'-F.''" ■^ \ ^' *■*''* -* So ... c5..M../..^ C/tiss L^. J..I... 6.^.?1. ijlfcbnirs' ^institution, Shjinbou. Cxtrcict from Ruk-s. The Lciiciliii* Libraiv it open daily from 1 1 a.in. (o x.ya p.m and 4 to » 1 ■'■ '. , • ,• J p m . .». ' 'it I ; ivs Chll \ hi..._. ....... .; _ - , 1 4S the Coui ^' (. The tii.ic allowed (^>r reading each IxMk it KOUK 1 KKN DAYS from the il.i' 1 •■ i\ isl. is d.. • ' ' "I.ri- d.i - will he ir p<>. - .. » ^ .._... . may be ut. ^„ .^ , lU. No hook can he exchanged on the day o( issue. II a h<«l hr ili-ijiiir.l li>ii|(ri than KOUK WEKKS the Librarian may apply (u ilir l<<>i I'lvtrr ik. A lur:hei Tukcl (bluci. available fur volumes ot .Music, i-i l^^ued without payment All •Iri.iird ot soiled Library Ticket* mutt be renewed at a chjr|;e 01 TUU I'K.Ni-K Header* are particularly requcftted to make u<« ol the Indicaloc. which shows at a fjlance whether the books a. ...... 1 jur» In Ihc evriit of a book >>ein|; bcupokcn bv another borrowei. appllcallon for ill - i c altei the Up»e ol > K ONK SH II.LING. ; - . , . . . ,, h 11^ • '111' 1^- 5x? under cover. H. I'HII.LII'S /.ibiariUN- f. HV 7% /Vie GEORGE MOORE -"/ J. "W ■-"•*'■■ ^. 7 GEORGE MOORE MERCHANT AND PHILANTHROPIST Bv SAMUEL SMILES, LL.D. AUTHOR OF "LIVES OF THE ENGINEERS." SELF-HELP," "THRIFT," ETC. WITH A FOR TRAIT. LONDON GEORGE ROUTLEDGE AND SONS BROADWAY, LUDGATE HILL NEW YORK : 416, BROOME STREET 1879 LX>NI>ON : I, CLAY, SONS, ANU rAVLOR, HKBAU 1 I Kf Kr HIUL PREFACE. I HAVE written this book at the earnest request of Mrs. Moore. The subject was brought under my notice by the late Mr. WilHam Longman and Mr. Murray, at the instance of Mrs. Moore. They both recommended me to write the book, though neither of them was to pubh'sh it. I was at first unwilling to undertake the Life ; the state of my health not permitting me to undertake much brain-work. Besides, I was far advanced witii another book which had been advertised, and which I was unwilling to postpone. I knew a great deal about Mr. Moore's benevolence towards the poor, the helpless, and the orphans ; but I thought that some other person, who had know Mr. Moore intimately, might have done greater justice to the subject. I called upon a leading City merchant to ask his opinion. lie thought it impossible for anything in- teresting to be written about George Moore. As to his munificence, there were hundreds of men in London vi PREFACE. as good as he! "What can you make," he asked, "out of the Hfe of a London warehouseman?" This statement discouraged me, and I felt disposed to return to my former work. It was not until Dr. Pcrcival, Head Master of Chflon College, called upon me, that I ascertained something of the actual life and character of George Moore. He spoke of the Man, and not of the Warehouseman. He said, in a letter which I afterwards received from him, — " There is so much genuine character in the Cumberland Folk, that I feel sure you will be attracted by them ; and I hope you will find that the incidents of Mr. Moore's bo)'hood and early life are sufficiently characteristic to enable you to use some of the excellent material furnished bv the habits and traditions of the district. Then, I hope }ou may find sufficient illustra- tions in his middle life, of his really splendid pluck and energy ; and again in his later life, of his rare liberality. This last trait ought to be very instructive, because of its extreme rarity among men w hu ha\e had to struggle as he did. I don't think I have come across any other self-made man who had so entirely 'got the chill of poverty out (jf his bones.' " I was also encouraged by the Rev. G. C. licll, Master of Marlborough College, who wrote to Mrs. Moore as follows : — " I am rejoiced to hear that a memoir of your husband is to be published ; for the example of his life, with its combination of ' self-help' and un.selfish- ncss, well deserves a permanent record ; and it may be full of stimulus and encouragement to many. I PREFACE. vH had indeed," he added, " good reason to be grateful to him for many substantial kindnesses, made all the more precious by the kind of fatherly interest that he took in those he cared for. He was, in truth, a large- hearted man, whose like I never knew." This was, indeed, encouragement enough. I accord- ingly went down to Whitehall, George Moore's country seat in Cumberland, to look over his papers. I there found a story, a romance, followed, alas ! by a tragedy. Mr. Moore had written out an account of his early life, which I have introduced in the course of the following pages. He had also left a Diary, containing a daily entry during the last twenty years of his life. These, together with his numerous papers, have furnished abundant information for his history from its beginning to its end. Biographers, like portrait-painters, arc sometimes suspected of painting men as they ought to be, rather than as they are. To avoid this objection, I have quoted George Moore's own words from his Autobio- graphic Notes, and from his Diary ; and thus enabled the story to be told as much as possible in his own words and in his own way. I have said that I began this work with unwilling- ness ; but I can add that as I wrote I felt that I had to do with the life of no ordinary man. George Moore, in some ways, stands apart from other men. He yielded to no hindrances ; he was overcome by no difficulties ; he was consistent in his aims, in all the good work that he did. This the story of his life will fully show. viii I'REFACE. I need scarcely say that I have been greatly helped by Mrs. Moore, who has furnished all the necessary information, and supplied man\- of the most interesting descriptions in the book. I have also been much indebted to the Rev, W. M. Gunson, Cambridge; the Rev. Alfred Gates, Mary- port ; James Cropper, f^sq., Ellergreen, Kendal ; Alfred Chapman, Esq., and many others, for the information they have communicated as to the life, habits, manners, and character of their deceased friend. It has been the one wi^h of Mrs. Moore's heart that a proper m.emorial of her hu.sband's life should be placed on permanent record. I hope that I have gratified her wish, and that the public will be satisfied with the result. S. S. London, May 187S. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. THE MOORES — OLD TIMES IN CUMBERLAND. The Moores of Overgates — Torpenhow Churchyard — Cumherlaiid Scenery — The Border-land — The Sohvay — Peel Towers— The Mosstroopers — Debateable Land — The Graemes — The Scottish Keivers — Tenure of Land by Porder Service — Survival of Freebooting — Pewcastle Tomb- stones — The Cumberland Statesmen ; their Thrift and Industry — De- cadence of the Statesmen — 'I'he Moores in the Olden Times — Thomas Moore of Mealsgate — Birlh of George Moore — His home at Mealsgale. Pa^es I — 17 CHAPTER H. GEORGE MOORE's BOYHOOD. Christening of George Moore— His Great-uncle and Godfather — Peath ol his Mother — George Moore's Father — His Second Marriage — The Step- mother — George goes to School — Blackbird \\'ilson ; his Method of Teaching — Routine of the School — Barring-oot — Wrestling — "Scots and English" — Bird-nesting — Walk to Carlisle — Hunting — John Peel- Hunt with the Dalesmen — Harvest Holidays — Earns money by shearing — Harvest Customs — Finishes his School education — Determines to leave home Pages 18 — 31 CHAPTER HL APPRENTICESHIP. Ihe Bnttle of Life — Apprenticed vith Messenger, Wigton — Sells his Donkey— Wigton— The Half-Moon Inn — The Apprentice's Work — The Tyrant of the Shop — Card-playing and Gambling;— Midnight Ad- venture — Repentance — Life at Wigton — Visits Aunt Dinah at liolton Hall — The Haunted Room — George tent into Scotland — Crossing the Sohvay Sands — End of the Apprenticeship — His Sister Mnry — Deter- mines to leave for London — '1 he Grey-Goat Inn — Influences of a Country Boy's Education Vagcs 32 — 43 X CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. IN LONDON. Travelling by Coach— Journey to London — Arrival at the " Swan with Two Necipointmeiits — Obtains a situation — Removal of liis Hair-trunk — Enters his situation at Flint, Ray, & Co. — His love of Cumberland — Improves his education — Sees his future Wife — A Serious DilTicuUy — Char^jed with being a Thief — Determines to obtain another situation — His Success — Encounter with the Korder Cattle-stealer — His Sentence miligated J'^i^^s 44 — 60 CI I APT I :r V. COMMERCIAL TRAVELLER. Moore enters the hmse of Fisher, Stroud, and Robinsm — Fisher bhmcs his Stupidity — Things he had to learn. Accuracy, (Quickness, Promp- titude— Country and Town-bred liuys — His Self-education at Midnight — His Impr (vement — Hearing his Brother's Burdens — His last Wrestle — Visit to the House of Commons — Becomes Town Traveller — Ap pointed to Liverpool and Manchester Circuit — His Success as a Traveller — The Napoleon of Watling Street — Competition — Visit to Cumberland — Visits tlie Scenes of his Boyhood — Enct)unter with Grou- cocU — Competition wiih Groiu o. k — Moon- leaves Fisher's for a Partner- ship /'tfjf«6l— 75 CHAPTER VI. PARTNER AND TRAVELLER. Beginnings of Groucock and Copcstakc — Change of Premises — George Moore's Capital — His ]>ower of work — His Travelling Ground — The Commercial Panic — Makes many friends — Mr. Brown's account of him — His determination to obtain orders — Selling the Clothes off his Back — The I'inch of SnufT — Rapid Increase of the Business — His Christ- niases at tiie Wareiiouse — 1 'ifTiculty in providing Money — I'angerous Kmllar!^alion for Ireland — Crossing Morecambe Sands — i'lscapes with his Life — Uesults of the Partnership — A Slanlrth-|>lacc — Becomes ill — Mr. Lawrence advises him to hunt — His head Phrenologically examineil — Hunts at Brighton across the Downs — His first Fox hunt — 'lerrible Disasters— Colonel Conyer's Advice — Trip to CONTENTS. xi America — His Rules on Shipboard — New York — The Public Institu- tions — Philadelpliia — The Solitary System — lialtimure — River Hudson — Lal-;es George and Chaniplain — Montreal — Quebec — Niagara — Boston — Impressions of America — Leaves for England — Establishes Lace- factory at Nottingham — Resumes Fox-hunting — Hunts with Lord Dacre's Hounds — with Lord Lonsdale's — with Lord Fitzhardinge's — Great Jump in Gloucestershire — Hunts with Lord Southampton's Hounds — No wickedness in hunting Pages 91 — 107 CHAPTER Vin. SAFETY VALVE?. ^foore joins a Life Assurance Society — Advises Young Men to Insure — Cumberland Benevolent Society — Gives his First Guinea — Becomes prominent in the Society — His Speech, 1850 — Urges Cumberland Men to join it — Commercial Travellers' Schools — Moore's regard for Com- mercial Travellers — The Institution Founded — Moore becomes Treasurer — Growth of the Institution — New Buildings erected — Moore travels the Country for Subscripti ins — Mr. Uickens acts as Chairman of Annual Dinner — Prince Albert opens the Commercial Travellers' Schools — The "Orphans' Day" — Moore's Advice to Boys leaving School Pa^es 108—123 CHAPTER IX. VISITS TO CUMBERLAND. CHAPTER X. WORK IN CUMBERLAND. Education in Cumberland — Moore endeavours to improve the Schools — Erects New Schoolhouse at Bolton — The old Schoolmasters — The New School at Allhallows — Visits the neighbouring Schools — Master of Plumbland School— Uldale School— Hothel School — Establishes Per- ambulating Library — The Stations — The Fetes — George Moore's Speech — Villicrs, l'>ishop of Carlisle — The Bishop preaches at Allhallows — The Competitive Examinations — Circular of Mr. Moncriefl' — The Revival of Education in Cumberland /'(/^rj 134 — 152 xii CONrKNTS. CHAPTER XI. POLITICS — rHII_A.NTHROrY. Extension of Business — Knowledge of Character — The Pusy Man the best \V(irker — Moore pricked as Sheriff — Pays the Pine raliicr tlian serve — Elected AKlcrman — Appointeil Deputy-PiciUcnant — A Liberal — A Free- Trader — Requested to stand fir Notlingham and West Cumberland — l\easjns fur not entering the House of Conimuns — Canvasses for Lord John Russell — Canvasses West Cumberland voters — Invitation from Lord Lonsdale — Lord John Russell — Assists Sir Wilfrid I.awson — A Fox-hunt — Residence in Kensington Palace Gardens — Visits the London Prisons — Establishes Prixton Reformatory — Lord Shaftesbury • — ^L^rrics unmarried People — Refuge for Fallen Women — Reformatory and Refuge Union — Home for Incurables — London Porters' Penevolent Association — Sympathy the Secret of Life .... /Vjjw 153 — 169 CHAPTER XII. RELIGIOUS LIFE — DEATH OK MRS. MOORE. Mr. Moore's Papers as to Religious Life — His Illness — Repentance — His I)ifficulties anil Tem].tations — Tf.e Rev. Paniel Moore — Mr. Gruucock's Illness and Death — Looks for a sudden Conversion — The New Pirth — l"!statilishes Family Prayers at the Warehouse — Rev. Mr. Richardson — Family Worship in Milton .Street — .Spiritual Elevation of Cumberland Folks — Establishes Missii nanes — Mealsgate and Wigton — .Scripture Renders established — House in Kensington Palace CJardens finished — Mrs. Moore's Illness and Heath — Purchase of Whitehall Estate — Memorial Fountain at NN'igton — Organ presented to Parish Church. J'oSts 170 — 186 CHAPTER XIII. ITALY — nilLANTHROPIC WORK IN LONDON. Tour in Italy — Lyons — Nice — Siena — Rome — Return to London — Invited to stand for Nottingham — Refusal — Leaves Royal Hospital for In- curables — Establi^he-. IJritish Home for Incurables — Royal Free Hos- pital ; the Freehold purchased — Porters' itcnevolent Associ.ition — Ware- housemen's and Clerks' Schcols — Commercial Travellers' Schools — National Mercantile Assurance Company— Ra/ged .Schools — Lord John Russell's Noiiunation — Young Men wanting situations — Letter from a Carlisle Draper J^cg^i 1S7— 205 chapti:r XIV. LONDONKKS OVER THE IIORPER. Destitute Population at the Vict ria Docks — The Rev. Mr. Douglas col- lects .Subscriptions — Greatness of the Subscription — Detraction and L.nvy begin — George Moore and AMeiinan Lakin invcsti^;ate the Ace Hints — The Cr twd (jf Witnc^'cs — Report of the lnvcsii);ator — Mr. I "on las cleared — Mr. Mo >re's friend hip« ith all I )cn(>minatioiis — Home Mi> ion .Societic — Mission at How Churchyard — Rev, Mr. Rodgers civ/aged as Chaplain — National Orphan Home — Mixing up of Guests — P.ible-reaiary ^ai^es 206 — 220 CONTENTS. xiii CHAPTER XV. WHITEHALL, CUMBERLAND. Description of Whitehill and Ilarbyhrov — Whitehall the " Fair'adies " of Redi^auntlct — Purchise of the Whitehall Estate — Mr. Howard's assist- ance — Tiie House and Grounds repaired — Book -hawking by Colporteurs — Country Towns Missions established — Hospitality at Whiteh.dl — Ke- commences Hunting — A Wild S]iot on the Fells — George Moore's Trap in the Wood —Poor pny of Cumberland Clergy — Chafiels in tlie Dales — Puzzle Hall— Clergymen's Stipends — Villier-;, Bishop of Cnrlisle — Leaves Carlisle for DurhaTi — Lon'iliness of George Moore — A Friend advise-; him to marry — The Lady found — George Moore again marries — Tour in Italy — Mr. Adams-Acton's estimate of George Moore. Pages 221 — 234 CHAPTER XVL CHARITABLE WORIv IN LONDON — RAGGED SCHOOLS. Progress of Commercial Travellers' Schools — George Moore founds a Scholarship — Followed by Mr. Sto-kdale and Dr. Butler — Cope-take Scholarship — "Kill your Fox" — An indefatigable Beggar — lourneys through the Country — Tbness of Mr. Moore — Arrangement of his Affairs — 'J'he Rev. Mr. Rodgers as Chaplain— The Rev. Francis Mor c, Not- tingham — Patronage of Books — Invited to re]3resent the City — Treasurer to the Garibaldi Fund — Extracts from the Diary — Little Boys' Horns — Mr. Walter's Speech — The Outcasts of London — Visits London at Mifinight — Treasurer of Field Lane Ragged Schools — Uses of the In- stitution Pages 235—252 CHAPTER XVIL LIFE IN CUMBERLAND. George Moore's arrival at his Border Tower — The Hall — His Business — His Smoking-room — Enterlain'nents — Coaipetitive Exauiinati jns — — Lord Brou'/ham — The Archbishop of York— The Romance of Cheap: ide — Pleasure and Business — Whitehall Picnics — I'^arm ng — Shorthorns — Bi:hops and Dissenting Ministers — The Weslcyan Chapels freed of Debt — Entertainments to the Poor and the Widows — The Househ'dd Servants — The Missionaries — The 'N'oung Men from Loudon — 'i'he Porters — The Branch Manager.'- — Immorality of Cumberland — Dowager Countess Waldcgrave — Imjirovement of Cottage Dwellings — Cottage Gardens — Hunting in Cumbeiland — Accident in Hunting — Moore's shoulder put out — His last Hunt .... Pages 1^2,-211 CHAPTER XVIII. Christ's church, somers town — kishmongers' comtany. Particularity in Accounts — Voyage to Antwerp — Encounter with .Xrch- dcacon Denison — Faithfulness and Outspokenness in Religion — A Lover of the P>ible — The Empcr. r of Russia — Religious Principle a Power — Religious Teaching— The Loncbn Middle-class Schools — " Hang 'I'hco- logy ! " — Controversy with Mr. 'lite — Religious Instructi m csia' lished — Hcallicndom of London — George Moore builds a Church — Dcs.riplion xiv CONTLXTS. of Somen; Towti — The Church ami Schools — Archbi-hop of Canter- bury-elect — >foore's Help to Dissenters — Mr. Spur^con — Dr. Stoujjhlon — 'I he Christian Community — Asked to represent .Mid -Surrey in I'.irlia- ment — Called a Turncoat — Prime Warden of the Fishmongc-rs' Com- pany — Visits their Estates in Ireland — Hinquets of the Company — Moore's .Sjiccches— The intense jiain in his di-slocated shoulder — Calls upon Mr. Ilutton, the Bone-setter — Is cured . . . /'a^(fj 272 — 295 CHAPTKR XIX. EDUCATION IN CUMBERLAND — CHRIST'S HOSPITAL. Competitive Examinations conducted by the Diocc?an lulucation Society — The Rev. Dr. Jcx-Hlake at Wiijton — rartin;jj Address of the School- m.asters — Geori,'e Moore's Reply — Loss by Farminj; — Magistrate at Wig- tm — Christ's Hospital — Dr. Jacob's Sermon — Manasjement of the Hospital denounced — George Moore elected an Almoner — Reforms in- troduced — (iirls' Schools improved — The Duke of Caml)rid;.