L MAa/5S2( r^---- i^:r- No. 63 — 1919 CATALOGUE of :an IttttxtstinQ d^ollectton of iloote anti 3^ampl)let$ on ^Itneritan ||t0torp BOOKS ON THE EARLY HISTORY OF THE WEST CALIFORNIANA; INDIAN NARRATIVES AND HISTORIES; RAILROADIANA ; EARLY JUVENILES; PLAY BILLS, ETC. ja^ STo te ealD at anction Commtnttng at 10:30 o'clocfe No. 116 NASSAU STREET (Room 412, Morton Building:) NEW YORK Telephone: 6967 Beekman ^ n I CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale, shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale, shall be a charge against such pur- chaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the undersigned is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by it for purchasers. The undersigned will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer's hammer, and thereafter, while the undersigned will exercise due caution in caring for and deliver- ing such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the undersigned of the correctness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold "as is" and without recourse. The undersigned exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy ex- pert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. SPECIAL NOTICE Buying or bidding by the undersigned for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone, will be faith- fully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchase so made will be subject to the above Conditions of Sale, which cannot in any manner be modified. The undersigned, however, in the event of making a purchase of a lot consisting of one or more pieces for a purchaser who has not, through himself or his agent, been present at the exhibition or sale, will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be returned, if the lot in any ma- terial manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the undersigned should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to us, a deposit should be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced copies of this catalogue may be had for 50 cents each. SCOTT AND O'SHAUGHNESSY, Inc., 116 Nassau Street, New York. Collection on View Three Days Before the Sale. Bancroft Library CATALOGUE OF A Collection of Americana TO BE SOLD Tuesday Morning, June 10, 1919 Commencing at 10:30 o'Clock Americana /C£ 1. ADAMtS (HANNAH). A View of Religions . . . The various Denominations which have appeared to the Pres- ent Day. Second Edition: with Large Additions. 8vo, pp. 410 (17), original sheep (foxed; a few margins slightly torn). Boston: (1791). Contains the page of errata, not mentioned by Sabin. Book plate of (President) John Quincy Adams. The work is dedicated to President John Adams, who is also in- cluded in the list of subscribers. A large space is devoted to the Religions of America (Hop- kinsians of Newport, R. I., the Indian tribes, etc.), and the Sandwich Islands. / 2. . A View of Religions . . . Third Edition : with 6^^ Large Additions. 8vo, pp. 504, original sheep, (binding rubbed). Boston: 1801. 2A. . 'Summary History of. New England, from the Settlement at Plymouth; with Sketch of the American War (of the Revolution) . 8vo, original sheep. Dedham : 1799. '^C-^ 3. ALLEN (COL. ETHAN). Reason, the only Oracle of -^ Man; to which is added Critical Remarks, etc. By a Free Thinker. 12mo, cloth. New York: 1836. ,(pO 4. ALMANACK, for 1782, by Nathanael Low. 12mo, sewn, uncut (small hole in last leaf). Boston. Scarce. Contains epitaphs (including Franklin's, by him- self), poetry, etc. MO j — 5. . The same, for 1784. 12mo, sewn, uncut. Boston. Contains Law's address to the Inhabitants of the United States (on the Revolution and the Peace), 5 pages; also, a poem on the Peace. / Q 6. . The same, for 1785, 1791, 1801. 3 pieces, 12mo, , ^ sewn, uncut. Boston. -2. IQ.D • ^ /.. 1^^ ^0 ALMANACK. 7. . Wheeler's Nortli American Calendar, or an Al- manack for 1792. 12mo, sewn, uncut. Fine copy. Providence. New England Almanack for 1796 . . . Also a Variety of Matter in Prose and Verse. 12mo, sewn. Fine copy. Providence. 9. . Thomas (R. B.). The Farmer's Almanack: Nos. 7, 8, 11, 19, 20. 5 pieces, 12mo, uncut. Boston: (1798-1811). Good copies. The early numbers are scarce. 10. . New England Almanack, for 1809. By Nathan Daboll. 12mo, sewn. New London. An undescribed form of Franklin's "Poor Richard, on the Way to Wealth"; which occupies signature E (8 pages). 11.. . New England Almanack, by Nathan Daboll: for 1807, '08, '10, '11, '13, '14, '15, '16, '18, '19, '26, '27, '28, and, 1836-1874. 52 pieces, 12mo, as issued. New^ London. Margins of a few leaves slightly injured ; mainly first-class copies. Containing anecdotes, poems, songs (relating to War of 1812, etc.), and other features. ^Q 12. . Allen's New England Almanack, for 1810, '11, ^ '13, '14, '20, '28, '35. 7 pieces, 12mo, sewn (a few margins frayed). Hartford, 10 13. AMERICAN ANNUAL. The Casket: a Christmas ^ and New Year's Present. 1829. Engravings {complete). 16mo, original boards, with silk back. Boston: (1828). Choice copy of a scarce annual. Containing "Cecilia, a Drama," original poems and sketches, etc. 14. AMERICAN GARLAND (AN) : a Collection of Bal- lads relating to America, 1563-1759. Edited, wdth notes, etc., by C. H. Firth. 8vo, roxburghe, uncut. Oxford : 1915. Contemporary ballads on Quebec and Gen. Wolfe (5) ; the Indians; New England, Virginia, Florida, etc. / ^ t 15. ANDRE. Centennial Souvenir of the Capture of / -^ Andre. Tarrytown, Sept. 23, 1880. Prepared by Nathaniel G. Husted. Numerous portraits and views. Royal 8vo, pp. 167, cloth. [New York:] Printed for the Association, 1881. (q 16. ARMINIAN MAGAZINE. Vol. 1 (Jan.-Dec, 1789). ' ^ 8vo, sheep (foxed, small comer torn off last page). Phil.: 1789. Scarce. Journals of Bishops Asbury and Coke; historical sketches of the church in America, letters, etc. ^ .^ Tit) [BACON (DELEA).] The Bride of Fort Edward. (At- drama:) Founded on an Incident of the Revolution. First Edition. 12mo, original cloth and label (water-stained). New York: 1839. ■rr^^ / 18. BANDELIER (A. F.). The Delight Makers. (Studies among the Pueblo Indians. ) 12mo, original cloth. New York: (1890). ^ 19. . Hemenway Southwestern Archaeological Expe- dition. Contributions to the History of the Southwestern United States, iliap. 8vo, boards, uncut. Cambridge : 1890. - P 20. BARBER (J. W.). Interesting Events in the History ^ of the United States. Map, portrait of Washington and other engravings: Death of King Philip; pursuing the Regicides; Capture of Andre; Arnold's March; Death of Montgomery, etc. 12mo, original calf. New Haven : 1832. 20A. . New England Scenes : a Selection of important and interesting Events, since the First Settlements. Engra/v- ings on copper. 16mo, original boards (shaken). New Haven: 1833. Tlie engravings include : Hooker travelling through the Wilderness to Hartford, 1686 ; Davenport preaching to the first settlers of New Haven, 1638 ; Hooker addressing the Soldiers of Connecticut (Pequot war) ; attack on Brookfield and other Indian episodes ; departure of missionaries from New Haven / for Sandwich Islands, 1822, etc. 6 21. BARKER (GEORGE). Thrilling Adventures of the "^ Whaler ''Alcyone"; killing man-eating sharks in the Indian OceaUj etc. 10 Ulnstratiotis. 12mo, stiff printed cover. Peabody, Mass. : Printed for the Author, 1916. 22. BARLOW. Dr. Watts 's Imitation of the Psalms of David, Corrected and Enlarged by Joel Barlow. To which is added a Collection of Hymns [by Joel Barlow, John Trum- bull, and David Humphreys]. 16mo, contemporary crimson calf, full gilt. Hartford: Nathaniel Patten (1791). Good example of early American binding. This edition was unknown to Trumbull, who names other printers. 23. BARTON (BENJAMIN S. ) . Elements of Botany ; or, Outlines of the Natural History of Vegetables. (Revised: with additions.) 30 copper plates. 8vo, boards, uncut. London : 1804. 24. BEATTY (CHARLES). Journal of a Two Months 1^1 " Tour ; among the Frontier Inhabitants of Pennsylvania . . . the Indians to the Westward of the Allegh-Geny Mountains, etc., with Remarks on the Language and* Customs of some Tribes among the Indians. 8vo, half roan, uncut (half-title mended). London: 1768. 25. BERKLEY (MRS. HELEN). The Fortune Hunter; J ^ or the Adventures of a Man about Town. A Novel of New York Society. First Edition. 8vo, unbound. New York: (1844). "Mrs. Helen Berkley" was the well-known actress Anna Cora Mowatt. Many New York celebrities are supposed to have figured under thin disguises in "The Fortune Hunter." 7. 17 XH 26. BERKSHIRE, MASS. The Poet among the Hills. Oliver Wendell Holmes in Berkshire: his Berkshire Poems (some now first published), etc. Portrait and views. 12mo, cloth. Pittsfield: 1895. Only a small edition printed for the author, J. E. A. Smith. f^O 27. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Benton (Josiah H.). The Book of ^' Common Prayer, and Books connected with its Origin and Growth (with full collations, notes, etc.). 8vo, boards, uncut. Boston: Privately Printed, 1910. ; -to 1' 1 '■ 28. . John Baskerville: Type-founder and Printer: 1706-1755. (With a list of Mr. Benton's Baskerville collec- tion.) Portrait. 8vo, boards, uncut. Boston: Privately Printed, 1914. Mr. Benton's books were limited to small editions, for his personal use, only. Q ^ 29. BOSTON CHRONICLE. Nos. 1-52: Dec. 21, 1767- I ■"'^ Dec. 12, 1768 (wanting nos. 1, 10, 13, 14) ; contains, also 8 supplements. 4to, unbound. Boston: 1767-68. A SCARCE, SHORT-LIVED JOURNAL. The number for June 25, 1770, was the last published. The massacre of March 5th, 1770, intensified public feeling against royalists in Boston, including the publishers of the Chronicle. 30. BROADSIDE. James Walker, at the Sign of the Piece of Linen, No. 14, "William-Street, etc. [Various articles ^l "^ composing his stock of dry goods.] Small folio, uncut. New York: Printed by Harrison & Purdy, No. 3, Peck-Slip '{circa 1790). 31. BROWN C'CAPT." JOHN). Governor's Message and Reports of the Public Officers of the State . . . and other Agents of Public Institutions or Interests of Virginia. 