient modes of representing the first, and are not to be taken as implying that there is any geometrical 2 meaning assignable to the quantities abcde, — ;.' ^^'^•' taken sepa- AB rately. (4) The following are illustrations of relations between the segments of a straight line. [i] If A, B, C be three points in a straight line, AB + BC ^- CA = o. [ii] If P be any other point in the straight line, PA . BC + PB . CA + PC . AB = o. [iii] PA2. BC + PB2. CA + PC2. AB = - BC . CA . AB. [iv] If P bisect BC, AP = \ (AB + AC). [v] If A, B, C, D be four points in a straight line, and P bisect AB and Q bisect CD, PQ = 5 (AC + BD) = I (AD + BC). 6 A SYLLABUS OF II.— PROPERTIES OF A TRIANGLE. Definitions. (i) Any straight line drawn across a system of lines is called a TRANSVERSAL. (2) If three or more straight lines intersect in the same point, they are said to be concurrent. (3) If three or more points lie on the same straight line they are said to be collinear. i (4) If four or more points lie on the circumference of the same circle, they are said to be concyclic. Theorem. 1 If transversals through the angular points A, B, C of a triangle are concurrent and intersect the opposite sides in D, E, F, respectively, then BD . CE . AF = DC . EA . FB (Ceva's Theorem). 2 If D, E, F, be points in the sides BC, CA, AB, respectively, of a triangle ABC, such that BD . CE . AF = DC . EA . FB, then AD, BE, CF are concurrent (converse of Theorem i). 3 The three internal and three external bisectors of the angles of a triangle meet three by three in four points, the centres of the inscribed and escribed circles, (the in- and ex-centres). 4 The straight lines joining the angular points of a triangle to the middle points of the opposite sides (the medians) meet in a point (the centeoid). 5 The perpendiculars from the angular points of a triangle on the opposite sides (the altitudes) meet in a point (the orthocentre). 6 The lines joining the angular points of a triangle to the points where the incircle touches the sides are concurrent. MODERN PL AXE GEOMETRY. 7 7 If a transversal meet the sides BC, CA, AB of a triangle in D, E, F, respectively, then BD . CE . AF= -DC . EA . FB (Menelaus' Theorem). 8 The converse of Theorem 7. 9 The three internal and three external bisectors of the angles of a triangle meet the opposite sides in six points, which lie three by three in four straight lines. ID The feet of the perpendiculars drawn from any point in the circumference of the circumscribing circle of a triangle on the sides are collinear (the Simson or pedal line). In the rest of this chapter the notation for the triangle ABC will be as follows : A', B', C, are the middle points of the sides BC, CA, AB, respectively ; AD, BE, CF, the perpendiculars on these sides; G, H, the centroid aad orthocentre respectively ; 0, the circumcentre, N, the nine-point centre ; 1, I^, Ig, I3, the incentre and excentres respectively ; X, Y, Z, the points where the incircle, and X^, Yj, Zj^, the points where the excircle opposite A touches the sides BC, CA, AB respectively ; R, r, Tj, r.„ To, the circum -, in -, and exradii respectively ; a, b, c, s, A, the lengths of the sides, semiperimeter, and area. Theorem 11 AZ + BC = BX + CA = CY + AB - semiperimeter; or AZ = YA = 5 — <7, etc. 12 AZ]^ = BX^ + AB = X^C -f CA = semiperimeter; or AZi = YiA = :r; BX^ = BZ^ = s-c ; X^C = YjC = J--6. Cor. XX^ = ^ - ^, XX, = b, XX3 = c 13 ^ = rs = 7\ {s-a) = r^ (s~b) = r.^ (■*--'•)■ 14 AA'=3GA'; BB' = 3GB'; CC' = 3GC'. 8 .4 SYLLABUS OF 15 If the straight lines which bisect the interior and exterior angles between AB and AC meet the circumcircle in P, P', then PP' is the diameter of the circle which bisects EC. 16 PI = PB = PC. 17 If PM be perpendicular to AB or AC, then 2AM = AB + CA; 2MB = AB-CA. 18 4RA = abc. 19 Of the four points A, B, C, H, any one is the orthocentre of the triangle formed by joining the other three. 20 Angle BHF = CHE - CAB ; Angle CHD = AHF = ABC: Angle AHE = BHD = BCA. 21 The triangles AEF, DBF, DEC are similar to ABC. 22 AI, BI, CI, bisect the angles OAH, OBH, OCH, respec- tively. 23 A, B, C, H are the centres of the four circles which touch the sides of DEF (the orthocentric or pedal triangle). 24AH = 20A'; BH = 20B'; CH = 20C'. 25 If AD be produced to meet the circumcircle in Q, then HD = DQ. 26 Rectangle AH . HD = BH . HE = CH . HF. 27 A circle passes through A', B', C, D, E, F, and the middle points of HA, HB, HC (the nine-point circle). Cor. — The centre of this circle is the middle point of OHj and its diameter = R. 28 G lies on OH, and OH = 3OG. 29 I02 = R2-2R;-. 