UGSB UBRART k - 53SSH v, . A DICTIONABY SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES, WITH FAIKBANKS & CO., 54 & 56, MADISON S T R E E T, CHICAGO, ILLS. DICTIONARY OF SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES WITH THEIR PRONUNCIATION AND MEANINGS. [NOTE, The accent (') thotci where the strets of the voice should fall. (?) denote* meanings which are doubtful, (q. v.) "which see" refer to the word indicated. The diphthong (ai) it to be pronounced as in the English word " aitle,""] AAR AARON, a' vers (i.e., ( guards). ANANIAS, an-na-ni'-as (see HANA- NIAH). ANATH, a'-nath, an answer (to prayer). ANATHOTH, an'-na-thoth, answers (to prayers) . ANDREW, aii'-droo, a strong man, manly. ANDRONICUS, an-dro-iii'-kus, oran- dron'-i-kus, a man excelling others, a victorious man. ANEM, a'-nem, two fountains. ANER, a'-ner, a young man. ANIAM, a-ni'-am, sorrow of the people. ANIM, a'-nim, fountains. ANNA, an'-na, gracious. ANNAS, an'-nas (see HANANIAU). ANTIOCH, an'-ti-ok, withstanding (?) ANTIPAS, an'-ti-pas (contraction of Antipater), for or like the father. ANTIPATRIS, an-ti-pat'-tris (from the foregoing). ANTOTHIJAH, an-to-thi'-jah, prayers answered by Jehovah. ANUB, a'-nub, bound together. APELLES, ap-pel'-lees, separated. APHARSACHITES, af-far'-sa-kitcs. ( strength, Al'HEK, a -fek, 1 fortress, for- APIIEKAH, a-fe'-kah, ) tifledcity(P) ( watercress. APHIAH, af-fi'-ah, rekindled, re- freshed. APHRAH, af'-rah, dust. APHSES, af'-sees, dispersion. APOLLONIA, ap-pol-lo'-ni-a (named after the god Apollo. APOLLOS, ap-pol'-los, one that de- stroys. APOLLYON, ap-pol'-yon, one that exterminates. APFAIM, ap'-pay-im, the nostrils. APPHIA, np'-fi-a, bringing forth, fruitful. A.PPII-FORVM, ap'-py-i-fo'-rum, fo- rum, or market-place of Appius. JIQVILA, ak'- wy-lah, an eagle. ARP AR, city. ARA, a'-ra, lion. ARAB, a'-rab, ambush, lying iti wait. ARABAH, ar'-a-bah, ) a ster ii e re ARABIA, ar-ra'-bya, ) gion. ARAD, a'-rad, wild ass. ARAH, a'-rah, wandering. ARAM, a'-ram, height, high region. ARAN, a'-ran, wild goat. ARARAT, ar/-ra-rat, holy ground. ARAVNAH, ar-raw'-nah, ark (?) an ash or pine tree (?) ARBA, ar'-bah, hero of Baal. ARCHELAUS, ar-ke-la'-us, prince of the people. ARCHEVITES, ar'-ke-vites, (the mea of Erech, q. v.) ARCUI, ar'-ky (also from Erech). ARCHIPPUS, "ar-kip'-pus, master of the horse. ARCTURVS, ark-tu'-rus, an ark, a bier (?) ARD, fugitive (?) ARDON, ar'-don, fugitive. ARELI, are'-ly, sprung from a hero, son of a hero. AREOPAGUS, a-re-op'-pa-gus, hill of Mars. ARJBTAS, a'-re-tas, one that is vir- tuous, pleasant. ARGOB, ar'-gob, a heap of stones. ARIDAI, a-rid'-dai, ) , ARIDATHA, a-rid'-da-thah, j ARIEH, a'-ri-eh, lion. ARIEL, a'-ri-el, lion of God. ARIMATHJEA, ar-ry-ma-thee'-ya, the heights. AR IO CH, a'-ri-yok, | u ^ ARISAI, ar-ns -sai, j ARISTARCHITS, ar-ris-tar'-kus, lest excellent chief. ARISTOBULUS, ar-ris-to-bu'-lus, a good counsellor, the best advice. ARK.ITE, ark'-ite, fugitive. ARMAGEDDON, ar-ma-ged'-aon, height of Megiddo. ARMENIA, ar-me'-nyn, ARMONI, ar-mo'-ny, imperial. ARNAN, ar'-nan, nimble. ARNON, ar'-non, noisy. AROD,a'-rod, j ^ d ARODI, a -rod-dy, ) AROER, ar'-ro-er, ruins ('-) ARPAD, ar'-pad j AHPHAD, ar-fad, j ARPHAXAD, ar-fax'-ad, ART ARTAXERXES, ar-tax-erx'-ees, pow- erful warrior. ARTEMAS, ar'-te-mas, whole, sound, without fault. ARUBOTH, ar'-ru-both, windows. AIIUMAH, a-roo'-mah, elevated. ARVAD, ar'-vad, a wandering, place of fugitives. IRZA, ar'-za, earth. ASA, a'-sah, physician. ASAHEL, as'-sa-hel, ) h God ASAIAH, as-sai'-yah, j made (i. e., constituted, appointed). ASAPH, a'-saf, collector. ASAREEL, as-sar'-re-el, whom God has bound. ASARELAH, as-sar-e'-lah, upright to God. ASENATH, as'-e-nath, she who is of Neith (i. e., Minerva of the Egyptians). ASHAN, a'-shan, smoke. ASHBBL, ash'-hel, determination of God. ASHDOD, ash'-dod, a fortified place, a castle. ASHDOTH-PISGAH, ash'-doth-piz'- gah, outpourings of Pisgah. ASHER, ash'-er, fortunate, happy. ASHERAH, ash-e'-rah, fortune, hap- piness. ASHIMA, ash'-shy-ma, a goat with short hair. AsHKELON.ash'-ke-lon, ) . ,. ASKELOX, as'-ke-lon, j mi S ra tion. ASHKEXAZ, ash'-ke-naz, ASHNAH, ash'-nah, strong, mighty. ASHPENAZ, ash'-pe-naz, horse's nose. ASHTAROTH, ash'-ta-roth, statues of Ashtoreth. ASHTORETH, ash'-t'o-reth, star, spe- cially the planet Venus, the goddess oi love and fortune. ASIA, a'-shya. ASIEL, a'- si-el, created by God. ASNAH, as'-nah,storehouse, bramble. ASNAPPER, as-nap'-per, leader of an army (?) ASPATHA, as' pa-thah, a horse, bul- lock. ASRIEL, as'-ri-el, the vow of God. ASSHUR, ash'-ur, blackness. ASSIR, as'-seer, captive. Assos, as'-sos, ASSYRIA, as-syr'-rya (named from Asshur). ASTAROTH, as'-ta-roth, ) (see ASH- ASTARTE, as-tar'-tee, \ TOBBTH." ASUPPIM, as-sup'-pim^ollections. AZU ASYNCRITUS, as-sin'-kry-tus, incora- parable. ATAD, a'-tad, buckthorn. ATARAH, at'-ta-rah, a crown. ATAROTH, at'-ta-roth, " ATROTH, at'-roth, ATER, a'-ter, bound, shut up. ATHACH, a'-thak, lodging-place. ATHAIAH, athai'-yah, whom Jeho- vah made. ATHALIAH, ath-a-li'-ah, whom Jeho vah has afflicted. ATHLAI, ath'-lai. ATHENS, ath'-ens. ATTAI, at'-tai, opportune. ATTALIA, at-ta-U'-a. AUGUSTUS, aw-gus'-tus, increasing, majestic. AVEN, a'-ven, nothingness. AVIM, av^vim, AVITH, av'-vith, AZAL, a'-zal, noble, root, declivity. AZALIAH, a-za-li'-ah, whom Jeho- vah has reserved. AZANIAH, az-a-ni'-ah, whom Je- hovah hears. AZARAEL, az-a'-ra-el, j h GwJ AZAREEL, az-a -re-el, f helps. AZARIAH, az-a-ri'-ah, whom Jeho- vah aids. AZAZ, a'-zaz, strong. AZAZIAH, az-a-zi'-ah, whom Je- hovah strengthened. AZBUK, az'-buk,altogether desolated. AZEKAH, az-e'-kah, a field dug over, broken up. AZEL, a'-zel, noble. AZEM, a'-zem, strength, bone. AZGAD, az'-gad, strong in fortune. AZIEL, az'-zi-el, whom God consoles. AZIZA, az-zi'-zah, strong. AZMAVETH, az-ma'-veth, strong to death. AZMON, az'-mon, robust. AZNOTH-TABOR, az'-noth-ta'-bor, ears (i. e., summits) of Tabor. AZOR, a'-zor, ) AZUR, a'-zur, [ helper. AZZUR, az'-zur, (the Greek form of ASHDOD, q. v.). AZRIEL, az'-ri-el, whom God helps. AZRIKAM, az-ri'-kam, help against an enemy. AZUBAH, a-zu'-bah, forsaken. A 2 o AZZ AZZAII, az'-zah, the strong, fortified. Azz AN, az'-zan, very strong. BAAL, ba'-al, lord, master, posses- sor, owner. BAALAH, ba'-a-lah, ) . BAALATH, ba'-a-lath, \ m BAALATH-BEER, ba'-a-lath-be'-er, having a well. BAAL-BEIUTH, ba'-al-be-reeth', co- venant lord. BAAL-GAD, ba'-al-gad, lord of for- tune. BAAL-HAMON, ba'-al-ha'-mon, place of a multitude. BAAL-HANAN, ba'-al-ha'-nan, lord of benignity. BAAL-HAZOR, ba'-al-ha'-zor, having a Tillage. BAAL-HERMOW, ba'-al-hcr'-mon, place of Hermon. BAALI, ba'-a-ly, my lord. BAALIM, ba'-a-lim, lords. BAALIS, ba'-a-lis, son of exultation. BAAL-MEQN, ba'-al-me'-on, place of habitation. BAAL-PEOR, ba'-al-pe'-or, lord of the opening. BAAL-PERAZIM, ba'-al-pe-ra'-zim, place of breaches. BAAL-SHALISHA, ba'-al-sha'-li-shah, lord (or place) of shalieiia. BAAL-TAMAK, ba'-al-ta'-mar, place of palm-treea. $AAL-ZEBUB, ba-al'-ze-bub, lord of the fly. SAAL-ZEPHON, ba'-al-ze'-phon, place of Typhon, or sacred to Typhon. BAARA, ba'-a-rah, foolish. BAASEIAH, ba-a-si'-ah, work of Je- hovah. BAASHA, ba'-a-sha, -wickedness. BACA, ba'-kah, weeping. BAHURIM, ba-hu'-rim, young men. BAJITH, ba'-jith (same as Beth), house. BAKBAKKAR, bak-bak'-kar, -wasting of the mountain. BAKBUKIAH, bak-buk-i'-ah, empty- ing (i. e , wasting) of Jehovah. BALAAM, ba'-lam, foreigner. BALADAN, bal'^la-dan, whose Lord is Bel. , la'-lah y bashfulness (?) BED BALAK, ba'-lak, empty, void. BAMAH, ba'-mah, high place. BAMOTH, ba'-inoth, high places BAMOTH-BAAL, ba'-moth-ba'-al, A, p. of Baal. BANI, ba'-ny, built. BARABBAs,ba-rab'-bas, son of Abba, or of shame. BARACHEL, bar'-ra-kel, whom God blessed. BARACHiAH,bar-ra-ki'-ah, ( w ' loni BAUACHIAS, bar-ra-ki'-as, j % BARAK, ba'-rak, thunderbolt, light- ning. BARHVMITE, bar-hu'-mite, \ an BAUARVMITE, ba-har'-u-mite, \ ' n habitant of Bahurim, q. v. BARIAH, ba-ri'-ah, a fugitive. BAR-JESUS, bar-jo'-sus, son of Je- sus, or Joshua. BAK-JONA, bar-jo'-na, s. of Jonah. BAUKOS, bar'-kos, painter. BARXABAS, bar'-na-bas, son of com- fort. BARSABAS, bar'-sa-bas, . of Saba. BARTHOLOMEW, bar-thol'-o-mew, *. of Talmai. BARTIM^EVS, bar-ty-mee'-us, *. of Tiraseus. BARUCH, ba'-rook, blessed. BARZILLAI, bar-zil'-lai, of iron. BASHAN, ba'-shan, soft, sandy soil. BASHAN-HAVOTH-JAIB, ba'-shan- hav'-voth-jay'-yir, B. of the villages of Jair. BASUEMATH, bash'-e-math, sweet smelling. BATiiKA]iBiM,bath-rab'-bim,daugh- ter of many. BATII-SHEBA, bath'-she-bah, d. of the oath. BATH-SHUA, bath'-shu-ah, d. of wealth. BATAI, bav'-vai, son of wishing (?) BAZLITH, baz'-lith, a making naked. BEALIAH, bc-a-li'-ah, whom Jeho- vah rules. BEALOTH, bo'-a-loth, citizens (?) See BAALATH. BEBAI, be'-bai, father, paternal. BECKER, be'-ker, a young came!, or firstborn. BECHORATH, be-kor'-ath, offspring of the first birth. BEDAD, be'-dad, separation, part. BEDAN, be'-dan, servile. BEPEIAH, be-di'-yah, in the protec- tion of Jehovah. BEE BEELIADA, bc-el-i'-a-dah, whom the Lord has known. BEELZEUUB, be-el'-ze-bub. (See BAAI-ZEBUB.) BEER, bc'-er, BEER-ELiM,be-er-e'-lim,w.of heroes. BEERI, be-e'-ry, man of the u: BKER-LAHAI-ROI, be-er'-la-hah'-y- ro'-y, c. of seeing (God) and living. BEEROTH, be-e'-roth, wells. BEER-SHEBA, be-er'-she-bah, well of the oath. BEESHTERAH, be-esh'-te-rah, house or temple of Astarte. BEHEMOTH, be-he'-moth (but more commonly pronounced in English, be'- he-moth), great beast, or perhaps wa- ter-ox. BEKAH, be'-kah, part, half. BEL, bel. (See BAAL.) BELA'H ! be '- lah > Destruction. BELIAL, be'-li-al, worthless. BELSHAZZAR, bel-shaz'-zar, ) BELTESHAZZAR, bcl-te-shaz'-zar, \ Bel's prince (i. e., prince whom Bel favours) . BEN, ben, son. BENAIAH, be-nai'-yah, whom Jeho- vah has built. BEN-AMMI, ben-am'-my, son of my own kindred. BENE-BERAK, ben-e'-be-rak, sons of Barak (or of lightning). BENE-JAAKAX, bcu-e-ja'-a-kan, s. of Jordan. BEN-HADAD, ben-ha'-dad, s. of Ha- dad. BEN-HAIL, bcn-hah'-il, s. of the host (i. e., warrior). BEN-HANAN, ben-ha'-nan, . of one who is gracious. BENIXX T , ben-ee'-noo, our *. BENJAMIN, bon'-ja-min, s. of the right hand. BF.NO, ben'-o, his s. LEX-ONI, ben-o'-ny, s. of my sorrow. BEX-ZOHETH, ben-zo'-heth, s. of Zo- hetu. BEON, be'-on (contracted from Baal- meon, q. v.). BEOR, be'-or, torch, lamp. Hi K.\, bc'-ra, son of evil (?) BERACHAB, ber-a'-kah, blessing. BERACHIAH, ber-a-ki'-ah, ) whom BERECHIAH, ber--ki'-ah, | Jehovah ta'.h lasted, BET 7 BERAIAH, be-rai'-yah, whom Jeho- vah created. BEREA, be-re'-a. BERED, be'-red, hail. BEHI, be'-ry. (See BEERI.) BERIAH, be-ri'-ah, son of evil (:) a gift (?) BEUIITES, be-ri'-ites, descendants of Beriah. BEiiiTir, be'-rith, a covenant. BERXICE, ber-ni'-see, bringer of vic- tory. BERODACH-IULADAN, ber'-o clak- bal'-a-dan, Berodach, worshipper of Bel. BEKOTHAH, bcr'-o-thah, ) BEROTHAI, ber'-o-thai, j m >' n " olls - BESAI, be'-sai, sword, or victory (? y BESODEIAH, be-so-di'-ah, in the se- cret of Jehovah. BESOR, be'-sor, cold, to be rold, as water. BETAH, bc'-tah, confidence. BETEN, be'-ten, valley. BETHAKARA, teth-ab'-a-rah, house of passage. BETH-ANATH, beth'-a-nath, ) , , BETH-AXOTH, beth'-a-noth, \ l ' response, or echo. BETHANY, beth'-a-ny, h. of dates. BETH-AUABAH, beth-ar'-a-bah, h. of the desert. BETH-ARAM, beth-a'-ram, h. of the height. BETH-ARBEL, bcth-ar'-bel, //. of the ambuaB o. jfod. BETH-A jx, beth-a'-ven, h. of vanity (i.e., of idols). BETH-AZMAVETH, beth-az-ma'-veth, A. strong as death. BETH-BAAL-MEON, beth'-ba-al-me'- on, h. of Baal-meon. BETHBARAH, beth'-ba-rah. (See BEIUABAKA.) BETH-BIBBI, beth-bir'-i, h. of my creation. BETH-CAR, bcth'-knr, Ji. of pasture. BETH-DAGON, beth-da'-gon, h. of Dagon. BETH-DIBLATHAIM, bcth-dib-^a- thuy'-im, h. of the two cukes. BETH-EL, beth'-cl, //. of God. BETH-EMEK, bcth-e'-mek, h. of the valley. BETHER, be'-thcr, separation. BETHESDA, beth-es'-dah, house of mercy. BETH-EZEL, beth-e'-zel, h. cf fina root ( e., of filed dwelling). 