U G UC-NRLF B 74 23^ mmsmmssmmsmmmmamm GIFT OF 1 1 1 ■ WAR DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL FIELD BATTALION SIGNAL CORPS TABLES OF ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT 1917 OF THE 13NIVEKSITY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1917 WAR DEPARTMENT ' ' OFFICE OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL FIELD BATTALION SIGNAL CORPS TABLES OP ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT 1917 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1917 A1 /?'7 War Department, Document No. 607. Office of The Adjutant General. WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, May 31, 1917. This manual is published for the information and government of the Army of the United States and the National Guard not in the service of the United States. [2565551— A. G. 0.] By order of the Secretary of War: TASKER H. BLISS, Major General, Acting Chief of Staff. Official: ^ ^ ^ -^ H. P. McCain, The Adjutant General, TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Property accountability 5-6 Table I. Organization, field battalion 7-9 II. Quartermaster property 10-17 III. Ordnance property 18-19 JV. Signal property 20 V. Individual equipment of sections in companies 21 TI. Individual equipment 22-24 VII. General notes — Assembled equipment and accessories 25-31 4 FIELD BATTALION, SIGNAL CORPS, TABLES OF ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT. PROPERTY ACCOUNTABILITY. 1. There shall normally be but one accountable officer for equipment C of each bureau of a field battalion and such officer will account on a separate return for all articles listed in the following tables. He will be known as the battalion supply officer. 2. When different officers serve as supply officers of the different bureaus they will be designated as "battalion quartermaster," "battalion signal officer," etc. Should local conditions make it desirable or necessary to have an accounting officer for any detachment serving separately from its parent organization, one may be designated for that purpose and the articles of equipment C that pertain to such detachment will be transferred to the designated accountable officer of the detachment, but as soon as the conditions making this separate accountability necessary cease, the account will be closed by transferring back to the unit supply officer of the parent organization the accountability for the property which had been carried separately. 3. Companies or detachments will hold on memorandum receipt from the supply officer of the battalion articles of equipment C prescribed in the following tables as- provided in regulations and orders. (See Quartermaster Regulations and Par. I., G, O. No. 6, War Department, 1916.) 4. Under normal peace conditions the organizations will keep their equipment C as prescribed complete and in serviceable condition. If ordered for field duty, this full equipment will be taken to the mobilization and concentration points. If ordered on active field duty, where equipment B and equipment A not required for actual strength can not be taken, it will be disposed of by the battalion supply officer as conditions require, by turning it into a camp supply officer or depot, or by disposing of it as otherwise ordered. The same course will be followed at any time during active field service, should equipment become surplus. 5. The battalion supply officer will obtain replenishment of equipment C by fur- nishing the post, camp, division, depot, or other proper supply officer in exchange for articles of replenishment, either unserviceable articles worn out through fair wear and tear, or properly approved inventory and inspection report, survey report, state- ment of charges or certificate of expenditure. 6. When, in compliance with competent orders equipment C has been reduced by any part of it being invoiced by the battalion supply officer to another accountability, it will be replaced by the battalion supply officer certifying the facts on his requisition. If equipment C has been increased in any way above that prescribed, the supplies, when no longer necessary, will be invoiced to some accountable officer at the first opportunity. 7. Replenishment of equipment C will habitually be obtained through the battalion supply officer, but no entry of the transaction will be made in his account unless nec- essary. In emergencies, an organization commander may obtain replenishment by any of the methods prescribed for the battalion supply officer, but when such action is taken he will promptly report the transaction to the battalion supply officer. 8. All garrison equipment and other Government property (including ammunition for target practice), except equipment C, will be held by organization commanders on memorandum receipt from the post or other supply officers. If ordered to field duty, all articles of the garrison equipment held on memorandum receipt by orgauiza- 5 6 ^^'^^ - -' '' fe^D BATTALION SIGNAL CORPS. Hem Tviii 1>> 1 2 t P5 a J. 1 1 < Remarks. Major 1 1 3 9 ...... 