;. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICU, TURE BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. BL'LLHTIN No. A. D. MELVIN. CHIEF OK BUREAU. .NVESTIGATIONS IN THE MANUFACTURE AND STORAGE OF BUTTER. I THE KEEPING QUALITIES OF BUTTER MADE UNDER DIFFERENT CONDITIONS AND STORED AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES. BY C. E. GRAY. . Da in' Expert in Charge of flutter /n;-e-*,liations, />airy Dii'ision, Jin trail of Animal Industry. WITH REMARKS ON THE SCORING OF THE BUTTER. BY (',. L: M- KAY. of Dairying, AT/ State College. . WASHINGTON: I-.OVI KN.MI N I I'kIN I IS; OFFICE ,N OF THE BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. __ A. M. FARI:IN<,TUN. i. ft iff Cleric; E. B. JOM>. IJ>. II. WEBSTER, chief; CLARENCE B. LANE, assistant chief. Iiix]tn D'li-lx'mn: RICE J'. STEDDOM, chief; MORIMS WOODEN, assistant chief. (Jtn-ii-!.- care Mor- Boston. Mass. Dr. J. F. Ryder. 141 Milk street. ton-Gregson Companv. Boston. Mass. Dr. J. F. Ryder. 141 Milk street. Brightwood, Mass. Dr. W. J. Murphy, care Springfield Provision Company. Buffalo. N. Y. Dr. B. P. Wende" Live Stock Ex- change Building, East Buffalo. (Ydur Kapids, Iowa. Dr. T. A. Shipley, care T. M. Sinclair & Co. Chicago, 111. Dr. S. E. Bennett, room 316 Ex- change Building. Union Stock Yards. Cincinnati, Ohio. Dr. A. G. G. Richardson, care Union Stock Yards. Cleveland, Ohio. Dr. E. P. Schaffter. care Cleve- land Provision Company. Davenport. Io\va. Dr. E. *L. Bertram, care Henry Kohrs Packing Company. Denver, Colo. Dr. W. E.' Howe, care Western Packing Company. DesMoines, Iowa. Dr.A.B. Morse, careTheAgar Packing Company. Detroit. Mich. Dr.'L. K. Green, care Hammond, Standish & Co. Eau Claire. Wis. Dr. G. W. Butler, care Drum- mond Brothers. Fort Worth, Tex. Dr. A. H. Wallace, care Swift & Co. Hntchinson. Kans. Dr. J. E. Blackwell, care Hutchinson Packing Company. Indianapolis, Ind. Dr. N. C. Sorensen, care Kin- gan tt ( 'i i. Jersey City. N. J. Dr. Julius Huelsen. care The Jersey City Stock Yard Company. Kansas City, Kans. Dr. L. R. Baker, room 338 Live Stock Exchange. Los Angeles, Cal. Dr. A. E. Rishel, care Cudahy Packing Company. Louisville, Ky. Dr. H. H. George, 507 Johnson street. Mankato, Minn. Dr. H. H. Dell, care Macbeth & Gardner. Marshall town, Iowa. Dr. J. O. F. Price, care Brittain & Co. Mason City. Iowa. Dr. Robert Jay, care Jacob E. Decker i: Sons. egson Company. Newark. N. J. Dr. Thomas Castor, care Swift Co., Harrison Station. New Haven, Conn. Dr. Albert Long, careSperrv & Barnes. New York, N. Y. Dr. H. N. Waller, 109 West Forty-second street. Ottumwa, Iowa. Dr. Joshua Miller, care John Morrell & Co. Philadelphia. Pa. Dr. C. A. Schaufler, 134 South nd street. Pittsburg, Pa. Dr. F. W. Ainsworth, Union Stock Yards. Portland, Oreg. Dr. Clarence Loveberry, room 402 Custom-house (new). Quincy, 111. Dr. J. S. Kelly, care Blonier & Michael Co. St. Louis, Mo. Dr. J. J. Brougham, care Missouri Stock Yards Company. San Diego, Cal. Dr. Robert Darling, care Charles S. Hardy. San Francisco, Cal. Dr. George S. Baker. Sixth and Townsend streets. Seattle, Wash. Dr. O. B. Hess, care Frye-Bruhn Company. Sioux City, Iowa. Dr. G. A. Johnson. Exchange Building. South Omaha, Nebr. Dr. Don C. Aver, Post-Office building. South St. Joseph, Mo. Dr. George Ditewig. South St. Paul, Minn. Dr. F. I). Ketehum. Tacoma. Was)). -Dr. E. C. Joss, care Carstens Packing Company. Topeka, Kans. Dr. F. L. De Wolf, care Charles Wolff Packing Company. Waterloo. Iowa. Dr. T. W. Scott, care The Rath Packing Company. Wichita. Kans. Dr'.W.N. Neil, care John C'udnhy Company. Worcester! Mass. Dr. E. P. Dowd, care White, Pevey & Dexter Co. ~ - [Continued on page 3 of cover.] U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. BULLETIN No. 84. A. D. MELV1N, CHIEF OF BUMAU. INVESTIGATIONS IN THE MANUFACTURE AND STORAGE OF BUTTER. I. THE KEEPING QUALITIES OF BUTTER MADE UNDER DIFFERENT CONDITIONS AND STORED AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES. BY C. E. GRAY, Dairy Expert in Charge of Butter Investigations, Dairy Division, Bureau of Animal Industry. WITH REMARKS ON THE SCORING OF THE BUTTER. BY G. L. McKAY, Professor of Dairying, Iowa State College. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1906. DAIRY DIVISION. SCIENTIFIC STAFF. Chief. ED. H. WEBSTER. Assistant Chief, in charge of Market Milk Investigations. C. B. LANE. Butter Investigations. C. E. GRAY, chemist. L. A. ROGERS, bacteriologist. Cheese Investigations. C. F. DOANE, in charge. CHAS. THOM, mycologist. ARTHUR W. Dox, chemist. T. W. ISSAJEFF, expert maker European varieties of cheese. Southern Dairying. B. H. RAWL, in charge. DUNCAN STUART, assistant. Dairy Buildings Investigations. G. H. PARKS, in charge. INSPECTION STAFF. Renovated Butter Factories. M. W. LANG, 423 Marine Building, Chicago, in charge. Renovated Butter Markets. LEVI WELLS, Laceyville, Pa., in charge. Inspectors. ROBERT McADAM, 423 Marine Building, Chicago. W. S. SMARZO, 6 Harrison street, New York. GEO. M. WHITAKER, Washington, D. C. E. A. MCDONALD, Seattle, Wash. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF ANIMAL, INDUSTRY, Washington, D. C., April 19, 1906. SIB: I have the honor to transmit herewith, for publication as a bulletin of this Bureau, a report of certain investigations made by the Dairy Division in the manufacture and storage of butter. This rep- resents the beginning of an important line of work, which has been undertaken with the object of giving practical assistance to the butter trade. Respectfully, A. D. MELVIN, Chief of Bureau. Hon. JAMES WILSON, Secretary of Agriculture. INTRODUCTION. This bulletin is the first of a series to be issued dealing with investi- gations in the manufacture and storage of butter, a line of work recently taken up by the Dairy Division. Every step in the making and storage of butter is so intimately connected with every other step that the work of the experts assigned to these studies is never com- plete at any stage, but the results will be published from time to time as facts enough are gathered to warrant publication. The reports of this work will appear under the general title of " Investigations in the Manufacture and Storage of Butter," with such subtitles as will indi- cate the particular line or phase of work discussed in each bulletin. The present number treats of the keeping qualities of butter made under different conditions and stored at different temperatures. The plan of this investigation is to study the keeping qualities of butter (1) As affected by temperature of storing. (2) As affected by pasteurization of cream. (3) As affected by salting. (4) As affected by package in which it is stored, as (a) tubs, and (i) cans so-called hermetically sealed. (5) As affected by air in the package, as in (a) cans full, and (b) cans partially full. This work was outlined by Mr. C. E. Gray, dairy expert in the Dairy Division, and i.s being carried out under his supervision. This report gives the results of the first season's work (1905-6). The experiments are being continued, and such portions of the work as may seem to be incomplete or inconclusive arc already in process of repeating. It is thought advisable to make this preliminary report tit this time, however, so that persons storing butter may have during the coming season the results thus far obtained, and any advantages that may be derived from them. The butter used in these experiments was made by Mr. Gray, some at Topeka, Kans., and .some at Monticello, Iowa, and was stored in special rooms built and equipped for the Dairy Division in Chicago, 111., by Messrs. A. Booth & Co. 5 6 INTBODUCTION. The Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station participated in the work by furnishing the services of Prof. G. L. McKay as expert in scoring the butter. He was assisted by Mr. P. H. Kieffer, assistant dairy commissioner of Iowa. Their excellent judgment of the quality of butter has added materially to the completeness and value of the work. Professor McKay's statement concerning the scoring follows Mr. Gray's report of the test. ED. H. WEBSTER, Chief of the Dairy Division. CONTENTS. Pae. Making the butter 9 Packing 11 Storage 11 Scoring 11 Effect of sal t 16 Keeping qualities of butter in full cans and tube 18 Effect of air in cans 19 Effect of storage temperatures 20 Keeping qualities after removal from storage 20 Summary 22 Remarks on the scoring of the butter 23 7 INVESTIGATIONS IN THE MANUFACTURE AND STORAGE OF BUTTER. THE KEEPING QUALITIES OF BUTTER MADE UNDER DIFFERENT CON- DITIONS AND STORED AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES. By C. E. GRAY. MAKING THE BUTTER. As shown in Table I, all butter used in this investigation was pre- pared from five lots of cream, each lot containing enough butter fat to make about 1,200 pounds of butter, or two churnings. The quality of the cream in lots 1, 2, and 3 was about the same, all being sour. The quality of lots 4 and 5 was good, the cream being perfectly sweet. The cream in lot 5 was the better of the two, having been received at the creamery on the same day it was separated. Each of lots 1, 2, and 3 was mixed thoroughly in a vat, then divided into two parts about equally, one part being marked A and the other B, as shown in the table. There being in the creamery no vats of sufficient capacity to hold either lots 4 or 5, the cans of cream in each lot were divided into two parts, which were also marked A and B, respectively. The parts from each lot marked A were not pasteurized; the parts marked B were pasteurized. Each churning after washing was salted to contain a low percentage of salt, and worked about the usual number of revolutions. Half of each churning was then removed from the churn and packed. To the parts remaining in the churn more salt was added and the butter was worked just enough to incorporate the salt evenly. This method of procedure gave from each lot of cream one churning of butter from unpasteurized cream and one churning from pasteurized cream, one- half of each churning with a low percentage of salt and the other half with a higher percentage of salt. The system used in marking gave to each kind of butter three sym- bols, the first (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) denoting the lot of cream from which the butter was made, the second (A or B) whether the cream was unpas- teurized or pasteurized, and the third (L or II) whether the butter contained a low or high percentage of salt. For example, 1 A L would indicate the butter from the first lot of cream, unpasteurized, and lightly salted; 1 A II, from first lot of cream, un pasteurized, heavily salted; 1 B II, from first lot of cream, ]>astpurized, heavily salted; 1 B L, from first lot of cream, pasteurized, lightly salted; 2 A L, from second lot of cream, unpasteurized, lightly salted, etc. 9 28044 No. 8406 2 10 BUEEAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY, 111 -.= >> ^ fe rl . > 0> ^oo^t D." S . 3 w . . =&. ci fc, O : ; H o : : c ITS : *jjo => .c . O.H O-C; -S 3 SO> CMtO^O r-l r^ (N'flt COCOCO CJ tO m&x CC r^ -r' III ' ' a c> a> ' C "O ; ^ ^ .o : ; o : c ' cj cj(M^2r-IO -liH i-H OOOO 00 ifl . o I o o,2 r -.Ss g . . , . v . . 3 o> be *j iS^'^-a ill: :ggc5E : u :j ^ H hr S Q 'O : u S c^ sc : g ; 1 :5-c u .5'e S: : -3 : o5ogio ; g ;-o loSo^Ss., :? ' I.Soogj^g . s 2 ns'S^ 3 u * = g !l SS ; og & gx g-ss-g 5'S.S'S83.S.JS'35> CHCcettH-HH>Ha2P5 S32SS icocofi oi~j5CN cico M'I-H OCM 0>O> tOOOCJ CMrHlCr-5 pou ed w ed d d . d per salt nS 11 K | 3'p.2 =3'o-5'3 f S'o *> > csSoafecc S(S^ ids MANUFACTURE AND STORAGE OF BUTTER. 