n O PQ o 00 T-H THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES t5 • I— I o O Oi o e Ji CO CO • o o ;h • r— 1 ■+= O! CB rH o s ■-H • f-H fl _OJU ^ .O ?>-| rf ^ -1-3 o o £3 • f-H > 1 < a:) ^ ce ;5 -1-3 • T-H S '-H ■ — I o O) o > 03 ■n • <-H -^^ O > a c c ^ > ^ c5 -r > • r-l -4-3 O > CLJ P 5 .-^ 03 <1 Oj ^ --H 4-S 2 a s ^ bo a; .:: 03 ;i; -1-3 m LS 33 22 =3 g .J-3 fli ^ -H o o; rf ^ :-=: ,o r- . o t3 -1-3 g I"* o 2 ■-: 2h - -1-3 Z) O] -(-3 CD 03 03 -1-3 o C> '^. r- '-J ^ Tr. CC — ~ iM^&^i^y^l ^ , . u- ,lk W I'- ' ' ^i:i*y\ ATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. Egbert Watts On the West side of Trump- ington Street, now King's Parade c. 1745 John Nicholson, "Maps" 1752 Died 1796 John Nicholson (the second) Continued the business, and removed to 1 Trinity Street 1807 J. Nicholson and Son (the second and third of the name) c. 1810—1823 Thomas Stevenson 1823—1845 Richard Newby 17 Trinity Street c. 1819 D. AND A. Macmillan 1844 Combined at 1 Trinity Street Macmillan, Barclay and Macmillan 1845 Macmillan and Co 1850 Macmillan and Bowes . . . 1881 Cambritisc : PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A. AND SONS, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. i o ^ ctbc PKEFACE. THE volume that I am now able to publish complete has been long in preparation, and as it has some features peculiar '^ to itself, a few words of Introduction seem necessary to explain its plan and object. In the year 1873, having become possessed of the book (Galen, De Temperamentis) that till then had been accepted as the first printed at Cambridge, I attempted to get information respecting all the known copies of this and of the other works printed by John Siberch, and the result of an examination of these books by the late Mr Henry Bradshaw has already appeared*. In furtherance of " An attempt to trace the succession of Uni- versity printers " I have for many years been making a collection of the books printed at Cambridge by the successors of Siberch, and some notes on these printers from Siberch downwards have been given to the public'^. With regard to this publication, it is necessary to state that it is only a bookseller's catalogue, not a Bibliography, and it therefore contains only the books we actually possess. It has however been my endeavour so to describe the books printed to 1700 — by giving the titles in full, an exact collation with the sizes according to form and not to measurement, and by noting any apparent imperfections, even to the blank leaves at the beginning and end — as to make it bibliographically useful. ' Introduction to the facsimile of Henry Bullock's Oratio hahila Gantabrigiae of 1.521. Macraillan and Bowes, 1880. ■^ Bibliographical Notes on the University Printers from the commencement of Printing in Cambridge to the Present Time. By Robert Bowes. Gamh. Ant. Sorirty Gommunicatumn, Vol. v. p. 283. VAG{)35 vi PREFACE. Section I, with Appendix A and Section III. with Appendix C contain the books printed at Cambridge from 1521 to 1800, while Section II. with Appendix B and Section IV. with Appendix D contain those for the same period relating to or connected with Cambridge in some other way. Section V. with Appendix E contains those published from 1801 to the present time. The books printed at Cambridge in this Section are not, as in the two previous parts, in a separate list, but they are distinguished by signs for the names of the printers, a list of which is given with the Contents ; and while the chronological arrangement which has been followed from the beginning is still continued, long series of Poems, Essays, etc., as shewn in the Contents, are gathered together under the first date of each group. This Section contains a great many topographical books with illustrations. Where the plates have been described in Upcott or elsewhere, a reference is given ; but in other cases the list is here printed in full. The titles of the Publications of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, and the names of contributors to the Communications are given. There is also a complete list of the publications of the Cambridge Camden Society. Cambridge during this century has been prolific in periodical literature, and while I have been able to include most of these publications, I have in many cases, by the kind help of those who were connected with them, been also able to print the names of the contributors. Appendix I., alluded to above as A, B, C, D, E, consists of additions to the first five sections of the Catalogue, Appendix II. of MS. material, and Appendix III. of loose maps, views, carica- tures, etc., the chief items being indicated in the Contents. For Appendix IV. I am indebted to Mr F. Jenkinson, Uni- versity Librarian. It is a list of all the books printed at Cambridge from 1521 to 1650 that are at present known to him, and in the absence of a complete Bibliography will be useful for reference. Such of these as are described in this volume have the catalogue number at the end of the title. The first portion of the Catalogue will I hope be of use to those who are interested in the history of early printing. There are also notes to upwards of 900 names by which it is sought to identify the writer with his book, and to give the names of the PREFACE. vii authors of many anonymous works. As in most cases the College, dates of degrees and of University offices are given, it would be easy to see which of the books in the Catalogue are ^vl'itten by the members of any College. I have also been able in many cases to give the date and place of birth and death, so that collectors in different parts of the country may find here works written by many men educated at the University who were natives of, or residents in, their own district. The chronological arrangement would enable any one interested in a particular period to discover what there is in the Catalogue belonging to it. The collection and cataloguing of the books of the early Cambridge Printers i.s due to the interest and encouragement of the late Mr Henry Bradshaw, and but for him this volume would probably never have appeared. I cannot however conclude without recording my grateful acknowledgements to those who for many years have given me help in carrying out this work, and I must specially name Mr F. Jenkinson M.A., University Librarian, IVIr F. Madan M.A., Assistant Librarian, Bodleian Library, Mr J. Bass Mullinger M.A., Librarian St John's College, Mr William White, Sub-Librarian Trinity College, and Mr J. P. Edmond, Librarian to the Earl of Crawford. The extent to which I have availed myself of their services is at all events evidence of my desire to secure accuracy ; and while in a book of this size with such a number and variety of facts many mistakes must have crept in and remained undiscovered, it has certainly been rendered much less imperfect by their help. ROBERT BOWES. 1 Trinity Street, Cambridge. April, 1894. EXPLANATION OF SIGNS, CONTRACTIONS, ETC. USED. Bakee, ed. Mayor = History of St. John's College, by Thomas Baker, edited by J. E. B. Mayor. 2 vols. 1869. Bowes, Biog. Notes = Biographical Notes on the Cambridge Printers, Camb. Ant. Soc. Communications, Vol. V., p. 283. 1886. CooPEB, Ann. = Annals of Cambridge, by C. H. Cooper. 4 vols. 1842—52. CooPEB, ^tfe. Cant.=Athenae Cantabrigienses, by C. H. and Thompson Cooper. 2 vols. 1858—61. Cotton = 4 list of Editions of the Bible and Parts thereof in English from 1505 to 1850, by Henry Cotton. 2nd. Edit. 1852. Gkad. Cant. = Graduati Cantabrigienses. 1823 & 1884. Gunning, Eemin. = Reminiscences of the Univ., Town and County of Camb. from 1780, by Henry Gunning. 2 vols. 1854. Lea 'WihSQ's= Catalogue of Bibles, Testaments, etc., in the Collection of Lea Wilson. 1845. LoFTiE = 4 Century of Bibles, or the Authorized Version from 1611 to 1711, by W. J. Loftie. 1872. Nichols, Lit. Anec. = Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century, by John Nichols. 9 vols. 1812—16. Nichols, Illust. = Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eighteenth Century, by John Nichols. 8 vols. 1817—58. Sinker = A Catalogue of English Boohs printed before mdoi, now in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge, by R. Sinker. 1885. Stevens = r/je Bibles in the Caxton Exhibition, 1877, by Henry Stevens. 1878. Upcott=^ Bibliographical Account of the principal Works relating to English Topography, by William Upcott. 3 vols. 1818. Willis and ChMiK= The Architectural History of the University of Cambridge, by Eobert Willis, edited by J. W. Clark. 4 vols. 1886. Wood, Ath. Ox. = Athenae Oxonienses, by Anthony a Wood, edited by Philip Bliss. 4 vols. 1813—20. Wokdswokth, Schol. Acad. = Scholae Academicae, by Christopher Wordsworth. 1877. @ = The design Alma Mater Cantabrigia, with motto, Hinc lucem et pocula sacra. ORN. = The numbered ornaments printed on pp. xiii. — xxxi. VAK. = An ornament resembling the number quoted, but not quite the same. B. =Born. D. =Died. R. = Rector. V. = Vicar. Qu. = quaere. CONTENTS. PAGE Preface. v Explanation of Signs, Contractions &c. viii Contents. ix Ornaments, (head and tail-pieces, &c.) alluded to in text. xiii Letters representing the names of printers in III. and V. xxxii PART A. I. Printed at Cambridge 1521—1700. 1—68 II. Miscellaneous 1520—1700. 69—103 Specimen of the printing of Siberch 1521, and many of Thomas, Legate, Legge, Buck & Daniel, Field, Hayes; Bibles, various editions; Milton's Lycidas first edition, and early editions of Giles and Phineas Fletcher, Herberts Temple, and Speech as Public Orator, Crashaw, Ran- dolph, Thomas Fuller, Henry More, Smith's Select Dis- courses, Richard Sibbes, Isaac Barrow, Nicholas Ferrar, John Preston, James Duport, John Fisher; John Caius' Historia Cantabrigiensis Acad. & De Antiquitate Cantab. Acad.; Holland's Posthuma; The Book Fish; Querela Cantabrigiensis; Latin Plays; tfc Collections of Verses; <&c. dbc. PART B. III. Printed at Cambridge 1701—1800. 105—174 IV. Miscellaneous 1701—1800. 175—251 Dugdale's Imbanking and other books on the Fens; Bentley Literature; Collections of Verses; Baskerville Bibles and Prayer Books; Books on Sturbridge Fair; Tanner's Notitia Monastica; Blomefield's Collectanea; Gutch's Collectanea; Knight's Lives of Colet and Erasm^is, in calf by Bedford; The Cambridge Intelligencer with poems by Coleridge; Coleridge's Christabel, fi/rst edition; The Cambridge Calendar, a set; &c. &c. CONTENTS. PART C. PAGE V. Nineteenth Century. 253—477 Cooper's Annals, Athenae Cantabrigienses, and Memo- nals; Willis and Clark'' s Architectural History ; Mulli7iger's University of Cambridge to the Accession of Charles I. ; Wordsworth's Scholae Academicae; Mayor's Baker's St. John's; Wordsworth's Social Life in the Universities in the XVIIIth Century; Bristed's Five Years in an English University; Wright's Alma Mater; Everett's On the Cam; Ackermann's Cambridge ; Cambridge Portfolio; Ruber's History of English Universities ; Harraden's Cantabrigia Depicta; and illustrations by Storer, Le Keux, Farren, Redfarn <&c.; Tennyson's Timbuctoo; C. Tennyson's Son- nets; Hallam's Shelley's Adonais, a reprint; Thackeray's The Snob and Gownsman; Ptmch in Cambridge; Toby in Cambridge; The Cambridge University Magazine; The Metropolitan (F. D. Maurice); Oxford and Cambridge Magazine; The Lion; The Bear; The Light Blue; The Light Oreen; The Tatler in Cambridge; The Cambridge Review; The Granta; The Eagle, & Magazines of several Colleges; Lysons', & Carter's Cambridgeshire; Millers' Ely, Bentham's Ely with supplement, {large paper with coats of arms coloured); Stewart's Ely; Rennie's and Wells' Bedford Level; Watson's, and Walker and Cra- dock's Wisbech; Pamphlets on the Admission of Dissenters hy Thirlwall, Turton, Whewell and others; Pamphlets and Fly-sheets on proposed University changes; Election broadsides; <&c. &c., and the following under special heads: YEAR PAGE 1801 Prolusiones 1800—93 .... 253 1801 Tripos Verses 1800—84 ... 253 1801 Senate House Problems 1801—78 . 254 1801 Hulsean Prize Essays 1801—84 . . 254—5 1801 Bp. Marsh's Pamphlets 1801—28 . . 255—6 1801 Norrisian Prize Essays .... 256 — 7 1802 Seatonian Prize Poems 1802—88 . . 259—60 1802 University Sermons 1802—87 . . 260—2 1803 Charles Simeon's Pamphlets 1803—37 . 264 1804 River Cam Tolls, &c. 1804—26 . , 265 1806 Polls for M.P.'s for University 1806—82 268 1806 Trinity College Orations & Essays 1806—62 268—9 CONTENTS. XI V. Nineteenth Century continued. TEAB PAGE 1810 Christian Advocate's Publications 1810— 54 275 1811 Trinity College Sermons 1811—81 . 277 1817 Trinity College Commemoration Ser- mons 1817—85 287 1817 Union Society, Various 1817—82 . . 287—8 1818 Archd. J. H. Browne's Charges 1818—45 288 1820 Hulsean Lectures 1820—84 ... 293 1821 Cambridge Philosophical Society . . 294 1826 Philo Union Society 1826—90 . . 304 1826 Toll Cause, Brett v. Beales &c. 1826—30 304—5 1827 Storer's Illustrations 1827—35 . . 306—7 1833 Polls for M.P.'s for Borough 1832—68 . 324 1839 Cambridge Camden Society 1839—88 . 345—51 1839 Cambridge Mathematical Jl. & its Suc- cessors 1839—93 . . . .351—2 1840 CambridgeAntiquarian Society 1840—93 354—6 1840 Trinity College Statutes 1840— 89. . 360 1841 Memorials of Cambridge, Le Keux, Cooper 1841—80 .... 363—6 1845 Maitland Prize Essays 1845—84 . . 375 1847 Burney Prize Essays 1847—84 . . 378 1848 Cambridge Architectural Society 1846— 67 381 1849 Le Bas Prize Essays 1849—84 . . 384 1850 Adams Essays 1850—83 . . . 385 1851 University Statutes 1851—81 . . 390 1851 University Acts &c. 1851—58 . . 390—1 1855 Cambridge Essays 1855— 8 . . . 397 1856 A. D. C. 1857—87 .... 401 1858 East Anglian, New Series 1858—92 . 405 1858 University Extension : Local Exam. Papers &c. 1858—88 .... 407—8 1859 Cambridge Union : Abstract of Accounts of Guardians &c. 1859—66 . . 408 1859 Cambridge Univ. Musical Soc. 1859—61 408 1859 Ordinationes Acad. Cant. 1859—80 . 409 1859 Oxford & Camb. Mission to Central Africa 1859—75 409 1859 Rede Lectures 1859—92 ... 409 1863 Cambridge Free Library 1863—90 . 421 1868 Sewage of Camb. Reports &c. 1868—85 . 432 1878 Oxford and Camb. Schools Exam. 1876—85 455 1880 R. Farren's Etchings 1880—88 . . 459—60 xu CONTENTS. PAGE VI. Appendix I. A. Additions to I. (pp. 1—68) . . . 479—486 B. Additions to II. (pp. 69—103) . . 486—488 C. Additions to III. (pp. 105—174) . . 488—490 D. Additions to IV. (pp. 175—251) . . 490-491 E. Additions to V. (pp. 253—477) . . 491—493 VII. Appendix II. MSS. 494—496 Scot's Foundation of the University of Cambridge; Visitation of Canibridgeshire 1619; Protestations, Oxford S Cambridge 1641 — 2, copied by the late J. E. Bailey; a Collection of Documents from the Baker MSS. relating to the Diocese, the Totvn, the University and the Colleges, by the late Dr. Webb; (&c. &c. VIII. Appendix III. Maps, Views, Caricatures, &c. 497 — 504 Cambridgeshire, by Speed, Saxton, Blaeu, Nicholls, Bowen; large views of Cambridge, Ely, Thorney, c&c., by Knyff, Buck, Lamborn, Sparrow, Harraden, Malton; a set of the Cambridge University Almanack Views 1801 — 55; Caricatures by Thomas Orde, Rowlandson, Dighton, & others. IX. Appendix IV. List of Books printed at Cambridge 1521 — 1650, by F. Jeukinson, M.A., University Librarian, with additions. 505 — 516 i i ORNAMENTS. HEAD AND TAIL PIECES, INITIAL LETTERS, &c. REFERRED TO IN THE CATALOGUE, AS USED BY THE FOLLOWING PRINTERS BETWEEN 1521 & 1776: John Siberch Nos. 1-13. Thomas Thomas , , 14-28. John Legate , , 29-35. Cantrell Legge , , 36-37. T. & J. Buck , , 38-47. Buck & Daniel , , 48-61. Roger Daniel , , 62-66. John Field John Hayes C Crownfield W. Fenner J. Bentham J. Archdeacon Uncertain Nos. 67-69. 72-74. 78-88. 89-92. 93, 96, 97. 98. 70, 71, 75-77, 94, 95. [Ornament No 1, see border to titlepage.] XIV ORNAMENTS. I»MM*M. ^^^ MMm^^'^^ ORNAMENTS. XV 8 10 11 12 13 XVI ORNAMENTS. 21 ORNAMENTS. 23 xvu 22 26 27 xvm OKNAMENTS. 33 34 30 32 ORNAMENTS. XIX XX ORNAMENTS. ^5feJ3;{^fe5^& ORNAMENTS. XXI XXll ORNA^IENTS. to CO ORNAMENTS. XXUl ^^^^ 70 XXIV ORNAMENTS. 71 72 f^^ 74 75 76 ORNAMENTS. XXV 77 ^ a, 79 XXVI ORNAMENTS. CO ORNAMENTS. XXVll XXVlll ORNAMENTS. 85 C'^2>.- Chtro-n. ■?«/ • WjElllPJ^^gfelI&^apFJrC£i£>£g|fg| l o/ (jn6cLCn .Pcuips: £ud.C'h.trorv\>cl: ^ ^SME&mWJkS M&P.[mW^ S, G yiULLn, fculp^! 87 88 89 ORNAMENTS. XXIX XXX ORNAMENTS. ORNAMENTS. XXXI qni'^li' nt'fW 't 98 The names of printers appearing on the titles in Sections III. & V. are represented by letters as in the List below : — A. University Press. NN. J. W. Parker. B. John Hayes. 00. Glover and Foister. C. John Owen. PP. C. E. Brown. D. ComeUus Crownfield. QQ. Henry Smith. E. Joseph Bentham. RR. John Thomas Walters. F. W. Fenner. ss. Warwick and Co. G. E. Walker and T. James, TT. H. Foister. H. S. and J. James. UU. C. W. Naylor. K. John Baskerville. WW. Naylor and Smith. L. Fletcher and Hodaon. YY. Chronicle Office. M. John Archdeacon. ZZ. Hall and Son. N. Francis Hodson. AAA. J. Webb. 0. T. Fletcher. BBB. Wilson and Son. P. Benjamin Flower. COG. C. J. Clay. Q- Archdeacon and Burgess. DDD. Foister and Jagg. R. John Burgess. EEE. Naylor and Co. S. M. Watson. FFF. J. Palmer. T. R. Watts. GGG. F. W. Talbot. U. J. Smith. HHH. Hatfield and Tofts. W. W. Metcalfe. KKK. Metcalfe and Sons. Y. James Hodson. LLL. T. Tofts. Z. E. and J. Goode. MMM. W. P. Spalding. AA. E. Goode. NNN. J. A. Fabb. BB. Weston Hatfield. 000. Fabb and Tyler. CC. R. Harwood. ppp. C. J. Clay and Son. DD. W. and W. Hatfield. QQQ. S. P. Naylor. EE. Harwood and Hall. RRR. Robertson and Co. FF. S. Wilson. sss. J. Webb and Co. GG. J. Hall. TTT. W. Metcalfe and Co. L HH. Metcalfe and Palmer. uuu. F. Piggott. KK. Hodson and Brown. vvv. E. Ladda. LL. H. Talbot. www. Jones and Piggott. MM. W. H. Smith. A Catalogue of Books Printed at or Relating TO THE University, Town, or County of Cambridge. Part A. I. Books Printed at Cambridge, 1521 — 1700. II. Miscellaneous, 1520 — 1700. On Sale by Macmillan and Bowes, Cambridge. EXPLANATION OF SIGNS, CONTRACTIONS OF TITLES, ETC. Baker, ed. Mayor = History of St John's College by Thomas Baker, edited by J. E. B. Mayor. 2 Vols. Bowes, Biog. Notes = Biographical notes on the Cambridge Printers, Camb. Ant. Soc. Communications. Vol. v., p. 283. Cooper, Ath. Cant. = Athena Cantahrigienses, by C. H. and Thompson Cooper. 2 Vols. Cotton = A list of Editions of the Bible and Parts thereof in English from 1505 to 1850, by Henry Cotton. Lea Wilson = Catalogue of Bibles, Testaments, etc., in the Collection of Lea Wilson. LoFTiE = A Century of Bibles, or the Authorized Version from 1611 to 1711, by W. J. Loftie. Sinker = A Catalogue of English Books printed before mdci, now in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge, by Robert Sinker. Stevens = The Bibles in the Caxton Exhibition, 1877, by Henry Stevens. Wood, Ath. Ox. — Athenas Oxonienses, by Anthony A. Wood. Wordsworth, Schol. Acad. = Scholae Academicse, by Christopher Wordsworth. Q = The design Alma Mater Cantabrigia, with the motto, Hinc lucem et pocula sacra, as printed on title page. Oen. = The head and tail pieces and other ornaments as printed in Bowes, Biog. Notes. Variation, or Var. = An ornament resembling the number quoted, but not quite the same. Qv. = Quaere. The device at the foot of the title page is the Trademark of .John Siberch, the first Cambridge printer. PREFACE TO CATALOGUE. PART A. IN issuing the first part of this Catalogue of Cambridge Books a few words of introduction seem necessary to explain its plan and object. In the year 1873, having become possessed of the book (Galen, De Temper amentis) that till then had been accepted as the first printed at Cambridge, we attempted to get information respecting all the known copies of this and of the other works printed by John Siberch, and the result of an examination of these books by the late Mr Henry Bradshaw has already appeared'. In furtherance of " An attempt to trace the succession of Uni- versity printers " we have for some years been making a collection of the books printed at Cambridge by the successors of Siberch, and some notes on these Printers from Siberch downwards have been given to the Public^ With regard to this publication, it is necessary to state that it is only a bookseller's catalogue, not a Bibliography, and it therefore describes only the books we actually possess. It has however been our endeavour so to describe the books printed to 1700 — by giving the titles in full, an exact collation with the sizes described by their form and not by their measurement, and by noting any apparent imperfection, even to the blank leaves at the beginning and end — as to make it bibliographically useful. ' Introdnction to the facsimile of Henry Bullock's Oratio luihitu Cantahrigiae of 1"»21. Macmillan and Bowes, 1880. - Bibliographical Notes on the University Printers from the commencement of Printing in Cambridge to the Present Time. Camh. Ant. Society Communicatiom, Vol. V. p. 283. iv PREFACE. Section I. consists entirely of books printed at Cambridge to the year 1700'. Section II., Miscellaneous, of books connected with Cambridge or Cambridgeshire in other ways, to the same date. These include, books printed in London by John Legate, and by Roger Daniel, both formerly University Printers ; Topo- graphical books, such as those of Caius, and of Loggan ; Verses written on such occasions as the births, marriages or deaths of Royal personages ; Plays performed in honour of distinguished visitors ; Acts of Parliament relating to the Town and University or County ; Sermons, Speeches or Lectures ; Books on the Drainage of the Fens ; Works by distinguished men living in Cambridge — Henry More, John Smith, Richard Sibbes, John Preston, etc. To the books in both sections we have added notes giving — when we have been able to find them, — dates of birth, degrees, death, &c. of the authors or of others connected with the books described. As such a collection has probably never been brought together, and certainly never been offered for sale, before, it is desirable that it should be kept intact. We therefore offer the whole of the books in part A until the first of May for the sum of £250. We shall meantime be glad to receive instructions to retain any separate books, and they will be delivered on May 1st, should the whole collection not then have been disposed of. ^ Mr Jenkinson, University Librarian, who has for many years noted the titles of all books printed at Cambridge to 1640, has been good enough to allow us to make use of his material. We hope therefore to include such as are not contained in this section in the appendix in a later part of the Catalogue. CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. I. PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE 1521—1700. 1. Caleni (sic) Pergamensis De Temperamentis, et De Inae- qvuli Intemperie Libri Tres Thoma Linacro Anglo Interprete .•. Opus noil medicis moclo, sed et pliilosopliis oppido qiuim necessariii??i nunc primum prodit in luceiii cum gratia & Privilegio. Imprint at end: Impressum apud prroclaram Cantabrigiam per loannem Siberch. Anno. M.D.XXI, 4°. Collation: ab 4 (not signed), 8 leaves (1—8). A— R 4, S 6, 74 leaves (9—82). 27 lines with signatures. Folios Ixv — Ixxiij marked. Leaf !"• Title-page as above in engraved border. 1'' — 2^ Dedication : Sanctissimo Domino nostro Paimc Leoni decimo, Thomas Linacer Medieorum Minimus. S. D....Loudini Anno Christianas salutis. m.d.xxi. Nonis Septembris. 2'' — 8'' Elenchus sequentis operis. 9* — 80'^ Text. 81'' — 82'S Index erratorum. 82">', Impres- sum apud praeclaram Cantabrigiam per loannem Siberch, Anno mdxxi. 82'\ Arms of France and England. Engraved initial letters A (2 sizes), C, I, N. Parclnnent, good copy. £45^. For engraved title, trade-mark, &c. of Siberch's books see orn. 1 — 13. From an entry in Caius Annale>;, under date 1569 it appears that the Royal Arms used by Siberch in 4 of the 8 books iJrinted by him in Cambridge was the sign of the house he occupied, which formerly stood between the gates of Humility and Virtue in Caius College. Thomas Linacro, M.D., educated at Oxford (and also it is believed for a time at Cambridge), fellow of All Souls, 1484. Studied in Italy at Rome, Florence, Bologna, Venice and Padua, where lie took the degree of M.D. Founded lecturc;- ships in Physic at Oxford and Cambridge, and the College of Physicians. Died irj24. Cooper, Ath. Cant. i. 30. [Galeni pergamensis De Teinperamentis ct De Inaequali Intemperie, etc. A facsimile reproduction of tbe above work. With ,n Introduction by Joseph Frank Payne, M.D., F.R.C.P., Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. And a portrait of Linacre. 21.s-. *»* The 3 following of the other 7 l)ooks printed by Siberch have been published, with introduction by the late Mr Henry Dradshaw, University Tjil>riuian, at a subscription price of one guinea for the 3 books, the edition being limited to 1.50 copies. I'ulloek, Hcmy. Oratio liabita Cantabrigiae. 1521. Cujusdem fidclis Christiaui Epistola ad Christianos omnes. Subscquitur et Divi Augustini de miseria...vitae sermo. 1521. P.aiwrii (reinini FJcatis IhiTiiatlicna, sen dc eloqucntiae victoria. 