8 BET BBTH-GADER, beth-ga'-der, h. of the wall. BETH-OAB*CT, betli-ga'-rr;^ A. of the weaned. BETH-HACCERKM, bcth-hak'-ker-em, h. of the vineyard. BETH-HAGGAN, beth-hag'-gan, the garden-*. BETH-HARAN, beth-ha'-ran, h. of the height. ETH-HOGLAH, bcth-hog'-lah, h. of the partridge. ETH-HORON, beth-ho'-ron, h. of the hollow. BETH-JESHiMOTH,beth-jesh'-i-moth, h. of the deserts. BETH-LEBAOTH, beth-leb'-a-oth, h. of lionesses. BETH-LEHEM, beth'-le-hem, /*. of bread. BETH-LEHEM-E-PHRATAH, beth'-le- hem-ef'-ra-tah, B. the fruitful (?) BETH-LEHEM-JUBAII, beth'-lc-hem- ju'-dah, B. of Judah. BETH-MAACHAH, beth-ma'-a-kah, house of Maachah. BETH-SIARCABOTH, beth-mar'-ca- botb, h. of chariots. BETH-MEON, beth-me'-on, h. of habitation. BETH-NIMRAK, beth-nim'-rah, h. of limpid and sweet water. BETH-PALET, beth-pa'-let, h. of es- cape, or of Pelet. BETH-PAZZEZ, beth-paz'-zez, h. of dispersion. BETH-PEOR, beth-pe'-or, temple of (Baal) Peor. BETHPHAGE, beth-fa'-jee, house of unripe figs. BETH-PHALET, beth-fa'-let. (See BETH-PiLET.) LETH-RAPHA, beth-ra'-fah, house of the giant. BETH-REHOR, beth-re'-hob, h. or re- gion of breadth. BETHSAIDA, beth-sa'-i-da, h. of fishing. BETH-SHAN", beth'-shan, ) h. of BETH-SIIEAN, bcth-she'-an, \ rest. BETH-SHEMESH, beth' -she-mesh, h. of the sun. BETII-SHITTAH, beth-shit'-tah, h. of acacias. BETH-TAPFVAH, beth-tap'-pu-ah, h. of apples or citrons. BETHVEL, be-thu'-el, mnn of God. BBTHUL, be-thovl', abode of God, tarring of God. 13 U K BETH-ZUR, beth'-zur, house of the rock. BETONIM. be-to'-nim. pistachio nuts. FEULAH, oe-ew-iafl, marned. BEZAI, be'-zai, victory. BEZAI.EEL, be-zal'-e-el, in the sha- dow (i. e., the protection) of God. BEZEK, l)e'-zek, lightning. BEZER, be'-zer, ore of precious metal. BICHRI, bik'-ri, juvenile. BIDKAR, bid'-kar, son of piercing through. BIGTHA, big'-thah, ) BIGTHAN, big'-than, BIGTHANA, big'-lha-nah, ) fo1 BIGVAI, big'-vai, husbandman (?) happy (?) BILUAB, bil'-dad, son of contention. BILEAM, bil'-e-am, foreign. BILGAH bil'-gah, j Cheerfulne88 . BILGAI, bil-gai, } BILHAH, bil'-hah, modesty. BILHAN, bil'-han, modest. BILSHAX, bil'-shan, son of tongue (t. e., eloquent). BIMHAL, bini'-hal, son of circumci- sion. BINEA, bin'-e-ah, a gushing forth. BIXXVI, bin'-nu-i, building. BIRSHA, bir'-sha, son of wickedness. BIRZAVITH, bir'-za-vith, apertures, wounds (?) well of olives (?) BISHLAM, bish'-lam, son of peace. BITHIAH, bith-i'-ah, daughter (i. e. t worshipper) of Jehovah. BiTHitox, bith'-ron, section. BITHVMA, bi-thinn'-ya. BIZJOTHIAH, biz-joth'-i-ah, ) BIZJOTHJAH, biz-joth'-jah, ) tempt of Jehovah. BIZTHA, biz'-tha, eunuch. BLASTVS, blas'-tus, one who sprouts, gum. BOANERGES, bo-an-er'-jes, sons of thunder. BOAZ, bo'-az, ) fl , Booz, bo'-oz, n( BOPHERU, bok -e-roo, he is firstborn. BOCHIM, bo'-kim, weepers. BOHAN, bo'-han, thumb. BOSCATH, bos'-kath, stony, elevated ground. BOSOR, bo'-sor (same as Beor, q. v.). BOZEZ, bo'-zez, shining. BOZRAH, boz'-rah, a fold, BUKKI, buk'-ki, wnsUn?. B UK B UKKIAH, buk-ki'-ah, w. of Jehovah . BUNAH, bew'-na, prudence. BUNNI, bun'-ni, built. Buz, buzz, despised, or contemned. Bvzi, bew'-zi, descended from Buz. CAB, kab, hollow. CABBON, kab'-bon, bond, cake. CABUL, ka'-bul, as nothing. C.3J8AR, see'-zar, a cut fie gash. CAIAPHAS, kai'-ya-fas, depression. CAIN, kane, ) CAIXAN, kai'-nan, j a Passion, possessed, or acquired. CALAH, kah'-lah, old age. CALCOL, kal'-kol, sustenance. CALEB, ka'-leb, a dog. CALEB-EFHKATAH, ka'-leb-ef-ra- tah, C. the fruitful. CALNEH, kal'-nay, ) fortified and CALNO, kal'-no, \ willing. CALVARY, kal'-va-ry, skull. CAMON, ka'-mon, abounding in stalks. CANA, ka'-nnh, reedy. CANAAN, ka'-nan, depressed, low region, merchant. CANDACE, kan-da'-see,who possesses, sovereign of slaves (?) CANNEH, kan'-nay, plant or shoot. CAPERNAUM, ka-per'-na-um, city of consolation (?) CAPHTOR, kaf'-tor, chaplet, knop (?) CAPHTORIM, kaf-to-rim, inha- bitants of Caphtor. CAPPADOCIA, kap-pa-do'-shya. CARCAS, kar'-kas, eagle (?) severe. CARCHEMISH, kar'-ke-misb, fortress of Chemosh. CAREAH, ka-re'-ah, bald. CARMEL, kar'-mel, the mountain of the garden, park. CARMI, kar'-my, a vinedresser. CARPUS, kar'-pus, fruit, or fruitful. CARSHENA, kar'-she-nah, spoiling of war. CASIPHIA, ka-sif'-i-a, silver (?) CASLEU, kas'-lew, languid. CASLUHIM, kas'-lu-him, fortified. CASTOR, kas'-tor. CENCHREA, sen'-kre-a, millet, small pulse. CEPHAS, see'-fas, a rock, or stone. CESAREA, see-zar-e'-a, named after (Augustus) Caesar. CESAREA-PHILIPPJ, see-zat-e'-a-fil- lip'-pi, named ai'MC Pbiiif (the tet- CHI 9 CHALCOL, kal'-kol, sustenance. CHALDEA, kal-de'-a. CHARASHIM, ka-Fa'-shim, crafts- men. CHARRAN, kar'-ran. (See HARAN.) CHEBAR, ke'-bar, length. CHEDORLAOMER, kcd-dor-la'-o-mer, a handful of sheaves. CHELAL, ke'-lal, completion. CHELLUH, kcl'-lew, the state or con- dition of a bride, completed. CHELUB, ke'-lub, basket. CHELUBAI, kel'-lu-bai (same as Ca- leb, q. v.). CHEMARIMS, ke-ma'-rims, in black (attire). CHEMOSH, ke'-mosh, subducr, con- queror, tamer. CHENAANAH, ke-na'-a-nah, mer- chant. CHENANI, ke-na'-ny, protector. CHENANIAH, ken-a-ni'-ah, whom Jehovah hath set. CHEPHAR-HAAMMONAI, ke'-far-ha- am'-mo-nai, village of the Ammonites. CHEPHIRAH, ke-fi'-rah, village. CHERAN, ke'-ran, a harp/- lyre. CHERETHIMS, ker'-eth-ims, Cre- tans (?) CHERETHITES, ker'-eth-ites, execu- tioners, runneri. CHERITH, ke'-rith, ) , CHERISH, ke'-risl^ j separation. CHERUB, ke'-rub, ) a herald (?) CHERUB, tsher'-ub, \ strong (?) CHERUBIM, tsher'-u-bim (plural of chorub). CHESALON, kes'-a-lon, confidence, hope. CHESED, ke'-sed, gain. CHESIL, ke'-sil, a fool, ungodly. CHESULLOTIT, ke-sul'-loth, confi- dences. CHEZIB, ke'-zib, false. CHIDON, ki'-don, dart, javelin. CHILEAB, kil'-le-ab, whom the fa- ther (t. e., Creator) has perfected. CHILION, kil'-le-on, wasting away. CHILMAD, kil'-mad. CHIMHAM, kim'-ham, languishing^ longing. CHINNEKETH, kin'-ne-reth, CHINXEROTH, kin'-ne-roth, CHIOS, ki'-os, open, or opening, CHISLEU, kis'-lew, languid. CKISLON, kis'-lon, confidc^.'.e, Loj--e. 10 CHISLOTH-TABOR, kis'-loth-ta -Lor, flanks of Tabor. CHITTIM, kit'-tim, men of Cyprus. CHIUN, ki'-youn, statue-, image. CHLOE, klo'-ee, green heib. CHORASHAN, ko-ra'-shan, smoking furnace. CHORAZIN j ko _ ra ,_ 2 j j the secrets CHOUASIX ) ' ( or mystery. CHOZEBA, ko-ze'-ba, lying. CHRIST, the anointed (equivalent to MESSIAH). CHRONICLES, kron'-i-kls, records of history. CHUB, kub, the people of Nubia (?) CHUN, kun, establishment, place (t) CHUSUAX-RISHATHAIM, ku'-shan- rish-a-thay'-im, most malicious, or wicked Cushite. CHUZA, kew'-za, seer. CILICIA, si-lish'-ya. CINNERETH, kin'-ne-reth. (See CHINNBEOTH.) CLAUDA, klaw'-da. CLAUDIA, klaw'-dya. CLAUDIUS, klaw'-di-us. CLEMENT, klem'-ent, mild, good, mo- dest. CLEOPAS, kle'-o-pas, ) learned, the CLEOPHAS, klu'-o-fas, j wtole glory. CNIDUS, ni'-dus. COL-HOZEH, kol-ho'-zeh, all-seeing. COLOSSE, ko-los'-see. COLOSSIANS, ko-los'-syans, people of Colosse. CONIAH, ko-ni'-ah (contracted from JECOXIAH, q. T.). CONONIAH, kon-o-ni'-ah, whom Je- hovah defends, has set up. Coos, ko'-os. COR, kor, a round vessel. COKE, ko'-re. (See KOKAH.) CORIXTH, kor'-inth. CORINTHIANS, ko-rinth'-yar.s, inha- .l/itai.ts of Corinth. COKXELIUS, kor-nc'-li-us, of a Lorn. Cos, kos. COSAM, kc'-sam, diviner. Coz, koz, horn. COZBI, kuz'-by, lying. CBESCENS, kres'-sens, growing. CRETE, krect. C*ETIANS, ^reet'-ran?. inhabitants _ of CreU. DU CVSH, kush, } CUSHAN, kush'-an, > black. CUSHI, kush'-i, ) CUTH, kuth, ) treasure- CUTIIA, ku'-thah, j house (?) CUTHEANS, ku-the'-ans, inhabitant! of Cuth. CYPRUS, si'-prus. CYRENE, si-re'-nee. CYRENIUS, si-re '-ni-us,%vho governs. CYRUS, si'-rus, the sun. , dub'-a-ray, ) sheep- DABERATII, dub'-e-rath, \ walk. DABBASHETH, dab'-bash-eth, hump of a camel. DAGON, da'-gon, little fish. DALAIAH, da-lai'-yah, whom Jeho- vah hath freed. DAL.MANUTIIA, dal-mr.-nu'-tha. DALMATIA, dal-may'-shya. DALPHON, dal'-fon, swift. DAMARIS, dam'-a-ris, a little woman. DAMASCENES, dam-a-soens', people of Damascus. DAMASCUS, da-mas'-kns, activity. DAN, dan, judge. DAN JAAN, dan-ja'-an, woodland Dan. DANIEL, dau'-yel, God's judge. DANNAH, da:i'-uah, low place. DARA, da'-rah (probably contracted from the ncit word). DAKDA, dar'-dah, pearl of wisdom. DARIUS, da-ri'-us, compellcr (r) DARKON, dar'-kon, scatterer. DATHAN, da'-than, belonging to a fountain. DAVID, da'-vid, beloved. DEBIR, de'-ber, inner sanctuarj-. DEBORAH, deb'-o-rah, bee. DECAPOLIS, de-kap'-o-lis, ten cities. DEDAN, de'-dan, lowland. DEDANIM, de'-dan-im, inhabitants of Dedan. DEHAVITES, de-ha'-vites, villagers. DEKAR, dc'-kar, piercing through. DELAIAH, de-lai'-yah, whom Jeho- vah has freed. DELILAH, de-li'-lah, feeble, pining with desire, weak, delicate. DEMAS, de'-mas, of the people (or contracted from the next ^ DEMETRiuSjdc-me'-tri-us, belonging to Ceres. DERDE, der'-bee, juniper (?) . de-u'-vl, iayocaxicQ of Go4 D EU DEUTERONOMY, dew-ter-ou'-o-my, a recapitulation of the law. DIANA, di-au'-na, light-giving, per- fect. DIBLAIM, dib-lay'-im, ) two DiBLATHAiM,dib-la-thay'-im ( cakes. DIBLATH, dib'-lath (supposed to be the same as Riblah, q. v.). DIBON, di'-bon, pining. DIBON-GAD, di'-bon-gad, p. of Gad. DIBRI, dib'-ry., eloquent. DIDYMUS, did'-dy-mus, twin. DIKLAH, dik'-lah, a palm tree. DILEAN, dil'-e-an, cucumber field. DIMNAH, dim'-nah, dunghill. DIMON, di'-mon, DIMONAH, di-mo'-nah, DINAH, di'-nah, judged (i. e., acquit- ted), vindicated. DINAITES, di'-na-ites, people of Di- nah. DINHABAH, din-ha'-bah, a lurking- place of robbers. DIONYSIUS, di-o-nish'-yus, belong- ing to Dionysus, or Bacchus. DIOTREPHES, di-ot'-re-fees, nour- ished by Jupiter. DisiiAN, di'-shan, antelope. DIZAHAB, diz'-a-hab, a place abounding in gold. DODAI, do'-dai, loving. DODANIM, dod-a'-nim, leaders. DODAVAH, dod-a'-vah, love of Je- hovah. DODO, do'-do, belonging to love. DOEG, do'-eg, fearful. DOPHKAH, dof'-kah, knocking. DOR, dor, dwelling. DORCAS, dor'-kas, the female of a roebuck. DOTHAN, do'-than, two wells, or cisterns. DRUSiLLA,droo-sil'-la, dew-watered. DUMAH, dew'-mah, silence. DURAH, dew'-rah, eirel*. EBAL, e'-bal, (1) void of leaves, ',2) stony. EBED, e'-bed, servant. EBEDMELECH, e'-bed-me'-lek, ser- vant of the king. EBENEZER, eb-en-o'-zer, stone of help. EKEH, e'-ber, the region beyond, a passer over. EBIASAPH, eb-bi'-a-saf, father of ga- thering. EBRONAH. et-ro'-nah, passage (of the sea). ELI 11 ECCLESIASTES, ek-klee-zy-as'-teez, preacher. ED, ed, witness. EDAR, e'-dar, nock. EDEN, e'-den, pleasantness. EDER, e'-der, same as EDAR. EDOM, e'-dom, red. EDOMITES, c'-dom-ites, inhabitants of Idumea (or Edom). EDREI, ed'-re-i, strong. EGLAH, eg'-lah, heifer. EGLAIM, eg-lay'-im, two pools. EGLON, eg'-lon, pertaining to a calf. EGYPT, e^-jipt. EHI, e'-hl, my brother. EHUD, e'-hud, joining together. EKER, e'-ker, rooting up. EKRON, ek'-ron, eradication. ELADAH, el'-a-dah, whom God pu-ta on. ELAH, e'-lah, terebinth. ELAM, e'-lam, age. ELAMITES, e'-lam-ites, inhabitants of Elam (or Persia). ELASAH, el'-a-sah, whom God made. ELATH, e'-lath, trues, a grove (per- haps of palm trees). EL-UETHEL, el-beth'-el, the God of Bethel. ELDAAH, el'-da-ah, whom God called. ELDAD, el'-dad, whom God loves. ELEAD, el'-e-ad, whom God praises. EI.EALEH, el-e-a'-laj-, whither God ascends. ELEASAH, el-e'-a-sah, whom God made or created. ELEAZAR, el-e-a'-zar, whom God aids. EL-ELOHE- ISRAEL, el-el-o'-he-iz'-ra- el, God, the God of Israel. ELEPH, e'-lef, ox. ELHANAN, el-ha'-nan, whom God gave. ELI, e'-li, going up, height, summit. ELIAB, el-i'-ab, whose father is God. ELIADA, ) el-i'-a-dah, whom God ELIADAH, \ cares for. ELIAH, el-i'-ah, my God is Jehovah. ELIAHBA, el-i'-a-bah, whom God hides. ' ELIAKIM, el-i'-a-kim, whom God haa set. ELIAM, el-i'-am, God's people. ELIASAPH, el-i'-a-saf, whom God added. ELIATHAH, el-i'-a-thah, to whom God comes, i Euiun, cl-i'-dac. whom God loves. 