30 IH2=2r2-AH . HD. 31. OH2-R2-2AH . HD. 32 NI = m-r. Cor. The nine-point circle touches the incircle and each excircle. MODERN PLANE GEOMETRY. 9 ANTIPARALLELS, SYMMEDIAN LINES AND POINT. If ABC be a triangle and any points b, c be taken on CA, AB respectively in such a manner that the angles Kbc, ABC are equal, then will also the angles kcb^ ACB be equal and the triangles Kbc ABC similar ; and the base be is said in this case to be antiparallel to the base BC. (Compare Euclid I. 28, Syllabus of Pla7ie Geometry, p. 51.) The points B, c, b, C are concyclic. The antiparallel be is fixed as regards direction, being always parallel to the tangent to the circumcircle at A. Let PQR be the triangle formed by the tangents to the circum- circle at A, B, C so that PB = PC, QC = QA, and RA = RB. Then if yP^ be drawn parallel to QR meeting CA, AB in yS, 7 respectively Py = PB = PC = VjB. Hence every antiparallel to BC is bisected by AP, Similarly antiparallels to CA, AB are bisected by BQ, CR. A line drawn through the vertex of a triangle so as to bisect an antiparallel to the base is called a symmedian. If A', B', C be the middle points of the sides of ABC, parallels to those sides are bisected by the "medians" AA', BP/, CC concurring at G the centroid. Analogously, antiparallels are bisected by the " symmedian " lines AP, BQ, CR concurring at K the symmedian point (point de Lemoine). The lines joining K, G to any vertex of the triangle are equally inclined to the bisector of the angle. Pairs of points possessing this property are termed " isogonal conjugates," and the rectangles under their perpendiculars on the three sides are equal. The symmedian point K has its perpendicular distances from the sides respectively proportional to those sides, and the sum of the squares of those distances a minimum. The sides of the orthocentric triangle are antiparallel to the sides of the original triangle, and are respectively perpendicular to the corresponding radii of the circumcircle. . B A SYLLABUS OF Brocard Points. If a circle be described touching AB in A and passing through C, and AR be the chord parallel to BC, then BR will meet the circle again in a point O such that the angle QBC = fiCA = fiAB. Each of these angles is called the Brocard angle of the triangle and is denoted by w. The Brocard angle of a triangle depends only upon the shape of the triangle and is therefore the same for all similar triangles. It lies between o° and 30°. The point O is called the posi'/ive Brocard point. A negative Brocard point fi' exists, for which the angle li'CB = fi'AC = fi'BA = w. The points fi, fi' are " isogonal conjugates " and consequently the rectangle under their perpendiculars upon any side is the same. The angle BflC = supplement of C = Crj'A CfiA = „ A = AQ'B AQB = „ B = BO'C. In the following articles the triangle ABC is supposed to be lettered in such a manner that A is the upper vertex, B the left and C the right extremity of the base. Triplicate Ratio Circle. If through the symmedian point K parallels F'KE, D'KF, E'FD be drawn to the sides, (i) The six points D, D', E, E', F, F' all lie on a circle whose centre o- is the mid-point of KO, O being the circum-centre. (2) DD' : EE' : FF' = a^ : l)^ : r', and this circle is consequently termed the Triplicate-ratio circle. (3) The triangles FDE, ET'D' are equal to one another, and are each similar to ABC. MODERN PLANE GEOMETRY. ii (4) If fi, O' be the Brocard points of ABC, then fi, K and K, O' are the Brocard points of FDE, E'F'D'. Brocard Circle. The circle described upon OK as diameter, and which has con- sequently the same centre cr as the T. R. circle, is termed the Brocard circle. The points fi, O' lie upon the Brocard circle ; and the angle OcrK = fi'o-K = 20). Cosine Circle. If through the symmedian point K be drawn the antiparallels /K/, ^K/', ^K^' to BC, CA, AB respectively, (i) The six points y Cremona, tvhich has the advantas^es of inaking A and B conjugate points, and also of fitting in readily with our notation in the chapter 071 Harmonic ranges a?id pencils. It will be observed that if {ABCD)= — I, the7i ACBD is a harmonic range. Since the four letters A, B, C, D, may be arranged ifi tiueiity- four different ways, there are tioenty-four cross ratios with the same four points. In these tiveniyfour cases each 7-atio appears four times, and the twe7ityfour 7-atios are thus reduced to six differc7it 1-atios, of which tJiiee are the reciprocals of the other thz-ee. Theorem I If the cross ratio (AbCD) = X, then the other five ratios derived from the same four collinear points are I .1 A— I X X I -X A A— I MODERN PLANE GEOMETRY. 