UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS ELECTRIC CORPORATIONS A - PRESCRIBED BY THE ol 3 | 61 RAILROAD COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA Adopted Octv/ier 23, 1912. Effective January 1, 1913 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA STATE PRINTING OFFICE 1915 RAILROAD COMMISSION Of CALIFORNIA. JOHN M. ESHLEMAN, President Commissioner H. D. LOVELAND Commissioner ALEXANDER GORDON Commissioner EDWIN O. EDGERTON Commissioner MAX THELEN, Attorney Commissioner UNIfORM CLASSIHCATION Of ACCOUNTS fOR ElECTRIC CORPORATIONS. Approved October 23, 1912. To All Electrical Corporations: This uniform system of accounts for electrical corporations is estab- lished and issued by the Railroad Commission of the State of California in accordance with provisions of section 48 of Laws of 1911, known as the "Public Utilities Act," in effect March 23, 1912. Section 48. ' ' The Commission shall have power to establish a system of accounts to be kept by the public utilities subject to its jurisdiction, or to classify said public utilities and to establish a system of accounts for each class, and to prescribe the manner in which such accounts shall be kept. It may also in its discretion prescribe the forms of accounts, records and memoranda to be kept by such public utilities, including the accounts, records and memoranda of the movement of traffic as well as the receipts and expenditures of moneys, and any other forms, records and memoranda which in the judgment of the Commission may be necessary to carry out any of the provisions of this act. The system of accounts established by the Commission and the forms of accounts, records and memoranda prescribed by it shall not be inconsistent, in the case of corporations subject to the provisions of the act of congress entitled 'An act to regulate commerce,' approved February fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, and the acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, with the systems and forms from time to time established for such corporations by the Interstate Commerce Com- mission, but nothing herein contained shall affect the power of the Commission to prescribe forms of accounts, records and memoranda covering information in addition to that required by the Interstate Commerce Commission. The Commission may, after hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint, prescribe by order the accounts in which particular outlays and receipts shall be entered, charged or credited. "Where the Commission has prescribed the forms of accounts, records or memoranda to be kept by any public utility for any of its business, it shall thereafter be unlawful for such public utility to keep any accounts, records or memoranda for such business other than those so prescribed, or those prescribed by or under the authority of any other state or of the United States, excepting such accounts, records or memo- randa as shall be explanatory of and supplemental to the accounts, records or memoranda prescribed by the Commission." 4 CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS, ELECTRIC CORPORATION*. Section 1. (r) "The term 'electrical corporation,' when used in this act, includes every corporation or person, their lessees, trustees, receivers or trustees appointed by any court whatsoever, owning, con- trolling, operating or managing any electric plant for compensation within this state, except where electricity is generated on or distributed by the producer through private property alone, solely for his own use or the use of his tenants, and not for sale to others. ' ' For the purpose of this system of accounts, electrical corporations are divided into three classes as follows: Class A Corporations having average annual operating reve- nues exceeding $100,000. Class B Corporations having average annual operating reve- nues less than $100,000, and more than $25,000. Class C Corporations having average annual operating reve- nues less than $25,000. Any corporation in Classes B and C may keep the more extended division or subdivision of any or all the accounts shown herein : if desired, further refinements or extensions of the scheme of accounts to meet the needs of individual corporations may be made by subdividing the accounts herein established, provided that the integrity of the accounts is not impaired and that the titles and purposes of any accounts so raised shall first be filed with the Kailroad Commission. All accounts shall be kept by the double entry method by all corpora- tions or persons within the scope of this order. This requirement, however, is not intended to apply to purely statistical accounts. The first entry relating to anything for which a charge or a credit is made to any fixed capital or investment account shall describe the property in respect of which the entry is made with such fullness and particularity as to enable its identification. All charges made to fixed capital or other property account with respect to any property acquired on or after January 1, 1913. shall be the actual money costs of the property. When the consideration given and for which a charge is made to any fixed capital or other property account is anything other than money, the actual consideration shall l>e fully described in the entry, to enable identification, and the amount charged shall be the actual money value of the consideration at the time of the transaction. Discounts upon securities and other commercial papers issued are to be provided for in other accounts and must in no case be included as part of the cost of any property acquired. The figures and letters prefixed to the titles of accounts in the follow- ing definitions and instructions are solely for convenience of reference, mid a IT not to be considered as part of the title or definition. CLASSIFICATION to C-35, "Tangible Capital Accounts.") .'3. CASH AND DEPOSITS : A. Cash. Charge to this account the amount of current funds avail- able for use on demand in the hands of financial officers and agents, or deposited in banks or with trust companies, and cash in transit for which agents receive current credit. B. Special Deposits. Charge to this account special deposits to pay declared dividends or matured interest, cash realized from the sale of securities held for disbursement when the purposes for which the securities are sold are accomplished; special deposits other than in sinking funds for the payment of debts and interest, not matured; also money and securities deposited to secure the performance of contracts, and other deposits of a special nature not provided for elsewhere. 4. NOTES RECEIVABLE : Charge to this account the cost of all collectible obligations in the form of notes receivable or other similar evidences of money receivable on demand or within a time not exceeding one year. This does not include interest coupons. Time loans that mature more than one year after date of issue shall be considered as investments and shall not be included in this account. 5. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE : Include in this account all amounts owing to the corporation upon accounts with solvent concerns other than banks, also the cost of all accounts and claims (except notes or negotiable bills) upon which responsibility is acknowledged by solvent concerns or which are suffi- ciently secured to be considered good, and of all judgments against solvent concerns where the judgment is not appealable or suspended through appeal. The following sub-accounts are provided : A. Accounts with System Corporations. Charge to this account amounts due from proprietary, affiliated, controlled, and controlling corporations on open accounts other than those provided for in Account No. 8-B, "Advances to System Corporations for Construction, Equip- ment and Betterments." 8 CI. ASSIFICATIDX OK ACCorXTS. El 1>. Dti< front Co/isi.nx rx and Ar accounts: should it be abandoned, such amounts shall be charged to ^Corporate. Sin-plus or Deficit.'' When the proper disposition of any matter charged to this account is determined, it shall be credited to this account and charged to the appropriate account or accounts. 12 CLASSIFICATION OF ACOM'XTS. FI.KCTKIC ( OKI'OHATIoXS. 16. CONSTRUCTION WORK IN PROGRESS : In this account may be included amounts expended upon plant that is in process of construction under estimates or work orders but is not ready for service at the date of the balance sheet. It includes, also, such proportion of plant supervision expenses, engineering expenses, tool expenses, supply expenses, and general expenses as may be prop- erly chargeable to the construction work included under this account. When the work is completed on any job. the cost of which has been included in this account, the sub-account covering that job shall be credited with the amount at which it stands charged, and the appro- priate fixed capital or other accounts shall be concurrently charged; but in no case shall any expenditure be carried in this account beyond the close of the fiscal year next succeeding that in which the expendi- ture is made. 17. CORPORATE DEFICIT: Under this head should be shown the debit balance, if any. in the "Corporate Surplus or Deficit Account." LIABILITY ACCOUNTS. 18. CAPITAL STOCK: To this account should be credited the par value of the capital stock issued and outstanding, including any that may be in the corporation's treasury, or held in trust for it. or in sinking or other funds. 19. INSTALLMENTS ON STOCK SUBSCRIPTION: To this account should be credited the amounts received for capital stock to be paid for in installments, until such stock is issued. 20. FUNDED DEBT : The funded obligations of the Corporation shall be divided into classes, each class agreeing in all of the following four characteristics: 1. Mortgage or other lien, or security therefor. 2. Rate of Interest. 3. Interest Date. 4. Date of Maturity. A separate sub-account shall be opened for each mortgage note, or other lien or security, and no accounts or debts net agreeing in the characteristics as above shall be included in the same sub-account. To the proper sub-account shall be credited when issued the total receipts from the sale of evidence of indebtedness secured by the mort- gage, etc. The entry in any account shall show also the purpose for which funded debt is issued and shall make intelligible reference to the book, page, and account wherein are shown any discount or pre- mium realized on the amount issued or assumed. CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS. ELECTRIC CORPORATIONS. 13 It' the consideration received for the indebtedness is other than money, the entry shall show to whom issued and shall describe with sufficient particularity to identify the actual consideration received. If the issue in any case is to an agent of an undisclosed principal, the name and address of agent and the fact of his agency must be shown in the entry: also short time securities or notes and mortuaLics payable which are due at a date over one year in the future. 21. RECKIVKR'S CERTIFICATES: When any receiver acting under the orders of a court of competent jurisdiction is in possession of the property of the corporation, and under the orders of such court issues certificates of indebtedness charge- able upon such property, the par value of such certificates shall be credited to this account. Interest accruing upon such certificates shall also be credited monthly to this account. 22. ADVANCES FROM SYSTEM CORPORATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION, Eo_np- MENT AND BETTERMENTS. Credit to this account advances from proprietary, affiliated, con- 1 rolled and controlling corporations to enable the accounting corpora- tion to pay for construction, equipment, additions and betterments when such advances are of a permanent nature (i. e., where there is not an understanding that the advances are to be repaid within one year) or when it is understood and intended that a reimbursement shall be made by the issue of the securities of the debtor corporation. NOTE. Temporary advances on open accounts from system corporations and such advances for purposes other than construction, equipment, additions and betterments shall be included in accounts payable. 2:}. NOTES PAYABLE: \Yhen any note or draft which matures not later than one year after date of issue or of demand is issued or the primary liability thereon assumed by the corporation, the par value thereof shall be credited to this account and when it is paid it shall be charged to this account and credited to "Cash" or other suitable account except secured notes proper to be included in Account No. 20 ''Funded Debt." 24. ACCOPNTS PAYABLE: Include in this account the credit balances, showing all liabilities of the corporation upon open accounts, as provided for in the following sub-accounts : A. Accounts irilli Sijsfftn Corporal&QU. Credit to this account the amounts owing to proprietary, affiliated, and controlled or controlling corporations on open accounts other than those provided for in Account No. 22. ''Advances from System Corporations for Construction. Equip- ment and Betterments." 3 E 14 CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS. ELECTRIC CORPORATION'S. R Audited Yoin-lii rx (tne con- currently charged to "Corporate Surplus or Deficit" account as "Appropriations to Reser CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS. ELECTRIC CORPORATIONS. it This account should not include temporary appropriations for the acquisition of property the cost of which is intended later to be met by an issue of securities, nor appropriations for the payment of obligations which are intended to l;e replaced by new issues. 34. KESERVES INVESTED IN SINKING FUNDS: Credit to this account appropriations from surplus speeitieally in- vested <)) set aside in the hands of trustees for sinking and redemption funds, including accretions to such funds. 35. OTHER KESERVES i ROM IXCO.ME OR SURPLUS: Credit to this account all appropriations of income or surplus held in reserve, other than appropriations invested in fixed capital since December '->!. 1!)12. and appropriations invested in sinking or redemp- tion funds. A separate sub-account shall be raised for each reserve, and the entries in such sub-accounts will be required to be shown sepa- rately in the annual report to the Railroad Commission. This account includes the unexpended balance, if any. of appropria- tions intended to be invested in fixed capital, and such appropriations to sinking or redemption fund reserves as are not specifically invested. 