8vo, pp. 48, original wrappers (water-stained). Richmond: 1859. A RARE STATE DOCUMENT OF SUPERLATIVE HISTORICAI. IM- PORTANCE. Message I (pp. 3-24) is devoted to the insurrection at Harper's Ferry, John Brown's execution, etc., and may be considered Gov. Wise's official report of the event. Message II refers to the insurrection ; military affairs, etc. Commission of Major Bethnel M. Kitchen, signed by Gov. Wise, inserted. John Brown Invasion (The) ; History of the Harpet's Ferry Tragedy; with full Details of the Capture, Trial and Execution of the Invaders. Portrait. 8vo, orig- inal wrappers. Boston: 1860. First Edition. Tributes by R. W. Emerson and others, etc. 31B. . Report of Committee (Senate) on Invasion / and Seizure at Harper's Ferry. 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1860. /'? y // BROWN ("CAPT." JOHN). 31C. . Life and Letters of Captain John Brown, who was executed Dec. 2, 1859, with Notices of some of his Con- federates. Edited by R. D. Webb. Portradt. 12nio, cloth (comers rubbed). London, 1861. 32. . Thoreau (Henry D.). A Yankee in Canada, with Anti-'Slavery and Reform Papers. First Edition. 12mo, cloth. Boston: 1866. "A Plea for Captain John Brown" (pp. 152-181) ; "The Last Days of John Brown" (pp. 278-286), etc. 33. . John Brown's Expedition (Parker), Boston, • y 1860; — Correspondence between Lydia M. Child and Gov. Wise of Virginia, Boston, 1860; — Life and Letters of John Brown (iSanborn), Boston, 1891. 3 pieces, 12mo, unbound. 34. . Thayer (Eli). The New England Emigrant Aid Company (its influence in Kansas, etc.) ; — Johnson (Oliver). The Abolitionists Vindicated (a reply to the foregoing pam- phlet, by Thayer. 2 parts, 8vo, wrappers. Worcester: 1887. 34A. BUDGET (A) of Humorous Poetry. First Edition. ' * 12mo, original cloth. Fine copy. Phil. : 1859. "The Fine Arkansas Gentleman" (Albert Pike) ; "Love in the Bowery" (F. A. Durivage) ; "The Alabama Duel;" "Maine Battle Song;" "An Oregon Lay" (G. H. Derby) ; "A Legend of Salem," etc. 35. BULKELEY (JOHN). Voyage to the South Seas: O 1740-41. Containing a Faithful Narrative of the Loss of H. M. S. the ''Wager," etc. By John Bulkeley and John Cum- mins. 8vo, original sheep, wide margins (small comer torn off title). Philadelphia : Reprinted for the Author, 1757. Second Edition : dedicated to Gov. Denny of Pa., in which the narrative of the two seamen (contradicting that of the captain) is first published. The narrative abounds with the most thrilling experiences. ^{ 36. BURGH (J.). Political Disquisitions; or an Enquiry / -" into Public Errors, Defects, and Abuses . . . Calculated to r- Draw the Timely Attention of Government and People to a Due Consideration of the Necessity and Means of Reforming those Errors, Defects and Abuses ; of Restoring the Constitu- tion and Saving the State. 3 vols., 8vo, original sheep. Phil. : Robert Bell, 1775. Engraved book plate of First Social Library, Newburyport, Mass., 1794 {unknown to Allen) in each volume. Scarce. A work which produced a great effect on the American colonists. 37. BURR (AARON: President of Princeton College). A Sermon Preached before the Synod of New York, convened at Newark, in New Jersey, Sept. 30, 1756. 8vo, pp. 46, sewn, uncut, last half of original wrapper retained, lower portion of title-page torn off. (1856.) Apparently a copy of the rare edition published by Bradford, Philadelphia, referred to by Evans (No. 7629), who failed to locate a copy and so was unable to specify pagination, etc. 5 'S^ CALIFORNIA. '" 38. ACROSS THE COUNTRY. By C. H. P., Jr. 8vo, pp. 32, wrappers. Fine copy. (Milton, Mass.: 1889.) Printed only for private distribution. Account of a six weeks' journey to California ; sketches of San Francisco, its customs, the Chinese and others ; Monterey, Oakland, etc. f c^ 39. ARTICLE IX of an Act ' ' To Provide Revenue for the . '^ support of the Government of the State of California." 8vo, pp. 8, unopened. San Prancisco: 1855. 40. ASSOCIATED ALUMNI OF THE PACIFIC COAST. Fifth Annual Meeting, Oakland, June 3, 1868. 8vo, original wrappers. San Francisco: 1868. Names and addresses of alumni on the Coast, pp. 61-76 ; poem for the occasion by Charles Warren Stoddard ; Orations, etc. / 41. BARRELL (GEORGE). Notes of Voj-ages and Inci- dents connected therewith in a Career of Thirty Years at Sea; with other Miscellaneous Matter. 8vo, pp. 224 cloth. Springfield, 111. : 1890. Printed for members of the writer's family. Sketches of San Francisco, Monterey, San Diego, San Bar- bara, San Pedro; Hawaii: its several towns, etc. ^ 42. BATES (MRS, S. D.). Incidents on Land and Water, hX) or Four Years on the Pacific Coast. Illustrations. 12mo, ^ cloth. Boston: 1858. 43. BUFFUM (E. G.). Six months in the Gold Mines: from a Journal of Three Years' Residence in California, 1847- 49. 12mo, original cloth. Phil. : 1850. r\ 6s> ro 44. CALIFORNIA AS IT IS. Comic Song: Written by Thaddeus W. Meighan, and sung to over 50,000 Persons, by Pete Morris. 4to, unbound. New York: 1849. •Five eight-line verses (the 1st, with music, occupying 2 pages), ridiculing California hopes, realities, etc. '45. CALIFORNIA Steam Navigation Company. Incor- porated Aug. 26, 1876. Articles of Incorporation and By- Laws. 16mo, pictorial wrapper. Stockton: 1876. 46. CALIFORNIA Gold Regions: with a full Account of its Mineral Resources! How to get there, and Avhat to take; the Expenses, the Time and the Various Routes. With Sketches of California ; an Account of the Life, Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants; its History, Climate, etc. 8vo, pp. 48, original wrappers, unopened. Bai^e. Phil: (1849). A y h 47. COLTON (WALTER). Three Years in California. V - Ma/Pf folded lithograph {declaration of rights), 86 portraits (Sutter, Larkin, etc.), and illustrations. First Edition. 12nio, original cloth (slightly foxed). New York: 1850. Inserted : "Conjugation of a verb in the language of the Indians on the Mercer River, California :" M.S. document, signed, by Samuel Ward, N. Y., 18th April, 1855. 48. COLYOCORESSE,S (GlfeO. M.). Four Years in a _„^ Government Exploring Expedition; to . , . . Sandwich Islands (and other South Sea Islands) ; Northwest Coast of America ; Oregon ; California, etc. Illustrations. 12mo, cloth. New York: 185-2. 49. FARNHAM (ELIZA W.). California, in-Doors and "*"** out (Vigilance Committee, etc.). 12mo, cloth. New York: 1856. ^a 49A. FORBES (ALEXANDER). California: a History ^i^' ^ of Upper and Lower California, from their first Discovery to the present time. ... a Full View of the Missionary Establishments and Condition of the Free and Domesticated Indians. With an appendix relating to Steam Navigation in the Pacific. Folding map, portraits and views. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. San Francisco, 1919. One of only 250 copies reprinted on fine paper, with memoir of the author, and a new preface referring to the original edition of the most esteemed history of California. -^ 49B. FOSTER (G. G.). The Gold Regions of California : ^ Geography, History, etc., including the Gold Regions of that fortunate Country. Map. 8vo, pp. 80, unbound. New York, 1848. /^ 49C. HITTELL (JOHN S.). The Resources of Cali- -— - J '^ fomia, etc. Fourth Editions, ^dth an Appendix on Oregon and "Washington Territory. 12mo, pp. 496, cloth. ^ San Francisco, 1868. . * l( 50. HOLBROOK (SAMUEL F.). Three Score Years: an / - ^^ Autobiography, containing Incidents of Voyages and Travels . . . also Two Years in California, etc. Illustrations. Crown 8vo, pp. 504, original cloth. Boston: 1857. 51. ' [LETTS (J. M.).] A Pictorial View of California; including a Description of the Panama and Nicaragua Routes, etc. By a Returned Californian. 48 full-page lithographic views. 8vo, original cloth. New York: 1853. Copies containing all the views are scarce. ^ ^ 52. MENUS: Russ House, S. F., 1863 (with view);— o ^ Stevens' Saloon, Montgomery St., S. F. ; — Peter Job's Res- taurant, S. F. (circa 1865) ; — Pacific Mail Steamship "Henry Chauncey," May, 1867 (3) ; — Invitation to Anniversary Din- 7 . 20 MENUS ner, by New Londoners of Stockton, July 4, 1853; — 3 bank drafts, S. ¥., 1855-56 ;— View of Marysville (D Street), 1855; — Descriptive Circular of Bierstadt's painting, ''The Rocky Mountains" (1870). 12 pieces, 4to and 8vo. An interesting collection of souvenirs of early California. f)_i 53. NOTES OF TRAVEL in California; . . . also -^ the route to San Diego, including the Arkansas, Del Norte and Gila Rivers. 16mo, cloth, uncut. Dublin : 1849. 3 70 54. PATTERSON (LAWSONB.). Twelve Months in the Mines of California; embracing a General View of the Gold Region. 12mo, cloth. Cambridge: 1862. 55. PHELPiS (CHAS. H.). Californian Verses. 12mo, cloth. San Francisco : 1882. Contains the. author's presentation inscription. 56. RINGGOLD (CADWALADER). A Series of Charts, with Sailing Directions, embracing Surveys of Farallones, Bays of San Francisco and San Pablo, etc., including the Cities of Sacramento and Boston, California. 6 folding maps and 8 full-page lithographic plates. Royal 8vo, original pic- torial cloth. Washington: Printed [for the Author] by John T. Towers, 1852. 57. SAN FRANCISCO. Annals of: containing a sum- mary of the first Discovery, Settlement, Progress and Present Condition of California; with Biographical Memoirs. By F. Soule, J. Gihon and J. Nisbet. Portraits, views, maps, etc. 8vo, morocco. New York: 1855. 58. — —. Mary Welch vs. John Sullivan and others. Argument (before Supreme Court) by N. Bennett, concerning the Ownership of Lands by Pueblos. 8vo, pp. 109, wrappers. San Francisco: 1857. Affecting lots 140 and 141, corner of Folsom and Fifth streets, San Francisco. y' 59. . Memorial of the Six Chinese Companies; Ad- ,t) ^ dress to the Senate and House; Testimony of California's leading citizens. 8vo, pp. 53, wrappers. iSan Francisco : Dec, 1877. / 59 A. TAYLOR (BAYARD). Eldorado: a Voyage to ^l^> i California, via Panama; Life in San Francisco and Monterey, etc. 2 lithographic views. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1859. y, 60. VIGILANCE COMMITTEE. A True and Minute y If 6 ' Account of the Assassination of James King of Wm. at San / ' I \0 ^ Francisco. Also Remarks of the Press concerning the Outrage. An Account of the Formation and Action of the Vigilance Committee ; the Execution of Casey and Cora, etc. 8vo, orig- inal wrappers (stained) . San Francisco : 1856. 3 *1 ' VIGILANCE COMMITTEE. A ^ 61. . San Francisco Vigilance Committee of '56 ; with J Sketches of Events Succeeding 1846. Edited by F. M. Smith. 8vo, original wrappers. San Francisco : 1883. ] b3 ^2. . The Vigilance Committee of 1856. By a Pioneer ' California Journalist. 12mo, original wrappers. San Francisco: 1890. y)%>^ 63. WINCHESTER (CAPT. J. D.). Experience on a I ^ Voyage from Lj-nn, Mass., to San Francisco and to the Alas- kan Gold Fields. 37 illiist rations. 8vo, pp. 251, cloth. Salem: 1900. Owing to the small edition printed for the author, and the destruction of all except a few copies this narrative of the Lynn Mining Company (of which the author was a member) is very scarce. I li^3 64. WOODS (DANIEL B.). Sixteen months at the Gold > V Diggings. 12mo, cloth. New York: 1851. ^D ^< CANAL'S. Report of the Commissioners of Massachu- s^ts, on the Routes of Canals from Boston Harbour, to Con- necticut and Hudson Rivers. Large folding map hy Annin & Smith. 8vo, pp. 186 (62), wrappers, uncut. Boston: 1826. „(^,c 66. CASKET (THE): Jan.-Dec, 1828. Portraits and ^a/- — views (complete). 8vo, sheep (foxed). - Phil. Contains the scarce portraits of Jackson, Clay, Adams, Mon- roe (mended), Madison, Franklin, and American views. 67. CHAUNCY (CHARLES). Seasonable Thoughts on ^ >j the State of Religion in New England [the Whitefield revival, etc.] . . . With a Preface giving an Account of the Antinomians, Familists and Libertines, who infected these churches above 100 Years ago, etc. 8vo, sheep. Boston : 1743. 68. . The Benevolence of the Deity, etc. (Suggested — ^ by the Peace and other blessings.) 8vo, sheep. Boston: 1784. 69. CHEETHAM (JAMES) . The Life of Thomas Paine, ^ 0^ ^ author of ''Common 'Sense," etc. 8vo, original boards, uncut "'^ (margin of one leaf torn). New York: 1809. First Edition. Dedication dated Oct., 1809. Very scarce in original boards. ■ y 70. [COBBETT (WILLIAM).] Life and Adventures of 5^^ Peter Porcupine, wdth a Full and Fair Account of all his Authoring Transactions ; being a sure and infallible Guide for all enterprising Young Men who wish to make a Fortune by writing Pamphlets. By Himself. First Edition. 8vo, sewn, uncut. Phil.: 1796. /V) 71. . The Political Censor, or Review of the most '?^ '^ interesting Political Occurrences relative to the United States. First Edition. 8vo, sewn, uncut. Phil. (September) : 1796. 9 / 72. COLMAN (BENJAMIN). A Humble DiscQurse of •-'^ o the Incomprehensibleness of God. 16mo, original sheep (stamp on title, a few leaves slightly torn). Boston : 1715. 73. . Sermon, Aug. 16, 1727 (on the Accession of '— • George II). 16mo, sewn (with half-title). Boston: 1727. ^ ^_ 74. . Sermon, ... at the Fryday Lecture in -*^* ^ ^ Brattle Street. 16mo, sewn. Boston: 1727. ' / ^'f '^^* * ^ Funeral Sermon on the Death of Sauiuel ^«*»»^ j ^^ Holden. 4to, sewn (water-stained). Boston: 1740. 76. CONFEDERATE. Herrington (W. D. : 3d N. 0. y Cavalry). The Deserter 'fe Daughter. 8vo, original wrappers. Raleigh: 1865. ^^ 76A. . The new Red, White and Blue. (A Con- "^^^ i ^ federate song.) Small folio broadside: n. p., n. d. {Circa 1864.) 77. . Pollard (Edward A.). Observations in the 5 North : Eight Months ip. Prison and on Parole. 8vo, flexible cloth, original wrapper preserved (corner water-stained). Richmond: 1865. Rare. The last book published in the Confederacy. I' /^ 78. CONNECTICUT. Walker (Wm. C). History of the , ' 18th Regt. Conn. Vols, in the AVar for the Union. Portraits. Square 8vo, cloth. Norwich : 1885. 79. CORRESPONDENCE of Hartlib, Haak, Oldenburg, ^ i] ( and others, with Gov. Winthrop of Connecticut, 1661-1672. With Introduction and Notes by Robert C. Winthrop. 8vo, pp. 49, wrappers, uncut. Boston : 1878. 100 COPIES PRINTED. Inscribed by R. C. Winthrop. 80. COTTON (JOHN: pastor of Boston, New England). (pO A Brief Exposition with Practical Observations upon the Whole Book of Canticles. Never before Printed. 12mo, original sheep (binding broken). London, 1655. /J ^ 81. . An Exposition upon the 13th Chapter of the J Revelation. Small 4to, half morocco (foxed; a few leaves slightly injured). London: 1655 Autograph inscriptions of Henry Webb, 1656; Thomas Thacher, 1665. Pp. 21 and 111 contain warnings to new ENGLAND. ^ ^^ 82. [CREVECCEUR (J. H. ST. JOHN).] Letters from 5 "^ an American Farmer: describing certain Provincial Situa- tions, Manners, and Customs. 12mo, sheep (name on title). Phil.: 1793. Nantucket and the Whale Fishery ; frontier hardships, etc. 10 ^: I 83. DAVIS. Narrative of Joshua Davis, an American Citizen, who was pressed and served on Board Six Ships of the British Navy (and other experiences, 1779-1781). 12mo, original wrappers, uncut (portion torn off title-page). Boston: 1811. 83 A. DEXTER (SAMUEL). Some Serious Thoughts on the Foundation, Rise and Growth of the Settlements in New England. 8vo, pp. 51, and 3 preliminary leaves, including half-title, unbound. Boston, 1796. 84.. DIBBLE (SHELDON). History and General Views of the SandAvich Islands Mission. 12mo, cloth (slightly foxed). New York: 1839. Autograph of Kamehameha IV, inserted, with A. L. S. relat- ing thereto, by F. L. Hawks, Honolulu, 20th June, 1858. 85. DORCHESTER, ]^IASS. Epitaphs from the Old Burying Ground in. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Boston Highlands : 1869. 86. DUNLAP (WILLIAM). History of the Arts of De- sign in the United (States. Edited, with additions by Frank ^ W. Bay ley and Charles E. Goodspeed. 175 full-page plates^ representing worlis of the artists included. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth* uncut. . Boston : 1918. With notes, additions, bibliography of the subject and copious index ; the additions include 40Cf^ names of artists, prior to 1835, not recorded by Dunlap. . The new Red, White and Blue. (A Con- at« song.) Small folio broadside: n. p., n. d. {Circa 1864.) 5 5" 87. [DUNNE (P. P.).] Mr. Dooley in Peace and War. -^^ First Edition. 12mo, cloth. Boston: 1898. f ^^ 88. DWIGHT (TIMOTHY). The Conquest of Canaan: a ■' Poem in Eleven Books. First Edition. 12mo, original sheep (slightly .stained). Hartford: 1785. Contains the engraved book plate of First Social Library, Newbury port, 1794. (Unknown to Allen.) 89. EARLY AMERICAN FICTION. The Coquette; or the Historj^ of Eliza Wharton: a Novel; founded on Fact. ^ By a Lady of Massachusetts. 12mo, original sheep (weak at joints). Charlestown: 1802. Scarce. A good, crisp copy. f 90. . The History of Charlotte Temple. Founded on > Fact. By Mrs. Rowson. (2 vols, in 1.) 12mo, original boards, roan back. Fine copy. New York: Published by Samuel A. Burtus, 1814. A scar^e edition ; unknown to Sabin. 11 L H -^S UA^M /n 91. EARLY JUVENILE. Principles of Politeness, etc., by Lord Chesterfield; Additions by Dr. Truster. 18mo, orig- inal sheep (slightly foxed). Norwich, Conn.: 1785. Q. |0 92. . [Webster (Noah).] The Prompter; or a Com- Q\^^ mentary on Common Sayings and Subjects. ISmo, ■pp. 64, sewn (some margins torn). Printed for and Sold by the Book-Sellers, 1790. ^0 93. — — . The same. ISmo, pp. 72, original boards. Fine copy. Printed for and Sold by the Book-Sellers, 1799. I &0 94. . Life of Joseph, Son of Israel. 18mo, original ' "^ sheep. Albany: 1794. Engraved book plate: First Social Library, Newburyport, 1794. /- 95. . Life of Our Blessed Saviour, by J. Taylor. • "^ 16mo, sheep (water-stained). Greenfield: 1796. Book plate : Social Library, Newburyport. / ^0 Q^' EDWARDS (JONATHAN). The Great Christian Doctrine of Original Sin Defended, etc. 8vo, sheep. London: Reprinted, 1789. Engraved book plate of First Social Library, Newburyport, 1794. ^p 96 A. [EMMONS (WILLIAM).] Authentic Biography *S^ of Col. Richard M. John^n, of Kentucky. (His exploits in the War of 1812, including the Killing of Tecumseh, etc.) 12° original boards and label (small stain on margin of title). Boston: Published for the Proprietor. 1834. ^IQ 96B. FLEET'S REGISTER: for the State of Massachu- J,^^ setts Bay; for 1779. 16mo, original wrappers. Boston: 1779. Includes lists of officers of the several State regiments; list of ships lost by the British to the end of 1778, etc. ^/ '.^ 97. FOX. Revolutionary Adventures of Ebenezer Fox, of ■ • Roxbury, Mass. Portrait (upper blank margin torn off). 16mo, original cloth and label (foxed, and binding broken). Boston: 1838. First Edition : Very scarce. Experiences on the "Jersey" prison-ship occupy many pages. / ^O 98. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). Works of : consisting of H? ^"^ his Life written by Himself; with his Essays. Portrait and engraved title: both hy Maverick. 16mo, original sheep (slightly foxed) . New York: Printed by Tiebout & 'Brian (1794). Very scarce. (Ford, 441.) A ^0 ^^^' . Life of. Written by Himself. Second Ameri- •5 '--• can Edition. Portrait: engraved hy Thackara & Vallance, Philada., 1794. 12mo, original sheep (slightly foxed). Phila.: 1794. 12 FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). /f/^ 99. . Life of Benjamin Franklin. Written by Him- • ^ self. 16mo, original boards (front cover broken), Salem: 1796. r 100. . A Very Brief and Very Comprehensive Life fv ' of Ben. Franklin, Printer, done into Quaint Verse, by One of the Types. Folio. (Boston:) Sept. 17, 1856. 101. . Benjamin Franklin Primer. Comical illustra- * tions. 16mo, original wrappers. Boston: 1880. 102. FRENEAU (PHILIP). Poems written between . ^ 1768 and 1794. A new edition, revised and corrected by the /4 author; including a considerable number of pieces never be- fore published. 