THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES 51 HISTORY OF UPTON. z u a. 3 I O z o H a. Z o u. istoiljr 4 M^to% NORFOLK. BY PERCIVAL OAKLEY HILL, Vicar, Member of the Norfolk and Nonmch Archceological Society, and Diocesan Inspector of Schools. WITH AN INTRODUCTION AND " HISTORY OF THE MANOR OF UPTON " BY WALTER RYE. " How can the present yield fruit, or the future have promise, except their roots be fixed in the past." — Dr. Arnold. XortofrfT : AGAS H. GOOSE, RAMPANT HORSE STREET. I 891. One of One Hundred and Fifty Copies printed. I-'/ I {}.n\^S^ TO THE HONOURABLE AND RIGHT REVEREND JOHN THOMAS, LORD BISHOP OF NORWICH, THESE PAGES ARE (WITH HIS PERMISSION) GRATEFULLY DEDICATED BY THE AUTHOR. PREFACE N offering the following pages as a contribution to the Parish Histories of Norfolk, I may state that its publi- cation has not been hastily undertaken ; for some years I have collected materials from many sources, but cannot, even now, lay claim to com- pleteness for the little work, and am conscious of shortcomings, partly my own, and partly owing to lack of information which I have been unable to obtain. My grateful thanks are due to Mr. Walter Rye, for his Introduction, and interesting sketch of the 11 HISTORY OF UPTON. chief manor (pages 5 to 12) ; to the Rev. W. Hudson, for kindly criticism ; to Dr. Bensly for permission to search the Diocesan Records ; to the Ven. Archdeacon of Norwich, and Mr. W. Overbury, for access to the Archdeacon's Registry ; to Mr. Henry Gales, Medallist of the Royal Academy, for the time and ability he has bestowed in illustrating the book ; and to Mr. Tallack for notes of interest, and most of the extracts of wills. In my search among the archives of the Arch- deaconry I have been impressed by what they reveal of the deplorable state of the churches in the Blofield Deanery some fifty years after the Reformation. The swing of the pendulum appears to have carried men from the extreme of superstitious reverence for the church and its ornaments, to the opposite extreme of sloven- liness and irreverence, nay, of gross and abominable neglect. In Upton the floor of the chancel was so disturbed by the removal of the pre-Reformation altar, that as late as 1597 the Archdeacon found PREFACE. in it necessary to order "the pavement of the said chauncell where the hygh altar stoode, to be repayred and comeHe paved." In 1604 the Archdeacon found " the chauncell there in great ruyne and decaie, so yt the fowles and vermyn come in and do greatly defile the same. The grave of Edmond Brownes is as yet uncovered, culpa uxoris sue." The churchyard also suffered desecration, for at the same Visitation this entry occurs : " There is a sawing pitt made in the churchyard there, verie unseemlie, and in making thereof they digged up the dead." That Upton was by no means an exceptional case is shewn by the following extracts from the Archdeacon's books for the years 1601 and 1603-4. Beighton. — " Pasch., 1604. The steple there is to be new builded, the one half thereof is built, the other undone, so yt it lieth open and the vermyn and fowles come into the same and defile the church." Blofield. — " The communion table there is iv HISTORY OF UPTON. unsufficient. 1601 : The church is to be decked with Scripture on the walles." Braydeston. — " The porch there is uncovered in the roofe. The church is annoyed (?) with a heape of chips and ould tymber, very unseemhe. The church wyndowes in many places are broken." Brnndall. — " The chauncell windowes are broken in the glasse." Buckenham. — " There want a comelie carpet for the communion table. The windowes of the church in many places there decaied and broken. The cloath of the coiiiunion table is full of holes. The porch wanteth thacking." FreetJiorpe. — "'They have no service one Wed- nesdays and fridays as they ought to have.|' Halvcrgate. — " There is a muckhill lying att the church porch. The belles there in decaie and cannot be ronge." Hemblington. — " It rayneth into the church betweene the leade and the thatch." Limpenhoe. — "The comunion table cloth is not sufficient, they are to provide a new. There is a grave in the church uncovered." PREFACE. V Lingzvood. — "The pavement of the chauncel decaied. The chauncell there to be comeHe whited. The dore of the said chauncell to be made new or the old dore to be sufficiently- amended." Phimstead Parva. — "The leades of the church are to be amended. There want a comelie table of ye tenne commandements of Almightie God." Postwick. — " They are to prepare a new comunion table." Reedhain. — "There is a donghill lying hard by the porch." Walsham St. Lawrence. — " The bible is rent and torne in many places. There is a muck heape lieth in the churchyard before the north dore." Walsham St. Mary. — " A heape of stones lieth in the church, verie unseemlye." Wickhampton. — " The church there is unthached. The churchyard is unfenced." The Visitation records also indicate that in many parishes public morality was as dilapidated VI HISTORY OF UPTON. as were the churches. A few examples will suffice for illustration : Acle, 1386. — " Johannes Downinge, no'' (notatur) ut sequitur, viz., that he mayntayne mennes servauntes to plaie at cardes and Tables in his howse on the Saboth daie in eveninge praier tyme, viz., one Gryme of Walsham and fower mennes servants the Sondaie before Michaelmasse daie." Halvergate, 1583. — " Richardus Lacey de Boyton for drivinge his carte on the saboathe daye to the town of Halvergate with hearing." Limpenhoe, 1601. — " Nichs. Bawling, no'^, that he is greatly suppocsed to use the devillish practyse of witchcraft." Upton. — " Creake, no'', for prophaning the saboth day by carting upon the Saboth in harvest last." Many similar entries occur, and charges were often brought of a still graver nature. With these facts before us, and with the know- ledge of what our venerable and beloved Church passed through in the troublous times of the Commonwealth, and the lethargic Georgian period, PREFACE. Vii we cannot be too thankful for the Victorian age of reverent care for the externals of worship, and the evidence of spiritual activity and power so manifest in present day developments of the Church's life. P. O. H. Upton Vicarage, January, i8gi. iAxp^ INTRODUCTION. HE author of the following excellent description of a Norfolk parish asked me, why I know not, to write a page or so of introduction to it, which I very willingly agreed to do, on one condition only, which he has faithfully carried out, that he should agree to print all the inscriptions in the church, and full notes of all those in the churchyard.^ ^ This having been done, makes Upton the 104th Norfolk church, the monuments in and about which are now preserved from the fantastic tricks of future "restorers." Those already printed are the inscriptions for all the 103 parishes in Holt, Happing, North Erpingham, and Tunstead, ii HISTORY OF UPTON. All who read this book will, I think, agree with me, that it is almost a perfect model for incumbents of other parishes, who, at compara- tively small individual trouble and expense, might often write the history of their parishes, and so, by united effort, in time complete a history of the county, which would be of the highest possible value ; and I trust, that after so successful a debut, Mr. Hill may soon present us with equally good accounts of Fishley and other adjoining parishes. To the antiquary proper, whose desires are like those of the daughter of the horse leech, and who is never satisfied with anything, however nearly it may approach perfection, the absence of more extracts from the parish registers will be regretted. The local topographer should (especially when, as in the present case, he has the custody of the register, and could easily do so) give, at all events, all the marriages before 1700 ; and there was no special reason why the names of voters in the Poll Books of 1 7 14 and 1802 should have been given, and those of 1734, 1768, 1806, 18 17, &c., INTRODUCTION. Ill have been omitted. After most of the sheets had been sent me I found myself able to supply the author, from my own collection, with an interesting lease of the rectory from the bishop, dated nth July, 1664, in which the vicar's right to his military-sounding " sixpence a day " is fully acknowledged. The possibility of the vicarage garden having been an Anglo-Saxon burial ground is pointed out by ]\Ir. Hill on p. 98, and, I think with considerable force, while the Norman piscina discovered in 1885 is well figured on p. 50. It is refreshing to find the author adopting the reasonable derivation of the place-name " Up-ton," instead of the rather fantastic idea of the late Rev. Geo. Munford. On p. 38 is recorded a very interesting case of so-called brawling in church, in which a man was punished for carrying a bone on which a robin redbreast and a wren were hung, into the church, on Christmas Day, 161 2. There is little doubt that we have here an early reference of the " carrying of IV HISTORY OF UPTON. the wren," ^ best known in Ireland, on and about St. Stephen's Day (26th December) ; Christmas Day, being of course, the eve of St. Stephen ; a curious instance of how records of early customs may be accidentally preserved. WALTER RYE. 2 Accompanied by men singing, — " The wren, the wren, the king of all birds, St. Stephen's Day was caught in the furze, &c." CONTENTS. Chapter I. Of the Parish : Its Name, Anglo-Saxon Origin, and Sketch of Manorial History. Chapter II. Of the Church : Its Foundation, Founder, Patrons, and Clergy. ' Chapter III. Of the Church : Its Rebuilding, Lady and Becket Chapels, Rood-screen, Ancient Lights, Guilds, Font, Bells. Communion Plate, Inventory of Church Goods, and Restoration. Chapter IV. Of the Registers : Curious Entries. Chapter V. Of Monumental Inscriptions : Church and Churchyard. Chapter VI. Of the Parish : Churchwardens, National School, Vicarage House, and Miscellanea. Chapter VII. Of Ancient Wills : Extracts of Upton Wills from 1426 to 1762. Addenda. Index of Names. Index of Places. Index of Surnames in Chapters V. and VII. Index of Field and other Local Names in Wills. ILLUSTRATIONS. The Font ..... frontispiece. Seal of Henry II. . . . . p. 22. Norman Piscina of De Glanville's Church, Upton ..... face p. 49. Piscina and Remains of Consecration Cross . face p. 51. Panel of Roodscreen, representing St. Ambrose face p. 52. Interior of Church .... face p. 66. ^^Q-^ _^J^ ^ il^l^^^g ^ /, u«-. .'■' f ,< I^ist0ru 0f tijt 13'^t'tsl) 0f 2;lpt0tt. CHAPTER I. #rigtn, antr Slietclj of glanoriHl Jistorg. OF the twenty-nine parishes in England and Wales bearing the name of Upton, one only is situate in Norfolk.^ The name indicates an Anglo-Saxon origin for the place whose recorded history begins nearly i,ooo years ago. In Domesday Book the parish is called Optuna, Optune, Vptuna, and Vptune; in the twelfth century the name occurs as Uppetona ; 1 Upton is in the Hundred of South Walsham, and Deanery of Blofield. B 2 HISTORY OF UPTON. a later form is Opton ; in 1556 the spelling is given in the Institution Book as Uppton ; and on the Communion cup (temp. Elizabeth) it is spelt VPTVN. The Rev. George Munford, in his Local Names in Norfolk, suggests the following as the derivation of the name Upton : — " The prefix is the personal name Up, Upp, Uppe. A person of the name of Up, Uppe, was the founder of the family called • the Uppings. The Anglo-Saxon word Up, Upp, Uppe, signifies high, tall, and from these words it might be thought the village was situated on an elevation, but it is not so. The personal name, however, may have been applied to one who was tall, or who was high in station. Ton, Anglo- Saxon Tun, an enclosed space, as a garden, a court, a district, a town. Not a town, however, in the modern acceptation of the term, but rather a tract of land enjoyed by a community. Thus Ttm, in districts, generally expresses what we should rather call a village, or a property with the buildings of the peasants thereon ; and it might, strictly speaking, consist of a single homestead, nay, ac- cording to the old law, it might be a tun though there were not a house standing in the district." I cannot accept the above writer's derivation of the prefix, for not only is there no trace, so far as I know, of anyone of the name of Up or Upping THE PARISH. 3 having had any connection with Upton, but a part of the parish is quite sufficiently elevated to win for it the name 6^ton. The earliest invaders would naturally take the course of the Bure valley — then an arm of the sea — from the open sea at Yarmouth, and would find the high ground of Upton suitable for a settlement. A century after the Norman Conquest it was found desirable to build the church on the upland overlooking the tide-covered marshes, so as to be well out of the reach of exceptional tides, which, no doubt, visited a great part of the present site of the village. That the Bure valley was subject to inundation as late as the reign of James I., is evident from the following extract from Mason's History of Norfolk, vol. i. p. 252 : — " In the seventh year of this reign, an Act of Parliament was passed for ' the speedy recovery of many thousand acres of marsh ground, and other grounds, within the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, lately surrounded by the sea.' There had been great inundations between the town of Great Yarmouth and Hasborough, which had broken down and washed away the cliffs and higher grounds, and made breaches so wide that the sea broke in at every tide, especially when high winds prevailed, greatly to the injury of husbandmen. The influx of salt water also inflicted much injury B 2 4 HISTORY OF UPTON. on the fishings of the rivers, creeks, and other places, which had customarily given employment to many poor men, and had supplied many markets." Amongst other places mentioned as endangered were South Walsham, Upton, Acle, Tilby (Filby), &c. Blomefield's History of Norfolk gives a record of Upton in Anglo-Saxon times : '• Twenty-six socmen ^ held a carucate ^ and an half of land, thirty-five acres of meadow, and three carucates ; the town was one leuca ^ long and one broad, and paid 2s. gelt.^ The king and the earl had the soc and sac over all their socmen, except seven, who had the soc under their protection or com- mendation. ... In Opton was a socman with twelve acres, valued at 2s., and the soc of these belonged to the hundred." The king here referred to was Edward the ' Tenure by socage— "The tenant pays his rent by a certain number of day's labour, in husbandry, or other service." — England Displayed. "From Anglo-Saxon soc ; the privilege of holding a court in a district. A tenure of lands in England by the performance of certain and determinate service." — Annandale. ^ Carucate — " About loo acres." — Mason. * "Leuca, derived from the Celtic leong or leak, a milestone, means twelve quarantines, or a mile." — Goulburn's History of Nonvich Cathedral. * Danegelt, the ancient tax levied to maintain forces to oppose the Danes. THE PARISH. 5 Confessor (1042), and the earl, Ralph Guader, Earl of Norfolk. William the Conqueror appears to have dispossessed Earl Ralph of the lordship or manor of Upton, and placed it under the care of Godric, his Dapifer or Steward, who is said to have been an ancestor of the do Calthorpes. Godric also seems to have owned land in Upton, as well as his royal master. The following sketch of the manor has been kindly written for these pages by one who has made much research into the intricacies of subin- feudation. History of the Manor of Upton. By Mr. Walter Rye. From Domesday it was clear there were two manors at Upton — the king's and the earl's (Ralph Guader's). The latter, no doubt, came into the king's hands on the forfeiture of his estate, after his rebellion, and probably both manors merged into one, and were held together.*^ ^ It is possible, however, that the interest vested in 15 15 in the Countess of Suffolk in a manor here was the Crown Manor, for Sir Robert Southwell, who we shall see then held the main manor, is said to have held of her — though, of course, he may have had an interest in both manors. Or her manor may have been the Earl's Manor. Whatever this manor was, Henry VIII. seems to have granted it to Anne of Cleves about 1540, and later on it belonged to Charles Brandon, Earl of Suffolk. 6 HISTORY OF UPTON. There is some confusion as to the early owner- ship of what we may call the actual manor, by which I mean that which held its courts at Upton, and whose tenants were the tillers of the soil, and not the shadowy manor or manors of the superior or intermediate lords. Blomefield says (p. 133) "that Henry II. seized it as an escheat because Andrew le Boteler refused to perform his services"; but I do not think the family of le Boteler, or Pincerna as it is sometimes called, had any interest in the place so early as the reign of Henry II. (1154 — 1189). The true version is probably that given by the Inquisition in the Hundred Rolls, which was taken in 1275, and which states that the manor of Upton, with its members, viz., in Fixley (Fishley) and Walsham, were seized as an escheat into the king's hands, because Andrew le Bnscan, who held it, would not do his services, and that King Henry "the Elder" granted it to Ramilph de Glanville (being in extent ten librates of land,''' and that Ranulph gave {i.e., subinfeoffed at half a knight's fee, see pp. 20, 21) the manor to Reyner le Sirene or le Sirgne, who gave it with ' This is how I read "decern libr' terre," though Add. MSS. 8843, fo. 46, speaks of its having been granted in consideration of THE PARISH. 7 his sister Catherine in marriage to Nicholas le Boteler, sen., of Wickmere. This Reyner is, no doubt, the Reiner "de Wirtonesham," to whom Henry confirmed the manor on the petition of Ralph de Glanville. His real surname was, no doubt, "de Wytlesham." Reiner de Wytlesham's son William, as it will be seen later on, marrying Beatrice le Botiler. Nicholas le Botiler or Pincerna, as we have seen, took the manor by right of his wife, Catherine. In I2IO he held it at half a knight's fee of Hugh de Auberville, who is said to have held the same in capite.^ Ranulph de Glanville's interest having meanwhile passed to Hugh de Auberville, who was his grandson, his daughter Matilda having married William de Auberville. Catherine le Botiler, the daughter and heiress of Nicholas, married Thomas Rocelin, who, at the time of the inquest set out in the Hundred Rolls (1275), claimed free warren in his demesnes in Upton, but the jury stated they did not know by what warrant. Blomefield, on the other hand, says that Nicholas le Botiler died without issue (possibly he means that his daughter, Catherine Rocelin, died without issue), and that his widow (second wife ?) Beatrix 8 Red Book of the Exchequer, fo. 116, quoted by Le Neve, Addl. MSS. 8843, fo. 46. 8 HISTORY OF UPTON. afterwards married William, son of Reyner de Wythelesham,^ who held it for her life. This seems true, for we find them conveying by fine their interest therein to Guy de Boutetourt {Feet of Fines for Norfolk, 2nd Edward I., 1294, No. 21). This was, apparently, the first interest Guy, who afterwards secured the whole manor, had in Upton. Somehow or another the manor came to two coheiresses, whose very Christian and surnames are unknown, but who were probably nieces of Nicholas le Botiler, and daughters of the Richard le Botiler who had something to do with the advowson in 23rd Henry III. (123S-9). These heiresses married : — 1. Adam de Brancaster, who sold his moietv of the manor of Wickmere, and probably of Upton also, in 1289 to William fil' William [del Park] de Hevejiingham, and his moiety of North Burlingham and Fishley to Guy de Botetourt. — Blom. Norf vi. p. 224. 2. William de St. Clere, who is said to have also sold his moiety to William de HeveiiingJiam. Felicia de St. Clere, his widow, claimed an interest in Upton in 14th Edward I. (1286). 5 As to the coiTuption, Wirtonesham, see supra. At just the same time there was a William, son of Rejrner of Felmingham. — Feet of Fines, 3rd and 4th Edward I., No. 64. a, I* ^ ^ -^-S II 'B rS 1 P IL 6 -4-* ris to be the Antingham. 1404. — Regr. o ourt, = sum- 24. < d •4-» TJ ^ e Bot Fleet 1308- by N y of Nov., M d C/3 1 H O . . . . John d al of the as Baron d -0 1— » f3 t = John de s believed the famil d 22nd • 327 a. ^ H 5 iJ S d -o <^ S •a ^-'^E^ w — 1 argare ame a Margare heiress Will da Plarsyk, 1 en W rd d C3 ^ s Q 13 Ih h- 1 Butetort =p ley, 1228. Ih Ralph took Kimberley Manor. d. and h. of J Somery. on =p Matilda, uc- de Grey. on, s d ham. Knight,: Pleas. Will 381. — Regr. N fee a "2 *e tn i; 0, tS jd Wiching ommon arch, I bid m §0 Ih— 1 ook U y. and 2nd B 1 ocosa = Hug b. s.p. t-t Pi < ■13 tn S -43 1 ohn ti Cantle ed as u William = Mau took Cantley Manor. H ' — >~ "3 " d (u ro c« ll I, ob. s.p. J Sir Willi Judge of 1 dated 251 Haydon, fo, 1- tn >-" 1) rd o THE PARISH. 9 By 1287, Guy de Botetourt} who it will be remembered had bought up the life interest of the widow of a former owner, in 1272 seems to have acquired the whole manor, for he claimed the right of frankpledge in that year, and had a grant of a market and fair here in 1302. This manor probably passed in the same way as Cantley, which Guy settled in 1305 (33rd Edw. I.) on his son. William de Botetourt, who is probably the William de Botetourt who, with his wife Matilda, were living in 12th Edw. II. (13 19). In 1323 an extent was taken of (z'.rt.) the manor of Upton, belonging to Thomas de Botetourt and Johanna his wife,^ who was sister and coheiress of John, Lord Somery. In 1358 JoJin Buttetourt of Welney (it is not clear who he was or how he held the manors, unless he was the uncle-trustee), settled the manors of Upton and Cantley on another John Buttetourt, and the latter's wife Matilda, 1 It will be noticed I follow the usual spelling, but I must doubt if the name should not be read Botecourt. Buttecourt and Buttencourt occur in different copies of the Roll of Battle Abbey. The family came from Cantley, of which manor Roger de Botecourt had a grant by fine in 13th Henry III. (1228), and the pedigree, which deserves careful revision, would seem to run as in the chart showing the descent of the manor. * Inq. p. m. i6th Edward II., No. 56, i. 304 a. 10 HISTORY OF UPTON. daughter of John de Grey of Retherfield {Feet of Fines). He left a daughter and heiress, Jocosa or Joyce Biiitetourt, who married Sir Hugh Burnel, who held the manor in her right, 2nd Henry IV. (1400). In the previous year they had settled Upton and Cantley, their trustees being John Rome, cler', and others {Feet of Fines, Norf, I St Henry IV. No. 3). She died without issue, and according to Blomefield (vii. p. 229) John Rome, her trustee, conveyed Upton and Cantley to Sir Thomas Erpinghain ; but I cannot trace that this celebrated man ever had any interest in the manor, except, possibly, as trustee. It ought to have passed through Joyce Boute- tourt's or Burnel's sister, Margaret Burnel, who married John de Sutton; who, no doubt, was the Sir John de Sutton of Wivenho who held a manor in Rockland Tofts by right of his wife Margaret in 1359 {BL Norf. i. p. 479.) In 1433 Nicholas WicJiingJiani died lord of Upton, but how he had acquired the manor I do not know. By the tabular pedigree^ facing p. 5, however, it will be seen that he was the son of Sir William de Wichingham by Margaret, who Norris thinks was the heiress of the de Antingham family, but who may either have been this Margaret Sutton, ' Chiefly from Norris MS. History of North Erpingham (penes \V. Rye). THE PARISH. 