z 91.31 UC-NRLF B 4 1^2 SSE PRICE ONE SHILLING. CCL FACSIMILE REPRODUCTIONS FROM EARLY PRINTED BOOKS j. & J. Leighton 4O BREWER ST. REGENT ST. LONDON W OR WITH CATALOGUE OF I483 ITEMS, TWO SHILLINGS. These 250 FACSIMILE REPRODUCTIONS OF EARLY WOODCUTS, comprising many of the most representative examples of Book Illustration and Ornament of the 15th. and 16th centuries (Germany, Rome and Venice), are intended to accompany our CATALOGUE OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS arranged by PRESSES (items I to 1476) to which the facsimiles serve as a sort of Index, The reproductions are from photographs taken direct from the books described in that Catalogue, every care being taken to preserve the actual appearance of the originals as regards condition of the blocks, &c. All reductions in size are indicated, with the dimensions of the original in millimetres, height preceding width. To Private Collectors and Public Libraries interested in the early history of Typography, the fact hardly requires pointing out that to reassemble an extensive series of books equal in im- portance to that here described and illustrated — selected as they are from all the most important Libraries that have been dis- persed by auction and otherwise during recent years — would involve much expenditure of time and trouble in searching and waiting for items, many of which indeed may not again be met with. It is obvious then that these examples, together with the others which we have in stock and intend to catalogue in due course (viz., books printed in Italian provincial towns, in Switzerland, France, the Netherlands, Austria, Spain and England) would, as a large and important nucleus of a really representative collection, be worthy the consideration of anyone desirous of bringing together an assemblage of early books with the object of illustrating the progress of the ART OF PRINTING during the first hundred years or more from its inception. J. & J. LEIGHTON, Booksellers and. Bookbinders, 40 Brewer Street, Regehf Street, London, W. Tkfa&m* ' -"Regent. -I b 1 0, For convenience the following rough comparison of millimetres with inches is given : Millim.: 6, 13, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 180, 205, 230, 250, 280, 305. Inches: i * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 to a 2«H t»£ I jst ^^ «*■► 5* > «** «Z+ C5 w gg w ~ ^g ». illlWBC ^ua> ilHItg MR.7 ♦"■* f I—* *"Tfc ^.^ JLU £■* £"i '"SS f-jf w-* *»-* c** ti> S S « _ 7* 3 <4 ^t* * J ifefe mbetirt ?bnn alee ? veftcs fct'ares Diffo:nic£5.riiftra calcic? mjcdpaplab fcindut pili oecurticari gkunty pfcef I. no. ioa (same cuts in gr?). reduced from 136 x i49 r nos. 4-7, 11, 12, 14, 15. nos. 8 & 9. NO. 49. PLAVTVS POETA COMICVS ios. 56, 58, 61,62,64, 65. NO. 70. NO. I J. & J. LEIGHTON, NO. 20. REDUCED FROM 2IO X 155- 4° , BREWER ST., REGENT ST., \V. bpt —v iffwwmwwwf* ii ' mi w wy*^*^^gfwiwiww*p< 'I \ T.« &' J,,LEIGHTON, K6mfc1?efetff02P v>$ Cliu to NO. 67. WOODCUT REDUCED FROM 215 X 15c). 4 o, BREWER ST., REGENT ST., W. nD^^ftv ^§P ^s Ktf*A! 1\ Ri^v^ w§sds |~T„ jill Iff \\ NO. 01. 40, BREWER ST., ■ REGENT -ST., \V. ' ' ffetftoriotf Dec r De In un frtidnr n iftWufina* NO. 126. '.