36. CORPORATE SURPLUS UNAPPROPRIATED: 1'nder this head should be shown the credit balance, if any, in the "Corporate Surplus or Deficit Account/' FIXED CAPITAL ACCOUNTS. FIXED CAPITAL DEFINED : By the fijccd capital of a corporation is meant the property, both tangible and intangible, which is devoted to the accomplishment of the principal purposes of its business and which has an expectation of life in service of more than one year from date of installation of service (exception being made in the ease of hand tools and other small port- able tools that may be lost or stolen). COST OF FIXED CAPITAL : The term "Cost" as used in the texts for fixed capital accounts means the original cost to the corporation. It includes not only the costs of labor, materials and supplies directly employed or consumed in the construction and installation of property classed as fixed capital, but also the cost of preliminary plans and surveys and such portion of the expenses for engineering and plant supervision and general ex- penses as may be chargeable to the fixed capital accounts under an equitable plan for the apportionment of such expense. Intangible Capital comprises organization, franchises, patent rights, water rights, and all other intangible property or possessions. 18 CLASSIFICATION' OF ACCOUNTS, ELECTRIC CORPORATIONS. INTANGIBLE CAPITAL. C-l. ORGANIZATION : Charge to this account all fees paid to governments for the privilege of incorporation, and all office and other expenditures incident to organizing the corporation or other enterprise and putting it in readi- ness to do business. This includes the cost of preparing and distributing prospectuses, the cost of soliciting subscriptions for stock (but not for loans nor for the purchase of bonds or other evidence of indebtedness), cash fees paid to promoters, and the actual cash value at the time of organization of securities paid to promoters for their serv- ices in organizing the enterprise; counsel fees; cost of preparing and issuing certificates of stock, and cost of procuring certificates of necessity from state authorities, and other like costs. This account shall not include any discounts upon stocks or other securities issued, nor shall it include any costs incident to negotiating loans or selling bonds or other evidence of indebtedness. NOTE. Costs incident to preparing and filing certificates of authorization of in- crease of capital stock, and to the negotiation and issue of stock thereunder, art- classed as additions. The cost of preparing and filing certificates of amendment of articles of incorporation is classed as a betterment. The cost of preparing and filing papers in connection with the extension of the term of incorporation or with reincor- poration consequent upon reorganization shall be classed as a renewal. C-2. FRANCHISE (ELECTRIC) : Charge to this account the amount (exclusive of any tax or annual charge) actually paid to the state, or to a political subdivision thereof, as the consideration for the grant of such franchise or right as is necessary to the conduct of the corporation's electric operations. If any such franchise is acquired by mesne assignment, the charge to this account in respect thereof must not exceed the amount actually paid therefor by the corporation to its assignor. If any such franchise has a life of not more than one year after the date when it is placed in service, it shall not be charged to this account but to the appropriate accounts in "Operating Expenses" and in "Prepayments," if extending beyond the fiscal year. Payments made to the state or to some subdivision thereof as a con- sideration for granting an extension for more than one year of the life period of a franchise shall be classed as renewals. Those made a> a consideration for franchises or extensions thereof covering additional territory to be operated as a part of an existing system shall be classed as betterments. If the franchises cover separate and distinct new enterprises the payments therefor shall be classed as original. NOTE. Annual or more frequent payments in respect of franchises must not be charged to this account but to the appropriate tax or operating expense account. CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS, ELECTRIC CORPORATIONS. 19 C-3. PATENT RIGHTS: Charge to this account the cost of all rights (having a life of more than one year from the date when placed in service) acquired by the corporation in or under valid patents granted by the United States to inventors for inventions and discoveries which are necessary to the economical conduct of the corporation's electric operations. NOTE. If a patent right is extended to cover a further period of time than that covered by the original grant, the cost of such extension is classed as a renewal. A patent right acquired for use in an existing system and necessary to the economical operation thereof is classed as an addition. C-4. OTHER INTANGIBLE CAPITAL: Charge to this account the cost of all other intangible capital devoted to electric operations. Entries of charges to this account shall describe the acquired property with sufficient particularity clearly to identify it, and shall also show specifically the principal from whom acquired and all agents representing such principal in the transaction ; also the term of life of such property, estimated if not known, and if estimated, the facts upon which the estimate is based. Corporations in Class C may consolidate these four accounts, carry- ing one account, "Intangible Capital." Tangible Capital comprises structures, equipment and facilities hav- ing an expectation of life in service of more than one year. Because of their liability to loss and theft, hand and other small portable tools are excepted from tangible capital, and the cost of such tools, when issued, is required to be treated as a part of the operating expenses or to be charged to other suitable accounts. TANGIBLE CAPITAL. Landed Capital. C-5. LAND DEVOTED TO ELECTRIC OPERATIONS: Charge to this account the' cost of the accounting corporation's landed capital which is devoted to electric operations as hereinbefore defined. This includes land occupied by generating stations and their appurtenances, rights of way for transmission and distribution lines and other electric operations, also those for canal and pipe lines, water rights, and rights of pondage, flowage, and submersion, where such rights have lives in excess of one year from the date when such land is placed in service. Such cost includes, when assumed or paid by the purchaser in its own behalf, cost of registration of title, cost of examina- tion of title, conveyancer's and notary's fees, purchasing agent's com- missions or fees, or proportion of purchasing agent's salary, taxes accrued to date of transfer of title, and all liens upon the title acquired ; also cost of obtaining consents and payments for abutting damages. NOTE A. Cost of buildings and other improvements must not be included in this account. 20 CLASSIFICATION OF ACCor.NTS. ELECTRIC CORPORATION:-. XOTE B. If at the time of acquisition of an interest in la mis it extends to build- ings or other improvements thereon, which improvements are devoted by the corpora- tion to its electric operations, and the contract of acquisition does not determine the price of such improvements, they shall be appraised at their fair cash value for use in such operations, and such appraised value shall be charged to the appropriate structures account and excluded from the account "Land Devoted to Electric Opera- tions" if such improvements are not devoted to electric operations, but are devoted to other operations or held as investments, the cost (or appraised value if the cost is not determined in the contract of acquisition) shall be charged to the appropriate investment account or capital account for other operations. If the improvements an- removed or wrecked, the salvage (less the cost of removal of wreckage) shall be excluded from the account "Land Devoted to Electric Operations." The entries in this account must be 'made in such wise as to enable the corporation to show in its annual report to the Railroad Commission the subdivision of the cost of its land devoted to electric operations into the following : Land devoted to Production Operations. Land devoted to Transmission Operations. Land devoted to Distribution Operations. Land devoted to Joint Operations, and Land devoted to other operations. Production Capital. C-6. DAMS. WATER CONDUITS AND PENSTOCKS: Charge to this account the cost of all reservoirs, dams, canals, aque- ducts and penstocks devoted to the utilization of water power and the delivery of water to the headgate of the turbine or watcrwheel : also that of all wasteways from the outlet of the draft-tube to the point of final discharge. This includes all gates, valves and other accessories of such reservoirs, dams, etc.; also wasteways. sluices, forcbays. grids. walls, fences, etc., for the protection of such canals and penstocks, and all trestles, and other supporting structures: also all viaducts, bridges. foot-bridges, etc.. over and accessory to and necessitated by such canals aqueducts and penstocks; also the cost of all necessary buildings in connection therewith, such as dwellings, stables, cookhouses, clubhouse. etc., also water wells and pumps. C-7. POWER PLANT BUILDINGS AND GENERAL STRUCTURES: Charge to this account the cost of material used and labor expended in erecting buildings to be used for housing power generating plants. This account includes the cost of excavations, permanent foundations. drainage, gas and water pipes and connections, grading ^rounds, and furniture and fixtures when permanently attached to and made a part of the buildings; also the cost of architects' plans and of superintend- ence of construction; also the cost of all necessary buildings in connec- tion therewith, such as dwellings, stables, cookhouses, clubhouses, etc.: also water wells and pumps. C-8. HYDRAULIC POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT: Charge to this account the cost of all water wheels and turbines devoted to the generation of electrical energy, including foundations and settings, their governors and all apparatus appurtenant thereto from the headgates and governors to wasteways. Include also the cost CLASSIFICATION" OF ACCOUNTS, KI.KCTKIC CORPORATIONS. 21 of all electric generating apparatus driven by hydraulic power and rotaries and motor-generator sets, exciters, etc., when not installed in connection with transmission systems, together with their specially provided foundations and settings. Include in this account also the cost of all electric equipment of the power plant, embracing station switchboards, and such equipment as circuit breakers, switches, meters and their settings, headgate motors and other electric apparatus. Belts, pulleys, shafting and other power transmission apparatus in the hydraulic power plant will also be included in this account. (..'--!). Fl'RXACES. KoiLKRS. AND ACCESSORIES: Charge to this account the cost of all furnaces, fuel oil tanks and pipe lines, boilers and boiler apparatus and accessories devoted to the production of steam for use in generating electrical energy. This includes boilers and valves thereto attached, appurtenant furnaces and grates, and flues leading to smokestacks and chimneys, and the specially provided foundations and settings for such boilers and appurtenances ; also iron smokestacks. It also includes mechanical stokers and other like apparatus for regulating the supply of fuel, etc., feed and hot water heaters and economizers, injectors, niters, feed pumps, blower engines, coal conveyors, ash conveyors, water pipes, steam traps, drains and separators, and pipes for conducting steam from boiler to the engine or to the gas producers, etc. It does not include the cost of steam pipes whose primary purpose is the heating of buildings. 0-10. STEAM POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT: Charge to this account the cost of all steam engines devoted to the production of electrical energy. This includes the specially provided foundations and settings for engines. The engines, whether recipro- cating or rotary (such as steam turbines), shall be considered to include the throttle or inlet valve and the governor: also condensers, air and circulating pumps, lubricating systems, etc.. but not the steam pipe from the boiler. Where the electric rotor is mounted on the engine shaft, the shaft shall be considered a part of the steam engine and the electric rotor shall be considered a part of the electric equipment. Also the cost of all electric generating apparatus driven by engines operated by steam and rotors and motor-generating sets, exciters, etc., when not installed in connection with transmission systems. This in- cludes the specially provided foundations and settings for such appa- ratus; also the cost of all other electric equipment of generating sta- tions, such as station switchboards and their equipment and their foundations and settings : also pump motors, air compressor motors, etc. 4 E 22 CLASSIFICATION' OF ACCol "NTS. EI.ECTRIC CORPORATIONS. < ' -11 . GAS PRODUCERS AND ACCESSORIES : Charge to this account the cost of nil producers ;itul accessories devoted to the production of gas for the purpose of operating electric generators, including the cost of specially provided foundations and settings for such producers and accessories. Also include producers, economizers, regenerators, vaporizers, steam injectors, scrubbers, ex- hauster outfits, seals, specially provided boilers and pumps, flues and piping, blower engines, pipes for the conduction of gas from such pro- ducers to holders and to g^ engines, holders for producer gas, exhaust pipes from gas engines, etc. Do not include pipes whose primary pur- pose is the heating of buildings, nor power transmission apparatus, nor water pipes, steam pipes, water pumps or inspirators. C-12. GAS POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT : Charge to this account the cost of all gas engines devoted to the production of electrical energy, including the specially provided founda- tions and settings of such engines. The engine includes the inlet valve, governor, and ignition and starting apparatus, but not the pipe leading from the gas holder. Where the electric rotor is mounted on the engine shaft, the shaft shall be considered a part of the engine, the electric rotor being considered a part of the electric equipment. In- clude also the cost of all electric generating apparatus driven by en- gines operated by gas; and rotaries, motor-generator sets, exciters, etc.. when not installed in connection with transmission systems. This in- cludes the specially provided foundations and settings of such apparatus. Also the cost of all other electric equipment of generating stations, such as bus bars, station switchboards and equipment, and their foundations and settings; also pump motors, air compressor motors, etc. C-13. MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT: Charge to this account the cost of all miscellaneous equipment used in the production of electricity which is not includible in any of the foregoing accounts. This includes tools and appliances (working stock only), horses, wagons, harness, autos, motorcycles, bicycles, furniture and fixtures, roads, trestles, bridges, etc., where used specifically in the production of electrical energy. NOTE A. Where any item of miscellaneous power plant equipment is jointly used with transmission, distribution or other departments, the cost of such item shall be included in appropriate sub-accounts under "General Capital." NOTE B. It will be required that this account be so kept as to represent at all times the actual working miscellaneous equipment ; and all renewals of such working equipment shall lie charged to appropriate accounls other than capital, or tho account must be adjusted annually to physical inventory. CLASSIFICATION 1 OF ACCOUNTS, KI.KCTRH: CORPORATIONS. 