^e elected — George Moore's fights — His Reasons for removing the Hos|)ital to the Country — luidownicnts of Christ's Hosiiital — London .School Hoard- Jubilee of Commercial Travellers' Schools — Founds a Scholarship — Its bbjecU Pislribution — HunL;riness of the Inhabitants — Journey to Versailles — Food distributed in the Arrondissements — The Hon Marche — I cttcrs from England .ibout lost friends — State ot Paris — George Moore's Helper.s — Destruction by the Germans — Arch- bihop of Paris — 1 he Chiffoniers — Outbreak of the Commune — Assas- sination of Darboy the Archbishop — Cardinal M.nnning — I'esfruclion of Property — Distributi n of the Mansion- House l''und> — Mrs. Mo ire's letter from Paris /b^vj 310— 3J2 CHAPTER XXI. HIGH SIIFRiri'- OF CUMIIKRI.AND. (Jcorge Moore nominated High Sheriff — His duties — Tlie Northern As-si/e — Sii John Mtllor and Sir Robert Lush — Gcering the Co.Tchm.Tn — Recovery of the Prince of Wales — George Moore's Speech — The .Sum- mer As,sizes — Deaths of old friends — James Wilkinson HrccVs — Con- valescent Hospital, Sill ith — Hoardingout I'aupcr Chihlren — Conference at GiKland — .Mr. Miwirc's Paper on itoarding-oul — Mr. Croiipcr, IJIer- grecn — Journey into .Scollaml — Interview vviili ex-l'.mprcss of the French — Days in the Highland- — Fisher, the dacli driver — liishop of Peter- borough — The I'arlncrs' Lunch — Offices at Itow Churchyard — Visits to Cambridge — Profctsor .Sedgwick — Aked to re|)resent the County of Middlesex — Kcasjns for refusal /'"i'W 333 — 3*' CONTENTS. XV CHAPTER XXII. LATER WORKS OF BENEVOLENCE. Wreck of the Northjlcet — Widow Stephens's story — The Cabmen's Mission — Cabmen's Supper — Visit to the Mission Hall — Funeral of Dr. Livingstone — Dean of Westminster's Letter — Church at Somers Town — Rev. P. S. 0'P)rien appointed — Visitations to the Sick Poor — • Sent to Vichy — Visit to Paris — His Farm and Shorthnrns — Sells his Shorthorns— Miss Rye and Emigration — Boarding-out Pauper Children — The Cumberland Missionaries — The Whitehall gatherings — Busy Life at Whitehall — Everybxly wants "more" — Descendant of an Irish King — Hospitable Entertainments at Whitehall — Visit of the Archbishops — Fishmongers' Hunt Dinner — " Faithful Jack " . . . Fages y^z — 377 CHAPTER XXIIL GOOD WORKS DONE IN SECRET. George Moore's ideas of Duty — Sympathy — Servants — Husband and Wife — Young Men at Bow Churchyard — Some become Clergymen and Ministers — Students assisted at .St. Bees and Cambridge — Sends forth a good lixample — Young Men wanting Situations — Addresses at the Ware- house — Mercifulness — Forgiveness — Kindness — Life at Bow Churchyard — Life at Whiteliall — IHustratiMi of his kindness — Helps to Poor Clergy- men — Their acknoMledgmcnts — Story of a Cleri^yman — Christmas Presents to Poor Clerijymen — His Almoners — City and County Mission- aries — Distribution of Books — Disabled Missionaries — Christmases in London and at Whitehall Pages 378—398 CHAPTER XXIV. THE END OK GEORGE MOORE's LIFE. Tlioughts of Departure — Friends dyinj away — Deaths of Mr. Porter, of Mr. Howard of Greystoke, of Sir Hope Grant, of Mr. Co|.e take, of Mr. 0^borne — Arrangement vith his Partners — Death of Mr. Stock- dale — Account of George Stjckdale — Diai-y of 1876 — Begins the year with benevolent Gift> — Convalescent Ho.-pital at Littlehamptcn — Reward of his Servants at Bow Churchyard — More Deaths — The Royal Academy — Money-order Sy-tem of the I'ost-oflice — \'isit to Vichy — Clerical Aid Education Society — Last Visits — Conferences at Whitehall — Many Visitors — Las' Speech at Wigton — Returns to Lon- don — Education of Poor Boys — Assisted by Dr. Pcrcival — Visit to Muncaster Castle — The Sh.idowof Death — The Nur.ses' Home, Carlisle — Mrs. Moore's Portrait — His last benevolent act — Visit to Carlisle — The accident to Mr. Moore — His Death — His Burial — The Funeral Sermons — The Memorials — The Lifeboat — Dr. Butler's Testimony. iPu^w 399-432 xri CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXV, GEORGE MOORE's CHARACTER. George Moore's life a succession of Growths — Wigton — London — Recol- lection of old friends — His Adversities — Religious Conversion — Re- sponsibility — His own Household — How Churchyard — Help to the Helple^is — George Moore's name a passport to Success — Simplicity and Directness — His rhysiijue — His rortrait — A Man of I'ower — His Vigour and Detcrmiiialion — The Rev. Daniel Moore's estimate — His Rebu(T> — "Do Your Best" — His Carefulness of Time — Promptitude in Emer- gencies — His Moral Coura<;e — His Faith in God's Word — Pro|>er Uses of Money — Unspoiled by I'rosperily — Refusals of high OfTice and Honours — Love of the I'oor — Love of Nature — Love of P'lowcrs — His Benevolence — His Churchmanship — Sympathy his "grandest word" — Influence on the Character of others — United Teachers of Wigton — Foreshadowings of Death — Works unfinished — George Moore's Epitaph i'<»i'''J 433—45' Appendix 452 — 453 iNKKX 454 — 460 GEORGE MOORE. CHAPTER I. THE MOORES — OLD TIMES IN CUMBERLAND. George Moore was born at Mealsgatc, Cumberland, on the 9th of April, 1806. He was the third of a family of five. He had two brothers, Thomas and William, and two sisters, Sarah and Mary. George's father, John Moore, was a man of ancient descent, though of moderate means. He belonged to the rank of Statesman — a title held in as high regard in the North as that of the Order of the Garter. " I am prouder," says a well-known scholar, "of being a Cumberland Statesman than a Cambridge Don!" But the Cumberland statesmen, like the English yeomen, are fast passing away. The old Moores lived at their paternal estate at Overgates for more than three hundred years. Over- gates is in the parish of Torpcnhow, a few miles to the south-west of the market-town of Wigton. The village of Torpenhow consists of a straggling street of little old houses, grey or whitewashed. The ancient church, dedicated to St. Michael, stands at the east end of the village. The "pcllitory from out the wall" B ; 2 THE MOORKS— TOKPENIIOW. [chap, i. of Shakespeare gjrows luxuriantly near the churchyard gate. People still come from long distances to gather it for medicinal purposes. Inside the churchyard we come upon the resting- places of the old Moores. There they lie, generation • after generation. The Moores of Overgates ; the Moores of Bothel ; the Moores of Highwood Nook ;■ the Moores of Kirkland, and the Moores of Meals- gate. They seem to have been a long-lived race. Many of them lived to eighty and upwards. Thomas Moore of Mealsgate, grandfather of George Moore, was buried among his fathers in Torpenhow Church- yard, aged seventy-eight. Torpenhow parish is situated on the south bank of the river Ellen. The land rises gradually from the river until it reaches its highest points at Camphill, Caermote, and liinsey. From the high grounds a splendid view is obtained, southward, of the Cumber- land mountains, Skiddaw towering high above all. Bassenthwaite Water lies quietly sleeping under the shadow of the majestic hills which surround it. The high lands from which we look down remain very much as nature left them. The country here- abouts is wild and lonely. Scarce!}' a house or a person is to be seen. The land is poor and un- cultivated. It is half moor, lialf inclosed pasture. A few Fell sheep and black Scotch cattle grub for grass among the roots of the whins and heather. Yet it is not without its beauties for the lover of nature. The glorious mountains, the far-off sweeps of gorsc, the wild smell of the heather, the sea air from the west blowing fresh against your face, the large i)urple shadows dropped by the passing clouds ujjon the moor, the lark singing over-head, the bumble- bee humming close by ; and above all, the infmitc silence ! Thit indeed is a picture to be remembered. CHAP. I.] CUMBERLAND SCENERY. 3 Looking towards the north, over Torpenhow, the view is altogether different. In the bottom of the valley lies the river Ellen. You see the little farm- stead of Overgatcs, the original home of the Moores. Far away, — over woods and pastures and cornfields, — over grassy knolls and winding valleys, — over clusters of farmhouses half hid in clumps of syca- mores, — over villages, mere specks of whiteness nest- ling among green fields. — over stately homes and ruined castles, — you see the northern border of Cum- berland. In the distance the Solway lies in the sunlight like a silver strip of brightness. Beyond the Firth, the lowlands of Dumfries and Kircud- bright stretch away glimmering through the sun- shine. Above and beyond them the Scottish moun- tains are seen, — Criffel standing out boldly and alone. The Solway Firth extends inland, between Scotland and England, from Maryport to Carlisle. It is in many places about twelve miles across. The tide runs up and down with great force, especially at spring tides. The Solway might be thought a suffi- cient protection for Cumberland during the troublous times which preceded the union of the crowns of England and Scotland. But it was no such protec- tion against hungry and warlike people. The Solway can be crossed at low tide by horsemen who know the secrets of its depths and eddies. For this reason, amongst others, the northern part of Cumberland was constantly exposed to the depredations of the Scots. They waded the Solway, pillaged the villages and farmsteadings, and carried off to Annandale and Nithsdale all the cattle they could seize and drive before them. For this reason the people of Cumberland, a few hundred years ago, always stood at arms. The B 2 4 PORDK R TOWERS. [cii.\r. r. entrances to the villages were defended by a double ditch, and by gates fastened with an iron chain. This was the case at Wigton. Those who could, fortified their houses, and left a space beneath into which their cattle might be driven at night. A little beneath Overgates, in the valley of the Ellen, there arc two border castles, or Peel towers, which afford a good example of the fortified houses of these days. One of these is called llarbybrow, now in ruins, and the other is Whitehall, recently renovated and en- larged, — the country-seat of the subject of this story. These border castles stand about a mile from each other. It is said that there was once an underground road between them. The original towers are lofty, square, and massive. The walls at the lower part are about nine feet thick. They are divided into three stories. Harbybrow remains very much as it was. It has an arched chamber underneath — the old cattle keep. During the Scottish raids, the men and the cattle entered the tower by the same door. The cattle were driven into the arched chamber, while the men fastened the door and mounted to the higher .stories. If assailed, they stood to arms, threw down huge stones, or poured boiling water or lead upon those who ventured to as.sail the little garrison. But when the cattle were secured, that was rarely done. The mo.sstroopers had no means of laying siege to fortified places. In the meantime the country was up. During the border raid.s, people were stationed on the higher grounds to keep a strict look out. The names of "Watch-hill" and "Beacon-top" still point to such localities.' The church towers were also used for the ' Tlic Cunil)crl.inil hcacnu-s timt were li;;Jitcil tip to a<;scnil)Ic the sur- rounilin^; populaii iii to .-inns were m.-Rkcumlie, Miinc.i-ler Fell, .St. IJccs Head, Wo-kington Ilill, Moolliay, bkiddaw, handale Head Lnd, Carlisle CHAP, r.] BORDER MORALITY. 5 same purpose. The country was apt to be ravaged for twenty miles along the border. The tenants of the manors were obliged, by the firing of the beacons, to attend their lords in their border service. If requisite, their attendance might be prolonged for forty days. There was little or no cultivation of the land at that time. Indeed payment of rent Vv^as scarcely known until after the Union. All that the landlord gained from those residing upon his estate was personal service in battle or in pursuit, and per- haps a share of the spoil taken by rapine from the Scotch side of the border. The morality of those days was of a very wild description. Freebooting was considered a respectable profession on both sides of the border. It was like piracy at sea, of which neither Raleigh nor Drake were ashamed. To be a freebooter or a mosstrooper was not considered a term of reproach. The free- booter did not keep a "gig," but he kept a pricker, on which he scoured the neighbouring county for plunder. Every man fought for his own hand, like Harry-o'-the-Wynd. If they could not steal from the neighbouring border, they stole from each other.^ They were quite as dangerous to their neighbours as to their enemies. They were very valiant men too. Many were the instances of dash and daring among chem. The Elliots, Armstrongs, and Scotts were as daring on the one side, as the Graemes, Rutlcdges, and Howards were on the other. Their names have been alike immortalised in the ballad lore of the border. The Scotch were, however, the hungriest of the two. Castle, Linf^-closc Head, Beacon Hill, renrith, Dale Raughton, Brampton Mote, and Spade-adam Top. ^ There is a wiKl path across the mountains, far south in Cumberland, very unlikely to be disturbed by the Scotch mosstroopers, for it is between l^orrowdale and Kavenglass, — still called "The Thieves' Road." It must have been so called from the Lancashire and Cumberland reivers. 6 TIIK DF.nATAr.LK LAND. [chap. L Whenever their food fell short, they determined on a raid. Though they were ready, as the Armstrongs were, to rob each other, they preferred harrying their neigh- bours across the border.^ They could then combine their personal views of plunder with something like a spirit of patriotism. There was a portion of land between the two countries which was long known as the Debatable Land. It was long a source of contention. It was situated north of Carlisle, between the rivers Esk and Sark. It belonged neitlier to England nor Scotland. The land was infested by thieves and ban- ditti, to whom, in its mossy, boggy, and uncultivated state, it afforded a desirable refuge. They robbed alike the English and the Scotch. Once, when a battle was going on, some of the men succeeded in robbing their fellow-troopers of their horses. The inhabitants of the Middle or Western Marches were unrestrained moss- troopers and cattle-stealers, " having no measure of law," says Camden, "but the length of their sword.s." When caught by their enemies, they were dealt with by Jeddart justice, — that is, they were first hanged and then tried. The Graemes were among the chief occupants of the Debatable Land. A document quoted in the History of Cujnbcrlaud STiySy concerning the Gra;mes of Nctherby and others of that clan, " They were all stark moss- troopers and arrant thieves, both to England and Scot- land outlawed ; yet sometimes connived at, because they gave intelligence ft)rth of Scotland, and would raise four hundred horse at any time upon a raid of the ' A saying \% recorded of a liorder mother to her uon, ** Ridt, Rolry, ridt, the last hough's i' the pot" — nicnniiifj lliat the last leg of l)ccf was \>k\\\v IxiilccI, and that it w.ns hi;fh time for him to j;o and fetcli more. An c-fju.illy (^iKxl story is toKl of a Cumhcrland matron. So lony an hrr pro- viMunk bstcil hhc set them rc^uhiily on tlie tahlc, but as soun as they were fmisheU, the brought foith two pairs of spurs and said, "Sonii, I have no meat for you ; go, seek for your dinner." CHAr. I.] M3SSTR00riNG. 7 English into Scotland." And so it was of the Elliots and Armstrongs on the northern side of the border, which led to the popular saying, — " Elliots and Arm- strongs/ ride thieves all." From these grim borderers have descended General Elliot, who so bravely defended Gibraltar ; Sir James Graham, one of our greatest statesmen; and Sir William Armstrong, the inventor of the Armstrong gun. When the hungry Scots prepared to make a raid southward, they mounted their wiry horses, met at their appointed places, and either waded the Solway or forded the Liddel or the Esk. They crossed the border by secret by-ways known only to themselves. They knew every road across the mosses, and every ford across the rivers. They also knew every channel of escape from Cumberland to the north. The men were armed with long spears, a two-handed sword, a battle- axe or a Jedburgh staff, and latterly with dags or pistols. Each trooper carried his own provisions, which consisted for the most part of a bag of oatmeal. They trusted to the booty they seized for eking out their meals. So soon as it was known that the reivers were abroad — that they had crossed the Solway from Annandale, or come down from Eskdale or Liddesdale — all Cumber- land was roused. The beacons blazed out at Carlisle, Watch-hill, Torpenhow, Sandale Head End, Beacon- hill, and Skiddaw. The mounted troopers gathered at the appointed places, harnessed in jacks, and armed with spears and swords. Away they went in hot-trod! So soon as they came upon the mosstroopers the sleuth- hounds^ were set upon their track, and wherever they * In the sixteenth century the Armstronp; clan, under the command of the English chief, Sir Kalph Evans ravaged almost the whole of the west border of Scotland. * As late as 1616 there was an order from the King's Commissioners of the Northern counties that a certain number of sleuth-hounds (so called 8 PURSUIT IX IIOT-TROD. [chap. I. went they blew their horns to summon their countr>'- men to their help. Tiiey also carried a burning wisp of straw or wood at their spears' point ; ^ and raised a cry similar to that of the Indian warwhoop. It appears that those who heard this cry were bound to join in the chase under penalty of death. The pursuit might last for days or for weeks. The regulations of the barony of Gilsland, still preserved by the Earl of Carlisle, show the nature of the border- service of the tenants. Every tenant was required to keep a good, able, and sufficient horse — " such a nagge as is able at anye tyme to beare a manne twcntie miles within Scotlande and backe againe without a baite. " They were to be provided with a " jacke, stcalc-cap, sv.'ord, bowe, or speare," and were to be ready " to serve the Lord Warden or their officers upon sixe houres warninge, in anye i)lace where the)' shall be appointed to serve." They were also required to ajjpoint a watch over their farms by day and by night ; and, when a foray occurred at night, "the partie that is harried to keej^e a bcaken burning of .some height, of intcnte that not- withstandinge all the country be in a fraye the fier may be a token where the hurt is done, that all menne may know which way to drawe."- The old statesmen held their lands by border service, as aj^pears from the old title-deeds. They were required to be ready to follow the fray when the mosstroopers were abroad. They must be armed, horsed, and ready to fight. In the recital attached to a decree in the from llicir quality of tracing the :lot, or track of men nnd animals) should h« maintained in every dibltict in Cumberland bortlcring on Scotland. 'Jlie breed of this sagaciuu^ dojj i^ nc.nrly extinct. * A practice l>orri)Wcf their founders are forjjulten. This disap|ic.irance of names, if not of iiahitatinn;, in n>any rural districts, hrinjjs about rellections of by no means an aj;recahle kind. Amonjj many changes affecting both men and interests in these northern counties, there is no change more njarked than that arising from the purchasing of real e tales and the absor|)tioM of small holdings oi" a few potato held* or sh.irc of pasturage, once the pride of decent folk content in iheir changeless life, by larger landed proprietors. ni fare\ the land, to ha-.teniiiR ilN a pfy. Where Wealth AccurouUtci and Men decay.' " i CHAP. I.] MOORE OF MEALSGATE. 