•'• '. : '*. J, 4 'J.. kEIGHTON, 4 o, BREWER ST., REGENT, ST., '.**, NO. 184. NOS. 192, 351, NO. 219. COMPARE NO. IOtf. NO. 309. 14 J.. &.J. LEIGHTON, n mm fcimflv i.d> b0fd>/t>air : j'rt.c f?id;e/ mirber na^ Icn/rcntrpX-rKamcn/rnftrpber fa^en/bo:t>cn trircFcnn jatf/tnldie ftaknallno famcn jjcrbeffcrrfrnr/ xv^ vyl FHn^Ii'c^crgfcmait/babyc ccrf?cn.u.GcfeniiRltd)a2cntrapcn fhcFcr/frantrcn. tc»nffacn/rnb met | cjcr/batrv£fo(c£ Funf* Ud;>rfcdj 911 /ercn, C. 3E3E3je» i t _ H I 3b. NO. 222. 4 o, BREWER ST., REGENT ST., W. NO. 23O. REDUCED FROM I45 X IIO. WMWB— BBCTM NO. 25O. REDUCED FROM I58 X 95. i6 • • ' . £, Jk ]. LEIGHTON, NO. 272. REDUCED FROM 202 X I43. SIGNED BY WOENSAM. I53O NO. 276. R tnt miffricbtS s'ml fcfcn ftul m tmc fcoft Iid>en fat vfi fac^t bte tod)i Cati j 3a jm vto NO. 289. BB i8 J. &' J. LEIGHTON. .3 w» to <&1^sl *- tu V *-» c*- 0^ J" J? 4 o, BREWER ST., REGENT ST., W. 19 f £ « j» » a if J nil * o i f if i 111* § BB J. & J. LEIGHTON, m NO. 319. BY BURGKMAIK. 4 o, BREWER ST., REGENT ST.^W. GAROLVS HEREMITA. NO. 320. SIGNED BY BURGKMAIR. J. & J. LEIGHTON, no- 333- BY WEIDITZ. -'•( p &" J. LEIGHTON, NOS. 360, 385. REDUCED FROM 388 X 282. SIGNED BY DLIRER. 4° BREWER ST., REQENT^ ST-., W. ': >J % 25 Soon opus Wr mitts frame frrrrt Jtmtttitt . gtmtttao mtos altt tubs ftntlts toot tms* NO. 376. WOODCUT REDUCED FROM 1 82 X 120. PORTION OF PAGE. NO. 386. BY TRAUT. 40, BREWER STV V REGENT .«jT., ; W. 27 NO. 387. BY DURER (?) NO. 390. REDUCED FROM 220 X I48. BY DURER. OVJ MALEDKiT PRINGP! SVOMQRTE MORI ATvR -EK.xx?] NO. 391. REDUCED FROM 217 X I48. BY DUREK. NO. 44O. 40, BREWER ST., REQENT ST.,- W. • 31 NO. 442. 32 J. & J.' LEIGHTON, NO. 443. REDUCED FROM 2I5 X I25. NO. 445. 34 j. v |. LE1GHTOK, jepiftolafctnifetfaCura Wimfrnpleljatjowm NO. 461, SIGNED 1} I489 4 o, BREWER ST., RECENT ST., W. ) 35 NO. 462. CC NO. 390. NO. 391. jltberBag&onini; >er Metier bzderi NO. 536. NO. 488. 3* • Ji,tV J. LEIGHTON o 4 o, BREWER ST., REGENT. ST., V.\. 39, oo ,|. & J. LEIGHTON, .jo, BREWER ST., REGENT ST., \V. *5ffl ») »m-i Tjurfjr *#<a £. ©. *». iwnte jeJ" llm! l^ont. afcair* i£iiu*legiojuni ' ijSianiflimo ^rancoB Tftegi | t Malice natioi loco psa^ma* ' tice e anctionts conccfTbium ! in llaccrancn Concilio Bp> piobata O < oo o 1TV-7 NO. 594(11). LEO X, BULLA, ROME [? F. MINITIUS CALVUS] I516. BORDER ALSO IN NO. I448. %& LAVR.ENTII VALLENSIS PATRITII ROMANI HISTORIARVM FERDINAN, DI REGIS ARAGO/ NIAE LIBRI TREIS. • • « « a NOS. 598: BORDER ONLY, 613, 615 (sig. P2). REDUCED FROM 203 X 1 65 NOS. 608-9, 6II-I2. NOS. 69O-2. 4 o, BREWER ST., REGENT ST.. W. 43 NOS. 604-5. 44 J. & J. LEIGHTON, Vefta opra da ognhparte e un libtddoro Non fuy>m precipfa gemma mai Dil kalendano : cbe tratta cole afai Congian facihta : ma gran lauoro Quinumcro auteo : etutti 1 fegni fuoro Defcnpti dil gran polo da ogni hi : Quando ci Cole : e luna eclipli fai : QUante ten e* fe rece a fto tbexoro. In un infranti tu iai qual bora Iia : Qual fara lanno : gioino tempo : e mexe : Cbctutn pom*/ /on daftrologta . Ioannede monCMegioquefto texe : Cosher cal frutcoacio non craue tia to o In bvcu' tempo: econ pocbi penexc . Cbi temecotallpexc Scnmpauircu. I nomidiimprdTon Son qui di kifTo di rofTi colon . Vener.js. i + 7 6 (f^^^duspicloi-deAugufta