^\\[ UNIVERi//i ^V;lOSANCElfj]^ o %a3AINfl]\\V ■ 6: ^OFCAIIFO% ^OFCAllFOff^ ^\\E UNIVERS/A S ^ILIBRARY(9/: •^ 1 I /"*' ^ "^/iaaAiNomv^ %ojiivDjo^ ^-VOFCAIIFO/?^ ^OFCAiiFOi?^ •^OAHvaaiH"^ >&Aavaan-^^ aweunivers-//. o v>:lOSANCElfj> o %a]AINn]WV ^OFCALIFO/?^ ^WE■UNIVERJ//, vj o ^^ILIBRARY/?/^ -^^LIBRARYQr^ ^\^E•UNIVERS//, ^riiJONVSOi^"^ '^/sji]AiNn]WV^ '^jo^ ;lOSANCElfj^^ %a]AINfl-3WV -s^HIBRARYQ^ '^.I/OJIIVDJO^ ^,OFCA1IFO% ^OFCALIF0% , ^\\E UNIVER^/a vr ^OAavaaii^- ^OAavaaii^- .^WSANCElfX^ o .^,OFCAIIFO% ULJ > '^/5a3AiNn]WV^ ^ o -.^ILIBRARYQr ^^lllBRARYGr ^OF•CAllF0/?4^ ^OFCAl yommv^ ^^omx \WEUNIVER% 'G .>:lOSANCElfx> :^' - "Or. ^tLlBRARY6>/^ ^UIBRARYQ^^ o ^\\EUNIVER% %a3AINn3WV^ "^^cVOJllVDJO^ ^OJITVDJO^ o "^AJJiAINn ]WV ^^lilBRARYQ. ^vM-LIBRARYQ.^ ^mm%^ ^.!/0JllV3JO>^ ^OFCAIIFO/?^ ^.!/0JnV3JO^ o &Aavaaii# '^Aavaaii-^^'^ o '^/sa]AiNn]Wv s>:lOSANCElfj^ '^'AaaAiNn-iwv ^WEUNIVERS//i o :lOSANCELfX^ ^ILIBRARY6K '—> — ^ ^tllBRARYQ^ AMEUNIVERS//) o — =o "^AaaAlNflJWv ^lOSANGElfX;^ o '^/5a3AINfl]WV ^^OFCALiFO/?^ ^OFCAllFOI?^ >&Aavaani^ ^c^Ahvaaii^- ■\WEUNIVER% •^TiiaONVSOl^'" ^UIBRARYQr^ ^IIIBRARYQ^^ 33 ^ AWEUNIVERy/A o ^,OFCAL1FO% . ^OFCALIFO/?^ ^^WE UNIVERS/^ o '^AaaAiNniWv' v^lOSANCElfx^ o %a3AiNn-3WV ^lUBRARYQxr ^OJIlVD-JO'f ^OFCALIFO/?^ "^d^Aavaan-v^ ^0' THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY A LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES WITH A LIST OF DIRECTORIES AUGUST, 1904 CHICAGO PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1904 f05£l PREFACE. The present lists, forming together the sixth of the Library's bibli- ographical publications, were prepared at the suggestion of the Refer- ence Librarian, in order to collect for convenient use the titles of books of a special kind, much called for, but scattered throughout the catalogue. It is hoped that they will suggest many sources of infor- mation on specific points or subjects which otherwise might be over- looked. The scope of both lists is, of course, that of the Library, and includes the social, physical, and natural sciences and their applica- tions. The lists contain i,6io titles and are intended to include all material in the Library within their scope. The arrangement of the titles within each list is that of the classed catalogue, but the number of titles entered in more than one place has been reduced to a minimum. The order within the smallest sub- divisions is chronological, the latest work being given first; but as the headings in most cases cover several subdivisions, the reasons for the arrangement under each heading are generally not apparent. Peculi- arities of typographical arrangement have been determined chiefly by the previous use of the same matter on printed catalogue cards, the type for which has been electrotyped. Inconsistencies in the form of entry are due to the fact that the older titles are not always reprinted when a change of form has been made. The most conspicuous change has been caused by the adoption of the cataloguing rules formulated by a committee of the American Library Association and accepted by the Library of Congress. Titles prepared since April, 1903, are in ac- cordance with these rules. The index gives in one alphabetical arrangement subjects, titles, and names of persons, institutions, and places. i s^i\/K A nr. ERRATA p. 23, chapter heading should read military and naval science. CONTENTS. 014 030 100 178 200 300 310- 320 330 340-354 355- 359 364-368 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 439 440 450 460- 469 470- 480 490 500 510- 520 530- 537 540- 549 550 560 570- 572-578 580 590 600 610 620 630 640 650 653 654 655 656 657-659 660 670- -680 CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES p. 1-190. Anonyms and pseudonyms i General encyclopedias 4 Philosophy. General works 16 Temperance 16 Religion 17 Social sciences. General works 19 Statistics. Political science 20 Political economy 20 Law. Administration 22 Military science 23 Criminology. Insurance 26 Education 27 Commerce 29 Manners and customs. Folklore 31 Language 33 Polyglot 33 English 40 German 47 Dutch. Scandinavian 52 French 53 Italian 59 Spanish. Portuguese 60 Latin and Greek 65 Other languages 67 Physical sciences. General works 72 Mathematics. Astronomy 73 Physics. Electricity 75 Chemistry. Mineralogy n Geology. Paleontology 81 Natural sciences. General works. Ethnography. Microscopy.. 83 Botany 85 Zoology 91 Applied sciences. General works 93 Medicine. Hygiene. Pharmacology 100 Engineering log Agriculture 114 Domestic economy 116 Business 118 Stenography 119 Telegraphy i 121 Printing 123 Transportation 126 Bookkeeping. Advertising 130 Chemical technology 130 Manufactures. Mechanic trades 134 vi CONTENTS. 690 Building 1 36 700 Fine arts. General works 1 39 710 Landscape gardening 140 720 Architecture 141 730-760 Decorative arts 143 770 Photography 145 780 Music 146 7go Amusements I47 800 Literature 148 900 History. General works 1 50 910 Geography 151 920 Biography, general and miscellaneous 153 921 Philosophic 163 922 Religious 164 923 Sociological 164 925 Scientific 166 926 Technical 168 927 Artistic 170 928 Literary 173 929 Genealogy 1 74 937 Greek and Roman antiquities 178 940 Europe 178 950-960 Asia. Africa 181 970 North and Central America 181 973 United States of America 183 980-990 South America. Philippine Islands. Australia 189 DIRECTORIES p. 191-250. 020-050-060 Libraries. Newspapers. Societies 19I 320-360 Legislative bodies. Banks. Government bodies. Charitable insti- tutions, etc 1 96 370 Educational institutions • 211 380 Commercial 222 500 Scientific. Electrical 223 600 Industrial. Medical 224 940-960 Europe. Africa 239 970 North and Central America 241 980 South America 249 990 Australasia 250 Index 251 014 ANONYMS AND PSEUDONYMS Book-prices current. oi8 B64 v.o ^"®' Index to the first ten volumes of Book-prices current (1887 to 1896). Constituting a reference list of subjects and, incidentally, a key to anonymous and pseudonymous literature. [Compiled by William Jaggard.] vii,472 p. O. London 190 1. Marchmont, Frederick. 014 M33 16619 ^ concise handbook of ancient and modern literature, issued either anonymously, under pseudonyms, or initials. 164 p. i por. D. London: (for the author), 1896. Gushing, William. L014C951 '-"^ Anonyms: a dictionary of revealed authorship. [4] ,829 p. Q. Cambridge, U. S. A. : W. Cushing, 1890. Pettersen, Hjalmar. 014 P45 2259 Anonymer og pseudonymer i den norske literatur 1678-1890. Bibliografiske meddelelser. [4] ,64 p. Q. Kristiania 1890. Brunet, Gustavo. 014 B83 "®^ Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes, suivi des Supercheries lit- teraires devoilees. Supplement a la derniere edition de ces deux ouvrages (edition Daffis) ... . [2],iii,i55,cix,[2,3o],xiv p. O. Paris: F. J. Fechoz, 1889. Cushing, William. 014 C95 ^■"^ Initials and pseudonyms : a dictionary of literary disguises. Sec- ond series. [4].3I4 P- Q- New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., 1888. Drujon, Fernand. 014 D84 ^'^^ Les livres a clef. Etude de bibliographic, critique et analytique, pour servir a I'histoire litteraire. 2 vol. O. Paris : E. Rouveyre, i; 2 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Halkett, Samuel, & Laing, John. L014H13 *'' A dictionary of the anonymous and pseudonymous literature of Great Britain. Including the works of foreigners written in, or translated into the English language. 4 vol. paged continuous- ly ; vol. i: [2], 3 p. 1-870 col. [2] p.; vol. 2: [2] p. 871-1762 col. [2] p.; vol. 3-- [2] p. 1763-2596 col.; vol. 4: 6 p. 2595- 2853, ccccxxiv col. O. Edinburgh: W. Paterson, 1882-1888. Passano, Giambattista. L014P26 "•' Dizionario di opere anonime e pseudonime in supplemento a quello di Gaetano Melzi. xi,5i7 p. Q. Ancona: A. G. MorelH, 1887. Weller, Emil. 014 W45 '^^' Lexicon pseudonymorum. Worterbuch der Pseudonymen aller Zeiten und Volker, oder Verzeichniss jener Autoren, die sich falscher Namen bedienten. Zweite, . . . vermehrte Auflage. x, 62^ p. Q. Regensburg: A. Coppenrath, 1886. The preface contains a bibliography of works on anonyms and pseudonyms. Gushing, William. 014 C95 ^'"^ Initials and pseudonyms : a dictionary of literary disguises, iv, 603 p. Q. New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., 1885. Doorninck, Jan Izaak van. 014 D72 2168 Vermomde en naamlooze schrijvers opgespoord op het gebied der Nederlandsche en Vlaamsche letteren. Tweede uitgave der "Bib- Hotheek van anonymen en pseudonymen," 2 vol. in i. O. Lei- den: E. J. Brill, 1883-1885. Whitney, James Lyman. 014 W61 ""'" A modern Proteus; or, A list of books published under more than one title. 106 p. S. New York: F. Leypoldt, 1884. Haynes, John Edward. 014 H33 59007 Pseudonyms of authors; including anonyms and initialisms. 112 p. O. New York 1882. Hamst, Olphar, /.y^«^. 025.3 H18 '^^ Aggravating ladies, being a list of works published under the pseudonym of "A lady," with preliminary suggestions on the art of describing books bibliographically. 58 p. D. London: B. Quaritch, 1880. Olphar Hamst is pseudonym of Ralph Thomas. ANONYMS AND PSEUDONYMS 3 Barbier, Antoine Alexandre. oi4 QS '"^^ Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes. Troisieme edition, revue et augmentee par Olivier Barbier, Rene et Paul Billard. Suite de la seconde edition des Supercheries litteraires devoilees, par J. M. Ouerard 4 vol. Q. Paris: P. Daffis, 1872-1879. Querard, Joseph Marie. 014 QS »''* Les supercheries litteraires devoilees. Galerie des ecrivains fran- gais de toute I'Europe qui se sont deguises sous des anagrammes, des asteronymes, des cryptonymes, des initialismes, des noms litteraires, des pseudonymes ... Seconde edition, ... publiee par Gustave Brunet et Pierre Jannet. Suivie du Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes par Ant. Alex. Barbier 7 vol. Q. Paris: P. Daffis, 1 869-1 879. Franklin, Alfred. 014 F85 '"- Dictionnaire des noms, surnoms et pseudonymes latins de I'his- toire litteraire du moyen age (iioo a 1530). x,[2],683 col. O. Paris: Firmin-Didot & C'^ 1875. Hamst, Olphar, psaid. oi4 H18 33866 Handbook of fictitious names : being a guide to authors, chiefly in the lighter literature of the xixth century, who have written under assumed names ; and to literary forgers, impostors, plagia- rists, and imitators. xiv,[2],235 p. O. London: J. R. Smith, 1868. Olphar Hamst is pseudonym of Ralph Thomas. Brunet, Gustave. 014B831 "^^ Imprimeurs imaginaires et libraires supposes. Etude bibliogra- phique, suivie de recherches sur quelques ouvrages imprimes avec des indications fictives de lieux ou avec des dates singulieres. [2], 290 p. O. Paris: Tross, 1866. Melzi, Gaetano. 014 M49 ^'■•^ Dizionario di opere anonime e pseudonime di scrittori italiani, o come che sia aventi relazione all'Italia, di G. M. 3 vol. Q. Mi- lano 1 848-1 859. 030 GENERAL ENCYCLOPEDIAS Appletons' annual cyclopaedia. L031 Q301 '" Appletons' annual cyclopaedia and register of important events embracing political, military, and ecclesiastical affairs; public documents; biography, statistics, commerce, finance, literature, science, agriculture, and mechanical industry of the year 1876- 1902. New series, vol. I -third series, vol. vil, whole series, vol. xvi-XLil. New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1 885-1903. 27 vol. illus., plates, ports., maps, tables, diagrs. 25^"". Cumulative index to new series, vol. i-io, 1876-1885, in vol. 7-10; to vol. 13-20, 1888-1895, in vol. 13-20; to third series in vol. 1-7. Forms an annual supplement to the American cyclopaedia. Subtitle varies slightly. [First series], title reads: American annual cyclopaedia and register of important events, 15 vol. 1861-1875. New series: 20 vol. 1876-1895. Third series: 7 vol. 1896-1902. New series vol. 1-9, printed in 1885-1886, CI877-CI885. Ceased publication in 1902. International year book. L031 10 23143 jj^g International year book. A compendium of the world's progress during ... 1898-1902 New York, Dodd, Mead & Co., [«i 899-^1 903]. 5 vol. plates, ports., maps. 254"=™. Edited by Frank Moore Colby and Harry Thurston Peck. Ceased publication in 1902. Encyclopedia americana. L031 Q301 42106 jj^g encyclopedia americana; a general dictionary of the arts and sciences, literature, history, biography, geography, etc., of the world. Editor-in-chief : Frederick Converse Beach . . . manag- ing editor : Forrest Morgan . . . assistant editors : Nathan Has- kell Dole . . . Edward Thomas Roe . . . Thomas Campbell Cope- land .. . . In sixteen volumes. Illustrated New York, Chi- cago, The Americana Company, [1903-]. Vol. I-. front., illus., plates (partly col.), ports., maps. 27<=°\ New international encyclopaedia. L031 Q200 ''"' The new international encyclopaedia. Editors, Daniel Coit Gil- man, LL.D. . . . , Harry Thurston Peck, PH.D. . . . , Frank Moore Colby, M.A Volume l-[xvn]. New York, Dodd, Mead and Co., 1 902-1904. 17 vol. illus., plates (partly col.), ports., maps (partly fold.), diagrs. 26="'. GENERAL ENCYCLOPEDIAS 5 Phyfe, William Henry Pinkney, 1855- 031 Q102 40890 ^000 facts and fancies ; a cyclopaedia of important, curious, quaint, and unique information in history, literature, science, art and na- ture .... By William Henry P. Phyfe ... . New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1901. vii, 816 p. 24=™. Universal cyclopaedia. L031 P900 8U174 jj^g Universal cyclopaedia. A new edition prepared . . . under the direction of Charles Kendall Adams. 12 vol. il. pi. maps. Q. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1900. This is a new edition of Johnson's Universal Cyclopaedia. Universal cyclopsedia. L031 Q300 40895 Educational courses in study and reading. Appletons' Universal cyclopaedia and atlas. [New York, D. Appleton and Co., '^1903.] 132 p. 28^"™. Chandler, William Henry. L031 P801 '"'" Chandler's encyclopedia. An epitome of universal knowledge. .... 3 vol. paged continuously; vol. i: xiii,i-520 p. ; vol. 2: 521-1104 p.; vol. 3 : [2], 1105-1710p.il. maps. O. NewYork: P. F. Collier, 1898. Encyclopaedia Britannica. L031 P700 New American supplement to the latest edition of the Encyclo- paedia Britannica. A standard work of reference in art, literature, science, history, .... Edited under the personal supervision of Day Otis Kellogg 5 vol. paged continuously; vol. 1:1- 642 p. ; vol. 2 : [6],643-i3o8 p. ; vol. 3 : [6],i309-i974 p. ; vol. 4: [8], 1975-2632 p.; vol. 5: [6], 2633-3269 p. il. O. New York: Werner Co., 1897. Harper's book of facts. L031 P501 Harper's book of facts : a classified history of the world, embrac- ing science, literature, and art. Compiled by Joseph H. Willsey, edited by Charlton T. Lewis. [4],954 P- il- Q. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1895. Smith, Henry Percy, editor. o^ ^ p^^^ A dictionary of terms, phrases, and quotations. The terms and phrases edited by the Rev. H. Percy Smith. The quotations com- piled for the American edition by Helen Kendrick Johnson, x, 724 P- O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1895. 6 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Johnson's universal cyclopaedia. L031P300 "•'^ Johnson's universal cyclopaedia. A new edition, prepared by a corps of thirty-six editors, assisted by eminent European and American specialists, under the direction of Charles Kendall Adams. 8 vol. il. pi. maps. Q. New York: A. J. Johnson Co., 1895. Century dictionary. L031 O900 "'* The Century dictionary. An encyclopedic lexicon of the Eng- lish language. Prepared under the superintendence of William Dwight Whitney. 6 vol. il. F. New York: Century Co , c. 1889. Century cyclopedia of names. L031 O901 "*" The Century cyclopedia of names. A pronouncing and etymo- logical dictionary of names in geography, biography, mythology, history, ethnology, art, archaeology, fiction, etc., etc., etc. Ed- ited by Benjamin E. Smith. vii,io85 p. F. New York : Century Co., c. 1894. Reddall, Henry Frederic. 031 O902 "^ Fact, fancy, and fable : a new handbook for ready reference on subjects commonly omitted from cyclopaedias ; .... 536 p. O. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1892. Thorne, Robert, comp. 031 O903 14584 pugitive facts. A dictionary of rare and curious information. A treasury of facts, legends, sayings and their explanation, obtained in large part from sources not generally accessible, and covering more than one thousand topics of general interest and frequent inquiry. Edited by Robert Thorne, M.A. New York, A. L. Burt, [«i889]. 506 p. i9i<=™. Frey, Albert Romer. 031 O800 ^^" Sobriquets and nicknames. iii,482 p. O. London: Whittaker & Co., [1887]. American cyclopaedia. L031 O300 The American cyclopaedia. A popular dictionary of general knowledge. Edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. With supplement. 16 vol. il. pi. maps, facsim. table. Q. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1883-1885. , General & analytical index to. By Rev. T. J. Conant, assisted by his daughter, Blandina Conant. With an index to the supplements. viii,854 p. Q. New York 1885. GENERAL ENCYCLOPEDIAS 7 Encyclopaedia Britannica. L031 O302 "^^ American supplement to Encyclopaedia Britannica. (Ninth edi- tion.) A dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature. 4 vol. il. pi. maps. Q. Philadelphia: Hubbard PubHshing Co., 1894. Binder's title: Encyclopaedia Americana. Putnam, George Palmer, compiler. 031 O303 ^"' The world's progress : an index to universal history, . . . , being a chronological and alphabetical record of . . . the progress of so- ciety Revised and continued to date by Frederick B. Per- kins and Lynds E. Jones. xlv,i028 p. i por. i table. O. New York: G. J. Griflfin, 1883. The compiler has incorporated in his work Haydn's Dictionary of dates. Wheeler, William Adolphus, &■ Wheeler, Charles G. 031 O200 ®*" Familiar allusions: a hand-book of miscellaneous information, in- cluding the names of celebrated statues, paintings, palaces, country-seats, ruins, churches, ships, streets, clubs, natural curi- osities, and the like. v,584 p. O. Boston : J. R. Osgood & Co., 1882. Zell's popular encyclopedia. L031 Nioo "^ Zell's popular encyclopedia. A complete dictionary of the Eng- lish language. With a pronouncing vocabulary and a gazetteer of the world. By L. Colange. Illustrated with . . . maps, . . . forming a complete atlas of the world. By John Bartholomew. 4 vol. il. maps. F. Philadelphia: T. E. Zell, Davis & Co., 1878. Encyclopasdia Americana. 031 1900 15109 Encyclopaedia Americana. A popular dictionary of arts, sciences, literature, history, politics and biography, brought down to the present time ; including a copious collection of original articles in American biography; on the basis of the seventh edition of the German Conversations-Lexicon. Edited by Francis Lieber, as- sisted by E. Wigglesworth. New edition, 13 vol. O. Phila- delphia: Thomas, Cowperthwait, & Co., 1839. Supplementary volume Edited by Henry Vethake. 663 p. O. Boston: Sanborn, Carter, Bazin, & Co., 1857. Annual. 032 i The Annual register. A review of public events at home and abroad .... New Series. Continued from 1897. O. London 1 898-. Index to vol. for 1 758-1819 published separately. 8 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Hazeirs annual. 032 O600 '"■^ Hazell's annual .... A cyclopaedic record of men and topics of the day Continued from [vol. :]. 1886. maps. D. Lon- don 1 886-. VoL 1-6, 1886-1891, edited by E. D. Price; vol. lo-, by Wm. Palmer. Vol. 1-3 published under the title: Hazell's annual cyclopaedia. Encyclopaedia Britannica. L032 Q200 43149 ^YiQ new volumes of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, constituting, in combination with the existing volumes of the ninth edition, the tenth edition of that work, and also supplying a new, dis- tinctive, and independent library of reference dealing with recent events and developments, the first- [eleventh] of the new volumes, being volume xxv-[xxxv] of the complete work. Edinburgh & London, A. & C. Black, 1902-1903. II vol. illus., plates, maps. 28i<=m._2o^<='n. Vol. 10 has subtitle: Maps; vol. ii, title reads: An index to the complete Encyclo- paedia Britannica .... Balch, William Ralston. 032 Qioi 35387 Ready reference. The universal cyclopaedia containing every- thing that everybody wants to know Revised edition. 698 p. D. London: Grififith, Farran, Browne & Co., [1901]. Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. 032 P800 27O04 'pjjg reader's handbook of famous names in fiction, allusions, references, proverbs, plots, stories, and poems. A new edition revised throughout and greatly enlarged. viii,i243 p. O. Phila- delphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1900. Haydn, [Joseiph.'jy 0/ Lincoln's lun. 032P500 '"^ Haydn's dictionary of dates and universal information relating to all ages and nations. Twenty-first edition, containing the history of the world to the autumn of 1895. ^7 Benjamin Vincent, vi, [6],i2i6p. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1895. Dictionary. 032 P400 35795 dictionary of scientific illustrations and symbols. Moral truths mirrored in scientific facts. Designed for the use of the senate, the bar, the pulpit, the orator, and the lover of nature, by a bar- rister of the honorable Society of the Inner Temple. 420 p. O. New York: W. B. Ketcham, c. 1894. Walsh, William Shepard. 032 P300 Handy-book of literary curiosities. ii04p. O. London : Gib- bings & Co., 1894. GENERAL ENCYCLOPEDIAS 9 Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. 032 P200 '"* Dictionary of phrase and fable. Giving the derivation, source, or origin of common phrases, allusions, and words that have a tale to tell. Twenty-sixth edition, revised To which is added a concise bibliography of English literature, based upon the . . . work ... of W. Davenport Adams viii,i076 p. O. New York: Cassell Publishing Co., [1892]. Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. 032 Pioo '*° The historic note-book : with an appendix of battles. x, 997 p. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1894. Blackie's modern cyclopedia. 032 O900 '^"^ Blackie's modern cyclopedia of universal information Ed- ited by Charles Annandale. 