NRLF 312 100 The Gift of Beatrix Farrand to the General Library University of California, Berkeley REEF POINT GARDENS LIBRARY DWARF FRUIT TREES OTHER BOOKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR LANDSCAPE GARDENING PLUMS AND PLUM CULTURE FRUIT HARVESTING, STOR- ING, MARKETING SYSTEMATIC POMOLOGY DWARF CHERRY TREE Two years planted DWARF FRUIT TREES THEIR PROPAGATION, PRUNING, AND GENERAL MANAGEMENT, ADAPTED TO THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA : : : : : : By F. A. WAUGH ILLUSTRATED NEW YORK ORANGE JUDD COMPANY 1920 COPYRIC-HT. 1906 BY ORANGE JUDD COMPANY Printed in U. S. A. Add to lib; PREFACE ""gg* LIBRARY THE commercial interests have so continuously and completely held the horticultural stage in America dur- ing the last two decades that it has been impossible for amateur horticulture to get in a word edgewise. Any public speaker or writer has had to talk about several acres at a time or he would not be listened to. He has been obliged to insist that his scheme would pay on a commercial scale before anyone would hear, much less consider, what he had to tell. But now a change is coming. Different conditions are already upon us. A thousand signs indicate the new era. With hundreds yes thousands of men and women now horticulture is an avocation, a pas- time. They grow trees largely for the pleasure of it; and their gardens are built amidst surroundings which would make commercial pomology laugh at itself. And so I undertake to offer the first American fruit book in a quarter century which can boldly declare its independence of the professional element in fruit growing. I am confident that dwarf fruit trees have some commercial possibilities, but they are of far greater importance to the small householder, the owner 392 viii PREFACE of the private "estate," the village dweller, the subur- banite and the commuter. In other words, while I hope that all good people will be interested in dwarf fruit trees and that some of them will share the enthusiasm of which this book is begotten, I do not want anyone to think that I have issued any guaranty, expressed or implied, that dwarf trees will open a paying commercial enterprise. Because the argument that a thing pays has been so long the only recommendation offered for any horti- cultural scheme, many persons have formed the habit of assuming that every sort of praise stands on this one foundation. F. A. WAUGH. Massachusetts Agricultural College, 1906. TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE v I. General Considerations * II. Advantages and Disadvantages 8 III. Propagation 22 IV. Pruning 33 V. Special Forms 4* VI. General Management 51 VII. Dwarf Apples 6 3 VIII. Dwarf Pears 7 6 IX. Dwarf Peaches . . 83 X. Dwarf Plums 9 XI. Bush Fruits 99 XII. Fruit Trees in Pots 106 XIII. Personalia 112 Index I2 .5 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Dwarf Cherry Tree Frontispiece FIG. PAGE 1 Dwarf Apple Trees in Western New York .... 3 2 Trained Cordon Apple Trees 5 3 Bismarck Apple 7 4 Pear Tree Trained as an Espalier g 5 Bush Apple Tree n 6 Plums as Upright Cordons 17 7 Paradise Apple Stocks in Early Spring 25 8 The Western Sand Cherry 30 9 Upright Cordon Plum 31 10 Bush Apple 34 11 Bush Apple, Three Years Old, Before Pruning . . 37 12 Bush Apple, Same Tree, After Pruning 37 13 Cordon Pears Before Pruning 39 14 Cordon Pears After Pruning 39 15 Pears in Double U Form 43 16 Pears in U Form 4-5 17 Apricots in U Form 47 18 Pear in Espalier 48 19 Old Espalier Pears on Farm House Wall .... 49 20 Horizontal Cordon Apple and Other Dwarf Trees . 52 21 Design for a Back Yard Fruit Garden 53 22 Dwarf Fruit Garden 55 23 Fruit Gardening and Landscape Gardening Combined 59 24 A Fruit Garden Containing Many Dwarf Trees . . 61 25 Dwarf Apples on Prof. L. H. Bailey's Farm, New York 65 xi xii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. PAGE c6 Upright Cordon Apples 67 27 Horizontal Cordon Apple Trees 71 28 Young Orchard of Dwarf Pear in Western New York 76 29 Dwarf Pear in the Old and Profitable ' Yeomans Orchard, New York 77 30 Orchard of Dwarf Duchess Pear, Lockport N. Y. . 79 31 Pyramid Pears in a German Orchard 80 32 Dwarf Peach in Nursery 84 33 Espalier Peach, Hartford, Conn 85 34 Peach in Fan Espalier on Wall England .... 87 35 Peach Trees Trained Under Glass 88 36 Plum Trees Trained as Upright Cordons .... 91 37 Burbank Plums on Upright Cordons Trained to Trellis 95 38 Currants as Fan Espaliers on Trellis 100 39 Gooseberry Fan Espalier 102 40 Tree Form Gooseberry 104 41 A Fruiting Peach in Pot 108 42 A Fig Tree in a Pot no 43 Dwarf Pear 117 44 Chenango Apples in Prof. L. H. Bailey's Orchard . 121 DWARF FRUIT TREES GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS A DWARF fruit tree is simply one which does not reach full size. It is not so large as it might be ex- pected to be. It is smaller than a normal tree of the same variety and age. There are indeed some trees which are normally dwarf, so to speak. They never reach a considerable size. They are smaller than other better known and related species. For example, the species Primus pu- mila besscyi is sometimes called the dwarf sand cherry, simply because it is always notably smaller than re- lated species. The Paradise apple is spoken of as a dwarf because it never attains the stature which other apples attain. But in the technical sense, as the term is used by nurserymen and pomologists, a dwarf tree is one which is made, by some artificial means, to grow smaller than normal trees of the same variety. These artificial means used for making dwarf trees are chiefly three: (i) propagation on dwarfing stocks, 2 DWARF FRUIT TREES (2) repressive pruning, and (3) training to some pre- scribed form. DWARFING STOCKS The most common and important means of secur- ing dwarf trees is that of propagating them on dwarf- ing stocks. These are simply such roots as make a slower and weaker growth than the trees from which cions are taken. This will be understood better from a concrete example. The quince tree normally grows slower than the pear, and usually reaches about half the size at maturity. Now pear cions will unite read- ily with quince roots and will grow in good health for many years. But when a pear tree is thus de- pendent for daily food on a quince root it fares like Oliver Twist. It never gets enough. It is always starved. It makes considerably less annual growth, and never (or at least seldom) reaches the size which it might have reached if it had been growing on a pear root. This is, somewhat roughly stated, the whole theory of dwarfing fruit trees by grafting them on slow- growing stocks. The tree top is always under-nour- ished and thus restrained in its ambitious orowth of branches, as seen in Fig. i While the tree is made thus smaller by being grafted on a restraining root, it is not affected in its other characteristics. At least theoretically it is not. It still bears the same kind of fruit and foliage. Bart- lett pear trees budded on quince roots yield fruit true to name. The pears are still Bartletts, and can not be told from those grown on an ordinary tree. Some- GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 3 times the fruit from dwarf trees seems to be better colored or better flavored than that from standard trees ; but such differences are very delicate and usu- ally receive slight thought. FIG. I DWARF APPLE TREES IN WESTERN NEW YORK Dwarf fruit trees have not been very largely grown in America, but have been much more widely used in Europe. This statement holds good either for com- mercial plantations or for private fruit gardens. They are coming into more common use in this country 4 DWARF FRUIT TREES because, in both market orchards and amateur gardens, our pomology is coming to be somewhat more like that of Europe. Our conditions are approaching those of the Old World, even though they will always be very different from those of Europe in horticultural matters. Dwarf fruit trees are particularly valuable in small gardens; and small gardens are becoming constantly more popular among our urban, and especially our suburban, population. This matter is discussed more fully in another chapter. Fruit of finer quality can be grown on dwarf trees, as a general rule, than can usually be grown on standard trees. Every year there are more people in America who are willing to take any necessary pains to secure fruit of extra quality. This remark applies particularly to amateur fruit growers and to owners of private estates who grow fruit for their own tables, but it is no less true of a certain class of fruit buyers, especially in the richer cities. Although $3 a barrel is still a high price for ordinary good apples, sales of fancy apples at $3 a dozen fruits are by no means infrequent in the city markets every winter. In this respect also we are approaching European conditions. In the markets of the continental capi- tals in particular fancy fruits are frequently sold at prices which seem almost incredible to an American. Single apples sometimes bring 50 cents to a dollar, and peaches an equal price. Just recently a story has been going the 'rounds of the newspapers that the caterer for the Czar's table sometimes pays as high as $15 apiece for peaches for the royal table. Here- 6 DWARF FRUIT TREES upon a solemn American editor remarked that if the whole royal family should live upon nothing but peaches it would still be cheaper than carrying on the Japanese war. Now if there is anywhere within reach a market for apples or peaches at $3 a dozen specimens and there unquestionably is then it will pay to grow fancy fruits with special care to meet this demand. This kind of fruit can be grown better upon dwarf trees than upon standards in many cases, if not in most. At least such is the conviction of the present writer. Moreover this has been the experience in the old country. With such facts in view there seems to be a possible future for dwarf fruit trees, even for com- mercial purposes. Their present utility in amateur gardens and on wealthy private estates can not be questioned. These various amateur and commercial adaptations of dwarf trees will have to be more care- fully analyzed and discussed in a future chapter, and the subject may therefore be dropped for the present. FIG. 3 BISMARCK APPLE, FIRST YEAR PLANTED 22 inches high : bearing 4 fruits II ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES IT is a good prejudice which expects every man who writes anything to be enthusiastic over his sub- ject. Such enthusiasm doubtless leads a writer many times to over-state his case, and to claim more than the calm judgment of the multitude will ratify. And on the other hand, readers usually tacitly discount the statements of any man who writes about any matter in which he is plainly interested. The present writer knows that he is also under the ban, and that the reader firmly expects him to claim more for dwarf fruit trees than their merits will fairly warrant. This expectation the writer hopes to disappoint. It will be enough to set down here the obvious advantages and disadvantages which the horticulturist will meet in handling dwarf fruit trees. These statements are mostly of matters of common experience and they need no coloring to make them serve their present purpose. We may fairly set down the following good points standing more or less generally to the credit of dwarf fruit trees: i. Early bearing. This is a sufficiently obvious ad- vantage. The Alexander apple will bear the second year,, .after planting when grown as a dwarf, while it tj|guife six to ten years to come into bearing as a standard. This habit of early bearing proves valuable ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES 9 in many ways. It encourages men to plant trees. The disinclination of old men to plant trees rests upon the slenderness of the chance that they will ever gather of the fruit. But a man may plant dwarf trees when- ever his expectation of life is two years or more. & FIG. 4 PEAR TREE, TRAINED AS AN ESPALIER Such trees would serve octogenarians, consumptives and those sentenced to be hanged for murder. Early bearing to return to the subject makes dwarf trees valuable to that large and unfortunately growing class of citizens w r ho rent the premises where they live. They do not expect to stay more than five IO DWARF FRUIT TREES or six years in any one place. In that length of time ordinary trees would not begin to yield any fruit. But with dwarf trees there is excellent probability of seeing something ripen. Then again early bearing is a great advantage when one is testing new or old varieties. It is a great advantage when a commercial orchard is designed and when dwarf trees are used for fillers as explained below. , 2. Small size. The very smallness of the dwarf trees has many advantages in it. The trees are easier to reach and to care for. They are easier to prune and to spray. This facility in spraying is what has chiefly recommended smaller fruit trees to commercial fruit growers in recent years. Particularly in those places where the San Jose scale is a perennial problem a very large tree becomes an impossibility, and the smaller the trees can be the better it suits. The small size of dwarf trees permits the planting of larger numbers on a given area. This is specially worth while to the amateur who has a small gar- den where only three or four standard trees could grow, but where he can comfortably handle forty or fifty dwarfs. Yet it is also worth the consideration of the commercial fruit grower who is trying to earn a profit on expensive land. If he can increase the number of bearing trees on each acre, especially during the early years of establishing his orchard, it almost certainly means increased income. 