f^S^% Petrus loflein.de Lanc-encen tibardtis racdok dc ^uguib NO. 680. REDUCED FROM l6o X I50. FERDINAND COLUMBUS'S COPY. no. 681 (in red), no. 683 (in black), reduced from 248 x 175. CF. NO. 686. Eloquentiflimi umdomi'ni Antonfj Becbari? ueronenfis procemfum in Dyonifij traduction em defitu orbis babitabilis ad clariffimum pbyficum magiftru Hieronymu deleonardis. lonitlj alexandrini pbi lofbpbi cu nup I libelli quenda cocidifTem : qi lpfe bexametro uerfu ea parte orbis qug babita bill's dicit : adolelces modu confcripferat. Miru flat mi Hfercv nyme q mibip ceteris placuerit llh? fui & excel lentiflimi uin ingeniu. Cofidera' bamenim I boc bomi'ne: no ea qu§ ceteri (blent {ingulariaqueda& prglhntiTTima munera iudicare/quaJiafunt:qu£ aut ad uahtudmem corporis ptinent: aut ad pul chritudine; aut qu§ ad eius dignitatis fta' turn & excellentiam funt tradita: cum ea raibi uideret eiufmodi efle: ut cu paitim a natura proficifcant/ partim etiam a for' tuna; neq$ magi's ab bumana opera pueni rent/cj| diuina quada benignitate 6t cejefti a no. 686. CF. NO. 681. 40, BREWER ST., REGENT ST., W. 47 NO. 688. REDUCED FROM igi X I38. 4 8 J & J. LEIGHTON, [nicer ftctcri lict'i io qii larilKriius liber clcmeuto:iiiu gEuclidis pcrlpi/ aciliinuatt arton /Geometric mopit quafbelictflimci ductus eft cuius q& no dt.C iUnca eft logitudo line latitudineciirquidccjc/ tremiratcs Ir onopucta. Gilmea recta c ab vuo pucto ad aim b:cuilluua cvtc iio i ejctreniitatcsfuasvtruqscof rcci i. icns.G&uphcics c q logitudinc •; lad tudinc tin bjtcui^tcrmi quidc iVit lincc. C0ugficks plana c ab vna linca ad a li j cytelio i cftrcmitatcs luasrecipics GSlngulus planus c Duaru liricaju al - tenuis ptaccus:qna^ cipaho c lup liip pplicatioq? no oirecta. GjQuado autanguinm :-tma ouc recre rcetilinc 9 augulus noiaf . tl jQri recra linca lug recta fcuoqsanguli v'trobiq? merit cqlesxo? vicrqj rect'Ynt incaq? Imee fiipftas ct cm liigftat ppendiculans vocaf.can is vo qui recto maic: c Obtulus oicit.GSngul^vo nunc: re icut^appeUaf.GZerrnln^e qo vniulcumlq, runs c.G-^igura nuiio vl'tcnnis ?tiricf*Gi£ireul 9 c figura plana vna cjdeni li otcra: qctrcufcrcntia noiahiu cui%cdio puct^c : a quo'ocs crccreadcircufereriaexeiJtesfibiiuiccjIuteqnales./Erbic 3c puct'Ycrru circuit DiGjDiameter circuit c huca recta que :i' ceutr traliens ejrtremitatcfq, fuas circnfcrctte appltcans i:I>i i cuo media Dinidit.GStcmicirailus c n^ura plana oia/ ro ci.ciili i medictare curcufercntic ptcnta.G ]jlo:no circu / sin a plana recra linca •; parrc circiirercrie ptcta: leimcircu / xii autmaio: ant nuiio:. GlRcctilince figure fut q rccrie li rorinenr quaru qucda rrilatcrc q n ib'rectio linas: qucda iiatcreq qtuo:rcctislincis.qdaiiiltilarerc que plunbus anioircctis Unas continent". G yiguraru trilatcrartV.alia augulus bnsrrialatcracqualia.aiia mangulnsouobiis larera.SliarrianguI user ui uicqualium lareru. lDariteru lto:tbpgoniu:vnu.l.rcotniuangulum babcus.3tliacani/ iiiuni aliqucin obtuluin augulum babcns.SUia eft oyigoui i qua tree* auguli lunt acuu G-yiguraru ante quadrilateral eft qdramm quod eft cqmlarcru atqi rcctangulii . alia eft joii^loiig^qcft figura recrangiila : led equilatera non eft. ell beliiHiavin.'ciuc cftcquilatcra led rcctaiigula