1 1 formerly Burnel, and have married dc Witchingham secondly ; or her daughter of the same Christian name. He was Sheriff of Norfolk in 1405-6, and by Alice, his first wife, had William de VVichingham, his son and heir, who no doubt died without issue, for, both here and at Cantley, he was succeeded by his half-brother Edmund, by his father's second wife Joan, who, rather than her mother-in-law, I think, may have been the heiress of Antingham. Edmund W'tchingJiam, who of Woodrising was lord in 1434, and by his wife Alice, daughter and heiress of John Fastolf of Fishley, had issue four daughters, of whom one, Amy Wichingham, married Sir Richard South- well, and was father of Sir Robert So7ithwell, who is said to have held the manor of the Countess of Suffolk, about 15 15. How it got into the king's hands by 1545 I do not know; but in that year (5th May, 37th Hen. VHI.) it was granted to Sir Richard^ * Sir Richard Southwell, Knight, cir. 1545. This Sir Richard was grandfather of the poet, Robert Southwell. Blomefield says of Sir Richard — " He was a great favourite of King Henry VIH.; one of the visitors, appointed by him, of the monasteries in Nor- folk on their suppression ; of the Privy Council to that king, Edward VI., and Queen Mary ; Master of the Ordnance and Armoiy ; one of the Executors to Heniy VIII. ; and High Steward of the Duchy of Lancaster." 12 HISTORY OF UPTON, Southwell (nephew of the late lord, and son of his brother Francis by Dorothy Tendring, his wife), with Wendling, Kerdiston, &c. He is said to have "conveyed" [surrendered?] it to the king in the following year. In 1546 the king settled it on the Dean, &c., of Christ Church, Oxford,^ who held it till quite recently, when it was sold to William Waters, Esq., about 1822, from whom it passed to John Waters, Esq., about 1859, whose trustees succeeded to it in 1876. Owners of Other Manorial or Property Rights. The Abbot and Convent of Holm, temp. Edward the Confessor. Godric the Dapifer, temp. William the Conqueror. Witt de Stutevile, op. se 4to. die versus Roger de Cressy de placito capiendi Chyrograph suum de fine facto inter eos de terr. in Upton et at ptcita apud Bedf. Cor. Willo. de Rupe et sociis Anno 25 Henr. HI., Oct. imo.—Add. MSS. 8843, fo. 46. Henry de Cat and Margery his wife, recovered 5 Upton Manor, yearly value £26. i6s. S^a'., to St. Frideswide, Oxford. — DugdaWs Mon. ii. 171. THE PARISH. 13 of Ralph de Rothing pasture land in Upton, 1288. — Bl. Norf. V. 1495. Sunderland Hall, or Brome Manor, in South Walsham, had rights in Upton (Petronilla, widow of Sir Roger de Brome, 1304). — Bl. Norf. v. 1496. Will, de Bergh held lands here,^ 43 Edward III. Stephen Fowlhand of Upton and Henry Mount- ford of South Walsham confirmed to Peter Erie of Upton, Tho. atte Den of the same, and Geffrey- Erie of North Burlingham," one acre of land in Northmarsh in Upton, 1410. Elizabeth, wife of John Bray of Norwich, owned rights in Upton belonging to her manor of Mount or Mill-hill in Wickhampton and other parishes, 1473.—^/. Norf. V. 1493. Elizabeth, widow of John Holditch leaves all her lands in Upton to her son Robert Holditch, 1524. Robert Moneyman conveyed land here to Robert Holditch, temp. Henry Nl\\.—Bl. Norf V. 1474-5- Simon Owghlawe owns land in Upton, afterwards possessed by Thomas Clere, 1542. Thomas Clere also had land here which formerly belonged to John Reynes of Acle. — Court of Wards and Liveries, vi. 129. 6 Add. MSS. 8843, PP- 1 18-122. ' Abutting on ye land of the manor, Sunderland Hall. — Add. MSS., 8843, pp. 118— 122. 14 HISTORY OF UPTON. Richard Fulmerston, Esq., held a grant of lands in Upton of Weybridge Priory, Acle (the Upton temporalities of which priory, at the Dissolution, were valued at 20d.), circ. 1547. — Bl. Norf. v. 1492. Robert Rownce held land in Upton, respecting which there was a Chancery suit, temp. Elizabeth. Mauritius Adolphus Newton Stark, Esq., lord of the manor of Beighton in Upton, in right of his wife, 1799. The Vansittart family owned an estate, now the property of IMiss Coventry, Stoke Severn Rectory, 1890. P. B. Bellin, Esq., and Mrs. Downing Farrar, also have an estate here. Mr. S. Munford, nephew of the author of Local Names in\ Norfolk, is also a landowner. [For other ownership rights vide extracts of wills, Chapter VII.] The Parish Award, dated 1802, recognises rights in Upton of the manors of — i, Upton; 2, South Walsham ; 3, Cattishall in South Walsham. ; 4, Chamery Hall in South Walsham; 5, Rowthinghall in South Walsham; 6, Ranworth and Panxworth; 7, Beighton. In the Award, nine public and fifteen private roads are given. Over the latter the Commis- sioners have granted to the rector and vicar a right of way, as follows: — "We do hereby declare THE PARISH. 15 that the said several private roads are also hereby set out and appointed for the use and convenience of the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Ely and his successors, owners of the Rectory of Upton, and of his and their lessees for the time being of the said rectory, and of the said John Oldershaw, clerk, vicar of the vicarage of Upton aforesaid, and of his successors, vicars of the said vicarage for the time being for ever." The following are short notes of the earlier Feet of Fines in which the Parish of Upton is mentioned. The full references will be found in Rye's Cale?idar of Norfolk Fines. 7th Richard I. Stephen de Ludinge v. *Robert le Wile, of a virgate in Upton — being a partition. 1 8th Henry III. Magr. Hugh de Upton v. Magr. *Walter de Upton, in Upton. 23rd Henry HI. Richard le Butilier v. *the Prior of Buttel, of the advowson of Upton. 25th Henry HI. *Cristiana, widow of Thomas de S'co Audomero, v. Simon de Criketoft, in Walsham, . . . Upton, Randewurth, Hemlingham, Beigheton, Mouton, and Wikhampton. 38th Henry HI. William de Nicole v. *John fir William le Lord and Maria his wife, in Upton. nth and 12th Edward L *Bartholomew fil' l6 HISTORY OF UPTON. Radulphus de Somerton, by J 'no de Livermere, v. Constance de Somerton, by J'no de Walcote, in Randeworth, Pankesford, and Upton. 14th Edward I. Thomas fil' Gerard de Redham and Rosa his wife v. *Ralph de Redham and Margaret his wife, in Fysshele, Upton, Akele, Northbirlingham, Frenthorp, and Burgh in Fleg. (Wydo Butecurte app. clam.) 14th Edward I. Katherine hi' Walter Buckeskin V. *Katherine, the wife of Walter Buckeskyn, in Fisshele, Upton, Frethorp, Northbyrlingham, and Burg in Fleg. 33rd Edward I. William fil' Nicholas Rydel v. *Nicholas Rydel, by Randolf de Trous, in Wrox- ham, Rakheyth, Crostweyt, Beston, Bastwyk, Felthorp, Taverham, Attebrig, and Upton. 34th Edward I. *Robert fil' Maurice de Upton and Margaret his wife, by Randolf de Trous, v. Galfridus Cote of Breydeston, by Nicholas de Blofeld, in Upton, Fisshele, North Birlingham, and South Walsham. (Guydo Butecurte and William fir James de Lincoln app. clam.) 35th Edward I. Nicholas Bukeskyn, by John de Friselond, v. *William Cayly and Katherine his wife, by Galfridus de Snetesham, in Fisshele, Upton, Frethorp, North Birlyngham, Burgh, and Fleg, which Katherine, the wife of Walter Buckeskyn, holds for life. THE PARISH. 17 2nd Edward II. *VVillm. Gerberge de Wyk- hampton and Johanna his wife v. Willm. de Gorton and Clement de Stalham, in Wykhampton, Halv'gate, Tunstall, Ocle, Beyeghton, Mouton, Frethorp, Redham, Lympenhowc, Possewyk, Castre, Fisshele, Upton, and Cantele. (Robt. Ic Chaumberleyn and Hawys his wife app. clam. Willm. de Halviriate app. clam.) 2nd Edward II. Peter Bukskyn v. *John fil' Gerard de Redham and Rosa his wife, in Upton, Fisshele, Acle, Northbirlyngham, and Burgh in Fleg. 5th Edward II. Thom. de Cokefeld v. *Rog. de Upton and Emma his wife, in Erlham and Costeseye. 13th Edward III. *John de Coulenge v. Nigel de Halle of Crungelthorp, in Upton. i6th Edward III. Roger Hardegrey, John de Berneye, Thos. de Bumpsted, and John Yemme, v. *Peter Buckeskyn of Fisshele, of the manor of Burghalle in Fisshele, and the advowson of Fisshele, and land in Fisshele, Upton, Acle, Mouton, Frethorp, Northbirlyngham, South Wal- sham, Letheryngsete, Bastwyk juxta Rande- worthe, Berton juxta Smalbergh, and Beston juxta Berton. 29th and 30th Edward III. John de Welle and Alicia his wife v. *John de Caston, Chivaler, and c 1 8 HISTORY OF UPTON. Kath. his wife, in Southbirlyngham, Geyghton, Accle, Upton, Lyngvvode, South Walsham, Northbirlyngham, and Bokenhamfferie. 30th Edward III., 2nd MS., No. i, p. 199b. John Cook de Upton and Claricia ux. ej., an acre of land at Upton, as parcel of the manor of Fishley. 42nd Edward III. John de Eccles v. *John de Elyngham and Kath. his wife, in Northbirlyng- ham, Upton, Walsham, Randworth, Panxford, and Hemelyngton. 49th Edward III. Robt. Dersyng v. *Andrew Bely (C .'') and Felicia his wife, in Upton. 3rd Henry IV. Thomas atte Grene of South- walsham, Adam atte Grene, and Nich. atte Grene, V. John Holere of Mouton and Agnes his wife, in Southwalsham and Upton. 7th and 8th Henry IV. Wm. Lyghtfote, clericus, and John Lyghtfote of Bokenhamferye, v. *Nich. Blome and Cecilia his wife, in Northbyr- lyngham, Southbirlyngham, Hasyngham, Lynge- wode, Strumpeshawe, Blofeld, Hemlyngton, and Upton. 23rd Henry VI. John Reynere of Acle, Lawrance Oky, Thos. Oky, and Robt. Walle, v. *Rich. Goggeman and Margery his wife, in Upton, Acle, and Beyton. CHAPTER II. #f l^t Cljxtixlj : its <^f0xtnjjafioit, ^f niinber, natrons, antr €hxQV, EXTRACT from Domesday Book quoted in Tanner's MS., Diocesan Registry, Upton, dd. St. Margaretae. Domesd. Appropriatur Priori et conv. de Buttlee praeter vicariam. Estimatio Rectoriae xxv marc. Procuratio vii* vii^ ob. Synodalia p annum ii* iiii''. Denarii S. Petri xvi'*. Carvagium iii*^. Eccl(es)ia donata fuit canonicis de B. a Ran. Glanvil fundatore p Hen. II. From the King's Book, from which the amounts of firstfruits are taken, date 1786. Upton V. (St. Margaret). Clear yearly value, £2^ Episc. C 2 20 HISTORY OF UPTON. 2s. 4d. ; Archidiac, ys. ']\d. ; Mon. Butteley, Propr. Bishop of Ely, p. i. King's books, £Ty. Although it is probable that the spiritual wants of the parish \vere cared for in Anglo-Saxon times, we have no evidence of the existence of a church until the year iiyr, when Ranulph de Glanville founded and built in Upton a Norman church, and attached it to his new Priory of Butley, Suffolk. I have transcribed the subjoined document from "Dugdiile's^ Monasiicon Ang-/zca7iu7n, which is of interest as being the legal instrument by which King Henry II. confirmed De Glanville's deed of gift of the Manor of Upton to the De Wirtonesham family on a feudal tenure, and the church and its patronage to Butley Priory. De Advocatione Ecclesiae de Uppetona data per Ranulphum de Glanville, Canonicis de Butley. ^ ^ The deed quoted by Dugdale is CartcE Antiqua:, P. n. 32, Public Record Office. ^ Concerning the patronage of the church of Upton, granted by Ranulph de Glanville to the Canons of Butley. Henry, by the grace of God, King of England, Duke of Normandy, Duke of Aquitaine, Count of Anjou, to the Arch- bishops, &c., greeting — Be it known to you that (at the petition of Ranulph de Glanville) I have granted, and by this present charter have confirmed to Reyner de Wirtonesham and his heirs, the manor of Upton, with all things thereto belonging, which I gave to the aforesaid Ranulph and his heirs, for his service ; and the said Ranulph hath granted and confirmed by his own charter to the aforesaid Reyner to hold to him THE CHURCH. 21 Henricus Dei gratia rex Angliae, dux Nor- mannise, Aquitaniae, comes Andegaviae, archiepis- copis, &c., salutem. Sciatis me ad petitionem Ranulfi de Glanvill concessisse, et pra^senti carta confirmasse Reinero de Wirtonesham, et haeredibus suis, manerium de Uppetona, cum omnibus per- tinentiis suis, quod ego dedi praedicto Ranulfo, et haeredibus suis, pro servitio suo, et idem Ranulfus dedit et carta sua confirmavit praedicto Reynero, tenendum sibi, et haeredibus suis, de eodem Ranulfo, et haeredibus suis, per servitium feodi dimidii miHtis, cum omnibus pertinentiis suis, excepta ecclesia ejusdem villae, et ejus praesen- tatione quam praedictus Ranulfus dedit Deo et ecclesiae beatae Mariae de Buttelia, et canonicis ibidem Deo servientibus, in perpetuam elemosinam. Ouare volo, &c. and his heirs, from the said Ranulph and his heirs, by service of half a knight's fee, with all things thereto belonging, except the church of that town and its presentation, which the aforesaid Ranulph gave in perpetual alms to God and the Church of the Blessed Mary of Butley, and to the Canons who serve God there. Wherefore I will, &c. Witnesses — Hugo Murdach. John Cummin. Bertram de Verdune. Michael Belet. William de Bend. Hugo de Crescey. Robert, the son of Bernard. At Pontefract. 22 HISTORY OF UPTON. Testibus — Hugone Murdach. . Johanne Cummin. Bertramo de Verdun e. Michaele Belet. Willielmo de Bend. Hugone de Crescey. Roberto filio Bernard!. Apud Pontemfractum. SEAL OF HENRY II. It may be of interest to subjoin some particulars of the life of Ranulph de Glanville, whose memory THE CHURCH. 23 should ever be kept green by the people of Upton, out of gratitude to the eminent founder of their church. Life of Ranulph de Glanville. Ranulph, Ranulf, Ralph, or Randal de Glanville, " the father of English jurisprudence," was born at Stratford, in Suffolk ; but the date of his birth is unknown. He made his principal residence in Yorkshire, where some of the large possessions of his wife, Bertha, daughter and heiress of Theobald de Valoins, Lord of Parham, were situate. Lord Campbell states that "under King Stephen he was receiver for the forfeited Earldom of Conan, and collector of the rents of the Crown in Yorkshire and Westmoreland," Belonging to a family distin- guished for founding religious houses, Ranulph exceeded the munificence of his kindred. In 1 171 he established the Priory of Black Canons, of the Order of S. Augustine, at Butley, Suffolk, dedicating it to the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the same year — according to Blomefield — he founded the Church of S. Margaret, Upton, building it in the prevailing Norman style of architecture. The manor of Upton had been granted to him by King Henry II., who had taken it from Andrew le Boteler as an escheat, upon the latter " refusing to 24 HISTORY OF UPTON. perform the service due to the king."^ On founding the church, de Glanville gave the patronage to the Prior and Canons of his new Priory of Butley, which chapter presented a succession of vicars to the benefice of Upton, down to the year 1533. In 1 183, Ranulph de Glanville founded an abbey of Premonstratensian Canons at Leiston, Suffolk, in the neighbourhood of his birthplace ; and performed a further work (which Blomefield notes) in estab- lishing " an hospital in West Somerton, for the king's soul, his own, and that of Barta, his wife, for three lepers, and gave the care or guardianship of it to the said priory" (of Butley). - On Henry II. going to Ireland in 1171, to assert his sovereignty over those parts of the sister isle which had been newly conquered, de Glanville appears as Ireland's friend in bringing his con- spicuous ability to the aid of the king in settling solid legal foundations on which the new dominions might rest. A reviewer in The CJiurcJunan of January, 1890, thus writes: — "Henry organized ^ Beside the manor of Upton he appears to have had manors at Roughton, Dickleburgh, Bawdsey, and Glosthorp, and was lord of Benhall, as well as of part of the lordship of West Somerton. 2 William de Glanville founded Bromholm Priory, for Cluniac Monks, as a cell to Castleacre in 1113. Another member of the family, Robert or Roger de Glanville, in conjunction with the Countess Gundreda, his wife, founded the Benedictine Nunnery of Bungay in 1160. THE CHURCH. 2$ the legal and municipal affairs of Ireland. Assize Courts date from his visit. Ranulf de Glanville, 'greatest and earliest of English lawyers/ was by his side, and his signature^ can still be seen to the Dublin Charter of 1 171, in Chart(B Privilegia et Imnmnitates, published by the Irish Record Office. But while he thus, during his brief stay in Ireland, planted the seeds of law and order, Henry planted also, however unwittingly, fresh seeds of unending division." In 1 1 74, de Glanville, with the aid of certain barons of Yorkshire, of which county he had just been made High Sheriff, raised a band of knights, and marched northwards to oppose William the Lion, King of Scotland, the powerful enemy of Henry II., who had invaded the north of England. The High Sheriff surprised the Scottish king, who, feeling himself secure, was amusing himself by tilting in a meadow near Alnwick Castle, and the monarch and his nobles were easily captured on July 12th, the very day that Henry II. was doing his famous penance at the tomb of Thomas a Becket. Sore with the stripes his royal shoulders had received at Canterbury, Henry was in bed when de Glanville's messenger came with the news of the victory, 3 I have ascertained that this signature is in the ablative case, the -work of a scribe, and not original. 26 HISTORY OF UPTON. which the king having joyfully heard, at once ascribed to the favour of the saint. Promotion for the High Sheriff rapidly followed. In 1 176, Ranulph de Glanville was made a Justice of the King's Court, and a Justice Itinerant of the Northern Circuit, and four years afterwards Henry raised him to the exalted position of Chief Justiciary of all England. Under his direction the King completed his judicial reforms, and "at the instance, it is supposed of Henry II., Glanville wrote, or super- intended the writing of, the Tractaius de legibiis et co7isiietiidinibus regni Anglice, which is divided into fourteen books, and is chiefly a practical treatise on the forms of procedure in the curia regis, or King's Court ... As the source of our knowledge regarding the earliest form of the curia regis, and for the information it affords regarding ancient customs and laws, it is of great value to the student of English history."* De Glanville's treatise is considered of especial value to legal students, as it deals with the old law before the modifications of Magna Charta. Towards the close of the king's life, on news arriving that Jerusalem had fallen into the hands of the Turks, a new Crusade was determined on, and Baldwin, Archbishop of Canterbury, ac- * Encyclopadia Biitannica. THE CHURCH. 2J companicd by Ranulph de Glanville, put on armour and the white cross, and preached the Crusade in Wales. The death of the king, however, delayed the preparations. The Lord Chief Justice was present and assisted at the Coronation of Richard I. in 1189, when Westminster Abbey was the scene of a gorgeous ceremonial. But the day was marked by a fierce and cruel outburst of the populace against the Jews, numbers of whom, with their wives and children, were brutally murdered. Richard sent Ranulph de Glanville and other officers to quell the outbreak, but they were obliged to fly for their lives, and return to the king, who issued a proclamation, possibly at the instance of the Chief Justice, declaring the Jews to be under the protection of the crown. Soon after, the king strained every nerve to raise funds for the third Crusade, and on de Glanville resigning his office of Chief Justiciary, Richard put it up for sale, and Hugh Pudsey, Bishop of Durham, was the purchaser. De Glanville then determined to join the Crusade without delay, and accordingly made his way to the Holy Land for the last enterprise of his life. He was present at the Siege of Acre, 1190, during which he fell " fighting valiantly," says Lord Campbell, dying as a Crusader, in what was then esteemed 28 HISTORY OF UPTON. the noblest and most glorious cause. He has been described by a modern writer as " a man of great ability and undoubted probity," a testimony to his virtues which forms a suitable epitaph to the memory of a great, wise, and true man. Ranulph de Glanville had issue by his wife Barta or Bertha, three daughters, who on his death became his co-heiresses. Maud, the eldest, married William de Auberville; Amabilla married Ranulph de Ardern ; Helwisa married Robert filius Robert, and founded Corham Abbey in Yorkshire. Patrons of the Advowson of S. Margaret, Upton. Prior and Canons of Butley Priory, Suffolk ... 1171-1538. List of some of the Priors of Butley (chiefly compiled from Norris' MSS.) Frater Nich. de Wittlesham, Canon ... ... ... 1307 Fr. Ricard^ de Hoxne, Canon 1309 Frat. Will, de Geytone, Canon and Cellarer ... ... ... 13 11 Fr. Alex^" de Stratford, on death of Geyton ... ... ... 1332 Frat. Matthew de Pakenham, on death of Stratford ... 1333 THE CHURCH. 29 Fr. Alex' de Drenkeston after cession of Pakenham ... 1353 Fr. John Baxter. Fr. Will, de Halesworth, after cession of Baxter ... ... 1374 Fr. Will. Randeworth, P''fectus 14 10 Fr. Will. Foley, elected Prior after death of Will. Randeworth... 1444 Thomas the Prior, in ... ... 1483 Prior Ryvere, in ... ... 1505 Robert Bremmore, circ. ... 1506 Thomas Manning, alias Sud- burn or Sudborne, Bishop of Ipswich, last Prior ... ... 1538 The Crown, on the Dissolution of Butley Priory ... ... ... .. ... ch'c. 1538 The Lady Anne of Cleve ... circ. 1540- 15 57 The Crown circ. 15 57- 1600 Bishops of Ely (Martin Heton, Bishop of Ely, received the advowson on Queen Elizabeth taking certain manors in Cam- bridgeshire from that See) ... 27th June, 1600 Bishop of Norwich (on an exchange of livings with Ely)^ 4th June, 1852 * The patronage of Ranworth with Upton was transferred from the Bishop of Ely to the Bishop of Norwich under order of the Queen in Council, 15th May, 1852, gazetted 4th June, 1852, and taking effect from the last-mentioned date. ( 30 history of upton. Vicars. Date of Institution. William the clerk (Add. MS., 8843). Thome de Wython, Capellanus, admitted by Bishop William de Raleigh ... aV. 1240 Master Hugo de Upton appears to have been tenant of the Upton Glebe about this time. Roger de Jakesle 2 non. Aug., 1304 Still vicar in 1328. John de Wesenham resigned 133 1 Robert de Aylesham, alias Robert de Petra de Aylsham 4 non. May, 133 1 Exchanged with Kirkton. One Robert de Aylesham was Abbot of S. Benet's in 1349. John Reignald xi. kal. May, 1333 Exchanged with GiUingham All Saints. William de Letton or Leiton 20th Mar., 1347 Exchanged with Bokenham Parva (now Buckenham Tofts). Peter Brome or Brom de Burgh 1349 John Smalewood de Beketon 7th Aug., 1361 Ralph de Sythyng loth Oct., 1383 Thomas Smith resigned 1417 William Hawet, alias Spaldyng, presbyter 27th Oct., 1417 On resignation of Thomas Smith. Ex- changed with Bewesfeld, Canterbury Diocese. William Blythe, presbyter ... 2nd Sept., 141 8 On resignation of Hawet. Exchanged with Stanynghale. THE CHURCH. 3 1 Thomas Clerk 5th Mar., 1433 On resignation of William Blyth. John Cappe, presbyter ... loth Aug., 1440 On resignation of Thomas Clerk. ^ Thomas Sabyn, B. A 29th Dec, 1444 Edward Skoteman, presbyter... loth Dec, 1450 On resignation of Thomas SabjTi. The Vicar of Upton received 2s. at the funeral of John Paston, 1466. — Paston Letters, i. 267. William Kene, LL.B 25th Jan., 1467 On death of Edward Skoteman. A feoffee for Elizabeth Poynings nee Paston, 1468. — Paston Letters, ii. 330. Robert Framlyngham, resigned ... ... 148I Thomas Gresmer,or Gressemer, priest, 27th Jan., 1483 On resignation of Robert Framlyngham, last vicar. Alexander Todde ... ... 25th June, 151 1 John Thuxton, or Thruxton ... 12th Nov., 15 15 Dominus Thomas Bungay, alias Thrower, Canonicus 17th June, 1517 On resignation of John Thuxton, last vicar. Dominus John Hexham, Capellanus, 27th ]\Iar., 1529 On death of Thomas Thrower. George Waryng, Capellanus ... 21st Jan., 1530 On death of John Hexham. William Moresone, Capellanus 12th Mar., 1533 On resignation of George WarjTig. fi Thomas Clerk, "Chaplain of Upton," died 1444, and was buried in the chancel of Upton Church. Vide extract from his wm, Chapter VII. 32 HISTORY OF UPTON. Dominus Christopher Sands, presbyter, 26th May, 1550 On death of William Moresone. "Pre- sented by Anne de Cleve, daughter of John, late Duke of Cleve, and sister of William, now Duke of Cleve." — Institution Book. John Fitche, presbyter ... 20th June, 1556 Bishop of Norwich, by lapse. Robert Hacon, Hackon, or Hakyn, 26th Sept., 1558 "Vicker here and pson of fysshelie." — Parish Register. Matthew Ode 15th July, 1559 On death of Hacon. Also Rector of Fishley. Edward Hiltoune ... ... 22nd Sept., 1568 Thomas Deyrton, probably about ... ... 1575 He was instituted to Fishley, nth Nov., 1577; but I can find no record of his in- stitution to Upton in the Institution Books. 1618, " Thomas Deyrton, Clarke, was buried the 4 daye of Apriil."- — Register. Lessees of rectorial glebe and tithe : 1600, Robert Bensley;' 1615, William Harborne and Elizabeth Daynes. Thomas More (on death of Deyrton) ... 