3. High quality. It is not perfectly certain that every kind of fruit can be produced in higher quality on dwarf trees than on standards, but such is the gen- eral rule. This is notably true of certain pears, as FIG. 5 BUSH APPLE TREE, THREE YEARS PLANTED 12 DWARF FRUIT TREES Buerre Giffard and Doyenne du Cornice, and it is generally the case with all apples that can be success- fully grown on Paradise roots. One can secure size, color, flavor and finish on an Alexander or a Ribston Pippin, for example, which can never be secured on a standard tree. One who has not seen this thing done will hardly understand it; those who have will not need more argument. Such plums as we have fruited on dwarf trees have shown similar improvement in quality, being always distinctly superior to the same varieties grown on standard trees. The signifi- cance of these facts will appear at once to any one familiar with the course of the fruit markets in Amer- ica. There are greater rewards awaiting the fruit grower who can produce fruit of superior quality than the one who succeeds merely in increasing the quan- tity of his output. SPECIAL USES FOR DWARF TREES These various items of advantage recommend dwarf fruit trees for several specific purposes, some of which are worth pointing out in detail. I. For suburban places. A large and increasing percentage of our population now lives the suburban life in that zone where city and country meet. They have small tracts of land, which, however, they too often lease instead of owning. On these they do more or less gardening, usually more, in proportion to the size of their holdings. For them dwarf fruit trees are a precious boon. It is possible to plant three hundred to five hundred dwarf fruit trees on a quarter of an acre, where less than a dozen standard trees ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES 13 would flourish. This gives the opportunity to experi- ment with all sorts and varieties of fruits, a privilege very dear to the heart of the commuter. The dwarf fruit trees also work more readily into a scheme of more or less ornamental gardening, where fruits are combined with vegetables and flowers. Especially if some sort of formal gardening is attempted, the cor- dons, espaliers and pyramids exactly suit the de- mands. Then the fact, already mentioned, that the dwarf trees come into bearing much sooner, is a consideration of the highest value to the suburban gardener. He fully expects to move from one home to another at least once in ten years, if not once in five. With the best of intentions and the most favorable of opportunities he can hardly expect to settle down anywhere for life. The suburbs themselves change too rapidly for that; and the place which today is away off in the country may be all covered with fac- tories five years from now. It is terribly discourag- ing, under such circumstances, to plant a tree knowing that ten years must pass before any considerable fruit- age can be expected from it. It is altogether another feeling with which one plants a tree which promises fruit within two or three years. So that, whatever the drawbacks to the planting of dwarfs, they are the salvation of the suburban garden. For such circumstances they can be freely recom- mended, without exception or reservation. 2. For orchard fillers. As commercial orcharding becomes more refined, under the stress of modern com- petition, and as good orchard land increases in value, up to one hundred, two hundred, or even three hun- 14 DWARF FRUIT TREES dred dollars an acre, new methods must be adopted with a view to increasing the returns. This oppor- tunity looms especially large for the first few years after the establishment of the commercial orchard, more particularly the apple orchard. When standard trees are planted thirty-five to the acre, which is now the usual practice, the land is not more than one- fourth occupied for the first five years, and not more than half occupied for the first ten years. Indeed it is full twenty years from the time of planting before the thirty-five apple trees will use the whole acre. And since a good farmer can not afford to let expensive land lie idle he has before him a very pretty problem to determine how the space between the standard trees shall be utilized during the early years of the orchard's growth. Several different methods are in vogue for the solu- tion of this problem; but probably the best one is that system which supplies fillers or temporary trees between the standard or permanent ones. In an or- chard of standard apple trees these fillers may very properly be dwarf apple trees; or between standard pears dwarf pears may be planted. If there are thirty- five standard apple trees to an acre, and if a dwarf tree is placed half way between each two standards in every direction, including the diagonal direction, this will make one hundred and five dwarf trees, or one hundred and forty trees in all, instead of the thirty-five trees with which the acre of apple orchard land is more commonly furnished. The dwarf apple trees will be bearing good crops at the end of five years at most; and they can be kept on the land for five ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES 15 years longer at the least, before they will begin to crowd the permanent standards. During these five years, if the orchard has a paying management at all, they will easily pay all the expenses of the enterprise, and should leave a substantial balance of profit. As this system of filling, or interplanting, commer- cial orchards is becoming more and more common, the suitability of dwarf trees, for this purpose, becomes more generally evident. 3. For school gardens. Thus far school gardens in America have been mostly temporary and experi- mental affairs. But we are already satisfied that they have come to stay, and that gardening in some form will be a permanent feature of the curriculum in many of our best schools. As soon as a school garden be- comes a permanent institution, with ground of its own to be held in use year after year, the dependence on annual crops will give way to the use of various perennial plants, shrubs and trees. And among these dwarf fruit trees will naturally be one of the first introductions. Their small size adapts them to the school premises, their habit of early bearing again serves to recommend them most strikingly, and the special opportunity which they offer to pupils to observe details of pruning and other items of tree management, make them almost a first necessity in the permanent school garden. 4. For covering walls and fences. There are many places about every farm, suburban establishment, or even about many city homes, where back walls and fences could be put out of sight very agreeably by almost any sort of foliage. Various ornamental climb- 16 DWARF FRUIT TREES ers and creepers are in vogue for this service ; but a certain number of such unattractive walls and fences could be treated quite as acceptably, from the esthetic point of view, with trained fruit trees, and the result would be more satisfactory in some other ways. Ap- ples or pears trained as cordons or espaliers, or peaches, nectarines, or cherries in fan forms, will thrive on almost any brick or wooden wall, except those with a northern front. It is necessary only to supply a proper soil, to plant sound trees of proper sorts, and to give them the prescribed care. The result is not only a thing of beauty but one of practical utility as well. There are many places where the owner of a city or suburban lot can secure the fun and the substantial benefits belonging to the fruit grower on land that would be otherwise wasted, if he will only build a woven wire fence on the property line between him and his not-too-agreeable neighbor, using this fence as a support for a row of cordon plums, pears or apples. If he has time and inclination to do a little more work with the trees he can better plant U-form peaches, nectarines or apricots, or he can grow plums in U-form, or he can have fan-form cherry trees, or apples or pears in Verrier-palmettes. One of the most interest- ing and productive lots in the author's dwarf fruit garden is a row of plum trees on such a woven wire trellis. The trees in this row stand two feet apart, and form a perfect screen. (Fig. 6.) The majority of the trees which were necessarily taken for planting this row were not propagated on suitable stocks, and many varieties were introduced for experimental pur- ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES 1 7 poses which were obviously unadapted to this mode of training, but nevertheless the net result has been highly satisfactory. FIG. 6 PLUMS AS UPRIGHT CORDONS, SET TWO FEET APART In a very similar manner apple, pear or plum trees may be trained so as to form an arched arbor way. In this kind of make-up they present a most agree- 18 DWARF FRUIT TREES able novelty. An example of this kind of training is shown in the illustration, page 5. For this purpose cordon trees are usually best ; though peach or apri- cot trees in U-form or double U-form will answer very well. Even apple trees or pears formed as pal- mettes-Verrier can be carried up over an arched trellis. Mr. Geo. Bunyard in 'The Fruit Garden" tells of carrying apple trees up over the slate roof of an out- building, with marked success. The fruit-bearing portion of the trees, lying there on the slate roof beautifully exposed to the sun above, and assisted by the heat absorbed and radiated by the slate, yielded large crops of apples of very superior quality. SOME DISADVANTAGES There are, of course, some disadvantages in growing dwarf fruit trees, and these should be examined with as much care as the advantages. The more important ones are as follows: i. Greater expense. The trees are somewhat harder to propagate, and therefore cost more. There is no general demand for them in America, so that they are carried by only a few nurseries and are not looked upon as staple goods even with those dealers; and on this account the price is necessarily increased. Thus each tree costs more than a similar tree of the same age and variety propagated in the usual way. But the greatest increase of expense comes from the fact that many more trees are required to plant the same area. There is often an advantage, as already argued, in planting more trees to the acre, but it costs something to gain this advantage. An acre of ground can be ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES 19 planted with thirty-five standard apple trees set thirty- five feet apart each way, and these trees will cost, roughly estimating retail prices at $12 a hundred, $4.20. To plant an acre to dwarf apple trees, setting them six feet apart each way, which is about as thick as these trees should ever be planted, will require 1,210 trees. Estimating the retail price roughly at $15 a hundred this would make the first cost $181.50 a considerably greater initial investment in the orchard. 2. The trees are shorter lived. This statement is true for certain kinds of dwarf trees, but not for others. Certain varieties of pears, for example, which do not unite well with the quince root, naturally make short lived trees. On the other hand other varieties of pears appear to live as long and thrive fully as well on quince roots as on pear roots. There is a common belief, especially in England, that apples worked on French paradise roots are apt to be short-lived. The nurserymen who hold this belief contend, however, that the so-called English Paradise, more properly called Doucin, supplies a stock on which apples will live to as great an age as on any other stock what- ever. There is some evidence to show that vigorous varieties of plums worked on Americana roots or on dwarf sand cherry are shorter lived xhan the same varieties on freer growing stocks. In many cases, however, dwarf trees live as long as standards ; and in almost all cases they live long enough. 3. They require more care. This objection stands particularly against the dwarf trees trained in special and intricate forms. Such trees undoubtedly do re- quire more careful attention, more frequent going- 20 DWARF FRUIT TREES over, and more hand work in the course of the year. It is probably not true that apples, pears, plums or peaches in bush or pyramid forms require any more labor or attention than standard trees to secure equally good results. On the other hand it must not be for- gotten, as has already been pointed out, that whatever care may be required is much more easily given the dwarf trees than the standards. 