1522. 1 2 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1584 Henry Bullock, a member of Queens' College, B.A. 1503 — 4, Fellow 1506, M.A."l507, D.D. 1520, Vice-Cliancellor 1524—25, died 1526. Cooper, Ath. Cant. I. 33. For complete collation of all the known Siberch books, with variations of different copies, see Mr Bradshaw's Introduction to Bullock.] 2. Two Treatises of the Lord His iiolie Svpper : The one instructing the Servants of God how they should be prepared when they come to the holy Supper of our onely Sauiour Jesus Christ : Wliereunto is annexed a Dialogue conteining the principal! points necessarie to be knowne and vnderstood of all them that are to lie partakers of tlie holy Supper : The other setting forth Dialoguewise the whole vse of the Supper : Wliereunto also is adioyned a briefe and learned treatise of the true Sacrifice and true Priest. Written in the French tongue by Yues Rouspeau and John de I'Espine Ministers of the word of God, and kitelie translated into English Imprinted b^^ Thomas Thomas Printer to the Yniuersitie of Cambridge. 1584. 8°. pp. (19—50 missed) 58, A— C 8, D 4 + pp. 70, B— E 8, F 4, last leaf, blank, wanting. 25s. 3. Antonii Sadeelis viri clarissimi vereque Theologi de Rebus Grauissimis controuersis Disputationes accxn-atfe Theologice et scholastice Tractatae : Quarum Catalogum sequens pagina demonstrabit. Psal. 140, 9 and 145, 20. ...Ex officina Thomse Thomasij inclvta; Aca- demise Cantabrigiensis Typographi. [1584] (erased). 4". A 2 (not signed), B-Fff 8, Ggg 2, pp. [811?], 8 pages missed in sig. Ddd. Old calf. Portion of last 2 leaves torn away, and stained and worm-eaten. See Bowes, Biog. Notes, p. 293. 15.s. Anthony Sadeel, 1534 — 1591, formerly Anthony de la Koche, Baron of Chan- dieu, a learned minister of " what is called the reformed religion," a friend of Beza and Calvin, author of many Controversial Works, died 1591 at Geneva, where he was Professor of Hebrew. Bioy. Diet, of Ahhe Ladvocat trandated by CoUignon. 3*. An aunsvvere to a certaine Booke, written by M. William Pv,ainoldes Student of Diuinitie in the English Colledge at Rhemes, and Entituled, A Refutation of sundrie reprehensions, Cauils, &c. By William Whitalcer, professor of Diuinity in the Vniuersitie of Cambridge. Imprinted by Thomas Thomas, Printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge, & are to be sold at the signe of the white Horse in Canon-Lane, ouer-against the Nortli Doore of Paules. 1585. 8°. A— D 8, A— Cc 8, Dd 2. Orn. 14, 18, 19, 21 var. Calf. From the Library of H. F. Lyte. 25.s. Dedicated to Sir Wm. Cecil, Lord Burghley. Autograph, " W. E. Peterbor." of Bp. Kennett on title. William Eainolds, Pynhoe near Exeter, New College, Oxford, 1560, M.A. 1566, Hart-Hall 1572, turned Koman Catholic, went to Kome in 1575, afterwards to Bheims, where he was made professor of divinity & Hebrew, finally to Antwerp, 1586] I. PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE TO 1700. 3 where he died in 1594. He wrote mostly under the name of Will. Eosaaeus. Watts (Bihl. Brit.) says there were 2 other editions of this book in the same year. William ^\^litakor, B. 1548, Matric. Trinity 1564, Fellow 15G9, Eepins Professor of Divinity 1580, Master of St John's, 25 Feb. 1585—6, D. 15'.)r>. Coo23er, Ath. Cant. ii. 19G. 4. A GoDLiE Exposition vpon certeine chapters of Nehemiait, written by that wortliie Byshop and faithful! Pastor of the Church of Durham Master lames Pilkington. And now newlie pvblished. In the latter end, because the Author could not finish that treatise of Oppression which he had l)egonne, there is added that for a supplie, which of late was published by Robert Some, D. in Diuinitie. . . . Imprinted by Thomas Thomas printer to the Vniucrsitie of Cambridge. 1585. 4". TI 4, 1st (blank ?) wanting, A— K 8, L 2. Bordered title. Orn. 14, 16, 18, 21, 22 var. Folios 1 to 75. Fine copy in calf by Eiviere. 42s. Preface by John Fox "To the Christian Eeader." James Pilkington, Eivington, Lanes, B. 1520, Pembroke, afterwards St. John's, B.A. 1535, Fellow 1539, M.A. 1542, Vicar of Kirby in Kendal, Westmoreland, B.D. 1551, went abroad during Queen Mary's reign. Master of St. John's 1559, Bishop of Winchester 1560, Bp. of Durham 156 'i, resigned Mastership in favour of his brother, 1561, D. at Bishop Auckland 157t;. 4*. An Harmony of the Confessions of the Faith of the Christian and Refoi'med Chvrches, which purelie professe tlie holy doctrine of the Gospell in all the chiefe Kingdomes, Nations, and Prouinces of Europe : the Catologue and order whereof the Pages following will declare. There are added in the ende verie shorte notes : in which both the obscure thinges are made plaine, and those thinges whicli maie in shew seeme to be contrarie each to other, are plainelie and verie modestlie reconciled, and if anie points doe as yet hang in doubt, they aie sincerelie pointed at. All which things, in the name of the Churches of Fraunce and Belgia, are submitted to the free and discrete iudgement of all other Churches, Newlie trans- lated out of Latine into English. Also in the end is added the Confession of the Cluuch of Scotland. Alowed by publi(iue authoritio. Impi-inted by Thomas Thomas, Printer to the Vniucrsitie of Caml)ridge. 158G. 8", Title, preface, &c. ^I 8, MM 8, contents fHH 2, Harmony of Confessions, A — Mm 8, paged to Kk 4, 609, misprinted 593, and several pages in previous 2 sheets mis])rinted : Conf. of Church of Scotland, A— C 4, D 2. Smooth brown morocco antique, gilt loaves, by Ilayday. £3. 3.s-. The original work was printed at Geneva iu 1581. Sec Nicmcycr, ColU'ct. Conf. I'ra^j. Lips. 1840. 5, Another Copy, old (^alf, title-page mended. 25.s'. 1—2 4 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1588 5*. DispvTATio DE Sacra Scriptvra, contra hvivs temporis papistas, inprimis Roberfcvm Bellarminvm lesuitam, Pontificium in Collegio Romano, & Thomani Stapletonvni, Regium in Schola Duacena Controversiarnm Professorem : Sex Qvsestionibvs proposita et tractata, a Guilielmo Whitakero Theologiae Doctore, ac Professore Regio, & Collegij D. loannis in Cantahrigiensi Academia Magistro...Cantahrigiae, Ex oflGcina Thomae Thomasii, florentissimae Cantabrigiensis Acaclemiae Typograpbi. Maij 2. 1588. 4°. AB 4, C— LI 8, Mm 4, Nn 2. Orn. 16, 20, 24, 27. Calf. 18s. Dedicated to Sir Wm. Cecil, Lord Burghley, Chancellor of England, & Chancellor of Camb. Univ. 6. A Very Excellent and Learned DiscorRSE, touching the Tranqnilitie and Contentation of the niinde : conteinirg Svndiy notable Instrvctions, And Firme Consolations, most necesnarie for all sortes of afflicted persons in these latter dayes. Distinguished into seven Bookes, 1. Against Covetousnes. 2. Against Ambition. 3. Against Anger. 4. Against Envie. 5. Against Pleasure. 6. Against Curiositie. 7. Against Feare. Written in French by the famous and learned M. I. Del'Espine, and newly ti-anslated into English by Ed. Smyth. Printed by John Legate, Printer to the Vniversitie of Cambridge. 1-592. And are to be solde at the sisrne of the Sunne in Paules Church-yarde in London. 4°. A — DD 8, EE 1. Marked by folios, beginning on B 4, last 7 leaves misprinted 101—6 & 188 instead of 200—6. Vellum, limp. 15s. Dedicated to Sir Francis Hynd& Thomas Wendy Esq., two of H. M's. Justices of Peace in the County of Cambridge. 7. — Another Copy in calf, from the Pyne Sale. 15.5. Edward Smythe (or Smith), St John's, Fellow 1577, B.A. 1572—3, M.A. 157G, B.D. 1583. Died about 1592. Cooper, Ath. Cant. ii. 148. 8. Eratosthenes, hoc est, Brevis et Lvculenta Defensio Lysiae pro caede Eratosthenis, praelectionibus illustrata Andreae Dvnaei in Academia Cantabrigiensi Graecae linguae Regij professoris : in quibus fuse explicantur multa, quae turn ad ejus linguae cognitionem, turn ad alias res attinent...Excudebat Johannes Legatus, inclytae Academiae Cantabrigiensis Typograplius. Anno Dom. 1593. 8°. H — TiUH 8, A — P 8, Q 4. Orn. 15, 30. Vellum. Marked in several places in an old hand. 14s. 9- — Another Copy, calf, gilt leaves, by Aitken, from the Fyne Sale. 18s. Andrew Downes, B. c. 1549, St John's 1567, B.A. 1570—1, Fellow 1571, M.A. 1574, B.D. 1582, Piegius Professor of Greek 1585 — 1625, one of the translators of the Apocrypha for the Authorised Version, D. at Coton, Feb. 1627—8. Eemoved to Trinity about the time that Whitaker became Master of St John's, 1585—6. Baker, ed. Mayor p. 180. "Composed of Greek and industry." Fuller. 1595] I. PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE TO 1700. 5 10. Adveksus Thomae Stapletoni Anglopapistae in Academia Lovaniensi Theologiae Professoris Regij Defensionem Ecclesiasticae authoritatis, qiiam i[)se luculeutam & accuratam inscripsit, tribusque libris digessit, Du2:)licatio, Pro autlioritate atque avTOTvunia S. Scrip- turae. Authore Gviliehno Whitakero, S. Theologiae in Academia Cantabrigiensi Doctore ac Professore Regio ; & Collegio D. loannis E^'angelistae in eadem Academia Praefecto...Excudebat Cantabrigiae Joannes Legatus Academiac TypogTa})hus. mdxciv. Aprilis 20. F". *— ** 6, *** 4, A— lii 6. Oru. 20 (vcariation), 29, 31, 32, 34. Calf. 15.s-. Thomas Stapleton, D.D. [1536—1598] Winchester & New College, Oxford, afterwards at Louvaiu & Professor of Divinity at Douay. 11. Thomae Thomasii Dictjonarjum summa fide ac dilioentia accuratissime emendatum, magnaq?te insuper rerum scitu dignarum, & vocabulorum accessione, longe auctius locu})letiusqne redditum. Pluic etiam (prcieter Dictionarium Historicum & Poeticum, ad proplianas historias, PoetarumqMc fabulas intelligendas valde necessarium) novis- sime accessit utillissimus de Pondei'um, Mensurarum, & Monetarum veterum reductione ad ea, quae sunt Anglis jam in usu, Tractatus. Quarta Editio superioribus multo auctior... Cantabrigiae Ex officiiia lohannis Legatt, celeberrimae Academiae Typography 1591. Extant Londini apud Abrahamum Kitson, ad insigne Solis in Cocmiterio D. Pauli. 8°. 114, A-Ggg8. Orn. 14 (inverted), 20, 30, 32. Calf. 18s. For other editions see Nos. 14 & 17. For notice of Thomas see Bowes, Biog. Notes, p. 292. 12. An Exposition of the Symbole or Creede of the Apostles, according to the Tenovr of the Scriptvres, and tlio consent of Orthodoxe Fathers of the Cliurch : reuewed and corrected By William Perkins. They are good Catholickos, which are of suund faith and good life . August, lil). quaest. in Matth.ca}). 11. Printed by Jolui Logatt Printer to the A^'niuersitie of Cambridire, 4". Dedication to Edward, Earl of Bedford. A — Dd 8, Ee 2. Title mounted, ife partly gone, also last leaf. Date gone, [1595?]. Orn. 29, 30, 31, 33. 7s. 0,1. William Perkins, Marston Jabet, WarwicUs., J5. 155H, Christ's 1577, B.A. 1580 -1, Fellow c. 1582, M.A. 1584, Lecturer at Gt. St Andrews, Camb., D. Camb., 1002. ScG P'uUer's lloli/ State, Bk. ii. Chap. 10, Cooper, Alh. Cant. ii. 335—341. 13. The Apocalyps, oh Revel.vtio.n of .S. Iuhn the Apostle and Evangelist of our Lord lesvs Clirist. With a briefe and methodicall exposition vpoii euery chapter by way of ;i liUlc treatise, ajiplyiiig the words of S. lohn to our last times th;ii ai'c full of spiiituill .nid coi'))i)i;JI Lrnublcs and (li\isioiis in Christ(!lldo^l(^ L.ili'iy set lurtli 6 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1596 by Fr. Dv Ion, and newly translated into English for the edification and consolation of the trne members of our Lord lesus Christ in his Catholike Church... Printed by lohn Legat, Printer to the Vniver- sitie of Cambridge. L596. 4°. H 4, A— Nn 4, last (blank?) wanting. Becovered calf. Orn. IG, 20, 21, 29. 2r,s. Fran^-ois Du Ion, (Francis Junius), an eminent scholar, author of "Glossarium Gothicum," "Etymologicon Anglicanum," etc., Heidelberg, B. 1589, educated at Leyden, came to England in 1620 & resided for .SO years with the Earl of Arundel as librarian, D. 1G77, at the house of his nejihew, Isaac Vossius, at Windsor, & was buried in St George's Chapel. 14. Thomae Thomasii Dictionarivm Svmma Fide ac Diligentia accvratissime emendatvm, magnaqve Insvj^er Ptervm Scitv Dignarvni, Et Vocabulorum accessione, longe auctius locupletiiisque redditum. Huic etiam (praeter Dictionarium Historicum & Poeticuni, ad pro- phanas historias, poetarumque fabulas intelligendas valde necessarium) novissime accessit vtillissimus de Ponderum, Mensurarum, & Mone- tarum veterum reductione ad ea, quae sunt Anglis iam in vsu, Tractatus. Qvinta Editio KSvperioribvs cvm Graecarum dictionum, tum earundem priraitivorum adiectione multo auctior. Cantabrigiae, Ex officina lohannis Legati, celeberrimae Academiae Typographi. 1596. Extant Londini, ad Insigne 8olis in Ooemiterio D. Pauli. 4°. H 4, A — Xxx 8, Yyy — Bbbb 4. Orn. IG, 31. Old calf with clasps (one gone.) 42s. 15. A Reformed Catholike : or, A Declaration shewing how neere we may come to the present Church of Rome in sundrie points of Religion : and wherein we must for euer depart from them : with an Advertisment to all fanourers of the Romane religion, shewing that the said religion is against the Catholike principles and grounds of the Catechisme. Printed by John Legat, Planter to the Vniucrsitie of Cambridge, 1598. 8°. Dedication signed William Perkins. H 4, A — Z 8, A 4. pp. 3G9 — 372 wanting. Orn. 80. Calf. 6s. 15*. The Differences, Cavses, and Ivdgements of Vrine, according to the best Writers thereof, both old and new, suiinnarily collected. By I. F. Printed by lohn Legat, Printer to the Vniversitie of Cambridge. 1598. 8°. H 8, A— E 8, F 9, G— I 8, K 2. The leaf signed F 4 is inserted. Title torn. Orn. 16. Half calf. 12s. On 117'^ & 18* there are two woodcuts, with descriptions. 16. Ecclesiastes, or the Preacher. Solomons Serimon made to the people, teaching euery man how to order his life so as they 1602] T. PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE TO 1700. 7 luay come to true and euerlasting ha])pines. With a Paraphrase, or short exposition thereof made by Theodore Beza. Translated [Qu. by Anthony Gilby] out of Latins into English. Cambridge. Printed by lohn Legatt. And are to be sold at the signe of the Sunnc in Paules Churchyard in Loudon. 8". A — D 8. Engraved border to title. Oru. 20. Smooth morocco, gilt loaves. N.D. 18s. Siuker (881) gives as probable date 1593 — 5. Theodore Beza, Vezelai, Nivernais, France, B. 1519, educated for the Bar at Orleans, retired to Geneva, became G-reek Professor at Lausanne, assistant to Calvin at Geneva, moderator at the Synod of Rochelle 1570, D. 1605. He gave to the Cambridge University Library the valuable MS. of the New Testament known as the "Codex Bezae," 1581. 17. ThOMAE ThOMASII DiCTIONARIVM SvMJIA fide xVC diligentia accuratissime emendatum magnaquc insuper rcrum scitu dignarum, ik vocabulorum accessions, longe auctius locupletiusqiie redditum. Huic etiam (practer Dictionarium Historicum it Poeticum, ad proi)hanas historias, Poetarumq?te fabulas intelligendas valde necessarium) accessit vtillissimus de Ponderum, Mensurarum, & Monetarum veterura reduc- tions ad ea, quae sunt Anglis iam in vsu, Tractatus. Sexta Editio snperioribus mvilto auctior. Cautabrigiae Ex officina lohannis Legat, celeberrimae Acadsmias Typographi. m.d.c. 8". Title etc. 2, A— Ccc 8 (C 4 & 5 wanting). Orn. IG, 30. Kough calf. 6.s. 18. The Historie of the Bible, bkiefly collected by way of Question and answer. Read and corrected by the Author... Printed Ijy lolin Legate Prmter to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge. And are to be sold in Pauls Churchyard at the signe of the Crovvne by Simon Waterson. 12". II 2, A — M 12, last 3 blank, 2 wanting. Preface signed: "From my house at Deptford the ',). of August. 1(102. The L. unprofitable Minister, lame Euscbius Pagit." {h) A Bkiekk of the Bibles Histohy : Dkawne first into Eng- ILsh P[oe]sy, and then illustrate[d b]y apt Annotations : \vher[et()] is now added a Synopsis of the J>il)les Doctrine. The third ^Edition, in sundry things amended and enhirged. By Henoch Claphani. 11 Im- ju-intcd at London by R. B. for Natlianiell Butter. 1G08. 12". Dedicated to Henry, Prince of Wales. A — L 12, last 2 blank (1 wanting). In 1 vol., calf, from tlie Simes Sale. 15x. Eusebius Pagit, 1512 (?)— 1017. Cli. Cli. Oxf., Vicar of Oundle, and Rector of Kilkhaini)ton, deprived for Nonconformity, but in KiOl became Hector of SL Anne, Aldorsgate St. Hiinocb Clapliam (tl. 1(>U0) in 1595 was pastor of a congnigation of Muglisb- Hpcaking people in Amsterdam, in 1007 Vicar of Northbourne, Kent, D. c. Kill. Diet. Nat. Biofj.. 8 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1G03 19. ThRENO-THKIAMBEUTICON. AcADEMIAE CaNTABRIGIENSIS OB damnum lucrosum, &, infoelicitatem foelicissimam, luctuosus trium})lius. ® Cantabrigiae, Ex oflScina lohannis Legat. 1603. 4°. H 4, A— I 4, + 1. Orn. 14. Cloth, from the Napier Sale. 18s. For notice of this see Grosart's P. Fletcher, Vol. iii., & Lowndes, p. 729. ContrihutorH : William Smyth, V.C. ; Thomas Byng, Clare; Phineas Fletcher, lung's; John Boys, Clare; Matthew Wren, Pembroke, afterwai'ds Bji. of Ely; Albert Morton, King's, afterwards Secretary of State; Stephen Perse, M.D., Caius; John Williams, St John's, afterwards Abp. of York; Andrew Downes, Kegius Professor of Greek ; &c. 20. The Works of that Famovs and Worthie Minister of Christ, in the Vniversitie of Cambridge, M. W. Perkins : Gathered into one volume, and newly corrected according to his owne copies. With distinct chapters, and contents of euery bookc, and a generall Table of the whole. .. © Printed by lohn Legat, Printer to the Vniucrsitie of Cambridge. 1605. And are to be sold at the signe of the Crowne in Pauls Chui^ch-yard. (6) The Workes of that Famovs and Worthy Minister of Christ, in the Vniversitie of Cambridge, Mr William Perkins. The Second Yolvme : Newly corrected according to his owne copies. Witli distinct chapters, and contents of euery booke prefixed : and two Tables of the whole adioyned ; one of the matters, and questions : the other of clioice places of Scripture .. 8 Printed at London by lohn Legatt, Printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge. 1617. (c) The WoRkEs of that Famovs and Worthy Minister of Christ, in the Vniuersitie of Cambridge, Mr W. Perkins. The third and last Volume. Newly corrected and amended. Containing his learned Expositions of sundrie choise places of Scripture, with some little Tractates. The particulars whereof thoii maiest see in the next Page, with the order of their placing. Hereto is adioyned a twofold table ; one of the cheife Points and Questions, the other of choise places of Scripture... Printed by Cantrell Legge, Printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge. 1618. F". 3 vols. Vol. I. H 8, A— Nnnn 6, Oooo 4. Orn. 23, 25, 33. Vol. ii. H 8, A— Ooo 6, Ppp 4. Vol. III. A— Pppp (3, Qqqq 8, Rrrr— Ssss 6, Tttt 8, Uuuu 4, last (blank?) wanting. Orn. 33. Old calf. 18*-. Vol. I. is of the first edition : Vols. ii. & in. of one of the numerous later editions. The separate treatises have their original titles prefixed. Those in Vols. I. & II. are all by Legate: Vol. in., various printers, chiefly Cantrell Legge. 22. The Interpreter : or Booke Containing the Signification of Words : Wherein is set foorth the true meaning of all, or the most part of such Words and Term as, as are mentioned in the La we 1607] T. PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE TO 1700. 9 Writers, or Statutes of this victorious and renowned Kiugdome, requiring any Exposition or Interpretation. A Worke not onely profitable, but necessary for such as desire throughly to l)e instructed in the knowledge of our Lawes, Statutes, or other Antiquities. Collected by John Cowell Doctor, and the Kings Maiesties Professour of the Ciuill Law in the Vniuersitie of Cambridge... © At Cambridge Printed by lohn Legate. Anno 1607. 4". * 4, A— Cccc 1. Orn. 14, I'J, 20 (variation), 29. Calf, from the Simes Sale. 25.S. John Cowell [1554?— KUl], Eton & King's, LL.D., Master of Trinity Hall 1598, Kegius Professor of Civil Law. 23. The Faith, Doctkixe, and religion, professed, &. pko- tected in the Realme of England, and Dominions of the same : Expressed in 39 Articles, concordablie agreed vpon by the reuerend Bishops, and Glergie of this Kingdome, at two seuerall meetings, or conuocations of theirs, in the yeares of our Lord, 1562, and 1604 : The said Articles Analised into Propositions, and the Propositions prooued to be agreeable both to the written word of God, and to the extant Confessions of all the neighbour Churches, Christianlie reformed : The adversaries also of note, and name, which from the Apostles dales, and primitiue Church hetherto, haue crossed, or contradicted the said Articles in generall, or any particle, or proposition arising from anie of tlicm in particular, heerby are discouered, laid open, and so confuted. Perused, and by the lawfull authoritie of the Church of England, allowed to be publique... Printed by John Legatt, Printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge. 1607. 4". [By Thomas Eogers.] 11—^111111 4, 111I1I111[ 2, A— Ff 4, Gg, Hh 2. Orn. 29. (6) A MODEST &, REASONABLE EXAMINATION, OF S')M1': TIIlNiJS in use in the Church of England, sundrie times heretofore misliked, and now lately, in a Booke called the (Plea of tlie Innocent :)... By William Couell, Doctor of Diuinity. London, Printed by Humf'rey Lownes for Clement Knight, 1604. 4". pp. 215. Orn. 39 with variation. (c) Two Dialogues, or CoNFERiiNCEs (about an old t^uESTioN lately renued, and by the Schisoiaticall Coinj)any, botli l)y pi'intcd pamphlets and otherwise...) concerning kneeling in tin; \ery act of receiving the sacramental Ijread and wine, in the Supper of the Lord. [/;,// y/wmaH liocjers]... Fvinted by lieury BaUard 1608. 4". A— U4. ;< works in 1 vol. Old calf. 12.s-. Tiiomas llogciH [— ? -KJIG], Cli. Cli. Oxf. 15(18, K. of Uuniinger, Jiury St EdmuudH, 1581. Cliaplain to Abp. 13ancrofl. 10 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1610 William Covell, D.D., Lancashire B. — ? Christ's & Queens' Camb., V. of Sittingbourn, Kent, ltJO'2. 24. ClIRISTS ViCTORIE, AND TlUU.MPII IN HeAVEN, AND EaRTH, over, aud after death... Cambridge Priuted by C. Legge. 1610. 4°, [By Giles Fletcher.] H-II^ i. A— K 4, I 2. Orn. 33, 36, 37. Calf, gilt leaves, from the Napier collection. 4'2.s. Dedicated to Dr Nevill, Master of Trinity, Dean of Canterbury. Giles Fletcher (brother of Phiueas) 1588—1623, Trinity B.D., E. of Alderton, Suffolk. For second edition, see No. 45. 25. Hexapla in Danielem : that is, A sixfold Commentauie vpou the most diuine prophesie of Daniel, wherein according to the method propounded in Hexaph\ vpon Genesis and Exodus, sixe things are obserued in euery Chapter. 1. The Argument and Method. 2. The diuers readings. 3. The Quustion.s discussed. 4. Doctrines aioted. 5. Controversies handled. G. Morall observations applyed. Wherein many obscure visions, and diuine Prophesies are opened, and difficult questions handled with great breuitie, perspicuitie, and varietie, which are summed to the number of 536. beside the Controversies 134. in the Table, in the ende of the booke : and tlie best Interpreters both old and new are therein abridged. Diuided into two bookes : the first containing the historicall part of this Prophesie, in the 6. first Chapters : the propheticall, in the 6. last. By Andrew Willet Professour of Diuinitie. The first Booke ... [i/te second with tills tb dedication after p. 196.] Printed by Cantrell Legge, Printer to the Vuiuersitie of" Cambridge. 1610. F". H 4, 1st (blank?) wanting, A— Vu 6, Xx— Yy4. Orn. 36. Calf. 9.s. Andrew Willet [Ely, 1562—1621] Peterhouse, & Fellow of Christ's, E. of Childerlcy, Cambs., & Barley, Herts., & Prebendary of Ely. 26. Hexapla ; that is, A 8ix-fold Com.mentarie vpox the most Diuine Epistle of the holy Apostle S. Paul to the Romanes : wherein according to the Authors former method sixe things are observed in euery Chapter. 1. The Text with the diuers readings. 2. Argument and method. 3. The Questions discussed. 4. Doctrines noted. 5. Controversies handled. 6. Morall vses observed. Where- in are handled the greatest points of Christian religion : concerning iustification by faith, c. 3. 4. the fall of man c. 5. the combat betweene the flesh and the spirit, c. 7. Election, c. 9. the vocation of the lewes, c. 11. with many other Questions and Controversies summed in the ende of the Table. Diuided into two bookes: the first vnto the 12. chapter , containing Matter of Doctrine : the second belonging to Exhortation, in the five last Chapters. The Fii-st Booke... [) above. 30. Gods Arraignement of Hypocrites: With An Inlargemkxt concerning Gods decree in ordering sinne as likewise a Defence of Mr. Calvine against Bellarmine; and of M. Perkins against Arniinius... Printed by Cantrell [Legge] Printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambrid[ge.] 1615. " 4". Dedication to Sir William Aylofe by John Yates. H 4, 1st (blank?) wanting, 1[1[ 4, AB 4, C 2, D -Ggg 4 + table at p. 17. Orn. 30. "j.s. 0(i. Title partly gone, and mounted. Qu. if .same .John Yates who was minister of St. Andrew's, Norwich, c. 1022. 