ISIO A6A51 m.^^ Vx 73 Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2008 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp:// DIGEST OF THB CONSTITUTIONS, LAWS AND DECISIONS OF THB ANCIENT ORDER OF UNITED WORKMEN. AZ$ ADOPTED BY THE SUPREME LODGE, AT ITS SEVENTH ANNUAL SESSION, AT NASHVILLE, TENN., MARCH, 1879. J J } 3 J ) 3 J ■> 3 ) 3 ' T 1 "> , , ' ^ > 1 > 3 } 3 ■) J)l))J ) J3JJJJ } BUFFALO: PRESS OP BAKER, JONES St CO. 1879. V- Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1879, By M. W. Sackktt, Supreme Recorder, for the Supreme Lodge, A. O. IT. W. In the Offlce of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. lit c I c c c c t t t < c t t t t • QnklAPlon ACCESSION BancJhjft library _ _ Ik CONTENTS. Chapter. ^*^ I. The Supreme Lodge • • ^ n. Grand Lodges in Greneral 21 m. Grand Lodges under the Immediate Jurisdiction of the Su- preme Lodge ^ IV. Grand Lodges as Separate Beneficiary Jurisdictions 34 V. Outline of the Beneficiary System 88 VI. Beneficiary Certificates 42 VII. Assessments for Beneficiary Fund 52 Vm. Beneficiary Fund S'' IX. Suspension from the Order 63 X. Reinstatement of Suspended or Expelled Members 66 XI. Subordinate Lodges, their Powers, Duties, etc 69 Xn. Officers and Committees of Subordinate Lodges 77 Xin. Applications for Membership 89 XIV. Membership Degrees of the Order 95 XV. Degree of Honor 98 XVI. Past Master Workmen 99 XVII. Benefits to Sick and Disabled Members 102 XVIil. Fees, Dues, Fines, etc 103 XIX. Regalia, Emblems, Rituals, Pass-Words, Signs, etc 105 XX. New Lodges 109 XXI. Clearance and Final Cards 113 XXII. Charges, Trials, Appeals 117 m.2BS±0 IV Chapter. Pag«« XXTTT. Miscellaneous 121 XXIV. Instructions to Deputy Supreme Master Workmen 125 XXV. Rules of Order for Subordinate Lodges 138 APPENDIX Forms used in the Order. • 137 Act of Incorporation. 160 DIGEST OF THE LAWS AHP DECISIO!iS OF THE /HpiEIiT Q^l\ OF UNITED WOfMEl^. CHAPTER I. THE SUPREME LODGE, NAME AND STYLE. 1. This body shall be known by the name and style of the ** Supreme Lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen.'^^ — Const., Art. I. POWERS. 2. The Supreme Lodge, when convened agreeably to the provi- sions of its Constitution, has original and exclusive jurisdiction over all subjects pertaining to the welfare of the Order, and appellate jurisdiction from the decisions of Grand Lodges and of Subordinate Lodges under its immediate jurisdiction; and its enactments and decisions, upon all questions, are the supreme law of the Order. Under these restrictions, the Supreme Lodge may hear and determine all matters of controversy or grievance wliich may be brouifht before it by appeal or otherwise; issue Charters to Grand Lodges, and to Subordinate Lodges in territory not under the jurisdiction of a Grand Lodge ; reprove and punish the misconduct of Grand Lodges and of Subordinate Lodges under the immediate jurisdiction of the Supreme Lodge; adopt laws and regulations of general application for the government of the Grand Lodges, and of the Subordinate Lodges under its im- mediate jurisdiction, and alter, amend or abrogate the same-; regulate and control the unwritten work of the Order, which shall not be altered or amended except by a two-thirds vote of the Representatives present at an annual meeting ; establish, print and provide all charters, rituals of the Order, and clearance, traveling and final cards ; make such assessments for revenue as may be necessary to defray the expense of the Supreme Lodge ; and generally, do all things right and proper for the promotion of the honor, dignity and weltare of the order. — Const., Art. IV, Seel, 3. The Supreme Lodge may adopt such regulations and gen- eral laws as may be deemed necessary for the welfare of the Order, not inconsistent with the provisions of its Constitution, and alter, amend or abrogate the same. — Const., Art. XI. 4. The Supreme Lodge shall issue, or cause to be issued, all certificates of the Beneficiary Fund. — Const, Art. VIII, Sec. 4. 5. Note. — The Constitution of the Supreme Lodge, Laws Ap- plicable to Grand Lodges, and Laws of General Application, hav- ing been adopted by The Supreme Lodge in accordance with its powers as above enumerated, are of binding force on the entire Order, and can only be altered or amended by the Supreme Lodue. All Grand Lodges (those set apart as separate jurisdic- tions, as well as those under the immediate jurisdicticm of the Supreme Lod^e) having been granted power to issue Beneficiary Certiticales, subject to the same laws, rules and regulations as those prescribed for the government of Subordinate Lodges un- der the immediate jurisdiction of the Supreme Lodu;e, it follows that the provisions of Article VII of the Supreme Lodge Consti- tution, and all otber laws, rules and regulations of the Supreme Lodge in regard to the Beneficiary Fund, are of binding force in every jurisdiction throughout the Order. They can be modified only to adapt them to Grand Jurisdictions, but cannot be altered, repealed or amended except by the Supreme Lodge. In this view, the following laws are general, and cannot be altered oramended by Grand Lodires : 1. The Beneficiary Laws, Rules and Regulations. 2. Laws Applicable to Grand Lodges. 3. Laws of General Application. 6. To the Supreme Lodge is reserved the power to establish the Ancient Order of United Workmen in States and Countries where the same does not exist. — Pro. M An. Sess. S. L. p. 146. 7. To the Supreme Lodge belongs the exclusive power to design and regulate all the regalia, tools, emblems, and other parapher- nalia for the work of the Order. — lb., p. 147. 8. The Supreme Lodge has, and of right should have, absolute control over all the secret and ritualistic work of the Order. — Pro. 6ih An. Sess. S. L., p. 367. 9. The Supreme Lodge has the power to correct a Grand Lodge Constitution submitted for its approval, so as to make it conform to the Constitution of the Supreme Lodge,and the Laws of General Application, regulations and decisions thereof. — Pro. An, Sess. S. L., p. 204. OP WHOM COMPOSED. 10. The Supreme Lodge shall consist of the following oflacers : Past Supreme Master Workman, Supreme Master Workman, Su- preme Foreman, Supreme Overseer, Supreme Recorder, Supreme Receiver, Supreme Guide, Supreme Watchman, and three Trus- tees. Also, of the duly dected Representatives of Grand Lodges under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Lodge. All Past Supreme Master Workmen, other than the one in oflSce as such, shall be entitled to all the rights of membership in the Supreme Lodge, except the right to vote, while they remain members of the Order in good standing. — Const. ^ Art. Ily Sec. 1. ANNUAL MEETINGS. 11. The Supreme Lodge shall meet annually, on the third Tues- day in March, at such place as may be designated at the preced- ing annual meeting ; provided, the time may be otherwise fixed by resolution passed at the preceding annual meeting. Should una- voidable circumstances arise, which, in the opinion of the Su- preme Master Workman and a majority of the officers of the Su- preme Lodge, would prevent a majority of the members from attending an annual meeting, he may postpone the same until such attendance can be had (not to exceed three months), due notice thereof being given to the memhers.— Const., Art. Ill, Seel. SPECIAL MEETINGS. 12. Special meetings of the Supreme Lodge shall be called by the Supreme Master Workman when requested so to do by a ma- jority of the Representatives from one- third of the Grand Lodges. Const., Art. Ill, Sec. 2. QUORUM FOR BUSINESS. 13. No business shall be transacted in the Supreme Lodge ex- cept the admission of members and adjourning from time to time, unless there be present one or more of the Representatives from a majority of the Grand Lodges entitled to representation therein. Qmst., Art. Ill, Sec. 3. ELECTION OP OFFICERS AND TERMS OP OFFICE. 14. All the officers of the Supreme Lodge (except the Trustees, one of whom shall be elected each year to serve for three years) shall be chosen at each annual meeting by a majority of the votes cast, but no vote shall be counted which may be given for any one not in nomination. When only one nomination shall be made for an office, the Supreme Lodge may dispense with the ballot and elect by acclamation. — Const, Art. tV, Sec. 2. REPORTS TO BE MADE BEFORE ELECTION OP OFFICERS. 15. The election of officers of the Supreme Lodge shall not take place until all officers required to make reports to the Lodge have done so, and said reports have been referred to appropriate 8 committees, and by them reported upon to the Lodge. — Fro, 2d An. Sess. 8. L., p. 63. SALARIES TO BE FIXED BEFORE ELECTION. 16. OflScers of the Supreme Lodge to whom emoluments are paid, shall not be elected until the amount of salary for such office is first named. — Pro. 1th An. Seas. S. X., p. 115, OFFICE, ELIGIBILITY TO. 17. Any Past Grand Master Workman in good standing, who is a member of a Grand Lodge, shall be eligfble to any office in the Supreme Lodge. — Const., Art. II, Sec. 1. OFFICER MAY ACT AS REPRESENTATIVE. 18. A brother may simultaneously act in the double capacity of an officer of the Supreme Lodge and a Representative from a Grand Lodge.— Pm 1th An. Sess. S. L., p. 107. RANK OF OFFICERS. 19. The officers of the Supreme Lodge rank in the following order : 1. Past Supreme Master Workman ; 2. Supreme Master Workman; 3. Supreme Foreman ; 4. Supreme Overseer ; 5. Su- preme Recorder; 6. Supreme Receiver; 7. Supreme Guide ; 8. Supreme Watchman. — Const, Art. II, Sec. 1. 20. Of the Trustees, the oldest in office ranks first and acts as Chairman of the Board of Trustees. 21. Past Supreme Master Workmen (other than the one in office) hold honorary rank, and take precedence according to pri- ority of date of attaining the honors of the office. INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. 22. The installation of officers is the first business in order after their election. The Senior Past Supreme Master Workman pre- sent (according to rank) officiates, using the prescribed form for installation as required by the Ritual of the Order. 23. Note.— It any officer is not present at the time for installa- tion, it is within the power of the Supreme Lodge to declare his office vacant, and proceed forthwith to fiD the vacancy. BONDS OF OFFICERS. 24. The Supreme Recorder shall, when required to do so by the Supreme Lodge, execute a bond in such penalty as may be fixed by it, for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office.— Const., Art. V, Sec. 3. 25. The Supreme Receiver shall, before entering upon the dis- charge of his duty, execute and file with the Supreme Master Workman, an official bond, in such penalty as may be fixed from time to tune by the Supreme Lodge, payable to the Supreme Mas- 9 ter Workman and his successors in office, with two or more suffi- cient sureties, to be approved by the Supreme Master Workman, Supreme Foreman and Supreme Overseer, conditioned that he will pay or deliver on demand to the Supreme Lodge or the Su- preme Master Workman ot the Supreme Lodge, or to his succes- sor in office, or properly account for, all funds and property of the Supreme Lodge, or on any other account that shall come to his hands as Supreme Receiver and shall in all respects faithfully dis(;harge the duties devolving upon him as Supreme Receiver, under the Constitution and rules and regulations of the Supreme Lodge; and should the Supreme Receiver fail or refuse, for twenty days after his election, to execute and have approved the bond herein required, it shall be the duty of the Supreme Master Workman, with the approval of the Supreme Foreman and Su- preme Overseer, to appoint another Supreme Receiver, who shall execute a bond as herein required, and enter upon the discharge of ihe duties of the position. — Const., Art. V, Sec. 4. 2G. The penalty of the bond of the Supreme Recorder is-fixed at ten thousand dollars, and that of the Supreme Receiver at twenty thousand dollars. — Pro. 5th An. Sess. S. L., p. 313. 27. The bonds of officers shall contain the following clause : '•The Beneficiary Fund which may come into my hands, shall be preserved by me intact, and paid over by me as the law of the Order directs, and in no case shall any claim which I may have against the Order be settled or plead as an ofifset against the col- lection from me of any of said fund by suit on this bond." — Gen. Law 31. 28. Note.—The Supreme Master Workman, Supreme Foreman and Supreme Overseer, accept and approve all official bonds required of Supreme Lodge officers. — [See No. 29.] SUrKEME MASTER WORKMAN, DUTIES AND POWERS OP. 29. It shall be the duty of the Supreme Master Workman, and he has the power, to preside in the Supreme Lodge ; to exercise and discharge the executive functions of the Supreme Lodge when it is not in session ; to convene any Subordinate Lodge un- der the immediate jurisdiction of the Supreme Lodge ; to preside therein ; to inspect their proceedings, and require their conform- ity to the rules and regulations oi the Order; to require the attendance of, and information from, any officer of the Supreme Lodtie respecting his office, and, for cause, to suspend such officer and appoint another in his stead to act until the next meeting of the Supreme Lodge; to grant dispensations for the formation of Grand Lodges, and charters for the organization of Subordinate Lodires to ibe under the immediate jurisdiction of the Supreme Lodge, in States and Territories where no Grand Lodge exists. He shall immediately notify the Supreme Recorder of the grant- ing of such dispensations. He may appoint such deputies as may be^necessary for the promotion of the interests of the Order, and 10 in such cases, shall require from each a bond with approved sure- ties, in such penalty as he may determine, and revoke such ap- pointments at pleasure. At the aniuud nieetiiiG:s"f the Supreme Lodge, he shall present a report, in detail, <>f liis nets during Uie recess. He shall establish a pass-word semi-annually,which shall be the same throughout the Order. He shall examine and act upon all appeals submitted to lym, first referring them to tiie Standing Committee on Appeals and Grievances, when in his opinion it is proper to do so. He shall, with the Supreme Fore- man and Supreme Overseer, accept and approve all officrd bontis required of the officers of the Supreme L)>\ire. He shall sign all official documents emanating from the Supreme Lodire, and per- form such other duties as may be required of him by the Supreme Lodge. — Const, Aft. V, Sec. 1. 30. The Supreme Master Workman shall install or cause to be installed the officers elect of a new Grand Lodge, and forward or cause to be forwarded to the Supreme Recorder, a notice of the organization, and a list of the officers. — Laws Ap. to G. L., See. 8. 31. Note.—ThQ Supreme Master Workman being; required " to execute and discharge the executive functions ot the Supreme Lodge when it is not in sessi 'U," it is his duty to exercise super- vision over Grand Lodge?, and to require compliance with the laws, rules and regulations of the Supreme Lodge. VACANCY IN OFFICE OF SUPREME MASTER WORKMAN. 32. In case of the death, resignation, absence or inability to act, of the Supreme Master Workman, or of a vacancy in his office, the Supreme Foreman, the Supreme Overseer and the acting Past Sapreme Master Workman sliall, in succession, succeed to his pre- roi^atives and duties for all purposes, and these officers sha 1 per- form such other duties as may from time to time be required of them by the Supreme Lodge. In the absence of all ot these officers, the oldest Past Officer of the Supreme Lodge, present, according to rank, shall preside at all meetings.— Co/isi., Art. V, Sec, 2. SUPREME FOREMAN, DUTIES OP. 33. The Supreme Foreman is required to perform such duties as are appropriate to his stati(ni, and as may from time to time be required of him by the Supreme Lodge. In ca-e of the death, resignation, absence or inability to act, of the Supreme M isier Workman, or of a vacancy in his office, the Supreme Foreman shall succeed to his prerogatives and duties for all purposes.— Const., Art. V, Sees. 2 and 5. 34. It is the duty of the Supreme Foreman to act with the Su- preme Master Workman and Supreme Overseer in the acceptance and approval of all official bonds required of the officers of the Supreme Lodge, — Const., Art. V, Sec. 1. 11 SUPREME OVERSEER, DUTIES OP. 35. The Supreme Overseer is required to perform such duties aa are appropri;Ue to his siaiion, and as may, from time to time, be requu'ed of him by the Supreme Lodge. In case of the death, resignation, absence or inability to act, of the Supreme Master Workman, of a vacancy in his office, and of the death or absence of the Supreme Foreman, or his inability to perform the duties of said office, the Supreme Overseer shall succeed to the preroga- tives and dudes of the Supreme Master Workman for all pur- poses. — Const., Art. V, Sees. 2 and 5. 38. It is the duty of the Supreme Overseer to act with the Su- preme Master Workman and Supreme Foreman in accepting and approving all official bonds required of the officers of the Su- preme Lodge. — Const., Ari.V, Sec. 1. SUPREME RECORDER, DUTIES OF. 37. It shall be the duty of the Supreme Kecorder to record the transactions of the Supreme Lodge ; to receive, duly file, and safely keep all papers and documents of the Supreme Lodge ; to prepare, sign and certify all charters, dispensations and other in- struments emanating from the Supreme Lodge, and w^hen neces- sary, affix the seal of the Supreme Lodge thereto ; to keep au accurate account of all nKmeys received and paid out by himself, and of all drafts or warrants drawn on the Supreme Receiver, and to report the same to tlie Supreme Lodge annually, by items; also the Lodges that have neglected to render proper returns and are in arrears, and such general mformaiion as to the state of the Lodges and of the Order, as niMy be proper for the information or action of ihe Supreme Lodge ; to conduct the correspondence of the Supreme Lodge; to attend, with all books and papers under his control, (m all meetings of the Supreme Lodge, and perform such other duties as may, from time to time, be required by the Supreme Lodge. He shall, when required so to do by the Supreme Lodge, execute a bond in such penalty as may be fixed by it, for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office. — Const.^ Art. V, Sec. 3. 38. The Supreme Recorder shall, on or before the first day of each montli, make full statement of all receipts and disbursements of Beneficiary Fund ; the correctness of which statement shall be attested by the Supreme Lodge Finance Committee and the same sent to each Subordinate Lodge. — Const, Art. VIII, Sec. 17, 39. He shall publish on or before the first day of each month, a full statement by Lodtjes, of all Beneficiary Funds received 'from each Grand Lodge (not set apart as a separate juri^-diction,) and forward to each Grand Recorder a sufficient number to send each Subordinate Lodge in his jurisdiction one copy The cor- rectness of such statement shall be attested to by the Supreme Lodge Fmance Committee. — Const, Art VII, Sec. 4. 12 40. It shall be the duty of the Supreme Recorder, in the reports required of him each month, in addition to the receipts and dis- bursements of Beneficiary Funds of the Supreme Lodge, to in- clude by States, the amount disbursed by separate jurisdictions; also the names of all expelled members as reported; and he shall send a sufficient number of copies to each separate jurisdiction, to supply each Subordinate Lodge thereof with one copy. — Const., Art. VIII, Sec. 20. 41. Note. — From the three preceding paragraphs it will be seen that the monthly statement of the Supreme Recorder is to con- tain : (1) a statement, by Lodges, of all receipts for Beneficiary Fund from Subordinate Lodges under the immediate jurisdiction of the Supreme Lodge, as well as from those under Grand Lr)dges not set apart as separate jurisdictions ; (2) a statement of all dis- bursements of the Beneficiary Fund by the Supreme Lodge ; (3) a statement of the amount of the Beneficiary Fund received and disbursed by each separate jurisdiction ; (4) a list of the names of all expelled members not previously reported ; (5) a statement of the receipts and disbursements of the General Fund of the Su- preme Lodge. Each Subordinate Lodge in the entire Order is to receive a copy of this monthly statement. 42. The Grand Recorder of each Grand Lodge set apart as a separate jurisdiction, shall make report in gross to the Supreme Recorder each month of beneficiary moneys received and dis- bursed in his jurisdiction, and the Supreme Recorder shall make record of the same in the books of the Supreme Lodge. — Const., Art. VI, Sec. 4. 43. The Supreme Recorder shall pay over to the Supreme Re- ceiver all monevs belonging to the General Fund, whenever the sum in his hands shall reach fifty dollars.— Pro. dd An. Sess. S. L., p. 87. 44. The Supreme Recorder is required to keep a book in which shall be entered, with appropriate index, all deaths in his juris- diction. — Pro. Uh An. Sess. S. L., p. 202. 45. The Supreme Recorder's annual report, closing March 1st. of each year, shall be printed and ready for distiibution to the Supreme Lodye on the first day of each annual session. — Pro. 1th An. Sess., S. L., p. 56. Note. — Further provisions in regard to the duties of the Su- preme Recorder will be found in the chapters on Beneficiary Cer- tificates, A.ssessments, Grand Lodges, etc. SUPREME RECEIVER, DUTIES OP. 46. It shall be the duty of the Supreme Receiver to take charge of all the funds and property of the Supreme Lodge not other- wise disposed of ; pay all orders drawn on him by the Supreme Master Workman, attested by the Supreme Recorder, with tlie seal of the Supreme Lodge attached, for appropriations made by the Supreme Lodge ; to render in writing to the Supreme Lodge 13 at each annual meeting, and oftener if required by the Supreme Lodge or the Supreme Master Workman, a true and perfect ac- count of his receipts and expenditures, by items, and from whom received and to whom paid, and the amount of funds and prop- erty in bis hands, and, when required by the Supreme Lodge or the Supreme Master Workman, to deliver to the Finance Com- mittee, for examination, the books and vouchers pertaining to his office. He shall execute a receipt for all moneys coming into his hands, stating therein on what account the same is received, and he shall, in all cases, cause said receipt to be countersigned by the Supreme Recorder. The Supreme Receiver .shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be required of him by the Supreme Lodge.— Const, Art. F, Sec. 4. 47. The Supreme Receiver shall receipt through the Supreme Recorder for all Beneficiary Funds received by him from Subor- dinate Lodges.— C., Sec. 20. 138 Note.— The rule in the decision above (No. 130) will also apply to cases of vacancy. If there is no Past Grand Master Workman to fill the vacancy, a Past Master Workman may be appointed. REPRESENTATIVES TO SUPREME LODGES ARE OFFICERS OF GRAND LODGES. 139. Representatives to the Supreme Lodge are officers of the Grand Lodge from which they are sent, and are entitled to mile- age and per diem as other Grand Lodge officers while attending the meetings of their Grand Lodge.— Pw. Ath An. Sess. S. L., p. 216. GRAND MASTER WORKMAN, DUTIES OF. 140 Note.—lt is the duty of the Grand Master Workman, as the executive head of the Order in his jurisdiction, to enforce upon all officers and Subordinate Lodges a compliance with the constitutions, laws, rules and regulations of the Order, and "a strict adherence to the forms, ceremonies, charges and regalia 27 prescribed by the Supreme Lodge." It is his duty to preside at all sessions of the Grand Lodge, and exercise the usual functions of a presiding officer, as well as to perform such other duties as the Grand Lodge, by its constitution or otherwise, may assign to him. He discharges the executive functions of the Grand Lodge when the Lodge is not in session, and exercises a general super- vision over the Order in his jurisdiction, making a report of the state of the same, and of his acts and official decisions to the Grand Lodge. The particular duties assigned to the Grand Mas- ter Workman in each jurisdiction will be found defined in the Grand Lodge Constitution. OFFICE OF GRAND MASTER WORKMAN DOES NOT BECOME VACANT. 141. A Grand Lodge at a called session cannot declare the office of the Grand Master Workman vacant. In fact the office does not become vacant. The offi/^e under the Constitution and Laws always exists, and by the same authority is filled by the person elected to that position by the Grand Lodge, or by one whose official position enables or authorizes him by succession to per- form the duties of the office until an election shall be had. The election must take place at an annual meeting of the Grand Lodge. Any Grand Lodge offi^cer may be impeached as an officer or an individual, and his place filled until the ensuing annual election either by succession or appointment, as provided in the Constitution, that is, by succession in cases so provided for, as that of Grand Master Workman, or by appointment, as in case of subordinate officers as to whom there is no provision for suc- cession, GRAND FOREMAN, DUTIES OF. 142. Note. — It is the duty of the Grand Foreman to assist the Grand Master Workman, and in his absence to preside over the Grand Lodge. la case of the death, resignation, removal or dis- ability of the Grand Master Workman, the duties of the office devolve upon the Grand Foreman, who, by service until the end of the term, becomes entitled to the rank of Past Grand Master Workman. GRAND OVERSEER, DUTIES OF. 143. Note. — The Grand Overseer's duty is to render the Grand Master Workman such assistance as may be required of him, and to perform such other duties as are enjoined b}^ the laws, rules and regulations of the Order. GRAND RECORDER, DUTIES OF. 144. Note. — The duties of the Grand Recorder, in general are : To record the proceedings of the Grand Lodge, conduct its cor- respondence, have charge of its seal, books and papers, keep its records and registers, receive moneys and pay them over to the Receiver, draw orders for money when authorized, attest official . 