1 3 9 1 Captain 1 2 2 1 4 First lieutenant 1 Medical Department... Total commissioned 2 » 3 3 5 13 1 14 Master signal electrician Ih Ih Ih 3 3 11 1 1 21 41 3 6 4 6 111 26 ■■"eh" 3 1 1 3 11 1 1 21 41 3 6 4 6 111 26 6 Sergeant, first class: Sergeant major Ih It First sergeant. . . . Ih 4h Ih 5h Ih 2h With companies Sergeant: Color sergeant It 1 t. Clerk With companies 76h 12ioh 1 2 98h 1513b 1 2 54h 14 1 2 Corporals Horseshoer . . . Cook Private, first class: Ord:erlies 4h 1 Teamster 5 With companies 3982h 8h 3.533h 6h 375h 12 Private Medical Department t Mounted Total enlisted.... 8 6 75 75 75 239 6 245 Aggregate 10 6 78 78 80 252 7 259 Combat train 1 ""'3" 2 5 2 1 9 3 4 .....'. 9 3 4 Field train, ration Field train, baggage 2 Total wagons 1 5 7 2 1 16 16 Horses, riding 9 1 65 12 70 4 18 163 16 7 170 16 Horses, draft Total horses 9 1 77 74 18 179 7 186 Mules, pack 12 4 4 4 16 36 1 17 36 Mules, dralt 4 20 4 Total mules 4 10 1 20 6 4 1 78 16 78 8 80 52 1 53 Pistols 251 252 276 372 450 Net length, yards +Combat train + Field train 1 FIELD BATTALION SIGNAL COKPS. Table I. — Field signal battalion — Continued. ORGANIZATION OF A RADIO COMPANY. ll 1* 1 II r f t w 1 Privates, first class. Privates. ^ Company commander's detail: Individually mounted- Master signal electricians 1 1 1 Acting first sergeant 1 1 Supply sergeant 1 1 Stable sergeant 1 Farrier 1 1 . . . 1 Saddler . i Mechanic ;::;::::»■ Buglers (one acts as guidon) ..i 2 2 Transported in wagons- Mess sergeant 1 1 Horseshoer 1 1 Clerk 1 1 Cooks i 2 2 Driver i 1 1 Total for company headquarters 1 1 1 3 4 2 1 3 IS Pack radio section: Individually mounted- Chief of section 1 Operators and mast men 1 1 1 2 Antenna 3 1 1 4 Messenger 1 1 Horsehdders 1 2 1 Total for 1 sectiaa li 1 2 5 1 10 Total for 4 sections 41 4 8 20 T 40 Wheel radio section: Individually mounted- Chief of section 1 1 Operators 1 1 2 3 Mast men 2 3 Engineer 1 1 Antenna, counterpoise and guy men. . ■■•■g'l g Messenge'r ? "..". 1 "."2" 1 Horseholders 2 Driver (not mounted) 1 1 Total for wheel radio section 1 2 3 12 2 20 Total for radio company 1 6 9 15 2 1 35 fi 75 ORGANIZATION OF A WIRE COMPANY. Company commander's detail: Individually mounted — Master signal electricians 1 1 i j Acting first sergeant 1 1 1 Supply sergeant 1 1 • Stable sergeant ...... ...... ...... Farrier 1 1 Saddler . . Assistant mechanic 1 1 2 Guidon . 1 t 1 Buglers 1 2 Transported in wagons- Mess sergeant. . 1 1 1 1 1 2 Clerk 1 1 ...... Horseshoer 1 ■ Mechanic 1 Cooks ' Drivers 3 Total company commander's detail. . 1 ' 3 4 2 ! 1 7 : 19 FIELD BATTALION SIGNAL CORPS. Table I. — Field signal battalion — Continued. ORGANIZATION OF A RADIO COMPANY— Continued. "3 'S 11 ©"3 1 1 1 & 2 ll i 1 1 Wire section: Chief of section >> 1 1 Driver of carts 1 7 2 1 3 station squads — Operator •> 1 2 Lineman •» 12 Horseshoer •> Total for 1 wire section 1 1 2 8 2 14 ■ ■ " Total for 4 wire sections 4 5~ 4 7 8 12 32 39 8" i" 56 Total for a wire comjKiny r 2 1 75 ORGANIZATION OF AN OUTPOST COMPANY. Conwany commander's detail: Individually mounted- Master signal electricians 1 1 Acting first sergeant 1 - 1 Buglers (one acts as guidon) 2 2 Transported in wagons- Mess and supply sergeant 1 1 Farrier 1 1 Clerk 1 1 Saddler 1 1 Horsestioer 1 1 Cooks 2 2 Driver 1 1 Total company commander's detail.. 1 1 1 2 2 1 4 12 Platoon: Assistant h , 1 ^ 1 Headquarters section- Chief of section h Telephone operators 1 i 9 Lineman h 1 1 Switchboard section — Chief operator 1 1 Operators 1 1 1 2 Lineman 1 Telephone section- Chief operator 1 1 Operator 2 :::::: 1 Linemen 2 Total 3 telephone sections 3 4 12 14 9 11 33 37 Total for platoon 2 2 4 3 .■> 4 21 Total for 3 platoons 12 63 Total for the company 1 2 1 12 '^ 102985—17- i> Individually mounted. 10 FIELD BATTALION SIGNAL CORPS. a C»3«D«D -ill lill p. 9 2 "I §•3 «OOOi-HlOlOOTfH t«.lN.»0 ^ I el fl^ c »S &I Ii « ".-.^-".":^ -s ^-^^ :2§a S2 cpqn FIELD BATTALION SIGNAL CORPS. 11 o .a TO m e8 winter use. each 5 gallons mineral oil or ction thereof. 3^^ i«8 S^"32 P»-lrH S S2 e» lO CO to OS lO lO »C lO Q »o >0 CO to OS lO lO »C lO O »0 OOiOiOiO ss< ^ ^ OS Q »0 iC lO lO »0 iC »C >C »0 kO si N «o ooeotooc* £2 -* Tj< -^ 00 ■<}< 2S2S'^" 218 CO o> >o "50'-t 1-t 1-1 CO OS O I lO lO lO U5 "O ssr -" CO "5 CO I r-l .-I.-1C0 gisr »o»oo iSS •«*< MOO iSS iis s^r 8 a 1^ SI »eo^^ ■^M (N ^^ ^^ V^C CSIC^-W 2 g CO ^ 1 o ^^ £ -* ^ ■ H ^« £ <1 S £ '^ • -^ '. BattaUon head- quarters and sup- ply detachment equipment. o - ^S-H c<\ __^ ^ WIN .H(N t- fH tH rt .^"* £ W <1 £ -^ > h 11 o o rH »H .H « 1-1 •* ^ ^^"5 -^ >-l ^_^-H(N j« e<5 g « I m 8^ £ "- : :• : <; »-if-ii-*e«j'H-»„g CI S « 10 ; >> ft o pq .H^^M-^A^^JO.-,-. ^^ O N g CO 1 8^ »P •-^ < ^^^CO-H^,M^ -^,-H £ /h: « i-Hi-< o 23 g « 1 ll c -H ,^ -H M -1 ^ ^ «5 ^ ^ _-.