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Fifth Edition, with Memoir. 16. OERSTEDS SOUL IN NATURE, &.C. Portrait. 17. STAUNTONS CHESS TOURNAMENT, with Diagram. 18 &. 20. BRIDGEWATER TREATISES. KIRBT on the History, Habiti, and Instincts of Animals ; Edited by T. KTMSR JONES. In 2 Vols. Many Illustrations. 21. BRIDGEWATER TREATISES. KIDB On the Adaptatiom of External Nature to the Physical Condition of Man. 3s. 6 MIGNET, MEMBEB OF THE INSTITUTE OF FRA.NCE, ETC. LONDON: HENRY G. BOHN, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. MDCCCLTI. LONDON: SATILL AND BDWABDS, PBINTBBS, CHAXDOS STREET. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. . Character of tbe French revolution Its results, its progress Successive forms of the monarchy Louis XIV. and Louis XV. State of men 8 minds, of the finances, of the public power and the public wants, at the accession of Louis XVI. His character Maurepas, prime minister- His policy Chooses popular and reforming ministers His object Turgot, Malesherbes, Necker Their plans Opposed by the court and the privileged classes Their failure Death of Maurepas Influence of the Queen, Marie-Antoinette Popular ministers are succeeded by court ministers Calonne and his system Brienne, his character and at- tempts Distressed state of the finances Opposition of the assembly of the notables, of the parliament, and provinces Dismissal of Brienne- - Second administration of Necker Convocation of the states-general Immediate causes of the revolution . . p. 1 CHAPTER I. From the 5th of May, 1798, to the night of the kth of August. Opening of the states-general Opinion of the court, of the ministry, and of the various bodies of the kingdom respecting the states Verification of powers Question of vote by order or by poll The order of the commons forms itself into a national assembly The court causes the Hall of the states to be closed Oath of the Tennis-court The majority of the order of the clergy unites itself with the commons Royal sittings of the 23rd of June Its inutility Project of the court Events of the 12th, 13th, and 14th of July Dismissal of Necker Insurrection of Paris Formation of the national guard Siege and taking of the Bastille Consequences of the 14th of July Decrees of the night of the 4th of August Character of the revolution which had just been brought about p. 21 CONTENTS. CHAPTER II. From tlie night of the 4y the pope on the 2nd of December, 1804, in the church of Notre Dame Succes- sive abandonment of the revolution Progress of absolute power during the four years of the consulate ........ p. 360 CONTENTS. THE EMPIRE. CHAPTER XV. From the establishment of the Empire, 1804 18J4. Character of the empire Change of the republics created by the directory into kingdoms Third coalition ; taking of Vienna ; victories of Ulm and Austerlitz ; peace of Presburg; erection of the two kingdoms of Bavaria and Wurtemberg against Austria Confederation of the Rhine Joseph Napoleon appointed king of Na'ples ; Louis Napoleon, king of Holland Fourth coalition ; battle of Jena ; taking of Berlin ; victories of Eylau and Friedland ; peace of Tilsit ; the Prussian monarchy is re- duced by one half; the kingdoms of Saxony and Westphalia are insti- tuted against it ; that of Westphalia given to Jerome Napoleon The grand empire rises with its secondary kingdoms, its confederation of the Rhine, its Swiss mediation, its great fiefs ; it is modelled on that of Charlemagne Blockade of the continent Napoleon employs the cessation of commerce to reduce England, as he had employed arms to subdue the continent Invasion of Spain and Portugal ; Joseph Na- poleon appointed to the throne of Spain; Murat replaces him on the throne of Naples New order of events : national insurrection of the peninsula ; religious contest with the pope Commercial opposition of Holland Fifth coalition Victory of Wagram ; peace of Vienna ; marriage of Napoleon with the archduchess Marie Louise Failure of the attempt at resistance ; the pope is dethroned ; Holland is again united to the empire, and the war in Spain prosecuted with rigour Russia re- nounces the continental system ; campaign of 1812 ; taking of Moscow ; disastrous retreat Reaction against the power of Napoleon ; campaign of 1813; general defection Coalition of all Europe; exhaustion of France ; marvellous campaign of 1814 The allied powers at Paris ; abdication at Fontainbleau ; character of Napoleon; his part in the French revolution Conclusion p. 384 HISTORY OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION, FROM 1789 TO 1814. INTRODUCTION. Character of the French revolution Its results, its progress Successive forms of the monarchy -Louis XIV. and Louis XV. State of men's minds, of the finances, of the public power and the public wants, at the accession of Louis XVI. His character Maurepas, prime minister His policy Chooses popular and reforming ministers His object Turgot, Malesherbes, Necker Their plans Opposed by the court and the privileged classes Their failure Death of Maurepas Influence of the Queen, Marie-Antoinette Popular ministers are succeeded by court ministers Calonne and his system Brienne, his character and at- tempts Distressed state of the finances Opposition of the assembly of the notables, of the parliament, and provinces Dismissal of Brienne Second administration of Necker Convocation of the states -general Immediate causes of the revolution. I AM about to take a rapid review of che history of the French revolution, which began the era of new societies in Europe, as the English revolution had begun the era of new governments. This revolution not only modified the poli- tical power, but it entirely changed the internal existence of the nation. The forms of the society of the middle ages still remained. The land was divided into hostile provinces, the population into rival classes. The nobility had lost all their powers, but still retained all their distinctions : ttfe 2 BISTORT OP people had no rignts, royalty no limits; France was in an utter confusion of arbitrary administration, of class legisla- tion and special privileges to special bodies. For these abuses the revolution substituted a system more conformable with justice, and better suited to our times. It substituted law in the place of arbitrary will, equality in that of privilege; de- livered men from the distinctions of classes, the land from the barriers of provinces, trade from the shackles of corpora- tions and fellowships, agriculture from feudal subjection and the oppression of tithes, property from the impediment of entails, and brought everything to the condition of one state, one system of law, one people. In order to effect such mighty reformation as this, the revolution had many obstacles to overcome, involving tran- sient excesses with durable benefits. The privileged sought to prevent it; Europe to subject it; and thus forced into a struggle, it could not set bounds to its efforts, or moderate its victory. Resistance from within brought about the sove- reignty of the multitude, and aggression from without, mi- litary domination. Yet the end was attained, in spite of anarchy and in spite of despotism: the old society was de- stroyed during the revolution, and the new one became esta- blished under the empire. When a reform has become necessary, and the moment for accomplishing it has arrived, nothing can prevent it, every- thing furthers it. Happy were it for men, could they then come to an understanding; would the rich resign their superfluity, and the poor content themselves with achiev- ing what, they really needed, revolutions would then be quietly effected, and the historian would have no excesses, no calamities to record; he would merely have to display the transition of humanity to a wiser, freer, and happier condition. But the annals of nations have not as yet pre- sented any instance of such prudent sacrifices; these who should have made them have refused to do so; those who required them have forcibly compelled them; and good has been brought about, like evil, by the medium and with all the violence of usurpation. As yet there has been no sovereign but force. In reviewing the history of the important period extend- ing from the opening of the states-general to 1814, I propose THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 3 to explain the various crises of the revolution, while I describe their progress. It will thus be seen through whose funk, after commencing under such happy auspices, it so fearfully- degenerated; in what way it changed France into a republic, and how upon the ruins of the republic it raised the empire These various phases were almost inevitable, so irresistible was the power of the events which produced them. It would perhaps be rash to affirm that by no possibility could the face of things have been otherwise; but it is certain that the revo- lution, taking its rise from such causes, and employing and arousing such passions, naturally took that course, and ended in that result. Before we enter upon its history, let us see what led to the convocation of the states-general, which them- selves brought on all that followed. In retracing the preli- minary causes of the revolution, I hope to show that it was as impossible to avoid as to guide it. From its establishment the French monarchy had had no settled form, no fixed and recognised public right. Under the first races the crown was elective, the nation sovereign, and the king a mere military chief, depending on the common voice for all decisions to be made, and all the enterprises to be undertaken. The nation elected its chief, exercised the legislative power in the Champs de Mars under the presi- dentship of the king, and the judicial power in the courts under the direction of one of his officers. Under the feudal regime, this royal democracy gave way to a royal aris- tocracy. Absolute power ascended higher, the nobles stripped the people of it, as the prince afterwards despoiled the nobles. At- this period the monarch had become hereditary; not as king, but as individually possessor of a fief; the legislative authority over their vast territories belonged to the seigneurs, or in the barons' parliaments; and the judicial authority to the vassals in the manorial courts. In a word, power had become more and more concentrated, and as it had passed from the many to the few, it came at last from the few to be invested in one alone. During centuries of continuous efforts, the kings of 'France were battering down the feudal edifice, and at length they established themselves on its ruins, having step by step usurped the fiefs, subdued the vassals, suppressed the parlia- ments of barons, annulled or subjected the manorial courts, assumed the legislative power, and effected that judicial B 2 4 HISTORY OF authority should be exercised in their name and on their behalf, in parliaments of legists. The states-general, which they convoked on pressing oc- casions, for the purpose of obtaining subsidies, and which were composed of the three orders of the nation, the clergy, the nobility, and the third estate or commons, had no regular existence. Originated while the royal prerogative was in progress, they were at first controlled, and finally suppressed by it. The strongest and most determined opposition the kings had to encounter in their projects of aggrandizement, proceeded much less from these assemblies, which they authorized or annulled at pleasure, than from the nobles vin- dicating against them, first their sovereignty, and then their political importance. From Philip Augustus to Louis XI. the object of all their efforts was to preserve their own power; from Louis XI. to Louis XIV. to become the minis- ters of that of royalty. The Fronde was the last campaign of the aristocracy. Under Louis XIV. absolute monarchy definitively established itself, and dominated without dispute. The government of France, from Louis XIV. to the re- volution, was still more arbitrary than despotic; for the mo- narchs had much more power than they exercised. The barriers that opposed the encroachments of this immense authority were exceedingly feeble. The crown disputed of persons by lettres de cachet, of property by confiscation, of the public revenue by imposts. Certain bodies, it is true, possessed means of defence, which were termed privileges, but these privileges were rarely respected. The parliament had that of ratifying or of refusing an impost, but the king could compel its assent, by a lit de justice, and punish its members by exile. The nobility were exempt from tax- ation; the clergy were, entitled to the privilege of taxing them- selves, in the form of free gifts; some provinces enjoyed the right of compounding the taxes, and others made the assessment themselves. Such were the trifling liberties of France, and even these all turned to the benefit of the privileged classes, and to the detriment of the people. And this France, so enslaved, was moreover miserably organized; the excesses of power were still less endurable than their unjust distribution. The nation, divided into thvee orders, which subdivided themselves into several classes, THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 5 was a prey to all the attacks of despotism, and all the evils of inequality. The nobility were subdivided: into courtiers, living on the favours of the prince, that is to say, on the labour of the people, and whose aim was governorships of provinces, or elevated ranks in the ai-my; ennobled parvenus, who con- ducted the interior administration, and whose object was to obtain comptrollerships, and to make the most of their place while they held- it, by jobbing of every description; legists who administered justice, and were alone competent to perform its functions; and landed proprietors who op- pressed the country by the exercise of those feudal rights which still survived. The clergy were divided into two classes: the one destined for the bishoprics and abbeys, and their rich revenues; the other for the apostolic function and its poverty. The third estate, ground down by the court, humiliated by the nobility, was itself divided into corpora- tions, which, in their turn, exercised upon each other the evil and the contempt they received from the higher classes. It possessed scarcely a third part of the land, and this was burthcned with the feudal rents due to the lords of the manor, tithes to the clergy, and taxes to the king. In com- pensation for all these sacrifices it enjoyed no political right, Lad no share in the administration, and was admitted to no public employment. Louis XIV. wore out the main-spring of absolute mo- narchy by too protracted tension and too violent use. Fond of sway, rendered irritable by the vexations of his youth, he quelled all resistance, forbad every kind of opposition, that of the aristocracy which manifested itself in revolt, that of the parliaments displayed by remonstrance, that of the' protestants, whose form was a liberty of conscience which the church deemed heretical, and royalty factious. Louis XIV. subdued the nobles by summoning them to his court, where favours and pleasures were the compensation for their de- pendence. Parliament, till then the instrument of the crown, attempted to become its counterbalance, and the prince haughtily imposed upon it a silence and submission of sixty years' duration. At length, the revocation of the edict of Nantes completed this work of despotism. An arbitrary- government not only will not endure resistance, but it de- mands that its subjects shall approve and imitate it. After 6 HISTORY OF having subjected the actions of men, it persecutes con- science; needing to be ever in motion, it seeks victims- when they do not fall in its way. The immense power oi Louis XIY. was exercised, internally, against the heretics;, externally, against all Europe. Oppression found ambitious- men to counsel it, dragoons to serve, and success to encourage it; the wounds of France were hidden by laurels, her groans were drowned in songs of victory. But at last the men ot genius died, the victories ceased, industry emigrated, money disappeared; and the fact became evident, that the veiy suc- cesses of despotism exhaust its resources, and consume its future ere that future has arrived. The death of Louis XIV. was the signal for a reac- tion; there was a sudden transition from intolerance to incredulity, from the spirit of obedience to that of discussion. Under the regency, the third estate acquired in importance, by their increasing wealth and intelligence, all that the nobi- lity lost in consideration, and the clergy in influence. Under Louis XV., the court prosecuted ruinous wars attended with little glory, and engaged in a silent struggle with opinion, in an open one with the parliament. Anarchy crept into its bosom, the government fell into the hands of royal mistresses, power was completely on the decline, and the opposition daily made fresh progress. The parliaments had undergone a change of position and of system. Royalty had invested them with a power which they now turned against it. No sooner had the ruin of the aristocracy been accomplished by the combined efforts of the parliament and of royalty, than the conquerors quarrelled, according to the common practice of allies after a victory. Royalty sought to destroy an instrument that became dan- gerous when it ceased to be useful, and the parliament sought to govern royalty. This struggle, favourable to the monarch under Louis XIV., of mixed reverses and success under Louis XV., only ceased with the revolution. The parlia- ment, from its very nature, was only called upon to serve as an instrument. The exercise of its prerogative, and its ambition as a body, leading it to oppose itself to the strong and support the weak, it served by turns the crown against the aristocracy and the nation against the crown. It was this that made it so popular under Louis XV. and Louis. THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 7 XVI., although it only attacked the court from a spirit of rivalry. Opinion, without inquiring into its motives, applauded not its ambition but its resistance, and supported it because defended by it. Rendered daring by such encouragement, it became formidable to authority. After annulling the will of the most imperious and best-obeyed of monarchs; after protesting against theseven years' war; after obtaining the con- trol of financial operations and the destruction of the Jesuits, its resistance became so constant and energetic, that the court, meeting with it in every direction, saw the necessity of either submitting to or subjecting it. It accordingly car- ried into execution the plan of disorganization proposed by the chancellor Maupeou. This daring man, who, to employ his own expression, had offered retirer la couronne du greffe, replaced this hostile parliament by one devoted to power, and subjected to a similar operation the entire magistracy of France, who were following the example of that of Paris. But the time had passed for coups yet there was no place for a mediating party between THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 57 them. Necker had declared himself in favour of the English constitution, and those who from ambition or conviction were of his views, rallied round him. Among these was Mounier, a man of strong mind and inflexible spirit, who considered that system as the type of representative governments; Lally-Tollendal, as decided in his views as the former, and more persuasive; Clermont-Tonnerre, the friend and ally of Mounier and Lally; in a word, the minority of the nobility, and some of the bishops, who hoped to become members of the upper chamber, should Necker's views be adopted. The leaders of this party, afterwards called the monarchi- cal party, wished to effect a revolution by compromise, and to introduce into France a representative government, ready formed, namely, that of England. At every point, they besought the powerful to make a compromise with the weak. Before the 14th of July, they asked the court and privileged classes to satisfy the commons; afterwards, they asked the commons to agree to an arrangement with the court and the privileged classes. They thought that each ought to preserve his influence in the state; that deposed parties are discontented parties, and that a legal existence must be made for them, or interminable struggles be expected on their part. But they did not see how little their ideas were appropriate to a mo- ment of exclusive passions. The struggle was begun, the struggle destined to result in the triumph of a system, and not in a compromise. It was a victory which had made the three orders give place to a single assembly, and it was diffi- cult to break the unity of this assembly in order to arrive at a government of two chambers. The moderate party had not been able to obtain this government from the court, nor were they to obtain it from the nation: to the one it had appeared too popular; for the other, it was too aristocratic. The rest of the assembly consisted of the national party. As yet there were not observed in it men who, like .Robes- pierre, Petion, Buzot, &c., wished to begin a second revolu- tion when the first was accomplished. At this period the most extreme of this party were Duport, Barnave, and Lameth, who formed a triumvirate, whose opinions were pre- pared by Duport, sustained by Barnave, and managed by Alexander Lameth. There was something remarkable and announcing the spirit of equality of the times, in this intimate JS HISTORY OF union of an advocate belonging to the middle classes,, of a counsellor belonging to the parliamentary class, and a cokrael belonging to the court, renouncing the interests of their order to unite in views of the public good and popular happiness. This party at first took a more advanced position than that which the revolution had attained. The 14th of July had been the triumph of the middle class; the constituent assembly was its legislature, the national guard its armed force, the mayor- alty its popular power. Mirabeau, Lafayette, Bailly, relied on this class; one was its tribune, the other its general, and the third its magistrate. Duport, Bcrnave, and Lameth's party were of the principles, and sustained the interests of that period of the revolution ; but this party, composed of young men of ardent patriotism, who entered on public affairs with superior qualities, fine talents, and elevated positions, and who joined to the love of liberty the ambition of playing a leading part, placed itself from the first racher in advance of the revolution of July the 14th. Its fulcrum within the assembly was, the members of the extreme left, without, in the clubs; in the nation, in the party of the people, who had co-operated on the 14th of July, and who were unwilling that the bourgeoisie alone should derive advantage from the victory. By putting itself at the head of those who had no leaders, and who being a little out of the government aspired to enter it, it did not cease to belong to this first period of the revolution ; only it formed a kind of democratic opposi- tion, even in the middle class itself, only differing from its leaders en u few unimportant points, and voting with them oa most questions. It was, among these popular men. rather a patriotic emulation than a party dissension. Duport, who was strong-minded, and who had acquired premature experience of the management of political passions, in the struggles which parliament had sustained against the ministry, and which he had chiefly directed, knew well that a people reposes the moment it has gained its rights, and that it begins to grow weak as soon as it reposes. To keep in vigour those who governed in the assembly, in the mayoralty, in the militia; to prevent the public activity from slackening, and not to disband the people, whose aid he might one day require, he conceived and executed the famous con- federation of the clubs. Tl^s institution, like everything THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 5") that gives a great impulse to a nation, caused a great deal of good, and a great deal of harm. It impeded legal authority, when this of itself was sufficient; but it also gave an immense energy to the revolution, when, attacked on all sides, it could only save itself by the most violent efforts. For the rest, the founders of this association had not calculated all its consequences. They regarded it simply as a wheel destined to keep or put in movement the public machine, without danger, when it tended to abate or to cease its activity; they did not think they were working for the advantage of the multitude. After the flight of Varennes, this party had be- come too exacting and too formidable; they forsook it, and supported themselves against it with the mass of the assem- bly and the middle class, whose direction was left vacant by the death of Mirabeau. At this period, it Avas important to them speedily to fix the constitutional revolution; for to pro- tract it would have been to bring on the republican revo- lution. The mass of the assembly, we have just mentioned, abounded in just, experienced, and even superior minds. Its leaders were two men, strangers to the third estate, and adopted by it. Without the abbe Sie*yes, the constituent assembly would probably have had less unity in its opera- tion and without Mirabeau, less energy in its conduct. Sieyes was one of those men who create sects in an age of enthusiasm, and who exercise the ascendancy of a powerful reason in an enlightened age. Solitude and philosophical studies had matured him at an early age. His views were new, strong, and extensive, but somewhat too systematic. Society had especially been the subject of his examination; he had watched its progress, investigated its springs. The nature of government appeared to him less a question of right than a question of epoch. His vast intellect ranged the society of our days in its divisions, relations, powers, and movement. Sieyes, though of cold temperament, had the ardour which the pursuit of truth inspires, and the passion which its discovery gives; he was accordingly absolute in his views, disdaining those of others, because he considered them in- complete, and that, in his opinion, half truth was error. Contradiction irritated him; he \vas not communicative. De- sirous of making himself thoroughly known, he coidd not do 60 HISTORY OF BO with every one. His adepts imparted his systems to others, which surrounded him with a sort of mystery, and ren- dered him the object of a species of reverence. He had the authority which complete political science procures, and the constitution might have emerged from his head com- pletely armed, like the Minerva of Jupiter, or the legislation of the ancients, were it not that in our days every one sought to be engaged in the task, or to criticise it. Yet, with the exception of some modifications, his plans were generally adopted, and he had in the committees more disciples than colleagues. Mirabeau obtained in the tribune the same ascendancy as Sieyes in the committees. He was a man who only waited the occasion to become great. At Rome, in the best days of the republic, he would have been a Gracchus; in its decline, a Catiline; under the Fronde, a cardinal de Retz; and in the decrepitude of a monarchy, when such a being could only find scope for his immense faculties in agitation, he became remarkable for the vehemence of his passions, and for their punishment, a life passed in committing disorders, and suffering for them. This prodigious activity required employment; the revolution provided it. Accustomed to the struggle against despotism, irritated by the contempt of a nobility who were inferior to him, and who excluded him from their body; clever, daring, eloquent, Mirabean felt that the revolution would be his work, and his life. He exactly corresponded to the chief wants of his time. His thought, his voice, his action, were those of a tribune. In perilous circumstances, his was the earnestness which carries away an assembly; in difficult discussions, the unanswerable sally which at once puts an end to them; with a word he prostrated ambition, silenced enmities, disconcerted rivalries. This powerful being, perfectly at his ease in the midst of agitation, now giving himself up to the impetuosity, now to the fami- liarities of conscious strength, exercised a sort of sovereignty in the assembly. He soon obtained immense popularity, which he retained to the last; and he whom, at his first entrance into the legislature, every eye shunned, was, at his death, received into the Pantheon, amidst the tears of the assembly and of all France. Had it not been for the revo- lution, Mirabeau would have failed in realizing his destiny, THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 61 for it is not enough to be great: one must live at the fitting period. The duke of Orleans, to whom a party has been given, had but little influence in the assembly; he voted with the ma- jority, not the majority with him. The personal attachment of some of its members, his name, the fears of the court, the popularity his opinions enjoyed, hopes rather than conspiracies had increased his reputation as a factious character. He had neither the qualities nor the defects of a conspirator; he may have aided with his money and his name popular movements, that would have taken place just the same without him, and which had another object than his elevation. It is still a common error to attribute the greatest of revolutions to some petty private manoeuvring, as if at such an epoch a whole people could be used as the instrument of one man. The assembly had acquired the entire power; the corpora- tions depended on it; the national guards obeyed it. It was divided into committees to facilitate its operations, and execute them. The royal power, though existing of right, was in a measure suspended, since it was not obeyed, and the as- sembly had to supply its action by its own. Thus, inde- pendently of committees entrusted with the preparation of its measures, it had appointed others to exercise a useful superintendence without. A committee of supply occupied itself with provisions, an important object in a year of scarcity; a committee of inquiry corresponded with the cor- porations and provinces; a committee of researches received informations against the conspirators of the 14th of July. But finance and the constitution, which the past crises had ad- journed, were the special subjects of attention. After having momentarily provided for the necessities of the treasury, the assembly, although now become sovereign, consulted, by examining the petitions, the wishes of its con- stituents. It then proceeded to form its institutions with a method, a liberal and extensive spirit of discussion, which was to procure for France a constitution conformable with justice and suited to its necessities. The United States of America, at the time of their independence, had set forth in a declaration, the rights of man, and those of the citizen. This will ever be the first step. A people rising from slavery feels the necessity of proclaiming its right?, even be- 62 HISTORY OF fore it forms its government. Those Frenchmen who had assisted at the American revolution, and who co-operated in ours, proposed a similar declaration as a preamble to our laws. This was agreeable to an assembly of legislators and philosophers, restricted by no limits, since no institutions ex- isted, and who were directed by primitive and fundamental ideas of society, for it was the pupil of the eighteenth century. Though this declaration only contained general principles, and confined itself to setting forth in maxims what the constitution was to put into laws, it was calculated to elevate the mind, and impart to the citizens a consciousness of their dignity and importance. At Lafayette's suggestion, the assembly had before commenced this discussion; but the events at Paris, and the decrees of the 4th of August, had interrupted its labours; they were now resumed, and concluded, by determining the princi- ples which were to form the table of the new law, and which were the assumption of right in the name of humanity. These generalities being adopted, the assembly turned its attention to the organization of the legislative power. This was one of its most important objects; it was to fix the nature of its functions, and establish its relations with the king. In this discussion the assembly had only to decide the future condition of the legislative power. Invested as it was with constituent authority, it was raised above its own deci- sions, and no intermediate power could suspend or prevent its mission. But what should be the form of the deliberative body in future sessions? Should it remain indivisible, or be divided into two chambers? If the latter form should be adopted, what should be the nature of the second chamber? Should it be made an aristocratic assembly, or a moderative senate? And, whatever the deliberative body might be, was it to be permanent or periodical, and should the king share the legislative power with it? Such were the difficulties that agitated the assembly and Paris during the month of Sep- tember. If we consider the position of the assembly and its ideas of sovereignty, we shall easily understand the manner in which these questions were decided. It regarded the king merely as the hereditary agent of the nation, having neither the right to assemble its representatives nor that of directing or sus- pending them. Accordingly, it refused to grant him the THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 63 initiative in making laws and dissolving the assembly. It considered that the legislative body ought not to be dependant on the king. It moreover feared that by granting the go- vernment too strong an influence over the assembly, or by not keeping the latter always together, the prince might profit by the intervals in Avhich he would be left alone, to encroach on the other powers, and perhaps even to destroy the new system. Therefore to an authority in constant activity, they wished to oppose an always existing assembly, and the per- manence of the assembly was accordingly declared. The debate respecting its indivisibility, or its division, was very animated. JSecker, Mounier, and Lally-Tollendal desired, in addition to a representative chamber, a senate, to be composed of members to be appointed by the king on the nomination of the people. They considered this as the only means of mode- rating the power, and even of preventing the tyranny of a single assembly. They had as partisans such members as participated in their ideas, or who hoped to form part of the upper chamber. The majority of the nobility did not wish for a house of peers, but for an aristocratic assembly, whose members it should elect. They could not agree; Mounter's party refusing to fall in with a project calculated to revive the orders, and the aristocracy refusing to accept a senate, which would confirm the ruin of the nobility. The greater portion of the deputies of the clergy and of the commons were in favour of the unity of the assembly. The popular party considered it illegal to appoint legislators for life; it thought that the upper chamber would become the instrument of the court and aristocracy, and would then be dangerous, or become useless by uniting with the commons. Thus the nobility, from dissatisfaction, and the national party, from a spirit of absolute justice, alike rejected the upper chamber. This determination of the assembly has been the object of many reproaches. The partisans of the peerage have attri- buted all the evils of the revolution to the absence of that order; as if it had been possible for anybody whatsoever to arrest its progress. It was not the constitution which gave it the character it has had, but events arising from party struggles. What would the upper chamber have done be- tween the court and the nation? If in favour of the first, it would have been, unable to guide or save it; if in favour of 64 HISTORY OF the second, it would not have strengthened it; in either case, its suppression would have infallibly ensued. In such times, progress is rapid, and all that seeks to check it is superfluous. In England, the house of lords, although docile, was sus- pended during the crisis. These various systems have each their epoch; revolutions are achieved by one chamber, and end with two. The -royal sanction gave rise to great debates in the assem- bly, and violent clamours without. The question was as to the part of the king in the making of laws; the deputies were nearly all agreed on one point. They were determined, in admitting his right to sanction or refuse laws; but some desired that this right- should be unlimited, others that it should be temporary. This, in reality, amounted to the same thing; for it was not possible for the king to prolong his refusal in- definitely, and the veto, though absolute, would only have been suspensive. But this faculty, bestowed on a single man, of checking the will of the people, appeared exorbitant, especially out of the assembly, where it was less understood. Paris had not yet recovered from the agitation of the 14th of July; the popular government was but beginning, and the city experienced all its liberty and disorder. . The assembly of electors, who in difficult circumstances had taken the place of a provisional corporation, had just been replaced. A hundred and eighty members nominated by the districts, constituted themselves legislators and representatives of the city. While they were engaged on a plan of municipal organization, each desired to command; for in France the love of liberty is almost the love of power. The committees acted apart from the mayor; the assembly of representatives arose against the committees, and the districts against the assembly of representatives. Each of the sixty districts attributed to itself the legislative power, and gave the execu- tive power to its committees; they all considered the members of the general assembly as their subordinates, and themselves as invested with the right of annulling their decrees. This idea of the sovereignty of the principal over the delegate made rapid progress. Those who had no share in authority, formed assemblies, and then gave themselves up to discussion; soldiers debated at the Oratoire, journeymen tailors at the Colonnade, hair-dressers in the Champs Elysees, servants at THE FRENCH R2VOLUTTON. 6>-> the Louvre; but the most animated debates cook place in the Palais Royal. There were inquired into the questions that occupied the national assembly, and its discussions criti- cised. The dearth of provisions also brought crowds together, and these mobs were not the least dangerous. Such was the state of Paris when the debate concerning the veto was begun. The alarm which this right conferred on the king excited, was extreme. It seemed as though the fate of liberty depended on the decision of this question, and that the veto alone would bring back the ancient system. The multitude, ignorant of the nature and limits of power, wished the assembly, on which it relied, to do all, and the king, whom it mistrusted, to do nothing. Every instrument left at the disposal of the court, appeared the means of a counter revolution. The crowds at the Palais Royal grew turbulent; threatening letters were sent to those members of the assembly, who, like Mounier, had declared in favour of the absolute veto. They spoke of dismissing them as faith- less representatives, and of marching upon Versailles. The Palai-s Royal sent a deputation to the assembly, and required the commune to declare that the deputies were revocable, and to make them at all times dependent on the electors. The commune remained firm, rejected the demands of the Palais Royal, and took measures to prevent the riotous assemblies. The national guard supported it; this body was well disposed; Lafayette had acquired its confidence; it was becoming orga- nized, it wore a uniform, submitted to discipline after the example of the French guard, and learned from its chief the love of order and respect for the law. But the middle class that composed it had not yet taken exclusive possession of the popular government. The multitude which was enrolled on the 14th of July, was not as yet entirely disbanded. This agitation from without rendered the debates upon the veto stormy; in this way a very simple question acquired great importance, and the ministry, perceiving how fatal the influ- ence of an absolute decision might prove, and seeing, also, that the unlimited veto and the suspensive veto were one and the same thing, induced the king to be satisfied with the latter, and give up the former. The assembly declared that the refusal of his sanction could not be prolonged by the prince beyond two sessions; and this decision satisfied every one. F 66 HISTORY OP The court took advantage of the agitation in Paris to realize other projects. For some time it had influenced the king's mind. At first, he had refused to sanction the decrees of the 4th of August, although they were constitutive, and consequently he could not avoid promulgating them. After accepting them, on the remonstrances of the assembly, he re- newed the same difficulties relative to the declaration of rights. The object of the court was to represent Louis XVL as oppressed by the assembly, and constrained to submit to measures which he was unwilling to accept; it endured its situation with impatience, and strove to regain its former au- thority. Flight was the only means, and it was requisite to legitimate it; nothing could be done in the presence of the assembly, and in the neighbourhood of Paris. Royal au- thority had fallen on the 23rd of June, military power on the 14th of July; there was no alternative but civil war. As it was difficult to persuade the king to this course, they waited till the last moment to induce him to flee; his hesitation caused the failure of the plan. It was proposed to retire to Metz, to Bouille, in the midst of his army; to call around the monarch the nobility, the troops who continued faithful, the parliaments; to declare the assembly and Paris in a state of rebellion; to invite them to obedience or to force them to it; and if the ancient system could not be entirely re-established, at least to confine themselves to the declaration of the 20th of June. On the other hand, if the court had an interest in removing the king from Versailles, that it might effect some- thing, it was the interest of the partisans of the revolution to bring him to Paris; the Orleans faction, if one existed, had an interest in driving the king to flight, by intimidating him, in the hope that the assembly would appoint its leader licu- tenant-general of the kingdom ; and, lastly, the people, who were in want of bread, wished for the king to reside at Paris, in the hope that his presence would diminish, or put a stop to the dearth of provisions. All these causes existing, an occasion was only wanting to bring about an insurrection ; the court furnished this occasion. On the pretext of pro- tecting itself against the movements in Paris, it summoned troops to Versailles, doubled the household guards, and sent for the dragoons and the Flanders regiment. All this pre- paration of troops gave rise to the liveliest fears; a report THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 67 spread of an anti-revolutionary measure, and the flight of the king, and the dissolution of the assembly, were announced as at hand. Strange uniforms, and yellow and black cockades, were to be seen at the Luxembourg, the Palais Royal, and at the Champs Elysees; the foes of the revolution displayed a degree of joy they had not manifested for some time. The behaviour of the court confirmed these suspicions, and dis- closed the object of all these preparations. The officers of the Flanders regiment, received with anxiety in the town of Versailles, were feted at the chateau, and even admitted to the queen's card tables. Endeavours were made to secure their devotion, and a banquet was given to them by the king's guards. The officers of the dragoons and the chasseurs, who were at. Versailles, those of the Swiss guards, of the hundred Swiss, of the prevote', and the staff of the national guard were invited. The theatre in the chateau, which was reserved for the most solemn fetes of the court, and which, since the marriage of the second brother of the king, had only been used for the emperor Joseph II., was selected for the scene of the festival. The king's musicians were ordered to attend this, the first fete which the guards had given. During the banquet, toasts to the king and royal family were drunk with enthusiasm, while the nation was omitted or rejected. At the second course, the grenadiers of Flanders, the two bodies of Swiss, and the dragoons, were admitted to witness the spectacle, and share the sentiments which animated the guests. The enthusiasm increased every moment. Suddenly the king was announced; he entered attired in a hunting dress, the queen leaning on his arm, and carrying the dauphin. Shouts of affection and devotion arose on every side. The health of the royal family was drunk, with swords drawn; and when Louis XVI. withdrew, the music played, " O Richard ! mon roi ! Funivers t'abandonne." The scene now assumed a very significant character; the march of the Hullans, and the profusion of wine, deprived the guests of all reserve. The charge was sounded; tottering guests climbed the boxes, as if mounting to an assault; white cockades were distributed ; the tri-coloured cockade, it is said, was trampled on, and the guests then spread through the galleries of the chateau, where the ladies of the court loaded F2 68 HISTORY OF them with congratulations, and decorated them with ribbons and cockades. Such was this famous banquet of the 1st of October, which the court was imprudent enough to repeat on the 3rd. One cannot help lamenting its fatal want of foresight; it could neither submit to nor change its destiny. This assembling of the troops, so far from preventing aggression in Paris, provoked it; the banquet did not make the devotion of the soldiers any more sure, while it augmented the ill disposi- tion of the people. To protect itself there was no necessity for so much ardour, nor for flight was there needful so much preparation; but the court never took the measure calculated to make its designs succeed, or else it only half took it, and, in order to decide, it always waited until there was no longer any time. The news of this banquet produced the greatest sensation in Paris. On the 4th, suppressed rumours, counter-revo- lutionary provocations, the dread of conspiracies, indignation against the court, and increasing alarm at the dearth of pro- visions, all announced an insurrection; the multitude already looked towards Versailles. On the 5th, the insurrection broke out in a violent and invincible manner; the entire want of flour was the signal. A young girl, entering a guard- house, seized a drum and rushed through the streets beating it, and crying, " Bread! Bread!" She was soon surrounded by a crowd of women. This mob advanced towards the Hotel de Ville, increasing as it went. It forced the guard that stood at the door, and penetrated into the interior, clamouring for bread and arms; it broke open doors, seized weapons, and marched towards Versailles. The people soon rose en masse, uttering the same demand, till the cry, " To Versailles!" rose on every side. The women started first, headed by Maillard, one of the volunteers of the Bastille. The popu- lace, the national guard, and the French guards requested to follow them. The commander, Lafayette, opposed their departure a long time, but in vain; neither his efforts nor his popularity could overcome the obstinacy of the people. For seven hours he harangued and retained them. At length, impatient at this delay, rejecting his advice, they prepared to set forward without him; when, feeling that it was now his duty to conduct as it had previously been to restrain THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 69 them, he obtained his authorisation from the corporation, and gave the word for departure about seven in the evening. The excitement at Versailles was less impetuous, but quite as real; the national guard and the assembly were anxious and irritated. The double banquet of the household troops, the approbation the queen had expressed, J'ai etc enchantee de la jottrnee de Jeudi, the king's refusal to accept simply the Kights of Man, his concerted temporizings, and the want of provisions, excited the alarm of the representatives of the people and filled them with suspicion. Petion having denounced the banquets of the guards, was summoned by a royalist deputy to explain his denunciation, and make known the guilty parties. " Let it be expressly declared," exclaimed Mirabeau, " that whosoever is not king is a subject and responsible, and I will speedily furnish proofs." These words, which pointed to the queen, compelled the right side to be silent. This hostile discussion was preceded and succeeded by debates equally animated, concerning the refusal of the sanction, and the scarcity of provisions in Paris. At length, just as a deputa- tion was despatched to the king, to require his pure and simple acceptance of the Rights of Man, and to solicit him to facilitate with all his power the supplying Paris with provi- sions, the arrival of the women, headed by Maillard, was announced. Their unexpected appearance, for they had intercepted all the couriers who might have announced it, excited the terrors of the court. The troops of Versailles flew to arms and sur- rounded the chateau, but the intentions of the women were not hostile. Maillard, their leader, had recommended them to appear as suppliants, and in that attitude they presented their complaints successively to the assembly and to the king. Accordingly, the first hours of this turbulent evening were sufficiently calm. Yet it was impossible but that causes of hostility should arise between an excited mob and the house- hold troops, the objects of so much irritation. The latter were stationed in the court of the chateau opposite the national guard and the Flanders regiment. The space be- tween was filled by women and volunteers of the Bastille. In the midst of the confusion, necessarily arising from such a juxta-position, a scuffle arose; this was the signal for dis- order and conflict. An officer of the guards struck a Parsiaa 70 HISTORY OF soldier with his sabre, and was in turn shot in the arm. The national guards sided against the household troops; the con- flict became warm, and would have been sanguinary, but for the darkness, the bad weather, and the orders given to the house- hold troops first to cease firing and then to retire. But as these were accused of being the aggressors, the fury of the multi- tude continued for some time; their quarters were broken into, two of them were wounded, and another saved with diffi- culty. During this tumult, the court was in consternation; the flight of the king was suggested, and carriages prepared; a piquet of the national guard saw them at the gate of the Orangery, and having made them go back, closed the gate; moreover, the king, either ignorant of the designs of the court, or conceiving them impracticable, refused to escape. Fears were mingled with his pacific intentions, when he hesi- tated to repel the aggression or to take flight. Conquered, he apprehended the fate of Charles I. of England; absent, he feared that the duke of Orleans would obtain the lieute- nancy of the kingdom. But, in the meantime, the rain, fatigue, and the inaction of the household troops, lessened the fury of the multitude, and Lafayette arrived at the head of the Parisian army. His presence restored security to the court, and the re- plies of the king to the deputation from Paris, satisfied the multitude and the army. In a short time, Lafayette's activity, the good sense and discipline of the Parisian guard, restored order everywhere. Tranquillity returned. The crowd of women and volunteers, overcome by fatigue, gradually dis- persed, and some of the national guard were entrusted with the defence of the chateau, while others were lodged with their companions in arms at Versailles. The royal family, re-assured after the anxiety and fear of this painful night, retired to rest about two o'clock in the morning. Towards five, Lafayette, having visited the outposts which had been^ confided to his care, and finding the watch well kept, tt town calm, and the crowds dispersed or sleeping, also took/a few moments repose. About six, however, some men of the lower class, more enthusiastic than the rest, and awake sooner than they, prowled round the chateau. Finding a gate open, they THE FRENCH EE VOLUTION. 