2'} Transmission and Distribution Capital. C .14. POLKS ANI> FIXTURES: ( '[large In this account the cost of towers, structures, poles, cross- arms and insulator pins; braces, brackets, and other pole fixtures; guys and other supports for holding the towers, structures and poles in posi- tion ; and all labor expended in connection with the construction of pole lines or structures for carrying the transmission and distribution systems. A. Transmission system. " B. Distribution system. ( '-15. OVERHEAD SYSTEM : Charge to this account the cost of overhead transmission and dis- tribution system (exclusive of poles and fixtures), including cost of cables (for overhead system), wires, insulators and insulating material, main conductors and feeders, and all labor and expense in connection therewith. A. Transmission system. B. Distribution system. C-16. UNDERGROUND CONDUITS: Charge to this account the cost of conduits required for underground wires and cables, including manholes, ducts and pipes, sewer connec- tions, sewer traps, and all material necessary for the completion of the underground conduit system devoted to the protection of the transmis- sion and distribution systems; also the cost of cables and insulating material. A. Transmission system. B. Distribution system. C-17. SUB-STATION BUILDINGS AND GENERAL STRUCTURES: Charge to this account the cost of material used and labor expended in erecting buildings to be used for sub-station purposes, including excavations, permanent foundations, drainage, gas and water pipes and connections, grading grounds, and furniture and fixtures when perma- nently attached to and made a part of the buildings. Include also the cost of architects' plans, and of superintendence of construction, and the cost of all necessary buildings in connection therewith, such as dwellings, stables, cookhouses, clubhouses, etc.; also cost of water wells and pumps. A. Transmission system. B. Distribution svstem. 24 CLASSIFICATION OP ACCOUNTS, ELECTRIC CORPORATIONS. C-18. SUB-STATION EQUIPMENT: Charge to this account the cost of all equipment of sub-stations. Such equipment includes electric machinery and apparatus, trans- formers, storage batteries, furnaces, boilers, stoves, elevators, etc., per- manently assigned to such stations, but not affixed to the structures thereof. It does not include laboratory instruments and apparatus not permanently assigned thereto, nor does it include tools only tempor- arily assigned to such stations. NOTE. Include under this account all transformer and sub-station equipment in- stalled in power plant buildings for purposes of distribution department. A. Transmission system. B. Distribution system. C-19. MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT: Charge to this account the cost of all miscellaneous equipment used in the transmission or distribution of electrical energy which is not includible in any of the foregoing accounts. This includes tools and appliances (working stock only), horses, wagons and harness, autos, motorcycles, bicycles, furniture and fixtures, roads, trestles and bridges, etc., where used specifically in the transmission of electrical energy. NOTE A. Where any items of miscellaneous transmission or distribution equipment are jointly used in connection with production or other departments, the cost of such items shall be included in appropriate sub-accounts under "General Capital." NOTK B. It will be required that this account be so kept as to represent at all times the actual working equipment; and all renewals of such miscellaneous working equipment shall be charged to appropriate accounts other than capital, or the account must be adjusted annually to physical inventory. A. Transmission system. B. Distribution system. C-20. LINE TRANSFORMERS AND DEVICES: Charge to this account the cost of all line transformers (both over- head and underground), pole line lightning arresters, transformer cut- out boxes, line cut-out switches, etc., in the distribution system. NOTE. Upon filing with the Railroad Commission a notice thereof, the accounting corporation may also include in this account the cost of line transformers and devices temporarily withdrawn from service. C-21. ELECTRIC SERVICES: Charge to this account the cost of all conductors (and appurtenant insulation, ducts and supports) connecting the distribution mains with electric apparatus and appliances in the possession of consumers. NOTE. Cost of renewing or modifying services shall not be charged to this account. C-22. METERS: Charge to this account the cost of all meters installed for determin- ing the amount of energy delivered to consumers. The cost of the original setting of each meter will be charged to this account if it is the policy of the accounting corporation to capital i/e the original setting of CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOTNTS, ELECTRIC CORPORATIONS. ZO meters. Subsequent removing and the resetting of meters will not be charged to this account, but to operating expenses. NOTE A. Upon filing with the Railroad Commission a notice thereof, the account- ing corporation may also include in this account the cost of meters temporarily with- drawn from service. NOTE 13. It will be required that this account be so kept as to represent at all times the actual number of meters in service or temporarily out of service; and all renewals .shall be charged to appropriate accounts other than capital or the account must be adjusted annually to physical inventory. 0-23. ^MUNICIPAL STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM : Charge to this account the cost of all lighting equipment operated and maintained under contracts for public lighting entered into with a municipality, embracing public arc lights, Nernst lamps and incan- descent lamps provided for in the contract, and all circuits, poles, crossarms. pins, braces, brackets, insulators, arc supports, and accessory equipment required under the terms of such contract. There will not be charged to this account the cost of any equipment properly charge- able to "Distribution System." this account being designed to cover only the cost of the lighting system devoted solely to the municipal contract service. Where the terms of the contract or an ordinance of the municipality require extension of mains and services for lighting under the terms of the contract, the cost of such extension, if used solely for public lighting under such contract, will be charged to this account. Entries to this account in respect to such extensions shall be so made as to admit of a classified detailed statement when called for by the Eailroad Commission. NOTE A. L'pon filing with the Railroad Commission a notice thereof, the account- ing corporation may also include in this account the cost of public arc and other lamps temporarily out of service. NOTE B. Cost of taking lamps down for repairs and cost of rehanging lamps shall not be charged to this account, but to the appropriate operating expense account. NOTE O. All lamp renewals and replacements shall be charged to the appropriate operating expense account. Corporations may also segregate this account into the following : Municipal Street Lighting System Poles, Wires and Fixtures. Municipal Street Lighting System Lamps. The lamps account should then be adjusted at annual intervals to physical in- ventory by contra entry to the accounts chargeable for repairs and replacements. NOTE D. Poles and fixtures installed within distribution system shall not be charged to this account, where the type of such poles and fixtures will permit of carrying the general distribution system circuits. 0-24. COMMERCIAL LAMPS AND LAMP Charge to this account the cost of all arc lamps. Xernst lamps, incan- descent lamps, and all lamp fixtures and equipment devoted to commer- cial lighting and included in the tangible capital of the corporation. Lamps and lamp equipment having an expectancy of life in service of less than one year will not be charged to this account, but will be con- sidered an operating charge. 26 CLASSIFICATION OP ACCOUNT*. ELECTRIC CORPORATIONS. C-25. ELECTRIC MOTORS AND HEATERS : Charge to this account the cost of all property of the company in electric motors and heaters leased to consumers (including municipali- ties), and of all appurtenances thereof, such as fans, etc. C-26. INSTALLATIONS ON CONSUMERS' PREMISES: Charge to this account the cost of all material and cost of installa- tion of equipment on consumers' premises for purposes of supplying energy of certain voltage, kind or character. Such installations as come hereunder would include motor sets for theater lighting. amuse- ment parks, etc. ; also motors, fans. etc. NOTE Do not include in this account transformers, meters, services, appliances loaned, or commercial art- lamps and lamps installed in connection with rates or renewals thereof. NOTE. Corporations in Classes A and B shall for the purpose of annual report to the Railroad Commission segregate the expenditure account of transmission and distribution capital, using sub-accounts A and B as above provided. Corporations in Class C will not be required to show the expenditures in this respect separately. General Capital. C-27. GENERAL STRUCTURES: Charge to this account the cost of all buildings and other structures of a permanent character devoted to general corporate purposes, not restricted to electric operations and not includible in any of the depart- mental accounts; also of all fixtures permanently attached thereto and made a part thereof, such as water pipes and fixtures, steam pipes and fixtures for warming and ventilating, gas pipes and fixtures for light- ing, etc.; electric wiring and fixtures for lighting, signaling, etc.; elevators, etc. ; and the engines and motors specially provided for oper- ating them; furnaces, boilers, etc., specially provided for producing steam for such engines and for heating; electric generators specially provided for producing current for lighting such buildings, ete. This account includes such piers and other foundations for machinery and apparatus as are designed to be as permanent as the building in (or in connection with) which they are constructed, and to outlast the first machinery or apparatus mounted thereon. NOTE A. Among such buildings may be mentioned general office buildings, general shop buildings, general storehouses, general stable buildings, etc.. where general offices, shops, storehouses, stables, etc.. are in buildings includible in a departmental account, as, e. g., in a power station building, no part of the cost of such building shall be charged to this account. This account is provided for structures of a general or miscellaneous character, not assignable to any particular department. NOTE B. When furnaces and boilers are used primarily for furnishing steam for some particular department and only incidentally for furnishing steam for heating a general building and operating the equipment therein, the entire cost of such fdrnacea and boilers shall be charged to the appropriate departmental capital account, and no part to the account, "General Struotun s." C 28. GENERAL K Include in this account the cost of all equipment of general struc- tures, as provided under the following heads : A. General Office Equipment. The cost of all equipment of general offices, such as desks, chairs, tables, movable safes, filing cases, drafting- CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS, ELECTRIC CORPORATIONS. 27 room equipment, and other like office appliances and equipment ; also engineering instruments. B. General Shop Equipment. The cost of all equipment specially provided or general shops, such as furnaces, boilers, gas producers, engines, electric generators, and- other power apparatus used in operat- ing machinery in such shops ; machine tools, cranes, hoists, shafting belts and the like shop equipment; also such smithing equipment in general shops as is used principally for other general purposes than shoeing horses and repairing vehicles. NOTE. Hand and other small portable tools liable to be lost or stolen shall not be included herein, but portable tools and apparatus of special value may be charged to this account and remain herein so long as record is kept of the persons to whom such tools and apparatus are issued and such persons are made responsible therefor. C. General Store Equipment. The cost of all equipment of general store structures, such as movable counters, movable shelving, and other movable equipment of like nature, carts, barrows, trucks, etc., and other apparatus and appliances used in handling materials and sup- plies. XOTK. Counters, shelving and the like which are permanently attached to the structure shall he charged to Account O-27, "fJem-ral Structures," and not to this account. D. General Sfuhh and (int to Account C-6 and C-19. 28 CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS. ELECTRIC CORPORATIONS. C-31. UNDISTRIBUTED CONSTRUCTION EXPENDITURE: A. En(jinrin(i 1 owned. b. Miscellaneous Interest Revenues. c. Dividend Revenues. D. Sinking and Otli< r I!i*< nttioxs E.I'IH n*c. Charge to. this account the cost of negotiating contracts whereunder the corporation is to participate in the profit resulting from the operations of others; also all expense of collecting the corporation's proportion of such profits, and all expense connected with procuring the modification or the dissolution of any such contract. K. Misci llaiK aits Non-operating K.>'i>< /w . Charge to this account all non-operating expense not provided for in the foregoing sub-accounts. F. Noit-o/x r/! IH>/t Non-operating Revenues, When any non-operating revenues are judged by the corporation to be uncollectible, the amount thereof shall be credited to the account in which theretofore charged and charged to this account. 