-— "C^f^- Presented by the don County Council in memory of the services rendered LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL. lA RECORD OF SERVICE in the Great War 19 14-18 by Members of the Council's Staff. Published by the LONDON' COUNTY COUNCIL, and may be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from P. S. KING AND SON, LIMITED, 2 AND 4, Great Smith Street, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.i, Agents for the sale of the Publications of the London County Council. 1922. No. 2113. Price 5s. [21955- a^ PREFACE. The Council on 9th November, 1920, decided, as a mark of its appreciation, to present to each member of the staff who served in the Great War, or to the next- of-kin of those who died on service, a short history of the war so far as the staff were concerned, with brief particulars of their service. Accordingly the Record of Service which gives effect to this decision has been prepared under my supervision by Mr. V. A. Weeks, B.A. (late Lieut., R. West Kent Rgt.), of my depart- ment. The sketch plans, which show practically every place mentioned in the battle areas, have been drawn by Capt. A. G. Harding, O.B.E. (late R.A.O.C), also of my department. Authorities for the statements made have not, as a rule, been given. To do this adequately would have required an elaborate series of footnotes, and these in a simple summary of the facts did not seem to be called for. The narrative and the comments thereon are based for the most part on the despatches of the various commanders-in-chief, the works referred to in the text, and H. C. O'Neill's History of the War, Sir Henry Newbolt's Naval History of the War, H. W. Nevinson's Dardanelles Campaign, E. Dane's British Campaigns in the Near East, and Brig.-Gen. J. H. V. Crowe's General Smuts' Campaign in East Africa. The chapter on the Royal Air Force is based on an official Short History of the R.A.F. [F.S. 136], kindly supplied by the Air Ministry. ill iv As far as practicable the recommendations of the Battles Nomenclature Committee [Cmd. 1138] have been adopted. The Record deals only with the Council's staff, but it is not fitting that it should be issued without mention of the two members of the Council who lost their lives on active service, Captain R. M. Sebag-Montefiore, of the Royal East Kent (The Duke of Connaught's Own) (Mounted Rifles), who died at Alexandria on 19th November, 1915, from wounds received in Gallipoli, and Lieut. -Col. Lord Alexander Boteville Thynne, D.S.O., M.P., who was killed in France on 15th September, 1918, whilst commanding a battalion of the Duke of Edinburgh's (Wiltshire Regiment). County Hall, S.W. January, 1922. James Bird, Clerk of the Council. CONTENTS CHAP. I. Introduction ...... II. Western Front, 1914. — Mens and the Retreat, the Marne and the Aisne, Antwerp, La Bassee and Armentieres, Yprcs .... III. Western Front, 1915. — Neuve Chapelle, Hill 60, Ypres, Aubers Ridge, Festubert, Loos and HuUuch IV. Western Front, 1916. — The Bluff and St. Eloi, Vimy Ridge, the Somme, and the Ancre V. Western Front, 191 7. — The Ancre and the German retreat. Arras and Vimy Ridge, Messines, Lombartzyde, Ypres, Lens, Cambrai VI. Western Front, 191 8. — The Somme (German offensive), the Lys, the Aisne, the Marne, Amiens, the Somme (Allied offensive). Arras, Havrincourt and Epehy, Cambrai and the Hindenburg line, Flanders, Le Cateau, the Selle and the Sambre, Armistice VII. The Royal Navy VIII. The Royal Air Force IX. Gallipoli X. Egypt and Palestine . XL Mesopotamia XII. Salonica XIII. British Troops in Italy XIV. British Troops in Russia XV. British Troops in Africa XVI. Deaths from Disease . XVII. Summary Index of names of the Coimcil's staff mentioned in the text ...... Appendix giving brief details of the war ser\-ice of the Council's staff: Clerk of the Council Comptroller of the Council Chief Engineer Architect Solicitor London Fire Brigade Public Health Estates and Valuation Public Control Parks PAGE I 19 32 53 90 130 140 148 158 167 174 180 185 187 192 197 202 I 3 ID 15 25 26 34 37 38 40 VI Appendix giving brief details of the war service of Council's staff {continued) : the PAGE Tramways . ' . 49 Housing ...... 114 Education Officer: Central Administrative Staff 116 Industrial and Special Schools . 124 Secondary Schools and Training Colleges 125 Technical Institutes and Schools of Art . 126 School Attendance Officers . 126 Botany Scheme . 129 Stocktakers, etc. . 129 Schoolkeepers 129 Teaching Staff 134 Stores ..... 181 Parliamentary 184 Asylums and Mental Deficiency 184 Asylums Engineer . 203 Note. The Divisions in the British Army on active service during the Great War were as follows: Regular. Guards, ist to the 8th, 27th, 28th, 29th, ist, 2nd and 3rd Cavalry Divisions. Service. 9th (Scottish), loth (Irish), nth (Northern), 12th (Eastern), 13th (Western), 14th (Light), 15th (Scottish), 16th (Irish), 17th (Northern), i8th (Eastern), 19th (Western), 20th (Light), 2ist, 22nd (Western), 23rd (Northern), 24th (Eastern), 25th, 26th (Scottish), 30th, 31st, 32nd, 33rd, 34th, 35th, 36th (Ulster), 37th, 38th (Welsh), 39th, 40th, 41st (Eastern), 63rd (R. Naval). Territorial. 42nd (E. Lanes), 43rd (Wessex), 46th (N. Midland), 47th (London), 48th (S. Midland), 49th (W. Riding), 50th (Northum- brian), 51st (Highland), 52nd (Lowland), 53rd (Welsh), 54th (E. Anglian), 55th (W. Lanes), 56th (London), 57th (W. Lanes), 58th (London), 59th (N. Midland), 60th (London), 6ist (S. Midland), 62nd (W. Riding), 66th (E. Lanes.), 74th (Yeomanry dismounted), 75th. In accordance with official practice the Battalions of the London Regiment are referred to throughout by numbers only. Their names were as follows : 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th (Royal Fusiliers), 5th (London Rifle Brigade), 6th (Rifles), 8th (Post Office Rifles), 9th (Queen Victoria's Rifles), 10th (Hackney), nth (Finsbury Rifles), 12th (The Rangers), 13th (I-*rincess Louise's Kensington Battalion), 14th (London Scottish), 15th (Prince of Wales's Own, Civil Service Rifles), i6th (Queen's Westminster Rifles), 17th (Poplar and Stepney Rifles), 1 8th (London Irish Rifles), 19th (St. Pancras), 20th (Blackheath and Woolwich), 21st (First Surrey Rifles), 22nd and 24th (The Queen's), 25th (Cyclist) and 28th (Artists' Rifles). RECORD OF WAR SERVICE CHAPTER I. Events Leading up to the Great War. It would be a long task to refer even in outline to all the causes, direct and indirect, of the Great War and the attempt to do so would raise many con- troversial questions. Here it must suffice to state that the Franco-German War of 1870 had been succeeded by a period of international jealousy and suspicion, and that, so far from abating, these feelings of unrest had spread during the early part of the twentieth century widely throughout Europe. A serious crisis in 1905, leading up to the Algeciras conference, had been followed by another in 1908 when Austria, in defiance of the Treaty of Berlin, annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina, and by a third in 191 1 arising out of the Agadir incident. Each had threatened to lead to war and, although war had been averted, it began to be clear that efforts to maintain peace could not continue to be successful. In most of the chief states there was no inconsiderable number of people who desired war, some in order to unite to their own country people of kindred race or language, others for the sake of territorial or political gain, others in mere self-defence before those plotting against their country became invincible. So deep were the feelings of distrust that any incident might result in a crisis for which no peaceful solution could be found. Such an incident was forthcoming on 28th June, 1914, when the Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian Empire, was assassinated with his wife while on a visit to Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia. The effects of the outrage were not at once apparent, for no public action was taken by Austria until 23rd July. Then, however, it presented to Serbia a peremptory note and demanded a reply by the evening of the 25th. On this note Sir Edward Grey, the Foreign Secretary, remarked in a despatch to the British Ambassador at Vienna that he " had never before seen one State address to another inde- pendent State a document of so formidable a char- acter " and that one of the demands " would be hardly consistent with the maintenance of Serbia's independent sovereignty." ^ Serbia's reply, delivered within the stipulated time, accepted in principle, though with reservations, most of the Austrian demands. This, however, was not considered satis- factory, diplomatic relations were broken off, orders were given for the mobilisation of the army, and on the 28th war was declared against Serbia. Germany supported Austria, while Serbia was supported by Russia, thus bringing in France, the latter's ally. Diplomatic negotiations to avert war or to localise its effects having proved fruitless, Germany on ist August declared war on Russia and France, and on the 6th Austria declared war on Russia. Great Britain of course had no direct interest in the quarrel between Austria and Serbia, or even in that between Austria and Russia, but, when other issues were raised and Germany and France were involved, it became vitally affected. The two main questions were the maintenance of the integrity of France and of the neutrality of Belgium. Great Britain was under no treaty obligation to France, but it had been agreed in November, 1912,^ that, if either Government had grave reason to expect an unprovoked attack, or something threatened the general peace, it would immediately discuss whether ' Correspondence respecting the European Crisis, 1914 [Cd. 7467], p. 9. » Ibid., p. 57. 3 both Governments should act together to prevent aggression and to preserve peace. The German Chan- cellor's suggestion on 29th July that Great Britain should remain neutral on condition that Germany took no territory from France except in her colonies was indignantly rejected, and on 2nd iVugust France was informed that, if the German fleet came into the English Channel or the North Sea to attack the French coasts or shipping, the British fleet would give all the protection in its power. The second question, Belgian neutrality and the respect of that neutrality by all belligerents, was even more important. By the Treaty of London, 1839, Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, France and Russia had agreed that Belgium should form an independent and perpetually neutral state, and that it should be bound to observe such neutrality towards all other states. This treaty had been strictly adhered to during the Franco-German War, and accordingly on 31st July, 1914, when hostilities be- tween France and Germany became imminent, the two countries were asked whether, so long as no other power violated it, they would respect the neutrality of Belgium. France gave the necessary undertaking, but no reply was received from Germany. In fact on 2nd August the latter presented an ultimatum to Belgium demanding facilities for military operations, and on the 4th German troops actually invaded Belgian' territory. On this date Germany was again asked to give the assurance already given by France and was informed that, unless a satisfactory reply was received, Great Britain would take all steps in its power to uphold the neutrality of Belgium. Germany made no reply and accordingly from 11 o'clock on the night of 4th/5th August, 1914, Great Britain was at war with Germany. CHAPTER II. The Western Front, 1914. From i8th to 20th July, as part of a test mobilisation, a great naval display had been given at Spithead by the British Fleet at which some 200 vessels, manned by 70,000 officers and men, were present. After the manoeuvres it was thought advisable, as affairs in Europe appeared so threatening, that the vessels should not disperse. Consequently at the outbreak of war the fleet was fully mobilised, ready at once for active service. The army was not mobilised until 3rd August, when it became clear that Germany was about to invade Belgium. War between Great Britain and Germany having been declared, an Expeditionary Force, consisting at first of only four divisions, with some cavalry and a few aeroplanes, was sent to the assistance of the French. The troops embarked chiefly at South- ampton, the bulk of them crossing to Boulogne or Havre on the nights of 12th and 13th August. They concentrated at Amiens and between 17th and 20th August were assembled under the command of Sir John French to the south of Maubeuge. Mons and the Retreat. By the morning of Sunday, the 23rd, they were in position at Mons with a front of about twenty miles on the extreme left of the Allies, the ist Corps, commanded by Sir Douglas Haig, being to the east of the town, the 2nd Corps, under Sir Horace Smith- Dorrien, holding the town itself and the line to the west, and the cavalry, under Sir Edmund AUenby, being mostly in reserve. During the morning the Germans attacked with five corps and three cavalry divisions, thus out- numbering our men by more than two to one. Although the enemy suffered heavy losses the attack achieved 6 only a moderate success, the British 2nd Corps, which was chiefly involved, retiring, late in the day, to prepared positions in rear. Towards evening, however. Sir John French learned that Namur, thirty-five miles to the east, had fallen on the 22nd, that, in conse- quence, the French on his right had retired and that his left was being outflanked. In addition therefore to being outnumbered in front he was in grave danger of being surrounded on both flanks, so that immediate retreat was essential. This began the next day, the direction taken being roughly south-west. The ist Corps retired to the east of Bavai and thence through Landrecies, Venerolles, La Fere, and Villers-Cotterets, while the route of the 2nd Corps lay to the west of Bavai, and through Le Quesnoy, Le Cateau, St. Ouentin, Ham, Noyon and Compiegne. At Betz on 1st September, the two corps were re-united and crossing the Marne next day fell back towards the Seine. Apart from an attack at Landrecies on the night of 25th/26th August, when the Guards drove off with heavy losses a force which advanced through the Foret de Mormal, the ist Corps was not seriously molested, but the 2nd Corps was much harassed. As his men were too weary to continue their march. Sir Horace felt it necessary, in order to gain time, to disregard the orders he had received not to fight, and on the 26th near Le Cateau turned and faced the enemy. Accordingly a line was formed to the south of the Cambrai — Le Cateau road with the 5th Division on the right, immediately west of the latter town, the 3rd in the centre and the 4th on the left, the whole front measuring some nine or ten miles. The fighting lasted from dawn until well into the afternoon when the 5tli Division, having lost many of its guns, was forced back and the two other divisions had to con- form. The retirement in some disorder gave rise at the time to disconcerting rumours in England but 7 these, as usual, greatly exaggerated the facts, and, although there was much confusion, the retreat never degenerated into a rout. The mobilisation of H.M. Forces led to the calling up from the Council's staff of 436 naval reservists, 870 army reservists and 590 members of the Terri- torial force. During August and September eighteen of the staff joined the Navy and 1664 the Army, so that, after two months of war, the staff on service numbered 3578. There were casualties amongst these from the first, for on 23rd August George Baker {4th R. Fus., Asylums) and Lance-Corp. E. W. Stretton (2nd R. Ir. Rgt., Tram.) were reported as missing, on the 24th John Yates (ist R. Scots Fus., Tram.) died of wounds, and on the 26th J. A. Goodwin (R.F.A., Tram.) was killed at Le Cateau, while before the end of the month A. G. Mitchell (ist Lines, Ch. Engr.) died of wounds and W. J. Thynne (ist E. Surr., Tram.) was missing. P. S. T. Marshall (ist Lines, Tram.) died on nth September of wounds received near Mons, Corp. Frederick Lait (R.G.A., Educ.) on the same date of wounds received towards the end of the retreat, and S. C. Good (4th Dragoon Gds., Tram.) on 2nd October of wounds received on 3rd September near Lagny. Randall Kirk (Coldstr. Gds., Asjdums), wounded and taken prisoner near Mons, died at Laon on 14th September. The first member of the Council's staff to win a decoration was Sergt. A. J. Tilney (4th Drag. Gds., Clerk) to whom was awarded the Croix de Guerre, During the retreat towards the end of August he was accidentally left behind by his regiment. While making liis way back he rescued a wounded comrade, taking him on his horse, and later picked up a straggler. Eventually he fell in with some French troops with whom he remained some days before he was able to rejoin his regiment. Battle of the Marne, 1914. The German forces advancing from Mons to the Marne were commanded by Von Kluck, who appeared to think that our troops had been so roughly handled that for the time being they might be ignored. Accord- ingly in the early days of September, instead of con- tinuing his advance to the south and south-west, he turned to the south-east from the neighbourhood of Amiens, and crossed the Marne between Meaux and Chateau-Thierry seemingly with the intention of attacking the left of what he considered to be the main body of the Allies. He thus exposed his right flank, guarded only by comparatively small detach- ments, to the full assaults of the British and of a French army, commanded by General Maunoury, on their left. These assaults proved successful and, in the face of vigorous opposition, the British by 7th September had advanced to Coulommiers on the Grand Morin, and by the 8th to the Petit Morin, both these streams being tributaries of the Marne which was crossed on the 9th to the west of Chateau-Thierry. Von Kluck was now in considerable danger and a general retreat of the Germans to the Aisne was ordered. This retreat was followed up by the British through Oulchy and Fere-en-Tardenois, and on the 12th they were again in touch with the main German forces. The operations from 6th September onwards, which formed a part of important engagements by several French armies, culminating in General Foch's success- ful attack at St. Gond, 40 miles to the east, are usually known as the first Battle of the Marne. By it the German advance was definitely checked and, indeed, pushed back for thirty miles and the threat on Paris was removed, so that it is rightly regarded as one of the decisive battles of the war. Battle of the Aisne, 1914. The passage of the Aisne, on a front of fifteen miles between Bourg on the east and Soissons on the west, was forced on 13th September. This was a difficult task, for the river is both broad and deep and, as many of the bridges had been blown up, some troops had to cross on rafts or pontoons, others on the girders of the broken bridges, and all this under continuous fire. Facing the British and three or four miles to the north of the river was a line of chalk hills on the summit of which was the Chemin-des-Dames.' As the scene of prolonged fighting throughout the war, this was destined to become one of the most famous positions on the whole front. The ist Corps on the right advanced nearly to the top of the ridge, the 2nd Corps in the centre near Vailly was not so successful, while the 3rd Corps (which had been formed under Sir WiUiam Pulteney towards the end of the retreat from Mons) could do little more than hold its ground immediately across the river. Here both sides dug themselves in and, in spite of attacks and counter- attacks, the line remained unaltered for many months. After i8th September, although local encounters were frequent, the general fighting died down and early in October the British were relieved by the French and moved northwards to the flank of the Allied advance. The casualties amongst the Council's staff were Alfred Luker (Northld. Fus., Asylums) killed on gtli September at the Mame, while those killed or missing at the Aisne were: 13th September, E. S. Harrison (ist R.W. Kent, Tram.); 14th September, C. A. Dickens (4th R. Fus., Asylums), Lance-Corp. S. Andrews (R.W. Surr., Parks), F. A. G. Daysh (ist Coldstr. Gds., Housing), Lance-Corp. James ^^'alker (2nd R. Suss., Asylums); 15th September, H. G. Davis * Constructed for the journeys of the daughters of Louis XV. between the royal chateaus at Compiegne and Bouconville. lO (2nd W. Riding, Educ.) ; i6th September, John Ryan (ist Irish Gds., Tram.), C. J. Morley (4th Worcesters, Asylums); 20th September, W. A. Farley (ist S. Lanes., Clerk); 21st September, F. W. Adams (3rd Worcesters, L.F.B.); 22nd September, H. H. Chitty (2nd R. Fus., Parks) ; 4th October, W. J. Plater (ist Coldstr. Gds., Tram.), I. W. Bradford (ist Coldstr. Gds., Housing) died as a prisoner of war on 21st October of wounds received on 14th September. Antwerp. In the latter part of August the main Belgian army had withdrawn northwards to the neighbourhood of Antwerp but, using this as a base, it continued by frequent sallies to harass the enemy. The Germans were thus compelled to retain in the district troops which could have been more usefully employed else- where, and accordingly, at the end of September, after several weeks of desultory warfare, the reduction of the Belgian position was seriously imdertaken. The defence fared badly against heavy artillery of the kind which had been so successful at Liege and Namur, and the Allies were appealed to for assistance. The only troops immediately available were a brigade of Royal Marines and two brigades of the R.N.V.R., which were despatched to Antwerp in the early part of October. A breach had already been made in the outer defences of the town and, as the Germans were greatly superior in numbers, no striking success was probable. The British forces, however, did good service by aiding the Belgians in holding up the attack for several days, and also by covering the Belgian withdrawal from the town. In this fighting Sergt. T. York (Educ.) was killed on the 6th, Percy Haggis (Arch.) on the 7th, and W. F. Forse (Tram-.) on gth October. The 7th Division and some cavalry landing at Zeebrugge covered the retreat along the coast. IX La BassSe and Armentieres. Early in October, when a dead-lock had been reached on the Aisne, Sir John French suggested that, if his forces were transferred to the left of the Allied line, his Hnes of communication would be much shortened and he might be in a position to outflank the Germans. General Joffre consented and, as already mentioned, the British were relieved by the French and moved northward. Stated thus the problem which con- fronted the British commander appears simple enough to need no comment, but it must be remembered that his forces numbered about 100,000 men with horses, guns and baggage. One di\'ision alone, con- taining at full strength about 19,000 men with some 5,600 horses, 75 guns and 650 wagons, occupies in column of route about ten miles of road and takes three hours to pass a given point, while to transport it by rail about 90 trains are needed. It was therefore a formidable task, requiring much skill and organisa- tion on the part of a staff unpractised in the handling of large bodies of men, to disengage so large a force from a vigilant and energetic enemy, and to convey it across the lines of communication of other troops. This intricate movement was, however, accomplished with- out mishap and by the nth of the month the 2nd Corps was operating near La Bassee with the 3rd Corps on its left to the east of St. Omer. With much hard fighting and in spite of a strong resistance the line slowly advanced eastward until, towards the end of the month, the two corps were held up to the east of Bethune, Laventie and Armentieres in positions which were maintained with Uttle or no alteration almost to the end of the war. In this fighting B. A. Edhn (2nd Bedfords, Asylums) was killed on 13th October, J. P. Knights (ist Notts, and Derby, Asylums) on the 20th, A. G. Martin (Wilts., Tram.) on the 24th, E. W. Moore (4th R. Fus., Tram.) and Joseph Knowles (2nd Border, YPRES, 19I4-18, 13 L.F.B.) on the 26th, and F. C. Hyde (ist Wilts, Tram.) on the 31st. J. W. Otton (4th Middx., Tram.) was awarded the D.C.M. for an attempt near Neuve Chapelle on 5th November in which he lost his life, to rescue a wounded non-commissioned officer. Cor- poral O. J. T. Smith (Yorks. L.I., L.F.B.) died on 7th January, 1915, of wounds received near La Bassee on 22nd October. Battles of Ypres, 1914. The ist Corps which also detrained at St. Omer, but later than the 3rd Corps, pressed on to the east of Ypres, where it took up a position on the left [i.e., to the north) of the 4th Corps. The latter had been despatched from England to aid the Belgians but, arriving too late to alter the course of events at Ant- werp, had, after the fall of the city, retired in a south- westerly direction along the coast. An advance was made to the line Zandvoorde — Gheluvelt — Zonnebeke — Langemarck (see map opposite) with the intention of striking to the south-east at Menin, an important point in the German communications, and to the north-east through Poelcappelle and Passchendaele in the direction of Bruges. The Germans, however, had collected great numbers of troops in this district, partly in order to make a diversion and so relieve the pressure on their hne further south, but chiefly with the object of breaking through and of capturing Calais and the adjacent coast-line and so hampering the British bases of supply. The British were out- numbered in the proportion of three or four to one and, instead of advancing, found themselves hard put to it to hold their ground. Ypres, which in this way came to be the scene for four years of such desperate fighting and obstinate bravery, both in attack and defence, as can scarcely have been surpassed in all history, was before the war an ancient and beautiful but decayed' city of 17,000 inhabitants. Situated in an extensive and fertile 14 plain it had become a centre for agriculture instead of for wea\dng, its former industry, and it was also a rail and road centre of importance. Its historical monu- ments included the famous Cloth Hall and Belfry, dating from the 13th century, the finest Gothic public building in the country, the 13th-century Church of St. Martin (formerly the Cathedral), the 14th-century Town Hall and numerous quaint and picturesque houses of the Renaissance. All were destroyed, and the town during its four years partial siege was so completely wrecked that when the enemy was at length driven off not a house, scarcely even a room, was habitable. In its defence 300,000 British and Dominion troops died and a million were wounded.^ To the north, east and south the ground rises, but it is only on the south, near Messines and Wytschaete, that any really considerable hills exist. There the highest parts, 260 feet high, are nearly 200 feet above the level of the plain, while to the east the average rise is only about 80 or 100 feet, and to the north it is even less. In modern warfare in so flat a country the possession of the higher ground confers great advantages upon the side which hold it. First and foremost they have very much better opportu- nities for observing the movements of their opponents and the effect of their own shell-lire. Secondly they can secretly mass troops on the reverse side of the slopes, and so launch surprise attacks without warning to their opponents. Finally, and this is not the least important benefit in a marshy area, they can drain their trenches more or less effectively, and thus prevent them from becoming so many muddy pools or water-courses. It was for possession of these ridges, therefore, that the fiercest fighting took place, and a brief outline of the opening phases of this struggle will now be attempted. As already stated, the British had advanced to ' Findlay Muirhead, Belgium and the Western Front, p. 38. 15 the line Zandvoorde — Gheluvelt— Zonnebeke — Lange- marck which was reached about 20th October, although isolated advances were made even later at different parts. After much fighting, which daily increased in severity, the main German assault opened on 29th October. In face of the overwhelming attacks on that and the next day Gheluvelt, Reutel and Zonne- beke were lost and the Une was withdrawn on the average about one mile to Messines, Hollebeke and Klein ZiUebeke. On the 31st the famous counter- attack by the 2nd Worcesters at a very critical time recovered much of the ground up to Gheluvelt, but further south Messines fell and Wytschaete was threatened. On ist November the Germans developed their success and captured the whole of the Messines- Wytschaete ridge, the British retiring to Wulver- ghem. After this the fighting on the British front slackened for some days, the brunt of the attacks being borne by the French and Belgians to the north. On nth November, however, their sector was once more ablaze for, after a terrific bombardment lasting several hours, the attack culminated in an assault by the Prussian Guard, aided by troops of the line, along the Ypres-Menin road. This was almost successful, for the line was pierced in several places, but the advance was stemmed by the 2nd Oxford and Bucks L.I., the 1st Northamptons, the Connaught Rangers and others, and a new line formed some distance to the rear.^ Wytschaete, which had changed hands several times since the beginning of the month, now finally passed into the possession of the Germans. This day's attack proved to be the final attempt by the enemy to break through, and the British were therefore able to consolidate their position on the line of St. Eloi — Hooge— Frezenberg — Langemarck, As the result of three weeks' desperate fighting, ' The enemy's losses were enormous, those of the Prussian Guard alone in killed, wounded and missing amounting to nearly 7,000. i6 the Germans, with the loss of 150,000 men, had suc- ceeded in advancing at the most a distance of four miles on a front of about fifteen. It is true that, especially from the east round to the south, they had secured positions which enabled them to overlook and even to enfilade the British lines, both to the south and south-east of Ypres and to the north-east of Armentieres, but they had definitely failed in their attempt to break through to the Channel coast or even in their subsidiary effort to capture Ypres. On 2ist October Sergt. A. J. Toole (2nd Drag. Gds., Educ.) was killed near Zonnebeke, and Charles Walker (R.F.A., Tram.) at some place unknown; on 23rd October, Francis Greygoose (2nd K.R.R., Tram.) near Pilkem; E. S. Moth (3rd Rif. Bde., Asylums) died of wounds on the 25th; on 30th October, W. R. Henderson (ist Dragoons, Asylums) and T. H. Broom (ist Life Gds., L.F.B.) were missing, and Walter Bell and Lance-Corp. M. M. Humphreys, both of ist S. Wales Bord. and Asylums, were killed near Gheluvelt; on 31st October, Lance-Corp. Daniel Reilly (ist R. W. Surr., Tram.) was killed, W. Curtis (ist R. W. Surr., Parks), W. J. Basterfield (ist R. W. Surr., Educ.) and A. G. Ferryman (2nd K.R.R., Tram.) were missing near Gheluvelt, and H. J. F, White (2nd Life Gds., Tram.) was missing near Messines. It was on this last date that the 14th Londons won their laurels near Messines, the first occasion when a Territorial battalion had fought as a complete unit by the side of the Regular Army. The killed or missing included R. T. M. Wyllie and M. S. Bryce (Arch.) and A. B. C. Sarll (Educ), while Lance-Corp. James Carey (Arch.) died a few days later as a prisoner of war of wounds received on that date. The casualties in November were: ist November, A. R. Shearing (Highd. L.I., L.F.B.) killed; 7th, Thomas Foss (2nd R. Innisk. Fus., Tram.) kiUed; 8th, Corp. H. H. Jeffries (ist Northld. Fus., Parks), and 17 C. D. Cater (ist Northld. Fus., Educ.) missing; 9th, John Rafter (Irish Gds., Asylums) killed; loth, C. R. Kenchatt (W. Riding, Parks) killed; nth, Sergt. Hubert McShane (ist Scots Gds., Parks) missing, and WilHam Simmonds (4th R. Fus., Clerk) killed; 13th, Lance-Corp. Ernest Andrews (3rd Worcest., Educ.) killed; 15th, E. T. Benson (R.F.A., Stores) wounded near Dickebusch subsequently died of his wounds; 19th, Charles Clarke (ist Northld. Fus., Parks) killed. Lance-Corp. C. E. J. Martin (R. W. Surr., Tram.) wounded and taken prisoner on 31st October died at Wervick on 4th December, and J. G. Hicks (2nd Drag. Gds., Asylums) wounded and taken prisoner near Messines died at Ghent on 9th December. Fighting in Winter of 1914-15. After the Battles of Ypres the fighting died down for some months into ordinary trench warfare with its unremitting watch and guard even in the quietest sectors, with its mud and shme and vermin, with its patrols in No Man's Land, with its nightly ration parties, working parties and burying parties, with its continual casualties from shell, bomb, mine and sniper, with its sudden bombardments and raids and minor attacks, with its hours of cold and wet, boredom and discomfort, punctuated by minutes of deadly peril. The casualties included W. H. Ayton (R. W. Surr., Tram.) killed on 17th December in a British attack at Le Touquet to the north of Armentieres, Corp. W. H. Cowan (Scots Gds., Educ.) on the i8th in a raid near Rouges Bancs to the east of Laventie, C.Q.M.S. G. Malcolm (ist Gren. Gds., Educ.) on the 20th in the neighbourhood of Armentieres or Sailly- sur-la-Lys, W. S. Liddle (14th Lond., Parks) on the 24th and A. J. Webb (3rd Gren. Gds., Asylums) on the 29th near La Bassee. British line Dec 1914 gams 1915 Scalt 2 J 4 5 «//« NEUVE CHAPELLE AND LOOS, I915. 19 CHAPTER III. Western Front, 1915. Although the opening months of 1915 were not marked by any important fighting minor engagements were frequent and casualties heavy. The latter included O. S. Dawson (ist Cameronians, Asylums) killed near Bois Grenier on 6th January and A. E. Wilton and F. W. Clarke, both of the ist Coldstream Gds. and the Stores Department, killed in a German attack at Cuinchy on the 25th, while on the same date William Maxim (R.F.A., Estates and Vain.) died of sjmcope at Zevecote. On 4th February Sergt. H. W. E. Jarratt (2nd Coldstr. Gds., Educ.) was killed near Givenchy, on the 8th Joseph Huggins (3rd R. Fus., Tram.) near Ypres, and E. H. Palmer (2nd Essex, Tram.) at Le Gheer in Ploegsteert Wood, on the nth Corporal H. T. Cordery (ist Life Gds., Asylums) probably near La Bassee and on the 22nd Lieut. H. F. Heatly, B.Sc. (Yorks., attached 2nd E. Lanes, Educ). Lance-Corp. W. J. Mott (ist R. W. Surr., Tram.) was killed on 9th March and on the loth T. G. Pitt (ist Life Gds., Tram.) died at Boulogne of wounds received near La Bassee on i6th February. Capt. J. H. Stokes (R. W. Rents, attached R. Berks, Educ), one of the first to be awarded the newly in- stituted decoration of the M.C., died at Boulogne on 22nd March of wounds received on 13th February. G. E. Romer (2nd E. Surr., Tram.) was killed at Ypres on 25th March, and A. E. Mears (R.F.A., Comp.) died at St. Omer on the 28th of meningitis. Corp. E. S. Carpenter (6th Lond., Educ.) was killed on 21st April near Cuinchy, and D. Angus (2nd Warw., Tram.) was missing a few days later. A. Seal (2nd vScots Gds., Asylums) died on 15th May of illness. 20 Neuve Chapelle. During the fighting of October, 1914, by the 3rd Corps (see p. 11) the village of Neuve Chapelle, guarding the Aubers ridge, had changed hands several times but remained finally in the possession of the Germans. In March, 1915, in order to test the spirit of our troops after the losses of the preceding six months and so that all ranks and all arms might obtain experience of the offensive in trench warfare, it was decided to attack the place. Accordingly at 8 o'clock in the morning of loth March, after a heavy bombardment by 300 guns, British and Indian troops attacked on a front of about 2,000 yards; at the same time demonstrations on each flank kept the enemy occupied. On the right of the main attack the advance was at once successful, but on the left it was held up for a time by broad belts of uncut wire. However, by noon the village had been seized and during the afternoon our troops debouched to the east, where they were held up at the Bois du Biez and the Moulin du Pietre. Heavy mists on the nth and 12th, while preventing a further advance, enabled the Germans to bring up reinforcements for several counter-attacks, but these were all beaten off. (See map on p. 18). For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty, especially on the nth. Staff Sergt. W. C. Minchin (4th Seaf. Highdrs., Arch.) was awarded the D.C.M., the official notice stating that " he was always to the fore when volunteers were required for arduous and dangerous work, leaving cover on more than one occasion voluntarily to take the place of wounded stretcher-bearers. ' ' Our gains were the village and 3,000 yards of the enemy's position to a depth of 1,000 yards. The casualties were nearly 13,000 and included Sergt. H. J. Stevens (2nd Durham I.. I., Educ.) killed on the loth in some subsidiary fighting at Houplines near 21 Armentieres, C. E. Russell (ist Grenadier Gds., Educ.) on the loth or nth, Sergt. A. E. Coster (Border, Tram.), A. F. Samuels (2nd Yorks., Tram.) and J. D. Hale (2nd Yorks, Housing) on the 12th, and H. Gostling (2nd Midd., Tram.) on the 14th. L. Foy (13th Lond., Tram.) died at Boulogne on 5th April of wounds received on 12th March. Hill 60. The fighting at Hill 60, which lasted for a fortnight or more from 17th April, may be taken as an example of the attacks made by each side with varying suc- cess upon points up and down the line which were, or were held to be, of importance. This modest feature is a spoil-heap, rather more than 2I miles to the south- east of Ypres, by the side of the Ypres-Comines rail- way. At the most only fifty feet high, it was useful as an observation post, and so, at dask on the evening of 17th April, after the explosion of several mines, it was rushed by the ist R. W. Kents and the 2nd Scottish Borderers. By the next morning the Germans had recovered part of the crest from which, however, during the night of the iSth/igth they were again driven by the 2nd W. Ridings and the 2nd Yorks L.I. For some time, in spite of heavy bombardments and numerous counter-attacks, the hill, defended by the 1st E. Surreys, the ist Bedfords and the 9th Londons, remained with the British. In the early part of May the Germans renewed their attacks, this time with poison gas, against which our men were not then pro- tected. One such attack on the ist failed, but a second on the 5th was more successful, and the main part of the hill had to be given up. Battles of Ypres, 1915. In the first Battles of Ypres the Germans concen- trated on the line to the east and south-east of the city, but in the second they attacked chiefly the sector to the north-east. The assault opened on 22nd April, 23 1915, with a discharge of poison gas against the trenches at, and to the north-west of, Langemarck held by French Colonial troops. This was the first occasion on which such gas had been used, at all events on a con- siderable scale, the troops were quite unprepared, and those that survived fled in terror. A gap, several miles wide, was made in the line and, if the enemy had properly exploited the success purchased by ignoring the conventions of civilised warfare, the position of the Allies would have been most serious. The Germans, however, paused to consolidate their gains, and the Canadians, who formed the left of the British line next to the French, had time to defend their flank and even to make a counter-attack. Isolated detachments were hurried up as reinforcements, and by the morning of the 23rd the gap to the left of the Canadians had been somehow bridged by a line in rear of the original position. Part of the area abandoned was regained by counter-attacks, but eventually the loss of St. Julien, Pilkem Ridge, Langemarck and Bixschoote had to be accepted, and a new line was formed just to the east of Wieltje and Boesinghe. At the same time the dangerous projection which was thus formed to the north-east was given up. The latter movement was completed by 4th May, and on the 8th a fierce attack broke out on the sector to the south of Wieltje. The line was pierced at Wieltje and near Frezenberg, but the former was recaptured and at the latter a new line was formed to the west. A German attack on the 24th near Bellewaarde and another at the end of the month near Hooge were equally fruitless. The fighting died down with the Allies holding the line St. Eloi — Hooge — Wieltje — Boesinghe (seep. 21). On the north and north-east the Germans had advanced, at the most, two miles nearer Ypres and had secured positions overlooking the town, but their efforts to capture it had failed and were now finally abandoned. The casualties included F. H. Stanton (12th Lond., 23 Arch.) on the 24th, and George Hood (2nd D. of Corn- wall's L.I., Tram.) on 28th April, both killed near St. Julien, while on the 29th Lance-Corp. J. T. Pascoe (ist Somerset L.I., Tram.) died near Vlamertinghe and M. H. Woodhead (Middlx., Ch. Engr.) at Boulogne of wounds which they had received probably in this district. On 3rd May John Kirk wood (Educ.) and E. W. Baldwin (Pub. Cont.), both of the 5th Londons, were killed to the south of St. Julien and A. A. Rid- lington (2nd Buffs, Tram.) was killed probably to the north-east of that village. On the 4th Lance-Corp. C. W. H. Juniper (2nd Essex, Tram.) was killed near St. Jean and on the 8th C. L. Rizzi (12th Lond., Arch.) probably near Frezenberg. W. F. West (5th Lond., Educ.) died on 12th May of wounds received near St. Julien on 25th April. On 13th May John Pearce (ist Rif. Bde., Comp.) and W. C. R. Boughton (5th Lond., Educ.) were killed near Wieltje and Corporal G. Guyver (Tram.) and H. L. J. Christiansen (Parks), both of the loth R. Hussars, and Lance-Corp. Benjamin Hambly (2nd Life Gds., Asylums) near the Ypres-Roulers road. G. A. Jenkins (12th Lancers, Asylums) was wounded on the 14th probably at the same place and died at Hazebrouck on the 17th. Sergt. A. J. Shepherd (4th R. Fus., Tram.) was killed near St. Eloi on the 20th, and on the 24th Lieut. Thomas Roberts (Cheshires, Educ), Walter Everitt (4th Drag. Gds., Tram.), Lance- Corp. F. G. Grifhn (3rd R. Fus., Tram.) and W. T. Ellner (3rd R. Fus., Tram.), all in front of Ypres. George Moore (2nd E. Surr., Tram.) was killed on the 28th and on the same date Lance-Corp. Sidney Clark (3rd R. Fus., Tram.) died of wounds received at Ypres on the 8th. Edward Moore (4th Huss., Tram.) died at Dublin on loth January, 1916, from the effects of a wound received in this sector on 24th May, 1915. Aubers Ridge and Festuhert. Early in May the French took the offensive between Loos and the Vimy Ridge to the north of 24 Arras and, in order to engage the enemy's attention, the British on 9th May opened an attack on a front of about ten miles between Laventie and Richebourg I'Avoue. In the north near Rouges Bancs the 13th Londons seized a mine crater and several lines of trenches beyond, and in the south the 2nd R. Munster Fus. captured some trenches near the Rue du Bois. The rest of the attack failed and these two battalions, being unsupported on their flanks, had to withdraw. Further attacks on the night of I5th/i6th May at Richebourg I'Avoue and Festubert were less unsuc- cessful but, though the operation continued for several days, the total gains were negligible for, apart from the casualties inflicted on the enemy, an advance of a few hundred yards in so flat a country was of no advantage. The Germans seem to have had warning of the attack and to have been fully prepared for it, and, owing to the demands for guns and ammunition at Ypres, our artillery preparation was far from being effective. It is therefore not surprising that the casualties in this, the first engagement in which Territorial and New Army units were employed on a considerable scale, were very heavy. On the first day alone they exceeded 12,000, most of the battalions engaged losing over half their effectives. This at the time seemed a very heavy proportion, but later such losses became so frequent as scarcely to arouse com- ment. The undermentioned members of the Council's staff were killed on 9th May: V. J. Macartney (Comp.), H. C. C. Whitwell (Solr.) and F. M. Macrae (Educ.) all of the 13th Londons near Rouges Bancs, W. H. Ferry (ist Northamptons, Tram.), John Whittam (Solr.) and Sergt. William Keys (Educ.) both of the 4th Seaforth Highrs. near Rouges Bancs, James Bailey (2nd R. Suss., Educ.) at Richebourg I'Avoue, W. G. Dickens (24th Lond., Tram.) near the Rue du Bois, Sergt. H. J. Lock (2nd Middx., Tram.), and John Tott as (2nd Cameronians, Tram.). Albert Forse (24th Lond., Tram.) died on the loth of wounds received on the 9th. Joseph Gray (ist Lond., Tram.) was killed on the loth and Lance-Corp. A. E. Keeling, B.Sc. (7th Lond., Educ.) on the i6th near Festubert. On the same day and probably at the same place Lance-Corp. George Cox (2nd R. W. Surr., Tram.) and Corporal Herbert Parker (8th Lond., Educ.) were also killed, and on the 17th J. E, Petherick (13th Lond., Comptr.) died of wounds received near Rouges Bancs on the 9th. On the i8th W. A. V. Luckhurst (7th Lond., Tram.), H. F. Buckby (4th Cam. Highrs., Educ.) and Lance- Corp. Edward Carey (ist Irish Gds., Housing) were killed near Festubert. C. E. Pearson (15th Lond., Solr.) died on the 23rd of wounds received on the 20th. Lieut, H. E. Handley (Educ.) was killed on the 24th and Lance-Corp. G. T. Boxall (Educ), Lance-Corp. H. S. Burton (Educ), Lance-Corp. Frederick Rushton (Tram.), Lance-Corp. T. S. Waterhouse (Tram.), J. C. Terrett (Educ), 1. H. Dibble (Educ), A. J. Hammond (Educ), R. J. H. Maley (Educ), V. K. Mallpress (Educ) and H. C. Turner (Estates and Vain.) on the 25th, all these falling at Givenchy with the 23rd Londons. On the same day and at the same place were killed W. S. Curtis (Educ.) of the 15th and R. C. Beale (Stores), Archibald Herriott (Tram.), Corporal George Klein (Tram.), of the 24th Londons. Those in the 23rd Londons killed on the 26th included Douglas Waterland (Educ), J. L. Aubury (Tram.), Arthur Bickmore (Tram.), F. M. Carson (Educ), and H. G. Pugh (Educ). Corp. A. E. W. Chappell (24th Lond., Arch.) was killed on the 26th and W. Allan (ist R. W. Surr., Tram.) died on the 27th of wounds received the day before. Summer 0/1915. The summer of 1915 was taken up with various local encounters which led to no more definite result than the occasional gain or loss of a trench. Thus on 26 15th June about eight battalions attacked opposite Givenchy; some failed to reach their objective and the others suffered such heavy casualties that they were unable to maintain themselves in the captured trenches. Trenches captured at Hooge on i6th June were retaken by the Germans with the aid of liquid fire on 30th July, and again captured by us on 9th August. On a date in July Staff-Sergt. N. Mapham (R.A.V.C, Educ), in charge of some N.C.O.'s and men, was ordered to entrain at Bethune a large number of sick and wounded horses. There was a two hours' wait for the train and during all this time the station was heavily shelled. In these trying circumstances and in spite of many casualties he successfully carried out this difficult operation, and for his gallantry was awarded the D.C.M. In the general warfare during the middle of 1915 J. J, Shrimpton (H.M.S. Vernon, Tram.) was killed on 23rd May near Dunkirk while employed in connec- tion with some naval guns which were in use on shore. On 8th June J. H. Rowe (i6th Lond., Tram.) died at Vlamertinghe of wounds received the previous day in front of Ypres, on the 15th H. E. Bailey (5th Seaforth Highrs., Arch.) was shot at Givenchy while aiding a wounded comrade, on the i6th Harry Jackson (ist R. Scots Fus., Tram.) and W. G. Squires (R.F.A., Asylums) were killed at Hooge and on the 20th William Allison (ist Middx., Tram.) died of wounds received probably near Armentieres. On 6th July Corporal J. E. Butler (ist Rif. Bde., Tram.) was killed near Boesinghe, on the 19th J. E. Matthews (4th Middx., Tram.) at Hooge and on the 30th S. W. Jones (24th Lond., Tram.) died of wounds received on the 20th and Harry Fuller (ist N. Staffs, Tram.) of wounds received near Ypres on the 27th. R. Payne (E. Surr., Parks) was reported as missing about this time. Walter Pearson (H.A.C., Educ.) was killed at 27 Hooge on 25th August, J. R. Marshall (2nd Worcs., Tram.) in front of Bethune on the 26th and Corporal W. W. Davis (R.E., Tram.) at Grenay on the 30th. During September Lieut. F. W. Quilter (6th Lond., Comp.) was killed on the ist near Vermelles, Lance- Corp. Albert Jackson (2nd Yorks. L.I., Asylums) on the 4th, Lieut. S. B. Walsh, M.D., D.P.H. (R.A.M.C, Pub. Health) died at Calais on the 8th owing to an accident on 28th August when his horse, frightened by a shell, threw him, Sergt. F. C. Dixon (12th Rif. Bde., Parks) at Boulogne on the 9th of wounds received near Laventie on the 5th, Charles White (2nd Drag. Gds., Stores) in a railway accident on the i8th, and G, A. E. Searle (4th Oxf. and Bucks L.L, Educ.) near Hebuterne,' south of Arras, on the 24th. Loos and Hulluch. In September, the French decided, in conjunction with a great attack in Champagne, to renew their offensive against the Vimy Ridge, and the British were asked to co-operate by attacking between Lens and the La Bassee Canal (see plan p. 18). The pre- liminary bombardment occupied four days and, im- mediately before the advance, large quantities of asphyxiating gas were released, this being the first time that gas was used by us. The main attack was launched at 6.30 a.m. on the 25th, and in some parts suffered much from coming upon large belts of uncut wire and drifting clouds of our own gas. On the extreme right the 47th Division (with the i8th Londons dribbling a football across No Man's Land), captured the Double Grassier - and part of Loos. On their left the 15th Division captured the remainder of Loos, pressed on a mile or so farther to Hill 70 and even attempted an attack beyond {i.e., to the east of) the ' During the first half of 1915 the portion of Une held by the British in France was gradually extended southwards as far as Lens. About July, 1915, they also took over a sector to the south of Arras extending to the north of Albert. * This was a pit bank or slag-heap. 28 hill. In the centre the ist Division got as far as Hulluch and the 7th up to Cite ^ St. Elie but the latter had to withdraw to the Quarries. Further north the 9th Division, although held up by the HohenzoUem Redoubt and Fosse 8,^ reached the outskirts of Haisnes. They were much impeded, however^ by the failure of the 2nd Di\dsion on the extreme left to deal with the very strong works at Auchy which were thus able to enfilade sections of the advance. During the following night the Quarries were lost, and on the 26th the 15th Division was forced to give up most of Hill 70. The reserves in this latter part consisted of the 21st and 24th Divisions. These, being newly arrived from England, had never been under fire; they were wearied with a series of night marches along roads crammed with traffic ; they were short of food and water and drenched with rain; it has been stated ^ that the officers had no precise orders or detailed information.^ In this state these two divisions on the 26th were thrown into the conflict between Hulluch and the Bois Hugo. Both succeeded in advancing, but suft'ered so terribly that they were unable to maintain their gains and had to fall back. The 8th Buffs for instance, and the 8th R. West Kents each lost nearly 600 officers and men, and the brigade, the 72nd, of which they formed part, lost 2,000 men out of 3,600. On the 27th Fosse 8 was lost and the Hohenzollern Redoubt which it commanded was threatened. As a set-off to this reverse the newly- formed Guards Division retook Hill 70. Desultory * Cite usually means a city or a division thereof, but in the Lens neighbourhood it denotes a group of miners' cottages. * A fosse is a coal pit, but it was the accompanying slag-heap with its commanding sites for observation and fire which made such positions formidable - Sir A. Conan Doyle, British Campaign in France, 1915, p- i97- * Concerning these operations it has been remarked, without excess of emphasis, that " the problem of bringing up reserves in time through the confusion of a modern battle had not yet been solved." — British Campaigns in the West (p. xliv.) by Maj.-Gen. Sir F. Maurice in Findlay Muirhead's Belgium and the Western Front. 29 lighting proceeded for several days, a strong German counter-attack on 8th October being beaten off and renewed efforts by the British on the 13th to clear the redoubt and to take Fosse 8 being unsuccessful. After this the lighting died down into ordinary trench warfare with the British holding a line (see plan on p. 18) running almost due eastward from Grenay as far as the Lens-Hulluch road, then north- ward along this road and finally turning westward through the Hohenzollern Redoubt to the original front line. The area captured, although less than that gained in the first assault, represented an advance of about two miles on a front of about four, and the ad- vance fonned a permanent threat to the German occu- pation of Lens in the south and La Bassee in the north. Some 3,000 prisoners with 26 field guns were taken. Major (afterwards Lt.-Col.) Ernest Eton (R.F.A., Educ.) was awarded the D.S.O. for excellent service throughout the summer when, although constantly shelled out of observation stations, he always managed to command his guns with success. He also did good work at Loos at the end of September. In the latter lighting the D.C.M. was gained by Sergt. A. A. W. Gray (M.G.C., Tram.) on the 25th when " he carried his machine-gun forward . . . when only two men of the gun team were left, and selected the gun position in the most able way. His coolness and gallantry . . . afforded a fine example to all ranks." Co. Sergt. -Maj. (afterwards Captain) P. E. Fairley (i8th Lond., Educ.) was awarded the same decoration for conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty under heavy shell fire during the repair of trenches that had been blown in. For excellent work on night patrols, both at Festubert and Loos, Rgt. Sergt. -Maj. J. W. Fisher (22nd Lond., L.F.B.) was awarded the D.C.M. Sergt. A. E. Kitchen (R.A.M.C, Educ), Sergt. J. V. Jeanes (Gren. Gds., Asylums)., and F. J. Bulcraig (23rd Lond., Stores) were awarded the M.M. 30 On 25th September W. A. G. Davey (i8th Lond., Stores), S. J. Farley (20th Lond., L.F.B.) and Harold Marsh (6th Lond., Tram.) were killed with the 47th Division, Sergt. H. B. Richardson (12th Highd. L.L, Educ.) with the 15th Division somewhere near Hill 70, Claude Challice (8th Devons, Educ.) near Hulluch, Capt. L. G. Coward (Comp.) and H. E. Cannard (Tram.) near Auchy with the ist Middlesex and S. H. Townsend (R.F.A., Tram.). On the same day G. James (ist R.W. Surr., Tram.) was killed in a subsidiary attack near Givenchy and Henri Willem Dussauze (French Army, Educ). was killed at Auberive-sur- Suippes during the French assault in Champagne. For his gallantry on this occasion he was awarded the Croix de Guerre (highest class). J. S. Walker (ist R. Welch Fus., Tram.) died on the 26th of wounds received the previous day. On the same day Sergt. P. J. Gould and Albert Ingram, both of the 9th E. Surreys and Asylums, were killed to the south of Hulluch, Lieut. Edgar Faulks (R.A.M.C., Asylums) near Loos, B. G. Turner (ist Colds. Gds., L.F.B.) near the Bois Hugo and E. T. Havell (loth R. Suss., Educ.) near Fosse 8. On the 27th E. C. Barklamb (2nd E. Surr., Housing) was killed in the Hohenzollern Redoubt, and on the 30th Frank Ashby (R.A.M.C, Tram.) died at Noeux-les-Mines of wounds received on the 26th. On 13th October Sergt. Henry Eason (14th Lond., Educ.) was killed while reconnoitring, and Sergt. A. T. O'Meara and Sergt. E. Hart, both 7th Norfolks and Education, and Lance-Corp. A. J. King (5th R. Berks., Tram.) near the Quarries. On the 14th B. L. Bilcliffe (15th Lond., Educ.) was killed near Loos. Autumn of 1915. During the autumn of 1915 there were no serious engagements, but casualties on the long front now held by the British were numerous. They included Lance- Corp. H.J. Simons (8th E, Surr., Tram.) killed at Fricourt to the east of Albert on 15th October, Sergt. James 31 Shrewsbury (i2lh K.R.R., Educ.) at Laventie on the i6th, William Fox (ist Buffs, Parks) on the 17th, Crowther Morton (15th Lond., Educ.) on the 24tli near Loos, S. J, Baker (23rd Lond., Tram.) on the 28th of wounds received on the 25th, A, S. Plumb (8th Rif. Bde., Tram.) on the 30th of wounds received near Ypres on the 13th, and Sergt. J. G. Jones (21st Lond., Tram.) near HuUuch on the 31st. During November E. S. Meredith (15th Lond., Estates and Vain.) was killed near Loos on the ist, L. H. T. Williams (15th Lond., Solr.) near Loos on the 2nd, and A. E. Coventry (6th R. Berks, Tram.) near Albert on the 27th. P. H. Rivers (R.E., Tram.) died on 4th December of wounds received on 20th November, Arthur Cooper (nth Essex, Tram.) probably near Hulhich on 19th Decem- ber, and C. R. S, Aplin (22nd Lond., Tram.) on the 30th. Edward Gimble (ist Middx., Tram.) was awarded the Albert Medal, second class, for his gallantry on 26th October, when he assisted Lieut. -Com. Warden in quenching a fire which had broken out on the s.s, Maine. The vessel, loaded with high explosives, was lying at the time in the Bassin Loubet, Boulogne, and a serious, possibly disastrous, explosion was averted by their action. Sergt. A. J. Tilney (4th Drag. Gds., Clerk) received the D.C.M, for repeated acts of gallantry, particularly on a night in January, 1916, when he accompanied an officer and two men in an attempt upon a mine crater in the Hohenzollem Redoubt. The officer was killed and one of the men wounded, but Sergt. Tilney seized and held the position. Corp. S. C. P. Drury (R.E., Educ.) was awarded the D.C.M. for consistent gallantry and good work about this time when in charge of sap and wire entanglement work. During an engagement in the Ypres salient he also displayed great courage and coolness. 32 CHAPTER IV. Western Front, 1916. In December, 1915, Sir John French returned to England, and on the 19th of the month Sir Douglas Haig was appointed commander-in-chief of the British forces. During the winter the British took over from the French the sector from Lens to Arras, so that in the early part of 1916 the line held by them started north of Ypres, passed near Armentieres, Bethune, Lens and Arras and reached practically to the river Somme. The length was about 90 miles, out of a total length from the North Sea to Switzerland of about 350 miles, and for its defence in July 660,000 infantry and cavalry were available. In addition there were great numbers of artillery as well as of units, near the front and at the various bases, dealing with health services, supply, transport, etc. The first serious operation in 1916 in the British sector was the capture by the Germans on 14th February, after a heavy bombardment and the explo- sion of several mines, of the Bluff, a low bank on the Comines canal nearly three miles S.S.E. from Ypres. Like Hill 60, about one mile to the north, it conferred upon the side holding it facilities for observation and so was the scene of fierce fighting. In fact one trench changed hands so frequently that it gained the name of " International Trench." A British counter-attack in a rain-storm on the night of the I5th/i6th failed, but in another attack just before dawn on 2nd March not only the lost ground but an additional area was captured. At St. Eloi, a mile or more to the west, the positions were reversed. On 27th March six mines were exploded under the German trenches, portions of which were seized. The consolidation of the new position proved difficult and, after numerous bombardments and 33 counter-attacks during the next four weeks, our men withdrew on 27th April to the line held before the operations began. Of the remaining operations the most notable were the fighting, chiefly by the 12th Division, in the Loos salient in April and May, a German attack at the Vimy Ridge near Souchez in the middle of May, and a German attack near Hooge and Zouave and Sanc- tuary Woods early in June. The last two were under- taken in the hope that troops and munitions would be diverted to the threatened points, and that the prepara- tions, then well advanced, for the Battle of the Somme would be impeded. To prevent this no effort was made to recover the ground lost near Souchez, and at Hooge only the area essential for the safety of the line was attacked and captured. In these ^ or in similar engagements the casualties mentioned below occurred during the first half of 1916. On 6th January H. E. L. White (gth Rif. Bde., Tram.) was killed near Ypres, on the nth J. G. J. Waite (7th K.R.R., Tram.) probably in the same neighbour- hood, and S. A. Parkington (15th R. Welch Fus., Tram.) near Richebourg, and on the 21st Sergt. E. W. Lord (8th Glouc, Educ). On 27th January Cor- poral James Skeggs (9th R. Fus., Tram.") died at Netley Hospital of wounds received on 4th November, 1915. Lieut. E. T. Morgan (15th R. Welch Fus., Educ.) died at Merville on 7th February of wounds received near Richebourg two days before, Lance-Corp. A. G. Rose (15th Lond., Educ.) on the 12th, and J. A. Braybrooke (i8th Middx., Tram.) near Cambrin on the 29th. G. E. Rolfe (nth Middx., Tram.) died at Abbeville on i6th March of wounds received on the 5th, G. H. Downie (5th Drag. Gds., Asylums) on the i6th, Lance-Corp. George Wright (ist Middx., Tram.) near Cambrin on the 18th, Cecil Hodgkinson (R.E., ' The casualties in the fighting at Vimy Ridge are dealt with later in a separate paragraph. 34 Tram.) at Aveluy near Albert on the 25th, and H. G. Ashdown (4th R. Fus., Parks) on the 27th. P. T. Ketcher (20th Lond., Educ.) died at Camiers near Boulogne on the 29th of wounds received on the 20th. In April H. M. F. Quick (9th R. Fus., Tram.) was killed near Loos on the 5th, A. W. Roberts (5th Wilts, Tram.) on the 8th, W. A. ButHn (6th R. Berks, Tram.) near Albert on the 19th, Lance-Corp. James Smythe (R.W. Surr., Tram.) near Vermelles on the 20th, and Sergt. Frank Sturtridge (6th Lond., Educ.) near Vimy on the 30th. Capt. P. E. Fairley, D.C.M. (i8th Lond., Educ.) wounded on 6th April lingered on until 4th February, 1919, when he died in hospital in Co. Armagh. Lieut. B. R. Baker (17th R. Fus., Educ.) was killed near Bully Grenay on 3rd May, Sergt. Mark Cutler (2nd Gren. Gds., Tram.) probably near St. Jean on the 6th, William Swainsbury (R.F.A., Parks) near Arras on the 7th and A. F. Canivet, B-es-L., B-es-Sc, (French Army, Educ.) on the 31st. Sergt. E. C. Laver (R.F.A., Tram.), wounded near Arras on nth March, died in England on 19th June. Michael DooHn (2nd R. Munster Fus., Tram.) was killed on 25th June in a raid on the enemy's trenches south of Hulluch, Sergt. E. J. Perry (7th Middx., Educ.) near Hebuteme on the 26th, and Lieut. P. F. Gethin (8th Devons, Educ.) near Mametz on the 28th. Lieut. L. H. Kenny (8th Suff., Educ.) was missing after a trench raid on the night of 26th/27th June. Sergt. V. M. Elliott (2/4th Oxf. and Bucks L.L, Educ.) died at Merville on ist July of wounds received in a raid on the enemy's trenches near Laventie. Sergt. R. W. Braham (R.F.A., Educ.) was awarded the M.M. for gallantry during April at Vimy Ridge and Co. Sergt. -Maj. C. W. Froome (i6th Lond., Educ.) the D.C.M. on 2nd June, the details not being known. Sergt. A. Prentice and Corporals A. E. Brereton and W. H. Nash, all of the Oxf. and Bucks L.L and Education, received the M.M., the first named for 35 rescuing a wounded comrade, and the others for various acts of gallantry during a trench raid in front of Laventie on 29th June. Vimy Ridge. The fighting on Vimy Ridge to the south of Souchez in May, 1916, when many of the Council's staff were killed, was briefly as follows. At evening on 15th May the British exploded several mines in No Man's Land and the craters were occupied by troops from the 25th Division. On the 21st the Germans heavily bom- barded the position, and during the night of the 2 1st /22nd, while the 47th Division was relieving the 25th, they captured the craters and even parts of our trench system in rear. As already stated, it was not thought worth while to drive them out. The casualties included Sergt. Arthur Favell (21st Lond., Educ.) killed on the i8th, Sergt. T. P. Chick (15th Lond., Comp.), H. W. Babington (15th Lond., Educ), A. H. Russell (15th Lond., Arch.) and J. A. Wynne (15th Lond., Educ.) on the 22nd, Sergt. L. S. Duck (21st Lond., Solr.), Lance-Corp. Albert Burgess (21st Lond., Pub. Cont.) and Sergt. S. E. Hill, B.Sc, (20th Lond., Educ.) on the 23rd, and Corp. Ebenezer Kirby (R.F.A., Tram.) on the 24th. Lance-Corp. L. J. Mayer (20th Lond., Pub. Cont.) died at Abbeville on the 31st of wounds received on the 21st, and on 3rd June Lieut. L. T. Taylor (8th Loyal N. Lanes., Educ.) died at Aubigny of wounds received on 21st May. Battle of the Somme, 1916. Since February, Verdun, an important point in the French line of defence, had been furiously assaulted but, although the defence severely taxed the French resources, the Germans, even at the cost of more than 300,000 casualties, achieved no definite result. To relieve the pressure and also to prevent the transfer of German troops to the Italian or Russian fronts an offensive by the French and British was planned at THE SOMME, I916, AND :CAMHH/> ALagn.c Morchles Lebucquierey/ [jHaptmcourl Berrincourl f Run^-Hy CAMBRAI, I9I7 38 the junction of the two armies in the valley of the Somme. Modern armies consume such great quantities of supplies that even in stationary warfare very careful arrangements have to be made to maintain them; during an offensive their needs are increased out of all proportion. For the Battle of the Somme vast stocks of ammunition and stores had to be accumu- lated, and on the British front alone many miles of new railways were constructed, more than 120 miles of water mains were laid, new roads and bridges were built and old ones were improved. In addition many miles of communication trenches, assembly trenches, assault trenches and trenches for telephone wires had to be dug. The country from Ypres to Loos, formerly part of the province of Flanders, which witnessed the British conflicts at the end of 1914 and throughout 1915 is not unlike certain portions of the eastern districts of England. It is flat or gently undulating, and divided into fields by ditches, small streams and high hedges, with many farms dotted about. The country to the south, the scene of new and greater conflicts, is a rolling, chalk country, for the most part waterless, which rises steadily to heights of 500 feet or more. It is quite open, except for woods on many of the hill- crests, and the farms are grouped into small compact villages situated every mile or so at road junctions. In such country the defenders have good observation and good fields of fire, while the attackers, even if they find it difficult or impossible to obtain cover, are able, in ordinary weather and under ordinary conditions, to move their infantry freely in any direction. The position to be attacked by the British was the high land running north-westward from the Somme to St. Pierre Divion, where it was cut by the valley of the Ancre, and then northward to Gommecourt. The German first system of trenches was on the forward. 39 that is the southern and western, slopes, their second on the hill-crests 3,000 to 5,000 yards in rear, and still farther back there were the elements of a third line. The first two lines were exceptionally strong. The chalk soil enabled dug-outs to be prepared at a depth which made them practically safe from bombardment, the villages and woods had been turned into fortresses, the trenches were protected by belts, forty feet wide or more, of barbed wire often as thick as a man's finger. The battle is usually regarded in three phases, the first from ist to 17th July when a footing was gained on the hill-crest between Delville Wood and Bazentin- le-Petit (see plan on p. 36), the second from 17th July to the first week of September when violent counter-attacks were beaten off and our position on the whole of the high land was made good, and the third from September to November when an advance was made down the further, that is the eastern and northern, slopes, and our gains were extended on both ^^^^S- First Phase, ist/i-jth July. From 24th June the enemy's line from Maricourt to Gommecourt, a distance of twenty miles, was bom- barded almost continuously, and gas was discharged at frequent intervals. At 7.30 a.m. on ist July, a calm summer day, after a short final bombardment of excep- tional violence accompanied by the discharge of smoke and the explosion of many mines, the attack was launched. Counting from the right, the 30th, i8th and 7th Divisions were successful at Montauban and Mametz, a distance of about five miles, and the 21st, 34th and 8th were partially successful at Fricourt, La Boisselle and Ovillers. On the left, in spite of initial successes, the 32nd and 36th failed near Thiepval, the 29th and the 4th near Beaumont Hamel, the 31st at Serre and the 56th and 46th near Gommecourt. One cause of the failure was that the Germans expected that the main attack would be in this sector and consequently they had greatly strengthened their 40 defences and had brought up large numbers of guns. Even as it was, our men at Thiepval, Serre, Gomme- court, and elsewhere reached points to which British troops did not penetrate again until after several months of weary fighting. These scattered groups, cut off from their supports and supplies by a heavy barrage, were attacked in rear by parties of the enemy who, by withdrawing to positions of safety, had escaped our bombardments. It is not surprising that, out- numbered and short of ammunition and bombs, they had to withdraw, and that few of them regained their own lines in safety. In spite of heavy counter-attacks the success on the right was exploited and during the next few days Fricourt, Bernafay and Caterpillar Woods and La Boisselle fell. About the 5th the weather broke and to the horrors of the battle were added the misery and discomfort of heavy rain. Contalmaison and Mametz Wood were captured on loth July and, as some pro- gress had been made at Trones Wood on the right and Ovillers on the left, a general attack on the enemy's second line was possible. Accordingly on the night of 13th /14th July our troops advanced nearly a mile and in the darkness took up position unobserved just below the crest. At 3.25 on the morning of the 14th, when there was only sufficient light to distinguish friend from foe, the at- tack opened. Trones Wood was captured by the i8th Division, Longueval by the 9th, the Bazentins by the 3rd and 7th, and ground to the west of Bazentin-le- Petit by the 21st, ist and 34th, while some troops even reached High Wood but were ordered to retire. On the 15th Delville Wood ^ and Waterlot Farm to the south were captured, and on the i6th Ovillers, after a heroic resistance for more than two weeks, surrendered. Capt. (afterwards Major) A. C. Hancock (R.A.M.C, ' Often known as Devil's Wood. 41 Asylums) received the M.C, for devotion to duty at Montauban when he led a rescue party in the open under heavy fire and rescued twenty-eight wounded men. Lieut. John Lever (13th R. Fus., Educ.) won the M.C. for conspicuous bravery at Mametz Wood. Major C. C. B. Morris (R.A.S.C, L.F.B.) also won the MC. about this time but details are lacking. The M.M. was awarded to Corp. A. S. Devis (12th M.G.C., Tram.) for rescuing a wounded man, and to Scrgt. J. E. Bailey (ist R. Welch Fus., Asylums) for his gallantry at the capture of Bazentin-le-Petit. The fighting up to 17th July resulted in the capture of seven miles of the enemy's front system and three of his second, numerous strongly-fortified villages and woods, 54 guns, 82 machine-guns and trench mortars, and over 10,000 prisoners. These varying successes and failures were of course accompanied by long lists of casualties, and on ist July alone twenty-three of the Council's staff were killed, namely vSergt. J. E. Simons (8th E. Surr., Tram.) near Montauban, M. W. Bevan (ist Dorsets, L.F.B.) near Albert, Capt. John Foley (25th Northld. Fus., Educ.) near La Boisselle, Lieut. R. M. Stainton (loth York and Lanes, Educ.) near Ovillers, Capt. F. S. Blake (2nd S. Wales BordereiS; Comp.), and Sergt. Douglas Kirkcaldy (ist Borders, Asylums) near Beaumont Hamel, Lieut. F. W. Wareham, Lieut F. B. Freeman and Corporal T. G. Jeynes, all of them 8th R. Warwicks and Education, between Beaumont Hamel and Serre, Lieut. Thomas Moody, B.Sc. (4th Lond., Educ), Corporal S. A. Ebbetts (5th Lond., Educ), Alfred Cook (5th Lond., Educ), V. J. Terrell (5th Lond., Educ), James Leverington (9th Lond., Tram.), Lance-Corp. E. W. Hatcher (9th Lond., Educ), W. G. Rowland (9th Lond., Compt.), Reginald Shears, A.R.LB.A. (9th Lond., Arch.), Lance-Corp. H. Williams (14th Lond., Educ), G. A. C. Moxley (,14th Lond., Educ), Arthur Alderton (14th Lond., Asylums), 42 F. M. Sampford (i6th Lond., Tram.), Co. Sergt.-Maj. C. W. Froome, D.C.M. (i6th Lond., Educ.) and Sec. Corp. C. W. Shipton (R.E., Ch. Engr.) at or near Gommecourt. Capt. H. C. Harris (6th R. W. Rents, Educ.) was killed on the 3rd at Ovillers and S. G. Barnes (9th Lond., Educ.) died on the 4th of wounds received at Bayencourt to the west of Hebuterne on the 2nd. On the 7th Lieut. E. L. J. Stockdale, B.Sc. (loth Lane. Fus., Pub. Health) was killed near Contalmaison, and Lieut. A. D. G. Procter (8th R. Fus., Educ), Samuel Lower (8th R. Fus., Tram.), Lance -Corp. Richard ElHott (9th R. Fus., Tram.) and C. H. Edwards (9th R. Fus., Tram.) near Ovillers. Capt. E. A. Haselden (nth W. Yorks, Educ.) died on the 9th of wounds received near Contalmaison on the 4th. On the loth E. J. Davies (15th R. Welch Fus., Tram.) and Frank Pearce (14th R. Welch Fus., Tram.) were killed, both at Mametz Wood, W. C. Rice (13th Rif. Bde., Tram.) on the nth near La Boisselle, and on the 12th Lance- Corp. H. A. Cole (6th Dorsets, Tram.) died of wounds received two days before at Mametz Wood. Mark Humphrey (R.F.A., Tram.) died on the 15th of wounds received on the 14th, probably in this sector. Acting- Quartermaster C. A. W. Walpole (R.F.A., Tram.) was killed on the 15th, and Alfred Ridgewell (ist Middx., Asylums) on the same date near Bazentin-le-Petit. Ernest Davis (loth R Fus., Educ.) died on the 23rd of wounds received near Pozieres on the 15th. Second Phase, lyih July to gth September. By this time the enemy had brought up strong reserves and, as our line formed a pronounced salient, it was almost a question, not whether the position could be improved, but whether even it could be main- tained. Longueval and Delville Wood, at the apex of the salient, were under fire from three sides, and during a violent attack on the i8th the Germans captured part of the village and of the wood. As a set off against this 43 we gained a footing in High Wood on the 20th, and advanced on the 23rd along much of the front between Guillemont and Pozieres. On the 25th the last named place fell, and between the 27th and the 29th Delville Wood and Longueval were cleared. Our attacks on Falfemont Farm and Guillemont on 30th July and 8th and i6th August with the object of straightening out the salient all failed, but on the i8th Guillemont station and part of the village were captured, and on 3rd September the whole passed into our hands. In the meantime our men had fought their way almost step by step towards Mouquet Farm near Thiepval and to the high ground which enabled them to overlook Martinpuich and Courcelette. Following upon a general attack on 3rd September along the line as far north as the Ancre, Falfemont Farm and Leuze Wood were captured on the 5th, and another general attack on the 9th gave us possession of Bouleaux Wood and Ginchy. The two months' fighting from 17th July yielded little more than the two weeks before that date, but the enemy's resistance was now broken and henceforward the advance was comparatively rapid. Lieut, (afterwards Lt.-Col.) W. Parkes (S. Wales Bord., Educ.) won the M.C. for conspicuous gallantry in action. " He rallied troops wliich had lost their officers . . . and displayed great coolness and courage. He continued to do fine work till he was severely wounded." Capt. (afterwards Lt.-Col.) C. F. Healey (8th R. Dub. Fus., Educ.) was awarded the M.C. for conspicuous bravery at Ginchy on 9th September. On the same date Sergt. W. Brawn (Lond., Educ.) won the D.C.M. when at Leuze Wood he assumed command of three companies, re-organised them and superintended the consolidation of the captured posi- tion under very heavy fire for thirty hours. J. H. Counter (ist Devons, Ch. Engr.) won the M.M. for digging out, under heavy shell fire, several of his D 44 comrades who had been buried in a dug-out by the explosion of a shell, Lieut. T. E. Cresswell (R.N. Div., Arch.) was awarded the M.C. for conspicuous gallantry in action at Beaucourt on 13th September when, although severely wounded, he continued to lead his men with great courage and determination. In this fighting the undermentioned members of the staff were killed: Sergt. Percy Walton (R.F.A., Asylums) on the i8th to the west of Fricourt, Lieut. C. J. Fox (ist R.W. Rents, Educ.) and S. V. Scutt (ist R.W. Rents, Tram.), on the 22nd at Longueval, Lieut. W. F. B. Willis (ist D.C.L.L, Educ.) and Sergt. F. C. Lambert (ist D.C.L.L, Asylums) near Delville Wood, and Charles Archer (2nd R. Suss., Educ.) on the 23rd, Corporal George Bull (ist E. Surr., Tram.) on the 26th, D. A. Cole (24th R. Fus., Educ.) on the 27th, Lance-Corp. J. H. Taylor, A.R.I.B.A. (R.A.M.C, Arch.) on the 28th, and Lieut. H. L. Petrie (2nd R.O.S.B., Educ.) on the 30th, all near Longueval, and H. J. Ash (24th R. Fus., Educ.) on the 31st near' Delville Wood. Bombr. Tom Rose (R.F.A., Educ.) died at Rouen on 2nd August of wounds received near Mametz Wood on 19th July. Capt. O. H. Peters, M.B., B.S., D.P.H. (R.A.M.C, Pub. Health) died at Corbie-sur-Somme on 4th August of wounds received in this sector a few days before, and J. B. Owens (9th R. Fus., Tram.) at Boulogne on the nth of wounds received near Pozieres on the 5th. Sergt. A. E. Bristowe (13th Rif. Bde., Educ.) was killed on the 7th near Mametz Wood and Sergt. J. H. B. Cope (17th Middx., Educ.) on the 8th, Albert Martin (9th E. Surr., Tram.) on the 12th, Lance-Corp. Sidney Priest (8th Buffs, Tram.) on the 13th and Sergt. F. J. Whiteley (7th Rif. Bde., Educ.) on the i8th, all near Delville Wood, Herbert Miller (13th Middx., Tram.) on the iSthfnear Guillemont, Lieut. W. H. Bissley (8th R. Berks.,' Educ.) on the 19th near High Wood, A. B. Cope (R.F.A., Comp.) on the 20th 45 at Montauban, C. J. Denly (R.F.A., Educ.) on the 23rd near Mametz Wood, Sergt. W. A. Lowes (R.F.A., Asylums) on the 25th at Bazentin-le-Petit, Sergt. F. C. Pocock (3rd Wore, Tram.) also on the 25th, Henry Crane (9th Rif. Bde., Parks) on the 29th near Delville Wood, David Haslum (R.F.A., Tram.) on the 31st near Longueval. On 3rd September Sergt. E. A. Head (Parks), Corporal H. W. Veaser (Parks) and Corporal G. W. J. Holt (Ch. Engr.), all of the 17th K.R.R., were killed near Beaumont Hamel, Sergt. G. E. Corkett and P. H. Edwards, both of the i6th Rif. Bde. and Tramways, near Hamel, and Lieut. P. A. Bick (2nd R. Irish Rgt., Arch.) and Sergt. Jacob Robinson (9th E. Surr., Parks) near Ginchy. On the 4th Capt. H. S. Cameron, B.Sc. (Educ.) and Sergt. A. W. Sterry (Tram.), both of the 1st Norfolks, were killed near Falfemont Farm, and Lieut. P. S. Worner (9th Devons, Educ.) near Ginchy, on the 7th Sergt. R. H. Newbold (2nd Lond., Educ.) near Guillemont and E. P. Finnessy (R.F.A., Tram.) near Montauban and on the 9th Robert Jessop (5th Lond., Educ.) near Guillemont. On this same day Corporal T. B. Butler (M.G.C., Asylums) died at Rouen of wounds received on i8th August near Martinpuich. Third Phase, September to November. In another general attack on 15th September Flers was captured by the 41st Division and New Zealand troops assisted by several tanks,^ Martinpuich by the 15th and Courcelette by the Canadians. High Wood, reached by cavalry during the fighting on 14th July, had been attacked by the 33rd and 51st Divisions later in the month and by the ist on 3rd September, but each time without permanent success. Out- flanked by the fall of Flers, it was at length captured on the 15th by the 47th Division after sharp fighting. On the i8th an advance was made towards Morval. ' This was tho first occasion on which these new engines of war were used. 46 These were the best results which, since the beginning of the battle, had been obtained in any one operation. A further advance on the 25th resulted in the capture of Morv^al by the 5th Division, and Les Bceufs by the 6th and the Guards, while next day Gueudecourt fell to the 2ist Division and Combles to the 56th. The enemy was thus cleared from much of the high land which he had held for the previous two years and instead of overlooking our trenches was now over- looked by them. Thiepval, on the left of the advance, where the attack had failed on ist July, still continued to offer a resolute and obstinate resistance. However on the 26th, in conjunction with the operations on the right at Gueudecourt and Combles, Mouquet Farm was captured by the Canadians and the nth Division, and by the morning of the next day the whole of Thiepval had been seized by the i8th Division. Lieut, A. C. Dancer (5th Dorsets, Educ.) for con- spicuous gallantry in the fighting at Thiepval and Mouquet Farm was awarded the M.C. " He estab- lished and maintained communications throughout the operations with great courage and skill. On one occasion he himself killed several enemy snipers." About this time also Sergt. J. H. Taylor (R.W. Surr., Parks) was awarded the D.C.M. " for conspicuous gallantry in action. He commanded his men with great courage and initiative, holding a front line position until relieved." Sergt. T. F. Watkins (R.F.A., L.F.B.) was awarded the M.M. Between ist and 3rd October the enemy's fourth system of defences was breached by the 47th Division, at and near Eaucourt I'Abbaye, and on the 7th the 23rd captured Le Sars and the 20th advanced to the east of Gueudecourt. At this point when great results were in prospect, even the cutting off or enforced withdrawal of the enemy as far as Arras and the river Scarpe, the weather, which for some time had been unfavourable, completely 47 broke up. A month's incessant rain made the roads, already much damaged by the traffic and shell-fire, almost impassable either for troops or supplies, and in the mists aeroplane reconnaissance was imprac- ticable. The enemy thus had time in which to re- organise his troops and to construct new defences. Except therefore for the operations in the valley of the Ancre (see p. 50) the battle, after more than three months' continuous fighting, died down with our line on the forward slope of the ridge running through Les Boeufs, Gueudecourt and Le Sars. Sergt. L. Willey (ist E. Surr., Housing) was awarded the M.M. for bravery shown at Combles on 25th September when, after all the officers of his company had become casualties, he re-organised half the com- pany, consolidated the new position and held it until reheved on the night of the 26th. Sergt. F. Hills (Lond., Educ.) gained the M.M. at Eaucourt I'Abbaye on 8th October when he carried out a most successful recon- naissance under heavy fire, and about this time Sergt. S. Simpson (Lond., Educ.) also received the same decora- tion. Captain A. B. Raffle (R.A.M.C, Pub. Health) was awarded the M.C. for general distinguished service. The casualty lists were very heavy, the deaths among the Council's staff being as follows: On loth September W. H. Hird (5th Lond., Educ.) was killed near Guillemont, B. E. Clarke (7th Middx., Educ.) on the nth and J. G. Armes (3rd Lond., Tram.) on the 12th, both near Leuze Wood, while H. O. Wood (ist Middx., Stores) and Sergt. T. W. Peel (8th Middx., Asylams) died on the latter date of wounds received on the loth and nth respectively. On the 15th Sergt. H. G. Maidment (2nd Lond., Educ.) was killed near Combles, James Gleadall, Sergt, C, J. Cotter, and A, F. Warren, all 7th Middx, and Educ, at Leuze Wood, A. E. Hentsch (loth R.W, Surr., Parks) and Corporal G. W. Stannard (2nd Gren, Gds,, Educ.) at Flers, and at High W^ood Corporal B. A. Geis (7th 48 Lond., Estates and Vain,), Lieut. W. A. Burrows (8th Lond., Educ), A. T. Harling (Arch.), H. A, W. Knight (Educ.) and Lancelot Palmer (Educ), all of the 15th Londors, Sergt. G. O. Patterson (17th Lond., Parks), Lieut. T. H. Rowson (19th Lond., Educ), Lieut. C. H. H. Roberts, M.C. (21st Lond., Educ), Sergt. J. C. Mills (23rd Lond., Tram.), and H. O. Beardmore (25th Lond., Parliamentary). On the same date Harry Ashley (R.F.A., Tram.) was killed near Mametz, and J. A. Clarke (5th Rif. Bde., Pub. Health) and Walter Cappleman (loth Rif. Bde., Tram.) probably near Gueudecourt. W, A. Head (23rd Lond., Educ), Sergt. G. T. Springbett (nth R.W. Kents, Educ.) and Lance-Corp. H. A. Overton (15th Lond., Stores), wounded on this date, died on the i6th, the 17th and the i8th respectively. Frank Russell (Educ), Norman Lynes (Educ), W. W. Beverley (Tram.) and Lance-Corp. Fred Wholey (Educ), all of the 7th Middx., and G. F. Pearson, B.Sc (5th Lond., Educ.) were killed on the i6th at Leuze Wood, and Alfred Page (15th Lond., Solr.), H. G. Rees (15th Lond., Educ) and Alfred Reeve (23rd Lond., Tram.) at High Wood. Lieut. W. G. Beaumont-Edmonds (22nd Lond., Clerk) was killed on the 17th at High Wood and Lance-Corp. A. V. Weston (13th E. Surr., Tram.) near Flers. P. St. C. Selman (17th Lond., Pub. Health) wounded at High Wood about this date died at Rouen on the 18th and on the latter date Capt. T. S. Rushworth, A.R.LB.A. (7th Lond., Housing) was killed at High Wood. W. G. N. Hannaford (R. Engrs., Arch.) died at Rouen on the 23rd of wounds received in the Somme area on the i8th, and J. W. W. Powlesland, M.M. (4th Grenadier Gds., Tram.) at Gueudecourt on the 25th. The losses at Thiepval included Lance-Corp. J. Woodcock (12th Middx., Stores) on the 26th, and John Thompson, M.M., and C. J. Jeffery, both of the 7th Buffs and Tramways, on the 30th. 49 S. J. Best (20th Lond., Ch. Engr.) was killed at Flers'on ist October, C.Q.M.S. Fred Woodhouse (6th R. Berks., Ediic.) near Thiepval on the 2nd, E. A. Trew (i8th K.R.R., Ediic.) at Eaucourt I'Abbaye on the 3rd and G. H. Gordon (R.F.A., Educ.) died at Rouen on the 4th of wounds received near Combles a week before, and Co. Sergt.-Maj. J. P. Edwards (26th R. Fus., Arch.) in England on the 7th October of wounds received near Flers on 15th September. Another day on which the staff suffered heavily was 7th October. Lieut. J. H. Allender (ist Lond., Comp.), Lieut. L. C. Haycraft (Educ), and Co. Sergt.- Maj. T. C. Pope (Educ.) of the 4th Londons, Lance- Corp. J. F. Ore and Lance-Corp. A. J. Ames (7th Midx., Educ), and probably D. Daly (7th Lond., Educ), and E. J. Titcomb (7th Lond., Tram.) were killed near Les Boeufs, Lance-Corp. R. W. Daly (6th R.W. Rents, Parks).. C. M. Coleman (9th R. Fus., Tram.) and Corp. C. J. Mitchell (9th R. Fus., Asylums) near Gueude- court, F. W. Trotman, B.Sc. (Comp.), Corp. R. A. McMillan (Pub. Health) and H. W. Lawrance (Arch.) of the 15th Londons, and F. W. Peterson and S. H. Potter, both of the nth R.W. Rents and Tramways, at Eaucourt I'Abbaye. On the 8th Lance-Corp. C. A. Raymond (nth R.W. Surr., Educ.) was killed, probably near Eaucourt I'Abbaye, E. R. Porter (5th Lond., Clerk) and A. E. Haward (5th Lond., Educ.) near Le Transloy, and G. A. Ga5AVood (M.G.C., Tram.) probably near Gucude- court. On the loth Lieut. R. E. Brewer (R.F.A., Educ) was killed near Canioy, and Nelson Laurence (ist Lond., Asylums) in the area of the Somme, and on the same date Battery O.M.S. Harry Kelcey (R.F.A., L.F.B.) died at Rouen of wounds received at High Wood at the beginning of the month, and Lance-Corp. Arthur Clark (i6th Lond., Stores) of wounds received on the 9th. Lieut. Charles Sizeland (7th Norfolks, PMuc.) was killed near Le Transloy on the 12th, Lieut. 50 S. S. Boden (M.G.C., Educ.) near Le Sars and Corporal L. M, Marks (nth Essex, Tram.) near Gueudecourt on the 15th, Lieut. WiUiam Davis (9th Middx., Educ.) near Gueudecouit on the i8th, Lance- Corp. W. E. Stower (i6th Middx., Asylums) near Flers on the 20th, Lieut. T. E. Parry (2nd Lane. Fus., Educ.) near Gueudecourt, and E. J. P. Longley (2nd Rif. Bde., Est. and Vain.) near Les Boeufs on the 23rd, and Lieut. Archibald Steven (8th Glouc, Educ) near Thiepval on the 25th. Bombardier F. J. Archer (R.F.A., Tram.), wounded on 2nd November near Sailly, died the same day and W. T. Chesterman (ist R.W. Surr., Tram.) was killed on the 3rd between Les Boeufs and Combles. Battle of the Ancre. The failure at Thiepval and Beaumont Hamel on 1st July and the partial success at the former on 26th September have already been referred to (see pp. 39 and 46). Our advance over the high land east of Thiepval to the line Les Boeufs — Gueudecourt — Le Sars threatened to cut off the Germans in. the valley of the Ancre round about Hamel and Beaucourt, but the continual rain put an end to that advance. It was therefore decided to deal with the enemy positions on the Ancre by direct assault.^ Early in November the weather improved, with frost in place of rain. On 13th November, after a bombardment lasting 48 hours, the attack was launched in a mist and at almost every point was completely successful. On this or succeeding days the 19th and 39th Divisions captured St. Pierre Divion and land to the east, the 63rd was successful at Beaucourt, the 51st at Beaumont Hamel and the 2nd to the north thereof. The number of prisoners taken was 7,200. In the fighting near Beaumont Hamel Lieut, (after- wards Captain) F. G. Bull (23rd R. Fus., Clerk) gained the M.C., and in the same neighbourhood Sergt. T. J. 1 For plan, see p. 36. 51 Sevier (R.A.M.C, Educ.) gained the M.M. on i6th November for rescuing wounded under heavy sheh fire. On 13th November H. F. Bentley (R.N.V.R., Tram.) was killed near Beaucourt and S. H. Boot (5th Seaforth Highdrs., Arch.) near Beaumont Hamel, on the 14th H. J. Dunford (Hon. Artillery Co., Educ.) near Beau- court and on the same date C. J. L. Jewell (R.G.A., Tram.) died near Albert of wounds received the day before, probably in this sector. Summary. The net immediate result of the Battle of the Somme was the piercing of the enemy's lines on a front of some seven miles and to an average depth of three or four miles, and the capture of 38,000 prisoners, 29 heavy guns, 96 field guns, 136 trench mortars and 514 machine guns. The enemy's withdrawal in the spring of 1917 (see p. 56) south of the Scarpe and in the valley of the Somme was a further direct result. Of much more importance, however, than the gain of ground or the capture of prisoners, was the moral effect of the fact that our men had driven the Germans out of strongly fortified positions and had held the positions so won against frequent counter-attacks. Casualties of course had been heavy but the enemy's losses both in men and material were not much less than ours.^ In the second place the pressure on Verdun was relieved so effectually that in the latter part of the year the French weie able to win back much of the ground lost in the earlier part and to capture many prisoners and guns. Finally the enemy was prevented from moving troops to the Italian or Russian fronts > The losses admitted by the Germans were 444,933 which, in view of their methods, might have to be increased by 50 per cent. (Times Literary Supplement, 20th January, 1921, p. 34). The British losses in July, 1916, were 196.081 (Capt. P. E. Wright, At the Supreme War Council, p. 121), but this rate was far from being maintained. Our total losses were 499,476 {ibid., p. 33). The French losses were less than the British. It must be remembered, however, that the British casualty lists included the names of those who received very light wounds; usually such light cases were not included in the lists of the other belligerents. 5« lor, at the end of the year, his strength in France was greater than in July. Although only British operations are dealt with in this sketch it should be stated that throughout the battle the French played a most prominent part. The Germans were not expecting an attack from them so that their advance on our right was most successful, particularly at first, and carried them almost as far as Peronne. Then the German resistance stiffened, but all through the operations the French continued to assist the right of our advance and to push the enemy back on both sides of the Somme. Their total advance was from four to six miles on a front of about fourteen miles. General Fighting during the latter half of 1916. Sergt. F. King (R.F.A., L.F.B.) was awarded the D.C.M. for gallantry and devotion to duty in action at Laventie on 23rd August, 1916, and Sergt. E. M. Cronyn (R. Fus., Asylums) the same decoration for bravery at some place unknown. Sergt. J. V. Jeanes, M.M. (Gren. Gds., Asylums) for bravery at Ypres was awarded a bar to his M.M. The list of those killed in France during the latter half of 1916, apart from those who lost their lives in the Battles of the Somme and the Ancre, includes Corporal A. E. Stevens (2/i5th Lond., Educ.) killed at Neuville St. Vaast on 3rd August, Lance-Corp. George Dormon (2nd Hamps., Tram.) in a gas attack near Ypres on the 9th, Sergt. F. G. Golding (6th Lond., Arch.) on the 21st of wounds received the day before, C. H. Barnes (9th R.W. Surr., Tram.) on the night of the 2ist/22nd, Louis Green (R.E., Educ.) on the 24th, Alfred Warren (17th K.R.R., Asylums) on the 25th of wounds received on 21st June, and F, J. B. Saunders (2/i5th Lond., Educ.) on the 31st near Arras. W. J. Fell (loth R. Fus., Educ.) was killed on 8th September, Lance-Corp. H. R. Horwood (23rd Lond., Tram.) died at Havre on the 15th of tetanus, and 53 Lieut. J. C. Chalmers, M.M., {20th Northd. Fiis,, Educ.) was killed, probably near Armentieres, on i6th October Chas. E. Palmer (4th R. Fiis., Tram.) died of wounds on 6th November, Lieut. F. W. Lambe (4th R. Berks., Educ.) died at Rouen on the loth of wounds received the day before, Lieut. W. L. Elliott (9th Rif. Bde., Educ. i was killed near Arras on' the 21st, and Capt. G. N. Higginson (i6th R. Fus., Educ.) on the 23rd near Beaumont Hamel. A. P. Phenix (12th K.R.R., Tram.) died of exhaustion when leaving the line at Les Boeufs on 15th December, and J. A. Walker, B.Sc. (R.A.M.C., Educ.) and C. W. King (M.G.C, Edrc.) were both killed to the south-east of Ypres on 24th December. CHAPTER V. Western Front, 1917. During the winter of 1916-17 the British took over a further section of the Hne, principally that which had fallen to the French at the Battle of the Somme. With the completion of this operation the British sector extended from the north of Ypres to the Amiens- Roye road, a distance of about 115 miles. The under- mentioned deaths among the staff on service occurred about this time. H. W. Cooper (13th Lond., Tram.) died on 6th January of wounds received the day before, and F. W. Groombridge (Army Cyclists Corps, Tram.) was killed near Bullecourt on the 26th, Walter Peters (R.A.M.C., Asylums) died of bronchitis at Etaples on the nth, and Lieut. J. A. Monkhouse (R.A.M.C, Educ.) on the 23rd, of heart trouble following trench fever. During February Frank Bailey (i6th Middx., Tram.) was killed near Combles on the 4th, Corporal C. G. Adams (2 /5th Lond., Pub. Health) died on the 6th of wounds received near Arras on the 2nd, Scrgt. S. R. Bencc, M.M. (3rd Lond., Educ), on the 17th, 54 probably near Neuve Chapelle, C. T. Harris (3rd Cold. Gds., Parks) on the 22nd near Combles, Lance-Corp. A. R. Hart (7th Middx., Educ.) on the 23rd near Neuve Chapelle, and F. H. H. Taylor (7th Buffs, Educ.) on the 27th. Lieut. J. V. Amos (R.F.A., Parks) died at Bethune on the 13th of illness, and W. J. Power (9th R. Fus., Educ.) on the 17th of appendicitis. Bombr. J. A. George (R.G.A., Asylums), wounded near Arras on 14th February, died in England on 25th January, 1918. G. W. Sapsworth (17th Lond., Educ.) died at Pope- ringhe on ist March of wounds received the day before near Ypres, C. W. Bishop (2nd R. Berks, Tram.) on the 4th near Peronne, Capt. D. F. Goodwin (R.F.A., Arch.) near Rozieres, and H. G. Brice (6th Lond., Tram.) near Arras on the 7th, E. W. Vince (20th Lond., Parks) near Dickebusch and C. R. Darkens (13th E. Surr., Tram.) in the area of the Somme on the 14th, and Ernest Lewis (23rd Lond., Educ.) near Zillebeke on the 15th. Capt. A. C. Hancock, M.C., (R.A.M.C, Asylums) was awarded a bar to his M.C. for conspicuous good work in advanced dressing stations, near the Butte de Warlencourt early in 1917, " notably when he suc- cessfully conducted evacuation of wounded under heavy shell fire and adverse circumstances. ... By his initiative, personal courage and devotion to duty he was responsible for the able carrpng out of wounded through a barrage of shell fire for six days. He was then severely gassed, but persisted in attempting duty until physically incapable." Fighting in the Valley of the Ancre. The fighting at the end of 1916 closed with the capture of Beaumont Hamel and Beaucourt in the valley of the Ancre. This advance, if continued, would enable the enemy's strong positions at Serre and Gommecourt, which had repulsed all assaults in 19 16, to be attacked in flank or in rear, and it was natural 55 that, in the spring of 1917, the fighting should com- mence at the same point. ^ During'} anuary our position at Beaumont Hamel was extended and consoHdated, and on 6th February, Grandcourt, and on the 7th Baillescourt Farm were occupied. A further advance on the 17th up to Petit Miraumont led to the evacua- tion by the enemy of the defences of Pys, Miraumont and Serre, and on the 25th these places with Warlen- court to the east were occupied. On the 27th Gomme- court fell, followed by Puisieux-au-Mont on the 28th. After a week's delay to enable artillery to be brought up and communications to be put in order, Irles was attacked and captured at dawn on loth March. In an attempted advance in February up the valley of the Ancre towards Pys, Capt. J. W. Woods (2nd Yorks L.I., Educ.) " accompanied by six men . . . pushed forward in front of his company, thereby effecting the capture of 60 prisoners. Later, he took charge of the right-half battalion and consoHdated his position under the most difficult conditions." For this gallantry he was awarded the M.C. For his gallant conduct and devotion to duty on 17th February during operations near Miraumont, Sergt. Thomas Eaves (8th Suff., Tram.) was awarded the M.M. In this fighting Lieut. L. T. Despicht, M.C. (4th Beds, Educ.) was killed on nth February, Capt. Leon Simons, M.C, B.Sc. (22nd R. Fus., Educ), Sergt. Frank Trevett, M.M. (ist K.R.R., Tram.), Sergt. E. G. Stanbrough (22nd R. Fus., Arch.) and A. E. Lassetter (nth R. Fus., Educ.) on the 17th in the advance on Miraumont, and Sergt. Frederick Prior (23rd R. Fus., Tram.) on the i8th. Lieut. S. D. Lang, B.A. (2/5th Yorks L.L, Educ), wounded in this neighbourhood on the 20th, died on the 23rd. German Retreat. For some time it had been suspected that the German ^^dthdrawal in the valley of the Ancre would * Forplan. see p. 36. 56 be extended to other parts of their front. A constant watch was maintained, and on 14th March portions of the enemy's Unes to the south of Sailly-Saillisel were found to be empty. A general advance between Roye and Arras was ordered for the 17th when Chaulnes and Bapaume were entered; next day Nesle and Peronne fell. The advance continued on succeeding days, but great care had to be exercised so that progress was slow. It was known that the enemy was falling back upon fortified positions, carefully selected, and possessing ample communications for the movement of troops and supplies. Our men, on the other hand, had to abandon their defences, and to move forward more or less in the open; their communications lay across a desolate region which for four months recently had been the scene of most destructive fighting. Sudden counter-attacks were to be expected at almost any time or any place, and such attacks, if successful, would have far-reaching results. To add to the diffi- culties, roads and railways had been mined, bridges blown up and stores and farm stocks removed. Shelter of any kind was hard to find, for all buildings, both public and private, including several of great historical or archaeological interest, had been pillaged and de- stroyed or at least rendered uninhabitable. In some of themjmines with delayed action had been left, which exploded after the arrival of our men and caused many casualties. All this of course was legiti- mate warfare. Less legitimate, and, indeed, com- pletely opposed to civiUsed practice, were the poisoning and pollution of wells, which occurred in so many places that the work must have been done under orders. The destruction of the numerous orchards was of no military advantage, but was rather a proof of a petty and spiteful disposition in those who planned the work. In face of growing resistance the pursuit gradually slackened, and about 8th April our troops were 57 definitely held up on a line (see pp. 92 and 37) which, starting from opposite St Quentin on our right, passed to the east of Epehy, near Havrincourt Wood and Croisilles, to the eastern suburbs of Arras where it joined the original line. The withdrawal extended much farther than this, in fact from Soissons in the south to Arras in the north, a distance of 70 miles, or, allowing for the curves in the line, a battle front of 120 miles. Two-thirds of this was opposite the British, the remainder being opposite the French. The greatest distance through which the line was withdrawn was about 20 miles, this being near Roye; elsewhere, except of course at the extremities, the withdrawal averaged about 15 miles. Lieut. S. J. F. Philpott, (R.G.A., Educ.) gained the M.C. on 6th April, when a magazine containing cart- ridges and fuses was set on fire, and the enemy pro- ceeded to shell the spot. With two others he rushed into the blazing mass and extricated boxes of fuses from the fuse store. Although there was no prolonged resistance during the retreat, there was sharp fighting at various points and Sergt. W. A. WilHams (12th Middlx., Stores) was killed on 17th March near Bapaume, H. E. Lawrance (2nd H.A.C., Arch.) near Ecoust St. Mein on the 31st, C, A. Sanderson (R. Inn. Fus., Educ.) on ist April, George Saunders (8th R. Fus., Tram.) near Arras on the 4th, Corporal W. J. Burford (4th Oxf. and Bucks L J., Educ.) near Ronssoy on the 5th, and Sergt. Bertie Elliott (2/4th Oxf. and Bucks L.I., Educ.) near St. Quentin on the 7th. Battles of Arras, 1917. For the spring of 1917 the French, now under General Nivellc in succession to General Joffre, had planned in the Champagne area north-west of Rheims an ambitious scheme of attack from which great results were expected. To ensure concerted action the British army was to some extent placed under the orders of Arras 1917. 59 General Nivelle, and it was arranged that it should attract the enemy's reserves by opening an offensive to the east of Arras. The enemy had obtained an inkling of what was proposed and the retreat, just referred to, between Soissons and Arras was carried out partly with the intention of dislocating the Allies' plans. Fortunately the withdrawal near Arras was slight and the British plans were hardly interfered with. Arras, as the principal city in the British sector of the front and also as the French city which, after Rheims, sustained most damage from the war, merits a brief description. It is situated on the river Scarpe, a canalised stream flowing through a marshy valley and from this point eastwards navigable for barges. The surrounding country is much like the Somme country — bare sloping uplands, the chief points in which are Vimy Ridge on the north with a height of 475 feet and Monchy-le-Preux to the south-east with a height of 350 feet. Arras had been an important place for over 2,000 years for, in the time of JuHus Caesar, it was the capital of the Atrebates from whom, like the surrounding province of Artois, it derived its name, and ia the 6th century it became the seat of a bishopric. After various vicissitudes in the Hundred Years' War between England and France, it passed into the power of the Spaniards but was taken from them by the French in 1640.^ In the Middle Ages it gave its name of " arras " to the special kind of tapestry for the manufacture of which it was noted. Overlooked by the enemy from the high ground to the north-east and south-east, and closely hemmed in on three sides by trenches dug through several of the- suburbs, it suffered terribly from the war. The early 16th-century Hotel de Ville, regarded as one of the most beautiful buildings in northern France, was completely destroyed. The Grande-Place and the ^ Some of the architecture has been said to show Spanish influence, but this seems to be incorrect. (Notes and Queries, 7th Jan., I9?2.) E 6o Petite-Place, surrounded by gabled houses dating from the 17th century or earlier, with charming arcades, were wrecked. The cathedral became a roofless ruin, piled with debris to a'height of ten or twenty feet. Extensive areas near the station and in the middle of the city were so damaged as to be uninhabitable. As at the Somme our preparations included the construction of many miles of ordinary and narrow gauge railways, the formation of new roads, the pro- vision of accommodation and water for tens of thou- sands of troops, and the accumulation of immense quantities of guns, ammunition and supplies. In the chalk under the city were immense catacombs dating from very early times. These were linked up into one system, lit by electricity, and connected with the trenches. A few days before the attack large bodies of troops, brought up to the city under cover of dark- ness, were concealed in these catacombs with the result that at the opening of the assault the British were in much greater strength than the Germans expected. The front attacked extended for fifteen miles, from Croisilles in the south to the northern end of the Vimy Ridge. For most of this distance the enemy's defences consisted of three separate trench systems forming a highly organised belt, and to deal with these a heavy bombardment was necessary. This commenced three weeks before the date fixed for the assault and gradu- ally increased in intensity, while from time to time extensive discharges of gas were made. The assault was launched in a storm of sleet and wind at 5.30 on •the morning of Easter Monday, 9th April, and, differ- ing from the opening of the Battle of the Somme nine months earlier, was everywhere successful. By 7.20 the first objective had been captured and by noon most of the second, while before the end of the day wide gaps had been forced in the enemy's third system. Counting from the south, that is from the right of 6i the advance, the troops responsible for these excellent results were the 30th Division at St. Martin-sur- Cojeul, the 56th at Neuville Vitasse, the 14th at Tele- graph Hill, the 3rd and the 12th along the Arras- Cambrai road followed by the 37th towards Orange Hill, the 15th at Railway Triangle and Feuchy, the 9th at Blangy followed by the 4th at Fampoux, the 34th at Point du Jour and the 51st further north. Tanks co-operated in the capture of Tilloy and Railway Triangle. The attack on Vimy I^dge was brilliantly carried out by the Canadian Corps of four Canadian divisions. In spite of heavy falls of snow and rain the success was extended on the loth by the capture of Orange Hill and the summit of Vimy Ridge, on the nth by the capture of Monchy and by an attempt on Bulle- court and on the 12th by the capture of Heninel and Wancourt in the south, and two hills known as the Pimple and the Bois-en-Hache in the valley of the Souchez south-west of Lens. During the next few days the enemy vacated many of his trenches to the south, west and north of Lens, and these were promptly occupied. Altogether the fighting between 9th and i6th April yielded the most important results achieved by us up to that time. The front was advanced an average of four miles on a length of fifteen. The gains included about 8,500 yards, near the Scarpe, of the Hindenburg line, a system of trenches which had been very strongly constructed in positions specially suitable for defence. Moreover the British position was much improved by the seizure of high ground by which it had pre- viously been dominated. The prisoners numbered 13,000 and over 200 guns were captured. In the fighting near Gavrelle on the 24th, Corporal A. C. Batchelor (loth R. Fus., Comp.), before com- munication by signal could be established and when nearly all the officers had become casualties, maintained 62 touch between battalion headquarters and the front line, and in doing so he thrice made his way through very heavy fire and returned with valuable information. For this gallantry he was awarded the M.M. Those who lost their lives in the first eight days of the battle included Herbert Stagnell (13th K.R.R., Stores) killed near Feuchy, G. E, Downham (ist Rif. Bde., Pub. Cont.) north of Fampoux, Sergt. W. E. Newton (R.G.A., Parks) near Arras, and Lance-Corp. Benjamin Rotenberg (Wilts Yeo., Educ.) on Vimy Ridge, all on 9th April. On the loth Lance-Corp. A. G. Greenwood (8th Middx., Educ.) was killed to the east of Neuville Vitasse and C. H. Plummer (loth R, Fus., Tram.) near Monchy, and on the nth Capt. B. T. Bryant (5th Line, Educ). B, A. Savage (nth Middx., Parks.) wounded on the 9th, and A. E. Newton (3rd Lond., Educ.) on the 12th, died on the 12th and 13th respectively. On the 14th Sergt. A. G. Chick (Educ.) and Corporal C. J. Brunning (Tram.) of the 9th Londons, and James Scowcroft (Educ.) and Lance-Corp. Arthur Bradbury (Solr.) of the i6th Londons, were killed between Heninel and Cherisy. Continuation of the Battle. In the ordinary way the battle would now have been broken off and the bulk of our men transferred to the neighbourhood of Ypres in preparation for the fighting which will be described later. The French offensive, however, near Rheims had been held up by the bad weather and it was therefore desirable to continue to engage the enemy at Arras. Accordingly on 23rd April a fresh assault was opened between Croisilles and Gavrelle and also near Lens. The 30th and 50th Divisions advanced near Cherisy, the 15th took, but lost, Guemappe, the 29th advanced to the east of Monchy, the 51st was heavily engaged at Roeux, the 63rd captured Gavrelle, and the 5th was successful in a minor operation south-west of Lens. Guemappe was retaken by us next day 63 On the 28th the attack was renewed on a front of eight miles north of Monchy, when the 12th Division was successful between Monchy and the Scarpe, the 2nd near Oppy and the Canadians at Arleux. On 3rd May in an attack extending from Bullecourt to Fresnoy ground was gained at each of these places, at the former by the Australians and at the latter by the Canadians. The Australians, being open to attack on three sides, were hard pressed, but in spite of many counter-attacks held their ground for two weeks until the advance of troops on each flank relieved the pressure. On 5th May the French captured the Chemin-des- Dames, to the east of Soissons, and, General Petain having now succeeded General Nivelle, it was agreed that the main effort of the British should be shifted from Arras northward to the neighbourhood of Ypres. The attention of the enemy continued to be engaged, but now various feints were employed for the purpose. One of the most amusing consisted of a heavy bom- bardment of the German lines followed by the appear- ance in No Man's Land of numerous troops and tanks. These were all dummies manipulated by ropes but they effectually deceived the enemy, for in a subsequent communique he claimed that the attack had been annihilated. There was still serious fighting, however, and on the 8th our men gained a footing in Bulle- court, but did not capture the whole until ten days later. On the 8th Fresnoy was lost but Roeux and the adjoining chemical works, which had been con- tinually changing hands for over a month, were, between the 12th and the 14th, finally captured and held. Between 20th May and i6th June possession was gradually obtained of a sector of the enemy's line from Bullecourt to the west of Fontaine-lez-Croisilles. On 14th June the crest of Orange Hill to the east of Monchy was captured by a surprise attack. Many fierce counter-attacks followed but, although advanced 64 posts changed hands frequently, the main hne, which gave important facilities for observation, remained permanently in our possession. In the second phase of the battle the Hne was advanced only about a mile, but 8,000 prisoners were captured, with 57 guns, bringing the total gains up to 21,000 prisoners and 257 guns, in addition to many machine-guns and trench mortars and immense quantities of war material. About twelve miles of the Hindenburg line or of systems allied to it were captured. Our total casualties amounted to 196, no. ^ Captain A. C. Hancock, M.C. and bar (R.A.M.C, Asylums) received a second bar to his M.C. when " he established his advanced dressing station in a village, although it was under very heavy shell fire. He attended and evacuated a very large number of wounded, working all night, finally going out himself along the front to see if there were any left." In the fighting at Oppy Lieut, (afterwards Captain) F. G. Bull (23rd R. Fus., Clerk) was awarded a bar to his M.C, " for his conspicuous gallantry ... as battalion signalling officer when, in spite of continuous heavy shelling and constant moves over difficult ground, he maintained communications." Capt. A. A. Riley (7th Middx., Comp.) received the M.C. for his con- spicuous gallantry near Monchy on 3rd May when " an assault having failed, and most of his officers being casualties, he collected and re-organised all the men he could find and formed a strong front against counter- attacks by occupying and linking up a line of shell- holes. After his battahon was relieved he remained behind to guide the stretcher-bearers to the wounded, thereby saving many lives." On the same date near the river Cojeul Co. Sergt-Maj. E. J. P. Dainty (2nd Lond., Educ.) won the D.C.M., " for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in consohdating and defending a position which had become almost ' Capt. P. E. Wright, At the Supreme War Council, p. 33. » 65 untenable through flanking and frontal fire. His total indifference to danger restored the situation at a very critical moment when no officers were on the spot." The M.M. was awarded to R. Bristow (R.A.M.C, Educ), for attending to wounded men during a four days' continuous attack by the British, to J. Ethering- ton (6th R. W. Rents, Asylums) when " in charge of a bombing section . . , with the help of his comrades he put enemy's machine gun out of action and held the trench until reinforcements arrived," and to Lance- Corp. W. W. Cracknell (ist Bord., Comp.) who, on i9th/2oth May at Monchy " carried messages ... all night through the heaviest barrages. At one time, when things were critical, he carried a message through a terrific machine-gun fire and, . . . though wounded, carried on and delivered the message. . . . When his officer was knocked out he acted as N.C.O., and by his great courage, coolness and tireless energy was in- valuable to his company commander." Staff-Sergt. D, Keenan (R.A.M.C. Asylums) and Bombr. W. T. Mills (R.F.A., L.F.B.) won the M.M. for gallantry in action. In the later fighting Corporal H. J. Hollins (9th E. Surr., Tram.) was killed near Lens on 17th April, and William Johnston (R.G.A., Educ.) near Arras on the 19th, W. G. Udall (R.E., Educ.) wounded in this sector on the 20th, died on the 22nd. On the 23rd Lieut. R. D. Wills, M.M. (5th Bord., Arch.), was killed near Wancourt, G. E. F. Gray (19th Manch., Parks) near Monchy, and C. T. Barker (R.N. Div., Parks) near Gavrelle, and on the 24th Victor Williams (2nd R. Fus., Asylums) near Monchy, while on the 28th P. J. Martin (7th R. Fus., Parks) died of wounds received two days before in the Gavrelle sector. On the 29th Lieut. M. E. Wardley (22nd R. Fus., Educ.) and H. R Ponton, A.R.LB.A. (17th R. Fus., Arch.) were killed near Oppy or Gavrelle and on the 30th A. H. Brownsword (R.G.A., Estates and Val.) died of wounds received at Vimy Ridge on the 21st. 66 ^ On ist May T. W. Burton (7th E. Surr., Tram.) was killed near Monchy, on the 2nd Percy Chorley (R.E., Educ.) near Guemappe, on the 3rd Corporal R. R. Summers, B.A. (2nd H.A.C., Educ.) near Bulle- court, Sergt. George Harland (5th Lond., Educ), Sergt. W. G. White (12th Middx., Trams.) and L. H. Pert (8th Rif. Bde., Educ), all near Cherisy, T. V. Thorpe (6th Buffs, Educ) near Monchy, Lieut. G. W. Coombes (ist R, Lane, Comp.) and A. S. T. Wright (2nd Essex, Tram.) near Roeux, and Sergt. J. R. Pardew (8th R. Fus., Tram.), J. G. Keyworth (8th E. Surr., Tram.), S. T. Wakeford (9th Lond., Educ), and H. C. J. Clifton (R.G.A., Pub. Cont.), all in the Arras sector. Corporal A. C. Batchelor, M.M. (loth R. Fus., Comp.) wounded near Gavrelle on 24th April died on 4th May, and C. W. Ahneroth (ist R. Berks., Tram.) wounded at Oppy on 29th April died a prisoner of war on 5th May. E. A. Wright (ist Lond., Tram.), Lance. -Corp. H. F. C. Jones (2/5th Lond., Educ.) and A. J. Bain (Stores) and Sergt. S. J. Wale (Educ) both of the 2/6th Londons, were killed near Bullecourt on 13th, i6th and 21st May respectively, and on the i8th Lieut. S. C. Tremeer (7th Beds, Educ.) died of wounds received near Cherisy on the 3rd. On the 20th F. N. Brooker (6th Buffs, Parks) died of wounds received near Arras, Lance-Corp. W. H. Hamer (2nd R. Fus., Educ.) was killed on the 21st at Monchy, Bomdr. A. C. Colbome (R.F.A., Tram.) on the 24th near Arras, L. J. Friday (R.A.M.C, Asylums) on the 25th, and on the 27th P. T. Williams (12th Lond., Tram.) died of wounds received the day before. Sergt. T. W. Bedwell (i6th Middx., Tram.) was killed on the 31st. On 15th June Lieut. S. M. Williams (2/4th Lond., Educ.) was missing, probably near Bullecourt, on the i6th Frederick Spencley (Ch. Engr.) and Corporal J. L. Hancock (Educ), both of the 2 /2nd Londons, 6? were killed between Croisilles and Ecoust St. Mein, and S. L. Fasham (2 /4th Lond., Tram.) at Bullecourt, and on the 17th Lance-Corp. Fred Holloway (2/5th Lond., Educ.) was killed near Bullecourt. Lieut. G. D. Turk (ist Essex, Comp.) died a prisoner of war on the 23rd of wounds received near Monchy on 14th April. Battle of Messines, 1917. It has been explained (see p. 15) how during the first Battles of Ypres the Germans pressed the British back from the Messines-Wytschaete ridge, the highest ground near the city, and how they were thus able to overlook and, in places, to enfilade the British Hues to the south and south-east of Ypres and to the north- east of Armentieres. The enemy's position here, already of great natural strength, had been so well fortified that it might have been regarded as impregnable. One system of trenches skirted the western foot of the ridge, a second, to the west of Messines and Wytschaete, defended the crest, and a third, to the east of Oost- taverne, protected the eastern part of the ridge. In addition, numerous woods, hamlets and farmhouses had been converted with great skill and industry into strong points which would form centres for rallying or defence,^ The usual preparations for bringing forward troops, guns, ammunition and stores were of course much impeded by the fact that the enemy had direct observa- tion over our movements. These labours had also to be supplemented by the construction of a series of mines. In all twenty-four were formed, nineteen of which were used for the assault. The enemy, aware of his danger, tried to avert it by means of counter-mines, and at Hill 60 and the Bluff in particular under- ground fighting continued for months. In spite of this and of difficulties from springs and streams which > For plan, see p. 12. 68 were liable to flood the work, over 8,000 yards of gallery were driven and one million pounds of explo- sive were stored therein. At 3.10 am. on 7th June the nineteen mines were exploded, one at Spanbroekmolen forming a crater 140 yards across and another, near Hill 60, taking up with it a whole company of Wurtembergers. Simul- taneously the final bombardment opened and the attack was launched on a front of ten miles from the north of Ploegsteert Wood to a point just north of Hill 60. The front system offered practically no resistance and by noon the Anzac Corps on the right had captured Messines, the 36th and i6th Divisions had captured Wytschaete, the 41st had reached a formidable position in a sunken road known as the Dammstrasse, and the 47th had fought its way from the Bluff along the Ypres-Comines canal. The infantry made such rapid progress that, over the broken ground, the artillery and tanks could hardly keep pace with them, and when, early in the afternoon, the Oosttaverne line was reached they halted there to enable a new assault to be organised. This was as successful as the former, and by the evening the whole line was in our hands. A violent counter-attack on the 8th was repulsed at all points. The progress on the right caused the Germans to the north of the river Lys to vacate their trenches which were promptly occupied. Also on the 14th we made a slight advance along most of the line reached on the 7th, but there- after no further efforts were made to exploit the success. By this victory a standing menace to two sections of our line was removed, the enemy was deprived of a commanding position on the defence of which he had lavished much skill and labour, bis lines were pierced to a depth in some parts of three miles, and in addition to many killed and wounded he lost 7,200 prisoners. Much material and stores, including 67 guns, were captured. Our total casualties were about 16,000. 69 The effect of the initial success was not marred, as at the Somme, at Arras, and later in the year at Pass- chendaele, by long and costly attempts to carry on the action without effective artillery preparation and ample supphes of all kinds. Mr. John Buchan in his History (vol. xx. p. 71) says of this brilliant engagement that it will rank " with Nivelle's two victories at Verdun, in the winter of 1916, as a perfect instance of the success of the limited objective." Lieut. W. J. Field (ist R. Fus., Educ.) in the attack on the 7th opposite the Dammstrasse "... showed great promptness and good leadership in capturing two machine-guns. . . . He also captured many prisoners and by his determination and resource many casualties were avoided." He was awarded the M.C. G. F. Bell (14th Northld. Fus., Asylums) received the M.M. for bravery under heavy fire when, though wounded, he brought in a wounded officer and kept up constant communications for three days and two nights. On the 7th, the opening day of the battle, the Council lost only two of its staff, Harry Amos (Tramways) and H. S. Zoller (Education), both of the 2ist Londons, who were killed in the advance along the Ypres-Comines canal. Lieut. E. N. Makeham (13th Middx., Clerk) who was wounded and missing on the loth, died a prisoner of war on an unknown date. Sergt. J. E. Hughes (12th R. Fus., Pub. H.) was killed, probably in this part, on the i6th, as his division, the 24th, was in reserve behind St. Eloi on the 9th. Lombartzyde. The following incident is worthy of mention. Towards the end of June, in preparation for the third Battle of Ypres, the British took over from the French a short sector of the front extending from the Belgian coast to the south of Nieuport. The part near the coast was defended by breastworks in the sand dunes, and, being intersected by several canals and approached 70 from the rear only by floating bridges, did not form a satisfactory position. The enemy, reaUsing this and suspecting an attack along the coast, took the initiative, and on loth July opened an intense bombardment which flattened out the breastworks and destroyed all the bridges. It is said that as many as 182 batteries were available for this, while only 13 were ready for the defence,-^ An attack in great strength then followed which so completely overwhelmed the ist Northamp- tons and the 2nd K.R.R., which were holding the line, that out of the two battaUons, numbering perhaps from 1,200 to 1,500 men, only 74 escaped by swimming the Yser in rear. H. H. Chaplin (K.R.R., Asylums) was awarded the M.M. for bravery shown in this engagement. Battles of Ypres, 1917. It wiU be remembered that in the first Battle of Ypres the enemy captured ground to the south of the city, and, in the second ground to the north and east which completely commanded the defences. The enemy was superior in numbers and in gun-power and, as it was not possible to regain the lost positions, it was suggested more than once that the place should be abandoned, and that a new line which could be defended more easily and with fewer losses should be taken up on higher ground to the west. This was not agreed to and so, for well over two years, our men continued, at the price of heavy casualties, to hold on to their inferior positions. Early in 1917 it was decided to commence operations in the summer for freeing the sahent and for deahng with the submarine peril by capturing the Passchendaele ridge from which long range guns could fire upon the enemy's sub- marine bases at Bruges, Zeebrugge and Ostend. This plan had to be subordinated to the French offensive, and to meet their wishes the fighting at Arras was prolonged into the early part of the summer. As it ■' Sir A. Conan Doyle, British Campaign in France, 1917, p. 130. 71 was not possible for our forces to conduct at the same time two offensives on a large scale, this led to the work at Ypres being postponed. However, in June, the fighting at Arras died down and by the capture of the I\Iessines ridge the way was, to some extent, cleared for the proposed attack further north. The preparations for this were more than usually difficult, for, as the commander-in-chief wrote in his despatch, "on no previous occasion . . . had the whole of the ground from which we had to attack been so com- pletely exposed to the enemy's observation." All preliminaries having been at length completed, the opening of the attack was fixed for 25th July, but a few days before that date the Germans withdrew many of their batteries to safer positions. The attack was therefore postponed while these new positions were being identified by the airmen and dealt with by the artillery, and a succession of cloudy days led to a further postponement until the 31st, On the 27th the enemy's trenches near the Yser canal were found to be empty, so that this formidable obstacle was at once crossed and the position occupied by the French to the north of Boesinghe and by the Guards Division to the east. The main battle may be conveniently divided into five phases corresponding with our chief attacks as follows: (i) 31st July to 15th August, (2) 1 6th August to 19th September, (3) 20th September to 3rd October, (4) 4th to 25th October, and (5) 26th October to the early part of November.^ First Phase, ^ist July to i^th August. The battle opened on 31st July with an attack on a front of fifteen miles between the river Lys to the south and Steenstraat on the north, the main attack being directed upon the sector, seven and a half miles wide, from the Zillebeke-Zandvoorde road to Boesinghe. On the right, where the attack was not pressed, only the * For plan, see p. 12. 72 enemy's front line was captured, but on the northern half of the advance both his first and second systems were taken. In detail, the 24th Division captured part of Shrewsbury Forest, the 30th Sanctuary Wood, the 8th Hooge and Bellewaarde ridge, the 15th Frezen- berg, the 55th and 39th St. Julien, the 51st land to the north-west of that village, and the 38th Pilckem. Two French divisions on our left were equally suc- cessful, advancing to the Steenbeek and capturing Bixschoote, and all these gains were held against numerous counter-attacks. Our men took over 6,000 prisoners and 25 guns. During the afternoon rain began to fall and con- tinued with hardly a break for four days. This put an end to all reconnaissance by aeroplane, and it also turned the low-lying shell-torn area over which we had just advanced into a morass. Movement through this was possible only along well-defined tracks which soon became marks for the enemy artillery. On the enemy's side the ground was as yet comparatively undamaged, and he was therefore able with com- parative freedom to re-organise his defences, and to bring up reinforcements and supplies. During the prehminary operations Corp. A. G. Buck (R.F.A., Ch. Engr.) won the M.M., for con- spicuous gallantry near Armentieres on 28th/29th July, when at great personal risk, and although suffer- ing from the effects of gas, he remained at work repair- ing telephone lines which were repeatedly cut by shell fire. Sergt. J. Orrin (R.E., Housing) gained the M.M. on 3oth/3ist July, when an emplacement for firing projectors for oil bombs was heavily shelled. Although the officer in charge was killed, Sergt. Orrin carried on with his work, and by his bravery and example encouraged all other ranks who were engaged with him. On many previous occasions he had performed excellent service under adverse conditions. On 31st July A. I. Brown (i8th K.R.R.. Tram.) 73 was killed near Hollebeke, Lieut. W. J. Field, M.C. (ist R. Fus., Educ.) near Clonmel Copse to the north of Shrewsbury Forest, Co. Sergt.-Maj. PL P. McAlister (2nd Rif. Bde., Educ.) near Verlorenhoek, and Lance- Corp. J. L Cohen (2nd Wilts., Educ.) and W. B. Lewis (i2th R. Fus., Tram.) at places unknown. M. W. Churchill (12th R. Fus., Tram.) was killed between 31st July -and 3rd August, George Penfold (R.G.A., Asylums) was killed near Zillebeke on 4th August, Lance-Corp. A. E. Bennett (12th E. Surr., Asylums) on the 5th, John White (R. Ir. Rif., Ch. Engr.) near Frezenberg on the 6th, Victor Bown (R.F.A., Asylums) on the loth, and Corporal J. F. Patterson (M.G.C., Tram.) near Zillebeke on the 14th. W. J. Colverd (R.F.A., Tram.) died on the i6th of wounds received the day before. W. E. Goddard (R.F.A., Tram.) died on the 29th of wounds received on the 5th. Second Phase, i6th August to igth September. On i6th August the attack was resumed on a line forming roughly a quadrant of a circle from the Menin road round through St. Julien to the French north-west of Langemarck. The enemy in the southern part of this sector had adopted a new method of defence, and, instead of manning a series of trenches, he divided his troops among numerous " pill-boxes " very strongly built of reinforced concrete. These were distributed in depth and, being stoutly defended with machine-guns, formed a serious obstacle. From the Menin road through Frezenberg to St. Julien little progress was made by the 8th and 56th Divisions, but to the north-west of the latter village we were more successful, the nth and 48th Divisions getting a footing in the third trench system, and the 20th and 29th Divisions capturing Wijdendrift and Lange- marck. On our left the French were also successful as far north as Drie Grachten. Thirty guns were taken and over 2,100 prisoners. The weather again broke up and, as no big attack was practicable in so 74 water-logged a country, the rest of the month was devoted to local operations against various strong points. Lieut. H. W. Fisher (R.F.A., Educ.) won the M.C. near Polygon Wood on 17th August when "he was in charge of an observation party attached to an assaulting battalion. He followed the infantry closely in the attack, and twice went to the most forward position under heavy fire and brought back information of the utmost value." Co, Sergt.-Maj. J. C. Cairns (Oxf. and Bucks L.I., Educ.) was awarded the D.C.M. on 22nd August and Co. Sergt.-Maj. W. A. Humphreys (R.E., Educ.) the M.M. about this time, but no details are available. In the fighting at Westhoek the latter gained a bar to his M.M. The 1 6th of August was a day of heavy casualties among the staff. W. J. Relf (ist R. Dub. Fus., Tram.) F. C. Brook (8th R. Dub. Fus., Asylums) Sergt. E. C. Brown (R.H.A., Parks) and Corp. G. A. J. Clarkson (7th Yorks L.L, Tram.) were killed in the salient at various places unknown, Sergt. Ernest Swanson (5th Lond., Educ.) at Glencorse Wood, C. P. Norby (13th R. Irish Rif., Tram.), G. K. Lenney (13th R. Irish Rif., Parks) and Lance-Corp. H. W. Baker (12th R. Irish Rif., Parks) at the Frezenberg ridge, Alfred Chaney (2nd R. Dub. Fus., Parks) at the Hannebeek and A. J. Madden (8th Northd. Fus., Tram.) and W. J. Skipp (8th Northd. Fus., Tram.) between St. JuHen and Poelcappelle. H. T. J. Kenyon (R.A.M.C, Educ.) was killed on the 17th, F. T. Townsend (2nd Middx., Asylums) wounded that day near the Hannebeek, died on the i8th, Corp. George Brooker (20th Lond., Educ.) on the night of 20th/2ist, Lieut. Wilham Hornsby (6th Somers. L.I., Educ.) at Glencorse Wood on the 21st, Patrick Fitzgerald (7th Wore, Asylums) on the 26th. W. J. Potter (i8th K.R.R., Educ.) was killed on 19th September near Shrewsbury Forest. 