8vo, original sheep (front cover lost, and margin torn off half title). Monmouth, N. J.: 1795. 103. FRENEAU (PHILIP: with others). The Cabinet of - ^ Momus; a Choice Selection of Humorous Poems (by Freneau, Ladd, Hopkinson and others). 6 full-page engravings. First Edition. 12mo, original sheep (slightly foxed). Phil.: 1809. 104. FRIENDLY Dialogue, between Philalethes (Samuel / 'ji Spring) and Toletus (David Tappan). 16mo, original sheep (stained). Newburyport: 1784. Book plate of First Social Library, Newburyport, 1794. 105. GARRISON (WM. LLOYD). Sonnets and other Poems. First Edition. 12mo, original wrappers. Boston: 1843. Presentation inscription of Samuel J. May, the eminent anti- slavery reformer. • 106. GEORGIA. Letter from the Secretary of War, ac- , 5 companying his Report (on petitions relative to military serv- ices in Georgia). 8vo, pp. 41, sewn, uncut. (Phil.: 1800.) 107. GODFREY (THOMAS). The Prince of Parthia: a ' ^- Tragedy. Edited with Introduction : historical, biographical and critical, by Archibald Henderson. Portraits, facsimiles, views. 8vo, boards, uncut. Boston: 1917. 580 COPIES PRINTED. <, 108. GOSS (ELBRIDGE H.). Early Bells of Massachu- - • "" ^ setts. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Boston : 1874. 109. HAMILTON (ALEXANDER). Speeches of Mr. /7;^ Van Ness, Mr. Gaines, the Attorney-General, Mr. Harrison, ' and General Hamilton in the Great Cause of the People against Harry Crosswell on an Indictment for a Libel on Thomas Jefferson. 8vo, pp. 78, unbound. New York: 1804. 109A. . Letter from Alexander Hamilton, Concern- ing the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams, Presi- dent of the United States. 8vo, sewn, uncut. New York : Printed for John Lang, 1804. 13 '^4r2d 110. HARDIE (JAMES). New Universal Dictionary and American Remembrancer. Vol. 2. 8vo, boards, nncut (name on title). New York: 1801. Contains the fine engraved portraits of Dr. S. L. Mitchell, C. Golden, Wm. Penn, George Clinton, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams. 111. HARTE (BRET). Tales of the Argonauts. First Edition. 12mo, cloth. Boston: 1875. 112. HARVARD COLLEGE. Manners and Customs of / i ^: Ye Harvard Student. By F. G. Atwood. Oblong 8vo, original / ^ pictorial boards. Boston: (1877). 26 full-page plates, containing several hundred figures, in which Atwood depicts the classes, games, etc., of the time. /^. 113. . [Pierce (Aug.).] The Rebelliad; or Terrible ^- "•'.■ Transactions at the Seat of the Muses; a Poem. Frontispiece. 12mo, original wrappers. Cambridge: 1863. Printed by Private Subscription. The members of the Faculty satirized as "Acteurs" in the comedy include Pres. Kirkland and Professors Popkins, Ware, Norton, Willard and others. / '' 113A. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). The Blithedale Romance; — Our Old Home. First Editions. 2 vols., 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1852-63'. .^ 114. HENDERSON (ARCHIBALD). 0. Henry: a Me- morial Essay. 4 Portraits {including memorial taMet). First Edition. Imperial Svo, original wrappers, uncut. (Inscribed by the author.) Raleigh, N. C. : 1914. 115. HERSEY (CHARLES). Reminiscences of the Mili- ^ Q tary Life and Sufferings of Col. Timothy Bigelow (command- ing 15th Mass. Regt. during War of* the Revolution). 8vo, sewn. Worcester: 1860. /^ 116. HOLMES (OLIVER WENDELL). Poems. First ' Edition. 8vo, original cloth, uncut (foxed). Boston: 1836. V 117. HOOPER (WILLIAM). A Sermon preached in 5 C Trinity Church, at the Funeral of Thomas Greene, Aug. 5, 1763. 4to, sewn. Boston: 1763. 118. HOPKINS (SAMUEL). An Inquiry into the Nature of True Holiness. With an Appendix (answers to Rev. Messrs. Hart, Mather, and Hemmenway). 8vo, pp. 220, original wrappers, uncut. Newport, R. I.: 1773. ^ A FINE COPY OF THIS REMARKABLE BOOK. The author WaS the founder of the Hopkinsian sect described by Hannah Adams. . AO 118A. . The same : 16mo, orginal boards. V New York: Re-Printed, 1791. /p 118B. HOWE (M. A. DE WOLFE). Boston: the place > ^ and the People. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1903. 14 / Indians: Narratives, Memoirs, Etc. /- / A y^ 119. ALGER (A. L.). In Indian. Tents: Stories told by Penobscot, Passamaquoddy, and Micmac Indians. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Scarce. Efoston: 1897. ' 120. APEiS (WM.). Indian Nullification of the Unconsti- .-—- , - ' tutional Laws of Massachusetts relative to the Marspee Tribe. Frontispiece. 16mo, cloth. Boston : 1835. 121. ATWOOD (HENRY DEAN). The Last Arrow. — ' (Pounded on an Incident of the French and Indian War of 1696.) Full-page plate. 4to, original wrappers. (Taunton, Mass.: 1896.) Privately printed. Author's presentation copy. ^f',', 122. BODGE (G. M.). The Narragansett Fort Fight, ^""^ • "^ '^ Dec. 19, 1675, map and view; — A Brief History of King Philip 's AVar : 1675-1677. 2 parts. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Boston: Privately Printed, 1886-91. /"q 123. BOOK OF WONDERFUL CHARACTERS, Memoirs ' "^ I ^ and Anecdotes. Chiefly from the Text of Henry Wilson and James Caulfield. 61 fidl-page portraits {one in colors). Svo, cloth, uncut (margin of 1 plate torn). London: (1870). Including Narrative of Peter Williamson : his captivity with the Indians. 123A. BOUDINOT (ELIAS C. : a Cherokee Indian). „.•*—- ^ Speech, before the House Committee, Feb. 7, 1872 ; in behalf of a Territorial Government for the Indian Territory. 8vo, wrappers. Washington City, 1872. /P 124. CLARK (J. V. H.). Lights and Lines of Indian '. Character and Scenes of Pioneer Life. Portrait. 12mo,' cloth. 'Syracuse: 1854. ^^0 125. COLLINS (CHARLES W.). The Acadians of Mada- >— — ^ waska, Maine. Square 8vo, pp. 66, wrappers. Boston : 1902. 126. COOPER (J. FENIMORE). The Redskins; or In- dian and Ingin. First Edition. 2 vols., 12mo, original wrap- pers (slightly foxed). New York: 1846. IpO 127. DE FOREST (JOHN W.). History of the Indians / -^ of Connecticut ... to 1850. Map. First Edition. 8vo, original cloth. Fine copy. Hartford: 1851. I .— - 128. . The same. Map. 8vo, original cloth. f , ' ^ Hartford: 1853. Contains presentation inscription of B. Sillimau. ^ 129. DRAKE (SAMUEL G.). Histor\' of Philip's War: -"'^ OG 1675-76; also the French and Indian Wars, 1689-1704; the * Pequot War; Captivities, etc. 2d Edition: with (2) Plates. 12mo, mottled sheep (margin of plate torn). Exeter: 1829. 1 ^ 15 .^^ I /- , 131A. HISTORY of the Delaware and Iroquois Indians ; / ' . with Anecdotes illustrating their Manners and Customs. Illustrations. 16mo, pp. 153, boards. Phil. (1832). 132. HUBBARD (WILLIAM) . A Narrative of the Indian ^ /^ Wars in New England: 1607-1677; containing a Relation of ^ ' the Occasion, Rise and Progress of the War with the Indians in . . . said Country. 8vo, sheep. Stockbridge, Mass.: 1803. , ^0 133. INDIAN NARRATIVES. (Expeditions against th^ / -<'"' Indians, 1755, 1790, 1791 ; burning of Royalton ; Captivities, etc.) 12mo, cloth. Claremonth, N. H. : 1854. , 134. IRVING (JOHN T.). The Hawk Chief: a Tale of ' ' ^ the Indian Country. 2 vols., 12mo, cloth. Phila. : 1837. 135. MURRAY (C. A.). The Prairie-Bird. (The In- dians of the West, etc.) 8vo, unbound. New York: 1844. ,n 136. MYRTLE (MINNIE: Mrs. Joaquin Miller). The / - Iroquois; or the bright side of Indian Character. Illustra- tions. 12mo, cloth. New York: 1855. / 137. OCCOM (SAMSON). Sermon, Preached at the Exe- , C ^' cution of Moses Paul, an Indian, executed at New Haven, 2d Sept. 1772, for the Murder of Moses Cook, of Waterbury. 8vo, sewn, uncut (title-page torn). Boston: 1773. 138. PEIRCE (EBENEZER W.). Indian History, Biog- raphy and Genealogy: pertaining to Massasoit and his De- scendants. Illustrations. 12mo, cloth. North Abington : 1878. 139. REPORT of the Committee (on Acts regarding trad- ^; ing houses with the Indian Tribes). 2 folding tables. 8vo, pp. 18, sewn, uncut. (Phil.: 1800.) 140. REVIEW of an Article in the North American for vj Jan., 1830, on the Present Relations of the Indians. 8vo, pp. ^ 24, sewn as issued. N. p., n. d. (1830). A defence of the Cherokees of Georgia, and Indians in gen- eral, against the charges of Thomas L. McKenney and others. 16 141. ROMANCE of Indian History; Incidents in the Early Settlement of America. (Kiodag, the Mohawk; Adam Poe and Bigfoot, etc.) 16mo, original wrappers. Fine copy. New York : N. d. 142. STONE (WM. L.). Life and Times of Red-Jacket. Portrait and views. 8vo, cloth, uncut (slightly foxed). New York : 1841. 142 A. TANNER'S Narrative of Captivity and Adventures with the Indians. {America7i Quarterly Review, Sept. 1830: pp. 108-134.) 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Phil. (1830) . An able review, including fragments of the Narrative ; refer- ences to John Dunn Hunter's "Narrative" (1823), treatment of the Indians, etc. 143. INSURRECTION in Pennsylvania. Message (oj „i*i*«*» Pres. Adams), transmitting Documents on the Subject, and relative to the Mission to France. 8vo, pp. 42, sewn, uneiit. (Phil.: 1800.) y,^ 144. IRVING (WASHINGTON). The Sketch-Book of — — , '-' Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. 7 parts, each Avith separate title- page, in 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut (slightly foxed). New York: 1819-20. A TALL COPY : THREE NOS. ARE FiRST EDITIONS. ^ 145. JACKSON (ROBERT). A Treatise on the Fevers >^ Lx^ of Jamaica wdth some Observations on the Intermitting Fever of America; preserving the Health of Soldiers in Hot Coiip- tries, etc. 12mo, sheep (binding broken). Phila. : 179^. /^ 146. JENYNS OSOAME). A View of the Internal Evi- ^**'*'*'^ , ^ '^"' dence of the Christian Religion. 12mo, sheep. ^ Boston: 1793. Contains the engraved book plate of First Social Librliry, Newburyport : not mentioned by Allen. ^ 147. JEWITT. Narrative of the Adventures and Suffer- ^^-^ >\ ^ ings of John R. Jewitt, only Survivor of the Crew of the Ship Boston, during a Captivity of nearly Three Years among the Savages of Nootka Sound, etc. Illustrations. 