11 PACKING. The tubs in which the butter was packed were of spruce, all being thoroughly steamed and paraffined inside before packing. Tubs of 20 pounds capacity were used in packing butter from lots 1, 2, and 3, and tubs of 25 pounds capacity in packing butter from lots 4 and 5. All cans were made of the best quality qf tin. Cans of the so-called 3-pound capacity, however (those in which butter from lots 1, 2, and 3 was packed), when full held 3i pounds. Cans in which butter from lots 4 and 5 was packed held when full exactly 3 pounds. From each kind of butter made from lots of cream 1, 2, and 3 there were packed 9 tubs, holding 20 pounds each; 12 cans, 3i pounds each; 12 cans partly full, 3 pounds each; 12 cans partly full, 2 pounds each; and from each kind of butter from lots 4 and 5 there were packed 9 tubs of 25 pounds each, 12 cans of 3 pounds each, and 12 cans partly full, 2 pounds each, making in all 180 tubs, containing 3,9t>0 pounds, 624 cans, containing 1,788 pounds, a total of 5,748 pounds of butter. Cans, partly full were used to note the effect of air on the keeping qualities of the butter. STORAGE. The butter from lots of cream 1, 2, and 3 was held at a temperature of + 32 F. from July 2 until July 18, when it was shipped by refrige- rator freight to the storage rooms, where it arrived in good condition without having become warm. The butter from lots 4 and 5 was held at a temperature of about 40 F. from July 11 until July 20, when it was shipped by refrigerator freight to the storage rooms, arriving July 21 and being placed in storage July 22. Four different storage rooms were used, one held at 10 F., a sec- ond at + 10 F. , a third at + 32 F. , and a vestibule having a variable tem- perature. The records, as kept by recording thermometers, indicate that there was very little variation in the temperatures of the first three rooms. A recording thermometer in the vestibule shows variations of temperature from 20 to 65 F. However, the greater part of the time the temperature was between 30 and 50 C F. Three tubs, 3 full cans, and 3 partly full cans from each kind of butter were placed in the room at 10 F., the same kind and number of pack- ages in the room at 4- 10 F., and the same in the room at +32 F. Cans similar to those placed in the other rooms, but no tubs, were stored in the vestibule. The object in storing triplicate packages at each tem- perature was to furnish butter for the three scorings. BOOKING. The butter was scored by Prof. G. L. McKay, professor of dairy- ing at the Iowa State College, and Mr. 1*. II. KiotFor, assistant dairy commissioner of Iowa. The first scoring was made on July 22, just 12 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. before the butter was placed in the storage room. At that time only one tub of each kind of butter was examined, it being assumed that the quality of each kind in all packages at that time was the same, the butter having been held only a short time and at low temperatures. The second scoring was made December 21 and 22, 1905, after the butter had been in storage five months. The butter scored at this time was removed December 18, 190, from the rooms at 10, +10, and +32 F. and placed in the vestibule, the temperature of the vestibule at the time of scoring being 50 and 55 F. The third scor jng was made March 22 and 23, 1906, after the butter had been in storage eight months. The butter scored at this time was removed from storage in Chicago March 20, 1906, and shipped by refrigerator freight to the Iowa Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa, where it was examined, as stated, on March 22 and 23, 1906. All scores made at the times above stated, with comments as to the quality and condition of the butter at each scoring, are given in Tables II, III, IV, V, and VI. TABLE II. Scores of all butter made from cream of lot No. 1, with remarks as to flavor. Scored July22, 1905, before storing. Stored at -10F. Stored at +10 F. Stored at +32 F. Stored at variable tem- peratures. Scored Dec. 21, 1905. Scored Mar. 22, 1906. Scored Dec. 21, 1905. Scored Mar. 22, 1906. Scored Dec. 21, 1905. Scored Mar. 22, 1906. Scored Dec. 21, 1905. Scored Mar. 22, 1906. 1 A L, containing 1.02 per cent salt: Tubs and cans a88 Tubs, 20 pounds 693 93? 93$ 9H 90* 88 88 85 o92 93i 93 91 90 90 90 85 a90 91 90* 88* 86 <*88* 88 86 Cans, full, 3i pounds . . . 80 077 72 /80 /80 80 Cans, 3 pounds Cans, 2* pounds 1 A H, containing 3.20 per cent salt: Tubs and cans h 89 Tubs, 20 pounds 90 91* 91 88 088 90 89* 85 c89$ 92 ni 89* *86 89 88f 84 h 85 90 89* 84 JM. 88 87 84 Cans, full, 3y pounds . . . S6 e82 8G 87 87 80 Cans, 3 pounds Cans, 2* pounds 1 B L, containing 1.10 per cent salt: Tubs and cans c9l Tubs, 20 pounds 93 92* 821 "91 *9i* 90* 90i 87 92 92 91f 91 fc91i /87 87 84 89 90 89i 88 Z88 /90 90 89 Cans, full, 3y pounds . . . /80 78 77 80 80 80 Cans, 8 pounds ... . Cans, 2? pounds 1 B H, containing 2.87 per cent salt: Tubs and cans c91 Tubs, 20 pounds o90* 91* M| 88* P87 89 88 87 90 91 911 89 P87 83 88 82 88 89* 89 86 P87 690 89 87 Cans, full, 3j pounds /80 /78 /73 ^>83 J>82 P82 Cans, 3 pounds Cans, 2i pounds a Very unclean; fishy; decided old cream flavor. 6 Trace fishy. f Fishy. d Cheesy and tallowy. Rancid. / Cheesy. Rancid and sour. h Salt mackerel. 1 Fishy; old cream. J Fishy; very poor, fc Slightly cheesy. l Old and stale, m Very cheesy. "Turpentine; old. o Not clean; old cream. p Stale; old cream. MANUFACTURE AND STORAGE OF BUTTER. 13 TABLE III. Scores of all butler made from cream of lot No. 2, ivith remarks as to flavor. Scored JulyZZ, 1905, before storing. Stored at -10 P. Stored at +10 F. Stored at +32 F. Stored at variable tem- peratures. Scored Dec. 21, 1905. Scored Mar. 22, 1906. Scored Dec. 21, 1905. Scored Mar. 22, 1906. Scored Dec. 21, 1905. Scored Mar. 22, 1906. Scored Dec. 21, 1905. Scored Mar. 22, 1906. 