^^ « ^»H *S "^ o " i ffi ^~>"' j;^'^ -. ir ^ ^^^co^^^^ '-"-' S^ ■* j« N ^^ 2^5": II !:::::: :^ CO QQ 03 CQ OQ m CO CQ <^ : WW ddi-. H : :w iw* • 1 < if ll I la •A 3 "^ 1 a ?^ ll 5 C i > 1 :£ I " It ;" 1 1 i| 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 '1 c il \\ il f > If x .2 5 _p ! Ill ' ll Ml -IP 1 1 c c £ 1 t: H : : : i, ■fit 1 i 1 ■All I II s §11 3' FIELD BATTALION SIGNAL CORPS. 13 I Pi 11 1 -ale" %^ ■ij CO CO CO tH CO SS3 S ^ ^s^-*" iss; ecccco -COMCO 5S8c 00 e<5fH y-lr-t 00 •* '^ ^ '2,' ^ 5! 8S OQioec 5^2 .-1 '*' i-H .-< M O to :. s, S^S"^ OO O (£) I fC Tt< TtH lO 2is; ^^^^ ^ ^ ;-'«»^gg-S 15^^ C^iM ■* lO CD ,h^,-IpH -C^iCiCIN 'SSS :S 2^^S '"^-^' 'SS i?^;:^ (NCO ■* U5 I .-I <-! I-H ^_^ CS JC»H -(M 'I- 'Mt-( o 2§S^ 1^— l-"-!^^ C^ »0 11 rH CO "5 i-< 'g ^ ^ 2 www fHcccoE-i CO 'pq WWWW ^HH-HH-oo(5'*t N ?28 «iKn|««K>nf« «, eo ^ s III leOOr-l i-< $ m 9 d '^^^lafHiy^Q «0 ane SS O I ■* ec* O ooaoeo<* C« |i « o 00 e>i -^ic -^ CO 11 o p, .2 '3 S 5S S <*i«« i o pi «< ^ u O I- A . O •-"S <; . !i-^ •2:2g ,--^fe- 9 «-« ^•c_: *■!? :.p§ Sg£ «^« Iz; « iSI|- =^3 S^l :'^'^ (^ ,H Tt< ??;? .?s O0 00 00r-*< IM OS CvjTtf — (r-( (N • C^ 1^ C^iM wwwwf£,Hw WW WW w : : H ; : : : w ; ddddh-idd dd do d << dtf < < < d Ph* OQO! is -?8 ^1 11 1 S c o w). £?.S =3 ®:3— ' 1^ s^ — ' — ' S ^ tn « c cc CO cQ 02 E-i H H E-" §P,-S o w 05^ ^ II 72 > ?: ^ ^ 3 ^ V ® 3(S 16 FIELD BATTALION SIGNAL CORPS. O I* ?< fe M.S ^t ^S '^ §58 1^1 m ii 3 o 5g2 Cfl"^ eCK5 C<«-<-» COifl 1.1 82 CSI.4* 00U5 N.*« 00"5 P So, .2 3 N.^ oo»fl etHt »>« CQ Wa2 :m 1 I 52 ;§ o o 2Lo § I ^'5 3 o ® ^ ® as t, »c« L, O-^-lS Uh ^ S C> 3 sl^sai 5 .a S w C w & h c S c - ■-'fl-S .. S-! H:i:^o ll' IS '^K ^5 J ^-2 r^rss ^n •Si-'.' cS--* Pi PmPh FIELD BATTALION SIGNAL COKPS. 17 tf" 1 § 02 & f 1 § Li |P5 ^<5 <5 << CO ^ e ?2^ csT >o O 05 CO ^02 OQ OQ m o3 H X! tfitfrt P5 rt ^ .• ^ 1 ^ S 1 1 & T3 '3 03 -13 ^ ® >. W) 1^ ^T5 W) 3 O 13 ft^^-S 1^ 1 J fl ounds per burning ounds per for anim 5S s-^ q®S. ^,£ P-u, O-t- ft-- . ■I^ti Ph P^ ^ '^ II Pi aaojt/j >• 18 FIELD BATTALION SIGNAL CORPS. Table III. — Ordnance property . Article. Enlisted strength. 75 Radio com- pany. 75 Wire com- pany. 75 Out- post com- pany. Bat- talion head- quar- ters and supply- detach- ment. At- tached sani- tary troops. 245 Total for bat- tali on. Remarks. Equipment A. ARMS. Class VII, section 2: Magazines, pistol, extra Pistols, caliber .45 Class VIII, section 2: Cartridges, ball, pistol, cali- ber .45 PEESONAL EQUIPMENT. Class IX, section 1: Belt, web, Hospital Corps — C ans, bacon Cans, condiment Canteens, model IftlO Canteen covers, mounted, modell910 Canteen covers, dismounted, modell910 Cups, model 1910 Forks Hanger, double, web for can- teen Haversacks, model 1910 Knives Meat cans Pack carriers Pouches for diagnosis tags and instruments Pouches for first-aid packet. . . Pouches for adhesive tape and foot powder Spoons Class IX, section 2: Pistol holsters, caliber .45 Ration bags, retaining straps, special Spurs (pairs) Spur straps (sets) Class IX, section 3: Pistol belts, without saber rings. 150 75 1,575 150 75 1,575 HORSE EQUIPMENT. Class IX, section 5: Bridles, cavalry Currycombs Feed bags Grain bags Halter headstalls Halter tie ropes Horse brushes Lariats Picket pins Links Field picket line- Section Pins Saddles, cavalry, complete. Saddle bags (pairs) Saddle blaukets Stirrups guidons Surcingles 75 75 67 75 62 75 575 75 75 14 294 14 478 6,019 245 90 245 155 90 245 245 90 245 245 62 245 15 245 239 155 155 155 169 188 188 155 155 155 FIELD BATTALION SIGNAL COKPS. Table III. — Ordnance -property — Continued. 19 Article. Equipment A. ENTRENCHING TOOLS. Class X, section 3: Hand axes, infantry . Hand ax carrier ORGANIZATION EQUIPMENT. Class X, section 5: Marking outfit for stamping leather i Marking outfit for stamping metal * Stencil outfit i Stencil, jjersonal equipment 2. Class X, section 9: Pistol cleaning kit OFFICER'S HORSE EQUIPMENT. Class IX, sections 5 and 6: Officer's horse equipment (sets) PACK HARNESS. Class IV, section 2: Pack harness (sets) . Class IV, section 8: Double harness (sets). Lead harness (sets) . . . Wheel harness (set). TOOLS. Class X, section 9: Saddler's tools (set) Blacksmith's tools (set). Equipment B. Class X, section 1: Arm lockers, automatic pis- tol, caliber .45. Enlisted strength. 75 Radio com- pany. 12 75 Wire com- pany. 75 Out- post com- pany. 14 Bat- talion head- quar- ters and supply detach- ment. At- tached sani- tary troops. 245 Total for bat- talion. 16 Remarks. See p. 28. See p. 28. For wire carts. For wagon radio set. Do. See p. 28. See p. 28. 