15 During the long period that George Moore's fore- elders lived at Overgates, few records of tiicir lives have been preserved. They had their part in the border raids. They were always ready to join in the fray when the mosstroopers were abroad. At the western end of Overgates house, there was a con- cealed place in which a nag or charger was kept ; for in those days a nag was almost as good as a man. When the war-cry of " SnafHe, spur, and spear ! " was raised, the Moores of Overgates mounted like the rest, and galloped off to the meeting-place. The border towers and the cattle-keeps were in the valley below, almost within sight of the homestead ; and when the muster took place, away they went after the " ruffian Scots." Thus the Moores lived until tlic troublous times had passed away, and peace fell upon the border-lands. The young men and woinen intermarried with the sons and daughters of the neighbouring statesmen. For the most part they settled near the paternal home. Thus there were the Moores of Bothel, the Moores of riighvvood-Nook, and the Moores of Kirkland — all in the parish of Torpenhow. In the churchyard wc read the names of the forgotten dead — sometimes on a broken gravestone covered with grey lichens. None- of them seem to have come to any fame in the world's history. It was a little circle they lived in. Anxious thrift and carefulness were their portion. They lived their lives of joy and sorrow, of homely experience and of daily work, — little heedful of the troubles and turmoils of the outer world. They did their duty, and then they went to rest. Thomas Moore, a younger son of the statesman at Overgates, was born in 1733. He went to liothel in his youth to a.ssist his brother in the work of the farm. In 1773 he went to ]\Iealsgatc, where he i6 BIRTH OF GEORGE MOORE. [chap. i. purchased a farm of sixty acres, recited in the deeds as " the Mealsgatc tenement in the parishes of Bolton or Allhallows." There he hved a careful, frugal, and industrious life. Fair, market, and church, were the only little breaks in his life of daily toil. He married, and had an only son — John Moore, the father of George. John did not marry until he was thirty-five. We learn from the Family Bible that on the 15th of February, 1800, he brought home Peggy Lowes, the daughter of a neighbouring statesman, as his wife. The register goes on to say that Thomas Moore was born on the 27th of January, 1802 ; Sarah on the 17th of January, 1804; George on the 9th of April, 1806; Mary on the 5th of March, 180S; and William on the 30th of March, 18 10. Thomas Moore was now an old man. He lived to sec all his grandchildren born. Then he passed away and was laid amongst his forefathers in Torpenhow church-yard, at the ripe age of seventy- eight. The house at Mealsgate lies on the main road be- tween Wigton and Cockermouth. It is a house of two stories, standing a little back from the road. A brook runs through the orchard before the house. It wanders along the valley through the Whitehall estate, and runs into the river Ellen, near Ilarbybrow. A few scattered cottages lie about the place, constituting the village of Mealsgate. On entering the Moores' dwelling, )-ou pass at once from the outer door into the general sitting-room. This, in Cumberland phrase, is known as "The House." A large old-fashioned fireplace occupies one end — the " ingle ncuk," — round which the family held their gene- ral conclave and told stories of the olden time during the winter evenings. At the other end of the room, opposite the fireplace, is the Parlour, which is usually appropriated as a bedroom by the married pair. Behind CHAP. I.] BIRTH OF GEORGE MOORE. 17 is the kitchen and the other offices. A staircase of the simplest kind leads up to the four small low-roofed bed- rooms above. Such is the house at Mealsgate in which the subject of the following story was born and brought up. CITAPTKR II. GEORGE MOORE'S BOYHOOD. After the birth, the christening^. George Moore of Bothel was to "stand for" the child. He was an old bachelor, a man of good means, and he meant to "do somctliing " for his godson. A large party of Moores assembled at Mealsgate on the christening morning. It must have been regarded as a matter of considerable importance. A chaise was brought from Wigton to convey the mother and child up the hill to Bolton Church. Chaises were very uncommon in Cumberland in those days. The roads were unsuitable for wheeled carriages. Chaises were called those " queer trundlin' kists on't roads." Horseback was the usual method of convey- ance ; and women rode on pack-saddles. But on this occasion, as the mother was delicate and the child was young, a post-chaise was brought from Wigton to convey them to Church. The child was baptized in the name of his great-uncle and godfather, George Moore. His father afterwards said of him that "he had begun the world with a chaise, and he was likely to end it with a chaise." Old George Moore of Bothel, the godfather of the child, was as good as his word. When he died, in 1817, at the ripe age of seventy-two, he left his godson a legacy CHAP. II.] DEATH OF HIS MOTHER. 19 of 100/., together with a big hair-trunk. The 100/. was to be paid to him when he reached the age of twenty- one ; but by the time it was paid it amounted, with accumulations of interest, to about 170/. It was then found very useful. The hair-trunk also had its history. It had the letters " G. M." marked in brass nails on the top. The hair-trunk went to Wigton, to London, to America, and is still in the possession of the family at Mcalsgate. It is more than 150 years old. The earliest recollection of George Moore was a very painful one. He was about six years old when his mother died. She was laid in the parlour, next to the room known as " the house." The boy turned into the parlour as usual, went up to his mother, touched her, but she did not move ! He saw the cold pale face, and the shrouded body. This was his first idea of Death, and it left a startling impression on his mind. He saw his mother taken away by men in black, followed by a long train of mourners ; and he saw her no more. The same night he was taken by his father to sleep with him in the same bed from which his mother had been taken in the morning. The boy was frightened, startled, almost horror-struck. He did not sleep ; he was thinking of his departed mother. The recol- lection of that day and of that night haunted him all his life. It left in his mind a morbid horror of death. It was so strong that he could never afterwards see a dead person. His intense vitality recoiled from the terrible accompaniments of that mystery which we call Death. And yet he had nearly his whole life before him. Such losses as these must soon be forgotten, or remem- bered only with sorrow ; otherwise life would be intoler- able. It might be thought that John Moore, who took his boy to sleep with him that night, was a hard and unfeeling man. But this was not the case. Let George C 2 20 GE0RG1-: MOORK'S TATIIER. [chap. ii. Moore himself speak of his father's character. " My father," he says, "was a fine specimen of the North Country yeoman, whose fore-elders had lived at the same place for generations. His integrity, generosity, and love of truth left influences on my life and character for which I can never be too thankful. I have often said that I think he never told a lie in his life. The only time he flogged me was for telling a lie ; and I never felt so sorry for anything as to have grieved him. " His great failing was in believing others too impli- citly. His generosity got the better of his judgment. He lost a great deal of money by becoming bound for friends at public sales of cattle. The purchaser being unable to pa)-, my father had to find the money. Very often it was never repaid. Had it not been for the thrifty and careful habits of the family, our estate would long ago have passed into strange hands. At the same time, my father was one of the most straightforward of men. He had as great a moral courage as any man I ever knew. I can well remember his ordering a man out of his house who came in drunk, and reprimanding others who had done some bad deed. John Moore of Mealsgate was indeed a terror to evil-doers." Some five years after his wife's death, John Moore married again. The children were growing up untrained and ill-tended. There wanted some clever woman about the house to look after the bairns while John was afield at his work. The consequence was that he married Mary Pattinson, sister of the Rev. Mr. Pattin.son, of Caldbeck. She proved an active and managing house- mate. She was a good wife as regarded her husband ; but .she did not get on very well with the elder children. They regarded her as an intruder, and were predisposed to resist her authority. " My stepmother," .says George Moore, "was invariably kind to mc, but the elder children probably had a strong prejudice against her. CHAP. II.] EDUCATION IN CUMBERLAND. 21 At all events, as regarded the family, she did not add to the happiness of our household." At the age of eight, George Moore was sent to school. The school to which he went was situated at Boltongate, about two miles from Mealsgate. It used to lie at the corner of Bolton churchyard, separated from the church itself by the parish burying-ground. It has recently been pulled down to make room for more graves. To that school George Moore walked daily, wet or dry, to receive his miserable quotum of "education." Very little provision was made in those days for the education of the" rising generation. Cumberland was no better than the other English counties. Any man who had a stick-leg, or a club-foot, or a claw-hand, thought himself fit to be a teacher. The three R's formed the amount of the accomplishment given. The teaching was altogether lifeless and humdrum. What was knocked into the boys was done for the most part by caning and whipping. In George Moore's case the teaching was given by a man addicted to drink. His name was Blackbird Wilson. He was called Blackbird because he could imitate the singing of any bird in the neighbourhood, and especially of the blackbird. Here is George Moore's account of him : "The master, lilackbird Wilson, was an old man, fond of drink. The scholars were sent out to fetch it for him three or four times a day. He used to drive the learning into us with a thick ruler, which he brought down sharply upon our backs. He often sent the ruler flying amongst our heads. The wonder is that he did not break our skulls. Perhaps he calculated on their thickness. His rule was to drive reading, writing, and arithmetic into us by brute force. He never attempted to make learning attractive. He did not cultivate the understanding or endeavour to teach us the good of knowledge. Such being the case, I was never fond of 22 GEORGE MOORE'S SCIIOOI.-DAVS. [chap. it. school. I often played the truant, and rambled about whenever I could get away. Indeed I should have been much oftener absent, had it not been for the dread of the terrible floggings which were then as common in Cumberland as elsewhere. My determination not to study followed me through my school-days ; and often, indeed, have I repented of my folly in not learning as much as I could when at school, for I have often felt the mortification of being ignorant. My faults were those of an energetic and wayward disposition, unhelpcd by a mother's sympathy and solace." When Blackbird Wilson retired from the office of schoolmaster, he was succeeded by Mr. Allison, a humancr and better teacher. The Rev. W. M. Gunson, M.A., has furnished the following information as to the teaching and routine of the school while he attended it. He says, "Dull tradition and immobility arc very con- servative in isolated country places like Bolton ; and I believe that an account of my school-time will accurately represent that of George Moore's. The curriculum con- sisted of the three R's, with spelling. I have no recol- lection of learning anything like grammar or parsing. One other thing, however, was carefully taught, the Church Catechism. In Lent, every year, wc spent much time in committing it to memory, and on the afternoon of Easter Sunday we were publicly examined in it by the clergyman in the church, in presence of the largest congregation that asseinbled on any day of the year; for the parents were there, wishing to hear their children acquit themselves well. " The arrangements of the school it.sclf were rude and rough enough. The fire was lighted in the morn- ings, and the school swept out by two of the boys in turn, specially told off for the jiurposc. Their duty lasted for a week, at the end of which they had the privilege of naming their successors for the following CHAP. II.] BARRING OOT. 23 week. When coals were wanted, the money to buy them was raised by levying a tax of twopence or three- half-pence each on all the scholars. Many of the children, who came from a distance, brought a cold dinner with them, and ate it in the school. The time that remained at the midday interval was mo.stly spent in bathing in the river Ellen, which runs about half a mile from the school. This contributed to cleanliness and health, and gave the boys a love of cold water which clung to them through life. " One of the holidays occurred in harvest time. It was secured by a process of barring f maister oot. As soon as any of the scholars announced that they had seen t' first stook,^ a conspiracy was entered into ; and during the midday interval the boys shut themselves up in the school, and barricaded the door and windows against outsiders. On the master returning from his dinner, entrance was denied him. He generally made a show of violence to break in, but of course he never succeeded. When he found his efforts vain, he called a parley. The first condition the boys insisted on was freedom from punishment for the barring oot ; and when that was promised, they then proceeded to negotiate as to the length of the holiday that was to be given. Their rebellion being always successful, was, like other success- ful rebellions in wider spheres of action, regarded as an act of schoolboy loyalty and patriotism, and when it was over, all alike enjoyed its successful results." The amusements of the boys during play-hours were in some respects peculiar to the district. Wrestling, or worsling, was their most famous sport. The boys tried their strength with each other. They got to know the best way of takin' hod ; the chips and the hypes ; the buttocks and cross-buttocks ; the back-heeling, the hank and the click inside. The wrestling of Cumberland and * The earliest thock of corn cut. 24 SCHOOLBOY ^YRESTLING. [chap. II. Westmoreland is well known. The game, as practised there, is not so savage as that of Cornwall. There is no hard kicking of the shins or legs, and the boj-s or men who have thrown each other continue the same good friends as ever. Men of all classes wrestle, — statesmen, ploughmen, cobblers, labourers, and even clergymen. One of the most noted wrestlers in Cumberland was a curate — the Rev. Abraham Brown. William Richardson of Caldbeck, and George Irving, the publican at Bolton- gatc (whose whisky Blackbird Wilson so much relished), were the most noted wrestlers in the neighbourhood. The boys began to try their physical powers early. They wrestled with each other on the village greens. George Moore, like his schoolfellows, often tried his hand. lie was strong and wiry; tenacious and perse- vering. He learnt the various tricks of the art; and before he left school there were few boys who could stand before him. Another game of the schoolboys was Sco/s and English. This was doubtless a survival of the old border warfiire. The boys form two parties, which respectively represent the Scots and English. They fix upon two strongholds, at the distance of from sixty to a hundred yards apart. A boundary line is drawn, and each party deposits their coats, waistcoats, and bonnets at the proper hold. The sport then begins. The boys run across the line, and endeavour to make prisoners of each other, at the same time that they plunder the enemy in the most dexterous manner, without becoming pri-soners. If they arc taken prisoners they arc carried to a supposed place of confinement, though sometimes the prisoners are mutually permitted to pillage for the conquerors. The same game is played, with some slight variations, on the Scottish side of the Border. Among George Moore's other amusements was that of Ijird-ncsting. He was accustomed with other b lys CHAP. II.] GEORGE MOORE'S AMUSEMENTS. 