28 papers, issue Beneficiary Certifijcates, prepare Charters for Sub- ordinate Lodges, etc. The details of his duties are to be found in the Grand Lodge Constitutions. [For duties required specially of Grand Recorders of Grand Lodges set apart as separate beneficiary jurisdictions, and also of those of Grand Lodges under the immediate jurisdiction of the Supreme Lodge, see next two Chapters.] 145. The Grand Recorder of each Grand Lodge shall, on or before the 15th day of each month, make report to the Supreme Recorder of the number of Beneficiary Certificates in his juiis- diction in force on the first day of the month, together wilh the number issued, suspended and renewed since the dale of the last report. He shall also transmit to the Supreme Recorder on or before the tenth day of March of each year, a detailed statement up to the first day of March, of the total amount of Bene- ficiary money received and paid out and to whom; also the total amount paid out for other benevolent purposes; also a detailed statement of the account between the Grand Lodge and the Su- preme Lodge of the general fund during the ye'dr.—Laws Ap. to G.L.,Sec.lQ. LISTS OF EXPELLED MEMBERS. 146. It shall be the duty of the Recorders of all Subordinate Lodges to send to the Supreme or Grand Recorders under whose jurisdiction they may be, with their monthly returns, the names of all brethren expelled from the Order for ;iny cause whatever, and each Grand Recorder shall keep a register of said names and forward the same with his monthly statements to the Supreme Recorder, who shall keep a register of th«i said names, and send them with his monthly statement to all Grand Lodges and such Subordinate Lodges as are under the immediate jurisdiction (>f the Supreme Lodge, and the Grand Recorders shall send a list of said names to all the Subordinate Lodges under their respective jurisdictions, with their monthly statemenis, and the Recorder of each Subordinate Lodge shall, immediately upon the receipt of the same, enter said names in alphabetical order in a book pro- vided for that purpose. — Gen. Law 32. [Tlie lists and registers above referred to are to include the names only of brethren expelled from the Order, not of those sus- pended from the Order for non-payment of assessments or dues.] JVote.— Other duties of Grand Recorders in connection wilh Beneficiary Fund, Appeals, etc., will be found specified in chap- ters relating to such subjects. See also No. 159 for duties when Grand Lodge is formed and whilst it remains connected with Su- preme Lodge as to Beneficiary Fund. GRAND RECEIVER, DUTIES OP. 147. Note— The Grand Receiver is the custodian of the moneys of the Grand Lodge. His duties in general are similar to those of the Supreme Receiver, modified by such provisions as the dif- ferent Grand Lodges may have made in their constitutions. 29 GRAND GUIDE AND GRAND WATCHMAN. 148. Note. — The duties of these officers are such as are enjoined by the laws, rules and regulations of the Order, and as may be prescribed by the differeat Grand Lodges in conformity with the same. GRAND TRUSTEES, DUTIES OF. 149. Note. — The Grand Trustees have generally the charge and supervision of the funds which the Grand Lodge may direct to be loaned or otherwise invested ; also of property of the Grand Lodge. Their duties are specifically regulated by each Grand Lodge in its constitution. SITTING PAST GRAND MASTER WORKMAN, DUTIES OF. 150. Note. — The duties of the acting Past Grand Master Work- man are not specifically set forth in any constitutional provision. By custom or usage his duties in the Grand Lodge are in general similar to those of a Past Master Workman in a Subordinate Lodge, modified, of course, by the diflFerence in the functions of the two bodies. DEPUTY GRAND MASTER WORKMAN. 151. A District Deputy Grand Master Workman is not an offi- cer of a Grand Lodge. — Pro. Zd An. Sess. S. X., p. 143. 153. Note. — Deputy Grand Master Workmen are subordinates or representatives of the Grand Master Workman, and report to him and not directly to the Grand Lodge. Their appointment gives them no rights or privileges in the Grand Lodge, neither does it conflict with their serving as Representatives, if duly qualified and elected. The manner of their appointment, and the defining of their jurisdictions and duties are regulated by the Constitu- tions and regulations of the different Grand Lodges. When their duties are limited to a district, they are styled District Deputy Grand Master Workmen, Lodge Deputies are also provided for by several Grand Lodges. There is no general law on the subject of Deputy Grand Master Workmen, and there is considerable variety in the provisions in regard to them in different Grand Lodge jurisdictions. In general. Deputies are representatives of the Grand Master Workman in the district assigned to them, and it is their duty to see that the work of the Order is perfoimed uniformly and the laws and regulations complied with ; to install, or cause to be installed, the oflicers of Subordinate Lodges ; to receive the semi-annual reports and Grand Lodge dues; institute new Lodges, and have a general care and supervision of the in- terests of the Order within their districts. FAILURE OP OFFICER TO FILE BOND. 153. A.n officer of a Grand Lodge who has been installed be- fore filing the required bond, and who has been given a specified time in which to file the same, is to lie regarded as having re- 30 signed his office if he afterwards declines to execute and file the bond within the specified time. A. vacancy in the office is thus created which must be filled m the manner provided for in the Grand Lodge Constitution. — Pro. S. L., 7th An. Sess.^p. 63. KEPRESENTATrVES TO GRAND LODGE. 154. JVote. — Sections 3, 4 and 5, of Laws Applicable to Grand Lodges, provide for the election of three Representatives from each Subordinate Lodge, when a Grand Lodge is to be formed. Grand Lodges, after their formation, provide in their constitu- tions as to the number of Representatives each Subordinate Lodge shall be entitled to, and the time" and manner of their election. None but Past Master Workmen are eligible to election as Repre- sentatives, unless the Lodge has not a sufficient number of Past Master Workmen, in which case any Master Workman degree member in good standing may be elected (see No. 11 2 and by vir- tue of such election and service as a Representative, becomes entitled to the rank and honors of a Past Master Workman. No member is eligible to election as a Representative unless he be in good standing in his Subordinate Lodge. Should a Representa- tive, after his election, become out of good standing, and disquuli- fied to vote or hold office in his Subordinate Lodge, he would thereby become also disqualified to vote or hold office in the Grand Lodge. BENEFICIARY CERTIFICATES, SUM TO BE PAID FOR. 155. Grand Lodges may reduce the sum to be paid for Bene- ficiary Certificate, to less than one dollar. — Sup. L. Const, Art. VIIl, Sec. 3. LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS. 156. Grand Lodges have the right to transact their legislative business upon a representative basis, and may confer upon their elective officers the privilege of speaking and voting upon all questions that may arise. — Laws Ap. to O. L., Sec. 11. DISPENSATIONS. 157. Note. — The power of a Grand Master Workman to grant dispensations for the conferring of more than one degree on the same person on the same evening is recognized in the Subordinate Lodge Constitutions in all jurisdictions, and by usage is also gen- erally exercised by Deputy Grand Master Workmen. The power to grant dispensations for other purposes is not generally defined and limited. The Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of Pennsyl- vania and Iowa give the Grand Master Workman and his Depu- ties authority to grant dispensations *' when they may deem it for the interest of the Order, and not in violation of any funda- mental law, or inconsistent with the usage of the Order." This limitation of the right to grant dispensations seems to be one which is necessary to the preservation of the uniformity and sys- 31 tern which are requisite to maintain the stability of the Order. However, it is to be understood as a fixed rule of the Order that no dispensation can be granted to set aside or disregard any gen- eral law of the Order, nor a By-Law of a Subordinate Lodge. SEALS. 158. The impressed seal of a Grand Lodge is the oflBcial seal of the Grand Recorder and of all financial matters of the Grand Lodge, and the electrotype seal is the official seal of the Grand Master Workman. — Pro. 1st An. Sess. S. L., j)- 14. DUTIES OF SUPREME RECORDER WHEN NEW GRAND LODGE IS FORMED. 159. Immediately upon the formation of a Grand Lodge, the Supreme Recorder shall make out and deliver to the Grand Re- corder a full register, by Lodges, of all Master Workman degree members under such Grand Lodge, showing the number in good standing, as well as those suspended, in each Subordinate Lodge. He shall transfer to the Grand Recorder the Medical Examiner's reports and the applications upon which Beneficiary Certificates were issued. He shall also make out a full record of the officers of each Subordinate Lodge, and the amount of Beneficiary Fund received and disbursed by each Subordinate Lodge prior to such date. — Sup. L. Const, Art. VII, Sec. 2. PER CAPITA TAX. 160. Grand Lodges shall pay annually an amount equal to five cents for each member under their jurisdiction on the fii'st day of January preceding each annual meeting. These payments shall be made to the Supreme Recorder on or before the first day of March each year. — Pro. 5th An. Sess. S. L.,p. 313. 161. Grand Lodges instituted subsequent to January 1st, shall not be required to pay to the Supreme Lodge the per capita tax of five cents per member, provided the Subordinate Lodges under their jurisdiction shall have paid the semi-annual tax to the Su- preme Lodge due at that time. — Pro. S. Z., 1th An. Sess., p. 63. 163. Grand Lodges are not required to pay per capita tax ou Junior Workman and Senior Workman degree members. — Ibid. DELINQUENCY IN REVENUE ASSESSMENTS AND RETURNS. 163. Any Grand Lodge failing to pay all assessments made upon it (for Supreme Lodge revenue), or to make returns as re- quired, shall forfeit all right to representation in the Supreme Lodge, and the names of its Representatives shall not be enrolled as members of the Supreme Lodge. If such assessments be not paid within thirty days after notice thereof, the Supreme Master Workman shall suspend the Charter of such delinquent Lodge, and the members thereof from all rights and privileges of the 32 Beneficiary Fund and of the Order. Said suspension may be re- moved at any time within three months, upon the payment of all assessments due, if in the opinion of the Supreme Master Work- man, the welfare of the Order may so require.—Sup. L. Const. ^ Art. IX. 164. Noie.—TliQ effect of the suspension of a Grand Lodge under the above Article would be to suspend all Past Master Workmen in the jurisdiction from all rights and privileges of the Beneficiary Fund and the Order. SUSPENSION OF GRAND LODGE. 165. When a Grand Lodge is suspended for any cause, the Subordinate Lodges under its jurisdiction shall, during such sus- pension, be under the control of the Supreme Lodge, subject to the laws governing Subordinate Lodges under the immediate jur- isdiction of the Supreme liOdigQ.—Oen. Laio 35. CHARTER, REVOCATION OF. 166. A Grand Lodge shall not be deprived of its Charter nor have its authority annulled or suspended (unless otherwise pro- vided in the Constitution and laws of the Supreme Lodge) ex- cept for violation of the constitutional enactments, rules and edicts of the Supreme Lodge, duly charged by two or more Rep- resentatives, and sustained by a vote of two-thirds of the Repre- sentatives present at an annual meeting of the Supreme Lodge. Laws Ap. ioO. L., Sec. 2. 167. When the number of Subordinate Lodges in the jurisdic- tion of any Grand Lodge shall be reduced to five, the Charter of such Grand Lodsce shall, upon the petition of a majority of said Lodges, be revoked, and they shall revert to the immediate juris- diction of the Supreme Lodge.— i^>., Sec. 13. RITUALS AND RITUALISTIC WORK. 168. No Grand Lodge has the povv-er or authority to refuse or neo-lect to comply with the action and requirements of the Su- preme Lodge as to the Rituals of the Order. The Supreme Lodge has absolute control over all the secret and ritualistic work of the Order.— Pre;. QthAn. Sess. S. L.,pp. 362, 367. COLOR. 169. The distinguishing color of the Grand Lodge is Blue.— Pro. 2d An. Sess.S.L.,p.46. MEETINGS, TIME OF. 170.— Pennsylvania— Annual session, second Tuesday in Jan- uary. _ , . T^ -, New York— Annual session, first Tuesday m b ebruary. Ohio— Annual session, fourth Tuesday in January. Indiana— Annual session, third Tuesday in February. 33 Illitiois — Annual session, first Tuesday in February. Missouri — Annual session, second Tuesday in January. Micliis^an — Annual session, first Tuesday in February, at De- troit. Iowa — Annual session, first Tuesday in February. Tennessee — Annual session, Thursday after the first Monday in April, at Nashville. Wisconsin — Annual session, first Wednesday in February. Kentucky — Annual session, third Tuesday in January. California — Annual session, third Tuesday in January; semi- annual session, third Tuesday in July, Minnesota — Annual session, first Tuesday in February. Georgia — Annual session, Kausas — Annual session, first Tuesday in February. Ontario — Annual session, third Tuesday in February. Massachusetts — Annual session, fourth Tuesday in February. CHAPTER III. GRAND LODGES UNDER THE i:\DIEDIATE JURISDICTION OF THE SUPREME LODGE. Note. — This Chapter contains such provisions as are applicable only to Grand Lodges under the immediate jurisdiciion" of the Supreme Lodge and not to others. All that is contained in the preceding Chapter is also applicable to such Grand Lodges. GRAND RECORDER, DUTIES OF. 171. The Grand Recorder shall make record of all matters re- ceived from the Supreme Recorder (see No. 159) in the books of the Grand Lodge ; keeping such books in like manner and form as prescribed by the Supreme Lodge, and he shall, in like man- ner thereafter, keep a full record of all Beneficiary Certitjcates issued, and from the monthly statements of each Subordinate Lodge keep a full record of the status of all Master Workman degree m^-mbers in his jurisdiction. He shall, upon the receipt of official noiice of the death of any Master Workman degree member in good standing, immediately forward to the Supreme Recorder the notice thereof, attested by the seal of the Grand Lodge, and accompanied by the application and Medical Ex- aminer's report of the deceased. He shall, upon official notice from the Supreme Recorder ordering assessments for the Bene- ficiary Fund, immediately proceed to assess on and collect from all Mister Workman degree members in his jurisdiction in like manner and form, and subject to the same laws, rules and regu- lations, as prescribed for and governing the assessing and collect- 34 ing Ihe Beneficiary Fund from Subordinate Lodges under the immediate jurisdictic n of the Supreme Lodge. He shall make report not later than the 15th of eacti month, to the Supreme Ho- corder, of all moneys received for the Beneficiary Fund, giving the name, number, location, and the amount paid by each Subor- dinate Lodge in his jurisdiction, and he shall forward with said monthly report a draft, payable to the order of the Supreme Re- ceiver, for the amount so shown by the statement. He shall also make report to the Supreme Recorder, on the 15th day of each month, of all Subordinate Lodges wherein ttie members are sus- pended under the provisions of Sec. 8 of Beneficiary Article governing Subordinate Lodges. — Const., S. Z., Art. VII, Sec. 3. 172. Upon receiving official notice from the Supreme Becorder, ordering assessments for the Beneficiary Fund, the Grand Re- corder shall immediately notify each Subordinate Lodge in his jurisdiction. Any Subordinate Lodge failing or declining to make returns (as required by the Beneficiary Article) so as to in- sure their receipt by the Grand Recorder during the first week of each month, shall be again notified, and should such returns fail to be made within one week from the date of said second notice, all certificates under the jurisdiction of said Lodge shall stand suspended until said returns are made. — Sup L. Const., Art. VIL Sec. 3; Art. VIII, Sec. 8. PAYMENT OF DEATH LOSSES. 173. The Supreme Recorder shall adjust all losses, and in set- tlement thereof shall draw an order on the Supreme Receiver, payable to the party entitled, and forward the same to the Re- corder of the Subordinate Lodse of which the deceased was a member. — Sup. L. Const., Art. VII, Sec. 4. BENEFICIARY CERTIFICATES, ETC. Note. — The issuing of Beneficiary Certificates by Grand Lodges is "subject to the same laws, rules and regulations as those pre- scribed for and governing the Supreme Lodge." — Sup. L. Const, Art. VII, Sec. 1.^ These will be found in Chapters VI, VII and VIII. CHAPTER IV. GRAND LODGES AS SEPARATE BENEFICIARY JURISDICTIONS. SEPARATION. 174. When a Grand Lodge shall have under its jurisdiction two thousand Master "Workman degree members in good standing, such Grand Lodge may petition the Supreme Lodge to be set apart as a separate beneficiary jurisdiction, with power to collect 35 and disburse, within itself, the Beneficiary Fund, subject to and in accordance with the general laws, rules and regulations of the Supreme Lodge. Such petition so made, may be granted by a majority vote of the Supreme Lodge at any annual meeting; pro- vided, that at the date of granting such petition the combined num- ber of Master Workman degree members in good standing, still remaining under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Lodge, shall not be less than three thousand; and provided, further, that such Grand Lodge so petitioning shall fully comply with the specified conditions of ttie Supreme Lodge. — Sup. L. Const., Art. VI. [The conditions referred to in the above Section will be found in Nos. 176, 177, 178 and 182.] 175. The use of the term "separate jurisdiction" may convey an erroneous impression if the Article of the Constitution in which it is used is not somewhat carefully considered. The Order is a unit — no part of it is really separate from any other part. The same principles and general laws, rules and regulations are in force throughout the entire Order. The only separation which takes place is in the Beneficiary Fund, which, in a Grand Lodge, *' set apart as a separate beneficiary jurisdiction," is collected and disbursed in such jurisdiction, and is applied only to the death losses occurring therein; but this collection and disbursement is subject to, and is to be made "in accordance with the general laws, rules and regulations of the vSupreme Lodge (see Sup. L. Const., Art. VI, 1st paragraph). Grand Lodges under the imme- diate jurisdiction of the Supreme Lodge, and those set apart as a separate beneficiary jurisdiction, are therefore governed by the same general laws, and are subject to the same rules, regulations and restrictions, except that in one case the Beneficiarj^ Fund is forwarded to the Supreme Recorder and is applied to the pay- ment of death losses occurring in the membership under the im- mediate jurisdiction of the Supreme Lodge, and in the other it is retained and disbursed in the jurisdiction of the Grand Lrdge. The unity of the Order is further shown in the fact that if the membership under a Grand Lodge set apart as a separate benefi- ciary jurisdiction becomes reduced to less than 2,000, it reverts back to the immediate jurisdiction of the Supreme Lodge, which latter body becomes responsible for the payment of all death losses occurring th«^reafter in the membership under the jurisdic- tion of such Grand Lodge. BENEFICIARY FUND, MANAGEMENT OF. 176. Each Grand Lodge set apart as a beneficiary jurisdiction shall manage within itself the beneficiary department, assessing, collecting aad disbursing the Beneficiary Fund, in accordance with and governed by the general laws and usages prescribed by the Supreme Lodge to Subordinate Lodges under its immediate jurisdiction, and no alteration or amendment to such laws or usages shall be made except by the Supreme Lodge. — Sup. L. Const., Art. VI, No. 3. 36 [The **laws and usages" referred to in the above Section will be found in detail in Chapters VI, VII and VIII.] ASSESSMENTS ON DEATHS OCCURRING PREVIOUS TO DATE OP SEPARATION. 177. A Grand Lodge set apart as a separate beneficiary juris- diction shall be responsible for and shall pay (to the Supreme Re- corder) all assessment of the Beneficiary Fund on deaths occur- ring on and before the date of separation; and J^ll losses occur- ring in the jurisdiction of said Grand Lodge up to and including said date, shall be paid by the Supreme Lodge. — Sup. L. Const., Art. VI, No. 1. SURPLUS MONEYS, GRAND LODGE NOT ENTITLED TO. 178. A Grand Lodge set apart as a separate beneficiary juris- diction shall not receive or be entitled to any surplus moneys that may be in the Beneficiary Fund of the Supreme Lodge after settlement has been made of losses occurring prior to the date of separation. — Sup. L. Const., Art. VI, No. 3. GRAND RECORDER, DUTIES OF. 179. iVote.— Paragraph No. 3, of Article VI, of the Supreme Lodge Constitution (see No, 174) provides that in Grand Lodges set apart as separate beneficiary jurisdictions, the assessing, collect- ing and disbursing of the Beneficiary Fund shall be " in accord- ance with and governed by the general laws and usages prescribed by the Supreme Lodge to Subordinate Lodges undet its hnmedi- ate jurisdiction." The duties of the Grand Recorder and Grand Receiver of such Grand Lodges, in connection with the Benefic- iary Fund, are therefore similar to those prescribed for the Su- preme Recorder and Supreme Receiver in regard to this subject, for which see the various provisions relating to the same in the different Chapters. 180. No order shall be made by the Grand Recorder upon the Beneficiary Fund in the Subordinate Lodges until there is less than two thousand dollars in the Beneficiary Fund in the Grand Lodge, nor shall any such order be made except with the approval of the Grand Lodge Finance Committee. — Sup. L. Const., Art. VIII, Sec. 17; Art. VI, Sec. 1. 181. The Grand Recorder of each Grand Lodge set apart as a separate beneficiary jurisdiction, shall make report in gross to the Supreme Recorder each month of beneficiary moneys received and disbursed in his jurisdiction, and the Supreme Recorder shall make record of the same in the books of the Supreme Lodge.— Sup. L. Const., Art. VI, No. 4. GRAND RECEIVER, DUTIES OP. [See No. 179.] 37 BENEFICARY FUND, INCREASE OF. 182. Each Grand Lodge, set apart as a separate beneficiary iuris- diction, may enact laws and regulations providing for the creating and disbursing of an increase of the Beneficiary Fund; provided, such increase shall form a separate and distinct fund, and shall in no manner affect the Beneficiary Fund a« it now exists; and provided further, that such laws and regulations shall be submit- ted to and receive the approval of the Supreme Lodge.— Sup. L. Const, Art. VI, No. 6. 183. Mte.—As, any fund created by a Grand Lodge under the power granted in the above section would be *' separate and dis- tinct" from the Beneficiary Fund provided for in the general laws of the Order, the Supreme Lodge would not incur any lia- bility under the certificates issued for such increase of fund. The contract would be solely between the Grand Lodge and the mem- bers under it. In the event of the membership under the Grand Lodge becoming reduced to less than 2,000. and reverting to the immediate jurisdiction of the Supreme Lodge, the latter body would not be responsible for the payment of such certificates, as it is for those issued under the general laws of the Order. SINKING OF RELIEF FUND. 184 Grand Lodges set apart as separate beneficiary jurisdic- tions may provide for a sinking or relief fund, in such manner as they may deem proper; but such sinking or relief fund shall not in any of its provisions conflict with or delay the payment of the benefit due on the Beneficiary Certificate of any deceased mem- ber. — Sup. L. Const., Art. VI, Sec. 7. REDUCTION OF MEMBERSHIP OF LESS THAN 2,000. 185. Should any Grand Lodge set apart as a separate jurisdic- tion be, from any cause, reduced to less than 2,000 members, it shall immediately come under the control of the Supreme Lodge, and the members in said jurisdiction shall have the same privilege and benefits, and be subject to the same duties and lia- bilities to the Supreme Lodge as if said Grand Lodge had never been set apart as a separate jurisdiction for the collection and disbursement of the Beneficiary Fund ; and said Grand Lodge shall collect, pay over and disburse all moneys in the same man- ner as required before it was set apart as a separate jurisdiction, or as the law requires for Grand Lodges that have never been set apart as a separate jurisdiction. — Sup. L. Const., Art. VL No. 5. 