106. INTEREST ACCRUED ox FUNDED DEBT: Charge to this account monthly all interest accrued on outstanding funded debt issued or assumed b"y the corporation. This account does not include interest on securities held by the corporation in its treasury, in sinking or other reserve funds, or pledged as collateral. NOTE A. The amount charged to this account shall be concurrently credited to Account No. 25, "Interest Accrued," to which account shall be debited payments made on account -of interest. NOTE B. If any of the funded debt sivuiities issued or assumed by the corpora- tion are held in its sinking or otluT reserve funds and the interest on such funded debt is ;in accretion to the fund, the interest on such securities shall no be charged to this account but an amount equal to the interest on the fvinded debt so held shall lie charged to Account No. 113. "Sinking Fund Appropriations." This does not apply to securities in funds held in trust by the corporation ; such as employees' pension funds and savings funds. 107. OTHER INTEREST DEDUCTIONS: Charge to this account monthly all interest accrued on receivers' certificates and on interest-bearing unfunded obligations of the cor- poration. NOTE A. The amount t barged to tliis account shall !>< concurrently credited to Account No. -o. "Interest Accrued." or to No. 21. "Receivers' Certificates," to which accounts shall be debited payments made on account of such interest. 108. RENT DEDUCTIONS: Include in this account monthly all amounts accrued against the cor- poration for rents, other than minor rents provided for elsewhere as chargeable to operating expenses. It includes the matters provided for in the following sub-accounts: A. Pent for Lease of Other Electric Plant. Charge to this account monthly all amounts accrued against the corporation for rent of electric 34 CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS, ELECTRIC CORPORATIONS. plant and equipment which it holds inidt-r sume form of lease from another, and of which it has the exclusive possession. This account is intended to cover only rents payable for the use of electric plants or operating units held as a whole under some form of lease. B. Bent for Conduits, Poles and OUn r Su[>]x>rt. Charge to this account rents payable accruing for the use of ducts, conduits, or sub- ways owned by others, and rents for the use of poles, fences, or build- ings as supports for the electric lines of the accounting corporation. C. Kent for Instruments and Equipment. Chanie to this account the rents payable accruing for electric instruments and equipment owned by others. This does not include amounts paid licensor electric corporations under an agreement to pay a certain percentage of revenues for use of instruments, privilege of connection, etc. D. Miscellaneous Rent Deductions. Charge to this account rents payable accrued not provided for elsewhere. 109. AMORTIZATION OF DEBT DISCOUNT AND EXPENSE : Charge to this account at or before the close of any fiscal period that proportion of the unamortized discount and expense on outstanding debt which is applicable to the period. This proportion shall be deter- mined according to a rule, the uniform application of which during the interval between the issue and the maturity of any debt will completely amortize or wipe out the discount at which such debt was issued and the debt expense connected therewith. Such amortization may at the option of the corporation be earlier effected by charging all or any portion of such discount and debt expense to Account No. 114-0, "Other Deductions from Surplus," immediately upon issue of the debt or thereafter. 110. AMORTIZATION OF PREMIUM ON DEBT CR. : Credit this account at or after the close of any fiscal period the pro- portion of the premium at which outstanding debt was issued which is applicable to the period. This proportion shall be determined according to a rule, the uniform application of which during the interval between the issue and the maturity of any debt will completely amortize or wipe out the premium at which such debt was issued. 111. MISCELLANEOUS DEDUCTIONS FROM INCO.MK: Include in this account the matters provided for in thi- follo\vinir sub-accounts : A. Loss on Operations of Others. "Whenever, in accordance with the terms of any contract, the corporation is bound to contribute toward CLASSIFICATION OP ACCOUNTS, ELECTRIC CORPORATIONS. 35 reimbursement of the losses resulting from the operations of others, all liabilities accruing to the corporation from such source shall be charged to this account. 1>. Annii'lizdtion of Landed Capital. Charge to this account at the close of any fiscal period such portion of the original money cost (esti- mated if not known) of landed capital as is necessary to cover the pro- portion of the life thereof expired during such period. NOTE A. The amounts charged to this account shall be concurrently credited to Account No. 30, "Reserve for Amortization of Intangible Capital." XCTK B. When any landed capital expires or is otherwise retired from service (as, e. g., through sale) the capital account or investment account (if any) originally charged therewith shall be credited with the amount originally charged. Account No. 30, "Reserve for Amortization of Intangible Capital," shall be debited with all amounts theretofore credited to such account in respect of such landed capital so going out of service, the appropriate account shall be debited with the proceeds of sale (if any), and any ner-essary adjustment shall be made through the "Corporate Surplus or Deficit" n< C. Other Couii'fii-i mil 1)< <1 iict'mnx fro, n In>,n<. Charge to this ac- count all deductions fn;m UTOSS income which are in the nature of fixed charges and not provided for otherwise, such as those required by the terms of some contract, agreement, charter provision, law, or ordinance. Such deductions should not include any appropriations or dispositions of income that rest solely in the discretion of the accounting corporation. NOTE. Payments to sinking funds shall not be charged to this account but shall be included in Account No. 113, "Sinking Fund Appropriations." CORPORATE SURPLUS OR DEFICIT ACCOUNT. CORPORATE SURPLUS OR DEFICIT ACCOUNT DEFINED : This account or summary is the connecting link between the income account and the balance sheet. It summarizes the changes in the cor- porate surplus or deficit during a given fiscal period resulting from the business transactions during that period as well as those effected by any disposition of net profits made solely at the option of the corpora- tion, by accounting adjustments not properly attributable to the period, or by miscellaneous losses or gains not provided for elsewhere. To this account should be carried the net balance of the accounts forming the Income account, and in it should be summarized all optional appropriations (including dividends) ; miscellaneous adjust- ments due to errors in accounting in prior fiscal periods; profits from the sale of securities or other property; losses upon property sold or otherwise retired and not covered by reserves, and unusual losses and gains of like nature. For these matters the following accounts are provided ; their net balance added to the net balance from the Income account should show the net surplus or deficit on the date of the balance sheet. 36 CLASSIFICATION OP ACCOUNTS. ELECTRIC CORPORATION >. 112. DIVIDENDS ON OUTSTANDING STOCK : When any dividend is declared upon any outstanding stocks of the corporation, the amount of such dividend shall thereupon be charged to this account. All entries to this account shall show the amount of stock upon which the dividend is declared as well as the amount thereof. If the dividend is payable in anything other than money, such thing shall be described in the entry with sufficient particularity to identify it, and the actual money value thereof shall lie stated as the amount of the dividend. When any dividend is declared upon the stocks of the corporation owned by or held in behalf of the corporation, the amount of such dividend thereon shall be credited to this account. Entries of credits to this account shall be made with the same degree of particularity as is prescribed in the preceding paragraph. 113. SINKING FUND APPROPRIATIONS: Charge to this account all appropriations to sinking funds and accre- tions to such funds on account of income from previous investments. Such appropriations should include: (1) direct payments; c2) sums equal to the interest or dividends on securities issued or assumed by the corporation and held in sinking funds; (3) income from invest- ments of sinking funds other than securities issued or assumed; (4) in- come from cash or special deposits held by trustees of sinking funds. All earnings of sinking funds and contributions to such funds shall be included in this account whether such contributions are made at the option of the corporation or are required by the provisions of mort- gages, deeds of trust, or other contracts. 114. MISCELLANEOUS DEDUCTIONS FROM SURPLUS : A. Expenses Unprovided for Elsewhere. Charge to this account all expenses not chargeable as part of operating expenses or of non- operating expenses, such as fines levied on the corporation for violation of law, for misfeasance, for non-feasance, etc., fines levied on directors. officers, and other employees of the corporation and assumed by it. donations to funds, to churches and other associations, and other like expenses and outgoes. B. Realized Depreciation X<>! (Covered by Reserve*. Charge to this account the realized depreciation (that is, the difference between the original cost and the salvage, if any), on tangible capital retired, when such depreciation has not been provided for through a depreciation reserve. This includes such portion of the realized depreciation on any physical property which was installed prior to the creation of the reserve for accrued depreciation as is due to life in service before that date; this portion may be estimated on the basis of the proportion CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS. ELECTRIC CORPORATIONS. 37 which the life in service of the property in question prior to the estab- lishment of the reserve bears to its entire life in service. C. Amortization Unprovided for Elsewhere. Charge to this account when any intangible property expires or is relinquished, such portion of its cost as lias not 'been previously written off or is not covered by Account No. 30. "Reserve for Amortization of Intangible Capital." Charge also to this account all optional amortization, such as that of organization expenses, and assets, carried in Account No. C-4. "Other Intangible Capital." D. Gift* to Ci>itfrt>1lI Cnrpin-atifms. Charge to this account all gifts made by the corporation to its controlled corporations, also such por- tions of all advances thereto as are not carried as assets. E. Appropriations l AVxv/T'x. Chaise to this account all optional appropriations to reserves. F. Of/it / Appropriations from Surplus. Charge to this account all optional appropriations made by the corporation and not provided for elsewhere. - NOTE. A complete analysis of this account will be required in annual reports of corporations to the Railroad Commission. G. Other Deductions from Surplus. Charge to this account all deduc- tions from surplus made to extinguish discount on stocks outstanding, optional amortization of debt discount and expense, deductions because of erroneous accounting in prior fiscal periods, and all other deductions from surplus not provided for elsewhere. NOTE. A complete analysis of this Account will be required in annual reports of corporations to the Railroad Commission. 115. MISCELLANEOUS ADDITIONS TO SURPLUS : Credit to this account all additions to surplus due to erroneous accounting in previous fiscal periods, bad debts collected after being written off. profits arising from the sale of securities or other property, etc. OPERATING REVENUES. Hi r> a in ill fi niy revenues, as the word is used herein, are meant all amounts of money which the corporation receives or becomes law- fully entitled to recover for services rendered, for products sold, as <_TOSS profits on merchandise sold, or as a return upon its property (or interest in property). Revenues are classified as OPERATING REVENUES and NON-OPERATING REVENUES. Operating I?> r< i/n<. v anr expended and material consumed, less salvage. if any. NOTE. It is not required that the transportation element of cost shall be assigned with a greater degree of accuracy than to the nearest cent per unit of material or supply. Where a. single transportation item covers a multitude of things the portion of expense not assigned to specific things should be charged to the same account that store expenses are charged to. GENERAL ACCOUNTS. PRODUCTION EXPENSES. TRANSMISSION EXPENSES. DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES. COMMERCIAL EXPENSES. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. TAXES. DEPRECIATION, ETC. Production Expenses. E-l. SUPERINTENDENCE: Charge to this account salaries and expenses of superintendents and assistants, chemists, clerks, janitors, watchmen, elevatormen. and also that portion of the salaries and expenses of the engineering staff assign- able to the generating plant. E-2. WATER COLLECTION LABOR AND EXPENSES : Charge to this account the cost of patrolling and tending all reser- voirs, dams and headgates, ditches, pipe lines, flumes, tunnels and fore- bays. This account shall include all labor and expenses, cost of com- missary and supplies, livery, feed, etc., upkeep of furniture and fixtures m camp and houses occupied by ditch tenders, the cleaning of channels, regulating headgates and spillway, raking screens, caulking of flumes, oiling and cleaning air vents and valves, gauging water, and .all other expense of collecting and conveying water to and inclusive of forebays. E-3. WATER FOR HYDRAULIC POWER: Charge to this account the cost of all water purchased for the pur- pose of operating hydraulic power plants in the electrical department. E-4. STEAM GENERATION LABOR: Charge to this account salaries of chief engineer, assistant engineers. oilers, wipers, machinists, water tenders, firemen, coal handlers, boiler cleaners, pump feed men, and labor of all kinds not above specified elsewhere, in and about the premises having to do with making of steam. E-5. FUEL FOR STEAM : Charge to this account the cost of fuel, whether coal or oil, used under the boilers for electric generation, at the cost delivered in the bunkers or tanks. E-6. STEAM GENERATOR SUPPLIES: Charge to this account the cost of all supplies, tools, etc., used CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS, ELECTRIC CORPORATIONS. 