75 Third Phase, 20th September to yrd October. Early in September the weather improved and enabled the artillery and other preparations for another attack to proceed. This was launched, after a night of rain, in a mist on the morning of 20th September on a front of eight miles between the Comines canal on the south and the Ypres-Staden railway on the north. Few points which can be identified on a sketch map were included in the objectives, so here it must suffice to say that at all parts the advance to an average depth of 1,000 yards was successful, the victorious divisions, counting from the south, being the 19th, 39th, 4th and 23rd between the canal and the Menin road, the Austrahan Corps between the Menin road and the Ypres-Roulers rail- way (in which sector they captured Inverness Copse and Glencorse Wood and gained a footing in Polygon Wood) and the 9th, 55th, 58th, 51st, and 20th be- tween the Ypres-Roulers and Ypres-Staden railways. The high ground, crossed by the Menin road, which had so long formed the object of very fierce fighting now passed into our possession. In addition, over 3,000 prisoners and a number of guns were taken. Numerous counter-attacks followed which, though gaining local successes, were eventually beaten off. On the 26th the advance was resumed on a front of six miles from the Menin road northwards to the north-east of St. Julien. The Australians captured Polygon Wood, the 3rd Division Zonnebeke and the 59th and 58th Divisions a series of positions to the east and north-east of St. Juhen. The prisoners numbered 1,600. Lieut, (afterwards Capt.) R. A. Nicholl (R.E., Educ.) was awarded the M.C. about this time for his gallantry in laying " a pipe-line forward under incessant shell fire. It was due to his energy and encouragement that the Hue was completed in time for operations." O.M. and Hon. Lt. F. Poole (R.A.M.C, Asylums) won 76 the M.C. " He remained at the advanced collecting station for several days organising the rationing of the wounded, and daily visited the relay posts and regi- mental aid posts. . . . During heavy shelling he helped to withdraw the wounded, and lives were saved by his action and example." Sergt. E. A. Rose (R.E., Educ.) was awarded the D.C.M. for exceptional gallantry and devotion to duty between March and September. " On September i8th and 19th he worked day and night under incessant fire to put through a buried cable route to the front line." On 20th September Lieut. H. P. Oates (5th King's Liverpool, Educ.) and T. H. Tigg (R.A.M.C, Tram.) were killed near the Menin road, Co. Sergt-Maj. W. H. Carr (2/6th Lond., Educ.) near St. Julien and F. W. A. Smith (12th R. Suss., Educ.) at some place unknown, Co. Sgt.-Maj. L. Dimond (2 /5th Lond., Educ), wounded near St. Julien, and Lieut. S. P. Siebert (i6th Rif. Bde., Educ), wounded near the Menin road, died on the 2ist, and on the same day were killed Charles Miller (12th E. Surr., Tram.), Lance-Corp. L. H. Hymans (13th Lond., Educ.) and Sergt. T. W. Turner (R.F.A., Tram.). Lieut. E. T. Winbush, B.Sc (R.F.A., Educ), was killed on the 24th east of Zillebeke, H. G. Joyce (ist R.W. Surr., Asylums), on the 25th near the Menin road. On the 26th Lieut. H, C. Hattam, F.R.H.S. (4th Suff., Educ). was killed near Inverness Copse, and Harry Birch (14th Hamp., Asylums) near the Menin road, Lance-Corp. S. E. Helyar (2 /6th S. Staffs, Educ.) on the 27th near Polygon Wood and Lieut. James Wrigley (R.G.A., Educ.) on the 29th. F. W. Kceler (13th K.R.R., Tram.) was killed on 1st October near the Menin road, and on the 2nd, Corp. E. R. Jolly (4th E. Surr., Educ.) near Polygon Wood and Lieut. D. J. Wilhams (M.G.C., Educ.) near Polderhoek. 77 Fourth Phase, ^th to 25th October. The weather had now cleared again and it was decided to make a further advance between the Menin road and the Ypres-Staden railway. Before the advance began, however, the weather broke once more, and on the night of the 3rd/4th the troops assembled for the assault in a storm of wind and rain. Not- withstanding these conditions the attack next morning was successful, the 5th Division capturing Polderhoek, the 2 1st Reutel, the AustraHans Broodseinde, the New Zealanders Gravenstafel, and the nth and 4th parts of Poelcappelle. The prisoners amounted to more than 5,000 and, as the enemy was preparing an attack and had moved up large forces into the battle area, great numbers of his troops came under our fire and suffered heavy casualties; in fact, Ludendorff speaks of the German losses as " enormous." ^ Rain continued to fall for several days, but on the 9th the assault was resumed, the right flank of the advance being at Zonnebeke, The AustraHans and some English troops made progress towards Passchen- daele, the nth Division at Poelcappelle and the 4th and 29th along the Ypres-Staden railway, while the Guards reached the southern outskirts of Houthulst Forest. Persistent rain put an end to further operations except for slight advances on very Hmited frontages. On 22nd October the i8th and 34th Divisions gained important posts east of Poelcappelle and the 35th with the French secured a footing in Houthulst Forest. During this fighting the M.M. was won by H. Johnston (Beds, Asylums) at Hooge, and by Sergt, J. A. Lingwood (H.A.C., L.F.B.) but no details are available. On 4th October, Co. Sergt.-Maj. H. C. Robson (3/4th R.W. Surr., Educ.) was killed near Brood- seinde and Capt. A. C. Dancer, M.C. (5th Dorset, Educ.) near Poelcappelle, on the 5th Co. Sergt.-Maj. ^ My War Memories, 1914-18, vol. ii. p. 490. 78 H. S. Hodges (3/ioth Middx., Educ.) near Poel- cappelle, on the 7th Lieut. C. J. Chamberlain (ist Rif. Bde,, Educ.) near Poelcappelle, on the 9th J. G. Davis (2nd Irish Gds., Educ.) and Lieut. Cecil Prophet (2/5th E, Lanes, Compr.), on the loth Lance-Corp. George Ayles (M.G.C., Educ.) and Arthur Vale (R.F.A., Tram.), on the 12th Sergt. Thomas Eaves, M.M., (8th Suff., Tram.) north of Poelcappelle, on the 14th Sergt. James Wynn (R.F.A., Tram.) and Bombr. G. W. Key (R.F.A., Asylums), on the 15th Co. Q.M.S. E. R, Johnson (7th K.R.R., Asylums) and Harry Parks (2nd Gren. Gds., Tram.) near Houthulst Forest. C. J. Lee (8th Manch., Asylums), wounded on the loth, and J. J. Gihoy (R.A.M.C, Tram.), wounded on the 14th, both died on the 19th. Edward Cox (R.F.A., Parks) was killed on the 21st, George Gaunt (R.E., Asylums) near Zillebeke on the 23rd, and William Clark (R.F.A., Ch. Engr.) on the 24th. Fifth Phase, 26th October to early November. Words are hardly adequate to describe the state of the battlefield at this time. The continual shell fire and the almost continual rain had reduced the country for several miles on our side of the line to one immense swamp. Only the lips of the craters divided one shell hole from another, and all were filled with mud. In many places, where peaceful agriculture had flourished for centuries, there remained not one sign of the useful activities of mankind; not a vestige could be seen of crops or of orchards or of pasture lands ; houses and villages had been entirely blotted out; roads could be traced only by the stumps of trees which once had formed pleasant avenues along their sides; the woods had been levelled and the fragments of their trees used for gun-pits or to form tracks across the waste. Away from the roads and the duck-board tracks movement was hardly possible. At each step men sank to the knee or the thigh, not a few stumbled into the shell holes and, encumbered with their rifle, ammunition 79 and equipment, were drowned. Scores of tanks were engulfed in the mud. In such conditions it is not surprising that the word Passchendaele came to be used by many, and these were not all civiHans, as a symbol of waste and useless suffering. But in battles and campaigns, as in all other human affairs, it is not always the immedi- ate object which must be regarded, and in the Pass- chendaele operations other considerations, several of which could not then be made public, had to be taken into account.^ In the main these centred in the fact that it was essential for the Allies to maintain the initiative and at all costs to prevent the enemy from moving troops to other fronts. The other AUies were faced with important crises, and could not give much assistance. The failure of the French offensive in Champagne (see p. 62) was succeeded in May and June by serious mutinies in their army. This, in the opinion of Gen. Gouraud, was the most critical period of the war. 2 The Russian revolution in March was followed by the rapid decay of discipline, so that by July the Russian armies had ceased to be a fighting force. In the latter part of October the Itahans were defeated at Caporetto with the loss of 200,000 prisoners and 2,000 guns. The Americans who had entered the war in April, 1917, were still training the troops who were to fight for them. Of all the AUies, therefore, only the British were capable at the time of engaging the enemy's attention, and it was specially necessary for them to do this because plans were afoot for the surprise attack at Cambrai (see p. 82) from which great results were expected. The battle therefore had to proceed, and on 26th October, in a downpour of rain which lasted all day, the Canadians advanced along the Ravebeek towards Passchendaele. On their left the R. Naval and the ' " Passchendaele, 1917," by Maj.-Gen. Sir J. Davidson, M.P., in Nineteenth Coitury and After, for February, 1921. ^ Mrs. Humphry Ward, Fields of Victory, p. 104. 8o 58th Divisions were successful to the east and north of Poelcappelle. The 5th and 7th Divisions captured Gheluvelt which had been lost three years before, but their rifles, choked with mud during the advance, were useless and they had to withdraw. On the 30th the attack was continued, when the Canadians reached the outskirts of Passchendaele and the R. Naval and 58th Divisions made what little progress was possible across the swamps on the lower ground to the north- west. On 6th November the Canadians rushed the village and high ground to the north and north-west, and on the loth, having consoHdated their gains, made a further advance to the north. The capture of this high ground marks the close of the battle which, except for the short intervals enforced by the weather or by the need of preparing for the separate phases of the attack, had been carried on continuously for more than three months. In this gigantic conflict some 45 British divisions " by the exercise," in the words of the commander-in-chief, " of courage, determination and endurance to a degree which has never been surpassed in war," defeated y^ German divisions with the loss of 24,065 prisoners, 74 guns and over 1,000 machine-guns, etc. On a front of ten miles and in face of every kind of difficulty they advanced to a depth varying from one to nearly six miles, and by wresting from the enemy practically all the high land near the city freed our communications through Ypres from the dangers which had so long threatened them. But these gains were made at a terrible cost, for our casualties, includ- ing the comparatively slight losses at Cambrai (see p. 82), are said to have been 454,463. ^ Capt. P. F. Watts (4th Beds, Educ.) was awarded the M.C. for conspicuous gallantry in the advance on Passchendaele on 30th October when he re-organised and consolidated a line of posts after all other officers 1 Capt. P. E. Wright, At the Supreme War Council, pp. 33-4. 8i in his sector had become casualties. Petty Offr. W. Jarman (R. Nav. Div., Ch. Engr.) was awarded the M.M. for his gallantry in the same neighbourhood, when during a heavy counter-attack he defended with a machine-gun a trench which had been abandoned by other troops. Lance-Corp. T. J. Gunter (RE., Oxf. and Bucks L.I., Educ.) won the M.M. for his gallantry in action at Houthulst Forest during the eaily part of November, and Sergt. H. E. Hayward (R.F.A., Asylums) for bravery in action in front of Ypres. Lieut. W. J. Reed (8th Devons, Educ), wounded near Gheluvelt on 26th October, died two days later as a prisoner of war, W. D. Shea (2/28th Lond., Educ.) and H. N Field (4th Beds, Arch.) were killed on the 30th near Passchendaele, and Provost-Sergt. W. J. Laird in the same neighbourhood on 4th November, J. H. Counter, M.M. (ist Devons, Ch. Engr.), near Polderhoek on the 6th, and Bombr. Henry Lilburn (R.F.A., Tram.) near Passchendaele on the 8th. Lens. In the Battle of Arras and in the fighting which followed it much ground was gained near Lens. Towards the middle of August, in order to prevent the enemy from concentrating all his attention on resisting our advance from Ypres, the assault was renewed to the north-west of the town. On the 15th the Canadians, attacking on a front of about 2\ miles, captured Hill 70, which had been won but lost again in the Battle of Loos, the mining suburbs of Cite Ste. Elizabeth, Cite St. Emile and Cite St. Laurent, the whole of Bois Rase and the western half of Bois Hugo which had also figured in the earlier battle. Six days later they closed in upon the town from the west and south west. ^ *For plan, see p. 58. 82 Battle of Camhrai. It was well known that, in order to withstand the advance at Ypres, the enemy had withdrawn troops from other portions of the front, and a surprise attack was therefore planned on a part of the defences thus weakened. The sector near Cambrai, where several important roads and railways converged, was selected for the attempt. In order to increase the surprise, it was decided not to prelude the attack by a long bombardment, but to rely upon tanks for smashing the enemy's wire and for dealing with his strong posts and machine-guns. Our Hne here, opposite the Hindenburg line, ran, roughly, south-east and north- west. Facing it across a shght dip was the Flesquieres ridge defended by the Hindenburg support line, and behind that again was another dip, the high ground on the further side of which was crowned by Bourlon Wood.i Some 400 tanks were assembled with great secrecy just behind the line between Gonnelieu and Hermies, chiefly in Havrincourt Wood, and at 6.20 on the morning of 20th November the attack was opened. Although there was no rain the sky was cloudy, and the enemy's chances of observation were diminished by the smoke barrage which preceded the tanks. At the same time, to add to his confusion and to prevent him from moving reinforcements to the part actually threatened, subsidiary attacks were launched east of Epehy (see plan on p. 37) and between BuUecourt and Fontaine - lez - Croisilles (see plan on p. 58) and demonstrations were made with smoke, gas and artillery on most of the British front south of the Scarpe. Of these subsidiary attacks it will be sufficient to say that at BuUecourt the 3rd and i6th Divisions captured and held a very strong sector of trenches, and took 700 prisoners. • The main attack on a front of six miles was brilliantly ' For plan, see p. 37. 83 successful. The 12th Division, on the right, moving along the Bonavis ridge, captured Lateau Wood, the 20th La Vacquerie and Welsh Ridge, the 6th Ribecourt, the 51st pushed forward as far as Fles- quieres, the 62nd captured Havrincourt, Graincourt and Anneux and the 36th trenches to the west of the Canal du Nord. The 51st Division was held up at Flesquieres, where a number of tanks were knocked out, as mentioned by the commander-in-chief, " by a German artillery officer who, remaining alone at his battery, served a field-gun single-handed until killed at his gun." The 29th Division passing between the 20th and 6th Divisions, seized Masnieres and Marcoing, thus securing bridgeheads over the Canal de I'Escaut (Scheldt Canal), which in this part formed the chief defence of Cambrai. At Masnieres the bridge had been damaged and unfortunately it broke down under the weight of the first tank which attempted to cross it. This left only one bridge for the advancing troops and the accident, with the check at Flesquieres, went far towards limiting the success of the day's fighting. Early on the 21st Flesquieres fell, the 51st Division pressing forward reached the southern out- skirts of Bourlon Wood and, with the help of other troops, captured Cantaing and Fontaine-notre-Dame. The latter was lost next day, but as some set-off the 56th Division stormed a strong point known as Tadpole Copse, on the left of our advance. Owing to the comparatively few troops available it was originally proposed not to continue the advance after forty-eight hours, but when that period had elapsed the enemy was still holding Fontaine and Bourlon Wood. As these completely commanded our position north of Flesquieres it was essential either that they should be stormed or that, giving up some of our gains, we should retire to the Flesquieres ridge. The capture of Bourlon Wood would seriously threaten the enemy's line to the north if, indeed, it did not 84 make it quite untenable, and with so great a prize within reach it was decided to press on. On the 23rd therefore the 51st Division made another attempt, which eventually failed, on Fontaine, while the 40th captured Bourlon Wood and part of the village beyond. During the next few days these two villages changed hands several times, but by about the 30th the enemy appeared to have a firm hold of the villages while we had an equally firm hold of the wood. By that date the ten days' fighting had yielded 10,500 prisoners, half of whom were taken on the first day, 142 guns and over 400 machine-gims, etc., with great quantities of ammunition, stores and material. The enemy's elaborate trenches were penetrated to a depth of 4i miles, as great a distance as was gained in more than three months' fighting on the Somme or at Ypres. Towards the end of November it was clear that the enemy intended to counter-attack on an ambitious scale. This opened on the 30th, the main attack being from the north between Bourlon Wood and Tadpole Copse, but it was preceded by a subsidiary attack westwards upon our line to the south of Masnieres. The hollows and folds usual in chalk country enabled the enemy, assisted by a ground mist, to assemble, without attracting notice, large bodies of infantry. After a short bombardment, numbers of low-flying aeroplanes rained machine-gun fire upon our trenches, and immediately afterwards the attack was launched. The left of the 55th Division was driven in and the enemy, making great progress up 22 Ravine and across the northern end of Bonavis Ridge, was able to take the 12th and 20th Divisions in flank and rear. Villers Guislain, Gonnelieu and Bonavis soon fell, and the enemy even reached Gouzeaucourt, but was gallantly driven out by the Guards Division which, on its way to rest billets after heavy fighting at Fontaine and Bourlon, was hurried into the conflict. 85 In the main assault further north the 29th Division at Masniercs, the 47th at Fontaine, the 2nd at Bourlon, and the 56th at Moeuvres and Tadpole Copse beat off numerous attacks with very heavy losses. Here and there posts were overwhelmed or driven back by superior numbers, but any important points were re- gained by counter-attacks and the line was everywhere maintained. On ist December the Guards retook Gonnelieu and Gauche Wood and even reached Villcrs Guislain, but next day our troops were forced out of Gonnelieu, During these two days many attacks in this sector and in the Bourlon sector were driven off, but on the 3rd the Germans succeeded in capturing La Vacquerie. Owing to the Germans' success at Villers Guislain our position at Masnieres and Bourlon now formed a dangerous salient. Troops were not available for another offensive on a large scale, and it was therefore decided to contract the line by withdrawing to the northern slopes of the Flesqui^res ridge and to make the necessary adjustments further south. The with- drawal was commenced on the night of 4th /5th December and was completed by the 7th without molestation. The net result of the fighting since 2oth November was an advance of about 2}, miles and the capture in addition to the prisoners, guns, material, etc., already mentioned, of 12,000 yards of the enemy's front line, a rather shorter length of the Hindenburg and Hindenburg support lines and the villages of Ribecourt, Flesquieres and Havrincourt. On the other hand we lost an unimportant section of hne near GonneHeu with 6,000 prisoners and 100 gims. On 30th November J. C. Buckley (R.A.M.C, Educ.) won the M.M. for attending single-handed to the wounded under heavy shell fire, although he himself was at the time severely wounded. At Tadpole Copse on 2nd December Corporal (afterwards Sergt.) C. A. Dearing, B.Sc. (5th Lond., Educ.) earned the M.M. 86 " Under intense bombardment, he worked in the open repairing lines and keeping communication between the front line and battalion H.Q. Regardless of danger he carried out this work throughout the day, and after the battalion was relieved he remained behind for several hours, again repairing the lines in order to hand over communications to the relieving battalion," In later fighting at this part Lieut. F. N. Stone (21st Lond., Educ.) won the M.C. on 9th December when the enemy attacked an adjoining battalion and he " led a counter attack to relieve the pressure. Though he was met by a superior force of the enemy, he drove them back with great courage and skill and held on to the ground gained until the line was re- established." On the same date at Graincourt Lieut, A. D. Barnes (23rd Lond,, Educ.) won the M.C. " for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in an advanced post which was repeatedly attacked by the enemy. Time after time they obtained a footing in it only to be driven out. He went about calmly en- couraging the men and organising counter-attacks, and was fighting continuously for six hours," These striking results were obtained at a low cost in casualties, and on 20th November, the opening day of the attack, only two of the Council's staff were killed, namely, Lance-Corp. S. F. Howard (nth Rif. Bde., Stores) to the southward of Masnieres and R. H. Barker (R.W. Surr., Tram.). Sergt. R. A. Wood (i6th Lond., Educ.) at Tadpole Copse, and Arthur Ireland (15th R. Irish Rif., Parks) possibly near Bullecourt, were killed on the 22nd, I. C. Rixon (R.F.A,, Tram,) on the 23rd, Lieut, F, G. Wheatcroft (13th E. Surr., Educ) on the 25th near Bourlon. On 30th Nov. or ist Dec. Sergt. Charles Brown, M.M. (4th Gren. Gds., Parks) was killed at Gonnelieu, William Griffiths (i6th R. Fus., Trams.) near Masnieres, Lance-Corp. W. A. Legg (15th Lond., Educ.) near Bourlon, and Lieut. J. W. Johnson, B.Sc. (Educ.) and Lance-Corp. W, P. 87 Brill (Asylums), both of the 8th Middlesex, near Tad- pole Copse. Thomas Thomas (15th Lond., Est. and Vain.) died on 2nd December of wounds received near Fontaine on 29th November, and Lance-Corp. S. F. Long (23rd Lond., Tram.) on the 9th of wounds received some days before. General Fighting. About this time Major F. W. Jackson (R.A.S.C, Ediic.) was awarded the D.S.O. for the general excel- lence of his work, and Major V. L. Connolly (R.A.M.C, Asylums) the M.C. for gallantry in action. Apart from the decorations awarded in the course of the set engagements at Arras, Ypres and Cambrai, E. Campion (R.A.M.C, Educ.) earned the M.M. for courageous conduct during an enemy air raid at Bandaghem, and Sub-Lieut. F. C. Stacey (R. Nav. Div., Pub. Health) the M.C. for gallantry in action at Welsh Ridge, near Cambrai, on 30th December. The general casualties during the spring and the latter half of the year included Sergt. S. M. C. Bonfield (R.E., Educ.) killed by a gas explosion on 6th April, Capt. J. W. Woods, M.C. (2nd Yorks. L.L, Educ.) in an attack upon Fayet near St. Quentin on the 14th, C. W. Law (R.G.A., Parks) south of Vermelles on the 25th,- and Capt. J. L. Warry, A.R.LB.A. (2/8th Notts and Derby, Arch.) on the 27th. Arthur Crawley (R.E., Educ.) was killed on 4th May near Neuve Chapelle, W. H. Smith (R.F.A., Trams.) on the 9th, probably to the north of Lens, H. T. Page (H.A.C., Educ.) on the nth, W. M. Timpson (R.A.M.C, Educ.) near Ypres on the 12th, A. C Steadman (2/3rd Lond., Tram.) on the 13th, and Frank Diamond (Norfolks, Asylums) on the 19th. On the 23rd Lieut. R. W. W. Vaughan, M.B., B.S. (R.A.M.C, Asylums) was killed at some place unknown. T. E. Dyer (12th K.R.R., Tram.) was killed on ist June, Corp. F. Barnes (R.F.A., Educ.) on the 4th, 88 and on the same day G. W. Parker (R.G.A., Trams.) near Ypres. On the 17th Corp. H. H. Haynes (L.N. Lanes, Ediic.) died of wounds received the day before near Ypres. On the 23rd E. V. Ament (ist Rif. Bde., Trams.) was killed, and on the 25th H. E. Woolley (R.F.A., Trams.) died of wounds received on 31st May near Messines. On the 27th Lieut. Arthur Richards (ist Mon., Solr.) died of wounds received the same day near Lievin, Sergt. Herbert Thorn, D.C.M. (17th R. Fus., Educ.) also died on this day of wounds received in April, possibly near Arras. James Pearson (R.F.A., Trams.) was killed on the 30th near Ypres. On ist July Lieut. W. H. Davis (2nd Notts and Derby, Educ.) was killed near Lens, Sgt. C. H. Pardee (15th Lond., Tram.) on the 3rd/4th near Ypres, Lieut. Wilfred Bishop (nth Bord., Educ.) on the 5th near the coast, Sgt. A. J. Bright (20th Lond., Educ.) on the 6th near Messines, and on the same day Corp. W. J. May (R.E., Educ.) died of wounds received on the 3rd near Ypres. On the 7th Corp. H. D. Turner (R.F.A., Asylums) was killed near the Menin road, Ypres, and Lieut. Harry Warren (15th Hamps., Educ.) near Hill 60, W. G. Daniel (ist E. Surr., Asylums) on the i8th, John Kelly (15th Lond., Educ.) on the 19th to the south-east of Ypres, William Clifford (R.G.A., Asylums) and Harry Tysoe (R.E., Tram.) on the 20th, H. C. Guy (Gren. Gds., Educ.) on the 23rd near Ypres, and L. A. Davis (12th R. Suss., Educ.) and Leonard Groves (15th Lond., Educ.) on the 24th also near Ypres. Lieut. J. R. Carne (12th R. Suss., Educ.) wounded that day died on the 25th, A. W. Scarf (2nd H.A.C., Comp.) on the 26th near Bullecourt, Lance-Corp. Cornelius Duggan (14th Rif. Bde., Tram.) on the 28th, and H. C. Kelsey (R.F.A., Tram.) on the 29th near Ypres. Sergt. W. Channel (M.G.C., Asylums) died on 6th August of wounds received near Armentieres, Batt.- Sergt.-Maj. J. G. Thomas (R.G.A., Educ.) on the 89 iith near Bethune, and Lance-Corp. F. S. Scott (i2th K.R.R., Tram.) on the i8th, Henry Webb (i8th K.R.R., Tram.) was killed, probably on igth September, Capt. H. H. E. Ferguson (14th Highd. L.I., Educ.), wounded to the south-west of Cambrai on the night of the 22nd/23rd, died on the 23rd. Harry Ediker (2/6th Notts and Derby, Educ.) was killed on the 26th, probably near Arras. E, G. Thomas (R.F.A., Tram ) was killed on 2nd October, and R. E, Kemp (7th Beds, Arch.) on the 30th at places unknown, and on the 28th W. P. Whitfield (2/5th R. Lancaster, Educ.) died near Poperingbe, of wounds received near Ypres on the 26th. F. W. Hutson (R.F.A., Educ.) died on 3rd November as the result of an accident in the Ypres salient, Co. Sergt.-Maj. E. J. P. Dainty, D.C.M. (2nd Lond., Educ.) was killed on 8th November in an accident near Lebucquiere to the east of Bapaume, Herbert Page (R.F.A., Ch. Engr.) on the 12th near the Menin road, and on the 21st George Young (nth Rif. Bde., Stores) died of wounds received on the 8th near Gouzeaucourt. W. J. Smithers (2nd Middx., Asylums) was killed on the 28th at some place un- known, and on the same date C. W. Tagg (Labour Corps, Parks) died at Boulogne of pneumonia. F. J. Keane (2nd Rif. Bde., Clerk) was killed on 2nd December near Passchendaele, Lieut. W. A. Wilkinson, B.Sc. (R.F.A., Educ.) on the same date at some place unknown, Lieut. R. E. Simmons (R.G.A., Educ.) on the 5th north of Ypres, George Pavitt (R.F.A., Tram.) on the 13th near Cambrai, H. C. Brazil (8th K.R.R., Tram.) on the 26th near Pass- chendaele, and H. E. Leighton (7th K.R.R., Tram.) on the same date and probably at the same place, and Corporal C. V. Golle (28th Lond., Ch. Engr.) on the 27th near Cambrai. 90 CHAPTER VI. Western Front, 1918. In the prolonged fighting which lasted for about six months of the year 1917, the losses among the British and Dominion troops were very heavy, and, as an army had to be maintained for home defence, these could not be made good. Early in 1918, in order to meet this shortage, the number of battalions in a division was reduced from 13 to 10, and the troops surplus to this establishment were used to make up the deficiencies in the remaining battalions. The Germans had suffered as much, or perhaps more, but Russia had now disappeared as a belligerent, and copious reinforcements could be brought from the eastern to the western front. The difficulties of the situation were much increased because troops had been sent to aid the Italians after their serious defeat at Caporetto in 1917 (see p. 181), and because the British Government decided to relieve the French of the defence of a further sector of the front. This decision was carried out during the winter of 1917-18 when the front from St. Quentin southwards to Barisis on the Oise was taken over. The sector measured 28 miles, bringing the total length held by the British up to 125 miles. The French troops thus relieved were formed into a reserve available for the support of either army. Early in 1918 it was obvious that the enemy would soon be superior in numbers, and probably in muni- tions. The United States had declared war on Ger- many on 5th April, 1917, and it was decided, pending the arrival of their troops to redress the balance, to act on the defensive. Casualties became less numerous, and in January only two of the Council's staff were killed. Corporal A. A. Withey {2nd K.R.R., Tram.) on the i6th and S. G. Blay (7th Buffs, Tram.) on the 19th, 91 in February none, and in March, before the opening of the German offensive, only three, namely, John Lamont (14th Lond., Asylums) on the 12th north of Arras, and Lance-Corp. P. W. T. Holmes (R.A.M.C, Educ.) and Lance-Corp. T. E. Fox (ist Cameronians, Tram.) who both died on the 13th of wounds received the day before near Arras and Ypres respectively. Captain G. Clark (General List, Educ.) was awarded the M.C. for great zeal and efficiency about this time in a forward area subject to shell-fire. First Battles of the Somme. 1918. In February it became clear that the enemy pro- posed to take the offensive. It was known that many divisions transferred from Russia and Italy were receiving special training, and aerial reconnaissances showed that communications were being improved, and ammunition and supply dumps increased. To meet this attack existing defences had to be strengthened and new ones to be prepared, and communications, especially in the Somme area, had to be improved. These works entailed much extra labour, and, as a greater length of line was being held with fewer troops than heretofore, the opportunities for training such new drafts as were being received were very Hmited. The enemy's preparations covered most of our front and, as all this could not be defended in equal strength, it was necessary to decide at what points ground could be yielded with least harm. In the north the battle lines were only fifteen miles from Dunkirk, and forty from Calais, and the possession of these and the other Channel ports was essential to our safety. The middle sector defended the few remaining collieries in northern France still held by the Allies, and also important railway points such as Bethune and Arras. In either of these sectors any extensive withdrawal would clearly be most dangerous. The southern sector in front of Cambrai and St. Quentin had in its rear the area devastated during the 92 Somme fighting in 1916 and the German retreat in 1917, and here retreat was possible without greatly improving the enemy's position or seriously harming FIRST BATTLES OF THE SOMME, 1918. our own. This sector was therefore held most lightly. _ ^ , On the morning of 21st March, after a violent bombardment lasting some hours, the long expected 93 assault opened on a front of about lifty miles from the Oise nearly to the Scarpe. Until midday the battle- field was obscured by a thick mist which greatly favoured the assailants by completely covering them from the view of our artillery and machine-gims. The enemy outnumbered our men in the proportion of five or more to one and, in face of such numbers, the outpost line was soon surrounded, although the posts themselves held out with the utmost gallantry for many hours. In the words of the commander-in- chief: " The prolonged defence of these different localities, under conditions wliich left little hope of any relief, deserves to rank among the most heroic actions in the history of the British Army." Several weeks of fine weather had made the marshes between St. Quentin and La Fere easily passable by infantry, so that the enemy in this part was able to effect some sort of a surprise and to make good pro- gress. This led to a withdrawal (58th and i8th Divs.) being ordered to the Crozat Canal connecting the Oise at La Fere with the Somme to the east of Ham. The enemy was also successful at Ronssoy (i6th Div.) to the south of Cambrai, and at Lagnicourt and Bullecourt to the west (6th and 59th Divs.), and orders were given for part of the saHent thus formed opposite Cambrai to be vacated. Elsewhere the attack was held up by our battle positions, the 24th Division at Le Verguier, the 21st at Epehy, and the 17th on the Canal du Nord showing particular gallantry. On the 22nd the attack was renewed all along the line in a dense mist, which as before greatly aided the advance. The passage of the Crozat Canal was forced at several points, but for the time the enemy was pre- vented by a vigorous defence (58th Div.) from de- veloping his advantage. Further north, that is to the west and north-west of St. Quentin, he was more successful, advancing four or five miles and causing 94 us to vacate Epehy. He also made a substantial advance to the west of Fontaine-lez-Croisilles, On the 23rd the troops south of Ham were ordered to withdraw across the Somme, but it was hoped to hold, north of that town, the position which had been specially laid out for the defence of the Peronne bridge- head. Later the Fifth Army decided to abandon these lines. This decision had far-reaching results and it was criticised by the commander-in-chief on the ground that, taken somewhat hurriedly, it greatly interfered with the withdrawal of troops and stores, with the destruction of the various bridges, and generally with putting the river line into an adequate state of defence. Other misfortunes followed during the day, for our men were driven away from the Crozat Canal and the enemy crossed the Somme near Ham forcing a passage from the north. Further north some confusion arose at the junction of the Third and Fifth Armies, and near Ytres a gap was left through which the enemy pressed. On the extreme right of the enemy's advance Monchy and Guemappe were evacuated by our troops. On the 24th the enemy continued to develop the success which he had gained at the junction of the two armies, with the result that the part of the Fifth Army to the north of the Somme was driven back and, in the effort to keep in touch with it, the right of the Third Army had to retire across the battle fields of 1916. Higher up, that is to the south-east, the river, owing to the dry weather, was not a very formidable obstacle, and it was crossed at many points to the north-west of Ham. On the right of our line we were driven out of Chauny in a fog. On the 25th strong attacks on the line to the north of Bapaume were driven off but, although the left of the Fifth Army was transferred to the Third Army who were entrusted with the command of all troops north of the Somme, the enemy continued to force 95 his way through the gap formed on the 23rd. In spite of all efforts this was so far from being closed that reinforcements, moved up on the 25th from the Ancre to Pozieres, found themselves unsupported on both flanks and had to fall back upon the river. To the south of the Somme where the French had now taken over the defence, including the control of what British troops still survived, the enemy captured Noyon and Nesle and pushed us back from the part of the Hne situated to the east aiid south of F.ise. On the 26th the defence to the north of Albert became stabilised roughly on the line held before the Battle of the Somme in 1916 except near Arras, where some of the gains made to the south-east of the city in April, 1917, were maintained. Further south the situation was less satisfactory. The troops there were so reduced in numbers and so exhausted by the continual marching and fighting that they were ordered to withdraw to the line Le Quesnoy — Rosieres — Bray, but, owing to a misunderstanding. Bray was vacated and the retreat on the north side of the Somme was continued westward. Another gap was formed, this time near Roye between us and the French, and it was only with very great difficulty that the enemy was prevented from thrusting at once towards the important railway junction of Montdidier. It was on this day that General Foch was placed in supreme control of the Allied troops in France and Belgium. During the night of the 2 6th /27th Albert which, although it was for two years immediately behind the front line, had been free from the enemy since September, 19 14, again fell into his hands. Our retreat from Bray enabled troops on the 27th to be passed across to the south side of the Somme in rear of the Rosieres — Bray line. Rosieres stood fast, but the line to the north as far as the river was withdrawn to Hamel and to the south to Montdidier, which was taken by the enemy from the French. 96 The next day, the 28th, was marked by a signal success. With the object of capturing Arras, retaking the Vimy ridge, and so of relieving Lens, the enemy shifted his main assault from the Somme to the Scarpe, and early in the morning launched an attack with great forces on both sides of the river. ^ The methods which had obtained such great results further south were again adopted, but this time, unaided by fog or mist, failed completely. The 4th and 56th Divisions to the north of the river held their main positions against five German divisions, and to the south the 3rd and 15th Divisions were equally successful against four German divisions. The attack was continued southwards at various points but everywhere failed, with enormous losses to the enemy. To return to the southern area, a force, organised under the orders of the Fifth Army Commander, out of details, stragglers, army troops, etc., and placed under the command of General Carey, had been stationed on the 26th on the line Mezieres — Marcelcave — Hamel and, as practically the only reserves available in this part, came into action on the 28th. The enemy continued to press back the French on our right and this advance, combined with the advance along the Somme, made the sahent with Harbonnieres and Rosieres at its apex so dangerous that it had to be vacated, and our troops were with- drawn to a line running roughly due south from Hamel. By this time the enemy's attack had lost much of its weight and on the 29th Carey's Force, assisted by cavalry, took over the defence south of the Somme and so enabled some of the much harassed divisions to re-organise. On the 30th Demuin was lost and on the 31st Moreuil. For some days after this the line was comparatively quiet, but on 4th April in the course of an attack between the Somme and our right at ' The enemy troops were evidently prepared for an advance on an am])itious scale, for one prisoner was found to be carrying six days' rations, two blankets and a pair of new boots. 97 Hangard and upon the French south of that point we lost Hamel. Strong attacks next day at Hangard and between Dernancourt, to the south of Albert, and Bucquoy, to the north, were completely repulsed at practically all points. When the fighting at length died down we were holding south of the Somme a line which passed to the west of Hamel and east of Villers Bretonneux and Hangard. Frequent local attacks ensued on different sectors, and finally the Germans on 24th April attempted to advance upon the whole of our front south of the Somme. After a conflict between tanks, the first of which there is record, and fierce fighting along the whole front, the enemy broke through at Villers Bretonneux and gained positions commanding Amiens. This threat on so important a point was not to be tolerated and a brilliant counter-attack, undertaken at short notice on the following night (the 24th /25th) by the Austrahans aided by the i8th Division, drove the enemy back to the east of the village almost to the line from which he had set out in the morning. Thus ended the second Battle of the Somme, the most serious defeat sustained by us during the war. In about ten days of actual fighting the enemy advanced on a front of forty miles to a depth of twenty to forty miles, regained large areas which had been won by the Allies only after months of desperate fighting in 1916 and 1917, and captured and held such places as Albert, Bray, Rosieres and Montdidier which had not been in his possession since the opening of the war and then only temporarily. He claimed to have taken, chiefly from us, 70,000 prisoners and 1,100 guns. Immense quantities of stores and material, which in so hurried a retreat were not destroyed, fell into his hands. Our casualties in this battle, and immediately afterwards at the Lys (see p. 102) amounted to 400,000,^ most of them in the Somme area. ^British Campaigns in the West, by Sir F. Maurice (p. liii), in Findlay Muirhead's Belgium and Western Front. 98 The German casualties were about the same, for they have admitted^ the loss of 300,000 wounded and, as the proportion of wounded to killed throughout the war was usually three to one, these figures imply a loss in killed of about 100,000. It is clear that the legend, at one time current, that the defence collapsed is a legend and nothing more. Only the most resolute defence could have inflicted such enormous casualties and have foiled the plan, sup- ported by a great superiority in numbers and muni- tions, of capturing Amiens and of separating the British and French armies. To meet these losses troops and munitions were hurried out from England, troops were recalled to France from Italy, Salonica, Palestine and elsewhere, and President Wilson gave orders that the partially trained American troops in France should be temporarily incorporated with 'English or French brigades. In the operations described above the M.C. was won by four of the Council's staff: (i) Lieut. H. T. Haddocks (M.G.C., Comp.) on 2 1st March during a withdrawal at Le Mesnil, near Peronne, " held on unsupported by infantry, until almost surrounded, when he withdrew in good order doing great execution as he retired. He was the last to cross a bridge before its destruction." (ii) Capt L. K. Spencer (Lond., Educ.) on 28th March " handled his company in a difficult counter- attack with great ability, and later, when it was necessary to clear up the situation, he personally reconnoitred in the face of machine-gun fire and sniping, sending back invaluable information as to the enemy's position. He was wounded while doing this, but insisted on carrying on until the advance and consolidation had been effected." ' General Staff and Its Problems, by Gen. Ludendorff, translated by F. A. Holt (vol. i. p. 139), 99 (iii) Lieut. A. P. Comyns (loth R. Welch Fus., Clerk) at Hamel on 30th March, " when a con- siderable length of trench on both sides had been evacuated, held the trench with a Lewis gun and three men, keeping up a steady fire and inflicting many casualties until reinforcements arrived." (iv) Lieut. D. J. Davies (R. Welch Fus., Educ). " By his personal example, and by the excellent fire control which he maintained, he kept his front intact against repeated enemy attacks. At night he went out on patrol on three occasions, capturing a prisoner and killing a machine-gun crew and bringing in the gun." Co. Sergt.-Maj. J. C. Cairns, D.C.M. (Oxf. and Bucks L.L, Educ.) received a bar to his D.C.M., but details are lacking. Co. Sergt.-Maj. S. C. P. Drury, D.C.M. (R.E., Educ.) received a bar to his D.C.M. for his gallantry at Highland Ridge. " When his company were advancing in the open and were met by very heavy machine-gun fire, he walked up and down in front of the line encouraging the men and ensuring that the line was maintained in good order. Later, under heavy fire, he withdrew the company in good order, and assisted a pioneer battalion to fight a rear- guard action." Sergt. (afterwards Regt. Sergt.-Maj.) J. Wild (R.E., Asylums) won the D.C.M. near Albert, but no details are available. Corp. (afterwards Sergt.) F. Hills, M.M. (Lond., Educ.) received a bar to his M.M. Towards the end of March, between Bus and Bertincourt, he " carried out patrol work under exceptionally trying conditions and extreme closeness of contact with the enemy, securing valuable information which enabled the battalion to get clear when practically surrounded. Throughout the whole of the withdrawal of March and April he had charge of a platoon, and, by his own coolness and courage, kept up the moral of his men at all times." 100 The M.M. was won by the undermentioned members of the Council's staff: (i) Sergt. E. Strugnell (15th Lond., Solr.) for braverv in action near Cambrai on 21st March. (ii) Sergt. (afterwards Co. Q.M.S.) P. J. W. Pollard (Beds, Educ.) near Jussy on 22nd March, " volunteered to take field kitchens and supplies to troops in the line, under enemj' observation and shell fire." (iii) Sergt. J. R. Austin (R.G.A.. Parks) for bravery at Bois Hullot, on 22nd March. (iv) Sergt. P. H. Spowage (R. Fus., Educ.) on 23rd March, for the successful manner in which he assumed command at Eaucourt I'Abbaye after all his officers had become casualties. (v) F. H. W. Briggs (R.A.M.C, Asylums) on 24th March, near Guiscard " where, after he had been on duty continuously for 36 hours, he voluntarily searched for some French wounded who had been left behind, and brought them to safety." (vi) Sec.-Corp. E. H. Knowles (R.E., Housing) near Ytres, for rescuing a wounded man under heavy machine-gun fire and, the nearest dressing stations having been evacuated, carrying him a long distance to a train. (vii) R. A. P. Willmer (7th Manch., Educ.) for obtaining at Ablainzeville, under heavy fire, useful information concerning the enemy's movements. Capt. S. A. French (7th R.W. Kent, Clerk) was killed at Moy during the preliminary bombard- ment on 2oth March and Capt. H. T. Rapson (7th R.W. Kent, Educ.) wounded next day died on the 23rd. The long list of those missing on the 21st or succeeding days, the actual date of death being often unknown, included Lance-Corp. P. Ford (ist R. Dub. Fus., Tram.), Sergt. L. N. Wright (nth Leic, Asylums), O. J. Pikett (i6th Rif. Bde., Tram.) W. J. Peake (23rd Northd. Fus., Tram.), Paul Sherard Tor (R.E., Educ), A. J. Trokc (i2tli K.R.R., Parks), Alfred Hiiddart (2 /5th Notts and Derby, Educ), W. E. (^arritt (2nd Rif. Bde., Parks), S. A. Lewis (R.F.A., Tram.), A. E. Miller (ist Lond., Educ). K. L. Baxter (2nd Suffolk, Comp.), Jesse Gcbbctt (19th Northd. Fus., Tram.), Lieut, S. J. Jennings, B.Sc, (E. Surr. and R.E., Educ), W. J. Brinklow (9th Rif. Bde., Parks), Edward Quinlan (i8th Lond., Ch. Engr.), Edward Hems (24th Lond., Tram.), Ernest Whybrow (8th Rif. Bde., Tram.), Frank Richardson (21st Lond., Arch.), Sergt. W. Kennedy (8th R.W. Kent, Asylums). Definite particulars are known of the undermen- tioned: Bomdr. W. J. Plumridge (R.H.A., Asylums) killed on 21st March near Jeancourt, Sec. -Corp. R. A. Howes (R.E., Ch. Engr.) died of wounds received the same day at Lagnicourt; on the 23rd J. R. Baker (23rd Lond., Educ.) was killed, probably near Gouzeaucourt, F. F. Drewett (2/5th R.W. Surr., Tram.) south of St. Quentin, Lieut. W. T. S. Hard (3rd Lond., Educ) at Tergnier and W. F. Jewers (nth K.R.R., Comp.) near Nesle; on the 24th H. J. Sanders (28th Lond., Pub. H.) at Ytres and H. W. Burwood (R.A.M.C, Educ.) north of Arras; on the 25th Richard Jones (ist R. Drag., Tram.) near the Oise, H. F. Coombes (2nd Drag. Gds., Asylums) probably at Montauban; on the 27th A. G. Barber (R.E., Tram.) at Harbon- nieres, and T. H. Taylor (E. Yorks, Tram.); on the 28th Corporal Jack Hill (i6th Lond., Educ.) and J. F. B. Barrett (5th Lond., Comp.) and R. V. Butcher (5th Lond., Arch.) at Gavrelle and F. B. Rammage R.F.A., Arch.) and Frank Dolan (R.E., Ch. Engr.) south of Arras; on the 29th Thomas Parsons (R.H.A., Tram.) died in hospital of wounds and Corporal H. V. Lane (28th Lond., Educ.) died as a prisoner of war of wounds received at Ytres on the 23rd. On 3rd April John Toby (5th Oxf. and Bucks, Tram.) died as a prisoner of war of wounds received on 25th I02 March, and on the 4th Corporal F. J. Hatton (R.F.A., Educ.) was killed near Corbie; Sergt. C. A. Bearing M.M , B.Sc. (5th Lond., Educ.) died on i6th April of wounds received at Gavrelle on 28th March and Corporal W. E. Martin (2nd R. Scots, Educ.) wounded on the I2th died on 20th April, H. W. K. Mason (7th R.W. Kent, Educ.) was killed at Villers Breton- neux on the 24th, and Sergt. W. E. Long (3rd Lond., Educ.) wounded this day, probably at the same place, died on the 25th. P. F. Archer (R.H.A., Tram.), wounded near St. Quentin on 28th March, died in England on ist September. Battle of the Lys. Although an attack north of La Bassee was not unexpected, the crisis on the Somme made it necessary to weaken the de- fence in this sector. Many divisions were sent to the south, and others which needed a respite from the desperate fighting there were made up to strength with drafts fresh from England and put into the Hne in their place. The attack opened on gth April on a front of some 12 or 15 miles between the La Bassee Canal and Armentieres which had been the scene of so much fighting in 1915. Again aided by a thick mist the enemy over-ran Portuguese divisions which were being reUeved and, pressing rapidly for- ward, reached the river Lys at and near Sailly. The withdrawal of the Portuguese opened up the British divisions on each side of them to attack in flank and BATTLE OF THE LYS, I918. 103 rear. The 55th, north of the La Bassee Canal, stood fast, but the 40th to the south of Armentieres were compelled to give ground. Towards evening the Ger- mans near Estaires and Bac St. Maur forced passages over the river, the former being driven back by the 51st and 50th Divisions who were in reserve behind the Portuguese. Next day the enemy captured Estaires and, although driven out, succeeded later in regaining the town. On this day the battle spread northwards to the neighbourhood of Hill 60. Aided once more by mist the Ge'rmans pushed back the 25th Division north of Armentieres and the 19th on the east side of the Messines ridge, but the situation at the latter point was somewhat restored in a counter-attack by the 9th Division. Armentieres, thus threatened from the north and from the south, was vacated during the evening by the 34th Division. On the nth Messines, Neuf Berquin and Merville were captured, and with the object of reducing the length of hne held to the north our troops, under orders, vacated the Messines ridge and withdrew to the line Wulverghem — Neuve EgUse. On the 12th the Ger- mans attacked in great strength to the north-west of the salient they had formed and seized Merris, but were checked by the 29th Division. Renewing the attack next day they pushed back the 29th and 31st Divisions which had already suffered heavy losses, and, in an effort to reach the important railway junction at Hazebrouck, got as far as the eastern edge of Nieppe Forest. Here they were finally held by AustraHan troops brought up from the Somme. Neuve Eglise, after changing hands several times, finally passed to the enemy on the 14th, and on the 15th the enemy developed his success by capturing Bailleul, During these latter days a previously arranged plan for the evacuation of the Passchendaele salient was carried out, the operation being completed by the night of the I04 I5th/i6th, when our line, starting from the west and soutli of Langemarck, passed through St. Julien and to the east of Frezenberg. On the i6th Wytschaete was lost, but the 9th Di\dsion held on to the outskirts of the village, and an attack next day on the commanding feature known as Kemmel Hill was repulsed by the 34th, 49th and 19th Divisions. On the i8th a renewal of the attack at Givenchy and Festubert was successfully met by the 1st Division, while to the west the 4th and 6ist Divisions defeated other attacks with heavy losses. Some days of comparative quiet now intervened during which French reinforcements took over the Kemmel sector. On the 25th the battle was renewed between the Comines Canal and the north of Bailleul, with the result that the 21st and 9th Divisions were forced back along the Canal and at Wytschaete, and the French lost Kemmel village and hill. Next day French and British troops recaptured Kemmel village, but being unsupported on the flanks had to withdraw. The loss of Kemmel Hill seriously threatened our positions in the Ypres salient where the communi- cations and defences were under direct observation, and as a precaution, on the night of the 26th/27th, our troops were withdrawn to a point south of La Clytte, the line passing thence to the west of Zille- beke and through Wieltje and Pilckem. Thus on the east round to the south and south-west the enemy approached Ypres nearer than at any time since the fighting line became stabilised in the autumn of 1914. On the 29th very fierce attacks delivered between Locre and Voormezeele by almost overwhelming numbers of troops were completely defeated by the 2ist, 49th and 25th Divisions. The casualties on both sides have already been dealt with under the Battles of the Somme, 1918 (see p. 97). In this, our second serious defeat on the western front, the Germans advanced a maximum of ten miles on a 105 front of twenty. By the capture of Kemmel and the re- capture of the Messines ridge they caused us to vacate most of the ground won in more than three months' bitter fighting during the summer and autumn of 1917. Their advance brought them close to Bethune, Hazebrouck and Poperinghe, and enabled them to harass with gun-fire at moderate range those important points in our communications by road and rail. The fate of Merville, Merris, Bailleul and many other little towns and villages was a pathetic feature of the fighting. As the line in this part had hardly varied, their only association with the war had been to pro\ade peaceful quarters for advanced depots, hospitals, rest billets and the like. The inhabitants might therefore hope that such good fortune would continue to the end, and that their homes, although sometimes threatened, would escape destruction. Such hopes were rudely shattered for, after a respite of nearly four years, these places suddenly found them- selves in the thick of the struggle, and in a few days were as utterly wrecked as though they had been for years in the forward battle area. Capt. (afterwards Lt.-Col.) W. Parkes, M.C. (8th Glouc, Educ.) in fighting near Messines gained a bar to the M.C. " When the enemy penetrated the line ... he led forward the battalion and such other details as he was able to rally and restored the situation. His initiative and coolness saved a general withdrawal." Lieut. F. Morgan (R.G.A., Educ.) for gallantry at Kemmel and Mont Noir was awarded the M.C. " As senior subaltern of his battery he did splendid work on many occasions and commanded the battery very efficiently for some time." Capt. R. E. Licence (2nd Durh. L.L, Educ), as adjutant of his battalion, rendered most valuable assistance throughout the operations, and received the Croix de Guerre. S. Seaman (R.F.A., Asylums) was awarded the M.M. for his gallantry at Kemmel Hill on 25tli April. io6 In this fighting Thos. C. Tniman (R.G.A., Educ.) was killed on loth April, Lieut, and Quart.-Mast. A. H. Jibb (R.A.M.C, Asylums) on the 12th, A. H. Hampton (R.A.M.C, Asylums) on the 13th probably in this sector, A. W. May (8th R.W. Surr., Tram.) on the same day, Lance-Corp. A. J. Thomas (R.E., Tram.) near Meteren on the 14th, and Lieut. Robert Findon (R.E., Estates and Val.) near Bethune on the i8th. Charles Herd (R.F.A., Tram.), wounded near Armentieres earlier in the month, died on the 19th, and on the same date Lieut. E. W. Standerwick (2nd Essex, Stores) was kihed near Bethune. Sergt. Jack Heritage, M.M. (R.G.A., Tram.) was killed on the 21st. Lieut. R. T. Wood (M.G.C.. Comp.) was killed near Wytschaeto, Bomdr. Victor Zoller (R.G.A., Educ.) near Kemmel, Sergt. T. Bailey (12th Glos., Asylums) near Merville and Lieut. C. S. Day (R.F.A., Educ.) east of Bethune, all on the 25th, Lieut. C. W. Clark (13th Rif. Bde., Educ), and A. E. Broad (4th R. Fus., Parks) on the 26th, and H. G, Lewin (15th Dur. L.L, Educ.) near Wytschaete on the 27th. G. H. Jones (R.F.A., Tram.), wounded and taken prisoner at Kem- mel Hill, died on an unknown date some months later. Battle of the Aisne, 1918. An attack was quite possible on practically any part of the British front, and this prevented troops from being completely withdrawn from the fighting area. On the French front, however, there were thought to be several quiet sectors and to one of these, to the north-west of Rheims, were transferred a few divisions with the hope that they would have a period of com- parative rest in which, after their heavy losses on the Somme and the Lys, to refit and to re-organise. This hope was not realised for on 27th May, after only a few weeks, the Germans opened an attack on a front of some forty miles between Rheims and the north- west of Soissons.^ The 21st Division near Loivre, the ' For plan, see p. 108. I07 8th at Berry- aii-Bac on the Aisne, and the 50th near Ville-aux-Bois, the 25th being in general reserve, were driven back across the Aisne, the Vesle and the Ardre with enormous losses, the 8th for instance losing 7,000 infantry out of 9,000. At the same time the French on our left were driven from the Chemin des Dames where the British had been held up in September, 1914 (see p. 9), but which had been captured by the French in the spring of 19 17. After a week's fighting the Germans had taken 45,000 prisoners and 400 guns and had advanced some thirty miles to Villers-Cotterets and to Chateau-Thierry on the Marne. There the defence by the French and the Americans, aided by the 19th Division, prevented any further success. During the fighting on the 27th Lieut. R. T. Boyes (R. Suss., Educ.) " re-organised men of his company and stragglers, dug a line, and held off enemy attacks throughout the night and again in the morning. He himself brought down with rifle fire a low-flying enemy aeroplane. ..." He was awarded the M.C. Those killed included Mark Farrow (2nd Devons, Asylums) near Berry-au-Bac on 26th May and Sergt. R. W. Stevens (2nd Northants, Tram.) at Berry-au- Bac, Wilham Pollock (4th S. Staffs, Educ.) and Bernard Sibbitt (R.A.M.C, Comp.) all on the 27th. Walter Butler (8th Border, Educ.) who was taken prisoner on the latter date died in Germany on 8th September. General Casualties. J. R. McBean (R.E., Clerk) died on 22nd April as the result of an accident on the railway at Audruicq, Frank Wiscombe (2nd Wilts, Asylums) was missing on 8th May, Sergt. G. O. King (R.G.A., Educ.) died at Rouen on the nth of heart failure, Lieut. L. F. Brown, B.A. (M.G.C., Educ.) died on the 14th of wounds received on the loth, S. E. Martin (Gren. Gds., Tram.) on the 27th of wounds received near H io8 Arras, and Lieut. A. L. Tongue (R.F.A., Educ.) was killed on the 28th in the same neighbourhood. On 2nd June, Lieut. Benjamin Downes (2nd Lond., Educ.) was killed, on the 6th Lieut. G. H. Spicer (17th R. Fus., Tram.) was killed at Monchy-au-Bois, ^^^^RE, \ ^Allied line 27'> May 1918 JfNOYON ^\ . \ iBH " f" end of May ^=^^^^11^ - .■ 8'-" Aug '■ /S ^ Craonnfi \ N^^ Loivre »^ J DommieKS .|/ j^Buzancy VilleKS CoKeKetSj^ c>^ \ /^^^^^^^^^ ^ \ Beugneux / ^^^ ^^ fRHEtMS f OuichyJ/ p 0^1^:%/ ■ Fere enTardenois \^ ' \ Marfaux^., R Marne ^ 11 ^ ^ ^ ^ * EPERN^*^ \^ y \ \ \ \ * \ CHATEAU ^THIERRY xS-i f c*~-*— — ^ 5 10 IS zo miles THE AISNE AND THE MARNE, IQlS. to the south of Arras, on the 9th Bombdr. F. H. Voak (R.F.A., Tram.) was killed near Verdun, on the 13th Samuel Goss (R.F.A., Stores) died of wounds received sometime before, on the 15th S. V. Duncton (4th R. Fus., Tram.) died of wounds received near Bethune, on the 17th Co. Sergt.-Maj. F. A. Kingham (15th Lond., P. Cont.) was killed near Albert, and on the i8th Capt. D. T. O'Flynn (R.A.M.C, Asylums) 109 died of appendicitis. H. E. Bishop (Rif. Bde,, Tram.) taken prisoner on 21st March died of pneumonia on 29th June near Peronne. On 15th July John Reynolds (R.E., Asylums) was killed as the result of an accident at Etaples, on the 20th W. H. Green (R. Ir. Rif., Parks) was killed to the south or south-west of Ypres, and on the 25th Co. Sergt.-Maj. J. G. S. Adam (8th Lond., Educ.) was killed in a trench raid south of Albert. Sergt. E. Hook (9th R. Innisk. Fus., Educ.) was killed on 4th August near Poperinghe, A. J. Suckling (6th Lond., Tram.) died on the loth of wounds probably received near Arras, A. E. Richards (51st M.G.C., Comp.) on the 28th of wounds received on the 25th, and F. S. N. Lediard (13th R. Fus., Asylums) also on the 28th near Beaumetz. On the 14th Sergt. A. C. Wilby (8th Buffs, Tram.) who had been wounded and taken prisoner at the Battle of Loos in September, 1915, died of pneumonia near The Hague whither he had been transferred from Germany. G. E. Wybrow (R.A.M.C., Arch.) was killed on 5th September to the south-west of Ypres, H. H. Dean (M.G.C., Tram.) on the loth of gas poisoning, Bombr. R. Butland (R.G.A., Asylums) on the 25th near Arras, and T. T. Jackaman (2nd Devons, Parks) on the 27th probably in front of Vimy Ridge. Lance-Corp. R. A. Hale (ist R. Berks, Educ.) was killed near Noyelles on 3rd October, and R. C. Tovey (R.F.A., Educ.) on the 12th. F. W. Earl (R.G.A., Parks) died on the 20th of gas poisoning. Battle of the Marne, 1918. To make clear what follows it will be well at this point to survey the general position and to glance at events on the French front. In two months the enemy had made three great and successful attacks; one, chiefly against the British in the valley of the Somme, had brought him nearly to Amiens., a second, also against the British in the valley of the Lys, had 110 brought him nearly to Hazebrouck, and a third, chiefly against the French in the valleys of the Aisne and the Marne, had brought him to within forty miles of Paris. Although each assault, successful at first, had been foiled, he continued his efforts to make that breach in the Allied lines which would lead to complete victory. Early in June the French, attacked between Montdidier and Noyon, were pressed back, but only for a few miles, and finally on 15th July the last great assault by the enemy was opened. Rheims, which being at the apex of a sharp salient could be attacked on two sides, was the main objective, but the whole offensive covered a front of more than fifty miles. To the west and south-west of the city there were some slight gains, but to the east the assault, owing to the skilful tactics of General Gouraud, was completely shattered. On 1 8th July General Foch, judging that the Germans had now committed the bulk of their re- maining reserves to this last attack, launched his counter-offensive, directing it at first against the western half of the great salient formed in the German line by their success in the recent Battle of the Aisne. French and American troops, secretly assembled in the woods near Villers - Cotterets, were successful between Chateau-Thierry and Soissons.^ The British 15th Division, having relieved the Americans near Dommiers to the south-west of Soissons, captured Buzancy after a fluctuating struggle, and on their right the 34th Division took Beugneux. Meanwhile on the east side of the salient the 51st and 62nd Divisions advanced along the valley of the Ardre. In about ten days of this fighting the Germans were driven back to the Aisne with the loss of 20,000 prisoners and 400 guns. Once again the Marne proved to be the point at which an advance seriously threat- ening Paris had been arrested and thrown back, but * For plan see p. 108. XIX whereas in 1914 the French, who on both occasions bore the brunt of the attack, were aided only by a few British divisions, in 1918 they were aided also by Americans and Italians. In the fighting on the east of the salient Sergt. P. Clark (R.A.S.C, Tram.) was awarded the Croix de Guerre. He " organised ... a service of cars between loading posts and aid posts, going and coming con- tinuously by bombarded roads, establishing control posts and'regulating the circulation of cars." W. T. F. Stiff {62nd M.G.C., P. Health) won the M.M. " Despite almost insuperable difficulties, he maintained com- munication between brigade, battalions and his own company. He repeatedly repaired wires under heavy shell fire." Only two of the Council's staff lost their lives during these operations, H. W. Drewett (2 /4th Hamps., Tram.) who was killed on 20th July near Jonchery to the west of Rheims, and Lieut. C. F. Wilson (2/4th Hamps., Educ.) who was wounded on the 23rd near Marfaux and died on the 27th at Epernay. Minor Operations on British Front. Advantage was taken of the lull in the fighting on the main British front to re-organise the defences, and, as a preliminary, eight divisions, the 14th, i6th, 31st, 34th, 39th, 40th, 59th, and 66th, which, having suffered the most, had been reduced to cadres were temporarily written off as fighting units. To relieve the situation at Amiens, Bethune, Hazebrouck and even at St. Pol, twenty miles to the west of Arras, where much-used railway junctions were under shell fire, three routes for north and south traffic were provided, this making it necessary to lay some 500 miles of broad gauge track. New lines of defence in rear consisting of about 5000 miles of trench had also to be constructed by the weary troops. As, however, the nunibers of our men increased and their confidence and training improved, various JI3 minor operations were undertaken. These included the capture of Ville-sur-Ancre on 19th May, and an advance near Morlancourt, to the south of Albert, on loth June, both by the Australians. An advance X Milea FIRST PART OF BRITISH ADVANCE, IQlS. by the French near Locre Hospice on 20th May was followed early in July by the capture of the Hospice, and on the 14th of the month by the final capture of Ridge Wood in the same neighbourhood by the 6th Division. On 3rd June the Australians and the 29th Division captured Mont de Merris, west of Merris village. On 28th June the 5th and 31st Divisions "3 made a successful surprise attack to the east of the Forest of Nieppe, capturing the enemy's defences on a front of 6,000 yards and taking 450 prisoners. The plateau of Villers-Bretonneux was cleared by the Australians, and Hamel and Vaire Wood were re- captured with 1,500 prisoners on 4th July. A week later some slight advances were made near Merris, on the 19th the 9th Division recaptured Meteren, and on the night of the aSth/agth Merris was recaptured by the Australians. The Battle of Amiens. The failure of the enemy's attack on Rheims on 15th July and the success, three days later, of the counter-offensive at the Mame and the Aisne trans- ferred the initiative to the Alhes. In order to maintain this advantage it was arranged that the French, American and British armies should undertake separate local offensives, the task assigned to the British being an advance to the east and south-east of Amiens so as to free the railway communications through the city from enemy pressure. It was desirable that the attack should be a surprise, and elaborate pre- cautions were therefore taken to lead the enemy to suppose that any effort contemplated would be at the other, that is the northern, end of our line. With this object, headquarters and casualty clearing stations were built in conspicuous positions in Flanders, and training and general activity behind that part of the line were simulated. Meanwhile preparations were made rapidly and secretly for the advance at Amiens, and on 8th August the attack opened at dawn in a thick mist. The Canadians were on the right immediately north of the Amiens — Roye road, the Australians in the centre at Villers-Bretonneux and to the south of the Somme, and the 58th, i8th and 12th Divisions on the left to the north of the river. Within a very short time these troops, aided by 400 tanks, had pushed forward two miles to the 114 line Demuin — Marcelcave — Cerisy, where the Cavalry Corps joined in the advance. By nightfall the infantry were six or seven miles from their starting point, the only check being at Chipilly which was not stormed until the next day, 13,000 prisoners had been captured with nearly 400 guns and stores of ammunition, etc.^ On the 9th the enemy's resistance stiffened, but this was overcome and by the 12th, when the battle was broken off, we had reached the line Damery — Lihons — Proyart — Bray. This represented an advance of some twelve miles v^ith the capture of a total of 22,000 prisoners and over 400 guns. The Amiens — Paris railway was freed from enemy fire and, by seizing ]\Iontdidier and by bringing Chaulnes under shell-fire, the Allies greatly hampered the enemy's arrangements for the movement of troops and munitions. In the fighting on 8th August Sergt. E. C, Dare (Lond., Educ.) won the D.C.M. for capturing, with the help of about thirty men, mostly stragglers from different regiments, a German strong point with twenty machine-guns and nearly 300 prisoners, and Corp. R. B. Williams (Lond., Educ.) won the M.M. for his bravery near Chipilly. Batty. Q.M.S. E. W. Martin (R.F.A., Educ.) also won the M.M. about this time, Lieut. P. C. Cleall B.A. (loth Essex, Educ), wounded and taken prisoner on the 8th, died of his wounds on 26th August. Second Battles of the Somme, 1918. The attack was now shifted northwards to the line between Albert and Arras where the ground was suitable for tanks and where an advance to the south- 1 General Ludendorff described 8th August as " the black day of the German Army in the history of this war." To it he attributed the defection of Bulgaria and the general discouragement of Ger- many's allies and on 14th August he advised his government to seek for avenues of peace. {My War Memories, 1914-18, vol. ii. p. 679). "5 east, in conjunction with the recent success at Villers- Bretonneux, might produce far-reaching results. As a preliminary, on 21st August the line from Beau- court and Miraumont, in the valley of the Ancre, northwards to Moyennevillc, was successfully attacked by the 21st, 42nd, New Zealand, 37th, 2nd and Guards Divisions. The 5th, 63rd and 3rd Divisions, passing through them, continued the advance, and by the end of the day the Arras railway had been reached, and in some places crossed, between Miraumont and Achiet. As the result of an attack, early next morning, by the Australians and the 32nd, 47th, 12th, i8th and 38th Divisions with a few tanks on the sector between the Somme and the Ancre, Albert was captured by the 1 8th Division, and our front was advanced to the east of the Bray — Albert road. The fighting on these two days yielded 4,400 prisoners and a few guns. The way was thus cleared for a general attack between Chaulnes and Arras, which opened on 23rd August on a front of 33 miles. The divisions in action on the 2 1st and 22nd continued their advance in a general easterly direction, while on the left the attack was taken up by the 56th and 52nd Divisions. The assault was everjrvvhere successful, particularly to the east and north-east of Achiet, and the enemy began to show signs of confusion. Soon after midnight on the 23rd/ 24th the advance was resumed, the Aus- tralians capturing Bray, the 12th and i8th Divisions positions to the north, the 38th Thiepval which held out for three months during the Somme fighting in 1916, the 42nd Miraumont and Pys, the 5th Irles, the Guards St, Leger, the 56th positions near Croisilles and the 52nd Henin. These successes were followed up, and on the 27th the i8th Division captured Trones Wood, on the 28th the 12th and 58th Divisions cap- tured Hardecourt, and the 38th and 17th advanced near Delville Wood towards Flers. On the 29th Bapaume fell to the New Zealanders, and the 56th ii6 and 57th Divisions reached Bullecourt and Hende- court. The enemy's resistance was now increasing, but, notwithstanding this, the AustraUans, in the night of 30th/3ist August, stormed Mont St. Quentin to the north-west of Peronne, beat off numerous counter- attacks and on 1st September occupied the town. After this achievement the advance halted for a time. Sir Douglas Haig summarised the operations in the following words: "Twenty-three British divisions . . . had driven 35 German divisions from one side of the old Somme battlefield to the other. . . . They had inflicted upon the enemy the heaviest losses in killed and wounded, and had taken . . . over 34,000 prisoners and 270 guns." Part of the retirement was to some extent voluntary, but the victories of 8th and 21st August had disorganised the enemy's defences and greatly accelerated his retreat. , The M.C. was gained by five of the Council's staff as follows : (i) Lieut. A. H. Collins (32nd M.G.C., Educ.) at Herleville, south of the Somme, on the 23rd " went forward with the first wave, selecting positions for his guns. . . . As a result of his forward observa- tion under heavy fire, he was able to place his guns so that effective neutralising fire was brought to bear on the enemy." (ii) Lieut. C. L. Henstridge (4th Lond., Educ.) on the 23rd at Boyelles, almost due south of Arras, " seeing that the leading company was held up, pushed his platoon round the enemy's flank and enfiladed part of the trench." (iii) Capt. A. W. K. Burnett (R.F.A., Educ). Near Bihucourt on the 25th, while his " battery was firing a barrage, the enemy commenced a heavy bombardment. He sent all spare men away to cover and remained moving about the battery encouraging the men." 117 (1\) Lieut. E. C. Yalden (7th Middx., Educ.) at Bullecourt " during heavy fighting which lasted several days, displayed marked powers of leader- ship. . . . When his company was almost sur- rounded, he held on to his position with great resolution, repelling several attacks." (v) Capt. G. Ames (R.H.A., Educ.) in connection with operations, details of which are not known, leading to the fall of Bapaume. Co. Sergt.-Maj. T. Archdeacon (7th Lond., Educ.) won the D.C.M. on the 26th when, near Maricourt to the east of Albert, " with an officer and eighteen men, he secured a commanding position about 1,000 yards in front of the main line. The party was subjected to heavy enfilade machine-gun fire, the officer and twelve men becoming casualties. He immediately took command ... and beat off an enemy counter- attack. He subsequently held on for eight hours." The M.M. was won by C. W. Shrimpton (R.F.A., Estates and Vain.) at Morlancourt, near the Somme, for his gallantry in taking up ammunition under heavy fire, and by G. J. Willcocks (R.A.M.C, Educ.) for his devotion to duty near Clery-sur-Somme on ist September. The casualties included Sergt. A. G. Beavis (Yorks L.I., Tram.) killed on 19th August near Herleville, A. V. Veasey (R.G.A., Tram.) near Albert on the 2ist, Lieut. J. C. Stevenson (6th R.W. Surr., Educ.) near Morlancourt, and Lieut. P. T. Sutton, B.A., B.Sc. (R.G.A., Educ.) to the south of that place, both on the 24th, W. H. D. Cole (ist Norf., Tram.) near Achiet on the 25th, Lieut. S. N. Brown (8th R. Berks, Educ.) at Longueval on the 27th, and Capt. E. C. Dupres (9th R. Fus., Educ.) near Hardecourt and Co. Sergt.-Maj. F. G. Weston (i6th Lond., Educ.) near Hendecourt, both on the 28th. Bombdr. G. A. Percival (R.F.A., Tram.) was killed near Clery-sur- Somme and L. A. Reardon, B.Sc. (15th Lond., Educ.) ii8 near Peronne, both on ist September, and Corp. E. W. C. Hayes (20th Lond., Tram.) near the latter place on the 2nd. Second Battles of Arras, 1918. The enemy's position in front of Arras had now been turned into a salient, and an attack against it was opened on 26th August. The Canadians, who had been brought up from near Chaulnes, stormed Wancourt, Guemappe and Monchy-le-Preux, and the 51st Division was equally successful, recapturing most of the area, on the north of the Scarpe, lost during the German advance five months earlier. By the end of the month our troops were in touch with the southern part of the elaborate system of trenches kno\\Ti as the Queant — Drocourt Switch, between the Hindenburg Line at Queant, to the south-east of • Arras, and Drocourt, to the south-east of Lens. On 2nd September the 52nd and 57th Divisions and the Canadians with tanks, cavalry and motor machine- guns broke through this sector, and the 4th and 63rd Divisions following up exploited the victory. Alto- gether in about eight days ten British divisions defeated thirteen German divisions and captured some 16,000 prisoners and 200 guns. Battles of Havrincourt and Epehy. As a result of his defeats at Amiens, Bapaume and the Scarpe the enemy now found himself so danger- ously situated that an immediate retirement became necessary. The first withdrawal, on the night of 2nd /3rd September, was to a line from Peronne along the Canal du Nord to Ytres and thence northwards to the river Sensee, but within a few days the retreat had been continued to the line Vermand — Epehy — Havrincourt — Ecourt St. Ouentin. Much of this defensive position consisted of the Hindenburg Line to which the enemy had retired in the spring of 1917 (see p. 56) and portions of which had been captured in the Battles of Arras and Cambrai (see pp. 61 and 85). IIQ The neighbourhood of Epehy and Havrincourt had been strongly fortified as a sort of outpost Hne, and this had to be dealt with before the main position could be attacked. The assault upon the sector at Havrincourt opened on 12th September, when the 37th Division, with the New Zealanders on its right, stormed Trescault, and the 62nd,^ with the 2nd on its left, stormed Havrincourt. The Epehy sector was attacked on the i8th when, to render the defence more difficult, the assault extended over a front of twenty-seven miles from near St. Ouentin to Gouzeau- court. The Australians and 74th Division were success- ful on the right, the i8th at Ronssoy and Lempire, .the 12th, after a temporary check, at Epehy, and the 58th to the north of that village. In these two battles fifteen British divisions defeated twenty German divisions, capturing nearly 12,000 prisoners and 100 guns. In the attack on Gouzeaucourt on the i8th Lieut. John Evans (R. Welch Fus., Educ.) reached his objective with twenty men but, as the troops on each side failed to get up into line, he was cut off from his supports. During the night he collected some fifty men, beat off six counter-attacks and captured a machine gun. His force held out until, after thirty hours' fighting, their ammunition was exhausted, when the enemy rushed the position, killing or cap- turing all the survivors. Lieut. Evans was amongst those taken prisoner, but he died of his wounds on the 22nd. For his gallantry he was awarded the M.C. Battles of Camhrai and the Hindenhurg Line. It had now been decided that, as part of a general scheme for dislocating the enemy's communications by rail, the British should attack on the St. Quentin — Cambrai front in the general direction of Maubeuge, an important point in those communications. The ' Curiously enough the same division captured the same position ten months earher at the Battle of Cambrai (see p. 83). T20 main position guarding this point was the Hindenburg Line, known to the Germans as the Siegfried Line, with subsidiary systems such as the Brunnhilde, Wotan, Hunding, etc., Lines, named after various individuals in German mythology. The whole was a powerful series of field works, dug in 1916-18 by the forced labour of civilians and prisoners of war, with many concrete shelters and emplacements, and protected by broad belts of wire. It extended from the Chemin des Dames, past La Fere, St. Quentin and Cambrai to near Arras with a depth varying from 7,000 to 10,000 yards. Included in the defences were parts of the Canal du Nord and the Canal de I'Escaut. The former connects the Somme at Peronne with the Sensee midway between Cambrai and Douai, and the latter connects the Somme near St. Quentin with the Escaut (or Scheldt) to the north of Valenciennes. ^ When bridges had been destroyed, the long stretches of water were a formidable obstacle to all arms, but especially to tanks, and the difficulties of crossing were greatly increased by the fact that considerable lengths were in cuttings as much as sixty feet deep, the steep sides of which, faced with brick or masonry, gave little or no foothold. The less difficult sector, about thirteen miles long, containing part of the Canal du Nord, was dealt with first, the battle opening on 27th September. The 5th, 42nd, 3rd and 62nd Divisions on the right were already across the canal, and their advance on a front between Gouzeaucourt and Flesquieres was comparatively easy. To the north of Flesquieres the 2nd Division, the Guards, the 52nd, 63rd and 57th Divisions and the Canadians had to force passages on a narrow front and, having done so, most of them, instead of continuing on their original line, had to debouch to the south-east or north-east in order to gain room. The part of this canal immediately to the north of St. Quentin is also known as the St. Quentin Canal. 121 The enemy's defence being thus thrown into confusion; the nth and 56th Divisions crossed near Marquion and Sauchy without great difficulty. In spite of strong resistance the troops throughout the sector pressed on all that day and the next, the average gain being rather less than five miles in depth. On the 29th the attack was transferred to the sector north of St. Quentin which contained part of the Canal de L'Escaut. This was the scene of one of the most striking exploits of the whole war, described by the commander-in-chief in the following words: " Equipped mth life-belts, and carrying mats and rafts, the 46th Division stormed the western arm of the canal at Bellenglise and to the north of it, some crossing the canal on footbridges wliich the enemy was given no time to destroy, others dropping down the sheer sides of the canal wall, and, having swum or waded to the far side, climbing up the farther wall to the German trench lines. ... So gallantly, rapidly and well was the attack executed . . . that this one di\'ision took on this day over 4,000 prisoners and 70 guns." On this and subsequent days the attack was also successful at other points, namely the 6th and 1st Divisions to the north of St. Quentin, the Americans and Australians at Bellicourt and the i8th and 12th Divisions at Vendhuille. In these two battles thirty-one British and two American divisions defeated thirty-nine German divisions and captured 36,000 prisoners and 380 guns. Of more importance than the material gains was the loss of moral among the enemy troops and civilian population owing to the fact that the last and strongest of his prepared positions had been shattered and that the threat to his communications was now instant and direct. For gallantry shown when, as just narrated, the 46th Division stormed the enemy's lines at Bellenglise, Capt. W. L. Bass (4th Leic, Educ.) was awarded the SKETCH MAP OF BRITISH ADVANCE, IQlS. 123 M.C. vSergt. H. Tester (R.F.A., Parks) received the M.M. for exceptional bravery in action at different times during September. During preliminary fighting to the north of St. Quentin H. P. Obendorf (K.R.R., Educ.) was awarded the M.M. for conspicuous bravery in action on 20th September, and on the 26th Sergt. W. T. G. Jacobs (Lab. Corps, P. Cont.) won the M.S.M. when, although the immediate vicinity of the ammunition dump at which he was working was subjected to heavy bursts of shell fire, he encouraged his men to continue their work of unloading ammunition from a train and reloading into lorries, a very urgent task. The only serious casualties amongst the Council's staff in these battles were Thomas Bayliss (ist Gren. Gds., Housing) killed near Flesquieres on 27th September, Sergt. A. S. Devis, M.M. (Tank Corps, Tram.) on the 29th, H. J. Batchelor (6th York and Lane, Educ.) to the north-west of Cambrai and Lieut. A. Tinniswood (R.E., Arch.) near Cantaing on 1st October, and H. O. Tichener (R.F.A., Asylums) near Cambrai on the 3rd. G. A. Bull (R.F.A., Tram.), wounded near Cambrai on 3rd October, died in England on 15th November. Fighting in Flanders. The effect of this succession of victories was felt further north. During August the enemy gradually vacated the Lys salient (see map on p. 102), and on the 19th we occupied Merville, and on the 30th Bailleul. Later the movement became more hurried, and, although the 36th and 29th Divisions were stoutly opposed near Neuve Eglise, by 6th September Kemmel Hill had been recaptured and we were back on the line Givenchy — Neuve Chapelle— Ploegsteert. On 28th September, in an attack by British, French and Belgian troops under the general command of H.M. the King of the Belgians, the 14th, 35th, 29th and 9th Divisions, aided by the 41st and 36th Divisions, were 124 completely successful to the south of the Ypres — Zonnebeke road, sweeping the enemy back in one day far beyond the limits of the fighting in 1917. At the same time the 31st, 30th and 34th Divisions captured Wytschaete and reached the outskirts of Messines. In all 5,000 prisoners and 100 guns were taken. Next day the advance was continued, and on 2nd October the enemy fell back along the front between Lens and Armentieres. The restoration of roads across the shell- torn salient at Ypres occupied a fortnight, and on 14th October the advance was resumed. The 30th, 34th, 41st and 35th Divisions reached the high ground over- looking Wervicq and Menin, and the 36th, 29th and 9th Divisions on their left were equally successful. Ostend fell on the 17th to the Belgians, who during the next few days drove the Germans from the rest of the coast as far as the Dutch frontier. On the 17th the 8th Division entered Douai, and on the i8th the 57th and 59th Divisions entered Lille, the 40th Roubaix, and the 31st Tourcoing. Lieut. T. J. Malone (ist R. Innisk. Fus., Educ.) earned the M.C. at Dadizeele on ist and 2nd October, by his conspicuous gallantry and coolness under fire and by his devotion to duty under most trying condi- tions. Lieut. A. A. Angel (36th M.G.C., Educ.) won the same decoration at the same time and place. " He was attached to the infantry with four guns and when the enemy put down a heavy barrage ... he had one put out of action and the team of another disorganised. . . . Paying no attention to the bombardment he set matters right." W. E. Price (ist Rif. Bde., Tram.) was killed on 20th August near Merville, Corp. J. S. Hall (2/i7th Lond., Tram.) on 28th September near Wytschaete Ridge, Lance-Corp. E. H. Heard, B.A. (12th E. Surr., Educ.) near Gheluwe on 2nd October, Corp. J. Heskett (2nd R. Fus., Comp.) near Courtrai and Sergt. H. H. Perry, B.A. (2/23rd Lond., Educ.) near Wervicq on the 14th, 125 and Corp. H. C. Johnson (4th N. Lanes, Comp.) near Toumai on the 22nd. Battles of Le Cateau, the Selle and the Sambre. In the south the enemy had now been driven out of the last of his elaborate defences so that the remainder of the fighting was in open country and progress became more rapid. On 8th October the attack was re- sumed on the St. Quentin — Cambrai line, the successful divisions reckoning from the right being the 66th, 25th, 38th, New Zealand, 3rd, 2nd and 63rd. Next day the 57th Division and the Canadians occupied Cambrai, and our troops almost reached Le Cateau. In this fight- ing twenty-two British and two American divisions routed twenty-four German divisions and captured 12,000 prisoners and 250 guns. The next task was the forcing of the line of the river Selle. This, after hard fighting, was accomplished to the east of Le Cateau on 19th October by the 46th, ist, 6th, Americans, 50th and 66th Divisions, and to the north of the town on the 20th by the 38th, 17th, 5th, 42nd, 62nd, Guards, 19th and 4th Divisions. Further extensive fighting ensued on the 23rd and succeeding days, and by the end of the month our troops had reached the Foret de Mormal and were in the western outskirts of Valenciennes. In this battle twenty-four British and two American divisions defeated thirty- one German divisions and captured 20,000 prisoners and 475 guns. As a preliminary to the Battle of the Sambre the 6 1st, 49th and 9th Divisions successfully attacked on 1st November to the south of Valenciennes, the town itself falling to the Canadians. The main assault opened on the 4th when the ist, 46th and 32nd Divisions crossed the Sambre, the 25th, 50th, i8th, 38th, 17th and 37th penetrated the Foret de Mormal, the New Zealanders took Le Quesnoy, scaling the ramparts in mediaeval fashion by means of ladders, and the 62nd, Guards, 24th, 19th, nth and 56th were 126 successful to the north of the town. The average advance on this and the next day was about seven miles, and 19,000 prisoners and 450 guns were taken. The enemy's resistance was now broken and he began to fall back in disorder, closely pursued by our men and harried by aeroplanes with bombs and machine-gun fire. Bavai was occupied on the 7th, Avesnes, the German advanced G.H.Q., on the 8th, and Tournai and the fortress of Maubeuge on the 9th. In the early morning of the nth the Canadians captured Mons so that for the British the fighting on the western front began and ended at the same spot. Lt.-Col. W. Parkes, M.C. and bar (8th Glouc, Educ.) was awarded the D.S.O. for gallantry and good leader- ship. " His battahon was twice ordered to carry out an attack [near Haussy] on the 20th and 23rd October respectively. He personally led the leading platoons across the Selle River under machine-gun and rifle fire. Throughout he showed great courage and ability to command." The M.C. was won by the undermentioned: (i) Lieut. T. A. Edwards (R.N. Div., Educ.) at Niergnies, south-east of Cambrai, on 8th October. (ii) Lieut. H. R. Oswald (13th Welch, Educ). " He was indefatigable on the night of i9th/20th October in carrying out reconnaissances across the river Selle in face of the enemy. . . . During the attack he rushed an enemy machine-gun." (iii) Capt. W. J. Campion (Beds, Educ.) north of Le Cateau on 23rd October when "by his cool courage and fearless leadership he held his company together under a very heavy fire. Later ... he broke down the enemy resistance and successfully led the hue ... to the final objective, capturing eighty prisoners." (iv) Lieut. E. T. G. Hancock (R.G.A., Educ.) for conspicuous gallantry early in November between Lille and Tournai. 127 Corp. E. E. Huntley (Grcn. Gds., Pub. H.) was awarded the M.M. for bravery in action near ]\Iaubeuge. Lieut. F. Nevey, M.A. (9th W. Rid., Educ.) and J. F. Auker (9th W. Rid., Tram.) were killed in front of Le Cateau on 12th October, B. W. Muscutt (4th York and Lane, Tram.) south-west of Valenciennes on the 13th, Sergt. S. J. Boucher (ist Dev., Educ.) near Le Cateau on the 20th, Corp. H. V. Harvey, M.M. (R.F.A., Tram.) and E. C. Yeldham (5th W. Yorks, Tram.) near Valenciennes on ist November, Capt. E. L. Blunt (R.G.A,, Educ.) east of Le Cateau, and Lieut. A. J. Gaskell (Norf. Yeo., Educ.) in Belgium on the 2nd, F. E. Elhott (ist Midx., Tram.) near Valenciennes on the 6th, and F. Watkins (20th Huss., Asylums) near Avesnes on the 7th. Lance-Corp. E. C. Pike (loth R. Warw., Tram.), wounded on the 7th near Mons, died on the 9th. 1 The Armistice. After the Battle of Amiens in August, General Luden- dorff urged the necessity for an immediate peace. The German Government accordingly decided that, follow- ing their army's next victory, negotiations for peace would be opened, but such a victory was not forth- coming. Bulgaria surrendered at the end of September, and on 4th October the German Chancellor, Prince Max of Baden, appealed to President Wilson for an armis- tice. While notes and replies were passing between them Turkey collapsed, and on the 20th Germany accepted the terms upon which the President was willing to submit the correspondence to the Allies. On 4th November Austria surrendered, on the 5th the President notified Germany that the Allies were willing * Throughout the war the British fighting on the western front was mainly in the ancient provinces of Flanders, Artois and Picardy. Chaucer, five hundred years ago, in the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales, wrote: " With him ther was his sone, a yong Squyer « « * « « And he had been somtyine in chivachye In Flaundres, in Artoys, and Picardye." 128 to make peace, and on the 7th the German delegates, travelhng by direction of Marshal Foch along the Foiirmies — La Capelle — Guise road (see map on p. 122), reached the French lines. They were accommo- dated for the night near Compiegne, and next morning presented themselves at Marshal Foch's headquarters in a train near Rethondes four miles east of the town, General Weygand, his Chief of Staff, Sir Rosslyn Wemyss, the First Sea Lord, and Vice-Admiral Sims of the American Navy being also present. Mr. Buchan ^ has given a vivid account of the inter\dew. " The French Marshal asked, ' Qu'est-ce que vous desirez. Messieurs? ' and they replied that they had come to receive the Allied proposals for an armistice. To this Foch answered that the Allies were not seeking any armistice, but were content to finish the war in the field. The Germans looked nonplussed, and stammered something about the urgent need for the cessation of hostilities. ' Ah,' said Foch, ' I understand — you have come to heg for an armistice.' They admitted the correction, and explicitly begged for an armistice." They were then presented with the Allied terms which had to be accepted within seventy-two hours. The chief terms were (i) all occupied territories to be evacuated and all deported inhabitants to be repatriated at once; (ii) 2,500 heavy and 2,500 field guns, 25,000 machine guns and 17,000 aeroplanes to be surrendered; (iii) all German territory on the left bank of the Rhine and all territory on the right bank within a radius of 30 kilometres (about 19 miles) from the three bridge-heads at Cologne, Coblenz and Mainz to be evacuated; (iv) 5,000 locomotives, 150,000 wagons and 5,000 motor lorries to be surrendered; (v) all submarines and the bulk of the surface fleet to be surrendered; (vi) all Allied prisoners to be re- patriated; (vii) the treaties of Brest-Litovsk with * Nelson's History of the War, vol. xxiv., p. 78. 129 Russia and Biikharest with Roumania to be renounced and (viii) Allied merchant shipping to be restored. A courier with the text was despatched to the German headquarters, which he reached only after much difficulty and delay. The terms were accepted and were signed at 5 o'clock on the morning of Monday, nth November, by the German delegates, by Marshal Foch and by Sir Rosslyn Wemyss, and at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the year 1918 the Great War, which had lasted for four years and ninety-nine days, came to an end. After a few days' delay in which to rest the troops and to bring up supplies, the advance was resumed on 17th November, the frontier was crossed on ist Decem- ber and on 6th December our troops entered Cologne. To the Belgians on our left was entrusted the defence of the district to the north of Dusseldorf, to the Americans on our right the bridge-head at Coblenz, and to the French on their right the bridge-head at Mainz. General Casualties. Lance-Corp. J. F. Winter. M.A. (R.E., Educ.) was killed on 28th October near the Aisne where apparently his unit was serving with the French. The deaths from influenza (see also p. 196) and kindred diseases were: H. J. A.Vellensworth (R.E,, Comp.) on ist Nov., Lance- Corp. A. Clark (ist Gren. Gds , Asylums) on the 2nd, G. T. White (R.A.S.C, Tram.) at Rouen and H. C. Gatehouse (R.A.M.C, Educ.) at Havre on the 6th, G. F. Potter (7th Shrop. L.I., Clerk) at Rouen on the 15th. P. Martin (13th R. Fus., Tram.) on the 20th, Corp. H. J. Poate (R.A.S.C, Parks) at Dieppe, M. B. Hutchins (8th R.W. Kent, Parks) at Cambrai, and Corp. J. Rosen (R.E., Educ.) at Tourcoing, all on the 25th, H. J. Salmon (42nd M.G.C., Stores) on the 27th, E. C. Moore (R.A.F., Asylums) near Boulogne on the 27th, R. C. Moss (R.A.S.C, Tram.) on 2nd December, H. A. Carter (R.A.S.C, Tram.) at Boulogne on the 3rd, I30 W. E. King (R.A.S.C, Tram.) at Mons on the nth, and D. Parry M.S.M. (R.A.F., Arch.) at Paris on the 25th. Alfred Wright (Educ.), perhaps of the 23ra Londons, died in France during December, but neither the place nor the cause nor the exact date of his death is known. CHAPTER VII. Royal Navy. The fate of the countries engaged in the Great War was determined on the western front, and the fighting there has merited the most attention, but in no other conflict was it so true that, in the words of the Articles of War: " It is upon the Navy that, under the good Providence of God, the wealth, prosperity, and peace of these' islands and of the Empire do mainly depend." Without the Navy's powerful aid our country, if not conquered by invasion, would almost certainly have been starved into surrender, nor could our armies in France, and still less those farther away, have been supplied with reinforcements and munitions. Its position at the opening of the war has already been referred to (see p. 5). Although its influence was felt in all our operations, it will be convenient to give here a separate summary of its great work. Early in 1914 a test mobilisation of the Home Fleets had been ordered for i6th July. In the ordinary way the ships would have dispersed on the 27th, but on the 26th, three days after Austria's ultimatum to Serbia, the dispersal was countermanded. On the 29th the British First Fleet sailed for Scapa Flow in the Orkneys, and on ist August our full naval forces were mobiUsed. Action followed close upon the declaration of war, for on the 5th the Konigin Luise, while laying mines some distance off the East Coast, was chased and sunk by H.M.S. Amphion. A few hours later the latter struck one of the mines and went down with most of her crew and some prisoners from the Luise. On the 6th H.M.S. Birmingham rammed and sank two enemy submarines. A brief account may here be given of the Navy's duties during the war. These were summarised by Mr. Balfour, as First Lord of the Admiralty, in July, 1915, as follows: — (i) To drive the enemy's commerce off the sea. This was accomplished by stationing strong forces in Scapa Flow and the English Channel, so as to cut off all egress from the North Sea. The area thus enclosed was then systematically patrolled by light craft, Harwich and Dover being two of the chief bases. (ii) To protect British commerce. To do this it was necessary to have control in all parts of the world. The Atlantic was the main avenue of supply, but routes had also to be considered to and from Australia, New Zealand, India and China. Also a northern patrol was necessary to insure the passage from Denmark, Norway, Sweden and north Russia. Mine-sweepers and trawlers had to be provided to deal with the mines laid by the enemy in the main traffic routes. Finally, when the unrestricted submarine campaign against trading vessels was undertaken, anti-sub- marine patrols and escorts both for ships-of-war and the mercantile marine had to be organised. (iii) To render the enemy's fleet impotent and (iv) to prevent the landing of enemy troops. These were brought about by the forces and patrols referred to under (i) and (ii) at Scapa, in the English Channel and elsewhere. Later the battle-cruiser and other squadrons were stationed in the Firth of Forth. (v) To enable our troops to be transported across the sea. This entailed the escort of several millions of troops between the British Isles, France, India, Australia, New Zealand, East, West and South Africa, Gallipoli, Egypt, Palestine, Salonica and latterly America and Russia. 132 (vi) To secure supplies for troops in all theatres of war. (vii) In fitting circumstances to assist military operations such as those at Gallipoli and at different times on the Belgian coast. In the space available it is not possible to do more than to give a list of the chief actions in which the Navy was engaged.^ On 28th August a sweep by destroyers and light cruisers, aided later by battle cruisers, into the Heligo- land Bight was organised. After some confused fighting V187, an enemy destroyer, and the light cruisers Koln, Mainz and Ariadne were sunk with the loss of over 1,000 men. Four enemy raiders were sunk, the Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse by H.M.S. High/Iyer on 26th August at Rio de Oro on the west coast of Africa, the Cap Trafalgar by H.M.S. Carmania on 14th September off Trinidada Island, Brazil, the Emden by H.M.S. Sydney on 9th November at the Cocos or Keeling Islands, in the Indian Ocean, and the Konigsberg on nth July, 1915, by monitors in the River Rufiji, East Africa, where she had been shut up by H.M.S. Chatham six months before. H.M.S. Audacious struck a mine on 27th October and sank, and on ist January, 1915, the Formidable was torpedoed off Start Point, Devon. Several destroyers and monitors aided the Allied left at Lombartzyde on the Belgian coast during the first Battle of Ypres in October. On 3rd November, Yarmouth, and on 14th December, Scarborough, Whitby and the Hartlepools, were bombarded, while on 24th January, 1915, another attempted raid was driven off with the loss of the Blilcher and severe damage to the Seydlitz. During September, 1915, the Royal Edward carrying reinforcements to Gallipoli was torpedoed with the loss of 1,000 out of 1,600 officers and men. In October • The actions in which members of the Council's staff lost their lives are dealt with separately at the end of the chapter. 133 the transports Ramazan and Marquette were sunk in the iEgean, on the 28th H.M.S. Argyll ran aground on the Scotch coast, and on 30th December the Persia was torpedoed in the Mediterranean. The German battleship Pommern was torpedoed in the Baltic on 2nd July. On 25th April, 1916, Lowestoft and Yarmouth were again bombarded, in June H.M.S. Hampshire, carrying Lord Kitchener and his staff to Russia, struck a mine off the Orkneys and sank with the loss of nearly all on board, and during the latter part of the year several vessels of no great importance were damaged or destroyed on each side. On 31st January, 1917, the Germans proclaimed unrestricted action by their U-boats. This danger was met by developing the destroyer patrols and patrols by armed trawlers, smacks, drifters, fast motor boats, etc., by the use of strongly-armed vessels dis- guised as tramps, by the arming of merchantmen, by the use of depth charges which were constructed so as to explode at any depth desired, and by the use of seaplanes and airships to detect submarines even when submerged. Commanders of merchant vessels were instructed as to routes to be taken or avoided. The vessels were grouped into convoys and many of them were dazzle-painted so as to deceive the enemy as to their type and construction, and even as to their course and speed. Many ships after being sunk were raised by the salvage service; during the last three years of the war over a million and a half tons were so raised, the value of the ships and contents being about £50,000,000. The opening of 1918 was marked on 14th January by the third bombardment of Yarmouth. Ostend and Zeebrugge were of great assistance to the Germans as submarine bases, and one object of the Passchen- daele fighting was to bring them under gunfire (see p. 70). On 23rd April, 1918, gallant efforts were 134 made to seal the entrances to the harbours. At Zeebrugge, the Vindictive, under cover of a smoke screen, and accompanied by a flotilla of destroyers, monitors and motor launches, was driven on to the mole to serve as a landing-stage for a storming party. The latter, having landed, silenced a number of batteries, destroyed hangars and store-sheds and sank a destroyer. The submarine C3 was run into the piles of the railway and, by its explosion, caused very great damage. Three block ships were sunk in the channel leading to the Bruges canal. The crews of the submarine and block ships, after accomplishing their tasks, were taken off their vessels in motor boats. The attack at Ostend on the same night was not so successful, as the wind, changing suddenly, dispersed the smoke screen, and the block ships were blown up in the wrong place. In a second attempt on 9th May, the Vindictive was successfully blown up and sunk across the channel. As 1918 advanced the U-boats, partly owing to the reduction in numbers caused by losses and damage at sea, and partly owing to the success of our defensive measures, became much less effective. In October, 1918, when it was clear that the Germans had lost the war, their War Cabinet undertook that the principles of cruiser warfare should be observed and that the lives of non-combatants would be assured. At the end of the month their fleet, ordered out to sea in the hope that some desperate stroke might retrieve the situa- tion, mutinied and it was realised that an offensive was impossible. In accordance with the terms of the Armistice fourteen battleships, seven cruisers and fifty destroyers surrendered on 21st November to the British Navy and were taken as prizes to the Firth of Forth. Submarines to the number of 150 were also surrendered and taken into Harwich. 135 Casualties amongst the Council's staff. The actions in which members of the Council's staff perished were as follows: H.M.S. Aboukir, Cressy and Hogue. On 22nd September, 1914, H.M.S. Aboukir, Cressy, and Hogue, armoured cruisers of 12,000 tons displace- ment, were torpedoed and sunk in the North Sea to the south of the Dogger Bank with a loss of 60 officers and over 1,300 men. The sinking of the Aboukir was an ordinary hazard of patrolling duty, but the Hogue and the Cressy were sunk because they proceeded to the assistance of their consort, and remained, with engines stopped, endeavouring to save Hfe, thus presenting an easy and certain target to further submarine attacks. All the men behaved extraordin- arily well, obeying orders even when in the water swimming for their lives, and many acts of great self- sacrifice and gallantry were witnessed. Fifteen employees of the Council lost their lives in the sinking of these ships. They were Henry Arnold, J. E. Rawlings, A. S. Keeler, R. G. Grist, C. H. Boys, Walter Challis and A. A. Gaiger (Tramways), E. V. White, F. J. Owen, Westly Livingstone (L.F.B.), G. D. Davis and F. C. Chapman (Education), R. W. Medhurst (Ch. Engr.), William Lawrence (Asylums) and J. W. Curry (Pub. Cont.). H.M.S. Hawke. On 15th October, 1914, H.M.S. Hawke was torpedoed and sunk in the northern waters of the North Sea. The Hawke was a cruiser with a displacement of 7,350 tons, and carried a crew of about 500, of whom only 4 officers and 69 men were saved. At about 11 a.m. the Hawke sighted a collier flying the Norwegian flag, and changed her course slightly in order to investigate the character of the vessel. The cruiser was moving through the water at a moderate speed when an explosion occurred and part of the ship's side was torn away. One boat only was got away and her crew pulled about 136 endeavouring to save those in the water. Many men clambered on to Ufe-saving rafts, but the cold was extreme and numbers of them fell from the rafts into the water. Three officers and forty-nine men were saved in this boat and were picked up ultimately by a trawler. One officer and twenty men were also picked up later from a raft. Six employees of the Council were among those who were lost, namely G. A. B. Allum and T. W. Jackson (Ch. Engr.), F. T. Hemming and C. W. Waite (L.F.B.), P. W. Hepworth (Asylums) and A. W. Woods (Tram.). Battles of Coronel and the Falkland Isles. Towards the evening of ist November, 1914, H.M.S. Good Hope, an armoured cruiser of 14,100 tons and flagship of Admiral Sir C. Cradock, accompanied by H.M.S. Monmouth, an armoured cruiser of 9,800 tons, H.M.S. Glasgow, a Hght cruiser of 4,800 tons, and H.M.S. Otranto, an auxiliary cruiser, came up off Coronel on the coast of Chile with the squadron of Admiral von Spee, consisting of the armoured cruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau of 11,400 tons, and the light cruisers Dresden, Niirnberg and Leipzig, 3,540, 3,350 and 3,200 tons respectively. The enemy declined action until sunset, when the light gave them an important advantage. During the action, which began about 7 p.m. and lasted for an hour, darkness and the head sea made firing difficult. At an early stage both the Good Hope and Monmouth caught fire, but fought on until, at 7.50 p.m., a great explosion took place on the Good Hope, flames shooting 200 feet into the air, and the ship foundered with the loss of all on board. The Monmouth, accompanied by the Glasgow, hauled off at dark, but was unable to steam away. She was then attacked by the enemy and sank,, all on board perishing. The Glasgow and Otranto escaped. The result of this action is attributed to the superior weight of metal possessed by the enemy and to the advantages of position. The British ships fought with gallantry^ 137 but the odds were too great. F. H. Field and W. J. Brooker (Tram.), and J. E. Blake (Parks) lost their lives on the Good Hope. After the battle the Glasgow and the Otranto fell in with H.M.S. Canopus, of 12,950 tons, which also belonged to Cradock's squadron but had been left behind for repairs, and the three vessels made for the South Atlantic. Meanwhile a squadron, consisting of the battle cruisers H.M.S. Invincible and Inflexible, each of 17,250 tons, and the three armoured cruisers H.M.S. Carnarvon of 10,850 tons, and /^^ew/ and Corn- wall, each of 9,800 tons, was dispatched from England under Rear- Admiral Sir F. D. Sturdee, and arrived on 7th December at the Falkland Isles off the extreme south-eastern coast of S. America. Next day, just as the combined squadrons had finished coaling, von Spec arrived expecting to find only the renanants of Cradock's force. When he realised his error he at- tempted to escape, but was compelled by the superior speed of the British ships to give battle. His vessels were overpowered; the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau were sunk by the battle cruisers, the Nurnberg by the Kent and the Leipzig by the Glasgow and Cornwall. About 200 of the crews were rescued, the rest with von Spec himself going down with their ships. The Dresden escaped for the time being, but on 14th March, 1915, was sunk by the Kent and the Glasgow off the island of Juan Fernandez. Battle of Jutland. The facts relating to the Battle of Jutland have been the subject of so much controversy that it must suffice to say here merely that on 31st May, 1916, the British Battle-cruiser Fleet, under the command of Vice-Admiral Sir David Beatty, was cruising to the west of the Jutland peninsula when the Battle-cruiser Fleet of Vice-Admiral Hipper was sighted. A fierce battle commenced, and had lasted for nearly an hour when the main body of the German High Sea Fleet 138 appeared and took part in the conflict. From the first sighting of the enemy two hours elapsed before the main British fleet could appear on the scene of action, and during the latter part of this time Sir David Beatty's force was engaged against overwhelming odds. Though it successfully held the German fleet and inflicted very heavy damage on the enemy, it neces- sarily sustained great losses in the unequal conflict. All the might of the German fleet was concentrated in turn against the leading ships of the British line. H.M.S. Queen Mary in particular received the full force of the enemy's fire, and after a stubborn fight the vessel was destroyed as the result of an explosion. Very few of the crew were saved and amongst those missing were George Doling (L.F.B.) who was serving as a gunner and E. W. Whitlock (Tram.) who was serving with the R.M.L.I. H.M.S. Tipperary formed a unit of the fourth torpedo flotilla attached to the main Battle Fleet. On the night (31st May/ist June, 1916) following the battle the Fourth, Eleventh and Twelfth Flotillas delivered a series of attacks on the enemy, causing him severe losses. In the course of these attacks H.M.S. Tipperary was sunk. Only 20 men were saved, and among others Leading Stoker E. W. Pouting (L.F.B.) lost his life. The Germans claimed the battle as a victory, but the grounds on which this claim was based are not obvious. It is difficult to estimate their losses, but they seem to have equalled ours.^ Their fleet did not continue the contest, but in the darkness of the early morning of ist June returned to port. Our blockade was maintained, and never again did they venture to dispute our naval supremacy. General Casualties, I. J. Miller (R.N., L.F.B.) was on H.M.S. Viknor when she was lost in January, 1915, and F. A. Halliday > H. C. O'Neill, History of the British Navy during the War, pp. 257-8. 139 (Educ.) and W. S. Entwistle (L.F.B.) were on H.M.S. Clan McNaughton, an armed merchant cruiser em- ployed on patrol duty, when she disappeared, having probably foundered in heavy weather during February. James Waddingham (R.M.L.I., L.F.B.) was killed by a gunshot on 29th February, 1916, when H.M.S. Alcantara was sunk by the Greif, a German raider, and Alfred Bolt (Tram.) serving on Torpedo-boat No. II as a gunner lost his hfe on 7th March, 1916, when, having struck a mine off the East Coast, his vessel sank with most of her crew. H.M.S. Foyle struck a mine in the English Channel on 15th March, 1917, and sank with the loss of 29 men, one of whom was Arthur Roake, D.S.M. (R.F.R,, L.F.B.). Henry Carpenter (R.F.R., L.F.B.) lost his hfe on 30th June, 19 17, when H.M.S. Cheerful, while employed on escort duty, struck a mine and foundered in the North Sea. H.M.S. Ettrick, engaged in convoying transports, was torpedoed and sank on 7th July, 1917, off Beachy Head, those killed including James New (R.F.R., Tram.). C. J. C. Bastian (R.N., Educ.) was killed on 9th July, 1917, when H.M.S. Vanguard blew up in harbour as the result of an internal explosion. A. C. Jones (R.N.R., L.F.B.) was drowned on 30th July, 1917, when the s.s. Besswood on which he was serving as a gimner sank in the Irish Sea after a collision. H.M.S. Wolverine sank on 12th December, 1917, as a result of a collision, and John Richards (R.N., Tram.) was among the very few who lost their lives. J. W. Helps (Educ.) lost his life in the very gallant action on 20th January, 1918, when H.M.S. Raglan, a monitor of 4,500 tons, on which he was serving, aided by a smaller vessel of the same type, engaged the Goehen (22,640 tons) and the Breslau (4,480 tons) off the Dardanelles. The British vessels, hopelessly out- gunned, were both sunk, but the Breslau, retreating after the engagement, struck a mine and sank, and the Goehen also struck a mine and to avoid destruction K 140 had to be beached in the Narrows. C. L. Pain (Tram.) was serving on H.M.S. Eleanor when on 12th February, 1918, while carrying a cargo of 2,000 mines, she blew up with the loss of all hands. W. F. Harden (Educ.) lost his life on i6th September, 1918, when an explosion occurred on board H.M.S. Glutton which, having caught fire, had to be destroyed in Dover Harbour so as to prevent damage to the shipping and the town. Decorations. Lieut. A. G. Dodman (R.N.R., Ch. Engr.) received the D.S.C. for the gallantry with which, while on patrol duty in the east Mediterranean on 6th December, 1916, he went to the defence of the s.s, Camherwell, his skilful action probably leading to the destruction of the submarine making the attack. The facts relating to other naval decorations gained by members of the Council's staff are described under the various fronts. CHAPTER Vni. Royal Air Force. Like the Royal Navy the Royal Air Force served on all fronts, but, in view of its extraordinary develop- ment during the war, its achievements can best be dealt with as a whole. Balloons, manned by detachments from the Royal Engineers, were used in the British Army in 1879, and rendered good service in the Bechuanaland Expe- dition in 1884 and during the South African War, 1899-1902. The first British dirigible, the Nulli Secundus, was commenced in 1902 but did not make its first flight until 1907. Experiments with army aeroplanes began in 1911 or perhaps a little earlier. The Navy's experiments with dirigibles and aero- planes date from 1908 and 191 1 respectively.^ About ' It is interesting to compare these dates with the dates of the inventions. The balloon was invented by the Montgolfier brothers, the first man to make an ascent being Jean de Rozier in 1783, the 141 this time only two small airships and fewer than twelve efficient aeroplanes were available for all purposes, but the new service rapidly developed, and on 13th May, 1912, the Royal Flying Corps, with naval and military wings, and a central flying school, reserve and factory, was established. In 1913 the dirigibles were transferred to the Navy, and in June, 1914, the naval wing became an independent force under the name of the Royal Naval Air Service. At the outbreak of war practically all the available machines of the R.F.C., forming rather more than three squadrons, crossed to France on 13th August, 1914, under the late Sir David Henderson, the majority landing near Amiens. On the i6th they moved to Maubeuge, and on the 19th made their first reconnais- sances. Their value was soon proved for at Mons they were the first to give warning of the French defeat on the British right and of the German attempt to out- flank the British left (see p. 6). They also reported Von Kluck's swerve to the south-east from Amiens (see p. 8) and the enemy's entrenchments on the Aisne (see p. 9). When the opposing armies settled down into trench warfare, reconnaissance, although still most important, became a matter of routine and new features were developed. One of these was the regular photograph- ing of the enemy's lines; by comparing later with earlier photographs the position and nature of his works and the progress made could be recorded. Another task was watching for the gun-flashes which revealed the position of enemy batteries. The fire of our guns was then brought to bear upon these points, corrections to the officers controlling the fire being first successful dirigible was flown at Paris in 1852, the Wright brothers made their first aeroplane flight in America on 17th Decem- ber, 1903, and in Europe, at Le Mans, some 100 miles south-west of Paris, in August, 1908. On 30th September, 1908, Henri Farman made the first cross-country flight from Chalons to Rheims and on 25th July, 1909, Bleriot crossed the English Channel from Calais to Dover. 142 signalled at first by coloured lights, later by lamps flashing the Morse code, and finally by wireless tele- graphy. There had been fights in the air even during the retreat from Mons, but these isolated combats soon developed into systematic attempts to prevent the enemy's machines from reaching our lines. Gener- ally speaking, in the early fights, for fear of shooting away the propeller, only rifles or machine-guns firing to the side could be used. About the end of 1915 a German aeroplane was captured on which the action of the machine-gun trigger was synchronised with the engine, so that bullets could be fired, without damage to the blades, between the moving arms of the pro- peller. This device was copied and fitted to most of our machines, greatly improving their capacity for the offensive. Small bombs for attacking ground targets were also used as early as the retreat but they were very primitive in construction and limited in action. Their size and efficiency, as well as the distance which they could be carried, were rapidly increased, so that from Neuve Chapelle in 1915 all important battles were preceded by aerial bombardments of railway and road centres, dumps, batteries, troop trains, etc. Night flying was introduced early in 1916. These developments, spread over 1915 and the early part of 1916, culminated in the preparations for the Battle of the Somme. In this battle also one most useful service was performed by the Corps for the first time. An army's communications are always difficult to maintain, and, during a big battle, the difficulties are increased a hundredfold. The heavy fire cuts all telephone wires, the continual explosions raise clouds of smoke and dust through which no signals can be seen, runners with messages cannot pass to and fro through the artiller}^ barrage. Attacking troops soon get out of touch with the higher commanders, some- times they are fired upon by their own artillery, at others they are overwhelmed by counter-attacks of 143 which their artillery cannot be warned. The aeroplane contact patrols altered all this. The assault troops, by lighting flares in the bottom of the captured trenches, signalled their position to aeroplanes over- head, and a code of signals was devised covering the most urgent of their needs. The higher command were thus kept informed of the phases of the battle and could do what was best to help the advance. Apart from what was done at Kut (see p. 170) aeroplanes were rarely used for conveying stores; this work was not undertaken until the end of the war and then only upon a small scale. Propaganda literature was often dropped, and from the Battle of Messines, 1917, onwards, enemy troops, whether in trenches, in camps or on the march, were frequently engaged by low-flying planes. One purpose to which aeroplanes were put is of special interest. Our agents were taken behind the enemy's lines, dropped by para- chute, and not infrequently supplied with carrier pigeons by the same means. There were rumours that occasionally agents were even picked up after they had completed their task and brought back. In the latter part of the war much of the work of artillery observation and of watching enemy move- ments in forward areas was done by observers from captive balloons. The most successful type was the stream-line shape, ^ designed by Capt, Caquot, a French officer, in which stability was secured by an air-inflated tail with three air-inflated fins of equal size set at angles of 120 deg. In France these balloons were stationed at frequent intervals along the front, three miles or so in rear of the line, eight or ten being usually in sight at once; they were used on other fronts as well. The occupants ran special risks, for the balloons were tempting targets for the enemy's artillery and aeroplanes, some were struck by lightning and others broke loose in high winds. At sea an adapted * Known to the troops as " sausages." 144 type was used for convoy escort work. They were towed by one of the convoy to which they could telephone information concerning enemy submarines. They were also used to support, at a height of some 10,000 feet, the aprons of steel cables with which London was surrounded as a protection against aero- plane attacks. The R.N.A.S. was used chiefly for long distance bombing raids, for maintaining coastal patrols by air- ships and aeroplanes against submarines, for scouting at sea, and for the defence of London and the coast against attacks by air. A list of the raids would fill several pages, so it must suffice to mention here by way of illustration in 1914 alone the attacks on 22nd September on Zeppelin sheds at Dusseldorf and Cologne, and on 21st November on the Zeppehn base at Friedrichschafen on Lake Constance, the combined attack by sea and land on Cuxhaven on Christmas Day and the incessant attacks upon submarine, etc., bases at Ostend, Zeebrugge and Bruges. On 7th June 1915, Flight Sub. -Lieut. R. A. Warneford at Ghent earned the distinction of being the first airman to destroy a Zeppelin in the air, a feat for which he was awarded the V.C. An officer of the R.N.A.S. was also the first airman to sink a submarine at sea, this happening on 26th August, 1915. Both the R.F.C. and the R.N.A.S. served in all the main theatres of war, and in each had to encounter new dangers and difficulties. In hot countries, such as Mesopotamia and the tropics for instance, the machines were liable to be clogged with sand, and water in the radiators boiled so easily that flying was usually possible only in the early morning. The intense heat also caused wood-work to warp, and machines of a special pattern in which metal was used instead of wood had to be designed. In Northern Russia, on the other hand, the water in the radiators was liable to freeze and difficult problems connected with lubrica- 145 tion and ignition arose. At sea, and in Egypt and tropical Africa, there was always the risk that the air- man might be compelled by engine or other trouble to alight upon the sea or in the desert or jungle far from human aid. This danger was partly guarded against by carrying on the planes pigeons which could be released with messages for help. The division of the air force into two independent parts engendered a healthy spirit of emulation but it also had grave drawbacks. It is obvious that there would be much overlapping, little or no standardisa- tion of equipment, and such keen competition for limited supplies as to prevent either from obtain- ing all that was desired. To meet these difficulties the Joint War Air Committee was set up in February, 1916, to co-ordinate questions of supplies and design, and three months later an advisory Air Board was formed. The Board's functions gradually expanded, in 191 7 supplies were pooled, and at the end of the year Parhament authorised- the amalgamation of the two services. The Royal Air Force as thus constituted came into being on ist April, 1918. The R.A.F. continued to develop the work of its predecessors but no details call for special notice except perhaps the part played by the Force in the final defeat of the Turks in Palestine (see p. 165). The neigh- bourhood of the enemy's aerodromes was patrolled so effectively that none of their machines would venture out. After the main battle on 19th September, 1918, our aeroplanes patrolled the only road leading to the crossings of the Jordan and, by systematic bombing and machine-gun fire, reduced the defeated troops into a mere rabble which on the arrival of the cavalry and infantry surrendered without attempting to resist. Similar but less complete results followed the defeats of the Bulgarians at Lake Doiran in September, 1918 (see p. 179), and the Austrians at Vittorio Veneto in October, 1918 (see p. 184). The Germans in their final 146 retreat on the western front were protected by rain and ground mists from a like fate. In June, 1918, the Independent Air Force, succeed- ing long-distance bombing units of the R.N.A.S.; was formed for a definite purpose — the bombing of German munition works. Much good work had already been done, for during the previous eight months, which included the severe winter of 19 17-18, 142 raids, of which 57 were in Germany, had been made. The work of the I.A.F. can best be summarised by stating that in five months 550 tons of bombs were dropped, 160 by day and 390 by night, and that of this amount 220 tons were dropped on aerodromes. Special attention was devoted to railways and to blast furnaces, the reason for this being that the Germans were very short of rolling stock, and serious damage would there- fore lead to important results. A section was formed for bombing Berlin. The necessary machines, each with four engines of 375 horse power, were not received until the end of October, and, although all ranks worked day and night to equip them for their task, they were not ready until the Armistice was about to be signed. A few figures will help to illustrate the surprising growth of the R.A.F. and its equipment. At the begin- ning of the war the R.F.C. and the R.N.A.S. comprised only a few hundred officers and men ; at the Armistice there were in the R.A.F. some 28,000 officers and 264,000 other ranks, making a total of nearly 300,000. In 1914 only 40 pupils could be dealt with at a time; in 1918 30,000 cadets were under instruction at once. In 1914 the R.F.C. had four squadrons -^ up to strength and the R.N.A.S. rather fewer. In 1916 the R.F.C. had 21 squadrons in France, eight in the Middle East and a number at home. By March, 1918, these numbers had risen to 76 and 14 respectively, with 22 for home defence and special training. In November, 1918, the ' The R.A.F. was organised as follows: six machines to a flight, three flights to a squadron, three or four squadrons to a wing, two or more wings to a brigade. 147 number of squadrons was over 200, with another 200 for cadet training. The number of machines had increased from less than 100 to about 22,000. The machines had also improved. In 1914 the best machine had a speed of 73 miles an hour and a climbing capacity >of 3,000 feet in nine minutes; by 1917 speed had been doubled and climbing capacity trebled. In place of a single engine of 70 horse power, the most powerful machines were fitted with two engines of 275 horse power each and even four engines of 375 horse power each. The potential output of complete machines rose from 50 to 3,500 a month and of engines from 14 to 3,000 a month. The weight of the heaviest aerial bomb, which in 1914 was about 14 lbs., increased in 1915 to 100 lbs., in 1916 to 336 lbs., and in 1918 to 1,600 lbs., or three-quarters of a ton. The seven air- ships of 1914 had increased by 1918 to 103, including five rigids. H. G. Hughes (R.N.A.S., Tram.) was killed on 26th April, 1915, in a flying accident at Southampton Water, Lieut. F. E. Hollingsworth (R.F.C., Stores) on night patrol in France on 15th September, 1916, Lieut. A. I. McKimmie (R.F.C., Educ.) on 23rd May, 1917, in a flying accident near Poperinghe, Lieut. E. Churcher (R.F.C., Educ.) on 14th July, 1917, in the same way at the same place, Lieut. J. W. Todd (R.F.C., Tram.) on 28th September, 1917, in a flying accident in Norfolk, Lieut H. V. Thornton (R.A.F., Educ.) on loth May, 1918, while flying over the Austrian lines in Italy, Lieut. S. \V. James (R.A.F., Educ.) on 9th June, 1918, in a flying accident near Taranto in Italy, Lieut. C. V. Todman (R.A.F., Educ.) on 3rd August, 1918, in a fight against three German aeroplanes, and Capt. F. Jefcoate, M.B.E. (R.A.F,, Educ.) on 14th February, 1919, in a flying accident in Palestine. 148 CHAPTER IX. Gallipoli. British influence with Turkey, at one time consider- able, had, during the last thirty years or so, been, much weakened. One cause of this was the occupation of Egypt and Cyprus, another was the resentment aroused by the spirited condemnations in England of Turkish misrule, a third was the support given by Great Britain after the first Balkan war in 1912-13 to the successful claims of Bulgaria and Greece to Turkish territory, a fourth was the growing under- standing between Great Britain and Russia, the hereditary enemy of Turkey. While British influence waned, that of Germany increased. German capital was forthcoming both for public and private purposes, Germany aided the negotiations for the construction of the Bagdad railway, a German general with a German staff was appointed to re-organise the army. When the Great War broke out Great Britain was seen to side with Russia, and the Turks were further annoyed and alarmed by the fact that two battleships, built for them and intended to strengthen their very weak navy, were detained in England. At the same time the German war vessels Goeben and Breslau, eluding the Allied fleet in the Mediterranean, escaped to Constantinople, and, when their dismantlement was demanded, were sold or given to Turkey. After three months' hesitation, Turkey on 31st October, asserting that her fleet had been fired upon by Russians, declared war. The Allies soon dealt with the new combatant, and decided to do this by means of a naval attack on Constantinople. They realised that the fall of the city would check Turkish activities in the Caucasus, Mesopotamia and Egypt, would ensure the passage of munitions to, and of food from, Russia, and also 149 would lead to the neutrality, if not the assistance, of Bulgaria, the safety of Serbia and the co-operation of Greece. The approach to Constantinople from the Medi- terranean lies through the Dardanelles, the strait, from one to six miles wide, which separates the pen- insula of Gallipoli ^ from Asia Minor. To make clear what follows it will be convenient to introduce here a brief description of the district. The length of Gallipoli (see plan on p. 150) is a little over fifty miles, and its breadth varies from about three miles at Bulair in the north-east to twenty-four east of Suvla and about seven in the south-west; south of Suvla and west of Maidos the width for a short distance drops to less than five miles. It is a rolling, waterless country, very beautiful in the spring when the hills are covered with flowers, but, as these fade under the summer sun, it takes on a tawny, dusty hue. There is httle cultivation, the southern half being covered chiefly with heather and scrub. Most of the coast line consists of steep cliffs, a hundred feet high or more, pierced here and there by guUies which open out into narrow strips of beach two or three hundred yards wide. The chief hills are Sari Bair, nearly a thousand feet high, to the south of Suvla and com- manding Suvla Bay and Anzac Cove, and Achi Baba, six hundred feet high, which commands the beaches near Cape Helles at the southern end of the peninsula. Some of the latter, if not all, can also be fired upon from the mainland of Asia Minor. As a preliminary to the attack upon Constantinople ^ The peninsula was Icnown to the Greeks in ancient times as the Thiacian Chersonesus (Uterally " land island," which is equivalent to peninsula) and the strait as the Hellespont. It was across the Narrows that, according to the legend, Leander swam to visit Hero and that Xerxes in B.C. 480 built the bridge of boats over which he led his army to invade Greece. On the mainland of Asia Minor, three or four miles from the south-western end of the Helles- pont, were " reedy Siraois " and the " plains of windy Troy " of which Homer, the first pagan poet whose works have come down to us, sang in the Iliad. V- \.v^ — » — -S — ^^ Allied lines. * The line before Krithia was advanced nearly to the final position (as shown) early in May. Scale of Miles. I 2 :5 f 3 7 w A> JO « *) fl/,/,3 GALLIPOLI. forts guarding the entrance to the Dardanelles were bombarded from the ^gean on 3rd November, 1914, but it was not until 19th February, 1915, after what appeared to be much vacillation in the higher conduct of the enterprise, that the reduction of the defences was seriously undertaken by the British and French navies, acting alone. When the weather permitted during the next four weeks the bombardment was renewed, and several of the forts were at least silenced, if not destroyed An attempt, however, on i8th March to force the Narrows failed with the loss of several ships, and it was then determined that the next assault should be in conjunction with troops on land. The nearest place at which troops or stores could be collected was Egypt, 700 miles away. To facilitate the work an advanced base was formed at Mudros, in the island of Lemnos, but even this was fifty miles from Gallipoli, and only the simplest equipment could be provided there. As the peninsula was for the most part barren and waterless it was necessary, in addition to arranging for the transport of the attacking troops with their guns and ammunition, to make complete arrangements for supplying them with all the food and water they required, and for providing food and water for the transport animals and shelter and medical stores for the sick. These preparations occupied four weeks, although some of the delay would not have been necessary if, owing to faulty organisation, men had not been conveyed separately from their ammunition, guns from the gun-carriages, and wagons from their horses. As it was, many of the transports, when they arrived at Mudros, had to be taken back to Egypt, where their contents were re-arranged. The Turks, warned by the naval bombardments and by the traffic at sea, to expect an attack, had every opportunity to complete their preparations. Troops and guns were hurried into the peninsula, stores and ammunition were 152 collected, trenches were dug on commanding sites, and the few and narrow approaches, including even the shallow parts of the sea, were obstructed with strong wire entanglements. The landing, under Sir Ian Hamilton as commander- in-chief, was attempted at dawn on Sunday, 25th April, at five points around the southern end of the peninsula and at one to the north of Gaba Tepe on the western coast. The assault on the former was entrusted to the 29th Division, composed of units of the Regular Army, and to the newly formed R. Naval Di\dsion, and that on the latter to troops from Australia and New Zealand. Each landing, so far as possible, was to be protected by the guns of the ships. The French effected a diversion by landing at Kum Kale in Asia Minor opposite Helles, Having done this they with- drew some days later and took over the right of the British line at Helles. Reckoning from the east, the positions assailed on the peninsula were S beach, or De Tott's Battery, V Beach near Sedd-el-Bahr, W Beach (or " Lancashire Landing," from the heroism displayed by the ist Lancashire Fus.) between Capes Helles and Tekke, X Beach to the north of Cape Tekke, Y Beach three miles further north, and Z Beach, afterwards known as Anzac,^ ten miles north of Y Beach. At V Beach three companies of the ist R. Dublin Fus., and a party from the Anson Battalion, R.N.D., while being landed from boats were shot down. The collier River Clyde was run aground, and the troops on board endeavoured to reach the shore across a bridge of boats. In doing this and in maintaining the bridge, three companies of the ist R. Munster Fus. and two of the 2nd Hants were almost destroyed, only a remnant finding, under a low sand-bank, protection from the terrible rifle and machine-gun fire which ' The word was coined from the initial letters of the title " Aus- tralian and New Zealand Army Corps." 