4. They are not a commercial success. This state- ment, too, though undoubtedly having some truth in it, can not stand without qualification. It is certainly true that no one could grow ordinary varieties of apples, like Baldwin or Ben Davis for instance, on dwarf trees in competition with men who are growing the same varieties on standards. It is probably true that fancy varieties of apples can be grown with profit on dwarf trees, but even this can not be strongly urged. So far as apples are concerned the chief value of dwarf trees for modern commercial enterprises in America will come through their use as fillers between rows of standard trees. In the case of pears the situation is somewhat more favorable to dwarf trees. There are a number of orchards in this country where pears have been successfully grown for market, these many years, on dwarf trees. The famous and every- where planted Bartlett succeeds admirably on the quince stock wherever the soil is suited to it. No successful commercial orchards of dwarf peaches or plums can be cited in this country, individual trees of these kinds even being extremly rare ; yet there is good reason to suppose that under favorable condi- tions dwarf peaches and plums may have some com- ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES 21 mercial value. Such value may be more in the way of supplementing standard trees than in superseding them, but it is still worth consideration. So that, after all, when we say that dwarf fruit trees are not a commercial success we mean merely that they will not take the place of standard trees. The large market orchards must always continue to be made up of stan- dard trees ; but in their own way the dwarf trees will find a limited place even in commercial operations, and this use of them seems destined to be more general in the future than it has been in the past. Ill PROPAGATION THE propagation of dwarf fruit trees is in some senses a more critical and interesting problem than the propagation of ordinary nursery stock. The success- ful production of a dwarf fruit tree depends primarily on its propagation. The selection of stocks for dwarf- ing purposes is necessarily a complicated matter. Under the terms of the problem it is impossible that the stock and the cion which are wedded together should be very closely related. The stock must be distinctly different and pronouncedly dwarfer in his habit of growth. It is not always an easy matter to find a stock which is thus distinctly different from the tree which it is desired to grow and which will at the same time form with it a vigorous and long lived union. It is necessary further that the propagation can be carried on with ease and with a fair degree of success in com- mercial nurseries. If difficult methods of grafting are required, or if only a small stand of nursery trees can be secured, the undertaking becomes too expen- sive from the nurseryman's point of view. The methods of propagating dwarf trees are for the most part the same as those used in reproducing the same kinds of fruit on standard stocks. As a matter of fact nearly all dwarf trees are propagated by bud- ding. Apples, pears, and plums can be readily grafted, PROPAGATION 23 but budding is simpler, speedier, and usually the cheaper process in the nursery. In the upper Missis- sippi Valley, where plums are somewhat extensively worked on Americana plum roots, grafting is rather common. The side graft and the whip graft are the forms most used. The theory of the production of a dwarf fruit tree by the restraining of its growth has already been mentioned in another chapter. The dwarf stock simply supplies less food than is required for the normal growth of the variety under propagation, and the tree is, in a sense, starved or stunted into its dwarf stature. As the selection of proper stocks the adaptation of stock to cion is one of the fundamental problems in dwarf fruit growing, we may now address our- selves to that. We will take up the different classes of fruit in order. THE APPLE Everyone who has observed the wild or native apples which grow in New England pastures must frequently have noticed certain dwarf and slow-grow- ing specimens. It it not difficult to find such which do not reach a height of five feet in ten years of unobstructed growth. If the cions of ordinary varie- ties of apples like Greening and Winesap should be grafted upon these stocks, the result would be a dwarf Greening or Winesap. If these dwarf wild apples could be produced with certainty and at a low price, they would furnish a source of supply for dwarf apple stocks. 24 DWARF FRUIV TREES The Paradise apple so-called (Fig. 7) is simply one of these dwarf varieties which can be reproduced freely and cheaply. This reproduction is secured nearly al- ways by means of mound layerage. As the variety does not come true to seed, any more than such varie- ties as King or Hubbardston do, some such method of propagation is necessary. This Paradise apple is naturally inclined to stool out somewhat from the roots. This habit is encouraged by cutting the plants back to the ground. When the young shoots are thrown up they are banked up with a hoe or by plowing furrows up against the rows of plants. The young shoots then form roots at the base and these rooted shoots or layers are removed when one year old. They are then planted in nursery rows in the spring, where they are usually budded the following July or August. These Paradise stocks are largely grown in France. Practically all the supply comes from that country. The nurserymen who grow dwarf apple trees in Ame- rica import their stocks from France during the winter, plant them in nursery rows early in the spring, bud the stocks the following July or August, and have the dwarf apple trees for sale the second year follow- ing. This Paradise is the dwarfest stock known for apples. Its effect on nearly all varieties is very marked, causing them to form very small trees and to bear very early. Some of the more vigorous varieties, like Northern Spy for instance, do not submit kindly to such treatment. For this, or possibly for more rec- ondite reasons, a few varieties do not succeed well on FIG. 7 PARADISE APPLE STOCKS IN EARLY SPRING 26 DWARF FRUIT TREES Paradise roots. The writer would be glad to give a list of such varieties which are not adapted to the Paradise stock, but confesses he is unable to do so. The Doucin stock is simply another variety of dwarf apple. It is more vigorous and larger growing than the Paradise, and, therefore, produces a tree, when ordinary varieties are grafted upon it, about midway in size between the ordinary standard apple and the same variety growing upon Paradise. This Doucin is sometimes called the English or Broad-Leaved Paradise, but this name is misleading. It will be well to remember this in buying stocks or in buying trees in England. -Dwarf apples are largely propagated in England, but the trees which are said to be on Paradise roots are often on Doucin. This confusion comes about from the Englishman's habit of calling Doucin the Broad- Leaved Paradise. The Doucin is perhaps better for the free-growing bush form trees, especially where excessive dwarfing is not needed. For orchard planting in the United States this Doucin stock would be likely to suit many growers better than Paradise. For trees which are to be kept within very narrow bounds, or those which are to be trained in particular forms, the Paradise stock is better. For all sorts of cordon apple trees, the Paradise is essential. THE PEAR Dwarf pears are always propagated on quince roots. Any kind of a quince may be used as a stock for pears, but the one commonly employed by nurserymen is the Angers quince, named after Angers, France, from PROPAGATION 2? which place the supply largely comes. Almost all the quince stocks used by nurserymen in America are imported from France. As in dealing with apple stocks, the importation is made during the winter, the stocks are planted in nursery rows in the early spring, and are usually budded in July or August of the same year. A few varieties of pears do not make good unions with the quince. In some cases this antipathy is over- come by the expedient of double- working. The quince root is first budded with some variety which unites \vell with it. After this pear cion has grown one year, the refractory variety is budded upon this pear shoot. The complete tree, when it leaves the nursery, con- sists of three pieces, a quince root below, a pear top above, and a short section of only one or two inches in length of some other variety of pear which simply holds together the two essential parts of the tree. This practise of double-working is sometimes under- taken with other kinds of fruit for special purposes. There are no other cases, however, in which it be- comes a generally recognized commercial practise. THE PEACH The peach is dwarfed by budding it upon almost any kind of a plum root, especially upon the smaller grow- ing species of plums. The stock most used is the ordinary Myrobalan plum. This is simply because the Myrobalan stock is commoner and cheaper. The St. Julien plum probably furnishes a better dwarfing 28 DWARF FRUIT TREES stock for peaches, but it is more expensive and harder to work. The Americana plum, now somewhat largely grown for stocks in the States of the upper Mississippi valley, furnishes a good dwarfing stock for the peach. Ac- cording to the writer's experience the Americana stock gives better results with peaches than either Myrobalan or St. Julien. It should be observed that this stock requires budding rather early in the season. The dwarf sand cherry, which is further discussed below under plums, also makes a good stock for peaches. As this stock is very dwarf, it produces the smallest possible peach tree. The peach cion rapidly overgrows the stock and the tree can hardly be ex- pected to be long lived. The growth is very vigorous and satisfactory during early years, however. I have not had an opportunity to determine how long peaches will live and thrive on this stock. Nectarines can be grown in dwarf form in exactly the same manner employed for peaches. THE PLUM In all the old books it is said that dwarf plum trees are secured by working on Myrobalan stocks. This statement is hardly true according to our present standards, and is certainly far from satisfactory. This rule came into vogue at the time when only large growing Domestica plums were propagated in this country and the stocks used were mostly either "horse plums" or Myrobalan. The Myrobalan stock does give a somewhat smaller tree than the old fashioned horse plums; but this Myrobalan stock has been for PROPAGATION 29 many years the one principally used for propagating all kinds of plums in America. It has come to be looked upon as -a standard rather than a dwarf stock. When we think of dwarf trees, therefore, we expect .to see something smaller than what will grow under ordinary circumstances on a Myrobalan root. The Americana plum, already mentioned, is a first- rate stock in nearly all respects except that it can not be bought so cheaply as the Myrobalan. It is now grown to a considerable extent by nurserymen in Minnesota, Iowa and the neighboring States. If grafted, or budded early, all varieties of plums take well upon it. The trees on Americana roots make a good growth in the nursery and are easily trans- planted. The tree produced on this stock is only moderately dwarf. Still this dwarfing effect is always well marked, this result being shown by the over- growing of the cion. The top thus appears to out- grow the root, and such trees are apt to blow over during wind storms. Suitable precautions should be taken to guard against damage of this sort. Prof. A. T. Erwin of Iowa writes on this subject as follows: "Regarding the Americana as a plum stock, I would state that we are using it by the thousands out here; in fact, have about quit using anything else. As a stock for the European and Japanese sorts, it does dwarf them, and the cion tends to outgrow the stock at the point of union, causing an enlargement.. The union is also not very congenial, and they frequently break off on account of high winds. However, in my DWARF FRUIT TREES experience and observation, this is not the case when the Americana is used as a stock for Americana varieties. It does not dwarf the trees seriously and the union is splendid. It is by all odds the best stock we have for plums, and since we do not grow anything but Amer- icana varieties, it works first rate. It does* tend to sprout some, though there is little trouble in this regard after the trees come into bearing." The sand cherry seems to be the dwarfing stock par excellence for the plum. This sand cherry is a heterogeneous spe- cies, or as some botanists think, is three species, ranging throughout the Northern States from Maine to Colorado. The narrow leaf upright form growing about five feet tall, known as Prunus pumila, is found along the Atlantic coast. The broad leafed dwarfer form known as Prunus pumila besseyi or P. besseyi, is found in the Western States. Another rarer form of more ir- FIG. 8 THE WESTERN SAND CHERRY Prunus pumila besseyi 'ROPAGATION regular growth known as Pruuus pumila cuneata, or as P. cuneata, is found in the North Central States. All of these different forms may be used for prop- agating plums or peaches. The western form (P. besseyi) (Fig. 8) is in some respects the best, producing the dwarfest and apparently the best trees. In our experience, however, nearly all varieties of plums and peaches give a better stand of trees when budded on P. pu- mila. Primus cuneata is inferior to the others. The eastern form, P. pumila, has another ad- vantage from the stand- point of the nurseryman in that it is more easily propagated from cut- tings. For the most part the western sand cherry is propagated from seed. Both forms can be prop- agated from layers. NURSERY MANAGEMENT Dwarf trees are managed in the nursery very much the same as standards of the same varieties. There are no special points to be observed except in the FIG. 9 UPRIGHT CORDON PLUM With buds set into the naked trunk 32 DWARF FRUIT TREES formation of the tops. Western New York nursery- men, who now grow the principal supply of dwarf apple and pear trees, have the custom of forming their nursery stock with high heads. That is, the heads are formed at a height of eighteen inches to three feet from the ground. In this matter the pattern is taken after the usual style of standard trees. This is quite wrong. Of course, .some planters might like to have dwarf trees with trunks two or three feet tall, but the best form has a much shorter stem. At any rate the buyer of dwarf trees ought to be at liberty to form the head within three or four inches of the ground if he so desires. This becomes very difficult if the tree is once pruned up to a height of two or three feet. In order that the planter may reach his own ideal perfectly in this matter, it is sometimes necessary to buy one year old trees, what the English nurserymen call maidens. This, of course, enables the tree planter to form the head wherever he desires. IV PRUNING DWARF FRUIT TREES THE pruning of dwarf fruit trees is a matter of the greatest consequence, for on proper pruning depend both the form and the productivity of the trees. Some of the details of management will be explained in the succeeding chapters, dealing with the particular kinds of fruits, but a few general statements should be set down here. 1. The trees are severely headed in. This applies more particularly to bush and pyramid forms. By the term "heading in" we refer to the shortening of the leaders. Such shortening is usually given at the spring pruning, while the trees are dormant. The leaders may be headed in at times, however, during the latter part of the growing season, in July. Such stopping of growing leaders will be practised more often on young trees just coming into bearing than on old trees. (Fig. 10). Constant heading back of some sort, however, is required in nearly all cases, if the tree is to be retained in its dwarf form. The mis- take has often been made of thinking that a tree propagated on a dwarf root would take care of itself. 