71 informed their companions, and entered 1 . Unfortunately, the interior posts had been entrusted to the household guards, and refused to the Parisian army. This fatal refusal caused all the misfortunes of the night. The interior guard had not even been increased; the gates scarcely visited, and the watch kept as negligently as on ordinary occasions. These men, excited by all the passions that had brought them to Ver- sailles, perceiving one of the household troops at a window, began to insult him. He fired, and wounded one of them. They then rushed on the household troops, who defended the chateau breast to breast, and sacrificed themselves heroically. One of them had time to warn the queen, whom the assailants particularly threatened; and half dressed, she ran for refuge to the king. The tumult and danger were extreme in the chateau. Lafayette, apprised of the invasion of the royal residence, mounted his horse, and rode hastily to the scene of danger. On the square he met some of the household troops surrounded by an infuriated mob, who were on the point of killing them. He threw himself among them, called some French guards who were near, and having rescued the household troops, and dispersed their assailants, he hurried to the chateau. He found it already secured by the grenadiers of the French guard, who, at the first noise of the tumult, had hastened and protected the household troops from the fury of the Parisians. But the scene was not oveT; the crowd assembled again in the marble court under the king's balcony, loudly called for him, and he appeared. They required his departure for Paris; he promised to repair thither with his family, and this promise was received with general applause. The queen was resolved to accompany him; but the prejudice against her was so strong that the journey was not without danger; it was necessary to reconcile her with the multitude. Lafayette proposed to her to accompany him to the balcony; after some hesitation, she consented. They appeared on it together, and to communicate by a sign with the tumultuous crowd, to conquer its animosity, and awaken its enthusiasm, Lafayette respectfully kissed the queen's hand; the crowd responded with acclamations. It now remained to make peace between them and the household troops. Lafayette advanced with one of these, placed his own tricoloured cockade on his 72 HISTORY OF hat, and embraced him before the people, who shouted " Vivent les gardes-du-corps !" Thus terminated this scene; the royal family set out for Paris, escorted by the army, and its guards mixed with it. The insurrection of the 5th and 6th of October was an entirely popular movement. We must not try to explain it by secret motives, nor attribute it to concealed ambition; it was provoked by the imprudence of the court. The banquets of the household troops, the reports of flight, the dread of civil war, and the scarcity of provisions alone brought Paris upon Versailles. If special instigators, which the most careful inquiries have still left doubtful, contributed to pro- duce this movement, they did not change either its direction or its object. The result of this event was the destruction of the ancient regime of the court; it deprived it of its guard, it removed it from the royal residence at Versailles to the capital of the revolution, and placed it under the surveil- lance of the people. THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. J3 CHAPTER in. FROM THE 6TH OF OCTOBER, 1789, TO THE DEATH OP MIRABEAU, APRIL, 1791. Results of the events of October Alteration of the provinces into depart- ments Organization of the administrative and municipal authorities according to the system of popular sovereignty and election Finances : all the means employed are insufficient Property of the clergy declared national The sale of the property of the clergy leads to assignats Civil constitution of the clergy Eeligious opposition of the bishops Anniversary of the 14th of July Abolition of titles Confederation of the Champ de Mars New organization of the army Opposition of the officers Schism respecting the civil constitution of the clergy Clubs Death of Mirabeau During the whole of this period the separation of parties becomes more decided. THE period which forms the subject of this chapter was less remarkable for events than for the gradually decided separa- tion of parties. In proportion as changes were introduced into the state and the laws, those whose interests or opinions they injured declared themselves against them. The revo- lution had had as enemies, from the beginning of the states- general, the court; from the union of orders and the abolition of privileges, the nobility; from the establishment of a single assembly and the rejection of the two chambers, the ministry and the partizans of the English form of government. It had, moreover, against it since the departmental organization, the provinces; since the decree respecting the property and civil constitution of the clergy, the whole ecclesiastical body; since the introduction of the new military laws, all the officers of the army. It might seem that the assembly ought not to have effected so many changes at once, so as to have avoided making *4 HISTORY OF so many enemies; but its general plans, its necessities, and the very plots of its adversaries, required all these innovations. After the 5th and 6th of October, the assembly emigrated as the court had done after the 14th of July. Mounier and Lally-Tollendal deserted it, despairing of liberty from the moment their views ceased to be followed. Too absolute in their plans, they wanted the people, after having delivered the assembly on the 14th of July, suddenly to cease acting, which was displaying an entire ignorance of the impetus of revolutions. When the people have once been made use of, it is difficult to disband them, and the most prudent course is not to contest, but to regulate its intervention. Lally-Tol- lendal renounced his title of Frenchman, and returned to England, the land of his ancestors. Mounier repaired to Dauphine, his native province, which he endeavoured to excite to a revolt against the assembly. It was inconsistent to complain of an insurrection, and yet to provoke one, espe- cially when it was to the profit of another party, for his was too weak to maintain itself against the ancient regime and the revolution. Notwithstanding his influence in Dau- phine, whose former movements he had directed, Mounier was unable to establish there a centre of permanent resistance, but the assembly was thereby warned, to destroy the ancient provincial organization, which might become the frame-work of a civil war. After the 5th and 6th of October, the national representa- tives followed the king to the capital, which their common presence had contributed greatly to tranquillize. The people were satisfied with possessing the king; the causes which had excited their ebullition had ceased. The duke of Orleans, who, right or wrong, was considered the contriver of the in- surrection, had just been sent away; he had accepted a mis- sion to England; Lafayette was resolved to maintain order; the national guard, animated by a better spirit, acquired every day habits of discipline and obedience; the corporation, getting over the confusion of its first establishment, began to have authority. There remained but one cause of disturbance the scarcity of provisions. Notwithstanding the zeal and foresight of the committee entrusted with the task of providing supplies, daily assemblages of the people threat- ened the public tranquillity. The people, so easily deceived THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 75 when suffering, killed a baker called Francois, who was un- justly accused as a monopolist. On the 21st of October a martial law was proclaimed, authorising the corporation to employ force to disperse the mob, after having summoned the citizens to retire. Power was vested in a class interested in maintaining order; the districts and the national guard were obedient to the assembly. Submission to the law was the prevailing passion of that epoch. The deputies on their side only aspired at completing the constitution and effecting the re-organization of the state. They had the more reason for hastening their task, as the enemies of the assembly made use of what remained of the ancient regime, to occasion it embarrassment. Accordingly, it replied to each of their en- deavours by a decree, which, changing the ancient order of things, deprived them of one of their means of attack. It began by dividing the kingdom more equally and regu- larly. The provinces, which had witnessed with regret the loss of their privileges, formed small states, the extent of which was too vast, and the administration too independent. It was essential to reduce their size, change their names, and subject them to the same government. On the 22nd of De- cember, the assembly adopted in this respect the project con- ceived by Sieyes, and presented by Thouret in the name of a committee, which occupied itself constantly on tlu's subject for two months. France was divided into eighty-three departments, nearly equal in extent and population; the departments were subdi- vided into districts and cantons. Their administration received a uniform and hierarchical form. The department had an ad- ministrative council composed of thirty-six members, and an executive directory composed of five members: as the names indicate, the functions of the one were to decide, and of the other to act. The district was organized in the same way: although on a smaller scale, it had a council and a directory, fewer in number, and subordinate to the superior directory and council. The canton, composed of five or six parishes, was an electoral not an administrative division; the active citizens, and to be considered such it was necessary to pay taxes amount- ing to three days earnings, united in the canton to nomi- nate their deputies and magistrates. Everything in the new plan was subject to election, but this had several degrees. It 76 HISTORY OF appeared imprudent to confide to the multitude the choice of its delegates, and illegal to exclude them from it; this difficult question was avoided by the double election. The active citizens of the canton named electors intrusted with nomina- ting the members of the national assembly, the administrators of the department, those of the district, and the judges of tribunals; a criminal court was established in each depart- ment, a civil court in each district, and a police-court in each canton. Such was the institution of the department. It remained to regulate that of the corporation: the administration of this was confided to a general council and a municipality, com- posed of members whose numbers were proportioned to the population of the towns. The municipal officers were named immediately by the people, and could alone authorize the employment of the armed force. The corporation formed the first step of the association, the kingdom formed the last; the department was intermediate between the corporation and the state, between universal interests, and purely local interests. The execution of this plan, which organized the sovereignty of the people, which enabled all citizens to concur in the election of their magistrates, and entrusted them with their own administration, and distributed them into a machinery which, by permitting the whole state to move, preserved a correspondence between its parts, and prevented their isola- tion, excited the discontent of some provinces. The states of Languedoc and Brittany protested against the new divi- sion of the kingdom, and on their side the parliaments of Hetz, Rouen, Bordeaux, and Toulouse rose against the operations of the assembly which suppressed the Chambres de Vacations, abolished the orders, and declared the commis- sions of the states incompetent. The partizans of the ancient regime employed every means to disturb its progress: the no- bility excited the provinces, the parliaments took resolutions, the clergy issued mandates, and writers took advantage of the liberty of the press to attack the revolution. Its two principal enemies were the nobles and the bishops. Parliament, having no root in the nation, only formed a magistracy, whose attacks were prevented by destroying the magistracy itself, whereas the nobility and the clergy had means of action which sur- THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 77 vived the influence of the body. The misfortunes of these two classes were caused by themselves. After harassing the revolution in the assembly, they afterwards attacked it with open force the clergy, by internal insurrections the nobility, by arming Europe against it. They had great ex- pectations from anarchy, which, it is true, caused France many evils, but which was far from rendering their own position better. Let us now see how the hostilities of the clergy were brought on ; for this purpose we must go back a little. The revolution had commenced with the finances, and had not yet been able to put an end to the embarrassments by which it was caused. More important objects had occupied the attention of the assembly. Summoned, no longer to defray the expenses of administration, but to constitute the state, it had suspended its legislative discussions, from time to time, in order to satisfy the more pressing necessities of the treasury. Necker had proposed provisional means, which had been adopted in confidence, and almost without discussion. Despite this zeal, he did not without displeasure see the finances considered as subordinate to the constitution, and the ministry to the assembly. A first loan of thirty millions, (1,200,000/.,) voted the 9th of August, had not succeeded; a subsequent loan of eighty millions, (3,200,OOOZ.,) voted the 27th of the same month, had been insufficient. Duties were reduced or abolished, and they yielded scarcely anything, owing to the difficulty of collecting them. It became useless to have re- course to public confidence, which refused its aid; and in September, Necker had proposed, as the only means, an extraordinary contribution of a fourth of the revenue, to be paid at once. Each citizen was to fix his proportion himself, making use of that simple form of oath, which well expressed these first days of honour and patriotism: " / declare with trvth." Mirabeau now caused Necker to be invested with a com- plete financial dictatorship. He spoke of the urgent wants of the state, of the labours of the assembly, which did not permit it to discuss the plan of the minister, and which at the same time prevented its examining any other; of Necker's skill, which ensured the success of his own measure; and urged the assembly to leave with him the responsibility of its success, by confidently adopting it. As some did not 75 HISTORY OP approve of the views of the minister, and others suspected the intentions of Mirabeau with respect to him, he closed his speech, one of the most eloquent he ever delivered, by displaying bankruptcy impending, and exclaiming, " Vote this extraor- dinary subsidy, and may it prove sufficient! Vote it; for if you have doubts respecting the means, you have none respecting the want, and our inability to supply it. Vote it, for the public circumstances will not bear delay, and we shall be accountable for all postponement. Beware of asking for time; misfortune never grants it. Gentlemen, on the occasion of a ridi- culous motion at the Palais Royal, an absurd incursion, which had never had any importance, save in feeble ima- ginations, or the minds of men of ill designs and bad faith, you once heard these words, ' Catiline is at the gates of Rome, and yet they deliberate T And yet there were around us neither Catiline, nor perils, nor factions, nor Rome. But now bankruptcy, hideous bankruptcy, is there; it threatens to consume you, your properties, your honour, and yet you deliberate!" Mirabeau had carried away the assembly by his oratory; and the patriotic contribution was voted with unanimous applause. But this resource had only afforded momentary relief. The finances of the revolution depended on a more daring and more vast measure. It was necessary not only to support the revolution, but to repair the immense deficit which stopped its progress, and threatened its future destiny. One way alone remained to declare ecclesiastical property national, and to sell it for the rescue of the state. Public interest pre- scribed this course; and it could be done with justice, the clergy not being the proprietors, but the simple administrators of this property, devoted to religion, and not to the priests. The nation, therefore, by taking on itself the expenses of the altar, and the support of its ministers, might procure and appropriate an important financial resource, and obtain a great political result. It was important not to leave an independent body, and especially an ancient body, any longer in the state ; for in a time of revolution everything ancient is hostile. The clergy, by its formidable hierarchy and its opulence, a stranger to the new changes, would have remained as a republic in the kingdom. Its form belonged to another system: when THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 79 there was no state, but only bodies, each order had provided for its own regulation and existence. The clergy had its decretals, the nobility its law of fiefs, the people its corpora- tions; everything was independent, because everything was private. But now that functions were becoming public, it was necessary to make a magistracy of the priesthood as they had made one of royalty; and, in order to make them dependant on the state, it was essential they should be paid by it, and to resume from the monarch his domains, from the clergy its property, by bestowing on each of them suitable endowments. This great operation, which destroyed the ancient ecclesias- tical regime, was effected in the following manner: One of the most pressing necessities was the abolition of tithes. As these were a tax paid by the rural population to the clergy, the sacrifice would be for the advantage of those who were oppressed by them. Accordingly, after declaring they were redeemable, on the night of the 4th of August, they were suppressed on the llth, without providing any equivalent. The clergy opposed the measure at first, but afterwards had the good ense to consent. The archbishop of Paris gave up tithes in the name of all his brethren, and by this act of prudence he showed himself faithful to the line of conduct adopted by the privileged classes on the night of the 4th of August; but this was the extent of his sacrifices. A short time after, the debate respecting the possession of ecclesiastical property began. Talleyrand, bishop of Autun, proposed to the clergy that they should renounce it in favour of the nation, which would employ it in defraying the expenses of worship, and liquidating its debt. He proved the justice and propriety of this measure; and he showed the great advantages which would accrue to the state. The property of the clergy amounted to several thousand millions of francs. After paying its debts, providing for the ecclesias- tical services and that of hospitals, and the endowment of its ministers, sufficient would still remain to extinguish the public debt, whether permanent or annuities, and to reimburse the money paid for judicial offices. The clergy rose against this proposition. The discussion became very animated; and it was decided, in spite of their resistance, that they were not proprietors, but simple depositaries of the wealth that the piety of kings and of the faithful had devoted to religion, and 80 HISTORY OF that the nation, on providing for the service of public wor- ship, had a right to recal such property. The decree which placed it at its disposal was passed on the 2nd of December, 1789. From that moment the hatred of the clergy to the revolu- tion broke out. At the commencement of the states-general it had been less intractable than the nobility, in order to pre- serve its riches; it now showed itself as opposed as they to the new regime, of which it became the most tenacious and furious foe. Yet, as the decree placed ecclesiastical property at the disposal of the nation, without, as yet, displacing it, it did not break out into opposition at once. The administra- tion was still confided to it, and it hoped that the posses- sions of the church might serve as a mortgage for the debt, but would not be sold. It was, indeed, difficult to effect the sale, which, however, could not be delayed, the treasury only subsisting on antici- pations, and the exchequer, which supplied it with bills, begin- ning to lose all credit on account of the number it had issued. They obtained their end, and proceeded with the new financial organization in the following manner: The necessi- ties of this and the following year required a sale of this property to the amount of four hundred millions of francs; to facilitate it, the corporation of Paris made considerable subscriptions, and the municipalities of the kingdom followed the example of Paris. They were to return to the treasury the equivalent of the property they received from the state to sell to private individuals; but they wanted money, and they could not deliver the amount since they had not yet met with purchasers. What was to be done? they supplied muni- cipal notes intended to reimburse the public creditors, until they should acquire the funds necessary for withdrawing the notes. Once arrived thus far, they saw that, instead of municipal notes, it would be better to create exchequer bills, which would have a compulsory circulation, and answer the purpose of specie: this was simplifying the operation by generalizing it. In this way the assignats had their origin. This invention was of great utility to the revolution, and alone secured the sale of ecclesiastical property. The assignats, which were a means of payment for the state, be- came a pledge to the creditors. The latter by receiving them THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 81 were not obliged to accept payment in land for what they had furnished in money. But sooner or later the assignats would fall into the hands of men disposed to realize them, and then they were to be destroyed at the same time that they ceased to be a pledge. In order that they might fulfil their design, their forced circulation was required; to render them safe, the quantity was limited to the value of the pro- perty proposed for sale; and that they might not fall by too sudden a change, they were made to bear interest. The assembly, from the moment of their issue, wished to give them all the consistency of money. It was hoped that specie concealed by distrust would immediately re-appear, and that the assignats would enter into competition with it. Mort- gage made them quite as sure, and interest made them more profitable; but this interest, which was attended with much inconvenience, disappeared after the first issue. Such was the origin of the paper money issued under so much necessity, and with so much prudence, which enabled the revolution to accomplish such great things, and which was brought into discredit by causes that belonged less to its nature than to the subsequent use made of it. When the clergy saw by a decree of the 29th of December the administration of church property transferred to the municipalities, the sale they were about to make of it to the value of four hundred millions of francs, and the creation of a paper money calculated to facilitate this spoliation, and render it definitive, it left nothing undone to secure the intervention of God in the cause of its wealth. It made a last attempt: it offered to realize in its own name the loan of four hundred millions of francs, which was rejected, be- cause otherwise, after having decided that it was not the proprietor of church property, it would thus have again been admitted to be so. It then sought every means of impeding the operations of the municipalities. In the south, it raised catholics against protestants; in the pulpit, it alarmed con- sciences; in the confessional, it treated sales as sacrilegious, and in the tribune it strove to render the sentiments of the assembly suspected. It excited as much as possible religious questions for the purpose of compromising the assembly, and confounding the cause of its own interest Avith that of re- ligion. The abuses and inutility of monastic vows were at G 82 HISTORY OF this period admitted by every one, even by the clergy. At their abolition on the 13th of February, 1790, the bishop of Nancy proposed incidentally and perfidiously that the catholic religion alone should have a public worship. The assembly were indignant at the motives that suggested such a proposi- tion, and it was abandoned. But the same motion was again brought forward in another sitting, and after stormy debates the assembly declared that from respect to the Supreme Being and the catholic religion, the only one supported at the expense of the state, it conceived it ought not to decide upon the question submitted to it. Such was the disposition of the clergy, when, in the months of June and July, 1790, the assembly turned its attention to its internal organization. The clergy waited with impatience for this opportunity of exciting a schism. This project, the adoption of which caused so much evil, went to re-establish the church on its ancient basis, and to restore the purity of its doctrine; it was not the work of philosophers, but of austere Christians, who wished to support religion by the state, and to make them concur mutually in promoting its happiness. The reduction of bishoprics to the same number as the departments, the conformity of the ecclesiastical cir- cumscription with the civil circumscription, the nomination of bishops by electors, who also chose deputies and adminis- trators, the suppression of chapters, and the substitution of vicars for canons, were the chief features of this plan; there was nothing in it that attacked the dogmas or worship of the church. For a long time the bishops and other ecclesi- astics had been nominated by the people; as for diocesan limits, the operation was purely material, and in no respect religious. It moreover generously provided for the support of the members of the church, and if the high dignitaries saw their revenues reduced, the cures, who formed the most nume- rous portion, had theirs augmented. But a pretext was wanting, and the civil constitution of the clergy was eagerly seized upon. From the outset of the dis- cussion, the archbishop of Aix protested against the prin- ciples of the ecclesiastical committee. In his opinion, the appointment or suspension of bishops by civil authority was opposed to discipline; and when the decree was put to the vote, the bishop of Clermont recapitulated the principles THE FRENCH KEVOLUTION. 83 advanced by the archbishop of Aix, and left the Hall at the head of all the dissentient members. The decree passed, but the clergy declared war against the revolution. From that moment it leagued more closely with the dissentient nobility. Equally reduced to the common condition, the two privileged classes employed all their means to stop the progress of reform. The departments were scarcely formed when agents were sent by them to assemble the electors, and try new nominations. They did not hope to obtain a favourable choice, but aimed at fomenting divisions between the assembly and the departments. This project was denounced from the tribune, and failed as soon as it was made known. Its authors then went to work in an- other way. The period allotted to the deputies of the states- general had expired, their power having been limited to one year, according to the desire of the districts. The aristo- crats availed themselves of this circumstance to require a fresh election of the assembly. Had they gained this point, they would have acquired a great advantage, and with this view they themselves appealed to the sovereignty of the people. " Without doubt," replied Chapelier, " all sove- reignty rests with the people; but this principle has no application to the present case; it would be destroying the constitution and liberty to renew the assembly before the constitution is completed. This is, indeed, the hope of those who wish to see liberty and the constitution perish, and to witness the return of the distinction of orders, of prodigality in the public expenditure, and of the abuses that spring from despotism." At this moment all eyes were turned to the Right, and rested on the abbe Maury. " Send those people to the Chatelet" cried the latter, sharply; " or if you do not know them, do not speak of them" " The constitution," con- tinued Chapelier, " can only be made by one assembly. Besides, the former electors no longer exist; the bailiwicks are used in the departments, the orders are no longer sepa- rate. The clause respecting the limitation of power is con- sequently without value; it will therefore be contraiy to the constitution, if the deputies do not retain their seats in this assembly; their oath commands them to continue there, and public interest requires it." " You entangle us in sophisms," replied the abbe Maury; G2 84 HISTOEY OP " how long have we been a national convention? You talk of the oath we took on the 20th of June, without considering that it cannot weaken that which we made to our consti- tuents. Besides, gentlemen, the constitution is completed; you have only now to declare that the king enjoys the pleni- tude of the executive power. We are here for the sole pur- pose of securing to the French nation the right of influencing its legislation, of establishing the principle that taxation shall be consented to by the people, and of securing our liberty. Yes, the constitution is made; and I will oppose every decree calculated to limit the rights of the people over their repre- sentatives. The founders of liberty ought to respect the liberty of the nation; the nation is above us all, and we destroy our authority by limiting the national authority." The abbe Maury's speech was received with loud applause from the Right. Mirabeau immediately ascended the tribune. " It is asked," said he, " how long the deputies of the people have been a national convention? I answer, from the day when, finding the door of their session-house sur- rounded by soldiers, they went and assembled where they could, and swore to perish rather than betray or abandon the rights of the nation. Whatever our powers were, that day their nature was changed; and whatever powers we may have exercised, our efforts and labours have rendered them legitimate, and the adhesion of the nation has sanctified them. You all remember the saying of the great man of antiquity, who had neglected legal forms to save his country. Summoned by a factious tribune to confess that he had violated the laws, he replied, ' I swear I have saved my country!' Gentlemen," he exclaimed, turning to the depu- ties of the commons, " I swear that you have saved France!" The assembly then rose by a spontaneous movement, and declared that the session should not close till their task was accomplished. Anti-revolutionary efforts were increasing, at the same time, without the assembly. Attempts were made to seduce or disorganize the army, but the assembly took prudent measures in this respect. It gained the affections of the troops by rendering promotion independent of the court, and of titles of nobility. The count d' Artois and the prince de Conde, who had retired to Turin after the 14th of July, THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 85 corresponded with Lyons and the south; but the emigrants not having yet the external influence they afterwards acquired at Coblentz, and failing to meet with internal support, all their efforts were vain. The attempts at insurrection, origi- nating with the clergy in Languedoc, had as little effect. They brought on some transient disturbances, but did not effect a religious war. Time is necessary to form a party; still more is required to induce it to decide on serious hostili- ties. A more practicable design was that of carrying off the king and conveying him to Peronne. The marquis de Favras, with the secret support of Monsieur, the king's brother, was preparing to execute it, when it was discovered. The Chatelet condemned to death this intrepid adventurer, who had failed in his enterprise, through undertaking it with too much dis- play. The king's flight, after the events of October, could only be effected furtively, as it subsequently happened at Varennes. The position of the court was equivocal and embarrassing. It encouraged every anti-revolutionary enterprise and avowed none; it felt more than ever its weakness and dependance on the assembly; and while desirous of throwing off the yoke, feared to make the attempt because success appeared difficult. Accordingly, it excited opposition without openly co-operating in it; with some it dreamed of the restoration of the ancient re- gime, with others it only aimed at modifying the revolution. Mirabeau had been recently in treaty with it. After having been one of the chief authors of reform, he sought to give it stability by enchaining faction. His object was to convert the court to the revolution, not to give up the revolution to the court. The support he offered was constitutional; he could not offer any other; for his power depended on his popularity, and his popularity on his principles. But he was wrong in suffering it to be bought. Had not his immense necessities obliged him to accept money and sell his counsels, he would not have been more blameable than the unalterable Lafayette, the Lameths and the Girondins, who successively negotiated with it. But none of them gained the confidence of the court; it only had recourse to them in extremity. By their means it endeavoured to suspend the revolution, while by the means of the aristocracy it tried to destroy it. Of all the popular leaders, Mirabeau had perhaps the greatest ascend- 86 HISTORY OF ancy over the court, because he was the most winning, and had the strongest mind. The assembly worked unceasingly at the constitution, iii the midst of these intrigues and plots. It decreed the new judicial organization of France. All the new magistracies were temporary. Under the absolute monarchy, all powers emanated from the throne, and all functionaries were ap- pointed by the king; under the constitutional monarchy, all powers emanating from the people, the functionaries were to be appointed by it. The throne alone was transmissible; the other powers being the property neither of a man nor of a family, were neither of life-tenure, nor hereditary. The legislation of that period depended on one sole principle, the sovereignty of the nation. The judicial functions had them- selves that changeable character. Trial by jury, a democratic institution formerly common to nearly all the continent, but which in England alone had survived the encroachments of feudalism and the throne, was introduced into criminal causes. For civil causes special judges were nominated. Fixed courts were established, two courts of appeal to prevent error, and a cour de cassation intended to secure the preservation of the protecting forms of the law. This formidable power, when it proceeds from the throne, can only be independent by being fixed; but it must be temporary when it proceeds from the people; because, while depending on all, it depends upon no one. In another matter, quite as important, the right of making peace or war, the assembly decided a new and delicate ques- tion, and this in a sure, just, and prompt manner, after one of the most luminous and eloquent discussions that ever dis- tinguished its sittings. As peace and war belonged more to action than to will, it confided, contrary to the usual rule, the initiative to the king. He who was best able to judge of its fitness was to propose the question, but it was left to the legis- lative body to decide it. The popular torrent, after having burst forth against the ancient regime, gradually subsided into its bed ; new dykes restrained it on all sides. The government of the revolution was rapidly becoming established. The assembly had given to the new regime its monarch, its national repre- sentation, its territorial division, its armed force, its muni- THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 87 cipal and administrative power, its popular tribunals, its cur- rency, its clergy; it had made an arrangement with respect to its debt, and it had found means to reconstruct property without injustice. The 14th of July approached: that day was regarded by the nation as the anniversaiy of its deliverance, and prepara- tions were made to celebrate it with a solemnity calculated to elevate the souls of the citizens, and to strengthen the com- mon bonds of union. A confederation of the whole kingdom was appointed to take place in the Champ de Mars; and there, in the open air, the deputies sent by the eighty-three departments, the national representatives, the Parisian guard, and the monarch, were to take the oath to the constitution. By way of prelude to this patriotic fete, the popular members of the nobility proposed the abolition of titles; and the assem- bly witnessed another sitting similar to that of the 4th of August. Titles, armorial bearings, liveries, and orders of knighthood, were abolished on the 20th of June, and vanity, as power had previously done, lost its privileges. This sitting established equality everywhere, and made things agree with words, by destroying all the pompous para- phernalia of other times. Formerly titles had designated func- tions; armorial bearings had distinguished powerful families; liveries had been worn by whole armies of vassals; orders of knighthood had defended the state against foreign foes, Europe against Islamism; but now, nothing of "this remained. Titles had lost their truth and their fitness; nobility, after ceasing to be a magistracy, had even ceased to be an orna- ment; and power, like glory, was henceforth to spring from plebeian ranks. But whether the aristocracy set more value on their titles than on their privileges, or whether they only awaited a pretext for openly declaring themselves, this last measure, more than any other, decided the emigration and its attacks. It was for the nobility, what the civil constitution had been for the clergy, an occasion, rather than a cause of hostility. The 14th of July arrived, and the revolution witnessed few such glorious days the weather only did not correspond with this magnificent fete. The deputies of all the depart- ments were presented to the king, who received them with much affability; and he, on his part, met also with the most 88 HISTORY OF touching testimonies of love, but as a constitutional king. " Sire," said the leader of the Breton deputation, kneeling on one knee, and presenting his sword, " I place in your hands the faithful sword of the brave Bretons: it shah 1 only be reddened by the blood of your foes." Louis XVI. raised and embraced him, and returned the sword. " It cannot be in better hands than in those of my brave Bretons," he replied; "I have never doubted their loyalty and affection; assure them that I am the father and brother, the friend of all Frenchmen." " Sire," returned the deputy, " every French- man loves, and will continue to love you, because you are a citizen-king." The confederation was to take place in the Champ de Mars. The immense preparations were scarcely completed in time; all Paris had been engaged for several weeks to get the arrangements ready by the 14th. At seven in the morn- ing, the procession of electors, of the representatives of the corporation, of the presidents of districts, of the national assembly, of the Parisian guard, of the deputies of the army, and of the federates of the departments, set out in complete order from the site of the Bastille. The presence of all these national corps, the floating banners, the patriotic inscriptions, the varied costumes, the sounds of music, the joy of the crowd, rendered the procession a most imposing one. It tra- versed the city, and crossed the Seine, amidst a volley of artillery, over a bridge of boats, which had been thrown across it the preceding day. It entered the Champ de Mars under a triumphal arch, adorned with patriotic inscriptions. Each body took the station assigned it in excellent order, and amidst shouts of applause. The vast space of the Champ de Mars was inclosed by raised seats of turf, occupied by four hundred thousand spec- tators. An antique altar was erected in the middle; and around it, on a vast amphitheatre, were the king, his family, the assembly, and the corporation. The federates of the depart- ments were ranged in order under their banners; the depu- ties of the army and the national guards were in their ranks, and under their ensigns. The bishop d'Autun ascended the altar in pontifical robes; four hundred priests in white copes, and decorated with flowing tricoloured sashes, were posted at the four corners of the altar. Mass was celebrated amid the THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 89 sounds of military music; and then the bishop d'Autun blessed the oriflamme, and the eighty-three banners. A profound silence now reigned in the vast inclosure, and Lafayette, appointed that day to the command in chief of all the national guards of the kingdom, advanced first to take the civic oath. Borne on the arms of grenadiers to the altar of the country, amidst the acclamations of the people, he ex- claimed with a loud voice, in his own name, and that of the federates and troops: " We swear eternal fidelity to the nation, the law, and the king; to maintain to the utmost of our power the constitution decreed by the national assembly, and accepted by the king; and to remain united with every Frenchman by the indissoluble ties of fraternity." Forth- with the firing of cannon, prolonged cries of " Vive la na- tion!" " Vive le roi!" and sounds of music, mingled in the air. The president of the national assembly took the same oath, and all the deputies repeated it with one voice. Then Louis XVI. rose and said: " I, king of the French, swear to employ all the power delegated to me by the constitutional act of the state, in maintaining the constitution decreed by the national assembly and accepted by me." The queen, carried away by the enthusiasm of the moment, rose, lifted up the dauphin in her arms, and showing him to the people, exclaimed: " Behold my son, he unites with me in the same sentiments." At that moment the banners were lowered, the acclamations of the people were heard, and the subjects believed in the sincerity of the monarch, the monarch in the affection of the subjects, and this happy day closed with, a hymn of thanksgiving. The fetes of the confederation were protracted for some days. Illuminations, balls, and sports were given by the city of Paris to the deputies of the departments. A ball took place on the spot where stood, a year before, the Bastille; gratings, fetters, ruins, were observed here and there, and on the door was the inscription, " Id on danse" a striking con- trast with the ancient destination of the spot. A contempo- rary observes: " They danced indeed with joy and security on the ground where so many tears had been shed; where courage, genius, and innocence had so often groaned; where so often the cries of despair had been uttered in death." A medal was struck to commemorate the confederation; and at 90 HISTOKY OP the termination of the fetes the deputies returned to their departments. The confederation only suspended the hostility of parties. Petty intrigues were resumed in the assembly as Avell as out of doors. The duke of Orleans had returned from his mis- sion, or, more strictly speaking, from his exile. The in- quiry respecting the events of the 5th and 6th of October, of which he and Mirabeau were accused as the authors, had been conducted by the Chatelet. This inquiry, which had been suspended, was now resumed. By this attack the court again displayed its want of foresight; for it ought to have proved the accusation or not to have made it. The assembly having decided on giving up the guilty parties, had it found any such, declared there was no ground for proceed- ing; and Mirabeau, after an overwhelming outburst against the whole affair, obliged the Right to be silent, and thus arose triumphantly from an accusation which had been made ex- pressly to intimidate him. They attacked not only a few deputies but the assembly itself. The court intrigued against it, but the Right drove this to exaggeration. " We Hke its decrees," said the abbe Maury; " we want three or four more of them." Hired libelists sold, at its very doors, papers calculated to deprive it of the respect of the people; the ministers blamed and obstructed its progress. Necker, still haunted by the recollection of his former ascendancy, addressed to it memorials, in which he opposed its decrees and gave it advice. This minister could not accustom himself to a secondary part; he would not fall in with the abrupt plans of the assembly, so entirely opposed to his ideas of gradual reform. At length, convinced or weary of the inutility of his efforts, he left Paris, after re- signing, on the 4th of September, 17 90, and obscurely traversed those provinces which a year before he had gone through in triumph. In revolutions, men are easily forgotten, for the nation sees many in its varied course'. If we would not find them ungrateful, we must not cease for an instant to serve according to their own desire. On the other hand, the nobility, which had found a new subject of discontent in the abolition of titles, continued its anti-revolutionary efforts. As it did not succeed in excit- ing the people, who, from their position, found the recent THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 91 changes very beneficial, it had recourse to means which it considered more certain ; it quitted the kingdom, with the in- tention of returning thither with all Europe as its armed ally; but while waiting till a system of emigration could be organized, while waiting for the appearance of foreign foes to the revolution, it continued to arouse enemies to it in thf interior of the kingdom. The troops, as we have beipre observed, had already for some time been tampered with in various ways. The new military code was favourable to the soldiers; promotion formerly granted to the nobility was now granted to seniority. Most of the officers were attached to the ancient regime, nor did they conceal the fact. Com- pelled to take the oath of fidelity to the nation, the law, and the king, which was become the common oath, some left the army, and increased the number of emigrants, while others endeavoured to win the soldiers over to their party. General Bouille was of this number. After having long refused to take the civic oath, he did so at last with this intention. He had a numerous body of troops under his command near the northern frontier; he was clever, reso- lute, attached to the king, opposed to the revolution, such as it was now become, though the friend of reform; a circum- stance that afterwards brought him into suspicion at Coblentz. He kept his army isolated from the citizens, that it might remain faithful, and that it might not be infected with the spirit of insubordination which they communicated to the troops. By skilful management, and the ascendancy of a great mind, he also succeeded in retaining the confidence and attachment of his soldiers. It was not thus elsewhere. The officers were the objects of a general dislike; they were accused of diminishing the pay, and having no concern for the great body of the troops. The prevailing opinions had also some- thing to do with this dissatisfaction. These combined causes led to revolts among the men; that of Nancy, in August, 1790, produced great alarm, and became almost the signal of a civil war. Three regiments, those of Chateauvieux, Maitre- de-camp, and the King's own, rebelled against their chiefs. Bouille was ordered to march against them; he did so at the head of the garrison and national guard of Metz. After an animated skirmish, he subdued them. The assembly congratu- lated him; but Paris, which saw in Bouille a conspirator, was 92 HISTORY OF thrown into fresh agitation at this intelligence. Crowds collected, and the impeachment of the ministers who had given orders to Bouille to march upon Nancy was clamorously demanded. Lafayette, however, succeeded in allaying this ebullition, supported by the assembly, which, finding itself placed between a counter-revolution and anarchy, opposed both with equal wisdom and courage. The aristocracy triumphed at the sight of the difficulties which perplexed the assembly. They imagined that it would be compelled to be dependent on the multitude, or deprive itself entirely of its support; and in either case the return to the ancient regime appeared to them short and easy. The clergy had its share in this work. The sale of church property, which it took every means to impede, was effected at a higher price than that fixed. The people, delivered from tithes and reassured as to the national debt, were far from listening to the angry suggestions of the priests; they accord- ingly made use of the civil constitution of the clergy to excite a schism. "We have seen that this decree of the assembly did not affect either the discipline or the creed of the church. The king sanctioned it on the 26th of December; but the bishops, who sought to cover their interests with the mantle of religion, declared that it encroached on the spiritual authority. The pope, consulted as to this purely political measure, refused his assent to it, which the king earnestly sought, and encouraged the opposition of the priests. The latter decided that they would not concur in the establishment of the civil constitution; that those of them who might be suppressed would protest against this uncanonical act, that every bishopric created without the concurrence of the pope should be null, and that the metropolitans should refuse institution to bishops appointed according to civil forms. The assembly strengthened this league by attempting to frustrate it. If, contrary to their real desire, it had left the dissentient priests to themselves, they would not have found the elements of a religious war. But the assembly decreed that the ecclesiastics should swear fidelity to the nation, the law. and the king, and to maintain the civil constitution of the clergy. Refusal to take this oath was to be attended by the substitution of others in their bishoprics and cures. The THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 93 assembly hoped that the higher clergy from interest, and the lower clergy from ambition, would adopt this measure. The bishops, on the contrary, thought that all the eccle- siastics would follow their example, and that by refusing to swear, they would leave the state without public worship, and the people without priests. The result satisfied the expecta- tions of neither party; the majority of the bishops and cures of the assembly refused to take the oath, but a few bishops and many cures took it. The dissentient incumbents were deprived, and the electors nominated successors to them, who received canonical institution from the bishops of Autun and Lida, But the deprived ecclesiastics refused to abandon their functions, and declared their successors in- truders, the sacraments administered by them null, and all Christians who should venture to recognise them excommu- nicated. They did not leave their dioceses; they issued charges, and excited the people to disobey the laws; and thus an affair of private interest became first a matter of religion and then a matter of party. There were two bodies of clergy, one constitutional, the other refractory; they had each its partisans, and treated each other as rebels and heretics. According to passion or interest, religion became an instru- ment or an obstacle; and while the priests made fanatics the revolution made infidels. The people, not yet infected with this malady of the upper classes, lost, especially in towns, the faith of their fathers, from the imprudence of those who placed them between the revolution and their religion. " The bishops," said the marquis de Ferrieres, who will not be suspected, " refused to fall in with any arrangements, and by their guilty intrigues closed every approach to reconciliation; sacrificing the catholic religion to an insane obstinacy, and a discreditable attachment to their wealth." Every party sought to gain the people; it was courted as sovereign. After attempting to influence it by religion, another means was employed, that of the clubs. At that period, clubs were private assemblies, in which the measures of government, the business of the state, and the decrees of the assembly were discussed; their deliberations had no authority, but they exercised a certain influence. The first club owed its origin to the Breton deputies, who already met together at Versailles to consider the course of proceeding 94 HISTORY OP fhey should take. When the national representatives were transferred from Versailles to Paris, the Breton deputies and those of the assembly who were of their views held their sittings in the old convent of the Jacobins, which subse- quently gave its name to their meetings. It did not at first cease to be a preparatory assembly, but as all things increase in time, the Jacobin club did not confine itself to influen- cing the assembly; it sought also to influence the municipality and the people, and received as associates members of the municipality and common citizens. Its organization became more regular, its action more powerful; its sittings were regularly reported in the papers; it created branch clubs in the provinces, and raised by the side of legal power another power which first counselled and then conducted it. The Jacobin club, as it lost its primitive character and became a popular assembly, had been forsaken by part of its founders. The latter established another society on the plan of the old one, under the name of the club of '89. Sieyes, Chapelier, Lafayette, La Rochefoucauld, directed it, as Lameth and Barnave directed that of the Jacobins. Mirabeau be- longed to both, and by both was equally courted. These clubs, of which the one prevailed in the assembly, and the other amongst the people, were attached to the new order of things, though in different degrees. The aristocracy sought to attack the revolution with its own arms; it opened royalist clubs to oppose the popular clubs. That first established under the name of the Club des Impartiavx could not last because it addressed itself to no class opinion. Reappearing under the name of the Club Monarchique, it included among its members all those whose views it represented. It sought to render itself popular with the lower classes, and distributed bread; but far from accepting its overtures, the people considered such establishments as a counter-revolutionary movement. It disturbed their sittings, and obliged them several times to change their place of meeting. At length, the municipal authority found itself obliged, in January, 1791, to close this club, which had been the cause of several riots. The distrust of the multitude was extreme; the departure of the king's aunts, to which it attached an exaggerated importance, increased its uneasiness, and led it to suppose another departure was preparing. These suspicions were not THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 95 unfounded, and they occasioned a kind of rising which the an ti -revolutionists sought to turn to account by carrying off the king. This project failed, owing to the resolution and skill of Lafayette. While the crowd went to Vincennes to demolish the dungeon which they said communicated with the Tuileries, and would favour the flight of the king, more than six hundred persons armed with swords and daggers entered the Tuileries to compel the king to flee. Lafayette, who had repaired to Vincennes to disperse the multitude, returned to quell the anti-revolutionists of the chateau, after dissipating the mob of the popular party, and by this second expedition he regained the confidence which lu's first had lost him. The attempt rendered the escape of Louis XVI. more feared than ever. Accordingly, a short time after, when he wished to go to Saint Cloud, he was prevented by the crowd and even by his own guard, despite the efforts of Lafayette, who endeavoured to make them respect the law, and the liberty of the monarch. The assembly on its side, after having decreed the inviolability of the prince, after having regulated his constitutional guard, and assigned the regency to the nearest male lieir .to the crown, declared that his flight from the kingdom would lead to his dethronement. The increasing emigration, the open avowal of its objects, and the threatening attitude of the European cabinets, all cherished the fear that the king might adopt such a