153 swept the beach. The remainder of these three batta- lions stayed on board under continual fire until night- fall, when they managed to land. Having joined the survivors on shore they attacked the village and old fort of Sedd-el-Bahr, but in the darkness and unknown country the attack miscarried, and the force was almost overwhelmed by a counter-attack. Early on the morning of the 26th the attempt was renewed, and, aided by the guns from the fleet, was successful. At W Beach the ist Lancashire Fus,, supported by the 4th Worcesters and the ist Essex, and at X Beach the 2nd R. Fusiliers, with a working-party from the Anson Battalion, R.N.D., and assisted by the 1st R. Inniskilling Fus., were even more successful, and the landings were secured on the first day with casualties which, though heavy, were not so heavy as at V Beach. The attacks at S and Y Beaches were planned chiefly with the object of diverting the enemy's reserves and of thus protecting the main attack at V, W and X Beaches. That at S Beach by the 2nd S. Wales Bor- derers succeeded, and the ground won was permanently held, but at Y Beach the ist K.O. Scottish Borderers and the Plymouth Battalion, R.N.D., having accom- plished their purpose, were withdrawn on the 26th. At Anzac the troops forced a landing, pressed on up steep gullies, beat off numerous counter-attacks, and by the evening of the 26th had made good their advance on a front of over two miles to a depth in parts of nearly one mile. Units of the R.N.D., supported by the Navy, made a feint attack upon the enemy's lines at Bulair at the neck of the peninsula, but no landing was seriously attempted. When the positions gained on the various beaches had been consolidated and while stores and ammu- nition were being landed our men had some sort of a respite. This was badly needed, for many, exhausted by lack of food, water and sleep, by the toil of digging for most of the day under a hot sun and of carrying 154 heavy loads most of the night, and by the strain of frequent counter-attacks, were nearing the Umits of their endurance. About this time some Indian troops and units from the 42nd Division arrived as reinforce- ments. During May the line was slowly advanced from Helles towards Krithia, a village on the slopes of Achi Baba, the chief assaults being on 6th-8th May and on 4th and 28th June. Counter-attacks were frequent and in particular one on the night of I9th/20th May at Anzac, where the lines had been stationary since the landing, was so violent and the Turkish losses so heavy that they were granted an armistice in which to bury their dead. Two British submarines, Eii and E14, gallantly penetrating the minefields in the straits torpedoed several Turkish transports carrying rein- forcements. By the end of the month, that is, in six weeks from the first landing, the casualties among the British and Anzacs amounted to nearly 40,000, a number which exceeded the total battle casualties in the whole of the South African War. The next two months were marked by frequent attacks and counter-attacks, leading to no definite result, and it became clear that, although our forces had been strengthened by the arrival of the 13th and 52nd Divisions, the Turkish line could not be carried by direct assault. A plan was therefore formed to land a force at Suvla Bay three miles to the north of Anzac, and then to advance from Anzac upon the Sari Bair ridge. It was hoped in this way to cut the enemy's communications and to turn his position. Accordingly on 6th August the enemy's attention was engaged near Helles by an attack (which happened just to forestall an attack which he was planning) and during the night following a landing was effected at Suvla by part of the loth and by the nth Divisions. The 53rd and 54th Divisions landed later. The opposition was comparatively slight, and, if prompt action had been taken, a great success might 155 have been achieved. The delay in pressing our advan- tage was due partly to the exhaustion of the soldiers who, notwithstanding elaborate precautions, suffered terribly from lack of water, but still more to inertia and confusion in the local higher command upon which Sir Ian Hamilton commented somewhat severely in his despatch. The 6th E. Yorks who had occupied Scimitar Hill with hardly any fighting were, in error, withdrawn in order to attack elsewhere. The Turks were able to bring up reinforcements and the advance which might with so little loss of life have led to great results was checked. Meanwhile the advance from Anzac by British, Dominion and Indian troops, although impeded by the partial failure at Suvla, proceeded slowly up almost precipitous heights covered with scrub, and early in the morning of 8th August a ridge near Chunuk Bair was seized which commanded a view across the peninsula to the Narrows. The 6th S. Lanes from the 13th Division and some Gurkhas, however, who so gallantly captured it came under the fire of their own guns, troops which should have supported them lost their way, and under heavy counter-attacks the ridge had to be abandoned. Although the attack thus failed, the area held at Anzac was enlarged from less than one mile to about eight. The troops having been reinforced by a dismounted Yeomanry division from Egypt, a further attempt to advance from Suvla Bay was made on 21st August. After severe fighting which continued during the night, positions were gained on Scimitar Hill. It was decided that these would be untenable by day and our men were withdrawn. After the failure at Suvla the fighting died down into the routine of trench warfare. Early in October two of the English and one of the French divisions were sent to Salonica (see p. 176) and towards the middle of the month Sir Ian Hamilton was ordered to advise upon the evacuation of the peninsula. A few 156 days later he was recalled to England and Sir Charles Monro was appointed in his place. This officer reported strongly in favour of evacuation and his opinion was confinned by Lord Kitchener who, towards the middle of November, inspected portions of the lines at Helles, Anzac and Suvla. A striking incident showed the risk of remaining during the winter. On 27th November a sudden gale from the south-west destroyed several piers and landing stages and did much damage among the smaller transports. At the same time a deluge of rain converted the trenches into torrents in which friend and foe, stores and mules, were swept away. This was followed by a blizzard, lasting for nearly two days and nights, and this again by a heavy frost. The troops suffered terribly from the unusual cold, many died, and about 10,000 sick had to be removed. The evacuation was begun at Anzac and Suvla and was completed there on the night of I9th/20th December, just in time to avoid a storm which arose a few hours later. More than 83,000 men were em- barked (with the accidental loss of only two men), with 5,000 horses and mules, 2,000 wagons and 200 guns. At Helles our men were even more fortunate, for a south-westerly gale was beginning to blow as the last of them left the shore. There the evacuation was completed in the early morning of 9th January, 1916, and included 35,000 men, 4,000 animals and no guns. The assault upon the peninsula, urged with such gallantry for so many months and in face of so many difficulties, thus ended in failure. This was not due to any lack of bravery, daring, skill or endurance on the part of the rank and file, but rather to the inability of the superior commands to meet the demands of so great an enterprise and to the fact that, in spite of repeated requests, adequate reinforcements were not forthcoming. In the House of Commons on 20th March, 1917, Mr. Asquith, commenting upon the report 157 of the Dardanelles Commission, claimed that the expedition had saved the position of Russia in the Caucasus, had delayed for months the defection of Bulgaria, had kept immobilised at least 300,000 Turks, and had contributed to the favourable development of events in Egypt, Mesopotamia and Persia. Arthur Roake (R.N.R., L.F.B.) was awarded the D.S.M. for his gallantry on 25th April, 1915, when, being one of a small party which had been landed to reconnoitre, he carried a wounded officer under heavy fire back to the boats, and the next day acted as a guide to a second party. Sergt. W. F. Bird (ist Co. of Lond. Yeo., Educ.) was awarded the D.C.M. for conspicuous gallantry, on 21st August, 1915, at Suvla, when, as medical orderly, he remained under fire attending the wounded, and displayed great bravery and devotion to duty. E. Griffiths (R.F.R., L.F.B.) won the D.S.M. The casualties were: killed 28,200, wounded 78,095, missing 11,254, making a total of 117,549; there were also nearly 100,000 sick, chiefly cases of dysentery, malaria, and, towards the end of the occupation, frost-bite. The deaths among the Council's staff were: 25th April, J. G. Everett (H.M.S. Eitryalus, Tram.) killed at W Beach ; 28th, F. A. Dolan (R.E., Ch. Engr.) ; 29th, G. H. Morgan (R. Naval Div., Tram.); 6th May, C. E. Hutchings (R. Naval Div., L.F.B.) of wounds received on the 3rd, and William West (R. Naval Div., Asylums) ; 25th, Sergt. F. Blanchard (R. Naval Div., Educ); 4th June, William Perriman (H.M.S. Bacchante, Ch. Engr.) of wounds received on 25th April at the landing at Anzac; 21st, James Childs (Hamps, Asylums); 28th, Albert Cox (Essex, Tram.); 6th August, Captain Francis Falcon (4th Worcesters, Ch. Engr.) and Samuel Russell (2nd Hamps., Tram.), both at Helles, and Sergt. E. D. Long (Wilts, Tram.) near Anzac; 7th, Capt. C. S. Blake (S. Lanes, attd. 6th Lanes Fus.) near Helles; 8th, 158 William Tuffey (7th Glouc, Stores) near Chunuk Bair; 13th, Lance-Corp. S. H. Butler (W. Riding, Asylums) of wounds received near Suvla on the loth; 14th, Arthur Olney (R.A.S.C, Tram.) on H.M.S. Royal Edward when she was torpedoed; 15th, Lieut. H. J. Hoare, B.Sc. (Econ.), LL.B. (loth Lond., Clerk) and Sergt. A. T. F. Beaumont (loth Lond., Tram.) both near Suvla; 21st, E. S. Miller (City of London Yeo., Educ), near Suvla; 27th September, William Wilson (2nd Scottish Horse, Tram.); 4th November, W. J. Filbee (R. Fus., Tram.), near Suvla; nth, Capt. A. M. Philips (Yorks L.L, attached 9th W. Yorks., Arch.), near Suvla; 27th, Edwin Barnard (R.E., Arch.), near Suvla. P>ank Murrell (H.M.S. Glory, L.F.B.) on 15th August, D. G. King (Essex, Asylums) on 22nd November and H. J. R. Marson (Essex, Tram.) on 24th November, died of dysentery. T. H. Baker (R.F.A., Asylums) died on 6th December of tuberculosis. ^ CHAPTER X. Egypt and Palestine. At the outbreak of war with Turkey it was estimated that about 140,000 troops were concentrated at Damascus, and it was anticipated that a part of these would be used for an attempt upon the Suez Canal. It was true that to reach the canal the enemy would have to cross the Sinai Peninsula, a waterless desert 120 miles wide, and that failure would be disastrous. On the other hand the enterprise, if successful, would sever a vital link in the British communications with India and the East, and such a possibility, however remote, had to be guarded against. At the end of January, 1915, a Turkish column reached El Arish, passed through Wadi-el-Arish,^ and on 3rd February endeavoured to cross the Canal • A wadi is a rocky watercourse, dry except in the rainy season. 159 south of Ismalia. Our troops, fully warned, easily repulsed the attack, killed large numbers of the enemy and took 600 prisoners. The British now pushed forward a railway from Kantara, and early in 1916 Qatia was reached. In April the Turks tried to interfere with the work but were driven off. In July an expedition of 18,000 men, hugging the coast, made some progress, but, bombarded o/isis or LI BY AN DCSCRT rARAFRA OASIS DAKHIA OASIS Scale ,'0 100 ISO 200 Milei EGYPT, I915-I7. from British monitors at sea, and harried by mounted troops on its left and rear, it was completely defeated on 4th/5th August with the loss of half its number in casualties and prisoners. The Senussi of Solium. Trouble also arose with the Senussi on the western frontier. These were Arabs, nominally subject to the Turks, and, as they acknowledge in a loose way the reUgious authority of the Sultan, they were easily aroused against the Infidel. Early in December, 1915, a composite force, which included the 2/7th and 2 /8th i6o Middlesex, occupied Matruh midway between the Nile and the western frontier and defeated the enemy several times in the neighbourhood. A defeat in February, 19 16, at Agagiya, sixty miles to the west, drove them back to Solium where they were dispersed, with the loss of all their equipment, by armoured cars. Some of the fugitives fled 500 miles to the south-east along the oases which form a rough natural boundary between the desert plateau to the west of the Nile, and the Libyan Desert, and eventually reached the Dakhla oasis, near Upper Egypt. They were driven out in October, 1916, and a remnant which reached the Siwa oasis, 150 miles from Solium, was defeated in February, 19 17. Palestine. As a preliminary to the invasion of Palestine the Turks in January, 19 17, were driven out of El Arish and Rafah and the Qatia railway was continued to the latter place. Anticipating an attack they strongly forti- fied Gaza, Beersheba and the district between the Wadi Ghuzze and the Wadi es Sheria. In March our assault was launched. A few cavalry entered Gaza on the 26th but were cut off and, although the 53rd and part of the 54th Divisions surrounded the town, they were with- drawn a day or so later. On 17th April the attack was renewed, the 53rd Division attacking along the coast with the 52nd and 54th on their right. The assault seems to have been even less successful than the earlier attempt and, after two days' hard fighting, our men were withdrawn. It was probably in this fighting that Co.-Sergt.-Maj. (afterwards Lieut.) W. A. Trumble (7th Essex, Arch.) was awarded the D.C.M. for his " marked ability and courage in handling his section in two engagements." R. H. Lunn (Essex, Educ.) was killed near Gaza on 26th March, and M. T. Lucas (2/ioth ]\Iiddx., Educ.) near the same place on 19th April. Lieut. H. J. Payne, (4th Suss., Comp.) and F. A. Toseland (Highd. L.I., i6i Asylums) on their way to Egypt were drowned on 4th May, 1917, when the transport Transylvania was torpedoed in the Mediterranean. Capture of Gaza and Beersheba. The Turks took the opportunity to strengthen their defences which were held by ten divisions. General Sir Edmund Allenby, now in command, determined to assault a point to the west of Beersheba where the country was so rugged that the enemy considered elaborate fortifications to be unnecessary. The pre- parations, which included the construction of many miles of roads and branch railways, the laying of rabbit wire on long stretches of sand so as to provide passable tracks for traffic, and the formation of depots for stores and munitions, occupied three months. By October all was ready and on the 27th Gaza was heavily bombarded from the land and the sea, while a sortie from the town was beaten off. The enemy's attention being thus concentrated upon the right of his line, the 6oth and 74th Divisions advanced by a night march, and at dawn on the 31st attacked the sector west of Beersheba, By the early afternoon the defences had been breached, and later in the day the town, with 2,000 prisoners, was seized by Australian Horse which had made a wide detour to the east. On ist November Tuweil-abu- Jerwal, a commanding height north of the town, was occupied by the 53rd Division, and the Tel-Kuweilfe pass, still further to the north, was blocked. Turning west the loth and 60th Divisions on the 6th captured a sector of the defences towards Gaza, and the 60th at Sheria also cut the railway leading to Jerusalem. The Turks had been held in Gaza by the 52nd Division, which ad- vanced before dawn on the 2nd, but the situation was now desperate and they retreated in disorder along the coast. The town was occupied on the 7th. Thus in one week Gaza and Beersheba were captured, and the enemy was driven out of the whole of the l62 very formidable positions between those two towns. Some 9,000 prisoners and 80 guns were captured. Corp. G. Kirkby (ist Co. of Lond. Yeo., Educ.) was awarded the D.C.M. for gallantry and devotion to duty at Gaza. " He rendered splendid service during PALESTINE. two actions, and on many other occasions, under the most difficult conditions." C. J. Hitchcock (M.G.C , Educ.) died of wounds on 28th October near Beersheba, John McGrath (2/i5th Lond., Estates and Vain.) was killed near the same place on the 31st, W. J. Howes (loth Lond., Tram.) near Gaza on 2nd November, Lieut. F J. Miles (R.F.A., Educ.) near Sheria on the 6th, and Bomdr. W. C. Hygate (R.F.A., Tram.) near Sheria on the 7th. P. C. i63 Bernard, wounded on 4th November, died in hospital on 5th March, 1918. Fall of Jerusalem and Jericho. The Turks next attempted to make a stand at El Kubab on high ground guarding Jerusalem and the railway thereto, but were driven out by the 52nd Division. Ramleh was seized on the 15th and Jaffa on the i6th, the latter forming a useful base for supplies by sea. The enemy were now hemmed in on the high ground to the east and south-east of Jerusalem. Avoiding any frontal attack on this main position. General Allenby on the 20th seized the Nebi Samwal ridge north of Jerusalem by means of the 75th Division. On 8th December the 53rd Division advanced from the south and east and the 60th and 74th from the west, east and north. Next day the city surrendered and on the nth it was entered by our victorious troops. Fresh enemy troops advancing towards the city were driven off on 27th December by yeomanry and the loth Division and, following up this success, our troops next day pushed the enemy back some miles. Several weeks of rain caused hostilities to be suspended and time was thus given for putting roads and railways into repair. Towards the end of February, 1918, fighting commenced again, and the 6oth Division with Anzac horse fought their way towards Jericho which was entered on the 21st. C. E. West (2/i4th Lond., Educ), wounded on 8th December in the advance upon Jerusalem, died on 28th March, W. J. Templeman (R.F.A., Tram.) died at Cairo on 7th December of malaria or enteric, Lieut. A. E. Pragnell (2/2 ist Lond., Educ.) was drowned on the 30th when the transport Aragon was torpedoed in the eastern Mediterranean, A. H, B. Barnard (2/i5th Lond., Educ.) was killed on 20th February, 19 18, to the north of Jerusalem, C. J. F. Dockett (2/i5th Lond., Comp.) died of wounds on the 21st, and F. B. Neate (2/24th Lond., Parks) was killed on 9th March. 1 64 Raids across the Jordan. Early in the war many Arab tribes in Hejaz, to the east of the Red Sea, threw off the Turkish suzerainty, which for long they had barely acknowledged, and a force under Feisal, son of the King of Hejaz, in addition to protecting the right flank of Allenby's advance, also attacked various posts between the Red Sea and the Dead Sea and harried the Turkish lines of communication along the railway from Damascus to Mecca. ^ To assist these columns the 6oth Division and Anzacs on 2ist March, 1918, forced the passage of the Jordan and pushed on to Es Salt which was occupied on the 25th. Attempts during the next few days to reach the railway in strength failed, but small raiding parties cut it in several places and on 2nd April the troops were withdrawn. On the 30th the attack was renewed when mounted troops again occupied Es Salt and the Goth Division assaulted positions to the south-west. A Turkish counter-attack upon the left flank of the expedition was successful and forced our men to retire with the loss of nine guns. As a set-off nearly one thousand Turks were captured. Capt. F. V. Harris (loth Lond., Solr.) won the M.C. on 26th March but no details are available. Co.-Sergt.- Maj. B. C. Hales (2/23rd Lond., Educ.) was awarded the D.C.M. for his gallantry during the first raid. " He took command of his company, when all the officers had been wounded. Under intense rifle and machine-gun fire he moved fearlessly about, encour- aging and organising his much depleted company. Afterwards, he was placed in command of the left of the battalion line, when his courage and resource under heavy fire materially assisted in beating off two strong counter-attacks." Co.-Sergt.-Maj. S. T. Watson (2/23rd Lond., Educ.) ' The fighting in the Hejaz cannot be gone into in detail, but the British gave some assistance, ai;d for continuous and consistent good service whilst commanding an armoured car from April 19 17, onwards Lieut. E. H. Wade (M.G.C, Tram.) was awarded the M.C. i6s was killed near Es Salt on 28th March, Sergt. A. A. Clements (R.A.V.C, Educ.) near Jericho on 2nd April, and Corp. A. Symons (2/2oth Lond., Educ), Lance- Corp. H. Osborn (2/i6th Lond., Educ.) and J. W. H. Woodward (2/2oth Lond., Comp.) on the 30th. Battle of Megiddo. The success of the German offensives in France from March onwards led to the recall of the 52nd and 74th and the bulk of the 6oth Divisions, their place being taken by Indian troops, chiefly from Mesopotamia. Large Turkish forces were detached for service in Persia and elsewhere, so that for once the Allies had the advantage in numbers. As soon as his new troops were properly incorporated in the army General Allenby decided to seize the opportunity for over- whelming the enemy in this part. Accordingly on i8th September the loth and 53rd Divisions made a feint on the right of our line to the north of Jerusalem, and next day the main attack was launched against the enemy's positions on the coastal plain north of Jaffa. This was completely successful; two important lines of defence were overrun, and on the 20th three cavalry divisions, pushing forward through the gap thus formed and wheeling eastward, cut the enemy's lines of retreat at El Afuleh and Beisan and seized the crossings over the Jordan. Liman von Sanders, the German commander-in-chief, narrowly escaped capture at Nazareth, his headquarters. Under attacks by the loth and 53rd, aided by several Indian divisions, from the south and west the enemy now turned and fled, and, as the main outlets were already held by our troops, escape was possible only for small scattered bodies using the rough and narrow liill tracks. The disorganisation was completed by the airmen who dispersed the fugitives with bombs iind machine-gun fire. Such of the enemy as escaped were relentlessly pursued, and^Damascus surrendered on ist October js and Beirut on the 7th. In less than three weeks from 1 66 the opening of the attack 75,000 prisoners (including 3,000 Germans and Austrians) and 300 guns were captured ; out of three Turkish annies only some 17,000 escaped death or capture. The advance still continued and, as the enemy offered little resistance, progress was rapid. Tripoli surrendered on 13th October and Horns on the i6th, while on the 26th Aleppo and Muslimie, the latter an important railway centre, were captured after a brisk skir- mish with enemy rearguards. General Townshend, who had been taken prisoner at Kut (see p. 170), was now released with the request that he would arrange an immediate armistice. This was signed on the 30th when the Turks agreed to open the Dardanelles and Bosphorus, to surrender all prisoners, to demobilise their army and to transfer to the Allies the control of all railways. During this fighting no members of the Council's staff were killed, but Lieut. W. A. Trumble, D.C.M. (6th Essex, Arch.) died in Egypt on 9th October, and W. Jackson (2/22nd Lond., Educ.) near Jerusalem of malaria on the 13th, and Corp. E. M. Stiller (R.F.A., Tram.) died in hospital at Alexandria of pneumonia on 14th December. SKETCH OF FINAL ADVANCE. 167 CHAPTER XI. Mesopotamia. When war broke out with Turkey the occupation of Basra was urged as a means of diverting Turkish troops from the threatened attack on the Suez Canal and Egypt, and of protecting the Anglo-Persian oil line, an important source of supply for the British Navy. Accordingly a mixed British and Indian Force, which was despatched to Mesopotamia with this object, defeated the Turks at Sahil, and on 22nd November, 1914, entered Basra. On 9th December the garrison of Qurna, 40 miles higher up, surrendered with nine guns. Much of Mesopotamia is waste sandy loam, subject to sand storms during the hot weather and turning into an adhesive mud during the wet season. As there are few roads or even tracks, the rivers are the chief means of communication, but they have swift currents, are liable to floods and are encumbered with numerous shallows. Few troops were available for further opera- tions, and the difficulties of transporting them and their supplies were very great. Some months elapsed before reinforcements arrived, and the Turks, encouraged by the delay, took the initiative, but were driven back at Shaiba on 14th April, 1915. During May Gen. Townshend, having collected or improvised some sort of water transport, advanced with one division up the Tigris and, taking the garrison of Amara more or less by surprise, occupied the town on the 29th. At the same time the advance was consolidated by troops under General Gorringe which cleared the enemy from the district between Ahwaz and Amara and in July advanced up the Euphrates and took Nasiriya. ^ The water transport, barely sufficient for the original expedition, had now to serve twice the number of men, and the problem of supplying the troops with i68 food and ammunition and of dealing with the sick and wounded became very serious. Nevertheless General Townshend was ordered to advance. On 29th September he defeated the enemy at Kut, captured the town with 1,700 prisoners and much war material, and followed \MOSUL Shacqaf 1 Kirkuk Ana V" ^V' Hamadan ■ Kh2n__Ba5bdad* ^'"■-. Hi VSamarra V l/ r n l i T ^iKizil Robar Istabulaf '■^-^__ ^cu'l l. ^ /^onahraban A Mushaidiya a fcBaquba '^.^ ■ Kermanshah P ER5M ^RamaVw— » I/BAGHDAD ^, ^•/eludja \^ \,aesiphon \. ^\ \ Laj *v^^^^Aziziya ■Amara ARABIA Nasiriya ! <^ Shaiba, BASRA" Sahil Scale -.PERSIAN--. 200 Miles -GULF- LOWER MESOPOTAMIA. up the victory by sending his cavalry in pursuit to Aziziya, 50 miles farther up the river. It was generally considered that to continue the advance, without substantial reinforcements and greatly improved transport, would be unwise, even disastrous, and early in October the Government of India ordered a halt. Why this order was afterwards 169 waived is not clear. The British Government seem to have represented that, prospects in Gallipoh being uncertain, a striking success in the East was desirable, and the mihtary authorities may have been too sanguine-. Whatever the reason, a few reinforcements were sent but no transport, and in November, when the Turks had organised their defences, the advance was renewed. On the 21st our men drove the enemy out of Laj, pushed on nine miles, and on the 22nd attacked the main position at Ctesiphon, only sixteen miles from Baghdad. Two lines of trenches were captured, but enemy reinforcements compelled the British to retire to the first line. They were now out- numbered by about two to one, and on the night of the 25th/26th a retreat was ordered. On 3rd Decem- ber, after a series of rear-guard actions, Kut was reached in safety. The town lies on a strip of land, one mile broad and two deep, with the Tigris on three sides of it (see plan on p. 170). Across the neck of this strip entrenchments were dug, and buildings on the farther, that is the south side of the river,^ were also fortified. On the 9th the Turks commenced the assault and drove in the southern outpost. Four attacks on loth December were beaten back and, after a period of comparative rest, a fifth on the 24th, supported by heavy reinforce- ments, met with a like fate. Meanwhile the enemy, in order to hold up any relieving expedition, erected strong fortifications below the town, chiefly at Es Sinn on the south bank and at Hanna and Sanna-i-Yat on the north bank where there were extensive marshes. The winter rains now set in, turning much of the country into a morass, but early in January, 1916, a relieving column under General Aylmer, although hampered by lack of transport, reached Hanna, twenty miles away, where it was checked and had to * The general direction of the Tigris is from north-west to south- east, but at Kut it flows almost due east. lyo retire. A second attempt on the night of the gth/ioth March, this time on the south side of the river towards the Dujaila Redoubt, miscarried in the darkness, and, after severe fighting, the troops were withdrawn. At the third attempt the 13th Division, under Gen, Maude, captured five lines of trenches at Hanna on 5th April, and on the 9th, after the advance had been held up by floods, breached the Sanna-i-Yat defences. - , .- -- Co- .. ,- a. 01 2 3 4 5 Miles Hanna Dujaila Redoubf KUT. South of the river our troops reached Bait Aissa, but neither body could get any farther. Although rations had been reduced to a half and then to a fourth, and supplies had been dropped from aeroplanes, all food in Kut, including the battery bullocks and mules, had now been consumed, and on 29th April, arms and ammunition having been destroyed, the town, after a siege of five months, surrendered. Corp. H. J. Belben (4th Hants, Educ), serving with one of the relieving columns, died of disease at Amara on 19th January, 1916. The British spent the summer and autumn of 1916 on the defensive, but the time was fully occupied by Sir Stanley Maude, now commander-in-chief, in 171 organising transport, in accumulating stores, in training the reinforcements which were being freely sent, and generally in preparing for an advance. The Turks also laboured incessantly, constructing on the south side of the river at Kut, one within the other, four elaborate trench systems, the outermost of which extended for about thirty miles. The British attack opened on 13th December with a bombardment of the Sanna-i-Yat defences. This was only a feint, for the main body, crossing the desert, advanced towards Kut along both banks of the Shatt-el-Hai which connects the Tigris with the Euphrates. The ruse succeeded and the defending troops were taken by surprise. Heavy rains now fell for several weeks, but the troops pressed on and by 19th January, 191 7, after much desperate fighting, had cleared the enemy from the four trench systems east of the Hai and had reached the Tigris. This success was followed on 3rd February by the storming of the defences which covered the junction of the Tigris and the Hai, and by the 15th the enemy had been cleared from the elaborate defences west of the Hai. On the i6th the attack at Sanna-i-Yat was resumed with success and, while the enemy's attention was engaged there, the Tigris was crossed on the 23rd at Shumran to the west of Kut. Next day the British broke through at Sanna-i-Yat and the Turks everywhere retreated in disorder, the retreat being hastened by our cavalry and by gun- boats on the river. Aziziya was reached on the 27th and, after a brief halt while the lines of communication were being organised, the troops went forward again, occupying Ctesiphon on 6th March without resistance. The Diyala was crossed on the night of the 8th/9th, and on the nth our troops entered Baghdad. At each stage of the advance many prisoners were taken and at Baghdad, the terminus of the railway from Constantinople, much war material, including M 172 railway and hospital equipment, arms and munitions, was seized. Major G. R. Treadwell (6th E. Lanes, Educ.) was killed on 5th February, 1917, and Lance-Corp. A. E. Morris (8th R. Welch Fus., Educ.) and Arthur Walker (8th R. Welch Fus., Tram.) on the 15th, all to the west of Kut. Operations in Upper Mesopotamia. The capture of Baghdad was immediately con- solidated by stationing strong outposts up the Tigris, MESOPOTAMIA AND PERSIA. Diyala and Euphrates. Mushaidiya,^ situated on the first, was seized on i6th March after a sharp encounter with the enemy; Baquba, on the second, on the i8th; and Feludja, on the third, on the 19th. On the 23rd a force from Baquba occupied Shahraban, twenty miles to the north-east, and, after several conflicts with the Turks who were being driven out of Persia by the Russians, established touch with the latter at Kizil Robat, on 2nd April. On the 21st the enemy were defeated at Istabulat in front of Samarra, an important position on the Tigris and the railway, and two days ' See plan on p. 168. 173 later that place was seized as well as more war material. The first attack, on nth July, upon Ramadi, thirty miles up the Euphrates from Feludja, was a failure, but a second attempt succeeded on 29th September, when 3,500 prisoners and the bulk of the enemy's remaining stores in this part were captured. In the midst of these striking successes Sir Stanley Maude, to whom so much of their credit was due, died of cholera at Baghdad on i8th November, 1917. General Sir W. R. Marshall, his second-in-command, was entrusted with the conduct of affairs and during 19 18 Hit and Khan Baghdad on the Euphrates were captured in March with 4,000 prisoners, and the enemy was routed and pursued to a point beyond Ana This put an end to any risk of an attack down the Euphrates. At the end of April the Turks were de- feated at Kirkuk, north of the Diyala, with further heavy losses. The offensive up the Tigris was resumed in October, and on the 27th the enemy were attacked by our infantry at Sharqat, while cavalry and armoured cars blocked the hnes of retreat. On the 30th the whole force to the number of about 7,000 with all stores, etc., surrendered. Mosul, 550 miles from Basra, and 200 from Baghdad, was occupied a few days later. The terms of the armistice with Turkey have already been given (see p. 166). Capt. J. T. Snelgar (5th Wilts, Educ.) was awarded the M.B.E. for general good work as adjutant and for staff work in connection with the capture and occupation of Kirkuk. Sergt. A. Peters (7th Glouc, Tram.) died of typhus on loth July, G. F. Jago (R.A.S.C, Educ.) of typhoid on 30th November, and B. A. M. Dunning "(R.E., Tram.) of dysentery on 6th December. Persia and Caucasia. After hostihties between Germany and Russia had definitely ceased towards the end of 1917, it was feared that the enemy might penetrate through the 174 southern parts of Asiatic Russia, and so threaten our positions in Mesopotamia and to the north-west of India. A mihtary mission, despatched from India in the early part of 1918, therefore occupied Meshed and estabhshed posts on the railway at Krasnovodsk, Askhabad and Merv. These four places are all to the east of the Caspian Sea.^ For the same reasons it was necessary to strengthen our positions up, and to the north-east of, the Diyala. Hamadan, in north-west Persia, and Rasht were occupied, the occupation of the latter involving us in conjflict with the native tribes. Access was secured to Enzali, a port on the Caspian near Rasht, and a small expedition was sent in August to help in the defence of Baku, the important centre for oil on the west coast of the Caspian. The local levies proved to be quite unreliable, so that the brunt of the fighting fell upon our troops, and in September they were withdrawn to Enzali. The expedition, however, had the result of inducing the ex-Russian fleet on the Caspian to side with the Allies, and so checked German or Turkish hopes of an advance to the east. After the armistice with Turkey a British force was stationed between the Caspian and the Black Sea in order to keep open the Batum — Tiflis — Baku railway, and to maintain communications across the Caspian with the British force, mentioned above, at, and near, Krasnovodsk. Lieut. H. A. King (Camel Corps, Educ.) died in east Persia on 4th November, 1918, of enteric. CHAPTER XII. Salonica. Before describing the British share in the Allied expedition to Salonica it should be mentioned that the * For plan see p. 172. 175 Austrians followed up their declaration of war on Serbia by bombarding Belgrade, the capital, and on 13th August crossed the Danube at Shabatz, 40 miles to the west. Within a few days they were driven out, and a more threatening attack in November and December, which reached Valjevo, 30 miles to the south of the Danube, and led to the fall of Belgrade on 2nd December, was also completely repulsed. After the first Balkan war, waged by the Bulgarians with the help of Serbians and Greeks against the Turks in 1913, the Bulgarians fell out with their aUies, and, in the war which followed, lost most of their gains. It was feared that they might take advantage of the general European war to avenge themselves upon the Serbians, and the latter were urged to secure their neutraUty or even alliance, by conceding the territory in dispute. Naturally the Serbians were unwilHng to do this, and Germany and Austria by counter proposals, including a substantial loan, obtained the promise of assistance from the Bulgarians. During September, 1915, when the crops had been harvested, their army was mobihsed, ostensibly to maintain an armed neutrality. Early in October an Austro-German expedition under Von Mackensen invaded Serbia from the north and the Bulgarians, at length throwing aside all pretence, attacked the Serbians from the east. The Serbian army, already reduced by a year's fighting to about 100,000, was thus set upon by forces four or five times as numerous, and, in spite of an heroic resistance, was rapidly driven back. By the end of November, having lost practically all its guns, ammunition and stores, it had ceased to exist as an organised unit. The Greeks were parties to a treaty which required them to assist the Serbians but, under the guidance of King Constantine, whose wife was a sister of the Kaiser, had no great scruples in ignoring their re- sponsibilities. France and Great Britain, however. 176 were ready to assist, and Salonica, a Greek port of some 140,000 inhabitants, was offered and accepted as a base. A French force, which included the British loth Division from GalHpoli, was landed in October, 19 15, and endeavoured to join hands with the retreat- ing Serbians by advancing up the valley of the Vardar along the railway from Salonica to Uskub and Nish. After severe fighting by the French, an attempt to Cetrinje L. SCi/T/tKi; SALONICA. reach Veles failed and the force returned, through dreadful hardships,- to Salonica. The British, who were stationed between Lake Doiran and Dedeli to the north-west to cover the retreat, were heavily attacked early in December during a fog and some- what roughly handled. They were able, however, to complete their task, and to retire into Greek territory. The Bulgarians did not cross the frontier and the Allies, being unmolested, spent the winter of 1915/16 in constructing very strong defensive works from Lakes Beshik and Langaza to the Vardar. There was much else to be done. " When you step 17? out of Salonica you step into a virtual desert, road- less, treeless, uncultivated, populated only by scattered villages . . . inhabited by a low-grade peasantry." ^ Only two roads, both quite inadequate for heavy traffic, and three lines of single railway led from the town towards the enemy. " Winter, right up to the beginning of April, is a season of snow, rain, and, above all, mud. Tracks dissolve into quagmires, main roads break up into holes and ridges, impassable for motor traffic." Roads and bridges were therefore made, wells sunk, suppHes stored, hospitals and buildings of all sorts erected, and to enable it to cope with the extra traffic the harbour was deepened and improved. Although the Allies had been officially invited to Salonica, an influential party among the Greeks opposed their work in every way. Worse followed, for on 26th May, 19 16, Rupel, commanding the valley of the Struma, was seized by the Bulgarians, the Greeks apparently conniving. In reply the French commander- in-chiel placed Salonica under martial law, and on 30th August the town definitely sided with the Allies. A strangely composite force, comprising French, British, Russians, Itahans, Serbians, Portuguese, contingents from French and British colonies and Greek volunteers, was gradually collected. To the British loth Division were added the 22nd, 26th, 27th, 28th and 60th Divisions, but of these the loth left in 1916 and the 60th in 1917 for Palestine. After a quiet \\dnter and spring the line was slowly advanced during the summer of 19 16, with the British in general in the sector between the Struma and the Vardar, but the Bulgarians captured Kavalla on our right and were successful at Lake Ostrovo on our left. The British made captures to the west of Lake Doiran on the night of I7th/i8th August, and on nth September successfully attacked the Macukovo salient on the left bank of the Vardar, and crossed the Struma at and ' G. W. Price, The Story of the Salonica Army, p. 2. 178 near Orliak. These affairs were a prelude to an ad- vance on the left by the French, who stormed Fiorina on i8th September and Monastir on 19th November. On 30th September and succeeding days British troops captured Zir, and other positions towards Seres, and on 31st October captured Barakli Jumaa. The campaign of 19 17 was marked by a determined British attack on the enemy's position in front of the Petit Couronne to the west of Lake Doiran. Front line trenches were captured in a night attack on 24th/25th April, but most of them were commanded by the enemy's reserve trenches and had to be evacuated, and an attack on the night of 8th /9th May had a similar result. The total British casualties were about 10,000. During the summer, in order to escape the malaria and other diseases which infested the low-lying ground, both sides retired to the hills which hne the valley of the Struma, forward positions being held only by outposts. Lieut. T. W. Greenstreet (R. Irish Fus,, Educ.) was awarded the M.C. for his gallantry, on the night of 20th/2ist April, to the east of Lake Doiran. While he was guiding an attacking party over difficult country an alarm was given and, the party being much broken up, he was left alone near the enemy's position. " He then, single-handed, kept the enemy at bay, and it was due to his great gallantry that very severe casual- ties to the retiring party were prevented. Having exhausted his ammunition, he clubbed a rifle and con- tinued to fight until, wounded and overcome, he was captured." Co.-Sergt.-Maj. A. E. Dawes (2/2oth Lond., Educ.) received the D.C.M. for his gallantry during a raid on 23rd April, when, " although wounded, he organised • a bombing party, and succeeded in knocking a machine- gun out. Afterwards, though wounded three times, he carried out his duties with the utmost coolness and gallantry." 179 Lance-Corp W. G. Gosford (R.A.S.C., Educ.) died of malaria on 3rd September, igi6. Lieut. H. F. Bartram (7th Wilts, Comp.) was killed during the attack on 24th April, 1917, and Lieut. W. L Partridge (loth Devons, Comp.) and Daniel Conley (2/20th Lond., Ch. Engr.) on the 25th. Lance-Corp. J. D. Allen (2/i6th Lond., Educ.) died on loth May of wounds received two days earlier. W. F. Fish (R.A.M.C., Asylums) who was gassed in March, died on 24th May of paraplegia, E. H. Doherty (Durh. L.L, Tram.) died of malaria on 25th August and Staff- Sergt. -Farrier G. M. Dobson (R.A.S.C, Ch. Engr.) of the same disease on i6th October. The front was quiet during the spring and summer of 1918, but on 15th September the French and Serbians broke through on a front of seven miles, and rapidly extending their success, within a few days advanced some twenty miles. The British and Greeks prevented the transfer of reinforcements by attacking near Lake Doiran, and on the 27th captured Strumnitza. Prilep fell to the French and Serbians on the 23rd, Ishtip on the 25th, and Uskub on the 29th. The Bulgarians, with their communications cut, were thus threatened with annihilation and apphed for an armistice. This was signed at Salonica, Bulgaria evacuating Greece and Serbia, demobilising her army, surrendering all arms and munitions, making over to the Alhes all means of transport and receiving Allied garrisons into various parts of her territory. Even after the surrender of Bulgaria a few German and Austrian troops attempted to oppose the Alhes, but this re- sistance was brushed aside, and the Serbians entered Nish on 12th October, and Belgrade on ist November. In four weeks from the opening of the offensive 90,000 prisoners and 2,000 guns were captured.^ * General Ludendorff seems to have regarded this defeat as more disastrous for the cause of Germany and her allies than any of the others experienced about this time (My War Memories, 191 4-1 8, vol. ii. p. 715). i8o Lieut, W. R. Reeve (E. Surr., Educ.) received the M.C. for his gallantry on the night of 26th/27th September during two successful patrols when the company under his command had to locate and occupy a strong enemy position. Capt. and Qr.- Master E. A. Beattie (R.A.M.C, Educ.) received the M.B.E. in recognition of his gallantry in saving a man's life at Kavalla on 17th December, igi8. Co.-Sergt. Maj. F. Challen (9th Bord., Educ.) was awarded the D.C.M. "He took charge of officers' parties, and it was mainly due to his courage, energy and determination that long lengths of wire entangle- ments were erected in a very short space of time." Richard Lloyd (R.A.S.C, Stores) died of nephritis on i6th January, 1918, Corp. C. J. Bateman (R.A.M.C, Asylums) of haemorrhage on i6th March, Percy Ber- ridge (R.F.A., Stores) of pneumonia on 14th April, Lance-Corp. D. C. Belcher (R.A.M.C, Pub. H.) of dysentery on 5th July, Lance-Corp. T. S. Tonkin, B.Sc. (R.A.M.C., Solr.), of malaria on 17th October, E. Chauvin (R.G.A., Educ.) of malaria and pneumonia on 17th November, S. Swindells (R.N.A.S., Tram.) on the i8th of pneumonia, T. H. G. Willcock (R.A.M.C, Parks) on the 28th of pneumonia on his way home, and A. D. Cripps (R.G.A., Pub. H.) on 17th December, also of pneumonia. In January, 1919, Lance-Corp. G. G. Smith (R.A.M.C, Educ.) died on the 9th and Staff-Sergt. W. Dobson (R.A.O.C, Parks) on the i6th, both of pneumonia. CHAPTER XHL British Troops in Italy. Italy had two main reasons for declaring war upon Austria. First, she was alarmed by the latter's designs upon Serbia and the cast coast of the Adriatic; the success of these would naturally gravely impair Italian influence in the Mediterranean. Secondly, she was i8i anxious to recover Italian lands, held by the Austrians, such as the Trentino in South Tirol, and Trieste and Istria north-east of the Adriatic. In the spring of 19 15, Austria made certain vague offers which were regarded as quite insufficient, and on 23rd May, 1915, after further indecisive parlcyings, Italy declared war. The Trentino projects into Italy in a great sahent, so that the danger of the Austrians secretly collecting troops for a sudden attack had to be guarded against. Fortunately the frontier around this salient and to the east Ues along the crests of the Alps, which are crossed by only a few passes. The Italians were satisfied with containing, by frequent local attacks, a number of the enemy in this part, while they made their chief attacks through open country on the east towards the Isonzo. During 1915 no fewer than five great assaults were launched in this direction. In June, 1916, an Austrian counter-offensive from the Trentino, which at first seemed very threatening, was driven back, and in August the attacks upon the Isonzo were resumed, with the result that Gorizia was taken, and the line carried forward across the Carso plateau south of the town. A further advance there and across the Bain- sizza plateau north of the town in May, 1917, was checked by the Austrians, but the attack, in which a few British heavy batteries assisted, was resumed later with some success. Towards the end of October, 19 17, the Austrians, aided by Germans, attacked the Italian 2nd Army near Caporetto to the north of Gorizia. The defence, war-weary and much discouraged by troubles amongst the civil population, offered little resistance,^ and on the 26th, in order to ensure the safety of the rest of the line, a general retreat was ordered. This con- tinued until I2th November when the river Piave » There were some brilliant exceptions. At least one group of Alpini near Gorizia were reported by airmen to be still holding out as late as 4th November, although they were then 100 miles or more behind the line. l82 was reached. The ItaUans lost 200,000 men and 2,000 guns, and their gains in the Trentino and near the Isonzo, as well as a district, at least 100 miles deep and of the same breadth, out of their own territory. In their extremity they turned to the Allies for assist- ance, and five British divisions, the 5th, 7th, 23rd, 41st and 48th, under Sir Henry Plumer,^ in addition to French divisions under French generals were sent. The Hue of the Piave was fiercely attacked during • ■••• Italian line Allied OctobeK 1917 December " November 1918 60 Miles NORTHERN ITALY. November but remained firm, and the enemy, content with their gains, at length broke off the engagement. About this time General Diaz succeeded General Cadorna as Itahan commander-in-chief. The spring of 1918 was quiet, but on 15th June the Austrians resumed the offensive with an attack upon the British 23rd and 48th Divisions on the Asiago plateau, immediately west of the river Brenta. The attack did not succeed, for the positions lost by us were promptly regained by counter-attacks. Attacks 1 In March, 1918, he was recalled to resume command in Flanders and was succeeded by the Earl of Cavan; somewhat later the 5th and 41st Divisions returned to France. i«3 upon the Italian lines along the Piave were at first more promising, for crossings were forced at several points. Reinforcements, however, were brought up, and these, aided by a sudden rise of the river which seriously hampered the Austrian lines of transport, retook the lost positions. During the autumn, signs of a loss of moral among the Austrians began to be noted, and General Diaz, although his forces were fewer in number, decided to attempt a break through. He first ordered an attack up the valley of the Brenta and, when the enemy's reserves were thoroughly engaged in that sector, directed a general attack to the east. As part of this the Earl of Cavan, now commanding the loth ItaUan Army which included the 7th and 23rd British Divi- sions, was ordered to cross the Piave. The river, on the front of attack, was over a mile wide, but it was broken up by numerous islands, the chief of which, the Grave di Papadopoh, was three miles long by one broad. On the night of 23rd/24th October, the 2nd H.A.C. and the ist R. Welch Fus., crossing in small boats, surprised the garrison and captured part of the island ; next night the conquest was completed by the 7th and an Itahan division. On the 27th, the 7th and 23rd Divisions, under cover of a heavy bombardment, attacked the enemy on the farther bank of the river. Bridges to connect our hues with Papadopoli had been constructed, but, beyond the island, the troops had to use fords. These were often five feet deep, and, as the river was in flood and the currents strong, many men were swept away and drowned. After a stout resistance, the passage was forced, the bridges were carried forward across the river, and the advance was continued. On the British left the. 8th ItaHan Army was held up, and, for a time, that flank was in some danger. However, the river, still higher up, was crossed by other ItaHan troops, and eventually the i84 district between us and them was cleared, and on the 28th the 8th Italian Army was able to complete its crossing. On the 29th it reached Vittorio, a very important point in the Austrian hues of communica- tion, while the loth Army reached the Monticano. A great wedge had thus been driven into the Austrian front, completely dividing the troops in the plains from those in the hill country to the north. The retreat rapidly degenerated into a rout, the enemy abandoning all stores, and surrendering in great num- bers, often by whole units at a time. By 4th November Cavan had crossed the TagHamento, the 6th Army, which included the British 48th Division, was on the outskirts of Trent, and Trieste had been occupied from the sea. The Austrians had now lost at least 300,000 prisoners and 5,000 guns,i most of the nations which formed their straggling empire were in a state of revolution, and further resistance was hopeless. Under an armis- tice, concluded on 4th November, they demobihsed their army, surrendered half their artillery, the bulk of their navy, and all prisoners of war, and, leaving in position all military and railway equipment, evacu- ated all invaded territory, as well as strips of what, till then, had formed part of their own country. Sergt. G. Burnett (H.A.C., Educ.) was awarded the M.M. for bravery in action at PapadopoH, and Sergt. A. P. Paveley (R.F.A., Asylums) for bravery in action at Cesuna. During 1917 Harry Carben (R.A.M.C, Tram.) died at Taranto of dysentery on 20th July, and during 1918 Charles Gristwood (R.F.A., Tram.) died of rupture on 24th January, Capt. R. P. Buxton (4th Oxf. and Bucks L.I., Educ.) was killed in action on the Asiago plateau on 15th June, and V. E. T. Sahnon (2nd H.A.C., Educ.) died on 3rd November of influenza. ^The British 7th and 23rd Divisions alone captured 28,000 prisoners and 219 guns, and the 48th Division at least 20,000 prisoners and 500 guns. i85 CHAPTER XIV British Tkoops in Russia. During the war Murmansk in North Russia was greatly developed, with the help of the Allies, as a port for supplying the Russians with munitions, and, at the same time, it was connected with Petrograd by a rail- way some 600 miles long. In order to prevent the Ger- mans from estabhsh- ing submarine bases there and at Arch- angel, Allied detach- ments were landed in August, 1918. That at Murmansk, assisted by local levies, defeated White Finn and German de- tachments in several engagements, and drove them from North Karelia. The force at Archangel was also success- ful and advanced 200 miles up the Dwina and about 100 miles up the Vologda railway. On i8th October, our advanced troops on the Dwina were driven back, but other attacks then and early in December were beaten off with heavy loss to the enemy. In April, 1919, the Bolsheviks initiated further attacks near Archangel, and our force at Murmansk which had been unmolested for several months was also attacked. Neither attempt succeeded, but in July, some of the local levies having mutinied, the situation became so threatening that NORTH RUSSIA. 1 86 Sir Henry (afterwards Lord) Rawlinson ^A^as sent out mth reinforcements. By their help the objects of the expedition were finally achieved and, as the Allied Council was opposed to further operations, Archangel was voluntarily evacuated at the end of September and Murmansk early in October. Major A. G. Church (R.G.A., Educ), M.C., was awarded the D.S.O. and the order of St. Vladimir (with crossed swords and bow) " for conspicuous gallantry and zeal during the operations from . . . June 8th to July 26th, 1919. When the Russian infantry were driven back ... he pushed his guns up to the front line and restored the situation by his accurate shooting. ... On June 22nd under heavy shelling he kept his guns in action, silencing the enemy and causing them to move their guns." Siberia. Serving with the Russian army was a Czecho-Slovak Corps composed for the most part of troops who had deserted to the Russians. After peace was signed between Russia and Germany this corps determined to continue fighting for the Allies. Accordingly they proposed to make their way across Siberia to Vladi- vostok so that they might take ship thence for Europe. Several thousand reached that port by May, 1918, but the middle and rear of the force were drawn into conflict with local Bolsheviks along the trans-Siberian railway. By the end of October they were much exhausted, but the enemy attacks then slackened and they were able to withdraw. Their withdrawal along the railway was aided and covered by a labour battalion of the Middlesex Regiment under Lt.-Col. John Ward, M.P. i87 CHAPTER XV. British Troops in Africa. German East Africa. German East Africa, immediately to the south of the Equator, has a coast line of about 450 miles to the Indian Ocean, extends inland for some 700 miles in the north and 400 miles in the south, and in area is about six times the size of England and Wales, with a population estimated at 8,000,000. The chief ports are Tanga (pop. 6,000) in the north and Dar-es- Salaam (pop. 24,000) in the centre, these being the termini of railways running north-westward to the KiUmanjaro district and westwards to Kigoma, which adjoins Ujiji, on Lake Tanganyika. Tabora (pop. 37,000), 250 miles east of Tanganyika, is the chief town in the interior. A belt, twenty or thirty miles wide, along the coast is fiat and low-lying, but the interior gradually rises to a series of barren plateaux at a height of 4,000 or 5,000 feet. There are no roads, but only unmetalled tracks through the bush, dusty in the dry, and almost impassable in the wet seasons. Under the conditions of active service, malaria and dysentery are frequent, and the prevalence of the tsetse fly throughout much of the country makes horses or oxen almost useless for transport. The enemy's force originally consisted of about 5,000 native troops and police, with a reserve of 3,000, all officered by Germans and under the command of General Von Lettow-Vorbeck. There were also some 1,500 European settlers. By energetic recruiting the total strength was eventually raised during the war to over 30,000 with 2,300 Europeans, the arms and ammunition for these increased numbers being chiefly supplied by the Konigsberg (see p. 132) and other vessels which ran the weak blockade. Precise details as to our troops are lacking; they seem to have been N 1 88 fewer than the enemy at first, but at the height of the campaign were more numerous and better equipped. They were, however, a heterogeneous assortment, con- sisting of British and South African troops and settlers, GERMAN EAST AFRICA. native troops from many different parts of India and native troops from East Africa, Uganda, the Gold Coast, Nigeria and even the West Indies. The lan- guages spoken included EngHsh, Dutch, Hindustani, Swahili and several West Coast and East Coast dialects. Some had uniforms almost the same as 1 89 those worn by the enemy, and, to enable them to be recognised, they were provided with the famihar blue and white bands worn by the Metropolitan Police or with red armlets bearing the letters G.R. At the outbreak of war the Germans, being the stronger, took the initiative, seized Taveta in British East Africa and, until the end of 1915, frequently raided the railway connecting Mombasa, the principal port of the colony, with Nairobi, the capital. An enemy attack on Mombasa early in October, 1914, was repulsed, and our attempts on Tanga early in November failed with nearly 1,000 casualties. The whole of the campaigning season of 1915 was taken up with raids and counter raids across the various frontiers. After several changes, Lt.-Gen. J. C. Smuts from South Africa, succeeding Sir Horace Smith-Dorrien who, owing to ill-health, had resigned on his way out from England, was appointed commander in February, 1916, and started a vigorous offensive. In March the German position at Taveta was outflanked and seized, the Latema — Reata ridge was forced and Kahe was captured. Kondoa Irangi was seized by General Van Deventer on 19th April. While a large body of the enemy was engaged in checking our further progress to the south of the latter place. Smuts turned south- east from Kahe, cleared the Usambara district and occupied Tanga and Pangani. Belgian and British troops by July drove the enemy from the district between Lakes Victoria and Tanganyika, and at the same time Van Deventer reached the central railway at Dodoma. The Germans, who had retreated to a strong position in the Nguru Mountains, were out- flanked and driven south in August, on 3rd September Dar-es-Salaam fell and by the end of the month the coast as far south as the Portuguese frontier had been occupied. During the autumn the Germans under General Wahle were driven out of Tabora and nearly 1 90 surrounded, but, with the loss of more than half their numbers, managed to break through and join the main body on the Mahenge plateau. Our losses from sickness were very heavy. In one week in vSeptember there were 9,000 in hospital, of whom 4,000 were whites, and between October and December from 12,000 to 15,000 patients, mostly malaria cases, were evacuated from the hospitals along the central railway alone. The wastage among animals for two months from the middle of September was, horses 10,000, mules 10,000, oxen 11,000, donkeys 2,500. In January, 1917, when Lettow-Vorbeck had been hemmed in in the south-eastern part of the colony, Smuts was recalled to take part in the Imperial Con- ference, and about this time all white infantry and mounted troops were withdrawn. He was succeeded by General Hoskins who, in May, was succeeded by General Van Deventer. At the end of the latter month a sortie to the north-west was met and driven back by the Belgians who, during the summer, con- tinued their advance and in October drove a German force from Mahenge. Van Deventer, working from Lindi on the coast, defeated the Germans in several engagements in November, captured some 5,000 prisoners, and forced Lettow-Vorbeck with the rem- nants of his troops across the Ro\aima into Portu- guese territory. In 1918 the British, with assistance from the Portuguese, carried out active operations in Portuguese territory against the Germans, who some- times made daring raids but more often fled further and further afield. One detachment under General Wahle returned northward into German East Africa and was captured. The main body eventually got into Northern Rhodesia and was there at the con- clusion of hostilities when, in accordance with the Armistice, Lettow-Vorbeck was ordered by his Govern- ment to surrender. 191 G. A. Hogg (R.N., Tram.), gunlayer on board H.M.S. Severn, received the D.S.M. for his devotion to duty during the destruction of the Konigsberg in July, 19 15. A. W. Henderson (R.N., L.F.B.) was killed by an explosion on H.M.S. Mersey which was taking part in the attack. Cameroon. Cameroon was a German colony on the west coast of Africa just to the north of the equator. It has a coast NIGERI/I l^Bare r,.,, J, Yaunde^-, „„ CAMEROON TOR ,/\^ FRiNCH tOU/1 so too ISO 200 Zbo 500 Miles ^^ '^'J CAMEROON. line to the Bight of Biafra of 200 miles, extends inland for an average distance of about 400 miles and has an area of nearly 200,000 square miles, with a population of about 3 1 miUions of whom only a few thousand are Europeans. Along the coast is a belt, 150 miles wide, of almost impenetrable forest, fringed by mangrove swamps; the interior is higher and more open. Inces- sant tropical rains, the absence of roads, and the dense undergrowth made active service very trying, and caused much of the fighting to be along the railways. Of these there were two, both running from Duala, the capital, one towards the east and the other towards 192 the north. British Nigeria Hes to the north-west, French Congo to the east and the latter and Spanish Guinea to the south. Duala was occupied on 27th September, 19 14, and by the end of the year the districts along the northern railway and towards Edea, which was attacked along the partly navigable rivers Sanaga and Njong, were subdued by the British and French respectively. Early in 19 15 an attack on Yaunde, to which the Germans had transferred their administration, failed, and a counter-attack upon our lines of communication forced us back. Heavy rains put an end to further fighting until August when a second attack on Yaunde was organised. Allied troops captured Sende on 25th and Eseka on 30th October. French troops at Bertua and "Dume and Belgian troops from the south-east co-operated, and on ist January, 19 16, Yaunde fell. Many of the enemy made their way to Spanish ter- ritory, isolated districts in the north were cleared, and by the middle of February all fighting had ended. CHAPTER XVI. Deaths from Disease. In previous wars those dying from disease have usually outnumbered those killed in action. Thus, as recently as the Crimean War, the proportion was four or five to one, in the American Civil War and in the South African War it was about two to one. On the Prussian side in the Franco-German War in 1870 and on the Japanese side in the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-5, the latter proportion was reversed, but this was secured only as the result of much careful attention to the cleanhness and habits of each soldier. It was not until the Great War that, on most of the fronts, deaths from disease became negligible in comparison with those of men killed in action. This was partly due to the greater destructiveness of modern weapons, but 193 still more to the increased skill of medical men in preventing disease. This particularly applies to the troops in western Europe. Those elsewhere were not so fortunate, and suffered from malaria in Salonica, Palestine and Mesopotamia, dysentery in Gallipoli, and various tropical diseases in Africa. Some deaths directly due to the conditions of active service abroad have been dealt with already under the different cam- paigns. Others occurred as follows: — In IQ14, Cj. V. Cross (4th Oxf. and Bucks L.I., Educ.) died at Oxford on 9th November of blood poisoning and meningitis, C. Smith (Nat. Res., Asylums) at Croydon on the 2gth of ptomaine poison- ing, J. A. Lund (R.F.A., Arch.) at Fulham on 12th December of blood poisoning, and F. Woodward (3rd Somer. L.I., Tram.) at Plymouth on the 14th, Lance- Corp. C. M. W. Erwood (7th Beds, Educ.) at Aldershot on the 17th, and W. Rathall (R.F.A., Tram.) on the 29th, all of pneumonia. In 1915, G. W. Brown (9th Midx., Parks) died at Neasden on 27th January of heart failure induced by a chill, J. W. Horrigan (R.F.A., Tram.) on 7th February as the result of an accident at Mere, Wilts, M. Dacey (R.A.S.C, Tram.) on ist May at Bexhill of pneumonia, Q.-M.-Sergt. W. H. Cox (R.E., Housing) on 26th at Camberwell of cancer, H. C. Rice (R.W. Surr., Asylums) on 14th July at Merstham of an aneurism, H. W. Turner (R.G.A., Asylums) on 24th September at Epsom of nephritis, H. J. Doughty (R.A.M.C, Educ.) at Wandsworth on 12th October after an operation, Lance-Corp. C. J. Dawes (Nat. Reserve, Tram.) at Lewi^am on the 27th of pneumonia, A. Joy (24th R. Fus., Parks) at Brentwood on 21st November of liver trouble, and T. J. Middlemiss (Gren. Gds., Parks) at Belmont, Surrey, on 4th December, of consumption. In 1916 H. J. Smith (R.M.L.I., Educ.) died of appendicitis on 12th January, J. W. S. Lowe, D.C.M. (R.F.R., L.F.B.) died at Grimsby on the i6th as the result of an accident on H.M.S. Amphitriie, and on the 194 i8th W. S. Richardson (8th Essex, Tram.) died at Edmonton of heart disease. Lieut. J. Steel, B.Sc, B.A. (R.N.V.R., Educ.) on 7th February was suffocated by a fire on the ship on which he was serving, on the 14th Regt.-Sergt.-Maj. W. Rubley (Reserve Cavalry, Educ.) died of cerebro-hsemorrhage following paralysis, and on the 23rd Sergt F. Gordon (R.M.L.I., Educ.) died at Plymouth of appendicitis. C. J. Andrews (6th Lond., Tram.) died at Cambridge on 3rd April of peritonitis, Lance-Corp. G. Horsier (5th Beds, Educ.) at Lowestoft on 3rd May of phthisis, J. Cromarty (R.D.C., Tram.) on the 6th of accidental suffocation, Lieut. J. H. Aitken (7th Black Watch, Arch.) was killed at Ripon on 2nd June in a bomb accident, E. J. Coleman (R.F.C., Educ.) on the loth in a motor cycle accident near Sunbury, W. C. Haward (R.F.A., Tram.) on the i6th in a boating accident near Stratford-on-Avon, A. Russell (4th R.W. Surr., Asylums) died at Croydon on the 17th of dropsy, W. S. Lavender (5th Lancers, Educ.) on the 24th of an aneurism, A. L. J. Hills (loth Lond., Parks) at Salisbury Plain on the 27th of cerebro-spinal meningitis, D. Johnson (15th Lond., Compr.) near Winchester on 5th August of appendicitis, W. H. Radley (19th K.R.R., Parks) at the London Hospital on the 24th of dysentery and peritonitis, F. C. Panthng (9th Midx., Parks) at Murree, India, on 6th September of appendicitis, D. A. Frame (R.F.R., Tram.) on the 9th of general debility following malaria, A. Williams (Tram.) on the 13th of pulmonary haemor- rhage. Staff Sister A. M. Russell (Q.A.A.N.R., Pub. H.) at Millbank on 5th October of septic glands follow- ing diphtheria, S. Harries (24th K.R.R., Educ.) at Ashington, Northumberland, on 30th November of pneumonia, P. L. Thorn (5th Oxf. and Bucks L.L, Tram.) in France on nth December of ear trouble, P. J. Taylor (2nd Lond., Educ.) on the 13th at Aldeburgh of pneumonia, and Lance-Corp. W. K. Gossop (3rd Northd. Fus., Tram.) on the 27th at Sunderland of pneumonia. 195 In 1917 W. J. F. Day (R.E., Tram.) died at Chatham on 19th February of pneumonia, Sergt. G. G. Treacher (R. Fus., L.F.B.) was accidentally killed at Dover on 4th March, F. R. White (R.F.R., Tram.) died at Portsmouth on 21st April of pneumonia, R. J. Jobling (R.D.C., Ch. Engr.) near Weymouth on 20th July of cerebral haemorrhage, T. S. Chaplin (R.E., Tram.) at Colchester on the 30th of paralysis, Sergt. A. E. Durban (loth Midx., Educ.) in India on 22nd August, Corp, A. Longhurst (R.E., Ch. Engr.) on 7th September of cancer, and Sergt. W. A. Stanfield (R.A.M C, Educ.) in Egypt on ist October as the result of a motor cycle accident. In 1918, Sergt. J. E. Bailey. M.M. (ist R. Welch Fus., Asylums) died at Manchester on 9th January of pneu- monia, A. G. Poffiey (R A.M.C., Asylums) died on the 17th of duodenal ulcer, C. E. Allen (R.N.R., Tram.) on the 25th of blood poisoning, T. Davis (R.H.A., Parks) died at Meerut, India, on 5th March, Corp. H. Brown, B.Sc. (7th Midx., Educ.) in London on the 7th of cancer, A. F. Tarry (R.F.A., Tram.) on 6th April of septic poisoning, E. A. Maidment (R.G.A., Educ.) on the i6th as the result of an operation, H. W. Porter (8th E. Surr., Tram.) died in Germany on 3rd May, as the result of an accident, Sergt. E. Skingle (R.G.A., Tram.) on the 18th of heart disease, Regt. Q.-M.-S. A. H, Traylen (Labour Corps., Educ.) at Homerton on nth June, as the result of an accident, Sergt. H. J. Carrington (loth Midx., Educ.) on 19th July as the result of a bomb accident, Lance-Corp. T. B. Tingay (R.E., Tram.) at Walton on 23rd August as the result of an explosion, J. H. Cummins (4th R. Scots Fus., Tram.) at Edinburgh on 3rd November of bronchitis, Sergt. A. J. Barringer (2/ist Surrey Yeo., Educ.) at Gort, CO. Galway on 25th December, as the result of an accident. This year was marked by two severe influenza epidemics, one in the summer (June- July) and the 196 other in the autumn (Oct.-Nov.); a third followed in 1919 (Feb -Mar.). 1 Those who died in 1918 included Lieut. E. R. Free (R.G.A., Educ.) at Winchester on i6th July, C. B. Horn (R.A.M.C, Educ.) at Brighton on the 17th, J. Fisher (R.E., Educ.) at Monmouth on i6th August, E. B. Clements (R.G.A., Tram.) at Tooting on loth October, Lieut. C. G. Pearse (R.F.A., Educ.) at Luton on the 20th, J. E. Edwards (R.A.F., Educ.) on the 22nd, J. Crow (R.F.A., Ch. Engr.) at ]\Iile End on the 25th, F. Winter (6th E. Surr., Tram.) at Agra, India, on the 31st, A. J. Gilchrist (37th Northd. Fus., Housing) at Margate on 3rd November, H. Collier (R.E., Tram.) at Kingston on the 6th, Lance- Corp. H. W. C. Davenport (25th Lend., Tram.) at Jutogh, India, on the 13th, A. G. Billson (R.N.A.S., Parks) at Oueensferry on the i6th, I. H. Bonshor (R.G.A., Educ.) near Grantham on nth December, W. H. Godfrey (3rd Essex, Parks) on the 24th, and Lieut. H. E, vShepherd (R.F.A., Educ.) at Dover on the 30th. The deaths in 1919 from the same disease included C. Bennett (i6th Manch., Stores) at Homerton on 2ist January, J. M. Mace (R.E., Asylums) at Dunkirk on the 26th, Corp. J. Opie (R.A.S.C, Educ.) near Cologne, Capt. G. J. Bradley (Labour Corps, Educ.) at Camiers on 17th February, Armourer Staff-Sergt. E. J. Weall (R.A.O.C, Asylums) at Queenstown on the i8th, Capt. W. H. Swallow, O.B.E. (R.A.O.C, Educ.) at St, Omer on the 21st, B. W. F. Starling (R.N.A.S., Comp.) and H. C. Chapman (A.P.C., Solr.) on the 24th, Hon. Maj. W. A. Miller (R.A.M.C, Educ.) at Farnborough on 2nd March, A. A. Bennett (34th Lond., Ch. Engr.) at Dunkirk on the nth, J. Cahill (R.A.M.C, Tram.) at Gibraltar on the i6th, and Corp J. S. Jones (R.A.M.C, Educ.) on 5th April. Other deaths in 19 19 from different causes included W. G. Burningham (19th Midx., Tram.) at Denmark ■ The Council has published an account of these in Influenza, Report by the County Medical Officer of Health (No. 1963), price 6d. 197 Hill on 5th January of paralysis, Sergt. H. J. Wilcox (9th Midx., Clerk) in Mesopotamia on loth March from the effects of an operation, Lieut. W. E. Foale (R.G.A., Arch.) at Newcastle on ist May of erysipelas and pneumonia, W. F. D. Peters (R.A.M.C, Arch.) near Bonn on the 2nd from cerebral haemorrhage, Sub.-Lieut. B. P. O'Hara (R.N.R., Comp.) at Malta on 14th October of pneumonia, and Capt. S. Cohen (Egyp. Labour Corps, Clerk) murdered at Cairo on 23rd November. CHAPTER XVn. Summary, The numbers of the Council's staff who served in the Great War were as follows : Department Enlisted Lost their lives. Clerk of the Council .... lOI 12 Comptroller of the Council 290 36 Chief Engineer ..... 284 25 Architect 437 40 Solicitor . 70 10 London Fire Brigade 345 27 Public Health . 136 12 Estates and Valuation 87 9 PubUc Control 94 7 Parks 424 61 Tramways 3.507 334 Housing . 100 9 Education Officer: Central Administrative Staff . 377 39 Industrial and Special Schools . 40 6 Secondary Schools and Training Colleges ..... 28 7 Technical Institutes and Schools of Art 37 4 School Attendance Officers 117 6 Botany Scheme .... 5 3 Stocktakers, etc. .... 8 — Schoolkeepers .... 235 23 Teachers ..... 2.353 273 Stores ...... 138 24 Parliamentary .... 4 I Asylums and Mental Deficiency 943 97 Asylums Engineer .... 4 Total .... 10,164 1.065 198 The decorations won were: C.B.E. 5, D.S.O. 5, O.B.E. 14, D.S.C. I, M.C. and two bars i, M.C. and bar 7, M.C. 68, M.B.E. 7, Royal Red Cross 10. D.C.M. and bar 2, D.C.M. 39, D.S.M. 5, M.M. and bar 10, M.M. 125, M.S.M. 100, Medal of Military Merit 2, mentioned in despatches 313, mentioned for valuable services, etc., II, R. Humane Socy. Cert, i. Certificate of Merit i, French decorations 21, Croix de Guerre (Belgian) 9, other foreign decorations 16. In the preceding chapters it has rarely been possible to state the numbers engaged, or the losses sustained, in the different battles and campaigns. The following figures, too vast for the mind to realise in any detail, may help the reader to form some vague impression of the immensity of the conflict. The numbers of those who served from the British Empire alone were as follows: ^ Strength of Regular Army, Reserve and Territorials on 4th August, 1914 . 733,514 England recruited during the war . . 4,006,158 Scotland 557.618 Wales ...... 272,924 Ireland ...... 134,202 Dominions: Canada (628,964), Australia (416,809), New Zealand (220,099), Africa (136,070), Newfoundland, etc. (23,922) 1,425,864 7,130,280 Coloured troops: India (1,401,350, i.e. pre- war 239,561 and during war 1,161,789), S. Africa (92,837), W. Indies (10,000), other colonies (20,000) . . . 1,524,187 Total 8,654,467 > The War Cabinet. 1918 [Comd. 235], p. 95. 199 There were also Chinese and other labour units which served in France, Egypt, Mesopotamia and elsewhere. The casualties amongst all the belligerents were as follows: ^ Killed, in- cluding Country. misjmg un- less separ- Missing, presumed Wounded. Total. ately stated. dead. A Hies Russia 1,700,000 • — • 3,500,000 5,200,000 France 1.358.872 361,654 2,750,000 4.470,526 British Empire 765.483 108,346 2,090,989 2,964,818 Italy 507.169 — 1,000,000 1,507,169 Roumania . 300,000 — - 300,000 600,000 Serbia 300,000 — 300,000 600,000 Belgium 102,382 — 200,000 302,382 United States . 53.160 1,160 179.625 233.945 Portugal 8.367 — 16,000 24,367 Total . 5.095.433 471,160 10,336,614 15.903.207 Central Powers , Germany . 1,600,000 103,000 4,064,000 5,767,000 Austria 800,000 — i- 3,200,000 4,000,000 Turkey 250,000 — 500,000 750,000 Bulgaria 100,000 — 200,000 300,000 Total . 2.750.000 103,000 7,964,000 10,817,000 TOTAL 7.845,433 574.160 18,300,614 26,720,207 The combined death-roll was therefore over 8,000,000, or several hundred thousand beyond the present entire population of Greater London. 2 The ' Exact figures are impossible as different numbers have been pubUshed at different times. The table is based on estimates prepared by the United States Army {Times, 4th March, 1919) as amended by other authoritative figures {Times, 30th Nov., 23rd and 28th December, 1918; 9th April, 6th May, 2nd Sept. and 6th Nov., 1919; 26th March, 20th April and i8th June, 1920). The figures in italics are round numbers calculated by allowing two wounded for each man killed or missing. This is a conservative estimate as the usual proportion is 2^ or even 3 to i. The conditions in Serbia and Roumania were exceptional and a still lower estimate of the propor- tion of wounded to killed has been adopted. ' This in 1921 was 7,476,168. 200 total casualties approached 27,000,000, and quite probably may have been nearly 30,000,000, or about two-thirds of the population of the United Kingdom. Only those campaigns in which the British were concerned and those incidents in which they shared have been described. Most of the main features have thus been dealt with, for, except on the eastern front in Europe, they had a part, and often an important part, in all the fighting. It is natural and right that our interest should centre in them, but the events of the war and the final victory must be regarded as a whole, not singly, nor even in relation to one country. The British Empire did not win the war, nor did France, nor Italy, nor the United States, although, if any of these had been absent, the result might have been far different; nor was any country alone in her endurance and in her sacrifices. So, when the final reckoning comes to be made, let it be remembered that Russia's losses were the heaviest, and that, but for her efforts, prolonged over two years in the face of every difficulty, the position of the Allies on the other fronts would have been most dangerous, if not impossible. For more than four years Belgium, a narrow strip excepted, was under the sway of a foreign despotism, her people were liable at any moment to heavy fines, to imprisonment and to deportation, and her industries were being impaired or even ruined. The like misfortunes befell Roumania but for a shorter time. The fate of Serbia was more terrible. After her army had been crushed by overwhelming numbers, disease and starvation swept through the country carrying off one-third of the population.^ The suffer- ings of France are known, by sight Or by hearsay, to all. It was on the western front that men and guns were accumulated in the greatest profusion, and it was there that the struggle was fiercest and most obstinate. For a year or more she bore the brunt of * M. Savoitch, a former Serbian minister, in Times, 28th Dec, 1918. 201 the attack along a front of several hundred miles; throughout the war the fighting on the greater part fell to her lot. Her casualties, most of them incurred in this noble task, amounted to 4,470,526.^ In the early days the enemy approached to within twenty miles of the capital, and, when driven back, lay encamped during nearly four years little more than twice that distance away. In the spring of 1918 he again closed in upon the city, which for some months was under artillery fire at long range. A belt of country, 250 miles long and twenty or thirty wide, was reduced to a desert, 1,659 communes or townships were blotted out, 2,363 others were wrecked, and 630,000 houses were destroyed or seriously damaged. 2 So many mines were ruined that the output of coal was reduced by a half, 21,000 factories were gutted, and great manufacturing centres like Lille and the Longwy district were systematically despoiled of the machinery vital to their prosperity. Deaths among civilians, by artillery in the battle zone or by aero- planes in the back areas, were frequent. ******* This sketch has been written so that the memory of the part taken by the Council's staff in events which called for much bravery, much endurance, much self- sacrifice, might not pass away without record, however slight. The task is now completed. On so many memorials, up and down the country, of those who fell in the Great War, it is truly written : " They died that we might live." For that example and that sacrifice no return can be adequate, but it is for each of us who survive to determine that the example and the sacrifice shall not have been wholly in vain. ' The British casualties on the western front were 2,719,652 {Times. 28th Dec, 1918). * This is about the number of houses in London. INDEX OF Names of Members of the Council's Staff mentioned in the foregoing pages Adam, J. G. S., 109 Adams, C. G., 53 Adams, F. W., 10 Aitken, J. H., 194 Alderton, A., 41 Allan, W., 25 Allen, C. E., 195 Allen, J. D., 179 Allender, J. H., 49 Allison, W., 26 Allum, G. A. B., 136 Almeroth, C. W., 66 Ament, E. V., 88 Ames, A. J., 49 Ames, G., M.C., 117 Amos, H., 69 Amos, J. v., 54 Andrews, C. J., 194 Andrews, E., 17 Andrews, S., 9 Angel, A. A., M.C., 124 Angus, D., 19 Aplin, C. R. S., 31 Archdeacon, T., D.C.M., 117 Archer, C, 44 Archer, F. J., 50 Archer, P. F., 102 Armes, J. G., 47 Arnold, H., 135 Ash, H. J., 44 Ashby, F., 30 Ashdown, H. G., 34 Ashley, H.. 48 Anbury, J. L., 25 Auker, J. F., 127 Austin, J. R., M.M., 100 Ayles, G., 78 Ayton, W. H., 17 Babington, H. W., 35 Bailey, F., 53 Bailey, H. E., 26 Bailey, J., 24 Bailey, J. E., M.M., 41, 195 Bailey, T., 106 Bain, A. J., 66 Baker, B. R., 34 Baker, G., 7 Baker. H. W.. 74 Baker, J. R., loi Baker, S. J., 31 Baker, T. H., 158 Baldwin, E. W., 23 Barber, A. G., loi Barker, C. T., 65 Barker, R. H., 86 Barklamb, E. C, 30 Barnard, A. H. B., 163 Barnard, E., 158 Barnes, A. D., M.C., 86 Barnes, C. H., 52 Barnes, F., 87 Barnes, S. G., 42 Barrett, J. F. B., loi Barringer, A. J., 195 Bartram, H. F., 179 Bass, W. L., M.C., 121 Basterfield, W. J.. 16 Bastian, C. J. C, 139 Batchelor, A. C.. M.M., 61. 66 Batchelor, H. J., 123 Bateman, C. J., 180 Baxter, K. L., loi Bayliss, T., 123 Beale, R. €., 25 Beardmore, H. O., 48 Beattie, E. A., M.B.E., 180 Beaumont, A. T. F., 158 Beaumont-Edmonds, W. G., ^8 Beavis, A. G., 117 Bedwell, T. W., 66 Belben, H. J., 170 Belcher, D. C., 180 Bell, G. F., M.M.. 69 Bell, W., 16 Bence, S. R., M.M., 53 Bennett, A. A., 196 Bennett, A. E., 73 202 203 Bennett, C, 196 Benson, E. T., 17 Bentley, H. F., 51 Bernard. P. C, 163 Berridge, P., 180 Best, S. J., 49 Bevan, M. W., 41 Beverley, W. W., 48 Bick, P. A., 45 Bickmore, A., 25 BilcUffe, B. L., 30 Billson, A. G., 196 Birch, H., 76 Bird, W. F., D.C.M., 157 Bishop, C. W., 54 Bishop, H. E., 109 Bishop, W., 88 Bissley. W. H., 44 Blake, C. S., 157 Blake, F. S., 41 Blake, J. E., 137 Blanchard, F., 157 Blay, S. G., 90 Blunt, E. L., 127 Boden, S. S., 50 Bolt, A., 139 Bonfield, S. M. C, 87 Bonshor, I. H., 196 Boot, S. H., 51 Boucher, S. J., 127 Boughton, W. C. R., 23 Bown, v., 73 Boxall, G. T., 25 Boyes, R. T., M.C., 107 Boys, C. H., 135 Bradbury, A., 62 Bradford, I. W., 10 Bradley, G. J., 196 Braham, R. W., M.M.. 34 Brawn, W., D.C.M., 43 Braybrooke, J. A., 33 Brazil, H. C, 89 Brereton, A. E., M.M., 34 Brewer, R. E., 49 Brice, H. G., 54 Briggs, F. H. W., M.M., 100 Bright, A. J., 88 BriU, W. P.. 87 Brinklow, W. J., loi Bristow, R., M.M., 65 Bristowe, A. E., 44 Broad, A. E., 106 Brook, F. C, 74 Brooker, F. N., 66 Brooker, G., 74 Brooker, W. J., 137 Broom, T. H., 16 O Brown, A. I., 72 Brown, C, M.M., 86 Brown, E. C, 74 Brown, G. W., 193 Brown, H., 195 Brown, L. F., 107 Brown, S. N., 117 Brownsword, A. H., 65 Brunning, C. J., 62 Bryant, B. T., 62 Bryce, M. S., 16 Buck, A. G., M.M., 72 Buckby, H. F., 25 Buckley. J. C, M.M., 85 Bulcraig, F. J., M.M., 29 Bull, F. G., M.C., 50, 64 Bull, G., 44 Bull, G. A., 123 Burford, W. J., 57 Burgess, A., 35 Burnett, A. W. K., M.C., 116 Burnett, G., M.M., 184 Burningham, W. G., 196 Burrows, W. A., 48 Burton, H. S., 25 Burton, T. W., 66 Burwood, H. W., 101 Butcher, R. V., loi Butland, R., 109 Butler, J. E., 26 Butler, S. H., 158 Butler, T. B., 45 Butler, W., 107 Buthn. W. A., 34 Buxton, R. P., 184 Cahill, J., 196 Cairns. J. C, D.C.M., 74, 99 Cameron, H. S., 45 Campion, E., M.M., 87 Campion, W. J., M.C., 126 Canivet, A. F., 34 Cannard, H. E., 30 Cappleman, W., 48 Carben, H., 184 Carey. E., 25 Carey, J., 16 Came, J. R., 88 Carpenter, E. S., 19 Carpenter, H., 139 Carr, W. H., 76 Carrington, H. J., 195 Carritt, W. E., loi Carson, F. M., 25 Carter, H. A., 129 Cater, C. D., 17 Challen, F., D.C.M., 180 204 Challice, C, 30 Challis, W., 135 Chalmers, J. C, M.M., 53 Chamberlain, C. J., 78 Chaney, A., 74 Channel, W., 88 Chaphn, H. H., M.M., 70 Chaplin, T. S., 195 Chapman, F. C, 135 Chapman, H. C, 196 Chappell, A. E. W.. 25 Chauvin, E., 180 Chester man, W. T., 50 Chick, A. G., 62 Chick, T. P., 35 Childs, J., 157 Chitty, H. H., 10 Chorley, P., 66 Christiansen, H. L. J., 23 Church, A. G., D.S.O., M.C., 186 Churcher, E., 147 Churchill, M. W., 73 Clark, A., 49 Clark, A., 129 Clark, C. W., 106 Clark, G., M.C., 91 Clark, P., Ill Clark, S., 23 Clark, W., 78 Clarke, B. E., 47 Clarke, C, 17 Clarke, F. W., 19 Clarke, J. A., 48 Clarkson, G. A. J., 74 Cleall, P. C, 114 Clements, A. A., 165 Clements, E. B., 196 Chfford, W., 88 Clifton, H. C. J.. 66 Cohen, J. I., 73 Cohen, S., 197 Colborne, A. C, 66 Cole, D. A., 44 Cole, H. A., 42 Cole, W. H. D.. 117 Coleman, C. M., 49 Coleman, E. J., 194 Collier, H., 196 Collins, A. H., M.C., 116 Colverd, W. J., 73 Comyns, A. P., M.C., 99 Conley, D., 179 Connolly, V. L., M.C., 87 Cook, A., 41 Coombes, G. W., 66 Coombes, H. F., loi Cooper, A., 31 Cooper, H. W., 53 Cope, A, B., 44 Cope, J. H. B., 44 Cordery, H. T., 19 Corkett, G. E., 45 Coster, A. E., 21 Cotter, C. J., 47 Counter, J. H., M.M., 43, 81 Coventry, A. E., 31 Cowan, W. H., 17 Coward, L. G., 30 Cox, A., 157 Cox, E., 78 Cox, G., 25 Cox, W. H., 193 Cracknell, W. W., M.M., 65 Crane, H., 45 Crawley, A., 87 Cresswell, T. E., M.C., 44 Cripps, A. D., 180 Cromarty, J., 194 Cronyn, E. M., D.C.M., 52 Cross, G. v., 193 Crow, J., 196 Cummins, J. H., 195 Curry, J. W., 135 Curtis, W., 16 Curtis, W. S., 25 Cutler, M., 34 Dacey, M., 193 Dainty, E. J. P., D.C.M., 64, 89 Daly, D., 49 Daly, R. W., 49 Dancer, A. C., M.C., 46, 77 Daniel, W. G., 88 Dare, E. C, D.C.M., 114 Darkens, C. R., 54 Davenport, H. W. C, 196 Davey, W. A. G., 30 Davies, D. J., M.C., 99 Davies, E. J., 42 Davis, E., 42 Davis, G. D., 135 Davis, H. G., 9 Davis, J. G.. 78 Davis, L. A., 88 Davis, T., 195 Davis, W., 50 Davis, W. H., 88 Davis, W. W., 27 Dawes, A. E., D.C.M., 178 Dawes, C. J., 193 Dawson, O. S., 19 Day, C. S., 106 Day, W. J. F., 195 Daysh, F. A. G., 9 205 Dean, H. H., 109 Dearing, C. A., M.M,, 85, 102 Denly, C. J., 45 Despicht, L. T., M.C., 55 Devis, A. S., M.M., 41, 123 Diamond, F., 87 Dibble, T. H.. 25 Dickens, C. A., 9 Dickens, W. G., 24 Dimond, L., 76 Dixon, F. C, 27 Dobson, G. M., 179 Dobson, W., 180 Dockett, C. J. F., 163 Dodman, A. G., D.S.C., 140 Doherty, E. H., 179 Dolan, F., loi Dolan, F. A., 157 Doling, G., 138 Doolin, M., 34 Dormon, G., 52 Doughty, H. J., 193 Downes, B., 108 Downham, G. E., 62 Downie, G. H., 33 Drewett, F. F., loi Drewett, H. W., iii Drury, S. C. P., D.C.M., 31, 99 Duck, L. S., 35 Duggan, C. 88 Duncton, S. V., 108 Dunford, H. J., 51 Dunning, B. A. M., 173 Dupres, E. C, 117 Durban, A. E., 195 Dussauze, H. W., 30 Dyer, T. E., 87 Earl, F. W., 109 Eason, H., 30 Eaves, T., M.M., 55, 78 Ebbetts, S. A., 41 Ediker, H., 89 Edlin, B. A., 11 Edwards, C. H., 42 Edwards, J. E., 196 Edwards, J. P., 49 Edwards, P. H., 45 Edwards, T. A., M.C., 126 Elliott, B., 57 Elliott, F. E., 127 Elliott. R., 42 Elliott, V. M., 34 EUiott, W. L., 53 EUner, W. T., 23 Entwistle, W. S., 139 Erwood, C. M. W., 193 Etherington, J., M.M., 65 Eton, E., D.S.O., 29 Evans, J., M.C., 119 Everett, J. G., 157 Everitt, W., 23 Fairley, P. E., D.C.M., 29, 34 Falcon, F., 157 Farley, S. J., 30 Farley, W. A., 10 Farrow, M., 107 Fasham, S. L., 67 Faulks, E., 30 Favell, A., 35 Fell, W. J., 52 Ferguson, H. H. E., 8g Ferry, W. H., 24 Field, F. H., 137 Field, H. N., 81 Field, W. J., M.C., 69, 73 Filbee, W. J., 158 Findon, R., 106 Finnessy, E. P., 45 Fish, W. F., 179 Fisher, H. W., M.C., 74 Fisher, J., 196 Fisher, J. W., D.C.M., 29 Fitzgerald, P., 74 Foale, W. E., 197 Foley, J., 41 Ford, P., 100 Forse, A., 25 Forse, W. F., 10 Foss, T., 16 Fox, C. J., 44 Fox, T. E., 91 Fox, W., 31 Foy, L., 21 Frame, D. A., 194 Free, E. R., 196 Freeman, F. B., 41 French, S. A., 100 Friday, L. J., 66 Froome, C. W., D.C.M., 34, 42 Fuller, H., 26 Gaiger, A. A., 135 Gaskell, A. J., 127 Gatehouse, H. C, 129 Gaunt, G., 78 Gaywood, G. A., 49 Gebbett, J., loi Geis, B. A., 47 George, J. A., 54 Gethin, P. F., 34 Gilchrist, A. J., 196 Gilroy, J. J.. 78 2o6 Gimble, E., 31 Gleadall, J., 47 Goddard, W. E., 73 Godfrey. W. H., 196 Golding, F. G., 52 GoUe, C. v., 89 Good, S. C, 7 Goodwin, D. P., 54 Goodwin, J. A., 7 Gordon, F., 194 Gordon, G. H., 49 Gosford, W. G., 179 Goss, S., 108 Gossop, W. K., 194 Gostling, H., 21 Gould, P. J., 30 Gray. A. A. W., D.C.M.. 29 Gray, G. E. F., 65 Gray, J., 25 Green, L., 52 Green, W. H., 109 Greenstreet, T. W., M.C., 178 Greenwood, A. G., 62 Greygoose, F., 16 Griffin, F. G., 23 Griffiths, E., D.S.M., 157 Griffiths, W., 86 Grist, R. G., 135 Gristwood, C, 184 Groombridge, F. W., 53 Groves, L., 88 Gunter, T. J., M.M., 81 Guy, H. C, 88 Guyver, G., 23 Haggis, P., 10 Hale, J. D.. 21 Hale, R. A., 109 Hales, B. C, D.C.M., 164 Hall, J. S., 124 Halliday, F. A., 138 Hambly, B., 23 Hamer, W. H., 66 Hammond, A. J., 25 Hampton, A. H., 106 Hancock, A. C., M.C., 40, 54, 64 Hancock, E. T. G., M.C., 126 Hancock, J. L., 66 Handley, H. E., 25 Hannaford, W. G. N., 48 Hard, W. T. S., loi Harden, W. F., 140 Harland, G., 66 Hariing, A. T., 48 Harries, S., 194 Harris, C. T., 54 Harris, F. V., M.C., 164 Harris, H. C, 42 Harrison, E. S., 9 Hart, A. R., 54 Hart, E., 30 Harvey, H. V., M.M., 127 Haselden, E. A., 42 Haslum, D., 45 Hatcher, E. W., 41 Hattam, H. C., 76 Hatton, F. J., 102 Havell, E. T., 30 Haward, A. E., 49 Haward, W. C, 194 Haycraft, L. C, 49 Hayes, E. W. C, 118 Haynes, H. H., 88 Hayward. H. E., M.M., 81 Head, E. A., 45 Head, W. A., 48 Healey, C. F., M.C., 43 Heard, E. H., 124 Heatly, H. F., 19 Helps, J. W., 139 Helyar, S. E., 76 Hemming, F. T., 136 Hems, E., loi Henderson, A. W., 191 Henderson, W. R., 16 Henstridge, C. L., M.C., 116 Hentsch, A. E., 47 Hepworth, P. W., 136 Herd, C, 106 Heritage, J., M.M., 106 Herriott, A., 25 Heskett, J., 124 Hicks, J. G., 17 Higginson, G. N., 53 Hill, J., loi Hill, S. E., 35 Hills, A. L. J., 194 Hills, F., M.M., 47, 99 Hird, W. H., 47 Hitchcock, C. J., 162 Hoare, H. J., 158 Hodges, H. S., 78 Hodgkinson, C., 33 Hogg, G. A., D.S.M., 191 Holhngsworth, F. E., 147 Hollins, H. J., 65 Hollo way, F., 67 Holmes, P. W. T., 91 Holt, G. W. J., 45 Hood, G., 23 Hook, E., 109 Horn, C. B., 196 Hornsby, W., 74 Horrigan, J. W., 193 Horsier, G., 194 Horwood, H. R., 52 Howard, S. F., 86 Howes, R. A., loi Howes, W. J., 162 Huddart, A., loi Huggins, J., 19 Hughes, H. G., 147 Hughes, J. E., 69 Humphrey, M., 42 Humphreys, M. M., 16 Humphreys, W. A., M.M., 74 Huntley, E. E., M.M., 127 Hutchings, C. E., 157 Hutchins, M. B., 129 Hutson, F. W., 89 Hyde, F. C, 13 Hygate, W. C, 162 Hymans, L. H., 76 Ingram, A., 30 Ireland, A., 86 Jackaman, T. T., 109 Jackson, A., 27 Jackson, F. W., D.S.O., 87 Jackson, H., 26 Jackson, T. W., 136 Jackson, W., 166 Jacobs, W. T. G., M.S.M., 123 Jago, G. F., 173 James, G., 30 James, S. W., 147 Jarman, W., M.M., 81 Jarratt, H. W. E., 19 Jeanes, J. V., M.M., 29, 52 Jefcoate, F., M.B.E., 147 Jeflfery, C. J., 48 Jeffries, H. H., 16 Jenkins, G. A., 23 Jennings, S. J., loi Jessop, R., 45 Jewell. C. J. L, 51 Jewers, W. F., loi Jeynes, T. G., 41 Jibb, A. H., 106 Jobling, R. J., 193 Johnson, D., 194 Johnson, E. R., 78 Johnson, H. C, 125 Johnson, J. W., 86^ Johnston, H., M.M., 77 Johnston, W., 65 JoUy, E. R., 76 Jones. A. C., 139 Jones, G. H., 106 Jones, H. F. C., 66 207 Jones, J. G.. 31 Jones. J. S.. 196 Jones, R., loi Jones, S. W.. 26 Joy. A., 193 Joyce, H. G., 76 Juniper, C. W. H., 23 Keane, F. J.. 89 Keeler. A. S.. 135 Keeler. F. W.. 76 Keeling, A. E., 25 Keenan, D., M.M., 65 Kelcey, H., 49 Kelly. J., 88 Kelsey, H. C., 88 Kemp, R. E., 89 Kenchatt. C. R.. 17 Kennedy, W.. loi Kenny, L. H., 34 Kenyon, H. T. J., 74 Ketcher, P. T., 34 Key. G. W., 78 Keys, W., 24 Keyworth, J. G., 66 King, A. J., 30 King, C. W., 53 King, D. G., 158 King, F., D.C.M., 52 King, G. O., 107 King, H. A.. 174 King, W. E., 130 Kingham, F. A.. 108 Kirby, E., 35 Kirk, R., 7 Kirkby, G., D.C.M., 162 Kirkcaldy, D., 41 Kirkwood, J.. 23 Kitchen, A. E., M.M., 29 Klein, G., 25 Knight, H. A. W., 48 Knights, J. P., 11 Knowles, E. H., M.M., 100 Knowles, J., 11 Laird, W. J.. 81 Lait, F.. 7 Lambe, F. W., 53 Lambert. F. C. 44 Lament. J.. 91 Lane, H. V., loi Lang, S. D., 55 Lassetter, A. E., 55 Laurence, N.. 49 Lavender. W. S., 194 Laver. E. C, 34 Law, C. VV., 87 208 Lawrance, H. E., 57 Lawrance, H. W., 49 Lawrence, W., 135 Lediard, F. S. N., 109 Lee, C. J., 78 Legg, W. A., 86 Leighton, H. E., 89 Lenney, G. K., 74 Lever, J., M.C., 41 Leverington, J., 41 Lewin, H. G., 106 Lewis, E., 54 Lewis, S. A., 101 Lewis, W. B., 73 Licence, R. E., 105 Liddle, W. S., 17 Lilburn, H., 81 Lingwood, J. A., M.M., 77 Livingstone, W., 135 Lloyd, R.. 180 Lock, H. J., 24 Long, E. D., 157 Long, S. F., 87 Long, W. E., 102 Longhurst, A., 195 Longley, E. J. P., 50 Lord, E. W., 33 Lowe, J. W. S., D.C.M., 193 Lower, S., 42 Lowes, W. A., 45 Lucas, M. T., 160 Luckhurst, W. A. V., 25 Luker, A., 9 Lund, J. A., 193 Lunn, R. H., 160 Lynes, N., 48 McAlister, H. P., 73 Macartney, V. J., 24 McBean, J. R., 107 Mace, J. M., 196 McGrath, J., 162 McKimmie, A. I., 147 McMillan, R. A., 49 Macrae, F. M., 24 McShane, H., 17 Madden, A. J., 74 Maddocks. H. T., M.C., 98 Maidment, E. A., 195 Maidment, H. G., 47 Makeham, E. N., 69 Malcolm, G., 17 Maley, R. J. H., 25 Mallpress, V. K., 25 Malone, T. J., M.C., 124 Maphara, N., D.C.M., 26 Marks, L. M., 50 Marsh, H., 30 Marshall, J. R., 27 Marshall, P. S. T., 7 Marson, H. J. R., 158 Martin, A., 44 Martin, A. G., 11 Martin, C. E. J., 17 Martin, E. W., M.M., 114 Martin, P., 129 Martin, P. J., 65 Martin, S. E., 107 Martin, W. E., 102 Mason, H. W. K., 102 Matthews, J. E., 26 Maxim, W., 19 May, A. W., 106 May, W. J., 88 Mayer, L. J., 35 Mears, A. E., 19 Medhurst, R. W., 135 Meredith, E. S., 31 Middlemiss, T. J., 193 Miles, F. J., 162 Miller, A. E., loi Miller, C, 76 Miller, E. S., 158 Miller, H., 44 Miller, I. J., 138 Miller, W. A., 196 Mills, J. C. 48 Mills, W. T.. M.M., 65 Minchin, W. C, D.C.M., 20 Mitchell, A. G., 7 Mitchell, C. J., 49 Monkhouse, J. A., 53 Moody, T., 41 Moore, E., 23 Moore, E. C, 129 Moore, E. W., 11 Moore, G., 23 Morgan, E. T., 33 Morgan, F., M.C., 105 Morgan, G. H., 157 Morley, C. J., 10 Morris, A. E., 172 Morris, C. C. B., M.C., 41 Morton, C, 31 Moss, R. C, 129 Moth, E. S., 16 Mott, W. J., 19 Moxley, G. A. C, 41 Murrell, F.. 158 Muscutt, B. W., 127 Nash, W. H., M.M., 34 Neate, F. B., 163 Nevey, F., 127 209 New. J., 139 Newbold, R. H., 45 Newton, A. E., 62 Newton, W. E., 62 NichoU, R. A., M.C., 75 Norby, C. P., 74 Gates, H. P., 76 Obendorf, H. P., M.M., 123 O'Flynn, D. T., 108 O'Hara, B. P., 197 Olney, A., 158 O'Meara, A. T., 30 Opie, J., 196 Ore, J. P., 49 Orrin, J., M.M., 72 Osborn, H., 165 Oswald, H. R., M.C., 126 Otton, J. W., D.C.M., 13 Overton, H. A., 48 Owen, F. J., 135 Owens, J. B., 44 Page, A., 48 Page, H., 89 Page, H. T.. 87 Pain, C. L., 140 Palmer, C. E., 53 Palmer, E. H., 19 Palmer, L., 48 Pantling, F. C, 194 Pardew, J. R., 66 Pardee, C. H., 88 Parker, G. W., 88 Parker, H., 25 Parkes, W., D.S.O., M.C., 43, 126 Parkington, S. A., 33 Parks, H., 78 Parry, D., M.S.M., 130 Parry, T. E., 50 Parsons, T., loi Partridge, W. I., 179 Pascoe, J. T., 23 Patterson, G. O., 48 Patterson, J. F., 73 Paveley, A. P., M.M., 184 Pavitt, G., 89 Payne, H. J., 160 Payne, R., 26 Peake, \V. J., 100 Pearce, F., 42 Pearce, J., 23 Pearse, C. G., 196 Pearson, C. E., 25 Pearson, G. F., 48 Pearson, J., 88 105, Pearson, W., 26 Peel, T. W., 47 Penfold, G., 73 Percival, G. A., 117 Perriman, W., 157 Perry, E. J., 34 Perry, H. H., 124 Ferryman, A. G., 16 Pert, L. H., 66 Peters, A., 173 Peters, O. H., 44 Peters, W., 53 Peters, W. F. D., 197 Peterson, F. W., 49 Petherick, J. E., 25 Petrie, H. L., 44 Phenix, A. P., 53 Philips, A. M., 158 Philpott, S. J. F., M.C., 57 Pike, E. C. 127 Pikett, O. J., 100 Pitt, T. G.. 19 Plater, W. J., 10 Plumb, A. S., 31 Plummer, C. H., 62 Plumridge, W. J., 10 1 Poate, H. J., 129 Pocock, F. C, 45 Poffley, A. G., 195 Pollard, P. J. >V., M.M., 100 Pollock, W., 107 Ponting, E. W.. 138 Ponton, H. F., 65 Poole, F., M.C., 75 Pope, T. C., 49 Porter, E. R., 49 Porter, H. V., 195 Potter, G. F.. 129 Potter, S. H., 49 Potter, \V. J., 74 Power, vV. J., 54 Powlesland, J. W. .V.. M.M., 48 Pragnell, A. E., 163 Prentice, A., M.M., 34 Price, W. E., 124 Priest, S., 44 Prior, F., 55 Proctor, A. D. G., 42 Prophet, C, 78 Pugh, H. G.. 25 Quick, H. M. F., 34 Quilter. F. W., 27 Quinlan, E., loi Radley, W. H., 194 Raffle, A. B., M.C., 47 210 Rafter, J., 17 Rammage, F. B., loi Rapson, H. T., 100 Rathall, W., 193 Rawlings, J. E., 135 Raymond, C. A., 49 Reardon, L. A., 117 Reed, W. J.. 81 Rees, H. G., 48 Reeve, A., 48 Reeve, W. R., M.C., 180 Reilly, D., 16 Relf, W. J., 74 Reynolds, J., 109 Rice, H. C., 193 Rice. W. C, 42 Richards, A.. 88 Richards, A. E., 109 Richards, J., 139 Richardson, F., loi Richardson, H. B., 30 Richardson, W. S., 194 Ridgewell, A., 42 RidUngton, A. A., 23 Riley, A. A., M.C., 64 Rivers, P. H., 31 Rixon, I. C, 86 Rizzi, C. L., 23 Roake, A., D.S.M., 139, 157 Roberts, A. W., 34 Roberts, C. H. H., M.C., 48 Roberts, T., 23 Robinson, J., 45 Robson, H. C., 77 Rolfe, G. E., 33 Romer, G. E., 19 Rose, A. G., 33 Rose, E. A., D.C.M., 76 Rose, T., 44 Rosen, J., 129 Rotenberg, B., 62 Rowe, J. H., 26 Rowland, W. G., 41 Rowson, T. H., 48 Rubley, W., 194 Rushton, F., 25 Rushworth, T. S., 48 Russell, A., 194 Russell, A. H., 35 Russell, A. M., 194 Russell, C. E., 21 Russell, F., 48 Russell, S., 157 liyan, J., 10 Salmon, H. J., 129 Salmon. V. E. T., 184 Sampford, F. M., 42 Samuels. A. F.. 21 Sanders. H. J., loi Sanderson. C. A., 57 Sapsworth, G. W., 54 Sarll, A. B. C, 16 Saunders, F. J. B., 52 Saunders, G., 57 Savage, B. A., 62 Scarf, A. W., 88 Scott, F. S., 89 Scowcroft. J.. 62 Scutt, S. v.. 44 Seal, A., 19 Seaman, S., M.M., 105 Searle, G. A. E., 27 Selman, P. St. C.. 48 Sevier, T. J.. M.M.. 51 Shea, W. D., 81 Shearing, A. R., 16 Shears, R., 41 Shepherd, A. J., 23 Shepherd, H. E., 196 Sherard, P., 100 Shipton, C. W., 42 Shrewsbury, J., 31 Shrimpton, C. W., M.M., 117 Shrimpton, J. J., 26 Sibbitt. B.. 107 Siebert, S. P., 76 Simmonds, W., 17 Simmons, R. E., 89 Simons, H. J., 30 Simons, J. E., 41 Simons, L., M.C., 55 Simpson, S., M.M., 47 Sizeland, C, 49 Skeggs, J., 33 Skingle, E., 195 Skipp, W. J., 74 Smith, C., 193 Smith, F. W. A., 76 Smith, G. G., 180 Smith. H. J., 193 Smith. O. J. T.. 13 Smith, W. H., 87 Smithers. W. J., 89 Smythe, J., 34 Snelgar, J. T., M.B.E., 173 Spencer, L. K., M.C., 98 Spencley, F., 66 Spicer, G. H., 108 Spowage, P. H., M.M., 100 Springbett, G. T., 48 Squires, W. G.. 26 Stacey, F. C, M.C., 87 Stagnell. H., 62 Stainton, R. M., 41 Stanbrough, E. G., 55 Standerwick, E. W., 106 .Stanfield, W. A., 195 Stannard, G. W., 47 Stanton, F. H., 22 Starling, B. W. F., 196 Steadman, A. C, 87 Steel, J., 194 Sterry, A. W., 45 Steven, A., 50 Stevens, A. E., 52 Stevens, H. J., 20 Stevens, R. W., 107 Stevenson, J. C, 117 Stiff, W. T. F., M.M., 111 Stiller, E. M., 166 Stockdale, E. L. J., 42 Stokes, J. H., M.C., 19 Stone, F. N., M.C., 86 Stower, W. E., 50 Stretton, E. W., 7 Strugnell, E., M.M., 100 Sturtridge, F., 34 Suckling, A. J., 109 Summers, R. R., 66 Sutton, P. T., 117 Swainsbur}^ W., 34 Swallow, W. H., O.B.E., 196 Swanson, E., 74 Swindells, S., 180 Symons, A., 165 Tagg. C. W., 89 Tarry, A. F., 195 Taylor, F. H. H., 54 Taylor, J. H., 44 Taylor, J. H., D.C.M., 46 Taylor, L. T., 35 Taylor, P. J.. 194 Taylor, T. H., 101 Templeman, W. J., 163 Terrell, V. J., 41 Terrett, J. C, 25 Tester, H., M.M., 123 Thomas, A. J., ic6 Thomas, E. G., 89 Thomas, J. G., 88 Thomas, T., 87 Thompson, J., M.M., 48 Thorn, H., D.C.M., 88 Thorn, P. L., 194 Thornton, H. V., 147 Thorpe, T. V.. 66 Thynne, W. J., 7 Tichener, H. O., 123 Tigg, T. H., 76 211 Tilney, A. J., D.C.M., 7, 31 Timpson, W. M., 87 Tingay, T. B., 195 Tinniswood, A., 123 Titcomb, E. J., 49 Toby, J., 101 Todd, J. W., 147 Todman, C. V., 147 Tongue, A. L., 108 Tonkin, T. S., 180 Toole, A. J., 16 Toseland, F. A., 160 Tott, J.. 24 Tovey, R. C, 109 Townsend, F. T., 74 Townsend, S. H., 30 Traylen, A. H., 195 Treacher, G. G., 195 Treadwell, G. R., 172 Tremeer, S. C, 66 Trevett, F., M.M., 55 Trew, E. A., 49 Troke, A. J., loi Trotman, F. W., 49 Truman, T. €., 106 Trumble, W. A., D.C.M.. 160, 166 Tuffey, W., 158 Turk, G. D., 67 Turner, B. G., 30 Turner, H. C, 25 Turner, H. D., 88 Turner, H. W., 193 Turner, T. W., 76 Tysoe, H., 88 Udall, W. G., 65 Vale, A., 78 Vaughan, R. W. W., 87 Veaser, H. W., 45 Veasey, A. V., 117 Vellensworth, H. J. A., 129 Vince, E. W., 54 Voak, F. H., 108 Waddingham, J., 139 Wade, E. H., M.C., 164 n. Waite, C. W., 136 Waite, J. G. J., 33 Wakeford, S. T., 66 Wale. S. J., 66 Walker, A., 172 Walker, C, 16 Walker, J, 9 Walker, J. A., 53 Walker, J. S.. 30 Walpole, C. A. W., 42 212 Walsh. S. B., 27 Walton, P., 44 Wardley, M. E., 65 Wareham, F. W., 41 Warren, A., 52 Warren, A. F., 47 Warren, H., 88 Warry, J. L., 87 Waterhouse, T. S., 25 Waterland, D., 25 Watkins, F., 127 Watkins, T. F., M.M., 46 Watson, S. T., 164 Watts. P. F., M.C., 80 Weall, E. J., 196 Webb, A. J., 17 Webb, H., 89 West, C. E., 163 West, W.. 157 West, W. F., 23 Weston, A. V., 48 Weston, F. G., 117 Wheatcroft. F. G.. 86 White, C, 27 White, E. v., 135 White, F. R., 195 White, G. T., 129 White, H. E. L., 33 White, H. J. F., 16 White, J., 73 White, W. G., 66 Whiteley, F. J., 44 Whitfield, W. P., 89 Whitlock, E. W., 138 Whittam, J., 24 Whitwell, H. C. C, 24 Wholey, F., 48 Why brow. E.. loi Wilby, A. C, 109 Wilcox, H. J., 197 Wild, J., D.C.M.. 99 Wilkinson, W. A., 89 Willcock, T. H. G., 180 Willcocks, G. J., M.M., 117 Willey, L., M.M.. 47 Williams. A.. 194 Williams, D. J., 76 Williams. H., 41 WilUams, L. H. T., 31 Williams, P. T., 66 WilUams, R. B., M.M., 114 Williams, S. M., 66 Wilhams, V., 65 Williams, W. A.. 57 Willis, W. F. B., 44 Willmer, R. A. P., M.M., 100 Wills, R. D., M.M., 65 Wilson, C. F., Ill Wilson. W., 158 Wilton, A. E., ig Winbush, E. T., 76 Winter, F., 196 Winter, J. F., 129 Wiscombe, F., 107 Withey, A. A., 90 Wood. H. O.. 47 Wood. R. A., 86 Wood. R. T., 106 Woodcock. J., 48 Woodhead. M. H., 23 Woodhouse. F., 49 Woods, A. W., 136 Woods, J. W., M.C., 55. 87 Woodward, F., 193 Woodward, J. W. H., 165 Woolley, H. E., 88 Womer, P. S., 45 Wright, A., 130 Wright, A. S. T., 66 Wright, E. A.. 66 Wright. G.. 33 Wright. L. N., 100 Wrigley, J., 76 Wybrow, G. E., 109 WylUe, R. T. M., 16 Wynn. J., 78 Wynne. J. A.. 35 Yalden, E. C, M.C., 117 Yates, J., 7 Yeldham, E. C, 127 York, T., 10 Young, G., 89 Zoller, H. S., 69 Zoller, v., 106 APPENDIX RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Note. — The names of those who died while on active service are marked * Department of the Clerk of the Council Alexander, Sydney George (1911-19); Lieutenant, R.A.O.C. ; France 19 months, Salonica 2 years 3 months. AUiston, Henry Richard James (1914- 10) ; lioinbanlicr, K.G.A. Arkell, William Grace Richard Wickens (1911-19) ; I'rivuto, Middlesex Ks,'t. ; India and Mesopotamia 4 years G months. Attwooll, Arthur Edward (1914-19) ; Corporal, K. \\'. Kent Rgt. and 54th lAght Trench Mortar liattery ; India 3 years, Mesopotamia 15 montlis. Auty, Harold Ainsworth (1916-19) ; M.M. ; Corporal, lotli Uu. London Rgt. ; Franco 1 year 7 months, Gei-many, prisoner of war, 9 months. Barrett, Frederick Titlow (1915-19); Private, K.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 3 montlis. Barringer, Edward George (1914-19) ; Lance-Corporal, Royal Fusiliers ; France 2 years 6 months. Bartle, Archibald Leonard (1916-19); Aircrattsman (1st Class), R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. *Beaumont - Edmonds, WiUiam George (1914-16) ; Sec- Lieutenant, 22nd Bn. Lon- don R^. ; France 10 months ; Killed in action, 17th September, 1916. Bed well, Albert Edward (1915-16); Private, London Ugt. Bissell, Walter Henry (1914-19); Ser- geant, R.G.A. Braines, Thomas Frederick (1915-19) ; Lieutenant, 28th Bn. London Rgt., R.F.C. and R.A.F. Branscombe, Percy (1914-19) ; Private, 13th Bn. London Ri;t. ; France 4 months, Germany and Switzerland, prisoner of war, 3 years 6 montlis. Braun, Percy Ernest (1916-18) ; Com- pany Sergeant- JNlajor, School of Musketry. Brockett, Henry Edwin (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, loth Bn. Loudon Rgt. ; France 4 years. Brownrigg, John Henry (1915-19) ; Corporal, 12th and 5th Bns. London RsTt. ; France 1 year 7 months, Germany, prisoner of war, 8 months. Bull, Francis George (1914-19); M.C. and bar ; Catitain, Royal Fusiliers ; France and Germany 3 years 3 months. Burbidge, Basil Edmund (1914-19) ; Lance-Corporal, Middlesex Rgt. ; India and Mesopotamia 4 years 4 months. Burge, Edward Thomas (1914-16); Cor- poral of Horse, R. Horse Guards ; Franco 18 months. Chase, Heber Lawson (1915-19) ; M.M. ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 2 months. Clark, Richard Ernest (1914-19) ; Ser- Keant, 15th Bn. London Rgt. ; France, Salonica and Palestine, 2 years 8 months. *Cohen, Simon (1914-19); Sergeant, R.A.M.C. (Sanitary Coy.), and Captain, Egyptian Labour Corps ; France 12 months, Egypt 2 years 9 months ; Killed by natives in Cairo, 23rd Xovember, 1919. Comyns, Arthur Patrick (1915-19) : M.C. ; Lieutenant, R. Welch l''usiliers ; France and Belgiimi 2 years. Cox, Maurice James (1916-19) ; Sapper, Rifle Brigade and R.E. ; France 2 years. Crawforth, William James Kenyon (1916- 19) ; Lieut4.-naut, 16th Bn. London and Middlesex Rgts. ; Palestine and Syria 1 j'car 10 months. Crick, Edward Clifton (1914-18) ; M.S.M., ISIentioned in despatches for bravery : Quartermaster-Sergeant, London Regiment; France 2 years 6 months. Cruttenden, Reginald (1914-19): Cap- tain, London Rgt. and Machine Gun Corps ; France 3 years 5 months. Davies, William Percival (1915-19); Ser- geant, R.A.M.C. ; France 12 months, Italy 3 montlis. Edwards, John Ambrose (1918-19) ; Private, R. Marine Light Infantry ; France 1 1 mouths. Evans, George Ernest (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; .Salonica 1 year 9 montlis. Evans, Joseph (1915-19) ; Sergeant, E. Yorkshire Rgt., Northern Cyclists and Labour Corps ; France 6 weeks. Everingham, Charles Maxwell Ainge (1915-19); Sergeant, R.A.M.C; Mace- donia, Bulgaria and Serbia, 2 years 4 months. *Farley, William Alfred (1911): Private, S. Lancasliirc Rgt. ; France about (! weeks ; Killed in action, 20th September, 1914. Farrant, Walter Charles (1915-20); Lieutenant, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 year.'^. FitzGerald, Thomas David (1916-19) ; Corjjoral, A.P.C. *French, Sidney Arthur (1914-18) ; Cap- tain, London Rgt. and R. W. Kent Rgt. ; France about 2 years ; Missing, 20th March, 1918. Gould, Harry Price (1910-19) ; Sergeant, E. SuiTcy ligt. RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Granger, Charles (1914-17); Corporal, Royal Fusiliers, Army CycUst Corps and Laboiir Corps. Griffiths, Henry John (1915-19) ; Lance- Corpora 1, London Rgt. ; France 2 years, Germany, prisoner of war, 8 months. Ham, Charles (191G-19) ; Sec-Lieu- tenant, R.X.A.S. and R.A.F. Harding, Arthur George (1915-19) ; O.B.E., twice mentioned in despatches ; Captain, R.A.O.C. ; France 3 years. Harding, William Henry (1916-19); Sergeant, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Hartman, Andrew Robert (1914-19) ; Sergeant, County of Loudon Yeomanry ; Egypt 17 month.s, Gallipoli 3 montlis, Salonica 6 months, Palestine and Egypt 10 months. Harvey, Douglas Moore (1915-19) ; Sec- Lieutenant, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. ; Medi- terranean 10 months. Hatton, Albert Alfred (1915-18) ; Gmmer, R.G.A. ; France 7 months. Head, Arthur Edwin (1915-19) ; Lance- Corporal, London Rgt. and R.A.O.C. ; France 4 montlis, Salonica 8 montlLs, Palestine 2 years. Heys, Harold James (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.O.C. ; France 18 montlis, Italy 2 years 3 months. *Hoare, Henry Joseph (1914-15) ; Sec- Lieutenant, 10th Bn. Loudon Rgt. ; Galli- poli 5 days ; Killed iu action, 15th August, 1915. Hobday, Henry Lynwood (1918-19) ; Private, Rifle Brigade and A.P.C. Hooke, Henry Martyn (1914-19) ; Cap- tain, Royal Fusiliers ; France 14 months. Hookham. John Edward (1916-19) ; Private, 15th Bn. London F^gt. ; France 13 montlis. Horsier, Percy Guy (1914-19) ; M.C. ; Captain, Bedfordshire Rgt., Tank Corjis and Lancashire Fusiliers ; France 15 months. Irwin, Reginald Montague (1915—19) ; Warrant Officer (1st Class), R.A.O.C. ; France 2 years 9 montlis. Jarvis, George Herbert (191G-19) ; Cor- poral, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Jones, Alfred Ynyr Douglas (1914-19) ; M.S.M. ; Staff .Sergeant-Major, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 3 months. Jones, Percy James (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.V.C. ; Egypt 12 mouths, I'rance 1 year 9 months. *Keane, Frederick John (191G-17) : Pri- vate, Rifle Brigade ; Franco 12 months ; Killed in action, 2nd December, 1917. Knight, Percy George (1917-19) ; Sapper, R.K. ; France 2 years 2 months. Leggett, John (1915-19); Gunner, R. Marine .iVrtillery ; Grand Fleet, North Sea 3 years. Luxon, Charles (1915-19) ; Sergeant (Assistant Master Cook), R.F.A. ♦Makeham, Eric Noel (1915-17); Sec- Lieutenant, Middlesex Itgt. ; France 6 months ; Died of wound-s while prisoner of war, June, 1917. Maxted, WiUiam Henry (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, R.F.A. ; France about 6 months. *McBean, James Ross (1917-18) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 14 montlis; Accidentally killed, 22nd April, 1918. McDowell, Robert John Blain (1915-19) ; Staff- Sergeant, R.A.M.C. Moxley, Douglas John (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, Royal Fusiliers ; France 2 years 10 months. Nava, Leo Maurice (1914-19) ; Captain, Honourable Artillery Company, R.F.C. and R.A.F. ; France 3 years 4 months. Norton, Herbert John (1916-19) ; Cor- poral, R.E. ; France 3 years. Oliver, Laurence Herbert (1915-19) ; Sec. -Lieutenant, R.A.S.C. ; East Africa 3 years. O'Loghlen, Martin (1916-19) ; Private, Northamptonsiui-e Rgt. and Somerset Light Infantry ; France 9 months. Parsons, Thomas John (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.O.C. and Northumberland Fusiliers ; France 1 year 7 months, Germany, prisoner of war, 7 months. Pippard, John (1914-19) ; Mentioned in despatches (Gallipoli) ; Boatswain, R.N. Poole, Louis (1914-19) ; Corporal, Lon- don Rgt. ; France 5 months, Salonica 2 years 2 months, Palestine 14 months. *Porter, Edgar Rowland (1916); Private, 5th Bn. L'ondou Rgt. ; France 3 months ; Rlissing, presumed killed in action, 8th October, 1916. * Potter, George Frederick (1917-18) ; Private, Rifle Brigade and Sliropshire Light Infantry ; France 6 months ; Died, 15th November, 1918. Rayner, George Edwin (1916-19) ; Clerk (2nd Class) ; R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. ; France 10 months. Robinson, George Henry (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C. Sandberg, Julian (1916-19) ; Sec-Lieu- tenant, R.(i.A. Sanders, Frank CecU (1914-19) ; Cap- tain, R.E. ; Franco 12 months. Sentance, Frank Stanley (1916-19) ; Sergeant, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. *Simmonds, Wilham (1914) ; Private, Royal iusiUers ; France 3 months ; Missing, presumed killed in action, 11th November, 1914. Sims, Henry George (1914-19) ; Corporal, London ligt., Dcvonsliire Rgt. and Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry; India 12 months, Palestine 18 months, Egj'pt 5 months. Smith, Alfred Edward (1916-19); Cor- poral, Middlesex Rgt. Smith, David Hart WUkins (1914-19); Sergeant, 5th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 6 months. Smyth, Edwin Hooper (1917-19); Clerk (1st Class), R.A.F. Stead, Bertram John (1914-19) ; Lieu- tenant, Loudon Rgt. ; France 1 year 9 months. Stuart, Alexander George (1914-19); Bombardier, R.F.A. ; France 4 years. RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Sutherland, William Forbes (1916-19) ; Private, Labour Corps, Middlesex Ifet., Sussex Rgt. and Somerset Liglit Infantry ; France 2 years. Tetley, John (1916-19); Lieutenant, R.A.O.C. ; Malta 1 year 8 montlis. Tilney, Alfred John (1911-19) ; D.C.M., Croix de Guerre (with palms) ; Sergeant, 4th Dragoon Guards ; Fi-auce 4 years. TuUy, James Patrick (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.O.C. Tyler, Frank Reuben (1916-19); Air- craftsman (1st Class), K.N.A.S. and ll.A.F. Waddington, Thomas (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, K.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France 16 months. Warren, Herbert Charles (1915-19) ; Corporal, ll.A.O.C, Duke of CornwaH's Light Infantry and Dorsetshire Rgt. ; France 14 montlis. Weeks, Vincent Augustine (1915-19) ; Lieutenant, R. W. Kent Rgt. and Macliine Gun Corps ; France 15 months. Wheeler, Harry John (1915-19) ; Staff- Sergeant, R.A.O.C. ; Franco 2 years 6 mouths, Italy IS months. *Wilcox, Herbert James (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, IMiddlesex ligt. ; India and Meso- potamia 4 years 4 months ; Died, 10th March, 1919. Willcox, Richard Walter (1917-19) ; Corporal, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. WiUiams, Albert Edward (1915-19) ; M.S.M., Mentioned In despatches ; Quarter- master-Sergeant, R.A.V.C. ; Franco 4 years 3 months. Wise, John Hawkins (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 12 months. Wright, Arthur (191S-19) ; R.A.F. Private, Yeoman, Maurice Hart (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Department of the Comptroller of the Council Adams, Robert (1916-19) ; Private, 2/6th Bu. Norfolk (Cyclist) Rgt. ; York- shire Coast Defences. Adamson, Joseph Edgar (1915-19) ; IM.S.M., Mentioned Lu despatches ; Cor- poral (acting Sergeant), 2Gtli Bn. Royal Fusiliers ; Franco 1 year 10 months. Alison, Sidney Herbert (1915-19) ; Private, K.A.S.C. ; Palestine 17 months. Allcook, Christopher Ridley (1917-19); Corporal, R.A.O.C. ; Mesopotamia 2 years 6 months. Allen, Hubert James (1914-19); Com- pany Sergeant-Major-Iustructor, School of INhiskctry. *Allender, John Harold (1914-16) ; Sec- Lieutenant, 4/lst Bn. London Rgt. ; France 2 months ; Killed in action, 7th October, 1916. Anderson, Herbert Baylis (191S-19) ; Private, R. Marine Artillery. Ashby, Edward George (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, 2/9th Bn. .Middlesex Rgt., 13th and 12th Bus. E. Surrey Rgt. ; France 18 months. Avis, Frank Milton (1916-19) ; Lieu- tonant, R.G.A. Bacon, George James (1915-19) ; Croix de Guerre (Belgian) ; Corporal-Signaller, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 3 months. Bailey, Joseph (1915-19) ; Sergeant, 7th Bn. Middlesex Rgt. and 11th Bn. Royal Fusiliers ; France 6 months. Baker, Lionel James (1916-19) ; Lance- Corporal, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France 2 years 6 months. Baldon, Edwin Victor Stanley (1915- 19) ; Rifleman, 1/lGth Bn. London Rgt. ; Frauce 2 years. Balls, Harry Kent (1917-19); Acting Corporal, R.G.A. Barber, Charles Henry (1917-18) ; Private, R.A.O.C. Barber, Ernest John (1915-19) ; Lieu- tenant, 30th, 17th, oth and 38/40th Bns. Royal Fusiliers, 10th Bn. R.W. Kent Rgt., and 20th Cadet Bn. ; France 15 months. Barlow, Walter Mallison (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, E. Yorkshire and W. York- shire Rgts., and Durham Light Infantry ; Egypt 4 months, France 1 year 9 months, Germany 2 months. Barnes, Alfred Douglas (1916-19) ; M.C. ; Lieutenant, 28th and 23rd Bns. Loudon Rgt., loth Officer Cadet Bn. ; France 8 months. Barratt, Ralph Diamond (1916-20) ; Driver, Honourable Artillery Company ; France 17 months, Germany 12 months. *Barrett, John Francis Burney (1916-18) ; Rillemau, 3/16th, 12th and 5th Bns. London Rgt. ; France 1 vear 9 mouths ; Missing, believed killed, 28th March, 1918. *Bartram, Harold Frank (1914-17) ; Sec. -Lieutenant, 7th Bu. Wiltshire l^t. ; Salonica ; Killed in action, 24th April, 1917. *Batchelor, Arthur Charles (1914-17) ; Lance-Corporal, 10th Bn. London ligt. ; France 1 j-ear 10 months ; Died of wounds, 4th May, 1917. *Baxter, Kenneth Leslie (1917-18); Private, Suffolk Rgt. ; Frauce 2 months ; jNIissing, believed killed, 23rd August, 1918. Bayliss, Ernest Edward (1915-16) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.). Beal, James Ralph Gerald Ward (1915- 16) ; Sergcaut-Major-Instructor, 23rd Bn. Ijondon Rgt. Beazlay, Percy Henry (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, Oth Bu. R.AV. Surrey Rgt., 2/5th Bn. Bedfordshire Rgt. and Labour Corps. Bennett, William Arthur (1914-19); Lance-Corporal, 15th and lOth Bns. London Rgt. ; France, Salonica and Palestine, 2 years S months. Billingham, Frederick Arthur (191.5-19) ; Private, 15th Bn. London ligt., 6th and 4 6th Bus., Machine Gun Corps, Sergeant- Instructor under Army Educational Scheme ; France 16 months. Bishop, Richard John Daynes (1914— 19) ; I'ay Lieuteuant-Commaudcr, R.N.R. Various active service stations and ships. RECORD OF WAR SERVICE *Blake, Francis Seymour (1914-16); Caiitaiii, Kinjr'w Liverpool J{gt., attaciied i?. Wales Borderers ; Uallipoli and France I'J nioutlis ; Missing, believed JiiDed, 2nd July, 191C. Blicq, Herbert (1915-19); Company QiKU'terniaster-^ergeaut, R.A.S.C. ; Franco 3 years 2 niontlis. Bligh. Thomas Aloysius (1914-19); Cor- poral, IM'.A. ; l'"rauce 1 year 8 months. Blows, Walter Charles (1914-19) ; Acting liattery Sergeant-Major, R.F.A. ; France 2 j-ears. Boreham, Wilfrid (1914-19) ; Private, 5th Hn. London Rgt., 5Gtli Bn. Machine Gun (.'oriis ; France 3 years 4 montlis. Bowley, Herbert Charles (1910-19); M.iS.M. ; Sergeant, 11. A. F. ; France 2 years 5 montlis. Brading, Sebert Eccles (1915-16) ; Cor- poral, It. 10. ; !•' ranee 9 months. Bricknell, Stanley Mortimore (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.S.C. ; Egypt 8 months, Salonica 3 years, Constantinople 3 months. Brooks, George Palmer (1916-19); Corporal, King's R. Ritle Corps and A.P.C. Brown, Arthur Tom John (1916-19) ; Mentioned in despatches. Medal of Military Merit, 3rd Class, by II. M. the King of the Hellenes ; Captain, I5.A.S.C. ; Egypt 3 months, Salonica, Serbia and Bulgaria 2 years 6 months. Black Sea, Caucasus, Persia and Constantinople 8 months. BuUivant, Albert William (1914-19); Sergeant, 2/ 1 9th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 9 months, Salonica 7 months, Egypt 1 year 8 months. Bush, William Henry (1915-19); Cor- poral, R.F.C. and R.A.F. Butler, John (1916-19) ; Corporal, 3rondon Rgt., and Lieutenant (Acting Adjutant), 3rd and 7th Bus. Suffolk Rgt. ; France 2 years. Prisoner of War (Germany) 12 nionths. Hazeldine, Alfred George (1916-19); Corporal, 5th and 21st Bus. Nottingham- shire and Derbyshire Rgt., and 2/Gth Bn. Durham Light Infantry ; France 8 months. Heald, Ernest (1916-10) : Signalman, R.N.V R. ; Mediterranean 2 years. Hedger, George Arthur Wellesley (1915- 20) ; Private. R.A.M.C. ; Mesopotamia 8 months, India 15 months. Hefford, Frank (1915-19); Corporal. 7 th Bn. Middlesex Rgt. ; Sec-Lieutenant, 3i-d Bn. Northamptonshire Rgt. : France 9 months. Hennings, Lionel Brian (1014-19) ; Sec.-Lieuteiuxut, 2/1 5th Bn. London Hgt., 6th Bn. Essex Rgt. and Cadet Scliool, ('airo : France 5 nionths, .Saloniea S months. Egypt 1 1 months, Palestine and .Syria 13 months. *Heskett, John (1915-18) ; Private, Roval Fusiliers ; France 2 years 3 months ; Killed in action, 14th October, 1918. Hicks, Ernest John (1914-19); Regi- nuMifal Sergeant-Major, 15th and 31st Bus. London Rgt. Hill. Axel Charles Fischer 0914-19); Sergeant, R.E. (Signal Service) ; France 17 months. RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Hill. Charles Percy (1916-19) ; Lieu- tenant, 11. G. A. Hilling, Edward (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, A. P.O., IliijhJand Ligrht Infantry and R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Salonica 12 months, Con- stantinople 9 months. Hills, Charles Frank Clare (1914-19) ; Private, 19th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 13 months, Salonica 7 months, Egypt and Palestine 15 months. Hobbs, Alfred Cecil (1916-19) ; Qualified Sigrnalman, R.N.V.R. ; China Station 2 years 6 months. Hockley, Joseph Thomas (1915-19) ; Private (acting Corpora)), R.A.M.C. ; France 6 months, Italy 9 months. Holman, Ernest Albert (1916-19) ; Bombardier, R.G.A. ; France 9 months. Hopley, Charles William (1917-19) ; Corporal, E. Surrey Rgt. ; Lance-Sergeant, A.P.C. Horsier, WiUiam Edward (1915-19) ; Writer (2nd Class), R.N. Hoskin, Herbert Joseph (1915-19) ; Private, 15tli Bn. London Rgt. ; France 17 months. Prisoner of war 10 months. Howard, Frederick Percival (1916-19) ; Lance-Corporal, 3rd Bn. E. Surrey Rgt. Howell, Tom (1916-19) ; Rifleman, 6th Bn. London Rgt., Sec-Lieutenant, R.G.A. ; France. Hurley, Robert Cowan (1915-16) ; Private, 3/4th Bn. London Rgt. and 101st Provisional Bn. Idle, Allan Duncan (1914-19) ; Sapper, 23rd Bn. London Rgt. and R.E. ; France and Germany 4 months. Ingle, Henry Sergeant (1914-19) ; Com- pany Quartermaster- Sergeant, 2/4 th Bn. Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry ; Franco 2 years 11 months. Inkersole, Harry Theodore (1916-19) ; Paymaster Lieutenant, R.N.R., H.M.S. Royal Oak, Grand Fleet. Jackson, Arthur (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, 18th Bn. Royal Fusiliers and R.A.F. ; France 10 months. Jackson, Leonard Scott (1917-19) ; Private, R.G.A. and 125th Labour Co. ; France 1 year 11 months. ♦Jewers, William Francis (1917-18) ; Rifleman, 10th Bn. King's R. Rifle Corps ; France 10 months ; Killed in action, 23rd March, 1918. Johns, Samuel (1917-19) ; Paymaster Lieutenant, R.N.R. ; Various active service ships. West Coast of Africa 15 months. ♦Johnson, Douglas (1915-16); Rifleman, 15th Bn. London Rgt.; Died, 5th August, 1916. *Johnson, Harry Clifford (1915-18) ; Coriioral, Loyal N. Lancashire Rgt. ; France 2 years 9 months ; Killed in action, 22nd October, 1918. Johnson, John William (1914-16) ; Sergeant, M.M.P. ; Irancc 11 months. Johnson, William Russell (1914-19); Regimental Quartf^rmaster-Sergcant, 63rd Bn. R.W. Surrey Rgrt. Johnstone, Sidney (1914-16 and 1917) ; Private, 16th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 1 year 10 months. Jones, Edward Hugh (1914-19) ; Men- tioned in despatches ; Company Quarter- master-Sergeant, R. Welch Fusiliers ; France 3 years 2 months. Joyce, Joseph Edwin (1916-19) ; Rifle- man, King's R. Rifle Corps and 4th Bn. Rifle Brigade ; Salonica 1 year 7 months. Keeler, George (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, 15th Bn. London Rgt., 3rd Bn. Durham Light Infantry, attached 2nd Bn. Cheshire Rgt. ; France 3 months, Salonica 18 months. Kidd, Sidney Cecil (1914-19) ; Signaller, 2/9th and 2/lOth Bns. Middlesex Rgt., and R.F..A. ; Gallipoli 4 months, Egypt and Palestine 3 years 2 months. Kingett, Henry Frederick (1915-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 12 months, Salonica 6 months, Palestine 18 months. Kirkman, Alfred Henry (1915-19) ; M.S.M. ; Company Sergeant-Major, 9th and 21st Lancers, InteUigence Corps and lOth Bn. Royal Fusiliers ; France 2 years 7 months. Kirton, Frederick John (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.S.C. (M.T.). Lakey, Stanley Ernest (1916-19) ; Air- craftsman (1st Class), R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. ; East Africa 7 months. Langford, William Henry (1916-19) ; Private, Royal Fusihers. Layen,LutherEdward(1916-19); M.S.M., Mentioned in despatches ; Acting Staff Ser- geant-Major, R.A.S.C. ; Egypt 3 months, Mesopotamia 3 years. Leonard, Edward (1914-19) ; Regi- mental Quartermaster-Sergeant, 8th and 6th Bns. E. Kent Rgt. ; France 3 years 6 months. Levy, Jacob (1918-20) ; Company Quartermaster-Sergeant, 39th Bn. Royal Fusiliers ; Egypt 1 year 7 months. Lewis, Harold Whittle (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, 15th Bn. London Rgt. ; Franco 4 months. Logsdail, Kenneth Wells (1914-19) ; Private, A.P.C, 1st Reserve Garrison Bn. Yorkshire Light Infantry, and 13th Bn. Yorkshire Rgt. ; North Russia 10 months. Logsdon, William James (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.E. Lucas, George Francis (1915-19) ; Lance- Corporal, Honourable Artillery Company ; France 9 months, Italy 11 months. ♦Macartney, Vivian John (1914-15) ; Private, 13th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 3 months ; Wounded and mis.sing, 9th May, 1915. MacKenzie, Alex (1916-19) ; Private, 10th and 13th Bns. Welch Rgt.; France 1 year 11 months. MacMillan, John Ross (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, Royal Fusiliers and 36th Bn. Northumberland Fusiliers; France 12 months. Maddocks, Hopkin Thomas (1914-19); M.C. ; Private, Royal Fusiliers, and Lieutenant, Machine^Gun '.Corps ; Fiance 2 years months. RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Maggs. William (1915-19): Twice men- tioned in despatoh'ss ; Lieutenant, 2nd County of London Yeomanry, Cth Bn. Essex Rgt., 1st Hiiekini^hamshire Bn. Oxfordshire and BuclviuKliamshire Light Infantry ; France 14 months, Italy 15 months. Mahood, Samuel (1910-19); Corporal, R.A M.C. ; Italy 5 months. Maitland, Pelham Douglas (1916-19) ; Corporal, A.P.C. Malkinson, Charles Herbert (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Sei^cant, 19tli Bn. London Rgt., Lieutenant, Lincolnshire Rgt. and Machine Gun Corps ; France 2 years 7 months. Manning, Ernest Henry (191G-19) ; Private, 2/15th l!n. London Rgt. ; Franco 10 months, Salonica 5 months, Palestine 12 months. Mansfield, Ernest (1916-19); Corporal. R.A.S.C. Marsh, Sydney George (1916-19); Clerk, R.N.A.S., Lieutenant, R.A.F. Mason, Ernest Joseph (1915-19): Sec- Lieutenant, R.A.S.C. ; Salonica 1 year 11 months, Egypt 12 months. *Mears, Alfred Edward (1914-15) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 2 weeks ; Died, 28th March, 1915. Messenger, George Augustine (1916-19) ; Clerk (1st Class), R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Miohell, Albert Francis (1916-19) ; Private, 25th, 7th and 19th Bns. London Rgt. ; France 17 months, Prisoner of war 9 months. Henry (1916-19) : France 2 years 8 Midlane, George Sergeant, R.A.O.C. months. Moore, Joseph Scott (1915-19) ; Private, Inns of Court O.T.C., and Lieutenant, R.A.O.C. Moore, Thomas Charles (1914-18) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Corporal, A.P.C, and Flight Cadet, R.A.F. ; France 3 years. Moss, Albert (1918-19) ; Private, 29th Bn. Roval Fusiliers, 32nd Bn. Middlesex Rgt. and R.A.S.C. Mountif ield. Frederick William (1916-19); Battery Quartermaster- Sergeant, R.G.A. ; France 1 year 8 months. Muncey, Thomas Francis (1914, 1916- 19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; Mesopotamia 15 months. Murray, John (1915-19) ; Bombardier, R.H.A. ; India and Mesopotamia 3 years 9 months. Nash, Herbert James (1916-19) ; Gmmer, R.G.A. ; Gibraltar 5 months. Needham, Frank Allen (1914-19) ; Sec- Lieutenant, 2/2nd County of London Yeomanry, Tank Corps, 3rd Bn. R. Lancaster Rgt., and R.A.F.; France 16 months. Newell, George Edward (1916-19) ; Corporal, R.G.A. ; France 10 months. Nodes, George Leonard (1915-20) ; Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. ; India and Mesopotamia 2 years 3 months. ♦O'Hara, Bernard Patrick (1916-19) ; Paymaster Lieutenant, K.N.R. ; Service at sea ; Died at Malta, 14th October, 1919. Ottaway, Philip Herbert (1914-20) ; Sergeant, 5th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 1 month. Palmer, Albert Henry Edward (1916) ; Private, London Rgt. ♦Partridge, Wilfred Issell (1914-17) ; Lieutenant, 10th Bn. Devonshire Rgt. ; Franco 2 months, Salonica and Egypt 16 months ; Missing, behoved killed, 24th .