25 to search the bushes which overhung the Dovvbeck burn and the trees which skirted the river Ellen. He climbed trees that no one else dared to climb. He searched the Peel Towers of Whitehall and Harbybrow. They were haunted by jackdaws, whose eggs he wished to secure. They built their nests in the old wide chimneys of the towers. With his usual daring, he had himself let down by ropes from the top of the towers to the places where the nests were built. Thus he brought home lots of eggs, and when he had blown them and strung them, he hung them in long rows over the mantelpiece at Mealsgate. George Moore was an excellent player at marbles. He was so successful, that the other boys thought that the merit was due to the marbles and not to the player. They consequently bought his marbles for a penny apiece, though they cost him only five for a halfpenny. As he was not allowed any pocket-money, the money thus earned was sometimes found very useful. For instance, on one occasion, when eleven years old, he went from Mealsgate to Carlisle to see a man hanged who had passed a forged Scotch note. He was accom- panied by another boy. They started early in the morning, and made their way to Carlisle, walking a distance of seventeen miles. They reached the Sands, where the execution was to take jilace. But the boys, being so little, could scarcely see over the heads of the people who crowded round the gallows. George, with his usual resolution, determined to push himself forward, and got as near to the gallows as possible. He pushed through amongst the people's legs, and when he got to the troop of dragoons who surrounded the scaffold, he passed under the horses' legs, and thus got to the front rank. He saw all that happened. When the man was hanged, George swooned away. WMien he came to himself, he found that some hot coffee was being poured 26 P'VE KEN JOIIX PF.EL. [chap. n. i!ito his mouth. He could never afterwards bear the taste of coffee. After the execution, he walked home ajrain ; thus doing thirty-four miles walking in a day — a remarkable proof of strength in so young a boy. George Moore, though an unwilling scholar, enjoyed his truant days and his holidays very much. " Being passionately fond of horses," he says, " whenever I escaped from school I spent the time in leading the horses with the carts of some farmer in the neighbour- hood." lie had also the ambition of following the hounds. One day he got hold of his father's half- blind marc and mounted her barebacked. He could not take the saddle, for that might be missed. But away he went in search of John Peel and his hounds, which he understood were to hunt that day over the adjoining fells : D'ye ken John Peel ivith his coat so gray ? Uye ken John Peel at the break of day ? D'ye ken John Peel zchen he's far, far azcay, With his liounds and his horn in the morning ? ^Pivas the sound of his horn brought vie from my bed. An' the cry of his hounds has me oft times led ; For PeeFs vieiv-holloa icould 'tuaken the dead, Or a fox from his lair in the morning. John reel was an enthusiastic and hair-brained fox- luintcr. Ilis name was very widely known. The song from which the above verses are taken is known all over the world, wherever ICnglish hunters have penetrated. It was heard in the soldiers' camps at the siege of Lucknow. It is well known in America. Boys whistle the tunc, or sing the song, all over Cumberland.' ' John Woolstock (Iravcs, the author of D'ye ken John Put, pives the fjillowinjj account of its comi«)siti(in : — " Nearly forty yc.ir- li.ivc p.issi;tatc near CaUllK'ck. lie spent the jjrcater jart of hi» fortune in Icccpiiij; up his hounds and h.nrricrs. He u.scd to sell n hit ccamc much cmharrasscti. The Cumberland huntci^ then called a meet, ami Itcforc p.ortinjj they »anp 7<>A// /W/ in full chorus, nrcscntinjj him with a haii'lsomc gratuity, which cnaLlcd him to sliakc off liis cnciunhranccs and tu die in inrace and (|uict. CHAP. II.] HARVEST-TIME, 29 and marshes ; over the fell and down into the hollow beyond, — where the fox is lost in some " borrant." But the shepherds are out again next day, and they never cease their efforts until they have killed the fox or driven him away from the sheepwalks. George Moore's school-days were not yet over. Though fond of fun, frolic, wrestling, bird-nesting, and hunting, he was yet a general favourite. He was such a helpsome boy. He thought nothing of getting up early in the morning and walking nine or ten miles over the Fells to Over Water to get a basket of fish for the family. In the autumn, he would walk a long way up Binsey Hill for blackberries. During the war time, the necessaries of life were very dear. Everything was taxed to the uttermost. Poor people could scarcely live. Salt was sixteen shillings a stone. This told very heavily on the statesmen ; for salt was necessary for many things con- nected with farming and cattle-keeping. "I was much delighted," says George Moore in his autobiography, "when the harvest holidays came. As my brother did not pay me any wages, and as I only had my meat and clothes, I hired myself out, when the home fields were cut, to the neighbouring farmers ; and I was thus enabled to get some pocket-money which I could call my own. I started at sixpence a day, and by the time that I was ten years old I got cightcenpence a day. When I reached the age of twelve, being a very strong boy, I 'carried my rig' with the men. I sheared with the sickle, and kept time and i)ace with the full- grown shearers. For this I earned two shillings a day, with my food. This was considered unequalled for a boy of my age to accomplish." There were several customs peculiar to Cumberland and Westmoreland which were then always observed in harvest-time. At the finishing of the corn-cutting, the great object of each man was to shear the last shock of 30 A kirn: a KURN! [chap. It. corn, as it was thought hicky to do so. Tlicrcforc each tried to hide beneath his feet or at " dyke back " a httlc shock of corn, so as to get the last cut. He who suc- ceeded, plaited it at night and hung it up on the beams of the house, where it remained until Christmas morning, when it was given to the best milk cow. Before leaving the field, the shearers all clustered together, and one of them said : — *' Blessed be that day that our Saviour uuis born ; Our maistcrs ^i^ot his hay housed and ail his com shorn ! " Then all shouted together " A Kurn ! A Kurn ! Ilalloo!" That night the Kurn-supper was provided, of which butter-sops formed the principal part. This was composed of wheaten flour baked on a girdle, like oatcakes. It was broken up into small fragments, and mi.xed with butter, sugar, and rum, and afterwards with half-churned cream. After the supper, songs were sung ; and country-dances and reels were danced to a neigh- bour's fiddle. Sometimes even measure was kept to a tunc given by a good singer, or, better still, by the best whistler of the party. To return to George Moore's early education. After leaving Blackbird Wilson's school at Boltongate, for which his father paid six shillings and sixpence a quarter, lie was sent to Pedler Thommy's school at Crookdake, near Leegatc. Thommy had been a pedler, as his name indicated. Though he had broken down as a pedler, he was thought good enough to be a school- master. He was not a good teacher, though he was much less cruel and drunken than the Blackbird. About this time George Moore formed an acquain- tance with the Daniels of Newland's Row, Mealsgatc. One of the boys was a good wrestler, and George had many a hard struggle with him on the Leesrig pasture. CHA?. 11.] SCHOOL EDUCATION FINISHED. 31 In the evenings, he used to go into their house, and there he learnt to knit — Joseph Daniels seated at one end of the fender, and George Moore at the other, — the girls sitting by at their wheels. They all went to learn dancing together at the Apple-tree public-house at Mealsgate. By this time George had reached the age of twelve. His father sent him to a finishing school at Blenner- hasset. He remained there for only a quarter : the cost was eight shillings. " The master," he says, " was a good writer and a superior man — indeed a sort of genius. For the first time I felt that there was some use in learning, and then I began to feel how ignorant I was. However, I never swerved from my resolve to go away from home. I had no tastes in common with my brother. I felt that I could not hang about half idle, with no better prospect before me than that of being a farm-servant. So I determined that I would leave home at thirteen and fight the battle of life for myself." CHAPTER III. A r r R E N T I c i: s 1 1 1 r. WUT how was the battle of life to be fought ? How was George Moore to enter upon the struggle ? Where was he to begin ? In a veiy small way, as with all beginnings. A draper in Wigton, called Messenger, having intimated to Daniel Wilkinson that he wanted an active boy^ Wilkinson immediately answered,"! know the very boy for you ! " The boy was George Moore. Wilkinson, being a friend of the Moorcs, told them that Messenger would come out some day and sec his proposed a})prentice. John Moore did not welcome the suggestion. He did not wish his boy to be a draper, or anything of the sort. Why should he not "stick by the land," as his fathers had done before him.-' He thougiit it rather humiliating that cither of his sons should enter trade. Nevertheless Messenger came out to Mealsgate to sec the boy. Old Moore would not hear of George going to Wigton. "If you want a boy take Thomas, but leave me George ; he's far the better worker." Thomas, however, would not go. He was the eldest son, and was heir to the property. If any one was to go, it must be George and not Thomas. Mrs. Moore, George's stepmother, wished him to go. He was a favourite of hers, and seeing his eagerness, CHAP. III.] APPRENTICESHIP AT WIGTON. 33 she strongly advised his father to let him go to Wigton. She did not think he could be of much use at Meals- gate. He would hang on to the estate ; and after all he could never rise much above the rank of farm-servant. Besides, George reiterated his determination to leave home. He could not get even the wages that he earned on the farm. He wanted to do something for himself. He would go to Wigton. In the meantime Messenger had been looking into the lad's face. " I like the look of him very much," said he to his father. " He is strong and active. He's just the boy for me. You must let me have him." At last John Moore, who was an easy, good-natured man, and perhaps somewhat under the control of his wife, gave way. " Well," said he, " I fear I maun part wi' him ; God bless thee, my lad."' It was at length arranged that George Moore should be bound apprentice to Messenger for four years. George made the necessary arrangements to leave Mealsgate. He had to part with his donkey, his dearly beloved companion. He sold him to John Dobbins for sixteen shillings, though he had to wait long for the money. Then his clothes and his linen had to be arranged. After everything was ready, they were packed in the hair trunk bequeathed to him by his great-uncle, and sent on to Wigton by the cart. George and his step- mother rode thither on horseback, she clinging to him on the packsaddle behind. There were many things to be arranged at Wigton as to the boy's feeding and lodging. Wigton is a small country town, about eleven miles west of Carlisle. It used to be celebrated for its hand- loom weaving and calico-printing; though these trades have now left the place and become absorbed in the great manufacturing centres. It is now principally known for its weekly markets, and its horse and cattle fairs. Its population is nearly stationary. D 3t IIALF-MOON INN. [chap. hi. Mrs. Moore arranged that George should sleep in his master's house and get his meals in the adjoining public- house — the Half-Moon Inn. It was a vcr)- bad arrange- ment for a boy brought from home, without a friend in the place, to have to go to a public-house and get his meals. It brought him into contact with the drinking part of the population, and put him in the way of joining in their drinking habits. He himself says, " My appren- ticeship will not bear reflection. My master was more thoughtless than myself. He gave way to drinking, and set before me a bad example. Unfortunately I lodged in the public-house nearly all the time, and saw nothing but wickedness and drinking." So far as the shop was concerned, George got on very well. He was civil, attentive, and hard-working. He soon made friends with the customers. They preferred to be served by him rather than by his master or fellow- apprentice. He gives the following account of his work: — "I had to make the fire, clean the windows, groom my master's horse, and do many things that boys from our ragged schools nowadays think they are ' too good for.' I should have been happy enough, but for the relentless persecution and oppression of my fellow- apprentice, who was some years older than myself. He lost no opportunity of being cruel to me. He once nearly throttled me. He tried to damage my character by spreading false reports about me, and telling untruths to my master. Even now, after so many years have passed, I can still feel the burden under which my life groaned from the wrongs and misrepresentations of that time. " After about two years this tyrant left, and I became head ajiprcntice. I had now to keep the books, serve the good customers, and borrow money to pay my master's debts ; for by this time he had become very unsteady. The only mar\'cl was that in God's good CHAP III.] MIDNIGHT ADVENTURE. 35 providence I did not become a victim to drink myself, as I saw nothing else before me. I slept at the shop, but got my food at the Half-Moon public-house. Then I had to give a glass of spirits and water to all the good customers, even if a parcel was bought as small as a five-shilling waistcoat. " I now considered myself of some importance, having an apprentice under me ! He had lots of pocket-money, and I had none. We therefore played at cards, and I won his money. I did it in fair play, having always luck at cards. This gave me a taste for play. I kept a pack of cards in my pocket. I played at cards almost every night. I went to the public-houses and played with men for high stakes. I frequently lost all that I had, but I often gained a great deal. I some- times played the whole night through. Gambling was my passion, and it might have been my ruin. I was, however, saved by the following circumstance : — " I had arranged an easy method for getting into my master's house at night, after my gambling bouts. I left a lower window unfastened ; and by lifting the sash and pushing the shutters back, I climbed in, and went silently up to my bed in the attic. But my master having heard some strange reports as to my winnings and losings at cards, and fearing that it might at last end in some disaster to himself, he determined to put a stop to my gambling. One night, after I had gone out with my cards, he nailed down the window through which I usually got entrance to the house, and when I returned, and wished to get in, lo ! the window was firmly closed against me. " It was five o'clock in the morning of Christmas Eve. That morning proved the turning-point in my life ! After vainly trying to open the window, I went up the lane alongside the house. About a hundred yards up, I climbed to the ridcre of the lowest house in the row D 2 ^6 REMORSE AND PENITENCE. [CHAP. ill. From thence I clambered my way up to the next highest house, and then managed to creep along the ridges of the intervening houses, until I reached the top of my master's dwelling — the highest house of all. I slid down the slates until I reached the waterspout. I got hold of it, and hung suspended over the street. I managed to get my feet on to the window sill, and pushed up the window with my left foot. This was no danger or difficulty to me, as I had often been let down by bigger boys than myself with a rope round my waist, into the old square tower at Whitehall, that I might rob the jackdaws of their nests and eggs. " I dropt quietly into my room, and went to bed. Soon after, Messenger came up to look after me, and found me apparently asleep. I managed to keep up the appearance so long as he remained there. I heard him murmuring and threatening that the moment I got up he would turn me out of the place. This only served to harden me. But in the morning the waits came round, playing the Christmas carols. Strangely enough, better thoughts came over mc with the sweet music. I awoke to the sense of my wrongdoing. I felt over- whelmed with remorse and penitence. I thought of my dear father, and feared that I might break his heart, and bring his grey hairs with sorrow to the grave. " I lay in bed, almost without moving, for twenty-four hours — for it was Christmas Day. No one came near me. I was without food or drink. I thought of what I should do when I got up. If my master turned mc off, I would go straightway to America. I resolved, in any case, to give up card-plaj-ing and gambling, — which, l>y God's grace, I am thankful to say, I have (irmly carried out. "I got up next morning, and the good woman at the Half-Moon Inn, where i took my meals, received mc with tears ; as my master had been telling several CHAP. III.] FORGIVENESS AND AMENDMENT. 37- persons that he would turn me away, and have nothing more to do with me. She at once sent for two of my master's intimate friends to intercede for me. They came, and after a good deal of persuasion, Messenger consented to give me another trial. F'rom this moment my resolution kept firm as a rock, I gave up all card- playing and gambling. I was very regular in all my habits. I went constantly to a night-school to improve my education ; and I thus proved to all the sincerity of my repentance. "It was well for me, and perhaps for many others, that all this had occurred. It has caused me, on many occasions, since I have had hundreds of young men in my employment, to forgive what I have seen wrong in their conduct, and give them another chance. Probably I might not have done this had I not remembered the down-falling course that I had entered on during my apprenticeship at Wigton." The rest of George Moore's apprenticeship may be briefly told. He won the affection and trust of his master, who reposed the utmost confidence in him. When the travellers came round for their money George had to find it for them. Indeed the business would have gone to ruin but for his industry and management. Messenger was drinking harder than ever. When on the rampage, his apprentice had to do all that was necessary to keep the business in order. George had often to borrow money from other tradesmen, giving merely his word that it would be paid back. At his own request he removed his lodgings from Messenger's to Nanny Graves's,^ in Church Street. He took his meals there instead of at the public-house. He was thus removed out of the way of temptation. George knew everybody in Wigton. He was a ^ Nanny Graves was the mother of John Woodcock Graves, the author of D'ye ken John Peel. 3S LIF1-: AT WIGTON. [ciiAr. iii. general favourite. He used to be seen scampering about the place without his cap; first running into one house and then into another, asking about the inmates — " How Betty was ? " " How Nanny was," and " How all the bairns were?" He met his young friends on "snap-nights," and played games with them. In the long summer evenings, after the shop was shut, he met them on the nearest green. There they played at " set-caps " — that is, daring each other to do the most venturesome things — such as jumping highest, running fastest, or throwing the biggest boy. George kept his hand in at wrestling, and by the time he left Wigton he was considered the best wrestler in the place. He had, however, ventured too much. He got wet, took cold, and was laid up with rheumatic fever. Then Mrs. Smith took him to her house, and nursed him carefully. He was ill for about thirteen weeks, and when he was able to go about, he was so spent that scarcely anybody knew him. George never forgot the kindness of Mrs. Smith and her servant Susan. Pie was accustomed, at the end of the week, to walk home to Mealsgate to see his relatives. Being of a sociable disposition, he had a great wish to extend his hospitality to his friends, and he often took one or other of them with him. They were not always welcome at Mealsgate. The stepmother thought they were in the way, or Thomas thought it extravagant to entertain " fremd folks." On such occasions, George took his friends to Aunt Dinah's at Bolton Hall, where they were always made welcome. They were allowed to run about the farm, to ride the horses, to bathe in the Ellen, and do whatever they liked. One day George brought with him a friend from Wigton accoutred in boots. Boots were not so common in those days as they are now ; clogs being more gene- rally worn. The two lads walked about the fields all CHAP. III.] BOLTON HALL. 39 day, and, the grass being wet, the boots became thoroughly sodden. When night arrived, and they prepared to go to bed, the boots had to be got off. First one tried, and then another. The whole family tried in turn to pull them off, but they would not budge. So George's friend had at last to go to bed in his boots, tied about in cloths to save the bedding. When George slept at Bolton Hall he usually occu- pied the Parlour. There were strange rumours about that room. It was thought to be haunted. Ghostly tappings were heard inside the wall. The little dog of the house would tremble all over on hearing the strange noises. George was in great dread of the bogle, though he himself never heard the tappings.