1 A stencil outfit consists of 1 chest, 1 stencil brush, 1 box of stencil paste, 1 set of letters, H^ch, A to Z, character "&," and period, 1 set of figures, §-inch, to 9, inclusive, 4 end pieces, H^ch, 1 set of letters, 1-inch, A to Z J character " &," and period, 1 set of figures, 1-inch, to 9, inclusive, 4 end pieces, 1-inch. 2 A set consists of 26 letters, A to Z, and 10 numbers, to 9, 5^ inches high. 20 FIELD BATTALION SIGNAL CORPS. Table IV. — Signal property. Article. Equipment A. Axes, hand Bags, tool, service, complete Batteries, dry, Tungsten, type A. Books field message Buckets, water, canvas Buzzer, service, complete Candles, lantern CanSj gasoline, 1-gallon Carbide charges Cartridges, Very pistol: Green Red White Carts, wire, complete Carriers, buzzer and antenna wire. . . Cases, map Chests, tool: Mechanic's No. 1 Mechanic's No. 2 Chests, packing Clamps, splicing Climbers and straps Compasses, pocket Cormector studs, extra Cord, sash, No. 6 (feet) Cord, sash, f-inch (feet) Disks, cipher Envelopes, message Flashlights Glasses, field, type D or EE. Grips, Buffalo Heliographs, complete, with tripods. Jacks, wagon Kits: Flag, combination, standard Flag, 4-foot Inspector's pocket Soldering Knives: Brush cutting Electrician's Lanterns: Acetylene Candle Motorcycles, with side car Pencils, lead , Pistols, Very Pikes, wire Pliers, 5-inch Radio sets: Pack, complete Wheel, complete Reels, breast Rockets, parachute: Red Smoke White Rods, ground, type D, extra Spectacles, smoked, with cases Spools, breast reel Switchboards, buzzer Switchboard, 10-drop Tape: Friction (pounds) Rubber (pounds) Typewriters, field Voltammeter Wagons: Instrument, escort type Shop, escort type Watches, wrist Wire: Buzzer (miles) Field (miles) Outpost (miles) Radio com- pany. 30 100 8 5 200 '46' 14 .000 11 6 7 1 12 80 2 12 2 144 Wire com- pany. 100 100 200 1 40 100 14 1,000 12 6 2 2 1 2 16 2 144 Out- post com- pany. 4 1 72 50 5 20 150 40 Battal- ion head- quar- ters-and supply detach- ment. 10 500 15 5 80 16 2 2 100 100 100 100 10 Total for bat- talion. 17 1 212 250 23 63 1 120 100 100 100 6 32 23 14 3 10 25 70 200 100 42 2,500 37 20 2 6 1 31 18 23 3 250 6 44 28 250 30 Remarks. For contents, seetp. 29. Includes ground rod, cord, and connector. Seep. 31. For contents, see'p. 29- For contents, seejp. 29. For contents, see p. 30. For contents, see p. 30. For contents, see p. 30. Without tripods. See p. 30. See p. 27. See p. 27. Includes wristlet. FIELD BATTALION SIGN^AL CORPS. 21 Table V. — Individual equipment of sections in companies. 1 Property authorized for company, but not showTi in following list, pertains to company headquarters detachment.] Enlisted strength. 10 20 14 4 ! 4 4 Article. Radio company. Wire company. Outpost company. Pack radio section. Wheel radio section. Wire section. Head- quarters section. Switch- board section. Tele- phone section. Quartermaster property: Horses draft 4 17 1 J 10 1 3 13 13 - 13 3 Kitchen outfit, when separate from Mules pack 1 Ordnance'property: Curry combs i 1 1 34 «2 22 1 1 1 Grain bag 1 1 1 Harness- Double harness (sets) Lead harness (sets) . . .... 1 1 Wheel harness (sets) Pack harness (sets) 3 13 1 3 13 1 1 5 1 1 6 1 1 1 Picket line, section 1 3 S4 1 1 I 6 1 1 3 22 1 12 12 1 7 12 4 1 Surcingle . Signal property: Axes hand Batteries, dry, tungsten, type A Books field message 1 2 i 2 1 2 Buzzers service, complete 1 6 I 1 6 carriers, buzzer and antenna wire Carts, wire, complete Cases, map 1 1 1 Climbers and straps 1 1 5 3 150 Compasses pocket 1 1 Connector studs, extra Disks, cipher 2 2 Envelopes, message , Flashlights 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 Glasses, field, type EE 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 14 3 12 14 4 Kits, flag, combination Kits, flag^ 4-foot 1 2 10 2 6 1 2 10 2 R Knives, brush cutting 1 1 Knives, electrician's Lanterns candle 2 3 Pencils, lead 3 3 Pliers, 5-inch 10 1 10 Pikes, wire Radiosets— 1 i Reels, breast 1 1 4 Spools, for breast reels, extra 3 Switchboards extra . .... 1 Tape, friction (pounds) 1 1 1 I 3 1 1 1 Tape, rubber (pounds) Watches, wrist 1 1 1 a Wire buzzer (miles) 1 i 1 li Wire, field (miles) ^ Wire, outpost (miles) 1 i 2 ! One for each pack mule. 2 One for each draft horse. 22 FIELD BATTALION SIGNAL CORPS. Table VI. — Individual equipment. SECTION A, [Service kit, clothing component, and equipment common to all enlisted men.] Article and cl ass. Service kit. Field kit worn on person, equip- ment A. Field kit carried on person or mount, equip- ment A. Surplus kit, equip- ment B. Clothing: Belts, waist Breeches, service Chevrons, and other sleeve insignia, service (as per Uniform Regula- tions) , Cord, hat Drawers (pair) r. . . Gloves, riding, for each mounted man only (pair) Gloves, woolen, winter use; for dismoimted duty only Hat and cord, service Laces, shoe, extra (pair) Leggins, canvas (pair) Shirt, flannelj olive drab Shoes, marching (pair) Stockings (pair) Tags, identification Tape, for identification tags (yards) Undershirts : Toilet articles: Comb Soap (cake) Toothbrush Towel, face Quartermaster property: Bars, mosquito, single, 1 for every 2 men only Blankets, olive drab Poncho, for dismounted use in outpost company Slicker, for each mounted man and driver Tents, shelter, half Tents, shelter, pins Tents, shelter, pole Shoes, horse or mule, 1 fore and 1 hind, if mounted Nails, horseshoe, if mounted Rations: Emergency (as ordered) Reserve (see F. S. R.) Medical property: First-aid packet Ordnance property: Can, bacon Canteen, model 1910 Canteen cover, dismounted, model 1910 Cartridges, ball, pistol Cups, model 1910 Forks Magazines, pistol, extra Meat cans Pistol, caliber .45 Pistol belt, without saber ring Pistol holster Pouch for first-aid packet Spoon Signal property: Kmfe, electrician's Pliers, 5-inch FIELD BATTALION SIGNAL CORPS. 