186. Note. — In carrying into eff'ect the above constitutional pro- vision, in the case of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, it was decided, at a conference of the Supreme Master Workman and other Su preme Lodge officers with the officers of the Grand Lodge, that the date at which the membership under the jurisdiction of the (xrand Lodge was reduced to less than 2,000, should be taken as the date at which the Grand Lodge ceased to exist as a 38 separate beneficiary jurisdiction; that all death losses occurring after such date should be assumed b}'' the Supreme Lodge, and that the membership in Ohio would be liable to assessments on them in connection with the other membership under tlie imme- diate jurisdiction of the Supreme Lodge. In regard to the death losses which occurred previous to that date, and which remained unsettled, it was decided that the membership in Ohio as a sepa- rate jurisdiction, was responsible to the amount of one dollar for each member on each death, which amount the Grand Lodge should assess and collect iu the same manner and under the same rules and regulations as before the change, and that any deficiency in the fall amount of $3,000 on each death loss should be assumed and met by the Supreme Lodge. It was held by the Supreme Master Workman, in this case, that as all beneficiary certificates, whether issued by separate jurisdiction or directly by the Su- preme Lodge, are issued by authority of the Supreme Lodge (Sup. L. Const., Art. VIII, Sec. 4) ; and that no member can lawfully be required to pay more than one dollar on any (me death* loss; therefore, any deficiency in the full amount of |3,000, caused by a lack of membership in a separate jurisdiction, must be assumed and paid by the Supreme Lodge. CHAPTER V. OUTLINE OF THE BENEFICIARY SYSTEM, ^ofe.— The following summary of the Beneficiary System of the Order is given for the purpose of presenting its principal features in a connected form, so that its general plan may be more clearly seen. The laws, rules and regulations from which this summary is made up will be found in detail in the following Chapters. PtJRPOSE OF THE SYSTEM. The purpose of the Beneficiary System of the Order is to secure the sum of $2,000 to each member's family, or to such person or ])ersons as he may choose to designate— such amount to be paya- ble at his death. The fund from which these payments are made, is raised, as needed, by assessments of one dollar each upon the members. The steps by which this system is carried out, are in general as follows : APPLICATION FOR BENEFICIARY CERTIFICATE. Immediately after the Junior Workman degree has been con- ferred upon an applicant, he makes application for the two suc- ceeding degrees, and at the same time signs the application for 39 Beneficiary Certificate. This is required, in order iliat the appli- cation may be forwarded to the Grand or Supreme Recorder, and the Beneficiary Certificate received before the Master Workman degree is conferred on the brother. FORWARDING AFPLICATION, ETC. The Recorder immediately forwards the application, with the certificate fee, to the Grand or Supreme Recorder, as the case may be, and the Beneficiary Certificate is issued and returned to the Recorder of the Subordinate Lodge in time for delivery to the brother when he receives the third degree. DELIVERY OF CERTIFICATE TO MEMBER. When the Master Workman degree is to be conferred upon an applicant, his Beneficiary Certificate is countersigned by the Mas- ter Workman and Recorder, and attested by the seal of the Lodge. The Recorder also enters a record of it in proper form in the Beneficiary Certificate Register Book. It is then ready for delivery to the brother, and is handed to him at the close of the degree ceremony. NOTICE OF DEATH. Upon the death of a brother lawfully entitled to participate in the Beneficiary Fund, the Subordinate Lodge of which he was a member sends notice (through its Recorder) in the pres(;ribed form (Form No. 5) to the Grand or Supreme Recorder, as the case may be. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. When a death occurs, if the amount of the Beneficiary Fund on hand in the Supreme Lodge or in any^Grand Lodge set apart as a separate jurisdiction, will mecil the payment of the required amount of $3,000, no assessment is made, but if the amount on hand is less than $2,000, then notice of an assessment is sent to each Subordinate Lodge in such jurisdiction, on the first day of the following month. FORWARDING FUND FROM SUBORDINATE LODGE. Upon receipt of a notice of assessment, each Subordinate Lodge forwards to the Grand or Supreme Recorder, the amount of the Beneficiary Fund on hand in the Lodge, the same being one dollar for each member of the Lodge whose certificate has not been held suspended, and such sums as have been received on certificates which have been renewed. The amount is sent by the Receiver, by a draft payable to the order of the Supreme or Grand Receiver, or in such other manner as the Supreme or Grand Lodge may direct. A record of the amount forwarded is to be entered on the minutes of the Subordinate L dge. NOTICE TO MEMBERS. When the Lodges are notified of an assessment, written notices are sent out by the Financier, not later than the eighth day of the month, to each member of the Lodge. 40 TIME OF PAYMENT. Each member is required to pay his assessment or assessments on or before the 28th day of the month, and on failure to do so his certificate stands suspended. TWO OR MORE ASSESSMENTS AT SAME TIME. If two or more assessments are called for at the same time, the amount of such assessments must be paid by each member within the same time, and'subject to the same penalty, as in the case of a single assessment. The Receiver, as soon as the notice of assess- ment is received, forwards the Beneficiary Fund on hand, as above stated, which pays one assessment. On or before the first day of the following month (the collections having been made in meantime) he forwards the amount due from the Lodge on each additional assessment. AMOUNT OF ONE ASSESSMENT ON HAND IN SUBORDINATE LODGE. When notice of an assessment or assessments is received, the Lodge forwards, as above stated, the amount of the Beneficiary Fund it has on hand. It then collects from each member, by the 28th of the month, one dollar on each assessment notice received by the Lodge If but one assessment has been made, this replaces the Beneficiary Fund, ready for the next notice. If more than one assessment has been made, the amount of each additional assessment is also forwarded on or before the first of the next month, leaving one dollar for each valid certificate still on hand. Thus the Lodge begins each month with its obligations fully dis- charged, and the proper amount on hand to meet the next call. FAILURE OF SUBORDINATE LODGE TO FORWARD BENEFICIARY FUND. If any Subordinate Lodge fails to forward its Beneficiary Fund, so that the same may reach the Grand or Supreme Recorder during the first week of the month for which the notice was issued, it is again notified, and if the fund is not forwarded within one week from the date of such second notice, all certificates under the jurisdiction of the delinquent Lodge stand suspended. SUSPENSION OF CERTIFICATES. If any member fails to piy his assessment or assessments on or before the 28th day of the month, his certificate is held suspended, and until the suspension is removed he forfeits all right to partici- pation in the Beneficiary Fund. RENEWAL OF CERTIFICATE. At any time within three months from the suspension of a cer- tificate for non-payment of assessments, the same may be renewed, or restored to validity, by payment of all assessments due on the same. If not so renewed within three months, then the following conditions must be complied with to obtain a renewal within six 41 months: 1. The member in arrears must be examined by the Medical Examiner of the Lodge, and be recommended by him for membership. 3. He must pay all the assessments for which he would have been liable had he remained a member in good stand- ing. 3. The consent of the Lodge by a majority vote must be obtained. ANNULLING OF CERTIFICATE AND SUSPENSION FROM THE ORDER. The foregoing statements, it will be observed, refer to the sus- pension of a certificate, subject to renewal within a limited lime. If the conditions are not complied with and a renewal obtained within six months, then the certificate is annulled, and the delin- quent member suspended from all the rights, benefits and privileges of the Order. He is virtually out of the Order, but can be rein- stated in it and have his certificate reuewed by the consent of the Lodge, upon his complying with the conditions enumerated below. REINSTATEMENT OF MEMBER AND RENEWAL OF CERTIFICATE. A member suspended from the Order for non-payment of dues or arrearages of Beneficiary Assessments, can only be reinstated in the following manner : 1. He must pay the amount he was in arrears at the date of his suspension from the Order, and also the sum of ten dollars, to be appropriated to the library fund or to the general fund of ttie Lodge. 2. He must make application in the same manner and form as that prescribed for admission to membership, and be elected in a similar manner, but he is not required to pay any initiation or degree fees 3. If his applica- tion is approved, he must pay into the Beneficiary Fund of the Lodge the sum of one dollar. Upon compliance with these con- ditions, his Beneficiary Certificate will be renewed. SUSPENSION OR EXPULSION. A member suspended or expelled from the Order, for any cause whatever, forfeits all claims to the Beneficiary Fund. CHANGE OF DIRECTION AS TO PAYMENT. Any member holding a Beneficiary Certificate, desiring, at any time, to make a new direction as to its payment, may do so in writing on the back of his certificate, in the form prescribed (see Form No, 8), attested by the Recorder, with the seal of the Lodge attached, and by paying to the Grand or Supreme Lodge the sunt of fifty cents. 42 CHAPTER VI. BENEFICIARY CERTIFICATES.- "WHENCE ISSUED. 187. The Siipreme Lodge shall issue, or cause to be issued, all certificates of the Beneficiary Fund.— Sup. L. Const., Art. V2II, Sec. 4. 188. Note.— The Supreme Lodge issues Beneficiary Certificates directly to all Master Workman degree members of Subordinate Lodges working under its immediate jurisdiction. Certificates to members of Subordinate Lodges working under Grand Lodges are (by authority derived from the Supreme Lodge) issued by the- Grand Lodges.— See Sup. L. Const, Art. VIII, Sec. 4 ; Art. F/, No. 3 ; Art. VII, Sec. 1. FORM. 189. Beneficiary Certificates must be substantially in the form laid down by the Supreme Lodge. (See Form No. 4:.)— Sup. L. Const, Art VIII, Sec. 4. AMOUNT OF CERTIFICATE. 190. Upon the death of a Master Workman degree member in ^ood standing, of a Subordinate Lodge of the Order, under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, such person or persons as said member may have directed, while living, shall be entitled to receive of the Beneficiiu-y Fund of the Order, the sum of two thousand dollars ; provided, said member shall have complied in all particulars with all the laws, regulations and requirements of the Order. — Sup. L. Const., Art VIII, Sec. 1. 191. Note.— The Beneficiary Certificate issued to each member of the Order on his receiving ttie Master Workman degree, is in all cases in the sum of two thousand dollars. Grand Lodges set apart as separate jurisdictions may, with the approval of the Su- preme Lodge, provide for an increase of the Beneficiary Fund, but such increase is to form a separate and distinct fund, and would not chango the amount of the regular Beneficiary Certifi- cate. (See Nos. 182 and 183.) ALL MEMBERS REQUIRED TO TAKE OUT CERTIFICATES. 193. All members are required to take out Beneficiary Certifi- cates; the law and ritualistic work both require it. — Pro. Qth An. Sess. S. L., p. 345. APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE. 193. Each member, upon receiving the Junior Workman degree, and applying for the Master Workman degree, shall make appli- cation for t3eneficiary Certificate, substantially in the form re- quired by the Supreme Lodge, in which application he shall agree 43 that compliance on his part with all the laws, regulations and conditions of the Order is the express condition upcin which he is to be entitled to participate in the Beneficiary Fund; also that his answers made to the Medical Examiner are true, and that the certificate is to be of no binding force until he has taken the Master Workman degree. (See Form No. S.)—Sup. L. Const., Art. VIII, Sec. 2. 194. iV^ofe.— Immediately after the initiatory or Junior Work- man degree has been conferred upon a person becoming a mem- ber of the Order, he is conducted to the Recorder's desk and makes application for the two succeeding degrees. At the same time he also signs an application for his Beneficiary Certificate. (Form No. 3.) The blank form of this application is printed on the back of the Medical Examiner's report. In it the applicant also names the person or persons to whom the amount guaran- teed by the certificate is to be paid at his death. If more than one person is named, the amount to be paid to each should be specifically stated, if practicable. This application is attested by the signature of the Recorder and the seal of the Lodge. At the same time the applicant pays to the Financier two dollars, one dollar of which goes into the Beneficiary Fund, and one dollar (as a certificate fee) into the General Fund of the Grand or Su- preme Lodge. Grand Lodges have the right to reduce the amount of this fee,' or to abolish it. FORWARDING APPLICATIOIT. 195. The Medical Examiner's report and the application for certificate shall be forwarded by the Recorder of the Subordinate Lodge to the Supreme or Grand Recorder, together with the cer- tificate fee.— Sup. L. Const., Art. VIII, Sec. 3. IRREGULARITY IN APPLICATION, DUTY OP GRAND RECORDER. 196. It is the duty of the Grand Recorder, should there exist any irregularity in the Medical Examiner's Certificate, or the application for Beneficiary Certificate, or any evidence in his (Mce affecting the risk, to refer the same back to the Lodge, re- questing examination or correction of the same. CERTIFICATE FEE. 197. In Subordinate Lodges under the immediate jurisdiction of the Supreme Lodge, each applicant, upon signing the applica- tion for Beneficiary Certificate, shall pay to the Financier the sum of two dollars, one dollar of which shall be placed in the Beneficiary Fund ; the remaining one dollar to be forwarded by the Rticorder to the Supreme Recorder (the same to be placed by him in the Supreme Lodge General Fund.)— See Sup. L. Const., Art. VIII, Sec. 3. 198. In Subordinate Lodges working under a Grand Lodge, the Financier places one dollar of the amount received from the ap- plicant in the Beneficiary Fund, and hands the remainder to the 44 Recorder, to be forwarded by bim to the Grand Recorder, to be placed in the Grand Lodge General Fand.— Sup. L. Const., Art. VI, No. 3; Art. VIII, Sec. 3. 199. Grand Lodges may reduce the sum to be paid for the Beneficiary Certificate — Sup. L. Const. , Art. VIII, Sec. 3. ISSUES AND DELIVERY OF CERTIFICATE. 200. Upon application for a Beneficiary Certificate, made in compliance with the laws of the Order, and forwarded from a Subordinate Lodge working under the immediate jurisdiction of the Supreme Lodge, the Supreme Recorder shall immediately is- sue and forward the certificate to tlie Subordinate Lodge, where it shall be countersigned by the Master Workm:in, with the seal of the Subordinate Lodge attached, attested by tlie Recorder, and when the applicant has received the Master Workman de- gree, the certificate shall be delivered to him, a record be made of the same in the books of the Lodge, and he shall, from snch date, be entitled to all the rights and privileges of the Order, in accordance with the law^s, rules and regulations of the Supreme Lodge ; provided, that in case the Beneficiary Certificate is not present at the time the applicant receives the Master Workman degree, he shall be entitled to participate in the Beneficiary Fund until such time as said certificate shall be received by the Lodge, the same as though said certificate had been delivered at the time said degree was received. — Sup. L. ConsU, Art. VIII, Sec. 5. 201. Note. — Lodges working under a Grand Lodge forward ap- plications for Beneficiary Certificates to the Grand Recorder, whose duty it is to issue and forward the certificate. All the other provisions of the foregoing section apply to such certifi- cates so issued. — See Sup. L. Const., Art. VI, No. 3; Ari. VII, Sec. 1; Art. VIII, Sec. 3. ISSUE OF CERTIFICATES TO MEMBERS OF NEW LODGE. 202. Note.^-\n the case of persons admitted into the Order at the institution of a new Lodge, application for Beneficiary Cer- tificate is made in the same manner as in old Lodges, and tlie ap plication is attested by the instituting officer, wdio forwards the application with the Medical Examiner's report and the certifi- cate fee, to the Supreme or Grand Recorder. The third degree is conferred in such cases, without the certificate being present. The certificates are made out and sent, as soon as praciicable, ^o the Recorder of the Subordinate Lodge, and after being counter- signed and attested as required in other cases, are then delivered to the brothers entitled to receive them. EXCHANGE OF OLD FOR NEW CERTIFICATE. 203. All members of the Master Workman degree in good standing when the Beneficiary Fund Law adopted at the Fifth Annual" Session of the Supreme Lodge, went into effect, are en- 45 titled, without payment, to receive a Beneficiary Certificate, upaa sigaing the application for such certificate, as provided by the law, and returniag any certificate that may have beea issued to him at any previous time. — Pro. 5th An. Sess. S. L., p. 315. 204. Note. — Under the present constitution all Beneficiary Cer- tificates are issued by tlie Supreme or a Grand Lodge. In order to promote uniformity and protect the interests of the Order, as well as the rights of each member, all certificates issued by Sub- ordinate Lodges under the old constitution, should be immedi- ately returned as above provided for, and new certificates received under the present law. CHANGE OF DIRECTION AS TO PAYMENT. 205. Any member holding a Beneficiary Certificate, desiring at any time to make a new direction as to its payment, may do so by authorizing such change in writing on the back of his certifi- cate in the form prescribed (see Form No. 6), attested by the Re- corder, with the seal of the Lodge attached, and by the payment to the Supreme or Grand Lodge of the sum of fifty cents ; but no change of direction shall be valid or have any binding force or effect until said change shall have been reported to the Su- preme or Grand Recorder, the old certificate, if practicable, filed with him and a new Beneficiary Certificate issued thereon ; and the said new Beneficiary Certificate shall be numbered the same as the old certificate. — Sup. L. Count. , Art. VIII, Sec. 18. 206. A member of a Lodge changed the direction as to the pay. ment of his Beneficiary Certificate, or rather added to it, by di- recting that the Lodge should pay his honest debts out of the $2,000, and the balance as he had before directed. An adminis- trator had been appointed on the estate of the deceased. The Supreme Recorder was directed to make the warrant for the $2,000 payable to the administrator. — Fro. 6th An. Sess. S. L.,2ip. 359, 388. 207. If a brother had directed that the $2,000 should be paid to his minor heirs, and afterwirds changes the direction so as to make the benefit payable to other parties, the minor heirs have then no claim upon the same, and cannot maintain a suit against the Supreme Lodge for it. — Pro. Qth An. Se>iS. S. L., p. 396. 208. A brother can change the direction as to payment of his Beneficiary Certificate, so as to make it payable to parties not re- lated to his family. SUSPENSION OP CERTIFICATE FOR DELINQUENCY OF MEMBER. 209. Not later than the 28th day of the month in which no- tice of assessment was given, any member holding a certificate of the Beneficiary Fund having failed or neglected to puy said assessment into the Beneficiary Fund in his Subordinate Lodge, 46 shall forfeit all his rights under said certificate. — Sup. L. Gonst.y Art. VIII, See. 8. (Subject to renewal, see Nos. 214, 215, 216.) RECOItD OF SUSPENSION. 210. On the third (weekly) meeting night following the issuing of assessment notices, and on or before the 28th day ot the month, the Financier shall furnish the Lodge with the names of the members who are in arrears on Beneficiary Assessments, and the Recorder shall place the same on the minutes of the Lodge, and mark such certificates as suspended on the Certificate Register Book, affixing the date thereto. — Sup. L. Const., Art. VIII, Sec. 9. 211. Note. — The suspension above provided for, it will be ob- served, is the suspension of a Beneficiary Certificate, or more cor- rectly, the suspension of all rights or benefits under such certifi- cate. It does not suspend a brother from the Order. The distinc- tion between these two kinds of suspension will be found fully set forth in the Preliminary Note to Chapter IX. SUSPENSION OF CERTIFICATES FOR DELINQUENCY OF LODGE. 212. Any Subordinate Lodge notified of a death assessment and failing or declining to make returns of its Beneficiary Fund so as to insure their receipt by the Supreme Recorder (or Grand Re- corder, as the case may be) during the first week of the month, 'shall again be notified by the Supreme (or Grand) Recorder, and should such returns fail to be made within one week from the date of said second notice, all certificates under the jurisdiction of said Lodge shall stand suspended until said returns are made. Sup. L. Const, Art. VIII, Sec. 8. 213. Note. — When the first notice is received it is the duty of the Receiver to forward the Beneficiary Fund immediately. If this duty has not been performed, and the Lodge receives a sec- ond notice, it is then the duty of all officers and members to see that the law is complied with, otherwise their certificates are sus- pended, the Lodge being held responsible for the delinquency of its officers. In case notice is received of two or more assessments at the same time, only the amount of the Beneficiary Fund on hand is required to be forwarded immediately. The additional assessments are to be remitted on or before the first of the next montli, and the penalty for failure to remit them does not attach until then. RENEWAL OF BENEFICIARY CERTIFICATE WITHIN THREE MONTHS. 214. Any member who renders void his certificate by reason of non-payment of assessments thereon, may renew the same at any time within a period of three months from the date of the for- feiture thereof; provided he shall pay all assessments that have been made during that time. — Sap. L. Const. , Art. VIII, Sec. 10. 47 215. Note. — A brother whose certificate is held suspended for non-payment of assessments, but who is not yet three months in arrears, has forfeited no rights as a member of the Order except the right to participate in the Beneficiary Fund. This he regams" at any time within the three months, by simply paying up all assessments due. When he pays his arrearages, it is the duty of the Financier to report the same to the Lodge, and the Master Workman should thereupon declare the brother's certificate rein- stated. A record must be entered upon the minutes, and the proper entry made in the Beneficiary Certificate Register Book. RENEWAL NOT TO TAKE EFFECT UNTIL RECORD IS MADE. 216. A Beneficiary Certificate which has been held suspended by reason of non-payment of assessments thereon, cannot be re- newed by any Subordinate Lodge and considered in force until such time as the Financier shall have made report to the Lodge of the payment of all arrearages on such certificate, and the amount of arrearages are paid into the Beneficiary Fund of the Lodge, and a record of the same shall have been fully made in the books of the Lodge. RENEWAL OF CERTIFICATE WITHIN SIX MONTHS. 217. Any member in arrears on beneficiary assessments for a term exceeding three mouths, must again be examined by the Medical Examiner of the Lodge, whose report shall be in manner and form prescribed by the Supreme Lodge, and shall recommend the applicant for membership. He shall pav all assessments for which he would have been liable had he remained a member in good standing. He may be reinstated to membership, and his Beneficiary Certificate be renewed ; provided, that by a vote a majority of the members present consent thereto. If the appli- cation for renewal be approved, the Medical Examiner's report, together with notice of renewal of Beneficiary Certificate, shall be forwarded to the Supreme Recorder ; if rejected, the amount deposited for renewal shall be returned to the applicant. — t^up. L. Const., Art. VIII, Sec. 11. EFFKCT OF SUSPENSIONS OP CERTIFICATE. 