deter- mination. Then, for the first time, the assembly sought to stop the progress of emigration by a decree; but this decree was a difficult question. If they punished those who left the kingdom, they violated the maxims of liberty, rendered sacred by the declaration of rights; if they did not raise obstacles to emigration, they endangered the safety of France, as the nobles merely quitted it in order to invade it. In the as- sembly, setting aside those who favoured emigration, some looked only at the right, others only at the danger, and every one sided with or opposed the restrictive law, accord- ing to his mode of viewing the subject. Those who desired the law, wished it to be mild; but only one law could be practicable at such a moment, and the assembly shrunk from enacting it. This law, by the arbitrary order of a com- 96 HISTORY OF mittee of three members, was to pronounce a sentence of civil death on the fugitive, and the confiscation of his pro- perty. "The horror expressed on the reading of this project," cried Mirabeau, " proves that this is a law worthy of being placed in the code of Draco, and cannot find place among the decrees of the national assembly of France. I proclaim that I shall consider myself released from every oath of fidelity I have made towards those who may be in- famous enough to nominate a dictatorial commission. The popularity I covet, and which I have the honour to enjoy, is not a feeble reed; I wish it to take root in the soil, based on justice and liberty." The exterior position was not yet sufficiently alarming for the adoption of such a measure of safety and revolutionary defence. Mirabeau did not long enjoy the popularity which he imagined he was so sure of. That was the last sitting he attended. A few days afterwards he terminated a life worn out by passions and by toil. His death, which happened on the 2nd of March, 1791, was considered a public calamity; all Paris attended his funeral; there was a general mourning throughout France, and his remains were deposited in the receptacle which had just been consecrated aux grands hommes, in the name of la patrie reconnaissante. No one succeeded him in power and popularity; and for a long time, in difficult discussions, the eyes of the assembly would turn towards the seat from whence they had been accustomed to hear the commanding eloquence which terminated their debates. Mirabeau, after having assisted the revolution with his daring in seasons of trial, and with his powerful reasoning since its victory, died seasonably. He was revolving vast designs; he wished to strengthen the throne, and consolidate the revolution; two attempts extremely difficult at such a time. It is to be feared that royalty, if he had made it independent, would have put down the revolution; or, if he had failed, that the revolution would have put down royalty. It is, perhaps, impossible to convert an ancient power into a new order; perhaps a revolution must be prolonged in order to become legitimate, and the throne, as it recovers, acquire the novelty of the other institutions. From the 5th and 6th of October, 1 789, to the month of April, 1791 the national assembly completed the- reorganiza- THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 97 tion of France; the court gave itself up to petty intrigues and projects of flight; the privileged classes sought for new means of power, those which they formerly possessed having been successively taken from them. They took advantage of all the opportunities of disorder which circumstances furnished them with, to attack the new regime and restore the old, by means of anarchy. At the opening of the parliaments, the nobility caused the Chambres de vacations to protest; when the provinces were abolished, it made the orders protest. A.S soon as the departments were formed, it tried new elec- tions; when the old writs had expired, it sought the dissolu- tion of the assembly; when the new military code passed, it endeavoured to excite the defection of the officers; lastly, all these means of opposition failing to effect the success of its designs, it emigrated, to excite Europe against the revolu- tion. The clergy, on its side, discontented with the loss of its possessions still more than with the ecclesiastical con- stitution, sought to destroy the new order by insurrections, and to bring on insurrections by a schism. Thus it was during this epoch that parties became gradually disunited, and that the two classes hostile to the revolution prepared the elements of civil and foreign war. IT HISTOilY OP CHAPTER IV. FROM APRIL, 1791, TO THE 30TH SEPTEMBER, THE TERM O THE CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY. Political state of Europe before the French revolution System of alliance observed by different states General coalition against the revolution Motives of each power Conference of Mantua, and circular of Pn.via Flight to Varennes Arrest of the king His suspension The repub- lican party separate, for the first time, from the party of the constitu- tional monarchy The latter re-establishes the king Declaration of Pilnitz The king accepts the constitution End of the constituent assembly Opinion of it. THE French revolution was to change the political state of Europe, to terminate the strife of kings among themselves, and to commence that between kings and people. This would have taken place much later had not the kings themselves provoked it. They sought to suppress the revolution, and they extended it; for by attacking it they were to render it vic- torious. Europe had then arrived at the term of the political system which swayed it. The existence of the several states after being internal under the feudal government, had be- come external under the monarchical government. The first period terminated almost at the same time among all the great nations of Europe. Then kings who had so long been at war with their vassals, because they were in contact with them, encountered each other on the boundaries of their kingdoms, and fought. As no domination could become uni- versal, neither that of Charles V. nor that of Louis XIV., the weak always uniting against the strong, after several vicissitudes of superiority and alliance, a sort of European THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 9& equilibrium was established. To appreciate ulterior events, it will not be unuseful to consider this equilibrium before the revolution. Austria, England, and France, had been, from the peace of Westphalia to the middle of the eighteenth century, the three great powers of Europe. Interest had leagued the two first against the third. Austria had reason to dread the influence of France in the Netherlands; England feared it on the sea. Rivalry of power and commerce often set them at variance, and they sought to weaken or plunder each other. Spain, since a prince of the house of Bourbon had been on the throne, was the ally of France against England. This, however, was a fallen power: confined to a corner of the continent, oppressed by the system of Philip II., deprived by family compact of the only enemy that could keep it in action, by sea only had it retained any of its ancient superiority. But France had other allies on all sides of Austria; Sweden on the north; Poland and the Porte on the east; in the south of Germany, Bavaria; Prussia on the west; and in Italy, the kingdom of Naples. These powers, having reason to dread the encroachments of Austria, were naturally the allies of her enemy. Piedmont, placed between the two systems of alliance, sided, according to circumstances and its interests, with either. Holland was united with England or with France, as the party of the stadtholder or that of the people prevailed in the republic. Switzerland was neutral. In the last half of the eighteenth century, two powers had risen in the north, Russia and Prussia. The latter had been changed from a simple electorate into an important kingdom, by Frederick-William, who had given it a treasure and an army; and by his son Frederick the Great, who had made use of these to extend his territory. Russia, long unconnected with the other states, had been more especially introduced into the politics of Europe by Peter I. and Catharine II. The accession of these two powers considerably modified the ancient alliances. lu concert with the cabinet of Vienna, Russia and Prussia had executed the first partition of Poland in 1772; and after the death of Frederick the Great, the empress Catharine and the emperor Joseph united in 1785 to effect that of European Turkey. The cabinet of Versailles, weakened since the imprudeat H? 100 HISTORY OV and unfortunate seven years' war, had assisted at the par- tition of Poland without opposing it, had raised no obstacle to the fall of the Ottoman empire, and even allowed its ally, the republican party in Holland, to sink under the blows of Prussia and England, without assisting it. The latter powers had in 1787 re-established by force the hereditary stadtholderate of the United Provinces. The only act which did honour to French policy, was the support it had happily given to the emancipation of North America. The revolution of 1789, while extending the moral influence of France, diminished still more its diplomatic influence. England, under the government of young Pitt, was alarmed in 1788 at the ambitious projects of Russia, and united with Holland and Prussia to put an end to them. Hostilities were on the point of commencing when the emperor Joseph died, in February 1790, and was succeeded by Leopold, who in July accepted the convention of Reichenbach. This conven- tion, by the mediation of England, Russia, and Holland, settled the terms of the peace between Austria and Turkey, which was signed definitively, on the 4th of August, 1791, at Sistove; it at the same time provided for the pacification of the Nether- lands. Urged by England and Prussia, Catharine II. also made peace with the Porte at Jassy, on the 29th of December, 1791. These negotiations, and the treaties they gave rise to, terminated the political struggles of the eighteenth century, and left the powers free to turn their attention to the French revolution. The princes of Europe, who had hitherto had no enemies but themselves, viewed it in the light of a common foe. The ancient relations of war and of alliance, already overlooked during the seven years' war, now ceased entirely: Sweden united with Russia, and Prussia with Austria. There was no- thing now but the kings on one side, and people on the other, waiting for the auxiliaries which its example, or the faults of princes might give it. A general coalition was soon formed against the French revolution. Austria engaged in it with the hope of aggrandisement, England to avenge the American war, and to preserve itself from the spirit of the revolution; Prussia to strengthen the threatened absolute power, and profitably to engage its unemployed army; the German states to restore feudal rights to some of their membeis who had been deprived of THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 101 them, by the abolition of the old regime in Alsace: the king of Sweden, who had constituted himself the champion of arbitrary power, to re-establish it in France, as he had just done in his own country; Russia, that it might execute without trouble the partition of Poland, while the attention of Europe was directed elsewhere; finally, all the sovereigns of the house of Bourbon, from the interest of power and family attachments. The emigrants encouraged them in these projects, and excited them to invasion. According to them, France was without an army, or at least without leaders, destitute of money, given up to disorder, weary of the assembly, disposed to the ancient regime, and without either the means or the inclination to defend itself. They nocked in crowds to take a share in the promised short campaign, and formed into organized bodies under the prince de Conde, at Worms, and the count d'Artois, at Coblentz. The count d'Artois especially hastened the determination of the cabinets. The emperor Leopold was in Italy, and the count repaired to him, with Calonne as minister, and the count Alphonse de Durfort, who had been his mediator with the court of the Tuileries, and who had brought him the king's authority to treat with Leopold. The conference took place at Mantua, and the count de Durfort returned, and delivered to Louis XVI. in the name of the emperor, a secret declara- tion, in which was announced to him the speedy assistance of the coalition. Austria was to advance thirty-five thousand men on the frontier of Flanders; the German states, fifteen thousand on Alsace; the Swiss, fifteen thousand on the Lyon- nese frontier; the king of Sardinia, fifteen thousand on that of Dauphine; Spain was to augment its army in Catalonia to twenty thousand; Prussia was well disposed in favour of the coalition, and the king of England was to take part in it as elector of Hanover. All these troops were to move at the same time, at the end of July; the house of Bourbon was then to make a protest, and the powers were to publish a manifesto; until then, however, it was essential to keep the design secret, to avoid all partial insurrection, and to make no attempt at flight. Such was the result of the conferences at Mantua on the 20th May, 1791. Louis XVI., either from a desire not to place himself en- tirely at the mercy of foreign powers, or dreading the ascend- 102 HISTORY OF ancy which the count d'Artois, should he return at the head of the victorious emigrants, would assume over the government he had established, preferred restoring the govern- ment alone. In general Bouill he had a devoted and skilful partisan, who at the same time condemned both emigration and the assembly, and promised him refuge and support in his army. For some time past, a secret correspondence had taken place between him and the king. Bouille prepared everything to receive him. He established a camp at Mont- medy, under the pretext of a movement of hostile troops on the frontier; he placed detachments on the route the king was to take, to serve him for escort, and as a motive was neces- sary for these arrangements, he alleged that of protecting the money despatched for the payment of the troops. The royal family on its side made every preparation for departure; very few persons were informed of it, and no mea- sures betrayed it. Louis XVI. and the queen, on the con- trary, pursued a line of conduct calculated to silence suspi- cion ; and on the night of the 20th of June, they issued at the appointed hour from the chateau, one by one, in disguise. In this way they eluded the vigilance of the guard, reached the Boulevard, where a carriage awaited them, and took the road to Chalons and Montmedy. On the following day the news ot this escape threw Paris into consternation; indignation soon became the prevailing sentiment; crowds assembled, and the tumult increased. Those who had not prevented the flight were accused of favouring it. Neither Bailly nor Lafayette escaped the general mis- trust. This event Avas considered the precursor of the in- vasion of France, the triumph of the emigrants, the return of the ancient regime, and a long civil war. But the conduct of the assembly soon restored the public mind to calmness and security. It took every measure which so difficult a conjunc- ture required. It summoned the ministers and authorities to its bar; calmed the people by a proclamation; used proper precautions to secure public tranquillity; seized on the exe- cutive power, commissioned Montmorin, the minister of foreign affairs, to inform the European powers of its pacific intentions; sent commissioners to secure the favour of the troops, and receive their oath, no longer made in the name of the king, but in that of the assembly, and lastly, issued an order THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 103 through the departments, for the arrest of any one attempting to leave the kingdom. " Thus, in less than four hours," says the marquis de Ferrieres, " the assembly was invested with every kind of power. The government went on; public tranquillity did not experience the slightest shock; and Paris and France learned from this experience, so fatal to royalty, that the monarch is almost always a stranger to the govern- ment that exists in his name." Meantime Louis XVI. and his family were drawing near the termination of their journey. The success of the first days' journies, the increasing distance from Paris, rendered the king less reserved and more confident; he had the imprudence to show himself, was recognised, and arrested at Varennes on the 21st. The national guard were under arms instantly; the ofii- cers of the detachments posted by Bouille sought in vain to rescue the king; the dragoons and hussars feared or refused to support them. Bouille, apprised of this fatal event, hastened himself at the head of a regiment of cavalry. But it was too late; on reaching Varennes, he found that the king had left it several hours before; his squadrons were tired, and refused to advance. The national guard were on all sides under arms, and after the failure of his enterprise, he had no alternative hut to leave the army and quit France. The assembly, on hearing of the king's arrest, sent to him, as commissioners, three of its members, Petion, Latour-Mau- bourg, and Barnave. They met the royal family at Epernay, and returned with them. It was during this journey, that Barnave, touched by the good sense of Louis XVI., the fasci- nations of Marie Antoinette, and the fate of this fallen family, conceived for it an earnest interest. From that day he gave it his assiduous counsel and support. On reaching Paris the royal party passed through an immense crowd, which ex- pressed neither applause nor murmurs, but observed a re- proachful silence. The king was provisionally suspended: he had had a guard set over him, as had the queen; and commissioners were ap- pointed to question him. Agitation pervaded all parties. Some desired to retain the king on the throne, notwithstand- ing his flight; others maintained, that he had abdicated, by condemning, in a manifesto addressed to the French on his departure, both the revolution, and the acts which had ema- 104 HISTORY OP nated from him during that period, which he termed a time of captivity. The republican party now began to appear. Hitherto it had remained either dependent or hidden, because it had been without any existence of its own, or because it wanted a pre- text for displaying itself. The struggle, which lay at first be- tween the assembly and the court, then between the constitu- tionalists and the aristocrats, and latterly among the consti- tutionalists themselves, was now about to commence between the constitutionalists and the republicans. In times of revo- lution such is the inevitable course of events. The partizans of the order newly established, then met and renounced dif- ferences of opinion which were detrimental to their cause, even while the assembly was all powerful, but which had become highly perilous, now that the emigration party threatened it on the one hand, and the multitude on the other. Mirabeau was no more. The Centre, on which this powerful man had relied, and which constituted the least ambitious portion of the assembly, the most attached to principles, might by join- ing the Lameths, re-establish Louis XVI. and constitutional monarchy, and present a formidable opposition to the popular ebullition. This alliance took place; the Lameth party came to an un- derstanding with Andre and the principal members of the Centre, made overtures to the court, and opened the club of the Feuillants in opposition to that of the Jacobins. But the latter could not want leaders; under Mirabeau, they had contended against the Lameths; under the Lameths against Mirabeau; under Petion and Robespierre, they contended against the Lameths. The party which desired a second re- volution had constantly supported the most extreme actors in the revolution already accomplished, because this was bring- ing within its reach the struggle and the victory. At this period, from subordinate it had become independent; it no longer fought for others and for opinions not its own, but for itself, and under its own banner. The court, by its multiplied faults, its imprudent machinations, and, lastly, by the flight of the monarch, had given it a sort of authority to avow its object; and the Lameths, by forsaking it, had left it to its true leaders. The Lameths, in their turn, underwent the reproaches of the multitude, which saw only their alliance with the court, THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. ]05 without examining its conditions. But supported by all the constitutionalists, they were strongest in the assembly; and they found it essential to establish the king as soon as possible, in order to put a stop to a controversy which threatened the new order, by authorizing the public party to demand the abolition of the royal power while its suspension lasted. The commissioners appointed to interrogate Louis XVI., dictated to him a declaration, which they presented in his name to the assembly, and which modified the injurious effect of his flight. The reporter declared, in the name of the seven committees entrusted with the examination of this great question, that there were no grounds for bringing Louis XVI. to trial, or for pronouncing his dethronement. The discussion which followed this report was long and animated ; the efforts of the republican party, notwithstanding their pertinacity, were unsuccessful. Most of their orators spoke; they demanded depo- sition or a regency; that is to say, popular government, or an approach towards it. Barnave, after meeting all their argu- ments, finished his speech with these remarkable words: " Regenerators of the empire, follow your course without deviation. You have proved that you had courage to destroy the abuses of power; you have proved that you possessed aU that was requisite to substitute wise and good institutions in their place; prove now that you have the wisdom to protect and maintain these. The nation has just given a great evi- dence of its strength and courage; it has displayed, solemnly and by a spontaneous movement, all that it could oppose to the attacks which threatened it. Continue the same precau- tions; let our boundaries, let our frontiers be powerfully de- fended. But while we manifest our power, let us also prove our moderation; let us present peace to the world, alarmed by the events which take place amongst us; let us present an occasion for triumph to all those who in foreign lands have taken an interest in our revolution. They cry to us from all parts: you are powerful; be wise, be moderate, let that be the height of your glory. Thus will you prove that in various circumstances you can employ various means, talents, and virtues." The assembly sided with Barnave. But to pacify the people, and to provide for the futm-e safety of France, it de- creed that the king should be considered as abdicating, de facto, if he retracted the oath he had taken to the constitution; ]06 HISTORY OF if he headed an army for the purpose of making war upon the nation, or permitted any one to do so in his name; and that, in such case, become a simple citizen, he would cease to be inviolable, and might be responsible for acts committed sub- sequent to his abdication. On the day that this decree was adopted by the assembly, the leaders of the republican party excited the multitude against it. But the Hall in which it sat was surrounded by the national guard, and it could not be assailed or intimidated. The agitators, unable to prevent the passing of the decree, aroused the people against it. They drew up a petition, in which they denied the competency of the assembly; appealed from it to the sovereignty of the nation, treated Louis XVI. as de- posed since his flight, and demanded a substitute for him. This petition, drawn up by Brissot, author of the Patriots Frangais, and president of the Comite des Rechsrches of Paris, was carried, on the 17th of July, to the altar of the country in the Champ de Mars: an immense crowd flocked to sign it. The assembly, apprized of what was taking place, summoned the municipal authorities to its bar, and directed them to pre- serve the public tranquillity. Lafayette marched against the crowd, and in the first instance succeeded in dispersing it without bloodshed. The municipal officers took up their quarters in the Invalides; but the same day the crowd re- turned in greater numbers, and with more determination. Danton and Camille Desmoulins harangued them from the altar of the country. Two Invalides, supposed to be spies, were massacred and their heads stuck on pikes. The insur- rection became alarming. Lafayette again repaired to the Champ de Mars, at the head of twelve hundred of the national guard. Bailly accompanied him, and had the red banner un- furled. The crowd was then summoned to disperse in the name of the law; it refused to retire, and, contemning au- thority, shouted, " Down with the red flag !" and assailed the national guard with stones. Lafayette ordered his men to fire ; but ia the air. The crowd was not intimidated with th:s, and resumed the attack; compelled by the obstinacy of the insurgents, Lafayette then ordered another discharge, a real and effective one. The terrified multitude fled, leaving many dead on the field. The disturbances now ceased, order was restored- but blood had flown, and the people never forgave THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 107 Bailly or Lafayette the cruel necessity to which itself had driven them. This was a regular combat, in which the re- publican party, not as yet sufficiently strong or established, was defeated by the constitutional monarchy party. The attempt of the Champ de Mars was the prelude of the popular movements which led to the 10th of August. While this was passing in the assembly and at Paris, the emigrants, whom the flight of Louis XVI. had elated with hope, were thrown into consternation at his arrest. Monsieur, who had fled at the same time as his brother, and with better fortune, arrived alone at Brussels with the powers and title of regent. The emigrants thenceforth relied only on the assist- ance of Europe; the officers quitted their colours; two hundred and ninety members of the assembly protested against its de- crees; in order to legitimatize invasion, Bouille wrote a threatening letter, in the inconceivable hope of intimidating the assembly, and at the same time to take upon himself the sole responsibility of the flight of Louis XVI. ; finally, the emperor, the king of Prussia, and the count d'Artois met at Pilnitz, where they made the famous declaration of the 27th of August, preparatory to the invasion of France, and which, far from improving the condition of the king, would have im- perilled him, had not the assembly, in its wisdom, continued to follow out its new designs, regardless at once of the clamours of the multitude at home, and the foreign powers. In the declaration of Pilnitz, the sovereigns considered the cause of Louis XVI. as their own. They required that he should be free to go where he pleased, that is to say, to repair to them; that he should be restored to his throne; that the assembly should be dissolved, and that the princes of the em- pire having possessions in Alsace, should be reinstated in their feudal rights. In case of refusal, they threatened France with a war in which all the powers who were guarantees for the French monarchy would concur. This declaration, so far from discouraging, only served to irritate the assembly and the people. Men asked one another, what right the princes of Europe had to interfere in the government of France; by what right they gave orders to a great people, and imposed conditions upon it; and since the sovereigns appealed to force, the people of France prepared to resist them. The frontiers were put in a state of defence; a hundred thousand men of 108 HISTORV OF the national guard were enrolled, and they awaited in calm serenity the attack of the enemy, well convinced that the French people, on their own soil and in a state of revolution, would be invincible. Meantime, the assembly approached the close of its labours; civil relations, public taxation, the nature of crimes, their prosecution, and their punishment, had been by it as wisely regulated as were the public and constitutional relations of the country. Equality had been introduced into the law of inheritance, into taxation, and into punishments; nothing re- mained but to unite all the constitutional decrees into a body . and submit them to the king for his approval. The assembly \ was growing weary of its labours and of its dissensions; the \people itself, who in France ever become tired of that which continues beyond a certain time, desired a new national repre- sentation; the convocation of the electoral colleges was there- fore fixed for the 5th of August. Unfortunately, the mem- bers of the present assembly could not form part of the suc- ceeding one; this had been decided before the flight to Va- rennes. In this important question, the assembly had been drawn away by the rivalry of some, the disinterestedness of others, the desire for anarchy on the part of the aristocrats, and of domination on that of the republicans. Vainly did Duport exclaim: "While every one is pestering us with new principles of all sorts, how is it overlooked that stability is also a principle of government? Is France, whose children are so ardent and changeable, to be exposed every two years to a revolution in her laws and opinions?" This was the desire of the privileged classes and the Jacobins, though with different views. In all such matters the constituent assem- bly was deceived or overruled; when- the ministry was in question, it decided, in opposition to Mirabeau, that no deputy could hold office; on the subject of re-election, it decided, in opposition to its own members, that it could not take place; in the same spirit, it prohibited their accepting, for four years, any post offered them by the prince. This mania of disinterestedness soon induced Lafayette to divest himself of the command of the national guard, and Bailly to resign the mayoralty. Thus this remarkable epoch entirely annihilated the constituent body. The collection of the constitutional decrees into one body led THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 109 to the idea of revising them. But this idea of revision gave great dissatisfaction, and was almost of no effect; it was not desirable to render the constitution more aristocratic by after measures, lest the multitude should require it to be made more popular. To limit the sovereignty of the nation, and, at the same time, not to overlook it, the assembly declared that France had a right to revise its constitution, but that it was prudent not to exercise this right for thirty years. The act of the constitution was presented to the king by sixty deputies; the suspension being taken off, Louis XVI. resumed the exercise of his power; and the guard the law had given him was placed under his own command. Thus restored to freedom, the constitution was submitted to him. After examining it for several days, " I accept the constitu- tion," he wrote to the assembly; " I engage to maintain it at home, to defend it from all attacks from abroad; and to cause its execution by all the means it places at my disposal. I declare, that being informed of the attachment of the great majority of the people to the constitution, I renounce my claim to assist in the work, and that being responsible to the nation alone, no other person, now that I have made this re- nunciation, has a right to complain." This letter excited general approbation. Lafayette de- manded and procured an amnesty in favour of those who were under prosecution for favouring the king's flight, or for proceedings against the revolution. Next day the king came in person to accept the constitution in the assembly. The populace attended him thither with acclamations; he was the object of the enthusiasm of the deputies and spectators, and he regained that day the confidence and affection of his sub- 'f ^Mantua, in order to oppose this new enemy, renewed it with increased vigour, and resumed his positions in the Tyrol. The plan of invasion was executed with much union and success. While the army of Italy threatened Austria by the Tyrol, the two armies of the Meuse and Rhine entered Germany; Moreau, supported by Jourdan on his left, was ready to join Bonaparte on his right. The two armies had passed the Rhine at Neurvied and Strasburg, and had advanced on a front, drawn up in echellons to the distance of sixty leagues, driving back the enemy, who, while retreating before them, strove to impede their march and break their line. They had almost attained the aim of their enterprise; Moreau had entered Ulm and Augsbourg, crossed the Leek, and his advanced guard was on the extreme of the defiles of the Tyrol, when Jourdan, from a misunderstanding, passed be- yond the line, was attacked by the archduke Charles, and completely routed. Moreau, exposed on his left wing, was 328 HISTOEY OF reduced to the necessity of retracing his steps, and he then effected his memorable retreat. The fault of Jourdan was a capital one: it prevented the success of this vast plan of cam- paign, and gave respite to the Austrian government. The cabinet of Vienna, which had lost Belgium in this war, and which felt the importance of preserving Italy, defended it with the greatest obstinacy. Wurmser, after a new defeat, was obliged to throw himself into Mantua with the wreck of his army. General Alvinzi, at the head of fifty thousand Hungarians, now came to try his fortune, but was not more successful than Beaulieu or Wurmser. New victories were added to the wonders already achieved by the army of Italy, and secured the conquest of that country. Mantua capitu- lated; the republican troops, masters of Italy, took the route to Vienna across the mountains. Bonaparte had before him prince Charles, the last hope of Austria. He soon passed through the defiles of the Tyrol, and entered the plains of Ger- many. In the meantime, the army of the Rhine under Moreau, and that of the Meuse under Hoche, successfully resumed the plan of the preceding campaign; and the cabinet of Vienna, in a state of alarm, concluded the truce of Leoben. It had exhausted all its force, and tried all its generals, while the French republic was in the full vigour of conquest. The army of Italy accomplished in Europe the work of the French revolution. This wonderful campaign was owing to the union of a general of genius, and an intelligent army. Bonaparte had for lieutenants generals capable of commanding themselves, who knew how to take upon themselves the responsibility of a movement or a battle, and an army of citizens all possessing cultivated minds, deep feeling, strong emulation of all that is great; passionately attached to a revolu- tion which aggrandized their country, preserved their indepen- dence under discipline, and which afforded an opportunity to every soldier of becoming a general. There is nothing which a leader of genius might not accomplish with such men. He must have regretted, at this recollection of his earlier years, that he ever centred in himself all liberty and in- telligence, that he ever created mechanical armies, and generals only fit to obey. Bonaparte began the third epoch of the war. The campaign of 1792 had been made on the old system, with dispersed corps, acting separately without THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 329 abandoning their fixed line. The committee of public safety concentrated the corps, made them operate no longer merely on what was before them, but at a distance; it hastened their movement, and directed them towards a common end. Bona- parte did for each battle what the committee had done for each campaign. He brought all these corps on the determi- nate point, and destroyed several armies with a single one by the rapidity of his measures. He disposed of whole masses of troops at his pleasure, moved them here or there, brought them forward, or kept them out of sight, had them wholly at his disposition, when, where, and how he pleased, whether to occupy a position or to gain a battle. His diplomacy was as superior as his military science. All the Italian governments, except Venice and Genoa, had adhered to the coalition, but the people were in favour of the French republic. Bonaparte relied on the latter. He abolished Piedmont, which he could not conquer; trans- formed the Milanese, hitherto dependent on Austria, into the Cisalpine Republic; he weakened Tuscany and the petty principalities of Parma and Modena by contributions, with- out dispossessing them; the pope, who had signed a truce on Bonaparte's first success against Beaulieu, and who did not hesitate to infringe it on the arrival of Wurmser. bought peace by yielding Romagna, Bologna, and Ferrara, which were joined to the Cisalpine republic; lastly, the aristocracy of Venice and Genoa having favoured the coalition, and raised an insurrection in the rear of the army, their govern- ment was changed, and Bonaparte made it democratic, in order to oppose the power of the people to that of the nobility. In this way the revolution penetrated into Italy. Austria, by the preliminaries of Leoben, ceded Belgium to France, and recognised the Lombard republic. All the con- federate powers had laid down their arms, and England asked to treat: France, peaceable and free at home, had without attained her natural limits, and was surrounded with rising republics, which, such as Holland, Lombardy, and Liguria, guarded its sides, and extended its system in Europe. The coalition was little disposed to assail anew a revolution, all the governments of which were victorious; that of anarchy after the 10th of August, of the dictatorship after the 31st 01 May, and of legal authority under the directory; a revolution, 830 HISTORY OF which, at every new hostility, advanced a step further upon European territory. In 1792, it had only extended to Bel- gium; in 1794, it had reached Holland and the Rhine; in 1796, had reached Italy, and entered Germany. If it con- tinued its progress, the coalition had reason to fear that .it would carry its conquests further. Everything seemed pre- pared for general peace. But the situation of the directory was materially changed by the elections of the year V. (May, 1797.) These elections, by introducing, in a legal way, the royalist party into the legislature and government, brought again into question what the conflict of Vendemiaire had decided. Up to this period, a good understanding had existed between the directory and the councils. Composed of conventionalists, united by a com- mon interest, and the necessity of establishing the republic, after having been blown about by the winds of all parties, they had manifested much good- will in their intercourse, and much union in their measures. The councils had yielded to the various demands of the directory; and, with the excep- tion of a few slight modifications, they had approved its pro- jects concerning the finance and the administration, its con- duct with regard to the conspiracies, the armies, and Europe. The anti-conventional minority had formed an opposition in the councils; but this opposition, while waiting the reinforce- ment of a new third, had but cautiously contended against the policy of the directory. At its head were Barbe-Marbois, Pastoret, Vaublanc, Dumas, Portalis, Simeon, Troncon-Du- coudray, Dupont de Nemours, most of them members of the Right in the legislative assembly, and some of them avowed royalists. Their position soon became less equivocal and more aggressive, by the addition of the elected of the year V. The royalists formed a formidable and active confederation, having its leaders, agents, budgets, and journals. They ex- cluded republicans from the elections, influenced the masses, who always follow the most energetic party, and whose banner they momentarily assume. They would not even admit patriots of the first epoch, and only elected decided counter- revolutionists or equivocal constitutionalists. The republican party was then placed in the government and in the army; the royalist party in the electoral assemblies and the councils. THE FRENCH REVOLUTION 331 On the 1st Prairial, year V. (20 May), the two councils opened their sittings. From the beginning they manifested thf spirit which actuated them. Pichegru, whom the royalists transferred on to the new field of battle of the counter-revo- lution, was enthusiastically elected president of the council des ieunes. Barbe-Marbois had given him, with the same eagerness, the presidentship of the elder council. The legis- lative body proceeded to appoint a director to replace Letour- neur, who, on the 30th Floreal had been fixed on by ballot as the retiring member. Their choice fell on Barthelemy, the ambassador to Switzerland, whose moderate views and at- tachment to peace suited the councils and Europe, but who was scarcely adapted for the government of the republic, owing to his absence from France during all the revolution. These first hostilities against the directory and the conven- tional party were followed by more actual attacks. Its admi- nistration and policy were now attacked without scruple. The directory had done all it had been able to do by a legal government in a situation still revolutionary. It was blamed for continuing the war and for the disorder of the financial department. The legislative majority skilfully turned its attention to the public wants; it supported the entire liberty of the press, which allowed journalists to attack the directory, and to prepare the way for another system; it supported peace because it would lead to the disarming of the republic, and lastly, it supported economy. These demands were in one sense useful and national. France was weary, and felt the need of all these things in order to complete its social restoration; accordingly, the nation half adopted the views of the royalists, but from entirely different motives. It saw with rather more anxiety the measures adopted by the councils relative to priests and emigrants. A pacification was desired; but the nation did not wish that the conquered foes of the revolution should return triumphant. The councils passed the laws with regard to them with great precipitation. They justly abolished the sentence of transportation or imprisonment against priests for matters of religion or incivism; but they wished to restore the ancient prerogatives of their form of worship ; to render Catholicism, already re-established, outwardly manifest by the use of bells, and to exempt priests from the oath of public 332 HISTORY OF functionaries. Camille Jordan, a young Lyonnese deputy, full of eloquence and courage, but professing unreasonable opinions, was the principal panegyrist of the clergy in the younger council. The speech which he delivered on this subject excited great surprise and violent opposition. The little enthusiasm that remained was still entirely patriotic, and all were astonished at witnessing the revival of another enthusiasm, that of religion: the last century and the revolution had made men entirely unaccustomed to it, and prevented them from understanding it. This was the moment when the old party revived its creed, introduced its language, and mingled them with the creed and language of the reform party, which had hitherto prevailed alone. The result was, as is usual with all that is unexpected, an unfavourable and ridiculous impression against Camille Jordan, who was nick- named Jordan- Carillon, Jordan-les- Cloches. The attempt of the protectors of the clergy did not, however, succeed; and the council of five hundred did not venture as yet to pass a decree for the use of bells, or to make the priests indepen- dent. After some hesitation, the moderate party joined the directorial party, and supported the civic oath with cries of " Vive la Republique!" Meantime, hostilities continued against the directory, espe- cially in the council of five hundred, which was more zealous and impatient than that of the ancients. All this greatly em- boldened the royalist faction in the interior. The counter- revolutionary reprisals against the patriots, and those who had acquired national property, were renewed. Emigrant and dissentient priests returned in crowds, and being unable to endure anything savouring of the revolution, they did not conceal their projects for its overthrow. The directorial authority, threatened in the centre, and disowned in the de- partments, became wholly powerless. But the necessity of defence, the anxiety of all men who were devoted to the directory, and especially to the revolution, gave courage and support to the government. The aggressive progress of the councils brought their attachment to the republic into suspicion; and the mass, which had at first supported, now forsook them. The constitutionalists of 1791 and the directorial party formed an alliance. The club ot Sabn, established under the auspices of this alliance, was THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 333 opposed to the club of Clichy, which for a long time had been the rendezvous of the most influential members of the councils. The directory, while it had recourse to opinion, did not neglect its principal force the support of the troops. It brought near Paris several regiments of the army of the Sambre-et-Meuse, commanded by Hoche. The constitu- tional radius of six myriametres, (twelve leagues,) which the troops could not legally pass, was violated; and the councils denounced this violation to the directory, which feigned an ignorance, wholly disbelieved, and made very weak excuses. The two parties were watching each other. One had its posts at the directory, at the club of Salm, and in the army; the other, in the councils, at Clichy, and in the salons of the royalists. The mass were spectators. Each of the two parties was disposed to act in a revolutionary manner towards the other. An intermediate constitutional and conciliatory party tried to prevent the struggle, and to bring about an union, which was altogether impossible. Carnot was at its head: a few members of the younger council, directed by Thibaudeau, and a tolerably large number of the Ancients, seconded his projects of moderation. Carnot, who, at that period, was the director of the constitution, with Barthelemy, who was the director of the legislature, formed a minority in the government. Carnot, very austere in his conduct and very obstinate in his views, could not agree either with Barras or with the imperious Rewbell. To this opposition of character was then added difference of system. Barras and Rewbell, supported by La Reveillere, were not at all averse to a coup-d'etat against the councils, while Carnot wished strictly to follow the law. This great citizen, at each epoch of the revolution, had perfectly seen the mode of government which suited it, and his opinion immediately became a fixed idea. Under the committee of public safety, the dictatorship was his fixed system, and under the directory, legal government. Recognising no difference of situation, he found himself placed in an equivocal position; he wished for peace in a moment of war; and for law, in a moment of coups-d'etat. The councils, alarmed at the preparations of the direc- tory, seemed to make the dismissal of a few ministers, in 334 HISTORY OF whom they placed no confidence, the price of reconciliation. These were, Merlin de Douai, the minister of justice; La- croix, minister of foreign affairs; and Ramel, minister of finance. On the other hand, they desired to retain Petiet as minister of war, Benesech as minister of the interior, and Cochon de 1'Apparent as minister of police. The legislative body, in default of directorial power, wished to make sure 01 the ministry. Far from falling in with this wish, which would have introduced the enemy into the government, Revvbell, La Reveillere and Barras dismissed the minis- ters protected by the councils, and retained the others. Benesech was replaced by Fra^ois de Neufchateau, Petiet by Hoche, and soon afterwards by Scherer; Cochon de 1' Ap- parent, by Lenoir-Laroche; and Lenoir-Laroche, who had too little decision, by Sotin. Talleyrand, likewise, formed part of this ministry. He had been struck off the list of emi- grants, from the close of the conventional session, as a revo- lutionist of 1791; and his great sagacity, which always placed him with the party having the greatest hope of victory, made him, at this period, a directorial republican. He held the portfolio of Lacroix, and he contributed very much, by his counsels and his daring, to the events of Fructidor. War now appeared more and more inevitable. The direc- tory did not wish for a reconciliation, which, at the best, would only have postponed its downfall and that of the re- public to the elections of the year VI. It caused threaten- ing addresses against the councils to be sent from the armies. Bonaparte had watched with an anxious eye the events which were preparing in Paris. Though intimate with Carnot, and corresponding directly with him, he had sent Lavalette, his aid-de-camp, to furnish him with an account o . the divisions in the government, and the intrigues and con- spiracies with which it was beset. Bonaparte had promised the directory the support of his army, in case of actual danger. He sent Augereau to Paris with addresses from his troops. " Tremble, royalists !" said the soldiers. " From the Adige to the Seine is but a step. Tremble! Your iniquities are numbered; and their recompence is at the end of our bayonets." " We have observed with indignation," said the staff, " the intrigues of royalty threatening liberty. By the manes of the heroes slain for our country, we have sworn THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 335 implacable war against royalty and royalists. Such are our sentiments; they are yours, and those of all patriots. Let the royalists show themselves, and their days are numbered." The councils protested, but in vain, against these deli- berations of the army. General Richepanse, who commanded the troops arrived from the army of the Sambre-et-Meuse, stationed them at Versailles, Meudon, and Vincennes. The councils had been assailants in Prairial, but as the success of their cause might be put off to the year VI.. when it might take place without risk or combat, they kept on the defensive after Thermidor (July, 1797). They, however, then made every preparation for the contest: they gave orders that the constitutional circles should be closed, with a view to getting rid of the club of Salm; they also increased the powers of the commission of inspectors of the Hall, which became the government of the legislative body, and of which the two royalist conspirators, Willot and Pichegru, formed part. The guard of the councils, which was under the control of the directory, was placed under the immediate orders of the inspectors of the Hall. At last, on the 17th Fructidor, the legislative body thought of procuring the assistance of the militia of Vendemiaire, and it decreed, on the motion of Pichegru, the formation of the national guard. On the following day, the 18th, this measure was to be executed, and the councils were by a decree to order the troops to remove to a distance. They had reached a point that rendered a new victory necessary to decide the great struggle of the revolution and the ancient system. The im- petuous general, Willot, wished them to take the initiative, to decree the impeachment of the three directors, Barras, Rew- bell, and La Reveillere; to cause the other two to join the legislative body; if the government refused to obey, to sound the tocsin, and march with the old sectionariea against the directory; to place Pichegru at the head of this legal in- surrection, and to execute all these measures promptly, boldly, and at mid-day. Pichegru is said to have hesitated; and the opinion of the undecided prevailing, the tardy course of legal preparations was adopted. It was not, however, the same with the directory. Barras, Rewbell, and La Reveillere determined instantly to attack Carnot, Barthelemy, and the legislative majority. The morn- 336 HISTORY OF ing of the 18th was fixed on for the execution of this coup- (Vetat. During the night, the troops encamped in the neigh- bourhood of Paris, entered the city under the command of Augereau. It was the design of the directorial triumvirate to occupy the Tuileries with trpops before the assembling of the legislative body, in order to avoid a violent expulsion; to convoke the councils in the neighbourhood of the Luxem- bourg, after having arrested their principal leaders, and by a legislative measure to accomplish a coup-d'etat begun by force. It was in agreement with the minority of the councils, and relied on the approbation of the mass. The troops reached the Hotel de Ville at one in the morning, spread themselves over the quays, the bridges, and the Champs Elysees, and before long, twelve thousand men and forty pieces of cannon surrounded the Tuileries. At four o'clock the alarm-shot was fired, and Augereau presented himself at the gate of the Pont-Tournant. The guard of the legislative body was under arms. The inspectors of the Hall, apprised the night before of the move- ment in preparation, had repaired to the national palace (the Tuileries), to defend the entrance. Ramel, commander of the legislative guard, was devoted to the councils, and he had stationed his eight hundred grenadiers in the different avenues of the garden, shut in by gates. But Pichegru, Willot, and Ramel, could not resist the directory with this small and uncertain force. Augereau had no need even to force the passage of the Pont-Tournant: as soon as he came before the grenadiers, he cried out, " Are you republicans?" The latter lowered their arms and replied, " Vive Augereau ! Vive le directoire!" and joined him. Augereau traversed the garden, entered the hall of the councils, arrested Pichegru, Willot, Ramel, and all the inspectors of the Hall, and had them conveyed to the Temple. The members of the councils, convoked in haste by the inspectors, repaired in crowds to their place of sitting; but they were arrested or refused admittance by the armed force. Augereau announced to them that the directory, urged by the necessity of defending the republic from the conspirators among them, had assigned the Odeon and the School of Medicine for the place of their sittings. The greater part of the deputies present exclaimed against military violence and the dictatorial usurpation, but they were obliged to yield. THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 337 At six in the morning this expedition was terminated. The people of Paris, on waking, found the troops still undei arms,, and the walls placarded with proclamations announcing the discovery of a formidable conspiracy. The people were exhorted to observe order and confidence. The directory had printed a letter of general Moreau, in which lie an- nounced in detail the plots of his predecessor Pichegru with the emigrants, and another letter from the prince de Conde to Imbert Colomes, a member of the Ancients. The entire population remained quiet; a mere spectator of an event brought about without the interference of parties, and by the assistance of the army only, it displayed neither appro- bation nor regret. The directory felt the necessity of legalizing, and more especially of terminating, this extraordinary act. As soon as the members of the five hundred, and of the ancients, were assembled at the Odeon and the School of Medicine in suffi- cient numbers to debate, they determined to sit permanently. A message from the directory announced the motive which had actuated all its measures. " Citizens legislators," ran the message, " if the directory had delayed another day, the republic would have been given up to its enemies. The very place of your sittings was the rendezvous of the con- spirators: from thence they yesterday distributed their plans and orders for the delivery of arms; from thence they corres- ponded last night with their accomplices; lastly, from thence, or in the neighbourhood, they again endeavoured to raise clandestine and seditious assemblies, which the police at this moment is employed in dispersing. We should have com- promised the public welfare, and that of its faithful repre- sentatives, had we suffered them to remain confounded with the foes of the country in the den of conspiracy." The younger council appointed a commission, composed of Sieves, Poulain-Granpre, Villers, Chazal, and Boulay de la Meurthe, deputed to present a (loi de salut public} law of public safety. The law was a measure of ostracism; only transportation was substituted for the scaffold, in this second revolutionary and dictatorial period. The members of the five hundred sentenced to transporta- tion were: Aubri, J. J. Aime, Bayard, Blain, Boissy d'An- glas, Borne, Bourdon de 1'Oise, Cadroy, Couchery, Delahaye, 338 HISTORY OP Delarue, Doumere, Dumolard, Duplantier, Gibert Desmo- lieres, Henri Lariviere, Imbert-Colomes, Camille Jordan, Jourdan (des Bouches du Rhone) Gall, La Carriere, Le- marchand-Gomicourt, Lemerer, Mersan, Madier, Maillard, Noailles, Andre, Mac-Cartin, Pavie, Pastoret, Pichegru, Polissard, Prairie-Montaud, Quatremere-Quency, Saladin, Simeon, Vauvilliers, Vienot-Vaublanc, Villaret-Joyeuse, Willot. In the council of ancients: Barbe-Marbois, Dumas, Ferraud-Vaillant, Lafond-Ladebat, Laumont, Muriare, Muri- nais, Paradis, Portalis, Rovere, Troncon-Ducoudray. In the directory: Carnot and Barthelemy. They also condemned the abbe Brothier, La Villeheurnois, Dunan, ex-minister of police, Cochon; ex-agent of the police, Dossonville, generals Miranda and Morgan; the journalist, Suard; the ex-conven- tionalist, Mailhe; and the commander, Ramel. A few of the proscribed succeeded in evading the decree of exile; Carnot was among the number. Most of them were transported to Cayenne; but a great many did not leave the Isle of Re. The directory greatly extended this act of ostracism. The authors of thirty-five journals were included in the sentence of transportation. It wished to strike at once all the avenues of the republic in the councils, in the press, in the electoial assemblies, the departments, in a word, wherever they had introduced themselves. The elections of forty-eight depart- ments were annulled, the laws in favour of priests and emi- grants were revoked, and soon afterwards, the disappearance of all who had swayed in the departments since the 9th Ther- midor raised the spirits of the cast-down republican party. The coup-d'ctat of Fructidor -was not purely central; like the victory of Vendemiaire; it ruined the royalist party, which had only been repulsed by the preceding defeat. But, by again replacing the legal government by the dictatorship, it rendered another revolution necessary, of which we shall presently speak. "We may say, that on the 18th Fructidor of the year V. it was necessary that the directory should triumph over the counter-revolution by decimating the councils; or that the councils should triumph over the republic by overthrowing the directory. The question thus stated, it remains to in- quire, 1 st, if the directory could have conquered by any other means than a coup-d'etat; 2ndly, whether it misused its victory? THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 839 The government had not the power of dissolving the councils. At the termination of a revolution, whose object was to establish the extreme right, they were unable to invest a secondary authority with the control of the sove- reignty of the people, and in certain cases to make the legis- lature subordinate to the directory. This concession of an experimental policy not existing, what means remained to the directory of driving the enemy from the heart of the state? No longer able to defend the revolution by virtue of the law, it had no resource but the dictatorship; but in having recourse to that, it broke the conditions of its ex- istence ; and while saving the revolution, it soon fell itself. As for its victory, it sullied it with violence, by endeavour- ing to make it too complete. The sentence of transportation was extended to too many victims; the petty passions of men mingled with the defence of the cause, and the directory did not manifest that reluctance to arbitrary measures which is the only justification of coups-d'etat. To attain its object, it should have exiled the leading conspirators only; but it rarely happens that a party does not abuse the dictatorship; and that, possessing the power, it believes not in the dangers of indulgence. The defeat of the 18th Fructidor was the fourth of the royalist party; two took place in order to dispossess it of power, those of the 14th of July, and 10th of August; two to prevent its resuming it; those of the 13th Vendemiaire and 18th Fructidor. This repetition of powerless attempts and protracted reverses did not a little contribute to the submis- sion of this party under the consulate and the empire. $40 HISTORY OF CHAPTER XIII. FROM THE 5TH OF SEPTEMBER, 1797, TO THE 0TH OF NOVEMBER, 1799. By the 18th Fructidor the directory returns, with slight mitigation, to the revolutionary government General peace, except with England Be- turn of Bonaparte to Paris Expedition into Egypt Democratic elections for the year VI. The directory annuls them on the 22nd Floreal Second coalition ; Eussia, Austria, and England attack the re- public through Italy, Switzerland, and Holland ; general defeats De- mocratic elections for the year VII. ; on the 30th Prairial the councils get the upper hand, and disorganize the old directory Two parties in the new directory, and in the councils ; the moderate republican party under Sieyes, Eoger-Ducos, and the ancients ; the extreme republican party under Moulins, Golier, the Five Hundred, and the Society of the Manege Various projects Victories of Massena in Switzerland ; of Brunne, in Holland Bonaparte returns from Egypt ; comes to an un- derstanding with Sieyes and his party The 18th and 19th Brumaire End of the directorial system. THE chief result of the 18th Fructidor was a return, with slight mitigation, to the revolutionary government. The two ancient privileged classes were again excluded from society; the dissentient priests were again banished. The Chouans, and former fugitives, who occupied the field of battle in the departments, abandoned it to the old republicans : those who had formed part of the military household of the Bourbons, the superior officers of the crown, the members of the parliaments, commanders of the order of the Holy Ghost and Saint Louis, the knights of Malta, all those who had pro- tested against the abolition of nobility, and who had preserved THE FRENCH REVOLUTIOS. 