31. A COMMENTARIE UpON THE EpiSTLE OP SaINT PaUL WRITTEN to Tit VS. Preached in Canibritlgi; Ijy Thomas Taylor, and now published for tlie further use of the Churcli of God. Reviewed by tlu' Avthor, and enlarged with some notes, and besides the iiddition of many liundi'cths of plac(!s of Scripture, with an AI[)liii,beticall tal)U! of all the cheife and most olismialili' [loints containtMl in llic I'xMikr,.. l'iiiiLi:d by Cantrell L(!gge, I'linLcr to the Viiiucrsitic; of Camlirldgc. 1619. 4". 12 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1619 1— HIT 4, last blank, A— Aaa 8, Bbb 4, Ccc 2. Oin. 33, 3fj. Old calf. 12s. Folding tables, pp. 1 and 531). Bookplate of Dowager Countess of Strafford, with "88 Feb the 26 Isabella Wentworth this boock was geven me by S^ W. Wentworth." Thomas Taylor [Kichmoud, Yorks. 1576—1632], Christ's, Fellow and Hebrew Lecturer. Held successively livings of Watford, Herts., Reading, Berks., and St. Mary Aldermanbury, London. Commonly called ' ' the Illuminated Doctor." 32. Lacrymae Cantabrigienses : In obitum Serenissimae Re- ginae Anmie, Coniugis dilectissimae lacobi Magnae Britanniae, & Hiberiiiae Regis. E.x: officiua Cantrelli Legge, Almae Matri.s Can- tabrigiae Typograplii. 1619. 4' & o A— L 4. Orn. 33, 36. From Earl of Westmoreland's Sale. 12s. Preface signed I. G. P. (John Gostlin V.C.) Co)itribiitors : .John Hacket, Trin., afterwards Bp. of Lichfield and Coventry, Abraham Whelock, Trin., afterwards Prof, of Arabic ; Sam. Collins, Provost of King's ; George Herbert, Trin. ; Richard Love, Clare, afterwards Dean of Ely and Master of Corpus; &c. 33. A Remonstrance of the most gratiovs King Iames I. King of Great Brittaiiie, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, Aic. For the Right of Kings, and the independencie of their Crownes. Against an Oration of the most Illustrious Card, of Perron, pronounced in the Chamber of the third Estate. Ian. 15. 1615. Translated out of his Maiesties French Copie, by R. B. Pastor to the Church at Ashele in the Countie of Norfolke. Printed by Canti-ell Legge, Printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge. 1619. 4". A — Qq 4, R 1. Orn. 36, and Royal Arms. 15s. Some leaves water-stained. Richard Betts, R. Ashill, Norf. 1602—1626. 33*. Enchiridion De Institutis Graecorum. Autiioue Chkis- tophoro Angelo Graeco...Ex officina Cantrelli Legge Academiae Canta- brigiensis Typograplii. m.dc.xix. 4°. Title etc. 3 leaves, A — G 4, last blank. Dedications to -John Gostlin, V.C. & the University in general, & to Dr. Richardson, Master of Trinity. (6) 'ErXEIPIAION, HEPr TH2 KATA^rASEOS Ti7N 2'HME- PON 'Evpi(TKOfji€V(i)v EXA.Tjva>v' XIovos Xptso^opou Tov AyyeAou "■EXA.r^i/os* ...Ex Officina Cantrelli Legge, Academiae Cantabrigiensis Typographi. M.DC.XIX. 4°. A— H 4, I 2. Orn. 14, 63. In 1 vol. Half calf. 12s. Both titles have a printer's device consisting of a globe with the initials " G. G. F." surmounted by a phoenix and supported by two satyrs, with inscriptions " Semper eadem," & "Dela mia morte eterna vita i vivo." This is the device of " Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari" a printer of Venice in 1517. Christopher Angelus, a learned Greek Christian, native of Peloponnesus, who was persecuted at Athens, and escaped to England in 1608, and came first to Cambridge, whence he went to Balliol College, Oxford in KilO, afterwards 1G27] I. PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE TO 1700. 13 returning to Trinity College, Cambridge. Besides the above work, he wrote the story of his persecution in Athens, also an "Encomion of Great Britaine etc.," and a book " de Apostasia Ecclesiae" which attempts, among other things, to prove that Mahomet was Antichrist. He died in 1G38, & was buried in St. Ebbe's Churchyard, Oxford. 34. (a) Gratulatio Academiae Caxtabrigiensis De Serenisstmi Priircipis reditu ex Hispanijs exoj^tatissimo : Qtiam Augustissimo Rcgi lacobo, Celsissimoqtfc Priiicipi Carolo Ardentissimi sui voti testimonium esse A'oluit. Ex Officina Cautrelli Legge, Almae Matris Cantabrigiae Typogi-aphi. 1623. 4". A — E 4, F 3, G 4. Oru. 36. Dedication signed H. B. Procan. (Jerome Beale). Contrihutora: Samuel Collins, Provost of King's, and Begins Prof, of Divinity; Samuel Ward, Master of Sidney, and Margaret Professor; Jerome Beale, Master of Pembroke, Vice-Chaucellor ; &c. (b) Oratio Qua auspicatissimum Serenissimi Prinx-ipis Caroli, Reditura ex Hispanijs celebrauit Georgivs Herbert Academiae Canta- brigiensis Orator. Ex Officina Cantrelli Legge, Almae Matris Canta- brigiae Typography 1623. 4°. H— nriT 4, last blank. Orn. 44. (c) Cantabrigiensium Dolor &, Solamen : Sev Decessio Bea- tissimi Regis Jacobi Pacifici : Et Svccessio Avgvstissimi Regis Caroli : Magnae Britanniae, Galliae, & Hiberniae Monarchae. Excudebat Can- trellvs Legge, Almae Matris Cantabrigiae Typograpbus. mdcxxv. 4". A— I 4. Preface signed I. M. P. (John Mansell). Contributor.s : James, Duke of Lenox, Trin. : Matthew Wren, Penib., after- wards Bp. of Ely ; Andrew Downes, Kegius Prof, of Greek ; Samuel Ward, Master of Sidney and Margaret Professor ; Eichard Love, Clare, afterwards Master of Corpus ; Balph Winterton, King's ; Jerome Beale, IMaster of Pemb. ; &c. (d) Epithalamium Illustriss. & Feliciss. Principum Caroli Regis, et H. Mariae Reginae Magnae Britanniae, &c. A Musis Cantabrigiensibvs decantatum. Excudebat Cantrellvs Legge, Abnae Matris Cantabrigiae Typograplius. mdcxxv. 4". A — K 4, first blank. Orn. 40 (variation.) Cimlrihiitors : James, Duke of Lenox, Trin. ; Andrew Downes, Prof, of Greek ; Richard Love, Clare; Sam. Collins, Provost of King's; James Duport, Triu., afterwards Dean of Peterborough and Master of Magd. ; Abraham Wlielock, Clare, afterwards Prof, of Arabic ; Thomas Kandol])!), Trin. ; itc. 4 in 1 vol. Old Vellum, inlaid and liehly toolcMl, from Karl of Westmoreland's Sale. 42«. 35. Cantabrigiensiuai Dolor & Solamen : etc. (as No. 31 (c)). I". 36. Locvstae, vel Pirtas Iesvitica. Pki; riiiNi;,\M I-'m/iciikk Collegii Regalis Cantabrigiae. Apud Tlioniaiii A' loannein lUrkc, ci'l<'b(;rriiiiaf Acadiiiiiiic Typogra]ilios. Ann. Doiii. mdc.vxvii. I". 14 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1628 A — M 4, N 2. Purple morocco antique, gilt leaves, bv Hayday. £3. 10s. On Sip:. D 2, English Title as follows : The Locvsts, or Apollyonists. By Phineas Fletcher of Kings Colledge in Cambridge. Printed by Thomas Bvcke and lohn Bvclce, Printers to the Vni- versitie of Cambridge. 1627. 36*. The Kew Testament of our Loed and Saviour Jesus Christ. Newly translated out of the original greek : and with the former translations diligently compared, and revised^ by l)iK Majesties speciall command ^ Printed at Cambridge by the Printers to the Universitie. 1628, 12°. A — Y 12. Title with ornamental border : also ® on Y12''. Old blue morocco. 42s. This New Testament, which only measures 4^ in. x 2 in., is probably the first anthojised version of any part of the Bible printed at Cambridge. The first complete Bible was printed in 1629, see Ko. 37'"". 37. The whole Booke of Psalm es : Collected into English Meeter, with apt Notes to sing them withall... Printed by the Printers to the Vnivei'sity of Cambridge, And are to be sold at London by R. Daniel, at the Angel in Lumbard-street. 1628. 8°. Title with engraved border. A — G 8. In same vol. is a Latin Vulgate wanting title, with colophon "Excvdebat Antver2)iae Christoph. Plantinvs, Anno m.d.lxix." Old calf, edges tooled. 10.s. 6(/ 37*. The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments : and other Kites and Ceremonies of the Church of England, with the Psalter or Psalnies of David. © ^ Printed by Thomas And John Buck, Printers to the Universitie of Cambridge. Anno Dom. mdcxxix. F°, A 4, B— G 6. Orn. 33, 47, 55. (b) The Holy Bible containing the Old Testament and the New : Newly translated out of the originall Tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and I'evised, by his Majesties speciall command. Appointed to be read in Churches. Printed by Tho : and John Buck printers to the L^niversity of Cambridge. F". Engraved title by Jo: Payn, mounted. "[I 6, A— lii 6, Kkk 4. Orn. 34, 40, 54 var. (c) The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Newly translated out of the original Greek : and with the former translations diligently compared and revised by his majesties speciall command. U Appointed to be read in churches. © H Printed liy Thomas and John Buck, printers to the Universitie of Cambridge. Anno Dom. 1629. F". 1G30] L PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE TO 1700. 15 LU — Aaaa G, Bbbb 4, last (blank) wanting. @ on last page, with colophon. Orn. ii, 47, 54, var. 'Lea Wilson saj's, of this edition, " Tlie text appears to have undergone a complete revision, although I can tind no record of such having been done by authority. Yet the errors in the first and intermediate editions are here corrected, and considerable care appears to have been exercised as to the words jninted in italics, punctuation," etc. The title is engraved on copper; it was afterwards used for quarto Bibles and has here a wide margin. This seems to bo the first Bible in which the misprint occurs : 1 Tim. iv. '2().' Loftie. See No. 46. (d) The Whole Book[e] op Psalmes : Collected into English Meeter, By Thomas Stei'iihold, John Hopkins, and others, conferred with the Hebrew, with apt notes to sing them witliall. Set forth and allowed to be sung in all churches, of all jtcople together, before and after morning and evening prayer, and also before and after sermons : and moreover in private houses for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all ungodly songs and ballads, which tend onely to the nourishing of vice, and corru})ting of youth... ® Piinted by Thomas and John Buck, printers to the University of Cambridge. Ann. Dom. mdcxxix. F". Title torn and mounted. A— H C, I 2. Orn. 47. In 1 vol. Rough calf. 42.s-. 38. Expositio Epistolae D. Pauli ad Colossenses, Per Reveren- dum in Christo Patrem Joannem Sarisburiensem Episcopum in lucem edita: Olim ab eodem, Dominae Margaretae in Academia Cantabrigiensi professore theologico, dictata. Editio Secunda...Cantaln-igiao Apud Thomam &. Joannem Buck, celeberrimae Academiae ty[)Ogra])hos. Anno MDCXxx. F". A— Eee 4, Fff, Ggg 6, last (blank?) wanting. Orn. 40, 44, 45, 4(5, 47. Half calf. 9.S-. .John Davenant, Queens', Fellow 1597, D.D. 1G09, Lady Margaret Professor ICOy— 21, President of Queens' 1G14, Bp. of Salisbury 1(J21, D. 1G41. 38*. The Holy Bible containing the Old Testament and the New : Newly translatcid out of the origiimll Tongues, and witli the former translations diligently compared and revised, by liis Majesties .spcciall command. Ap])ointcd to Ix; read in Churches. Pi'inted by Tlio : and John Buck printers to tlio University of Cambridge. 4". Blarh ILrttrr. H 8, A— Lll R, Mmm 4, last (blank) wanting. Engraved title by Jo. I'ayn, the same as that of the folio Bible of 1G2'.), see No. H?*. Higiiiiliircs Borne lloniiiM & some lilacl< Ijcltcr. Coiitiiuioiis paging, ])]). UlK. New Tcstaiiioit title on 7y/. G with border and ® is dated 1030. Apocryiilia extcmls from C)o H to Zz 5. Orn. 39, 40. Old calf. -■{O.s'. A note by Mr Fry gives this as the first 4" ami (irst lilacli Tictter edition ])i IiiIimI ut C'iimbiidgi'. 16 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1631 38"**. Another Edition, Roman Letter. 4". t 8, A— H 8, I 4, K— X 8, Y 4, Z— Aaa 8, Bbb 4, Cce— Dddd 8, Eeee C, last (blank?) wanting. Engraved title the same as in No. 38'^, New Testament Title on Ooo 1 with border and © , dated 1G30. Parts of Ooo 3, 4 and 6 are torn away. The Apocrypha extends from Ccc 1 to Nnn 8. Both signatures and paging continuous : pp. 1153. Colophon on p. 1153. Old calf, rebacked. IBs. 39. Genethliacum Illustrissimorum Principum Caroli & Mariae A Mvsis Cantaln-igiensibvs Celebratum. © (Orn. 47). H Excusum Cantabridae. 1631, 4°. *» A — N 4. Half calf, cut close, from the Napier Sale. 7s. (id. Contributors : Thomas Comber, Master of Trinity ; Thomas Fuller, Sidney ; Henry Fern, Trin., afterwards Bp. of Chester; Edward King, Christ's, (Milton's ' Lycidas ') ; Eichard Sterne, Corpus, afterwards Abp. of York ; James Duport, Trin., afterwards Dean of Peterborough; Abraham Whelock, Clare; Kalph Winterton, King's ; etc. See also another copy No. 28 (c). 39*. Praelectiones de Duobus in Theologia Controversis Capitibus : de Judice Controversiaruiii, primo ; de Justitia Habituali et Actuali, altero : per Revereiidissimum Vii-iun Joan. Davenantiiini, S. Theol. Doctorem (nunc Episcopum Sarisburiensem) ante aliquot annos in celeberrima Academia Cantabrigiensi Tlieologiae profes-sorem pro Domina Margareta, in scholis Theologicis auditoribus suis dictatae .. Cantabrigiae, Ex Academiae celeberrimae Typograplieo. Anno MDCXXXI. F°. H 4 + 1 leaf inserted. A— Dd 4, lit 2, Ee— Mmmm 4, Nnnu 2, Oooo— Qqqq 4, last blank. Orn. 39, 40, 47. Old sheep. 9.s. 40. H' KAINH' AIAOH'KH Novum Testamentum Cantabrigiae Apud Tlio : Buck. Anno Domini 1632. 8°. pp. (348. Engraved title. © at end. A — Er 8, Ss 4, last (blank) wanting. Orn. 40, 41, 42. Calf. ,5.s. Gd. " Mr Beloe informs us that the types were borrowed from the sister university " of Oxford : and that there is said to be a letter in existence from Lord "Pembroke"", the chancellor of Cambridge, in which the curators of the Oxford " university press are entreated for the loan of their Greek types, as they made no "use of them themselves." Dibdin, Introd. I. 137. " Qu. ' to Lord Pembroke, the chancellor of Oxford.'' In reference to the loan of Greek types by Oxford to Cambridge, Mr F. Madan, of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, kindly supplies us with the following par- ticulars :— " Sir Henry Savile, Warden of Merton, Provost of Eton &c., gave in his life-time to the University of Oxford the matrixes of his Greek type and much of the type itself. This is clear from the Preface to the Ultima linea Savilii (Oxf. 1C22). The type was famous ever after the publication of Savile's Chrysostom at Eton about IGIO. In 1629 (June IG) the University of Cambridge begged the loan of the matrixes of Savile's Greek type : on June 30 the Convocation at Oxford granted the loan, and presumably the matrixes went to Cambridge. On 24 June 1G31 they were returned. The details are in the Eegister of Convocation marked E. 24, foil. 10, 13, 22 : which is in the University Archives hero." 41. — Another Coi^y. Title mounted. Large paper. Red morocco, gilt line, by Roger Payne. 42.v. 1632] I. PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE TO 1700. 17 42. Christian Hospitalitie Handled Common-place- wise in the Chappel of Trinity Colledge in Cambridge : Wliereunto is added, A short but honourable Narration of the life and death of Mr Harrison, the late hospital Vice-master of that Royal and Magnificent Societie : By Caleb Dalechamp Minister of Gods Word, and Master of Arts in the said Colledge... f[ Printed by Th. Buck, printer to the Universitie of Cambridge. 1632. 4°. Dedicated to the Bp. of Lincoln. A — V 4, 1st (blank) wanting. ' Harrisonus Honoratus ' with sejDarate title and paging. Orn. 39. 5s. Caleb Dalechamp came from Sedan, studied 10 years in Trinity, M.A. Ifi24 by special grace, B.D. 1G33, and Eector of Ferriby, Lines., see No. 56. 43. Anthologia In Regis Exanthemata : Seu Gratulatio Musarum Cantabrigiensium de felicissime conservata Regis Caroli valetudine. ^ Ex Academiae Cantabrigiensis typographeo, Anno Dom. MDCXXXII, 4''. A — H 4, I 2. Dedication signed B. L. Procan. (Benj. Lany.) 4s. 6f^ Contributors : Samuel Collins, Provost of King's and Reg. Prof, of Divinity ; Thomas Comber, Master of Trinity; Matthew Wren, Master of Peterhonse ; Henry More, Christ's ; Richard Crashaw, Pemb. ; John Pearson, King's, after- wards Bp. of Chester ; James Duport, Trin. ; Edward King, Christ's ; Richard Love, Master of Corpus ; Henry Fern, Trin. ; Richard Sterne, Corpus, afterwards Abp. of York ; Ralph Winterton, King's ; etc. 44. Clavis Apocalyptica ex Innatis et Insitis Visionum Characteribus Eruta et Demonstrata. Ad eoruni usum quibus Deus amorem studiumqwi? indidei-it Prophetiam illam admirandam cognoscendi scrutandiqwe. Editio secunda ab Authore recognita. Cantabrigiae ; Apud Thorn. Buck celeberrimae Academiae Typographum. Ann. Dom. 1632. 4°. A — E 4. Ornamental border and initials, line round the page, and marginal notes. (b) In Sancti Joannis Apocalypsin Commentarius. Ad Amus- sim Clavis Apocalypticae. Nunc prinium, idquo imperfectus adhuc, ad nonnullorum instantiani, typis editus... ® Cantabrigiae, Apud Thoni. Buck celeberrimae Academiae Typographum. Ann. Dom. 1632. 4". Title and preface 2 leaves, A — Oo 4, last blank. Folding Plate at p. 33. Orn. 44. 2 in 1 vol., calf, a dove, gilt, tooled on side. '.).-.-. Josepli Mede, B. at Benlcn, Essex 158(1, D. 1G38, Fellow and Tutor of Christ's, and Mildmay Lecturer in Grei^k. " In 1032 Buck used beautiful hobrew typo in the quotations in Mode's Clavis Apocalyptica." Wordsworth, Sckol. Acad. p. 3bl. 44*. — Another Copy, vellum, wanting title, preface, and plate to second work. 5(». 18 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1632 45. Cheists Victorie and Triumph in Heaven and Earth, over and after Death... The second Edition. © Cambridge: Printed for Francis Green. 1632. 4". [By Giles Fletcher.] A 4, H 4, A— K 4, L 2. Orn. 41 (on Al*), 39, 40. Calf, gilt leaves, by Bedford. 48s. For 1st Edition see No. 24. 46. The Holy Bible containing the Old Testament and the New : Newly translated out of the originall Tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised by his Majesties speciall command. Appointed to be read in Churches, Printed by Tho. and John Buck, printers to the University of Cam- bridge. 4°. H 8, A— LU 8, Mmm 4, last blank. Engraved title by Jo. Payn. New Testament with separate letter-press title, dated 1633. Orn. 40. 33larfe ILrttrr. Calf. 28s. 1 Tim. rv. 16 reads ' tin/ doctrine ' instead of ' the doctrine.' Stevens (No. 1079) gives an edition as printed by " Printers to the University, 1633." Loftie (No. 103) gives this as "Buck and Daniel, 1633," and says that there are at least two varieties. 47. Rex Redux. Sive Musa Cantabrigiensis voti damnas De incolumitate & felici reditu Regis Caroli post receptam Coronam, Comitic^.q^i)y from tho 24 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1639 University to J. Browne, Clerk of the Parliament, with autograph letter to him from T. Hill of Trinity. From the Simes Sale. £6, 6s. The Bible is the same edition as No. 59. 61. The Holy Bible Containing the Old Testament and the New : Newly translated out of the originall tongues, aud with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by his Majesties speciall command. H Appointed to be read in churches. 8 Printed by Thomas Buck, and Roger Daniel, printers to the Uuiversitie of Cambridge. Ann. Dom. 1639. 4°. Black Ecttrr. H 8, A— Mmm 8. Orn. 40, 51 (variation), 52. Apocrypha beginning Oo 8, p. 591, New Testament, 7,7. 6, p. 731. Old calf. 25s. Acts VI. 3 reads correctly, 1 Tim. iv. 16 as in No. 46. 62. The Historie op the Holy Warre; By Thomas Fuller, B.D. Pi'ebendarie of Sarum, late of Sidney Colledge in Cambridge. The second edition. © Cambridge, Printed by R, Daniel, for Thomas Buck, and are to be sold by John Williams at the signe of the Grey- hound in Pauls Church-yard. 1640. F°. Engraved title by W. Marshall " Printed by Thomas Buck one of the Printers to the University of Cambridge," before the above letter-press title, preceded by "A Declaration of the Frontispiece" in verse, signed J. C. [Qu. John Cleveland, Author of The Rebel Scot] <^ 4, A— Mm 4, Nn 6, Oo— Pp 4, Qq 6. Map of Palestine. Orn. 51 (var.), 52, 56. Old calf, rebacked. 15s. 63. A Friendly Triall of the grounds tending to Separation ; In a plain and modest Dispute touching the Lawfulnesse of a stinted Liturgie and set form of Prayer, Communion in mixed assemblies, and the Primitive subject and first receptacle of the power of the Keyes : Tending to satisfie the doubtfull, recall the wandring, and to strengthen the weak: By John Ball...1] Printed by Roger Daniel printer to the Universitie of Cambridge ; For Edward Brewster, and are to be sold at his shop at the Bible on Fleet-bridge. 1640. 4°. A — Tt 4. Old calf, from Westmoreland Sale with signature ' Vere ffane.' 12s. John Ball, Cassington, Oxon., B. 1585, entered Braseuose Coll. 1602, B.A. St. Mary's Hall, 1608, Curate of Whitmore, Staff., where he died 1640. 63*. JoHANNis Posselii 2Y'NTAHI2 Gr^ca, utilissimis ex- emplis illustrata ; una cum Regulis ejusdem de Accentihus, & Varennii de iisdem tractatu. Adjecto ad calcem Indice. Cantabrigiae, Ex officina Rogeri Danielis almae Academiae Typogra2:)hi. Prostant apud Franciscum Eaglesfield, sub signo Calthae in D. Pauli ccemeterio. CIOIOCXL. 8°. m 4, 1st blank, A— N 8. Calf. 7s. 6d. On the title is a printer's mark, a tree with motto "Depressa resvrgo." Preface dated "Eostochii, Anno 1589." John Possel, Parchim B. 1528, became co-rector at Wismar, aud professor of 1641] I. PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE TO 1700. 25 Greek literature at Rostock in 1554, where he died in 1591. The first edition of this book was issued at Wittemberg in 1560, and the last (the 28"") at Leipzig in 1693. 64. The Complete Captain, Or, An Abbridgement of Cesars WHi'res, with observations upon them ; Together With a collection of the order of the Militia of the Ancients ; and A particular Treatise of modern war : Written By the late great Generall the Duke of Rohan : Englished by J. C. [John Cmso.^ Cambridge, Printed by Roger Daniel, Printer to the Vnivei'sitie : And are to be sold at the Angel in Popes-head-alley in London. 1640. 8°. Title 1, ' To my worthy friend Captain Cruso,' 1 (marked 112), A 2—8, B— M 8, N 2. Calf, gilt leaves. 21*-. John Cruso, Caius, Fellow 1639 — 44, when he was ejected. Afterwards Chancellor of the Diocese of St David's. 64*. Danielis Heinsii Sacrarum Exercitationum ad Novum Testamentum Libri xx. In quibus Contextus Sacer illustratur, SS. Patrum aliorumque sententiae examinantur, Interpretationes denique antiquae aliaeque ad eum expenduutur. Editio secunda priore non parum emendatior, Graeco insuper Indice locupletata. Cantabrigiae, Ex Officina Rogeri Danielis, celeberrimae Academiae Typographi, MDCXL. 4°. II 4, AB 8, C--Qqqci 4. Orn. 42 (variation), 52, 58, 65. Calf. 7s. U. Printer's Mark ou title same as 63*. 65. The Jealous Lovers. A Comedie presented to their gracious Majesties at Cambridge, By the students of Trinitie-Colledge. Written by Thomas Randolph, Master of Arts, and Fellow of the House... Printed Ijy Roger Daniel, Printer to the Universitie of Cam- bridge : 1640. And are to be sold by Richard Ireland. 8". A 8, 1st blank, B— F 8, G 4. This forms part of the work described at No. 250* post, q. v. Thomas llandolph, Newnliam, near Daintry, Northants., B. 1605, Fellow of Trinity, M.A. and liicorp. Oxon. D. March 163f. 66. Irenodia Cantabrigiensis : Ob paciferum Serenissimi Regis Caroli e Scotia reditum Mense Novembri 1641 . . .mdcxli. Clironogramma bipartitum. QVae DeVs Ita ConlVnXIt anathcMa sit qVIsqVIs separat. What goD hath thVs knit together CVrseD be he Who pVts asVnDer. Ex Officina Rogeri Daniel, Almae Academiae Typo- graphi. 1641. 4". "; 4, A — K 4, L 2. Orn. 05. Limp vollum, with faint remains of fine pilt tooling, (large paper?) I'i*'- Contrihuturn : Ilichard Jloldswoith, Fmni. V.C. ; Sain. Ward, Mast, dl' Sid.; Sam. Collins, Provost of King's; lUlph Bruwnrigg, Mast, of Calli., afterwards Pp. of Exeter; Pv. Love, Mast, of Corpus; II. Sterne, Mast, of Jesus; Henry 26 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1641 Fern, afterwards Bp. of Chester ; Ab. Whelock, Univ. Librarian & Prof, of Arabic; Abraham Cowley, Triu. ; Janrcs Duport, Trin., Prof, of Greek; Wm. Sandcroft, Emm., afterwards Abp. of Canterbury; John Cleveland, St John's; Oliver St. John, Cath. ; &c. 67. A Summary Discourse concerning the work of Peace Ecclesiasticall, How it may concurre with the aim of a civill confede- ration amongst Protestants : Presented to the consideration of my Lord Ambassadour S'' Thomas Row, &c : at Hamburg, in the yeare MDCxxxix. By M"" John Dury, A faitlifull and indefatigable Solicitour of the Gospel of Peace amongst Pi'otestants : Now put to the Presse for the information of such as are able to countenance, and willing to help forward the negotiation to some issue. Cambridge : Printed by Roger Daniel, Printer to the Universitie, Ann. Dom. 1641. 4°. A 4, 1st (blank?) wanting, B—G 4, H 2, (last blank). Orn. 62. 6s, John Dmy, or Dm-aeus, a Scottish Divine, "Who laboured with great but " fruitless earnestness to unite the Lutherans and Calvinists. With this view he " determined to travel from jDlace to place, and obtained the approbation & " recommendation of Archbishop Laud, & was assisted by Bedell, Bp. of " Kilmore, and Dr. Joseph Hall, Bp. of Exeter " Kose, Biog. Diet. See also Wood, Ath. Ox. iv., 578. Edinburgh B. 1596. Cassel D. 26 Sept. 1680. 68. The Temple. Sacred Poems, and private ejaculations. By M^' George Herbert, late Oratour of the Universitie of Cambridge. The sixth Edition... Printed by Roger Daniel, printer to the Universitie of Cambridge. 