12 ELI ELiEL,el-i'-el, to whom God strength sc. gives. ELIEXAI, el-i-e'-nai, unto Jehovah my eyes (are turned). ELIEZER, el-i-e'-zer, to whom God is help. ELIHOREPH, el-i-ho'-ref, to whom God is the reward. ELIHU, el-i'-hu, whose God is He. ELIJAH, el-i'-jah, my God is Jehovah. ELIKA, el-i'-kah, God of the congre- gation (?) ELIM, e'-llm, trees. ELIMELECH, el-im'-e-lek, to whom God is king. ELIOENAI, el-I-o-e'-n:, unto Jehovali my eyes (are turned). ELIPHAL, el-i'-fal, whom God judges. ELIPHALET, el-i'-fal-et, ) , ELIPHELET, el-i'-fel-ct, [ to whom God is salvation. ELIPHAZ, el-i'-faz, to whom God is strength. EI.IFHEI.EH, el-i'-fel-eh, whom God distinguishes (i.e., makes distinguished). ELISABETH, el-iz'-a-beth, the oath of God. E..: -A, el-i'-sha, to whom God is sals ..don. ELISHAH, el-i'-shah. ELISHAMA, el-i'-sha-ma, whom God hears. ELISHAPHAT, el-i'-sha-fat, whom God judges, ELISHEBA, el-i'-she-ha, to whom God is the oath. ELISHVA, el-i'-shu-ah, to whom God is salvation. EHUD, el-i'-hud, God of Judah. ELIZAPHAN, el-i'-zaf-an, whom God protects. ELIZUR, el-i'-zur, to whom God is a rock. ELKANAH, el-ka'-nah, whom God created or possessed. ELKOSHITE, el'-ko-shite, inhabitant of Elkosh. ELLASAR, el'-la-sar, oak or heap of Assyria. ELMODAM, el-mo'-dam, (same as ALMOPAD, q. y.). ELXAAM, el'-na-am, whose pleasure or joy God is. ELNATHAN, el-na'-than, whom God gave. ELOX, e'-lon, oak. ELONITES, e'-lon-ites, descendants of Elon. ELox-BETH-iiANAN,e'-lon-beth'-ha- , nan, oak of the home of grgce. EPA ELOTH, e'-lolh, (same as ELATH, q. v.). ELFAAL, cl'-pa-al, to whom God ia the reward. ELPALET, el'-pa-let, to whom God ia salvation. ELPARAN, el'-pa-ran, oat of Paran. ELTEKEH, cl'-te-keh, to which God is fear (or ohject of fear). ELTEKOX, cl'-te-kon, to which God is the foundation. ELTOLAD, el'-to-lad, whose race or posterity is from God. ELUZAI, el'-u-zai, God ia my praises (. ., my praises are directed to God). ELYMAS. el-y-mas. a corrupter, or sorcerer. ELZABAD, el'-za-had, whom God gave. ELZAPHAX, cl'-za-fan, whom (J.'l protects. EMIMS, e'-mims, terrible men. EMMANUEL, em-man'-u-el, God with US. EMMAUS, em-ma'-us, hot springs. EMMOR, em'-mor, (same as HAMOR, q. v.). ENAK, o -nani, two fountains. EXAX, e'-nan, having eyes. ENIXOU, en'-dor, fountain of habita- tion. ENEOLAIM, en-eg-la'-im, /. of two calves, or two pools. ExcAxxnr, en-gan'-nim, /. of gar- dens. ENGEDI, eji'-ge-di, /. of the kid. ExHADDAir,en-had'-dah,/. of sharp- ness, t. ., swift. EXHAKKORE, en-hak-ko'-ree, /. of the crier. EXHAZOR, en-ha'-zor, /. of the vil- lage. Ex-jri6HpAT, en-mish'-pat, /. of judgment. ENOCH, e'-nok, initiated, or ini- tiating. E.xox, e'non. ENOS, e'-nos, man. EXKIMMOX, en-rim'-mon, fountain of the pomegranate. EX-ROGEL, en-ro'-gel, /. of the spy, or fuller's/. ENSHEMESH, en-she'-mesh,/. of the sun. EXTAPPUAH, en-tap'-pu-ah, /. of the apple tree. EPAPHRAS, ep'-a-fras, (contracted from the next word). EPAPHRODITUS, e-paf-ro-di'-tus, agreeable, handsome. EPE EFZNETUS, e-pe'-ne-tus, laudable. EPHAH, e'-fah, darkness. EPHAI, e'-fai, -wearied out, lan- guishing. EPHER, e'-fer, calf, young animal. EPHES-DAMMIM, e'-fez-dam'-mirn, satioa of blood. EPHESUS, ef -fe-sus. EPHESIANS, ef-fe'-zhi-ans, innao? tants of Ephesus. EPHLAL, ef'-lal, judgment. EPHOD, e'-fod, to gird on, put on. EPHPHATHA, ef'-fa-thah, be opened. EPHRAIM, ef'-ra-im, double land, twin land. EPHRAIMITES, ef'-ra-im-ites, inha- bitants of Ephraim. EPHRATAH, ef'-ra-tah, land, region (?) or fruitful (?) EPHRATHITES, ef'-rath-ites, inha- bitants of Ephrath. EPHRON, ef '-ron, of or belonging to a calf. EPICUREANS, ep-i-ku-re'-ans, fol- lowers of Epicurus. lX r e'-ran,i Catcher, watchful. ERANITES, e'-ran-ites, posterity of Eran. ERASTUS, e-ras'-tus, lovely, amiable. ERECH, e'-rek, length. ERI, e'-ri, guarding (*'. e., worship- ping) Jehovah. ERITES, e'-rites, inhabitants of Eri. ESAR-HADDON, e'-sar-had'-don, gift of fire. ESAU, e'-saw, hairy, rough. ESEK, e'-sek, strife. ESH-BAAL, esh'-ba-al, man or fire of Baal. ESHBAN, esh'-ban, reason. ESHCOL, esh'-kol, cluster. ESHEAN, esh'-e-an, prop, support. ESHEK, e'-shek, oppression. ESHTAOL, esh'-ta-ol, petition, re- quest. ESHTEMOA, esh-tem-o'-ah, ) obedi- ESHTEMOTH, esh'-te-moth, \ ence. ESHTON, esh'-ton, uxorious, wo- manly. ESLI, es'-li, whom Jehovah re- served (?) ESROM, es'-rom, (same as HEZRON, q. v.). ESTHER, es'-ter,star, fortune, felicity. EXAM, e'-tam, a place of ravenous creatures,. GAB 13 ETHAM, e'-tham, boundary of the sea(?) ETHAN, e'-than, a wise man, firm- ness. ETHBAAL, eth-ba'-al, living with Baal (I. e., enjoying the favour and help of Baal). ETHER, e'-ther, plenty, abundance. ETHIOPIJL, e'-thi-op-ya, (region of) ournt laces. ETHNAN, eth'-nan, a gift. ETHNI, eth'-ni, bountiful, munifi- cent. EUBULUS, eu-bu'-lus, prudent, Aviso, good counsellor. EUNICE, eu-ni'-see, good victory. EUODIAS, eu-o'-di-as, sweet favour. EUPHRATES, eu-fra'-tes, sweet water. EUROCLYDON, eu-rok'-ly-don. EUTYCHUS, eu'-ty-kus, fortunate. EVE, eve, life. EA - I, e'-vi, desire, habitation. EVIL-MERODACH, e'-vil-mer'-o-dak, the fool or worshipper of Merodach. EXODUS, ex'-o-dus, going out, de- parture. EZAR, e'-zar, treasure. EZBAI, ez'-bai, hairy. EZBON, ez'-bon, a worker. EZEKIAS, ez-e-ki'-as. (See HEZE- KIAH.) EZEKIEL, ez-e'-ki-el, whom God will strengthen. EZEL, e'-zel, departure. EZEM, e'-zcm, true strength. EZER, e'-zer, help. EZION-GEBER, e'-zi-on-gc'-ber, the back-bone of a giant. EZNITE, ez'-nite. EZRA, ez'-rah, help. EZRAHITE, ez'-ra-hite, a descendant of Ezra, or Zerah. EZRI, ez'-ri, ready to help, the help of Jehovah. EZRON, ez'-ron. (See HEZRON.) FELIX, fe'-lix, happy. FESTUS, fes'-tus, joyful. FORTUNATUS, for-tu-na'-tus, prof perous. GAAL, ga'-al, loathing. GAASH, ga'-ash, shaking, earthquake. GABA, ga'-bah, hill. GAHBAI, gab'-bai, an exactor of tribute. GABBATHA, gab'-ba-tha, platform. GABRIEL, ga'-bri-el. man of God. 14 GAB GAD, gad, a troop, good fortune. GADAKA, gad'-a-rah. GADARENES, gad-a-reens', inhabit- ants of GaOK, ge'-dor, ) ^ GEHEIIAH, ged-e'-rah, enclosure, Bhccpfold. GEDKIUTE, ged-e'-rite, native of Geder. r Tir, ged'-e-roth, folds. G>;n.m, ge-ha'-i, valley T vision GI D GELILCTH, gel-i'-loth, region.*, borders. GEMALLI, ge-mal'-li, possessor of driver of camels. GEMARIAU, gem-a-ii'-ah, whom Jehovah has completed. GENESIS, jen'-e-sis, generation, or beginning. GEXNESAB.ET, gcn-nes'-a-reth. GENUBATH, gen-u'-bath, theft. GENTILES, jen'-tiles, the nations of the west. GEHA~H, GERAH, ge'-rar, sojourning, lodging- place. GERGESENF.S, ger-ge-seens', inha- bitants of Geru-u. GERIZIM, ger-i'-zim. GESHAM, ge'-sham, filthy. GESHEM, ge'-shem, is rained upon. GESHUK, ge'-shur, bridge. GESHURI, ge-shu'-ri ) ^ CjrESHUHITES, gC-shu -ritCS, j bitants of Geshur. GETHER, ge'-ther, dregs. GETHSEMANE, gcth-sem'-a-ne, oil- press. GEUEL, gew'-el, majesty of God. GEZER, ge'-zer, place cut off, preci- pice. GEZIUTES, gcz'-rites, dwelling in a desert land. GIAII, gi'-ah, breaking forth (sc., of a fountain). GIBBAR, gib'-bar, a hero, a soldier. GiiiBETHON, gib'-be-thon, a lofty place, an acclivity. I1!EA I gib'-e-ah, ) GlBEAH, { *> (tiH. GIBEATH, gib -e-ath, GIBEON, gib'-c-on, pertaining to a hill (t. e., built on a hill). _ GIBEONITES, gib'-e-on-itesj inha- bitants of Gibeon. GIBLITES, gib'-lites, inhabitants of Gebal. GIDDALTI, gid-dal'-ti, I have trained up. GIDDEL, gid'-del, too great, giant. GIDEON, gid'-e-on, cutter down (>. e., brave soldier). GIDEONI. gid-e-o'-ni, ) cutting GIDOM, gi'-dom, ) down. GIHON, gi'-hoc^ lareaking forth (of 8 river). 1H GILALAI, gi-la-lai', dungy. GILBOA, gil-bo'-ah, bubbling foun- tain. GILEAU, gil'-e-ad, (1) hard, stony region, (2) hill of witness. GILEADITE, gil'-e-ad-ite, inhabitant of Gilead. GILGAL, gil'-gal, a circle, or a rolling away. GILOH, gi'-lo, emigration, exile. GIMZO, gim'-zo, a place abounding with sycamores. GIXATH, gi'-nath, protection, garden. GINXETHO, gin'-ne-tho, ) gar- GINNETHON, gin'-ne-thon, | dener. GIRGASHITE, gir'-gash-ite, dwelling in a clayey soil. GISPA, gis'-pah, soothing, flattery. GITTAH-HEPHER, git'-tah-he'-fer, wine-press of the well. GITTAIM, git'-ta-im, two wine- presses. GITTITES, git'-tites, inhabitants of Gath. GITTITH, git'-tith, a stringed instru- ment. GIZONITE, gi'-zo-nite. GOATH, go'-ath, lowing. GOB, gob, pit, cistern. GOG, gog, extension. GOLAN, go'-lan, exile. GOLGOTHA, gol'-go-thah, a skull. GOLIATH, go-li'-ath, exile, an exile. GOMER, go'-mer, complete. GOMORRAH, go-mor'-rah, culture, habitation. GOSHEX, go'-shen, frontier (?) GOZAN, go'-zan, stone quarry. GREECE, grees, ) GRECIA, greesh'-ya, \ GUDGODAH, gud'-go-dah, thunder (r) GUNI, gu'-ni, painted with colours. GUNITES, gu'-nites, descendants of Guni. GUR, gur, whelp, lion's cub. GURBAAL, gur-ba'-al, sojourniny ^>f Baal. HAAHASHTARI, ha-a-hash'-ta-ri, the muleteer. HABAIAH, ha-bai'-ah, whom Jeho- vah hides. HABAKKTJK, hab'-bak-kuk, embrace. HAB-AZIXIAH, hab-az-i-ni'-ah, lamp of Jehovah. HABOR, ha'-bor, joining together. HACHALIAH, hak-a-li'-ah, whom Je- hovah disturbs, dark. HAH 15 HACHILAH, hak'-i-lah, dark, dusky. HACHMONI, hak'-mo-ni, wise. HACHMONITE, hak'-mo-nite, a de- scendant of Hachmoni. H VDAD, ha'-dad, sharpness. HADADEZER, had-ad-e'-zer, whose help is Hadad. HADAD-RIMMON, ha'-dad-rini'-mon, named from Hadad and Rimmon, q. v. HADAR, ha'-dar, enclosure. HADASHAH, nad-a'-shah, new. HADASSAH, had-as'-sah, myrtle. HADATTAH, had-at'-tah, new. HADID, ha'-did, sharp. HADLAI, had'-lai, rest, rest of God. HADORAM, ha-do'-ram, noble honour. HADRACH, ha'-drak, dwelling. HAGAB. ha'-gab, | i 6 ,', , > locust. HAGABA, ha-ga -bah, \ HAGAR, ha'-gar, flight. HAGARITES, ha'-gar-ites. HAGGAI, hag'-gai, ) f .. HAGGI, hag-gi, \ te HAGGERI, hag'-ger-i. HAGGIAH, hag-gi'-ah, festival of Jehovah. HAGGITES, hag'-gites, the posterity of Haggi. HAGGITH, hag / -gith,feative, a dancer. HAI, ha'-i, a heap of ruins. HAKKATAX, hak-ka'-tan, the small. HAKKOS, hak'-koz, the thorn. HAKUPHA, hak-u'-fah, bent. HALA, ha'-lah. HALAK, ha'-lak, smooth. HALHUL, hal'-hul, trembling. HALI, ha'-li, ornament, necklace. HALLELUJAH, hal-le-loo'-yah, praise ye Jehovah. HALLOHESH, hal-lo'-hesh, the en- chanter. HAM, ham, (1) warm, black, (2) noisy, multitude. HAMAN, ha'-man, alone, solitary. HAMATH, ha'-math, defence, citadel. HAMATHITE, ha'-math-ite, a dweller at Hamath. HAMATH-ZOBAH, ha'-math-zo'-bah. HAMMATH, ham'-math, warm springs. HAMMEDATHA, ham-med-a'-tha, twiu(?) HAMMELHCH, ham-me'-lek,the king. HAMMOLEKETH, ham-mo-le'-kcth, the queen. HAMMON, ham'-mon, warm, 01 suany. 16 II AM II A Z HAMMOTHDOR, ham'-moth-dor, warm-springs dwelling. HAMONAH, ham-o'-nah, multitude. HAMON-OOO, ha'-mon-gog,i. of Gog. HAMOR, ha'-mor, osa. HAMUEL, ham'-mu-el, heat (wrath) of God. HAMUL, ha'-mul, who has expe- rienced mercy. HAXULITES, ha'-mul-ites, the pos- terity of Hamul. HAMUTAL, ha-mu'-tal, refreshing like dew. HANAKEEL, han'-a-me-el. HANAN, ha'-nan, merciful. HANANEEL, han'-a-ne-el, whom God graciously gave. HANANI, ha-na'-ni, favourable, gra- cious. HANANIAH, han-a-ni'-ah, whom Je- hovah graciously gave. HANES, ha'-nees. HANIEL, han'-i-el, grace of God. HANNAH, han'-nah, gracious. HANNATHON, han'-na-thon, gracious. HAXNIEL, han'-ni-el, the favour of God. HANOCH, ha'-nok, initiated. HANOCHITES, ha'-nok-ites, descend- ants of Hanoch. HANUX, ha'-nun, gracious, whom (God) pities. HAPHRAIM, haf-ra'-im, two pits. HARA, ha'-ra, mountainous. HARADAH, har'-ra-dah, fear. HARAN, ha'-ran, (1) mountaineer, (2) parched, dry. HARARITE, har'-ra-rite, a moun- taineer. HARBONAH, har-ho'-nah, an ass- driver. HAREPH, ha'-ref, plucking. HARETH, ha'-reth, thicket. HARHAIAH, har-hai'-yah, who was dried up. HARHAS, har'-has, very poor. HARHUR, har'-hur, inflammation. HARIM, ha'-rim, flat-nosed. HARIPH, ha'-rif, autumnal showers. HARNEPHER, har-ne'-fer, to snore, to inhale, to pant. HAROD, ha'-rod, fear, terror. HARODITE, har'-ro-dite, inhabitant of Harod. HAROEH, ha-ro'-eh, the seer. HARORITE, har'-ro-rite. (See HA- BODITB.) HAROSHETH, har-o'-sheth, carving or working. HARSHA, har'-sha, enchanter, magi- cian. HARUM, ha'-rum, made high. HARUMAPH, ha-ru'-maf, flat-nosed. HARUPHITE, ha-ru'-fite. HARUZ, ha'-ruz, eager, diligent. HASADIAH, has-a-di'-ah, whom Je- hovah loves. HASENUAH, has-e-nu'-ah, the brist- ling. HASHABIAH, hash-a-bi'-ah, ) HASHABXAH, hash-ab'-nah, HASHABNIAH, hash-ab-ni'-ah, ) \\;. :u Jehovah esteems. HASHKADANA, hash-bad-u'-i.a, thought in judging, wise judge. HASHEM, ha'-shem, fat. HASHMOXAH, hash-mo'-nah, fatness, fat soil. HASHUB, ha'-shub, ) j e HASHUBAH, ha-shu'-bah, ) standing, considerate. HASIIVM, ha'-shum, rich, wealthy. HASHUPHA, ha-shu'-fa, made naked. HASRAH, haz'-rah, very poor. HASSENAAH, has-se-na'-ah, the thorny. HATACH, ha'-tak, verity. HATHATH, ha'-thath, terror. HATIPHA, hat'-i-fah, seized, captive. HATITA, hat'-i-tah, digging, ex- ploring. HATTIL, hat'-til, wavering. HATTUSH, hat'-tush, assembled. HAVILAH, hav-i'-lah, puny terror. HAVOTU-JAIH, ha'-voth-ja'-ir, vil- lages of Jair. HAURAN, haV-ran, cave-land. HAZAEI,, haz'-a-el, whom God , haz-ai'-ah, whom Jeho- vah watches over. HAZAR-ADDAR, ha'-zar-ad'-dar, vil- lage of Addar. HAZAR-ENAN, ha'-zar-e'-nan, v. of fountains. HAZAR-OADDAII, ha'-zar-ga : v. of good fortune. HAZAR-HATTICON, ha'-zar-hat'-ti- kon, middle v. AZAR-MAVETii, ha'-zar-ma'-veth, court of death. HAZAR-SHTJAL, ha'-zar-shu'-al, vil- lage of jackals. HAZAR-SUSIM, ha'-zar-su'-sim, v. of (station for) horses. a. AZ HAZELEL-POXI, ha'-zel-el-po'-ni, the shadow looking on me. HAZERIM, ha-ze'-rim, ) V : 11<1(TP , HAZEROTH, haz-e'-roth, } V1 HAZER-SHUSIM, ha'-zer-shu'-sim, the village of horses. HAZEzox-TAMAR,ha'-ze-zon-ta'mar, pruning of the palm. HAZIEL, ha'-zi-el, the