341 its titles, were to quit the territory of the republic. The ci-devant nobles, or those ennobled, could only enjoy the rights of citizens, after a term of seven years, and after having gone through a sort of apprenticeship as Frenchmen. This party, by desiring sway, restored the dictatorship. At this period the directory attained its maximum of power; for some time it had no enemies in arms. Delivered from all internal opposition, it imposed the continental peace on Austria by the treaty of Campo-Formio, and on the empire by the congress of Rastadt. The treaty of Campo-Formio was more advantageous to the cabinet of Vienna than the preliminaries of Leoben. Its Belgian and Lombard states were paid for by a part of the Venetian states. This old re- public was divided; France retained the Illyrian Isles, and gave the city of Venice and the provinces of Istria and Dal- matia to Austria. In this the directory committed a great fault, and was guilty of an attempt against liberty. In the fanaticism of a system, we may desire to set a country free, but we should never give it away. By arbitrarily distri- buting the territory of a small state, the directory set the bad example of this traffic in nations since but too much fol- lowed. Besides, the Austrian dominion would, sooner or later, extend in Italy, through this imprudent cession of Venice. The coalition of 1792 and 1793 was dissolved; England was the only remaining belligerent power. The cabinet of London was not at all disposed to cede to France, which it had attacked, in the hope of weakening it, Belgium, Luxembourg, Porentruy, Nice, Savoy, the protectorate of Piedmont, Genoa, Milan, and Holland. But finding it necessary to appease the English opposition, and reorganize its means of attack, it made propositions of peace; it sent Lord Mahnesbury as plenipotentiary, first to Paris, then to Lille. But the offers of Pitt not being sincere, the directory did not allow itself to be deceived by his diplomatic stratagems. The negotiations were twice broken off, and war continued between the two powers. While England negotiated at Lille, she was pre- paring at Saint Petersburg the triple alliance, or second coali- tion. The directory, on their side, without finances, without any party in the interior, having no support but the army, and no 342 HISTORY OF eminence save that derived from the continuation of its vic- tories, was not in a condition to consent to a general peace. It had increased the public discontent by the establishment of certain taxes and the reduction of the debt to a consoli- dated third, payable in specie only, which had ruined the fundholders. It became necessary to maintain itself by war. The immense body of soldiers could not be disbanded without danger. Besides, being deprived of its power, and being placed at the mercy of Europe, the directory had attempted a thing never done without creating a shock, except in times of great tranquillity, of great ease, abundance, and employment. The directory was driven by its position to the invasion of Switzerland and the expedition into Egypt. Bonaparte had then returned to Paris. The conqueror of Italy and the pacificator of the continent, was received with enthusiasm, constrained on the part of the directory, but deeply felt by the people. Honours were accorded him, never yet obtained by any general of the republic. A patriotic altar was prepared in the Luxembourg, and he passed under an arch of standards won in Italy, on his way to the triumphal ceremony in his honour. He was harangued by Barras, pre- sident of the directory, who, after congratulating him on his victories, invited him to crown so noble a life by a conquest which the great country owed to its insulted dignity. This was the conquest of England. Everything seemed in pre- paration for a descent, while the invasion of Egypt was really the enterprise in view. Such an expedition suited both Bonaparte and the directory. The independent conduct of that general in Italy, his ambition, which, from time to time, burst through his studied simplicity, rendered his presence dangerous. He, on his side, feared, by his inactivity, to compromise the already high opinion entertained of his talents: for men always require from those whom they make great, more than they are able to perform. Thus, while the directory saw in the expedition to Egypt the means of keeping a formidable general at a distance, and a prospect of attacking the English by India, Bonaparte saw in it a gigantic conception, an employment suited to his taste, and a new means of astonishing mankind. He sailed from Toulon on the 30th Floreal, in the year VI., (19th May, 1798,) with a fleet of four hundred sail, and a THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 343 portion of the army of Italy; he steered for Malta; of which he made himself master, and from thence to Egypt. The directory, who violated the neutrality of the Ottoman Porte in order to attack the English, had already violated that of Switzerland, in order to expel the emigrants from its territory. French opinions had already penetrated into Geneva and the Pays de Vaud; but the policy of the Swiss confederation was counter-revolutionary, from the influence of the aristocracy of Berne. They had driven from the cantons all the Swiss who had shown themselves partisans of the French republic. Berne was the head-quarters of the emigrants, and it was there that all the plots against the revolution were formed. The directory complained, but did not receive satisfaction. The Yaudois, placed by old treaties under the protection of France, invoked her help against the tyranny of Berne. This appeal of the Vaudois, its own grievances, its desire to extend the directorial repub lican system to Switzerland, much more than the tempta- tion of seizing the little amount of treasure in Berne, as some have reproached it with, determined the directory. Some conferences took place, which led to no result, and war began. The Swiss defended themselves with much courage and obstinacy, and hoped to resuscitate the times of their ances- tors, but they succumbed. Geneva was united to France, and Switzerland exchanged its ancient constitution for that of the year III. From that time two parties existed in the con- federation, one of which was for France and the revolution, the other for the counter-revolution and Austria. Switzer- land ceased to be a common barrier, and became the high road of Europe. This revolution had been followed by that of Rome. General Duphot was killed at Rome in a riot; and in punish- ment of this assassination, which the pontifical government had not interfered to prevent, Rome was changed into a republic. All this combined to complete the system of the directory, and make it preponderant in Europe; it was now at the head of the Helvetian, Batavian, Ligurian, Cisalpine, and Roman republics, all constructed on the same model. But while the directory extended its influence abroad, it was again menaced by internal parties. The elections of Flore"al in the year VI. (May, 1798) were 344 HISTORY OF by no means favourable to the directory; the returns were quite at variance with those of the year V. Since the 1 8th Fructidor, the withdrawal of the counter-revolutionists had restored all the influence of the exclusive republican party, which had re-established the clubs under the name of Constitu- tional Circles. This party dominated in the electoral assem- blies, which, most unusually, had to nominate four hundred and thirty-seven deputies: two hundred and ninety-eight for the council of five hundred; a hundred and thirty-nine for that of the ancients. When the elections drew near, the directory exclaimed loudly against the anarchists. But its proclamations having been unable to prevent democratic returns, it decided upon annulling them in virtue of a law, by Avhich the councils, after the 18th Fructidor, had granted it the power of judging the operations of the electoral as- semblies. It invited the legislative body, by a message, to appoint a commission of five members for that purpose. On the 22nd Floreal, the elections were for the most part an- nulled. At this period the directorial party struck a blow at the extreme republicans, as nine months before it had aimed at the royalists. The directory wished to maintain the political balance, which had been the characteristic of its first two years; but its position was much changed. Since its last coup- d'etat, it could no longer be an impartial government, because it was no longer a constitutional government. With these preten- sions of isolation, it dissatisfied every one. Yet it lived on in this way till the elections of the year VII. It displayed much activity, but an activity of a narrow and shuffling nature. Merlin de Douai and Treilhard, who had replaced Carnot and Barthelemy, were two political lawyers. Rewbell had in the highest legree the courage, without having the enlarged views of a statesman. Lareveillere was too much occupied with the sect of the Theophilanthropists for a government leader. As to Barras, he continued his dissipated life and his directorial regency; his palace was the rendezvous of gamesters, women of gallantry, and stock-jobbers of every kind. The administration of the directors betrayed their character, but more especially their position; to the embar- rassments of which was added war with all Europe. While the republican plenipotentiaries were yet negotiating THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 346 for peace with the empire at Rastadt, the second coalition be- gan the campaign. The treaty of Campo-Formio had only been for Austria a suspension of arms. England had no difficulty in gaining her to a new coalition; with the exception of Spain and Prussia, most of the European powers formed part of it. The subsidies of the British cabinet, and the attraction of the West, decided Russia; the Porte and the states of Barbary acceded to it, because of the invasion of Egypt: the empire, in order to recover the left bank of the Rhine, and the petty princes of Italy, that they might destroy the new republics. At Rastadt they were discussing the treaty relative to the em- pire, the concession of the left bank of the Rhine, the navi- gation of that river, and the demolition of some fortresses on the right bank, when the Russians entered Germany, and the Austrian army began to move. The French plenipotentiaries, taken by surprise, received orders to leave in four and twenty hours; they obeyed immediately, and set out, after having obtained safe conduct from the generals of the enemy. At a short distance from Rastadt they were stopped by some Aus- trian hussars, who, having satisfied themselves as to their names and titles, assassinated them: Bonnier and Roberjot were killed, Jean de Bry was left for dead. This unheard-of violation of the right of nations, this premeditated assassina- tion of three men invested with a sacred character, excited general horror. The legislative body declared war, and de- clared it with indignation against the governments on whom the guilt of this enormous crime fell. Hostilities had already commenced in Italy and on the Rhine. The directory, apprised of the march of the Russian troops, and suspecting the intentions of Austria, caused the councils to pass a law for recruiting. The military conscrip- tion placed two hundred thousand young men at the disposal of the republic. This law, which was attended with incalcu- lable consequences, was the result of a more regular order of things. Levies en masse had been the revolutionary service of the country; the conscription became the legal service. The most impatient of the powers, those which formed the advanced guard of the coalition, had already commenced the attack. The king of Nanles had advanced on Rome, and the king of Sardinia had raised troops and threatened the Ligurian republic. As they had not sufficient power to 346 HISTORY OF sustain the shock of the French armies, they were easily conquered and dispossessed. General Championnet entered Naples after a sanguinary victory. The lazaroni defended the interior of the town for three days; but they yielded, and the Partheuopian republic was proclaimed. General Joubert occupied Turin; and the whole of Italy was in the hands of the French, when the new campaign began. The coalition was superior to the republic in effective force and in preparations. It attacked it by the three great open- ings of Italy, Switzerland, and Holland. A strong Austrian army debouched in the duchy of Mantua; it defeated Scherer twice on the Adige, and was soon joined by the whimsical and hitherto victorious Suwaroff. Moreau replaced Scherer, and, like him, was beaten; he retreated towards Genoa, in order to keep the barrier of the Apennines and to join the army of Naples, commanded by Macdonald, which was over- powered at Trebia. The Austro-Russians then directed their chief forces upon Switzerland. A few Russian corps joined the archduke Charles, who had defeated Jourdan on the Upper Rhine, and was preparing to pass over the Helve- tian barrier. At the same time the duke of York disembarked in Holland with forty thousand Anglo-Russians. The small republics which protected France were invaded, and a few more victories would have enabled the confederates to pene- trate even to the scene of the revolution. In the midst of these military disasters and the discontent of parties, the elections of Floral in the year VII. (May, 1799) took place; they were republican, like those of the preceding year. The directory was no longer strong enough to contend with public misfortunes and the rancour of parties. The retirement of Rewbell, who was replaced by Sieyes, caused it to lose the only man able to face the storm, and brought into its bosom the most avowed antagonist of this compromised and worn-out government. The moderate party and the extreme republicans united in demanding from the directory an account of the internal and external situation of the republic. The councils sat permanently. Barras abandoned his colleagues. The fury of the councils was directed solely against Treilhard, Merlin, and Lareveillere, the last supports of the old directory. They deposed Treilhard, because an interval of a year had not elapsed between his THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 347 legislative and his directorial functions, as the constitution re quired. The ex-minister of justice, Gohier, was immediately chosen to replace him. The orators of the councils then warmly attacked Merlin and Lareveillere, whom they could not dismiss from the directory. The threatened directors sent a justificatory message to the councils, and proposed peace. On the 30th Prairial, the republican Bertrand (du Calvados) ascended the tribune, and after examining the offers of the directors, exclaimed: "You have proposed union; and I propose that you reflect if you yourselves can still preserve your functions. If you love the republic, you will not hesitate to decide. You are incapable of doing good; you will never have the confidence of your colleagues, that of the people, or that of the representatives, Avithout which you cannot cause the laws to be executed. I know that, thanks to the constitution, there already exists in the directory a majority which enjoys the confidence of the people, and that of the national representa- tion. Why do you hesitate to introduce unanimity of desires and principles between the two first authorities of the re- public? You have not even the confidence of those vile flatterers, who have dug your political tomb. Finish your career by an act of devotion, which good republican hearts will be able to appreciate." Merlin and Lareveillere, deprived of the support of the government by the retirement of Rewbell, the dismissal o- Treilhard, and the desertion of Barras, urged by the councils and by patriotic motives, yielded to circumstances, and re- signed the directorial authority. This victory, gained by the republican and moderate parties combined, turned to the profit of both. The former introduced general Moulins into the directory; the latter, Roger-Ducos. The 30th Prairial (18th June), which witnessed the breaking up of the old government of the year III., was an act of reprisal on the part of the councils against the directory for the 18th Fruc- tidor and the 22nd Floreal. At this period the two great powers of the state had each in turn violated the constitu- tion: the directory by decimating the legislature; the legisla- ture by expelling the directory. This form of government, which every party complained of, could not have a protracted existence. 348 HISTORY OP Sieyes, after the success of the 30th Prairial, laboured to destroy what yet remained of the government of the year III., in order to establish the legal system on another plan. He was whimsical and systematic; but he had the faculty ot judging surely of situations. He re-entered upon the scene of the revolution at a singular epoch, with the intention of strengthening it by a definitive constitution. After having co-operated in the principal changes of 1789, by his motion of the 17th of June, which transformed the states-general into a national assembly, and by his plan of internal organiza- tion, which substituted departments for provinces, he had remained passive and silent during the subsequent interval. He waited till the period of public defence should again give place to institutions. Appointed, under the directory, to the embassy at Berlin, the neutrality of Prussia was attri- buted to his efforts. On his return, he accepted the office of director, hitherto refused by him, because Rewbell was leaving the government, and he thought that parties were sufficiently weary to undertake a definitive pacification, and the establishment of liberty. With this object, he placed his reliance on Roger-Ducos in the directory, on the council of ancients in the legislature, and without, on the mass of mo- derate men and the middle-class, who, after desiring laws, merely as a novelty, now desired repose as a novelty. This party sought for a strong and secure government, which should have no past, no enmities, and which thencefor- ward might satisfy all opinions and interests. As all that had been done, from the 14th of July till the 9th Thermidor, by the people, in connexion with a part of the government, had been done since the 13th Vendemiaire by the soldiers, Sieyes Avas in want of a general. He cast his eyes upon Joubert, who was put at the head of the army of Italy, in order that he might gain by his victories, and by the deliver- ance of Italy, a great political importance. The constitution of the year III. was, however, still sup- ported by the two directors, Gohier and Moulins, the council of five hundred, and without, by the party of the Manege. The decided republicans had formed a club that held its sittings in that hall where had sat the first of our assemblies. The new club, formed from the remains of that of Salm, before the 18th Fructidor; of that of the Pantheon, at the THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 349 beginning of the directory; and of the old society of the Jacobins, enthusiastically professed republican principles, but not the democratic opinions of the inferior class. Each of these parties also had a share in the ministry which had been renewed at the same time as the directory. Cambaceres had the department of justice; Quinette, the home department; Reinhard, who had been temporarily placed in office during the ministerial interregnum of Talleyrand, was minister of foreign affairs ; Robert Lindet was minister of finance, Bourdon (de Vatry) of the navy, Bernadotte, of war, Bourguignon, soon afterwards replaced by Fouche (of Nantes), of police. This time Barras remained neutral between the two divi- sions of the legislature, of the directory and of the ministry. Seeing that matters were coming to a more considerable change than that of the 30th Prairial, he, an ex-noble, thought that the decline of the republic would lead to the restora- tion of the Bourbons, and he treated with the Pretender Louis XVIII. It seems, that in negotiating the restoration of the monarchy, by his agent, David Monnier, he was not forgetful of himself. Barras espoused nothing from convic- tion, and always sided with the party which had the greatest chance of victory. A democratic member of the Mountain on the 31st of May; a reactionary Mountainist on the 9th Thermidor; a revolutionary director against the royalists on the 18th Fructidor; extreme republican director against his old colleagues on the 30th Prairial; he now became a royalist director against the government of the year III. The faction disconcerted by the 18th Fructidor and the peace of the Continent, had also gained courage. The mili- tary successes of the new coalition, the law of compulsory loans and that of hostages, which had compelled every emi- grant family to give guarantees to government, had made the royalists of the south and west again take up arms. They reappeared in bands, which daily became more formidable, and revived the petty but disastrous warfare of the Chouans. They awaited the arrival of the Russians, and looked forward to the speedy restoration of the monarchy. This was a mo- ment of fresh competition with every party. Each aspired to the inheritance of the dying constitution, as the} had done ., at the close of the convention./ln France, people are warned / / by a kind of political odour mat a government is dying, and// all parties rush to be in at the death. 350 HISTORY OF Fortunately for the republic, the war changed its aspect on the two principal frontiers of the Upper and Lower Rhine. The allies, after having acquired Italy, wished to enter France by Switzerland and Holland; but generals Massena and Brune arrested their hitherto victorious progress. Mns- sena advanced against Korsakoff and Suwaroff. During twelve days of great combinations and consecutive victories, hastening in turns from Constance to Zurich, he repelled the efforts of the Russians, forced them to retreat, and disor- ganized the coalition. Brune also defeated the duke of York in Holland, obliged him to reimbark, and to renounce his attempted invasion. The army of Italy alone had been less fortunate. It had lost its general, Joubert, killed at the battle of Novi, while leading a charge on the Austro-Russians. But this frontier, which was at a distance from the centre of action, despite the defeat of Novi, was not crossed, and Cham- pionnet ably defended it. It was soon to be repassed by the republican troops, who, after each resumption of arms, having been for a moment beaten, soon regained their superiority and recommenced their victories. Europe by giving additional exercise to the military power, by its repeated attacks, ren- dered it each time more triumphant. But at home nothing was changed. Divisions, discontent, and anxiety were the same as before. The struggle between the moderate republicans and the extreme republicans had become more determined. Si6yes pursued his projects against the latter. In the Champ-de-Hars, on the 10th of August, he assailed the Jacobins. Lucien Bonaparte, who had much influence in the council of five hundred, from his charac- ter, his talents, and the military importance of the con- queror of Italy and of Egypt, drew in that assembly a fearful picture of the reign of terror, and said that France was threatened with its return. About the same time, Sieyes caused Bernadotte to be dismissed, and Fouche, in concert with him, closed the meetings of the Manege. The multitude, to whom it is only necessary to present the phantom of the past to inspire it with fear, sided with the moderate party, dreading the return of the reign of terror; and the ex- treme republicans failed in their endeavour to declare la patrie en danger, as they had done at the close of the legis- lative assembly. But Sieyes, after having lost Joubert, THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 351 sought for a general who could enter into his designs, and who would protect the republic, without becoming its op- pressor. Hoche had been dead more than a year. Moreau had given rise to suspicion by his equivocal conduct to the directory before the 18th Fructidor, and by the sudden de- nunciation of his old friend Pichegru, whose treason he had kept secret for a whole year; Massena was not a political general; Bernadotte and Jourdan were devoted to the party of the Manege; Sieyes was compelled to postpone his scheme for want of a suitable agent. Bonaparte had learned in the east, from his brother Lucien and a few other friends, the state of affairs in France, and the decline of the directorial government. His expedition had been brilliant, but without results. After having defeated the Mamelukes, and ruined their power in Upper and Lower Egypt, he had advanced into Syria; but the failure of the siege of Saint-Jean-d'Acre had compelled him to return to his first conquest. There, after defeating an Ottoman army on the coast of Aboukir, so fatal to the French fleet the preceding year, he decided on leaving that land of exile and fame, in order to turn the new crisis in France to his own elevation. He left general Kleber to command the army of the east, and crossed the Mediterranean, then covered with English ships, in a frigate. He disembarked at Frejus, on the 7th Vendemiaire, year VIII., (9th October, 1799,) nineteen days after the battle of Berghen, gained by Brune over the Anglo- Russians under the duke of York, and fourteen days after that of Zurich, gained by Massena over the Austro-Russians under Korsakoff and Suwaroff. He traversed France, from the shore of the Mediterranean to Paris, in triumph. His expedition, almost fabulous, had struck the public mind with surprise, and had still more increased the great renown he had acquired by the conquest of Italy. These two enterprises had raised him above all the other generals of the republic. The distance of the theatre upon which he had fought en- abled him to begin his career of independence and authority. A victorious general, an acknowledged and obeyed nego- tiator, a creator of republics, he had treated all interests with skill, all creeds with moderation. Preparing afar off his ambitious destiny, he had not made himself subservient to any system, and Imyer, a 366 HISTORY OP general and a dictator; a council of state, destined to be the advanced guard of usurpation; and lastly, a senate of eighty members, whose only function was to nullify the people, and to choose tribunes without authority, and legisla- tors who should remain mute. Life passed from the nation to the government. The constitution of Sicyes served as a pretext for a bad order of things. It is worth notice that up to the year VIII. all the constitutions had emanated from the Contrat-social, and that subsequently, down to 1814, from the constitution of Sicyes. The new government was immediately installed. Bona- parte was first consul, and he united with him as second and third consuls, Cambaccres, a lawyer, and formerly a member of the Plain in the convention, and Lebrun, formerly a co- adjutor of the chancellor Maupeou. By their means, he hoped to influence the revolutionists and moderate royalists. With the same object, the ex-nobleman, Talleyrand, and the ex- Mountainist, Fouche, were appointed to the posts of minister of foreign affairs, and minister of police. Sieyes felt much repugnance at employing Fouche; but Bonaparte willed it. "We are forming a new epoch," said he; "we must forget all the ill of the past, and remember only the good." He cared very little under what banner men had hitherto served, provided they now enlisted under his, and summoned thither their old associates in royalism and in revolution. The two new consuls and the retiring consuls nominated sixty senators, without waiting for the lists of eligibility ; the senators appointed a hundred tribunes and three hundred legislators; and the authors of the 18th Brumaire distributed among themselves the functions of the state, as the booty of their victory. It is, however, just to say that the moderate liberal party prevailed in this partition, and that, as long as it preserved any influence, Bonaparte governed in a mild, advantageous, and republican manner. The constitution of the year VIII., submitted to the people for acceptance, was approved by three millions eleven thousand and seven citizens. That of 1793 had obtained one million eight hundred and one thousand nine hundred and eighteen suffrages; and that of the year III. one million fifty-seven thousand three hundred and ninety. The new law satisfied the mode- THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 367 rate masses, who sought tranquillity, rather than guarantees; while the code of '93 had only found partisans among the lower class; and that of the year III. had been equally re- iected by the royalists and democrats. The constitution of 1791 alone had obtained general approbation; and, without having been subjected to individual acceptance, had been sworn to by all France. The first consul, in compliance with the wishes of the re- public, made offers of peace to England, which it refused. He naturally wished to assume an appearance of moderation, and, previous to treating, to confer on his government the lustre of new victories. The continuance of the war was therefore decided on, and the consuls made a remarkable proclamation, in which they appealed to sentiments new to the nation. Hitherto it had been called to arms in defence of liberty; now they began to excite it in the name of honour: " French- men, you wish for peace. Your government desires it with still more ardour: its foremost hopes, its constant efforts, have been in favour of it. The English ministry rejects it; the English ministry has betrayed the secret of its horrible policy. To rend France, to destroy its navy and ports, to efface it from the map of Europe, or reduce it to the rank of a second- ary power, to keep the nations of the continent at variance, in order to seize on the commerce of all, and enrich itself by their spoils: these are the fearful successes for which England scatters its gold, lavishes its promises, and multiplies its intrigues. It is in your power to command peace; but, to command it, money, the sword, and soldiers are necessary; let all, then, hasten to pay the tribute they owe to their common defence. Let our young citizens arise; they no longer take arms for factions, or for the choice of tyrants, but for the security of what they hold most dear; it is for the honour of France, and for the sacred interests of humanity." Holland and Switzerland had been sheltered during the preceding campaign. The first consul assembled all his force on the Rhine and the Alps. He gave Moreau the command of the army of the Rhine, and he himself marched into Italy. He set out on the 16th Floreal, year VIII. (6th of May, 1800) for that brilliant campaign which lasted only forty days. It 368 HISTORY OF was important that he should not be long absent from Paris at the beginning of his power, and especially not to leave the war in a state of indecision. Field marshal Melas had a hundred and thirty thousand men under arms; he occupied all Italy. The republican army opposed to him, only amounted to forty thousand men. He left the field-marshal lieutenant Ott with thirty thousand men before Genoa; and marched against the corps of general Suchet. He entered Nice, prepared to pass the Var, and to enter Provence. It was then that Bonaparte crossed the great Saint Bernard at the head of an army of forty thousand men, descended into Italy in the rear of Melas. entered Milan on the 16th Prairial (2nd of June), and placed the Austrians between Suchet and himself. Melas, whose line of operation was broken, quickly fell back upon Nice, and from thence on to Turin; he estab- lished his head-quarters at Alexandria, and decided on re- opening his communications by a battle. On the 9th of June, the advance guard of the republicans gained a glorious victory at Monte-Bello, the chief honour of which belonged to general Lannes. But it was the plain of Marengo, on the 14th of June, (25th Prairial) that decided the fate of Italy; the Austrians were overwhelmed. Unable to force the pas- sage of the Bormida by a victory, they were placed with- out opportunity of retreat between the army of Suchet and that of the first consul. On the 1 5th, they obtained permis- sion to fall behind Mantua, on condition of restoring all the places of Piedmont, Lombardy, and the Legations; and the victory of Marengo thus secured possession of all Italy. Eighteen days after, Bonaparte returned to Paris. He was received with all the evidence of admiration that such decided victories and prodigious activity could excite; the enthusiasm was universal. There was a spontaneous illumi- nation, and the crowd hurried to the Tuileries -to see him. The hope of speedy peace redoubled the public joy. On the 25th Messidor the first consul was present at the anniversary fete of the 14th of July. When the officers presented him the standards taken from the enemy, he said to them; " When you return to your camps, tell your soldiers that the French people expect for the 1st Vendemiaire, when we shall celebrate the anniversary of the republic, either the proclamation 01 peace, or, if the enemy raise invincible obstacles, new standards, THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. fruits If new victories." Peace, however, was yet to be de- layed some time. In the interim between the victory of Marengo and the general pacification, the first consul turned his attention chiefly to settling the people, and to diminishing the number of malcontents, by employing the displaced factions in the state. He was very conciliatory to those parties who re- nounced their systems, and very lavish of favours to those chief's who renounced their parties. As it was a time of selfishness and indifference, he had no difficulty in suc- ceeding. The proscribed of the 18th Fructidor were already recalled, with the exception of a few royalist con- spirators, such as Pichegru, Willot, &c. Bonaparte soon even employed those of the banished who, like Portalis, Simeon, Barbe-Marbois, had shown themselves more anti- conventionalists than counter-revolutionists. He had also gained over opponents of another description. The late leaders of La Vendee, the famous Bernier, cure of Saint-Lo, who had assisted in the whole insurrection, Chatillon, d'Auti- champ and Suzannet, had come to an accommodation by the treaty of Mont-Lu9on (17th January, 1800.) He also addressed himself to the leaders of the Breton bands, George Cadoudal, Frotte, Lapre'velaye, and Bourmont. The two last alone consented to submit. Frotte was surprised and shot; and George, defeated at Grand Champ, by General Brune, capitulated. The western war was thus definitively termi- nated. But the Chouans who had taken refuge in England, and whose only hope was in the death of him who now concen- trated the power of the revolution, projected his assassination. A few of them disembarked on the coast of France, and secretly repaired to Paris. As it was not easy to reach the first consul, they decided on a conspiracy truly horrible. On the third Nivose, at eight in the evening, Bonaparte was to go to the Opera by the Rue Saint-Nicaise. The conspirators placed a barrel of powder on a little truck, which obstructed the carriage way, and one of them, named Saint Regent, was to set fire to it as soon as he received a signal of the first consul's approach. At the appointed time, Bonaparte left the Tuileries, and crossed the Rue Nicaise. His coachman was skilful enough to drive rapidly between the truck and B B HISTORY OF the wall; but the match was already alight, and the carriage had scarcely reached the end of the street when the infernal machine exploded, covered the quarter Saint-Nicaise with ruins, shaking the carriage, and breaking its windows. The police, taken by surprise, though directed by Fouche, attributed this plot to the democrats, against whom the first consul had a much more decided antipathy than against the Chouans. Many of them were imprisoned, and a hundred and thirty were transported by a simple senatvs-consultus asked and obtained during the night. At length they dis- covered the true authors of the conspiracy, some of whom were condemned to death. On this occasion, the consul caused the creation of special military tribunals. The con- stitutional party separated still further from him, and began its energetic but useless opposition. Lanjuinais Gregoire, who had courageously resisted the extreme party in the con- vention, Garat, Lambrechts, Lenoir-Laroche, Cabanis, &c., opposed, in the senate, the illegal proscription of a hundred and thirty democrats; and the tribunes, Isnard, Daunou, Chenier, Benjamin Constant, Bailleul, Chazal, &c., opposed the special courts. But a glorious peace threw into the shade this new encroachment of power. The Austrians, conquered at Marengo, and defeated in Germany by Moreau, determined on laying down arms. On the 8th of January, 1801, the republic, the cabinet of Vienna, and the empire, concluded the treaty of Luneville. Austria ratified all the conditions of the treaty of Campo-Formio, and also ceded Tuscany to the young duke of Parma. The empire recognised the independence of the Batavian, Hel- vetian, Ligurian, and Cisalpine republics. The pacification soon became general, by the treaty of Florence (18th of February, 1801,) with the king of Naples, who ceded the isle of Elba and the principality of Piombino, by the treaty of Madrid (29th of September, 1801,) with Portugal; by the treaty of Paris (8th of October, 1801,) with the emperor of Russia; and, lastly, by the preliminaries (9th of October, 1801,) with the Ottoman Porte. The continent, by ceasing hosti- lities, compelled England to a momentary peace. Pitt, Dun- das, and Lord Grenville, who had maintained these sanguinary struggles with France, went out of office when their system ceased.to be followed. The opposition replaced them; and, THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 371 on the 25th of March, 1802, the treaty of Amiens completed the pacification of the world. England consented to all the continental acquisitions of the French republic, recognised the existence of the secondary republics, and restored our colonies. During the maritime war with England, the French navy had been almost entirely ruined. Three hundred and forty ships had been taken or destroyed, and the greater part of the colonies had fallen into the hands of the English. Saint Domingo, the most important of them all, after throwing off the yoke of the whites, had continued the American revolu- tion, which, having commenced in the English colonies, was to end in those of Spain, and change the colonies of the new world into independent states. The blacks of Saint Domingo wished to maintain, with respect to the mother country, the freedom which they had acquired from the colonists, and to defend themselves against the English. They were led by a man of colour, the famous Toussaint-Louverture. France ought to have consented to this revolution, which had already cost so dearly to humanity. The metropolitan government could no longer be restored at Saint Domingo; and it became necessary to obtain the only real advantages which Europe can now derive from America, by strengthening the commer- cial ties with our old colony. Instead of this prudent policy, Bonapai'te attempted an expedition to reduce the island to subjection. Forty thousand men embarked for this disastrous enterprise. It was impossible for the blacks to resist such an army at first; but after the first victories, it was attacked by the climate, and new insurrections secured the independence of the colony. France experienced the twofold loss of an army and of advantageous commercial connexions. Bonaparte, whose principal object hitherto had been to promote the fusion of parties, now turned all his attention to the internal prosperity of the republic, and the organization of power. The old privileged classes of the nobility and the clergy had returned into the state without forming par- ticular classes. Dissentient priests, on taking an oath of obedience, might conduct their modes of worship and receive their pensions from government. An act of pardon had been passed in favour of those accused of emigration; there only remained a list of about a thousand names of those who remained faithful to the family and the claims of the pretender. B B 2 372 HISTORY OF The work of pacification was at an end. Bonaparte, knowing that the surest way of commanding a nation is to promote its hap- piness, encouraged the development of industry, and favoured external commerce, which had so long been suspended. He united higher views with his political policy, and connected his own glory with the prosperity of France; he travelled through the departments, caused canals and harbours to be dug, bridges to be built, roads to be repaired, monuments to be erected, and means of communication to be multiplied. He especially strove to become the protector and legislator of private interests. The civil, penal, and commercial codes, which he formed, whether at this period or at a later period, completed, in this respect, the work of the revolution, and re- gulated the internal existence of the nation, in a manner some- what more conformable to its real condition. Notwithstanding political despotism, France, during the domination of Bona- parte, had a private legislation superior to that of any European society; for with absolute government, most of them still pre- served the civil condition of the middle-ages. General peace, universal toleration, the return of order, the restoration, and the creation of an administrative system, soon changed the appearance of the republic. Attention was turned to the con- struction of roads and canals. Civilization became developed in an extraordinary manner; and the consulate was, in this respect, the perfected period of the directory, from its com- mencement to the 18th Fructidor. It was more especially after the peace of Amiens that Bo- naparte raised the foundation of his future power. He himself says, in the Memoirs published under his name,* " The ideas of Napoleon were fixed, but to realise them he required the assistance of time and circumstances. The or- ganization of the consulate had nothing in contradiction with these; it accustomed the nation to unity, and that was a first step. This step taken, Napoleon was indifferent to the forms and denominations of the different constituted bodies. He was a stranger to the revolution. It was his wisdom to advance from day to day, without deviating from the fixed point, the polar star, which directed Napoleon how to * Mernoires pour servir a VHistoire de France sous Napoleon, ecrits a Sainte Helene, rol. i. p. 248. THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 373 guide the revolution to the port whither he wished to con- duct it." la the oeginning of 1802, he was at one and the same time forming three great projects, tending to the same end. He sought to organize religion and to establish the clergy, which as yet had only a religious existence; to create, by means of the Legion of Honour, a permanent military order in the army; and to secure his own power, first for his life, and then to ren- der it hereditary. Bonaparte was installed at the Tuileries, where he gradually resumed the customs and ceremonies of the old monarchy. He already thought of placing intermediate bodies between himself and the people. For some time past he had opened a negotiation with pope Pius VII., on matters of religious worship. The famous concordat, which created nine archbishoprics, forty-one bishoprics, with the institution of chapters, which established the clergy in the state, and again placed it under the external monarchy of the pope, was signed at Paris on the 16th of July, 1801, and ratified at Rome on the loth of August, 1801. Bonaparte, who had destroyed the liberty of the press, created exceptional tribunals, and who had departed more and more from the principles of the revolution, felt that before he went further it was necessary to break entirely with the liberal party of the 18th Brumaire. In Ventose, year X. (March, 1802), the most energetic of the tribunes were dis- missed by a simple operation of the senate. The tribunate was reduced to eighty members, and the legislative body un- derwent a similar purgation. About a month after, the loth Germinal (6th of April, 1802), Bonaparte, no longer apprehen- sive of opposition, submitted the concordat to these assemblies, whose obedience he had thus secured, for their acceptance. They adopted it by a great majority. The Sunday and four great religious festivals were re-established, and from that time the government ceased to observe the system of decades. This was the first attempt at renouncing the republican calendar. Bonaparte hoped to gain the sacerdotal party, always most disposed to passive obedience, and thus deprive the royalist opposition of the clergy, and the coalition of the pope. The concordat was inaugurated with great pomp in the cathedral of Notre-Dame. The senate, the legislative body, the tribunate, and the leading functionaries were present a 374 - HISTORY OF this new ceremony. The first consul repaired thither in the carriages of the old court, with the etiquette and attendants of the old monarchy; salvos of artillery announced this return of privilege, and this essay at royalty. A pontifical mass was performed by Caprara, the cardinal-legate, and the people were addressed by proclamation in a language to which they had long been unaccustomed. " Reason and the example of ages," ran the proclamation, " command us to have recourse to the sovereign pontiff to effect unison of opinion and reconciliation of hearts. The head of the church has weighed in his wisdom and for the interest of the church, propositions dic- tated by the interest of the state." In the evening there was an illumination, and a concert in the gardens of the Tuileries. The soldiery reluctantly attended at the inauguration ceremony, and expressed their dis- satisfaction aloud. On returning to the palace, Bonaparte questioned general Delmas on the subject. " What did you think of the ceremony?" said he. " A Jine mummery" was the reply. "Nothing was wanting but a million of men slain in destroying what you re-establish. " A month after, on the 25th Floreal, year X. (15th of May, 1802), he presented the project of a law respecting the creation of a legion of honour. This legion was to be composed of fifteen cohorts, dignitaries for life, dis- posed in hierarchical order, having a centre, an organization, and revenues. The first consul was the chief of the legion. Each cohort was composed of seven grand officers, twenty commanders, thirty officers, and three hundred and fifty legionaries. Bonaparte's object was to originate a new nobility. He thus appealed to the ill-suppressed sentiment of inequality. While discussing this projected law in the council of state, he did not scruple to announce his aristocratic design. Berlier, counsellor of state, having disapproved an institution so opposed to the spirit of the republic, said that: " Distinctions were the playthings of a monarchy." "I defy you," replied the first consul, "to show me a republic, ancient or modern, in which distinctions did not exist ; you call them toys; well, it is by toys that men are led. I would not say as much to a tribune; but in a council of wise men and statesmen we may speak plainly. I do not believe that the French love liberty and equality. THE FRENCH BEVOLUTION. 