8 vol. il. maps. O. London : Black- ie & Son, 1894. Chambers' encyclopaedia. L032O800 *^* Chambers' encyclopaedia. A dictionary of universal knowledge. New edition. 10 vol. il. pi. maps. Q. London : W. & R. Cham- bers, 1888-1892. Balfour, Edward. L032 O500 '" The cyclopaedia of India and of eastern and southern Asia, com- mercial, industrial, and scientific; products of the mineral, vege- table, and animal kingdoms, useful arts and manufactures. Third edition. 3 vol. Q. London: B. Quaritch, 1885. Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. 032 O400 '" A dictionary of miracles, imitative, realistic, and dogmatic, xliv, 582 p. il. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1889. Cox, Sir George William, Bart. 032O200 ""' The little cyclopaedia of common things. Tenth edition. [2], 660 p. il. O. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1894. Encyclopaedic dictionary. L423 E56 23464 jj^g encyclopaedic dictionary : a new and original work of refer- ence to all words in the English language, with a full account of their origin, meaning, pronunciation, and use. 7 vol. in 4. il. Q. London : Cassell & Co., [ 1 88 1 ]-i 889. Adams, William Davenport. 032 N800 "•' Dictionary of English literature: being a comprehensive guide to English authors and their works. Third edition. iv,7o8 p. O. London: Cassell, Petter & Galpin, [188-]. lO LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1-032 N500 '"'' The Encyclopaedia Britannica. A dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature. Ninth edition. 24 vol. and index, il. pi. maps. sq.Q. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1875-1888. Baldwin, James, 1841-. 032 P501 1208 ^ guide to systematic readings in the Encyclopaedia Britannica. 316 p. O. Chicago: Werner Co., 1895. Maunder, Samuel. 032 M600 '®*^ The scientific and literary treasury. New edition, thoroughly revised and in great part rewritten, ... , by James Yate Johnson. [4] ,820 p. I pi. S. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1866. English cyclopaedia. L032 L300 22868 yj^g English cyclopaedia. A new dictionary of universal knowl- edge. Conducted by Charles Knight. [23 vol.] il. O. London: Bradbury & Evans, 1 854-1 862. Contents: Geography, 4 voL Biography, 6 voL Natural history, 4 voL Arts and sciences, 8 voL Synoptical index to the four divisions of geography, biography, natural history, arts and sciences, i vol. "Based upon 'The Penny cyclopaedia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful knowl- edge.' " Preface. Crabb, George. 032 Lioo ■'***'® A technical dictionary ; or, A dictionary explaining the terms used in all arts and sciences. iv,658 p. il. D. London: W. Maxwell, 1851. Dictionary. L032 K700 "'® A dictionary of science, literature, and art: comprising the his- tory, description, and scientific principles of every branch of human knowledge : with the derivation and definition of all the terms in general use. Edited by W. T. Brande, assisted by Joseph Cauvin iv,i352 p. il. Q. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1848. Penny cyclopaedia. L032 J300 21925 -pj^g Penny cyclopaedia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge 27 vol. il. Q. London : vol. 1-5, C. Knight ; vol. 6-27, C. Knight & Co., 1833-1843. The supplement .... 2 vol. il. O. London 1845- 1846. The second supplement .... [4],786 p. il. Q. Lon- don 1858. GENERAL ENCYCLOPEDIAS II Crabb, George. 032J100 "^^ A family encyclopaedia; or, An explanation of words and things connected with all the arts and sciences. Enlarged .... vi,4i2 p. il. O. New- York: C. S. Dunning, 1831. Crabb, George. L032 1300 ^'^^ Universal technological dictionary; or. Familiar explanation of the terms used in all arts and sciences, containing definitions drawn from the original writers. 2 vol. il.pl. sq.Q. London : Baldwin, Cradock, & Joy, 1823. Nicholson, William, & others. 032 G900 "^ American edition of the British encyclopaedia, or dictionary of arts and sciences, . . . [Third edition.] 12 vol. pi. O. Phil- adelphia: Mitchell, Ames, & White, 1819-1821. Chambers, Ephraim. A032 Fi 17877 (Cyclopaedia : or. An universal dictionary of arts and sciences Containing an explanation of the terms, and an account of the several subjects, in the liberal and mechanical arts, and the sciences, human and devine. Intended as a course of ancient and modern learning. With the supplement, and modern im- provements, incorporated in one alphabet. By Abraham Rees. 4 vol. and atlas. F\ London: vol. 1-4, W. Strahan ; atlas, J. F. & C. Rivington, 1 778-1 786. Meyers grosses Konversations-Lexikon. L033 Q200 36733 Meyers grosses Konversations-Lexikon. Ein Nachschlagewerk des allgemeinen Wissens. Sechste, ganzlich neubearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage. Vol. i-. il. pi. colored pi. maps. Q. Leip- zig: Bibliographisches Institut, 1902-. Zeitlexikon. 1-033 ^ '"®" Zeitlexikon Vol. 1-2. 1901. Q. Stuttgart [1901]. No more published. Edited by Maximilian Krauss and Ludwig Holthof. Meyers Hand-Lexikon. 033 P300 Meyers Hand-Lexikon des allgemeinen Wissens. Fiinfte, ganz- hch umgearbeitete Auflage. [2], 1702, [2] p. D. Leipzig: Bib- liographisches Institut, 1893. Brockhaus' Konversations-Lexikon. ^033 P200 "^ Brockhaus' Konversations-Lexikon. Vierzehnte vollstandig neu- bearbeitete Auflage. 17 vol. il. pi. maps, tables. Q. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1 892-1 898. Vol. 1 7 is Supplement and also called Revidierte Jubilaums-Ausgabe. 12 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Birnbaum, Karl, &• Werner, E. 630.3 N700 '''" Thiel's landwirthschaftliches Konversations-Lexikon. 7 vol. O. Strassburg i. E. : F. Thiel, 1877-1882. VoL 4-7 published at Leipzig. Erster Supplementband. Enthaltend Biographien . . . berlihmter Landwirthe und hervorragender Lehrer der Landwirth- schaft, sowie . . . Belehrungen liber die wichtigstenlandwirthschaft- lichen Maschinen und Gerathe. 223 p. il. O. Leipzig 1884. Spezial-Supplement-Band. 784 p. O. Berlin 1888. In one volume with binder's title Spezial-Supplement. Allgemeine Encyclopadie. L033 H800 18984 Allgemeine Encyclopadie der Wissenschaften und Kiinste . . . von genannten Schriftstellern bearbeitet .... Vol. i-. il. pi. por. maps, tables. sq.Q. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 181 8-. First section, vol. 1-2 1, edited by J. S. Ersch and J. G. Gruber; vol. 22-54, by J. G. Gruber; vol. 55-61, by M. H. E. Meier; vol. 62-99, by Hermann Brockhaus; Second section, voL 1-2, by G. Hassel and W, Miiller; vol. 3-7, by G. Hassel and A. G. Hoff- mann; voL 8-31, by A. G. Hoffmann; vol. 32-, by August Leskien; Third section, voL 1-16, by M. H. E. Meier and L. F. Kamtz; vol. 17-, by M. H. E. Meier. First section; A-G: 99 vol. Second section; H-N: vol. I-. Third section; 0-Z: voL I-. Vol. 1-21; Second section, vol. 1-7; Third section, vol. i, published by J. F. Gle- ditsch. Almanach de Gotha. 034 i ""* Almanach de Gotha. Annuaire genealogique, diplomatique et statistique. Continued from vol. 139. 1902. por. T. Gotha 1902-. Larousse, Pierre. 034 P900 "'" Dictionnaire complet illustre. Comprenant: i** langue fran^aise : ... ,2° des developpements encyclopediques, ... , 3° la geo- graphic, I'histoire et la mythologie, 4*^ les locutions etrangeres : ... ,5" une liste complete des academiciens, des senateurs et des deputes actueFs. 107*^ edition. 1464 p. il. i por. S. Paris: Librairie Larousse, 1900. Nouveau dictionnaire. L034 Qooi 30561 Nouveau dictionnaire des sciences et de leurs applications. Par MM. Paul Poire, Edmond Perrier, Remy Perrier, Alex. Joannis, avec la collaboration d'une reunion de savants, de professeurs et d'ingenieurs ... Paris, C. Delagrave, [1900-1902]. 2 V. illus. 28'='". Paged continuously: v. i: xiv, 1456 p.; v. 2: [4, i457]-3362 p. GENERAL ENCYCLOPEDIAS 13 Nouveau Larousse illustre. L034 P801 80974 jSTouveau Larousse illustre. Dictionnaire universel encyclopedique public sous la direction de Claude Auge. Vol. i-. il. pi. maps. sq.F. Paris [1898-]. Bouillet, Marie Nicolas. L903P301 ''^" Dictionnaire universel d'histoire et de geographie. Contenant: I"' I'histoire proprement dite: ... ; 2<^ la biographic universelle : ... ; 3° la mythologie: ... ; 4° la geographie ancienne et mo- derne Refondu sous la direction de L.-G. Gourraigne. Trente-et-unieme edition. x,2ioi p. O. Paris: Librairie Ha- chette&C'^ [1893]. Grande encyclopedie. L034 O500 '^'" La grande encyclopedie, inventaire raisonne des sciences, des lettres et des arts, par une societe de savants et de gens de lettres ; sous la direction de MM. Berthelot . . . Hartwig Derenbourg [etc.] .... Tome premier- [trente et unieme]. Paris, H. Lamiraultetc'*', [1886-1902], 31 voL illus., coL plates, maps. 31™'. Secretaire general: vol. 1-18, F. Camille Dreyfus; vol. 23-31, Andre Berthelot. Vol. 23-31 published by Societe anonyme de La grande encyclopedie. Dictionnaire. L603 N900 20306 Dictionnaire encyclopedique et biographique de I'industrie et des arts industriels .... Par E.-O. Lami avec la collaboration des savants, specialistes et praticiens .... 8 vol. and supplement, il. F. Paris: Librairie des dictionnaires, [i 884-1 891]. Vol. I published in 1891. Larousse, Pierre. L034M500 "" Grand dictionnaire universel du xix^ siecle frangais, historique, geographique, biographique, mythologique, bibliographique, lit- teraire, artistique, scientifique, etc 17 vol. il. i por. sq.F. Paris [ 1 864-1 876]. Vol. 1-2, 4-6, 8-14, published under the title: Grand dictionnaire universel francjais, Vol. 16 and 17 are supplements to the main work. Larousse, Pierre. 1*034 M200 Fleurs historiques ; clef des allusions aux faits et aux mots cele- bres que Ton rencontre frequemment dans les ouvrages des ecri- vains frangais. Cinquieme edition. xxiv,696 p. i por. Q. Paris: Librairie Larousse, [189-]. Inside cover title reads: Reurs historiques des dames et des gens du monde. 14 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Encyclopedic. L034F1 "'=^ Encyclopedic, ou Dictionnaire raisonne des sciences, des arts et des metiers, par une societe de gens de lettres. Mis en ordre & public par M. Diderot; & quant a la partic mathematique, par M. d'Alcmbert. 17 vol. Atlas of 11 vol. F'. Vol. 1-7, Paris: Briasson; vol. 8-17, Neufchastel: S. F. Faulche & 0^ 1 751-1765. Atlas, Paris: Briasson, 1 762-1 772. Supplement .... 4 vol. Atlas. F'. Amsterdam: M. Rey, 1776-1777- Atlas published under the title : Recueil de planches, sur les sciences, les arts liberaux, et les arts mechaniques, avec leur explication. Voltaire, [Francois Marie Arouet] de. 034 F2 ^^** A philosophical dictionary, from the French. 6 vol. por. nar. D. London: J. & H. L. Hunt, 1824. Diccionario. ^4^3 ^54^ "'®* Diccionario enciclopedico de la lengua castellana ; contiene las voces, frases, refranes y locuciones de uso corriente en Espana y America, las formas desusadas que se hallan en autores clasicos y la gramatica y sinonimia del idioma, todo ilustrado con ejem- plos y citas de escritores antiguos y modernos ; la biografia de los hombres que mas se han distinguido en todos los tiempos, la geografia universal, la historia, lamitologia,etc., etc. Compuesto por Elias Zerolo, Miguel de Toro y Gomez, Emiliano Isaza, y otros escritores espanoles y americanos. Cuarta edicion. Obra ador- nada con 671 retratos, 93 mapas en negro e iluminados, 637 virietas y I cuadro de banderas. Contiene tambien el Diccionario de la rima, por Penalver .... Tomo primero- [segundo] Paris, Garnier hermanos, 1901. 2 V. front., illus. incl. maps. 32^ x 24.i<='". Toro y G6mez, Miguel de. 463 T63 41935 ]vjygyQ diccionario enciclopedico ilustrado de la lengua castellana ; por Miguel de Toro y Gomez .... Con la colaboracion, para el "Diccionario biografico, geografico e historic©," de Mario Roso de Luna .... Paris, A. Colin, 1901. viii, 1036 p. illus., 4 col. pi., 4 maps incl. front. i8i=°>. "Contiene: todas las voces que figuran en la 13. y tiltima edicion (1899) del de la Real academia espanola." Ramos i Duarte, F^liz. 036 P900 Diccionario de curiosidades historicas, geograficas, hicrograficas, cronologicas, etc., de la Republica Mejicana, por Feliz Ramos i Duarte .... Mejico, imprenta de E. Dublan, 1899. [2], vi, 408 p. 24cm. Bibliography, p. [i]-vi. GENERAL ENCYCLOPEDIAS 15 Donadiu y Puignau, Delfin. L463 D71 Novisimo diccionario enciclopedico de la lengua castellana. El mas completo en su clase de los publicados hasta hoy redactado en vista de los de Dominguez, Salva, Caballero, Roque Barcia, Fernandez Cuesta, Rosa y Bouret, Velez de Aragon y varies de los enciclopedicos mas modernos por el Doctor D. Delfin Donadiu y Puignau con la colaboracion de distinguidos Hteratos. Con- tiene todos los vocables que se hallan en la ultima edicion del Diccionario de la Real academia espanola, .... 4 vol. il. F. Barcelona: J. Espasa, [1889-1899?]. Suplemento ... . [2], 576 p. F. Barcelona [1899?]. The supplement is lettered on the back: Tomo v. Diccionario enciclopedico. L036 O700 Diccionario enciclopedico hispano-americano de literatura, cien- cias y artes. 25 vol. in 26. il. colored pi. maps. F. Barcelona: Montaner & Simon, 1 887-1 899. VoL 24-25 are supplements. ^;jf dborg, Ragnar. 038 P900 Politisk arsbok. Genealogiska, administrativa och statistiska up- gifter m. m. 1900. vii,[i],38o p. T. Stockholm: Z. Hsgg- strom, 1899. Nordisk familjebok. L038 N600 17846 Nordisk familjebok. Konversationslexikon och realencyklopedi, innehallande upplysningar och forklaringar om markvardiga namn, foremal och begrepp 20 vol. il. pi. maps. Q. Stockholm 1 876-1 899. Vol. 1-18: A-Elzheimer, edited by N. Linder; Em-Hemman, by B. F. Olsson, J. Rosen and Th. Westrin; Hemmansklyfning-Oynhausen, by J. Rosen and Th. Westrin, with the exception of the letter S which was edited by B. Meijer; vol. 19-20, supple- ments, by Th. Westrin. 100 PHILOSOPHY Eisler, Rudolf, 1873- 103 Q300 40395 Worterbuch der philosophischen Begriffe. Historisch-quellen- massig bearbeitet von Dr. Rudolf Eisler. Zweite vollig neu bear- beitete Auflage Berlin, E. S. Mittler und Sohn, 1904-. Vol. I-. 23^=>». Baldwin, James Mark, cdito7\ L103 Qioo 303SO Dictionary of philosophy and psychology. Including many of the principal conceptions of ethics, logic, aesthetics, philosophy of religion, mental pathology, anthropology, biology, neurology, physiology, economics, political and social philosophy, philology, physical science, and education, and giving a terminology in English, French, German and Italian. Written by many hands and edited with the co-operation and assistance of an international board of consulting editors. Vol. i-. il. pi. O. New York : Macmillan Co., 1901-. Goblot, Edmond. 103 Qioi "^^* .... Le vocabulaire philosophique. Paris, A. Colin, 1901. xiii, 489 p. i8.i<='". At head of title: Edmond Goblot .... Eisler, Rudolf, 1873- 103 P900 ^"874 Worterbuch der philosophischen Begriffe und Ausdriicke, quellen- massig bearbeitet von Dr. Rudolf Eisler. Berlin, E. S. Mittler & Sohn, 1899. vi, 956 p. 23=". Noack, Ludwig. L109.2 N65 Philosophie-geschichtliches Lexikon. Historisch-biographisches Handworterbuch zur Geschichte der Philosophic. xx,[2],936 p. Q. Leipzig: E. Koschny, 1879. 178 TEMPERANCE Cyclopaedia. L178.03 Pico """ The Cyclopaedia of temperance and prohibition. A reference book of facts, statistics, and general information on all phases of the drink question, the temperance movement and the prohibition agitation. 671 p. O. New York : Funk & Wagnalls, 1891. 34334 200 RELIGION Abbott, Lyman, 1835- , cd. L203 N400 40863 ^ dictionary of religious knowledge, for popular and professional use ; comprising fullinformation on Biblical, theological, and eccle- siastical subjects. With several hundred maps and illustrations. Edited by the Rev. Lyman Abbott, assisted by the Rev. T. J. Conant, D.D. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1885, [^'1874]. XV, [i], 1074 p. incl. illus., maps, plans. 25^''™. Gardner, James. L203 L800 22912 jj^g faiths of the world ; an account of all religions and religious sects, their doctrines, rites, ceremonies, and customs. Compiled from the latest and best authorities. 2 vol. pi. por. Q. Edin- burgh : A. Fullarton & Co., [1858-1860.] Lindner, August, 1848- 209.2 L64 *^'" Die Schriftsteller und die um Wissenschaft und Kunst verdienten Mitglieder des Benediktiner-Ordens im heutigen Konigreich Bay- ern vom Jahre 1750 bis zur Gegenwart Von August Lindner, .... Regensburg, Druck von G. J. Manz, in Commission der M. Hueber'schen Buchhandlung in Schrobenhausen, 1880. 2 vol. in I. 24'='". "Quellen," vol. i, p. 1-13. . Nachtrage zum I. und II. Bande. Regensburg, G. J. Manz, 1884. 89, [3] p. 24<='». Bound together. Cruden, Alexander. L220.2 Fi "^ A complete concordance to the Old and New Testament: or a dictionary and alphabetical index to the bible To which is added a concordance to the apocrypha. With a compendium of the bible, and a brief account of its history and excellency. With a sketch of the life and character of the author, by William Youngman. xii,[2],7i9,[i] p. i por. Q. London: J. Dinnis, 1854. EncyclopaBdia. L220.3 P900 '®*"^ Encyclopaedia biblica. A critical dictionary of the literary, politi- cal and religious history, the archaeology and natural history of the Bible, edited by the Rev. T. K. Cheyne, M.A., . . . , and J. Sutherland Black, M.A., .... New York, The Macmillan Com- pany ; London, A. and C. Black, 1 899-1903. 4 V illus., maps (partly fold.) 27'^'". l8 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Davis, John D. 220.3 P801 •8"=' A dictionary of the Bible. vii,802 p. il. 2 p. of maps, 9 maps. O. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1898. Hastings, James, editor. L220.3 P800 12179 ^ dictionary of the Bible dealing with its language, literature, and contents, including the biblical theology. Edited by James Has- tings, with the assistance of John A. Selbie, and, chiefly in the revision of the proofs, of A. B. Davidson, S. R. Driver, H. B. Swete. .... 4 vol. il. maps. Q. New York : C. Scribner's Sons, 1898- 1902. Smith, Sir William, LL. D. 220.3 O400 17698 ^ dictionary of the Bible : comprising its antiquities, biography, geography, natural history and literature. With the latest re- searches and references to the revised version of the New Testa- ment. Revised and edited by Rev. F. N. and M. A. Peloubet, [Teacher's edition.] 818 p. il. i pi. 8 maps. D. Philadelphia: H. T. Coates & Co., c. 1884. Seyffert, Oskar. 1^937 P400 2o2oi ^ dictionary of classical antiquities, mythology, religion, litera- ture & art. From the German. Revised and edited, with addi- tions, by Henry Nettleship [and] J. E. Sandys. [Fifth edition.] vi,7i6 p. il. Q. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1899. Smith, William, ZZ. A 920.03 S664 *^"^ Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. 3 vol. il. O. London: Taylor, Walton, & Maberly, 1849-185 I. Jewish encyclopedia. L296 Qioo 30533 -pj^g Jewish encyclopedia. A descriptive record of the history, religion, literature, and customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day Isidore Singer, projector and managing editor Vol. i-. il. colored pi. facsim. O. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1901-. Hughes, Thomas Patrick. 297 O500 37159 p^ dictionary of Islam. Being a cyclopaedia of the doctrines, rites, ceremonies, and customs, together with the technical and theological terms, of the Muhammadan religion by Thomas Pat- rick Hughes, B.D., M.R.A.S. ... London, W. H. Allen & Co., 1895- vii, [i], 750 p. illus., I map. 24.i<'m_ 300 SOCIAL SCIENCES Handworterbuch. L303 P800 ^"'^ Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. Herausgegeben von Dr. J. Conrad, Dr. L. Elster, Dr. W. Lexis, Dr. Edg. Loening. Zweite, ganzHch umgearbeitete Auflage. 7 vol. Q. Jena: G. Fischer, 1 898-1901. Bliss, William Dwight Porter, editor. L303 P700 10652 yj^g encyclopedia of social reform. Including political economy, political science, sociology, and statistics, covering anarchism, charities, civil service, currency, land and legislation reform, penol- ogy, socialism, social purity, trades unions, woman suffrage, etc. ... . vii,[i],i439 p. il. Q. New York : Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1897. Index. [2],i44i-i485 p. Q. New York 1898. Handworterbuch. L303 Pooi "®' Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. Herausgegeben von Dr. 'j. Conrad, Dr. L. Elster, Dr. W. Lexis, Dr. Edg. Loening. 6vol. Q. Jena: G.Fischer, 1 890-1 894. Erster Erganzungsband. ix,[i],904 p. Q. Jena 1895. Zweiter Supplementband Mit Register zum ersten und zweiten Supplementband, bearbeitet von Dr. Paul Lippert. x,i076 p. Q. Jena 1897. Block, Maurice. L303 P600 '"'' Petit dictionnaire politique et social. vi,8oo p. Q. Paris: Li- brairie academique Didier, 1896. Lalor, John Joseph, editor. L303O100 *" Cyclopaedia of political science, political economy, and of the political history of the United States, by the best American and European writers. 3 vol. Q. New York: Maynard, Merrill, & Co., 1895. Handworterbuch. L309.494 Qioo 37532 Handworterbuch der schweizerischen Volkswirtschaft, Social- politik und Yerwaltung. Herausgegeben von Dr. jur. N. Reiches- berg . . . Bern, Verlag Encyklopadie, 1901- Pt. I- 26icm. 20 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Elliott, Sir Henry Miers. 309-54 M900 ^^®* Memoirs on the history, folk-lore, and distribution of the races of the north western provinces of India ; being an amplified edition of the original Supplemental glossary of Indian terms. Edited, revised, and re-arranged by John Beames. 2 vol. pi. maps. O. London : Triibner & Co., 1869. 310-320 STATISTICS — POLITICAL SCIENCE Mulhall, Michael George. L310.3 P900 19029 The dictionary of Statistics. Fourth edition, revised to November 1898. [8], 853 p. 10 tables. Q. London: G. Routledge, 1899. Brown, Everit, & Strauss, Albert. 329 Q002 26944 ^ dictionary of American politics : comprising accounts of politi- cal parties, measures and men, and explanations of the constitu- tion, divisions and practical workings of the government, together with political phrases, familiar names of persons and places, note- worthy sayings, etc., etc. 596 p. D. New York : A.L.Burt, [1900], c. 1892. Brown, Everit, & Strauss, Albert. 