23 Table VI. — Individual equipment — Continued. SECTION B. [For men individually mounted.] Service kit. Article and class. Field kit worn on person, equip- ment A. Field kit carried on person or mount equip- ment A. Surplus kit, equip- ment B. In addition to section A: Ordnance property- Bridle, cavalry . . . Curry comb Feed' bag Grain bag Halter headstall . . Halter tie rope Horse brush Link Saddle, McClellan. Saddlebags (pair). Saddle blanket . . . Surcingle SECTION C. [For master signal electricians, first sergeants, and chiefs of sections.] In addition to sections A and B: Quartermaster property- Whistle and chain, "Acme Thunderer" . Signal property- Book, field message Case, map . Compass, pocket Glass, field, 1 Pencil. typeEEorD. SECTION D. [For drivers and dismounted men, except in outpost company.] In addition to section A: Ordnance property- Cans, condiment Canteen haversack strap Haversacks, model 1908 Curry comb, for drivers only. / Horse brush, for drivers only . SECTION E. [For dismounted men in outpost company.] In addition to section A: Ordnance property- Cans, condiment Haversacks, model 1910. Pack carriers SECTION F. [For operators.] In addition to sections A and B: , Signal property- Books, field message Buzzer, service, wire company only and when not earned in wire cart Envelopes, message Pencils, lead Tape, friction, small piece Watch, wrist 24 FIELD BATTALION SIGNAL CORPS. Table Vl. — Individual equipment — Continued. SECTION G. [For linemen in wire company.] Service kit. Article and class. Field kit worn on person, equip- ment A. Field kit carried on person or mount, equip- ment A. Surplus kit, equip- ment B, In addition to sections A and B: Signal property- Pike, wire company only .. 1 1 1 Buzzer, service Carrier, buzzer wire Tape, friction, small roll SECTION H. [Messengers.] In addition to sections A and B: Signal property- Books, field message Pencil, lead FIELD BATTALION SIGNAL OOEPS. 25 Table VII. — General notes — Assembled equipment and accessories. QUARTERMASTER PROPERTY. Chest, commissary, with equipment. The equipment of a commissary chest consists of the following articles: 2 blades, moat saw, 22-inch. 1 bolt, stove. 1 brace, carpenter's. 2 candlesticks, galvanized iron, spiked bottom and sides. 1 cleaver, S-inch cut. 2 drills, twist. 2 faucets, wood, 8-inch. 1 funnel, quart. 1 hammer, claw, and helve. 6 hooks, meat, for racks. 1 iron, soldering. 1 knife, butcher, 8-inch. 1 knife, butcher, 10-inch. 1 measure, liquid, quart. 6 needles, packing. 1 opener, box. .3 openers, can. 3 pencils, lumber. 1 plier, combination. =} pound rosin, i saw, hand, crosscut. 1 saw, meat, 22-inch. 1 scale, beam. 1 scales, spring balance. 1 scoop, large. ^ 1 scoop, small. 1 scraper, box. 1 screw driver. 1 shears, tinner's. 8 sheets, steel, 12 by 12 inches. 1 pound solder, prepared. 1 steel, butcher's. 1 tap, borer. Cooking utensils, march kit: 1 can, water, galvanized iron, large. 1 can, water, galvanized iron, small. 1 cake turner, large. 1 cleaver, meat. 1 dipper, large. 1 fork, meat, large. 1 knife, butcher, 8-inch. 1 set irons, fire. 3 kettles, camp, with covers. 4 pans, bake, large. 1 wall tent, fly (see "Tentage, heavy"). Desks, field, small. A field desk when packed must not exceed 35 pounds in weight. The contents include records, manuals, blanks, and stationery. The stationery for a single desk should not exceed the fol- lowing, which is prescribed as an allowance for 30 days. This allowance applies also to each field desk not furnished by the Quartermaster Corps. 1 gross bands, rubber, No. 18. 4 tSlocks, memo or scratch pad, for pencil. 2 books, duplicating, letter size. 200 envelopes, official. 1 eraser, rubber, ink and pencil. 1 eraser, rubber, t3rpewriter. 1 eraser, steel. 1 box fasteners, paper. 1 files, office, general orders. 1 files, office, special orders. 1 can ink, black, tablets. 1 can ink, red, tablets. 1 bottle or tube mucilage (or paste). 6 sheets paper, blotting, 4 by 9i inches. 2 sheets paper, blotting, 12 by 19 inches. 25 sheets paper, carbon, letter size. 5 quires paper, letter, typewriter. 4 pencils, indeUble. 2 pencils, lead. 2 pencils, colored (blue and red). 4 penholders. 24 pens, steel. 1 cone pins, office. 2 ribbons, typewriter, record. 1 ruler, office, 12-inch. 1 shears, office. 