vision of God, seen by God. HAZO, ha'-zo, vision. HAZOR, ha'-zor, enclosure, castle. HEBER, he'-ber, (1) a passer over, (2) fellowship, society. HEBREWS, he'-brews, descendants ofEber. HEBROX, he'-bron, conjunction, joining, alliance. HEBROXITES, he'-bron-ites, the people of Hebron. HEGAI, he-ga'-i, venerable (?) HELAH, he'-lah, rust. HELAM, he'-lam, stronghold. HELBAH, hel'-bah, fatness ('. e., a fertile region). HELBON, hel'-bon, fat (i. e., fertile). HELDAI, hel'-dai, worldly, terres- trial, vital. HELEB, he'-leb, (same as HELBAH, q. v.). HELED, he'-led, life, the "world. HELEK, he'-lek, portion. HELEKITES, he'-lek-ites, descendants of Helek. HELEM, he'-lem, stroke. HELEPH, he'-lef, exchange. HELEZ, he'-lez, loin, liberation. HELI, he'-li, summit. HELKAI, hel'-kai, Jehovah his por- tion. HELKATH, hel'-kath, a portion. HELKATH-HAzzuRiM,hel'-kath-haz'- zu-rim, the p. (field) of swords. HELOX, he'-lon, strong. HEMAX, he'-man, faithful. HEMATH, he'-math, fortress. HEMDAX, hcm'-dan, pleasant. HEN, hen, favour. HEXA, he'-nah, low ground. HENADAD, hen'-a-dad, favour of Uadad. HEXOCH, he'-nok. (See EXOCH.) HEPHER, he'-fer, pit, well. UEPHERITES, he'-fer-ites, descend- ants of Hepher. HBPHZIBAH, hef'-zi-bah, in whom u my delight. HOD 17 HERES, he'-res, the sun. HERESH, he'-resh, artificer. HERMAS, her'-mas, Mercury. HERMOGENES, her-moj'-e-neez, de- scendant of Mercury. HERMOX, her'-mon, lofty. HERMOXITES, her'-mon-ites, (the summits of Hermon are meant). HEROD, her'-rod, glory of the skin. HERODIAXS, he-ro'-di-ans, partisans of Herod. HERODIAS, he-ro'-di-as, mount of pride. HERODION, he-ro'-di-on. HESHBON, hesh'-bon, device. HESHMOX, hesh'-mon, fatness, fat soil. HETH, heth, fear, terror. HETHLON, heth'-lon, a hiding-place, a place wrapped up. HEZEKI, hez -e-ki, strong. HEZEKIAH, hez-e-ki'-ah, the might of Jehovah (i.e., given by Jehovah). HEZIR, he'-zir, swine. HEZION, hez'-i-on, vision. HEZRAI, hez'-rai, ) , , HEZROX, hez'-ron, } enclosed ' 8ur ' rounded by a wall. HEZROXITES, hez'-ron-ites, descend- ants of Hezron. HIDDAI, hid'-dai, for the rejoicing of Jehovah. HIDDEKEL, hid'-de-kel, active, vehe- ment, rapid. HIEL, hi'-el, God liveth. HIERAPOLIS, hi-er-rap'-o-lis, a sa- cred or holy city. HILEX, hi'-len, place of caves. HILKIAH, hil-ki'-ah, portion of Je- hovah. HILLEL, hil'-lel, singing, praising. HIXXOM, hin'inom. HIRAH, hi'-rah, nobility> a noble race. HIRAM, hi'-ram, noble. HIZKIAH, hiz-ki'-ah, ) might of HIZKIJAH, hiz-ki'-jah, \ Jehovah, HITTITES, hit'-tites, descendants of Heth. HIVITES, hi'-vites, belonging to a village. HoiiAB, ho'-bab, beloved. HOBAH, ho'-bah, a hiding-place. HOD, hod, splendour. HoDAiAH f ho-dai'-yah, ) HODAVIAH, ho-da-vi'-ah, \ pra ye Jehovah, or Jehovah His g' r y. HODESH, ho'-desh, new moon- 18 n o D HODEVAH, ho'-de-va, (same aa Ho- DATIAH, q.V.). HODIAH, ho-di'-ah, | majesty of HoDiJAH,ho-di'-jah, | God. HOGLA, hog'-lah, partridge. FOHAV, ho'-ham, whom Jehovah impels. HOLOX, ho -Ion, sandy. HOMAM, ho'-mam, destruction. HOFHXI, hof'-ni, pugilist, fighter. HOPHRAH, hof'-rah (see PHARAOH- H.) HOR, hor, mountain. HORAM, ho'-ram, height, mountain- ous. HOREB, ho'-reb, dry, desert. HOREM, ho'-rem, devoted, sacred. HORHAGIDGAD, hor'-ha-gid'-gad, conspicuous mountain. HORI, ho'-ri, cave-dweller. HORIMS, ho'-rims, ) descendants of HORITES, ho'-rites, \ Hon. HORMAH, hor'-mah, a devoting, a place laid waste. HOROXAIM, hor-o-na'-im, two ca- verns. HOROXITE, hor'-o-nite, native of Horonaim. HOSAH, ho'-sah, fleeing for refuge, or a refuge. HOSEA, ho-ze'-ah, ) welfare, salva- HOSHEA, ho-she'-a, \ ton. HOSHAIAH, ho-shai'-yah, whom Jehovah aids, whom Jehovah has set free. HOSHAMA, hosh'-a-mah, whom Jehovah hears. HOTHAM, ho'-tham. ) . , . HOTHAX, ho'-than, j sl S net rm &- HOTHIB, ho'-thur, (whom Jehovah) left (?) HUKKOK, huk'-kok, decreed. HUL, hull, circle. HULDAH, hul'-dah, a mole, weasel. HUMTAH, hum'-tah, place of lizards. HUPHAM, hu'-fam, inhahitant of the shore. JIuniAMiTES, hu'-fam-ites, descen- dants of Hupham. HUPPAH, hup -pah, covering. HUPPIM, hup'-pim, coverings. HUR, hur, cavern. HURAI, hu'-rai, linen -worker. HuRAM,hu'-ram, noble, free-born (?) HURI, hu'-ri, linen-worker. HVSHAH, hu'-shah, haste. IIusHAi, hu'-sha, hasting. IRI :, hu'-sham, haste. HUSHATHITE, hu'-shath-itc, inhabi- tant of llushah. HrsHiM, hu'-shim, those who make haste. Huz, huz, eight, sandy soil. HUZZAB, huz'-zab. HYMEXEUS, hy-men-e'-us, nuptial, or a wedding song. IBHAR, ib'-har, whom He (sc. God) chooses. IBLEAM, ib'-le-am, devouring the people. ^ / i_ } whom Jch'.i- IBXEIAH, ib-nei -yah, / Tahw IBXIJAH, ib-ni'-jah, I up.t.e., cause * to prosper. IBRI, ib'-ri, Hebrew. IBZAX, ib'-zan, tin. ICHABOD, ik'-a-bod, inglorious. ICOXIUM, i-ko'-ni-um. IDALAH, id'-a-lah, that which God has shown. IDBASH, id'-bash, honied. lDno,id'-do (1) loving, given to love ; (2) calamity. IDUSLEA, i-du-me'-ah (same asEooM q.v.) IGAL, i'-gal, whom God will avenge. IGEAL, i'-ge-al. IGDALIAH, ig-da-li'-ah, whom Jeho vah shall make great. IIM. i'-im, ruins. IJE-ABARIM, i-je-ab'-a-rim, ruinous heaps of Abarim. IJON, i'-jon, a ruin. IMLAH, im'-lah, whom He (God) will fill up. IKKESH, ik'-kcsh, perverseness of mouth. ILLYRICUM, il-lirr'-i-kuin. IMMAXVEL, im-man'-u-el, God with us. IMMER, iiu'-mer, talking, loquacious. IMX.Y, ) im'-nash, whom He (God). IMXAH, \ keeps back. IMRAH, im'-rah, stubborn. IMRI, im'-ri, eloquent. INDIA, in'-dya, land of the Indus. IPHEDEIAH, if-e-di'-ah, whom Jeho- vah frees. IR, eer, city. IRA, i'-rah, town, watchful. IIIAD, i'-rad, wild ass. 1R1 IRIJAH, i-ri'-jah, whom Jehovah looks on. IRON, i'-ron, timid, pious, piety. IRPEEL, eer'-pe-el, which God heals. IRSHEMISH, eer-she'-mesh, city of the sun. IRV, i'-ru. ISAAC, i'-zak, laughter, sporting. ISAIAH, i-zai'-yah, the salvation of Jehovah. ISCAH, is'-kah, one who beholds, looks out. ISCARIOT, is-kar'-ri-ot, man of Keristh. ISHBAH, ish'-bah, praising. ISHBAK, ish'-bak, leaving behind. IsHBi-BExoB,ish'-bi-be'-nob,hisseat ia at Nob, my seat is at Nob. ISHBOSHETH, ish-bo'-sheth, man of shame, i.e., shaming himself, perhaps bashful. ISHI, ish'-i, salutary. ISHIAH, ish-i'-ah, ) whom Jehovah IsHUAH,ish-i'-jah, j lends. ISHMA, ish'-ma, wasteness. ISHMAEL, ish'-ma-el,whom God hears ISHMAELITES, ish'-ma-el-ites, | ^ ISHMEELITES, ish'-me-el-ites, J scendants of Jehovah. ISMAIAH, iz-mai'-yah, ) whom /. ISHMAIAH, ish-mai'-yah, ] hears. ISHMERAI, ish'-me-rai, whom /. JAE 19 ISHOD, ish'-od, man of glory. ISHPAX, ish'-pan, bald. ISHTOB, ish'-tob, men of Job. IsHi'AH, ish-u'-ah, ) ISHUI, ish'-U-i, j CVe ISMACHIAH, is-ma-ki'-ah, whom Je- hovali props np. ISRAEL, iz'-ra-el, contender or sol- dier of God. ISRAELITES, iz'-ra-el-ites, descen- dants of Israel. ISSACHAR, is'-sa-kar, he brings wages (?) ITALY, it'-a-ly. ITHAI, i'-thai, with the Lord. ITHAMAR, ith'-a-mar, land of palms. TTHIEL, ith'-i-el, God is with me. [THMAH, ith'-mah, bereavedness. CTHNAN, ith'-nan, given. ITHRA, ith'-rah, ) ,, rTHKAx,ith'-ran, j excellence. ITHRF.AM, ith'-re-am, abundance of people, rest of the people. ITHRITE, ith'-rite, descendants of Jether(?) ITTAH-KAZIX, it'-tah-ka'-zin, time of the judge, people of the judge. ITTAI, it'-tai, with the Lord. ITUREA, it-u-re'-ah, a province named from Jetur. IVAH, i'-vah, overturning. IZHAR, ( iz'-e-har, ) ., IZEHAR, ( iz'-har, 5 IZRAHIAH, iz-ra-hi'-ah, whom Jeho- vah brought to light. IZRAHITE, iz'-ra-hite, probably same as ZARHITB, q. v. Iziu, iz'-ri, the Izrite or Jezerite. JAAKAX, ja'-a-kan, he shall surround. JAAKOBAH, ja-ak-o'-bab, taking hold of the heel, supplanter, layer of snares. JAALA, ja'-a-la, wild she-goat. JAALAM, ja'-a-lam, whom God hidea JAANAI, ja'-an-ai, whom Jehovah answers. JAAREOREOIM, ja'-ar-e-or'-e-gim, forests of the weavers. JAASAU, ja'-a-saw, whom Jehovah made. JAASIEL, ja-a'-si-el, whom God com- forts. JAAZANIAH, ja-az-za-ni'-ah, whom Jehovah hears. JAAZER, ja'-a-zer, whom He (God) aids. JAAZIAH, ja-a-zi'-ah, which Jehovah comforts. JABAL, ja'-bal, stream. JABBOK, jab'-bok, pouring out, emptying. JABESH, ja'-besh, dry. JABESH-GILEAD, ja'-besh-gil'-e-ad, Jabesh of Gilead. JABEZ, ja'-bez, causing pain. JABIN, ja'-bin, whom He (God) con- sidered. JABNEEL, jab'-ne-el, which God caused to be built. JABNEH, jab'-neh, which He (God) caused tc be built. JACKAN, ja'-kan, troubled. JACHIN, ja'kin, whom God strength- ens, founds. JACOB, ja'-kob, taking hold of the heel, supplanter. JADA, ja -dah, wise. JADAV, ja'-daw, loving. JADDL'A, jad'-du-a, knovn. JADOX, ja'-don, a judge, or God has judged. JAEL, ja'-el, mountain goat. 20 JAG JAGUR, ja'-gur, lodging. JAH, jah (poetic form of Jehovah, q. v.J JAHATH, ja'-hath, union. JAHAZ, ja'-haz, ) a pi ace JAHAZA, ( . , , , > trampled JAHAZAH, I J a - naz - ab > \ down, per- haps a threshing floor. JAHAZIAH, ja-ha-zi'-ah, whom Jeho- vah watches over. JAHAZIEL, ja-haz'-i-el, whom God watches over. JAHDAI, jah'-dai, whom Jehovah directs. JAHDIEL, jah'-di-el, whom God makes glad. JAHDO, jah'-do, united, his union. JAHLEEL, jah'-le-el, hoping in God. JAHLEELITES, iah-le-el-ites, descen- dants of Jahleel. JAHMAI, jah'-mai, whom Jehovah guards. JAHZAH, jah'-zah. JAHZEEL, jah'-ze-el, whom God allots. JAHZEELITES, jah'-ze-el-ites, descen- dants of Jahzeel. JAHZERAH, jah'-ze-rah, whom God brings back. JAIR, ja'-er, whom He (sc. God) en- lightens. JAIRUS, ja'-i-rus (Greek form of Jair) . JAKAN, ja'-kan, see JAAKAN. JAKEH, ja'-keh, pious. JAKIM, ja'-kim, whom God sets up. JALON, ja'-lon, passing the night, tarrying. JAMBRES, jam'-brees. JAMES, james, supplanter, under- miner. JAMIN, ja'-min, right hand. JAMINITES, ja'-min-ites, descendants of Jamin. JAMLECH, jam'-lek, whom God makes to reign. JANNA, jan'-na, whom Jehovah be- BtOWS. JANNES, jan'-nees. JANOAH, ja-no'-ah, JANOHAH, ja-no'-hah, JAWM, ja'-num, sleep, flight. JAPHETH, ja'-feth, widely extending. JAPHIA, ja-fi'-ah, splendid. - JAPHLET, jaf'-let, whom God frees. JAPHLETI, jaf-le'-ti, the Jafletite. JAPHO, ja'-fo, beauty. JAUAH, ja'-rab, honey. rest. JEG JAREB, ja'-reb, adversary. JARED, ja'-red, descent. JARESIAH, ja-re-si'-ah, whom Jeho- vah nourishes. JAHHA, jar'-ha. JAUIB, ja'-rib, adversary. JAUMUTH, jar'-muth, high. JAROAH, ja-ro'-ah, moon. JASHEN, ja'-shen, sleeping. JASUKR, ja'-sher, upright. JASHOBEAM, ja-sho'-be-am, to whom the people turn. JASHI'B, ja'-shub, turning oneself. JASHTJBI-LEHEM, ia-shu'-bi-le'-hem, a retiimer to Bethlehem. JASHC BITES, ja'-shu-bites, descen- dants of Jashut. JASIEL, ja-si'-el, whom God made. JASON, ja'-son, healing, or one who gives medicines. JATHNIEL, jath'-ni-el, whom God gives. JATTIR, j at'-teer, height. JAVAX, ja'-van, clay. JAZER, ja'-zer, whom (God) aids. JAZIZ, ja'-ziz, whom (God) moves ; to whom God gives life and motion). JEARIM, je~a'-rim, forests. JEATERAI, jea'-te-rai, whom the Lord shall cause to stay. JBBERECHIAH, jeb-er-re-ki'-ah, whom Jehovah blesses. jEBus,je'-bus, a place trodden down, as a threshing floor. JEBUSI, jeb'-u-si (from Jebus). JEBUSITES, jeb'-u-sites, the descen- dants of Jebus, the son of Canaan. JECAMIAH, jek-a-mi'-ab, whom Je- hovah gathers. JECOLIAH, jek-o-li'-ah, for whom /. shows Himself strong, strong by means of J. jECONiAH,jek-o-ni'-ah, whom/, has appointed. JEDAIAH, je-dai'-yah, who praises/. JEDIAEL, jed-i'-a-el, known by God. JEDIDAH, jed-i'-dah, beloved. JEDIDIAH, jed-i-di'-ah, the delight (friend) of Jehovah. JEDUTHTW, jed-u'-thun, praising, celebrating. JEEZER, je-e'-zer (extracted from ABIEZEH', q. v.). JEEZORITES, je-e'-zor-ites, descen- dants of Jeezer. JEGAR-SAHADTTTHA, je'-gar-sa-ha- du'-thah, the heap of witness (?) JEH jEHALELEEL,je-hal'-el-e-el, ) w ^ JEHALELEL, je-hal'-e-lel, \ P QoA^ S JEHDEI AH, jeh-dei'-yah, whom Jeho- vah makes glad. JEHIEL, je-hi'-el, whom God pre- serves alive, God liveth. JEHIELI, je-hi-e'-li, a Jehielite. JEH^ZEKEL, je-hez'-e-kel (same as EZEKIEL, q. y.). JEHIAH, je-hi'-ah, Jehovah lives. JEHISKIAH, je-hiz-ki'-ah, Jehovah strengthens. JEKOADAH, je-ho'-a-dah, ) whom/. jEHOADPAN,je-h6' : a-dan, \ adorned. JEHOAHAZ, je-ho'-a-haz, whom /. holds fast. JEHOASH, je-ho'-ash, ) whom jEHOHANAN,je-ho-ha'-nan, ) f.gave. JEHXHACHIN, je-hoy'-a-kin, whom /. has established. JEHOIADA, je-hoy'-a-dah, whom /. cared for. JEHOIA'KIM, je-hoy'-a-kim, whom /. has set up. JEHOIARIB, je-hoy'-a-rib, whom /. will defend. JEHONADAB, je-hon'-a-dab, whom /. impels. JEHONATHAN, je-hon'-a-than (see JONATHAN). JEHORAM, je-ho'-ram, whom /. up- holds. JEHOSHABEATH, je-ho-shab'-e-ath whose oath is J. JEHOSHAPHAT, ie-hosh'-a-fat, whom