161 8 Rector of Fishley, 2nd May, 1618. Or- dained 7th June, 1612. Died July, 1647, and buried at Fishley. Berney Shepherd loth Aug., 1647 " Vicar of Upton and person of fyshlie." — Parish Register. Buried at Fishley, Feb. 22nd, 1657, only thirteen days after his wife Bridget was buried at Fishley Church. 7 Add. MS., 5847, p. 117, Brit. Mus. THE CHUKCH. 33 John More, the Commonwealth "Vicar of Upton" circ. 1659 He signs himself " Vicar of Upton " in the Parish Register. Robert Goodwyn, M.A. ... 17th Dec., 1661 Instituted by Edward, Bishop of Norwich, on the presentation of ISIatthew, Bishop of Ely. Ordained priest by Henry, Bishop of Chichester. Instituted to Fishley, 17th July, 1672. Buried Feb. 12th, 1678. Matilda his wife, buried at Fishley, 25th March, 1673. [John Forbie,** Clerk, A.M., presented by- Peter, Bishop of Ely, 28th Mar., 1679, but probably not inducted.] Samuel Style, M.A 19th June, 1679 Rector of Fishley, ist April, 1679. Jonathan Newhouse, B.A. ... ... circ. 1690 Rector of Fishley, 24th July, 1690. He appears to have been subsequently Rector of Boyton, and died about 1721. Henry Nelson, A.M 30th Nov., 1698 Also Vicar of Ranworth {Add. MS. 5847, Brit. Mus.) Rector of Fishley, 23rd May, 1722. Buried Nov. 4th, 1723. William Mackay, A.M. ... lOth Jan., 172I On death of last Incumbent, Rector of Fishley. Vicar of Ranworth from 1722 to 1725. Vicar of Runham. 8 Add. MS., 5847, p. 117, Brit. Mus. D 34 HISTORY OF UPTON. Thomas Dod, A. M 28th Oct., 1752 On death of Mackay. He appears to have been Curate of Acle, 1733. Rector of Bil- lockby from 1730. On his institution to Upton the two benefices were united for his life. John Dennison 6th April, 1775 On death of Thomas Dod. Curate of Hem- blington. Became Vicar of Loddon and Rector of Hautbois, 1790. Charles Gogill, became Vicar on consoli- dation of Upton with Ranworth, 26th Feb., 1790 Vicar of Ranworth, 1771. Francis Edward Say 13th Dec, 1793 And Vicar of Ranworth. Ven. John Oldershaw, B.D. ... 2nd Mar., 1795 On cession of Say. John William Greaves ... 20th April, 1843 On death of Archdeacon Oldershaw. Vicar of Ranworth. Last presentation by Bishop of Ely. Ordained in Diocese of Ely. Buried at Ranworth, April, 1886. Perclval Oakley Hill 28th May, 1886 Ordained in Diocese of Norwich, Deacon, Trinity, 1881 ; Priest, Trinity, 1882. Curates. William Beevor ... ... ... ... 1701 Timothy Jones ... ... ... ... 1723 John Thomas Suckling ... 1795 THE CHURCH. 35 James Carlos ... ... ... ... ... I795 James B. Thompson ... licensed 25th Nov., 1799 J. Gilbert 1800 Charles Boutell 1803 Thomas Marshall . . licensed 1 6th Dec, 1804 Robert Steele licensed 21st Apr., 1807 John Athow licensed 7th Jan., 18 14 John Leeds licensed 31st Mar., 18 14 John Hammond Fiske licensed 9th June, 18 16 John Beevor Berney, A.B. licensed 20th July, 18 17 William Taylor Worship, licensed 22nd Sept., 1822 Vicar of Stokesby. Thomas Corbould ... licensed 4th Nov., 1826 In 1858 Rector of Tacolneston. Philip Utten Brown, B.A. licensed 5th July, 1837 Smith Churchill, B.A. licensed 27th July, 1840 Afterwards Rector of Boughton. John Henry Wise ... ... ... ... 1843 Afterwards Rector of Brendon, Devon, and Rural Dean. William Horsley Barr Hamilton loth Mar., 1881 Percival Oakley Hill 1883 Presented to the Vicarage, 1886. Notes on List of Vicars. The entry of burial of Robert Hacon, Vicar, is given in the Register under date 1558, as follows : D 2 36 HISTORY OF UPTON. "S"" Robert Hacon vicker here and pson of fysshlee the vi*'' of December." The title of Sir is also prefixed to the name of Thomas Deyrton in the Register under date 1577. In reference to this title, the Rev. Edward Marshall, in his Woodstock Manor, writes : "It was assigned to the clergy at an early period. As to the application of the term to the clergy. Fuller observes in his History of Abbeys : 'Such priests as have the addition of 'Sir' before their Christian names were men not graduated at the Universities, being in orders, but not in degrees.' He has been censured for this remark. But he is so far sup- ported by a list of certain chantries in St. Paul's Cathedral which he inserts, that the two priests who have the title of 'Mr.' and not of 'Sir,' are also the only two who are described as 'graduates.' " Mr. Marshall further points out that "Sir," being the English equivalent of "Dominus," was the academical title applied to Bachelors of Arts, who were not considered in those days to possess a full degree, the B.A. being but a stepping-stone to the full graduate rank of M.A., which latter carried with it the title " Mr." "Sir" Thomas Deyrton, one of the Elizabethan Vicars, had a long tenure of office, during part of which time he appears to have had an unpleasant experience of the "aggrieved parishioner," for we THE CHURCH. 37 find him " named " in the Archdeacon's Court on one or two occasions, videlicet — "1586. Thomas Dierton notaf for abusing his parishioners with evil words. He teacheth not the catechisme as he is comanded to the youth." "M'" Thomas Dierton n'" (notatur) that he necligentlie supplieth his duetie not reading of devine service, viz., uppon the nynth dale of October he redd not divine service by hymself nor provided any person to read devine service, but the dark of the parish did supplie his place and so red some part of service both forenone and after none being a mere laie mann .... I597-" But the " necligent " Vicar discovered a worse form of " necligence " in some of his parishioners, for at the same visitation he appears to have " named " Robert Tailor, " that the same thrashed corne on divers saboth dales within this halfe yeare last past, quarto die mensis Aprilis, 1596;" and William Sybell, " for working and going to cart on the Saboth, xix September, 1597." It is added " This (these) persons fee owing for not going the pambulacon (perambulation) about the circuite of their parrish in the rogacon week, according to the quenenes Iniunctions in this yeare 1597." ^ Fourteen years after this we find the Vicar ' Records preserved in the Registiy of the Archdeaconry of Norwich. 38 HISTORY OF UPTON. faithfully performing his duty in Upton Church, when a case of brawling took place, which was made the subject of a presentment in the Arch- deacon's Court held in Acle Church in 1612, as follows: "William Enderton, comonly called by the name of Wicked Will, servant of Robert ffisher, and Symon Bullock of the said towne, did profanely and disorderlie behave themselves in this sort, viz., uppon Christmas daie last in the tyme of evening praier they came into the parrish church of Upton aforesaid, with a great whalles bone uppon their shoulders, and wth ys birds, a robin redbrest and a wrenne, tied by a thrid and hanging uppon the said bone, the said Wiitm making a great and a roring noyse all waie of his coming, and they went staggering and reeling too and fro in the midd allie in a scoffing and a wild profane manner, by the minister's seate (the sayd minister being reading devine service) they fell downe as thoughe they were hevely or grevously loaden, and then and there the said Wicked Will in such wild and pfane and lewde manner as befor, kneling uppon his knees he praid for the sayd Mr. Deyrton and his wife and for his great dog (to) the dishono'^ of almightie god, pfanacon of the place, and evill example of others. Sexto Aprilis, 161 2." He appears to have been ordered to acknowledge his fault in the face of the church, a far milder punish- THE CHURCH. 39 ment than would have been meted out to him under the Brawling Act in the present day. It is probable that the "great whalles bone" was preserved in the church as a memento of the occurrence, for a large bone, measuring 5 ft. 4 ins. in length, formerly kept in the belfry, and now preserved at the Vicarage, may well have been the identical bone put to so profane a use by "Wicked Will" and his companion. i^especting an Ancient pension. A pension of xxxs. per annum was payable to the Vicars of Upton by the Priors of Butley. The first record of it appears to be a note from the Charter of the Prior of Butley, fol. 47, quoted in Add. MS. 8843, Brit. Mus. "And the Vicar of Vpton had a pention of XXX shill. p annu payable by the prior of Butley by the confirmation of John of Oxford, bishop." This confirmation of Bishop John of Oxford must have been 1175 — 1200, and the pension, no doubt, was settled on the Vicar at the founding of Upton Church. In 161 5, Thomas Deyrton, Vicar, brought an action against the lessees of the Rectory, in the Court of Exchequer, the record of which is 40 HISTORY OF UPTON. preserved in the Public Record Office, and is as follows : — "Jacobus Dei gra Anglie Scotie Franc et Hibnie Rex, fidei Defens, &c. Diitis nobis Jacobo Scam- bler Aro, Johi Smythe Ar°, Rico Jenkinson Ar°, & Johi Holte sacre theologie bachalario Sattm Sciatis qd nos de fidelitat industr & pvidis circu speccoib<5 vris in negotiis nris agend pluriiim confiden assignavim vos ac vobis quatuor tribj & duob3 vrm plenam ptatem & auctatem damus & com- mittim p pntes ad testes quoscuq., de & sup quibusdam articlis sive interrogat tin ex pte Thome Dierton clici quer) qm ex pte Wiltmi Harborne ar' & Elizabeth Daynes vid. defend, coram vobis aut trib3 sine duob5 vfm exhibend siue deliband diligenter exaiand Et ideo vobis mandamus qd ad hmoi diem & locu suie dies et loca quos vel que ad hoc pvideritis aut tres siue duo vrm pvidin? testes pdcos coram vobis aut trib3 siue duob^ vrm veniri faciatis & evocetis ac ipos testes & eorf quemlt p se sepatim de & sup articlis siue interr pd sup sacra sua coram vobis aut trib5 siue duob^ vrm p sea Dei evangel corporalr pstand diligenter exaietis aut tres siue duo vrm exaient exaiacoesq^ suas recipiatis & in scriptis in pgameno redigatis Et eas cu sic cepitis aut tres siue duo vrm cepint Baronib3 de Sccio nro apud Westm. in octav. sci Martini px. futur! sub sigillis vris aut triu siue THE CHURCH. 4^ duorf vrm claus. mittatis aut tres siuc duo vrm mittant unacu interrogat pd & hoc bre proviso semp qd pd defend, heant pmonicoem p spaciu xiiij dierC de die & loco primo sessionis vre sup hoc bre ante execucoem eiusdem. T. Laurencio Tanfeld mil. apud Westm. quarto die Octob. anno R. n. anglie Franc & Hiber xiii" & Scotie xlix**." Interrogatories to be ministered to the Witnesses to be produced on part of Thomas Dyer ton, Clerk, and on part of William Har borne and Elizabeth Daynes. 1. Do you know the parties to the suit, and for how long have you known them .-' 2. Do you know, of your own knowledge, or have you seen any records whereby it doth appear that the parsonage of Upton, in the county of Norfolk, was parcell of the possessions of the late dissolved Monastery or Priory of Butlie in the county of Suffolk ? 3. Do you know or have you heard of any pension to be issuing and going out of the said rectory and parsonage of Upton, and payable unto the vicar of Upton for the time being, and what was the said pension which was yearly due and payable to the said vicar } 42 HISTORY OF UPTON. 4. Do you know of any leases heretofore made by Kings and Queens of this Realm of the said parsonage, and have not the said lessees paid a yearly pension to the vicar of Upton for the time being ? 5. Have you not known or credibly heard that the said farmors and lessees of the said parsonage of Upton have been allowed a certain sum of money upon the payment of their rent in respect of the pencon due to the said vicar for the time being ? 6. Have not the said Elizabeth Daynes and the said William Harborne, or those under whom they claim, had an interest and estate of and in the said parsonage of Upton for many years past, and for how long tyme ? 7. What other matter or thing do }-ou know touching the pencon of twenty shillings a yere issuing out of the said parsonage of Upton to the vicar there ? Declare the trueth herein. Depositions of divers Witnesses produced. Edward Hilton of Lingivood^ Norfolk, clerk, aged 74 years, or thereabouts : — I. Had known complt. and Elizabeth Daynes for 40 years, and Wm. Harborne for 20 years. THE CHURCH. 43 2. Hath heard y^ ye parsonage of Upton was parcell of y" late priory of Butley. 3. Hath heard there hath been a yearly pencon going out of the said parsonage to the vicar there, but what he cannot depose. 4. Hath heard that leases have been made of y^ parsonage by y® late Queen Elizabeth, but whether the lessees paid any pension to y® vicar of Upton he cannot say. 5. He cannot depose. 6. Hath heard y*^ y'= deP^ have had estates in the said parsonage of Upton, but for how many years he knoweth not. 7. Further he cannot depose. William Taylor of Upton, carpenter, aged 71 years : — 1. Hath known comp* and Elizabeth Daynes for forty years, and William Harborne for 20 years. 2. Hath heard y*^ ye parsonage of Upton was parcel of Butley Priory possessions. 3. Hath heard from divers old men of Upton that there was a pencon of twenty shillings payable to the vicar for the time being out of the rectory, 4. 5, 6, and 7. He cannot depose further. Messrs. Scambler and Holt executed and en- dorsed the warrant. They held their enquiry at Ludham on 13th Nov., 161 5. 44 HISTORY OF UPTON. "Decrees and Orders (Exchequer), " 14 James, vol. 23, fol. 112. " Die Lune xxix** die Aprilis xiiii° Jac. "Upon openeinge of the matter dependinge in this Courte by Englishe Bill betweene Thomas Dyerton, Gierke, plaintiff, and William Harborne and Elizabeth Daynes, Defendants — It is Ordered by the courte that the said Defendants shall be dismissed this Courte without costs. " Babb p P. " West p Def." The Vicar won the case, and his successors reap the benefit of his vigorous action. The pension is still paid out of the Great Tithe (by the Eccle- siastical Gommissioners), and in modern value it amounts to 6d. per diem or £g. 2s. 6d. per annum. Two vicars besides Mr. Dyerton had a long tenure of office, viz., the Rev. J. W. Greaves, forty-three years, and the Ven. Archdeacon Older- shaw, forty-eight years. The latter was a typical pluralist, as is shewn by the following licence of non-residence preserved amongst the parish records: "We, Gharles, Bishop of Norwich, hereby license you, John Oldershaw, Glerk, Rector of Redenhall with the chapel of Harleston, Vicar of Ranworth with Upton annexed, and Vicar of THE CHURCH. 45 Ludham, in the County of Norfolk and our Diocese of Norwich, to be absent from your benefice of Ranworth with Upton annexed afore- said for two years from the date hereof on account of y® Parsonage House belonging to your said Benefice of Ranworth with Upton being unfit for y® residence of yourself and family : such unfitness not being occasioned by your own negligence, and such house being kept in such repair as shall be satisfactory to us and our successors. You residing at Starston, and performing the duties of your said parish of Harleston. Given under our hand, this twenty-eighth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and four, and in the twelfth year of our consecration. "C. Norwich." Upton was consolidated with Ranworth, Feb. 26th, 1790, as appears by the " Diocesan Book," when the Rev. Charles Gogill, Vicar of Ranworth, became Vicar of the united parishes, but the Institution Books do not apparently give any record of his institution to Upton. The two parishes were disunited by Order in Council, 3rd March, 1873, which took effect on the next voidance. A previous union of these benefices occurred in 1698. The Ordination Book, vol. i., gives the following 46 HISTORY OF UPTON. particulars of ordination candidates, who sub- sequently became Vicars of Upton : — " 1682. Henry Nelson, of St. John's College in Cambridge. Borne in Garsdall in y^ County of York, in the 25th year of my age, to be ordained priest in y^ L'' Bishops Chappel in Norwich. " Hen. Nelson." " I, Samuel Style, Batchelor of Arts, Corp^ Xti Coll. in Cambridge, of 23 years current, born in the county of Norfolk, in the Parish of St. Peter in Norwich, to be curate to Mr. Thomas Seamier, Rector of Drayton cum Marlingford, to be ordained Deacon in the Cathedral Church in Norw^ " Samuel Style." " I, Jonathan Newhowse, Batchelor of Arts, of Gonv. Caii. Coll. in Cambridge, of 23 years current, born in the County of Norfolke, in the parish of St. Stephen's in Norwich, to be Curate to M^ W" plumsted. Rector of Wickmer, to be ordained Deacon in y^ Cathedrall Church in Norwich. "Jonathan Newhowse." Possessions of the Church. Recorded in Add. MS. 8843, /o. 46. Vpton EccHa. Norff. Carta Johis prions super appropriatione ecclise Vpton cum aliis in eadem THE CHURCH. 47 carta contentis queratur inferius tertio loco sedae virgje. Confirmatio Johis Epi 2di super eadem ecctia nobis confirmat queratur in eodem loco. Confirmatio Wifti dc Ralegh Epi sup eadem appropacone et taxatio vicariae in qua taxatione assignat medietatem octo decem acras terrae quas Mag'' Hugo de Vpton de nobis tenet in eadem villa portione dicti vicar qui p tempore fuerit. Carta Walteri de Suffeld Epi super prdcis xviij acris totaliter nobis assignat de consensu Thome capellani tunc vicarii ifem reddendo vicario et successoribus quinque solidos per ann. in festo See Margarete. Confirmatio Symonis prioris & conventus Norwici sup eccia prdca et taxatione. Confirmatio Jacobi de Terentino decani de Holt dni Archidiaconi Norff. p curatoris sede Norwic vacante & ipso visitante sup eadem ecciia appriand. Carta Wiiti clerici quondam vicarii ecclie prd sup 12 acris terrae quas in vsus pprios retinuimus quando eum ad dcam vicarium prsentavimus tenend de nobis p servitium xx solid p ann. — Abbreviatio Carta? prioratus Butley, Suffol., 46, 47- And the Vicar of Vpton had a pention of xxx shill p annu payable by the prior of Butley by 48 HISTORY OF UPTON. the confirmation of John of Oxford, bishop. — Foh 47- Carta Wiffi de Rahalee, Episcopi Norwic, super- admissione Thome de Wython capellani ad vicariam eccHe Vpton ad prsentationem prions Butley et taxatione vicariae ejusdem ecctie. — Fol. 47b. And concerning the pension of 30 shill. payable to the Vicar of Vpton by the prior of Butley yearly, see the same book, fol. 47. [On back of a slip.] The Archbishop of Canterbury's confirmation. — Fol. 48 and 49. The taxation of Upton in the 21st year of King Edward the first was xvi/. xiiii-. iiii^., tenths xxx/. ins. iiii(2'. — Blofield Deanery, fol. 53. Rot. Hund., p. 512. The Bishop of Norwich held land in Upton, as member of his Manor of Blofield. o o « , K>^ o s^ R D ^^ h < N "^ a: 3 ►5^ I kS" o -« >*^ u ^ _i ►V > z -J O « lij j^ ts u. e tl, o z CHAPTER III. iht CburtiK xh Sc-builbinp:, fiibij itntr |jcthtt Cbapcls, goob-scvccu, §.nticnt ^icibts, (Suiltis, gont, gells, Communion Iplatc, Inbxiitory of Cljurclj d^ootrs, anb- ^Ustoration. FOR about two centuries the Norman church of Ranulph de Glanville was the spiritual home of the people of Upton. How it ceased to exist can only be matter for speculation — possibly lightning, or some accidental fire may have destroyed it. That it was superseded by the present fabric in the Perpendicular period is shewn from the fact that much of the Norman stonework was utilized in the existing structure. The Norman piscina was discovered in the restoration of 1885, built into the wall of the north aisle above one of the windows. It is now affixed for security in the E 2 50 HISTORY OF UPTON. stoup near the south door, which was also brought to Hght during the restoration of the church. Other fragments of Norman work were found, some of which are preserved in the vestry. With the exception, perhaps, of the tower, the present church cannot have been commenced before 1380, and was probably not completed till the fifteenth century. The ten windows of the aisles exhibit a transom in the tracery, and are quoted in the British ArcJiceological Journal for 1890 as speci- mens of " fully-developed Perpendicular." I have been unable to trace the re-building of the church to any particular person, and it is probable that this work was carried out by the Prior and Canons of Butley. The proportions of the church are fine, and altogether present a strikingly beautiful appearance. Cubic space, about ... iio,ooo cub. ft. Length of chancel Breadth of chancel Length of nave Breadth of nave ... Height of nave Length of north aisle Breadth of north aisle Length of south aisle Breadth of south aisle It will be seen that the extreme length of the church (without the tower) is 109 ft., and its breadth 44 ft. 6 in. 19 ft. 3 11X» . 68 ft. 8 in. 20 ft. 4 in. 40 ft. . 64 ft. 6 in. . 12 ft. I in. . 64 ft. . 12 ft. I in. S^^^5&t^ •^rU«:.>^/;jj|*', <-■ ^y. -^'iy '■;*■.",. ^ 4 % k PISCINA AND REMAINS OF CONSECRATION CROSS, LADY CHAPEL, UPTON CHURCH. From a Drawing by Mr. Henry Gales. THE CHURCH. 5 1 The windows are well preserved, and good specimens of Perpendicular work. The large east window of the chancel is especially fine, and the twelve lights in its tracery were evidently designed for figures of the Twelve Apostles in painted glass. Some fragments of ancient stained glass are pre- served in the east windows of the aisles. Beneath these window's were altars in pre- Reformation times. Their piscinas still remain, that in the south aisle being in excellent pre- servation, with a charming bit of flamboyant tracery at the top, and the remains of a consecration cross in close proximity. This east end of the south aisle formed the Lady Chapel,^ and that of the north aisle, I take it, was the Chapel of S. Thomas a Becket.^ 1 " My body to be buryed befor the pyktur of our lady in the south ysle of the Chirche of Seynt ]\Iargrette, virgyn & martyr, of Upton forseyd."— Will of Thos. Andrews, 1488. 2 " To be buried in the Church of St. IMargaret before the high altar of the blessed Thomas the Martyr." — Will of Thomas Wycete, 1467. The Norman church was founded the year after the murder of Thomas a Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, Tuesday, December 29th, 1 170. The leading position in the State held by our Founder must have brought him into close relationship with Becket, whose memory De Glanville may well have desired to perpetuate in his new foundation at Upton, as soon as the Archbishop was canonized. A full-length painting of S. Thomas the Martyr in vestments occurs on the Ranworth Screen, and a fresco of his murder is to be seen on the south wall of the chancel of South Burlingham Church. 52 HISTORY OF UPTON. The Rood-screen. The base of the ancient Rood-screen remains beneath the lofty chancel arch, and is in excellent preservation, the rood-loft and "dore^" having dis- a,ppeared, unless, indeed, the "dore" was merely the open entrance to the chancel. On the north side are four panels under gilded bosses in relief, con- taining paintings of the four Latin Fathers, each about 2 ft. 8 in. in height, SS. Augustin, Jerome, Gregory the Great, and Ambrose. They are thus described by L'Estrange in his MS. dated 1870, in the possession of Mr. Walter Rye, to whom I am indebted for a copy. 1. SL Atigiistin. "A Bishop in red cope, green mitre, book in right hand, crook in left turned inwards." 2. St. Jerome. " A Cardinal, red hat, green cloak, with slits for arms, red book." 3. St. Gregory the Great. " A Pope, triple crown, red cope, amice, open book." 4. St. Ambrose. " An Archbishop, red mitre, albe with apparel, red dalmatic, green chasuble, pall, crook in right hand, book in left." 3 The screen door is referred to in the ■will of Agnes Wynn, whose memorial brass is still in situ, " to be buried in Church of St. Margaret in the middle aley before the chancel dore." Panel of Roodiscreen, representing S. Ambrose, Upton Church. From a Pen and Ink Sketch by Mr. Henry Gales. THE CHURCH. 53 On the south side are the painted figures of four female saints on oak panels. 