12mo, original boards. New York: Printed for the Publisher {circa 1815). /^,^ 147 A. . The same. Engraved frontispiece {the ship V ''Boston'^). 12mo, sheep (discolored). Middletown, 1815. ! ^-) 147B. . The same. Illustrations. 12mo, sheep / >^ (stained; binding worn). Ithaca, N. Y., 1849. 17 5^, 3iT ^" ^ JEWITT. ^Ah^ 148. . The Mariner's Chronicle, of Shipwrecks, Fires, ^ Famines and other Disasters at Sea, etc. ; with an Account of the Whale Fishery and Sketches of Nautical Life. 60 illustra- tions. 2 vols., 12mo, pictorial boards (not uniform; foxed). Boston: 1834-40. A scarce form of Jewitt's Narrative (Vol. I: pp. 207-284) ; loss of the "Essex" of Nantucket, the "Commerce," and others; the Mutiny of the Bounty, etc. (,. 149. JONES (CHARLES C). Life and Services of Maj. OD .5-0 3 // Gen. Samuel Elbert, of Georgia. 8vo, pp. -48, wrappers, uncut. The Riverside Press: Cambridge, 1887. Privately Pkinted. / ^ 150. JONES (JOHN PAUL) . Life and Correspondence of : including his Narrative of the Campaign of the Liman. From Original Letters and MiSS. in the Possession of Miss Janette Taylor. Portrait. 8vo, original sheep. New York : 1830. A. L. S. of Miss Taylor inserted, 3 pp. 4to, N. Y., 1831, bit- terly denouncing the publishers for their treatment of her and the "Life," which she refers to as "a blundered book." / . 151. . Green. Diary of Ezra Green, Surgeon on Board the ''Ranger," under John Paul Jones, from Nov. 1, 1777, to Sept. 27, 1778. With Historical Notes and a Biog- raphy by Geo. Henry Preble and Walter C. Green. 8vo, un- bound, uncut. Boston: Printed for Private Distribution. 1875. 152. JOURNAL (A) of a Young Man of Massachussets, who was captured at Sea by the British in May, 1813. En- graved frontispiece of Dartmoor Prison. 12mo, original sheep (foxed). Boston: 1816. 152A. JOURNAL (A) of a Tour around Hawaii, the ' -^ largest of the Sandwich Islands. Map and engravings. 12mo, sheep. Boston, 1825. 153. REACH (BENJAMIN). Travels of true Godliness and Ungodliness. 16mo, original sheep. Schenectadv, N. Y. : 1796. /rj 153 A. KENDALL (EDWARD A.). Travels through the ^^ Northern Parts of the United States: 1807-1808. 3 vols., 8vo, original half roan, uncut. New York, 1809. 1 vol. stained. Scarce in uncut state. 154. KIP (WM. INGRAHAM;. Tho Early Jesuit Mis- V ■ sions in North America. (Translated, with introduction and notes.) 2 vols. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut tops (paper pasted on one wrapper). New York: 1846. Wanderings, life among the Abnakis, and death of Father Rasles, 1689-1724; Missions to the Illinois and the Arkansas; Massacre by the Natchez; Montcalm's expedition, etc. 18 / 155. LADIES' MISCELLANY. Nos. 1-52: in 1 vol. 4to hiiJf sheep. " Salem, IMass. : 1828-29. A complete copy, in fine state of a rare Salem publication. Contains many original contributions by Salem writers. 15i* LITTLE (GEORGE). The American Cruiser (sketches of the War of 1812). lllustrdtions. First Edition. 12mo, cloth. Boston :1847. 156A. LOSSING (BENSON J.). The Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution; Illu8trations, by Pen and Pencil, of the History^ Biography, Scenery, ReiicK, and Traditions of the War for Independence. 1,100 illustrations, and colored plate of Revolutionary Military Costume. 2 vols, royal 8v'o, original embossed morocco (rubbed). Crisp, clean copy. New York: 1859. :{> ., ,o ul I ^ 157. LOWELL (J. R.). Fireside Travels; — Among my Books : Second Series. First Editions. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Boston: 1864-76. 158. LOWNES (CALEB). Account of the Penal Laws of Pennsylvania. Also an Account of the Gaol, etc. 8vo, sewn (last leaf slightly torn). Boston: 1799. 159. MARION (GEN. FRANCIS). Life of (exploits in Georgia and South Carolina, etc.). By Gen. P. Horry and M. L. Weems. 4 engravings. 12mo, sheep (binding broken). Phil.: 1822. 160. MASSACHUSETTS. Debates, Resolutions and other Proceedings of the Convention, convened at Boston, 9th Jan. 1788 . . . for the Purpose of Assenting to and ratifying the Constitution recommended by the Grand Federal Conven- tion; with the Yeas and Nays, etc. 8vo, sheep (foxed; lower blank margin torn off last leaf). Boston: 1788. 161. [MATHER.] An Illustration of those Two abstruse ^iJ2- Books in Holy Scripture, etc. Small 4to, old calf (binding broken). London: (1685). From the library of Increase Mather, with his autograph: "Crescentii Mather [is], 1688, Londini." (A few letters of in- scription shaved off.) Mather was at this time the agent of Massachusetts, and a temporary resident of London. y\ 162. MATTHEW.S (ALBERT). The Term ''Pilgrim Fathers" (and early celebration of Forefathers' Day). 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Cambridge : 1915. 50 copies printed in separate form for the author. Contains a bibliography of Plymouth Discourses, from 1769. V f -yi 163. MEIN AND FLEEMING'S REGISTER for New England and Nova Scotia. With all the British Lists and an Almanack for 1769. 18mo, original wrappers. Boston: (1768). One of the earliest American Registers. Very scarce. ,.. • 19 n 164. MIDDLESEX (COUNTY), MASS. Historic Fields /i )^ and Mansions of. By Samuel A. Drake. Numerous illustra- tions, 8vo, cloth (binding rubbed). Boston: 1874. First issue : containing the full-page plates, which, owing to their destruction by fire, were omitted from the principal portion of the edition. Contains much Colonial and Revolutionary material now first published. 165. MIDDLETOWN, CONN. Autograph Album, con- » ^ taining inscriptions by members of various classes: 1829-55, of the Wesleyan University. 4to, original roan. Full-page views of the University and Middletown'; 4 en- graved portraits of the Faculty. 166. MITCHILL (SAMUEL L.). Essay on the Earth, ^^ by M. Cuvier ; with Mineralogical Notes. To which are added Observations on the Geology of North America. By Samuel L. Mitchill. 8 plates hy A. Anderson. 8vo, original sheep (name on title) . New York : 1818. 167. MONTAGUE (EDWARD WORTLEY). Life, / ^ i - Travels, and Adventures of: with Remarks on Manners and ' "^ Customs of the Oriental World. (2 vols, in 1.) 16mo, origi- nal boards (slightly foxed). Boston: (1794). Book plate of (Pres.) John Quincy Adams. 167 A. MURRAY (HUGH). Pictorial History of the ^^^^^,00^ "1 f United States : Settlement of the several Colonies ; the several Wars J also Discoveries of the Gold Regions and Settlement of California. With Additions and Corrections by Henry C. Watson. I llitst rations. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1851. '>S 168. NEAL (DANIEL). The History of the Puritans, from the Death of Charles II, to 1688. A New Edition, Re- vised by J. Toulmin. (With index to entire work, list of subscribers, etc.) 5 vols. 8vo, original boards, uncut (1 vol. slightly water-stained). Portsmouth and Boston: 1817. Unopened copy. Scarce. 169. NEW ENGLAND PRI_MER (The). Improved. ,^- Adorned with Cuts. 32mo, original wooden covers (portion of cover lost). Boston: Printed by James Loring [1798?]. The present copy differs from that in the Hurst collection in having the preliminary leaf of two children kneeling in prayer, and final leaf, beginning "Children obey your parents," etc., with a woodcut. 170. NEW JERSEY. [Half Title:] Sermons on Sacra- mental Occasions [in New Jersey] by divers Ministers. 12mo, original calf. Boston: 1739. Of the 8 discourses (each with separate title page) the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th (1737-1739) are by Gilbert Tennent, who also supplied the Introduction ; the 2nd is by Samuel Blair, the 3rd by William Tennent. 20 4 X' S NEW JERSEY. ' ^^ 171. . American Copper Mines: Letter of B. H. Latrobe, with sl^etch of the Schuyler Copper-Mine, pp. 8 (Trenton? 1800) ;— Letter from Mr. Homblower to Mr. Kitchell, on Schuyler's Copper Mine, pp. 4 (Phil: 1800). 2 pieces, 8vo, uncut. 172. . Indictment for Piracy (of Brigstock, Evans and Williams) , pp. 8, and documents relative to case, 4 leaves. 8vo, uncut. (New Brunswick, N. J. : 1800) . 173. NEW JERSEY IMPRINT. Newton (John). Olney ^^ Hymns. 16mo, original sheep. Crisp copy. ^ Burlington: Isaac Neale, 1795. 174. NEW ORLEANS as I found It. By H. Divimus. ^^ 8vo, pp. 125, unbound (slightly foxed). New York: 1845. The place and its people, customs, etc. ; the theatre, opera, buildings and other local features. Dedication dated "The Hook, N. H." ^6^ 175. NEW YORK. Longworth 's American Almanac, New t? ^^ York Register and City (of N. Y.) Directory. 12mo, original boards. New York : 1808. Good, crisp copy. This issue contains 14,350 names, that for 1790 about 4,250 names. 176. . Catalogue of the Useful and Fancy Articles ^^^* imported by Tiffany, Young & Ellis, nos. 259 and 260 Broad- way. 8vo, crimson leather. New York: 1846. I%0^ 177. . Miller's New York as it is. Large folding map aiid numerous vieivs. 16mo, pp. 128, cloth. New York : 1860. 178. NORWICH, Conn. Land Deeds, Transfers, Plans, 1/0. iNunwiUii, v^onn. juana Jjeeas, iransiers, nans, k ^V-^ Surveys, Court Decisions, etc.: 1782-1855. (85) VJ5'^ V Mostly papers of the Ripley family of Norwich ; some deeds refer to lands in Illinois. >J' 179. ONSLOW: an Historical Traditionary Tale of the South. By a Gentleman of Alabama. 8vo, pp. 222, unbound. Phil.: 1844. 180. [OTIS (HARRISON GRAY).] Letters Developing ' the Character and Views of Hartford Convention: by "One of the Convention." First published in the National Intel- ligencer^ Jan. 1820. 12mo, pp. 43, original wrappers. Washington :' 1820. . (' 181. . Letters in Defence of the Hartford Conven- * ^ /.^ M^^' tion and the People of Massachusetts. 8vo, pp. 103, sewn, uncut, as issued. Boston: 1824. 181A. PAINE (RALPH D.). The Ships and Sailors of ^ Old Salem (Mass.) : the Record of a Brilliant Era of American Achievement. Numerous portraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Chicago, 1912. 21 181B. PAINE (ROBERT TREAT). Work's; in Prose and Verse : with Sketches of his Life, Character and \¥ritings. Portrait. 