J. judges (pleads for). JEHOSHEBA, je-hosh'-e-ba, whose oath is J. JEHOSHUA, je-hosh'-u-a (see JOSHUA). JEHOVAH, je-ho'-vah, the eternal, the immutable is His name. JEHOVAH-JIREH, je-ho'-vah-ji'-reh, J. will see or provide. jEHovAH-Ni88i,je-ho'-vah-nis'-si, < 7'. my banner. JEHOVAH-SHALLOM, je-ho'-vah- ahal'-lom, J. send peace. JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH, je-ho'-vah- Bham'-mah, ./. is there. JBHOVAH-TSIDKENU, jeho'-vah- tsid-ke'-nu, J. our righteousness. JEHOZABAD, je-hoz'-a-bad, whom /. gave. JEHOZADAK, je-hoz'-a-dak, whom/. makes just. JBHU, je'-hu, Jehovah is He. JEHITBBAH, je-hub'-bah, hidden (t. e., J ES 21 JEHUCAL, je-hu'-cal, able. JEHUD, je'-hud, praised. JEHUDI, je-hu'-di, a Jew. JEHUDIJAH, je-hu-di'-jali, the Jewess. JEHUSH, je'-hush, to whom God hastens. JEIEL, jei'-el, treasured of God (?) JEKABZEEL, je-kab'-ze-el, what God gathers. JEKAMEAM, jek-am'-e-am, who ga- thers the people together. JEKAMIAH, jek-a-mi'-ah, whom Je- hovah gathers. JEKUTHIEL, je-ku'-thi-el, the fear of God. JEMIMA, je-mi'-ma, dove. JEMUEL, jem-u'-el, day of God. JEPHTHAH, jef'-thah, whom, or what God sets free. JEPHUNNEH, je-fun'-neh, for whom a way is prepared. JERAH, je'rah, the moon. JERAHMEEL, jer-ah'-me-el, whom God loves. JERAHMEELITES, jer-ah'-me-el-ites, descendants of Jerahmeel. JERED, je'-red, descent. JEREMAI, je/-e-mi, dwelling in heights. JEREMIAH, jer-e-mi'-ah, whom Je- hovah has appointed. JEREMOTH, je-re'-moth, high places JERIAH, je-ri'-ah, people of Jehovah, either founded by God, or else, whom Jehovah regards. JERICHO, jer'-i-ko, a fragrant place. JEKIEL, je-ri'-el, people of God, founded by God. JERIJAH, je-ri'-jah, people of Jeho- vah, either founded by God, or else, whom Jehovah regards. JERIMOTH, jer'-i-moth, heights. JERIOTH, je-ri'-oth, curtains. JEROHAM, jer-o'-ham, who is loved, who will find mercy. JEROBOAM, jer-o-bo'-am, whose peo- ple are many. JERUBBAAL, je-rub'-ba-al, let Baal plead. JERUEL, je-ru'-el, people, or habita- tion of God, founded by God. JERUSALEM, je-ru'-sa-lem, the pos- session, habitation, or vision of peace. JERUSHA, je-ru'-sha, possessed, sc., by a husband. JESHAIAH, je-shai'-yah, j the salva- TJI api' T-aVi tionofJe- je-sai-yan. ) hoTfth 22 JES JESHANAH, jesh-a'-nah, old. JESHARELAII, jesh-ar-e'-lah, right before God. JESHEBEAB, jesh-e'-be-ab, father's seat. JESHER, je'-sher, uprightness. JESHIMON, jesh-i'-mon, the waste. , JESHISHAI, jesh-i'-shai, descended from an old man. JESHOHAIAH, jesh-o-hai'-yah, whom Jehovah casts down. JESHUA, jesh'-u-ah, /. the salvation. jESi-tuntx, jesh-u'-run, supremely happy. JESIAH, je-si -ah. JKSIMIEL, jes-im'-mi-el, whom God makes, i. e., creates. JESSE, jes'-se, wealthy. JESUI, jes'-u-i, even, level. JESUITES, jes'-u-ites, the posterity of Jesui. JESUS, je'-sus, Saviour. JETHER, je'-ther. JETHETH, je'-theth, a nail. JETHLAH, jeth'-lah, height, lofty place. JETHRO, jeth'-ro, his excellence. JETU-R, je'-tur, an enclosure, an en- campment of Nomades. JEUSH, je'-ush (to whom God) has- tens. JEVZ, je'-uz, counsellor. JEWRY, ju'-ry, the country of Judca. JEWS, jews, inhabitants ol Judea. JEZANIAII, jez-a-ni'-ah. JEZEBEL, jez'-e-bel, without cohabi- tation. JEZER, je'-zer, power, imagination. JEZIAH, je-zi'-ah, whom Jehovah sprinkles, expiates. JEZIEL, je-zi'-el, the assembly of God. JEZLIAH, jez-li'-ah, whom God drawB out (i. e., will preserve). JEZOAR, je-zo'-ar, whiteness. JEZRAHIAH, jez-ra-hi'-ah, whom Je- hovah brings forth. JEZREEL, jez'-re-el, that ,vhich God planted. JIBSAM, jib'-sam, pleasant. JIDLAPH, jid'-laf, weeping. JIMNAH, jim'-nah, prosperity. JIMMTES, jim'-nites, descendants of Jimua or Jimnah. JIPHTAH, jif-tah, whom, or what God sets free. JIPHTHAHEL, j if '-tha-hel, which God opens. J R JOAB, jo'-ab, whose father is Jeho- Tak. JOAH, jo'-ah, whose brother (i. c., helper) is J. JOAHAZ, jo-a'-haz, whom /. holds. JOANNA, jo-an'-nah, grace or gift of JOASH, jo'-ash, whom /. bestowed and whom J. hastens. JOB, jobe, (1) a desert, (2) one per- secuted. JOBAB, jo'-bab, a desert. JOCHEHED, jok'-e-bed, whose glory is Jehovah. JOED, jo'-ed, for whom /. is witness. JOEL, jo'-el, to whom /. is God. JOELAH, jo-e'-lah, he helps, or J aids him. JOEZEK, jo-e'-zer, whose help is /. JOGBEAH, jog'-be-ah, lofty. JOGLI, jog -li, led into exile. JOHA, jo'-ha, whom Jehovah called back to life (?) JOHANAN, jo-ha'-nan, whom J. be- stowed. JOHN, jon, the grace or gift of God, whom J. bestows. JOIADA, joy'-a-dah, whom /. fa- vours. JOIAKIM, joy'-a-kim ) whom /. sets JOKIM, jo'-kim, j up. JOIARIB, joy'-a-rib, whom /. de- lends. JOKDEAM, jok'-de-am, possessed by the people. JOKMEAM, jok-me'-am, or jok'-me- am, gathered by the p. JOKNEAM, jok'-ne-am, or jok-ne'-am, possessed by the p. JOKSHAN, jok'-shan, fowler. JOKTAN, jok'-tan, small. JOKTHEEL, jok-the'-el, subdued by God. JOXADAB, jon'-a-dab, -whom Jehovah impels. JONAH, jo'-nah, dove. JONAN, jo'-nan (contracted from JOHANAN, q. V.) JONATHAN, jon'-a-than, whom Je- hovah pare. JOPPA, jop'-pah, beauty (?) JORAH, jo'-rah, watering : the former rain. JORAI, jo'-rai, whom Jehovah teaches. JORAM, jo'-ram, whom /. is exalted. JORDAN, jor'-dan, descending, fLw- ing down. JORIM, jo'-rim (a form of Jor&ni f; good- ness. JOR JORKOAM, jor'-ko-am, paleness of the people (?) JOSABAD, jos'-a-bad, whom Jehovah bestows. JOSEDECH, jos'-e-dek, towards whom J. is just, whom J. has made just. JOSES, jo'-sees, (1) sparing, exalted, (2) whom J. helps. JOSEPH, jo'-seph, he shall add. JOSHAH, jo'-shah, JosHAViAir,josh-a-vi'-ah JOSHAPHAT, josh'-a-fat. (See JE- HOSHAP1IAT.) JOSHBEKASHAH, josh-bek-a'-shah, a seat in a hard place. JOSHUA, josh'-u-a, whose help is Jehovah. JOSIAH, jo-si'-ah, whom /. heals. JOSIBIAH, jos-i-bi'-ah, to whom God gives a dwelling. JOSIPHIAH, jos-i-fi'-ah, whom Jeho- vah will increase. JOTBAH, jot'-bah, JOTBATH, jot'-bath, JOTBATHAH, jot'-ba-thah, JOTHAM, jo'-tham, Jehovah is up- right. JOZACHAR, joz'-a-kar, whom /. has remembered. JOZADAK, joz'-a-dak, whom /. has made just. JUBAL, ju'-bal, music. JUCAL, ju'-cal, potent. JUDAH, ju'-dah, } JUDAS, ju'-das, > praised. JUDE, jood, ) JUDEA, ju-de'-a, from Judah. JUDITH, ju'-dith (probably from the same). JULIA, ju'-li-a (feminine of JULIUS). JULIUS, ju'-li-us. JUNIA, ju'-ni-a, youthful, or be- longing to Juno. JUPITER, ju'-pi-ter, helping father. JUSHAB-HISED, ju'-shab-he'-sed, whose love is returned. JUSTUS, jus'-tus, upright, righteous. JuTTAm, jut'-tah, stretched out, or inclined. KABZEEL, kab'-ze-el, which God gathers. KADESH, ka'-desh, sacred. KAJJESH-BARVEA, ka'-desh-bar'-ne-a sacred desert of wandering. KADMIEL, kad'-mi-el, one before (a minister of) God. KIP. 23 KADMONITES, kad'-mon-ites, Orioa tals. KAI.LAI, kal'-lai, the swift (servant) of Jehovah. KANAH, ka'-nah, a place of reed. KAKEAH, ka-re'-ah, bald. KARKAA, kar-ka'-ah, ) foundation, KARKER, kar'-ker, j bottom, soft, and level ground. KARNAIM, kar-na'-im, two horns. KARTAH, kar'-tah, city. KARTAN, kar'-tan, two towns, double town or city. KEDAR, ke'-dar, black-skinned. KEDEMAH, ke'-de-mah, eastward. KEDEMOTH, ke'-de-moth, begin- nings. KEDESH, ke'-desh, sanctuary. KEHELATHAH, ke-he'-la-thath, as- sembly. KEILAH, ki'-lah, fortress. KELAIAH, ke-lai'-yah, swift messen- ger of Jehovah. KELITA, kel-i'-tah, (1) assembly, (2) dwarf. KEMUEL, kem'-u-el, congregation of God. KENAN, ke'-nan, (1) possession, (2) smith. KENATH, ke'-nath, possession. KENAZ, ke'-naz, hunting. KENEZITE, ken'-e-zite, descendants of Keuaz (?) KEXITES, ke'-nitcs, ) smiths, KENNIZZITES, ken'-iz-ites, \ dwellers in a nest. KERENHAPPUCH, ke'-ren-hap-puk, horn of paint. KERIOTH, ker'-i-oth, cities. KEROS, ke'-ros, a weaver's comb. KETURAH, ke-tu'-rah, incense. KEZIA, ke-zi'-a, cassia. KEZIZ, ke'-ziz, cut off. KIBROTH-HATTAAVAH, kib'-roth- hat-ta'-a-vah, graves of lust. KIBZAIM, kib'-za-im, two heaps. KIDRON, kid'-ron, or ki'-dron, tur- bid. KINAII, ki'-nah, song of mourning, lamentation. KIR, keer, wall, walled place. KIRHARASETH, kir-har-a'-seth, ) KIRHARESH, kir-ha'-resh, KIRHERES, kir-he'-res, ) brick fortress. KIRIOTH, kir'-e-oth, cities. KIRJATU, keer'-jath, city (?) 24 KIR KIRJATHARBA, keer'-jalh-ar'-bah, city of Arba. KIRJATH-AIM, keer'-jath-a'-im, dou- ble city. KIRJATH-ARIM, kecr'-jath-a'-ri;n (contracted from .HT.-JEAKIII, q. v.) KiRJATH-BAAL,kecr'-jatb-ba'-al,city of Baal. KIRJATH-HUZOTH, keer'-j ath-hu'- zoth, c. of streets. KJRJATH-JEAIUM, keer'-jath-je'-a- rim, c. of woods. KIRJATH-SANNAH, keer / -]ath-san'- nah, c. of palm trees. KTRJATH-SEPHER, keer'-j ath-se'-fcr, book-c. KISH, kish, snaring, a bow. KISHI, kish'-i, bow of Jehovah. KISHION kish'-i-on, j h KISHON, kish -on, \ KISIION, ki'-shon, twisted, tortuous. KITHLISH, kith'-lish, man's wall. KITRON, kit'-ron, bond, knotty. KITTIM, kit'-tim (see CHITTIM). KOA, ko'-a, stallion, he camel. KOHATH, ko'-hath, assembly. KOHATHITES, ko'-hath-ites, descend- dants of Kohath. KOLAIAH, kol-ai'-yah, voice of Je- hovah. KORAH, ko'-rah, ice, hail, baldness. KORE, ko'-re, partridge. Koz, koz, thorn. KUSHAIAH, kush-ai'-yah, bow of Jehovah (i. e,, the rainbow.) LAADAH, la'-a-dah, order. LAADAN, la'-a-dan, put into order. LABAN, la'-ban, white. IxACHiSH, la'-kish, obstinate ('. e. t hard to be captured). LAEL, la'-el, by God (created). LAHAD, la'-had, oppression. LAHAIROI, la-hah'-y-ro'-y, the living One that sees me. LAHMAM, lah'-man, provisions. LAHMI, lah'-mi, warrior. LAISH, la'-ish, lion. LAKTJM, la'-kum, stopping up the way. LAMECH, la'-mek, powerful. LA.ODICEA, la-od-i-se'-ah, LAODICEANS, la-ed-i-se'-ans, inhabi- tants of LaodioAi. IiAPiDOTH, lap'-i-doth, torches. LABBA, la-se'-ah, LASHAH, la'-shah, fissure. L Y S LASH ARON, la-sha'-ron, the plain LAZARUS, laz'-a-rus, helpless, helped of God. LEAH, le'-ah, wearied. LEBANAH. le-ba'-nah. ) ,, ., LEBANON, leb'-a-non, j the whlte " LEDAOTH, leb'-a-oth, lionesses. LEBBEUS, leb-be'-us, a man of heart praising or confessing. LEBONAH, le-bo'-nah, frankincense LECAH, le'-kah, progress, journey. LEHABIM, le-ha'-bim, (see LVBIM) LEHI, le'-hi, jaw-bone. LEMUEL, lem'-u-el, .by God created. LESHEM, le'-shem, precious stone. LETUSHIM, le-tu'-shim, the ham- mered. LEUMMIN, le-um'-min, peoples. LEVI, le'-vi, adhesion, or garland, crown. LEVITES, le'-vites, descendants of Levi. LEVITICUS, le-vit'-i-cus (from the foregoing word). LIBERTINES, li-ber'-tines, made free. LIBXAH, lib'-nah, -whiteness. LIBNI, lib'-ni, white. LIBYA, lib'-ya, LIKHI, lik'-hi, learned, imbued with learning. LINUS, ll'-nus, a net. LOAMMI, lo-am'-mi, not my people. LOD, lod, contention, strife. LODEBAR, lo'-de-bar, without pas- ture. Lois, lo'-is, better. LO-RUHAMAH, lo-ru'-ha-mah, not having obtained mercy. LOT, lot, covering, veil. LOTAN, lo'-tan, a wrapping' up. Luuni, lu'-bim, dwellers in a scorched land (?) LUCAS, lu'-kas (sec LUKE). LUCIFER, lu'-si-fer, light-bearer. Lucius, lu'-shi-us, of light. LUD, lud, strife (?) LUDIM, lu'-dim. LUHITH, lu'-hith, made of tables or boards. LUKE, luke, light-giving. Luz, luz, almond tree. LYCAONIA, ly-ka-o'-ny-a. LYCIA, li'-shya, country of the woli LYDIA, lid'-ya, water. LYDDA, lid'-dah (Greek form of Lad) LYSANIUS, ly-sa-ni-us. L YS LYSIAS, lis'-i-as, dissolving. LYSTRA, lis'-tra. MAACHAH, ina'-a-kah, ) oppres- MAACHATHi,ma-ak'-a-thee j sion. MAACHATHITES, ma-ak'-a-thites, in- habitants of Maachah. MAADAI, ma-a-da'-i, ornament MAADIAH, ma-a-di'-ah, of Jehovah. MAAI, ma-a'-i, compassionate. MAALEH-ACRABBIM, ma'-a-leh-a- crab'-bim, ascent of scorpions. MAARATH, ma'-a-rath, a place naked of trees. MAASSEIAH, ma-as-ei'-yah, ) work MAASIAI, ma-as-y-a'-i, ) of Je- hovah. MAAZIAH, ma-a-zi'-ah, consolation of Jehovah. MAATH, ma'-ath, small. MAAZ, ma'-az, wrath. MACEDONIA, mas-se-do'-nya. MACIIBANAI, mak-ba-na -i, what like my sons. Bond of the Lord. MACHBENAH, mak-be'-nah, bond, cloak. MACHI, ma'-ki, decrease. MACHIR, ina'-keer, sold. MACHNADEJTIAI, mak-na-de-ba'-i, what is like a liberal person. MACHPELAH, mak'-pe-lah, a doubling, portion, part, lot. MADAI, mad'-ai, middle land. MADIAN, ma'-di-an (see Midian). MADMANNAH, mad-man'-nah, } MADMEN, mad'-men, MADMEN AH, mad-me'-nah, ) dunghill. MADON, mad'-on, contention. MAG BIS H, mag'- Dish, congregating. MAGDALA, mag'-da-lah, tower. MAGDALENE, mag'-da-le'-neor mag'- da-len, inhabitant of Magdala. MAGDIEL, mag'-di-el, prince of Gog. MAGOG, ma'-gog, region of God. MAGOR-MISSABIB, ma'-gor-mis'-sa- bib, fear round about. MAGPIASH, mag'-pi-ash, killer of moths. MAHALAH, mah'-ha-lah, disease. MAHALATH,mah'-ha-lath, a stringed