329 P200 11963 ^ dictionary of American politics: comprising accounts of polit- ical parties, measures and men, and explanations of the constitu- tion, divisions and practical workings of the government, together with political phrases, familiar names of persons and places, note- worthy sayings, etc., etc. 574 p. D. New York: A. L. Burt, 1895. 330 POLITICAL ECONOMY Elster, Ludwig, editor. L330.3 P800 ■""' Worterbuch der Volkswirtschaft 2 vol. Q. Jena: G. Fischer, 1898. "Litteratur" with each subject. Biographical sketches scattered through the work, Palgrave, Robert Harry Inglis, editor. 330-3 P400 *®*' Dictionary of political economy. 3 vol. O. London : Macmillan & Co., 1 894-1 899. POLITICAL ECONOMY 21 Say, Leon, & Chailley-Bert, Joseph. L330.3 Pioo 18138 Nouveau dictionnaire deconomie politique .... 2 vol. and sup- plement. Q. Paris: Guillaumin et C'^, 1 893-1 897. "Bibliographic", at the end of the most important articles and also in the Table analytique, vol. 2, p. 1 265-1 345. Boccardo, Girolamo. I'330.3 L700 19291 Dizionario della economia politica e del commercio, cosi teorico come pratico 4 vol. in 2. tables. Q. Torino: S. Franco & figli & CO., 1857-1861. Phin, John. 332.03 P600 ^°^^ A pocket dictionary of monetary and coinage terms, explaining in simple language the meaning of the words used by writers on these subjects, and giving data, statistics, etc. Facts and figures for both sides. 52 p. Tt. New York: Industrial Publication Co., 1896. Carroll, Edward, Jr, 332.02 P500 7648 Principles and practice of finance. A practical guide for bankers, merchants, aijd lawyers. Together with a summary of the na- tional and state banking laws, and the legal rates of interest, tables of foreign coins, and a glossary of commercial and finan- cial terms, vii,3ii p. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1895. Bithell, Richard. 332.03 O200 19603 -pj^g merchant's dictionary. Containing an explanation of the technical terms used by merchants and bankers in the money market and on the stock exchange, with a minute description of the coins on which the exchanges of the world are based and in terms of which prices are quoted. New edition, revised, viii, 326 p. D. London: G. Routledge & Sons, [1898]. Stegmann, Carl, & Hugo, C. 335-03 P700 12644 f^andbuch des Socialismus. 878 p. O. ZUrich : Verlags- Magazin, 1897. Say, Leon. L336.03 O600 13758 Dictionnaire des finances public sous la direction de M. Leon Say par MM. Louis Foyot, A. Lanjalley 2 vol. O. Paris: Berger-Levrault & C'S 1 889-1 894. 340-354 LAW — ADMINISTRATION Stroud, Frederick, 1835- 340Q300 "'"'^ The judicial dictionary, of words and phrases judicially interpreted, to which has been added statutory definitions. By F. Stroud Second edition. Vol i-[lli]. London, Sweet and Max- well, ltd., [etc.] ; Boston, U. S. A., The Boston Book Co., 1903. 3 vol. 25™. Paged continuously; vol. i: ccxxvii, 592 p.; vol. 2: [4], [593]-i394 P-; vol. 3: [4],[i395]-2302p. American and English encyclopaedia of law. L340 P601 ®'^^ The American and English encyclopaedia of law Second edition. Vol. i-. O. Northport, Long Island, N. Y. : E. Thomp- son Co., 1 896-. Edited by David S. Garland and Lucius P. McGehee, under the supervision of James Cockcroft. American and English encyclopaedia of law. 340 O700 ^"" The American and English encyclopaedia of law 31 vol. O. Northport, Long Island, N. Y. : E.Thompson Co., 1887- 1896. Vol. 1-20 edited by John Houston Merrill; vol. 21-22, 26, by Charles F. Williams; vol. 23-25, by Charles F. Williams, assisted by Thomas J. Michie; vol. 27-29, by Charles F. Williams, assisted by David S. Garland; index, vol. 30-31, by Thomas J. Michie. Ribier, Gabriel de, 1831-1892. 341.2 P500 "'^'^ Repertoire des traites de paix de commerce, d'alliance, etc, con- ventions et autres actes conclus entre toutes les puissances du globe, depuis 1867 jusqu'a nos jours (faisant suite au Repertoire de M. Tetot) ; table generale des principaux recueils frangais et etrangers .... Ouvrage public sous les auspices du Ministere des affaires etrangeres, par M. Gabriel de Ribier .... Paris, A. Pedone, 1 895-1899. 2 vol. 25^^"'. Work completed after author's death by his son, EugSne de Ribier. Contents. — Partie chronologique, (1867-1894). 1895. viii, 345, [2] p. — Partie alphabetique, (1867-1897). 1899. [6], 363 p. Dupin, [Andre Marie Jean Jacques] , df 443 D92 ""*' Laboulaye, Edouard. Glossaire de I'ancien droit fran^ais contenant I'explication des mots vieillis ou hors d'usage qu'on trouve ordinairement dans les ordonnances de notre ancienne jurisprudence. 133 p. D. Paris: Videcoq pere & fils, 1846. MILITARY AND NAVAL SCIENCE 23 Mischler, Ernst, & Ulbrich, Josef, editors. L354.436 P500 ""*" Oesterreichisches Staatsworterbuch. Handbuch des gesammten osterreichischen offentlichen Rechtes, .... 2 vol. in 3. O. Wien: A. Holder, 1 895-1 897. Block, Maurice. L354.44 P800 Dictionnaire de radministration frangaise. Quatrieme edition, refondue at considerablement augmentee. xiii,2342 p. O. Paris: Berger-Levrault & c'^ 1898. Supplement de la 4*^ edition. No. i- Q. Paris 1898-. Debauve, Alphonse. L354.44 Pi 00 Dictionnaire administratif des travaux publics. (Nouvelle edi- tion.) 3 vol. paged continuously; vol. i : [4], 1-856 p.; vol. 2: [2],857-i598 p.; vol. 3: [2],i599-253i,[3] p. Q. Paris: V^*^ C. Dunod, 1892. Astengo, Carlo, £f Jemolo, Luigi. ^354.45 P600 Dizionario amministrativo. Repertorio generale della giuris- prudenza amministrativa pubblicata nel Manuale degli ammini- stratori comunali e provinciali e delle opere pie dall'anno 1862 a tutto il 1894. [4], 1 295 p. F. Roma 1896. 355-359 MILITARY SCIENCE Frobenius, Hermann, 1 841- , ed. I'355.03 Qioi Militar-lexikon ; Handworterbuch der Militarwissenschaften, unter der Mitwirkung des Generalmajors z. D. Wille, des Generalmajors a. D. von Zepelin, des Kapitanleutnants a. D. von Niessen und des Oberstabsarztes Dr. Arndt bearbeitet und herausgegeben von H. Frobenius. Mit 5 1 3 Textillustrationen, 5 Dislokationskarten und einer tabellarischen tJbersicht der Schnellfeuer-Feldkanonen. Berlin, M. Oldenbourg, 1901. [8], 920 p. illus., 5 maps, i fold, table. 26<=™. "Litteratur," p. 528-558. . Erganzungsheft .... Berlin, [1902-]. Continued from no. I. illus. incl. maps, diagrs., plates. 25i<:m, Scharfenort, [Louis] von. 355.03 Qioo Vocabulaire militaire. Sammlung militarischer Ausdriicke in systematischer und alphabetischer Ordnung. Zweite, vermehrte Auflage. [6],i9op. S. [Franzosisch behufs Vorbereitung fiir militarische Prufungen, vol. i.] Berlin: A. Bath, 1901. 24 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Willcox, Cornells De Witt. 355-03 PQoo 24428 ^ French-English military technical dictionary. xiii,493 p. O. [U. S. A. War Department. Adjutant General's Office. Military Information Division. Publication no. 24 ; also U. S. A. vVar Department. Adjutant General's Office. Document no. 95.] Washington 1 899-1900. Scheibert, Justus. L355-03 P700 38509 iiiustrirtes Militar-Lexikon fiir die k. und k. osterreichisch-un- garische und deutsche Armee, von J. Scheibert und W. Forth, ... , unter Mitwirkung der Generale z D. Wille (Bearbeitung des gesammten Waffenvvesens) und von Zepelin (Bearbeitung der Militar-Litteratur) sowie anderer hervorragender Fachmanner. Mit ca. 600 Abbildungen und einem Anhange : Militar-Litteratur. Berlin, W. Pauli's Nachf., 1897. [6], 840, 39, [i] p. illus. 27cm. "Uebersicht iiber die Hauptzweige der Militar-Litteratur," 39, [l] p. Barrere, Albert. 355-03 P500 ^'^^ A dictionary of English and French military terms. 2 parts. S. London: Hachette & C*^, 1 895-1 896. Farrow, Edward S. 1-355.03 P501 21020 Farrow's military encyclopedia. A dictionary of military knowl- edge. Second edition, revised and enlarged, with supplement. 3 vol. il. pi. maps. O. New York : Military-Naval Publishing Co., 1895, c. 1884. Dictlonnalre militaire. L355.03 P400 ^"" Dictionnaire militaire. Encyclopedic des sciences militaires redigee par un Comite d'officiers de toutes armes. Part i-. il. Q. Paris: Berger-Levrault & c'^, 1894-. Title taken from cover. Farrow, Edward S. L355.03O400 S493 Farrow's Military encyclopedia. A dictionary of military knowl- edge. 3 vol. il. pi. maps. Q. New York: published by the author, 1885. WUhelm, Thomas. I'355-03 Oooi ^"^ A military dictionary and gazetteer, comprising ancient and mod- ern military technical terms, historical accounts of all North Amer- ican Indians, as well as ancient warlike tribes ; also notices of bat- tles from the earliest period to the present time, with a concise ex- planation of the terms used in heraldry and the offices thereof. .... With an appendix containing the articles of war, etc. Re- vised edition. 659 p. [32] p. of il. Q. Philadelphia: L. R. Hamersly, 1881. MILITARY AND NAVAL SCIENCE 25 Burn, [Robert]. 355.03 L200 16670 j^ naval and military technical dictionary of the French language. In two parts : French-English, and English-French ; . . . . 2 parts in i vol. D. London: J. Murray, 1852. Title-page and part i, p. 161-162, 241-242 mutilated. lUustrirtes Kriegs-Lexikon. 355-0947 N700 "^^° Illustrirtes Kriegs-Lexikon. Personlichkeiten, Lander- und Vdl- kerkunde, Heer und Flotte, Stadte, Festungen, Gebirge, Fliisse, Seen und Hafen im Gebiete des russisch-tiirkischen Kriegsschau- platzes. Nebst einer chronologischen Uebersicht der Kriegs- Ereignisse. Vademecum fiir Zeitungsleser. viii,96,[2] p. il. 4 maps. S. Leipzig: J. J. Weber, 1877. CuUum, George Washington. 355.092 C89 '*'' Biographical register of the officers and graduates of the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, N. Y., from its establishment, in 1802, . . . with the early history of the United States Military Academy. 4 vol. O. Vol. 1-3, Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co.; vol. 4, Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1891-1901. Contents: vol. 1-3. 1 802-1 890. Third edition, revised and extended. 3 vol. 1891. Vol, 4. Supplement. 1890-1900. Edited by Edward S. Holden. xii,707 p. i por. 1901. Heitman, Francis Bernard, 1838- ^355.0973 Q301 *'^°' ... Historical register and dictionary of the United States army, from its organization, September 29, 1789, to March 2, 1903. By Francis B. Heitman. Published under act of Congress ap- proved March 2, 1903 .... Volume i-[2]. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1903. 2 vol. 27'='". "This is the unotificial work oi a private compiler, purchased and published by direc- tion of Congress." Naval encyclopaedia . L359 . 03 Ooo i '^^" A naval encyclopaedia : comprising a dictionary of nautical words and phrases ; biographical notices, and records of naval ofificersj special articles on naval art and science, written ... by officers and others of recognized authority in the branches treated by them. Together with descriptions of the principal naval stations and seaports of the world. 1017 p. il. Q. Philadelphia: L. R. Hamersly & Co., 1881. Hamersly, Lewis Randolph. 359.092 H17 ""■* The records of living ofificers of the U. S. Navy and Marine Corps. Compiled from official sources. Third edition. Revised, with numerous additions. 403 p. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1878. 26 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES O'Byrne, William Richard. L359.092 O14 16268 ^ naval biographical dictionary : comprising the life and services of every living officer in Her Majesty's navy, from the rank of admiral of the fleet to that of lieutenant, inclusive. Compiled from authentic and family documents. ix,i400 p. Q. London: J. Murray, 1849. 364-368 CRIMINOLOGY — INSURANCE Gross, Hanns. 364 Q102 31390 Encyclopadie der Kriminalistik. [2], 96 p. O. Leipzig: F. C.W, Vogel, 1 90 1. Le Chartier, E. 3^8 Q002 ^^'^ Dictionnaire international des assurances. Public en dix langues [frangaise, allemande, anglaise, espagnole, hollandaise, hongroise, italienne, portugaise, russe et suedoise] sur un plan nouveau. Various paging. O. Paris: L'Avenir economique, [1900]. Handworterbuch. L368 P900 27031 Handworterbuch des gesamten Versicherungswesens einschliess- Hch der socialpolitischen Arbeiter-Versicherung Heraus- gegeben von Eugen Baumgartner Vol. i-. Q. Strass- burg: K. J. Triibner, 1899-. Harris, William A. 660.3 O900 '*®®' A technological dictionary of insurance chemistry. xi,407 p. D. Liverpool : published by the author at the Phoenix Fire Office, 1890. Walford, Cornelius, 1 827-1 885. L368 Nioo 35612 Xhe insurance cyclopaedia : being a dictionary ... a biographical summary ... a bibliographical repertory . . . and also containing a detailed account of the rise and progress of insurance in Europe and in America. And a compendium of vital statistics. Vol. 1—6, part I. Q. London: C. & E. Layton, 1871-1880. Ends in the article "Hereditary diseases." No more published on account of the author's death. Hayden's Annual cyclopedia. 368.973 3 Hayden's Annual cyclopedia of insurance in the United States. Continued from 1900-01. D. Hartford, Conn., 1901-. 370 EDUCATION Sonnenschein's cyclopaedia of education. 370'3 P200 °'^* Sonnenschein's cyclopaedia of education. A handbook of refer- ence on all subjects connected with education (its history, theory, and practice), .... Edited by Alfred Ewen Fletcher. Third edition. [6], 562 p. O. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1892. Contains also A select and systematic bibliography of pedagogy by William Swan Sonnenschein. Dictionnaire. I'370.3 O700 •^^^"^ Dictionnaire de pedagogie et d'instruction primaire. Public sous la direction de F. Buisson, avec le concours d'un grand nombre de collaborateurs. 2 parts and supplement in 4 vol. il. O. Paris: Hachette & C'^ 1 887-1: Kiddle, Henry, & Schem, Alexander J., editors. L370.3O300 ®^'° The Cyclopaedia of education : a dictionary of information for the use of teachers, school ofificers, parents, and others. Third edi- tion. With appendix. [2],v,868,xvii,[io] p. Q. New York: E. Steiger& Co., 1883, c. 1876. Lindner, Gustav Adolf. 37o«3 O200 ®*'® Encyklopadisches Handbuch der Erziehungskunde, mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigung des Volksschulwesens Vierte Stereotyp-Auflage. v,[i],i039 p. lOO il. 2 maps. O. Wien : A. Pichler's Witwe & Sohn, 1891. Kiddle, Henry, & Schem, A. J. 370.3 Oioo 28110 jj^g dictionary of education and instruction: a reference book and manual on the theory and practise of teaching, for the use of parents, teachers, and others; based upon the Cyclopaedia of education. [i],ii,328 p. D. New York: E. Steiger & Co., 1881. Payne, W. H. A select list of educational works, English, French, and German, p. 299-328. Encyklopadie. I'370.3 N600 Encyklopadie des gesammten Erziehungs- undUnterrichtswesens bearbeitet von einer Anzahl Schulmanner und Gelehrten, heraus- gegeben unter Mitwirkung der DD. Palmer, Wildermuth, Huber von Dr. K. A. Schmid. Zweite verbesserte Auflage. [Vom siebenten Band, fortgeflihrt von Geh. Regierungsrat D. Dr. Wilh. Schrader.] 10 vol. in 11. Q. . v. 1-4, Gotha : R. Vesser; v. 5- 10, Leipzig: R. Reisland, 1876-1887. 28 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Beyer, Otto Wilhelm. 370-92 B46 39763 Deutsche Schulwelt des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts in Wort und Bild. Von Otto Wilhelm Beyer .... Mit 467 Bildnissen Leipzig und Wien, A. Pichlers Witwe & Sohn, 1903. [4], 392 p. 467 illus. (ports.) 24.^'='". Bardeen, Charles William. 370-92 B23 ^^*'' A dictionary of educational biography giving more than four hun- dred portraits and sketches of persons prominent in educational work. iv,287 p. il. sq. D. Syracuse, N. Y. : C. W. Bardeen, 1901. Hall, Benjamin Homer. 371.8 L600 '®®'' A collection of college words and customs. Revised and en- larged edition. vi,5o8 p. D. Cambridge: J. Bartlett, 1856. Mell, Alexander. 37^-9^ P901 *'^'° Encyklopadisches Handbuch desBlindenwesens. Herausgegeben unter Mitwirkung vieler hervorragender Schul- und Fachmanner von Professor Alexander Mell, . . . Mit 81 Portraits, 135 an- deren Abbildungen und 2 Schrifttafeln. Wien und Leipzig, A. Pichlers Witwe & Sohn, 1900, [1899]. X, S90, [2] p. illus. (port., facsim., diagrs.), 2 fold. pi. 24^'^. Parlin, Frank Edson. 372-4 Q102 29781 ^Yhe Quincy word list. Over six thousand of the commonest English words carefully graded for elementary schools. 108 p. D. [New century series.] New York: Morse Co., 1901. Thomas, Flavel Shurtleff. 378.2 P800 21236 ^ dictionary of university degrees. 109 p. i por. D. (School bulletin publications.) Syracuse, N. Y. : C. W. Bardeen, 1898. Printed on only one side of the leaves. St. Petersburg, ImperatorskiT S.-PeterburghskiT L378.47 SFi Unlversitet. Bioghraflcheskii slovar professorov 1 prepodavatelei Imperators- kagho S.-Peterburghskagho Universiteta za istekshuyu tret'yu chetvert vyeka egho sushchestvovaniya. 1869—94 [Bio- grapical dictionary of the professors and instructors of the Impe- rial University, St. Petersburg, for the past third quarter of the cen- tury of its existence, 1869-94 ] 2 vol. in i. Q. S. -Peter- burgh 1 896-1 898. 38o COMMERCE Dictionnaire. L380.3 P800 32=61 Dictionnaire du commerce, de I'industrie et de la banque. Public sous la direction de MM. Yves Guyot et A. Raffalovich Tome [premier] - second. Paris, Guillaumin& c'*^, [i 898-1901]. 2 vol. 25i<=m. Vol. I, title-page wanting. Bureau of the American Republics. L603 P700 '*^^ Commercial nomenclature. Published by recommendation of the International American Conference. August 1897. iii,670 p. F, Washington 1897. Bureau of the American Republics. L603 P703 18231 Nomenclatura comercial. Publicada por especial recomendacion de la Conferencia internacional. Abril de 1897. iii.645 p. F. Washington 1897. Bureau of the American Republics. A603 P401 ''^'^ Commercial nomenclature. Published by recommendation of the International American Conference 2 vol. ob.Q. Wash- ington 1894. Beeton, [Samuel Orchart] . 603O800 '"■' Beeton's dictionary of industries and commerce. ... iv,338 p. 32 pi. O. London: Ward, Lock, & Co., [1888]. Colange, Leo de. L603 Oooi "" The American encyclopedia of commerce, manufactures, com- mercial law, and finance : . . . . 2 vol. paged continuously ; vol. i: vii, 1-622 p.; vol. 2: [2], 623-1 141 p. 502 il. Q. Boston: Estes & Lauriat; vol. i.: pref. 1881, vol. 2: c. 1880. Simmonds, Peter Lund. 603 M701 18505 'pj^g dictionary of trade products, manufacturing and technical terms, moneys, weights, and measures of all countries. A new edition, revised and enlarged. viii,5iop. O. London : G. Rout- ledge & Sons, [1867]. Savary des Bruslons, Jacques. A380.3F1 3389 Dictionnaire universel de commerce : .... Ouvrage posthume, continue sur les memoires de I'auteur, et donne au public par Philemon Louis Savary. Nouvelle edition. 3 vol. F^ Paris : Veuve Estienne, 1741. 3© LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Evans, Charles Henry. 380.973 O400 '"'" Imports — duties from 1867 to 1883, inclusive. A compilation of foreign commodities imported and entered for consumption in the United States ; showing the quantities, values, rates of duty, amount of duty received, the average cost, and duties reduced to an equivalent ad valorem rate ; . . . ; with schedules of the arti- cles, quantities, and values admitted free of duty, . . . , during the fiscal years ended June 30, 1867 to 1883, inclusive. Compiled from the Annual reports of commerce and navigation. 671 p. O. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1884. Bound with this: Evans, C. H. Exports, domestic and foreign, from the American colonies to Great Britain. 1884. Board of Trade. 380.9773 i "^'" Board of Trade, Stock Exchange and bankers' directory of statis- tics Dictionary of financial and commercial terms and phrases. 1894-1897 [3 vol.] O. Chicago, U. S. A., [i895]-c. 1897. 1894-1896 pubHshed under the title: Board of Trade, Stock Exchange and bankers directory 1894-5 does not contain Dictionary of . . . terms and phrases; 1896 has it with slight variation in the title. Mach, T. von. 383 O400 '^''" Technisches Worterbuch fiir Telegraphic und Post. Deutsch- franzosisch und franzosisch-deutch. [4] ,395 P- D. Berlin: J. Springer, 1884. Clark, Latimer. 389 Pi 00 139S) j^ dictionary of metric and other useful measures, 113 p. D. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1891. Alexander, John Henry. 389 Looi 1686S Universal dictionary of weights and measures, ancient and modern ; reduced to the standards of the United States of America, viii, 158 p. O. Baltimore: VV. Minifie & Co., 1850. Doursther, Horace. 389 Kooi ^"^'^ Dictionnaire universel des poids et mesures anciens et modernes, contenant des tables des monnaies de tous les pays. [2],iv,6o8^ [i] p. O. Bruxelles: M. Hayez, 1840. 390 MANNERS AND CUSTOMS Folklore Walsh, William Shepard. 390-3 P8oo 12483 Curiosities of popular customs and of rites, ceremonies, observ- ances, and miscellaneous antiquities. ioi8 p. il. 3 pi. O. Phil- adelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1898. VioUet-le-Duc, [Eugene Emmanuel] . L390.3 L400 22044 Djctionnaire raisonne du mobilier fran^ais de I'epoque carlovin- gienne a la Renaissance 6 vol. il. pi. Q. Paris : V^® A. Morel & c^^ 1 874-1 875. Vol. I is in second edition. Fair holt, Frederick William. 391 Mooi "'®*'* Costume in England. A history of dress from the earliest period to the close of the eighteenth century. To which is appended an illustrated glossary of terms for all articles of use or ornament worn about the person. Second edition. v,[2],607 p. il. D. London: Bell & Daldy, pref. i860. Sabine, Lorenzo. 394*8 L500 '«" Notes on duels and duelling, alphabetically arranged, with a pre- liminary historical essay. viii,394 p. O. London : Sampson Low, Son, & Co., 1855. Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth. 398.35 T37 ""' A glossary of Greek birds. xvi,204,[2] p. i pi. O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1895. Bechtel, John Hendricks, 1 841- comp. 398.9 B38 41601 Proverbs, maxims and phrases, drawn from all lands and times ; carefully selected and indexed for convenient reference ; furnish- ing apt illustrations for use in conversation, writing, and public discourse. By John H. Bechtel, .... Philadelphia, The Penn Publishing Company, 1903. 