1. " Sf. Helen, crowned, veiled, robed in ermine, with the cross of our Lord's Passion in her right hand, a black book in her left." 2. " St. Etheldrcda, wimple, pastoral staff, red book." 3. St. Joanna, Queen of Spain, "veiled, red mantle, bowl in right hand, frail basket in left hand with loaves in it." 4. " St. Agatha. A virgin with long hair hold- ing a breast with pincers by the nipple." Above, on the transom, is : — " . . . . llya Wynne and Anneys ys wyfe et cetera." Husenbeth, in his Emblems of Saints, notes SS. Ethcldreda and Joanna as occuring with their emblems on the " Rood-screen, Upton, Norfolk." The date of the canonization of St. Joanna, 1505, coupled with the remains of the inscription, make it probable that the screen was re-painted subsequently to the death of Anneys or Agnes Wynne in 1506, at all events on the south side. [Extracts from the wills of William and Agnes Wynne are given in Chapter VII.] The screen itself, probably, dates from forty or fifty years earlier. To the north and south of the chancel arch, and near the screen, are two consecration 54 HISTORY OF UPTON. crosses, fairly well preserved, brought to light in 1885. Lights and Guilds. The following Lights were in the church, viz., those of St. Margaret, Blessed Virgin Mary, St. John Baptist, and St. Nicholas. Of the last named saint there was formerly a " tabernacle " containing an image of St. Nicholas. There is reason to believe that this was affixed to the half pillar at the east end of the north aisle, close to the present pulpit. Before it is the brass of Thomas Wesyt, who died in 15 13. The remains of fresco work may be traced, and an iron staple still remaining, about 9 ft. 9 in. from the floor, may well have supported the " tabernacle." * The Guilds in connection with the church were 1. The Guild of S. Margaret, the Patron Saint. 2. „ „ the Blessed Virgin Mary. * " Repair of the image and tabernacle of St. Nicholas, Bishop, in same church, 40J." — Will of Nicholas Cossey, 1479. "To paynting and gilding of the tabernacle of St. Nicholas in the same church, 6s. Sd." — Will of William Wynne, 1505. THE CHURCH. 55 3. The Guild of S. John Baptist. 4. „ „ S. Peter. That there was not always, in those days, zeal enough to maintain the work of a Church Guild, may be inferred from the will of William Wynne, 1505: "to the guild of St. Peter 6s. Sd. on con- dition that the brethren and sistcrn will begin the guild and uphold it." The Font is remarkably fine and in very fair preservation, although some of the figures have been sadly mutilated. It is a beautiful specimen of early English work. Three large octagonal steps form a striking approach to the font ; the top step is divided from the second by open quatrefoils, and supported at intervals by dogs in sitting postures. A finely-carved pedestal rises from a circle of foliage and queer-looking animals — two lions joined by their tails, two dogs united by their heads, and a monster having one head and two bodies. Standing out in relief upon this pedestal are figures under exquisite canopies and representing the two Sacraments, to wit: — Ho/y Comimmion, a bishop in vestments, holding pastoral staff in right hand, supported to right and left by angels bearing each a candlestick ; 56 HISTORY OF UPTON. next a priest holding an open missal ; then a second priest with the elements. Both the latter wear the dalmatic, maniple, and stole. Holy Baptism is signified by three sponsors, one male and two female, one of the latter with an infant in her arms in curious swaddling clothes, the others with rosaries : all wearing the lay dress of the period. The very handsome bowl of the font is described in L Estrange' s MSS., vol. ix. : — Emblems of " On the E. panel of bowl St. John Ev. „ N. „ St. Matthew. „ W. „ St. Luke. S. „ St. Mark. Intermediate panels : — Angels, north-east and south-west, holding shields ; south-east, a guitar ; north-west, cymbals. The bowl is supported by eight half angels holding crowths, books, shields, &c." The font was originally painted, as denoted by small fragments of the ancient colouring still remaining. The west arch of the church is filled up with masonry, a work probably found necessary when the tower fell. In this masonry the stone outline of a window was brought to light in 1885, and THE CHURCH. 57 the brickwork was removed which blocked it up. Above the arch was found ^ the gable line of the old roof of the church, indicating possibly that the clerestory with its eight windows, was built at a later date than the lower part of the church. From a comparison of the flintwork at the top of the ruined tower with that of the clerestory it is probable that the former was raised in height at this later date. The Bells. There were four bells in the reign of Edward VI., weighing respectively 5, 7, 10, and 14 cwt. A fifth bell remained in its place over the chancel as late as 1725, recorded in a terrier of that date. This would, of course, be the sancUcs or sawice bell. It may have been sold in 1727, although I have found no special faculty authorizing its sale. " In 1727, a faculty was granted for the sale of three split bells which had stood behind the church door beyond the memory of any man then living." — L'Estrange's Bells^ p. 229. This faculty is given in the Faculty Book in the Bishop's Office. " Upton, 27 March, 1727. To Wm. Mackey, vicar, Robert Goote and John Norton, church- * A line marking this ancient gable has been traced in the new plaster. 58 HISTORY OF UPTON. wardens, and to Mr. James Jay, one of the chief inhabitants — to sell three spHt bells standing behind the door, ' ;^200 having been expended about the church, and yet now not a seat in it but is decayed.' " These bells may well have been split in the fall of the tower, which may have taken place before the sixth year of Edward VI. (1552-3), for the Inventory of Church Goods of that year mentions the existence of the four bells, but assigns one only for the use of Divine Service. That the tower was dilapidated long before 1602 is evident from the following certificate returned to Bishop Redman in that year, quoted in The East Anglian, vol. ii. p. 232: — " Vpton. The Steple there ruynated through the default and necligence of the prishinrs there long since. The church other- wise is sufificientlie repaired and decentlye kept."^ The tower was presumably standing in 1546, when John Poddes of Fishley left 6j. Zd. "to repair of Upton steeple." The bell still remaining is doubtless the one left by King Edward's Commissioners for use in "devyne service," and " wayen x*^." It was cast by one of the Brasyers, the famous Norwich bell " In 1587, Richard Taylor, yeoman, bequeathed "^^4 of good EngHsh money towards the buildinge uppe of the steple agauie, to be paid when the paiishioners doe builde upp the same." THE CHURCH. 59 founders, probably about 1440, and bears the name of Gabriel, in the following inscription : — 1l?ac \\\ (JTonclauc (Salirtel i^iic ^ancfc ^uabe. Cotman, in his Architectural Remains (vol. ii. pi. 41), gives an etching of the east end of Upton Church in 181 5, with a sketch of the quaint old bell-house, or shed, under the east window. Here it had hung for many years, and was swung by its stay, the foot of the ringer being placed upon the bell, when required for service. An erection was made in the shell of the ruined tower in 1867, where the bell was then hung. The following inscription is borne on a stone outside the tower : — This Bell was for upwards Of two centuries hung in a shed At the east end of the Church But removed to its present position A.D. 1867. Robert Capon, 1 _, ■r. T^ 1 f Churchwardens. James B. Parker, 3 Communion Plate. The pre-Reformation chalices enumerated in the Inventory of Church Goods of Edw. VI. have, alas! disappeared. The "chalys," weighing iii ozs., left 60 HISTORY OF UPTON. by King Edward's Commissioners for use " in the admynystracion of the devyne service" was replaced in or about the year 1567-8 by a cup of silver gilt, with large bowl, supported by a stem resting on a figured pediment. The bowl bears the legend, on a gilt band, — i^ THIS CVP IS FOR VPTVN. The cup bears the Norwich mark, and possesses a moveable cover of silver (silversmith's mark almost obliterated), which does duty for a paten. This cup is still in use. The flagon is of pewter, and appears to date from William III. Inventory of Church Goods, Edward VI. HUNDREDS OF BLOFIELD AND WALSHAM. Vpton. This inventorie indentid made y'' last day of August in the sixt yere of y® reyne of o^ Sovraigne lord Edward the six by the grace of God Kyng of Ynglond, Fraunce, and Irelond, Defender of the feith and in earth of y'^ churche of Ynglond the supreme hed, betweyn Will™ Fermor, John Robsart, Xpofer Heydon Knyght, Osbert Mounde- fore, Robert Berney and John Callybutt, Esquiers, THE CHURCH. 6i Comyssioners amongst others assigned by vtue of the Kyng's Ma*'"^ Comyssion to them directid for y^ survey of Churche goods in the Countie of Norff: of thon pty, and John Ramsey, Edmund Tayllor, Will" Gymyngham, Rob* Wyn and Rob*^ Gootte of the forseid town of Vpton of the other ptye, Wyttcnesith y*^ there remayneth in the hands and custodie of the said John Ramsey, Edmund Tayllor, Will"' Gymyngham, Rob* Wyn and Rob* Gootte y^ day and yere abovewreten all theis goods and ornaments here underwreten — Imp'mis — one chalys w* y° patent of silver dubbyl gylt conteyning xi ounces & di, every ounce liis. xd. ... x.\ns. ii(^. Itm — a nother chalys w* y° patent psell gylt conteyning xiiii ounces iii qrs at ins. viii(^. y^ ounce ... liiiij-, id. Itm — a pax of sylver psell gylt con- taining ii ounces iii qrs ... ... xj. id. Itm — ^j vestement of blewe velvet w* decon and subdecon ... ... xb." Itm — j cobe of blewe velvet xxi'. & j of whyte damask xs. ... ... xxxj-. Itm — ^j vestement of whyte damask... His. iiii^?'. Itm — ii kopys of grene sylck v^., j vestement of grene silk iiij-. iiiid.... viiis. iiii^-/ Itm — j canapiexiii.y.iiii^.,and j fruntell of grene sylck iiij-. iiii^. ... ... xvis. viiid. 62 HISTORY OF UPTON. Itm — ii aul? clothez of whytte sylck. . . iiis. inid. Itm — a sutte of rede sylck ... ... vs. Itm — a vestem'^ of black wursted . . . iiis. Itm — a carde cloth of sylck... ... xiid. Itm — a sengyll vestm* ... ... xii^. Itm — ^j kope of blewe velvet ... vj-. Itm— iiij'^'" stepill bells weyinge xxxvi" whereof the first cont. v% the second vii<=, the iii^ x% the iiii xiiii" . . . xxvii/. Item for brase and \ latten sold in a*^ i & ii E vi^^ . . . xxvj. Item for plate and other ornamets • u- o •••to P answer. soIdma°xxxvnr° * H.Oct.... ... xxxiiiij-. x^. ob. / The canapie is in thands of Roger Rookewood, who denyeth to deliv*" the same to the church- wardens. Roger Rocwood ys contented to answ' y' or the valewe."'' , Whereof ys assigned and left to be occupied and vsed in the admynystracion of the devyne service there The Chalys conteyning xi ounces di & on bell wayen x'^. ■J In another handwriting and ink. Thys \ lixj. xd. ob. ys agreed THE CHURCH. 63 In wyttenes whereof the scid Comyssion" and other scid psons to theise Inventoriez alrnatly have puttc theire hands y'' day and yere above wreten. p me John Rasey, p me Johne Broughton. The Restoration of the Church. The church having fallen into deplorable di- lapidation, it became necessary that a thorough restoration should be effected. The work was commenced by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners in 1879, by the substantial repair of the fabric of the chancel, and the substitution of an oak " wagon " roof for the old one. A heavy beam having fallen in the body of the church in 1875, the congregation migrated to the chancel, and for ten years the nave and aisles were not used for divine service. In 1884 a Committee was appointed at a meeting of parishioners held in the school-room, for the purpose of collecting subscriptions and carrying out the work of restoration. Of this committee the present Vicar was hon. sec, and the Rural Dean, the Rev. Canon Patteson, Rector of Thorpe, became the active chairman, presiding over all the meetings F 64 HISTORY OF UPTON, until the committee closed its labours in 1889. In 1885 the fabric of the nave and aisles was thoroughly restored, under the able supervision of Mr. A. S. Hewitt, A.R.I.B.A., of Great Yarmouth, the work being executed by Mr. Evans of South Walsham, builder and contractor. New roofs were found to be absolutely necessary. Some of the best oak grown in the neighbourhood was used for the nave roof, and the massive tie-beams were carefully restored and replaced. The aisles are roofed with the best pitch-pine. The restoration of the stonework of windows and pillars was well carried out by Messrs. Utting of Acle. In July of the same year the church was re- opened by the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, assisted by the Bishop of Victoria, the Rural Dean, and other clergy, in the presence of a large congregation. The Rev. Canon Patteson preached at the evening service. The offertories for the day amounted to the handsome sum of In 1888 a further work was carried out in the thorough repair of the porch, and the re-seating the nave with open benches of pitch-pine, a number of the ancient poppy-heads being used with good effect at the east and west ends of the seating, and in the north and south aisles where wood block floors have been laid. Book THE CHURCH. 65 boards, with portions of the old oak carving, have also been erected. The total cost of the restoration, including that of the chancel, carried out by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, exceeded ;^ 2000.® It may be added that, in 1885, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners erected handsome oak choir seats, laid a floor of Minton tiles in the chancel, and gave a new communion rail, with brass pillars. The new pulpit of Corsham stone, bearing four tracery panels with ecclesiastical designs, was erected in 1888 by the present vicar, to the memory of his father, the late Rev. John Oakley Hill, M.A., Rector of Little Rollright, Oxon. At a special re-opening service held on November 15th, 1888, upon the completion of the work of restoration, the Lord Bishop of Norwich, before commencing the sermon, solemnly dedicated the pulpit to the service of Almighty God. The old Tudor pulpit is preserved as a relic in the Lady Chapel. Previous to the restoration of the church it formed part of a " three-decker " to the south of the chancel arch. Reference is made to it in an entry in the Parish Register, vol. ii., at p. 68. 8 Towards this sum, the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, Miss Edwards of Hardingham, and Canon Patteson, were munificent contributors. F 2 66 HISTORY OF UPTON. " Memorandum. The Rev. Mr. Mackay, Vicar of this Parish of Upton, Built a Seate opposite to the Pulpit and Reading Desk at his own Cost and Charges w^'^ Chancellor Tanners leave, for himself and his ffamilys Use, which he the said William Mackay dedicates to all the Ministers and their ffamilys Use for ever, desiring that the afores*^ Seat may be kept up and maintained by them at their own proper charges. As witness my hand this ffirst Day of May, 1739. "William Mackay, A.M. "and Vicar of Upton." The church is warmed by Porritt's underground hot-air apparatus, which was placed in the nave in 1885, at a cost of nearly ^50. Among other gifts to the restored church should be mentioned a handsome frontal of green silk for the holy table, embroidered and presented by Mrs. Saunders, late of South Walsham Vicarage; and some oak panelling inside the pulpit, in which is skilfully introduced ancient oak tracery, saved from the old seating of the church. This panelling is the gift of Mr. W. Evans, South Walsham. CHAPTER IV. #f tijc Jlcgisters : rurious ^ntrus. T HE Register dates from 1558, but the Date of Re- ,. r^ • 4.1, gister, anno earliest part, as so otten is the case, pj-imo Eliza- is a transcript, very well engrossed. I ^^thae. believe the original entries begin in 1606. There are some omissions from the first volume, the greatest hiatus occurring from 1685 to 1694. The period of the Commonwealth is marked by a change of handwriting, from the vicar's to that of a lay registrar, albeit the good vicar was allowed to record the baptism of his daughter with his own hand, which he does as follows : — " Elizabeth, the daughter of Berney Sheppard & Bridget his wife, was baptized the 6' day of Noueber, 1655." 68 HISTORY OF UPTON. Whether the troublous times proved too much for the vicar or not, certain it is that about fifteen months after the baptism of their infant daughter, both he and his wife Bridget died within a few days of each other, and were buried at Fishley. Mrs. Sheppard belonged to the Moundford family. The following entries, including a civil marriage of the period, and its ecclesiastical completion (even at the time of the Commonwealth) by a clergyman, will be read with interest :— - "1655. Common- "The Register Booke of Upton containinge all ter. Marriages, Byrthes, and Burialls accordinge to an Acte of pliam* in that case cornanded bearinge date the 24^^ of August, 1654. "Robert Goat the elder was chosen pish Register by the Intiitants of the said towne, and sworne to the pformance of the said Office, and this day confirmed Register under my hande 1654. " Gabr. Barbor. Civil "Robert Goat of Upton and Elizabeth Downes arriage. ^^ ^^j^ were married before me Gabriell Barbor, D"" in phisick, one of the Justices of the publique peace for the Countie of Norffi, upon the ffift day of August one thousand sixe hundered fiifty & THE REGISTERS. 69 fifower. In the ^sence of John Dovvnes, Edward Goate, and Charles Coppinge. Wittness my hande " Gabr. Barbor. "The abovesaid Robert Goat of Vpton and Elizabeth Downes of Acle were marryed by me Philip Whitefoote, clerk, vpon y® fift day of August, 1654, in the p^'sence of John Downes and Edward Goate. Witnesse my hande "Philip Whitefoote." The Act of Charles II., intended to encourage Act to foster the wool trade, is illustrated by the following trade, extracts among others : — Burials in Upton since the ist of August, 1678. Robert Smith, y* Sonne of Robert Smith, was buried y^ of Sep- ,th 29 tember. Francis Hempson made oath before Robert Houghton, Justice of y^ Peace, y*^ y'^ coffin of y^ p contra Robert Smith was not faced with anything, and y' his body was wrapt in a shroud of sheep's wool onelie. Dated y'' 4^^ day of October, 1678. Sealed and subscribed by those y* were present at y° swearing y^ affidavit. Simon Woodrowe and Robert Smith. 70 HISTORY OF UPTON. Excommuni- cations. John Mason, the Sonne of Henrie Mason, was buried y'' 8^^ of December. Bridget Green made oath before Justice Haughton that when John Mason was buried theire was nothing in the coffin but what was made of sheep's wool, and the witnesses of ye affidavit were Thomas Noble and Henery Mason. Dated the 13*^ day of December. 1678. Robert Goodwinn, Gierke, was buried according to the Act the 12*^ day of februarie. Ebenezer Carter mad oath before Robt. Houghton, Esq. Burials 1679. John, the son of Isaac Em- peror of Norw'^'^, was buried the I ^*of September. Bridget Manser made oath before Franc. Bacon, Esq^ and Justice of Peace, that the said John Emperor was buried ac- cording to the full intent of the Act. Dated the 3'' of Sept., Anno Caroli Reg. 31°. Records of excommunication occur in the register as late as the latter half of the seventeenth century. "Memorandum that John Emperor of the Parish and Mannor of Upton St. Margarett was excom- municated by Robert Goodwyn, Clerk, and absolved THE REGISTERS. 7 1 by mc, the sixth day of July, his successor and now p^'sent Vicar thereof, and this absolution pronounced in the yeare of o'' Lord, 1679, "Sam Style." John Emperor lived about a year and a half to enjoy his freedom from ecclesiastical censure, vide his will, page 121. "Memord. that John Littlewood of Upton was excomunicated de non comparendo in Curia Eccle- siastica, March 25'^^, 1683, by me, "Sam. Style, vie ibid." A tax on the entries of births, burials, and Duty payable /- TTT - , .- ,, °^ entries in marriages, temp. Geo. 111., is noted, as follows: — Parish Kegis- ter. "Dec. 9t^ 1784. "Duty ''ceived on the entry of all Births, Burials, and Marriages made in this Register Book for the parrish of Upton from the first day of October, 1783, to the first day of Oct"", 1784, amounting in the whole to the sum of five shillings and three pence. "Received by me, W"" Brisley (?), for J. Gay, Juner, Collectere." "Marryages in 1727. "James Bensly and Suanna Barit were marryed Marriage the w"-^ May, 1727, the match by the parishtion"" fue^pP^sk ^^ consentin to pay the charges of the marryage." vicar 72 HISTORY OF UPTON. Sibaret. "Benjamin Mundford and Anne Burre were [ anns. i^^j-ried May y^ 4^^ 172 1, w**^ Sibaret." A poetical xhe Rev. Wm. Mackay has left in the Register evidence of his love for Latin aphorisms, to wit: — "Transivere Patres, simul hinc Transivimus Omnes. In Coelo Patriam, Qui Bene Transit, Habet. Wm. Mackay, A.M., Parochiae hujus Uptonensis Vicarius, Apud Martham 24*° Junii, Anno Xti 1729." "Nulla Dies periat ; periat pars Nulla Dei Nam tu sic peries, ut periere Dies. Let no Day Pass, Pass no part of the Day, For you must Pass, as Days do pass Away. June 10*^ 1736." He has also recorded an epitaph for the benefit of posterity: — "Our Life's the Shadow, God's the Pole, the Index pointing, is Our Soul ; Death's the Horison, where our sun must set, Which will thro Xt A Resurrection get. "W. M., Ap. loth, 1732." CHAFER V. onumeutal J«scn|:!tions Cljitrrljgarti. Cljurclj iintr SEVERAL brass inscriptions have been removed from the church in the past, empty matrices marking their former positions. The brasses remaining are as follow : — Pre-reformation Brasses. 1. ©rate p' aia E\)am't CTosseo tjc ©Ipto' q' oftfit liij" "biz mmsis teccmbris 31° IBni. tn^cccclb" cui ate p'ptciet tie'. 2. ©rate p' aiabj IXob'ti f^mnt ct ^(jneti's ui. ei'. 3. ©rate p' aiabj Eob'ti Sokkgg .&: J^cltnisie consortts sue. 4. ©rate p' aiabj JUSEiUi. ^ISEonne et ^gnetis ui'is sue qui quiDm W,i\\5. obiit iibiii "bit ©ctobris a" "Qni, mVb" qu0S atab,? ppciet lie'. 74 HISTORY OF UPTON. 5. ©rate p' ata El)am't Olcsgt, genast, qui obfit ifat'ii" tiit augusti 31° Bm. iH^b^iiu cut ate p'pt'n'Et tie'. 6. ©rate p' aia 3:i[}onc taglour cut' ate p'pin'et lie'. 7. ©rate p' ai'a imager' SEagler cut ate p'ptcict' be' a" X' ifa'iiiiiij. Post-reformation Brass. I^ere lictfj iije hatiiz of l^fdjartJ STaglor, tci!)0 tJietJ ti^e ixii*'' Ijage of September, ^° 158S. Stone Inscriptions. \_Chancel. Mural tablet P\ TO THE MEMORY OF JOHN waters, LATE OF UPTON HALL, FOR MANY YEARS A RESPECTED INHABITANT, AND LORD OF THE MANOR OF UPTON. DIED 16''' APRIL, 1876, AGED 87 YEARS. {Floorr^ Sacred to the Memory of WILLIAM WATERS, Who departed this Hfe September 25^^, 1852, Aged 90 years. Sacred to the memory of Samuel the Son of WILLIAM and DINAH WATERS Who departed this life August 22°*^, 1846, Aged 60 years. Sacred to the Memory of DINAH waters the wife of WILLIAM WATERS who departed this life September 4"*, 18 14, Aged 53 years. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS. 75 \_North chapel. Mural tablets.'] Sacred to the Memory of JOHN HOLMES, Many years an Inhabitant of this Parish, Who departed this Hfe Jan^ 22°'', 1820, aged 69 years. An honest Man's the noblest work of God. Also ELIZABETH, Second wife of the above, Died April 11'*', 1848, Aged 86 Yr^ In Memory of ELIZABETH HOLMES, the wife of JOHN HOLMES of Upton, and Daughter of WILL°> & ELIZABETH COBB, late of Hemblington in Norfolk, who departed this Life June 26, 1796, Aged 72 Years. l^Floor.'] Memento Mori. In hope of a joyfuU Resurrection, Here Lyeth y® Body of Elz., Wife of WILLIAM COBB, who dyed June y« 8'>>, 1726, Aged 32 Years. [South chapel. Floor. ~\ Here lyeth the body of Edward Goate, who dyed y"^ 26 of Deem., •693- 76 HISTORY OF UPTON. [South aisle r\ Here lieth the Body of ROBERT GOAT, late of this Parish ; who died December 2^ 1764, Aged 81 Years. In Memory of ROBERT GOAT, the Husband of Elizabeth Goat, who departed this Life Decembe'' the ' of James, y® Son of James Jay, Who died y« 25'h Sepf, 1752, Aged 29 Years. \_Nave.'\ In Memory of Thomas Jay of Upton, in the County of Norfolk, who died 3'* of November, 1797, Aged 80 Years. SACRED to the Memory of MATILDA Daughter of THQs & MARY ANNE CLARKE, Who died Sepf I'S 1832, in the 8"' Year of Her Age. ALSO three of their Sons, who died in their Infancy. To the Memory of Martha, y® Wife of Robert Whaites, Who departed this Life April the iS"", 1743, Aged 28 years. Also James, their Son, Died an Infant. In Memory of George Docking, Who Departed this Life May 10"', 1779, Aged 77 Years. Here [lieth the] Body of Jacob Docking, Son of George Docking & Ann his Wife, who died Sep. 27"', 1736, Aged 16. 