1 spool tape, office. 1 ball twine, wrapping. 3 ounces wax, seahng. Farrier's instrument pocket case: 1 canvas roll. 1 scalpel. 1 hoof knife. 1 clinical thermometer. 1 pair curved scissors. 26 FIELD BATTALION SIGNAL CORPS. Farrier's instrument pocket case— Continued. 1 pair dressing forceps. 1 pair artery forceps. 1 director, grooved. 1 bistoury, curved, blount. 1 probe. 1 skein, silk. 6 needles, curved. Horseshoer's emergency equipment: 1 shoeing hammer. 1 pincers. 1 hoof knife. 1 jointed horseshoe, No. 2. 1 rasp. Horseshoe nails, assorted, i pound oakum. 1 four-ounce bottle chlorolin or kreso. Irons, branding, hoof. A set of hoof-branding irons consists of one series of letters from A to M and one series of numbers from to 9. Pannier, veterinary, and appliances. The contents of a veterinary pannier are not prescribed in detail. A pannier should be equipped with such supplies as are appropriate and necessary for any particular march or expedition. Panniers supplied to organizations having no veterinarians are for use as con- tainers of veterinary medicines and dressings. The following is a suggested list of veterinary supplies. Under ordinary conditions, it should suffice for 100 animals for 10 days: Medicines— . 3 aloes balls. i pound ammonia, aromatic spirits. i pound ammonia liniment. i pound charcoal. \ pound chloronaptholeum or kreso, I pound colic mixture. i pound cosmoline. I pound iodine tincture. i pound lime, chloride of. 3 oimces mercury, bichloride of. i pound oil, linseed. i pound oil, olive. i pound ointment, antiseptic. 1 pound tar, pine. I pound three sulphates (copper, iron, and zinc) Dressings— i pound absorbent cotton. 1 package antiseptic gauze. Bandages — 1 flannel. 4 cotton, white. 1 pound oakum. 1 nound soap, castile. Ranges, field, complete. No. 1: 1 field range (1 body. No. 41, and 1 boiling plate, No. 42). 1 Alamo attachment (2 pieces, 42a and 42b). 6 boilers, Nos. 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, and 54. 1 cleaver, 6-inch. 1 dipper, J-gallon, No. 55. 1 dipper, quart. No. 56. • 2 forks, small. 1 grinder, meat. 1 guard, tent, 6^inch. 3 knives, butter, 8-inch. 2 pans, bake. No. 52. 1 pipe, smoke, elbow, No. 47. 4 pipes, smoke, joints, Nos. 43, 44, 45, and 46. 4 rests, pan. No. 57. • 1 saw, meat, 15-inph blade. 1 skimmer, large. 2 spoons, large. 1 steel, butcher's, 10-inch. Ranges, field, complete, No. 2: 1 field range (1 body No. 61, and 1 boiling plate, No. 62). 2 boilers, Nos. 50 and 51. 1 dipper, ^-gallon, No. 55. 2 forks, meat, small. 1 guard, tent. 2 knives, butoher, 8-inch. 2 pans, bake, No. 52. 1 pipe, smoke, elbow. No. 67. 4 pipes, smoke, joints, Nos. 63, 64, 65, and 66. 2 rests, pan. No. 57. 1 saw, meat, 15-inch blade. 1 skimmer, small. 2 spoons, small. 1 steel, butcher's, 10-inch. Stencil plates, set: 2 full alphabets, roman capitals (including usual mark for "and"). 2 series of numbers from to 9. 1 cake of marking paste in tin box, 1 sponge. 1 stencil brush, (1 set of numbers and letters is 1 inch high, the other i inch. These plates are issued in tin boxes with hinged lids.) FIELD BATTALION SIGNAL CORPS. Wagons, equipment of spare parts, and accessories for: 27 Where carried. Num- ber. Wagon equipment: Wagon parts, extra (total weight, 106 pounds)— Blocks, brake 2 Bolt, king . .do 1 Bolts, tire— i by 21 inches do 1 J bv 3 inches ... do 5 Bolts, wagon— . do 2 T^ bv 1| inches . . do 2 . .do T^ by 2^ inches . . . . do 2 . .do 2 1 bv 11 inches do f bv 4 inches . .do Links, open d6 . Nuts, axle do Reach On left side of wagon body . . . . Rivets, iron— "is ^y li inches In tool box J by 1| inches do Tongue Trees- Double ^. Single In tool box Wagon accessories (total weight, 83 pounds)— Ax and helve do Bags, nose ...do Brush, horse do Bucket, galvanized iron do Comb, curry do Globe, lanteni In lantern in tool box Halters and straps do Lantern frame, combination do Pickax and helve do Rope, f-inch, feet do 150 Spade do Whip Wick, lantern In lantern in tool box Twine, ball do (For winter use, when specially authorized, 1 blanket-lined cover for each mule.) Harness: Lead, s.s. (72 pounds) On mules 2 Wheel, s.s. (90 pounds) do 2 Harness equipment- Harness parts, extra (total weight, S\ poimds)— Buckles— 3-inch In jockey box 1 l-inch do 1 l-inch ...do 1 2-inch . do 1 Clips trace in oscillating tool box. 2 Hames do 2 Rings — l-inch 1 l-inch . . . . . . (Jo 1 IJ-inch do 1 2-inch do 1 Snaps— l-inch do 1 l}-inch . . .do 1 2-inch do 1 Straps hame In oscillating tool box. 3 Harness accessories (total weight, 6 pounds)— Oil neat's-foot gallon do i do 1 do 1 1 Additional supplies to be carried in wagon which are not included in the "complete set." These supplies are provided and maintained bv organizations— do 128 Sh(vi« mnlo fiftpd nnmbpr Hfi Hounds') do 16 In campaign (F. S. R. 302)— 36 do 2 The foregoing list of articles is prescribed for each escort wagon and