instrument. MAHALALEEL, ma-ha'-la-lel, praise of God. MAHALI, mah'-ha-li, sickly. MAHANAIM, ma-ha-na'-im, camps. M A K S4 MAHANEH-DAN, mah'-ha-ne-df Mars. 78 M A MOREH, mo'-reh, the hill of the teacher. MORESHETH-GATH, mo'-re-sheth- gatb, the possession of the Gittites. MOHIAH, mo-ri'-ah, chosen by /. MOSERA, mo'-se-rah, bonds. MOSEROTH, mo'-se-roth, bond. MOSES, mo'-zez, drawn out, saved fro n the water. MOZA. mo'-za, ) /. . ir /if fountain. MOZAR, mo -zah, ] MUPPIM, mup'-pim (probably same as Sliupham, q. v.) MUSHI, mu'-shi, yielding, proved by Jehovab. MUTHLABBEN, muth-lab'-ben, cho- rus of virgins (?) MYRA, my'-rah. MYSIA, mish'-ya, NAAM, na'-am, pleasantness. NAAMITES, na'-am-ites (namea irom the foregoing [?]). SAAMAH, na'-a-mah, ) , NAAMAN, na -a-man, j * NAAMATKITE, na-am'-ath-ite, de- scendant of Nuaman. NAARAH, na'-a-rah, ) NAARAI, na'-a-ra'-i, [ a g"'Ud- NAARATH, na'-a-rath, ) NAARAN, na'-a-ran, juvenile, puerile. NAASHON, na-ash'-on, enchantcr . NAASSON, na-as'-son, \ NABAL, na'-bal, foolish. NABOTH, na'-both, fruit, produce. NACHON, na'-kon, prepared. NACHOR, na'-kor (see NAHOR). NADAB, na'-dab, spontaneous, liberal. NAGGE, nag'-ge, illuminating. NAHALIEL, na-ha'-li-el, valley of God. NAHALLAL, nah'-al-al, ) t NAHALOL, nah'-al-ol, | l " NAHAM, na'-ham, consolation. NAHAMANI, ua-ha-ma'-ni, repenting, merciful. NAHARAI, na'-ha-rai, snorter. NAHASH, ua'-hash, serpent. NAHATH, na'-haih, rest. NAHBI, nah'-bi, hidden. NAHOR, na'-hor, breathing hard, snorting. NAHUM, na'-hum, comfort, consola tion. NAHSHON, nah'-shon, enchanter. NAIN, na'-iu, pleasant. NAIOTH, nai'-yoth, habitations. NEM NAOMI, na'-HOS, pa'-fos. PARAH, pa'-rah, village of heifers. PARAN, pa'-ran, a region abounding in foliage, or in caverns. PARBAR, par'-bar, open apartment. PARMASHTA, par-mash'- ta, strong-- fisted, superior. PARMENAS, par'-me-nas, abiding. PARNACH, par'-nak, delicate. PAROSH, pa'-rosh, flea. PARSHANDATHA, par-shan-da'-tha, given forth to light. PARTHIANS, par'-thi-ans, PARUAH, par-u'-ah, flourishing. PARVAiM,par-va'-im,oriental regions PASACH, pa'-sak, cut off. PASDAMMIN, pas-dam'-min, boun- dary of blood. PASEAH, pa-se'-ah, lame, limping. PASHUR, pash'-ur, prosperity every- where. PATARA, pat'-a-rah. PATHROS, path'-ros, region of the south. PATHRUSIM, path-ru'-sim, people of Pathros. PATHOS, pat'-mos, PATROBAS, pat'-ro-bas, paternal. PAU, pa'-u, bleating. PATJL, pawl, little. PEDAHEL, ped'-a-hel, whom God preserved, redeemed. PEDAHZUK, ped-ah'-zur, whom the rock (i. .,.Qod) preserved. PEDAIAH, pe-dai'-yah, whom Je- hovah preserved, redeemed. , pe'-kah, open-eyed. PHI PEKAUIAH, pe-ka-hi'-ah, whose eye* Jehovah opened. PEKOD, pe'-kod, visitation. PELAIAH, pel-ai'-yah, whom.Teho vah made distinguished. PELALIAH, pel-a-li'-ah, whom /. judged. PELATIAH, pcl-a-ti'-ah, whom /. delivered. PELEG, pe'-leg, division, part. PELET, pe'-let, liberation. PELETH, pe'-leth, swiftness. PELETKITES, pel'-leth-ites, runners. PELONITE, pel'-o-nite, PEXIEL, pen-ee'-el, the face of God. PENINNAH, pe-nin'-nah, coral, pcarL PENTECO.ST, pen'-te-kost, fiftieth. PENUEL, pe-nu'-el, (see PENIEL), PEOR, pe'-or, hiatus, cleft. PERAZIM, pe-ra'-zim, V'-eaches. PERESH, pe'-resh, dung. PEREZ, pe'-rez, breach. PEREZ-UZZA, pe'-rez -uz'-z ah, b. of Uzzah. PERGA, per'-gah. P ERG AMOS, per'-ga-mos, PERIDA, pe-ri'-dah, grain, kernel. PERIZZITES, pcr'-iz-zites, belonging to a village. PERSIA, per'-shya. PERSIAN, per'-shyan, belonging to Persia. PERUDA, pe-ru'-dah (see PERIDA). PETER, pe'-ter, a rock or stone. PETHAHiAii,peth-a-hi'-ah,whom Je- hovah looses, t. e., sets free. PETHOR, pe'-thor, interpreter of dreams. PETHUHL, pc-thu'-el, vision of God. PEULTHAI, pe-ul'-thai, wages of/. PHALEC, fa'-lek, (see PELEG). PHALTI, fal'-ti, deliverance of /. PHANUEL, fa'-nu-el, face, or vision of God. PHARAOH, fa'-roh, the sun (Phrah). PHARAOH-XECHOH, fa'-ro-ne'-ko, Phrah or Pharaoh the lame. PHAUEZ, fa'-rez, breach. PHARISEES, fa'-ri-sees, the separated. PHARTAH, far'-par, swift. PHASEAH, fa-ze'-ah, lame, limping. I'HEjiE, fe'-be, shining, pure. PHENICE, fe-ni'-se, ) land of PHEMCIA, fe-nish'-ya, j palms. PHICOL, fi'-kol, the mouth of all (commanding all). PHI PHILADELPHIA, fil-a-del'-fi-O, bl'O- therly love. PHILEMON, fi-le'-mon, affectionate, kisser. PHiLETU8,fi-le'-tus,beloved,amiable. PHILIP, fil' -lip, warlike, lover of horses. PKILIPPI, fil-lip'-pi, belonging to Philip. FHILIPPIANS, fil-lip'-pi-ans, the peo- ple of Philippi. PHILISTIA, fil-lis'-ti-a, the land of wanderers, strangers. PHILISTIM, fil-lis'-tim, ) wan- PHILISTINES, fil-lis'-tines, \ dcrers. PHILOLOGUS, fil-lol'-lo-gus, a lover of learning, a lover of the word. PHINEHAS, fin'-e-as, mouth of brass. PHLEGON, fle'-gon, zealous, burming. PIIUYGIA, frij'-ya, PHUKAH, fu'-rah, branch. PHUT, fut, afflicted, a bow. PHYGELLUS, fi-gel'-lus, little, fugi- tive. PI-BESETH, pi-be'-seth, words of Pasht (?) PIHAHIBOTH, pi -ha-hi'-roth, where grass or rush grows. PILATE, pi'-lat, PILEHAH, pil-e'-hah, a slice. PINON, pi'-non, darkness. PIKAM, pi'-ram, Hke a wild ass, per- haps in runTiing. PIRATHOX, pir'-a-thon, prince. PIKATHONITE, pi'-ra-thoii-ite. PILDASH, pil'-dash, flame. - PILTAI, pil'-tai, whom /. deliver?. PISGAH, piz'-gah, a part, a fragment. PISIDIA, pi-sid'-i-a. PISON T , pi'-son, water poured forth, overflowing. PIK-AH, pis'-pah, dispersion. PITIIOM, pi'-thom, narrow place. PITHOX, pi'-thon. PLEIADES, pli'-a-dcez, aheap, cluster. POCHEKETH of ZEBAIM, po'-ke-reth of Ze-ba'-im, snaring gazelles. POLLUX, pol'-lux. PONTIUS, pon'-ti-us. PONTVS, pon'-tus, sea. POKATJIA, pc-ra'-thah, given by lot. R A M 31 ! POTIPHAK, pol'-i-far, ) ot- POTIPHEHAH, pot-i-fe'-rah, \ longin* to the sun (Phrah). PHISCILLA, pris-sil'-lah, ancient. PKOCHOUUS, prok'-o-rus, he tha'. presides over the choir. PTOLEMAIS, tol-e-ma'-is, city of Pto lemy. PUAH, pu'-ah, mouth, splendid. PUISLIUS, pub'-li-us, common. PUDENS, pu'-dens, shamefaced. PUHITES, pu'-hites. PUL, pul, elephant, lord. PUNITES, pu'-nites, descendants of Pun. PUNOX, pu'-non, darkness, obscurity. Pun, pur, ) a lot. PUKIM, pu'-rim, \ lots. PUT, put, afflicted. PUTIEL, pu'-ti-el, afflicted by God. PUTEOLI, pu-te'-o-li. QUAKTUS, kwar'-tus, the fourth. RAAMAH, ra'-a-mah, trembling. RAAMIAH, ra-a-mi'-ah, whom Jeho- vah makes to tremble (who fears J.). RAAMSES, ra-am'-ses, son of the sun. RABBAH, rab'-bah, { cnrjit-il city RABHATH, rab'-bath, \ RABBI, rab'-bi, master. UABBITH, rab'-bith, multitude. RABBONI, rab-bo'-ni, my master. RAUMAG, rab'-mag, prince of magi. RABSAIUS, rab'-sa-ris, chief eunusli: RABSHAKEH, rab'-sha-keh, chief o/ the cupbearers. RACHAL, ra'-cal, traffic. RACHEL, ra'-chel, ewe. RADDAI, rad'-dai, subduing. RAGAU, ra'-gaM', (see REU). RAGI'EL, rag'-u-el, friend of God. RAHAB, ra'-hab, gracious. RAHAM, ra'-ham, womb. RAHKL, ra'-hel, (see RACHEL). RAKEM, ra'-kem, variegation, flower- garden. RAKKATH, rak'-kath, shore. RAKKON, rak'-kon, thinness. RAM, ram, high. RAMAH, ra'-mah, RAMATH, ra'-math, RAMATHAIM, ra-math-a'-im, double high place. li.'.MATii-i.KHi.ia'-unth-lc'-hijhcight of I>ehi 32 u A :\i SAL RAMATH-MisrEH,ra'-matli-mis'-peh, height of Mizpeh. RAMESES, ram'-e-seez, son of the sun. RAMIAII, ra-mi'-ah, whom /. set. RAMOTH, ra'-moth, high things, heights ; figuratively, sublime, difficult things. RAMOTH-GiLEAD,ra'-moth-gil'-e-ad, h. of Gilead. RAPHU, ra'-fu, healed. REAIA, | ./ , ( whom Jeho- REAIAH, j re ' ai -^ \ vah cares for. REBA, re -ba, a fourth part. REBECCA. ) v , / , ( aropewith REBEKAH, j re ' bCk ab> ja noose. RECHAB, re'-kah, horseman. RECHABITES, re'-kab-ites, descen- dants of Eeohab. RECHAH, re'-kah, side, utmost part. REELAIAH, re-el-ai'-yah,AvhomJeho- vah makes to tremble (who fears J.). REGEM, re'-gem, friend (of God). REGEM-MELECH, re'-gem-me'-lek, /. of the king. REHABIAH, re-ha-bi'-ah, for whom Jehovah makes an ample space. REHOB, re'-hob, street. REHOBOAM, re-ho-bo'-am, who en- larges the people. REHOBOTH,re-ho'-both, streets, wide spaces. REHUM, re'-hum, beloved, merciful. RBI, re'-i, companionable. REKEM, re'-kem, flower-garden, va- riegated. REMALIAH, rem-a-li'-ah, whom Je- hovah adorned. REMETH, re'-meth, a high place. REMMON, rem'-mon, (see RIMMOX). REMpHAN,rem'-fan, frame, model (?) REPHAEL, re'-fa-el, whom God healed REPHAH, re'-fah, riches. REFAiAH,ref-ai'-yah,whom/.healed. REPHAIM, re-fa'-im, ) giants, REPHAIMS, re-fa'-ims, | chiefs (?) REPHIDIM, ref'-i-dim, props, sup- ports. RESEN, re'-sen, bridle. RESHEF, re'-shef, flame. REU, re'-u, friend (of God). REUBEX, rew'-ben, (behold, a son ?) REUBENITES, reV-ben-ites, descen- dants of Reuben. REUEL, reV-el, friend of God. REUMAH, re-ew'-mah, exalted. REZEPH, re'-zef, a stone (used for Tilinary purposed , REZIA, rez'-i-a, delight. REZIN, re'-zin, firm, stable, a prince. REZOX, re'-zon, prince. RUEGIUM, re'-ji-um, a breaking. RHESA, re'-sah, affection, a heart. RIIODA, ro'-da, ) RHODES, rodes, \ RIBAI, ri'-bai, whose cause /.pleads, RIDLAH, rib'-lah, fertility. RIMMOX, riin'-mon, the exalted, pomegranate. HIMMOX-PAREZ, rim'-mon-pa'-rez, p. of the breach. RIMXAII, rim'-nah, shout. RIPHATII, ri'-fath, shout. RISSAH, ris'-sah, dew, full of dew, ruin. RIZPAH, riz'-pah, coal, hot stone. RITHMAH, rith'-mah, genista, or broom. ROBOAM, ro-bo'-am, (seeREHOBOAM). ROGELIM, ro'-ge-lim, place of fullers. ROHGAII, ro'-gah, outcry. ROMAM-TIEZER, ro-mam'-ti-e'-zer, whose help I have exalted. ROMAXS, ro'-mans, men of Rome. ROME, rome, (generally derived from Eomulus, the supposed founder). ROSH, rosh, bear, chief. RUFUS, ru'-fus, red. RUHAMAU, ru'-ha-mah, compassion ated. RUMAH, ru'-mah, high. RUTH, rooth, appearance, beauty. SABACTHAXI, sa-bak'-tha-nee, thou hast forsaken me. SABAOTH, sab-a'-oth, hosts. SABEAXS, sa-be'-ans, descendants of Saba. SABTAII, sab'-tah, striking. SABTEKAH, sab'-te-kah. SACAR. sa'-car, hire, reward. SADDTCEES, sad'-du-seez, named from Zadok. SADOK, sa'-dok, just. SALAH, sa'-lah, shoot, sprout. SALAMIS, sal'-a-mis, SALATHIEL, sa-la'-thi-el, whom I asked for from God. SALCAH, sal'-cah, pilgrimage. SALEM, sa'-lem, ) ea SALIM, sa'-lim, | * SALLAI, sal'-lai, lifted up, basket weaver. SALLU, sal'-lu, weighed. S A L SALMA, sal'-ma, ) ent> SALMAH, sal'-mah, ) b SALMON, sal'-mon, clothed, SALMONE, sal-mo'-ne. SALOME, sa-lo'-me, peaceable, per- fect, reward. SALU, sa'-lu, (see SALLU). SAMARIA, sa-ma'-ri-a, pertaining to a watch, watch-mountain. SAMARITANS, sa-niar'-i-tans, inha- bitants of Samaria. SAMGAR-NEEO, sam'-gar-ne'-bo, sword of Nebo. SAMLAH, sam'-lah, garment. SAMOS, sa'-mos. SAMOTHRACIA, sam-o-thra'-shya. SAMSON, sam'-son, solar, like the sun. SAMUEL, sam'-u-el, heard of God, name of God. SANBALLAT, san-bal'-lat, praised by the army. SANHEDRIM, san'-he-drim. SANSANNAH, san-san'-nah, palm branch. SAPH, saff, threshold, tali (?) SAPHIR, sa'-feer, SAPPHIRA, saf-fi'-ra, sn A S3 SARAH, sa'-rah, abundance, princess. SARAI, sa-'rai, my princess, nobility. SARAPH, sa'-raf, burning, venomous. SARDIS, sai y dis. SARDITES, sard'-ites, descendants of Sered. SARBPTA, sa-rep'-tah, (see ZARE- PHATH). SARGON, sar'-gon, prince of the sun. SARID, sa'-rid, survivor. SARSECHIM, sar'-se-kim, chief of the eunuchs. SARUCII, sa'-ruk, (see SERUG). SATAN, sa'-tan, adversary. SAUL, sawl, asked for. SCEVA, .se'-vah, disposed, prepared. SCYTHIAN, sith'-i-an. SEBA, se'-ba, man (?) SEBAT, se'-bat, sprout (r) SECACAH, sek-a'-kah, enclosure. SECHU, se'-ku, hill, watch-tower. SECUNDUS, se'-kun-dus, second. SEGUB, se'-gub. SEIR, se'-ir. ) , . SEIRATH, se-i'-rath, } hflir 3 r ' rou S a ' SELA, se'-lah, rock. SBLA-HAJIKAHLEKOTH, se'-lah-ham- * u *t'k-koth, r. of escapes. SELAH, se'-lah (probably a musical direction). SELED,se'-led,exultation,or burning. SELEUCIA, se-lew'-sliya. SEMACHIAH, sem-a-ki'-ah, whom Je- hovah sustains. SEMEI, sem'-e-i, renoM r ned. SENAAH, se-na'-ah, perhaps thorny. SENEH, sen'-eh, crag, thorn, rock. SENIR, se'-neer, coat of mail, cataract. SENNACHERIB, sen-nak'-e-rib, con- queror of armies. SENUAH, se-nu'-ah, hated. SEORIM, se-o'-rim, barley. SEPHAR, se'-far, a numbering. SEPHARAD, sef-a'-rad, SEPHARVAIM, sef-ar-A'a'-im, the two Sipparas. SERAH, se'-rah, abundance, princess. SERAIAH, ser-ai'-yah, soldier of/. SERAPHIM, ser'-ra-fim, lofty ones. SERED, se'-red, fear. SERGIVS, ser'-ji-us. SERUG, se'-rug, shoot. SETH, seth, placing, setting in the stead of another. SETHUR, se'-thur, hidden. SHAALABBIN, sha-al-ab'-bin, \ place SHAALBIM, sha-al'-bim, foxes, or jackals. of SHAALBONITE, sha-al'-bon-ite, inha- bitant of Shaalbim. SHAAPH, sha'-aff, division. SHAARAIM, sha-ar-a'-im, two