\pril, 1917. *Payne, Henry James (1914-17); Sec- Lieutenant, R. Sussex Rgt. ; France 14 months ; Drowned at sea, 4th May, 1917. *Pearce, John (1914-15); Rifleman, Rillo Brigade ; France 1 month ; Killed in action, 13th May, 1915. Pearce, Wilfrid (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; Franco 1 year 11 months, Germany 10 months. Peck, Arthur Alan (1917-19); Gunner, R.F.A., Aircraftsman (1st Class), R.F.C. and R.A.F. Peirson, George Frederick (1914-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Sergeant, Wilt- shire Rgt., and Lieutenant, R.A.F.; France 2 months. Pendry, Ernest William (1914-16) ; Private, 15th Bn. London Rgt. ; France. Perring, Douglas Myrton (1915-16) ; Private, 2/5th Bn. R.W. Kent Rgt. *Petherick, John Edward (1914-15); Private, 13th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 2 months ; Died of womids, 17th May, 1915. Plumbly, Laurence David (1914-19) ; Sergeant, 9th and Private, 7th and 8th Bns. Middlesex Rgt. ; France 3 months. Potter, Arthur (1914-16 and 1916-19) ; Corporal, 15th Bn. London Rgt., 2/lst Bn. Cambridgeshire Rgt. and R.E. ; France 18 months. Potter, Harry Edwin (1916-19) ; Com- pany Quartermaster- Sei^eant, 2/6th and 2/7 th Bns. Northumberland Fusiliers ; Egypt 9 months, Palestine 18 months. *Prophet, Cecil (1915-17); Sec-Lieu- tenant, loth Bn. London Rgt. ; Franco 10 months ; Killed in action, 9th October, 1917. Pugh, George Wilfred (1915-19); O.B.E., Medal (3rd Class) for Military Merit (Greek), Mentioned in despatches . Major, R.A.S.C. and R.A.O.C. ; France 2 months, Salonica 1 year 5 months, Athens (Inter- allied Mission) 9 months. ♦Quilter, Frederick Walter (1915) : Sec- Lieutenant, 6th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 4 months ; Killed in action, 1st September, 1915. Quinton, Leonard (1915-19) ; Lieu- tenant, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France 3 years 7 months. Rayment, Bertram Charles (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France 3 years 2 months. *Reardon, Leonard Andrew (1914-18) ; Acting Lance- Corporal, 31st Bn. London Rgt. : France 6 months ; Killed in action, 1st September, 1918, RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Reed, Percy Alfred (1914-19) ; Corporal, 2/loth 13u. Loudou Kgt.. R.F.C. and R.A.P\ Reid, John William Joseph (1914-lC) ; Rillciiiau, 16th Bu. London Rgi. ; France 7 months. Rhead, Albert Willie (1914-18) ; Sec- Licutt-naut, '22nd Bn. Manchester Rgt. ; France. *Richards, Albert Ernest (1915-18) ; Private, 23rd Bn. Machine Gun Corps ; France 12 uiontlis ; Died of wounds, 2Sth August, 1918. Richards, Frank Harold (1915-19) ; Aircrattsnian (1st Class), 15th Bn. London Rgt. and R.A.F. ; France 5 months, Salonica 10 months, Palestine 15 months. Red Sea Aerial Survey 3 months and Egypt 3 months. Riley. Alfred Arnold (1915-19) ; M.C. ; Captain, Inns of Court O.T.C., 7th Bn. Middlesex Rgt. ; France 1 year 8 months. Rivers, Amos (191G-19) ; Private, R.F.A. ; France 4 mouths. Roberts. Harold (1915-19) ; Flight- Sergeant, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Robinson, George Frank (191C-19) : Corporal, Royal Fusiliers and A.P.C. Robinson, Thomas William James (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A., and Lance- Corporal, R.A.M.C. ; Salonica 17 months, Italy 4 months. Rogers. George David (191G-19) ; Staff- Sergeant, R.A.O.C. Rose. Arthur Petril (1915-19) ; Men- tioned in despatches ; Lance-Corporal, 14th Bn. King's R. Rifle Corps, 19th Bn. Hami)shire Rgt. ; France 2 years 8 months. Rosenberg, Isaac Mark (1917-19) ; Acting Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers and A.P.C. ♦Rowland, William George (1914-16) ; Rifleman, 9th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 1 year 8 months ; Missing, presumed killed, 1st July, 1916. Sale, John Colbourne (1914-19) ; Com- pany Quartermaster-.Sergeant, 15th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 1 1 months, Salo- nica and Cireece 7 months, Palestine 12 months. ♦Scarf, Albert William (1915-17); Pri- vate, IJonourahle .\rtillery Company ; France 9 months ; Killed in action, 2Gth July. 1917. Scears. Lupus (1914-19); Battery Ser- geant-Major. 5tti London Brigade, R.F.A. , Adiiilni~trative iJepfit, and Sergeant, Re- serve Battery, R.F.A. Sedgwick, Douglas Webb (1917-19); Private, 'jsth lin. IjOikIom Rgt., Lieu- tenant, R.F.C. and R.A.I''. ; I'rancc (liaison officer). Selleck. Ernest (1914-19); Private. 13th Bm. London Itgt. and Machine Gun Corjis • l''ianc(; 4 jears. Shaddick, Charles Herbert (191.5-19) ; M.S.M., Twice mentioned in despatches ; Staff Sergeant-Major, R.A.S.C. ; Mesopo- tamia 1 year 11 months, India 1 month. Sharratt, Thomas Harry (1914-19) ; Captain, 15tli Bn. London Rgt., 18th Bn. Yorkshire Rgt. and Tank Corps ; France 2 years 11 months. *Sibbitt, Bernard (1916-18) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France and Mediterranean about 2 years ; Killed in action, 27th May, 1918. Sibson, Thomas (1914-16) ; Private, 7th Bn. London Rgt ; France 8 months. Smith, Henry (1916-19) ; Writer (3rd Class), R.N. ; Baltic Sea 3 months. Grand Fleet 9 months. Snelling, Walter Carbery (1915-19) Lieutenant, 2nd and 7th Bns. Wiltshire Rgt., and 2nd Bn. R. Berkshire Rgt. France IS months. Solkhon, Arthur Norris (1915-19) Lieutenant, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Italy 4 months. Sollis William Powell (1915-19); Pri- vate, 2/3rd South Midland Field Ambu- lance, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 8 months. Squire, Frank Reginald (1914-19) ; Corporal, 1st County of London Yeo- manry, Lieutenant, 1st Garrison Bn. Suffolk Rgt., 1st Garrison Bn. Yorkshire Rgt., and Acting Captain and Adjutant, 256th Company (Indian) Machine Gun Corps ; France 1 month, Egypt 7 months. Gallipoli 3 months, Italy 3 months, India 2 years 1 month. ♦Starling, Bertram Walter Filer (1916- 19) ; Aircraftsman (2nd Class), R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. ; France 15 months ; Died, 24th February, 1919. Staunton, Harry Laurence (1915-19) ; Corrioral, 1st Bn. London Rgt. and A.P.C. ; France 1 1 months. Stedeford. William Arthur Peardon (1917-19) ; Paymaster Sub-Lieutenant. R.N.R. Stietencron. Gustav Adolph (1915-19) ; Acting Sergeant, ."^/Sth Bn. London Rgt., R.F.A. and Labour Corps. Stillwell. Frank (1914-19) ; Sergeant, 6th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 12 months. Sullivan. Bernard Sidney (1917-19) ; Acting Staff Sergeant-Major, R.A.S.C. Summers, Charles Alfred George (1917- 19) ; Corporal, 265th Area Employment Co., attached V. Corps, Headquarters ; France 17 months. ♦Sutton, Percy Turner (1916-18); Sec.- Lieutenant, R.G.A. ; France 17 months ; Killed in action, 24th August, 1918. Tate. Charles Harold (1915-19) ; Air Mechanic Ust Class), R.A.F. : France 2 years 2 months, Germany 3 montlis. Templeman. Stanley Grey (1915-19) ; Lance-Corporal, 2nd Bn. E. Kent Rgt. ; Salonica 2 j'cars 1 month. Thomas, Bertram Charles (1914-19) ; Sub-Lieutenant, R.N.V.R., 1st Naval Brigade R. Naval Division ; Gallipoli 8 months. Thomas, Cyril Oliver Alexander (1914- 18) ; Sergeant, 15th Bn. R. Welch Fusiliers ; France about 2 years. RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Thompson, Frederick William (liM(i-19) ; Private, R.F.C and l^aucc-Corpoi'al, R.A.S.C. (M.T.). Thompson, Ralph (lUU;-!!)); Privato, Ittli Jin. Roval Fusiliers, 20th ISii. London llgt. and Il.A.M.C. ; Fiaiieo 12 months. Thurman, George Edward (1!)1(;-19); Corporal, Army Cyclists' Cori)s and A. P.O. Thurston, Henry Atherton (1918) ; Labourer, R.A.I'. Tippetts, Richard Alexander Ferguson (191G-19); Lieutcuaut, R.U.A. ; Prance 2 year.s 1 month. Tomlinson, John George (1915-lG) ; Air Mechanic (2ud ('la-,s), It. P.O. Trace, George Frederic (1915-19); Cor- poral, R.A.S.C, and Caidam, R.A.O.C. ; Franco 3 years 2 months. Triggle, Herbert William Tom (1917- 18) : Corporal, R.G..V. ; Prance 14 months. Trodd, Walter Charles (1910-19) ; Lancc- Corporal. 25th Bn. London Rst. (C.vcli.sts) and 16th Bn. R. Irish Rifles ; France 2 years 1 month. ♦Trotman, Frank William (1915-16) ; Private, 3/15th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 3 months ; Missing, believed killed, 7th October, 1916. *Turk, George Deane (1914-17) ; Sec- Lieutenant, 1st Bn. Ess?x RKt. ; France and Salonica 1 year 1 1 months ; Died as prisoner of war in Germany, 23rd June, 1917. Turner, Albert Richard (1916-19) ; Private, 6th, 7th, 5th and 3rd Bns. Royal Fusiliers and 10th Bn. Devonshire R!,'t. ; Salonica 13 months, Bulgaria (prisoner of war) 12 months. Turner, Frank (1914-19) ; Quarter- master-.'-;ergeaiit, 15th Bn. London Rgt., and Lieutenant, R. North Devon Hussars. Tutt, James Herbert (1917-19); Ser- geant, R.P.C. and R.A.F. *Vellensworth, Henry John Anthony (1916-18) : Gunner, R.G..V. ; Prance 2 years ; Died, 1st November, 1918. Venn, Henry (1916-19) ; Private, 4/7th Bn. Middk>sex and 13th Bn. London Rs^ts., and Sapper, R.E. ; France 2 years 11 months. Wakely, Leslie Day (1910-19) ; Private, 4th Bn. Essex Rgt., and Corporal. R.A.O.C. ; France 3 years. Walker, Frederick Thomas (1915-19) ; Lance-Corporal, 4th and 2nd Bus., E. Surrey Rgt., attached R.A.S.C. ; Salonica 2 years 3 months, Dardanelles 5 months. Walton, Alfred William Foster (1915- 10) ; Corporal, Honourable Artillery Company. Waters, Taliesin (1915) ; Private, Welsh Guards. Watts, Clive (1915-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Captain, 15th Bn. London Rgt. and Northumberland Fusiliers ; France 2 years. Watts, Frederick Pemberton (1917-19); Private, Honourable Artillery Company and R.A.M.C. Watts-Fraser, John Frederick (1914-lS) ; Lieutenant, l.'itli l!ii. Loudon R?:t. ; Kccruitint,', retiistiation, etc., work in Knt,'land and work for .Ministry of Muni- tions ; l''raiir'i> 3 months. Weatherhead, Herbert Davenport (1910- 19) ; .Siiuadron Quarterniaster-Ser^^eant, 52nd Sipiadron Ronioimts and R..V.S.C. Webb. Alfred Walter (1914-19) ; M.S.M.; (^uartei-iii:i>tcr-Ser^a'aut, 4th Bn. Loudon i;'.,'t. ; l''raiice 2 years. Wellsteed, Percy Thomas (1911-19); Lance-(;or|>oral, loth Bn. London Rirt., and Lieutenant, 1st Bn. Monmouth- shiri' li'-,'t. ; I'^rance 2 years 3 mouths. Whildon, Walter Charles (1916-19) ; Private, R..\..\.S. and R.A.F. White, Albert Alonzo (1917-19) : Ordi- nary Seaman (actin.g Schoolmaster), R.N. (alloat). White, Philip Steven (1916-19): Staff- Sergeant, R.A.S.C. and 1st Bn. Cheshire Rgt. ; France 3 years 1 month. Whitman, John Edward Alfred (1914- 19) ; Captain, R.F.A. and R.G.A. ; France 2 years. Whitney, George Francis (1915-19) ; Rilieman, 0th Bn. London Rgt. and 1st Bu. King's R. Rifle Corps; France 2 years 1 month. Wniiams, Bruce (1915-19); Sec-Lieu- tenant, R.X.A.S. and R.A.F. Williams, Edward Ormonde (1910-19); Leading Aircraftsman, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Williamson, Wifliam Edwin (1914-15); Trooper, 2,'2nd County of Loudon Yeo- manry. Willis, Frederick George (1915-19); Sergeant, R.E. and Anti- Aircraft Service. Wilmot, Herbert Henry (1915-19) ; Royal Humane Society Certificate for saving life in the sea at Ramleh, lOgypt ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; Galliiioli and Egypt 3 years 7 months. Wilson, Robert Charles (1910-19); Lance-Corporal, 24th Bn. London Rgt.. 12th Offlcer Cadet Bn., and Lieutenant, 5th Bn. Bedfordshire Rgt. ; France 1 naonth, Salonica 2 months, Egypt and Palestine 10 months. *Wood, Richard Thomas (1914-18); See. -Lieutenant, yth Bn. .Machine Gun (^orps ; France 2 years months ; Died of wounds 20th April, 1918. ♦Woodward, John William Halford (1915- l.S) : Privat<- l;..\..M.C. :nid •_'/-'Uth Bn. I>oadon Rgt. ; France 12 months, Palestine 10 months ; Wounded and missing, 30th April, 191 •<. Worsen, Lewis James (1914-19); Private, 2/7th Bn. London Rgt., and Sapper, R.E. ; France 2 years 1 month. Wyett, William Richard (191.')-19); Corporal, 8th and 7th Bns. Middlesex Rgt. Temporary Staff Aldcroft, Arthur James (1914-19); Squadron Quartermaster-Sergeant, 10th Roval Hussars and 11th Reserve Cavalry Rgt. RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Nicholas, Hubert James (1915-18) ; Private, Ix.A.M.C. ; Mesopotamia 12 montiis. Rickwood, Edward (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.E. Salt, Henry Thomas (1915-19): Lance- Corpora], 2nd Reserve Cavalry Rgt. Chief Engineer's Department Central Offices Barr, Arthur (1911-19) ; Gimner, R.F.A. ; I'ranee i years 9 months. Bartlett, John (191G-19); Scc.-Corporal, R.E. Baxter, George (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt and Salonica 3 years 5 months. Best, William Howard (1916-19) ; Cap- tain, R.A.O.C., Inspector of Ordnance Machinery ; France 8 months, Egypt and Palestine 17 months. Cairns, Albert Henry (1914-19) ; Cor- pora], R.E. ; France 12 months. Campbell, Archibald Sidney (1915-19) ; O.B.E., Mentioned in dcspatclies ; Major, General List, 3rd Army, 17th Corps, and Eastern Command Bombing Scliool ; France 2 years 1 month. Carrington, Sidney Jolin Ness (1916-19) ; M.B.E. (Military), Mentioned in des- patches ; Major, R.E. Carroll, Frederick (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years. Chapman, James (1915-17) ; Company Sergeant- Major, 19tli Bn. Middlesex Rgt. ; France 1 year 8 months. Christy, George Daniel (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.G.A. ; France 2 years 5 months. Clift, Alexander Robertson (1915-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R.A.S.C. and Labour Corps ; Franco 3 years. Cook, Joseph Batterham (1918-19) ; Lieutenant, Inspector of Ordnance Machinery, R.A.O.C. Cook, Percy Richard (1915-19) ; Lieu- tenant, R.E. ; Franco 6 montlis. Coveney, Henry Percival Reginald (1911-19) ; Lieutenant, R.F.A. ; France 10 months, Balkans and Egypt 11 months. Crush, Hugo Philip (1915-20) ; Captain, Inspector of Ordnance Machinery, R.A.O.C. ; France, Salonica, Russia and Turkey 3 years 6 months. Carrie, William (1918-19) ; Lieutenant, R. ^lariiie Engineers. Danks, Ernest Thomas (1916-19) ; Sapper, 23rd and 10th Bns. London Rgt. and R.E. ; Salonica 8 months, Egypt 1 year 8 months. Davie, Percival Blomfield (1915-19); Company .Sergeant-Majcjr, Instructor in Musketry-, 21st Bn. London Rgt., 107th Provisional Bn. and Corps of the School of Musketrj'. Dixon, William Thomas (191.5-19); Private and Aircraft hand, 2nd Bn. London Rgt., Royal FusiUers, R.D.C. and R.A.F. *Dolan, Frank (1914-18) ; Sapper, R.E. , France ; Killed in action, 28th March, 1918. , *Dolan, Frederick Albert (1914-15) ; Sapper, R.E. ; GaJlipoIi 1 month ; Killed in action, 28th April, 1915. East, George (1915-19) ; Lance-Cor- poral, R.A.M.C. ; France 1 year 8 months, Italy 15 months. Faber, Edward Gray (1915-19) : Lieu- tenant, 28th Bn. London Rgt., Loyal N.Lancashire Rgt., and Divisional OflQcer, R.E., Northern Command ; France 4 months. *Falcon, Francis (1915) ; Captain, 13th Bn. Worcestershire Rgt. ; Gallipoli 1 month ; Killed in action, 6th August, 1915. Finch, Walter (1917-19) ; Pioneer, R.E. Furnell, Charles Warwick (1915-19) ; Bombardier, R.G.A. ; France 3 years 4 months. Gazeley, Sidney Albert (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, R.W. Kent Rgt. ; India and Mesopotamia 3 years. *Golle, Claude Victor (1915-17) ; Cor- poral, London Rgt. ; France 1 month ; Killed in action, 27th December, 1917. Graham, Donald Charles (1916-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Captain, R.E. ; France 1 year 10 months. Grennan, James (1916-19) ; Private, 1st Bn. London Rgt., R.W. Surrey and Northamptonshire Rgts. and Labour Corps ; France 1 year 11 months. Harris, Robert (1914-19) ; Corporal, County of London Yeomanry, Middlesex Rgt., Northumberland Fusiliers and Labour Corps ; Egypt 11 months, Balkans 2 years 6 months. Hennessey, John (1915-19); Air Mech- anic (2iid Class), Essex Rgt. and R.A.F. ; Egypt 4 months, France 2 years 10 months. Hill, Frank Augustus (1914-19) ; Lieu- tenant, R.E. HoUiday, Thomas (1915-19) ; Men- tioned in despatches ; Captain, Inspector of Ordnance Machinery, R.A.O.C. ; France 4 months. *HoIt, George William John (1915-16) ; Corporal, King's R. Rifle Corps ; France 6 months ; Killed in action, 3rd Septem- ber, 1916. Hughes, George (1916-19) ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; France 2 years. Jeffs, Alfred Horace (1914-16) ; Com- pany Quartermaster- Sergeant, 12th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 14 months. Jones, Harry (1917-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.S.C. Jones, Henry (1914-19) ; Private, Rifle Brigade and Seaforth Highlanders ; France 12 months, Salonica 3 years 6 months. Knowles, Clifford Cyril (1915-19); Private, London Rgt. ; France 13 months, Salonica G months, Palestine 13 months. Lee, Henry (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.M.C. ; France 9 months. North Russia 9 months. 10 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Longman, Frank Shaw (19 10-1 9) ; Sapper, K.K. ; iO^ypt 1 year 9 months. Lyne, James Frank (1916-19) ; Lancc- Sergoaut, R.A.O.C. ; Franco 1 year 11 months. March, Frederick Charles (191G-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; Mesopotamia 2 years 10 moatlis. Mason, Charles Stephen (1914-18) ; Sergeant, Rifle Brigade, Oxfordshire and Buckiughamsliire Light Infantry and Labonr Corps ; Franco 2 months, India 18 mouths. Meiritt, George Lubbock (191G-19) ; Private, E. Surrey Rgt., R. Inniskilling Fusiliers and R.A.O.C. ; France 2 years 4 montlis. Mosscrop, Gilbert Williams (1915-19); Mentioned in dcspatclics (British and Italian) ; Captain, Inspector of Ordnance IMachlnery, R.A.O.C. ; Franco 8 months, Italy 2 years. Overton, Ralph (1916-19) ; Sergeant- Mechanic. R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. ; Franco 2 yeai's 5 months. Paris, Henry Adolf (1914-19) ; Com- pany Sergeant-Major, R.E. Payne, Walter Herbert (1917-19) ; Wireman (2nd Class), 11. M.S. Vernon. Poynter, Charles Robert (1918-19) ; Private, Essex Rgt. Reed, Frank (1915-19) ; Company Quartermaster-Sergeant, R.E. Richardson, Ernest James (1914-19); Sergeant, R. Sussex and E. Surrey Rgts., and Labour Corps ; France 3 years 2 months. Robinson, William John (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 2 years 11 months. Rogers, Tom Hugh Goddard (1915-19) ; Lieutenant, R.E. Rossiter, Charles William (1916-19) ; Corporal, 51st Bn. Middlesex Rgt. Salmon, Thomas William (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. Sears, Arthur Holroyd (1917-19) ; Li?u- tcnant, R.A.O.C. Sewell, Charles William (1914-19) ; Farrier, 9th Lancers. Smith, George Walter (1914-17); Ser- geant, 3rd Bn. Hampshire Rgt. ; Convoy duty, Southampton to France. Smith, Henry Herbert (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, E. Surrey and R.W. Surrey Rgts. ; India 2 years, Mesopotamia 2 years 5 months. Southby, Arthur (1914-19); Mentioned in despatches ; Sergeant, R.E. ; France 2 years 4 months. Symons, James Francis (1915-19) ; Captain, Inspector of Ordnance Machinery, R.A.O.C. ; France 3 years. Terry, Alfred (1916-19) ; Sergeant, London Rgt. ; France 2 years 8 months. Thorpe, Edgar (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 4 months. , , , Thurston, Ernest (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. Tisman, Morris (1914) ; Private, 15th Bn. London Ilgt. Took, Leonard James (1914-19); Men- tioned in despatches ; Captain, R.F.A. ; France 3 months, Egypt 8 months, Palestine 2 years 5 months. Venn, Frederick (1915-19) ; Lance- Corporal, R.E. ; Franco 2 years. Weaving, Harold Acton (1914-19) ; Saiiper, R.E. ; France 11 months. *White, John (1916-17); Rifleman, London Rgt. ; France 7 months ; Killed in action, Gth August, 1917. Whitehouse, William Shaw (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; ISIesopotamia 3 years 1 month, India 5 months. Williams, James Richard (1914-19) ; Private, E. orkshire Rgt. and R.A.O.C. ; France 2 years 3 months, Gallipoli 5 months, Egypt 5 months. Willis, Frederick George (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.E. *Woodhead, Mark Henry (1915); Pri- vate, Middlesex Rgt. ; L'rance 1 month ; Died of wounds, 29th April, 1915. Wright, Frank Edward (1914-19) ; Lance-Corporal, 3rd I5u. Rifle Brigade ; France 4 years 7 months. Bridges and Emhankments Atkinson, Frederick (1917-19): Pri- vate, R.W. Surrey Rgt. and Labour Corps ; France 8 months. Glasspool, William (1914-17); Farrier- Sergeant, W. Kent Yeomanry and Dorset- shire Rgt. Harding, Benjamin William (1916-19) ; Private, 18th Bn. London Rgt. and Rifle Brigade ; Salonica 4 months, Egypt and Palestine 1 year 8 months. Hubbock, Moses Benjamin (1918-19) ; Private, Labour Corps. Mansell, Thomas (1911-17); Private, 3rd Bn. E. Kent Rgt. Sargeant, John William (1915-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years. Simmons, Henry (1914-19) : Private, R.A.O.C. ; France 4 years 1 month. White, William (1914-18) ; Lance- Corporal, R. Welch l''usiliers. Blackwall Tunnel Dingle, Joseph (1917-19); Private, Labour Company, R.W. Surrey Rgt. ; France 2 years 7 months. Dukelow, John (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years. i Shead, Ernest George (1914-19); Cor- Iioral, R.E. ; France 5 months. Greenwich Tunnel Allen, George Henry (1914-19) ; Men- tioned in despatches ; Farrier-Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 6 months. *Clark, William (1917) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 4 months ; Died of wounds, 24th October, 1917. IZ RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Luxton, John William (1914-19) ; Men- tioiu'il in despatches ; Petty Officer (Ist Class), ]^X. ; Battle of IleJisoland, Dardanelli-s and Pcr.-ian Gulf. Plant, Herbert Cornelius (1914-19); Ahlo Seaman, R.N. ; Falkland Islands, Zc;.'hrugtrc and convoy diitj-. Radburn, George (1915-19); hardier, it.F.A. ; France 3 years. Bom- Rotherhithe Tunnel Spicer, William Alfred (1915-19) : Lance- Corporal, Forulnn Ufrt. : France 12 months, Salonica li montlis, Palestine 15 months. Turner, Albert Francis (191G-19); Sec- Corporal, '2nd Bn. I.ondon Rgt. and R.E. ; France 3 years 2 months. Woolwich Ferry and Tunnel Allan, John Lewis (1915-19) ; Able Seaman, R.N. Division ; France 3 years 5 months. Ansett, Samuel (191 1-10) ; Stoker, R.N. Dray, George Henry (1915-17) ; Private, Northamptonshire Rgt. ; France 16 months. Gray, Robert Charles (1914-19); Chief Stoker, li.N. Harber, Daniel Joseph (1914-19); Farrier- Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 3 months. Hill, Rowland (1914-19); Stoker (1st Class), R.N. ; Xore defences and Belgian coast. Hudson, Samuel Charles (1915-19) ; Able Seaman, R. Naval Division ; France 2 years 6 months. Jenkins, William (1914-15); Lance- Corporal, r>oiidon R'^t. Longhurst, Arthur (1915-17) ; Corporal, 1 1 . F . Margetson, Stanley (1918-19) ; Sapper, Neilson, Christian Martin (1914-19); Gunner, R.I-".A. ; France 2 inonths. Gates, Henry Frederick Powell (1914- 19) ; Corporal, It.K. Skinner, Edward George (1914-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R. Ijancaster Rgt. ; France 4 years 4 months. Stephens, Arthur 0915-19); Corporal, Kintc's Pi. liJIle Corps. West, William Thomas (1915-19); Sapiier, R.E. and R.F.A. ; France 3 years 4 months. Sewerage and Drainage Banyard, Stephen Charles (1915-19); Gunner, It.G.A. ; Kgyjjt 3 years 3 months. *Bennett, Arthur Albert (1910-19); Itifleman, I^oiidon Rgt. ; JYanee 15 months ; Died, 11th March, 1919. Bishop, Francis James (1915-19); Pri- vate, London and Suffolk Rgts., 304th Labour Company and R.A.V.C. Bones, John Frederick (1914-18); Ser- geant, Fsse.x and .Northamptonshire Rgts.; France and Gallipoii. Brewer, John Thomas (1915-19); Pri- vate, Middlesex Rgt. and Labour Corps ; France 2 years 9 months. Burley, Walter James (1916-19); Pri- vate, Itifle Brigade and London and ISIiddlesex Rgts. ; India 9 months, Meso- potamia 18 months. Camper, William George (1917-19); Private, R.F.A. and R.A.S.C. Clark, Albert Arthur (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; .Salonica 14 months. Clements, Frederick Joseph (1916-18) ; Lance-Corporal, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 10 months. Clench, Robert (1910-19); Private, E. Surrey Rgt., Highland Light Infantry and Agricultural Corps. *Conley, Daniel (1915-17); Private, London Rgt. ; France and Salonica 9 months ; Missing, 25th April, 1917. Cook, Henry Charles (1916-19) ; Rifle- man, London Rgt. ; France 17 months. Coote, Charles John (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, R.A.V.C. ; France 4 years 1 nionth. De Winter, Pascal Joseph (1916-19) ; Private, R.W. Surrey Rgt. Eustace, William (1917-19) ; Private, Norfolk Rgt. ; France 2 years. Flinders, William (1915-19) ; Private. R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Foster, Reuben Edward (1916-19); Private, Rifle Brigade, Training Reserve and R.W. Kent Rgt. ; Mesopotamia 2 years 1 month. Freak, William (191.5-19) ; Sapper, R.E. and It.F.A. ; France 3 years 2 months. Fuller, Sydney George (1914-18); Private, R.A.S.C. and Worcestershire Rgt. ; France 3 years 3 months. Fuller, William Arthur (1915-19) ; Sergeant, London Rgt. ; France 16 months, Salonica 6 months, Palestine 1 year. Garrett, Albert Edward (1910-19) ; Corjioral, King's R. Rifle Corps and Machine Gun Corps ; France 2 years 8 months. Gazeley, Frederick William (1916-19); Rifleman, London Rgt. ; i<'rance 1 month, Egypt 10 months, Salonica 4 months. Grainger, Charles Edward (1915-19) ; .\cting .'-Sergeant, London Rgt. ; France 2 years 9 months. Gray, Henry (1916-19); Private, N. Staffordshire Itgt. and R.A.M.C. ; France G months. Green. Albert (1910-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. and R.F.A. ; France 2 years 6 months. Gregory. Henry Charles (1915-19) ; Private, R.A..S.C. ; France 3 years 3 months. Grover. Bertram James (1910-19) ; I'rivate, Welch Itgt. and R. Welch Fusiliers ; I'rance 2 years 5 months. Harper, Richard (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France. 12 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Harvey, Benjamin (1918-19) ; Gunner, ll.F.A. ; France U months. Hills, Alfred (l'.)17-l'.)) ; Air Mechanic (2nd Class), K.A.F. ; Palestine 9 months, India 14 moutlis. *Howes, Robert (I'Jla-lS); Corporal, R.K. ; France I) months ; Killed in action, 2lst March, lUlS. Hurst, Alfred (1917-19) ; Air Mechanic (2ud Class), ll.A.F. Ironside, Alfred William (1911-19); Company Scr},'eaut-Maj(H-, Kssex and R.W. Surrey Rgts., and K.E. ; Gallipoli 2 months. Jackson, Christopher Thomas (1915- 19) ; Slioeins-Siiiith, K.A.V.C. ; France 2 years o months. Kenning, Arthur Ernest (1917-19); Private, Labour Corps. Ling, William (1916-19) ; Private, Lon- don Utct. : ."^alonica ance-Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; France i years. Pitt, Jabez Stephen (1915-17); Driver, R.F.A. ; I'l-ance 2 years. Pollard, George (1916-19) ; Private, Leicestershire Rgt. ; France 1 year 9 months. Rivett, Richard (1915-19) ; Lance- Corporal, London Rgt. Robertson, Frederick Joseph (1916-19) ; Private, E. Surrey Rgt. ; France 2 years 8 months. Robson, Henry Augustus (1914-19) ; Farrier-Sergeant and Carriage Smitli, R.E. ; France 3 years 5 months. Ruffles, Alfred (1916-20); Private, R.W. Kent Rgt. ; India 3 months, Mesopotamia 2 years 9 months. Scotchford, Harry (1915-19) ; Private, E. Surrey and Mitldlesex Rgts., Highland Light Infantry and (iordon Highlanders. Sheppard, James (1915-19) ; Sergeant, London Rgt. ; France 17 months. *Shipton, Charles (1915-16) ; Corporal, R.E. ; France 5 months ; Accidentally killed, 1st July, 1916. Silcock, Walter George (1915-lS) ; M.M. ; Sergeant, R.E. ; France 18 months. Sloper, Alfred Henry (1917-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 16 months. Smith, John (1914-17); Private, Grenadier Guards ; France 1 year 7 months. ♦Spsnceley, Frederick (1916-17) ; Pri- vate, London Rgt. ; France 5 months ; Killed in action, 16th June, 1917. Spicer, George Edward (1910-19): Pri- vate, Rille Rritrade and R.E. ; France 2 years 3 months. Stephens, William Henry (191S-19) ; I'rivatc, Essex Rgt. Taylor, Edwin Charles Wilfred (1915- 1!)) ; .Sapper, It.lv ; 1' ranee 2 years. Waldron, Thomas (1915-19) ; I'rivate, Labour ('(iriis and R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 7 montlis. Whitlock, Joseph Thomas (1917-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 4 months. Young, Harry (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. Ahhcu Mills Pumping Station Balcombe, Frederick Henry (1915-19) ; Private, Essex and Bedfordshire Rgts. and A.P.C. ; France 14 mouths. Cleary, Thomas (1911-19); Private, 20tli llu.-sars ; France 2 years. Gale, George James (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; Salonica 11 months. Hall, Thomas Forster (1914-19) ; Fitter Staff-Sergeant, R.F.A. and R.G.A. ; France 1 year 9 months, Salonica 2 years 3 months. Jefferson, Maddison (1910-17) ; Private, E. Surrey Rgt. Kennard, Arthur (1915-20) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 2 j'ears. Lane, Edmund (1914-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Leading Stoker, R. Fleet Itcserve ; Dardanelles and Grand Fleet. Nason, William John (1915-19) ; Driver, R.E. ; France 3 years 7 months. Perrott, Herbert Frederick (1915-19) ; Sec. -Corporal, R.E. ; irauce 2 years 1(1 months. *Quinlan, Edward (1915-18) ; Private, London Hirt. ; France 3 years 3 months; Missing, 2 1st March, 1918. Quinton, Arthur George (1918-19) ; Private, R.F.A. Sallnow, Charles Edward (1915-19); Private, R.A.U.C. ; France 3 years. Tanter, Frederick (1915-19); Corporal, It.A.M.C. and Essex Rgt. ; Egypt 3 years 9 months. Whitbread, Walter James (1911-19); Sapper, Essex Rgt. and R.E. ; France 3 years 7 months. Wiffen, Walter Frederick (1916-19); Private, R.A.S.C. and Hampshire Rgt. ; India 18 months, Salonica 4 months, Dardanelles 6 months. Deptford Pumping Station *Allum, George Alfred Bertie (1914); Stoker (l>t Class), R.X. ; H.M..S. Hawke ; Drowned at sea, 15th October, 1914. *Medhurst, Richard William (1914) ; Leading' Striker, K.X. : 11. .M.S. Crcssy ; Drowned at sea, 22nd September, 1914. Neville, James George (1914-16) ; Bands- man, London Rgt. Packer, Ernest James (1916-19); Pri- vate, Lincolnshire Rgt. ; France 3 months. 13 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Symes, Edward George (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 3 years 3 months. North Woolwich Pumping Statical Kellam, Frederick (191G-19) ; Private, Rifle Brisjadc and Labour Corps ; France 5 months. Murray, John (1915-17); Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 17 months. Western Pumping Station Adams, Thomas Henry (1914) ; Stoker (1st Class), R.N. Denington, Thomas Philip (1915-18) ; Private, Essex llgt. and Labour Corps ; France 18 months. *Jackson, Thomas William (1914) ; Private, R. Marine Light Infantry ; H.M.S. Hawke ; Drowned at sea, 15th October, 1914. Keough. Henry John (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, R. E. Kent Mounted Rifles and Labour Corps ; France 16 months. Lester, Frederick George (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 2 years 2 mouths. Smith, William Edward (1910-19); Sergeant, R. E. Kent Mounted Rifles, Bedfordshire Rgt. and Scottish Rifles. Barking Outfall Works Barker, Arthur Albert (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 10 months. Barnard, George Archibald Loveland (1914-19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; Egypt 18 months. Bass, William Patrick (1914-18) ; Pri- vate, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry ; Salonica 2 years 9 months, France 6 m.onths. Bones, Alfred Henry (1914-16); Lance- Sergeant, Essex Rgt. Bones, Charles William (1914-16) ; Sergeant, Essex Rgt. Bones, James William (1914) ; Private, Essex Rgt. Bones, Samuel George (1914) ; Private, Essex Rgt. Bones, William Thomas (1914-19) Company Sicrgeant-^Iajor, Essex Rgt. Brooks, George Robert (1915-19) Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 4 years. Byers, William James Curno (1914-19) Private, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 3 months, Russia 18 months, Prisoner of war (Germany) 2 years 9 months. Chambers, Alfred (1914-19); Private, E. Surrey and Norfolk Rgts. ; India 2 years 4 months, Egj'pt 3 months. Clark, Frederick (1914-19) ; Private, R.A..S.C. ; Mesojiotamia 18 months, India 2 months, Persia 2 montlis, France 1 month. Claydon, Charles Edward (191.5-19); Corporal, Middlesex Rgt. ; Salonica 2 years 5 months, Russia 5 months. Cooper, George William (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.O.C. ; France 3 years. Cooper, Harry (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.O.C. ; France 3 years. *Crow, Joseph (1917-18) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 13 months ; Died, 25th October, 1918. Ellison, Andrew Brown (1914-19) ; Shoeing-Smith, Essex R^t. and R.F.A. ; France 18 montlis. Fox, George (1915-16) ; Private, Labour Corps. Gaff, Harry George (1914-19) ; Corporal, Labour Corps ; France. Goadby, Thomas (1914-19) ; Company Sergeant-Major, R.A.S.C. ; France 9 days. Griffiths, Owen Martin (1915-18) ; Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 2 months. Gudgin, Thomas Isaac (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, R.A.S.C. ; France 16 months. Kimpton, Percival Arthur (1914-19) ; Lance-Corporal, Essex Rgt. ; France 4 years 8 montlis. Kittridge, Thomas (1916-19) ; Private, Rifle Brigade and King's R. Rifle Corps ; France 2 years. Luxford, James Henry (1915-17) ; Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. ; France 1 year 10 months. Merchant, Thomas James (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.C. and W. Yorkshire Rgt. ; Italy 12 months, France 2 years 6 months. Norris, Alfred James (1915-16) ; Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. *Perriman, William (1914-15) ; Able Seaman, R.X. ; H.M.S. Bacchante 9 months ; Died of wounds, 4th June, 1915. Pridmore, William Alfred (1914-19) ; Stoker (1st Class), R.X. ; H.M.S. Magni- ficent and Cyclops. Randall, Thomas James (1914-19) ; Stoker, R.N. ; Grand Fleet and Mine- sweeping. Rayment, William John (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 4 years. Springett, Edward William (1915-19); Private, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry and Machine Gun Corps ; France 2 years 6 months, Italy 5 months, Germany 5 months. Studley, Henry Charles (1915-19) ; Private, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, Essex Rgt., Machine Gun Corps and Labour Corps ; France 17 months. Taylor', Henry Edwin (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, Devonshire Pugt. ; France 2 years 3 months. Watson, James (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 10 months. East Africa 1 year 9 months. Wheal, Charley (1914-19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; France 13 months. Willis, Arthur (1914-16); Private, Essex Rgt. ; France 15 months. Wright, Horace James (1914-19); .Sergeant, Grenadier Guards ; France 3 years. Crossness OutfaU Works Beadle, Herbert Walter (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 1 year 8 months. H RECORD OF WAR SERVICE *Best, Sydney James (1914-16) ; Private, London Kp:t. ; Franco 2 months ; Killed in action, 1st October, 191C. Blackman, John Alfred (1914-17); Private, K.A.0.0. ; France 2 years C months. Blundell, John (1916-19); Private, London ligt. and Coimty of London Yeomanry ; France 7 months. Buck, Alfred George (1914-19) ; JI.M. ; Corporal, K.1<\A. and 11. E. ; France 3 years 8 months. Cottenden, Ernest Harold (1914-lG) ; Stoker, K.N. ; North Sea patrol. Cretohley, William Robert (1911-19) ; Battery Sergeant-Major, II. F. A. Fryer, William (1914-16); Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 3 months. Gibson, James (1914-19); Stol^er, R.N. ; North Sea patrol and convoy duty. Howarth, Albert Edward (1914) ; Cor- poral-Fitter, II. F. A. Hudson, Alfred (1915-17); Private, King's R. Itille Corps ; France 9 mouths. Jarman, William (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Petty Officer, R.N.V.R. ; GallipoU 4 months, France 2 years 4 months. I *Jobhng, Ralph (1914-17) ; Private, London Rgt. and R.U.C. ; Died, 20th July, 1917. Newbold, Robert (1914-19); Corporal, E. Lancasliire and Devonsliire Rgts., and Labour Corps ; France 4 months. *Page, Herbert (1916-17); Gunner, R.F.A. and li.A.V.C. ; France 1 year 4 months; Killed in action, 12th November, 1917. Page, Mark (1917); Private, Labour Corps. Powell, Arthur (1914-19) ; Private, R.D.C. Powers, John (1914-19) ; Lance-Cor- poral, 19th Hussars ; France 3 years 8 months. Prescott, Arthur Henry (1916) ; Private, R.A.V.G. ; France 3 months. Pynn, Herbert John (1914-19) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; North Sea patrol and convoy duty. Thompson, Albert (1914-17); Saddler, R.F.A. and R.A.S.C. Waterman, Lewis (1914-19) ; Lancc- Corporal, R.D.C. West, George Thomas (1914-15) ; Arma- ment StaQ-Sergeant, R.A.O.C. Sludge Vessels Castle, Alfred John (1914-19) ; Leading Stolier, R.N.R. : H.M.S. Audacious and Queen Elizabeth. Coulson, Charles (1914-19) ; Leading Seaman, R.X. ; II. M.S. Victorious and armed merchant ships. I * Counter, John (1914-17); M.M. ; Pri- vate, Devonshire Rgt. ; France 2 years 6 montlis ; Killed in action, 6th Novem- ber, 1917. Creasey, Robert (1914-19); Leading Seaman, R.N. *Dobson, George Morrison (1914-17) ; Farricr-Sorgoant, R.A.S.C. ; Salonica 13 months ; Died, 16th October, 1917. Dodman. Alfred George (1914-19) ; D.S.C. ; Lieutenant, R..\.R. ; Eastern M('diterraneau, 3 years 4 mouths. Frost, Albert (1914-16) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; Craud Fleet. Hedgman, Henry (1914-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. and R.E. ; France 4 years 8 months. Hill, Rowland (19M-19) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; North Sea, Dardanelles, and Persian Gulf. Horrex, Sidney Edward (1916-20) ; I'rivatc, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years. Jones, John Walker (1914-19); D.S.M. ; Chief Petty Offleer, R.N. ; II. M.S. Car- mania. Keogh, WilUam James (1914-19) ; Leading Seaman, R.N. ; H.M.S. Magnifi- cent, Royal Arthur, Dunscombe, Vale and Pembroke. McCombie, Frederick William (1914- 19) ; Able Seaman, R.N.R. *Mitchell, Arthm- George (1914) ; Pri- vate, Lincohisliire Rgt. ; France ; Died of woimds, August, 1914. Parsons, Edward James (1914-19) ; Stoker, R.N. ; H.M.S. Sirius. Phillips, Richard (1914-19) ; Stoker, R. Fleet Reserve ; H.M.S. Baron Ardrossan and Alouette. Piche, Justin George (1915-19) ; Ad- miralty Pilot. Pitt, William (1914-19) ; Private, R. Marine Light Infantry and R. Fleet Reserve. Ross, Walter (1916-20) ; Engineer Lieutenant, R.N.R. ; Mediterranean 9 months. Skingle, George (1914-19) ; Petty Offi- cer (1st Class), R.N. ; South Atlantic and Northern patrol. Storey, Alfred Dodds (1916-19); Men- tioned in iNIariue Orders ; Lieutenant (lion. Captain), R. Indian Marine ; Meso- l)otaiuia 2 years, India 15 mouths. Verner, Claude Henry (1917-19) ; Lieu- tenant-Comniaiider, R.N.R. Webb, Henry David (1914-19) ; Leading Seaman, R.N. ; Soutli Pacific and South Atlantic. Webb, John Richard (1914-19) ; Chief Petty Officer, R.X. ; North Atlantic. Wilkinson, George Ezra (1914-19) ; Admiralty Pilot. Wood, Thomas (1914-19); Able Sea- man, R.N. Architect's Department *Aitken, James Hunter (1914-10); Sec- Lieutenant, 14th I5n. Lonilon Rgt. and 2/7th Bn. Royal Highlanders : France 14 montlis ; Accidentally Idlled, 2ud Juno, 1916. 15 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Allum, Stanley Charles (1914-19); Men- tioned in (le-yputclie^ ; Lieut.-Colonel, 12th lin. London Ilt^t., Amiy Printing and Stationery Services, and Imperial War Graves Commission ; France, Italy and Salonjca, 4 years 6 months. Alston, Joseph William a 91 4-19); Air- crait=iiian (2nd Cla-,-), 12th lin. London Rgt. and R.A.K. ; France 8 months, Mesopotamia 12 months, India 5 months. Anderton, William Guy (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, 4th Liu. Mid'llesex R,^. ; France 4 years. Armstrong:, William Henry (1915—19) ; Private, li.E. ; France 9 months. Atkinson, Walter Edward (1917-19) ; Mentioned for valuable services rendered in connection with the AVar ; Private, K.A..S.C. Austin, William Ernest (1914-19); Cor- poral, Pt.E. ; France 5 months. Avely, James Arthur (1915-19) ; Officers' Steward, U.S. ; .Vtloat 1 year 8 months. Bailey, Charles Joseph (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, Pith lin. Loudon PiS't. ; France 1.'; month-. ♦Bailey, Herbert Edwin (1914-15) : Pri- vate, 5th Bn. .-^ea ortli Hii^hlandcrs : France 2 months ; Killed in action, 15th Jmie, 1915. Baker, William (1917-19) ; Private, 12th Bn. R. W. Surrey Rgt. and Labotir Corx's ; France 2 years. Ball, Robert Henry (1914) ; Gunner, R.F.A. Balls, John Alan (1914-19); Croix de Guerre (Hel;^iaii) ; Company Sergeant>- Major, 2/ 11th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 16 months. Bamford, William Hubert (1915-19) ; MentioHt'd in despatches ; Corporal, R.A.M.C. ; E?.vpt, Palestine and SjTia, 2 years 10 months. Bankhead, Frank (1915-19) ; Gimner, R.F.A. ; Saionica and Palestine 2 years 4 months. Barks, Edward Ernest (1916-18) ; Sec- Lieutth Bn. London Rgt. and Machine Gun Corps ; France and Germany 4 years 6 months. Bayley, Benjamin Charles Earnest (1915- 19) ; Lince-Corporal, R.E. ; France 2 year.s S month.5. Backett, Percy Wilfred (191.5-19) ; Com- pany .-^Tgeaut- Major, Mu-ketry Instructor, 15th and 2:jrd Bn.s. London P^gt. Beech, Thomas (191.5-19) ; Sapper, Royal Fasiliers and R.E. ; France 3 years. Benjamin, Frederick George fl91(>-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 1 year 6 months. Barkholz, Frederick Charles William (191.5-19) ; Private, l>th Bn. London Purt. and R. Irish Fusiliers ; France 6 months, Saionica 7 months, Palestine 8 months. Basant, Hubsrl Saxton (1915- ) ; R.E. *Bick, Percy Arthur (1916): Sec-Lieut., R. Irisli Pigt. ; France 3 months ; Kalled in action, 3rd .September, 1916. Blair, Kenneth Archibald (191.5-19) ; Air Mechanic ( 1,-t Cla-s) ; 2nd County of London Yeomanrj' and R.A.F. ; Libya, Egypt and Palestine, 3 years 2 months. *Blake, Charles Stanley 0914-15) ; Cap- tain, luth Bn. S. Lanca-hire Pigt. and 6th Bn. Lancashire Fu-siliers ; Gallipoii 3 months ; Killed in action, 7th Augu-st, 191.5. Blanc, Louis David '1915 19); Lieu- tenant, 2;tli Bu. Loudon P^gt. and R.E. Blanks, Arthur Albert (1916-19); Com- pany QaartciTnaster-Sergeant, R.E. Blyth, Charles Kydd (1915-19) ; Sapper, 15th Bn. London Rgt. and R.E. ; France 1 year 10 months. Bobbett, Arthur James (1915-19) ; Sap- per, li.E. ; 1 rancc 3 years 6 month,s. Boden, Harrold Casswell (1915-19) ; Lieutenant, l^.E. Bond, George Hawkins (1915-19); Pri- vaU', It. A.M. C. ; Egypt 3 years 6 months. Bond, Harold Henry (1916-19); Men- tioned for valuable services in connection with the War ; Lance-Corporal, R.A.O.C. ; Saionica 3 montks. Boniface, Philip James (1916-19) ; Cor- poial, R.F.A. Boon, Herbert Frederick (1915-19) ; Ptifleman, 21.-t }it\. Loudon Rgt. ; France 8 montlLs. *Boot, Stanley Horace (1914-16) ; Private, 5th Bn. .Seaforth Highlanders ; France 8 months ; Killed in action, 13th November, 1910. Bracken, Charles Leo (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. Bradford, Alfred (1915-19); Private; R.A..S.C. ; France and Germany 4 years. Bray, Alfred George (1914-19); Quarter- master- .Sergeant, Middlesex Itgt. i6 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Bray, Herbert Arthur (1915-19); Com- pany Quartorraastor-SerKeant, 3/lOth Bn. Middlesex Rgt. ; France 18 raontlis. Bricknell, Thomas Mortimore (1914-19); Signalman, R.N.V.Ii. Briggs, Alfred Denbigh (1915-19) ; Gun- ner, H.N.A.S., H.ll.A. atid R.G.A. ; Egypt, Palestine and S.vria, 2 years 6 months. Brookes, Samuel (1914-19) ; Corporal, 8th Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance and 2/ 13th Bn. London Rgt. ; GaUipoii 9 montlis, Salonica 9 months, Egypt 10 months, Palestine 18 mouths. Brooks, John Sidney (1916-18) ; Sapper, R.E. and Sherwood Foresters ; France 9 monthii. Brooks, William Edward (1916-19) ; Air Mechanic (Grade 2), K.N.A.S. and K.A.F. Brooks, William Edward (1914-19); Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; France and Germany 2 years 6 months. Broomfleld, Robert Henry (191(>-19) ; Sergeant, Roj-aJ Fusihcrs, 3rd Bn. Norfolk Rgt., 29th Bn. jMiddlesex Rgt. and Labour Corps. Broughton, Alfred John Leslie (1916-19) ; Aircraftsman (1st Class), R.A.F. Brown. Ernest William (1915-18) ; Dri- ver, R.A.S.C. ; Dardanelles 7 month,?, Egypt 1 year 9 months. Brown, John William (1915-19) ; Lance- Corporal, loth Bn. London Rgt. ; l^ance 2 years 8 months. Brustmeyer, Albert William (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years. Bryan, George Albert (1916-19) ; Air Mechanic (2nd Class), R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. *Bryce, Maurice Steel (1914); Bugler, 14th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 6 weeks ; Killed in action, 31st October, 1914. Bull,Walter (1915-19); Private,R.A.M.C.; Fiiince 3 years 9 months. Butcher, John Edward (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, 10th Bn. Somerset Light Infantry. ♦Butcher, Reginald Victor (1914-18); Rifleman, 12th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 18 months ; Missing. 2Sth March, 1918. Capel, George Watkin (1914-19) ; Regi- mental Sergeant- Major, 11th Bn. Welch Rgt. ; France 2 montlis ; Salonica 3 years 2 months. Carey, Ernest Edward (1917-19); Pay- master Sub-Lieutenant, R.X.V.R. ; Malta 9 montlis. * Carey, James (1914) ; Lanoe-Corporal Piper, 14th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 6 weeks ; Died of wounds, November, 1914. Carment, James Maxwell (1915-19); Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; France 7 months, Macedonia 7 months, Egypt and Palestine 18 months. Carter, George Albert (1915-19) ; Gun- ner, R.G.A. ; France 1 year 10 months. Carter, William Henry (1915-19); Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 10 months. Catt, Alfred Edward (1915-19) ; Lance- Corporal, R.G.A. and R.E- ; France 2 years 3 months. P 17 Chalmers, Frank Runcie (1915-19) ; Staff-Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt and Balkans 3 years 6 months. Chamberlain, Charles (191.5-19); Staff- Sergeant, IMO. Chambers, John Wesley (191.5-19); Comr)any Sergeant-Major, R.E. ; France 3 years 3 months. *Chappell, Alfred Ernest William (1914- 15) ; Lanoe-Corporal, 24th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 2 months; Killed in action, 20th May, 1915. Chew, Richard (1914-19) ; Major, 15th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 6 months. Chubb, James Arthur (1918-19) ; Private R.A.M.C. ; Russia 10 months. Clark, Henry Stanley (1914-19); Ser- geant, R.A.S.C. ; Russia 11 montlis. Clarke, Harold William (1915-19) ; Lance- Corporal, R. W. Surrey Rgt. and R.E. ; France 3 years 4 months, Italy 3 montlis. Clothier, WUliam Henry (1915-19) ; Corporal, Royal Fusiliers ; France 1 year 7 months. Clutterbuck, Herbert Charles (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. Coe, Robert (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.E. ; France 1 year 10 months, Italy 12 months. Cole, Frank Henry (1915-19) ; Lance- Bombardier, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 6 months. Collett, Edward Bartlett (1914-19); Private, London Defence Corps. Coney, Harold Robert Harvey (1914-17) ; M.S.M., mentioned in despatches ; Private, 15th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 2 years 1 month. Cooke, Isaac (1915-19) ; Lieutenant, 6th Bn. Essex Rgt. and R.D.C. Cooksey, Harold Thoresby (1914-16) ; Corporal, R.G.A. Coombes, Francis John (1914-19); M.S.M., mentioned in despatches ; Staff-Sergeant, R.E. ; France 2 yearsj 6 months, Italy 15 months. Coram, Cyril Frederick (1914-18) ; Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. ; Malta 17 months, Salonica 1 year 11 months. Cornwell, Aubrey William (1914-19) ; Staff- Sergeant, Middlesex P^gt. Cousins, Herbert Hoy (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 18 months. Cowper, James Bertie Francis (1914-19) ; Major, 14th Bn. London Rgt. and R.E. ; France 3 years. Cox, Bertram Manfred (1915-19) ; Cor- poral, A.P.C. Coxon, James Edgar (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France 2 years. Creighton, Harry Richard (1915-19) ; Private, 28 th Bn. London Rgt. Cresswell, Thomas Edwm (1914-19) ; M.C. ; Lieutenant, R.N.V.R. and R. Naval Division. ; Afloat 12 months, France 14 months. Crockett. George Alfred (1915-19) ; Pri- vate. A.P.C. RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Crome, John Stanley (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, Ksscx Rgt. and R.E. ; France 2 years 7 months. Cronin. Daniel Patrick (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, R.F.A. and Labour Corps. Cullen, David Shearer (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 9 months. Curling, Robert Francis (1918) ; Sapper, R.E. Dalby, Harold Scott (1914-16) ; Trooper, Ist County of London Yeomanry ; Egypt and Gallipoli 6 uionths. Dawn, Herbert Cecil (1915-19); Lieu- tenant, "JSth 15n. London Rgt. and 8th Bn. \V. Yorksliire Rgt. ; France and Germany 2 years 10 months. Derbyshire, John Shirley (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 6 months. Dinneen, Louis Barom (1915-19) ; Lead- ing Aircraftsman ; 5tli Bn. London Rgt. and R.A.F. ; France 8 months. Dolbear, Albert (1915-19) ; Sec- Lieu- tenant, 2/2Sth 15n. London Rgt. and R.E. ; France 15 months. Douglas, Arthur Alan (1915-19) ; Cor- poral, W. Riding Rgt. Downes, Harry Stretton (1915-17); Rifleman, A.P.C. and Rifle Brigade. Drew, Sidney Vernon (1915-19) ; Sapper, 5th Bn. London Rgt. and R.E. ; France and Germany 12 mouths. Durant, Frederick Henry (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 11 moutlis. Durden, John Henry (1914-19); Corporal, A.P.C. and Royat Fusiliers. Durden, Stanley John (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. Durnford, William John (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, R.A.M.C. and Wiltshire Rgt. ; France 1 year 9 months, Salonica 3 months, Egypt 2 montlLS. Earl, Albert Bertram Harold (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 7 months, Salonica 7 months, Egypt and Palestine 1 year 8 months. Earl, William Henry (1915-19); Able Seaman, K.X.V.R. ; Afloat 12 months. Earle, Leslie Marriot (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, 24tli Bn. London Rgt. ; France 2 years 10 mouths. Edwards, Harry Brett (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years. *Ed wards, John Percival (1915-16) ; Com- |iany .Sergcaiit-Majnr, Royal Fusiliers ; l'"rance 5 months ; Uied of wounds, 7th October, 1916. Elliott, Edward William Savery (1915- 19); I'livatc, It.A.M.c;. ; France 2 years 2 months, .Salonica 10 inonflis. Evans, Reginald George Llewellyn (1914- 18): Captain, S. Wales Borderers and Essex Rgt. ; Gallipoli and Egypt 4 months, France 1 week. Excell. William Isaac (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.E. and R.G.A. Falconer. Herbert John (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, W. Riding Rgt. Faulkner, Frank (1915-19); Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 7 months. Fennell, Michael (1914-16) ; Private, R.E. *Field, Herbert Noel (1917); Private, 4th Bn. Bedfordshire Rgt. ; France 9 months ; Killed in action, 30th October, 1917. Filkins, Edwin William (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years. Fisher, Frederick (1915-20) ; Sergeant, R.A.F. *Foale, William Ernest (1916-19); Lieu- tenant, 28th Bn. Ijondon Rgt. and R.G.A. ; Died, 1st May, 1919. Foreman, Ernest John (1914-19) ; Wheeler Staff-Sergeant, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 3 months. Foster, Gaius (1915-19) ; Captain, R.A.M.C. and R.E. ; France 3 years 1 month. Foster, Herbert (1914-16) ; M.M. and mentioned in despatches ; Private, 15th Bn. London Rgt. ; Franco 10 months. Francis, George Eric (1915-19) ; Lieu- tenant, R.E. and R.A.F. Francis, John Linton (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 2 years 11 months. Franklin, Francis Evans (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.M.C. Franklin, Herbert John (1915-19) ; Stafl- Sergeaut, R.A.M.C. ; France 5 months, Macedonia 7 months, Palestine 15 months, Egypt 8 months. Franks, Herbert William (1915-19) ; Men- tioned in despatches ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt and Palestine 4 years. French, Cecil George (1915-19) ; Men- tioned in despatches ; Major, R.E. ; Macedonia 4 years. FuUbrook. Charles William Ernest (1916- 19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; Salonica 6 months, Palestine 17 months, Egypt 10 months, France 1 month. Funnell, Horace Frederick (1916-19) ; liieuteuant, R.A.S.C. ; France 12 months. Gage, Ernest James Empleton (1915-19) ; Able Seaman, R.N.V.R. ; Afloat 5 months. Gamble, Arthur Ernest (1914-19); Private, 2nd Bn. E. Surrey Rgt. Gardner, Herbert (1914-19) ; Private, 14th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 2 years 10 months. Geary, Frank George (1916-19) ; Cor- poral, R.A.M.C. ; Salonica 2 years 5 months. Gerrard, George (1915-17); Mentioned for valuable services rendered in connection with the War ; Sergeant, A.P.C. Gibbs, Stanley George (1914-17); Pri- vate, 24tli Bn. London Rgt. ; France 14 months. Gibson, George Paterson (1914-15) ; Private. Middlesex Rgt. Gilpin, William Alfred (1916-19); Sap- per, King's Royal Rifle Corps and R.E. ; I'rance 12 months. Glass, John Guthrie Lornie (1914-19); Sec- Lieutenant, 14th Bn. London Rgt, and R.E. |8 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Godfrey, Horace John (1915-17); Pri- vate, il.A.M.C ; K?}'!)! and lialkans 1 year 9 montlis. Godwin, Charles Samuel (1910-11)); nillcmati, Kiiitr's IJoyai Itillc C'urps ; France 1 inoiitli. Goffin, Thomas James (1910-19); Ser- greant, K.l<;. ; l-'ranee ;} years 2 nioutlis. *Golding, Fredericit George (1914-16); Serfjeaiit, Otli IJii. London K^rt. ; France 17 months ; Died of wounds, 21st August, 191(i. *Goodwin, Dudley Fletcher (1911-17) : Cai)tain, 15th 15n. l^ondon Ii:^'t. and ll.F.A. ; Franco 2 vears ; Died ot wounds, 7tti Marcli, 1917. Gooding, William Hines (1918-19) ; Air Mechanic, R.A.F. Gordon, Charles (1915-19) ; Second Writer, K.X. ; \lloat 3 year.s 1 month. Gostling, Wilfred Bernard (1914-19) ; M.C. ; Captain, 1st County of London Yeomanry and lltli Bn. London Rgrt. ; Gallipoli, Egypt and Palestine, 3 j-ears 10 montlis. Gough, Lawrence Ardeley Wyndham (1915-19); Lieutenant, Middlesex ligt. ; France 2 years 9 months. Graeme, Alan Vincent Sutherland (1914- 20) ; Mentioned in despatclies ; Captain, 14th Bn. London Ilgt. and 4th Bn. Scaforth Highlanders ; Franco 3 years 10 months. Gray, Charles George (1914-17) ; Private, 15tli lin. London Kgt. ; France 8 months. Gray, Walter (1916-19) ; Air Mechanic (1st Class), K.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Green, Arthur Edward (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt and Palestine 3 years 4 montlis. Grieve, William Holt Lacey (1914-19); Captain, 14tli Bn. London Rgt. and R.A.O.C. ; Afloat 4 montlis, France 5 months. Grinsted, Henry Arthur (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, R.A.M.C. ; France 5 months, Salonica 7 montlLs, Palestine 2 years 1 month. Habermehl, William Maximilian (1918- 19) ; Rifleman, 25th Bn. Rifle Brigade. *Haggis, Percy (1914); liCading Seaman, R. Naval Brigade and R.X.V.R. ; Bel- gium ; Killed in action, 7tli October, 1914. Hale, Ernest (1915-19) ; Stafi-Sergeant, R.A.V.C. Hall, Albert Huband (1914-19); Lieu- tenant, II. G. A. ; France 9 months. Hall, George Langley Desmond (1914- 19) ; Captain, 13tli Bn. London Rgt. ; Belgium 3 months. Hall, Wniiam Thomas (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, 15th Bn. London Rgt. and Machine Gun Corps ; France 2 years 8 months. *Hannaford, William George Nott (1915- 10); Sapper, R.K. ; France 12 moiitlis ; Died of wounds, 23rd September, 1916. *Harling, Arthur Thomas (1915-lG) ; Private, 15th Bn. London Ret. ; France 6 months ; Killed iu action, loth Septem- ber, 1916. Harlock, Harold (1915-19); Lieutenant. ll.N.V.R. ; Afloat 3 years 8 months. Harrington, John Stephen (1915-19); D.C.M. ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; France 13 montlis. Harris, Alfred Henry (1915-19) ; Gunner. R.1''.A. ; France 2 years. Harris, Walter George (1914-19); Lievi- tenaiit, '.M h Bn. London Rgt. and 1st Ihintingdonshire Cyclist Bn. attached Bedfordshire Rgt. ; I'ranee 5 months. Harris, WUfred Henry (1911-19); Sapiior, 2sth and 2/13tli Bus. London Rgt. and R.F. ; France 7 months, Salonica 8 montlis, Palestine 4 months. Hart, Charles Wesley Limmer (1914-19) ; Leading Seaman, R.X.V.R. ; Afloat 4 years 5 months. Hayes, John Henry (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, R.E. ; France 3 year.s 6 months. Hayward, Arthur Edwin (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 12 months. Heiden, Charles Arthur (1915-19); Ser- geant, W. Riding Rgt. and R.A.F. Henderson, John Alexander (1914-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Ijieuteuant, W. Kent Yeomanry and R.E. ; France and Italy 2 years 9 months. Henly, Thomas Charles Edward (1915- 19) : Corporal, R.F.C. ; Franco 3 years 6 months. Hensby, George Henry Thompson (1915- 19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 6 months, Macedonia 6 months, Egypt and Palestine 1 year 7 montlis. Hepburn, James William (1915-19) ; M.S.M. ; Private, 14th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 3 years. Hill, Alfred (1915-19) ; Rifleman, 6th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 2 years 1 month. Hill, Arthur Robert (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 6 months, Salonica 12 months, Egypt and Palestine 2 years 1 month. Hodgkinson, Edward Dunthorne (1915- 19); Corrioral, 15th Bn. London Rgt. Home, Geoffrey Wyville (1914-19); Lieutenant, 28th Bn. London Rgt. and R.G.A. Hoop'^r, William Doughty (1914-19); Lieutenant, 15th Bn. London Rgt. and R.A. ; Franco 15 montlis. Howard, Harry Thomson (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 1 month. Howell. Edward Arthur (1914-19) ; Lieu- tenant, 19th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 3 years 1 month. Howse, Owen Charles (1915-19) ; Lance- Corjioral, I lnuduralile .\rtillery Company (Infantry) ; France S months. Hubert, Ernest Frank (1917-19) ; Sapper, R.K. Huggins, Harry (1914-17); Sapper, 21th Bn. London Rgt. and R.F. ; France 10 months. Huggins. William Edward (191.^)-19); Private, R.A.M.C. ; Frauoe and Germany 2 years S months. 19 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Hughes, Thomas Francis Collier (1914- 19) ; Corporal, H.A.M.C. ; France 4 years. Hurcomb, Harold Francis (1915-20) ; Lieutenant, R.E. ; Franco 12 months. Hyder, Cyril (1914-16); Corporal, 15th Bn. London Egt. ; France 3 months. Irvin, George William (191(5-19) ; Cor- poral, R.A.M.C. ; Italy 2 years 3 months. Isaacs, William Charles (1916-19) ; Corporal, E.F.A. and R.A.F. Jaggers, Frederick Arthur (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.N.V.Il. and K.G.A. James, Albert Edward (1915-19) ; Lance- Corporal, ILE. ; France 2 years 8 months. James, Harry Gordon (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; Egyiit 13 months, Palestine 12 months, France 13 month.s. Jardine, Alexander (1914-19) ; Sergeant, 20th Bn. London Rgt., R.D.C. and King's Liverpool Rgt. Jardine, Henry Stringer (1915-19) ; Lieu- tenant, 14th Bn. London Rgt. and R.E. ; France 10 months. Jay. Harold John Syrett (191S-19); Private, R.A.F. Jessep, Edward Archibald (1914—19) ; Able Seaman, R.N.V.R. ;" Belgium 3 weeks, afloat 4 years. Johnson, Frank Leslie (1914-19) ; Lieu- tenant, -Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, 2/4 1st Dogras, attached 3/154 Indian In- fantry ; India 5 months, Egypt and Pales- tine 11 months, France 14 months. Jones, Alcwyn Arnold (1916) ; Gunner, R.F.A. Jones, Charles Thomas (1915-19) ; Men- tioned in despatches; Sapper, 15th Bn. London Rgt. and R.E. ; France 2 years 9 months. Jones, Launcelot Cyril Clark (1915-19) ; Air Mechanic, R.N.A.S. ; Afloat 2 years. Kaul, Douglas (1915-19); Corpora], R.A.S.C. ; France 4 years. Keele, John Daniel (1914-20); Lieu- tenant, 5th Bn. London Rgt. and Labour Corps ; France 4 months. Keen, Arthur Auger (1916-19) ; M.S.M. ; Corporal, R.E. ; Franct; 2 years. *Kemp, Robert Ernest (1915-17) ; Private, 7th Bn. Bcdtoi(l>-liiro Rgt., Royal Fusiliers and 4th lin. Northamptonshire l{gt. ; Dai"- danelles and Egypt 8 months, France 16 months ; Died of wounds, 31st October, 1917. Kendall, John David (1914-18) ; As.sistant Paj-mastcr, 1st London Yeomanry and R.X.R. Kerr, Walter Matthew (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Sergeant, 2/7th Bn. London Rgt. and Machine Gim Corps ; i'rance 14 months. Kibble white, Henry James Treleaven (1914-19) ; Mentioned in despatclies ; Company Qiiartenna.ster-Sergeant, 17th Bn. Royal Fusiliers and R.lS. ; France 3 years 2 months. Kingsnorth, Horace Andrew (1914—19) ; Able Seaman, li.N.V.R. ; France 2 months, afloat 4 years 1 month. Kirby, Harold Arthur (1917-19) ; Sapper, R. W. Surrey, JMiddlesex, and Suffolk Rgts., and R.E. Kitchenside, Thomas (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France and Italy, 1 year 11 months. Lambert, Edward Montague (1914-19) ; Staff-Sergeant, 3rd Bn. Gloucestershire Rgt. ; France 12 months. Lauder, Frederick Worthy (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France and Germany, 2 years 2 months. *Lawrance, Herbert Ewart (1915-17) ; Private, Honourable Artillery Company ; France 6 months ; Killed in action, 1st April, 1917. *Lawrence, Horace Wilfred (1915—16) ; Private, 15th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 11 months ; Killed in action, 7th October, 1916. Leatherdale, Francis Harold (1914—19) ; mentioned in despatches ; Cadet, R.A.M.C. and R.E. ; France 12 months, Salonika 2 years 9 months. Lewcock, George (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France G months, Balkans 1 year 11 months. Lewis, Harold Henry Graham (1917-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R.E. Ling, Richard Bertram (1916-19) ; Men- tioned in despatches ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; Italy 2 years 6 months. Lingard, Alfred (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 7 months. Linnell, Henry John (1914-19) ; M.M., Mentioned in despatches ; Lieutenant, 15th Bn. London Rgt. and R.A.O.C. ; France and Germany 4 years 5 months. Linnett, Raymund Patrick (1914-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 7 montlis. Love, Edward Frederick (1915-19) ; Lance- Corporal, R.E. ; France 3 years 2 months. Love, Robert Samuel Booth (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, 12th Bn. London Rgt. and 1st Bn. Worcestershire Rgt. Loweth, Sidney Harold (1916-19) ; Staff- Sergeant, R.E. Lucas, Frederick James (1914—19); Cap- tain, Inns of Com-t O.T.C. and W. Riding Rgt. ; France 18 months. Lucas, Walter Berwick (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, 10th Bn. London Rgt. and 18th Bn. Rifle Brigade ; Burma 4 years. *Lund, John Alfred (1914) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; Died, 12th December, 1914. Lythgoe, Ernest (1914-19) ; Private, E. Kent Yeomanry. Machattie, John Macintosh (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Mth Bn. London Rgt. ; France and (jermnny, 2 years 7 montiis. Mackenzie, Henry Blinman (1917-19) ; Lieutenant, R.p]. Macrae, James (1917-18) ; Air Mechanic (2ud Class), R.A.F. Maggs, William James Charles (1915- 19) ; Rifleman, King's Royal Rifle (IJorps ; France 2 years 6 months. Maguire, Herbert William (1915-19); Sec- Lieutenant, R.E. and 28th Bn. London Rgt. 20 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Malvisi, Sidney Alfred (1915-19) ; Lance- Cori)oral, 5tli iiu. Loudon Rgt. ; Frauco 7 months. Mann, Stanley Darter (1915-19) ; Mcn- tioiiod in despatoliu.s ; Suc.-Licutcnaut, 5th Jin. London K.ift. and Royal Fusiliers ; France 13 mouths. Marks, Charles Arthur (191G) ; Trlvate, 2/lst Kent Cyclists. Marks, Charles George (1911-17); Ser- geant, l'2th 15u. London Rgt. ; Franco I year 10 montli^. Martin, Herbert William (1915-19) • Lieutenant, R.F.A. ; France 1 year II moutlis. Martin, Moritz Richard (1915-19) ; Sec- Lieuteiiaut, R.A.M.U. and R.F. ; France 3 years 4 moutlLs. McLachlan, Charles (1914-15); Rifle- man, 12th Bn. Londou Rgt. ; France 5 montlis. Mercer, Francis Howard (1917-19) ; Lieutenant, R.A.S.C. Mercer, Lionel Douglas (1915-18) ; Ser- geant, R.E. ; Frauce 2 years 2 months. Merriman, Percival Harry (1914-19) ; Private, loth lin. London Rgt. ; Salonica 9 montiis, Palestine and Egypt 18 months. Morrison, Charles Radford (1916-19) ; Private, 2/5th lin. Bedfordshire Rgt. and 15th Bu. Essex Rgt. ; France 10 months. Miller, Charles (1914-19) ; Private ; ISth Bn. Loudon Rgt. Mills, Harold (1914-19) ; Coloiu--Sergeant, 23rd Bn. London Rgt. ; France 18 montlis, Salonica 7 months, Egypt 12 months. Mills, Henry Graham Hunt (1914-19) ; Captain, 28th Bu. London Rgt. and R.E. ; France 4 years 7 montiis. Minchin, William Clayton (1914-19) ; D.C.M. ; Stalt-Sergeant, 4th Bn. Sea- forth Highlanders ; France 10 months. Montgomery, George (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; L'rance and Germany 2 years 9 moutlis. Moody, Rowland Granville (1915-19) ; Able Seaman, R.N.V.R. Moore, Alfred William (1916-19) ; Men- tioned lor valuable service ; Rifleman, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; Franco 2 years 1 mouth. Moore, Thomas William (1915-19) ; Mentioned for valuable .services in cormec- tion with the War ; Corporal, W. Riding Rgt. Morgan, Thomas George (1915-17) ; Corporal, R.E. ; France 16 months. Mullens, Charles Arthur (1915-19); Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers ; Palestine, Egypt and Syria, 12 months. Mumford, Albert James Whiffin (1914- 19) ; Sapper, Essex Rgt. and R.E. ; Galli- poli 6 moutlis, Egypt, Palestine and Syria 3 years 3 months. Murch6, Percy Douglas (1916-18) ; Air Mechanic (2nd Class), R.F.C. Nathan, Percy Phineas (1917-19) ; Pri- vate, 15th Bu. Loudon Rgt. ; Franco 18 mouths. Neat, Robert Chalmers (1917-19) ; Men- tioned lor valuable services in couuectiou witli the War ; Private, R.A.S.C. Newman, Henry Cecil (1915-19) ; Sapper, 16th Bu. Loudou Rgt. aud R.E. ; Franco 2 years 6 months. Nicholas, Reginald Ernest (1914-19) ; M..\l. ; Corporal, 15tli Bn. Londou Rgt. ; France 8 months. Nicoll, Alfred Doig (1914-19); Sapper, Sealorth Highlanders and R.E. ; Franco 4 years. Nisbst, Edgar Charley (1916-19) ; Lieu- tenant, 28th Bu. Loudon Rgt., R.F.A. and R.G.A. ; Malta 1 year 11 months. Nott, Frederick Osmond Webber (1915- 19) ; Private, R.A.M.C; France 2 years 11 months. Oakey, John George (1914-18); I'rivatc, 9th Bn. London Rgt. and Labom- Corps. Oram, Charles (1914-19) ; Sergeant Piper, 14th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 12 months, Salonica 6 months, Palestine 12 months. Oram, Emmanuel Joseph (1914-17) ; Corporal, Middlesex l^t. and R.D.C. Page, Charles Percy (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 11 mouths, Italy 15 months. Palser, Charles John (1914-19); Lieu- tenant, 15th Bn. Loudon Rgt. and 1st Bn'. E. Sm-rey Rgt. ; Franco 3 years 4 moutlis. Parker, Alfred Thomas Hobman (1915- 18) ; Sec-Lieutenant, llououi-ablo Artillery Company and 10th Bn. R. Iniiiskifling Fusihers. Parker, Ernest John Canning (1914-17) ; Superior Sapper, R.E. ; France 2 years. Parker, Victor (1915-17) ; Rifleman, 5th Bn. Loudon Rgt. ; I'ranco 10 months. Parkin, William Gordon (1914-19) ; Sec- Lieutenant, Royal Fusiliers and Northum- berland Fusiliers ; France 2 years 7 months. Parnell, George Routley (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; l''rauce 2 years 9 months. Parr, Sydney Hosking (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 4 years. *Parry. David (1917-18) ; M.S.M. ; Clerk (1st Class), R.A.F. and 6th Bu. Rifle Brigade ; Frauce 9 mouths ; Died, 25th December, 1918. Parsons, Leonard Rudolph Charles (1916- 19) ; Aircraftsman (1st Class), R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. ; Frauce 2 years 8 montiis. Payne, Henry (1914-17) ; Private, R.D.C. Peach, Edward Lionel Joseph (1914-19) ; Trooper, City of Loudon Yeomanry and 20tli Cavalry jMacliine Gun Squadron attached to Indian Cavalry ; Egyi)t, I'alestiuo and Syiia, 2 years 7 moutlis. Pearson, Frederick George (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, 1st R. East Kent Moimted Rilles and British W. Indies Rgt. ; Galh- ])oli 5 months, Egypt 15 moutlis, Palestine 2 years. Pentlow, John Harry (1914-19) ; Private, 2/lth R. \V. Kent Rgt. ; Gallipoli, Egypt and I'alestine, 3 years 8 mouths. Perkins, Charles FearnaU (1915-18) ; Private, iR.A.M.C. ;, France 5 months. 21 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Perrin, Henry Charles (1911, 1915-lS) ; Private, Kiii'^'s (^)\vn K. Lancaster Ifet., 10th 15n. London Rgt. and Loudon Defence Corps. Perry, George Edward (1914-16); Able Seaman, R.X. ; Alloat 2 years 3 months. *Peters, William Frederick Daniel (1915- 19) ; Lance-Coriioral, IJ.A.M.C. ; France and Germany 2 years 3 months ; Died, 2nd :May, 19i9. Petts. Alfred William (1911-19) ; Private, ."itli IJn. London Ilgt. ; France 2 years 9 months. Peyto, Alfred James (1916-19); Air aieehaiiic (2nd Class), P.N.A.S. and R.A.F. ♦Philips, Arthur Maxwell (1914-15) ; Cap- tain. 11th and l.Stli ]!ns. Kincr's Own Yorkshire liiylit Infantry ; Gallipoli 2} motiths ; Killed in action, 11th November, 1915. Philp, Arthur Thomas (1916-18) ; Sapper, 3/1 Sth and 20tli Bus. London Rgt. and R.E. ; France 1 year 8 months. Philpott, Bertram Homersham (1916-19) ; Lance-Corporal, 1{.K. ; France 18 months. Picknell, Leonard (1915-19); Private, 28th JJn. l.,ondon list.; France 12 months. Pinfold, Stanley (1916-19) ; Petty Officer (1st Class), R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Pitt, Herbert William Matthew Ovenden (1916-19) : Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 12 moiitlis, Italy 12 months. Player, William John (1915-17, 1918-19); Air .Mechanic (2nd Class), R.N.V.R. and R.A.F. PUm. Harold (1914-19) ; D.C.M., Belgian Croix de Guerre and Mentioned in des- patches ; Sergeant, 2/23rd Bn. London Rgt. ; France 15 months, Salonica 6 months, Palestine 12 months. *Ponton, Harold Frederick (1915-17); Private, 17th and ISth Bns. Royal Fusi- liers ; France 17 months ; Killed in action, 29th April, 1917. Pope, Thomas Campbell (1915-19) ; Lieutenant, R.E. Power, Charles (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.E. ; France 12 months. Pratt, Frederick William (1917-19); Sai>i)er, R.K. Quirke, William Dathy (1914-19); Cap- tain, .')tli I'.n. London Rgt. and R.E. ; i'laiice 4 years. *Rammage, Frederick Bant (1915-18); GniMicr, I'l.F.A. ; I'rance about 2 years ; Killed in action, 28th March, 1918. Ranger, John Samuel (1915-19); Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt and I'alcstine 3 years 4 months. Ransley. John (1914-19); Private, 1st Bn. E. Surrey Rgt. ; I'rance 4 years 3 months. Rashleigh, Edward George (I91.>-19) ; Pri- vate, 1;..\..M.C. ; Egypt 3 years 5 mont^lis. Rayner, Leslie Stanley Paul Holmes (1911-20); Lieutenant, l.jth Hn. Loudon Rgt. and Machine Gini ( '(irps ; I'rance and Germany 3 years 9 mouths. Reddy, Vernon Sydney Frederick (1915- 19) ; I'rivate, 2/l5th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 13 months, Egypt and Palestine 13 months, Salonica 7 montlis. Reed, Percival John (1914-19) ; Sergeant, 20th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 9 months. Rees, Alvine Edward (1915-19); Men- tioned in despatches, Mcdaille d'Honneur avec Glaives (en Bronze) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 11 months. Rich, Ernest John (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France and Gennany 2 years 10 months. Richards, Charles (1915-19); 2nd Cor- poral, R.E. ; France 3 years. ♦Richardson Frank (1917-18); Private, E. Surrey Rgt.; France 1 month; Killed in action, 23rd March, 1918. Richardson, John Ernest (1914-19) ; Sec. -Lieutenant, Honourable Artillerj' Com- pany and R.A.S.C. ; Egypt, Palestine and Syria, 4 years 6 months. *Rizzi, Cyril Luigi (1914-15); Rifleman, 12th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 6 months ; Missing, 8th May, 1915. Robertson, Robert (1914-16) ; Sergeant, 14th Bn. London Rgt. Roche, Cecil Stuart (1914-19) ; Captain, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 8 months. Rossiter, William Clarke (1914-19) ; Temporary Flight-Sergeant ; 1st County of London Yeomanry, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Rotherham, Douglas George (1914-19) ; Mentioned for valuable service ; Stafl- Sergeant, 14th Bn. London Rgt. and R.A.S.C. ; Egypt and Palestine 3 years 2 months. Routh, Horace (1915-16) ; Private, 2/3rd County of London Yeomanry. Rowdon, William Henry (1915-19) ; Corporal, A.P.C. Rowlinson, Mortimer (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, 28th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 4 years 4 months. Ruffle, Hugh William Ellis (1915-19) ; Lieutenant, R.N.V.R. and Army Printing and Stationery Services ; France 1 year 7 months. Rule, John Frederick (1914-18) ; Corporal, R.A.M.C. Russell, Albert Edward (1915-19); Sap- per, R.E. ; France and Germany 3 years 5 nxonths. ♦Russell, Archibald Henry (1914-16); Private, 15th Bn. London Rgt.; France 12 months ; Killed in action, 22nd May, 1916. Sands, Hubert Covell (1915-19) ; Captain, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 1 month. Scott, James Maxwell (1914-19) ; Lieu- tenant, 14th Bn. London Rgt. and R.A.S.C; France 2 years. Scott, John Mailler (1914-19); Lieu- tenant, R.G.A. ; France 15 months. Shackell, WiUiam (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.(J. ; France 2 years 1 month. Sharps, Ernest Walter (1915-19); Pri- vate, R.A.M.c;. ; France (i months, Salonica 7 months, Palestine 2 years. Sharpington, Thomas James (1917-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 1 year 10 months. 22 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Shaw, Edmund Charles Henry (1910-10) ; Privutf, l;Jt.li, I'ith and (itli lias. Loudou Est. ; Fraiicf id mouths. *Shears, Reginald (1911-lG); Rifleman, 9th iiu. Loiiilon Kert. ; Krauce 7 months ; MLssinf,', 1st July, 191C. Sheasby, Harry (1911-19); Sergeant, 5th Bii. Loiulon Kgt. and K.F.C. Shipway, George Frederick (1914-19) ; M.S.M. ; t?er«oaiit, 28th liii. London llgt. and R.E. ; France 3 years 9 mouths. Shipwright, William George (1915-19); Sec.-Lioiitouaut, IJ.N.V'.K. and R.N.A.S. ; France 3 mouths. Shorrock, Maurice Stanley Booth (1915- 19) ; Private, 20th Hu. Loudon Rgt. ; France 2 years 3 months. Simms, WiUiam (1915-19) ; Corporal. R.E. ; Fraucc 12 mouths. Simpson, Charles Henry (1916-19) ; Sergeant, ll.A.S.C. ; I'rauce 3 years 1 mouth. Singleton, Richard Harold (1915-19) ; ISI.S.M., twice mentioned in despatches ; Warrant Officer (Class II.), R.A.S.C. ; Gallipoli, Egj-pt and I'alestine, 4 years. Slight, Edward (1915-17) ; Able Seaman, R.N.V.R. Smith, Arthur (1915-19) ; Lance- Corporal, R.E. Smith, Frederick Thomas (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 10 montlis. Smith, George Thow (1914-19) ; Ser- preant, Honourable Artillery Company ; France 10 mouths. Smith, Stanley WiHiam (1915-18) ; Ser- geant, Uononrable Artillery Company. Smith, William Harry (1915-19); Ser- geant Mechanic, R.E. and R.A.F. ; Egypt 2 years 5 mouths. Southgate, Charles Crouch (1914-19) ; Corporal, R.E. ; France 4 years 2 mouths. Spence, Andrew Tebbutt (1914-19) ; Private, 23rd Bn. London Rgt., and Sapper, R.E. ; France 4 years. Spencer, Thomas (1915-19) ; Lieutenant, R.F.C. and R.A.F. Staig, John Percy (1914-19) ; Mentioned in despatches; Private, R.A.M.C, and Aircraftsman (1st Class), R.A.F. ; France 9 months, Balkans 3 years 1 mouth, South Russia 3 months. ♦Stanbrough, Ernest Gilbert (1914-17); Ser- geant, Roval Fusiliers; France 12 months ; Missing, 17th February, 1917. *Stanton, Frederick Henry (1914-15) ; Private, 12th Bn. Loudon Rgt. ; France 5 months ; Killed in action, 24th April, 1915. Stedeford, John Britton (1915-16) ; Cor- poral, R.E. ; France 2 months. Stevens, Robert George (1914-19) ; Cap- tain, R, W. Kent R4,'t. and R.E, : India 16 months, France S months, Mesopotamia 2 years 4 months. Stewart, William (1915-19) ; Lance- Corporal, 2/3rd Bn, London Rgt. ; France 2 years 10 months. Stransom, Walter Ronald (1914-10); Private, lotli Bu. London ll',;t. ; I'ranco 9 months. Strudwick, Francis John (191G-19); Sergeant Mecliauic, H.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Stump, Albert Edward (1915-19); Pri- vate, Koyal l'"usilicrs ; l-'rance, Germany and Italy, 2 years 10 mouths. Sturges, Herbert John (1916-19); Pri- vate, R.A.M.C'. ; Balkans 7 montlis, Egypt 1 year, Palestine 14 mouths. Swain, George Henry (1917-19) ; Sapper, R.A.M.(,'. and K.K. ; France and Germany 2 years 4 months. Tarrant, Charles George (1914-17); Lance- Sergeant, 11th Bu. R. W. Kent Rgt. ; France 7 mouths. Taylor, James William (1915); Private, R.A.S.C. *Taylor, Joseph Henry (1915-16) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 10 mouths ; Killed in action, 28th July, 1910. Taylor, Reginald Minton (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, Middlesex Rgt. and R.D.C. ; France 5 months. Thirtle, Tom Owen (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 11 months. Thomas, Edward Albert (1917-19) ; Pioneer, I{.E. ; France 1 year 10 months. Thomas, Frederick Charles (1915-19); Private, R.A.S.C. ; Egypt 3 years 5 months. Thomas, Noel (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 3 years, Italy 4 months. Thomas, William Albert (191.5-18) ; Private, 23rd Bn. London Rgt. ; France 18 months. Thomason, William (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.iAI.C. and 2/1 3th Bn. London Rgt. ; Egypt and Palestine 3 years 3 montlis. *Tinniswood, Alfred (1915-18); Sec- Lieutonaut, 2Sth Jin. London Rgt. and R.E. ; France 3 months ; Killed in action, 1st October, 1918. Tiplady, Frederick Chester (1914-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Company Quartermaster-Sergeant, 15tli Bu. Loudon Rgt., 47th Division Cyclists and Tank Corps ; France 3 years 4 mouths. Tippetts. Alfred William (1915-19); Sergeant, R.A.S.C. and R.E. ; France 3 years 5 months. Tisdale, Percy Charles Eardley (1915-19) ; Sergeant, W. Riding Rgt. and Sherwood Foresters ; France 7 mouths. Tomahn, Frederick William (1915-19) ; Sec-Lieutenant, 25th and 10th Bus. London Rgt. and Jliddlescx Rgt. ; France 12 mouths. Toms, Bertram Henry (191.5-19) ; Men- tioned in dispatches ; .Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt 13 mouths, ISlacedonia 2 years 10 months, Malta 4 months. Townshend, John (1914-19); Gmincr, R.F.A. ; I'rauce IS months, Salonica 6 months, Palestine 1 year 9 mouths. Treadwell, Albert William Richard (1914- 19); Private, l.jth Bu. London Rgt.; Egypt and Palestine 1 year 8 months. 23 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE *Trumble, William Acton (1914-18) ; D.C.:SI. ; tSec.-LiinUciiaut, 7tli and Gth Bus. Essex Plgt. ; Egypt 2 years 1 month ; Died, 9th October, 191S. Turney, Walter Cecil (1914-19) ; Ser- geaut-.Major, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 9 months. Turpin, Herbert Edward (1914-19) ; Sig- naller, R.F.A. ; France 6 months, Salonica 4 months, Egypt and Palestine 8 months. Ungar, Isidore Isaac (1914-19); M.S.M.. Mentioned in despatches ; Staft'-Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; France 4 years 1 month. Urquhart, Reginald Buchanan (1915-19) ; Corporal Mechanic, R.A.F. ; Afloat 2 years 3 mouths. Venn, Arthur Richard (1915-19) ; Lead- ing Aircraftsman, R.F.C. and R.A.F. ; France 2 years 9 months. Vernon, Karl (1915-19) ; M.M. ; Ser- geant, R.A.M.C. ; France and Germany, 2 years. Vincent, George Edward (1915-19) ; Stafl- Sergeant, R.E. ; France 2 years 5 months. Waight, Thomas Henry (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, Honourable Artillery Company. Wakely, Albert Edward (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, 2/loth and 19th Bus. London Rgt. ; France 1 year 10 montlis. Walker, George Craufurd (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 1 month. Waller, Harry Bertie (1916-19) ; Cor- poral, Norfolk Rgt. and A.P.C. Walmsley, Reginald Bertram (1915-19) ; Private, 15t.h Bn. London Rgt. ; France 2 months. Walton, Edward (1914-17); Private, R.D.C. Ward, Benjamin Ebenezer (1915-19) ; Writer, R.N.V.R. and R.N. Ward, Jesse William (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, Royal Fusihers. *Warry, John Lucas (1915-17) ; Sec- Lieutenant, 2,Sth Bu. London Rgt. and Sherwood Foresters ; France 2 months ; Died of woimds, 27th April, 1917. Waters, Alexander Arthur (1915-18) ; Sergeant, \V. Kent Yeomanry and Machine Gun Corps. Watkins, Herbert Richard Washington (1915-19); Lieutenant, R.E. Watson, Victor (1914-19); Corporal, City of London Yeomanry, 15th Bn. London Rgt. and Tank Corps ; Egypt and Gallipoli 7 moutlis ; France 2 years 3 months. Weald, George (1915-19); Lieutenant, R.E. ; France 3 years 7 montlis. Webb, Ernest Alfred (1910-19) ; Private, Middlesex- Rgt.. West, Reginald John Franklin (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, City of London Yeomanry and Middlesex Rgt. ; Palestine 2 years 8 months. Wheeler, Ed win Paul (1916-19); Captaui, R.A.M.C. ; France 7 montlis. Whincop, Walter George (1916-19) ; Lieutenant, R.G.A. and R.E. ; France 17 months. White, Percy Gordon (1914-19) ; Sec- Lieutenant, 28th Bn. London Rgt. and R.F.C. ; France 3 months, India 12 months. WTiitney, Eustace Scott (1914-19) ; Lieu- tenant, 11th Bn. London and 7th Bn. Worcestershire Rgts. ; France 12 months. Whittington, Harold Norman (1914-19) ; Sapper, R.F.A. and R.E. ; France 4 years. Wickens, Edwin James (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. ; Salonica 1 year 9 months. Wildish, Herbert Charles (1915-19) ; Lieutenant, R.E. WilUams, Frederick George (1914-19) ; M.S.M. ; Sergeant, 15th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 9 months. Williamson, John (1914-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Lieutenant. Duke of Corn- wall's Light Infantry and Bedfordshire Rgt. ; India 2 years 9 months, Mesopo- tamia 15 montlis. WilUamson, John Rhynd Gunn (1916- 19) ; Sergeant, E. Kent Rgt. ; Egypt 3 months, Palestine 12 months, France 10 months. *Wills, Robert Dixon (1914-17); M.M. ; Sec-Lieutenant, 13th Bn. London Rgt. and 5 th Bn. Border Rgt. ; France 10 months ; Killed in action, 23rd April, 1917. Wilson, Edwin James (1915-19) ; Flight- Sergeant, R.A.F. ; France IS months. Wilson, Frank (1915-19) ; Corporal, WUson, Herbert David (1915-19) ; Able Seaman, R.N.V.R. Wilson, Ralph (1915-19) ; Captam, Ilonom-able Artillery Company and Rifle Brigade ; France 15 months. Wrampling, Elijah Justus (1914-19) ; Corporal, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 11 months, Italy 10 montlis. Wright, Henry (1914-19) ; Corporal, A.P.C, Rifle Brigade and R.A.S.C. ; France 16 months. Wright, Henry James (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, 23rd Jin. London Rgt. ; France 3 years 1 month. Wyatt, Cyril Edwin Aubrey (1915-19) ; Air Mechanic (2ud Class), R.N., R.N.A.S. and R.A.I'. ; Afloat 2 years 5 months. *Wybrow, George Edward (1914-18); Lance-Corporal, R.A.M.C. ; France 13 months ; Killed m action, 5th September, 1918. Webber, Sidney Joseph (1915-19); Sap- „, ,, „ . . , ir, IMO. and R.A.M.C. ; Egypt 3 years Wylde, Frederick Charles (1916-19); ,,, ,, „,.„. „ , , .' • Corporal, A.l'.C. and Middlesex Rgt. pe WelLs, William Frank (1917-20) ; Private. R.E. and R.A.O.C. Weeks, William (1914-10) ; Private. 24th Bu. Loudon Rgt. and R.D.C. Rgt. *Wyllie, Robert Theodore Morrison (1914) ; Private. 14th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 6 weeks ; Wounded and missing, 31st October, 1914. 24 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Solicitor's Department AUum, Alfred John (1910-19) ; Private (Provl. .Ser.i,'eaiit), Royal Fusiliers. Arnold, Nathaniel Edmunds (1911-19); Corporal, 15th Bn. London llgt. ; France 13 mouths. Bailey, George (1910-19); Sergeant, R. W. Surrey R^t. Bardgett, Frederick (1910-19); Trivate, K. \y. Siu-rey Rgt. ; France 2 years G montlis. Bidwell, William (1915-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Leading Seaman, R.N.A.S.; Dardanelles and Saloaica 2 years 4 mouths. Bird, James Percy (1915-19) ; Gunner (Able Seaman), R.N. ; Served on defensively armed shii)s 1 year 9 montlis. *Bradbury, Arthur (1915-17); Sergeant, IGth 15n. London Rgt. ; Fraueo i mouths ; Killed in action, 14th April, 1917. *Chapman, Herbert Carter (1916-19); Private, Manchester Rgt. aud Army I'ay Corps ; France 3 months ; Died, 24th February, 1919. Churchill, William Henry (1915-19) ; Able Seaman, R.N.V.R. Clegg, Alfred Robert (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.O. ; Egypt and Palestine 3 years 9 montlis. Cooper, John James (1915-19) ; Sig- naller, R.il.A. ; France 6 months. Coulter, Harry (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.INl.C. ; France 2 years 6 months. Cramp, William James (1914-17) ; Rifle- man, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France 17 months. Cummins, Charles Oswald (1914-20) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Captain, E. Surrey Itgt. ; Eastern theatre of war 3 years. Dickson, Arthur Lorimer (1914-19) ; M.C., Mentioned in despatches ; Captain, R.A.O.C. ; France aud Italy 2 years 11 months. Dimes, Percy Etty (1915-19) ; Private, 28th Rn. Loudon ligt.. Sergeant, R.A.F. Dorken, Henry George (1914—10) ; Lance- Sergeaut, lath Ru. Loudon Rgt. ; France IS mouths. Douthviraite, Frederick (1916-19) ; Rifle- man, 5th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 3 months. *Duck, Leslie Sidney (1914—10) ; Sergeant, 21st Bn. London Rgt. ; France 8 months ; KiUed in action, 23rd May, 1916. Eborall, Henry Charles (1915-19); Able Seaman, R.N.V.R. FitzGerald, Martin (1914-19) ; Lieu- tenant, R. Welch i'usiliers and Macliine Gun Corps ; Franco S moutlLS. Forde, John Joseph (1915-17) ; Corporal, R.D.C. Godfrey, William Arthur (1910-19) ; Lieutenaut, R.A.S.C. ; Palestine and Tur- key 2 years 10 months. Goldberg, Joseph (1916-19) ; Corporal, R. West Kent ligt.. Army Pay Corps. Gordon, John (1914-18); Lance-Sergeant, I>ondon Rgt. Hall, Frederick William (1917-19) ; Pri- vate (1st Class), R.N.A.S. ; Eastern Mediterranean 10 montlis. Halstead, Henry Lionel (1915-19) ; Lance- Sergcaut, lotli Bn. Loudon Rgt. Hammond, Frederick Edward (191G-19); Sergeant, R.A.S.C. (M.T.). Handy,George William (1914-19) ; Lauce- Corjjora!, l.')th lin. Loudon Rgt. ; France, Salouica, Egypt aud Palestine 2 years 8 mouths. Harnian, Percival Brooks (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; Salouica 2 years 9 montlis. Harris, Frederic Vivian (1914-19) ; M.C. ; Captain, Roval Fusiliers, attached 10th Bu. London 'Rgt. ; Egypt, Palestine and SjTia 3 years 1 mouth. Hart, Bernard Leslie (1915-17); Sec.- Ijicutenant, E. Surrey Rgt. ; France 3 months. Henton, William Hh-am (1916-19) ; Cor- poral, 15th Bu. Loudon Rgt. Hinman, George Ernest (1910-19) ; Lieutenant, R.G.A. Hutchins, John Abberley (1914-19); Sergeant, 12th Bn. Loudon Rgt. ; France i years 2 montlis. Jones, William John Anthoine (1915-19) ; Lieuteuaut, R.A.S.C. ; Italy 10 months. Keast, William John (1910-19); 2nd Air Mechanic, R.F.C. ; France 12 months. Kennedy, Douglas Wyburn (1915-17); Lieutenant, R.A.S.C. ; France months. Layen, Norman David (1910-19) ; Ser- geant, R.A.V.C. ; France 3 years 6 months. Lewis, Stuart Hermon (1914-19) ; Men- tioned in despatches ; Stall Captain ; France. Logsdon, Edward Charles (1915-19) ; Cori)oral, R.E. ; France 1 year 8 months. Lowman, William Lewis (1915-18) ; Cor- poral, 28th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 2 years 5 montlis. McDonald, John Alexander (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Seaforth lligldauders ; France 2 months. Norman, James Robert (1915-19) ; Men- tioned in War Office List ; 2nd Corporal, R.E. Owen, Hugh John (1915-18); Captain, R.A.O.C. ; Salonica 2 years 6 months. *Page, Alfred (1914-10); Private, loth Bn. Loudon Rgt. ; Killed in France, IGth September, 1910. Pawlyn, James Hawkins U910-19); Sergeant, R.A.O.C. ; Egyiit aud I'alestine 3 yt'ars. *Pearson, Clarence Ernest (1914-15) ; Private, 15th Bn. London Rgt.; Died of wounds in France, 23rd May, 1915. Peirson, Reginald (1914-19) ; Sergeant, 13th Bn. Loudon Rgt. Pierson, Alan Roach (1914-19) ; Major, R.A.O.C. ; France 4 years 4 mouths. 25 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Real, Reginald Walter (1911-19): Ser- geant, I'-'th County of Loiulou Yeomanry, Coniputiy Qiiartcrinaster - Sergeant, 4th Bn. Liverpool Rgt. ; Franco 11 months. *Richards, Arthur Briiidley (1915-17); Sec. -Lieutenant, JMonnioutlislnre Rprt. ; France 10 months; Died of \vounds, 27th June, 1917. Rivers, George William (1914-19); Pri- vate, ILJth Bn. London Rgt. and Machine Gmi Corps ; P'rance 2 years. Sorase, Charles Martin (1917-19); Air- craftsman (2ud Class), R.A.S.C., R.A.F. Sher win- White, Herbert Nicholas (1915— 19); Able .Seaman, R.N.V.R. (.\uti- Air- craft Corps). Stevens, William Charles James (1914- 20) ; Private, 13th Lu. London Rgt. ; India 2 years 1 month. Stolte, Henry Joseph (1916-19) ; Private, 31st Bn. ^Middlesex Rgt. ; France 2 years 7 months. Strugnell, Eric (1915-19); M.M. ; Ser- geant, 15th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 2 years 8 months. Tarrant, William Henry (1915-16, 1917- 19); Twice mentioned in despatches; Ser- geant, 15th Bn. London Rgt., Flight Sergeant, R.A.F. Thompson, Thomas James Edward (1914- 19) ; Acting Sergeant, K. Surrey Rgt. ; India and Mesopotamia 4 years 9 montlis. Tiffen, Edgar James (1916-19) ; Signaller, Royal Artillery ; France 1 year 8 months. *Tonkin, Thomas Skewes (1915-18) ; Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. ; Salonica 1 vear 10 months ; Died of malaria, 17th October, 1918. Turner, Horace (1916-19) ; Acting .Ser- geant, R.G.A. ; France 1 year 7 montlis. Walker, Edward Louis Haviland (1915- 19) ; Lieutenant, R.G.A. ; France 2 years 2 montlis. Walsh. John (1914-19) ; Private 23rd Bn. London Rgt. ; France, Salonica and Palestine, 2 years 2 months. *Whittam, John (1914-15); Private, 4th Bn. Seaforth Highlanders ; France 6 months; Killed in action, 9tli May, 1915. *Whitwell, Harold Cuthbert Carlyle (1914- 15) ; Private, 13th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 3 months; Killed in action, 9th May, 1915. Williams, Harold Beck (19ir)-19) ; Lieu- tenant, llampnliire Rgt. ; France 1 month. *WiIliams, Lionel Henry Thomas (1914- 15); Private, 15th Bn. London Rgt.; France 6 months; Killed in action, 2nd November, 1915. Wright, Henry Edward (1916-19) ; Acting Sergeant, R.A.I'. LoNDOx Fire Brigade and Ambulanck Service Adininintnitire Hliifj Balcombe, Alfred Henry (1916-19); Sergeant, Acting Company Sergeant- M;ijor, R.A.S.C, attached R (J.A. ; l''rauce 1 year 7 month-s, Germany 7 months. Barton, Montague Downe (1914-18); N.C.O., 23rd Bn. Royal Fusiliers, 5th Bn. Royal Fu.siliers, 10th Bn. R. W. Kent Rgt. ; France 1 year 8 months. Clark, Arthur (1916-19) ; Engine Room Artificer, 3rd Class H.O., H.M.S. Vivid, H.M.S. Cambrian ; North Sea 1 year 10 months. Coles, Walter George (191.5-1 <<) ; Chief Petty Officer, R.N.V.R. ; Anti-aircraft. Cook, Ernest John (1918-19) ; Private, 28th Bn. London Regt., Lieutenant, R.A.F. ; France and Germany 9 months. Cornelius, Victor Ambrose (1915-19) ; Sec-Lieutenant, R.E. ; France 2 years 10 months. Crump, Ernest Frank (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, London Rgt., King's Royal Rifle Corps, Royal Fusihers ; France 17 months, Italy 4 months. Cutbush, Bertram Mayhew (1915-19) ; Captain, 10th Bn. R. Welch Fusiliers ; France 7 months. Darling, Robert Reuben (1916-17) ; Aircraftsman, R.N.A.S. Eddowes, John (1914-19) ; 1st Class Stoker, ILN. ; Camcroons and German East Africa. Evans, John Henry (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. ; France 12 months. *Farley, Sidney James (1914-15) ; Private, 20th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 6 months ; Killed in action, 25th September. 1915. Frethey, Charles James (1915-19); Staff Quartermaster- Sergeant, R.A.O.C. Gooding, George Walter (1915-19); Pri- vate, R.A.O.C. and 19th Bn. London Rgt. ; Dardanelles 6 months, Egypt 1 year 10 months and Palestine 12 months. Gordon (Hamilton -Gordon), Ernest Arthur (1914-18); Mentioned in des- patches ; Quartermaster, Hon. Major, 14th Bn. London Rgt., Captain, R.A.S.C, Captain, R.E., Major on retirement ; France 2 yeais 8 months. Griffin, Amos Tabor (1915) ; Private, R.A.M.C. Jones, Thomas James (1915-19) ; M.S.M. (Naval) ; Second Writer, H.M.S. Europa and H.M..S. Egmont; Dardanelles 6 montlis, Egypt 3 years 6 months. *Kelcey, Harry (1914-16); Acting Quar- termaster-Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 1 year 7 months ; Died of wounds, 10th October, 1916. Lingwood, John Arthur (1915-19) ; M.M.; .Sergeant, llonom'able Artillery Company ; France 2 years. Lister, Sidney Albert (1915-19) ; Corporal, 2nd London Sanitary Co. ; Egypt 3 years 3 months. *Lowe, John William Sibley, D.C.M. (1914-16) ; Able Seaman, H.M.S. Europa ami H.M..S. Buttercup ; Atlantic and Medi- terranean 1 7 months ; Accidentally killed, 16th January, 1916. Morris, Cyril Clarke Boville (1914-17); M.(y., .Mentioned in despatches ; Major, R.A.S.C. ; I'ranei; 2 years 9 months. Moss, Rupert Douglas (1915-18) ; Chief Petty Officer, R.N.A.S. 26 EECORD OF WAR SERVICE Nye, William Edward (1914-19); Ser- geant, R.E. Oakham, Frank Edward (191S-19); 3rd Clerk, It.A.F. ; I'Yancc 6 months. Olden, John Arthur (1910-19); Private, 11th iJn. Norfolk ligt., Labour Corpts, No. 9 Co., K.A.M.C. Page, Albert Edward (1915-19); Sergeant, R.A.U.C ; France 1 years. Hampton, Frederick (1914-19) ; Company Quartciiaastcr-Serereant, 1{.K., Scc.-Licu- t"naiit, 1st Bii. Shropshire Light Infantry ; France 5 months, Germany 4 montlis. Reed, Arthur Ernest (1916-19); Men- tioned in desputelu's ; Captain, R.N.A.S. and U.A.F. Rossiter, Edward Thomas (1915-19): Lance- Cori)oral, 2nd London Sanitary Co. ; Egypt and I'alestiuc 3 years 4 montlis. Spencer, Henry (1914-17); Commander, H.M.S. Arrogant, Dover Patrol 3 j-eard. Swingland, Charles (1916-19); Petty Officer, U.N.A.S., Sergeant, R.A.F. ; France 2 years 6 months. ♦Turner, Bernard George (1914-15); Pri- vate, Coldstream Guards ; France 8 months ; Killed in action, 26th September, 1915. Wells, Leslie Stuart Dean (1916-19) ; Sec. -Lieutenant, It.G.A. ; France 2 years. Yeaxlee, Archibald Henry (1915-16) ; Private, 4th Bn. Loudon Rgt. Workshops Staff Abercrombie, William (1915-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 6 months. Bullard, Steven (1916-19) ; Private, 1st Bn. Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry ; Mesopotamia 3 years 2 months. Carter, Charles (1914-19) ; Private, W. Yorkshire Rgt. ; France 4 years 6 months. Chapman, Edwin (1914-19) ; Sergeant, 17 th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 2 years 1 month. Chester, Albert Charles (1917-18) ; Pri- vate, 1st Bn. Middlesex Regt. ; France 4 months. Clarke, Frederick William (1915-18) ; Wheeler- Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 6 months. Donaldson, Archibald Joseph (1914-18) ; Able Seaman, R.N. Fisher, Joseph William (1914-20); M.C. and D.C.M. ; Regimental Sergeant-Major, 22nd Bn. London Regt. ; France 3 years 1 month. Gill, Henry Charles (1918-19) ; Sapper, R.E, Lines, Aubrey William (1915-19) ; Chan- cellerie de I'ordre Danilo (1st and 2nd Order); Chief Motor Mechanic, R.N.M.B.R.; Montenegro 9 months, France 3 years 5 months. Morant, Alfred George (1914-19); .Ser- geant, R.A.S.C. ; France 4 years 8 months. Nanson, John Frederick (1915-19) ; Lance- Corporal, Scottish Rifles and M.F.I'.; France 2 years. Nanson, William Henry (1914-16) ; Able Seaman, I{.N. ; .North Aiii'^rican I'atrol 9 months, Dardanelles 14 months. Richards, John George (1911-19); Driver, IM1..\. : I'rancc 4 years 2 months, Ger- many (i months. Salmon, William Arthur (1915-17) ; 2nd Air Mechanic, K.l'.C. ; France 15 months. Smith, Albert Ed ward (1918-19) ; Private, R..\.F. ; France 5 months, Germany 1 month. Snowsill, William Frederick (191.0-19); 2nd Air Mechanic, R.A.F.. Corporal, lOth Bn. R. Sassex Itgt. ; Mesopotamia 2 years, India 1 year 11 months. Timms, Herbert William (1918-19); Private, 5th Bn. R. Sussex Rgt. ; Italy 5 montfis. Uniformed Staff Abbott, George Ernest (1914-15); Men- tioned in despatches ; Corporal, Royal Fusiliers ; France 14 months. Abrahams, George (1914-17); Able Seaman, R.N. : II. M.S. Hogue and H.M.S. Titania ; Crui.ser Squadron, 1st Division Submarine Division. ♦ * Adams, Frederick William (1914); Pri- vate, 3rd Bn. Worcestershire Rgt. ; France 1 month ; Killed in action, 21st September, 1914. Adamson, Frederick (1914-17); Chief Petty Officer, R.N. ; H.M.S. Princess Royal, H.M.S. Greyhound, and II. M.S. Erin's Isle, 2 years 8 months. Akers, William (1918-19); Cadet, R.A.F. Alldridge, Albert James Marsden (1914- 17); Able Seaman, R.N. Afloat, 3 years 2 months. Allen, Bertie Thomas (1914-17); Bom- bardier, R.G.A. ; I'rauce 16 montks. Ansell, Joseph Henry (1918-19) ; Cadet, R.A.F. Armstrong, Albert Victor (1914-17); Able Seaman, R.N. ; North Sea and Atlantic Patrol 18 montlis. Aselby, Richard (1914-17) ; Leading .Seaman, R.N. ; North Sea 3 months, (irand Fleet 2 months, and Mediterranean 2 years 9 months. Ash, Samuel William (1914-17); Able Seaman, R.N. ; Cameroons 12 months, German East Africa 15 montlis and Grand I'lect 9 mouths. Bacon, Walter (1915-19) ; Private, Essex and Cheshire Rgts. ; France 8 months, Salonica 2 years 5 months. Baker, Ernest (1914-17); Able Seaman, R.N. ; Patrol Boats, Sheerness Depot. Bailes, Harry Richard (1914-17); Cor- poral, Royal Marines, attached R.N.A.S. ; Armed Merchant .Shiii ; France 3 months, Mediterranean, Atlantic, Pacific and Iri.sh Sea 2 years 5 months. Baker, Ernest Charles (1914-17); Able Seaman, 11. N. ; H.M.S. Juno, Atlantic, 12 months, I'ersian Gulf 2 years. Banyard, Edgar (1914-17); Corporal, R.A.S.C ; France. Bard, Arthur (1914-10) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; I'Yancc 1 year 7 months. 27 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Barnes, John Leonard (1914-17) ; Able Scamau, K.N. ; H.M.S. Victorious and H.M.S. Vulcau 2 years 8 months. Baron, Tom Lambert (1914-17) ; Stoker (1st Class), K.N. ; H.M.S. Mars and H.M.S. Prince Rupert, 2 years 7 months. Barton, William Henry (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, K.N. ; I'atrolUng North Sea. Baxter, Walter Edward (1914-17) ; Lead- in.u; Seaman, K.F.R. ; 10th Cruiser Squad- ron 2 years 4 montlis. Beale, Herbert Samuel (1914-17); Able Seaman, K.F.K. ; H.M.S. King Alfred and H.M.S. Montague, 10th Cruiser Squadron ; 3 years' sea service. Beatty, John (1914-19) ; Private, 1st and 2nd iins. N. StafEordsliire Rgt. ; France 8 months, India 2 years 8 months; Afghanistan 5 months. Belcher, Harry (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, R.F.K. ; North Sea 2 years 8 months. Bennett, Robert (1914-19) ; Leading Seaman, K.N. ; H.M.S. Egmont, Egyi^t 3 years 2 montlis. Bent, Henry (1914-19) ; Leading Seaman, ■^ R.N., H.M.S. Hogue, H.M.S. Arrogant, and * H.M.S. Lancaster ; 10th Cruiser Squadron, 2 montlis, Dover Patrol 12 months. Pacific Patrol 3 years. Best, Alfred (1914-17); Able Seaman, R.F.K. ; Mediterranean 2 months, Atlan- tic 8 months. North Sea 1 year 11 months. Best, Bertram Stanley Leopold (1914-17) ; Sergeant, Manchester Rgt. ; France 5 montto. *Bevan, Morgan William (1914-16) ; Pri- vate, 1st Bn. Dorsetshire Rgt. ; France 1 year 11 months ; Died of wounds, 2nd July, 1916. Bishop, Frederick George (1914-17) ; Petty Officer (1st Class), R.F.R., H.M.S. Princess Royal and H.M.S. Gibraltar ; Grand Fleet 2 years 8 months. BlackweU, WUliam (1915) ; Gunner, R.F.A. Blarney, George Albert (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, It.F.K. Bloomfield, Alfred John (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, K.F.K., H.M.S. Glory and H.M.S. Raven ; Mediterranean Squadron and Spe- cial Service. Bluck, Samuel William (1918-19) ; 2nd Private, K.A.F. Boddington, Frederick William (1914-17) ; Aljle .Seaman, K.N. ; West Coast of Africa 2 years. North Sea 3 years. Bonwick, Henry Thomas (1914-18) ; Able Seaman, K.l'.K. ; Dardanelles 14 months, Egypt 12 months, Mesopotamia IS months. Bottrill, Edwin James (1914-17); Able Seaman, 11. N. ; North .Sea I'atrol 3 months. Western Patrol 3 months, Gallipoli 12 months, Egypt 6 months, Indian Ocean 6 months, Mesoi)otamia 3 mouths. North Coast of Africa 2 months. Bowles, John Charles (1915-19); Petty Officer (1st Class), K.N.R. ; North Sea, ininesweeping, 4 years 8 months. Brand, William Charles (1911-18); Able Seaman, H.M.S. Ctesar ; West Indies 3 yeara 4 moaths. Bridger, William Lawrence (1914-17); Able Seaman, ll.N., H.M.S. Canada ; Grand Fleet. Brooks, Henry Tom (1914-17) ; Leading Seaman, K.N., H.M.S. Sappho ; North Sea Patrol 2 years. *Broom, Thomas Henry (1914) ; Trooper, 1st Life Guards ; France 1 month ; Miss- ing, 30th October, 1914. Burton, Robert Montague (1914-17) ; Leading Signalman, R.N., Il.M.S. St. Seiriol ; Minesweeping, Dover Patrol 2 years 11 months. Burton, WUliam Henry (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, R.N. : H.M.S. Cressy C weeks, H.M.S. Spey 6 months. Capper, Herbert Charles (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; H.M.S. Bacchante and H.M-S. Repulse ; Dardanelles 16 months, Egypt 8 months, and Grand Fleet 12 months. * Carpenter, Henry (1914-17); Able Sea- man, R.N. ; at sea 2 years 11 months ; Drowned, 30th Jime, 1917. Carter, Lewis Adolphus (1914-18) ; Able Seaman, R.F.K. ; North Atlantic Fleet 2 years 10 months. Chandler, Thomas Roland (1914-17); Able Seaman, R.F.R. ; Eastern Mediter- ranean Squadron 12 months. East Indies Squadron 1 year 7 months. Chapman, John Thomas (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; H.M.S. Mars, H.M.S. Cam- pania, H.M.S. Spry and H.M.S. Victorious, 2 years 9 mouths. Chesmett, Thomas (1914-17) ; Able Sea- man, R.N. ; H.M.S. Glory, Atlantic Station 14 months, Dardanelles 5 mouths, Q3 12 months. Chittenden, Howard Leslie (1918-19) ; 2nd Private, R.A.F. Christopher, Walter Thomas (1914-17); Able Seaman, R.N. ; H.M.S. Glory ; 1 year 8 months. Clarke, John William Preston (1914-19) ; Private, 2ud Bn. Sherwood Foresters ; France 2 months, Germany, prisoner of war, 4 years 1 month. Claydon, Edward George (1914-17) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 2 months. Clements, Frederick James (1914-18) ; Stoker, R.N. ; West Coast of Africa 3 years, Belgium 6 months. Clive, Frank (1914-17); Able Seaman, R.N., H.M.S. Glory and H.M.S. Vernon; Gallipoli 6 mouths. Coe, Thomas (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, R.N., Il.M.S. Diana ; East Indies 3 years 3 months. Coggan, Thomas Harry (1914-18) ; Pri- vate, R. Marine Light Infantry ; 11th Cruiser Squadron 2 years 4 montlis. De- fensive Armed Merchant Ships 12 months. Cole, Edgar (1914-17) ; Leading Sea- man, K.N. ; North America and West Indies, Gallipoli, Egypt, North Sea, H.M.S. Glory 1 year 9 months, H.M.S. Royal Sovereign 15 months. Coleman, Alfred Henry (1914-17); Able Seaman, H.M.S. Royal Arthur, 10th Cruiser Squadron ; H.M.S. Trident and H.M.S. Osiris, Battle Cruiser Squadron ; H.M. Trawler John G. Watson, Grand Fleet. 28 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Collins, George Joseph (1914-18); Load- ing Stoker, Il.N. ; ntloat 1 years. Connell. Thomas (H)ll-1',)); Able Sea- man, ll.N. ; l'a(!ifio Station 4 years. Cook, Frederick (1914-17) ; Private, R. .Sussex E«t. ; l<'rance 3 years. Cook, Rowland John (1914-17) ; Driver, R.H.A. ; Franco 3 years 1 nioutii. Cotton, Robert George (1914-17); Able Seaman, R.F.U. ; Nortli Atlantic 10 moutiis, Dardanelles 10 montlis. Grand Fleet 14 months. Coysh, Charles William Joseph Henry (1914-lS) ; Able Seaman, U.N. ; Belgian Coast 4 montlis, German East Africa 3 years. Cregeen, James Samuel (1914-17) ; Lead- ing Seaman, Il.F.R. ; H.M.S. Actaeon, H.M.S. Brentwick Island and H.M.S. Eastchurch. Crosby, Charles Alfred (1917-19); Deck Hand, R.N.R.T. Trawlers ; H.M.T. Mar- loes, Dover Patrol, 18 montlis. Cullen, Charles James Zachariah Young (1914-17); Private, R. Marine Light In- fantry ; H.M. Armed Liners, Empress of Britain, 10th Cruiser Squadron. Curson, Thomas William (1914-17) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 1 year 2 months, Salonica 1 year 10 months. Dalgetty, Duncan McCowan (1914-17) ; Driver, R.II.A. ; France 3 years 1 month. Darby, Charles James (1916-19); Chief Officer, Royal Fleet AuxiUary, H.M.S. Ebouol ; 2 years 11 montlis. Davies, George Edward (1914-17) ; Petty Officer (1st Class), R.F.R. ; North Sea Patrol 2 years 11 months. Dean, William Henry (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, R.F.R. ; East Indies Squadron 18 months. River Gunboat Service, Mesopo- tamia, 15 months. Delamare, Joseph Walter (1914-18) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France. Delbridge, Frederick (1914-17); 2nd Corporal, R.E. ; France 18 months, Egypt 18 months. Dell, Arthur Ernest Edward (1914-17); Stoker (1st (lass). Royal Naval Division ; France 3 mouths^ GalUpoU G months. Desborough, Ernest Edward Charles (1914-15); Sergeant, 18th Hussars. Diehl, Alfred John Henry (1914-17); Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years. *Doling, George (1914-lC) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; H.M.S. Glory and H.M.S. Queen Mary 1 year 9 mouths ; Killed in action, 31st May, 1916. Duffing, William Ernest (1914-17) ; Leading Seaman, R.N., H.M.S. Grafton, H.M. Monitor 21 ; 10th Cruiser Squadron 5 months, Dai'danelies 5 months, Egypt and Palestine 1 year 8 montlis. Dunkinson, Ernest Christopher (1914- 17) ; Private, R. Marine Light Infantry ; Dardanelles. Ebs worth, Thomas Patteson (1914-17) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years. Edwards, George Neville (1914-17); Leading Seaman, K.N. ; Belgian Coast 6 months and Harwich Light Cruiser Patrol 18 months. ♦Entwistle, Walter Sidney (1914-1.5) ; Leading Seaman, R.F.K. ; H.M.S. Clan McNaughton, 10th Cruiser Squadron; Drowned at sea, February, 1915. Fawcett, Joseph Walter (1916-19) ; Lead- ing Seaman, Fleet Auxiliaries 3 years. Fay, James Edward (1914-17) ; Driver, R.ll.A. ; France 3 years 2 months. Ferrell, Edward Charles (1918-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.F. Fitch, John Edward (1914-17); Private, R. Marine Light Infantry ; North Atlantic Patrol 1 year 11 montlis. North America and West Indies 8 montlis. Flatt, Frederick Job (1914-17); Able Seaman, R.F.R.; Mediterranean 16 months, North Sea 10 months, German East Africa 6 months. Forrow, Thomas (1918-19) ; Aircrafts- man (2nd Class), R.A.F. Fowler, Charles Jackson (1914-17) ; Corporal, Royal Fusiliers ; France 2 years 10 months. Frost, John Lewis (1918-19) ; 2nd Private, R.A.F. Fulker, Frederick (1914-17) ; Leading Stoker, R.N. ; Belgian Coast and North Sea 3 years. Garner, Walter James (1914-17); Cor- poral, lltli Hussars; Franco 1 year 9 months. Gellatley, Andrew William (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; North Sea 2 years 9 months. Gibbs, Alfred Eustace (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Gemian South- West Africa 4 montlis, Balkans 3 years 6 months. Goodwin, James Joseph (1914-19) ; Trooper, 18th Hussars ; France 2 months, Germany, prisoner of war, 4 years 2 months. Gore, Joseph (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, R.F.R. ; River Gunboat Service, Meso- potamia, 2 years, North Sea Fleet 6 months. Gray, Alfred (1914-17); Private, R. Marine Light Infantry ; Belgiiun 1 month, GaUipoli 5 months. Green, Harry Joshua (1914-17); Cor- poral, R.II.A. ; I'rance 3 years 1 month. Griffiths, Edward (1914-17); D.S.M. ; Signalman, R.F.R. ; Dardanelles 10 months. North Atlantic Fleet 10 montlis. Halley, George Edmund (1914-17); Act- ing Corjioral, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years. Halsey, Henry George (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, R.N., H.M.S. Bacchante ; West Coast of Africa. Hamilton, Frederick C. (1914-17); Able Seaman, R.N. Hardiman, Alfred Ernest (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, R.N., H.M.S. I'enelope ; Light Cruiser Squadron 2 years 10 months. Hardy, Edward Egniorie (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, R.F.R. ; Ulh Cruiser Force 7 months. 29 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Harris, James (1914-17); Leadinpr Sea- man. H..\I..S. Raglan Castle ; Dover Patrol 2 yoar^ 11 months. Harvey, James Levi (1911-17); Able Seaman, R.N. ; Mesopotamia 2 years. Hawkins, Charles Henry (1914-17) ; Bombardier, R.F.A. and R.G.A. ; France 2 years 10 months. Hawtin, William Sidney (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, R. Marine Artillery ; France 4 years 6 montlis. Hazel, Albert Seymour (1914-18); Ser- geant, Fi.G.A. ; France 3 years 6 months. Hazel, Allen Percy (1914-17) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 15 montlis. Heffer, Albert (1914-17); Able Seaman, R.X. ; Western Patrol 12 months, Persian Gulf 2 years. Heitzer, Henry Joseph (1914-17); Able Seaman, R.N., II. M.S. King Allred and H.M.S. Virginian ; North Sea and North Atlantic 3 years. Helyer, Richard Fletcher (1914-18) ; Stoker, R.F.R. ; Gallipoii 6 months, Mediterranean 3 years. *Hemming, Frederick Thomas (1914) ; Private, R. .Marine Light Infantry ; North Sea 2 montlis ; Drowned at sea, 15th October, 1914. Hemming, Joseph Neal (1914-17); Pri- vate, R. Marine Dight Infantry, R.F.R. ; Channel 8 months. North Sea 6 months. *Henderson, Alexander William (1914-1 5) ; Able Seaman, li.F.R. ; Belgium 4 months, German East Africa 7 mouths ; Died of wounds, 7tli July, 1915. Herbert, William Henry Thomas (1914- 16) ; Private, 4th Bn. Royal Fusiliers ; France 18 months. Heywood, Francis Henry (1914-17) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Sergeant, R.G.A. ; France 2 years 6 months, Egypt 4 montlis. Hill, Albert Arthur (1914-19) ; Leading Seaman, li.X., H.M.S. Glory ; North America and West Indies, Gallipoii, Egypt, North Sea and Archangel, 2 years 11 months. Hitchcock, Arthur George (1918-19); Petty Offlasr (1st Class), Mercantile Marine Reserve ; Mediterranean 2 months. Hoare, Alfred Harry (1914-17); Driver. R.I1..\. ; !• ranee 2 years. HoUoway, Percy Augustus Harold (1914- 19); Private, R. Marine Liglit Infatitry ; France 2 months, Germany, prisoner of war, 4 years 3 months. Holmes, William Baglow (1918-19); Air Mechanic (3rd Class), R.A.F. ; France 3 months. Honey, Albert Edwin (1914-17); Able Seaman, R.N. ; East Indies 2 years 9 montlis. Hoskins, Alfred Henry (1914-17): Able Seaman, it.N. ; 1I..M..S. Champion 2 years. Hooper, Sidney (PJ14-17) ; Stoker Petty Offlw.T, R.F.R., H.M.S. Europa ; East Mediterranean 2 years 11 months. Horsford, Reginald Percival Perrett (1914- 17); ."^ajipcr, R.IO. ; l''rance 2 months, Salonica 1 year 10 montlis. Hughes, Daniel John (1914-18) ; Petty Offlcer (1st Class), R.N. ; East and West (Joasts of Africa 3 years 10 month-s. Huish, Frederick (1914-17); Able Sea- man, R.N. ; H.M.S. Canopus, H.M.S. Don- caster, H.M S. Mahronda and H.M.S. Marwarri, 2 years 11 mouths. Hurcombe, Alfred George (1914-19) ; Bombardier. R.F.A. ; France 15 montlis, Germany, prisoner of war, 2 years 6 months. *Hutchings, Charles Edward (1914-15) ; Lance- Corporal, R. Marine Light In- fantry ; Belgium and DardaneUes 9 months ; Died of wounds, 6th May, 1915. Iddenden. George Henry (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; (jrand Fleet 18 months and Dover Patrol 7 months. Jackson. Matthew (1914-17) ; Able Sea- man, R.F.R. ; North Atlantic 10 months, Dardanelles 10 months. White Sea 15 months. Jarvis, Henry (1914-17); Able Seaman, R.N. ; North Sea 3 years. Jasper, Albert Samuel (1914-17); Able Seaman, R.N. ; Northern Flotilla of Trawlers. Jerome. Charles Francis (1914-18) ; Able Seaman, R.F.R. ; Atlantic 7 months, East Indies 18 mouths, China 18 mouths. *Jones. Alfred Crewdson (1914-17); Pri- vate, R. Marine Light Infantry ; At sea 2 years 11 months ; Drowned, 29th July, 1917. Jones, Arthur (1914-17); Stoker Petty Offlcer (1st Class), R.N., H.M.S. Europa and H.M.S. Broke ; 9th Cruiser Squadron and Dover Patrol 2 years 11 months. Jones, Percy Clement (1914-17); Able Seaman, R.N. ; North Sea 16 months, Nore Defence 13 months, and West Coast 3 months. Keeble, Frederick (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; Egypt 2 years 6 months, Palestine 6 montlis. Kent, Frederick John (1914-17); Able Seaman, R.N. ; H.M.S. Edgar, H.M.S. Venerable, H.M S. Marshal Ney and H.M.S. Furious, 2 years 8 months. Kettle, Ernest Edward (1914-17); Able Seaman, R.N., H.M.S. Glory and H.M.S. Barham ; North Atlantic 10 months, Dardanelles 7 months, Egypt 3 months, Grand Fleet 15 months. King, Frederick (1914-17); D.C.M. ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 2 years. King, Thomas (1914-18) ; Able Seaman, R.F.R. ; Atlantic Fleet 4 months, Darda- nelles 2 years 9 months. Knight, John Joseph (1914-17) ; Leading Seamau, R.N. ; Grand Fleet 13 months. *Knowles, Joseph (1914); Private, Bor- der Rgt. ; I'laucxj 2 months ; Missing, presumed killed, 26th October, 1914. Lambert, John Samuel (1914-17); Able Seaman, R.F.Ii. ; (irand Fleet 15 months. North Atlantic 10 months, Dardanelles 10 months. Landes, Arthur (1911-17) ; Able Seaman, R.N., H.M.S. Aboukir and H.M.S. Terma- gant ; Dunkirk Patrol 6 montlis. North Sea 1 year 10 months. 30 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Lane, Frederick Ernest (1914-18) ; Order of St. Stauishtii-: (Itiissia); Leading Sea- man, R.N. ; Wliito Sea 3 months and Dardanelles 2 years 9 months. Lane. Wallace Ralph (1914-18); Stoker Petty Olliecr (1st Class), P..N. ; II. M.S. Sapphire, Dardanelles, 4 months, Italy IS months, Kast Indies IS montks. Leach, Sydney Joseph (1914-17); Ahle Seaman, li.K.K. ; ISU'diterranean 2 months. North Sea 2 years 9 months. Leatherbarrow, Thomas Albert (1914- 17); .>-!cr;,'(aiit- Major, ll.F.A. ; France ;5 years 2 moutlis. Lester, George Henry (1914-17); Able Seaman, H.N., II. M.S. Laverock ; Grand Fleet. Levey, Elisha (1914-17); Private, 2nd Bn. York and Lancaster Rgt., and R.A.S.C. ; France li years 1 montli.s. Liles, Frank (1914-17); 2nd Yeoman of Signals, R.N., II. M.S. King Alfred and H.M.S. Barham ; North Sea 3 years. Lind, Willie (1914-17) ; Leading Seaman, R.N., H.M.S. Glory and H.M.S. Greenwich ; North Atlantic 10 month-s, Dardanelles montlis, Egypt 3 months, North Sea 14 months. Lister, Linley (1914-17); Able Seaman, R.F.R. ; Atlantic 10 months, Mediter- ranean 10 months, Grand Fleet 13 months. Littleboy, Frederick James (1914-17); Lance-Cori)oral, Yorlc and Lancaster Rgt. ; I'Yance 2 years 9 montlLs. Livings, Charles Henry (1914-16) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; North and South Atlantic, and Dardanelles, 1 year 8 months. ♦Livingstone, Westly (1914); Able Sea- man, Pl.F.R. ; North Sea Fleet 2 months ; Drowned at sea, 22nd September, 1914. Lloyd, William Ernest (1914-17) ; Acting Corporal, 7th Dragoon Guards ; Egypt 1 month, Dardanelles 3 montlis. McDuell, Charles PhUlip (1918-19) ; Air Mechanic (3rd Class), R.A.F. ; France 3 months. Mansford, Joseph (1914-18); Stoker, R.N. ; H.M.S. Europa and H.M.S. Fore- sight 3 years 9 months. Marney. Edward John (1914-17); Able Seaman, Il.N., H.M.S. Ilavelock (monitor) ; Dardanelles 2 years 1 1 montlis. Martin, Edwin (1914-19) ; Able Seaman, R.N. Martin, Sidney Herbert (1914-17); Able Seaman, R.F.Jt. ; North Sea 18 moutlis, Atlantic IG months. Matthews, Robert (1914-17); Able Sea- man, 1{.N. ; H.M.S. Brilliant 7 montlis. Boom Defence, Dover 2 years 4 months. May, Augustus Ra (1914-18) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; Egypt 15 months and H.M.S. Venus 2 years. Meadows, William Horace (1914-19) ; Bombardier, l!.(i..\. ; I'rancc 7 months, Salonica 3 years 3 montlis. Merrett, Frank (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; Nortli Atlantic 9 months, Darda- nelles 8 months, Egypt 5 months. North Russia 15 months. ♦Miller, Isaac John (1914-1,'>); Able Sea- man, U.S. ; Drowned at sea, .January, 1915. Mills, William Thomas (1914-17) ; M.M. ; Bombardier, K.K.A. ; Fiance 3 years 1 month. Morris, Archibald Thomas (1914-17); Private, R. Marine Light Infantry ; France. Morris, Ernest John (1914-17); Able Seaman, R.N. ; Grand Fleet. ♦Murrell, Frank (1914-15) : Able Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service 12 months; Died l')th August, 1915. Nash, George Peter (1914-17) ; Corporal, R.G.A. ; I'raiice 2 years 11 months. Naylor, Francis William (1914-17) ; Able .Seaman, R.N., H.M.S. King Alfred; Cruiser Sipiadron, Grand Fleet 2 years 1 1 months. NeUl, John (1914-17) ; Leading Seaman, R.N. ; Minelaying 18 months and Convoy Service 18 mouths. Nevill, James Samuel (191 1-17) ; Acting Start-Sergeant, R.A.U.C. ; France 3 years 1 mouth. Newberry, Walter James (1914-18); Able .Seaman, R.N., II..M.S. Kent ; West Indies, South Coast of Africa and South Pacific Ocean, 4 years. Newbury, William Sear (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, R.F.R. ; North Atlantic and Dardanelles 1 5'ear 8 mouths. North Sea, mineswecping, 15 months. Norman, Alfred William (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, R.N., H.M.S. Sutlej and H.M.S. Blazeu, 595 Patrol Boat ; Home Fleet, Dover Patrol 2 years 11 months. Norman, George Edward (1914-17) ; Com- pany Ouartermaster-Sergeant, 2nd Bn. Essex Rgt., 1st Bn. Northamptonshire Rgt. ; France 12 months, Dardanelles 12 months, Salonica 4 months, Egypt 8 months. Norman, Harold James (1914-17) ; Gun- ner, R.H.A. ; France 3 years. Norris, George Henry (1914-17); Able Seaman, R.F.R. ; North Sea 3 months. Nurse, Richard Ernest Harry (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, R.F.R. ; North Atlantic and Dardanelles 1 year 8 months. ODonnell, Patrick George (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; Gallipoli 5 months, Egypt 4 montlis. G'Leary, Daniel John (1914-16) ; Private, Middlesex Ru'-t. ; France 1 year 7 montlis. Oliver, Richard (1914-18) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; North Russia 18 months. *Owen, Frank James (1914); Private, R. Marine Liglit Infantry ; North Sea Pntrol 2 months ; Drov\Tied at sea, 22ud September, 1914. Page, Edward George (1914-17); Bom- bardier, R.F..\.. ; I'raiice 3 years 2 months. Palmer, George (1914-17); Leading Seaman, R.N.: H.M.S. Cressy 6 weeks. Palmer, Robert (1914-17); Yeoman of Signals, K.N.: H.M.S. King Alfred, H.M.S. Surly, H.M.S. I'atuca and Grand Fleet, 2 years 11 mouths. Palethorpe, Harold Leslie (1918-19) ; Private, R.A.F. (Airship Wing). 31 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Parker, Frederick Ives (1914-17); Able Soaraaii, li.N. ; II. M.S. Royal Arthur 2 years 10 mouths. Parrington, John (1914-17); Stoker (1st Class), R.F.K. ; 7th Cruiser Squadron 2 years 10 montlis. Parslow, Harry Alfred (1914-17); Cor- poral, 3rd Dragoon Guards ; France 2 years 6 months. Patterson, Harry (1914-17); Able Sea- man, K.F.ll.: lI.iM.S. Edgar 3 months, and II. M.S. :Nryrtlc 2 years. Pearcey, Albert Frederick (1914-17); Private, 11. Marine Light Infantry ; H.M.S. Royal Arthur, II.iNI.S. Cumberland and H.M.S. Crescent, 2 years 11 months. Penfold, Harry (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, R.N., H.M.S. Europa and H.M.S. Royal Sovereign ; 10th Cruiser Squadron, Grand Fleet 2 years 11 months. Perrin, Henry Bruce (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; American Coast 11 months, Dardanelles 7 mouths, Suez Canal 3 months, North Sea 10 mouths. Pickard, Arthur (1914-17); Able Sea- man, R.N. ; Egypt 12 months, Greece 3 months, Dardanelles 7 months. East Indies 1 month, Persian Gvilf 2 months, Mesopotamia 4 months, India 3 months, South Africa 4 months, German East Africa 2 months, France 1 month. Piggott, George (1914-17) ; Company Quartermaster-Sergeant, 10th Bn. Sea- forth Highlanders. Pink, Philip Hermann Edward (1914-17) ; Stoker, R.F.R., II. M. Torpedo Boat des- troyers, H.M.S. Brisk, H.M.S. Mounsey ; Grand Fleet 3 years. Pocock, George (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; North Sea Patrol 2 years 1 month. Pollard, James Aaron Frederick (1914- 17); Stoker (1st Class), R.F.Ii. ; 10th Cruiser Squadron 2 years 4 montlis. *Ponting, Ernest Walter (1914-lG) ; Lead- ing Stoker, li.N. ; North Sea 1 year 10 months ; Killed in action, 31st May, 1916. Porter, George Thomas (1914-18) ; Able Seaman, R.N., H.M.S. Royal Arthur ; Grand Fleet 3 years. Preston, John Thomas (1914-17) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; I'rance 2 years 8 months. Price, Phillip (1914-17); Stoker, Naval Brigade ; Gallipoli 9 months, France 1 year 8 months. Pritchard, John David (1914-17); Cor- poral, Pi.F.A. ; Irance 2 j-ears 11 months. Protheroe, Ernest Robert (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; South Atlantic 7 months, and North Sea 3 months. Radford, Joseph Thomas (1914-19) ; Petty Olticer (1st Class), 1st R. Naval lirigade ; Belgium 1 month, Holland, prisoner of war, 4 years 3 months. Record, Ernest Henry (1914-17); Able Seaman, li.N.; H.M.S. Magnificent, H.M.S. Royal Arlhnr, Torpedo Boat No. 23, 2 years 11 mouths. Richard, Aubrey (1914-18); Able Sea- man, R.l'.i;. ; South Atlantic, West of Ireland, North Russia. Ridden, James William (1918-19); 3rd Air Mechanic, R.A.F. Ridge way, Arthur Thomas (1914-17); M.M. ; Mech. Sergeant-Major, R.F.A. and R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years. *Roake, Arthur (1914-17); D.S.M. ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; H.M.S. Audacious, H.M.S. Coruwallis and H.M.S. Foyle, Dardanelles 12 months ; Presumed drowned, 15th March, 1917. Robinson, Alfred John Edward (1914-17) ; Private, R. Marine Light Infantry ; East India Station, 2 years 11 months. Robinson, Oswald Ide (1914-17); Shoe- ing Smith, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years. Roffey, Charles Sidney (1914-17); Pri- vate, R. Marine Light Infantry ; Darda- nelles 4i months, Egypt 10 months, France 7 montlis. Rogerson, Percy Smith (1914-17) ; Dri- ver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 1 month. Rolfe, Arthur Walter (1914-15) ; Private, 2nd Bn. Hampsliire Rgt. ; France 13 months. Root, Charles Robert (1914-17); Able Seaman, Il.N., H.M.S. Juno ; Persian Gidl 2 years 2 months. Royce, William Stanley (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; Grand Fleet 8 months, Gallipoli 11 months, Egypt 6 months, Mesopotamia 11 n^ontlls. Samme, William (1918-19) ; 3rd Air Mechanic, R.A.F. Sandaver, Henry William (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, R.N., H.M.S. Glory and H.M.S. Sandown; North Atlantic 10 months, Dardanelles 7 months, Egypt 3 months, Dover Patrol Minesweepers 11 months. Servant, Walter Frederick (1914-17) ; Gimner, R.F.R., R.M.A. ; France 2 years 11 montlis. Shawyer, Frederick Nelson (1914-17) ; Acting Corporal, R.E. ; Franco 3 years. *Shearing, Arthur (1914) ; Private, High- land Light Infantry ; France 3 months ; Killed in action, 1st November, 1914. Shearman, Leonard Alfred (1914-17) ; Leading Seaman, R.N., H.M.S. Arrogant and H.IM.S. King Alfred, Minesweeper Eglinton ; Atlantic Patrol 2 years 6 months, Dover Patrol, minesweepmg 6 mouths. Sheldrick, William Henry (1914-17). Able Seaman, R.N., H.M.S. Virginian and H.M.S. King Alfred ; 10th Cruiser Squadron 2 years 11 months. Shine, William (1914-19) ; Leading Stoker, R.F.R., 63rd R.N.D. ; Belgium; Holland, prisoner of war, 4 years 3 months. Sibsey, Ernest (1914-17) ; Stoker, R.N. ; Dardanelles 12 months, Canada 10 months. Simmons, Thomas Stafford (1918-19). Able Seaman, R.N., II. M. Tug Deluge; Special Service, Home Waters, 3 months. Simpson, Edward J. (1914-18) ; Leading Signaller, R.N. ; Dardanelles 6 months, Adriatic 7 months, South Atlantic 2 years. North Sea 4 months. Sinnett, William Arthur (1914-17) ; Sig- nalman, R.N., H.M.S. Glory ; Atlantic 10 montlis, Gallipoli 7 months, Egypt 3 mouths. 32 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Smith, Arthur Herbert (l'J17); Gunner, R.G.A. Smith, Charles William (1914-15) ; Tri- vatc, 5th 11. Irish Lancerd ; France 10 months. Smith, Charles William (1914-17); I'ri- vate, 2nd lin. Durliam Liglit Infantry ; Franco, 3 years. Smith, John Henry (1914-17); Able Seaman, U.N., I1..M.S. Glory ; North At- lantic 10 mouths, Dardanelles 7 mouths, Fsypt 3 months. North Russia 17 months. *Smith, Oliver John Thomas (1914-15) ; Coriioral, iJiui Un. King's Own Yorlisliire Lislit Inlautry ; France 4 moutlis ; Died, 7th January, 1915. Smith, Percy (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers and Labour Corps ; GalLipoli 7 months. Southgate, Douglas Roland York (1914- 17) ; Honibardicr, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 10 montlis. Southgate, Edmund WilUam (1914-17); Russian .Medal ol Saint George (4th Class) ; Leadiug Seaman, R.N., 11. M.S. Ensadine ; Special Service and Grand Fleet 2 years 11 months. Splatt, Charles Henry (1914-17); Lead- in? Seaman, R.N., H.M.S. Calyx, H.M.S. Alcantara and II.ISI.S. Royal Sovereign ; 10th Cruiser Squadron 2 years 11 months. Stent, Henry Hermes (1914-17) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; I'rance 3 years. Sterrett, Frederick Josiah (1914-17); Sergeant, R.F.A. ; I'rance 3 years 1 month. Stone, Harry Edmund (1918-19) ; Stoker, Trawler Section, li.N., 4 months. Summers, Henry Burbidge (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, U.X., H.M.S. Cressy and H.M.S. Brilliant ; loth Cruiser Squadron. Sumner, Frederick Sydney (1914-17) ; Private, R. iMarine Brigade, France and Belgium 2 montlis, Gallipoli 9 months ; H.M.S. Swiftsure, West Coast of Africa 9 mouths ; Merchant Seaman, Ship's Gunner, S.S. Mortlako, Middlesbrough to Dunkirk, general cargo. Sumner, Henry William (1914-18); Acting Sergeant, U. .Marine Light Infantry; Flanders 1 mouth, (iailipoli (i mouths. Eastern Mediterranean 12 months, Adriatic 7 months. Sumner, Walter (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, R.N., H.M.S. New Zealand ; Battle Cruiser Squadron 2 years 11 months. Sweeney, John James (1914-17); Able Seaman, R.N. ; I'ersian Gulf 2 years 2 montlis. Tall, William (1914-17); Bombardier, R.F.A. ; Franco 2 years 11 mouths. Thew, Charles Alfred (1914-17); Able Seaman, R.F.R., 11. .M.S. Sapphire, after- wards attached to R.N.A.S. ; Grand Fleet 12 months. Thomas, Alonzo Frederick (1918-19); Air Mechanic CAvd Class), R..\.F. Thomas, William (1914-17); Able Sea- man, R.F.R., II. .M.S. Gibraltar and H.M.S. Cordelia; Grand Fleet 2 j-ears 11 months. Tobias, Joseph Leonard (1910-10); Lance- Corporal, R.G..i.., R..V.S.C. ; Franco 2 years 3 months. Tomlin, George (1914-17); Able Sea- man, li.N. ; Nortli Sea 3 months. Western Ocean Patrol 4 months, Dardanelles 11 months, Suez Canal, Egyjit, 6 montlus. Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Indian Ocean 12 months. Travis, Ellis (1914-17) ; Corporal, R.F.A.; France 3 years 1 month. ♦Treacher, George Gilbert (1914-17) ; Ser- geant, Royal Fusiliers and 32ud Training Reserve Bn. ; France 2 years 1 month ; Died of injuries, 4th JMarch, 1917. Turner, Charles James (1914-19) ; Lead- ing Seatnan, R.N., H.M.S. Glory and II. .M.S. Valhalla 11. ; Eastern Mediterranean 4 years C months. Turner, Joseph William Henry (1914-17) : Signalman, R.F.R. ; .Vtlautio Patrol 2 years. Grand Fleet 11 months. Turrell, John Samuel (1918-19); Deck Hand, R.N.R. ; Minesweeper, North Sea 3 months. *Wadding'ham, James (1914—16); Private, R. Marine Light Iniantry ; 10th Cruiser Squadron 18 months ; Killed in action, 29th February, 1916. *Waite, Charles William (1914); 2nd Yeoman of Signals, R.F.R. ; North Sea I'atrol 2 montlis ; Drowned at sea, 15th October, 1914. Wall, George Caton (1914-18) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; Merchant Cruiser (patrol- ling) 3 years. Gun- years Warner, Francis Charles (1914-17) ; ;r, R.G.A. and R.A..M.C. ; France 3 nor 1 month Watkins, Frederick William (1914-17) ; .\blc Seaman, R.N., H.M.S. King Alfred, H.M. Monitor 15, H..M.S. Amphitrite; North Sea 3 months, Dardanelles 12 months. Watkins, Trevor Frank (1914-17) ; M.M. and mentioned in despatches ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 1 month. Webb, Henry George (1914-18) ; Able Seaman, R.F.R. ; Battle Cruiser Squadron, Grand Fleet, 3 years 9 months. Welch, Joseph (1914-17); Leading Sea- man, R.N. ; North Atlantic 10 months, Dardanelles months, Egypt 3 months. Wells, Sydney John William (1914-17) ; Stoker Petty Officer, R.F.R. ; Grand Fleet 2 years 10 months. Wheeler, Alfred Ernest (1914-17); Pri- vate, 2rid Bn. Middlesex Rgt. ; Franco 1 year 8 months, Salonica 8 months. Wheeler, Percy (1914-17) ; Private, 20th Hussars ; France 3 j'ears. White, Basil (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, R.F.R. ; Grand Fleet 2 years 11 months. ♦White, Edward Valentine (1914) ; Stoker, R..N., H.M.S. llogue ; North Sea 2 montlis ; Drowned, 'J2nd Soiitember, 1914. Whittle, Henry Edward (1918-19); Me- chanic, U..\.l'. ; France 4 months. Wilcocks, Charles Henry Duncombe (1914-19); Able Seaman, R.N., H.xM. Patrol Boat No. 1, H.M.S. Juno ; Dover Patrol and East India Station 2 years. Williams, David James (1914-17); Able Seaman, R.N. ; Cameroons 12 months. 33 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Williams, David Morgan (1914-17) ; Able Seaman. H.N., 11. .M.S. Aboukir and II.M.S. ChestiT ; C'nii^or Squadron and Grand Fleet 2 years 2 months. Williams, Ralph Henry James (1914-17) ; Able Seaman. U.N. ; H.M.S. Glory 1 year 9 months, and H.M.S. Minotaur 10 months. Williams, Robert Joseph (1914-17) ; Able Seaman. It.X., II.M.S. Su'lej ; North Atlan- tic 11 months, Siil)niarine Flotilla 2 years. Willmott, Bertie Harold (1914-17) ; Gun- ner, IJ.F.A. ; France 12 months, F>Byi>t 9 months, Balkans 9 months, Italy 1 month. Windle, Alec George (1918-19); Able Seaman, Mercantile Marine Reserve. Wisdom, James Pattison (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, K.F.lt. ; II.M.S. Juno 3 years. Woodard, George (1914-17); Sergeant, E.A.S.C. ; l''rance 3 years 3 months. Youngman, Harry (1918-19) ; Deck Hand, R.N. 11., II.M.S. Pembroke 4 months. Public Health Department Abrey, Percy Robert (1914-19) ; Private, 12th 15n. Loudon Rgt., R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years. *Adams, Cornelius George (1914-17); Private, 6tli lin. London Rgt. ; Franco C months ; Died of woimds, Gth February, 1917. Ainsworth, David James (1915-19) ; Seo.- Licutenant, 1.5t,li lin. London Rgt.. R.G.A.; France 12 months, Italy 15 months. Anderson, John Watson (June-Septem- ber,19ir>); I'rivate, Royal Fusiliers ; (1917- 19) ; I^abour Corps ; France 12 mouths. Armstrong, Richard Robins (1914-19); Private, llon(*nrable Artillery Company, and Captain. R.A.M.C. ; France 5 months, Gallipoli 5 months, Egypt 3 months, Mesopotamia 3 years. Ash. Douglas Victor (1917-19); Private, 6th Ln. S. Stalls Rgt. ; France 11 rnont hs. Ash, Frank Walter (1917-19) ; Sergeant, E. Surrey Rgt., Labour Corps. Balmer, Ruth (1918-19) ; O.B.E. ; Hon. Capt., R.A.F., Women's Medical Service. Barnes, Jesse (191.'i-19); Corporal, E.A.M.C, R.A.S.C. ; France 1 year 10 months. Beck, Frank William (1914-19); Ser- geant, 2/16tli lin. London Rgt.; France 12 montlis, Salonica 6 months, Palestine 12 montlis. ♦Belcher, Douglas Charles (191.5-18); Lance-Corrioral. H.A..M.C. ; Salonica 2 years 1 month, Egypt 3 months; Died, 5th July, 1918. Bendrey, Henry Bezant (1910-20); Private, ,Sth (Cvclists) Hn. Essex l!gt., 10th I5n. R. Scots Begt. ; North I'oissia 1 year 9 months, Prisoner of war (Russia) 18 months. Bennett, Charles Henry (1910-19); Rifleman, 2/lOtli lin. Koyal Scots, 12th lin. King's Royal Ride Corps. ; France 2 year.-i 2 month.s. Birmingham, Charles Leo (1917-19) ; Captain, R.A.F. (Me lioal Section). Blade. Douglas Harold (191.5-19); Pri- vate, R.A.M.c;. ; France (J months. Bolton, Cyril Dodd (1914-19); Men- tioned in despatches ; Ccunpany Sergeant- Major, 2nd and 29th Bus. London Rgt. ; Malta 4 1 months. Boome, Edward James (1914-19) ; Men- tioned in despatches ; Captain, R.A.M.C. ; France 4 years 1 month. Bolting, Beatrice Sarah (1914-19) ; Staff Nurse, T.F.N.S. ; France 1 year 8 months. Burrows. Cresswell (1914-19); Captain (Acting Major), R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 9 montlis. Butler. William (1915-19) ; Brevet Licut.-C:oIonel, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt and PalestiTie 10 months. Calver, Agnes Eliza Mary (1914-18); Sister, T.F.N.S. ; France 17 months. Cazalet, Charlotte Travers (1914-19) ; Sister, T.F.N.S. ; France 2 years 1 month. Chater. Eric (1914-19); Lientcnant, Machine Gun Corps; France 3 months. Mesopotamia 18 months. Clark. Harold Francis (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, 2/ 10th Bn. Middlesex Rgt.; Galli- poli 41 months, Palestine 2 years, Egypt 1 year 7 months. Clarke, Ellen Josephine (1915-17); Sister, T.F.N.S. *Clarke James Alfred (1916) ; Rifleman Rifle Brigade ; France 1 month ; Killed in action, 15th September, 1916. Clarkson. Frances Mary Annette (191.5- 19) ; Staff Nurse, Q . A.I..M.N.S.R. ; Salo- nica 1 year 9 months, Egypt 3 months, Italy 15 months. Cooper, Samuel Douglas (1914-19); Lieutenant, 1st County of London Yeo- manry, R.F.A., and Trench Mortar Bat- tery ; France (5 months. Coppin, Dorothy Elsie (191.5-19): (1) M6daille d'honueur (silver), (2) M6daille do la Reconnaisanee Frangaise (silver), two citations. (3) L'Insigne des Blesse-s. (4) L'Insigne special (in gold) ; Sister in Charge of .Surgical Service, Hospital 22, French Army Nursing Service, Croix Rouge Frangaise, Comit6 Britannique (30th Corps) ; France 4 years. Cowell. Eva Victoria (1010-19); Men- tioned in despatches ; Sister, attached Southwark Military Hospital. *Cripps. Arthur David (1916-18) ; Gim- ner, 180t)i Heavy Battery R.(t.A. ; Salonica, 1 year 10 months, Italy 1 month; Died, nth" December, 1918. Crookshank. Francis Graham (1914-19) ; Captain, Croix Rouge Francaise, R.A.M.C, France 1 year 10 months. Crowe, Margaret Mary (1915-17) ; Staff Nurne, T.F.N.S. Dalv, Daniel (1910-18); Private, 4th Bn. ltoy;<.l Fusiliers ; France 6 months. Downing, Rosetta Bessie (1914-19); Sister, T.F.N.S. ; France 15 months, Malta 10 months. 34 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Dunn, Amelia Ellen (1915-17); Staff SistiT, T.F.N.y. Eccles, Oreste (I'JlS-l'J) ; Lieutenant, R.A.IVI.C. Fairfield, Josephine Letitia Denny (1917- 20); ('.15.1';.; lloiKirarv Lieut. -t'liloiii'l, 1!..\.M.U., attactu-a W.A.A.C, W.K.A.F. Fisher, Samuel Sidney (1915-18) ; Riflo- nian, Hide Brigade ; France 1 year 11 months. Flack, Gordon Ernest (191G-19) ; Men- tioned in Air l-'oroe List for valnahle pervice.s rendered ; Leading Aircraftsraaa, R.A.F. 6tli Wing, Il.Q. Forbes, James Graham (1916—19); Mentioned in despatehes ; Captain, R.A.M.C:;. ; Maeedonia 2 years. Fowler, Thomas Edward (1915-19) ; Sergeant H..\..'\L('., K.A.S.C. ; Saloniea 2 years 10 months. Fry, Francis Edward (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, R.A.M.C. ; ^Macedonia and Turkey ;i years 2 months. Goldwater, Leopold (1914-19); Twice mentioned in despatelies ; Private, 2/ 15th Bn. London Rgt. ; Egypt and Palestine 2 years 4 months. Griffin, Zoe (1914-18) ; Staff Nurse, T.F.N.S. Hale, Amy Marion (1914-19); Men- tioned in despatches ; Sist(!r, T.F.N S. Hanson, Helen Beatrice (1914-15 and 1916-20) ; Order of 8t. Sava (4th cla.ss) and Serbian Red Cross ; lion. Captain, R.A.M.C. ; Belgian and French Red Cross Societies, Antwerp, 1 mouth, France 5 months, Serbia 6 months, Malta 1 2 montlis. Saloniea 1 year 8 months, Turkey 13 months. Harrington, William Jack (1914-19) ; Private, 1st City of London Sanitary Co., R.A.M.C. ; France 4 years 1 month. Higgs, Frederick William (1914-19); C.B.K. (Mil.), three times mentioned in despatehes; Lieut. -( 'olonel, R.A.M.C; France 2 years 9 montlis. High, Albert Walter (1914-19) ; Sergeant, 2/6tli Bn. K. Surrey Rgt., R.D.C. Holland, Frank (1917-19); Private, Kith Bn. York and Lancaster Rgt. ♦Hughes, John Edward (1914-17); Ser- geant, 1st County of London Yeomanry, 1 2th Bn. Royal Fusiliers ; France 9 months; Killed in action, 16th June, 1917. Huntley, Ernest Edward (1914-19) ; M.M.; Corporal, (irenadier (iuards ; France 3 years 9 months. Jones, William Edward (1914-18); Ser- geant, ILll.A. and H.F.A. ; France G montlis, Macedonia 2 years 4 months. Kerr, James (1917); Major, R.A.M.C. Keville, Stanley Charles (1911-19); Cor- poral, 1st County of London Yeomanry; Gallipoli, Egypt and Palestine 4 years. Kirby, Bernard Burrows (1915-19) ; M.C., mentioned in despatches ; Captain, 12th Bn. Gloucestersliire Rgt. ; France 2 years 8 months, Italy 5 months. Langmead, Frederick Samuel (1917-19); Major, B..