78 HISTORY OF UPTON. In Memory of Ann, the wife of George Docking, who departed this Life 3"^ of Feby, 1778. Aged 80 Years. \North aisle.'] Sacred to the Memory of Isaac Docking, Late of Upton, Who died Nov"^ 28% 1807, In the 75 Year of his Age. Also Mary his wife, who died March agt*", 1836, Aged 72 Years. Sacred to the Memory of George, Son of George & Mary Docking of this Parish, who died July 19'^, 1827, Aged 40 Years, And Great-Grandson of the late George Docking. Sacred to the Memory of MARY DOCKING, the Wife of GEORGE DOCKING, who departed this life 7^^ October, 1841, Aged 78 Years. Sacred to the Memory of GEORGE DOCKING, Many years a proprietor, and an inhabitant of this Parish. Who departed this life Feb. 22,'^ 1837, Aged 78 Years. An honest man's the noblest work of God. monumental inscriptions. 79 Notes of all the Legible Monumental Inscriptions in the Churchyard of Upton. South Side of Church. South of Main Pathway. James Grimble, late of Blofield, d. Feb. 13th, 1838, 70 yrs. Samuel, son of James and Elizabeth Betts, d. Sep. 12th, 1866, 20 yrs. James Betts, husb. of Judith Betts, d. 28th Aug., 1844, 77 yrs. Also Judith, wife, iSth Sep., i860, 78 yrs. Benjamin, son of James and Martha Willgress, d. Aug. i8th, 1836, 16 yrs. Samuel Bunn, ob. May 15th, 1838, M. 60. Also Sarah Crawford, daugh. of the above, ob. March 12th, 1835, M. 26. Charlotte Page d. 14th June, 1835, 20 yrs. WiUiam Page d. 31st May, 1820, 40 yrs. Also Sarah his wife, d. 19th Aug., 1818, 2i7 Y^s. And of Sarah Tower Page, their daugh., d. Oct. 27th, 1829, 18 yrs. Elizth., wife of James Porter of this parish, d. loth May, 1823, 67 yrs. James Porter d. 6th Apr., 1842, 94 yrs. William, son of Charles and Sarah George, and grandson of Joseph and Rachel Browne, d. nth Aug., 1828, 21 yrs. Rachel Browne d. Sep. 8th, 1846, 91 yrs. Jacob Day d. Mar. isth, 1820, 67 yrs. Thomas Day d. Feb. 7th, 1781, 87 yrs. Also Martha, wife, d. June 24th, 1787, 73 yrs. Mary, dau. of Joseph and Rachel Browne, d. July loth, 1802, in I2th yr. G 80 HISTORY OF UPTON. Joseph Browne, husb. of Rachel Browne, d. Oct. 26th, 18 17, 73 yrs. John Howard d. 13th Mar., 1842, 81 yrs. Also Amy Howard, wife, 1st Sept., 1837, 74 yrs. Also Amy Howard, daugh., d. 2nd Feb., 1810, 18 yrs. Robert Willgress d. 14th Feb., 181 3, 78 yrs. Also Amy, wife, d. i6th June, 1804, 63 years. And Benj., son, d. 1st June, 1799, 25 years. Benj. Tungate d. Jan. nth, 1814, 69 years. Also Susannah, wife, Jan. 22nd, 18 14, 64 years. Benjn. Tongate, son of Benj. and Susanna Tongate, d. June 4th, 1804, 28 yrs. William, husb. of Green Farman, d. Feb. 5th, 1821, 55 yrs. Joseph, son of William and Green Farman, d. 4th May, 1 830, 26 yrs. Remember me as you pass by. As you are now, so once was I ; As I am now, so must you be : Therefore, prepare to follow me. William Turner d. Oct. loth, 1796, 68 yrs. Also Mary, wife, d. Mar. 14th, 1804, ti ys. John Turner d. Aug. 12th, 1832, 59 yrs. Also Mary, wife, d. May 20th, 1859, 86 yrs. John Davy d. Aug. 2nd, 1833, 31 yrs. Sarah, his wife, d. May nth, 1837, 32 yrs. John, son of John and Sarah Davey, d. at Melville Naval Hospital, Feb. 7th, 1857, 28 jts. Also William, their son, d. on his passage from China, Nov. i6th, 1857, 24 yrs. May we all meet at the resurrection of the just. Mar}', wife of Joseph Howes, d. Dec. 4th, i860, age 68. Isaac Bradford d. July 31st, 1841, 46 yrs. Martha, wife, d. 27th Nov., 1 841, 47 yrs. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS. 8 I Robert, son of John and Mary Turner, d. July 14th, 1835, 26 yrs. Also Edward, their son, died in infancy. Jane Mary, dau. of George and Jane Turner, d. July 5th, 1846, 13 months. Jane, wife of George Maddle Turner, d. June 24th, 1873, 68 yrs. Also George Maddle Turner, husb. of above, d. May 4th, 1883, 76 yrs. Emma Sales, dau. of Mary Ann Gilling, d. 21st Oct., 1840, 20 yrs. W. George d. Mar. 23rd, i860, i year. Robert Beverley, husb. of Mary Beverley, d. Nov. 25th, 1853, 67 yrs. Mary, wife of Robert Beverley, d. July 15th, 1832, 50 yrs. Willm. Florence d. 20th Oct., 1789, "Ji yrs. Mary, wife of Willm. Florrance of Upton, d. 25th Jan., 1784, 66 yrs. Also William, their son, d. 15th May, 1760, 13 yrs. Charlotte Davey, wife of John Davey, d. 2nd Apr., 1838, 64 yrs. Also John Davey, husb., d. 23rd June, 1840, 71 yrs. John Ewlls Davey, husb. of Sarah Ann Davey, d. 30th Dec, 1843, 35 yrs. John Ellis d. ist Jan., 1796, 42 yrs. Also Elizth., wife, d. 14th Feb., 1813, 55 yrs. Noah Norton d. Dec. 21st, 1759, 46 yrs. William, son of Edmund and Elizth. Harrison, d. 19th June, 1826, 30 yrs. Also John, their son, d. 13th Mar., 1829, 40 yrs. Edmund Harrison d. 26th Jan., 1840, 79 yrs. Also Eliza- beth, wife, d. 22nd Oct., 1841, 78 yrs. Arabella Maria Sutton, widow, d. i ith Nov., 1869, 74 yrs. Benjn., husb. of Francis Skyles, d. Jan. 26th, 1824, 25 yrs. Children of Adam and Sarah Waters. George, d. Sep. 28th, 1844, 5 yrs. Sarah, d. Feb. 25th, 1845, 10 yrs. (} 2 82 HISTORY OF UPTON. Isabella, wife of Joseph Stout, d. vth June, MDCCCXXVi, aged XXXVI yrs. Also eight of their children, who died infants. Also Joseph Stout, husband of above, d. 24th Mar., 1837, 52 yrs. Thomas Stout d. Dec. 17th, 1861, 72 yrs. Also Theodosia Harbord d. May 8th, 1883, 81 yrs. Simon Stout of this Parish, d. Feb. nth, 1823, ']'] yrs. Also Isabella, wife, d. Mar. 27th, 1825, 84 yrs. Thomas Stoutt d. 14th Oct., 1838, 86 years. Also Jane Stoutt, wife, d. 30th Aug., 1841. Also Priscilla Stoutt, d. 17th May, 1847, 47 yrs. Susanna Homes d. 14th Aug., 1848, 56 yrs. John Neale d. Feb. i6th, 1768, 58 yrs. Susan, wife of John Neale, d. 3rd Apr., 1779, 70 yrs. Nicholas, husb. of Rose Kerrison, d. 27th Mar., 1822, 46 yrs. John Mendham, husb. of Elizabeth Mendham, d. Nov. 25th, 1718, 36 yrs. 2 months. David Taylor, husb. of Frances Taylor, d. July 5th, 1856, 65 yrs. Also Frances Taylor, wife of above, d. Feb. 2nd, 1859, 71 yrs. Fredc. Huke Taylor, d. Feb. 26th, 1858, 9 months. Also Albert Abraham Taylor, d. Feb. i8th, 1861, 5 months. Elizabeth, wife of Robert Dingle, d. July loth, 1775, 47 yrs. Also Robert Dingle, d. May 29th, 17S9, 69 yrs. Robert Read, husb. of Sarah Ann Read, d. May loth, 1882, 76 yrs. Thomas Diamond d. 17th Ap., 1801, 66 }ts. Hannah, daug. of Thomas and Margaret Creak, d. July 22nd, 1740, 22 yrs. Robert, husb. of Mary Smith, d. Jan. nth, 1821, 87 yrs. Also John, son of above and husb. of Elizth. Smith, d. June nth, 1825, 46 yrs. Sarah, wife of Robert Agus, and daug. of Robert and Mary MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS. 83 Smith, d. 24th Sep., 1849, 58 yrs. Also Robert Agus, d. Sep. 19th, 1868, 75 yrs. Also Mary Ann Mingay, their daugh., died at Edinburgh, Scotland, Aug. 30th, 1868, 40 yrs. North of Main Pathway, John Cater, husb. of Margaret Cater, d. Aug. 19th, 1861, 69 yrs. A Better Husband never liv'd, A Kinder Father never died ; His honest heart no man deceived, His manly spirit knew no pride. His memory fondly in our hearts shall rest, Lov'd while on earth, in heaven for ever blest. Also of Margaret, wife, " who fell asleep in Jesus," June 6th, 1S76, 82 yrs. Willm. Cater d. Sep. 20th, 1855, 75 yrs. George Westgate, son of Robert and Elizth. Westgate, d. Feb. 4th, 1832, yj yrs. William Cater, d. Feb. 9th, 1842, in 87th year. '' Life is uncertain, Death is sure; Sin is the cause, Christ can cure." Ann, wife of Willm. Cater, d. Ap. 23rd, 1S46, in 87th yr. John Tungate d. 13th Oct., 1821, 84 yrs. Also Ann, wife, d. 20th May, 1826, 80 yrs. Robert Tungate, husb. of Elizth. Tungate, d. Aug. 8th, 1S07, 84 yrs. Benj. Tungate, husb. of Sarah Tungate, d. Aug. 27th, 1808, 87 yrs. Mary Diamand, daugh. of Robert and Elizth. Westgate, d. Oct. 8th, 1822, 35 yrs. Elizth. Westgate, wife of Robert Westgate of this parish, d. July nth, 1829, 82 yrs. 84 HISTORY OF UPTON. Jacob, son of Robert and Sarah Hilling, d. Ap. 13th, 1784, 37 yrs. Edward, son of Edward and Ann Goffin, d. Sep. 23rd, 1784, 40 yrs. Robt. Hilling d. Oct. y^ 25th, 1770, 78 yrs. Also Sarah, wife, d. July y^ i8th, 1771, 64 yrs. Charles Robert Baldock, Lieut. Royal Artillery, d. 26th Jan., 1858, 65 yrs. John Hilling, son of Robt. and Sarah Hilling, d. June nth, 1769, aged 39. [Mitchell tomb.'] John Littlewood of this parish, farmer, d. 20th Apr., 1756, 59 yrs. Ann, wife, d. loth Nov., 1783, 84 yrs. Samuel Mitchell obt. Oct. 14th, 1859, 86 yrs. Averill Sibell obt. Sep. 28th, i860, 80 yrs. William Mitchell obt. Feb. 13th, 1865, 53 yrs. \_Sibel and Cater tomb.'] William Sibel d. 26th Feb., 1830, 41 yrs. Charlotte, wife of William Sibel, only daugh. of Edmund and Elizth. Cater, d. 24th Feb., 1828, 36 yrs., and infant daughter. Edmund Cater of South Walsham d. Mar. 17th, 1832, 75 yrs. Elizabeth, wife of Edmund Cater, daugh. of John and Amy Mitchell of this parish, d. 28th Apr., 1826, 64 yrs. Adam Wright, husb. of Mary Wright, d. Sep. 9th, 1792, 76 yrs. " I've tasted of pleasure, I've tasted of pain, And found by experience this life is but vain, So now I take leave of its sorrow and joy. For God hath appointed that all men must die. " And seeing 'tis meant with a gracious design. My natural body to dust I resign — I hope when my soul shall ascend to the skies, 1 shall in a spiritual body arise." MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS. 85 Elizabeth, daugh. of Thos. and Elizth. Dawson, d. in infancy, 8th Apr., 1788. Enoch England, husb. of Elizth. England, d. July 23rd, 1786, 49 yrs. Thos. Day, late of this parish, d. Mar. 31st, 1836, 84 yrs. Also Elizth., wife, d. Jan. loth, 1829, TJ yrs. Thomas Day d. Mar. 25th, 1794, 80 yrs. " The frowns of the world are with him at an end, Exchanged for the smiles of his Saviour and Friend. Escaped from the regions of sorrow and woe. Affliction and trouble no more he shall know." Isaac, son of Thos. and Elizth. Day, d. 24th Aug., 1782, 12 yrs. Diana, daugh. of Willm. and Diana Waters, d. June 27th, 1799, I year. [/;/ East Wall of South Aisle. '\ John Cater d. 12th Oct., 1781, 59 years. " Afflictions sore long time I bore. Physicians were in vain. Till God was pleased to give me ease, / And free me from my pain." Also Ann Cater, wife, d. June i8th, 1804, 72 years. Two graves near have footstones marked " A.C'and " J.C." Enoch Cater d. 14th Jan., 1868, 70 yrs. Mrs. Elizth. Meadows d. i6th May, 1833, 57 yrs. "She was an affectionate Wife, a tender IMother, and a sincere Friend." \Capoii tomb.'] Rebecca Susannah, d. of Robert and Rebecca Capon, d. 17th Jan., 1858, 13 yrs. Mary Ann, infant daugh., d. 1851. Robert Capon, d. Dec. 4th, 1882, 68 yrs. Rebecca, wife, March 25th, 1886, 69 yrs. Elizabeth Susannah Cowles (sister of last named) d. 86 HISTORY OF UPTON. Apr. 15th, 1887, 62 yrs. Susannah Postle d. i6th Jan., 1862, 75 yrs. Also Susannah, only daugh. of above, d. June 13th, 1864, 43 yrs. Elizabeth, wife of John Barker, d. Oct. 28th, 1765, 81 yrs. Mary Day, d. nth June, 1849, 71 yrs. Ellen, wife of Thomas Day, d. 20th Mar., 1774, 49 yrs. Also Matthew, their son, d. i6th June, 1771, 16 yrs. Sarah, wife of John Clare, d. 28th May, 1800, 60 yrs. " Reader, remember thou must die, And turn to dust as well as I ; Repent thy own misconduct past. And thou'lt be happy at the last." Ann, wife of William Maddle, d. Jan. 29th, 1793, 55 yrs. John Day, late of this Parish, d. Oct. 28th, 1840, 49 yrs. Also Jane, wife, d. Nov. 9th, 1841, 44 yrs. Elizth., wife of Charles Francis, d. Apr. 6th, 1821, 47 yrs. Charles Francis, husb. of Elizth., d. July 8th, 1814, 54 yrs. Benj. Francis d. Aug. 24th, 1814, in 70th yr. Frances, wife of Benj. Francis, d. Sep. 21st, 1798, y7 yrs. Benj. Francis, husb. of Frances, d. May 2nd, 1792, 81 yrs. Elizabeth, dau. of Benj. and Frances Francis, d. Dec. 25th, 1770, 20 yrs. Charles Francis d. 24th July, 1758, 7y yrs. [^Dawson /omd.] Thomas Dawson d. 2nd Dec, 1803, 76 yrs. Ann Dawson, wife, d. 14th Dec, 1810, 89 yrs. [Brown tomb.'] James Brown d. 8th Aug., 1828, 72nd yr. Elizth., his wife, d. 24th Jan., 1837, 70th yr. Susan Skoyles, their daugh., wife of Samuel Skoyles, d. ist July, 1828, 30th yr. Wm. Henry, son of Jas. and Susanna Brown, d. Nov. 17th, 1872, 37 yrs. Henry Dawson Brown d. Jan. 13th, 1875, ^8 yrs. Elizth. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS. 87 English, wife of Hen. Dawson Brown, eldest daugh. of late Robt. Beverley, d. Nov. 14th, 1881, 68 yrs. Enoch Brown d. Nov. 25th, 1831, 35 yrs. James Brown d. Oct. 31st, 1856, 61 yrs. Edgar Samuel Munford d. Sep. 23rd, 1867, 4 yrs. Elizth., wife of Benj. Munford, d. June 19th, 1853, 82nd yr. Benj. Munford, husb. of Eliz. Munford, d. Mar. 2nd, 1861, 93rd yr. John, husb. of Eliz. Dawson Turner, d. Nov. 24th, 1868, 70 yrs. Rebecca, wife of Joseph Munford, d. Oct. 5th, 1799, 70 yrs. Also two grandchildren, infants. Joseph Munford d. June 26th, 1789, 56 yrs. John Curson d. 7th Oct., 181 1, 70 yrs. Danl. Curson d. 13th Jan., 1773, T^) yrs. Mary his wife, d. 19th Apr., 1772, 75 yrs. Daughters of Jas. and Charlotte Porter : Mary, d. Apr. 22nd, 1867, 12 yrs. Charlotte Elizabeth, d. May 14th, 1867, 15 yrs. Maria, d. May 15th, 1867, 18 yrs. (Three stones.) Mary, dau. of Mark and Maria Porter, wife of Simeon Smith, d. July 6th, 1864, 35 yrs. William, son of Mary Porter, d. June 25th, 1864, 18 yrs. Mark Porter, husb. of Maria Porter, d. 16th Feb., 1852, 55 yrs. . Maria, wife of Mark Porter, d. Dec. 8th, 1885, 85 yrs. \}Vaters iomb.'] William Waters d. Nov. ist, 1859, 68 yrs., 4th son of William and Dinah Waters. Mark Waters, eldest son of William and Dinah Waters of this parish, d. Dec. i8th, 1862, 75 yrs. Sarah Waters, dau. of Wm. and Dinah, d. May 7th, 1871, 78 yrs. Benj. Waters, 6th son of Wm. and Dinah, d. Feb. 4th, 1867, 66 yrs. •^ John Waters, 3rd son of Wm. and Dinah, d. Apr. i6th. 88 HISTORY OF UPTON. 1876, 87 yrs. William Waters, only son of Azariah and Mary Anne Waters of Hoe Lodge, East Dereham, d. at Halvergate House, June loth, 1880, 34 yrs. Jasper Gaze d. 17th Nov., 1882, 57 yrs. Jasper Mitchell Gaze d. 13th Sept. 1869, 4 yrs. and 10 mths. William Gaze d. June 7th, 1875, 7^ yrs. Margaret, wife of Wm. Gaze, d. Nov. loth, 1864, 72 yrs. Ann Fabb, infant dau. of Samuel and Mary Bracey, b. Mar. 13th, 1840 ; d. Aug. loth, 1840. George Grimmer, son of William and Maria Grimmer of Fishley Hall, d. Feb. — , 1842, 10 mths. John Nickels d. Jan. 19th, 1825, ']'] yrs. Frances, wife of Wm. Hood, d. 31st July, 1827, 85 yrs. William Hood, husb. of Frances Hood, d. Oct. i6th, 1817, 75 yrs. Sarah, wife of Thos. Wiseman, d. 9th Nov., 1866, 78 yrs. Thos. Wiseman d. 22nd Jan., 1872, 82 yrs. [Broken stone.] . . . gate . . . Oct. 13th, 1821 .... (Register. — 1821. John Tungate, buried Oct. 17th, 85 yrs.) Susannah, wife of James Hood, d. Sept. 13th, 1865, 80th yr. James Hood d. Sep. 27th, 1874, 89th yr. William Hood, his son, who d. in the harvest field, Aug. nth, 1873, 50 yrs. Wm. Gillings, husb. of Hannah Gillings, d. June 7th, 1861, 51 yrs. Robert Cockerill d. Feb. 26th, 1824, 86 yrs. Also Elizabeth his wife, d. Feb. 6th, 1822, 64 yrs. John Helsdon, husb. of Maria Helsdon, b. Oct. loth, 1818; d. May 26th, 1868. .Maria Helsdon, wife of above, d. Aug. 27th, 1885, 60 yrs. James Christmas, son of William and Sarah Odell, b. Dec. 25th, 1837 ; d. June i6th, 1863. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS. 89 Priscilla Allen d. of William and Theodosia Harbord, d. June 6th, 1853, 24 yrs. Henry, son of Wm. and Theodosia Harbord, d. Nov. 19th, 1855, 17 yrs. Alice, wife of Thos. Kirk, d. Jan. 29th, 1870, 68 yrs. Thomas Chamberlin d. May 17th, 1858, 'j'}, yrs. Mary Chamberlin, his wife, d. Oct. nth, 1870, 80 yrs. Robert Chamberlin d. Oct. 17th, 1855, 5 yrs. Mary Ann Chamberlin, eldest dau. of James and Mary Ann Chamberlin, d. at Great Yarmouth, Jan. 3rd, 1873, 18 yrs. James Chamberlin, husb. of Mary Ann Chamberlin, d. Mar, 19th, 1878, 62 yrs. <»« Elizabeth Chamberlin, wife of Thomas Chamberlin, d. Mar. 2 1st, 1886, 33 yrs. ' Mary Ann, wife of James Chamberlin, d. May 24th, i888, 67 yrs. West of Church. Thos. Dawson, husb. of Hannah Dawson, d. Oct. 8th, 1874, 76 yrs. Catherine, wife of Thos. Dawson, d. May loth, 1873, 81 yrs. James Wiseman, b. at Upton, Aug. 24th, 1794; d. Apr. i6th, 1878. Stephen Bately Ecclestone d. Oct. 5th, 1845, 49 yrs. ■^ William Davey, husb. of Harriet Davey, d. Feb. 24th, 1887, 73 yrs. » Harriet Davey, wife of William Davey, b. Jan. ist, 1819, d. Jan. 13th, 1889. Sarah Ninham d. Sep. 29th, 1848, 62 yrs. Harriet Davey d. 29th June, 1859, 20 yrs. James Davey d. 20th Feb., 1851, 4 yrs. 8 mths. -James Willgress d. Aug. 3rd, 1887, 72 yrs. 90 HISTORY OF UPTON. John Daniels Willgress of this parish, d. 13th July, 1880, 72 yrs. \_Willgfess to?nb.'] Martha Willgress d. Nov. 25th, 1869, 84 yrs. James Willgress d. Jan. 4th, 1871, 86 yrs. Jonathan Daniel Willgress, husb. of Julia Ann Willgress, d. Apr. 9th, 1879, 53rd yr. Edward, son of William and Sarah Rogers, d. Jan. 17th, 1718, 4 yrs. 3 mths. Benjamin Walter, son of Benj. and Ann Watts, d. Mar. i6th, 1887, 3 yrs. Geo. Riches d. Apr. 22nd, i860, 62 yrs. C. Smith d. July 26th, 1863, 6 mths. Violet Georgiana, dau. of Wm. and Sarah Mitchell, d. Sep. 26th, 1877, I yr. William, infant son, d. July i8th, 1866, 3 wks. John Smith, husb. of Sarah Smith, d. Sep. 22nd, 1877, 59 yrs. Their children : Charles, d. July 26th, 1863, 4 yrs. Eliza, d. Nov. 6th, 1863, 22 yrs. Henry, d. Feb. 21st, 1866, 19 yrs. Ann Maria, dau. of James and Ann Dawson, d. Oct. 30th, 1867, 15 yrs. Emily, wife of Robert Allen, d. Apr. 17th, 1866, 44 yrs. Ann Harriet, dau. of Robert and Emily Allen, d. Nov. loth, 1872, 20 yrs. John Allen, husb. of Ann Allen, d. Apr. 9th, 1881, 90th yr. Margaret Gibbs Hood, eldest dau. of late Jas. and Susan Anna Hood, d. Dec. 21st, 1887, 71 yrs. John Smith, husb. of Caroline Smith, d. Dec. 15th, 1887, 30 yrs. Charles Smith d. Nov. 15th, 1869, 8 mths. Also Sarah Ehzabeth, d. Nov. 17th, 1869, 3 yrs. 3 mths. Children of Robert and Maria Smith. Susannah T. Hall, dau. of Mary Ann Davies, d. Mar. 2nd, 1883, 43 yrs. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS. 9I John Turner, son of Elizabeth Dawson Turner, d. Oct. 15th, 1883, 54 yrs. Respected by all who knew him. Elizabeth Munford, wife of Samuel Munford, dau. of Elizabeth Dawson Turner, d. May 7th, 1883, 52 yrs. Elizabeth, wife of John Kendall of Runham, d. Jan. 15th, 1876, 61 yrs. Benj. Adams, husb. of Mary Ann Adams, d. July 26th, 1874, 74 yrs. Also Mary Ann, his wife, d. Dec. 21st, 1882, 75 yrs. Hannah Gook, wife of Wm. Gook, d. June 4th, 1878, 39 yrs. James Betts, husb. of Eliz. Betts of this parish, d. Feb. 15th, 1882, 70th yr. Robert Smith, husb. of Maria Smith, d. Jan. 30th, 1888, 61 yrs. Alfred G. Dove, d. Aug. 9th, 1886, 2 yrs. 6. mths. Wm. Alexander, husb. of Elizabeth Alexander, d. June 7th, 1886, 60 yrs. Inscriptions on Stones about to be erected^ i8gi. James Betts, husb. of Elizabeth Betts of this parish, d. Feb. 15th, 1882, 70th yr. -Also Elizabeth, wife, d. Nov. 14th, 1888, 72 yrs. George Turner, husb. of EHzabeth Turner, d. Feb. i8th, 1889, 51 yrs. James Benjamin Howes, husb. of Charlotte Anne Howes, d. Dec. loth, 1889, 29 yrs. Susannah Brown d. 31st May, 1889, 91 yrs. CHAPTER VI. Scljool, Vicarage ^onBt, antr ^isccllanija. TH E following list of churchwardens is obviously incomplete ; but, owing, alas! to the disappearance of the old church- wardens' books, I have been largely dependent on the Terriers (of which a good number exist at the Diocesan Registry), records in the Archdeacon's Registry, and the Parish Registers, for the names prior to 1850. DATE. CHURCHWARDENS. 1549. William Doraunt and Simon Whetley. 1550. Letters of sequestration of fruits of perpetual vicarage of the parish THE PARISH. 93 church of Upton, now vacant, granted to Robert Benslyn of Walsham St. Lawrence, John Bullock, and John Baker of Upton. — Consistorial Act Book, Norwich, 1549— 1555- 155 1. John Wynne and Christopher Bullok. 1552-3- (?) John Ramsey and Edmund Tayllor. 1597. Robert Taylor and Robert ffisher. 1 600- 1. William Win and Christopher Gote. 1603. Robert Browne and Rich. Gymmingham. 1604-5. Robert Greene and John Bullocke. 1606. Gregory Goate and James Benslynge. 1607. Gregory Goate and Robert Greene. 1610. John Winne. 1614-15. John Benslynge and William Goate. 1627. James Taylor and Thomas Creake, sen. 1634. William Gote and John Gote. 1666. William Cooke and William Norton. 1678. Robert Greene and Robert Thompson. 1682. William Cobb and James Smyth. 1699. John Norton. 1706. James Skyner and John Norton, jun. 1709. Thomas Day and Charles Bullock. 171 1. S. Jarmy. 1716. Samuel Jarmy and John Norton. 172 1. Charles Bullock. 1723. Charles Bullock. 1725. Charles Bullock and John Norton. r 94 HISTORY OF UPTON. 1727. Robert Goate and John Norton. 1728. John Norton. 1729. Robert Goate and Christopher Jay. 1733. James Jay and Robert HiUing. 1735. Robert Goate and James Jay. 1736. James Jay and Robert Goate. 1740. James Jay and Robert Hilling, 1747. James Jay and Robert Whaites. 1760. Thomas Jay and Robert Goat. 1763. Robert Goat. 1770. Robert Goat. 1777. John Mitchell. 1784. Thos. Jay and John Mitchell. 1 79 1. John Mitchell. 1794. John Mitchell. 1801. Charles Francis, 1806. Charles Francis. 18 1 3. Charles Francis. 1820. William Waters. 1827. William Waters. 1834. William Waters and John Waters. 1845. John Waters. 1850-63. John Waters and William Mitchell, 1863-67, Robert Capon and Jasper Gaze, 1867-71. Robert Capon and James B. Parker. 1871-74. James B, Parker and Jasper Gaze. 1874-77. Jasper Gaze and Samuel Munford. 1877-S. Jasper Gaze and John Broom. NATIONAL SCHOOL. 95 1878-82 1883 1883-4, 1884-8 1888-9 1889-91 Jasper Gaze and William Partridge Cubitt. William Partridge Cubitt. John Allen and Charles Bert Smith. John Allen and Michael Brown. Mary Ann Broom and Eliza Gaze. Eliza Gaze. National School. The philanthropic interest of Miss Edwards of Hardingham Lodge, the chief landowner of Fishley, was aroused on behalf of the children of Upton more than twenty-one years ago. An elementary school had, before that time, been carried on under the management of the vicar (the Rev. J. W. Greaves) and Mr. John Waters (the chief landowner), in a school-room which belonged to Mr. Waters. This school had, how- ever, proved inadequate for the needs of the parish ; and the managers very gladly welcomed Miss Edwards' support, and placed the room at her disposal. The first important step Miss Edwards took was to send Miss Harwood — and, six months later, Miss Gentleman, as her assis- tant — to begin the good work which, for the past twenty-one years, they have continuously carried on, to the very great benefit of the parish. H 96 HISTORY OF UPTON. Eventually, as the numbers of the children in- creased, Miss Edwards offered to build a new school, if the parish would provide a site and ;^i5o towards the cost. This was readily done ; and the present National School, with house attached, was erected in 1872, at an outlay by Miss Edwards of nearly ;^iooo. The building was picturesquely designed by the Rev. J. Barham Johnson ; and an excellent gymnasium was erected in the play-ground. For many years Miss Edwards provided all necessary funds beyond the Government grant and school pence ; and although, since 1880, the parish has contributed the small sum of ;^40 a year, she nobly bears the balance of the annual deficit. The school is vested in the vicar and church- wardens of the parish for the time being, and is the property of the Church of England. The vicar is, ex officio, a manager, and chairman of the committee of management. The first two managers appointed by the deed to act with the vicar were Miss Edwards and Mr. John Squire. The elective managers, are required, before taking part in the management, to make the following declaration before the chairman : — " I, A. B., do hereby solemnly and sincerely declare that I am, and have been for three years last past, a member of the Church of England." 97 The Vicarage House. An early record of an Archdeacon's Visitation gives the following reference to the then existing vicarage. "1585, Upton. The Vicaredg howses are in great decay, for they are redye to fall downe, culpa vicarij." The subjoined entry occurs in a terrier, preserved in the Diocesan Registry, made in the year 1845: — "The following properties were sold in 1821 to redeem the land-tax, that is to say — A. R. p. The vicarage house & scite {sic) o i 28 Turf land & water (No, 7) ... i 20 (No. 8) ...020 Containing in all ... 