8vo, original boards, uncut (binding cracked at joints). Boston: 1812. Prologue at Opening of Boston Theatre, 1794; Address (de- livered by John Howard Payne) ; dramatic essays and criti- cisms; patriotic songs and poems (War of 1812), etc. 182. PENNSYLVANIA. Historical Collections of. By « • ■ Sherman Day. 16d illustrations. 8 vo, sheep (binding broken). Phil.: 1843. 183. PHILADELPHIAN Magazine: Jan.-Dec, 1789 (2d. volume). 8vo, half sheep. (Phil: 1789.) Bound in at end are the two lectures by Elhanan Winchester (editor of the Magazine) : "Printed for the Philadelphian Society." Scarce. Sabin mentions only one number. 184. PLYMOUTH Compact, Charter and Laws of the Col- ony; with Appendix. Royal 8vo, sheep. Boston: 1836. A^,' 3 185. POMFRET (JOHN). Poems upon Several Occa- sions. 18mo, original boards. Fine copy. Boston: 1794. Book plate of (Pr?:sident) John Quincy Adams. 186. [POTTER (WOODBOURNE).] The War in Flor- ida: being an Exposition of its Causes, and an Accurate His- tory of the Campaigns of Generals Clinch, Gaines and Scott. By a Late Staff Officer. Frontispiece {portion lost) and 2 folding plans. 12mo, original cloth. Baltimore: 1836. Choice, crisp copy of a rare book. 186A. PRATT (LUTHER). A Defence of Freemasonry, in a Series of Letters addressed to Solomon Southwick arid others. 12° original boards, uncut (foxed, and corner torn off 1 leaf). Troy: Printed for the Author, 1828. 187. PRIEST (J.). American Antiquities and Discoveries in the West. Folding plates. 8vo, sheep (rubbed). Albany: 1838. 188. PRINCETON, N. J. The Story of. By Edwin M. Norris. Full-page views by Lester G. Hornby. 8vo, cloth. Boston: 1917. 189. PUTNAM. Memoirs 6f the Life, Adventures and Military Exploits of Israel Putnam . . . next in rank to Gen. Washington. 16mo, original boards, roan back. Ithaca : 1834. /fV- 190. RAILROADS. . Mitchell's Compendium of the In- / "^^' ternal Improvements of the United States ; comprising general Notices of all the most important Canals and Rail-Roads, etc. 16mo, unbound. Phil. : 1834. 22 %:ip RAILROADS. 191. . Act of Incorporation, By-Laws and Officers of the Eastern Railroad Company, Incorporated April 14, 1836. 12mo, wrappers. Salem : 1836. 192. . Reports of the Directors of Boston and Wor- cester Rail Road : 1841, 1843, 1846, 1849, 1850. 5 pamphlets, 8vo, wrappers. Boston. ^ 193. . Abstract of the Arguments of Rufus Choate ^ : and Charles T. Russell ... for a Rail-Road from Salem to Maiden. 8vo, wrappers. Boston: 1846. / 194. . Troy and Greenfield Rail-Road. Report of . ^^ Senate Committee. 8vo, pp. 32 (1) wrappers, uncut, stained. (Boston: 1848.) / 194A. . Railw^ay Engineering; or Field work pre- 5 paratory to the Construction of Railways, etc. By T. Baker. 8vo, cloth. London, 1848. 194B. . Mifflin (Samuel W.). Methods of Location / or Modes of Describing and Adjusting Railway Cur\^es and ^0 Tangents, as practiced by the Engineers of Pa., with plates, 1850; — The Field Practice of laying out circular curves for Railroads, by John C. Trautwine, 1851. In 1 vol., 12mo, roan. Phila. ^ 195. . Boston Railroad Jubilee: commemorative of J J the Opening of Railroad Communication between Boston and Canada. Map. Svo, cloth. Boston: 1852. 196. . Description of 100 cities and large towns of / (£ America : with railroad distances. 14 maps in colors {includ- ing New York, San Francisco, Chicago, etc.), and woodcut views. Svo, original wrappers. New York : 1853. 196A. . Rules and Regulations ... of the Phil., ^; '^ Wilmington and Baltimore, and the New Castle and French- town Railroads. 8vo, half roan. Phil., 1854. 197. -. Otis (F. N.). Illustrated History of the Panama Railroad. 2d. Edition, enlarged. Numerous views. 12mo, cloth. New York : 1862. 198. . Guide Book of the Central Railroad of New Jersey, and its Connections through the Coal Fields of Pa. Numerous views. 12mo, cloth. New York : 1864. 199. . Union Pacific Railroad Company. Progress of their Road . . . 500 miles completed Oct. 25, 1867. Map. Svo, pictorial wrappers. New York: 1867. 200. . Eastern R.R. Co. : 29th and SOth Reorts, Bos- ton, 1864, '65; — Traveller's Steamboat and Railroad Guide to Hudson River, N. Y. 1868. 3 pieces, Svo, wrappers. 23 236. VICKSBURG, MISS. A Walk about Vicksburg and other Poems. By A Gentleman of Nature. 12mo, cloth. Boston: 1844. Notes on localities, customs, Vicksburg people of the time, etc. 237. VIRGINIA. James (G. P. R.). The Old Dominion: Q or the Southampton Massacre. First Edition. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut (foxed). New York: 1856. 238. . Mason (Richard: of Surry County, Va.). The Gentleman's New Pocket Farrier . . . Also, Addenda, con- taining Annals of the Turf, American Stud Book, etc. E71- graved frontispiece. 12mo, pp. 388, sheep (foxed). Richmond: 1830. American Stud Book: pp. 315-365. Of the horses recorded 93 belonged to John Randolph, of Roanoke. 239. . Tucker (Beverly). Hansford: a Tale of Bacon's Rebellion. 12mo, cloth (water-stained). Richmond: 1857. 239A. WAR OF 1812. The Dispute with America, con- sidered in a Series of Letters from a Cosmopolite. 8vo, pp. 220 (and preface, pp. 8), unbound. London: Printed by A. J. Valpy, 1812. A recital of the many indignities perpetrated by the British upon the United States, making war unavoidable. 28 .5-: fi' 240. WASHINGTON (GEN. GEORGE). Epistles: Do- mestic, Confidential and Official : written about the Commence- ment of the American Contest. With an interesting Series of his Letters to Sir Henry Clinton, Sir Guy Carleton, Lord Cornwallis, Gen. Sullivan (respecting attack on New York, etc.). 8vo, 303, sewn, uncut. Loiidon : F. & C. Rivington, 1796. Scarce. A tall copy, wholly uncut. /^K * 241. . A Selection of (8) Orations and Eulogies . . . in Commemoration of . . . Gen. George Washington. 12mo, original boards and leather back. Amherst (N. H.) : 1800. Rare. 242. . The Will of: to which is annexed a schedule -^ of his property, directed to be sold. 16mo, original wrappers (name cut from top margin of title, last leaves stained). Alexandria, Va. : 1800. Rare in Original Wrappers. (Book Prices Current, 1917, $25.00.) k /) "-' 243. . Memory of Washington: comprising a sketch of his life; national testimonials; also a collection of eulogies and orations, etc. Small 8vo boards, uncut (binding broken; a few margins torn into). Newport, R. I.: 1800. Rare in Uncut State. Issued originally without portrait; the portrait is believed to have been inserted in a few of the unsold copies. ^ • 244. . Biographical Memoirs of the Illustrious Gen. __ f^ ; G. Washington. Third Edition, Enlarged. 18mo, pp. 217, original sheep (weak at joints). Phil.: 1801. / -. 245. . Biographical Memoirs, etc. Dedicated to the ^. Youth of America. 18mo, boards (water-stained). New Haven : 1811. / ^ 246. . Washington's Farewell Address to the People ^ of the United States, etc. Portrait engraved hy Ahner Reed. 18mo, original boards, leather back. Windsor: 1812. Fine copy of a scarce edition. / 247. . Biographical Memoirs of Gen. George Wash- ^^^ ,C ' ington: his Life, Extracts from his Journals, Speeches, etc. 12mo sheep. ^ Brattleborough, Vt. : 1814. 247A. . Diary of George Washington, 1789-91; em- j^'^ bracing the Opening of the First Congress; and his Tours ^ through New England, Long Island, and the Southern States. Together with his Journal of a Tour to the Ohio, in 1753. Edited by B. J. Lossing. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1860. / Western History, Narratives, etc. 247B. ATHERTON (WILLIAM). Narrative of the /. -^ Suffering & Defeat of the North-Western Army, under Gen. Winchester: Massacre of the Prisoners: Sixteen months Im- prisonment of the Writer and others with the Indians and British. 12mo, pp. 152, original boards. Frankfort, K}^ : Printed for the Author, 1842. J jO 247C. BACON (LYDIAB.). Biography of . 12mo, clotii. '^ Boston, 1856. A record of her Western journey, following her marriage to Lieut. Bacon, 4th Infantry, 1807, experiences in Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, during the War of 1812, and after in Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., etc. I- ^< r 248. BAILLIE-GROHMAN (WM. A.). Camps in the Rockies. Map. 12mo, cloth. New York: 1882. ,<: 249. BEESON (JOHN). A Plea for the Indians; with / "'^" Facts and Features of the late War in Oregon. 12mo, original Wrappers. New York: 1857. , / 250. BIEBSTADT (ALBERT). The Rocky Mountains. j' 3 pp. 4to. New York: (1870). Description of the great picture, depicting the western slope, about 700 miles northeast of San Francisco. / . . 251. . A. L. S., 4 pages, 8vo, June 5th, 1870. A fine letter referring to the painting, and his painting of the White Mountains, his contemplated visit to California, etc. 252. . A. L. S., 2 pages, Irvington, Sept. 19/70;— A. L. S., 2 pages, Nov. 20th. (2) Referring to his paintings ; their exhibition in Boston, etc 253. BREWERTON (G. DOUGLAS) . Wars of the West- ern Border. 12mo, cloth (rubbed). New York: 1860. 254. BROMFIELD (JOHN). Reminiscences (of New- buryport, Mass., Ohio, Kentucky, New Orleans, Indiana, Mis- souri, etc.). 8vo, cloth. Not Published: Salem, 1852. 255. BUTTERWORTII (H.). The Log -School-House on tlie Columbia: a Tale of the Pioneers of the North. Illustra- tions. 8vo, cloth. New York: 1890. 256. CONCLIN'S NEW RIVER GUIDE; a Gazetteer of all the Towns on the Western Waters : Sketches of the Cities,^ Towns, and Countries bordering on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and their Tributaries ; their history, statistics, etc. 44 Maps {and frontispiece) . 8vo, original wrappers. Cincinatti: 1854. B?^rm^ 1 1 2d;^G0VINGT0N, KY. Calhoun (J. S. : a Covington at- t<^]^rfey). Life and Confession of Mary Jane Gordon, hung, 24th Feb., 1849, for the Murder of Jane Anderson, of Cov- ington. Frontispiece, 8vo, pp. 32, original wrappers. Covington : Published by the Author, 1849. ^ 258. CROCKETT (DAVID). Almanac: 18*40. Illustra- tions. 12mo, stitched, uncut. Nashville : Ben Harding, (1839). 258A. . The Crockett Almanack, 1841. lUustrations. 