non eft. iDc p^iuipi);- p (c iioii'j ; pnio : nonibut? caruudem. punrnx NOS. 694-5 : BORDER ONLY, 682-4. REDUCED FROM 249 X 203. NO. 685. PORTION : ENTIRE PAGE I38 X I92. NO. 892; COPY IN 842. NOS. 702-3. NO. 697. Uenetianiffi cuiitafi. nos. 6 69o-2, 707-8. venice,£e. ratdolt, 1480. ftHenetiapefuftae, C Ucnetfap efoftaa (nclyta condttur: autj potiua ampliat circa bectemga:ano4fo. non 9 paltcnibus ft' cut *ftoma: fed a po- tentioiibuet t>itloii bus .pufnciaru adue ni8:illic ,ppter perfc cutione attile con fiigienttbue. JCDiruj eft: t fummo cjrtolle dum laudis pconio.potuuTe a tot tacp oiuerfie vibui$ t oppidop po pulfe conditam dutcatem per annos millc cumali mcremeccac glo rie fplcndo:c:vnanimfcB fagaritate conferuare. NOS. 727-J VENICE, G. WALCH, 1479 NOS. 967-8. NO. 969. J. & J. LEIGHTON, O — \ZI TWVMPHVS CASTTTATIS NO. 725. REDUCED FROM 240 X l6o. BORDER ALSO IN NO. 866. CUTS ADAPTED FROM THE FLORENTINE ENGRAVINGS. 54 J. & J. LEIGHTON, CUTS FROM ED. OF 3 MAR. I49I (BENALIUS & CAPCASA). NOS. 838, 870, I298-9. ED. l8 NOV. I49I (P. CREMONESE). NOS. 726, 99O. Inf. c. 3. 4 o , BREWER ST., REGENT ST., W. 55 ;d. 18 nov. 1491. no. 726. (signed .fe.) Inf. c. 1. ED. 10 NOV. I49I. NOS. 726, 99O Inf. c. 9. FROM ED. 3 MAR. I49I. REDUCED FROM 242 X I50. NOS. 838, 870, 99O, I298-9. BORDER ONLY: 839, 867, 869, 871, 967, I469. c -a re o 3 u re ^ re ex,- *a *- o »s « ^e 2*= cT- o*2 fc£ T J= 3»PS o — i C p. c wd S ii r O" C V , 2 «J "5 =5 ^ CL 3 O <-» ntidfc nicouob , fracrife* 3 ge.v Egrcfllfufwosjorjfli feUw?l*ccra.4.rc.i/. NO. 752. SIGNED DECIUS. ! PSALT. LXXX. NO. 783 I WITHOUT BORDER, NO. I416. SIGNED b PROVERBIA. NOS. 783, 968, I416. 4° , BREWER ST., REGENT ST., W. " ' 63 NOS. I242, I25O, I30I j^ = rN, NO. 807: WITH DIFFERENT BORDER, NOS. 74O- 1 . SIGNED WITH COLUMN. nos. 753-4- no. 369. NO. 804. EE 66 J..& J. LEIGHTON, NOS. 781-2 NO. 788. 4o, BREWER ST., REGENT ST., W. 67 — — — NOS. 787-8. NO. 786. 1 ^S4^4^^^S^S5*^^3i^?afe^^S«^^^^ NO. 795. REDUCED FROM 260 X I/O. 40, BREWER ST., REGENT' ST.", W. 69 NO 815. REDUCED FROM 222 X I52. J. & J. LEIGHTON, 00 00 4 o, BREWER ST., REGENT ST., VV. J- &. J;. LEIGHTON, NOS 821-2. NO. 836. REDUCED FROM 1 62 X lf>2. NO. 798. NO. 790. NO. 809. NO. 957. 4 o, BREWER ST., REGENT ST., W, 73 If LIBER. PRIMVS CLIBER PRIMVS IN SVPPLEMENTVM SVPPLEMENTI CRONI , CARVM: AB IPSO PRIMOAVCTORE FRATRE IACOBO PHILIP- PO BERG0MENSE:ACCVRATlORE STVDIO REPERCVSSVM : FOELICITER INCIP1T. N PRJNCIPiO CREAV1T DEVS COELVM Et te/ram . Terra autem erac inanis dc mcompoflu : fcxibunrui Genefeos pnmo Moyfes fandtus uip exi- alius cheologosdiuinas decerncnsconfcribcre leges: it pietati couenientem tradere di(ciplinaro:non com munibus aortitis exordiis uti uoluitrfed nihil porius ducens : quaro pnfcorum generis fui theologiam ad ' re&e uiuendi normam pertinere : a Deo fecundum tpfius hK^onam incepit.Nec ut caeterae natioes mul cirudincm deorum taifo introducere uoluir: fed a pn rna uitibillum omnium: acq; inuilibilium caufa exor fus:illum docuit creatorem efle uniuerfirregemcg: at qj dommum : Et non (blum quas lpfe fcriprurus eflet leguro roarerias . Verum etiara naturae tpliusxuius folo nuro:a non ente fimpliciter cuncla fuifle produ- ct oftendit : cuius quidera