25 2 If S be a point without the range ABCD, and if through C a line be drawn parallel to SD, meeting SA, SB, in G, H, respectively, then GC : HC = (ABCD). 3 If in the figure of the last proposition any other transversal be drawn meeting SA, SB, SC, SD, in A', B', C', D', respec- tively, then the cross ratio (A'B'C'D') = (ABCD). Note. — We may speak of the cross or atiharmojiic ratio of a pe?icil SA, SB, SC, SD, of four rays, mea?iing thereby the cross ratio in a?ty trafisversal cutting the pencil. The cross ratio of the pe7icil is writte7i S {ABCD). 4 Equiangular pencils have equal cross ratios. Def. — If two ranges or pencils have equal cross ratios, they are said to be equi-cross, or equi-anharmonic. 5 The lines joining corresponding elements of two equi-cross ranges which have two corresponding elements coincident are concurrent. 6 The points of intersection of corresponding elements of two equi-cross pencils which have two corresponding rays co- incident are collinear. 7 Pencils whose rays pass through four fixed points on a conic, and whose vertices lie on the conic, are equi-cross. Cor. — The vertices of equi-cross pencils whose rays pass through four fixed points lie on a conic which passes through the four points. 8 Ranges whose points lie on four fixed tangents to a conic, and whose bases touch the conic, ar-e equi-cross. Cor. — The bases of equi-cross ranges whose elements lie on four fixed straight lines are tangents to a conic which touches the four lines. 26 A SYLLABUS OF Involution. Defs. — If a system of pairs of collinear points A, A'; B,B'j C,C' ; etc., be so situated with regard to another point O in the same straight hne that OA.OA' = OB.OB' = OC.OC = etc., they are said to be in involution. The point O is called the cenrf:re, and A,A' ; B,B'; C,C'; etc., are called conjugate POINTS of the involution. The points E, F, situated on the range on opposite sides of O such that 0E2 = 0F2 = OA.OA' = OB.OB' = etc. are called the double points of the involution. If lines be drawn from a point S outside the range to A, A'; B,B'; etc., they form a pencil in involution, and SE, SF are called the double rays of the pencil. Note. — // should be obseived tliat the do2tble poifits and double rays are real 07ily whe7i the conjugate points of the involution are on the same side of the centre. 9 The two double points and any pair of conjugate points of an involution form a harmonic range. 10 In a system of points or rays in involution the cross ratio of any four points or rays is equal to that of their conjugates. 11 A straight line is cut in involution by any system of co-axal circles, the point of intersection of the radical axis with the straight line being the centre of involution' 12 If two pairs of conjugate rays of a pencil in involution be at right angles, then every pair of conjugate rays are at right angles. Cor. — The rays of a series of right angles at the same vertex form a system in involution. MODERN PLANE GEOMETRY. 27 Reciprocal Polars. Def. — If with respect to a given fixed circle (centre S, radius k) bs taken the •< ^ , ^ of the { . ^ > of a figure 2, we obtain a ( polars J ( points j o > second figure 2', interchangeably related to the first. Either of the figures 5, 2' is termed the polar reciprocal of the other ; and any geometrical property of the one has its correlative for the other. Thus to the line joining two points of the one corresponds the point of intersection of two lines of the other (Chap. V., Theor. 7) ; to a number of collinear points, a number of concurrent lines ; to parallel lines, points collinear with S ; to the angle between two lines, the angle (or its supplement) subtended by two points at S ; &;c. 13 A triangle may be its own reciprocal polar (Chap. V., Theor. 9). 14 A range reciprocates into a pencil having the same cross ratio ; and conversely. 15 If 2 be a curve (the locus of a moving point), then 2' is also a curve (the envelope of a moving line). To a point on 2 corre- sponds a tangent to 2' ; and to a tangent to 2 (passing through two indefinitely near points) corresponds a point on 2' (the inter- section of two indefinitely near tangents). 