12mo, stitched, uncut (margin stained). Boston. Sprees and scrapes in the West; life and manners in the backwoods ; exploits, adventures, etc. 259. CURTISS (DANIEL S.). Western Portraiture, and ^ Emigrant's Guide: a description of Wisconsin, Illinois, and Iowa; with Remarks on Minnesota, and other Territories. Folding niap. 12mo, cloth. New York: 1852. / 260. DANA (C. W.). The Great West; its History, etc., ^ 'with Description of Routes Westward. By an Old Settler. With Statistics and Facts from T. H. Benton, Sam Houston, and J. C. Fremont. 12mo, cloth. Boston : 1858. / 261. ELLEN WOODVILLE : or Life in the West (and Louisiana). First Edition. 8vo, pp. 160, unbound. New York: 1844. ^ 261A. FINDLAY (A. G.) Directory for the Navigation of J the Pacific Ocean ; with Descriptions of Coasts, Islands, etc. 2 vols., 8vo cloth. London, 1851. Northwest Coast (California, Oregon and British America) ; Sandwich, Feejee, and Marquesas Ishinds, etc. 262. FINLEY (JAMES B.). Sketches of Western Meth- odism: Biographical, Historical, and Miscellaneous. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. Cincinnati: 1854. 263. FLINT (TIMOTHY). Recollections of the last Ten U^ Years in the Valley of the Mississippi, from Pittsburg to the ^ Gulf of ]\Iexico and from Florida to the Spanish Frontier. 8vo, original boards and labels, uncut. Boston: 1826. ^ 264. GARDEN OF THE WORLD (THE) : or, the Great /^:K West; its History, etc., with Description of Routes Westward.. By an Old Settler. With Statistics and Facts from'T. H. Benton, Sam Houston, and other ' ' Old Settlers. ' ' 12mo, cloth. Fine copy. Boston : 1856. 264A. GEER (T. T.). Fifty Years in Oregon: Ex- I ^-^ periences. Observations, and Commentaries upon Men, ]\Ieas- / ures, and Customs in Pioneer Days and later Times. Portrait and views. 8vo, pp. 536, cloth. New York, 1912. / 265. GREATOREX (ELIZA). Summer Etchings in Colo- rado. 22 views. Royal 8 vo, cloth. New York: (1873). 31 / h^~^' ? ^ /j _ 266. HOWE (HENRY). Historical Collections of the /» r>> Great West. Ilkistrations. (2vols.ini.) 8vo, original roan. Cincinnati: 1857, Oregon and California, pp. 356-393 ; Texas ; expeditions of Lewis and Clark, Pike, Long, Cass, Schoolcraft, etc. / 267. ILLINOIS in 1837 . . . Sketches of the Counties " - , (r- O Cities and Principal Towns, etc. Map. 8vo, boards (stained and shaken). ^ Phil.: 1837. /^ 268. ILLINOIS AND MICHIGAN. Land Contracts, ^ -^ Deeds, Government Land Grants ; and Correspondence relat- ing thereto : 1840-1856. (About 400 documents.) A collection of much interest : containing information relative to properties, boundaries, surveys, etc. Highly important to people interested in Western lands. 269. INDIANA. Very (Lawson). Description of the / Plan of the Falls City and Vicinity. 4 folding lithographic plans. 18mo, pp. 21, original cloth. New Albany, Ind. : 1854. / 269A. IRVING (WASHINGTON). The Rocky Moun- Ij n tains : or Scenes, Incidents, and Adventures in the Far West. 2 maps. First Edition. 2 vols., 12mo, original cloth and labels (slightly foxed). Phil.: 1837. /. 270. JANVIER (THOMAS A.). Stories of Old New >/ ydr^ Spain. Frontispiece. First Edition. 12mo, cloth. ^ New York: 1891. 5^0 271. JOLIET, ILLS. The Great Resources and Advan- ^^ tages of. By H. Rowell. 8vo, wrappers. Joliet: 1871. ... ^ 272. KINZIE (MRS. JOHN H.). Wau-Bun, the "Early ^^ / "^ Day ' ' in the North-West. Full-page lithographic views. 8vo, original cloth. New York: 1856. First Edition. Scarce. 273. [LUNDY (BENJAMIN).] The War in Texas; in- stigated by Slaveholders, Land Speculators, etc., for the re- ^ "^ Establishment of Slavery and the Slave Trade in Mexico. By a Citizen of the United States. 8vo, pp. 56 (1), wrappers. Phil.: 1836. 274. . The War in Texas; a Review of Facts and Circumstances, etc. (Second Edition of the preceding title, revised and enlarged). 8vo, pp. 64, original wrappers. Phil.: 1837. Autograph of Wendell Phillips on wrapper. 275. McCONNELL (J. L.). Western Characters or Types ^ j "^ of Border Life in the Western States. Illustrations hy Darley. ^r f 12mo, cloth. New York: 1853. 32 ^0, Bancroft Ubmiy 276. MARRYAT (CAPTAIN). Narrative of the Travels j> of Monsieur Violet, in California, Sonora, and Western Texas. 8vo, unbound. New York: 1843. \u 277. MELINE (JAMES F.). Two Thousand Miles on '^ Horseback : Santa Fe and back. Through Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, and New Mexico, in 1866. Map. 12mo, cloth. New York: 1867. .^0 278. MICHIGrAN. Amended Tax Laws, with explanatory Notes and References. 8vo, wrappers. Detroit: (1845). 279. MINNESOTA. Bibliography of; by J. F. Williams. (Collections Minn. Hist. Soc, Vol. 3, pt. 1: pp. 13-75.) 8vo wrappers, uncut. St. Paul: 1870. 280. MISSISSIPPI TERRITORY. Petition ... in Be- half of Inhabitants of the Territory. With Documents (illus- trating conditions). 8vo, pp. 27, sewn, uncut. (Phil: 1800.) 281. . Reports (on foregoing Petition) : pp. 14 and 4. 2 pieces, 8vo, uncut. (Phil.: 1800.) 282. . Report (on several petitions, embodying sketch of the Territory). 8vo, pp. 17, sewn, uncut. (Phil.: 1800.) 283. NORTH-WEST. Letter of (Gen.) Arthur St. Clair, Grovernor of N. W. Territory on the Subject of a Division of said Territory ; and the Petition of . . . Inhabitants of Knox County (in Territory). 8vo, pp. 8, uncut. Phil.: 1800. 284. . Letter (of Oliver Wolcott) accompany Re- ports on Memorial and Petitions relative to Lands, pp. 14 ; — Report on Petition of Persons in N. W. Territory, on Sym- mes's Purchase, pp. 11; — Reports on Laws (regulating sale of N. W. Lands), 3 parts. 5 pieces, 8vo, uncut. (Phil.: 1800.) :i^ 2€4A^ . Report . . . transmitting Letters from Gov. Harrison, reporting Expedition under his Command against the Indians, and Memorial of Indiana Territory. Report of Committee, etc., of Indiana Territory (praying admission into the Union). 2 pamphlets, 8vo. Washington, 1812. 285. NORTHWEST COAST. Abstract of a Journal from Boston to the North West Coast of America in the Brig Ellen Maria, John Stacy, Master, Nov. 16, 1818; and Journals of other voyages, 1820-1823. In all 64 pages, small 4to. An unpublished MS. record. The cruise "from Valparaiso towards California" was interrupted on May 17, 1819, when a Spanish captain seized the "Ellen Maria" and her crew and .ended the Northwest-bound voyage. 33 ^ ^^' , ■ NORTHWEST COAST. ^ , ' - 285A. . Chappell (Lieut. Edward). Narrative of a ^ /p Voyage to Hudson's Bay, in H. M. S. ''Rosamond": contain- ^^ ' ing some Account of the North-Eastern Coast of America, and of the Tribes inhabiting that remote Region; wiiln map and 9 engravings, 1817 ; — Voyage of H. M. S. Rosamond to New- foundland and the Southern Coast of Labrador; with 12 en- gravings, 1818. In 1 vol., 8vo, polished calf (weak at joints). London. Good, crisp copy of two scarce works. /. 286. . Franklin (John). Narrative of Second Expe- — «-^ dition to the Shores of the Polar Sea, 1825-27 ; including Dr. Richardson's personal Account, etc. Map. 8vo boards, un- cut. Phil.: 1828. 287. — . [Snelling (W. J.).] A Geographical Sketch of Oregon. {New England Magazine, April 1832.) 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Boston : 1832. A seven-page denial of "the fallacies of Mr. [Hall J.l Kelley," presenting the writer's views on Oregon. 1 y^ 288. . New York Weekly Tribune. Vol. 5. Folio, behalf sheep. 1845-46. This volume is especially rich in material concerning Oregon affairs, which at that period held a prominent place. Oregon diplomacy ; Oregon and the Whigs ; Oregon at Albany ; An Oregon Emigrant's Correspondence ; Elijah White's Letters on Oregon ; the Oregon Treaty, etc. Also articles on the Mormon War ; the Mormons in Illinois ; Annexation of Texas ; California matters, and other Western sketches. 289. . New Pictorial Family Magazine. Edited by Robert Sears. Numerous illustrations. Vol. 5. 8vo, half roan (water-stained). New York: 1849. Contains a sketch of Oregon, 5 pages, and full-page view: Oregon City on the Williamette River ; rare views of Cincinnati, New York, etc. .•r 289A. . Ballantyne (R. M.). Hudson's Bay . . . '■ During Six Years' Residence in the Territories of the Hon. Hudson's Bay Company. Illustrations. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1859. ^ 290. . Poole (W. F.). The Early Northwest, N. Y. 1889;— The Ordinance of 1787, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1892. 2 pieces, 8vo, original wrappers. 290A. NORTHWEST PASSAGE. The Discovery of: by H. M. 'S. ''Investigator," Capt. R. McClure, 1850-1854. Edited by Capt. Sherard Osbom, from the Logs and Journals of Capt. McClure. Portrait, map and full-page lithographic views. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1857. Incidents and sketches of the voyage, at Honolulu ; the American Coast ; among the Esquimeaux, etc. 34 K I : ; 291. NOURSE (J. D.). Levenworth. A Story of the ' ^ Mississippi and the Prairies. 8vo, pp. 143, unbound. Louisville: 1848. 292. PARKER (A. A.). Trip to the West and Texas ... _ Michigan, Illinois, etc. . . . with a Sketch of the Texian War. Map and illustrations. 12mo, original cloth (a few leaves discolored). Concord, N. H. : 1836. Second Edition (pp. 380) : with important additions. /q 293. PARKER (H. W.). Poems (with prose sketches of '" Kentucky, Ohio, etc.). 12mo, cloth (foxed). Auburn: 1850. ^ 294. PECK (J. M.). A New Guide for Emigrants to Af the West ; containing Sketches of Ohio^ Indiana, Illinois, Mis- souri, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arkansas, and the adjacent Parts. 16mo, pp. 374, original cloth, uncut. Boston : 1836. Fine copy of a scarce volume. ^^ ^ 295. . The same: Second Edition (revised). 16mo, pp. 381, original cloth, uncut (slightly foxed). Boston : 1837. / 296. PRESCOTT (WM. H.). History of the Conquest 3 €) of Mexico, with a Preliminaiy View of the Ancient Mexican Civilization. First Edition. 3 vols. 8vo, original cloth (slightly foxed). New York: 1843. 297. RAFTERY (JOHN H.). The Story of the Yellow- '^ stone. 16mo, pp. 135, boards. " [Butte, Mont.] : 1912. 