gates. SHAHARAIM, sha-har-a'-im, two dawns. SHAASHGAZ, sha-ash'-gaz, beauty's servant. SHABBETHAI, shab-beth-a'-i, bora on the sabbath. SHACHIA, shak'-i-a, wandering. SHABRACK, sha'-drak, rejoicing on the way. SHAGE, sha'-ge, wandering. SHAHAZIMAH, sha-haz-i'-mah, lofty places. SHALEM, sha'-lem, safe, principal SHALLECHETH, shal-lo'-keth, casting down. SHALIM, sha'-lim, region of foxes. SHALISHA, shal'-i-sha, triangular. SHALLUM, shal'-lum, ' SHALLUN, shal'-lun, SHALMAI, shal'-mai, my thanks. SIIALMAN, shal'-man, J SHALMANESER, shal-ma-ne'-zcij \ worshipper of Uro. retribution. Z\ S H A S.IIAMARIAH, sham-a-ri'-ah, whom Jehovah guards. SHAMA, sha'-ma, hearing, obedient. SHAMED, sha'-med, destroyer. SHAMER, sha'-mer, keeper. SHAMGAR, sham'-gar, warrior (?) SHAMHUTH, sham'-huth, desolation. SHAMIR, sha'-mir, a sharp point, thorn. SHAMMA, sham'-mah, desert. SHAMMAH,sham'-mah,astonishmcnt. SHAHMAI, sham'-mai, laid \vaste. SHAMMOTH, sham'-moth, desolation. SHAMMUA. ) , SHAMMUAH, j sham-mu -ah,rumour. SHAMSHERAI, sham-she-ra'-i. SHAPHAM, sha'-fam, bald, shaven. SHAPHAN, sha'-fan, coney. SHAPHAT, sha'-phat, judge. SHAPHER, sha'-pher, pleasantness. SHARAI, sha-ra'-i, whom /. frees. SHARAIH, sha-ra'-im, two gates. SHARAR, sha'-rar, twisted, a cord, muscular. SHAREZER, sha-re'-zer, prince of fire. SHARON,sha'-ron,plain,plain country SHARUHEN, sha-ru'-hen, pleasant lodging place. SHASHAI, sha'-shai, whitish. SHASHAK, sha'-shak, desire. SHAVEH, sha'-veh, plain. SHAVEH-KIUIATHAIM, sha'veh-kir- ya-tha'-im,/;. of Kiriathaim SHAUL, shawl, asked for. SHAULITES, shawl' -ites, SHEAL, she'-al, prayer. SHEALTIEL, she-al'-ti-el, whom I asked for from God. SHEARIAU, she-ar-i'-ah, whom Je- hovah estimates. SHEAR-JASHUB, she'-ar-ja'-shub, a remnant shall return. SHEBAH, ) she'-bah, man, scorn, or SHEBA, | an oath. SHEBAM, she'-bam, coolness, sweet smell. SHEBANIAH, she-ba-ni'-ah, whom /. made to grow up. SHEBARIM, she-ba'-rim, breaches. SIIEBER, she'-ber, breaking. SIIEBNA, shcb'-nah, tender youth, youth. SHEBUEL, she-bu'-el, captive of God. SHEKANIAH, shck-a-ni'-ah, intimate with Jehovah, as il duelling with Him. SHE SHECHEM, shek'-cm, La.k, shield, or blade. SHECHEMITES, shek'-cm-ites, people of Shechem SIIEDEUR, sheJ-e'-ur, casting forth of fire. SHEHARIAH, she-ha-ri'-ah, whom Je- hovah seeks for. SHELAH, shc'-lah, petition. SHELEMIAH, shcl-e-rui'-ah, whom Je- hovah repays. SHELEF, she'-lef, drawn out, saluted. SHELESH, she'-lesh, triad. SHHLOMI, she-lo'-mi, ) peaceful, SHELOMiTH,shel-o'-mith, \ love of peace. SHELUMIEL, she-lu'-mi-el, friend of God. SHEM, shem, name. SHEMA, she'-ma, ) SHEMAAH, she-ma -ah, \ SHEM.UAH, jhem-ai'-yah, whom Je- hovah has heard and answered. SJIEMARIAJI, shern-a-ri'-ah, whom Jehovah guards. SHEMEBER, shem-e'-ber, soaring on high. SHEMER, she'-mer, guardian. SHEMIDA, she-mi'-da, fame, of wisdom SIIEMIXITH, she-mee'-nith, eighth. SHEMIRAMOTH, she-mir'-a-moth, most high name, or most high heaven. SHEMUEL, shem'-u-el, heard of God, name of God. SHEX, shen, truth. SHENAZAR, she-na'-zar, fiery. SHENER, she'-ner, coat of mail, ca- taract. SHEPHAM, she'-fam, nakedpess, a place naked of trees. SHEPHATIAH, shep-a-ti'-ah, whom Jehovah defends. SHEPHI, she'-fi, naked hill. SHEPHO, she'-fo, nakedness, SHEPHUPHAX, she-fu'-fan, serpent, cerastes, or horned snake. SHERAH, she' -rah, consanguinity. SHEREBIAH, sher-e-bi'-ah, heat of J. SHERESH, she'-resh, root. SHESHACH, she'-shak, moon god (?) SHESHAI, shc'-shai, whitish (?) SHESHAN, she'-shan, lily. SHESHBAZZAPV, shesh-baz'-zar, f.ra worshipper. SHETHAR, she'-thar, star. SHETHAR-BOZNAi,shc'-thar-boz'-nii. bright star. SHEVA, Ehe'-va, hesitation. SHI SHIBBOLETH, shib'-bo-leth, floo*. SHIBMAH, shib'-mah, coolness, or sweet smell. SHICROX, shik'-ron, drunkenness. SHIGGAIOX, shig-gai'-yon, ) erratic SHIGIONOTH,shig'-yo-noth, ) wan- dering. SHIHOX, shi'-hon, overturning. SHIHOR-LIBXAH, shi'-hor- black lib'-nah, river SHIHOR-LIBXATH, shi'-hor- of lib'-nath, glass. SHILHIM, shil'-him, armed men. SHILLEM, shil'-lem, requital. SHILOAH, shi-lo'-ah, sending (of water by a conduit). SHILOH, shi'-lo, place of rest. SHILOXI, shi-lo'-ni, pacificator. SHILONITE, shi'-lo-nite, native of Shiloh. SHILSAH, shil'-shah, triad. SHIMEA, shim'-e-ah, SHIMEAH, shim'-e-ah SHIMEAM, shim'-e-am, SHIMEI, shim'-e-i, ) rumour, SHIMEATH, shim'-c-ath, \ famous, re- nowned. SHIMHI, shim'-hi, renowned. SHIMEOX*, shim'-e-on, a hearkening. SHIMMA, shim'-ma, rumour. SHIMON, shi'-mon, desert. SHIMRATH, shim'-rath, watch. SHIMRI, shim'-ri, watchful. SHIMRITH, shim'-rith, vigilant. SHIMROM, shim'-rom, j h SHIMROX, shim'-ron, ) SHIMRONITES, shim'-ron-ites, de- scendants of Shimron. SHIMSHAI, shim'-shai, sunny. SHIXAB, shi'-nab, father's tooth. SHIXAR, shi'-nar, casting out (F), land of two rivers (!) SHIPHI, shi'-fi, abundant. SHIPHRAH, shif'-rah, beauty. SHIPHTAX, ehif'-tan, judicial. SHISHA, shi'-sha, habitation. SHISHAK, shi'-shak. SEITRAL, shit'-rai, scribe. SHITTIM, sbit'-tim, acacias. SHIZA, shi'-za, beloved. SHOAH, sho'-ah, opulent. SHOBAB, sho'-bab, apostate. SHOBACH, sho'-bak, pouring. SHOBAI, sho'-bai, who leads many captive. SHOIH, sho'-bi. SIN 35 SHOBAL, sho'-bal, flowing, or a shoot. SHOBEK, sho'-bek, forsaking. SHOCHOH, sho'-ko, a hedge. SHOHAM, sho'-ham,onyx,orsardonyy SHOMER, sho'-mer, watchman. SHOI-HACH, sho'-fak, pouring. SHOSHANNIM, shosh-an'-nim, lilies. SHUA, sbu'-ah, wealth. SHUAH, shu'-ah, pit. SHUAL, shu'-al. SHUBAEL, shu'-ba-el. SHUIIAM, shu'-ham. SHULAMITE, shu'-lam-ite. SHUMATHITES, shu'-ma-thites, t. e., garlic. SHUXEM, shu'-nem, two resting- places. SHUNAMITE, shu'-na-mite. SHUM, shu'-ni, quiet. SHUPHAM, shu'-pham, serpent. SHUPPIM, shup'-pim, serpents. SHXJR, shur. SHXJSHAX, shu'-shan. SHUTHELAH, shu-the'-lah, crashing or rending. Si A, si'-a, council. SIBBACHAI, sib'-ba-kai. SIBBECAI, sib'-be-kai, ) the wood SIBBECHAI, sib'-be-kai, \ of Jehovah, t. e., the crowd of the people of God. SIBBOLETH, sib'-bo-leth (see SHIB- BOLETH). SIBMAII, sib'-mah, coolness, or sweet smell. SIBRAIU, sib-ra'-im, twofold hope. SICHEM, si'-kem. SIDDIM, sid' -dim, valley of the plains. SIDON, si'-don. SIDONIANS, si-do'-ni-ans. SIOIONETH, sig-yo'-neth. SINHA, sin'-ha, council. SIHON, si'-hon, sweeping away, i. e., a leader, carrying all before him. SIHOR, si'-hor. SILAS, si' -las, the third, considering. SILLA, sil'-la, way, basket. SILVANUS, sil-va'-nus, woody, or, of the forest. SIMEON, sirn'-e-on, hearing with ac ceptance. SIMOX, si'-mon. SIMRI, sim'-ri, watchful. SIN, sin, clay. SIXAI, si'-nai, the senna shrab. SIXA, si'-na. SINITE, si'-nite. 36 S I a hedge. SION, si'-on, lifted up. SIPHMOTII, sif'-moth. SIPPAI, sip'-pai. SIRAH, si'-rah, withdrawing. SIRION, si'-ri-on. SISAMAI, sis-a-ma'-i. SISERA, sis'-e-ra, a field of battle. SITNAII, sit'-nah, contention. SIVAN, si'-van. SMYRNA, smir'-nah. So, BO (Hebrew form of Egyptian word Sevech). SOCHO, so'-ko, SOCHOH, so'-ko, SOCOH, so'-ko, SODI, so'-di, an acquaintance of God. SODOM, sod'-om, burning, conflagra- tion. SOLOMON, sol'-o-mon, preamble. SOPATER, so'-pa-ter, father saved. SOPHERETH, so'-fe-reth, scribe. SOREK, so'-rek, choice vine. SOSIPATER, so-sip'-a-ter, saving the father. SO&THENES, sos'-then-eez, strong, saviour. SOTAI, so'-tai, deviator. STACHYS, stak'-kis, an ear of corn. STEPHEN, ste'-ven, ) a crown, or STEPHANAS,stef-a-nas, \ crowns. SUAH, su'-ah, sweepings. SUCCOTH, suk'-koth, booths. SUCCOTH-BENOTH, suk'-koth-ben'- oth, booths of daughters. BUOHATHITES, suk'-a-thites (not known). SUKKIIMS, suk'-ki-ims, dwellers in tents. SUR, sur, removed. SUSANCHITES, su-san'-kites, inhabit- ants of Susa or Shushan. SUSANNAH, su-san'-nah, lily, rose, or joy. DU8I, su -si, horseman. SYCHAR, si'-kar, drunken. SYCHEM, si'-kem, Shechem. SYENE, si-e'-ne, opening, key (i.e., of Egypt). SYNTYCHE, sin'-ty-kee, affable. SYRIA, sir'-i-a (not known). SYRIAN, sir'-i-an, inhabitantof Syria. SYRACUSE, si'-ra-kuse (not known). SYROPHENiciAN,si'-ro-fec-nish-yan, Fhenicians living in Syria. TAANACH, ta'-a-nak, sandy soil, ap- proaoh to Shiloh. TAANATH-SIHIOH, ta'-a-nath-shi'-lo. TABBAOTH, tab'-ba-oth, rings. TABBATH, tab'-bath, renowned. TABEAL, tab'-e-al, ) the goodness of TABEEL, tab'-e-el, j God; or, God ii good. TABKUAH, tab'-e-rah, burning. TABITHA, tab'-i-thah, gazelle. TABOR, ta'-bor, a lofty place, mound. TABRIMON, tab'-ri-mon, who pleases liimmon, for Kimmou is good. TACHMONITE, tak'-mo-nite (see HACnMONITR.) TADMOR, tad'-inor, city of palms. TAIIAN, ta'-han, a camp, a station. TAHANITES, ta'-hac.-ites, descend- ants of T. TAHAPAXES, ta-hap'-pa-nes, ) head TAHPENES, tah'-pen-es, ) of the age or world. TAHATH, ta'-hath, station, place. TAUREA, tah-re'-a, cunning. TAHTIM-HODSHI, tah'-tim-hod'-shi, nether land newly inhabited. TALMAI, tal'-mai, abounding ia furrows. TALMON, tal'-mon, oppressed. TAMAH, ta'-mah, laughter. TAMAR, ta'-mar, a palm tree. TAMMUZ, tam'-muz, terror (?) TAXACH, ta'-nak, sandy soil. TANHUMETH, tan-hu'-meth, conso- lation. TAPHATH, ta'-fath, a drop. TAFPUAH, tap'-pu-ah, a place fruit- ful in apples. TARAH, ta'-rah, station. TAIULAH, tar'-a-lah, reeling. TARHEA, ta-re'-a (see TAHREA.) TARPELiTES,tai-'-pe-litcs(unknown). TARSHISH, tai / -shlsh, hard ground (?) TARSUS, tai'-sus (probably same as TABSHISH). TARTAR, tai-'-tak, profound dark- ness, or hero of darkness, TARTAN, tar'-tan, military chief. TATNAI, tatf-nai, gift. TEBAH, te'-bah, slaughter, execu- tioner. TEBALIAH, teb-a-li'-ah, one whom. Jehovah has immersed (t. e., purified., TEKETH, te'-beth (unknown.) TEHINNAH, te-hin'-nah, cry fol mercy. TEKEL, te'-kel, winged. TEKOA, te-ko'-a, ) pitcbttf j TEKOAH, te-ko'-ah ; J tents. TEK TEKOITES, te-ko'-ites, inhabitants of T. TEL-ABIB, tel-a'-bib, hill of ears of corn. TELAH, te'-lah, fracture. TELAIM, te-la'-im, young lambs. TELASSAR, te-las'-sar, hill of As- sar (?) TELEM, te'-lem, oppression. TEL-HARSA, tel-har-'sah, TEL-HARESHA, tel-har'-e-sha, the wood. TYR TILON, ti'-lon, gift. TIMEUS, ti-me'-us, polluted (?) TIMXA, tim'-na, 37 restraint, restrained. hill of TIMXAII, tim'-nah, TIMXATH, tim'-nath, TIMXATH-HERES, tiiu'-nath-hc'-res, portion of the sun. TIMXATH-SERAH, tim'-nath-se'-rah, abundant portion. TIMOX, ti'-mon. burning. TIMOTHEUS, ti-mo'-the-us, ) honour TIMOTHY, tim'-o-thy, \ of God. TEL-MELAH, tel-me'-lah, hill of | TIPHSAH, tif '-sab, passage, ford. salt - ' TIRAS, ti'-ras, desire. a desert, south. I TiRATHiTES,ti'-ra-thites (unknown). TIRHAKAH, tir'-ha-kah, exalted. | TIRHAXAH, tir'-ha-nah, scourge. j TIRIA, tir'-i-a, fear. TIRZAH, tir'-zah, pleasantness. TEMA, te'-mah, TEMAN, te'-man, TEMANI, te'-ma-ni, ) dcscend- TEMAXITE, te'-ma-uite, \ anta of T. TERAH, te'-rah, a station. TERAPUIM. ter'-a-fim, prosperous life (?) TERESH, te'-resh, severe, austere. TERTIUS, ter'-shi-us, the third. TERTULLUS, ter'-tul-lus, diminution of T. THADDEUS, thad-de'-us, praising, confessing. THAHASH, tha'-hash, badger or seal. THAMAII, tha'-mah, laughter. THARAH, tha'-rah (see TERAH.) THEBEZ, the'-bez, brightness. THELASAR, thel-as'-ar (see TE- LASSAR. THEOPHILUS, the-off-i-lus, lover of God. THESSALOXICA, thes-a-lo-ni'-ka. THEUDAS, the\v'-das, praise, confes- sion. THIMXATHAH, thim-na'-tha, portion assigned. THOMAS, tom'-as, a twin, sound. THUMMIM, thum'-mim, truth. THYATIRA, thi-a-ti'-rah (unknown.) TIBERIAS, ti-be'-ri-as (named after Tiberias) . JIBEKIUS, ti-be'-ri-us, son of river Tiber. TIBHATH, tib'-hath, butchery. TIBNI, tib'-ni, building of Jehovah. TIDAL, ti'-dal, fear, reverence. llQLATH-PlLESER, tig'- \ lath-pi-le'-zer, r lord of TlGLATH-PlLNE8ER,tig'- ( the Tigris. lath-pil-no'-zer, XIKVAH, tik'-vah, , tik-yath, thl TISHBITE, tish'-bite, inhabitant of Tishbe. TISRI, or TIZRI, tiz'-ri, expiation (?) beginning (?) TITUS, ti'-tus, honourable. TOAH, to'-ah, inclined, lowly. TOB, tob, good. TOB-AD-OXIJAH, tob-ad-o-ni'-jah, good is my lord Jehovah. TOBIAH, to-bi'-ah, ) pleasing to TOBIJAH, to-bi'-jah, ) J- TOCHEX, to'-ken, a measure. TOGAUMAH, to-gar'-mah, breaking bones (?) TOHU, to'-hu (same as TOAH). Toi, to'-i, Tou, to'-u, TOLA, to' -la, worm. TOLAD, to'-lad, race, posterity, birth. TOPHEL, to'-fel, lime, cement. TOPHET, to'-fet, tabret-grove (?) TRACHOXITIS, trak-o-ni'-tis, stray. TROAS, tro'-as (unknown). TROGYLLIUM, tro-gil'-li-um. TROPHIMUS, trof'-i-mus, nourished. TRYPHEXA, tri-fe'-nah, delicious. TRYPHOSA, tri-fo'-sah, thrice shin- ing, living delicately. TUBAL, tu'-bal, flowing forth. TUBALCAIX, tu'-bal-kane, worker in ore. TYCHICUS, tik'-i-kua, fortunate. TYRAXXUS, ti-ran'-nus, reigning, prince. TYRE, tire, ) , TTEUS, ti'-rus, > r