1641. 12^ m 4, A— H 12, I 2. Orn. 66. Old calf. _ 21s. George Herbert, B. Montgomery Castle 1593, educated at Westminster, and Trinity, Fellow, B.A. 1611, M.A. 1615, Public Orator 1619—1627, Prebendary of Leighton Bromswold, Lincoln, 1626, E. of Bemerton, Salisbury, 1630, D. 1632. 69. Gods Sabbath ---. } the Law and Under the Gospel. Under) Briefly vindicated from novell and heterodox assertions : By Ham on L'Estrange, Gent... Cambridge, Printed by Roger Daniel, Printer to the Universitie, 1641. And are to be sold at the Angel in Lumbard- street. 4°. A — T 4. Orn. 65. Half morocco, from Napier Sale. 12s. Hamon L'Estrange, Qu. father or brother of Sir Richard L'Estrange. 70. Of the Government of Churches; A discourse Pointing at the Primitive Form. © Printed by Roger Daniel, Printer to the Universitie of Cambridge. 1641. 8". Dedication signed Herbert Thorndike. «^#f 4, A— N 8. 3s. Gd. Herbert Thorndike, Trinity, Fellow, Eector of Barley, Herts., 1642, elected Master of Sidney 1643, but election put aside. Prebendary of Westminster. D. 1672. 1642] I. PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE TO 1700. 27 71. Mr Anthony Wotton's Defence Against Mr George Walker's Charge, Accusing him of Socinian Heresie and BLisphemie : Written by him in his life-time, and given in at an hearing by Mr Walker procured; And now published out of his own papers by Samuel Wotton his Sonne. Together with a Preface and Postscript, briefly relating the Occasion and Issue thereof. By Thomas Gataker, an eye and eare- witnesse of either... Cambi'idge, Printed by Roger Daniel, Printer to the UniA^ersity. Anno Dom. 1641. 8°. A— D 4. Half calf, cut into the print. 5s. Thomas Gataker, London, B. 157-i, St. John's, Fellow of Sidney, Preacher Lincoln's Inn, living of Eotherhithe, 1611, D. 1654. Anthony Wotton, B. in London, Fellow of King's, Gresham Professor, B.A. 1583, M.A. 1587, B.D. 1594, Preacher at Allhallows, where he was buried 1626. 72. The Resolving of Conscience, upon this Question, Whether upon such a Supposition or Case, as is now usually made (The King will not discharge his trust, but is bent or seduced to subvert Religion, Laws, and Liberties) Subjects may take Arms and resist? and Whether that Case be now?.. .By H. Fern D.D. .l). and several times V.C, Arclid. of ilniitingdon l(i37, K. of St. Peter Ic Poor, London. D. 164',}. Ue beciueathud to the Uuiveisity Library 10,095 vols. of which 186 were MSS. 28 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1642 75. A Sermon Touching Sciiisme, Lately Preached at St. Maries in Cambridge, By Ri. Watson, Fellow of Gonvile and Cajus CoUedge.... Printed by Roger Daniel, Printer to the Universitie of Cambridge. 1642. And are to be sold by William Graves, Bookseller in the Regent-walk. 4". Dedicated to Eichard Camden. A 2, B— E 4, P 2. 3s. Richard Watson, Fellow of Caius, 1636 — 44 when he was ejected. Ke-elected 1660. Master of the Perse Grammar School, D.D. Oxon., Apl. 9, 1662. This sermon was so offensive to the presbyterians that he was ejected from his fellowship and school. He fled to France, returned from Caen 1661, became chaplain to the Duke of York, R. of Pewsy, Wilts. 1662, Preb. of Salisbury, 1666. "This person who was a good scholar, but vain and conceited, died 13 Jan. 1684." Published "Historical Collections of Eccl. Affairs in Scotland," and many other works. 76. His Majesties Declaration to all His loving Subjects. Of August 12 16 42... Printed by his Majesties speciall command, At Cambridge, By Roger Daniel, Printer to the famous Univex'sitie. 1642. 4°. A— K 4, L 2. Orn. 64, 65. 7s. 6d. 77. His Majesties Answer to the Declaration op both Houses of Parliament, Concerning the Commission of Array : Of the first of July, 1642. Printed by his Majesties speciall command. At Cambridge, By Roger Daniel, Printer to the famous Universitie. 1642. 4°. A — H 4. Royal Arms on back of title. 7s. &d. For printing this pamphlet Daniel was summoned before the House of Commons and warned. See Cooper Ann. in., 332, 337, quoted in Bowes, Biog. Notes, 305. 78. The Watchman's Watchword. A Sermon preached at White-Hall upon the 30 of March last, being the fifth Wednesday in Lent, and the day of the monethly Fast : By Richard Love D.D. Master of Corpus Christi Colledge in Cambridge, and Chaplain in ordinary to his Majestic. Published by command... Printed by Roger Daniel Printer to the Universitie of Cambridge. 1642. 4°. A— E 4, F 2, last blank. 8s. 6d. Eichard Love, Camb. B. 1596. Son of Eichard Love, Apothecary, of Great St. Mary's Parish, Clare, FeUow 1618, Proctor 1628, D.D. 1630, R. of Eckinglon, Derbys., 1629, Preb. of Tachbrooke in Lichfield Cathedi-al, 1631, Master of Corpus 1632, Lady Margaret's Prof. 1649, Dean of Ely, 1660. D. Jan. 16, 166 J. "He was," Fuller observes, "one of those four Heads of Colleges who, at the general turning out of the loyal clergy from their Benefices, by the special favour of their friends, & their own wary compliance, continued in their places." Bentham's Ely. 79. A Protestants Account of His Orthodox Holding in Matters of Religion, at this present in difference in the Church : For his 1G42] I. PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE TO 1700. 29 own and others better confirmation or rectification in tlie points treated on, Hnmbly submitted to the censure of the Church of Engh^nd. Printed by Roger Daniel, Printer to the Universitie of Cambridge. 1642. And are to be sold by John Milleson, Stationer over against great St Maries in Cambridge. 4*^. Title 1, B— G 4, last (blank?) wanting. Orn. 63. 4.s. M. By Sir Henry Spelman, Congham, Norf., B. 1562, Trinity Coll. and Lincoln's Inn. D. 1641. 80. Of Religious Assemblies, and the Publick Service of God : A Discourse According to Apostolicall Rule and Practice. By Herbert Thorndike. ® Cambridge : Printed by Roger Daniel Printer to the Vniversitie, and are to be sokl at the Angel in Lombardstreet in London. 1642. 8°. A 4, B— Ee 8, Ff 2. Calf. 4s. M. 81. Democritus Platonissans, Or, An Essay upon the Infinity of Worlds out of Platonick Principles. Hereunto is annexed Cupids Conflict together with The Philosophers Devotion : And a Particuhxr Interpretation appertaining to the three hist books of the Song of the Soul. By H. More Master of Arts, and Fellow of Christs Colledge in Cambridge... Cambridge Printed by Roger Daniel, Printer to the Universitie. 1646. 8°. A 4, B— D 8, E 4, last (blank?) wanting. (b) >I'i;;)(oj8ia Platonica : OR A Platonicall Song of the Soul, Consisting of foure several! Poems; &c...By H. M. Master of Arts, and Fellow of Christs Colledge in Cambridge... Cambridge Printed by Roger Daniel, Printer to the Universitie. 1642. 8°. With 2 other sub-titles. A— Q 8, last (blank?) wanting. Old calf, one cover loose. Dr. Farmer's Copy, with signature and title of second work in his hand- writing. 15.S'. Henry More, Grantham, B. 1614, educated at Eton and Christ's Coll. cnt. c. 1631, Fellow c. 1640, B.A. 1635, M.A. 1639, D.D. c. 1660*. D. 1687. " More's Poems. ..form the most singular attempt in literature to turn meta- " physics into poetry... There arc here and there not a few genuine gleams both of "poetic and spiritual insight." Tulloch's liationdl Tlicolofii/, II (Cambridge riatonists), p. 313. Mr Chishull, an eminent bookseller, declared, "that for " twenty years together, after the return of king Charles II., the Mystery of " Godliness, and l3r More's other works, ruled all the booksellers in London." *Worthington calls him Mr More in March 16J2; but in October 1660 and afterwards in his Diary Dr More. Dr Luard however says that there is no record of his D.D. degree in the Registry. 82. A Catalogue of remarkable mercies conferred upon the seven A.ssociatcd Counties, viz. Cambridge, Essex, Hartford, Hunting- don, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Lincoln. Pi-inted l)y the coniniand of tlie 30 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1643 Right Honourable Edward, Earl of Mancliester, the Major Generall thereof, and the Committee now residing in Cambridge : And appointed to be published in the severall Parish-Churches of the aforenamed Counties, upon the seventh of April, being the day of Thanksgiving, that Almighty God may have the glory due unto his Name. Hereunto is annexed an Order for the more solemn keeping of the Publick Fast. Printed by Roger Daniel, Printer to the Universitie of Cambridge. 1643. ' 4°. A 4. See post No. 246. 82*. Specvlvm Mundi. {Title chiefly as 1st. Edition, see No. 57.) The second Edition enlarged... Printed by Roger Daniel Printer to the Vniversitie of Cambridge. Anno Dom. 1643. 4". H 8, 1st (blank?) wanting, A— Hh 8, li— Mm 4, Nn 2. Orn. 42 var., 49 var. Pigskin. 14s. In this edition is a separate title to the Hexamcron on C3 with date 1642. 83. M. MiNUTii Felicis Octavius © Cantabrigiae : Ex Officina R. D. Almae Academiae Typography Ann. Dom. 1643. 16°. Title etc. 3 leaves + pp. 96. 3 sheets in 16's, each sheet with 2 sigs. (A — F), G 4 (last blank). 7s. U. Name on fly leaf, " Wilm Baker E Coll Mert 1685." 84. AENAPOAOn'A. Dodona's Grove, or the Vocall Forrest. The third Edition more exact and perfect then the foi'mer ; with the Addition of two other Tracts : viz. Englands Tears for the present Wars. And The Pre-eminence of Parlements. By James Howell, Esq ; Cambridge, Printed by R, D. for Humphi'ey Moseley, and are to be sold at his shop at the Prince's Arms in S. Pauls Church-yard 1645. 12° H 13 (single leaf inserted), A— F 12, G 2, H (1st p. misprinted G 3) 12. En graving of an Oak, "Kobnr Britanicmn," and below, " Ai'bor houoretm- cnjus nos umbra tiaetur." Leaf following title blank, pp. 1 — 150, 171 — 191 (misprint for 151 — 171). Pre-eminence of Parlt. pp. 23, separately paged. Calf. 5s Lowndes describes this edition as having 2 plates of 6 trees each. We have seen these plates in another edition, and if really issued with this, they are wanting in the present copy. 85- — Another Copy of the same date, with some slight changes in the pre- liminary matter and having the 2 plates, without the blank leaf following the title. Calf. 7s. M. James Howell, Abernant, Caermarthens. B. c. 1594, Jesus Coll. Oxon., Fellow, at the Eestoration made Eoyal Historiographer, D. Nov. 1666. 86. SOAOMflN "EMMETP02, Sive Tres libri Solomonis scili- cet, Proverbia, Ecclesiastes, Cantica, Graeco carmine donati Per Jacobum Duportum, Cantabrigiensem, G. L. P. Cantabrigiae, Ex Officina Rogeri 1647] I. PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE TO 1700. 31 Danielis, almae Academiae Typograplii. 1G46. Londini prostant sub signo Angeli, in vico vulgo dicto Lumbardstreet. 8°. Engraved title by Marshall. A— Q 8. Orn. 66. Old calf. From the Beresford Hope Sale. See another copy post 99 (h). 5s. Gd. Janies Duport, Jesus Lodge, Camb. B. 1606, Educated at Westminster, Westminster Scholar at Trinity 1622, B.A. Jan. 1625, Fellow same year, M.A. 1630, Tutor of Trinity about 30 years, Reg. Prof, of Greek 1639, Preb. Lincoln, 1641, Vice-Master of Trinity 1655, D.D. 1660, Dean of Peterborough 1664, Master of Magd. 1668, V.C. 1669, R. of Aston-Flamville, Leics., D. Peterborough 1679. See ilemoir of Duport by Prof. J. H. Monk, Museum Criticum, ii., 672—698. 87. Poems by John Hall... Cambridge, Printed by Roger Daniel Printer to the XJniversitie, 1646. For J. Rothwell at the Sun in Pauls Church-yard. 8°. A— G 8, H 4. Orn. 43, 66. Calf. 18s. At page 69 there is a second title : The Seconde Booke of Divine Poems By J. H.... London Printed by E. G. for J. Rothwell. 1647. This title is the 3rd leaf of sig. F. How comes it to have the initials of a London printer? — It is dedicated "to his truly noble, and worthily honoured friend Thomas Stanley Esquire " (Author of History of Philosophy and Editor of iEsehylus), and dated, " St. John's Jan. 6. 1G46." There are commendatory verses ; among others by " H. More Fell, of Chr. Coll." " To the young Authour upon his incomparable veine in Satyre and Love- " sonnets," beginning : — " Young Monster ! born with teeth ! that thus canst bite "So deep, canst wound all sorts at ten and eight." John Hall, Durham, B. 1627, St. John's, resided one year and then removed to Gray's Inn. I). 6 Aug. 1656. See Wood, Fasti Oxen, ii., 193, respecting epist. ded. to Hall in Stierius' Philosophy signed R. Daniel, but written by Dr. Windet. 88. D. Heynsii Crepundia Siliana. Ejusdem Dissertatio De verae Criticae apud Veteres ortu, progressu, usiique, ciini in caeteris disciplinis turn in sacris : Et Exercitatio Critica, Demonstrans omnem fere ^gyptiorum, Graecorum, & Latinorum Religionem ex Oriente fluxisse. In quibus diversi autorum loci tarn Graecornm, quam Latinorum, emendantur, illustrantur, &, explicantur. Cantabrigiae : Ex Officina R. Daniel, Almae Academiae Typogra])hi. 1646. 12". A— 12. Old calf. 4s. M. 2 leaves inserted, signed A, A2, a letter of apology from R. Daniel to Heinsius for reprinting the work without permission, explaining that the book was scarce. Daniel Heynsius, Ghent, B. 1580, studied at Leyden under Joseph Scaligcr to whom the above work is dedicated ; and at 18 years of age became Greek Professor, afterwards Librarian to the University. D. 1665. 89. PlIILOSOPHICALL PoEMS, By HeNRY MoRE : MASTER OF ArTS, and Fellow of Christs Colledge in Caml)ridge. © ...Cambridge, l^rint(;d by Roger Daniel Printer to the University. 1647. 8". A 4, B — Hli H. Oin. 63, (;6. Calf antique, ))y Mackenzie. Imoiii Di. Almno's Rale. 25«. 32 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1647 90. A Sermon Preached before the Honourable House of Commons, At Westminster, March 31. 1647. By R. Cudworth, B.D... Cambridge. Printed by Roger Daniel, Printer to the Universitie. 1647. 4». H 4, 1st (blank?) wanting. A 2, B— L 4, M 2. Orn. 56, 63. 5s. 6d. Ralph Cndworth, Aller, Somers., B. 1617. Emman., E. of North Cadbnry, Somers., c. 1641, Master of Clare 1644, Hebrew Professor, Master of Christ's 1654, R. of Ashwell, Herts., Preb. Gloucester 1678 : published Intellectual System 1678, D. Camb. 1688. 91. The Historie op the Holy Warre ; By Thomas Fuller, B.D. Prebendarie of Sarum, late of Sidney Colledge in Cambridge. The third edition. ® Cambridge, Printed by Roger Daniel and are to be sold by John Williams at the signe of the Crown in Pauls Church- yard. 1647. F°. Collation same as 2nd Edition, 1640. See No. 62. Wants the Map and part of one leaf. (b) The Holy State. By Thomas Fuller Bachelour of Divinitie, & Prebenda"^ of Sarum, late of Sidney Colledge in Cambridge. Cambridge, Printed by R : D : for John Williams at the Signe of the Crowne in St Paules Church-yard. 1648. F°. Engraved title (as above) 1, A 2, 1st (letter-press title ?) wanting. B — Pp 6, Qq8. Orn. 65. On Ff 4 is letter-press title "The Profane State &c... Cambridge... 1648." In 1 vol. sheep. 12«. 92. The Holy Bible, Containing the Old Testament and the New. Newly translated out of the original Tongues, and with, the former Translations diligently compared and revised by his Majesties special Command. Appointed to be read in Churches. Printed by Roger Daniel, Printer to the Universitie of Cambridge. 1648. 18°. Engraved title, containing figures of Moses and Aaron, the Royal Arms and View of London at London Bridge. A— Y 18, Z 6, Aa 2. New Test, title on S 4. (b) The Psalms of David in meeter. . .Allowed by the Authority of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, Printer to the Kings most excellent Majesty, 1650. 18°. AB 18. In 1 vol. Old calf. 30s. Tbis is the first edition of the authorized Scotch Version [of the Psalms] which is taken in great part from that by Rous. The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland ordered it to be printed 23 Nov. 1649, and that no other version should be used after 1 May 1650. Francis Rous, Halton, Cornwall, B. 1579, Broadgate Hall, now Pembroke College, Oxford, Provost of Eton, 1643, Speaker, 1653 (for one month), D. at Eton 1659. 1G51] I. PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE TO 1700. 33 92*. DissERTATiONES DuAE : Prima de Morte Christi, Quatenus ad omnes extendatiir, Quatenus ad solos Electos restringatur. Altera de Praedestinatione &, Reprobatione. Per Reverendissimum virum Joannem Davenaritium, Nuper Episcopum Sarisburiensem. Olim ab eodem in Academia Cantabri2;iensi Professore TheoloOTCo auditoribus dictatae. Quibus subnectitur ejusdeni D. Davenantii Seutentia de Gallicana controversia : sc. De Gratiosa & Salutari Dei erga Homines peccatores voluutate...Ex Officina Rogeri Danielis, Almae Academiae Cantabrigiensis Typographi. 1650. F". A 6, B — Hh 4, li 6, Kk 2. Between P 1 and P 2 is inserted the title to the second Dissertation. Orn. 42 (var.), 65 (var.). Old sheep. 9s. From the Hacket Library, Feb. 1886. 93. AHMO20E'NOY2 Ao'yot eKXeKTot. Selectae Demosthenis Orationes : Quarum Titulos versa indicabit pagina. In usum studio- soi"um hoc niodo separatim excusae... Cantab rigiae : Ex Officina R. Daniel, Almae Academiae Typographi. Et sub signo Angeli in vico Lumbardensi (vulgo Lumbardstreet) Londini venales prostant. 1 2°. N.D. (c. 1650). A— R 6. Orn. 66. Calf. 4s. 6d. With Latin Version to 1st Olynthiac and 1st and 2nd Philippics. 94. Spiritual Opticks : or A Glasse Discovering the weaknesse and imperfection of a Christians knowledge in this life. By Nathaniel Culvervvell, Master of Arts, and lately Fellow of Emmanuel Colledge in Cambridge. Printed by Thomas Buck one of the Printers to that Universitie. 1651. And are to be sold by Anthony Nicholson, Stationer there. 4°. "To the Reader" signed "W. D. Emman. Dec. 24. 1651." [William Dillingham, D.D. afterwards Master of Emmanuel.] A 4, 1st (blank?) missing, B— D 4, E 2. 3.S-. Gd. Nathaniel Culverwoll, Emmanuel 1633, M.A. 1640, Fellow, Preacher in the College Chapel, Author of "Discourse of the Light of Nature," D.c. 1650. See TuUoch, Rational Theology, II (Cambridge Platonists), pp. 410 — 426. 94*. PuBLii Papinii Statu Sylvarum Libri v. Cum notis ad margincm Commentarii vice, Quas undecunque collegit Thomas Stephens, Scholae Bvriensis Moderator. Cantabrigiae, Apud Thoniam Buck cele- berrimae Academiae Typographum. Anno Dom. mdcli. 8". (b) PuBLii Papinii Statu Achilleidos Libki it, Notis admar- ginalibus illustrati... Cantabrigiae, Apud Thomam Buck cclcberrimao Academiae Typograplium. Anno Dom. mdcli. 8". A— P 8. Title (b) on M 4. Separately paged. Old calf. 4s. Cul. On both sides the initials T. I}, arc stampeil in the calf. 34 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1652 95. MA'PKOY 'ANTONI'NOY T(TY 'AYTOKPA'TOPOS TfifN 'EI2 'EAYTO'N BIBAI'A t/S'. Marci Antonini Imperatoris de rebus suis, sive de eis qae ad se pertinere censebat, Libri XII, Locis havd pavcis reptirgati, suppleti, restituti : Versione insnper Latina nova ; Lectionibus item variis, Locisqe parallelis, ad marginem adjectis ; Ac Commentario perpetuo, explicati atqe ilhistrati ; Studio operaqe Thomae Gatakeri Londinatis. Cantabrigiae : Excudebat Thomas Buck, celeberrimae Academiae Typographus. Anno Dom. mdclii. Venennt ibidem per Antonium Nicolson, Bibliopolam. 4°. Meclallion Portrait of Antoninus, by W. Faithorne. *_**** 4, A 2 (second blank), B— S 4, T 2 (inserted between A and A 2), + A— Dd 8, Ee— Gg 4, Hh 2, pp. 123 + 4.39. ® on last page. Old calf. ds. Tluroughout this work q is used without v, e.g. atqe, pro atque. Bishop Jebb's Copy, with Book-Plate. 96. Joseph: Medi, Collegii Christi apud Cantabrigienses aliquando Socii, Opuscula Latina ad rem Apocalypticam fere spectantia; Quorum catalogum dabit versa pagina. ® Cantabrigiae : Per Thomam Buck almae Academiae Typographum. Impensis Gulielmi Morden Bibliopolae. 1652. 4°. A 2, B— T 4, V 2. 4s. 97. A Lapidary : Or, The History of Pretious Stones : With cautions for the undeceiving of all those that deal with Pretious Stones. By Thomas Nicols, sometimes of Jesvis-Colledge in Cambridge. . . Cambridge : Printed by Thomas Buck, Printer to the Universitie of Cambridge. 1652. A 2. 4°. Dedicated " to the Eight Worshipful! the Heads of the Vniversitie of Cam- bridge." A 4, 1st (blank) wanting, B 2, C— li 4. With folding table. Half calf. 14s. Thomas Nicols, Camb. B. . ? Jesus Coll., Author of "Arcula Gemmea ; a Cabinet of Jewels," and " Gemmarius Fidelis ; or the Faithful Lapidary." 98. Poetae Minores Graeci (here follows list of Authors). Quibus subjungitui', eorum 2:»otissimum quae ad Philosophiam Moralem pertinent, Index Utilis. Accedunt etiam nuperae Observationes Ra- dulphi Wintertoni in Hesiodum. Cantabrigiae, Apud Thom. Buck, celeberrimae Academiae Typographum. mdclii. 8". * * * 4, A — Qq 8. Old calf, broken. 5s. Dedicated to Laud, Abp. of Canterbury and Chancellor of the University of Oxford. Another Edition, see post, No. 134. Ealph Winterton, M.D. King's, Regius Prof, of Physic, D. 163G. 99. ©PHNOOPI'AMBOS. Sive Liber Job Graeco carmine redditus Per J. D. Cantabrigiensem, S. T. B. Editio altera, multis in 1G55] I. PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE TO 1700. 35 locis ab Autore recognita & emendata. Cui aclduntur in fine tres Psalmi...Cantabrigiao, Apud Thomam Buck celeberrimae Academiae Typograiihum. 1653. Veneunt ibidem per Guilielmum Graves, Biblio- polam, 8°. H 8, A— N 8. J. D. (James Duport.) (b) SOAOMfiN "EMMETPOS, SiVE Tres libri Solomonis scili- cet, Proverbia, Ecclesiastes, Cantica, Graeco carmine donati Per Jacobum Duportum, Cantabrigiensem, G. L. P. Cantabrigiae, Ex Officina Rogeri Danielis, almae Academiae Typograplii. 1646. Londini prostant sub signo Angeli, in vico vulgo dicto Lumbardstreet. 8°. See another copy ante No. 86. A— Q8. 2 in 1 vol. Old calf. 7.s. Qd. 100. nop$YPi'OY...nEpr 'AnoxH^:s 'em^y'xon Bi^Aia reV- o-apa... Porphyrii Philosophi Pythagorici De abstinentia ab animalibus necandis Libri qiiatuor. Ex nova vei-sione : Cui subjiciuntur notae breviusculae. Ejusdem liber De vita Pythagorae : & Sententiae ad intelligibilia ducentes : De antro Nympharum quod in Odyssea de- scribitur. Lucas Holstenius Hambvrgens. Latinfe vertit. Disserta- tionem de Vita & Scriptis Porpbyrii, & ad vitam Pythagorae observa- tiones adjecit. Cantabrigiae : Ex celeberrimae Academiae Typo- gi-ajilieo. Impensis Guil. Mordcn Bibliopolae. Anno Dom. 1655. 8". A — Bb 8. @ on last page. Good copy, old calf. 5s. Gd. Luke Holstein, Hamburg, B. 1596, became a Koman Catholic, and died at Rome 1661. 101. EucLiDis Elementorum Libri XY. breviter demonstrati, Opera Is. Barrow, Cantabrigiensis Coll. Trin. Soc... Cantabrigiae : Ex celeberrimae Academiae Typographeo. Impensis Guilielmi Nealand Bibliopolae. Ann. Dom. mdclv. 12". A 8, B— Ff 6, Gg 4. © on last page. Half calf. 4s. 6d. Isaac Barrow, London, B. 1630, Educated Charterhouse and Felsted, Peter- house, afterwards Trinity, Fellow 1649, I\LA. 1652, D.D. 1670, Greek Professor 1660, Gresham Professor of Geometry 1662, Lucasian Prof. 1664, Master of Trinity 1672, V.C. 1675. D. 1677. 102. Officium Concionatoris. In quo Praecepta utilissima de invenienda habendiique Concione : Jam ante aliquot aunos ex optiniis quibu.sque autoribus collecta, ct quaia iiK^thodicc disposita A Praestanti Theologo, Concionatore Celeberrimo. © Cantabrigiae, Ex celeberrimae Academiae Typographeo. Impensis Guili<;lini Morden, Bibliopolae. Anno Dom. mdclv. 4". A— F 4, last (blank ?) wanting. 3s. Gd. 3—2 36 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1656 103. PUOVE ALL THINGS, HOLD FaST THAT WHICH IS GOOD; 1 Thess. 5. 21. Handled In two Sermons at S. Maries in Cambridge, the first on the Commencement Sabbath, July 1. 1655. the other since. By William Dillingham D.D. Master of Emmanuel Colledge in Cam- bridge. ... Cambridge : Printed by John Field, Printer to the Uni- versity. And are to be sold by William Mordeu. 1656. 4°. A— H 4. 3s. M. Wm. Dillingham, Barnwell, Northants. B. e. 1617, Emm. 1636, B.A. 1639, M.A. 1643, D.D. 105,5, Master Emman. 1653, deprived 1662, B. of Odell, Beds., 1672, D. 1689. Author of Life of Laurence Chaderton, 1st Master of Emmanuel. 104. The commentaries of Sr Francis Vere, Being Diverse pieces of service, wherein he had command, written by himself in way of Commentary. Published by William Dillingham D.D. © ...Cambridge: Printed by John Field, Printer to the famous Uni- versity. Anno Dom. mdclvii. F°. A 6, B — Cc 4, Dd 6. Russia, gilt leaves. £4. 4s. Plates: 1. 2. Effigies of Sr. Fr. Vere & Lord Vere. 3. Sr. Fr. Vere's Monument. 4. 5. Map of the Sea Coast of the Low Countries. 6. Map of Cadiz & Islands of the Azores. 7. The Action near Turnhoult. 8. The Battle at Newport. 9. The Effigies of Sr. John Ogle. 10. Map of Ostend. This copy has, on the title, the autograph " J. Illingworth B.D. 1659," & on the back of the half-title "Ex libris J. Illingworth S. Socij Collegij Erfian : "Ex Dono Doctorij Dillingham ejusd: Coll. praefect : 1657," & the signature " WiUiam Dillingham." 105- — Another Copy, Old calf. £2. 2s. Sir Francis Vere, B. 1554. An English General, served in the Netherlands under the Earl of Leicester, Lord Willoughby, &c. D. 1608. 