297A. RAMSEY (ALBERT C). The Other Side: or ^ Notes for the History of the War betwen Mexico and the United States. 3Iaps and lithographic portraits. Small 8vo, cloth (foxed). New York: 1850. rV; 298. REPORTS of the Sec. of War; Routes from San / l^ Antonio to El Paso; Marcy's Route from Fort Smith to Sante Fe; Simpson's Report of an Expedition into the Navajo Country, etc. 75 plates (portraits and views) , many in colors. 8vo, cloth. Washington: 1850. ^U 299. SANDUSKY (0.) in 1855. City Guide and Business / >^ Directory. By W. D. Root. IlUistraiions, including fidl-page view. 8vo, original cloth. Sandusky: 1855. Fine copy of the First Annual Issue. 300. SHELBYVILLE, Mo. Life, Confession and Execu- tion (at 'Shelby ville, Sept. 30, 1853) of Isabella Narvaez; mur- deress of three Husbands. Illustrations. 8vo, wrappers. Buffalo: 1854. 301. SPRING (GARDINER). Memoirs of Rev. Samuel J. Mills, late Missionary to the South Western Section of the * United States. 8vo, sheep (name on title) , New York : 1820. 35 ^ ^ ^72/ 302. STAPP (WM. PRESTON). The Prisoners of Perote : containing a Journal kept by the Author, who was captured by the Mexicans, at Mier, Dec. 25, 1842, and released from Perote, May 16, 1844. 12mo, original cloth. Phil. : 1845. Choice copy of a bare book. ./,. 302A. TEXAS ALMANAC for 1870 (with sketches his- . ( torical and personal, statistics, etc.). Illustrations. 8vo, pp. 288, original wrappers. Galveston. 303. TRAVELS on the Western Slope of the Mexican Cor- O ^^ dillera . . . descriptive of . . . its chief Cities and Towns. (/ Constitutional Aspect and Topographical Features; Manners and Customs of the People, etc. By Cincinnatus. Illustra- tions. 12mo, pp. 438, cloth. San Francisco: 1857. Rare. Copyrighted by Marvin Wheat. 304. VANDELURE (JOHN). History of : Containing an ,■ Account of his Voyages and Conversion while on the N. W. 5^ Coast of America. 18mo, pp. 72, sewn, 1 leaf (pp. 3-4) lost. (Andover, N. H. : Printed by E. Chase, circa 1818.) COLLATION : Caption title on p. 1, History, etc., pp. 1-66, the imprint on p. 66 reads : "Andover, N. H. : Printed by E. Chase," preceded by note : "Abridged by Josiah Wheet, Jr. ;" followed, pp. 67-72, by a poetical "Introduction composed by Josiah Wheet, Jr., Groton, N. H." Wheet's version is the rakest form of Vandelure's narrative of North-Western adventures. Except that which is now offered no copy is known; nor is it mentioned by bibliographers, or in catalogues of public or private libraries. h^'O 304A. . Narrative of Travels on the Western Con- \ ''] ^ tinent. Containing an Account of the Conversion of an Indian Chief, etc. 18mo, original boards (title-page mended). Hallowell (Me.) : Printed by E. Goodale, 1817. Water-stained ; blank margin torn off last leaf. Rare. ,;^ 305. VICTOR (FRANCES F.). The River of the West. Life and Adventure in the Rocky Mountains and Oregon : early History of the North-Western Slope; the Fur Traders; the Indian Tribes; the Oregon Missions, etc. Numerous en- gravings. 8vo, cloth. Hartford : 1870. 306. WALTON (AUGUSTUS Q.). History of the Detec- tion, Conviction, Life and Designs of John A. Murel, the Great Western Land Pirate ... To which is added a Bio- graphical Sketch of Virgil A. 'Stewart. 8vo, sewn. Athens, Tenn. : 1835. 307. WINNIPEG COUNTRY (The) : or Roughing it with an Eclipse Party. (Half-breeds, Indians, land and river ex- periences, etc.) Map wnd 32 illustrations. 12mo, cloth, un- cut. Boston: 1886. 36 307 A. WYETH (JOHNB.). Oregon; or, a Short His- tory OF A LONG JOURNEY FROM THE ATLANTIC OCEAN TO THE REGION OF THE PACIFIC, by Land; drawn up from the Notes and Oral Information of John Wyeth, one of the Party who Left Mr. Nathaniel J. Wyeth, July 28th, 1832, four days' march beyond the ridge of the Rocky Mountains, and the only one who has returned to New England. 8vo, unbound, WITH THE HALF-TITLE; text somcwhat foxcd. Cambridge: Printed for John B. Wyeth, 1833. PbIVATELY PKINTED fob the author and EXCESSIVEILY BABE. For an extended account of Wyeth's Expedition to Oregon see Chittenden's History of the American Fur Trade of the Far West. 307B. WHITAKER (NATHANIEL). An Antidote against the Reward of Toryism. Two Sermons: one at the Commencement, the other at the Close of the Revolutionary War. Dedicated to Gen. George Wa^ington. 8vo, pp. 53, unbound (foxed). Salem: 1811. 14^0 308. WHITE (JOHN: Lieut., U. S. N.) History of a •^ Voyage to the China Sea. Folding map hy the author. 8vo, original boards, uncut. Boston: 1825. 309. WIGGLESWORTH (EDWARD). Sermon, Har- ^ vard College, April 6, 1731, on the Death of Thomas Hollis, of London. 8vo, pp. 24 (with half-title), sewn. Boston: 1731. 310. . Sermon, Harvard College, April 6, 1731 : upon the Death of Thomas Hollis, of London (benefactor to Harvard ' •" ^ College) ; also : A Philosophical Discourse, by Isaac Green- wood, April 7, 1731. 12mo, sewn. Boston : 1731. 3n. WILLARD (JOSEPH). The Duty of the Good and ^ i Faithful Soldier ... a Sermon [before the soldiers] at Mendon, March 25, 1781. 8vo, sewn, with half-title. Boston: 1781. r» 312. WILLIAM'S VERSES: a Collection of Poems (from Williams College journal. 16mo, cloth, uncut. Cambridge : 1887. 313. WILLIS (N. P. ) . Memoranda of the Life of Jenny Lind. Portrait. 12mo, half morocco. Phil.: 1851. 314. WILSON (JOSHUA LACY). War, the Work of the Lord ; and the Coward cursed. Sermon ... to the Cin- cinnati Light Companies, May 14, 1812. Published shortly before they marched to Detroit. 8vo, sewn, uncut. Concord, N. H. : Reprinted, 1812. ^ 37 2^^ 315. WIRT (WILLIAM). Sketches of the Life and Character of Patrick Henry. Third Edition: corrected by the Author. Portrait. 8vo, sheep (water-stained). Phil.: 1818. 316. YALE COLLEGE. The Riot at New Haven, between J 52 the Students and Town Boys, March 17, 1854; with the Coro- ner's Investigation and the Verdict. 12mo, pp. 47, original wrappers. New Haven: 1854. 317. . Yale College '''Scrapes." By John D. Vose. 8vo, pp. 114, original wrappers, uncut. New York: 1862. y^ 318. . Yale and the City of Elms. By W. E. Decrow. ♦ Map and views. 12nio, cloth. Boston : 1882. 319. ZENGER. A Brief Narrative of the Case and Trial of John Peter Zenger, Printer of the New York Weekly Journal. Square 8vo, pp. 48, sewn (margins of first few leaves gnawed, slightly affecting text; in other respects a good copy, with wide margins). [Colophon:] Boston: Thomas Fleet, 1738. .<^ / Theatrical Programmes .x- 320. APPOLLO Concert Room, 410 Boardway, Concert of 3 C. E. Horn, March 1st and April 10, 1839 ;— 3 A. L. S. of Horn; 4to, 1839 (5). 321. BALTIMORE Theatre, May 16th, 1818. Folio, un- trimmed margins. Fine copy of a rare programme. Cooper as "Richard III." Warren as "Henry VI.," "Tressel" by a young gentleman, being his first appearance on any stage, etc. 322. BOOTH (EDWIN). Walnut St. Theatre, June 2d, 1857 {Booth's seco7id night in Philadelphia), and June 6th, 1857. (2) His first performances in Philadelphia of "Richelieu" AND "Bichard III." 323. . Niblo 's Garden, N. Y. ( as ' ' Bertuccio " ) , April ^ ; 13, 1864 (margins frayed) ; Booth's Theatre, N. Y. (^'Othello") April 15, 1869; Booth's Theatre (''Claude Mel- notte"), March 24, 1870; Olobe (Boston) May 4, 1877 ; Broad St., Phil. C'Hamlet"; T. W. Keene as the Ghost) Oct. 31, ■ 1878, etc. (10) 324. . Opening Night of Booth's Theatre (Booth as ''Romeo"), Oct. 3, 1869. / Q 325. BOSTON. Boston Museum : 1870-90. (118) ( ^ Boucicault, Barrett, Wallack, Salvini, Mansfield, Ed Harri- • gan, Modjeska, Clara Morris, etc. 38 y BOSTON. 326. . The same: 1877-79. (69) Modjeska, Barrett, Charles Coghlan, and others, and the famous Museum Stock Company. 327. . Boston Theatre : 1867-81. (34) Feehter, Hackett, Henri Drayton, Ristori, etc. 328. . The same : 1877-79. (108) Edwin Booth, John McCullough, Boucicault, Brougham, Schoolcraft's (and other) Minstrels, Mary Anderson, Genevieve Ward, etc. 329. . Bijou Theatre: 1882-87. (70) 330. . Gaiety Theatre: 1878-79. (36) [ Denman Thompson, "Fritz" Emmet, Nate Salsbury, Agnes Booth, Annie Pixley, etc. 331. . The same : 1879-81. (100) Minnie Palmer, Agnes Booth, Annie Pixley, Oarrie Swain, Hermann (magician), etc. 332. . Globe (and Selwyn's) : 1867-84. (65) Feehter, Boucicault, Salvini, Fanny Davenport, Neilson, v Bernhardt, Edwin Booth, etc. 1 f- 333. . The same: 1877-79. (65) ,^ •■ Robson 4& Crane, Nat. Goodwin, George Rignold, Joseph Murphy, Janauschek, Modjeska, Aimee, etc. 334. . HoUis St. Theatre: 1886-89. (66) ,6''- 335. . Howard Athen^um: 1877-79. (84) Feehter, McKee Rankin, Alice Lingard, Pauline Markham, etc. 335A. . National Theatre, Aug. 31, 1843. 336. . Park Theatre: 1879-87. (274) Barrett, Goodwin, Florence, John J. Raymond, Sothem, Mayo, Lotta, Maggie Mitchell, Ada Cavendish, Clara Morris, etc. 337. . Tremont Temple, Boylston Museum, Howard Athenaeum, St. James' Theatre, Fillings', Grand Opera House, etc. : 1863-1895. (222) 345. PHILADELPHIA. Academy of Music: 1857-61. - "^ ^ (14) . ioO iO /o 346. . National Theatre, 1857. (6) Wm. E. Burton as "Bob Acres," "Capt. Cuttle," "Megrim;' J. E. Murdock, Jefferson, etc. 347. . Walnut St. Theatre: 1857-59. (16) Vezin as "Macbeth," Barry Sullivan as "Hamlet," and "Bev- erly ;" Laura Keene, Miss J. M. Davenport, Mrs. Farren, etc. 348. . Wheatley's Arch St. Theatre: 1857-58. (7) ^ ^ Dion Boucicault, E. L. Davenport, Mrs. John Drew, etc. 349. . Sanford's Opera House, 1857 ;— National Cir- cus; — Frank Rivers' Melodeon, 1861 (2) ; — Trimble's Varie- ties (3), 1861 ;— HoUiday St. Theatre, Sept. 17 and 18, 1860 (10) 350. . Long's Southern Varieties and Museum: 1859- 60. (11) .%, 350. . Miscellaneous: 1869-92. (51) ^ 352. PROVIDENCE, Newport, New Haven, Hartford, ^^ Boston, Lowell, Worcester, Springfield, Lawrence, Portland, Bangor, Manchester, N. H., etc. : 1872-1897. (345) ^ ^ 353. THEATRICAL PHOTOGRAPHS: cartes-de-viste O-ai^ cabinets. (53) Edwin Booth, John MoCuUough, Francis Wilson, Nat Good- win, Mary Anderson, Mme. Modjeska, etc. ONS & CO., INC., Printers, 45 Rose St., New York. 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