team wherever used. oscillating tool box may be fitted on the escort wagon of any model. The 28 FIELD BATTALION SIGNAL OOBPS. Fuel allowances: Fuel is obtained as needed, which on the march will ordinarily be from day to day. It is not therefore prescribed as baggage. The amounts of fuel shown in the tables of allowances are based on require- ments for average conditions. In certain instances the full allowances given Avill be in excess of actual requirements, in which case only such quantities as are actually required will be issued. Where conditions require the issue of allowances in excess of that shown, autnority must be obtained from the department commander or commanding general in the field. The prescription in the foregoing tables to the effect that the allowances of fuel for heating purposes will be fixed by the commanding general (or division commander) contemplates that the organiza- tions are integral parts of a division on the march or in camp. Under other circumstances, the allowances for heating purposes should be fixed by the commanding officer. ORDNANCE PROPERTY. Officer's horse equipment: 1 bridle. 1 feed bag. 1 grain bag. 1 halter, headstall. 1 halter tie rope. 1 horse cover. 1 saddle. 1 saddle blanket. 1 pair saddlebags. 2 saddle cloths, with S. C. insignia. 1 pair spurs. 1 set spur stra ps , russet . 1 set spur straps, black. Pistol cleaning kit: 1 cleaning box, with packing block. lOcleaningrods. 10 throng brushes. 10 screw drivers. 1 oilcan. 1 grease pot. ikhai Pack harness, set, consisting of: 1 aparejo, 1 aparejo cincha. 1 blinder. 1 corona. 1 crupper. 1 halter bridle, with leather reins. 1 saddle blanket. 1 sobrejalma. Saddler's tools, set, consisting of: 12 awl blades, harness, assorted, Nos. 43 to 48, inclusive. 1 awl, pegging. 1 awl, seat, handled. 1 carriage, pricking, 3 wheels, Nos. 7, 8, and 10. 1 compass, 6-inch. 1 creaser, double, lignum- vitae. 1 edge tool, No. 1. ledge tool, No. 2. 2 extra blades with followers, for draw gauge. 1 gauge, draw, brass (without guard). 1 hammer, No. 3, riveting. 2 hafts, patent, awl, rosewood, with wrench. 1 knife, round. 1 knife, spUtting, 6-inch. 1 needle case, leather. 1 paper needles. Glovers No. 3. 2 papers needles, harness, No. 4. 2 papers needles, harness. No. 5. 2 papers needles, harness, No. 6. 1 nippers, cutting, 10-inch. 1 oilstone, 1.25 by 2 by 8, Washita, immounted. 1 peg awl handle, with wrench. 1 pUers, 6-inch. 1 punch, revolving, 4 tubes, Nos. 4, 5, 6, and 7. 1 rivet set. 4 roimd hand punches, Nos. 5, 7, 8, and 10. 1 rule, boxwood, 2-foot, 4-fold. 1 saddler's chest. 1 screw-driver, 3-inch blade, 8 inches over all. 1 sewing palm, leather. 1 shears, 10-inch, bent trimmers. 1 shoe knife, broad point. 1 shoe knife, square point. 1 slicker, steel. 2 thimbles, best aluminum lined, steel, 2 sizes. 1 tool claw. Blacksmith's tools, set, consisting of-— 1 anvil. .34-pound. 1 aprori, blacksmith's. 1 box, shoeing, leather. 1 creaser, steel handled. 1 chisel, handled for cold iron, 1-pound 6-ounce. 1 clinch cutter. I clinching iron. 1 file, 8-inch, handsaw taper. FIELD BATTALION SIGNAL CORPS. 29 Blacksmith's tools, set, consisting of— Continued. k^ 1 tile, flat, 12-incb, second cut. 1 fire rake. 1 fire shovel. 1 hammer, roundmg, 14-inch handle, 2-poi4nd. 1 hammer, shoeing, 10-ounce, 2 handles, spare, for cold chisel, 1 llardie, 0.502 (t^) sfjuare shank, 1-inch bit. 1 cutting nippers, 14-mch. 1 Pritchel, 0.5(>2 (A) fiats, 9-inch. 1 Schaller forge. 1 Schaller forge tool chest. 1 shoeing knife. 1 shoeing pincers, 14-inch. 1 shoemg rasp, 15-inch. 1 tongs, horseshoers. 1 tool kit, for Schaller lorge. 1 vise, 2.0-inch jaws. 1 whetstone, farrier's, 10-inch. • 1 wrench, screw, 8-inch. SIGNAL PROPERTY. Bags, tool, service, complete: 1 bit, Irwin, auger, each of the following sizes — V-inch. 1-inch. |-inch. |-inch. 1-inch. 1 brace, ratchet, 8-inch throw. 1 chisel, cold, i-inch. 1 chisel, wood, Hiich socket blade, iron, ring-topped handle. 1 hammer, claw, ItVounce. 1 handle, with tools. ^ 1 indicator, polarity. 1 knife, jack. 1 level, pocket, spirit, 3-inch, 1 plane, block, 6-inch. 1 pliers, pair, l^-inch, side cutting. 1 pliers, pair, 8-inch, side cutting. 1 rule, 4-foot, folding, boxwood, 8 parts. 1 saw, back, 10-inch. 1 screwdriver, O-mch. 1 screwdriver, lO-mch. 1 pound solder, resin core. 1 try-square, steel, 4-inch blade. 1 wrench, monkey, <>inch. 1 wTench, socket/for telephone apparatus, 4-inch. Chests, tool, mechanics. No. 1, complete: 2 blades, hack saw, dozen. 12-inch. 1 can, oil, bicycle or pocket type, 2^-inch diameter, I inch thick, curved spout, with screw cap. 1 chisel, cold, .^-inch , 6 inches long. 1 drill, hand. " 1 drill, twist, set of 60, straight shank, Nos. 1 to 60, 4 files, 4-inch, round. 4 files, 4-inch, square. 6 files, e-inch, round. 6 files, 8-inch, flat, bastard. 1 file cleaner. 1 frame, hack saw. 1 grinder, hand, 1 by 5 inches, carborundrum wheel. 