\.M.(;. ; .Saloniea 18 months. Layton, Annie Gertrude (1914-19); Sis- ter, T.l'W.S. ; France 3 years S months. Lea, Edmund Thomas Howard (191 1-20); R.A.M.t;. ; India and Mesopotamia 4 years 4 months. Leach, Rosemary (1914-15); Nurse, T.1'".N.S. ; l'"rance 3 montlis. Lewis, Harold James (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C, and Sec.- Lieutenant, R.G.A. ; France 2 years 8 months. Low, Christina (1914-19); Staff Nurse, Ti.R.f'.S., Q.A.LM.N.S.R. ; France 4 years I month. Lush, Rowena Jeans (1914-19); Royal Red Cross ; Sister, T.F.N.S. ; France 2 yc'ars. McCalluni, Rosa Helen (191.5-19) ; Royal Red Cross, Mentioned in despatcliot,; Sister, T.F.N.S. Macewen, William (1911-19); Captain, R.A.M.C ; Malta 4 months, France 2 years 9 months. McHattie, Thomas John Tyndale (1914- 19) ; Major, R.A.IVI.C ; Franco 2 years II months. Mcllwrath, Mary Jane Agnes (1915-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Sister, T.F.N.S.; Saloniea 15 months, Italy 13 months. *McMillan, Robert Alfred (1914-16); Private, 15th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 12 months ; Wounded and mi.ssing, 7th October, 1916. McVail, Elizabeth Maud (1918-19) : lion. Major, R..V.F. (Medical Service). Marris, Henry Fairley (1914-19); Men- tioned in despatches ; iSIajor, R.A.M.C. Marsland, Hilda (1914-19); Mentioned in despatches ; Sister, T.F.N.S. ; France 12 months. Mason, Beatrice Burgess (1915-19) ; Sister, T.F.N.S. Mayman, Amy Gertrude (1914-lS) ; Staff Nurse, T.F.N.S. Mayo, Louis Frederick (1911-151 ; Lance- Corporal. Gtli Bn. Gordon lliglilauders ; France 2 months. Mercer, Ellen Eliza (1914-19) ; Sister- in-Cliarge, T.F.N.S. Montague, Lilian Anne (191.5-17) ; Staff Nur-e, (^.V.I.M.N.s;. l{. ; l^'rancc 11 months, II. AK llosjiital Ship Astnrias 10 months. Morrish, William John (1916-17); Lieu- tenant, R.A.M.C. : .Saloniea 10 months. Morton, Edward John (1915-18); Cap- tain, R.A.M.C. Mossman, Florence Mary (1914-19) ; Staff Nur.se, T.F.N..S. Mulcahy, Timothy (1916-20); Lance- Corporal, R.A.S.C ; Turkej' 8 months. Murray, Laura (1915-18); Sister, Q.A.I..M.N.S.R. ; Saloniea 2 years. O'Connell, Kathleen (1915-19); Royal Red Cross ; .Si,-ter, Brook War Hospital, ^\■ooh\■ich. Orme, Archibald George (1916-19) ; Ser- geant, R.1''.A. and R.G.A. 35 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Orr. Robina Moonie (1914-19); Royal Red a-oss ; Sister-iii-Charge, T.F.N.S. Osborn, William James (1915-19) ; Sap- per, R.E. ; France 1 year 8 months. Ottaway. George (1917-19) ; Private, 20th nu. R. W. Surrey Rgt., 128th Labom- Co. ; France IS months. Padbury, Caroline Augusta (1914-19) ; Royal Red CiOris ; Sister, T.F.N.S. Palgrave, Edward Francis (1914-15); Lieutenant, R.A.M.C. ; France 11 months. Parker, Reginald Charles Christopher (1915-19) ; 1st Air Mechanic, R.A.C. (Wire- less Section), R.A.F. ; France 1 year 7 months, Germany, prisoner of war 8 months. Pearoe, Frank (1914-19) ; Gunner, 9th Bn. Loudon Re;t., 25th Bn. Royal Fusiliers, Motor Machine Gmi Squadron; France 16 months, German East Africa 16 months. Pepper, William Richard (1915-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Lance-Sergeant, London Sanitary Co. R.A.M.C. ; France 9 montlis. *Peters, Owen Herbert (191.5-16) ; Cap- tain. li.A.M.C. ; France ; Died of wounds, 4tli Ausust, 1916. Pfeiffer, Alois Friedrich (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, 30/31st Bn. Middlesex Rgt., attached R.A.F. Pinchin, Arthur John Scott (1916-17, 191S) ; Lieutenant, R.A.M.C. and M.imstvy National Service Medical Board. Piatt, Jessie (1915-18); Sister. Q.A.l.M.N.S. I!,. ; Salonica 2 years. Pooley, Lizzie Beatrice (1915-19) ; Staff Nurse, T.F.N.S. Poulden, Emma Elizabeth (1914-16); Staff Nurse, T.F.N.S. Pulman, Ethel (1915-lS); Twice men- tioned in desi.atchcs ; Statf Nm-sc, T.F.N.S. Putt, George Harold (1916-19) ; Flight- Cadet, it.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Raffle, Andrew Banks (1914-19) ; M.C. ; Captain, R.A.M.C; France 4 years 1 month. Rangecroft, Lucy (1914-19) ; Royal Red Cro-^s, nuiitioned in despatches ; Sister, T.F.N.S. Reade, Arthur George Lawrence (1911- 10); U.B.IO. (Mil.); Surgeon-Lieutenant, London Division R.N.V.R. and Royal Navy ; South Atlantic Squadrou 2 months. Grand Fleet 14 months. Regan, Colston James (1915-20) ; Cap- tain, 2n(l London Sanitary Co. R.A.M.C; France 20 months. Roberts, Ellis James (1916-17.) ; Lieu- tenant, R.A..M.C. Rose, William Joseph (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, 10th ISn. London Rgt. ; France 4 years 1 month. *Russell, Alice Maud (191.5-16); Staff Sister, Q.A.I.M.N.S.R. ; Malta 10 months ; Died, 5th October, 1916. *Sanders, Herbert Joseph (1915-18) ; Rilleniaii, 2/.;t li I'.u. Loudon Rgt. ; Franco 15 montlis ; Killed in action, 21th March, 1918. Saunders, Lilian Annie (1914-19) ; Sister, T.F.N.S. : Salonica 2 years, Malta 2 months. Scrivener, Eleanor (1914-19) ; Sister, T.F.N.S. ; France 2 years 6 months. Searle, Sophie (1915-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Staff N\u:se, Q.A.I.M.N.S.R. ; Malta 12 months, France 2 years 4 month.?. *Selman, Percy St. Clair (1916) ; Private, 17th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 2 months ; Died of wounds, 18th September, 1916. Sikes, Alfred Walter (1914-15) ; Surgeon, Ambulance Train, B.R.C.S. ; France 8 montlis. Slowan, Wm. John More (1914-19) ; O.B.E. (Mil.) ; Captain, R.A.M.C. Smith, Eric Bellingham (1915-19). Men- tioned in despatches; Captain, R.A.M.C; Serbia 7 months, Egypt 3 years 5 mouths. Solomon, Joseph William (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; Salonica 3 years 7 montlis. Spencer, Bernard James (1916-18) ; Pri- vate, E. Surrey Rgt. Stacey, Frederick Charles (1914-20) ; M.C; Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Naval Division, Anson Bn. ; Gallipoli 6 months. Franco 2 years. Steele, Leonard William (1914-19) ; Gun- ner, R.F.A., R.G.A. ; Egypt 7 months, France 11 months. Stiff, Philip William Henry (1914-19) ; Corporal, 2/ 1st Coimty of London Yeo- manry ; France and Italy 2 years 5 months. Stiff, William Thomas Francis (1914-19) ; M.M. ; I'rivate, 62nd Bn., Macliine Gun Corps ; France 12 months. *Stockdale, Edward Leslie Johnson (1914- 16) ; Lieutenant, 10th Bn. Lancashire Fus. ; France 10 months ; Killed in action, -7th July, 1916. Summerson, Samuel (1916-19) ; Captain, R.A.M.C. ; Salonica 2 years 5 months, N. Russia 4 months. Taylor, Henry Oswald (1916-19) ; Cor- poral, R.G.A. ; France 3 years. Tilley, John Richard (1917-19); Private, 2/lst W. Somerset Yeomanry. Tosswill, Leonard Robert (1014-19) ; O.B.E. (Mil.), twice mentioned in des- patches ; Major, R.A.M.C ; France 2 years 4 months. Train, Herbert James (1916-10); Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. ; Salonica 2 years 8 montlis. Verdon- Roe, Spencer (1916-17); Lieu- tenant, R.A.M.C. ; Salonica 11 months. Waite, Ruth Hannah (1914-10) ; Royal Red Cross, mentioned in despatches ; Sister, T.F.N.S. Walker, Mary Anable (1015-19) ; Royal Red (Jross ; Sister, T.F.N.S. ; Salonica 1 year 9 months. *Walsh, Stephen Barry (1914-15); Lieu- tenant, R.A.M.C. ; France 9 months ; Died or wounds, 8tli September, 1915. Wanklyn, William McConnel (1914-19); Captain, R.A.M.C. ; France IS months. Watson, James (1916-19); 2nd London Sanitary Co., R.A.M.C ; France 10 mouths, Italy IS months. 36 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE While, Rose (1915-19) ; Staff Nurse, T.F.N. S. ; France 1 year 11 months. Williams, Alfred Carleton (1915-19) ; Captain, R..\.M.C. Young, Emily Hopwood (1914-19) ; Si.ster, Q.A.I.M.N.S.R. Estates and Valuation Depautjient Amies, Herbert William (1915-19) ; Licutiniant, Middlesex Rgt. ; Belgium 3 mont hs. Beck, Herbert Edgar (1914-19) ; Acting Start'- Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; France 4 years 4 montlis. Biggs, William Robert (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, E. Surrey llgt. ; France 2 years 4 months. Brennan, Frederick James (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (INI.T.). Brown, Leonard John (191G-19) ; Cor- poral, A.P.C. and E. Surrey Rgt. * Brownsword, Arthur Henry (1915-17) ; Guuner, R.G.A. ; France 16 months; Died of wounds, 30th April, 1917. Carter, Charles (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. and R.E. ; France 6 months, Salonica 7 months, Palestine 2 years. Carter, George (1918-19) ; Private, Suft'olk, Essex and E. Yorkshire Rgts. Cecil, Augustus (1916-19) ; Private, 7th Bn. Norfolk Rgt. ; France 1 year 8 months. Clarke, Edward Baron (1915-19) ; Sap- per, R.E. ; France 2 years 7 months. Coath, Edward Hawking (1916-19) ; Corporal, ll.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Creasy, Oswald Ross (1916-19) ; Gun- ner, R.G.A. ; France 3 years 1 month. Cressy, Sydney Vallentin (1917-19) ; Private, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Davis, Frederick (1914-1917) ; Private, 18th Bn. London Kgt. Davis, Joseph James (1916-18) ; Gim- ner, R.G.A., and Sapper, R.E. ; France 12 montlis. Dunkley, Thomas Edward (1917-19); Private, R.A.M.(.'. ; Salonica 1 year 8 months. Ede, George Noel (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. Elford, E. J. (1914-1919) ; Lance-Cor- poral, 18th Bn. London Rgt. ; Mediter- ranean 4 years 1 month. *Findon, Robert (1914-1918) ; Sapper, R.E. ; Franco 1 year 7 months ; Killed in action, 18th April, 1918. Ford, George Frederick Charles (1916- 19)'; Corporal, C'anibridgesliiro Rgt. ; France 2 years 5 mouths. * Geis, Bertram Alfred (1914-16); Cor- poral, 7th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 12 months ; Killed in action, 15th Septem- ber, 1916. Gregory, George (1917-19) ; Private, 100th Provisional Bn. London Rgt. Hannon, John Michael (1916-18); Bombardier, R.G.A. ; I'rance 16 months. Harmer, Philip Stephen (1914-19) ; M.S.M., and twice mentioned in des- Itatchcs ; Sergeant, 13th Bn. London Rgt. ; France and Germany 3 years 11 months. Harrington, William Wilfrid (1915-19) ; Armourer Start-Sergeant, R..\.0.('. and Loyal N. Lancashire Rgt. ; l-'rancc 2 years 7 months. Hawes, Joseph James (1914-19) ; Regi- mental Sergeant-Major, 7th Bn. London Itgt. Hendra, Albert John (1916-19) ; Sap- per, R.K. ; Egypt 2 years 4 months. Higgs, Fred Albert (1918-19) ; Gunner, R.CJ.A. James, Daniel (1914-19) ; Corporal, R.A.M.C. ; France 4 j'ears 2 months. Jamison, Henry Arthur (1916-19); Pri- vate, E. Kent Rgt. ; Fiance 2 years 8 months. Jones, Henry (1915-19) ; Battery Quar- termaster Sergeant, R.F.A. Jury, Stephen Walter (1916-19) ; Ser- geant, R.A.M.C. ; France and Germany 2 years 3 months. Kilvington. John Henry (1916-18) ; Acting Corporal, R.F.C. aiul R.A.F. King, Herbert Walter (1914-19); Cor- poral, R.A.M.C. ; France 4 years. King, John (1916-19) ; Private, 15th Bn. R. Fusiliers and Durham Light In- fantry ; France 7 months. Ladd, Walter WiUoughby (1916-19); Sapiier, R.E. ; Salonica 5 months, Pales- tine 1 year 10 months. Lake, William Frederick (1915-19); Sapper, R.E. ; France 3 years 3 months. Lanning, Frederick Charles (1916-19) ; Sergeant, R. Fusihers, Eastern Command Ijabour Corps. Legge, W. Thomas (1915-19) ; Private, R.W. Kent Rgt. ; Franco 12 months. Liberty, Walter James (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, 13th Bn. Lincolnshire Rgt. *Longley, Edward James Percy (1916); Private, 6th Bn. Kifle Brigade ; 1'" ranee ; Killed in action, 23rd October, 1916. Luffingham, William John (1911-19) ; Captain, K.A.S.C. McCormach, James H. (1914-19) ; Pri- vate. 7th Bn. E. Surrey Rgt.; France 18 months. ' -A *McGrath, John (1915-17); Private, 15th Bn. London Rgt. ; Fgypt and Palestine 4 months ; Killed in action, 31st October, 1917. McShee, George (1914-19) ; Regimental Quartermaster-Sergeant, 7th Bn. London Rgt. Maher, Michael Joseph (1918-19) ; Pioneer, R.E. Martin, Henry (1916-19) ; Private, 23rd Bn. London Rgt., 1st Bn. Somersetshire Light Infautrjs and 6th Bn. Durham Light Infantry ; France 15 months. 37 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Mason, Stephen Charles (1918-19) ; Air- craitsiuau, ■Jiid Class, li.A.F. Matthews, Stanley Arthur (1914-19) ; Meutioued in despatches ; Sergeant, E. Surrey Rgt. and ll.A.S.C. ; i- ranee 11 months. *Maxini, William (1914-15); Driver, K.F.A. ; France 1 month ; Died, 25tli January, 1915. ♦Meredith, Edgar Stuart (1914-15); Private, loth lin. London Rgt. ; France 8 months ; Killed in action, 1st Novem- ber, 1915. Miller, Algernon Richard Rabone Au- gustus (1915-19) ; M.y.M., :\Ientioncd in desi)atches ; Colour-Sergeant, 14th Bn. London Kgt. and Rifle Brigade. Morland, Thomas Wilfrid Raisbeck (191G-19) ; 2nd Corporal, R.E. ; I'ales- tine IS months. O'Callaghan, Vincent Michael (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E., and Private, E. Kent Rgt. and R. Munster Fusiliers ; France 1 year 9 months. O'Connell. Patrick Joseph (1916-19) ; Fliglit .Sergeant, ILA.F. O'Connor, Michael (1910) ; Private, Irish Guards. Palmer, Charles (1916-19) ; Private, ISth Bn. London Rgt. ; France 2 years. Parker, Charles Goode (1915-19) ; Sap- per, R.E. ; France. Payne, Frederick George (1915-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R.E. ; France, 3 years 1 month. Pearce, Edmund (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, Mifldlesex Yeomanry and R.E. ; Egypt and Palestine, 3 years 8 months. Percival, Joseph Archer (1914-19) ; Company Quartermaster- Sergeant, 7 th Bn. Middlesex Rgt. ; Gibraltar 5 months, France 3 years months. Porter, James William Richard (1914- 16) ; Lauce-Corporal, 7th Bn. J^ondon Rgt. Reed, Stanley Gordon (1914-10); Cap- tain, R.A.M.C. ; Gallipoli lU months, France 3 years 9 months. Roberts, Edmund Bertie (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, 12tli IJu. R. l''iisiliers ; i''i'ancc and prisoner of war (Germany) 3 years 5 months. Rollin, Percy William (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. ; i'runce. Rose, James Luke (1915-17) ; I'rivate, R.A..M.C. Ruddle, Frank Joseph (1914-19) ; Chi- nese Older cil' Wen llu, 4th Class, Men- tioned in desjnitches ; Alajor, Lancashire Fusiliers ; France 2 years 3 months. Rushworth, Harold Montagu (1914-19) ; Captain, London Rgt. and R.F.C. ; France. Rye, William Robert (1910-19) ; Flight Sergeant, It.A.l''. Sanders, Percy Thomas (1910-19) ; Pri- vate, 1st lliintingdoii-bire Cyclists Bn. Saunders, Alexander Henry (1915-19); Corporal, R.A.M.C.; Egypt 12 months, Palestine 1 year 10 months. Sheppard, George Henry (1915-19) ; Acting Stall-Sergeant, 14th Bn. Loudon Rgt. Shrimpton, Charles William (1914-19); M.M. ; Driver, R.l'.A. ; France 4 years 9 months. Smith, Ernest Disraeli (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, R. Jlarine Light Infantry. Smith, Horace Albert (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 13 months, Salonica 2 years 10 months. Smith, Robert (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E., and Private, R.A.S.C, Manchester Rgt. and Labour Corps. Strachan, Herbert Edward (1915-19) ; M.S.M. ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 1 month. Taylor, Leonard Charles (1915-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R. Marine Light In- fantry ; Gallipoli 4 months, Salouica 4 months, France 1 year 7 months. Taylor, Thomas Osborne (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.M.C. ; Salouica 2 years 1 month. ♦Thomas, Thomas (1915-17) ; Private, 15th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 10 months ; Died of wounds, 2nd December, 1917. ♦Turner, Henry Coventon (1914-15) ; Private, 23rd Bn. London Rgt. ; France 2 months ; Killed in action, 25th May, 1915. Walker, Albert Henry (1917-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. ; France 1 year 11 months. Walker, Arthur Sydney (1914-19) ; 2nd Corporal, R.E. ; France 5 months. Westwood, Herbert (1915-19) ; Private, Honourable Artillery Company ; France 3 years. White, Harold Cedrio (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, 15th Bn. London Rgt. and Labour Corps ; France 7 months. Willett, George (1914-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 4 years 5 months. Woollett, William Alfred (1915-18) ; 2nd Lieutenant, R.N.V.R. and R.G.A. Public Control Department Allen, John Bedford (1915-10) ; Private, E. Kent Rgt. ; France 10 montlis. Aylett, Earengey Maurice Percy (1915- 19) ; M.S.M. ; Sergeant, Army Cyclist Corps, E. Yorkshire Rgt. and Labom- Corps ; France 2 years 8 months. Baker, Frederick Charles (1915-19) ; Corporal, E. Surrey Rgt. and Northampton- shire Rgt. ; Gallipoli 5 montlis, Palestine 5 months, Egypt 2 years, Macedonia 3 nionths. ♦Baldwin, Ernest Wilfred (1914-15) ; 5th Bn. Lond(ju Rgt. ; France 7 montlis ; Killed in action, 3rd May, 1915. Bateman, Thomas (1914-19) ; Private, 7th Bn. London Rgt. and Labour Corps ; i'rance 4 years 1 month. Bentall. William Grinham (1910-19); Sapper, R.E. ; France and Italy 2 years 9 montlLS. 38 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Bew, Arnold Frederick (lillC-lO); Pri- vati-, l.itli ;iinl 'JOtli lius. Lomloii R},'t. ; France 12 iiKiril lis. Bond, Alfred (I'JlJ-l.S); Privafo, K. Surrey U^irt. and Labour Corps ; Prauco 13 months. Bow, D'Albert Randolf Francis Douglas (1U14-1'.)); .M.S..M. ; Lauee-Scr^'eaiit, K.G.A.. K.A.S.C., K.A.M.C. ; France 4 years 7 months. Brewer, Sydney Harold (1-19): Pri- vate, 15th Bn. Loudon Rgt. and Somer-sct- shire Light Infantry ; India 2 years 1 month. Mackness, Frederick William (1915-19); Corpoi-al, R.X.A.S. and R.A.F. 39 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Maguire, Charles (1915-19); Private, 2ud London Yeomanry and Macliine Gun Corps ; Egfyijt, Palestine, etc., 17 months, France 10 months. Manning, John (1915-19) ; Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers and Bedl'ordsliire Rgt. ; France 6 montlis. Matkin, Charles (1914-19); Lieutenant, .Ird London Yeomanry and R.A.S.C. ; France 1 year 11 mouths. McKenzie, Frank Ernest Pocock Halifax (1915-19): tierKeaut, 25th and lUth 15us. London Rgt., and Il.A.F. McLean, John (1915-19) ; Russian Order of St. Anne ; Lieutenant, Honouraljle Artillery Company and R.A.O.C. ; France 3 years, Russia IG montlLs. *Mayer, Leonard Joseph (1914-16); Lancc- Corporal, '2()th 15n. London Rgt. ; France 14 months ; Died of wounds, 31st May, 191G. Medcalf, William Rutter (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 12 months. Merry, Ralph Clement (1916-19) ; Gim- ner, R.G.A. ; France 12 months. Mullin, Patrick Daniel (1915-19); Ser- geant, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Neale, George Harry (1914-18) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 1 mouth. Newlands, Donald Richard (1916-17); Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.). Ockenden, Albert Charles (1915-19); Lance-Corporal, A.P.C., Northumberland Fasiliers, and R. Warwickshire Rgt. ; France 6 months. Orpin, Charles (1916-19); Private, R.A.V.C. Paul, Stanley George (1917-lS) ; Private, Rifle Brigade. Pickering, John (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, 15th Bn. liondon Rgt. and Lancashire Fusiliers ; France 6 months. Preston, Frederick Alfred (1916-19) ; 2nd Corporal, R.E. ; France 3 years. Puryer, Charles (1914-18) ; Gumier, R.G.A. ; Gallipoli 2 months, Egypt 3 months, France 14 months. Radburn, James (1914-19) ; Company Sergeant-Major Instructor, Middlesex Rgt., and School of Musketry. Reid, Ernest (1914-19); Air Mechanic (2nd (Jlass) ; 7th Bn. London Rgt. and R.A.F. ; I'rance 1 year 7 montlis. Root, Samuel (1914-19); Private, Mid- dlesex Rgt. ; France 3 years 11 months. Saunders, Joseph William (1918-19) ; Corporal, It.A.S.C. and R.A.F. Seppings, George Edward (1916-19); Air Mechanic (1st (Jlass), E. Surrey Rgt., R. Sassex ligt., Royal l"'usiliers and Il.A.F. ; France 1 month. Shorto. Leslie Eugene (1916-19); Cor- poral, R.N.A.S. aiKl R.A.F. ; Franco 2 years 5 months. Skempton, Ernest John (1916-19); Pri- vate, E. .Surrey Rgt. and Loyal N. Lanca- shire Rgt. ; France, Salonica and I'alestine, 2 j'ears 4 months. Smith, Charles Thomas (1914-19); Cor- poral, 24th Bn. London Rgt. and R.D.C. Smith, Frederick Richards (1916-19); Sec.-Lieut(!nant, R.G.A. ; Fi'ance 1 month. Sprules, Arthur Henry (1915-16) ; Able Seaman, R.N.D. Stone, William Edward (1916-19) ; Sap- per, U.K. ; France 2 years 5 months. Stubbs, Henry James (1915-19) ; Men- tioned twice in despatches ; Private, 22iid Bn. London Rgt. ; France 5 months, Salonica 5 months, Egypt 1 year 8 months. Stubbs, William (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.V.C. ; Finance 3 years 2 months. Talbot, George (1917-19) ; Lance-Cor- poral, R. Scots Fusiliers and Scottish Rifles ; France 7 months, prisoner of war 8 months. Taylor, James (1918-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. Taylor, William (1914-19); Private, Grenadier Guards ; France 2 years. Walton, Frank Reginald (1915-19); Company Sergeant-Major, S. Wales Bor- derers ; Salonica 15 months. Ware, Joseph Henry (1914-19); M.C., mentioned in despatches ; Regimental Sergeant-Major, R.F.A. ; France 4 years 10 months. Wood, Arthur William (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, 7th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 3 years 10 months. Wood, Richard Alfred (1914-19) ; Regi- mental Sergeant-Major, 10th Bn. London Rgt. ; Gallipoli 5 months. Parks DEPARTirENT Adams, George (1915-19) ; Gunner, R. Marine Artillery. Adams, Henry Ernest (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, 21st Bn. Loudon Rgt. ; France 2 years. Allchin, George William (1915-19) ; Private, 2nd Bn. Rifle Brigade and Labour Corps ; France 3 years 9 months. *Amos, John Vince (1914-17) ; Lieutenant, 31st Battery R.F.A. ; France 2 years 6 montlis ; I)icd, 13th February, 1917. Andrews, Charles (1914) ; Giuiner, R.F.A.. 24th Reserve Batty. Andrews, Richard Ernest (1915-19) ; Driver, It.A.S.C. (M.T.). *Andrews, Sydney (1914) ; Lance-Corporal, R. Vv'. Surrey Rgt. ; France 1 month ; Killed in action, 14th September, 1914. *Ashdown, Harry George (1915-16) ;- Pri- vat(s Roval l<'usiliers ; France 3 months ; Missing, 27th .March, 1916. Ashman, William Arthur (1914-18) ; llorsekeeper, R.A.V.C. Austin, Harry Charles Edward (1914-19) ; D.C.M. ; Sergeaut, R.ti.A. School of Gunnery ; France 4 months. Austin, Joseph Richard (1915-19) ; M.M. ; Sergeant, 138th Heavy Battery, R.G.A. ; France 3 years. Avery, John William (1918-19) ; Private, 30th Bn. London and 32nd Bn. Middlesex Rgts. 40 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Baker, Henry John (1914-19); Lanco- Coi'poi-al, 2)1(1 Itu. Kssox Hf^t. and Military Police ; Franco 17 niDUlhs. *Baker. Henry William (1911-17); Ritlo- nian, King's lt()>al Killc (.'oi'iis ; Franco 2 months ; Missing, Kith t>oiitoniber, 1917. Baker, WiUiani Frank (1915-19); Pri- vate, U.A.O.C. ; Francis 4 years 2 months. *Barker, Christopher Theodore (1915-17) ; Ordinary Soaiuan, Royal Naval Division ; Franco 1 month ; Missing, 2:{rd April, 1917. Barrett, James (1917-19); Private, R.D.C. Bartlett, George William (1914-18); Private, 10th ISn. London Kgt. and R.D.C. *Basterfield, William Joseph (1914) ; Private, U. W. Surrey Rgt. ; Missing, :ilst October, 1911. Bateman, John Baker (1914-1(5); Pri- vate, City of London Defence Corps. Bennett, Roland Day (1916-19) ; Staff- Sergeant, R.A..S.C. ; Egypt and Palestine 3 years. Betts, Thomas (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. Betts, WiUiam (1914-19); Private, R. Marine Light Infantry ; France G months, Egyjit 18 months. *BiIlson, Arthur George (1917-18) ; Air- craftsman, R.N.A.S., Kite Balloon Section ; Died, IGtli November, 1918. Bird, Henry William (1915-19) ; Driver, 5i;5th Field Co. R.E. ; France 3 years 2 montlis. Birkin, William (1915-19); Private, R.D.C. ; Franco 2 days. Black, Ronald Roderick (1916-18); Pri- vate, 7th and 29th ISns. London Rgt., and IGtli Bu. Yorl< and Lancaster Rgt. Blain, Albert (1916-19); Private, R.A.O.C. ; Franco 2 years. * Blake, John Edward (1914); Able Sea- man, R.F.R. ; Lost in H.M.S. Good Hope, 1st November, 1914. Bland, William (1916-19); Private, R.A.M.(\ and 2/19th Bn. London Rgt. ; Ej?ypt 12 months. Blane, William Thomas (1914-18) ; Private, London Rgt. Bloor, Percy (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A.; India 2 years 4 months. Blunden, Alfred James (1918-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.F. Boughen, Robert (1918-19); Private, 1st City of liOndon Yeomanry. Boyle, Robert Wilson (1916-18) ; Pri- vate, 20th Hii. Middlesex Rgt. and 469th FmplOJ^neut Company ; France 3 months. Boys, James (1914-19) ; Company Quar- termastt-r-Sergcant, 163rd Protection Com- pany, R.D.C. Braybrook, William Charles (1914, 1915- 18) ; Sergeant, 10th Bn. R. W. Sm-rey Rgt. ; France 2 years. Briant, Frank Leonard (1916-19); Com- pany Sergeant-^Major, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years, Germany 2 months. Bridges, Henry Edward Mays (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. *Brinklow, William James (1915-18); liilleriiaTi, KUh I'.n. Killc Brigade; France 2 years 1 month; 'Missing, 4th April, 1918. Britton, Andrew Bertie (1914-20); Cap- tain, (huieral List and King's R. Riflo Cori)s ; l'"ranco 13 montlis. ♦Broad, Albert Ernest (1917-18); Private, 4th Bn. Royal Fusili(!rs ; Franco; Killed in action, 24th April, 1918. Broadway, Charles Phillip (1914-19) ; Corpciial, Machine Gun Corps; France 1 year 9 mouths. *Brooker, Frederick Nott (1916-17) ; Pri- vat(^ 14th Bn. Essex Rgt. ; France 6 months; Died, 20th May, 1917. Brooks, David Green (1914-19); Squad- ron Corporal-Major, 1st Life; Guard.s. Brooks, George (1914-19); Sergeant, 2nd Dragoon Guards and l/3rd King's African Rifles ; East Africa 1 year 8 months. Brooks, George Burnell (1914-19); Pri- vate, Middlesex Rgt., 3rd Reserve. *Brown, Charles (1915-17); M.M. ; Ser- geant, 4th Bn. Grenadier Guards ; Franco 2 years 4 months ; Killed in action, 1st December, 1917. Brown, Charles Thomas (1914-19) ; Sergeant, E. Surrey and R. W. Surrey Rgts., and Labour Corps ; France 2 years 2 months. *Brown, Ernest Cornwall (1914-17); Sergeant, R.II.A. ; France 3 years ; Killed in action, 16tli August, 1917. *Brown, George Wilham (1914-15) ; Pri- vate, 9th Bn. Middlesex Rgt. : Died, 27th January, 1915. Browning, Albert Edward (1918-19); Private, 32iid Bn. Middlesex Rgt. Bryant, Charles (1918-19); Pioneer, R. ^I. Engineers. Buckle, Henry (1914-18) ; Trooper, R. Horse Guards. Bull, Edward (1914-19) ; Sapper, R.E. Bullen, Edward John (1915-17) ; Private, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry ; France 2 months. Butcher, Percy George (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, It.A.M.C. (1st City of London Sani- tary Co.) ; Franco 8 months, Egypt 1 month, Macedonia 3 years, Turkey 4 months. Butler, Bartholomew Bevan (1914-19) ; Private, ^lachine Gun Corps (Cavalry), 2nd Life (Juards, 5th and 12th Lancers ; France 4 years 7 montlis. Butler, Charles (1916-17); Private, R.A.V.C. ; France 16 months. Butler, George Henry (1914-lG) ; Private, 5th Bu. .Mid.llosex P^t. Camp, Lewis (1915-19) ; Lance-Corporal, M.F.P. ; Franco 2 years 9 months. *Carritt, William Edwin (1916-18) ; Rifle- man, Rilli! Brigade ; France 9 months ; Missing, 23rd iMarch, 1918. Carter, Thomas John (1915-19); Pri- vate, 181th Labour Corps ; France 4 years. Carvell, William Albert (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, Royal Fusiliers ; France 3 years. RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Gates, Charlie Walter (1914-19) ; Laiice- Se^^a•allt, 1st Itosorvt? Cavalry and Lancers. ♦Chaney, Alfred (1910-17); Private, I.diidou Itirt. ; France 10 months; Missing, ICth AiiLTiist, 1917. Chapman, John (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.^.C. and R.A.F. ; France 12 mouths. Cheek, John (1918-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 10 montlis. Chenery, Frederick William (1915-19) ; Private, 'JyJOtii lin. Lontlon Kiyrt. ; Salonica, Efrypt, I'alestinc and Ciermany, 3 years. Cheshire, Sidney John (1918-19) ; Stoker (2nd Class), Dover Auxiliary Patrol ; Patrol ^^•ork to and from France and Bel- gium. Chipperfield, Alfred (1918-19); Air Me- chanic (2n(l Class), 11. A. F. *Chitty, Herbert Henry (1914) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers ; France 1 month ; Died of wounds, 22nd September, 1914. * Christiansen, Hans Leonard Johan (1914- 15) ; Corporal, lOtli Royal Hussars ; France 9 months ; Killed in action, 13th May, 1915. Church, Percy Edwin Leonard (1917-19) ; Stoker (1st Class), I{.N. ; Escorting and miues\vef])ing. Clarke, Bertie (1910-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ♦Clarke, Charles (1914) ; Private, 3rd I!n. Northumlierland Fusiliers ; France 3 months; Killed in action 19th November, 1914. Clarke, George (1914-19); Gimner, 65th Siege Battery R.G.A. ; France 2 years 9 months. Clarke, Thomas Ernest (1910-19) ; Gun- ner, R.G.A. ; I'ranco 2 years 8 months. Clifford, Stanley Albert (1914-19); Pri- vate, 4tli Bn. Royal FusiUers ; France 3 years 4 raontlis. Clover, Henry Arthur (1910-19); Rifle- man, Rifle Brigade. Cobby, Charles Matthew (1918-19); Private, R. Marine Engineers. Cockram, Vincent (1910-19); Corporal, Army Cyclist Corps and R.A.M.C. Coffey, Daniel (1915-19); Lancc-Cor- I)oral, 11th Bn. London Rgt., R.A.O.D. and King's Royal Itille Corjis : Gallipoli 4 montlis, Egypt 2 years, Palestine 10 months, Syria 2 months. Collett, William Thomas (1914-19); Piivali', K.A.V.C. Collins, Charles Stewart (1914-19); CoijKiral, 2 nil Bn. Loniloii Rgt. Cooke, Herbert Vincent n'.)H-19) ; Drum- Major, It. Irish Fusiliers; Gallipoli, .Serbia, Egypt and Salonica, 2 years months. Coombes, James (1910-19); Private, Dmham Light Infantry; Salonica 2 years 4 jnoMt h-. Cooper, William Albert (1910-19); Pri- vate, R..\.(J.C. ; I'ranci- 1 year 9 months. Cordock, John William (1914-19); Pri- vate, R. Marine Light Infantry ; Ascension Island 3 years 7 months. Corfield, Thomas William (1914-19); Rideirian, 1 Sth Bn. I'Jfle Brigade; Burma 4 years. Cornish, Henry Robert (1914-19); Ser- geant. 10th Bn. London Rgt. and Provost Staff It.D.C. Corn well, Frederick Samuel (1910-19); Private, R.A.M.C. Corn well, William (1910-19) ; Private, 19th Bn. London Itgt. ; Salonica 2 years, I'alestine 11 months. Cosham, Charles Ide (1917-19) ; Private, 6th Bn. Middlesex Rgt., Labour Corps, and IGth Bn. Scottish Rifles; France 13 months. Cotterell, Alfred Harry (1910-18) ; Gxm- ner, R.G.A. Cotton, Harry (1910-18); Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 7 months. *Cox, Edward (1915-17); Gunner, 103rd and 123rd Bdes. R.F.A. ; France 1 year 9 months ; Killed in action, 21st October, 1917. Cox, Edwin Walter (1914-19) ; Private, Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire Rgts., and R.A.^M.C. ; France 3 months, Egj'pt 2 years 2 months, Salonica 10 months. Cox, William Henry (1914-18) ; Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers. Crampton, Ernest (1915-19) ; Private, Noriolk Yeoinanrj' and Labour Corps ; EgjTit and l*alestine 3 years 4 months. *Crane, Henry (1914-16) ; Private, 8th Bn. Rifle Brigade ; France 7 months ; Killed in action, 29tli August, 1910. Crannis, Philip Griffin (1916-19) ; Staff- Sergeant, 1{..\.S.C. ; France 3 years. Creasey, Sidney Joseph (1910-19) ; Gim- ner, R.1''.A. ; France 7 months, Italy 13 montlis. Creed, Arthur Ernest (1914-19); Pri- vate, 9lh Lancers (1st Reserve Cavalry); France 4 montlis, Salonica 13 months. Currie, James Edward Thomas (1915-19) ; M.M. ; Sergeant, R.E. ; France 2 years. Curry, Arthur (1910-19) ; Rilleman, 24th Bn. Rifle Brigade; India 2 years 8 nionths. *Curtis, William (1914); Private, R. W. Suirey Rgt.; Misshig, 31st October, 1914. Daines, Arthur John (1914-19) ; Private, 15th Hussars ; France 3 years. *Daly, Robert William (1910); Private, 0th Bn. K.W. Kent Rgt.; France 1 month ; Missing, 7tli October, 1910. Darken, Arthur (1915-19); Private, 13th and 2nd Bus. Essex Rgt.; France 3 years months. Darvill, Albert Edward (1910-19); Pri- vate, Labour Corps; l-Yance 2 years 4 nioiitlis. Davies, John (1914-19); Gminer, R.G.A.; France 3 months. _ Davis, Albert Edward (1914-19) ; 2nd Yeoman of Signals, R.F.R. *Davis, T. (1914-18); Driver, R.H.A. ; India ; l)iciiat(?lies ; Battery yuar- termaster-.Sergeant, K.F.A. and R.G.A. ; France 11 mouths. Morley, Alfred (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; l-rauce 2 years 1 month. Morris, Albert Edmund (1917-19) ; Pri- vate. I'v.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France 1 year 8 mouths. Morris, James (1915-16) ; Lauce-Cor- porai, R.E. Morton, William Henry (1914-19) ; Sergeant Instructor of Signalling, 3rd Bn. E. Keut Rgt., 29th Bn. Middlesex Rgt., and Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Rgts. ; France 15 months. Mott, William (1914-17); Sergeant (Asst. Prov. ll.y.S.), R.D.C. Mouser, WiUiam Harry (1915-19); Pri- vate, R.A.(J.C. ; I'l-ance 3 years. Musk, William John (1918-19) ; Privat*, Oxfordshire iliLssars. Narraway, Leonard Augustus (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. *Neate, Frederick Bertie (1916-18) ; Pri- vate, 24 th Bn. Loudou Rgt. ; Salonica, Egypt and Palestine, 1 year 9 montlis ; Killed in action, 9th March, 1918. Neate, Robert (191S-19) ; Lancc-Cor- poral, Rifle Brigade ; France 10 months. Needham, John (1915-19) ; Lancc- Corporal, M.F.I', and M.M.P. ; Egypt and Palestine 2 years 8 months. *Newton, Walter Ernest (1916-17); Ser- geant, R.G.A. ; France 3 mouths ; Killed in action, 9tli April, 1917. Noble, Walter (1914-17); Lance-Cor- poral, Coldstream Guards. Norman, Henry Aldis (1915-19) ; Private, 3rd ISii. .Middlesex ii^'t. ; I'rance 6 months, Salonica 3 years 4 mouths, Turk<'y 4 moutlis. Nye, Frederick James (1910-19); Rifle- man, King's Royal Rille Corps ; France 2 years 1 month. OUiver, Frederick Henry (1911-19); liouib.irdifi-, R.(;.A. ; l-'rance 3 years 4 months. Orton, Walter (1914-17); Private, King's Royal Rifle Corps. Ottley, George (19H;-19); Private, Essex Pigt. ; i'rance 6 months. Pales, Ernest Albert (1918-19) ; Private, R..\.S.r. Palmer, William Charles (1911-16); Private, ].-t Pioyal Ltragoous ; France 2 years 2 uiontks. Palmer, William Stevens (1916-19); French Medaille de Vermeil ; Lance- Corporal, R.A.O.C. and King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France 2 years 4 months. *Panthng, Frederick Charles (1915-16) ; Private, 9th iin. Middlesex Rgt. ; India 4 months ; Died, 6th September, 1916. Parker, Robert George (1918-19); Air Mechanic (3rd Class), 1{.A.F. *Patterson, George Oudney (1915-16); Sergeant, 3/7th Bn. Loudon Rgt. ; France 11 mouths ; Killed iu action, loth Sep- tember, 1916. Payne, George Thomas Harold (1917-18) ; I'rivate, P. .Su>sex Rgt. and Labour Corps, *Payne, R. (1914-15) ; Private, E. Surrey Rgt. ; Missing, 25th April, 1915. Payne, Thomas (1915-19); Private, 2/22ud Bn. Loudon P^t. ; Franco 6 luonths, Salonica 6 montlLs, Egj-pt and Palestine 2 years 2 months. Peacock, Francis Edgar (1917-19) ; Rifle- man, 6th Bu. Loudou Rgt. ; France 13 mouths. Pears, Arthur James (;1916-17) ; Private, R. W. Surrey Labour Bn. ; France 10 moutlis. Pearson, Albert Edward (1917-19); Pioneer, i;.E. ; France 1 year 9 months. Pearson, Walter (1917-19); Private, 21st Bu. Loiulcju Rgt. ; France 5 months. Penfold, Ernest Edward (1916-19); Rifle- man, Rille Brigade; France 2 years. Perrin, William (1916-19); Private, Xijttinglmmshire and Derbyshire Rgt. and Labour Corps ; France 2 years. Perry, Robert (1914-19); Corporal, 12th Lancers and Labour Corps. Peters, James (1915-19); Sergeant, R.II.A. Phillips, Walter Ashley (1915-18); Cor- poral, R.A.S.C. ; I'rance 3 years 4 months. Pike, Robert Thomas (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; L'rauce 6 mouths. Plummer, Robert (1915-19); Corporal, R.A.S.C. and Royal Marine Labour Corps ; France 3 years 4 months. *Poate, Harry Joseph (1915-18) ; Corporal, R.A.S.t:. : l''rauce 2 years 11 months ; Died, 25tli November, 1918. Porter, William Arthur (1916-18); Pri- vate, R.G.A. ; France 3 mouths. Powel, Evan Thomas (1917-19); Cor- poral ((iuiniery Instructor), 28th Bn. London Rgt. and R.A.I'. Prangell, William Henry (1914-19); Private, Coldstream Guards ; Franco 4 years 5 moutlLS. Pratley, Richard (1916-19); Private, Bedfordshire Rgt. Pratt, Henry Marshall (1916-19); Pri- vate, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. Purland, Walter (1914-19); Gunner, l{.t;..\. ; France 3 years 7 mouths. Pursglove, Robert Walter (191.5-19); Pri\iite, (Jreuadier Guards; Fraucc 11 ijiouths. Radley, Wilfrid Harold (1916); Rifle- man, 19th Bn. King's Royal Rifle Corps. 46 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Read, Charles (1918-19); Pioneer, R.O.I), aitd It.K. ; Snloiiica 5 iiifnitli.s. Reader, Walter Edward (191G-17); Pri- vate, 2/()tii llii. iSottinghauLsliire ami Derbyshire Ri?t. Reid, George (1915-19) ; Private. R. \V. Kent U!,'t. ; I'lauoc 2 years (> months. Rhoades, William Duftou (1911-19); C'oiii|iaiiy Serjeant MMjor, "Jiid l!ii. Lciii>ter Rgt. ; I'l'aiice 2 years .i nmiiths. Richards, Herbert John (1915-19); Pri- vate, 10th l?n. Loiidim 1^. ; Pranee, Egypt and Palestine, 3 years 1 months. Richardson, Alfred James (1911-19): Lance- liombai'dier, R.F.A. ; Prance 2 years 2 montlis, Mesopotamia 2 years (j months. Ricketts, William Henry (1915-l(i) ; Private, 24th lin. London Rgt. Ritchie, Frederick William (1914-19) ; Company Sergeant- Major, R.G.A. ; France 6 months. Roach, Arthur Richard (1916-19) ; Cor- poral, R.A.M.C. *Robinson, Jacob (1914-1(5) ; Sergeant, 5th Bii. !•;. Surrey Rgt. ; India 1 year 7 months, l<'rancc 1 month ; Killed in action, 3rd September, 191(5. Rod way, Arthur Louis (1915-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; Pranct! ti montlis, Salonica 9 months, Egypt and PaJestine 1 year 9 months. Rogers, John (1914-16) ; Corporal, R. ^^■eleh Fusiliers, Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 4 months. Rooks, William Arthur Ernest (1914-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 3 months, Italy 6 months. Rowbotham, Harry Arnold (1916-19) ; Lance-t'orporal, Intelligence Police. Rowling, Frederick (1914-19); I'rivate, Gth 15n. R. W. Surrey Rgt. ; France 4 years. Rule, George John (1914-19) ; Bom- bardier, i;.l'".A. ; France 2 years 10 months. Russell, James Enos (1916-17) ; I'rivate, R.A.S.C. ; France 14 months. Salway, Walter Morris (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, If.A.M.C. ; France 1 year 9 months. Saunders, Alfred (1914-19) ; Corporal, 10th Hn. Ritle Brigade ; India 4 years 1 month. Saunders, Ernest (1914-19) ; Sergeant- Instructor, Ritle Brigade ; India 4 years 1 month. Saunders, Robert William (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. and A. A. *Savage, Bertie Arthur (1915-17); Pri- vate, (ith Hn. .Middlesex Rgt.; France 12 months; I>ied of womids, 12th April, 1917. Savin, Walter (1914-16); Private, R. Bcrksliire Rgt. Sawer, Frederick (1914-16); Lance- Corporal, 12th Bu. Roj-al Fusiliers; France 1 month. Scott, Thomas (1916-19); Sergeant, 52nd Bn. Itille Brigade. Scott, Thomas Nathaniel (1915-19); Sergeant i/c jirison ; R.A.S.C. and Labour Corps ; France 3 years 9 mouths. Scullion, James (1911-19); Guardsman, Scots Guards. Seldon, Archie (1914-19); Sergeant, Devonshire Ugt. ; France 3 years 6 months. Self, Reginald Hugh (1914-19); .Sapper, 91 h Bn. K. Surrey Rgt., King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry and R.E. ; France 4 .\ears. Shackcloth, Eli (1917-19); Driver, P.A.S.C (II. T.) and Labour Corjis. Shakespeare, Tom Rodway (1917-19); Private, 2/1 0th Bu. Loudon Rgt. ; France 9 months. Shirvill, William (1914-19); Itideman, K'iiig's l!i>\al Rille Corps; I'rance 3 years 5 months. Shrubsall, David WiUiam (1916-19) ; Private, 11th Bn. Argyle and .Sutherland lligliJanders ; France b months. Silvester, Henry (1915-19); Corporal, Middlesex Rgt. Silvester, Henry George Buller (1918-19) ; Drunnner, R. W. Surrey Itgt. ; Germany 10 months. Simmonds, Robert William (1914-19); Gunner, R.l'.A. ; liance 3 years S mouths. Sinden, William Horace (1914-19) ; Driver. It.F.A. ; France 3 years 2 montlis, Italy 15 months. Sleight, Frederick (1915-19); Private, 9th Bn. Middlesex Rgt. ; India 15 months, Mesopotamia 17 months. Smart, George Albert (1914-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 4 montlis. Smith, David (1914-15) ; Private, Royal Fiisilit'rs ; I'rauce 12 months. Smith, James (1914-19) ; Sergeant, 2nd Bn. R. Inniskilling Fusiliers and Machine Gim Corps ; France 11 months. Smith, Thomas Martin (1914-19): Ser- geant, Royal .Scots ; Gallipoli 3 montlis, Egypt 3 yi'ars 4 months. Smith, Wilham Job (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. and R.Ci.A. Smith, Wilham Thomas (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.V.C. ; i'rance 4 years 2 months. Snare, Albert Edward (1915-19); Able .Seaman, K.X. ; B'.'lgian Coast Patrol; 2 years S months. Spender, WiUiam John (1914-19); Sapper, R.E. ; France 4 years 7 montlis. Squibb, Charles (1918-19) ; Rifleman, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France and Germany 9 mouths. Staples, Ernest (1915-16, 1917); Lance- Cori)oral, 2/51 h Bn. E. Surrey Rgt. and Labour Corjis. Stevens, Frederick (1915-19); Private, R.A..M.C.. 1st London Sanitary Co. ; Franco 3 years 8 uionths. Stokes, Charles (1914-18) ; Private, SufTolk Rgt. ; France ; Prisoner of war in (Jermany 4 years 4 months. Styan, Harry (191,5-19) ; Private, IL.V.V.C. : !• ranee 3 years 9 months. Suggate, Reginald William (1915-19); MeiUu)ne(l in desiiatelies ; Warrant Officer (1st Class), R.A.S.(J. ; France 12 months. 47 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE *Swamsbury, William (liJ14-lG) ; Guimcr, R.F.A. ; l'"raiice 1 year 9 months ; Killed ill action, 7tli May, 191G. Swallow, WUUam Henry (1914-18) ; Sergeant, Scots Guards ; Franco 3 years 3 moutlis. Syms, Henry William (1917-19) ; Driver, It.A.S.C. ; France 17 months. *Tagg, Charles William (1917); Private, K. W. Surrey Ityt. : France 9 months ; Died, 2Sth November, 1917. Taylor, Edwin Joseph Thomas (1915-19) ; Private, Kjlie Brigade and Devonshire Rgt., Officer Cadet, 9th Scottish Officer Cadet Bn. Taylor, George Joseph (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, 2/7tli Bn. l.ondon Rgt., R.D.C. and Prisoners of ^Var Camp. Taylor, Joseph (1916-19) ; Bombardier, R.G.A., ll.F.A., Tank Corps and R.II.A. Taylor, Joseph Harry (1915-17) ; D.C.M. ; Sergeant, R. \V. Sm-rey Rgt. Terry, Frederick (1918-19) ; Private, R.A.F. ; JYance 5 months. Tester. Henry (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Ser- geant, U.F.A. ; France 2 years 6 montlis, Galhiioli 6 mouths. Thomas, Henry William (1915-19) ; Lieutenant, R.E. Thorndycraft, Edward (1914-19) ; Sig- naller, K.ll.A- ; France 3 jears 4 months. Thurston, Elliott Henry (1914-18) ; Ser- geant, 21th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 3 years 2 months. Tidd, Henry (1914-1(5) ; Private, Cold- stream (iiiards. Todd, WilUam Ernest (1918-19) ; Private, R.N.A-S. *Troke, Andrew James (1917-18) ; Rifle- man, King's Royal Rille Corps ; iviissiug, 21st March, 1918. Trolley, Archibald Watson (1914-19) ; Privale, National Reserve, R.D.C. and 171h Bn. Kssex l!gt. Troughton, John Henry (1914-19) ; Stafl- Sergeaut, M.P. Tubb, Harry (1914-19) ; Mentioned in rtespatf^lies ; Company Sergeant-Major, II. Lancaster Rgt. ; i'"rance 12 mouths, Meso- potamia 2 years 4 months. Valentine, George Frederick (1915-19) ; PJIlciiian, Rifle ISrigade ; irance 2 years 4 months. ♦Veaser, Herbert Walter (1915-16) ; Cor- poral, 17th Bn. King's Royal Rifle Corjjs ; France 12 months ; Killed in action, 3rd September, 1916. *Vince, Edmund William (1916-17); Pri- vate, London Rgt. ; France 3 montlis ; Killed iu action, 14th March, 1917. Waldon, Walter William (191.5-19); Pioneer, 27]>t itaihvay Lal)our Coinpaiiy, R.F/. ; L'rancc 3 years 1 month. Warner, John David (1915-19); Driver, R.F.A. ; I'ratice 6 months, Salonica 6 months, Palestine 1 year 8 months. Warren, George Robert Charles (191 1- 19) ; Sergeant, R.A. Webb, Herbert William (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, 13th Bn. Devonsliire Rgt., 4th Bn. R. Berksliire Rgt. and 161st Labour Co. ; France 2 years 1 montli. Webb, John William (1914-17) ; Private, Rifle Brigade and Oxfordshire and Buck- inghamshire Light Infantry ; France 12 montlis. Welch, Archibald Major James (1916- 19) ; Corporal, R.II.A. ; France 5 months. Welham, Albert Henry (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, 10th Bn. E. Surrey P^t. Werndley, Arthur (1914-19) ; Corporal, ]Micldlesex Ilgt. ; France 4 years 7 months. West, Charles William (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, 18th Bn. Rifle Brigade ; India 4 years 1 month. Whitaker, Arthur Edgar (1914-19) ; Air- craftsman (1st Class), R.A.F. , 21st Bn. London Rgt. ; I'rauce 5 months. White, George Roberts (1918-19) ; Pri- vate, loth Bn. London Fi.gt. White, James Cornell (1917-19) ; 1st Aircraft Hand, 49tli Balloon Section, R.A.F. ; Egypt, Palestine, Syria, 1 year 11 months. White, Reginald Alfred (1917-19) ; Pri- vate, Labour Corps. White, William James (1917-19); Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. 6th Loudon Field Ambu- lance : German East Africa 1 year 11 months. Whittome, Josiah Jabez (1917-19); Cor J. oral. Royal Marines (Labour Co.) ; France 1 year 9 months. Wicks, Edwin Frank (1916-19) : Private, R.A.V.C. : France 2 years 4 mouths. *Willcock, Thomas Henry George (1915- 18): Private, R.A.M.C. (1st City of London Sanitary Co.) ; France and Salo- nica 3 years 6 months; Died, 28th Novem- ber, 1918. WiUiams, Francis (1916-19); Gtmlayer, R.G.A. ; France 17 months, Gibraltar 9 months. WilUams, Frederick (1918-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 3 mouths. Wilson, James John (1915-17) : Cor- poral, 19tli Hussars. Wilson, John William (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, Grenadier tiuards ; France 18 months. Wilson, William James (1916-19) ; Sap- per, R.E. (Inland Water Transport), and Private, Gordon Highlanders ; France 2 years 8 months. Wiltshire, George Thomas (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. Winterhalder, Alois Alfred (1914-16); Lauce-Corporal, Oxfordshire and Buck- inghamshire Light Infantry and 2nd Bn. Tlanipshire Rgt. Winter, Henry William (1914-19); Pri- vate, R. W. Sun-ey Rgt. ; Germany, prisoner of war, 4 years. Winters, George William (1914-19) ; Private, 24th Bn. London Rgt. and R.D.C. Wood, Samuel William (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, R.A.M.C. ; France 4 years 6 months. 48 RFXORD OF WAR SERVICE Woodward, Frederick William (1914-10) ; Private, Oxlonlsliin^ and BuclciiiLcliam- shiro Liplit liilaiitry ; France 2 inoiitlis, Balkans 15 years (j montlis. Wright, Charles (litll-15); Gumier, ll.c;.A. ; Fraiiee :{ muntlis. Wright, Leonard Nathaniel (1918-19); Private, H. Marine l^u^'iueers and K.N. Wyatt, George Benjamin (19ir>-19); Serfjeant, K.A.S.C. and Laljoiir t'orps ; France 12 luontlis, J'^syiit 2 nionth.s, Saloniea 2 years 2 uiontlis. Yeoman, Charles William (1911-19) ; Corporal, K.D.C. Tramways Department Abberline, Edward (1914-10 and 191(5- 18);. Private, It.A.M.C; France 12 montlis. Abbiss, Edwin (1914-19): Leading Signalman, It.X. ; Xaval Service 4 year.s (i months. Abbott, Sidney Ernest (1917); Private, Labour t'orps. Abell, Richard (1914-19); Corporal, R. \V. Surrey I'st. ; France 2.V months, prisoner of war 4 years 6 months. Abra, Samuel (1910-19); Private, Norfolk K;,'t. : Egrypt 11 months. Ackland, Henry James (1914-19) ; M.M.; Sergeant, K.G.A. ; l''rance 2 years 5 mouths. Acott, Charles George (1914) ; Private, R. Sussex Kgt. Acourt, Francis Henry (1917-19); Driver, 1{.F.A. ; India, Egypt and Pales- tine, 1 year 11 months. A'Court. William Charles (1915-19) ; Wireman, R.X. ; Naval Service, 3 years 10 months. Adams, Albert George (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, K.A.S.C. ; France and Salonica 4 years 6 months. Adams, Albert WiUiam (1915-19) ; Private, ll.A.M.C ; France 3 years months. Adams, Edward William (1914-19) ; Lance-Corporal, K.E. ; France 4 years 3 months. Adams, Frank (1914-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. (II.T.) ; France 2 years 3 months. Adams, Henry Frederick William (1914- 18); .Sergeant, London llgt. ; France, Salonica, Egypt and Palestine, 1 year 10 months. Adams, Reginald Augustus (1914-19) : Staff-Sergeant, 1{.E. ; India 2 years, Mesopotamia 2 years 4 months. Adams, Thomas (1914-19); Leading Stoker, R.N. ; Naval Service 4 years 6 months. Adams, Walter Frank (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, Northamptoiisliire Ugt. ; Franco 2 years, Germany 10 montlis. Adams, William Albert (1914-18) ; M.M. ; I'rivate, Border Rgt. ; France 2 years 7 months. Adaway, Charles (1914-19) ; Stoker, Petty Olticcr, R.X. ; Naval Service 4 j-cars 3 mouths. Adcock, Albert Victor (1915-19); 2nd Writer, U.N. : Naval Service 2 years t mouths. Addington, George Lawrence (191 1-19) ; Sapper, U.K.; I'ranee 3 years S mouths. Addis, James Bawn (1915); Ritleman, King's Itoyal Itill"' Corjis. Addison, Joseph William (1915-19); .SeigeanI, IMO. ; l<"rauce 2 years. Adkins, Christopher (1911-19); Acting Sergeant, It.F.A. ; Franco 3 years 7 mouths. Adshead, Samuel (1914-19); Wheeler- Sergcaiit, R.A.S.C; France 2 years 10 months. Aggersberg, George Charles (1914-10) ; Sergeant, 1{. !).<_'. ; France 4 years. Agombar, Samuel (1917-19) ; Private, R.A..M.C. Ainge, Edwin Alban (1910-19) ; Private, Machine dm Corps ; Salonica 2 years, Russia 4 mouths. Ainsworth, Edward (1917-19); Air Me- chanic (Ist Class), R.A.F. Akerman, James (1914); Private, R.A.S.C. Akerman, Sidney Kingston (1911-18); Sapper, It.E. ; France 3 years. Alaway, Sidney Charles (1910-19) ; Private, E. Surrey Rgt. ; France 1 year 10 mouths. Albon, George Frederick (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 j'ears 10 mouths. Alcock, Thomas William (1915-19); .Signaller, Machine Gun Corps ; Palestine and France 2 years 9 months. Alderman, Frederick Walter (1914-19); Gunner, R.F..\. ; Franco, Salonica and Palestine, 2 years 11 mouths. Aldridge, Robert (1914-19); Corporal, Dragoon Guards ; France 3 years 6 montlis. Aldridge. William Hugh Goodland (1914- l.S) ; Sergeant, 11. A. F. Alexander, Hubert Victor (1918-19) ; Guardsman, Grenadier Guards. Alford, Sydney Herbert (1915-19); Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 1 month. Allan, Arthur (1914-19) ; Private, Dorsi-tshire Rgt. ; France 3 years 2 months. Allan, George (1916-19) ; Mechanic (1st Class), Tank Corps ; France 1 year 8 months. Allan, Reuben (1916-18) ; Private, Royal i''usiliers ; France 6 months. *Allan, William (1914-15); Private, R. W. Siu'i'ev Kgt. : France 5 months ; Died of wound-, 27tli May, 1915. Alia way, Arthur Richard Henry (1918- 19) ; Private, R. Sussex Rgt. ; France and Germany 6 months. Allaway, Ernest Alliester (1910-19); Signaller, il.F..\. ; France 5 months. Alleeson, William Charles (1915-19); Sigualler, R.F..\.. ; France 2 years 11 months. D 49 RFX.ORD OF WAR SERVICE Allen, Alfred Charles (1915-19) ; Cor- poral, Labour Corps ; France 2 years. Allen, Arthur (1917-19) ; Rifleman, King's Royal Rifle Corps. Allen, Charles (1914-18) ; Rifleman, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France 4 years 5 months. ♦Allen, Charles Edwin (1914-18) ; Junior Reserve Attendant, R.N. ; Died, 25th January, 1918. Allen, Edward Richard (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 2 years. Allen, Ernest (1914-19) ; Acting Ser- geant, R.A.S.C. ; France, Mesopotamia and India, 4 years 5 months. Allen, Frederick George (1918-19); Gunner, R. Marine Artillery ; Naval Service. AUen, Harry Henry (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, Devonshire Rgt. ; France 2 years 8 months, Italy 10 months. AUen, Stanley Abbott (1914-19) ; Gun- ner, R.F.A. ; France 4 years. Allen, Walter Henry (1914-18) ; Cor- poral Shoeing-Smitli, R.F.A. ; France 3 years. AUison, Alfred Thomas (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 3 months. AUison, George Douglas (1914-17) ; Lance-Corporal, Labour Corps ; France 6 months. ♦AUison, WilUam (1914-15) ; Private, Middlesex P^t. ; France 10 months ; Died of wounds, 20th June, 1915. AUwright, Phihp Frederick (1915-19) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France, Salonica and Palestine, 2 years 10 months. ♦Almeroth, Charles Wrede (1914-17); Private, R. Berlishire Rgt. ; France 2 years ; Died of wounds while prisoner of war, 5th May, 1917. Almond, Richard (1916-19); Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 9 months. Almond, WiUiam (1915-19) : Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.); France, Salonica and Palestine, 3 years 10 months. Alsop, Charles Edward (1916-19) ; Rifle- man, London Itgt. ; Salonica and Pales- tine 2 years 2 months. Alston, Albert Thomas (1915-M) ; Private, Hampshire Rgt. ; France 14 months. Ambridge, Walter Ernest (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. *Ament, Ernest Victor (1910-17) ; Rifle- man, Rifle Brigade ; France months ; Killed in action, 2:5rd June, 1917. Amey, Alfred (1915-19); Sapper, R.E. ; France 4 years. Amey, WiUiam Henry (1914-19) ; Stoker, R.N. ; Naval Service 3 years 4 months. Amies, Henry Frederick (1914—19) ; Driver, R.K. ; France and Germany 3 years G months. Amies, James Frederick (1914-17) ; Gunner, li.l'.A. *Amos, Harry (1917) ; Rifleman, London Rgt. ; France 1 month ; Missing, 7th June, 1917. Anderson, Bruce Thomas (1916-19) ; Acting Corporal, R.A.S.C. Anderson, Ernest William (1911-16) ; Rifleman, Loudon Rgt. Andrews, Andrew Oliver (1916-17) ; Gunner, R.G.A. Andrews, Charles Alfred (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 10 months. Andrews, Charles Henry (1918-19) ; Lance-Corporal, Suffolk Rgt. ♦Andrews, Charles John (1914-16) ; Rifleman, London Rgt. ; Died, 3rd April, 1916. Andrews, James John (1914-19) ; Gun- ner, R.F.A. ; France 4 years 1 month. Andrews, Job (1916-18) ; Private, Labour Corps. Andrews, John Hector (1914-19); Lieutenant, R.F.A. ; Egypt, Dardanelles, Mesopotamia and France, 4 years 3 moutlis. Andrews. John WiUiam (1916-17) ; Gunner, R.G.A. Andrews, WiUiam Henry (1915-19) ; Pioneer, R.E. ; France 3 years. Andrews, WiUiam Latham (1915-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France 3 years 8 months. AngeUnetta, Onorata James (1916—19) ; Private, Machine Gun Corps ; France 1 year 8 months. ♦Angus, David (1914-15) : Private, R. Warwickshire Rgt. ; France 6 mouths ; Jlissing, 25th April, 1915. Anness, Alfred Burgess (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; Dardanelles 6 months, Mesopotamia 2 years 6 months. Ansell, Harry (1915-19) ; Driver, R.E. ; France 3 years 4 months. AnseU, James (1914-19) ; Regimental Quartermaster- Sergeant, Wiltshire Rgt. ; France and Salonica 3 years 3 months. Anstey, Henry Robert (1918-19) ; Pri- vate, R. Sussex Rgt. ; France and Germany 6 months. Anstey, Herbert William (1914-19) ; Rattery Quartermaster-Sergeant, R.H.A. ; France 4 years 6 months. Antebring, Francis Charles (1915-17) ; I'rivate, Dragoon Guards. Anthony, George (1916-19); Private, Labour Corps ; France 6 weeks. ♦Aplin, Charles Richard Simeon (1914- 15) ; Private. London Rgt. : France 9 months ; Killed iu action, 30th Decem- ber. 1915. Appelman, Frederick Herbert (1915-19) ; 2nd Corporal, R.E. ; France 2 years 5 months. Appleby, Thomas (1914-19)- Corporal, R.ll.A. ; France 4 years 4 months. Appleton, John Henry (1917-19); Sapper, R.E. Archer. Frederick Henry (1914-19); Corporal, R.F.A. ; Fmnce 3 years 8 months. 50 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE *Archer, Frederick Joseph (1915-1 G); Bombardier, R.F.A. ; France 11 months ; Died of wounds, 2nd November, 1916. *Archer, Percy Frederick (1914-18); Driver, R.IT.A. ; Franco ;j years 7 montlis ; Died of wounds, 1st September, 1918. Archer, Thomas (1915) ; Private, R.A.O.C. Argent, Henry (1915-19); Private, Labour Corps ; France 16 months. Arman, William (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 3 months. *Armes, James George (1914-16); Pri- vate, Roynl Fusiliers ; Malta, Egypt and France, 18 months : Killed in action, 12th September, 191G. Armfield. John Arthur (1917-19): Pri- vate, Labour Corp* ; France G months. Armitage, Samuel (1916-19) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers ; France 2 years, prisoner of war 10 months. Armstrong, George (1914-19) : Driver, R.F.A. ; France 2 years, Italy 18 months. ♦Arnold, Henry (1914) ; Stoker (1st Class), R.N. ; Killed at sea, 22nd Sept- ember, 1914. Arnold, Joseph Reginald (1914-19) ; Corporal, R.E. ; France 7 months. Arnold, Mark (1914-19) ; Sick Berth Reserve Attendant, R.N. ; Naval Service 2 years 4 months. Arnold, Sydney (1914-19); Sergeant, R.E. ; France and Burmah 4 years. Arnold, Walter Harold (1918-19); Pri- vate, R. W. Kent Rgt. Arnold, William (1914-16) ; Private, London Rgt. Arnott, Augustus (1916-19) ; Sergeant, London Rgt. ; Draft Conductor, France. Ashburn, George (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 7 months. Ashby, Charles Albert (1915-19) ; Gun- ner, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 7 months. *Ashby, Frank (1915) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 1 month ; Died of wounds, 30th Septem- ber, 1915. Ashby, Frederick (1915-16) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. Ashby, George Joseph (1914-19); Bat- tery Sergeant-Major, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 6 months. Ashby, Walter William (1914-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R. W. Surrey Rgt. ; Soudan and Dardanelles 2 years. Ashley, Alfred William (1914-19) ; Private, IMiddlesex Rgt. ; France 1 month, prisoner of war 3 years 6 months, interned in Holland 8 months. ♦Ashley, Harry (1914-16) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; Fiance 2 years ; Killed in action, 15th September, 1916. Aspin, Richard George (1915-19) ; M.M. ; Private, R. W. Surrey Rgt. ; France and Italy 2 years 3 months. Asser. William (1917-19): Private, R.A.S.C. Aston, Frederick Charles (1916-19); Private, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 8 months. Aston, Thomas James (1915-19); Pri- vate, Oxford-hire anliire U,i,'t. ; l-'raTice 8 month-^. Briffitt. Josiah (1911-18) ; Private, E. tSurrey K'-,'l. Bright, Charles (191(;-19); Private, Loyal \. Laneusliirc U'jft. : l'"rance 2 years. Brightwell, William Percy (1917-19) ; Private, Lul)onr C'or|is ; France 2 years. Brimblecombe, Frederick John (1915-17); Private, 18tli llu-;sars ; France 6 months. Brimer, Henry (1914-19); Private, Royal Fusiliers ; France 3 years 4 montlis. Bristo, Frederick (1914-19); Driver, R.II.A. ; Franco and Germany 4 years. Bristow, James Alfred (1914-17); Ser- geant, Devonshire Ktrt. Bristow, John Reuben (1915-19); Driver, R.F.A. ; l-'ranee, Italy and Germany, 3 years. Britt, Richard (1914-19) ; Private, Border R;.rt. ; France 8 months, Egypt 3 years months. Brittain, Henry Thomas (191G-18) ; Private, U.D.C. Britten, James Samuel (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; Saloniea, Palestine and France, 3 years. Britton, Vincent (191(5-18); Gunner, R.G.A. Broad, Alfred (1914-19); Driver, R.A.S.C. ; Franco 3 years. Broad, Charles Ernest (1914-19) ; Bom- bardier, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 7 months. Broad, John Williams (1914-19); Ser- geant, Labour Corfis ; Gallipoli and France 2 years 2 months. Brobyn, Frederick Robert (1915-17) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 1 year 10 months. Brockhurst, Frederick (1915-19); Sapper, R.E. ; France 7 months, German East Africa 1 year 11 months. Brockwell, Thomas Clifton (1915-19) ; Battery Uaartermaster-.Serj,'eant, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 11 months. Brodie, William (1915-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 3 months. Brookbank, George (1915) ; Private, Dorsetshire K'^'t. Brooker, Reuben (1914-19); M.M. ; Sergeant, Coldstream Guards ; France 3 years 9 montlis. ♦Brooker, William (1914) ; .Vblc Seaman, R.F.R. ; Naval .Service ; Drowned at sea, 1st November, 1911. Brooks, Arthur (191.i-19) : Driver. R.E. ; l-'rance 2 years 2 months, Italy 5 months. Brooks, Charles (1914-19); M.S.M., nuMitioned in despatches ; Stall Sergeant- Major, London Rgt. Brooks, George Henry (1915-19) ; Lieu- tenant, .Macliiiie (iun Cor|)s ; France 1 year 9 months. Brooks, Thomas Colston (1911-19); Pi'ivate, Royal Marine Light Infantry ; Naval Service 4 years G months. Broom, Ernest Edgar (1915-19) ; Lancc- liiiniliardicr, U.l'.A.; I'rance, Saloniea and JOgypt, 2 years 9 months. Broom, John (191G-19); Private, Yorkshire Rgt. ; France 3 months, Italy 1 year. Broome, Ernest Fredarick (1914-18): Lance-Corporal, Labour Corps ; Gallipoli and France 2 years 11 months. Broome, William (1914-19); Private, R.A..S.C. ; France 3 years. Broomfield, Frederick (1915-19); Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 8 months. Brouder, Michael (1917-19): Private, Labour Corps ; Lrance 14 months. Brown, Albert Edward (1914-15) ; Gunner, R.F.A. Brown, Albert Edward (1914-19) ; Corporal, Coldstream Guards ; France 4 years 4 months. *Brown, Alexander Irvine (1915-17); Rifleman, King's l!oyal Rifle Corps ; France 14 mouths ; Killed in action, 31st July, 1917. Brown, David Baxter (1917-19) ; Lead- ing Aircraftsman, U.A.l". Brown, David Charles (191.5-19) ; Driver, ll.A.S.C. ; France 1 year 8 mouths. Brown, Edward James (1914-17); .Ser- geant, Koyal Fusiliers. Brown, Ernest Edgar (191G-17) ; Rifle- man, Rifle Brigade. Brown, Frederick (1916-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; .Saloniea 2 years 2 months. Brown, Harry (1914-19); Private, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry ; France and Germany (prisoner of war) 4 years. Brown, Herbert Arthur (1918-20) ; Private, R. .Sussex Rgt. ; France and Egypt 10 months. Brown, Herbert William (1914-19) ; Private, It.D.C. Brown, James (1911-19); Private, R.D.C. Brown, James (191G-17); Private, Royal Fusiliers ; France 1 month. Brown, James (1914) ; Private, London Rgt. Brown, John Benjamin (1911-19); Private, K. Welch Fusiliers. Brown, John Edgar (191.')-19); Cor- poral, 1{. W. Surrey Rgt. ; France 1 year 9 montli-<. Brown, John Leonard (191. ^-P.)) ; Pri- vate. K.A.M.C. : France 2 years 7 months. Brown, Ralph Harris (1914-19) : Lance- Corporal. K..V.S.C. ; France 2 years 8 months. bl RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Brown, Thomas (1!}15-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; i'raiice 3 years 8 months. Brown, Thomas (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R. Dublin Fusiliers ; Galiipoli and Salo- nica 3 years 8 mouths. Brown, Thomas Weston (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 4 years 5 months. Brown, William James (1914-17) ; Private, Dra.Lroou Guards. Brumby, Frederick (1914-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 5 montlis. *Brunning, Charles James (191G-17) ; Corporal, London Rgt. ; France 10 months ; Killed in action, 14th April, 1917. Bryan, Frank (191G-19) ; Private, Higlilaud Light Infantry ; France 7 montlis. Bryant, Albert Edward (1917-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.V.C. ; France 18 mouths. Bryant. Alfred (1914-16) ; Sergeant, R. Sussex Rgt. ; France 8 months. Bryant, William (1915-19) ; Stoker, R.N. ; Xaval .Service 3 years 3 months. Bryen, William (1917-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 11 months. Buck, Edward (1914-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 2 month.s. Buck, Frank Albert (1914-19) ; Driver, R.A..S.C. ; Fiance and Salonica 4 years 2 months. Buck, John William (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years. Buckingham, Frederick (1914-19) ; Lance-Corporal, I^ondon Rgt. ; France, Salonica, Kgyi>t and Palestine, 2 years 10 montlis. Buckingham, Walter (1916-18) ; Pri- vate, London Rgt. ; France 5 months. Buckland, Herbert (1918-19) ; Private, R. ^V. Surrey Rgt. Buckland, Sidney Lawrence (1914-lG) ; Driver, R.l'..'\. ; I'lunce. Buckman, Kelsham John (1915-19) ; Gimuer, R.F.A. ; I'lancc 3 years. Budd, Ernest Henry (1915-19) ; Men- tioned in despatches ; Sec-Lieutenant, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 10 mouths. Budds, Ernest Valentine (1910-19); Private, Labour Corps. Buen, Percy (1917-18) ; Private, R.A.M.C. *Bull, George (1914-16) ; Corporal, E. Surrey Rgl. ; France 1 year 11 months ; Killed in action, 26th July, 1916. *Bull, George Adolphus (1915-18) ; Gun- ner, R.F.A. ; France 1 year 10 months ; Died of wounds, 15th November, 1918. Bull, James (1916-19) ; Private, Somer- setshire Light Infantry; France 11 months. Bull, William James (1917-19); Pri- vate, Labour Corps ; France 1 year 9 months. BuUimore, WilUam (1910-19) ; Gunner, R.F..\. ; i'rane<; montlis, Salonica 7 months, Kgypt 2 years. Bullock, John Henry (1914-19) ; Rifle- man, London Rgt., and I'rivate, Labour Corps ; France 10 months. Bullock, William Charles (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Pi,.A.V.C. ; France, Mesopo- tamia and Egypt, 4 years. Bunce, William Stanley (1914-19) ; Private, Durham Light Infantry ; France 3 years. BunkaU, Walter (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.F. ; Mudros, Egypt, Aden and Salonica, 3 years 5 montlis. Bunker, Albert William (1917) ; Private, Labour Corps. Bunker, William Joseph (1915-17) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France and Salonica 18 months. Bunting, Arthur Edward (1915-17) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France and Salonica 16 months. Burbridge, William (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Suffolk Rgt. Burcham, Arthur Robert (1917-19) ; 1st Private, R.A.F. ; France 1 month. Burchett, Harry (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. Burden, Harry (1916-19) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 7 months. Burden, John Louis (1917-19) ; Private, Loudon ligt. ; France 11 months. Burden, William Lewis John (1914-19) ; Sei'geant, Machine Gun Corps ; Malta 4 months, France 3 years 3 months, Germany (prisoner of war) 10 mouths. Burgess, George (1914-19) ; Able Sea- man, Li.>^. ; Naval Service 3 years 9 months. Burgoyne, Albert Edgar (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; Salonica 1 year 11 mouths. Burk, John (1914-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Regimental Sergeant- ISIaj or, R. Sussex Rgt. ; France 8 months, Egypt 3 years 6 montlis. Burkin, George William (1918-19) ; Pri- vate, E. Surrey Rgt. ; France 4 months. Burls, Richard George (1914-19) ; Staff- Sergeant Instructor, Army Gymnastic Staff ; France 6 months. Burnage, Arthur Charles (1914-19) ; Rifleman, Rille Brigade ; France 3 years months. BurneU, Arthur Michael (1918-19); Private, R. Sussex Rgt. Burnett, Francis Samuel (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. Burnett, Morris Samuel (1915-19); Driver, R.F.A. *Burningham, Walter George (1914-19) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 2 years ; Died, 5th January, 1919. Burnley, Richard Edward (1914-19) ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; Burmah 4 years. Burr, Albert Henry (1917-19) ; Pioneer, R.K. Burree, Arthur George (1916-19) ; Rifle- man, R. Irish I'alles ; I'rance and Germany 1 year 11 montlis. 58 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Burrell, Alfred Ernest (1014-19) ; Hoiii- bardicr, U.l''.A. ; fraiict- i years 6 mouths. Burrell, David (1911-19); Private, Royal Fusiliei-s ; France C months. Burrell, Thomas (1914-17) ; Private, London l{gt. Burry, John Jacob (1914-19); Battery Sergeant- Major, R.F.A. Burt, Thomas Christopher (1915-19) ; Ijancc-Corporal, R. Warwickshire Rgt. ; France 3 years. Burt, William (1915-18) ; Squadron Sergeant-Major, Shropshire Yeomanry. Burton, George Charles (1914-19); Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 4 years 4 months, Italy 2 months. ♦Burton, Thomas William (1914-17); Private, E. Surrey ligt. ; France 1 year 10 months ; Killed in action, 1st May, 1917. Burton, Walter Frederick (1917-19); Private, Labour Corps ; France 17 months. Burville, William Henry (1914-17); Sergeant, 100th Provisional Bn. Bush, Alfred Thomas (1917-20) ; Pri- vate, Labour Corps ; France and Germany 2 years S months. Bush, Arthur (1914-19) ; Petty Officer, R.N. ; Naval Service 4 years 3 months. Bush, James Thomas (1917-19) ; 3rd Air Mechanic, R.A.F. Bush, Reuben Frederick (1914-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; Malta 15 months, France 2 years 3 months. Bushell, Edwin (1915-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 2 months. Buss, Alfred Richard (1915-19) ; Cor- poral, R.A.M.C ; Fi-ance 2 years. Butcher, Charles Walter (1914-17) ; Private, Dragoon Guards ; France 2 yeai-s 7 months. Butcher, Edward (1914-19); (iiinncr, R.F.A. ; France 3 months, Salonica 3 years. Butcher, Walter (1915-19) ; Guards- man, Guards Machine Gun Rgt. ; France 12 months. Butler, Edward George (1914-18) ; Private. Yorkshire Light Infantry and Lance-Corporal, R.D.C. ; France 2 years. *Butler, James Ernest (1911-15) ; Cor- poral, Rifle Brigade ; Franco 3 months ; Missing, 6th July, 1915. Butler, William Richard Alfred (1914- 19) ; Leading Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service. Butlin, Harry (1914-19) : Bombardier, R.F.A. ; France 6 months, Italy 2 months. *Butlin, WUHam Arthur (1915-16); Private, R. Berkshire Rgt. ; France 1 month ; Killed in action, 19tli April, 1916. Buttle, Reuben (1914-18) ; Private, Labour Corps. Button, Thomas Arthur (1915-19); Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 1 month. Bynoth, Henry (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.V.C. ; France, Egypt and Salonica, 4 years. Byrne, Richard Thomas (1915-19); Corjjoral, R.A.S.C. *Cahill, James (1914 - 19) ; Private, R.A.M.C; Gibraltar 4 years; Died, 16th March, 1919. Caiger, Walter Joseph (1914-19); Sap- per, U.F. ; France and Salonica 3 years. Calaz, John Joseph (1915-16) ; Private, Middlesex Ugt. Cale, William John (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; l''rance 3 years 9 months. Callaghan, Dennis (1914-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; I'rance, Belgium and Mesopotamia, 3 years (5 months. Calver, Charles Ronald (1918-19) ; Private, Essex Rgt. Calver, George Ernest (1918-19); Pri- vate, Machine Gun Corps. Calver, William Henry (1914-19) ; Bombardier, 11. G. A. ; I'rance 3 years 8 months. Calvert, Edward (1915-18) ; Sapper, R.E. Cameron, St. John Digby Coutts (1914- 19) ; Private, Dragoon Guards ; France 10 months. Camp, WilUam George (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, R.A.S.C. ; France and Germany 4 years 7 months. Cann, Frederick Charles (1914-19) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service. Cann, George Richard (1914-19) ; Gun- ner, It.F.A. ; France 4 years 5 months. *Cannard, Henry Ernest (1914-15) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 13 months ; Killed in action, 25tli September, 1915. Cannon, Frederick (1915-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 13 months. Cannon, Thomas William (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Labour Corjis ; Gallipoli and France 14 months. Cant, Arthur Frederick (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France 2 years 10 months. Canter, Thomas William (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.ll.A. ; France 4 years 6 months. Canton, John (1914-19) ; Lance-Cor- poral, R.A.S.C. ; France 4 mouths. Capel, George (1914-17) ; Private, R.U.C. ♦Cappleman, Walter (1916); RLflcmaa, Rille Hrigade ; France 1 mouth ; Missing, 15th Se])lember, 1916. *Carben, Henry (1917); Private, R.A.M.C. ; France and Italy 2 months ; Died, 20th July, 1917. Card, George (1915-19); Gunner, R.II. A. ; France 4 years. Cardy, William Arnold (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, Middlesex Rgt. ; France and Germany (prisoner of war) 4 years 5 months. Carlton, Thomas (1914-16); Private, Loiuliin ligt. Carmichael, Finlay (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; Egypt and Salonica 3 years 3 months. 59 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Carpenter, Harry Thomas (191G-19) : GiuiiKT, K.1'".A. ; France, Italy and Es^ypt, 2 years 9 months. Carr, Joseph James (1918-19) ; Air Mechanic (.Sril Class), K.A.F. Carstairs, James Lockhart (1915-19) ; ^I.M. : Cori)oral, Iv.F.A. ; France 9 months. Carter, Arthur John (1911-19) ; Lance- Corporal, Londnii R^t- ♦Carter. Edward William (1914-19); Corporal, I{.F.A. ; France, Salouica and Eg^'pt, 2 years 7 months. Carter, Edwin Thomas (1911-19) ; Pri- vate, Middlesex Hgt. ; France 3 years C months. Carter, Ernest Charles (1914-19) ; Lance- Serjjceant, Dragoon Guards ; France 4 years 1 month. Carter, Henry Arthur (1910-18) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years ; Died, 3rd December, 1918. Carter, James (1914-15) ; Private, Scots Guards. Carter, James Alfred (1916-17) ; Cyclist, Norfolk Kgt. Carter, James Frederick (1910-19) : Corporal, R.A.O.C. ; Egypt, Palestine and Syria, 2 j-ears 2 months. Carter, William (1915-19); Corporal, R.E. ; France 2 years. Cartwright, John (1918-19); Private, R.A.O.C. ; France and Germany 11 months. Carver, Arthur George (1916-19) ; Gun- ner, R.F.A. Carver, Frederick James Daniel (1914- 19) ; Air Mechanic, R.A.F. ; France 2 years 10 months. Case, James (1916-17) ; Gunner, R.F.A. Casey, Charles Percy (1910) ; Private, London Rgt. Castell, Henry Edwin (1915-17); Cor- poral, I'l.l'.A. ; France and Salonica 13 months. Castle, Ernest Albert (1910-19) ; Pri- vate, Labour Corps. Castle, Ernest Arthur (1914-19); Ser- geant, Royal Fusiliers ; Franco 2 years 8 months. Castle. Frank George (1917-19) ; Lance- Corjioral, .Military I'cjiice. Castle, George Charles (1910-19); I'ri- vate, Cameron llighlunders and Labour Corps ; France 1 year 9 months. Castle, John Dennis (1914-19) ; Stoker, R..\'. ; -Xaval ."-Service, :{ years 2 months. Castle, William Bannon (1914-19); .M..\l. ; Company Quarti'rmast(T-Sergeant, W. Yorkshire Rgt. ; Dardanelles, Egypt and France, 3 years 5 months. Catmull, Walter Robert (1915-19); Coriioral, K.,\..M.('. Catt, Arthur (191.5-19); Wheeler, R.l'.A. ; 1- ranee 2 years 3 months. Catt, Richard (1918-19) ; Private, London Itgt. Cawson, Richard Pearse (1915-19) ; Driver, R.A.M.C. ; France 4 years 1 month. Chalfont, Frederick WiUiam (1916-20) ; Private, R. W. Kent Kgt. ; India and Afghanistan 3 years 5 months. *Challis, Walter (1914) ; Leading Signal- ma!i, R.N. ; Killed at sea, 22nd September, 1914. Chamberlain, Henry James (1915-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 7 months. Chambers, Herbert Thomas (1914-19) ; Lance-Sergeant, Rifle Brigade ; Burmah 4 years. Champney, WiUiam (1914-19) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; Naval .Service 4 years 7 months. Chance, Frederick Lewer (1914—19) ; Sapper, R.E. Chandler, Thomas Gerald (1916-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 2 years. Channing, Alderman Joseph Charles (1917); Private, Northami)toushire Rgt. Channing, Herbert Samuel (1916-19) ; Sapjjer, R.E. *Chaplin, Thomas Sidney (1917) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 2 mouths ; Died, 30th July, 1917. Chapman, Alfred James (1915-16) ; Guardsman, Coldstream Guards ; France 6 months. Chapman, Edgar Charles (1914-15) ; Private, London Pigt. Chapman, Ernest Edward (1916-18) ; Private, Cheshire Rgt. ; France 11 months. Charles, Horace Frank (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, Labour Corps ; France 4 years. Charlwood, Ernest James (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.O.C. ; France 3 years 6 months. Charman, Henry George (1914-19) ; Private, Duke of Wellington's Rgt. ; France 3 years 6 months. Charrott, James (1914-19) ; Bombardier, R.F.A. ; France and India 3 years 9 months. Charsley, Louis Albert (1914) ; Bom- bardier, Pi.F.A. Chase, Thomas Hackett (1918-19) ; Gunner, R.F..\. ; France 4 months. Chastney, Frank William (1917-19) ; Guimer, R.l-'.A. ; France 1 year 7 months. Chatman, Alfred (1914-19) ; Gunner, 15. If. A. ; I'rance 2 years 10 months. Cherry, Sidney Thomas (1914-19) ; I>ance-Corporal, Labour Corps ; France 2 years 3 months. Cheshire, Albert Edward (1916-19) ; .Sergeant, .Military Police. Cheshire, Thomas (1914-19) ; Lance- Serg(^aiit, Oxfordsliirc and Buckinghana- shire Light Infantry ; France 18 months. Chessun, Thomas (1914-19); Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; I'rance and prisoner of \\ar 4 years C months. 6o RECORD OF WAR SERVICE *Chesterman, William Thomas (1916) : Private, K.W. Surrey l{t,'t. ; Fiance 2 months; Killed in action, lircl November 1916. Chilcott. George Henry (1916-19) ; Lance-Coi-|)oral, Labour Corps ; Saionica 2 years 10 months. Chilcott, Thomas Edwin (1911-19); M.M. ; LunceCorponil, K.K. ; Germany and France 1 years 1 niontlis. Childs, Arthur John Kent (11)17-18); Private, London Iti^t. ; France 4 mouths. Chilvers, Joseph Ernest (1916-19) ; Private, 8. Statl'onlsliiro Rgt. ; Franco 16 months. Chinn, Louis John (1918-19) ; Private, Middlesex Kt't. Chinnock. John Henry (1916-19) ; M.M. ; Private, E. Surrey Rgt. ; France 2 years 4 months. Chipling. William Edward (1911-19); Gunner, It.F.A. ; l<"rance 1 'J months, Meso- potamia 1 year 8 montlis. Chipperfield, Robert George (1915-19) ; Private, K. Warwickshire It'jt. ; France and Italy 3 years 8 months. Chipperfield, William Charles (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; I'rance 3 years 1 month. Chorley, Robert Percival Thomas (1916- 19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 4 months. Christian, George Edward (1914-18) ; Pioneer, R.E. ; France 15 months. Christopher. Charles Henry (1914-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years, Italy 14 mouths. Church, Stanley George (1914-15) ; Auxiliary Sick Berth Reserve, R.N. ; Naval Service 8 months. Church, William James (1916-19) ; Corporal, Machine Gun Corps ; France and Germany 2 years 5 months. *Churchill, Mark William (1914-17); Private, Royal Fusiliers ; France 2 years ; Killed in action, August, 1917. Chymist, James Samuel (1918-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.). Clare, George Henry John (1916-19); Able Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service 2 years 4 months. Clark, Albert Ernest (1916-19) ; Leading Aircraftsman, R.A.F. ; France 2 years 2 months. Clark, Albert Henry (1914-17) ; Driver, R.D.C. Clark, Alfred (1915-19); Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 10 months. Clark, Bertie William (1915-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 2 years, India 2 years. Clark, Charles Edwin (1916-19); Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. Clark, Charles Lever (1915-18) ; Private, York and Lancaster Rgt. ; France 1 year 5 months. Clark, David (1914-19); Croix de Guerre (French) ; Sergeant, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France and Germany 3 years. Clark, Ernest Richard (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, Essex Rgt. ; Egypt and Saio- nica 4 years. Clark, Frederick (1917-19) ; Private, Lal)Our Corps. Clark, Frederick George (1916-18); Private, Middlesex Rgt. ; F'rance 13 months. Clark, James George (1915-19) ; Driver, R.E. ; Franec 2 years 11 montlis. Clark, Jesse William (1914-19) ; Leading Seaman, U.N. ; Naval Service. Clark, John (1914-19); Cadet (Petty Oltic< I), U..N.D. ; Egypt, Gallipoli, Saionica and I'ranee, 3 years. Clark, John William (1916-19); Pri- vate, Pi.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 9 months. Clark, Oswald Drew (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.). Clark, Percy Le Brun (1918-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.). Clark, Samuel John (1014-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; I'rance 3 years 6 mouths. *Clark, Sidney (1914-15); Lance-Cor- poral, Royal Fusiliers ; France 1 month ; Died of wounds, 28th May, 1915. Clark, WiUiam (1914-18) ; Private, R.D.C. Clark, William Charles (1915-19); Lance-Corporal, R.E. ; France 17 months. Clark, William Edward (1914-19) ; Pioneer, R.E. ; France 3 years. Clarke, Albert Herbert (1917-19); Gun- ner, R.G.A. ; France 4 months. Clarke, Arthur (1918-19); Private, Essex Rgt. ; France 3 months. Clarke, Arthur John (1916-19) ; Private, Labour Corjis. Clarke, George (1914-19) ; Able Seaman, R.N. Clarke, Henry Edwin (1915-19); Rom- bardiei', R.F..\. ; I'rancc 3 years 3 months. Clarke, Joseph George (1914-17); Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. Clarke, Leonard Henry (1916-17) ; Private, R. Scots Fusiliers. *Clarkson, George Alfred (1916-17); Corporal, King's Own Yorkshire Light; Infantry ; France 1 year ; Killed in action, 16th August, 1917. Clarry, Frederick Alfred (1916-19); Private, Worcestershire Rgt. ; I'ranco 3 months. Clay, George (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France, Saionica and lOgyiit, 3 years. Clayton, Frederick Harry (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.l'.A. ; France and Saionica 3 years 6 months. ♦Clements, Edgar Bletsoe (1918) : Gimner, R.tJ.A. : Died, lOdi October 1918. Clements, Martin James (1917-18); Signaller, R.l'.A. ; France 3 months. Clibbon. Joseph Henry (1915-19); Driver, R..\.S.C. ; I'lance 2 years 10 months, Egypt 2 months. Clifford, Henry Arthur Butcher (1915- 19) ; Pioneer, R.E. ; Saionica 2 years. 6l RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Clover, Allan (1915-19) ; Signaller, R.E. ; Franco 2 years 10 months. Coates, Charles Albert (1916-19) ; Lance- Corporal, R. Sussex Kgt. Coates, Harry (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France 3 years 8 months. Coates, Robert Skelton (1914-19) ; Rifle- man, London Rgt. ; France 3 years 10 months. Cobb, Joseph George (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, Dragoon Guards ; Franco 6 months. Cockrill, Arthur Edward (1914-16) ; Sergeant, Essex Rgt. Cogger, Walter (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; Palestine 2 years, France 18 months. Cohen, Gerald Maurice (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France 18 months. Coke, Charles Stuart (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. ; Franco 3 years 10 months. *Colborne, Alfred Charles (1915-17); Bombardier, R.F.A. ; France 17 months ; Died of wounds, 24th May, 1917. Colbran, Henry Horace (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; Salonica 18 months, France 7 months. Coldrick, Joseph (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.V.C. ; France 3 years. *Cole, Henry Alfred (1914-16) ; Lance- Corporal, Dorsetshire Rgt. ; France 1 year ; Died of wounds, 12th July, 1916. Cole, Horace Albert (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 14 months. Cole, John Francis (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 4 months. Cole, Robert Charles Patrick (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.F. *Cole, William Henry Davis (1914-18); Private, Bedfordshire Rgt. ; Frauce 3 years ; Died of wounds, 25tli August, 1918. ♦Coleman, Charles (1914-16) ; Private, Royal Fu.siliers ; France 2 vears 2 months ; Missing, 7th October, 1916. Coleman, Harry Albert (1916-19) ; Private, Loudon Rgt. ; Salonica 6 months, Egypt 18 months. Coleman, Henry Douglas (1917-19) ; Lance-Corporal, Loudon Rgt. ; Frauce 1 year 7 months. Coleman, John (1916-19) ; Private, R. Sussex Rgt. ; France 6 months. Coles, William (1916-19) ; Lance- Corporal, London Rgt. ; Salonica 6 months, Kgyiit 18 months. CoUard, Edwin (1914-19); D.C.M. ; Company Quartermaster- Sergeant, Lin- colnshire and Nottinghamshire and Derby- shire Rgts. and Labour Corps ; France, Greece and Egypt, 4 years 2 montlis. Collett, Ernest Hiram (1914-17); Pri- vate, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 18 months. Collett, William (191.5-19); I'rivate, R.A.V.C. ; France 4 years. Colley, Charles Stratton (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Salonica and Egypt 3 years 5 months. Colley, John Richard (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, S. Nottinghamshire Hussars. *Collier, Harry (1915-18) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 1 year 8 months ; Died, 6th November, 1918. Collier, John Albert (1914-17) ; M.M. ; Lance-Corporal, London Rgt. ; France 1 year 7 mouths. Collins, John (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Ser- geant, R.E. ; France 3 years 6 months. Collins, John (1916-17) ; Private, Northumberland Fusiliers. Collins, Leonard Ernest Percy (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; France 4 years 6 months. Collins, William John (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France 2 years. *Colverd, William James (1915-17) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 14 months ; Died of wounds, 16th August, 1917. Compton, Thomas Joseph (1914-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 10 months. Conaron, Wilham (1917) ; Air Mechanic (2nd Class), R.A.F. Conie, Harry (1914-19) ; Bombardier, R.II.A. ; France 2 years 10 months. Connor, George Herbert (1918-19) ; Private, Machine Gun Corps. Connor, Reginald Edmund Clement (1914-19) ; Corporal, London Rgt. ; France 2 years. Constable, George (1916-19) ; Private, Northumberland Fusiliers ; France 2 years 2 months. Constable, William Henry (1914-19); Sergeant, R.F.A. ; Russia 6 months, France 3 months, Salonica 3 years. Conway, John William (1918-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 3 months. Cook, Albert Victor (1914-17) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 3 months. Cook, Alfred Arthur (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, London Rgt. ; Egypt 13 months, France 10 months, Salonica 8 months. Cook, Charles Herbert (1914-16) ; Pri- vate, 9th Lancers ; France 2 years. Cook, Herbert (1914-19); Sergeant, Essex Rgt. ; France 3 months. Cook, Herbert EH (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, London Rgt. ; Burmah 4 years. Cook, Robert WilUam (1917-19) ; Bat- tery Quartermaster - Sergeant, R.G.A. ; France and Germany 18 months. Cook, Stanley John (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.O.C. ; France 15 months. Cook, William (1914-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 6 months. Cook, William James (1916-19); Pri- vate, Dorsetshire Rgt. ; France 1 year. Coole, John Henry (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Wiltshire Rgt. Coombes, Stanley George (1914-19); Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 4 years 6 months. * Cooper, Arthur (1914-15) ; Private, I<]ssex Rgt. ; France 4 months ; Ditjd of wounds, 19th December, 1915. 62 RFXORD OF WAR SERVICE Cooper, Charles Leonard (1915-19) ; Sapiicr, R.E. ; Franco 3 yeiirfl 3 inontlis. Cooper, Edward (1911-19) ; Driver, R.I''. A. ; Franco and Italy 3 year.s 6 months. Cooper, Edward Henry (1915-19); Serf,'cai\t, ll.A.V.O. ; I'rancc 2 years 8 months. Cooper, Frederick Walter (1918-19); Trivate, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Mesopotamia 4 months. * Cooper, Harold William (1915-17); Private, London Kfft. : l''rancc 1 month ; Died of wonuds, (ith January, 1917. Cooper, John Verdon (1915-19) ; Rifle- man, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France 2 years 2 montlis. Cooper, Sidney Raikes (1915-19) ; Fitter, R.G.A. ; Franco 3 ycai-s. Cooper, Thomas George (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; India 1 year 8 months, France 1 year 7 mouths. Cooter, William Christopher (1911-19) ; 2nd Corporal, R.E. ; i'ranco 1 years 5 montlis. Copeland, Albert James (1914-19) ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; India 3 years 1 month. Copeland, Frederick William (1915-17) ; Boniljardier, R.F.A. ; France 9 months. Copeman, Henry John (1914-19) ; Wheeler Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; France 4 years 1 month. Copping, William (1915-16) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 6 months. Copsey, Charles George (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Balkans 2 years G months. Copsey, Henry John (1917-20) ; Pioneer, R.E. ; France and Germany 2 years 3 months. Copus, George William (1914-17); Private, R.D.C. ; ^Mediterranean Expedi- tionary Force 15 months. Cordell, James Samuel (1914-19) ; Rifle- man, Rifle Brigade ; India 3 years 9 months. Cork, Herbert William (1914-19) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service 4 years (5 months. *Corkett, George Ernest (1915-16) ; Ser- geant, Rifle Brigade ; France 6 months ; Missing, 3rd September, 1916. Corlett, Percy (1915-19) ; Staff Quarter- master-Sergeant, R..\.S.C. Come, Leonard (1916-19); Private, R. Welch Fusiliers ; Salonica and Turlcey 2 years 11 months. Cornelius, Dick (1911-19) ; Lance- Corporal, R.E. ; r:gypt, Gallipoli and Malta, 4 years. Cornford, William Henry (1914-19); Bombardier, R.G.A. Cornish, Frederick (1915-18) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. ; Franco 17 months, Italy 3 months. Cosgrove, Martin (1917); Private, Labour Corps. Cossey, Theophilus (1917-19); Driver, R.A.S.C. ; France 13 months. Costello, Robert Joseph (1917-19) ' Corporal, Laliour Corps. *Coster, Arthur Edward (1911-15); Corporal, Border llgt. ; France 5 months ; Missing, Pith .March, 1915. Cotton, Charles Frederick William (1916- 19) ; Private, R.A..M.C. Counter, Sydney (1914-19) ; Chief Petty Oflicer, R.N. ; Naval Service 3 years. Court, Frederick Ernest (1918-19); Rifleman, Rifle Brigade; France 3 months. Cousins, Alfred (1915-1 S) ; Lance- Corporal, R.E. ; France 1 year 7 months. Cousins, Edward Emanuel (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.E. ; Franco 3 years 8 months. Cousins, William (1911-19); Private, R.D.C. Coventon, Henry James (1911-17) ; I'rivate, Middlesex Rgt. *Coventry, Albert Edward (1914-15) ; Private, R. Berkshire Rgt. ; France 4 months ; Killed in action, 27tli Novem- ber, 1915. Coventry, Arthur Charles (1914-19) ; Private, Machine Gun Corps ; Franco 3 years 3 months. Covin, Frederick William (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 2 months. Cowdray, Stanley (1917-19) ; Corporal, R.A.F. Cowland, Charles (1914-17) ; Sergeant, London Rgt. Cowley, Arthur James (1918-19) ; Private, R. Sussex Rgt. ; Germany 5 months. Cox, Adrian George (1916-19) ; Private, Laboiu" Corps ; France 2 years 5 months. *Cox, Albert (1914-15); Private, Essex Rgt. ; Dardanelles 1 month ; Missing, 28th June, 1915. Cox, Albert Bastow (1918-19) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers. Cox, Alfred Robert (1917-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 14 montlis. Cox, Arthur (1916-19) ; Private, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry ; France 2 years. Cox, Edward James (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.V.C. ; Franco 3 years 5 months. Cox, George (1911-16) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 5 months. *Cox, George (1914-15) ; Lance-Corporal, R.W. Surrey Rgt. ; France 4 months ; Killed in action, 16th May, 1915. Cox, Maurice (191S-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. Cox, Reginald George (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, Worcestersliire Rgt. ; France 2 months. Cox, Thomas (1911-18); M.C, Men- tioned in despatches ; Regimental Scr- gcant-Majf>r, London Rgt. ; France 2 years 6 months. Cox, William Edward (1911-19): Sec.- Lieutenant, Tank Corps ; France 1 year. Crabb, John (1918-19) ; Lancc-Corporal, R. Sussex Rgt. ; France, Egypt and Palestine, 17 months. 63 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Cradock, Henry John (1916-18) ; Rifle- man, Loiidou Ky;t. ; Kmuce 6 months. Cradock, Joseph John (1910-19) ; Pri- vate, S. Staffoi-dsliiie Rgt. ; France 13 months, jirisouer of war S months. Craker, Richard Frederick Joseph (1914- 17); Private, r2tli l^aucers. Cramer, George Richard (1915-19) ; Private, It.A.fc^x'. (M.T.) ; France 3 years 9 montlis. Crane, William George (1914-15) ; Coriioral, Pv. Irish R!,'t. Cranfield, Oliver (1915-19); Private, London It^t. ; F-}::y)>t 1 year, France 13 months, Salonica months. Craske, Edward Ernest (1916-19); Sapper, R.E. ; Salonica 5 months, Egypt and Palestine 2 years 3 months. Crawley, Daniel (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.H.A. ; France and Salonica 4 years 2 montlis. Crawley, William (1914-19) ; Private, W. Yorkshire l{gt. ; France 3 years 5 months. Creasey, Sydney John (1914-19) ; Lanco- Corporai, IMiddlesex R!?t. ; India and Mesopotamia 4 years C montlis. Cressell, George (191G-1S) ; Private, R.D.C. Cresswell, Albert Edward (1915-19); Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France 4 years 6 mouths. Cresswell, William George Henry (1914- 19) ; .Serjeant, Machine Gnu Corps ; France 2 years 10 montlis. Cripps, George (1914-19) ; Corporal, R.G.A. ; (JaUipoli, Salonica and Palestine, 3 years 9 months. Crisp, Edwin (1914-19) ; Air Mechanic (1st Class), R.F.C. ; France 1 year 9 months. Crocker, Thomas Henry (1914-19) ; Private, 1';. Kent R'^t. ; Franco 9 months, Egypt and Palestine 2 years months. ♦Cromarty, John (1914-16) ; Private, R.D.C. ; Accidentally killed, Cth May, 1916. Crone, Edward (1917-19); Private, Lahoiii' Corps ; France 1 year. Crook, Charles William (1914-19); Private, London ligt. ; France 3 years 11 months. Crook, David Martin (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; Sahjiiica 2 years 2 months. Cross, Albert Edward Robert (1916-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; l'"rance 17 months. Cross, James Alfred (191S-19); Rifle- man, Rille Lrigade ; i''rancc 5 months. Cross, William (1915-19); Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France I! years 9 months. Crossley, George Henry (1915-19); 2nd Corporal, R.IO. ; I'lanee 3 months; Salonica 3 years 1 nionth. Crossley, Robert Joshua Francis (1916- 19); Cori)oral, 1!.K. ; I'rance 2 years 5 montlis. Crossman, George Edward (1914-19) ; GiiiuKT, i:.F..\. ; Fnirice 2 years 4 months, Salonica 16 montlis. Crossman, John Charles (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 4 years. Crouch, Sydney Alfred (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, E. Surrey Rgt. ; France 2 weeks, prisoner of war 4 years 4 months. Crow, Arthur George (1914-19) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service 4 years 7 months. Crowe, Frederick Walter (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, Northumberland Fusiliers; France 2 weeks, prisoner of war 4 years 6 months. Crowther, Robert (1915-19) ; Private, Yorkshire Rgt. ; Dardanelles and France 4 years. Crozier, James William (1915-18) ; Gunner, R.F.A. Crumpler, George Victor (1914-19) ; Company Sergeant- INIaj or, Dorsetshire Rgt. ; France 3 years 7 mouths. Cruse, George Thomas (1915-19) ; Bom- bardier, R.F.A. ; Egypt 1 year 9 months, France 6 months, Salonica 6 months. CuUen, Edwin Thomas (1916-18) ; Private, Labour Corps. Cullen, Thomas (1918-20) ; Gunner. R.G.A. ; Malta 17 months. Cullender, Alfred John (1915-16) ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; France 5 mouths. Culling, Albert Frederick (1914-19); Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 months, Salonica 3 years 3 months. Culmore, John Richard (1914-19) ; Private, 20th Hussars ; France 2 years. Culver, James Edward (1917-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. ; Salonica 11 months. *Cummins, James Henry (1915-18) ; Private, R. Scots Fusiliers ; France 2 years 10 months ; Died, 3rd November, 1918. Curnick, Arthur Ernest (1917-19); Private, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt 18 months. Curry, Denis Patrick (1916-17); Pri- vate, Middlesex Rgt. Curtis, William John (1917-19) ; Sig- naller, R.G.A. ; France 2 months. Curtis, William John (1917-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France and Germany 2 years 5 months. Cusack, George Paul (1917-19) ; Black- smith, R.N. Cutbill, George Andrew (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 6 months. Cuthbert, William (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Middlesex Rgt. *Cutler, Mark (1914-16) ; Sergeant, Grenadier Guards ; France 1 year 9 months ; Killed in action, 6th May, 1916. -Cutting, James Alfred (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, London Rgt. and M.M.P. ; Egypt 3 years 11 months. Cutts. Edward D'Arcy (1915-19) ; Driver ILK. ; France 3 years. *Dacey, Michael (1914-15); Driver, R.A.S.(J. ; Died, 1st May, 1915. Dale, Henry John (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. 64 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Dalton, Arthur Knowsley (1915-19) ; Compaay Quartermaster-Sergeant, R.E. Dalton, William (1914-19); Sapper, R.E. ; Franco 9 months. Daly, Henry James (191G-19) ; Private, W. Yorkshire Rgt. ; Franco 3 months, Malta 17 months. Daly, James Francis (1911-19) ; Lanco- Corporal, Royal Fusiliers ; France 3 years 4 months. Dance, Frank John (1914-19) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France 1 year 10 months. Daniels, Henry George (1914-19) ; Leading Stoker, R.N. ; Naval Service. Daniels, John William (1918-19) ; Signaller, R.F.A. Daniels, Thomas John (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, R. Scots Fusiliers ; France and Egypt 2 years 2 months. Daniels, William (1918-19) ; Private, Royal FusiUers ; France 2 months. Daniels, William Arthur Cook (1914- 16) ; Rifleman, London Rgt. ; Franco 18 months. Dapling, Herbert Hawkins (1914-19) ; Private, E. Surrey Rgt. ; India and Mesopotamia 3 years. Darby, Arthur Thomas (1915-18) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 6 months. Daroh, Edward Isaac (1914-19) ; Guards- man, Coldstream Guards ; France 3 years 6 months. Dark, Albert Francis Martin (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Bedfordshire Rgt., and Officer Cadet ; France 2 years. ♦Darkens, Cecil Robert (1916-17) ; Pri- vate, E. Surrey Rgt. ; France 5 months ; Killed in action, 14th March, 1917. Darling, Clement Henry (1914-19) ; Stafi-Sergeant, R.E. Darwood, Ernest (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 1 year 9 mouths. Dauncey, William Joseph (1914-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; Franco 3 years 3 months, Italy 4 months. ♦Davenport, Henry William Charles (1914-18) ; Lance-Corporal, Loudon Rgt.; India 2 years 9 months ; Died, 13th November, 1918. Davenport, Philip Sanders (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.C. Davey, Arthur Edward William (1914- 19) ; 2nd (Corporal, R.E. ; Franco and Salonica 4 years. Davey, Henry (1914-18) ; Gimner, R.G.A. ; France 1 year 8 months. Davey, Sidney Alfred (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.F. Davies, Albert Edward (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 8 months. Davies, Bertram (1916-19); Leading Aircraftsman, R.A.F. ; France 2 months. Davies, Charles John (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, London Rgt. ; France 4 years. Davies, Ernest Haydn (1914-19) ; Men- tioned in despatches ; Sergeant, 11. G. A. ; Macedouia 2 years 4 months, Egypt 5 months, Gallipoli 3 months. ♦Davies, Evan Joseph (1915-16); Pri- vate, R. Welch Fu.-iliers ; France 7 mouths ; Killed In action, 10th July, 1916. Davies, Leyston (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, M.F.P. ; Franco 2 years 1 month. Davis, Albert Henry (1915-19) ; Cor- poral, R.F.A. ; Franco 2 years 1 month. Davis, Alfred (1914) ; Private, Loyal N. Lancashire Rgt. Davis, Benjamin Isaao (1915—18) ; Sergeant, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 2 years 7 months. Davis, Clifford (1915-16) ; Rifleman, 16th Bn. Loudon Rgt. Davis, Ernest Bell (1915-18) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers ; German East Africa 3 years 3 mouths. Davis, Frank (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 2 years 4 months. Davis, Gordon Frederick (1916-19) ; Air- crattsman (1st Class), R.A.F. ; France 2 years 6 months. Davis, James (1914-17) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France and Salonica 1 year. Davis, Joseph Henry (1914-19) ; Regi- mental Sergeant-Major, R. Berkshire Rgt. ; France 5 months. Davis, Wyndham (1916-19) ; Private, E. Yorksliire Rgt. ; France 1 year. Davis, William John Thomas (1918-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France 16 mouths. ♦Davis, William Warren (1914-15) ; Corporal, R.E. ; France 5 months ; Killed in action, 30th August, 1915. Davy, Thomas William (1914-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France and Dardanelles 4 years. Dawe, Francis Frederick (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 5 months. Dawe, Percy Edward (1917-18) ; Private, Labour Cor|)s. Dawe, Walter (1915-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 11 months. ♦Dawes, Charles John (1914-15) ; Pri- vate, National Reserve ; Died, 27th October, 1915. Dawes, Charles Walter (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.G.A. ; France 3 years 1 mouth. Dawes, Sydney William (1914-19) ; Lance-Corporal, M.F.P. ; France 3 years 5 months. ♦Day, Frank (1916-17); Sapper, R.E. ; Died, lyth l''ebruary, 1917. Day, John Arthur (1915-19) ; Private, S. Stati'ordshire Rgt. ; France 1 year. Deacon, George Anthony (1915-19) ; Gunuer, R.F.A. ; Franco 3 years 3 months. Deamer, George (1915-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; Franco 3 years 2 months. 65 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Dean, Ernest Arney (1914-19) ; Sick Berth Kcsorvo, It.X. ; Naval Service 3 years 5 months. Dean, George William (1918-19) ; Pri- yate, Machine Gun Corps Training Bn. *Dean, Harry Hewer (1917-18) ; Private, Machine Gun Gorjis ; France 6 months ; Died of wounds, lOtli September, 1918. Dean, John Aburrow (1918-19) ; Pri- vate, Boyal Marine Liprlit Infantry. Dean, Thomas Abraham (1915—19) ; Private, London Rgt. Deas, William (1914-19) ; Gimner, H.G.A. ; France 2 years. Deason, Ambrose Berry (1917-19) ; Private, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry ; France 1 year 8 mouths. Deavin. John Walter (1916-19) ; Rifle- man, Rifle Brigade ; France 1 year 8 montlis. Deegan, Peter (1915-19) ; Private, R. Irish Rgt. ; France, Salonica, Palestine and Egypt, 2 years 9 months. Defer, Charles Edward (1914-19) ; D.C.M. ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 6 months. Delay, John Oliver (1914-19) ; Bom- bardier, R.F.A. ; France, Italy and Germany, 3 years. Deller, William James (191G-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; Fi-ance 2 years 8 months. Dempsey, John (1914-18) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 17 months. Dench, Edwin George (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, Essex Rgt. ; France 2 years 3 months. Denison, Frederick Charles (1914-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France, Egypt and Palestine, 3 years 4 months. Dennant, Albert Edward (1915-18),; Private, Royal I'usiiiers ; France 11 months. Dennant, Walter (191G-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 2 years 3 months. Denney, William George (1914-16) ; Private, 18tli Hussars. Denning, William (1917-19); Private, Labour Corps ; France and Germany 2 years 9 mouths. Dennis, Frederick John (1916-19) ; Private, Durham Light Infantry ; Franco 3 montlis. Dennison, Harwood (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, Loynl .\". Litncasliire Rgt. ; France 3 months, I'risfjuer of war 4 years. Dent, William George (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. (.M.T.; : France 2 years. Denton, Frederick Henry (1915-19) ; Lance-Corporal, li.E. ; irance and Meso- potamia 2 years 8 months. Derry, Cornelius Philip (1914-16) ; Lance-Corporal, lioyal I'ur^iliers ; i'rance 3 mouths. Devereux, John (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.H.A. ; i'rance 3 years 6 months. *Devis, Arthur Stanley (1914-18) ; M.M.; Sergeant, Tank ('orps ; France 3 vears 6 months ; Mis.siug, 29th September, 1918. Dewar, Albert Edward (1914-19) ; Sciuadron Sergeant - ^Nlajor, R.A.S.C. (Remounts); Palestine 7 months, Egypt 9 months, Salonica 1 year 8 months. De Witt, Ferdinand (1914-19) ; Captain, R.F.A. ; France 2 years. Dibbs, John Edward (1914-19) ; Stoker (1st Class), R.X. ; Xaval Service. Dick, John (1915-19); Private, King's Own R. Lancaster Rgt. ; France 3 years 10 mouths. *Dickens, William George (1914-15) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France 2 months ; Killed in action, 9th May, 1915. Dickenson, George Noel (1915-18) ; Ser- geant-Mechanic, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. ; Naval Service 17 months. Dickenson, James Alfred (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.1<".A. ; Mesopotamia 1 year 8 months. Dickson, James (1914-18) ; M.M. ; Lance- Sergeaut, Coldstream Guards ; France. Diggens, Albert Edward (1914) ; Driver, R.F.A. Dimon, Harold Vincent William (1915- 19) ; M.M. ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 1 month. Dingley, Henry James (1917-19); Cor- poral, Labour Corps ; France 2 years. Dinsdale, William (1915-19) ; Private. Bedfordshire Rgt. ; France 3 years 4 months. Diplock, David (1914-19) ; Staff-Ser- geant, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 5 months. Diplock, John Henry (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France 3 years 4 nionths. Dipper, James (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 10 months. Dobby, Ernest (1914-19) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service 4 years. Doble, Evan Frederick (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, I'l.E. ; France 3 years 5 months. Dobson, Austin Wilsdon (1914-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; I'alestine, France and Salonica, 3 years. Dobson, WiUiam (1918-19) ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; France 5 months. Dodson, Charles William (1916-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; Mesopotamia 2 years 8 months. Doe, Alfred John (1916-18) ; Private, Labour Corps ; i-raucc 15 mouths. *Doherty, Edward Henry (1916-17) ; Private, Durham Liglit Intautry ; Salo- nica 8 mouths ; Died, 25th August, 1917. Doidge, Edwin (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 2 years. Dolling, Charles Samuel (1916-19); Private, Hertfordshire Rgt. ; France 1 year. Dolling, James Frederick (1915-19) ; Sergeant- WlK'eler, R. Xaval Division ; Greece 3 months, l-'rance 2 years 10 months. Dolton, Wilfred Charles (1915-19); Bombardier, K.l'.A. ; France 3 years 3 mouths. 66 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Donohoe, James (1914-18) ; Private, Irish (iuartls ; I'rance 1 year 10 moiitlis. *Doolin, Michael (1915-10); rrivate. R. JIunster Fusiliers ; Dardanelles and France S months ; Missing, 2oth Juno, 191G. Doolin, Stephen (1911-19); Driver, R.F.A. ; Franco 3 years months. Dorman, Fred (1915-19) : Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 2 years 5 months. *Dormon, George (1915-16) ; Corporal, Ilampsliire Rjrt. ; Dardanelles and Franco 13 months ; Killed in' action, 9th August, 1916. Dorset, Albert William (1916-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; Franco 2 years. Dorsett, Stanley William (1917-19) ; Private, lioyal Fusiliers ; France 1 year 7 months. Dossett, Ralph Ernest (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, II.A.8.C. ; France 3 years 9 months. Doughty, Frederick Augustus (1914-19) ; Company Quartermaster-Sergeant, II. E. ; France 11 months. Dove, Thomas (1914-19) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; Xaval Service 4 years 6 months. Dowling, Harry Thomas (1914-15) ; Driver, IMI.A. ; France 13 months. Dowling, James (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Oxfordshire and B\ickinghamshire Light Infantry ; France 3 years 6 months. Dowse, Alfred Thomas (1915-19) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 2 months, Salonica 3 years 4 months. Doyle, John (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. Doyle, Patrick (1916-19) ; Private, R.F.C. Doyle, Thomas (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; Franco and Macedonia 3 years 9 months. Drain, William John (1915-19) ; Lance- Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers ; France 1 year 7 months. Drake, Charles William Henry (1915- 17) ; Private, R.D.C. Drane. James (1914-19) ; Private, Essex Rgt. ; France 1 year, India 4 years. Drew, Howard Willis (1916-19) : Rifle- man, London Kgt. ; France 7 months. ♦Drewett, Frank Frederick (19 16- IS) ; Private, R.W. Surrey Kgt. ; France 6 months ; Killed in action, 23rd March, 1918. *Drewett, H&nry William (1916-18) ; Private, llaniiisliire llgt. ; France 7 months ; Killed in action, 20th July, 1918. Drewry. Harry Smith (1915-19) ; Stafl- Sergcant, R.A.S.C. DriscoU, James (1914-19); Private, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry ; France 4 years 2 mouths. Driver, William Lawrence (1915-17); Lance-Corporal, London Kgt. Duce, George Alfred (1916-19) ; Corporal, R.A.O.C. Ducker, Albert James (1914-19); Pri- vate, 10. Surrey Rgt. ; l''rauce and Italy 1 year 8 months. Ducker, William George (1914-19); Private, Lincolnshire Rgt. ; France 3 months, prisoner of war (Germany) 4 years. Dudley, Christopher George (1914-19); Drivei', R.G.A. ; France 3 years. Duffell, George Walter Herbert (1914- 16) ; Gunner, 1{.F.A. ; India and Burmah 17 montlis. ♦Duggan, Cornelius (191.5-17) ; Lanco- Cori)oral, Kitle Brigade ; France 7 months ; Killed in action, 28th July, 1917. Dulieu, William (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 2 years. Dummer, William (1916-19); Private, Middlesex Rgt. ; Franco 16 months. Dunbar, Samuel Stuart (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Labour Corps. Duncan, John Henry (1914-19); Pri- vate, Royal Fusiliers ; France 4 years. *Duncton, Sidney Valentine (1915-18) ; I'rivatc, Royal Fusiliers ; France 18 months ; Killed in action, loth Juno, 1918. Dunford, Frederick Charles (1915-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 1 month. Dunlop, William Robert (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Ritlo iirigade ; India 3 years 2 months. Dunn, Amos (1914-19); Sick Berth Steward, R.N. ; Naval Service 2 years 10 months. Dunn, Edward George (1914-19): Pri- vate, Northamptonsliiie Kgt. ; Franco and Germany 4 years 6 months. Dunn, James (1914-16) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. (M.T.). ♦Dunning, Bernard Allen Miller (1911- 18) ; Driver, R.E. ; France 9 months, Mesopotamia 13 months ; Died, Gth December, 1918. Dunsdon, William John (1915-19); Driver, K.F.A. ; Italy, P'raneo and Ger- many, 2 years 8 moatlis. Durant, Edwin Charles (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France 4 years 2 months. Durnsford, William James (1915-19) ; Lance- Coriioral, R.A.S.C. Dutch, George William (1914-19) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers ; l-'rauco 4 years 1 month. Dyer, Edward (1915-19) ; Fitter, Wilt- shin^ Rgt. ♦Dyer, Thomas Edward (1914-17) ; Rifle- man, King's Koyal Kille Corps ; Franco 2 years ; Killed in action, 1st June, 1917. Eades, Alfred (1918) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; !•' ranee 4 months. Eades, Edwin (1917-18); Private, Labour Corjis ; Franco 16 months. Eagle, Charles Alfred George (1915-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 5 months. Eagle, James (1917-19) ; Leading Aircraltsman, K..\.F. ; France and Ger- many 2 years 5 months. 67 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Earwaker, Robert (1918-19) ; Private, R. Sussex Rgt. ; France and Germany 6 months. Eastaugh, Henry George (191-1-19) ; Lance-Corporal, London Rgt. ; France 1 year 9 months. Easterbrook. Edward (1914-19) ; Rifle- man, Rifle Brigade ; Franco 2 years 11 montlis. Eastlake, Frederick (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 4 years 4 months. Eaton, Alfred (1918-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France 5 months. Eaton, George Thurner (1916-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 2 years 6 months. *Eaves, Thomas (1914-17); M.M. ; Sergeant, Saffoil^ Rgt. ; France 2 years ; Kiiled in action, 12th October, 1917. Edis, Joseph Edward (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, Royal Dragoons ; France 4 years 6 montlis. Edward, Harold Arthur (1915-19) ; Gvmncr, R.F.A. ; France, Salonica and Egypt, 3 years. Edwards, Cecil Frederick (1918-19) ; Lancc-Corporal, Rifle Brigade. ' *Edwards, Charles Horace (1915-16) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers ; Dardanelles 2 months, France 5 months ; Missing, 7th July, 1916. Edwards, Ernest Albert (1915-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R. Welch FusiUers ; France 4 years. Edwards, Harold John (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 8 months. Edwards, Horace (1915-19) ; Corporal, Lancashire Fusiliers ; France 3 months. Edwards, Joseph (1916-19) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers ; France 1 year. 1 *Edwards, Phihp Henry (1916) ; Rifle- man, Rifle Brigade ; France 4 months ; Killed in action, 3rd September, 1916. Edwards, Thomas Llewellyn (1917-19); Signaller, Scottish Horse. Edwards, Warwick Henry (1914-18) ; Rifleman, London Rgt. ; France. Edwards, WiUiam John (1916-19) ; Private, Bedfordshire Rgt. ; India 2 years. Egan, Edward (1914-19) ; Private. R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 8 months. Egan, Frank Herbert (1917-20) ; Pri- vate, R.A.O.C. ; Salonica 4 months, Constantinople 1 year. Eldridge, John William (1914-19) ; Private, Dorsetshire Rgt. ; Franco 1 month, Prisoner of war ((Germany) 4 years 2 months. Element, Alfred George (1914-17); Private, Labour Corps ; France 1 year 10 months. Ellen, Michael Edward (1915-19); Gunner R.F.A. ; Egyi>t, I'alestinc, France and Salonica, 3 years. Ellicott, Herbert Edward (1915-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 10 months. *EUiott, Frederick Edward (1918) ; Pri- vate, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 1 month ; Died of wounds, 6th November, 1918. ElUott, Gerald (1915-19) ; Quarter- master-Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; India and Mesopotamia 2 years 4 months. *Elliott, Richard (1914-16) ; Lance- Corporal, Royal FusiUers ; France 13 months ; Missing, 7th July, 1916. ElUs, Alfred Edwin (1914-17) ; Sergeant, Royal Scots ; Franco 2 years 9 months. EUis.Edwin WiUiam (1915-19) ; Saddler, R.F.A. ; France and Germany 3 years 10 months. Ellis, Henry WiUiam (1915-19) ; Lance- Corporal, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France 3 years 9 months. Ellis, Lawrence Alfred (1914-19) ; Gun- ner, R.F.A. ; Franco 3 months, Salonica 3 years 6 months. EUis, Leslie Charles (1917-19) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service 1 year 6 months. EUis, Thomas (1914-19) ; Private, R. Naval Division ; France 2 years. EUis, Thomas Walter (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, Royal Fusiliers ; France 3 yeara 8 months. EUis, WiUiam (1914-19) ; Lance-Cor- poral, Labour Corps ; France 10 months. EUis, WiUiam John (1914-19) ; Sergeant, A.P.C. EUmers, Joseph Albert (1914-19) ; Bombardier, R.H.A. ; Egypt and France 3 years. *EUner, WiUiam Thomas (1914-15) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers ; France 1 month ; Missing, 24th May, 1915. Elsey, WiUiam (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 8 months. Ely, WiUiam (1914-19); Driver, R.A.S.C. ; France 4 years 6 months. Emery, Albert Edward (1914-19); Gun- ner, R.G.A. ; Franco 2 years 10 months, India 15 months. Emmett, George (1914-15) ; Private, S. Laucasliire Rgt. ; France 18 months. Emons, Albert Thomas (1914-19) ; Private, Royal FiLsiliers ; France 3 years 6 months. Emons, Walter (1914-18) ; Private, Cambridgeshire Rgt. Englefield, Charles Frederick (1916-19); Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; France 2 years 6 months. English, Albert (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; German East Africa 1 year 9 months, France 13 months. English, Robert Edward (1914-16) ; Horsckeeper, R.A.V.C. English, Walter Charles (1914-19); Bombardier, R.F.A. ; France and Salo- nica 4 years 7 months. Enness, William (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 6 months. Epps, Henry WiUiam (1914-18) ; Black- smith, R.E. ; Dardanelles and Egypt 1 year. 68 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Evans, Albert (1915-17); Private, Lincolnshire Rst. Evans. Albert Douglas (1917-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 2 years 1 month. Evans, Charles Edward (1916-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. Evans, Claude George (1916-18) ; Gunner, R.F.A. Evans, Ernest George (1915-17) ; Bom- bardier, R.F.A. Evans, Frank (1916-18) ; Rifleman, London Rgt. ; France 8 months. Evans, George WiUiam (1917-18) ; Rifleman, London Rgt. ; France 9 montlia. Evans, Oliver Samuel Harold (1915-17) ; Sapper, R.E. Everett, Harold (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Sergeant, Surrey Yeomanry ; France and Salonica 4 years 2 months. *Everett, John George (1914-15) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service ; Killed in action, 25th April, 1915. Everitt, James (1914-19) ; Lance- Sergeant, Leicestershire Rgt. ; France 6 months. ♦Everitt, Walter (1914-15) ; Private, Dragoon Guards ; France 9 months ; Killed in action, 24th May, 1915. Ewen, John (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Malta, France and Italy, 3 j-ears 6 months. Fairall, Herbert James (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Oxfordshire and Buckingham- shire Light Infantry ; India 3 years 3 months. Fairey, Walter Charles (1915-17); Guardsman, Coldstream Guards. Fairhead, Henry (1914-15) ; Private, R.W. Surrey Rgt. Fairhead, William (1915-19) : Sergeant, R. Welch Fusiliers ; Franco 6 months. FaUaize. Ernest Alfred (1917-19) ; Private, Labour Corps. Farebrother, Walter George (1914-15) ; Gunner, R.F.A. Farmer, Albert (1914-16) ; Private, Essex Rgt. ; France. Farmer, Alfred Ernest (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; Gallipoli 6 months, Mesopotamia 3 years. Farmer, William Arthur (1914-18) ; Private, R.D.C. Farmer, WiUiam Joseph (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France, Salonica and Palestine, 2 years 9 months. Farr, Frederick (1916-19) ; Private, Lancashire Fusiliers ; France 14 months. FarreU, John Isaac (1914-18) ; Rifle- man, Rifle Brigade ; France. FarreU, WUUam (1914-15) ; Private. Essex Rgt. FarreU, WiUiam Henry (1916-19) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. ; l-'rance 2 years 5 mouths. Farrington, James Gregory (1915-19) ; Private, Essex Rgt. ; France 15 months. Prisoner of war (Geimany) 8 months. Farrow. WiUiam (1916-17); Private, Labour Corps. ♦Fasham, Stephen Leonard (1916-17) Private, London Rgt. ; Franco 4 month.s Killed in action, 16th June, 1917. FauUsner, WiUiam Henry (1914-15) Driver, R.A.S.C. Feldwick, Albert Ernest (1914-19) Private, London Rgt. FeUingham, Ernest Henry (1914-19) Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 13 months. Felton, Thomas Albert (1915-19) Private, R.A.S.C. ; Franco 4 years. Felton, WiUiam Henry (1915-19) Corporal, R..\.F. Fenney, Henry James (1914-18) Leading Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service 3 years 11 mouths. Fentiman, Frank Latter (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 6 montlis. *Ferry, WiUiam Henry (1914-15) ; Pri- vate, Northamptonshire Rgt. ; Franco 8 months ; Killed in action, 9th May, 1915. FeueU, Alfred Ernest (1917-19) ; Gvmner, R.G.A. ; Franco 15 months. Few, Thomas (1915-19) ; Private. R.A.M.C. ; France 7 months. Fewkes, Frederick WUliam (1917-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. FewtreU, John Charles (1914-19); Sergeant, R.D.C. Field. Albert Edward (1915-18); Private, Royal Fusiliers ; Franco 11 months. *Field, Frederick Henry (1914) ; Able Seaman, R.F.R. ; Naval Service ; Killed at sea, 1st November, 1914. Field. WiUiam (1916-19) ; Private, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Rgt. ; Egypt 1 year. Fielder. Edward Joseph (1915-19) ; Pioneer, R.E. ; German East Africa 2 years. Fielding, Arthur James (1915-17); Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; France 8 months. *FUbee, WiUiam John (1914-15) ; Pri- vate, Royal FusiUers ; Dardanelles 4 months ; Died of wounds, 4th November. 1915. FiUery. Eldred George (1914-19) ; Bat- tery Quartermaster - Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 9 months. Fillis, James (1914-19) ; Private, R.W. Surrey Rgt. : France and India 4 years 5 months. Filmer, Stanley Josiah Corti (1916-19) ; Private, Loudon Rgt. ; France. Finch, Frank (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 4 years 4 months. Finch, George (1914-19) ; Lance-Cor- poral. Labour Corps. Finch, Henry Victor (1918-19) ; Rifle- man, King's Royal Uiflo Corps. ♦Finnessy, Edward Peter (1914-16) ; Bombardier, R.H.A. ; France 2 years ; Killed in action, 7 th September, 1916. Finnis, Henry (1914-19) ; Driver, R.E. ; France 2 years G months. 69 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Fisher, Albert Edward (1915-19); Driver, ll.l'.A. Fisher, Arthur William (1914-19) ; Soru'eaiit, E. Kcut Rgt. ; France 3 years mouths. Fisher, George Henry (1914-15) ; Driver, rt.A.S.C. ; I'laiice 7 mouths. Fisher, Tom (1914-19) ; Private, Royal IMariue Lisht Infantry ; Naval Service 3 years 9 nionths. Fisk, George Edward (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, It.F.A. : France 2 years 1 month. Fisk, Herbert Arthur (191S-19) ; Pri- vate, I{. Sussex I{5,'t. ; France and Germany 5 months. Fiske, James (1915-19) ; Driver, R.E. Fitch, Charles Hardwick (1916-19) ; Private, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Rgt. ; Egypt 1 year. Fitzpatrick, Francis Joseph (1918-19) ; Ordinary Seaman, K.N.V.R. Flack, Edwin (1918-19) ; Private, P. Sussex Pgt. ; France 5 months. Fleck, Ronald Frederick (1914-19); Bombardier, It.K.A. ; France and Salo- nica 3 years 10 montlis. Fleming, Edgar John (1914-15) ; Pri- vate, Border Kgt. ; France 6 months. Flemming James (1914-15) ; Gunner, 11. (i. A. Fletcher, Harvey Harold (1916-19) ; Private, Derbyshire Yeomanry. Fletcher, William John (1914-19) ; Petty Officer, It.N. ; Naval Service 3 years 8 months. Flood, Arthur Frederick (1914-19) ; Gunner, IM-'.A. ; France and Salonica 3 years. Flynn, William (1916-19) ; Rifleman, Pville iiriniuh' ; France 2 years 8 months. Foale, Charles Edward (1915-19); Pri- vate, li.A.S.C. ; France 4 years. Foden, Albert Charles (1914-19); Ser- geant, M.M.P. ; France 3 years, Italy 1 year. Fogarty, Patrick (1915-19) ; Private, R. Irish l{gt. ; France, Salonica and Palestine, 2 years 9 months. Fogg, Harry (1914-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France and Salonica 3 years 6 months. Foord, George Edmund (1914-17); Private, H.D.C. Foote, Walter George (1916-19); Pri- vate, Labour Corps ; France 2 years C months. Ford. Albert Francis (1916-19) ; I'rivate, Labour Coi|is. Ford,Benjaminn 917-19); Pioneer, R.Pl. ; P'rance and (Germany 2 years 4 months. Ford, John (1914-19) ; Corporal, Machine Gini Corps ; France 4 years. *Ford, Patrick (1914-18) ; Lancc-Cor- porai, it. Dublin Fusiliers ; Gallipoli 3 months, l''rauce 11 months ; Missing, 21st-29th Marcli, 1918. Ford. Percy William (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; trance and Germany 3 years 8 mouths. Forde, James (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Bedfordshire Rgt. ; France 2 years, Prisoner of war (Germany) 18 months. Fordyce, Stewart Melville (1916-18) ; Officers' Steward (2ud Class), R.N. ; Naval Service 1 year 8 months. Foreman, Thomas (1914-19) ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; Burmah 3 years 4 months. Forester, Ernest (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 6 months. Forman, Francis James (1915-19) ; Private, Essex Rgt. ; France, Salonica and Egypt, 2 years 8 mouths. *Forse, Albert (1914-15) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France 2 months ; Died of wounds, lOth May, 1915. *Forse, William Frederick John (1914) ; Private, R. Marine Reserve ; Belgium ; Killed in action, 9th October, 1914. Forster, Richard Stanley (1917-19) ; Aircraftsman (1st Class), R.A.F. ; France 17 months. Forster, William (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France and Germany 3 years 9 months. Forward, Richard French (1918-19) ; Aircraftsman (2nd Class), R.A.F. Forward, Robert George (1915-19) ; Private, Tank Corps ; France 2 years 7 months. Foskett, Frederick (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.V.C. ; France 1 year 9 months. *Foss. Thomas (1914) ; Private, R. Inniskilling Fusiliers ; France 2 months ; Killed in action, 7th November, 1914. Fossey, Augustus Frederick (1915-19) ; Pi-ivate, Gordon Iliglilanders ; France 4 years. Foster, Frederick (1915-19) ; Gimner, R.F.A. ; Salonica 2 years 11 months. Foster, William (1914-19) ; Private, London Rgt. ; Gallipoli 8 days, Egypt 3 years 1 month. Fountain. Charles William (1915-17); Private, E. Kent Rgt. ; France and Prisoner of war (Germany) 2 years 5 months. Fovarque, Frederick (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France and Germany 4 years 6 months. Fowler. Frank Lionel (1916-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. Fowler. William Joseph (1918-19) ; Private, R. Sussex Rgt. ; France 3 months. Fowles, William (1914-16 and 1917-18) ; Driver, R.F.A. and R.H.A. ; France 10 months. Fox, Edward James (1914-17); Rifle- man, London l?gt. Fox, John (1915-19); Sapper, R.E. ; France 3 years 4 months. *Fox, Thomas Edward (1914-18) ; Lance- Corporal, Cameronians ; France 3 years 7 months; Died of wounds, 13th March, 1918. Foxwell. William John (1914-17); Private. E. Surrey Rgt. and Labour Corps. 70 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE *Foy, Leonard (1911-15); Private, London list. ; Franco 1 mouths ; Died of wounds, oth April, 1915. *Frame, Douglas Alexander (1911-lG); (Junncr, Royal M.n-ine Artillerv ; Naval Service; Died, 9tli SepleniUer, 191G. Francis, Thomas Henry (1914-17); Private, Labour (:ori)s ; France 1 year. Francis, William Hammond (1911-19); Stoker, U.X. ; F^ypt 3 years. Franklin, Albert (1915-19); Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 7 inontlis. Franklin, Edward George (1911-19) ; D.C.M. ; Company Ser^euut- Major, Bed- fordshire Ilj?t. ; France 2 years S months. Franklin, Henry (1914-19); Private, Labour C'orjis ; France 2 years 4 months. Franklin, Sidney John (1915-19) ; 2nd Corporal, 11. E. ; Effypt, France, Italy and Germany, 4 years. Franks, Bertram (1914-19) ; Corporal, R.E. ; France 18 montlis. Fraser, Donald George (191G-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.S.C ; E;.?yiit and Palestine 3 years. Fraser, Frederick Charles (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 10 months. Freeman, Charles Edward (1914-18) ; Private, Labour t'orps ; France and Prisoner of war (Germany) 2 years 6 inontlas. Freeman, Edwin James (1914) ; Private, R.W. Kent Rtrt. Freeman, William Dudley (1915-19) ; Private", R.A.V.C. ; France 3 years 9 month.s. French, Albert (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 3 years 4 months. French, Charles George William (1915- 19) : Driver, ItA.S.C. ; i''rance 3 years G months. French, Edward (191G-17): Rifleman, Rille Brigade ; France 7 mouths. French, Frederick (1915-19); Private, R.A.M.C. ; France and Germany 2 years. French, William Ernest Alexander (1914-15); PrivaU', R.A.M.C. Freshwater, Henry John (191G-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; l-'raucc 2 years 5 moutlis. Frith, George Ernest (1914-17) ; Lancc- Coriioral, Traiuiua; Reserve Bu. Frost, George Hanry (1915-19) : Private, Labour Corps ; France 2 years 9 mouths. Fry, Alexander Edwin (1916-19) ; Ser- geant, Labour Corps ; Frauce 3 years 3 mouths. Fry, Frederick James (1914-lG) ; Pri- vate, London Rgt. Fry, Henry (1914-19); Shoeing- Smith, R.F.A. ; France 3 years C mouths. Fuller, Charles (1914-19) ; Corporal, Ritle Brigade ; Mediterranean Expedi- tionary Force 1 year 1 1 mouths. Fuller, Ernest Harry (191G-19) ; Private, Labour Corp.s ; Frauce 9 months. ♦Fuller, Harry (1914-15) ; Private, N. Stalfordsiiire Rgt. ; France 8 mouths ; Died of wounds, 30th July, 1915. Fuller, Harry (1914-19); Corporal, Ilillc Brigade ; I'Igypt 2 years 1 mouth. Fuller, Harry Richard (191G-19) ; Ser- geant, R.(i..\. ; Franci! 2 years 2 mouths. Fuller, Walter (1914-19); Lauce- Corporal, R.A.M.C. ; Frauce and Malta 4 years. Furzman, James (1911-19); Sergeant, R.A.V.C. ; France 4 years 5 montlis. Gabbitas, Albert Palmer (1915-19) ; Private, .Machine Guu Corps ; Frauce 2 years 10 months. *Gaiger, Arthur Alfred (1914) ; Able Seaman, R. F.R. ; Ivilled at sea, 22nd September, 1914. Gailer, Albert Ernest (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, Royal Fusiliers ; France aud Ger- many IG months. Gains, Charles (1918-19) ; Guuner, R.G.A. ; France 1 month. Gallard, Henry Thomas George (1914- 19) ; Bombardier, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 9 mouths. Gallo, Frederick John (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, Dragoon Guards ; Frauce 1 year. Galvin, George (1918-19) ; Private, R.W. Surrey R','-t. ; Italy 4 months. Galvin, John St. Valentine (1914-19) ; Private, Loudon Rgt. ; France 1 year 9 mouths. Gamble, William Harold (1918-19) ; Telegraphist, R.N.V.R. ; Naval Service 1 1 mouths. Game, Charles Henry (1917-19); Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. ; Frauce 1 year 8 mouths. Ganney, Herbert Christian (1915-19) ; Driver, Tank Corps ; France 3 yi-ars. Gant, Frederick Herbert (1917-19); Private, Norfolli Rgt. ; France 6 mouths. Gardner, Alfred (1915-19); Lauce- Corporal, M.F.P. ; Frauce 3 years 6 moutlis. Gardner, Percy Lawrance (191G-19) ; Coriioral, E. Surrey Rgt. ; France 5 mouths. Gardner, Thomas (1914 aud 1915-lG) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. aud R.W. Kent Rgt. ; France 3 niont lis. Garnham, Ernest Richard (191t;-l9); Private, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt 1 year 10 mouths. Garnsey, Herbert (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.E. ; France 3 years 3 months. Garwood, John Powley (1914-19) ; Lance-Corporal, King's Royal Rille Corps ; France 3 mouths. Prisoner of war (Ger- many) 3 yeai-s 4 mouths. Gascoyne, John David (1914-19) ; Chief Boatswain, R.N. ; Naval Service 3 years 9 mouths. Gasworthy, Albert Victor (1918-20); Private, County of London Yeomanry ; Palestine 11 mouths. Gatti, Joseph (1916) ; Private, R.D.C. 71 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Gatward, George William (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France IS months. Gay, Frank (1918-19); Private, R. Sussex Rgt. ; France and Germany 6 months. Gay, John Roberts Redvers (1918) ; Cadet, R.A.F. Gaymer, John (1914-19) ; Guardsman, Grenadier Guards ; France 4 years. ♦Gaywood, George Albert (1914-16) ; Private, Machine Gun Corps ; France 17 months ; Killed iu action, 8th October, 1916. Geary, Francis John (1917-19) ; Ser- geant, R.G.A. *Gebbett, Jesse (1916-18) ; Private, Northumberland Fusiliers ; France 1 year ; Killed in action, 29th March, 1918. George, James John (1915-19) ; Private, Labour Corps. George, Maurice Arthur (1916-19) ; Sergeant, Labour Corps ; France 2 years 6 months. Gibbons, Harry James Harold (1915-17) ; Gunner. R.F.A. Giggins, Frederick John (1915-19) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France 10 months, Salonica 6 months, Egypt and Palestine 14 months. Gilbert, Percy Wilfred (1914) ; Rifleman, London Rgt. Gilder, Alfred Edward (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, Dragoon Guards. Giles, Herbert John (1914-17); Private, R.D.C. Giles, Herbert William (1918-19) ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; France 8 months. Gilks, George Henry (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 6 months. Gillanders, David (1914-19) ; Private, R. Sussex Rgt. ; France 2 years. Gillard, Albert Francis (1917-19) ; Pri- vate, Labour Corps ; France 2 years. Gillett, Arthur Herbert (1917-18) ; Private, Labour Corps. Gillett, Charles Alfred (1917-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. Gillingham, George (1916-19) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers ; France 2 years 9 months. Gillson, Bernard (1914-19) ; Lance- Bomliardier, R.F.A. ; Franco 5 months, Salonica 7 months, Egypt 2 years. Gilmour, Albert (1914-19); Sergeant, 19th Hussars ; France 4 years 5 months. Gilmour, James (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, London Hgt. ; France 4 years. Gilroy, Horace Harding (1916-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 2 years. *Gilroy, John James (1914-17) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 1 mouth ; Died of wound.s, 19th October, 1917. Gimble, Edward (1914-17); Albert Medal (2nd Class) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. ; France. Gimson, Stanley George (1911-17) ; Lance-Corporal, Royal Fusiliers. Gipson, William George (1917-19) ; Private, Worcestershire Rgt. Gladdy, Charles WilHam (1915-19) ; Lance-Corporal, King's Liverpool Rgt. ; France and Germany 3 years 2 months. Glass, Henry Sidney (1916-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 2 years 5 months. Glasscock, Albert William (1918-19) ; Private, E. Surrey Rgt. ; France 1 month. Glazebrook, Alfred Ellis (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 1 month. Glen, George (1914-19) ; Private, Royal Scots ; France, Italy and Salonica, 3 years 8 months. Glen, William John (1915-18) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 2 j-ears 1 month. Glennon, Matthew (1914 and 1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. : France and Germany 4 years. Glover, Alfred Leonard (1915-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 3 months. Glue, William Theodore (1915-19) ; Company Quartermaster-Sergeant, Lon- don Rgt. ; France 2 years. Gobey, Edward Joel (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, Labour Corps ; Galiipoli and Franco 15 months. Goddard, Charles Richard (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Sergeant, R.E. ; France 4 years 2 months. Goddard, Ernest William (1915-17); Gunner, R.G.A. Goddard, Frederick James (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 4 months. Goddard, George (1915-19) ; Lance- Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years. *Goddard, William Edward (1915-17) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 17 months ; Died of wounds, 29th August, 1917. Goddard, William James (1915-19) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers ; France 2 years. Godden, Charles William (1916-19) ; Private, Labour Corps. Godfrey, James Henry (1914-19) ; Bandsman, London Rgt. ; France, Salo- nica and Egypt, 3 years. Godfrey, Reginald Jack (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.F. ; France 3 years 1 month. Godfrey, Sidney James (1918-19) ; Pri- vate, R. Sussex Rgt. ; France 6 months. Godsiff, Albert Victor (1915-19) ; Stoker, R.N. ; Naval .Service 3 years. Godsmark, Edward Stephen (1915-19) ; Battery Quartermaster-.Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 6 months. Godwin, Frederick Charles (1914-17) ; Private, 16th Lancers ; France 2 years 5 months. Godwin, Herbert (1915-17); Trooper, Surrey Yeomanry. Goff, Bartholomew'dgie-ig) ; Gvmner, R.G.A. ; France 2 years 8 months. Golden, John (1915-19) ; M.M. and bar ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; France 4 years. 72 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Goldsmith, William (1916-19) ; Private. Labour Corps. Goldspink, Bert Frank (1917-19) ; Pri- vate, Royal Scots; Russia 10 months. Gooch, Alfred James (1918-19) ; Pri- vate, R. Sussex R?t. ; France 6 months. Gooch. Maurice Alfred (1918-19) ; Pri- vate, R.VV. Surrey Rj^t. ♦Good, Sidney Charles (1914) ; Private, Dragoon Guards ; France ; Died of woimds, 2nd October, 1914. Good. Walter Henry (1915-19) ; Private, Welsh Rgt. ; Egypt 3 months, Salonicsa 2 years 9 months. Goodchild, John Alfred (1914-19); Private, M.M.P. ; Franco 4 years 8 months. Goode, Isaac (1915-17); Private, R.A.S.C. ; Franco 2 years. Goodridge, Thomas (1914-16) ; Able Seaman, R.F.R. ; Naval Service 18 months. Goodsell, Walter William (1914-17); Stoker, R.N. ; Naval Service 3 years 2 months. Goodwin, Arthur Edward (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.E. ; France 16 months. Goodwin, Edward (1915-19) ; M.M. ; Sergeant, R.G.A. ; France 3 years. ♦Goodwin, John Alfred (1914) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; Franco ; Killed in action, 26th August, 1914. Goody, John (1915-19) ; Corpora], R.F.A. ; France and Germany 3 years 3 months. Goodyer, Frank (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.S.C. ; France 4 years. Gorton, William Bristowe (1914-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R. W. Kent Rgt., and Cadet (Acting Sergeant), XII Officer Cadet Bn. ; France 15 months, Italy 4 months. *Gossop, William Kelita (1914-16) ; Lance-Corporal, Northumberland Fusi- liers; France 1 year 8 mouths ; Died, 27 th December, 1916. *GostUng, Henry (1914-15) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 2 months ; Killed in action, March, 1915. Gostling, William (1914-19) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France 8 months. Prisoner of war (Germany) 9 montlis. Gotts, William (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; Franco 2 years. Gould, Michael Henry (1915-16) ; Gun- ner, R.F.A. Gould, William James (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, R.F.A. ; France 2 years. Graham, William Marcus (1914-19) ; D.C.M. ; Battery Quartermaster-Sergeant, R.G.A. ; France 2 years 6 months. Granger, Harry (1915-19) ; Sergeant. R.A.O.C. ; France 3 years 5 months. Granger, Thomas (1917-19) ; Private. R.A.M.C. ; Egyi>t 2 years 1 month. Grant, Arthur Henry (1915-19) ; Driver, R.E. ; Franco 2 years 3 months, Italy 6 months. Grant, Robert (1914-16) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France. Graves, Walter Thomas (1910-19) ; Private, Labour Corps. Gray, Albert Ernest (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 1 year 10 months. Gray, Alfred Alexander William (1914- 17); D.C.M. ; Sergeant, Machine Gun Corps ; France 2 years. ♦Gray, Joseph (1914-15) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers ; Malta 5 months, France 2 months ; Killed in action, 10th May, 1915. Gray, William (1914) ; Private, London Rgt. Gray, WiUiam Gerard (1916-19) ; Rifle- man, Rifle Brigade ; India 2 years 6 mouths. Greef, Edgar (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.V.C. ; France and Italy 3 years 11 months. Green, Charles Edward (1916-19); Private, Labour Corps ; France 2 years. Green, Frederick (1914-19) ; Leading Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service 4 years 6 months. Green, Frederick George (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 1 year 7 months. Green, George (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.E. ; France and Italy 3 years 6 months. Green, George Burt (1914-19) ; Battery Sergeant- Major, R.G.A. ; Gallipoli, Egypt and France, 4 years. Green, Thomas Charles William (1915- 19) ; Corporal, R.E. ; France and Germany 3 years 2 months. Green, WilHam (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.H.A. ; France 4 years 1 month. Green, WilUam Alec (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry ; France 3 years 6 months, Greenfield, Edmund (1915-16) ; Private, 6th Reserve Rgt. of Cavalry. Greenfield, Frederick Oscar (1914-19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.C. Greenwood, Frederick (1917-19) ; Gun- ner, R.G.A. ; Franco 3 months. Greenwood, George Charles (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 4 months, Salonica 2 years 11 months, Rassia 3 mouths. Greetham, James Arthur (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 4 months. Gregory, Sidney John (1915-19) ; Gun- ner, R.F.A. ; France 2 years. Grey, Ernest (1914-19); Private, Labour Corps ; France 6 months. ♦Greygoose, Francis (1914) ; Rifleman, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France 2 months ; Died of wounds, 23rd October, 1914. Grice, Frederick James (1916-19) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. Grice, George Francis (1914-18) ; Cor- poral, R.F.A. ; Franco 2 years 9 months. ♦Griffin, Frederick George (1914-15) ; Lanc^-Corporal, Royal Fusiliers ; France 1 month ; Missing, 24th May, 1915. Griffin, George Love (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 3 years 5 months. 73 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Griffin, William John (1916-17) ; Pri- vate. Kssex li-t. Griffiths, Henry William (1915-19); SapiHT, R.E. ; l'"iaiiCL' 3 years 7 months. Griffiths, Joseph Henry (1916-19) ; Lance - Corporal, Xottins^hanishire and Derbyshire llgt. ; Egypt 1 year. Griffiths, Thomas James (1914-16) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 1 year 5 months. ♦Griffiths, William (1914-17); Private, Middlesex Ki^t. ; France 1 year 10 months ; Killed in action, 1st December, 1917. Grigg, Henry James (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, R.F.A. ; France, Salonica and Palestine, 3 years. Griggs, Frederick John (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, E. .Surrey Rirt. ; India 1 year, Mesopotamia 18 months. Griggs, Joseph William (1916-19) ; Giuuier, R.G.A. ; .Salonica 2 years. Griggs, William (1914-18) ; Private, Norfolk R;4t. ; India 2 years. Grimes, Douglas Frederick (1914-19) ; 2nd Corporal, R.A.O.C. ; I'rance 3 years 8 months. *Grist, Robert George (1914) ; Able Seaman, R.F.R. ; Naval Service ; Killed at sea, 22nd September, 1914. *Gristwood, Charles (1915-18) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France and Italy 2 years 1 month ; Died, 24th January, 1918. Gritt, William John (191G-19) ; Private, Labour Corps. Grokes, George Frederick (1914-19) ; Private, R.D.C. Groom, James Charles (1917-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.F. *Groombridge, Frederick William (1914- 17); Cyclist, Army Cyclist Corps ; France 9 months ; Died of wounds, 26th January, 1917. Grose, Wilfred John (1914-15) ; Private, Royal I'usilicrs. Grout, Alfred (1915-19) ; Bombardier, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 8 months. Groves, Charles (1914-19) ; Rifleman, Rille BriKSt-do ; Egypt 3 years 4 months. Groves, Edward (1917-19) ; Air Mechanic (2iid Class), R.A.F. Grubb, William George Henry (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Corporal, R.E. ; Egypt, Darda- nelles and France, 2 years 4 months. Guerin, James (1914-19); Sapper, R.E. ; Iraiice 3 years S montlis. Gunner, William (1917-19); Guard.s- man. Grenadier Guards; France 2 months. Gunning, Frank (1914-19); Private, Sult'olk Rgt. ; I'rance 4 years. Guntley, Edward William (1915-19); Private, I^abour C(jrps ; l-'rance 2 years. Gurden, Edward (1910-19); Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 8 months. Guyott, Frank Horace (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, It.F.A. ; France 2 years. ♦Guyver, George (1914-15); Lanco- Corporal, 11th Reserve Rgt. of Cavalry ; France 8 months ; Killed in action, 13th May, 1915. Gyseman, John Albert (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, E. Riding of Yorkshire Yeomanry. Hack, Herbert (1914-19) ; Able Seaman, R.X. ; Naval .Service. Hackett, Albert Sidney (1915-19) ; Cori)oral, R.A.S.C. ; France 1 year. Hackett, Cecil Stephen (1914-19) ; M..S.M., mentioned in despatches ; Staff Sergeant- Major, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years (5 months. Hackett, Francis Ernest (1914-19) ; Private, M.F.P. Haddrell, Stanley Lewis (1914-19); Private, London Rgt. ; France 3 years 9 months. Haddrill, Frederick George (1914-15) ; Corporal, M.M. P. Haden, Charles Henry (1918-19) ; Pri- vate, R. W. Kent Rgt. ; France 3 months. Hadrill, Valentine Thomas Charles (1915-10) ; Gunner, R.F.A. Haines, Alfred James (1914-19) ; Air Meclianic (1st Class), R.A.F. ; France 7 months. Halden, Ernest Joseph (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, R.A.M.C. ; France i years 6 months. Hale, Andrew James (1914-17); Pri- vate, R.D.C. Hale. Arthur Thomas (1915-19); Gun- ner, R.F.A. ; France 2 j'ears 5 months. Hale, Matthew Joseph (1915-18) ; Gun- ner, R.F.A. : i>'rance 2 years 6 months. Hale. William Edward (1915-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 5 mouths. Hall, Albert (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, Essex Rgt. ; Egypt, Salonica, Dardanelles and Palestine, 3 years 6 months. Hall, Arthur (1917-19) ; Rifleman, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France 16 months. Hall, Ernest John (1917-19); Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 13 months. Hall, Frank Richard (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, Lincolnshire Rgt. ; France 1 year 7 months. Hall, Herbert Stanley (1916-19) ; Gun- ner, R.Ci.A. ; France and Germany 2 years 1 month. *Hall, James Sidney (1914-18) ; Corporal, London Rgt. ; France and Palestine 2 years 2 months ; Killed in action, 28th September, 1918. Hall, Leonard (1916-17) ; Private, Labour Corps. Hall, Richard (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France 5 months. Hall, WiUiam Daniel (1918-19) ; Pri- vate, R. Sussex Rgt. ; France and Germany 3 months. Hall, William Orchard (1914-16); Pri- vate, Wiltshire Rgt. ; France 1 year. Hallett, WilUam John (1916-19) ; Ser- geant Clerk, R.A.F. ; France 2 years 9 months. Halliwell, Walter Nimrod (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Argyle and Sutherland High- landers ; France 3 years 11 months. 74 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Hammond. Harry Charles (I'Jll-ll)) ; tiunuor, U.ll.A. ; l<"rance 4 years. Hammond, Henry Samuel (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Corporal, R.E. ; France 3 years 8 mouths. Hampshire, John (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, iM.l'M'. ; France 4 years 6 nionth.s. Hamshere, James Barlow (1910-19) ; Private, Middlesex lipft. : I'rance 1 year 8 inoutlis. Hancock, Alfred (1914-19) ; Private, Tank Corfis ; Franet! 8 months. Hancock, Robert Samuel (1916-19) ; Leading Aircraftsman, R.A.F. Hand, Walter Thomas (1915-19); Driver, R.E. ; France 3 years. Handel, George Frederick (1918-19) : Private, K. Surrey Rgt. ; France 11 months. Hankins, Francis Henry (1914-19) ; M.S.M. ; Rcjiimental Sergeant- Major, R.A.M.C. : France 4 years. Hann, Thomas William (1914-19); Signaller, E. Surrey Itgt. ; India 5 years. Hanson, Charles Henry (1914-19) ; Private, Royal Marine Light Infantry ; Naval Service 2 years 3 mouths. Harden, Edward Ernest (1914-19); Private, Manchester Rgt. ; Gallii)oli 3 months, Hong-Kong G montlis, India 2 years 6 months. Harding, Albert Henry (1917-19); Signaller, R.G.A. ; Franco 1 year. Harding, Harry (1917-19) ; Acting 2nd Corporal, R.E. Harding. Henry Alfred (1914-16) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.). Harding, James Joseph (1914-19) ; Ship's Corporal (1st Class), R.N. ; Naval Service I years 7 mouths. Hardy, Ernest William (1915-17); Gunner, R.l'.A. Hardy, John James (1914-19) ; Private, London Rgt. ; Palestine and Balliana 4 years. Hardy, William Charles (1914-17); Private, R.D.C. Harley. Edward Samuel (1914-15) ; Private, Oxfordshire and Buckingham- shire Light Infantry ; France 3 months. Harley, James (1916-19) ; Private. Labour Cori)s ; Franco 2 years 10 mouths. Harlow, Frederick (1914-17) ; Corporal, R.F.A. Harmack, Albert Thomas (1918-19); Private, E. .Surrey Rgt. Harman, George Arthur (1915-19) ; Bombardier, R.I'.A. ; France 4 montlis. Harper, William James (1914-19) ; Sergeant, 11th Hussars ; France 2 years 6 months. Harrington, Edward (1915-19) ; Flight- Sergeant, R.A.F. ; France 1 year 8 months. Harriott, Frederick (1914-17); Lance- Corporal, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 5 montlis. Harris, Arthur Charles (1914-19); Rilleman, Rifle Brigade ; France 2 yeara 1 mouth. Harris, George Henry (1911-10): Pri- vate, 9th Laiu-ers ; France 9 months. Harris. Harry (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.); France 4 years 5 months. Harris, John (191.5-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 2 years G months. Harris, John (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt and I'alestine 1 year 10 months. Harris, Percy Stanley (1914-19); .Ser- geant, R.F.A., and Sergeant Cadet, Cadet School ; France and Italy 4 years. Harris, Samuel Hickman (1914-19); Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.); Franco 3 years 3 mouths. Harris, Thomas (1914-19); M.S.M. ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 8 mouths. Harris, William Elijah (1918-19) ; Pri- vate, Middlesex Rgt. ; Russia G mouths. Harris, William James (1915-19); Leading Aircraftsman Wireless Operator, R.A.F. ; France 2 years 6 months. ♦Harrison, Ernest Sidney (1914) ; Private. R.W. Kent Rgt. ; France ; Killed in action. 13th September, 1914. Harrison, William John (1915-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 10 months. Hart. Albert Edward (1914-19) ; Private, London Rgt. Hart. Albert George (1914-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 2 years C months. Hart, James Henry (1914-19) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 4 years 5 months. Hart, Michael (1915-19); M.M. ; Cor- poral, R.E. ; Dardanelles and France 2 years. Hart, Tom (1915-18) ; Corporal, Labour Corps ; France 3 years. Hartley, Edward George (191G-17) ; Private, Northamptonshire Rgt. ; Egypt and Palestine 18 months. Harvest, Richard Ernest (1917-19) ; 1st Aircraft Hand, R..V.F. ; France 10 mouths. Harvey, Christopher Robert (1914-19) ; 2nd Corporal, R.E. ; Egypt 18 months, France 8 months, Salonica 6 months. Harvey, Daniel Thomas (1914-19) ; Private, R. Sussex Rgt. ; France 2 years 2 luonths. Harvey, George William (1914-19); Sergeant, Middlesex Rgt. ; India 4 years G months. Harvey, Haydn Augustine (1914) ; Driver, R.F.A. *Harvey, Henry Valentine (1914-18); M.M. ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 1 1 mouths ; Killed in action, 1st November, 1918. Harvey, Henry Walter (1014-17); Corporal, R.F.A. Harvey, William (1914-19) ; Private, R. Berkshire Rgt. ; France 2 months, Salonica 3 years 4 months. 75 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Harvey, William James (1914-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 3 years. Hase, Leonard Algernon (1914-17) ; Lance-Corporal, Royal Fusiliers ; France 6 months. Hasleham, John (1914) ; Private, Cavalry Reserve. Haslum, Christopher John (1914-17) ; Private, R. Sussex Rgt. *Haslum, David (1915-16) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 8 months ; Killed in action, 31st Au^st, 1916. Hatcher, George (1915) ; Driver, R.E. Hatcher, John William (1914-19) Private, R.D.C. Hatcher, William Walter (1915-18) Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 8 months. Hatton, Benjamin Brett (1911-19) Private, London Rgt. Hatwell, William James (1915-16) Pioneer, R.E. Haustead, John Henry (1915-19) Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years. Haviland, Alfred (1914-19) ; Private Royal Fusiliers ; France 3 years 5 months *Haward, William Cressweller (1914-16) Gimner, R.F.A. ; France 7 months Accidentally drowned, 16th June, 1916. Hawkes, Herbert (1917-19) ; Signaller, R.G.A. : France and Germany 1 year. Hawkins, Albert Edward (1916-19) Private, Labour Corps. Hawkins, Arthur Albert (1915-19) Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 1 month, Hawkins, Frederick (1914-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; Franco 4 years 6 months. Hawkins, Henry Thomas (1914-16) Private, 16th Bn. London Rgt. Hawkins, James (1915-19) ; M.M. Private, R.A.M.C. ; Malta and Franco 3 years 6 months. Hawkins, John Edward (1915-19) ; Driver, R.E. ; Gallipoli, Italy and France, 4 years. Hawkins, Richard Stanope (1916-19) ; Lance-Corpora!, Rifle Brigade ; France 2 years 6 months. Hayden, Albert William (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 5 months, Haydon, Frederick Albert (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; Malta 2 years 8 months. *Hayes, Edward Wilham Charles (1916- 18) ; Corporal, London Rgt. ; France 1 year 7 months ; Killed in action, 2nd September, 1918. Hayes, James (1915-16) ; Driver, R.E. Hayhoe, George (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.V.C. ; France 2 years 7 months. Haylor, WiUiam (1914-19) ; Private, Scots Guards ; France 3 years 8 months. Haynes, Albert Charles (1916-19) ; Corporal, Bedfordshire Rgt. Hayward, Charles Frederick (1918-20) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 16 months. Hayward, William James (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.E. ; France 1 year 7 months, Italy 4 months. Head, Herbert (1914-19) ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; France 4 years. Head, Richard (1914-19) ; Stoker (1st Class), R.N. ; Naval Service 2 years 10 months. Healey, William George (1917-19) ; Guardsman, Grenadier Guards ; France 5 months. Heard, Edward (1915-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; France 1 year 10 months. Hearn, Henry Joseph (1916-19) ; Gun- ner, R.G.A. ; Palestine 14 months. Hearn, Thomas (1915-18) ; Private, R.A.M.C. Heath, Frederick William Francis (1915- 19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 9 months. Heath, Valentine (1916-19) ; Private, Labour Corps. Hedges, George (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 1 year. Hedges, George Henry (1915-19) ; M.S.M. ; Regimental Quartermaster- Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers. Heffer, George (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; Salonica 9 months. Helps, Joseph (1914-19) ; Private, Bedfordsliire Rgt. ; India 2 years 2 months. Hemmings, Richard (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. *Hems, Edward (1917-18) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France 3 months ; Killed in action, 5th April, 1918. Henderson, Alexander (1914-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 5 months. Hensby, John (1915-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; Egypt and Salonica 3 years 6 months. Henshaw, Albert (1916-19) ; Rifleman, London Rgt. ; France 10 months. Hepper, Richard George (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Private, York and Lancaster Rgt. ; France and Italy 4 years 5 months. Herbert, Albert Edward (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Salonica 2 years, Egypt 2 years. *Herd, Charles (1914-16 and 1917-18) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 1 year 7 months ; Died of wounds, 19th April, 1918. ♦Heritage, Jack (1914-18) ; M.M. ; Ser- geant, R.G.A.; France 2 years 6 months; Killed in action, 21st April, 1918. Heron, Arthur Wilfred (1914-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; Franco 4 years 5 months. Herrick, Henry John (1918-19) ; Rifle- man, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; Franco 2 months, Germany 3 months. Herring, Albert Sydney (1914-17) ; Lance-Corporal, R.D.C. Herring, Robert Henry (1916-19) ; Corporal, Essex Rgt. *Herriott, Archibald (1914-15); Private, London Rgt. ; France 2 months ; Killed in action, 25th May, 1915. 76 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Heskett, John (1914-19) ; Private, Manchester Ifet. ; France. Hewett, Alfred (1915-19); Private, R.A.S.C. ; France and Italy 4 years 4 months. Hewett, William George (1917-19) ; Gunnor, 11. G. A. ; Franco :i months. Hewitt, Jesse Benjamin (1914-15) ; Private, Loudon Rf?t. Hewitt, Thomas (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Il.F.A. ; France 2 years 4 months. Hickman, Jesse James (1917-18) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 4 months. Hickman, Richard (1915-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 1 year 8 months. Hierons, Reuben Henry (1914-19) ; Private, E..A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Franco 1 year 7 months. High, John George (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.JM.C. ; Salonica 3 years 1 montli. Hiley, John Edward (1914-17) ; Private, E. Surrey Kgt. ; France IG months. Hill, Arthur (1914-18) ; Gunner, R.H.A. France 4 years. Hill, Frederick George (1915-19) ; Gim- ner, U.F.A. ; France 3 years 9 months. HiU, Harold Bligh (1914-19); Mentioned in despatches ; Sergeant, Labour Corps ; France 3 years 6 months. HiU, Louis (1914-16); Corporal, Mid- dlesex Ilgt. HiU, Robert John (1915-19) ; Lance- Corporal, Cheshire Rgt. ; France, Salo- nica and EgjTJt, 3 years 8 months. HiU, WiUiam Thomas (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, Labour Corps ; France 1 year 10 months. Hillary, Robert George (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France 3 years. HiUiard, Charles Alfred (1916-19) ; Private, Yorkshire Light Infantry. HUliard, Edwin Frederick (1915-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 2 years. Hills, George Ernest (1914-19) ; 2nd Corporal, R.E. ; Egypt and Palestine 3 years 6 mouths. Hills, Reginald James (1914-19); Gun- ner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 6 months. Hills, Walter (1918-19) ; Air Mechanic, R.A.F. Hillyer, Albert Edward (1916-17) ; Private, London Rgt. Hilton, Alfred James (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years. Hinton, Henry Arthur (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, London Rgt. ; France, Egypt, Salonica and Palestine, 3 years 6 months. Hipgrave, Bertie (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France, Salonica and Palestine, 2 years 6 months. Hipgrave, George (1914-16) ; Sergeant, S. Wales Borderers ; France 2 months. Hirst, Alfred Ernest (1916-19) ; Private, Suffolk Rgt. Hiscott, Ralph Walter James (1918-20) ; Sapper, R.E. ; Germany lU mouths. Hitchcock, Bertram Albert (1916-19) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 2 years 2 months. Hoad, Edwin Lewis (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, R.W. Kent Itgt. ; France 3 years 6 montlis. Hoadley. Clarence Howard (1917-19) ; Pioneer, R.E. ; France 2 years. Hoadley, John Joseph (1917-19) ; Lance- Corporal, R.E. ; France 2 years 8 months. Hobbs, Thomas (1917-18) ; Private, Labour Corps. Hobbs, Thomas James Rutter (1914- 19) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France, Palestine, Gallipoli and Balkans, 3 years 11 months. Hobbs. William Henry (1914-19) ; Private, Cyclists Bn. ; France 3 years 6 months. Hobday, Edward Theodore (1914-19) ; Petty OUicer, R.N. ; Naval Service 10 months. Hocking, Henry (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 6 months. Hodge, Albert (1915-19) ; Driver R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France 17 months. *Hodgkinson, Cecil (1915-16) : Sapper, R.E. ; France 8 months ; Killed in action, 25th March, 1916. Hodgkinson, William (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, R.E. ; France 3 years 10 mouths. Hodgson, Zebulon (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 months. Hogg, George Alfred (1914-19) ; D.S.M.; Leading Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service 3 years 4 months. Holden, Albert John (1914-19) ; Rifle- man, Rifle Brigade ; India 6 mouths, Burmah 3 years 4 months. Holden, George Llewellyn (1916-19) ; Private, Lancashire Fusiliers ; Franca 3 months. Holdom, Alfred (1914-19) ; Able Sea- man, R.N. ; Naval Service 4 years 6 months. HoUaday, Albert (1918-19) ; Private, R.W. Kent Rgt. ; France 3 months. HoUaman, Arthur John (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 1 month. HoUand. Alfred Henry (1914-19) : Pri- vate, 13th Hussars ; France 1 year 8 months, Mesopotamia 2 years 7 months. Holland, Joseph Henry (1914-19) ; Coritoral, Royal Marino Light Infantry ; Naval Service 3 years 7 months. Holland. Sydney Critcher (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; Mesopotamia 2 years. HoUand, Walter (1914-19) ; Bom- bardier, R.F.A. ; France and Salonica 4 years 1 month. Hollands, WUliam (1915-19) ; Wheeler, R.F.A. ; France, Salonica and Palestine, 2 years 9 mouths. HoUey, Frederick James (1914-19) ; Private, Lancashire Fusiliers ; France 8 months, Salonica 18 months. *HoUins, Henry James (1914-17) ; Ser- geant, E. Surrey Rgt. ; France 8 months ; Killed in action, 17th April, 1917. 77 RECORD OT WAR SERVICE HoUoman, George Walter (1914-19) ; Leading Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service 4 years 6 montlis. Holman, Arthur James (1915-17) ; Bombardier, 11. G. A. ; France 5 months. Holman, Edwin (1914-16) ; Lance- Corporal, R.W. Surrey Rgt. Holman, Henry (1915-17) ; Driver, R.II.A. Holmes, Albert (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, R.E. ; France 4 years 4 months. Holmes, Francis (1914-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 6 months. Holmes, James William (1914-19) ; Private, Gloucestershire Rgt. ; France 1 year, Salonica 2 years. Holmes, Walter (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France 3 years 9 months. Holt, Alfred James (1915-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C, and Gunner, R.G.A. ; Franco 2 years 5 months. Holt, Percy (1918-19) ; Private, Labour Corps. Holt, Robert Henry (1914-19) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service 4 years 6 montlis. Holtham, Ernest (1917-19); Gunner, R.G.A. : France and Germany 1 j-ear 9 months. Honeyball, Arthur Charles (1914-19) ; Company Quartermaster-Sergeant, High- land Liglit Infantry ; France 2 years 11 months. *Hood, George (1914-15) : Private, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry ; France 1 month ; Killed in action, 28th April, 1915. Hooper, George (1915-17) ; Lance- Corporal, R.E. Hooper, Robert Alfred (1910-19) ; Pri- vate, London Rgt. ; France, Salonica and Egypt, 1 year 11 months. Hooper, Thomas William (1918-19); Private, Machine Gun Corp.-. Hooton, Arthur Ernest (191G-19) ; Corporal, R.A.V.C. ; France 2 years 7 months. Hopkins, Albert John (1914-19); Pri- vate, Northumberland Fusiliers ; India and Mesopotamia 2 years 8 montlis. Hopkins, Frederick William (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.l'.A. ; Salonica and Egypt 3 years months. Hopper, Albert Edward (1914-19) ; Stoker (1st Class), R.N. ; Naval Service 4 years months. Hopwood, James (1914-19); D.C.M. ; Corponil, London Rgl. ; I'alestinc, Darda- nelles and I'^gyiit, 3 years 7 mouths. Hopwood, William (1914-19); Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Egypt, GallipoU and Salonica, 3 years 7 months. Horan, James Joseph (1915-19) ; Stoker, R.N. ; Naval Service 3 years 3 months. Horn, Frederick Charles (1917-19); Corporal Clerk, R.A.F. Horn, Frederick William (1917-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; l-'rance 2 years. Horn, Percy James (1917-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 2 months. Home, Edwin Albert (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, E. Surrey Rgt. ; France 2 years 6 months. Home, George (1914-17); Corporal, Cheshire Rgt. ; France 3 years 1 month. Horner, Henry George (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, M.F.P. Horner, William Thomas (1914) ; Pri- vate, Iloj^al Fusiliers. *Horrigan, John William (1914-15) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; Accidentally killed, 7th February, 1915. Horscroft, Frederick (1914-17); Lance- Corporal, London Rgt. Horsey, Thomas Henry (1914-19) ; Shoeing-Smith, R.F.A. ; Egypt 8 montlis, France 5 mouths, Salonica 6 months. HorsneU, Frederick Charles (1918-19) ; Private, R. Sussex Rgt. ; France 4 months. Horton, Charles Edward (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; P'rance 4 years 8 months. Horwood, Ernest Alfred (1914-19) ; Corporal, Worcestershire Rgt. ; Salonica 3 years 6 months. *Horwood, Harold Ralph (1914-16) ; Lance-Corporal, London Rgt. ; France 10 months ; Died of wounds, 15th Sep- tember, 1910. Hosier, Henry James (1916-18) ; Pri- vate, Labour Corps ; France 5 months. Houchin, Harry (1910-18) ; 2nd Cor- poral, R.E. ; France 5 months. Hoverd, John (1914-19) ; Corporal, Essex Rgt. Howard, Arthur Percy (1914-19): Driver, London Rgt. ; France 2 years 6 months. Howard, Jasper Harry (1914-19) ; Ser- geant- Major, R.A.F. Howard, Sidney Alfred (1917-19) ; Lance- Corporal, R.A.S.C. Howard, William (1914-19) ; Private, loth Hussars ; France 4 years 6 months. Howard, William White Henry (1915- 19) ; Staff- Sergeant, A.P.C. Howcutt, Mark (1914-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 9 months. Howe, William Frederick (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; Egypt, France and Salonica, 2 years 9 months. Howell, Alfred (1914-19); Private, Royal Marine Light Infantry ; Naval Service 4 years 2 months. Howells, Edward John Robert (1914- 19) ; Lieutenant, Loyal N. Lancashire Rgt. ; France 3 years. Howells, Frank Cecil (1914-19) ; Battery Fitter, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 3 months. *Howes, William Joseph (1917) ; Private, Loiulou Kgt. ; Egypt and Palestine, 4 months ; Killed in action, 2nd November, 1917. Howland, Robert Alfred (1915-19) ; Lance-Corporal. R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France 3 years 3 mouths. '/8 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Hoy, Frederick George (1917-19); Guu- ner, It.U.A. ; l<'raiicc mouths. Hoyle, Robert Joseph (1918-19); rionccr, R.E. ; France 7 months. Hubbard, Frederick WilHam (1916-19) ; Air Moclianic (1st Class), ll.A.F. ; France 5 months. Hubbard, WilHam George (1917-19) Air Meclianic (2iul Class), K.A.F. Hudgell, William Thomas (1911-19) Shoeing-.Sinith, 11. G. A. Hudson, Alfred Andrew (1918-19) Private, Royal Fusiliers. *Huggins, Joseph (1914-15) ; Private Royal Fusiliers ; France 1 month Missin?:, 8th February, 1915. Hughes, Alfred William (1916-19) Private, Machine Gun Corps ; Franco 17 months, Prisoner of war 10 months. Hughes, George William (1914-19); Corporal, E. Surrey Rgt. ; Salonica 3 years. *Hughes, Henry Grey (1915) ; Air Mechanic, R.A.F. ; Accidentally drowned, 2Gth April, 1915. Hughes, James Edward (1916-17) ; Sergeant, Middlesex Rgt. Hughes, Joseph Robert (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 3 years 8 months. Hughes, Myles Patrick (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, R.F.A. ; France 4 years. Hulcoop, Horace Frederick (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; l'"rance 11 months. Humbles, Ernest (1915-17) ; Gunner, R.G.A. Hume, Edward Charles (1914-19) ; Leadiuj^ Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service 4 years. Hume, James (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 9 months. Humm, WiUiam James (1915-19) Serfjeaut, R.F.A. ; France 3 years. Humphrey, Charles Albert (1915-17) Driver. R.E. ; I'rance 2 years (5 months. Humphrey, Henry Charles (1915-18) Lancc-Corporal, Labour Corps. ♦Humphrey, Mark (191.5-1(!) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; I'rance 8 months ; Died of wounds, 15th July, 1910. Humphrey, Thomas William (1917-18) ; Private, Labour Corps ; l''rauce 8 months. Humphrey, William Charles (1918-19) ; Private, R.W. Kent R-t. Humphrey, William James (1915-19) ; Private, Loudon Rgt. ; France 3 years 3_nionths. Humphries, James (1918-19) : Private, E. Surrey R^'t. Hunt, Herbert James (1914-19) : Pri- vate, Ivcicestershire Rgt. ; France 3 years 3 months. Hunt, Robert (1917-19) ; Private, Bed- fordshire R;^t. Hunter. Charles William (1911-19); Seri^eant, London Rgt. ; l'"rauce 2 years 9 mouths. Hunwick, William (1917-19); Private, Labour Corps ; France 2 years. Hursey, Sidney George (1917-19) ; 2nd Aircraftsman, R.A.I''. ; France 6 months. Hutcheson, Robert John (1914-19); Private, 7th Hussars ; I'alestiuc, Franco and Salonica, 4 j-ears. Hutchings, James Harris (1910-19) ; Private, lliglilaud Lit,'lit Infantry ; l''ranco 7 months. Hutchinson, Frederick John (1917-19) ; I'ionecr, R.E. Hutchinson, Robert (1914-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 3 years 5 months. Hutt, Percy Charles (1917-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; Belgium. 5 months. Huzzey, George Victor (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Sergeant, WonH'stershire Rgt. ; France 3 years, Prisoner of war 7 months. Hyams, Sidney (1910-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 13 months. Hyatt, Alfred (1914-19): Private, Highland Light Infantry ; France 2 yeara 3 months. Hyatt, John William (1914-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 9 months. Hyde, Alfred James (1915-19) ; Private, Machine Gun Corps ; France 5 mouths. Hyde, Ernest Charles (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. ; Palestine, France and Salonica, 2 years 9 months. *Hyde, Frederick Charles (1914) ; Private, Wiltshire Rst. : I'rance 2 months ; Missing, 31st October, 1914. *Hygate, William Charles (1915-17); Gtmner, R.F.A. ; l'"raiicc 6 months, .Salonica 8 months, Egypt 3 months ; Died of wounds, 7 th November, 1917. Igglesden, George (1910-18) ; Private, Northumberland Fusiliers. Imison, Montague (1915-19) ; Lance- Bombardier, 1\.1''..\. ; France 1 year 11 months, Ital.\- 4 months. Imlach, James (1911-19); Private, R.D.C. Impey, Rodney William (1915-19); Able Seaman, R.X. ; Naval .Service 3 years. Ing, Robert Ralph (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years. Ingram, Robert John (1910-19); Gun- ner, R.G.A. Ingrams, William (1914-19) ; 2nd Cor- poral, R.E. ; Italy and l' ranee 1 year. Ingrey, Charles David (1911-16); Pri- vate, Middle-ex Rgt. ; France 1 year lit mouths. Ings, Harry (1910-19) ; Lance-Sergeant, London Rgt. ; France 2 years. Innalls, Alfred Ernest (1914-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; I'rauce and Prisoner of war (Germany) 4 years. Inns, Charles Henry (1917-19) ; Rifle- man, Rifle Brigade ; France 9 mouths. Prisoner of war (Germany) 9 mouths. Ireland, Arthur William (191.3-19); Shoeing .Smit h, R.l'.A. ; l-'rauce, Salonica and Egypt, 2 years 9 mouths. 79 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Irvine. Albert Charles (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, Dragoon Guards ; Franco 3 years 8 moiitlis. Irving, James William (1915-18) ; Pri- vate, Labour Corps; France 18 months. Isaacs, Samuel (1914-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 2 years 8 months. Isted, George Henry (1916-18) ; Rifle- man, London Rgt. ; France 14 montlis. Jackaman, George Edwrard (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. Jaokman, William George (1918-19) ; Stoiier, R.N. ; Naval Service. Jackson, Arthur James (1915-19) ; Sergeant, Bedfordshire Rgt. ; France 1 year 8 months. ♦Jackson, Harry (1914-15) ; Private, R. Scots Fusiliers ; France 10 months ; Missing, 16th June, 1915. Jackson, Richard John (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; Dardanelles, France and Germany, 3 years 10 months. Jackson, Thomas Charles (1914-19) ; Private, Bedfordshire Rgt. ; Egypt and Palestine, 3 years 6 months. Jackson, WiUiam (1914-19) ; M.S.M. ; Sergeant, R.E. ; Gallipoh 8 months, France 3 years 2 months. Jack on, William James (1918-19) ; Sergeant, R. Sussex Rgt. ; France 1 year. Jacob, Alfred John (1915-19) ; Private, Welch Rgt. ; Dardanelles and Mesopo- tamia 4 years 3 months. Jacobs, Frederick (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 17 months. Jagger, Henry Francis (1914-19); Gun- ner, R.G.A. ; Franco 3 years. Jago, Alfred Edward (1918-19) ; Rifle- man, Rifle Brigade ; France 5 months. James, Albert Clifford (1915-19); Cor- poral, R.E. James, Albert Edward (1914-15) ; G\m- ner, R.F.A. James, Albert Edward Webber (1915- 19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France and Egypt 3 years 10 mouths. * James, George (1914-15) ; Private, R.W. Surrey Rgt. ; France 9 months ; iiissing, 25th September, 1915. James, WiUiam Alfred Leverson (1916- 19) ; Lance Corporal, R.W. Surrey Rgt. ; France 1 year 9 months. James, William Henry (1915-18) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 8 months. James, William Thomas (1914-19) ; Regimental Sergeant- Major, R.A.S.C. ; Malta and France 3 years 6 months. Jamieson, Edward Dalley (1914-19) ; Chief Petty Officer, R.N. ; Naval Service 5 years. Jarvis, Charles William (1914-18) ; Corporal, R.F.A. • France 2 years. Jarvis, Clapton Charles (1915-17) ; Private, Training Reserve Bn. ; France 6 months. Jarvis, Ernest Thomas (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, R. Welch Fu.-ilier.- ; France, Salo- nica and Ru-ssia, 3 years 5 moutliH. Jarvis, William (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.E. ; France, Salonica and Palestine, 4 years. Jaynes, Henry William (1914-18) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; Dardanelles and Egypt 2 years 9 months. Jaynes, Herbert (1914-18) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France. Jeffery, John (1915-17) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France, Salonica, Malta and Egypt. ♦Jeffrey, Charles James (1914-16) ; Cor- poral, E. Kent Rgt. ; France 1 year 7 months ; Killed in action, 30th September, 1916. Jeffrey, Henry (1915-19) ; Sergeant, London Rgt. Jeffries, Walter (1916-19); Private, W. Kent Yeomanry Jenkin, Percy Alfred (1914-15) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France 3 months. Jenkins, Edmvmd George (1914-19); M.M., Mentioned in despatches ; Corporal, Royal FusiUers ; France 3 years 9 months. Jenkins, Harry Benjamin (1918-20) ; Private, Manchester Rgt. ; Italy and Egypt 16 months. Jenkins, Henry (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 7 months. Jennings, William James (1916-20) ; Private, Royal FusiUers. Jennings, William John (1916-19) ; Private, Welch Kgt. ; France 2 years. ♦Jewell, Charles John Louis (1915-16) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 8 months ; Died of wounds, 14th November, 1916. Jewell, John Henry (1914-19) ; Saddler Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; France 4 years 6 months. Jex, Leonard (1914-19) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France and Italy 4 years. Johncock, William Henry (1915-19) ; 2nd Corporal, R.E. ; Egypt and Palestme 4 years. Johns, Arthur Ernest (1915-19) ; Rifle- man, Rifle Brigade ; France 6 months, Egypt 2 years 8 months. Johnson, Albert (1916-20) : Private, Labour Corps ; France 2 years 2 months. Johnson, Archer Alexander (1914-17); Lance-Corporal, Royal Fusiliers ; Franco 17 months. Johnson, Arthur Henry (1914-17) Sergeant, R. Sussex Rgt. Johnson, Charles (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 11 months. Johnson, Charles (1915) ; Platelayer, R.E. Johnson, Charles Henry (1914-19) ; Stoker, R.N. ; Naval Service 4 years 8 months. Johnson, Charles James (1915-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 3 years. Johnson, Frank (1917-19); Private. Labour Corps ; France 1 year 11 months. Johnson, Frederick (1916-17) ; Private, E. Kent Rgt. 8o RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Johnson, George Alfred (1918-19); Private, 11.A..S.O. ; France 3 months, Germany 8 mouths. Johnson, Harold (1915-19); Gunner, 11. F. A. ; France! 1 moiitli, Salouica 7 months, Egypt and Palestine 1 year 7 months. Johnson. Herbert William (191G-18) ; Private, ^Middlesex K^rt. Johnson, Jesse Harry (1917) ; Driver, R.F.A. Johnson, John (1914-18) ; Guardsman, Coldstream Guards ; Franco 2 yeai-s 4 months. Johnson, Saville (1910-19); Private, R.A.V.C. ; Franco 2 years 8 months. Johnson, Sydney (1915-19); Private, Middlesex Rst. ; France 3 years. Johnson, WiUiam (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years, Italy 1 year. Johnson-Steele, Thomas Edward (1914— 18) ; Trooper, 12th Lancers. Jones, Albert Edward (1918-19) ; Pri- vate, R. Sussex l{;.:Ct. Jones, Alfred Ernest (1914-16); Rifle- man, London Rgt. Jones, Edward (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; Salouica 2 years G months. Jones, Edward Walter (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, R.E. Jones, Frederick Arthur (1914-19); Cor- poral, Machine Gun Corps ; France 14 months, Mesopotamia 15 months, India 6 months. Jones, Frederick William Cecil (1914- 19) ; Senior Reserve Attendant, R. Naval Sick Berth Reserve ; Naval Service 7 mouths. *Jones, George Henry (1915-18) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; Died wliile prisoner of war, 15th July-15th October, 1918. Jones, Henry William (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, Ledfordshire Rgt. Jones, John Charles (1916-19) ; Lance- Corporai, Cambridgeshire and Suffolk Rgts. ; France 9 mouths. *Jones, John George (1914-15) ; Sergeant, London Rgt. ; France 9 months ; KiUed in action, 31st October, 1915. *Jones, Richard (1914-18) ; Trooper, Dragoon Guards ; France 3 j-ears ; Killed in action, 25th March, 1918. ♦Jones, Samuel WilUam (1914-15) ; Private. Loudon Rgt. ; I'rauce 5 months ; Died of wounds, 3Uth July, 1915. Jones, Stephen George (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, E. Surrey Rgt. ; France and Prisoner of war (Germany) 4 years 4 months. Jones, Thomas William (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. Jones, Wallace Henry (1915-19) ; Gun- ner, R.F.A. ; Franco 1 year 8 months, Italy 14 months. Jones, Walter Leonard (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, Loudon Rgt. ; France, Salouica, Egypt and Palestine, 3 years. Jones, WilUam Alfred (1914-19) ; Bom- bardier, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 1 month. Jones, William Anthony (1914-19) ; RegiuK^ntal Quartermaster - Sergeant, Northumberland Fusiliers. Jones, WilUam Henry (1914-19); Pri- vate!, Labour Corps ; France 3 years 7 months. Jones. WilUam Joseph (1918-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; Mesopotamia and India 10 months. Jordan, Charles Ernest (1915-18) ; Sergeant, Loudon Rgt. Jordan, Ernest John (1914-19) ; Guards- man, Greuadier Guards ; France 4 years. Jordan, Frank (1916-19) ; Sergeant, Northumberland Fusiliers ; Malta 15 months. Jordan, George Edward (1915-19) ; Driver, R.E. ; Gallipoli, Egypt and France, 3 years 7 months. Jordan, Herbert Francis (1914-19) ; Private, R.D.C. Jordan. Sydney (1917-19) ; Air Mechanic (3rd Class), R.A.F. Joyce, John Robert (1914-15) ; Private, London Rgt. Judd, Ernest Gilbert (1917-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. Judd, Thomas James (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 9 months. Judge, Roland Charles (1914-19) ; Petty OfHcer, R.N. ; Naval Service 4 years 4 months. Jump, Charles Richard (1914-19) ; Private, Machine Gun Corps ; France 4 years 4 mouths. *Juniper, Charles WiUiam Henry (1914- 15) ; Private, Essex Rgt. ; France 3 months ; Killed in action, 4th May, 1915. Jupp, Henry Charles (1914-19) ; Leading Seanum, R.N. ; Naval Service 4 years 6 mouths. Kadwill, George Edward (1914-19) ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; Bm-mah 3 yeara 5 months. Kaley, Joshua Percy (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; Salouica 2 years 9 months, Egypt 3 months. Kane. Charles (1915-19) ; Private, Loudon Rgt. Kane, James Thomas (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, Royal Marine Light infantry ; Naval Service 3 years 7 months. Karley, Walter Frederick (1917-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 18 months. Kear, Thomas David (1914-18) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France. *Keeler, Albert Sydney (1914) ; Stoker (1st Class), R.F.R. ; Naval Service ; Lost in H.M.S, Aboukir, 22nd September, 1914. *Keeler, Frederick WilUam (1916-17); Rifleuuin, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; Franco 1 year ; KiUed iu action, 1st October, 1917. Keen, Arthur John (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt and Palestine 2 years 1 month. 8l RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Keene, Ernest Frederick (1914-19) ; Rilieman, London Rgt. ; France 3 years 10 months. Keene, George Arthur (1915-18) ; Cor- poral, Grenadier Guards ; France 1 year 10 montlis. Keene, John Patrick (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, Fife and Forfar Yeomanry. Kelly, Edward (1915-18) ; Lance- Corporal, R.E. *Kelsey, Herbert Charles (1916-17) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 1 month ; Killed in action, 29th July, 1917. Kelson, George Charles (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 18 months. Kemp, Horace (1914-19) ; Bombardier, R.F.A. ; France 2 years. Kemp, Lawrence Smeed (1914-19) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 4 years. Kemp, Robert Samuel (1914-18); Gmi- ner, R.F.A. Kempton, Sidney (1915-19) ; Pioneer, R.E. ; France 5 months, Salonica 7 months, Palestine 1 year 10 months. Kendrick, Edward (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 10 mouths. Kenealy, Michael John (1914-18) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 1 month. Kennard, Ernest WiUiam (1917-19) ; 2nd Corporal, R.E. Kennett, Edward Francis (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 4 months. Kenney, Edward (1914-19); Lance- Corporal, M.M.P. ; France 4 years 6 months. Kentsbeer, John Samuel (1916-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; France and Germany 2 years 6 months. Keogh, Patrick (1914-16) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France. Kerr, Francis John (1917-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 10 months. Kewell, Henry James (1914-18); Lead- ing: Seaman, R.F.R. ; Naval Service 3 years 6 months. * Key worth, James George (1915-17); Private, E. Surrey Rgt. ; Franco 15 months ; Missing, 3rd May, 1917. Kiddy, George (1917-19); Private, Essex Rgt. ; France 15 months. Kiely, Patrick (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.E. ; France 3 years 3 months. KilUck, John (1914-18); Private, Northumberland Fusiliers ; France 3 years 9 months. Killingray, Philip John (1915-19) ; Private, Essex Rgt. ; Egypt 3 years 6 months. Kimber, WilHam Joseph (1915-18) ; Sapper, R.E. ; Egypt and France 3 years 8 months. *King, Alfred John (1914-15); Lance- Corporal, li. Bca-kslilrc Rgt. ; France 5 mouths ; Killed in action, 13th October, 1915. King, Charles Augustus (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.F. King, Ernest (1914-19) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers ; France 4 months. Prisoner of war (Germany) 3 years 6 months. King. Frederick Charles (1915-19) ; Flight-Sergeant, R.A.F. King, James Edwin (1917) ; Private, R.A.M.C. King, John Herbert (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years. King, Thomas William (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 6 months. *King, William Eugene (1916-18) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; France 18 months ; Died of wounds, 11th December, 1918. Kingham, George Edward (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 2 years. Kingsley, Frederick (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Private, 2nd Dragoons ; Franco 4 years 5 months. Kington, William (1914-16); Petty Officer (2ud Class), R.N. Kinsey, George Henry (1915-19) ; Gim- ner, R.F.A. ; Franco 3 years. Kinsey, WiUiam Stephen (1916-18) ; Private, Machine Gun Corps ; France 1 year. Kinton, Walter William (1915-19); Men- tioned in despatches ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 6 months. *Kirby, Ebenezer (1915-16) ; Corporal. R.F.A. ; France 5 months ; Died of wounds, 24th May, 1916. Kislingbury, Alfred James (1915-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France, Salonica, Egypt and Palestine, 2 years 9 months. Kite, Walter George (1914-18) ; Private, Machine Gun Corps ; France 2 months. *KIein, George (1914-15) ; Corporal. Loudon Rgt. ; Franco 2 months ; Killed in action, 25th May, 1915. Knapp, Albert Thomas (1914-19) ; Regi- mental Quartermaster- Sergeant, Border Rgt. ; France 2 months, Salonica 3 years 4 months. Knight, George (1914-19); Trooper, 20th Hussars ; France 4 months. Knight, Herbert (1914-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Sergeant- Major, R.A.F. Knight, Percy (1915-18) ; Sapper, R.B.; France. Knight, Richard Herbert (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.S.C. ; France, Salomca and Egypt, 2 years 9 months. Knlghtley, PhilUp (1915-19) ; D.C.M. ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 6 months. Knights, Ernest (1914-19); Driver, R.A.S.C. ; France 1 month, Salomca 6 months, Egypt 2 years. Knivett, Albert John (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, London Rgt. ; France 6 months. Knopp, Nathaniel (1915-19).; Driver, R.E. ; France and Mesopotamia 3 years 6 months. Knopp, WiUiam (1914-18); Private, R.D.C. 82 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Kyne, Thomas James (1911) ; Private, W. Kent Yeomanry. Lafferty, Frederick Arthur (1914-19) ; Sipiialler, E. Kent llgt. ; Franco 3 years 7 months. *Laird, William Joseph (1914-17); Ser- grcant, London litxt. ; Franco 2 years 8 months : Killed in action, 4th November, 1917. Lake, Albert Ernest (1914-19) ; Men- tioned in despatches ; Chief Petty Ofilcer, R.N. Lake, Alfred Henry (1916-19) ; M.M. ; Private, Royal Fusiliers ; France 2 years. Lake, John Patrick (1914-19) ; Private, Durham Light Infantry ; Franco 4 years 4 moutlis. Lamb. James Charles (1916-18) ; Rifle- man, London Rgt. ; France and Salonica 14 months. Lambert, George (1914-19) ; Driver, R.E. ; France 3 years 11 months. Lambert, James Walter (1914—19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 11 months. Lambert, Joseph Claude (1918-19) ; Private, Machine Gun Corps. Lambert, Thomas (1914-19) ; Private, Middlesex Rf?t., and Corporal, Labour Corps ; France 4 years 2 months. Lambourne, WDliam (1916-17); Pri- vate, Essex Rgt. Laming, Frederick Charles (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France, Mesopotamia and India, 3 years 6 months. Lane, George (1914-19) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. Langdon, William Charles (1914-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; France 8 months, Mesopotamia 1 year 10 months. Langdon, WiUiam Ernest (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; Franco 3 years 6 mouths, Germany 3 montlis. Langford, Thomas Henry (1914-19); Sergeant, London Rgt. ; France 3 years 10 months. Langrisb, Henry John (1 9 1 4-1 7 ) ; Driver, R.F.A. Lansdell, Harry (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. Lapworth, Walter Osborne (1914-16) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 11 months. Lardge, James William (1915-18) ; Corporal, A.P.C. Last, Frank James (1917-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 15 months. ♦Layer, Edward Cyril (1914-16) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 7 months ; Died of woimds, 19th June, 1916. Lavers, Frank (1915-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; France 1 year 9 months. Law, George (1914-16) ; Rifleman, London Rgt. Law, John Alfred (1915-19) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France 1 year 10 mouths. Prisoner of war (Germany) 8 montlis. Lawes, WiUiam (1914-17); Trooper, 15th Hussars ; France 2 years 2 months. Lawrence, Henry George (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Middlesex Rgt. Lawrence, Herbert (1915-18) ; Sergeant, R.A.V.C. ; France '^ yciars 7 months. Lawrence, Walter George (1917-19); Sapper, li.E. ; I'rauco and Germany 1 year 8 montlis. Laws, William Charles (1914-19) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; Franco 3 years. Lawson, Norman (1914-16) ; Private, Argyll and Sutiicrland Higlilanders ; Franco 3 montlis. Leach, Edward Archibald (1914) ; Pri- vate, London Rgt. Leader, George (1918-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 mouths. Leamon, Frederick Ellis (1917-19) ; Gimncr, R.F.A. ; Franco 10 montlis. Leaney, Walter Daniel (1915-19) ; Pioneer, R.E. ; France 3 years. Lear, Alfred James (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years. Leavey, Edward (1916-19) ; Private, Leicestersliire Rgt. ; Franco 7 months. Lee, Arthur James (1915-17) ; Private, S. Wales Borderers ; France 1 year. Lee, William Charles (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, R.F.A. ; Franco 3 years 6 months. Leeder, Robert (1916-19) ; Private, Tank Corps ; France 2 years 9 months. Leeves, Thomas Albert (1911-19) ; Sergeant, Loyal N. Lancasliire Rgt. ; France 3 months. Legge, Charles John (1916-19) ; Cor- poral, Labour Corps ; France 2 years 6 months. Leggett. Arthur Percy (1915-18) ; Pri- vate, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 15 months. Leighton, George Albert (1914) ; Petty Officer (1st Class), R.F.R. ♦Leighton, Harry Ethelbert (1916-17) ; Rifleman, King's Royal Riflo Corps ; France 1 year ; Killed in action, 26th December, 1917. Lelliott, Herbert Luke (1915-18); Sapper, R.E. ; France 2 years 3 months. Lemage, Sidney Charles (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. Leonard, Charles Peter (1914-17); Di'iver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 8 months. Lever, Arthur William (1915-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 4 years. ♦Leverington, James (1915-16) ; Rifle- man, London Rgt. ; France 5 months ; Missing, Lst July, 1916. Levett, Alfred Henry (1915-19); Driver Wheeler, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 10 months. Levy, Henry Thomas (1914-16) ; Cor- poral, R. Rerkshire Rgt. ; France 7 months. Lewington, George John (1916-17 and 1917-19); Private, R.A.M.C; Franco and Germany 18 months. Lewis, Arthur Thomas (1914-18) ; Sergeant, R.G.A. ; Frauce 2 years. Lewis, Charles Samuel (1916-17) ; Private, London ligt. 83 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Lewis. George William (1914-19) ; Chief I'ctty OllictT, K.N. ; Naval Service. Lewis, Horatio Montague (1914-19) ; Lance-8ergcaut, Loudon Kgt. : France 9 months. Lewis, John William (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, Es.-^cx Rfct. ; France 1 year 7 months, Egypt 17 months. Lewis, Mark Owen (191(5-19); Private, Labour C^'orps ; France 2 years. ♦Lewis, Samuel Arthur (1914-18); Gun- ner, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 5 months ; Missing, 27th March, 1918. Lewis, Thomas Henry (1914-19); Gun- ner, R.F.A. ; France 15 months. Lewis. Thomas William (1915-18) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 2 years 1 month. Lewis. Thomas William (1916-19); Air Mechanic (3rd Class), R.A.F. ; France 7 months. ♦Lewis, William Benjamin (1916-17) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers ; France 7 months ; Missing, 31st July, 1917. Leys, Charles (1914-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France and Salonica 3 years. Lias. William James (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, R.W. Survey Rgt. and Labour Corps ; France 2 years. Licence, Henry Francis (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 7 months. Liddard. John (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; Palestine and Egypt 3 years 9 months. Lightfoot, WiUiam (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.O.C. ; France 3 years 11 months. ♦Lilburn, Henry (1915-17) ; Bombardier, R.F.A. ; France 1 year 9 months ; Killed in action, 8th November, 1917. Liles, George Charles (1918) ; Private, R.A.M.C. Lilley, Harry (1914-17) ; Lance- Corporal, Loudon Rgt. Lillie, Henry Benjamin (1917-19); Ist Aircraftsman, R.A.I''. ; France 18 months. Lilly, Joseph Douglas (1914-19); Cor- poral, M.1''.P. ; Malta 8 months. Ling, Claude (1917-19) ; Private, North- amptonshire Rgt. ; France 1 month. Prisoner of war (Germany) 7 months. Ling, George Robert (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, R.A.S.C. ; Mesopotamia 2 years 9 montlis. Ling, William Gordon (1915-19) ; Bom- hardiir, H.'l.A. ; I'lance 2 years. Ling, William Sidney (1915-17) : M.M. ; Sergeant, R.A.V'.C^. ; France 2 years 6 montlis. Lingard, Frank Howard (1914-10); Guiii]risoner of war (Germany) 15 months ; accidentally killed while prisoner of war, 3rd May, 1918. Portley, John (1914-19); Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 2 years. Postans, Thomas (1914-19) ; Private, R.D.C. Potter, Edmond George (1914-19) : Sapper, R.E. ; France 3 years 9 months. Potter, George Philip (1914-19); Cor- poral, E. Kent Rgt. ; France 15 months. Potter, Henry Thomas (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, M.M.P. ; France and Salonica 1 years. ♦Potter, Sidney Henry (1915-16) ; Pri- vate, R. W. Kent Rgt. ; France 5 months ; Missing, 7th October, 1916. Potter, William (1914); Private, North- umberland Fusiliers. Pound, Charles William (1914-19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; France 4 years 2 months. Pounds, Samuel (1917) ; Driver, R.H.A. Powell, Albert James (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, Labour Corps. Powell, George Joseph (1914-18) ; Pri- vate, R.E. ; Mesopotamia 5 months. ♦Powlesland, John William Wallington (1915-10) ; M.M. ; Guardsman, Grenadier Guards ; France 11 months ; Killed in action, 25th September, 1916. Powley, Harry Albert (1917-19) ; Gun- ner, R.G.A. ; France 14 months. Pratt, George Edward (1917-19) ; Pri- vate, Labour Corps. Pratt, Joseph James (1914-19); 1st Class Staff Sergeant-Major, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 10 months. Prendergast, Edward Arthur (1916-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 18 months. Presley, William Charles (1916-19) ; Rifleman, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; Franco IS months, Italy 4 months. Prisoner of war 4 months. Press, William George (1918-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. Preston, George (1916-19) ; Rifleman, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France 7 months. Prisoner of war 18 months. Price, Colin Edward Warren (1914-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 9 months. Price, George (1914-17); Corporal, 5th Lancers ; France 3 years. Price, James WiHiam (1914-19); Ser- geant. Rifle Brigade ; France 3 years. Price, Louis Septimus (1917-19) ; Com- pany Quartermaster-Sergeant, R.E. ; France 2 years. Price, Thomas George (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, R.A.S.C. (M.T.); France IS months. Price, Thomas William (1914-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; Italy and France 3 years 6 months. 95 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Price, Walter (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.V.C. ; France 3 years 11 months. *Price, Walter Everard (1916-18) ; Rifle- man, llilio Brigade ; France 18 montlis ; Killed in action, 20th August, 1918. Prideaux, Richard Henry (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 5 montlis. Pridmore, William George (1915-19); Sapper, 1{.E. ; France 2 j-ears 11 months. ♦Priest, Sidney (1914-16) ; Lance-Cor- poral, E. Kent Rgt. ; France 6 months ; Killed in action, 13th August, 1916. Prince, George Henry (1914-18) ; Cor- poral, R.A.S.C ; Fiance, Egypt and Salouica, 3 years 5 months. Prince, Walter Escott (1914-19) ; Gun- ner, R.F.A. ; France and Salonica 3 years 5 months. ♦Prior, Frederick (1914-17); Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers ; France 3 months ; Killed in action, 18th February, 1917. Prior, Frederick (1915-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years. Prior, Joseph Alfred (1914-17) ; Private, Machine Guu Corps ; France 2 months. Pritchett, Charles Edwin Turl (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; Salonica 14 months. Procter, WiUiam (1915-19) ; M.M. ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; Franco 2 years 6 months. Proops, Joseph (1915-19) ; Private, R.W. Surrey Rgt. ; France 2 years. Prosser, William (1915-19) ; Saddler. R.A.S.C. ; France and Italy 4 years 1 month. Proud, Albert Edward (1914-16); Trooper, City of London Yeomanry. Pryor, Arundel Thomas Webster (1914- 16) ; Gunner, R.H.A. ; France. Puddicombe, Joseph Charles William (1914-19) ; I'rivate, London Rgt. ; France, Salonica and Palestine, 2 years 9 months. Pude, John Francis (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, Essex Rgt. ; France, Egypt, Salonica and Palestine, 3 years 6 months. Pugh, Frederick Peter WUson (1915-16); Sapjier, R.E. ; France. Pullen, Arthur (1916-18) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France. Pullen, Arthur (191G-19) ; Private, Durham Light Infantry ; Salonica 9 months, France 10 months. Pullen, Herbert George (1914-19); M.S.M. ; Private, R.W. Kent Rgt. ; France 3 years 9 nionths. Pummery, Charles William (1915-19); M..M. ; Sergeant, R.F..\. ; Fi-ance 2 years 6 months. Purcell, Thomas (1916-19); Private. Middlese.x Rgt. ; France 2 years 3 months. Purdy, John (1910-19); Rifleman, London Rgt. ; France 3 years 2 months. Purkiss, Frederick John (1918-19); Stoker, R.N. ; Naval Service 4 months. Purser, Frederick (1916-19) ; Private, London Rgt. ; trance 2 years 5 months. Purslove, William Harold (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 16 months. Purton, George James (1916-20) ; Pri- vate, R.A.O.C. ; France 9 months, Egypt 1 year 10 months. Pyne, George (1914-18) ; Guardsman, Coldstream Guards ; France 2 years 6 months. Quelch, Douglas Edwin Gerald (1914— 19) ; Company Sergeant-Major, Rifle Brigade ; Burmah 4 years 2 months. Quick, AUred John (1917-19) ; Private, Northamptonshire Rgt. ; France 2 years 5 months. ♦Quick, Herbert Montague Frederick (1914-16) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers ; France 11 nionths ; Killed in action, 5th April, 191G. Raggett, George Frederick (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 13 months. Salonica 6 months, Egypt 1 year 8 months. Ralph, Frederick Robert (1914-19) ; Company Quartermaster- Sergeant, R.E. ; France 3 yeai-s 9 month.s. Ralph, William Elias (1918-20); Pri- vate, R. Sussex Rgt. ; France 9 months, Egypt 10 months. Ramm, Frederick Thomas (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France and Salonica 2 years. Ramsey, William Wallace (1914-16) ; M.M. ; Lance-Corporal, Dorsetshire Rgt. ; France 7 months. Ranee, Godfrey RusseU (1914-19) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service 3 years 9 months. Randall, Cyril George (1916-18); Gun- ner, R.F.A. Randall, Thomas Charles (1916-19) ; Corporal, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France 2 years 6 months. Ransley, Alfred (1914-19) ; StafE- Scrgeant, R.E. ; France 1 year 9 months. Rapley, Herbert Charles (1915-19) ; Pioneer, R.E. ♦Rathall, William (1914) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; Died, 29th December, 1914. Raven, Hugh (1914-17); Sergeant, 17th Lancers. Rawlings, Harry Edward (1914-19) ; Lance-Sergeant, London Rgt. ; France, Salonica, Egypt and Palestine, 2 years 8 months. ♦Rawlings, Joseph Eastoe (1914) ; Stoker (1st Class), R.F.R. ; Naval Service ; Elilled at .sea, 22nd September, 1914. Rawhngs, Thomas Edward (1914-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; France 4 years. Rawson, Walter (1916-19); Corporal, R.A.V.C. ; Fi-ance 16 months. Ray, Herbert John (1916-19) : Rifle- man, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France 13 months. Rayner, James (1914-18); Sergeant, R. Sussex Itgt. ; France 3 years. Read, George Edward (1917-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. ; France 4 months. 96 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Read, William (1914-19) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service 4 years. Reading, Ernest James (1910-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 1 year. Reading, Reginald Sylvester (1915-19); Sapper, K.E. ; France 1 year 8 months. Reason, William James (1915-19); Driver, 11. F. A. ; France 3 years (! inontlis. Reed, Charles Frederick (1918-19); Rifleman, Rifle Rripade ; France 2 months. Reed, Henry Charles (1918-19) ; Private, R. Sussex Rt?t. Reeman, William Samuel (1916-19); Gunner, Tank Corps ; France 13 months. Reeve, Albert (1915-19).; Gunner, R.G.A. *Reeve, Alfred (1915-16) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France 1 year ; Killed in action, 16th September, 1916. Reeve, Charles Edward (1916-18) ; Private, E. Kent Rgt. ; France 2 years. Reeve, Charles William (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 1 year 10 months. Reeve, Walter Francis (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, London Rgt. ; Salonica 6 months, Egypt 1 year 8 months. Reeves, Frederick (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Labour (jorps ; France 3 years. Regan, James (1914 and 1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.S.C. ; France 4 years. Regester, George Benjamin (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.F. *Reilly, Daniel (1914); Private, R.W. Surrey Rgt. ; l''rance 2 months ; Missing, 31st October, 1914. Reilly, Richard (1914-19) : Private, R. Dublin Fusihers ; France 3 years 8 months. *Relf, William Joseph (1914-17); Pri- vate, R. Dublin Fusiliers ; Dardanelles and Egypt 1 year, France 8 months ; Killed in action, 16th August, 1917. Reynolds, George (1916-19); Private, S. StafTordshire Rgt. ; France and Ger- many 2 years. Reynolds, William George (1917-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France and Germany 1 year. Rhodes, Henry (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.O.C. ; France 3 years 10 months. *Rice, Walter Charles (1914-16) ; Rifle- man, Rifle Brigade ; France 1 year ; Killed in action, 11th July, 1916. Richards, Alfred (1915-17) ; Private, R.A.S.C. Richards, Alfred James (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years, Salonica and Egypt 1 8 months. Richards, Charles Ernest (1914-19) ; Sapper, R.K. ; France 4 years. ♦Richards, John (1914-17); Stoker (1st Class), R.N. ; Naval Service ; Killed at sea, 12th December, 1917. Richards, William George a 91 4-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 1 year. Richardson, Charles (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, R.E. ; France 2 years. Richardson, Frederick (1916-17); Sapper, R.E. Richardson, George (1918-19); Rifle- man, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France 4 months. Richardson, George Edward (1918-19) ; Private, London Rgt. ; l-'rance 14 months. Richardson, George Frederick (1914— 17); Private, Royal Fusiliers; France 13 months. Richardson, Richard Percy (1916-19); Rifleman, King's Royal lUfle Corps ; France and Germany 2 years. Richardson, Walter Albert (1914-19) ; Private, Bedfordshire Ifgt. Richardson, Walter Albert (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 4 years 6 months. ♦Richardson, Walter Sidney (1914-16); Lance-Corporal, Essex Rgt. : Died, ISth January, 1916. Richardson, William (1916-18); Pri- vate, Northamptonshire Rgt. ; France 11 months. Ricketts, James Henry (1914-17) ; Sergeant, R. Welch Fusiliers. Ricketts, John Joseph (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, Labour Corps ; France 18 months. Rideout, Albert Edwin (1914-19) ; Driver, R.G.A. ; France and Germany 3 years. Rider, William Frederick (1917-19); Sapper, R.E. ; France 2 years 4 montlis. Ridley, James Henry (1914-18) ; Driver, R.E. *Ridlington, Alexander Augustus (1914- 15); Private, E. Kent Rgt.; France 6 months ; Missing, 3rd May, 1915. Rigby, Frank (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.M.C. Riordan, William John (1918-19) ; Rifleman, London Rgt. Risley, George Thomas (1918-19) ; Private, R. Sussex Rgt. ; Franco 3 months. Rivers, George (1916-18) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 18 months. ♦Rivers, Percy Hubert (1915) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 3 mouths ; Died of wounds, 4th December, 1915. ♦Rixon, Ivo Charles (1914-17); Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 6 months ; Died of wounds, 23rd November, 1917. Roach, William George (1914-16) ; Sergeant, London Rgt. Roan, Frederick George (1916-19): Private, Somersetshire Light Infantry ; France 11 months. Roan, George Francis (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, Machine Gun Corps ; Franco 7 months, India 2 years 1 month. Roan, Sidney Lawrence (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; Franco and Germany 3 years 7 months. Robbins, George (1914-18); Private, Dragoon Guards ; France 2 years 2 months. Robbins, William Edward (1917-19) ; Private, Scottish Rifles. 97 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE ♦Roberts, Alfred William (1915-16) ; Private, ^^'iltsllire Rgt. ; France 4 months; Died of wounds, 8th April, 1916. Roberts, George (1914); Private, Lon- don Rgt. Roberts, John (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 1 month. - Roberts, Richard (1914-19) ; Private, London Rgt. ; Palestine 3 years 1 month. Robinson, Alfred James (1918-19) ; Private, R. Sussex Rgt. ; France and Germany 8 months. Robinson, Frederick William (1914-17) Lance-Corporal, R.W. Kent Rgt. Robinson, Henry James (1914-17) Sergeant Master Cook, Royal Fusiliers. Robinson, Stuart Charles (1916-19) . Private, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Rgt. Robinson, William Authar (1914-19); Company Quartermaster - Sergeant, R. Irish Fusiliers ; Dardanelles and Salonica 18 months. Robinson, William Edward (1914-19) ; Private, Devonshire Rgt. ; France and Salonica 3 years 6 months. Robson, Alfred Charles (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; Salonica 1 year. Robson, Arthur Charles (1916-18) ; Private, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Rgt. ; France 8 months. Robson, Forster (1914-15) ; Private, R.A.S.C. Rochford, James (1914-19) ; D.C.M., M.M. and bar ; Guardsman, Irish Guards ; France 3 years. Roe, Frank (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 11 m.onths. Rogers, Edwin (1915-19) ; Lance- Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; Egypt 2 years. Rogers, Frederick (1914-19) ; Private, Border Rgt. ; France 4 years 3 months. Rogers, William Adolphus (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 14 months. Rogerson, John Samuel (1915—19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 4 months. Rolfe, Charles Thomas George (1916- 17) ; Rifleman, Rille Brigade. *Rolfe, George Ernest (1914-16); Pri- vate, Middlesex IJgt. ; France 9 months ; Died of wounds, IGth March, 1916. Rolfe, James Alden (1914-18) ; Gmmer, R.G.A. Rollison, Arthur WiUiam (1917-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; Franco 1 year 10 montlis. Rolph, Thomas (1914-19); Private, Liverpool Rgt. ; France 2 years 4 months. *Romer, George Edward (1914-15) ; Private, F. Surrey Rgt. ; France 1 month ; Killed in action, 25th March, 1915. Roney, Francis William (1918-19) ; Lance-Corijorai, R. Sussex Rgt. ; France 4 months. Rook, Arthur Edward (1915-19) ; Gun- ner, It.l'.A. ; France 3 years 6 months. Root, Henry George Dayley (1914-19) ; Sergeant, E. Surrey Rgt. and Supply and Transport Corps (Indian Army) ; India and Mesopotamia 4 years 4 months. Rose, Henry (1914-17); Private, R.D.C. Rosier, Thomas Albert James (1914— 19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 11 months. Round, Arthur (1914-17) ; Private, London Rgt. Rourk, John Joseph (1915—19) : Lance- Corporal, R.E. ; France 3 years 6 months, Germany 2 months. Rous, Ernest Albert (1914-15) ; Gunner, R.F.A. Rousell, Joseph Henry (1916-19) ; Private, Oxfordshire and Buckingham- shire Light Infantry ; Salonica 2 years 7 months. *Rowe, Joseph Henry (1914—15) ; Lance- Corporal, London Rgt. ; France 7 months; Died of wounds, 8th Jime, 1915. Rowell, George James (1916-19); Sap- per, R.E. ; France 2 years 7 months. Rowland, Arthur George (1914-19) ; Leading Seaman, R.F.R. ; Naval Service 4 years 6 months. Rowley, Robert (1914-19) ; Corporal, Royal FusiUers ; France 4 years. Rozier, Albert Louis (1914-19) ; M.C. ; Sec-Lieutenant, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 2 months. Rudd, Henry Herbert (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 13 months. Rudland, James (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 8 months. Ruff ell, Francis Joseph (1915-18) ; Private, R. Welch Fusihers ; France 2 years 1 month. Rugless, Stephen William (1914-19) ; Sergeant, London Rgt. and Labour Corps ; France 1 year. Rumfitt, Arthur William (1914-19); Private, Dragoon Guards ; France 4 years. Rundall, WilHam (1914-19) ; Private, Dragoon Guards ; France 3 years 6 months. Rush, George Albert (1914-16) ; Private, Loudon Rgt. Rush, Thomas (1914-19) ; Bombardier, R.G.A. ; France 3 years 5 months. *Rushton, Frederick (1914-15) ; Lance- Corporal, London Rgt. ; France 2 months ; Killed in action, 25th May, 1915. Russell, Alfred James (1914-17); Pri- vate, E. Kent Rgt. ; France 7 months. Russell, Arthur John (1914-18) ; Stoker, R.F.R. ; Naval Service. Russell, Herbert James (1916-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 9 months. *Russell. Samuel (1914-15); Private, Hampshire Rgt. ; Dardanelles 3 months ; Missing, 6th August, 1915. Russell, Stanley Arthur (1916-19) ; Rifleman, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France 16 months. Russell, Thomas Charles (1917-19) ; Wireman, R.N. ; Naval Service 1 year 1 month. 98 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Rutherford, George Charles Alexander (1915-19) ; Lance- Corporal, R.E. ; Egypt 13 months. Rutherford, John Robert (1914-19) ; Corporal, E. Surrey Rf,'t. Rutland, Charles (1914-19); M.M. ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; 1< lanco 4 years 8 months. Ryall, Harry (1915-17); Corporal, Berkshire Rgt. *Ryan, John (1914) ; Private, Irish Guards ; Franco 1 month ; Missing, ICtli September, 1914. Ryan, Joseph Anthony (1914-18) ; Private, Machine Uun Corps ; France 2 years 10 months. Rymill, WiUiam George Phillip (1914- 19) ; M.S.M. ; Brigade Quartermaster- Sergeant, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 3 years 7 moutlis. Sadd, William Lewin (1916-19) ; Rifle- man, London Rgt. ; Salonica 5 months, Egypt 1 year, France 8 months. Sadler, Frederick WiUiam (1916-18) ; Gunner, R.G.A. Sadler, George James (1916-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. Sainsbury, Thomas Golden (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 7 montlis. Sales, Ernest Walter (1915-19) ; Gunner Shoeing-Suiith, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 4 months. Salisbury, tlohn Thomas (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 10 months. Salmon, Harry John (1917-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 1 month. Salmon, Robert (1914-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; France 1 year, Salonica 2 years 7 months. Salter, Frederick James (1917) ; Private, R.A.S.C. Salvage, Edward Henry (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.V.C. ; France 6 montlis. Sampford, Arthur George (1914-19) ; Private, Maciiine Gun Corps ; France 9 months. East Africa 9 months. *Sampford, Frank Mynott (1914-16) ; Lance- Corporal, London Rgt. ; Malta and Dardanelles 13 months, France 2 months ; Missing, 1st July, 1916. Sampson, William George (1914-19) ; Private, M.M. P. ; Gallipuli 4 months, Egypt 3 years 2 months. Sams, Robert (1917-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 3 months. *Samuels, Albert Frederick (1914-15); Private, Yorkshire Rgt. ; France 5 months ; Killed in action, 12th March, 1915. Sandall, WiHiam George (1914) ; Pri- vate, Gordon Highlanders. Sandell, Frederick Charles (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.V.C. ; France 3 years. Sanders, John Thomas (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 5 montlis. Sanders, Percy Alfred (1916-18) ; Rifle- naan, London Rgt. ; France 18 months. Sands, Albert Richard (1915-18) ; Cor- poral, R.A.S.C. ; France. Sands, William George (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, Royal Fusiliers ; Malta 8 months, Egypt 4 montlis, Gallipoli 4 mouths. Franco months. Sargent, Frank Henry (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. ; France 6 moptlis, Salo- nica 7 months, Egypt 2 years 5 months. Sasse, Edward WiUiam (1914-17); Private, Labour Corps ; France 8 months. Saul. John Henry (1916-19) ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; France 1 year 10 mouths. Saunders, Alfred John (1915-19) ; Rifle- man, London Rgt. ; Franco 6 months, Salonica 6 months, Palestine 9 months, I'risoner of \var (Turkey) 8 months. ♦Saunders, George (1914-17); Private, Royal Fusiliers ; France 2 years 7 months; Killed in action, 4th April, 1917. Saunders, George (1916-17); Private, E. Surrey Rgt. Saunders, John WiUiam (1914-19) ; Private, R. Marine Light Infantry ; Naval Service 4 years. Saunders, William (1914-18); Petty Ofiicer, R. Naval Division ; Dardanelles . and France 14 months. Saunderson, Edwin (1916-17) ; Private, Leiccstersliire Rgt. ; Francs 5 months. Savage, James John (1915-19) ; Rifle- man, Rifle Brigade ; Burmah 3 years 5 mouths. Savage, John (1914-19) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers ; France 3 years. Savage-Eatten, Thomas (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. ; France 4 months. Saxton, William George (1914-17); Gimncr, R.F.A. ; Franco 11 months. Say, Thomas (1914-15) ; Guardsman, Coldstream Guards ; France 3 months. Sayer, Henry John Edgar (1915-19) ; Company Scrgeant-Major, R.E. ; Franco 2 years 1 month. Sayer, Herbert Stanley (1916-19) ; Guardsman, Grenadier Guards ; France 1 year 7 months. Soaddan, Albert Victor (1915-19) ; Rifle- man, London Rgt. ; France, Salonica and Egypt, 3 years 11 months. Scales, Alfred Moreton (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, Devonshire Rgt. ; India 3 years, Mesopotamia 2 years. Schofield, Alfred Henry (1916-19) ; Lance-CorT)oral, Machine Gun Corps ; Franco and Italy 14 months. Prisoner of war 8 months. Scotcher, Herbert John (1916-19) ; Private, Labour Corps. Scothorne, Frederick (1914-19); Men- tioned in despatches, JMedaille d'llonneur avcc Glaives en Argent : Private; 7th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 2 years 2 moutlLs. Scott, Alick (1914-15 and 1918-19) ; Gunner, R.H.A. ; France 16 months. *Scott, Frederick Sutton (1916-17); Rifleman, King's Royal Rifle Corps France 10 months ; Died of wounds, 18th August, 1917. Scott, Walter (1918-20) : Private. R.A.S.C. ; France and Germany 4 montlis. 99 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Scott. William Skilton (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, W. Riding Rgt. ; France 14 months. Scowen, Harold Victor (1915-16) ; Stafl- Sergeant, R.A.M.U. Scowen, Walter Sidney (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.M.C. ; France 1 year 10 months, Italy 9 months. Scratchley, Henry (1914-19); Sapper, R.E. ; France 3 years 3 months. Scrivener, Horace Percy (1915-19) ; Shocing-Smith, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 1 mouth. Scrivens, Charles Frederick (1915-18) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 1 year. ScuKell. Herbert Henry (1914-19) ; Sapper, R.E. Scutchings, WiUiam (1914-18) ; Bom- bardier, 11.11. A. ; France 9 months. Scutt, Edward (1914) ; Private, Norfolk Rgt. *Scutt, Seymour Vincent (1914-16) ; Pri- vate, R.W. Kent Rgt. ; France 1 year 7 months ; Killed in action, 22nd July, 1916. Seagust, Edward James (1917-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 2 years. Sealey, Arthur Frederick (1918-19); Ritleniau, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France 5 months. Sear, Frank William (1917-19) ; Gunner, R.H.A. and R.F.A. ; France 16 months. Searle, Arthur Edward (1914-16) ; Ser- geant, R.F.A. ; France 6 months. Searle, Charles (1918-19) ; Laucc- Corporal, R. Sussex Rgt. ; France and Germany 6 months. Searle, Joseph William (1914-19) ; Stoker Petty Officer, R.N. ; Naval Service 4 years 3 months. Searle, Thomas Albert (1914-19) ; 2nd Air Meclianic, 15.A.F. ; France, Salonica, Egyiit and Palestine, 2 years 6 months. , Seaward, Herbert (1914-17); Private, R.W. .Surrey Rgt. Seidler, Horace Albert (1916-19) ; Lance- Coriioral, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France and Italy 8 months, Prisoner of war ((Jermaiiy) 8 months. Seigne, Mark Albert George (1914-19); Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; Egypt and Palestine 3 years. Self, James William (1914 and 1915-19) ; Private, Nori'olk Rgt. and R.W. Surrey Kgt. ; France 2 years 1 month. Self, Thomas Valentine (1918-19); Private, Essex Rgt. Sewell, David George (1914-17); Ser- geant, R.D.C. Seymour, Frederick (1914): Rifleman, Liindon Rgt. Seymour, Wilham (1914-18) : Private, 9th Lanwrs. Shannon, James William (1911-19); Sergeant, Lahoiir Corps. Sharp, Hubert Alfred (1917-19); Pri- vate, Labour Corps ; France 2 yaars 7 months. Sharp, Reginald Joseph (1915-19) ; Sai)per, I{.E. ; I'rance 2 years. Sharp, Sidney Archibald (1914-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; Egypt 9 months, Salonica 2 years, France 5 months. Sharp, William Stuart (1915-19) ; Cor- poral, 13th Hussars ; France 2 months. Sharpe, Walter Frederick (1917-18); Private, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 8 months, Italy 4 months. Shaw, Ernest (1914-19); Company Quartermaster-Sergeant, Suffolk Rgt. ; France 1 year. Shawyer, Albert Alfred (1917-19) ; Able Seaman, R. Naval Division ; Franco 14 months. Shea, William John (1914-18) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; Franco 2 years 9 months. Sheahan, Thomas (1915-19) ; Fitter- Corporal, R.G.A. ; Salonica 2 years 2 months. Shearman, George William (1914-19) ; Sergeant, E. Surrey Rgt. ; France 3 yeara 8 months, Germany 1 month. Shearman, Richard Thomas (1915-19) ; Stoker. R.N. ; Naval Service 3 years 10 months. Sheers, Thomas Albert (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, Border Rgt. ; France 3 years 7 months. Sheldon, James (1917-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 18 months. Sheldrick, George (1914-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 4 years 5 months. Shephard, Frederick (1916-19) ; Rifle- man, London Rgt. ; France 2 years 1 month. Shephard, Samuel (1915-19) ; Driver, R.E. ; France 3 years. Shepherd, Albert Edward (1915-16) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 months. ♦Shepherd, Alfred Joseph (1914-15) ; Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers ; France 3 months ; Kifled in action, 20th May, 1915. Shepherd, Charles Reginald (1914-17); Private, N. Stalfordshire Rgt. ; Franco 1 montli. Shepherd, Henry James (1914-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 6 months. Sheppard, Albert Ernest (1918-19) ; Private, E. Kent Rgt. Sheppard, Frederick Charles (1916-19) ; Private, Nottingliain-hire and Derbyshire Rgt. and R.D.C. ; France 8 months. Sheppard, Henry Elias (1917-19) ; Rifle- man, King's Royal Rifle Corps; France 1(> montlis. Sheppard, William Henry (1916-19) ; Private, Laljour Corps. Sherman, William Henry (1914-17): Bombardier, R.G.A. ; France 18 months. Sherrott, Francis Percival (1914-19); Ciorporal, London Rgt. ; Malta and France 2 years 10 months. Shields, Wilham (1914-16); Private, London Rgt. Shillum, John William (1915-19); Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 6 months, Salonica 6 months, Egypt 1 year 9 months. lOO Shirley, Frederick Joseph Rifleinan, London Kgt. Shorrock, George Norman Walnisley (1915-19); Staff-SerRCunt, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt and France 3 years. Short, Charles Reginald (1914-19) ; Able Seaman, 11. N. ; Naval Service 4 years 5 months. Short, Walter James (1917-19): Pri- vate, Labour Corps ; France G months. Shoult. Bertram Horace (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years. *Shrimpton, James John (1914-15) ; Chief Petty Officer, R.F.R. ; Naval Service ; Killed in action, 23rd May, 1915. Shuttleworth, Albert (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, Essex Rgt. Shuttleworth. George (1915-19) : Guards- man, Coldstream Guards ; France 2 years 7 months. Sibbons, Albert Henry (1917-19); Cor- poral, A.P.C. Sibley. George Henry (1917-19) : Pri- vate, Labour Corps ; France 1 year 11 months. Siequien, Frederick George (1918-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France and Germany 14 months. Silver. George (1914-19) ; Lance-Cor- poral. Royal Fusiliers ; France 2 years 4 months. Simmons. Edwin Alfred (1915-19) ; Sergeant, Cheshire Rgt. ; Gallipoli 5 days, Salouica 2 years 9 mouths. Simms, John Henry (1916-19) ; Private, Labour Corps. ♦Simons, Henry Joseph (1914-15) ; Lance- Corporal, K. Surrey Rgt. ; France 2 months ; Killed in action. 15th October, 1915. *Simons, John Ernest (1914-16) ; Ser- geant, E. Surrey Rgt. ; Frances 10 months ; Killed in action, 1st July, 1910. Simpson, Albert Edward (1917-19); Private, Labour Corps ; France 1 year 8 months. Simpson, Alfred Ernest (1915-16) ; Private, Labour Corps. Simpson, Henry John (1914-18) ; Guardsman, Coldstream Guards ; Franco 3 years. Simpson, John Jordan Fletcher (1918- 19) ; 2ud Private, R.A.F. Sims, George Henry (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 1 year. Sinclair, Alexander (1914-19) ; Private, London Kgt. ; France, Salonica and Palestine, 3 years. Sinnett, Henry (191G-1S) ; Private, SufTolk Rgt. Skeggs, George Thomas (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 2 years. *Skeggs, James (1914-10); Corporal. Royal Fusiliers ; France months ; Died of wounds, 27th January, 11*10. Skerry, James (1914-18); Private, R.D.C. RECORD OF WAR SERVICE (1914-17) (191.5-19) ; France 1 Skiggs. Walter Alexander Lance- Uombardier, K.F..\. ; y<'ar 10 months. •Skingle. Edward (1914-18); Sergoant- Instrnctor, H.(;..\. ; France 1 year ; Died, ISth .May, 191S. Skingsley, James (1914-16 and 1917- 19) ; Private, R.E. ; Franco 3 years months. Skinner, George (1917-19); Lanci?- Cori»oral, R.A.M.C.'. ; France 2 years 2 months. Skinner, Henry Blackbourn (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France. Salonica and I'alestine. 3 years. Skinner. James William (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, IJ.W. Kent Rgt. ; France 2 years 9 months, Prisoner of war (Germany) 8 months. *Skipp. William John (1910-17); Pri- vate, Nortluinibi-rland Fusiliers ; Franco 1 month ; Missing, IGth .\ugust, 1917. Skippage. Charles Alfred (1918-19); Pioneer, R.E. ; France 4 months. Slade. Alfred (1914-17) ; Private, R.D.C. Sloane. William James (1914-19); Gunner, R.G.A. ; Italy and Egypt 18 months. Slow, Percy John R.F.A. ; Salonica, 1 year 11 months. Smart, Frederick Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; (1915-18) : jlalta and Gunner, France, Thomas (1915-19); France 9 months. Smith, Albert Henry Burdett (1914-18) ; Private, Middlesex Kgt. ; France 3 years. Smith, Alexander Thomas (1910-19) ; Cori>oral, K.G.A. Smith, Alfred Herbert (1914-19) : Rifle- man, London Rgt. ; France 3 years 7 months. Smith, Arthur (1915-19); Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years (> months. Smith, Arthur (1910-19); Private, Labour Corps. Smith, Arthur Victor (1915-19); Able Seaman, 1{.N. ; Naval Service 3 years 3 months. Smith, Charles Robert (191.5-19) ; M.M.; Driver, R.E. ; France 2 years 10 months. Smith. Edward George (1914-15) ; Pri- vate, Dragoon (iuurds. Smith, Ernest (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 10 months. Smith. Ernest Alfred (1915-19) ; Driver. R.A.S.C. ; France 14 months. Smith, Frank (1915-19); Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 4 years 1 month. Smith, Frank Charles (1914-19); Ser- geant, Labour Corps ; Irance 2 yeara 2 mouths. Smith, Frederick (1914) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. Smith. Frederick Charles (1915-19); Pioneer, R.E. ; France 1 year. Smith, Frederick James (1914-16); Private, Highland Light Infantry ; Franco 1 year. lOI RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Smith, Frederick James (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 2 years 2 months. Smith, George (1915-18) ; Corporal, Dragoon Guards ; France 5 months. Smith, George (1916-19) ; Lance-Cor- poral, Labour Corps ; France 2 years. Smith, George (1917-19) ; Rifleman, London Rgt. ; France 2 years 4 months. Smith, George Charles (1917-19) ; Sap- per, R.E. ; France 1 year 6 months. Smith, George Edward (1915-19); Dri- ver, R.E. ; France 2 years 11 months. Smith, George Edward (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, Labour Corps ; France 3 years 3 months. Smith, George Henry (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, London Rgt. ; France 4 months. Smith, George Henry (1914-19) ; Driver, R.E. ; France 4 years. Smith, George Henry (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 3 years 2 months. Smith, George Samuel (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, R. Marine Light Infantry ; Naval Service 3 years 3 months. Smith, Henry (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 3 years 4 months. Smith, Henry Frederick (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; Egypt 4 years. Smith, Henry Samuel (1915-17) ; Driver, R.F.A. : France 18 months. Smith, Henry Samuel (1914-19); Private, R.A.F. Smith, Herbert Alfred (1914-19) ; M.B.E. (Mil. Div.), M.S.M. ; Sergeant, Bedford- shire Rgt. Smith, James (1914-17); Corporal, London Rgt. Smith, James Henry (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, Royal Fusiliers ; Fiance, Italy and Germany, 2 years 10 months. Smith, John (1915) ; Driver, R.E. ; France. Smith, John (1914-19) ; Company Quartermaster-Sergeant, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France 3 years 6 months. Smith, John Charles (1914-19) ; Bom- bardier, R.F.A. ; Gallipoh, Salonica and Palestine 3 years 6 months. Smith, John William Ernest (1915-19); Sapper, R.E. ; France 3 years 3 months. Smith, Joseph Henry (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, K.A.S.C. ; France and Mesopotamia 3 years 2 months. Smith, Leonard Charles (1915-19) ; Driver, R.E. ; France 5 months, Salonica 3 years. Smith, Newman Sydney (1916-19) ; Private, Tank Corps ; France 2 years. Smith, Percy(1914-15); Private, R.A.S.C. Smith. Percy Thomas (191C- 19) ; Pri- vate, R. War^vickshire Rgt. ; France and Italy 17 months. Smith, Stephen Page (1914-15 and 1916- 19) ; Gunner, K.F.A. ; France 18 months, Italy 14 months. Smith. Thomas William (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, Essex Rgt. ; France 1 year 7 months. Smith, William (1915-19) ; Private, R. Marine Labour Co. ; France 4 years. Smith, WilUam (1915-19) : 2nd Cor- poral, R.E. ; France 4 months, Balkans 3 years 3 months. Smith. William (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 6 montlis. Smith, William (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, Riflo Brigade ; Burmah 3 years 6 months. Smith, William (1914-19) ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; Burmah 4 years. Smith, William Frederick (1917-19) ; Lance-.Sergeant, Suffolk Rgt. Smith, William Granvflle (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 6 months. *Smith, William Henry (1915-17) ; Gun- ner, R.F.A. ; France 17 months ; Died of wounds, 9th May, 1917. Smith, William James (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, Labour Corps ; Egypt 3 years 4 months. Smith, WiUiam James (1915-19); Ar- mourer StafE-Sergeant, R.A.O.C. ; France 2 years. Smith, William James (1916-19) ; Lance- Corporal, R. Lancaster Rgt. ; Salonica 2 years 9 months. Smith, William John (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, Labour Corps ; Egypt 3 months, France 7 months. Smith, William Thomas (1916-19) ; Lance-Corporal, Labour Corps ; France and Germany 2 years 4 months. Smith, William Walter (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 5 months. Smithin, Benjamin John (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.E. Smy, Edgar Ernest (1914-19) ; Private, E. Surrey Rgt. ; France 3 years 6 months. *Smythe, James (1915-16) ; Lance-Cor- poral, R.W. Surrey Rgt. ; France 5 months ; Killed in action, 20th April, 1916. Smythe, Peter (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.E. ; Gibraltar 13 months. Snare, Frederick (1916-19) ; Air Mechanio (3rd Class), R.A.F. Solomon, John William (1914-15) ; Lance-Corporal, R.E. Soper, Percy Charles (1915-19) ; Cor- poral, R.A.V.C. ; France and Egypt 3 years 5 months. Sorrell, Albert Joseph (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, Middlesex Rgt. : India and Mesopo- tamia 2 years 6 months. Sorrell, Frederick Benjamin (1916-17) ; Private, London Rgt. Southgate, Alfred (1917-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 2 years. Sparkes, George Augustus (1914-19) ; 2nd Sick Berth Steward, R.N. ; Naval Service 4 years 10 months. Sparks, Harry (1914-19) ; Private, 2nd Dragoon Guards ; France 4 years 1 month. I02 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Sparksman. James (1915-19) ; Lancc- Bomburdior, R.F.A. ; Franco 3 years 7 months. Sparrow, Percy William George (1915- 17) ; Gunner, K.F.A. Spaull, Thomas Robert (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Royal Fu.siliers ; France 9 months, Salonica 2 years 9 months. Spearing, William Philip (1915-19) ; Company Sergeant- Major, R.A.S.C. ; France 10 months, Balkans 2 yeara 2 months. Speer, William (1915-19) ; D.C.M. ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 3 years. *Spicer, George Henry (1914-18) ; Sec- Lientenant, Royal Fusiliers ; Killed in action, 6th June, 1918. Spicer, Thomas (1914-19) ; Private, Essex R^t. ; Gallipoli and India 4 years. Spicer, WilHam Henry (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. Spickett, Francis Owen (1915-19) ; Corporal, Hertfordshire Rgt. ; France 2 years. Spittlehouse, Frederick William (1915- 19) ; Private, R.A.O.C. ; Salonica 2 years, Egypt 14 months. Spooner, Frederick (1918-19) ; Rifle- man, Rifle Brigade ; France 5 months. Sprague, Walter Henry (1914-19) ; Stoker, R.F.R. ; Naval Service 4 years 6 months. Springer, Henry James (1914-17) ; Sergeant, R.H.A. Springett. Harry (1916-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 2 years 3 montlis. Springett, Harry George (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France, Salonica and Egypt, 3 years. Springthorpe, William Frederick (1914- 16) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. ; Franco 2 years. Stace, Henry (1914-15) ; Wheeler- Driver, R.A.S.C. Stacey, WiUiam Thomas (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 6 montlis. Stagg, Sydney Horace (1915-17); Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. Staines, Harry Stephen (1918) ; Private, R. Marino Engineers. Standen, Thomas Frederick (1914-17); Corporal, Devonshire Rgt. ; Franco 10 months. Standfield, James Charles (1915-17); Private, R.A.S.C. Standivan, Albert Henry (1918-19) ; Private, Royal Fusihers. Stanford, Edward (1915-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; I'rance 4 months. Stanley, Leslie Ernest (1917-19) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service 2 years 4 months. Staples, Albert Victor (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, R.A.O.C. ; France 13 months, Italy 1 year 9 months. Stares, Frank (1917-19); Private, Labour Corps ; France 1 year. Starkins, Harry (1916-19) ; Corporal, Labour Corps : France 5 months. ♦Steadman, Arthur Charles (1910-17); Private, Royal l-'usiliers ; France 6 montlis ; Died of wounds, 13th May, 1917. Steadman, Christopher John (1915-19) ; Bombardier. R.F.A. ; France 3 j-ears. Steadman, David Alfred (1915-19) ; Fitter, R.F.A. ; France and Germany 2 years 8 months. Stedman, Alfred (1910-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. Steel, Arthur Edwin (1915-19) ; Sergeant, Middlesex Rgt. Steel, Ernest (1918-20) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France, Gerniany and Egypt, 14 montlis. Steel, Sydney Herbert (1916-19) ; Lance- Bombardier, R.G.A. ; Mesopotamia 1 year 9 montlis. Steer, George (1914-16) ; Rifleman, London Rgt. Steer, Thomas WiUiam (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, Middlesex Rgt. ; India and France 3 years. Steggles, Walter George (1910-19) ; Private, Labour Corps. Stenning, Charles Edward (1914-19); Lance-Corporal, R.E. ; France, Salonica a!id Egypt, 2 years 8 months. Stephens, Edwin Harry (1918-19) ; Private, R.A.F. Stephens, Francis Walter (1914-19) ; Able Seaman, R.F.R. ; Naval Service 4 years 5 months. Stephens, Thomas Henry Bevan (1917- 19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 1 year. *Sterry, Arthur William (1914-10); Sergeant, Norfolk Rgt. ; France 2 years ; Killed in action, 4th September, 1916. Stevens, Arthur Albert (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, R.A.S.C. ; France 4 years 3 montlis. Stevens, Charles George (1916-19); Private, Labour Corps. Stevens, Frederick (1914-19); Sergeant, Tank Corps ; France 2 years. Stevens, George (1915-19) ; Lance- Corporal, R.A.V.C. ; Egypt, Salonica and France, 3 years 4 montlis. ♦Stevens, Roland William (1914-18) ; Sergeant, Northamptonshire Rgt. ; Franco 10 montlis ; Missing, 27th May, 1918. Stevens, Sidney Thomas (1910-19); Leading Aircraftsman, R.A.F. ; Franco 10 montlis. Stevens, Thomas (1910-19) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France 2 years. Stevens, Walter William (1910-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. : France 2 years. Stevenson, George Ernest (1914-19); TNI.M. ; I'rivate, K. Kent Rgt. and Labour Corps ; France 6 mouths. Stevenson, Leonard William (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.S.C. ; Franco 8 months, Egypt and Palestine 3 years 4 montlis. Stevenson, Percy Walter (1914-15) ; Private, Border Rgt. 103 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Steward, Charles George (1915-19); Driver, K.l^.A. ; France 3 years 8 months. Stewart, John Edward (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, Duke of Cornwall's Lig:ht Infantry ; France and Italy i years 5 months. Stickling, Frederick Charles (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.O.C. ; France 1 year, Salonica 3 years 2 months. Stiff, James (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 1 year 8 months. Stiff, Joseph Alfred (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.S.C. ; Salonica and Egypt 2 years 7 months. Stiff, Robert (1916-19); Lance-Corporal, Durham Light Infantry ; Salonica 2 years 6 months. Stiling, Frederick John (1915-17); Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 2 years 7 months. *Stiller, Edward Mark (1914-18) ; Cor- poral, R.F.A. ; France 6 months, Salonica and Palestine 2 years ; Died, 14th Decem- ber, 1918. StUlman, Edgar John (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, R.W. Kent Rgt. ; France and Italy 2 years 1 month. Stimpson, Philip Brewster (1918-19) ; Armourers' Crew, R.N. Stimson, Henry Samuel (1914-19) ; Lance-Corporal, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France 2 years. Stirling, John Henry (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, London Rgt. ; France 1 year. Stirrat, John George (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, R.A.F. ; France 10 months. Stock, Charles (1917-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. Stock, George Reuben (1916-19) ; Cor- poral, Norfolk Rgt. ; France 18 months. Stock, John Charles (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, R.A.S.C. ; France 5 months. Stock, John Edward (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 3 months. Stock, Sidney James (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; East Africa 8 months. Stockham, Henry Thomas (1914) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers. Stocks, Maximilian (1914-17); Private, London Rgt. Stodgell, Charles Albert (1918-19) ; Private, Wiltshire Rgt. ; France 2 months. Stokes, Alfred Frederick (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. Stokes, John (1917-19); Rifleman, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France 5 months. Prisoner of war (Germany) 8 months. Stokes, John Charles (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, Roj'al Fusiliers ; France 10 months. Stone, Albert Henry (1916-17) ; Private, Labour Corps. Stone, Walter (1917-19) ; Private, London Rgt. ; Egypt 1 year, France 14 months. Stone, Walter Edgar (1915-19); 2nd Corporal, R.E. ; France 3 years C months. Stone, William Richard (1916-19); Lance-Corporal, M.F.P. Stopher, Edward Robert (1916-19); Private, Labour Corps ; France 1 month. Storer. Edward William (1915-19); Company Sergeant - Major, R.A.S.C. ; Burmah 3 years, Mesopotamia 8 months. Storrie, Robert (1915-18) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 2 months. Stow, WiUiam (1914-18); Private, 11th Cavalry Reserve Rgt. Stowell, John (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; Egypt, Palestine and Arabia, 3 years 3 months. Strange, Bertie (1916-19) ; Private, Worcestershire Rgt. ; France 1 year. Strange, Charles Henry (1916-17) ; Private, Labour Corps. Strange, Charles Thomas (1917-20) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 8 months. Strange, Frederick Arthur (1914-19) ; Driver R.F.A., and Private, Labour Corps ; France 4 years 6 months. Stratford, Henry James (1915-19) ; M.M. and bar ; Company Sergeant- Major, Royal Fusiliers ; France 2 years 11 months. Straw, Alfred George (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, Labour Corps ; Salonica and France 2 years 3 months. Street, William Albert (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, Labour Corps ; France 2 years 6 months. Stribling, Branwhite Gordon (1916-17) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. Strickland, John Herbert (1917-19) ; Private, Labour Corps. Stritch, Patrick (1917-19) ; Aircrafts- man (2nd Class), R.A.F. Strong, Albert Arthur (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, R.A.M.C. Strong, Roland Randall (1914-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; Malta and France 3 years 6 months. Stroud, Henry (1916-19) ; Private, York and Lancaster Rgt. ; France 8 months. Stubbs, Robert John William (1915- 19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 1 year 8 months. Sturgeon, Christopher (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, R. Marine Light Infantry ; Naval Service 4 years 6 months. Sturt, William (1918-19) ; Lance- Corporal, R. Sussex Rgt. ; France 4 months. Stuttart, Albert Edward (1914-17) ; Private, R. Berkshire Rgt. Styles, Thomas Francis (1914-17); Rifleman, London Rgt., and Private, R.D.C. ; France 2 months. ♦Suckling, Alfred James (1916-18); Rifleman, London Rgt. ; France 1 year ; Died of wounds, 10th August, 1918. Suckling, Arthur (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France, Egypt and Palestine 3 years 9 months. Suckling. John Elvy (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 4 years 4 months. Sullivan, John (1914-19) ; Private, R.D.C. 104 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Summerhayes, Arnold (1915-19) ; Lance- Corporal, 11. E. ; Frauco 3 years 3 mouths, Germany 6 months. Sumner, Henry (1917-19) ; Rifleman, Kifle Brij^ade ; France 1 year. Sumner, John Percy (1914-19) ; Driver, U.K. ; (Jallipoli 9 montlis, France 1 year 11 months. Sunnucks, Frank George (1917-19) ; Gun- ner, R.G.A. ; France 11 moutlis. Susans, Alfred (1914) ; Rifleman, Riflo Brigade. Swaby, John (1918-19) ; Private, R. Sussex Rgt. ; France and Germany 6 mouths. Swaker, WilUam Leslie (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 4 years 6 months. Swann, Sidney William (1915-19) ; M.M. ; Private, Machine Gun Corps ; Egypt and France 3 years. Swarman, Frederick John (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 10 months. Sweet, Hedley Arthur Thomas (1914-17 and 1918) ; Lance-Corporal, Labour Corps : France 2 years 4 months. Sweeting, Alfred William (1915-19) ; Bombardier, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 1 mouth. ♦Swindells, Samuel (1915-18) ; 1st Pri- vate, R.A.F. ; Mediterranean 11 months ; Died, 18th November, 1918. Symonds, Albert Edward (1915-19); Sergeant, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 8 months. Symonds, Charles Robert (1915-19) ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; France 3 mouths. Talbott. Edwin John (1915-19) : Sapper, R.E. ; France 3 years 5 months. Tallent, Frederick James (1918) ; Pri- vate, R.F.A. Tanner, Willie Harry (1918-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. Tarbutt.George Henry (1918-19); Driver, R.A.S.C. Taylor, R. Horse Edwin (jiiards ; (1914-15) b'rauce. Trooper, (1914-19) ; " Chief Naval Service 3 Tarraway, George Petty Officer, R.N. years. ♦Tarry, Arthur Frederick (191G-18); Gunner, R.F.A. ; Died, Gth April, 1918. Tasker, Alfred Reginald 1 (1914-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 4 years 7 months. Tatchell, William (1914-19); Saddler Staff- Sergeant, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 9 months. Taylor, Albert Edward (1915-19); Sad- dler, R.F.A. ; Franco 3 years. Taylor, Alfred Henry (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, Labour Corps. Taylor, Charles (1914-19); Private. Gloucestershire Rgt. ; France 3 yearg 8 months. Taylor, Charles William (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; Italy IS moutlis. Franco 2 years. Taylor, Edmund (191G-19) ; Private, Essex Rgt. Taylor, George Ernest (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Ijance-Corporal, R.K. ; France 2 years, Gallipoli 8 months. Taylor, George James (1914-17); Pri- vate, Royal Fusiliers ; France 2 years 8 n\outlis. Taylor, Harry William (1917-19); Sig- ualler, !{.(!. A. ; France 1 year 9 months. Taylor, Henry (191.5-19); Private, London l{gt. ; France 13 months, Salonica 6 mouths, Palestine 1 year. Taylor, James Henry (1914-19); Pri- vate, Vorksliire Liglit Infantry ; Franco 2 weeks, Prisoner of war (Germany) 4 years 4 months. Taylor, James Joseph (1914-19) ; Battery OuarterrnasterSergeaut, R.G.A. ; Franco 2 years. Taylor. John (1916-19); Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; France 2 years. Prisoner of war (Germany) 7 months. Taylor, Samuel (1915-19) ; Driver, R.E. ; l'"rauce 3 years. Taylor, Thomas (1914-19) ; Private, London Rgt. and Labour Corps ; France 3 years 11 months. ♦Taylor, Thomas Henry (1914-18); Private, E. Yorlvshin^ Rgt. ; ISIesopotamia 8 mouths, France 1 year 9 months ; Killed in action, 27th ^Nlarch, 1918. Taylor, Vincent Chatterton (1917-19); Private, London I{gt . ; l<'rance G weeks. Prisoner of war 9 niuutlis. Taylor, William David (1914-20) ; Rifle- man, Rifle Brigade ; India 4 years 1 mouth. Taylor, WiUiam George (1914-19) ; Private, K.D.C. Teall, Ernest George (1914-l.S); Rifle- man, Uille Brigade ; India 14 months. Tebbutt, Jim (1915-19); Lance-Cor- poral, R.K. ; Franco 3 years. Tedman, Bert Edward (1914-18); Driver, R.(i.A. ; Fran(!c. Tegmere, Frederick Thomas (1911-17); Private, Liucolnshii-o Ugt. ♦Templeman, William John (1915-17): Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 5 months, Salonica 7 mouths, Palestine fi months ; Died, 7th Deceniber, 1917. Tennison, George Henry (1915-19); Private, Labour Corps ; Dardanelles and France 3 years 9 mouths. Terry, Donald Ernest (1917-19) ; Cadet, R.A.F. Terry, Herbert Charles (1914-18) ; Sec- Lieutenaut, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 2 months. Terry, William George (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, K. Warwiekshiif Hgt. ; France and Egypt 4 years (i months. Tester, Francis Charles (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, R.A.S.C. (M.T.); France 3 years 10 mouths. Thomas, Albert Edward George (1916- 19) ; I'rivate, W. Yorkshire Rgt. ; France 6 months. 105 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE ♦Thomas, Albert James (1915-18) ; Laucc-Corporal, R.E. ; France 2 years 9 months ; Killed in action, 14th April, 1918. ♦Thomas, Edward George (1914-17); Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 8 montlis ; Killed in action, 2nd October, 1917. Thomas, Edward Joseph (1918) ; Pri- vate, R.W. Kent Kgt. : France 3 months. Thomas. Frederick (1916-19) ; Aircrafts- man (2nd Class), R.A.F. Thomas, Job (1914-19) ; Driver, R.E. ; France 3 years 6 montlis. Thomas, John David Oswell (1915-19); Leading Aircraftsman, R.A.F. ; Salonica 1 year 11 months. Thomas, Melville John (1916-18); Private, Labour Corps ; France 8 months. Thomas, Mornington Henry (1916-19) ; Deck Hand, Motor Launch ; Naval Service 2 years 6 months. Thomas, Richard (1916-19); Driver, R.G.A. ; France 2 years 3 months. Thomas, Samuel Walter (1914-19) ; Com- pany Quartermaster-Sergeant, Machine Gun Corps ; France 13 months. Thompsett, Stephen William (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.E. Kent Yeomanry • France 2 months. Thompson, Alfred (1918-19) ; Private, R.E. ; Germany 6 months. Thompson, Alfred Herbert (1917-19) Private, R.A.S.C. Thompson, Frank (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 3 months. Thompson, Frederick Charles (1915-19) ; Lance- Bombardier, R.G.A. ; France 3 years 3 months. Thompson, Henry (1914-19) ; Men- tioned in despatches ; Sergeant, Guards Machine Gun Rgt. ; France 2 years 6 months. ♦Thompson, John (1914-16) ; M.M. ; Corporal, E. Kent Rgt. ; France 14 montlis ; Killed in action, 30th September, 1916. Thompson, Joseph (1915-19) ; Private, R.E. ; Dardanelles and Egypt 3 years 9 months. Thompson, William Alfred (1914-19) ; Sergeant, K. Lancashire Rgt. ; Franco 3 years 8 months. Thomson, Alexander James Frank (1914- 18); Bombardier, R.F.A.; France 1 year 9 montlis. Thomson, Alfred Davies (1915-19) ; Private, li.A.S.C. ; France 2 years. ♦Thorn, Percy Lewis (1915-16) ; Private, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry ; Franco 18 months ; Died, 11th December, 1916. Thome, Jeremiah (1917-19) ; Pioneer, R.E. ; France 3 months. Thorne, William Edwin (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France, Egyiit and Palestine 3 years 3 months. Thornton, Archibald Ernest (1914-19) ; Farrier-Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France and Italy. Thoroughgood, John Henry (1915-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France 3 years 10 months. Thorp, Edwin George (1917-18) ; Cor- poral, R.E. ; France and Germany 11 months. Thrussell, Thomas Henry (1915-17); Sapper, R.E. Thurtle, Albert George (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt 1 year 9 months. Thynne, Albert Edward (1914-19) ; Private, Guards' Macliine Gun Rgt. ; France 3 years 1 month. ♦Thynne, William John (1914) ; Private, E. Surrey Rgt. ; France ; IVIissing, 24th August, 1914. ♦Tigg, Thomas Henry (1914-17); Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 4 montlis ; Killed in action, 20th September, 1917. ♦Tingay, Thomas Burgess (1914-18) ; Sapper, R.E. ; Accidentally killed, 23r(l August, 1918. Tinker, Frederick George (1914-18) ; Corporal, R.D.C. Tinworth, Alfred Edward (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; India 4 months, Mesopotamia 1 year 10 months. Tisdall, William George (1914-19); M.S.M. ; Driver, R.H.A. ; France 4 years 2 months. ♦Titcomb, Ernest James (1915-16) ; Rifleman, London Rgt. ; France 3 months ; Killed in action, 7th October. 1916. Titmuss, Alfred Joseph (1914-19) ; Private, Remount Squadron ; France and Italy 18 montlLS. ♦Toby, John (1914-18) ; Private, Oxford- shire and Buckinghamshire Light In- fantry ; France 6 months ; Died of wounds whilst a prisoner of war, 3rd April, 1918. ♦Todd, James William (1917); Cadet, R.A.F. ; Accidentally kiUed, 28th Sep- tember, 1917. Todd, Robert (1916-19); Sergeant, M.F.P. Tolhurst, Jacob Isaac (1914-17) ; Lance- Corpora!, R.D.C. ToUand, Thomas Edward (1914-19) ; Gunner, R. Marine Artillery ; Naval Service 3 years. Tombs, Edward (1915-19) ; Private, York and Lancaster Rgt. ; France 2 years 6 months. Tomlinson, Alfred George (1916-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 1 year 11 months. Toon. Walter Harold (1918-19) ; Rifle- man, Rifle Brigade ; France 5 months. Topp, Cyril (1914-18) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; Franco 2 years 2 months. Topp, George Ernest (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.); France 4 years 7 months. Topple, George Luke (1918-19); Rifle- man, Rifle Brigade ; France 4 months. Torrance, Harry Thomas (1915-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R.D.C. ♦Tott, John (1914-15) ; Private, Scotti.sh Rifles ; Franco 5 months ; Killed in action, 9th May, 1915. Io6 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Tow, Harold James (1915) ; Private, London Rpt. Townsend, Alfred William (1914-15) ; GunniT, ll.F.A. Townsend, James (1914-19) ; Gunner, H.G.A. ; France 4 years 5 months. ♦Townsend, Stanley Henry (1914-15) ; Gunner, R.F.A. : France 1 month ; Killed in action, 25th September, 1915. Tracey, Ernest Edwin (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, London Ilgt. ; France 1 year 9 months, Salonica 6 months, Egypt and Palestine 1 year. Tregent, William (1914-19) ; Rifleman Riflo brigade ; France 3 years 8 months Trembath, George Henry (1915-19) Sapper, R.E. ; France 1 year 11 months Trembath, William (1915-19) ; M.M. Sergeant, R.E. ; France 3 years 2 months Trevanna, William Thomas (1914-19) Rifleman, London Rgt. ; France, Salonica and Egypt, 3 years. *Trevett, Frank (1914-17) ; M.M. ; Lance- Sergeant, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France 1 year 7 months ; Kjlled in action, 17th February, 1917. Tring. Henry (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 7 months. Tripp, Ernest John (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 6 months, Italy 14 months. Tripp. Charles Frank (1915-19) ; G\mner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 3 months. Tritton, Charles Elliott (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 6 months. Trodd, WiUiam Morrin (1914-19) ; M.M.; Sapper, R.E. ; France, Mesopotamia and Italy 4 years. Trubridge, Ernest Alfred (1918-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.). Trudgill, Charles (1915-19) ; Shoeing- Smith, R.F.A. ; France 3 years. True, Ernest John Henry (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 4 years 3 months. Truscott, William Lawrence (1914-19); Private, Dragoon Guards ; France 1 year. Truss, Frederick (1915-18); Sapper, R.E. ; Gallipoli and France 2 years. Trussell, Alfred John (1915-19); Pri- vate, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Egt. ; France 1 year. Trusson, James (1915-19); Corporal, Labour Corps ; France 13 months. Tucker, Harry (1915-19) ; Private, Dragoon Guards ; Franco 2 years. Tucker, Walter Henry (1915-19) ; Gun- ner, R.F.A.: France and Germany 3 years 6 weeks. TuUey, Charles Thomas Edwin (1914- 19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 months, Salonica 2 months. Turnbull, Robert James (1918-19); Private, R. Sussex Rgt. ; Franco and Germany 5 months. Turnbull, Stephen (1914-17); M.M. ; Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers ; France. P Turner, Alfred John (1915-19) ; Stoker, R.N. ; Naval Service 3 years 11 months. Turner, Frederick William (191(3-20) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France 5 months, Egypt 2 years 1 month. Turner, Herbert (1918-20) ; Private, R. Sussex Rgt. ; France, Egypt and Palestine 10 montlis. Turner, John Forwood (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, Labour Corps ; France 6 months, Salonica 6 months, Egypt 1 year 7 months. ♦Turner, Thomas William (1915-17); Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 2 years ; Missing, 21st September, 1917. Turner, Walter (1914-19) ; Private, King's Hussars ; India, Mesopotamia and Franco 4 years. Turner, William Henry (1914-17); Sergeant, R. Berkshire Rgt. ; France. Turton, Edward Isaiah (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, R.F.A. ; France 1 year, Salonica 7 months, Malta 5 months. Turton, Joseph William (1914-19); Pri- vate, Northumberland Fusiliers ; France, Mesopotamia and India 5 years. Tustin, Arthur George John (1918-19) ; Private, R.A.O.C. Tuvey, Charles William (1914-15) ; Private, Jiliddlesex Rgt. Tuvey, George (1914-19) ; Private, Machine Gun Corps ; France 3 years. Twichett, Alfred E2xa (1914-17) ; Pri- vate, Labour Corps ; France 14 months. Twiggs, Joseph Edward (1914-15) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 5 months. Twiner, Arthur Edward (1914-17); Bombardier, R.F.A. : Franco 2 years 7 months. Tyler, Frederick Arthur (1914-17) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; Italy and France 4 years 4 months. Tyler, Herbert William (1914-19); D.C.M., Mentioned in despatches ; Com- pany Sergeant- Major, Devonshire Rgt. ; France 6 months, Salonica 2 years 3 montlLS. Tyler, John (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.V.C. ; France 4 years 4 months. Tyler, Richard Bernard William' (1914- 19) ; M.S.M. ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 10 months. TyrreU, Albert (1918-19) ; Private, R. Sussex Rgt. ; France and Germany 6 months. Tyrrell, Henry George (1914-19); Sap- per, R.E. ; German East Africa 2 years 9 months. Tyrrell, William (1915-19); Gunner, R.II.A. ; France 2 months. *Tysoe, Harry (1915-17) : Sapper, R.E. ; I'ranco 14 mouths ; Killed in action, 20th July, 1917. Umpelby, John Benjamin (1917-19); Lance-Corporal, R.A.S.C. (M.T.). Underwood, William Vaughan (1915- 19) ; Driver, R.E. ; Franco 3 years. Usher, Edward Joseph (1915-19) ; Saddler Driver, R.A.S.C. ; Salonica, Egypt and Batoujn, 3 years 5 months. 107 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Usher, Henry James (1914-19) ; Private Northumberland FusiUers ; France 3 years Prisoner of war 15 months. Vagg. Harry Stewart Montagu (1918-19) Private, K.A.S.C. (M.T.). *Vale, Arthur (1914-17) ; Gunner, R.F.A. France 2 vears ; Killed in action, 10th October, 1917. Valentine, Albert Edward (1914-19) ; Private, London Rgt. ; Egypt 3 years 4 months. Varney, Ernest Edward (1917-18) ; Gunner, II. G. A. Varney, John (1916-19) ; Pioneer, R.E.; Salonica 2 years 7 months. Varrow, Alfred George (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, London Rgt. ; France 3 years 6 months. Vaughan, George (1915-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 2 years 7 montiis. Veal, Richard George Thomas (1915- 19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 4 months. *Veasey, Albert Victor (1917-18); Gun- ner, R.G.A. ; France 7 months ; Killed in action, 2 1st August, 1918. Vennard, Henry (1914-15) ; Private. R. Irish Fusiliers ; France 3 months. Verlander, George Walter (1915-19) ; Private, Devonshire Rgt. and Lahour Corps ; France 3 years 8 months. Vickers, Harrison William (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France and East Africa 2 years. Vickers, Walter (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, Suffolk Rgt. ; France 1 year 9 months. Vickers, William (1918-19) ; Ordinary Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service. Vickery, Albert James (191G-19) ; Pri- vate, Labour Corps. Vickery, Edgar William (1915-18) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 10 months. Vickery, Joseph Samuel Frederick (1916- 19) ; Lancc-Sergeant, A.P.C. Vidler, Edward (1915-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 6 months. Vidler, Henry Jonathon (1916-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 1 year 7 months. Vimont, Alphonse James (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Franco 3 j'ears 9 months. Vincent, George Alfred (1916-17); T'rivate, Royal Fusiliers ; France 2 months. Vincent, James Henry (1914-19) ; Guardsman, Coldstream Guards ; Franco 3 months. Vincent, Stanley (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. Vine, Charles Edward (1916-19); Pioneer, R.E. ; Salonica 2 years 7 months. Vinn, Bert Alfred (1915-19); Lance- Corporal, ii,.K. ; France 1 year 10 months. *Voak, Frederick Henry (1915-18); Bombardier, R.F.A. ; France and Italy 3 years ; Killed in action, 9th June, 1918. VoUer, Thomas James William (1915- 19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 2 years 9 months. Wackett, James (1914-19) ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; Burmah and India 3 years 5 montiis. Waddell, George Frederick (1914-19) ; Fitter - Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 8 months. Wade, Ernest Henry (1915-19) ; M.C. ; Lieutenant, Machine Gun Corps (Motors) ; France 4 months, Egypt, Arabia and Palestine 2 years 4 months. Wade, Thomas (1914-19) ; Petty Officer (1st Class), R.N. ; Naval Service 4 years 5 months. Wadley, Frederick James (1916-18) ; Private, Royal Dragoons. Waghorn, Walter (1917-19) ; Rifleman, London Rgt. ; France 2 months. *Waite, John George James (1915-16) ; Rifleman, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France 1 month ; Killed in action, 11th January, 1910. Wakeford, Frederick Charles (1914-16) Private, London Rgt. ; France. Wakehn, George Thorp (1915-19) Driver, R.F.A. ; France 1 year. Walding, William Alfred (1914-19) Gunner, R.F.A. ; France and Italy 2 years 3 months. Waldron, Louis Arthur (1914-19) ; Wheeler- Sergeant, R.A.S.C. ; Salonica i months. Walker, Alfred (1914-19) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers ; France 3 years 7 montiis. * Walker, Arthur (1914-17); Private, R. Welch Fusiliers ; France 4 months, Mesopotamia 1 1 months ; Killed in action, 15th February, 1917. ♦Walker, Charles (1914) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; Franco 2 months ; Killed in action, 21st October, 1914. Walker, Charles (1915-17); Bom- bardier, R.F.A. ; France 7 months. Walker, James (1914-17); Lance- Cori)oral, Wiltshire Rgt. ; France 1 year, *Walker, Joseph Schofield, (1914-15); Private, R. Welch Fusiliers; France 11 months ; Died of wounds, 26th Septem- ber, 1915. Walker, John Thomas (1915-19); Driver, R.A.S.C. ; Franco 2 years 8 months. Walker, Mark John (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, R. Warwickshire Rgt. ; France 4 years 6 months. Walker, Willie James (1914-17); Pri- vate, R.D.C. Walkington, Jack (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 3 years 2 months. Walking, Aubrey Edward Arthur (1917- 18) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 5 months. Waller. John Joseph (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, Labour Corps ; France 2 years. *Walpole. Charles Alfred William (1914- 10) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 2 months ; Killed in action. 15th July, 1916. io8 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Walsh, Arthur John (1918-19) ; Pri- vate, Machine Gun Corps. Walsh, James (1916-19) ; Rifleman, Kin>?'8 Royal Ritle Corps ; France 2 years 4 inontlis. Walsh, Patrick (1914-19); Sergeant, R.A..S.C. ; iJardanelles and France 3 years C inoiitlis. Walsh, Robert Patrick (191G-19) ; Pri- vate, Scots Guards ; Franco and Germany 2 years. Walter, Arthur Ernest (1911-19); Lanct*Corporal, R.W. Surrey Rgt. ; India 3 years. Walter, Frederick Victor (1915-19); Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 j'ears G months. Waltham, James William (1914-17); Private, K. Kent Rgt. ; France 5 months. Walton, Charles Thomas (1914-19) ; IJriver, R.A.y.C ; France 3 years 8 months. Walton, George James (1914-19) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service 4 years. Walton, John (1918-19) ; Private, E. Surrey Kgt. ; France 3 months. Walton, Michael Francis (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France, Palestine and Salonica, 3 years 9 months. Walton, William Albert (1914-19) ; Stoker, R.N. ; Naval Service 4 years 6 months. Wanstall. Percy Robert Walter (1910- 19) ; Al)lo Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service 4 years months. Ward, Bernard (1914-19) ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; India and Burmah 4 years. Ward, Ernest (1914-17); Guardsman, Coldstream Guards ; France 18 months. Ward, Frederick George (1918-19) ; Private, London Rgt. Ward, George (1914-15) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. Ward, George Henry (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, 21st Bn. Loudon Rgt. Ward, Herbert (1918-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. : France and Germany 11 months. Ward, Thomas (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Corporal, R. Inniskilling Fusiliers ; France 4 years 4 nxonths. Ward. William (1917-18); Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.); German East Africa 11 months. Ward, William (1915-19); Rifleman, Rifle Biigade ; France 3 years. Ward, William John (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporai, (iloueestershire Rgt. ; France and Malta 4 years 4 months. Warder, William (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. and Sapper, R.E. ; France 4 years 1 mouth. Warne, Henry Edward (1914-17); Sapper, R.E. ; I'rance. Warnes, Horace (1918-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France and Germany 1 year. Warren, Alfred Wifliam ^1914-1 9) ; Lance- Sergeant, K. Inniskilling Fusiliers ; Dardanelles and France 2 years. Warren, Frederick Charles (1915-19) ; Private, II. Irish Rifles ; I'rancc 2 years. Warren, James (1914-17); Private, R.D.C. Warren, Joseph Thomas (1914-19); Signaller, Rifle Brigade ; Burmah 4 years. Wartnaby, George (191(>-19) ; Private, Laltour Corps ; France 2 years. Warwick, George Ernest (191(5-19); Private, Norl hampt()n-.liir<' Rgt ; Salo- nica and France 2 years 4 months. ♦Waterhouse, Thomas Samuel (1914-15) ; Lance- Corpora I, London Rgt. ; France 2 months ; Killed in action, 2Cth May, 1915. Waterman, George Edward (1915—19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 1 month. Waters. George Albert (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, Labour Corps ; France and Italy 18 months. Waters, Leonard (191G-19) ; Lancc- Corporal, Bedfordshire Rgt. Watkins, Arthur Ernest (1914-18): Private, 15th Hussars ; France 2 years 6 months. Watkins, Arthur James (1917-19) ; Private, Labour Corps. Watkins, John Sydney (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, W. Yorkshire Rgt. ; France 10 months. Watkins, Sydney Charles (1914-19); Sergeant, R.E. ; France 1 year 11 months. Wathng, Edward (191G-18) ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; Balkans 17 months. Watling, Henry Alfred (1915-18); Gunner, It.F.A. ; France 3 years. Watson, Edward Jasper (1914-19) ; Private, Loyal N. Lancasliire Rgt. ; France, Egypt, East Africa and Salonica, 2 years 3 months. Watson, Ernest (1915-16) ; Driver, R.E. Watson, Francis (1918-19); Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; I'rance 5 months. Watson, George James Charles (1915— 19) ; Private, Surrey Yeomanry ; Egypt and France 3 years 8 months. Watson, John Nicholl McKean (1915- 18) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 2 years. Watson, Joseph (1914-19); Sapper, R.E. ; France 13 months. Watts, Arthur Harry (1915-18); Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. Watts, Conrad Alfred Philip (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; Mesopotamia 2 years 3 niotiths, India 6 months. Way, Frank Edwin (1916-17); Rifle- man, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France 5 months. Weaterton, Stewart (1914-19); Sec- Lieutenant, Northimiberland Fusiliers ; France 9 months. Weaver. John Wilton (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, M.F.P. ; India and Mesopo- tamia 4 years 8 months. Webb, Albert John (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Machine Gun Corps ; France 10 months. 109 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Webb, AUred Walter (1917-19); Air Mechanic (3rd Class), R.A.F. Webb. David (1914-19) ; Lance-Cor- poral, Machine Gun Corps ; Malta eind France 3 years. Webb, George Frederick (1915-19) ; Private, King's Drayoon Guards ; India and liurmah 2 years 11 months. Webb, Harold Frederick (1918-19) ; Rifleman, llille Brigade. *Webb, Henry (1917) ; Rifleman, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France 3 months ; Killed in action, 19th September, 1917. Webb, James Richard (1914-19) ; Acting Sergeant, Devonsliire Rgt. ; France, Seilonica, Egypt and Palestine, 4 years 6 months. Webb, William (1916-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 2 years 6 months. Webb, WiUiam (1914-19) ; Bombardier, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 4 montlis. Webberson, George William (1914-19) ; Private, R. Sussex Rgt. ; France 2 years 10 months. Webster, Albert Edward (191G-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.); France 2 years 11 months. Webster, George Arthur (1915-17) ; Fitter, R.A.O.C. Webster, William (1915-19) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers and R.D.C. ; France 11 months. Webster, WiUiam Daniel (1914-19) ; Bombardier, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 4 months. Weeks, Edwin Joseph (1916-19); Gun- ner, R.F.A. ; France 10 months. Weeks, William Herbert (1914-16) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 3 months. Welch, Charles Alfred (1914-16); Driver, R.E. Welch, Frederick James (1914-19) ; Leading Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service 4 years 3 months. Welch, George Clarence (1915-18) ; Bombardier, R.G.A. ; France 2 years 7 monthLs. Welch, William Arthur Charles (1914- 19) ; Sergeant, London Rgt. ; Gallipoli 3 montlis, Egypt 3 years 10 months. Weller, Arthur John ( 1 9 1 5-1 8 ) ; Gunner, R.F..'