218. Note. — Section 8, of Article VIII, of the Supreme Lodge Constitution (see No. 209) provides that a brother who fails or neglects to pay an assessment to the Beneficiary Fund within the required time shall forfeit all his rights under his Beneficiary Cer- tificate. No other penalty is imposed upon him by the Supreme Lodge Constitution or any general law of the Order. He retains, therefore, all the rights and privileges of a member, except the right to participate in the Beneficiary Fund ; and to regain this right he has only to pay up all assessments due upon his Benefi- ciary Certificate, provided such payment is made within three months from tae date of the forfeiture thereof. (Section 10. See No. 214 ) If he continue in arrears for three months, then, by 48 the provisions of Section 11 (See No. 217), he must again be ex- amined by the Medical Examiner and recommended by him for membership ; he must also pay up all the assessments for which he "woald have been liable had he remained a member in good stand- ing. Upon compliance with these conditions, he may, by consent of a majority of the Lodge, " be reinstated to membership, and his Beneficiary Certificate renewed." The question arises, does this change in the method of reinstatement after the brother has become over three months in arrears for assessments, make any change in his status if he does not apply for reinstatement? The language of Section 11 at first sight seems to imply that a brother tiiree months in arrears has forfeited his membership in the Order, as he has to be " reinstated to membership," but a comparison of the provisions of Sections 8, 10, 11 and 13, shows that this is not the case. There are but two kinds of suspension named in these sections or elsewhere in the beneficary laws of the Order : One is suspension of a Beneficiary Certificate, or more exactly, suspen- sion of a member's rights under his certificate, and the other is suspension from the Order, which deprives the brother of all riudits and privileges of every kind in the Order, and completely ex- cludes him h'om it. This latter kind of suspension does not take place until a brother is in arrears for assessments for a period of six months. Until that time his Beneficiary Certificate only is sus- pended. In all other respects he retains all the rights and privi- leges of any other member. The reinstatement to membership mentioned in Section 11 can only mean the reinstatement of the brother's right to participate in the Beneficiary Fund, because, under the law, this is the only right he has been deprived of. There is nothing in the sections referred to, or elsewhere in the beneficiary laws, authorizing any other kind of suspension for arrearages on assessments for less than six months, than that in- volved in the words " shall forfeit all his rights under said certifi- cate." The provisions of Section 11 make it more difiicult for a brother to obtain a renewal of his certificate or a reinstatement of his former rights under it, but do not deprive him of any other rights and privileges than he was already deprived of by the sus- pension for first arrearages of assessment. When he fails to pay one assessment his Beneficiary Certificate is held suspended, but he retains all other rights and privileges as a member of the Or- der, and his status in tbis respect remains the same until he be- comes in arrears for six montlis, when he stands suspended from the Order. The method of reinstatement is diffenmt after he is three months in arrears, and the Lodge may prevent him from regaining his forfeited rights, but in all other respects his stand- m^ and rights are the same when he is three monihs in arrears as when one, and remain the same until the end of six months, when he forfeits all rights in the Order. 219. Note. — A-s the Subordinate Lodge Constitution in the dif- ferent jurisdictions provides that a member who is in arrears for dues for a period of three months is not entitled to vote or hold 49 ofSce, it might be iaferrecl that the same restriction is placed up- on one who is in arrears for beneficiary assessments for the same period ; but there is no law to that effect. In the former case this restriction of the right to vote or hold office is the only pen- alty imposed ; in the latter, there is the heavier penalty of for- feiting all rights under the Beneficiary Certificate, and this does not carry with it the forfeiture of any other rights or privileges until the member is suspended from the Order. SCr^PENSION OF CERTIFICATE AFTER MEMBER IS SIX MONTHS IN ARREARS. 220. Note. — When a member is six months in arrears for bene- ficiary assessments his Beneficiary Certificate is not only sus- pended or annulled, but he is deprived of all rights and privileges in the Order. The laws relating to this kind of suspension, and to the method of reinstatement after it has been incurred, will be found in Chapters IX and X. 221. Note. — Delinquency for dues for six months in some juris- diction, and for twelve months in others, also works suspension from the Order, unless the Lodge extends the time for payment of the same. REPORT OF BENEFICIARY CERTIFICATES. 233. Each Subordinate Lodge shall make full report every thirty days (by its Recorder) to the G-rand Recorder ( or, if under the immediate jurisdiction of the Supreme Lodge, to the Supreme Recorder) of all Beneficiary Certificates suspended, annulled, with- drawn or renewed. (See Form No. 7.) — Sup. L. Const., Art. VIll, Sec. 7. 223. Note. — The above report ia a summary of the changes on the Beneficiary Register Book during the month. (See Form No. 9.) RECORD OP CERTIFICATE. 224. It shall be the duty of the Supreme (or Grand) Recorder to keep a separate and distinct account with each Subordinate Lodge in his jurisdiction, showing a full register of each certifi- cate issued, and to whom, in said Lodge ; and from the monthly reports of the Subordinate Lodges he shall keep a full record of the status of all certificates so issued. — Sup. L. Const. ^ Art. VIII. Sec. 6. 225. Note. — The record to be kept by the Supreme Recorder and Grand Recorders should contain all the items on the Benefit C(irtificate Register Book of each Lodge, as given by the Recorder in his monthly reports, thus showing at all times what certificates are in force, and what amount the Lodge should collect on each assessment. 50 FORFEITURE OF CLAIMS UNDER BENEFICARY CERTIFICATE. 226. Any member suspended or expelled from the Order for any cause whatever, forfeits all claims to the Beneficiary Fund during said suspension or expulsion.— /S'w.o. L. Const.. Art. VIII, Sec. 14. PROOF OF DEATH. 227. Upon the death of 'any brother lawfully entitled to par- ticipate in the Beneficiary Fund, it shall be the duty of the Sub- orninate Lodge of which he was a member to notify the Supreme (or Grand) Recorder officially, by prescribed form of death no- tice.— Sup. L. Const., Art. VIII, Sec. 8. 238. Note. — There is no general law specifying the proof re- quired to establish the fact of the death of a brother. In ordi- nary cases such fact is s ^ well known to members of the Lodge as to leave no room for doubt ; but in cases ot the reported death ot an absent brother, or in cases in which the fact of death is not well known by the Lodge, the strictest care should be taken to ascer- tain fully the fact of death and the identity of the brother, before the notice is sent to the Supreme or Grand Recorder. When the oflScers of the Lodge cannot certify to the death from personal knowledge, sworn proof should be required, and this proof should be forwarded with the death notice. LOSS OF MEDICAL EXAMINER'S CERTIFICATE. "229. Prior to the adoption of the present beneficiary laws of the Order the Medical Examiner's Certificates were retained by the Subordinate Lodges, and in some instances have been lost or de- stroyed, and cannot therefore be placed on file in the Supreme Recorders' or the various Grand Recorders' offices, as required by the present laws. In such cases, the Subordinate Lodges- are re- quired to certify the facts in their official notice of death; and the absence of the Medical Examiner's Certificate is no detriment to the payment of the death loss.— Pro. Qth An. Sess. S. L.,p. 393. HOW BENEFICIARY CERTIFICATES ARE PAID AND CANCELLED. 230. Upon the receipt of the official notice of the death of a member entitled to the Beneficiary Fund of the Supreme Lodge, the Supreme Recorder shall promptly adjust the loss, and in set- tlement thereof shall draw an order on the Supreme Receiver pay- able to the party or parties entitled, and forward the same to the Recorder of the Subordinate Lodge of which the deceased was a member, and said Lodge shall see that the same is properly en- dorsed, and thai the Beneficiary Certificate held by the deceased is properly receipted, and shall take up and forward it at once to the Supreme Recorder, who shall cancel and file the same. — Sup. L Const., Art. VIII, Sec. 17. 231. Note. — The provisions of the foregoing section apply to all death losses which are payable out of the Beneficiary Fund of 51 the Supreme Lodge. In Grand Lodges set apart as separate bene- ficiary jurisdictions, the duties above imposed on the Supreme Recorder are to be performed by the Grand Recorder. 232. iVi?fe.— The duty of seeing that the draft or warrant is prop- erly endorsed and the Beneficiary Certificate properly receipted, is not specifically imposed upon any officer or officers, but upon " the Lodge." It is, therefore, the duty of the Master Workman as the head of the Lodge to bring the matter to the attention of the Lodge, and of all officers and members to sec that the law is^ complied with ; that the benefit goes into the hands of the person or persons entitled to it, and that the order is fully relieved from all further liability in the case. The most scrupulous care should be exercised in this important matter. (In Pennsylvania death losses are paid by the Grand Recorder directl}'- to the person or persons named in the Beneficiary Certifi- cate.) 233. In all cases in which there is any question as to who the heirs of a deceased brother are, or to whom the beneficiary money should be paid, so that the receipt will without question cancel all obli- gations of the Order, the proper course is to notify the heirs through the Lodge of which the deceased was a member, to have an administrator appointed b}' the proper court, and a certified copy of the record filed with the Supreme Recorder, after which the draft for payment can be drawn in favor of the administra- tor.— Pro. 8. L^lth An. Sess. p. 13. OLD CERTIFICATE TO BE PRODUCED ON RENEWAL OF MEMBER- SHIP. 234. A person once a member of the Order, whose connection therewith has been so severed as to annul his Beneficiary Certifi- cate, making application for renewal of membership, must pro- duce his old Beneficiary Certificate or sworn proof of its loss. Gen. Law 26. 235. Note — The above law applies to the cases of members sus- pended or expelled from the Order, as well as to those of persons who have withdrawn from it. 236. Note. — In all cases when a person who had ceased to be a member of the Order is restored to membership, his old Benefi- ciary Certificate again becomes valid and in foice. A new one is not issued unless the old one has been lost, and in this case swonii proof of loss is required by the above law. This proof shcmUl be filed in the office of the Supreme or Grand Recorder, and a memorandum made on the back of the new certificate, sbowing^ that it was issued to replace the old one which had been lost. ENDORSEMENT ON CERTIFICATE WHEN LODGE MEMBERSHIP IS CHANGED. 237. Note. — When a brother becomes a member of a different Subordinate Lodge from that in which he obtained his Beneficiary 52 Certificate, an endorsement should be made on the back of his certificate to the following effect : Bro became a member of Lodge, No , Ancient Order of United Workman, of on the , day of , 18. . . M. W. Recorder. CHAPTER VII. ASSESSMENTS FOR BENEFICIARY FUND. GENERAL CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS. 238. Upon the death of any brother lawfully entitled to par- ticipate in the Beneficiary Fund as hereinbefore provided, it shall be the duty of the Subordinate Lodge of which he was a member to notify officially by prescribed form of death notice, the Su- preme Recorder, who shall, on the first day of the following month, notify each Subordinate Lodge in his jurisdiction, when the Beneficiary Fund on hand in each Subordinate Lodge (the same being one dollar for each valid certificate, and such sums as may have been received for certificates renewed) shall immedi- ately be forwarded to the Supreme Recorder, and a record thereof be entered upon the minutes. Each Subordinate Lodge shall then make an assessment of one dollar upon each member hold- ing a certificate, or having received the Master Workman's de- gree, (provided such member has received his certificate prior to the date of the death on which the assessment is made ) Written notices of assessments shall be made and sent by the Financier, not later than the 8th day of the month in which the notice was issued by the Supreme Recorder. Not later than the 38th day of said month in which said notice of assessment was given, any member holding a certificate of the Beneficiary Fund, having failed or neglected to pay said assessment into the Beneficiary Fund in his Subordinate Lodge, shall forfeit all his rights under said certificate. — Sup. L. Const., Art. VIII. Sec. 8. [Note. — The above are the general constitutional provisions re- lating to assessments, in a connected form. The details will be found in this and other Chapters, under various separate head- ings.] NOTICE TO SUBORDINATE LODGES. 239. The Supreme Recorder, when duly notified of the death of a member of a Subordinate Lodge under the immediate jur- isdiction of the Supreme Lodge, lawfully entitled to participate 53 in the Beneficiary Fund, sliall, on the first day of the following month, notify each Subordinate Lodge in his jurisdiction. — Sup, L. Const., Art. VIII, Sec. 8. 240. Note. — Where Grand Lodges are established and not set apart as separate beneficiary jurisdictions, the notice is sent by the Supreme Recorder to the Grand Recorder, who notifies the Subordinate Lodges in his jurisdiction. In Grand Lodges set apart as separate jurisdictions, the Grand Recorder performs the duties assigned in the above Article to the Supreme Recorder. 241. Note. — Notices of assessments, like all other communica- tions to Subordinate Lodges, are in general sent to the Recorder. In Pennsylvania, however, by resolution of the Grand Lodge, the Grand Recorder sends the notices of assessments directly to the Financiers of Subordinate Lodges, so that there may be no delay in the issue of notice to the members by the Financier. ASSESSMENTS, WHEN AND HOW ORDERED. 243. No order shall be made by the Supreme Recorder upon the Beneficiary Fund in the Subordinate Lodges until there is less than two thousand dollars in the Beneficiary Fund in the Su- preme Lodge, nor shall any such order be made except with the approval of the Supreme Lodge Finance Committee. — Sux>. L. Const., Art. VIII, Sec. 17. 243. Nots. — In Grand Lodges set apart as separate beneficial juiisdictions, the provisions of the above paragraph apply to the Grand Recorder and Grand Lodge Finance Committee. (See Sup. L. Const., Art. VI) SURPLUS OF ASSESSMENTS. 244. Note. — If an assessment in any beneficiary jurisdiction brings into the Beneficiary Fund a sufficient amount to pay off one or more certificates in addition to the one for which the as- sessment was made, such additional certificates are paid from the surplus. HOW ASSESSMENTS ARE MADE UPON MEMBERS. 245. Each Subordinate Lodge upon being officially notified of a death assessment, shall make an assessment of one dollar upon each member holding a (valid) certificate, or having received the Master Workman degree, (provided such member has received his certificate or Master Workman degree prior to the date of the death on which the assessment is made.) Written notices of assessments shall be made and sent by the Financier, not later than the 8th day of the month in which the notice was issued by the Supreme (or Grand) Recorder.— .Si^i?. L. Const. , Art. VIII, Sees. 8,9. WHEN ASSESSMENTS MUST BE PAID. 246. Not later than the 28th day of the month in which the notice of assessment was given, any member holding a certificate 54 of the Beneficiary Fund, having failed or neglected to pay said assessment into the Beneficiary Fund in his Subordinate Lodge, shall forfeit all his rights under said certificate. — Sup. L. Const. ^ Art. VIII Sec. 8. 247. On the third meeting night following the issuing of assess- ment notices, and on or before the 28th day of the month, he (the Financier) shall furnish the Lodge with the names of the mem- bers who are in arrears on such assessments, and the Recorder shall place the same on the minutes of the Lodge, and mark such certificates as suspended on the Certificate Register Book, affixing the dale thereto. — Sup L. Const., Art. VIII, Sec. i), 248. Note — The Constitution requires that notices of assess- ment shall be sent out by the Financier not later than the 8ih of the month, and that the assessment shall be paid not later than the 28th day of the month. If any brother fails to pay his assess- ment on or before the 28th day of the month, his certificate is held suspended. This rule is in no way changed, if a Lodge meets semi-monthly instead of weekly. In all cases the Financier must send the notices not later than the 8th of the month, and the assessment must be paid as above stated. It is each brother's duty to see that his assessment is paid into the Lodge at a meet- ing before the 28th day of the month ; otherwise his certificate is held suspended without any action of the Lodge. The fact that the meetings are semi-monthly makes no change as to lime of payment. WHEN NEW MEMBERS BECOME LIABLE TO ASSESSMENTS. 249. Upon the death of a brother lawfully entitled to partici- pate in the Beneficiary Fund * * * each Subordinate Lodge shall make an assessment of one dollar upon each member hold- ing a certificate, or having received the Master Workman degree ; provided such member has received his certificate or the Master Workman degree prior to the date of the death (m which the as- sessment is made, — Sup. L. Const., Art. VIII, Sec. 8. 250. Note. — A. member when he applies for the Master Work- man degree pays one dollar into the Beneficiary Fund, but is not liable for further payment until an assessment is made upon a death occurring after the date at which he received such degree. The one dollar which he pays in as above is not forwarded from the Subordinate Lodge until notice is received of an assessment made upon a death which has occurred after such date. It is then forwarded with the rest of the fund on hand, and he is assessed with the other members to replace the fund. (See No. 245.) 251. Members of a new Lodge who received the Master Work- man degree at the time of its organization are liable for assess- ments on all deaths occurring after such organization, and all other members are liable for assessments on deaths occurring after they received the said degree. 55 253. A member is required to pay assessments on all death? occuriing after he has received the Master Workman degree, whether he actually has the Beneficiary Certificate in his posses- sion or not. ENTRY OF ASSESSMENTS, 253. The Financier of each Subordinate Lodge shall keep a book wherein all assessments of the Beneficiary Fund shall be entered against each member holding a valid certificate ; such entry shull be made bearing date of the first met'ting night, and not later tlian the 8th day of the month on which the notice was received. — Sup. L. Const.y Art. VIII, Sec. 9. 254 iVofe.— No charge of an assessment is made against a mem- ber on the Financier's book. The form of book adopted by the Supreme Lodge is arranged with a column for each assessment. The number of the assessment being placed at the head of a columu and the date entered, the assessment then stands "entered against " each brother whose name is on the list in the book. As each one pays, the amount is entered opposite his name, in the proper column, showing on what assessment it has been paid. TWO OR MORE ASSESSMENTS AT SAME TEVIE. 255. iVo^e.— When the amount needed to pay off death losses reported is more than will be realized from one assessment, then two or more assessments will be ordered at the same time. No- tice of these will be given to the members at the same time and payment will be required as in the case of a single assessment. — (See Sup. L. Const, Art. VIII, Sec. 8.) 256. In case of the receipt of two or more notices at the same time, the Lodge forwards "one dollar for each valid certificate, and such sums as may have been received for certificates renewed," to the Grand Recorder. The Lodge then sends notice of each death to each member who has received the Master Workman's degree prior to the death, and the member must pay the assess- ment or assessments on or before the 28th day of the month. The number of assessments does not extend the time of payment. Two or more assessments made at the same time must be paid in the same time that one would. The Lodge, in case of two or more assessments, is bound to forward a sufficient sum to pay them before the first of the following month. ASSESSMENTS NOT TO BE RECEIVED PROM MEMBER SUSPENDED FOR NON-PAYMENT OP DUES. 257. After a member has been suspended for non-payment of dues, the Lodge can not receive his beneficiary assessments until he has paid up his dues and is reinstated. 258. iVbte.— As the only kind of suspension provided in the laws of the Order for non-payment of dues, is total suspension, 56 or suspension from the Order, and a member thus suspended for- feits all claims to the Beneficiary Fund, it is clear that the Lodge should neither send him notice of assessments or receive any as- sessments from him until he has been reinstated according to the laws of the Order. PAYMENT OF ASSESSMENTS, BY LODGE, FOR DELINQUENT MEMBER. 259. The Lodge has the privilege of paying the assessments for any delinquent member. In such case the amount so paid must be included in the order drawn in favor of the Grand (or Su- preme) Recorder.— Pro. Sd An. ^^ess. S. L.,p. 89. 260. Note.— Whtn the Lodge pays an assessment for a delin- quent member under the above decision, a warrant for the amount should be ordered, as General Law No. 29 provides that "'No money shall be paid out of the General Fund of any Subordinate Lodge except upon orders drawn upon the Receiver." NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT NOT TO BE SENT TO SUSPENDED BROTHERS. 261. A brother suspended for non-payment of assessments must not receive further notice of assessments. ASSESSMENTS FOR BENEFICIARY FUND, HOW NUMBERED. 262. The Supreme Recorder shall number death and assessment notices commencing with No. I, and so continuing during the fiscal year ; and deaths shall be placed on the call for as.dge issuing said card, shall renew it. — Gen. Law 36. 377. Any member of a defunct or suspended Lodge is entitled to apply for and receive a card from the Grand Recorder, if at the time of the suspension of the Lodge such member was in good standing, but, as by the provisions of Section 11, of Article VIII, Supreme Lodge Constitution, a member who is more than three months in arrears for beneficiary assessments cannot have his Beneficiary Certificate reinstated until he has passed a new medi- cal examination and been accepted by a majority vote of the Lodge, it follows that the Grand Recorder cannot give a card to a member of a suspended or defunct Lodge, if such member be at the time Oder three inonths in arrears on assessments. A. mem- ber of a suspended Lodge, who has not within the proper time ap- plied for and received a card from the Grand Recorder, stands " suspended from the Order"" when he becomes six months in arrears on beneficiary assessments. — Pro. 8. L. 1th An. Sess., p. 14. REORGANIZATION OF A LODGE. 37S. If a Lodge has for any reason ceased to exercise its func- tions, but has not been suspended by a two-thirds vote of the Grand Lodge, as provided for in Section 2 of " Laws Applicable 77 to Grand Lodges," and has not members enouj^h in good standing to constitute a quorum, it might be admissible to permit such Lodge to resume its functions, by a sufficient number of members holding certificates as above (See No. 377), and complying in all respects with the requirements of Section 13, Article VIII, meeting together under the supervision and control of the Grand Master Workman, or his Deputy, passing medical examination, balloting for each other, and reorganizing the Lodge in the same manner that new Lodges are organized, and subject to the same rules and restrictions. Or a new Lodge might be formed, in the organization of which, suspended members, as above specified, could join, subject to the foregoing requirements. — Pro. S. L. lih An. Sess.^ p. 15. CHAPTER XIL OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES OF SUBORDINATE LODGES. OFFICERS, ELECTION AND TERM. 379. The officers of the Lodge shall be a Master Workman, Foreman, Overseer, Recorder, Recefver, Financier, Guide, anci Inside and Outside Watchman, who shall, with their own consent,. be elected semi-annually, by separate ballot, at the last stated^ meeting in the months of June and December. The retiring Master Workman shall take the chair of the Past Master Work- man, except at the institution of a new Lodge, when the Past Master Workman shall be elected There shall also be three Trustees, one of whom shall be elected to serve for the term of eighteen months, in such manner as to have two remaining over at each election. — Sub. L. Const. ^ Art. VI, Sec. 1. 380. Note. — In Pennsylvania the election takes place at the last stated meeting in May and November. In New York, at the last meeting in December only, the officers serving for one year. 3S1. ]!^ote. — All Subordinate Lodges are required to be officered as above, according to the settled laws of the Order and the re- quirements of the Ritual. In New York the Guide and Watch- man are not elected, but appointed by the Master Workman. 383. All officers of a Lodge are installed to serve for a certain term or until their successors are duly elected and installed. 383. All officers and representatives hold their positions until their successors are duly elected and installed. 384. In case of a vacancy in office (in Subordinate Lodge), the brother filling the vacancy till the end of the term shall be entitled to all the honors thereto belonging. 78 NOMINATIONS. •385. Nominations for candidates for elective offices shall be made at the stated meeting immediately preceding the election, and the presiding officer shall not close the nominations until every member present has had an opportunity to speak. A mem- ber who is duly qualified may be nominated though he be absent from the meeting.— Sab. L. Const., Art. VII, Sec. 1. 386. No nominations for any office shall be made on the night of tlie election, unless a majority of the Lodge consent thereto; and votes polled for members who have not been duly nominated shall be cancelled by the ieWevs.— Ibid, Sec. 2. 387. Note.