2 A L, containing 2 per cent salt: Tubs and cans "'JlJ Tubs, 20 pounds 921 93 921 H| 689 90 90 82 c89 92 91* 89 689 89 89 87 <*91 92 91* 90 688 90 90 80 Cans, full, 3i pounds /90 /891 /87 084 84 084 Cans, 3 pounds Cans, -, pounds 2 A H, containing 3.16 per cent salt: Tubs and cans "891 Tubs, 20 pounds <91 91 90 87 ^89 m87i 87 80 <90 91 90 87 fc'ssi 82 82 78 89 90 89 86 <84 1881 881 70 Cans, fulC 3i pounds /89 /88 /87 "86 84 84 Cans, 3 pounds Cans, 2J pounds 2 B L, containing 1.52 per cent salt: Tubs and cans 1* Tubs, 20 pounds o91 91 90 891 im fc89 JM 84 ifoi 901 90 88 P88 088 88 82 488 90 90 86 482 <89 84 84 Cans, fulC 3i pounds . . . 88 86 85 r86 86 84 Cans, 3 pounds Cans, 21 pounds 2 B H, containing 3.28 per cent salt: Tubs and cans <89 Tubs 20 pounds 89 90 H| 88 8iT JS6 85 80 ~<87i "89 89 87 85 85 841 83 k*H 88 871 86 80 87 87 84 Cans full, 8J pounds .. 86 85 82 86 86 80 Cans, 3 pounds Cans, 2J pounds a Slightly unclean. 6 Old cream; cheesy. c Very fishy. d Turpentine. Cheesy. / Rancid. a Very cheesy. * Pronounced fishy; undesir- able; unclean; turpentine flavor. < Fishy. J Fishy; old. fcOily; fishy. I Oily. Oily; fishy; old. " Stale; old cream. o Trace fishy. pOily; trace fishy. 4 Rancid; trace fishy. Rancid; stale; cheesy. Rancid; turpentine. ' Strong, fishy; unclean flavor; old cream; dirty can flavor. u Very metallic. 14 BUKEAU OF ANIMAL IN.DUSTKY. TABLK IV. Scores of all butter made from cream of lot No. 3, with remarks as to flavor. Scored July 22, 1905, before storing. Stored at -10 F. Stored at +10 F. Stored at +32 F. Stored at variable tem- peratures. Scored Dec. 21, 1905. Scored Mar. 22, 1906. Scored Dec. 21, 1905. Scored Mar. 22, 1906. Scored Dec. 21, 1905. Scored Mar. 22, 1906. Scored Dec. 21, 1905. Scored Mar. 22, 1906. SAL, containing 1.78 per cent salt: Tubs and cans 89 Tubs, 20 pounds 92 924 92 89 088 /83 83 87 92 92 91 082* ''80 A78 91 " 91 91 e84 /87 /87 /87 Cans full, 3j pounds . . . 89 88 87 /88 /88 /88 Cans, 3 pounds Cans, 24 pounds 3 A H, containing 4.83 per cent salt: Tubs and cans <* Tubs 20 pounds .788 fc84 *87 86 90 89 84 86 A 78 J84 87 864 82 J78 J'86 87 88 Cans, full, SJ pounds . . . 85 82 m&6 "82 "76 Cans 3 pounds . . Cans 24 pounds 3 B L, containing 1.51 per cent salt: Tubs and cans o89 Tubs 20 pounds 924 92 92 9894 87 87 87 80 92 914 914 90 88 /87 /87 /84 91 90 90 89 84 e86 Cans, full, 34 pounds J389 88 86 /85 /85 /85 Cans, 3 pounds Cans, 24 pounds 3 B H, containing 3.72 per cent salt: r89 Tubs 20 pounds 88 88 84 a- a- oooooooo Si<5tSour. oOily; cheesy. d Turpentine. e Very cheesy. /Cheesy. a Cheesy; stale. A Very poor. Salt mackerel. i Very fishy. fc Fishy. Z Oily. m old; stale. "Oily; fishy. oNot clean. i>Old; rancid. 9 Metallic. r Weedy. s Fishy; very poor. TABLE V. Scores of all butter made from cream of lot No. 4, with remarks as to flavor. Scored July 22, 1905, before storing. Stored at -10 F. Stored at +10 F. Stored at +32 F. Stored at variable tem- peratures. Scored Dec. 22, 1905. Scored Mar. 22, 1906. Scored Dec. 22, 1905. Scored Mar. 22, 1906. Scored Dec. 22, 1905. Scored Mar. 22, 1906. Scored Dec. 22, 1905. Scored Mar. 22, 1906. 4 A L, containing 1.80 per cent salt: Tubs and cans a954 Tubs, 20 pounds 93J 93 93 6934 92 90 934 d914 9U 93 93 /84 c89 91 088 91 88 84 Cans, full, 3 pounds 89 86 e82 e2 Cans, 24 pounds 4 A H, containing 3.60 per cent salt: Tubs and cans A94 Tubs, 20 pounds <92 914 91* c92| 92* 92 ./914 91 91 924 86 "85 /89 89 87 fc88 85 80 Cans, full, 3 pounds *86 184 90 80 Cans, 24 pounds 4 B L, containing 1.46 per cent salt: Tubs and cans "97 Tubs, 20 pounds b94 m 93 "934 92 92 934 d924 84 86 84 Cans, 24 pounds 4 B H, containing 4.65 per cent salt: Tubs and cans 995 Tubs, 20 pounds 93 92* 92i 93 92 91 924 92| 914 93 92 88 894 r89 -87 88 85 81 Cans, full, 3 pounds Z8S~ *84 86 83 Cans, 2J pounds ., a Slightly flat. a Rancid; old. m Fishy. 6 Very good. A Sweet but flat. n Very clean but not pronounced. c Oily, trace fishy. i Trace fishy. o Old ; stale. d Metallic. j Stale; trace fishy. P Very cheesy. e Cheesy. fc Very fishy. g Brine flavor; butter flavor not pronounced. / Fishy; oily. I Rancid. r Fishy, stale. MANUFACTURE AND STORAGE OF BUTTER. 15 TABLE VI. Scores of all butter made from cream of lot No. 5, vrith remarks as to flavor. Scored Julv 22, 1905, before storing. Stored at -10 F. Stored at +10 F. Stored at +32 F. Stored at variable tem- peratures. Scored Dec. 22, 1905. Scored Mar. 22, 1906. Scored Dec. 22, 1905. Scored Mar. 22, 1906. Scored Dec. 22, 1905. Scored Mar. 22, 1906. Scored Dec. 22, 1905. Scored Mar. 22, 1906. 5 A L, containing 1.60 per cent salt: Tubs and cans "'.'4, Tubs 20 pounds . . . 92 92 <*92 & 93* 93 91 92 92 ni 931 rf91 88 o90 c90 P88 90 88 80 Cans full, 3 pounds 84 80 /85 /85 Cans, 2* pounds 5 A H, containing 2.38 per cent salt: Tubs and cans *94* Tubs 20 pounds 91* <*91 <*90* 93 93 90 <92 92 90 93 J90 87 c8S 89* 84 91 *88 82 Cans f ul I, 3 pounds 78 78 85 88 Cans, 2* pounds 5 B L, containing 1.32 per cent salt: Tubs and cans 197 Tubs 20 pounds 93 "93 as 94 93i 92. 93 "93 92* 93 ".Hi 91* mgi 80 86 90 90 90 Cans fulC 3 pounds 86 80 80 78 Cans, 2* pounds 6 B H, containing 3.16 per cent salt: Tubs and cans o95i Tubs, 20 pounds 93 93 93 P98 93* 90t <93 <*92i 92 2| 91* 91* C9M r89* 88 90 88J 82 Cans full, 3 pounds 86 82 90* 89* Cans 21 pounds a Slightly cooked: tallowy; shows age. fr Very good; fresh. e Fishy. d Metallic. e Cheesy. / Very cheesy. a Very fishy. * Weedy. i Trace fishy. JOily; fishy. fcOily. I Exceptionally good, m Shows age. n Trace metallic. o Cooked flavor. p Clean but flat. QTraceflshv; old; stale, r Fishy; me'tallic. A number of variations in scores ma} T be noted in Tables II, III, IV, V, and VI, and in order that these variations ma}' be studied with greater ease other tables are presented. 