376 The French have not been changed by ten years of revo- lution; they have but one sentiment honour. That senti- ment, then, must be nourished; they must have distinctions. See how the people prostrate themselves before the ribbons and stars of foreigners; they have been surprised by them; and they do not fail to wear them. All has been destroyed; the question is, how to restore all. There is a government, there are authorities; but the rest of the nation, what is it? Grains of sand. Among us we have the old privileged classes, organized in principles and interests, and knowing well what they want. I can count our enemies. But we, ourselves, are dispersed, without system, union, or contact. As long as I am here, I will answer for the republic; but we must provide for the future. Do you think the republic is definitively established? If so, you are greatly deceived. It is in our power to make it so; but we have not done it; and we shall not do it if we do not hurl some masses of granite on the soil of France." * By these words Bonaparte announced a system of government opposed to that which the revolution sought to establish, and which the change in society demanded. Yet, notwithstanding the docility of the council of state, the purgation undergone by the tribunal and the legislative body, these three bodies vigorously opposed a law which re- vived inequality. In the council of state, the legion of honour only had fourteen votes against ten; in the tribunal, thirty- eight against fifty-six; in the legislative body, a hundred and sixty-six against a hundred and ten. Public opinion mani- fested a still greater repugnance for this new order of knight- hood. Those first invested seemed almost ashamed of it, and received it with a sort of contempt. But Bonaparte pursued his counter-revolutionary course, without troubling himseli about a dissatisfaction no longer capable of resistance. He wished to confirm his power by the establishment 01 privilege, and to confirm privilege by the duration of his power. On the motion of Chabot de 1'AUier, the tribunal resolved: " That the first consul, general Bonaparte, should * This passage is extracted from M. Thibaudeau's Memoirvs of the Con snlate. There are in these Memoires, which are extremely curious, some political conversations of Bonaparte, details concerning his internal go- vernment and the principal sittings of the council of state, which throw much light upon this epoch. 376 HISTORY OF receive a signal mark of national gratitude." In pursuance of this resolution, on the 6th of May, 1802, an organic senatus- consultus appointed Bonaparte consul for an additional period of ten years. But Bonaparte did not consider the prolongation of the consulate sufficient; and two months after, on the 2nd of August, the senate, on the decision of the tribunate and the legislative body, and with the consent of the people, consulted by means of the public registers, passed the following decree: " I. The French people nominate, and the senate proclaim Napoleon Bonaparte first consul for life. " II. A statue of Peace, holding in one hand a laurel of victory, and in the other, the decree of the senate, shall attest to posterity the gratitude of the nation. " III. The senate will convey to the first consul the ex- pression of the confidence, love, and admiration of the French people." This revolution was complete by adapting to the consul- ship for life, by a simple senatus-consultus, the constitution, already sufficiently despotic, of the temporary consulship. " Senators," said Cornudet, on presenting the new law, " we must for ever close the public path to the Gracchi. The wishes of the citizens, with respect to the political laws they obey, are expressed by the general prosperity; the guarantee of social rights absolutely places the dogma of the exercise o. the sovereignty of the people in the senate, which is the bond of the nation. This is the only social doctrine." The senate admitted this new social doctrine, took possession of the sovereignty, and held it as a deposit till a favourable moment arrived for transferring it to Bonaparte. The constitution of the 16th Thermidor, year X., (4th of August, 1802,) excluded the people from the state. The public and administrative functions became fixed, like those of the government. The electors were for life. The first consul could increase their number. The senate had the right of changing institutions, suspending the functions of the jury, of placing the departments out of the constitution, of annulling the sentences of the tribunals, of dissolving the legislative body, and the tribunate. The council of state was reinforced; the tribunate, already reduced by dismissals, was still suffi- ciently formidable to require to be reduced to iifty members. THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 377 Such, in the course of two years, was the terrible progress of privilege and absolute power. Towards the close of 1802, everything was in the hands of the consul for life, who had a class devoted to him in the clergy; a military order in the legion of honour; an administrative body in the council of state; a machinery for decrees in the legislative assembly; a machinery for the constitution in the senate. Not daring, as yet, to destroy the tribunate, in which assembly there arose, from time to time, a few words of freedom and opposition, he deprived it of its most courageous and eloquent members, that he might hear his will declared with docility in all the assemblies of the nation. This interior policy of usurpation was extended beyond the country. On the 26th of August, Bonaparte united the island of Elba, and on the llth of September, 1802, Piedmont, to the French territory. On the 9th of October he took posses- sion of the states of Parma, left vacant by the death of the duke; and lastly, on the 21st of October, he marched into Switzerland an army of thirty -thousand men, to support a federative act, which regulated the constitution of each canton, and which had caused disturbances. He thus furnished a pre- text for a rupture with England, which had not sincerely subscribed to the peace. The British cabinet had only felt the necessity of a momentary suspension of hostilities; and, a, short time after the treaty of Amiens, it arranged a third coalition, as it had done after the treaty of Campo-Formio, and at the time of the congress of Rastadt. The interest and situation of England were alone of a nature to bring about a rupture, which was hastened by the union of states effected by Bonaparte, and the influence which he retained, over the neighbouring republics, called to complete independ- ence by the recent treaties. Bonaparte, on his part, eager for the glory gained on the field of battle, wishing to aggran- dize France by conquests, and to complete his own elevation by victories, could not rest satisfied with repose; he had re- jected liberty, and war became a necessity. The two cabinets exchanged for some time very bitter diplomatic notes. At length, Lord Whitworth, the English ambassador, left Paris on the 25th Floreal, year XI. (13th of May, 1803.) Peace was now definitively broken: prepara- tions for war were made on both sides. On the 26th of May, 378 HISTORY OF the French troops entered the electorate of Hanover. The Germanic empire, on the point of expiring, raised no obstacle. The emigrant Chouan party, which had taken no steps since the affair of the infernal machine and the continental peace, were encouraged by this return of hostilities. The opportunity seemed favourable, and it formed in London, with the absent of the British cabinet, a conspiracy headed by Pichegru and Georges Cadoudal. The conspirators disembarked secretly on the coast of France, and repaired with the same secrecy to Paris. They communicated with general Moreau, who had been induced by his wife to embrace the royalist party. Just as they were about to execute their project, most of them were arrested by the police, who had discovered the plot, and traced them. Georges was executed, Pichegru was discovered strangled in prison, and Moreau was sentenced to two years' imprisonment, commuted to exile. This conspiracy, discovered in the middle of February, 1804, rendered the person of the first consul, whose life had been thus threatened, still dearer to the masses of the people ; ad- dresses of congratulation were presented by all the bodies of the state, and all the departments of the republic. About this time, he sacrificed an illustrious victim. On the 15th of March, the due d'Enghien was carried off by a squadron of cavalry from the castle of Etteinheim, in the grand-duchy of Baden, a few leagues from the Rhine. The first consul be- lieved, from the reports of the police, that this prince had directed the recent conspiracy. The due d'Enghien was con- veyed hastily to Vincennes, tried, in a few hours, by a military commission, and shot in the trenches of the chateau. This crime was not an act of policy, or usurpation; but a deed of violence and wrath. The royalists might have thought on the 18th Brumaire that the first consul was studying the part of general Monk; but for four years he had destroyed that hope. He had no longer any necessity for breaking with them in so outrageous a manner, nor for reassuring, as it has been suggested, the Jacobins, who no longer existed. Those who remained devoted to the republic, dreaded at this time despotism far more than a counter-revolution. There is every reason to think that Bonaparte, who thought little of human life, or of the rights of nations, having already formed the habit of an expeditious and hasty policy, imagined the THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 379 prince to be one of the conspirators, and sought, by a terrible example, to put an end to conspiracies, the only peril that threatened his power at that period. The war with great Britain and the conspiracy of Georges and Pichegru, were the stepping-stones by which Bonaparte ascended from the consulate to the empire. On the 6th Germi- nal, year XII., (27th of March, 1804,) the senate, on receiving intelligence of the plot, sent a deputation to the first consul. The president, Fra^ois de Neufchateau, expressed himself in these terms: "Citizen first consul, you are founding a new era, but you ought to perpetuate it: splendour is nothing without duration. We do not doubt but this great idea has had a share of your attention; for your creative genius em- braces all and forgets nothing. But do not delay: you are urged on by the times, by events, by conspirators, and by ambitious men; and in another direction, by the anxiety which agitates the French people. It is in your power to enchain time, master events, disarm the ambitious, and tranquillize the whole of France by giving it institutions which will cement your edifice, and prolong for our children what you have done for their fathers. Citizen first consul, be assured that the senate here speaks to you in the name of all citizens." On the 5th Floreal, year XII., (25th of April, 1804,) Bona- parte replied to the senate from Saint Cloud, as follows: " Your address has occupied my thoughts incessantly; it has been the subject of my constant meditation. You consider that the supreme magistracy should be hereditary, in order to protect the people from the plots of our enemies, and the agi- tation which arises from rival ambitions. You also think that several of our institutions ought to be perfected, to secure the permanent triumph of equality and public liberty, and to offer the nation and government the twofold guarantee which they require. The more I consider these great objects, the more deeply do I feel that in such novel and important cir- cumstances, the councils of your wisdom and experience are necessary to enable me to come to a conclusion. I invite you, then, to communicate to me your ideas on the subject." The senate, in its turn, replied on the 14th Floreal (3rd of May): " The senate considers that the interests of the French people will be greatly promoted by confiding the government of the republic to Napoleon Bonaparte, as hereditary em- 380 HISTORY OF peror." By this preconcerted scene was ushered in the estab lishment of the empire. The tribune Curee opened the debate in the tribunate by a motion on the subject. He dwelt on the same motives as the senators had done. His proposition was carried with enthu- siasm. Carnot alone had the courage to oppose the empire: " I am far," said he, " from wishing to weaken the praises bestowed on the first consul; but whatever services a citizen may have done to his country, there are bounds which honour, as well as reason, imposes on national gratitude. If this citizen has restored public liberty, if he has secured the safety of his country, is it a reward to offer him the sacrifice of that liberty; and would it not be destroying his own work to make his country his private patrimony? When once the proposition of holding the consulate for life was presented for the votes of the people, it was easy to see that an after-thought existed. A crowd of institutions evidently monarchical followed in succession; but now the object of so many preliminary measures is disclosed in a positive manner; we are called to declare our sentiments on a formal motion to restore the monarchical system, and to confer imperial and hereditary dignity on the first consul. " Has liberty, then, only been shown to man that he might never enjoy it? No, 1 cannot consent to consider this good, so universally preferred to all others, without which all others are as nothing, as a mere illusion. My heart tells me that liberty is attainable; that its regime is easier and more stable than any arbitrary government. I voted against the consu- late for life; I now vote against the restoration of the monarchy; as I conceive my quality as tribune compels me to do." But he was the only one who thought thus; and his col- leagues rivalled each other in their opposition to the opinion of the only man who alone among them remained free. In the speeches of that period, we may see the prodigious change that had taken place in ideas and language. The revolution had retrograded to the political principles of the ancient regime; the same enthusiasm and fanaticism existed; but it was the enthusiasm of flattery, the fanaticism of servitude. The French rushed into the empire as they had rushed into the revolution; in the age of reason they referred everything THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 381 to the enfranchisement of nations; now they talked of nothing but the greatness of a man, and of the age of Bonaparte; and they now fought to make kings, as they had formerly fought to create republics. The tribunate, the legislative body, and the senate, voted the empire, which was proclaimed at Saint-Cloud on the 28th Floreal, year XII., (18th of May, 1804.) On the same day, a senatus-comultus modified the constitution, which was adapted to the new order of things. The empire required its ap- pendages; and French princes, high dignitaries, marshals, chamberlains, and pages were given to it. All publicity was destroyed. The liberty of the press had already been subjected to censorship; only one tribune remained, and that became mute. The sittings of the tribunate were secret, like those of the council of state; and from that day, for a space of ten years, France was governed with closed doors. Joseph and Louis Bonaparte were recognised as French princes. Berthier, Murat, Moncey, Jourdan, Mas- sena, Augereau, Bernadotte, Soult, Brune, Lannes, Mortier, Ney, Davoust, Bessieres, Kellermann, Lefevre, Perignon, Serrurier, were named marshals of the empire. The depart- ments sent up addresses, and the clergy compared Napoleon to a new Moses, a new Matthew, a new Cyrus. They saw in his elevation " the finger of God," and said " that submis- sion was due to him as dominating over all; to his mi- nisters assent by him, because such was the order of Provi- dence." Pope Pius VII. came to Paris to consecrate the new dynasty. The coronation took place on Sunday, the 2nd of December, in the church of Notre Dame. Preparations had been making for this ceremony for some time, and it was regulated according to ancient customs. The emperor repaired to the metropolitan church with the em- press Josephine, in a coach surmounted by a crown, drawn by eight white horses, and escorted by his guard. The pope, cardinals, archbishops, bishops, and all the great bodies of the state were awaiting him in the cathedral, which had been magnificently decorated for this extraordinary ceremony. He was addressed in an oration at the door; and then, clothed with the imperial mantle, the crown on his head, and the sceptre in his hand, he ascended a throne placed at the end of the church. The high almoner, a cardinal, and a bishop, 382 HISTORY OF eame and conducted him to the foot of the altar for consecra- tion. The pope poured the three-fold unction on his head and hands, and delivered the following prayer: " O Al- mighty God, who didst establish Hazael to govern Syria, and Jehu king of Israel, by revealing unto them thy purpose by the mouth of the prophet Elias ; who didst also shed the holy unction of kings on the head of Saul and of David, by the ministry of thy prophet Samuel, vouchsafe to pour, by my hands, the treasures of thy grace and blessing on thy servant Napoleon, who, notwithstanding our own unworthi- ness, we this day consecrate emperor in thy name." The pope led him solemnly back to the throne; and after he had sworn on the Testament the oath prescribed by the new constitution, the chief of the heralds at arms cried in a loud voice " The most glorious and most august emperor of the French is crowned and enthroned ! Long live the emperor!" The church instantly resounded with the cry, salvoes of artillery were fii'ed, and the pope commenced Te Deum. For several days there was a succession of fetes; but these fetes by command, these fetes of absolute power, did not breathe the frank, lively, popular, and unanimous joy of the first federa- tion of the 14th of July; and, exhausted as the people were, they did not welcome the beginning of despotism as they had welcomed that of liberty. The consulate was the last period of the existence of the republic. The revolution was coming to man's estate* During the first period of the consular government, Bona parte had gained the proscribed classes by recalling them; he found a people still agitated by every passion, and he restored them to tranquillity by labour, and to prosperity by restoring order. Finally he compelled Europe, conquered for the third time, to acknowledge his elevation. Till the treaty of Amiens, he revived in the republic victory, concord, and prosperity, without sacrificing liberty. He might then, had he wished, have made himself the representative of that great age, which sought for that noble system of human dignity the consecration of far-extended equality, wise liberty, and more developed civilization. The nation was in the hands of the great man or the despot; it rested with him to preserve it free or to enslave it. He preferred the realization of his selfish projects, and preferred himself to all humanity. THE FRENCH BEVOLUTION. 383 Brought up in tents, coming late into the revolution, he only understood its material and interested side; he had no faith in the moral wants which had given rise to it, nor in the creeds which had agitated it, and which, sooner or later, would return and destroy him. He saw an insurrection approaching its end, an exhausted people at his mercy, and a crown on the ground within his reach. 384 HISTORY OF THE EMPIRE. CHAPTER XV. FROM THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE EMPIRE, 1804 1814. Character of the empire Change of the republics created by the directory into kingdoms Third coalition; taking of Vienna; victories of TTlm and Austerlitz ; peace of Presburg ; erection of the two kingdoms of Bavaria and Wurtemberg against Austria Confederation of the Rhine Joseph Napoleon appointed king of Naples ; Louis Napoleon, king of Holland Fourth coalition ; battle of Jena ; taking of Berlin ; victories of Eylau and Friedland ; peace of Tilsit ; the Prussian monarchy is re- duced by one half; the kingdoms of Saxony and Westphalia are insti- tuted against it ; that of Westphalia given to Jerome Napoleon The grand empire rises with its secondary kingdoms, its confederation of the Rhine, its Swiss mediation, its great fiefs ; it is modelled on that of Charlemagne Blockade of the continent Napoleon employs the cessation of commerce to reduce England, as he had employed arms to subdue the continent Invasion of Spain and Portugal; Joseph Na- poleon appointed to the throne of Spain ; Murat replaces him on the throne of Naples New order of events : national insurrection of the peninsula; religious contest with the pope Commercial opposition of Holland Fifth coalition Victory of Wagram ; Peace of Vienua ; marriage of Napoleon with the archduchess Marie Louise Failure of the attempt at resistance ; the pope is dethroned ; Holland is again united to the empire, and the war in Spain prosecuted with vigour Russia re- nounces the continental system ; campaign of 1812 ; taking of Moscow ; disastrous retreat Reaction against the power of Napoleon ; campaign of 1813 ; general defection Coalition of all Europe ; exhaustion of France; marvellous campaign of 1814 The allied powers at Paris; abdication at Fontainbleau ; character of Napoleon; his part in the French revolution Conclusion. AFTER the establishment of the empire, power became more arbitrary, and society reconstructed itself on an aristo- cratic principle. The great movement of recomposition, which had commenced on the 9th Therruidor. went on increasing. THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 385 The convention had abolished classes; the directory defeated parties; the consulate gained over men; and the empire cor- rupted them by distinctions and privileges. This second period was the opposite of the first. Under the one, we saw the government of the committees exercised by men elected every three months, without guards, honours, or representation, living on a few francs a day, working eighteen hours together on common wooden tables; under the other, the government of the empire, with all its paraphernalia of administration, its chamberlains, gentlemen, praetorian guard, hereditary rights, its immense civil list, and dazzling ostentation. The national activity was exclusively directed to labour and war. All material interests, all ambitious passions, were hierarchically arranged under one leader, who, after having sacrificed liberty by establishing absolute power, destroyed equality by introducing nobility. The directory had erected all the surrounding states into republics; Napoleon wished to constitute them on the model of the empire. He began with Italy. . The council of state of the Cisalpine republic determined on restoring hereditary mo- narchy in favour of Napoleon. Its vice-president, M. Melzy, came to Paris to communicate to him this decision. On the 26th Ventose, year XIII. (17th of March, 1805), he was received with great solemnity at the Tuileries. Napoleon was on his throne, surrounded by his court, and all the splendour of sovereign power, in the display of which he delighted. ' M. Melzy offered him the crown, in the name of his fellow- citizens. " Sire," said he, in conclusion, " deign to gratify the wishes of the assembly over which I have the honour to preside. Interpreter of the sentiments which animate every Italian heart, it brings you their sincere homage. It will in- form them with joy that by accepting, you have strengthened the ties which attach you to the preservation, defence, and prosperity of the Italian nation. Yes, sire, you wished the existence of the Italian republic, and it existed. Desire the Italian monarchy to be happy, and it will be so." The emperor went to take possession of this kingdom; and, on the 26th of May, 1805, he received at Milan the iron crown of the Lombards. He appointed his adopted son, prince Eugene de Beauharnais, viceroy of Italy, and repaired to Genoa, which also renounced its sovereignty. On the 4th c c 38 HISTORY OF of June 1805, its territory was united to the empire, and formed the three departments of Genoa, Montenotte, and the Apennines. The small republic of Lucca was included in this monarchical revolution. At the request of its gonfa- lonier, it was given in appanage to the prince of Piombino and his princess, a sister of Napoleon. The latter, after this royal progress, recrossed the Alps, and returned to the capital of his empire; he soon after departed for the camp at Boulogne, where a great maritime expedition against England was preparing. This project of descent which the directory had enter- tained after the peace of Campo-Formio, and the first consul, after the peace of LuneVille, had been resumed with much ardour since the new rupture. At the commencement of 1805, a flotilla of two thousand small vessels, manned by sixteen thousand sailors, carrying an army of one hundred and sixty thousand men, nine thousand horses, and a nume- rous artillery, had assembled in the ports of Boulogne, Etaples, Wimereux, Ambleteuse, and Calais. The emperor was hastening by his presence the execution of this project, when he learned that England, to avoid the descent with which it was threatened, had prevailed on Austria to come to a rupture with France, and that all the forces of the Austrian monarchy were in motion. Ninety thousand men, under the arch-duke Ferdinand and general Mack, had crossed the Jura, seized on Munich, and driven out the elector of Bavaria, the ally of France; thirty thousand, under the arch-duke John, occupied the Tyrol, and the arch-duke Charles, with one hundred thousand men, was advancing on the Adige. Two Russian armies were preparing to join the Austrians. Pitt had made the greatest efforts to organize this third coalition. The establishment of the kingdom of Italy, the annexation of Genoa and Piedmont to France, the open influence of the emperor over Holland and Switzer- land, had again aroused Europe, which now dreaded the am- bition of Napoleon as much as it had formerly feared the principles of the revolution. The treaty of alliance between the British ministry and the Russian cabinet had been signed on the llth of April, 1805, and Austria had acceded to it on the 9th of August. Napoleon left Boulogne, returned hastily to Paris, repaired THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 387 to the senate on the 23rd of September, obtained a levy of eighty thousand men, and set out the next day to begin the campaign. He passed the Rhine on the 1st of October, and en- tered Bavaria on the 6th, with an army of a hundred and sixty thousand men. Massena stopped prince Charles in Italy, and the emperor earned on the war in Germany at full speed. In a few days he passed the Danube, entered Munich, gained the victory of Wertingen, and forced general Mack to lay down his arms at Ulm. This capitulation disorganized the Austrian army. Napoleon pursued the course of his victories, entered Vienna on the 13th of November, and marched into Moravia to meet the Russians, round whom the defeated troops had rallied. On the 2nd of December, 1805, the anniversary of the coronation, the two armies met in the plains of Austerlitz. The enemy amounted to ninety-five thousand men, the French to eighty thousand. On both sides the artillery was formi- dable. The battle began at sunrise; these enormous masses began to move; the Russian infantry could not stand against the impetuosity of our troops and the manreuvres of their general. The enemy's left was first cut off; the Russian im- perial guard came up to re-establish the communication, and was entirely overwhelmed. The centre experienced the same fate, and at one o'clock in the afternoon the most deci- sive victory had completed this wonderful campaign. The following day the emperor congratulated the army in a proclamation on the field of battle itself: " Soldiers," said he, " I am satisfied with you. You have adorned your eagles with immortal glory. An army of a hundred thousand men, com- manded by the emperors of Russia and Austria, in less than four days has been cut to pieces or dispersed; those who escaped your steel have been drowned in the lakes. Forty flags, the standards of the Russian imperial guard, a hundred and twenty pieces of cannon, twenty generals, more than thirty thousand prisoners, are the result of this ever me- morable day. This infantry, so vaunted and so superior in numbers, could not resist your shock, and henceforth you have no more rivals to fear. Thus, in two months, this third coalition has been defeated and dissolved." A truce was con- cluded with Austria; and the Russians, who might have been cut to pieces, obtained permission to retire by fixed stages. cc2 388 HISTORY OF The peace of Presburg followed the victories of Ulm and AusterLitz; it was signed on the 26th of December. The house of Austria, which had lost its external possessions, Holland and the Milanese, was now assailed in Germany itself. It gave up the provinces of Dalmatia and Albania to the kingdom of Italy; the territory of the Tyrol, the towii of Augsburg, the principality of Eichstett, a part of the territory of Passau, and all its possessions in Swabia, Brisgau and Ortenau to the electorates of Bavaria and Wurternberg, which were transformed into kingdoms. The grand duchy of Baden also profited by its spoils. The treaty of Presburg completed the humiliation of Austria, commenced by the treaty of Campo Formio, and continued by that of Luneville. The emperor, on his return to Paris, crowned with so much glory, became the object of such general and wild admiration, that he was himself carried away by the public enthusiasm and intoxicated at his fortune. The different bodies of the state contended among themselves in obedience and flatteries. He received the title of Great, and the senate passed a decree dedicating to him a triumphal monument. Napoleon became more confirmed in the principle he had espoused. The victory of Marengo and the peace of Lune- ville had sanctioned the consulate; the victory of Austerlitz and peace of Presburg consecrated the empire. The last vestiges of the revolution were abandoned. On the 1st of January, 1806, the Gregorian calendar definitively replaced the republican calendar, after an existence of fourteen years. The Pantheon was again devoted to purposes of worship, and soon even the tribunate ceased to exist. But the emperor aimed especially at extending his dominion over the conti- nent. Ferdinand, king of Naples, having, during the last war, violated the treaty of peace with France, had his states invaded; and Joseph Bonaparte on the 30th of March was declared king of the two Sicilies. Soon after, (June 5th, 1806,) Holland was converted into a kingdom, and received as monarch Louis Bonaparte, another brother of the emperor. None of the republics created by the convention, or the directory, now existed. Napoleon, in nominating secondary kings, restored the military hierarchical system, and the titles of the middle ages. He erected Dalmatia, Istria, Friuli, Cadore, Belluno, Conegliano, Trevise, Feltra, Bassano, Vi- THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. -389 cenza, Padua, and Rovigo into duchies, great fiefs of the empire. Marshal Berthier was invested with the princi- pality of Neufchatel, the minister Talleyrand with that of Bi'nevento. Prince Borghese and his wife with that of Guastalla, Murat with the grand-duchy of Berg and Cleves. Napoleon, not venturing to destroy the Swiss republic, styled himself its mediator, and completed the organization of his military empire by placing under his dependence the ancient Germanic body. On the 12th of July, 1806, fourteen princes of the south and west of Germany united themselves into the confederation of the Rhine, and recognised Napoleon as their protector. On the 1st of August, they signified to the diet of Ratisbon their separation from the Germanic body. The empire of Germany ceased to exist, and Francis II. abdicated the title by proclamation. By a convention signed at Vienna, on the 15th of December, Prussia exchanged the territories of Anspach, Cleves and Neufchatel for the electorate of Hanover. Napoleon had all the west under his power. Absolute master of France and Italy, as emperor and king, he was also master of Spain, by the dependence of that court; of Naples and Holland, by his two brothers; of Switzerland, by the act of mediation; and in Germany he had at his disposal the kings of Bavaria and Wurtemberg, and the confederation of the Rhine against Austria and Prussia. After the peace of Amiens, by sup- porting liberty he might have made himself the protector of France and the moderator of Europe; but having sought glory in domination, and made conquest the object of his life, he condemned himself to a long struggle, which would inevi- tably terminate in the dependence of the continent or in his v/tvn downfall. This encroaching progress gave rise to the fourth coalition. Prussia, neutral since the peace of Bale, had, in the last cam- paign, been on the point of joining the Austro-Russian coali- tion. The rapidity of the emperor's victories had alone re- strained her; but now, alarmed at the aggrandizement of the empire, and encouraged by the fine condition of her troops, she leagued with Russia to drive the French from Germany. The cabinet of Berlin required that the French troops should recross the Rhine, or war would be the consequence. At the same time, it sought to form in the north of Germany a league 390 HISTORY OF against the confederation of the south. The emperor, who was in the plenitude of his prosperity and of national enthusiasm, far from submitting to the ultimatum of Prussia, immediately marched against her. f The campaign opened early in October. Napoleon, as usual, overwhelmed the coalition by the promptitude of his marches and the rigour of his measures. On the 14th of October, he destroyed at Jena the military monarchy of Prussia, by a decisive victory; on the 16th, fourteen thousand Prussians threw down their arms at Erfurth; on the 25th, the French army entered Berlin, and the close of 1806 was employed in taking the Prussian fortresses and marching into Poland against the Russian army. The campaign in Poland was less rapid, but as brilliant as that of Prussia. Russia, for the third time, measured its strength with France. Con- quered at Zurich and Austerlitz, it was also defeated at Eylau and Friedland. After these memorable battles, the emperor Alexander entered into a negotiation, and concluded at Tilsit, on the 21st of June, 1807, an armistice which was followed by a definitive treaty on the 7th of July. The peace of Tilsit extended the French domination on the continent. Prussia was reduced to half its extent. In the south of Germany, Napoleon had instituted the two kingdoms of Bavaria and Wurtemberg against Austria; fur- ther to the north, he created the two feudatory kingdoms of Saxony and Westphalia against Prussia. That of Saxony, composed of the electorate of that name, and Prussian Poland, called the grand-duchy of Warsaw, was given to the king of Saxony; that of Westphalia comprehended the states of Hesse-Cassel, Brunswick, Fulde, Paderborn, and the greatest part of Hanover, and was given to Jerome Napoleon. The emperor Alexander, acceding to all these arrangements, evacuated Moldavia and "Wallachia. Russia, however, though conquered, was the only power unencroached upon. Napoleon followed more than ever in the footsteps of Charlemagne; at his coronation, he had had the crown, sword, and sceptre, of the Franc king carried before him. A pope had crossed the Alps to consecrate his dynasty, and he modelled his states on the vast empire of that conqueror. The revolution sought the establishment of ancient liberty; Napoleon restored the mili- tary hierarchy of the middle ages. The former had made THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 391 citizens, the latter made vassals. The one had changed Europe into republics, the other transformed it into fiefs. Great and powerful as he was, coming immediately after a shock which had exhausted the world by its violence, he was enabled to arrange it for a time according to his pleasure. The grand empire rose internally by its system of administra- tion, which replaced the government of assemblies; its special courts, its lyceums, in which military education WEIS substi- tuted for the republican education of the central schools; its hereditary nobility, which in 1808 completed the establishment of inequality; its civil discipline, which rendered all France like an army obedient to the word of command; and exter- nally by its secondary kingdoms, its confederate states, its great fiefs, and its supreme chief. Napoleon, no longer meeting resistance anywhere, could command from one end of the continent to the other. At this period all the emperor's attention was directed to England, the only power that could secure itself from his attacks. Pitt had been dead a year, but the British cabinet followed with much ardour and pertinacity his plans with respect to France. After having vainly formed a third and a fourth coalition, it did not lay down arms. It was a war to the death. Great Britain had declared France in a state of blockade, and furnished the emperor with the means of cutting off its continental intercourse by a similar measure. The continental blockade, which began in 1807, was the second period of Bonaparte's system. In order to attain universal and uncontested supremacy, he made use of arms against the continent, and the cessation of commerce against England. But in forbidding to the continental states all communication with England, he was preparing new difficulties for himself, and soon added to the animosity of opinion excited by his despotism, and the hatred of states produced by his conquer- ing domination, the exasperation of private interests and commercial suffering occasioned by the blockade. Yet all the powers seemed united in the same design. England was placed under the ban of continental Europe, at the peace. Russia and Denmark in the Northern Seas; France, Spain, and Holland, in the Mediterranean and the ocean, were obliged to declare against it. This period was the height of the imperial sway. Napoleon employed all 392 HISTOHY OF his activity and all his genius, in creating maritime resources capable of counterbalancing the forces of England, which had then eleven hundred ships of war of every class. He" caused ports to be constructed, coasts to be fortified, ships to be built and prepared, everything for combating in a few years upon this new battle-field. But before that moment arrived, he wished to secure the Spanish peninsula, and to found his dynasty there, for the purpose of introducing a firmer and more favourable policy. The expedition of Portugal in 1807, and the invasion of Spain in 1808, began for him and for Europe a new order of events. Portugal had for some time been a complete English colony. The emperor, in concert with the Bourbons of Madrid, de- cided by the treaty of Fontainbleau, of the 27th of October, 1807, that the house of Braganza had ceased to reign. A French army, under the command of Junot, entered Portugal. The prince-regent embarked for Brazil, and the French took possession of Lisbon on the 30th of November, 1807. This invasion was only an approach towards Spain. The royal family were in a state of the greatest anarchy. The favourite, Godoi, was execrated by the people, and Ferdinand, prince of the Asturias, conspired against the authority of his father's favourite. Though the emperor had not much to fear from such a government, he had taken alarm at a clumsy armament prepared by Godoi during the Prussian war. No doubt, at this time he formed the project of putting one of his brothers on the throne of Spain; he thought he could easily overturn a divided family, an expiring monarchy, and obtain the con- sent of a people whom he would restore to civilization. Under the pretext of the maritime war and the blockade, his troops entered the peninsula, occupied the coasts and principal places, and encamped near Madrid. It was then suggested to the royal family to retire to Mexico, after the example of the house of Braganza. But the people rose against this de- parture; Godoi, the'object of public hatred, was in great risk of losing his life, and the prince of the Asturias was pro- claimed king, under the title of Ferdinand VTL The emperor took advantage of this court revolution to bring about his own. The French entered Madrid, and he himself proceeded to Bayonne, whither he summoned the Spanish princes. Ferdinand restored the crown to his father, who in his turn THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 393 resigned it in favour of Napoleon; the latter had it decreed on his brother Joseph by a supreme junta, by the council of Castille, and the municipality of Madrid. Ferdinand was sent to the Chateau de Valencay, and Charles VI. fixed his residence at Compiegne. Napoleon called his brother-in-law, Murat, grand duke of Berg, to the throne of Naples, in the place of Joseph. At this period began the first opposition to the domination of the emperor and the continental system. The reaction manifested itself in three countries, hitherto allies of France, and it brought on the fifth coalition. The court of Rome was dissatisfied; the peninsula was wounded in its national pride by having imposed upon it a foreign king; in its usages, by the suppression of convents, of the Inquisition, and of the grandees; Holland suffered in its commerce from the blockade, and Austria supported impatiently its losses and subordinate condition. England, watching for an opportunity to revive the struggle on the continent, excited the resistance of Rome, the peninsula, and the cabinet of Vienna. The pope had been cold towards France since 1805; he had hoped that his pontifical complaisance in reference to Napoleon's coronation would have been recompensed by the restoration to the ecclesiastical domain of those provinces which the directory had annexed to the Cisalpine republic. Deceived in this expectation, he joined the European counter-revolu- tionary opposition, and from 1807 to 1808 the Roman States became the rendezvous of English emissaries. After some warm remonstrances, the emperor ordered general Miollis to occupy Rome; the pope threatened him with excommunica- tion ; and Napoleon seized on the legations of Ancona, Urbino, Macerata, and Camerino, which became part of the Italian kingdom. ^The legate left Paris on the 3rd of April, 1808, and the religious struggle for temporal interests commenced with the head of the church, whom Napoleon should either not have recognised, or not have despoiled. The war with the peninsula was still more serious. The Spaniards recognised Ferdinand VII. as king, in a provincial junta, held at Seville, on the 27th of May, 1808, and they took arms in all the provinces which were not occupied by French troops. The Portuguese also rose at Oporio, on the 16th of June. These two insurrections were at first attended 394 HISTORY OP with, the happiest results; in a short time, they made rapid progress. General Dupont laid down arms at Baylen in the province of Cordova, and this first reverse of the French arms excited the liveliest hope and enthusiasm among the Spaniards. Joseph Napoleon left Madrid, where Ferdinand VII. was proclaimed; and about the same time, Junot, net having troops enough to keep Portugal, consented, by the convention of Cintra, to evacuate it with all the honours of war. The English general, Wellington, took possession of this kingdom with twenty-five thousand men. While the pope was declaring against Napoleon, while the Spanish insurgents were entering Madrid, while the English were again setting foot on the continent, the king of Sweden avowed himself an enemy of the European imperial league, and Austria was making considerable armaments and pre- paring for a new struggle. Fortunately for Napoleon, Russia remained faithful to the alliance and engagements of Tilsit. The emperor Alexander had at that time a fit of enthusiasm and affection for this powerful and extraordinary mortal. Napoleon wishing to be sure of the north, before he conveyed all his forces to the peninsula, had an interview with Alexander at Erfurth, on the 27th Sept., 1808. The two masters of the north and west guaranteed to each other the repose and submission of Europe. Napoleon marched into Spain, and Alexander undertook Sweden. The presence of the emperor soon changed the fortune of the war in the peninsula. He brought with him eighty thousand veteran soldiers, just come from Germany. Several victories made him master of most of the Spanish provinces. He made his entry into Madrid, and presented himself to the inhabitants of the Peninsula, not as a master, but as a liberator. " I have abolished," he said to them, " the tribunal of the Inquisition, against which the age and Europe protested. Priests should direct the conscience, but ought not to exercise any external or corporal jurisdiction over the citizens. I have suppressed feudal rights; and every one may set up inns, ovens, mills, fisheries, and give free im- pulse to his industry. The selfishness, wealth, and prosperity of a few did more injury to your agriculture than the heats of the extreme summer. As there is but one God, one system of justice only should exist in a state. All private THE "FRENCH REVOLUTION. 395 tiibunals were usurped and opposed to the rights of the nation. I have suppressed them. The present generation may change its opinion; too many passions have been brought into play; but your grandchildren will bless me as your regenerator; they will rank among their memorable days those in which I appeared among you, and from those days will Spain date its prosperity." Such was indeed the part of Napoleon in the peninsula, which could only be restored to a better state of things, and to liberty, by the revival of civilization. The establishment of independence cannot be effected all at once, any more than anything else; and when a country is ignorant, poor, and behindhand, covered with convents, and governed by monks, its social condition must be reconstructed before liberty can, be thought of. Napoleon, the oppressor of civilized nations, was a real regenerator for the peninsula. But the two parties of civil liberty and religious servitude, that of the cortes and that of the monks, though with far different aims, came to an understanding for their common defence. The one was at the head of the upper and the middle classes, the other of the populace; and they vied with each other in exciting the Spaniards to enthusiasm with the sentiments of independence or religious fanaticism. The following is the catechism used by the priests: " Tell me, my child, who you are? A Spaniard, by the grace of God. Who is the enemy of our happiness? The emperor of the French. How many natures has he? Two: human and diabolical. How many emperors of the French are there? One true one, in three deceptive persons. What are their names? Napoleon, Murat, and Manuel Godoi. Which of the three is the most wicked? They are all three equally so. Whence is Napoleon derived? From sin. Murat? From Napoleon. And Godoi? The junction of the two. What is the ruling spirit of the first? Pride and despotism. Of the second? Kapine and cruelty. Of the third? Cupidity, treason, and ignorance. Who are the French? Former Christians become heretics. Is it a sin to kill a Frenchman? No, father; heaven is gained by killing one of these dogs of heretics. What punishment does the Spaniard deserve who has failed in his duty? The death 396 HISTORY OF and infamy of a traitor. "What will deliver us from our enemies? Confidence in ourselves and in arms." Napoleon had engaged in a long and dangerous enterprise, in which his whole system of war was at fault. Victory, here, did not consist in the defeat of an army and the pos- session of a capital, but in the entire occupation of the terri- tory, and, what was still more difficult, the submission of the public mind. Napoleon, however, was preparing to subdue this people with his irresistible activity and inflexible deter- mination, when the fifth coalition called him again to Germany. Austria had turned to advantage his absence, and that of his troops. It made a powerful effort, and raised five hundred and fifty thousand men, comprising the Landwehr, and took the field in the spring of 1809. The Tyrol rose, and king Jerome was driven from his capital by the "Westphalians; Italy wavered; and Prussia only waited till Napoleon met with a reverse, to take arms; but the emperor was still at the height of his power and prosperity. He hastened from Madrid in the beginning of February, and directed the members of the confederation to keep their contingents in readiness. On the 12th of April he left Paris, passed the Rhine, plunged into Germany, gained the victories of Eck- muhl and Essling, occupied Vienna a second time on the loth of May, and overthrew this new coalition by the battle of Wagram, after a campaign of four months. While he was pursuing the Austrian armies, the English landed on the island of Walcheren, and appeared before Antwerp; but a levy of national guards sufficed to frustrate the expedition of the Scheldt. The peace of Vienna, of the llth of October, 1809, deprived the house of Austria of several more pro- vinces, and compelled it again to adopt the continental system. This period was remarkable for the new character of the struggle. It began the reaction of Europe against the empire, and announced the alliance of dynasties, people, nations, the priesthood, and commerce. AU whose interests were injured made an attempt at resistance, which at first was destined to fail. Napoleon, since the peace of Amiens, had entered on a career that must necessarily terminate in the possession or hostility of all Europe. Carried away by his THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 397 character and position, he had created against the people a system of administration of unparalleled benefit to power; against Europe, a system of secondary monarchies and grand fiefs, which facilitated his plans of conquest; and, lastly, against England, the blockade which suspended its commerce, and that of the continent. Nothing impeded him in the re- alization of those immense but insensate designs. Portugal opened a communication with the English: he invaded it. The royal family of Spain, by its quarrels and vacillations, com- promised the extremities of the empire: he compelled it to abdicate, that he might reduce the peninsula to a bolder and less wavering policy. The pope kept up relations with the enemy: his patrimony was diminished. He threatened ex- communication: the French entered Rome. He realized his threat by a bull: he was dethroned as a temporal sovereign in 1809. Finally, after the battle of Wagram, and the peace of Vienna, Holland became a depot for English merchandize, on account of its commercial wants, and the emperor dispos- sessed his brother Louis of that kingdom, which, on the 1 st of July, 1810, became incorporated with the empire. He shrank from no invasion, because he would not endure opposition or hesitation from any quarter. All were compelled to submit, allies as well as enemies, the chief of the church as well as kings, brothers as well as strangers; but, though conquered this time, all who had joined this new league only waited an opportunity to rise again. Meantime, after the peace of Vienna, Napoleon still added to the extent and power of the empire. Sweden having undergone an internal revolution, and the king, Gustavus Adolphus IV., having been forced to abdicate, admitted the continental system. Bernadotte, prince of Ponte-Corvo, was elected by the states-general hereditary prince of Sweden, and king Charles XIII. adopted him for his son. The blockade was observed throughout Europe; and the empire, augmented by the Roman States, the Illyrian provinces, Valais, Holland, and the Hans Towns, had a hundred and thirty departments, and extended from Hamburgh and Dantzic to Trieste and Corfu. Napoleon, who seemed to follow a rash but inflexible policy, deviated from his course about this time by a second marriage. He divorced Josephine that he might give an heir to the empire, and married, on the 1st of April, 398 HISTORY OF 1810, Marie-Louise, arch-duchess of Austria. This was a decided error. He quitted his position and his post as a par- venu and revolutionary monarch, opposing in Europe the ancient courts as the republic had opposed the ancient govern- ments. He placed himself in a false situation with respect to Austria, which he ought either to have crushed after the victory of Wagram, or to have reinstated in its possessions after his marriage with the arch-duchess. Solid alliances only repose on real interests, and Napoleon could not remove from the cabinet of Vienna the desire or power of renewing hostilities. This marriage also changed the character of his empire, and separated it still further from popular interests; he sought out old families to give lustre to his court, and did all he could to amalgamate together the old and the new nobility as he mingled old and new dynasties. Austerlitz had established the plebeian empire; after Wagram was esta- blished the noble empire. The birth, on the 20th of March, 1811, of a son, who received the title of king of Rome, seemed to consolidate the power of Napoleon, by securing to him a successor. The war in Spain was prosecuted with vigour during the years 1810 and 1811. The territory of the peninsula was defended inch by inch, and it was necessary to take several towns by storm. Suchet, Soult, Mortier, Ney, and Sebas- tiani made themselves masters of several provinces; and the Spanish junta, unable to keep their post at Seville, retired to Cadiz, which the French army began to blockade. The new expedition into Portugal was less fortunate. Massena, who directed it at first obliged Wellington to retreat, and took Oporto and Olivenza; but the English general having entrenched himself in the strong position of Torres-Vedras, Massena, unable to force it, was compelled to evacuate the country. While the war was proceeding in the peninsula with advantage, but without any decided success, a new campaign was preparing in the north. Russia perceived the empire of Napoleon approaching its territories. Shut up in its own limits, it remained without influence or acquisitions; suffering from the blockade, without gaining any advantage by the war. This cabinet, moreover, endured with impatience a supremacy THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 399 to which itself aspired, and which it had pursued slowly but without interruption since the reign of Peter the Great. About the close of 1810, it increased its armies, renewed its commercial relations with Great Britain, and did not seem indisposed to a rupture. The year 1811 was spent in nego- tiations which led to nothing, and preparations for war were made on both sides. The emperor, whose armies were before Cadiz, and who relied on the co-operation of the West and North against Russia, made with ardour preparations for an enterprise which was intended to reduce the only power as yet untouched, and to carry his victorious eagles even to Moscow. He obtained the assistance of Prussia and Austria, which engaged by the treaties of the 24th of February and the 14th of March, 1812, to furnish auxiliary bodies; one of twenty, and the other of thirty thousand men. All the un- employed forces of France were immediately on foot. A senatus-consultus divided the national guard into three bodies for the home service, and appropriated a hundred cohorts of the first ban (nearly a hundred thousand men) to active military service. On the 9th of March, Napoleon left Paris on this vast expedition. During several months he fixed his court at Dresden, where the emperor of Austria, the king of Prussia, and all the sovereigns of Germany, came to bow before his high fortune. On the 22nd of June, war was declared against Russia. In this campaign, Napoleon was guided by the maxims he had always found successful. He had terminated all the wars lie had undertaken by the rapid defeat of the enemy, the occupation of his capital, and concluded the peace by parcel- ling out his territory. His project was to reduce Russia by creating the kingdom of Poland, as he had reduced Austria by forming the kingdoms of Bavaria and Wurtemberg, after Austerlitz; and Prussia, by organizing those of Saxony and "Westphalia, after Jena. With this object, he had stipu- lated with the Austrian cabinet by the treaty of the 14th of March, to exchange Gallicia for the Illyrian provinces. The establishment of the kingdom of Poland was proclaimed by the diet of Warsaw, but in an incomplete manner, and Napo- leon, who, according to his custom, wished to finish all in one campaign, advanced at once into the heart of Russia, instead of prudently organizing the Polish barrier against it. His 400 HISTORY OF army amounted to about five hundred thousand men. He passed the Niemer on the 24th of June; took "Wilna, and Witepsk, defeated the Russians at Astrowno, Poiotsk, Mohi- low Smolensko, at the Moskowa, and on the 14th of Septem- ber, made his entry into Moscow. The Russian ctibinet did not only rely for its defence upon its troops, but on its vast territory and on its climate. As the conquered armies retreated before ours, they burnt all the towns, devastated the provinces, and thus prepared great dif- ficulties for the foe in the event of reverses or retreat. Ac- cording to this plan of defence, Moscow was burnt by its governor Rostopchin, as Smolensko, Dorigoboui, Wiasma, Gjhat, Mojaisko, and a great number of other towns and vil- lages had already been. The emperor ought to have seen that this war would not terminate as the others had done; yet, conqueror of the foe, and master of his capital, he conceived hopes of peace which the Russians skilfully encouraged. "Winter was approaching, and Napoleon prolonged his stay at Moscow for six weeks. He delayed his movements on account of the deceptive negotiations of the Russians; and did not decide on a retreat till the 19th of October. This retreat was disastrous, and began the downfall of the empire. Napoleon could not have been defeated by the hand of man, for what general could have triumphed over this incomparable chief? what army could have conquered the French army? But his reverses were to take place in the remote limits of Europe; in the frozen regions which were to end his conquering domina- tion. He lost, with the close of this campaign, not by a defeat, but by cold and famine, in the midst of Russian snows and soli- tude, his old army, and the prestige of his fortune. The retreat was effected with some order as far as the Berezina, where it became one vast rout. After the passage of this river, Napoleon, who had hitherto accompanied his army, started in a sledge for Paris, in great haste, a conspi racy having broken out there during his absence. General Mallet, with a few others, had conceived the design of over- throwing this colossus of power. His enterprise was daring; and as it was grounded on a false report of Napoleon's death, it was necessary to deceive too many for success to be pro- bable. Besides, the empire was still firmly established, and it was not a plot, but a slow and general defection to destroy THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 401 it. Mallet's plot failed, and its leaders were executed. The emperor, on his return, found the nation astounded at so unusual a disaster. But the different bodies of the state still manifested implicit obedience. He reached Paris on the 18th of December, obtained a levy of three hundred thousand men, inspired a spirit of sacrifice, re-equipped in a short time, with his wonderful activity, a new army, and took the field again on the 15th of April, 1813. But since the retreat of Moscow, Napoleon had entered on anew series of events. It was in 1812 that the decline of his empire manifested itself. The weariness of his domina- tion became general. All those by whose consent he had risen, took part against him. The priests had conspired in secret since his rupture with the pope. Eight state prisons had been created in an official manner against the dissentients of his party. The national masses were as tired of conquest as they had formerly been of factions. They had expected from him consideration for private interests, the promotion of commerce, respect for men; and they were oppressed by con- scriptions, taxes, the blockade, provost courts, and duties which were the inevitable consequences of this conquering system. He had no longer for adversaries the few who re- mained faithful to the political object of the revolution, and whom he styled indealogists, but all who, without definite ideas,' wished for the material advantages of better civiliza- tion. Without, whole nations groaned beneath the military yoke, and the fallen dynasties aspired to rise again. The whole world was ill at ease; and one check served to bring about a general rising. " I triumphed," says Napoleon him- self, speaking of the preceding campaigns, " in the midst of constantly reviving perils. I constantly required as much address as voice. Had I not conquered at Austerlitz, all Prussia would have been upon me; had I not triumphed at Jena, Austria and Spain would have attacked my rear; had I not fought at Wagram, which action was not a decided victory, I had reason to fear that Russia would forsake, Prussia rise against me, and the English were before Ant- werp."