— In case of filling vacancies, nominations can be made on the night of election. In New York nominations are dispensed with entirely. In Tennessee elections take place with or without nominations, as the Lodge may at the time determine. The rule in regard to the subject in the above Sections, governs in Subordinate Lodges under the immediate jurisdiction of the Su- preme Lodge, and in all other cases unless Grand Lodges provide otherwise. MANNER OF CONDUCTING Et-ECTION. 388. When an election is held for any officer or officers, the presiding officer shall act as judge, and shall appoint two mem- bers who have received the blaster Workman's degree, to act as tellers, who shall assist in conducting the election in a just and impartial manner; they shall keep a register of all votes polled, and should it appear that there have been more votes polled than there are leg illy qualified voters present, the presiding officer shall declare the ballot illegal and void, and direct another ballot to be taken immediately; each member voting shall hand his ticket to the tellers, giving his name, and the teller shall deposit it in the ^Q\[—Sub. L. Const., Art. VIII. Sec. 1. 389 In case there are more than two candidates for the same office, neither of wiiom have received a majority of all the valid votes cast for that office, the candidate who received the lowest number of votes shall be withdrawn, and another ballot taken, continuing in like manner until an election is had. The Financier shall furnish the tellers with a list of all members in good stand- ing in the Lodge, who are entitled to vote. — Ibid, Sec. 2. ONE MEMBER MAY CAST VOTE FOR THE LODGE. 390. Usage has established that a Master Workman degree member may be elected mva voce by the Lodge to cast the vote thereof for any office for which there is but one candidate; each officer must be elected by a separate ballot, and announced by the presiding officer as having received a majority of all the votes cast for the office. 79 A MAJORITY OP ALL THE VOTES NECESSARY TO ELECT. 391. In case of a tie vote on the election of officers of a Lodge, a new ballot must be held. A. candidate must have a majority of all the votes cast before he can be declared elected. MASTER WORKMAN HAS THE RIGHT TO VOTE. 392. The Master Workman has the right to vote in the election of officers. • ^ INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. 393. Officers of the Lodge who have been duly elected shall be installed at the first stated meeting in the months of July and Jananry, unless when a vacancy is filled or a Lodge instituted, in which CAse the installation shall take place immediately after tlie election or institution; and any officer who has been duly elected, and notified thereof, failing to present himself for installation (unless prevented by sickness or other unavoidable occurrence), the office to which he has been elected may be declared vacant by the installing officer, and another election ordered forthwith to fill the vacancy. — Sab. L. Const., Art. IX, Sec. 1. 394. JVbts. — In Pennsylvania, officers are installed at the first stated meeting in June and December. In New York, at the first meeting in January, to serve during the year. 395. Note. — It is the duty of an installing officer to see that the laws of the Order are conformed to with regard to the officers to be installed. Should it appear that a member elected to an office is ineligible to the same, or for any reason disqualified from serv- ing in it, it would be his duty to declare the office vacant and have an election ordered to fill the vacancy, as in the case of an officer elect failing to present himself. 396. Note. — Installing officers represent in installation the au- thority of the Supreme or Grand Lodge. In Subordinate Lodges under the immediate jurisdiction of the Supreme Lodge, the officers are installed by the Supreme Master Workman, or by a duly qualified brother deriving legal authority from him; and in Subordinate Lodges in Grand Lodge jurisdictions, the officers are installed by the Grand Master Workman, or by a member who derives legal authority from him. INSTALLATION IN SUBORDINATE LODGES UNDER IMMEDIATE JUR- ISDICTION OF SUPREME LODGE. 397. In the absence of a Deputy Supreme Master Workman, the officers of a Subordinate Lodge, under the immediate juris- diction of the Supreme Lodge, should be installed by the Past Master Workman of the Lodge. The Lodge should forward its per capita tax direct to the Supreme Recorder. The key to the S. A. P. W. is sent through the Recorder of the Lodge to the in- stalling officer. — Pro. S. L. 7th An. Sess., p. 14. 80 PUBLIC INSTALLATIONS NOT PERMITTED. 398. Public installations shall not be allowed until further ac- tion of the Supreme Lodge. — Pro, S. L., 6th An. Sess., p. 395. INSTALLATION MUST BE AT STATED MEETING. 399. Special meetings cannot be called to install officers. If the District Deputy Grand Master Woriiman cannot install the officers of all the Subordinate Lodges in his district, he can cause them to be installed by a Past Master Workman. 400. JVote. — The Subordinate Lodge Constitution in all juris- dictions lequires the installation of officers to take place at a specified stated meeting ; but this provision can, however, be changed by the action ot any Grand Lodge. RELATIVE RANK OF OFFICERS. 401. The elective officers of a Subordinate Lodge rank in the following order : 1. Master Workman; 2. Foreman; 3. Over- seer; 4. Recorder; 5. Receiver; 6. Financier; 7. Guide; 8. Inside Watchman; 9. Outside Watchman.— -See Sub. L. Const., Art. VI, also Ritual. BONDS OF OFFICERS. 402. All officers who are required to give bonds, shall present the same, duly executed, which shall be approved before such officers are installed, except in the case of Supreme and Grand Lodge officers. — Oen. Law 30. 403. The bond of officers shall hereafter contain the following clause, to wit : "The Beneficiary Fund, which may fome into my hands, shall be preserved by me intact, and paid over by me as the law of the Order directs, and in no case shall any claim which I may have against the Order be settled or plead as an ofl"- set against the collection from me of any of said fund by suit on this bond." — Gen. Law 31. 404. iVofe.— Bonds must be approved by a vote of the Lodge, unless the power is given in the By-Laws for their approval in some other manner. 405. No officer of a Subordinate Lodge, who is required to give bonds, can be legally installed until after he has presented the proper bond, and the Lodge has accepted the same. 406. An officer of a Lodge re-elected to an office which requires him to give bond, must give new bonds. OFFICERS TO DEPOSIT MONEY OFFICIALLY. 407. All officers of the Order who have charge of moneys, shall deposit said moneys in their official capacity, and pay out the same in like manner. — Oen. Law 28. 81 MASTER "WORKMAN, ELIGIBILITY TO OFFICE OF. 408. To qualify a member for the office of ]\Iaster Workman, he must have served one term in some subordinate office. — Sub. L. Const, Art. VI, Sec. 2. 409. JSfote. — The foregoing rule prevails unless Grand Lodges shall otherwise provide. 410. A Past Master Workman of a newly instituted Lodge is eligible to the office of Master Workman, for the term ensuing his retirement from the Past Master Workman's chair. 411. Note. — A Master Workman, at the close of his term, is eligible to re-election. MASTER WORKMAN, DUTIES AND RIGHTS OF. 412. The Master Workman shall preside at all meetings of the Lodge, preserve order therein, and enfore the laws, rules and regulations of the Lodge, and those of tlie Supreme (or Grand) Lodge; decide all questions of order (subject to an appeal to the Lodge), act as judge of all elections, and declare the result to ilie Lodge; he sh ill appoint all committees, unless otherwise ordered by the Lodge; he shall sign all orders on the Receiver for such moneys as may be ordered by a vote of the Lodge, or required by the Beneficiary laws, to be paid; he shall not be entitled to vote, except on the election of officers, or on balloting for candi- dates; and when the members are equally divided o^i any ques- tion, he shall have the casting vote; he shall open and close the Lodge in due form; he shall call special meetings of the Lodge when requested to do so by seven members, in writing; on the night of his installation he shall appoint three members in good standing in the Lodge to serve as a Business Committee, and at the last stated meetings in June and December (in Pennsylvania May and November) he shall appoint an Auditmg Committee, which shall consist of three members in good standing, whose dutv it shall be to audit ihe books and examine the accounts of the Recorder, Financier, and Receiver, and make their reports, in wriliag, at the next stated meeting. He shall hold all bonds given by subordinate officers. He shall also perform such other duties appertaining to his office as are enjoined by the laws, rules and regulations of the Order.— >S'm^>. L. Const., Art. X, Seel. 413. JVote— The Master Workman is ex officio chairman of the Relief Committee (See No. 459.) The provisions of the above Section, so far as they relate to the general duties of the Master Workman as presiding officer of the Lodge, have, by their adop- tion in all jurisdictions, become general in the Order. With re- gard to the calling of special meetings, the time of appoinliog the Auditing Committee, and the specification of their duties, and the custody of the bonds of officers, Grand Lodges have exer- cised the right of varying and changing the rule. 82 414. It is the duty of the Master Workman to take care of the Rituals belonging to the Lodge, and to keep them in a safe place, where they will be secure from observation. 415. The Master Workman has the right to vote in the election of officers, or on balloting for candidates. On all other questions, when the members are equally divided, he shall have the casting vote. MASTER WORKMAN, ABSENCE OR DISABILITY OF. 416. In the absence of the Master Workman, the Foreman shall preside in his stead. In case of the death, resignation or inability of the Master Workman, the Foreman will serve the l)alance of the term, and be entitled to all the honors of the Master Work- man. 417. In the absence of the Master Workman and Foreman for the evening, the Overseer will take the chair of the Foreman, and a Past Master Workman will take the chair of the Master Work- man. Grand Lodges, however, may provide that the Overseer shall preside as Master Workman in the absence of the Master Workman and Foreman. FOREMAN, DUTIES OF. 418. The Foreman shall assist the Master Workman in preserv- ing order, aid him in conducting the ceremonies, have charge of the inner door, and, in the absence of the Master Workman, shall ])reside in his stead, and perform such other duties as are enjoined by the laws, rules and regulations of the Order. In case of the death, resignation or inability of the Master Workman to serve, he shall fill his term, at the expiration of which he shall be en- titled to all the honors of the Past Master Workman. — Sub. L. Gomt, Art. X, Sec. 2. 419. Note. — The general rule that vacancies shall be filled in the manner of the original selection, does not apply in the case of the Master Workman's chair, unless so provided by Grand Lodges. By the above Section that chair may be said to never become vacant ; because in case of the death, resignation or dis- ability of the brother who has been elected and installed, the Fore- man at onct^ becomes Master Workman by virtue of his office without installation, except that which he has already had as Fore- man, which includes in it the duties of Master Workman in case of such contingency arising. There is, therefore, but one election and installation of a Master Workman in a term, no matter how many changes take place. Whenever the Foreman becomes Mas- ter Workman as above provided, the Foreman's chair becomes vacant, and an election is held to fill it, and the brother elected must be installed as Foreman ; but there is no election or installa- tion of Master Workman except the regular election and installa- tion for the term. 83 420. Note. — The Foreman is ex officio a member of the Relief Committee (See No. 459.) 421. The Foreman should allow no brother to leave the hall without the consent of the Master Workman, or to enter the Lodge room or retire from it, during the opening, initiatory or closing ceremonies, the reading of the minutes, or when confer- ring degrees. When requested by the Master Workman, he will take the station of that officer and confer the degrees. OVERSEER, DUTIES OF. 422. The Overseer shall perform such duties as are required of lum by the laws, rules and regulations of the Order, and, in the absence of the Foreman, shall fill his place. — Suh. L. Comt.^ Art. X, Sec 4. 423. Note. — The Overseer is ex officio a member of the Relief Comi^ittee. (See No. 459.) 424. Note.— By the Constitution for Subordinate Lodges under the immediate jurisdiction of the Supreme Lodge, the presence of the Master Workman, the Foreman, or a Past Master Workman is necessary to a quorum. This excludes the Overseer as a pre- siding officer. In jurisdictions where this provision exists, the Overseer is not entitled to take the Master Workman's chair in the absence of the Master Workman and Foreman ; but there is nothing in the general laws of the Order to prevent Grand Lodges from establishing a different rule and making it his duty to pre- side in their absence. 425. It is the duty of the Overseer to assist the Master Work- man and Foreman in preserving order ; to take charge of and arrange the tools of the Lodge during its sessions ; to see that members are propeily instructed in the signs of the Order; and, when requested by the Master Workman, to take his station and confer the Junior Workman's degree. IIECORDER, DUTIES OP. 426. The Recorder shall keep accurate minutes of the proceed- ings of the Lodge, which he shall record in a book provided for that purpose; he shall attest all orders drawn on the Receiver, make out the semi-annual report of the work and business of the Lodge for the Supreme (or Grand) Lodge, forward the same to the Supreme (or Grand) Recorder properly signed and attested, with the seal of the Lodge attached; he shall, on or before the first day of each month, notify the Supreme (or Grand) Recorder of all rejections of candidates and expulsions of members — of the suspending, annulling or cancelling of Beneficiary Certificates, or reinstatement of the same, and of Ihe date of countersigning and recording Beneficiary Certificates of members admitted dur- ing the preceding month ; he shall conduct the correspondence and have charge of tlie seal and records of the Lodge ; he shall notify all applicants who have been elected to membership; he 84 shall notify the Supreme (or Grand) Recorder of all transfers of membership into or out of the Lodge ; and shall perform such other duties as are required of him in the Article on Beneficiary Fund, and as are enjoined by the laws, rules and regulations of the Order.— Stib. L. Const, Art. X, Sec. 5. RECORDER, DUTIES OF, ENTRIES ON MINUTES. 427. The Financier's report, each meeting night, of beneficiary moneys received by him and paid over to the Receiver, shall be entered upon the minutes.— /Swp. L. Const., Art. VIII, Sec. 16. 428. When the Beneficiary Fund on hand in a Subordinate Lodge is forwarded to the Supreme (or Grand) Recorder, a record thereof shall be entered upon the minutes.— ^w^. L. Const. , Art. VllI, Sec. 8. RECORDER, DUTIES OF— CERTIFICATE REGISTER BOOB. 429. When the Financier of a Subordinate Lodge receives ar- rearages from beneficiary assessments, as provided for in Sections 10, 11, 12 and 13, of Article VIII, of the Supreme Lodge Consti- tution, and notifies the Lodge of the same, the Recorder shall note the same in the minutes of the Lodge, and mark the certifi- cate so paid as renewed on the Certificate Register book, affixing the date thereto.— ^w;?. L. Const., Art. VIII, Sec. 9. RECORDER, DUTIES OF — EXPELLED MEMBERS. 430. It shall be the duty of Recorders of all Subordinate Lodges to send to the Supreme or Grand Recorder under whose jurisdic- tion they may be, with their monthly returns, the names of all brethren expelled from the Order for any cause whatever; and immediately upon receiving from the Supreme or Grand Recorder a list of members expelled from the Order, they shall enter the same in alphabetical order in a book provided for that purpose. Gen. Law 33. RECORDER, DUTIES OF — SENDING NOTICES. 431. When a member holding a final card, or one who has been suspended from the Order, is reinstated under the provisions of Section 13, of Article VIII, of the Supreme Lodge Constitution, the Recorder shall immediately notify the Grand or Supreme Re- corder, as the case may be, of the reinstatement of such member and renewal of his Beneficiary Certificate. — Sup. L. Const., Art. VIII Sec. 13. 432. Note. — The Recorder being required to conduct the corres- pondence of the Lodge (Sub. L. Const., Art. X, Sec. 5), it is his duly to forward to the Supreme or Grand Recorder, the notice of the death of a brother required by Section 8, of Article VIII, Su- preme Lodge Constitution, and all other required notices and reports not otherwise specially provided for. 85 RECORDER, DUTIES OF — ASSESSMENT NOTICES. 433. It is the duty of the Recorder, immediately after receiving the monthly report of suspensions from the Financier, to make out and forward to the Grand Recorder the monthly return notice. This should be accompanied (if there be a call due) by a draft from the Receiver for the Beneficiary Fund, and the required ex- cess. RECORDER, DUTIES OF — MONTHLY RETURNS. [See No. 357 ] RECEIVER, DUTIES OF. 434 The Receiver shal| receive from the Financier all moneys received from the Lodge, giving his receipt therefor ; pay all or- ders dravp-n on him by the Master Workman, attested by the Re- corder. He shall keep a regular and correct account of all moneys received and paid by him. He shall keep a separate and distinct account of the Beneficiary Fund, and shall immediately upon the receipt of notice through the Lodge from the Supreme Recorder, forward a draft, payable to the order of the Supreme Receiver, or otherwise as the Lodge may determine, for the amount of the Beneficiary Fund ; a receipt from the Supreme Receiver through the Supreme Recorder for the fund so for- warded, an excess required on each assessment, shall be his voucher to the Lodge. When two or more notices are received by the Lodge at the same time, he shall forward in accordance with the Article on the Beneficiary Fund, Section 8. (See No. 275.) He shall have his accounts ready for settlement on the last stated meetings of June and December (in Pennsylvania, May and November), and shall, at the expiration of his term of oftice, de- liver to his successor all moneys, books, papers and vouchers in his hands. Before entering on the duties of his office, he shall give to the Lodge his bond, with approved security, for such amount as the Lodge may deem satisfactory, for the faithful performance of his duty. — Siib. L. Const., Art. X, Sec. 6. 435. Note. — The provisions of the above Section are applicable to Receivers of Subordinate Lodges under the jurisdiction of Grand Lodges, substituting the word " Grand" for '' Supreme" wherever it occurs. RECEIVER, DUTIES OF — BENEFICIARY FUND. 436. It is the duty of the Receiver of the Subordinate Lodge to forward the Beneficiary Fund on hand to the Grand Recorder, (or if the Lodge is under the immediate jurisdiction of the Supreme Lodge, to the Supreme Recorder.) immediately upon the Lof'ge being duly notified of an assessment. — Sup. L., Const.y Art. VIII, Sec. 8 and 16. 437. Upon the payment of each assessment notice, the Subor- dinate Lodge (by its Receiver) shall forward to the Grand Recorder 86 (or if the Lodge is under the immediate jurisdiction of the Su- preme Lodge, to the Supreme Recorder), in addition to the Ben- eficiary Fund, the sum of fifty cents, which shall be placed in the Supreme (or Grand) Lodge General Fund. — Sup. L. Const., Art. Vill, Sec. 16. 438. Note. — Grand Lodges have the power to make the sum to be sent in addition to the Beneficiary Fund, less than fifty cents. FINANCIER, DUTIES OF. 439. The Financier shall keep a full and correct account be- tween the Lodge and eacb member; receive all moneys for the Lodge, and pay the same to the Receiver before the close of each meeting, taking his receipt therefor; he shall notify all mem- bers in arrears to the amount of three months' dues, and when a member is in arrears to the amount of six months' due^, he shall notify the Master Workman of the fact; he sball, at the time of election of officers, furnish the Master Workman with a list of members of the Lodge in aood standing and entitled to vote ; he shall make out the semi-annual returns of the finances of the Lodge ; be shall make out the report for the semi-annual tax due by the Lodge to the Grand or Supreme Lodge ; he shall perform such duties as are required of him in the Article on Beneficiary Fund, and at the end of each term he shall furnish the Recorder with a list of all members and their standing in the Lodge ; and perform such other duties as are required by the laws, rules and regulations of the Order. He shall give bond in such sum as the Lodge may deem necessary, for the faithful performance of his duties. — Suh. L. Const., Art. X, Sec. 7. 440. iVb^.— Except as to keeping accounts with the members, and the duties prescribed by the Beneficiary Laws of the Order, Grand Lodges may add to or vary the duties above enumerated for the Financier. FINANCIER, DUTIES OF — ASSESSMENT NOTICES. 441. When notice of an assessment has been received by a Sub- ordinate Lodge, it shall be the duty of the Financier to send out to the members written notices of assessment, not later than the 8th day of the month in which the notice was issued by the Su- preme (or Grand) UecoTder.—Sup. L. Const., Art. 7111, Sec. 8. FINANCIER, DUTIES OF — ASSESSMENT BOOK. 443. The Financier of each Subordinate Lodge shall keep a book wherein all assessments of the Beneficiary Fund shall be entered against each member holding a valid certificate; such entry shall be made bearing date of the first meeting night, and not later than the 8th day of the month in which said notice vCas received. — Sap. L. Const. , Art. VIII, Sec. 9. 87 FINANCIER, DUTIES OF — RECEIPT OF ARREARAGES. 443. The Financier shall, upon the receipt of any arrearages from beneficiary assessments, as provided tor in Sections 10, 11, 12 and 13, of Article VIII, of the Supreme Lodge Constitution, pay the same into the Beneficiary Fund (said amount from arrear- ages to be forwarded to the Supreme or Grand Recorder upon the first order on said fund thereafter,) and notify the Lodge of the same. — Sup. L. Const, Art. VIII, Sec. 9. FINANCIER, DUTIES OF — BENEFICIARY MONEYS. 444. The Financier of the Subordinate Lodge shall pay over to the Receiver, each meeting night, all beneficiary moneys, taking his receipt therefor, and make report thereof in writing, which shall be entered on the minutes. — Sup.L. Const., Art. VIII, Sec. 16. FINANCIER, DUTIES OF — NAMES OF BROTHERS IN ARREARS. 445. On the third (weekly) meeting night following the issuing of assessment notices, and on or before the 28th day of the month, the Financier shall furnish the Lodge with tlie names of the mem- bers who are in arrears on beneficiary assessments, and the Re- corder shall place the same on the minutes of the Lodge, and mark such certificates as suspended on the Certificate Register Book, affixing the date thereto. — Sup. L. Const, Art VllI, Sec. 9. FINANCIER, DUTIES OF — BENEFICIARY FUND TO BE KEPT SEPARATE. 446. Note. — The Beneficiary Fund is, by the laws of the Order, to be kept separate and distinct from any other fund. It is there- fore the duty of the Financier to take from the Receiver separate receipts for Beneficiary Funds and general funds, and in all re- spects to keep the accounts of said funds separate and apart from each other. GUIDE, DUTIES OF. 447. The Guide shall have charge of the regalia and other properties of the Lodge, and perform such other duties as per- tain to his office. — Sub. L. Const, Art. X, Sec. 8. 448. It is the duty of the Guide to see that all members are qualified to sit in the Lodge, and are clothed in appropriate re- galia; that the Watchmen are in their proper places and duly in- structed in their duties; to prepare and conduct candidates and introduce visitors; and to have charge of the regalia and tools of the Lodge. WATCHMEN, DUTIES OP. 449. The Watchmen shall perform such duties as are required of them by the laws, rules and regulations of the Order. — Sub. L. Const., Art X, Sec. 9. 88 INSIDE WATCHMEN, DUTIES OF. 450. It is the duty of the Inside Watchmen to receive and report to the Foreman the name of each member applying for admission, with the name and number of his Lodge, before re- ceiving the **** **** ; and to communicate to the Outside Watch- man such instructions as may be from time to time directed by the Master Workman. OUTSIDE WATCHMAN, DUTIES OP. 451. It is the duty of the Outside Watchman to take charge of the outer door and reception room; to see that none enter who are not members and duly qualified; to use every precaution to prevent persons who are not members of the Order from obtain- ing unlawful information; to never allow more than one brother to enter at a time; and to see that each brother clothes himself in appropriate regalia before he applies for admission at the inner door. TRUSTEES, DUTIES OP. 452. The Trustees, unless otherwise provided by Grand Lodges, shall have the general supervision of the land and other property of the Lodge; they shall invest in such securities as tbe Lodge may direct, such sums as are ordered to be drawn from the Re- ceiver for that purpose, and deposit the vouchers with the Re- ceiver; they shall have the custody of all securities of the Lodge for money loaned or invested; they shall collect or realize all such sums when so directed by the Lodge; they shall collect all inter- est, rents, and other moneys arising from all investments belong- ing to the Lodge, and pay the moneys collected by them to the Financier; they shall, at the last stated meeting at the close of every term, report their transactions to the Lodge and make an inventory of all properties of the Lodge. Before entering upon tbe duties of their office, they shall each give bond, with approved security, for such sums as the Lodge may require, for the faith- ful performance of their duties. — Sab. L. Const, Art. X, Sec. 10. PAST MASTER WORKMAN, DUTIES OP. [See Chapter XVL] VACATING OFFICE BY ABSENCE. 