16 BUKEAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. EFFECT OF SALT. The scores in Table VII are from butter in tubs, there being no material difference between the scores of butter in tubs and in cans, as will be shown. TABLE VII. Scores of all butter in tubs, with averages showing differences attributed to percentage of salt. Per cent of salt. Scores. Before storing. Stored at 10 F. Stored at +10 F- Stored at +32 F. Five months. Eight months. Five months. Eight months. Five months. Eight months. 1 AL 1.02 3.20 1.10 2.87 2.00 3.16 1.52 3.28 1.78 4.83 1.51 3.72 1.80 3.61 1.46 4.65 1.60 2.38 1.32 3.16 1.64 3.44 88 89 91 91 9H 89* 91* 89 89 89 89 89 95* 94 97 95 94i 94* 97 95* 91.7 91.2 93 90 93 90* 92* 91 91 89 92 88 92* 87 93* 92 94 93 92 91* 93 93 92.6 90.5 90* 88 91* 87 89 89 88* 85 88 87 87 85 93* 92* 93* 93 93* 93 94 93 90.9 89.9 92i 89} 92 90 89 90 90* 87* 91f 87* 92 86 93| 91* 93* 92* 92 92 93 93 91.70 90.15 90 86 91J 87 89 88i 88 85 87* 85 88 85 93 92* 93 93 93* 93 93 92| 90.60 89.00 90 85 89 88 91 89 88 86 91* 84 91 82 89 89 90 89* 90 88 91 90* 90.3 89.0 86 84 88 87 88 84 82 80 84 78 84 84 91 88 86 88 90 91 90 90 87.8 85.0 1 A H 1 B L 1 B H 2 AL 2 A H 2B L 2 B H 3 AL 3 A H 3B L . . . . 3B H 4 AL 4 A H 4 B L 4 B H 5AL 6 A H 5B L 5B H Averages of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5: A L A H Difference -1.80 .5 2.1 1.0 1.65 1.60 3.3 2.8 B L 1.38 3.54 93.1 91.9 92.7 90.5 90.9 88.6 92.20 89.70 90.65 88.55 89.8 87.2 86.0 85.8 B H . . . Difference -2.16 1.2 2.2 2.3 2.50 2.10 2.6 .2 Average of both scorings, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5: A L 1.64 91.75 90.20 91.15 89.57 89.05 86.00 A H 3 44 Difference BL .. -1.80 1.55 1.58 3.05 1.38 91.80 89.55 91.42 89.12 87.90 86.50 BH 3.54 Difference . 2 16 2.25 2.30 1.40 In comparing the first -two scores in the foregoing table, butter 1 A L and 1 A H, it should be remembered that this butter was from the same churning, but w th different percentages of salt, the per- centage in 1 A H being 3.2) and in 1 A L 1.02, a difference of 1.18. The scores before storing were 88 and 89, one point in favor of 1 A H, the butter with the greater percentage of salt. The tubs of this butter held at 10 F. scored after five and eight months 3 points and 2 points, respectively, in favor of the lightly salted butter. Tubs of the same butter held at +10 F. after five and eight months scored, MANUFACTURE AND STORAGE OF BUTTER. 17 respectively, 2 points and 4 points in favor of the light salting. The same butter at +32 F. after five and eight months scored, respect- ively, 5 points and 2 points in favor of the light salting. Comparing scores of 5 B L and 5 B H, butter from the same churn- ing containing 1.32 and 3.16 per cent of salt, respectively, or a differ- ence of 1.84 per cent, it will be noted that the scores after five months were exactly the same for butter at 10 and +10 F. After eight months there was a slight difference in favor of light salting. Butter 5 B H when placed in storage scored the highest of the butter with heavy salting, and seemed to have been the least affected by the salt. Throughout the table it will be noted that the butter having the higher score when placed in storage shows the least effect of heavy salting. This being true, it seems that the practice of attempting to cover up undesirable flavors in poor butter by using a large percentage of salt, if butter is stored, would produce results in the opposite direction to those desired. The average of all scores of butter from unpasteurized cream with light salting compared with the average of the scores of the same butter with heavy salting shows the following: Difference in percentages of salt, 1.80. Differences in scores of butter held at 10 F. after five and eight months, 2.1 points and 1 point, respectively, in favor of light salting. Average of both scor- ings, 1.55 points in favor of light salting. The same butter stored at +10 F. after five and eight months showed, respectively, 1.55 and 1.60 points in favor of light salting. Average of both scorings, 1.57 points. The same butter stored at +32 F. after five and eight months showed 3.3 and 2.8 points, respectively, in favor of light salting, or an average of 3.05 points. The average of scores of all butter from pasteurized cream with light salting compared with average scores of the same butter with heavy salting shows a difference in the percentage of salt of 2.16. Scores of butter at 10 F. after five and eight months show a dif- ference of 2.2 and 2.3 points, respectively, in favor of light salting, or an average of 2.25 points. The same butter stored at +10 F. after five and eight months shows a difference of 2.5 and 2.1 points, respectively, in favor of light salting, or an average of 2.3 points. The same butter stored at -f-32 F. after five and eight months shows a difference of 2.6 and 0.2 points, respectively, in favor of light salting, or an average of 1.40 points. The only scores indicating that heavy salting was of any advan- tage were those of the butter held in cans eight months at variable temperatures. 18 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. KEEPING QUALITIES OF BUTTER IN FULL CANS AND TUBS. TABLE VIII. Comparison of average scores of butter in full cans and tubs. Scores. Stored at -10 F. Stored at +10F. Stored at +32 F. Five months. Eight months. Five months. Eight months. Five months. Eight months. Averages, lota 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5: A I; in full cans 92.85 92.60 89.2 90.9 92.15 91.70 89.0 90.6 91.0 90.3 88.3 87.8 A L in tubs Difference in favor of cans .26 -.7 .45 -.4 .7 .6 Average difference of both scorings -. 