2. Summer pruning is essential. In most Amer- ican orchard practise one annual pruning (some- times one pruning every five years!) is considered sufficient, and systematic summer pruning is seldom or never given. Now summer pruning tends much 33 FIG. 10 BUSH APPLE, THREE YEARS OLD Showing strong leaders formed during the summer PRUNING DWARF FRUIT TREES 35 more to repress the growth of a tree than winter pruning does. In fact, heavy winter pruning leads rather to increased vegetative vigor. Aside from any special system of pruning, therefore, this rule is to be remembered, that summer pruning is desirable, on general principles, for dwarf fruit trees. 3. Side shoots usually need pinching during the growing season. Leaders are more frequently allowed to grow unchecked throughout the season, or are stopped only late in their period of development. In the pomaceous fruits, which form distinct fruit spurs, the checking of these side shoots helps toward the production of fruit buds. As long as every bud is allowed to push out into a strong shoot no fruit spurs can become established. Thus the summer pinching of the side shoots on apples and pears has the pur- pose of encouraging the formation of fruit spurs. On peach and plum trees equally distinct fruit spurs do not form; but if the side shoots are allowed to push forth unrestricted they are apt to choke one another. There will be too many of them, they will not get light enough, their growth will be weak and sappy, and they will not form fruit buds. Good fruit buds on a peach tree, for example, form on strong, clean, healthy shoots of this year's growth for next year's crop of fruit. It is seen, therefore, that in nearly all sorts of dwarf fruit trees the summer pruning is especially directed to the suppression or regulation of the growth of side shoots. This part of the treatment becomes of prime im- portance in dealing with cordons and espaliers. 4. The control of the fruit spurs or of the side shoots here contemplated requires that the trees be 36 DWARF FRUIT TREES gone ovei more than once during the growing season. In fact, four successive examinations of the tree are usually required. Old trees can sometimes be man- aged with two or three, but young ones, on the other hand, will sometimes require six or more. Of course, there are usually only a few shoots that need attention at each succeeding visit, and the work can be very rapidly performed. The first pruning, or pinching, falls about three weeks after the trees have started into growth. The next one comes ten days later, the next one ten days later again, and the fourth pruning two weeks after the third. From this time onward the intervals lengthen. These specifications, of course, are only approximate and suggestive. Some judg- ment is required to select just the proper moment for pinching back a shoot and even more to select the time for a general summer priming. Those trees which enjoy the sympathetic presence of the gardener every day are sure to fare best. The bulk of this pruning can be done with the thumb nail and fore- finger, but I find a light pair of pruning scissors pleasanter to work with. 5. Root pruning is sometimes advisable. Since the whole program is arranged to check the growth of the dwarf tree, root pruning would naturally fit well with the other practises recommended. Root pruning checks the growth of a tree about as positively as any treatment that can be devised. When dwarf pear or apple trees seem to be making too much wood growth and not enough fruit, they can be taken up, as for transplanting, during the dormant season and set right back into place. This digging up and re- f 2 o 38 DWARF FRUIT TREES planting is always accompanied by some cutting of roots. The whole root system is disturbed and has to re-establish itself before the top vegetates very strongly once more. Such root pruning ought to be done late in the fall. It is a special practice, suited to re- fractory cases, and the gardener is not recommended to indulge in it too freely. 6. A certain equilibrium between vegetative growth and fruit bearing should be established at the earliest possible moment, and should be maintained thereafter. Of course, some such equilibrium is sought in the management of a standard tree; but it is secured earlier in the life of the dwarf tree and should be much more accurately maintained. The tree must make a certain amount of growth each year, but this must be only enough to keep it in good health, and to furnish foliage enough to mature the fruit. Beyond this wood growth the tree should bear a certain amount of fruit every year, for annual bearing is not only an ideal but a rule in the management of dwarf trees. This equilibrium once established must be maintained not by haphazard pruning, but by some suitable system. If there is the proper balance between summer pruning and winter pruning, combined with proper control of cultivation and fertilization, then the balance between vegetation and fruitage can be kept up. It is a delicate business, like courting two girls at once, but it can be carried out successfully. 7. The training of trees into mathematical forms is largely a mechanical process. For the most part the trees are shaped while they are growing. The young shoots are twisted and bent to the desired I o- Tl 4O DWARF FRUIT TREES positions, and are tied into place until the stems be- come hardened. There are many clever little tricks for expediting this sort of work and for making the results more sure, but a rehearsal of them here would be tedious. The most important rule to remember is that constant attention must be given the shoots while they are growing. Mistakes are corrected with diffi- culty after an undesirable form has been allowed to harden. SPECIAL FORMS FOR TRAINED TREES WE have already explained the connection between dwarf trees and the practise of training them in special forms. It is true that this practise looks child- ish to American eyes. It seems to be only a kind of play, and a rather juvenile sport at that. Never- theless we should understand that in some parts of the world it is a real and profitable commercial under- taking. We should consider also that in other places, where fruit of very high quality is better appreciated, perhaps, than it is in America, the extra trouble is thought to be worth while for the superior quality which it g ; ves the fruit. As this matter is coming to be of more importance in America also, and as the interest in amateur fruit growing is enormously in- creasing, we may fairly begin to talk about these methods. The formation of trees into bushes and pyramids, by means of systematic pruning according to a def- inite plan, as explained in the succeeding chapters, while apparently simpler and more reasonable to our American eyes, it is still a method of training the tree. The fruiting branches are placed at definite points and the fruit spurs are encouraged to grow in regular succession. It is not a very great step from this to a distribution of the branches into a more precise form. 42 DWARF FRUIT TREES The different forms which are used most commonly are named and classified in the following outline: ^. Forms of three dimensions: a. Vase or bush b. Pyramid c. Winged pyramid, etc. B. Forms of two dimensions: a. Various espaliers b. Palmette-Verrier c. Fans or Fan-espaliers d. U-form and double U-form C. Trained to a single stem: a. Upright cordon b. Oblique cordon c. Horizontal cordon (with one arm) (with two arms) d. Serpentine cordon, etc. Among the forms of three dimensions none is of much practical importance besides the pyramid and bush or vase form. These are sufficiently explained in the chapters on pears and apples. Here we need only to define them. The pyramid tree is one which has a straight central stem with branches radiating therefrom. It is especially adapted to upright grow- ing varieties of pears. The bush or vase form has several main arms or branches, all standing out from approximately the same point and growing upward / .at a more or less acute angle, thus forming roughly a vase. The secondary branches put out from these, bearing fruiting wood, as the gardener may order. The flying pyramid or winged pyramid, described in all European books, is considerably different from SPECIAL FORMS FOR TRAINED TREES 43 the ordinary pyramid and is more precise in its de- sign. Usually six arms are brought out at the base of the tree. These are grown in a direction approxi- mately horizontal until they reach a convenient length, say two to three feet. They are then suddenly bent FIG. 15 PEARS IN DOUBLE U-FORM From I^oebner's " Zwergobstbaume" upward and inward and are conducted along wires set for this purpose until they meet in a common point with the main stem of the tree some four to eight feet above where the branches put out. There is thus formed a precise mathematical pyramid, Along these 44 DWARF FRUIT TREES main arms fruiting spurs are allowed to grow, but no branches are expected to develop. Sometimes the flying pyramid is made more elab- orate by bending the arms into a spiral form. Other more or less complex modifications are practised to some extent. All of them are to be regarded merely as curiosities and as of no practical value. The various forms of espaliers and fan-shaped trees have their special and legitimate uses. It may be said here that the Palmette-Verrier is regarded generally as being the most successful for the largest number of varieties of fruits. It is a safe rule also that the simpler forms are generally the better. With rare exceptions a tree confined to a moderately small space is more satisfactory than one trained over a large space. Great care must be exercised in forming these trees. If the geometrical style of training is undertaken at all, it should be carried out with considerable pre- cision. If one arm happens to be placed a little higher, or at a little more moderate angle, or otherwise more favorably than the corresponding arm, it will very soon divert to its own use the major portion of food supplied by the top. It will outgrow its mate and the form which the gardener designed will eventually be lost. It will be seen at once that this condition makes the same care and precision necessary in all forms of training. The U-form classifies somewhere between the cor- don and the espalier. It consists of two upright branches joined to a single trunk below by an arc of a circle. The fruit is all borne on the two parallel s 8 I 5 s 46 DWARF FRUIT TREES stems which are treated essentially the same as up- right cordons. (Fig. 17.) The double U-form is made by growing two U's from the same tree. The stem is first divided near the ground into two branches and each of these is immediately divided into two more. The tree thus provides four parallel and equally spaced upright and fruiting stems equal to four upright cordons, except that they are all supported from a single trunk. The U- and double U-forms are employed mostly for plums, apricots, peaches and nectarines. One occasionally sees much more elaborate schemes of training than any here mentioned. There are com- plex geometrical designs, even pictorial figures birds, dogs, and beer-steins and sometimes the initials of the gardener, or the name of his kingly and imperial majesty. In every case the method of producing these forms is practically the same. A frame is built of wood or wire in the form which it is desired to give the tree. Branches are developed at suitable points on the tree and these are tied out while they are grow- ing to the wooden or metal form. It does not require any special care or ingenuity to produce the most elaborate designs in this method. It is essentially a job of carpentry. We come now to the cordons. If we take the simplest form, namely the upright cordon, we have what we may call a tree of one dimension only. The upright cordon has nothing but height, eschewing both breadth and thickness. A cordon is simply a tree trained to a single stem and this stem may be placed in any position. The position or direction of the stem FIG. 17 APRICOTS IN U-FORM 4 8 DWARF FRUIT TREES classifies the cordon. There are, therefore, besides the upright cordon, others which are oblique, that is, which make an angle with the horizontal, those which are horizontal, and those which are bent into various FIG. l8 PEAR IN ESPALIER This tree is carrying over 200 fruits forms. The serpent form is one of the simplest of these. This form of cordon is simply bent back and forth against a trellis forming a series of S's one above another. The horizontal cordons are of two varieties, namely one-arm and two-arm forms. It is altogether a matter of convenience which one of these forms is chosen. 1 50 DWARF FRUIT TREES In conclusion it may be pointed out that the slower growing trees, pears and apples, are the better suited to the more elaborate forms of training. The more free and rapid growing species, such as peaches, nec- tarines, cherries, and Japanese plums, are better man- aged in somewhat simpler forms, preferably the fan. Such trees do well, however, in the U-form or double U-form. VI GENERAL MANAGEMENT THE general management of dwarf trees is naturally very much like the management of ordinary standard trees. As dwarf trees are grown more often in gardens rather than in orchards they will receive garden treatment. Heavy tools and extensive methods of culture will hardly find application. Good soil culture may be regarded as essential. Whatever some American fruit growers may be say- ing about the propriety of growing apple orchards in sod, no one has yet undertaken to adapt the sod system into the kitchen garden. The close planting which is customary with dwarf trees makes culture comparatively difficult, yet not unreasonably so. Apple and pear trees planted six feet apart each way can be worked for several years with a single horse and cultivator. In fact if the trees are kept carefully headed in, the time need never come when the culti- vator will have to be abandoned. When cordons or espaliers are planted in a garden large enough to warrant horse cultivation under ordinary circumstances then the rows of trained trees should be set six feet apart, which will be enough to permit the continued use of the horse and cultivator between the rows. However, the horse cultivator is certain to be def- initely crowded out of some dwarf fruit gardens. Many of the men who have greatest reason for grow- 51 ^ GENERAL MANAGEMENT 53 ing dwarf fruit trees are those whose backyard gardens were never large enough to justify the presence of a ooooooo ooooooo ooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooocbooo ooooooo FIG. 21 DESIGN FOR A BACK YARD FRUIT GARDEN 5 FIG. 27 HORIZONTAL CORDON APPLE TREES out. Usually such branches can be replaced without great loss of time. After this winter or spring pruning comes the summer pruning which has been outlined above. This usually begins May 15-25, and continues until July 25-31, differing, of course, in different latitudes. 