43 specifically in the steam plant which are consumed in operating ex- penses, the replacement of which does not constitute a repair or renewal ; also the cost of repairs of such tools. This includes such matters as waste, packing, wipers, gauge glasses, gauge washers, man- hole gaskets, handhole gaskets, fire room tools, steam and air holes, bolts, screws, nails, tools, etc. Also include in this account the cost of feed water and water for condensers ; also the cost of boiler compound. E-7. STEAM FROM OTHER SOURCES: Charge to this account the cost of all purchased or jointly produced steam consumed in the power plant of the electric department. XOTE. In ease such steam is jointly produced, f. e., produced by another person or corporation under a joint arrangement for sharing the cost of production in propor- tion to the benefits to the several participants, the charge to this account may include a proportion to CG\>T depreciation of plant employed as well as a proportion of direct expense, but it must not include any allowance or return upon the cost or value of the plant, such allowance or return upon property being chargeable to Account No. 108, "Other Rent Deductions." E-8. PRODUCER GAS LABOR: Charge to this account the cost of all labor in connection with gas generating apparatus and devices, including gas makers and their assistants, pump men. and all other labor having to do with the produc- tion of power gas. E-9. FUEL FOR GAS: Charge to this account the cost of fuel used for generating producer gas. E-10. PRODUCER GAS SUPPLIES: Charge to this account the cost of all supplies, tools, etc., used spe- cifically in the production of gas for power purposes of electric department; also charge to this account the cost of water, repairs of tools where the replacement does not constitute a repair or renewal, etc. E-ll. POWER GAS FROM OTHER SOURCES: Charge to this account the cost of all gas consumed in the gas power plants of electric generating stations, but not produced in the electric department ; this includes the cost of gas produced for the corporation by another corporation under any joint agreement for the sharing of the expense (upon the basis of the relative amount of benefit to the several participants), inclusive of provision in such expense for depreciation of plant, but exclusive of allowance for profit or return upon the value of property used in such production. E-12. ELECTRIC PLANT LABOR: Charge to this account the cost of all labor in connection with the electric generating apparatus and devices, beginning with the prime 44 CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS. ELKCTRIC CORPORATIONS. mover direct connected or belted to the generators, and including the switchboard, feeder terminal board and to where the electric current arrives at bus bars or the transmission or distribution system. E-13. ELECTRIC PLANT SUPPLIES: Charge to this account the cost of all supplies, tools, etc.. used specifi- cally in electric plants, such as waste, lubricants, packing, graphite, etc. E-14. ELECTRIC ENERGY FROM OTHER SOURCES : Charge to this account the cost, at the point of delivery to the corporation, of all electric energy purchased or produced for the cor- poration by another corporation under any joint arrangement for the sharing of the expense (upon the basis of the relative amounts of bene- fit derived by the several participants), inclusive of provision in such expense for depreciation of plant, but exclusive of allowance for profit or return upon the value of the property used in such production. E-15. GENERAL LABOR AND SUPPLIES: Charge to this account the cost of all material and labor and expenses not incorporated in the foregoing accounts, or supplies for general station purposes. This account includes labor of cooks and waiters, boarding house attendants, watchmen, sweepers, etc.; also commissary supplies, brooms, house and club room furniture, fixtures, etc. NOTE. If the boarding house furnished any service to labor in other departments. proportionate expense, based upon the number of meals furnished, is to !><> transferred to and shown to the appropriate sub-accounts. Cash received for any transient services should be credited to this account. E-16. REPAIRS TO DAMS, WATER CONDUITS AND PENSTOCKS: Charge to this account the cost of repairing all reservoirs, dams, canals, aqueducts and penstocks devoted to the utilization of water power and the delivery of water to the headgate of the turbine or water wheel ; also that of all wasteways from the outlet of the draft tube to the final point of discharge. This includes repairs to all gates. valves and other accessories of such reservoirs, dams, etc. ; also waste- ways, sluices, forebays, grids, walls, fences, etc., for the protection of such canals and penstocks, and all trestles and other supporting struc- tures; also all viaducts, bridges, foot-bridges, etc., over and accessary to and necessitated by such canals, aqueducts and penstocks; also cost of repairing all buildinus in connection therewith, such as dwellings. stables, cookhouses, clubhouses, etc.: also water wells and pumps. E-17. REPAIRS TO I'OWKR PLANT l>riu>iN<;s AND : IKNKRAI. STRITTTRKS : Charge to this account the cost of repairing buildings to be used for housing power generating plants. This account includes cost of repair- ing permanent foundations, drainage, gas and water pipes and connec- tions, grounds, and furniture and fixtures when permanently attached to and made a part of the buildings: also cost of repairing all necessary CLASSIFICATION OP ACCOt'XTS, ELECTRIC CORPORATIONS. 45 buildings in connection therewith such as dwellings, stables, cookhouses, clubhouses, etc.; also water wells and pumps. E-18. KEPAIRS TO HYDRAULIC POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT: Charge to this account the cost of repairing all water wheels and turbines devoted to the generation of electrical energy, including foundations and settings of such hydraulic equipment, their governors and all apparatus appurtenant thereto from the headgates and gov- ernors to wasteways. Include also the cost of repairing all electric gen- erating apparatus driven by hydraulic power and rotaries and motor generating sets, exciters, etc., when not installed in connection with transmission systems, together with the specially provided foundations and settings. Include in this account also the cost of repairing all electric equipment of power plants, embracing bus bars, station switch- boards, and such equipment as circuit breakers, switches, meters and their settings, headgate motors and other electric apparatus. Eepairs to belts, pulleys, shafting and other power transmission apparatus in the hydraulic power plant will also be included in this account. E-19. REPAIRS TO BOILERS. FURNACES AND ACCESSORIES: Charge to this account the cost of repairing all furnaces, fuel oil tanks and pipe lines, boilers and boiler apparatus and accessories devoted to the production of steam for use in generating electrical energy. This includes boilers and valves thereto attached, appurtenant furnaces and grates, and flues leading to smokestacks and chimneys, find the specially provided foundations and settings of such boilers and appurtenances; also iron smokestacks. It also includes mechanical stokers and other like apparatus for regulating the supply of fuel, etc., feed and hot water heaters and economizers, injectors, filters, feed pumps, blower pumps, coal conveyors, ash conveyors, water pipes, steam traps, drains and separators, and pipes for conducting steam from the boiler to the engine or the gas producers, etc. It does not include repairs to steam pipes whose primary purpose is the heating of buildings. E-20. REPAIRS TO STEAM POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT: Charge to this account the cost of repairing all steam engines devoted to the production of electrical energy. This includes the specially pro- vided foundations and settings for such engines. The engine, whether reciprocating or rotary (such as steam turbines), shall be considered 1o include the throttle or inlet valve and the governor; also condensers, air and circulating pumps, lubricating system, etc., but not the steam pipe from the boiler. Where the electric rotor is mounted on the engine shaft, the shaft will be considered a part of the steam engine and the electric rotor will be considered a part of the electrical equipment ; also 46 CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS. ELECTRIC CORPORATIONS. the cost of repairing all electric generating apparatus driven by engines operated by steam; and the rotaries and motor generator sets, exciters. etc., when not installed in connection with transmission system. This includes the specially provided foundations and settings of such appa- ratus; also the cost of repairing all other electric equipment of gener- ating stations, such as station switchboards, and their equipment and their foundations and settings; also pumps, motors, air compressor motors, etc. E-21. REPAIRS TO GAS PRODUCERS AND ACCESSORIES: Charge to this account the cost of repairing producers and accessories devoted to the production of gas for the purposes of operating electric generators, including the cost of repairing specially provided founda- tions and settings for such producers and accessories; also include the cost of repairing producers, economizers, regenerators, vaporizers, strain injectors, scrubbers, exhauster outfits, seals, specially provided boilers and pumps, flues and piping, blower engines, pipes for the conduction of gas from such producers to holders and gas engines, holders for producer gas, exhaust pipes from gas engines, etc. Do not include cost of repairing pipes whose primary purpose is the heating of buildings, nor power transmission apparatus, or water pipes, steam pipes, water pumps or inspirators. E-22. REPAIRS TO GAS POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT : Charge to this account the cost of repairing all gas engines devoted to the production of electrical energy, including the specially provided foundations and settings of such apparatus. The engine includes the inlet valve, governor and ignition starting apparatus, but not the pipe leading from the gas holder. Where the electric rotor is mounted on the engine shaft, the shaft will be considered a part of the engine and the rotor will be considered a part of the electrical equipment. Include also the cost of repairing all electric generating apparatus driven bv engines operated by gas; and rotaries, motor-generator sets, exciters. etc., when not installed in connection with transmission syMeins. This includes cost of repairing the specially provided foundations and settings of such apparatus; also the cost of repairing all other electric equipment of generating stations, such as bus bars, station switchboards and equipment, and their foundations and settings; also pump motors, air compressor motors, etc. E-23. REPAIRS TO MiscKi.i.ANKors PKonrrnoN KQCIPMKNT : ( 'hari>'e to this account the cost of repairing all miscellaneous equip- ment used in the production of electrical energy which is not iueludible in any of the foregoing accounts. This includes repairs to tools and CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS, ELECTRIC CORPORATIONS. 47 appliances (working stock only), wagons, harness, autos, motorcycles, bicycles, furniture and fixtures, roads, trestles, bridges, etc., where specifically used in the production of electrical energy. NOTE. Where any items of miscellaneous power plant equipment are jointly used with transmission, distribution or other departments, the cost of such repairs shali be included in appropriate sub-accounts under "General Expense." Transmission Expenses. E-24. SUPERINTENDENCE: Charge to this account the salaries and expenses of superintendents and assistants, chemists, clerks, janitors, watchmen, elevator men; also portions of the salaries and expenses of the engineering staff. E-25. INSPECTING AND PATROLLING: Charge to this account all labor and expense of patrolmen engaged in inspecting and patrolling the transmission system, including the testing of the lines, and repairs of minor character made by patrolmen. E-26. SUB-STATION LABOR: Charge to this account the cost of all labor employed in superintend- ing and operating transmission sub-stations, including not only that of regulators, brushmen, and others engaged in operating the electric apparatus, but also that of clerks, janitors, watchmen, etc. E-27. SUB-STATION SUPPLIES AND EXPENSES: Charge to this account the cost of supplies consumed and expenses incurred in connection with the operation of transmission sub-stations, such as telephone rents, light, heat, etc. E-28. GENERAL LABOR AND SUPPLIES: Charge to this account the cost of all material and labor expended and expenses not includible in the foregoing accounts, inclusive of load dispatchers and assistants. E-29. KEPAIRS TO OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION SYSTEM: Charge to this account the cost of repairing towers, structures, poles, cross-arms and insulator pins ; braces, brackets and other pole fixtures ; guys and other supports for holding towers, structures and poles in position and the cost of repairing cables, wires, insulators and insulating material. E-30. REPAIRS TO UNDERGROUND TRANSMISSION SYSTEM : Charge to this account the cost of repairing conduits required for underground wires and cables, including manholes, ducts, pipes, sewer connections, sewer traps, and all material necessary for the completion of the underground conduit system devoted to the protection of the 48 CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS. ELECTRIC CORPORATION- transmission systems; also the cost of repairing cables and insulating material. NOTE. Where underground conduits (airy wires of disti ibutiun and Irani service, the prime purpose for which the installation was made shall d.-t.-rniine their inclusion in transmission or distribution system. E-31. REPAIRS TO SITE-STATION Bun. DISCS .