22 .025 .6 A H in full cans 91.0 90.5 90.0 89.9 91.20 90.15 86.6 89.0 89.1 87.0 87.1 85.0 A H in tubs Difference in favor of cans . . .5 .1 1.05 -2.4 2.1 2.1 . 3 69 2.1 B L in full cans 92.4 92.7 90.4 90.9 91.9 92.2 89.30 90.65 89.9 89.8 89.0 86.0 B L in tubs Difference in favor of cans -.3 -.5 -.3 -i.a5 .1 3.0 Average difference of both scorings - 4 82 1.65 B H in full cans 90.95 90.50 89.1 88.6 90.4 89.7 88.30 88.55 88.2 87.2 86.9 86.8 B H in tubs Difference in favor of cans .45 .5 .7 -.25 1.00 1.1 .47 .22 1.05 Comparing the figures in the foregoing table, the average scores of tubs and full cans of A L (pasteurized cream, lightly salted) butter, it will be seen that the butter of five months at 10, +10, and +32 F. scored, respectively, 0.25, 0.45, and 0.7 point in favor of cans. After eight months, at 10 and +10 F., scores show 0.7 and 0.4 point, respectively, in favor of tubs, while at +32 F. scores show 0.5 point in favor of cans. The average of both scorings shows for butter held at 10 F. 0.22 point in favor of tubs, and for butter at +10 and +32 F., 0.025 and 0.6 point, respectively, in favor of cans. Comparing the average scores from A H (unpasteurized cream, heavily salted) butter, after five months at -10, +10, and +32 F., the scores show 0.5, 1.05, and 2.1 points in favor of cans. After eight months at +10 F. the scores show 2.4 points in favor of tubs, and at 10 and +32 F. 1 and 2.1 points, respectively, in favor of cans; averages of both scorings showing at 10 and +32 F. 3 and 2.1 points, respectively, in favor of cans, and at +10 F. 0.69 point in favor of tubs. With B L (pasteurized cream, lightly salted) butter all scores at -10 and +10 F. were slightly in favor of tubs, while at +32 F. butter in cans received an average scores trifle higher than that of the butter in tubs. Comparing the average scores of B H (pasteurized cream, lightly MANUFACTURE AND STORAGE OP BUTTER. 19 salted) butter, all average scores, excepting those of butter held eight months at +10 F., were in favor of cans. Comparing all scores of butter in tubs with all scores of butter in cans at 10 and +10 F., no material difference is noted. At 32 F. there is a very slight difference in favor of cans. EFFECT OF AIR IN CANS. TABLE IX. Comparison of average scores of butter in full cans and in partly full cans. Scores. Stored at 10 F. Stored at + 10 F. Stored at + 32 F. Stored at variable temperatures. Five months. Eight months. Five months. Eight months. Five months. Eight months. Five months. Eight months. Averages, lots 1,2,3,4. and 5: A L in full cuiis. ........ 92.85 90.80 89.2 87.0 92.15 90.80 89.0 84.4 91.0 89.1 88.3 83.4 86.4 82.4 83.8 83.8 A L in cans partly full, 2J pounds ......... Difference in favor of fill! culls ............ 2.06 2.2 1.35 4.6 1.9 4.9 4.0 .0 Average difference of both scorings 2.12 2.97 3.4 2.0 A H in full cans 91.0 88.6 90.0 85.4 91.2 88.3 86.6 82.4 89.1 84.6 87.1 80.8 85.0 81.2 86. 81.6 A H in cans partly full, '21 pounds Difference in favor of full cans 2.4 4.6 2.9 4.2 4.5 6.3 3.8 5.4 Average difference of both scorings 2.9 3.55 5.4 ; 6 B L in full cans 92.4 91.2 90.4 87.0 91.9 90.7 89.3 86.7 89.9 87.4 gg 87.4 85.8 82.4 83.4 82.2 B L in can spartly full, J ; pounds Difference in favor of full cans 1.2 3.4 1.2 2.6 2.5 1.6 8.4 1.2 Average difference of both scorings........ 2.3 1.9 2.05 2. 3 B H in full cans 90.96 89.20 89.1 86.8 90.4 89.1 88.3 85. 88.2 85.8 86.9 83.1 85.2 81.0 86.7 82.9 B H in cans partly full, 24 pounds Difference in favor of full cans 1.75 2.8 1.3 2.8 2.4 3.8 4.2 3.8 Average difference of both scorings. 2.27 2.06 3.1 4.0 Comparing the average scores of butter in full cans and in partially full cans it will be noted that there were differences of 1 to 5 points in favor of the full cans. It does not seem necessary to take up these differences in detail. This deterioration was without doubt due to air in the partially full cans. Since in packing butter in cans there is no necessity for having the cans only partially full, neither is this econom- ical, the writer does not hesitate to state that whore the sealing is done at atmospheric pressure the cans should bo entirely filled, leaving as little air space as possible. This principle may be applied to packing butter in other packages. The butter should bo packed solidly, leaving 20 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. as few air spaces as possible. Air having a deteriorating effect on the keeping of storage butter, it would be expected that butter stored in small open packages, as pound prints, would not keep so well as but- ter in large packages. This is a belief that has already bsen accepted by many. EFFECT OF STORAGE TEMPERATURES. TABLE X. Scores of butter stored at 10 F. compared u*ith those of butter stored at -{-10 F., +82 F., and at variable temperatures. Average scores. AL butter. AH butter. BL butter. BH butter. Average difference. Butter in tubs: 10 F 91.75 91.15 90.20 89.57 91.80 91.42 89.55 89.12 +10 F Difference in favor of 10 F .60 .63 .38 .43 .51 10F 91.75 89.05 90.20 86.00 91.80 87.90 89.55 86.50 +32 F Difference in favor of 10 F 2.70 4.20 3.90 3.05 3.46 Butter in full cans: 10 F 91.02 85.10 90.50 85.50 91.40 84.60 90.02 85.95 Variable Difference in favor of 10 F 5.92 5.00 6.80 4.07 5.45 Table X was prepared from average scores which have been given in previous tables. The difference in quality of all butter held in tubs at 10 and +10 F., as shown by average scores, was 0.51 point in favor of the butter held at a temperature of 10 F. The difference in quality of all butter held in tubs at 10 and +32 F. was, as shown by average scores, 3.46 