^ Yet, with the strong love of sleep — for he always slept well — he at last went off, heard no more, and was up, bright and joyous, in the early morning. To show the confidence with which George Moore was regarded at Wigton, the following anecdote may be related. Mr. Todd, a banker at Wigton, who had often advanced money to enable George to meet the claims of the travellers as they came round, one day asked Messenger to spare his apprentice for a few days, as he wished to send him on a special errand of trust. It appeared that a cattle-dealer of the neighbourhood had a considerable sum of money in Todd's bank ; that he had bought a quantity of cattle in Scotland, and de- sired the banker to send him the necessary money to ^ The supposed cause of the tappings was ascertained long after George had left Bolton. Ills uncle, when "sair fresh" one ni;;ht (that is, pretty full of drink), heard the noises, and getting up, vowed tliat he would stand it no longer. He got a pick and broke into the wall. A hollow space was found, and a skeleton hand fell out. This terrified the discoverer so much, that he immediately had the wall built up. How the skeleton hand got in was never discovered. But a legend liad been preserved which stated that a stranger was once seen to go into liollon IL1II, and Uiat he never came out .again. 40 ADVENTL'RK WITH A CATTLE-DEALER, [chap. iir. pay for them. It was for this purpose that Mr. Todd desired the help of George Moore. The boy, always ready for adventure, was quite wilHng to give his services, especially to a gentleman who had proved so kind to him as Mr. Todd had been. A horse was provided, and the boy rode away north- ward with several hundred pounds in his pocket. He crossed the border at Gretna, and made his way west- ward to Dumfries. There he met the cattle-dealer, and handed him the money. It was all right. Ilis mission had now ended, and he proposed returning to Wigton by the same road that he had come. The cattle-dealer, however, interposed. " What do you say," he asked, " to help mc to drive the cattle home .-" " " Oh," said George, "I have no objections." It was only a little addition to the adventure. The two remained together all day. They drove the cattle by unfrequented routes in the direction of Annan. At length they reached the shores of the SoUvay Firth. The proper route into England was by Gretna, though the road by that way was much longer. But the cattle- dealer declared his intention of driving his cattle across the Sohvay Sands. Here was an opportunity for George to give up his charge, and return home by the ordinary road. But no ! if the cattle-dealer could cross the sands, he could cross. And so he remained to sec the upshot of the story. The tide was then at low ebb. The waste of sand stretched as far as the eye could reach. It was gloam- ing by this time, and the line of English coast— about five miles distant — looked like a fog-bank. Night came on. It was too dark to cross then. They must wait till the moon rose. It was midnight before its glitter .shone upon the placid bosom of the iM'rth. Tlic cattle- dealer then rose, drew his beasts together, and drove them in upon the sands. CHAP, in,] CROSSING SOLWAY SANDS. 41 They had proceeded but a short way when they observed that the tide had turned. They pushed the beasts on with as much speed as they could. The sands were becoming softer. They crossed numberless pools of water. They they saw the sea-waves coming upon them. On, on ! It was too late. The waves, which sometimes rush up the Solway three feet abreast, were driving in amongst the cattle. They were carried ofif their feet, and took to swimming. The horses, upon which George Moore and his companion were mounted, also took to sv/imming. They found it difficult to keep the cattle together — one at one side, and one at the other. Yet they pushed on as well as they could. It was a swim for life. The cattle became separated, and were seen in the moonlight swimming in all directions. At last they reached firmer ground, pushed on, and landed near Bowncss. But many of the cattle had been swept away, and were never afterwards heard of. Shortly after, George Moore reached Wigton in safety. Not long after this event George's apprenticeship drew to an end. He remained with Messenger a little while longer. Messenger was rapidly going to the bad. George Moore could learn little more of his business in Wigton. He therefore determined to leave the place and- look out for employment elsewhere. Where should he go ? He could not think of Carlisle. He must go to London : that only would satisfy him. He had not said much of his intentions at home; but when he at length announced his determination, it came with a shock upon his father and his sister Mary. Mary was his favourite sister. She was about two years younger than himself. When she went into Wigton on market days, she always tried to get a sight of George. One day she lingered about Messenger's shop, passing and repassing the door, but George was busy with his customers and did not see her. She went home greatly 42 THE COUNTRY BOV. [chap. iii. distressed. So, when George announced his intention of going to London, she joined with her father in en- deavouring to dissuade him from his purpose ; but it was of no use. He had made up his mind, for even in boyhood he never swerved from his purpose. At length, after many heart-burnings, it was arranged tliat George should go to London to sec whether he could find any suitable cmploj'ment there. Before he left Wigton, his father came in to take his final leave of him. lie brought thirty pounds with him to pay the boy's expenses. He thought it would be enough, but if George wanted more he must let him know. The parting was very touching. The father grat and the son grat, one against the other. At last Nanny Graves could stand it no longer — " What gars ye greet that way .'' " she said to John Moore ; " depend upon't, yer son '11 either be a great nowt or a great soomat ! " ^ At length they parted, George's sister Mary going part of the road with him to carry his bundle. The hair trunk, packed with his clothes, was already on its way to Carlisle. On arriving there, he put up at the " Grey Goat" Inn, the usual jjlace of resort for the Wigton folk ; and next morning, at five o'clock, he started by coach for London. And here ended George Moore's early life in Cumber- land. It was a good thing for him that he was born and brought up in the country. Though his education had been small, his knowledge of men was great. He was already able to distinguish character, which can never be learnt from books. The individuality of the country boy is much greater than that of the town boy. His early life is not poisoned by pleasure. He is in active and sympathetic contact with those about ' A (;rcal iioihin(;, or a great &o:iiclhiiig. CHAP. III.] LEAVING FOR LONDON. 43 him. He knows every person by name and is ac- quainted with their conditions and circumstances. He lives in a sort of family fcehng of community with those about him. The country boy, in his carHest years, belongs en- tirely to that which surrounds him. He feels a special attraction towards animals, by reason of the individu- ality of their lives. He is acquainted with birds, with the places in which they build, and all their signs, and sounds, and habits. He keeps his eyes open, and learns many things of deep interest and instruction, which colour all his future life. He walks amongst wonders, and gathers new knowledge in the life of every day. At length he takes part in the work and pleasures of man. He ploughs, or sows, or reaps in the fields of the home farm. Or he enjoys country sports — running, wrestling, or hunting — the rougher the better, — and he becomes healthy and robust. In the winter evenings he hears the stories of border life, and thus learns the lessons of his race. He also will be bold and valiant, as his fathers were. What old Stilling said to his grandson on leaving home, John Moore mjght well liave said to his son on leaving Cumberland for London : " Your forefathers were good and honourable people, and there are very few princes who can say that. You must consider it the greatest honour you can have, that your grandfather and great-grandfather, and their fathers, were men who were beloved and honoured by everybody, although they had nothing to rule over but their own households. Not one of them ever married disgracefully, or acted dishonourably towards a woman. Not one of them coveted what did not belong to him ; and they all died full of daj's and honour." CHAPTER IV. IN LONDUN. FiFTV years ago, it took two days and two nights to make the journey from Carlisle to London by coach. It was a long, tedious, and wearisome journey. Wc complain of railways now, but what should we say if we were driven back to the old stage-coaches } The passenger was poked up in a little box inside, scarcely able to move or get breath. If he went outside, it was delightful by da)-, but wearisome by night, especially when the weather was bad. He had to sleep sitting, with his back to the luggage and the edge of a box for his pillow. At a lurch of the coach he woke up with a start, finding himself ler^ning forward or in- clining backward, or likely to fail side-long from the coach. Railway travellers now consider themselves very much aggrieved if they are half an hour late ; yet good- natured people of the olden times were quite satisfied if they were only half a day late. Th(jugh it then took two days and two nights between Carlisle and London, the journey is now performed, all the way inside, in seven hours and a half, with almost unvarying regularity. Yet wc are not satisfied. And yet there was a great deal of pleasure in travel- ling by coach fifty years ago. The beauties of the country were never out of sight. Vou passed through CHAP. IV.] JOURNEY TO LONDON. 45 shady lanes and hedgerows ; by gentlemen's seats, with the old halls standing out amidst the clumps of trees ; along quiet villages, where the people, springing up at the sound of the horn, came to their doors to see the coach pass. There was the walk up-hill, or along green pastures or bye-lanes, to ease the horses as they crept along. There was the change at the post-town, the occasional meal, and sometimes the beginnings of friend- ship. All this was very enjoyable, especially to young fellows on their way to London for the first time, to see the great city and its wonders. The coach by which George Moore travelled went through Lancaster, with its castle perched on the top of the hill. Then, by a pleasant drive through moors and dales, and by many a pleasant town, though now blurred with the smoke of a thousand chimneys, the coach proceeded to Manchester. The town did not then contain one-third of the population that it docs now. From thence the coach drove on through the midland shires to London. It was fine spring weather. The buds were bursting, and many of the trees were already green. The journey was still interesting, though towards the end it became monotonous. At last, on the morning of the third day, the coach reached Highgate Hill, from which George Moore looked down on the city of London, the scene of his future labours. The end of the journey was approaching, and again it became more than usually interesting. Hamlets were passed ; then cottages and villas. Then rows of streets ; although green fields were still dotted about here and there. The enormous magnitude of the place already surprised the young traveller. The coach went through street after street, down Old St. Pancras Road, down Gray's Inn Lane, along Holborn and Newgate Street, until at last it stopped at the "Swan with Two Necks," 46 WRESTLING AT CHELSEA. [chap. iv. in Lad Lane, Wood Street. After payinjj the coach- man, Moore was recommended to go to the " Magpie and Pewter Phitter," for the purpose of obtaining accom- modation. He succeeded ; and went there, hair trunk and all. George Moore arrived in London on the day before Good Friday, 1825. He was too much fatigued to look after a situation on that day. On the following morn- ing all the shops were shut. He had therefore to wait until Saturday before he could begin to look for a place. What was he to do on Good Friday ? He knew that all the Cumberland men in London were accustomed to have their annual wrestling-match on that day, and he accordingly went to Chelsea to observe the sports. When he arrived at the place, he found the wrestling- green crowded with north-country people, — big, brawny men, of great girth, noted wrestlers, and amateur wrest- lers, mingled with sporting and slightly " horsey " people. There were many life-guardsmen and foot-guardsmen ; for it must be known that the Border-land, by reason of the big men it contains, is the favourite recruiting- ground for Her ^Lajesty's body-guards. More life- guardsmen have come from Longtown, and from the Westmoreland and Yorkshire moors, than from any similar localities in the kingdom. George Moore found amongst the crowd a young Quaker from Torpenhow, who had won the belt at Keswick a few years before. They had known each other before, and now renewed their acquaintance. George, inspired by the event, entered his name as a wrestler. He was described by some who were present on the occasion, as " very strong-looking, middle-sized, with a broad chest and strongly developed muscles." His hair was dark and curly, almost black. His eyes were brown, and glowed under excitement to a deeper brown. His face glowed with health. His bearing was CHAP. IV.] CUMBERLAND WRESTLING. 47 free and open ; it might be called abrupt. But he was civil to everybody. To those who do not know the rules of Cumberland wrestling, it may be mentioned that though it is an athletic sport, it is conducted in perfect good humour, the loser always taking his fall as a joke. It is practised by boys and men on the village greens in the north, and is not in any way mixed up with betting or drink- ing, — though it is somewhat different in London. The wrestlers stand up chest to chest, each placing his chin on the other's right shoulder, and his left arm above the right of his opponent. Then they grasp each other round the body. There is often a difficulty in takin hod. Each tries to get an advantage in getting the under-grip. When both men have got hold, the play begins, and they endeavour to throw each other on to the ground. The one who touches the ground first and is undermost, is the loser. Though force goes for much, skill is also indispensable. The " chips," or dexterous strokes, are numerous — including the hype, the swinging- hype, the buttock, the cross-buttock, the back-heel, the click inside, and the outside stroke. These would afford ample subjects for the illustration of a beautiful athletic art.^ When George Moore's name was called, he "peeled " and stepped into the ring. The first man he came against was a little bigger than himself, but George threw him so cleverly that the question was asked on every side — " Who's that ^ Where does he come frae .^ What's his name .'' " His name was soon known, and as he again wrestled and threw his man, he was hailed with the cries of " Weel done, George Moore." The ' English sculptors have been imitating the Greek to death. \Vhy not give us some Enj^lish art? Nothing can he seen more lithe, vigorous, and muscular than the wrestlers on an English villagc-grccn in the north of England. 4? RESULT OF THE WRESTLING. [chap. iv. difficulties of the wrestlers increase as the sport j^ocs fonvard. All the weak men have been thrown ; now come the strong against the strong. Observe how careful they are in takiu hod. Each strives to gain some advantage over his antagonist. They give and take, and bob and dodge round the ring. Then the cry rises, " They've haud ! " What an excitement ! The men are locked as in a vice ! Kvcry muscle is straining and quivering. Then great strokes are played ; but it is done so quickly that the " chip " can scarcely be seen ; and down goes one of the men, with the other over him. As the game proceeded, George Moore had a difficult fellow to meet. He was a man of great weight — a well-known champion wrestler, called Byers. He had already settled a "vast o' men; "and now he had to settle this youth of nineteen from Wigton. George worked his way round about him until he got a good grip. Bycrs tried to grass him by the rii;ht leg hype. Then George, taking Byers firmly in his arms, threw \\'\n\ ho(\'\\y over his head ! Byers touched the ground first, and George was victor. " Wcel done, George Moore !" was again re-echoed round the ring. At length he met a man who was "ower kittle for him" — a noted champion wrestler, also from Cumber- land. He was famous for his left-leg striking, and clicking insitle the heel. After a long struggle George went dt)wn under his opponent's favourite chi]). Never- theless he came out of the ring winner of the third prize. After the sjiorts were over, the young fellows came and spoke to him. They knew that he was one of ihcir county-men. His strong Cumberland accent could not belie that. Sonic of them came from his own neighbourhood. They insisted upon his going with them to the neighbouring public-house, where they treated him to drink. CHAP. IV.] LOOKS FOR A SITUATION. 