\.. ; I'rance 1 year 9 months. Weller. Reuben David (1910-19) ; Pri- vate, Welch Rgt. ; Egypt and Palestine 1 year 11 montlis. WeUer, Thomas James (1915-19) ; Private, R.D.C. Wellerman, Walter George (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.G.A. ; i'rance 4 years. Wellings. James (1918-19); Rifleman, Kinsj's Royal Rifle Corps ; France and Germany 7 montiis. WeUs. Albert Ernest (1916-19) ; Shoeing- Smith, R.G.A. ; France 9 montlis. Wells, Edward (1916-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; Salonica 2 years. Wells, Frank (1915-19) ; Pioneer, R.E. ; France 3 years. WeUs, Sydney Herbert (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, R.G.A. ; France and Salonica 3 years. Wells, William James (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, VVorcestersliire l^t. ; France 3 years 7 montlis, Prisoner of war 6 montlis. Wells, WiUiam Percy (1915-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France, Salonica and Egypt, 2 years 9 months. Wenborne, James Edward Ceorge (1914-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; Frafice 3 years, Italy 6 months. Wenman, WiUiam Walter (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France, Salonica and Egypt, 2 years 9 months. West, Alfred Fred (1917-19) ; Stoker, R.N. ; Naval Service 1 year 8 montlis. West, Arthiu- WilUam (1910-19); Pri- vate, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 1 year. West, Herbert James (1910-19) ; Gun- ner, R.G.A. ; India 13 months. West, John WilUam Charles (1916-19) ; Rifleman, London Rgt. ; France and Germany 2 years 8 montlis. West, Oliver Beavis (1914-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 3 years 2 months. West. Rupert (1914-19) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service 4 years. Westbrook, Charles Sidney (1914-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 4 years 1 month. Westbrook, Ernest Albert (1916-19); Corporal, Tank Corps. Westlake, Frederick (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 7 montlis. Westley, Samuel Joseph (1914-18) ; Guardsman, Coldstream Guards ; France 3 years 2 months. *Weston, Alfred Vincent (1915-16) ; Lance- Corporal, E. Surrey Rgt. ; France 4 montlis ; Killed in action, 17 th Sep- tember, 1916. Weston, WilUam (1914 and 1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.V.C. ; Egypt and Salonica 3 years 3 months. Weston, WilUam John (1915-19) ; Corporal, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 2 years 8 months. Westwood, Henry Charles (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.W. Surrey Rgt. ; France, Italy and Germany 3 years 1 month. Wetherall, Fred (1914-19) ; Lanoe- Corporal, Bedfordshire Rgt. Whale, Henry (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. Wheatley, Robert (1917); Private, Labour Corps. Wheeler, Alfred (1914-18) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France and Malta 2 years 6 months. Wheeler, Arthur Richard (1914-19) ; Private, Maohine Gun Corps ; India, France and Egypt 3 years. Wheeler. John (1915-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 3 years. Wheeler, Stanley Frederick John (1915) ; Trooper, County of London Yeomanry. no RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Wheller, Winford George (1915-19) ; Rineman, 12th Bu. Loudoa Rgt. ;. France 2 years 11 months. Whiley, William Richard (1914-19); Lance-Corporal, ll.A.S.C ; i''ranco 4 years 3 months. Whincop, Alfred Horace (1911-19); Private, London llgt. and Labour Corps ; France 11 months. Whitbread, Ernest William (1914, 1915, and 1918-19) ; Private, Dulce of Coru- wall's Light Infantry ; France 17 months. White, Arthur (1916-18) ; Private, N. Statfordsliire Rgt. ; Franco 3 months. White, Claude (1914-18); Sapper, R.E. White, Frederick James (1915-19) ; Private, London ligt. ; France 2 years 5 months. ♦White, Frederick Rostrevor (1914-17) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service ; Died, 21st April, 1917. *White, George Thomas (1914-18) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 9 months ; Died, 6th November, 1918. ♦White, Henry Ernest Lyie (1914-16) ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; France 7 mouths ; Killed in action, 6th January, 1916. ♦White, Henry John Francis (1914) ; Guardsman, Life Guards ; France 2 months ; Missing, 31st October, 1914. White, Herbert Thornton (1916-19) ; 2nd Corporal, R.E. ; France 2 years. White, Horace Edgar (1916-20) ; Cor- poral, R.A.S.C. (M.T.). White, Thomas James (1915-19) ; Driver-Farrier, R.A.S.C. ; France and Italy 3 jears 4 months. White, Walter William (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France, Salonica and Egypt 2 years. White, WiUiam Edward (1918-19) ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; France 4 months. ♦White, William Gladstone (1914-17); Sergeant, Middlesex Rgt. ; Fi-ance 1 year 10 months ; Killed in action, 3rd May, 1917. White, William Henry (1914-19) ; Company Sergeant- Major, R.A.S.C. ; I'rance 4 years 6 mouths. White, William John (1915-19) ; Gmmer, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 1 month. Whitehead, Harold Alfred (1915-19) ; Sergeant, Dorsetshire Rgt. Whiteing, Joseph John (1914-19) ; Company Quarter-master- Sergeant, R.W. Surrey Rgt. ; France 13 months. Whitfield, Enoch Alfred (1915-19); Guardsman, Irish Guards ; France 3 years 8 months. Whitfield, Joseph (1914-19) ; Company Sergeant-Major, W. Riding Rgt. ; France 3 years 10 months. Whiting, Benjamin (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 3 months. ♦Whitlock, Ernest William (1914-16) ; Private, R. Marine Light Infantry ; Naval Service ; KiUed at sea, 31st May, 1916. Whitmore, Herbert George (1916-19) ; Private, Liverpool Rgt. ; Russia 9 mouths. Whitmore, John (1914-19) ; M.M ; Sergeant, Rifle Brigade ; Franco 3 years. Whitney, Herbert Edwin (1918-19); Private, R.A.M.C. Whitty. WiUiam Jones (1914-19) ; Sergeant, E. Surrey Rgt. ; Mesopotamia and India 4 years 3 months. ♦Whybrow, Ernest (1917-18) ; Rifleman, Kille Brigade ; France 9 months ; Died of wounds while prLsoner of war, 5th April, 1918. Wickham, Henry Albert (1915-19); Sergeant, Soniersetshiro Light Infantry ; France 10 months. Widdicks, William (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; I'Yance 2 years 3 months. Wieck, Herbert (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Middlesex ligt. ; India 4 years 6 months. Wieck, Oscar (1916-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 2 years 3 montlis. Wiggins, James Henry (1914-19) ; Private, E. Surrey Rgt. ; France and Italy 4 years 6 months. Wiggins, William Arthur (1915-19) ; Private, R.xV.M.C. ; Egj'pt, German East Africa, Mesopotamia and France 2 years 6 months. Wiggs, Charles Arthur (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; Franco 4 years 5 months. Wightman, Charles WilUam (1917-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ♦Wilby, Arthur Charles (1914-18) ; Ser- geant, E. Kent Rgt. ; France 1 month. Prisoner of war 2 years 6 months, Holland 4 months ; Died, 14th August, 1918. Wilcock, Albert James (1917-19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.C. (M.T.); France and Germany 1 year 10 months. Wiles, Leonard King (1914-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 8 months. Wilkerson, William (1915-19) ; Private, R.D.C. Wilkes, Charles (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; GaUipoli and Egypt 3 years 9 mouths. Wilkes, William Henry (1914-19) : Sergeant, R. Irish Rgt. ; Salonica and Egypt 3 yeai-s 5 months. Wilkie, William Morley (1916-19); Private, Durham Light Infantry ; Mace- donia 2 years, France 3 months. Wilkins, Herbert WiUiam (1914-20) ; Sergeant-Major, R.A.M.C. ; Egj-pt 5 months, Malta 4 mouths, Salonica 15 months, France 2 years 2 months. Wilkins, James Thomas Morris (1915- 19) ; Air .Mechanic (1st Class), R.A.F. Wilkinson, George Alfred (1914-19); Bombardier, R.G.A. ; France 4 years 4 months. Wilkinson, William Robert (1914-19) ; Private, Bedfordshire Rgt. and Labour Corps ; France 11 months. WiUan, WiUiam (1915-19) ; Mechanic, R. JNlarine ArtiUery ; France 3 years 6 mouths. ♦WilUams, Albert (1916) ; Private, Mid- dlesex Rgt. ; Died, 13th September, 1916. Ill RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Williams, Arthur James (1914-19) ; Corporal, R.E. ; Gallipoli 3 months, France 2 years 11 months. Williams, Frederick (1914-15) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France. Williams, Henry (1915) ; Trivate, E.A.y.C. WiUiams, Herbert (1914-19) ; Gmmer, R.G.A. ; Franco 2 years 2 months. Williams, Horace Charles (1914-19) ; Driver, Loudon Rgt. ; France 3 years. Williams, John Walter (1914-19) ; Corporal, Rifle Brigade ; JJurmah 3 years 4 months. ♦Williams, Percival Trevor (1915-17); Rifleman, London Rgt. ; France 1 year ; Died of wounds, 27th June, 1917. Williams, Philip (1914-19) ; Private, R. ^Marine Light Infantry ; Naval Service 4 years 6 months. Williams, Richard (1916-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 2 years. Williams, Robert Henry (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.E. ; Mesopotamia 3 years. WilUams, Walter (1914-19); Private, R.D.C. Williams, Walter (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.W. Surrey Rgt. and Labour Corps ; France 2 years. Williamson, John (1918-19) ; Rifleman, Kin3:'s l{oyal Rifle Corps ; France 5 months. Willicombe, William Christian (1914- 19) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers ; France 2 years 8 naonths. Willicombe, William Francis (1914-19) ; Shoeiijg-Smlth, Machine Gun Corps ; Kgypt and Salonica 3 years 10 months. Willis, George Sherrington (191(5-19) • Private, Labour Corps ; France 1 year 9 nioiiths. Willis, James William Augustine (1918) ; Private, Reserve Cavalry. Willis, Percy (1918-19) ; Aircraftsman, R.A.F. ; Egypt and I'alestine 16 months. Willis, Reuben (1914-19); 2nd Cor- poral, R.E. ; India and Mesopotamia 16 months. Willis, Thomas Norman (1916-19); Private, Labour Corps ; France 2 years 9 montlis. Wills, John (1915-19) ; M.M. ; Cor- poral, 11.1''. A. : France 2 years 5 m.onths. Willson, Robert (1916-19) ; Rifleman, King's Koyal Rifle Corps ; France 2 years 9 nif)iitl)s. Wilmott, Edward James (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France, Mesopotamia and Palestine 3 years 6 nionths. Wilmshurst, Frederick Charles (1914- 19) ; Guardsman. Guards Machine Gun Rgt. ; France and Germany 3 years 6 months. Wilshire, Henry Francis (1915-19); I'rivate, Labour Corps ; France 3 years 2 months. Wilson, Arthur (1916-19); Private, Labour Corps ; France 2 years 7 months. WUson, Arthur (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France and Italy 3 years. Wilson, Arthur Thomas (1918-19) ; Private, Machine Gun Corps. Wilson, Charles (1914-17); Lance- Corporal, Mddlesex Rgt. ; France 1 year 10 months. Wilson, Charles Frank (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, R.F.A. ; Salonica 1 year 9 months. Wilson, Ernest Edward (1915-19) ; Shoeing-Smith, R.F.A. Wilson, Frederick Ernest (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 11 months. * Wilson, William (1914-15) ; Private. Scottish Horse ; Dardanelles 1 month ; Killed in action, 27th September, 1915. Wilson, William Henry (1917-19) ; Private, Labour Corps. Wimshurst, George (1914-19); Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 4 years 2 months. Winch, John Royal (1914-19) ; Gmmer, R.F.A. ; France 4 years 4 months. Winchester, James (1915-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years. Windley, William Thomas (1914-19) ; Lance-Corporal, Essex Rgt. Windrew, John WilUam (1916-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R.A.M.C. ; France 7 months, Italy 1 year 7 months. Winslow, Walter Henry (1917-19) ; Private, R. Warwickshire Rgt. ; France 6 months, Italy 6 months. * Winter, Frederick (1916-18) ; Private, E. Surrey Rgt. ; India 2 years 5 months ; Died, 1st November, 1918. Winter, Frederick Charles (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years. Winter, John (1914-19) ; Bombardier, R.F.A. ; France, Salonica and Egypt, 3 years. Winton, Alfred (1914-19) ; Leading Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service 4 yeai-s. Wirtz, Albert Napoleon (1916-19); Private, Labour Corps ; France 2 years. Wisdom, William (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; Mesopotamia 18 months, India 7 months. Wiseman, Alfred (1916-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 1 year 8 months. Wiseman, Frederick Arthur (1917-19); Lance-Corporal, Labour Corps ; France 1 year 8 months. Witherden, George (1915-18) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 3 years 5 montlis. *Withey, Arthur Albert (1914-18); Lance-Corporal, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France 1 year 8 months ; Missing, 16th January, 1918. Wittig.Fred (1914-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 4 months. Wood, Albert Edward (1914-19); Gun- ner, R.II.A. ; France 3 years 3 months. Wood, Bertram Alfred (1915-17) ; Driver, R.E. ; France 10 months. Wood, Frederick AUred (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 15 months. 112 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Wood, George William (1914-18) ; Lauce-Corporul, R. Wiuwickshire l{|^t. ; France 3 yeai-s 2 monlhs. Wood, Herbert James (1915-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 4 nioaths. Wood, William Sidney (1914-19) ; Battery Quartermaster-Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 4 years G months. Woodcock, Thomas (191G-19) ; Pioneer, R.E. ; I'rance 18 months. Woodcock, Walter Charles (1914-19) ; Serjeant, Middlesex ligt. ; l'"rance 3 years 11 months. (191(j-17); I'ri- Woodcock, William vatc, Laljour Corps. Woodcock, William Whitby (1911-19) ; Corporal, R.A.ISI.C. ; I'rance 1 year 9 months. Woodeson, Herbert Walter (1915-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 3 years 2 months. Woodfine, Sidney James (1918-20) ; Corporal, R. Sussex Ifet. ; France 9 months, Egypt 10 months. Woodfine, William Thomas (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 18 months. Woodgate, Horace (1914-19) ; Lancc- Corporal, R. Sussex Rgt. ; India 2 years 11 months. Woodman, Thomas James (1915-17) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. (.M.T.) ; France 3 months. Woodruff, David Henry (1914-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; Salonica, Egypt and Palestine, 4 years. Woods, Albert Edward (1914-19) ; Sec- Lieutenant, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 2 months. Woods, Alfred Charles (1915-19); Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. (M.T.); France and Germany 2 years 3 months. * Woods, Arthur William (1914) ; Stoker, R.N. ; Naval .Service ; Killed at sea, 15th October, 1914. Woods, Daniel (1914-19); Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 months, Balkans 3 years 3 months. Woods, John Charles (1917-19); Pri- vate, Labour Corps ; l'"rance 2 years. Woods, John Henry (1914-19); Petty Officer, R.N. ; Naval Service 3 years 9 months. Woodward, Cecil Percy Lee Warner (1916-19) : Private, Royal Fusiliers ; France and Germany 2 years 6 montlis. ♦Woodward, Frederick (1914) ; Private, Somersetshire Light Infantry ; Died, 14th December, 1914. Woodward, George Henry (1914-19) ; Aircraftsman (2nd Class), R.A.F. ; Franco 9 months, Salonica 7 mouths, Egypt 17 months. Woodward, Reginald Algernon (1916- 19) ; Private, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Rgt. ; France 18 mouths. Woodward, William (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 7 months. Wooler, Herbert George (1914-18); Private, Royal Fusiliers ; France 1 year. Woolfenden, Percy (1914-19); Gunner, R.G..\. ; i'lance 2 years 7 months. *Woolley, Herbert Edward (1914-17); Fitter, R.1''.A. ; Inim-c 2 > ears 2 inontlis ; Dieil of wound-i, 2.jtli .luiic, 1017. Woolnough, Reginald Alfred (1914-19); Lanee-Corporal, London Rgt. ; .Malta, Egypt, GallipoU and France 2 years 6 months. Worboys, Edward William (1916-19); I'rivate, R. Welch Fusiliers ; Franco 2 years 5 montlis. Worman, WiUiam (1915-19) ; Corporal, Labour Corps ; France 3 years 3 montlis. Worrow, Charles Frederick (1011-10); Driver, R.K. ; France 3 montlis. Worsfield, Frederick Charles (1915-19) ; Lanec-Sergeant, E. Surrey Rgt. ; Franco 2 years 7 months. Wraight, James (1917-18) ; Rifleman, R. Irish Ritles ; Irancc 5 months. Wraight, Sidney Arthur (1915-19) ; M.M. ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 3 yeais 3 montlis. Wrangles, Samuel Joseph (1914-19); Gunner and Shoeing-Smith, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 4 months. Wright, Albert John (1014-17); Bom- bardier, R.F.A. * Wright, Alfred Sidney Thomas (1915- 17) ; Private, Essex Kgt. ; France 4 mouths; Missing, 3rd May, 1917. Wright, Alfred Thomas (1917-19) ; Gunner, Motor Maeliiue Gun Section ; Afghanistan 1 year, India 2 years. Wright. Charles Jesse (1916-17) ; Pri- vate, Middlesex Rgt. Wright, CUfton Lionel (1915-19); Ser- geant, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; I'rance 2 years. Wright, Edgar Leonard (1914-19); Leading Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service 6 months. Wright, Edward (1911-17); Private, Norfolk Rgt. ; France 2 years 7 mouths. ♦Wright, Ernest Albert (1916-17) ; Pri- vate, London Rgt. : Irance 4 months; Killed in action, 13th May, 1917. Wright. Frederick William (1915-18) ; Lance-.Scrgeaut, A.P.C. ♦Wright, George (1015-16); Lancc- Corporal, !Midtllcsex Itgt. ; France 5 months ; Killed in action, 18th March, 1916. Wright, George Christopher (1914-15) ; Private, Yorkshire Rgt. Wright, Harold Arthur (1918-19) ; Air Mechanic (3rd Cla.ss), R.A.F. Wright, Samuel (1914-19); Sergeant, R.D.C. Wright, WiUiam (1018-19); Private, R. Sussex Rgt. ; Germany 3 months. Wright, William (1915-19); Sapper, R.E. ; I'rance and Egyjit 4 years 6 months. Wright, Wilham George (1915-17); Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 1 year 10 months. Wright, WiUiam James (1914-19); Sergeant, R.G.A. ; France 18 months, Italy 1 year 10 mouths. H "3 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Wright, William John (1914-19) ; Gun- ner, K.U.A. ; France 4 years 2 months. Wright, William John (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. ; Italy and France 1 year 7 months. Wyatt, William (1917) ; Driver, R.F.A. Wyatt, William Thomas (1914-19) : Sergeant, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France 2 years 9 months. *Wynn, James (1915-17) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 9 months ; Killed in action, 14th October, 1917. Yarrow, Frederick Harold (1917-19); Corpora], R.A.O.C. Yates, Albert Ernest (1914-18) ; Bom- bardier, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 8 mouths. * Yates, John (1914) ; Private, R. Scots Fusiliers ; France ; Died of wounds, 24th August, 1914. Yates. Joseph (1914-19); Gunner, R.F.A. ; France and Germany 3 years 10 montlis. Yeadon, William (1914-19) ; Private, R.D.C. Yearley, Henry (1916-19); Private, Durlianx Light Infantry ; Russia. Yeates, William Henry (1917-19) ; Air Moclianic (2ud Class), R.A.F. *Yeldham, Edgar Charles (1916-18); Private, ^V^ Yorlisliire Rgt. ; France 11 months ; Killed in action, 1st Novem- ber, 1918. Yeomans, George Leonard (1915-19) ; Wireman (1st Class), R.N. ; Naval Service 3 years 6 months. Youde, Wilfrid (1914-19); Mentioned in desjiatclies ; Air Mechanic. R.A.F. ; France 3 years 11 montlis. Youldon, William John (1915-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 1 month. Young, Albert Francis (1915-19); Rom- burdier, !{.]<'. A. ; l"'rance 3 years. Young, Alfred (1915-19); Bombardier, R.(i.A. ; Prance 13 months. Young, Edward Arthur (1915-19) ; Statt-Si-igeaiit, 11. A.M. (J. Young, George Thomas Inkerman (1914- 19); Sergeant, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. Young, Henry Judd (1918-19); Air- craltsiiian (2nd Class), R.A.F. Young, John (1915-19); Able Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service 3 years 5 months. Young, John Henry (1916-18) ; Private. R.D.C. Young, Samuel (1914) ; Guardsman, Gioial, It.l'.A. ; France 2 years 11 months. Yuille, Albert (1914-16) ; Private, R. Scots Fusihers. Housing Department Acton, Henry James (1917-19) : Air Meclianic (1st Class), R.A.F. ; France 15 months. Adams, Charles Andrew (1915-18); Private, 60th Canadians ; France 2 years 2 montlis. Adby, Victor (1915-16) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 5 months. Alexander, Harold (1917-19) ; Sergeant, R. Inniskiiling Fusiliers ; France 17 months. AUard, George Amos (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, Oxfordshire and Buckingham- shire Light Infantry ; France 3 years 6 montlis, Germany 9 months (prisoner of war). Attewell, John (1914-18) ; Quarter- master-Sergeant, 11. E. ; France 1 month. Ball, Sidney Herbert (1916-19) ; Private, Middlesex and R.W. Surrey Rgts., and Labour Corps. *Barklamb, Edward Charles (1914-15); Private, E. Surrey Rgt. ; France 6 months ; Killed in action, 27th September, 1915. *Bayliss, Thomas (1914-18) ; Private, 4th Bn. Grenadier Guards ; Prance 17 months ; Killed in action, 27th September, 1918. Bell, Charles Herbert (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.F. ; France 2 years 4 months. Beresford, Henry Albert (1915-19); Sergeant, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 15 months. Bloomfield, Harry (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France 16 months. Bolger, Edward (1914-19) ; Sergeant, 1st Bn. Irish Guards ; France 4 years 9 months. Bouch, Arthur Charles (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, R.F.A. Bowtle, George Phillips (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years. ♦Bradford, Ivan Wilfred (1914) ; Private, 1st Bn. Coldstream Guards ; France 2 months ; Died of wounds, 21st October, 1914. Breeze, William Thomas (1916-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.F. ; Palestine 2 years 10 months. Butcher, Richard James (1914-19) ; Gunner, It.G.A. * Carey, Edward (1914-15) ; Lance-Cor- poral, Irish Guards ; France 4 months ; Killed in action, l8th May, 1915. Carter, Henry (1914-19) ; Private, R. Irish Rifles ; Gallipoli 8 months, France 3 years. Cook, John Percy (1915-19); Private, 8th Bn. E. Surrey and 3rd Bn. E. Kent Rgts. ; France 14 montlis. Cooper, Arthur Henry (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, Royal Fusiliers ; France 2 years. *Cox, William Henry (1914-15) ; Quarter- master-Sergeant, R.E. ; Died, 26th May, 1915. Cranstoun, Edward (1915-19); Lance- Corporal, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France 3 years 6 mouths. 114 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Cross, Ernest Charles (1915-19) ; I'ri- vatc, Kiiifi's Itoyal Uiflo (Joriw ; Franco 1 year, Germany (prinoner of war) 18 mouths. Cross, Stephen (1916-19); Corporal, loth Bn. Lonilon U!,'t., 1:5th Hn. Devon- shire Rurt. anil Labour Corps. Cullum, William Frederick (1914-19); Quartermastcr-SeTL'cant, K. Yurksliire Hut., VV. Hiding llgt. and Labo\ir Corps ; Franco 1 month. ♦Daysh, Frederick Arthur George (1914); Private, Coldstream CJuards ; Fraiict; 1 month ; Missing, believed dead, 14th September, 1914. Deare, Alban Bertie (1917-19); Private, null IJn. Devonshire llgt. and Labour Corps ; France 2 years. Doggett, Ernest Edward (1915-18); Sapper, U.W. Kent Rgt. and U.K. Downes, Arthur (1910-19) ; Private, R.W. .Surrey Rgt. and Labour Corps ; Salonica 2 years (> months. Dunn, Jesse William (1910-19); Acting Corporal, R..\.O.C. ; France 3 years 4 months. Elliott, Thomas Joseph (1918-19) ; Pri- vate, R. Marine Kngrs. Evans, Frederick Charles (1914-19); Driver, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 9 months. Exall, Nelson Victor (1915-19); Private, R.A.S.C. (.M.T.) ; Fiance 2 years 6 months. Flook, Lewis Paul (1915-19); Sergeant, 22nd Bn. London Rgt. and R.A.F. French, Alfred Arthur (1915-10) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 7 months. Gentry, Henry Thomas (1915-19) ; Lieu- tenant, R.N.V'.R., Anti- Aircraft ; France 1 month. ♦Gilchrist, Amos Jeeves (1914-18); Pri- vate, Royal Fusiliers, K. Kent and Middle- sex Rgts., Labour Corps and Xorthuniber- land Fusiliers ; Died, 3rd November, 1918. Gilchrist, Oliver (1915-19); Private, R.W. Kent Rgt. Grady, Henry Charles (1918-19) ; Private, R.A.F. *Hale, Joseph Dinnin (1914-15) ; Private, Yorksliire Rgt. ; France 7 months ; Killed in action, 10th March, 1915. Haliday, Frank (1915-19); Private, Norfolk and Fssex Rgts. ; Gallipoli months, France 10 mouths. Harris, Harold (191()-19); Private, R.W. Surrey Rgt., Ritie Brigade, Devon- shire Rgt., 29th Bn. Middlesex Rgt. and Labour Corps ; France 4 nioutlis. Haselgrove, Reginald Howard (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, 5th Bn. London Itgt. and R.G.A. ; France 9 luonths. Henfrey, Arthur William (1914-lS); Sec- Lieutenant, Kith Bn. Loudon Rgt.; France. Hobbs. Frederick Charles (1916-19); Private, King's Royal Bille Corps, U.W. Kent Rgt. and Ritle B'igade ; India 2 years 1 month. Holden, John Herbert (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 3 years 4 months. Horsman, Samuel Henry (1915-19); See.-Lie\itenaiit , It.F.A. ; France 2 yearri Salonica 1 year. Huber, Ernest Henry (1 9I,'>-19) : .Men- tioned ill (lcs|)at elics : (^uarlcniia^ter- Sergeant, R.A..M.C. ; France 4 yeard 1 mouth. Huggett, John Averest (1914-19); I'ri- vate, Koyal l''usilicrs ; l''raiice 4 year.^ () lllOMt lis. Hugkulstone, Albert Edward (1915-19); Sapper, R.K. ; l-"raiice 3 year.s 3 montli-s, (Jermany 6 months. Humphreys, Albert Edward (1915-19); Private, Middlesex Kirt.. Arjjvle and Suther- land lliglilaiidci-,, and It.D.C Jackson, Herbert Russell (1916-19); Sei-geaiit, R.K. Kemble, Harry (191.'>-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years cS months. Kendall. Harry (191.V-19) ; Sergeant, R.F.A., Koyal Scots and U..\.S.C. Keyte, John Thomas (1910-19); Lane^- Corporal. Vdi-k and Laiicu-iter Rgt. and R.K. ; Frailer 5 months. Kimberley, William Charles (191.>-19); Private, R.A.S.C. and Labour Corps ; France 3 years 9 months. Knight, John Deacon (1914-18); Ser- jeant, Traiiiiiig lieserve. Knowler, William Henry (1916-19); Private, I'loyal Kii-iliers, Black Watch, R.D.C. Middlesex and R.W. Surrey Rgts. Knowles, Edmund Harvey (1915-19); M..M. ; 2iid ('orporal, R.K. ; Franco 3 years 10 moiitlis. Lambert, Herbert John (1911-19); Sec- Lieutenant, R.W. Kent and R.W. .Surrey Rgts. and K..\.S.C. ; (iallii)oli 3 months, Kg.vjit 2 luoiit lis, France 1 week. Lawrence, Phillip Shepherd (1917-19); Air Meehauic (3rd Class), It.A.F. Lockwood, Ernest Hesse (1916-18); Corporal, Royal Fusiliers, .\ortliainpton- sliire Rgt. and Labour Corps ; Franco 7 months. Marks, Alfred Henry (1914-19) ; Private, London Rgt., Ritle Brigade and Labour Corps ; France 10 months. Margeson, James Edward (1914-19); Private, 4tli Dragomi (iuards; France. Martin, S. C. (191ti-19) ; Private, 6th Bn. London Bgt. ; France 18 months. Mead, Samuel William (1915-19): Pri- vate, .Middlesex Kgt. aiKl .Machine Gun Corjis ; l-'ranee 10 months. Mills, J. W. (1916-19); Air .Mechanic (1st Class), R.A.F. ; France 13 months. Oliver, Walter James (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal. London Rgt. ; France 3 years 11 montlis. Orrin, James (1914-19); M.M., Men- tioned in Army Orders ; Sergeant, R.K. ; Galliiioli luonllis, France 1 year 9 months. Orrin, William Alexander (1915-19) ; Gunii T, R.1'".A. and R.G..\. ; France 2 years. bsborn, Felix (1914-19); Private, R. Marine Light Infantry ; Belgimu 1 month, Gallipoli 8 months. 115 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Page, Victor Lawrence (1915-19) ; Bom- bardier, ILF.A. ; France 2 years 8 months. Perkins, Stanley George (1915-18) ; Pri- vat:e, London R^t. ; France 2 years 6 months. Pessell, Thomas Frederick (1914-19) ; Private, R. \\'. Smrey Hgt. ; France 3 years 9 months. Priest, Henry Arthur (1916-19) ; Private, R. W. Surrey and R. Sussex Ilgts. and Somerset Light Infantry ; France 17 months. Ray, James Scott (1916-19) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France 14 months, Salonica 6 months, Palestine 1 year, Germany 7 months. Rees, Alfred Edward (1914-19) ; Major, Royal Fusiliers ; ^Mediterranean 7 months. Richardson, Joseph (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 3 years 7 montlis. Roots, Roberts Odell (1914-18) ; Cor- poral R.F.A. ; France C weeks, Salonica 3 years. Rouse, C. (1916-19) ; Private, London Rgt. and Royal Fusiliers ; France 2 years 4 months. ♦Rushworth, Tom Sadler (1914-16); Captain, 7th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 15 montlLs ; Killed in action, 18th Sept- ember, 1916. Smith, Alfred (1917-19) ; Staff-Sergeant, R.A.S.C. (M.T.). Snook, George (1914-19) ; Private, 4th Grenadier Guards. Stone-Fry, Walter William (1914-19) Sergeant, 3rd Hussars and E. Surrey Rgt. ; France 1 week. Strachan, William Hardie (1914-19) Regimental Sergeant- Major, R.E. ; France 6 montlis, Salonica 2 years 6 months. Suttle, Benjamin Thompson (1914-19) Private, Royal Fusiliers ; Malta 5 months Taylor, Sidney William (1915-19) ; Gun- ner, R.G.A. ; France 2 years 6 months. Tennant, William Henry (1914-19) Lance- Bombardier, I'.G.A. ; France i years C months. Tilsley, John (1918-19) ; Private, R.A.F. France 5 months. Tokins, Harry (1914-19) ; Sergeant R.G.A. ; France 3 years 8 montlis. Townsend, Edgar Randolph (1915-19) Leading Air Mechanic, K.N.A.S. and R.A.F. ; France 13 luoutlis, Greece 1 year 8 months. Townsend, Edward Aldridge (1915-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R.E. ; France 1 year 11 months, Germany 1 month. Turner, Henry Charles Pettit (1915-18); Corjioral, R. Marine Light Infantry. Twilley, Herbert (1916-19) ; Sergeant, Northumberland Fusiliers and Tank Corps ; France 13 montlLS. Walker, Percy Gordon (1914-19) ; R.D. ; Paymaster Lieutenant - Commander, R.N.R. ; France 18 months. Wiles, Albert Edward (191.5-19); Cor- poral, K.A.S.C and U.K. ; France 2 years. Willey, Lawrence Walter (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Sergeant, E. Surrey Rgt. and Labour Corps ; France 3 years 4 months. Williams, Christopher Edward (1916-19); Private, Royal Fusiliers and Labour Corps ; France 16 months. Education Officer's Department Central Administrative Staff Ackland, George Bidder (1916-18) ; Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) and Labour Corps. Adams, Andrew Herbert Crawford (1915-19) ; Lieutenant, R.H.A. and R.F.A. ; France 3 years. Adams, Frederick George (1914-19) ; Company Quartermaster-Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers. Adams, William Henry Peregrine (1915— 19) ; Sergeant, Durham Light Infantry ; France 2 years 4 months. Adcock, Percy John (1915-19) ; 2nd Corporal, R.E. (Field Survey Bn.) ; France 2 years 6 months. Albrow, Alfred Arthur (1915-19) ; Staff Sergeant- Major, R.A.S.C. ; Mesopotamia 17 months. Allan, John Richard (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, Middlesex Rgt. ; India 3 years, Mesopotamia 16 months. *Ames, Arthur James (1914-16) ; Lance- Corporal, Middlesex Rgt. ; Gibraltar 6 months, Egypt 1 2 months, France 3 months ; Killed in action, 7th October, 1916. Andrew, WiUiam Charles (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 6 months, Italy 14 months. Andrews, Edward Ransford (1915—19) ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C. Ansell, Joseph George (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, A.P.C. and Royal Fusiliers ; France 2 years 7 months, Italy 9 months. Anstey, Alfred John (1915-19) ; Sapper, London Electrical EIngineers, R.E., and Anti- Aircraft Corps ; France 2 years. ArkcoU, Harold Baxter (1914-19) ; Lance-Corporal (Assistant Signalling In- structor), London Rgt. ; France 13 months, Salonica 7 months, Palestine 12 months. *Ash, Herbert Joseph (1915-16) ; Pri- vate, Itoyal Fusiliers ; France 9 months ; Killed in action, 31st July, 1916. Ashby, Frederick (1917-19) ; Corporal, R.E. ; ^Mesopotamia 1 year 9 months. Atkins, Albert Edwin (1915-19) ; Gun- ner, Honourable Artillery Company ; Palestine 1 year 10 months. Austin, Alfred Carson (1915-16); Pri- vate, R.A.M.C ; France 3 mouths. Avis, TalHs Augustus (1917-19) ; Cor- poral, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry and A.P.C. ♦Babington, Herbert William (1915-16) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France 7 months ; Killed in action, 22nd May, 1916. Bailey, Alfred George (1914-18) ; Ser- geant, London Rgt. ami Machine Gun Corps ; France 2 years 11 months. n6 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Bailey. Ernest Gordon (1914-19) ; llillc- man, Jjdiuluii l{j.'t. ; Franco ;{ years 11 months. Baker, Arthur Leopold (1914-18) ; Sec- Lieutenant, Royal Fusiliers and Suffolk Rgt. ; France 6 months, Macedonia 15 montlis. Bark, George Henry (1914-19) ; Lieu- tenant-Commander, R.N.V.ll. (Naval Transport Service); France 15 months, Egypt 1:J months, Palestine 18 months. Barker, Harry Parsons (1916-19) ; Lancc- Corporal, K.A.O.C. ; Franco 2 years 4 months. *Barnard, Alfred Henry Brunker (1916- 18) ; I'rivate, Lonilon Il^t. ; Salouica, Egypt and Palestine, 14 months ; Killed in action, 20th February, 1918. *Barnes, Frederick (1915-17) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 13 mouths ; Killed in action, 4th June, 1917. Barnes, Leslie James (1914-19) ; Sec- Lieutenant, Honourable Artillery Com- pany, Essex and London llgts. ; Draft conducting officer. Barter, William Anthony (1915-19) ; Bombardier, Honourable Artillery Com- pany and 11. 11. A. Bartlett, Thomas Lewis (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 9 months, Salonica 7 months, Palestine 18 months. Bar wood, Harry Pearce (1914-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Captain, R. Irish Fusiliers, attached Machine Gun Corps and Tank Corps ; France 3 years 1 month. Bastable, George (1914-17) ; Private, S. Staffordshire and Lincolnshire Rgts. ; France 6 months. Bastard, Arthur Henry (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.M.C. ; France 12 mouths, Italy 18 months. Baxter, Ernest (1916-17) ; Private, N. Irish Horse and R. Irish Rifles ; Franco 6 months. Bayhs, Albert James (1915-19) ; M.S.M.; Staff Sergeant-Major, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 7 months. Beecher, John (1915-19) ; Corporal, London Electrical Engineers, R.E. Bell, Walter Percy (1914-19) ; Men- tioned in despatches ; Captain, Corps of the School of Musketry ; Franco (In- specting), June, 1918. Bellsham, Horace Stafford (1916-19) ; Private, R. West Kent Rgt. ; Franco 1 year 7 months. Benford, William David (1915-19) ; Pioneer, 15th Bu. London Rgt. and R.E. (Signals) ; France 2 years 10 moutlis. Bennett, Neville Lefevre (1915-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Captain, Uni- versity of London O.T.C., R. Berkshiro Rgt., and Yorkshire Light Infantry ; France 3 years 3 months, Egypt 3 months. Bennett, Stanley James (1916-19) ; Corporal, R.F.A. Berger, Alfred (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.G.A. ; France and Germany 12 months. Betts, Edgar Harry (1914-19) ; Sergeant, 15ih Hu. London Rgt.; North Russia l.'i moiillis. Birkbeck, Scott (1914-19) ; Captain, Middlesex Rgt. ; Gibraltar 6 months, France 4 years. ♦Bishop, Wilfred (191.5-17); Sec-Lieu- tenant, Inns of Court O.T.C. and Border Rgt. ; France 7 months ; Hied of wounds, 5th .luly, 1917. Bispham, James Webb (1916-19) ; O.B.E., twice mentioned in despatches ; Captain, R.E. ; France 2 years 9 monthfj, Blackaby, Selwyn Henry (1915-19); I'rival.-, |{..\..M.C. ; France 17 months, Salonica 6 months, Palestine 9 months. Blake, Frederick Henry (1916-19) ; Victualling Assistant, R.N. Bloomfield, Samuel Isaiah (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C.(.M.T.) ; .Mesopotamia and I'ersia 2 years. Bodger, Ernest William (1916-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Sergeant, R.G.A. Bolke, Henry Louis (191.5-19); Cor- poral, R.A.M.C, R.A.S.C. and .Middlesex Rgt. ; I'rance 2 years. Bolton, Thomas (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. Bonner, Charles John (1916-19) ; Com- pany Quartermaster-Sergeant, R.E. ; France and Germany 2 years 11 montlis. Boorman. Henry Alfred (1914-19) ; Cori)oral, Hertfordshire Rgt. and R.A.S.C. Bostock, Herbert (1917-19); Private, R.A.O.C. ; France 1 year 9 montlis. Bowles, Richard George (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Salonica 3 years. Bradwin, Charles (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; Egypt and Palestine 7 months, Balkans 7 months. Braham, Richard William (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 3 months, Italy 3 months. Brayley, Leopold Oliver Wedlake (1917- 19) ; Lauce-Corporal, Xortheru Cyclist Battalion. Brewer, WiUiam Henry (1915-19); Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; Salonica 2 years 2 months. Brewster, Arthur Walter (1915-19) ; Sergeaut, R.A.M.C. Brimacombe, Augustus (1914-18) ; Ser- geant, London Rgt. ; France 6 montlis. Bryant, Herbert Walter (1915-19); Corporal, R.E. ; France 2 years 6 months. Buck, Sydney Thacker (1914-19) ; M.C. ; Major, R.A.S.C, R. Sussex Ugt. and Hed- fordshire Rgt. ; France 2 years 3 montlis. Burgess, Walter (1916-19) ; Bom- banlier, K.ti.A. ; Salonica 2 years. ♦Burwood, Henry Walter (1915-18) ; Private, R.A.M.C : France 2 years ; Killed in action, 24th March, 1918. r Butcher, Frank Noble (1916-18); Cor- poral, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Franco 18 months. 117 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE ♦Butler, Walter (1910-18); Signaller, AVi'stinorland and t'umheiiand Yeomanry and Border Hgt. ; France 3 months ; Died in Gcnnanv wliilst a prisoner of war, 8th September, 1918. Byron, Edmond (1915-19) ; Gnnner, Ilononrable Artillery Companj- ; France 2 years 2 months. Callinan, Edmund John (1915-19); Telegraphist, K.X.V.lt. ; Sea Service 2 years 8 months. Canning', Maurice John (1914-19) ; Private, K.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 11 months. Carlile, Percy (1914-19); M.S.M. ; Sergeant, Honourable Artillery Company ; France 4 years 3 months. Chamings, Ernest Edmund (1914-1(5) ; Private, Oxfordshire and Uuckingham- ehirc Light Infantry ; France 9 months. Chapman, Christopher (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, K.A.M.C. ; France 9 months. Cherry, Alfred (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, Middlesex Rgt. ; Gallipoli 5 months, India 2 years (N.W. Frontier 18 months), Mesopotamia 15 months. Christophers, Arthur Harold (1916-19) ; Flight-Sergeant, K.A.F. Coe, Lawrence Gordon (1914-18) ; Ser- geant, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry and Lincolnshire Rgt. ; France 10 months. Prisoner of war in Germany and Switzerland 14 months. Cogman, William Frederick (1916-19) ; Corporal, R.A.I". ; I'raneo 2 years. Cole, Walter Laurence (1916-19) : Ser- geant, E. Surrey Rgt., Suffolk Rgt., and R.A.O.C. ; France 2 years 6 months. Connor, Louis Roussez (1915—19) ; Gunner, Machine Gun ('ori>s ; Fast and South Africa 18 months, Egypt and India 1 year. Corfield, Frederick John (191.5-19); Gunner, R.TJ.A. ; Palestine 15 months. Cousin, James (1916-19); Corporal, SnlTolk Rgt. and Cambridgeshire Rgt. ; France 1 year 7 montlis. Cracroft, Edmund Henry (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. *Crawley, Arthur (191(5-17); Pioneer, R.E. ; Fraiuie 10 months ; Killed in action, 4th May, 1917. Crisp, Herbert Charles (1916-19); Lancc- Sergeant, Middlesex Bgt. Cross, Albert George (1914-19); Ser- geant, R.A.M.C. ; Frauc« 2 years 8 months. Cross, Nathaniel John (1916-19); Cor- poral, K..\..M.C;. ; I'rance 6 months, Italy 15 months. Cross, William Amos (191(5-19); Men- tioned in despatches ; Flight-Sergeant, R.A.I'"., and London Rgt. Cryer, Harold George (1918-19); Cor- Iioral, London l{gt. Cunningham, Malcolm (1918-19) ; Pri- vate, .Middlesex itgt. ; France 5 months. Curd, Harold Albert (191.5-19); Licuteuant, R.F.A. ; France 15 months. Curnall, Charles Alfred (1914-18) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. ; Gibraltar 5 months, France 1 year 7 months. Curtis, Alfred Cecil (1915-19) ; M.S.M., Twice mentioned in despatches ; Stall- Sergeant, R.E. ; Mesopotamia 3 years 6 months. *Daly, Daniel (1914-16) ; Private, Lon- don Rgt. ; France 15 months ; Missing, 7th October, 1916. Daniels, James Henry (1915-19) ; Com- panv .Scrgcant-Major (Musketry Instruc- tor), 15th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 3 months. Davies, Harold (1916-19); Sergeant, R. \V. Surrey and Welch Rgts. ; Franco 2 years. * Davis, John George (1916-17) ; Private, Irish Guards ; France 4 months ; Killed in action, 9th October, 1917. Dawes, Albert (1915-19) ; Private, London Rgt. and R.E. ; India 3 years. de Mouilpied, Alfred Theophilus (1916- 19); Captain, General List, attached Chemical Warfare Section ; France 12 months. Dear, George Roots (1916-19) ; Com- pany Sergeant- Major (Instructor), Corps of the School of Musketry. Dines, Herbert Sapsford (1915-19) ; Quartermaster- Sergeant, R.E. ; France 2 years 10 months. Dohoo. Arthur Godfrey (1916-19) ; Lieutenant, R.A.S.C. ; France 4 months. Doughty, Ernest (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Middlesex Rgt. ; (Gibraltar 4 months ; France 2 years 8 months. Driver, Frederick George (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, R.A.M.C, Loyal N. Lanca- shire Rgt. and R. Welch Fusiliers ; France 1 year 9 months. Duncan, Adam (1915-19); M.S.M. ; Sergeant, R.A.V.C. ; France 3 years 5 months. Eames, Frank Wells (1914-19) ; Major, London Rgt. ; France 7 months, Mace- donia 6 months, Palestine 14 months. East, Edward Samuel (1916-19) ; Cor- poral, Royal Marine Light Infantry. Edey, Edwin Charles (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 8 mouths. Ellsmoor, Frank James Brian (1915-19) ; Serbian Gold Medal ; Staff Sergeant- Major, R.A.S.C. ; Near East 3 years 9 months. Emary, Walter (1916-19) ; Corporal, London Rgt. Eton, Ernest (1914-19); D.S.O., Twice mentioned in despatches ; Lieut. -Colonel, R.F.A. ; France 3 years, Egypt and Palestine 5 months. Fageant, Henry Charles (1917-19) ; Corporal, A.P.C. Farrell, Arthur Patrick Joseph (1915- 19) ; Corporal, London Rgt. ; Franco 6 months. Ferguson, Thomas William (1915-19) ; Signaller, R.O.A., and Sapper, R.E. ; France 3 years. ii8 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Field, William George (101 1-1!)) ; Lieii- tonaiit, Middloscx- and Wiltsliirc lists. ; Gibraltar (> inontli-i, Kjrypt 8 months, France 2 years G niontlis. Field. William Thomas (101 1-10); Private, Tt. \V. Surrey Ku't . and Lal)our Corps ; France 1 years inontlis. FitzPatriok, John (1914-20) ; Captain, praded D.A.Q.M.G., December 1917 to April 191S ; Inns ot Court O.T.C. and Manchester list. ; France 1 2 months. Meso- potamia and India 9 months, Palestine 1 year S months, Fsrypt 2 months. Flawn, Charles Leslie (1911-19); Sec- Lieutenant, London and N. StalTordshiro rigts.. Labour Corps, and It.A.F. ; Malta 4 months, France 1 I months. Fletcher, Nora Ida (lOlS-19) ; Mechanic- Driver, U.A.S.C. ; France G months. Flint. Joseph (1915-19); Captain, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 1 1 months. Flynn, Daniel Hender (1911-19); Sec- Lieutenant, R. Bucks Hussars and R.F.A.; France 9 months, Palestine 7 months. Forbes, William (1914-19) ; Private. London Usrt. (U.D.C.). Fox, John (1914-15) ; Trooper, Surrey Yeomanry. French. Albert Joseph (1915-19) ; Sap- per, H.E. ; France 2 years. French. Stanley Frederick (1915-19) ; Private, R.A..M.('. ; France 5 months. Friedson, Nathan (1915-19); Driver, R.F.A., and Intelligence Agent, InU-lli- gence Corps ; France 2 years 6 months ; Germany fi months. Friend. Robert Ernest (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, London Rgt., E. Surrey R-Jrt. and R.A.S.C. ; France 12 months, Salonica 6 months. Frost, James Kesterton (1915-16); Pri- vate, Home Count ies Divisional Cyclist Co. Fuller, Harry Walter (1915-19) ; Lieu- tenant, London Kc:t. ; France 9 months. Furness, Harold (1915-19); Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 11 mouths. Gardner, Harry John (1915-19); Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 7 months. *Gaskell, Arnold Joseph (1910-18); Sec- Lieutenant, Middlesex and R. W. Surrey Rgts., and Xorlolk Yeomanry ; Franco 1 month ; Kiilt-d in action, 2nd November, 1918. Gaylard, Norman Samuel (1011-19); Sec-Lieutenant, Middlesex Rgt., 15th 15n. London Rgt., and K.A.F. ; Gibraltar 7 months, Egypt S months, France 5 months. Gibbons, Harold (1911-17); Private, London Rgt. ; l-'rauce :i months. Gibson, Archie Leonard (1915-19) ; Private, U.A..^1.C. ; France 7 months, Salonica 7 months, Palestine 17 months, Egypt 2 mo!iths. Gordon, Frank Allen (1915-19) ; Lieu- tenant, Macliine Gun Corps ; Franco 16 mouths. Gordon, Patrick (1914-19); Sergeant. London Kgt., Kitle Brigade, and Machino Gun Corps ; Malta (i nienths, Gailipoli 5 months. Salonica 12 months, Egypt and Palestine 2 years G mouths. Gould, Herbert Wadeson (1915-19); Sergeant, It.A.M.C. ; Fraiu'C 2 years G moiitlis. Gould, Sydney Albert (1915-19); Men- tioned in despatches • Staff Sergeant- Major, R.A.S.C. ; Mesopotamia 2 years 5 months. Grant, Samuel Sutherland (IOIG-19); Private, K.A.I''. ; Fraiiei- 4 months. Green, Frank Barnes (1911-10); Com- pany Sergeant-.Major, King's Royal Ilillo Corps and Ritle Brigade ; France 14 month-:. Green, Walter Barnes (191 1-19) ; M.S.M.; Sergeant, IGth Bn. London Rgt.; France i years 4 months. Griffiths, Ronald Henry (1915-19); Sergeant, London Rgt and King's .Vfrician Rifles ; France 6 moutlw, East Africa 10 months. Grigs, Herbert (1916-19) ; Victualling Assistant, R.N'. ; Sea service, ;{rd Battle Squadron and 7th Light Cruiser S(iuadron (Grand Fleet), 2 years 4 months. Guiton, Martin Joseph (1014-18); Cor- poral, 15th Bn. Lr)udon Rgt. ; France 1 year 7 months. Gunn. John Ballantine (1915-19) ; Start Sergeant-.Major, R.A.S.C. ; Egypt 6 months, France 12 months. East Africa 1 year 9 months. Hadgraft. Edwin Tidman (1917-19); Cori)ora), lOssex Rgt. au'l .\.P.C. Hales. Edward Louis (191G-19) ; Vic- tualling Assistant. R.X. ; Light CruLser Squadron, Grand Fleet, 12 months ; Store- keeper and Engineer's Writer. East Africa 1 year 10 montlis. Hall, Edwin Thomas (1915-19) ; Lance- Corporal, IGth Bn. London Rgt. ; France 1:5 months, Macedonia 6 moutlis, Palestine 12 months. Hall, Henry Finden (191G-19) ; M.S.M. ; Bombardier, R.G.A. Hall, John Alfred (1915-19); Sec- Lieutenant, R.A.M.C. and Tank Corps ; France 1 year 8 months. Hall, Norman Heaton (1916-17); Sapper, R.E. Hamlyn, Herbert (1918-19) ; Clerk, R.A.K. Harding, William Ewart (1915-19); Private. Royal Mariiu^ Light Inlantry. Hardy, Harold Ivan (1911-19); Men- tioned in despatches : Captain, 5th Bn. London Rgt. and R.G.A. ; Franco 10 months. Hare, Edward (1915-19);' Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 3 years. ♦Harries, Stanley (1915-16) ; Rifleman, King's Royal Rillc Corps ; Died, .'lOth November, 1916. Harris, Frederick George (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, 23rd Rn. Royal Fusiliers and Middlesex Rgt. ; France 12 months. Hart, John Yealand (1916-19) ; 2nd Cor- poral, London Electrical Engineers. R.E. Hartill, Ernest Arthur (1915-19) ; Staff Sergeant-.Major, R.A.S.C. ; Egypt 3 mouths, France 3 years. 119 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE *Havell, Eric Tunbridge (1914-1.')) ; Private, J^. Sussex Kfft. ; Franco 1 month ; Killed in action, '2()th September, 1915. Hawley, Henry Nathan (1916-19) ; Corporal, A. P.O. *Haycraft, Leonard Courteney (1914-16) ; 8ec.-Lieuteuatit, Ijondon llgt. ; France 12 months ; Killed in action, 7th October, 191G. Hayden, Bernard Rondeau (1915-18) ; laentenant, loth Bn. London Rgt. and Machine Giua Corps ; France 2 years, Italy 4 months. Healy, Christopher Francis (1914-19); M.C., C^'roix de Guerre (Beige), Mentioned in despatches ; Ijieut. -Colonel, li. Innis- kilJing Fusilici-s and R. Dubhn Fusiliers ; Dardanelles 3 months. Franco 2 years 11 months. Heddon, Percy William Selman (1915) ; Staff Sergeant- Major, R.A.S.C. Henderson, Ernest Alfred (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.ISI.C. ; France 4 years. Henderson, Percival (1915-19) ; Captain, E. Sm-rey Rgt. and R.E. ; France 3 years. Henrich, Albert Sims (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, 15th Rn. Loudon Rgt. ; France 1 year 9 months. Hertel, Louis (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Middlesex Rgt. and R.A.S.C. ; Gibraltar 6 months, Egypt 3 years 6 months. Hewkley, Stanley George (1914-17); Lance-Corporal, Middlesex Rgt. and 5th Bn. London Rgt. ; Gibraltar 6 mouths, Egj'pt 11 months, Franco 4 months. Hill, George John Albert (1914-16); Sec. -Lieutenant, R. Sussex Rgt. ; Jlalta 8 mouths, Egypt 4 months. *Hird, William Honour (1914-16) ; Pri- vate, Middlesex Rgt. and 5th Bn. London Rgt. ; Gibraltar 6 months, Egyi)t 8 months, France 4 months ; Killed in action, 10th September, 1916. Hirst, Hubert (1916-19) ; Private, R.F.A. and R.A.S.C. *Hitchcock, Charles James (1914-17) ; Private, ;ird Comity of London Yeomanry (Sharpshooters) and Machine Gun Corps (Cavalry) ; Gallipoli, Egypt and Palestine 2 years ; Died of wounds, 28th October, 1917. Hitchcock, WilUam Henry (1916-18) ; Private, London and Middlesex Rgts. ; Fraueo 2 years 2 mouths. Hodgson, Frederick Sewell (1916-19) ; 2nd Writci-, R.N. Holmes, Adrian Philip (1916-19) ; Ser- geant, E. Surrey and Bedfordshire Rgts. ; India 2 years 3 months. *Holmes, Percy William Tompsett (1914- 18) ; Lance Coriioral, R.A.M.C;. ; France 2 years ; Died of wounds, 13th March, 1918. Holyoak, Albert Henry Perkins (1915- 19) ; Licutonynt, R.A.S.C. and Supply and Transiiort Corps, Indian Army ; Mesopotamia 2 year.s 6 months, India 6 month-. Hopkins, Cecil Romboy (1910-19); CorjKjral, R.A.F. (Canadian Training Srjuadron and School of Aerial Fighting) ; Canada 18 months, U.S.A. 6 month.s. *Horsler, Gilbert (1914-16) ; Lance- Corporal, Bedfordshire Rgt. ; Died, 3rd May, 1916. Howe, Frederick Arthur (1916-19) ; Sergeant, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France and Germany 2 years. Howell, Ralph Charles (1916-19) ; Private, E. Surrey Rgt., Gordon High- lander.s and Scottish Horse. Hummel, Philip George (1914-19) ; Able Seaman, R.N.V.R. ; Sea service. Grand Fleet, 4 years 6 months. Hutchins, Frank Abberly (1916-19) ; Private, Northamptonshire and Essex Rgts. Hutchinson, Bertram Hugh (191.5-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 9 months. Hyde, Frank William (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Rgts. ; France 18 months. Hyde, Leslie Cornelius (1914-19) ; Sec- Lieutenant, Seaforth Highlanders and Middlesex Rgt. ; France 2 years 10 months. Izzard, Frank William (1916-19) ; Cor- poral, King's Royal Rifle Corps. Jackson. Frank Whitford (1914-19); D.S.O., Thrice mentioned in despatches ; Major, R.A.S.C, graded for pay as D.A.A.G., 1919 ; Franco 5 years 2 months. Jackson, Joseph Frank (1915-19) ; 2nd Corporal, London Electrical Engineers, R.E. Jacobs, Robert Tom (1917-19) ; Cor- poral, Royal Fusiliers, attached A.P.C. Jervis, Edward Stanley (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.IM.C. ; Macedonia 2 years 3 months, Dardanelles 3 months. Jervis, Tom Edward (1916-19) ; Ser- geant, R.A.M.C. Johnson, Frederick John (1916—19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.C. * Johnston, William (1916-17); Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 6 months ; Died of wounds, 19th April, 1917. Jones, Margaret (1917-19); O.B.E. ; Commandant, Women's Corps, Navy and Army Canteen Board. Jordan, Edwin James (1915-19); Pri- vate, S. Staffordshire Rgt., and Sapper, R.E. ; France 2 years. Keefe, Arthur Percy (1916-19) ; Cor- poral, R.A.S.C. Kennedy, Frederick Robert Alfred (1914- 19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 year.s 6 months. * Kenny, Laurence Henry (1914-16) ; Sec. - Lieutenant, Inns of Court O.T.C. and Suffolk Rgt. ; France ; Killed in action, 26th June, 1916. Kiloh, Alfred Petrie (1915-19) ; Engineer Clerk Quartermaster-Sergeant, R.E. (Esta- blishment for Engineer Services) ; France 2 years. King, Herbert Walter (1915-19) ; Cor- poral, R.A.O.C. ; Dardanelles 6 mouths, Egypt, Palestine and Red Sea, 3 years 2 nionths. Kirby, Harry Richard (1918-19) ; Clerk, R.A.F. I20 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE KniRht, Arthur Stanley (1916-19) ; Serjeant, R.A.I'. Knight, William Moss (1911-19); Cor- poral, London l{f,'t. ; Franco 2 years 2 mouths. Laird, Arthur Robert (1917-19); Cor- poral, K.A.F. Laird, Kenneth (1917-19) ; 1st Air Clerk, R.A.F. *Lambe, Frederick William (191.'i-in) ; Sec.-LioiiUiKUit. K.A.M.(;. ami N'orfolk (attaclicd K. Herksliiro) K^t. ; Fnuico 2 rnoiiths ; Died of wounds, 10th Novem- ber, 1910. Lanfrman, Andrew William Fenton (1911- I'i); Mentioned in de.'^oatches ; Lieut. -Colonel, 2/7 tli London Ihicrade, R.F.A. Lardent, George Alfred (1918-19) ; Air Mechanic (3rd Class), ll.A.F. Ledger, Ebenezer Frederick (1915-19); Lance Corporal, 11. E. (Field Survey Com- pany) ; France 2 years. Libby, William Percy (1915-19) ; Cor- poral, ii.A.v.c:. Liddall, William James (1916-19) ; Staff- Sers'-ant, I{.A.O.C. Littlewood, Alexander Bowman Ufl5- 19) ; Private, Koyai Marino Jjight Infantry. Loder, John Edward (191,5- 19) ; FJiffht- Sergcant, 11 A. F. Lomax, William Edward (191.5-19); Gunner, H.F.A. ; Fmricc 2 years 1 month. Lucey, Robert Gray (1914-18) ; Ser- geant, ]{. W. Smrey Kst. ; Franco (overseas draft-conducting X.C.O.). McCafferty, Alexander (1917-19) ; Clerk, R.A.F. MoComb, Joseph (1916-19); Gunner, R. ISIarine \rtiliery. McKechnie, James V/ilson (1917-19) ; Leading Aircraftsman, R.A.F. MoKenna, Curtin (1915-19); Lieu- tenant, India Army Reserve of Officer-: ; Mesopotamia 6 months, India 2 yearti 6 months. MacKeown, Samuel Ellison (1914-19) ; Sec.-Iiientenant, Oxfordshire and Buck- inghamshire Light Infantry, and Worces- tershire Rgt. ; France 12 months. Macnamara. William Herbert (1915- 19) ; Corporal, 18th 15n. London Rgt., and A.P.C. Mahony, Henry Edward (1914) ; Private, Inns of Court O.T.C. Manser, Herbert William Carr (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.IO. ; Pal"stine, Fgypt and Cyprus, 2 years. Margach, Thomas Harvey (1914-19); Sergeant, Seaforth IJigtiianders ; Franco 1 year 7 months. Marlborough, George (1914-19) ; Scc- Lieutcnant, R.A.M.C and ll.A.F. ; Franco 3 years 4 months. Marshall, Alfred William Neame (1914- 16) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France 7 months. Mason, Edwin Alexander Young (1916- 19) ; r.ii'iitciiant, Irish Onards and Lein- ster Rgt. ; France and Kgyiit 7 months. *Mason. Harry William Kirkland (1914- 18) ; I'rivate, R. W. Kent Rgt. ; Franco 1 year 4 months; Missing, 24th April, 1918. Matthews, Charles (1916-19) ; Sergeant, R.G.A. ; Franc/^ 5 months. May, Charles Reginald (1917-19) ; Leading Aircraftsman, n..\.F. Mellor, Samuel H.-\ll (1914-19)- Cor- yioral, H. lierksliire Itgt. ; France 2 yearn 4 montlis. Metcalfe, Alfred Lucien Gustave (1915- 19) ; .Sapper, R.K. ; Fi-ance 3 yeara. Metcalfe, Henry John (1917-19); Vic- tualling Assistant, R.N. ; Sea service, 4th Battle S(|uadron, 7 montlts. Middlemiss, Philip Maclagan (1911-19); Lance-Corjioral, (J.\ford-liire and Buck- inghamshire Light Infantry and Labour Cori)s ; France 2 years 7 months, Italy 10 montlis. Miller, Percy Ellis (1915-19) ; M.S.M. ; Colovir-Sergeant, R. \.S.C. and Labour Corps ; France 3 years 9 months. ♦Miller, Walter Augustus (1916-19/; Civilian Radiographer (as Major), R.A.M.C; Died of pneumonia, 2nd March, 1919. Mitchell, .William Edward (1915-19) ; Sergeant- !Maj or, R.K. Moloney, Thomas James (191.5-17); Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 9 months. Momber, Hugh (1915-19) ; Corj'oral, R.F.A. anabour Corps, and Xortlmiiibcrland Fusiliers. *Oates. Herbert Prudent (1915-17); Sec. - Lieutenant, llnivcrsitv of London O.T.C., 2Sth Bn. London Rgt., and King's Liverpool l?e:t. : France 9 montiis ; Killed in action, 20th September, 1917. O'Brien, Jeremiah (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.E. ; France 2 years 7 months. O'Donnell, Timothy (1911-19); Com- pany Quartermaster-Sergeant, Rifle Bri- gade and Machine Gun Corps ; France 3 yeais 7 months. *Opie, John (1914-19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France and Germany 4 years; Died, 17th February, 1919. *Osborn, Henry (1914-1!*) ; Lance- Corporal, 16th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 3 months, Salonica 10 mouths, Egypt and Palestine 10 months ; Killed in action, 30th April, 191S. Ostler, Wilfred Ewart (191 1-19); MS.M.; .Sergeant, R.A.?>I.C. ; France 4 years 2 months. Oswald, Harold Robert (1915-19); M.C. : Lieutenant, 2Sth Bn. London Rgt., Welch Rgt., and King's Liverpool Rgt. ; France 1 8 months. Owen, Robert John (1916-19) ; M.S.M. ; Stall-Sergeant Instructor, A.G.S. ; France 11 months. Page, Charles Henry (1915-19) : Pri- vate, Eoyal Marine Light Infantry. Painton, Walter (1914-19); Major, P.A.S.t;. ; France 3 years. Palmer, Henry (1914-19); Private, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Parker, John Wortley (1916-19); Cor- poral, R.A.M.C. ; France 1 year 10 months. Parkes, Walter (1914-19); D.S.O., M.C. and Bar, Chovalier of the Legion of Honour, Thrice mentioned in despatches; Lieut. Colonel, South Wales Borderers and Gloucestershire Rgt. ; France 3 years 6 months. Parsons, Charles Stanley (1915-19); Sergeant, P.. A. M.C. ; Italy 2 years 2 months. Pashler, Percy William (1915-19) ; Cori)oral, loth Bn. T^ondon Rgt. ; France 4 months East Africa 9 months. Pearse, Albert Thomas (1914-19) ; Transport .S';vgeant, Loudon Rgt. ; India 4 j-ears. Percy, John Ephraim (1915-19) ; Lance- Corpor.il, R.E. Perry, Arthur Evenden (1916-19); Pri- vate, Essex Rgt. and R.A.O.C. ; France 2 j-ears 4 months. *Petrie, Henry Lawson (191.5-16) ; Sec.- Lieutenant, P.. A. .M.C. and King's Own Scottish Borderers ; France 1 month ; Killed in action, 3(itli July, 1910. Pitkin, Walter Stanley (1914-19): Ser- geant, 15th Jin. London Rgt. and Maohino (lun <;orps : France 6 months, Salonica 18 n.onths. Polley, Joseph Samuel (191.5-19) ; StafT- Sergeant-Major, R.A.S.C. ; France 1 year 11 months. Potter, Charles Gerald (1915-19) ; Lieu- tenant. London Rgt. ; France 1 year 7 months. Potter, Edmund Victor (1916-19) ; Rifle- man. King's Royal Rifle Corps and llifie Brigade ; France 10 months. Prisoner of M'ar in Germany 7 months. Pratt, William Henry (1915-19); Cor- poral, R.A.V.C. ; France 1 year, Italy IS months. Prickett, Harry (1915-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Lieutenant, Lancashire Fusiliers ; France 3 years. Pride, Arthur John (1915-19); Sergeant, R.A.S.C. ; Mesopotamia 18 months. Pullen, Harry George (1915-19) ; Signal- man, R.N.V.R. ; Sea service, 10th Ouiser Souadron and Dover Patrol, 3 years. Putley, Walter Meller (1916-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. and Labour Corps, attached R.F.A. Putnam, Tom Clarke (1915-19) ; Lieu- tenant, London lis:t. and India^n Army ; France 8 months, India 2 years 3 months. Pye, Robert Arthur (1915-19) ; Sergeant, ri,..V.F. ; Fi'ance 3 years 2 months. Rapley, Edward (1916-19) ; Private, London Rgt. and Labour Corps. *Rapson, Harold Thomas (1914-18) ; Captam, R. W. Kent and Manchester Rgts. ; France 10 montlL^ ; l>ied of wounds, while a prisoner of war, 23rd March, 1918. Rayment, Alfred John (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; France 2 years 10 months. Reader, WiUiam Henry (1916) ; Private, R. Sussex and Hertfordshire Rgts. Redmond, John Raymond (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.S.C. ; France 15 months, Italy 13 months. ReiUy, Bernard Patrick (1914-18); Lieutenant, Be.lfordshire and R. Berk- shire Rgts. ; Sftlonica 18 monthr. Rice, Thomas Henry (1916-19); Sec- Lieutennnt, R.G.A. ; France 1 year 8 months. Richards, John Elsom (1915-19) ; 2nd Corporal, P.A.O.C. and London Rgt. ; Egypt 2 years 4 montlis, Palestine and Syria 1 year. Ridout, Edmund George (1914-19); CouiTiany Quartermaster-Sergeant, Sea- forth Highlanders ; France 9 months. Ridpath, Henry Samuel (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 11 month.'^. Roberts, Arthur Owen (1915-17); Sergeant, R.A.S.C. ; France 1 year. *Robson, Harry Charles (1914-17); CJompanv S°rgeant-Major, R. W. Surrey I{gt. ; France 4 months ; Killed in action, 4th October, 1917. Rose, Frederick (1915-19); Captain, commanding 19th and 46th Sanitary Sections, Ii..\.M.C. ; Egypt and Palestine 2 years 2 mouths, Mesopotamia 1 year, India antl South Africa 4 months. 122 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Rowe, Edward Coe (lOKJ-l'J); Writer (Ist Class) l{..N. Rule, Henry Alexander (I'M 7-1 9); Private, H.A.M.C. ; K^yi t and Palestine IS months. Ryder, Herbert John Spackman (lOlfi- 19); Private, Essex llgt. ; France 14 month«. Ryder, Richard Chappie (1!)15-17) ; IJoniljardier, U.K. A. ; France 2 months. Sargent, Alfred George (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, l.jlli bn. London Kgt. ; France 11 months. ♦Soowcroft, James (191G-17) : Rifleman, IGth Hn. Lon(h)n Ulia 5 months. Spratt, William Richard (191 J-19) ; Staff Sergeant Major, U.A.S.C. ; Balkans 3 years 1 month-. ♦Stevens, Albert Ernest (1914-16); Laucc- Corporal, London Kgt. ; France 6 weeks ; Killed in action, 3r I Augiist, 1916. Stock, William Frederick (1915 19) ; ScrKcant, R.A.V.C. ; Egypt 3 years 1 month ; Salonic.a 2 nionths. *Stokes, John Hill (1914-15); M.C. ; Cai)tain. R. W. Kent Rgt., attached R. Bi^rkslsire Kirt. : France 5 months ; L>ied of wounds. 22nd March, 1915. Stone, John (1915-19); Captain and Ouartennaster, R A.M.C. ; France 3 years, Italy 3 months. Stow, Alfred Thomas (1914-19); Cor- I>oral, < txfcrdshirr and liuckingliamshiro Liglil Infantry ; Iranie 1 year S months. Sturgess, Jesse Edwin '1914-19); Cor- poral Middlesex Rgt., Lahoiir Corp.'., and A.P.C. ; (Jil)ra!tar 7 months, Egypt C mnntli-^, l'"ratu-e 7 montiis. SulUvan, Patrick (191(>-19); Private, R. W. Surrey and Bedfordshire Rgts., and Labour Corps. ♦Summers, Robert Rendel (191.'— 17); Corporal, llonoiii-ihlc .\!-tillcry Company; France 4 months ; Missing, 3rd May, 1917. ♦Swanson, Ernest (1911-17); Serge;<.nt, Mi-1^) ; Corporal, London and R. W. Surrey Rpts., and Labour Corps. Topping, Charles John Hill (1915-19); M.S.M. ; Stair SergeantMajor, R..\.S.C. ; France '■". years 8 months. Tripp, Cecil Lewis (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; 1' ranee 1 year 7 months. Tucker, Harry Castledine (1916-19) ; Corporal, .\.I'.C. Turner. Alfred Ernest (1914-19): Men- ti)ned in de- 1.. itches : Lieutenant, .Middli.'- sex R'-'t. and Machine Gun Co.ps; (iibraltar 6 months, France 2 years, Mesopotamia IS months, India 6 mouths. Turner, George Bailly (1915-19) ; StafT- Sergeant, R.A..M.C. ; France 3 years 6 months. Turvey, George Sidney U915-19) ; Ser- geant, R.A.V.C. 123 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Tyson, Gilbert Burrows (191C-19) ; FJight-Sergeaut, R.A.F. Vincent, Reginald John (1917-19) ; Aircraftsmau (2ud Class), R.N. and R.A.F. Vinton, William Joseph (1914-19) ; Private, i.Iiddlescx Rc?t. and Machine Gun Corps ; Gibraltar 6 months. Franco 1 ypar 9 months. Wadey, James Edwin (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, It A.^I.C'. ; Macedonia 2 years 3 months, Galli])oli 4 months. Walker, Frank Wilden (1916-19) : Lance- Bombardier, R.F.A. ; Franco .and Ger- many 14 months, Italy 4 months. Walker, Simon Robert Wensley (1914- 19) ; Lieutenant, Loudon Rgt. ; France 14 months. Walker, Stanley Hone (1915-19); Sif?- naller, R.F.C. and Lancasliiro Fnsiliers ; France 2 years 2 n\ontlis. Wall, Henry John (1914-18) ; Able Seaman, R. Naval Division ; Antwerp, October, 1914 ; interned in Holland 4 years 1 month. " Wallington, Albert Walter (1916-19); Russian Silver iModal (St. Stanislaus) ; Sergeant, R.G.A. ; Russia 2 years 2 months. Wallis, Hugh Stanley (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, 19th Hussars, and York and Lancaster Rgt. ; France 3 years. Wallis, John Primmer (1916-19); First \Ariter, R.N. : Sea service, 3rd Battle Squadron and 7th Light Cruiser Squadron (Grand Fleet), 2 years 3 months. Warren, Frank Mountain (1914-19); Private, R.A.S.C. (H. and M.T.) ; India 3 montlis, Mesopotamia 1 year 9 months. Watts, Albert Fred (1916-19) ; Air Mechanic (1st Class), R.A.F. ; France 2 j'cars 3 montlis. Watts, Frank Potto (1915-19) ; Cor- poral, R.A.M.C . ; Franco 3 years 10 months. Weightman, Herbert (1914-19); Men- tioned in despatches ; Captain, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 1 month, Egypc 1 month, Salonica 2 years 10 months. Welsh, Laurence (1915-19); Mentioned in despatcheH ; Staff (J.iartermaster- Sergeant, R.A.S.C. Whiddington, John Chilvers Reginald (1!']C-19) ; Company Sergeant-.Major (Instructor), Cori)s of the School of Musketry ; France (inspecting), June, 1918. Whitaker, Fred (1915-19); Lancc- Corponil, Arinv Cvclist Corps, Scottish Rifles, Royal Scots and A.P.C. Whitaker, Frederick WilUam (1916-19) ; Leading Aircraftsman, R.A.F. ; I'ranco 2 years 3 months. White, Edwm Charles (1914-19); Cap- tain, R.F.A. ; I'rance 1 year 7 months, Mesopotamia and Persia 1 year 8 month'', India 2 montlis. Willoocks, George James (191.5-19); M.M. ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 1 nionth. Willey, John Charles .1915-19) ; Men- tioned in dcspatclies ; (Quartermaster- Sergeant, Corps of the School of Musketry ; France (inspecting), June, 1918. Williams, Richard Bonner (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Corporal, London Rgt. ; France 2 years. Willmot, Wilham George (1916-19); Paymaster Sub-Li<;utenant, R.N.V.R. ; Sea service, Northern Patrol, 2 years. Willson, Frank Edwin (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, R.I<'.A. and Middlesex Rgt. ; France 10 month«. Wilson, John Williams (1915-19); Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; France 8 months, Italy 10 months. Winter, Charles (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 4 months. Withers, Edward Henry (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R..V.M.C. ; France 1 year 10 months. Withers, George Willi.im (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Bedfordshire Rgt. ; France i year. Young, William Henry (1914-19); Regimental Sergeant- Major, 14th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 4 months. Industrial and Special Schools *Archer, Charles (1916); Private, R. Sussex Rgt. ; France 7 weeks ; Missing, 23rd July, 1916. ♦Bailey, James (1914-15) ; Private, R. Sussex Rgt. ; France 6 months ; Killed in action, 9th May, 1915. *Batchelor, Henry Joseph (1916-18); Private, Northamptonshire and York and Lancaster Rgts. ; France 2 years ; Killed in action, 1st October, 1918. Boneham, Harry (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, General List ; France 4 years 9 months. Cheek, James Alfred (1918) ; Private, R. Marine Engineers. *Chorley, Percy (1916-17); Sapper, R.E. ; France 7 months ; Killed in action, 2nd May, 1917. Christian, George Frederick (1910-19); Private, R.A.S.C. Davies, Henry (1918-19) : Private, W. Riding Rgt. ; France 7 months. Denman, Frank Charles (1914-lS) ; Sergeant, Notthighamshire and Derby- shire Rgt. ; Franco 1 year. Drew, William Henry (1914-19) ; StafT- Sergeant, R.A.S.C. ; Galiipoli 9 months. Evans, Edward (1914-16) ; Stafl-Ser- geant. Honourable Artillery Company ; France 8 months. Fowler, John George (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, London Rgt. ; France 2 years. Gibson, James (1915-19); M.M. and Bar ; Sergeant, R. A M.C. ; France 2 years 4 month'!. Grifliths, Samuel (1916-18); -Private, Welsh Guards ; l''rancc 14 months. Henderson, William Louis (1918-20) ; Company Quartermaster- Sergeant, Bed- fordshire Rgt. ; Franco 5 months. 124 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Hillyard. 'rriimpetcr, mout.hs. James K.E. ; Richard i''i';uico (1916-19): 2 years Holder. Alfred Sidney (1910-19) : Stoker (iBt Class), R.M. ; ^o^th Sea 2 jears 8 mouths. *Jarratt, Henry William Emmanuel (1914- 15) ; Sergeant, Coldsti-eam Cjii-.irds; l-'raneo 4 rnontlLs ; Killed in action 4tli i' ebruarj , 1915. Johnson, Leonard Charles (1914-19) ; Serffcant, Snirey Yeomanry ; Dardanelles 8 months, Egypt 5 months. Keep, William Henry (191 1-191 ; Sapper, R.E. ; Franco 1 years 5 montlis. Landels, Walter (1915-19); Private, Seaforth Tlighlanders : Mesopotamia 2 years. Livingstone, John Stewart (191.V20) ; O.B.E. ; Captain, Middlesex Rgt. ; Franco 2 years 9 mouths. Lyons, William (1917-19); Driver, K.F.A. ; Fi'ance 2 years. Markland, George (191G-19) ; Sec- Lientcnaut, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; SaloQica 10 months. Miles, Albert George (1915-19) ; Rifle- man, King's Royal Rille Corps ; France 2 yeart'. Palmer, George Edward (1917-19) ; Bombardier, R.G.A. ; France 1 year 11 montli.^. Parker, Albert (1914-18); Sergeant, London Ri?t. ; France 3 months. Parkins, Frederick (1914-19) ; Company Scrgeant-M;\jor, Grenadier Guards ; France 18 months. PhilUps, Walter Philpin (1914-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Lieutenant, Welch Rgt. ; Egypt 3 years 6 mouths. Pimm, WiUiam (1915-18) ; Private, R.A.O.C. ; France 2 years 11 months. Prangnell, Ernest George (1914-19); Sergeant, R.W. Smrey Rgt. ; India 2 years 9 months. Pratt, Albert Edward (1915-19); Twice meutioned in despatches ; Captain, King's Liverpool Rgt. ; France 3 years 2 months. Seal, John Everitt (1914-19) ; Squadron Quartermaster- Sergeant, 21?t Lauccrs. Smeeth. Herbert Percy (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, Durham Light Infantry ; Franco 4 years. *Stevens, Henry John (1914-15); Ser- geant, Durham Light Infantry ; France 6 months ; Killed iu action, 10th March, 1915. Taylor, Harry (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; Salouica 2 years. Way, William George (1915-18) : Scr- gcant-Major, R.F.A. Webber. William (1914-19); Sergeant, R.A.V.C. ; Fi-anee 4 years 7 months. West, George Edward (1917-19); Pri- vate. R. W. Kent Rgt. ; F^rauce 1 year 10 months. Wilton, Albert Eugene (1914-19); Corijoral, R.F.A. ; France 3 months, Macedonia 2 years 7 montlis. Secondary Schools and Training Colleges Barnett. William (191;>-19) ; Sergeant, R.W. Kent Rgt. and Machine (Jun Corps ; Franco and Germany 3 years 6 months. Best, Henry William (1915-18); Com- pany Sergeant-Major, R.E. *Blanchard, Frank (1914-15) ; Company Sergeant-Major, Royal Marine Light Infantry ; (Jallipoli 4 months ; Killed in action, 25tU May, 1915. ♦Bristowe, Albert Edward (19M-l(i) ; Sergeant, Rille Brigade ; France 1 year ; Killed in action, 7th August, 1916. ♦Cater, Charles (1914); Private, North- uniherlaiul Fusiliers ; Franco 2 months ; Missing, 8th November, 1914. Edwards, George (1916-17) ; Corporal, R. W. Surrey Rgt. : France 6 montlis. Evans, Walter James (1915-19) ; Cor- poral, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 1 month. Gamble, Harry William James (1915- 19) ; La!ice-Corporal, London Rgt. ; France 10 months, Salouica 6 mouths, Egypt and Palestine 13 months. Gibson, James WilUam (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, Northumberlaud Fusiliers ; France 11 months. ♦Gordon. Frank (1914-16) ; Sergeant, Royal Marino Light Infantry ; Died, 23rd February, 1916. Gulliver. Arthur Charles (1914-19); Saddler, R.F.A. ; France 13 months. Jenner, Albert George (1914-17) ; Petty Officer, Stoker, R.N. ; North Sea and Western Patrol 6 months, Mediterranean 13 months. Home Waters 2 months. Kingston, Frank Henry (1915-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R.A.M.C. ; Macedonia 2 years 6 months. ♦Lavender, Walter Starling (1914-16) ; Acting-Corporal, 5th Lancers ; Died, 24th June, 1916. Leigh, Frederick Bertram (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.O.C. ; France 3 years 3 months. Pass, William (1915-19) ; Private, 15th Bu. London Rgt. ; France 7 months. Reding, Henry Edward (1914-19) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France 2 years. Russell, Alfred John (1916-19) ; Staff Sergeant-Major (Instructor, Lancing Col- lege O.T.C.), E. Kent Rgt. Salter, George Richard (1916) ; Private, London Rgt. Seaman, John Harold (1914-19) ; Gun- ner, R. Marine Artillery ; Nortliera Patrol 2 years 5 months, Mediterranean aud West Indies 14 months. Grand Fleet 3 months. Steadman, Alfred Frank (1916-19) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France 15 months. Prisoner of war in Germany 8 montlis. Taylor, Edwin Arthur (1915-19); Cor- poral. Stirrey Yeomanry ; France 4 months, Salouica 3 years 6 months. Taylor, George Thomas (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 1 year 8 months. 125 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Treves, Harry (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.H.A. ; France 4 years 2 montlis, Italy 4 inontlf*. Wheeler. Walter William (1915-19) ; Able t^eaman, IJ.X. ; Xoitl; Sea 4 year-;. *Wliitfield. William Peel (1915-17); Private, U. Lancast'T llgt. ; France G weeks ; Died of wounds, 28tli October, 1017. Woods, F, J. (1914-15); Private, K.A.M.C. *Wright, Alfred (1914-18); Private, London K'Jrt. ; France ; Died on service, December, 191 !<. Technical Institute and Schools of Art Biggs, George Daniel (1915-19) ; Petty Officer, R.A.F. Bolton, Albert (1914-19) ; Corporal, R.E. ; France 4 years 2 months. Bull, Henry Thomas (1914-17); Ser- geant, King's Own Scottish Borderers ; Franc<' 2 years. Buswell, William Davies (1915-19); Sapper, R.E. ; France 1 year. Clark, Edward John (1918-19) ; Clerk (3rd Class), R.A.F. Clark, Thomas Henry (1914-19) ; Stoker, R.N. ; Sea service 4 years, including 3 years' special service in submarine-net laying. Dawes, Albert Edward (1916-19) ; Sergeant- Farrier, R.A.O.C. Dawson, Charles George (1914-19) ; Corporal, R.A..S.C. ; France 4 years. Dix, Frederick Arthur (1914-17) ; M.M., Twice mentioned in despatches ; Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers ; France 6 months. EUum, Sydney (1915-19) ; Private, 15th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 5 months, Macedonia 9 months, Egypt and Palestine 16 months. El worthy. Albert Edward (1914-19) ; Acting Warrant Officer, Royal Marine Ligiit Infantry. Enness, Frederick Charles (1915-19) ; Private, Duke of Cornwall's Light In- fantry ; France 2 years 8 months. Foy, William (1914-19) ; Colour-Ser- geant, Royal Marines ; Grand Fleet 2 years. Freeman, Ralph Steven (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.O.C. Gazeley. Joseph Harry (1916-19) ; Air Mechanic (3rd Class), R.A.F. ; France 2 years 6 months. Gibson. Edward (1914-19); Staff- Sergeant, R.A.V.C. ; France 2 years. Hemington. WiUiam Henry (1915-19); iJriver, R.l'.A. ; l<"ranee 2 years 5 months. Hilditch, Albert Arthur (1917-19) ; Bom- baroli !;"> montlis, France 2 years; Died, 17tli Fehruury, 1919. Brunswick, Leopold Warren (1911-17) ; Company f>ergeant- Major, Royal Fusiliers and Labour Corps. Burrows, Percy (1911-19); Squadron Quartermaster-Seijicaiil, ll.A.S.C. (Ke- mounts) ; France 3 years (i months. Carpenter, Harry (1915-18) ; Sergeant, M.F.P. Castle, William Henry (1917-19) ; Lieutenant, It.D.C. Gates, Arthur Charles (1914-19); Sec- Lieutenaut, 2/1 7th Hn. London Rgt. and E. Surrey Kgt. ; l''rance G months, Salonica 7 months, Egypt and Palestine 9 months. Chipperfield, George James (1916-18) ; Private, loth 15n. London llgt. Clark, George (191.5-19); M.C., Men- tioned in despatches ; Q\iartermaster and Captain, 7th Bn. Shropshire Light In- fantry, 14th Bn. Devonshire Rgt. and General List. Clarke, Herbert Frederick (1915-19) ; Lieutenant, R.A.V.C. and R.D.F. Cobb, George Fincher (1916-19) ; Cor- poral, R.G.A. ; l<"rance 8 months. Collins, Martin Albert (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, R. Naval L)ivision and R.E. ; Gallipoli and Egypt 12 months, France 2 years. Concannon, Patrick (1914-16 and 1918- 20) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Captain, R.E. and Middlesex Rgt. ; Dardanelles 7 months. Craft, Thomas Henry (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, 2/lOth Bu. Middlesex Rgt. and 4/5th Bn. Welch Rgt. ; Gallipoli and Palestine 3 years 9 months. Cribb, Harry (1916-19) ; Lanoe-Sergeant, Sth Bu. Loudon Rgt. Cunningham, Michael Owen (1914-19) ; Bombardier, R.Ci.A. ; l<'rance 18 months, Salonica 12 months. Davis, Frank (1914-19) ; Quarter- master-Sergeant Instructor, R.E. Denney, John Michael (1916-19) ; Sergeant, R.G.A. Denny, Michael Lawrence (1915-19) ; Twice mentioned in despatches; Sergeant, R.A.S.C. (H.T.) ; Salonica 2 years 3 months. Army of the Black Sea 5 mouths. Dixon, John Henry (1914-18) ; Sergeant, London Rgt. and R.F.C. Dowsett, Albert Edward (1916-19) ; .\ir Mechanic (1st Class), R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. ; France 4 months. Doyle, George (1911-19); Staff Ser- geaiit-.Major, .Middlesex Kgt. and R..\.F. Cadets ; Kgy|)t Is montlis. Dunk, Joseph (1915-2(0 ; Mentioned in dispiitclies ; Lieut-euuiil , R.(i..V. and R.A.O.C. ; France 4 years. Fox, Henry Edward (1915-19); Bom- bardier, R.CJ.A. ; l''rance 2 years 5 montlts. Ganiford, Arthur James (1911-19); Corporal, lutli l!ii. London Kgl . ; Miidros an Sergoant-^Iajor. Redlordshire and Ilertfoidshiro Rgt. ; France 4 months. Head, Charles William (1918-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. *HeIps, John William (1914-18) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; Killed in action, 20th January, 1918. Hewitt, Albert (1910-19); Lancc- Scrgeant, Grenadier Guards. Hill, Albert Edward (1914-19) ; M.S.M. and Mentioned in despatches ; Staff Sergeant-Major, R.A.S.C. ; Franco 3 years 9 months. Hill, George Thomas (1914-16) ; Lancc- Corporal, 1{. Irish Rifles ; France G months. Hinton, Charles Ernest Edward (1915— 19) ; Sergeant, R.A.V.C. ; Egypt 3 years months. Hodges, Stephen Bennett Gold (1915- 18) ; Driver, R.A..S.C. ; France 8 months. Hollington, George Edmond (1916-19); Pioneer, R.E. ; France 2 years 5 months. I.^I RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Holloway, Sidney Herbert (1914-19) ; Corporal, 11. F. A. ; France 2 years 6 months. Howes, Robert Arthur (1914-18); Pri- vato, London ligt. and R.U.C. Hunt, John Henry (1915-19) ; Corporal of Horse, Lite Guards. Irving, John Henry (1915-19) ; Stall- Scrgeant, 11. F. A. Isaac, William Jesse (1915-lS) ; Chief Petty Officer, H.N. Izatt, Herbert John (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, Essex Kgt. ; Mesopotamia 2 years 3 months. James, Robert John (1914-19); Ser- geant, It. Marine Light Infantry ; Belgium 1 month. Johnson, James Robert (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.G.A. ; France 3 years 6 mouths. Johnson, Harry (1917-19) ; Sapper, E.E. Jones, James Samuel (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, Essex Rgt. ; France 1 year 10 months. Jude, Thomas (1916-18) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 10 months. Keel, William Frank (1916-19) ; Com- pany Sergeant- Major, London Rgt. Kennedy, Ernest William John (1915— 19) ; Private, Coldstream Guards ; France 1 year 7 months. Keys, Robert Ferguson (1914-19) ; Company Sergeaut-Major, Middlesex Rgt.; I'rance S months. *King, George Osmond (1914-18) ; Ser- geant, i'.G.A. ; France 3 years 9 months ; Died, 11th May, 191S. Knapman, Edward George (1916-19); Air Mechanic (1st Class), R.A.F. Lawrence, John (1914-19) ; Corporal, London I!gt. ; France 11 months. Lewis, Frederick (1916-19); Private, Grenadier Guards and It.A.O.C. Lewis, William Henry (1917-19) ; Men- tioned in desiialehes ; Company Sergeant- Major, ^V. Yorkshire Rgt. Chief Petty Liley, Albert (1914-19); Officer, R.N. Littlewood, Percy Walter (1915-19) ; Meiitioneil in despatches ; Corporal, Tank Corps ; I'rance 2 years 4 months. Love, George (1915-10); Corpora], E.A.S.C. (.M.T.) ; France 7 months. Lubbock, Edwin Henry (1914-19); Comi)any t^uartermaster-Sergeant, Lon- don l{gt. and R.IO. ; MarAMlonia, Egypt and I'alestine, 2 years 5 months. Lucas, Alfred Charles (1914-19); Ser- geant-Instructor, R. Fusiliers and Machine Gun CorjiH ; France 4 years 3 months. McLaren, Robert James Clark (1914-19); Gunner, R.l'.A. ; I'ranei^ 4 jears. Macleod, Roderick (1914-18); Chief Gunnery Instructor, R.N'.; H.M.S. Orama 3 years. Maher, Arthur John (1916-18); Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. ♦Malcolm, George (1914) ; Company Quartermaster - Sergeant, (jrenadier Guards ; France 4 months ; Killed in action, 20th December, 1914. Mallard. George (1914-19) ; Colour- Sergeant, R. Marino Liglit Infantry. Mansfield, Alfred (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 1 month, Salonica 2 years. Margetson, William Louis (1915-19) ; Rifleman, King's R. Rifle Corps and Labour Corps ; France 2 years. Marsh, William John (1916-19) ; Cor- poral, R.A.S.C. Martin, Wesley George (1917-19) ; Leading Aircraftsman, R.A.F. ; France 12 months. Meadows, John William (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 15 months. Meakins, Frederick (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R. Marine Light Infantry ; France 3 months, Dardanelles 3 months. Middlemiss, Ernest Thomas (1916-19) ; Aircraftsman, R.A.I'. Millard, John William (1918-19) ; Air Mechanic, R.A.F. *Miller, Albert Edward (1916-18) ; Pri- vate, London Rgt. ; France 18 months ; Missing. 21st March, 1918. Miller, George Theodore (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) and Labour Corps ; France 18 months. Mills, Harry (1914-18) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years, Mediterranean 5 months. Minhall, George James (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 6 months. Montgomery, James (1917-19) ; Air Mechanic (1st Class), R.A.F. Morris, Herbert Vaughan (1916-17); Air :Mechanic (2nd Class), R.A.F. ; France 12 months. Nash, James (1914-19) ; Private, R. Marine Light Infantry ; H.M.S. Euryalus and S.S. Adriatic 4 years 6 months. New, Horace Robert (1914-15) ; Quar- termaster-Sergeant, R. Marine Light Infantry ; France 4 months. Newman, Arthur Edward (1914-20); Regimental Sergeant-Ma j or, Durham Light Infantry ; Germany 10 months. Newman, Samuel Hugh (1915—19) ; Mechanic, R. Marine Artillery ; France 3 years 5 months. Nice, William George (1914-19) ; Lead- ing Signalman, R.N. ; Falkland Islands and South America 7 months, Dardanelles and Mediterranean 1 year 2 months, Grand Fleet 2 years 3 months. Nichol, Adam William (1916-19) ; Lance- R()ral)ardier, R.G.A. ; East Africa 10 montlis, France 10 months, Germany 9 months. Nichols, Arthur Demark (1914-16) ; Sergeant, Coldstream Guards ; France 17 months. Niool, Alexander (1914-18) ; Private, E. Surrey Rgt., and .Sapper, R.E. ; France 12 months. Norton, Henry George (1914-19); Squadron Sergeant-Major, 2nd Cavalry Rgt. and 4th Dragoons. 132 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE O'Brien, John (1914-17) ; Battery Sergeant- Major, K.F.A. Outlaw, Arthur Samuel (1918-19) ; Air ISlocliuiiic (liril Class), 1{.A.F. Page, Frank (191G-19) ; Air Mechanic (2nd Class), I5.A.F. Parfitt. George Alexander (1914-18); Company Sert,'eant-. Major, Northumber- land Fusiliers ; France 17 months. Parry, Thomas Edward (191(5-19); Private, R.A.F. Pawley, Charles (1915-19) ; Acting Sergeant, U.K. ; I" ranee 11 months. Pearce, Edward Harold (1918-19) ; Air- crat'tsman, K.A.F. Arthur Keinton (1915-19) ; Middlesex Rgt. ; Franco 3 Porter, Sergeant, years. Powell, Joseph William (1918-19) ; Pioneer, 11. Marino F.nginecrs. Raison, John Edward (1915-19) ; Petty Ollicer, K.X. ♦Raymond, Charles Arthur (1915-16) ; Lance-Corporal, R.W. .Surrey Rgt. ; France 5 months ; Killed in action, 8th October, 19 IC. Reece, Walter (1914-18) ; Battery Sergeant-Ma j or, R.F.A. ; Franco 12 months, Salonica 2 years. Rees, Archibald Richard (1915-20); Chief Petty Ollicer, R.N.A.S. ; France 12 months. Reynolds, Leonard Adams (1914-19) ; Colour-Sergeant, R. Marine Light Infantry; North Sea, Suez Canal and Gallipoli 1 year 9 months. Richardson, Frank (1918-19) ; Air Mechanic (2nd Class), R.A.F. Rix, Sidney William (1914-19) ; Able Seaman, Ounlayer, R.N. ; North Sea and Mediterranean 3 years 7 months. Rogers, George John (1915-19) ; Cor- poral, Rifle Brigade and Loudon Rgt. : India 3 years 6 months. Ropkins, Thomas (1915-19); Sapper, R.E. ; France 3 years 4 months. *Rubley, William (1914-10) ; Squadron Sergeant-.Maj'ir, Cavalry Rgt. ; France 18 months ; Died, 15th February, 1910. Sainsbury, William Francis (1915-17); Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 1 year 10 months. Sanders, Ernest William (1918-19) ; Private, Bedforilsliire and Hertfordshire and Sulfolk Rgts. *Sapsworth, George William (191()-17); Rilleman, King's R. Ritle Corps ; France 2 months ; Died of wounds, 1st March, 1917. Saunders, Thomas (1914-19) ; Sergeant- Major, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt 1 year 8 months. Saunders, William George (191G-19) ; Air Mechanic, R.A.F. ; France 3 months. Scholefield, James Edward (1914-19) ; Chief Petty OlHcer, Telegraphist, R.N. ; West Indies 4 years 3 months. Searby, George Stephen (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.V.C. Sears, Nelson (1914-19); D.S.M. ; Colour-Sergeant, R. Marine Light In- fantry ; H.M.S. Ilcrmione, etc., 3 years 2 months. Sewell, George Frederick (1914-lC and 1917-1^) ; Private, R. Scots, Driver, It.A.S.C. ; France 10 months. Sheldon, Francis !1917-19) ; Rifleman, King's i;. Rille Corps ; France months. Shepherd, George (1914-19); Colour- Sergeant. R. .Marine Light Infantry ; France 2 months, Germany (Prisoner of war) 4 years. Sibley, Edward James (1915-19); Pri- vate, i;.A..%LC. anil R..\.F. ; France 14 mont lis. Simmonds, Charles Thomas (1916-19); Air Mechanic, R..S..F. ; France 13 months. Skellett, Charles William (1914-19); Sec- Lieutenant, E. Surrey Rgt. ; France 2 j-ears, Germany 3 months. Skelsey. William Henry (191C-19) ; Private, R. Marine Liglit Infantry. Sketcher, Frank (1915-19) ; Shoeing- Smith, R.F.A. ; France 3 years. Smith, Alfred John (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt and I'alestino 2 years 9 months. Smith, Charles Richard (1910-19) ; Air Mechanic (1st Class), R.A.F. Smith, Francis Christopher (1917-19); Air Mechanic (2nd Cla-s), R.A.F. ♦Smith, Henry James (Ulll-IG); Pri- vate, R. Marine Light Infantry ; Died, 12th January, 1916. Spinks, William Francis (1915-19); Gunner, R.F.A. ; Mesopotamia 2 years 6 months. Stribley, John Frederick (1915-19); Sapiier, It.E. ; France 2 years 4 months. Sullivan, James (1910-19); Air Mech- anic (2nd Class). R.A.F. Sullivan, Thomas (1916-19); Corporal, R.A.F. ; France 2 years 9 months. Taylor, Daniel (1914) ; Guards. Trooper, Life Pio- Taylor, Joseph (1918) ; O.B.E neer, R.E. ; France 8 months. ♦Thorn, Herbert (1911-17); D.C.M. ; Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers ; France 17 matches ; Captain, Liver- pool Rgt. ; France 3 years 11 months. Broadberry, Albert Benjamin Arthur (191.0-19) ; Corporal, R.N. A..'-:, and R.A.F. Broadribb, Harry Frederick (1914-19); M(;ntioned in despatches ; Sec-Lieu- tenant, London Rgt. and R.A.F. ; France 2 years 2 months. Broad, Howard Bennicke (1915-18) ; RilUnian, London Rgt. ; France 10 months. Brommage, Alfred George (1915-19) ; Lieutenant, Royal Fusiliers, R. VVr-lch Fusiliers, Ministry of Munitions (Aeronau- tical Inspection Department) ; Franco 6 months. ♦Brooker, George (1916-17); Corporal, London Rgt. : France 8 mouths ; Killed in action, 21st August, 1917. Brooks, Henry (1916-19); Corporal, R.F.A. , R.W. Kent and R. Irish Rgts. ; France 5 months. Brookes, William Henry (1916-19) ; Company Quartermaster-Sergeant, E. Kent and Gloucestershire Rgts. Broome, Walter Frederick (1916-19) ; Private, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. ; Franco 6 months. Brosnan, Thomas (1916-19); Corporal, R.E. ; France 2 years 9 months. Broughton, Hugh (1915-19); Lance- Corporal, R.E. Brown, Cecil Augustus (1911-19) ; Cor- poral, Middlesex Rgt. ; Gibraltar 4 months, France 3 years, Germany (Prisoner of war) 7 months. Brown, David (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 6 months. Brown, Frank Hubert (1916-19); 2nd Corporal, R.E. ♦Brown, Harold (1914-18); Corporal, Middlesex Rgt. ; Gibraltar and Egypt 1 year 3 months, France 1 year; Died, 7th March, 1918. Brown, James Taylor (1917-19) ; 2nd Corporal, R.A.O.C. ; France 1 year 7 months, Germany 4 months. ♦Brown, Louis Foster (1914-18) ; Lieu- tenant, Royal Fusiliers and Machine Gun Corps : France 2 years ; Died of wounds, 14th May, 1918. Brown, Percy Wilfred (1914-18) ; Lieu- tenant, London Rgt., Duke of Comwairs Light Infantry and Machine Gun Corps ; Franco 2 years 9 months. Brown, Robert Anthony (1916-19) ; Sapper, 1{.E. Brown, Rupert Clarence Cooper (1915- 19) ; Compan.v Sergeant-Major, London Rgt. ; France 2 years. ♦Brown, Stanley Newman (1914-18) ; Sec. -Lieutenant, R. AN'elch Fusiliers and R. Berkshire Rgt. ; Franco 1 year 11 months ; Killed in action, 27th August, 1918. Brown. WiUiam Elder (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, \\ilt.shire l{gt. Brown, William Springfield (1915-19) ; Company Sergeant-Major, London Rgt. Browne, Charles Sydney (1914-19) ; Squadron Quartennaster-Sergeant, Bed- fordshire Yeomanry and 47th lU-mount Squadron ; Egypt 2 years 6 months. 139 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Brunswick, Roland (1914-19) ; Ser- jeant, London Rgt. and jMachine Gun Corps ; France 9 months. Bruton, James Eli (1918-19) ; Air Mech- anic (:5rd Class), R.A.F. *Bryant, Bertram Thomas (1914-17) ; Captain and Adjutant, King Edward's Horse and Yorkshire Hgt. ; France 2 years ; Killed in action, 11th April, 1917. Bryant, Percy Lewin (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt 3 months, Salonica 2 years S months. Bubb, Lawrence George (1915-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R.A.M.C. ; Salonica 2 years. *Buckby, Harry Fisher (1914-15) ; Pri- vate, Cameron Highlanders ; France 4 months ; Killed in action, 18th May, 1915. Buckle, Archibald Walter (1914-19) ; D.S.O., 1st, 2nd and 3rd Bars, Five times mentioned in despatches ; Commander, R.N.V.R. ; France 2 years 6 months. Buckley, Frederick James (1914—18) ; Sergeant, London Rgt. and R.E. ; France 7 months. Buckley, Joseph Christopher (1915-19) ; M.M. ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 16 monthi'. Buckwell, Frank James (1915-19) ; Battery Quartermaster-Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 6 months, Salonica 18 months. Buesnel, Edmond Clement (191C-19) ; Sapper, R.E. Bull, Alfred Henry (1915-19) ; Lieu- tenant, R.A.F. Bull, Cyril Edward Aubrey (1914-19) ; Bombardier, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 10 months. Bull, George Walter (1915-19); Lance- Corporal, R.E. Bull, William Henry (1914-17) ; Corporal, Essex Rgt. and R.D.C. Bulley, Adrian Leo John (1915-19) ; Twice mentioned in despatches ; Lieu- tenant, Honourable Artillery Company ; France 2 years 5 months. Burbridge, Henry (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Middlesex ligt. Burch, William Francis Thomas (1915- 19) ; Private, R. Marine Light Infantry ; H.M.S. Bellerophon, Grand Fleet, North Sea 3 years. Burdett, Frederick Bertram (1917-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Sergeant, R.G.A. Burdon, John Hall (1914-19) ; Sergeant- Major, R..\..M.C. ♦Burford, William James (1914-17) Corporal, Oxfordsliire and Buckingham- shire Light Infantry ; France 2 years Killed in action, 5th April, 1917. Burgess, Harry Alwyne (1915-19) Mentioned in despatches ; Lieutenant R.G.A. ; Fraiic<^ 5 months, Italy 2 years Burgess, Robert (1914-19) ; Sec Lieutenant, London Rgt. and R.G.A. France 3 years 3 months. Burgess, Robert (191B-19) ; Sergeant, London Rgt. and Machine Gun Corps ; France 2 years 3 months. Burke, Edmund (1916-19); Air Mechanic (1st Class), R.A.F. ; France 2 years 4 months. Burkett, George Peter Watts (1914-19) ; M.S.M. ; Sergeant, Royal Artillery. Burnell, Eric Barstowe (1916-19) ; Sap- per, R.E. Burnett, Arthur William Kirkman (1915-19); M.C. ; Captain, R.F.A.; France 1 year 9 months. Burnett, Ernest Stanley (1914-16) ; Bombardier, R.F.A. Burnett, George (1915-19) ; M.M. ; Sergeant, Honourable Artillery (Company ; France 10 months, Italy 1 year, Austria 2 months. Burr, Percy Charles (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. Burraston, Percy James (191G— 19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 7 months. ♦Burrows. William Arthur (1914-16) ; Sec- Lieutenant, London Rgt. ; Egypt, Gallipoli and France 10 months ; Killed in action, 15th September, 1916. Burt, Walter (1914-19) ; Sec-Lieu- tenant, Royal Fusiliers and Manchester Rgt. ; Service abroad 2 years 3 months. Burtenshaw, Alfred Charles (1915-18) ; Sec. -Lieutenant, R.F.A. ; France. ♦Burton, Harold Sidney (1914-15); Lance-Corporal, London Rgt. ; France 2 months ; Killed in action, 25th May, 1915. Burton, Joseph Ashton (1914-17) ; M.M. ; Sergeant, Loudon Rgt. ; France. Burton, William James (1916-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R.E. Busby, Alfred Richard (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. (M.T.); France 2 years 9 months. Butcher, Ernest (1915-19) ; Battery Quartermaster-Sergeant, R.G.A. ; France 2 years 11 months. Butcher, Sydney Frederick (1915-19); Stalf-Sergeant, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 1 month. Butler, Charles (1914-19) ; M.S.M. and Mentioned in despatches ; 1st Class Staff Sergeant- Major, R.A.S.C. Butler, Frank (1914-19) ; Mentioned for valuable services, London Gazette, 1917 ; Stafl-Sergeant, County of London Yeomanry and Army Gymnastic Staff. Butler, Robert Franklin (1918) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. Butler, William (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, London Rgt. and E. Surrey Rgt. ; France 2 years 6 months, Italy 6 months. ♦Buxton, Richard Percy (1914-18) ; Captain, Oxfordshire and Buckingham- shire Light Infantry ; France and Italy 2 years ; Killed in action, 15th June, 1918. Byrne, William (1916-19) ; Rifleman. Rille Brigade. Cairns, James Campbell (1914-19) ; D.C.M. and Bar ; Company Sergeant- Major, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry ; France 2 years. 140 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Calderbank, John (1914-19) ; Lieu- tenant, London Kfjt. and Machine Gun Corps ; Malta 6 months, Gallipoli 4 months, Eprypt 3 months, France 6 mouths, Italy 1 year. Calverley, Alfred Horace (1916-19) ; Lancu-Corporal, K.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 2 months. Cambourn, Frederick (1910- 19); Lead- ing Aircraftsman, K.X.A.tf. and U.A.F. *Cameron, Hume Smith (1914-10) ; Captain, Norfolk llfrt. ; Irancc 18 months; Killed in action, 4th September, 1916. Cammack, Walter (1915-17) ; Corporal, R.E. ; France 11 months. Campbell, Charles (1915-19); Batterv Quartcrmaster-Serf^eant, London ligt. anil K.G.A. ; France 2 years. Campbell, Edward Norman (1914-19) ; Stafl'-Sergeant, London Ityt. and Rifle Brigade; India 15 months, Burmah 2 years 1 month. Campion. Ernest (1915-19) ; M.M. ; Private, It.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 2 months. Campion, Walter John (1914-19) ; M.C. ; Captain, Bedfordshire Rgt. Camps, John William (1915-16) ; Pri- vate, Honourable Artillery Company. *Canivet, Auguste Francois (1914-16); Brigadier interpfele, attached to British forces iu France ; Killed in action, 31st May, 1916. Canty, H. (1915-19) ; Major, Loyal N. Lancasliire Rgt. ; France 3 years. Card. Albert Walter Dudley (1915-19) ; Artificer, Honourable Artillery Company ; France 1 year 7 mouths. Carey, Alban Frank (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. Carlton, Harold Stephen (1916-19) ; Gunner. R.G.A. ; France 2 years 2 months. *Carne. John Reeves (1915-17) ; Sec- Lieutenant, R. Sussex Rgt. ; France 8 months ; Died of wounds, 25th July, 1917. ♦Carpenter. Edgar Stanley (1914-15); Cnrijoral, London Rgt. ; France 5 weeks ; Killed in action, 21st April, 1915. Carpenter, George Frederick (1916—17) ; Lance- Corporal, R.A.S.C. and Welch Rgt. Carr, Ernest (1915-19) ; Bombardier, R.F.A. ; France 9 months. Carr, Henry George (1914-19) ; Com- pany Sergcant-Major, London Rgt. ; France 2 years. Carr, Thomas (1914-19) ; Fhght-Ser- geant, Essex Kgt. and R.A.F. ; France 2 years 7 months. Carr, Thomas Frederick William (1916- 19) ; Private, London Rgt. ; Saloniea 6 months, Palestine 12 montlis, France 7 months. *Carr, William Herbert (1914-17) ; Com- pany Sergeant-Major, London Rgt. ; France 9 months ; KQled in action, 20th September, 1917. Carr, William Threlfall (1914-18) ; Quartermaster - Sergeant, R.F.A. and R.G.A. ; France 5 months. *Carrington. Harry John (1914-18); Sergeant, .Middlesex Rgt. ; India 3 years 10 montlis; Accidentally killed, 19th July, 1918. Carrington, John Wilfred (1915-19); Lifutcnant, Loudon Rgt. ; I ranee 1 year, Germany (l'ris(ni(r of war) 9 months. ♦Carson. Frank Murray (1914-15); Pri- vate, London Rgt. ; l-'rance 2 months ; Killed in action, 20th May, 1915. Carter, Frederick James (1915-19); Corporal, 1{.K. ; Ira nee 1 year 8 months. Carter, George Edgar (1917-19); Cor- poral, R..-\.I'". Carter, Robert (1915-18) ; Sapper, R.E. Carter, Walter George (1910-19) ; Bom- bardier, R.G.A. ; I'rance 2 years 3 months. Carter, William (1910-19); M.S.M. ; Sergeant, R..\.i'. and R.E. ; Franco 2 years 5 months, Germany 4 montlis. Cart Wright, Bertram (1910-19); Cor- poral, R.E. Cartwright, Isaiah Harold (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R..\..\.?>. and R.A.F. Case, Cecil (1916-19) ; Corporal, R.A.F.; France 3 years 1 month. Cass, Edward Charles (1915-19); Cor- poral, R.A..M.C. ; Egypt and Palestine 3 years. Cassidy, James Joseph Francis (1915- 19); Sergeant- .Major, London Rgt. and Army Gymnastic Staff. Catcheside, Edward Ernest (1914-15); Lieutenant, London Rgt., Rifle Brigade and Maclune Gun Corps ; France 2 years. Catesby, Percy James (1914-17); Pri- vate, iMiddlesex Rgt. ; Gibraltar 6 months, France 3 months. Caughey, John William (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Sergeant, Seaforth Highlanders ; France 2 j-ears 6 months. Caukill, Francis (1918-19) ; Gunner, R. -Marine Artillery. Cave, Stephen James (1914-19) : Com- pany (^\iar(iTtuast(T-Sei-geant, London Rgt. and Labpalehes ; Major, R.G.A. ; France 2 years 5 months. Collinson, Harry Massey (1910-19) ; Lancc-Corpoial, R..V.M.C. Comeau, Alfred James (1915-19) ; Writer (2ud Cla-,s), R.N. Compton, Albert Sidney (191.5-19) ; Lieu- tenant, Loudon Uf,'t. ; Irauce 2 years. Compton, Sydney Harry (1914-10); Lieutenant, Loudon Rgt., Middlesex ligt. aud Labour Corps. Connelly, Herbert Percy (1910-19) ; Stafl-Scrgeant, R.A.M.C. Connor, William Christie (191.0-19) : Corporal, R..V..M.C. ; France 1 year 10 mouths. Conway, George James (1918-19) ; Bombardier, R. Mariue Artillery. Conway, Laurence (1911-17); Private, l^Iiddlesex ligt. ; Gibraltar and France 2 years. *Cook, Alfred (1911-lC); Private, Lon- don Rgt. ; 1 rauce IG months ; Killed in action, Ist July, 1910. Cook, Arthur James (1914-19) ; Lieu- tenant, R.W. Kent Rgt. aud Labour Corps ; Gallipoh 2 montlis, Palestine and Kgypt 3 years 4 months. Cook, Eric Trayler (1918-19) ; Actiug- Scrgeaut, R.A.S.C. Cook, George Henry (1910-19); 2nd Corporal, Loudon Kgt. and R.E. ; Franco 2 years 5 montlis. Cook, George Marriott (1915-19) ; Cor- poral, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 6 months. Cook, George Percy (1917-19); Air Mechanic (1st Class), R.N.A.S. Cook, Reginald Victor (1910-19) ; Sap- per, R.E. ; Frauce 4 months. Cook, Thomas John (1910-19); Sec- Lieutenant, JNIachiue Gun Corps aud Devonshire Rgt. ; France and Italy 1 year 5 mouths. Cock, Victor Douglas (1914-19) ; Acting Captain and Adjutant, Royal Fusiliers; Frauce 3 years 1 mouth. Cooke, John Joseph Oliver (1916-19); Sapper, R.E. ; Frauce 6 months. Coombs. Lewis Newton (1915-20) ; Captain, R.E. and R..1.0.C. ; France 2 years 6 mouths. Coombs, Thomas Herbert (1910-19); Private, Loyal N. Lancashire Rgt., Liverpool Rgt. and Army Cyclist Corps ; France 1 year 9 montlis. Cooper, Francis Theodore (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; Franco 3 years 3 months. Cooper, George Jonathan (1918-19) ; Private, R.A.F. Cooper, Wilhe Thomas (1914-18); Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers ; Franco 13 months. Corker, Robert John (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.M.C ; Mesopotamia 2 years 11 mouths. 143 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Corless, Arthur James (1914-19) ; M.S.M. : Company Semeant- Major, Mid- dlesex and Norfolk Rgts. ; Mesopotamia 2 years 3 months. Cornell, Phillip Robins (1915-17) ; Lance- Corporal, Pioyal Fusiliers ; East Africa 1 year 10 months. Cornes, Harold William (1916-19) ; Serjjeant, R.A.M.C. ; Macedonia, Bul- garia and Constantinople 2 years 2 months. Cornwell, Phillip David (1914-lC) ; Pri- vate, Oxfordsliire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry ; France 4 months. Corrin, William Henry (1918-19); Cor- poral, K. E. Costard, Peroival Richard (191G-19) ; Air Mechanic, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Cotsford, Henry John (1916-19) ; Lance- Corporal, Middlesex and E. Surrey Rgts. ; France 1 year 11 months, Italy 3 months. ♦Cotter, Cecil John (1914-16) ; Sergeant, Middlesex Rgt. ; Gibraltar 7 months, Egypt and France 5 months ; Killed in action, loth September, 1916. Cotterell. William Eric (1914-19) ; Cap- tain, London Rgt. and Labour Corps ; France 2 years 11 months. Cottom, Arthur (1917-19); M.S.M. ; Sergeant, R.F.A. and R.E. ; France 2 years. Cottrell, Walter Harold Kennett (1914- 17) ; Lanco-Sergeaut, London Rgt. ; France 5 months. Coumbe, Ernest W. (1915-19); Cor- poral, London Rgt. and Rifle IJrigade ; Burniah 3 years 4 months. Court, Arthur Frederick (1915-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R.A.M.C. Couzens, Reginald Churchill (1915-19) ; Private and Sapper, R.A.M.C, Middlesex Rgt., Machine Gun Corps and R.E. ; France 10 months. Cowan, David Miller Watson (1917-19) ; Air Mechanic (2nd Class), R.A.F. Cowland. Albert George (1917-19) ; Cor- poral, R.K. ; France 1 year 11 months. Cox, Alfred Vincent (1918-19) ; Clerk (3rd Class), K.A.F. Cox, Charles Albert (1914-19) ; Men- tioni'd in dcsiiatches ; Regimental Quarter- master-Sergeant, London Rgt. and Royal Fusiliers ; France 6 months, Salonica 7 months, Palestine 1 year 8 months. Cox, George James (1914-18) ; Ser- geant, Royal Fusiliers and Machine Gun Corps. Cox, James Wolseley (1914-19); M.C., Mentioned in desi)alc,hes ; Major, E. Lanca- shire Itgt. and Machine Gun Corps ; France 2 years. Crabtree, Edward John (1914-19) ; Sergeant, .\Iiddli-scx Rgt. ; Gibraltar 6 m'lnths, lYanw; 2 years. Cracknell, Sidney Herbert (1914-19) ; Corporal, R.A.M.C. Craine, Thomas Arthur (1915-19) ; Gunner, Honourable Artillery Company ; Egypt and I'alcstine 3 years 2 months. Crapper, Stanley Barrett (1916-19) ; Sapper, It.E. ; France 8 months, Germany 3 months. Crawford, John Randolph (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; Adriatic 4 months, Salonica 2 years 9 months. Cray, Malcolm George Alfred (1916— 17) ; Bombardier, R.G.A. Crew, Stanley Frank (1914-19) ; Lieu- tenant, R.A.M.C. and R. Warwickshire Rgt. ; GaUipoli and Egypt 16 months, France 4 months. Cripps, Evans Cave (1915-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years. Crispin, Reginald John Charles (1915— 19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 16 months, Palestine 14 months. Croal, James Anderson (1915-19) ; Sergeant, King's R. Rifle Corps ; France 11 months. Crockett, Thomas (1914-19) ; Major, Black Watch and Machine Gun Corps ; France 9 months. Croft, Cyril Benson (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, R.A.F. ; France 9 months. Crooks, Oliver Frederick (1917-19) ; Naval Schoolmaster (Chief Petty Officer), R.N. Cross, Arthur (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, Royal Fusiliers and Loyal N. Lancashire Rgt. ; France 1 year 7 months. ♦Cross, Geoffrey Verriers (1914) ; Ser- geant, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Liglit Infantry ; Died, 9th November, 1914. Crowe, Ernest Edmund (1916-19) ; Cor- poral, R.E. and Tank Corps. Crowe, Richard Henry (1918-19); Acting Sergeant, R.A.F. ; France 6 months. Crowther, Herbert James (1916-19) ; Private, London Rgt. and Labour Corps ; France 2 years. Croxford, George Frederick (1918-19) ; Corporal, R.A.F. Crump, Robert Ralph (1916-19) ; Com- pany Sergeant- Major, Instructor of Mus- ketry, Army School of Musketry and Light Gunnery. Cruse, Charles James (1914-19) ; Regi- mental Quartennaster-Sergeant, London Rgt. Crutchley, William Leigh (1914-19) ; Quartermaster - Sergeant, London and Middlesex Rgts. ; France 5 months. Crute, John (1918-19) ; Sergeant, Middle- sex and Welch Rgts. ; Germany 5 mouths. CulUford, Walter Charles (1915-19); Private, London Rgt. Gumming, Leonard S. (1915-19) ; Lieu- tenant, R.G.A. and R.E. ; France 18 months. Cunningham, Arthur William (1914-20) ; Twice mentioned in despatches ; .Stafl- Cai^tain, li.F.A. ; France 3 years 7 months. Cunningham, Charles Alexander (1915- 19) ; Sec-Lieutenant, R.F.A. ; France 1 year. Cureton, Henry Albert (1917-19); 2nd Aircraftsman, R.A.F. Curtis, Adalbert Percy (1915-18) ; Sec.- Lieutenant, R.A.M.C. and R.G.A. ; France 2 years 11 montlis. 144 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE ♦Curtis, William Strafford (1914-15) ; Private, London l^trt. ; France 2 tnontlvs ; Killed in action, 25th May, 1915. Cusworth, Herbert (1915-19); M.C. ; Lieutenant, R.A.M.C. and U.G.A. ; Franco 2 years 6 months. Cutts, Percy Walter (1916-19); Driver, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Serbia 2 years 1 month. ♦Dainty, Edward Joseph Patten (1914-17); D.C.M. ; Company Sertreant- Major, Royal Fusiliers ; Malta, Egypt and Gallipoli 16 months, France 1 year 8 months ; Accidentally killed, 8th November, 1917. Dakin, Harry Percy (1914-19); Lieu- tenant, R.A.M.C. and Sullolk Rgt. ; France 9 montlis. Daly, Frederick (1916-19); Sec-Lieu- tenant, R.G.A. Danbury, Albert Samuel (1915-19); Mentioned in despatches ; Actinqr Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 1 month. ♦Dancer, Alfred Christopher (1914-17); M.C. ; Captain, Surrey Yeomanry and Dorsetshire Rgt. ; Gallipoli and France 1 year 7 months ; Killed in action, 4th October, 1917. Danson, William (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Middlesex Rgt. ; India 4 years 6 months. Dare, Edward Cox (1914-19) ; D.C.M. ; Sergeant, Loudon Rgt. : France 8 months. Datson. Albert (1915-19) ; Warrant Officer, R.N. ; North Sea 2 years 6 mouths. Davies, David John (1914-19); M.C. and Mentioned in despatches ; Lieutenant, R. Welch Fusiliers Davies, Edwin Private, R.A.M.C. Davies, Gomer R. Marine Light 16 months. France Stewart ; France 2 (1916-19) Infantry ; 2 years. (1915-19) years. ; Private, iEgean Sea Private, Lance- France Pri- Gun I Davies, Henry (1915-19); R.A.M.C. ; France 7 months. Davies, John James (1915-19) Corporal, London Rgt. and R.E. 6 months. Davies, Percy Wilham (1916-19); vate, Middlesex Rgt. and Machine Corps ; France 1 year 10 mouths. Davies, Sidney Price (1914-19) ; Croix de Guerre, Ordre de Corps (French), Twice mentioned in despatches ; Lieu- tenant, London Rgt. ; France 10 months, Salonica 7 months, Palestine 1 year. Davies, Thomas (1916-19) : Sapper, R.E. ; France 1 year 11 mouths. Davies, Thomas Osman Yorath (1916- 19) ; Sergeant. R.E. Davies, Thomas Robert (1916-19) ; Lieu- tenant, R.G.A. Davies. WiUiara (1916-19) : Sapper, R.E. Davies, WiUiam Henry (1915-19); Private, R.A.V.C. ; Egypt 19 months, Palestine 1 year 8 months. Davis, Edward Gordon (1915-19); Cor- poral, R.E. ; Egypt 2 months, Salonica 6 months, France 2 years 1 month. Davis, Edwin Gibson (1916-19) ; Lieu- tenant, R.E. and R.A.O.C. F 1st •a nee July, Sec.-Lieu- 1 year ; K 145 ♦Davis, Ernest (1914-16); Private, Royal Fusiliers ; France 1 year ; Died of wounds, 2:ird July, 1916. Davis, Frederick William (1914-19); Lieutcnatit. Mid(lii->('.\ Hgt., Yorkshire Light Infantry and Labour Corps ; Franco 2 years 2 months. Davis, Oscar WiUiam (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, R.A.V.C. ♦Davis. Wallace Howard (1914-17); Sec- Lieutenant, London Rgt. and Notting- hamshire and Derbyshire Rgt. 7 months ; Killed in action, 1917. ♦Davis, William (1914-16) tenant, Essex Rgt. ; France Killed in action. 18th October, 1916. Davis, WiUiam Henry PoweU (1916-19) ; Private, R.N.A.S. aud R.A.F. Dawes, Arthur Ernest (1914-19); D.C.M. ; Company Sergeaut-Major, Lon- don Rgt. ; France 9 months, Salonica 7 mouths, Palestine 1 year. Dawes, Spencer Thomas (1915-19) ; 2nd Corporal, R.E. Dawkins. Dalton John Nicholson (1915- 19) ; Lieutenant, London Rgt. and R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 2 mouths. ♦Day, Charles Spencer (1914-18); Sec- Lieutenant, London Yeomanry and R.F.A. ; Egypt, Gallipoli and Franco 14 mouths ; Died of wounds, 25th April, 1918. Day, Frank (1916-19); Corporal, Loudon Rgt. and Armv Educiition Corps ; Salonica 8 montlis, Egypt and Palestine 16 months. Day, George Edward (1914-19) : Ser- geant, London Rgt. and R.A.iLC. ; Gallipoli 7 months, Egypt 15 months, Palestine and Syria 1 year 10 months. Day, John Henry (1910-17) : Rifleman, Loudon Rgt. ; France \i months. Dean, Arthur William (1910-19) : Lieu- tenant, R.F.A. ; Salonica 1 year 9 months, Caucasus 2 months. Dean, Edward (1914-19) : Lieutenant, King's R. Rille Corps ; France 2 years 1 month. Dear, Arthur James (1915-19) ; Sapper, ♦Dearing, Charles Alfred (1914-18); M.M. ; Sergeant, London Rgt. ; France 3 years 1 month ; Died of wounds, 16th Apnl, 1918. Delaney, Bernard Oswald Private, Loudon Rgt. and France 5 months. Denham, Percy Clement Rifleman, London Ivgt. ; months. ♦Denly, Charles John (1914-16) ; vate, R.F.A. ; France 17 months in action, 23rd August, 1916. Denmark. Reuben Alan Mentioned in despatches R.A.M.C. and R.A.O.C. Dennett, George Edwin John (1914-19) ; Sergeant, London Rgt. Denning, George John Berggren (1915- 19) : Mentioned in despatclies ; Lieu- tenant and Inspector of Ordnance Machin- ery, R.A.O.C. ; France 3 years. (1916-18); R.A.S.C. ; (1915-19); France 16 Pri- KiUed (1914-19); Captain. RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Denny, WiUiam John (1916-17); Pri- vate, K. Surrey and Liverpool Rgts. ; France 6 months. Denoon, Walter Neil (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, R.A.M.C. ; France 5 months, Salonica 9 months, Egypt 4 months, Palestine 11 months, India 3 montlis. Derrick, Roland Frank (1914-19) ; Private, Middlesex Hgt. ; India 4 years 4 months. *Despicht, Leonard Terry (1914-17); M.C. and Mentioned in despatches ; Lieutenant, Bedfordshire Rgt. ; France 2 years 2 montlis ; Killed in action, 11th February, 1917. *Dibble, Thomas Herbert (1914-15) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France 2 months ; Killed in action, 26th May, 1915. Dick, Percy Charles (1918-19) ; Lieu- tenant, R.A.F. Dickinson, Albert Edward (1914-18) ; Lieutenant, Middlesex and London Rgts. ; France 13 months. Dickinson, Samuel (1916-19) ; 2nd Corporal, R.E. Dickinson, William Horlick (1916-19) ; Sergeant, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Digby, Arthur Edward (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, London Rgt. ; France 2 years 9 months. ♦Dimond, Leonard (1914-17) ; Sergeant- Major, London Rgt. ; France 8 months ; Died of wounds, 21st September, 1917. Dinmore, Hubert Dunstan (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. Dix. Walter James (1914-19) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. Dixon, Daniel Thomas Gilbert (1915- 19) ; 2nd Corporal, R.E. Dobie, Tom (1916-19) ; Corporal, R.E. Dobson, Percy Harold (1914-19) ; Quartermaster-Sergeant, London Rgt. ; France 2 years. DockeriU, WiU Harry Atkin (1915-18) ; Sapper, R.E. Dodd, Charles Baker (1916-19) ; 2nd Corporal, R.E. Dodge, Samuel (1914-19) : Sergeant, W. Surrey Yeomanry and Machine Gun Corps. Dodge, Sidney Christopher (1915-18); Lieutenant, R.G.A. ; France 8 months. Dodson, George Edward (1916-19) ; Ser- geant, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Donaghy, Michael (1916-19) ; Lieu- tenant, R.A.V.C. and R.F.A. ; France 15 months. Donbavand, Thomas Egerton (1918-19) ; Private, E. Surrey Rgt. Dooley, Herbert (1915-19) ; Bombar- dier, R.F.A. Dooley, James Francis (1916—19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 1 year 8 months. Dooley, Patrick James (1914-16) ; Pri- vate, London Rgt. : France 2 months. Doran, Daniel Joseph (1915-19) ; Sec.- Lieuteuant, Essex and Yorkshire Rgts. ; France 17 months. Doughty, Frank Herbert (1914-19) ; Company Quartermaster- Sergeant, Lon- don Rgt. ; France 2 years. ♦Doughty, Harry James (1914-15) ; Private, R.A.ISI.C. ; France 3 months ; Died, 12th October, 1915. Downham, Theodore Leslie (1914-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Lieutenant, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry and R.G.A. ; France 1 year, Italy 15 months. *Downes, Benjamin (1914-18) ; Sec- Lieutenant, London Rgt. ; France, 1 year ; Killed in action, 2nd J\me, 1918. Dowsett, George William (1916-17); Pioneer, R.E. ; France 1 year. Doyle, John James (1915-18) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France IS months. Drage, William Mark (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 11 months. Draisey, Henry (1915-19) ; Corporal, R. Marine Artillery ; France 2 years 2 months. Drake, Bertram Ernest (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt and Palestine 2 years 11 months. Drake, WaUace James (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France S months. Drayton, Frederick James (1914-19) ; Company Sergeant-Major, London Rgt. ; France 6 months, Salonica 6 months, Egypt 14 montlis, Palestine 6 months. Drew, WilUam Henry (1914-19) ; Staff- Sergeant, R.A.S.C. ; GallipoU 3 months, Mudros and Lemnos 1 month, Malta 1 month. Drew, William Percival (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. ; Salonica 2 years 9 months. Drink water, Leonard (1914-19) ; M.S.M.; Regimental Sergeant- Major, Middlesex Rgt. ; India 3 years 1 month, Mesopo- tamia 16 months. Drury, Samuel Charles Portman (1914- 19) : D.C.M. and Bar, M6daille Mihtaire (French) ; Company Sergeant-Major, R.E. ; France 4 years. Du Bois, John Hubert Valencia (1916— 19) ; Gimner, R. ArtiUery ; France 2 years 3 months. Duce, Frederick Rayward (1916-18) ; Sapper, R.E. Dudley, WiUiam (1916-19); Sergeant, R.A.M.C. Duffill, Miles Wilfred (1915-17); Quartermaster-Sergeant, London Rgt. Duley, John Alfred (1916-19); 2nd Corporal, R.E. *Dunford, Herald James (1915-16); Pri- vate, Honourable Artillery Company ; France 4 months ; IMissing, 14th Novem- ber, 191G. Dunger, WiUiam George Ernest (1916- 19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 1 year 9 months. Dunkerley, Joseph Braithwaite (1916- 18) ; Sec-Lieutenant, R.G.A. ; France 16 months. Dunton, Fred Douglas (1914-18) ; Ser- geant, London Rgt. ; France 12 months. 146 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE ♦Duprds, Ernest Cruzick (1914-18); Captain, Royal Fusilii-rs ; l''ranco IS luontliH ; Killed in action, 2Sth August, 1918. ♦Durban, Allan Edwin (1914-17); Scr- peant, Middlesex li'^'t. ; India 3 years ; Died, 22nd Au!>:ust, 1917. Durbin, John (1916-19) ; Corporal, R.N.A.S. and It.A.F. *Dussauze, Henri Willem (1914-15) ; Ser- gent, 10;}e regiment d'infantcrie ; Franceai-s. Dywien, R.A.F. Eames, Middlesex Edward (1918-19); Corporal, Herbert (1918-19); Private, Rgt. Earl, Harold Martin (1916-19); Sapper, R.E. Earnshaw, Percy Harold (1915-18) ; Sec. -Lieutenant, Loudon l{gt. and R.G.A. Earthrowl, Eliab George (1915-19) ; Armourer StatT-Sergeant, R.A.O.C. ; France 2 years 9 months. *Eason, Henry (1914-15) ; Sergeant, London Rgt. ; Franco 11 months ; Killed in action, i;uii October, 1915. Easter, Henry William (1916-19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; Franco 2 yeai-s 11 months. Easton, Edwin Guy (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 7 months. Eaton, Reginald Morris (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, Ivondon Rgt., Kitlo IJrigade and R. Irish Rgt. ; France 16 months. Ebbetts, Charles Edward (1910-18) ; Lance-Corporal, London Rgt. and R. Irish Rifles : France 13 months. *Ebbetts, Sidney Arthur (1914-16) ; Cor- poral, London Rgt. ; France 15 mouths ; Killed in action, 1st July, 1916. Ebdon, William Alan (1914-19); Cap- tain, London Rgt. Edden, Henry Percival (1914-16); Quartermaster- Sergeant, R.A.M.C. Eden, Humphrey Edward (1914-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Regimental Quartermaster-Sergeant, R.A.M.C; France 13 months, Egypt 9 months, Palestine 9 months. 19) ; Sapper, year. Eden, James Arthur (1915- R.G..\. and R.E. : France 1 Edwards, David Llewellyn (1914-17); Corporal, London Rgt. ; France 2 months. Edwards, George Victor (1916-lS) ; Private, N. Staffordshire Rgt. Edwards, Harold (1916-19); Corporal, R.A.M.C. : Italy 2 years. ♦Edwards, John Evans (1918); Private, R.A.F. ; Died, 22nd October, 1918. Edwards, Corporal, U. Robert E. Edwards, Thomas M.C. ; Lieutenant, Reuben (1910-19); Arthur (1911-19); R.N.V.R., A.P.C., It. \V. Kent Rgt. and R. Naval Divi.-ion. Eggar, Alfred James (1910-19); 2nd !• ranee 2 years. (1910-19) : Sec- Lieu- France 15 montlis. Alfred .F.A. ; (1914-17); Sergeant, Ruckinghamsliiro Light year ; Killed in Corjioral Elliott, tenant, R ♦Elliott, Bertie Oxfordshire and Infantry ; France 1 action, 7th April, 1917 Elliott, Harry Courtenay (1915-19); Mentioned in desi)atehos ; Flight-Ser- geant, London Rgt. and R.A.F. Elliott, Sidney George (1915-19) ; Anting Flight-.'-^ergeant, London Rgt. and R.A.F. ; Egyijt 1 > ear 9 months. ♦Elliott, Victor Maurice (1914-16) ; Lancc- Sergeant, Oxfordshire and Ruekin'-'liam- sliire Light Infantrv : ]'"raiiee 2 months ; Died of wounds, 1st ,luly, 1916. ♦Elliott, Walter Leonard (1914-16); Lieuteuatit, Rille Brigade ; France 17 months ; Accidentallv killed, 21st Novem- ber, 1916. Ellis, Albert William (1916-19) ; M.C. ; Sec. -Lieut i-nant, R.G..\. Ellis, John Procter (1916-19) ; 2nd Corporal. U.K. Ellison, Gilbert Joseph (1911-19); Cor- poral, London Rgt. ; France 1 year 8 months. Elsey, William George (1916-18) ; Sapper, Royal Fusiliers, R. Sussex Rgt. and R.E. ; France 5 mouths. Elsom, John Arthur (1914-19) ; Sapper. R.E. Endean, Frederick George (1916-19); Acting Sergeant, King's R. Itille Corps. England, Herbert Arthur (1918-19); Air Mechanic (2nd C'la.— ), R.A.F. England, Waller William (1914-19) ; Private, London Rgt.; France 5 months, I'risoner oi war 3 years 7 months. Engledow, Frederick William (1918-19) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France 4 months. English, Charles Edward (1916-19); Lance-Corporal, R.E. ; Fiance 6 months. ♦Erwood, Charles Malcolm Williams (1914) : Lanec-Corpoial, Beclford^liire Rgt. : Dieil, 17th Deeeniher, 1914. Erwood, Frank Charles Elliston (1917- 19) ; Sergeant, R.E. ; France 2 years, German}- 3 months. Etherington, Herbert Maurice (1914- 19) : Beginiental (,)uai-tiTma.-'ter- .Sergeant, London Itgt . and l;. I >.( '. Arthur Edward A.F. (1918-19); Ser- Evans, geant, R. ♦Evans, John (1915-lS) : ^f.C. ; Sec.- liieutenant. Coldstream Guards and Royal Fusiliers ; France 1 year ; Died of wouiid.s whilst a prisoner of war, 22ud September, 1918. 147 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Evans, Morgan (1914-19) ; Sec-Lieu- tenant, Royal Fusiliers and R. Welch Fusiliers. Evans, Owen Lewris (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, London Rgt. ; France 18 months. Evans, Richard Albert (1915-19) ; Cor- poral, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 11 months. Evans, Victor Stanley (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, Honourable Artillery Company ; France l.S months, Italy 14 months. Evans, Walter (1914-19); Lieutenant, R. Welch Fusiliers and Montgomery Yeomanry : France 3 months. Evans, Walter Bristow (1915-19); Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 8 months. Evans, William (1916-19) ; Corporal, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. ; North Russia 10 months. Everett, William Henry (1914-17); Corporal, Essex Rgt. Eveson, Thomas Edward (1915-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Captain, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 11 months, Germany 4 months. Evison, Charles William George (1918- 19) ; Air Mechanic (3rd Class), R.A.F. ; Italy 3 months. Evans, Lewis James (1918-19) ; 3rd Clerk (General), R.A.F. Fairbairn, Horace John (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 15 months. Fairclough, Frederick Stafford (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, Middlesex Rgt. and Queen Victoria's Own, Indian Army ; India 3 years 2 months, Mesopotamia 11 months, Persia 5 months. *Fairley, Philip Ernest (1914-19) ; D.C.M. ; Captain, R. Irish Rifles ; France 2 years 1 month ; Died of woimds, 4th February, 1919. Farrants, Maurice Charles (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt and Palestine 3 years. Farrow, Richard Ronald Frank (1916) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 4 months. ♦Favell, Arthur (1914-16); Lance-Cor- poral, London Rsrt. ; France 9 months ; Killed in aftion, 18th May, 1916. Fay, Archibald Michael (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. Fay, Arthur Farnham (1915) ; Private, London Rgt. Felix, Hugh (1916-19) ; Corporal, R.F.C. and R.A.F. ; France 1 year. ♦Fell, William John (191.5-16); Private, Royal FiisilifTs ; Franco 10 months ; Killed in action, 8th September, 1916. Fenn, Henry Cuthbert (1916-19); Sapper, R.E. ; France 2 years. Fennell, Harry George (1914-16) ; Com- pany Quartermaster- Sergeant, London Rgt. Fenner, Gilbert Frank (1915-19); Armourer Staff- Sergeant, R.A.O.C. Fenning, Robert William (1915-19) ; M.P..K. 'militiiry division)j Lieutenant, London Rgt. and R.E. Fennings, Alfred James (1916-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R.E. ; France 18 months, Germany 2 months. ♦Ferguson, Henry Horatio Edward (1915— 17) : Captain, Highland Light Infantry ; France 16 months : Died of wounds, 23rd September, 1917. Ferguson, William V. (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. Festorazzi, Bertram (1916-19) ; Cor- poral, R.A.M.C. Field, Benjamin Jacob (1915-16) ; Cor- poral, R.E. ♦Field, WiUiam James (1914-17) ; M.C. ; .Sec-Lieutenant, Royal Fusiliers ; Malta, Egypt, Gallipoli and France 3 months ; Killed in action, 31st July, 1917. Filby, Leonard Charles (1915-19); Lance- Corporal, R.E. ; France 2 years 4 months, Germany 8 months. Fillis, Edgar (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.G.A. ; France 2 years 9 months. Finan, John Patrick (1917 19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. Finerman, Louis (1916-19) ; Corporal, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 5 months. Finnie, William Stoddart (1916-19) ; 2nd Corporal, R.E. Fisher, Edward Albert (1917-18) ; Sig- naller, acting Bombardier, R.F.A. Fisher, George Harry (1914-19) ; M.C. ; Sec-Lieutenant, R.A.M.C. and R.F.A. ; France 2 years, Egypt 2 months, Salonica 1 year 7 months. Fisher, Hubert William (1914-19) ; M.C. : Lieutenant, Middlesex Rgt. ; Gibraltar 6 months, France 14 months. ♦Fisher, John (1916-18) ; Private, R.E. ; Died, 16th August, 1918. Fisher, William Henry (1917-19) ; 2nd Lieutenant, London Rgt. Fitch, Lincoln Cowell (1914-17); Cor- poral, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry ; France 1 year 9 months. Fitch, Stanley Henry (1914-15 and 1917- 19) ; Private, London and Essex Rgts. ; France 6 months. Fleetcroft, John Stratford (1915-19) ; Lance-Corporal, Machine Gun Corps. Fletcher, Evan (1914-19) : Corporal, London Rgt. ; France 4 months. Fletcher, Ernest John (1916-19) ; Lieu- tenant, R.E. ; France 10 months, Egypt 18 months. Fletcher, Frank (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. Fletcher, Frederick (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.M.C. and R.G.A. Flood, Thomas Arthur (1915-19): Ser- geant, London Rgt. ; France 10 months, Salonica 7 months, Palestine 1 year. Flower, Frederick James (1914-18) ; Corporal, City of London Yeomanry and County of London Yeomanryj Egypt 2 years, Palestine 5 months. Foden, Oliver, Cornelius, (1916-19) ; Cor- poral, R.G.A. 148 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Foley, George Ernest (li>li-17) ; Cor- poral, Uxiord&liii'u uud Buckiughamshiro Light liilautry aud ll.D.O. ♦Foley, John (1914-16) ; Captain, Nortliuuiberlaud Fusiliers ; Franco mouths ; Died of wouud.s, 1st July, 1910. Foot, William Ewart (lUlG-19) ; lUIle- mau, lioudou Itgt. and liillo Urigado ; aalouica 5 months, Palestine 4 mouths, Fgypt 16 months. Forbes, Reginald Henry (1915-19) ; Actmg btall-cicigcant, K.A.M.C. ; Kgypt 2 weeiis, Balkans '6 years 2 months. Ford, Arthur (1914-19) ; Mentioned in despaicUcs ; Sergeant, K.A.M.C. ; France 11 mouths, aaloxuca 3 years 1 mouth, liussia (Caucasus) 2 mouthtj. Ford, George WiUiam (1915-19) ; Cor- poral, ll.A.M.C. ; I'rauce 9 months. Ford, Henry Charles (1914-19) ; M.C. aud Bar ; Bicuteuaut, K. Welch l<'usiUer8 ; France 3 years. Ford, Leonard Charles (1916-19) ; Lieu- tenant, U.K. ; France 9 mouths. Ford, Mark (1914-lS) ; Sergeant, R.E. Fordham, Charles Howard Atkinson (1910-19) ; Bombardier, K.i'.A. Forrest, Edward Methuen (1914-19) i Sorgeaut, Aliddlesex ICgt. ; India 4 yeaxs 2 mouths. Forrest, William Robert Edwin (1917- 19) ; Air Mechumc (1st Class), K.N.A.S. and ll.A.F. ; l<"rance 16 months. Forrester, Leonard Cecil (1915-19) ; Private, K.A.S.C. (M.T.); France 4 years 1 mouth. Forsey, WaUace (1916-19) ; Staff- Sergeant, R.JS.A.S. and K.A.F. ; France 3 moutlis. Forsyth, Wilham John (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, Loudon Kgt. ; France 4 mouths, Salonica and Fgypt 2 years 1 month. Foskett, Horace Walter (1915-19) ; Sergeant, li.A.l)'. Foster, David (1914-19) ; M.S.M. ; Sergeant- Major, Uorsetshire ligt., It.F.A. aud K.U.A. ; France aud Germany 4 years 1 month. FothergiU, Frederick (1918-19) ; Rifle- man, Rule Brigade and King's R. iUtlo Corps ; 1^'rance 3 months. Foulger, Wilfred (1915-19) ; Sergeant, Honourable Ai-nliery Company ; If'rauce 14 mouths, Italy 12 montlis, Austria 1 mouth. Fountain, Harry Charles J. (1916-19) ; Sergeant- Clerk, R.A.F. Fowler, John George (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, London Rgt. ; France 2 years. Fowler, Harold ElUott (1917-19); Cot- poral, R.i!;. ; I'rauee 15 mouths. Fowler, Joseph (1914-19) ; Sergeant, London Itgt. ; trance 9 montlis, Salonica 6 months, Palestine 1 year. Fowler, Wilham Fortune (1918-19) ; Scamau, R.>i. Kxperimeutal Station. *Fox, Charles James (1914-16) ; Seo.- Lieuteuaut, K.VV. Kent Rgt. ; Frimce 16 mouths ; Killed in action, 22ud July, 1916. Fox, Henry John (1914-19); Lanco- Corporal, Loudon Kgt. aud Rille Brigade ; India 3 years 5 moutliH. Fox, James George (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Middlesex Kgt., Koyal Fusihers aud lutelhgeuco Corjis ; (Gibraltar 7 mouths, Fgypt 9 months, l''rance 3 years 2 montlis. Fox, John (1916-19) ; Air Mechanic (1st Class), K.M.A.S. aud R.A.F. Fox, Juhus (1910-19) ; Sergeant, R.G.A. aud ICoyal 1 u.-^ihers ; I'rauce 1 year, Palestme, Jigypt and Salonica 1 year S mouths. Fox, Sidney Solomon (1915-19) ; I'ri- vate, R.A.M.C. ; Sulouicu 3 yeai-s 4 months. Fox, Thomas Francis (1911-20) ; Lieu- tenant, Middlesex Kgt. aud ludiuu Army Reserve ; India 3 years 11 mouths, Mesopotamia 1 year. Fox, Walter (1914-1 S) ; Private, Middle- sex Kgt. ; Cihraltar 6 montlis, Fgypt 8 moutns, France 9 months. Fox, WUliara Henry (1916-19) ; Air- craltsman (i»t Class), R.A.F. Foxcroft, John George (1916-19) ; Air Mechamc (1st Class), K.A.l". ; 1' ranee 12 months. France, Robert (1915-19) ; Sergeant, London Itgt. ; 1 ranee 1 year 9 mouths, Salomca 6 mouths, Palestine 1 year. Francis, Tom (1911-19) ; Sec-Lieu- tenant, R.W. Surrey aud R.VV. Kent Rgts. ; India 1 year 9 months. Francis, William Alfred George (1916- 19) ; 2nd Corporal, R.F. Frankis, Percy (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 11 months. Franks, Lawrence Lazarus (1915-19) ; Captam, R.A.M.C. ; Irauce 2 years 11 mouths. Fraser, Robert (1916-19) ; Gunuer, R.G.A. *Free, Ernest Robert (1916-lS) ; Sec- Lieuteuaut, llouourable Artillery Com- pany aud R.G.A. ; France 9 months ; Died, 10th July, 1918. Freeborn, Sydney (1915-19); Private, R.A.M.C. ; 1 ranee 6 moutas, Salonica 6 mouths, Egypt and Palestme 1 year 8 mouths. Freeborough, Charles (1911-19); Men- tioned in despatches ; Lieutenant, 15th Hussars and R.F. ; France 3 years 3 months, Germany 4 months. Freeman, Albert Maskell (1911-19); Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; 1 rauee 4 years. Freeman, Arthur James (1916-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R.E. ; I'ranee 1 year b months. ♦Freeman, Francis Basil (1914-16); Sec.-Lieuteuaut, li. Wurwickslure Rgt. ; France 14 months ; Killed in action, 1st July, 1916. Freeman, George Joseph (1916-lS) ; Sergeant, ICG. A. Freeman, William Bede (1915-19) ; Company Cjuartermastor-Sergeant, li.K. ; France 2 years 11 months. 149 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Freemantle, William Henry (1914-19) ; Sergcaut-Major, Army School of Mus- ketry and Light Gunnery. French, Alfred Ernest (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. French, Clement Charles (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; Lemnos 2 months, Egypt 3 years 1 month. French,EdwardJohn (1914-16 and 1917- 19) ; Sergeant, London Rgt. and R.A.F. ; France 9 months. French, Edward William (1914-19); M.C., Mentioned in despatches ; Lieu- tenant, acting Major, Army Cyclist Corps. French, Sydney James (1915-19) ; Lieu- tenant, London Rgt. ; France 7 months. Freudemacher, Sydney Gordon (1914-19); Company Quartermaster-Sergeant, Ox- fordsliire and Bucliinghamshire Light Infantry ; France 2 years 8 months. Friend, James Gardiner John (1917-19) ; Acting I'.O. Mechanic, R.N.A.S. ; France 2 months. Friend, Sydney Richard (1917-19) ; Air Mechanic, R.N.A.S. *Froome, Charles William (1914-16) ; D.C.M. ; Company Sergeant-Major, Lon- don Rgt. ; France 1 j^ear 8 months ; Killed in action, 1st July, 1916. Frost, Tom (1914-19) ; Lance-Sergeant, Middlesex Rgt. ; India 4 years 6 months. Fry, Percy James (1916) ; Rifleman, London Rgt. Fuller, Leonard Samuel (1914-19) ; Staff-Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 10 months. Fullerton, William (1915-19) ; Armourer Staff- Sergeant, R. Buckinghamshire Hus- sars and R.A.O.C. ; France 1 year 11 months. Fullford, Edwin Frank (1915-18) ; Sapper, R.E. Fulton, John Owen (1914-19) ; Lieu- tenant, London Rgt. ; France 16 months, Salonica 6 months, Egypt and Palestine 9 months, Italy 3 months. Furlong, Walter John (1915-19) ; Sap- per, R.E. Furner, Thomas Ross (1914-19) ; Lieu- tenant, Royal Fusiliers, R.A.S.C, R. Welch Fusiliers and Tank Corps ; France 15 months. Furze, Reginald James (1914-19) ; Lance-Corporal, 1{.F.A. and R.E. ; France 3 years 11 months. Gallery, George (1914-17); Private, London Rgt. ; France 3 months. Galsworthy, John Ford (1914-17); Sergeant, London Rgt. ; Malta 8 months. Gardner^ Herbert (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 8 months. Gardner, Joseph Thomas (1915-19) ; Lance- Corporal, London Rgt. ; France 2 years. Garton, Frederick George (1914—19) ; Lieutenant, R.W. Surrey Itgt. and Oxfordshire Hussars ; France 6 months. Gascoigne, Edward (1915—19) ; Private, London Rgt. Gaskin, Leonard Hugh (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, R.A.M.C. Gasser, James George (1914-19) ; M.S.M.; Company Sergeant-Major, Seaforth High- landers. ♦Gatehouse, Herbert Charles (1914-18) ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 7 months ; Died, 6th November, 1918. Gatehouse, Robert (1914-19) ; Corporal, E. Surrey Rgt. ; India 3 years 2 months, Mesopotamia 15 months. Gatter, Frank (1915-19) ; Sec-Lieu- tenant, Honourable Artillery Company, Machine Gun Corps and Tank Corps ; France 16 months. Geard, Cecil William (1915-19) ; Regi- mental Sergeant-Major, R.A.M.C. ; Galli- poli and Palestine 3 years 6 months. Geen, Lesley Stevens (1914-19) ; Air Mechanic (2nd Class), London Rgt. and R.A.F. ; France 4 months, Egypt 1 year. George, Benjamin James (1914-19) ; Company Sergeant-Major, Seaforth High- landers ; France 3 years 8 months. George, Taliesin (1917-19) ; Seaman, H.M.S. Champion ; North Sea 17 months. George, William Ewart (1916-19) ; Corporal, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. ; France 2 years 2 months. Germaney, William Thomas (1915-19) ; M.M. ; Corporal, R.A.M.C. *Gethin, Percy Francis (1914-16); Sec- Lieutenant, London and Devonshire Rgts. ; France 7 months ; Killed in action, 28th June, 1916. Gibbs, Albert Edward (1915-17); Regi- mental Sergeant-Major, R.A.M.C. Gibbs, Frank Archibald (1918-19) ; Corporal, R.A.F. Gibson, James (1915-19) ; M.M. and Bar ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C. Gibson, John (1914-19) ; M.S.M. ; Regimental Quartermaster-Sergeant, Lon- don Rgt. ; France 3 years 8 months. Gibson, John Rowland (1915-19) ; Lieutenant, London Rgt., R.F.C., and R.A.F. ; France 6 months. Gibson, Stanley Rutherford (1916-19) ; Lieutenant, R.G.A. ; France 9 months, Malta 4 months. Gid well, John (1914-19); Sergeant, King Edward's Horse and Lancashire Fusiliers ; France 2 years 3 months, Germany 2 months. Gilbert, Harry Charles (1916-19) ; Cor- poral, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Giles, Ernest Edward (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. Giles, Frederick Chaston (1914-19) ; Sergeant, London Rgt. ajid R.E. ; France 2 years. Gill, William James (1914-19) ; Sergeant, London Rgt. ; France 8 months, Salonica 7 months, Palestine 1 year. Gilliard, Ernest WiUiam (1915-19) ; Telegraplust, R.N.V.R. Gillham, Frederick James (1916-17); Lance-Corporal, R.VV. Surrey Ilgt. 150 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Gillham, George William (1915-19) ; Privato, K.A.M.CJ. ; France 18 mouths, Italy 14 luoutiis. Gillon, Charles (19lt;-19) : Chief Petty Officer, R.N.A.S. and Il.A.F. Gimson, Percy John (1911-18); Cor- poral, K.F.A. ; Franco 11 months. Gingell, Leonard Victor Hand (1915- 19) ; Lieutenant, \\'ilt.shiro Itj^t. and Machine (Jun Corps ; Franco 18 months. Glass, Henry Douglas (191G-19) ; Cor- poral, R.A.F. ; Salonica 1 year 8 months, Egypt 4 months. ♦Gleadall, James (1914-lC) ; Private, Middlesex Rpt. ; Efi?ypt aud France 3 months ; Killed in action, 15th September, 1916. Glennie, Charles (1914-19) ; Corporal, Middlesex Rjrt. and R.A.F. ; Gibraltar 3 months, France 1 year. Glover, Albert Joseph (1915-19) ; Bom- bartUer tfignaller, R.F.A. Godden, Walter Lewis (1918-19); Pri- vate, R.W. Kent Rgt. and Somerset- shire Light Infantry ; France 3 months. Godfrey, Ernest Allan (1914-18) ; M.C. ; Lieutenant, London Rgt. and R. Marine Liglit Infantry ; France 5 months. Godfrey, Henry Arthur (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.(5. ; France 2 years 8 months. Godman, Arthur Andrew (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; Serbia 3 months, Salonica 2 years 7 months. Godwin, Gilbert Arthur (1915-19) ; Fhght-Sergeant, R.A.F. Goffm, Frederick Stanley (1915-19) ; Corporal, Loudon Rgt. ; France 2 years 6 months. Gohns, Charles Alfred (1915-19) ; Cor- poral, R.A.M.C, Royal FusiUers and Intelligence Corps ; France 2 years 4 mouths. Goldfarb, Maurice (1916-19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; Macedonia 1 year 10 mouths. Golding, Frederick Joseph Othello (1916- 19) ; Corporal, London Rgt. ; France 9 months, Germany (Prisoner of war) 8 months. Goldstein, Simon (1915-19) ; Lance- Corporal, Rifle brigade. Goldthorpe, Frederick James (1916-19) ; Third Writer, R.X. Goode, William Henry (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, R.F.A. and Border Rgt. ; France 2 years 1 mouth. Goodger, Percy Albert (1916-19) ; Lance- Corporal, R.A.O.C. ; France 1 year 8 montlis. Goodhead, Fred Hubert (1914-19) ; Sergeant, London Rgt. and R.E. ; Franco 10 montlis. Goodison, Arthur Leathley (1915-19); Corporal, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt 3 years 1 mouth. Goodland, Percy Harold Edward (1914- 19) ; M.S.M. ; Sergeant, Coldstream Guards ; France 3 years 11 mouths. Goodwin, Alfred John (1914-19); Ser- geant, R.A.M.C. and London Rgt. ; France 2 years. Goodwin, Robert Percy (1914-19); LieiiUMiant, K.A..M.C. anil SulTolk Rgt. ; France 15 months, Salonica 15 montlis. Goose, Thomas Halley (1914-19) ; Men- tioned in despatches ; Sec.- Lieutenant, Inns of Court O.T.C. Gordon, Alexander (1916-19); Sapper, R.E. ; i''ruuce 8 months. ♦Gordon, Graham Henry (1914-16); Private, R.G.A. ; l-'rance 1 year 7 mouths ; Died of wounds, 4th October, 1916. Gosling, Charles Frederick (1914-19); Company {^uartcriuaster-SLTgeaut, MiddJe- .sex Rgt. ; (Jallipoli ;{ mcuiths. Gostling, John Albert Norman (1918-19) ; Corporal, R.A.F. Gould, Albert (1915-19); Sec-Lieu- tenant, London Rgt., R.E. and Tank Corps ; Franco 3 years 1 month. Gould, Thomas Andrew (1916-19) ; Sigualler, R.G.A. ; France 2 years. Graham, Twentyman (1916-19) ; Cor- poral, R.E. Grant, George Compton (1915-19) ; Rilleman, Loudon Rgt. ; France 2 years 6 months. Grant, Herbert Percy (1914-17); Cor- poral, E. Surrey Rgt. and R.D.C. Graves, Harold (1915-19) ; Sec-Lieu- tenant, R.G.A. and R.F.A. ; Franco 15 mouths. Gravestock, Walter John (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt 3 years 1 month. Gray, Ben Thomas (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; Franco 8 months. Grayston, Henry Francis (1915-19); Sec- Lieutenant, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years. Green, Albert Arthur (1914-19); Pri- vate, Middlesex Rgt. ; India 4 years 3 montlis. Green, Charles Hem-y (1916-19) ; Sec- Lieutenant, R.G.A., R.N.A.S. and R.E. ; France 1 year. Green, Charles Samuel (1918-19) ; Driver, R.E. ; France 4 months. *Groen, Louis (1916) ; Pioneer, R.E. ; Franco 3 months ; Killed in action, 24th August, 1916. Green, Peter (1917-19) ; Sergeant, London Ret. Green, Samuel (1916-19); Signaller, R.F.A. ; France 18 months. Greenan, Frank (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; Gallipoli 4 mouths, Egj-pt 8 months, PaU-stiuo 1 year 9 months. Greengrass, Frederic (1915-19) ; Staff- Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; Balkans 2 years 10 mouths. Greenshields, John Benjamin (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. Greensmith, Eric Bosworth (1914-19); Captain, Koyal Fu>ilitrs and Nottingham- shire and Derbyshire Itgt. ; France 1 year 11 montlis, Germany (Prisoner of war) 7 months. ♦Greenwood, Alfred George (1914-17); Lance-Corporal, Middlesex Rgt. ; Franco 3 months ; Killed in action, 10th April, 1917. 