72 DWARF FRUIT TREES Practically all varieties of apples can be grown as dwarfs, though some succeed on Paradise roots better than others. Some varieties also are better adapted for special forms, as for cordons, than are others. Such requirements are not very strict, and a careful gardener can grow practically anything he wants to. Patrick Barry, in his "Fruit Garden," recommends '/twenty very large and beautiful sorts for dwarfs," having in mind American conditions, and especially his own experience in Rochester, N. Y. His list is as follows: Red Astrachan Porter Large Sweet Bough Menagere Primate Red Bietigheimer Beauty of Kent Bailey Sweet Alexander Canada Reinette Duchess of Oldenburg Northern Spy Fall Pippin Mother Williams' Favorite King of Tompkins County Gravenstein Twenty Ounce Hawthornden Wagener Maiden's Blush In Europe, where greater attention has been paid to these matters, the opinion has settled down to a comparatively limited number. For example, Mr. George Bunyard in 'The Fruit Garden" recommends the following varieties for cordons: Mr. Gladstone . . . Aug. Mother Oct. Devonshire Quarrenden Aug. Calville Rouge Precoce . Oct. James Grieve . . . Sept. Cox's Orange Pippin Wealthy Oct. Oct., Feb. Margil Oct. St. Edmund's Pippin . Nov. King of Pippins . . Oct. Ross Nonpareil . . Nov. DWARF APPLES 73 Duchess of Oldenburg . Aug. Pott's Seedling . . Sept. Lord Grosvenor . . Sept. Adams' Pearmain . Dec. Hubbard's Pearmain . Dec. Allington Pippin . Nov., Feb. Scarlet Nonpareil . Jan., Feb. Norman's Pippin . . Jan. Lord Burghley . . . Feb. Duke of Devonshire . Feb. Rosemary Russet . . Feb. Sturmer Pippin . Very late Allen's Everlasting Very late Fearn's Pippin . Very late Lord Derby . . . Nov. Bismarck Dec. Lane's Prince Albert Jan., March Lord Suffield . . Sept. Grenadier . . Sept., Oct. Golden Spire . Sept., Oct. Seaton House . Sept., Oct. Sandringham . . . Feb. Alfriston . . Feb., March Calville Malingre Feb to Mch. Calville Rouge Feb. to Mch. The same authority recommends the following varieties to be grown on Paradise stocks as bushes : Beauty of Bath . July, Aug. Red Quarrenden . July, Aug. Lady Sudeley . . . Sept. Worcester Pearmain Sept., Oct. Yellow Angestrie . . Sept. Duchess' Favorite Sept. to Oct. King of the Pippins . Oct. Early White Transparent J'ly. Lord Suffield . Aug., Sept. Pott's Seedling . Aug., Sept. Lord Grosvenor . Aug., Sept. Early Julien . Aug., Sept. Ecklinville Seedling Sept., Oct. Grenadier . . Sept., Oct. Stirling Castle . Sept., Oct. Golden Spire . Sept., Oct. Cox's Orange Pippin Nov., Feb. Beauty of Barnack . Nov. Allington Pippin . Dec., Feb. Gascoigne's Scarlet . Dec. Christmas Pearmain . Dec. Winter Quarrenden . Dec. Baumann's Reinette . Jan. Lord Derby . Oct., Nov. Stone's Apple . Oct., Nov. Tower of Glamis . Oct., Nov. Warner's King . Oct., Nov. Bismarck . . . Oct., Nov. Lane's Prince Albert Dec, Mch. Bramley's Seedling Dec., Mch. Newton Wonder Dec., Mch. DWARF FRUIT TREES Max Loebener in his book on dwarf fruits recom- mends the following varieties for dwarf apples: Belle de Boskoop Nov., Ma> Virginia Rose . . . Aug. Red Peach Summer Apple Aug., Sept- Lord Sumeld Cellini . . Alexander Gravenstein Red Astrachan . July, Aug. Yellow Transparent Aug., Sept. Charlamowsky . Aug., Sept. Transparent de Croncels Sept., Oct. Prince Apple . Sept., Jan. Danzig . . . Oct., Dec. Dean's Codlin . Oct. to Feb. Landbury Reinette Nov., Feb. Cox's Orange . Nov. to Mch. Requires good soil Winter Gold Pearmain Nov., March Ribston Pippin . Nov., April Good warm soil Canada Reinette . Nov., April Hardy Inasmuch as the advantages of the dwarf trees apply especially to the growing of fine fruit, only the better varieties should generally be propagated in this way. On this basis, therefore, rather than on the basis of adaptation learned from experience, the fol- lowing varieties may be suggested among the well known American sorts for growing in dwarf form: Aug., Oct. Sept., Nov. Oct., Dec. Oct. to Jan. For moist soils, bears late Yellow Richard . Nov., Dec. Bismarck . . . Nov., Feb. Yellow Bellflower Nov. to April Requires good position Baumann's Reinette Dec., May Baldwin Esopus Mother Williams' Favorite Sutton King Northern Spy Grimes Winesap Yellow Transparent Mclntosh Red Astrachan Alexander Wolf River Ribston Pippin Wealthy Wagener DWARF APPLES 75 Of course, one propagating dwarf apples would always select his own favorites. It should be noticed that in the list given above are some varieties which are notable for beauty of appearance rather than for superior quality. They are recommended on the former consideration. Certain varieties in the list, for instance Alexander, are known to succeed es- pecially well as dwarfs. VIII DWARF PEARS PEARS are the fruit most largely grown in dwarf form in America. There are a few well established and successful commercial orchards of pears, especially in western New York and Michigan. The pear is FIG. 28 YOUNG ORCHARD OF DWARF PEARS IN WESTERN NEW YORK the fruit most assiduously cultivated in dwarf and trained forms in Europe. At the same time it is the one with which I confess I have had the least satis- faction. This is perhaps because I have always ex- 76 DWARF PEARS 77 perimented in a country where pears do not naturally succeed, and because, further, my fancies have run more to other kinds of fruit. It is probably true that the pear is improved more FIG. 29 DWARF PEARS IN THE OLD AND PROFITABLE YEOMANS ORCHARD, NEW YORK in quality than any other fruit by being grown in dwarf form and trained as cordons and espaliers on a suitable frame or wall. This is emphatically true in cold and inclement climates, where indeed some of 78 DWARF FRUIT TREES the best varieties of pears will not succeed at all unless given this advantage. A west wall is recom- mended as giving the very finest results. It should be noted, however, that some varieties do better on walls than others. Those which grow vigorously in bush, pyramid, or standard forms receive compara- tively less benefit from wall training. The pear is the best of all trees for training in pyramid form. Sometimes very tall slim pyramids are made, becoming almost pillars of foliage and fruit in their old age. These may be in fact upright cor- dons which are trained with strong stems and allowed to support themselves without a trellis. Some of the less upright growing varieties are difficult to form into pyramids, and such may be pruned in the ordi- nary bush or vase form. In growing dwarf pears commercially, as is sometimes done, it is probably best to give most varieties the bush form. The pyra- mid is rather harder to maintain. The pear succeeds well as a cordon tree. Perhaps the best form is the oblique cordon, one placed at an angle of about forty-five degrees with the horizon. The upright and horizontal cordons may also be used, though neither of these forms is specially well adapted to pears. All of the better types of espaliers are suited to pear trees. Probably the Palmette-Verrier is the best, although the old fashioned espaliers are often used. The U-form and the double U-form also suc- ceed if well built. The pruning of the pear tree is substantially the same as that of the apple. Where pear blight is a DWARF PEARS 79 factor in the problem, due allowance must be made for it. It sometimes happens that entire branches or arms have to be cut away on account of blighting. The system of pruning therefore should furnish a FIG. 30 ORCHARD OF DWARF DUCHESS PEARS, LOCKPORT, N. Y. means of renewing such members promptly when necessity requires. The quince root prefers a fairly heavy and even moist soil. A heavy clay loam is best, although a 8o DWARF FRUIT TREES strong clay will answer. Light sandy soils or loose gravelly soils will not give such good results. On the other hand any clay soil which holds water to a considerable extent will answer. As these are the requirements for quince roots, they become also the requirements for dwarf pears. Any attempt to grow FIG. 31 PYRAMID PEARS IN A GERMAN ORCHARD dwarf pears on a light loose soil is almost certain to prove a failure. It is often said that dwarf pears should be planted deep in the ground when they are set out. The rule is to put them deep enough so that the bud union will be buried beneath the surface of the soil. With such treatment the pear itself often throws out roots and eventually establishes a feeding system of its own, becoming independent of the quince stock. It DWARF PEARS 8 1 is then no longer a dwarf tree except by the authority of the pruning knife. It is probably true that many varieties of dwarf pears are longer lived when treated in this way. In planting, therefore, it becomes a question whether one desires chiefly a long-lived tree or a strictly dwarf one. The ease with which dwarf trees are replaced makes longevity a less important factor than in commercial orchards of standard trees. Of course, it is understood that if the dwarfest form is to be maintained, the tree must be planted high enough to leave the union out of the ground, thus pre- venting the pear from throwing out roots of its own. The varieties principally grown in this country as dwarfs are Angouleme, Bartlett, Anjou, and Louise Bonne. In European nurseries the list of pears propagated on quince roots is much larger. The following varieties are recommended for England by Mr. Owen Thomas, and are said to be particularly good for training on walls : Buerre Giffard La France Clapp's Favorite Buerre d' Anjou Jargonelle Buerre de Jonghe Williams' (Bartlett) Doyenne d'Alenqon Buerre d'Amanlis Glou Morceau Fondante d'Automne Marie Benoist Triomphe de Vienne Winter Nelis Buerre Bosc Buerre Diel Buerre Hardy Xouvelle Fulvie Buerre Brown Buerre Sterckmans Comte de Lamy Easter Buerre Louise Bonne de Jersey Le Lectier Pitmaston Duchess Olivier d'e Serres 82 DWARF FRUIT TREES Seckel Passe Crassane Conference Ne Plus Meuris Doyenne du Cornice Bergamotte Esperen Marie Louise Buerre Ranee Thompson's Josephine de Malines Duchesse d'Angouleme IX DWARF PEACHES THE peach as a dwarf tree is almost unknown in America. It is not very often grown as a dwarf even in Europe, except when it is trained on walls or grown in houses. The species, however, is easily dwarfed and makes a good tree in various forms when well propagated. The methods by which dwarf peaches are propagated are fully described in the chapter devoted to that subject. Peach trees growing on plum stocks and formed in vases or bushes make excellent garden trees. Nat- urally they should be headed low, best within three to six inches of the ground. They then make fine, regular, well balanced tops which are easily kept opened out in the desired vase form. Such trees usually come into bearing one or two years earlier than those propagated and trained in the usual way. In a country like New England where peach growing is largely a system of gambling against cold weather, and where the business largely resolves itself into a race for getting a crop before the trees freeze back, the smaller stature and the earlier bearing of the dwarf t tree are obvious advantages. It has not yet been shown that this may be turned to account on a commercial scale, but there seem to be possibilities in it. In case the peach grower undertakes the method of laying down his peach trees and covering them 8 4 DWARF FRUIT TREES during the winter to save them from freezing, the smaller growth of the dwarf trees would prove a decided advantage. This method of handling peach trees has proved a practical success under certain conditions. The peach does not succeed as a cordon. The FIG. 32 DWARF PEACH IN NURSERY Headed back and formed into bushes nearest that this form can be successfully approached is the U-form. The double U-form is probably even better. The fan form of training is the best of all methods of training for the peach. The tree makes wood so rapidly that considerable space has to be DWARF PEACHES 85 provided for the annual growth. The fan form being less definite in its makeup can be more readily adapted to the exigencies of rapid growth and severe cutting out. On account of its more vigorous growth the peach FIG. 33 ESPALIER PEACH, HARTFORD, CONN. demands even more drastic pruning than that already described for apples and pears. The method of manag- ing a peach tree, however, differs in some details. There is not such a distinct establishment of leaders at the end of the shoot; and since the peach never forms fruit spurs like those of the apple, the pruning of the fruit-bearing wood is necessarily different. The 86 DWARF FRUIT TREES best fruit buds are formed on the strong clean shoots of the current season's growth. These must be allowed to grow far enough and vigorously enough to ripen good fruit buds. If they make too much growth, however, the side buds start secondary branches and the fruiting prospects are reduced. The management of the tree must be such as to keep this growth of new wood in just the proper balance. In order to carry out the idea thus outlined, an early spring pruning is given while the trees are dormant, and several successive primings are ad- ministered during the growing season. At the spring pruning a considerable amount of wood is cut out from all portions of the tree, the amount thus removed being much greater than that from the pear or apple trees at the same season. The old decrepit and diseased branches are taken first for removal, and then one year old wood is cut back where necessary, so as to leave two or three buds at the base of each branch. The first summer pruning is given about May I5th to 2Oth, after the growth has well begun. A vigorous tree will start more shoots than there is room for, and these are thinned out until all have sufficient space. A few of the most vigorous ones are pinched back at this time. One week to ten days later the trees are gone over again, at which time the principal pinching back is done. The shoots which are making too much growth, especially on the interior of the tree or on the main arms, are stopped. A third pruning is given about June first, and consists chiefly in re- moving weak shoots or those which are crowding one DWARF PEACHES 8.7 another, and cutting back those which are growing too far. The peach usually requires a comparatively light soil and a warm exposure. The plum root upon which a dwarf peach is budded will usually succeed in a FIG. 34 PEACH IN FAN ESPALIER ON WALL, ENGLAND considerably heavier soil, and the method of budding on plum is therefore sometimes practised with the specific object of adapting the peach tree to heavier soils. Inasmuch as various kinds of plums succeed in all soils on which any crop can be grown, from light sand to heavy clay, it is not difficult to meet any reasonable requirements in this respect. 