2 i 28" The above vicarage house is now a very small cottage situate near the Cock Inn, and is part of the property of the late John Waters, Esq. The new vicarage house was built in the year 1887 (that of Queen Victoria's Jubilee), from the designs of Mr. A. S. Hewitt, architect. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners, who receive the great tithe, made a free grant of .^1,500 towards the cost. This corporation also granted and con- veyed, free of cost, the site containing oa. 3r. I4p., H 2 98 HISTORY OF UPTON. which was the only piece of rectorial glebe they had in the parish. This piece of land adjoining the churchyard was formerly the site of the Tithe Barn, called in an old MS., which is preserved with the Parish Award, the " Tythe Barn Piece." The recent discovery of ancient pottery in the vicarage _^arden, having the appearance of Anglo- Saxon funeral urns (in fragments), suggests the possibility of the site having been an Anglo-Saxon burial ground a thousand years ago. MISCELLANEA. Norfolk Poll, 1714. Upton, Walsham Hundred. FREEHOLDERS. RESIDENCE. Bird, Joseph, Norwich. Bullock, John. Cobb, William, Freethorp. Cooks, Henry, Horstead. Day, John. Jay, James. FREEHOLDERS. RESIDENCE. King, Charles, Norwich. Kipping, John, Boyton. Nelson, Henry, clerk, [Rockland. Norton, John. Rogers, William. Wing, William. The candidates for Parliament at this election were Sir Ralph Hare, Bart., Erasmus Earle, Esq., NORFOLK POLL. 99 Sir Jacob Astley, Bart, and Thomas de Grey, Esq., and the Upton votes were equally distributed between them. Norfolk Poll, 1802. Upton. VOTER. PLACE OF FREEHOLD. OCCUPIHR. Allen, Robt. Upton Himself. Brown, James S.Walsham.. . J. Codling. Curson, John Upton . Himself. Clair, John Acle . S. Mallett. Cater, Wm. Upton Himself Clarke, John Hindringham I G. Waters. Davey, John Upton Himself Diamond, Thos. ... }> j> Dawson, Thos. .. >j » Day, Thos. 5> » Day, Jacob „ » Docking, Isaac .. )> • » Francis, William . . „ . C. Francis. Holmes, John „ . Himself Maddle, Wm. .. » » Riches, John „ • • • » Smith, Robert .. » » Stout, Simon „ .. » Tungate, John .. „ » Waters, Wm. )> » Whaites, John )) » 100 HISTORY OF UPTON. Candidates for the election, Sir Jacob Henry Astley, Bart, Melton Constable ; Thomas William Coke, Esq., Holkham ; Hon. John Wodehouse, Witton Park. A joint address was issued by the two first-named, who were the retiring members. Mr. Coke had represented the county in four Parliaments, and had opposed Lord North's Administration and the American War. Since the coalition of 1783 he had been a supporter of Fox, and an open enemy of Pitt and his colleagues. The Hon. John Wodehouse, eldest son of Lord Wodehouse, came forward as a supporter of Mr. Pitt. Upton went strongly for Wodehouse, and Pitt's Administration, voting nineteen to two in his favour. Result of election, Astley, 3,612 votes; Coke, 4,317; Wodehouse, 3,517. An objection was made to the vote of John Clark of Upton, one of Wodehouse's supporters, on the ground that he was not assessed. The vote was held to be bad. Population of Upton with Fishley, 182 1, 66 houses, 241 males, 224 females, total population, 465. In 1 88 1, the inhabitants of Upton alone numbered 508. In a South Walsham rate made 4th March, 1677, for a copy of which I am indebted to J. E. T. THE DRAINAGE COMMISSION. lOI Pollard, Esq., South Walsham Rectory, the following are rated as " outsetters " : — " Upton. Roger Cope- man, George Bird, Esq., Will. Cobb, Gent, John Greenwood, for his lands and mill ; Thos. Thompson, for Harpleyes ; John Blocke, for Wynn's lands ; John Emperor, Gent., for Mr. Eacherd's ; Edward Cooke, Gent. ; Richard Fiske, for Pecke's lands ; the tenants of Robert Creake." The Drainage Commission. On the drainage of the marshes this Commission was appointed in 1799, and holds an annual business meeting. The following have held the office of Clerk to the Commissioners : — 1802. Charles Francis, Farmer, Upton. 1 8 14. George Munford. 1 81 8 to 1840. Henry Codling. 1840 to 1857. James Brown. 1857 to 1879. Wm. Evans, S. Walsham. 1880. Arthur W. Preston, Esq., Solicitor, Norwich. The Commissioners of 1802 consisted of John Whaites, John Holmes, William Waters, Thos. Day, Thos. Dawson, who held their business meetings at the Cock Inn, then kept by John Clare, and in 1806 by Samuel Bunn. 102 history of upton. Subsidy and Ship Money. There is a subsidy roll at the Public Record Office, "dated 4 Jany., 15 Hen. VIII.* in response to a grant of Parliament of 15 April preceding, in which cvijs. i'njd. was received from the town of Upton, Norfolk, for which John Bullock and Christopher Browneswete were the under- constables." Mason, in his History of Norfolk, quotes the levy of ship money, in Charles I.'s reign, in Upton, in common with other parishes : — LEVY OF SHIP MONEY IN 1 636. THE MINISTER FOR HIS ESTATE. SUMME. ECCLESIASTIC. TEilPORALL. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. Vpton... 16 17 3-040-000 The minister at that time would have been Master Thomas More. Mason says of this ship money : — " It was in 1634 that the great question of ship money arose, out of the necessity to find funds to suppress the piratical adventurers that frequented our coasts. Lord Bury has said that it was ' to protect the Yarmouth fishery boats, * 1523-4. This subsidy was," no doubt, to prosecute the war with France, and had been reluctantly granted by Parliament. UPTON BROAD. 103 and to keep the Dutch from our shores, that Charles and his advisers hit upon this notable expedient, which eventually cost the king his life and crown.'" Upton Broad. This is one of the least known of the Norfolk . Broads, owing to its want of connection with the river. It is divided into the Great and Little Broads, the former measuring 22a. or. op., and the latter 7a. ir. op. The carrs and the marsh- land contiguous to the Broad were, early in the century, famous as the nesting-place of the black tern, or sea swallow. The Rev. R. Lubbock, in his Fauna of Norfolk, says the tern " used, some years ago, to breed in myriads at Upton. The nests were placed upon the dry eminences in a very swampy part of the marshes, amongst low alders. And, in those days, they were spread, during summer, over a large extent of marsh. The fens, miles from Upton, were enlivened by blue dars, as they were always called; now months pass away without the appearance of a single bird." The Upton marshes or doles have also been known as the haunt of the bittern, the grebe, and the otter. 104 HISTORY OF UPTON. There is a tradition that, generations ago, Upton was a favourite resort of smugglers, who brought the contraband goods up the river Bure, and hid them in the parish. One famous hiding-place is said to have been Upton Broad, where, tradition hath it, sundry kegs of whiskey were wont to be submerged, until a suitable opportunity occurred for their disposal. Coins. Many coins have been found in the village from time to time, of which the following are in my possession : — Silver penny of Edward III., copper farthing of Charles I., Norfolk and Suffolk i^. token, silver ; all found at the restoration of the church. An Irish ^d. of James II., 1691, found in a garden in the Boat Lane. This coin is one of the brass halfpence struck at Limerick by the followers of James, after he had been defeated and had escaped from Ireland ; it was called a Hibernia. The obverse shews the bust of the deposed king, and the reverse the figure of Hibernia seated, holding a cross in her right hand, while her left rests on a harp. Being found so near the probable landing-place of the smugglers, suggests the idea that probably this coin was dropped by one of them. I05 Coal Charity. The sum of ;^200, bequeathed by the late John Waters, Esq., has been invested in Government Consols, and the interest is paid yearly to the vicar and churchwardens, to be expended in coal, to be distributed amongst those of the poor of the parish whom they may select. CHAPTER VII. m %munt Mills : ^^xnch of Wi^ian i, from X426 fo 1762, ALICE Gylmyn of Upton. To be buried in the cemetery of St. Margaret of Upton ; to high altar there, 4^. ; her son, Thomas Oter * of Pannisford, a bushel of barley ; her sons, Tho. Hoffen and Tho. Gamyn, the same ; Ralph Thurkeld * of Upton. * Executors. Dated on the Feast of SS. Fabian and Sebastian, 1426. Proved 27th June, 1427. — Consistory Court, Register Surflete, fo. 9. Stephen Beryngton of Upton. To be buried in the cemetery of St. Margaret there; to high altar, 12^.; repair of church, 2s. ; to the light of St. Mary, 6d. ; to light of St. Nicholas, 2^- > John Gay, John Beston, John Kebyl and Margaret his wife, Edward Attwood. Thomas, testator's son, executor. Alice, wife of testator. Dated 20th June, 1435. Proved 29th June, 1435. — Consistory Court, Surflete, 177. Katherine, wife of Edward Taylor of Upton. To be buried in the cemetery of St. Margaret there ; John ANCIENT WILLS. 10/ Attewell and Margaret his wife, and Katharine their daughter; Tho. Game of Upton. Dated 9th Sept., 1435. Proved 12th Sept., 1435. — Consistory Court, Surflete, i8r. Thomas Clerk, Chaplain of Upton. To be buried in chancel of St. Margaret there ; high altar, 6s. 2>d. ; to light of Blessed Mary and the other lights in the said church, 2^.; repair of church, 3^. 4^.; four orders of Friars Mendicant in Norwich, los. in equal portions ; each leper- house, 6d. ; Agnes Gay, 3^. 4^. ; Thos., son of Henry Pickering, 6^. 8^. ; Wm. Eston, 3^. 4^. ; each of my " filio et filia spirituali " (.? godchildren), a bushel of malt ; to fraternity of St. John de Reedys, y. 4d.; he directs his executors to buy an acre of arable land in Clepysby, " in auxiliam xv™^ dhi Regis inppm cum venit in villa de Clepysby antedo et non ad aliu usii." Which I understand to mean towards the fifteenths of the lord the king for ever, when it comes to the turn of that parish to contribute and to no other use — fifteenths being a well-known tax — for I don't suppose the king himself ever came to Clippesby.^ Residue to Dominus Wm. Bisshopp, Rector of Byrlyngham, and Peter and Henry Pykering of same place, executors. Dated 24th July, 1444- Proved 4th Aug., 1444.— Reg. Wilby, fo. 49, Consistory Court. John Wissett^ of Upton. To be buried in churchyard of St. Margaret; to high altar, 4^.; to our Lady's light, 3^. ; Alice his wife ; a priest to sing for him for half a year. John Wissett his father, Tho. Andrews, executors. 1 Note by Mr. T. R. Tallack. 2 There is a Thos. Wyssett will (of Upton, 1513) in vol. i. of Norfolk ArchiBological Society's Proceedings. This Thos. Wyssett gave "to the hallowynge of the greatt bell, \\\s. iiii^." His brass still in situ. I08 HISTORY OF UPTON. Alice Myller of Upton. To be buried in the cemetery of St. Margaret there ; high altar, I2(l. ; light of Blessed INIary, \2d. ; to fabric of church, \2d. ; residue to executors, John Poleyn and Robert Wene. Dated i6th Nov. die lune, 1449. Proved 27th Dec, 1449. — Consistory Court, Register Aleyn, fo. 34. Thomas Game of Upton. To be buried in cemetery of St. Margaret there ; high altar, 401^. ; repair and emen- dation of church, 23J. i[d. ; INIatilda, wife ; John Den and Beatrix his wife ; Alice, daughter ; Richard, son. His property was between Tho. Wyssett's on north, John Smith's on south, and abutted on lane leading to Upton Church on west. John Game of Norwich; John Game, son, and John Smith of Upton, were executors. Dated 26th Sept., 145 1. Proved loth Nov., 145 1. Consist. Admon. in Register Aleyn, 26th May, 1452. John Cobbe of Upton. Granted to Christian, the relict, Tho. Ewyng of S. Walsham, and Tho. Cossey of Upton. Consist. Admon. in Register Aleyn, 14th Oct., 1456. John Fen of Upton. Admon. granted to John Fen, John Wysset, and Robert Fen. Thomas Massenger of Upton. To be buried in cemetery of St. Margaret, Virgin and Martyr ; high altar, 20^. ; light of Blessed Mar}', 6d. ; repair of church, 2s. ; to Fishley Church, 6d.; to guild of St. John Baptist of Upton, 4 bushels of malt; to Rachel, wife, lands, (Sec, which I late had of the executors of John Neve of Upton, and, after her death, same to be sold, and proceeds to find a proper priest to celebrate for his soul and that of his wife, in Upton Church. Lands said to be at Pylesmere, Blakelond (late Olive Grint's and Robert Cook's), at Fysschelehill " Subter le Intim " {sic) at Sparkysgap, at Massesdole, and le Fendole. John Mayn, senr., of South Walsham, John, ANCIENT WILLS. IO9 eldest son, executors. John, youngest son, a close at Kergate and at Grovele, and a cottage called " Lombcs " ; Edmund, son, Joan, daughter, Agnes, daughter, land at Foxlond, next John Weybriggs ; and Ellen, daughter, land at Tho. Bering's gate and at Wullestubbe. Dated 5th Feb., 1459. Proved 8th March, 1459. — Consistory Court, Brosiard, fo. 181. John Taylor of Upton, the elder. To be buried in cemetery of St. Margaret there; high altar, 6d.; .light of Blessed Mary, 6d.; repair of church, 4 bushels of malt; Friars Minors of Norwich, y. 4d.; John, son ; Robert Bemond and his wife Margaret, my daughter. Walter Brend and Wm. Andrew of Upton, executors. Dated 1462 (no day). Proved 28th May, 1462.— Consistory Court, Brosiard, fo. 285. John Weybrigge of Upton. To be buried in cemetery of St. Margaret there ; high altar, 2s. ; light of Blessed Mary, 2od. ; emendation of church and repair of walls of the cemetery, 6^-. 8^/.; Beatrice, daughter ; John Dawys, son-in- law ; Agnes, daughter; Margaret, daughter; William, son, land held of the manors of Upton, Acle, South Walsham, and Randworth, and, at his death, if no issue, to be sold, and proceeds to celebrate masses, repair ways and bridge of Weybrigg, and other pious uses ; Felix, wife, land called " Broodes " at Hangyngwong, near land of the lord of Upton on the west, land at Harefen and Westakynheld, close called " Kergatesyerd " ; John, son, to celebrate for his soul. Tho. Archer, William, son, executors. Church of Holy Trinity of Norwich. He directs his son John, whom he calls " monachum filium meum " to be his supervisor, by licence of his abbot. Dated ist April, 1465. Proved 20th July, 1465. — Consistory Court, Brosiard, fo. 358. John Gote of Upton. To be buried in the cemetery of St. Margaret; high altar, 2s. 4^.; light of St. Mary, lod.; no HISTORY OF UPTON. repair of church, 13s. 4^.; guild of St. Margaret in the said church, 4 bush. maU; guild of St. Mary's in the said church, 2 bush, malt; Friars Minors of Norwich to pray for him, 4 bush, malt; to church of St. Edmund, King and Martyr, at Thurne, 6s. 8d. Robert, brother; Alice, wife; Robert, father; Robert Wynne, executors. Edward, son; Robert, son; Cecily, dau.; Agnes, dau. Dated 8th Sept., 1465. Proved loth Nov., 1465. — Consistory Court, Cobald, 51. Henry Dersham of Upton. To be buried in cemetery of St. Margaret; high altar, i2d.; light of Blessed Mary, 8^. ; repair of church for my sepulchre (? not clear) ; repair of way in Hobbysgate, 6^-, 8d. Joan, sister; Rose Peper, John Bornham, Wm. Bornham. Walter Brond, Tho. Peper, executors. Jno. Brond, Elen Brond, Adam Dersham, and Joan his wife, Henry Dersham, Jno. Pepyr. Dated in die S. Dionisii & Sociorum ejus, 1465. Proved 14th Oct., 1465. — Consistory Court, Cobald, 71. Geoffrey Kan of Upton. (Cf. Geoffrey Can de Upton, almost duplicate copy, yet dates of month dilTerent). To be buried in the cemetery of St. Margaret's church; to high altar, 3^, 4d.; to light of St. Mary, 6(1; to emendation and reparation of church, 135-. 4^.; 20s. to poor of Upton and adjacent parishes. Alice Camplyon, John Goot, and Ralph Dunmowe, executors. Witnessed at Upton on festival of St. Lawrence, Martyr, 1465, by John Messenger, senr., Wm. Methwold, Robt. Bemond, John Talyour, Wm. Wynn, Wm. Andrew, Robt. Couper, and others. Proved 27th Sept., 1465.— Consistory Court, Jekkys, 5. Edward Fowland of Upton. To be buried in the cemetery of St. Margaret; to high altar, I2d.; light of Blessed Mary, 6d.; repair of the church, 3^. 4^. ; Stephen, brother, land which was my father John's, near the north marsh. Cecily, sister. A priest to celebrate for him ; Henry Moun- ANCIENT WILLS. Ill fort of S. Walsham, and his brother, Stephen Fowland, executors. Dated 4th Sept., 1465. Proved 28th Sept., 1465. Geoff. Methwold, John Carter, and John Den, witnesses. — Consistory Court, Cobald, fo. 22. Geoffrey Can de Upton. To be buried in cemetery of St. Margaret; to high altar, 3^. 4^.; to hght of St. Mary, 6d.\ repair of church, 13J. 4d. ; to light of our Lady, 2od. ; every order of Freres in Norwich, four bushels barley ; to Freres Austin of Southtown, four bushels barley ; to every house of Il8 HISTORY OF UPTON. sick folk at Norwich gates, 4^. ; his messuage in Upton to be sold, and a secular priest to be provided out of proceeds to sing for a year for him in Upton Church ; and another priest for his father and mother and all good friends for three-quarters of a year ; to every priest on his burying day, 4) '■> Awdry, dau., wife of John Tyles of Yarmouth, 20s. Elizth, wife, sole executrix. Christopher Goet, Philip Taylor, Tho. Dyerton, clerk, witnesses. Dated 5th Aug., 1603. Proved ist Sept. 1603, by executrix. — Norwich Archd., 1603, fo. 171. Thomas Capps of Upton. To be buried in churchyard of Upton ; to repair of said church, 12^. ; Ellen, dau., wife of Robert Fisher, houses in Upton for life, and then to Agnes Fisher, her dau., my grandchild. Robert Fisher, son-in-law, executor. Mary Fisher, granddau. ; Katherine Fisher, granddau. ; Gabriel Fisher, grandson, 40J-. ; widow Clark the younger, 4^. ; Ame Flower, widow, 2d. He surrendered his lands to Phillip Taylor, in presence of Tho. Cornwell and Jno. Barker. Dated 27th June, 1605. Proved 6th May, 1606. — Norwich Archdy., 1606, fo. 24. John Wyn of Upton, yeoman. To be buried in church porch of Upton ; to parish church of Upton, 3^. ^d. ; Edward, son, houses and lands. John, son, houses and ^100 ; ANCIENT WILLS. 12/ Richard, son, houses and /40 ; executors. Son Edward's children, 10s. each ; cousin Raphe Welles, his two children, 3J. 4d. each ; John Wynn and Tho. Wynn of Norwich, loj. each; Eliz. Howitt and each godchild, 2s. ; poor of Upton, six bushels of wheat to be ground and baked into bread at his burial ; also two barrels of good beer " and a penny coal"; mentions his land bought of Wilson in S. Walsham, and of John Hill in Burlingham ; land between the enclosure of Christopher Goate on the south, and of the Vicar of Upton on the north ; " tenement where I dwell at Cranscore." Tho. Steygould, Jno. Bensling, Gregory Goate, Antho. Browne, witnesses. Dated gthAIarch, 1605. Proved 8th Jany. 1607. — Consistory, Reg. Rowland, fo. 203. 2nd Feb. 1609. Adam Taylor, deceased. Administration granted to Thomazine Taylor and Judith, wife of William Goate, daughters of the deceased, intestate. — Consist. Act Bk., Norw., 1604 to 1625. William Wynn of Upton, yeoman. To be buried in the churchyard there near his father ; to repair of the church, 6s. 8c/. ; to poor of Upton, loj. Margaret, wife, to be sole executrix, and have his lands in Upton, Fishley, Acle, Burlingham, and South Walsham for her life, and to bring up children : after her to go to Robert, son. Anthony, Edward, William, and Thomas, my four younger sons, £40 each ; Margaret Wynn, Rebecca Wynn, my youngest daus., ;i^4o each. Brother-in-law Robt. Browne of S. Walsham, yeoman ; John Bensling, son-in-law ; Rob. Greene, Wm. Gymmyngham, and me John Hewke, witnesses, Dated 28th May, 1609. Proved 26th July, 1609, by executrix. — Norwich Archd., 1609, fo. 179. Philip Taylor of Upton, blacksmith. To be buried in churchyard there ; to poor of Upton, 5^. ; James, eldest son, lands late uncle Richd. Taylor gave me in Upton, K 128 HISTORY OF UPTON. Fishley, and S. Walsham ; Gabriel, youngest son, ^40 ; Alice, wife (sole executrix), lands bought of Richd. Taylor my brother, for her life, and then to Christopher, second son; Ehzabeth Taylor, dau., ^10; Adam, son, tenement in Piggings' Gap in Upton, late bought of Edmund Taylor, my brother. Christr. Athow, Jno. Bullock, yeoman, Jas. Goat, Mr. Tho. Dyerton, clerk, witnesses. Dated 15th Feb. 8th of James. Proved i8th Feb. 1610, by executrix. — Norwich Archdy., 1610, fo. 22. Edmund Taylor of Upton, boteman. To be buried in churchyard of Upton; Katherine, wife, "she is grievously and very sore infected," to be set, put, and kept where the townsmen and minister of Upton wish; John, youngest son, ^15; Luce Taylor, youngest dau., ^10; my other four children, viz., Roger, eldest son; Mary, wife of Tho. Glozer, my eldest dau. ; and Joan Taylor, dau. ; and the other Mary Taylor, my youngest daughter. Henry Daynes, friend, of Fishley, executor. John Bullock, the middlejnost, John Barker, Rob. Gemyngham, jun., and me, Tho. Dyerton, clerk, witnesses. Dated 13th Feb. 1611. Proved 17th Feb. 161 1, by executor. [Note by T. R. T. : he had two daughters named Mary.] — Norwich Archd., 161 1, fo. 339. 31st Aug. 161 1. Robert Taylor, deceased. Admon. granted to Anne Taylor, the relict. — Ibid. William Pynn, the elder, of Upton. Gave to Robert his son, 21J., and Cassias his daughter, 20^. and a bedstead, when of age, to be paid by Elizabeth Pynn his daughter, whom he makes executrix. In presence of Tho. Salter, Ellen Wythey, wid. Dated i6th Jan. 1612. Proved 17th Feb. 1612, by executrix at Acle, before Jno. Holt, S.T.B., surrogate. — Norwich Archdy., 1612, fo. 240. William Taylor, jun., of Upton, tailor. To be buried in churchyard of Upton; Henry Daynes of Fishley, my ANCIENT WILLS. 129 houses, &c., in Upton; Margaret, wife, ^13, and to be sole executrix; James Golt and Robert Grene of Upton to invest £1$ for the benefit of Edmond, Anne, and William, "my little children," till the youngest is ten years of age. He bequeaths certain boards of deal, elm, &c., to Henry Daynes. Willm. Taylor, son and heir of Robt. Taylor, Ambrose Clarke, and mc Tho. Beston, elk., and others, witnesses. Dated 3rd Feb. 1612. Proved 17th Feb. 1612, at Upton, before Tho. Dyerton, elk., surrogate for Norw. Archdy., by the executrix. — Norwich Archdy., 1612, fo. 226. Reuben Wynne of Upton, labourer. Gave Amy Wynne his daughter certain articles of household, and residue to Agnes his wife. Wm. Goate, John Bullock of Upton, witnesses. Dated month of May, 1612. Proved 19th Oct. 1612, by widow. — Norwich Archdy., 1612, fo. 18. Christopher Athowe of Upton, husbandman. To be buried in the church there ; to repair of church, 2^-. 6d. ; to poor, 6s. Sd.; John, son, executor; and Mary, wife of said John ; Robert Athowe, grandson ; Alice Taylor, widow, daughter. John Baker, John Bullock, James Goate, Thomas Deyrton, clerk, witnesses. Dated 21st Nov. 1614. Proved 20th Nov. 161 5. — Norwich Archdeaconry, fo. 580. [No other Upton wills in 1614-5 book.] Edmund Wethie of Upton, yeoman. To be buried in churchyard of Upton. Elizabeth, wife, to be executrix, and to have his houses, &c., till Robert the son is of age, also his tenement called Estons, where Roger Goat now dwells, near Robert Gimingham's; Katherine, daughter, ^40, acre at Sweetswonge near John Bullock and Gregory Goate; Margaret Browne, sister, 10s.; Elizabeth, "my sister." Rob. Gyming- ham, Jno. Houldy-n, Ric. Benslinge, John Athow, Christr. Benslinge, Wm. Goate, witnesses. Dated 27th Feb. 16 17. Proved 3rd April, 161 8, by relict. — Consistory, 161 8, fo. 84. K 2 130 HISTORY OF UPTON. Upton, i6i8, i6th Oct. John Taylor, deceased. Admon. to William Taylor, nephew. — Consistory, Admon., 1605-25. Ann Church of Upton, singlewoman. Robert Gyming- ham the elder, of Upton, my brother-in-law, executor. Andrew Church, brother ; Robert Church, brother ; to poor of Upton, 2°^.; of Acle, 10s.; Blofield, 20s. ; and South Walsham, lOJ. Property at Hemlington and Blofield. Robt. Grose, Robert Gymingham, and Edwd. Bond, witnesses. Dated 15th Nov. 1618. Proved 7th Sept. 1619. — Norwich Archdeaconry. Richard Benslyn of Upton. To be buried in church- yard there; to church, 2^'. 6d.; John, son, Horsey property; Richard, son of said son John. Christopher, son, executor. Granddaughter, Mary Wethie (daughter of Edmund Wethie, late of Upton, deceased), aged one year and a half; daughter Elizabeth Solomon, mother of said Mary Wethie; James Solomon of Upton, son-in-law, and father-in-law (? step- father) of Mary Wethie ; Katherine Wethie, grand- daughter ; Marie Wethie, granddaughter ; Robert Wethie, grandson ; property at Potter Heigham named. Dated 23rd March, 1619. Proved 25th April, 1620.