uirture:omnia qua: prodocta funt gubernan docet . Et iccirco fie exordiens ait. In principfo creauit deus coclum:8c terram . Pro qui- bus uerbis: Aurelius pater Auguftinus in.xi.de Ci.dei:fic inrultt dicens. ViGbili- um omnium maximus eft mundus.Inuilibilium uero maximus eft deus: fed mur» dum efle confpicimus:deum uero crcdimus.Quod autem deus fecerit mundum nulli potius enrchmus quam ipfi &a Vbs(rbrte mquies)(pfum audiuiraust'Nun- quam interim re(pondit:oos melius quam in fenpruris (anclis: Vbi dixit prophe ta fuus.ln principle feat deus caeium 8i cerram. Nunquid nam ibi tunc fuit tfte prophetarquando feat deus caelum & terram .' Norfed ibi Fuitubi futt dei fa- pienttt.per quam facia funt omma.qua: enam (aepe in jnim3s fe tranffert : ami. cos & prophetas dei confhruens : quibus St fua opera intus fine (trepitu enarrat. Loquurur quocp eis angeli dei:qui (emper uident faciero deiiuoluntatemqj eius: qutbus quae oportet Temper anunciant.Et propterea ex us unus erat iftc prophe ra qui dixit 4: fenpfir In pnncipio creauit deus ccelum cV rerram . Terra autem erar mams &C incompofira . Informis quippe ilia materia erat:quam de nihilo fe- cit deus appellata pnmum caelum & terra;Er dictum eft . In ptincipio fecit deus coeluro & terratrvnon quia tarn hoc eflet fed quia hoc effe poterat . Nam cV cae- lum poftra fcnbitur factum Quemadmodum:fi arbons femen confiderantes:di camus ibi eiTe radices & robur;& raroos:& frucfus:ac folu.nonquia lam fint:fed quia inde furura funtAc lie dictum eft. In pnncipio recti deus cceJumcV terram: quad le men caeh & terrse cum adhuc in confufo coeli &L terrae materia eflet: fed quia crrnffimuro erat ; mck futurum elTe ccelum & terram ; iam 8i ilia materia caelum & terra appellata eft Hanc itaqj fpaciofam for/nam cata effiglecaren NOS. T T95-6; DIFFERENT TYPE, II98, I20I-2. REDUCED FROM 268 X 184. BORDER ONLY, NOS. 872-3. border: nos. 1195-6, 1198, 1201-3, 1237. reduced from 260 x 178. LOWER BORDER, NOS. II99, 1200. SIGNED LA 40, BREWER ST., REGENT ST., W. 77 NO. 842. ? BY J. L. SANTRITTER & HIER. DE SANCTIS. NO. 854. NO. 839. NO. 8o2. NOS. 839, 1223. 40, BREWER ST., REGENT ST., W r , 79 NOS. 857-8, 872, 878-9. NO. 872. NO. 917. DIFFERENT BLOCK IN 914, 923). NOS. 857-8, 872. So J. & J. LEIGHTON, nos. 866, 1219-20, (866 with border as pl. 53 ^; NOS. 1266-8. NOS. 60I-3. TRIWPHV5 DMNTTATS 3UTS FROM THE I493 ED. NOS. 867, 87 1 , 1469. REDUCED FROM 242 X I50. CF. PL. 56. FF 82 J. & J. LEIGHTON, NOS. 1235, 1241. NOS. 869, I235, I24I. NOS. 869, 1235, I24I, I4I4. NOS. 869, I235, I24I. 4 0, BREWER ST., REGENT ST., # W. .., . . #> a t 83 \ h n>»jsj* .^r*"* Da .^-**«u*v - NO. I257. SIGNED F NOS. 869, I235, I24I. NO. 869, I235, 1241, NO. 1235, 1241. NO. I I94. NO. I I92. NC 796. SIGNED Z.a. NO. 1177. flfeamafeura NO. 89O. REDUCED FROM 270 X 187. BY Z.A. AFTER DURER, SEE PL. 24. no. 894 (in rep). NO. 896. NO. 896. NOS. 711-12. _ ■ H L i p NOS. 725-6. NOS. I022, IO25, 129O. NO. 896. REDUCED FROM 260 X 171. H% a y> <£>! AVGV^TINFDATTI SCRIBAE SENENSIS EL.E GANTIOLAE FOELIQTER 1NCIP1VNT, Redimus l'andudu a plenfq; airis etia diTertif' fin^s perfuafi:tum demu arte quepia in di'cedo nonnulla adipifci fi \u eru arcp erudiroru Cecil rus ueft'gia optima fibi quifq; imitandu