1 hammer, riveting, 4-ounce, cast steel, 1 handle, file, malleable iron. I iron, soldering, J-pound. 1 iron, soldering, lA-pound. 1 oilstone, mounted, S-inch, soft. 1 pliers, diagonal , 6-inch . 1 pliers, long nose, oHnch. 1 pliers, side cutting, 6-inch. 2 punches, center, straight shank. 1 screw driver, machinist's, swivel head, 5-inch, ^Vinch blade, -^inch handle. 1 screw driver, set. 1 screw plate, set. 1 shears, metal. 1 square, combination, 6-inch blade, without center head. 1 torch, gasoline. 1 vise, adjustable jaw, swivel base, 2-inch jaws, open 2^ inches. v^hests,tool, mechanic's. No. 2, complete: 1 set of 14 bits; thirteen J to 1 inch bv -^g inch; 1 bit, expansive, | to 3 inches. 1 brace, 10-inch. 1 pair calipers, 4-inch. 1 set of 5 cfiisels, l^inch, 1 J-inch, i-inch, |-inch, .J-inch. 1 pair dividers, 6-inch. 1 set of 9 drills, twist, bit, stock, three each of ^^-inch, ^^-inch, and J-iiich diameter. 1 file cleaner. 1 file holder. Iset of 14 files; three 8-inch, half round, smooth; three 8-inch, half round, bastard; two 8-inch, flat, bastard, six 6-inch, saw files. 1 hammer, claw. 1 hammer, riv^eting, 8-ouhce, 30 FIELD BATTALION SIGNAL CORPS. Chests, too], mechanic's, No. 2, complete— Contmued. 1 hatchet, half, with handle. 1 knife, draw, 8-inch, folding type. 1 naH puller. 1 oilstone, 5-inch, mounted. , 1 plane, block, If-inch bit. 1 plane, jack, 2-inch bit. 1 rule. 1 saw, hand, 10-point, 26-inch. 1 saw, rip, 6-point, 28-inch. 1 saw, set. 1 screw driver, 5-inch. 1 screw driver, 7-inch. 1 screw plate, set. 1 square. 24-inch fshort end cut to 14 inches). 1 tape, steel, 100-foot. 1 wrench, monkey, 6-inch. 1 wrench, monkey, 15-inch. 1 wrench, 14-inch. Kit, flag, combination, standard: 1 case, combination flag. 1 staff, 2-foot flag (3 joints). 1 flag, red (whitecenter), 2-foot. 1 flag, white (red center), 2-foot. 2 staffs, semaphore. 2 flags, semaphore. Kit, flag, 4-foot: 1 case. 4-foot flag. 1 staff, 4-foot flag (3 joints). 1 flag, red (white center), 4-foot. 1 flag, white (red center), 4-foot. Kit, inspector's pocket: 1 case, leather. 1 file, 3-inch, half round, bastard. 1 knife, electrician's. 1 pliers, 5-inch, side cutting, .nickeled. 1 rule, 2-foot. 1 scissors, electrician's. 1 screw driver. 1 tweezer. Kit, soldering: 1 blow, torch, pint size. 1 soldering copper, ^-pound, with handle. 4 sheets of sandpaper, No. 1. 2 spools resin core solder, 5 pounds each. 1 oak containing case. Radio pack sets, complete: Radio pack sets, model 1915, consist of the following vmits— 1 operating chest. 1 hand generator. 1 mast. 1 set of pack frames (3 frames to a set). 1 tent. Each vmit contains component parts as follows— Operating chest — 1 chest. 1 resonance transformer. 1 condenser. 1 osciUation transformer. 1 sending key. 1 spark gap. 1 hot-wire ammeter. 1 smtch. 1 receiving set. 1 connecting cord for generator (4-conductor, with plugs). 1 connecting cord, with plug, for antenna. 1 double-head receiver. 1 test buzzer. 1 tool kit. 1 extra section for transformer secondary. 1 extra set of crystals. 1 canvas case for receiver. 1 coimector, 4-wire (lower half), generator. 2 connectors (lower half), antenna and counterpoise. 1 flexible connector for antenna inductance. 1 connector, 2-wire, small, for receiving set. 2 spring hooks. 4 legs for chest. 1 copy of Radiotelegraphy (U. S. Signal Corps). Hand generator — 1 generator. 2 cranks. 1 stand. 1 speedometer (carried in operating chest). 1 cap for speedometer openmg. 1 canvas hood. Mast, type F— 1 top section. 1 bottom section. 8 intermediate sections . FIELD BATTALION SIGNAL CORPS. 31 Radio pack sets, complete— Continued. Each unit contains component parts as follows— Continued Mast, type F— Continued 4 intermediate sections, extra (3 for tent). 1 anterma. 1 counterpoise. 9 carriers, wire. 4 pins, antenna. 2 hammers. 1 set adapters for tent (4 pieces). 1 bag, for anterma and counterpoise. 1 bag, for accessories. lent — 1 tent. 14 pins. 2 guy rojpes. 1 insulating device. 2 bands, brake (drawing 1258). 2 bearings, extra, for reel (drawing 1260). 1 can, oil, steel, pint size. 1 canvas roll (draA^ing 1133-1), provided with the following tools- 1 chisel, cold, §-mch. 1 screw driver, 5-inch. 1 screw driver, 10-inch. 1 hammer, claw, l&-ounce. 1 wrench, monkey, 8-inch. 1 pliers, side-cutting, 8-inch. 1 wrench, S, f-inch and ^inch flats (W. & B^ No. 674-B) 1 wrench, S, |-inch and i-inch flats (W. & EfNo 672-D) 1 wrench, alligator, 9-inch (W. & B. Bulldog, No. 2) 1 Cham, for tongue support (drawing 1128-2). 1 crank, reel (drawing 1132-3). 1 doubletree (drawing 1129-1). 4 insulators, strain, electrose, for traces (W. E. No. 700323) 2 pads, hand, leather. wo-w/. 1 pauhn (drawing 78&-1). 2 singletrees (drawing 1129-1). 1 tongue (drawing 1128-2). } ™ncCw£^f[^S"lSi)^"'* *" °'^™^ "^"^ °"'^'- 1 wrench, socket, for axle bracket nuts (drawing 1132-3) 1 yoke, neck (drawing 1130). ^' o