106. Tactica Sacra, Sive De milite Spirituali Pugnante, Vincente, & Triumphante Dissertatio, Tribus Libris comprehensa, Per Joannem Arrowsmith, Doctorem, &, Exprofessorem S. Theologiae, Praefectum Collegii Sanctae & Individuae Trinitatis, quod est Canta- brigiae. Accesserunt Ejusdem Orationes aliquot Anti-Weigelianae, Et pro Reformatis Academiis Apologeticae, quas ibidem e Cathedra nuper habuit in Magnis Comitiis. Cantabrigiae, Excudebat Joannes Field, celeberrimae Academiae Typographus, Anno Dom. mdclvil Impensis Joannis Rothwell Bibliopolae, apud quem prostant Londini, infra plateam quae vulgo dicitur Cheapside, ad Signum Fontis in Aurifa- brorum vicinia. 4°. * 4, A— Zz 4. Old calf. 6s. .John Arrowsmith, Newcastle-on-Tyne, B. 1602, St. John's, Fellow of Cath. 1623, afterwards settled at Lynn, Master of St. John's 1644, D.D. 1649, Master of Trinity 1653, D, Feb. 165|. 1658] I. PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE TO 1700. 37 106*. The Holy Bible Containing the Old Testament and the New. Newly Tniuslated out of the Original Tongues, And with the former Translations diligently Compared and revised. Cambridge, Printed by John Field, Printer to y** Universitie. 1657. 8". (b) The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Newly translated oiit of the originall Greek, and with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. ® Cambridge, Printed by John Field, Printer to the University, 1657. (c) The Whole Book of Psalms : Collected into English meetre By Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others. Set forth and allowed to be sung in all churches, of all the people together, before and after morning and evening prayer, and also before and after sermons : and moreover in private houses, for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all ungodly songs and ballads, which tend onely to the nourishing of vice, and corrupting of youth Cambridge, Printed by John Field, Printer to the Universitie. Ann. Dom. 1657. Engraved title (mounted) 1, A — Qqqq 8, Rrrr 4, last wanting. Old morocco, rebacked. Ruled with red lines throughout. 2os. The title of the Bible, engraved by Robert Vaughan, is a rei^resentation of the seven pillars of wisdom, Prov. ix. 1 ; with below. Also @ on LlUo", & Errr3'', the end of Neiu Testament and Psalms. There is no Apocrypha. This edition is celebrated for the omission of the first line of Psalm 143, verse 4, " Therefore is my spirit over-". 107. Another edition, same year, etc., but with the error in Psalm 143 corrected : and leaving off at LIU 4, the end of the New Testament. 8°. Old morocco, gilt. Ruled with red lines throughout. 25s. 107*. Select Sermons Preached upon special occasions... [^ife of 10 Sermons.] With two Positions For Explication and Confirmation of these Questions, 1. Tota Christi justitia credentibus imputatur. 2. Fides justilicat sub ratione instrumcnti. By John Frost, 15. D. Late Fellow of S. Johns CoUedgc in Cambridge, and since Pastor of the Church at S. Olaves-Hart-street, London. Cambridge : Printed by John Field, Printer to the University : And are to be sold by Thomas Pierrepont at the Sun in S. Pauls Cliurch-yard, London. 1658. F". A2, B— Zz 4. Old calf. 5.s. Od. .Tolui Frost, Suffolk, Fellow of St. .John's, KM?, M.A. 1049, B.D. WfA]. 108. Musarum Cantabrigiensium Luctus & Gratulatio : Ille in Fvnerc Oliveri Angliae, Scotiae, &, llibcrniae Protectoris ; Haec Do 38 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1658 Ricardi successioiie felicissima Ad Eundem. Cantabrigiae : Apvid Joan- uem Field, Almae Academiae Typographum. 1658. 4°. Title etc. 2, * 4, A — H 4. Limp vellum. A. J. B. Beresford Hope's Copy with autograph. 9s. Contributors : Anthony Tuckney, Master of St. John's ; Richard MinshuU, Master of Sidney; The. Horton, President of Queens' ; Benj. Whicheot, Provost of King's ; Ralph Cudworth, Master of Christ's ; Theoph. Dillingham, Master of Clare ; John Worthington, Master of Jesus ; Wm. Dillingham, Master of Emman. ; Wm. Moses, Master of Pemb. ; James Duport, Vice-Master of Trinity ; Tho. Gale, Trinity, afterwards Dean of York ; &c. 109. Armilla Catechetica. A Chain of Principles; Or, An orderly concatenation of Theological Aphorismes and Exercitations ; Wherein, The Chief Heads of Christian Religion are asserted and improved : By John Arrowsmith, D.D. Late Master both of St. Johns and Trinity Colledge sucessively, and Regius Professor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge. Published since his Death according to his own Manuscript allowed by himself in his life time under his own hand... Cambridge : Printed by John Field, Printer to the Univei^sity 1659. And are to be sold at the signe of the Seven Stars in Fleet-street near S. Dunstans Church, London. 4°. * — «** ^^ ^ — Qqq 4^ j^j,j, 2. Good copy, old morocco. 14s. Note to the Reader signed Thomas Horton (President of Queens') & William Dillingham (Master of Emman.) Cambridge Novemb. 2. 1659. 110. The Recantation of Daniel Scargill, Publickly made before the University of Cambridge. In Great St. Maries, July 25. 1669. Printed by the Printers to the Univei'sity of Cambridge. 1669. 4°. A 4. Daniel Scargill, Camb. B....?, Corpus 1661, B.A. 1666, Fellow 1667, expelled Mar. 12, 1668 for Hobbism & Atheism, & deprived of his degree ; but was restored to the latter on making this Recantation. Presented, 1672, to R. of Mulbarton, Norf., & 1690 to V. of Swerdeston. Married daughter of Thomas Le Neve. (b) A Poem Attempting Something Upon the Rarities of the most Renowned University of Cambindge. London, Printed for Robert Nicolson Bookseller in Cambridge, Anno Dom. 1673. 4°. A— C4. (c) University Queries, In a gentle Touch by the By. Cambridge; Printed in the year 1659. 4". A 4. Orn. 70. (2nd copy see post, No. 246.) (d) SOMNIUM CaNTABRIGIENSE, OR A POEM VPON THE DEATH OF the late King brought to London, By a Post to the Muses. Loudon, Printed by Matthew Simmons next doore, to the Golden Lyon in Aldersgate Street. 1650. 4°. 1660] I. PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE TO 1700. 39 AB4. 4 in 1 vol., half calf. £3. 3*-. The following is one of the Queries from (c) : "Whether if the Vniversities of "Cambridge and Oxford should be annihilated, and the revenues imjiloyed to the "publique affairs of this Commonwealth, (Religion being now out of date, and "learning of no use, where men are so generally inspired,) it is not fitting that " Brasen Nose College in Oxford should be exempted from that general devastation, " as a memorial of the Kespect they bore to Oliver late Lord Protectour ? " 111. The Holy Bible Containing the Bookes of the Old & New Testameiit. Cambridge Printed by John Field Printer to the Vniversity. And illustrated with Chorographical Sculps by J. Ogilby. 1G60. F°. Engraved title 1, H— IIII 4, A— Kkk 6, LU 4, Mmm— Yyyy 6,Zzzz 8, pp. 1103 ; Apocrypha, a — x 6, y 4, last blank, pp. 258. (b) The New Testament of our Lokd and Saviour Jesus Christ, Newly translated out of the originall Greek, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by his Majesties speciall command. ^ Appointed to be read in churches. © Cambridge : IT Printed by John Field, printer to the Universitie. Anno Dom. 1659. F". A— Dd 6, Ee 8, pp. 238. 2 vols. (Vol. 2 beginning at Xxx 5 Old Test.) Title engraved by P. Lombart : Plates by W. Hollar : Vol. i. after I 3, Bb 5, Oo 4, Oo 5, & Pp 1 : Vol. ii : A 1 (New Test.). Red marginal lines and ornaments throughout ruled by hand. Beautifully printed. Fine Copy in Old red morocco, Harleian gold tooling, gilt leaves. £6. 6i>. Acts VI. 3 reads as No. 5y ; 1 Tim. iv. 16 as No. 46. 112. Academiae Oantabrigiensis ^OSTPA. Sive, Ad Carolum II reducem, De Regnis ipsi, Musis per ipsum feliciter restitutis Gratulatio. Cantabrigiae, Excudebat Joannes Field, celeberrimae Aca- demiae Typographus. 1660. 4°, •* 4, 1st blank, ** 4, AB 4, b 4, C— M 4. ® at end. 5*-. 6d. Contributors: Wm. Dillingham, Emm., V.C. ; Attay Earl of Kent, Trin. ; Ric. Love, Master of Corpus ; Anthony Tuckney, Master of St. John's ; Tho. Horton, President of Queens' ; Benj. Whichcot, Provost of King's ; Ralph Cudworth, Master of Christ's ; Theoph. Dillingham, Master of Clare ; John Worthington, Master of Jesus ; Wm. Moses, Master of Pembroke; Thomas Gale, Trin. ; Isaac Barrow, Trin. ; James Duport, Trin. 113. llOMERI POETARUM OMNIUM SECULORUM FACILE PrINCIPIS Gnoraologia, Duplici Parallelismo illustrata ; LJno Ex Locis S. Scrip- turae, quibus Gnomae llomericae aut prope aflSues, aut nou prorsiis absimiles. Altero Ex Gentium Scriptoribu.s ; ubi Citationes, Parodiae, Allusiones, & deniqwe loci Paralleli. Insertis liinc inde Observati()iiil)us Ethico-Politicis in Sententias, &, ad Voces insigniorcs Notis Criticis. Cum lii|ili(;i ludicc. Scntentiaruni. [jocoruui Scripturae. Vocabu- 40 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1660 lorum. Quibus Mantissae loco accessit Appendix Continens Syllogen Testimoniovum de Homero, Ex variis Autoribus, qua Antiquis, qua Neotericis collectam. Per Jacobum Duportum Cantabrigiensem, Graecae Linguae nuper Professorem Regium . .. Cantab rigiae, Excudebat Johannes Field Celeberrimae Academiae Typographus, 1660. 4°. a — e 4, A — Cce 4. Title mounted. Old embossed vellum, with tooled gilt edges. l'-2*>'- 114. Catalogus Plantarum Circa Cantabrigiam nascentium : In qua exhibentur Quotquot hactenus inventae sunt, quae vel sponte proveniunt, vel in agris seruntur ; Una cum Synonymis selectioribus, locis natalibus & observationibus quibusdam oppido rari.s. Adjiciuntur in gratiam tyronum, Index Anglo-latinus, Index locorum, Etymologia nominum, & Explicatio quorundam terminorum. Cantabrigiae : Excude- bat Joann. Field, celeberrimae Academiae Typographus. Impensis Gulielmi Nealand, Bibliopolae. Ann. Dom. 1660. 8°. *— ** 8, A— S 8. (6) Appendix ad Catalogum Plantarum Circa Cantabrigiam Nascentium : Continens Addenda & Emendanda. Editio secunda, aucta Plantis sexaginta. Cantabrigiae, Ex officina Joh. Hayes, Cele- berrimae Academiae Typographi. 1685. 8°. AB 8. Calf. 4s. 6d. 115. — Another Copy same as above with Index, bat without appendix of 1685. The imprint on the title being changed to : " Londiui: Apud Jo. Martin, Ja. " Allestry, Tho. Dicas, ad insigne Campanae in Coemeterio D. Pauli. 1660." Calf. 4s. 6(i. This copy of Ray's Catalogue is the only one we have seen with a London imprint. In 3 copies belonging to Prof. Babington, & one to the University Library, the imprint agrees with No. 114 above. John Eay, Block Notley, Essex, B. 1628, Cath. Hall, afterwards Trinity, Fellow 1649, F.R.S. 1667, D. Jan. 170f . 116. The Righteous Ruler. A Sermon preached at St. Maries in Cambridge June 28. 1660. Being appointed a day of publick Thanksgiving to God for the happy restauration of His Majesty to his Kingdomes. By John Spencer, B.D. Fellow of Corpus Christi Colledge in Cambridge... Printed by John Field, Printer to the Universitie of Cambridge, 1660. 4°. A— H 4, last blank. Half roan. 3s. M. John Spencer, Bocton, Kent, B...? Baptized Oct. 31, 1630, educated King's School Canterbury, Corpus 1644, Fehow 1655, D.D. 1665, Master 1667, Dean of Ely c. 1677, V.C. 1673. D. 1693. He was a great benefactor to his college. 117. Oratio Habita in Academia Cantabrigiensi, In solenni Magaorum Comitioi-um die, anno Domini mdclx paulo post Regem 16G1] I. PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE TO 1700. 41 Carolum II. Foelicissime reducem, Praefatoria ad Dis})utationem Tbeolosicam ; Per Revei'endum virum D.D. Richardum Love Magis- triim Collegii Corporis Christi, Et Illustrissimae Dominae Margaretae Professorem iu S. Theologia. & praedictae Disputationis Moderatorem. Typis excusa ex Mandate Regio. Secunda Editio, Cui adjungitur Oratiuucula Qua praedictus D"^ Love Augustissimiim Regem allocutus est, cum Legati Academiae Cantabrigiensis Aulara Regiam priinuin gratiilatura accederent, Procaucellario de subito aegrotante ; unde praedictus Doctor ejus vices subivit. Cantabrigiae, Excudebat Joannes Field, celeberrimae Academiae Typograplius. 1660. 4°. A— D 4, last blank. Orn. 67, 69. 3s. 6d. A second copy see post, No. 246. 117*. The Holy Bible containing the Old Testament and the New. Newly translated out of the Original Tongues. And with the former Translations diligently Compared, and revised. Cambridge. Printed by John Field Printer to y*^ Universitie. 1661. 8°. (6) The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Newly translated out of the oi-iginal Greek ; and with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. © Cambridge, Printed by John Field, Printer to the Universitie, 1662. (c) The Whole Book of Psalms: &c.... Cambridge, Printed by John Field, Printer to the Universitie. Ann. Dom. 1661. Engraved title 1, A — Qqqq 8, Rrrr 4, last leaf index to Psalms. ® at end of Neiv Testament and Psalms. No Apocrypha. The engraved title is by William Vaughan, and similar to that by Robert Vaughan in 1657, but rather more elaborate. See another copy of Psalms post No. 118. Old red morocco, gilt edges. 21s. 118. The Whole Book of Psalms : Collected into English metre By Thomas Stern hold, John Hopkins, ;ind otlusrs. Set forth and allowed to be sung in all churches, of all the people together, before and after morning and evening prayer, and also before and after sermons : and moreover in private houses, for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all ungodly songs and ballads, which tend onely to the nourishment of vice, and corrviptiiig of youth... Cam bridge, Printcjd by John Field, Printer to the Universitie. Ann. Dom. 1661. 8". Llll r, (not signed), Mmmm— Qqqq 8, Rrrr 4. © on p, 94. Old calf. 4,',-. Od. 119. The Book of Common Prayer And Administration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, Accoi-ding to the use of the Church of England; togetluu- with the Psalter or 42 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1662 Psalms of David, Pointed as they are to be Sung or Said in Chui-ches : And the Form and Manner of Making, Ordaining, and Consecrating Of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons. Printed by John Field, Printer to the University of Cambridge, 1662. 8°, A 4, B— P 8, a — h 8. Portrait of Charles II. & engraved dedication to the same, signed " Guliel. Slatyer," & " Jacob«s Fl : van Langeren ; " & 15 Plates, 12 of Saints, the others of Gunpowder Plot, Martyrdom of Charles I., & Eetorn of Charles II. Old red morocco, richly tooled, gilt leaves. From Dr. Corrie's library. 42s. 120. The Faithfull Surveyour: teaching How to measure all manner of Ground exactly, by the Chain onely ; also thereby to take Distances of a mile space, and the Situation of any Building. Shewing Likewise The making and use of a new Instrument, called a Pandoron; which supplies the use of the Plain-Table, Theodelite, Quadrant, Quadrat, Circumferator, and any other observing Instrument. As also divers Secrets for conveying and cleansing of Water, flowing and draining of Grounds, quenching Houses on fire, tfec. With An Appendix unfolding errours in Board and Timber-measure, with directions for making a Carpenters-Rule. By George Atwell, late Teacher of the Mathematicks in Cambridge. Cambridge, Printed for William Nealand at the Crown in Duck-Lane. 1662. 4°. * 4, ** 4, 1st blank. A— S 4. Orn. 58. Calf. 15s. A former owner, " Isaac James, Dighton Street, Bristol Feby. 13, 1822 " gives at the beginning an Index to places mentioned in the work. George Atwell, "contemporary with Newton, who mentioned him with honour." Rose, Biog. Diet. 121. Pub. Terentius a M. Antonio Mureto Emendatus, Et arsfumentis in sinoulas fabulas & scenas illustratus. Denub ex collatione optimorum exemplarium emendatissime excusus. Accessit Index vocum antiquarum apud Terentium. Cantabrigiae : Ex Officina Joannis Field, celeberrimae Academiae Typographi. Anno Dom. 1662. 8°. A— 8, P 4, last (blank ?) wanting. Old calf, gilt. 4s. U. 121*. IcHABOD : Or, Five Groans of the Church : Prudently foreseeing, and passionately bewailing Her Second Fall : Threatned by these five dangerous, though undiscerned, miscarriages that caused her First : viz. 1. Undue Ordination, 2. Loose Prophaness, 3. Unconscion- able Symony, 4. Careless Non-Residence, 5. Encroaching Pluralities. Humbly presented to her supreme Head and Governour, The Kings most excellent Majesty ; and His gi-eat Council, the Parliament of England... Cambridge : Printed for J. Greaves. 1663. 4°. A— H 4. (p. G2 misprinted 54). On title there is a curious engraving of a female tigure with a church in her lap (Orn. 71) ; & with "The Church of England " below, & above " all seeke there owne." Half calf. 15s. 16G5] I. PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE TO 1700. 43 122. BIBAO:^ TH2 AHM021A2 EYXH^ kuI reXeo-ews MY:iTH- PION Kal TcSv aAXwv ©E2M0N KAI TEAETON TH2 EKKAH2IA2, Kara to Wo^ t^s ArrAPKANHS EKKAHSIAS. Hpo? Se rovrots TYHOS Kttt TPOIIOS Ti^s KaTacrracrecos KetpoTtvtas koI Ka^t€pa)cr£0J9 EHlSKOnQN, nPE2BYTEPfiN Ka\ AIAKONf}N. 'Ev rrj KANTABPIPIA, 'E^crvTrw^r? Trap' lOANNOY $IEAAOY to9 tt;? AxaSyjixcas Tviroypd(j)ov. "Erei (xtto TT^s ©eoyovc'as ct^^t^. 12". a— c 6, A— K 6, L 4. pp. 126. (b) ^AATHPION TOY AABIA. Kara toi)s 'El38ofnJKovTa- EI2 TA TMHMATA, ra iv rrj Trjt'eX8ou Tou Trys 'AKaS7yyu.tas T^jTro^eVoi;, "Erei ctTTO t^s ©eoyovtas. a;('^'S'. 1 2''. A— 6, P 4. pp. 171. 2 in 1 vol. Calf. 6*-. This translation was made by James Dnport, Dean of Peterborough, &c. The dedication of the Prayer Book (to the Archbishop of Canterbury) is signed I. A. 123- — Another copy as above with ® on p. 116 of Psalter & other slight differences. Calf. 6«. 124- — A third copy, with New Test., Camb. 1665, wanting title, A — Mm 6, pp. 419. 6s'. 125. 'H HAAAIA AIA0HKH KATA TOYS EBAOMHKONTA. Vetus Testameutum Graecum ex Versione Septuaginta Interpretuni. Juxta Exemplar Vaticauuin Romae editum. © Cantabrigiae, Excusum per Joannem Field, Typograpliuin Academicum. mdclxv. 12°. 2 vols. Vol. I. t 12, AB 6, C— Kk 12. pp. 755. Vol. ii. Aaa— Xxx 12, Yyy 6, pp. 516. Apocrypha, A — Z 6, pp. 273. Old calf, broken. 7s. M. 126- — Another copy, without Apocnjpha. 2 vols, in 1. Old morocco, broken. 10s. 6d. The preface I'J pp. signed J. P., is by John Pearson, Snoring, Norfolk, B. 1612, Eton & King's, lip. of Chester, D. 1686. 126*. A THIRD Copy of tiik Skptuagint with the Apocrypha, liaviug the title and Pearson's preface entirely reset. Instead of © there is a printer's device consisting of a Pegasus above a Caduceus held by two hands similar to that used by Clir. Wechel of Paris and Frank- fort in 1550. {b) BJBAO:ii Tli:i AIIM0SIA2 EYX1I2. (c) *AATHPION TOY AABIA. liolli the latter as in No. 122. 44 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDCE BOOKS. [16G5 (d) THS KAINH2 AIA0HKH2 AHANTA. 9 'Ev rrj KANTA- BPiriA, 'Ei€TV7rweri Trap inANNOY ^lEAAOY, rod t^s 'AKa87;/xtas TvTroypas. 46 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1666 132. The Holy Bible &c. as No. 130, 1CG8, & Apocrypha as No. 131. (/;) The New Testament &c. as No. 130, 1006. (c) The Book of Common Prayer as No. 131, 1666. 1 vol. Calf, gilt. 15s. 133. AABI'AHS "EMMETP02, Sive Metaphrasis Libri Psalmo- rum Graecis versibvs contexta. Per lacobnm Duportum Cantabrigien- sem, Regium Graecae Linguae Exprofessorem. D.P. Cantabrigiae Exctidit loannes Field Celeberrimae Academiae Typographus. Ann. Dom. 1666. 4 o Engraved title (rather torn), as above, with figure of David & harp, & Portrait of Charles II. , by Hertochs. a — i 4, A — Hhb 4. Old calf, broken. 12s. Commendatory Verses by Isaac Barrow & others. 134. Poetae Minores Graeci. [List of Authors, 3 cols, of 8 names e«cA.]...Fragmenta quaedam [List of Authors, 3 cols, of 7 names e«c/i.]...Et aliorum incertorum Autornm. Quibus subjungitur, eorum potissimum quae ad Philosophiam Moralem pertinent, Index Vtilis. Accedunt etiam Observationes Radulphi Wintertoni in Hesiodvm. Cantabrigiae, Apud Joann. Field, Almae Matris Academiae Typogra- phum. MDCLXVii. 8". * 4, A— Pp 8, last 2 (blank?) missing. ® at end. Calf. 5s. 135. A Sermon Preached at St. Maries in Cambridge, To the Universitie September the 6. 1668. The Sunday before Sturbridge Fair. By Edward Kemp B.D. Fellow of Queens Colledge in Cam- bridge. Cambridge, Printed by John Field, Printer to the Universitie. 1668. And are to be sold by Edward Story Bookseller in Cambridge. 4". A — C 4, last blank. 2s. &d. Edward Kemp, M.A. 1632, B.D. 1689. 135*. Index Biblicus. See No. 131 (d) ante. 136. P. Petri Galtruchii Aurelianensis Soc. Jesu Mathema- ticae Totius, H.e. 1 Arithmeticae, 2 Geometriae, 3 Astronomiae, 4 Chronologiae, 5 Gnomonicae, 6 Geographiae, 7 Opticae, 8 Musicae, Clara, Brevis & Accurata Institutio. In Gratiam studiosae Juventutis adornata. Cantabrigiae, Excudebat Joan. Field, Celeberrimae Aca- demiae Typographus. Impensis Edwardi Story, mdclxviii. 8". Engraved title before the above. U 2, A— T 8, V 2. F 1 & 1 missing. 18 plates. Calf. 3s. M. Peter Gaultruche, Gautruche, or Galtruchius, Orleans B. 1602, became a Member of the Society of Jesus 1624, changed his name from Peter to Benis, taught for more than 30 years at the College of Caen. He was held in great esteem by Huet, Bp. of Avi-anches. He published, besides the above, various theological writings, & a History of ancient jjoets & writers. D. Caen, 1C81. 1670] I. PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE TO 1700. 47 136*. Daniel Scargill's Recantation. See ante No. 110. 137. Threni Cantabrigienses In Exequiis Serenissimae Re- ginae Henriettae Marie Augnstissimi Caroli Secundi Matris. Canta- brigiae, Ex Officina Typographica celebeirimae Academiae. 1669. 4". A 2, B— M 4. 7s. Gd. Dedicated by Edward Boldero. V.C. to Charles II. Contributors: James Duport, Dean of PeterborouKh ; Jas. Fleetwood, Provost of King's, afterwards Bp. of Worcester ; Joseph Beaumont, Master of Pet. ; John Pearson, Master of Trin., afterwards Bp. of Chester ; John Spencer, Master of Corpus; Isaac Barrow, Trin.; Tbos. Gale, Trin., afterwards Dean of York ; etc. 137*. The Holy Bible containing the Old Testament and the New Newly translated ont of the Original Tongues And with the former Translations diligently Compared and reyised by his Majesties speciall command. Appointed to be read in Churches. Cambridge Printed by John Hayes Printer to the Vniversitie. 1670. 4°. Engraved title 1, A 2, 1st blank, B— Ooo 8, Ppp 4, a— o 8, p 4. (5) The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Newly translated out of the Original Greek, and with the former Translations diligently compared and revised, By His Majesties special Command. 1[ Appointed to be read in Churches. ® Cambridge : Printed by John Hayes, Pi-inter to the University, MDCLXX. A — S 8, T 4. Old morocco, rebacked. 24s. The engraved title is from the same plate as the edition of IGfiS (see No. 130), the date & printer's name having been altered. 138. A Sermon Preached before the King at Newmarket April 24. 1670. By Miles Barne Fellow of St Peter's College in Cambridge. Printed by His Majesties special Command. © Cam- bridge : Printed by John Hayes, Printer to the University, 1670. And are to be sold by Edw. Stoiy Bookseller in Cambridge. 4°. A— E 4, last (blank?) wanting. 2.s-. M. Miles Barne, Pet., Fellow, M. A. (when he signed ' Barnes ') 16G8, Proctor 1GG7, D.D. 1682. 139. DissERTATio DE Urim & TiiuMMiM. In Deuteron. c. 33. V. 8. In qua Eorum natura & origo, Non paucorum rituum Mosaicorum rationcs, et Obscuriora quaedam Scripturae loca, probabilitor explicantur. Authore Joanne Spencero, S. T. D. Coll. Corp. Christ, in Acad. Cantab. Pracfocto. Cantabrigiao, Imponsis Gualtcri Kcttilby, ad insigno Ca])itia Kpi.scopi, in vico vulgo vocato Duck-Lane. 1670. 8". A— Y H, Ist (fe last blank. Title has been cancelled. 2s. M. 48 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1G70 140. De Anglorum Gentis Origine Disceptatio. Qua eorum migrationes, variae sedes, & ex parte res gestae, a confusione Linguarum, & dispersione Gentium, usque ad adventum eorum iu Britanniam investigantur : quaedam de veterum Anglorum religione, Deorum cultu, eorumque opinionibus de statu animae post hanc vitam, explicantur. Qua etiam de Yeterum Britannorum Origine aliquoties disceptatur. In Annotation ibus Difficilia explicantur, & e nata varia dubia Philologica discutiuntur, Authore Roberto Sheringhamo Cantabrigiensi, Collegii Gonvilii & Caii Socio. Cantabrigiae : Excudebat Joann. Hayes, Cele- beiTimae Academiae Typographus, Impensis Edvardi Story, Bibliopolae Cantab. Anno Dom. m.dc.lxx. 8°. Dedicated to Wm. Cavendishe Duke of Newcastle, ab 8, A — li 8. Old calf. 6s. Robert Sheringham, GestA^ack, Norf. B. 1602? Caius 1618, B.A. 1622, M.A. 1626, Fellow from Michaelmas 1631 to Lady Day 165?, when he was ejected. Ee-elected about Mids. 1660, Proctor iu 1644. An excellent Hebrew scholar. Buried at St. Michael's Cambridge, May 2, 1678. 141. Moses and Aaron : A Sermon Preached before the king At Saxhara in the County of Suffolk, April 17. 1670. By George Seignior Fellow of Trinity College in Cambridge. Printed by His Majesties special Command. © Cambridge : Printed by John Hayes, Printer to the University, 1670. 4°. A— D 4, E 2. 2s. ed. George Seignior, B.A. 166|, M.A. 1666, B.D. 1673, Fellow of Trinity 1664, Chaplain to George Wilde, Bp. of Londonderry, & Chaplain to the Earl of Burlington. 