201 p. 15 X iii'='". Christy, Robert. 398.9 C46 Proverbs, maxims and phrases of all ages. Classified subject- ively and arranged alphabetically. 2 vol. O. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1893. 32 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Hislop, Alexander. 398.9 H62 ^^" The proverbs of Scotland, with explanatory and illustrative notes and a glossary. New edition. ... revised .... 367 p. D. Ed- inburgh: A. Hislop & Co., 1868. Demmin, August. 399 Pi 00 25580 -Qjg Kriegswaffen in ihren geschichtlichen Entwickelungen von den altesten Zeiten bis auf die Gegenwart. Eine Encyklopadie der Waffenkunde von August Demmin. Vierte Auflage. Mit liber 4500 Abbildungen von Waffen und Ausriistungen sowie iiber 650 Marken von Waffenschmieden. Leipzig, P. Friesen- hahn, 1893. iv, mop. illus. 23.^''"^ . Erganzungsband fUr die vier Auflagen .... Wiesbaden, [1893-1896]. No. [i]-2. illus. 23.^'='". 400 LANGUAGE 410 POLYGLOT Webber, Eduard. 603 Q400 *"^' ... . Technisches Worterbuch in vier Sprachen Zweite, verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage. Berlin, J. Springer ; Mailand, U. Hoepli, 1904-. Vol. I-. i5<="\ At head of title; Eduard Webber. Isendahl, W. 603 Q200 34404 Maschinentechnisches Taschenvvorterbuch in drei Sprachen mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Automobilismus und Elektrotechnik. Franzosisch — Deutsch — Englisch. iv,i 76 p. S. Berlin: G, Siemens, 1902. Konig, Johann Karl. L615.03 Q202 40562 Johann Karl Konig's Drogerie-, Spezerei-, und Farb-Waaren- Lexikon mit deutschen, englischen, franzosischen und lateinischen Benennungen, (friihere Herausgeber : Franz Geith, Drogist und Georg Buchner, Chemiker). Elfte vermehrte Auflage bearbeitet von Professor Dr. E. List, .... MUnchen, C. Kaiser, 1902. [16], 586 p. asi*:'". Blaschke, Paul. L537.03 Qioo 3'834 Worterbuch der Elektrotechnik in drei Sprachen. Herausgege- ben von Paul Blaschke. Mit einem Vorwort von Dr. F. Nietham- mer . .. Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1901-1902. 3 V. 25'^"i_ Contents. — i.Th. Deutsch-Franzosisch-Englisch. [lo], 145, [i] p. 1901. — 2Th. Franzosisch-Deutsch-Englisch. [8], 144 p. 1902. — 3. Th. Englisch-Deutsch-Fran- zosisch. [6], 226 p. 1902. Th. 2-3 have also a French and English title-page respectively. Korting, Gustav. L413 K84 Lateinisch-romanisches Worterbuch. Zweite, vermehrte und verbesserte Ausgabe. vi,[2] p. 1252 col. [626 p.] Q. Pader- born : F. Schdningh, 1901. 34 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Laurent, Emile. 610.3 Qioi 33694 Lexicum medicum polyglottum . . . (terminologie medicale en huit langues) : Frangais, Latinum, Deutsch, English, Italiano, Espanol, Portuguez, Russkii. Various paging. O. Paris : A. Maloine, 1902. Technologisches Worterbuch. L603 Qioi ^"^^ Technologisches Worterbuch. Deutsch-Englisch-Franzosisch. ... . Neu bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Egbert v. Hoyer und Franz Kreuter Fiinfte Auflage. Vol. i. viii,884 p. Q. Wiesbaden: J. F, Bergmann, 1902. Villa vecchia, Vittorio. L603 Qioo 40899 Dizionario di merciologia e di chimica appHcata alia conoscenza del prodotti delle cave e miniere, del suolo e dell'industria, con speciale riguardo ai prodotti alimentari, chimici e farmaceutici. Pel Dott. Vittorio Villavecchia . . . con lacollaborazione dei Dott. Guido Fabris ... e Prof. Camillo Hannau ... . Seconda edizione, completamente riveduta, corretta ed aumentata. Genova, A. Donath, 1902. vii, [8], IOI2p. 2S^cm Double columns. "Tabelle di correzione da adoperarsi per I'accertamento del grado di ricchezza dello spirito," p. 877-881. Corazzini, Francesco, 1832- L656.9 Q005 '"'* .... Vocabolario nautico italiano con le voci corrispondenti in francese, spagnolo, portoghese, latino, greco, inglese, tedesco, compilato per commissione del Ministero della r. marina Vol. 1-2, Torino, tipografia San Giuseppe degli Artigianelli ; vol. 3-, Firenze, Ministero della r. marina, 1900-. Vol. I-. 2^^""". At head of title: Comm. Prof. F. Corazzini di Bulciano. Kurschner, Joseph, 1 853-1902, ed. 413 K96 40886 Punf-Sprachen-Lexikon (Deutsch-Englisch-Franzosisch-Italic- nisch-Lateinisch). Herausgegeben von Joseph Kiarschner; mit einem f iinfsprachigen Lexikon geographischer und Personennamen, einer Sammlung gefliigelter Worte, Sentenzen etc., einer Abhand- lung liber Geschichte und Eigenart der Sprachen, Verzeichnissen der in den verschiedenen Sprachen gebrauchlichen Abkiirzungen sowie einem Fremdworterbuche und Briefsteller. Zweite verbes- serte Auflage. Berlin [etc.], H. Hillger, [1900]. iv p. 3322, xii col. 23^x17'='". Four columns to a page. The xii columns are divided between the front and back of book, including the second and third page of cover. POLYGLOT 35 Laharpe, Clement de. 620.8 21 "'** Notes & formules de I'ingenieur, du constructeur-mecanicien, du metallurgiste & de lelectricien. Par un comite d'ingenieurs, sous la direction de Ch. Vigreux et Ch. Milandre. I2« edition, revue, corrigee et considerablement augmentee. Suivie d'un vocabulaire technique en frangais, anglais, allemand. xx,i478 p. il, D. [Bibliotheque technique.] Paris: E. Bernard & c'^, 1900. Founded on a German work of W. H. Uhland. Le Chartier, E. 368 Q002 32455 Dictionnaire international des assurances. Public en dix langues [frangaise, allemande, anglaise, espagnole, hollandaise, hongroise, italienne, portugaise, russe et suedoise] sur un plan nouveau. Various paging. O. Paris: L'Avenir economique, [1900]. Bliiher, P. "HL., publisher. 640.3 P900 27395 Biuhers Rechtschreibung der Speisen und Getranke. Alpha- betisches Fachlexikon. Franzosisch-Deutsch-Englisch (und andere Sprachen) Muster von Meniis, Speise- und Getrank-Karten. Abhandlungen, Tabellen usw. Zweite, ganz- lich umgearbeitete Auflage. Dictionnaire des termes culinaires. Dictionary of culinary terms, [2], 776 p. i pi. i por. i map. D. (Sammel-Ausgabe von Gasthaus- und Kiichen-Werken, vol. 26.) Leipzig 1899. Heyne, Paul. 537-03 P802 21783 praktisches Worterbuch der Elektrotechnik und Chemie in deut- scher, englischer und spanischer Sprache. Mit besonderer Be- riicksichtigung der modernen Maschinentechnik, Giesserei und Metallurgie 3 vol. O. Dresden: G. Kiihtmann, 1898- 1900. Contents: Vol. i. Deutsch-Englisch-Spanisch. Vol. 2. English-Spanish-German. Vol. 3. Espanol-aleman-ingles. Weiler, W. L537.03 P801 21004 Worterbuch der Elektricitat und des Magnetismus. Ein Hand- und Nachschlagebuch zur Erklarung, Erlauterung und Beschrei- bung der elektrischen und magnetischen Ausdriicke, Gesetze, Vorgange, Apparate, Instrumente und Maschinen nebst Hilfs- wissenschaften und Anwendungen in Gewerbe, Kunst und Wissen- schaft, mit Formeln, Tabellen, biographischen und geschichtlichen Angaben, deutschen, englischen und franzosischen Worterklarun- gen u. s. w. [2],iv,632 p. 816 il. Q. Leipzig: M. Schafer,pref. 1898. "Litterarisches Verzeichnis, " p. 628-630. 36 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Laharpe, Clement de. 620.8 12 •2"6 Notes & formules de I'ingenieur, du constructeur-mecanicien, du metallurgiste & de I'electricien. Par un comite d'ingenieurs, sous la direction de L.-A. Barre, Ch. Vigreux 11*^ edition, revue, corrigee et considerablement augmentee. Suivie d'un vo- cabulaire technique en frangais, anglais, allemand. xvi,^,i3i2 p. il. D. [Bibliotheque technique.] Paris: Bernard & c'®, 1897. Founded on a German work of W. H. Uhland. Tolhausen, Alexander. 603P705 •25085 Technological dictionary in the English, German & French lan- guages, ... , revised by Louis Tolhausen Leipzig, B. Tauchnitz, 1 897-1 898. 3 voL 18™. Contents. — [voL i.] Fran(jais-allemand-anglais. Quatrieme edition, augmentee d'un grand supplement. xii, 809, [2], 165 p. 1898. — [voL 2.] English-German-French. Fourth edition, with a large supplement. xiv, 837, [2], 117 p. 1897. — [vol, 3.] Deutsch-Englisch-Franzosisch. Dritte Stereotypauflage. xii, 948 p. 1897. . Grand supplement .... Leipzig, 1901-1902. 3 vol. i8<=m. Contents. — [voli.] Fran(;ais-allemand-anglais. Quatrieme edition. [2], 197 p. 1901. — [vol.2.] English-German-French. Fourth edition. [2], i89p. 1902. — [vol.3.] Deutsch-Englisch-Franzosisch. [2], 67 p. 1902. Venator, Max. 603 P704 20220 English-German-Spanish-French dictionary of the terms em- ployed in mining, metallurgy and chemistry, with the respective auxiliary sciences. [Vol.2.] [2], 126 p. O. Leipzig : A. Twiet- meyer, 1897. Webber, Eduard. 603 P702 13444 Technical dictionary in four languages 4 vol. S. Berlin : J. Springer, 1 897-1 899. Contents: Vol. I. Deutsch, italienisch, franzosisch, englisch. Vol. 2. Italiano, tedesco, francese, inglese. Vol. 3. Fran^ais, italien, allemand, anglais. Vol. 4. English, Italian, German, French. The title-page of each vol. is in the first language mentioned. College of Physicians, Royal, London. 616.03 P600 *'" The nomenclature of diseases. Drawn up by a joint committee appointed by the Royal College of Physicians of London. (Sub- ject to decennial revision.) Third edition, being the second revision. xxxvii,505 p. O. London: Eyre & Spottiswood, 1896. POLYGLOT 37 Meisterwerk der Speisen und Getrainke. 640.3 P600 ^*"' Meisterwerk der Speisen und Getranke Enclyclopedie de cuisine de tous les pays. International encyclopaedia of food and drink. Dritte, wesentlich verbesserte Stereotyp-Auflage. Her- ausgegeben von Dr. P. M. Bliiher. 2 vol. paged continuously; vol. i: [2],viii,i-96o p.; vol. 2: 961-2014, [2] p. il. pi. por. map. O. (Bluhers Sammel-Ausgabe von Gasthaus- und Kiichen- Werken, vol. 22-23.) Leipzig: P. M. Bliiher, 1901. Sack, Joseph. 537.03 P501 *"" ElektrotechnischesWorterbuch. English -Franzosisch-Deutsch. Mit Zusatzen versehen von Arthur Wilke. [4], 123 p. O. Leip- zig: O. Leiner, 1895. Paasch, H. L623.8 P400 '"" "Vom Kiel zum Flaggenknopf". Marine-Worterbuch in Englisch, Franzosisch und Deutsch. Zweite Auflage .... [4],509, Ixiii p. 103 pi. I por. O. Hamburg: Eckardt & Messtorff, 1894. A-Ugemeiner deutscher Sprachverein. 413 ^3- "°" Verdeutschungsbucher des Allgemeinen deutschen Sprachvereins. .... No. 1-2, 5-9. D. Berlin 1891-1900. Contents: No. i. Deutsche Speisekarte. Verdeutschung der in der Kiiche und im Gasthofswesen gebrauchlichen entbehrlichen Fremdworter. . . Vierte stark ver mehrte Auflage bearbeitet von Prof. Dr. H. Dunger und E. Lossnitzer. ix,[i] 86 p 2 il I pL I table. 1900. No. 2. Der Handd. Geldverkehr, Buchhaltung, Brief- wechsel.WaarenverkehrundVersicherungswesen Zweite umgearbeitete und sehr vermehrte Auflage. 132 p. Braunschweig 1891. No. 5. Die Amtssprache. ... Bearbeitet von K. Bruns. 5. vermehrte Auflage. 144 p. 1899. No. 6. Das Berg- und Huttenwesen. 20 p. 1895. No. 7. Die Schule Bearbeitet von Dr. K. Scheffler. 67 p. 1896. No. 8. Die Heilkunde. . . . Bearbeitet von Dr. O Kunow. 2. Auflage. gap. 1898. No. 9. Tonkunst, Biihnenwesen und Tanz Im Auftrage des Vereins zusamniengestellt von Prof. Dr. A. Denecke. 60 p. 1899. Terry y Rivas, Antonio. L656.9 P902 Diccionario de los terminos y frases de marina espafiol-frances- ingles. Obra util para las marinas militar y mercante, consules, armadores, consignatarios, maquinistas navales, agentes comer- ciales, sociedades de seguros, etc. vi,6i9 p. Q. Madrid: Im- prenta del Ministerio de marina, 1899. Grossmann, Moritz. 53j pjQ^ Taschen-Worterbuch fur Uhrmacher, enthaltend die technischen Ausdriicke der Uhrmacherei, sowie das Nothigste aus den Hilfs- wissenschaften, dem geschiiftlichen Leben und dem Verkehr in ■ Werkstatten. Deutsch-Englisch-Franzosisch. Dritte unveran- derte Auflage. [3 parts] in i vol. sq. S. Bautzen : E. Hubner, 1897. 38 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Scholl, Charles. L650.3P100 "'" A phraseological dictionary of commercial correspondence in the English, German, French & Spanish languages. With an ap- pendix containing lists of commercial abbreviations, geographical names, the principal articles of commerce, &c. By Charles Scholl, assisted by George Macaulay, Louis Deglatigny, and Man- uel Lopez Jonte. 2nd edition. [4] ,898 p. Q. Liverpool 189 1. Maxwell, Theodore, compiler. L610.3 P002 27298 Xerminologia medica polyglotta. A concise international diction- ary of medical terms. Compiled by Theodore Maxwell, with the assistance of Dr. E. de La Harpe, [and others] .... xiv,[2], 459 P- Q- London: J. & A. Churchill, 1890. Has also French title-page; preface in English, French and German. Offinger, H. 603 O900 ^^"^ Deutsch-englisch-franzosisch-italienisches technologisches Ta- schenworterbuch 4 vol. S. Stuttgart : J. B. Metzlerscher Verlag, 1890- [1900]. Contents: Vol. i. Deutsch-englisch-franzosisch-italienisch. Zweite Auflage. 185 p. [1894.] Vol.2. English-French-Italian-German. Second edition. 230 p. [1898.] Vol. 3. Frangais-italien-allemand-anglais. Deuxieme edition. 208 p. [1900.] Vol. 4. Italiano-tedesco-inglese-francese. 218 p. 1890. Dictionary. 690.3 O800 ^"® A dictionary of the leading technical and trade terms of architect- ural design and building construction With derivations of and French and German equivalents or synonyms for the various terms. By the editor of "The Technical journal and self-instruct- or." XXXV, 283 p. O. London: Ward, Lock & Co., 1888. Fournier, Georges. 537-03 O701 11765 Terminologie electrique. Vocabulaire frangais-anglais-allemand des termes employes en electricite. Suivi d'une bibliographic des ouvrages sur I'electricite et ses applications parus depuis 1870 jusqu'a ce jour. 63 p. D. (Bibliotheque des actualites industrielles, no. 14.) Paris: B. Tignol, 1887. Jacquez, Ernest. 537-03 O700 "^* Dictionnaire d'electricite & de magnetisme, etymologique, histor- ique, theorique, technique, avec la synonymic frangaise, allemande et anglaise. Nouvelle edition . . . refondue et . . . augmentee. [2],ii,[2],46o p. O. Paris: C. Klincksieck, 1887. POLYGLOT 39 Technologisches Worterbuch. 603 O600 "" Technologisches Worterbuch. Deutsch-Englisch-Franzosisch. .... Mit einem Vorwort von well. Karl Karmarsch. Vierte verbesserte und ... vermehrte Auflage. 3 vol. O. Wiesbaden: J. F. Bergmann, 1 887-1 891. Contents: Vol. I. Deutsch-Englisch-Franzosisch Herausgegeben von Dr. Ernst Rohrig. xii,879,[i] p. 1887. Vol. 2. English-German-French Pub- lished by C. Dill, E. von. Hoyer and E. Rohrig. xii,909 p. 1891. Vol. 3. Francjais- allemand-anglais Public par Ernest Rohrig. Troisieme edition, revue, corrigee et considerablement augmentee. [10], 783, [i ] p. 1887. Contains also terms relating to the natural sciences. Melzer, A. L. 603O500 ^'^** Deutsch-englisch-franzosisches Lexicon der Ausfuhr-Industric und des Handels, ... . xi, [3], 168, 39 p. O. Berlin: F. A. FoUen, 1885. Kohler, G. 622.03 O400 "•'^ Worterbuch der bei Bergbau und Aufbereitung angewendeten technischen Ausdrlicke. [8], 107 p. S. Clausthal : Grosse'sche Buchhandlung, 1885. In German, French and English. Crugnola, G. L620.3 O300 28069 Dizionario tecnico di ingegneria e di architettura nelle lingue italiana, francese, inglese e tedesca, compresovi le scienze, arti e mestieri affini. Vol. i-. Q. Torino: A. F. Negro, 1883-. Nautisch-technisches Worterbuch der Marine. 656.9 O303 30797 Nautisch-technisches Worterbuch der Marine. Deutsch, ita- lienisch, franzosisch und englisch Bearbeitet von P. E. Dabovich. Herausgegeben von der Redaction der Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete des Seewesens Vol. i-. O. Pola 1883-. Has also title-page in Italian. Tolhausen, Alexander. 603 O202 '^*° Technological dictionary in the English, German and French lan- guages ... , revised by Louis Tolhausen. .... [3 vol.] D. Leipzig: B. Tauchnitz, 1882-1885. Contents: [Vol. i.] Frangais-allemand-anglais. Troisieme edition, augmentee d'un grand supplement. xii,8o9,[2],i65 p. 1883. [Vol. 2.] English-German-French. Third edition, with a large new supplement. xiv,837,[2],ii7 p. 1885. [Vol. 3.] Deutsch-Englisch-Franzosisch. Zweite Stereotypauflage. xii,948 p. 1882. Gatzschmann, Moritz Ferdinand. 622.03 Oioo "" Sammlung bergmannischer Ausdriicke, .... Zweite . . . ver- mehrte Auflage, mit Hinzufiigung der englischen und franzosischen Synonyme und englisch-deutschem und franzosisch-deutschem Wortregister, durch Dr. Adolf Gurlt. [4],i66p. S. Freiberg: Craz & Gerlach, 1881. 40 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Veitelle, I. de. 652 M400 ®"* Mercantile dictionary : a complete vocabulary of the technicalities of commercial correspondence, names of articles of trade, and marine terms, in English, Spanish, and French; with geographi- cal names, business letters, and tables of the abbreviations in common use in the three languages. iv,303 p. D. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1892, c. 1864. [Kauffman, C. H.] 603 G300 19S60 ^^Q dictionary of merchandize, and nomenclature in all languages ; for the use of counting-houses : containing, the history, places of growth, culture, use, and marks of excellency, of such natural productions, as form articles of commerce ; with their names in all European languages. By a merchant. iv,38o p. O. Lon- don : printed for the author, 1803. Published anonymously. Penafiel, Antonio. L419 P37 "^"^ Nombres geograficos de Mexico. Catalogo alfabetico de los nombres de lugar pertenecientes al idioma "Nahuatl". Estudio jeroglifico de la matricula de los tributes del Codice Mendocino. Dibujos de las "Antigiiedades mexicanas" de Lord Kingsborough por el Sr. Domingo Carraly grabados por el Sr. Antonio H. Gal- aviz 260, [4] p. il. Atlas of 39 pi. F. Mexico: Of^cina Tip. de la Secretaria de Fomento, 1885. 420 ENGLISH Phyrfe, William Henry Pinkney, 1855- 423 P56 42129 ^Yqxi thousand words often mispronounced. A revised and en- larged edition of "7000 words often mispronounced," with a sup- plement of 3000 additional words. A complete handbook of difhculties in English pronunciation including an unusually large number of proper names and words and phrases from foreign languages, by William Henry P. Phyfe .... (Fifty-ninth thou- sand.) New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1903. [2], 660 p. 17cm. ENGLISH 41 March, Francis Andrew, 1825- 1,4,3 M33 A thesaurus dictionary of the EngHsh language, designed to sug- gest immediately any desired word needed to express exactly a given idea. A dictionary, synonyms, antonyms, idioms, foreign phrases, pronunciations, a copious correlation of words, prepared under the supervision of Francis Andrew March ... and Francis AndrewMarch.jr Philadelphia, Historical Publishing Com- pany, [^1902]. [2], xvi, 1 189, [3] p. front, (port.) illus., 8 pi. (partly col.) 28x21"" Each plate has guard-sheet with descriptive letter-press. Davidson, Thomas, 1836-. ^„ ^ . Chamber s twentieth century dictionary of the English language Pronouncing, explanatory, etymological, with compound phrases' technical terms in use in the arts and sciences, colloquialisms, full' ^PP""^'^^^ viii,i206,[2] p. O. London: W. & R Chambers, 1901. Ogilvie, John. '-- An English dictionary, etymological, pronouncing, & explanatory Comprising all purely English words in common use, Bible words not now used, and obsolete Shakespearian words; also, lists of affixes and prefixes, abbreviations, and Latin. French, and Italian pnrases. With supplement containing words recently introduced vn,LiJ,476p. D. London: Blackie & Son, [1901I. Cull, R. On pronunciation, p. v-vii. Skeat, Walter William. ,^^ ca ^ 3o«59 . . , . , 423S6272 A concise etymological dictionary of the English language New edition re-written and re-arranged. xv,663 P- O. Oxford- Clarendon Press, 1901. Webster, [Noah]. the authenbc ed.t.on of Webster's unabridged dictionary com P-,ng the issues o, ,864, :879. and ,884 (new ed,t on )' Noah1 L^^:::r :"^"•-^ -'"^^<^ under^super^s-on-o rorter, with a voluminous appendix Tn ..rh; u • vv. 1 . Marris, editor in chief, cvi 201 1 ?5S r^ Ji q r Y F. SpringfiCd. Mass. : G. & C. Me^lli^'co!- '9 J' "' ' ''°^- tr^'' '^""^"' S^-O' ^ Haldeman, S. S. 4,3 bSx , The Clarendon dictionary. A concise handbook of the English language ,n orthography, pronunciation, and definitions for school, home, and business use. xii,365 p. il. S. New York- University Publishing Co., 1898. 42 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Standard dictionary. L423 S785 *"" A standard dictionary of the English language upon original plans designed to give . . . the orthography, pronunciation, mean- ing, and etymology of all the words and the meaning of idiomatic phrases in the speech and literature of the English-speaking peo- ples. Prepared . . . under the supervision of Isaac K. Funk, Francis A. March, Daniel S. Gregory xx,23i8p. il. 14 pi. F. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1895. Stormonth, James. L423S885 ""' A dictionary of the English language, pronouncing, etymological, and explanatory, embracing scientific and other terms, numer- ous familiar terms, and a copious selection of old English words. The pronunciation revised by the Rev. P. H. Phelp, with supplement by William Bayne. New edition. xvi,i288 p. Q. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1895. Webster, [Noah]. 423 W391 • 7979 Webster's academic dictionary. A dictionary of the English language, giving the derivations, pronunciations, definitions and synonyms of a large vocabulary of the words in common use, with an appendix containing various useful tables. Abridged from Webster's international dictionary. xxxii,704 p. il. O. New York: American Book Co., c. 1895. Skeat, Walter William. L423S627 '"' An etymological dictionary of the English language. Second edition. xxxii,844 p. sq.Q. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1893. Fennell, Charles Augustus Maude. L423 F36 ^'*" The Stanford dictionary of anglicised words and phrases. Edited for the Syndics of the University Press, xv, [i],826 p. sq.Q. Cambridge: University Press, 1892. Chambers's etymological dictionary. 423 C35 ''^^° Chambers's etymological dictionary of the English language". A new and thoroughly revised edition. Edited by Andrew Findlater. viii,6oo p. D. London: W. & R. Chambers, 1897, pref. 1890. Webster, [Noah]. L423W39 Webster's international dictionary of the English language. Be- ing the authentic edition of Webster's unabridged dictionary, comprising the issues of 1864, 1879, and 1884. Now thoroughly revised and enlarged under the supervision of Noah Porter. With an ... appendix. cvi,2i26 p. il. 4 pi. i por. F. Springfield, Mass.: G. & C. Merriam Co., 1895, c. 1890. ENGLISH 4, Century dictionary. L031 O900 The Century dictionary. An encyclopedic lexicon of the Eng- lish language. Prepared under the superintendence of William Dwight Whitney. 