88 DWARF FRUIT TREES All varieties of peaches and nectarines seem to succeed equally well as dwarfs. Those varieties which are grown as dwarfs in Europe are naturally the ones which are favorites there. In this country the favorite varieties are almost altogether different and we would FIG. 35 PEACH TREES TRAINED UNDER GLASS expect to choose such sorts as Late Crawford, Foster, Old Mixon, Belle of Georgia, Champion, Waddell. and other choice American varieties for our use. The nectarine is in large favor in Europe and is much more extensively grown than in America. The merits of this fruit seem to have been strangely over- looked in this country. When nectarines are properly DWARF PEACHES . 89 grown under glass, they are one of the most delicious and beautiful fruits known in this world of limitations and disappointments. The nectarine is a fruit which will in general bear more extensive cultivation in America and which is to be especially recommended for dwarf fruit gardens. This is not to say that it should supersede the peach, or even that it should take equal prominence, but simply that it should be well represented in every selection of fruits for an amateur's collection. X DWARF PLUMS MOST amateur and professional fruit growers are less interested in plums than in other tree fruits. Per- haps I am prejudiced, but I feel that this is not fair to the plum. Plums yield some profit when rightly cultivated commercially, and no end of satisfaction when cultivated for the gardener's own entertainment. The large assortment of varieties which one may secure is in itself a claim to interest, and a source of much delight to the collector. The fact that different types of plums furnish fruit of very di- verse characters makes the collection more valuable from every standpoint. So far as the writer knows dwarf plums have seldom been grown to any extent in America. They certainly have no present claim based on experience for recognition in commercial orchards. Nevertheless they have possibilities even for the growing of market fruit, and for cultivation in the garden, dwarf trees are altogether worth while. In the chapter on propagation, reference has been made to the stocks used for plums and that subject need not be discussed here. When plum trees have been secured budded on suitable dwarfing stocks, as, for example, Americana or sand cherry, they may be trained in a variety of ways. Probably the ordinary bush form is the best. Most varieties of plums do not form either a satis- 90 FIG. 36 PLUM TREES TRAINED AS UPRIGHT CORDONS 92 DWARF FRUIT TREES factory pyramid or a strictly vase form. Some of the better growing Japanese varieties of plums approach the latter form fairly well. Red June, Satsuma, and Chabot may be mentioned as particular examples. With such varieties a true vase form can be main- tained as well as with peaches. In dealing with a majority of varieties, however, a simple bush-like head without a mathematically constructed frame work is about the best that can be secured. In most cases the head should be formed low, preferably not more than six inches from the ground. Still considerable lati- tude has to be allowed the gardener's fancy in deal- ing with dwarf trees, and the writer can easily imag- ine a garden design which would require trees to be high headed. It would be practicable and excusable in some cases to form heads four, five, or even six feet from the ground. This is often done in England and Germany with all sorts of fruit trees, this form being referred to as a "standard." A head can be secured at almost any point on a plum tree of good growth, by heading back at the desired height. Four to six branches should be allowed to grow the first year and in course of time these will be increased to eight, twelve, or even more. That is, there will be this number of what we might call main branches because they are all of approximately equal importance. At the end of the first year after the tree has been headed back the main branches, which have now formed, are to be cut back in turn. With all strong- growing varieties it is best to remove from one half to two-thirds of the annual growth from these main DWARF PLUMS 93 branches, if the tree is to be restricted to a com- paratively narrow spread. A considerable number of strong shoots will put forth the next year. These should be thinned out as soon as they start to a number approximately twice that of the main arms. These new branches should be distributed as symmetrically as possible. The tree top is now formed and sub- sequent pruning" consists essentially of a severe head- ing in during the latter part of the dormant season, that is, about March, followed by two, three, or four summer prunings somewhat after the manner described for the peach. At the time of these summer prunings the young growing shoots should be thinned out enough to prevent any choking of the tree top and should be headed in wherever it is necessary to re- tain the symmetrical growth. The manner of forming the fruit buds or spurs is so diverse in the different kinds of plums that no general rule can be given for encouraging them. Close observation of each variety will soon enable the gar- dener to direct his pruning in such a way as to assist in this important process of fruit bud formation. In a rough general way it may be said that the Domes- tica and Americana varieties of plums form distinct fruit spurs along the sides of one and two year old branches, and that, for the encouragement of these, considerable light should be admitted and the growth of the interior shoots rather rigidly checked. The Japanese and Hortulana varieties on the other hand fruit best from very short spurs or clusters of buds which form along from the strong one and two year 94 DWARF FRUIT TREES old branches. The main object, therefore, with these latter varieties is to maintain a succession of clean, sound, well matured shoots. This is done by a mod- erate thinning of the main shoots early in the year, resulting in the forcing of those which are left. These strong growing shoots are checked late in the summer in order that they may ripen up thoroughly, but the pinching which is done to this end is delayed long enough so that the pinched shoots will not start into growth again. Moreover, this pinching is done well out to the ends of the shoots. Certain varieties of plums succeed fairly well as vertical cordons. The varieties least adapted to this purpose are the Hortulana offspring and their hybrids and a few of the rank-growing Japanese, like Hale and October Purple. In the dwarf tree garden at the Massachusetts Agricultural College the writer has a row of plum trees containing a large assortment of varieties and species. These trees were picked out at random from various sources and very few of them were propagated on dwarfing stocks. On this ac- count the trees were set two feet apart, which is more than is usually recommended for upright cordons. They have now been growing three years, and they furnish much interesting testimony regarding the feasibility of growing plums in this form. Contrary to expectation such varieties as Red June, Abundance, and Burbank have done well under this treatment. These varieties all fruited the next year- after planting. Some varieties of the Domestica group are bearing the third year after planting, which is unusually early. FIG. 37 BURBANK PLUMS ON UPRIGHT CORDONS TRAINED TG> TRELLIS 9P DWARF FRUIT TREES All of them seem to be fairly well adapted to this method of treatment. Varieties like Wildgoose and Wayland, and such hybrids as Gonzales, Waugh and Red May, can hardly be controlled in the restricted space allowed them in a row of vertical cordons. They give very little promise of success. It is prob- able that all these varieties would make a better showing if they were propagated on some such stock as sand cherry. Plums are seldom almost never propagated as horizontal cordons. I have never yet undertaken it myself, but propose to do so at the first opportunity and with some expectation of moderate success with certain varieties. The slow growing sorts like Green, Gage, Italian Prune, and Agen seem to offer special promise. In the form of espaliers plums are often trained against walls. Indeed this is the favorite way of producing fancy plums in England, and the same practise prevails to a considerable extent on the con- tinent of Europe. In this country walls are not re- quired, and in most cases would be of no advantage. Where it is desired to cover back fences or sides of buildings, however, plum trees in espalier form can be confidently recommended. The Domestica varie- ties of highest quality such as Bavay, Jefferson, Vic- toria, Pond, Bradshaw, and Coe's Golden Drop would have first choice. The Japanese varieties can also be grown on trellises or walls, but the freer forms, such as the fan espalier used for the peach, are better suited to their habits of growth. DWARF PLUMS 97 The following varieties of plums can be recom- mended for dwarf bush forms: Green Gage Bavay (Reine Claude) Jefferson McLaughlin Bradshaw Pond Agen Bleeker Grand Duke Italian Prune Cluster Damson (or other Damsons) Such varieties of the Japanese class as Abundance, Chabot, Red June, Satsuma, Burbank may be grown on dwarf stocks in bush forms, but they are not al- together satisfactory. There are two objections against them : ( i ) It is difficult to keep them in re- stricted bounds, such a result being dependent on con- stant and severe heading in. (2) They overgrow the dwarf stocks very strongly and thus do not have a very firm hold on the ground. They are apt to blow over or break off after a few years, unless carefully staked up. The following varieties can be recommended for upright cordons, in which form they will give moderate success if properly managed : Coe's Golden Drop Bradshaw Agen Bavay Victoria Lombard Grand Duke Chabot Abundance Cheney Burbank Aubert (Yellow Egg or Mag- num Bonum) Also most of the clean-growing Americana varieties such as Smith, Terry, Stoddard, etc. 9& DWARF FRUIT TREES Mr. Owen Thomas recommends for growing on walls in England the following varieties : Green Gage Brahy's Green Gage Brandy Gage Bryanstone Gage Denniston's Superb Gage Oullin's Golden Gage Comte d'Athem's Gage Golden Transparent Gage Transparent Gage Reine Claude de Bavay Transparent Late Gage Coe's Golden Drop Jefferson Kirke's Blue Reine Claude Violette Washington XI BUSH FRUITS THE bush fruits, so far as I know, are never culti- vated as dwarfs. To speak more exactly I should say that no dwarf stock is ever used to reduce the size to which the plants grow. On the other hand, bush fruits are often systematically pruned back in order to restrict their size, and are sometimes trained in elaborate forms as dwarf fruit trees are. To this extent they are managed in the same way and might properly be treated in the same general category. What is more to our purpose, they are almost always included in the plan of any private fruit garden on a restricted area, such as we have had chiefly in view in this discussion of dwarf fruit trees. These reasons make it appropriate, if not indeed essential, that something should be said regarding, these fruits, here. All bush fruits can be grown in -such forms as cor- dons, espaliers, etc. Anything of this s|xrt which the gardener wishes can become a part of his^ garden of little trees. Gooseberries and currants offer* e the most entertainment and remuneration when subjected to special priming and training, and indeed they should not be omitted from any garden scheme of this kind. Raspberries-axe- less amenable. to this kind of educa- tion and should be introduced with some care. Black- berries are necessarily difficult to handle and no very complicated schemes of pruning and training 99 I d E BUSH FRUITS IOI can be successfully applied to them. Such other fruits as Loganberries, strawberry-raspberries, June berries, etc., may be introduced "at the owner's risk." Any of them will submit to a certain amount of correction with the pruning knife, and may add to the variety of fruits grown in the amateur's garden. Of course, it is distinctly understood that these special methods of treatment are not commercially recommended for any of the bush fruits in America. Probably the most interesting and practical way for handling gooseberries and currants in dwarf fruit gardens is the form known as standards. This form consists of a small round fruiting top of almost any desired variety grafted high upon a straight clean trunk or stem. This stem may have any convenient height from two to ten feet, the most common and practical height being about four feet. The stock used is the flowering currant, Ribes aurenm, which forms a sufficiently strong and upright growth for this purpose. Nevertheless it is almost always neces- sary to support these standards with a convenient stake apiece. For the present these standard gooseberries and currants can be obtained only of the European