\\n <;KXKKAI. STRUCTURES: Charge to this account the cost of repairing buildings to be used for transmission sub-station purposes, including permanent foundations, drainage, gas and water pipes and connections, grading grounds, and furniture and fixtures when permanently attached to and made a part < f the building. Include also the cost of repairing all necessary build- ings in connection therewith, such as dwellings, stables, cookhouses, clubhouses, etc. ; also water wells and pumps. E-32. REPAIRS TO SUB-STATION EQUIPMENT : Charge to this account the cost of repairing all equipment of sub- stations, such equipment to include electric machinery and apparatus transformers, storage batteries, furnaces, boilers, stoves, elevators, etc., permanently assigned to such stations, but not affixed to the structures thereof. Do not include repairs to laboratory instruments and appar- atus not permanently assigned thereto, nor tools only temporarily assigned to such sub-stations. NOTE. Do not include in this account any sub-station equipment devoted to the purposes of distribution operations. Repairs to step-up transformers and sub-stati m equipment installed in power houses for purposes of transmission systems shall he included in this account. E-33. REPAIRS TO MISCELLANEOUS TRANSMISSION EQUIPMENT : Charge to this account the cost of repairing all miscellaneous equip- ment used in the transmission of electrical energy which is not in- cludible in any of the foregoing accounts. This includes repairs to tools and appliances (working stock only), wagons, harness, autos. motor- cycles, bicycles, furniture and fixtures, roads, trestles, bridges, etc.. where used specifically in the transmission of electrical energy. NOTE. Where any items of miscellaneous sub-station equipment are jointly ust-d with production, distribution, or other departments, the cost of repairing such items shall be included in the appropriate sub-accounts under "General Expenses." Distribution Expenses. E-34. SUPERINTENDENCE: Charge to this account the cost of all labor expended for general superintendence. This account should include livery and stable ex- pense, personal expenses, etc. E-35. SUB-STATION LABOR: Charge to this account the cost of all labor employed in superintend- ing and operating distribution sub-stations, including not only that of i emulators, brushmen. and ethers engaged in operating the electric apparatus, but also that of clerks, janitors, watchmen, etc. CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS, ELECTRIC CORPORATIONS. 40 E-36. SUB-STATION SriMM.n> AND KXPENSES: Charge to this account the cost of supplies consumed and expenses incurred in eonnecti<.n with the operation of distribution sub-stations, such as telephone rents, light, heat. etc. E-37. STORAGE BATTERY LABOR : Charge to this account the salaries and personal expenses of superin- tendents, clerks, and battery men, including inspectors and testers. E-38. STORAGE BATTERY SUPPLIES AND EXPENSES: Charlie to this account the cost of acid and distilled water in cells, soda, sponges, brooms, mops, waste, rags, hydrometers, thermometers, automatic cell fillers, rubber hose, gloves, shoes, paint, etc., and brushes for boosters and compensators; also include in this account the cost of renewing worn-out cells, including diaphragms, negative and positive plates, lead in strip, spelter, pails, candles, dry-boards, tank bands, sheet lead, glass plates, glass covers, hydrogen generators, jumpers, clamps, lampblack, etc. E-39. SETTING AND REMOVING TRANSFORMERS AND METERS : Charge to this account the cost of all supplies consumed and all expenses incurred in connection with the operation of service trans- formers and consumers' meters. This includes such matters as setting and removing transformers and meters, connecting and disconnecting services, and the like. E-40. INSPECTING AND PATROLLING: Charge to this account the cost of patrolling, testing, etc., including minor repairs made by patrolmen to conductor and insulation thereof in the distribution system. E-41. ELECTRIC METER OPERATIONS: Charge to this account the salaries and expenses of superintendents and clerks in the meter bureau, also that portion of the salaries of the engineering staff of the corporation assignable to this account ; also the cost of light, heat, ice water, and other supplies and expenses in con- nection with the meter-testing bureau ; and the cost of testing meters on consumers' premises. E 12. COMMERCIAL ARC LABOR: Charge to this account the cost of all labor employed in trimming and inspecting arc lamps on private consumers' premises and in munici- pal buildings. E-43. COMMERCIAL ARC SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS : Charge to this account the cost of all supplies (such as carbons, globes, etc.), for arc lamps on private consumers' premises: also in- -)l> CLASH KK'ATIOX OK A( '( '( M NTS. KI.KCTKit ' CORPORATION^. elude in lliis aceoiinl the cost of keeping in repair privale consumers' arc lamps and those in municipal buildings; including sndi matters as setting and removing lamps, repairing parts. ch.mging for repairs and adjustments, and testing during adjustment and after repairs. E-44. COMMERCIAL INCANDESCENT LAMP INSTALLATIONS AND RE- NEWALS : Charge to this account the cost of the first installation of incandescent lamps on consumers' premises (including cartage and delivery ex- penses), unless consumer is charged for the first installation, or unless it is proper to charge such first installation to capital (see Account No. C-26) ; also include in this account the cost of renewing incan- descent lamps on consumers' premises (including cartage and delivery expenses) and cost of photometering incandescent lamps. Credit to this account any rebate received from the return of stubs, or allowances relating thereto. E-45. INSPECTION AND REPAIRS OF CONSUMERS' INSTALLATIONS: Charge to this account the cost of inspection of consumers' premises, including such matters as the charge for municipal certificates, and that portion of the salaries and expenses of the engineering staff or of other departments than the distribution department in technical work properly assignable to this account. Also include in this account the cost of all labor and material furnished to consumers for inside work without special charge, including such matters as attention to com- plaints or to improving the character of the service, replacing or repair- ing wiring fixtures of electric appliances, moving appliances from place to place in houses and reconnecting the same, etc. E-46. MUNICIPAL STREET ARC LABOR: Charge to this account the cost of labor employed in trimming ami inspecting the arc lamps of the municipal street lighting system. E-47. MUNICIPAL STREET ARC SUPPLIES: Charge to this account the cost of carbons, globes, etc.. for the arc lamps of the municipal street lighting system. E-48. GENERAL LABOR AND SUPPLIES: Charge to this account the cost of all materials and labor expended. and expenses, not includible in the foregoing accounts. E-49. REPAIRS TO SUB-STATION BUILDINGS AND GENERAL STRUCTURES: Charge to this account the cost of repairs to all buildings to be used for distribution sub-station purposes, including excavation, permanent foundations, drainage, gas and water pipes and connections, grading CLASSIFICATION" OK ACCOI'XTS, KI.KCTKIC CORPORATIONS. 51 grounds, and furniture and iixfmvs when permanently attached to and made a part of the buildings: also the cost oi:' repairing all necessary buildings in connection therewith, such as dwellings, stables, cook- houses, clubhouses, etc. ; also water wells and pumps. NOTE. No charge should be made to this account in respect of a power plant building, even though such building also contains sub-station apparatus. E-50. REPAIRS TO SUB-STATION EQUIPMENT: Charge to this account the cost of repairing all equipment of dis- tribution sub-stations. Such equipment includes electric machinery and apparatus, transformers, storage batteries, furnaces, boilers, stoves, elevators, etc., permanently assigned to such stations, but not affixed to the structures thereof. It does not include repairs to laboratory in- struments and apparatus not permanently assigned thereto, nor does it include tools only temporarily assigned to such stations. NOTE. Include under this account repairs to all transformers and sub-station equipment installed in power plant buildings for purposes of distribution department. E-51. REPAIRS TO OVERHEAD DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM : Charge to this account the cost of repairs to towers, structures, poles, cross-arms and insulator pins,- braces, brackets, and other pole fixtures, guys and other supports for holding towers, poles and structures in position ; and all labor and expenses in connection with the repair of pole lines or structures for carrying the distribution system, and the cost of repairing main-line conductors and feeders, cables, wires, insula- tors, and insulating material. NOTE. If the poles and fixtures are used jointly between transmission and dis- tribution systems, the prime purpose for which the pole line is erected shall determine the account to be charged. E-52. REPAIRS TO UNDERGROUND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM : Charge to this account the cost of repairing conduits required for the underground wires and cables, including manholes, ducts and pipes, sewer connections, sewer traps, and the cost of repairing cables and insulating material. NOTE. ]f the ducts of the underground system are occupied by wires of the trans- mission system, the prime purpose of which is for the purposes of distribution system, the total cost of repairing such conduits shall be charged to this account. E-53. REPAIRS TO LINE TRANSFORMERS AND DEVICES: Charge to this account the cost of repairing all overhead and under- ground transformers (including refilling with oil), pole line lightning arresters, transformer cut-out boxes, line cut-out switches, etc., in the distribution system. NOTE. Upon filing with the Railroad Commission a notice thereof, the accounting corporation may also include in this account the cost of repairing line transformers and devices temporarily out of service. 02 CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOIX l>. Kl.KCTRIC CORPORATIONS. E-54. REPAIRS TO ELECTRIC SERVICES : Charge to this account the cost of repairing all conductors (and appurtenant insulation, ducts and supports) connecting the distribu- tion system mains with electric apparatus and appliances in possession of consumers. NOTE. The cost of renewing or modifying service shall be charged to this account. E-55. REPAIRS TO ELECTRIC METERS: Charge to this account the cost of repairing all meters installed for determining the amount of energy delivered to consumers. NOTE A. Cost of removing such meters and of setting other nn-t-rs substituted for them shall be charged to this account. NOTE B. Upon filing with the Railroad Commission a notice thereof, tin- a count- ing corporation may also include in this account the cost of repairing meters temporarily withdrawn from service E-56. REPAIRS TO MUNICIPAL STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM : Charge to this account the cost of repairing all lighting equipment operated and maintained under the contracts for public lighting entered into with a municipality, embracing public arc lights. Xernst lamps and incandescent lamps provided for in the contract, and all circuits, poles, cross-arms, pins, braces, insulators and arc supports and ac- cessory equipment required under the terms of the contract. There will not be charged to this account the cost of repairing any equipment properly chargeable to "Distribution System," this account being de- signed to cover only the cost of lighting systems devoted entirely to the municipal contract service. Where the terms of the contract or an ordi- nance of the municipality require extension of mains and repairs for lighting under the terms of the contract, the cost of such extension and repairs, if used solely for public lighting under such contract, will be charged to this account. E-57. REPAIRS TO COMMERCIAL ARC LAMPS: Charge to this account the cost of repairing all property of the com- pany in commercial arc lamps supplied to consumers (including munic- ipal buildings) where such lamps have an expeetaney of life in service of more than one year. NOTE A. Repairing meters supplied to consumers is provided for in a foregoing account and should not be included herein. NOTE B. Upon filing with the Railroad Commission a notice thereof, the account- ing corporation may also include in this account the cost of repairing arc lamps temporarily withdrawn from service. NOTE C. Include in this account all repairs to glower or Nernst lamps. E 58. REPAIRS TO INSTALLATIONS ON CONSUMERS' PREMISES: Charge to this account the cost of repairing all equipment installed on consumers' premises for purposes of supplying energy of a certain voltage, kind or character. Repairs to such installations as coming ri.\s>iKirATiox OF AcrorxTs. ELECTRIC CORPORATIONS. 53 hereunder would include motor sets for theater lighting, amusement parks, etc. ; also motors, fans. etc. NOTE. Do not include in this account repairs to transformers, meters, services, appliances loaned, or commercial arc lamps and lamps installed in connection with rates or renewals thereof. E-59. KEPAIRS TO [MISCELLANEOUS DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT: Charge to this account the cost of repairing all miscellaneous equip- ment used in the distribution of electrical energy which is not includible in any of the foregoing accounts. This includes repairs to tools and appliances (working stock only), wagons and harness, autos, motor- cycles, bicycles, furniture and fixtures, roads, trestles and bridges, where used specifically in the distribution of electrical energy, unless provided for in proper clearing accounts hereinafter described. NOTE. Where any item of miscellaneous distribution equipment is used jointly with production, transmission or other departments, the cost of repairs of such items shall be included in appropriate sub-accounts under "General Expense." Commercial Expenses. E-60. NEW BUSINESS EXPENSES: Charge to this account the cost of all material and labor expended in getting new business. This shall include the cost of advertising, print- ing, posters, handbills, commissions paid canvassers, solicitors, and dealers for introduction and sale of electrical appliances, etc., also salaries of advertising manager, collectors, solicitors, together with their personal 'expenses, livery, etc.. and costs of demonstrations and exhi- bitions. E-61. FREE INSTALLATION EXPENSES: Charge to this account the cost of all material and labor expended in furnishing free house wiring, free connection of appliances and electric Minis, unless the cost of such services are to be paid for by the con- sumers. E-62. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT SALARIES AND EXPENSES: Charge to this account the cost of keeping the accounts of the con- sumers, including a proportion of the salaries and expenses of general officer and assistants in charge of the commercial department, and salaries of bookkeepers and all clerks in the accounting department, having to do with consumers' accounts. This covers all expenses in- curred in determining the amount of sales, and in keeping the accounts of such sales and collections as are not includible in the accounts of indexing and collection divisions. Also rent of offices. E-63. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT INDEXING : Charge to this account the cost of reading or indexing meters, in- cluding indexer's lamps; also badges and carfare and expenses of indexers, etc. 54 CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS. ELECTRIC CORPORATIONS. E-64. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT COLLECTIONS: Charge to this account the expense of the collection bureau, including collectors' salaries or commissions, badges, carfare, etc. E-65. MISCELLANEOUS COMMERCIAL EXPENSES: Charge to this account all expenses for salaries and wagt s ;mRPORATIONS. E-73. ELECTRIC FRANCHISE Charge to this account the cost of all service and materials and sup- plies furnished to municipal corporations in compliance with franchise requirements and for which no payment is received by the corporation : also of all direct expense, such as paving and other like matters incurred in compliance with such requirements and for which no reimbursement is received by the corporation. Amounts charged to this account for which there is no direct money outlay shall be credited to Account No. E-86, "Undistributed Adjustments Balance. ? ' E-74. OTHER GENERAL EXPENSES: Charge to this account such incidental general expenses as are not provided for in the foregoing accounts, such as cost of publishing notices of stockholders' meetings, of election of directors, annual reports in newspapers, and of dividends declared : and fees and expenses paid to directors. E-75. INSURANCE: Charge to this account monthly proportion of insurance premiums paid insurance companies for fire, fidelity, boiler, casualty, burglar and other insurance. NOTE. Charge all insurance premiums that cover insurance extending over a period of one month or more to ledger account "Prepaid Insurance," crediting that account with, the monthly proportion, as charge is made. E-76. REPAIRS TO GENERAL S Charge to this account the cost of repairing all buildings and other structures of a permanent character devoted to general corporate pur- poses. not restricted to electric operations and not includible in any of the departmental accounts; also repair of all fixtures permanently attached thereto and made a part thereof, such as water pipes and fixtures, steam pipes and fixtures for warming and ventilating, gas pipes and fixtures for lighting, etc.; electric wiring and fixtures for lighting. signaling, etc.; elevators, etc.: and the engines and motors specifically- provided for producing steam for such engines and for heating, electric generators specifically provided for producing current for lighting such buildings, etc. This account includes such piers and other foundations as the buildings in (or in connection with) which they are constructed. and to outlast the first machinery installed and mounted therein. NOTE A. Among such buildings may be mentioned general office buildings, general shop buildings, general storehouses, general stable buildings, etc. Where general offices, shops, stables, etc.. are in buildings includible in a department account, as. e. g., in a power station building, no part of the cost of such building shall be charged to this account. This account is provided for structures of a general or miscellaneous character not assignable to any particular department. NOTE B. When furnaces and boilers are used primarily for furnishing steam for some particular department and only incidentally for furnishing steam for heating a general building and operating the equipment therein, the entire cost of such furnaces and boilers shall be charged to the appropriate departmental account. CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS. ELECTRIC CORPORATIONS. OY E-77. REPAIRS TO GENERAL EQUIPMENT OFFICE EQUIPMENT: Charge to this account the cost of repairing all equipment of general offices, such as desks, chairs, tables, movable safes, filing cases, type- writers, adding machines, etc., drafting-room equipment, and other like office appliances and equipment. Also engineering instruments, if it is not desired to distribute such expenses. E-78. REPAIRS TO GENERAL EQUIPMENT SHOP EQUIPMENT: Charge to this account the cost of repairing all equipment specially provided for general shops, such as furnaces, boilers, gas producers, engines, electric generators, and other power apparatus used in oper- ating machinery in such shops; machine tools, cranes, hoists, shafting, belts, and like shop equipment ; also such smithing equipment in general shops as is used principally for other general purposes than shoeing horses and repairing vehicles, except as provided for in appropriate clearing accounts hereinafter described. E-79. REPAIRS TO GENERAL EQUIPMENT STORE EQUIPMENT: Charge to this account the cost of repairing all equipment of general store structures, such as movable counters, movable shelving and other movable equipment of like nature, carts, barrows, trucks, etc., and other apparatus and appliances used in handling materials and supplies. NOTE A. Counters, shelving and the like which are permanently attached to the structures shall be charged to Account No. K 76, "Repairs to General Structures," and not to this account. NOTE B. If the accounting corporation so desires, this account may be eliminated from operating expenses, and the cost of repairs of equipment listed in this account may be charged to Clearing Account. "Supply Expenses." E-80. REPAIRS TO GENERAL EQUIPMENT STABLE AND GARAGE EQUIP- MENT : Charge to this account the cost of repairing all equipment of general stables and garages, including harness, drays, wagons, automobiles, and other vehicles, equipment of shoeing shops, harness repair shops, vehicle repair shops, etc. NOTE. The accounting corporation may, if it so desires, eliminate this account from operating expenses, and charge the cost of the repair of the equipment listed herein to proper clearing account as hereinafter provided. E-81. REPAIRS TO GENERAL EQUIPMENT .MISCELLANEOUS: Charge to this account the cost of repairing all other equipment, such as laboratory equipment and other tools and instruments and miscella- neous equipment not includible in the foregoing accounts under ''Repairs to General Equipment/' except as provided for in clearing accounts hereinafter described. E-82. REPAIRS TO TELEPHONE LINES: Charge to this account the cost of repairing telephone lines for the use of the entire system. These charges should include the cost of wires 58 CLASSIFICATION OP ACCOUNTS. ELECTRIC CORPORATIONS. and insulators, cross-arms, poles (where devoted suli-ly in supporting telephone lines), telephone instruments, etc. NOTE. Do not include in this account the cost of repairing any portion of poles or supports where jointly used in the transmission or distribution of electric current. E-83. REPAIRS TO ROADS, TRESTLES AND BRIDGES : Charge to this account the cost of repairing roads, trestles, bridges and tramways required for the transportation of machinery and sup- plies, or the operation of the corporation. NOTE. Do not include in this account repairs to any roads, trestles, or bridges which may be solely for the use of Production, Transmission or Distribution systems. (See Accounts No. E-16, E-31 and B-49.) E-84. ELECTRIC EXPENSES TRANSFERRED CR. : Credit to this account the proportion of operating expenses (includ- ing depreciation and other amortization as well as repairs) chargeable to other coordinate departments (such as gas or street railroad) within the same corporation, but defrayed in the first instance by the electric department. NOTE. Do not credit to this account any allowance in the nature of rent or return of the cost or value of property. E-85. JOINT OPERATING EXPENSES CR. : When any general or miscellaneous operating expenses are assumed by the accounting corporation for the joint benefit of itself and other electric corporations under an arrangement for apportioning such expense the portion chargeable to others should be credited to this account. The portion so credited must not include any allowance for profit or return upon the value of the property. NOTE. Bills rendered for joint expenses should show the expenses in detail, and the debtor corporation should distribute the total account to its primary expense accounts. E-86. UNDISTRIBUTED ADJUSTMENTS BALANCES: At least once a year an inventory of materials and supplies and of tools shall be taken, and the difference between the inventories and the ledger balances shall be debited or credited to this account in case it can not be assigned to specific accounts as provided under Account No. 9, "Material and Supplies." Credit to this account all discounts recovered through the prompt payment of bills for materials and supplies consumed in operation, unless such discounts are applied to the particular bills; also amounts included in expenses, as provided in Account No. E-73, "Electric Franchise Requirements." E-87. EXTRAORDINARY REPAIRS: Charge to this account and concurrently credit to account, "Reserve for Extraordinary Repairs," the estimated monthly provision for extraordinary repairs necessitated by sleet storms, fire, floods, etc. CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS, ELECTRIC CORPORATIONS. 59 E-88. RPJPAIRS CHARGED TO RESERVES CR. : Credit to this account and charge concurrently to the account, "Reserve for Accrued Depreciation," and amount equal to the cost of extraordinary repairs for which provision has been made in that reserve; also credit to this account and charge concurrently to the insurers or to the insurance reserve an amount equal to the cost of repairs made necessary by casualties when such cost is covered by insurance or an insurance reserve. All such repairs should be charged in the first instance to the proper repair accounts. Other Expenses. E-89. BY-PRODUCTS EXPENSE: Charge to this account the cost of labor and material expended in handling by-products from the sale of which is derived ' ' By-Products Revenue. ' ' E-90. STEAM SALES EXPENSE: Charge to this account all labor and material expended for the sale of steam; also include proper proportion of production expense where steam is jointly produced for sale to general consumers. Taxes. E-91. TAXES: This account should be charged with (account Taxes Accrued being credited) regular monthly installments sufficient to cover all taxes imposed by lawful authority. A. Upon property real, personal and mixed (except assessments for betterment to real estate), which should be charged to account benefited. B. Upon earnings in addition to or in lieu of taxes upon property. C. All specific licenses or charges levied upon the corporation based upon or with respect to its capital stock, property or business. D. The value of all discounts allowed or services rendered in lieu of taxes. NOTE. The amount of taxes accrued during any month shall, when the levy is unknown, be estimated, and when the levy is finally determined the estimate shall be corrected in the provision for taxes during the remainder of the year. For example, if at the beginning of the tax year the taxes against the corporation are estimated to be $600 for the year, the estimated monthly charge will be $50. If during the fifth month it is found that the levy is $640, adiustment should be made and a charge of $55 per month made to Taxes for the remaining eight months of the tax year. Amortization of General Capital. E-92. AMORTIZATION OF FRANCHISES AND PATENTS: Charge to this account each month the amount necessary to cover such portions of the life of franchises and patents as have expired or 60 CLASSIFICATION <>F A( T< >! "XTS. KLKCTKMC f< >KP( )RATI( >X>. been consumed during the month. The amount so charged shall be concurrently credited 1o an appropriate sub-account under Account No. 30. "Reserve for Amortization of Intangible Capital." XOTE. The amount charged to this account shall be based upon a rule deter- mined by the accounting corporation and filed with the Railroad Commission. The purpose "and effect of such rule should be to accumulate by charges equitably dis- tributed throughout the life of any franchise or patent, a reserve that will, at the expiration of its life, equal the original cost. E-93. DEPRECIATION OF PI.AXT AND K^TIPMEXT : Charge to this account monthly the amount estimated to be necessary to cover the depreciation accruing during the month in the corpora- tion's tangible capital. The amount charged to this account shall be concurrently credited to account. "Reserve for Accrued Depreciation." NOTE. Charges to the above depreciation account should be separately reported under the following sub-heads : A. Depreciation of Production Capital. B. Depreciation of Transmission Capital. C. Depreciation of Distribution Capital. D. Depreciation of General Capital. CLEARING ACCOUNTS. (Not required of Class B and C Corporations.) The following accounts are provided for certain expenses which usually affect several classes of operations but need to be brought together in one account in order that the total of the expenses may be known and property distributed. An inventory of tools, harness, vehicles, and other materials and supplies in shops, stores, stables, and garages shall be taken at least once a year, and any loss disclosed by such inventory in excess of the amount taken into account through the depreciation currently charged out should be apportioned to the appropriate expense accounts on the basis of charges made since last inventory. 1. Shop Expenses. This account or appropriate sub-accounts should be arranged so as to record separately the expenses of the ueneral shops as follows: (1) Salary and wages of shop employees; (2) personal and incidental expenses of such employees; (3) materials and supplies for general shop use; (4) repairs of tools, machinery and appliances; (5) rent of shop buildings; (6) depreciation of tools, machinery, and appliances. The shop expense account should be cleared by apportioning the total amount of the expenses to the various jobs on an equitable basis. 2. Siahlt nml <;l>/ E.rpense. Charge to this account or to appropriate sub- accounts all expenses (except insurance and taxes) incurred directly in connection with the purchase, storage, handling, and distribution of materials and supplies and stationery. It includes the pay and expenses of purchasing agents, managers of stores, clerks, and laborers; rents of stores, cost of lighting, heating, and undistributed freight and express charges, and the estimated depreciation on supplies due to breakage, leakage, shortage, and wear and tear. This account should be cleared by adding to the cost of materials and supplies passing through stores a suitable loading charge which will equitably distribute the total cost of conducting the stores, and by adding to the cost of such supplies as are bought by the purchasing department pro rata share of the total expenses of the purchasing department. 