6 vol. il. F. New York: Century Co c 1889. Worcester, Joseph Emerson. L423 W80 .... A dictionary of the English language. With supplement ... . And an appendix ... . Ixxii,2i68 p. il. 27 pi. 6 pi. of por. I por. sq.Q. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1897, c. 1886. Fallows, Samuel. L423F19 The progressive dictionary of the English language, a supplement- ary word-book to all the leading dictionaries of the United States and Great Britain, containing over forty thousand new words, definitions and phrases .... [4], 508 p. 21 pi. sq.Q. Chicago: Progressive Publishing Co., 1885. Murray, James Augustus Henry, editor. L423 M96 ''" A new English dictionary on historical principles ; founded main- ly on the materials collected by the Philological Society Continued from vol. i. sq. F\ Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1884-. Ogilvie, John, ZZ.A 142^0^4 2306 T*! * • 1 1 • • O^ Ihe imperial dictionary of the English language: a complete en- cyclopedic lexicon, literary, scientific, and technological. New edition, . . . revised and ... augmented. Edited by Charles An- nandale. 4 vol. il. Q. London: Blackie & Son, [i 882-1 883]. Wedgwood, Hensleigh. 423 S6271 Contested etymologies in the dictionary of the Rev. W. W. Skeat. viii,i93 P- D. London: Trubner & Co., 1882. Encyclopaedic dictionary. L423 E56 The encyclopaedic dictionary : a new and original work of refer- ence to all words in the English language, with a full account of their origin, meaning, pronunciation, and use. 7 vol. in 4. il. Q. London: Cassell & Co., [i88i]-i889. [Craig, John, F. G. 5.] L 2 C84 25757 A . , 1 . , ^ O ^ t A new universal etymological and pronouncing dictionary of the English language, embracing all the terms used in art, science and literature. 2 vol. Q. London: vol. i, J. Gilbert; vol. 2, H. G. Collins, 1 847-1 849. Vol. 2 published under the title: A new universal etymological, technological, and pronouncing dictionary .... Published with vol. 2 is a new issue of vol. i, p. 1-40, consisting of vii,[3],64 p. and having a title-page similar to that of vol. 2. 44 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Johnson, Samuel. A423 1^3 ="'' A dictionary of the English language : . . . . To which are pre- fixed, a history of the language, and an English grammar 2 vol. F'. London: J. & P. Knapton, 1755. Koop, August. 423-1^83 "*' Dictionary of English idioms with their German equivalents. Second edition. iv,i57p. D. London: Hachette & C"', 1891. Halliwell-[Pliillipps] , James Orchard. 423-1 H15 '"^ A dictionary of archaic and provincial words, obsolete phrases, proverbs, and ancient customs from the fourteenth century. Eleventh edition. 2 vol. O. London: Reeves & Turner, 1889. Whitworth, George Clifford. 423.914 W61 '"' An Anglo-Indian dictionary. A glossary of Indian terms used in English, and of such English or other non-Indian terms as have obtained special meanings in India. xv,[i],350,[2] p. O. Lon- don: Kegan Paul, Trench, & Co., 1885. Smith, Charles John, 1804?- 1872. 424 S6441 *''='' Synonyms and antonyms; or. Kindred words and their opposites. Collected and contrasted by the Venerable C. J. Smith M. A., .... Revised edition. London, G. Bell and Sons, 1902. vi, 406 p. 19"". (^Half-titL' : Bohn's reference library.) "Reprinted from stereotype plates." Soule, Richard. 424 S7221 29802 ^ dictionary of English synonymes and synonymous or parallel expressions, designed as a practical guide to aptness and variety of phraseology. New edition, revised and enlarged by George H. Howison. vi,[2],488 p. O. London: F. Warne & Co., 1901. Fallows, Samuel. 424 F19 S2546 ^ complete dictionary of synonyms and antonyms, or. Synonyms and words of opposite meaning. With an appendix embracing a dictionary of Briticisms, Americanisms, colloquial phrases, ... ; a list of homonyms and homophonous words; .... 512 p. D. Chicago: F. H. Revell Co., c. 1898. Fernald, James Champlin. 424 ^39 ""* English synonyms and antonyms. With notes on the correct use of prepositions x, [2], 564 p. O. (Standard educational series.) New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1897. Davidson, William L. 424 1>28 ^^^^ Leading and important English words : explained and exemplified. .... [Second edition.] viii,225 p. S. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1896. ENGLISH 45 Smith, Charles John, M.A. 424S644 2335 Synonyms discriminated. A dictionary of synonymous words in the English language, illustrated with quotations from standard writers. With the author's latest corrections and additions. Ed- ited by the Rev. H. Percy Smith. Eighth edition. vi,78i p. O. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1895. Roget, Peter Mark. 424 R63 ^"'^ Thesaurus of English words and phrases, classified and arranged so as to facilitate the expression of ideas and assist in literary composition. Enlarged and improved, partly from the author's notes, ... , by John Lewis Roget. New edition. xliv,[2],670 p. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1894. Crabb, George, M. A . 424 C84 2338 English synonyms explained in alphabetical order, with copious illustrations and examples drawn from the best writers. 638 p. O. London: G. Routledge & Sons, [1892]. Soule, Richard. 424 S722 *^^* A dictionary of English synonymes, and synonymous or parallel expressions. Designed as a practical guide to aptness and vari- ety of phraseology. New edition, revised and enlarged by George H. Howison. viii,[2],488 p. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1892. Walker, John, 1 732-1 807. 426.6 W15 38698 ^Yhe rhyming dictionary of the English language in which the whole language is arranged according to its terminations. With a copious introduction to the various uses of the work, and an in- dex of allowable rhymes, with authorities for their usage from our best poets. By J. Walker, ... . Revised and enlarged by J. Longmuir, A.M., ... . London, G. Routledge and Sons, ltd. ; New York, E. P. Button & Co., [1899]. Ixxiii, [6], 720 p. 20<=™. Farmer, John S. 427 W24 27728 j]^g public school word-book. A contribution to a historical glossary of words, phrases and turns of expression obsolete and in present use, peculiar to our great public schools together with some that have been or are modish at the universities. viii,243 p. sq.O. London : privately issued for subscribers only by Hirsch- feld Brothers, 1900. 46 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Blakeborough, Richard. 390-942 P800 28104 ^j^^ character, folklore, & customs of the north riding of York- shire. With a glossary of over 4000 words and idioms now in use. xxi,[i],48s p. D. London: H. Frowde, 1898. Morris, Edward Ellis. 427 M83 20648 Austral English. A dictionary of Australasian words, phrases and usages, with those aboriginal-Australasian and Maori words which have become incorporated in the language and the com- moner scientific words that have their origin in Australasia. xxiv,525 p. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1898. Wright, Joseph. L427 W93 13857 'pj^g English dialect dictionary, being the complete vocabulary of all dialect words still in use, or known to have been in use during the last two hundred years. Founded on the publications of the English Dialect Society and on a large amount of material never before printed. Vol. i-. sq. F. London: H. Frowde, 1898-. Barrere, Albert, & Leland, Charles Godfrey, editors. 427 B27 8085 A dictionary of slang, jargon & cant. Embracing English, Amer- ican, and Anglo-Indian slang, pidgin English, gypsies' jargon and other irregular phraseology. 2 vol. O. London : G. Bell & Sons, 1897. [Hotten, John Camden.] 427 H79 "'* The slang dictionary, etymological, historical, and anecdotal. A new edition, ... , with many additions. vii,[2],382 p. i il. D. London: Chatto & Windus, pref. 1873. Clapin, Sylva. 427-95 C53 40869 ^ j^g^ dictionary of Americanisms ; being a glossary of words supposed to be peculiar to the United States and the Dominion of Canada, by Sylva Clapin .... New York, L. Weiss & Co., [1902?]. xii, [4], 581 p. 23'=''\ Appendices: i. Foreign words, either used in their original integrity, or derived from foreign languages, which may be classed as Americanisms. II. Substantives classed ac- cording to analogy. III. Reprints from English and American periodicals: i. Ameri- canisms, by Dr. Aubrey. (Leisure hour.) 2. Wild flowers of English speech in America, by Edward Eggleston. (The Century magazine.) 3. The philology of slang, by E. B. Tylor. ( Macmillan 's magazine.) 4. The function of slang, by Brander Matthews. (Har- per's monthly.) Farmer, John S. 427.95 F22 ^""' Americanisms — old & new. A dictionary of words, phrases and colloquialisms peculiar to the United States, British America, the West Indies, &c., &c., ... , together with numerous anec- dotal, historical, explanatory, and folk-lore notes. xx,564 p. sq.O. London: privately printed, 1889. GERMAN 47 Bartlett, John Russell. 427-95 B28 ^''^^ Dictionary of Americanisms : a glossary of words and phrases usu- ally regarded as peculiar to the United States. Fourth edition, ... improved and enlarged. xlvi,[2],8i3 p. O. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co., 1896, c. 1877. Bosworth, Joseph. L429.32 B65 13971 ^j^ Anglo-Saxon dictionary based on the manuscript collections of the late Joseph Bosworth. Edited and enlarged by T. North- cote Toller. Part I-. Q. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1882-. 430 GERMAN Duden, Konrad. 43i 1^86 Rechtschreibung der Buchdruckereien deutscher Sprache. Auf Anregung und unter Mitwirkung des Deutschen Buchdruckerve- reins, des Reichsverbandes osterreichischer Buchdruckereibesitzer und des Vereins schweizerischer Buchdruckereibesitzer heraus- gegeben vom Bibliographischen Institut, bearbeitet von Dr. Kon- rad Duden, .... Leipzig und Wien, Bibliographisches Institut, 42004 1903. xxxiv, 341, [I] p. i8i<=°>. Weyde, Johann. 43i W54 32943 Worterbuch flir die neue deutsche Rechtschreibung. Mit kurzen Wort- und Sacherklarungen, Verdeutschungen der Fremdworter und Rechtschreibregeln. Nach den seit 1902 fiir das Deutsche Reich, Osterreich und die Schweiz amtlich giiltigen Regeln bear- beitet 271 p. O. Wien: F. Tempsky, 1902. Duden, Konrad. 433 ^86 34487 Orthographisches Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Nach den fiir Deutschland, Osterreich und die Schweiz giiltigen amtlichen Regeln. Siebente Auflage. xx,388 p. D. Leipzig: Biblio- graphisches Institut, 1902. Erbe, Karl. 433 E65 35385 Worterbuch der deutschen Rechtschreibung. Nebst einer ein- gehenden Darstellung der neuen Rechtschreibregeln und der Lehre von den Satzzeichen. Zugleich ein Handbiichlein der deutschen Wortkunde und der Fremdwortverdeutschung, sowie ein Ratgeber fiir Falle schwankenden Sprach- und Schreibge- brauchs. xxiii,[i],288 p. D. Stuttgart: Union deutsche Ver- lagsgesellschaft, [1902]. 48 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Goedel, Gustav. 433 G55 40880 Etymologisches Worterbuch der deutschen Seemannssprache. Von Gustav Goedel. Kiel und Leipzig, Lipsius & Tischer, 1902. [2], 520, [2] p. 19^'='". Paul, Hermann. L433 P28 '""' Deutsches Worterbuch. vi,[2],576 p. O. Halle a. S. : M. Nie- meyer, 1897. Heyne, Moriz. L433 H51 ^'^' Deutsches Worterbuch. 3 vol. Q. Leipzig: S. Hirzel, 1890- 1895- Kluge, Friedrich. 433^71 ^'•" Etymologisches Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Fiinfte ver- besserte Auflage. xxvi,49i p. Q. Strassburg : K. J. Triibner, 1894. Heyse, Johann Christian August. 433 H515 30684 j-)j. j^i^ Christ. Aug. Heyses Allgemeines verdeutschendes und erklarendes Fremdworterbuch mit Bezeichnung der Aussprache und Betonung der Worter nebst genauer Angabe ihrer Abstam- mung und Bildung. Siebzehnte einzig rechtmassige Original- Ausgabe. Unter Beriicksichtigung der amtlichen Erlasse Uber Verdeutschung der Fremdworter neu bearbeitet, vielfach berichtigt und vermehrt von Dr. Otto Lyon. xii,907,[i] p. O. Han- nover: Hahn'sche Buchhandlung, 1893. Sanders, DanieL L433S2151 2301 Ergiinzungs-Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Eine Vervoll- standigung und Erweiterung aller bisher erschienenen deutsch- sprachlichen Worterbiicher (einschliesslich des Grimm'schen). Mit Belegen von Luther bis auf die neueste Gegenwart. [6] ,691 p. sq.Q. Berlin: Abenheim'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1885. Sanders, DanieL L433S215 2300 Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Mit Belegen von Luther bis auf die Gegenwart. Zweiter unveranderter Abdruck. 2 vol. in 3. sq.Q. Leipzig: O. Wigand, 1876. Grimm, Jacob, &■ Grimm, Wilhelm. ^433 ^^8 "'"^ Deutsches Worterbuch. Vol. i- por. Q. Leipzig: S. Hirzel, 1 854-. From vol. 4 compiled from materials left by the authors, by Moriz Heyne, Rudolf Hildebrand, Matthias von Lexer, Karl Weigand and Ernst Wiilcker. GERMAN 49 Sattler, W 433.2 S253 "'*' Deutsch-englisches Sachworterbuch mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung der Grammatik, Synonymik und der Realien, mit Zitaten und einem alphabetischen Verzeichnis der englischen Worter. Herausgegeben von Professor Dr. W. Sattler. Leipzig, Ren- gesche Buchhandlung Gebhardt & Wilisch, 1903-. Pt. I-. 24icm, Grieb, Christoph Friedrich. L433-2 G87 "^*' Chr. Fr. Grieb's Dictionary of the English and German languages. Tenth edition ; re-arranged, revised, and enlarged, with special regard to pronunciation and etymology, by Arnold Schroer PH.D. .... In two volumes Stuttgart, P. Neff, [pref. 1894- 1901]. 2 vol. 27<=™. Added t.-p. in German. Contents. — Vol. i. English and German. [1894]. xxxiii, 1356, [2] p. — Vol. 2. German and English. [1901]. xxii, 1192, [2] p. Muret, Eduard. L433.2 M94 "^' Encyklopiidisches englisch-deutsches und deutsch-englisches Worterbuch. Ein Parallelwerk zu Sachs-Villatte's franzosisch- deutschem und deutsch-franzosischem Worterbuche. Mit Angabe der Aussprache nach dem phonetischen System der Methode Toussaint-Langenscheidt Grosse Ausgabe. 2 vol. in 3. il. Q. Berlin: Langenscheidtsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1891- [1901]. Vol. 2 is by Daniel Sanders, Immanuel Schmidt and Cornells Stoffel. Has also English title-page. Philipp, Karl. 634.9 Q004 Deutsch-englisches und englisch-deutsches Forstwdrterbuch. Erster Teil : deutsch-englisch. Zweiter Teil : englisch-deutsch. viii.io/ p. O. Neudamm: J. Neumann, pref. 1900, Has also English title-page. Schmidt, Immanuel, <&• Tanger, G. ^433.2 S3511 Flugel - Schmidt - Tanger, A dictionary of the English and German languages for home and school. With special reference to Dr. Felix Flugel's Universal English-German and German-English dictionary. Second edition. 2 vol. Q. New- York : Lemcke & Buechner, 1897. 50 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Schmidt, Immanuel, & Tanger, Gustav. L433.2S351 ^'^^ Fliigel-Schmidt-Tanger, Worterbuch der englischen und deutschen Sprache .... Unter besonderer Benutzung von Dr. Felix Fliigels Allgemeinem englisch-deutschem und deutsch-englischem Worter- buch bearbeitet von Prof. Dr. Im. Schmidt und Dr. G. Tanger. 2 vol. Q. New York: Lemcke & Buechner, 1896. Has also title-page in English. Thieme, [Friedrich Wilhelm] (S^- Preusser, [E]. L433.2T34 19076 Xhieme-Preusser : Dictionary of the English and German lan- guages. New edition, entirely rewritten and greatly enlarged by Dr. Ig. Emanuel Wessely Jubilee-edition. 2 vol. in i. O. Hamburg: Haendcke & Lehmkuhl, 1896. Contents: Vol. i. English-German. Vol. 2. German-English. Has also title-page in German. Nickell, James Madison. 615.32 P500 30032 J ]yj Nickell's botanical ready reference. Especially designed for druggists and physicians. Containing all of the botanical drugs known up to- the present time. Giving their medical prop- erties, and all of their botanical, common, pharmacopceal and German common (in German) names. Revised. 275 p. nar. D. Chicago, 111., U. S. A. : Murray & Nickell Mfg. Co.. 1 895 , c. 1 880. Fliigel, Felix. L433.2F67 "37 Allgemeines englisch-deutsches und deutsch-englisches Worter- buch. Zweiter . . . vermehrter Abdruck der vierten . . . Auflage von Dr. J. G. Flugel's VoUstandigem Worterbuch der englischen und deutschen Sprache. 2 vol. in 3. Q. Braunschweig: G. Westermann, 1894. Treves, Frederick, &- Lang, Hugo. 610.3 O900 '*"® A German-English dictio-nary of medical terms. viii,402,[i] p. D. London: J. & A. Churchill, 1890. Whitney, William Dwight. 433-2 W58 '^*^ A compendious German and English dictionary with notation of correspondences and brief etymologies. By William Dwight Whitney, assisted by Hjalmar Edgren. viii,537,[3],362 p. O. New York: H. Holt & Co., c. 1887. Wershoven, Franz Josef. 603 O501 89933 Technical vocabulary, English and German. Technisches voka- bular flir technische Lehranstalten und zum Selbstudium fur Studierende, Lehrer, Techniker, Industrielle. Mit einem Vorwort von A. von Kaven. Zweite betrachthch vermehrte Auflage. x,28o p. S. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1885. GERMAN 5 1 Eger, Gustav, editor, 603 O201 '''' Technologisches Worterbuch in englischer und deutscher Sprache. .... Technisch durchgesehen und vermehrt von Otto Brandes, 2 vol. O. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1 882-1 884. Contains also terms relating to the natural sciences. Whitney, William Dwight. 433.2 W581 "" A compendious German and English dictionary (German-English : English-German) with notation of correspondences and brief ety- mologies. By William Dwight Whitney, assisted by August Hjalmar Edgren. viii, 540,362 p. D London : Macmillan& Co., 1879. Adler, Georg J. 1^433-2 A237 2031* p^ dictionary of the German and English languages : ... compiled from the works of Hilpert, Fliigel, Grieb, Heyse, and others. In two parts: I. German and English. — II. English and German. xvi,852,[2],522 p. Q. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1895, c. 1848. Kirberg, August. 656.03 P701 ^""'^ Eisenbahn-Worterbuch in deutscher und franzosischer Sprache. Zusammenstellung der bei dem Bau, dem Betrieb und der Ver- waltung der Eisenbahnen vorkommenden technischen und allge- mein gebrauchlichen Ausdriicke in deutscher und franzosischer Sprache II. Auflage. 2 vol. in i , paged continuously ; vol. i: 1-154 p.; vol. 2: 155-302, [2] p. D. Koln : Kolner Verlags-Anstalt & Druckerei, 1898. Vol. 2 published under the title: Dictionnaire des chemins de fer en langues fran^aise et allemande Odermann, Carl Gustav. 652.O300 ^^^^ Deutsch-franzosisches Handelscorrespondenz-Lexikon. Bearbei- tet von Professor Dr. Carl Gustav Odermann, unter Mitwirkung von Elie C6te. Zweite Auflage. vii,[i],50i,[i] p. O. Leip- zig: H. Haessel, pref. 1883. Eberhard, Johann August. 434 E16 "°^ Johann August Eberhards synonymisches Handworterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Fiinfzehnte Auflage. Nach der von Fried- rich Riickert besorgten 12. Ausgabe durchgangig umgearbeitet, vermehrt und verbessert von Dr. Otto Lyon. Mit Ubersetzung der Worter in die englische, franzosische, italienische und rus- sische Sprache .... [2],xliv,ioii p. O. Leipzig: T. Grieben, 1896. 52 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Birlinger, Anton. 437 B53 ^'^' Schwabisch-augsburgisches Worterbuch. viii,490 p. O. Mlin- chen 1864. Published as supplement to the Sitzungsberichte der Konigl. buyer. Akademie der Wissenschaften zit Milnchen. 1864. Lexer, Matthias. L437.02 L59 32684 Mittelhochdeutsches Handworterbuch von Dr. Matthias Lexer. Zugleich als Supplement und alphabetischer Index zum mittel- hochdeutschen Worterbuche von Benecke-Muller-Zarncke. Er- ster-[dritter] Band. A-[Z. Nachtrage.] (i869)-[(i878)]. Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1 872-1878. 3 vol. 26<=™. 439 DUTCH — SCANDINAVIAN Woordenboek. L439.33 W88 2«"4 Woordenboek der nederlandsche taal Bewerkt door M. de VriesenL. A. te Winkel [and others]. Vol. i-. Q. 's-Graven- hage: M. Nijhoff, 1882-. Bruggencate, K ten. 439-332 B831 39431 jT^geisch woordenboek, door K. ten Bruggencate, .... Tweede deel : Nederlandsch-Engelsch. Nieuwe verbeterde en vermeer- derde uitgave Groningen, J. B. Wolters, 1901. [S], 615 p. 20"". Hunt, G. M. G. 439-332 H91 34534 ^ handy vocabulary : English-Afrikander, Afrikander-English. For the use of English-speaking people in South Africa. vi,i24p. S. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1901. Ten Bruggencate, K. 439-332 T25 ^"'" Engelsch woordenboek. 2 vol. O. Groningen : J. B. Wolters, 1895-1896. Vol. I. Engelsch-Nederlandsch; vol. 2. Nederlandsch-Engelsch. Fritzner, Johan. 439-6 F91 16193 Qj-(jbog over det gamle norske sprog. Omarbeidet, foroget og forbedret udgave 3 vol. O. Kristiania: Den Norske Forlagsforening, 1 886-1 896. Stockholm. Svenska akademien. L439.73 S864 20185 Ordbok ofver svenska spraket utgifven af Svenska akademien. Vol. I-. O. Lund: C. W. K. Gleerup, 1898-. FRENCH 53 Fries, Elias. 580.3 O002 28627 j^ritisk ordbok ofver svenska vaxtnamnen. Utgifven af Svenska akademien. xiv,i77,[il p. D. Stockholm: P. A. Norstedt & soner, 1880. Schlyter, Carl Johan. L349.485 I700 v. 13 '*®^' Glossarium ad Corpus juris Sueo-Gotorum antiqui [6], liv,8i8p. [/wCoLLiN, H.S.,(Sr'SCHLVTER, C. J.,r^/ Corpus juris Sueo-Gotorum antiqui, vol. 13.] Lund 1877. Dalin, Anders Fredrik. 439-73^15 ^"' Svensk handordbok. Med tillagg af ordens etymologi, jemte ett bihang, innehallande de i svensk skrift allmannast brukliga fram- mande ord. [6] ,800, [2] p. S. Stockholm: J. Beckman, 1868. Bjorkman, C. G. 439.732 B55 '"*' Svensk-engelsk ordbok [6],i36op. O. Stockholm : P. A. Norstedt & Soner, c. 1889. Wenstrom, Edmund, & Lindgren, Erik. 439-732 W52 '""" Engelsk-svensk ordbog [6], 1758 p. O. Stockholm: P. A. Norstedt & Soner, 1889. Larsen, Anton. 439-832 L32 ^=''° Dansk-norsk-engelsk Ordbog. Anden forogede og omarbeidede Udgave. viii,695 p. O. Kjobenhavn : Gyldendalske Boghandel, 1888. 440 FRENCH B^nard, Theodore. 