points in favor of the butter held at 10 F. The difference in the quality of the butter in full cans held at 10 F. and at variable temperatures was, as shown by average scores, 5.45 points in favor of the butter held at 10 F. KEEPING QUALITIES AFTER REMOVAL FROM STORAGE. Results thus far given practically show only the changes which took place while the butter was in storage, the butter being out of storage only long enough to thaw before scoring. Another matter of as great importance as the keeping qualities of butter when in storage is the keeping qualities of butter after its removal from storage. The but- ter should be in good condition when it reaches the consumer, and remain good a reasonable length of time. One week would certainly be the minimum, and in many cases the time would be much longer. The butter scored December 21 and 22, 1905, could not be scored a second time without considerable inconvenience. The butter scored March 22 and 23, 1906, was allowed to remain out of cold storage, and the butter in tubs was again scored April 2. The butter was scored at that time by Professor McKay alone, as Mr. Kieffer could not be present. These scores are given in Table XI. MANUFACTURE AND STORAGE OF BUTTER. 21 TABLE XI. Showing deterioration of storage butter after removal 'from storage. Batter in tube. Before storing. Stored at -10 F. Stored at +10 F. Stored at +32 F. Scored Mar. 22, 1906. Scored Apr. 2, 1906. Scored Mar. 22, 1906. Scored Apr. 2, 1906. Scored Mar. 22, 1906. Scored Apr. 2, 1906. 1 AL... 88 89 91 91 911 891 911 89 89 89 89 89 951 94 97 95 941 941 97 951 95.37 89.70 5.67 901 88 911 87 89 89 881 85 88 87 87 85 931 921 931 93 9S1 93 94 93 93.25 87.96 6.29 75 73 76 73 76 77 74 76 81 76 75 75 921 901 93 92 92 91 931 921 92.12 75.33 16.79 90 86 91i 87 89 881 88 85 871 85 88 85 93 921 93 93 931 93 93 92| 92.97 87.51 6.46 74 72 74 72 75 76 73 75 79 76 74 76 901 90 901 91 91 90 921 91 90.81 74.58 16.23 86 84 88 87 88 84 82 80 84 78 84 84 91 88 86 88 90 91 90 90 94,25 84.08 5.17 Very bad. Very bad. Very bad. Very bad. Verv bad. Very bad. Very bad. Very bad. Very bad. Very bad. Very bad. Very bad. 80 80 82 84 80 H 83 85 1 A H 1BL 1BH 2 A Li 2 A II 2BL 2B I' 3 A 1, 3 A H 3BL 3BH 4AL 4AH 4BL 4BH 6 A L 5AH 5BL 5B H Average of above scores of batter from lots 4 and 5 Average of above scores of butter from lots 1, 2, and 3 Average difference in favor of but- ter from lots 4 and 6 In Table XI, besides the scores of April 2, the scores of March 22 and 23 and those before storing are given. By studying carefully the scores of April 2 differences will be found which may be attributed to salt and temperature. These differences in the butter held at 10 and +10 F. are about the same or perhaps greater than have been noted in previous tables. There are other differences so much greater that those attributed to salt and temperature seem of minor importance. Looking at the scores of April 2, 1906, it is noted that ajl scores of butter from the first three lots of cream are very low, while those of the butter from lots 4 and 5 are only about 1 point lower than the scores of the same butter ten daj's previously. To determine more readily the difference in scores between the butter made from the first three lots of cream and that from the last two lots two averages have been made. These show that the average score of a^l butter from lots 4 and 5 when first scored was 95.37, while the average score of all butter from lots 1, 2, and 3 was H7, being 5.67 points lower. The average score of all butter from lots 4 and 5, after being in storage at 10 F. eight months, was 93.25. After the butter had l>cen out of storage ten days the average score was 92.12, only 1.13 points lower. The average score of all butter from lots 1, 2, and 3, after being in storage at 10 F. eight months, was 87.96. After the butter had been out of storage ten days the average wore was 75.33. or 12.63 points lower, showing that the deterioration of the butter from lots 1, 2, and 3 was more than ten times as great as that from lots 4 and 5. The rate of deterioration of butter held at +10 F. was practically the 22 BUBEAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. same as has just been noted for the butter held at 10 F. The dete- rioration of all butter held at +32 F. was very marked. In endeavoring to account for these differences in keeping quality, which have divided the butter into two classes, the first question prob- ably would be, How and from what kind of cream was each class of butter made? For this information we may refer to Table I. As has previously been noted, cream of lots 1, 2, and 3 was sour when received, showing acidities of 0.560, 0.575, and 0.558 per cent, respectively, or between 31 and 32 c. c. , Mann's test. The cream in lots 4 and 5 was of good quality and perfectly sweet. The acid development in lots 1, 2, and 3 from the time received until churned was very little, owing to the cream being practically ripe when received. With lots 4 and 5 the percentage of acid developed was not high. In fact, this cream at the time of churning had lower percentages of acid than had lots 1, 2, and 3 when received. Other than these points just mentioned there was practically no difference in the making of the butter. The butter from lots 1, 2, and 3 was held about ten days longer before being placed in storage than was butter from lots 4 and 5 ; however, it being held at +32 F., the writer is of the opinion that this length of time would not make any material difference. There is without doubt a direct relation between the differences in the cream as shown in Table I and the differences in the keeping qualities of the butter after removal from storage, as shown in Table XI. SUMMARY. The results thus far