* Such was his condition; the further he advanced in his career, the greater need he had to conquer more and | Memorial de Saint Ilelene, tome ii. p. 221. D D 102 HISTORY OF f more_decisively. Accordingly, as soon as he was defeated, TEeTdngs he had subdued, the kings he had made, the allies he had aggrandized, the states he had incorporated with the empire, the senators who had so flattered him, and even his comrades in arms, successively forsook him. The field 01 battle extended to Moscow in 1812, drew back to Dresden in 1813, and to Paris in 1814; so rapid was the reverse of for- tune. The cabinet of Berlin began the defections. On the 1st of March, 1813, it joined Russia and England, which were forming the sixth coalition. Sweden acceded to it soon after; yet the emperor, whom the confederate powers thought prostrated by the last disaster, opened the campaign with new victories. The battle of Lutzen, won by conscripts, on the 2nd of May, the occupation of Dresden, the victory of Baut- zen, and the war carried to the Elbe, astonished the coalition. Austria, which, since 1810, had been on a footing of peace, was resuming arms, and already meditating a change 01 alliance. She now proposed herself as mediatrix between the emperor and the confederates. Her mediation was accepted; an armistice was concluded at Plesswitz, on the 4th of June, and a congress assembled at Prague to negotiate peace. It was impossible to come to terms. Napoleon would not consent to diminished grandeur; Europe would not con- sent to remain subject to him. The confederate powers, joined by Austria, required that the limits of the empire should be to the Rhine, the Alps, and the Meuse. The nego- tiators separated without coming to an agreement. Austria joined the coalition, and war, the only means of settling this great contest, was resumed. The emperor had only two hundred and eighty thousand men against five hundred and twenty thousand; he wished to force the enemy to retire behind the Elbe, and to break up, as usual, this new coalition by the promptitude and vigour of his blows. Victory seemed, at first, to second him. At Dresden, he defeated the combined forces; but the defeats of his lieutenants deranged his plans. Macdonald was conquered in Silesia; Ney, near Berlin; Vandamme, at Kulm. Unable to obstruct the enemy, pouring on him from all parts, Napoleon thought of retreating. The princes of the confederation of the Rhine chose this moment to desert the cause of the empire* THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 403 A vast engagement having taken place at i^eipsic between the two armies, the Saxons and Wurtembergers passed over to the enemy on the field of battle. This defection to the strength of the coalesced powers, who had learned a more compact and skilful mode of warfare, obliged Napoleon to retreat, after a struggle of three days. The army advanced with much confusion towards the Rhine, where the Bavarians, who had also deserted, attempted to prevent its passage. But it overwhelmed them at Hanau, and re-entered the territory of the empire on the 30th of October, 1813. The close of this campaign was as disastrous as that of the preceding one. France was threatened in its own limits, as it had been in 1799; but the enthusiasm of independence no longer existed, and the man who deprived it of its rights found it, at this great crisis, incapable of sustaining him or defending itself. The servitude of nations' is, sooner or later, ever avenged. Napoleon returned to Paris on the 9th of November, 1813. He obtained from the senate a levy of three hundred thousand men, and made with great ardour preparations for a new campaign. He convoked the legislative body to associate it in the common defence; he communicated to it the documents relative to the negotiations of Prague, and asked for another and last effort in order to secure a glorious peace, the general wish of France.' But the legislative body, hitherto silently obedient, chose this period to resist Napoleon. He shared the common exhaustion, and without desiring it, was under the influence of the royalist party, which had been secretly agitating ever since the decline of the empire had re- vived its hopes. A commission, composed of MM. Laine, Raynouard, Gallois, Flaugergues, Maine de Biran, drew up ji very hostile report, censuring the course adopted by the government, and demanding that all conquests should be given up, and liberty restored. This wish, so just at any other time, could then only favour the invasion of the foe. Though the confederate powers seemed to make the evacuation of Europe the condition of peace, they were disposed to push victory to extremity. Napoleon, irritated by this unexpected and harassing opposition, suddenly dismissed the legislative body. This commencement of resistance announced internal defections. After passing from Russia to Germany, they were about to extend from Germany and Italy to France. D D 2 404 HISTORY OF But now, as before, all depended on the issue of the war, which the winter had not interrupted, Napoleon placed all his hopes on it; and started from Paris on the 25th of January, for this immortal campaign. The empire was invaded in all directions. The Austrians entered Italy; the English, having made themselves masters o^ the Peninsula during the last two years, had passed the Bidassoa, under general Wellington, and appeared on the Pyrenees. Three armies pressed on France to the east and north. The great allied army, amounting to a hundred and fifty thousand men, under Schwartzenberg, advanced by Switzerland; the army of Silesia, of a hundred and thirty thousand, under Blucher, by Francfort; and that of the north, of a hundred thousand men, under Bernadotte, had seized on Holland and entered Belgium. The enemies, in their turn, neglected the fortified places, and, taking a lesson from the conqueror, advanced on the capital. When Napoleon left Paris, the two armies of Schwartzenberg and Blucher were on the point of effecting a junction in Champaigne. Deprived of the support of the people, who were only lookers on, Napo- leon was left alone against the whole world with a handful of veterans and his genius, which had lost nothing of its daring and vigour. At this moment, he stands out nobly, no longer an oppressor; no longer a conqueror; defending, inch by inch, with new victories, the soil of his country, and at the same time, his empire and renown. He marched into Champaigne against the two great hostile armies. General Maison was charged to intercept Bernadotte in Belgium; Augereau, the Austrians, at Lyons; Soult, the English, on the Spanish frontier. Prince Eugene was to de- fend Italy; and the empire, though penetrated to the very centre, still stretched its vast arms into the depths of Germany by its garrisons beyond the Rhine. Napoleon did not despair of driving these swarms of foes from the territory of France by means of a powerful military reaction, and again planting his standards in the countries of the enemy. He placed him- self skilfully between Blucher, who was descending the Marne, : and Schwartzenberg, who descended the Seine; he hastened from one of these armies to the other, and defeated them alter- lately; Blucher was overpowered at Champ -Aubert, Mont- darim, Chateau- Thierry, and Vauchamps; and when his army THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 405 was destroyed, Napoleon returned to the Seine, defeated the Austrians at Montereau, and drove them before him. His combinations were so strong, his activity so great, his measures so sure, that he seemed on the point of entirely disorganizing these two formidable armies, and with them annihilating the coalition. But if he conquered wherever he came, the foe triumphed wherever he was not. The English had entered Bourdeaux, where a party had declared for the Bourbon family; the Austrians occupied Lyons; the Belgian army had joined the remnant of that of Blucher, which re-appeared on Napoleon's rear. Defection now entered his own family, and Murat had just followed, in Italy, the example of Bernadotte, by joining the coalition. The grand officers of the empire still served him, but languidly, and he only found ardour and fidelity in his subaltern generals and indefatigable soldiers. Napoleon had again marched, on Blucher, who had escaped from him thrice: on the left of the Marne, by a sudden frost, which hardened the muddy ways amongst which the Prussians had involved themselves, and were in danger of perishing; on the Aisne, through the defection of Soissons, which opened a pas- sage to them, at a moment when they had no other way of escape; at Craonne, by the fault of the duke of Ragusa, who prevented a decisive battle, by suffering himself to be sur- prised by night. After so many fatalities, which frustrated the surest plans, Napoleon, ill sustained by his generals, sur- rounded by the coalition, conceived the bold design of trans- porting himself to Saint Dezier and closing on the enemy the egress from France. This daring march, so full of genius, startled for a moment the confederate generals, from whom it cut off all retreat; but, excited by secret encouragements, without being anxious for their rear, they advanced on Paris. This great city, the only capital of Europe which had not been the theatre of war, suddenly saw all the troops of Europe enter its plains, and was on the point of undergoing the common humiliation. It was left to itself. The empress, ap- pointed regent a few months before, had just left it to repair to Blois. Napoleon was at a distance. There was not that despair and that movement of liberty which drive a people to resistance; war was no longer made on nations, but on govern- ments, and the emperor had centered all the public interest 406 HISTORY OF in himself, ana placed all his means of defence in mechanical troops. The exhaustion was great; a feeling of pride, of very just pride, alone made the approach of the stranger painful, and oppressed every Frenchman's heart at seeing his native land trodden by armies so long vanquished. But this sentiment was not sufficiently strong to raise the masses of the popula- tion against the enemy; and the measures of the royalist party, at the head of which the prince of Benevento placed himself, called the allied troops to the capital. An action took place, however, on the 30th of March, under the walls of Paris; but on the 31st, the gates were opened to the con- federate forces, who entered in pursuance of a capitulation. The senate consummated the great imperial defection by for- saking its old master; it was influenced by M. de Talleyrand, who for some time had been out of favour with Napoleon. This voluntary actor in every crisis of power had just de- clared against him. With no attachment to party, of a profound political indifference, he foresaw from a distance with won- derful sagacity the fall of a government; withdrew from it opportunely; and when the precise moment for assailing it had arrived, joined in the attack with all his talents, his in- fluence, his name, and his authority, which he had taken care to preserve. In favour of the revolution, under the consti- tuent assembly; of the directory, on the ISthFructidor : for the consulate, on the 18th Brumaire; for the empire, in 1804, he was for the restoration of the royal family in 1814; he . seemed grand master of the ceremonies for the party in power, and for the last thirty years it was he who had dismissed and installed the successive governments. The senate, influenced by him, appointed a provisional government, and declared Napoleon deposed from his throne, the hereditary rights of his family abolished, the people and army freed from their oath of fidelity. It proclaimed him tyrant whose despotism it had facilitated by its adulation. Meantime, Napoleon, urged by those about him to succour the capital, had aban- doned his march on Saint Dezier, and hastened to Paris at the head of fifty thousand men, in the hope of preventing the entry of the enemy. On his arrival, (1st of April,) he heard of the capitulation of the preceding day, and fell back on Fontainbleau, where he learned the defection of the senate, and his deposition. Then finding that all gave way around THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 407 him in "his ill fortune, the people, the senate, generals and courtiers, he decided on abdicating in favour of his son. He sent the duke of Vicenza, the prince de la Moskowa, and the duke of Tarento, as plenipotentiaries to the confederates; on their way, they were to take with them the duke of Ragusa, who covered Fontainbleau with a corps. Napoleon, with his fifty thousand men, and strong military position, could yet oblige the coalition to admit the claim of his son. But the duke of Ragusa forsook his post, treated with the enemy, and left Fontainbleau exposed. Napoleon was then obliged to submit to the conditions of the allied powers; their pretensions increased with their power. At Prague, they ceded to him the empire, with the Alps and the Rhine for limits; after the invasion of France, they offered him at Chatillon the possessions of the old monarchy only; later, they refused to treat with him except in favour of his son; but now, determined on destroying all that remained of the revolution with respect to Europe, its conquest and dy- nasty, they compelled Napoleon to abdicate absolutely. On the 1 1th of April, 1814, he renounced for himself and children the thrones of France and Italy, and received in exchange for his vast sovereignty, the limits of which had extended from Cadiz to the Baltic Sea, the little island of Elba. On the 20th, after an affecting farewell to his old soldiers, he departed for his new principality. Thus fell this man, who alone, for fourteen years, had filled the world. His enterprising and organizing genius, his power of life and will, his love of glory, and the immense dis- posable force which the revolution placed in his hands, have made him the most gigantic being of modern times. That which would have rendered the destiny of another extraor- dinary, scarcely counts in his. Rising from an obscure to the highest rank; from a simple artillery officer becoming the chief of the greatest of nations, he dared to conceive the idea of universal monarchy, and for a moment realized it. After having obtained the empire by his victories, he wished to subdue Europe by means of France, and reduce England by means of Europe, and he established the military system against the continent; the blockade against Great Britain. This design succeeded for some years; from Lisbon to Moscow he subjected people and potentates to his word of command 408 HISTORY OF as general, and to the vast sequestration which he prescribed. But in this way he failed in discharging his restorative mis- sion of the 18th Brumaire. By exercising on his own account the power he had received, by attacking the liberty of the people by despotic institutions, the independence of states by war, he excited against himself the opinions and interests of the human race; he provoked universal hostility. The na- tion forsook him, and after having been long victorious, after having planted his standard on every capital, after having during ten years augmented his power, and gained a kingdom with every battle, a single reverse combined the world against him, proving by his fall how impossible in our days is des- potism. Yet Napoleon, amidst all the disastrous results of his system, gave a prodigious impulse to the continent; his armies carried with them the ideas and customs of the more advanced civilization of France. European societies were shaken on their old foundations; nations were mingled by frequent intercourse; bridges thrown across boundary rivers; high roads made over the Alps, Apennines, and Pyrenees, brought territories nearer to each other; and Napoleon effected for the material condition of states what the revo- lution had done for the minds of men. The blockade completed the impulse of conquest; it improved continental industry, enabling it to take the place of that of England, and replaced colonial commerce by the produce of manufactures. Thus Napoleon, by agitating nations, contributed to their civi- lization. His despotism rendered him counter-revolutionary with respect to France; but his spirit of conquest made him a regenerator with respect to Europe, of which many nations, in torpor till he came, will live henceforth with the life he gave them. But in this Napoleon obeyed the dictates of his nature. The child of war war was his tendency, his plea- sure; domination his object; he wanted to master the world, and circumstances placed it in his hand, in order that he might make use of it. Napoleon has presented in France what Cromwell pre- sented for a moment in England; the government of the army, which always establishes itself when a revolution is con- tended against; it then gradually changes, and from being civil, as it was at first, becomes military. In Great Britain. THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 409 internal war not being complicated with foreign war, on ac- count of the geographical situation of the country, which isolated it from other states, as soon as the enemies of reform were vanquished, the army passed from the field of battle to the government. Its intervention being premature, Cromwell, its general, found parties still in the fury of their passions, in all the fanaticism of their opinions, and he directed against them alone his military administration. The French revo- lution taking place on the continent saw the nations disposed for liberty, and sovereigns leagued from a fear of the libera- tion of their people. It had not only internal enemies, but also foreign enemies to contend with; and while its armies were repelling Europe, parties were overthrowing each other in the assemblies. The military intervention came later; Napoleon, finding factions defeated and opinions almost for- saken, obtained obedience easily from the nation, and turned the military government against Europe. This difference of position materially influenced the conduct and character of these two extraordinary men. Napoleon, disposing of immense force and of uncontested power, gave himself up in security to the vast designs and the part of a conqueror. While Cromwell, deprived of the assent which popular exhaustion accords, incessantly attacked by factions, was reduced to neutralise them one by the other; and to the last, the military dictator of parties. The one employed his genius in undertaking; the other in resisting. Accord- ingly, the former had the frankness and decision of power; the other, the craft and hypocrisy of opposed ambition. This situation would destroy their sway. All dictatorships are transient; and however strong or great, it is impossible for any one long to subject parties or long to retain kingdoms. It is this that, sooner or later, would have led to the fall of Cromwell, (had he lived longer,) by internal conspiracies; and that brought on the downfall of Napoleon, by the raising of Europe. Such is the fate of all powers which, arising from liberty, do not continue to abide with her. In 1814, the empire had just been destroyed; the revolutionary parties had ceased to exist since the 1 8th Brumaire. All the govern- ments of this political period had been exhausted. The senate recalled the old royal family. Already unpopular on, account of its past servility, it ruined itself in public opinion 410 HISTORY OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. by publishing a constitution, tolerably liberal, but which placed on the same footing the pensions of senators and the guarantees of the nation. The count d'Artois, who had been the first to leave France, was the first to return, in the character of lieutenant-general of the kingdom. He signed, on the 23rd of April, the convention of Paris, which reduced the French territory to its limits of the 1st of January, 1792, and by which Belgium, Savoy, Nice, and Geneva, and im- mense military stores, ceased to belong to us. Louis XVIII. landed at Calais on the 24th of April, and entered Paris with solemnity on the 3rd of May, 1814, after having, on the 2nd, made the declaration de Saint Omer, which fixed the prin- ciples of the representative government, and which was followed on the 2nd of June by the promulgation of the charter. At this epoch, a new series of events begins. The year 1814 was the term of the great movement of the preceding five and twenty years. The revolution had been political, as directed against the absolute power of the court and the privileged classes, and military, because Europe had attacked it. The reaction which arose at that time only destroyed the empire, and brought about the coalition in Europe, and the repre- sentative system in France; such was to be its first period. Later, it opposed the revolution, and produced the holy alliance against the people, and the government of a party against the charter. This retrograde movement necessarily had its course and limits. France can only be ruled in a durable manner by satisfying the twofold need which made it undertake the revolution. It requires real political liberty in the government; and in society, the material prosperity pro- duced by the continually progressing development of civiliza- tion. S/ INDEX. ABBAYE, prisons of the, broken into by the populace, 35. Absolute power, progress of, during the consulate, 382. Admiral, 1', attempts to kill Collot- d'Herbois, 252. Aix, archbishop of, opposes the ecclesi- astical committee, 82. Alliances formed by the different states before the revolution, 99, 100. Allied powers, the, at Paris, 405. Amiens, treaty of, 371. Ancient, council of the, 301. Angers, taken by Cathelineau, 221. Antoinette, see Marie. Argone,. campaign of the, 161. Armies, the French, disasters of, in the war with Holland and Belgium, 131, 132. Army, the new, organization of, 91. Artois, count d', hastens the determina- tion of the cabinets of -the coalition, 101 ; decree passed for his impeach- ment, 125. Assemblies, district, convoked for the elections, 18. popular, formation of, 64. Assignats, origin of, 80 ; sale of, 319. Augereau enters Paris at the head of the troops, 336 ; arrests Pichegru, ib. Anmont, duke d', offered the command of the army of citizens, 41. Austerlitz, victory of, 389. Austria, plan of the campaign against, 326. the two kingdoms of Bavaria and "Wurtemberg, instituted against, 383. BABCEUP conspiracy, the, 323; betrayed by Grisel, ib. ; trial and death of the accomplices in, 325. Baboeuf, Gracchus, proposes terms of peace to the directory, 324 ; trial and death of, 325. Bailie, general, his opposition to the new organization of the army, 91. Bailleul, M., his account of the state of the Luxembourg when the directors first entered, 316, 317. Bailly, president of the national assem- bly, his conduct on the suspension of the session, 31 ; appointed mayor of Paris, 50 ; resigns the mayoralty, 108. Bale, peace made at, with Prussia by the republic, 297 ; with Spain, 298. Banquet of the household troops at Ver- sailles, 67. Barbe-Marbois, elected president of the elder council, 331. Barentin, keeper of the seals, his speech at the opening of the states-general, 23. Barnave, induced by the manners of the king and queen to take an interest iu the royal family, 103 ; his speech in the assembly on the question of the king's trial, 105. Barras, appointed commander of t!:o armed force under the directory, 307 ; chosen a member of the directory, 311 ; harangues Bonaparte on his re- turn to Paris, 342 ; his dissolute course of life, 344 ; treats with the pretender, Louis XVIII., 349; his change of party, ib. ; resigns, 354. Barrere, liberal measures proposed by, in the convention, 224 ; his character and principles, 251 ; arrest and trial of, 287. 412 INDEX. Bartelemy, replaces Letourneur in the directory, 331. Bastille, the attack on, 43 15. ' Batavian republic, the, constituted and i allied with France, 297. Battalion of Patriot*, enrolment of the, 307. Bavaria erected into a kingdom, 388. Beauharnais, Eugene de, appointed viceroy of Italy, 385. Belgium ceded to France by Austria, 329. Bender, marshal de, ordered .by Austria to defend the elector of Treves, 126. Berlin, taking of, 390. Bernadotte dismissed through Sieyes, 350. elected king of Sweden, 397. Berthier, marshal, invested with the principality of Neufchatel, 389. Billaud-Varennes violently attacks Ro- bespierre, 262 ; his denunciation of the Jacobins, 264; arrest and trial of, 237. Biron ordered to advance upon Mons, 131 ; retreat of, 132. Bishoprics, reduction of to the same number as the departments, 82. Bohemia, war declared against by the king, 130. Boissy d'Anglas, his courageous con- duct in the assembly, before the in- surgents, 290. Bouille, general, establishes a camp at Jlontmedy for the reception of the king, 102. Bonaparte, Joseph, declared king of the two Sicilies, 388 ; receives the crown of Spain, 393 ; leaves Madrid, 396. , Louis, made king of Holland, 338. > , Lucien, suspected in the five hundred, from the conduct of Napo- leon, 357 ; resigns his insignias of office, 358. , Napoleon, appointed second in command under Barras, 307 ; ap- pointed general of the interior, and placed at the head'of the army of Italy, 320 ; commencement of his brilliant career, campaign against Austria, 326 ; conquest of Italy by, 828 ; his return to Paris, 342 ; ho- nours paid to him, ib. ; the expedition to Egypt, ib. ; sails from Toulon, ib. ; learns the state of affairs in France, ! 351 ; account of the expedition of Egypt, ib. ; returns to Paris in tri- umph, ib. ; his reception in Paris, 352 ; comes to an understanding with Sieyes, ib. ; plots with Sieyes against the directory, 352, et teg. ; his answer to the alarmed republicans, 354; commotion created by him in the council of the five hundred, by his entering with an armed force, 357 ; outlawry demanded against him, ib. ; appointed consul, 361 ; his govern- ment, 366; sets out 'on the campaign of Italy, 367 ; victory of Marengo, 368 ; return to Paris, ib. the infernal ma- chine, 369 ; progress of France under, 372 ; proposes the creation of a Legion of Honour, 374; appointed consul, first for ten years, and afterwards for life, 376 ; his answer to a deputation from the senate, 379 ; preparations for his coronation, 381 ; the coronation, 382 ; offered the crown of Italy, 385 ; receives the crown of the Lombards, ib. ; takes Vienna, 387 ; victories of Ulm and Austerlitz, < ib. ; marches against Prussia, 390 ) turns his atten- tion towards England, 391 ; threaten- ed with excommunication by the pope, 393 ; entry into Madrid, 394 ; divorces Josephine, and marries the arch- duchess Marie-Louise, 397 ; birth of his son, king of Rome, 398 ; his plan in the campaign against Russia, 399 ; entry into Moscow, 400 ; retreat from, ib. ; re-action against his power, ib. ; his return to Paris, 403 ; abdication at Fontainebleau, 407 ; bis character, 407, 408 ; compared with Cromwell, 409. Breton deputies, originators of the first club, 93. Brienne, his fall and its cause, 6 ; cha- racter of, ib. -, succeeds Calonne, 13 ; govern- ment and character of, 13, 14. Brissot, petition drawn up by, demand- ing the dethronement of the king, 106. , divides the emigrants into three classes, 120; advocates rigorous mea- sures against them, ib. -, his speech respecting abdica- tion, 141. Brittany protests against the new divi- sion of the kingdom, 76. NDEX. 413 Broglie, marshal de, commander of the army, receives unlimited power, 47. Brune, victories of, in Holland, 350. Brunswick, duke of, his manifesto, 143, 144. CADOUDAJL, Georges, principal leader of the Chouans, 321 ; conspiracy of, 378 ; execution of, ib. Calendar, the republican, 233. Calonne, called to the ministry, 12 ; his ministry and character compared with those of Necker, ib. ; his fall, 13. Calvados, insurrection in, 220 ; sup- pressed, 225. Campo-Fonnio, treaty of, 329. Camus, presents the book of the con- stitution to the national assembly, 113. Canton, the institution of, 75. Carnot, appointed minister of war, and major-peneral of the republican ar- mies, 295. , replaces Sieyes in the directory, 311. , at the head of the intermediate constitutional party, tries to prevent the struggle between the directory and the royalists, 333. Carrier, impeachment of, 278 ; his trial, 282. Carteaux, general, pursues the sectionary army to Marseilles, 225. , defeated by the insurgent royal- ists, 308. Cazeles, leader of the nobility against the revolution, character of his elo- quence, 56. Cecil Renaud, her suspicious visit to Robespierre's house, 252 ; her exami- nation and fate, ib. Centre, the, joined with the Lameth party, makes overtures to the court, 104. Chambres de vacations, suppressed by .rsome of the provincial parliaments, 76. Champ de Mars, preparations at, and procession to, on the confederation of the kingdom held there, 88. Championnet, general, enters Naples, 346. Chapelier, his opinions on the question of the renewal of the assembly, 83. Charlotte Corday, assassinates Marat, 218 ; death of, ib. -, her replies before . the tribunal, ib. ; note. Chenier, advocates the cause of the pro- scribed conventionalists, 284. Cherasco, amnesty of, 327. Chouans, conspiracy of the infernal ma- chine, 369. Church administration, new organization of, 82. Cinq-cent*, council of the, 801. Cisalpine republic, formed by Bona- parte, 329. Clergy, the, its sentiments towards the commons, 27. -, its sitting in the church of Saint Louis, 33. , necessity for making it depen- dent, by the abolition of tithes, and by making ecclesiastical property na- tional, 79 , opposition of, to this mea- sure, ib. -, its hatred to the revolution, 80. , schism, respecting the civil con- stitution of, 92 ; its refusal to take the oath of fidelity to the nation, ib. -, discontent of, 97. Clichy, the club of, 333. Club, the, of '89, directors of, 94. , del impartiaujc, 94. , det monarchiquei, 94. -, of the Jacobins, 94. -,ofSo/m, 332. -, of Clichy, 333. Clubs, employed to influence the people, 93. Clugny, succeeds Turgot in the ministry, 11. Coalition, the, second levy of made by the cabinet of Saint James, 196. the new, formed, 345. the fourth, 389. the fifth, 393. Collot-d'Herbois, arrest and trial of, 287. Commission of Twelve, the appointment of, 206 ; insurrection against, 207. Commission of Eleven, formation of, 289. Committee of general safety, composition of, 232. Committee of public safety, the, formed at the Hotel de Ville, 41 ; organizes a militia of citizens, ib. ; conduct of the, during insurrectionary war, 229 ; its sentence against Lyons, ib. ; its powers and members, 231, 232. Committees, the, strive to bring about 414 INDEX. the fall of Robespierre by means of Catherine Theot, 256, 257 ; the party of the, its members, 274 ; democratic members of the, replaced by Thermi- dorian members, 277. Commons, the, wise conduct on the open- ing of the states-general, 27; declare themselves the assembly of the nation, 28 ; first decree of, after having con- stituted themselves the national assem- bly, 29. Communal list, the, 363. Commune, the, institution and adminis- tration of, 76 ; demands an extraor- dinary tribunal to try the conspirators of the 10th of August, 157 ; chiefs of the, ib. Compagniet de Jena, proceedings of, 300. du Soleil, murders and execu- tions of, 300. Compulsory loam, the law of, 349 ; abo- lished, 361. Concordat, the, signed and ratified, 373 ;' inauguration of, ib. Conde, prince de, decree passed for bis impeachment, 125. Condorcet, poisons himself, 231. Consuls, installation of the, 361. Confederation, a, of the whole kingdom, appointed to take place in the Champ de Mars, on the 14th July, 87 ; cere- monies and fetes of, 89. Constitution, act of the, presented to the king, 109. Constitution of 1791, the, account of, 110112. of 1793, decreed by the Moun- tain, 222. the, of the year III., 301. of Sieyes, 362364. of the year VIII., publication of, 365 ; composition of, ib. of the year X., the, 376. Constitutionalists, the, oppose the rigo- rous measures advocated by the Giron- dists against the emigrants, 120. Constitutional circles, the, ordered to be closed, 335. Convention, the, constitutes itself, 167 ; animosity of the Gironde and the Mountain, 168 ; denounces Robes- pierre, 171 ; animosity towards Marat, ib. ; fresh accusation of Robespierre, 175 ; question of the king's trial, 180; commencement of the discussion, 181 ; speech of Saint-Just, ib. ; of Robes- pierre, 183 ; the king brought to its bar, 184 ; M. Deseze'a defence of the king, 186 ; condemns the king to death, 187; short duration of union, in, and revival of animosities, 192 ; summons Dnmouriez to its bar, 203 ; arrest oits commissioners by Dumou- riez, ib. ; declares Dumouriez a traitor, 204; Isnard's reply to the deputies of the insurrections of May, 1793, 207 ; question of the abolition of the com- mission of Twelve, 210 ; debate on the accusation of the Girondists, 213, 214; dangerous position of the, through the insurrection of the departments, 221 ; liberal measures proposed by Barrere, 224 ; its successes against the insur- rectionary towns and departments, 225, 226 ; condemns Marie- Antoinette to death, 230 ; condemns the twenty- two Girondists to death, ib. ; decrees the existence of the Supreme Being, 239 ; question of the arrests of Dan- ton, &c., 244; Robespierre appointed president, 253 ; Couthon presents the law of the 22nd Prairial, 253 ; debate on the law of the 22nd Prcurial, 254 ; Robespierre's speech of the 8th Ther- midor, 260 ; decrees the arrest of ; the two Robespierres, Couthon, Lebas, and Saint- Just, 266 ; position of, after the fall of Robespierre, 273, et seq. ; question of recalling the proscribed members, 284 ; arrest of Billaud, Col- lot, Barrere, and Vadier, 287 ; revives the old martial law, 287 ; its reception of the insurgents of Germinal, 290 ; united under the Girondists, 293 ; de- crees the constitution of the year III. ; 301 ; decrees requiring the re-election of two-thirds of the members of, 305 ; concentrates its powers in a committee of five members, 306; moderation of, in the insurrection of the 13th Ven- demiaire,3Q9 ; establishes itself a na- tional electoral assembly, 310 ; its close, 312. Conventionalists, the proscribed, recal of, 285. Cordeliers, the club of the, 234. Council of Ancients, the, members of, 302 ; form of decision and rejection, ib. ; list of its members condemned to exile by the lot de salut public, 338. Council of Five Hundred, the, its mem- bers and functions, 302 ; list of ita INDEX. 415 members condemned to exile by the loi de talut public, 337 ; dispersed by Napoleon's orders, 359. Councils, the, get the upper hand and disorganize the old directory, 346, 347. Ciitir de conation, establishment of, 8C. Court, the, its opinion of the States-Ge- neral, 26 ; establishes troops at Ver- sailles, &c., 35; entirely renews the ministry, ib. ; equirocal position of, 85. Couthon, his character, 250 ; presents the law of the 22nd Prairial, 253 ; arrested, 266 ; released, 267 ; his exe- cution, 271. Crete, (remnant of the Mountain,) arrest of seventeen members of the, 288. Cures, admission of into the clergy, 18. Curtius, the sculptor, his house sur- rounded by the crowd, who take the busts of Necker and the duke of Or- leans, 36. Custine, superseded by general Hou- chard, 228. DAXICAN, one of the royalist generals, summons the convention to withdraw its troops, 308. Daiuiou, chief author of the constitution of the year III., his character and principles, 304. Danton, chief leader of the commune, character and policy of, 158 ; his in- terview with Robespierre, 241 ; his re- fusal to defend himself, 243 ; his ar- rest, ib ; his execution, 245. Dantonists, the, or moderate Mountain- ists, 235 ; their fall, 239 ; execution of their leaders, 245. Debt, national, amount of, at the begin- ning of the revolution, 13. Defection, general, of the European powers, from Napoleon, 402. Delaunay, governor of the Bastille, at- tempts to blow it up, 45. Delbred, proposes the renewal of the oath to the constitution of the year in., 356. Delessart, impeached and brought before the high court of Orleans, 127. Democratical party, last attempt and final defeat of, 324. elections of the year VI., 344; those of the year VII., 346. Democrats, system of the, 248; symbo- lical terms used by the, 240 ; the re- volutionary power of the, 279 ; re-es- tablish their club at the Pantheon, 3-2-2 ; their society closed by the di- rectory, ib. Departments, division of France into, 75; insurrection of the, 218, et teg. - t Des condanmes,the law, 247. Deseze, 31., delivers the defence of the king, 186. Desmoulins, Camille, incenses the popu- lace on the banishment of Necker, 36; his character, 236 ; his picture of pre- sent tyranny under the name of past tyranny, 236 238; expelled from the Jacobins, 239 ; his execution, 245. Dillon, Theobald, ordered to advance upon Tournai, 181; terror in his army, ib. ; his death, 132. Directorial constitution of the year III. 302304. Directory, the, creation of, 302 ; dura- tion and powers of its members. 303 ; first composition of, 311 ; wretched condition of in the Luxembourg, 316 ; its division of labour according to the peculiar talents or acquirements of its members, 3 1 7 ; its address to its agents, 318; attempts to revive paper money, 319 ; proposes mandats tcrritoriaux,ib.; attacked by the royalists and demo- crats, 322 ; changes in by the royalist elections of the year V., 330 ; deter- mines to attack thelegislative majority, 335 ; removes the place of sittingsofthe councils, 336 ; its message to the five hundred, and the ancients, explaining the reason of its measures, 337 ; the act of ostracism, 337, 338; returns to the revolutionary government, 340 ; its condition ; makes war its only sup- port, 341 ; its unavowed object in the expedition to Egypt, 342 ; annals the democratic elections of the year VI., 344; the old (disorganized by the coun- cils, 346,347, two new parties in, 348 ; list of the new, 349 ; plot against be- tween Bonaparte and Sieyes, 342, et teg. end ofthe, 354. District assemblies convoked for the elections, 18. Districts, the, assembly of, to vote men for their defence, 40 ; organization and government of, 75. Duchies, numerous erection of, by Bona- parte, 388, 389. Ducos, Roger, introduced into the direc- 416 INDEX. tory, 347 ; appointed one of the consuls, 361. Dumouriez, character and ministry of, 127 ; his report as to the political situation of France, 129 ; his projects of war, the campaign of the Argone, 161 ; his nearly fatal blunder at Grandpre and the Islet tes, 162; having conquered Belgium, he at- tempts an expedition into Holland, 194 ; hostilities between him and the Jacobins, ib.; his design of re-esta- Wishing constitutional monarchy, 197, detection of, 201; his interview with a deputation from the Jacobins, 202 ; arrests the commissioners of the con- vention, 203 ; declared a traitor by the convention, 204. Duphot, general, shot at Borne in a riot, 343. Duport, character and principles of, 58 ; his speech against closing of the states- general, 108. Du Portail replaced by Narbonne, 125. ECCLESIASTICAL property, necessity for declaring it national, 78 ; two objects gained by so doing, ib.; utility of the sale of, 80. Ecclesiastics, the dissentient, deny the efficacy of duties performed by consti- tutional priests, 119. Egypt, expedition to, 343. Elba, island of, united to France, 377. Election, everything becomes subject to, in the new constitution, 75. Elie, conduct of at the taking of the Bastille, 44. Emigrants, consternation of on the king's arrest, 107. Emigrants, rigorous measures desired against the, by the Girondists, 120 ; in- vited by the king to return, 121 ; act of pardon proposed hi favour of the, 371. Empire, preconcerted scene for ushering in the, 379 ; proclaimed, 381. Enghien, duke de, death of, 378. England, political state of before the revolution, 100 ; various treaties of alliance and subsidies concluded by, 195, note; the only remaining belli- gerent power, 371 ; resumes hostilities, 377 ; declares France in a state of blockade, 391. D'Entraigucs, his pamphlet on the states-general, 18. Europe, political state of before the revolution, 98 100 ; state of at the time the Girondist ministry came into power, 128, 129. FARGEAU, Lepelletier Saint, stabbed by a member of the household for having voted the death of the king, 192. Favras, the marquis de, condemned to death by the Chatelet, 85. Feuillants, club of the, opened hi oppo- sition to the Jacobins, 104. Feraud, mistaken for Freron, and killed by the insurgents, 290 ; condemnation and rescue of his murderer, 292. Flesselles, 31. de, sent by the electors to calm the populace, 40 ; murder of, on the quay Pelletier, 47. Fontainebleau, abdication of Napoleon at, 407. Fouquier-Thinville, his accusation de- creed, 275. Fouche, appointed minister of police, 366. France, state of, at the revolution, 2 ; organization of, 4 ; state of under Louis XV. to Louis XVI., 5 8; divi- sion of into departments, 75 ; comple- tion of the reorganization of, 96. political and military situation of at the death of Louis XVI., 194. French Club, the, established by Bertrand de Molleville, 122. French monarchy, retrospective sketch of, 3. Freron, obtains the accusation of FOu- quier-Thinville, 275. forms the Jeunes Doree, 279. GAUDIX, Emile, tumult occasioned by his proposal of a vote of thanks to the council of ancients, 355, 356. General coalition formed against the revolution, 100 ; reasons which actu- ated the various states on joining it, ib. Geneva united to France, 343. Germinal, the rising of, 288, et teg. Gironde, the, its true chiefs, 118. Girondist party, the, its principal speakers 117. Girondists, the, wish for rigorous mea- sures against the emigrants, 120; attack the ministry, 123; attack the whole ministry, 156 ; accuse Bertrand de Molleville and Delessart, ib. Girondist ministry, the, 127 ; called by INDEX. 417 the court the Ministere Sam Culotte, 128; fall of the, 134. Girondists, the, their principles and posi- tion at the opening of the convention, 168; denounced under the name of Intrigants by the Mountainists, 193; struggle of with the Jacobins, 198 ; conspiracies against, 204, 205 ; at- tacked by Guadet, 205 ; accused by Vergniaud of conspiring with Du- inourie/, 211; insurrection against the two and twenty leading members of the, 211 214 ; list of their names, 215 ; their arrest, ib. ; fall of the, ib. ; raise an insurrection in the depart- ments, 218. Girondist generals, the, replace the con- stitutional generals, 228. Girondists, the twenty-two, condemna- tion and death of, 230 ; their conduct during the trial, ib. Gregorian calendar replaces the repub- lican calendar, 388. Grenelle, camp of, reception of the Babceuf conspirators at, 324. Guadet attacks the Girondists in the convention, 205. HENHIOT receives the title of command- ant-general of the insurrectionists, 209 ; demands the abolition of the commission of twelve, ib. ; released by Coffinhal, 268 ; turns the cannon upon the convention, ib. ; outlawed by the convention, ib. ; his execution, 271. Hebert, arrest of, 20C. Hebertists. the party so called, its prin- ciples, 234 ; abolish the catholic wor- ship, ib. ; attacked by Robespierre, 235 ; struggle of with the committee of public safety, 235, 236 ; its defeat, 239. Hoche, receives the chief command of the republican army, 296 ; unsuccess- ful attacks on the Chouans and the English army on its landing, 301 ; re- ceivs the command of the coast, 321 ; his generalship, ib. Holland, expedition of Dumouriez into, 198 ; conquest of, by the armies of the republic, 297; converted into a kingdom, 388. Hood, admiral, enters Toulon, 226. Houchard, general, supersedes Custine, 228. Hostages, the law of, 349; abolished, Ml. Hotel des Invalides, the, broken into, and guns taken from, 42. Hotel de Ville, assembly of electors at, 38; a permanent committee formed at, 41. Hulin, conduct of, at the taking of the Bastille, 44. Hungary, war declared against, by the king, 130. INFERNAL machine, the conspiracy of, 369. Insurrections in Calvados, Gevaudan, and La Vendee, 119. Insurrection of the 10th of August, 146, Isnard, his speech on the question of a declaration to the king, 123 ; his reply to the deputies of the agitation of May, 1793, 207; resigns the chair, ib. Italy, conquest of; 828 ; second cam- paign of, 367. JACOBIN club, origin of, 94 ; directors of, ib. Jacobins, the, struggle of, with the Girondists, 198; attacked by the Ther- midorians, 281. Jena, battle of, 390. Jeunesse doree, the, formed by Freron, 279 ; costume and composition of, 280. Jordan, Camille, the panegyrist of the clergy, ridicule attached to him, 332. Joubert, put at the head of the army of Italy, 348 ; death of, 350. Jourdan, commands the army of the Sambre-et-Meuse, 320. Jury, trial by, introduced into criminal causes, 86. Just, see Saint. KINGS of France, progress of the power of, 3. LACROIX, his execution, 244. Lafayette, elected to preside over the night sittings of the states-general, 40; appointed commander-in-chief of the citizen guard, 50 ; his conduct on the invasion of the palace at Ver- sailles, 71 ; takes the civic oath on the 14th July, in the name of the federates and the troops, 89 ; resigns the com- mand of the national guard, 108 ; pro- cures an amnesty in fa\our of those who favoured the king's flight, 109 ; begins to lose bis high reputation E E 418 INDEX 135 ; his last attempt in favour of legal monarchy, 139 ; failure of the attempt, ib. ; discussion of his accusa- tion, 145 ; his acquittal, ib. ; military insurrection of, against the authors of the 10th of August, 154; arrested and confined at Magdeburg and at Olmutz, 156 ; his character, ib. Lally-Tollendal, his speech in the assem- bly, 39. Lambesc, the prince de, attacks the mul- titude, 37. Lamcth, the party so called, joins with the 'Centre to re-establish the king, 104. Lamoigiion, associated with Brienne, 1 5, ministry of, compared with that of Maupeou, ib. Lauguedoc, protests against the new di- vision of the kingdom, 76 ; attempts at insurrection made by the clergy Of, 85. La Reveillere Depeaux, elected a mem- ber of the directory, 310; endeavours to establish the deistical religion, 319 ; attacked by the councils, 347 ; resigns the directorial authority, 6. Lazarists, the house of the, attacked, and grain taken, 41, Lebas arrested,* 266 ; released, 267; his death, 270. Lebou, character of, 278; impeachment of, ib. Lechelle, appointed sole general-in-chief by the committee of public safety, 227. Lecoiutre denounces Billaud, Collot, Barrere, of the committee of public safety, and Vadier, Amar, and Vou- land, of the committee of general safety, 276. Left, the, it* principal speakers, 117. Legendre renews Lecointre's impeach- ment of the democratic party of the committees, 278. Legion of honour proposed by Napoleon, 374 ; reception of, 375. Legislative body, debates as to its re- moval to Saint-Cloud, 343. Legislators, nomination of, 366. Leoben, truce of, 328. Let suspects, passing of the law so called, Hi,. Letourneur, elected a member of the directory, 311. Lettrts de cachet, power of, 4 ; suppres- sion of, 10. Levy-cn-masse, decree of, 223. Ligurian republic, the, threatened by the king of Sardinia, 345. Lit de justice, power of, in the hands of the king, 4. Loi de talut public, the, presented by the commission of the younger council, 337. Lois organiques, the, preparation of, 289. Longwy is invested and taken ty the Prussians, 159. Louis- Stanislaus-Xavier, prince, decree of the assembly relative to, 1 2 1 . Louis XIV., conduct and government of, 5 ; reaction after the death of, 6. Louis XVI., character of, 9 ; consequence of his selecting Maurepas as prime minister, ib. ; influence of the queen over, 12 ; fixes the day for the convo- cation of the states-general, 17 ; at- tempts of, at reform and authority, 19; policy of, ib.; vigil kept before the opening of the states-general, 2 1 ; his speech at the first meeting of the states-general, 22 ; conduct of witk respect to the states-general, 24; ad- vantage taken of a journey to Mnrly, to remove him beyond reach of the counsels of Keeker, 29 ; goes to the states-general, 31 ; purport of his speech there, 31, 32 ; his mistake with regard to the states-general, 33 ; offers to remove the assembly to Xoyon or Soissons, 24 ; banishes Necker, 35 ; expected departure of, IS ; his answer to the deputation from the states-ge- neral, 48, 49 ; his reception at the states- general, 50 ; his reception at Paris, 51 ; entitled the Restorer of French Liberty, 53 ; the debate concerning his veto, 65 ; his conduct at the attack of the palace of Versailles, 71 ; design of carrying him off to Peronne, 85 ; his reception of the deputies of the de- partment, on the 14th July, S7; his speech at the confederation of the nation, 89; prevented from going to Saint Cloud by his own guard, 95; receives a secret declaration announc- ing speedy assistance from the coali- tion, 101 ; sets out for Montmedy, 102 ; arrested at Varennes, 103; suspen- sion of, 105 ; declaration of Pilnitz regarding, 107 ; act of the constitu- tion presented to him, 109 ; closes the assembly in person, ib. ; his speech. Hi. ; his reception of the deputies announc- ing the opening of the National Legis- lative Assembly, 114; question in the INDEX. 