443 B43 38639 Dictionnaire classique universel, frangais, historique, biographique, mythologique, geographique et etymologique, .... Par M. Th. Benard, .... Nouvelle edition (70*') renfermant les modifica- tions de la derniere edition du Dictionnaire de I'Academie et la hste des tolerances de I'arr^te ministeriel du 26 fevrier 1901. Edition illustree de 2232 gravures instructives, de 12 cartes geographiques et de 18 grandes figures synoptiques. Paris, Belin freres, 1903. vii, [8]-ioo8 p. 2232 illus. inch maps. I7<=™. Delahaye, Victor. 443 1^37 ''"" Dictionnaire de la prononciation moderne, par Victor Delahaye. Seul ouvrage portatif donnant la prononciation figuree de tous les mots de la langue frangaise. Paris, C. Delagrave, [1902]. viii, 708 p. i6i<:°\ 54 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Larive, , &■ Fleury, . 443 L32 Petit Larive & Fleury. Dictionnaire frangais encyclopedique .... xiv,i456p. il. O. Paris: G. Chamerot, [1901]. Boissiere, Prudence. ^443 B63 40866 Dictionnaire analogique de la langue frangaise ; repertoire com- plet des mots par les idees et des idees par les mots. Par P. Boissiere ... . Neuvieme edition augmentee de nombreux mots nouveaux et d'un complement. Paris, Larousse, [1900]. [4],xi, [I], 48, iv, [51-1439 P- 28<^'"- Kalepky, Theodor. 1^443 K14 "^'"' Lexikographische Lesefriichte. i. Thiel. Berichtigungen und Er- ganzungen zu alien franzosischen, bezw. franzosisch-deutschen Worterbiichern, insbesondere zu Sachs-Vilatte, nebst Supplement, Hatzfeld-Darmsteter-Thomas und Littre. 26 p. sq.Q. Berlin 1900. Published as Wissenschaftliche Beilage zum Jahresbericht des Falk-Realgymnasiums zu Berlin, 1900. Hatzfeld, Adolphe, & Darmesteter, Arsene. 1-443 H28 18726 Dictionnaire generale de la langue frangaise du commencement du XVII® siecle jusqu'a nos jours. Precede d'un traite de la for- mation de la langue .... Par MM. Adolphe Hatzfeld et Arsene Darmesteter avec le concours de M. Antoine Thomas. [2 vol.] Q. Paris: C. Delagrave, [i 890-1900]. Scheler, Auguste. L443S322 Dictionnaire d'etymologie frangaise d'apres les resultats de la science moderne. Troisieme edition revue et augmentee. x, [2], 526, [2] p. Q. Bruxelles: T. Falk, 1888. Littre, Emile. L443 L73 '^°^ Dictionnaire de la langue frangaise. Contenant . . . nomencla- ture : ... grammaire : ... signification des mots : ... partie his- torique : ... etymologic : . . . . 4 vol. sq. F. Paris : Hachette & c'e, 1882. Vol. 2, p. 1 569-1 592, missing. Littre, Emile. L443L73 ^"' Dictionnaire de la langue frangaise. Supplement renfermant un grand nombre de termes d'art, de science, d'agriculture, etc. .. . suivi d'un dictionnaire etymologique de tous les mots d'origine orientale, par Marcel Devic. [2],iv,375,[2],vii,84 p. sq. F. Par- is: Hachette & O", 1882. FRENCH 55 Paris. Institut de France. Academie FranQaisc. L443P21 ^^^* Dictionnaire de I'Academie Frangaise. Septieme edition, dans laquelle on a reproduit pour la premiere fois les prefaces des six editions precedentes. 2 vol. F. Paris : Firmin-Didot & C'^, 1879. Paris. Institut de France. Academic frangaise. L443P213 Complement du dictionnaire de I'Academie frangaise. Public sous la direction d'un membre de I'Academie frangaise. Avec une preface par M. Louis Barre. [2],i28i p. sq.Q. Paris: Firmin Didot freres, fils & c'^, 1866. Paris. Institut de France. Acadhnie frangaise. L443P211 ^^" Dictionnaire historique de la langue frangaise, .... Continued from vol. I. sq.Q. Paris: Firmin Didot Freres, Fils & C^^ 185 8-. Paris. Institut de France. Academic fraufaisv. L443 P212 Complement du dictionnaire de I'Academie frangaise, ... , public sous la direction d'un membre de I'Academie frangaise, par M. Louis Barre, et M. Narcisse Landois, .... xxxvi,io82 p. sq.F. Bruxelles: A. Wahlen & c'*', 1839. Paris. Institut de France. Academic frangaise. "Laa-x Pota 36059 J ^ A- .■ , ,, » ^ ttO *■ ^'■*f Le dictionnaire de 1 Academic frangoise, dedie au Roy Paris: V-ve ^e J. B. Coignard & J. B. Coignard 1694. 2 vol' pi. Q. [Lille: L. Danel, 1901.] Facsimile reproduction edited by Paul Dupont. Edgren, [August] Hjalmar, & Burnet, P. B. 443.2 E23 The French and English word book. A dictionary with indica- tion of pronunciation, etymologies and dates of earliest appear- ance of French words in the language. With an explanatory preface by R. J. Lloyd. xxx,[2],i252 p. O. London: W. Heinemann, 1902. Ja^mes, W. 443 2 J23 Dictionary of the English and French languages by W. James and A. Mole. Sixteenth, entirely new and modern edition, com- pletely rewritten and greatly enlarged by Louis Tolhausen and George Payn, assisted by E. Heymann . . . Leipzig, B. Tauchnitz, 1902. X, 564, 663 p. I9^cm. Has also title-page in French. Lovendal, A. S. 603 P900 Dictionnaire technique frangais-anglais, des outils et ustensiles employes dans les metiers manuels, la petite Industrie, le menage, etc. Suivi d'un index anglais-frangais. viii,i58 p. D. Paris: Boyveau & Chevillet, [1899]. 56 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Meric, H. de. 610.3 PQOO 23863 Dictionnaire des termes de medicine. [Deuxieme partie.] Fran- gais-anglais. vi,[2],243 p. O. Paris: J. B. Bailliere & fils, 1899. Willcox, Cornells De Witt. 355'03 P900 24428 ^ French-English mihtary technical dictionary. xiii,493 p. O. [U. S. A. War Department. Adjutant General's Office. Military Information Division. Publication no. 24; also U. S. A. War Department. Adjutant General's Office. Document no. 95.] Washington 1 899-1900. Serraillier, Lucien. 656.03 P700 "'" Vocabulaire technique des chemins de fer. Termes frangais, anglais et americains. Railway technical vocabulary. French, English and American terms. xx,222 p. D. London: Whit- taker & Co., 1897. Hamilton, Henry, & Legros, E. L443.2 H18 Dictionnaire international frangais-anglais Nouvelle edi- tion [6] ,903 p. Q. Paris: A. Fouraut, 1896. Smith, Leon, df Hamilton, H. L443.2H181 ^°°^ The international English and French dictionary New edi- tion [6] ,798 p. Q. Paris: A. Fouraut, 1896. Barrere, Albert. 355-03 P500 6766 p^ dictionary of English and French military terms. 2 parts. S. London: Hachette & C'^ 1 895-1 896. Pirrie, William. 656.9 P501 *'"* A technical dictionary (English-French and French-English) of sea terms, phrases, and words in the English and French lan- guages for the use of seamen, engineers, pilots, shipbuilders, ship- owners, and others. viii,354 p. S. London: C. Lockwood & Son, 1895. Deshumbert, Marius. 443-2 D45 *"® Deshumbert's dictionary of difficulties met with in reading, writ- ing, translating, and speaking French. Fifth edition. vii,[i],i32 p. D. London: D. Nutt, 1894. Fletcher, John James. 603P201 '°'^ A pocket glossary of technical terms, English-French : French- English, with tables suitable for the architectural, engineering, manufacturing & nautical professions. Second edition, revised & enlarged. xi,203 p. ob. Fe. London : C. Lockwood & Son, 1893. FRENCH 57 Contanseau, L6on. 443.2 C76 2048 j^ practical dictionary of the French and English languages, com- posed from the French dictionaries of the Academy, .Boiste, Bes- cherelle, &c., from the English dictionaries of Johnson, Webster, Richardson, etc., and from technological and scientific diction- aries of both languages New edition. x,[2],430,[2],529 p. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1891. Delbos, Leon. 656.9 O900 *^"* Nautical terms in English and in French. With useful tables, iv, [2], 66 p. D. London: Williams & Norgate, 1889. Meadows, F. C. 443.2 M46 *^* New French and English pronouncing dictionary, on the basis of Nugent's ; ... re-arranged, ... by H. Krueger. 2 vol. in i, S. London: B. Quaritch, 1889. Bellows, John. 443.2 B41 '*® Dictionary for the pocket. French and English. English and French Revised by Alexandre Beljame. [7],viii,6o5 p. 4 maps. Tt. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1883. Witcomb, Henry, &- Tiret, Edmond. 656.9 O301 *'"'* Dictionnaire des termes de marine, francais-anglais & anglais- francais. 2 vol. il. pi. O. Paris: Challamel aine, 1883. Vol. 2 has title-page in English. Brachet, Auguste. 443-2 B72 2040 ^j^ etymological dictionary of the French language Trans- lated by G. W, Kitchin. Third edition. xii,cxxviii,407 p. D. (Clarendon Press series.) Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1882. With an introduction on French etymology and phonetics. Spiers, Alexandre. 443.2 S755 14656 Dictionnaire general anglais-frangais [et frangais-anglais] . Nou- vellement redige d'apres Johnson, Webster, Richardson, etc., les dictionnaires frangais de I'Academie, de Laveaux, de Boiste, de Bescherelle, etc., ... . Vingt-huitieme edition. [2 vol.] O. Paris: Baudry, 1882. Contents: Vol. i, Anglais-fran^ais; vol. 2, Francjais-anglais. Berty, Adolphe, 1 818-1867. 720.3 B46 40601 Vocabulaire archeologique frangais-anglais et anglais-fran^ais, par Adolphe Berty, architecte. Avec renvois aux 1700 vignettes illustrant le Glossaire d'architecture, .... Paris, Londres, etc., J. H. Parker, 1853. [4], 40 p. 22<=°>. 58 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Burn, [Robert]. 355.03 L200 16670 j^ naval and military technical dictionary of the French language. In two parts : French-English, and English-French ; . . . . 2 parts in i vol. D. London: J. Murray, 1852. Title-page and part i, p. 161-162, 241-242 mutilated. Villatte, Cesaire, &- Sachs, Karl. I'443.3 V71 '^^° Encyklopadisches franzosisch-deutsches und deutsch-franzosisches Worterbuch, .... 2 vol. Q. Berlin : Langenscheidtsche Ver- lags-Buchhandlung, 1 894-1 895. Franzosisch-deutsches Supplement-Lexikon viii, 329 p. Q. Berlin: Langenscheidtsche Verlags-Buchhandlung, 1894. Vol. I : ninth edition; vol. 2: eighth edition. The supplement is bound with vol. i. Each volume has also a title-page in French. Hirche, PauL 656.03 P300 ®"*' Vocabulaire systematique des termes usites au service des che- mins de fer. Frangais et allemand. i. Le service des voyageurs et des marchandises, suivi d'une liste alphabetique des marchan- dises. Troisieme edition. [2],xl,56o,3 i p. S. Berlin : C. Hey- mann, 1893. Lafaye, Benjamin. 444 L13 ^'*^ Dictionnaire des synonymes de la langue frangaise : avec une in- troduction sur la theorie des synonymes Sixieme edition, suivie d'un supplement. [4],lxxxiii,i io6,iv,336 p. O. Paris: Hachette & C'^ 1893. Argot. 447A693 ""' L'argot de Saint-Cyr. viii,7i,[5] p. T. Paris: P. Ollendorff, 1893. Gouget, Emile. 780.3 G72 L'argot musical : curiosites anecdotiques et philologiques. Avec une introduction de Louis Gallet. xxv,43i p. il. D. Paris: Li- brairie Fischbacher, 1892. Albrecht, August. 447A341 ^^^^ Vocabulaire systematique frangais et allemand, contenant des mots rares et importants, avec beaucoup de neologismes, un choix de mots etrangers, d'argot parisien etc , suivi de germanismes, gal- licismes et de proverbes. vi,202 p. D. Leipzig: E. Strauch, 1885. ITALIAN 59 Raynouard, [Francois Juste Marie]. 449 R21 ""*' Lexique roman ; ou, Dictionnaire de la langue des troubadours, comparee avec les autres langues de I'Europe latine, precede de nouvelles recherches historiques et philologiques, d'un resume de la grammaire romane, d'un nouveau choix des poesies originales des troubadours, et d'extraits de poemes divers. 6 vol. O. Pa- ris : Silvestre, 1 836-1 844. vol. I published in 1838. ITALIAN Rigutini, Giuseppe, & Fanfani, [Pietro] . L453 R44 17365 Vocabolario italiano della lingua parlata. Novamente compilato da Giuseppe Rigutini e accresciuto di molte voci, maniere e signi- ficati. Ventiduesimo migliaio. Iii,i296p. Q. Firenze : G. Bar- bera, pref., 1893. Tommaseo, Niccolo, & Bellini, Bernardo. L453 T59 ^'^^ Dizionario della lingua italiana. Nuovamente compilato, con giunte ai precedent! dizionarii 4 vol. in 8. sq. F. Roma: Unione tipografico-editrice, pref. 1879. Edgren, [August] Hjalmar, 1840- 1903. 453.2 E23 40873 p^^ Italian and English dictionary, with pronunciation and brief etymologies by Hjalmar Edgren, PH.D., . . . assisted by Giuseppe Bico, D.C.L [and] John L. Gerig, A.M New York, H. Holt and Co., 1902, [^1901]. ix, 576, 452 p. 22''°'. Melzi, J. B. 453.2 M49 "^' New English-Italian & Italian-English dictionary, containing the commercial, scientific, technical, military and nautical terms, ... . 2 parts in i vol. D. London: Hirschfeld Brothers, 1895. Meadows, [F. C] 453.2 M46 "^^ Italian and English dictionary. In two parts: i. ItaHan-English ; 2. English-Italian With a concise grammar, .... Re- vised, ... , by J. Jazdowski. 2 vol. in i, paged continuously; vi,i030 p. S. London: B. Quaritch, 1892. Davenport, John, &■ Comelati, Guglielmo. 453.2 D27 ""* A new dictionary of the Italian and English languages, based up- on that of Baretti, and containing, ... ; a copious list of geo- graphical and proper names, both ancient and modern, 2 vol. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1855. 6o LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Hirche, Paul. 656.03 Pooi ^°®^ Systematische Sammlung der Fachausdriicke des Eisenbahnwe- sens. Deutsch und italienisch. I. Der Personen- und Giiter- dienst nebst alphabetischem Waarenverzeichniss xliii,47i p. S. Wiesbaden: J. F. Bergmann, 1890. Tommaseo, Niccolo. L454T59 2305 Dizionario dei sinonimi della lingua italiana. Settima edizione ... rifusa ... dall' autore Ixix,[3],i222 p. Q. Milano : F. Vallardi, [1866]. 460-469 SPANISH —PORTUGUESE Diccionario. ^463 D541 37196 Diccionario enciclopedico de la lengua castellana ; contiene las voces, frases, refranes y locuciones de uso corriente en Espana y America, las formas desusadas que se hallan en autores clasicos y la gramatica y sinonimia del idioma, todo ilustrado con ejem- plos y citas de escritores antiguos y modernos ; la biografia de los hombres que mas se han distinguido en todos los tiempos, la geografia universal, la historia, lamitologia, etc., etc. Compuesto por Elias Zerolo, Miguel de Toro y Gomez, Emiliano Isaza, y otros escritores espaiioles y americanos. Cuarta edicion. Obra ador- nada con 671 retratos, 93 mapas en negro e iluminados, 637 vifietas y I cuadro de banderas. Contiene tambien el Diccionario de la rima, por Penalver*. . . . Tomo primero— [segundo] Paris, Garnier hermanos, 1901. 2 V. front., illus. ind. maps. 32^ x24.i"='". Tore y G6mez, Miguel de. 463 T63 Nuevo diccionario enciclopedico ilustrado de la lengua castellana; por Miguel de Toro y Gomez .... Con la colaboracion, para el "Diccionario biografico, geografico e historico," de Mario Roso de Luna .... Paris, A. Colin, 1901. viii, 1036 p. illus., 4 col. pi., 4 maps incl. front. iS^'^"'. "Contiene: todas las voces que figuran en la 13. y dltima edicion (1899) del de la Real academia espanola." SPANISH PORTUGUESE 6 1 Villar y Soto, Tomas. 4^3 V71 40896 Diccionario fraseologico que contiene 2,530 voces del idioma castellano ; las abreviaturas mas usuales de la escritura y del comercio y contabilidad mercantil ; las 49 capitales de provincia con los nombres de sus naturales y titulos de sus ciudades, y los tratamientos de dignidades y jerarquias, por Tomas Villar y Soto. Toledo, imprenta de R. G. Menor, 1901. vii, [9]-i92 p. i5^<='". Donadiu y Puignau, Delfin. 1^463 D71 88017 Novisimo diccionario enciclopedico de la lengua castellana. El mas complete en su clase de los publicados hasta hoy redactado en vista de los de Dominguez, Salva, Caballero, Roque Barcia, Fernandez Cuesta, Rosa y Bouret, Velez de Aragon y varios de los enciclopedicos mas modernos por el Doctor D. Delfin Donadiu y Puignau con la colaboracion de distinguidos literatos. Con- tiene todos los vocablos que se hallan en la ultima edicion del Diccionario de la Real academia espanola, .... 4 vol. il. F. Barcelona: J. Espasa, [i 889-1 899?]. Suplemento ... . [2], 576 p. F. Barcelona [1899?]. The supplement is lettered on the back : Tomo v. Madrid. Real academia espanola. 1*463 M26 24696 Diccionario de la lengua castellana por la Real academia espanola. Decimatercia edicion. xviii,[2],i054,[2] p. F. Madrid: Her- nando & CO., 1899. Cuervo, Rufino Jos6. L463C89 '"^ Diccionario de construccion y regimen de la lengua castellana. Continued from vol. i . Q. Paris : A. Roger & F. Chernoviz, 1886 -1893. Calandrelli, Matias. 1*463 C12 13866 Diccionario filologico comparado de la lengua castellana (pre- cedido de una introduccion del Dr. D. Vicente F, Lopez) Vol. 1-5 in 2, paged continuously; vol. i : xxxix,[i], 1-304 p.; vol. 2: vii, [ I ], 303-652 p.; vol. 3: xi,649-900 p.; vol. 4: [4], 901-1216 p.; vol. 5: [4],i2i7-i528,[8] p. O. Buenos Aires 1880-1882. 62 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Novisimo diccionario. ^4^3 ^^5 "®"' Novisimo diccionario de la lengua castellana, que comprend la ultima edicion Integra del publicado por la Academia espanola, . . . , anadidas por una Sociedad de literatos. Aumentado con un suplemento de voces de ciencias, artes y oficios, comercio, industria, etc., etc., y seguido del Diccionario de sinonimos de Pedro M. de Olive, y del Diccionario de la rima de Juan Penalver. [3 vol.] in I. F. Paris: G. Hermanos, 1875. Olive, Pedro Maria de. L463 N85 "®" Diccionario de sinonimos de la lengua castellana. [2],iii,2o8 p. (In Novisimo diccionario-de la lengua castellana.) Paris 1873. Cuyas, Arturo. 463-2 C98 '='" Appletons' new Spanish-English and English-Spanish dictionary (successor to Velazquez's Abridged dictionary) containing more than four thousand modern words and twenty thousand accepta- tions, idioms, and technical terms not in the latest edition of any similar work ; with a pronouncing key and the fundamental tenses of irregular verbs, by Arturo Cuyas .... New York, D. Apple- ton and Company, 1903. 2 pts. in I voL 20^'^'". Added title-page in Spanish. Arteaga [y Pereira], Fernando de. 463-2 A786 ^^^" A new English and Spanish vocabulary, alphabetical and analog- ical. xiv,[2],724p. T. (Hossfeld's series.) London : Hirschfeld Brothers, 1902. Velazquez de la Cadena, Mariano. L463.2 V541 28316 ^ j^g^^. pi'QiiQuncing dictionary of the Spanish and English lan- guages. Revised and enlarged by Edward Gray and Juan L. Iribas 2 vol. Q. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1900- 1902. VoL 2: Neuvo diccionario de pronunciacion de las lenguas inglesa y espanola. Gomez, J., compiler. 463.2 G58 15564 Diccionario Salva-Webster espanol-ingles e ingles-espaiiol con enciclopedia geografica y biografica, .. . , ejercicios de conversa- cion, .... Salva-Webster English-Spanish and Spanish-English dictionary. With geographical and biographical encyclopedia, . . . , conversation, . . . , etc. New and thoroughly revised edition edited by F. M. de Rivas. 383 p. il. i pi. T. Chicago: Laird &Lee, 1898. SPANISH PORTUGUESE 63 New Spanish dictionary. 463-2 S735 "'* A new Spanish dictionary, based upon the latest edition of the dictionary of the Spanish Academy. Containing the scientific, miHtary, commercial, technical & nautical terms, and brought right up to date. 304,[2],370 p. Tt. London: Hirschfeld Brothers, 1895. Spanish-English and English-Spanish. Standring, J. A. 621.03 P500 27486 Engineering translations, comprising 1600 technical parts of boilers, engines, cranes, hydrauhc machinery, lathes and machine tools, iron and steel industries, machines, pulleys, pumps, screws, valves, wheels, etc., etc., in English and Spanish. xi,69 p. sq.T. (Hossfeld's series.) London: Hirschfeld Brothers, 1895. Ponce de Leon, Nestor. L603O300 '^^^ Diccionario tecnologico, ingles-espaiiol y espanol-ingles, de los terminos y frases usados en las ciencias aplicadas, artes indu- striales, bellas artes, .... Segunda edicion. 2 vol. Q. New York: N. Ponce de Leon, 1893. Elwes, Alfred. 463-2 E52 32801 j^ dictionary of the Spanish language in two parts, i . Spanish- EngHsh, 2. English-Spanish. Including a large number of tech- nical terms used in mining, engineering, etc., etc. with the proper accents and the gender of every noun. New edition. vi,[2], 600 p. nar.D. [Weale's Educational series.] London : C. Lock- wood & Son, 1 89 1. Meadows, F. C. 463.2 M46 '" New Spanish and English dictionary. In two parts : i. Spanish and English. 2. English and Spanish 2 vol. in i. S. London: B. Quaritch, 1890. Velazquez de la Cadena, Mariano. L463.2V54 ''*' A pronouncing dictionary of the Spanish and English languages : composed from the Spanish dictionaries of the Spanish Academy, Terreros, and Salva. Upon the basis of Seoane's edition of Neu- man and Baretti 2 vol. Q. London: Hirschfeld Bros., 1893, c. 1852. Vol. 2 has title-page in Spanish. Stromer, Theodor. 463-3 S921 25391 Nuevo diccionario espanol-aleman [y aleman-espanol]. Con arreglo al diccionario de la Real academia espafiola. [2 vol.] D. Berlin: F. A. Herbig, 1897-1900. Has also a German title-page. 64 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Geronimo de la Virgen de Monserrate. 99^ -4 P500 v.2 40879 Vocabulario castellano-calamiano ; por el padre fray Jeronimo de la Virgen de Monserrate, Agustino Recoleto. Escrito en 1789. Ahora publicado por primera vez ... [Madrid, Viuda de M. Minuesa de los Rios], 1895. 18 p. iSi^"*. (/« Retana, W. E. Archive del bibliofilo filipino ... t. 2, p. 207- 224.) Penalver, Juan. M^S D541 37465 Diccionario de la rima de la lengua castellana por D. Juan Penalver. [Paris, Gamier hermanos, 1901] 119 p. 32ix24i«'". {^Appended to Diccionario enciclopedico de la lengua castel- lana ... to .2) Penalver, Juan. L463 N85 "^'^ Diccionario de la rima de la lengua castellana. [4], 170, [2] p. (/;/ Novisimo diccionario de la lengua castellana.) Paris 1873. Salillas, Rafael. 467 S165 18967 YX delincuente espanol. El lenguaje (estudio filologico, psico- logico y sociologico) con dos vocabularios jergales. 343 p. O. Madrid: V. Suarez, 1896. Michaelis, Henriette. 469.32 M58 2302 ^ j^g^ dictionary of the Portuguese and English languages, en- riched by a great number of technical terms used in commerce and industry, in the arts and sciences, and including a great va- riety of expressions from the language of daily life. Based on a manuscript of Julius Cornet 2 vol. O. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1893. 