49 The whole incidents of the day must have elated the lad. Though he had always taken pride in his mode of wrestling, his achievements that day constituted him a hero. Acquaintances crowded about him. They wished him at once to arrange for a meeting, to be held in the course of a few days. Betting began for and against him, and he observed that some of the lads were taking more drink than was good for them. He was at once reminded of his card-playing at Wigton, of his father at home, and of the many reasons why he should keep himself out of this environment of mischief He ac- cordingly summoned the resolution to tell his new acquaintances that he could not attend the appointment, for it was his determination not to wrestle at the pro- posed match. He accordingly left them, much to their indignation. He retraced his way to the city alone. In the course of the afternoon he was told that the inn, — indeed the very bed in which he had slept, — had become notorious ; for Thurtell, the murderer, had frequented the inn some time before. This gave him such a horror, that he felt he could not sleep there again. He accordingly looked out for a lodging in the neighbourhood. He was fortunate in finding one near Wood Street. The lodging-house was kept by a motherly body from the north ; and her great kindness to the stranger lad helped to give him a lasting belief in the goodness of woman. On the next morning — the Saturday between Good Friday and Easter Sunday — he set out, full of spirits, to find a situation. The result of his day's work was very disappointing. He was not only discouraged, but provoked. Wherever he went, he was laughed at because of his country-cut clothes and his broad Cumberland dialect. But he consoled himself. He did not expect to find a E 50 HIS DISAPPOINTMENT. [CHAr. iv. situation at once. lie must try again. He would begin on Monday morning, and persevere until he suc- ceeded. There must be plenty of persons in that enor- mous city wanting a draper's assistant. He accordingly went out early in the morning, and returned late at night. The result was the same — utter disappointment. Not a person would have him. Some pretended they could not understand his northern dialect. Was such a lad likely to serve customers .-• After his first inquiry he was generally shown to the door. " The keenest cut of all I got," he says, " was from Charles Meeking of Holborn. He asked me if I wanted 2l porter s situation. This almost broke my heart." He himself, however, admits that he was rather " green " and uncultivated ; and that there was little wonder that the West-end shopkeepers did not give him a place behind their counters. When aftenvards referring to this early part of his career he said, " I had no one to take me by the hand. M}- very appearance was against nic, for the Wigton tailors were not so expert as they are now ; and when I applied for a situation it was difficult to convince them that it was a place behind the counter that I wanted, and not some meaner situation. My dialect too was against me ; for though it is pretty broad now, it was much broader then. After beating about London for an entire week, I began to think myself a not very marketable com- modity in the great city." ^ Still he persevered. He went nearly all over London. He entered as many as thirty drapers' shops in one day, always with the same result. It was the .same in the cast as in the west. There was no employment for him — none whatever. He passed amid the roar and clatter of the streets — pushing his way amongst the keen * Sjiecch to the boys of ihc Commercial Tr.nvcllcr»' School. CHAP. n-.J OBTAINS A SITUATION. S» eager faces of the city, or amidst the careworn crowds of people hke himself, wanting work and unable to obtain it. The second Sunday in London came round. He began to realise the solitariness and the solitude of London. Every house looked black at him. Every door was closed against him. He felt himself an utter stranger. No one knew anything of his troubles and sorrows. And if they knew, they would not have cared. What was he among so many ? He thought it almost heartless that these multitudes should be going about on their errands of enjoyment and worship, with- out taking any notice of him. But his was only the case of thousands. To those who are friendless, London is the most solitary place in the world. He must, however, send home his promised letter, to tell his father how he was getting on. But when he had written his letter, it was so blotted with tears that he could not send it. He would wait for another week. Early next morning he was at it again. He tried shop after shop: "No vacancy!" "At last," he says, " I was in despair. I now determined, as I could not find an opening in London, to go out to America. " I called at Swan and Edgar's in Piccadilly, and told a young man there, of the name of Wood, that I was going to take my passage. He then informed me that ]\Ir. Ray, of Flint, Ray, and Co., Grafton House, New- port Market, had sent to inquire if any one knew where I was. Mr. Ray was born in Cumberland himself. His brother owned Lesson Hall, near Wigton. He knew about my father's family, and wished to befriend me. I went at once to see him, and he engaged me, more from pity than from any likelihood of mine to shine in his service. My salary was to be ^^30 a year; and I joyfully accepted his offer." Thus, while George Moore, in his despair, was lamcnt- E 2 52 REMOVAL OF HIS IIATR TRUNK [ciiAr. iv. inc: that he had not a friend in London, his friend was waiting for him and even searching for him. Mr. Ray had been informed that the son of his old friend had left Wigton for London ; and not seeing him nor hear- ing of him, he had sent round to Swan and Edgar's to make inquiry about him. Cumberland men arc generally ready to help each other in time of need. Ilcncc the timely assistance which Mr. Ray rendered to George Moore — a kindness which the latter never forgot. On the I\Ionday morning after he had been engaged, George Moore set out to enter upon his situation. He must also get his ancestral hair trunk removed to his new quarters. It contained his clothes, his money, and all that he possessed. He hired a man from the street, the owner of a pony-cart, to carry his hair trunk west- ward. After taking leave of the kind landlady, his first friend in the great city, he and the man with the cart started for Newport Market. At some turn of the street — perhaps while he was looking about him — he missed the man, the pony-cart, and the hair trunk. Surely never was a poor fellow so unfortunate ! lie scanned the passing crowd. He tried to sec over the heads of the people ; but there was no pony, and no hair trunk in sight. Again he felt his utter loneliness. lie sat down on a doorstep almost broken-hearted. No one spoke to him ; no one came near him. What was he to the bu.stling crowd that pas.scd him by ^ — only a .shivering atom on a doorstep! In his despair, he thought that the man had robbed him, and carried off his all He rested on the doorstep for about two hours. What an interminable torture it seemed to be ! He continued to watch tiic passing crowd. A pony-cart came uj) ; he looked, and lo ! it was the identical man, and the iden- tical hair trunk ! The carrier had called on his way u])on some other errand, and was amazed to miss his CHAP. IV.] . ENTERS Ills SITUATION. 53 customer. When he came up, he not only laughed at the lad, but rated him soundly for his " greenness " in having lost sight of him, and trusted a stranger with all his things. George was full of delight, and in his exuberance of gratitude, he offered the man all the money he had in his pocket, which amounted to nine shillings. But the costermonger was an honest man. " No, no " said he ; "it's very kind of you, but the five shillings that we agreed upon will be quite enough." He then handed him back the four shillings. George Moore never forgot the lesson of that costermonger's honesty. His eyes were still full of tears when he entered the warehouse. One who was employed there at the time remembers his first appearance. " On incident- ally looking over to the haberdashery counter I saw an uncouth, thickset country lad standing crying. In a minute or two a large deal chest — such as the Scotch servant-lasses use for their clothes — was brought in by a man, and set down on the floor. After the lad had dried up his tears, the box was carried up stairs to the bedroom where he was to sleep. After he had come down stairs he began working, and he continued to be the hardest worker in the house until he left. Such," says our informant, "was the veritable d^biit of George Moore in London. Had you seen him then, you would have said that he was the most unlikely lad in England to have made the great future that he did." Everything was strange to him at first — the shop, the work, the people, the habits, the life. But he was willing and eager to learn. He had to begin at the lowest rung of the ladder. First he did the drudgery of the house ; then he was moved upwards. He was always ready to do anything. He became a favourite with his companions. Among the young men at Grafton House, with whom he became most intimate, 54 Ills I.OVE OF CUMBERLAND. [cH\P. IV. • were three Cumberland lads, two Scotchmen, and one Cockney. Those from the midland and southern counties thought the Cumbrians generally a rather rough race. They spoke of them as " the rude barbarians of the north." That was, however, half a century ago. One of George Moore's companions at Grafton House gives us the following recollections of his life at that time : — " He slept in the same small apartment with myself and two others. The room could scarcely be considered up to the modern sanitary conditions of life and health ; yet we got on very well. He was very fond of going to the Serpentine to take an early bathe. Many a tussle we had. He called me a 'lazy old Scotchman ' for not getting up and going out with him in the mornings. But I was no swimmer, and did not like to be made the butt of my companion's ridicule. I was born at the Lowther Hills, in Lanarkshire, where there was scarcely a burn in which wo could bathe. There was not a good swimmer in the parish." " Next to George's integrity and generosity of cha- racter, was his love of country and patriotism. He was always * deaving' us about his native Cumberland. It was the finest country, with the noblest scenery, and the best, strongest, and most vigorous of men. Cumberland men arc very clannish. They stick to each other through weal or woe. How is it that the natives of a moun- tainous region arc more patriotic than those of a cham- pagne country ? Perhaps this may arise from their seeing fewer objects to divide their attention, as well as from those objects being of a much grander character, and more likely to take a permanent hold uj)on their mind. Be this as it may, I unif(jrmly noticed, during my three years' residence in London, that )oung men from Wales, Scotland, and Cumberland pined after their native hills and dales; whereas young men from CHAP. IV.] IMPROVES HIS EDUCATION. 55 the midland and southern counties of England, fell in like a gin-horse to their daily work. They were as much at home in twenty-four hours as a veritable cockney himself. This may probably be a pretty correct solution of the common adage that an English- man is made by Act of Parliament ; that is, that he has no local attachments ; and, provided he is protected by the law of the country, and gets enough to eat and drink, all places are alike to him." And now let us give George Moore's account of him- self. " On arriving in London, I obtained a situation in a house of business. I soon found that, coming green from the country, I laboured under many disadvantages. Compared with the young men with whom I was asso- ciated, I found my education very deficient ; and my speech betrayed that I had not lived in London all my life. Indeed it smacked strongly of Cumberland and Cumberland folks. The first thing I did to remedy my defects was to put myself to school at night, after the hours of employment were over ; and many an hour have I borrowed from sleep in order to employ it on the improvement of my mind. At the end of eighteen months I had acquired a considerable addition to my previous knowledge, and felt myself able to take my stand side by side with my competitors. Let no one rely in such cases on what is termed Luck. Depend upon it, that the only luck is merit, and that no young man will make his way unless he possesses knowledge, and exerts all his powers in the accomplishment of his objects." When George Moore had been about six months at Grafton House, he one day observed a bright little girl come tripping into the warehouse, accompanied by her mother. " Who are they .-' " he asked of one of those standing near. " Why, don't you know } " said he ; "that's the guv'nor's wife and daughter!" "Well," 56 HIS MASTER'S DAUGHTER. [chap. iv. said George, " if ever I many, tiiat girl shall bo my wife!" It was a wild and ridiculous speech. " What .^ marry your master's daughter ? You must be mad to talk of such a thing." The report went round. The other lads laughed at George as another Dick W'hittington. Yet it was no wild nor improbable speech. It was the foreshadowing of his fate. The idea took posses- sion of his mind. It was his motive power in after-life. It restrained and i^urified him. He became more in- dustrious, diligent, and persevering. After many years of hard work the dream of his youth was fulfilled, and the girl t/ui become his wife. Not, however, before he had passed through many trials and difTiculties. One of these was of a most serious character, and threatened to cost him his liberty — perhaps his life. He has told the story in his own words : — "At that time it was the duty of the assistants to carry out goods on approbation to the best customerr.. It was my lot one day to do this, and I sold some articles to a lady of title at her house. I made out my own note of the articles, and then copied out the bill for her, which I receipted. But I had unfortunately made an error, and in copying out her bill made it £l more than the amount I had received. The lady, on looking over it afterwards, found out the mistake in the addition, and, thinking that she had paid me the extra sovereign, ha.stened to Grafton IIou.se with the bill. On reference being made to my cheque-book, it was found that the amount entered was £i less than the bill which I had receipted, on which the lady pronounced mc to be a thief. "At this Mr. Kay was very indignant, and told the lady that he did not keep thieves in his house. He kindly told mc to try and recollect the circumstances, and endeavour to clear up the matter. Unftjrtunately, CHAP. IV.] A SERIOUS MISTAKE. 57 the more I tried, the more I got bewildered. In de- spair, I suddenly asked the lady the amount of money which she had in her possession when she began to pay me. She said she was astonished at my impertinence. ' And yet,' she added, ' I can furnish you with the in- formation which you require. Lord Conyngham gave me ;^20 this morning. I paid so much to the baker, so much to the grocer, and so much to you, and I have so much left.' I noted down the figures, added them up, and found that they made ;^2i, or a pound more than she had received from her husband. " I immediately called my employer, and got her to repeat the figures. He was satisfied with their correct- ness. Providentially, I all at once recollected that I had taken down a memorandum of the articles sold- I produced this, and found that I had received the money according to this memorandum, and not ac- cording to the receipted bill which I had left with the lady. Knowing my innocence, I boldly asserted the fact. My employer was satisfied. Nevertheless, the lady left the place in a rage, loudly declaring that ' the boy was a thief ! ' "But when her temper had cooled down, and she had time to recollect all the circumstances of the case, she relented. In the course of the evening, Lady Conyngham sent a polite letter to Mr. Ray, stating that she was thoroughly convinced that the young man's statement was true, and that she hoped the un- fortunate occurrence would not in any way militate against him. And thus," says Mr. Moore, "ended my escape from Newgate." The laws were then most severe. Forging, stealing, and shoplifting were punish- able with death. Only a short time before, a young shopman at Compton House, in the same neighbour- hood, had been hanged for an oftcnce similar to that of which George Moore had been accused. 5S DETERMINES TO LEAVE. [chap. iv. When the lady liaJ left, George at once expressed his determination to leave the house. But Mr. Ray- told him to go behind the counter, to show that he was innocent and that not a breath of suspicion was raised against him. George took his master's advice. The moral courage which he had shown raised him in Mr. Ray's estimation. And when the lady's letter arrived, showing that she had been wrong in her suspi- cions, and that George Moore was innocent, his charac- ter was also raised in the estimation of his companions. At the same time he was determined to leave as soon as possible. He had got a thorough dislike for the retail trade. He was unwilling to incur the risk of being sub- jected to a similar charge. In answer to the remon- strance of some of his companions, he said that " he would rather break stones upon the road than remain behind a counter." A companion of Moore's, on being applied to respect- ing the circumstance above referred to, says that he has forgotten all about it ; but he adds that " arithmetical blunders were so common in a large retail establishment like Grafton House that it would be looked upon as a very small event. George Moore would have been the very last man to have committed such an act. Indeed stern, truthful integrity was the brightest gem in his character. I often think of him, when I contrast the humble dt'but he made in London with the brilliant future which he afterwards attained, by reason of liis own unaided, energetic, and i)crsevering efforts." Although about to leave Flint, Ray, and Co.'s ser\'icc, Mr, Ray kindly volunteered to go into the city and endeavour to procure a situation for his young friend in a wholesale house. He went to Mr. I'"ishcr, a Cum- berland man like himself, and after giving George Moore an excellent character, he induced him to engage the young man at a small salar\-. 'J In- firm uf Fisher, CHAP. IV.] INTERCEDES FOR THE CATTLE-STEALER. 