453. If any officer shall absent himself from three stated meet- ings of the Lodge (unless prevented by sickness or some other unavoidable occurrence) the Master Workman may declare his office vacant. — Sub. L. Const., Art. XIII, Sec. 1. REMOVAL FROM OFFICE. 454. Any officer may be removed for inattention to his duties, or conduct unbecoming an officer of the Order. — Sub. L. Const. ^ Art. XIII, Sec. 2. 89 VACANCY IN OFFICE, HOW FILLED. 455. Vacaucies occurriDg (except as provided iu Note to No. 419) by reason of death, resiguatiou or otherwise, shall be filled in the manner of the origiucil selection, to serve the remainder of the term; but in case of a vacancy in office, nominations, elec- tion and installation may take place at the same meeting of the Lodge.— ^ub. L. Const. , Art. XIII, Sec. 2. OFFICERS, SUSPENSION OF. 456. Officers of the Grand or of Subordinate Lodges, are liable to suspension for non-payment of dues or assessments, the same as other members. COMMITTEES, HOW APPOINTED. 457. The Master Workman shall appoint all committees, unless otherwise ordered by the IjodgQ.—Sub. L. Const, Art. X, Sec. 1, BUSINESS COMMITTEE, DUTIES OF. 458. The Business Committee shall serve for the term of six months, and it shall be their duty to correspond with the ditferent Lodges, to ascertain where members are out of employment, and where vacancies are to be filled; to do all in their power to find employment for those who are without it; they shall report weekly to the Lodge all such vacancies, and members of the Order who are out of employment; also the members for whom they have procured employment during the week. All members who are out of, and desire employment, should notify the Busi- ness Committee to that effect. — Sub. L. Const., Art. X, Sec. 11. RELIEF COMMITTEE, OP WHOM CONSTITUTED, AND DUTIES OP. 459. The Master Workman, Foreman and Overseer, shall con- stitute the Relief Committee, of which the Master Workman shall be the Chairman. Their duties shall be to visit sick and disabled members of the Lodge, and report at each stated meet- ing the condition of such members, and in such cases as they may deem necessary, they may suggest to the Lodge such pecuniary assistance as they believe is needed. — Sub. L. Const., Art. X, Sec. 12. CHAPTER XIIL APPLICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP. AGE OF APPLICANTS 460. No person shall be admitted to membership in the Order except he be of the full age of twenty-one years, and under fifty 90 years of age, at the time of receiving the Master Workman's de- gree. — Gen. Law 1. 461. Note.— The date at which a person becomes fifty years of affe is ascertained by adding fifty years to the date of his birth. Thus, a person born May 1st, 1828, is on May 1st, 1878, fifty years of age, and ineligible to membership. 462. A member admitted to the Order, who at the time is over the prescribed age, must be excluded therefrom, his admission being illegal and void. QUALIPICA.TIONS FOK MEMBERSHIP. 463. No person shall be admitted to membership in the Order, except he be a free white male of the full age of twenty-one years, and under fifty years of age at the time of receiving the Master Workman's degree, of good moral character, competent to earn a livelihood for himself and family, and a believer in the existence of a Supreme Being, the Creator and Preserver of the Universe. Oen. Law 1. 464. A person who has lost his right arm is not thereby disqual- ified from becoming a member of the Order. — Pro. 1th An. Sess. S. L. MODE OF MAKING APPLICATIOlt. 465. Applications for membership shall be made in writing,and signed by the applicant, stating his age, occupation and residence; and the applicant must be recommended by two members of the Lodge in good standing. (See Form No. l.)—Sub. L. Const., Art. II, Sec. 2. FEE AND MEDICAIi CERTIFICATE TO ACCOMPANY APPLICATION. 466. E;ich application must be accompanied by the amount required by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the application is made, and by the certificate of a regular physician in the required form. — See Ibid. MEDICAL examiner's CERTIFICATE. 467. Each application tor membership must be accompanied wiih the certificate of a regular physician, in manner and form as directed by the Supreme Lodge. (See Form No. 2.)— Sub. L. Const., Art. II, Sec. 2. 463. Note. — The above requirement being contained also in Sec- tions 2 and 3, of Article VIII, Supreme Lodge Constitution, which Article is binding upon the whole Order, is therefore of general application, as are also all the decisions of the Supreme Lodge on the subject. The Supreme Lodge law does not expressly require the election of a Medical Examiner in each Lodge,but the general usage and Grand Lodge laws requiring such election have been recognized by the Supreme Body. 91 469. An application cannot be read and referred to a committee without the Medical Examiner's certificate. 470. Note: — The Medical Examiner's certificate to the fact that the applicant is or is not, in his opinion, physically qualified for membership, should in every case be read in the Lodge ; and if any member call for the reading of the entire certificate, his request should be granted. MEDICAL EXAMINERS. 471. In cases where it is impracticable for the Medical Exami- ner to act, Lodges may accept examinations made by regular physicians who are not members of the Order, but great care should be exercised in the matter. 472. The physician finding an applicant physically disqualified for membership, should report the same to the Lodge, and an entry of the rejection placed upon the records, and the Grand Recorder notified of the fact and cause. 473. Subordinate Lodges may elect more than one examin- ing physician, but they must be members of the Order (if prac- ticable). 474. Medical Examiners must be physicians duly qualified to practice their profession under the laws of the State. COMMITTEE OP INVESTIGATION, ETC. 475. The application shall be read at a stated meeting of the Lodge, entered on the minutes, and referred to a committee of tliree, whose duty it shall be to inquire and report at the next stated meeting of the Lodge, as to the character and fitness of the applicant to become a member. — Sub. L. Const, Art. II, Sec. 2. 476. Note. — In some jurisdictions the report of the committee of investigation is to be made at the second stated meeting after the application is read, instead of at the first. By^ general usage, the Lodge can grant the committee further time to*i'eport, if it 'oe asked for and suflScient reasons given. 477. A brother who recommends an applicant for membership, should not be one of the Committee of Investigation in the appli- cation. 478. A majority of the Committee of Investigation can report on an application. 479. The Committee of Investigation must have placed in their hands both the application for membership and the physicians' certificate. They must each be satisfied as to the correctness of the signature to the application, and that the party therein named is the person designated in the physician's certificate in their pos- session. They shall fully convince themselves from personal observation and inquiry, both ay to the moral standing and habits, before endorsing the application, and shall he fully satisfied with the recommendation of the physician V>efore endorsing the same. 92 480. A brother presented his card for admission to membership, and a committee was appointed on the application. The Deputy- Grand Master Workman granted a djspensalion allowing the committee to report that night. The committee ref ust u to re|K)rt until the next regular meeting, whereupon the Lodge voted to fine the committee fifty cents each. The committee appealed from the action of the Lodge. The Grand Master Workman sus- tained the appeal, and his decision w^as approved by the Grand Lodge. UNFAVORABLE REPORT. 481. If the report of the committee be unfavorable, the candi- date shall be declared rejected.— Sub. L. Const, Art. II, Sec. 2. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS BEFORE BALLOT. 482. No applicant can be received unless the application (blank form prescribed) is signed by the applicant, accompanied by the certificate of the Medical Examiner, and not until the Investigat- ing Committee appointed by the Lodge have reported favorably and signed the report. A record of these facts should be made on the minutes. It is also inciunbent on the committee to see liiat the application and Medical Examiner's certificate are in proper form, and also to investigate fully as to the fitness of the appli- cant to become a member both morally and physically ; and the Master Workman and the Recorder through whose hands all papers must pass, are required to see that the provisions of the law are strictly complied with before a ballot is taken.— (Order of S. W. W., approved by S. h.)—F>'o. 6th An. Sess., pp. 343, 362. BALLOTING ON APPLICATION. 483. If the report be favorable, the applicant shall be balloted for. If the report be unfavorable, he shall be declared rejected. If a ballot is taken and the balls are all white, or only one black ball appears, the applicant shall be declared elected. If there shall appear two or more black balls, the applicant shall be declared rejected, and no other balloting for the same applicant shall take place for the space of six mom us thereafter, unless the objectors shall withdraw their objection, in which event another l)ailot may be taken after notice tliereof shall have been given at one stated meeting preceding. — Sub. L. Const., Art. II, Sec. 2. 484. Note.— The Supreme Lodge Constitution, Article VIII, Section 11, requires that a brother in arrears on beneficiary assess- ments for more than three months, must be again examined by the Medical Examiner of the Lodge before reinstatement. The same rule will apply in the above case. If more that three months have elapsed a new examination is required before another ballot can take place. NEW BALLOT. 485. After a favorable ballot has been had, and before the cod- fcrriug of the Junior Workman degree, another ballot shall be 9S taken at the request of any member of tlie Lodge, made to the Master Workman or in open Lodge. 486. If, in ballotini? for a candidate, there should appear two or more black balls, and there is good reason to suppose a mistake has been made, another ballot may be taken, on a vote of the Lodge, provided it is done immediately after the first, and before any member has left the Lodge room. FORM OF TAKING BALLOT. 487. In balloting for candidates the Guide shall prepare the bal- lot box, and pass the same to the Master Workman, who, after inspection of the same, casts his ballot. The Guide shall then pass the box to the Foreman, who casts his ballot under the sign, after which the Guide shall place the ballot box on the altar (but in no case shall the ballot box be placed upon the Bible), and the remaining officers and members shall proceed to cast their votes as follows : Commencing at the right hand of the Master Work- man, with the-Recorder, proceed each in turn until all have cast their ballots, each casting his ballot under the Master Workman's sign. After all have voted the Master Workman will declare tbe ballot closed. The Guide will tlien carry the box to the Foren^.an for inspection, who will announce to the Master Workman that 'the ballot is»in favor of the applicant," or "not in favor of the applicant." The Guide will then proceed with the bOx to the Master Workman, who will inspect the same, and declare the candidate elected or rejected. WHEN BALLOT MAY BE TAKEN. 488. It is not imperative that a ballot be taken immediately upon the report of the Investigating Committee. Subordinate Lodges may provide in their By-Laws that balloting for candi- dates shall take place only on a certain designated meeting night of each month. RIGHT TO USE BLACK BALL. 489. A brother has a perfect right to use a black ball without giving his reasons in open Lodge. It is a brother's right to vote a secret ball ballot, so designed that the vote of one member shall not influence that of another, but that every one should vote according to the dictates of his own conscience, free from all ex- ternal intiuence. 490. The Master Workman has no right to question the pre- rogative of members in balloting for candidates, if the members are in good standing. (This decision was given in reply to the question, " If the Committee of Investigatioii report favnrable.and each one afterwards casts a black ball,V ■> > ' '•>'', V HOW THE TITLE OF PAST MASTER WORKMAN CAN BE ACQUIRED. 535. The title of Past Master Workman can be acqnired only l»y election to the office of Past Master Workm m at the institu- tion of a Lodg*;; by servintr a term as Master Workman; by fill- ing an unexpired term of M'sler Workman by the Foreman, or by the election of a Master Workman Degree member as a Kepre- sentiveto participate in the organization of a Grand Lodge. — Pro. nth An. Sess. S. L , pp 263, 305. 536. The member elected Past Master Workman at the institu- tion of a Subordinate Lodge, and the one elected Master Work- man at the same time, and who serves until the end of the term, are Past Master Workman in the full sense, nnd are entitled to all the beneflis and privileges of Past Master Workman. — Ibid, (See Note to No. 133.) 537. A brother is a Past Master Workman as soon as he passes the Master Workman's chair, although he may not have been in- stalled as Past Master Workman; but he should be installed if possible. RIGHTS OF PAST MASTER WORKMEN. 538. A Past Master Workman who has duly attained such rank by election or service, is not deprived of the same by resignation of his office. 539. Note. — A Past officer joining another jurisdiction from that in which he attained his rank, is entitled to all its privileges and honors in the jurisdiction to which his membership is transferred. A MASTER WORKMAN WHO RESIGNS, NOT ENTITLED TO HONORS. 540. A Master Workman of a Lodge who resigns before the end of the term, is not entitled to the honors of a Past Master Workman, and is therefore not eligible to election as Representa- tive to a Grand Lodge. — Pro. S. X., 7th An. Sess., p. 14. A MASTER WORKMAN RE-ELECTED BKCOMES A PAST MASTER WOKKMAN AT CLOSE OF FIRST TERM. 541. A Master Workman of a Lodge who, at the close of his term of office has been re-elected for the succeeding terra, becomes a Past Master Workman at the end of his first term, and is eligi- ble to the office of Representative to the Grand Lodge. — Ibid. PAST MASTER WORKMAN DEGREE. 542. Each Grand Lodge must confer the Past Master Workman degree, without pecuniary consideration, upon a brother in 2:ood standing, who has legally peformed the duties of Master Work- man for one term, or the remainder of a term, in a Subordinate Lodge, and upon a brother in good standing who has been elected Past Master Workman at the institution of a new Lodge, or in case of his death, resignation or removal from office, his succes- sor, who shall have served the remainder of the term, and upon 102 no other person; provided, that in either case the degree shall not be conferred unless he shall have served a majority of the meet- ings of the term, or remainder of the term for which he had been elected. Grand Recorders, who have served as such for two con- secutive years, shall be entitled to all the honors and prerogatives of Past Grand Master Workmen, provided their respective Grand Lodge may have so determined by a two-thirds vote. — Laws Ap. to G.L., tSec. 19. CHAPTER XVII. BENEFITS TO SICK AND DISABLED MEMBERS, ETC. tSUBORDINATE LODGES MAY OR NOT PROVIDE FOR SICK BENEFITS. 543. Any Subordinate Lodge of the Order may, or may not, provide in their By-Laws for payment of weekly sick benefits. When providing for such payment it must be in accordance with the laws enacted by the Supreme Lodge or Grand Lodge under whose jurisdiction such Subordinate Lodge maybe. — Gen.Lmcil. 544. Note. — The above law gives to each Grand Lodge the en- tire control of the subject of sick benefits within the limits of its jurisdiction. GENERAL FROVISIONS. 545. Any member of the Lodge entitled to benefits by the pro- visions of the By-Laws of the Lodge, who, through sickness or other disability, is unable to follow his usual business,or some other occupation, shall be considered a beneficiary member, entitled to receive such weekly benefits as the By-Laws prescribe ; provided that such member is not in arrears to the Lodge to the amount of three months' dues, and that he is a member of the Master Work- man's degree, and that his sickness or disability is not of a permanent cliaracler, or such as docs not prevent other men, similarly afilicted, from pursuing their avocations; and provided that his sickness or disability has not originated from intemperance, vicious or im- moral conduct; and provided he is not disabled by any disease or infirmity by which he was afilicted previous to his initiation into me Lodge; and provided that the Lodge may reduce the benefits for a sick brother fifty per cent., if the Lodge has been paying him sick benefits for the space of sick months. Any member who shall be taken sick or disabled wliile in arrears to the L(^dge to the amount of three months' dues cannot, bv pfiyment of his arrearages, become beneficial during such sickness; nor can a brother, while receiving benefits from the Lodge, become in arrears, so as to debar him from them, the Master Workman be- 103 ing authorized to pay the Financier from the amount drawn for his weekly benefits a siim suflQcient to prevent his becoming in arrears to the Lodge to the amount of three months' dues; nor shall a member be "entitled to the weekly benefits while churges are pending against him, under the penal provisions of the laws; but, if after due trial, he shall be acquitted or exonerated, he may clafm benefits for the time. — Sub. L. Const. ^ Art. XII, Sec. 1. 546. Note.— The above law is binding only upon Subordinate Lodges under the immediate jurisdiction of the Supreme Lodge. Each Grand Lodge has the right to adopt such law ou the subject as may be deemed best. Those which have provided for sick benefits have adopted substantially the above provisions. ATTENTION TO SICK AND DISABLED MEMBERS. 547. Each member of the Lodge, previous to the stated meeting of the Lodge, shall be subject to the orders of the Master Work- man in attending to sick or disabled members, and should any member fail or neglect to perform such duty, having been noti- fied by the Master Workman, he shall, for each neglect or failure, be fined a sum not less than one dollar. — Sub. L. Const, Art. X, Sec.lZ. 548. Note.—ThQ above is applicable only to Subordinate Lodges under the immediate juiisdiction of the Supreme Lodge. CHAPTER XVin. FEES, DUES, FINES, ETC. FEES FOR INITIATION AND DEGREES. 549. The Subordinate Lodge degrees shall not be conferred upon any person for a less sum than five dollars for the three degrees. Ocn. Law 11. 550. The initiation fee, and fees for conferring the several de» grees shall be such an amount as shall be prescribed by the By- Laws of the Lodge ; but in no case shall it be less than five dol- lars for initiation, two dollars for the Senior Workman and two dollars for the Master Workman degree.— /Sm6. L. Const., Art. IV, Sec. 1. 55 L Not/).— The above is the rule adopted for Subordinate Lodges under the immediate jurisdiction of the Supreme Lodge, but Grand Lodges have the right to fix the fees at any rates they gee fit, amounting to not less than five dollars for the three de- grees. 104 552. It is contrary to the spirit of the Order for Subordinate Lo(iges to collude or agree with applicants, that any part of the initiation or degree fees shall be donated back to said applicant on his initiation in the Order, or at any subsequent time. 553. It is contrary to the spirit and letter of our laws for any Subordinate Lodge to make any arrangement whatever, the effect of which will be directly or indirectly to reduce the fees pre- scribed by ihe By-Laws for conferring the degrees. DUES. 554. Each member of the Lodge shall pay into the funds there- of, as dues, such sums as shall be prescribed by the By-Laws; which shall in no case be less than twenty-five cents per month, to commence with the date of his receivinur the third (or Master Workman's) degree. — Sub. L. Const , Art. XI, !Sec. 1. 555. Note. — The above restriction as to the minimum of dues, applies only to Subordinate Lodges under the immediate juris- diction of the Supreme Lodge. The right of Grand Lodges to fix such minimum at any amount they consider best, has not been brought into question, and may be regarded as established by usage. TIME OF COMMENCEMENT OP DUES. 556. Note. — The Supreme Lodge, at its Fifth Annual Session, approved a decision of the Supreme Master Workman, that '• Junior Workman degree members are chargeable with and must pay dues from the date of initiation;" but at the next sessi(m, adopted the new Constitution for Subordinate Lodges, which provides that dues shall commence with the date of the member's receiving the third (or Master Workman) degree. This changes the rule, of course, as to Subordinate Lodges under the immediate jurisdiction of the Supreme Lodge, but leaves it as it stood, before in the different Grand Jurisdictions — some of which provide that dues shall commence from date of initiation, and others from time of receiving the Mastei Workman degree. NON-PAYMENT OF DUES, PENALTIES FOR. 557. Any member who neglects or refuses to pay the dues, as fixed by the By-Laws of the Lodge, for the period of three months, shall not be entitled to vote, and shall be disqualified from holding office. — Sub. L. Const., Art. XI, Sec. 2. 558. Note. — The above has been adopted as the law on the sub- ject in all jurisdictions. PEE FOR DEPOSIT OP CARD. 559. The minimum fee for joining a new or old Lodge by card, is two dollars.— (See Gen. Laws 3 and 20, Nos. 472 and 490.) 105 PINE FOR NEGI^ECT OP DUTY TO SICK MEMBERS. 560. Any member failing to attend a sick or disabled member, when notified by the Master Workman to do so, shall be fined a' sum not less than one dollar. — Suh. L. Const, Art. X, Sec. Vi. Note.—ThQ above provision, although only applicable to Sub- ordinate Lodges under the immediate jurisdiction of ihe Supreme Lodge, has been substantially incorporated in the Subordinate Lodge Constitutions in all the jurisdictions. FINE OF OFFICERS FOR NGN-ATTEND a:NCE. 561. Nate. — There is no constitutional provision or general law on this subject. The By-Laws of Subordinate Lodges usuallv provide for imposing a fine upon officers for failure to attend a stated meeting of the Lodge — and their right to adopt such By Laws seems to be generally admitted. FINE FOR NON-ATTENDANCE. 562. A B3^-Law to compel the attendance of all the members of a Subordinate Lodge, under a pecuniary penalty, would be incon- sistent with the principles of the Order. CHAPTER XIX. EEGALIA, EMBLEMS, RITUALS, PASS- WORDS, SIGNS, ETC. EMBLEM OF THE ORDER. 563. The combination of the Anchor, Shield and Sun's Rays is adopted as the Emblem of the Order. No other is to be used upon regalia, or upon printed matter (excepting seals) and it is to be recognized as the badge of the Order, but without prejudice to the right to use the emblems on the regalia now in use Pro Sup. L., 1th An. Sess., pp. 127, 128. BADGE OF THE ORDER. 564. The badge to ])e worn by officers and members of the vari- ous branches of the Order shall be of the size and design herein described : A circular medal of the diameter of two inches, with the em- blem of the Order, (sun's rays, anchor and shield v\iih A. O. U. W. thereon,) suspended from a cross-bar \% inches in Jenffth] which is to be connected with a pin-bar 2^ inches long and % inch in width, by a ribbon 2>^ inches long and 1% inches in width. The pin-bar to have the letters C. H. P. displayed thereon. For Subordinate Lodges.— Bxdge as above described, metal white, ribbon scarlet; except P. M. W., which shall be of yel- 106 low metal and blue ribbon. The officers' badges to be distin- guished from members' by the approprinte jewc <•! office sus- pended from the pin-bar, "in size so as not to touch tlie medal. For Grand Lodges.— V>?i^g^ as above ilescribed, metal yellow, ribbon blue; except P. G. M. W., the ribbon for which shall be purple. For Supreme io^f^d.— Badge same as above, metal yellow, rib- bon purple. Jewels of Grand and Supreme Lodge officers to be sufipended in like manner as those of Subordinate L(idges.— Pro. Swp. L.,lth An. Sess.,p. 154. officers' jewels. 565. For the Supreme Master Workm.m. square and compass, enclosing the letter ''W;" Supreme Foreman, plumb-b-b and level; Supreme Overseer, axe and trowel; Supreme Reorder, crossed pens; Supreme Receiver, crossed keys; Supreme Guide, crossed wands; Supreme Watchman, crossed swords; Past Su- preme Master Workman, open Bible.— P/'o. 2d An. Sess. 6. L., p. 46. 566. Note.—ThQ jewels for officers of Grand and Subordinate Lodges are the same as for officers of the Supreme Lodge. SUBORDINATE LODGE REGALIA. 567. The regalia for Subordinate Lodges shall consist only of suitable badges for officers and members, to be worn upon the left breast, and all other insignia is abolished; but this is without prejudice to the use of the regalia now owned and used. — Pro. 8. Z., 1th An. Sess., pp. 137, 128. 568. All Subordinate Lodges must procure and use the regalia prescribed by the Supreme Lodge, (except as provided in above section.)