142. The Judge's Authority Or Constitution : A Sermon Preached in the Cathedral Church of S' Peter in York, upon Monday the 7**" day of March 162^, at the Assizes holden for the County before the Right Honourable Baron Littleton ; The Right Worshipfull S'' Philip Moncton Knight being High-Sheriff of Yorkshire. By James Johnson Bachelour in Divinity, and Fellow of Sidney-Sussex Colledge in Cambridge.... Cam bridge, Printed by John Hayes, Printer to the Univei-sity, for Samuel Simpson Bookseller in Cambridge. 1670. 4°. A— E 4. 4s. 6d. James Johnson, Sidney, M.A. 1662, B.D. 1669, Master of Sidney 1688, D.D. & V.C. 1689. D. 1704? 143. RicHARDi Crashawi Poemata et Epigrammata, Quae scripsit Latina & Graeca, Dum Aulae Pemb. Alumnus fuit, Et Collegii Petrensis Socius. Editio Secunda, Auctior & emendatior. . . . ® Cantabri- giae, Ex Ofiicina Joan. Hayes, Celeberrimae Academiae Typographi. 1670. 8°. A— F 8, A— 8. Orn. 72. Calf. Imperfect : wants pp. 113—118 & 129— 146. 10«. 1672] I. PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE TO 1700. 49 143''. A Collection of English Proverbs Digested into a convenient Method for the speedy finding any one upon occasion; with Short Annotations. Whereunto are added Local Proverbs with their Explications, Old Proverbial Rhythmes, Less known or Exotick Pro- verbial Sentences, and Scottish Proverbs. By J. R. m.a. and Fellow of the Royal Society. Cambridge, Printed by John Hayes, Printer to the University, for W. Morden. 1670. 8°. A 4, B— T 8, U 4. Sheep. 15s. By John Bay. See another edition No. 161. 144. Opuscula Mythologica, Ethica et Physica. Oraece & Latine. Palaephatus, Heraclitus, Anonymus, Phurnutus, Sallustins, Ocellus Lucanus, Timaeus Locrus. Demophilns, Democrites, Secundns, Sextius Pythagoricus, Theophrasti Characteres, Pythagoricorum Frag- menta. Heliodori Larrissaei Optica. © Cantabrigiae, Ex Officina J. Hayes, Celeberrimae Academiae Typographi: Impensis Joann. Creed, Bibliopolae Cantab. 1671. 8°. Aaa— Ppp 8, Qqq 4, A— C 4, D 2, Gg— li 8, Kk 10, LI 8, Aa— Ff 8, [Ff] 4, Mm— Br 8, Ss 2, D 8, last blank. Orn. 58 & similar to 47. Calf. 7*-. Grf. By Thomas Gale, Scruton, Yorks. B. 1636, Educated Westminster & Trinity, Fellow, M.A. 1662, Beg. Prof, of Greek 1672, D.D. 1675, Master St. Paul's School 1672, Preb. St. Pauls 1676. F. & S.B.S., Dean of York 1697. D. 1702. 145. A Sermon Preached before the King at Newmarket October 8. 1671. By the Honourable John North Fellow of Jesus College in Cambridge. Printed by his Majesties special Command. Caml^ridge, Printed by John Hayes, Printer to the University 1671. And are to be sold by Edw. Story Bookseller in Cambridge. 4°. A— E 4, 1st A & last E (blank?) wanting. Orn. 56. 3s. Cxi. Hon. ,Jolm North, son of Dudley, Lord North, London B. 1645, Educated Bury School & Jesus Coll., B.A. 1663, M.A. 1666, Fellow, Regius Prof, of Greek 1672, Master of Trin. 1677. 146. ViNDiciAE Epistolarum S. Ignatii. Autore Joanne Pear- son Presbytero. Accesserunt Isaaci Vossii Epistolae Duae Adversus David Blondelluin.... Cantabrigiae : Typis Joann. Hayes ; Prostant Lon- dini, apud Guih Wells & Rob. Scott, ad Insignia Principis in vico Little Britain dicto. 1672. 4". ab 4, c 2, A— Nnn 4, Aaaa— Ffff 4, Gggg 2. Dedicated to Gilbert (Sheldon) Abp. of Cant, Calf, broken at the joints. 6,s'. 147. IIIiFO'AOY 'A:iKPA['OY TA' 'EYPISKO'MRNA. Hesiodi Ascraei Quae Extant. Cum Notis ex probatissimis quibusdam Autori- bus, brcvissimis, aelectissiniisque. Accedit insuper Pasoris Index, auctior niulto hac novissiina cditiono, it niultu corrcctior. In Vsimi Sclioliiium c. 4 50 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1672 omnium. Opera & studio Cornelii Schrevelii. ® Cantabi^igiae, Ex Officina Joann. Hayes, celeberrimae Academiae Typograplii. 1672. 8°. * 8, A— X 8, Y 4, last blank. Orn. 69. Old calf. 4s. Cornelius Schrevelius, Haarlem B. c. 1615. D. 1677. 148. Platonis de Rebus Divinis Dialogi Select: Graece & Latine, Socratis Apologia, Crito, Phaedo, E Libb. Legum Decimus, Alcibiades Secundus, De Religione, De Justo, De Animae Immortalitate, De Dei Existentia, De Precibus : In commodas Sectiones dispertiti ; Annexe ipsarum ludice. Cantabrigiae, Ex Officina Joann. Hayes, Celeberrimae Academiae Typogvaphi. 1673. Impensis Joann. Creed, Bibliopolae Cantab. 8°. A— R 8, S 2. Calf. 4s. Qd. "Lectori Benevolo " signed " Jo. North. Coll. S. Trin. April 30. 1673." 149. Jo. Barclaii Argents. Cum Clave, hoc est, nominum propi'iorum elucidatione olim quidem edita. Editio ultima Correctior & Emendatioi'. ® Cantabrigiae, Ex Officina Joann. Hayes, celeberri- mae Academiae Typograplii. 1673, Impensis Joann. Creed Bibliopolae. Cantab. 8°. Engraved title, dated 1674. A— Oo 8. Old calf. 7s. M. .John Barclay, Pont-ti-Mousson, Lorraine, B. 1582, lived about 10 years in England, but removed with his family to Rome in 1616. The dedication of the Argi'nis to Louis xiir. is dated Kalend. Jul. 1621, only about a month before his death. The work was published first at Paris in 1621, attained great popularity, & was translated into English. 150. Bernhardi Vareni Med. D. Descriptio Regni Japoniae et Siam. Item De Japoniorum Religione & Siamensium. De Diversis omnium Gentium Religionibus. Quibus, praemissa Dissertatione de variis Rerum publicarnm generibus, adduntur quaedam de Priscorum Afrorum tide excerpta ex Leone Africano. Cantabrigiae, Ex Officina Joan. Hayes, celeberrimae Academiae Typograplii. 1673, Impensis Samuelis Simpson Bibliopolae Cantab. 8°. A 4, a 2, B— T 8, U 2. Old calf. 7s. 6d. Bernhard Varen, Amsterdam, B. 1620? D. c. 1680. An eminent physician at Amsterdam, where this work was first published in 1649. For his work on Geography, edited by Sir Isaac Newton, see post No. 165. 150*. Select Discourses •niE\iiNG...{here foUoiv 10 titles). By Jolm Smith, late Fellow of Queens Colledge in Cambridge. As also a Sermon preached by Simon Patrick D.D. (then Fellow of the same Colledge) at the Author's Funeral : with A brief Account of his Life and Death. The second Edition corrected... Cambridge, Printed by John Hayes, for W. Morden Bookseller. 1673. 4°. 1675] T. PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE TO 1700. 51 A 4, a — c 4, B — Ttt 4. Preface by John Worthiugton, dated from Cambridge, December 22, 1659. Calf. 6s. 6rf. John Smith, Achurch, near Oundle, Northants., B. 1618, Emm. Coll. 1636, B.A. 1640, M. A. 1644, Fellow & Tutor of Queens', D. 7 Aug. 1652. "Not the least Star in the constellation of Cambridge men, the contemporaries of Taylor &c." S. T. Coleridge. 151. DiSSERTATIONES ACADEMICAE, De OrATORIA, HiSTORIA, ET Poetica Authore Petro Olivier e Societat. Jesu. Cantabrigiae, Ex Officina Johan. Hayes, Celeberrimae Academiae Typograpbi, m.dc.lxxtv. Impensis Jon. Hart Bibliopolae, Cantab. 8°. A 4, B — 8, P (misprinted 0) 4. Last leaf damaged. 6.s'. Dedication dated "Pictavii (Poitiers) 18 Junii Ann. D. 1668." Peter Olivier, Poitiers B. c. 1622, admitted to Society of Jesus 1641 ; Professor at Poitiers and afterwards at Bordeaux. D. 1684. This work was first published at Paris, 1672. 152. HoRAE Hebraicae & Talmudicae. Impensae in Evangelium S. Lucae. Praemittuntur Cborographica pauca, de locis apnd hunc Evangelistam nominatis. © Cantabrigiae, Ex Officina Johan. Hayes, Celeberrimae Academiae Typograplii, 1674. Impensis Ed. Story Biblio- polae Cantab. 4°. By J. Lightfoot. A 2, B— Gg 8, Hh 2. Old sheep. 3s. Gd. John Lightfoot, Stoke-on-Trent, B. 1602, Christ's Coll. B.A. 1620, M.A. 1624, D.D. 1651, held various Cures till 1643 when he was appointed by Parliament Master of Catharine Hall in place of Dr. Spurstow ejected. D. 1675. 153. The Book of Common Prayer And Administration op the Sacraments, and other Rites & Ceremonies of the Church, According to the use of the Churcli of Enghxnd : Together witli the Psalter or Psalms of David, Pointed as they are to be Sung or Said in Churches. Cambridge, Printed by John Hayes, Printer to the University, MDCLXXV. 4°. ab 4, c 2, A— Q 4, K 2. {b) The Holy Bible Containing the old Testament and the New Newly translated out of the original Tongues And with the former Translations diligcmtly Compared and revised by his INlajostics speciall command. Appointed to be read in Churches. Cambridge Printed by John Hayes Printer to the Vniversitie 1675. ® 4°. Engraved title as used by Field 166R (see No. 130) retouched. A— Zz 8, Aaa 4. ApocnjpJui a — 1 8. New Text., with separate Idttorpress title. A— O H, P 4. Slcriihold il; lldpldiix with separate title (Cambridge Joliii Hayes, 1675), A— G H, H 2, last (blank?) wanting. Old calf. IH". 1 Tim. IV. 16 reads as No. 40. 4—2 52 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1675 154. Magna &■ Antiqua Charta, Quinque Portdum Domini Regis Et Membrorum Eorvindem. Cantabrigiae, Excudebatur pro Majore & Juratis Hastingiae, 1675. 8". A— F 8. Vellum. 7s. Gd. 154*. The Faith, Doctrine, and Religion, professed and protected in the Realm of Englaiid, and Dominions of the same ; Expressed in Thirty nine Articles. [Jiy Thomas Rogers. For rest of title see No. 23.]... Cambridge, Pi-inted by John Hayes, and are to be sold by George Sawbridge at the Bible on Ludgate-hill, London. 1675. 4". a— cl 4, e 2, A— Ff 4, Gg 2. {h) Decimarum & Oblationum Tabula. A Tything Table. Comi)iled by W. C. Bach of the Civil Law. London. 1665. 4". A— F4. (c) Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiastical :... agreed upon in the Synod at London, 1603... London 1673, 4°. A— P4. 3 in 1 vol. Old calf. 4s. U. 155. MusAE Subsecivae, seu Poetica Stromata. Autore J. D. \James Duport'\ Cantabrigiensi Cantabrigiae, Ex officina Joann. Hayes, celeberrimae Academiae Typography 1676. 8''. A 4, 1st (blank?) wanting, B— Oo 8, Pp 6. Calf. 7s. Gd. 156. The Reason of Episcopall Inspection Asserted in a Sei-mon At a Visitation in Cambridge. By John Templer. D.D. Cam- bridge, Printed by John Hayes Printer to the University, for William Morden Bookseller. 1676. 4°. A 2, B— I 4. Dedicated to Peter [Gunning] Bp. of Ely. 3s. Gd. John Templer, B.A. of Emm. 164|, Trin. M.A. 1G48, D.D. 1666. 157. A Sermon Preached before the King at New-Market April 2. 1676. By Samuel Scattergood M.A. Fellow of Trinity College in Cambridge. Published by his Majesties special Command. Cambridge, Printed by John Hayes, Printer to the Vniversity, 1676. 4°. A 4, 1st (blank?) wanting, B— D 4. 2s. Gd. Samuel Scattergood, Trin., B.A. 1665, M.A. 1669, V. Blockley, Worces. 1678 [& as late as 1683], V. of Ware, Herts. 1677J I. PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE TO 1700. 53 158. Thesaurus, Graecae Linguae, In Epitomen, sive Com- pendium, Redactus, Et Alphabetice, Secundum, Constantini Metliodiuii, Et Schrevelii, Reseratus : Concinnatus, & Adornatus, Studio & Indus- tria, Gulielmi Robertson. Cujus Opera, praeter omnia Vocabula, in prioribus Schrevelianis Editionibus, eorumque permulta plenius Expli- cata : Octoginta, circiter, Graecorum Vocabulorum, niillia, ultimae, a D. Hill, Edition!, sunt Addita, Inserta, vel Adjecta : idque, in Manuali Lexico Graeco-Latino ; & Latino-Graecum, duplam circiter Partem, Auctius etiam est Editum. Cantabrigiae, Excudebat Johannes Hayes, Celeberrimae Academiae Typographus. Impensis Georgii Sawbridge, apud quern prostant Venales, Londini, vico, vulgo vocato, Ludgate Hill, ad Insignia Bibliorum, Anno Doni. 1676. 4°. A 4, A— 6G 4, 6H 2. Supplementum, A (black letter)— 4, P 2. Lex. Lat.- Gr., a— q 4, r 2. Orn. 58, 60. Calf, binding broken. 7s. 6(L William Kobertsou, a native of Scotland, educated at Edinburgh, settled in London c. 1650 as teacher of Hebrew. Came to Cambridge after the Eestoration. D. c. 1686. Robert Constantine, Caen B. . ? Pupil of ScaHger, visited the Universities of Germany, returned to Caen & became M.D. 1564. D. 1605. His Thesaurus was published first at Geneva, 1562. 159. NovvM Testamentum Domini nostri Jesu Christi Inter- prcte Theodoro Beza. Cantabrigiae Ex officina lo : Hayes Almae Academiae Typographi. 1677. 24°. Engraved title with Royal Arms above & © at foot. A — S 12. Date at end, 1676. Old calf. 4s. Qd. 160. i2PirENH2 KATA KEA20Y 'EN TOMOIS H'. rod dvrov 4>IA0KAAIA, Origenis contra Celsuin Libri Octo : Ejusdem Philocalia. Gulielmus Spencerus, Cantabrigiensis, Collegii Trinitatis Socius, utrius- <[ue operLs versionem recoguovit, &, Annotationibus adjecit. Accedunt item notae Davidis Hoeschelii in octo Libros Origenis, una cuin notis Jo. Tariui in Philocaliam. Cum Indice Rcrum & Vcrborum Locupletis- simo. Cantabrigiae, E.xcudebat Joan. Hayes, celeberrimae Academiae Typographus. Impensis Guli. Morden Bibliopolae. m.uc.lxxvii. 4". A 4, Ist blank, a 2, B— Ssss 4, last 2 blank. Calf. 8s. del. At end is a list of 33 "Books sold by W. Mordon Bookseller in Cambridge.", including 8 by Dr. Henry More. Watermarks in paper with signatures "I. Duraiid," & " WR ". William Spencer, Trin., Fellow, B.D. 1661, D.D. 1666. 161. A Collection ok English Proverbs Digested into a cqn- venient Method for the speedy finding any one upon occasion ; Willi Short Annotations. Whereunto are added Local Proverbs witli tluir Explications, Old Proverbial Rhytliines, Less known or Exotick Pro- 54 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1678 verbial Sentences, and Scottish Proverbs. The Second Edition. Enlarged by the Addition of many hundred English, and an A})pendix of Hebrew Proverbs, with Annotations and Parallels. By J. Ray, M.A. and Fellow of the Royal Society, Cambridge, Printed by John Hayes, Printer to the University, for W. Moi'den. 1678. 8'^. A— Dd 8. Calf. 12s. 6d. List of Books sold by W. Morden at end. 1st Edition 1670, see No. 143*. 162. The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, According to the use of the Church of England : Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, Pointed as they are to be Sung or Said in Churches. Cambridge, Printed by John Hayes, Printer to the University, M.DC.LXXIX. 4". ab 4, c 2, A (black letter)— Q 4, R 2. (b) The Holy Bible Containing the old Testament and the New Newly translated out of the Originall Tongues And with the former Translations diligently Compared and revised by his Majesties speciall command. Appointed to be read in Churches. Cambridge Printed by John Hayes Printer to the Vniversitie 1683. 4". Engraved title. Old Test., A — Zz 8, Aaa 4. Apocrypha, a — 1 8. Neio Tent., with separate letter-press title dated 1680, A — 8, P 4. "Brief Concordance... Carefully perused & enlarged by M'" John Downame, London, William Du-Gard, 1652. A— F 8, G 4. 1 Tim. iv. 16 reads as No. 46. (c) The Whole Book op Psalms. Collected into English Metre, by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others, conferred with the Hebrew :... Printed by John Hayes, Printer to the University of Cambridge, Anno Dom. 1679. 4°. A— G 8, H 4. In 1 vol. Old morocco. 25s. The engraved title in the Bible is from the same plate as the editions 1668 & 1675, with the date, &c., altered, & at the top of the plate to " Prov. 9. 1," the verse has been added. @ on titles of New Test. & Fsalms. 163. 'EPMHNE'IA Logica, Seu Synopseos Logicae Burgers- dicianae Explicatio, Tnm per Notas turn per Exempla ; Authore Adriano Heereboord ; Phil. Profess. Acad. Leid. Primario. Editio nova accurata. Accedit ejusdem Authoris Praxis Logica. Canta- brigiae, Ex oificina Joan. Hayes, celeberriinae Academiae Typographi, 1680. 8°. * 4, A— T 8, U 4. 1681] I. PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE TO 1700. 55 (6) Fr. Burgersdicii Institutionum Logicarum Libri Duo. Ad juveatutem Cautabrigiensem. Quod vetus est, juvenes, in Relligione sequamur : Quod placet in Logica, nil vetat esse novum. ® Canta- brigiae, Apud Joann. Hayes, Celeberrimae Academiae Ty})Ographum. 1680. Prostant venales apud Guil. Graves Jun. Bibliopolaui Canta- bx'igiensem. 8°. A— Aa 8. Synopsis with separate title on V G. Old calf. 6s. Gd. See ante No. 58. Adrian Heereboord succeeded Burf:;ersdj'ck as Prof, of Philosophy at Leyden. Anthony a Wood (Ath. O.von. ii. 830) says Heereboord "is very profuse in his commendations" of William Pemble, "and good reason he hath;" for in his Meletemata Philosophica & de Fonnis he had taken largely from Pemble's writings. 164. The Faith, Doctrine and Religion, Professed and Pro- tected ill the Realm of England, and Dominions of the same ; E.v- pressed in Thirty nine Articles. [i>?/ Thomas Rogers. For remainder of title see No. 2 3.]... Cambridge, Printed by John Hayes, and are to be sold by George Sawbridge at the Bible on Ludgate-hill. London. 1681. 4°. a— d 4, e 2, A— Ff 4, Gg 2. Old calf, poor copy. 4.s. U. 165. Bernhardi Vareni Med. D. Geographia Genehalis, In qua Affectiones Generales Telluris Explicantur, Summa curil quam plurimis in locis Emendata, & xxxiii Schematibiis Novis, yEre incisis, una cum Tabb. aliquot quae desiderabantur Aucta & Illustrata. Ab Isaaco Newton Math. Prof". Lucasiano apud Cantabrigienses. Editio tSecunda Auctior & Emendatior. ® Cantabrigiae, Ex Officina J oaun. Hayes, Celeberrimae Academiae Ty{)ographi, Sumptibus Henrici Dickinson Bibliopolae. mdclxxxi. 8", *— ** 8, A— Ii 8. Several folding plates. Old calf. 7,s'. M. 166. Piiraseologia Generalis; Continens, quaecunque sunt scitu necessaria, &l Praxi, usuique studiosoi'um Philologicorum, niaximae utilia, in cuuctis oijeribus Phraseologicis, Anglico-Latini.s, seu Latino- Anglicanis, huciisque, hie in lucem editis; eaque succinct^, & metliodice, disposita ; in gratiam studiosae juventutis, & ad faciliorem, ac tbeli- ciorem, in studiis suis Philologicis, progressum. A Full, Large, and General Phrase Book; compi-eliendiug, Whatsoever is necessary and most U.sefiill, ill all other Pliraseological Books, (hitlierto, h(!re, Publislied ;) and Methodically Dig(!sted ; for the more speedy, and Prosperous Progress of Students, in their Humanity Studies. Wy William Pvobertsou, A.M. Cambridgt!, I'riiiLcd by .John I L ayes, Priul.r 56 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1681 to the University, 1681. And ai'e to be sold by George Saw bridge, at the Bible, on Ludgate Hill, London. 8°. A 4, 1st (blank?) wanting, B— Km 8, Ssss 4, last (blank?) wanting. Half calf. 10s, 6d. 167. A Discourse Concerning the Nature of Christ's Kingdom, With Relation to the Kingdoms of this World ; in Two Sermons Preach'd at S' Maries before the University of Cambridge. By Miles Barne Fellow of S* Peter's College. Publish'd by Authority. Cam- bridge, Printed by J. Hayes, Printer to the University ; for R. Green, Bookseller in Cambridge. 1682. 4°. A— D 4, B— E 4, F 2. Orn. 56. 2s. 6d. 168. Samuelis Pufendorfii, De Officio Hominis & Civis, Juxta Legem Naturalem Libri Duo. ® Cantabrigiae, Ex Officina Joan. Hayes, Celeberrimae Academiae Typographi. 1682. Impensis Joan. Creed, Bibliopolae Cantab. 8°. A 8, 1st (blank ?) wanting, A 4, B— L 8, M 2. 4s. Samuel Pufendorf, Flaeh n''. Chemnitz, Saxony B. 1632, studied at Leipzig & Jena, Prof, of Law at Heidelberg c. 1660, & at Lunden 1670. Created a Baron of Sweden 1694 & D. same year. 169. A Sermon Preach'd before the University of Cambridge On the 9th of September, Being the Day of Publick Thanksgiving for the Deliverance of His Majesties Sacred Person, His Royal Brother, and the Government, from the late Hellish Fanatick Conspiracy. By Miles Barne, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty, and Fellow of St. Peters College. Publish'd by Authority. Cambridge, Printed by J. Hayes, Printer to the University ; for R. Green, Bookseller in Cambridge. 1683. 4°. A— E 4, F 1. 2s. U. 170. Hymenaeus Cantabrigiensis. 8 Cantabrigiae : Ex Offi- cina Johannis Hayes, celeberrimae Academiae Typographi, Ann. Dom. 1683. 4' o A 4, 1st (blank?) wanting, B 2, C— N 4, 2, P— S 4, T 2. Orn. 69. 6s. 6d. 171, — Another Copy in limp vellum. 9s. Marriage of the Princess Anne with Prince George of Denmark. Dedicated by John Coplestou V.C. to Charles II. Contrihutorx : J. Beaumont, Master of Pet. ; Joshua Barnes, Emml. ; George Stepney, Triu. ; Wm. Fleetwood, King's, afterwards Bp. of Ely ; Ch. Montagu, Trin., afterwards Earl of Halifax; &c. 1685] I. PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE TO 1700. 57 172. Mathiae Casimiri Sarbievii Lyricorum Libri iv. Epodon Liber unus, Alterque Epigrammatum. Adjicitur Epicitharisma, sive Eruditorum ^'iror^^m e Societate Jesu iu Autliorem Poemata. Canta- brigiae : Apud Ricardum Green, mdclxxxiv. 24°. Title 1, A— K 12 (1st blank). is. 6d. Mathias Casimir Sarbiewski, Duchy of Masovia, Poland B. 1595, a Jesuit distinguished for his Latin lyric poetry. Studied Classical Antiquity & Poetry at Kome. Employed by Urban VIII. to correct the hymns for Ms new Breviary. Professor at Wilne. D. 1640. 173. A Sermon Preach'd at the Assizes At Hertford. July 10*^ 1684. By Miles Barnc, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty, and Fellow of St. Peters College in Cambridge Cambridge, Printed by J. Hayes, Printer to the University ; for R. Green, Book- seller in Cambridge. 1684. 4°. A— D 4. 2.S. Gd. 174. Moestissimae ac Laetissimae Academiae Caxtabrigiensis Affectus, Decedente Carolo II. Siiccedente Jacobo II. Regibus Augustissimis, Serenissimis Clementissimisque. Cantabrigiae, Ex Offi- cina Joan. Hayes, celeberrimae Academiae Typography 1684. 4°. A— Gg4 + cd4. 5s. 175- — Another Copy on thick paper, bound in vellum. 9s. Contributors: Dr. Blyth, Clare, V.C. ; J. Beaumont, Master of Pet. ; Thos. Smoult, Prof, of Casuistry ; Joshua Barnes, Emml. ; Thos. Baker, St. John's ; Matthew Prior, St. John's ; Robert Moss, Corpus, afterwards Dean of Ely ; John Leng, Cath., afterwards Bp. of Norwich; Chas. Montagu, Trin., afterwards Earl of Hahfax ; &c. 176. De Ciiristo Imitando, Contemnendisque Mundi Vanitatibus Libellus Authore Tlioma Kempisio, Libri Tres, Interprete Sebastiano Castellione. Quibns adjungitur Liber Quartus Latine rcdditus, et de Sacramento vulgb inscriptus Cantabrigiae, Ex officina. Joli. Hayes, Celeberrimae Academiae Typography 1685. Impensis G. Graves, jun. Bibliop. Cantab. 12". A 6, B— M 12, N 6. Calf. 4*-. (id. Sebastian Castalio, or Chutcillon, French theologian, Dauphinc B. 1515. Prof, of Humanity at Geneva. At one time a friend of Calvin, but afterwards banished from Geneva at his instigation. Went to Bale & became Prof, of Greek, & died there in very reduced circumstances, 1503. He published a latin version of the Bible, an edition of Xenophon, and a latin translation of Homer. 176*. Enchiridion Militis Christiani, Salubkrkimis praecei'tis refertum. Aucton; Des. Erasmo Roterdamo. Ejusdcm de Pracpani- tione Ad Moi'tem Liber, ciiin ;diis nounuUis. Cantabrigiae, Ex Odicin;'! 58 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1685 Joli. Hayes, Celeberrimae Academiae Typographi. 1685. Impensis Guil. Graves, jun. Bi])l. Cantab. 12". A^-li 12, last 2 blank, 1 wanting. 1 leaf inserted after p. 38, with errata, & verses " Roterodamum," signed C. B, H. G. Frontispiece, Figure of Christ on pedestal, with shepherd's crook, & inscriptions " Miles Christiauus" & "Sub vexillo Crucis." Calf. Gs. 6tL At the end are " Epitaphia " by J. C. Scaliger, P. Scriverius, & others. 177. Lucii CoELii Lactantii Firmiani Opera, Quae extant Omnia; Ad Fidem Codicum tarn Impressorum, quam Manu scrip tor ura recensita. © Cantabrigiae, Ex Officiua Johan. Hayes, Celeberrimae Academiae Typographi. m.dc.lxxxv. Impensis Hen. Dickinson, & Rich. Green, Bibliopol. Cantab. 1685. 8°. A 8, ab 8, B— Qq 8, Rr 4. Old calf. 5s. 177*. : D>Dj;Dni nnip:i:2 p^i ]vyn njiin D^Snn nSD i:n niD^n *s Sy niJiop nnn:i nvmxi n^n^ni '^'pr\ Djr Sepher Tehillim, i.e. Liber Psalmornm, Curtl speciali Editus, cum Punctis Vocabilibus & Accentualibus ; ut &, cum notis Keri & Kethib, & Uteris majusculis & minusculis, secundum ipsas notas Masorethicas, &c. Item, niyp ^SD) vel HD**}^, Sepher Kinoth, i.e. Liber Lamentationum Jeremiae, qui scil. (a prima libelli voce,) dicitur Echali, tarn cum, quam sine Punctis & Accentibus, Editus, a Gvlielmo Robertson, A.M. Can- tabrigiae, Typis Johan. Hayes, Typographi Academici. Prostant, vero, venales, Londini, ad insigne Bibliorum, in vico, vulgo vocato, Ludgate- Hill, 1685. 12". A— U 6. Calf. 4s. M. 178. I20KPATOY2 AOrOI KAI EniSTOAAI. Tsocratis Ora- tiones et EpistoUie cum Latina Interpretatione Hieronymi Wolfii, ab ipso postremiim recognita. Editio Postrema, Mendis, Quibus priores scatebant repurgata, facta diligenti cum variis turn Graecis tum Latinis exemplaribus collatione. Cum Rerum & Verborum accuratis- simo Indice. Cantabrigiae, Ex Officina Johan. Hayes, Celeberrimae Academiae Typographi. 1686. 12°. a 6, A— Lll 6. Old calf. 5s. M. Jerome Wolf, CEtingen B. 1516, Tubingen 1520, attended the lectures of Melancthou at Wittemberg ; went to Nuremberg 1539, became Eector of Gym- nasium, Miihlhausen 1543, went to Augsburg 1551, & was employed by Anton Fugger as librarian. Prof, of Greek, Augsburg 1557, D. 1580. 179. The History op that Most Victorious Monarch Edward III''. King of England and France, and Lord of Ireland. And First Pounder of the Most Noble Order of the Garter; Being a Full and 1688] I. FEINTED AT CAMBRIDGE TO 1700. 