nurserymen. At least the writer knows of no one who propagates them in America. There are several importers, however, who make a business of supply- ing European stock and who are always glad to im- port these on order. The finer varieties are especially chosen for grow- ing as standards. This applies particularly to goose- berries, which are more widely grown and which are more highly prized in Europe than in this country. BUSH FRUITS 103 The varieties grown in Europe are usually finer table fruits than the American varieties. It is generally un- derstood that the finest fruits for eating fresh out of hand are secured from the standard gooseberries. Gooseberries and currants are also adapted easily to the espalier form. The most elaborate palmettes and other geometrical designs can be worked out. Nevertheless the simplest and most practical form for trained gooseberries and currants is the fan shape. If a suitable trellis is provided, the vines may be easily tied out upon it in very attractive fan forms and these are found to be quite satisfactory, both as regards their looks and their product of fruit. They are also easily sprayed, which is a consideration worth mention- ing when one has to fight the currant worm. In gen- eral, it is best in our latitude to run these espaliers north and south, because they receive too much sun when the trellis runs east and west. This rule, how- ever, is not absolute. Probably the most convenient and practical way for growing these fruits in the dwarf tree garden is to plant standards at regular intervals in a row, say six feet apart, and to plant a certain number of fan shaped bushes between each pair of standards in the row. If these standards were six feet apart, two plants for fan training would be enough between each pair. The top of the trellis on which the fan forms are tied, would not be above four feet high, better only three. The heads of the standards then rise well above the top of the trellis. This furnishes some sup- port for the stem of the standard and economizes 104 DWARF FRUIT TREES space. Economy of space is one of the first principles of this style of gardening. No list need be given here of the varieties of goose- berries and currants to be recommended for this class FIG. 40 TREE FORM GOOSEBERRY of planting. It may be said that any of the favorite varieties of currants grown in this country, as for example, Fay, Victoria, Red Versailles, etc., may be chosen, and that these are indeed the varieties usually preferred in Europe. With respect to gooseberries it BUSH FRUITS 105 may be remarked that the English, French, and Ger- man varieties are mostly very different from those grown in America, and that while they have some shortcomings in our climate, they are for the most part to be recommended for the purposes which we here have in view. XII FRUIT TREES IN POTS THOSE who are used to seeing large fruit trees in orchard plantations where each specimen has 1,000 to 2,000 square feet of space, with unlimited op- portunities downward, find a fruit tree in a pot a curiosity. It seems remarkable to see a tree in vigor- ous health and bearing fruit with less than one cubic foot of soil. Nevertheless this method of hand- ling fruit trees is entirely practicable. In some places it is practised extensively in an amateur way, and oc- casionally reaches almost commercial proportions. For those who grow fruit trees for recreation there could hardly be a more interesting experiment. The pots mostly used are the nine, ten, eleven and twelve inch standard earthenware pots. With most trees it is best to begin with small sizes and gradually shift forward to the larger ones. A bearing tree may be maintained for several years in a twelve inch pot or even in a ten inch size. Sometimes wooden tubs are substituted for pots. These look better, but are not so good in any other way. Trees may be grown in pots out of doors, although there is no particular advantage in doing this. If such practise is undertaken the pots should be plunged their full depth in good garden soil. Perfect drainage should be secured by having some broken brick or coarse cinders underneath. 106 FRUIT TREES IN POTS IO/ Usually potted trees are grown under glass. They are kept in a cool greenhouse, that is one with little heat. Sometimes they are without artificial heat. In fact this is probably the best way. The houses which are purposely constructed for fruit trees may have a single line of pipe if this is convenient, so that the chill may be taken off the air in severe cold weather. To reach anything like real success, houses must be devoted exclusively to fruit trees. Occa- sionally trees may be grown with other plants, as in cold graperies, but the results are not the best and often come very close to failure. In building houses for fruit trees exclusively, the even span construction is nearly always used. Houses eighteen or twenty feet wide, and five feet high at the eaves, will answer the purpose very well. The leading greenhouse designers are prepared to furnish plans for such houses and it is usually best to follow the advice of their -experts. All kinds of fruit trees can be grown in pots. This includes apples, pears, peaches, plums, nectarines, and cherries. Those which give the best returns are plums and nectarines. Apples in pots are very inter- esting and furnish a superior quality of fruit when grown under glass. Apples, plums and nectarines take a finer finish and a higher flavor when grown in this way than when grown in any other. All fruit trees to be grown in pots should be prop- agated on the dwarfest of dwarfing stocks. This means practically that apples should be on Paradise, pears on quince, peaches and nectarines on sand cherry, DWARF FRUIT TREES plum on sand cherry or St. Julien plum, and cherries on Mahaleb. The trees should be potted in good rich soil, pref- FIG. 41 A FRUITING PEACH IN POT erably the best garden loam. This should have enough sand and gravel in it to insure good drainage. A considerable amount of drainage material should FRUIT TREES IN POTS 109 be placed in the bottom of each pot. The trees should be repotted in fresh soil annually in October or No- vember. Trees in pots require liberal feeding. Besides being given well enriched earth at the time of repotting, they should be supplied from time to time with small amounts of fertilizer. Good soluble chemical fertili- zers can be applied either dry or dissolved. A good formula is one part nitrate of soda, two parts of muriate of potash, two parts of high grade phosphoric acid. A very little sprinkling, say a tablespoonful, of this can be given on each pot once a month during the growing season which lasts roughly from Decem- ber to May. In place of this, or alternately with this, moderate waterings with liquid manure may also be given. These small doses of food are especially use- ful at the time when the fruit is forming on the trees. The trees are usually brought into the house at the time of potting, say November I. If early fruit is desired, they are kept in a house with some heat. It is necessary only that the temperature should be kept constantly and safely above the freezing point. Rapid forcing with a high temperature is not desirable and is hardly possible. If kept simply above the freezing point, these trees will start into growth in January. They can then be kept somewhat warmer during February, the heat being slightly increased in March. Peaches and nectarines will stand fairly high temperatures after the fruit is well set and espe- cially toward ripening time. By this method of mild forcing, plums, peaches, and nectarines can be brought into fruit as early as the latter part of May. no DWARF FRUIT . TREES The main crop of potted fruits, however, need not be expected until June or July ; that is not very much in advance of the outdoor crop. The object of grow- ing fruit under glass is not so much to force it ahead FIG. 42 A FIG TREE IN A POT of season as it is to improve the quality. Trees which are to be kept in a cool house without heat need no particular attention except to see that they are watered occasionally and that some plant food is given after growth begins. Even if the temperature goes down considerably below freezing during the winter months FRUIT TREES IN POTS III in this cold house where the potted fruit trees are, no damage need be expected. Of course, special care will be given to prevent damage from attacks of fungi or insects which occa- sionally become troublesome in the houses. The small size of these trees makes such work comparatively easy. The methods of pruning are the same as those rec- ommended for pyramid and bush form trees. These forms are the most practical for pot culture, though pot trees are occasionally trained in cordon forms. XIII PERSONALIA MANY persons have a strong prejudice in favor of the concrete. On general principles they object to generalities. They choose rather the specific case. Personal experience, they say, means more to them than theory, even though the theory be the sublimation of all experience. For the benefit of such people I am going to set down an account of some of my own attempts at growing dwarf fruit trees, and to that I will add brief opinions and experiences of some friends of mine. The first dwarf fruit tree that I ever saw, so far as I remember, was in the grounds of the Kansas State Agricultural College when I was a student there. This tree was an apple, on Paradise stock, and at two years after planting it bore six or eight very fine Yellow Transparent apples. It was one of several dwarf apples planted by Professor E. A. Popenoe, but the other trees did not much attract my attention. This particular specimen had a straight, clean trunk of about thirty inches, after the absurd style of heading dwarf apples practised in most American nurseries. But the crown was full and symmetrical, and the fruit was incomparable. That particular tree has always been a sort of ideal and inspiration to me. Later, when I planted an orchard in Oklahoma, I put in some dwarf trees, particularly pears, but I did 112 PERSONALIA 113 not stay there long enough to see what came of them. The next fruit garden in which I became interested was in Vermont. This had in it some dwarf pear trees, dwarf apples and dwarf plums, and my own personal experience had fairly begun. The dwarf ap- ples proved to be an almost complete failure, for rea- sons which I can not now satisfactorily explain. A few years later I planted a few dwarf apple trees in another Vermont garden, where they did reasonably well. But, at any rate, the whole undertaking was un- satisfactory, for it did not give me a vital understand- ing of the trees. I never got onto terms of real personal goodfellowship with them ; and until a gard- ener does that his work is some sort of a failure. The dwarf pears did somewhat better. They seemed to understand their business, and they kept about it without much attention from me. I never cared much for pears, anyway. But the plums were the brilliant success, at least with reference to my own interior personal experience. Every plum tree meant something to me. A stub of a root and two scrawny plum branches would at any time arouse my imagination like the circus posters' appeal to a boy. In this Vermont garden which I adopted when it was about four years old, there were various plum trees, mostly of domestica varieties, growing on Americana roots. They had come from the Iowa State College, where they had been educated that way. They had been given those Americana roots, not primarily to dwarf them, but to insure them against damage from the cold winters. The tops had not been cut back, and the whole treatment was just such as 114 DWARF FRUIT TREES would have been applied to standards. Later I saw the bad results of this treatment, for several of the trees blew over in high winds. From subsequent experience I feel sure that if they had been headed low at first, if they had been kept closely headed back and other- wise handled like real dwarfs, they would have lived to a greater age and would have made everybody hap- pier. At this time also I began, on a somewhat compre- hensive plan, the propagation of plums on all sorts of stocks, including Americana, Wayland seedlings, Miner root cuttings and sand cherry, all more or less efficient dwarfing stocks. By this time I was into it head over ears, as far as the plums were concerned. This having been the largest chapter in my per- sonal pomological experience, I suppose it ought to form the largest portion of this chapter in the book; but my plum work and my experiments in propagation have been so often and so fully reported elsewhere that it would be a vain repetition to go over them again now. They are all written down in the proper places where they may be consulted by the enthusiastic or ill-advised student. And then I came to Massachusetts ; and here the first project, almost, to which my hand was turned was the installation of a garden of dwarf fruit trees. From the following memorandum of the trees growing in this garden any reader may surmise the enjoyment I have found in it. There is one row of dwarf plum trees set six feet apart and trained, rather unsatisfac- torily, into bush form. The trees, were many of them too large when they came from France, and, though I cut PERSONALIA 115 them back severely, they did not form such low bushy heads as my ideal species. They are on St. Julien roots, which serve the purposes in hand fairly well. Though the trees had a hard trip across the water only one out of forty-six has died in three years. Unfortu- nately these trees have not yet borne fruit, not one of them. Next year many of them will bear. Earlier fruitage can certainly be secured on sand cherry stocks and under other methods of training. Besides the bush plums, the garden contains a row of upright cordons. Most of these were not propa- gated on dwarf stocks at all, and were not expected to suffer any such drastic training as I have put upon them. They were taken from the college nursery and from the nurseries of several of my correspondents, just wherever I could find the varieties I wanted, and without reference to the stocks on which they were