5. Engineering E.r[>< nse. Charge to this account or appropriate sub- accounts all expenses for engineering so as to show separately the following: (1) Salaries and wages; (2) personal and incidental ex- penses of engineering department employees; (3) rent of office and office expenses. This account should be cleared by apportioning the total expenses to operating expense and fixed capital accounts on the basis of service rendered, as determined by the actual time devoted to particular jobs or an equitable basis fixed by the officers of the corporation. (i. I'Jutif SIIJH rrixioii E.r/,< iis< . Charge to this account the cost of general supervision of the maintenance and construction of the plant where a separate department of the corporation's organization is charged with such supervision. It includes the pay and expenses of 62 CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS, ELECTRIC CORPORATIONS. the plant supervising officers, such as the general plant superintendent, district plant superintendent, plant engineers and their office and field forces, charged with planning for and superintending the work of maintenance and plant construction. The account or appropriate sub-accounts should be so arranged as to show in detail the expenses of the plant supervision department as follows: (1) Salaries and wages; (2) personal and incidental expenses of employees; (3) rent of office and office expenses. This account should be cleared each month by charging directly to the appropriate accounts such expenses as can be allocated to particular pieces of work and by charging out the balance on the basis of labor employed in all construction or maintenance work in progress during the month. NOTE. The pay of general foreman and foremen in direct charge of jobs should be included in the cost of job and not charged to this account. Every electric corporation shall include in its expense depreciation charges for the purpose of creating proper and adequate reserves to cover the expense of depreciation currently accruing in its fixed capital, and for that purpose three accounts are provided for the expense of depreciation as above: Account E-93, "Depreciation of Plant and Equipment;" Account E-87, "Extraordinary Repairs;" Account E-92, "Amortization of Franchises and Patents." By "Expense of Depreciation" is meant the loss suffered through the current lessening in value of tangible property from wear and tear, decay, obsolescense, or inadequacy resulting from use, age, physi- cal change or supersession by reason of new inventions and discoveries, changes in popular demand, or public requirements ; also losses suffered through destruction of property by extraordinary casualties and de- creases in the value of intangible property through lapse of time. The amount charged as expense of depreciation shall be based upon values determined by the accounting corporation. Such rules may be devised from a consideration of the corporation's history and experi- ence. Whatever may be the basis, the rules and a sworn statement of the facts and expert opinions and estimates upon which they are based shall be filed with the Railroad Commission. Each amendment of any rule, together with statements and opinions, shall be also filed with the Railroad Commission, before they are put into effect by the accounting corporation, and shall show the date when they arc to become effective. ELECTRIC CORPORATIONS. LIST OF ACCOUNTS. ASSET ACCOUNTS. PAGE. 1. Fixed Capital Installed Prior to January 1, 1913 2. Fixed Capital Installed Since December 31, 1912 7 3. Cash and Deposits 7 A. Cash 7 B. Special Deposits 7 4. Notes Receivable 7 5. Accounts Receivable 7 A. Accounts with System Corporations 7 B. Due from Consumers and Agents 8 C. Miscellaneous Accounts Receivable 8 6. Interest and Dividends Receivable 8 7. Other Current Assets 8 8. Investments 8 A. Securities of Other Corporations 8 B. Advances to System Corporations for Construction, Equipment and Betterments 9 C. Miscellaneous Investments 9 9. Materials and Supplies 9 10. Sinking: Funds 10 11. Other Special Funds _i 10 12. Treasury Securities 10 13. Prepaid Expense 10 A. Prepaid Rents -. 10 B. Prepaid Taxes . 10 C. Prepaid Insurance 11 D. Other Prepayments 11 14. Unamortized Discount on Securities and Expenses 11 15. Other Suspense 11 16. Construction Work in Progress 12 17. Corporate Deficit 12 LIABILITY ACCOUNTS. 18. Capital Stock 12 19. Installments on Stock Subscription 12 20. Funded Debt 12 21. Receivers' Certificates 13 22. Advances from System Corporations for Construction, Equipment and Betterments 13 23. Notes Payable 13 24. Accounts Payable 13 A. Accounts with System Corporations 13 I'.. Audited Vouchers 14 ( '. Consumers' Deposits 14 I>. Miscellaneous Accounts Payable 14 25. Interest Accrued 14 20. Taxes Acr-rued 14 27. Dividends Declared 14 lis. Servjee Billed in Advance - 14 29. Reserve for Accrued Depreciation 15 30. Reserve I'm- A morli/.at ion of InlaimiMe Capital 15 31. Unamort i/ed Premium on Debt 16 32. Casualty iind Insurance Reserves . 10 33. Income Invested Since December 31. 1912. in Fixed Capital 16 64 CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS. ELECTRIC CORPORATIONS. PACK. 34.' Res.-rves Invested in Sinking Funds 17 3-"). Other Reserves from Income or Surplus 37 36. Corporate Surplus Unappropriated 17 FIXED CAPITAL. Intangible Capital. C- 1. Organization 18 C 2. Franchise (Electric) 1^ C- 3. Patent Rights __.. I'.i C- 4. Other Intangible Capital 111 TANGIBLE CAPITAL. Landed Capital. C- 5. Land Devoted to Electric Operations in Production Capital. C- (5. Dams. Water Conduits and Penstocks 2o C- 7. Power Plant Buildings and General Structures 2<> C- S. Hydraulic Power Plant Equipment L 1 * C- !>. Furnaces. Boilers and Accessories 21 C-10. Steam Power Plant Equipment 21 C-ll. Gas Producers and Accessories 22 C-12. Gas Power Plant Equipment 22 C-13. Miscellaneous Produc-tion Equipment 22 Transmission and Distribution Capital. C-14. Poles and Fixtures 23 A. Transmission '. . 23 B. Distribution . 23 C-15. Overhead System 23 A. Transmission 23 B. Distribution 23 C-16. Underground Conduits 23 A. Transmission 23 B. Distribution 23 C-17. Sub-station Buildings and General Structures 23 A. Transmission 23 B. Distribution 23 C-ls. Sub-station Equipment '. 24 A. Transmission 24 B. Distribution 24 C-10. Miscellaneous Equipment 24 A. Transmission 24 B. Distribution 24 C-20. Line Transformers and Devices - 24 C-21. Electric Services 24 C-22. Meters _ 24 C-23. Municipal Street Lighting System 2.". C-24. Commercial Lamps and Lamp Equipment 2."i <' 2.",. Electric Motors and I lea re re 2t> C-26. Installations on Consumers' Premises 2t"i General Capital. C-27. General Structures 2(i C-28. General Equipment 2(5 A. Geners'l Olliee Equipment 27 P.. General Shop ! qiiipmeiit .,. .27 CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOTXTS. KLKCTRIC C< )R!'( )KATI()XS. 65 PACK. (''!!. Undistributed Consi niriinii Expenditures 28 A. Engineering ,-iud Superintendence.. L's 15. Law Expenses During Construction 28 ('. Injuries and Damages During Construction 28 I>. Taxes During: Construction 29 K. Miscellaneous Construction Expenditures 29 C-.'>2. Interest During Construction , 29 CM.'!. Ccst of Plant Purchased in Lieu of Plant Constructed 29 C-34. Fixed Capital in Other Departments 29 C -:;.">. Fixed Capital Installed Prior to January 1, 1913 30 C-oii. Fixed Capital Installed Since December 31, 1912 30 INCOME ACCOUNT. 101. Operating Revenues 31 1 R- 4. Municipal Power 38 R- 5. Commercial Lighting Flat Rate . 38 R- G. Commercial Lighting Metered 38 R- 7. Commercial Power Flat Rate 30 R- 8. Commercial Power Metered 39 R- 9. Railway Power 39 R-10. Other Electrical Corporations 39 R-ll. Rent of Meters 39 R-12. Breakdown Service 39 R-13. Joint Electric Rent Revenue 40 R-14. Miscellaneous Electric Revenue 40 OTHER OPERATING REVENUES. R-15. Rent of Electric Appliances 40 R-1G. Electric Merchandise and Jobbing Revenue ___ 40 R-17. Sale of By-products 41 R-18. Steam Sales Revenue 41 OPERATING EXPENSE ACCOUNTS. Production Expenses. CLASS A. E- 1. Superintendence E- 2. Water Collection Labor and Expense 42 E- 3. Water for Hydraulic Power 42 E- 4. Steam Generation Labor E- 5. Fuel for Steam E- 6. Steam Generator Supplies E- 7. Steam from Other Sources E- 8. Producer Gas Labor I! li. Fuel for Gas E-10. Producer Gas Supplies E-ll. Power Gas from Other Sources E-12. Electric Plant Labor E-13. Electric Plant Supplies E-14. Electric Energy from Other Sources E-15. General Labor and Supplies E-16. Repairs to Dams, Water Conduits and Penstocks E-17. Repairs to Power Plant Buildings and General Structures E-18. Repairs to Hydraulic Power Plant Equipment . E-19. Repairs to Boilers, Furnaces and Accessories E-20. Repairs to Steam Power Plant Equipment i: -2L Repairs to Gas Producers and Accessories E-22. Repairs to Gas Power Plant Equipment E-23. Repairs to Miscellaneous Production Equipment--. CLASS B. K_ i. Superintendence _. ].;_ _.. Water Collection Labor and Expense E- 3. Water for Hydraulic Power E- 4 to E- 0. Steam Generation _. E- 7. Steam from Other Sources E- 8 to E-10. Producer Gas Generation E-ll. Power Gas from Other Sources- ATIOX OF ACCOUNTS, TJ.KOTRIC CORPORATIONS. 67 PAOE. E-I.'J. Plant Suiinli.'s .-ind Expenses 43,44 Electric; Energy from Other Sources 44 General Labor and Supplies . 44 Repairs to Dams, Water Conduits and Penstocks 44 Repairs to Power Plant Buildings and General Structures 44 E-23. Repairs to Equipment 45,46 CLASS C. E- 1 to E-23. Production Expenses and Repairs of Capital 42.43,44,45,46 Transmission Expenses. CLASS A. E 24. Superintendence _ 47 E-25. Inspecting and Patrolling 47 E-26. Sub-station Labor 47 K 27. Sub-station Supplies and Expenses 47 E-28. General Labor and Supplies 47 E-29. Repairs to Overhead Transmission System 47 E-30. Repairs to Underground Transmission System 47 E-31. Repairs to Sub-station Buildings and General Structures 48 E-32. Repairs to Sub-station Equipment 48 E-33. Repairs to Miscellaneous Transmission Equipment 48 CLASS B. E-H4. Superintendence 47 E-25. Inspecting and Patrolling 47 E-2G to E-27. Sub-station Labor and Expenses 47 E-28. General Labor and Supplies 47 E-29 to E-30. Repairs to Transmission System 47 E-31 to E-33. Repairs to Sub-station Buildings and Equipment 48 CLASS C. E-24 to E-33. Transmission Expenses and Repairs to Capital 47,48 Distribution Expenses. CLASS A. E-34. Superintendence 48 E :;.". Sub-station Labor 48 E-36. Sub-station Supplies and Expenses 49 E-37. Storage Battery Labor 49 E-3S. Storage Battery Supplies and Expenses 49 E-39. Setting and Removing Transformers and Meters 49 E-40. Inspecting and Patrolling 49 E-41. Electric Meter Operations 49 E-42. Commercial Arc Labor 49 E-43. Commercial Arc Supplies and Repairs E-44. Commercial Incandescent Installation and Renewals 50 K -4.">. Inspection and Repairs of Consumers' Installations 50 E-46. Municipal Street Arc Labor 50 E-47. Municipal Street Arc Supplies 50 K 4V General Labor and Supplies 50 E-^9. Repairs to Sub-station Buildings and General Structures - 50 E-50. Repairs to Sub-station Equipment E-51. Repairs to Overhead Distribution System --- 51 E~."">2. Repairs to Underground Distribution System 51 E-53. Repairs to Line Transformers and Devices 51 E-54. Repairs to Electric Services E-55. Repairs to Electric Meters - 52 E-56. Repairs to Municipal Street Lighting System 52 E-57. Repairs to Commercial Arc Lamps 52 <)S CLASSIFICATION' OK ACCOT.VTS. KLKCTHIC CoKl'OKATTOXS. 1 'ACK. !] ."iS. Repairs in Installations on Consumers' Premises. _ r>'2 E -59. Repairs to Miscellaneous Distribution Equipment 5:1 CLASS B. E-34. Superintendence 48 E-35 to E-36. Sub-station Labor and Supplies 48,49 E-37 to E-38. -Storage Battery Labor and Supplies 49 E-39. Setting and Removing Transformers and .Motors 49 E-40. Inspecting and Patrolling 49 E-41. Electric Meter Operations 49 E-42 to E-45. Commercial Lamp Labor and Expenses 49, 50 E-4G to E-47. Municipal Labor and Expenses 50 E-48. General Labor and Supplies 50 E-49 to E-50. Repairs to Sub-station Buildings and Equipment 50.51 E-51 to E-59. Repairs to Distribution System 51. 52. 5:; CLASS C. E-34 to E-59. Distribution Expenses and Repairs to Capital___48, 49, 50. 51. 52. 5.", Commercial Expenses. CLASS A. E-60. New Business Expenses 53 E-61. Free Installation Expenses 53 E-62. Commercial Department Salaries and Expenses 53 E-63. Commercial Department Indexing 53 E-64. Commercial Department Collections 54 E-65. Miscellaneous Commercial Expenses 54 CLASS B. E-GO to E-G1. Promotion 5.", E-<> E-76. Repairs to General Structures 5G E-77. Repairs to General Equipment Office Equipment - 57 E-78. Repairs to General Equipment Shop Equipment - 57 K 7!>. Repairs to General Equipment Store Equipment 57 E-80. Repairs to General Equipment Stable and Garage Equipment 57 E-81. Repairs to General Equipment Miscellaneous 57 E-82. Repairs to Telephone Lines 57 E-83. Repairs to Roads, Trestles and Bridge 58 E-84. Electric Expenses Transferred Cr 58 E-85. Joint Operating Expenses Cr - 58 E-86. Undistributed Adjustments Balances E 87. Extraordinary Repairs 58 E-88. Repairs Charged to Reserve Cr 59 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY CLASSIFICATION OF A 69 CLASS B. A 000013677 PAGE . E-66 to E-GS. Salaries and Expenses of General Officers ."H E-G9. Law Expenses General 54 E-70. Railroad Commission Expenses 55 E-71. Injuries and Damages 55 E-72. Relief Department and Expenses 55 E-73. Electric Franchise Requirements 56 E-74. Other General Expenses 56 E-75. Insurance 56 E-76 to E-S3. Repairs to Miscellaneous Equipment 56,57,58 E-84. Electric Expenses Transferred Cr 58 E-85. Joint Operating Expenses Cr 58 E-86. Undistributed Adjustments Balances 58 E-87. Extraordinary Repairs 58 E-88. Repairs Charged to Reserve Cr 59 CLASS C. E-66 to E-6S. Salaries and Expenses of General Officers 54 E-69 to E-76. Miscellaneous General Expenses 54, 55, 56 E-77 to E-86. Miscellaneous General Repairs 57, 58 E-87 to E-90. Other Expenses 58,59 Other Expenses. CLASS A. E-9. By-product Expense 59 E-90. Steam Sales Expense 59 CLASS B. E-89. By-product Expense 59 E-90. Steam Sales Expense 59 Taxes. CLASS A. E-91. Taxes 59 CLASS B. E-91. Taxes 59 CLASS C. E-91. Taxes 59 Amortization of General Capital. CLASS A. E-92. Amortization of Franchises and Patents 59 E-93. Depreciation of Plant and Equipment 60 CLASS B. E-92 to E-93. Depreciation, etc. 59, 60 CLASS C. E-92 to E-93. Depreciation, etc. 59, 60 CLEARING ACCOUNTS. 1. Shop Expense 60 2. Stable and Garage Expense 60 3. Tool Expense 61 4. Supply Expense 61 5. Engineering Expense 61 6. Plant Supervision Expense 61