59 Exact Account of the Life and Death of the said King, Together with That of His Most Renowned Son Edward, Prince of Wales and of Aquitain, Sirnamed the Black-Prince Faithfully and Carefully Collected from the Best and most Antient Authors Domestick and Foreign, Printed Books, Manuscripts and Records. By Joshua Barnes Batchelor of Divinity, and One of the Senior Fellows of Emmanuel College in Cambridge. Licensed by Authority Cambridge, Printed by John Hayes for the Author, mdclxxxviii, F". A 4, a 4, H 2, B — 5Z 4. Dedicated to James II. Verses " To my worthy " friend M'" Joshua Barnes, B.D. President of Emmanuel College," signed " Tho. " Heyrick, Market-Harborow, Leicest. Novemb. 4"' 1690." 4 Portraits : 2 of Edward III, 2 of the Black Prince. Orn. 74. Old morocco, fine copy, from the Westmoreland Sale. 36s. Sig. "0. Westmorland." 'o* IBQ. — Another Copy wanting 2 portraits, Old calf. 15s. Joshua Barnes, London, B. 1654, educated at Christ's Hospital & Emml. Coll. Camb., Fellow 1678, B.A. 1G75, M.A. 1679, B.D. 1686, Prof, of Greek 1695, D. 1712. See Diet. Nat. Bio;;, in. 250. 181. The Reformation op the Church of England Justified, according to the Canons of the Council of Nice and other General Councils, and the Tradition of the Catholick Church. Being an Answer to a Paper Reprinted at Oxford, called [The Schisme of the Church of England] Demonstrated in four Arguments, formerly Proposed to Dr. Gunning and Dr. Pearson the late Bishops of Ely and Chester, by two Catholick Disputants, in a celebrated Conference upon that Point. In which Answer the unworthy and false dealings of the Papists are shewed, and the Charge of Schisme returned upon them, and the Church of England proved truly Catholick and Apostolick in her Doctrine and Constitution. Cambridge, Printed by John Hayes, Printer to the University ; For Edward Hall Bookseller there. And are to be sold by Luke Meredith at the Angel in Amen-Corner. London, 1G88. 4". By W. Saywell. A— E 4. 3s. Gd. 182. — Another Edition, same year etc. A — D 4, E 2. Orn. 73. 3s. Gd. In this the name of Dr Saywell is given on the title. At the back is an advertisement of " Launoi's Epistles" to be printed by subscription, dated Juno 22. 1688, by Edw. Hall, the bookseller. William Saywell, Native of Dorset, educated at Cranburn school, St. John's 1659, l-'ellow 1666, B.A. 166:i, M.A. 1667, D.D. 1679, Preb. Ely 167,';, Archd. Ely m6'l, Master of Jesus 1679, D. 1701. 183. Illu.stklsslmi Piuncipis Ducis Cohnuhiae kt Comitis Pala- tini, &,c., Gencthliacon. ® Cautabrigiae, Ex Ollicina Joan. Hayes, Celebcrrima(; Academiae Typogiaphi. 1G88. 4". A — Q 4, IsL (blank?) wanting, a — c 4. Vellum, gilt leaves, large ik tiiick paper. 9it. 60 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1688 184- — Another Copy, small paper, calf. 6s. 6d. Contributors: Hon. John Montagu, Master of Trin., V.C. ; J. Beaumont, Master of Pet. ; Geo. Stanhope, King's, afterwards Dean of Canterbury ; John Leng, Cath., afterwards Bp. of Norwich ; &c. 185. De Christo Imitando, Contemnendisque Mundi Vanitati- bus Libellus Autbore Thoma Keaipisio, Libri Tres, Interprete Sel)as- tiano Castellione. Quibus adjungitur Liber Quartus De Coena Dominica Latine redditus, Una cum Micis aliquot Epidorpidutn. Authore R Widdrington, D.D. C.C. Soc. & D'^=^'^ Marg. apud Cantab. Theol. Prof.... Cantabrigiae, Ex officina Joan. Hayes, Celeberrimae Academiae Typo- gi-aphi. 1688. Impensis Guil. Graves, Bibliopol. Cantab. 12°. A 6, B— M 12, N 6, A 12, B 6. 4s. &d. Frontispiece as in No. 176* with "De Christo Imitando" substituted for " Miles Christianus." See former edition. No. 176. Ealph Widdrington. Fellow of Christ's, Pub, Orator 1650, Eeg. Prof. Greek 1654, Lady Margaret Professor 1672. 185*. Casus Conscientiae (Sive Quaestiones Practicae) Novem Soluti pro re nata atque decisi Per Reverendum admodum in Christo Patreui Robertvm Sandersonvm Episcopum nuper Lincolniensem. Ex Anglico sermone (post repetitas Editiones) recens in Latinum conversi. ...Cantabrigiae, Ex Oliicina Jo. Hayes, Celeberrimae Academiae Typog. Impensis Hen. Dickinson, & Rich. Green Bibliopolarum Oantabrigien- sium. 1688. 8°. A 2, B— G 8, H 4, I 2. Calf. 6s. The volume also contains, by the same author, Dc Ohligatione Conscientiae Praelect. X. and De Juramenti Promissorii Ohligatione Pracleet. VII. Lond. 1696. Kobert Sanderson, Sheffield, or Eotherham, B. 1587, Lincoln Coll. Oxon. 1601, B.A. 1604, Fellow 1606, M.A. 1608, Proctor 1616, B.D. 1617, R. of Wib- berton. Lines. 1618, resigned 1619, E. of Bothby-paynel, Lines. 1G19, chaplain to Geo. Mounteyne, Bp. of Lincoln, preb. of Lincoln, chaplain to Charles I. 1631, D.D. 1636, Eeg. prof, of divinity, Oxon. 1642, Bp. of Lincoln 1660, D. 166|. 186. CoNCio AD Clerum Habita coram Academia Cantabrigiensi Junii IP A". 1687. Pro Gradu Baccalaur. in S. Tlieologia. Ubi Vindicatur Vera & Valida Cleri Anglicani, Ineunte Reformatione, Ordinatio. Cui accessit Concio Habita Julii 3. 1687. De Canonica Cleri Anglicani Ordinatione, Latine Reddita & Aucta. A T. Browne, S.T.B. Coll. D. Job. Evang. Soc....Annexum est Instrumentum Con- secrationis Matth. Parker Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis ex MS. C.C.C. Cant. Cantabrigiae, Ex Officina Joan. Hayes Celeberrimae Academiae Typographi. Impensis H. Dickinson, Bibliop. Cantab. & Sam. Smith, Bibliop. Load, ad Insignia Principis in Coemiterio Divi Pauli. 1688. 4''. 1689] I. PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE TO 1700. 61 A 4, 1st (blank?) wanting, a 4, B— 4, P 2, last (blank?) wanting. 2nd Title on F 4. 3s. &d. Thomas Browne, Middlesex, St. John's, Fellow 167|, B.A. 1675, M.A. 1679, B.D. 1687. D. 1710. 187. OMHPOY IAIA2 Kal ck 'Avrqv 2X0AIA twv HAAAIfiN. Homeri Ilias, Et veterum in Earn Scholia, Quae vulgo appellantur Didymi : Totuni Opus cum Plurimis, Vetustiss. & Optimis Edit, colla- tum ; Et Luculenter ex Earum fide Restitutum. Continentur insuper in hoc Vohimine, I. Praefatio de Hac Editione. II. Libelli Herodoti & Plutarchi de Homero, cum Stephani Nobis, &c. III. Iliadis Nova Inter- pretatio Latina. IV. Iliadis 'ETrtypac^at. V. Variae Lectiones e Marginibus Edit. Stephani. VI. Ejusdem Annotationes. VII. Var. Lect. & Emendationes Scholiorum, vxna cum Additamentis ex Excerptis MSS. & Scholiox'um Supposititiorum Elencho Cantabrigiae, Ex Offi- cina Joann. Hayes, Celebeirimae Academiae Typographi. 1G89. Vendit Ed. Brewster, in Ooemeterio D. Pauli sub Insigni Gruis. Londini. 4°. a 4 (1st blank), b— g 4, A— 5E 4. Vellum. 9s. At end of Preface, "Scripsimus Cantabrigiae Idib. Octobr. 1688." 188. A Sermon Preached before the University of Cam- bridge. In Kings-College Chapel; On the 25"' of March, 1089. Being the Anniversary for Commemoration of King Henry VI. The Founder. By William Fleetwood M.A. Fellow of Kings- College. Cambridge, Printed by John Hayes Printer to the Vniversity ; for William Graves Bookseller there. 1689. 4°. A— D 4. 2.S-. Gd. William Fleetwood, Tower of London B. 1656, Eton ' pai-t (of which Vv2 is title), a— bbbb 4, cccc 2. Engraved Portraits of Euripides & Barnes before title. Old calf, gilt, rebacked. 12»-. 199. Lacrymae Cantabrigienses In Obitum Serenissimae Re- ginae Mariae. © Cantabrigiae, Ex Officina Johan. Hayes, Celeberrimae Academiae Tj'pographi. 1694. 4°. A— Dd 4. Calf. 7s. Gd. Co7itributor:i : Thomas Browne, Master of Pemb., V.C. ; Lord North & Chey, Magd. ; Hon. John Montagu, Master of Trinity ; J. Beaumont, Master of Pet. ; John Covel, Master of Christ's ; Tho. Snioult, St. John's, Prof, of Casuistry ; Joshua Barnes, Emmanuel ; Francis Hare, King's, afterwards Bp. of Chichester ; Anthony Collins, King's ; Thomas Sherlock, Cath., afterwards Bp. of London ; John Leng, Cath., afterwards Bp. of Norwich. 200. The Holy Bible Containing the Old Testament and the New. Newly translated out of the Original Tongues, and with the former Translations diligently Compared and Revised. With Marginal Notes, shewing Scripture to be the best Interpreter of Scripture. Pi-inted Anno 1682. 12°. No place or printer's name. A — Bbb 12, Cec 4. (b) A Small Cambridge Concordance to the Holy Bible, "With The Various significations of Words of most Importance ; and many Synonymous Terms and Phrases.... Printed to be bound up with Bibles. Cambridge, Printed by John Hayes, Printer to the University. 1695. 12°. t 2, A— C 6, D 4. Old calf. 9s. The Bible is " With Canne's Notes. Probably printed in Holland, but some- times attributed to the Edinburgh Press. Very incorrect : e.g. Ezek. xviii. 25. Tlie wuij of the Lord is equal, for, not equal. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy. for ?/(('." Loftie, No. 374, p. 109. John Canne, leader of the English Brownists at Amsterdam, whither he fled at the Piestoration, succeeding Ainsworth as preacher to the Congregation there. 201. Censorinus de Die Natali. Henricus Lindenbrooius recensuit, Et Notis illustravit. Quibus etiam accedunt Nunnesii in Fragmentum Notae, Cum Spicilegio Annotationum Doctissimorum Virorum Salmasii, Scaligcri, Recognitum at(ju(i Auctum. Cantabrigiae, Ex Officina Job. Hayes, Celeberr. Acadcm. Typogi'. Impensis Tho. Dawson juii. P)ililioi)(>l. Cantabrigians, m.dc.xcv. 8". c. 5 66 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1698 A— R 8. VeUum. 4s. 6d. Henry Liuclenbrog, Hamturg, B. 1570, D. 1642. Doctor of Laws at Leyden, visited Paris, & took from the convent of St. Victor 20 MSS. Afterwards librarian at Gottorp. 202. A Sermon Preached at the Publick Commencement at Cambridge. Sunday in the Afternoon July iij. 1698. By Francis Hutchinson, D.D. Preacher at St. James's in Bury St. Edmunds. Cambridge, Printed for Edmund Jeffery, Bookseller in Cambridge, 1698. 4°. Half-title & title 2, A— C 4. 2s. Gd. This is printed from a new fount of type, much resembling the modern *( old-f jiopcl " clifirSjCtGr. Francis Hutchinson, St. Cath., B.A. 1680, M.A. 1684, D.D. 1698, Bp. of Downe 1720. 203. A Sermon Preached at the Publick Commencement at Cambridge. Sunday in the Forenoon July iij. 1G98. By Peter Nourse, D.D. Fellow of S. John's College. Cambridge, Printed for Edward Hall, Bookseller in Cambridge, and are to be Sold by Luke Meredith, at the Star in St. Paul's Church-yard, London, 1698. 4°. Title 1, A— D 4, last (blank?) wanting. (See post, No. 246.) Peter Nourse, St. Johns, FeUow 1681, B.A. 1682, M.A. 1686, B.D. 1693, D.D. 1698. D. 170|. 204. A Concordance To the Holy Scriptures ; Together with the Books of the Apocrypha. With the various Readings both of Text and Margin. In a more exact Method then hath hitherto been Extant. By S. IST. The fourth Edition very much Enlarged, Accurately Corrected, and Augmented with the Concordance to the Apocrypha. © Cambridge, Printed by John Hayes, Printer to the University : for Awnsham and John Churchill at the Black Swan, in Paternoster-row, London, 1698. F°. A— Hhhhh 4, liiii 2. Calf. 9s. Half-title has pubhsher's advt. at back. By Samuel Newman, Banbury, B. 1600, D. 1663. Emigrated to America 1636. First minister of Eehoboth, Mass. 205. A Sermon Preach'd before the King at Newmarket, On Sunday the 16th Day of April. 1699. By John Leng, B.D. and Fellow of St. Katherines-Hall in Cambridge. Publish'd by His Majes- ties Special Command. Cambridge, Printed at the University Press, for R. Clavel, at the Peacock in St. Paul's Chui-ch-yard London, and Edmund Jeffery in Cambridge, 1699. 4°. Half-title & title 2, A— D 4. 2s. " That M>' Jeffery & M"" Clevel pay 16s. per sheet for printing the 1000 Copies " of M'' Leng's Sermon." Minute Book of Curators of the Press, May 3, 1699. 1700] I. PRINTED AT CAMBRIDGE TO 1700. 67 John Leng, Norwich, B. 1665, educ. St. Paul's School & Cath., B.A. 1686, M.A. 1690, D.D. 1716, R. of Beddington, Surrey, 1708, Bp. of Norwich 1723, D. 1727. 206. The Vanity and Danger of Modern Theories. A Sermon Preacli'd at S^ Marys Church In Cambridge, On Sunday tlie 13"^ Day of August, 1699. By Richard Marsh, A.M. and Fellow of S'- John's College. Camhi'idge, Printed at the University Press, for Edmund JefFery, Bookseller in Cambridge, 1699. 4". Half-title & title 2, A— C 4. 2s. Richard Marsh, St. John's, Fellow 1696, B.A. 1691, M.A. 1695. 207. The Eternal and Intrinsick Reasons of Good and Evil. A Sermon Preach'd at the Commencement At Cambridge, On Sunday the 2'^ Day of July, 1699. By John Edwards, D.D. Cambridge, Printed at the University Press, for Edmund Jeffery, Bookseller in Cambridge, 1699. 4°. Title etc. 2, A— D 4. 2s. 6d. 208. — Another edition, Camb. 1700. 8°. A— C 8, D 4. Is. 6(j!. John Edwards, Hertford, B. 1637, Educated Merchant Taylors' School & St. John's, Fellow 1659, M.A. 1G61, D.D. 1699, Minister of Trinity Church, Camb. Lecturer Bury St. Edmunds, lucumb. St. Peter's Colchester, D. 1716. 208*. Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera Ad optimorum Exem- plarium fidem recensita. Accesserunt Variae Lectiones, Quae in Libris MSS. &, Eruditorum Commentariis notatu diguiores occiirrunt. Can- tabrigiae Typis Academicis, Impeusis Jacobi Tonson Bibliopolae Londin. MDCXCIX. 4°. Edited by Jas. Talbot. * 4, A— Ooo 4. Dedicated to William Duke of Gloucester. Frontispiece (View of Cambridge), head and tail-pieces beautifully engraved on copper by S. Gribelin. Old calf. 15s. The following note in handwriting of Rev. H. Kett, Trin. Coll. Oxon., with date 1799 : "This Book was purchased from the collection of the celebrated "Joseph Addison, Author of the Spectator &c. which was sold by auction in "London, a.d. 1799." "Harwood, Harles, and Mitscherlich, agree in calhng this a splendid and correct edition." James Talbot, Trinity, Fellow, B.A. 1686, M.A. 1690, D.D. 1705, Prof. Reg. Hebrew 1699. 209. A Description of the Unregenerate and the tuulv Christian Temper or State; In a Sermon Preach'd before the University of Cambridge, on Commencement Sunday In the Forenoon, June 30. 1700. By John Gaskarth D.D. Sometimes Fellow of Pembroke-Hal], now Vicar of Alhallows Barking, Loudon. ...Cambridge, Printed at tlio 5—2 68 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1700 University Press for Edmund Jeffery, Bookseller in Cambridge, 1700. 4». j^ J) 4_ 2s. John Gaskarth, Pemb. Fellow, B.A. 1670, M.A. 1674, D.D. 1700, D. 1733. 210. Insanientis Sapientiae Sive Enthusiasm: Reputatio. Concio Habita ad Clerum Academiae Cantabrigiensis in Feriis Divi Petri, Triduo ante Comitiorum Solennem Diem, Ann. 1700. pro Gradu Doctoratus in S. Theologia. A Johanne Gaskarth, S. T. P.... Cantabrigiae, Typis Academicis, Impensis Edmxmdi Jeffery, Bibliopolae Cantabr. m.dcc. i°. A— D 4. 2s. U. 211. A Sermon Preach'd at St. Marys Church In Cambridge, January the 6* Being the Feast of the E{)iphany. By Francis Hare, A.M. and Fellow of King's College. Cambridge, Printed at the Uni- versity Press, for Edmund Jeffery, Bookseller in Cambridge, 1700. 4°. Title 1, A— C 4, D 2. 2s. 6d. Francis Hare, Eton & King's, B.A. 1692, M.A. 1696, D.D. 1708, Dean of Worcester 1708, of St. Paul's 1726, Bp. of St. Asaph 1727, of Chichester 1731. D. 1740. 212. St. Paul and St. James reconcil'd. A Sermon Preach'd before the University of Cambridge, at S* Mary's Church, on Com- mencement-Sunday In the Afternoon, June 30''' 1700. By Offspring Blackall, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty. Cambridge, Printed at the University Press, for Edmund Jeffery, Bookseller in Cambridge, 1700. 4°. A— D 4. 2s. M. A 2".'' Edition printed in London, 1703: a 3'^ 8°, 1709. Oftspring Blackall, London, B. 1054, Cath., Fellow, B.A. 1674, M.A. 1678, D.D. 1700, Eoyle Lecturer 1700, Bp. of Exeter 1708. D. 1716. " The Sermons of this worthy divine are models for an easy, natural, & familiar way of writing." Waterland. CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. II. MISCELLANEOUS 1520—1700. 213. H Sermones Declamati coram alma vniuersitate Cantibri- giensi : per venerandum patreiu fratrem Stephanum baronis fratrum minoruin de obseruantia niincupatorum, regni Anglie prouiucialeni vicarium, ac coufessorem regiu7/i. diligewter impressi in achademia pari'liisieHsi. In q^ioihus imprimewdis ordo prioris impressionis non sine cousilio quibusdam hi locis mutatus extitit. 8". Black Ecttcr, 2 cols., a— i 8, folioed to 69. Tabula Mater, ft". [696]— [72/>]. s. a. 35a". With MS. notes tbrougliout the vol. in an old hand. Stephen Baron, a Franciscan of the order of the Observants, studied at this University, where he acquired great reputation for preaching. He became confessor to King Henry VHI. A provincial of his order in England. Flor. 1520. Cooper, Ath. Cant, i., 23. 214. Defe.ysio Regie assertionis coatra Babylonica.i/ cai'tiui- tatewi, per Reuei-endum patre>/i & D. D. JohaHnem Roffensem Episcopu/;i. In qua respoudet pro illustrissimo, eodemque doctissimo Anglor?t//i liege Henrico, viij. (idei defensore, ad maledicentissimuin Martini Lutheri libelluwi, in eundem Regem scriptum plusqwawi impudentissinie. Colonie. In officina honesti ciuis Petri Quentel. Anno, m.d.xxv. Mense I\dio. 8°. Black ILcttcr. A 10, A (bis)—U 8. ff. 136. Calf, antique. A few leaves slightly cut into the head line. From the library of the late Dr. Corrie, Master of .Jesus Coll. 36s. The title has at foot the royal arms of Henry VIII., with supporters, some- what similar to those used at Cambridge by John Siberch in 1521, having at base " Anna llegis Anglie et F." .John Fisher, Beverley, Yorks., B.A. 1487, Master of Mlchaelhousc 1497; Confessor to the Lady Margaret: first Lady Margaret prof, of div., IW.i, Chancellor of the Univ. from 1501, Bp. of Kociiester 1501, beheaded 1.535. Through his influence the Lady Margaret founded Christ's & St. John's Colleges, & he was himself a great benefactor of St. John's. See Coo2X'r, Atli. Cant, i., 52. Baker, II Ut. of St. John'x. 70 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1531 214*. Anno Vicesimo Secvndo Henrici Octavi. Statvta Bonvm Pvblicvm concernentia, edita in perliamento tento apud vvestm. xvi die lanuarii, c&c... [1531.] F°. A-D 6. Ff. xxiiii. Black Ecttcr. 10s. Qd. Containing " An acte concernynge Powdyke in Marshelande. Cap. xi." Some MS. notes in an old hand. At end, " Tho. Berthelet regius impressor excudebat." 215. Anno xxxiiii. et. v. [1543 — 1544] Henrici Octavi. H Actes made in the session of this present parliamente holden vpon prorogaciou at Westminster, t&c Excudebat Londini. (sic). 1562. F°. A— E 6, F 4. Black Ecttcr. lO.s. 6rf. Containing, " An acte for the assuraunce of carta ine landes to John Hynde "sergeant at law, and to his heires paiyng therfore yerely ten pounds towardes the "charges of the knightes of the parliament for Cambridgeshyre. Cap. xxiiii." 215*. G. Haddoni Legvm Doctoris, S. Reginae Elisabetiiae a supplicnm libellis lucubrationes passim coUectae &, editae. Studio & labore Thomae Hatcheri Cantabrigiensis. Ad lectorem, . . . Londini, Apud Gulielmum Seresium, 1567. 4°. IT 4, A — Xx 4, last blank. (b) D. GvALTERi Haddoni, Legvm Doctoris, serenissimae reginae Elisabethae a supplicum libellis, Poemata, studio & labore Thomae Hatcheri Cantabrigiensis sparsim collecta & edita. Londini, Apvd Gulielmum Seresium 1567. 4°. A— S 4. 2 in 1 vol. Calf. 12s. Walter Haddon, B. 1516, educated at Eton & King's, B.A. 1537, M.A. 1541, LL.D. 1549, V. C. ISf?-, Master of Trinity Hall Feb. 155^, President of Queen's Coll. Oxon. 1552. D. Lond. 21 Jan. 157A. Cooper, Ath. Cant, i., 299, 558. Thomas Hatcher, educated at Eton, elected to King's 1555, B.A. 15|§, friend & correspondent of John Stow. D. 1583. Cooper, Ath. Cant, i., 483, 569. 216. HisTORiAE Cantebrigiensis Academiae ab vrbe condita, Liber primus. Authore Johanne Oaio Anglo. Londini in aedibus Johannis Daij. An. Dom. 1574. 51 Cum Gratia & Priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis. 4°. A — S 4, last blank. (6) De Antiqvitate Cantebrigiensis Academiae Libri duo.... Johanue Caio Anglo Authore Londini in aedibus Johannis Daij. An. Dom. 1574. ^ Cum Gratia & Priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis. 4". A — Oo 4, last blank. 1578] II. MISCELLANEOUS TO 1700. 71 (c) ASSERTIO AnTIQUITATIS OxONIENSIS AcADEJIIAE INCERTO Authore eiusdem Gymnasij. Ad illustriss. Regiiiam. Anno 1566. lam nuper ad verbum cum priore aedita. Cum fragmento Oxoniensis historiolae Londiniin aedibus Johannis Daij, An. Dom. 1574. H Cum Gratia & Priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis. 4°. A — D 4, last blank. Thomas Key, Cay, or Caius, Fellow of All Souls, Oxford, registrary 1534r, deprived 1552, Prebendary of Sarum 1559, Master of Univ. Coll. 1561, K. of Tredington 1563, D. 1572. (d) Johannis Caij Angli, De pronunciatione Gr^ecae & Latinae linguae cum scriptione noua libellus. Londini in aedibus Johannis Daij. An. Dom. 1574. T[ Cum Gratia & Priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis. 4°. A — C 4, + errata for (a) & (h) 2 leaves. 4 in 1 vol. With Autograph of William Herbert. Old calf, rebaeked. 25s. John Caius, M.D., Co-founder of Gonville & Caius Coll., B. 1510, principal of Physwick Hostel & Fellow of Gonville Hall 1533, physician to Edward VI. & to Queen Mary, president of College of Physicians 1555, Master of Gonville & Caius, 155f. D. 1571. Cooper, Ath. Cant, i., 312. 216*- Another copy containing (6) and (c) only. Vellum. 14s. 217. loANNis IvELLi, Sarisbvriensis IN Anglia Nvper Episcopi adversus Thoniam Hardingum, volumen alteram, in quo viginti septem quaestiones tfc scripturis, &, omnium Conciliorum ac patrum monimentis, quaecunque sexcentis a nato Christo annis antiquiora sunt, disceptantur atque cxplicantur : Ex Anglico conuersum in Latinum, a Gulielmo VVhitakero Oollegij Sanctae Trinitatis apud Cantabrigienses socio — Londini, Excudebat Thomas Vautrollerius Typographus, Impcnsis Thomae Chardi Bibliopolae ad insigne galeae in Coemeterio D. Pauli. 1578. 4°. *8, **4, ***8, A 4, B— BBB 8, CCC— GGG 4. Boards. 5s. M. Presentation copy to " Edw. Stauleye " with Whitaker's autograph. Besides the prefaces of Jewel & Whitaker, there is one by " llobertns Beuuettus Caiitabri- giensis : " also some verses at the end by Bartholomew Dodingtou, and others. John Jewel, Buden, Devon, B. 1522, Merton Coll. Oxon. 1535, Corpus Coll. 153y, B.A. 1540, M.A. 1544, B.D. 1551, Bishop of Salisbury 1560, D.D. 1565, D. 1.571. Thomas Harding, Comb-Martin, Devon, B. 1512, Winchester, New Coll. Oxon. 1534, Fellow 1536, Prof, of Hebrew 1542, D.D. 1554, Louvain, D. Sept. 16, 1572. Robert Bennet, Baldock, Herts., Trinity, minor fellow 1567, major follow 1570, Chaplain to Lord Binghlcy, master of the Hospital of St. Cross near Wincli(;ster 15H3, donn of Windsor 15'J5, and registrar of the Order of the Garter 15!J6, iip. of Hereford 160;-;, 1). 1617. Bartiiolomow Djdingtou, MiddkKcx, B. c. 1536, St. John's 1547, 15. A. 155A, Fellow 1552, M.A. 1555, Proctor 1559, Fellow of Trinity 1560, Kog. prof. Greek 1562, resigned 1585, D. 1595, buried in Westminster Abbey. 72 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1584 217*. LiBELLUs De Memoria verissimaque Bene Eecordandi Scientia. Autliore G. P. Cantabrigiense. Hue accessit eiusdein Ad- monitiuncula ad A. Disconum, de Artificiosae Memoriae, quam publice profitetur, vaiiitate....Londini, excudebat Robertus Waldegraue Anno 1584. 8°. A— D 8, E 2. Half mor. From the Pyne Sale. 25s. Initials & M as Orn. 21, P as Orn. 22. In Cooper's Ath. Cant, ii., 178—9, it is suggested that G. P. is Gerard Peeters, educated at Westminster ; Trinity, 1582, Fellow & B.A. 158f , M.A. 1590. His fellowship was vacated between 1592 & 1595. Greek verses by him (signed Gerard Peeter) appear in the University Collection on the death of Sir Philip Sidney, 1587. See No. 218. If the author of this work, it must have been written while Peeters was still an undergraduate. The work to which the above refers is De Umhra Eationis by Alexander Dickson, 1583. Chancellor Christie calls our attention to the fact that Dickson was a friend of Giordano Bruno — " tanto fidele amico, Alessandro Dicsono " — & that he appears as one of the interlocutors in the De la Causa Princqiio et Uno. 218. AcADEMiAE Cantabrigiensis Lachrymae Tvmvlo Nobilissimi Equitis, D. Pliilippi Sidneij Sacratae Per Alexandrum Nevillum... Londini Ex officina loannis Windet impensis Tliomae Chardi. Anuo salutis humanae, cio.io.lxxxvij. Eebr. xvj. 4°. a— 1 2, A— I 4, K 2, L i, M 2. Orn. 14. Calf, good copy. 15s. Autograph " T. Grenville," & the following note to Mr Foss : " I find I have " another copy of the Cambridge verses on Sydney bound uniform with the "Oxford verses on Sydney. I don't know whether the Bishop would Uke this " copy ; if he does, it is very much at his service, being a dui^hcate in my "library." Alexander Neville, Kent, B. 1554, M.A., secretary to Abps. Parker & Grindal. D. 1614. Contributors: The King of Scotland (James VI.); Humphry Tiudall; Andrew Downes ; WiUiam Branthwaite, Emmau. ; Gerard Peeter ; &c. 219. DispvTATio DE Sacra Scriptvra ; contra hvivs Temporis Papistas, inprimis Robertvm Bellai-minvm lesuitam, Pontificium in Collegio Romano, &, Thomam Stapletonvm, Regium in Scliola Duacena Controuersiarum Professorem : Sex Quaestionibvs Proposita & tractata a Gvilielmo Whitakero Theologiae Doctx)re ac Professore Regio, &, Collegij D. loannis in Cantabrigiensi Academia Magistro Herboruae Typis Christopliori Coruini. cloloxc. 