16 If 2 be a circle (centre O, radius r), then 2' is a conic having S for its focus, SO/r for eccentricity, k^-'.r for semi-Iatus rectum, and its transverse axis in the direction SO. To the centre O corresponds the S-directrix ; to the tangents at the extremities of the diameter through S, the two vertices ; to the tangents at E, E' passing through S, the points w, w' at infinity (Sw, Sod' being perpendicular to SE, SE' respectively) ; to the points E, E', the asymptotes ; to the chord EE', the centre ; to the line FF' bisecting SE, SE', the other focus S'. 28 J SYLLABUS OF IX.— PROJECTION. Definitions. If two figures in different planes be so related to a fixed point outside both planes that the straight line joining this fixed point with any point in one figure passes through a point in the other figure, each figure is said to be the central or conical projec- tion of the other. The fixed point is called the centre or vertex of projection; and the intersection of the planes the axis of projection. Points in which any straight line through the centre of projec- tion meets the two planes are called corresponding points. When the centre of projection is at an infinite distance, the projection becomes parallel. Theorem 1 The projection of a straight line is a straight line which inter- sects the former in the axis of projection. Cor. — The straight line joining two points projects into the straight line joining the corresponding points ; the intersection of two lines projects into the intersection of the corre- sponding lines ; and the tangent to a curve at any point projects into the tangent to the corresponding curve at the corresponding point. 2 If two figures in different planes are so related that correspond- ing straight lines meet (in the axis), then the straight lines joining corresponding points are concurrent. Definitions. If a plane be drawn through the centre of projection parallel to the plane containing one of the figures, its inter- section with the other plane is called the vanishing line, and may be considered to be the line corresponding to the line at infinity of the first plane. MODERN PLANE GEOMETRY. 29 The intersection of a line in either figure with the vanishing Hne in its plane is termed its vanishing point, and corre- sponds to the point at infinity on the corresponding line in the other figure. 3 Any line of one figure is parallel to the line joining the centre with the vanishing point of the corresponding line in the other. 4 The angle contained by any two straight lines in one figure is equal to the angle subtended at the centre by the vanishing points of the corresponding lines in the other. 5 If through the centre and in the plane perpendicular to the axis of projection a straight line be drawn making equal angles with the planes of the two figures, the two correspond- ing points thus determined are such that the angle contained by any pair of lines through one is equal to the angle between the corresponding lines. Cor. and Def. — ^Two such points may be found in each plane, and they are called limiting points. 6 Parallel lines correspond to lines intersecting on the vanishing line. 7 Any range or pencil of four elements projects into an equi- cross range or pencil ; and any range of points or pencil of rays in involution projects into a range or pencil in involution. Cor. — In particular, a harmonic range or pencil projects into a harmonic range or pencil. 8 Any two angles of a figure can be projected into angles of given magnitude, and at the same time a straight line of the figure can be projected to infinity. Cor. — -Any quadrilateral can be projected into a parallelo- gram of any form and size. 9 A circle can be projected into a conic of any eccentricity and magnitude. 30 A SYLLABUS OF Cor. — The conic will be a hyperbola, parabola, or ellipse according as the vanishing line cuts, touches, or does not meet the circle. Note. — The definition of Pole and Polar and the properties e7iunciatcd in Tlieorems d-Z, 10-12 of Chapter V. obtain for any conic, being all projdtii'e. 10 When the plane of one figure is turned round the axis of projection, the figures are still projections of one another, and the locus of the centre of projection is a circle ; and when the two planes coincide, the centre of projection coincides with one or otiier of the limiting points. Definitions. When the two planes thus coincide, the figures are said to be in plane perspective or homology, and the axis and centre are called the axis and centre of perspective, or homology. 