— Norwich Arch- deaconry. James Goat of Upton, yeoman. To be buried in church- yard there ; to repair of church, \os.\ Mary Goat ; Margaret Goat ; Hester Goat, eldest daughter ; my daughters to have use of little house called "The Shop"; John, eldest son; John Baker, grandson. Mary, my daughter, sole executrix. Richard Howlett, John Bullock, and John Greenwoode, witnesses. Dated i6th April, 1625. Proved iSth Oct. 1625. — Norwich Consistoiy Court, fo. 212. Thomas Mower of Upton, yeoman. To be buried in churchyard there ; Christian, wife, to have his land which he bought of John Cubitt of Walsham, for her life, and ANCIENT WILLS. I3I then to Edmund Mower, son ; Judith, dau., ^20. Tho. More, clerk, Robert Fenn of S. Walsham, executors. Thomas Mower, John More, and others, witnesses. Dated i8th April, 1630. Proved 3rd May, 1630. More renounced, admon. issued to the relict. — Norwich Archdy., 1630, fo. ig. John Greenwood of Upton, yeoman. To be buried in churchyard of Upton ; Mary, wife (sole executrix), lands in Upton and in Horsey, for life, and to bring up the children; then to John, son ; Elizabeth Greenwood, dau., ^10; Mary Greenwood, dau., ^10. John Bullock, John Creake, and me Christr. Benslin, witnesses. Dated 15th June, 1630. Proved loth July, 1630, by relict. — Norwich Archdy., 1630, fo. 35. Thos. Creake of Upton, yeoman. Poor of Upton, 20j-. ; John, son, copyhold in Upton, Fishley, and S. Walsham, which he had in reversion and would come to him on death of Lucie Creake his mother, he to pay Edward, son, ^^120 ; Edward, son, land bought of Joan Stones, widow ; Amy, wife; Ann Benslyn, my wife's dau., a heifer; Judith Benslyn, sister to said Ann, a heifer. John, son, executor. Jno. Creake, Vincent Bullock, Rob. Wethie, and me Edvv. Hilton, witnesses. Dated 27th Aug. 1630. Proved 23rd Sept. 1630, by executor. On 27th Aug. 1630, he sur- rendered his lands to use of his will, by hands of Vincent Bullock, copyholder of same manor. — Norwich Archdy., 1630, fo. 71. John Wynn, the elder, of Upton, husbandman. To be buried in parish church of Upton. Son William, sole executor. Son Christopher. Wm. Gimingham, Christopher Benslyn, witnesses. Dated loth Dec. 1630. Proved 20th July, 1635. — Norwich Archdeaconry, fo. 45. Lucy Creake of Upton, widow. To be buried in parish churchyard; Edward Creake of L^pton, grandson. John 132 HISTORY OF UPTON. Creake of Upton, grandson, executor. Legacies of house- hold effects. Judith Mower, Christr. Bensling, witnesses. Dated 15th July, 1631. Proved 17th April, 1632, by executor. — Norwich Archdy., 1632, fo. 426. William Goate of Upton, yeoman. Poor of Upton, 3J. 4^.; Thomasine, wife (executrix), all his lands, &c., for her life, and then to go to Edward, son, who is to pay each of his brothers and sisters £20. Vincent Bullock, Richd. Lawes, Edwd. Miller, Gregory Goate, witnesses. Dated 1st March, 1636. Proved 27th March, 1637, by widow.— Norwich Archdy., 1637, fo. 169. Thomas Linkon, the elder, of Upton. Elizabeth Linkon, granddau., £\ when twenty-one, residue to Andrew, son, who is to be executor. Andrew Church, Tho. Irons, James Norton, witnesses. Dated 3rd Sept. 1639. Proved i8th May, 1640.— Norwich Archdy., 1640, fo. 33. Daniell Shanke of Upton, gent. To poor of Upton, 20^. ; Elizabeth, wife, lands in Bradwell, Borough Castle, Belton, and Gorleston, she to bring up the children and to pay the legacies of Daniel Shanke, my father ; Daniel, eldest son. Wife to be sole executrix. Tho. More, cler., Margt. Wilkins, witnesses. Dated i6th Jan. 1640. Proved 29th Jan. 1640, by widow. — Norwich Archdy., 1640, fo. 138. John Bullock of Upton. Elizth., wife, lands in Upton and Acle for her life, and then to John, son ; Katherine, daughter. William, son, executor. Judith Rough, widow, sister, \os. a year for four years ; poor of Upton, 5 J. Danl. Shanke, John Goate, witnesses. Dated 4th April, 1640. Proved 20th April, 1640. — Norwich Archdy., 1640, fo. 14. John Barker of Upton, husbandman. Katherine Barker, dau., house where I dwell, and to be sole executrix; Robert, son, lands in Upton ; Thomas, son, ^5. Daniel Shanke, Richd. Alexander, Charles Greene, Rob. Gimingham, ANCIENT WILLS. 133 witnesses. Dated 28th May, 1640. Proved 27th July, 1640, by executrix. — Norwich Archdy., 1640, fo. 62. Lucie Church, widow, of Upton. Dau., Lucy Church, /8, and to be sole executrix ; son-in-law Edmond Bishopp ; says she has debts due to her from Robt. Goate of Upton, Gregory Goate of Upton, Andrew Lencon of Upton, and Wm. Goodens, jun., of Burlingham St. Andrew. Andrew Lencon, Jas. Norton, witnesses. Dated 29th Jan., 1640. Proved 5th April, 1641, by executrix.— Norwich Archdy., 164 1, fo. 190. Margaret Wylkes of Upton, widow. "Whereas my father, Thomas Arnold of Blofield, gave me ^35 out of the house where he dwells to be divided after the death of him and his wife between my five daughters and youngest son," leaves them bequests ; dau. Mary, dau. Sarah, and two youngest daughters ; son John, 40^. ; speaks of her six children; John Reve of S. Walsham is indebted to her in sums of money. Christr. Jay of S. Birlingham, Tho. Cory of N. Birlingham, executors. Tho. More, Ric. Alexander, witnesses. Dated 4th June, 1641. Proved 3rd July, 1641, by executors. — Norwich Archdy., 1641, fo. 228. John Houlden of Upton, husbandman. To be buried in churchyard of Upton; Bridget Houlden, dau., a cow; the said cow to be wintered by Christr., son ; geese, ducks, and hens to be divided equally between said son and dau. Son, sole executor. Ann Churchman, Christr. Bensling, witnesses. Dated 9th Aug. 1641. Proved 27th Sept. 1641, by executor. — Norwich Archdy., 1641, fo. 289. Elizabeth Shanke of Upton, widow of Daniel Shanke, gent. All his property to be sold and divided between his four daughters ; after paying for son Daniel to be bound apprentice, dau. Martha Shanke, ^50; three youngest daus., £/Sfi each ; two youngest sons, ^50 each ; son Thomas, son 134 HISTORY OF UPTON. John, to go to school and then be apprenticed. Brother Wm. HickHng of Mattishall, John Jesupp of Crostwick near Norwich, John Goate of Upton, executors. Friend Roger Reynalls of Lingwood, gent., supervisor. Robt. Gymingham, Willm. Bullock, witnesses. Dated 1 8th April, 1642. Proved 23rd April, 1642, by Hickling and Jessopp, power reserved to Goate. — Norwich Archdy., 1642, fo. 319. John Creake, sen., of Upton, yeoman. Bartholomew Creake, son, his houses, &c.; Robert Creake, son, 20s.; Mary Creake, dau., los. ; Ann Creake, dau., loj. Joane, wife, sole executrix. Edwd. Packe, Walter Peeke, Wm. Bullock, Christr. Bensling, witnesses. Dated 14th July, 1642. Proved 17th Sept. 1642, by widow. — Norwich Archdy., 1642, fo. 354. James Benslyng of Upton, yeoman. To be buried in Upton ; poor there, 6s. ; poor of Acle, los. ; Robert, son, messuage in Upton I bought of Wm. Gait and Judith his wife, late Adam Taylor's ; lands at Turfenn in Upton, Nor- marsh in Upton, White Carr in Upton, Great Fen in Upton, Hansell Grene in Upton ; Robt. and John Bensling, grandchildren; Margaret Bensling, dau.-in-law ; William, son ; James Bensling, grandson ; Ann BensHng, granddau.; Robert Bensling, grandson ; Jno. Bensling, grandson ; Eliz. Bensling, granddau. ; Margaret, wife. Sons Robt. and Willm. to be executors. Rob. Greene, Jno. Creake, Jas. Taylor, Jno. Goate, Christr. Bensling, Vincent Bullock, witnesses. Dated I2th April, 1643. Proved 21st June, 1643, by sons. — Norwich Archdy., 1643, fo. 434. Thomas More of Upton, clarke. Ann, wife, house where I dwell and all other property ; to pay his four children, John, Thomas, Phylemon, and Abra, ;!^io each, and give his daughters, Ann H olden and Elizabeth Golt, each a silver spoon, and to be sole executrix. Christr. Bensling, Richd. ANCIENT WILLS. 1 35 Goate, witnesses. Dated 29th Oct. 1646. Proved 17th July, 1647, by executrix.— Consistory, 1647, fo. 59. Edmund Fisher of Upton, carpenter. To be buried in churchyard there ; Lydia, wife, houses and marshes, and to be sole executrix ; John, son ; Robert, son of Richard Fisher, to have legacy after his mother's decease ; Robert Fisher, grandson; Robert, son. Robert Goat, John Goat, John Bullock, witnesses, Dated ist May, 1646. Proved 14th Sept. 1650.— Fo. 333. Edmund Fisher of Upton, carpenter. To be buried in churchyard there ; Lidia, wife, house where I dwell, and to be executrix ; John, son ; Robert, son of Richard Fisher, 20s. ; mentions Puttock dole, Rush dole called Southhold, on way from Upton to Normarsh ; Rob. Goate, John Goate, John Bullock, and others, witnesses. Dated 5th May, 1646. Proved 14th Sept., 1650, and admon. granted to John the son, the executrix having died before testator.— Norwich Archd., 1630, fo. 333. William Bullock of Upton, yeoman. Eldest son William to have house where he dwelt ; second son John, ^40; youngest son Robert, ^40. Susan, wife, sole execu- trix. Rob. Gymingham, Ann Bensling. witnesses. Dated 5th May, 1647. Proved 30th Oct. 1647, by executri.x — Norwich Archdy., 1647, fo. 350. Christopher Holden of Upton, Norfolk. Legacies to Abery Houlden, my eldest child; Mary Houlden, second dau. ; Ann Houlden, third dau. ; John Willeses two children, Mary Wills and Margaret Wills, 20^. each. Andrew Man- thorp, Thomas Last, executors. Hercules Gout, supervisor. Aide Eadge, Robt. Goate, witnesses. Dated 6th Oct. 1647. Proved 30th Oct. 1647, by executors. — Norwich Archdy., 1647, fo. 299. " Vincent Bullock of Upton, yeoman. To be buried in 136 HISTORY OF UPTON. churchyard of Upton ; to poor of Upton, 20s. ; Robert Feen, grandson ; Margaret and Sampson Feen, grandchildren ; Christopher Bullock, youngest son, tenement in Upton ; Margaret Creake, widow, cousin, 40J. ; two sons, John and Christopher, to divide his moveables equally, and to be executors. John Goat, Robt. Goat, Rob. Gymyngham, and others, witnesses. Dated 12th Dec. 1647. Proved 29th Jan. 1647, by sons. Many lands and abbuttals given. — Norwich Archdy., 1647, fo. 350. Judith Goat of Upton, widow. Mathew {sic) Goat, Philip {sic) Goat, Judith Goat, daughters, to have her tenements in Upton, and be executrices ; Thomas Blacke, ^4 when 21; Nics., ^4; Mary, £4; Willm., ^4; John, £^; (no relationship given of these Blackes) ; Ann Ducker, Eliz. Ducker, Frans. Ducker, Wm. Ducker, grandchildren, £\o each when 21 ; William Ducker, father of the above. This will was put in writing by Christr. Bensling, and read to testatrix in presence of Edmond Taylor, i8th Aug. 1650. Proved 24th Aug. 1650, by the three daughters. — Norwich Archd., 1650, fo. 328. Edward Creake of Upton, Norfolk. Helen, daughter, property in Fishley, abutting on Tho. Green's land ; Mary Creake, dau., property having Walter Peeke on S., Rob. Gymyngham on E., Edvv. Mileham, gent., on E., late John Hill's ; Lucy Creake, dau., property having Saml. Hincks, clerk, on E.^ way leading to the windmill on E. ; John, son, property having Anthony Wynn, N. and S., way from Upton to N. Burlingham, W. ; child wife is with, provided for. Loving brother John Creake, executor ; Thomas, son ; Helen, wife, executrix. Sampson Fenn, John Bullocke, John More, witnesses. Dated 15th March, 165 1. Proved 22nd Sept. 1652. — Norwich Archdy., 1652, fo. 515. Edward Creake of Upton. Helen, dau., lands in ANCIENT WILLS. 13/ Fishley ; Mary Crcake, dau. ; Lucy Creake, dau. ; John, son ; child my wife is withal, ^20 ; Helen, wife, and brother John Creake, certain lands, &c., to bring up the children till son Thomas is 21. Said Helen and John to be executors. Sampson Fcnn, Jno. 15ullocke, Jno. Moore, witnesses. Dated 15th March, 1651. Proved 23rd Sept. 1652, by both exors. — Norwich Archd., 1652, fo. 515. Charles Green of Upton, husbandman. Charles, second son, tenement adjoining Lincoln's yard, where I dwell ; John, eldest son, 5^'. ; Joan, wife, executrix ; two youngest daughters, Susan Green and Ellen Green; Willm., son of Willm. Bullock, deceased; says he has £2$ in the hands of John Goat, sen., of Upton, yeoman, due after decease of Ann Goat, wife of Edmond Goat of Limpenhoe. John Goate, Henry Harphe, Walter Peeke, Robert Goate, senr., witnesses. Dated 8th Nov. 1651. Proved 6th Dec. 1651, by the relict. — Norwich Archd., 1651, fo. 335. Susan, wife of Walter Peeke of Upton. Divided her household goods amongst the three sons which she had by her first husband, Wm. Bullock, viz., William, John, and Robert Bullock ; and Margaret, Ann, Susan, and Sarah, daughters of Walter Peeke aforesaid. Ann Nunne, Cattaring Barber, witnesses. Dated 9th May, 1652. Proved 14th May, 1652. And admon. granted to said Walter Peeke the husband, during the minority of the said three sons. — Consistory, 1652, fo. 115. John Creake of Upton, yeoman. Robert, eldest son; Edward, son; John, son; Christopher, son; Susan Creake, daughter; Mary Creake, daughter ; Rachel, wife. James, second son, sole executor. Poor of Upton, 20s. Dated 6th Feb. 1655. Proved 27th Feb. 1655. — Norwich Arch- deaconry. John Baker of Upton,Norf., yeoman. Sister Strangellman, 138 HISTORY OF UPTON. £2,0; Francis Baker, £10; Jesper Danford, ^10; Susan Danford, my sister's dau., £10; directs his legacies to be paid in church porch of Framhngham Castle, Suffolk. Rob. Danford, Richard Smith, junr., Framlingham, exors. Daniel Rayner, Susan Smyth, Tho. Irons, witnesses. Dated i8th Feb. 1656. Proved 17th April, 1661.— Con- sistory, Regr. for i66t, fo. 567. The nuncupative will of Barney Shepheard of Upton, in the county of Norff., clerke — I bequeath my soule into the hands of Allmighty God, hoping, by and through the meritts of my blessed Saviour, of a joyfull resurrection at the last day, and my body to the ground, from whence it came, desiring to have Christian buriall ; also I give unto Elizabeth Shepheard, my daughter, all my reall and personall estate wheresoever for ever. And I earnestly desire that her grandmother, my mother-in-law, Abra Moundford, would take care in the bringing up and educatinge this my poore daughter with the profitts & revenews of the said estate, which she hath faithfully promised to doe this twentieth day of February, 1657. This declaracon or will was made and declared by the said Mr. Barney Shepheard, the twentieth day of February, 1657, being in his perfect minde and memory, in the presence and hearing of us whose names are here under written — The mark of James Norton, The mark of Lucy Byrde. nth March, 1657 (English style), administration of all and singular the goods and chattels of Barney Shepheard, clerke, late deceased, with his nuncupative will annexed, was, by the Judges at London, granted to Abra Moundford, grandmother by the mother's side, of Elizabeth Shepheard, the only daughter of the said deceased, and universal ANCIENT WILLS. 1 39 legatee in the said will : she, the said Abra Moundford, being testamentary guardian of the said Elizabeth during her minority : she, the said Abra Moundford, being in due forme of law sworn well and truly to administer. — Prerogative Court of Canterbury. Copy preserved in a book belonging to Norwich Archdeaconry (1653-60), fo. 405. Robert Greene, senior, of Upton, yeoman. Poor of Upton, los. ; poor of Acle, 10s. ; Robert and John, sons ; Robert, son of son John ; Mary Greene, dau. of son John ; Edward, son of Henry Mack ; Nicholas, Eliz., and Martha, children of Hy. Mack ; Tho. Goate, son of Christr., god- son. Mary, wife, sole executrix. Dated i6th Dec. 1647. Proved 15th July, 1657, at London. Copy in Norvv. Arch, fo. 335, 1653-60. John Bullocke of Upton, yeoman. Vincent, son, tenement purchased of Rob. Wythy, in Upton ; Elizabeth, dau., land in a furlong called Huntingdon, between the land of the lord of the manor W., land of Geo. Bird, Esq., E., and the manor S. and N. ; Charles, son. Marable, wife, executrix. Poor of Upton, 20s. Dated 21st Jan. 1658. Proved 9th Mar. 1658, at London. Copy in Norw. Arch., fo. 584, 1653-60. Henry Harpley of Upton, yeoman. Thomas, eldest son, house where I dwell, and one acre of arable land in Sweetsong, between lands of George Bird, Esq., on north, of Robert Greene south, and on Geo. Bird east. Mary, wife, sole executrix. John, youngest son, two and a half acres of arable land at Sweetsong, between land of Wm. Cobbe north, Christopher Gymingham south, and George Bird east ; one acre between Thomas Greene north, Edward Mileham east, divers men west ; half acre between Ed. Mileham east and west, and Robert Benslyn south. Anne Harpley, dau., one acre and a half of arable land, 140 HISTORY OF UPTON. late purchased of William Allen. Dated i6th Feb. 1662. Proved 23rd May, 1663.— Norw. Arch., fo. 257. Edward Goate of Upton, yeoman. To the poor of Burlingham St. Edmund, 5.y.; to the poor of Upton, 21s.; James Barne ; Margaret Worledge, sister ; Elizabeth Gillians, daughter of said Margaret ; Mary Worledge, ditto ; Joan Worledge, ditto ; Dorothy Worledge, ditto ; Edward Cooke of Upton, son of William; Susan Cooke of Upton, daughter of Williain ; Edward, son of Robert Goate, brother ; Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Goate, brother. Brother Robert, executor. Dated loth Feb. 1663. Proved nth Sep. 1665. — Consistory Court, Liber Stockedell, fo. 12. Robert Goate of Upton, yeoman. Poor of Upton, 20s.; poor of Acle, 20s.; poor of South Walsham, 20s.; sister Margaret Worlidge ; Edward, son ; late brother Edward ; Elizabeth, daughter; "child my wife is withal." Elizabeth, wife, sole executrix. Thomas Skinner and John Greenewood, supervisors of will. Dated 5th Sept. 1665. Proved nth Sept. 1665. — Consistory Court, Liber Stockedell, fo. 7. William Tompson of Upton, husbandman. To be buried in churchyard there ; Lucy his wife to have all and be sole executrix. Dated 24th May, 1637. Proved 2nd Nov. 1644. — Norw. Archd., fo. 71. Christopher Creike of Upton, singleman, being sick, &c. Mary Creike, my sister, all my estate, and executrix. Mr. Matthew Goodwin of Acle, Danl. Creike of Upton, Sarah, wife of Edward Fisher of Upton, carpenter, being witnesses. Dated 26th Jan. 1672. Proved 26th Feb, 1672, by executrix.- — Consistory, original will No. 49, 1672, not copied in the register. John More of Upton, being sick, &c. Gave los. to John, eldest son, and household effects to Robert More his youngest son, whom he made executor. Judith Robinson, ANCIENT WILLS. H^ witness. Dated i6th April, 1672. Proved 8th Nov. 1672. —Consistory, original will No. 41, 1672, not in the register. John Greene of Upton, yeoman. To be buried in the church of Upton; Sarah, wife, ^20, to be paid in Corton parish church porch, Suffolk ; land bought of Edwd. Goate of Buddedell, and William Bullock of Upton; Mary, dau., wife of John Jaye, my house in Leystoft ; John, son; Elizabeth, dau., wife of Joseph Littlewood, ^50; Mary Littlewood, dau. of said Joseph, granddau.; Mary, dau.; Edward, son, ;^ioo. Robert, son, sole executor. Rob. Greene, Ric. Fiske, Jno. Curtis, witnesses. Dated 7th July, 1672. Proved 9th Sept. 1672, by executor. Codicil dated 15th July, 1672, but no fresh names in it. — Consistory, original will No. 52 in 1672 bundle, not copied into the register. Robert Goodwyn of Upton, vicker. Being sick in body, &c. ; to Robert, my son, 10s. ; to Bethell, my son, los. ; to Walter, my son, half the amount of my stock when priced ; to John, my son, residuary legatee and sole executor. Joseph Burre, Ann Pett, Robert Greene, witnesses. Robt. Goodwyn. Dated 21st Jany. 1678. Proved ist March, 1678. — Consistory, original will, No. 106 in 1678 parcel. Joseph Littlewood of Upton, yeoman. Being very weak, &c., left all to his two daughters, Mary and Elizabeth. He desired William Cobb of Upton, to be his executor, but " Mr. Styles, who writt this, was called away," having omitted to set down Cobb as executor, and before he came back, testator was senseless. No date, but witnesses, Jno. Goodwyn, Gabriel Chapman, Martha Pitt, who were sworn to truth of above, i6th Nov. 1680. — Consistory, Register 16S0, fo. i6g. John Emperor of Upton. Mary and Elizabeth his 142 HISTORY OF UPTON. sisters, to have his property in Yarmouth, Upton, and Ludham. Dated 23rd Nov. 1680. Proved 15th Dec. 1680.— Norw. Archd., fo. 322. Marie Fisher of Vpton, widow. William Smith of Onsby to have all she had, and be sole executor. Wm. Cobb, John Goodwyn, Elizth, Davy, witnesses. Dated 19th Jan. 1 68 1. Proved 20th Jan. 1681 (next day). (Marks woman, no signature). — Consistory, original, No. 56 of i68r parcel. John Read of Upton. Administration granted 20th Jan. 1685, to Abrye Read, relict; Thomas Harpley of Upton, yeoman; and John Harpley of Upton, singleman; by Consistory Court. James Benslynge of Upton. Administration, Norwich Archdeaconry, i6th Aug. 1675, to Deborah, relict. Rd. Fiske of Upton, lanius, and Robt, Thompson of Upton, blacksmith, bondsmen. Edward Goate of Upton, yeoman. Mary, wife, to have his lands in Upton, Acle, Clippesby, Fishley, and S. Walsham, for life, and then to go to Robert, son, who is to pay to his sisters, Elizabeth Goate, dau., and Mary Goate, dau., " my two daughters," ^50 each. Tho. Coates of Acle, gent., has a mortgage of testator's. Tho. Coates, Edw. Cooke, Christr. Gimmingham, Tho. Hall, witnesses. Dated i8th July, 1692. Proved 14th Jany., 169^. — Consistory, 1692, fo. 135. Samuel Jermy of Upton, Norfolk, yeoman. Mary, eldest daughter of Samuel Jermy of Southwood; Roger Jermy of Surlingham; Hannah, daugh. of Edmund Jermy, my late brother, deceased; Samuel Jermy and Jno. Jermy, sons of Jno. Jermy, my kinsman, late of Reedham, deceased; Ann Yallop, daugh. of brother Roger Jermy, deceased; children of Saml. Jermy of Southwood ; Susan, wife ANCIENT WILLS. I43 (residue), and executrix. Dated 29th April, 1722. Proved I2th May, 1722.— Consistory Court, 1722, fo. 26. Henry Nelson of Upton, clerk. Henry, son, ;!^5 ; Ann, wife, executrix, and to bring up Ann, daughter ; Marmaduke Forster, jun., Sarah Cater, witnesses. Dated 29th Oct., 1723. Proved 6th Nov., 1723, by executrix.— Consistory Court, 1723, fo. 205. Elizabeth Gimingham of Upton, Norfolk. Grandson Christopher Riches, a rood of land in Upton ; four grand- children, Ann Church, Eliz. Riches, John Riches, Christr. Riches ; mentions her house on Cartgate Green ; Margaret Cater, daughter, 2s. 6d., and if she be left a widow, to have her dwelling in part of my house ; Simon Riches, grandson. Simon Riches, son-in-law, executor. Geo. Docking and Edward Tomson, witnesses. Dated 26th Jan., 1723. Proved 6th June, 1724, by executor.— Consistory Court, 1724, fo. 82. Thomas Day of Upton, cordwainer. Henry Day, his father ; John, son of Thomas Day, his father's brother's son. Thomas Day, father's brother's son, executor. Simeon Riches, Susan Bishop, and Martha Parkins, witnesses. Dated 19th April, 1731. Proved 8th Aug., 1731.— Norwich Archdeaconry, No. 127, fo. 289. William Rogers of Upton, bricklayer. Daughter Elizabeth Rogers ; close in Upton, late purchased of Robert Cubitt, and the close late purchased of Wm. Wynn ; a pightle called "Jibbs"; land in Upton, near Woollestab, purchased of Tho. Diamond, deceased. Robert Goate of Upton, Gent., supervisor of will. Wife, in lieu of all thirds, &c., as per my bond to James Jay. William Rogers, son, executor. 10^. to parson of Upton, for a funeral sermon. Rebecca Jay, Ann Docking, Jere. Berry, witnesses. Dated 6th Mar., 1731. Proved nth Mar., 173J.— Norwich Arch- deaconry, fo. 323. L 144 HISTORY OF UPTON. Henry Hobard of Upton, yeoman. Mary, wife ; James Hobard of Hemblington, brother; Thomas Hobard of Upton, wheelwright, brother; Mary, wife of Joseph Madley of Martham, sister; John, son of brother Thomas; John Hobard's two children ; property in Upton and S. Walsham. Dated 31st Mar., 1740. Proved 24th May, 1740. John Jay of Upton, yeoman. Anne, wife, executrix. James, son ; Christopher, son. James Skynner, cousin, of Upton, executor. Dated nth Feb., 1703. Proved 8th July, 1704. Susan Bishop of Upton, singlewoman. Left her copy- holds to her kinsman, James Hubbert of Thirne, son of Thomas Hubbert of Upton ; Elizabeth Bishop, her brother's child; Henry Hubbert, brother of said James; Margaret Hubbert, sister of said James; Susan Hubbert, ditto; Mary Hubbert, ditto. Dated 2nd Aug., 1762. Proved 17th June, 1766. — Norwich Archdeaconry. Anna Littlewood of Upton, widow. Ann, daughter of Stephen Child of Wymondham, cordwainer, and Anna, his wife, my daughter ; Enoch Littlewood, son, executor ; Amy, wife of John Mitchells ; Margaret, my daughter, wife of Geo. Docking. Dated iSth Sept., 1762. Proved 22nd Nov., 1783. — Norwich Archdeaconry. Marriage licences granted by the Bishop of Norwich. 