obtained in this investigation may be summa- rized as follows: (1) Butter containing low percentages of salt kept better than did butter of the same lot containing higher percentages of salt. (2) Butter in full cans and tubs at 10 and +10 F. scored about the same. At +32 F. there was a slight difference in favor of cans. (3) Butter in full cans kept much better than did butter in cans only partially full, the deterioration doubtless being due to the presence of air in the partially full cans. (4) Butter held at 10 F. kept best, both when in storage and after removal from storage. (5) Butter made from cream received at the creamery sweet and in good condition kept well while stored at 10 and +10 F. ; also after removal from storage, giving results wholly satisfactory. (6) Butter made from cream received at the creamery sour and in fair condition kept well while in storage at 10 and +10 F., but deteriorated rapidly after removal from storage, giving, on the whole, results which were very unsatisfactory. REMARKS ON THE SCORING OF THE BUTTER. By G. L. MCKAY. It was the writer's privilege to officiate as judge in conjunction with Mr. P. H. Kieffer, assistant dairy commissioner of Iowa. The judges had no intimation in any of the scorings as to how the different lots were made. The work was all outlined by Mr. Gray and the records were kept in his possession until all scorings were completed, so that there was nothing to influence the judges one way or the other. When the scoring was completed it was found that the butter made from cream received sour scored higher on the second scoring than the first. This was undoubtedly due to many of the odors not being so apparent when the butter was cold or chilled. It has been asserted by some butter merchants in the past that butter made from real sour cream comes out of storage better than that made from mildly acid cream. This impression is undoubtedly due to the undesirable odors not being manifest when the butter was chilled or held in storage for some time. On the final scoring, however, after this butter had stood at a high temperature for some days the butter made from sour cream went off flavor very rapidly, as indicated by the scores. Another noticeable feature, both in the tubs and in the hermetically sealed cans, was that the fishy flavor was quite pronounced in those lots made from old cream where a high percentage of salt had been used. The high percentage of salt seemed to bring out latent odors and make them more pronounced. At the second and third scorings it was found that the different lots of butter kept at high temperatures did not have so decided a fishy flavor as the butter held at lower temperatures, as other flavors had now developed which covered up the fishy flavors. The high salting did not impart a fishy flavor to the butter made from cream received sweet, so it would seem to the writer that the odors are in the butter, and the salt simply makes them more pronounced. It was noticed with regard to the hermetically sealed cans that in the case of those only partly filled, thus having an air space, the butter scored much lower than in the full cans. Mr. Gray had so varied the amount of butter in these cans that different-sized air spaces were left. In some instances where the amount of butter in the can was the smallest and the butter was somewhat loose, thus permitting the air to come in contact with a great portion of it . the quality was much inferior to that of butter tightly packed. 23 24 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. The lightly salted butter held at -10 F. seemed to be almost as fresh at the second scoring as new or freshly made butter. The fourth scoring was made twelve days after the butter had been taken out of storage and had been for ten of these days kept in an ordi- nary room at a temperature of about 60 K At this point all the butter made from cream received sour had deteriorated so much that it was practically packing stock, while that made from cream received sweet, salted lightly, and kept at a low temperature up to the time of leaving the storage room, scored nearly as high at the third scoring. The lightly salted butter held at the higher temperatures, had a ten- dency to develop what is known as a cheese flavor. In lots held at + 32 F. and above, the cheese flavor seemed to give way to a turpentine or paint flavor at the third scoring. The butter held at 10 F. , both in high and low saltings, was more free from foreign odors than that held at +10 F. It seems to the writer, from his work in scoring the butter and after examining the records kept by Mr. Gray, that light salting and low temperatures gave much the best results for storage butter. O > 3 3 f Zc $ =f 3 a - < [Concluded from page 2 of cover.] COXTKOL AM) ERADICATION OK (oNT.U.Iols I>I>KAs] Inspectors in chary ,,f K STOCK KoK EXI'OKT. Baltimore. Md.-I>r. H. A. He-dric-k >rk N.Y.-Dr. \V. H. Kos,-, I* Bnmdwav Norfolk, Vn.-l.r. ;.<. FavilU., P.O.boxTw! /n.r.i in charge. ,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,, ,,,-, -. .v.s,,,a, ltl ,, ,:;, Boutl, .'.Dr. F. \V. Htintini:t..ii. f . Orand Trunk K. K. wharf. IXSI-K.T1..X AM. .H-AKA.VTINE OK IMI'OKTEI) AMMALS. Quarantht, ' f'T tllO fxit I'"l'. superintenaeni. Nfd. iii.r tlic port of Kallii imm H. wade, superintendent . -Wil- BuMmi, Ma; -Dr. H.T. Potter. '- V.-Hr. \v.s. n.. -fr. F. M. IVrrv. N. V. I>r It It. MHVII- rt, Vt. Dr. '^To'ruv.'mK 1 . 1 '' 1 '^ 11 '- "" Vil1 rilllllni . W* La- st. Altuitis. Vt._D r < i, M,, r j n 8ault8te.JUrte, Mk-h.-Dr. .I. F. '"/X y/< ^/ (f - M,'.ri,;,,i ' JPai,Tfx.-I>r.Tli.,ma.sA.BrHv. - 8an - v \v! Parki-r. .M.r,,l.-l VETKRIXARY IXSI'EXTORK , u>- .' ' I'r. V A. Norgaard, liuiinlulu, Hawaii. University c Southern Library