8°. A— Z 8, a— z 8, Aa— Gg 8, Hh 6. Half parchment. 9s. Printer's device, Elijah & ravens, in two sizes. 220. In Obitvm Ornatissimi Viri, Gvilielmi Whitakeri, Doctoris in Theologia, in Academia Cantabrigiensi, professoris Regii, &, in eadeni, Collegii Sancti Johannis praefecti. Carmen Funebre, Caroli Horni Londini Excudebat lohannes Wolfius. 1596. 4°. 1605] II. MISCELLANEOUS TO 1700. 73 A — F4, 1st & last (blank?) wanting. Morocco by C. Murtou. From the Pyne Sale. 21s. Besides those by Home there are verses by Thomas Hunt, Cantuarien. ; J. Boyse ; G. S. Coll. Regal. ; W. Barlow A. Tr. ; Eog. Flud, Joh. ; E. Hanison Chr. ; And. Downes ; Dud. Diggs, Lond. ; Nic. Gascoign, Ebor. ; Samuel Crooke, Emm. ; E. Cudworth ; Jos. Hall, Emm. 221. Cygxea Cantio Gulielmi Whitakeri, Hoc est : Ultima Ulius Concio ad Clerani, liabita Cantabrigiae in templo beatae Mariae, paulo ante mortem ; Octob. 9. An. Dom. 1595. Herbornae Nassovio- rum. cIoIoxcIX. 8°. Aaa— Eee 8, Fff 4. 7s. dd. Printer's de\'ice as above. pp. 27 — 52 contain " Vitae et Mortis. ..Gul. Whitakeri... vera descriptio : socio ejusdem Collegii authore." pp. 53 — 85 are " Epicedia in obitum G. W." Contributors: And. Downes ; Anthony Wottou ; Ealph Cudworth; Tho. Gataker, St. John's ; Eoger Goad, Provost of King's ; &c. 222. EcLOGA Oxonio-Cantabrigiensis tributa in libros duos ; quorum Prior continet Catalogum confusum Librorum MSS. in...Biblio- thecis.-.Oxoniae & Cantabrigiae. Posterior, Catalogum eorundem dis- tiiictum & dispositum secundum quatuor facultates... opera & studio T. I. Xoui CoJlegij in Alma Academia Oxoniensi Socij, &. vtriusque Academiae in Artibus Magistri...Londini. Impensis Geor. Bishop, & Jo. Norton. 1600. 4°. A 2, B— T 4. 2n'i book, A 2, B — E 4, S 2. With separate title, (chiefly contained in above) with imprint, " Londini, Excudebat Arnoldus Hatfield. 1600." 2 in 1 vol. Calf by C. Lewis. 21s. By Thomas .James, Newport, I. of Wight, B. 1571 ?, Winchester & New College, Fellow 1593, M.A. 1599, D.D. 1614, Keeper of Bodleian Library 1599, E. Mongeham, Kent ; "Indefatigable in reading old MSS. & subtle in finding out the forgeries in them." Wood. D. 1629. 222*. An-\o xliij. IIeginae Elizabethae. At the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster, (fee 1601 U Imprinted at London by Il(.)bert Barker, Printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie. F°. A— E 6, F 4, Aa 6, aa 4, Bb— Ee 6. Black ILcttcr. 10s. 6d. Containing "An act for the recouering of many hundred thousand Acres of " Marishes, and other grounds, subicct commonly to surrounding, within the Isle " of Ely, and the Counties of Cambridge, Huntington, Northampton, Lineolne, "Norffolkc, Siiffolke, Sussex, Essex, Kent, and the Countie Palatine of Duresmc. " The xj. Chapter." 223. The Downefall of Popery. Proposed By way of a new Challenge, to all Eugli.sh lesuites, and lesuited or Italianizcid papists;... London. 1605. 4". * 2, A— V 4, X 2. Orii. 20. Cut very close at top. Thomas Bell, liaskelf, Yorks. B. 1551. Parsonn in Tkc Forfninncr, Hi05, says 74 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1606 that Bell was originally a miuister, " after that a Priest, & for some years past & at this present. ..a minister again." Entered Douay College 1576, the English College at Rome 1579. About 1592 he left the Roman Church and became " as furious & potent a declaimer against the Papacy as the strongest Puritan could desire to find." He was at Jesus College Cambridge in 1593, & on May 19 of that year he wrote from thence to Lord Burghley, & on June 30, to Mr Young a J. P. of London. For list of his published works 1593 to 1600 & other particulars, see papers of the late Mr. J. E. Bailey in Notes di Queries Nov. 27 & Dec. 4, 1880. (b) Papisto-Mastix, or The Protestants Religion defended... By William Middleton Bachelor of Diuinitie, and Minister of Hard- wicke in Cambridgeshii'e... London 1606. 4°, H 4, A — Cc 4, Dd 2. Some of the book & part of the sigs. in black Ifttcr. Dedicated to Humphry Tindall, Master of Queens'. WiUiam Middleton, Shropshire, Queens' 1567, B.A. lo7f, Fellow 1572, refused M.A. degree at Cambridge, M.A. Oxon. 1574, deprived of fellowship 1575, restored by command of Lord Burghley, M.A. 1576, B.D. 1582, vacated fellowship c. 1590, R. of Hardwicke, D. 14 June 1613. See Searle, History of Queens^ College, pp. 324—331. C. H. Cooper {Ath. Cant, ii., 446) says that he seems to have been elected Master of Corpus College in place of Dr. Thomas Jegon, who was restored at the accession of James I., but he is not mentioned in Masters' Hist, of Corpus Chr. Coll. (c) An Exact Discoverie of Romish Doctrine In the Case of Conspiracie and Rebellion... London 1605. 4°. A 2, B— H 4, last (blank ?) missing. Last printed leaf imperfect. Signed T. M. (Thomas Morton). 3 in 1 vol. Calf. 15s. Thomas Morton, York, B. 1564, St. John's, Fellow 1592, Lecturer in Logic, D.D. 1606, Dean of Gloucester, Dean of Winchester 1609, Bp. of Chester 1615, of Lichfield 1618, of Durham 1632, D. 1659. 223*. A SVPPLICATION OF THE FaMILY OF LoUE (sAID TO BE presented into the King's royall hands, knowen to be dispersed among his Loyall Subiectes) for grace and faiiour. Examined, and found to be derogatorie in an hie degree, vnto the glorie of God, the honour of our King, and the Religion in this Realme both soundly professed and firmly established ... Printed for lohn Legate, Printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge. 1606. 4°. A— H 4, I 2. Orn. 14. Half calf. 18s. Copy in U. L. D. 16. 8. Entd. Stationers' Co. Sept. 22, 1606. Arber, iii., 829. The Family of Love was a sect of foreign origin, founded in Holland in 1555, being an offshoot of Dutch Anabaptists, and grounding their belief on the teaching of Henry Nicholas, a Westphalian, one of the most intimate friends of the fanatic David George, but rather differing from him in belief. Henry More in his Mystery of Godliness wrote against the teaching of this sect. Rose's Biog. Diet, article Nlcliolas ; Worthington's Diary, i., 168. 1616] XL MISCELLANEOUS TO 1700. 75 224. Sermon before His Maiestie, Aug. 5 at Holdenbie, by the Bishop of Elie, His Maiesties Almoner. Lond. 1610. 4°. A — K 4, 1st & last (blank ?) wanting. 2s. 6d. Lancelot Andrews, London, B. 1565, Merchant Taylors' School, & Pemb. Camb., Master of Pemb. 1589, Bp. of Chichester 1605, of Ely 1609, of Winchester 1619, Lord Almoner to James I., one of the translators of the authorized version. D. 1626. 224*. A Defence op the Way to the trve Chvrch against A. D. his Reply. Wherein The Motives leading to Papistiy, And Qvestions, touching the Rvle of Faith, The Avthoritie of the Church, The Svccession of the Truth, and The Beginning of Romish Innoua- tions : are handled and fully disputed. By lohn White Doctor of Diuinity, sometime of Gunwell and Caius Coll. in Cambridge... London ...1614. 4°. *8, **8, A 6, B— Mm 8, Nn 6. Old calf. 5s. 6d. John White, Eaton Socon, Beds., B. c. 1570. Caius, admitted Feb. 15, 158^, aged 16. Venn, Adm. p. 61. Author of ' The Way to the True Church ', where he is described on the title-page as ' Minister of God's Word at Eccles.' 225. Sermon before His Maiestie at Whitehall Easter-day, 1614. By the Bishop of Elie [Lancelot Andrews], His Maiesties Almoner. Lond. 1614. 4°. A— F 4. 2s. 6d. 226. Apologia Veritatis Illvcescentis, pro Avro Potabili : sev Essentia Auri ad Medicinalem Potabilitateni absque corrosiuis reducti ; vt feru omnibus humani corporis aegritudinibus, ac pi-aesortini Cordis corroboi'ationi, tanquam Vniversalis Medicina, vtilissime adhiberi possit; vna cum rationibus intelligibilibus, testimonies locuphitissimis, et ruodo conuenienti in singulis morbis vsurpandi, producta : Authore Francisco Antonio Phil, et Med. Doct. Anglo. Lond. Londini Excusum per lohannem Legatt. 1616. 4°. H 4, Ist blank, HIT 4, Ifflm 2, A— 4, last blank. Orn. 14, 15. Vellum. 15.s-. MS. note by Mr J. O. Halliwcll-Phillipps, "Curious ck interesting fur the names of contemporary Englishmen — tlicir counties frequently named." Erancis Anthony, or Antony, London, li. 1550, son of a wcallliy goldsmith, educated at Cambridge, where he studied clicmistry. Went to London, wiiurc he invented a medicine called " Aurum Potabile," said to be prepared from gold. He was imprisoned for prescribing & vending physic witliout a licence, bat set at liberty by the lord cliief justice. Being again iippreliended and fined he ])ul)lislied a defence, printed at Cambridge in 1610, wiiioh was answered by Dr. (Iwimie of Oxford, to wliom the above is a re]»ly. Jlo was also attacked by Dr. Cotla, of Trinity A Corpus Colleges, afterwards of Nortliiiii)|)t,iin. Anthony In'ouine M.A. 1574, and afterwards M.i). D. May 20, 162;i ; buried in St. Bartliolomcw the Great. 76 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1620 227. Sermon at Whitehall, Easter day 16 April 1620. By the Bishop of Winchester [LaTicelot Andrews]. Lend. 1620. 4°. A — F 4, 1st (blank ?) missing. Last blank. 2s. 6d. 228. True Copies op all the Latine Orations, made and pronoiuiced at Cambridge Feb. 25. & 27. 1622, by the Vice-Chancellor etc. in their entertainment of Don Charles de Coloma, the Spanish Ambassador, & Ferdinand, Baron of Boyscot, the Austrian Ambassador, &c....With their translations into English. Published by Command. Lend. 1623. 4°. A— D 4, E 2. 10s. 6d. Speeches by Dr. Jerome Beale, Pemb., V. C. ; Edmund Stubbes; Henry MoUe, Eng's ; Matthew Miller, Clare ; Edward Lloyd, John's ; Edmund Eade, Caius ; George Herbert, Trin., Public Orator ; Charles Chauncy, Trin. 229. Vox Piscis : or The Book-Fish contayning Three Treatises which were found in the belly of a Cod-fish in Cambridge Market, on Midsummer Eue last, Anno Domini 1626. Lond. 1627. 12°. AB 12. 2 engravings. The folio wug is an extract from this curious work : — "By way of digression " I craue leaue of my Eeader here to intermingle grauihus leuia, seriis jocularia, " being the flashes of some yongue wits in Cambridge, sparkling out, vpon the " sight of this Sea-monster, by speech or Letters to their friends abroad. "^ yongue Scholar {who had in a Stationers Shop peeped into the Titles of the " Ciulll Law) then inewing this vnconcocted booke in the Godd-fish, made a Quiblct " thereupon, saying, that it might be found in the Code, but could ncuer be entred " into the Digest." (b) The Preparation to the Crosse and to death, and of the comfort vnder the crosse and Death. London 1627. 12". A— K 12, L 6, last blank, A 1 (blank?) wanting. Stated in the preface to be by John Frith, but said in Usher's Letters to be by Richard Tracy. See Wood, Ath. Ox. i., 245, & Fuller's Worthies. (c) A MiRROVR, OR, GlASSE TO KNOW THY SELFE....BY JOHN Frith whiles hee was prisoner in the Tower of London Amio Domini MDXXXii...Lond. 1626. (d) A Briefe Instruction, to teach a person willingly to die and not to feare Death... Lond. 1627. 12°. (c) & (d) together A — H 12, I 6, last blank. (e) The Treasvre of Knowledge... Lond. 1626. 12°. A— G 12, H 10, last blank. Calf. 31s. 6rf. Richard Tracy, Todington, Gloucs. B.— ? Oxon., B.A. 1515, was living in 1565 when he wrote a letter to Sir Wm. Cecil. See Strype, Ann. i., ii. 198. 1G34] II. MISCELLANEOUS TO 1700. 77 230. Sermons preached before his Maiestie ; and upon other special occasions :... By... John Preston D'" in Diuinity, Chaplaine in ordinary to his Maiestie, Master of Emanuel College in Cambridge, and sometimes Preacher of Lincolnes Inne. London, Printed for Leonard Greene of Cambridge,... 16 30. 4°. A— D 4, E 2, F— I 4, i 2, K— M 4, N 2, 0-S 4, last (blank?) wanting. 4.';. M. John Preston, Heyford, Northants, B. 1587, Queens', Fellow, Chaplain to Charles I., Preacher at Lincoln's Inn, D.D., Master of Emnian. 1622, Preacher at Trinity Church, Camb. D. 1628. 231. Fraus Honesta Comoedia Cantabrigiae glim Acta. Authore M"^ [Edmund] Stvbbe Coll. Trin. Soc.Lond. 1632. 12". A— F 12, 1st A & last two F blank. Edmund Stubbe, Westminster School, Trinity, Scholar 5"' April 1611, Minor Fellow 20 March 161f , Major Fellow 161|, Sublector 1619. MS. Entry Books in Trinity Library. (b) Labyrinthvs : Comoedia Habita coram Sereniss. Rege lacobo in Acad. Cant....Lond. 1636. 12". A— E 12, P 6. 2 in 1 vol. Old calf. 9s. A MS. copy in the University Library of Lahyrinthus gives Walter Haukes- worth. Fellow of Trinity, as the author, & contains the names of the actors, the author among them. 232. The Foundation op Christian Religion, gathered into sixc principles London, Printed by lohn Legatt,...1633. 8°. A — C 8. 5 leaves torn at edge. 4.s\ Gd. This little tract by IVilliam Perkins, although printed in London, has © at beginning and end. 233. The Workes of M" Sam. Hieron late Pastor of Modbury in Deuon. Lond. n.d. F". Engraved title. A— Xxx 6, Yyy 4, Zzz 8, last blank. (b) The Workes of M" Sam. Hieron, late Pastor op Modl»iny in Devon. The Second Uolume...Lond. 1634. F". II 4, A— Tt 6, Vu 4, Xx 6. 2 vols, in 1. Calf, rcbacked. Os. Separate titles for oacli sermon. Vol. 2 edited by The. Hill, D.D. who signs the preface. Some sheets misplaced A- Vol. 2 siiect B supplied from editicju ]C)20. In Vol. I., some of the titles have tlie © with Joiin Legiitl's name as ))rinter ; one has the © with imprint: "Printed by the AssiguoB of Tliomas Man," another has the © with .lohn B(;aie'H name as i)rinter. Sarnui.'l ilieron, Eppiiig, B. l.'J72, I'Aon & King's, V. of Modbury, Devon. D. 1617. 78 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1637 234. Sermon Concerning Confession op Sinnes, and the Power of Absolvtion. By M"" Sp, of Queenes Colledge in Cambridge... Lond. 1637. 4°. A — C 4, last (blank ?) wanting. 2s. 6d. By Anthony Sparrow, Depden, Suffolk, B— ?, Queens', Fellow, Deprived 1643, R. of Hawkedon, Suff., ejected, restored 1G60, Archdeacon of Sudbury, Master of Queens' 1G62, Bp. of Exeter 1667, of Norwich 1676, D. 1685. Author of " Rationale upon the Book of Common Prayer." 235. Remaines of that Reverend and Learned Divine, John Preston,... The Second Edition. Lond. 1637. 4°. A— Er 4. 4s. Gd. 236. Exposition of the Third Chapter of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians : Also Two Sermons of Christian watchf ulnesse. . . . By Richard Sibbes^ D.D. Master of Katherine Hall in Cambridge, and sometimes Preacher at Grayes Inne. . . . Lond. 1637. 4°. IT 4, B — li 4. Waterstained & title mounted. 3s. 6d. Richard Sibbes, Sudbury, B. 1577, St. John's, Fellow 1601, Lecturer Gray's Inn, Master of Cath. 1625, D. 1635. 237. Beames op Divine Light, Breaking forth prom severall places of holy Scripture... in xxi Sermons... By Richard Sibs, D.D. M^ of Katharine Hall in Camb.,...Lond. 1639. 4", A 6, 1st blank, B— X 8, Y 4, Z 2, Aa— Oo 8, Pp 4, Qq 8. Calf. 7.s. 6^. Besides the above general title there are 11 sub-titles, of which the 1st six are dated 1639 ; nos. 7, 8 & 9 1638 ; no. 10 1639 ; no. 11 no date. Fresh paging begins at no. 7. 238. The Christians End. Or, The Sweet Soveraignty op Christ, over his members in life and death. 5 Sermons at Gray's Inn by Richard Sibbes, D.D. etc.... Lond. 1639. 4°. Title 1, B— I 4, HI {bis)—P 4. pp. 1—63, 49—111. 8s. 6d. 239. The new covenant or the Saints Portion... By Iohn Preston, D'' in Diuinitie, Chaplaine in ordinary to his Maiestie, Master of Emmanuel Colledge in Cambridge, &, sometimes Preacher of Lincolnes Inne. 9*'^ Edit. Lond. 1639. 4°. Title with engraved border. A 4, )( 4, B— Oo 8, Pp 4, Qq 8, Rr 2, last blank. Old calf. 7s. 6d. Dedication & Preface signed by Richard Sibs & John Davenport. 240. A Sermon Pointing ovt the Chiefe Causes, and Cures, of such unruly Scirres, as are not seldome found in the Church of 1G41] II. MISCELLANEOUS TO 1700. 79 God. Preached at Sawston, Cambs., at the Archdeacon of Elie his Visitation, 19 Sept. 1638. By lohn Swan....Lond. 1039. 4», A— C 4, D 2, ' 4s. Gd. John Swan, Trin., author of " Specnhim Mimdi" (see No. 57), & an " Ephenieris," 1658 to — . 241. Baruch's Sore Gently Opened : God's Salve Skilfvlly Applied :... By John Stougliton, Doctor in Divinity, sometimes fellow of Immanuel Colledge in Cambridge, late of Aldermanburie London Lond. 1G40. 4". A— H 4. 2.S. Gd. John Stoughton, Fellow of Emman., R. St. Mary Aldermanbury. D. 1G39. 242. Articles Exhibited in the Parliament, against William Beale, Doctor of Divinity, and Master of St. Johns Colledge in the Vniversity of Cambridge, Aug. 6. 1641. Printed in the yeare, 1641. 4°. A 4. 4s. Gd. William Beale, Oxfords. (?) B— ? Trinity, Scholar, Jesus, Fellow, Master 1632, Master of St. John's, elected after nine months' struggle between the contending jDarties, " by letters mandatory." Ejected 1644, & sent to the Tower. Attended Lord Cottington & Sir Edward Hide as Chaplain in their embassy to Spain. D. at Madrid 1650. 243. SiNNES Overthrow : or, a Godly and Learned Treatise of Mortification... by lohn Preston, Doctonr in Divinitie (&c....4*'^ Edit. Lond. 1641. 4°. H 2, A 2, B— LI 4, Mm 2. Old calf, broken. is. 244. The Apostasy of the Latter Times, In which, (according to Divine pi-ediction) the world should wonder after the Beast, o&c Or, The Gentiles Theology of Daemons, i.e. inferiour divine powers:... Revived in the Latter Times amongst Christians, in worshi})ping of Angels (fee. ... Delivered upon I Tim. 4. 1, 2, 3, By loseph Medc B.D. and late Fellow of Christs Colledge.... Lond. 1041, 4°. A 4, a 4, B— V 4. 3s. Gd. Preface signed by William Twisse; Newbury, Bucks., B. 1575, Winchester & New Coll. Oxon., Fellow, M.A. 1604, D.D. 1014, Prolocutor of Westminster Assembly of Divines 1643, D. 1646. For Mede's Clavis Apocalyptica see No. 44. 245. His Maiesties Declaration to Both Houses op Paklia- ment. (Which He likewise recomniends to the consideration of all His loving Subjects.) In answer to that presented to Him at Newmarket the 9. of March, 1041. Lond. 1041. 4°. A 4. 4.'(. Gd. 80 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1641 246. (a) To the Hon. House of Commons assembled in Parliament The humble Petition of the Knights dec of the County of Cambridge. Also, His Majesties Message to both Houses of Parlia- ment upon His Removall to the Citie of Yorke, Lond. 1641. F". Broadside, 13| in. x 9 in. {b) Two Speeches Spoken by Sir Simonds D'Ewes. 1. On the Antiquity of Cambridge. 2. On the Priviledge of Parliament in causes civill and criminall. Lond. 1642. 4°. Printer's Mark. A 4. Closely cut. Sir Simonds D'Ewes, Coxden, Dorset, B. 1602, St. John's 1618, created Bart. 1641, compiled Journals of the Parliaments during the Heign of Elizabeth. D. 1650. (c) Declaration op the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, Concerning the Estates, Rents, and Revenues belonging to all the Colledges and Halls, of the University of Cambridge.... Lond. 1643. 4°. Black Urttcr. A 4. (d) Two Ordinances of the Lords and Commons... 1. For the constant Recruiting etc. of the Forces of the seven Associated Counties, under Edward Earl of Manchester. 2. For the Regulating the "Vniversity of Cambridge, and for removing of Scandalous Ministers in the seven Associated Counties Lond. 1643. 4°. Black ILrttrr. A 4, B 2. (e) Catalogue of Remarkable Mercies... Camb. 1643. See ante No. 82. (/) Querela Cantabrigiensis : Or, A Remonstrance By way of Apologie, for the banished Members of the late Flourishing Uni- versity of Cambridge. By some of the said Sufferers. ... Oxoniae, 1646. 8°. AB 8, C 4. Another edition see Nos. 255 & 256. (g) Sacrilege a Snare... Lond. 1646. 4°, Paging cut off, see post No. 254. (h) The Foundation of the University of Cambridge... Lond. 1651. 4°. See post No. 263, 1G41] II. MISCELLANEOUS TO 1700. 81 (i) A Warning from the Loed^ To the Town of 0am- bridge. 4**. No title page. Signed " John Harrwood, Cambridge 14. day of the 5. Month. 1655." A 4, pp. 8 (p. 5 misprinted 7). Cut into the type. John Harrwood, Qu. same as author of The Cause wliij I deny the authority of George Fox. 1663. (k) University Queries,... Cambridge :... 1659. 4". A 4. See ante No. 110 (c). (l) Oratio Habita in Acad. Cant.... per Richardum Love.... Cantab. 1660. 4°. See ante No. 117. ((in) Brief Account op the New Sect op Latitudinarians :... by 8. P. of Cambridge. In answer to a Letter from his friend [G. B.] at Oxford.... Lend. 1669. 4«. A— C 4 ? (Sigs. cut off). S. P. Qu. Symon Patrick, and qu. G. B. (/t) News prom Cambridge.... 1675. 4°. See post No. 286. (o) Letter prom a Gentleman of the Isle op Ely in Cam- bridgeshire; to Col. Roderick Mansel containing an Account of the First Discovery of the Pretended Presbyterian Plot at the Assizes at Wisbicli in the Isle of Ely Sept. 23. 1679. F". A 2. 11x7 in. Letter dated at end Nov. 28. 1679, with the followinf; Hncs : " Home 2cere such stttpid Sots, they did not Hiiuk, " Some through affected Ignorance did wink ; " Some were such Rascah, they beiiev'd it not, " And by their unbelief helpt on the Plot.'" (p) The Case of Many Protestants in the County of Cam- bridge, humbly tendi-ed to the Consideration of the present Parliament. Broadside, 11 x 7^ in. Top line partly cut away. On the Committal of Francis Holcroft, Non-conformist Minister at Chesterton, for not attending Church, KJHO. (q) Sermon at Commencement, by Peter Nourse. Camh. 1698. 4". See ante No. 203. (r) The Case op M" Joseph Hussey of CAMnniDCK Repre- sonted : Which was no more tlian a suspected ncyjiaving of tli(! IJook 0. 82 CATALOGUE OF CAMBRIDGE BOOKS. [1642 of Common Prayei' in Part of the Application of a Sermon on John 1. 13. Laid open in the Cause of Faith in the Doctrine of Conversion against Free- Will, July 31, 1698. For which he was Indicted at the Assizes holden at Cambridge-Castle, Aug. 4. 1698. And Try'd at the next Assizes holden there Mai-ch 16. The Tryal came not on till Monday Morning, March 20, And after a long and full Hearing on both sides, he was by the Jury honourably Acquitted. And on reverse, Published by the said Joseph Hussey, Pastor of a Congregational Church of Christ in Cambridge... Lond. 1699. F°. 2 pp. 13^ X 7fi5 in. with list of books for sale by Will. Marshal, at the Bible in Newgate-street. (s) University of Cambridge's Charge to the Honourable Dixey Windsor, Esq ; their New Member for the Ensuing Parliament, in the Room of M'' Boyle, who Represented them the last Session. [1705], F°. Broadside. 12 x 8 in. Hon. Dixey Windesor, Trinity, Fellow, B.A. 1694, M.A. 1698, M.P. for Univ. 1705—19 & 1721—26. 18 in 1 vol. Calf. From the library of the late Dr. Thompson, Master of Trinity. £4. 4s. 247. The Resolving op Conscience.... By H. Fern, D.D. &c. ...Printed at Cambridge, and reprinted at London, 1642. 4°. A— D 4. See ante No. 72, 4s. U. Two Speeches by Sir Symonds D'Ewes. 1642. 4°. See ante No. 246 {h). 248. An Answer to Dr. Fernes Reply, entitled Conscience Satisfied : especially to as much of it as concerned that Answer to his Treatise which went under the name of the Fuller Answer. By the same Author Lond. 1643. 4°. Title 1 , B— G 4 + 1 fo. 4s. U. By Charles Herle, Prideaux-Herle, near Lystwithyel, Cornwall, B. 1598, Exeter Coll. Oxon. 1612, M.A. 1618, R. of Winwick, Lanes., Prolocutor of the Assembly of Divines 1646, D. 1659. 249. Peace and No Peace : Or, A Pleasant Dialogue Be- tweene Phil-eirenus, A Protestant, A lover of Peace. And Philo Polemus, A Separatist, An Incendiary of War, Sutable to the times. By Richard Williams, M.A., and Preacher in London at St Martins Vintrey. 4". No title page. A 4. Imprimatur signed lohn Sidenham. January 2. 1643. 3s. 1644] IT. MISCELLANEOUS TO 1700. 83 250. Daniels Weekes. An Interpretation of part of the Prophecy of Daniel. By Joseph Mede, late Fellow of Christs Colledge in Cambridge. Lond. 1643. 4°. A— G4. See ante No. 44 & 244. 2s. 6d. 250*. Poems, With the Muses Looking-Glasse, and Amyntas. By The : Randolph M.A. and late Fellow of Trinity Col. in Cam- bridge. The third Edition inlarged. Whereunto is added, The Jealous Lovers. London, Printed in the Yeer 1643. 8". Poems, A— K 8, Mluses Looldng-Glasse, (with separate title Lond., 1G43,) & Amyntas, (with separate title Oxford, 1640), A— M 8. Jealous Lovers (with separate title Camb. 1640), see ante No. 65. In 1 vol. Old calf. 7s. 6cZ. 251. QvoD JSTiHiL Extra Devm, Adeoqve Non Devm Extra Se Liceat Adorare, Breviter & succincte, quantum causae patitur ubertas, probat L. S. Cantabrigiens. & Coll. Imman. Socius...Lond. 1643. 40. A 2, B— E 4. 4s. M. By Laurentius Sarson, Fellow of Emman. e. 1641 — 6, who delivered an oration at the funeral of John AngoU at Grantham in 1655. Declaration of the Lords and Commons. 1643. 4». Sec ante No. 246 (c). Two Ordinances op the Lords and Commons. 1643. 4°. See ante No. 246 (d). 252. The Apostasy of the Latter Times... By Joseph Mede ...Second Edition. Lond. 1644. 4". A 4, a 4, B— V 4. With MS. notes in an old hand. 3.s-. Gd. For 1"' Edition, see ante No. 244. 253. A MOST Comfortable Exposition of the last and most difiicult part of the Propliecio of Daniel.... By the labour, and Study of that hri(jht, and worthy man of God, Thomas Brightmaii, Englishman, and once Fellow of Queens Colledge in Cambridge... Lond. 1644. 4". 6 A— 6 K 4, pp. 89.S— 970. l.s. <;,/. Thomas Brightman, Nottingham, B. 0. 1562, Quuens', Fellow 1584, B.A. 158V, M.A. 15H4, li.h. 15