470-480 LATIN AND GREEK Cappelli, Adriano 471.8 C17 "'" Lexicon abbreviaturarum. Worterbuch lateinischer und italie- nischer Abkiirzungen wie sie in Urkunden und Handschriften besonders des Mittelalters gebrauchlich sind, dargestellt in'uber 16000 Zeichen, nebst einer Abhandlung Uber die mittelalterliche Kurzschrift, einer Zusammenstellung epigraphischer Sigel, der alten romischen und arabischen Ziihlung und der Zeichen fur Miinzen, Masse und Gewichte, herausgegeben von Adriano Cap- pelli .... Leipzig, J. J. Weber, 1901. 548 p. 17™'. ( On cover : Webers illustrirte Katechismen, no. 53.) "Die vorliegende deutsche Ausgabe enthalt gegeniiber dem italienischen Original (Mailand, 1899) einen Anhang von etwa 3000 weiteren Abkiirzungen ... sowie am Ende [p. 536-548] ein Verzeichnis der hauptsachlichen Veroffentlichungen, welche sich auf die lateinischen und italienischen Sigel und Abkiirzungen beziehen. Ausserdem ist die Zusammenstellung der epigraphischen Sigel ganzlich umgearbeitet und bedeutend vermehrt worden." — Vorrede. Thesaurus linguae latinae. 1^473 T34 "*** Thesaurus linguae latinae. Editus auctoritate et consilio acade- miarum quinque germanicarum Berolinensis, Gottingensis, Lipsi- ensis, Monacensis, Vindobonensis. Vol. i-. F. Lipsiae: B. G. Teubner, 1900-. Lewis, Charlton Thomas, 6- Short, Charles. L473.2L58 '^'■' A Latin dictionary founded on Andrews' edition of Freund's Lat- in dictionary revised, enlarged and in great part rewritten, xiv, 2019 p. Q. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1896. Lewis, Charlton Thomas. 473.2 L581 *'^® An elementary Latin dictionary. [4] ,95 2 p. sq.D. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1896, c. 1890. Smith, Sir William, L. L.D.,& Hall, Theophilus D. 473.2 S664 '"-- A copious and critical English-Latin dictionary. Fifth edition. xi,[i],963,[i] p. O. London: J. Murray, 1888. Diefenbach, Lorenz. I'473-3 1^5^ ^^'*'* Glossarium Latino-Germanicum mediae et infimae aetatis e codi- cibus manuscriptis et libris impressis concinnavit Laurentius Diefenbach. [4],xxii,[2],644 p. sq.O. Francofurti ad Moe- num : J. Baer, 1857. Preliminary title-page reads: Supplementum lexici mediae et infimae Latinitatis con- diti a Carole Dufresne domino Du Cange aucti cum ab aliis tum ab Henschelio itemque glossariorum Germanicorum quae adhuc in lucem prodita sunt edidit Laurentius Diefen- bach. Francofurti ad Moenum: J. Baer, 1857. 66 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Yonge, Charles Duke. 483.2 Y8 ""^ An English-Greek lexicon. Abridged from the larger work. New edition. [4],48i p. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1893. Liddell, Henry George, & Scott, Robert. L483.2L61 '^'^ A Greek-English lexicon. Seventh edition, revised and augment- ed ... . xvi,i776 p. F. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1890. Liddell, [Henry George] , 6- Scott, [Robert]. 483.2 L611 *'^® A lexicon abridged from Liddell & Scott's Greek-English lexicon. The twenty-sixth edition. . . . revised .... With an appendix of proper and geographical names, prepared by the Rev. James M. Whiton. [4] ,83 1 p. sq. D. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1895, c. 1878. Pape, Wilhelm. 483.3 P19 29044 j-)j. ^^ Pape's Worterbuch der griechischen Eigennamen. Dritte Auflage. Neu bearbeitet von Dr. Gustav Eduard Benseler. Zweiter Abdruck. 2 vol. in i, paged continuously; vol. i : Hi, 1-755 P-; vol. 2: [4] ,757-1 710 p. O. [Pape, W. Handwocter- buch der griechischen Sprache, vol. 3.] Braunschweig: F. Vie- weg & Sohn, 1875. Kontopoulos, Nikolaos. L489.32 K83 "^^^'^ Greek-English lexicon with explanations of the more diflfi- cult pronunciation of the English words in order to facilitate the Greek learner. Fourth edition increased and diligently revised. Publisher, Anestes Constantinides. Athens, A. Constantinides' Printing Press, 1900. [16], 614, [2] p. as^^-". Paging irregular : 613-614 numbered 513-514. At head of title: N. Contopoulos'. Added t.-p. in Modern Greek. Jannaris, A. N. 489.32 J26 17069 p^ concise dictionary of the English and modern Greek languages, as actually written and spoken. English-Greek. xvi,436 p. S. London: J. Murray, 1895. 490 OTHER LANGUAGES Balarama , Pala . 49 1 . 44 B 1 8 "'^'^ An enlarged English to Bengali dictionary. Containing all English words both obsolete and in present use, and the most im- portant technical and scientific terms. Compiled by BuUoram Paul. [4], 768 p. O. Calcutta: B. Pal, 1888. Wills, Charles James. 955 O300 """' In the land of the Hon and sun; or, Modern Persia. Being experiences of life in Persia during a residence of fifteen years in various parts of that country from 1866 to 1881. xvi,446 il. I pi. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1883. Contains a glossary of Persian words. Obermiiller, Wilhelm. 572.03 M700 '"^ Wilhelm Obermiiller's deutsch-keltisches, geschichtlich-geogra- phisches Worterbuch zur Erklarung der Fluss-, Berg-, Orts-, Gau-, Volker-, und Personen-Namen Europas, West-Asiens und Nord- Afrikas im Allgemeinen, wie insbesondere Deutschlands, nebst den daraus sich ergebenden Folgerungen fiir die Urgeschichte der Menchheit. 2 vol. O. Vol. i : Leipzig: L. Denicke, 1868; vol. 2: Berlin: Denicke's Verlag, 1872. Cameron, John. 491.63 C14 25844 jj^g Gaelic names of plants (Scottish, Irish, and Manx), collect- ed and arranged in scientific order, with notes on their etymology, uses, plant superstitions, etc., among the Celts, with copious Gaelic, English, and scientific indices. New and revised edition. XV, 160 p. I por. O. Glasgow: J. Mackay, 1900. Alexandrov, A. L491.732A383 "'" .... Complete English-Russian, [and Russian-English] diction- ary. Second edition, revised and enlarged. [2 vol.] Q. S.- Peterburgh 1 891-1897. Edition for the general staff. Pavlovsky, Ivan [ Yakovlevich] . L491.733P28 '"'"'■' I. Pawlowsky's deutsch-russisches Worterbuch. Dritte umgear- beitete und wesentlich vermehrte Auflage [Vol, i-.] Q. Riga: N. Kymmel, pref. 1886-. Has also title in Russian. 68 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES [Jankovic, Andro C ] 491-8332 J25 41578 Hrvatsko-englezki razgovori i riecnik. Vlastnictvo i naklada hrvatske knjizare Josipo Marohnica ... 2. izd. . . . Croatian- English dialogue and dictionary. Allegheny, Pa., J. Marohnich's Bookstore, 1903. 294, [2] p. 2li':m. Author's name appears in preface. Chodzko, Alexander. L491.8532 C45 B0536 Dokladny siownik Polsko-Angielski, czerpany z najlepszich irodel krajowych i obcych ; .... 2 vol. in i. Q. Berlin: B. Behr, [1874?]. Vol. 2 title reads: A complete dictionary English and Polish. Jungmann, Josef . L491.86J95 '^®" Slownjk cesko-nemecky. Pomocj Ceskeho Museum. 5 vol. I por. sq.Q. Praze 1835-1839. Jonal, Karel. 491.8632 J691 40884 giovnfi^ cesko-anglicky s liplnou anglickou vyslovnosti. Patevy- dani, niajici v zadu vseobecny doplnek. Sepsal Karel Jonas. A dictionary of the Bohemian and English languages. Fifth edition. With a general supplement Racine, Wis., nakladem a tiskem "Slavic", 1901. [4], 621 p. 18x13'="'. Jonas, Karel. 491.8632 J69 29046 ^ complete pronouncing dictionary of the English and Bohemian languages, for general use. Uplny slovnik anglicko-cesky pro obecnou potfebu. S dokonalou anglickou vyslovnosti. [2 vol.] D. [Racine, Wis.] c. 1 892-1 896. [Vol. 2] published under the title: Slovnik cesko-anglicky, .... A dictionary of the Bohemian and English languages. Fourth edition, .... 1896. Imprint erased and "C. W. Caspar Co., Milwaukee, Wis." stamped over the erasure. Doughty, Charles Montagu. 953 O800 3^34 Travels in Arabia Deserta. 2 vol. il. pi. map in pocket. O. Cambridge: University Press, 1888. Contains a glossary of Arabic words. Badger, George Percy. L492.732B14 «" An English-Arabic lexicon xii,i244,[4] p. sq.F. Lon- don: C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1881. Nordqvist, Oscar. L570.998 Oooi ;^'^ Tschuktschisk ordlista. [/;? NORDENSKIOLD, A. E., editor. Vega- Expeditionens vetenskapliga iakttagelser, vol. i. p. 373-399- Stockholm: F. & G. Beijer, 1882.] OTHER LANGUAGES 69 Bizonfy, Ferencz. 494-32 B55 30096 English-Hungarian dictionary. By Franz de Paula Bizonfy. Angol-magyar szotar. Irta Bizonfy Ferencz. Masodik, . . . kiadas. 2 vol. O. Budapest: Franklin-Tarsulat, 1886. Vol. 2. Hungarian-English dictionary. Magyar-angol szotar. Masodik kiadas. Redhouse, Sir James William. L494.32 R24 ="'=' ... A lexicon, English and Turkish [and Turkish and English] .•. . . [2 vol.] Q. Constantinople: printed for the American Mission by A. H. Boyajian, 1 884-1 890. [Vol. l] is in third edition. Chamberlain, Basil Hall. L495 C35 21569 Essay in aid of a grammar and dictionary of the Luchuan language. [4], 272 p. Q. Yokohama: Kelly & Walsh, 1895. Published as supplement to the Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, vol. 23, Dec. 1895. Judson, Adoniram. L495-32J92 *""' English and Burmese dictionary Fourth edition. 930 p. nar.Q. Rangoon: American Baptist Mission Press, 1894. Scott, James. ^495 -32 S427 99686 English-Corean dictionary. Being a vocabulary of Corean collo- quial words in common use. xxvi,[i],345,[2] p. Q. [Soul], Corea: Church of England Mission Press, 1891. Kwang Ki-Chaou. 495-32 K97 29347 j^^ English and Chinese dictionary, compiled from the latest and best authorities, and containing all words in common use, with many examples of their use. New edition, thoroughly revised, and greatly enlarged and improved By Kwong Ki Chiu. iv,[8],8i9 p. I por. O. Shanghai: Wah Cheung, 1887, c. 1882. Has also title-page in Chinese. Craven, Henry, & Barfield, John. 496.1932 C85 88842 English-Congo and Congo-English dictionary. xii,248,xix p. D. London: Harley House, 1883. Krapf, Ludwig. L496.85 K85 iT6!.9 ^ dictionary of the Suahili language. With introduction contain- ing an outline of a Suahili grammar. xxxix,433 p. i por. O. London: Triibner & Co., 1882. Bowen, Thomas J. L061.823 '"^^ Grammar and dictionary of the Yoruba language. With an in- troductory description of the country and people of Yoruba. xxi,[2],7i,i36p. I map. (/« Smithsonian Institution. Smith- sonian contributions to knowledge, vol. 10. Washington 1858.) 70 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Dall, William Healey. 1572,97 i "'" Tribes of the extreme Northwest. {In U. S. A. DEPARTMENT OF THE Interior. Geographical and Geological Survey of THE Rocky Mountain Region. Contributions to North Amer- ican ethnology, vol, i. p. 1-156. il. 10 pi. i map in pocket. Washington 1877.) Contents: i. On the distribution and nomenclature of the native tribes of Alaska and the adjacent territory. 2. On succession in the shell-heaps of the Aleutian Islands. 3. Remarks on the origin of the Innuit. Appendix: Furnhelm, J. Notes on the natives of Alaska. Dall, W. H. Terms of relationship used by the Innuit. Gibbs, G., and Dall, W, H. Comparative vocabularies. Gibbs, George. L572.97 1 "" Tribes of western Washington and northwestern Oregon. {In U. S. A. Department of the Interior. Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region. Con- tributions to North American ethnology, vol. i, p. 157-361, i map in pocket. Washington 1877.) With appendix: Comparative vocabularies, by G. Gibbs, W. F. Tolmie, and Father Mengarini; Niskwalli- English and English-Niskwalli dictionary, by G. Gibbs. Simeon, Remi, 1827- L570.972 M805 Dictionnaire de la langue nahuatl ou mexicaine, redige d'apres les documents imprimes et manuscrits les plus authentiques et precede d'une introduction, par Remi Simeon, .... Paris, Im- primerie nationale, 1885. [4], Ixxv, [i], 710 p. 37<=", (/« Mission scientifique au Mexique et dans I'Ame- rique centrale .... Linguistique.) Gibbs , George . 061.822 '"'* A dictionary of the Chinook jargon, or trade language of Oregon. ... . xiv,[2],43,[i] p 1863. (/;/ Smithsonian Institu- tion. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, vol. 7. Washing- ton 1867.) With a bibliography of the Chinook jargon. Riggs, Stephen Return. L572.97 i "^* A Dakota-English dictionary. Edited by James Owen Dorsey. x,665 p. {In U. S. A. Department of the Interior. Geo- graphical AND Geological Survey of the Rocky Moun- tain Region. Contributions to North American ethnology, vol. 7. Washington 1890.) Riggs, Stephen Return, editor. L061.823 '®"' Grammar and dictionary of the Dakota language. Collected by the members of the Dakota Mission. ... 185 i. xix,[i],338 p. {In Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, vol. 4. Washington 1852. OTHER LANGUAGES J 1 Matthews, Washington. 557«3 7 v.7 22843 Ethnography and philology of the Hidatsa Indians. vi,239 p. (InU. S. A. Department of the Interior. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. Miscellaneous publications, no. 7.) Washington 1877. Trumbull, James Hammond, 1 821-1897. L497.61 T77 39692 ^ Natick dictionary, by James Hammond Trumbull. Washing- ton, Gov't Print. Off., 1903. xxviii, 347, [2] p. 29i<=™. (Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Eth- nology: .... Bulletin 25.) Pittier, Enrique, &- Gagini, C. 497.86 P68 30572 Ensayo lexicografico sobre la lengua de Terraba, por H. Pittier y C. Gagini. [4] ,86 p. O. San Jose de Costa Rica: Tipografia nacional, 1892. Porter, Ralph Stribling, 1876- 499^^3 ^2130 ^ primer and vocabulary of the Moro dialect (Magindanau), by R. S. Porter, .... Published by the Bureau of Insular Affairs, War Department, October, 1903. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1903. 77 p. 23*='". (^Onversooft.-p.: War Department. Document 209. Bureau of Insular Affairs.) Hitchcock, Harvey Rexford. 423.99 H63 J2M6 ^^ English-Hawaiian dictionary ; with various useful tables : pre- pared for the use of Hawaiian-English schools. Authorized and published by the Board of Education. 256 p. D. San Fran- cisco: Bancroft Co., 1887. Roth, Henry Ling. L572.9911 P600 '^'' The natives of Sarawak and British North Borneo. With a pref- ace by Andrew Lang. 2 vol. il. pi. map. Q. London : Truslove & Hanson, 1896. Contains appendices : i . Vocabularies of the various languages of the region by H. Brooke Low, Sir Spencer St. John, Wm. Chalmers, and others. 2. Ethnographical notes by Dr. Schwaner. 3. Note on skull measurements. 4. Bibliography. Wilkinson, Richard James. ^499-32 W65 40898 A Malay-English dictionary. By R.J.Wilkinson, .... Singa- pore [etc.], Kelly & Walsh, ltd., 1901-. Pt. I-. 32^x25^'^™. Marsden, William. L499.32 M35 13653 ^ dictionary of the Malayan language, in two parts, Malayan and Enghsh and English and Malayan [2],xv,[i],589,[i] p. sq.Q. London: Cox & BayHs, 1812. 500 PHYSICAL SCIENCES Feraald, James Champlin, 1838- , comp. 503Q200 42J23 Scientific side-lights, illustrating thousands of topics by selections from standard works by the masters of science throughout the world, with comprehensive indexes embracing thirty thousand topics and cross references, . . . , compiled by James C. Fernald .... New York and London, Funk& Wagnalls Company, 1903, (/. e. 1902). viii, 917 p. 25i<='". Privat-Deschanel, [Augustin], 1821-1883. L503 Q201 "'^^ .... Dictionnaire general des sciences theoriques et appliquees. Mathematiques — physique et chimie — technologie — mecanique — ethnologic — histoire naturelle — medecine — agriculture. 5™« edition illustree, environ 3,500 gravures. Entierement re- fondue, par MM. Jules Gay, Louis Mangin, .... Paris, Garnier freres, [1902-]. Pt. I-. illus. 29<=°'. At head of title : Privat-Deschanel et Focillon. Rossiter, William. 503 O800 '®° An illustrated dictionary of scientific terms. 3 50, [2] p. il. D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, pref. 1878. Nuttall, P. Austin. 503 M900 )9243 Dictionary of scientific terms. xviii,325 p. D. London: W. Isbister, 1885. Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles. 503 H600 °^' Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles, .... Suivi d'une biogra- phic des plus celebres naturalistes Par plusieurs professeurs du Jardin du Roi, et des principales ecoles de Paris. 60 vol. pi. por. tables. O. Strasbourg: F. G. Levrault, 1 816-1830. Button, Charles. L503 H500 io5S9 A philosophical and mathematical dictionary : containing ... an account of the several subjects, comprised under the heads mathe- matics, astronomy, and philosophy both natural and experimental ; with an historical account of . . . these sciences ; . . . . A new edition, with numerous additions and improvements. 2 vol. il. pi. por. sq.Q. London: printed for the author, 181 5. MATHEMATICS ASTRONOMY 73 Poggendorff, Johann Christian. L509.2 P75 "*^'' Biographisch-literarisches Handworterbuch zur Geschichte der exacten Wissenschaften. Enthaltend Nachvveisungen iiber Leb- ensverhaltnisse und Leistungen von Mathematikern, Astronomen, Physikern, Chemikern, Mineralogen, Geologen usw. aller Volker und Zeiten. 3 vol. Q. Leipzig: J. A. Earth, 1 863-1 898. Vol. 3 published under the title: J. C. Poggendorff 's biographisch-literarisches Handworterbuch.... Dritter Band. (1858 bis 1883). Herausgegeben von Dr. B. W. Feddersen und Prof. Dr. A. J. von Oettingen. 510-520 MATHEMATICS — ASTRONOMY Miiller, Felix. L510.3 Qooi 86763 Mathematisches Vokabularium franzosisch-deutsch und deutsch- franzosisch, enthaltend die Kunstausdriicke aus der reinen und angewandten Mathematik. xiv,[2],3i4,[2] p. Q. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, i900-[i90i]. Has also French title-page. Hoffmann, Ludwig. 503L700 •^°" Mathematisches Wdrterbuch. Alphabetische Zusammenstellung sammtlicher in die mathematischen Wissenschaften gehdrender Gegenstande in erklarenden und beweisenden synthetisch und analytisch bearbeiteten Abhandlungen. 7 vol. in 5. il. O. Ber- hn: vol. 1-3, G. Bosselmann; vol. 4-7, Wiegandt & Hempel, 1858-1867. Vol. 5-7 edited by L. Natani. Davies, Charles, & Peck, William G. 510.3 L500 Mathematical dictionary and cyclopedia of mathematical science. .... 592 p. il. O. New York : A. S. Barnes & Co., c. 1883. Sarrazin de Montferrier, Alexandre [Andre Victor]. 510.3 J800 Dizionario delle scienze matematiche pure ed applicate. Com- pilato da una societa di antichi allievi della Scuola Politechnica di Parigi sotto la direzione di A.-S. de Montferrier. Prima ver- sione italiana con numerose aggiunte e correzioni del D. Giuseppe Gasbarri e di Giuseppe Frangois. 8 vol. Atlas of pi. maps, tables. O. Firenze: vol. i, V. BatelH & Figh ; vol. 2-8 and atlas, V.Ba- telH & Co., 1 838-1 849. 74 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Kliigel, Georg Simon, MoUweide, Carl Brandan, 510.3 G300 «**' (S* Grunert, Johann August. Mathematisches Worterbuch, oder Erklarung der Begriffe, Lehr- satze, Aufgaben und Methoden der Mathematik, mit den nothigen Beweisen und literarischen Nachrichten begleitet in alphabetischer Ordnung. 5 vol. in 6 parts, pi. nar.O. Leipzig: E. B. Schwick- ert, 1 803-1 83 1. Supplemente ... . Herausgegeben von Johann August Grunert. 2 vol. pi. nar.O. Leipzig: E. B. Schwickert, 1833- 1836. Vol. 1-3 were prepared by G. S. Kliigel, vol. 4 by C. B. Mollweide, vol. 5 by C. B. Mollweide and J. A. Grunert. Krisch, August. L520.3 Q200 33067 Astronomisches Lexikon. Auf Grundlage der neuesten For- schungen besonders Ergebnisse der Spectralanalyse und Him- melsphotographie zusammengestellt und bearbeitet. vi,[2], 629 p. 327 il. Q. Wien: A. Hartleben, [1902]. Valentiner, Wilhelm, editor. 520.3 P700 10759 Handvvorterbuch der Astronomie Vol. i-. il.pl. O. [En- cyclopadie der Naturwissenschaften.] Breslau : E. Trewendt, 1897-- Gore, John Ellard. 520.3 P300 36333 p^^ astronomical glossary ; or, Dictionary of terms used in astron- omy. With tables of data and lists of remarkable and interesting celestial objects. [4], 139 p. D. London: C. Lockwood & Son, 1893- Lebon, Ernest. 520.9 P900 ""^ Histoire abregee de I'astronomie. vii,288 p. 16 por. i map. O. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1899. "Dictionnaire biographique et bibliographique", p. 229-274. [Bernoulli, Jean.] 520.92 B45 '°^''' Liste des astronomes connus, actuellement vivans, par ordre alphabetique des lieux de leur demeure. Precedee de reflexions d'un usage plus general & suivie de quelques supplemens au Re- cueil pour les astronomes. Par I'auteur de ce Recueil. 48 p. nar.O. Berlin: ches I'auteur, 1776. Published anonymously. Bound with Bernoulli, J. Nouvelles liUeraires, 1 776-1 779, in which supplementary lists are also published. PHYSICS 75 Harbord, John Bradley. 527 P700 ^'^* Glossary of navigation. A vade mecum for practical navigators. Third edition, revised and enlarged. Edited by H. B. Goodwin. x,5i2 p. il. 3 pi. 3 tables. sq.T. Portsmouth: Griffin & Co., 1897- 530-537 PHYSICS Electricity • Gehler, Johann Samuel Traugott. 530-3 1500 '"" Johann Samuel Traugott Gehler's physikalisches Worterbuch neu bearbeitet von Brandes. Gmelin. Horner. Muncke. Pfaff. 1 1 vol. in 21. pi. maps, tables. O. Leipzig: E. B. Schwickert, 1825- 1845. Vol. II : Sach- und Namen-Register mit erganzenden Zusatzen von G. W. Muncke. Nebst Nachtragen zum Verzeichniss geographischer Ortsbestimmungen von C. L. Littrow. Biscan, Wilhelm. 537-9 Q201 34759 Formeln und Tabellen fiir den praktischen Elektrotechniker. Hilfs- und Notizbuch. FUnfte vermehrte Auflage. [4], 128, xlviii p. il. 2 pi. I table. S. Leipzig: O. Leiner, [1902]. Blaschke, Paul. 1^537-03 Qioo 31834 Worterbuch der Elektrotechnik in drei Sprachen. Herausgege- ben von Paul Blaschke. Mit einem Vorwort von Dr. F. Nietham- mer . .. Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1901-1902. 3 V. as":-". Contents. — i.Th. Deutsch-Franzosisch-Englisch. [lo], 145, [i] p. 1901. — 2Th. Franzosisch-Deutsch-Englisch. [8], 144 p. 1902. — 3. Th. Englisch-Deutsch-Fran- zosisch. [6], 226 p. 1902. Th. 2-3 have also a French and English title-page respectively. Practical electricity. 537-8 O106 '"'' Practical electricity, with questions and answers. Third edition. [Cleveland. O., Cleveland Armature Works, 1901.] [6], 449 p. 87 diagrs. 154x12'^'". "Electrical words, terms, and phrases defined," p. [283]-437. Heyne, Paul. 537-03 P802 21783 praktisches Worterbuch der Elektrotechnik und Chemie in deut- scher, englischer und spanischer Sprache. Mit besonderer Be- riicksichtigung der modernen Maschinentechnik, Giesserei und Metallurgie 3 vol. O. Dresden: G. Kiihtmann, 1898- 1900. Contents: Vol. i. Deutsch-Englisch-Spanisch. Vol. 2. English-Spanish-German. Vol. 3. Espanol-aleman-ingles. 