propo fuerit.Neq? enim qui diutius in Ciceroni's le&i one uerfarus fit no efte in dicedo dC ornarus & copiofas potent .Nam & horridiora crebrius cofectati ipfi quo^ aridt ieiuni& inculti fiat necefTe eft. Ledbrati igitur mi hi Ciceronis uoluminarque eloqueriae parete menro ap pellauerimjpaucaannotatione digna uifa funt:quibus fi uternur uulgariu fermone afpernan ad eloquence oratio ne proximius accedemus. Sed tame id in primis qfcg admonedus fit quod rhetor diligentifTimus 3C infignis orator Fabius Quintilianus de orationis pattibusdicere cofueirit:Neq?emm leges funr oratons quada ueluti irn mutabili necelfitate coftirutaemec rogationibus ut ide di cebat: nee plebifcitis facta Tiint iffa praecepta, Sed ut in ftatuispi#uris,poemati£ca»renfqj in exordmadi quoc# uiri eloqactis oratiofie ^lurimu temper decoris ac uenu ftatishabuit mretas. A. 2 quod dici folet cauedu/enen dumcp illud eft ante omnia^e ars ulla dicedijfi fieri po teftteffe uideatur.H^c igitur lex prima fit comutanonis uarieratifc^rqua auditoru aures no difficillime iudicent. Hoc igitur fa&o fundamento perpauca deinceps fcriba amice fuauiffimerquse & fi no fern per ut plurimu tame his rationibus feruada tibi erut.Sed iam noftri inftiturf nafcetur exordiu.Plerunq; enim quforatonae arris flori bus ac falerarisi ut aiut. ftudet uerbi^uerbu contra tnri uulgata^q? gramaticoru cofuetudinerquod in calce ab folutse or " «iis locari c6(ueuit:id 1II1 potius coaprat in ii'tiotquoj omne tibi fiet mamfeftus exeplo.Scias p!e na orationc conftare tnbus partibusrquod fuppofitu ur " \ \'( 1 NO. 906. NO. gi2. l^ft NOS. 920, 923, 926. NOS. giO-II. NOS. 907, 909-II. S £fc. $fHfl^**4HftMMil*Hfr**<^«*\ : ■ J- * J- LEIGHTON, NO. 952. REDUCED FROM 1 73 X 140. NO. 958. NO. 836. NOS. 907-O. GG J. & J. LEIGHTON, CINCOMENZALA VTILISSIMAOPERA CHIA J MXTA TRANSITO Dl SANCTO HIERONf, MO DOCTOREEXCELlENTlSSlMOETPfcl MODELASVA SANCTISSIMA VITA COM1NZIA1L PROEMIO jVEGNANonmedu • bitoamoltoamoltep Jfone eilere mauifefto jil locho doue nafccte I Hicronymo; & fotco q •' lipreceprori fu(Te eru ditp:&iqual locho doppo la morte ilfuofaiKftilTimocorpo fu fepulco: nientedimeno a cuiiltemponon ba ftaa potcremolte cofelegereruolen do queftapicola operetta traTcorre re porta in brieue compendio, CDel beato Hieronymo la ulta & morte intendere, leronymo adunche fu ft^liolo de Eufebio nobL- lehuomocome.-eflbnelfuolibro deuiris Ulu; ftribusapertamentedechiara.&nato del eaftel . Jo di Stridone chc gia da Gothi fu diftrutto:che ftatra confinidi Dalmatian Tannonia& rneritamentee nato de Eufebio pero che Eufebio in lingua attica tanto fi ghifica quanto in noftropietofo.Et Hieronymo in lingua Colica fignifi'ca in noftra fanfta lege: laquale congruame tee figUoU de la pietade.Et eflendo qfto anchora ranciul* loandoa Roou:&fu pienameceamaeitratodelirteregre ceihebreet&larine.Ingrammaticahebeper maeiho Do?- rrato.-inrhetorica hebe Vivftorino oratore: coceflb dechia. ra ne la fua cronica dicendo.Donato gcamatico & Vi&o? riao rhecorico;furon a Roma mei degni preceptoruPoi in r no 5 I 1/1 > y NO. IOIO. NO. I208. NOS. IOO7-9. 40, BREWER ST., REGENT. ST., W, I03 NOS. 936-7, 939, 1367-9. 104 .• jV'f J. LEIGHTON, ; aa"a v nposrfroY kai n baijae'qs MEAOS- cc iS/^A KA'PI OI AvKfosoi/K-iTra *tOU l'2rtK.cL5tJI°cL ?