1565, 20th Sept. Edward Wightman of Burnham Norton and Elizabeth Ossent, to be married at Upton. Marriage licence by Bishop of Norwich, 20th May, 1585. Richard Cammell of Upton, waterman, and Cecily Gould of same place, spinster. (General licence, no place.) ADDENDA. I45 Marriage licence, 21st Dec, 1585, Bishop of Norwich. Willm. Wynne of Upton, yeoman, and Margaret Urowne of same, spinster. (General licence.) ADDENDA. The Solemn The following interesting note occurs in the Covenant. Consignation Book, 1662, Bishop's Registry, shew- ing that the Vicar appointed on the Restoration of Charles II. renounced the Solemn League and Covenant. " Upton. Robt. Goodwin ord. priest by Hy., Bp. of Cicestr., 15 Dec, 1660, insf^ by Edw'', Bp. Nor., at present (presentation) of Matt., Bp, of Ely, 17 Dec, 1661, test sup renuncon solemn foedus p eune, 22 Aug., 1662." A Will of The earliest will of a Vicar, found by Mr. Tallack, is that of John Smalewood de Beketon. John, perpetual Vicar of the church of Upton. To be buried in the cemetery of Upton ; to emendation of the said church, i6s. Sd. ; to sustentation of light of B. Mary in said church, 3^-. 4d. ; to emendation of church of Weybrede, 6s. 8d. ; to emendation of church of Beketon, L 2 146 HISTORY OF UPTON. 6s. 8d. ; Thomas, my brother, 6^. Sd. ; Margaret Bond, 6s. Sd. ; Thomas, son of Matilda, my sister, 6s. 8d. ; Beatrix, dau. of Thomas, my brother, 6s. 8d. ; FeUcia, wife of Adam May, 2s. ; to emendation of church of Fysschelee for soul of Nicholas quondam rector dictje ecclias, 6s. Sd. ; to John Sepater, rector of said church, 2s. ; Thomas Person, four bushels of barley ; William Smyth of Upton, four bushels of barley; John Carter, four bush, barley; Henry Smyth, four bush, barley; Julian Godknape, 6j-. Sd. ; John de Dylham, 6s. Sd. ; to William Ker, unum portiforium cum magna vestura ; to Dominus Will™ de Beketon, unum portiforium cum serico co- opertum ; Alice Warner, 6s. Sd. ; residue to disposal of executors whom he appoints ; William, Vicar of Weybrede ; Will™, Vicar of church of Wodebastwyk ; and John Fuller, of Upton. Dated die dom^" in festo Sci Francisci, 1383. Proved 9th Oct., 1383 — Consistory, Reg. Harsyk, fol. 6. Sixpence a day. ^ lease of the Rectory of Upton (in the possession of Mr. Rye) was made July nth, 1664, between Matthew, Bishop of Ely, and Edmund Witherly, of Norwich, gentleman, and Philip Jenkenson, of St. Andrew's, Holborn, gentleman. The previous lessee was William Hewen, Doctor of Laws. The rent fixed in the lease was ;^I2 per annum. The advowson of the Vicarage was excepted and reserved to the Bp. of Ely ; " also an allowance of sixpence p'' diem intended to be made to the Vicar of Upton." ADDENDA. 147 The lessees further covenant every quarter-day to "pay and satisfy, or cause to be paid and satisfied, unto the Vicar of the parish church of Upton aforesaid (who shall be thereunto law- fully instituted by the Bishop of Norwich for the time being) sixpence p"" diem for every day in the preceding quarter if y^ same shall be lawfully demanded." In the event of a Vicar not being lawfully appointed, or the Vicarage being void, "the allowance of sixpence p' diem" to be paid to the Bishop of Ely. The Perk To the list of Ancient Lights kept burning in ^^ * Upton Church in pre-Reformation times, given at p. 54, should be added the Perk Light, which was the Roodscreen Light. Elizabethan ^fj-^j. ^.j^g restoration of the Cup to the laity Cups. ^ in the Holy Communion, the small but ex- quisite chalices left in the Parish Churches by Edward VL's Commissioners were superseded in Queen Elizabeth's reign by large Cups ; of which that described at p. 60 is an example. The following extract from the Archdeacon's Register throws some light upon the excessive quantity of wine provided for one Celebration of the Holy Communion, and suggests a reason for the capacity of these Elizabethan Cups. " Upton. Jo. Bullock et Robert Greene no'", for 148 HISTORY OF UPTON. that they did not pvide sufficient bread for Conon, so that xij or xiiij went away without breade, xiiij daie March, 1606." In replying to this charge, the Churchwardens appear to have ordered bread, " and vij pynts of wyne for the sayd commuri, and there were but xlvij comcants, and they suppose there was no want of bread for the com", howsoeuer the same was ordered and there." The Census. The Census of 1891 shews a slight increase in the population of Upton. Inhabited houses, ill ; uninhabited houses, 11 ; males, 251 ; females, 261 ; total, 512. This does not include Fishley. — See p. 100. Corrections. On page 50, for " British Archceological Journal for 1890," read ^^ Archceological J oiirnal, vol. xlvi., 1889." On page 71, for ''■vide his will, page 121," read " page 141." 149 INDEX OF PERSONS. Abbot of Holm, 12,30 Agatha, St., 53 Allen, Jno., 95 „ Robt., 99 Ambrose, St., 52 Andrews, Thos., 51 Antingham, de, 10 Ardem, Amabilla de, 28 Ardern, Ranulph de, 28 Astley, Sir J., 99 „ Sir J. H., 100 Athow, John, 35 Auberville,Hugh de, 7 Auberville, Maud de, 7,28 Auberville,, 7, 28 Augustin, St., 23, 52 Aylesham, Robt. de, 30 Bacon, Francis, 70 Babb, 44 Baker, Jno., 93 Baldwin, Archbp., 26 Baptist, St. John, 54, 55 Barbor, Gabriel, 68,69 Barit, S., 71 Baxter, John, 29 Becket,Thos. a, 25,51 Beevor, \Vm., 34 Belet, Michael, 21, 22 Bellin, P. B., 14 Bely, Andrew, 18 ,, Felicia, 18 Bend, Wm. de, 21, 22 Bensly, Jas., 71 ,, Robt., 32,93 Benslynge, Jas., 93 „ Jno., 93 Bergh, Will, de, 13 Berney, John Beevor, 35 Berney, Robert, 60 Berneye, Jno. de, 17 Bird, Geo., loi ,, Jos., 98 Blocke, Jno., loi Blofeld, Nicholas de, 16 Blome, Cecilia, 18 ,, Nicholas, 18 Blythe, Wm., 30, 31 Botetourt, de, Guy, 8, 9, 16 Botetourt,de,Joanna,9 Botetourt, de, John, 9 ,, „ Jocosa, 10 Botetourt, de,Matilda, 9 Botetourt, de, Roger, 9 „ „ Thos., 9 ,, ,, William, 9 Botiler, le (or Pin- cema), Andrew, 6, 23 Botiler, le, Beatrice, 7 ,, ,, Catherine, 7 Botiler, le, Nicholas, 7.8 Botiler, le, Richard, 8 Boutell, Chas., 35 Brandon, Charles, 5 Brancaster, Adam de, 8 Brasyers, the, 58 Bray, Elizabeth, 13 „ John, 13 Bremmore, Robt., 29 Brisley, Wm., 71 Brome, Peter, 30 ,, Petronilla de, 13 Brome, Sir Roger de, 13 Broom, John, 94 ,, Mary Ann, 95 150 HISTORY OF UPTON. Broughton, Jno., 63 Brown, Jas., 99, loi „ Michael, 95 „ P. Utten, 35 Browne, Robt., 93 Brownswete,Chr., 102 Buckeskin, Katherine, 16 Buckeskin, Nicholas, 16 Buckeskin, Peter, 17, 18 Buckeskin, Walter, 16 Bullok, Christopher, 93 Bullock, Chas., 93 „ John, 93,98, 102, 147 Bullock, Symon, 38 Bumpsted,, 1 7 Bungay, Thos., 31 Bunn, Samuel, lOl Burre, Anne, 72 Bury, Lord, 102 Buscari, Andrew le, 6 Burnel, Sir Hugh, 10 Butiher, Rich, le, 15 Butley, Prior of, 15, 19, 20, 24, 28, 39, 47, 48, 50 Caly, Katherine, 16 „ \Vm., 16 Callybutt, Jno., 60 Calthorpe, de, 5 Campbell,Lord,23,27 Canterbury, Archbp. of, 48, 51 Capon, Robt., 59, 94 Cappe, Jno., 31 Carlos, Jas., 3 5 Carter, Ebenezer, 70 Caston, Katherine de, 18 Caston, Jno. de, 17 Cat, Henry de, 12 ,, Margery, 12 Cator, Wm., 99 Charles I., 102-104 „ II., 69, 145 Chaumberleyn, Robt. le, 17 Chaumberleyn, Ha- wys, 17 Chichester, Bishop of, 33, 14s Churchill, Smith, 35 Clair, Jno., 99, loi Clarke, Jno., 99, 100 Clere, Thos., 13 Clerk, Thos., 31 Cleve, Anne of, 5, 29, 32 Cleve, Dukes of, 32 Cobb, Wm., 93, 98, lOI Codling, H., loi J-, 99 Coke, Thos. Wm., 100 Cokefeld, Thos. de, 1 7 Conqueror, Wm. the, 5, 12 Cook, Claricia, 18 ,, John, 18 Cooke, Edw., loi „ Wm., 93 Cooks, Hen., 98 Copeman, Roger, loi Coppinge, Chas., 69 Corboukl, Thos., 35 Corton, Wm. de, 17 Cossey, Nicholas, 54 Cote, Galfridus, 16 Cotman, 59 Coulenge, John de, 17 Coventry, Miss, 14 Creake, Robt., loi „ Thos., 93 Crescey, Hugo de, 21, 22 Cressy, Roger de, 12 Criketoft,Simon de, 1 5 Cubitt, Wm. P., 95 Cummin, John, 21, 22 Curson, John, 99 Davey, John, 99 Dawson, Thos. ,99, loi Day, Jacob, 99 „ Jno., 98 ,, Thos.,93,99,101 Daynes, Elizth., 32, 40-44 Dean of Ch. Ch., 12 Den, Thos. atte, 13 Dennison, John, 34 Dersyng, Robt., 18 Deyrton, Thos., 32, 36-41, 44 Diamond, Thos., 99 Docking, Isaac, 99 Dod, Thos., 34 Doraunt, Wm., 92 Downes,Elizth., 68,69 „ John, 69 Drenkeston, Alex, de, 29 Eacherd, Mr., loi Earle, Erasmus, 98 INDEX OF PERSONS. 151 Eccles, John de, 18 Edward theConfessor, 4, 12 Edward I., 8, 9, 15, 16,48 Edward II., 9, 17 „ III., 13, 17, 18, 104 Edward VI., II, 57- 60, 62 Edwards, Miss, 65, 95.96 Elizabeth, Queen, 2, 14, 29, 43, 67, 147 Ely, Bishops of, 15, 20,29, 33. 34, 145, 147 Elyngham.John de,i8 „ Katherine, 18 Emperor, Isaac, 70 „ John,7o,7i, lOI Enderton, Wm., 38 Erie, Geffrey, 13 „ Peter, 13 Erpingham, Sir Thos. , 10 Etheldreda, St., 53 Evans, W., sen., 64, lOI Evans, W., jun. , 66 Farrar, Downing, Mrs., 14 Fastolf, Sir John, 11 Felmingham, Reyner de, 8 Felmingham, Wm., 8 Fermor, Wm., 60 Fisher, Robt., 38, 93 Fiske, J. H., 35 „ Rich., lOl Fitche, Jno., 32 Forbie, John, 33 Fox, 100 Fowlhand, Stephen, 13 Framlyngham, Robt., 31 Francis, Chas., 94, 99. loi Francis, Wm. , 99 Frideswide, St., 12 Friselond, Jno. de, 16 Fulmerston, Rich., 14 Gay, J., 71 Gaze, Jasper, 94, 95 „ Eliza, 95 Gentleman, Miss, 95 George III., 71 Gerberge, Joanna, 1 7 Wm., 17 Geytone, Will, de, 28 Gilbert, J., 35 Glanville, Barta de, 24, 28 Glanville, Helwisade, 28 Glanville, Ranulph de, 6, 7, 19, 20-28, 49, SI Glanville, Robt. or Roger, 24 Glanville, Wm. de, 24 Goat, Robt., 68, 69 Goate, Edw., 69 „ Gregory, 93 „ John, 93 Goate, Robt., 57, 94 ,, Wm., 93 Godric, 5, 12 Goggeman, Margery, 18 Goggeman, Rich., 18 Gogil, Chas., 34, 45 Goodwyn, Matilda, 33 „ Robt., 33, 70, 145 Gote, Robert, 61 ,, Christopher, 93 Greaves, J. W., 34, 44,95 Green, Bridgett, 70 ,, Robert,93,i47 Greenwood, Jno., loi Gregory the Great, 52 Grene, Adam atte, 18 „ Nicholas atte, 18 Grene, Thos. atte, 18 Gressemer, Thos., 31 Grey, John de, 10 ,, Thos. de, 99 Guader, Ralph, 5 Gundreda, Countess, 24 Gymyngham,Wm.,6i „ Rich.,93 Ilacon, Robt., 32, 35, 36 IIalesworth,WilI. dc, 29 Halle, Nigel de, 17 Halviriate, Wm. de, 17 Hamilton, W. II. B., 35 152 HISTORY OF UPTON. Harborne, Wm., 32, 40-44 Hare, Sir R., 98 Hardegrey, Roger, 17 Harwood, Miss, 95 Hawet, Wm., 30 Helena, St., 53 Hempson, Francis, 69 Henry II. ,6, 7, 19-26 ,, HI., 8, 9, 12, 15 Henry IV., 10, 18 „ VI., 18 ,, VIII., 5, II, 13, 62, 102 Heton, Martin, 29 Heveningham, Wm, de, 8 Hewen, Dr., 146 Hewitt, A. S., 64, 97 Heydon, Chris., 60 Hexham, Jno., 31 Hill, John Oakley, 65 „ P. Oakley, 34, 35 Hilling, Robt,, 94 Hilton, Edw., 42 Hiltoune, Edw., 32 Holditch, Elizth., 13 „ John, 13 „ Robt., 13 Holere, Agnes, 18 „ John, 18 Holmes, Jno. ,99, loi Holt, Dean of, 47 Holte, Jno., 40, 43 Houghton, Robt., 69, 70 Hoxne, Rich, de, 28 Ipswich, Bp. of, 29 James I., 3, 40, 44 ,, II., 104 Jarmy, Samuel, 93 Jay, Christopher, 94 ,, Jas., 58, 94, 98 ,, Thos., 94 Jakesle, Roger de, 30 Jenkenson, 146 Jenkinson, Rich., 40 Jerome, St., 52 Joanna, St., 53 John, St., Ev., 56 Johnson, J. Barham, 96 Jones, Timothy, 34 Kene, Wm., 31 King, Chas., 98 Kipping, Jno., 98 Leeds, Jno., 35 Letton, Wm. de., 30 L'Estrange, 52, 56, 57 Lincoln, Jas. de, 16 ,, Wm. de, 16 Lion, Wm. the, 25 Littlewood, Jno., 71 Livermere, Jno. de, 16 Lord, Jno., 15 ,, Maria, 15 ,, Wm. le, 15 Lubbock, Rev. R., 103 Ludinge, Stephen de, IS Luke, St., 56 Lyghlfote, Jno., 18 Wm., 18 Mackay,Wm.,33, 34, 57, 66, 72 Maddle, Wm., 99 Mallett, S., 99 Manning, Thos., 29 Manser, Bridget, 70 Margaret, St., 19, &c. Mark, St., 56 Marshall, Rev. Edw., 36 Marshall, Thos., 35 Mary, B. V., 23, 54 ,, Queen, 11 Mason, Jno., 70 ,, Hen., 70 Matthew, St., 56 Mitchell, Jno., 94 Wm., 94 Moneyman, Robt., 13 More, Jno., 33 „ Thos., 32, 102 Moresone, Wm., 31, 32 Moundford Family,68 Moundefore, Osbert, 60 Mountford, Henry, 13 Mundford, Benj., 72 Munford, Rev. G., 2 ,, Geo., loi ,, S., 14, 94 Murdach, Hugo, 21,22 Nelson, Hen., 33, 46, 98 Neve, le, 7 Newhowse, Jonathan, 33.46 Nicholas, St., 54 Nicole, Wm. de, 15 Noble, Thos., 70 North, Lordj 100 INDEX OF TERSONS. 153 Norton, Jno., 57, 93, 94,98 Norton, Wm. , 93 Norwich, Bps. of, 29, 32, 33, 44, 45, 47, 48, 64, 65, 145, 147 Ode, Matthew, 32 Oky, Lawrence, 18 „ Thos., 18 01dersha\v,Ven.Jno., 15. 34, 44 Owghlawe, Simon, 13 Oxford, Jno. of, 39, 48 Pakenham, Matthew de, 28 Parker, Jas. B., 59, 94 Paston, Elizth., 31 ,. Jno., 31 Patteson, Canon, 63, 64,65 Peter, St., 19, 55 Pincema (See Botiler) Pitt, 100 Plumsted, Wm., 46 Poddes, Jno., 58 Poley, Will. , 29 Pollard, J. E. T., loi Poynings, Elizth., 31 Prior, Jno. the, 46 „ Symon the, 47 Preston, A. W., loi Pudsey, Hugh, 27 Raleigh, Wm. de, 30, 47,48 Ramsey, Jno., 61, 63, 93 Randeworth, Will.,29 Redham, Gerard de, 16, 17 Redham, Jno., 17 ,, Margaret, 16 „ Ralph, 16 ,, Rosa, 16,17 ,, Thos., 16 Redman, Bishop, 58 Reignald, Jno., 30 Reynere, Jno., 18 Reynes, Jno., 13 Richard I., 15, 27 Riches, Jno., 99 Robert, son of Ber- nard, 21. 22 Robert, filius Robert, 28 Robsart, Jno., 60 Rocelin, Catherine, 7 ,, Thos., 7 Rogers, Wm., 98 Rome, Jno., 10 Rookwood, Roger, 62 Rothing, Ralph de, 13 Rownce, Robt., 14 Rupe, Will, de, 12 Rydel, Nicholas, 16 ,, Wm., 16 Rye,Walter,5, 15, 52 146 Ryvere, Prior, 29 Sabyn, Thos., 31 Sands, Christopher, 32 Saunders, Mrs., 66 Say, Francis Edw., 34 Scambler, Jas., 40, 43 Seamier, Thos., 46 Sco Andomero, Chris- tiana, 15 Sco Andomero, Thos . , 15 Shepherd, Bemey, 32, 67 Shepherd, Bridget, 32, 67, 68 Shepherd, Elizabeth, 67 Sirene, Reyner le, 6 Skoteman, Edw., 31 Skyner, Jas., 93 Smalewood, John, 30, 145 Smith, C. B., 95 Robt., 69, 99 „ Thos., 30 Smyth, Jas., 93 Smythe, John, 40 Snetesham, Galfridus de, 16 Somery, Lord, 9 Somerton, Bartholo- mew de, 15 Somerton, Constance de, 16 Somerton, Radulphus de, 16 Southwell, Francis, 12 ,, Sir Richard, II Southwell, Robert, 1 1 ,, Sir Robert, 5, " Spalding, Wm., 30 Squire, Jno., 96 Steele, Robert, 35 St. Clere, Wm. de, 8 „ ,, Felicia, 8 154 HISTORY OF UPTON. Stalham, Clement de, Stark, Mauritius, 14 Stephen, King, 23 Stout, Simon, 99 Stratford, Alexr. de, 28 Stutevile, de, 12 Style, Samuel, 33, 46, 71 Suckling, John T., 34 Suffield, Walter de, 47 Suffolk, Countess of, 5. II Sutton, Sir Jno. de, 10 Sutton, Margaret, 10 Sybell, Wm., 37 Sythyng, Ralph de, 30 Tailor, Robt., 37, 93 Tallack, Mr., 107, 145 Tanfeld, T. Lawrence, 41 Tanner, Chancellor, 66 Taylor, Edmund, 61, 93 Taylor, James, 93 ,, Richard, 58 „ William, 43 Tendring,Dorothy, 12 Thomas the Prior, 29 Thompson, Jas. B., 35 Thompson, Robt., 93 ,, Thos., loi Thrower, Thos., 31 Thuxton, John, 31 Todde, Alexr., 31 Trous, Randolf de, 16 Tungate, Jno.,99 Upp, Upping, 2 Upton, Emma de, 1 7 „ Hugh de, IS, 30,47 Upton, Margaret, 16 „ Maurice de, 16 ,, Robert de, 16 „ Roger de, 17 „ Walter de, 15 Utting, 64 Valoins, Theobald de, 23 Valoins, Bertha, 23 Vansittart Family, 14 Verdune, Bertram de, 21, 22 Victoria, Bishop of, 64 Victoria, Queen, 97 Walcote, Jno. de, 16 Walle, Robt., 18 Waryng, Geo., 31 Waters, C, 99 ,, Jno., 12, 94, 95. 97, 105 Waters, Wm., 12, 94, 99, lOI Welle, Alicia, 17 ,, Jno. de, 17 Wesenham, Jno. de, 30 West, 44 Wesyt, Thos., 54 Whaites, Jno., 99, lOI Whaites, Robt., 94 Whetley, Simon, 92 Whitefoote, Philip, 69 Wichingham, Alice de, II Wichingham, Amy, 11 ,, Edmund, II Wichingham, Joan, 10, II Wichingham, Margt., 10 Wichingham, Nicho- las, 10 Wichingham, Willm ., II Wichingham, Sir William, 10, II Wicked Will, 38, 39 Wile, Robt. le, 15 William the Clerk, 30,47 William the Lion, 25 Wm. HL, 60 Wing, Wm., 98 Wirtonesham, Reiner de, 7, 8, 20, 21 Wise, J. H., 35 Witherly, 146 Wittlesham, Beatrix, 7 Wittlesham, Nicholas de, 28 Wittlesham, Wm., 7, 8 Wodehouse, Hon. J., 100 Wodehouse, Lord, 100 Woodrowe, Simon, 69 INDEX OF PERSONS. 155 Worship, W. Taylor 35 Wycete, Thos., 51 Wynne, Agnes, 52, 53 Wynne, John, 93 ,, Robt., 61 Wm.,53,S4, 55.93 Wyssett, Thos., 107 Wython, Thos. dc, 30. 48 Yenime, Jno., 17 156 INDEX OF PLACES. Acle, or Ocle, 4, 13, Blofield, I, 18,48,60, Conan, 23 16-18, 34, 38, 64, 130. 133 Corham, 28 68,69,99,109,118, Borough Castle, 132 Corsham, 65 119, 121, 122, 126, Boughton, 35, 119 Corton, 141 127, 130, 132, 134, Bradwell, 132 Costessey, 17 139, 140, 142 Brendon, 35 Cringleford, 17 Acle (Weybridge Breydeston, 16 Crossweyt, 16 Priory), 14, 119 Bromholm, 24 Crostwick, 134 Acre, 27 Buckenham Ferry, 1 8 Alnwick, 25 Tofts, 30 Dereham, East, 88 Antingham, II Buddedell, 141 Dickleburgh, 24 Ashby, 122 Bungay, 24 Drayton cum Marling- Attebrig, 16 Burgh, 16, 17 ford, 46 Aylsham, 30 Burlingham, North, 8, 13, 16-18, 107, Earlham, 17 Bastwick, 16, 17, 125 124, 126, 127, 133, Edinburgh, S;^ Bawdsey, 24 136 Ely, 34 Bedford, 12 Burlingham, South, Erpingham, North, 10 Beeston, 16, 17 18,51, 133, 140 Beighton, 14, 15, 17, Burnham Norton, 144 Felmingham, 8 18, 33. 98 Butley, Priory of, 15, Felthorp, 16 Beketon, 145, 146 19-21, 23, 24, 28, Filby, 4 Belton, 132 29, 41. 43 Fishley, 6, 8, il, 16- Benets, St., 30, 112, 18, 32, 33. 36, 58, 119 Caistor, 17 68,88,95, 100, 108, Benhall, 24 Cambridge, 46 112, 114, 119, 121, Berton juxta Small- Canterbury, 25 122, 124, 126, 128, burgh, 17 Cantley, 9-11, 17 131. 136, 137. 142, Bewesfcld, 30 Castleacre, 24 146 Billockby, 34 CHppesby, 107, 142 Framlingham, 138 INDEX OF PLACES. 157 Freethorp, 16, 17, 98 Garsdall, 46 Gayton, 18 GiUingham, 30 Glosthorpe, 24 Gorleston, 132 Halvergate, IT, 88, 119, 121, 124 Hardingham, 65, 95 Harleston, 44, 45 Hasborough, 3 Hassingham, 18 Hautbois, 34 Hemblington, 15, 18, 34, 75. "4. 130, 144 Hindiingham, 99 Hoe, 88 Holkham, 100 Holm, Convent of, 12, 112 Horsey, 130, 131 Horstead, 98 Jerasalem, 26 Kerdiston, 12 Kirkton, 30 Lancaster, Duchy of, II Leiston, 24 Letheringsett, 17 Limerick, 104 Lvmpenhoe, 17, 137 Lingwood, 18, 42,134 Loddon, 34 London, 138, 139 Lowestoft, 141 Ludham, 43, 45, 142 Martham, 72, 144 Mattishall, 134 Melton Constable, ICX) Melville, 80 Metyngham, 113 Moulton, 15, 17, 18 Nomich, 13, 34, 37, 45-48, 58, 60, 70, 93, 98, loi, 107, 109, no. III, 112, 115, &c. Oby, 122 Ocle (Acle), 122 Onsby, 142 Opton, 2, 4 Optuna, Optune, I Oulton, 123 Oxford, Ch. Ch., 12 ,, St. Frideswide, 12 Panxworth (Pankes- ford or Pannisford), 14, 16, 18, 106 Parham, 23 Pontefract, 21, 22 Postwick, 17, 118 Potter Heigham, 130 Rackheath, 16 Ranworth, 14-18, 29, 33, 34, 44, 45, 51, 109, 117, 119 Redenhall, 44 Reedham, 17, 142 Retherficld, 10 Rockland, xo, 98 RoUright, Little, 65 Roughton, 24 Runham, 33, 91 Somerton, W., 24 Southtown, 117, 119, 120 Southvirood, 142 Stanynghale, 30 Starston, 45 Stokesby, 35, 115 Stoke Severn, 14 Stratford, 23 Strumpshaw, 18 Surlingham, 142 Tacolneston, 35 Taverham, 16 Thime, no, I22, 144 Thofpe, 63 Tunstall, 17 Uppton, 2 Uppetona, I Upton, I, (S;c. Vpton, 2 Vptuna, Vptune, I Walsham, North, 126 Walsham, South, I, 4, 6, 13-18, 60, 64, 66, 84, 93, 98-101, 108, 109, III, 113, 114, 115, 119, 122, 124, 126, 128, 130, 131, 133, 140. 142, 144 158 HISTORY OF UPTON. Walsingham, 113 Welney, 9 Wendling, 12 Westminster, 40, 41, 119 Weybrede, 145, 146 Wickmere, 7) 8, 46 Wickhampton, 13, 15, 17, 114, 121 Witton, 100 Wivenho, 10 Wodebastwyk, 146 Woodrising, II Woodstock, 36 Wroxham, 16 Wymondham, 144 Yarmouth, Gt.,3, 64, 89, 102, 112, 120, 121, 126, 142 159 FIELD AND OTHER LOCAL NAMES IN WILLS. Balles' yard, 124 Bardolf, 115 Blakelond, 108 Branches, 119 Brandesdele, 117 Broodes, 109 Cargate Green, 124, 143 Caunsy, the, 116 Chapman's, 117 Cleylond, 112 Close End, 1 14 Cranscore, 127 Curfefeu, 1 12 Deyes, 116 Domysday, 112 Ewyns, 124 Fendole, 108 Foxholes, 124 Foxlane, 117 Foxlond, 109 Fysschelehill, 108 Gerards Hedstyk, 112 Great Fen, 134 Greneshedstok, 117 Grovele, 109, 111,112 Habenesgate, 114 Ilangyngwong, 109, 112, 117 Hansell Grene, 134 Ilarefen, 109 Hesylgrave, 115 Ilobhysgate, no Ilobbesgate Street, 124 Huntingdon, 139 Jebbes or Jibbs, 116, 143 Kergate, 109, 11 1 Kergatesyerd, 109 le Meysters, 1 1 1 Lincoln's Yard, 137 Longhalfacr, 112 Lombes, 109, 11 1 Massesdole, loS Millers, 117 Myhilborow Hill, 120 New Skore, 124 North Marsh, no, 134, 135 Nova Camera, 113 Oldgate, 112 rigging's Gap, 128 Pottbrede, 117 Puttock Dole, 135 Pylesmere, 108, 117 Ranenysacr, 112 Rowesdole, 112 Rush Dole, 135 Sike Silvers, 117 Snethe's, 117 Southold, 135 Sparkysgap, loS, 117 Stakenhill, 117 Svveetsong, 139 Svveetswonge, 129 The Shop, 130 Turbarye, the, 124 Turfenn, 134 Westakynheld, 109 Wetysvvonge, 112 Weybrigg, 109, m, 116 White Carr, 134 Wullestubbe or Wool- lestab, 109, 143 Wycely's, 116 i6o SURNAMES IN MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS AND WILLS. Adams, 91 Agus, 82, 83 Alexander, 90, 132, 133 Allen, 89, 90, 140 _ Amys, 116 Andrew, 109-11, 113 Andrews, 107, 115 Archer, 109 Arnold, 133 Athowe, 114, 124, 125, 128, 129 Attewell, 107 Attwood, 106 Baker, 76, 115, 122, 126, 129, 130, 137, 138 Baldock, 84 Bales, 122 Barber, 137 Barker, 86, 112, 119, 126, 128, 132 Barne, 140 Beketon, 146 Belaw, 112 Bell, 122 Bemond, 109, 111, 117 Bensley, 119 Benslin, 131 Bensling, 127, 132 Benslinge, 124, 129 Benslyn, 116, 130, 131, 139 Benslynge, 123, 142 Berry, 143 Beryngton, 106 Beston, 106, 129 Betts, 79, 91 Beverley, 81, 87 Bird, 138, 139 Bishop, 107, 133, 143, 144 Blacke, 136 Bokenham, de, 114 Bond, 130, 145 Bomham, 110 Bracey, 88 Bradford, 80 Braye, 122 Brend, 109 Bromstreete, 124 Brond, 110 Bronstrete, 118 Brothers, 117 Brown, 86, 87, 91, 112, 121, 125 Browne, 79, 80, 118, 123, 125-7, 129, 145 Brownstrete, 117, 123 Bubbinge, 122 Bullocke, 123-5, 128- 132,134-7,139,141 Bunn, 79 Burre, 141 Cammell, 144 Camplyon, 110, 111 Can, 110, 111, 118 Cappes, 122, 126 Capon, 85 Carre, 113 Carter, 111, 146 Cater, 83-85, 143 Caton, 117 Chamberlain, 126 Chamberlin, 89 Chapman, 117, 141 Child, 144 Church, 130, 132, 133, 143 Churchman, 133 Clare, 86 Clarke, 77, 123, 126, 129 SURNAMES IN INSCRirXIONS AND WILLS. I6l Clerk, 107 Coates, 142 Cobb, 75, 108, 139, 141, 142 Cockerill, 88 Cook, 108, 140, 142 Cooper, 124 Cornwell, 126 Cory, 133 Cossey, 73, 108, 113, 114 Couper, 110, 111, 118 Cowles, 85 Crastwell, 122 Crawford, 79 Creak, 82, 131, 132, 134, 136, 137 Creike, 140 Cubitt, 130, 143 Curat, 119 Curson, 87 Curteys, 121 Curtis, 141 Cybole, 126 Danford, 138 Daured, 116 Davey, 80, 81, 89 Davies, 90 Davy, 116, 142 Dawson, 85,86,89,90 Dawys, 109 Day, 79, 85, 86, 143 Daynes, 128, 129 Den, 108, 111 Dennys, 125 Dersham, 110 Deryng, 109, 113 Deyrton, 124-6, 128, 129 Diamond, 82, 83, 143 Dingle, 82 Docking, 73, 77, 78, 114, 143, 144 Dove, 91 Downhill, 123 Driver, 125 Ducker, 136 Dunmowe, 110, 111 Durrant, 122, 125 Dylham, 146 Eadge, 135 Ecclestone, 89 Edwards, 115 Elger, 112 Ellis, 81 Emperor, 141 England, 85 Erie, 115 Eston, 107, 114 Ewyng, 108 Fabb. 88 Farm an, 80 Felmyngham, 117 Feen, 136 Fen, 108, 113, 114, 118, 131, 136-7 Fisher, 123, 126, 135, 140, 141 Fiske, 141, 142 Florrance, 81 Flower, 121, 124, 126 Forster, 143 Fosdick, 125 Fowland, 110, 111 Francis, 80 Fraree, 122 Fuller, 14G Fyster, 123 Gait, 134 Game, 107, 108 Gamyn, 106 Gappe, 121, 123 Gay, 106 Gaze, 88 George, 79, 81 Gillians, 140 Gilling, 81 Gillings, 88 Glozer, 128 Goate, 75, 76, 127- 130, 132-7, 139, 140-3 Godewyn, 114 Goffin, 84 Godknape, 146 Golt, 129, 134 Goodens, 133 Goodwin, 140, 141-2 Gook, 91 Goote, 110, 117, 121 Gose, 124 Gote, 109-11, 123, 125 Gotte, 116 Gould, 144 Gout, 135 Greene, 119, 124,127, 129, 132, 134, 136, 137, 139, 141 Greenwood, 123, 130, 131, 140 Gresmer, 118 Grimmer, 88 Grint, 108 Grose, 130 l62 HISTORY OF UPTON. Gybbes, 118 Jermy, 142 Morwyn, 122 Gylberd, 117 Jessupp, 134 Mounfort, 110 Gylmyn, 106 Moundford, 138, 139 Gymyngham,121 ,122. Kan, 110 Mower, 130-2 127-132, 134- ■136, Kebyl, 106 Munford, 87, 90 139, 142, 143 Kendall, 91 Ker, 146 Myller, 108 Hall, 90 Kerrison, 82 Neale, 82 Hannor, 125 Kei7ng, HI Nelson, 143 Harbord, 89 Kirk, 89 Neve, 108 Harpley, 137, 139, Nickels, 88 142 Last, 135 Ninham, 89 , Helsdon, 88 Lawes, 132 Norton, 81, 132, 133, ; Hewke, 127 Lencon, 133 138 Hexham, 121 Linckon, 132 Norwich, 113, 123 Hickling, 134 Littlewood, 84, 141, Nunne, 137 . Plilkon, 123 144 1 Hill, 127, 136 Odell, 88 R?D ID -tmr- Form L9-42m-8,'49(B5573)444 m 690 \ ;«xiV;Jl V ;■'■), :Uy-:^- 1 I , I , ) : i |i < ■ •.*',■' v]