59 Stroud, and Robinson, Watling Street, was then the first Lace house in the city. George entered it at the beginning of 1826, at the salary of ;i^40 a year. In a letter to his father, he says he now feels himself to be " a made man." Before leaving this part of the subject it may be men- tioned that, while he was still at Grafton House, Moore was reminded of the cattle-dealer with whom he had crossed the Solway some two years before. The reason of the unusual crossing was now apparent. The border cattle-dealer, with the usual weakness of his class, was not unwilling to find a stray beast amongst his herd. Perhaps he picked them up as he came along. Now, however, he had been convicted of sheep-stealing. He had more than once been to Falkirk fair and bought a few sheep. But it was curious to notice how they in- creased from day to day as they proceeded southwards. By the help of his clever dog, he contrived to add a sheep now and then to his flock. The sheep-farmers were however on the alert. They noticed the loss of their sheep. They followed the cattle-dealer ; found their sheep amongst his flock ; apprehended him, and had him convicted of sheep-stealing. The sentence passed upon him was transportation for life. Transportation was a very different thing then from what it is now. Men sentenced were really transported. They were not let out with a ticket-of-leave to plunder people again. Our cattle-dealer desired very much to evade the punishment. He could think of nothing better than to write to the young man who had crossed the Solway with him two years before. His letter to George Moore reached him in a roundabout, way. But immediately on receiving it, he proceeded to sec the condemned cattle-dealer. He found the criminal in the hulks, chained hand and foot, and amongst tiie most horrible riffraff that he had ever seen. Tlie Co MISTAKEN nilLANTIIROPV. [chap. iv. convict was waiting in the Thames for the next ship for Botany Bay. What should this youn^^ man do, but get up a memorial to the Secretary of State to have the sentence mitigated. He sent it down to Cumberland, liad numerous influential signatures attached to it, pre- sented the memorial, and actually had the sentence mitigated from transportation for life to fourteen years banishment. During the man's absence, his wife maintained her family respectably. She had even saved some money. After the lapse of the fourteen years, the cattle-dealer returned to Cumberland worse than before. He took possession of his wife's money, treated her cruelly, and turned her out of her house. Mr. Moore afterwards admitted that it would have been better if he had allowed the law to take its course. " It was," he said, " the worst-spent philanthrojiic act tliat I was ever guilty of" The man himself died only a few months ago. CHAPTER V. COMMERCIAL TRAVELLER. When George Moore entered the employment of Fisher, Stroud, and Robinson, in 1826, he found that he had still many things to learn. He was but a raw Cumber- land lad. He had learnt little of manners. He was considered slow. His intelligence had not been awak- ened. At school, he was considered dull. He was much fonder of bathing than of reading, of hunting than of learning. He had a good deal of country conceit, which Mr. Fisher soon took out of him by incessant ridicule, " From the fact," Moore says, "of my being engaged unseen (a practice I have always avoided) I suppose I did not come up to Mr. Ray's recommendations. After I had been in the house some weeks, Mr. Fisher began to blame my stupidity. He said he had had many a stupid blockhead from Cumberland, but that I was the worst of them all. He went on repeating something of this sort two or three times a week for several months ; until I believed that every word he said was true. The conceit was thus entirely taken out of me." There were two or three things that George had to study carefully. The first was Accuracy. It was through his want of accuracy that the disagreeable circumstance with Lady Conyngham had occurred. f,i THINGS TO BE LEAKNT. [chap. v. His adding up the account wrong by a pound might, with a less forgiving master, have got him into gaol : it might, in fact, have cost him his Hfe. An inaccurate man is utterly unfit for business. He gets himself and cverjbody else into trouble. He cannot be trusted. The business man must, abo\e all things, be accurate in figures. The inaccurate balance-sheet is worthless. The account must balance, even to a penny. If it does not, the work must be done over again. Thus trouble is caused, business is delayed, and everybody is put into a state of annoyance. George Moore also wanted Quickness and Prompti- tude. Country-bred boys arc slow, whilst town-bred boys arc quick. Time is of little consequence in the village ; whilst time is of every consequence in the city. In the country you may saunter along half asleep ; whereas in the town you must push along wide awake. You see tlic rapidity of London life in the streets, where everybody is walking with rapidity, bent on some purpose or another. It is the same in jilaccs of business. Everything is concentrated into a few working hours. During that time, everybody is working at the top of his bent. Hence the rajiid movements of the town-bred lad. He maybe shallow and frivolous; he may know next to nothing out of his own groove ; but he must be sharp, smart, and clever. The city boy scarcely grows up ; he is rushed up. He lives amid a constant succes- sion of excitements, one obliterating another. In fact, his reflective powers have scarcely time to grow and expand. It is very different with the country boy. He is much slower in arriving at his maturity than the town boy ; but he is greater when he reaches it. lie is liard and unpolished at first ; when-as the tou n boy is worn smooth by perpetual friction, like the pebbles in a run- CHAP, v.] SELF-EDUCATION AT MIDNIGHT. 63 ning stream. The country boy learns a greal deal, though he may seem to be unlearned. He knows a great deal about nature, and a great deal about men. He has had time to grow. His brain-power is latent. Hence the curious fact that in course of time the country-bred boy passes the city-bred boy, and rises to the highest positions in London life. Look at all the great firms, and you will find that the greater number of the leading partners are those who originally were country-bred boys. The young man bred in the country never forgets his origin. " There is," says La Rochefoucauld, "a country accent not in his speech only, but in his thought, conduct, character, and manner of existing, which never forsakes him." George Moore found that he was still without educa- tion, at least of that kind of education which enabled him to keep pace with his fellows. He therefore con- tinued faithfully to attend his night-school, where he endeavoured to learn as much as he could. " I found in this house," said he, speaking of Fisher's, " a first-rate class of young men, principally well-to-do people's sons, well-educated, well-mannered, and well-conducted. I soon found out my lamentable deficiency in education. I had never cost my father more than 6s. 6d. a quarter for schooling, except the last quarter, which cost Sj". As our hours were shorter than in the retail trade, I went to a night-school, being so much ashamed of my ignorance. I frequently sat up studying my lessons until the small hours in the morning. I often think of those nights as the most usefully spent hours of my life. I learnt more during the eighteen months that I frequented the night-school than I had ever learnt before. If I had not availed myself of that opportunity I should never have had the chance again. From the part in life which I was destined to take, I must often have blushed for my ignorance, and evoked the 64 MOOKE'S GUIDING STAR. [chap, v, sneers of others, which would have very much galled my sensitive nature." In after days, Mr. Moore used to say that he had two strong reasons for bearing cheerfully and resolutely the trials of that time. One was, that he knew the fact of his ignorance, and was conscious of how much he had to learn ; hence his laborious nightly studies, some- times until two and three o'clock in the morning. But the other and more powerful reason was his love for Kliza Ray. He had never forgotten his boyish resolu- tion when he first saw her. " If I ever marry," said he, " that girl shall be my wife ! " This resolution had settled down into a firm and steady purpose. Eliza Ray was his guiding star. He would be faithful, honest, and true for her. He would work night and day for her. He knew that if, through any ignorance or neg- lect, he was expelled from his situation at Fisher's, he would have to relinquish his fondly cherished hopes. Hence his settled determination to cultivate his mind, to improve his business education, and to win the approval of his superiors. In the meantime George had been writing to his father at Mealsgate, strongly urging him to give his younger brother William the best education that could be got in the neighbourhood. "It is the best thing you could furnish him with in setting out in the world. It is better than money. Education will enable him to start fair in the world and to push his own way." William was accordingly sent to the best schools. He was a far apter learner than George had been. He had read c.xtensivel}', and was well versed in literature. Ikit he wanted that in which his brother George was supreme — intense perseverance. He knew much, but (lid little. He could think, but could not work. Nevertheless, George had much confidence in his brother William, because of his superior education and CMAP. v.] BEARING IIIS BROTHER'S BURDENS. 65 his extensive knowledge. He ealled upon Mr. Ray and interceded with him to take his brother as an ap- prentice. Mr. Ray agreed to his wish. William came up from Mealsgatc to London, and settled down at Grafton House. The boy was rather delicate, and did not like the confinement. Nor could he stand the roughnesses of the place so well as George had done. It was part of William's work to carry out and deliver the parcels of goods which had been bought by customers during the day. William found this work very fatiguing and very dif- ficult, because of his want of knowledge of the streets of London. His brother at once went to his help. As the hours of the wholesale houses are much shorter than those of the retail shops, George, when his day's work was over, put on an old coat, and went from the city to the west end to deliver his brother's parcels. Many a winter's night did he walk through wind and rain, with heavy parcels on his shoulders, to deliver them to the customers, — thus literally bearing his brother's burdens. Mr. Crampton, afterwards his partner, says of him at this time : " My friendship with George Moore com- menced at the beginning of January, 1827, when I found him at Fisher's. We became close companions. His friends were my friends ; and so intimate were we that I seemed to merge into a Cumberland lad. George was very patriotic. All our friends were Cumberlanders, and though I was a Yorkshireman, I was almost in- duced to feign that I was Cumberland too. I was gayer than he, and he never failed to tell me of my faults. He was a strong, round-shouldered young fellow. He was very cheerful, and very willing. He worked hard, and seemed to be bent on improvement. But in other respects he did not strike me as anything remark- able. Among the amusements which we attended F 66 VISIT TO THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. [ciiAr. v. together were the wrestling-matches at St. John's Wood. The principal match was held on Good Friday. One day we went to tlie wrestling-field, and George entered his name. The competitors drew lots. George's anta- gonist was a life-guardsman, over six feet high. I think I see Moore's smile now as he stood opposite to the giant. The giant smiled too. Then they went at it, gat hod, and George was soon gently laid upon his back. By this time he was out of practice, and I do not think he ever wrestled again. Besides, he was soon so full of work as to have little time for amusement." Among the remarkable incidents of George IMoore's early life was an adventurous visit which he made to the House of Commons. The following account was written by himself, at the age of sixty-seven, after he had been invited to stand for the County of Middlesex in conjunction with Lord Enfield : — "On looking back upon my past eventful life, many strange circumstances crowd upon my mind. After I liad been about two years in London, I had a great and anxious desire to see the House of Commons. I got a half holiday for the purpose. I did not think of getting an order from an M.T. Indeed I had not the slightest doubt of getting into the House. I first tried to get into the strangers' gallery, but failed. I then hung about the entrance, to see whether I could find some opportunity. I saw three or four members hurry- ing in, and I hurried in with them. I'he door-keepers did iKjt notice me. I walked into the middle of the House. When I got in, I ahno.st fainted with fear lest I should be discovered. I first got into a seat with the name of ' Canning * written upon it. I then proceeded to a seat behind, and .sat there all the evening. I heard Mr. Canning bring forward his motion to reduce the duty on corn. He made a brilliant sjK-ech. He was followed by many other speakers. I sat out the whole CHAP, v.] BECOMES TRAVELLER FOR FISHER. 67 debate. Had I been discovered, I might have been taken up for breach of privilege. Some men are born great ; others have greatness thrust upon them. Little did I then dream that I should at a future period have the offer made to me of becoming member for the City of London, and afterwards for the County of Middlesex." ^ To return to George Moore's position in the firm of Fisher, Stroud, and Robinson. He had now been for some time in the house. He had gained the respect of everybody in it. He was attentive, careful, accurate, hardworking. All the conceit had been taken out of him. Mr. Fisher no longer called him a dunderhead or a Cumberland blockhead. On the contrary, he began to like the smartness, cleverness, and willingness of the lad. At the end of the year, he promoted him to be town traveller for the firm. " Then," says Mr. Crampton, " the character of the man came out. At first his great abilities did not strike me ; but when he got scope he burst out, and displayed that energy and perseverance which always distinguished him. He distanced all competitors, and sold more goods than any traveller had done before. He gained confidence in himself (for he had been tamed by Mr. Fisher), he became open and free in his manner, and devoted himself to his duties with immense zeal. Mr. Fisher became proud of his traveller, and George became proud of his firm, declaring it to be the first house in the trade." A gentleman still living remembers George's visits to his employer. He then held a situation in one of the first west-end houses. " My principal," he says, " who had the purchasing of the lace goods — being fond of good living, and not being blest with much ' Mr. Mnore's visit to the House of Commons mu^t Iiave been made in June, 1827. Mr. Canning's spcccli on tiie Corn liill was one of the last he delivered : he died on the 8th of August following. F 2 6S MOORE'S SUCCESS AS A TRAVEI LER. [ciiAr. v. modesty — had no objection to an occasional ' high lunch.' When Moore called for orders, he welcomed him cordially, and suggested, ' \Vc must have a lunch to-day!' The traveller promptly responded, on which the principal, turning to the chief shopman, would say, 'You know what we want ; look through Mr. Moore's stock, and don't be afraid of making a good parcel.' The lunch was eaten, tlic drink was drunk, and a good parcel was invariably made. Thus at the commence- ment of George Moore's career he did not shrink from expense, provided he could do a large business." This was not a very elevating life ; still it was the life that George Moore had been trained for, and which he had to follow niithful!)' and zealousl)'. lie was found to be too good for town travelling. After about eighteen months, his employer sent him on the Liverpool and Manchester circuit, lie was then only twenty-three. Indeed, he had scarcely reached manhood. Yet he was selected to occupy this im- portant position. The Liverpool and Manchester dis- trict had been badly worked, and the business had fallen off. He had now to take the necessary means to revive and restore it. There was only one method — Work ! Work ! Nor did he spare himself. lie worked early in the morning, and late at night. Sometimes he "worked" a town before breakfast ; making early appointments with the drapers beforehand. After breakfast he packed up his goods, drove off to another place (for there were no rail- ways in those days), and finished his work at a third town within the day. hy this means he soon established a large business. That he increased the returns of his employers did not surprise them so much, as the shortness of the time during wiiicii he performed his journeys. This arose from his never losing a moment. lie had nothing of CIIAP. v.] THE NAPOLEON OF WATLING STREET. 6^ the dawdler about him. When he had finished his work in one town, he was immediately ready to start for another. He used aftenvards to say that the position he oc- cupied was very trying, but that it tested the stuff of which a man was made. With him " it was a constant struggle between pride and sensitiveness," though in later years he always considered it to be the best test- ing work for a young man, before his promotion to places of greater trust. George Moore was modest in his success. He claimed credit for nothing but his perseverance. His account of the matter always was, " The drapers cannot do with- out Fisher's goods ; " but his contemporary travellers attributed his success more to his powers of persuasion and his capacity for work, than to the qualities of his wares. At the inns which he frequented, he was regarded as a sort of hero. The other travellers used to pack up his goods, and thus help him on his way. They took pride in his success and boasted of his greatness, A young traveller who had just entered the northern circuit arrived at the " Star " Hotel, Manchester, while about a dozen travellers were helping George to pack up his goods. "Who's that young fellow they are making such a fuss about ? " " Oh ! It's George ! " " And who's George ? " " What } Don't you know the NArOLEON OF Watling Street ? Let me introduce you ! " One of his fellow-warehousemen at Fisher's having been compelled to leave London on account of bad health, accidentally met George Moore at Manchester. The young man had by this time recovered from his illness, and was again ready for work, George imme- diately interested himself in his behalf. He introduced him to a thriving Manchester firm, by whom he was employed ; and there he settled down and prospered. 