11 If the lines joining corresponding vertices of two triangles are concurrent, then the intersections of corresponding sides arc coUinear ; and, conversely, if the intersections of corre- sponding sides of two triangles are collinear, then the lines joining the corresponding vertices are concurrent. Note. — This theorem is coiyimonly stated thus: — Co-polar triatigles are also co-axial : a7id, conversely, co-axial triangles aj-e CO -polar. 12 The perspective of a circle whose centre is the centre of per- spective is a conic whose focus is the centre of perspective and whose directrix is the vanishing line of its own figure. Note on imaginary Points and Lines. As a straight line which cuts a circle or conic does so in two and only two points, it is usual and convenient in modern geometry to MODERN PLANE GEOMET;^Y. 31 say that every straight line in the plane of a circle or conic cuts it in two points real, coincident, or imajinary ; a tangent cutting it in two coincident points, and a line which does not meet it being said to cut it in two imaginary points. The second point where a diameter of a parabola, or a line parallel to an asymptote of a hyperbola cuts the curve is at infinity, and the asymptotes of a hyperbola meet the curve at two points at infinity ; and we might thus speak of the imaginary asymptotes of an ellipse. Many theorems in this syllabus may be generalized by introducing the idea of imaginary points and lines : thus (see Chap. V., Theor. 8, Cor.) the polar of a point may always be regarded as the chord of contact of tangents real, coincident or imaginary drawn from that point. Again, (see Chap. VI., Theor. 6, Cor.) the radical axis of two circles is the common chord of the circles whether they meet in real, or imaginary points. Or again, when the conjugate points or rays of a system in involution are on opposite sides of the centre, the double points or rays become imaginar)^ Further, if the conception be allowed that imaginary points and lines may be projected into real points and lines, the value and power of the principle of projection becomes greatly extended. The following particulars should be noted : — That imaginary points occur in pairs, so that to every imaginai'v point corresponds another imaginary point which might be called its conjugate. The straight line joining a pair of conjugate imagi- nary points is real, and no other straight lines through either imaginary point can be real. Two conies in the same plane intersect in four points of which all may be real, two real and two imaginary, or all imaginary : in the first case the six chords of intersection are all real, and in the latter two cases two only of the chords are real, the other four being imaginarj'. In the case of two intersecting circles, the second real chord of intersection is the line at infinity (see Theor. 13, below). When two circles in a plane do not intersect, the two real chords of con- 32 A SYLLABUS OF MODERN PLANE GEOMETRY. tact are the radical axis and the line at infinity, and these coincide in the case of concentric circles (see Theorem 15 below). Theorem 13 Every circle in a plane passes through the same two imaginary points on the line at infinity. Definition. These two points in any plane are called the circular POINTS at infinity, or the focoids. (The latter term is due to Dr. C. Taylor. See Taylor's Ancie?it a?id Modern Geojnetry of Co flics, p. 308.) 14 Every conic which passes through the focoids is a circle. 15 Concentric circles touch each other at the focoids. 16 Co-axal circles may be projected into a system of conies passing through four fixed points ; and concentric circles may be projected into a system of conies touching one another at two fixed points. 17 Every conic may be considered as inscribed in a quadrilateral which has for its six vertices, the two real foci, the two imaginary foci, and the two focoids. .Cvijl 1 ^i KICHARD CL.\Y AND SONS, LIMITED, LONDON AND BLNGAY. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. JUL 9 1934 NOV 1 6 y^'^^ SEP 2? iMl T^pir 1 19 44 J NOV 27 ^^^6 J FE9 B !S 4 f^gCEiygp WVi^'G/.^PM Qgrj;, LOAN DEPT. 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