\Oi/U(aV 0VK.6K.ct- ,j\ J^f &&f> $1*A rivlilitf pOfAQHV rfi *hfi,HUL(X.OUJ- £$Mk* ^§rj' Kj vv t/7fc/AU ffm/^S |p|| iwsracf* tt«5 7 i \f' K0M70 jOs ^^(pv A\av cw7>v ov\LX'7n^vvaTG7t!Ci • ttou mot p 1 u. m ItCWTPSHiLCLl&loJhlOve-iTDet'O t/^flVTZJf oioirt J3 « ID I eSS NO. IO27. REDUCED FROM 200 X I38. 40, BREWER ST., REGENT ST., W. ">5 FIRST SMALL DEVICE, 1ST STATE. NO. IO32. FIRST SMALL DEVICE, 2ND STATE (ia). NOS. IO44-50. WITHOUT DOTS (3RD STATE, I b). nos. 1052-60, 1065, 1075-7, io 79> 1083-8, io9o, io94-6, i io4-io. SECOND SMALL DEVICE. NOS. IO38, IO61-4, IO7O-I, IO75-8, IO99, I IO2-3. NOS. I0857. I0() J. &: J. LEIGHTON, FIRST LARGE DEVICE, 1ST STATE (i A.) NOS. IO33, I05I, IO54-5. FIRST LARGE DEVICE, 2ND STATE (i b). nos. 1065-9, io 7 2 -4> 1080-2, 1 1 17. with MA. RO. no. 1066. 40, BREWER ST., REGENT ST., W. 107 SECOND LARGE DEVICE. NOS. IIOO, IIl8. NO. I I34. NO. 1 156. I a ,© K> %ibio DelTfrcregrino IRoimmcn re ?mp:e!To c rcdutro alia fua fincerira con fa vitaocllo 2Jacto:c* Ztb:o mio fe afpcrnato reiecto foftt. £>ire po terai : lector. TBonlo evrermmio ocgroia. TBon le fojrane oe iRoma. "Bon li erro:i oe SUixe. -0D3 oe vno pudico amo:c la biftoria po:to c nai ro . 1£>erbo fecu* ro vengo perebe amo:e e piera* de me ftnno la fcorca./£tfe oel fcripro:e parole inrav dc refponderc porerai. 2Jacomo£aHscaeo oa farina fide Me rccitaro:e viuei vale . £t come mtefe fcripfe. NOS. I 167-8. REDUCED FROM igo X 140. SAME BORDER IN NO. Il6g. 4 o, BREWER ST., REGENT ST., W. 109 NO. II75. SIGNED L F 110 ],-& J. LEIGHTOK, NO. I2IO. NO. 12 T 8. 4o, BREWER ST., REGENT, ST V W. , ,,, , ,, , jy NO. 1242. SIGNED l NOS. I242, I257. ■ICSf! NO. I 185. NO. I242. SIGNED 1 J. & J. LEIGHTON, NO. 1245 NO. 1259. NO. 12 77- HH i, J- & J- LEIGHTON, NOS. II98-9, I200-3, I2 °5' 121 I, SIGNED F V NO. I2bO. 4 o, BREWER ST., REGENT' ST.; ' W. ""' ' "115 ESEMPLA rto ULmoiitcbc infc gna alle Qonnc ilmodo aozdinc of iauo:are:cu(ire;sraccamare,'z fh nalmete far tutte quelle ope re oe gtteof memo2ia:leqtialepofa# re vna t oonna virtuofa con faco m mano*£t vno oo« cnmemoebefnfegfia al copiatoicaca® fiabe ferufto, a* SIGNED BY F. VAVASOKE. HH * u6 'j & J LEIGHTON, NOS. 1282, 1285, 1290. NOS. I298-9. REDUCED FROM 252 X l68. NO. I2»0(2). J . ^~ J , HBPHWWI — ' I BLW 1 NOS. I37O-I. SIGNED (?) A.F.G. 40, BREWER ST., REGENT ST., .W. '. JJ9 J. & J. LEIGHTON, NO. 736. REDUCED FROM 33O X 23O. BINDER, J. REYNES. NO. 226. SIZE OF WHOLE COVER, 165 X 102. HINDER, I H. _j NO. I386. REDUCED FROM l6o X HO. J. & J. LEIGHTON, X I2 4 J. & J. LEIGHTON, 4b, BREWER ST., REGENT ST., W. "5 NO. I377. REDUCED FROM 1 60 X HO. 126 J. & J. LEIGHTON, NO. I388. REDUCED FROM 215 X I50. Bound for R. Dudley, earl of Leicester. 