419 assembly as to the manner of address- ing him, 115; his speech at the as- sembly, ib. ; sanctions the decree of the assembly respecting his brother, 121 ; puts his veto on those respecting the emigrants and the dissentient priests, ib. ; message to, from the assembly respecting the neighbouring princes, 124; his reply, 125; intimi- dated by the impeachment of Deles- sart, 127 ; visits the assembly with a view to the question of war, 129 ; dis- misses the Girondist ministry, 134 ; riots of the petitioners, behaviour of the king, 137 ; proposal of Lafayette for him to go to Compiegne, 138; his fall hastened by the manifesto of the duke of Brunswick, 144 ; reviews the defenders of the chateau on the morn- ing of the 10th of August, 149 ; treat- ment of, on leaving the Tuileries, 151 ; imprisoned in the Temple, 153; his trial demanded by the Mountain, 179 ; secret documents brought forward in support of his accusation, 179, 180 ; beginning of the discussion respect- ing his trial, 181; brought to the bar of the convention, 184 ; Male- sherbes offers to be his defender, 185 ; the defence, 186 ; condemned to death, 1*7; his conduct on hearing the sen- tence, 188 ; interview with his family, 189 ; his death, t'J. ; his character, 189, 190. Louis XVIII. lands at Calais, 410. Lucca given to the prince of Piombino, 386. Lutzeu, battle of, 402. Lyons, revolt of, 219 ; defence and tak- ing of, 226 ; sentence of the com- mittee of public safety against, 229; slaughter of the inhabitants of, ib. MAILHE, the deputy, opposes the dogma of the king's inviolability, 180. Maillard heads the riot of women on the 5th of October, 68. Maistre, M. de, quotation from his Con- siderations lur la France, 154. Malesherbes, ministry of, 10; offers to defend the king on his trial, 185. Mallet, general, plot of, 400 ; its failure, 401. Malmesbury, lord, sent as plenipoten- tiary to France and Lille, 341. Mandat murdered at the Hotel de Ville, 1 148. Mandats territorial!*, issue of, proposed by the directory, 319. Manege, the party so called, 348 ; meet- ings of the closed, 350. Mantua, conference at, by the powers opposed to the revolution, 101 ; capi- tulation of, 328. Marat denounced in the convention, 173 ; assassination of, by Charlotte Corday, 218; his influence after his death, 219. Marechaux d'empirc appointed, 331. Marengo, victory of, 368. Marie Antoinette, her influence over Louis XVI., 12 ; sentence and execu- tion, 230. Marie Louise, her marriage with Na- poleon, 397. Martial law revived by the convention under the name of loi de grande police, 287. Mars, the gallery of, prepared for the ancients, 354. Massacre, the, of the 2nd of September, 160. Massena,victoriesof, in Switzerland, 350. Maupeou, chancellor, plan of disorgani- zation of, 7. Maurepas, character and ministry of, 9 ; his influence over the mind of Louis XVI., ib. Maury, the abb6, leader of the high clergy party, character of his elo- quence, 56 ; his speech on the ques- tion of the renewal of the assembly, 84. Menou replaced in the command of the army by Barras, 307. Merlin de Douai attacked by the coun- cils, 347 ; resigns the directorial au- thority, ib. Military code, the new, favourable to the soldiers, 91. Mirabcau, his revolutionary speech at the states-general, 32 ; his message to the king, ib. ; threatening message sent by him to the king, 49 ; character and principles of, 60 ; causes Neckci to be invested with a kind of financial dictatorship, 77 ; his speech on the extraordinary subsidy, 78 ; his speech on the question of the renewal of the assembly, 84; his great ascendancy over the court, 85 ; his triumph over the accusation conducted against him by the Chatelet, 90 ; death of, 96. Molleville, Bcrtrand de, chief tool of tha court, 122. 420 INDEX. Monarchy, absolute, when established in France, 4. Monarchy, constitutional, desire of Du- mouriez to re-establish, 197. Monsieur the king's brother, decree passed for his impeachment, 125 ; de- prived of his claim to the regency, ib. Montmedy, camp established at, by general Bouilii, for the reception of the king, 102. Montmorin, commissioned by the assem- bly to inform the European powers of its pacific intentions, 102. Moreau appointed by Bonaparte to com- mand the army of the Khine, 367. Moscow, taking of, 400. Mother of God, the, or Catherine Theot, made use of by the committees against Robespierre, 246. Moulins, general, introduced into the directory, 347. Mounier, his speech in the assembly, 38. Mountain, the party so called, its prin- ciples and its position in the conven- tion, 169, 170 ; demands the trial of Louis XVI., 179 ; decrees the consti- tution of 1793,222; its success against :the insurrectionary towns and depart- ments, 225, 226 ; its measures against Robespierre, 263 ; seventy-six of its members condemned to death, or ar- rested, 293. Mountainists, six democratic, condemned to death by a military commission, 292. Murat made king of Naples, 393. NANCT, bishop of, proposal with regard to the catholic worship, 82. , revolt at, caused by the new or- ganization of the army, 91. If antes, re-establishment of the edict of, 10. , trial of ninety -four of the inha- bitants of, 278. Naples, king of, advances on Rome, 345. , taken by general Championnet, 346. Napoleon, Jerome, receives Westphalia, 390 ; driven from his capital, 39C. Narbonne replaces Du Portail as minis- ter of war, 125. National assembly, the, constituted, 29 ; first decree of, ib. National legislative assembly, opening of the, 113 ; early relations between it and the king, 114; question of the manner of addressing the king, 115; the king's speech, ib. ; decree relative to the king's brother, 121 ; decree with regard to the emigrants, ib. ; with re- gard to the dissentient priests, ib. ; question of a declaration to the king requesting him to require the neigh- bouring princes to disperse the military gatherings, 123 ; Isnard's speech, ib. ; decrees the declaration, 124; passes a decree impeaching Monsieur the king's brother, the count d'Artois, and the prince de Cond, 125 ; question of war, the report of Dumouriez, 129; decrees the formation of a camp of twenty thousand men at Paris, 133; decrees the banishment of the non- juring priests, ib. ; letter to, from La- fayette, 135 ; debates concerning the riots of the 20th June, 136 ; division between it and the commune, 157 ; question of waiting for the Prussians under the walls of Paris, 159 ; desires to prevent the massacre of the 2nd of September, 160; concluding observa- tions on, 164 166. Necker, appointment and ministry of, 11 ; compared with Calonne, 12 ; causes the adoption of the double re- presentation of the third estate, IS ; obtains the admission of cures into the clergy, ib. ; his reception in the states- general, 22 ; character of his spoech at the opening of the states-general, 24; his opinion of, and views respect- ing the states -general, 25 ; his loss of influence, 30 ; nature of his measures, ib. ; dismissed, and entreated by the king and queen to remain, 33 ; ba- nished by the court, 35; commotion caused at Paris by his banishmc-nt, 36 ; triumphal return of, to Paris, 51 ; appointed a kind of financial dictator, 77; his resignation and departure from Paris, 90. Nobility, the, its opinion of the states- general, 26. Notables, convocation of an assembly of, 13 ; another, 18. ODEON appointed as the place for the sittings of the members of the five hundred, 337. Orangery, the, prepared for the five hundred, 354. Orders, abolition of, by the parliaments INDEX. 421 of Metz, Rouen, Bordeaux, and Ton- Political state of Europe before the revolution, 98 100. Pope, the, opposes the sale of eccle- siastical property, and the civil con- stitution of the clergy, 92 ; attends the coronation of Napoleon, 3s 1. Portugal, invasion of, 392. Pre"cy, in concert with the marquis dc Virieux, appointed to the command of the insurrectionists of Lyons, .'.<.>. Presburg, peace of, 3S8. Priests, the dissentient, banished a second time, 340 ; allowed to conduct their , worship on taking an oath of obedience, 371. Privileges, abolition of, 53. Proclamateur eiecteur, functions of, SC2. Provinces, the, altered into departments, 75. Provincial list, the, 363. Provisional government, installation of, 361. Prussia, campaign against, 390. Prussians, invasion of the, 158. , departure of, 164. , peace of Bale with, 297. louse, 76. Orleans, duke of, his unfitness for a con- spirator, 61. PACIFICATION, the general, 370. Palais Royal, tumultuous assemblies held in the gardens of, 35. Paper money, origin of, 81 ; attempt of the directory to revive, 319. Paris, arrival of troops at, and general excitement of, 34; fortification of, 47. Parliament, cause of the popularity of, under Louis XV. and Louis XVI., 6. Parthenopian republic proclaimed at Naples, 34G. ,. Parties, state of, at the opening of the national legislative assembly, 116 ; at the death of Louis XVI., 192. Peace, general, except with England, 341. Peninsula, national insurrection of the, 393. People, the, courted by all parties, 93. I'eronne, design of conveying the king to, 85. Petion, denounces the banquets of the guards, 69. Petition of insurgents to procure the recal of the Girondist ministry, 136. Philipeaux, denounces the manner in which the Vendean war had been carried on, 236 ; his execution, 245. Philosophers of the 18th century, influ- ence and object of, 8. Pichegru, elected president of the younger council, 331 ; arrested by Augereau, 33C ; conspiracy of, 378 ; his death, ib. I'iedmont, termination of war with, 326 ; united to France, 377. Piombino, the prince of, receives the republic of Lucca, 386. Pilnitz, declaration of, 107. Pitt, various treaties concluded by, 195, note. Plain, the portion of the convention so called, 167. 1'ienary courts, establishment of, 15 ; the political attributes of power invested in, 16 ; abolition of, 17. Plenipotentiaries, the French, stopped and murdered near Rastadt, 345. Folignac, comtessc de, a committee of the nobility and clergy held at her .house, 26. . Prussian monarchy, reduced by one half, 390. Puisaye, the marquis de, his conduct in the Vendean war, 300. QUIBEHON, descent upon by the English and the emigrants, 301. Quinze-vingts, the section of, threaten insurrections unless the king is de- throned, 146. REGMF.R de la Meurthe demands the removal of the legislative body to Saint Cloud, under the superintend- ence of Bonaparte, 343. Reign of Terror, the end of the, 271. Representation, double, Necker causes it to be adopted by the council, 18. Republic, the, situation of, at the instal- lation of the directory, 315, 316. , military situation of, 320. , attacked by Russia, Austria, and England, 345. Republican party, first appearance of, 104. Republicans, reasonable alarm of the, at the increasing power of Booaparte, 354 ; the extreme, proscription put in. force against, 361. Revolution, the, its character and results. 422 1 ; obstacles with which it had to contend, 2 ; course proposed to be fol- lowed in reviewing its history, ib. ; when it dates from, 12 ; open advo- cacy of, in Mirabeau's speech at the states-general, 32 ; reasons of the various classes for espousing the cause of, 35 ; further progress, and more decided character of, assumed on the 13th July, 40 ; commencement of the hatred of the clergy to, 80 ; rapid es- tablishment of the government of, 86 ; political state of Europe before the, 98, 100 ; general coalition formed against, 100 ; commencement of the dictatorial and arbitrary epoch of the, 158; Danton's opinion of the, 158; its two distinct objects, 313; review of, ib., et seg. .Revolutionary government formed, 231 ; return of the directory to, 340. tribunal, suspended, 275; sus- pension of rescinded, by Billaud-Ya- rennes, ib. Kewbell, elected a member of the direc- tory, 311. Eight, the, its principal speakers, 116. Riots on the 20th of June, the anniver- sary of the oath of the Tennis-court, 136. Kochambeau, Marshal de, his opinion respecting the war with Holland and Belgium, 131. Robespierre, animosity of the conven- tion towards, 171; character of, ib.; denounced in the convention, 172 ; again accused by Louvet, 175 ; ex- cuses himself, 176 ; attacks the He- bertists, 235 ; accused of moderation, 239 ; his speech regarding legal go- vernment, 240 ; his interview with Danton, 241 ; his power and position, 252 ; Cecil Renaud's visit to his house, ib. ; appointed president of the con- vention, 253 ; as high priest he offi- ciates at the celebration of the new religion, ib. ; his speech, demanding a renewal of the committees, 260, 261 ; violently attacked by Billaud-Varen- nes, 262 ; his arrest, 266 ; liberated and taken hi triumph to the Hotel de Ville, 267; his death, 271. Bcederer, sent for by the queen and ques- tioned as to the safety of the king, 148. Eoland, character and ministry of, 128 ; anecdote of him on going to court, ib.; kills himself on hearing of the death of his wife, 231. , Madame, condemned to death, Romairie, count de la, arrest of, for the insurrection of La Vende'e, 200. Rome, riots at, 343 ; it is changed into a republic, ib. Romme, the deputy, appointed the organ of the insurrection of Germinal, 291. Royalist committee of Paris attacks the advocates of the tvro-thirds, 305. conspiracy, 32-3 ; failure of, 326. elections of the year V. 3-30 ; party, the, its opposition to the re-election of two-thirds of the mem- bers of the convention, 305 ; insurrec- tion of, 306, et teg. Russia, war with, 399. SAINT-DOMINGO, insurrection in, 371. Saint-Just, his speech on the king's in- violability, 181 ; his threatening speech in the convention, 241, 242 ; his per- son and character, 250 ; recalled from the army by Robespierre, 259 ; ar- rested, 266 ; released, 267 ; his execu- tion, 271. Saint-Leger, conduct and reception of, at the convention, 292. Salle, marquis de la, appointed second in command to the army of citizens, 41. Salm, the club of, establishment of, 332. Sans-culotides, part of the year so called in the republican calendar, 23?. Schism respecting the civil constitution of the clergy, 92. School of medicine appointed for the sittings of the members of the an- cients, 337. Sections, the, reduction in the meetings of, 276 ; disperse the insurgents of Germinal, 291. Senators, nomination of, 366. Senatus-consultus, obtained for the trans- portation of the Chouan conspirators, 870. Sens, Brienne, archbishop of, appointed to the ministry, 13. See Brienne. Sieyes, publication of his pamphlet on the third estate, 18; his propositions for the union of the orders, 28 ; cha- racter and principles of, 59; demands | the recal of the proscribed conven- INDEX. 423 tionalists, 2S5 ; elected a member of the directory, 311; replaced by Car- not, ib. ; labours to establish legal re- form, 348 ; attacks the Jacobins, 350 ; appointed one of the consuls, 361. Spain, peace made with, at Bale, 298, Spain and Portugal, invasion of, 392. Spanish catechism, the, 395. States-general, the regular convocation of, demanded by parliament, 15 ; day of the convocation of, fixed by the king, 1 7 ; appearance of d'Entraigue's pamphlet on, 18 ; opening of, fixed for the 5th of May, 1789, 19 ; cere- monies before and on the opening of, 21, 22 ; vigil kept by the kir.g, before the opening of, 21; the king's speech at, i 1 -' ; Barentin's speech at, 23 ; Keeker's speech at 24 ; importance of, ib. -, views of Necker regarding, 25 ; opinion of the court and nobility respecting, 26 ; opened after various delays, and at- tended by the king, 31 ; decrees the inviolability of its members, 83 ; ef- fect of Mounier's speech upon, 38 ; speech of count de Virieu at, 39 ; sends a deputation to the king, ib. ; :.), gilt cloth, gilt edges, lilt. 6d. 1S47 BOOK OF GEMS, OR THE POETS AND ARTISTS OF GREAT BRITAIN. .1 vols. Svo. 150 exquisite Line Engravings after TURNER, BONIKGTOX, LAXDSEER, ROBERTS MVLREADY, etc. etc.; also numerous Autographs (pub. at 4<. Hi. 6d.) Cloth elegantly gilt, S!. oj., or in morocco 31. 3t. BOOK OF GEMS, OR THE MODERN POETS AND ARTISTS OF GREAT liRITAIN. Svo. 50 exquisitely beautiful Line Engravings after TURNER, BO;;I;IOTO, etc. etc. (pub. at 11. lit. 6ci.{, cloth elegantly gilt, lit., or morocco, 1(. It. BLUNT'S BEAUTY OF THE HEAVENS; a Pictorial Display of the Astronomical Phenomena of the Universe ; with a Familiar Lecture on Astronomy, 'illustrated by 104 Plates, many coloured Broad Svo., cloth gilt, I, 1 , li. 1SSS BOTTA AND FLANDIN'S GREAT WORK ON NINEVEH; published at the ex- Spnse of tlie French Government. MOXCMENS DE NINIVE. deconveris et decrits pnr P. E. OTTA. mesures et dessinfs par E. FJ.ANDI.V. S vols. large folio, (iu 9U livraiioii;), containin); 400 Engravings, (pub. at90/.), 361. BOOK OF SHAKSPEARE GEMS. A Seriesof Landscape Illustrations of the most inte- resting localities of Shakspeare's Dramas; wilh Historical and Descriptive Account!, by WASHINGTON IRVING, JESSE, W. HOWITT, WORDSWORTH, INC LIS, and others. lo. ita 4i highly-finished Steel Engravings (pub. it li. lit. Cd.), gilt clotb, 14t. CATALOGUF OF NEW BOOKS, BOOK OF WAVERLEY GEMS. A Series of 64 highly-finished Line Engravings of the most interesting Incidents and Scenes in Walter Scott's Novels, by HEATH, FINDEN, ROLM, and other*, after Pictures by LESLIE, STOTHARD, COOPER, HOWARD, &c., with illustrative letter- press, 8vo. (pub. at H. lit. W. ), cloth, elegantly gilt, lit. BROCKEDON'S PASSES OF THE ALPS. 2 vols. medium 4to. Containing 109 beautiful Engravings (pub. at luf. lOi. in boards), half-bound morocco, gilt-edges, 31. I3i. 6d. SRITTON'S CATHEDRAL CHUTCH OF LINCOLN, 4to, 16 fine plates, by LB Kzux, (puh. at 3;. Si.), cloth, 11. St. Royal 4to, Large Paper, cloth, If. 11>. 6rf. This volume was published to complete Mr. Britton's Cathedrals, and is wanting in most of the sets. BRYAN'S DICTIONARY OF PAINTERS AND ENGRAVERS. New Edition, cor- rected, greatly enlarged, and continued to the present lime, by GEORGE STANLEY, Esq., com- plete in one large volume, impl. 6vo, numerous plates of monograms, 21. 2t. BUNYAN'S PILGRIM'S PROGRESS, STOTHARD'S Illustrated Edition. 8vo, with 17 exquisitely beautiful illustrations alter this delightful Artist, executed on Steel by GOODALL and others, also numerous woodcuts, cloth gilt (pub. at II. !.), 12. the same, INDIA PROOFS, cloth gilt (pub. at 11. 2s.}, II. It. BURNETTS ILLUSTRATED EDITION OF SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS ON PAINTING, 4to, 12 fine plates, cloth (pub at 21. 2t.), 11. It. 1843 ^^ the same, large paper, royal 4to, proof impressions of Plates, cloth ; i-.ub. at U. 4*.}, tU 2*. BYRON'S TALES AND POEMS, FINDKN'S Illustrated Edition, witu *G Engravings on Steel, 8vo, cloth extra, gilt edges (pub. at \l. It.), lOt. 6d. CANOVA'S WORKS, engraved in outline by Moses, with Descriptions and a Biograpliical Memoir by Cicognari. 3 vols., imp. 8vo, 155 plates, and fine portrait by Worlhingon, half- bound morocco (pub. at 61. 12.J, 11. it. CARTER'S ANCIENT ARCHITECTURE OF ENGLAND. Illustrated by 103 Copper- plate Engravings, comprising upwards of Two thousand specimens. Edited by JOHN BRIT- Ton, Esq. Royal folio (pub. at 12(. 12t.), half-bound morocco, 4(. 4t. CARTER'S ANCIENT SCULPTURE AND PAINTING NOW REMAINING IN ENGLAND, from the Earliest Period to Uie Reign of Henry VIII. With Historical and Critical Illustrations, by DOUCE, GOUGH. MEVRICK, DAWSOK, TURNER, and BRITTOX. Royal folio, with 120 large Engravings, many of which are beautifully coloured and several illuminated with gold (pub. at 1st. lit.), half-bound morocco, &l. 81. 1838 CARTER'S GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE, and Ancient Buildings in England, with 120 Views, etched by himself. 4 vols, squat* 12nto(pub. at 11. 2s.), half morocco, 18t CATLIN'S NORTH-AMERICAN INDIANS. 2 vols. impl. 8vo. 360 Engravings (pub. at 21. 12t. 6d.), cloth emblematically gilt, U. lot. the same, with the Plates beautifuUy Coloured, of which only 12 Copies hive been got up, hf. bd. morocco extra, 8/. 8. CATTERMOLE'S ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF THE GREAT CIVIL WAR OF THE TIMES OF CHARLES I. AND CROMWELL, with 30 highly- finished Engravings on Steel, after CATTERMOLE, by ROLLS, \VILLMORE, and other first fate Artists, imperUJ 8vo, cloth extra, gilt edges, U. it. CHAMBERLAINE'S IMITATIONS OF DRAWINGS from the Great Masters in the Royal Collection, engraved by BARIOLOZZI and others, impl. fol., 70 Plates (pub. at 12. 12t.), half bound morocco, gilt edges, M. it. CLAUDE'S LIBER VERITATIS. A Collection of 300 Engravings in imitation of original Drawings of CLAUDE, by EARLOM. 3 Tols. folio (pub. at 311. lut.l, half-l morocco, gilt edges, 101. lOt. CLAUDE, BEAUTIES OF, 24 FINE ENGRAVINGS, containing some if his choic. Landscapes, beautifully Engraved on Steel, folio, with descriptive letter-press, and Portra in a portfolio (pub. at 3<. 12t.J, 1L it. CONSTABLE'S GRAPHIC WORKS,many of them now first published, comprising for large and highly-finbhed Mezzutinto Engra'vinas on Steel, by DAVID LUC'AS, with short ' scnptive letter-press, extracted from LESLIE'S Life of Constable, folio, halt-bound mon gilt edges, 3(. :3t. 6d. CONSTABLE, THE ARTIST, (Leslie's Memoirs of) including his Lectures, 2nd Editio with 2 beautiful Portraits, and the plate of" Spring," demy 4to, oioth (pub. at it. It.), lit. COESVELT'S PICTURE GALLERY. With an introduction bv MRS. JAMESON. Roya 4to, 90 Plates beautifully engraved in outline. India Proofs (pub. at ii. it.), Uali-bouJM morocco, extra, 31. St. COOKES SHIPPING AND CRAFT. A series of 65 brilliant Etchings, comprii Picturesque, hut at tke same time extremely accurate Representations. Royal ito (pu! 3{.i*t (ki.) giUc'vth, 11. llt.&L. (pub. PUBLISHED OB SOLD BY II. G. BOHN. COOKE'S PICTURESQUE SCENERY OF LONDON AND ITS VICINITY. 50 beau- tiful Etchings, after drawings by CALCOTT, STANFIELD, PROUT.ROB.BRIS. HAKDIKQ, STARK, and COTMAN. KoyaUto. Proofs (pub. at it.), gilt cloth, 11. 2. CONEY'S FOREIGN CATHEDRALS, HOTELS DE VILLE, TOWN HALLS, AND OTHER REMARKABLE BUILDINGS IN FRANCE, HOLLAND, GERMANY; AND ITALY. 32 Sue large Plates. Imperial folio (pub. at 101. lOi.J, half-morocco, jrilt edges, 31. 13. 6ci. U)j2 CORONATION OF GEORGE THE FOURTH, by SIR GF.ORGK NATI.OE, in a Serieaof faithful portraits of many of the distinguished Individuals who were present'; with historical and descriptive letter-press, atlas folio (pub. at i2l. lot.), half-bound morocco, gill eHges 121. 12t. COSTUME AND HISTORY OF THE CLANS, by JOHN SOBTESKI SroLBicsr, STU>*T, and CHARLES EDWARD STUART, Imperial folio, comprising 240 pages of letter-press and 36 finely executed Lithographs, crimson cloth boards (pub. at 61. 6s.), 31. 3i. Edin. 18JS " the same, with the Plates most beautifully Coloured, half-bound morocco extra, gilt edges, si. &>. COTMAN'S SEPULCHRAL BRASSES IN NORFOLK AND SUFFOLK, tending to illustrate the Ecclesiastical, Military, and Civil Costume of former aites, with letter-press descriptions, etc., hy DAWSON TURNER, SIR S. MF.YRICK, etc. 173 Plates. The enamelled Brasses are splendidly illuminated, 2 vols. imp!. 4to, half-bound morocco, gilt edges, 61. 6t. 1836 the same, large paper, imperial folio, half morocco, gilt edges, 8/. St. COTMAN'S ETCHINGS OF ARCHITECTURAL REMAINS in various counties in England, with Letter-press Descriptions by RICKMAN. 2 vols. imperial folio, containing 247 highly spirited Etchings (pub. at 24i. ) , half morocco, 8/. 8. 1838 OANIELL'S ORIENTAL SCENERY AND ANTIQUITIES. The original magnificent edition, 150 splendid coloured Views, on the largest scale, of the Architecture, Antiquities, and Landscape Scenery of Hindoostan, 6 vol*. in 3, elephant folio (pub. at 210/.), elegantly half- bound morocco, 524. 10s. OANIELL'S ORIENTAL SCENERY, 6 vols. in 3, small folio, 150 Plates (pub. at 161 18.i.), half-bound morocco, 61. Cn. This is reduced from the preceding large work, and is uncolourcd. OANIELL'S ANIMATED NATURE, being Picturesque Delineationg of the most inte- resting Subjects from all Branches of Natural History, 125 Engravings, with Letter press Descriptions, 2 vols. small folio (pub. at 161. li.), half morocco (uniform with the Oriental Scenery) 31. 3i. DON QUIXOTE, PICTORIAL EDITION. Translated by JABVTS, carefully revised. With a copious original Memoir of Cervantes. Illustrated by upwards of 820 beautiful Wood Enuravinps after the celebrated Designs of TONY JOHANNOT, including 16 new and beautiful large Cuts, by ARMSTRONG, now first added. 2 vols. royal 8vo (pub. at 24. 10.), cloth gilt, 11. 8>. OULWICH GALLERY, a Series of 50 beautifully Coloured Plates, from the most cele- brated Pictures in this Remarkable Collection, executed hy R. COCKBURV (Custodian.) All mounted on Tinted Card-board in the manner of Drawings, imperial folio, including 4 very large additional Plates, published separate. y at from 3 to 4 guineas each and not befort included in the Series. In a handsome portfolio, with morocco back (pub at 40(.), lot. ifr. "This is one of the most splendid and interesting of the British Picture Galleries, and has for some years been quite unattainable, even at the full price." ECCLESTON'S INTRODUCTION TO ENGLISH ANTIQUITIES, thick 8vo, with numerous woodcuts, cloth (pub. at I!. !.), 9j. EGYPT PERRING'S FIFTY-EIGHT LARGE VIEWS AND ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE PYRAMIDS OF GIZEH, ABOU ROASH, &c. Drawn ftom actual Surv.-y and Admeasurement. With Notes and References to Col. Vyse's great Work, also to Denon, the great French Work on Egypt, Roselllni. Belzoni, Burckhardt. Sir Gardner Wilkinson, Lane, and others. 3 Parts, elephant folio, the size of the great French "Egypte" (pub. at lit. 15.) in printed wrappers, 3l.3t.; half bound morocco, 4i. 14. 6i<. 1841 ENGLEFIELD'S ANCIENT VASES, drawn and engraved by H. Mosr.s, imperial 8vo, SI fine plates, 12 of which are now first published, cloth 'lettered (pub. at 11. 16s.), 12>. ENGLEFIELD'S ISLE OF WIGHT. 4to. 50 large Plates, engraved by COOKE, and a Geo- logical Map (pub. 7(. 7i.), cloth, 21. 5i. 1018 FLAXMAN'S HOMER. Seventy-five beautiful Compositions to the ILTAD and ODTSSET, engraved under I LAXMAN'S inspection, by PIROLI, MOSES, and BLAKE. 2 vols. oblong folio (pub. at 5*. ij.), boards 2(. 2. 180i FLAXMAN'S /ESCHYLUS, Thirty-six beautiful Compositions from. Oblong folio (pnh, at 21. 12. 6rf.), boards H, It. 1U1 B2 CATALOGUE OF NEW BOOKS, FLAXMAN'S HESIOD. Thirty-seven beautiful Compositions from. Oblong loiio (pub. at 21. 12. &/.). buarus II. 1. 1S1T " Flaxmin's unequalled Compositions from Homer, .flJsehylus, and Hesiod, have long been the aiinnistion of Europe ; of their simplicity and beauty the pen is quite incapable of conveying an adequate impression." Sir Ihomu* Lawrence. FLAXMAN'S ACTS OF MERCY- A Series of Eight Compositions, in the manner of Ancient Sculpture, engraved in imitation of the original Drawings, by F. C. LEWIS. Oblon* folio (pub. at 21. 2.), half-bound morocco, 1C*. 1831 FROISSART. ILLUMINATED ILLUSTRATIONS OF. Seventy-four Plates, printed in Gold and Colours. 2 Toll super-royal 8vo. half- bound, uncut (pub. at 4;. lo.), 3/. ic. the same, large paper, 2 vols. royal 4to, half-bound, uncut (pub. at 101. 10.), 6(. 61. GALERIE DU PALAIS PITTI, in 100 livraisons, forming 4 thick vols. super-royal foKo containing 500 fine Engravines, executed by the first Italian Artists, with descriptive lef.er- press in French (pub. at40(.f,2U. Florence, 1837 the same, bound in* vols. half-morocco extra, gilt edges, 252. the same, LARGE PAPER, PROOF BEFORE THE LETTERS, 100 lirraiions, imperial folio (pub. at 100/.),30(. the same, bound in 4 TO!S. half-morocco extra, gilt edges, 35?. CELL AND CANDY'S POMPEIANA, or the Topography, Edifices, and Ornaments of Pompeii. Original Series, containing the Result of allthe Excavations previous to 1819, new and elegant edition, in one vol. royal Svo, with upwards of 100 beautiful Line Engravings bj GOODALL, COOKE, HEATH, PIE, &c. cloth extra, If. 1. GEMS OF ART. 36 FINE ENGRAVINGS, after REMBRANDT. CUTP, RKTHOI.DS, Pocssix, MDRRILO.TENIERS, CORKEGGIO, VAKDERVELDE, folio, proof impressions, in port- folio (pub. at si. Si.), 11. Hi. 6d. dLLRAY'S CARICATURES, printed from the Original Plates, all engraved by himself between 1779 and 1810, comprising the best Political and Humorous satires of the' Reign of George the Third, in upwards of 600 highly-spirited Engravings. In 1 large vol. atlas folio (exactly uniform with the original Hogarth, as sold by the advertiser), half-bound red morocco extra, gilt edges, at. St. GILPIN'S PRACTICAL HINTS UPON LANDSCAPE GARDENING, with some Remarks on Domestic Architecture. Royal Svo, Plates, cloth (pub. at LI.), 7i. GOETHE'S FAUST, ILLUSTRATED BYRETZSCH in 26 beautiful Outlines, royal 4to (pub. at M. !.), gilt cloth, 10. 6d. This edition contains a translation or the original poem, with historical and descriptive notes. GOODWIN'S DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE. A Series of New Designs for Mansions, Villas, Rectory-Houses, Parsonage-Houses; Bailiff's, Gardener's, Gamekeeper's, and Park- Gate Lodges; Cottages and other Residences, in the Grecian, Italian, and Old English Style of Architecture; with Estimates. 2 volt, royal 4to, 96 Plates (pub. at 5(. 01. ), cloth, 2:. 12. 6tt. GRINDLAY'S (CAPT.) VIEWS IN INDIA, SCENERY, COSTUME, AND ARCHI- TECTURE ; chiefly on the Western Side of India. Atlas 4to. Consisting of 36 most beauti- fully coloured Plates, highly finished in imitation of Drawings; with descriptive Letter-press. /Pub. at 122. 12i.), half-bound morocco, gilt edges, 8(. 8>. 1K30 This is perhaps the most exquisitely-coloured volume of landscapes ever produced. HAMILTON'S (LADY) ATTITUDES. 26 bold Outline Engravings, royal 4to, limp cloth, lettered (pub. at U 1U. 6d.), 101. 6d. HANSARDS ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF ARCHERY. Being the complete History and Practice of the Art: interspersed with numerous Anecdotes; forming a complete Manual for the Bowman. 8vo. Illustrated by .18 beautiful Line Engravings, exquisitely finished, by ENGLEHEART, PORTBURV, etc. after Designs by STEPHASOFF (pub. at 11. ILs. 6d ), gilt cloth, 10. 6ti. HARRIS'S GAME AND WILD ANIMALS Of SOUTHERN AFRICA, Large imperial folio. 30 beautifully coloured Engravings, with 30 Vignettes of Heads, Skies, &c. (pub. at 10J. 10*.), half-morocco, 61. 6t. 1814 HARRIS'S WILD SPORTS OF SOUTHERN AFRICA. Imperial 8vo. 26 beautifully coloured Engravings, and a Map (pub. at 21. 2.), gilt cloth, gilt edges, If. it. 1844 HEATH'S CARICATURE SCRAP BOOK, on 60 sheets, containinj upwards of 1000 Comic Subjects, after SETMODR, CH.UIKSHANK, PHIZ, and other eminent Caricaturists, oblong folio (pub. at 21. 24.), cloth gilt, 15>. This clever and entertaining volume is now enlarged by ten additional sheets, each cotn- tainins numerous subjects. It includes the whole of Heath's Omnium Gatherum, both Series: Illustrations of Demonology and Witchcraft; Old Ways and New Ways; Nautical Dictionary; Scenes in London; Sayings and Doings, etc. ; a series of humorous illustrations ol Proverbs, etc. As a Urge and almost infinite storehouse of humour it stands alone. To the young artist it would be found a most valuable collection ot studies; and to the family cirsto a constant source of unexceptionable amusement. PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY H. G. BOHN. O HERVEY'S (T. K.) ENGLISH HELICON; or POETS of the Nineteenth Century, 8ro, illustrated with 12 beautiful Steel Engravings, cloth, gilt edges, (pub. at H. It.), >. 182733 ** The 433 Plates may be had without the letter-press, for illustrating all 8vo. editions ot Sliakspeare, for It. lit. 6d. HOWITTS (MARY) LIVES OF THE BRITISH QUEENS; on, ROYAL BOOK OF BEAUTY. Illustrated with 28 splendid Portraits of the Queens of England, by the first Artists, engraved on Steel under the direction of CHARLES HEATH. Imperial 8vo, very richly bound in crimson cloth, gilt edges, 11. 11>. Cd. HUNT'S (LEIGH) STORIES FROM THE ITALIAN POETS (Dante, Ariosto, Boiardo, Xasso, 1'uk'i). with Lives of the Writers, 2 vols, postSvo., cloth, (pub. at 1 4j.), lu. HUNTS EXAMPLES OF TUDOR ARCHITECTURE ADAPTED TO MODERN HABITATIONS. Royal 4to, 37 Plates (pub. at 21. it.), half morocco, 11. 4t. HUNTS DESIGNS FOR PARSONAGE-HOUSES, ALMS-HOUSES, ETC. Royal 4to, 21 Plates (pub. at 11. it.), half morocco, 14*. 1841 HUNT'S DESIGNS FOR GATE LODGES, GAMEKEEPERS' COTTAGES, ETC. Royal 4to., 13 Plates, (pub. at 11. It.), half morocco, lit. 1841 HUNTS ARCHITETTURA 'CAMPESTRE; OK, DESIGNS FOR LODGES, GAR- DENERS' HOUSES. ETC., IN THE ITALIAN STYLE. 12 Plates, royal 4to. (pub. at II. It.), half morocco, 14. 1827 ILLUMINATED BOOK OF CHRISTMAS CAROLS. Square 8vo. 24 Borders illumi- nated in Gold and Colours, and 4 beautiful Miniatures, richly Ornamented Binding (pub. at 11. it.), lit. 1846 ILLUMINATED BOOK OF NEEDLEWORK. By Mrs. OWT.N, with a History of Needle- work, by the COUNTESS of WILTOK, Coloured Plates, post 8vo. (pub. at 18t.), gilt cloth, it. 1817 ITALIAN SCHOOL OF DESIGN. Consisting of 100 Plates, chiefly engraved by BAKTO- LOZZI, after the original Pictures and Drawings of GUERCIXO, MICHA'EL AKCELO, DOMENI- CJUNO, AXNIBALE, LyDoviro, and AGOSTINO CARACCI, PJETRO DA CORTONA, CARLO MARATTI, and others, in the Collection of Her Majesty. Imperial 4to. (pub. at 10(. lot.), half morocco, gilt edges, 31. 3s. 1812 JAMES' (G. P. R.) BOOK OF THE PASSIONS, royal 8vo, illustrated with 16 splendid Line Engravings, after Drawings by EDWARD COURBOVLD, STEFHASOFP, CJIALON, KtXNT MEADOWS, and JENKINS ; engraved under the superintendence of CHAXLEK HEATH. New and improved edition (just published), elegant in gilt cloth, gi't edges (pub. at H. lit. 6d.), lit. CATALOGUE OF JTEW BOOXR, JAMESON'S (MRS.) BEAUTIES CF THE COURT OF CHARLES THE SECOKS with their Portraits after SIR PETER LBLY nnd other eminent Painters; illustrating tht DUii* of PEJ-YS, EVELV.V, CLAREXDOX, &c A new edition, considerably enlarged, wlfh an rrrir*- ductory Essay and additional Anecdotes. Imperial 8vo, Illustrated by 21 beautiful Portrait* comprising the whole of the celebrated suite of Paintings by LELY, preserved in the Windsa Gallery, and several from the Devonshire, Grosvenor, and Althorp Galleries, extra gilt cloth, II. .'. ^-^^ the same, imperial 8vo, wiM India proof imprcttiont, extra pi!t cloth, gilt edges, 2/. 10* JACKSON'S HISTORY OF WOOD ENGRAVING. New and Enlarged Edition, with several hundred Illustrations, upwards of One Hundred of which are now first added, beautifully printed by Mr. Clay. Imperial bvo, hf. bd. green morocco, uncut. 2.'. is. London, 136U KINGSBOROUGH'S (LORD) ANTIQUITIES OF MEXICO, comprising Fac-sirniles of Ancient Mexican Paintings and Hieroglyphics, preserved in the Royal Libraries of Paris, Berlin, Dresden, Vienna; the Vatican and the Servian Museum, at Home; the Institute at Bologna; the Bodleian Library at Oxford : and various others; the greater part inedited. Also, the Monuments of New Spain, by M. DUPAIX, illustrated by upwards of 1000 elaborate and highly interesting Plates, accurately copied from the originals, by A. AGLID, 9 vols. impe- rial folio, very neatly half bound morocco, gilt edges (pub. at UOi.), 35/. the same, 9 vols. WITH THE PLATES BEAUTIFULLY COLOURED, half bound morocco, Kilt edges, (pub. at 2101.), Kit. the two Additional Volumes, now first published, and forming the 8th and (Mb. of tht whole work, may be had separately, to complete the former seven, in red boards, as formerly done up, 121. 12*. KNIGHTS (HENRY GALLY) ECCLESIASTICAL ARCHITECTURE OF ITALY, FROM THE TIME OF CONSTANTI.YE TO THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. With an Introduction and Text. Imperial folio. First Series, containing 40 beautiful and highly inte- resting Views of Ecclesiastical Buildings in Italy, several of which are expensively illuminated in gold and colours, half-bound morocco, 51. St. 1845 Second and Concluding Series, containing 41 beautiful and highly Interesting Views of Eccle- siastical Buildings in Italy, arranged in Chronological Order; with Descripthe Letter-press. Imperial folio, half-bound morocco, it. 5*. KNIGHTS PICTORIAL LONDON. 6 vols. bound in 3 thick handsome vols., imperial 8vo, illustrated by C50 Wood Engravings (pub. at 31. 3.), cloth gilt), M. 18*. 18*1-44 LANDSEER'S (SIR EDWIN) ETCHINGS OF CARNIVOROUS ANIMALS, Com- prising 38 subjects, chiefly early works o: this talented Artist, etched by his brother THOMAS or his Father, (some hitherto unpublished), with letter-press Descriptions, royal 4to., cloth, II. It. 1853 LONDON. WILKINSON'S LONDINA ILLUSTRATA; OR, GRAPHIC AND HISTORICAL ILLUSTRATIONS of the most Interesting and Curious Arcliitect"ral Monu- ments of the City and Suburbs of London and Westminster, e. g , Monasteries, Churches, Charitable Foundations, Palaces, Halls, Courts, Processions, Places of early Amusements, Theatres, and Old Houses. 2 vols. imperial 4to, containing 207 Copperplate Engravings, with Historical and Descriptive Letter-press (pub. at 261. 5*.), half-bound morocco, si. 5*. 1819-25 LOUDON'S EDITION OF REPTON ON LANDSCAPE GARDENING AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE. New Edition, 250 Wood Cuts, Portrait, thick 8vo, cloth lettered (pub. at If. 10*.), 15*. MARCENY DE GHUY, CEUVRES DE, contenantdifferensMorceauxd'Histoires, Por- traits, Paysages, Batailles, etc., with above 50 remarkably fine Engravings, after Paintings by Poussix, VAXDYCK, REMBRAXDT, and others, including Portraits of Charles I., the Maid of Orleans, 6c. fine impressions. Imp. 4to, half bound morocco (pub. at 5(. 5*.), li. 16*. Pant, 1755 MARTIN'S CIVIL COSTUME OF ENGLAND, from the Conquest to the Present Period, from Tapestry. MSS., &c. Koyal4to, 61 Plates, beautifully Illuminated in Gold and Colours, cloth, gilt, 2i. 12i. 6d. 184J MEYRICKS PAINTED ILLUSTRATIONS OF ANCIENT ARMS AND ARMOUR, a Critical Inquiry into Ancient Armour as it existed in Europe, but particularly in England, from the Norman Conquest to the Reign of Charles II., with a Glossary, etc. by SIR SAMUEL RUSH MEYRICK, LL.D., F.S.A., etc., new and greatly improved Edition, corrected and en- larged throughout by the Author himself, with the assistance of Literary and Antiquarian Friends (ALBERT WAY, etc.) 3 vols. imperial 4to, illustrated by more than loo Plates, splendidly illuminated, mostly in gold and silver, exhibiting some of the finest Specimens existing in England; also anew Plate of the Tournament of'Locks and Keys (pub. at 21/.) balf-bound morocco, gilt edges, 101. 10j. 1814 SIR WALTER SCOTT justly describes this Collection as " THE IN-COMPARABLE ARMOUH." Edinburgh Review. MEYRICK'S ENGRAVED ILLUSTRATIONS OF ANCIENT ARMS &. ARMOUR, In the Collection of Goodrich Court, lio Engravings by Jos. SKELIOX, 3 vols. folio (pub. lit IK Hi.), half morocco, top edges gilt, 4;. Ua. 64. PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY. H. G. BOHN. MILLINGEN'S ANCIENT UNEDITED MONUMENTS; comprising Painted Greek Vases, Statues, Busts, Bas-Reliefs, anil other Remains of Grecian Art. 62 large and beautiful Engravings, mostly coloured, with Letter-press Descriptions, imperial 4to. (pub. at 91. 9i.) hall' morocco, U. Hi. 6d. 1822 MOSESS ANTIQUE VASES, CANDELABRA, LAMPS, TRIPODS, PATER/E. Tiizzm, Tombs, Mausoleums, Sepulchral Chambers, Cinerary Urns, Sarcophagi, ' -i ppi, and other Ornamrnti, 170 Plates, several of which are coloured, with Letter-press, by HOPE, small 8vo. (pub. at 3/. 3.), cloth, It. 5s. 1814 MULLERS' ANCIENT ART AND ITS REMAINS, or a Manual of the Archaeology of Art. By C. O. MUI.LER, author of "History and Antiquities of the Doric Race." New edition by WELCKER, translated by JOHN LEITCH. Thick Svo cloth lettered (pub. at ISi.), 12. MURPHY'S ARABIAN ANTIQUITIES OF SPAIN; representing, in 100 very highly finished line Engravings, by LF. KEUX, FINDEN, LANDSEEK, G. COOKE, &c., the mot Arabs now existing in the Peninsula, Including the magnificent 'palace of tlie Alhamhra; the celebrated \iosque and Bridge at Cordova ; the Royal Villa of Generalise; and the Casade Carbon ; accompanied by Letter-press Descriptions, in 1 vol. atlas folio, original and brilliant impressions of the Plates (pub. at 42i), hall morocco, 121. 12. 1813 MURPHY'S ANCIENT CHURCH OF BATALHA, IN PORTUGAL, Plans, Eleva- tions, Sections, and Views of the; with its History and Description, and an Introductory Discourse on GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE, imperial folio, 27 floe Copper Platen, engraved by LOWRY (pub. at 61. 6t.), half morocco, 21. 8<. 17SJ NAPOLEON GALLERY ; or, Illustrations of the Life and Times of the Emperor, with 9!> Etchings on Steel h REVKLI., and other eminent Artists, in one thick volume, post Svo. (pub. at II. l.),glltc! tli, gilt edges, loj. 6t/. NICOLAS'S (SIR HAi-ti/ Review. NICHOLSONS ARCHITECTURE; ITS PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE. 218 Piaies by LOWRY, new edition, revised by Jos. Gwii/r, Esq., one volume, royal Svo, 11. 111. 6d. 1848 For classical Architecture, the text book of the Profession, the most useful Guide to the Student, and the best Compendium for the Amateur. An eminent Architect has declared it to be " not only the most useful book of the kind ever published, but absolutely indispensable to the Student." PICTORIAL HISTORY OF GERMANY DURING THE REIGN OF FREDERICK THE GREAT; including a complete History of the Seven Years' War. By FRANCIS KUGLER. Illustrated by ADOLPH MKNZEL. Royal Svo, with above 500 Woodcut* (pub. at II. St.), Cloth gilt, 12>. 1849 PICTORIAL GALLERY OF RACE-HORSES. Containing Portraits of all the Winning Horses of the Derby, Oaks, and St. Leger Stakes, during the last Thirteen Years, and a History of the principal Operations of the Tur!'. By WILDRAKB (George Tattersall, Esq.). Roval Svo, containing 9J beautiful. EnKraviinrsof Horses, after Pictures by COOPER, HERRING, HANCOCK, ALKE.V, &c. Also full-lengih chaiacteristic Portraits of celebrated living Sports- men (" Cracks of the Day"), by SEYMOUR (pub. at 21. 2s), scarlet cloth, gilt, H. IDs. PICTORIAL HISTORY OF FRANCE AND ITS REVOLUTIONS, (comprising the period 1789 to 1848), by GEORGE LONG, with fine Portraits, and numerous larye woodcuts, after Designs by HARVEY. Large imperial Svo, cloth (pub. at it,) I2i. PICTURESQUE TOUR OF THE RIVER THAMES, in its Western Course, Including particular Descriptions of Richmond, Windsor, and Hampton Court. By JOHN FISHER MURRAY. Illustrated by upwards of loo very highly-finished Wood Engravings by ORIUK SMITH, BRAXSTOX, LANDELLS, LIMON, and other eminent Artists. Koyal Svo. (pub. at ll. 5j.), giltclBth, 5s. .) cloth, tt. to. 1839 PUGIN'S GOTHIC ORNAMENTS. 90 fine Plates, drawn on Stone by J.D. HAEDING and others. Hoyal 4to, half morocco, 31. 3i. 1844 PUGIN'S NEW WORK ON FLORIATED ORNAMENT, with 30 Plates, splendidly printed in Gold and Colours, royal 4to, elegantly bound in cloth, with rich gol.l ornaments, (pub. M3f. 3s.), 21. 5. RADCLIFFE'S NOBLE SCIENCE OF FOX-HUNTING, for the use of Sportsmen, royal 8vo, nearly 40 beautiful Wood Cuts of Hunting, Hounds, &c. (pub. at it. St.), cloth gilt, 10(. 6 if. 1839 RICAUTI'S SKETCHES FOR RUSTIC WORK, including Bridges, Park and Garden Buildings, Seats and Furniture, with Descriptions and Estimates of the Buildings. New Edition, royal 4to, 18 Plates, cloth lettered (pub. at 16*.), 12*. RETZSCH'S OUTLINES TO SCHILLER'S "FIGHT WITH THE DRAGON." Koyal 4to, containing 16 Plates, engraved by MOSES, stiff covers, It. 6d. RETZSCH'S ILLUSTRATIONS TO SCHILLER'S "FRIDOLIN," Koyal 4to, contain- ing 8 Plates, engraved by MOSES, stiff covers, 4>. (id. REYNOLDS' (SIR JOSHUA) GRAPHIC WORKS. 300 beautiful Engravings (compris- ing nearly 400 subjects,) after this delightful painter, engraved on Steel by S. W. REYNOLDS. 3 vols, folio (pub. at 361.), half bound morocco, gilt edges, 121. I2i. ROBINSON'S RURAL ARCHITECTURE; being a Series of Designs for Ornamental Cottages, in 96 Plates, with Estimates. Fourth, greatly improved, Edition. Royal 4t (pub. at 4f. 4.), half morocco, 21. 5s. ROBINSON'S NEW SERIES OF ORNAMENTAL COTTAGES AND VILLAS 56 Plates by HARDING and ALLOM. Royal 4to, half morocco, 21. 2s. ROBINSON'S ORNAMENTAL VILLAS. 90 Plates (pub. at 41, 4i.) half morocco, 81. 5*. ROBINSON'S FARM BUILDINGS. 56 Plates (pub. at 21. 2*.) half morocco, II. lit. 6d ROBINSON'S LODGES AND PARK ENTRANCES. 48 Plates (pub at Zl. 2s.), half morocco, II lit. 6d. ROBINSON'S VILLAGE ARCHITECTURE. Fourth Edition, with additional Plate. 41 Plates (pub. at ll. 16s), ball bound uniform, 11. 4>. ROBINSON'S NEW VITRUVIUS BRITANNICUS: or, Views, Plans and Elevations of English Mansions, viz., Woburn Abbey, Hatfield House, and Hardwicke Hall: also Cassiohury House, by JOHN BRITTON, imperial folio, 50 fine Engravings, by LE KEUX (pub. at 161. 16s.), half morocco, gilt edges, 31. 13s. 6d. 1847 ROYAL VICTORIA GALLERY, comprising 33 beautiful Engravings, after Pictures at BUCKINGHAM PALACE, particularly REMBRANDT, the OSTADES, TENIERS, GERARD Douw, BOTH, CUYF, REYNOLDS, TITIAN, and RUBENS ; engraved by GRF.ATBACH, S. W. REYNOLDS, PRESBURY, BURNET, &c. ; with letter- press by LINNELL, royal 4to. (pub. at tt. 4s.), halt morocco, 11. 111. 6d. SCHOLA ITALICA ARTIS PICTORI/E, or Engravings of the finest Pictures in the Gal- leries at Rome, imperial folio, consisting of 40 beautiful Engravings after MICHAEL ANGELO. RAPHAEL, TITIAN, CARACCI, GUIDO, PARMIGIAXO, etc. by VOLPATO and others, fine im- pressions, half-bound morocco (pub. at 101. 10s.), 21. 12s. 6d. Romae, 1806 SHAW'S SPECIMENS OF ANCIENT FURNITURE. 75 Plates, drawn from existing authorities, with descriptions by SIR SASIUEL R. MEVBICI. K.H., medium 4to. plain (pub. at2f. 2s.), If. 11s. 6tl. - the same, with a portion of the plates coloured, medium 4to. (pub. at tl. 4i.), 21. !2. 6d.). - the same, imperial 4to, large paper, with all the Plates finely coloured, (pub. at 8f. gj.J, the name, imperial 4to. lar^e paper, tth the whole of the Plates extra finishea in (pub. at ioi lot. I, Oi. PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY H. G. SOHN. 9 SHAW'S ILLUMINATED ORNAMENTS OF THE MIDDLE AGES, from the Cth to the 17th Century, selected from manuscripts and early printed liooks, 19 Plates, carefully coloured from the originals, with descriptions by SIR FKLDLKICK MAUDES, K.H., in one vol.'lto (pub. t M. .), **. the same, large paper, hljrhly-flnisbed with opaque colours, and heightened with gold, imperial 4to (pub. at (it. 10. ),8t. SHAWS ALPHABETS, NUMERALS, AND DEVICES OF THE MIDDLE AGES, selected from the finest existing Specimens, 48 Plates (26 of them coloured) imperial svo. (pub. at 21. 24.), It. Us. M. the same, large paper, imperial 4to, with the coloured plates highly-finished, and heightened with gold (pub. at4t. 4.), 31. luj. SHAWS HAND-BOOK OF MEDI/EVAL ALPHABETS AND DEVICES, being a selection of 20 Plates of Alphabets, and 17 Plates of original specimens ol Labels, Monograms, Heraldic Devices, &c. not heretofore figured, in all 37 Plates, printed in colours, imperial Bvo. in cloth boards (pub. at It. 163.), lit. SHAW'S SPECIMENS OF THE DETAILS OF ELIZABETHAN ARCHITECTURE. with descriptions by T. MOULE, ESQ., 60 Plates, 4to, boards (pub. at 3t. 3s.), It. 1U. 6d. the samp, large paper, imperial 4to, proof plates on India paper, some coloured (pub. at 6i.6i.), t(. 3. SHAWS ENCYCLOP/EDIA OF ORNAMENT, select examples from thepurest and beat specimens of all kinds and of all ages, 59 Plates, 4to, boards (pub. at It. 10.), It St. the same, large paper, imperial 4to, all the Plates coloured, boards (pub. at 31.), 21. lit. 6d. SHAWSSPECIMENS OFORNAMENTAL METAL WORK, with 50 plates, 4to,boardi (pub. at 21. 2t.), It. 1. SHAWS DECORATIVE ARTS OF THE MIDDLE AGES, exhibiting: on 41 Plates, with numerous Woodcuts, beautiful specimens of the various kinds of Ancient Enamel, Metal Work, Wood Carvings, Paintings on Stained Glass, Initial Illumination., Embroidery, Book- binding, and other Ornamental Textures, also fine and elegant Initial letters to the various descriptions, imperial Svo, boards (pun. at 21. 2*.), II. 16. the same, large paper, imperial 4to, 41 Plates, some coloured, hoards (pub. at 4.'. 4*.) 3/. 1U. the same, large paper. Imperial 4to, with the whole of the plates coloured in the highest style, forming a very beautiful and interesting volume, boards (pub. at St. St.), 61. 6. SHAWS DRESSES AND DECORATIONS OFTHE MIDDLE AGES, from the 7lh to the 17th centuries, with an Historical Introduction and Descriptive Text to every Illustration, consisting of 85 Copper Plates of elaborate Woodcuts, a profusion of beautiful Initial Letters, and examples of curious and singular ornament enriching nearly every page of this highly decorated work, 2 vols., imperial svo, the plates carefully coloured, boards (pub. at 7t. 7i.), 5.'. l.i<. ('. the same, 2 vols large paper, imperial 4to, the plates highly coloured and picked-in with gold, boards (pub. at IS.'.), 14'. He. - the same, large paper, imperial 4to, with the plates highly coloured and the whole of the Initial Letters and Illustrations picked in with gold (only 12 copies got up in this manner) (pub. at 30,'.), -M. SHAWS ORNAMENTAL TILE PAVEMENTS, drawn from existing authorities Royal 4to, with 47 large coloured plates, half- bound, reduced to 21. 2i. London, 1831 SHAWS GLAZIER'S BOOK, or Draughts serving for Glaziers, but not impertinent for Plasterers, Gardeners, and others, consisting of elaborate designs for Casement Windows, Plasterers' work, garden walks, etc., 117 Plates, mostly taken from a work published in 1615, by WALTER GIDDE, 8vo, boards, pub. at 16., 10*. 6d. SHAW AND BRIDGEN'S DESIGNS FOR FURNITURE, with Candelabra and interior Decoration, 60 Plates, royal Ito, pub. at 3/. 3., half-bound, uncut, It. 11. 6d. 1838 - the same, large paper, impl. 4to, tlie Plates coloured (pub. at 6.'. St.) half bd., uncut, 3t. 3j SHAW'S LUTON CHAPEL, its Architecture and Ornaments, illustrated in a series of 26 highly-finished Line Engravings, imperial folio (pub. at 3t. 3*.) half-morocco, uncut, It. 16*. SILVESTRE'S UNIVERSAL PALEOGRAPHY, or Fac-sirailes of the writings of every age, taken from the most authentic Missals and uther interesting Manuscripts existing in the Libraries of France, Italy, Germany, and England. By M. Silvestre, containing upwards of 300 large and most beau'.ifully executed fac-similes, on Copper and Stone, most richly illumi- nated in the finest style of art, 2 vols. atlas folio, half-morocco extra, gilt edges, 31t. 10>. -- the Historical and descriptive Letter-press by Champollion, Figeac, and Cham- pollion, jun. With additions and corrections by Sir Frederick Madden. '2 vols. royal Svo, cloth, It. 16*. ; or hf. mor. gilt edges (uniform ith the folio work) 2t. 8. IBS* SMITH'S (C. J.) HISTORICAL AND LITERARY CURIOSITIES. Consisting of Fac-similes of interesting Autographs, Scenes of remarkable Historical Events and interesting Localises. F.nuravinzs of Old Houses, Illuminated and Missal Ornaments, \ntiquities, &c., tic., containing IOJ Plates, some i luminated, with occasional Letter press. In 1 volume 4to, half morocco, uncut, reduced to 21. 12i. 6J. SOLLY ON THE HUMAN BRAIN: its Structure, Physiology, and Diseases; with a Comparative View of the Typical Forms of Brain in the Animal Kingdom. With numerous Wood Engravings. Svo, Cloth (pub. at It. Is.) 7*. 6. ^ or on large paper, Plates illuminated (pub. at 281.}, 121. 12. STRUTTS SYLVA BRITANNICA ET SCOTICA; or Portraits of Forest Trees, distin- guished for their Antiquity, Magnitude, or Beauty, comprising 50 very large and highly finished painters' Etchings, imperial folio (pub. at 91. 9.), half morocco extra, gilt edges, 41. lOi. 1826 STRUTTS DRESSES AND HABITS OF THE PEOPLE OF ENGLAND, from the Establishment of the Saxons in Britain to the present time ; with an historical and Critical Inquiry into every branch of Costume. New and greatly improved Edition, with Cri- tical and Explanatory Notes, by J. R. PLANCHE', Esq., F.S.A. 2 vols. royal 4to, 15-3 Plat, cloth, tl. it. The Plates coloured, 71. It. The Plates splendidly illuminated in gold, silver, and opaque colours, in the Missal style, 202. STRUTTS REGAL AND ECCLESIASTICAL ANTIQUITIES OF ENGLAND. Containing the most authentic Representations of all the English Monarchs from Edward the Confessor to Henry the Eighth; together with many of the Great Personages that were emi- nent under their several Reigns. New and greatly improved Edition, by J. R. PLANCHE', Esq., F.S.A. Royal 4to, 72 Plates, cloth, 21. 2t. 'The Plates coloured, U. 4*. Splendidly illuminated, uniform with the Dresses, 121. 12>. 184* STUBBS 1 ANATOMY OF THE HORSE. 24 fine large Copperplate Engravings, Impe- rial folio (pub. at 41. 4>.), boards, leather back, 11. 11. 64. The original edition of this fine old work, which is indispensable to artists. It has long been considered rare. TATTERSALL'S SPORTING ARCHITECTURE, comprising the Stud Farm, the Stall, the Stable, the Kennel, Race Studs, &c., with 43 beautiful Steel and Wood illustrations, several after HANCOCK, cloth gilt (pub. at 11. lit. 6d.), it. It. TRENDALL'S DESIGNS FOR ROOFS OF IRON, STONE, AND WOOD, with Measurements, &c., for the use of Carpenters and Builders (an excellent practical work), 4to, limp cloth (pub. at I5i.), 7>. 64. TURNER AND GIRTIN'S RIVER SCENERY ; folio, 20 beautiful Engravinss on Steel- after the drawings of J. M. W. TURNER, brilliant impressions, in a portfolio, with morocco back (pub. at il. St.), reduced to li. lit. 6J. the same, with thick glazed paper between the plates, half-bound morocco, gilt edges (pub. at 61. 