growing. A few are on Americana stocks, several are on peach roots (of all things), and probably a major- ity are growing on the usual Myrobalan roots. These trees are planted two feet apart in the row and are tied up to a trellis of chicken wire. There are about thirty varieties in the row, numbering most of the different botanical types more frequently cultivated in America. Many of the varieties are totally and very obviously unsuited to this method of treatment, and presently I will replace them with more amenable varieties. But many of the varieties have fruited, espe- cially the Japanese kinds, and some of them, like Bur- bank, have proved most unexpectedly docile. Alto- gether this row of unsuitably propagated and unsuit- ably selected varieties of plum trees has been one of 116 DWARF FRUIT TREES the most interesting, instructive and entertaining ele- ments in my dwarf fruit garden. Next there comes a trellis bearing some espaliers, including plums, pears, apples, peaches and cherries; but these have been recently planted, and as yet they have done nothing worth relating. There is one row of twenty-three dwarf pears, mostly trained in pyramid form. These have not done well, but the reason is not far to seek. The soil is light and full of gravel, and quite unsuited to pear or quince. Pears never thrive on it. Several of the trees are bearing a crop this year, but some of the trees are also dead, and the whole row looks like the finish of a bargain sale on the remnant ribbon counter. The row of upright cordon pears is a trifle better, but that is only an accident, I think. The varieties which are growing there seem to be rather better adapted to withstand the unpropitious surroundings. These trees also are bearing. When we come to the two rows of horizontal cor- don apples, though, the real fun has begun. Nearly all these trees are in bearing, and a few of them have borne every year since they were planted out. They are set only three feet apart in the row, which is not enough ; and they suffered terribly the first year from a midsummer attack of aphides ; and the pruning was neglected to allow them to recover from that scourge, so that the form was somewhat injured; but they have never ceased to be a joy to me and a wonderment to visitors. They are mostly of European varieties, but Bismarck is the showiest and most fruitful one in the collection, though far from the best to eat. PERSONALIA 117 " Then there are standard gooseberries and currants, of which there is little to be said. They haven't been there long, but they are at home and are going to stay. FIG. 43 DWARF PEAR IN PYRAMID FORM Two years planted ; author's garden Next year I am going to put in some gooseberries and currants in espalier form. Very few persons know what a medlar is. For the benefit of the ignorant and to increase the kaleido- Il8 DWARF FRUIT TREES scopic effect on my fruit garden, I have some medlar trees, Hollandische Monstrose, which I bought of Louis Spath, Baumschulenweg, Berlin. A wire trellis, built much like a grape trellis, only higher, carries the row of upright cordon apples. Some of these bore fruit the first year they were planted, and there has been a fair sprinkling of fruit every year since then. This has been one of the most satisfactory lots in the make-up. There are two rows containing forty-six bush-form apples on paradise roots set six feet apart. Some of these have borne every year since planting out, many cf them showing a good crop this year. Again Bis- marck is the most fruitful, but the least pleasing to eat. Alexander has made a good record, and ttw year Calville d'Automne shows a very pretty crop. It is customary with visitors, especially those already in- terested in fruit-growing and those of a practical turn of mind, to depart with the judgment that "all those other schemes are curious and interesting, but the bush form apple trees look the most like business." I think so too. In fact my experience with dwarf ap- ples might be summarized by saying, "bush trees for business, cordons for fun." One row of peach trees on St. Julien plum roots set fruit buds in abundance the first year, but they were killed by the freeze of the following winter. The sec- ond year the experience was the same, except that the tops froze with the fruit buds. New tops were grown at once, however, and the following year nearly every tree bore a small crop of fruit. Dwarf peach trees are worth while. PERSONALIA IIQ This garden has also a row of cherry trees, includ- ing Morello, Richmond and Montmorency ; but these trees were set the second year of the garden making and have borne only a small crop of sample cherries. The last planting in this garden consists of one row of nectarines, twenty-two trees. This little garden, containing considerably less than a quarter of an acre of land, has now growing upon it 548 fruit trees of the kinds named. And I am not yet done planting. There are various other things that I want to put in, quinces, apricots, and perhaps rasp- berries, dewberries, and other bush fruits. In fact, I should like to make it a "Paradise" like good old Gerarde's or Dodoens', in which all the fruits "good for food or physic" might be brought together and represented in a little space. It would be quite wrong to close this experience meeting without giving the observations and quoting the opinions of some other and better men. Patrick Barry, in his delightful "Fruit Garden," recorded his belief that dwarf fruit trees were well worth while. "The apple," said he, "worked on the Paradise, makes a beautiful little dwarf bush. We know of nothing more interesting in the fruit garden than a row or little square of these miniature fruit trees. They begin to bear the third year from the bud, and the same va- riety is always larger and finer on them than on stand- ards." Speaking of pears, he said: "On the quince stock the trees bear much earlier, are more prolific, more manageable, and consequently preferable for small gardens." The late Mr. E. G. Lodeman, who wrote the most 120 DWARF FRUIT TREES comprehensive American monograph on dwarf apples, concluded his essay rather pessimistically in these words: "From all the evidence which I have been able to collect, therefore, I cannot advise the planting of dwarf apple trees for commercial rewards, but it seems to me, nevertheless, that they are worth exper- imenting with for this purpose." Mr. Lodeman re- corded and endorsed the common opinion "that apples grown on dwarf trees are handsomer and of better quality than those grown upon standards" ; but he did not seem to consider that fact of much importance. Those who are acquainted at the Lazy Club in Cor- nell University, and especially those who know Baili- wick, have heard of Professor L. H. Bailey's dwarf apples. (Fig. 44.) These were planted six or eight years ago, and most of them are now in bearing. There are a good many different varieties, nearly all French. My understanding of the scheme is that it was as much as half intended to be a commercial venture; but up to the present time little else but confusion and fun have been gathered with the fruit from those dwarf apple trees. When last I asked the proprietor for his experience with dwarf apples he said that he was having a lot of experience, only he didn't know what it was. Dwarf pears have been planted frequently, especially in Western New York and Michigan. I asked Pro- fessor S. A. Beach for his observations of them, to which he replied: "With regard to dwarf pears I will say that the variety which is most generally grown in commercial orchards is Bartlett. Almost without ex- ception this is grown as a standard. Other important g I > V a i 2 & ^ O - n w" S y gl 122 DWARF FRUIT TREES commercial varieties are Seckel, Bosc and Winter Nelis. All these are generally grown as standards. The variety commonly grown as dwarf is Angouleme. A few fruit growers of my acquaintance are making some money from orchards of dwarf Angouleme. The other varieties which are often propagated on dwarf stock as Clairgeau, Anjou and so forth, are seldom profitable. In fact I have heard it stated that outside of Ellwanger and Barry's orchard there is not a profit- able orchard of Anjou in this State. From these state- ments I wish you to derive the conclusion that in New York State under present conditions there is little en- couragement for planting dwarf pears commercially." Mr. E. W. Wood, for many years chairman of the fruit committee of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, says that "under the right conditions the dwarf pear tree is a necessity for commercial pear growing. The growers in Revere and Cambridge would feel they could not get along without the dwarf trees. Putting the pear on the quince stock does not change the wants of the roots of the latter, and it is no use setting them on a light, dry soil, as the roots being confined to a small area of unsuitable soil, will make a feeble growth and finally die outright; or, if in an exposed situation, blow over. Most all the varieties may be grown as dwarfs. The Angouleme and Clair- geau, both good market varieties, cannot be success- fully grown in any other way." Recently Mr, M. B. Waite has written me the let- ter quoted below, giving some conclusions from his experience with dwarf pears in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. He says: PERSONALIA 123 "I planted out 1,000 dwarf pear trees nine years ago. They were largely Duchess (Angouleme), but there are some Manning, Howell, Anjou, Louise Bonne and Lawrence. I have not been entirely satis- fied with the results. We have not had the proper quantity of fruit. There has been some fruit every year since the fourth year, and two years ago there was quite a good crop, but nothing to compare with the yield per acre of Kieffer, LeConte and Garber, for instance. Of course, these are higher-priced fruit and large yields are not required for good returns. Only the Duchess and Manning, however, have produced sufficient to pay at all, and the orchard has not as yet really paid financially. We have a nice crop this year, however, more than the total yield up to this season, and perhaps from now on we may win out. My dwarf pears are on a soil too dry and sandy for the best results, and I think we are at Washington pretty near the southern limit, at least at low altitudes. In the mountains of Virginia and North Carolina they can be grown further southward. They require a moist, preferably clay-loam soil even in their naturally favored districts, such as New England, New York and Michigan, but such a soil is still more desirable when rather too far south for their normal range. They require high culture, manuring and fertilizing, and thorough pruning and spraying in any locality, and these requirements are still more exacting in Mary- land. A slight neglect in cultivation, pruning or spray- ing in one season results in a mass of blooms the next spring, but little or no fruit set. Of course, this ex- tra attention which has to be devoted to dwarf pears 124 DWARF FRUIT TREES as compared with Oriental pears, peaches, apples, etc., to be profitable should result in larger yields, but does not usually do so in this latitude. On the other hand, we may say in favor of the dwarf pear that the quince root is a healthy, reliable root for the pear tree ; that the trees attain their seasonal growth early, and therefore are not as susceptible to pear blight as stand- ard pears. Furthermore, they are more easily sprayed, pruned, and otherwise handled than the high stand- ard trees." My friend, Mr. J. W. Kerr, of the Eastern Shore of Maryland, who owns one of the oldest and most pic- turesque orchards of dwarf pears I ever saw, says that Angouleme (Duchess) is the only variety that pays for growing in that form. Thus the experience of many men in many parts of America sums up as we began. The conclusion of the whole matter seems to be about this : Dwarf fruit trees have not yet played any prominent role in Ameri- can commercial horticulture ; but they have been profit- able in a few special cases, and the probability seems strong almost to the point of certainty that, with the development, refinement and specialization of our com- mercial fruit growing, a wider field of usefulness will be opened for dwarf trees. In the realm of amateur 1 fruit growing, an the other hand, a realm now daily widening, dwarf fruit trees are of capital importance. The owners and renters of small grounds, the culti- vators of little gardens the great majority of Ameri- can home-makers, in fact, will find in them an un- failing source of pleasure, inspiration, and even of profit. INDEX PAGE Advantages of dwacf trees ... 8 .Apple, propagation of 23 Apples 63 Apples, recommended varieties 72 Bailey, H., quoted 120 Barry's "Fruit Garden". ... 119 Bismarck apple 7 Boundary fences 16 Bush fruits 99 Commercial value 20 Cordon trees 4 6 Currants lot Definition of dwarf tree .... I Designs for fruit gardens 53- 55, 59. 61 Disadvantages of dwarf trees . 18 Double-working 27 Doucin apple 26 Dwarf tree, definition i Early bearing 8 Erwin, A. T., quoted 29 Expense of dwarf trees .... 18 Fertilizers 54 Fillers in orchards 13 Forms for trees 41 Gooseberries 101 Heading young trees 32 Houses for dwarf fruits .... 107 J. W. Kerr, quoted 124 Lodeman, E. G., quoted .... 119 Longevity of dwarf trees. ... 19 Management of dwarf trees . . 51 Management of trees in pots. . 109 PAGE Nectarine, propagation of ... 28 Nursery management 31 Paradise apple 24 Peach, propagation of 27 Peaches 83 Pear, propagation of 26 Pears 76 Pears, recommended varieties . 81 Personalia U2 Pinching 35 Plum, propagation of 28 Plums 9 Plums, recommended varieties 97 Pots for fruit trees 106 Propagation 22 Pruning apple trees 68 Pruning dwarf trees 33 Pruning peach trees 86 Pruning plum trees 92 Pyramid tree 4 2 Quality of fruit 10 Root pruning 36 Sand cherry 3 San Jose scale 10 School gardens 15 Selection of varieties 60 Suburban places 12 Tillage 54 Training in special forms ... 33 Trellises for trees 58 V-form trees 44 Uses for dwarf trees 12 Waite, M. B.. quoted 122 Walls and fences 15 Walls for dwarf trees 57 Wood, E. 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