151 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Greenwood, Harold (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; Salouica IG months, Bulgaria 5 months. Greenwood, John Henry (1918-19) ; Mechanic (2ud Class), R.N. Greenyer, Leslie Vincett (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 1 year 10 months. Gregory, Arthur John Castell (1915-19) ; Lieutonnnt, R.E. and R.A.O.C. ; France 3 years 10 months. Gregory, Charles Thomas Walter (1916- 19) ; Corporal, R.E. Grey, Alfred Lewis (1915-19) ; M.M. ; Sec-Lieutenant, London Rgt., R.E. and Tank Corps. Griffin, George Edwin (1917-19) ; 2nd Corporal, R.E. ; France 1 year 8 months. Griffiths, Benjamin John (1915-19) ; Lieutenant, Gloucestershire and Welch Rgts. ; France 1 year. Griffiths, Daniel Fred (1916-19) ; Stoker Engineer's Writer, H.M.S. Gibraltar. Griffiths, Edwin George (1916-19) ; Private, R. Sussex Rgt. ; France 2 years 4 montlis. Groom, Alfred George (1914-20) ; M.S.M. ; Corporal, London Rgt. ; France 4 years. Gross, Stanley Abraham (1918-19) ; Private. Royal Fusihers ; Egypt 6 months, ♦Groves, Leonard (1916-17) ; Private, London R«rt. ; France 1 year ; Killed in action, 2ith July, 1917. Grubb, Walter Thomas (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, R.N. and R.A.F. Gully, Francis Robert Curtis (1914-19); Gunner, R.G.A. ; Private, Labour Corps. Gunter, Thomas James (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Lance-Corporal, R.E. and Oxford- shire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry ; France 2 years 3 months. Gurr, Herbert William (1916-19) ; Leading Aircraftsman, R.A.F. Gurton, William Henry (1914-19) ; Lancc-Corporai, R.A.M.C. and R.E. ; Malta 15 months, Egypt 3 months, Macedonia 2 years 6 months, Russia 2 months. Gutteridge, Trevor Frank (1915-19) : M.S.M. ; Corporal, R.A.M.C. *Guy, Harold Courtney (1915-17) ; Pri- vate, Grenadier Guards ; Franco 10 months ; Killed in action, 23rd July, 1917. Gwyther, Lewis Mansel (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. Gymer, Alfred (1916-19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.C. Haddy, Alfred John (1916-19) ; Laace- Corporal, R.E. Hadida, Jacob (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 2 sears 9 months. Hague, Charles Hoardon (1914-19) ; Lanoo-Corporal, R.E. ; France and Italy 4 montlis. Hague, Frank Thomas (1916-19) : Lance-Corporal, R.A.O.C. *HaIe, Reginald Alfred (1916-18) ; Lance- Corporal, Surrey Yeomanry and R. Berk- slure Rgt. ; France 7 months ; Killed in action, 3rd October, 1918. Hales, Bernard Claud (1914-19) ; D.C.M. ; Company Sergeant-Major, London R^gt. ; France 12 months, Salonica 7 months, Palestine 12 months. Haley, Frederick John (1916-19) : Sapper, R.E. Haley, Harold Percy (1915-19) ; Com- pany Sergeant-Major, Army Gymnastic Staff. Hahfax, Henry Christopher (1918-19) : Sergeant, London Yeomanry and York- shire Hussars. Hall, Edward Cecil (1914-18) ; Lieuten- ant, London and Dorsetshire Rgts. ; France 11 months, India 6 months, Palestine 2 years. Hall, Frank Gardner (1915-19); Men- tioned in despatches ; Captain, R.F.A. ; France 17 months, Italy 5 months. Hallam, James (1914-19); Company Quartermaster-Sergeant, London Rgt. ; France 6 months. Halhwell, George Albert (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. *Hamer, WaUer Henry (1916-17) ; Lance- Corporal, Royal FusiUers ; France 2 months ; KiUed in action, 2lst May, X ti X I • Hamilton, Frederick William (1916-19) : Sapper, R.E. ♦Hammond. Arthur Joseph (1914-15) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France 3 months ; Killed in action, 25th May, 1915. Hammond, Sydney Alexander (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Sergeant, London Rgt. ; France 3 years 3 months, Germany (Prisoner of war) 9 months. Hampton, Frank (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 1 year, Salonica 3 years 6 months. Hancock, Ernest Thomas Gordon (1915- 19) ; M.C. • Lieutenant, R.G.A. : France 17 months. ♦Hancock, John Leonard (1916-17); Corporal, Royal Fusihers ; France 5 months ; Killed in action, 16th June, J. «7 X I • ♦Handley, Herbert Eustace (1914-15) ; Sec- Lieutenant, London Rgt. ; France 2 months ; Ejlled in action, 25th May, 1915. Handley, WiUiam Luke (1915-19); Lance-Corpora], R.A.M.C. ; Egypt 1 year 11 months, Palestine 16 months. Hansen, Harry (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years. ♦Hard, Wilham Thomas Stanley (1914- 18) ; Lieutenant, Middlesex Rgt. and Royal Fusiliers ; Gibraltar, Egypt and France 1 year 8 months ; Killed in action, 23rd March, 1918. ♦Harden, William Frederick (191G-18) ; R.N.V.R. ; Service at sea ; Missing, blowing up of H.M.S. Giatton, 16th September, 1918. Harding, Wesley Eldred (1914-18) ; Lieutenant, Durham Light Infantry and Gloucestershire Rgt. ; France 6 months. 152 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Harding, William Victor (1917-19) ; Sergeant, it.G.A. Hardy, Edgar Charles George (191G-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; Franco 3 months. *Harland, George (1914-17): Sergeant, MidiUesex antl London Rgts. ; Gibraltar, Ecrypt and France, 2 years 3 mouths ; Killed in action, 3rd May, 1917. Harlow, Richard (1917-19) ; Regi- mental Scrgeant-iMajor, London Kgt. Harman, Thomas Alexander (1910-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R.E. Harper, David (1916-18) ; Private, Staffordshire Rgt. Harper, George Alfred (1910-17); Pri- vate, London Rgt. Harris, Frank (1910-19) ; Corporal, King's R. Rifle Corps and Macliine Gun Corps ; Franco 8 mouths, Mesopotamia 16 months. Harris, Henry Bolton (1918-19) ; Air Mechanic, R.A.F. Harris, Henry James (1916-19) ; Able Seaman, R.N.V.R. Harris, Henry Thomas (1917-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.F. Harris, Herbert (1915-19) ; Sergeant, Liverpool I{gt. *Harris, Herbert Cecil (1914-16) ; Men- tioned in despatches ; Captain, R.W. Kent Rgt. ; France 13 months ; Killed in action, 3rd July, 1916. Harris, Pinkus (1917) ; Rifleman, King's R. Rifle Corps. Harris, Percy Gerrard (1915-19) ; Cor- poral, R.A.JI.C. ; France 3 j'ears. Harris, Walter WiUiam (1915-19) ; Air Meclianic (1st Class), R.A.F. ; Franco 3 years 1 month. Harrison, Arthur WiUiam (1916-19) ; Bombardier, R.G.A. and R.F.A. ; France 1 year 9 months. Harrow, Percy Avery (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, Middlesex Rgt. and Lancashire Fusiliers ; France months. Prisoner of war 8 months. *Hart, Albert Richard (1914-17) ; Lance- Corporal, Middlesex Rgt. ; Gibraltar 4 months, France 1 year 9 months ; Killed in action, 23rd February, 1917. ♦Hart, Ernest (1914-15); Sergeant, Norlolk Rgt. ; France 5 months ; Killed in action, loth October, 1915. Hart, WUliara Percy (1915-19) : ISIcn- tioned in despatches ; Stafl'-Sergcant, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 9 months. Hart, William Samuel (1914-19) ; Acting Quartermaster-Sergeant, London Rgt. ; France 4 years 2 months. Hartshorn, James (1910-19) ; Bom- bardier, R.G.A. and R.F.A. ; Franco 1 year 9 months. *Haselden, Edgar Adolphus (1914-16); Captain, W. Yorkshire Rgt. ; France 2 months ; Died of wounds, 9th July, 1910. Haslam, Walter Truman (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. Hasler, Douglas William (1915-19); Private, R.A..M.C ; Franco 2 years 11 months. ♦Hatcher, Edward William (1911-10); Lauce-Corporal, London Rgt. ; Franco 10 months ; Missing, 1st July, 1910. Hathaway, J. L. (1914-19) ; Sec- LieutenauL, Hampshire Rgt. ; France 1 1 montlis. ♦Hattam, Harold Colin (1915-17); Lieu- tenant, Sullolk Rgt. ; 1< ranee 3 months ; Killed in action, 2(;th Sei)teniber, 1917. Hatten, Ernest Walter (1915-19) ; Cor- Iioral, London Itgt. ; France 9 months, Salonica months, Palestine 12 months. ♦Hatton, Frederick James (1915-18); Corpora), R.F..\. ; France 2 years 1 montli ; Killed in action, 4th April, 1918. Hatton, Sydney Frank (1914-19); Ser- geant, County of London Yeomanry ; Egypt 8 months, Sinai S months, Salo- nica 8 mouths, Pale^tine 15 months. ♦Haward, Alfred Edward (1910); Pri- vate, London Rgt. ; France 4 months ; Killed in action, 8th October, 1916. Haward, Reginald Walter (1910-19); Sergeant, R.A.i<'. Hawes, Arthur George (1914-17); Regimental Quartermaster- Sergeant, London Rgt. Hawkes, Ernest Warren (1914-17); Stall-Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; France 16 months. Hawkes, William George Warren (1915— 19) ; M.S.M. ; Acting Quartermaster- Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 7 montlis. Hawkins, Eric Arnold (1910-19) ; Rifle- man, Loudon Rgt. ; Salonica and Mace- donia 9 months, Egypt 1 month, Palestine 14 months, France 8 months. Hawkins, Harold William (1915-16) ; Sergeant, R.W. Surrey Rgt. and Army Gymnastic Stall. Hawkins, Leonard (1915-19) ; Flying Ollicor, R.A.F. ; Egypt 3 j-ears. Hawkins, Philip Albert (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 11 months. Hawkins, Reginald Henry (1915-19) ; I'rivate, R.A.M.C. ; France months. Hawksworth, John Herbert (1914-19): M.S.M. ; Sergeant- Major, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 1 month. Hayes, Philip Charles (1916-19); Pri- vate, R.W. Surrey ligt. ; France 2 years 4 months. ♦Haynes, Henry HeUas (1914-17); Cor- poral, 11. X. Lancashire Rgt. ; Franco 17 months ; Killed in action, 10th June, 1917. Haynes, Charles Richard i.(1915-19) ; Lieutenant, E. Surrey Rgt. ; Franco 3 mouths. Hayward, Albert Henry Dennis (1917- 19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; Alcsopotamia 3 months, Palestine 1 year. ♦Head, Wdfred Arthur (1910) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France 3 montlis ; Died of wounds, 10th Sei)tember, 191U. 153 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE *Heard, Ernest Henry (1916-18) ; Cor- poral, London Kst. ; France 13 months ; Killed in action, 2nd October, 1918. Heard, John Frederick Leonard (1916- 19) : Lieutenant, Honourable Artillery Company and R.G.A. ; France 2 years. Heard, Percy Albert (1915-19); Cor- poral, 1{.E. Heather. Edwin (1914-19). *Heatly, Henry Francis (1914-1.5) ; Lieu- tenant, Yorkshire Rcrt. ; France 5 months; Killed in action, 22nd February, 1915. Hellicar, George Huntley (1914-19) ; Twice mentioned in despatches ; Captain, * Lancashire Fusiliers ; France 3 years 1() months. *Helyar, Samuel Ebenezer (1916-17) ; Lance-Corporal, S. Staffordshire Rgt. ; France 6 months ; Killed m action, 27th September, 1917. Hemingway, John Ford (1914-18) ; Private, ll.A.M.C. ; France 8 months. Henderson, John Robert (1914-19) ; Sergeant-Major, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 11 months. Henderson, Ralph Bushill (1915-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Acting Lieu- tenant-Colonel, R.G.A. ; France. Henderson, Robert Francis Gurney (1916-19); Sapper, R.E. Hennessey, Edward Thomas (1916-19) Corporal, R.E. Hennessey, Hendry Ernest (1918-19) Private, London Rgt. Hennig, Conrad Wilfred (1914-19) Corporal, E. Surrey Rgt. and R.E. ; India 1 year, Mesopotamia 1 year. Hennion, Frederick Joseph (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.O.C. Henstridge, Charles Leonard (1914-19) ; M.C. ; Captain, Middlesex and London Rgts. : Gibraltar 6 months, Egypt 8 m.onths. France 2 years 9 months. Herbert, George Charles (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Middlesex Rgt. ; Mesopotamia 8 months, India 3 years 3 months. Herbert, Thomas Edwin (1918-19) ; Rifleman, London Rgt. Herbert, William Frank (1914-18); Lieutenant, London Rgt. ; France 5 months. Herrick, Percy Edwin (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, London Rgt. ; Salonica 5 months, Egypt and Palestine 14 months, France 5 months. Herring, Albert Thomas (1916-17) ; Gunner, If.F.A. ; France 6 weeks. Herring, Victor Roland (1914-17) ; Private;, Oxfordshire and Buckingham- shire Light Infantry ; France 3 months. Hewett, Wallace Horatio (1914-19); Sergeant, London Rgt. and Machine Gun Corjis ; France 1 year. He wish, Edward Alfred (1916-19) ; Corporal, R.A.F. ; France 2 years 2 months. Hewitson, Stanley Robert (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C. Hewitt, Stanley Edward (1914-17); Sec- Lieutenant, Itoyal i'Ubiliers; France 1 year 8 monthii. Hewlett, Alfred Henry (1914-15) ; Rifle- man, London Rgt. ; France 4 months. Hewson, George (1917-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.O.C. ; Baghdad. Hewson, Sidney Thomas (1916-19). Heyes, Joseph (1914-19) ; Sec-Lieu- tenant, Essex Rgt. ; Gallipoli 4 months, Egy pt 1 year, Palestine 3 months, France 18 months. Hibbert, Clifford (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, R.F.A. Hickford, Herbert Arthur (1914-19); Sergeant, Middlesex Rgt. ; India 4 years (5 months. Ricks, Alfred (1916-19) ; Sec-Lieu- tenant, R.G.A. ; France 16 months. Higdon, Reginald Cecil (1914-19) ; Fhght- Sergeant, Middlesex Rgt. and R.A.F. Higgins, Peter Joseph (1915-19) ; Lance- Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 8 months. *Higginson, George Neal (1914-16) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Lieutenant, Royal Fu.sihers and Lancashire Fusiliers ; France 1 year ; KiUed in action, 23rd November, 1916. Higgs, James WilUam (1914-19) : Cap- tain, Middlesex Rgt., Trench Mortars and Intelligence Corps ; Gibraltar 6 months, Egypt 9 months, France 8 months. North Russia 12 months. High, Edward Hayhow (1915-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; Macedonia 1 year 10 months, Russia (Batum) 3 months. Hilditch, Norman Salmon (1916-19) ; Warrant Schoolmaster, R.N. Hiley, Ernest John (1917-19) ; M.M. ; Rifleman, London Rgt. and King's R. Rifle Corps ; France 1 year 2 months. Hiley, Francis Ernest (1916-19) ; Ser- geant, R.A.F. HiU, Arthur Edwin (1914-19) ; Sergeant, E. Surrey Rgt. and R.E. ; France 2 years 5 months. Hill, Albert John (1915-19) ; Sergeant, King's R. Rifle Corps and Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry ; India 3 years 1 month. Hill, Frank Cyril (1915-17): Private, London Rgt. ; France 3 months. HUl, Henry (1917-19) : Private and Air- craftsman (1st Class), Rifle Brigade and R.A.F. Hill, Henry William (1916-19) ; Cor- poral-Instructor, R.E. and Tank Corps. *Hill, Jack (1915-18) ; Corporal, London Rgt. ; France 1 year 9 months ; Killed in action, 28th March, 1918. ♦Hill, Sidney Ernest (1914-16) : Ser- geant, London Rgt. ; France 10 months ; KiUed in action, 23rd May, 1916. HiUier, Charles Sheppard (1918-19) ; Pri- vate, London Rgt. Hills, J. T. (1914-18) ; D.C.M., Men- tioned in despatches; Company Sergeant- Major, London Rgt. ; France 1 year, Macedonia 6 months, Palestine 1 year, Germany 1 month. 154 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Hindell, William Arthur (1915-19) ; Sapper, 1{.E. Hindson, Joseph Carruthers (1010-18); Priviitc, Middlosux lijit.. ; Franco 14 inoiitlis. Hitchings, Charles (1914-19) ; Scc- Lieutoiiaiit, R.A.M.C. and K.A.F. ; Franco (> mouth.s, Saionica G mouths, Palestiuo 2 years. Hocken, Wilfred Arthur (191S-19) ; Private, Uille brigade, London Ryt. and R.D.C. Hodge, Joseph Horton (1916-19) : Lieu- tenant, R.G.A. ; France 2 years 10 months. ♦Hodges. Horace Sydney (1914-17); Company Serjeant-Major, Middlesex Ilert.; France 4 months ; Died of wounds, 5th October, 1917. Hodges, William John (191G-19) ; Cor- poral, King's R. Rifle Corps, Hampshire Rgt., Labour Corps and R. InniskilUng Fusiliers ; France 1 year 8 months. Holdich, Karl Pascal (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. ; Ralkans 2 years 1 month. Holland, Frederick Hamilton (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, R.A.M.C. and R.A.O.C. ; Saionica 1 year. Holland, Frederick Walter (1914-19) ; Staff- Sergeant, London Rgt. and R.A.O.C; Saionica 2 years. Holland, Horace Edward (1914-19); Sergeant, Rerkshire Yeomanry and R.E.; Egypt 6 months, GalUpoli 2 week.s. Holliman, Charles Stanley (1917-19) ; Bombardier, i;.G..\. ; France IG months. Hollman, John (1914-19) : Company Sergeant-Major, London Rgt., King's R. Rifle Corps and British W. Indies Rgt. ; France 3 years 5 months, Italy 4 months. *Holloway, Fred (1915-17); Lance- Corporal, London Rgt. ; France 5 montlis ; Killed in action, 17th June, 1917. Hollo way, Frank Horace (1914-19) ; Mentioned in despatches; Private, Middle- sex Rgt. ; Gibraltar 5 months, France 3 years 6 months. Holloway, Robert John (1915-19) ; Sec. -Lieutenant, Artists' I{iHes and Liver- pool Rgt. ; France 4 mouths, Saionica 4 mouths. Holmberg, John (1915-19) ; Corporal- Mechanic, R.F.C. and R.A.F. ; France 2 years 3 months. Holmes, John William (1914-19); Acting Regimental Quarterniaster- Ser- geant, London Rgt. and Rifle Brigade ; Burma 3 yeai-s G months. Holroyd, Cyril (1914-17); Sec-Lieu- tenant, London Rgt. and Labour Corps. Holway, Ernest (191G-19) ; Sapper, R.E. Holyoake, Leonard William Charles (191G-19) ; Corporal, Army Cyclist Cor|)s, Yorkshire and Lancashire Rgts. and R.F. ; France I year, Italy 6 mouths, Saionica 8 months. Homer, Ernest (1915-19); Private, R.A.M.C. Honeysett, James Stanley (1914-19) ; M.S..M., Meutione-19) ; Sapper, R.IO. Honnor, Albert John (11)11-19); Men- tioned in despatches ; Lieutenant, Hamp- shire Rgt. and Garhwal Rifles ; India 4 years 2 months. *Hook, Edgar (1915-lS) ; Sergeant, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire I^ight Infantry and R. Inniskilling Fusiliers ; France 5 months ; Killed in action, 4th August, 1918. Hooker, James (1914-16); Sergeant, London Rgt. Hooper, John William (1914-19); M.S.M. ; Sergeant, R. Warwickslure Rgt. ; France 3 years 1 1 mouths. Hopkins, Frederick (1914-19) : M.S.M. ; Regimental Sergeant- Major, R..A..M.C. ; France 3 years 3 month.s. Hopkinson, Ernest (1915-19'> ; .Sergeant, R.A.V.C. ; France 3 years 9 months. Hordley. William Howard (1915-17); Corporal, R.A.S.C. ♦Horn, Charles Bennett (1915-18) ; Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. ; Died, 17th July, 1918. Home, Frederick Andrew (1914-18); Acting Captain, R.F.A. ; Franco 2 years 9 months. Home, Sidney Meers (1916-19) ; Lead- ing Mechanic, R..V.A.S. and R.A.F. Homiblow, Edward Charles Thomas (I'.nG-lt)) ; .Sergeant, U.K. *Hornsby, William (1914-17); Sec.- Lieutenant, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry and Somersetshire Light In- fantry ; France 11 months, Egypt and Saionica 11 months ; Killed in action, 21st August, 1917. Horonzick, Solomon (1915-16) ; Pri- vate, Bedfordshire and SulTolk Rgts. Horsford, Algernon (1914-19); Lieu- tenant, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 2 years. Hor«ley, Francis (1915-19) ; Telegraph- ist, R.X.V.R. Horton, Harold (1914-19) ; M.C. ; Captain, MiddJesex and Gloucestershire Rgts. ; Gibraltar 7 montlis, Egypt 9 months, France 2 years. Hosken, Frank (1915-19); Flight- Sergeant, R.A.F. Hoskin, William Alexander (1914-19); Companj' Sergeant-Major, London Rgt. ; France 3 months. Prisoner of war 10 months. Howard, Cecil Thomas (1915-19); Private, R.A.M.C ; I'ranee 2 years. Howe, Albert Henry (191S-19); Air Mechanic (3rd Chuss), R..V.K. Howe, Arthur William (1915-19); Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 7 months. Howell, Leonard Colston (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, .Middlesex Rgt. ; India 4 years 5 months. Howells, Albert Henry (1918-19) ; Private, R.A.F. 155 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE HoweUs, Stafford J. (1916-19) : Lieu- tenant, K.N.V.K. Ho Witt, John Edward (1914-19) ; Sec- Lieutenant, Oxfordshire and Buckingham- shire Light intantry, Wiltstiire and R. Berkrilure Rgts. ; France 9 nioutlis. Hoxey, George Morris Frederick (1914— 19) ; bcrgeant, H.lj'.A. ; France 1 year 10 mouttis, Salonica 6 months, Palestine 1 year b months. Hubert, Charles Richard (1915-19) ; M.S.M., Mentioned Ln despatches ; Ser- geant-Major, it. A.M. C. ; Fast Africa 3 years. *Huddart, Alfred (1916-18) ; Private, Kottuighumshire and Derbyshire Rgt. ; France 13 months ; KliUed. in action, 23rd March, 19 IS. Huggins, Claud Arthur (1915-19) ; Sec.-Lieutcnant, K.G.A. ; Macedonia 1 year 11 mouths. Hughes, Charles Henry (1916-19) ; Bombardier, R.F.A. and R.G.A. ; France 1 year 11 months. Hughes, Owen (1916-19) ; Acting Ser- geant, R.F. Hughes, WilUam James (1915-16) ; Private, London Rgt. Huitt. Henry Robert (1915-19); Ser- geant, R.A.M.CJ. Huiland, WilUam Everard (1915-18) ; Company Quartermaster-Sergeant, 2nd Citj' of London Yeomanry ; France 2 years. Humby, Leonard Percival (1916-18) ; Private, R.A.M.CJ. Humphreys, George Fowler (1914-18) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Lieutenant, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 16 monttis, Italy 4 mouttis. Humplireys, Thomas Arthur (1916-19) ; Sergeant, London Rgt. Humphreys, William Arthur (1915-19) ; M.M. aud Bar ; Acting Company Sergeant-Major, R.E. ; France 3 years 6 montha. Humpliries, Louis (1915-19) ; Captain, R.A.O.C ; France 3 years. Humphrys, WiUiam Arthur (1916-19) ; 2nd Corporal, R.F. Hunt, Alfred John (1916-19) ; Sapper, Hunt, George Lacy (1916-19) ; Private, R.l'.A., Border Rgt. and Labour Corps ; i'rance 1 year 9 mouths. Hunt, Reginald Clarence George (1917- 19) ; CorporaJ, It.N'.A.S. and R.A.F. Hunt, Samuel Syrus (1918-19) : Ser- geant, Loudon and iSliddlesex ligts. Hurd, Rupert Fred Stanley (1914-19); Sergea^nt, Oxfordsliire and Bucldngham- shire Light infantry ; France 15 months. Hurley, Frederick William (1916-19) ; Corporal, R.E. Hurren. Sydney Alfred (1916-19) ; M.C. ; Lieutenant, R.G.A. ; Franco 1 year 8 months. Huskios, Thomas 1914-19) ; Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers. Huskisson, Stephen Samuel (191.5-19) ; Sergeant, R.E. Hussey, Thomas Alfred (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; Italy 1 year 9 months. Hutchinson, Fred (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 18 months. Hutchinson, George Knight MacGowan (1914-19) ; Captain, E. Surrey Rgt., Duke or Cornwall's Light Infantry and Corporal, R.E. ; France 2 years 8 months. Hutchinson, Henry William (1916-19); Meteorological Assistant, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Hutchinson, Norman Oscar (1914-19) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. ; Gibraltar 6 months, France 3 years 5 months. Hutchinson, Walter (1914-19); Ser- geant, Middlesex R?t. and Royal FusiUers; Gibraltar 7 months, EgjT)t 8 months, France 1 year 8 months. *Hutson, Frank William (1915-17) ; Private, London Howitzer Brigade ; France 2 years 9 months ; Accidentally killed, 3rd November, 1917. Hutton, John (1918-19) ; Corporal- Instructor, l^.A.F. Hymans, Alfred (1916-19) ; Private, King's R. Ritie Corps, Durham Light Infantry ; France 2 years. ♦Hymans, Louis Henry (1916-17) ; Lance- Corporal, Royal Fusihers : France 10 months ; Died of wounds, 21st September, 1917. Hyslop, Albert (1915-19); Sergeant, R.A.M.C. Iden, WiUiam Arthur (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France IS months. Inder, Jack Prescott (1915-19) ; Armourer Stafl-Sergeant, R.A.O.C. ; Egypt 3 years 6 months. Innes, Angus Hardie (1914-19) ; Com- pany Quartermaster-Sergeant, London Rgt. ; France 14 months, Salonica 13 months, Palestine 5 months. Instrell, Alan Wilfred (1914-19); Ser- geant, R.F.A. and London Rgt. ; France 10 month.?. Ireland, William George (1916-19) ; Private, London Rgt. and Mactiine Gun Corps ; France 6 months, Salonica 6 months, Egypt and Palestine 9 months. Irvin, John George (1916-19) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France 1 year 9 months. Jack, Robert Hunter (1915-19) ; Lieu- tenant, Essex Rgt. Jackson, George Thomas (1916-17) ; Private, Suffolk Rgt. Jackson, Henry Frederick (1917-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R.A.O.C. Jackson, Stanley David (1915-19) ; Lieutenant, Middlesex, R.W, Surrey, R.W. Kent and Sutl'olk Rgts. ; Salonica 1 month, Italy 16 montlis. ♦Jackson, Walter (1916-18) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France 3 months, Egypt and Palestine 10 months ; Died, 13th October, 1918. *Jago, George Frederick (1915-18) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; iNlesopoUimia 1 year 7 months ; Died, 30th November, 1918. 156 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE James, Arthur Henry (1915-19); Lance- Corporal, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt 4 years 5 mouth.s. James, Arthur Lloyd (1916-19) ; Cor- poral, R.E. James, Frederick John (1917-19) ; Sapper, R.E. James, John (1914-19) ; Captain and Quartermaster, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 9 months. James, John Ernest (1914-18) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers, Loudon Rgt.and R.A.P.C.; Franco 1 year. James, Philip GUbert (1914-19) : Cor- poral, London Rgt. ; France 6 months. *James, Sidney Whitehouse (1915-18); Air Mecliauic, R.N.A.S. : Italy 9 months ; Accidentally killed, 9th June, 1918. Janau, Henry Victor (1918-19) ; Acting Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers : France 9 months. Jarvis, Albert John (1916-19) ; Rapper, R.E. ; Franco 14 months. Jarvis, Francis Reid Adalbert (1915— 19) : 2nd Corporal, R.E. Jarvis, Walter Thorning (1918-19) ; Private, R.A.F. Jay, Henry Eric (1914-19) ; Sergeant, London R?t. and R.F.A. ; France 2 years 9 months. Jay, Walter James (1916-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) and S. Wales Borderers. Jeal, William Percy (1914-19) ; Company Sergeant-Major, London Rgt. and Durham Light Infantry ; Franco 1 year, Salonica 6 months, Egypt 1 year. Jeans. Harold William (1915-19) ; Lieutenant, Middlesex and R.W. Surrey Rgts. and Labour Corps. ♦Jefcoate, Frank (1915-19): O.B.E., Mentioned in dc-^patches; Captain, Suffolk Rgt. and R.F.C. ; Egj'pt and Palestine 3 Tears 1 month ; Accidentally killed, 14th February, 1919. Jefford, William Edward (1916-19) : Sergeant- Mechanic, R.A.F. Jeffs, Charles (1915-19); Private, R.E. and R.A.M.C. ; France 16 months. Jehu, Frederick Charles (1915-19); 2nd Corporal, R.K.A. and R.E. ; France 3 years 6 mouths. Jelbart, Percy (1916-19); Pioneer, R.E. : France 2 yearn 5 months. Jenkin, Herbert Edward (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 3 montlis. Jenkin, Stanley (1914-16): Private, London Rgt. ; France 7 months. Jenkins, Edgar Charles (1915-19); Signaller, Royal Fusiliers ; France 2 years 6 months. Jenkins, Emrys Robert (1916-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; East Africa 2 years. Jenkins, Ernest Ivor (1914-19); Com- pany Quartemiaster-Sei^eant, R.E. Jenkins, Joseph Clay (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, R.A.ISI.C. ; Salonica 1 year. Jenman, Cyril James (1914-19) ; Lieu- tenant and Quartermaster, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 10 mouths. Jenn, Frank Yeo (1916-19) ; Sec- Lieutenant, R.G.A. Jennings, Sidney (1914-19): Company Quurtermastcr-Sergcaut, Scaforth High- landers ; France 2 years 7 months. ♦Jennings, Sidney James (1915-18); LIcutenunt, E. Surrey Rgt. attached R.E. ; Franco 2 months ; Missiug, 30th March, 1918. Jennings, Thomas Albert (1917) ; Pri- vate, R.A.O.C. Jenrick, Gilbert Blackmore (1914-19) ; Captain, Middlesex Hussars and Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry ; France 2 years. Jenvey, Henry Charles (1916-19); Mentioned in despatches ; Lieutenant, R.G.A. ; France 1 year. Jeremiah, Trevor Richards (1917-19); Air Mechanic (2nd Class), R.N.A.S. *Jessop, Robert (1914-16); Private, Middlesex Rgt. ; Gibraltar 7 months, Egypt 8 months. Franco 4 months ; Killed in action, 9th September, 1916. •Jeynes, Thomas George (1914-16); Corporal, R. Warwickshire Rgt. ; France 16 months ; Missing, 1st July, 1916. Johnson, Frederick Burleigh (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; Franco 7 months. Johnson, George Benjamin (1915-19) ; Stall- Captain, Leicestershire Rgt. and General Staff ; France 3 years 2 months. Johnson, Henry Shephard (1916-19); Sapper, R.E. ♦Johnson, James William (1914-17); Lieutenant, Middlesex Rgt. ; India 1 year, France 8 months ; Missing, 30th November, 1917. Johnson, Leonard Charles (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Surrey Yeomanry. Johnson, WiUiam (1914-19) ; Lieu- tenant, Bedfordshire ligt. and Royal Fusiliers ; France 3 years. Johnson, William Francis (1916-19) ; Ordinary Seaman, R.N.V.R. Johnston, Irving (1914-17); Lance- Corporal, Durham Light Infantry. Johnstone, Alexander (1916-19) ; Cor- poral, R.E. ♦Jolly.. Ernest Robert (1916-17); Cor- poral, K. Surrey Rgt. ; France 3 months ; Killed in action, 2nd October, 1917. Jolly, John Arthur (1914-19) ; Corporal, City of Loudon Yeomanry and Machine Gun Corps ; Gallipoli 5 months, Egypt 16 months, Salonica 8 mouths, Palestine 8 months, France 8 months. Jones, Arthur Benjamin (1915-19) ; Italian Medal, I'JIS ; Lieutenant, R. Welch Fusiliern and R.G.A. ; France 6 mouths, Italy 12 mouths. Jones, Arthur Cyril (1915-19) ; 2nd Corporal, U.K. ; Franco 1 year 9 months. Jones, Arthur Lewis (1916-19); Rifle- man, King's R. Rillo Corps ; France 2 years 4 mouths. Jones, Arthur Tyler (1914-19); M.S.M., Mentioned in despatches ; Staff Sergeant- Major, London Rgt. 157 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Jones, Bertram William (1916-19) ; Sapper, U.K. ; Frauce 3 months. Jones, Charles (1910-19) ; Corporal, H.E. Jones, David John (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 1 month. Jones, Edward (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, Middlesex Rgt. ; Egypt 2 weeks, India 3 years 9 months, Mesopo- tamia 7 months. Jones, Edgar Isaiah (1914-19) ; Sapper, London Rgt. and K.E. ; France 2 years 10 months. Jones, Frank (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. Jones, Isaac George (1915-10) ; Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. *Jones, Herbert Frederick Chamberlain (1914-17) ; Lance-Corporal, London Rgt. ; France 4 months ; Killed in action, ICth May, 1917. Jones, John Edward (1915-19) ; Acting Stafl-Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 8 months. Jones, Jonathan Leonard (1915-19) • Private, Honourable Artillery Company ; France 2 years 3 months. Jones, John Stoddard (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, :Sliddlescx Rgt. ; Gibraltar 6 months, France 14 months. *Jones, Joseph Sydney (1915-19) ; Cor- poral, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt 3 years ; Died, 5th April, 1919. Jones, Leonard Hay (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. Jones, Percy Wynn (1914-19) ; Lieu- tenant, Middlesex Rgt. and R.A.S.C. ; GallipoJi 6 months, Palestine and Egypt 3 years 10 months. Jones, Robert Ellis (1915-18) ; Sergeant, R. Welch Fusiliers. Jones, Robert Pritchard (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.M.C, R.E. and Royal Fusiliers ; France 2 years 4 mouths. Jones, Thomas (1910-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 1 year 9 months. Jones, Thomas (1910-19) ; SuYj-Lieu- tenant, Artists' Rifles and R.N.V.R. Jones, Thomas John (1915-19) ; Cor- poral, R.G.A. ; Salonica 2 years 3 months. Jones, William Henry Lake (1915-19) ; Captain, London and Middlesex Rgts. and General List ; France 15 months, Italy 14 months. Jurd, Reuben Henry Arthur (1914-18) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers and Machine Gun Corps ; France 2 years 3 months. Kane, John Charles (1917-19) ; Cor- poral, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Keay, Edmund James (1914-20) ; Cap- tain, acting Major, Machine Omi Corps ; Gallipoli months, Egypt 8 months, France 3 years. Keeffe, Francis Leo (1915-19) ; Awarded Certificate of Merit for the invention of an automatic filler for Lewis Gun maga- zines ; Armourer Stall-Sergeant, R.A.O.C. Keeley, Albert Edward (1915-19) ; Lance-Corporal, London Rgt. ; France 1 year 9 months. ♦Keeling, Albert Ernest (1914-15) ; Lance-Corporal, Loudon Rgt. ; France 3 months ; Missing, 16th May, 1915. Keep, William Harry (1914-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 4 years 5 months. *Kelly, John (1916-17) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France 1 year ; Killed in action, 19th July, 1917. Kelly, Malcolm James (1916-19) ; Acting Sergeant, Lincolnshire Rgt. and R.A.F. ; France 2 years 9 months. Kelly, Patrick Thomas (1914-19) ; Sub- Conductor, R.A.O.C. ; France 4 years. KeUy, Robert John (1914-18); Com- pany Sergeaut-Major, London Rgt. ; France 3 months. Kemp, Percival Hepworth (1914-16); Private, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry ; France 8 months. Kemp, Walter Sicklemore (1910-19) ; Stafl-Sergeant, R.E. Kemsley, Wilfred (1918-19) ; Private, London Rgt. Kenny, Michael Thomas (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.V.C. ; France 1 year 10 months, Italy 14 months. Kent, Alfred Larkin (1914-19) ; Sec- Lieutenant, London Rgt. and R.A.F. ; France 6 months. Kent, Herbert John (1914-19) ; M.C., Mentioned in despatches ; Lieutenant, London Rgt. and Machine Gun Corps ; France 2 years 6 months. ♦Kenyon, Harry Thomas James (1915- 17)- Private, R.A.M.C; France 1 year 7 months ; Killed in action, 17 th August, 1917. Kern, Bertie Charles (1916-19) ; Stafl- Sergeant, R.E. Kerrison, Harold Wesley (1914-19); Private, Middlesex Rgt. ; India 2 years 9 months. *Ketcher, Percy Thomas (1914-16) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France 1 year ; Died of wounds, 29th March, 1916. Key, Charles William (1917-18) ; Cor- poral, R.G.A. Keys, Francis Herbert (1915-19) ; Lieu- tenant, London and E. Surrey Rgts. ; India 3 years. ♦Keys, William (1914-15) ; Sergeant, Seaforth Highlanders ; France 6 months ; Missing, 9th May, 1915. Kilner, Charles Arnold (1914-19) ; Flight Cadet, London Rgt. and R.A.F. ; France 12 months. Kimber, Albert Richard (1914-19); Lance-Corporal, London Rgt. ; France 18 months. King, Charles (1915-19); Lieutenant, Honourable Artillery Company and London Rgt. ; France 10 months. ♦King, Charles William (1914-16) ; Sergeant, London Rgt. ; France 4 months ; Killed in action, 24th December, 1916. King, Francis (1916-19) ; Air Mechanic (1st Class), R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. ; France 10 months. 158 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Kingr, George (1910-19); Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 3 months. *King. Henry Alfred (1915-lS) ; Sec- Lioutonant, U.G.A. and Indian Army ; India 2 years 11 months ; Died, 4th November, 1918. King, Henry George (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, London Rgt. ; France 18 mouths. King, Lawrence Aubrey (1914-17) ; Pri- vate, Middlesex Rgt. ; Gibraltar 6 months. Franco 1 year. King, Malcolm Percy (1914-18) ; M.M. ; Sergeant, Cameron Highlanders ; Franco 2 years 6 mouths. King, Percy William (1914-19) ; Lieu- tenant, Maucliester Rgt. and R.A.F. King, Sydney Thomas (1914-19); Ser- geant, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 11 months. Kirby, John Charles Anthony (1910-19) ; Sergeant, R.E. Kirkby, George (1914-19) ; D.C.M., M.S.M. ; Corpora], County of Londou Yeomanry. Kirkham, Harry (1916-19) ; Private, R. Sussex Rgt. ; India 2 j-eai-s 1 month. *Kirkwood, John (1914-15) : Lance- Corpora], London Rgt. ; France 2 months ; Ki]]ed in action, 3rd May, 1915. Kitchen, Albert Edward (1915-19) ; M.M., M.S.M. and Mentioned in de- spatclies ; Sergeant-Major, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 6 months. Kitchener, John Parkinson (1915-19) ; Squadron Quartermaster-Sergeant, R.A.S.C. Kitcher, Bertram George (1916-19) ; Corpora], R.E. Knell, Thomas Harold (1916-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R.A.O.C. ; France 2 years 7 months. *Knight,Hugh Alfred William (1915-16) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France 6 months ; Killed in action, loth September, 1916. Knight, Sidney (1916-19); Sec-Lieu- tenant, Rifie Brigade ; France 10 months. Knights, Edward Henry Thome (1914- 19) ; Lance-Corporal, Middlesex and E. Kent Rgts. ; India 3 years 3 months, Mesopotamia 11 montlis. Kynaston. Thomas Victor (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Corporal, R.E. ; France 4 years 1 month. Lacey, George Herbert (1914-19) ; Sec- Lieutenant, Loudon Rgt. ; France 2 years 9 months, Egrj'pt and Palestine 6 montlis. Lacey, Robert Vincent (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, London Rgt. ; France 2 years. Lack, Frederick William (1915-18) ; Air Mechanic, K.N.A.S. Lake, William Lancelot (1914-17) ; Colour-Sergeaut, Loudon Rgt. Lakeman, Henry S'Bire (1914-19) ; Staff-Sergeant, Hampshire Rgt. ; India 4 years 9 montlis. Lambert, Arthur Eli (1915-19); Lance- Corporal, R.E. Lancaster, Frank Knowles (1915-18) ; Sergeant, R.A.V.C. and R. Lancaster Rgt. ; France 2 years J RiQQth. Lancaster, George Edward (1915-19); Sergeant, R.A..S.C. ; Salonica 3 years 4 months. Lancaster, Louis James Alfred (1918- 19) ; Private, R.A.F. Landels, Walter (1915-19) ; Private, Sea- forth Higlilandei-s ; Mesopotamia 2 years. Lane, Albert Norman (1911-19) ; M.C. ; Lieutenant, OxfonNhirc and Huekinirham- shire Light lulautry and Macliiue Gun Corps ; i'rance 4 year-. Lane, George William (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; I'ranie >> mouths. *Lane, Harold Victor (1914-18); Cor- poral, London llgt. ; France 15 montlis ; Died of wounds, 21)th Mareli, 191^. Lane, Henry Clifford (191G-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. ; Sjalonica 2 years. Lang, Reginald William (1915-19); Company Sergeant-Majoi-, .Middlesex Rgt. *Lang, Sidney Drummond (1914-17) ; Sec-Lieutenant, Yorkshire Light In- fantry ; Frnuce ] month ; Died of wounds, 23rd February, 1917. Langford, Alfred Gray (1917-19) ; Lieu- tenant, R.l''..\. and R.A..S.C. ; France 9 months, Palestine 1 yi-ai'. Langford, George William (1914-19); Mentioned in despatclies ; Lieutenant, London Rgt. and Machine Gun Corps ; France 3 years 6 mouth-. Lansdall, Percy George (1914-19); Corporal, Hertfordshire and Essex Rgts. ; France 2 years. Large, Reginald Francis (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.O.C. ; France 1 year 11 months, Italy 15 montlis. Large, Richard Passingham (1914-19) ; Corporal, Essex and Chesliire Rgts., and R.A.P.C. ; Egypt and Palestine 1 year 11 months. *Lassetter, Alfred Ernest (1916-17) ; Pri- vate, Pioyal l''usiliers ; France- 5 months; Missing, 17th February, 1917. Latham, Frederick Clarence James (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, SulTolk Rgt. ; Egypt 18 months, France 18 months. Latham, George (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 9 months. Latter. William Walter (1915-19); Sergeant, I?. A. M.C. ; France 1 year 8 months. Launder, George Edgar (1918-19) ; Air Mechanic (3rd Class), R.A.F. Laverty, James Has well (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, -Middlesex Rgt. ; India 4 years 11 montlis. Lawday, Harold (1918-19); ^Urcrafts- man (2ii(l Class), K..\.F. ; France 2 mouths. Layer-Parker, Robert (1914-19) ; Lieu- tenant, City of Loudon Yeomanry, R.F.A. and R..\.F. ; Egypt 6 montlis, Gallipoli 3 months, France 8 months, Palestine and Syria 11 months, Mediterranean 1 month. Leach, Charles Herbert (1914-19); Scc-Lieiiteimnt, Oxford-hire and Buck- inghamshire Liglit Infantry ; France and Germany 1 year 8 montlis. 159 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Leach, Frederick James (1916-19) ; Private, London Rgt. and R.A.P.C. ; France 18 months. Lean, Robert Graham (1915-19) ; M.S.M., Mentioned in despatches ; Com- pany Sergeant- INIa lor, Army Gymnastic Staff : France 2 years 5 months. Leaper, William Bambrick (1915-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R. InniskilUng Fusiliers and R.A.S.C. ; France 1 year 8 montlis. Prisoner of war 8 months. Leaphard, Edmund Percival (191G-19) ; Sergeant-Major, R.A.F. Leaver, Hubert Russell (1915-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Lance-Corporal, R.A.M.C. ; Dardanelles 2 months, Egypt 6 months, Macedonia 2 years 6 months, Bulgaria 2 months, Caucasus 2 months. Lee, Horace Stevenson (1915-19) ; Sec. -Lieutenant, London Rgt., Machine Gun Corps and R.W. Kent Rgt. ; France 6 months. Lee, James Percy (1915—19) ; Corporal, R.A.O.C. and Essex Rgt. ; Egypt 3 years. Lee, William Ernest (1914-19); Ser- geant, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry ; France 9 months. Prisoner of war 1 year 10 months. Leedale, Stanley Hinde (1914-17) ; Pri- vate, London Rgt. ; Malta 8 months, Egj'pt 6 months, Gallipoli 3 months, France 8 months. Leese, Wilham Heath (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt 3 years. Legerton, Claude William Saxby (1914- 19) : Sec-Lieutenant, Middlesex Rgt. and Machine Gun Corps ; India 2 years 10 months, France 8 months. *Legg, Walter Ambrose (1915-17) ; Lance-Corporal, London Rgt. ; France 5 months ; Killed in action, 30th Novem- ber, 1917. Leggett, Sydney James (1915-19) ; Lieutenant, London Rgt. and R.F.A. ; France 4 montlis. Leigh, Eusebius (1914-19); London Rgt. and R.D.C. Sergeant, Leighton, John William James (1914— 19) ; .Staff-.Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt and Palestine 1 year. Lello, William Paul (1916-19) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. ; India 18 months, Mesopotamia 6 months. Lerry, Frank Herbert (1915-19) ; Lance- Corporal, Honourable Artillery Company (Infantry) ; France 10 months. Levene, Solomon (1916-19); Corporal, Royal Fusiliers ; France 18 months. Lever, John (1914-20); M.C., Mentioned in despatches ; Lieutenant, Royal Fusiliers; France 2 years. ♦Lewin, Henry George (1915-18) ; Pri- vate, London Yeomanry : France 15 months ; Killed in action, 27th April, 1918. Lewis, Charles Langton (1915—19) ; Corjjoral, R.A.M.C. : France 3 years 2 months. *Lewis, Ernest (1914-17); Private, London P^gt. ; France 2 years ; Killcfl. ia action, 15th March, 1917. Lewis, Edward George (1916-19); Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. ; Salonica 6 months Palestine 18 months. Lewis, Louis Clinton (1914-17) ; Com- pany Quartermaster- Sergeant, London Rgt. Lewis, Sidney Herbert (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Sergeant, London Rgt. ; France 8 months. Licence, Russell Ewart (1914-19) ; Croix de Guerre (Gold Star) (French) ; Captain, Essex and Warwickshire Rgts., and Durham Light Infantry ; France 2 years 7 months, Germany 4 months. Lidington, Ernest (1914-19) ; Lieuten- ant, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry ; France 2 years 3 months. LiUey, Ernest George (1916-19) ; Ser- geant, R.G.A. ; France 1 year. Liming, Leonard Hiam (1915-19) ; Men- ' tioned in despatches ; Company Sergeant- Major Instructor, London Rgt. and Army Gynanastic Staff ; France 8 month-s. LindseU, Alfred Edward (1916-19) ; Sergeant, Hampshire Rgt. ; France 2 years 3 months, Germany 4 months. Ling, Albert (1916-19) ; Sec-Corporal, R.E. Ling, Martin (1914-19) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France 6 months, Salo- nica 7 months, Palestine 1 year 7 months. Linklater, Philip (1916-19) ; Corporal, R.A.M.C. ; France 1 year 9 montlis, Germany 9 months. Linn, Albert Thomas (1916-19) ; Sapper, King's R. Rifle Corps, Rifle Brigade and R.E. ; France 2 years 2 months. Little, Andrew John (1918-19) ; Sapper, R.E. Littler, John (1914-17); Sergeant, Yorkshire Rgt. Livens, Albert Henry (1915-19) ; Sec- Lieutenant, R.G.A. ; France 7 months. Livsey, Arthur Leonard (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, Northamptonslure Rgt. Llewhellin, George Edmund (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, London and Norfolk Rgts. Lloyd, Evan Addis (1914-19) ; M.S.M., ATentioned in despatches ; Regimental Quartermaster-Sergeant, R. Welch Fusi- liers ; France 3 years 4 months. Lloyd, Henry James (1918-19); Pri- vate, London Rgt. Loarridge, Herbert Sydney (1916-19) ; Signaller, Machine Gun Corps and E. Surrey Rgt. ; Mesopotamia 13 months, India 14 months. Lockeyear, Henry James (1914-17) ; Sergeant, London Rgt. ; Malta 8 months, Egypt 3 months, Gallipoli 4 months, France 8 months. Lockley, Frederick William (1915-19); Meutioned in despatches ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt 3 months, France 6 months, Mesopotamia 2 yeai-s 5 months. Lodge, Charles John (1914-19) ; Sapper, R.E. Lofthouse, Raymond (1916-19); Rifle- man, King's R. Rifle Corps ; Greece 4 mouths, France 17 months. 00 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Long, Herbert William Fortescue (I'JKJ- 19) ; Sec. - Lieutenant, 1{.N.A.8. find R.A.F. ♦Long. William Ernest (1910-18); 8er- prt!ant, London Rtxt . ; France 3 months ; Died of wounds, '2oth April, 1!)18. Looseniore, Percy (l'Jl()-19); Chief Petty OtHcer, K.N.V.U. ; iMiuesweeping 2 years 6 nionths. *Lord. Ernest William (1911-10); Pri- vate, Gloncesterwliirc Rf?t. ; Franco 7 months ; Killed in action, 21.st January, 1916. Lord, William Clement (1915-19); Ser- geant, London llgt. and Army Gymnastic Staff. Lorimier, Walter John (1915-19) ; Gunner, Honourable Artillery Company ; Egypt 10 months, Palestine and Syria 2 years 1 month. Lovesay, George (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. Lowry, Arthur Patrick (1914-19); Pri- vate, Middlesex Kgt. and li.A.S.C. ; Gibraltar G months, Egrypt 18 mouths, Palestine 1 year, France 1 year. Lucas, Fred (1915-18) ; Corporal, Riflo Brigade ; France 1 year. *Lucas, Maurice Thomas (1911-17) • Private, Middlesex Rgt. ; Gallipoli 5 months. E«ypt and Palestine 10 months ; Killed in action, 19th April, 1917. Luke, Francis (1910-18) ; Pioneer, R.E.; France 1 year 9 months. Lund, Robert (1910-19); Corporal, R.F.C. and K.A.F. ; France 2 years. *Lunn, Rupert Hugh (1915-17); Pri- vate, Essex Rgt. ; (iailiiioli, Malta and Egvpt 18 mouths ; Missing, 20th March, 1917. Lyne, Charlie (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 8 months. ♦Lynes, Norman (1914-16); Private, Middlesex Rgt. ; Gibraltar and Egypt 17 months, France 4 months ; Missing, 10th September, 1916. Lyon, Frederick William (1914-19) ; Mentioned in desi>atehes ; Company Quartermaster-Sergeant, R.A.S.C. ; Malta 15 months, France a months, Saloiiica 8 months, Palestine 18 mcaths. Lyons, WilUam (1917-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 2 years. *McAlister, Harry Percival (1914-17); Company Sei^eant-Major, Uilio Brigade ; France 3 mouths ; Killed in action, 31st July, 1917. Mo Arthur, William (1916-19) ; Cor- poral, R.G.A. Macaulay, Dugald (1910-19); Sapper, R.E. ; France 9 months. McCall, Alexander (1910-19) ; Warrant- Offlcer, II. M.S. Blenheim ; Malta 2 months, Mudros 1 year 8 months, Brindisi 6 months. Black Sea 3 months. McCall, Thomas Vincent (1915-19) ; \Yarrant-Offlcer, R.X. ; North Sea 3 years. McCarthy, John William (1915-19); Private, R.A.M.C. : Salonica G mouths, Palestine 1 year 11 months. (1915-19) ; Captaiu, McCauIey, Vincent Joseph Mentioned in despatches ; R.G.A. ; France 15 uionths. McDiarmid, John Joseph (1917-19); Coriioral, R..\.A.S. ami R.A.F. McDonald, John Tolmie (1910-19); Lieutenant, R.(j!.A. ; l''rance i months. McDonald, William James (1910-19): Sergeant, R.(;..\. ; Franco 2 years 5 months. McFarlane, Leonard (1910-19) ; Air Mechanic, R.N..\.S. and R..\.F. ; Franco 1 year 9 months. McGibbon, Reginald George (1915-19); Sergeant-lnstnietoi-, Norfolk Rgt. and Army Gymnastic .Stall'. McGuire, John Charles (191.5-19); Corporal, R.A.S.C. and Norfolk Rgt. ; France 3 mouths. McHaffie, Arnold Ewart (1915-19): Private, I'l.A.M.C. ; Franco 2 years 3 months. McHarrie, Walter Cowley (1915-19); Stall'-Sergi^ant, County of London Yeo- manry and Army Gymnastic Staff ; Palestine 1 year 7 months. Machin, George (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, Beillordshlre, E. Riding, and Middlesex Yeomani-y. Mclnley, Ernest Stuart (1915-19); Gunner, R.G.A. : .Salonica 6 months, Palestine 18 months. Mclnnes, Latimer (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; Franco 9 months. Corporal, 6 months. (1915-19) ; 2 years 8 ; Signaller, 7-19); Cor- Franco 5 McKee, James (1914-19) Middlesex Rgt. ; Gibraltar France 3 jears G months. McKeon, Ralph Frederick John (1910- 19) ; 2nd Corporal, R.E. *McKimmie, Alexander Ian (1914-17) ; Lieutenant, Seaforth Highlanders, W. Yorkshire Rgt. and R.A.F. : France 10 months ; Killed in action, 23rd May, 1917. McKlmmie, John (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Middlesex Rgt. McLaughlin, Neil James Private, R.A.V.C. ; France nionths. McLeish, Peter (1917-19) 1{.F..\. ; France 1 year. McPherson, Graeme (191 poral. R.K. and 1{..\.S.C. mouths, Italy 12 months. Macphcrson, William (1915-10); Pri- vate, Royal Fusihers. *Macrae. Farquhar Mathieson (1914-15) ; Private, Lomlou Rtrt. : France 4 months ; Mis.-ing, 9th .May, 1915. McVey, James Stephen (1915-19); Lieutenant, R.A.V.C. ami Machine Gun Corps; Franco 12 months, Egypt 12 months, Salonica 4 months. Prisoner of war 7 months. Maddock, Frank Arthur (1916-18); Sapper, R.K. Maiden, Bertram Heath (1010-18); Lance-Corporal, N. Staffordshire Rgt. ♦Maidment, Edwin Arthur (1910-lS) ; Private, il.G..V. ; France 15 mouths : Died, IGth April. 1918. l6l RECORD OF WAR SERVICE *Maidment, Hubert George (1914-16) ; Sergeant, Roj-al Fusiliers ; Malta, Galli- poli and Egypt 17 months, France 5 months : Killed in action, loth Septem- ber, 191fi. Major, Stephen James (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, R.F.A. ; France 10 months. Makepeace, Bernard (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, King's R. Rifle Corps, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. ; France 6 months. *Maley, Robert James Hudson (1914-15) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France 2 months ; KiUed in action, 25th May, 1915. •Mallpress, Victor Kenneth (1914-15) ; Private, London Rgt. : France 2 montlis ; Killed in action, 25th May, 1915. Malone, Joseph Thomas (1916-19) ; M.C. ; Lieutenant, Irish Guards and Inniskilling Fusiliers ; France 14 months. Mangold, Charles Frederick William (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 6 months, Salonica 6 months, Palestine 1 year 8 months. Mann, Herbert Henry (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, Essex Rgt. ; Gallipoli 3 months, Egypt 14 months, Palestine 1 year 8 months. Mansley, Edward John (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. : France 7 months, Salonica 7 months, Palestine 1 year 8 months. Mapham, Neville (1914-19) ; D.C.M. ; Staff-Sergeant, R.A.V.C. ; France 3 years 9 months, Germany 4 months. Maple, John James (1917) ; Rifleman, King's R. Rifle Corps. Marchant, James Albert (1917-19) ; Corporal, London Rgt. Marchant, Sidney Henry (1914-17) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. Margetts, Charles Ernest (1916-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; Salonica 2 years 6 months. Markall, Edward Charles (1916-19) ; Bombardier, R.G.A. ; France 1 year 8 months. Markham, Percy (1914-19) ; Company Sergeant- Major, London Rgt. Markland. George Berry (1916-19) ; Sec- Lieutenant, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Salo- nica 10 months. Marks, Alfred Pearce (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. Marks, Louis Charles (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. Marley, Arthur James (1915-19) ; M.S.M., Mentioned in despatches ; Regi- mental Sergeant-Major, Yorkshire Light Infantry. Marlow, Arthur Albert (1914-19) ; Rifleman, London P^. and Rifle Brigade ; British Burmah 4 years. Marrington, Robert Harry Custance (191.5-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; East Africa 3 years. Marsh, William John (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, R.E. and Tank Corps. Marshall, Faithful James Barratt (19 IS- IS) ; Lieutenant, London Rgt. Marsland. David Clement (1916-19) ; Sec-Corporal, R,K, Marston, Roscoe Frederick (1914-19) ; Corporal, Royal Fusiliers, R.E. and Labour Corps ; France 2 years 1 month. Martel, Ernest (1914-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Warrant Officer, R.N. Division and R.N. ; Dardanelles 6 months, Cameroons 12 months. North Sea 12 months. Martin, Ernest William (1915-19) ; M.M. ; Battery Quartermaster-Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 9 months. ♦Martin, WilUara Edwin (1916-18) ; Corporal, Nottinghamshire and Derby- shire Rgt. and Royal Scots ; France 10 months ; Died of wounds, 20th April. 1918. *May, William John (1914-17) ; Cor- poral, R.E. ; France 2 years 7 months ; Died of wounds, 6th July, 1917. Maslen, James Robert (1914-19) ; Colour-Sergeant, Middlesex Rgt., Indian Labour Company and Staffordshire Rgt. Mason, Herbert WUham (1914-19) ; Acting Sergeant, Middlesex Rgt. and R.A.O.C. ; Gibraltar 6 montlis, Egypt (Western Frontier) 11 months, France 9 months. Mason, WilUam Charles (1914-19); Lieu- tenant, R.A.M.C. and Middlesex Rgt. ; France 2 years 9 months. Mather, John Henry (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, London Rgt. ; Salonica 6 months, Egypt 1 year 8 months. Mattey, Sidney Batt (1915-19); Sec- Corporal, R.E. Mathews, Frederick Wilham (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 8 months. Matthews, Frederick John (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt and Palestine 3 years. Matthews, William Edward (1916-19); Sapper, R.E. Maunder, Gilbard Coysh (1917-19): Corporal, R.A.O.C. ; Mesopotamia 4 months, India (N.W. Frontier) 4 months, France 1 month, Egypt 1 month. Mawbey, Henry Frederick (1915-16); Lieutenant, Army School of Musketry and Light Gunnery. Maxfield, Sidney Thomas (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 2 years. May, Gilbert (1918-19) ; Aircraftsmtin (2nd Class), R.A.F. Maynard, Charles George Gordon (1915— 19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; Corfu 2 months, Malta 6 montlis, Salonica 2 years 5 months. Meades, Charles (1915-19) ; Able Sea- man, R.N.V.R. Mears, George Harold Rudolph (1914- 19) ; Trooper, County of London Yeo- manry and Cavalry Rgts. ; Egypt 10 weeks, Gallipoli 3 months. Meaton, Charles (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; Corfu 3 months, Salonica 2 years 8 months. Medley, Philip Ernest (1916-19) ; Gunner, R. ^larine Artillery. Meek, Harold (1916-18) ; Corporal, S. \\'ales Borderers ; France 4 months. 162 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Meigh, Harry (1914-19); Lieutenant, R.F.A. and R.E. ; France 3 years. Melles. Robert Ernest (1916-19); M.B.E.; Lieutenant, 11. G. A. Melsom, Horace Herbert (1911-19); Corporal, U.K. Melton, William James Ward (1910- 19) ; M.S.M. ; Company Qnartenna>t 9 month--. Francs 1 year 10 months. Prisoner ol war 8 montlis. Newnham, Arthur William (1917-19): Air Mechanic (2nd Class), K.N.A.S. and P.A.F. Newport, Percival (191G-19) ; Corporal, R.A.V.C. ; France 2 years 1 month. Newton, Gilbert Ford (1916-19) ; Men- tioned in despatches ; Sec. -Lieutenant, Honourable Artillery Company and E. Surrey Rgt. ; France 1j months. Nicholls, Frederick Charles (1916-19); Private, P.A.M.C. ; Salonica 4 months, Egypt 1 year 7 months. Nicholls, Thomas Walter (1914-10); Lanec-CorporaJ, Oxfordshire and Bucking- hamshire Light Infantry. Nicholson, Arthur Herbert (1915-19) ; Flight-Sergeant, R.A.F. and R.N.A.S. ; Franco 18 months. Nicholson, Frank Howard (1916-19) ; Sergeant, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Nicholson, Thomas (1918); Private, Honourable Artillery Company. Nicol, Paul Hemsley (1914-19); Com- pany Sorgeaut-Major, London Rgt. ; India 3 years. Nightingale, Herbert Paul (1911-19) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. Nightingale, Leslie Roy (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Middlesex Rgt. Nisbet, Thomas (1916-19) ; Sergeant, R.W. Surrey Rgt. Nisbet, William Henry (1917-19); Gunner, R.G.A. Nisbett, Percival Frederick (1914-19); Regimental Quartermaster - Sergeant, King's R. Rifle Corps. Nixon, George (1914-19) , Mentioned in despatches ; Sergeant, London Rgt. ; France 4 years 1 month. Noakes, Edward John (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, London Rgt. Nobbs, Alfred Leopold (1915-19): Cap- tain, Oxfordshire and Huckinghamshiro Light Infantry and Rille Brigade ; France 6 months. Norman, Everett Alexander (1914-19): Company Sergeant-Major, .\nny Gym- nastic Staff; France 11 months. Norman, John Edward (1916-19) ; Sergeant, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Norris, Edward (1916-19); Private, London Rgt. ; France 2 years. Norris, Frederick William (1915-19) ; Sergeant, H.W. Surrey Rgt. Norris, Percy Charles (1916-19); Sec- Corporal, R.E. Norton, Patrick Oliver (1916-19) ; M.C. ; Sec-Lieutenant, Gloucestershire Rgt. WAR SERVICE Nugent, Samuel (1918-19) R.A.F. Sergeant, Nunn, Frederick Leslie (1916-19) ; Com- pany giiartiTMi.istcr- .Sergeant, R.W. Surrey Rgt. and R.E. Nunn, Herbert William (1914-19) ; Battery (iuartermaater-Scrgeaut, R.F.A.; France 2 years. Nurse, Walter (1915-19) ; M.M. ; Lanco- Cori>()ral, R..V..M.C. ; France 2 years 11 months. Nyland, R.F.A. Thomas (1915-19); Captain, Oakey, Alfred James Henry (1914-19); Lance-Corporal, Middlesex Rgt. ; Gib- raltar 6 months, France 3 years 6 months. Oakshette, Henry Montague (1916-19); Sec. -Corporal, R.E. Obendorf, Henry Philip (1916-19); M.M. : RilloniaTi, Lundou Rgt. and King's R. I'.itle Corjis ; France 16 nionths. Odam, Norman John (1914-19) ; Com- pany yuartermaster-Sergeant, London Rgt. Odell, Charles Herbert vate, R.A.M.C. Odle, George Edward vate, R.A.."\1.C. (1918-19) (1918-19) Joseph 19) Pri- Pri- (1917-18); Pri- O'Dwyer, Stephen Private, R.A.S.C. Ogle, Thomas William (1917 vate, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Oke, William (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France and Germatiy 2 months. Ore, Arthur William (1916-19); Lancc- Corporal, R.E. ; France 2 years. ♦Ore, Joseph Frederick (1914-1()) ; Lancc- Corporal, .Middlesex Rgt. ; (Gibraltar 6 months, Egypt 7 months, France 7 months; Killed in action, 7th October, 1916. Orford, Richard (1918-19); Corporal- Mechanic, U..\.F. Orton, Alfred James (1917-18); Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. (M.T.). Osborne, Alfred George (1914-19); Sergea.it, R. Welch l-'iisiliei-s. Osgood. Percy William (1915-19); Sergeant, R..\..M.C. ; Egypt 4 months, France 2 years 10 montlis. Charles (1915-19) ; I'ri- East Africa 2 years 5 Osman, Alfred vate, R.A.M.C. ; months. O'Sullivan, Frederick (1910-19); Croix de Guerre (Helglan) : .Sergeant, R.E. ; Franc* 2 years 6 months. O'Sullivan, John William (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. Owen, Frederick William Poyntz (19i; ite, l;..\..M.C France 2 years 18): I'riv 4 mouths. Owen, Henry George (1914-16) ; Com- pany Sergcant-.Majur, London Rgt. Owen, John Oswald (191.'.-20); poral, London i;:_'t. ;ind K.li.C. Owen, Launcelot Poyntz (.191. Flight-Sergeant i/c Cadet .■^miadron, R. Cor- -19) ; A.F. Owen, Robert (1915-19) ; (Junner, R.G.A. ; Salonica 2 years, France 4 mouths. 165 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Owen, Sidney Albert (1916-19) ; Cor- poral, ll.E. ; France 12 months. Owens, Goronway (1914-19) ; Sec- Lieutenant, London Rgt. and R.G.A. ; Franco 6 montiis, Salonica 1 year 8 months. Oxford, George William (1917-19) ; Sergeant-Schoolmaster, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Packer, Harry Sidney (1916-19); Sec.- Corporal, U.K. Packer, WiUiam George (1916-19) ; Sergeant-Major, R.A.O.C. Page, Charles Balderson (1914-19) ; Lance-Oorporal, Is'ottinghamsliire and Derbysliire Rgt., Oxfordshire and Buck- inghamsliire Light Infantry and Yorkshire Light Infantry ; Egypt 1 year. *Page, Harry Thomas (1916-17) ; Private, Honourable Artillery Company ; France 1 mouth ; Died of wounds, 11th May, 1917. Page, William Washington (1915-19) ; Lance- Sergeant, R.A.S.O. ; East Africa 2 years. Pagett, Robert Percy (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. Pain, Frederick Ernest Watchurst (1916- 19) ; Sergeant, R.A.F. Paine, Archie Charles (1914-19); Sapper, R.E. ; France 6 mouths, Salonica 6 months, Egypt 1 year 9 months. Palk, Frederick Arthur (1915-19) ; Sap- per, R.E. ; France 3 months. Palmer, Alfred (1916-19) ; Corporal, R.A. V.C. ; Egypt 5 months, Salonica 2 years 6 months. Palmer, Ernest Edward Linton (1916- 17) ; Private, London Rgt. and Somerset- Bhire Light imantry ; France 5 months. Palmer, Henry (1914-19) ; Sapper, Middlesex Rgt. and R.E. ; Gallipoli 4 mouths, Egypt and Palestine 3 years 3 months. Palmer, John George (1914-19) ; M.S.M., Mentioned in despatches ; Quarter- master-.-3ergeant, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt 4 years 2 naouths. ♦Palmer, Lancelot (1916) ; Private, London Rgt. ; France 3 months ; Killed in action, 15th September, 1916. Panton, John Hubert (1915 19) ; Lieu- tenant, inns of Court O.T.C. and Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry ; Franco 18 months. Pardoe, Harold Horton (1916-18) ; Private, R.A.i''. and Liucolnsliire Rgt. ; France 1 year 10 months. Parker, Albert John (1915-19) ; Lance- Corporal, R.A.M.C. ; France 5 months, Salomca 2 year.-t, Malta 2 months. Parker, Albert Victor (1914-19) ; Ser- geant-Instructor, Loudon Rgt. and R.E. ; France 1 year 9 months. Parker, Emanuel Alexander (1916-19); l^eading Mechanic, R.F.C. and R.A.F. ; France 3 year.s. Parker, Edwin John (1915-19) ; Ser- geaniy, Somersetshire Light infantry ; France 1 year. Parker, Francis James Harris (1914-19) ; Sec. -Lieutenant, Middlesex and Hamp- shire Rgts. ; India 4 years 11 months. Parker, Proud Stanfield (1915-19) ; Gun- ner, R. Marine Artillery ; Egypt 10 months, France 2 years. Parker, Joseph Francis (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.E. Parker, Norman Leslie (1915-19) ; Lance- Corporal. London Rgt. ; France 7 months, Salonica 9 mouths, Palestine 16 months. Parker, William Henry (1917-19) ; Private, R.VV. Surrey Rgt. Parkes, William Robert (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R. Sussex and Suffolk Rgts. Parkhouse, Herbert (1914-19) ; Cap- tain, London Rgt. Parkin, George Edwin (1914-19) ; Sig- naller, London Rgt. Parr, Ernest Alfred (1915-19) ; Lieu- tenant, R.A.M.C. and Labour Corps. Parr, Frederick John (1916-19) : Sapper, R.E. ; Mesopotamia 1 year 7 months. Parry, Roy Edgardo (1914-19) ; Captain, 15th Ludhiana Sikhs (l.A.R.O.) ; India 1 year 6 months, France 11 months. *Parry, Thomas Ellis (1914-16) ; Sec- Lieutenant, London Rgt. and Lancashire Fusiliers ; France 11 months ; Missing, 23rd October, 1916. Parsons, Alfred Hingley (1916-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; Mesopotamia 17 months. Parsons, Henry Bo wen (1914-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Sergeant, Middlesex Rgt. ; GallipoU 4 months, Egypt 18 months, Palestine 2 years. Parsons, William James (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. Partington, George (1914-19) ; Guards- man, Coldstream Guards ; France 3 years 9 months. Partridge, Frank Edwin (1916-19) ; Corporal, R.G.A. ; France 12 months. Pascoe, Joseph Ellary (1914-17) ; Com- pany Quartermaster - Sergeant, London Rgt. Patrick, Ernest Isaac (1917-19) ; Gunner, R.H.A. ; South Africa 6 weeks, India 1 year 7 months, Egypt 1 month. Patten, Charles James (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 8 months. Paulson, Charles Lawrence (1918-19) ; Sergeant, Machine Gun Corps. Pavey, Cecil James (1915-19) ; Cor- poral, R.A.M.C. ; France 1 year 11 months. Payne, Arthur Frank (1917-19) ; Petty Officer (1st Class), R.N. Payne, George James (1914-19) ; Sec- Lieutenant, Oxfordshire and Buckingham- shire Light Infantry, R. Warwickshire Rgt. and Machine Gun Corps ; France 1 year 7 months. Payne, William (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, Middlesex and Norfolk Rgts., and Indian Army ; Mesopotamia 3 years 1 month, India 16 months. Peacock, Edward (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. 66 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Peacock, Robert Horace (l'Jll-19); Mentioucd iu dosputclies ; Captaiu, Leicestersliire Rgb. aud Machine Uuu Corps ; Egypt 1 month, Franco 3 years. Peal, Edgar George (l'J15-19) ; Lieu- tenant, liunoiirablo Artillery Company and Wiltsliire Jlgt. ; France 8 months. Peal, Francis Charles (l'J16-19) ; Sec- Corporal, 11.10. Pearce, Horace (1917-18) ; Sergeant, King's 11. Ride Corps. Pearce, William Frederick (1916-19); Flight-Sergeaut, R.N.A.S. and ll.A.F. Pearce, WilUam George (191G-19) ; M.M. and Mentioned in despatches ; Sec- Corporal, 11. E. ; France 2 years 3 months. ♦Pearse, Cecil George (1914-18); Sec- Lieutenant, R.F.A. ; Died, 20th October, 1918. Pearse, Reginald Claude (1911-19) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. Pearson. Frederick Ernest (1910-17); rrivate, R.A.M.C. Pearson, Frederick James (1916-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Lieutenant, R.F.A. ; France 12 mouths. ♦Pearson, George Frank (1915-16) ; Pri- vate, London Rgt. ; France 12 months ; Killed iu action, 16th September, 1916. Pearson, Harry Arthur (1916-19) ; Lance-Corporal, London Rgt. ; France 5 months, Salonica 6 months, Egypt and Palestine 1 year 7 mouths. ♦Pearson, Walter (1914 and 1915) ; Pri- vate, Duke ot Cornwall's Light Infantry and Honourable Artillery Company ; France 10 days ; Killed in action, 25th August, 1915. Peck, Frederick (1910-19) ; Corporal, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt, Palestine aud Syria, 15 months. Peck, Stanley (1918-19) ; Rifleman, Loudon Rgt. Pegg, Herbert William (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Company Quartermaster-Sergeant, Warwickshire Rgt. ; France 3 years, Italy 10 montlis. Pegram, Francis (1918-19) ; Aircrafts- man (2nd Class), R.A.F. Pelmear, Andrew (1915-19) ; Lieu- tenant, Adjutant, Indian Army, Arab Labour Corps ; India 10 months, Meso- potamiu 8 montlis. Pennington, Frederick Cameron (1918- 19) ; Lance-Corporal, R.E. Perkins, John Henry (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, R.E. Permain, Frederick (1914-19) ; Band- Sergeant, Hampshire Rgt. Perring, Allen John (1914-19) ; Com- pany Sergeant-Major, Loudon Rgt. Perry, Arthur William (1916-19) ; Oun- ner, R.F.A. ; France 1 year 10 montlis. ♦Perry, Edward James (1914-16) ; Ser- geant, Middlesex Rgt. ; Gibraltar 6 months, France 12 months ; Killed in action, 26th J.uue, 1916. ♦Perry, Herbert Henry (1914-18) ; Ser- geant, London Rgt. ; France 10 mouths, Salonica, Egypt and Palestine, 18 months ; Killed in action, 14th October, 1918. Perry, Samuel Roberts (1915-19); Cor- ])oral, R.A.M.C. ; Corfu 3 months, Salo- nica 2 years 8 months. Perryman, Frank Marley (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Loudon Rgt. ; France 9 mouthus. ♦Pert, Leonard Harry (1916-17); Pri- vate, Rillo Urigade ; France 8 montlLS ; Killed iu action, 3id May, 1917. Philbrick, Harry Alfred (1914-19) ; Lisutenant, Hampshire Rgt. and Indian Army Reserve ; India 3 years, Mesopo- tamia 2 years. PhUlips, Alfred John (1918-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. Phillips, Edgar (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Bom- bardier, R.F.A. ; France 3 years. Phillips, Edgar Needhara (1916-19); Sergeant, R.A.S.C, R. Welch Fusiliers and S. Wales Borderers ; France 11 mouths. Phillips, Edwin James (1915-19) ; D.C.M. aud M6daille Militaire (French) ; Captain, R.A.S.C. and Tank Corps ; France 3 years 3 months. Phillips, Henry John (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. : France 1 year 10 montlis. Phillips, Richard (1918-19) ; Sapper, R.E. Philpott, Stanley Alfred (1916-19) ; Lance-Corporal, London Rgt. and Rifle Brigade ; France 11 mouths. Philpott, Stanley John Francis (1916- 19) ; M.C. ; Captain, R.G.A. ; France 2 years 6 months. Phipps, John Henry (1916-19) ; Chief Mechanic, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Phipps, Sydney John (1916-19) ; Sec- Lieutenant, R. Sussex Rgt., Rifle Brigade and King's R. Rifle Corps ; France 14 mouths. Pick, Noel Ewart (1916-19) ; Corporal, R.E. Pickard, Lewis William (1915-19) ; Mentioned in despatclies ; Sec-Lieutenant, Honourable Artillery Company and Lou- don Rgt. ; France 12 months. Pickbourne, Leonard (1915-19) ; Acting Corporal Interpreter, R.A.M.C. and Head- quarters Infantry Brigade ; France 3 years 9 months, Germany 8 months. Pickering, Harry (1916-19) ; M.M. and Bar, Twice mentioned iu despatches ; Private, E. Kent Rgt. ; France 18 months. Pickett, John Frederick (1916-19) ; Lauce-Corporal, Loudon Rgt. ; France 1 year 9 months. Pierce, Leslie (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, Grenadier Guards, Devonshire Rgt. and W. African Frontier Force : France 12 mouths, Nigeria 15 months. Pipe, James (1914-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Lieutenant, R.E. and R.G.A.; France 2 j^ears 8 months. Pitts, George William (1916-19) ; Sec- Lieutenant, R.G.A. Player, Joseph Leonard (1916-19) ; Corporal, R.A.F. Pleydell, Reginald Walter (1915-19) ; Cori)oral, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 8 mouths. 167 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Plo Wright, Frank (1914-19) ; Lance- Sert,'caiit, Middlesex and E. Kent Rgts. ; India 4 years, Mesopotamia 5 months. Pocock, Albert Victor Carley (1916-19) ; Sergeant, R. Sussex and K.W. Surrey Rsts., Labour Corps and E. Lancasliire Rgt. Pollard, Percy John Wyatt (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Company Quartermaster-Sergeant, Bedfordshire Rgt. ; France 3 years 6 montlis. ♦Pollock, William (1916-18) ; Private. S. Staffordshire Rgt. ; France 16 months ; Missing, 27th May, 1918. Pond, Leslie Harry (1918-19); 3rd Clerk, R.A.F. Poole, Percival William (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 8 months. Pope, Archibald (1915-19) ; Private, R.E. and Tank Corps. *Pope, Thomas Charles (1914-16) ; Ser- geant, London Rgt. ; Malta 9 months, GalUiioli 3 mouths, France 7 montlis ; Killed in action, 7th October, 1916. Porter, Bertram Alexander (1916-19); Signaller, R.G.A. Porter, George Edward (1914-19) ; M.C. and Bar ; Captain, Honourable Artillery Company, Devonshire Rgt. and Tank Corps; France 3 years 11 months. Porter, Leslie Vernon (191G-19) ; Lance- Sergeant, Berkshire Yeomanry. Porter, Percy George (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 9 months. Postle, Frank William (1914-19) ; Regi- mental Quartermaster-Sergeant, London Rgt. ; Malta 8 months, Galhpoli 5 months, Egypt 3 months, France 12 months. Potbury, Maurice Stephen (1916-19) ; Corporal, R.G.A. ; France 2 years 2 mouths. *Potter, Walter Joseph (1916-17); Rifle- man, King's R. liitie Corps ; Franco 1 vear ; Killed in action, 19th September, 1917. Potter, William Simpson (1914-19) ; Staff-Sergeant Instructor, London Rgt. ; France 7 mouths. Poulter, Henry David (1914-18); Bom- bardier, R.F.A. Poulton, Francis William (1914-19) ; Regimental Quartermaster- Sergeant, Lon- don Rgt. Povey, Walter Joshua (1918-19); Cor- poral-Instructor, R.A.F. Powell, Arthur James (1916-19) ; Ser- geant, R.K. Powell, Arthur Robert (1916-19); Ser- geant, E. Kent ligt. ; France 2 years 1 month. Powell, Enoch Edward (1914-19) ; Cap- tain, Surrey ^Coiuaury. ♦Power, Wilham Joseph (1915-17); Private, City of London Yeomanry ; France 2 months ; L)ied, 17th February, 1917. Powley. Ernest William (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.P:. *Pragnell, Archie Ernest (1914-17); Scc.-Lieut'pt 6 months, France 6 months, Salonica 6 months, Palestine 18 months. Dundon, Arthur (1915-19); Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 2 years. Dunscombe, Herbert Upton (1915-17); Private, loth Bn. London Rgt. ; France 15 montlis. Elbourne, Ernest Hugh (1915-19) ; Staff- Sergeant, R.A.O.C. Ellis, Jeffrey Rudlen (1916-19) ; Air- craftsman (2nd Class), R.F.C. and R.A.F. ; Palestine 18 months. Firman, Harley (1914-19); Sapper, 5th London Brigade, R.F.A. and R.E. ; France 3 years 11 months. Fordham, William (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, 1st Bn. Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry ; France 1 year 7 months, Germany (Prisoner of war) 2 years 6 months. Fox. Thomas Augustus (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, 4th Bn. R. W. Surrey Rgt., Corps of M.P. ; France 6 monthis. Gates, Charles J. (1916-19) ; Lance- Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers and A.P.C. Gates. Leonard Thomas (1914-19) ; Bom- bardier, R.F.A. ; France 2 years. *Goss, Samuel (1916-18) ; Driver, R.H.A. and R.F.A. : Franco 15 months; Died of wounds, 13th June, 1918. Hales, George Leo (1915-17); Private, R..\.M.C. ; Gallipoli 6 months, Egypt 5 months. Haley, Andrew Daniel (1914-19) ; Regi- mental Sergeant-Major, London Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance, R.A.M.C. ; France 14 months. Halfpenny, Edwin Joseph (1915-19) ; Private, 2/3rd Field Ambulance, R.A.M.C. ; France 1 year. Hammant, George John (1915-19) ; Men- tioned in despatches; I'rivate, R.A.M.C; France 3 years 3 months. Hampson, Charles (1915-19); Private, R.A.M.C. and 95th R.F.A. ; France 2 years 5 months. Harraway, Charles (1915-19); Private, 7th Bn. Wiltshire Rgt. Harris, Phihp Frederick (1914-19) ; Rifle- n\an, IGtli Bn. London Rgt. ; France 1 year 7 months. Harvey, Charles Samuel (1914-18); Gunner, ll.G.A. ; France 4 years 2 months. Hatton, Robert (1915-19) ; Rifleman, 6th Bu. Loudon I?gt. and Labour Corps ; France 3 years 1 month. 82 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Hawkes, William David (1915-19); Private, R.A.O.C. uiul 2n-19); 2nd Class OlHcers' .Steward, T'tli Esc(irt Flotilla. Stribblingr, Andrew (1915-18) ; Sergeant, 5tli Bn. E. StUTcy Uf,'t. Sugars, Albert James (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 4 yeai"s. Swain, Frank (1915-19) ; Private, R. Irisli Fusiliers ; France 2 years 4 months. Prisoner of war 8 months. Turner, Albert (1916-19) ; Private, 29th Bn. Middlesex llgt. ♦Vaughan, Dr. Robert William Walter (1914-17); Lieutenant, R.A.M.C. ; Franco and .Serbia 2 vears (J months ; Killed in action, 23rd May, 1917. Wallace, Mary Fanny (1915-19) ; Sister, T.F.N.S. Waterman, Frank Edward (1914-19) ; Staff Sergeant-Major, 15th Field Butchery ; Franco 4 years 5 months. Weatherley, James John (1915-19) ; Sergeant, 11. II. A. ; France 4 years. ♦Webb, Arthur James (1914); Private, 2nd Bn. Grenadier Guards ; France 4 months ; Killed in action, 29th December, 1914. West, Percy (1916-19); Private, 2/5th Bn. Durham Light Infantry ; Salonica 2 years 3 months, Russia 4 months. Wilson, Frederick James (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, 9th Bn. E. Surrey Rgt. Winkworth, Harry Hall (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, 15th Bn. Durham Light Infantrj' ; France 1 montli. *Wiscombe, Frank (191,5-18) ; Private, 2nd Bn. Wiltshire Rgt. ; France 2 years ; Wmmded and missing, 8th May, 19i8. Wootton, Dr. Leonard Henry (1915-19) ; JI.C. ; Major, London Field Ambulance ; France 9 months, Salonica 3 years 6 months. Bexley Mental Hospital Adams, William Frank (1914-17); Ser- geant, Manchester Rgt. ; France. Allan, James (1915-19); Private?, R. West Kent Bgt., R.D.C., Royal Fusiliers, R.A.S.C. Andrews, Alfred Leslie (1915-19); Cor- poral, I{.E. Ball, Stanley Richard Thomas (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.F.A., Indian Labour Corps ; Gallipoli 6 months. Banham, George William (1914-16) ; Private, 14th Bn. Lonilon Bgt. ; France 4 months. Bates, Frederick George (1915-17); Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. Bowden, Samuel Thomas (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 8 months. Carr, Arthur (1915-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R.A.M.C. ; France. Carran, John Paisley (1914-19) : Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 9 months. Cartwright, Bertram James (1914-19); Private, It.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 9 months. Cliffe, Peter (1910-19); Bombardier, R.G.A. ; France 3 years. Coppard, William James Edward (191.')- 17); Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 17 months. Curd, Albert Alvah (1914-19); I'rivate, Royal Defence Corps. Curtis, Arthur Reginald (1915-18); Lance-('oi-poral. Oxfordshire and Bucking- hamshire Light Infantry, Worce.stershiro Bgt., I\I.F.P. : France 15 months, Dar- danelles 4 months. Darvell, David (1914-19); Private, 2nd Life Guai'ds. Deely, Patrick John (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.E. ; France ."J years 3 months. Draycott, Arthur George (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.M.C. Eastwood, Ernest (1915-19); Corporal, R..\.M.C. ; France 1 year, Salonica 1 year 9 months. Everest, George (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Middlesex Rgt. Fackrell, Albert Arthur (1914-19); Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. ; France 4 years 3 months. Farrant, Henry William (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, 4th Bn. INIiddlesex Rgt. ; France 4 years G months. *Faulks, Edgar (1915); Lieutenant, R.A.M.C. : France 1 nionth ; Killed in action, 2Gth September, 1915. Fitzgerald, Patrick (1914-19); Sergeant Dnunmer, 5th Bn. E. Kent Rgt. ; Meso- potamia 3 years 4 months. Ford, Edward Matthew (1915-19); IM.S.M. ; Sergeant. R.E. : France 3 months, Salonica 3 years 2 months. Frost, Arthur WiUiam (1917-19); Pri- vate, R. Irish Rifles ; France 17 months. ♦George, John Alfred (1916-18) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 2 months ; Died of wounds, 25th January, 1918. Gosling, Thomas WiUiam (1916-19); Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 2 years. Gough, Ernest Douglas (1914-19); Pri- vate, R.A.iM.C. ; I'raiice 2 years, Egj-pt 1 year. Green, Samuel Henry (1915-19); Ser- geant, R.A.M.C. ; Kgyi)t 4 years. Groom, Percy Andrew (1916-19); Lieu- tenant, Loudon Ugl., Leicestershire Bgt., Tank Cori's ; I'rance l(i months. Guppy, F. H. (1914-19) ; M.C., Medaille des Ei'idemies (en vermeil) ; Captain, R.A.M.C. ; France 5 years. Ham, Albert Frank (1915-19) ; Sergeant, 11th Bu. B. \\"est Kent Bgt.; France. ♦Hampton, Albert (1914-18) : Private, R.A.M.C. ; Salonica 2 vears 6 months ; Killed in action, 13th April, 1918. Harber, Charles Percy (1917-19); Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. Harding, James Bowerman (1915-19); Corporal, R.A.M.C. ; France G mouths, East Africa 2 years 6 months. 187 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE *Hicks, John George (1914) ; Private, 2ud Dragoon Guards ; France 2 months ; Died of wounds as prisoner of war, 9th December, 1914. Higdon, Albert (1914-19); Private, 5th Bn. E. Kent Rgt. ; JNIesopotamia 3 years 3 montlis. Hodgson, Sam Milnes (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. Hosmer, James William (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.jNI.C. ; France 2 years, Darda- neUes 6 montlvs. James, Alfred John (1914-19) ; Sergeant, 5th Bn. E. Kent Rgt,. ; Mesopotamia and India 4 years 3 montlis. Jealous, Sidney (1914-16) ; Lance-Cor- poral, Norfolli Rgt. ; France. Jeeves, Ernest Charles (1914-19) ; M.S.M.; Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 7 months, Jones, Frederick James (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. ; Mesopotamia and India 3 years 9 montli5. King, John James (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 6 months. *Kirk, Randall (1914) ; Private, Cold- stream Guards ; Died of wounds wl)ilst a prisoner of war, 14th September, 1914. Knight, Leo George (1914-19) ; Private, 14th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 10 months, Salonica 6 months, Palestine 14 months. Langley, Edgar (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 5 montlis. ♦Lawrence, William (1914) ; Stoker, H.M.S. Ilogue ; Drowned at sea, 22nd September, 1914. Loveland. William (1914-19) ; Private, R. West Kent Rgt. ; Mesopotamia. *Luker, Alfred (1914) ; Private, North- umberland FusiUers ; France ; Killed in action, 9th .September, 1914. Lynn, William (1914-19); Lance-Cor- poral, R.D.C. MacDonald, Ranald (191.5-19); O.B.E. ; Major, R.A.M.C. ; Port Said. McKinnon, Alexander (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, R.A.M.C. ; Gallipoli 7 months, Egrypt 1 month, Salonica 8 months. Marshall, Ernest (1917-19); Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; Salonica 1 year, Russia 2i months. Mason, Henry (1915-17); 2nd Corporal, R.E. ; France 1 year, Egypt 1 year 8 months. Meacham, William (1914-19); Private, Coldstream Guards ; France 3 years 8 months. Murray, Henry R.A.O.C. (191.5-17); Private, O'Brien, Patrick John (1914-15); Private, 12th Lancers ; France. OdeU, Albert Alexander (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, R.F.A. ; France. Owen, Wilham (191.'5-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; Ilo-^pital ship 16 month-s. Palmer, Walter Bennett (1914-19); Ser- geant, 7th Dragoon Guard.s ; France 8 months. Parker, George Edward (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, Army Cj'clists' Corps, Labour Corps ; Salonica 8 months, Malta 4 months. Pepler, Henry WiUiam (1914-19): Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. ; Frauce 3 years 6 months. Piper, Alfred Frank (1914-19) ; Corpora], R.A.M.C. ; Hospital ship 2 years 2 months. ♦Poffley, Alfred George (1915-18); Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. ; Died 23rd January, 1918. Proudfoot, Alexander (1914-17); Cor- poral, Royal Defence Corps. *Rafter, John (1914) ; Private, Irish Guards ; France 3 months ; Killed in action, 9th November, 1914. Rattee, George (1917-19); 1st Cook's Mate, H.M.S. St. George. Roberts, George Duncan (1915-19) ; Sergeant, 26th Bn. Royal Fusiliers, Lieutenant, 9th Bn. Royal Sussex Rgt. ; France 18 months, Roberts, WUliam (1914-19) ; Private, South Lancashire Rgt. ; France 2 months. Prisoner of war (Germany) 4 years 2 months. Roome, John Herbert Edward (1914-19) ; Petty Officer (1st Class), H.M.S. Edward VII. (Actoeon); Minesweeping all time. Russell, Archibald (1914-19) ; Corporal, R.E. ; France 3 years 10 months. Samson, Edgar (1915-20) ; Pdvate, R.A.M.C. ; India. Seaman, Sidney (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Cor- poral, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 6 months. Sharman, John Frederick (1914-19) ; Trooper, 2nd Life Guards, Machine Gun Guards ; France 4 years. Shaw, George Frederick (1915-19) ; Flight Sergeant, R.A.F. ; France 15 months. Sims, Charles (1915-19); Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years, Egypt 5 months. Skevington, Dexter Thomas (1915-19); Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 8 months. Smith, Ernest William (1914-19); Pri- vate, 2nd Bn. Suffolk Rgt. ; France 2 months. Prisoner of war (Germany) 4 years 2 months. Smith, Frederick Charles (1917-19) ; Private, l/8th Bn. Middlesex Rgt., 7th Bn. City of London Rgt. ; France 7 months. Spittles, James (1914-19); Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 7 months. Stansfield, Thomas Edward Knowles; C.B.E. ; Hon. Licut.-Colonel, Hon. Con- sultant for Nervous and INIental Diseases to the Eastern Command, R.A.M.C. ; Gave service locally from October, 1914, extended to area south of Thames, 1915; Commissioned August, 1917, appointed to whole of command. Stokes, William Orton (1914-19); Ser- geant, R.A.M.C. ; France 4 years. Tait, Robert Ferdinand (1914-19); Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. ; Hospital ship 2 years. Terry, Edward Percy W. (1914-19); Sergeant, R.F.A. and R.G.A. ; France 15 months, Salonica 1 year. Thomson, Frederick C. (1915-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.O.C. ; France 2 years 10 months. i88 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Thorp, Frederick Hudson (1914-19); Trooper, 2ud Life Guards, Macliiiio Gun Guards ; France 1 year 7 months. Turner, Arthur (1914-19) ; Stolicr, Il.F.R. Dardauolles 2 jears 6 months. *Walker, James (1914); Lancc-Corporal, R. Sussex llfft. ; France 1 month ; Died of wounds, 15th September, 1914. Waller, Edwin John (191t)-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; fYance 2 years 3 montlis. Whitehurst, WiUiam (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years. WilUams, James Thomas (1915-19) ; StafE Serjjeant. R.A.M.C. ; Malta 3 years 4 months. Winchcombe, Thomas Sawyer (1914-19) ; Sergeant- Major, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 11 months. Windmill, Charles (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. Witts, Francis WUliam (1914-19) ; Com- pany Sergeant-Major, Wiltsliire Rgt. ; Dardanelles 2 months, Egypt 8 months, Palestine 3 years. Wood, Thomas (1914-19) ; Bombardier, R.F.A. ; France 3 months, Salouica 3 years. Woods, Alfred Edward (1914-18) ; Pri- vate, Loyal N. Lancashire Rgt. ; France 2 years 5 months. Wright, William Edward (1914-19) ; Twice mentioned in despatches ; Regimental- Quartermaster Sergeant, London Rgt. ; I'rance 6 montlis, Salonica 6 months, Palestine 1 year 9 months. Yates, Walter Edmund (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, 1st Bn. Leicestershire Rgt. ; France 11 montlis, Mesopotamia 2 years, Palestine 1 year. Young, Harry (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.O.C. ; France 3 years 6 months. Cane Hill Mental Hospital Adams, William (1915-19); Driver, R.F.A. and R.A.S.C. ; Franco 3 years G months. Allen, Albert Edward (1916-19) ; Lance- Corporal, R. W. Kent Rgt. and M.F.P. ; India 1 yeax, Mesopotamia 1 year 11 moutlLS. AprUe, Napoleon Percy (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, R.A.M.C. Ayles, Victor Harry (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 1 year 7 months. Ayling, Stephen (1914-19) ; Corporal, R.D.C. and R.A.M.C. Battams, Joseph Thomas (1916-19) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; E:^ypt, Palestine and SjTia 1 year 7 montlis. Beadell, William Henry (1918-19) ; Pri- vate, Labom- Corps ; France 9 weeks. Bellis, Frederick Thomas (1914-18) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; Franco 2 years. Boniface, Ernest Edward (1916-19); Private, Middlesex Rgt. and Labour Corps ; France 16 months. Bossom, WUUam Alfred (1918-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. Briggs, William Thomas (1914-19); Private, R. Sussex Rgt. ; Franco 10 months. Buckland, Frank Ethelbert (1914-19); Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; Franco 2 yeara 1 month, Egypt and Palestine 2 yeara 2 months. Burgess, George Edward (1914-19) ; Bombardier, R.G.A. ; France 7 months. Burnell, John Thomas (1914-19); Ser- geant, R.F.A. and R.G.A. ; France 3 months. Burton, Charles William (1915-19); Private, R.A.V.C. and Gunner, R.F.A.; France 2 years 7 months. Coffey, Harold Frederic (1916-19); Cor- poral, R.A.F. and 3rd Bn. London R^. Cook, Albert (1914); Private, 7th Reserve Cavalry Rgt. Coomber, William (1916-19); Private, E. Surrey Rgt. ; Franco 1 year 8 months. Cooper, Charles Albert (1914-19); Trooper, R. Horse Guards ; France 7 montlis. Cooper, John (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 1 year 1() months. *Cordery, Herbert Thomas (1914-15) ; Corporal. 1st Life Guards and 6th Dragoon Guards ; France 6 months ; Killed in action, 11th February, 1915. Corfield, William (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C ; Gallipoli 2 months, Egypt 3 months, France 2 years 10 months. Curtis, William (1917-19); Stoker (1st Class), R.N. ; Convoying to Canada and Portugal 9 months, Black Sea 10 months. Cusaok, George Joseph (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, King's Royal Rifle Corps, E. Surrey Rgt. and 18th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 3 years 2 months. De Rose, Albert Edward (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.JI.C. ; France 2 years 1 month. Dollimore, Stanley Hubert (1915-19); Lance-Corporal, Royal Fusiliers ; France 18 months. Duke, James (1914-15) ; Private, R.W. Surrey Rgt. ; France 4 months. Evison, Edward (1914-19) ; Driver, R.H.A. ; Franco 4 years 4 months, Gier- many 3 months. Ford, William (1914-19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.C. Greenaway, Andrew (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, Grenadier Guards, E. Surrey Rgt. and M.F.P. ; France 4 years 4 mouths. Grinham, Sydney James (1917-19) : Pri- vate, Suffolk and Northamptonshire Rgts., and Labour Corps ; France 1 year 11 months. Hancock, AUen Coulter (1914-20) ; M.C. and two Bars ; :Major, R.A.M.C. ; France 4 years. Hayler, George (1914-19) ; Private, R. Marine Light Infantry ; South America and Falkland Isles 2 years 3 months. North Sea 1 year 10 months. Henty, Frederick (1914-16); Private, R.D.C. 189 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Hinton, Francis George (1916-19) ; Lance- Corporal, E. .Surrey ll?t., R.E., Essex Rgt., and Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry ; France 2 years. Hiscox, George Price (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.6.C. Home, Walter John (1916) ; Private, R.F.A. and K. Irish Fusiliers. Huggett, John (1914-19); Sergeant, E. Surrey Rgt. and Essex Rgt. ; France 6 montlLs, India 3 years. Hussey, Henry (1915) ; Private, Glouces- tcrsliire Kgt. Hatchings, William Alfred (1914-19); Gunner, 11. F. A. ; France 6 montlis, Dardanelles 5 montlis, Palestine 3 years 7 months. Inkersole, William (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Ptoyal Fusiliers ; France 15 months. Jordan, WUliam (1914-19) ; Sergeant, E. Surrey and Essex Rgts. ; Mudros 5 month-;, I'^gypt 2 years, Palestine 7 months, Salonioa 6 months. ''Joyce, Herbert George (1916-17); Pri- vate, K. W. Siurey Rgt. ; France 9 mouths ; INIi-sing, presumed killed, 25th September, 1917. *Key, George William (1915-17); Bom- bardier, li.F.A. ; France 16 months ; Killed in action, 14th October, 1917. Lakeman, Mabel Grace (1914) ; Sister, Territorial Nursing .Service. Lane, George Thomas (1914-19) ; Cor- poral. R.D.C. and It.A.M.C. Lee, William (1914-17); Private, 20th Hassars. Lloyd, Robert (1914-17); Private, 10th Hussars, R. W. Surrey and R.D.C. Lowe, Thomas Edward (1914-17) ; Gun- ner, 11. .Marine Artillery. McEntire, Ronald Gordon John (1914- 16) ; Captain, R.A.M.C. ; France 13 months. Millwood, Frederick James (1916-19); Giuiner, R.G.A. ; Mesopotamia 2 years 4 months. *Moore, Edward Charles (1917-18) ; Air Mechanic, R.A.F. ; France 1 year ; Died, 29th November, 1918. Morres, Frederick (1915—19) ; Captain, R.A.M.C. ; Hospital Ship 5 montlLS, France 3 years 1 nionth. Noake, Thomas Albert (1914-19); Pri- vate, R. \V. Surrey Rgt. and Rifle Brigade ; India 3 years 2 iriontlLs. Norman, George (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Bedfordshire Rgt. and R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years months. Page, Walter Thomas (1918) ; Private, R.A.F. Parsons, Thomas (1914-17): Private, National Re-,erve, R.D.C. and R.A.M.C. Perry, Francis (1914-19) ; Company Quartermaster-Sergeant, Northamptonshire and R. W. Surrey Rgts., and Labour Corr)s ; India 2 years, France 2 years 7 months. Poulter, Wolsey (191.5-16) ; Private. R.A.M.C. ; Mesopotamia, 1 year. Purdy, Robert (191.5-19) ; Private, R.A.V.C. and Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years. Randall, Herbert Eustace (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, Rifle Brigade, Yorkshire Rgt. and R.A.F. ; France 6 months. Ransom, John (1914-19) ; Sergeant, 16th Lancers and Military Mounted Police ; France 3 years 7 months. *Rice, Harry Charles (1914-15) ; Private, 4th Bn. R. W. Surrey Rgt.; Died, 11th July, 1915. Richards, Benjamin (1916—19) ; Private, E. Surrey Rgt. and Yorkshire Rgt. ; France 2 years 3 months. Rose, Albert Edward (1914-19) ; Private, R. Marine Light Infantry ; South Africa 4 years, Royal Yacht 5 months. Rouse, Harry (1916-19) ; Private, Rifle Brigade and Machine Gun Corps ; France 1 year 7 months, Italy 15 months. Russell, Arthur (1914-16) ; Private, Siu-rey National Reserve (The Queen's) and R.D.C. Russell. Peter (1914-19); Private, R. Marine Light Infantry. Samuel, Harry (1916-19) ; Sergeant, IVIiddlesex Rgt. and Royal Fusilier.? ; France 1 year 7 months. Saunders, Alfred Edward (19i6-19) ; Private, E. Surrey Rgt. and Labour Corps ; France 7 mouths. Sleight, William (1914-15^ ; Private, R. W. Surrey Rgt. Treanor, Eugene (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.M.C; France 4 years. Walker. William (1914-19); Corporal, R. W. Surrey Rgt. *Warren, Alfred (1915-16) ; Rifleman, Kong's Royal Rifle Corps ; France 3 months ; Died of wounds, 25th August, 1916. Webster, Walter (1914-19) ; Private, National Reserve, Rifle Brigade and R. W. Kent Rgt. ; India 2 years 6 months, Mesopotamia 16 months. Wesson, Walter (1918-19) ; Acting Corporal, R.A.F. Wheeler, Charles Ernest (1915-19); Lance-Corporal, M.F.P. ; Egypt 18 months, Syria 3 months, Palestine 13 months. Wheeler, Thomas (1914-19); Private, Royal Jlarincs ; S.W. Africa 16 months, Portsmouth Coastal Patrol Boats 17 montlis. East Africa 8 montlis. Northern patrols 13 months. Williams, George (1914-18) ; Corporal, R.D.C. Wood, Henry (1916-19) ; Private, R. W. SuiTey Rgt. and Labour Corps ; Balkans 2 years 6 mouths. *Wright, Leslie (1914-18) ; Sergeant, Leicestershire Rgt. ; France 2 years 3 months ; Missing, presumed killed, 22nd March, 1918. Clayhury Mental Hospital Abbott, Harold William (1914-19) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 3 months, Italy 13 months. 190 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Aimes. John (1914-19) ; Private, Middle- sex R?t. aud K.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 3 monthii. Anderson, Thomas (1914-19); Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 4 months. Arnold, James (1915-19); Corporal, Essex Kgt. and ll.lJ.C. Baker. Albert (1917-19) ; Rifleman, IGtli Training: Keserves and llifle Brigade ; France 1 1 niontlis. *Baker, Thomas Heasman (1915) ; Gun- ner, R.F.A. ; Saionica 3 months ; Died of tuberculosis, 6th December, 1915. Baker, Wilfrid (191G-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; India 3 years. Barnes, Albert (1917-19); Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 1 year. Bennett, Arthur Robert (1914-19) ; Sec- Lieutenant, R. Marine Light Infantry, Essex Rgt. and R.A.F. ; Dardanelles and Egj'pt 7 months, France 18 months. Blackmore, Noah (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Grenadier Guards ; France 3 years 4 months. Bloomfield, Curtis James John (1914-19) ; Sergeant, K. Kent Rgt., Machine Gim Corps and Labour Corps. BlundeU, Herbert Henry (1916-19) ; Private, Bedfordshire Rgt. ; France 1 year 9 months. Brady, Walter John (1914-18); 3r^ Class Medal Russian Order of St. Georgt Bombardier, R.F.A. aud R.G.A. ; Franc 2 years. Butler, Henry Mantle (1917-19) ; Privatt , R.A.V.C. Caward, Thomas Edward (1915-19) ; Staff Sergeant, R.G.A., R.H.A. and R.F.A.; France. Chappell, WiUiam (1914-19); Private, Bedfordshire and Suffolk Rgts. ; France 4 years. Childs, James (1915-19); Sergeant, Essex and Middlesex Rgts., Royal Fusiliers and R.D.C. Clements, Walter (1918-19) ; Private, R.A.F. ; France 5 months. Cox, Edward Jonathan (1917); Private, R.A.M.C. Cox, Frank (1916-19) ; Corporal, Norfolk and Bedfordshire Rgts. ; France 18 months. Curtis, James (1916-19) ; Private, York- shire Rgt. and Labour Corps. Dawson, Frederick (1916-17); Private, Bedfordshire Rgt. ; France 5' months. *Dawson, Owen Samuel (1911-15) ; Pri- vate, Cameronians ; France 5 months ; Killed in action, 6th January, 1915. ♦Diamond, Frank (1916-17); Private, Noriolk Rgt. ; France 4 months ; Died of wounds, 19th May, 1917. *Edlin, Bertram Alexander (1914): Pri- vate, Bedfordshire Rgt. ; France 2 months ; Killed in action, 13th October, 1914. Edwards, Arthur Henry (1916-19) ; Cor- poral, Essex Rgt. ; France 3 years. Ellis, Thomas William (1917-19) ; Pri- vate, Home Service Employment Bn., attached Northumberland Fusiliers. Elvin, George Daniel (1914-19); Corporal, Rille Brigade ; !• nuioe 4 years 4 montlis. Faggett'^r, Ephraim James (1916-19); Private, K-sex Rgt. ami Labour Corps ; France 9 months. Feldwick, William Edward (1914-19); D.S..M. ; Liiu.enant, K..\,. R.N.A.S. and R.A.I- . *Fit7,gerald, Patrick (1916-17); Private, R..V.O.C. and Worcestershire Rgt. ; France 2 months ; Killed in action, 26th August, 1917. Green, George Frederick (1916-18) ; Pri- vate, Essex Rgt. and R. Inniskilliug Fusiliers ; France 5 months. Greenaway, Sidney (lOl.'j-lS); Private, R.A.M.C. ; Mesopotamia 17 months, India 5 months. Gregory, Alfred (1917-19); Corporal, R.A.V.C. ; Egypt 1 year, Palestine 14 months, Saionica 2 mouths. Gregory, Cyril Charles (1914-19) ; Ser- geant, R..A..S.C. ; France 5 months, Saionica 2 years 2 months, Russia 4 mouths. Hall. John (1918-19) ; Private, 16th Bn. R. West Surrey, :\Iiddlesex and Suflolk Rgts. Hall, WiUiam James (1914-19) ; Private, R.E. ; France 4 years 5 mouths. Hawtin, Ralph (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A • fiVince 3 vears 3 months. naywara, naroiacugar \Lk)x-t—iv) ; lu.ji.; Sergeant, li.F.A. ; France and Italy 4 years 7 montlis. Henry, James (1914-19) ; Driver, R.F.A.; France. Hewitt, Walter (1915-19) ; Sergeant, Essex Rgt. and R.D.C. HoUand, William (1917-19) ; Private, 124th Labour Corps ; France 2 years. HoUingsbee, Robert (1915-19) ; Corporal, Devonshire Rgt. and R.A.M.C. ; France 5 months. Ingram. Charles (1916-19); Rifleman, Norfolk Rgt., Rifle Brigade, R. West Kent and 8th Bn. London Rgts. ; France 2 years. *Jackson, Albert (1914-15) ; Lance- Corporal, Durham I^ight Infantry and Yorkshire Light Infantry ; France 5 months ; Killed in action, 4th September, 1915. Jeanes, John Victor (1914-19) ; M.M. and Bar ; Sergeant, Grenatlier Guards ; France 4 years. Johnson, William Robert (1914-19); Petty Ofhcer (1st Class), R.N. ; At sea 2 years. Kenny, Stephen Patrick (1916-19) ; Private, Xorthamptinishire Rgt. ; France 11 months, .Saionica 1 year. Kerr, James Montague (1917-19); Pri- vate, 14 til Bn. London Rgt. ; France 18 months. *King. Denham George (1915) ; Private, Essex Rgt. ; GalhpoU 2 montlis ; Died of dysentery, 22nd November, 1915. 191 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE King, Frederick Ernest (1914-19) ; Quartermaster-Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 5 months. King, Walter (1915-19); Private, R.A.M.C; France 3 years 3 months. *Lee, Charles John (1916-17); Private, R. West Kent and Manchester Rgts. ; France 9 months ; Died of woimds, 19th October, 1917. LoveU, Albert Ernest (1916-19); Lance- Sergeant, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France 11 months, Salonica 1 year 9 months. McAteer, George John (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, E. Kent Rgt. and R.A.M.C. ; France 1 year 7 months. • McKowin, Richard Henry (1914-19) ; Company Sergeant- Major, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry and Labour Corps. i Magson, Walter Herbert Harry (1914- 19) ; Private, Rifle Brigade and Devon- shire Rgt. ; France 4 months, Germany 7 months. i Mead, Albert Edward (1914-19) ; Private, Essex Rgt. and R.A.M.C. ; France 13 months. Meara, Michael (1914-19) ; Guardsman, Irish Guards ; France 4 years 5 months. MitcheU, Alfred (1916-19); Corporal, R.E. Moore, Mark Thomas (1915-19) ; Staff Sersreaut, R.A.M.C, A.G.S. and RAP Page, Alfred John (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C ; France 11 months, Salonica 2 years 3 months. Paine, Frederick (1914-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Captain, R.A.M.C. ; France 5 months, Salonica 2 years, Palestine 10 months. Parry, Herbert Charles (1914-19); Ser- geant, Essex I^. Paveley, Alfred Peter (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 3 months, Italy 15 months. Pearce, Henry Ernest (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C Petrie, Alfred Alexander Webster (1915- 19) ; Captain, R.A..M.C. ; France 3 years 4 months, Meditcrrauoau 6 montlis. Purkiss, Arthur (Corporal, M.F.P. Purkiss, Charles (1918-19) ; 2nd Private, R.A.F. ; France 5 months. (1914-17) ; Lance- Radley, Frederick Charles (1914-19) ; Laucc-Corporal, Border ligt. ; France 4 years 2 months. Randall, R.A.S.C Walter (1917-19) ; Private, Martin (1915-20) ; Rashbrook, Henry Major, R.A.M.C Reeves, George Ambrose (1914-19) ; Guardsman, 3 months Grenadier Guards ; France Ridgewell, Walter William (1910-19); Gunner, R.G.A. ; Mesopotamia 13 months, France 4 months. Rourke, Daniel (1914-18) ; Guardsman, Irish Guards ; France and Prisoner of war 4 years. Sangster, Alexander (1914-19) ; Guards- man, Grenadier Guards and Machine Gun Guards ; France 14 months. Sawer, Frederick (1914-16) ; Corporal, Royal Fusiliers ; France. Saye, Charles Arthur (1914-19); Ser- geant, R.A.S.C. : France 4 years 2 months, Mesopotamia 5 months. Sharp, WiUiam Henry (1914-19) ; Lance- Corpora 1, Rifle Brigade ; France 3 years 7 months. Sheridan, R.A.M.C Eugene (1915-19) ; Private, Shipton, Arthur (1915-17); Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 1 year 10 months. Shuman, John Henry (1914-19) ; Private, R. Scots Fusiliers ; France 4 years 6 months. Shuttlewood, Joseph (1916-19) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. and Labour Corps ; Salo- nica 1 year 10 months. Skingley, Charles Albert (1917-19); Private, 131st Labour Corps ; France 2 years. SmaUbone, Walter John (1914-17); Regimental Sergeant-Major, R.A.M.C. ; France 18 months. Smith, Albert George (1914-19) ; Ser- vant, 2nd Dragoon Guards and R.A.S.C ; ranee 4 years 8 months. Smith,Charles( 19 14-19); Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers, E. Kent Rgt., R.A.F. and 31st Training Reserve Bn. ; France 2 months. Smith.Ernest William (1916-19) ; Private, Norfolk Rgt. and 8th Bn. London Rgt. ; France 1 year 10 months. Smith, Stanley Byron (1914-19) ; M.S.M. ; Corporal, R. Sussex Rgt. and R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 9 months, Italy 4 months. ♦Squires, William George (1914-15) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 9 months ; Killed in action, 16th June, 1915. *Stower, Walter Ernest (1915-16) ; Pri- vate, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 11 months ; Killed in action, 20th October, 1916. Sully, R.G.A. ; George (1918-19) ; France 15 months. Bombardier, Taylor, Sebert Mark (1918-20) ; Private, E. Surrey Rgt. ; France 2 months. Toseland, Arthur Joseph (1916-19); Lance-Corporal, Durham Light Infantry and M.F.P. WakeUng, Alfred Stanley (1915-19) ; Private, Essex Rgt. ; Dardanelles, Egypt and Palestine, 3 years 7 months. Waller, Mark (1914-17); Driver, R.E. ; France 2 years 6 months. Warbey, Robert John (1914-19) ; Lead- ing Seaman, R.N. ; Mediterranean 18 months. Ward, Frederick (1917-19) ; Corporal, 124th Labour Corps ; France 2 years. Wellman, WUliam James (1914-19); Mentioned in despatches ; Quartermaster- Sergeant, R.E, 192 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Wells, Thomas Henry (1911-16); Boiii- bardior, IJ.K.A. ; Fratice 18 iiioiitlis. Whayman, William Ray (1918-19) ; PrivaU', IGtIi Hii. K. Wfst. .Surrey Ilfjt. Wheatley, Edwin (1915-19); Corporal, K'Sex Hj^t. ; I'raiice 2 years. White, James William (19U-19) ; Sei- geaat, U.A.M.C. White, John (1918-19); Private, W. Kent Veoiuaiiry. ^i Wild, Joe (1911-19) ; D.C.M., MciitioiuHl in ilespatclies : Ref?iineiital Sertreaiit- Major, U.K. : France 4 years 1 month. Willcox, Horace Reginald (191(i-18); Killeinan, Killc Hiifj-ade and Macliine Gun Corps. Wilson, Herbert Augustus (191;)-19) ; Coritoral, U.A.M.C. ; ]■" ranee 3 yeai-s i uiontlis, (jerniany 2 niontlis. Wright, George (1918-19); Private, U..\.S.C., M.T. Wright, Harry (1914-19) ; Private, Bed- fordshire ligt. ; Franee i year.s 5 months. Colli/'!/ Jlak-h Mental Ilonpitul Ailward, Charles Henry (1911-19) ; .Staff Sergeant, R..\.M.(!". ; Egypt, Syria and Palestine 4 years 1 moiitli. Almond, George Harold (1915-19) ; Lance- Corporal, 1{..\..M.C. ; France 2 years 11 months. *Baker, George (1914) ; Private, Royal Fii-iliers ; I^rauce ; Missing, 23rd August, 1914. Baker, John William (1914-19) ; Private, R. IMarine Light Infantry. Barnes, Harold Frederick (1915-lSi) ; Pri- vate, U.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 10 months. Battrick, Robert George (1915-19); Pri- vate, K..\..M.C. ; France 4 years 1 month. Beamon, Charles Henry (1916-17); Private, E. Surrey ligt. ; France 2 months. Bsesley, Fred (1914-15) ; Private, Essex ligt. ; France 6 luontlis. .., , Blackwell, Lawrence Arthur (1915-17) ; Lance-Corpora 1, K.A.^M.C. ; German E. Africa 6 mont hs. Bolton, Charles (1914-19); Driver, R.F.A. ; France 4 years 7 months. Breed, William (1915-10); Sapper, R.E. Britten, Alfred Charles (1915-19) ; Lance- Corporal, :U'd Bn. R. .Scots FusiUei's. Budd, William James Reginald (1910- 17) ; 2nd Air Meclianic, R.F.C. ; l'"rance 5 mont lis. Burt, Frederick (1915-19); Private, Hampsliii-e Rgt. ; Dardanelles, Egypt and Salonica 3 years 7 months. Calcutt, Ernest George (1914-18); Pri- vate, 2nd Bn. Essex Rgt. ; France 8 months. Christer, Albert Edward (1914-19) ; Regi- mental Sergeant-Maj(n-, Royal Fusiliers. Church, Henry (1914-16) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers ; Malta 4 months, France 3 months. Clark, Albert (1914-19); Corporal, Camerouiaus ; l?"rance 2 years 4 months. N 193 ♦Clark, Arthur (1911-18) ; Private, Grenadier Guards: France 4 years; Died, 2nd Novemhcr, litis. Clarke, William John (1911-19); Regi- meatal (Juartermaster-.Sergeant, Royal Marines ; Belgium 2 months, Germany 4 years, iirisuner of war. Coleman, Alfred Henry (1914-19) ; Gun- ner, R.F..\. ; France 3 years 7 luontlLs. Connolly, Victor Lindley (1914-19) ; M.C. ; Major, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 10 montlis. Cooper, William (1915-19) ; Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers ; France 3 years 2 months. Cording, George (1911) ; Private, Middle- sex Rgt. ; Fi'ance 2 months. Corner, Oscar Mead (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.(i.A. ; France 3 years 10 mouths. Cox, Lewis John (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.(;.A. ; France 2 years 4 mouths. Daniels, Frank (1914-17) ; Private, Grenadier Guards. Davis, Hubert Frank (1914-19) ; I'rivato, E. Kent Rgt. ; France 4 years 6 moutlis. Davis, William Job (191.5-19); Private, R.A..M.C. ; France 3 years, German E. Africa 8 uionths. Day, James (1915-19) ; Horsekeeper, R.A.V.C. ; Salonica 3 years 6 months. * Dickens, Charles Albert (1914); Private, Royal Fusiliers ; France 1 month ; Missing, 14th September, 1914. Digweed, Barry James (1916—19) ; Cor- poral, Diu-liam Light Infantry ; Salonica 2 years. Dilworth, John (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 1 years 1 month. Downing, Reginald Charles (1911-19) ; Corporal, R.F.A. Dyson, William George (1915-17); Ser- geant, R.A.M.C. Edinborough, Leonard George (1910-19) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. ; Salonica 2 years 4 months. Emery, Herbert Thomas (1915-19); Staff 'rance 3 years 7 months. Ludlow, Ernest Herbert (1916-19); Pri- vate, R.A.S.C, King's Royal Rifle Corps and Royal Fusiliers ; France 2 years G months. Mabbot, Charles (1915-19); Private, R.A.V.C. ; France 1 year 9 months. Macarthur, John (1914-18) ; Captaiu, R.A.M.C. ; Gallipoli 6 months, France 18 months. McCombie, James Cameron (1914-15) ; Lance-Coriioral, R.A.M.tJ. Manno, Edward Blake (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. Moore, Archibald John (1917-19) ; llorse- kcep(!r, R.A.V.C. ; France 2 years. Moroney, John Edward James (1914—19) ; BatU;ry Sergeant-Major, l{.i'"..\. ; France 1 year 9 montlis. Munro, R.A.M.C. ; George (1915-19); I'rance 4 years. Corporal, Murphy, Daniel WilUam (1915-19) ; Private, Nortiiumberland Fusiliers ; Salo- nica 14 months, France 6 months. Norris, George William (1916-19); Lance- Corporal, R.E.; France 1 year 5 months. Parnis, Henry William (1914-19) ; Cap- tain, R.A.M.C. ; France 4 years. Pedrick, Frank Barter Frost (191G-19) ; Private, Bedfordshire Rgt. ; France 2 months. Perry, George (1918-19) ; Pioneer, R.E. ; France 3 mouths. Philip, James (1914-18); Corporal, 2ud Dragoons ; France 2 years 6 months. Phipps, Alfred George (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. Phipps, Harry (191.5-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 3 years 3 months. Razzell, John (1917-19); Private, E. Kent Rgt. ; France 1 year 7 months. Reynolds, Freddy (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 6 months. * Reynolds, John (1915-18); Private, R.E. ; France 2 years ; Accidentally killed, 15th July, 1918. Robinson, Walter (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Suffolk Rgt. ; Dardanelles aud Palestine 3 years 7 months. Russell, George Henry (1914-19); M.S.M.; Company Quartermaster-Sergeant, R. Irish Fusiliers ; France 2 years 6 months. Saunders, AUred Harold (1914-19); Private, 18th Hussars ; France 4 years 7 montlis. Saunders, Frederick Charles (1915-19) ; Saddler, R.A.V.C. ; France 3 years 4 months, Sharpe, James (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 2 mouths, Salonica 3 years, Rtmiania 1 month, Dobruja 3 months. Sides, Henry (1914-16); Private, R. Berk- shire Rgt. ; France 5 mouths. Skipper, Frederick (1916-19) ; Private, E. Kent Rgt. ; France 2 years 5 months. Smith, Walter (1917-19) ; Private, Norfolk Rgt. aud Labour Corps. Springford, Edwin John (1915-19) ; Lauce-Corporal, Norfolk Rgt. ; India 3 years 5 months. Staker, James (1915-19) ; Horsekeeper, R.A.V.C. ; France 3 years 6 months. Stone, Henry James (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 13 months, Hospital ships, Mediterranean, 2 years 4 months. Stower, A. (1918-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 5 months. Surgey, Charles (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 3 years 4 months. Thomas, John William (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, Royal Fusiliers ; France 4 montlis. Thompson, Charles (1916, 1918-19); Private, 366th Ifeserve Employment Com- pany, Durham Light Infantry. Thurlow, AUred (1915-19); M.M., Men- tioned three times in despatches ; Company yuartcrmaster-Sergeant, R.E. ; France 3 years 6 months. 194 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Travel, Albert (1914-19); Able Seaman, H.M.S. Kmprtss ; North Sea and Mcili- terraneau 4 year.s. Treasure, Edward Henry (191o-19): Pri- vaU>, .Middlesex It^'t.. and If.A.S.C. (.M.T.) ; France '.i years 4 niontlis. Turner, Albert Llewelyn (191G-19) ; Gunner, U.C.A. Turner, Sidney (1 !l 11-17) ; Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers. Wakenell, Walter Frederick (1911-19) ; Trooper, 2nd Dragoon Ciuards. Walton. William John (1917-19); Pri- vate, Uoyal Fusiliers ; Franco 2 months. Whelan, Peter (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; Salonica 4 years 3 months. Wilson, Albert Edward (1916-19) ; Ser- geant, Nortlniinberland Fusiliers. Wilson, Charles (1914-19); Trooper, 17tli Lancers ; France 3 years 4 montlis. Wilson, Herbert (1918-19) ; Private, R.A.F. Woodwards, Harry (1914-15); Private, Grenadier (iuards ; 1 ranee 5 mouths. Wrenn, Edward Jerome (1915) ; Corporal, Gordon llighlandei-s. Wright, Jesse (1915-19); Sapper, R.E., and 1st Air Meciiauic, R.F.C. ; Franco S montlis. Hanwell Mental Hospital Allen, Arthur Ernest (191C-19) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers and Labour Corps ; France 13 months. Arnold, Edgar Frank (1914-19); Sub- Conductor, R.A.O.C. ; Palestine and Egypt 15 months. Atterwill, George Henry (1915) ; Sapper, R.E. Ayres, John Edward (1914-19) ; Private, 17th Lancers ; France 4 years 4 months. Baker, John Herbert (1914-19) ; Private, Middlesex and Xonolk Rgts. Bennett, Benjamin (1914-18); Private, Royal Fusiliers : l<'ranee 15 months. *Birch, Harry (1914-17) ; Private, Hamp- shire Rgt. : France 3 years ; Missing, 26th August, 1917. Bishop, Thomas (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 3 months, Medi- tei'ranean 5 montlis. Bonner, William (1915-19) ; Gnnncr, R.G.A.; France 17 months. Bray, Henry James (1916-17); Private, Midtilesex Rgt. *Brill, Walter Percy (1914-17); Lanee- Corporal, Middlesex Uu't. ; France 2 years 9 months ; Killed in action, 30th November, 1917 Brown, Donald (1914-19) ; Staff Quar- termaster-Sergeant, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years. Butler, George (1914-19) ; Sec-Lieu- tenant, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 2 years 6 montlis. *Butler, Tom (1915-16); Corporal, Ma- chine Gun Corps ; fYance 5 months ; Died of wounds, 9th September, 1916. Byles, Albert James (i 91 4-19) ; Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers ; I'runce 4 years. Cawsey, John (191G-19) ; Corporal, Military Port Police. Chapman, Henry (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, 9th Mil. London Hgt.and Dorsetshire Rgt.; France 2 years 7 mijuths. Choat. Ernest (1914-19); Lance-Cor- poral, Royal Fusiliers, U.K., and Essex Rgt. ; ({ajlipoli and Kgypt montlis. Clarke, Henry Stanhope (1914-19); Lc-ading .Seaman, II. N., Portsmouth ; At sea about 2 years. Couppleditch, William Charles (1914- 19); Private, U(iyal Fu~iliers ; Franco 2 years (J months. Crewe, George (1911-19) ; .Staff-Sergeant, R..*\.().C. ; Greece 3 years C months. Cronyn, Edward Michael (1914-16) ; D.C.M.; Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers ; France about 1 year. Danby, Thomas (1915-19) ; Private, R..\.M.C. ; France 2 years 7 months. Davis, Alfred Edward (1914-19); Ser- geant, R.K.; France 14 montli-s, Salonica 2 years, Italy 6 months. Deamer, Edward (1914-19) ; M.S.ISf. ; Stat)" Quartermaster- Sergeant, R.A.O C. ; Salonica 6 months. Deering, Herbert Henry (1914-19); Sergeant, It.A.S.C. ; France over 4 years. Dunstone, Henry Cecil (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, R. Lancaster Rgt.; France 3 years (3 months. Eames, George V/illiam (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, Ijancasbire Fusiliers ; France 1 year 11 months, GalUpoh 8 months, Egypt 2 months. Elliott, Arthur John (1910-19) ; Private. Royal Fu'^ilicrs and Labour Corps. Ellis, Joseph (1914-19) ; Bombardier, R.F.A.; France 4 years 7 montlis. Elstone. William Thomas Private. R. W. Kent Rgt.; years, Italy 6 months. Farress, Arthur Edward (1916-18) ; Rifle- man, King's I'oyal Rifle Corps ; Franco 10 months. Fearnley, Charles (1916-19); Private, Middlesex and Suffolk Rgts. ; France 17 montlis. Ferris, Henry George (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.F..\.; France 15 months. *Fish, Wdliam Frederick (1915-17); Pri- vate, R.A.M.C; Salonica 9 months; Died 24th May, 1917. Fletcher, John (1910-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. and R.F.A.; France 10 months. Fletcher, Sidney James (1914-19) ; Pioneer, Middlesex Rgt. and R.E. ; Gibraltar 5 mouths. Franco 13 montlis Fuller, Edward Arthur (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, Royal Fusiliers ; France 3 years. Glenister, Charles James (1914) ; Private, NottinghauL^hire and Derbysliiro Rgt. Godden, Charles Henry (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, Royal Fusihers ; France 3 years 4 months. (1915-19) ; France 2 195 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Graimes, Frank Edward (1914-17); Pri- vate, Royal i''usilier.s and ]{.E.; Gallipoli about 2 iiiontlLs. Greeney, John (19U-17) ; rrivate, R.A.O.C. ; France 2 years. Hankins, Frank Reginald (1915-19) ; Private, Middlesex llgt. and PuD.C. ; France 3 years 2 montiis. Harrison, James William (1917-19) ; Gurmer, II. G. A. Hearn, Harry (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.O.C. and tjomerset Light Infantry ; France 4 years. Hedge, Charles Athelstone (1914, 1916- 19): I'rivatc, Bedfordshire Kgt. , Poynl Fusiliers, Middlesex Rgt. , 11. W. Surrey Rgt., and Labour Corps ; Macedonia and Greece 2 years 2 months. Hedge, William Alexander (1914-19); Able .Seaman, U.M.S. New Zealand ; At sea 4 years 2 months. Henbury, Alfred (191.5-lS); Sergeant, Yorlisliire Lif^ht Infantry. Holdaway, Albert James (1914-lS); Sergeant, :\Iiddlesex Rgt. ; Gibraltar 3 montlis, France 2 years 9 mouths. Hopkins, Arthiu- William (1915-19); Private, Royal Fusiliers and R.A.F. ; France 18 months. Horsman, Herbert (1914-16) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers. Jennings, James (1914) ; Private, Mid- dlesex Rgt. Kidd, Leonard (191G-19); Pi'ivate, R.A.F. King, John (1911-19) ; Corporal, Middle- sex Rgt. Kingham, Edward Havelock (1914-20); Regimental Sergeant-Majtjr, Middlesex, Suffolk and Esse.x Rgts., and Labour Corps. Kynaston, Harry (1916-19) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt., Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders, Seaforth lliglilanders, High- land Light Infantry, Scottish Rifles ; France 1 year. Laker, George (1914-19) ; Private, Mid- dlesex Rgt. ; Irance 6 months. *Lediard, Frederick Samuel (1914-18); Private, Royal Fusiliers ; France 2 years 8 months ; Killed in action, 2Sth August, 1918. McCarthy, John (1915-19); Staff-Ser- geant, R.A.O.C. and R.G.A. ; Gallipoli 3 months, Egypt 2 years 1 month, Palestine 13 months. Marshall. Thomas (1915-19) ; Staff- Sergeant. R.A.O.C; France 3 years. Martin, Harry (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.K. ; lYance 18 months. Matthews, Albert George (1915-19) ; Private, Middlesex Rgt. and Labour Cori)s ; F.gypt 11 months, France 3 years 2 montlis. Maynard, Leonard Harry (1915-18) ; Sergeant, Middle-^ex Rgt. ; France 1 year 8 months. Meadows, Sydney Frank (1914-17); Private, Military Moimted Police and Labour Corps ; Egyi)t 15 months. Meese, Clifford Christopher (1914-19); Rf^gtl. Quartermaster-.Sergt., R.A.M.C-; France 2 years 6 months. Miller, Alfred (1914-19) ; Lance-Sergeant, Korlhumberland Fusiliers. Miller William James (1914-19); Staff- Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; Salouica 2 years 8 montlis. ^Mitchell, Charles John (1915-16); Cor- poral, Roval Fusiliers ; France 1 year ; Missing, 7th October, 1916. Mitchsll, Octavius (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 15 mouths. Monger, William George (1915-19) ; I'rivatt', It.A.V.C ; Fiance 4 years. Morrison, William Charles (1914-19); M.S.M. ; .Sergeant, Lincolnshire Rgt. and R.E. ; France 3 years 6 months. Moul, Arthur William (191.0-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.S.C. and 1'. Welch Fusihers ; Egypt, Dardanelles and Salonica about 3 years, France 11 niontks. Mulroy, George (1914-19); Private, Itoyal Fusiliers ; France 3 years 8 months. Newton, Ernest James (1917-19) ; Air- craft ~man (1st Class), R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Nicholls, Bert (1916-19); Signaller, R.G.xV. ; France 2 years. Nunn, John (1914-19) ; Farrier Quarter- master-Sergeant, R.F.A. *OFlynn, Dominick Thomas (1915-18) ; Twice mentioned in despatches ; CaTitain, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 7 months ; Died, 21st June, 1918. Oram, John Henry West (1914-19) ; Stoker (Lst Class), II. M.S. Europa and H.M.S Redwing ; Mediterranean 3 years 4 months. Packham, William Richard (1915-19); Rifleman, 16th Bu. London Rgt. ; France 1 j^ear, .Salonica 6 months, Egypt and Palestine 1 year. Partridge, Alfred Ernest (1914-19) ; Bel- gian Croix de Guerre ; Sergeant, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry ; France 4 years 2 months, Italy 4 montlis. Payne, James William (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, Royal Fusiliers ; Gallipoli 7 months, France 2 years. *Peel, Thomas William (1914-16) ; .Ser- geant, Middlesex Rgt. ; Gibraltar S montlis, Egypt 6 months, France 4 months ; Died of wounds, 12th September, 1916. Pike, Alfred (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Royal FiLsiliers and Middlesex Rgt. ; France 1 year. Plumridge, Reuben (1916-19) ; Corporal, Kent Cyclists and R.A.M.C. Poole, Francis (1914-19); M.C., Twice mentioned in despatches ; Captain, R.A.M.C. and Scots Guards : France 3 years 2 months. Pratley, Walter (1915-19) ; Private. Royal Fusiliers ; Dardanelles 5 months, I'rance 1 year. Price, Samuel Joseph (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, R..V.M.C. ; France 4 years 1 month. Pusey, George Alfred (1915-18) ; Private, R.A.M.C. *Rldgewell, Alfred (1915-16); Private, Middlesex Rgt. ; France 9 months; Missing, 15th July, 191C. ig6 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Rogers, Albert William (1!)10-19): Cor- poral, It.A.L'. ; !• ranee "J years -i muiiths. Rose, George Thomas (1011-1'J): Pri- vate, Hodtordsliire Kj^t . and Labour Cori>s ; France 1 year. Ryall, Percy (l'Jl.')-l!)) ; Private, Somer- set Jiiicht liilaiitry : Dardanelles, Kt?ypt and Pale-tine, J years 2 inontlis. Saggars.Ernest Henry (1!) 1(1- P.) ) ; Private, R.W. sjurrcy Kgt. ; l''rance 1 year 10 months. Scott, Frank (lilll-l!)); Private, Pi.A.O.C. ; France 10 months, Saloiiica o years 2 months. Sheath, Frederick William John (l!)ll- 19) ; 8a|)per, London Yeomanry and K.IO. ; Palestine and Syria 10 months. Smith, William John (1914-19); Sub- C'oniluetor, K. A.O.I'.; !•' ranee i years. Snowdon, John (191.5-19); Corporal Shoeinyr- Smith, IJ.A.V.C. ; France 1 year. Ilurton Mental Ilospilnl Adams, Ernest Edward (191,0-19) Spsnce, Thomas Henry tain. Pi. I'". A. and ll.U.A. (1914-19); Cap- 19); Gumier.R.G.A.; Strong, Harry (1917- Frauee 7 months. Taylor, James (1916-19) ; Corporal, Tank Cor|is ; France 2 years 4 months. Taylor, James Alfred (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, li. Irish Kgt. ; France 4 years 3 mouths. Thewless, George Frederick (191.5-20) ; Gunner, ll.G.A. ; F'rance 1 year 4 months. Tilbury, Joseph (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. *Townsend, Frederick Thomas (191G-17); Private, Middlesex lifft.; France about 6 mouths ; Pied of wounds, ISth August, 1917. Trask, Henry (1915-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 j-ears 9 months. Tucker, Frederick John (1914-19) ; Potty Officer (1st Class), R.X.V.K. Warren, Arthur James (191G-19) ; Gim- ner, P.(i.A.; F'rance 9 months, Italj' 16 months. Warren, Samuel George (191.')-19); Sergeant, Xortlunnberland Fusiliers; Malta, Mesopotamia, Italy, Salonica and Franet', 3 years 6 months. 4 Webb, Albert James (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; Dardanelles 11 months. Wellings, Norman (1914-19); Sergeant, R. W. Kent Kgt. : Franco 3 months. Well;, Charles William (1914-19) ; Cor- poral. .Middlesex Rgt. ; Gibraltar 7 months, France 4 years *West, William (1914-15) ; Private, Royal Marino Light Infantry; Franco and Dar- danelles 9 months ; Killed in action, Cth May, 1915. Wheeler, William (1914-19); Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers ; France 1 year. ♦Williams, Victor (1915-17); Private, Royal Fusiliers ; Egyjit 5 montlvs, France 13'montlis; Missing, 24th April, 1917. Woodbridge, Bernard (1914-19) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers ; Franco 1 year. Woodcock, Herbert George (1916-19) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers and Machine CUm Corps ; Salonica 2 years. vat I Franc L Pri- Rgt. : alMiur < 'orps iind K. Surrey years 1 monlli. *Alderton, Arthur (191.')-l(i) ; Private, 14th Hn. London Kgt. ; France 8 mouths; Killed in action, 1st July, 1916. Appleby, Henry Thomas William (1914- 19); Gunnel', It. F. A. ; 1< laiice 3 years. Armstrong, George (1917-19); Private, R.W. Surrey Kgt. and Shropshire Light Infantry; Franco 3 months. Barnes, Percy Stanford Clark (1911-17): Sergeant, Xortliamiitonshire Kgt. ; Franco 2 years. Barnett, Jossph Edward (1916-17); Private, Middlesi'x and Devonshire Rgts. Basford, William Singleton (191S-19) ; Air .Mechanic (3rd Class), R.A.F. Bayliss, Albert (191.5-19); Regimental Quartermaster-Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 3 months, Italy 1 year. *B3ll, Walter (1914); Lance-Corporal. S. Wales Korderers ; France 2 months; Killed in action, 30th October, 1914. *Bennett, Arthur Ernest (191C-17); Lance- Corporal, K. Surrey Rgt. ; Franco 1 year; Died of uounds, 5th August, 1917. Blake, William (1915-19); Musician, II. M.S. liarham ; Grand Fleet 3 years 8 months. Blench, Thomas Henry Middleton (1916- 19) ; Lance-Corporal, Royal Fusiliers ; Balkans 2 years 2 months. Blunden, Walter Jacob (1914-19) ; Gun- ner, R.F.A. ; l'"rance 4 years, India 7 montlis. Briggs, George Edward (1917-19); I'ri- vate, R.A.M.C. ; Franco 1 year 7 months. Bromley, Alfred (1915-19); Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 9 months. Brown, Charles (1917-19) ; Regimental .Sergeant-.Major, Pi.A.-M.C. Brown, William Abram (1914-19) ; .Scc- Lieutt'naiit , U. W. Kent Kgt.; France 8 montlis. and (ierniany 2 yeai Buckland, George E. Surrey Kgt. and 3 years 4 montlis. Bulley, Charles King's Koyal Kitle 3 months. (1914-19): Sergeant, Rifle Brigade ; India (1914 Corps ; -19); Private, France 1 year Pri- Burdon, William Harry (1917-19) vate, R.A.S.C. ; France 16 montlis. Butler, Lewis (1914-17); Lance-Corporal, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France 2 years. Callaghan, Denis (1915-19); Belgian Croix de (iuerre: Sergeant, R.G.A. ; France 1 year s montlis. Chandler, William (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; F'rance 3 yeoral, R.A.O.C., Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Rgt. ; France 3 years 4 months. Randall, Frank (1910-19); Lance-Cor- poral, Middlesex Rgt. Riley, George Henry (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 5 months. Robinson, Frederick John (191.5-19); Caiituin, R.A.O.C'. ; I'ranee IS mouths. India 17 months. Rooms, Frederick Joseph (1914-19); Corporal, R.(;.A.; 1 1 ante 3 years 2 months, Italy 11 nionlhs. Sayers, William Aaron (1915-19); Cor- l)oral, U.A.S.C. ; France '.', years 2 months. Sharp, Edward (1914-19); Private, E. Kent Rgt. ; I'lanee 3 years mouths. Shortall, Thomas (1914-15); Lauce- ftergeaut, Irish Guards ; France. Simpson, Alfred (1915-19); Private, R.A.M.fJ. and Shropshire Light, Infantry; Saloniea 2 years, Russia months. Skilton, Thomas Knatchbull (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 10 months. Smith, Richard (1914-19); Private, R. Lancaster Rgt. ; France 9 months, Saloniea 2 years 5 montlis. ' Stainsby, Percy Holland (1910-19); Sea- man, R.X.V.U.; Served on II. M. shipH 2 years. Stanyon, William Barton (1910-19); Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 11 months. Stewart, Allan Lauchlin (1914-10) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 13 mouths. Sutherland, Margaret (1914-20); Royal Red Cross (2nd Class) ; Nurse, Terri- torial Force (Nurses) ; France 3 years 6 montlis. Taylor. George William (1914-19): Ser- geant, Dorset-hire and \Vorcestcrshire Rgts. ; France and Mediterranean. Tipping, Frank Ernest (1915-19) ; Guu- ner, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 3 mouths, Italy mouths. Turner, Albert Edward (1915-19) ; I'ri- yate, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years S months. ♦Turner, Henry Dennis (1914-17); Cor- poral, R.F.A. ; France 2 years ; Killed in action, 7tli July, 1917. Walker, Herbert (1915-19); I'rivate, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 9 months. Walker, Leslie Thomas (1915-18) ; Pri- vate, Royal Fusiliers ; France. Walker. Thomas (1914-19); Sergeant, E. Surrey Rgt. and Maehine (Jun Corps ; India 3 years 5 months, Egyi)t 2 months, France 9 months. ♦Walton. Percy (1914-10); Sergeant, R.F.A.; France 1 year 11 montlis; Killed in action, If^lli July, 1910. Warren, William Thomas (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; I'ranee 2 years 7 months. Webb, John (1917-19) ; Sapper, 11. E. Webber, Bertram (1915-19); Lance- Corporal, 1!..\.M.('. ; France 4 mouths. Cross Channel Hospital .Ship 13 months. Webster, Joseph Robb (1915-19); Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. : France 1 year 9 mouths, Italy 15 montlis. White, Harry Stanley U910-19) ; Driver, lt..\..S.C. ; France 2 years 3 montlis. Wilshire, James Raymond (1914-10): Private, I{. Warwickshire Rgt. ; i"rauec 9 montlis, Gallipoli C mouths. 20I RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Wilson, Joseph (1915-17); Laucc-Cor- poral, E. Kent Rt?t. and Macliiuo Guu Corps ; Frauco 7 mouths. York, Bertram George (U)ll-lC) ; Rifle- man, King's Iloyal Itillo Coriis ; France. The Manor Mental Hospital *Brook, Frederick Charles (l'Jlfi-17) ; I'rivato, 11. Dnblin i'asilicr.* ; France 3 months ; Killed in action, 16th August, 1917. Catlin, Albert Arthur (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.-M.C. Connett, Wilfred John (1915-19) ; Cor- poral, ll.A.M.C. ; Franco 3 years 2 months. Hames, William Thomas (1916-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; llegi mental Sergcant-Major, ll.A.M.C. ; Macedonia 2 years 1 month, Caucasia and Traus- caspia 3 montlis, Turkey 7 months. Heels, James (1915-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. France 3 years 3 months. Hunter, William Johnson (191G-19) ; Air Mechanic (1st Class), Il.A.F. ; Egypt 18 months. Keary, John (191 1-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R.A.M.C. Litteljohn, Edward Salterne (1918-19) ; Lieutenant, R.A.M.C. ; North RvLssia 10 months. Louden, David (1911-19) ; Private, R.D.C. Partrick, Ronald Alfred (1911-19) ; Ser- geant, I {.II. A. ; France 3 years 5 months. *Penfold, George (1915-17); Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 9 months ; Killed in action, 4th August, 1917. Poulton, Charles Welch (1910-19) ; Sec- ond Writer, 1{.\. ; Grand Fleet 1 year, 4th Destroyer Flotilla 18 iiiouths. Rolleston, Charles Ffranck (1918-19) ; Major, R.A.M.C. Russell, Charles Arthur (1915-19); Driver, R.A.S.C. ; I'rance 5 months, Salonica 2 years 4 month-;, Russia 4 montiis. Seymour, Reginald (1910-19): Staff- Sergeant, R.A..M.(.'. ; Macedonia 1 year 10 months, Serl)ia, Bulgaria, Russia and Asia Minor, montlis, Turkey 7 montlis. Shuter, Alfred Henry (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; I'lancc 4 years. *Smithers. William James (1916-17); Private, 5th Ru. Middlesex Rgt. ; Franco 1 year; Killed in action, 28th Novemhcr, 1917. Steer, William Henry (1915-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; I'l-anco 7 months, Salonica 7 months, I'alestine and Syria 1 year 9 months. Stredwick, Hubert Henry (1914-18); Sapper, R.l'^. Strode, Thomas William Ramsden (1914- 19) ; Captain, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 4 months, Mesopotamia 1 year. Tolley. Edward Charles (1916-19); Pri- vate;, Royal Fu-ilier- ; Franco 4 J months. Vaughan, Albert Edward (1914-19); Regimental Quartermaster-Sergeant, 11th Bn. Devonshire Rgt. Watson, Joseph Ambler (1918-19); Staff- Sergeant, R.A.M.C. Wright, Frederick Herbert (1918-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. Webb, Stephen John (1915-19) ; Lance- CorporaJ, R.A.iSI.C. ; Egypt 16 months. Woodbridge, Alfred William (1916-19); Private, R. \V. Kent Rgt. ; France 1 year. Eivell Colony Adams, William (1916-19) ; Private, R. Berkshire Rgt., Huntingdonshire Cyclist Bn. and Dragoon Guards ; France 1 year. *Bailey, Thomas (1914-18) ; Sergeant, Gloucestershire Rgt. ; France 3 months ; Killed in action, 25th April, 1918. Bsnger, Joseph William (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C!. Bridgman, Edward John (1915-19).; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 montlis, Salonica 3 years 3 months. Burdett, Charles (1914-15); Petty Officer (1st Class), R.N. ; Minesweeping 1 year. Gates, Harry (1914-19) ; Private, R. Marine Light Infantry; West Africa 15 juonths. East Africa 10 months, Arctic Patrol 10 months. Defence Armed Merchant Service 1 year 8 months. Churchman, Albert John (1917-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; Mesopotamia 2 years 2 montlis. *Childs, James (1914-15) ; Private, Hamp- shire Rgt. ; Dardanelles 1 mouth ; Killed in action, 21st June, 1915. Clark, Alfred (1914-19); Mentioned in des!>atches, xMay, 1915 ; Sergeant, R.A.iM.C. France 4 years 8 Uiouths. Clark, James (191.5-19) ; Staff-Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; Salouica 3 years 6 months. Clifford, Harry (1915-19); Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 4 months. Coleman, James (1915-18) ; Private, E. Surrey Rgt. Coles, Thomas (1914-19); Private, E. Kent Rgt. ; France 3 years 8 months. Collins, Michael Abdy (1915-19) ; Lieut.- Colonel, R.A.M.C. ; Meditcrraneau 2 years 10 mouths. Cook, William Charles (1915-19); Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. ; Franco 5 months, Salon- ica 2 years 4 months. Cooke, Henry John (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.M.C. ; Dardanelles 7 months, Meso- potamia 3 years. Daniels, John James (1914-19) ; Cor- poral, E. Surrey Rgt. ; France 13 months. Davies, James William (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, R.E.; Fruuce 3 years 2 months. Dorrell, Roland Edgar (1917-19) ; Lance- Corpoial, R.IO. Elgee, Samuel Charles (1916-19) ; Lieut.- Colonel, R.A.M.C. Elliott, William Thomas (1910-19); Sapper R.E. ; France 2 years 1 montli. Greenslade, Frederick George (1914-19) ; Scrgeant-Major, R.A.M.C. 202 RECORD OF WAR SERVICE Herbert, Arthur James (1915-19) ; Stafl- Scrgearit, E. Surrey Rgt. and Suffolk Rgt. ♦Kennedy, Walter (1915-18); Sergeant, R. W. Kent Hgt. ; France 15 months ; Missing, presumed dead, 23rd March, 1918. Langley, Ernest (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; Mesopotamia 4 months, India 3 years 4 montlts. Llghtwood, Ralph (1916-19) ; Corporal, R.A.M.C. Loader, George Kellow (1916-19) ; Pri- vate, 5th Un. Durliam Light Infantry, Sapper, R.E. ; Salonica 13 montlis. *Mace, John Martin (1916-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; Franco 14 mouths ; Died, 26th January, 1919. Morey, Walter John (1915-19) ; Private, Devonshire Rgt. and Labour Corps ; France 1 year. Murray, James (1914-16) ; Sergeant, E. Kent Rgt. ; France 13 months. Private, E. Oliver, David ( 1914-1 G) : Surrey Rgt. Petrie, Alfred Alexander Webster (1915- 19) ; Captain, R.A.M.C. ; Mediterranean 9 montlLs, France 3 years 1 month. Reardon, Michael (1915-18) ; Corporal, R.B'.A. ; France 2 years 1 month. Scott, William Ingham (1914-15) : Lance- Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; France 5 mouths. Simmons, Sidney (1914-19) ; Sergeant, E. Kent Rgt. and Army Cyclist Corps ; France 3 years 9 months. Starling, John Matthew (1914-19) ; Pri- vate, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 10 months. Thomas, Hopkin (191.5-19) ; Sergeant R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 6 months. Westbrook, Frederick (1915-19) ; Ser- geant, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt 3 years 3 months, Dardanelles 4 mouths. Central Station, West Farm, and Estate Railway Agar, Joseph (1914-19) ; Private, E. Sm-iev Rgt., and Aircraftsman (1st Class), R.A.F. Chandler, Charles (1917-19); Private, NorthaniptoiLshiro Rgt. and Labour Corps ; l-rauce 1 year 11 montluj. '*'Daniel, Walter George (1914-17) ; Pri- vate, !■;. .Surrey Rgt. ; France 2 years 3 months ; Killed in action, 18th July, 1917. Elliott. Albert William (1915-19); Pri- vate, K. Surrey IJgt. and R.A.M.C; France 1 \ear. James, Henry Herbert (1914-19) ; Stoker, R.N., R.F.R. ; ll.M. ships 4 years 4 months. Hollidge, Samuel Valentine (1916-19) ; Corporal, Middlesex Rgt. and Labour Corps. Rowland, William (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, It.A.S.C. ; Franco 3 years 8 mouths. Simons, John (1917-18) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France. Tipping, Henry John (1915-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 9 months. *Watkins, Frederick (1914-lS) : Private, 20th Hussars ; France 4 years 2 months ; Killed in action, Vtli November, 1918. AsYLUAis Engineer's Department Hoggett, Alfred Christopher (1914-19); Acting Regimental Quartermaster-Sergeant, 2/lOth Bn. Middlesex Rgt. ; GallipoU, Sinai Peninsula, Palestine, 4 years. Johns, Thomas Benjamin (1916-19) ; Captain, 22nd Bn. King's Royal Rifle Corps, 4th Bn. N. Hants Labour Corps ; France, Belgium, Germany, 2 years 9 months. Mayhew, Alfred Ernest (1915-19) ; Staff Sergeant, R.E., Military Foreman of Works, R.A.M.C. Sanitary Section, 44th and 10th R.E. ; France 3 years 10 months. Smith. Arthur Frederick (1916-19) ; Bom- bardier, R.A. and R.G.A..; France 3 months. Thc TCMPLe px£. ss J/ L LCTCHVORTH gN GLAND -e r> \^^' I J 7r na i umuujt ui THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. Series 9482 UC SOUTHERN RFGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY f l|l!lill|!l"|i'|M|""lll!lllll AA 000 387 050 8 ;::=H;QjB-«!a ^s^^^il^