ck ' 33 U C-A UCAL, u'-kal, I shall prevail. UEL, u' el, will of God. ULAI, u-la'-i, strong water (?) ULAM, u'-lam, infant. ULLA, ul'-la, yoke. UMMAH, um'-mah, community. UXNI, un'-ni, depressed. UPHAZ, u'-faz (perhaps OI-HIR). UFHARSIN, u-far'-sin. UR, ur, light (?) URBANE, ur'-ban, civil, courteous, gentle in speech. UKI, u'-ri, fiery. URIAH, u-ri'-ah, ) flame of Jeho- URIJAH, u-ri'-jah, j T &h. UHIEL, u'-ri-ei, flame of God. UKIM, u'-rim, lights. UTHAI, u'-thai, whom Jehovah suc- cours. Uz, uz, soft and sandy earth (?) fertile land (?) UZAI, u'-zai, robust. UZAL, u'-zal, wanderer. UZZEN-SHERAH, uz'-zen-she'-rah, ear (or rather corner) of Sherah. Uzzi, uz'-zi ) miglit of Jeho- UZZIAH, uz-zi'-ah, f * UZZIEL, uz'-zi-el, power of God. UZZIELITES, uz'-zi-el-ites, descend- ants of Uzziel. VAJEZATHA, va-jez-a'-tha, white, pure. VAXIAII, va-ni'-ah, weak. YASIINI, vash'-ni (uncertain; pro- bably not a proper name). VASHTI, vash'-ti, beautiful woman. YOPHSI, vof-si, my addition. ZAANAN, za'-a-nan, place of flocks. ZAANANIM, za-a-nan'-im, ) remov- ZAANAIM, za-a-na'-im, \ in 8 s - ZAAVAN, za'-a-van, disturbed. ZABAD, za'-bad, gift. ZABBAI, zab-ba'-i, pure. ZABBUD, zab'-bud, given, a gift bestowed (i. e., by God). ZABDI, zab'-di, the gift of Jehovah. ZABDIEL, zab'-di-el, the gift of God. ZABULON (see ZEBULON). ZABTJD, za'-bud (same as ZAMKORD). ZACCAI, zak-ka'-i, ) pure, inno- ZACCiirvs, zak-ke'-us, \ c eDt - ZACCIIVR, /ak'-kur, mindful. ZEL ZACHARIAH, zak-a-ri'-ah, | whom ZACHARIAS, zak-a-ri'-as, ) Jehovah remembers. ZACHEH, za'-ker, memorial, praise. ZADOK, za'-dok, just. ZAHAM, za'-ham, loathing. ZAIR, za'-ir, small. ZALAPH, za'-laf, fracture, wound. ZALMOX, zal'-mon, ! h 1 ZALMONAH, zal-mo'-nah, ) 8 ZAL.MUXXA, zal-mun'-nah, to whom shadow is denied. ZAM-ZUMMIMS, zam-zum'-mims, tribes making a noise. ZAXOAH, zan-o'-ah, marsh, bog. ZAPHNATH-PAANEAH, zaf'-nath-pa- a-ne'-ah, preserver of the age. ZAPHOX, za'-fon, north. ZARAH, za'-rah, a rising (of light). ZAREAH, za'-re-ah, hornet's tower. ZAUEATHITES, za'-re-a-thites, in- habitants of Zareah. ZARED, za'-red, exuberant growth. ZAREPHATH, zar'-e-fath, workshop for melting and refining metals. ZARETAX, zar'-e-tan, ) 1; ZARTANAH, zar'-ta-nah, j " ZAUETII-SHAHAH, za'-reth-sha'-har, the splendour of the morning. ZARHITES, zar'-hites, descendants of Zerah. ZATTHU, zat'-thu, 1 ZATTU, zat -tu, : ZAZA, za'-za, plenty (?) ZEBAH, ze'-bah, slaughtering, sacri- ! fice. ZEBADIAH, zeb-a-di'-ah, the gift of Jehovah. i ZEBEDEE, zeb'-e-dee, /. gave. ZEBINA, ze'-bi-nah, bought. I ZEBOIM, ze-bo'-im, hyienas. ZEBUDAH, ze-bu'-dah, given. ZEBUL, ze'-bul, ) ZEHULON, zeb'-u-lon, > habitation. ZEBULUX, zeb'-u-lun, ) i ZECHARIAH, zek-a-ri'-ah, whom Je- 1 hovah remembers. ; ZEDAD, ze'-dad, a mountain, the side of a mountain. ; ZEDEKIAH, zed-e-ki'-ah, justice of Jehovah. ZEEB, ze'-eb, wolf. ZELAH, ze'-lah, a rib, the side. ' ZELEK, ze'-lek, fissure. ZELOPHEHAD, ze-lof'-e-had, frac- | lure, a first rupture, perhaps firstborn. } ^^ , > tower _ ) ZEL ZELOTES, ze-lo'-teez, jealous, or zea- lous. ZELZAH, zel'-zah, shade in the heat of the san. ZEMARAIM, zem-a-ra'-im, double beil(?) ' ZEMARITES, zem -a-rites (unknown). ZEMIRA, ze-mi'-rah, song. ZENAX, ze-na'n, place of flocks. ZENAS, ze'-nas, contraction of Zeno- dorus. ZEPHANIAH, zef-a-ni'-ah, whom Je- hovah hid (t. e., defended). ZEPHATH, ze'-fath, ZEPHATHAH, ze-fa'-thah ZEPHO, ze-fo', ZEPHOJT, ze-fo'ne, a looking out. ZEPHONITES, ze-fo'-nites, descen- dants of Zephon. ZER, zer, narrow, flint. ZERAH, ze'-rah, a rising (of light). ZERAHIAH, zer-a-hi'-ah, whom Je- hovah caused to rise. ZERED, ze'-red, exuberant growth. ZEREDA, ze-re'-dah, ) cool- ZEREDAxnAH,ze-re-da'-thah, \ in K- ZERESH, ze'-resh, gold. ZERETH, ze'-reth, splendour. ZEROR, ze'-ror, bundle or purse. ZERUAH, ze-ru'-ah, leprous. ZERUBBABEL, ze-rub'-ba-bel, scat- tered to Babylon, or, born at Babylon. ZERUIAH, zer-ew'-yah, cleft. ZETHAM, ze'-tham, ) v ZETHA*; ze'-than, | ohve ' ZETHAR, ze'-thar, star. ZIA, zi'-ah, motion. ZIBA, zi'-bah, a plant, statue. ZIBEON, zib'-e-on, ) ZIBIA, zib'-i-a, > dyed, roe. ZIBIAH, zib-i'-ah, ) ZICHRI, zik'-ri, celebrated, famous. ZIDDIM, zid'-dim, sides. ZIDKIJAH, zid-ki'-jah, justice of Je- hovah. ZIDOX, zi'-don, fishing. ZIDONIANS, zi-do'-ni-ans, inhabit ants of Zidon. ZIF, zif, splendour. ZIHA, zi'-ha, drought. ZIKLAO, zik'-lag, outpouring. zuz 39 ZILLAU, zil'-lah, shadow. ZILPAH, zil'-pah, a dropping. ZILTHAI, zil'-thai, shadow (t. , protection of Jehovah). ZIMMAH, zim'-mah, mischief. ZIMRAM, zim'-ram, ) celebrated is ZIMRI, zim'-ri, ) song. Zix, zin, a low palm tree. ZINA, zi'-na, ornament (?) Ziox, zi'-on, a sunny plain, a sunnj mountain. ZIOR, zi'-or, smallness. ZIPH, zif, borrowed, flowing. ZIPHION, zif'-yon, expectation, look- ing out. ZIPHRON, zif'-ron, sweet smell. ZIPPOR, zip'-por, little bird. ZIPPORAH, zip'-po-rah, fern, of Zip- por. ZITHRI, zith'-ri, protection of /. Ziz, ziz, a flower. ZOAN, zo'-an, low region. ZOAR, zo'-ar, smallness. ZOBA, zo'-bah, ) , .. ZOBAH, zo'-bah, a ZOBEBAH, zo'-be-bah, walking slowly ZOHAR, zo'-har, whiteness. ZOHELETH, zo'-he-leth, serpent, stone of the serpent. ZOHETH, zo'-heth (uncertain). ZOPHAH, zo'-phah, cruse. ZOPHAI, zo'-fai, honeycomb. ZOPHAR, zo'-phar, sparrow. ZOPHIM, zo'-tim, watchers. ZORAH, zo'-rah, a place of hornets. ZORATHITES, zo'-ra-thites, people of Zorah. ZORITES, zo'-rites (same aa ZORA- THITES). ZOROBABEL, zo-rob'-a-bel (see ZB- BUBBABEL). ZUAR, zu'-ar, smallness. ZUPH, zuf, flag, sedge. ZUR, zur, rock, shape, form. ZURIEL, zu'-ri-el, whose rock is God. ZuRisHAt)DAi,zu'-ri-shad'-dai,whow rock is the Almighty. ZVZIMS, zu'-zims, sprouting, or rest- less. TABLES OF TIME, MEASURES, WEIGHTS, &c. SACRED YEAR. fi'amei and Order of the Hebrew Months. 1. Nisan, answering ( March. to part of. . 2. Zif or Jiar | April. 3. Sivan 4. Thaniuz \ July. August. CIVIL YEAR. Kama and Order uf the Hebrew Montht. 7. 1. Tixri.answer- ( September, ing to part of ( October. 8. -2. Marchesvan. !J ctobe ( JNovember. ! November. December. I December. 9. 3. Chisleu 10. 4. Tebeth 11. 5. Shebat | January. Elul ! u ^; _ 1 12.-G. Adar ... ' 5"* ( September, j Marchesvan or ( October. Bui .. .. / November. 'CMslcu jfeb 'n** !"' * )&*_ 12. Adar. 1. 7. Nisan 2. -8. { March. March. April. 3. 9. Sivan ... 4. 10. Thaniuz 5. 11. Ab ., 5 12 Fh'l I August. ). 12. hlul {September. May. June. ( June. 1 July. \ July. { August. February. March. 13. Ye- Adar or Second Adar. The Jews reckoned their months according to the moon: and every third year they added a month, which they called Ye- Adar, in the same way as we add a day in every fourth or leap year. They began their civil year in the month Tizri, or September, according to which they computed and settled all temporal affairs. But after coming out of Egypt they began their ecclesiastical year in the month of Nisan, or March, from which they computed all their great festivals. Their day was twofold : the natural, consisting of twenty-four hours, which commenced at sunset ; and the artificial, beginning at sunrising and ending at sunset, which was divided into twelve equal parts or hours. See John xi. 9. Their night was difided into four parts or watches, each consisting of three hours. The first began at sunset ; the second at nine o'clock ; the third at midnight ; the fourth at three in the morning, and continued 41 until sunrise. These were sometimes otherwise expressed; viz., even, midniyht, cock-crowiny, and the dawn. See Mark xiii. 35. Their artificial day was divided into four equal parts. The first began at sunrise, and continued until nine o'clock ; the second began at nine, and continued till noon ; the third began at noon, and ended at three in the afternoon (which is sometimes termed the ninth hour) ; the fourth began at three, and continued till sunset. Our Saviour was seized in the garden some, time after midnight, or during the third watch. Then He was hurried first to the palace of Caiaphas, where Peter denied Him. Afterwards the rest of the priests, scribes, and the whole council began to assemble in the dawn, or before sunrising. Their examination of Him, and bringing Him before Pilate, lasted till nine o'clock. From thence to noon they were employed in preparing for His execution, and conducting Him to Calvary. He w as affixed on the cross at noon, which is sometimes termed the sixth hour. He continued on it in agony until three in the afternoon, at M'hich time precisely He expired. This was the hour when the paschal lamb which typified Him used to be slain. A TABLE OF MEASURES. A Cubit, somewhat more than one foot nine inches English. A Span, half a cubit, or nearly eleven inches. A Hand-breadth, sixth part of a cubit, or a little more than three inches and a half. A Fathom, four cubits, about seven feet three inches and a half. A Measuring Eeed, six cubits and a hand-breadth, or nearly eleven feet. This was used in measuring buildings. A Measuring Line, fourscore cubits, about one hundred and forty-five feet elaven inches. This was used to measure grounds ; hence the lines (Psa. xvL 6) are taken figuratively for the inheritance itself. A. Stadium or Furlong, nearly 14G paces. A Sabbath day's Journey, about 729 paces. An Eastern Mile, one mi'o and 403 paces, English measure. A Day's Journey, upws: Is of thirty-three miles and a half. Note. A pace is equal to five feet. There were different kinds of cubits. The common cubit, called the cubit of a man (Deut. iii. 11), was about eighteen inches. The king's cubit was three inches longer than the common one. The holy cubit was a yard, or two common ones. A TABLE OF WEIGHTS. A Shekel, near half an ounce, Troy weight. A Maneh, was sixty shekels, about two pounds and a quarter. A Talent, three thousand shekels, or 113 pounds, and upwards, of ten 42 A TABLE OF MONEY. a. ,1. A Shekel of Gold, worth about . . . . . 1 16 5J A Golden Daric, about 1 1 10 A Talent of Gold, about 5,464 5 8 A Shekel of Silver, about 2 3J A Bekah, half a shekel, about 012 A Gerah, twentieth part of a shekel, about . . 1$ A Maneh or Mina, fifty shekels 51310 A Talent of Silver, 3,000 shekels, about . . . Gil 10 5 A Silver Drachma, about 72 Tribute Money, two drachms 1 3J A Piece of Silver (Stater) 027 A Pound (ATornai), 100 drachms 347 A Roman Penny (Denarius) . . . . . 007 i 1 A Farthing (Assarium), about 1J Another Farthing (Quadram), half the form -jr. A Mite, the half of this latter. Note. Silver is here reckoned at five shillings per ounce, and gold at four pounds per ounce. MEASURES OF LIQUIDS. The Cor, or Chomer, seventy-five gallons and somewhat above five pints. The Bath, the tenth of the chomer, or seven gallons four pints and a half. The Hin, sixtieth of a chomer, about a gallon and a quart. The Log, about three-fourths of a pint. The Firkin (Metretes), somewhat more than seven pints. MEASURES OF DRY TIIIXGS. The Cab, somewhat above two pints. The Omer, above five pints. The Seah, one peck and about half a pint. The Ephah, three pecks and about three pints. The Letech, about four bushels. The Homer, about eight bushels. The Choenix (mentioned Rev. vi. 6) was the daily allowance to maintain a slave. It contained about a quart, some say only a pint and a half. "When this measure was sold for a denarius, or Roman penny, corn must have been above twenty shillings an English bushel, which indicates a scarcity next to a famine. N.B. In the above tables of coins and measures the fractional parts are omitted, as exactness in this point would be of little use to the common English reader EDUCATIONAL WORKS FOE TEACHERS AND BIBLE STUDENTS. Joshua and His Successors : An Introduction to the Books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and Samuel. "With Notes, Critical and Illustrative, and Maps. By "W. H. GROSER, B.Sc. (Lond.), Examiner in the Principles and Art of Teaching to the London Sunday School Union. Crown 8vo., cloth boards, marble edges, price 4s.; or in two parts, limp cloth, price 2s. each. The Art of Teaching in a Sunday School. By J. G. FITCH, M.A.,one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools. Koyal 18mo., cloth boards, Is. Containing Three Lectures, respectively on Questioning, Attention, and Memory. The Apostle Peter : His Life and Letters. By Rev. S. G. GREEN, D.D. Crown 8vo., cloth boards, red edges, price 3s. The Geography Of Palestine. By J. A. MEEN. An Historical and Descriptive Account of the Holy Land. 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