— Pr Committee, Petition,report... .favorable. ( ) [Form No. 2.] MEDICAL EXAMINER'S REPORT. On Application of , for Membership in Lodge No. . . , A. O. U. W. Located at , State of .madethis of ,18... 1. Name of Applicant in Full. 2. Residence: Post-office, County and State. 3. A. Occupation, b. Age. 4. Date of Birth. 138 5. Married or single. 6. State the approximate weight, height, figure, general ap- pearance, and measurement of chest on forced expiration and forced inspiration. 7. Is the party at this time in his ordinary state of health ? 8. Has the party ever lieen abroad, or in any other State for the benefit of his health ? It so, when, where, and for what period ? 9. A. State the number of respirations per minute in a re- cumbent and standing position. B. Is the respiratory murmur clear and distinct over both lungs? C. If not, state in medical terms the quality of the respira- tion in each of the above-named positions. 10. A. Is the character of the heart's action free, uniform, and steady ? B. Are its sounds and rythm regular and normal? c. Are there any indications of disease of this organ or of the blood vessels ? D. If so, state the full extent and location of the disease. 11. A. Rate of pulse while sitting. B. Rate of pulse while standing. c. Does it intermit, or become irregular or unsteady? D. If so, is it due to organic or functional disturbance? 12. Is the person subject lo cough, expectoration, or difficulty of breathing? 13. Is there anything in his speech, looks, gait, or manner of conducting himself, that would lead you to suspect that tlie party had" had any disease, organic or functional, of the brain, or of any other portion of his nervous system, or any predisposition thereto ? 14. Are the functions of the abdominal and urinary organs in a healthy condition ? Note —In all cases if he has at any previous time suffered from symptoms referable to the kidneys the urine should be submitted to the ordinary tests for albumen by heat and nitric acid, and the report here given. 15. Have his parents, brothers or sisters, been afllicted with con- sumption, scrofula, insanity, cancer or rheumatism? 16. A. Are the parents of the party living? B. If so, how old are they? c. What is the state of their health ? D. If not living, at what ages, and of what diseases did they die? 17. A. Have you ever used intoxicating liquors? B. If so, state whether daily or occasionally, and explicitly TO what extent. 139 C. Are you now in the daily habit of using intoxicating liquors? D. If so, how many times daily ? E. Have you ever been intoxicated ? F. If so, when last? G. Do you use morphine or opium in any form ? H. Do you use tobacco ? 18. Have you ever been predisposed to, or had, any of the fol- lowing diseases or intirmities ? Apoplexy, Dyspepsia, Pains in back, frequent Asthma. Erysipelas, or severe, Bronchitis, or habitual Eruptions or diseases of Pleurisy, cough, the skin, Paralysis, Cancer, or any tumor. Fistula, Piles, Consumption, Fits or Convulsions, Rheumatism, Colic, Frequent desire to urin- Rupture, Constipation of bowels, ate. Small-pox, Diseases of the brain, General debility. Spinal complaints, Diseases of the heart. Gout, Spitting or raising blood. Diseases of the liver. Gravel, or other hemorrhage, Diseases of bladder, Headaches, frequent or Swelling of the feet, Diseases of kidneys, severe, hands or eye-lids. Dizziness, Insanity, Stricture of the uretha. Discharges from ear. Jaundice, Syphilis, Dropsy, Lumps or swelling in any Scrofula, Diarrhoea, part of the body, Varicose veins, ^ Delirium tremens, Open sores. Fevers of any kind. Dysentery, Pneumonia, A. Rupture. B. What from ? c. Do you wear a truss, and does it retain the rupture per- fectly ? D. Has it ever become stangulated ? 19. Have you ever met with any accident or personal injury, or undergone any surgical operation ? 20. Has any physician given an unfavorable opinion upon your life with reference to life insurance, or otherwise ? If so, state particulars. 21. Name the residence of the party's usual medical attendant, or the medical attendant of his family, to be referred to for information as to his health. 22. Name and residence of intimate friend to be referred to for similar information. 23. Do you consider the applicant's life to be safely insurable, and do you recommend that a certificate be granted ? 24. Are the above answers made from personal examination, and from questions propounded to the applicant ? Having carefully examined Mr in accordance with the^above blank form, and having thoroughly considered the statements made therein, I hereby certify, that in my judgment as a physician, he is of sound bodily health, and that there exists 140 no indication of disease, either from parentaofe or personal habits, that should debar him from participating in the Beneficiary Fund of the Order. I therefore recommend him as physically qualified for membership in the Order. , Medical Examiner. For Lodge No Graduated from College in the year 18. . , and now a member of County Medical Society. We, the undersigned, a duly appointed committee on the appli- cation of an applicant for membership in this Lodge, have carefully examined the above report of our Medical Exam- iner, and fully endorse his recommendation. Committee. TO THE MEDICAL EXAMINER. It is evident, upon the least reflection, that in order to give suc- cess to this Order, to secure to the members the prospective ad- vantages of their relations to the Order, and to inspire and de- serve the confidence of the community, none but lives selected with tJie greatest care and deW)eration, should be admitted to membership. No Lodge having a due regard for its interests and reputation, as a part of the organization, desires questionable risks, and no Medical Examiner is doing the Order a service in accepting risks which are at all doubtful; he may be adding by such means to the number of membership, but he is weakening the force of the institution for good by increasing the assessments to an amount greater than ordinary risks would warrant. Upon the judgment and discrimination of the Medical Exam- iner in selecting good risks, much depends. The Committee of Investigation may make full and sufficient inquiry as regards moral standing, temperate habits, etc., but if the Medical Exam- iner, upon whose judgment and integrity the Lodge relies, is care- less in his examination, and but slightly impressed with the grave importance of his duties in guarding the Order against the accept- ance of hazardous risks, all the efforts of the officers and mem- bers of the Order are rendered nugatory. The Medical Examiner should feel the great responsibility of his position, knowing that in his capacity as inpector of all the material out of which our fabric is being composed, he can readily leave the impress, either of his conscientious care or his careless- ness, upon the structure; each first-class risk he accepts building up and strengthening it, while each hazardous one weakens and tends to destroy. APPROVED INSTRUCTIONS TO MEDICAL EXAMINERS. Causes of Rejection : First— ^here the family history is such that from it alone the applicant is considered to be predisposed to the disease of which 141 his parents died, as for instance, where the death of both parents was the result of consumption or other hereditary disease. Second — Where one parent and a number of brothers or sisters, or other relatives, have so died, conjoined with personal predis- position to the disease. Third— WhQXQ the applicant has been affected with apoplexy, epilepsy, hereditary insanity, symptoms of softening of the brain, gout, irreducible hernia, disease of the spine, important tumors, calculus, secondary syphilis, permanent stricture, and amputations at the shoulder joint, or above the knee, after the age of forty. Fourth— WhQYQ the applicant has been affected with and not fully recovered from paralysis, loss of sensation and voluntary motion, fistula, rheumatism, disease of the kidneys, bladder, etc. Fifth — Where there is permanent intermittance and irregularity of the heart's action, abnormal sounds in this organ, symptoms of hypertrophy of heart, aneurism and ossification of the blood ves- sels, habitual cough, difficulty of breathing, or asthma, connected with organic lesions. Sixth— U the pulse be persistently over ninety, after repeated trials without excitement, and the respiration be not in ratio with the pulse of one to four or five. S6ve?ith— of the digestive organs materially affecting the health or weight of the person, psoas lumbar or spmal abcess, hip-joint disease, unless a long period of cure has elapsed. The existence of an open ulcer, scrofula, and frequent attacks of ery- sipelas. Eighth — Cancer or other malignant disease, and where after any illness, its effects are perceptible in loss of vigor in the constitu- tion, thereby predisposing to renewed attacks of the same malady. Ninth— In different occupations the mortality successively rises in the classes of shoemakers, miners, bakers and butchers, to meet its maximum in the tavern-keepers or bar-tenders, in whom it is about two-thirds greater than in the laborer. We need say noth- ing to increase the significance of these facts, or to add to the care Wiih which in examining a member of the liquur dealing class, you are bniad to inquire into his immunity from that iuteraper- auce to which his calling so peculiarly tempts him, and to which this very great additional risk is, no doubt, chiefly due, and. there- fore, it should be deemed sufficient cause for rejection unless im- munity is proven. [Form No. 3.] ANCIENT ORDER OF UNITED WORKMEN. BENEFICIARY DEPARTMENT. Application for a Beneficiary Certificate. To Lodge, A. O. U. W. : I , having made application for the M. W. Degree, in Lodge No , Ancient Order of 142 United Workmen, State of do hereby agree, that compliance on my part with all the laws, regulations and require- ments which are, or may be hereafter enacted by said O'der, is ihe express condition upon which I am to be entitled to participate in the Beneficiary Fund, and have and enjoy all the other benefits and privileges of said Order. I certify that the answers made by me to the questions pro- pounded by the Medical Examiner of this Lodge, which are at- tached to this application and form a part thereof, are true. I further agree that the Certificate to be issued hert^on, shall have no binding force whatever until I shUl take the M. W. De- gree of said Order, and until countersigned by the Master Work- man and Recorder of said Lodge, No I hereby authorize and direct that the amount to which I may be entitled of said Beneficiary Fund, shall, at my death, be paid to Date, , 18 . . . , Applicant. [sEAiu] Attest : • Recorder of Lodge, No. . ., A. O.U.W. Located at State of NoTK.— Insert full name, residence and relationship, if any. Give name of each party in full, in ail cases, plainly written, so as no mistakes may occur. [Form No. 4.] [Beneficiary Certificate.] SUPREME LODGE, ANCIENT ORDER OF UNITED WORKMEN. No $.... This Certificate, issued by the authority of the Supreme Lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, witnesseth: That Brother , a Master Workman degree member of Lodge No , of said Order, located at , ia , is entitled to all the rights and privileges of mem- bership in the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and to par- ticipate in the Beneficiary Fund of the Order, to the amount of two thousand dollars, which sum shall, at his death, be paid to This Certificate is issued upon the expresss condition that said shall, in every particular, while a mem- ber of said Order, comply with all the laws, rules and require- ments thereof. In witness whereof, the said Supreme Lodge A. 0. U. W. has caused this to be signed by its Supreme Master [seal.] Workman and Recorder, and the seal thereof to be at- tached this day of , one thousand eight hundred and Attest: , Supreme Master Workman. , Supreme Recorder. 143 We, the undersigned Master Workman and Recorder of Lodge No. . . . ., do hereby counter- [sEAL.] sign this Certificate and attach the seal of this Lodge hereto, rendering the same valid and in full force, this day of ,18.. . Attest: , Master Workman. , Recorder. [Form No. 5.] DEATH REPORT.— A. O. U. W. ,18.. Lodge No To , Recorder of the Lodge of A. O. U. W. Dear Sir and Brother: We, the undersigned, officers of Lodge, No , A. O. U. W., of do hereby certify to the death of our Brother , who was aged . . years, on the day of , 18 . . . Said date being the last anniversary of his birth prior to his death. He died on the day of , 18 . . . His death was caused by He joined this Lodge by on the day of ,18... The first Beneficiary assessment paid by him was on the death notice of Brother , assessment No ; the lust assessment paid was on the death of Brother , assessment No Brother was a M. W. Member in good standing in our Lodge, and was not suspended from the Order for dues, and has paid all assessments for " Beneficiary Fund" charged against him up to the date of his death. Having examined carefully the financial books and records of this Lodge, and under our obligations as Master Workmen, we hereby report Brother entitled to partici- pate in the " Beneficiary Fund " under our laws. His Beneficiary Certificate is No , and is payable to Name and residence of wife, (if payable to her) Names and ages of each child, (if payable to children) and residence of each. Name and residence of payee, (if not payable to wife or children), YoursinC, H. &P., , Master Workman, [seal.] , Financier. Recorder. 144 ANCIENT ORDER OF UNITED WORKMEN. MEDICAL PROOF OP LOSS, AND CAUSE OF DEATH. The undersigned was the attending physician in the last sick- ness of T of , in the State of , who died at , in the State of , on the day of ,18.., How long have you known deceased ? Were you his attending physician prior to his last illness ? How long was the deceased sick ? Of what disease did he die ? Have you stated all the material facts relating to the sickness and death of deceased ? If not, do so. ,M. D. Personally appeared before me, the above-named and made oath that the foregoing statements and answers by him made, are true, to the best of his knowledge and belief. Sworn and subscribed, this day of , 18. ., at undertaker's certificate. I, , do hereby certify that I am an Under- taker, residing at , and as such Undertaker I attended the funeral of , and that he was interred in on the day of 18. . Sworn and subscribed before me, this day of , 18. . The acknowledgments should be taken before a Notary Public or a Clerk of a "Court of Record," or before a Justice of the Peace. The official character of the Justice of the Peace, being certified to by the Clerk of the Court of Record. [Form No. 6.] CHANGE OF DIRECTION OF BENEFICIARY CERTIFI- CATE. I, , to whom the within Certificate was issued, do hereby revoke my former direction as to the payment of the Beneficiary Fund due at my death, and now authorize and direct such piyment to be made to , bearing relation- ship to myself of Witness my hand and seal this day of , 18. . [seal.] [seal.] Attest: Recorder. 145 ^ bO 00 P5 Q I— t fa W W H O 1^ n3.2 '^ _ OQ CO > « o ■s ® fa ^^ 03 o 6 O ^ 03 Sz; C •■^ d •^ z> o >,fci3 fa >H 03 •- ' — ' r^ •r; d ^.^^' c o a 52 tH C3 += o fco J:; (X) fl a, :S ^3 ^- s8 o c *" t: . O OS g C3 CO o 1^ ;rT3, o o fl No of M.W. in Good Standing at this Date. 6^ S-o o •jBaA •^^a i[;uoK Date of Renewal of B. Cert, by Re-instatenient. •.ivdx •Ava •ii;aoi\[ l.SS'B JO -ONJ Date of Annulling B. Cert by Expulsion. •a^8A •^^a •iliuoit 5,SS-B JO -O^ "3 •JT38^\ •.c^a •qmoitt q^ssu JO -0^ CM O +3 a; c3 a •^ 3 MTJtJJt ■Ava •muoi\[ l^SSB JO -OK No. of Certificate. o.S t< (( U (t (( U C( i(. u t( it H <( C( (< It Ct (( t( (c a (( (( (( u U (( u •( i( (C (( such Certificates as have been with- drawn for the purpose of joining another Lodge.] Names of members whose Beneficiary Certificates were rein- stated during the term and date of same. Names of members whose Beneticiary Certificates were rein- stated during the term and date of same. Names of Candidates rejected and dates. Names of Deceased Members, and date of same, during term. Names of Candidates initiated. Admitted by Card, date of admission and from what Lodge. Withdrawn by Card, date of withdrawal and to what Lodge. Withdrawal on final Card and date. Names of P. M. W. in good standing. [There must be two copies of this Report properly made out and signed; one copy of which is to be filed in the Lodge, and one forwarded to the Supreme Recorder at once.] Having carefully examined the within semi-annual report, we do hereby certify that it is correct. Enclosed please find $ per capita tax due (25c. semi-an- nually for each member) on members as shown by the enclosed report. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and the seal of the Lodge this day of , 18. . Master Workman. Recorder. Note. — In the Subordinate Lodges under the immediate juris- diction of the Supreme Lodse. the retiring Past Master Work- man is authorized to install the officers elect, and the Lodge for- wards the per capita tax direct to the Supreme Recorder, accom- panied by this report. 149 O O m t— I o r— I o o H o 1—1 o I— ( o o o a ® S a °5 faC a:i o 1^ •p,U9H sns o O •P;U9H •sns 02 •p.nan •sns be < ■p.u^a •sns •puen •sns 3 •-5 •pjian •sns ^ S •p.uaa •sns '2 P. < •p.uaa •sns •p.uaa •sns ■p.naH •sns >> •p^uaa •sns 150 [ Form No. 10.] 'ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Assessment No. . . Lodge, No. A, O. U. W. 18 Bro You are hereby notified of the death of Bro of Lodge No , of , who died day of ,18... aged years; cause of death, Also of Bro of Lodge No , of , who died the day of ,18.., aged years; cause of death, The abcwe were Master Workmen in good standing and entitled to all the benefits of ihe Order. The above assessments must be paid on or before the 28th of this month, otherwise you stand suspended from all benefits of the Beneficiary Fund of the Order. Received Payment. Financier. [Form No. 11.] FINANCIERS' ASSESSMENT BOOK. Names of Members. No. Remitted $ 18 Name. Lodge No. Died. 18 No. Remitted $ 18 Name. Lodge No. Died. 18 $ Back Assmts. $ Back Assmts. Amounts brought forward, 1 151 [ Form No. 13.] ANCIENT ORDER UNITED WORKMEN. CLEARANCE CARD. [Seal of Supreme Lodge.] Tbis is lo Certify, That Brother is a Master "Workman Degree iMember in good standing of Lodge, No , A. O. U W., located at , County of , and State of Being desirous of withdrawing from this Lodge, for the purpose of joining another, he has paid all liabilities against him to the Gen- eral Fund of the Lodge up to day of 18. . . He is entitled to all the benefits of the Order and subject to all the requirements thereof. Beneficiary Assessments against him to be paid to this Lodge until he shall be admitted to membership in another Lodge. In testimony whereof, tlie Master Workman and Recorder of said [Seal of Subordinate Lodge.] Lodge inscribed their names here- to and affix the seal thereof, this day of , 18. . Master Workman. . , Recorder. NoTK.— The Investigating Committee, before reporting on the admission of the Brother to the Membership on deposit of this Card, must correspond with the Lodge granting the same, and receive notice that all assessments against the Brother have been paid. [Form No. 13] FINAL CARD. [Seal of Supreme Lodge.] Lodge No , A. O. U. W., of State of Be it Known to All Whom it May Concern, That our well-be- loved Brother , of Lodge No of the A. O U. W. of the State of , being desirous of receiving a Final Card, and severing his connection with the Order, having honorably paid up all demands against him in dues to this Lodge and the Beneficiary Fund, the same is hereby granted and he hereby relinquishes all his rights and privileges to the same. Given under our hands and the Seal of this Lodge, this [Seal of Subordinate Lodge.] day of , 18. . ^ , M. W. , Recorder. Name of Brother receiving Card. 152 d o bo C o o M i — 1 6 <^ • !z; ^ 3 ^!> 8 t-H o O c w -I '53 « o CC3 S M °5^ O CC 03 . 3 id Q o ^ fc. O d c CO «t-i c c o P2 o C2 : ^ s S CO § ii be „,. * 301' 302 fay assessment arrearages received into the Beneficiary Fund, and notity the Lodge 443 Duties of, may be varied by Grand Lodges, except a"s' to beneficiary laws, etc _ ^ 440 FINES. For neglect of duty to sick member 560 Officers for non-attendance ...'.1'". '"!. 561 Cannot be imposed upon members for noa-attendsince "...... "'.\. 562 FOREMAN. Duties of ... 418 431 Is a member of Relief Committee 420 Becomes Master Workman, when ll[ll[imilVi[\[[ 419 FORMS. No. 1. •' 2. Application for membership Appendix, page 137 Medical Examiner's report " •' 137 "■ 3. Application for beneficiary certificate " " 4. Beneficiary certificate " " 5 Death report _. .'.".'.'.[.. " •' 6. Change of direction as to payment of ben'- eficiary certificate " *' 7. Beneficiary monthly report from "Subordi- nate Lodge '• •' 8. Semi-annual report ""l'']][.[[l " " 9. Beneficiary certificate register book..!!--" " •' 10. Assessment notice " " 11. Financier's assessment book !!!! " *' 12. Clearance card " " 13. Final card !!.!!!!!! " " 14. Receiver's cash book ' " " "15. Roll book !!!!!!!-'!!!.'!! •' 16. Finanier's A. O. U. W. return !!!!!!!! " " 17. Financier's receipt to members " " 18. Receiver's receipt to Financier •' " 19. Subordinate Lodge warrant " "20. Bond of Officers !"!.! " 21. Receipt for death benefit cancelling benefi- ciary certificate '• "22. Forms of trials !!! '• (A.) Charge (B.) Notices of charges ! !!!!!!!! (C ) Notice of time of investigation !.! (D.) Committee's report !!!!! (E.) Notice of judgment !! (F.) Notice of appeal .'," (G.) Appeal -.. !!! (H.) Answer to appeal ( I.) Certificate to transcript FUNDS. Beneficiary, to be kept separate -. - 267, 269 Of Subordinate Lodge only to be paid out upon orders drawn upon the Receiver 366 Officers to deposit in their official capacity ! 407 Unlawful use of funds, penalty for 639 141 142 143 144 145 146 149 150 150 151 151 152 152 153 154 154 154 154 155 155 172 FUNERALS. Attendance of members at 673 Regalia to be used at 576, 577 GENERAL LAWS. May be adopted by the Supreme Lodge 2 Can only be altered by a vote of two thirds of the members enrolled, 107 GRAND FOREMAN. Duties of 142 GRAND GUIDE. Duties of 148 GRAND LODGES. Are established by authority of the Supreme Lodge 108 Are formed upon the petition of ten or more Subordinate Lodges in a State, District or Territory Ill Cannot be instituted until all arrearages due the Supreme Lodge are paid 110 Are composed of Past Master Workmen in good standing 108 Have full control and authority over their Subordinate Lodges, sub- ject to appeal to the Supreme Lodge '. 121 Must adopt uniform constitution for Subordinate Lodges, consist- ent with general laws, etc 121 Must enforce the laws and regulations of the Order in their juris- dictions 123 May issue beneficiary certificates, and collect and disburse Benefi- ciary Fund in accordance with rules of Supreme Lodge 125 May adopt constitutions and by-laws, subject to approval 126, 127 May provide for a twelve months' term in Subordinate Lodges 124 Cannot set aside their constitutions -. 128 May transact legislative business on a representative basis 156 Suspension of, for failure to pay per capita tax or make returns, 163, 164 Forfeiture of Charter 166 Must comply with the requirements of the Supreme Lodge as to ritualistic work 168 Blue, the distinguishing color of 169 Meetings, time of 170 May reduce or abolish fee for beneficiary certificate .- . 194,199 Maj' provide for but one ballot upon application for the three de- grees 513 GRAND LODGE OFFICERS. Enumeration of 113 To be elected at annual meeting 113 Extension of term unlawful 116 To hold their offices until their successors are elected and qualified, 114 Eligibility... 117, 118 Installation of . - 119, 120 Vacation of office by failure to file bond within specified time 153 (See separate titles, Orand Master Workmayi, etc.) GRAND LODGES, AS SEP.IRATE JURISDICTIONS. When and how set apart 174, 175 Conditions to be complied with .. 174 To manage beneficiary fund as prescribed by the Supreme Lodge.. 176 Responsibility cf, for assessments on deaths previous to separation, 177 Not entitled to any surplus moneys in beneficiary fund of Supreme Lodge. 178 May provide for increase of beneficiary fund 182, 183 Shall revert to jurisdiction of Supreme Lodge if membership be- comes less than 2,000 185 May provide for sinking or relief fund 184 GRAND MASTER WORKMAN. Duties of - 140 Office of, does not become vacant 141 GRAND OVERSEER. Duties of - 143 173 GRAND RECORDER. General duties of 144 To make monthly and yearly reports to Supreme Recorder 145 Duties of, in connection with lists of expelled members 146 In Grand Lodges under immediate jurisdiction of the Su- preme Lodge 171 In Grand Lodges set apart as separate jurisdictions, 179, 180, 181 To report beneficiary fund to Supreme Recorder 181 "Who has served two years consecutively may be entitled to honors of P. G. M. W 134 GRAND RECEIVER. Duties of, in general 147 In Grand Lodges set apart as separate beneficiary juris- dictions 179 GRAND TRUSTEES. Three to be elected at institution of Grand Lodge 115 One to be elected each year, after Grand Lodge is established 115 Term of office, of 115 Duties of 149 GRAND WATCHMAN. Duties of 148 INCORPORATION OF SUPREME LODGE. Act of Legislature of Kentucky Appendix, page 160 Acceptance by Supreme Lodge " " 133 INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. When to take place 393, 394 Not to be public 398 To be at stated meeting 399, 400 In Subordinate Lodges under immediate jurisdiction 397 INSTALLING OFFICER. Duties of .- 395, 396 Who may be 396, 397, 399 "INSURANCE." Term not to be used on official papers.. 676 INVITATIONS, To receptions, excursions, etc., not to be accepted by Supreme Lodge, except by a two-thirds vote 92^ IRREGULAR ADMISSION TO THE ORDER. Status of member obtaining 662 JEWELS OF OFFICE. Description of... 565 JUNIOR WORKMEN. Duty of, to sick or disabled members 506 Amenable to laws as other members 507 Rights of, in Lodge 508 To attention and aid 509 Liability for dues - ...556 'Per capita tax for, not required 162 LIQUORS. Intoxicating, prohibited at banquets, etc 678 MASTER WORKMAN, To preside at Lodge meetings, preserve order and enforce the laws, 412 To decide questions of order.. 