6. ), reduced to 21. 2. TURNER'S LIBER FLUVIORUM, or River Scenery of France, 62 highly-finished Line Engravings on Steel by WILLMORE, GOODALL, MILI-'ER, COUSEXS, and other distinguished Artists, with descriptive Letter-press byLEiTCH RITCHIE, and a Memoir of J. W. 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WARRINGTON'S HISTORY OF STAINED GLASS, from the earliest period of the Art to the present time, illustrated by Coloured examples of Entire Windows, in the various styles, imperial folio, with 25 very large ard beautifully coloured Plates (one of them nearly four feet In length) half boand morocco, gilt edges (pub at St. St.), St. lot. 6tt. WATTS'S PSALMS AND HYMNS, ILLUSTRATED EDITION, complete, with indexes of "Subjects," " First Lines," and a Table of Scriptures. 8vo, printed in a very large and beauti- ful type, embellished with 24 beauUAU Wod Cuts by MARTIN, WESIALL, and others (pub. at U. U.), gilt cloth, 7. 6A PUBLISHED OK SOLD BY H. O. BOHN. 11 WESTWOODS PALEOGRAPHIA SACRA PICTORIA; being a series of Illustrations of the Ancient Versions ot the Bible, copied from Illuminated Manuscripts, executed bctww the fourth and sixteenth centuries, royal 4to, 50 Plates beautifully illuminated in gold am' colours, halt-bound, uncut (pub. at 41. lot.), 31. lot. WHISTON'S JOSEPHUS, ILLUSTRATED EDITION, complete; containing both the Antiquities and the Wars of the Jews. 2 vols. 8vo, handsomely printed, embellished with 51 beautiful Wood Engravings, by various Artists (pub. at II. 4*.), cloth boards, elegantly jilt, 14t. WHITTOCKS DECORATIVE PAINTER'S AND GLAZIER'S GUIDE, containing th< most approved methods ot initiating every kind of Fancy Wood and Marine, in Oil or Distemper Colour, Designs for Decorating Apartments, ana the Art of Staining and Painting on Glaus, &c., with Examples from Ancient Windows, with the Supplement, 4to, illustrated with 104 plates, ot which 44 are coloured (pub. at 21 Hi.), cloth, It. lot. WHITTOCK'S MINIATURE PAINTER'S MANUAL Foolscap 8vo, 7 coloured plates, and numerous woodcuts (pub. at St.), cloth, 3t. WIGHTWICK'S PALACE OF ARCHITECTURE, a Romance of Artand History. Impe- rial 8vo, with 211 Illustrations, Steel Plates and Woodcuts (pub. at 21. 12t. 6d.), cloth, 1(. It. 1840 WILD'S ARCHITECTURAL GRANDEUR of Belgium, Germany, and France, 24 fine Plates by LE KEUX, &c. Imperial 4to (pub. at 11. lit.), half-morocco, II. 4t. 1837 WILD'S ENGLISH CATHEDRALS. Twelve select examples from the Cathedrals of England, of the Ecclesiastic Architecture of the Middle Ages, beautifully coloured, after the original drawings, by CHARLES WILD, imperial folio, mounted on tinted cardboard like drawings, in a handsome portfolio (pub. at 121. 12t.), U. it. WILD'S FOREIGN CATHEDRALS, 12 Plates, coloured and mounted like Drawings, in a handsome portfolio (pub, at 121. 12t.), imperial folio, 52. St. WILLIAMS' VIEWS IN GREECE, 64 beautiful Line Engravings by MILLER, HOBS- BURGH, and others. 2 vols. imperial 8vo (pub. at 61. Ot.), half-bound mor. extra, gilt edges, 21. 12t. lit/. 18 WINDSOR CASTLE AND ITS ENVIRONS, INCLUDING ETON, by LITCH REITCHIE, new edition, edited by E.JESSE, ESQ., illustrated with upwards of SO beautiful Engravings on Steel and Wood, royal Svo, gilt cloth, I5. WOODS ARCHITECTURAL ANTIQUITIES AND RUINS OF PALMYRA AND BAALBEC. 2 vols. in 1, imperial folio, containing 110 fine Copper-plate Engravings, some very large and folding (pub. at 11. 7t.), half-morocco, uncut, 31. 13i. lid. 1*27 Natural f^istorg, Agriculture, $. ANDREW'S FIGURES OF HEATHS, with Scientific Descriptions, 6 vols, royal Svo, with 300 beautifully coloured Plates (pub. at 15i.), cloth gilt, 71. 10t. BAUER AND HOOKER'S ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE GENERA OF FERNS, in which the characters of each Genus are displayed in the roost elaborate manner In a sene of magnified Dissections and Figures, highly-finished in Colours, imp. Svo, Plates, 6*. 1838-4! BEECHEY. BOTANY OF CAPTAIN BEECHEY'S VOYAGE, comprising an Account of the Plants collected by Messrs. LAY and COLLIE, and other OMceu of the Expedition, during the voyage to the Pacific and Behring's Straits. By Bn WILLIAM JACKSON HOOKER, and G. A. W. ARNOTT, ESQ., illustrated by 100 Plates, beautifnity engraved, complete in 10 parts, 4to (pub. at 71. lot.), it. B^ECHEY.- ZOOLOGY OF CAPTAIN BEECHEYS VOYAGE, compiled from the Collections and Notes of Captain BEECHEY, and the Scientific Gentlemen who accompanied the Expedition. Tlie Mammalia by Dr. RICHARDSON: Ornithology, by N. A. VIGORS, Esq.; Fishes by G. T. LAY, Esq., and E. T. BENNETT, Esq.; Crustacea, by RICHARD OWSN, Esq. Reptiles, by JOHN EDWARD GRAY, Esq. Shells, by W. SOWERBY, Esq. ; and Geology, by the Rev. Dr. BUCKI.AND. 4to,illnstrated hy 47 Plates, containing many hundred Figures, beautifully coloured by SOWERBY (pub. at it. St.), cloth, Si. 13t. 6d. BOLTONS NATURAL HISTORY OF BRITISH SONG BIRDS. Illustrated with Figures the size of Life, of the Birds, both Male and Female, in their most Natural Attitudes : their Nests and Egs, Food, Favourite Plants, Shrubs. Trees, &c. ftc. New Edition, revise, and very considerably augmented, 2 vols. in 1, medium 4tp, containing 80 beautifully coloured plates (pub. at gf. St.), half-bound morocco, gilt backs, gilt edges, 3t. 3t. BENNETT'S FISHES OF CEYLON, now edition, royal 4to, with SO finely coloured plates, extra cloth (pub. at 61. 6s.), reduced to If. Kit. (-npnniM'c; PINETUM bein<* a Synopsis of all the Coniferous Plants at present known, GO 5iTl?T>i K criJtion8 HUtory aifd BjDonjWM, and comprising nearly One Hundred New Kmdi, b GrKc Gn""I. f'rmc-riv Snpc'ri:,teiide..t of the Horticultural Garden, Chiswkk, aisiited by Robert G.endi.iuiii'g, F.H.S. Svo, cloth, 16. 12 CATLOW'S DROPS OF WATER; their marvellous Inhabitants displayed by the Microscope. Coloured plates, 12mo., cloth gilt, 5. CATLOW'S CONCHOLOGIST'S NOMENCLATOR ; or, Catalogue of recent Species of Shells, with their Authorities, Synonymes, and references to works where figured or described. By AGKSS CATLOW and LOVELL REEVE, F.L.S., Svo, cloth (pub. at II. !.), reduced to 10. 6d, CURTIS'S FLORA LONDINENSIS; Revised and Improved to ' GKOEGE GBAVXJ ex- tendedand continued bv Sir W. JACKSON HOOKER; comprising the History of Plants indi- genous to Great Britain, with Indexes; the Drawings made by SYDESHAM, EDWARDS, ant LINDLEY. 5 vols. royal folio (or 109 parts), containing 647 Plates, exhibiting the full size of each Plant, with magnified Dissections of the Parts of Fructification, &c., all beauti- fully coloured (pub. at 87(. 4. in parts), half-bound morocco, top edges gilt, 30f. DENNY-MONOGRAPHIA ANCPLURORUM BRITANNI/E. 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WESTWOOD, Esq., F.L.S., 4to, with 50 plates, containing upwards of 120 exquisitely coloured figures (pub. at 61. 6t.), cloth gilt, 21. St. " Donovan's works on the Insect: of India and China are splendidly illustrated, and xtremely useful." \aluralut. " The entomological plates of our countryman Donovan are highly coloured, elegant, and useful, especially those contained in his quarto volumes ( Insects of India and China), where * great number of species are delineated for the first time." Sicaimon. DONOVAN'S WORKS ON BRITISH NATURAL HISTORY. Viz; Insects, 16 vols. Birds, 10 vols. Shells. 5 vols. Fishes, 5 vols. Quadrupeds, 3 rols. together 39 vols. 8vo, containing 1198 beautifully coloured plates (pub. at 661. 9. ), boards, Ml. 111. The same set of 33 vols. bound in 21 (pub. at 731. lo>.), half green morocco extra, gilt edges, gilt backs, 301. Any of the classes may be had separately. DOYLE'S CYCLOPEDIA OF PRACTICAL HUSBANDRY, and Rural Affairs in General, New Edition, Enlarged, thick svo, with 70 wood engravings (pub. at 13.), cloth, St. 6d. ISO EPISODES OF INSECT LIFE, 3 vols. Crown Svo, with 108 illustrations, tastefully drawn and engraved, elegantly bound in fancy cloth (pub. at 21. St.}, 11. ~t. the same, the plates beautifully coloured, bound in extra cloth, gilt back, sides, and edges (pub. at3(. 3.), 1.'. 16*. the second series, containing 36 illustrations, distinct and complete in itself, has lately been reprinted, and may now be had separately (pub. at 16.), 9*. ^ or the second series, with coloured plates (pub. at II. It,), 14t. DRURY'S ILLUSTRATIONS OF FOREIGN ENTOMOLOGY; wherein are exhibited upwards of 600 exotic Insects, of the East and AVest Indies, China, New Holland, North and South America, Germany. Sic. By J. O. WESTWOOD, Esq.. F.L.S. Secretary of the Entomo- figures of Insects (originally pub. at 15/. lot.), half-bound morocco, 6(. 16*. td. 1837 GOULD'S HUMMING BIRDS. A General History of the Trochilidae, or Hummin? Birds, with especial reference to the Collection of J. GOULD. F.R.S., fee. (now exhibiting in the gardens of the Zoological Society of London), by W. C.L. MARTIN, late one of the Scientific Officers of the Zoological Society of London, fcap. Svo. with 16 coloured Plates, cloth gilt, Si. the same, with the Plates BEAUTIFULLY COLOURED, heightened with gold, cloth gilt, 10. 6rf. GREVILLE'S CRYPTOGAM 1C FLORA, comprising the Principal Species found in Great Britain, inclusive of all the New Species recently discovered in Scotland. 6 vols. royal Svo, 360 beautifully coloured Plates (pub. at 16<. 16>.),' half-morocco, *l. Si. 'lS23 8 This, though a complete Work in itself, forms an almost indispensable Supplement to the thirty-six volumes of Sowerby's English Botany, which does not comprehend Cryptogamous Plants. It is one of the most scientific and best executed works on Indigenous BuUny evtr produced In this country. PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY H. G. BOHN. 13 HARDWICKE AND GRAY'S INDIAN ZOOLOGY. Twenty parts, forming two vol royal folio, 202 coloured plates (pub. at 2H.), tewed, 12/. 12>., or half-morocco, gilt edge* H.. Hi. HARRIS'S AURELIAN; OR ENGLISH MOTHS AND BUTTERFLIES. Their Natural History, together with the Plants on which they feed; New and greatly improved Edition, by J. (). WBSTWOOD, Esq., F.L.S., &c.. In 1 vol. sm. folio, with 44 plates, containing above 100 figures of Moths, Butterflies, Caterpillars, &c., and the Plants on which they feed, exquisitely coloured after the original drawings, half-bound morocco, 4i. 4. 1(40 This extremely beautiful work Is the only one which contains our English Moths and Butter- flies of the full natural size, in all their changes of Caterpillar, Chrysalis, &c., with the plant* on which they feed. HOOKER AND GREVILLE, ICONES FILICUM ; OR FIGURES OF FERNS, With DESCRIPTIONS, many of which hare been altogether unnoticed hy Botanists, or have not been correctly figured. 2 vols. folio, with 240 beautifully coloured 1'litea (pub. at til. 4.), half-morocco, gilt edges, 12'. 12. 182911 The grandest and most valuable of the many scientific Works produced by Sir William Hooker. HOOKER'S EXOTIC FLORA, containing Figures and Descriptions of rare or otherwiia interesting Exotic Plants, especially of such as are deserving of being cultivated in our Gar- dens. 3 vols. imperial 8vo, containing 232 large and beautifully coloured Plates (pub. at 15(.), cloth, 61. GJ. 18231827 This is the most superb and attractive of all Dr. Hooker's valuable works. " The Exotic Flora,' by Dr. Hooker, is like that of all the Botanical publications of the In- defctigihle author, excellent; and it assumes an appearance of finish and perfection to which neither the Botanical Magazine nor Register can externally lay claim." London. HOOKER'S JOURNAL OF BOTANY, containing Figures and Descriptions of such Plants as recommend themselvesoy their novelty, rarity, or history, or by the uses to which they are applied in the Arts in Medicine, and In Domestic Economy; together with occasional Botanical Notices and Information, and occasional Portraits and Memoirs of eminent Botanists. 4 vols. Svo, numerous Plates, some coloured (pub. at 3/.), cloth, \l. 1834 41 HOOKER'S BOTANICAL MISCELLANY, containing Figures and Descriptions of Plants which recommend themselves hy their novelty, rarity, or history, or hy the uses to which they are applied in the Arts, in Medicine, and in Domestic Economy, together with occasional Botanical Notices and In ormation, including many valuable Communications from distin- guished Scientific Travellers. Complete In 3 thick vols. royal Svo, with 153 plates, many finely coloured (pub. at it. 5>.), gilt cloth, 21. 12*. 64. 183031 HOOKER'S FLORA BOREALI-AMERICANA ; OR THE BOTANY OF BRITISH NOliTH AMERICA. Illustrated by 240 plates, complete in Twelve Parts, royal 4to (pub. at 121. 12. ). 81. The Twelve Farts complete, done up in 2 vols. royal 4to, extra cloth, 8'. 1829-40 HUISH ON BEES; THEIR NATURAL HISTORY AND GENERAL MANAGEMENT. New and greatly improved Edition, containing also the latest Discoveries and Improvement* In every department of the Apiary, with a description of the most approved HIVES now In use, thick I2mo, Portrait and numerous Woodcuts (pub. at lot. Gd.), cloth gilt, 6t. 6d. 1844 JARDINE'S NATURALISTS LIBRARY, 40 vols, 1200 coloured Plates, extra red cloth. boards (pub. at 12!.), 71. . or the volumes separately, according to the following arrangements, In red cloth, top edge* gilt, 4i. M. i. BIRDS. Vol. Vol. 1. British Birds, vol. 1 22. ANIMALS. 8. Ruminating Animals, vol. 1 2. Ditto vol. 2 (Goats, Sheep, Ox*n) 3. Ditto vol. 3 23. 9. Elephants, &c. 4. Ditto vol. 4 24. In. Marsupial!* i. Sun Birds 25. 11. Seals, Sic. 6. Humming Birds, vol. 1 26. 12. Whales, &c. 7. Ditto vol. 2 27. 13. Monkeys 8. Game Birds 28. INSECTS. 1. Introduction to Entomo- 9. Pigeons logy 10. Parrot* 29. J. British Butterflies 11. Birds of Western Africa 30. ., 3. British Moths, &c. vol. 1 31. 4. Foreign Butierflie* 11. Ditto ol. 2 32. 5. Foreign Moth* 13. Fly catcher* 33. 6. Beetle* 14. Pheasants, Peacock*, &c. 34. ,, 7. Bees 1. Introduction 35. FISHES. 1. Introduction, and Foreign 2. Lions, Tigers Fishes 3. British Quadruped* 36. 2, British Fishes, vol. 1 4. Dogs, vol. 1 37. 3. Ditto vol. 2 5. Ditto, vol. 2 38. ,, 4. Perch, Jtc. 6. Horses 39. 5. Fishes of Guiana, tc. vol. 1 7. Ruminating Animals, vol. 1 (Deer, Antelope*, &c.) 40. 6. Ditto TOl.l 14 CATALOGUE OF NEW BOOKS, JOHNSON'S QA^DENER, with numerous woodcuts, containing the Potato, one vol. Cucumber and Gooseberry, I vol Grape Vine, 2 vols Auricula and Asparagus, one voL Pine Apple, two vols. Strawberry, one vol Dahlia, one vol Peach, one vol. together ) vols, 12mo. Woodcuts (pub. at II. 5.), cloth, 10*. the same, bound i I TO!S. cloth, letterea, 9. JOHNSON'S FARMER'S ENCYCLOPEDIA and Dictionary of Rural Affairs; em- bracing all the most recent dircoveries in Agricultural Chemistry, adapted to the comprehen- sion of unscientific readers, (by Cuthbert Johnson, Editor of the Farmer' Almanac) illustrated by wood engravings, thick 8vo. cloth, HEW EDITION, (pub. at 21. ID*.), II. 1>. LEWIN'S NATURAL HISTORY OF THE BIRDS OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Third Edition, with an Index of the Scientific Names and Synonymes, by Mr. GoutD and Mr. EYTOX, folio, 27 plates, coloured (pub. at tl. 4>.)i half-bound morocco, U. 2. LINDLEY'S BRITISH FRUITS; OR FIGURES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF THE MOST IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FRUIT CULTIVATED IN GREAT BRITAIN. 3 vols. royal 8vo, containing 152 most beautifully coloured plates, chiefly by MM. WITHERS, Artist to the Horticultural Society (pub. at 101. lOi. ), half bound morocoo extra, gilt edges, 5/. 5. "This is an exquisitely beautiful work. Every plate is like a highly finished drawing, timilar to those in the Horticultural Transactions." LINDLEY'S DIGITALIUM MONOGRAPHIA. Folio, 28 plates of the Foxglove (pnb. at ii. .), cloth, \1. 11>. M. i the same, the plates beautifully coloured (p*b. at 61. 0.)> cloth, 21. 12<. 6ei)>v ! It is, without doulit, the most splendid of the kind ever published in Britain, and will stand a comparison, without any eclipse of its lustre, with the most magni- ficent ornithological illustrations of the French school. Mr. Selby baa long and deservedly rai.ked high as a scu-nt.tic naturalist." U lac < wood' i Ma al Svo, containing 318 finely coloured Plates (pub. at 16(. 16i.), half bound morocco, gilt edge*, til. 9. SWEET'S FLORA AUSTRALASICA: on, A SELECTION OF HANDSOME OR CURIOUS PLANTS, Natives of New Holland and the South Sea Islands. IS Nos.. forming 1vol. royal Svo, complete, with 56 beautifully coloured Plates (pub. at W. 15*.), cloth. It. lot. 1827-2* SWEETS CISTINE/E: o, NATURAL ORDER OF CISTUS, OR ROCK ROSE. 80 Nos., forming I vol. royal Svo, complete, with 112 beautifully coloured Plate* (pub. at . St.), cloth, 21. 12. 6d. l*l " One of the moat Interesting, and hitherto the scarcest, of Mr. Sweet's beautiful publication* ' CATALOGUE OF NEW BOOKS, ^Itscdtatuous Utorature, INCLUDING HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, POETRY AND THE DRAMA, MORALS, AND MISCELLANIES. BARBAULD'S (MRS.) SELECTIONS from the SPECTATOB, TATLEH.GTJAKDIAN, ami FREEHOLDER, with a Preliminary Essay, new edition, complete in 2 vo!s, post Svo, elegantnr printed, with Portraits of Addison aud Steele, cloth, junifonn u-uli the Standard Library, (pub. at 10,.), 7. -Uo-ron, 1M BLAKEY'S HISTORY OF THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE MIND; embracing tlie Opinions of all Writers on Mental Science irom the earliest period to the present time, 4 vols. thick 8vo, very handsomely printed, cloth lettered, (pub. at 31.), II. Lon^maut, Jfco BOSWELL'S LIFE OF DR. JOHNSON; BY THE RIGHT HON. J. C. CROKER. Incorporating his Tour to the Hebrides, and accompanied by the Commentaries of all pie- ceding Editors, with numerous Additional Notes and Illustrative Anecdotes; to which are added Two Supplementary Volumes of Anecdotes by HAWKINS, PIOZZI, MURPHY, TYBRS, REYNOLDS, STEVENS, and others. 10 vols. 12mo, illustrated by upwards of 50 Views, Por- traits, and Sheets nf Autographs, finely engraved ou Steel, from Drawings by STANFIELD, HARDING, &c., cloth, reduced to II. 10*. This new, improved, and greatly enlarged edition, beautifnlly printed in the popular form of Sir Walter Scott and Byron's Works, is just such an edition as Dr. Johnson himself loved and recommended. In one of the Ana recorded in the supplementary volumes of the present edition, he says: "Books that you may carry to the fire, and hold readily in your hand, are the most useful after all. Such books form the mass of general and easy reading." BRITISH ESSAYISTS, viz., Spectator, Taller, Guardian, Rambler, Adventurer, Idler, and Connoisseur. 3 thick vols. Svo, Portraits (pub. at 21. 5.), cloth, 11. 7. Either volume may be bad separate. BRITISH POETS, CABINET EDITION, containing the complete Works of the prin- cipal English Poets from MILTON to KIRKE WHITE. 4 vols. post Svo. (size of Standard Library), printed in a very small but beautiful type. 22 Medallion Portraits (pub. at 2t. ?>.), cloth, lit. BROUGHAM'S (LORD) POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY, and Essay on the British Con- stitution, 3 vols. Svo. (pub. at If. Hi. 6rf.), cloth, II. It. 1844-46 British Constitution (a portion of the preceding work), Svo, cloth, St. BLANC'S (LOUIS) HISTORY OF TEN YEARS, from 1830 IStf). 2 thick voU. Svo, cloth (pub. at II. C. ), reduced to 7s. Cd. BURKE'S ENCYCLOP/EDIA OF HERALDRY; OR, GENERAL ARMOURY OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. Comprising a Registry of all Armorii) Bearings, Crests, and Mottoes, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time, including the late Grants hy the College of Arms. With an Introduction to Heraldry, and a Dictionary of Terms. Third Edition, with a Supplement. One very large vol. imperial Svo, beautifullv printed in small type, in double columns, by WHITTINGHAM, embellished with an elabcrat* Frontispiece, richly illuminated in gold and colours: also Woodcuts (pub. at 2i. 2j.), cloth gilt, I/. U. ] g 44 The most elaborate and useful Work of the kind ever published. It contains upwards of 30,000 Armorial Bearings, and incorporates all that have hitherto been given by Guillim. Ed- mondson, Collins, Nistiet, Berry, Robson, and others; besides many thousand names which have never appeared in any previous Work. This volume, in fact, in a small compass, but BURNETTS HISTORY OF HIS OWN TIMES, AND OF THE REFORMATION, with Historical and Biographical Notices. 3 vols. super royal Svo. cloth, il. lit. 6d. BURNS' WORKS, WITH LIFE BY ALLAN CUNNINGHAM, AND NOTES BY SIR WALTER SCOTT, CAMPBELL, WORDSWORTH, LOCKHART, &c. Royal svo, fine Portrait and Platts (pub. at 18.), cloth, uniform with Byron, 10. Cd. This is positively the only complete edition of Burns, in a single volume, Svo. It contain* not only every scrap which Burns ever wrote, whether prose or erse, but also a considerable number of Scotch national airs, collected and illustrated by him (not given eUewhere) and full aud interesting accounts of the occasions and circumstances of his various writings. The very complete and interesting Life by Allan Cunningham alone occupies 164 pases, and the Indices and Glossary are very copious. The whole forms a thick elegantly printed" volume, extending in all to 848 pages. The other editions, including one published in similar shape, with an abridgment of the Life by Allan Cunningham, comprised in only47pages,-and the whole volume in only 504 pages, do not contain above two-thirds of the above. GARY'S EARLY FRENCH POETS. A Series of Notices and Translations, with at Introductory Sketch of the History of French Poetry ; Edited by his Son, the Rer. HENKY GARY, Foolscap 8vo, cloth, 5. 181C PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY H. O. BOHK. 17 GARY'S LIVES OF ENGLISH POETS, supplementary to DR. JOHNSOH'S "Livw.- Edited by his Son. Foolscap 8vo, cloth, Jt. 1848 CHURTONS RAILROAD BOOK OF ENGLAND; Historical, Topographical, and Picturesque ; descriptive of all the Cities, Towns, Country Seats, and Subjects ot local inte- rest on the various Lines, imperial 8vj, cloth, with map aud numerous cuts, (pub. at If. !.), reduced to loi. Cd. Igjl CLASSIC TALES. Cabinet Edition, comprising the Vicar of Wakefield, Elizabetl. Paul and Virginia, Gulliver's Travels, Sterne's Sentimental Journey, Sorrow* of Werter" Theodosius and Constantia, Castle of Otranto, and Rasselas, complete in 1 volume, 12mo: medallion Portraits (pub. at lui. 6d.), cloth, Jt. M. COPLEY'S (FORMERLY MRS. HEWLETT) HISTORY OF SLAVERY AND ITS ABOLITION. Second Edition, with an Appendix, thick small 8vo, fine Portrait ol Clarkson (pub. at 6s.), cloth, 4t. 6d. 1839 COWPERS POETICAL WORKS, including his Homer, edited by CAKY. Illustrated edition, royal !>vo, with 18 beautiful Engravings on Steel, after Designs by HARVKY, cloth, gilt edges, is--: CRAIK'S ROMANCE OF THE PEERAGE; OR, CURIOSITIES OF FAMILY HIS. TORY. 4 vols. post Svo, with fine Portraits on Steel of WALTER DEVEREUX EARL OF ESSEX, AXXE DUCHESS or MON MOUTH AND BUCCLEUCU, MARY TUDOR, and SIR ROBERT DUDLEY, cloth (pub.atU.lt.), 18*. CRIMINAL TRIALS IN SCOTLAND, narrated by JOHN HILL BUETOW. 2 voU. post svo, (pub. at 18.), cloth, 9. 1S53 D'ARBLAY'S DIARY AND LETTERS; edited b her NIECE, including the Period 01 her Residence at the Court of Queen Charlotte. 7 vols, small Svo. With 1'urtraili, cloth, extra, lit. DAVIS'S SKETCHES OF CHINA, During an Inland Journey of Four Months ; with an Account ot the War. 2 vols. post Svo, with a new Map of China (pub. at I6j.), cloth w. 1841 DIBDIN'S (CHARLES) SONGS. Admiralty edition, complete, with a Memoir by T. DIBDIX. Illustiated with 12 Characteristic Sketches, engraved on Steel by GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. 121110, cloth lettered, 5*. 1841 DOMESTIC COOKERY, by a Lady (MM. RUNDELL). New Edition, with numerous additional Receipts, by Mrs. BIRCH, 12mo, with 9 Plates (pub. at 6t.), cloth, 3s. EGYPT AND NUBIA, illustrated from Burckhardt, Lindsay, and other leading Autho- rities, by J. A. ST. JOHN-. 12j fine Wood Engravings. Demy Svo, (pub. at 12*.), cloth, it. ELLIS'S POLYNESIAN RESEARCHES, being a complete Account of the Society and Friendly Islands, written during a Residence. 4 vols. fcap. bvo, new edition, with a complete Index, maps and plates, cloth (pub. at It.), reduced to Hi. FENN'S PASTON LETTERS, Original Letters of the Fasten Family, written during the Reigns of Henry VI, Edward IV, and Richard III, by various person* of Rank and Conse quence, chiefly on Historical Subjects. New Edition, with Notes and Corrections, complete. 2 vols. bound in I, square I2mo (pub. at 10*.), cloth gilt, St. Quaintly bound In marooa morocco, carved boards, in the early style, gilt edges, IS*. The original edition of this very curious and interesting series of historical Letters is a rare book, and sells for upwards of ten guineas. The present is not an abridgement, as might be supposed from its form, but gives the whole matter by omitting the duplicate version of the letters written in an ol.jolete language, and adopting only the more modern, readable version, published hy Fenn. 4 The Paston Letters are an important testimony to the progressive condition of society, and come in as a precious link in the chain of the moral history of England, which they alone to this period supply. They stand indeed singly in Europe._//al/. HEEREN S HISTORICAL RESEARCHES INTO THE POLITICS, INTERCOURSE, AND TRADES OF THE ANCIENT NATIONS OF ASIA: including the Persians, Phoe- nicians, Babylonians, Scythians, and Indians. New and improved Edition, complete In 3 vols. Svo, elegantly printed (pub. originally at 2(.fo.), cloth, 11. 4. " One of the most valuable acquisitions made to our historica. stories since the dayi of Gibbon." AtHenatum. HEEREN'S ANCIENT GREECE, translated hy BANCROFT; and HISTORICAL TREATISES; viz. 1. The Political consequences of the Reformation. II. The Rise, Pre- press, and Practical Influence 01 Political Theories. III. The Rise and Growth of the Conti- nental Interests of Great Britain. In 1 vol Svo. ,,-ith Index, cloth, lit. PUBLISHED OK SOLD BY H. G. BOHN. 19 HEEREN'S MANUAL OF THE HISTORY OF THE POLITICAL SYSTEM OF EUROPE AND ITS COLONIES, liom its formation at the close of the Fifteenth Century, to its re establishment upon the Fall ot Napoleon ; translated from the Fifth German Edition. New Edition, complete In 1 vol. 8vo, cloth. 14. " The best History ot Modern Europe that has yet appeared, and It 1 likely long to rtmalu without a rival. Alhenanm. "A work ol sterling value, which will diffuse useful knowledge for generations, after all th* shallow pretenders to that distinction are fortunately forgotten." Literary Gaxtttt. HEEREN'S MANUAL OF ANCIENT HISTORY, particularly with regard to the Consti- tutions, the Commerce, and the Colonies of the States of Antiquity. Third Edition, corrected and improved. Svo (pub. at III.), cloth 12*. * Hew Edition, with Index. 1847 "We never remember to hive seen a Work in which so much useful knowledge wai con- densed into so small a compass. A careful examination convinces us that this hook will be useful lor our English higher schools or colleges, and will contribute to direct attention to the better and more instructive parts of history. The translation Is executed with great fidelity." Quarterly Journal oj Education. HEEREN'S MANUAL OF ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. For the use of Schools and Private Tuition. Compiled from the Works of A. H. L. HEEREX, 12mo (pub. at 2t. 6d.), cloth, 2,. OJjoril, r.), cloth, 18t. JOHNSON S (DR.) LIFE AND WORKS, by MURPHY. New and improved Edition, complete in 2 thick vols. Svo, Portrait, cloth lettered (pub. at II. lit. W.), lit. 1830 JOHNSONIANA ; a Collection of Miscellaneous Anecdotes and Sayings, gathered from nearly a hundred different Publications, and not contained in BOSWKLL'S Life of Johnson. Edited by J. W. CHOKER, M.P. thick fcap. Svo, portrait and frontispiece (pub. at lot.), cloth, 4t. 6d. JOHNSTON'S TRAVELS IN SOUTHERN ABYSSINIA, through the Country of AdeL, to the Kingdom of Sboa. 2 vote. 8vo, Map and Plates (pub. at II. 81.) cloth, lot. 6tt. 1814 KOHLRAUSCH'S HISTORY OF GERMANY, from the Earliett Period to the Present Time, svo, oloth (pub. at U>.), reduced to 3t. 6d. COSTEKTS. Ancient Germany and its Inhabitants, from the most Ancient Times to the Conquests of the Franks under Clovis, A.I>. 4*>G From the Conquests of Clovis to Charle- magne 48ij-7l)8 The Carlovingians, from Charlemagne to Henry I., 708-91!) From Henry I. to Hudolphus of Hamburg, 919-1273 The Middle Ages From Rudolphus I., of Haps- burg, to Charles V., 1273-1520 Emperors of Different Houses, 1273-1437 The House of Am;; , a, from Charles V. to the Peace ol Westphalia, 1420-1 618 From Uie Peace of West- phalia in 1648 to the present time. KNIGHT'S OLD ENGLANDS WORTHIES: a PORTRAIT GAI.I.KRT of the moat eminent Statesmen, Lawyers, Warriors, Artists, Men of Letters and Science, Sic., of Great Britain, accompanied by full and original Biographies (written by LORD BROUGHAM, CRAIK, DE MORGAN, and others), Imperial 4 to, with 74 tine Portraits on steel, 12 large coloured Plates of remarkable buildings, and upwards of 259 historical and decorative Vignettes oa wood, cloth gilt (pub. lit 1>. 2s. 6d.), lit. KNOWLESS IMPROVED WALKER'S PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY, containinj above 30,000 additional Words ; to which is added an Accentuated Vocabulary of Classical ; n.l Scripture Proper Names, new edition, in 1 thick handsome voluaie, large Svo, with Portrait, cloth lettered (pub. at It. 4.), 7. 64. LACONICS; OR, THE BEST WORDS OF THE BEST AUTHORS. Seventh Edition. 3 vols. 18mo, with elegant Frontispieces, containing 30 Portrait (pub. at lit.), cloth gilt, 7t. Gd. This plejsant collection of pithy and sententious readings, from the best Engltah author! o. all ages, has long enjoyed great and deserved popularity. LOWS DOMESTICATED ANIMALS OF GREAT BRITAIN; comprehending the Natural and Economical History of Species and Varieties ; with Observations on the princi- ples and practice of Breeding. Thick Svo, (pub. at I/. St.), cioth, St. 20 CATALOGUE OF NEW BOOKS, LAING'S KINGS OF NORWAY: THE HEIMSKRIXGLA, or CHRONICLE of the KINGS OF NOB WAY, translated from the Icelandic of SnorroSturleson, with a preliminary Dissertation and Notes by SAMUEL LAING, Esq, ; 3 vo!s., Svo.; cloth, (pub. at li. I6j.), 18*. LAMB'S (CHARLES) WORKS, complete; containing; his Letters, Essays of Elia, Poems, Plays, &c., with Life of the Author, including the additional Memorials, hy SIR T. N. TALFOURD, in 1 stout volume royal Svo, handsomely printed, with Portrait and Vignette Title, (pub. at 1C-.), cloth, 12s. LEAKES (COL.) TRAVELS IN THE MOREA. 3 vols. Svo. With a very large Map of the Morea, and upwards of 30 various Maps, Plans, Plates of ancient Greek Inscriptions, S.c. (pub. at 21. S... ), cloth, 11. Sj. LEWIS'S (MONK) LIFE AND CORRESPONDENCE, -with many Pieces in Prose and Verse, never before published. 2 vols. Svo, Portrait (pub. at li. 8s.), cloth, lij. 183'J LEIGH HUNT'S STORIES FROM THE ITALIAN POETS, (Dante, iriostu, Boiardo, 'lasso, Pulci), with Lives oi the Writers. 2 vols, post Svo, (pub. at II. Js.), cloth, lu. *.* This elegant work is for the Italian Poets what Lamb's Tales are lor Shakespeare. LODGE'S (EDMUND) ILLUSTRATIONS OF BRITISH HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, AND MANNERS, in the Reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., Mary, Elizabeth, and James I. Second Edition, with abovfi 80 Autographs 01 the principal Characters of the period. Thret Tols. Svo. (pub. at II. 16s.), cloth, li. 1838 MACGREGOR^S COMMERCIAL STATISTICS Cf ALL NATIONS. A Digest of the Resources. Legislation. Tana's, Dues, shipping. Imports, E::porta, Weights aud Measures, &c., &c. of All Nations, including all the British Commercial Treaties, 5 larj-e vols, super- royal Svo. cloth, (pub. at 7;. lot.), 21. 121. fid. MALCOLM'S MEMOIR OF CENTRAL INDIA. Two vols. Svo, third edition, with large Map (pub. at 11. SJ.), cloth, 18. Igj2 MALTE-BRUN AND BALBI'S UNIVERSAL GEOGRAPHY; comprising, 1. The History of Geographical Discovery; 2. Principles of Physical Geography: 3. Complete De- scription, from the most recent sources, of all the Countries of the World. ' New and enlarged Edition, revised and corrected throughout, with an Alphabetical Index of 13,500 Names. Thick 8vo, cloth (pub. at II. 10t.), reduced to 15. mi MARTINEAUS EASTERN LIFE, Present and Past. New edition. In one thick TOlume, crown Svo, cloth (pub. at 10. 6d.) 6t. WIARTINEAU'S LIFE IN THE SICK ROOM: a Series of Essays. Third edition, fcap. Svo, cloth (pub. at3. 6d.)2s. 6tl. MARTIN'S (MONTGOMERY) BRITISH COLONIAL LIBRARY ; forming a popular and Authentic Description of all the Colonies of the British Empire, and embracin<- the His- toryPhysical Geography Geology Climate Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral Kinpdoms- Government Finance Military Defence Commerce Shipping Monetary System Relislon Population, White and Coloured Education and the Press Emigration Social State, &c., of each Settlement. Founded on Official and Public Documents, furnished by Government, the Hon. East India Company, Sc. Illustrated by Original Maps and Plates. 8 volumes ' fcap. Svo. cloth, I/. It. Each volume of the above series Is complete in itself, and sold separately, as follows, at 3. &/. : THE CAKADAS, UPPER AND LOWER. NEW SOUTH WALES, VAN DIEMEN'S LAND, SWAN RIVER, and SOUTH AUSTRALIA. THE WESL INDIES. Vol. I. Jamaica, Honduras, Trinidad, Tobago, Granada, the Bahamas. and the Virgin Isles. THE WEST INDIES. Vol. II. British Guiana, B.irhadoes, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Demerara, Eisequlho, Berbice, Anguilla, Tortola, St. Kill's, Barbuda, Antigua, Montserrat, Dominica, and Nevis. NOVA SCOTIA, NEW B-RUNSWICK, CAPE BRETON*, PRINCE EDWARD'S ISLE, THE BER- MUDAS, NEWFOUNDLAND, and HUDSON'S BAY. THE EAST INDIES. Vol. I. containing Bengal, Madras, Bombay, Agra, &c. IHE EAST INDIES. Vol.11. BRITISH POSSESSIONS IN THE INDIAN AND ATLANTIC OCEANS, viz Ceylon, Pennng Malacca, Singapore, Sierra Leone, the Gambia, Cape Coast Castle, Accra,' the Falkland Islands, St. Helena, and Ascension. MARTIN'S (MONTGOMERY) CHINA, Political, Commercial, and Social. Two vols. Svo, 6 Maps, Statistical Tables, &c, (pub. at 12. 4s.), cloth. Us. 1847 MAXWELL'S UFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. Three handsome vols. 8vo. Embellished with numerous hitrhly-finished Line-Ensravings by COOPER and other eminent Artists, consisting of Battle-Pieces, Portraits, Military Plans and Maps; besides a -Trent number of fine Wood Engravings ; (pub: at 31. 7s.), elegant in gilt cloth, II. 1C). Large paper, India proofs (pub. at St.), gilt cloth, 2(. 12s. 6d. " Mr. Maxwell's ' Life of the Duke of Wellington, in our opinion, has no rival among similar publications of the day We pronounce it free from flattery and bombast, succinct and masterly The type and mechanical execution are admirable; the plans of "battles and sieges numerous, ample, and \ise;ul; the portraits of the Duke and his warrior Contemporaries many and faithful; the battle pictures animated and brilliant; and the vignettes of costumes and manners worthy of the military genius of Horace Vemet himself." Times. MAXWELL'S HISTORY OF THE IRISH REBELLION OF 1798, with Memoirs <-t the Union, and of Emmett's Insurrection in IS-iS, cloth, Svo. with Portraits and numerou Illustrations on steel by OKOBGE CRUIKSHANK, new edit-on, gilt club, (pub. at iti-.), 9*> PUBLISHED OK SOLD BY H. O. BOHN. 21 MINIATURE LIBRARY (BOHN'S.) All foolscap I2mo., printed on the finest paper, and very eltymlly boarded m Mr rum ttyte ol morocco cloth. BARBAULD AND AIKIN'S EVENINGS AT HOME; comprising a great variety of amusing Instruction for Young Persons, complete, elegantly printed, frontispieces, cloth gilt (pub. it &.), St.; or with gilt edges, it. M. BOURRIENNES MEMOIRS OF NAPOLEON. One stout, closely hut elegantly printed volume, fcap. 12mo. with fine equestrian portrait of Napoleon, and frontispiece . cloth gilt, (put), at it.), 3i. 6d. ; or with gilt edges, 4t. BUNYAN'S PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. Quite complete, including: the Third Part with a Life and numerous explanatory Notes by the RET. T. SCOTT. Elegantly printed on fine wove paper, and embellishedwlth 25 fine lull-sized Woodcuts by HARVEY, containing all in Southey's edition, also a fine frontispiece and vignette, cloth gilt, 3. 6d. ; or with gilt eilires, 4<. BYRON'S POETICAL WORKS, including several Suppressed Poems not published in other editions, in 1 thick vol., with a beautiful Frontispiece, cloth gilt, St. 6d. ; or with gilt edges, 4t. BYRON'S DON JUAN, complete, elegantly printed, frontispieces, cloth gilt, (pub. at St.), 2t. 6d.; or with gilt edges, St. CHEEVERS LECTURES ON BUNYANS PILGRIMS PROGRESS, and the Life and Times of Bunyan, frontispieces, cloth gilt, 2t. 6d. COLERIDGE S SELECT POETICAL WORKS, cloth gilt, 2*. ; or gilt edges, 2s. 6. 6d.; or with gill edges, 4t. STURM'S REFLECTIONS ON THE WORKS OF GOD, and of his Providence throughout all Nature, translated from the German, complete in 1 elegantly printed vo!., frontispiece, cloth gilt (pub. at St. ), St. ; or with gilt edges, St. 6ti. 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PERCY'S RELIQUES OF ANCIENT ENGLISH POETRY, consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and other Pieces ! our Earlier Poets, together with some few of later date, and a copious Glossary, complete in 1 vol. medium 8vo. New and elegant Edition, with beau- tifully engraved Title and Frontispiece, by STEPHAXOFF (pub. at J5. ), cloth gilt, It. M. POPE'S POETICAL WORKS, complete in 1 thick volume, foolscap 8vo., frontispiece and vignette, cloth gilt, (pub. at at.), 3t. 6d, 1842 RAFFLES' HISTORY OF JAVA, with an Account of Bencoolen, and Details of the Commerce and Resources of the Indian Archipelago. Edited by LADY RAFFLES. Together 2 Tols. 8vo, and a splendid quarto Atlas, containing upwards of 100 Plates by DAMELL, many finely coloured (pub. at 31. lOi.j, cloth, 11. ~i. ROBINSON CRUSOE. Cabinet Pictorial Edition, including his further Adventures, with Life of DEFOE. &c , upwards of 60 fine Woodcuts, from Designs by HAXVEY, post 8vo. New and improved Edition, with additional cuts, cloth gilt, *. Qd. The only small edition which is quite complete. "Perhaps there exists no work, either of instntction or entertainment, ta the English lan- guaee, which has been more generally read or mote deservedly admired, than the Life and Adventures of Robinton Crusoe." Sir Walter Scott. ROBIN HOOD ; a Collection of all the Poems, Songs, and Ballads relating to this cele- brated Yeoman ; to which is prefixed, Ms History from inedited Documents, and a Memoir of RITSOX, by J. M. GUTCH, F.S.A. Two vols. elegantly printed in crown 8vo, with Portrait of Ritson, and upwards of 120 tasteful wood engravings by FAIBHOLT, extra cloth (pub. at It. 10*. j, reduced to IS*. ROLLIN'S ANCIENT HISTORY. A New and complete Edition, with engraved Frontispieces and 7 Maps. 2 vols. bound in 1 stout handsome vol. royal 8vo, (pub. at 11. 4. ), cloth, 12*. The only complete edition in a compact form ; it is uniform in size and appearance with Moron's Series of Dramatists, Sec. The previous editions of liollin in a single volume are greatly abridged, and contain scarcely half the work. ROSCOE'S LIFE AND PONTIFICATE OF LEO THE TENTH. New rsnd much improved Edition, edited by his Son, THOMAS ROSCOE. Complete in 1 stout vol. 8vo, closely but very handsomely printed, illustrated by 3 fine Portraits, and numerous illustrative En- gravings, as head and tail- pieces, cloth, 11. 4. 1849 ROSCOE'S LIFE OF LORENZO DE MEDICI, CALLED " THE MAGNIFICENT." New and much improved Edition, edited by his Sun, THOMAS ROSCOE. Complete in 1 stout vol. 8vo, closely but very handsomely printed, illustrated by numerous Engravings, introduced as bead and tail-pieces, "cloth, I2. 1845 " I have not terms sufficient to express my admiration of Mr. Roscoe's genius and erudition, or my gratitude for the amusement and information I have received. I recommend his labours to our country as works of unquestionable genius and uncommon merit. They add the name of Roscoe to the very first rank of English Classical Historians." Matthiat, Purruittof J.iierature. " Rosco is, I think, by far the best of our Historians, both for beauty of style and for deep reflections; and his translations of poetry areequal to the originals." W'alpoie, Eari qf Or/ord ROSCOE'S ILLUSTRATIONS, HISTORICAL AND CRITICAL, of the Life of Lorenzo de Medici, with an Appendix of Original Documents. 8vo, Portrait of Lorenzo, and Plates (pub. at HJ.), boards, 7*., or in 4to, printed to match the original edition. Portrait and Plates (pub. at If. 11. 6d. ), boards, 1C. ** This volume is supplementary to all editions of the work. THE ROWS ROL containing Armorial bearings. This Rol was laburd a"nd finished by Master John Rows of Warrewyck. With descriptive letter-press and Introduction by \C. Courthope, Esq. Now first published, 1K60. Royai 4to, elegainly printed by Whiitingbam, with 32 large plates of Arms, Armour, and Costume, HIGHLY ILLUMISATED m GOLD AVD COLOURS, 4to, half morocco, top edges gi.t, 5/. 15. 6.'. Pickering, 18*5 ** This curious volume, of which only one hundred copies were printed in 1845, has huherto remained unpublished, and the first announcement of it for sale was in tlie present year. Henry G. Bohnisnow, by the kindness of Mr. COURTHOPE, of the Heralds College, enabled to add an historical Introduction and a complete description of the plates. SHAKESPEARE'S PLAYS AND POEMS. VALPT'S Cabinet Pictorial Edition, with Life, Glossarial Notes, and Historical Digests of each Play, &c. 15 vols. fcap. 8vo, with 171 Plates engraved on steel after Designs of the most distinguished British Artists; also Fac- similes of all the known Autographs of Shakespeare ( pub. at 31. lat. ) , cloth, rich gilt, 21. 5*. 18ii SHAKSPEARE'S PLAYS AND POEMS. 1 vol. 8vo, with Explanatory Notes, and a Memoir by DB. JOHKSOX, Portrait (pub. at 15*.), cloth, It. 60. PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY H. O. BOHN. 23 SHAKSPEARE'S PLAYS AND POEMS. Pocket Edition, with a Life by CHALMERS, complete In 1 thick vol. 121110. printed in a Diamond type, with 40 steel Engravlnrs (pub. at 10.. 6d.), cloth, 5. 1848 SHAKSPERE'S PLAYS AND POEMS, with Explanatory Notes, and a Sketch of hi* Life and Writings, edited by CHARLES KMOHT. Illustrated by 40 large Designs on wood by W. HARVEY. Sixth Edition, thick 8vo. cloth, 10*. 6d. SCHLOSSERS HISTORY OF THE XVIIIth CENTURY, AND OF THE XlXth till the Overthrow of the French Empire; with particular refeience to Mental Cultivation an/ Progress. Translated from the German by DAVISOM, with copious Index. 8 thick vols, giro, (puh. at 41. itij.), cloth extra, II. 8. SHIPWRECKS AND DISASTERS AT SEA. Narratives of the most remarkable Wrecks, Conflagrations, Mutinies, &c. comprising the " Loss of the Wager," Mutiny of the Bounty," &c. 12mo, Frontispiece and Vignette (pub. at.), cloth, 3. SMOLLETT S WORKS, Edited by ROSCOB. Complete in 1 vol. (Roderick Random, Humphrey Clinker, Peregrine Pickfe, Launcelot Greaves, Count Fathom, Adventures of an Atom, Travels, Plays, &c.) Medium 8vo, with 21 capital Plates, by CBUIKSHAHK (pub. at 11. 4 ), cloth gilt, 14s. " Perhaps no hook ever written excited such peals of Inextinguishable laughter as Smol- lett's. Sir Walter Scott. STERNE'S WORKS. Complete in 1 voL 8vo, Portrait and Vignette (pnb. at 18*.) cloth, lus. <>tl. ST. PIERRE'S WORKS, including the "Studies of Nature," "Paul and Virginia," and the ' Indian Cottage," with a Memoir of the Author, and Notes, by the REV. E. CLARKE complete in 2 thick vols. fcap. Svo, Portrait and Frontispieces (pub. at liu.), cloth, 7. 1848 SWIFT'S WORKS. Edited by ROSCOE. Complete in 2 vols, medium Svo, Portrait, (pub. at K. I;-.), cloth gilt, It. 4. " Whoever In the three kingdoms has any books at all has Swift." lord Cheiterftld. SYRIA AND THE HOLY LAND, their Scenery and their People ; being Incidents of History anil '1 ravel, from BURCKHARDT, LINDSAY. ROBINSON and oilier leading Authorities, by W. K. KELLY. With 180 fine Wood Engravings. Demy Svo, (pub. at 12./, cloth, s. TAAFE'S HISTORY OF THE KNIGHTS OF MALTA, fco., 4 volg. in 2, Svo. cloth gi.t, (pnb. at 21. 1 Us.), 101. GJ. 1852 TAYLOR'S (W. B. S.) HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN. Numerous Wood Engravings of its Buildings and Academic Costumes (pub. at II.}, cloth, 7. M. 1845 THIERS' HISTORY OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION, the 10 parts in 1 thick Tol- royal Svo, handsomely printed, cloth lettered (pub. at it. s. ), 10. THIERS' HISTORY OF THE CONSULATE AND EMPIRE OF NAPOLEON, the 10 parts in 1 thick vol., royal 8vo, handsomely printed, cloth lettered (pub. at It. it.), lot. TUCKER'S LIGHT OF NATURE PURSUED. Complete in 2vols. Svo. (pub. atlf. 10.), cloth, lit. "The 'Light of Nature' Is a work which, after much consideration, I think myself autho- rized to call the most original and profound that has ever appeared on moral philosophy. Sir Jama Mackinloilt. TYTLER'S ELEMENTS OF GENERAL HISTORY. New Edition, thick 12mo, (528 closely printed pages), steel Frontispiece (pub. at Si.), cloth, 3i. 6d. WADE'S BRITISH HISTORY, CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED. Comprehending a classified Analysis ol Events and Occurrences in Church mid State, and of the Constitutional, Political, Commercial, Intellectual, and Social Progress of the United Kincdom. from the first Invasion by the Romans to the Accession of Queen Victoria, with very copious Index and Supplement. New Edition. 1 large remarkably thick vol. royal Svo, (1200 pages), cloth, Id. WALPOLE. MEMOIRS OF HORACE WALPOLE & HIS CONTEMPORARIES. By ELIOT WARBURTOJT, including Original Letters, chiefly from Strawberry Hill, J vdls., Svo., with Portraits of Walpole and Miss Berry, (pub. at It 8.), 9s. 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BAXTER'S (RICHARD) WORKS, with Sketch of the Life, and Essay on the Genius of the Author, 4 vols. imperial Svo, (pub. at \l. is.), 21. 12*. M. BINGHAM'S ANTIQUITIES OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. New and improved Edition, carefully revised, with an enlarged Index. 2 vols. impl. Svo, cloth, If. lit. . GARY'S TESTIMONIES OF THE FATHERS OF THE FIRST FOUR CENTURIES TO THE CONSTITUTION AND DOCTRINES OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND, as S2t forth in the XXXIX Articles, Svo, (pub. at 12.), cloth, 7. 6d. Oxford, Tatboyt. " This work mny be classed with those of Peatson and Bishop Bull; and such a classifica- tion is no mean honour." Church of England Quarterly. CHARNOCKS DISCOURSES UPON THE EXISTENCE AND ATTRIBUTES OF GOD. Complete in 1 thick closely printed vol. Svo, with Portrait (pub. at 14.j, cloth, 6. 6d. " Perspicuity and depth, metaphysical sublimity and evangelical simplicity, immense learn- ing but irrefragable reasoning, conspire to render this performance one of the most inestimable productions that ever did honour to the sanctified judgment and genius of a human being." Toplady.* CHRISTIAN EVIDENCES. Containing the following: esteemed Treatises, with Pre- *tory Memoirs by the Rev. J. S. MEMES, LL.D., viz: _ Watson's Apology for Christianity; Watson's Apology for the Bible ; Paley's Evidences of Christianity; Paley's Horse Paulina;; Jenyns' Internal Evidence of the Christian Religion; Leslie's Truth of Christianity Demon- strated ; Leslie's Short and Easy Method with the Deists; Leslie's Short and Easy Method with the Jews; Chandler's Plain'Reasons for being a Christian : Lyttleton on the Conversion ol St. Paul; Campbell's Dissertation on Miracles; Sherlock's Trial of the Witnesses, with Sequel; West on the Resurrection. In 1 vol. royal Svo (pub. at Hi.), cloth, lOj. 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EVELYNS RATIONAL ACCOUNT OF THE TRUE RELIGION, now first pub- lished from tin- original MS. In the Library at Wootton, edited, with Notes, by the Key. H. M. EVANSUN, B.A., : vols. post bvo. (uniform with hii Diary), cloth, (pub. at II. It.',, It. 6.'), cloih, S. HOPKINS'S (BISHOP) WHOLE WORKS, with a Memoir of the Author, and a very extensive general Index of Texts and Subjects, 2 vols, royal 8vo (pub. at II. *.), cloth, 15*. "Bishop Hopkins's works form of themselves a sound body of divinity. lie Is clear, vehe- ment, and persuasive." Hickertteth. HORNE ON THE PSALMS, a Commentary on the Book of Psalms, in which their literal sense and metaphorical application is pointed out. New and elegant edition, complete in one volume, sv, cloth (pub. at S*. ). 6s. M. HUNTINGDON'S (COUNTESS OF) LIFE AND TIMES- By a Member of the Houses of Shirley and Hastings. Sixth Thousand, with a copious Index. 2 large vols. Svo, Poiuaitt of the Countess, Whitneld, and Wesley (pub. at It. it.}, cloth, 1 !. LEIGHTON'S (ARCHBISHOP) WHOLE WORKS; to which is prefixed a Life of the Author, by the Rev. N.T. PEARSON. New Edition, 2 thick vols. 8vo, Portrait (pub. at II. *.( extra cloth, lOi. The only complete Edition. LEIGKTON'S COMMENTARY ON PETER; with Life by PEARSON, complete in 1 thick handsomely printed vol. Svo, Portrait (pub. at I2i.), cloth, 9>. LIVES OF THE ENGLISH SAINTS. By the Rev. J. II. NEVTXIAH and others. 1 1 parts, sewed, I/. U. M'CRIE'S LIFE OF JOHN KNOX, with illustrations of the History of the Reformation in Scotland. New Edition with numerous Additions, and a Memoir, iic. byAKDJUtw CRICHT')*. Fcap. Svo (pub. at 5.), cloth, 3. 6d. ISi; MAGEE'S (ARCHBISHOP) WORKS, comprising Discourses and Dissertations on the Scriptural Doctrines of Atonement and Sacrifice; Sermons, and Visitation Charges. V\uh a Memoir of his Life, by the Rev. A. H. KENNY, D.D. 2 vols. Svo (pub. at U. 6j.), cloth, !8>. "Discovers such deep research, yields ro much valuable information, and affords so many helps to the refutation of error, as to const. :utc the must valuable treasure of biblical learning of which a Christian scholar can be possessed." Ckrutmn Otitcrvtr. MORE'S (HANNAH) LIFE, by the Rev. HKSKT THOMPSON, post Svo, printed uniformly with her works, Portrait, and Wood Engravings (pub. at !:.), extra cloth, 6. CadeU, ISM "Tnis may be called the official edition of Hannah More's Life. It hrins so much new and Interesting matter into the field respecting her, that it will *reive a hearty welcome (rom tht public. Amon'.- the rest, the parifculun l-( most af ker y -i-itioni rill ie*trU \\t curiosii/ f littran imitTs -- Ustrt-i Guttltt, 26 CATALOGUE OF NEW BOOKS, MORE'S .'HANNAH) WORKS, complete in 11 vols. fcap. Svo, wiih portrait and vig- nette titles, cloth. It. 1S>. CW. 18i3 MORE'S lHANNAH) SPIRIT OF PRAYER, fcap. Svo, Portrait (pub. at fo.), cloth, 4. Cadtlt, 1843 MILNER'S HISTORY OF THE CHURCH OF CHRIST. With Additions by the late Rev. ISAAC MIL.-.EE. D.D., F.R.S. A New Edition, revised, with additional Notes by tie Kev. T. GRAMHAM. B.D. 4 vols. Svo, published at 52*., reduced to 11. It. MORE'S (HANNAH) PRACTICAL PIETY; Or the Influence of the Religion of the Heart on the Conduct of the Lite, 32mo, Portrait, cloth, 2. 6d. The only complete small edition. It was revised just before her death, and contains much improvement, which is copyright. MORE'S (HANNAH) SACRED DRAMAS chiefly intended for Young People, to which is added "Sensibility," an Epistle, 3. mo (pub. at 21. 6/. 13i. W.), li.li. NEWTON'S (REV. JOHN) WORKS, with a Life of the Author, hythe Rev. RICHARD CECIL, and an introduction by the Kev. X. CUNNINGHAM, II. A. imperial Svo, with Portrait (pub. at I/. 4..), lit. PA LEY'S WORKS, in 1 vol. consisting of his Natural Theology, Moral and Political Philosophy, Evidences of Christianity, Horae Paulina:, Clergyman's Companion in visiting the Sick, c. Svo, banusomely printed in double columns (pub. at 10. 6d.), cloth, it. RIDDLES ECCLESIASTICAL CHRONOLOGY; or Annals of the Christian Church from , its Foundation to the Present Time ; containing a View of General Church History (in- cluding Controversies, Sects, and Parties, Ecclesiastical Writers, fcc.) Svo, cloth (pub. at 15.), reduced to It. 6d. ROBINSON'S SCRIPTURE CHARACTERS; or, a Practical Improvement of the Principal Histories of the Old and New Testament, 2 thick vols., Svo, handsomely printed, with Portrait and Life of the Author, cloth lettered, (pub. at II. Is.), 10s. 6d. SCOTT'S (REV. THOMAS) COMMENTARY ON THE BIBLE, with the Author's last Corrections and Improvements, and 81 beautiful Woodcut Illustrations and Maps. 3 vols. imperial gvo (pub. at 4(. 4s.), cloth, It. I6t. 1850 SIMEON'S WORKS, including his Skeletons of Sermons and Horse Homihtic*, or of the Old and New Testament; to which are annexed an improved edition ot Claude's Essay on the Composition of a Sermon, and very comprehensive Indexes, edited by Kev. THOMAS HARTWKLL HORNE, 21 vols. Svo (pub. at 101. 10i.), cloth, 71. It. The following miniature ediiiont of Simeon's popular u-orkt are uniformly printed in 32mo, and ttoanu m cloth : THE CHRISTIAN'S ARMOUR, 9J. THE EXCELLENCY OF THE LITURGY, 9d. THE OFFICES OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, 3d. HUMILIATION OF THE SOX OF GOD; TWELVE SERMONS, 9d. APPEAL TO MEN OF WISDOM AND CANDOUR, 3d. DISCOURSES ON BEHALF OF THE JEA'S, It. Gcf. "The works of Simeon, containing 2536 discourses on the principal passages of the Old and " New Testament will be found peculiarly adapted to assist the studies of the younger clergy in their preparation for the pulpit; they will likewise serve as a Body of Di rally; and are by many recommended as a Biblical Commentary, well adapted to be read in fauii.ies." Lowndet. SMYTH'S (REV. DR.) EXPOSITION OF VARIOUS PASSAGES OF HOLY SCRIPTURE, adapted to the Use of Famines, for every Day throughout the Year, 3 vols. Svo (pufc. at It. 11. W.), cloth, 9t. 1841 SOUTHEY'S LETTERS, selected and edited by his son-in-law JOHN WOOD ">VABTZR, B.U., 4 thick vols. post svo, clotn (pub. at 21. it.), 18s. SOUTH'S (DR. ROBERT) SERMONS : to which are annexed the chief heads of the Sermons, a Biographical Memoir, and General Index, 2 vols. royal Svo (pub. at II. it.), cloth, 155. STEBBING'S HISTORY OF THE CHURCH OF CHRIST, from the Diet of Angsburg, 1530, to the present Century, 3 ol. 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The Vocal and Instrumental may be had separately, each in 4 vols. 16*. MUSICAL CABINET AND HARMONIST. A Collection of Classical and Popular Vocal and Instrumental Music; comprising Selections trom the best productions of all the Great Masters; English. Scotch, and Irish Melodies ; with many of the National Airs of other Countries, embracing Overtures, Marches, Uondos, Quadrilles, Waltzes, and Gallopades ; Harp or the Organ; witli Pieces occasionally for ne Flute and Guitar, under the superinten- dence of an eminent Professor. 4 vols. small folio, comprehending more than 300 pieces of Music, beautifully printed with metallic types (pub. at 2/. 2.), sewed, 16. The contents of the work are quite different from the Musical Library, and the intrinsic merit of the selection is equal. 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