40, BREWER ST., REGENT ST., W. 127 128 J. & J. LEIGHTON. '. )■•'-■ l' • 11® ^ii^^ii> •i-^^vJ J. & J. LEIGHTON make a speciality of attending to Private, Small Public, and Club Libraries, annually- seeing to the dusting, cleaning, and arrangement of the Books; also entering all new acquisitions in Catalogues, and generally fulfilling the duties of a Librarian where no permanent Librarian is retained. BOOKBINDING in all styles by an experienced staff of workmen. Special Attention given to the Restoration and Repairs of Old and Valuable Bindings. Sales attended and Books Bought on Commission. P.O.O/s should be made payable at Post Office, Regent St. CHEQUES crossed National Provincial Bank of England, St. James's Branch. The WOOLLEY PHOTOGRAPHS of types used by the XVth century printers of Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France, Holland and Spain, designed to supplement facsimiles previously published, with references to Proctor's Index to the Early Printed Books in the British Museum and Bodleian libraries. These are 500 permanent photographs the exact size of the original pages of type, each being mounted on a card 14 by 11 inches, and each hundred enclosed in a strong and convenient case covered with cloth. The set is also accompanied by a specially printed List in red and black on handmade paper, of which only a small number was done and not originally intended for all subscribers. Of the 50 copies of the Photographs done only 40 were open to subscription. A few sets now remain at the price of 30 guineas. LA CHANCUN DE WILLAME. AN UNKNOWN "CHANSON DE GESTE," transcribed from a NEWLY DISCOVERED MANUSCRIPT OF THE XIII CENTURY. Only 200 copies finely printed in red and black at the Chiswick Press on Van Gelder paper: with photogravure facsimiles of the first & last pages of the original Manuscript. Cr. 4to. t half holland, uncut edges. £2 2s. %* Only a few copies remain. Privately printed at the Chiswick Press 1903 J. & J. LEIGHTON, 40 Brewer Street, Regent Street, London, W. J. & J. LEIGHTON also issue a General Catalogue: Parts I-IX (A-Z). Stout 8vo., 1738 pp., 6200 items, with upwards of 1350 Reproductions in Facsimile: with Index of Artists' names & monograms. Bound in half-morocco, gilt tops, 30s. Any of the separate parts (except the first three) may be had, Price 2 - each, Part X. (Supplement) containing A, with 205 illustrations Price 2/- tt tt 2/— tt tt L\~ tt tt £l~ tt tt *l~ tt tt 2/— ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS, mainly XII-XVI centuries ; 8vo. 335 items, with 150 reproductions in monochrome : with Indexes. Price 2/6. XL tt tt B-Boe. 164 XII. tt tt Boc-Cal. 175 XIII. t* tt Cal-Ch. 164 XIV. tt tt Ci-Cy. 153 XV. tt tt D-Dy 154 ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, German, Dutch & Flemish, of the XV-XVI centuries. Part I, A-H. 4to. 378 items, with 420 facsimile reproductions : Index to Artists, &c. Price 3 6. ENGLISH ROYAL BINDINGS (Henry VIII to George IV) and other Books (Illuminated MSS., Early books with Woodcuts, Horae 1498-1556, first editions of Montaigne, Goldsmith, Spenser, Bacon, Franklin, Sidney, Keats, Swinburne, &c. &c.) Svo., with 109 reproductions in line and half-tone. Price l/- LIST of Bibliographical PUBLICATIONS can be had on application. J. & J. LEIGHTON'S Book Shop and Bindery, 40 Brewer Street, W., is adjacent to the new Regent Palace Hotel, midway between Piccadilly Circus and Golden Square. J. & J. LEIGHTON, 40 Brewer-st., Re$?ent-st., London, W. Telephone: Regent 1610. GAYLAMOUNT PAMPHLET BINDER -^ Manufactured by 16AYLORD BROS. Int. Syracuse, N. Y. Stockton, Calif. 3 =2 7 7 -5" / U. C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDS^mtm