412 To act as judge of elections - 412 To appoint all committees, unless otherwise ordered by the Lodge, 412 To sign orders for moneys - 412 Not entitled to vote, except in election of officers and balloting for candidates 412 To have casting vote in case of tie - 412 To open and close the Lodge in due form 412 174 To appoint business and Auditing Committees 412 To hold bonds of subordinate officers 412 Is chairman of Relief Committee 459 Duty to take care of Rituals... 414 Office of , does not become vacant 419 Eligibility to office of 408, 4'ld, 411 Is justified in refusing to entertain a question he believes contrary to constitution 657 Is not entitled to rank of P. M. W. if he resigns before the end of the term... 540 Re-election of, does not interfere with right to rank of P. M. W 541 MEDICAL EXAMINERS. Must be regular physicians 467, 474 Lodge may elect more than one examiner, who must be members, if practicable 473 Examinations made by regular physicians not members of the Or- der may be accepted: when 471 Should report applicants whom they find physically disqualified 472 MEDICAL EXA3IINER'S REPORT. Form of Appendix, page 137 Must accompany application 467 Concluding certificate of, must be read in Lodge 470 Whole to be read, when called for 470 To be forwarded to Supreme or Grand Recorder 195 When unfavorable, constitutes a rejection of the applicant 472 MINUTES OF SUBORDINATE LODGE. Can only be approved at stated meetings 661 Record of suspension of beneficiary certificates to be entered upon, 210 Record of amount of beneficiary fund forwarded to be entered upon 273 Record of Application, etc. , to be entered upon 482 MONEY. ( See Funds. ) NEW LODGES. Petitition for Charter for 598 No one can become Charter member of, except signers of applica- tion...,. 599 Extension of Charter privileges to 600 Joining by card 601, 602 Duty of Recorder of, to notify Lodges from which cards were is- sued ..629, 630 Duty of instituting officer with regard to — assessments of member joining by card. 602 Expelled or suspended members cannot become Charter members of, 604 Applicants for, must undergo medical examination 605 Applications and certificates to be forwarded by instituting officer, 606 Issue of beneficiary certificates to members of 202 Balloting by petitioners for 607 Instruction in degrees in 608 Election of officers in 609 Term of officers in... 610 Trustees of _ 611 Fee for degrees in 612, 613 For deposit of card in 614 For Charier of 615 Supplies to -.- 616 Not to be instituted but by regularly authorized instituting officer.. 617 (See Deputy Supreme Master Workman — instructions to.) OBJECTS OF THE ORDER. Enumeration of -. 658 ODES. Must be used as printed in ritual 596 Printing of, by Lodges, not prohibited 372 175 OFFCERS. (See Supreme Lodge Officers, Grand Lodge Officers, Subordinate Lodge Officers : also separate titles of Officers.) ORDER OF BUSINESS. Master Workman can revert to an order of business without a motion, 660 OVERSEER. Duties of- - 422 Is a member of Relief Committee , ...'.'../. 459 Does not preside in absence of Master Workman and Foreman^un- less Grand Lodges so provide 434 PASS-WORDS. Semi-annual, when promulgated 589 All brothers who are not suspended, entitled to ..590, 591 Cannot be given to member of another Lodge on ver- bal Order 592 Must be communicated to Subordinate Lodges by Dis- trict Deputy in person 593 Degree word must be taken up by Guide, when 588 Right of visiting member without lower degree 584 Visitor must possess semi-annual and third degree 586 Master Workman proper officer to instruct members in 585 Cannot instruct visiting brother except on writ- ten authority 587,592 How taken up at opening of Lodge '. 588 PAST GRAND MASTER WORKMAN (ACTING). OfiBce of , how filled 131 Vacancy, how filled 131 Duties of 150 PAST GRAND MASTER WORKMEN. Cannot be elected except at organization of new Grand Lodge . 129 When a Grand Lodge has not a sufficient number for Representatives, the Supreme Lodge will confer the rank upon Past Master Work- men elected as Representatives 130 Rule in regard to attaining honors of 133 Grand Recorders who have served two years, may be created 134 To be created only by service, or as otherwise provided for by the Supreme Lodge 135 PAST MASTER WORKMAN (SITTING). Duties of 529, 530 Absence of, or vacancy in office _. 531 Station of. may be filled pro tern 531 Vacancy in office, how filled in Lodges having no Past Master Work- man ..^ 5.32 Does no hold over when Master Workman is re-elected 533 Lodge must fill the position when Master Workman is re-elected ... 533 PAST MASTER W^ORKMAN. How title is acquired 5.35 Representative elected to form new Grand I^odge, becomes 534 Elected at institution of new Lodge.. 536 Rank acquired by passing the Master Workman's chair. .536, 537 A Master Workman who resigns before the expiration of term, not entitled to the honors 540 A Master Workmen re-elected becomes a Past Master Workman at the close of his first term 541 Rank, when duly attained, not lost by resignation of office 538 Who Grand Lodges must confer degree upon 542 May be admitted to Supreme Lodge as visitor 78 Is eligible to appointment on Grand Lodge Committee, whether a Representative or not 117, 118 Is eligible to office in Grand Lodge, although not a Representative.. 117 Rank not attained by service without servings the majority of the meeting of term or remainder of terra 542 Officer filling chair at end of term, to become 384 176 PAST SUPREME MASTER WORKMAN (ACTING). Shall perform such appropriate duties as are required of him .. .. 51 Shall succeed to duties of Supreme Master Workman, when 52 Is entitled to a vote 53 Vacancy in office of " '..""^mil'lll 53 PAST SUPREME MASTER WORKMAN. Take precedence according to date of attaining honors 31 Entitled to all rights of membership in Supreme Lodge, except the right to vote 71 PAST SUPREME OFFICERS. Oldest to preside in Supreme Lodge, when 72 PER CAPITA TAX. Grand Lodges to pay five cents for each member under their juris- diction on the 1st of January 160 Grand Lodges instituted after January 1st not to pay...".""..*.."" 161 Not to be paid on Junior or Senior Workman Degree members 162 From Subordinate Lodges under immediate jurisdiction of Supreme Lodge 161, 352, 397 Grand Lodges control subject of, within their jurisdictions 353 PRINTING AND SUPPLIES. Charters, rituals and cards to be furnished only by the Supreme Lodge 2 Supreme Recorder to receive proposals for 103 Finance Committee to award contracts for '. 58 Printing of secret work or withdrawal, clearance or traveling cards by a Lodge, a cause for suspension 372 Ode cards not included in prohibited work 372 PROCESSIONS. Not to take place without special permission 669 PUBLICATIONS. Reflecting upon Lodges or members 670 RECORDER. To send names of expelled members, with monthly returns 146 Keep alphabetical recoi d of all persons expelled from the Order, 146 Make monthly report of beneficiary certificates 222 Keep minutes of Lodge proceedings 426 Attest all orders 426 Make out semi-annual report 426 Make out monthly report 426, 433 Conduct the correspondence of the Lodge 426 Have charge of seal and records 426 Notify applicants when elected.. 426 Give notice of transfers of membership into or out of the Lodge, 426 Make record of suspension of certificate 210 Make entry in the minutes of renewal of beneficiary certificates, 215, 216 . Make record of forwarding of Beneficiary Fund 428 Note in register book the renewal of beneficiary certificates, with date _ 429 Enter Financier's report upon minutes 271 Give notice of reinstatements 315.431 Death of member 227 Send all notices and reports not otherwise provided for 432 Forward Medical Examiner's Certificate and notice on reinstate- ment of suspended member .- 320 Forward application for beneficiary certificate, etc 195 RECEIVER. To keep a separate and distinct account of the Beneficiary Fund... 269 Duty of, when two or more assessments are made at the same time, 275 276 Duty to forward Beneficiary Fund immediately, 212, 213, 273, 2&3, 284,' 285 To receive all moneys from Financier ., 434 177 To Pay all orders properly drawn on him 434 Keep correct account of moneys received and paid out 4^4 Keep Beneficiary Fund separate ------. - Zi: tol Forward Beneficiary Fund upon receipt of notice 4d4, 4dD Required to give bond ---:, 7^ To forward required fee with Beneficiary Fund . - - *5 ^ REGALIA. ^ ^ 7 Regulated by Supreme Lodge - ' Subordinate Lodges must procure and use --■ ^o° Description of Supreme Lodge •!',*' iL'i Grand Lodge..-. - ^';-^J,f Subordinate Lodge k^LkA Funeral ' fes Procession - ^ix Degree of Honor - ^'| Wearing of, in Lodge room - --- - ' In public procession ^"* Emblem of the Order - gg^ Badge of. the Order V.565, 566 Ofiflcers jewels ' REINSTATEMENT. o.,. o^a Of member holding final card ^-- Vo ' t^^ Of member suspended for non-payment of dues or assessments. .. . 615 Of member suspended under penal laws.-.. .- ---- ^^^ May take place after member is fifty j^ears of age ^l», ^ly Amount to be paid upon ---- j V^'"""i'^V^';;;i;i'^V ' ^-^n Arrearages of Assessments to be forwarded to Grand Recorder 3^0 Notice of, and medical certificate to be forwarded. .......-.----■- -- ^M Applicant for, must apply in same manner as applicant for initia- ^^^ Fee*^f° r^ to go Ynto Library Fund or Lodge Fund . - - - --.-.- - - - - 315 Final card, if issued or proof of its loss, must be produced upon ap- ^^^ OMbenS;iary'certificaVe must be produced or shown to be "lost.... 325 After penal suspension for a specified time ^^^ Of member of suspended Lodge - - . - - - - ,;-----%- " " %7,a To be made only in Lodge to which suspended member belonged 328 Of person holding final card may be made in any Subordmate Lodge ^^^ Canno^tU^'SSedVreconsM^ RENEWAL OF BENEFICIARY CERTIFICATE. Within three months from forfeiture ~ Not to take effect until record is made *|" Within six months from forfeiture.-..- — ------------ ' All assessments made during suspension to be paid up ^i* ^^^sfJsubordinate Lodges, Supreme Recorder, Grand Recorder, etc.) ^^"T''hfe^?7reT5iIV?f=™ ^^o'JSe Lodge when new Grand ^^^ Lodge is to be formed - -------. - ^^. Tn he Past Master Workmen in good standing - - - - Quota o^ may bf filled by election of Master Workmen degree mem- ^bers, When the Lodge has not three Past Master Workmen IW Election of, after Grand Lodge is formed REPRESENTATIVES OF SUPREME LODGE. ^3 Each Grand Lodge entitled to three „a Must be Past Grand Master Workmen . v -^----; Y--J-„-f-if-to par Shall not be enrolled as members, if their Grand Lodge tails to pay ^^ assessments or make returns - --/"■'"; 76 Vacancy in office of, may be filled by appointment ^|^ Sybfefefte^d'VomVoVew^^^^ A^XeS^^SS^i^l^eVfroii^whicht^ 178 RITUALS. Must not be taken from Lodge room 594 Officers may copy lectures from, how 59-4 RULES OF ORDER. Of Supreme Lodge 88 "Roberts' Rules of Order " the parliamentary manual for Supreme and Grand Lodges 65& (See Subordinate Lodge Rules of Order.) SEALS. Impress of Supreme and Grand Lodges to be used by Supreme and Grand Recorders 93 Electrotype, to be used by Supreme and Grand Master Workmen. .. 93 Chromatic, to be attached to Charters issued by Supreme Lodge... 94 Rules in regard to. 666 District Deputies may use printed, of Grand Lodge 666 SECRET JOURNAL. To contain a record of the secret work of the Order 87 To be in the possession of the Supreme Master Workman. 87 SECRET WORK. Under absolute control of the Supreme Lodge 8 Obligations must be used as given by Supreme Lodge 595 SEPARATE JURISDICTIONS. (See Grand Lodges as Separate Beneficiary Jurisdictions.) SICK BENEFITS. Subordinate Lodges may or may not provide for 543, 544 General provisions relating to 545 SICK AND DISABLED MEMBERS. Duty of Relief Committee concerning 459 Members to attend to 547, 548 SIGNS. Master Workman the proper officer to instruct members in 585 Cannot instruct visiting brother in, without writ- ten authority .- 587 Visiting brother must be in possession of 586 SPURIOUS LODGES. Penaltj' for countenancing 665 Member of, not to be received in regular Lodge 665 STATED MEETINGS OF SUBORDINATE LODGES. Under immediate jurisdiction of Supreme Lodge, held weekly 338 Grand Lodges may permit their Subordinates to meet once in two weeks, or semi-monthly 124 When meetings are not weekly, the term of officers must be twelve months 1^ SUBORDINATE LODGES. Form of style or title 329 Not to be named after living persons 3:30 How numbered 109 Cannot consist of less than ten members 332, 33.3, 334 Quorum for transaction of business 336, 337 Stated meetings of 338 May be postponed when falling on a legal holiday 340 Special meetings of 341, .342 May not hold meetings on Sunday 346 Semi-annual terms of 347 Cannot be independent of their Grand Lodges 348 Cannot become incorporated without permission of Grand Lodge.. 349 Power of. to control their own affairs 350 Disposal of funds and property 351 Per capita tax from 3.52, S3 Power to make bylaws 354, 355 Must adopt bj'-laws 356 179 Monthly reports from 357,358,360 bemi-annual reports from 359 350 Must transact all business, when openrin Master Workman degree,' 361 Right of visiting in " ' 3g2 Wearing of regalia in 363 Have no right to appear in public in regalia," without permission 364 sustaining of libraries in ' 357 Surrender of charter of """." 369 Suspension of, for various causes ^Ill^l""! "1 370 For contempt . ""lllll["[\"'. 371 For illegal printing.., W^\W.lll][\"" 372 Disposal of funds, etc '..'..'..'..'.. 373 Status of when Grand Lodge is suspended ."""1. 375 Reorganization of. when permissible ''.[..l"'"]l 378 Membership in two at same time unlawful ...V." '. 365 General fund of, how paid out _. .^..'"111""""/ 366 Library fund of y....l I'll' '..'.I" '.'.'. 367 Status of, informally organized l.'--""Il*im!I""! 617 Reinstatement of, after suspension *"""!!'".! 374 SUBORDINATE LODGE OFFICERS. Of whom consisting 379 To be elected semi-annually ""^"".'"ll.Iim"!' 379 If Lodge meets semi-monthly, term of, to be one year".''. """"*! 339 Grand Lodges may make term of, one year in all cases 134 To hold office until their successors are elected and installed .. .382 Honors to belong to brother filling vacancy till end of term 384 Nominations for 385,386,387 Election of, how conducted 388, 389, 390 A majority of all votes cast, necessary to elect '.."V. ' 389', 391 Installation of, when and by whom conducted 393^ 396 Not to be public .' 286 Must be at stated meeting H" 399 Power of Grand Lodges over subject 400 In Subordinate Lodges under immediate jurisdiction of Supreme Lodge 397 Relative rank of 401 Bondsof, to be approved before installation. ../.VAVf ///... ."."'402. 405 Must give new bonds when re-elected 406 To deposit and pay out money officially ." 407 May vacate office by absence from meetings .' ...453, 532 May be removed for inattention or misconduct 454 Are liable to suspension for non-payment of dues or assessments .. 456 Vacation of office, by absence _... 532 (See separate titles of efficers.) "" SUBORDINATE LODGE RULES OF ORDER-Chapter XXV, Page 128 [ The figures refer to the numbers of the Rules.] Adjournmeiit, motion for 52 Amendment, motion for "/.". ..I'..!"""..!...! 2^1 To amend an ...'. 25 Form of 26 By substitute l.lliVil.ll.l[[lViVll".l 27 Appeal from decision of Chair """ 8 Debate upon . 9 Blanks, how filled "III"!!"!.. 28 Committee, mover of resolution for, usually named first upon!!!!!! 43 Chairman of 42 Member not compelled to serve on more than two 44 Reception of report of 46 Discharged, without motion when report is received ... 47 Report of, may be amended, etc 45 Debate, order in 12-19 Limiting in advance 48 Decorum in the Lodge 10 Disorderly conduct 11 Divigion of the Lodge 30 Of the question 29 180 Indefinite postponement, effect of 41 Liie on the table, motion to ."""-'.'.".. '."IJ.JJJ""!"!. 35 Taking up subject after adoption of motion to".! . 36 Master Workman shall preserve order, etc. 3 Decide questions of order and law 3,4 When entitled to vote 5 Must call Foreman to the chair, if wishing to de- bate 6 Absence of 7 Can speak from chair on an appeal 9 3Iember not to be interrupted ! 14 Conduct of, in debate .'.'!1".'. II. .!!'.'".. 13 To take his seat, when called to order '.... 15 Not to speak twice, etc 16 To designate officer and member by proper rank 19 Not to reflect upon Lodge, etc 19 Motion, must be stated before debate 20 May be prefaced by explanation 21 Cannot be withdrawn, without consent, after being stated from the chair 22 Motions not subject to amendment, what 32 Not debatable, what 33 Precedence of 34 Order of business may be suspended 2 Postponement, to certain time 34 Indefinite 34 Effect of 41 Previous question, call for 37 If not sustained 38 Question of order to be decided without debate 4 Reading papers, etc 49-51 Reconsider, motion to 39 Reconsideration, effect of 41 Suspension of rules 53 Yeas and nays, call for 31 SUNDAY. Business meetings, excursions, etc., of Lodges, prohibited, on 664 SUPREME FOREMAN, To perform duties appropriate to his office 33 To succeed to ofiBce of Supreme Master Workman in case of va- cancy 32 To act with Supreme Master Workman and Supreme Overseer in approving official bonds 29 SUPREME GLIDE. To perform duties appropriate to his station 48 SUPREME LODGE. Name and style of 1 Jurisdiction and powers of 2 Has origi nal jurisdiction over all subjects pertaining to the welfare of the Order 2 Enactments and decisions of, are supreme law in the Order 2 Appellate jurisdiction of, 2 Power to issue Charters '. 2 Over Grand and .Subordinate Lodges 2 To regulate unwritten work 2 Provide and print charters, rituals, cards, etc 2 Make assessments for revenue 2 Promote honor and welfare of the Order 2 Shall issue beneficiary certificates, or cause them to be issued. 4 "SVhat laws of, are general 5 Power to extend the Order 6 Regulate regaha. emblems, etc. 7 Correct a Grand Lodge Constitution 9 Of whom composed 10 Annual meetings 11 181 Special meetings J* Quorum for business - - J^ Standing committees, appointment of o4, 5& Special committees, appointment of ^|^ Voting, ratio and manner of - ^' Visitors ix Rules of order °* Order of business - ^" Parliamentary manual ^^ Not to accept invitations, unless by a two-thirds vote y^ Distinguishing color of, purple qs qq Financial year to begin March 1st \m Mileage and per diem ---- ;"" Moneys, how paid out ^"^' }^* Revenue of - - z]it Constitution of, how amended - j^2 General laws, how amended by ai «- Decisions of.- k-^T^^^ Regahaof.... --- V'-jr-y'V ' qq Invitations not to be accepted by, without a two-thirds vote J^ SUPREME LODGE COMMITTEE ON APPEALS AND GRIEVANCES. Appointed at beginning of annual meeting, to serve during the meet- ^^ ing fi5 Dutiesof "° SUPREME LODGE COMMITTEE OR RETURNS. To be appointed at the beginning of each annual meeting o< To examine and report upon all returns and credentials - oy SUPREME LODGE FINAN^^E COMMITTEE. To be appointed at the close of each annual meeting oo To meet three days before time of annual meeting. - oo To submit reports on or before second day of annual meeting oo To examine all bills presented to the Supreme Lodge o» To make out roll of mileage and per diem ^ To award contracts for printing and supplies ^ To Samine^books and^accounts of Supr'emeRecorder and Supreme ^ To makl^annuarstatemenV of property and assets an*d" liabiUties. - . . 58 To attest monthly statements of Supreme ^^licorder-^. -------- i>J Order not to be made upon the Beneficiary Fund without their ap- ^^ AU bills to be' endors'e'd by a majority of, before payment 62 Chairman of, may select assistance, when "'^ SUPRET^IE LODGE COMMITTEE ON LAWS AND SUPERVISIO^. To be appointed at the close of each annual meeting o^ To meet three days before time of annual meeting. • ^" To submit reports on or before second day of meeting -------- - - - - , To report upon Constitutions. By-Laws, etc., of Grand Lodges, and of Subordinate Lodges under immediate junsdiction. ---.-- -^---- o' Reports of to be made to the Supreme Master -^ orkman during in- ^^ To examiiie"and "report upon'appeais and grievances during interim, 68 SUPREME LODGE OFFICERS. 14 Election and terms of - - 14 Election shall not take place until reports are made ^^ Eligibility - 19 Rank of ,. \. 32 If^not present' for in staYlationVSupreme may declare office ^ vacant 27 Bonds of, to contain specified clause --- 29 To be approved Ig Salaries of, to be fixed before election ^^q Mileage and per diem of .- 18 May act in capacity of Representatives 182 SUPREME MASTER WORE^IAX. 09 ?SSS^ar^e SiclZ'eTuncSoSI when Vhe Supreme Lodge-i^nJ^^ "^ To re'iS?ate'Sub8rdinate Lodges under' the" immediaVe juris'diction ^ of the Supreme Lodge ,- v,V^\: " •" " " V " ;;; 29 Power to suspend officers and fill their places - ^ To grant dispensations and charters ^ To appoint deputies ^ To make annual report - '" " 29 EstabUsh semi-annual pass-word gy ipprove'' official 'bondi: In con junc'tion ^th -Supreme- Foreman ^ and Overseer " 29 Sign all official documents ■-- W'^VuC^ 29 pirf orm such other duties as may be required of him ^ Exercise supervision over Grand Lodges . - - - ------ - qq Install or cause Grand Lodge officers to be installed ^w Vacancy in office of ----- rr"Ay:.'A^^ 82 Compensation of, for instituting a Grand Lodge - - - - SUPREME OVERSEER. . , ^. , .-^^ 35 To perform duties appropriate to his station - --.- -----_ Succeed to duties of Supreme Master Workman when--^ -^ Act with Supreme Master Workman and Supreme foreman in_ ^^ approving official bonds '" ' SUPREME RECORDER. ^ r a 37 To record transactions of Supreme Lodge .^-. Sign charters, dispensations, etc -- .^~ Keep financial account - 3~ Report to the Supreme Lodge --.. y-W'' 37 Conduct correspondence of the Supreme Lodge Attend all meetings of the Supreme Lodge . -. • - - - - - -^ - - • - -^ Make monthly statement of Beneficiary Fund of Supreme ^ pJSfs?monthl7statement orBeneficiai^Fund"r^^^^^^^ from _^^ M?k?montmf repVrVs ofBeneficiary i^^^^^^ of separaVejurisdic'- ^^ tions - ---- - ■ M) Publish monthly lists of expeUed members - Make monthly statement of General Fund V"::^Var^iWt^^^' 4-^ Make record of Beneficiary Fund of each separate lurisd^tion 4. Pay over General Fund to Supreme Receiver when amount ^^ reaches S5<3 - -.- v-'V- ' 44 Keep record of deaths in his jurisdiction ^^ Execute bonds - -- '26 Penalty of bond of -- 45 Have report printed before annual meeting „„ Receive proposals for printing and supplies ■ Duties of, upon formation of new Grand Lodge SUPREME RECEFv'ER. , ^ <•„ 4fi To take charge of Supreme Lodge funds and property ^ Pay orders properly drawn on him ^ Render itemized account ----- -- ^g Deliver books and papers for examination ^^ Execute receipts, how 25 Shall give bond - - 26 Penalty of bond of SUPREME TRUSTEES. 20 Senior in office ranks first - ---- ri) To perform such duties as may be required - "^ SUPREME WATCHMAN. . . , ^,. , .• 49 To perform duties appropriate to his station 1B3 SUSPENSION. „. ^„„ .^ OQQ Note in regard to - - 295,296,^,298 Cannot be imposed as a penalty for non-attendance at Lodge meet- ings - :-; ( See below for various kinds of suspension.) SUSPENSION OF BENEFICIARY CERTIFICATE. When to take place for non-payment of assessment - - - ^^o When and how reported and recorded oiV 91^ How removed ---■■ ^-VV 9ifi 217 For delinquency of Subordinate Lodge, effect 01.--.-- --■-■v-d "!«' Causes forfeiture of no right except that of participation in Beneh- ^^ ciary Fund . - 9m' qn? Status of member, during ....---...-------- ------ ■^'■°'. ^" Does not deprive member of the right to vote or hold office . - ^ly Takes place when member is suspended for non-payment ot dues or for improper conduct ; I^gg Note upon effect of -- ---- -- (See Renewal of Beneficiary Certificate.) SUSPENSION FROM THE ORDER. (See preliminary note to Chapter IX.) qp^ For non-payment of assessments for six months ~^^ Declaration of, by blaster Workman - ^^^ Take place without report - ^^^ ^0^ For non-payment of dues VV.,"Ao'.^»^ oc.' ' Not to take place for less than six months' arrearages of dues or as- ^^^ sessments ; .-•.--: :-:-'\ '"' ',306 Grand Lodges regulate the subject as to dues. Non-attendance at Lodge meetings not a cause for .-... ;wo Suspended member cannot be initiated as a new member ^u^ Cannot join another Lodge.-.- Forfeits all claims to the Beneficiary Fund . . -ii^ Deprives member of all rights and benefits of the Order -iu., .im For violation of laws of the Order, etc '^"^ "ij For definite time, under penal laws ^^^ Indefinite - - SUSPENSION OF GRAND LODGE. , , „ 163 For failure to pay per capita tax. or make returns - - ■ ----.-- Suboi diiate L?d|es revert to jurisdiction of Supreme Lodge, during ^^^ such suspension - -i^ Effect of, on Past Master Workman - ^ SUSPENSION OF SUBORDINATE LODGES. ^^^ ^„^ .^^^ Causes for - " ' ' TRUSTEES. 379 How elected, and term of -- - -- ^^2 Duties of -- - - 450 Required to give bonds TRAVELING. ^ . . , . aarr aag In foreign lands does not affect beneficiary rights oo^ ooo UNWRITTEN WORK. r a ^ 2 Is regulated and controlled by the Supreme Lodge -------- „^ Cannot be altered or amended except by a two-thirds vote 00 VACANCY IN OFFICE. 32 Of Supreme Master Workman r-g Representative to Supreme Lodge --" gg Junior Past Supreme Master Workman ^^^ Grand Master Workman - loj Acting Past Grand Master Workman ^^g Master Workman - 453 By absence from Lodge meetings 455 How filled in Subordinate Lodge - 532 Declaration of, by Master Workman 184 WATCHMAN, INSIDE. Duties of.. 450 WATCHMAN, OUTSIDE. Duties of 441 WITHDRAWAL FROM THE ORDER. How effected -. 635 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. ^ 22Mar?59fC KEG'D L£ 3 MAR 22 195 3 t*iB* '" • ♦* % • LD 21A-50rn-9,'58 (6889sl0)476B General Library University of California Berkeley .'>>r^*>-' •:;■:; ->■■■/• ^■,. :.■■'.>/■ -t^v-'^/v- ■■•.;""'■' r''-U.;'$:Sf::'^f'.I^'fc': >gfc'Wi!«gifc«i;v^g;>^?5/^A'^j>t>AC^ • .'?aag»' y^ft' '^