70 COMPETITION AMONG TRAVl-I.I.F.RS. [ciiAr. V. The gentleman is still alive, and is proud to record his recollections of George Moore. " Whenever he came to iManchcstcr," he says, " I assisted him with his stock in the evenings. Through his geniality he drew around him a large circle of business friends. These helped him to pack up his stock when he was about to set out upon his journeys. It was no uncommon thing to see at the '' Star" Hotel a dozen or twenty of them with him in an evening. " On one occasion, when he was passing along the cor- ridor by the bar, an order came from the head-waiter's room for ' Two brandies and cold water for No. 47,' ' Why,' said George Moore, 'that's my number! W'hat's the meaning of this ? ' The explanation given was, that a friend had called upon the waiter, and had ordered the brandies to be put to Mr. Moore's account, thinking that this might easily be done where the account was so large and so difficult to check. After ample apologies and promises from the waiter to book no more fictitious orders for No. 47, Mr. Moore overlooked the offence, and continued to use the 'Star 'as his hotel while in Manchester." To show the energy with which he carried on his business, it may be mentioned that on one occasion he arrived in Manchester, and after unpacking his goods, he called upon his first customer. He was informed that one of his opponents had reached the town the day before, and would remain there for a day or two more. " Then," said Moore, " it's of no use wasting my time here, with my competitor before me." lie returned to his hotel, called some of his friends about him to help him to rei)ack his stock, drove off to Liverpool, commenced business next day, and secured the greater part of the orders before the arrival of his opponent. His extraordinary success surprised his employers. CHAP, v.] VISIT TO CUMBERLAND. 71 They had never had such a traveller before. His quickness, his shrewdness, his integrity, his honour- able dealings, his knowledge of character, were the subject of their constant admiration. He had secured their perfect confidence, and they gave him full scope. After about six months they began to think whether they might not be able to turn his services to further account. The business in Ireland had fallen off. It had become small by degrees. In fact there was scarcely any of it left. The trade had been carried off by an active traveller named Groucock, partner in a firm which had been recently established. Fisher and Robinson accordingly determined to send their young traveller to Ireland to bring back their trade, and if possible to extend it. The order was accordingly sent to George Moore to start for Ireland. Before doing so, he took a short holiday in Cumberland. It will be observed that he always had a hearty interest in his native county, and now that he had a little time to spare, he would enjoy himself for a few days amongst his friends. He went from Carlisle to Wigton. He was amazed at the little- ness of the place. "When he first saw it he thought it a large town ; and so it was, compared with the hamlet of Mealsgate. But now that he had been in London, walking through miles upon miles of streets to deliver his brother's parcels, or taking orders for his employer, Wigton seemed to have shrunk into the smallest pos- sible dimensions. He could walk from one end of the town to the other in a few minutes. He called upon all his old friends. They received him with enthusiasm. His old master, Messenger, had disappeared. He could not maintain his business after his apprentice had left. Like the bees, he had winged his way southward. But George did not .stay long at Wigton. His prin- cipal object was to sec his father, his brothers, and his 72 VISITS THE SCENES OF IIIS BOYHOOD, [chap. v. sisters at Mcalsgatc. There he found the old house, the old brook, the old stables, the old trees, the old fields. While everything had been changing with him, nothing had changed there. Age had told upon his father ; he was only able to sit in the inglcneuk, leaving the entire management of the farm to his eldest son, Thomas. The old man received George with the warmest affection. " Wecl, George, how art thou getting on?" " Oh, bravely! bravely! I am just on my way to Ireland to work up the business there." He looked at George's face. It was the same face, but yet it was different. George had left the old place a boy ; he had returned to it a man. Time had written its lines upon his youthful features. They were keen and eager, and yet they were joyous. His manner was quicker and more active. His London life had evidently sharpened him up. He was strong, healthy, and resolute. George spent part of his brief holiday in wandering over the scenes of his boyhood. He lingered by the edge of the stream where he had caught his first fish. He wandered along the hedges where he had discovered his first bird's nest. He went up to Bolton School, where he had been thrashed by Blackbird Wilson. He went up and down the banks of the Ellen. He saw the fields on which he had shorn. In the evenings at sunset he would lean upon his father's field-gate, and listen to the faint far-off sounds that came to him across the tranquil country. How different from the whirl and bustle of London ! He visited the burying-place of his fathers at Tor- pcnhow, and called upon his relatives at Ovcrgatcs and Kirkland. lUit his favourite spots were the old towers at Whitehall and Harbybrow, where he had been let down when a boy to harry the rooks' nests. The towers were still in a state of ruin. He dreamt — it was then CHAP, v.] BUSINESS In IRELAND. ?3 only a dream — that these towers might yet become his own. And yet his dream was fulfilled. After a few days of delighful recreation, full of reminiscences of the past— old thoughts and impressions rising up and meeting him at every step — he at length prepared to start for Ireland. He was accompanied on his way by some of his old friends. They went with him to Allonby, where they dined together; and then they saw him set sail for Ireland. Arrived in Dublin, he set to work in right good earnest to bring back his masters' business. He had now, as he said, a " grand confidence in himself," and he was determined to make Fisher's name carry all before him. He worked very hard, from morn till night. He was up in the morning early, called upon his customers during the day, packed up his goods in the evening, and set off by the night coach for the next town upon his route. For weeks together the only sleep he secured was on the outside of a coach ; but he slept soundly. In the intervals of his work, when he felt unrested, he would throw himself on a sofa and fall sound asleep. To sleep well is one of the greatest blessings of life. " Sleep," says Sancho Panza, " wraps one all round like a blanket." George IMoore had the gift, which is com- mon in strong men and great natures, of sleeping almost at will. When he was worried or overworked he would say : " Let me have an hour or two's sleep." A resting space was thus put between the pressure of the past and the work of the future ; and he came out of his sleep again strong, cheerful, and vigorous. Whilst travelling over Ireland he frequently met his competitor, Groucock, the traveller who had so greatly interfered with Fisher's Irish business. He was a young man, though some years older than Moore. He is described by those who knew him as " of delicate ap- pearance, but very clever and shrewd." Before Moore's 74 ENCOUNTER WITH GROUCOCK. [ciiAr. v. appearance in Ireland, he had taken the h'on's share of the lace trade ; but now he had a foeman worthy of his steel. Moore met Groucock frequently in the course of his journeys. Moore worked with greater celerity, and very soon divided the trade with Groucock. The com- petition between them became keen. Moore worked harder than ever, and at last he succeeded in getting back all the best customers for Fisher's. " I repre- .sented," said Moore, "the best house in the world, and, with all the buoyancy and ambition of youth, I worked hard, and gradually succeeded in taking the largest share of the business." George once met Groucock at a town in the north of Ireland. Groucock invited him to sup with a friend after the day's work was ov^r. The invitation was accepted. In the course of the evening their plans were discussed. George openly mentioned the town to which he was next due, and at what hour he would start. He afterwards found that Groucock had started the day before him, reached Belfast, and taken up all the orders for lace in the place. This caused some bitterness of feeling between the two travellers. lUit George, not to be outdone, immediately left Ireland for Liverpool. He worked the place thoroughly, then started for Manchester, and travelled through the great northern towns, working night and day, until he had gone over the whole of the ground, and returned to London full of orders. This in its turn greatly chagrined Groucock, who had intended to take Lancashire on his way home. In fact Groucock found it necessary to come to terms with his indefatigable competitor. Through a mutual friend, he made overtures to him. He ofTcrcd him what Moore called " the incredible salar>' of /^500 a year," if he would travel for his house instead of for I'isher's. It was a very tempting offer, for Moore's salary was only CHAP. \'.\ MOORE LEAVES FISHER'S. 75 ^150 a year — a sum out of which he could barely contrive to live. The wonder is that Fisher and Robinson had not voluntarily increased his salary, considering the enormous business that he had brought to their firm. But in answer to Groucock's overture, Moore's answer was firm and direct. He at once refused the offer. " I will be a servant for no other house than Fisher's. The only condition upon which I will leave him is a part- nership." At length, in self-defence, Groucock yielded to his terms, and in June, 1830, at the age of twenty- four, George Moore entered as partner into the firm of Groucock and Copestake, long afterwards known as that of Groucock, Copestake, and Moore. Before he left Fisher's he finished one of his most successful journeys. He did not say a word to the customers about his intended change. He returned to London to give up his accounts, and then he made the important announcement to his employers of his altered position in the trade. CHAPTER VI. rARTNKK AND TRAVELLER. The firm of Groucock and Copestakc was established in 1825. The partners started on a very small scale. '1 heir first place of business was over a trunk-shop at No. 7, Chcapsidc. One little room contained their little stock of goods. There was small space for clerks or warehousemen. Mr. Copcstake was the principal clerk and warehouseman, while Mr. Groucock was employed in travelling for orders. The business grew by degrees. Mr. Groucock was an active traveller. He largely increased the orders, and at length the room over the trunkmaker's shop became too small; The firm was crowded out by the increasing stock. They looked about for more suitable l)remises. They found them at No. 62, Friday Street, and took possession of them in 1829 ; believing that the accommodation would be sufficient for doing a larger business. George Moore was taken in as a partner in the following year ; and a removal to more capacious premises was soon found necessary. The firm removed \.'> I'ow Churchyard in 1834, and the premises there, with successive alterations and enlargements, still con- tinue the headquarters of the house. Though the firm had been doing a considerable busi- ness throughout the country, their capital in st(;ck, CHAP. VI.] GROUCOCK, COPESTAKE, AND MOORE. 77 fixtures, and cash amounted to only £4,6^0. To this George Moore added £670, which, he says, " my ever- to-be-revered father suppHed me with." ^ The partner- ship was to be for three years, during which the junior partner was to receive one-fourth of the profits. But at the end of that period, if his partners were not satisfied, he was to be paid out his share of the capital, and the engagement was to cease. Behold now our young hero of twenty-four travelling partner for the firm of Groucock, Copestake, and Moore. His power of work at that time must have been extra- ordinary. His perfect health, his iron constitution, and his power of will and perseverance, enabled him to get through an enormous amount of labour and fatigue. Some of his fellow-travellers compared him to a lion, others to an eagle. He had the power and endurance of both. He worked with a will. He was now working for himself He had still his great hope before him. He was ever faithful to his first love ; and now, he thought, she was coming nearer to him. " I believe," he after- wards said, " that I never could have surmounted the difficulties and hardships which I had to encounter, but for the thought of her. I thought of her while going my rounds by day, and I thought of her while travelling by coach at night. The thought of her was my greatest stimulus to exertion." It has been well said that this episode in Mr. Moore's busy career shows that the romance of life is not con- fined to Belgravia, and that it supplies another to the thousand proofs that a pure and honourable attach- ment arms a young man against the siren attractions of 1 His father raised 500/. by mortgaging his estate. The remaining 170/. was the money (with accumiilntcd interest) which his great-uncle George had kfi him, together with the hair trunk. 78 A COMMERCIAL I'ANIC. [ciiAr. vi. idleness, and the "pleasures turned to pain," with which our crowded cities abound. Mr. Moore selected for his travelling grqund the dis- tricts in which he liad before been so successful while travelling for Fisher — Liverpool, Manchester, Dublin, Belfast, Glasgow, and Edinburgh. Mr. Groucock, who had few equals as a traveller, selected the midland dis- tricts, including Nottingham, where he purchased the greater part of the lace sold by the firm. There was another traveller for the southern districts, and a town traveller. This constituted the whole of the travelling staff. The first year's returns were comparatively small. Trade was very bad. It was a perilous time. A com- mercial panic existed throughout the country. The political excitement arising from the Reform Bill agita- tion was very great. There was severe pressure for money ; and many of the weaker houses went to the wall. Distress prevailed in Lancashire. Glasgow was almost bankrupt. There were disturbances in Spital- ficlds and riots at Barnslc}'. In the midst of these difficulties, trade in lace (a thing that could easily be done without) was one of the first to sufter. Nevertheless George Moore continued his journeys. Whatever could be done, he did. His usual day's work occupied about sixteen hours. It must also be observed that he worked on Sundays as well as Saturda)'s. Like many other commercial travellers, he occupied his Sunday mornings in preparing his accounts and looking over his stock. As a rule he was up two nights a week. He would merely throw himself on a sofa for a few hours' sleep before resuming his journey. The thought of resting to take a few hours' pleasure never entered his mind. He was occupied with business, and with business only. It was work, work, from morning till night. ciiAr. VI.] GEORGE MOORE'S TOrULARITY. 79 Yet he was of a cheerful and social disposition, and continued to make many friends. He was popular everywhere. Though he outstripped others in the race of commerce, he never made an enemy. At night, when he was making up his accounts, his volunteer friends came round him and helped him to pack up his goods for his next journey. They were always eager to speed him on his way. Even the servants at the various inns which he frequented ran to help him. Mr. Crampton, who was with him at Fisher's, and afterwards became his partner at Bow Churchyard, says of him at that time — " He made personal friends wherever he went, and he kept them. George Moore's name was a household word all over the country. His friends used to keep their christenings and festive days till he came round ; and he had god-children enough to found a colony." Mr. Felix Brown, afterwards one of his branch managers, has given the following account of his first introduction to George Moore: — "The first time I saw him was at the Union Hotel, Birmingham, at eleven o'clock at night, in the year 1832, when I assisted him and his partner to take their stock. I was struck with his quickness and kindness ; and as I was constantly taking models for my own action in life, I shelved him as one. I suppose the good impressions then made were mutual ; for in a few days I was engaged to represent the firm, when I took the senior partner's journey. In my efforts to succeed, I was greatly stimulated by the indomitable perseverance of Mr. Moore, and by his generous, frank manner of doing business. I soon dis- covered that he could do with a moiety of most men's hours of rest ; for though his body might be reposing, his mind was at work. " On my second introduction to him at Dubhn, where I was summoned to assist him, wc occupied a double- 8o MR. riROWN'S ACCOUNT OF HIM. [chap. vi. bedded room. My usual habit was, when I laid my. head upon my pillow, to forget the world and its cares, and go to sleep. But on this occasion my companion kept talking to me, I trying hard to keep awake and listen. But when I dropped into the stupor of slumber I was suddenly wakened up with a voice — ' Brown ! Brown I what a fellow you are to sleep ! ' At this time I was a little timid in my new life, and to shake this out of me he sent me to call upon his most important customers, quietly enjoying his practical though useful jokes upon me. " Success covers many shortcomings. This being the case with myself, I established a confidence with him which was never shaken, but strengthened and grew until his death. During my forty-five years connec- tion with him I observed this consistent attachment to those who had worked for him and with him in his early life; and when he had attained to eminence, none were ever more welcome at his hos[)itablc board than the honest, upright companions of his youth. My opportunities of meeting him in the early career of the house were few, but when we came within a few miles of each other in the course of our respective journeys, wc always embraced the opportunity of meeting. His custom was to invite all our customers to wdine at my hotel, when he made me the star of the evening. " During the first ten years I took no holiday. This rather surprised him. Being popular on my j