76 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Houston, Edwin James. I'537.03 P800 19581 j^ dictionary of electrical words, terms and phrases. Fourth edition. With appendix. Greatly enlarged. vi, [2 3,990 p. 582 il. Q. New York: W. J. Johnston Co., 1898. Weiler, W. LSST-os P801 21004 w/'^rterbuch der Elektricitat und des Magnetismus. Ein Hand- und Nachschlagebuch zur Erklarung, Erlauterung und Beschrei- bung der elektrischen und magnetischen Ausdriicke, Gesetze, Vorgange, Apparate, Instrumente und Maschinen nebst Hilfs- wissenschaften und Anwendungen in Gewerbe, Kunst und Wissen- schaft, mit Formeln, Tabellen, biographischen und geschichtlichen Angaben, deutschen, englischen und franzosischen Worterklarun- gen u. s. w. [2],iv,632 p. 816 il. O. Leipzig: M. Schafer, pref . 1898. "Litterarisches \'erzeichnis," p. 628-630. Sloane, Thomas O'Conor. 537'03 P700 17670 jj^g standard electrical dictionary. A popular encyclopaedia of words and terms used in the practice of electrical engineering. Second edition, with appendix to date. 682 p. 393 il. i pi. D. London: C. Lockwood & Son, 1898. Lef evre , Julien . L537 . 03 P500 7383 £)ictionnaire d'electricite, comprenant les applications aux sciences, aux arts et a I'industrie, ... . Introduction par M. E. Bouty. Deuxieme edition, mise au courant des nouveautes electriques. xxxvi,ii6o p. 1285 il. Q. Paris: J. B. Bailliere & Fils, 1895. Sack, Joseph. 537-03 P501 22267 Eiektrotechnisches Worterbuch. English - Franzosisch - Deutsch. Mit Zusatzen versehen von Arthur Wilke. [4], 123 p. O. Leip- zig: O. Leiner, 1895. Houston, Edwin James. 537.03 P400 '** A dictionary of electrical words, terms, and phrases. Third edi- tion, ... enlarged. vi,667 p. 582 il. O. New York: W.J. Johnston Co., 1896. Sloane, Thomas O'Conor. 537-03 P200 4660 rj-^^ Standard electrical dictionary. A popular dictionary of words and terms used in the practice of electric engineering. 624 p. 350 il. O. New York: N. W. Henley & Co., 1892. Houston, Edwin James. 537-03 O900 "" A dictionary of electrical words, terms, and phrases. [2],iv,640, 15 p. 396 il. D. New York: W. J. Johnston Co., 1889. CHEMISTRY MINERALOGY 77 Trevert, Edward. 537 • 8 Pioo '*""' Electricity and its recent applications. A practical treatise for students and amateurs with an illustrated dictionary of electrical terms and phrases. 346 p. il. D. Lynn, Mass. : Bubier Pub- lishing Co., 1 89 1. Fournier, Georges. 537-03 O701 11765 Terminologie electrique. Vocabulaire frangais-anglais-allemand des termes employes en electricite. Suivi d'une bibliographic des ouvrages sur I'electricite et ses appHcations parus depuis 1870 jusqu'a ce jour. 63 p. D. (Bibliotheque des actualites industrielles, no. 14.) Paris: B. Tignol, 1887. Jacquez, Ernest. 537-03 O700 "" Dictionnaire d'electricite & de magnetisme, etymologique, histor- ique, theorique, technique, avec la synonymie frangaise, allemande et anglaise. Nouvelle edition . . . refondue et . . . augmentee. [2], ii, [2], 460 p. O. Paris: C. KHncksieck, 1887. 540-549 CHEMISTRY — MINERALOGY Rothe, Carl. 540.3 Qooi 33509 Kurz gefasstes chemisches Worterbuch fiir Gebildete aller Stande, Photographen, Pharmaceuten, Mediciner, Lehrer, Techniker, etc. vi,[2],i92 p. O. [Deutsche Photographen-Bibliothek, vol. 7.] Weimar: Deutsche Photographen-Zeituag, 1900. Nuova enciclopedia. 1*540.3 P900 """• Nuova enciclopedia di chimica scientifica, tecnologica e industriale, colle applicazioni a tutte le industrie chimiche e manifatturiere, alia medicina, farmacia, igiene, mineralogia e geologia, all'agricol- tura, .... Diretta dal D^ Icilio Guareschi, con la collaborazione di distinti chimici itahani. No. i-. il. Q. Torino : Unione tipo- grafico-editrice torinese, [1899-]. Schneider, Alfred. 540.3 P700 '^'^^ Nach Autoren benannte Reactionen und Reagentien. Auf Grund der Sammlung von A. Schneider neu bearbeitet und erweitert von Dr. Julius Altschul. ... 32,20 p. O. Dresden 1897. Reprinted from the Phari7iaceutische Centralhalle . No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Interleaved. 78 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES ^^^^ends, Georg. 540 3 p^Q^ Synonymen-Lexikon. Eine Sammlung der gebrauchlichsten gleichbedeutenden Benennungen aus dem Gebiete der technischen und pharmaceutischen Chemie, der Pharmakognosie und der pharmaceutischen Praxis. Ein Hand- und Nachschlagebuch fur Apotheker, Chemiker, Droguisten u. A. vii,7i7p. O. Leipzig: E. Pfau, 1 89 1. Bouant, Emile. L540.3O801 '^" Nouveau dictionnaire de chimie viii,ii20 p. 650 11. 2 pi. Q. Paris: J.-B. Bailliere & Fils, 1889. Muir, Matthew Moncrieff Pattison, 540.3 O800 ''" & Morley, H. Forster, editors. Watts' dictionary of chemistry, revised and entirely rewritten .... [With addenda,] 4 vol. il. O. London : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1 890-1 894. VoL I : second edition; voL 3: new edition. Ladenburg, Albert, editor. 540«3 O200 *^^" Handworterbuch der Chemie 13 vol. and index, il.pl. O. [Encyclopadie der Naturwissenschaften.] Breslau : E. Trewendt, 1 882-1 896. The index is compiled by Albert Matzdorff . Neues Handworterbuch. 540-3 Nioo 13182 j^eygg Handworterbuch der Chemie. Auf Grundlage des von Liebig, Poggendorff und Wohler, Kolbe und Fehling herausge- gebenen Handworterbuchs der reinen und angewandten Chemie und unter Mitwirkung von mehren Gelehrten bearbeitet ... . Vol. I-. il. O. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1874-. Vol. 1-3 edited by Herman von Fehling; vol. 4- by Carl Hell. Wurtz, Adolphe. L540.3M800 '"' Dictionnaire de chimie, pure et appliquee. Comprenant : la chimie organique et inorganique ; la chimie appliquee a I'industrie, a I'agriculture et aux arts : la chimie analytique, la chimie physique et la mineralogie. 3 vol. in 5. il. pi. Q. Paris: Hachette & C*«, 1870-1878. Wurtz, Adolphe. L540.3M800 ^^^^ Dictionnaire de chimie, pure et appliquee Supplement. 2 vol. il. pi. O. Paris: Hachette & 0\ [1880-1886]. Wurtz, Adolphe. L540-3 M800 ^^" Deuxieme supplement au Dictionnaire de chimie, pure et ap- pliquee. Public sous la direction de Ch. Friedel Vol. i- il. Q. Paris: Hachette & c'«, 1892-. CHEMISTRY MINERALOGY 79 Thomson, Robert Dundas. 540.3 Mooi 38099 Dictionary of chemistry, with its applications to mineralogy, physi- ology, and the arts. New edition. vii,[i],539,[i] p. il. O. [Griffin's Portable cyclopaedias.] London: R. Griffin & Co., [i860]. Binder's and half title read: Thomson's Cyclopaedia of chemistry. Violette, J. Henry M., & Archambault, P. J. 540.3 Lioo Dictionnaire des analyses chimiques ; ou. Repertoire alphabetique des analyses de tous les corps naturels et artificiels depuis I'origine de la chimie jusqu' a nos jours. Avec I'indication du nom des auteurs et des recueils ou elles ont ete inserees. 2 vol. in i. O. J. B. Bailliere, 185 1. Schaedler, Carl. 540.92 S293 "*' Biographisch-litterarisches Handworterbuch der wissenschaftlich bedeutenden Chemiker. vi,i62 p. D. Berlin: R. Friedlaender & Sohn, 1891. Encyklopadie der Electrochemie. 541 • 17 P502 "''' Encyklopadie der Electrochemie. Vol. i-. il. pi. O. Halle a. S. : W. Knapp, 1895-. No general title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Comey, Arthur Messenger. 541.8 P500 A dictionary of chemical solubilities inorganic. xx,5i5 p. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1896. Storer, Francis Humphreys. L541.8M400 First outlines of a dictionary of solubilities of chemical substances. xi,7i3,[2],8 p. Q. Cambridge: Sever & Francis, 1864. Marpmann, Georg. ^^4303 g^^^ '"" Handworterbuch der chemisch-analytischen Technik und Appa- ratenkunde. Part i-. il. Q. Leipzig: E. Baldamus, 1900-. Cohn, Alfred Isaac. 543-08 3 Tests and reagents chemical and microscopical known by their authors' names, together with an index of subjects. Compiled for the use of chemists, microscopists, pharmacists, students, etc., by Alfred L Cohn, PH.G First edition. New York, J. Wiley & Sons; London, Chapman & Hall, limited, 1903, [4], 383 P- zaic-n. Thorp, Frank Hall. 546P600 Inorganic chemical preparations. iv,238 p. 16 il. O. Boston, U. S. A.: Ginn & Co., 1896. 8o LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Buchka, Karl von. L546 P200 I02I5 physikalisch-chemische Tabellen der anorganischen Chemie. Erganzungsband zu "O. Dammer's Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie". viii,348 p. Q. Stuttgart : F. Enke, 1895. Richter, M. M. ^547-03 Q^oi "^"^ Lexikon der Kohlenstoff-Verbindungen. [Zweite Auflage der "Tabellen der Kohlenstoff-Verbindungen nach deren empirischer Zusammensetzunggeordnet."] 2 vol. paged continuously ; vol. i : xv,[i],i-i264 p.; vol. 2: [6], 1265-2482 p. Q. Hamburg: L. Voss, 1900. Preface and introduction in German, English, French and Itahan. Supplement .... Vol. i. April, 1 899-1900. Q. Hamburg 1901. Thorns, Hermann. L615.3 P700 '**'* Die Arzneimittel der organischen Chemie. Fiir Arzte, Apothe- ker, und Chemiker. Zweite vermehrte Auflage. vi,i57 p. Q. Berlin: J. Springer, 1897. Fluckiger, Friedrich August. L547-I Pioo 25089 Reactions. A selection of organic chemical preparations impor- tant to pharmacy in regard to their behavior in commonly used reagents. Translated, revised and enlarged by J. B. Nagelvoort. Authorized English edition. x,i54,[2] p. i por. i facsim. Q. Detroit, Mich., U. S. A.: G. S. Davis, 1893. Sohn, Charles E. 547-8 P400 11560 Dictionary of the active principles of plants: alkaloids; bitter principles; glucosides : their sources, nature, and chemical char- acteristics, with tabular summary, classification of reactions, and full botanical and general indexes. vii,i94 p. ob. S. London: Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, 1894. Goldschmidt, Victor. L548 O600 '"^*' Index der Krystallformen der Mineralien. 3 vol. Q. Berlin: J. Springer, 1886-1891. "Literatur," vol. i, p. 150-153, and with the different minerals. Troughton, Felix J 549-03 Qioo 40894 ^ classified list of minerals, precious and other stones, by Felix J. Troughton. New York, London [etc.], The Abbey- Press, [«i90i]. 27 p. igc"". Chester, Albert Huntington. 549-03 P700 ''^^^ A catalogue of minerals alphabetically arranged, with their chem- ical composition and synonyms. Third edition [4], 56 p. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1897. GEOLOGY PALEONTOLOGY 8l Chester, Albert Huntington. 549-03 P^oo *'®* A dictionary of the names of minerals, including their history and etymology. First edition xxxvii,[i],320 p. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1896. With bibliographical references. Egleston, Thomas. L549.03 P200 '^"' A catalogue of minerals and synonyms. Third edition, revised and enlarged. [2],iii,[4],379 p. Q. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1892. Egleston, Thomas. 071.91 3 v. 33 20835 (;;;atalogue of minerals and synonyms. 198 p. \_In United States National Museum. Bulletin, no. 33.] Washington 1887. Chester, Albert Huntington. 549* 03 O600 20968 ^ catalogue of minerals, alphabetically arranged, with their chemical composition and synonyms. [4], 52 p. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1886. Egleston, Thomas. 061.822 "'^ Catalogue of minerals, with their formulas, etc xiii,42 p 1863. {In Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian miscellane- ous collections, vol. 7. Washington 1867.) Emerson, Benjamin Kendall, 1843- 557*3 8 v. 126 *'®*^ .... A mineralogical lexicon of Franklin, Hampshire, and Hampden counties Massachusetts, by Benjamin Kendall Emerson. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1895. 180 p. 5 illus., I pi. 244<=°'. (/« Bulletin of the United States Geological Sur- vey, no. 126.) At head of tide : United States Geological Survey .... 550-560 GEOLOGY — PALEONTOLOGY Launay, L. de. 550«2 Q003 ^^**'^ Geologic pratique et Petit dictionaire technique des termes geologiques les plus usuels. Applications de la geologic a I'art de I'ingenieur, I'agriculture, a la recherche des eaux naturelles ou thermales, a I'evacuation des eaux contaminees, a I'hygiene pub- lique, a la decouverte et mise en valeur des minerais, combustibles et produits mineraux divers, a la topographic, etc. Engrais mineraux — sources — explorations minieres — leves geologiques sommaires. viii,344 p. il. D. Paris: A. Colin, 1901. 82 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Page, David. 550-3^500 "'^^ Handbook of geological terms. Geology and physical geogra- phy. Second edition, revised and enlarged. 5^5 -[i] P- D. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1865. Contents: i. Tabular schemes of the chemical, mineral, lithological, and vital aspects of the globe. 2. Dictionary of terms and technicalities employed in geology and physical geography. 3. Explanation of specific appellations made use of by British and foreign palaeontologists. Loewinson-Lessing, Franz. 552 P30i 83183 Petrographisches Lexikon. Repertorium der petrographischen Termini und Benennungen. 2 vol. in i, paged continuously; vol. i: 1-112 p.; vol. 2: [2], 113-255, [i] p. O. Jurjew: C. Mattiesen, 1 893-1 894. Published as supplement to the Sitzungsberichte der Naturforscher-Gesellschaft, 1893-1894. Supplement. iv,96 p. O. Jurjew 1898. Reprinted from the Acta et commentaiiones Imp. Universitatis Jurievensis, 1898. Bound together. Barringer, Daniel Moreau. 553 P700 ""® A description of minerals of commercial value. A practical ref- erence-book for ... any person . . . interested in the extraction or treatment of the various metallic or non-metallic minerals, and for students either in field-work or in the laboratory. First edi- tion 168 p. ob.T. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1897. Smith, Eugene Allen. 557.6i O400 14508 Ljg|. qI |.j^g Qj-gg g^j^jj minerals of industrial importance, occurring in Alabama, up. O. Montgomery, Ala., 1884. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Lesley, John Peter. 557.48 N600 '*" A dictionary of the fossils of Pennsylvania and neighboring states named in the reports and catalogues of the Survey 3 vol. paged continuously; vol. i: xiv,437,xxxi p. ; vol. 2: [4],439-. 9i4,xp.; vol. 3 : [4],9I5-I283,xiii p. il. O. (PENNSYLVANIA. Second Geological Survey. P4.) Harrisburg 1 889-1 890. Bronn, Heinrich Georg. 560.3 K800 *"'® Index palaeontologicus ; oder, Ubersicht der bis jetzt bekannten fossilen Organismen, unter Mitwirkung der HH. Prof. H. R. Goppert und Herm. v. Meyer bearbeitet. 3 vol. O. Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart, 1 848-1 849. 570-572-578 NATURAL SCIENCES Ethnography — Microscopy Herrera, Alfonso L. 570-i Q102 33987 Nouvelle nomenclature des ^tres organises et des mineraux. Edition de la Societe scientifique "Antonio Alzate". P. i-. O. Mexico 1901-. Published as supplement to Memorias y Revista de la Sociedad cienti'fica "Antonio Alzate", 1 900/0 1 -. Clarke, William E 570-3 Q300 """ Cusack's glossary of biological terms. Part I. Plant life. Part II. Animal life. By William E. Clarke ... London, City of Lon- don Book Dep6t, 1903. [6], 165, [i] p. Ill illus. incl. diagrs. I9<=™. Handworterbuch. I'57o«3 Oooi 26623 Handworterbuch der Zoologie, Anthropologie und Ethnologic. .... Vol. I-. il. Q. I^Encyklopaedie der Naturwissenschaften.] Breslau: E. Trewendt, 1880-. Vol. 1-2 edited by Gustav Jager; vol. 3-6, by Anton Reichenow; vol. 7, by J. Fren- zel; vol. 8, by P. Matschie. Stormonth, James. 570-3 N900 '"'^ A manual of scientific terms : pronouncing, etymological, and ex- planatory ; chiefly comprising terms in botany, natural history, anatomy, medicine, and veterinary science : with an appendix of specific names Second edition. xi,488 p. D. Edin- burgh : J. Thin, 1894. Orbigny, Charles [Dessalines] d', editor. L570.3M100 Dictionnaire universel d'histoire naturelle. Resumant et com- pletant tous les faits presentes par les encyclopedies, les anciens dictionnaires scientifiques, les oeuvres completes de Buffon, et les traites speciaux sur les diverses branches des sciences naturelles. .... 13 vol. Atlas in 3 vol. Q. Paris: L. Houssiaux et C'^ 1861. Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles. 503 H600 ''^' Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles, .... Suivi d'une biogra- phic des plus celebrcs naturalistes Par plusieurs professeurs du Jardin du Roi, et des principalcs ecolcs de Paris. 60 vol. pi. por. tables. O. Strasbourg: F. G. Lcvrault, 1 816-1830. 84 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Nouveau dictionnaire. 57o«3 H600 29897 Nouveau dictionnaire d'histoire naturelle, appliquee aux arts, a I'agriculture, a reconomie rurale et domestique, a la medecine, etc. Par une societe de naturalistes et d'agriculteurs. Nouvelle edition presqu' entierement refondue et considerablement aug- mentee ; avec des figures tirees des trois regnes de la nature. 36 vol. 261 pi. tables. O. Paris: Deterville, 1816-1819. Obermiiller, Wilhelm. 572.03 M700 s"« Wilhelm Obermiiller's deutsch-keltisches, geschichtlich-geogra- phisches Worterbuch zur Erklarung der Fluss-, Berg-, Orts-, Gau-, Volker-, und Personen-Namen Europas, West-Asiens und Nord- Afrikas im Allgemeinen, wie insbesondere Deutschlands, nebst den daraus sich ergebenden Folgerungen fiir die Urgeschichte der Menchheit. 2 vol. O. Vol. i : Leipzig: L. Denicke, 1868; vol. 2: Berlin: Denicke's Verlag, 1872. Encyklopadie. L578.03 Q300 37400 Encyklopadie der mikroskopischen Technik mit besonderer Be- riicksichtigung der Farbelehre . . . Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Paul Ehrlich ... Dr. Rudolf Krause ... Dr. Max Mosse . . . Prof. Dr. Heinrich Rosin . . . Prof. Dr. Carl Weigert . . . Berlin, Wien, Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1903. 2 V. 26'="'. Paged continuously; v. i : vi, 704 p. 51 illus.; v. 2: [2], 705-1400 p. illus. 52- 134. "Litteratur" with many subjects. Lezikon. 578.03 P600 "**' Lexikon der angewandten Mikroskopie. [A — Brillantgriin.] 8q p. O. [Berlin 1896.] No more published. Published as a supplement to Zeitschrift fiir angewandte Mikroskopie, vol. i. No title-page. Griffith, John William, & Henfrey, Arthur. 578.03 O300 13691 'pj^g micrographic dictionary ; a guide to the examination and in- vestigation of the structure and nature of microscopic objects. Fourth edition. Edited by J. W. Griffith, assisted by the Rev. M. J. Berkeley, and T. Rupert Jones. 2 vol. in i. il. pi. O. London: J. Van Voorst, 1883. Vol. I, text; vol. 2, plates. 58o BOTANY Kuntze, Otto, 1843- L580.1 O300 «>682 Nomenclaturae botanicae, codex brevis maturus, sensu codicis emendati aux Lois de la nomenclature botanique de Paris de 1867; linguis internationalibus : anglica, gallica, germanica quoad nomina latina, auctore Otto Kuntze. Anhang : Zur Vorgeschichte des Wiener Nomenklaturkongresses 1905. Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1903. Ixiv p. 25i<=m. Kew Gardens. 580.52 7 v.4 "®°' List of published names of plants introduced to cultivation 1876 to 1896. ix,4io p. {In Kew Gardens. Bulletin. Additional series, no. 4.) London 1900. Edited by W. T. Thiselton-Dyer, Lyons, Albert Brown, 1841- 580.1 Qooi 41938 Plant names, scientific and popular, including in the case of each plant thd correct botanical name in accordance with the reformed nomenclature, together with botanical and popular synonyms .... Compiled from the most authentic sources by A. B. Lyons, M.D. Detroit, Nelson, Baker & Co., 1900. 489 p. aixia^*". Prahn, Hermann. 580.1 P700 S9099 pflanzennamen. Erklarung der botanischen und deutschen Na- men der in Deutschland wildwachsenden und angebauten Pflanzen, der Zierstraucher, der bekanntesten Garten- und Zimmerpflanzen und der auslandischen Kulturgewachse. Von Hermann Prahn. Buckow (Mark), R. Miiller, 1897. iv, 172 p. isicm. Keiffer, Ludwig. 580.1 N300 36J04 Nomenclator botanicus. Nominum ad finem anni 1858 public! juris factorum, classes, ordines, tribus, familias, divisiones, genera, subgenera vel sectiones designantium enumeratio alphabetica. Adjectis auctoribus, temporibus, locis systematicis apud varies, notis literariis atque etymologicis et synonymis. Conscripsit Ludovicus Pfeiffer. 2 vol. in 4. O. Cassellis: T.Fischer, 1873- 1874. 86 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Pehersdorfer, Anna. 580.3 Qioo "«'" Botanische Terminologie, alphabetisch geordnet. Handbuch zur Auffindung der in der Botanik vorkommenden lateinischen Kunstausdriicke und solcher deutschen, welche eine Erklarung bediirfen. 2., verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage. iv,i05 p. T. Stuttgart: K. G. Lutz, 1901. Bailey, Liberty Hyde, editor. L634 Qooi ''*" Cyclopedia of American horticulture. Comprising suggestions for cultivation of horticultural plants, descriptions of the species of fruits, vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants sold in the United States and Canada, together with geographical and bio- graphical sketches. By L. H. Bailey, assisted by Wilhelm Miller .... 4 vol. il. Q. New York: Macmillan Co., 1900-1902. Cameron, John. 491.63 C14 ""' The Gaelic names of plants (Scottish, Irish, and Manx), collect- ed and arranged in scientific order, with notes on their etymology, uses, plant superstitions, etc., among the Celts, with copious Gaelic, English, and scientific indices. New and revised edition. XV, 160 p. I por. O. Glasgow: J. Mackay, 1900. Jackson, Benjamin Daydon. 580.3 Qooi 27549 ^ glossary of botanic terms with their derivation and accent. xi,[i],327 p. O. London: Duckworth & Co., 1900. "Bibliography," p. 324-326. Emmerig, A. 580.3 P900 24523 Erklarung der gebrauchlichsten fremden Pflanzennamen. Kin Nachschlagebuch fiir Studierende, Botaniker, Lehrer, .... Mit Beriicksichtigung der Klassen, Ordnungen, Familien und Arten der Pflanzen. 2., -verbesserte Auflage. 151 p. T. Donauworth: L. Auer, [1899]. Robinson, William. 710.2 R56 16685 jj^g English flower garden. Design and arrangement shown by existing examples of gardens in Great Britain and Ireland followed by a description of the best plants for the open-air garden and their culture. Sixth edition. xii,832 p. il. O. London: J. Murray, 1898. Willis, John C. 580.2 P701 "^® A manual and dictionary of the flowering plants and ferns. 2 vol. il. D. [Cambridge natural science manuals.] Cambridge : Uni- versity Press, 1897. BOTANY 87 Matsumura, Jinzd. 58o-3 P500 ^'^"^ Shokubutsu Mei-i. Enumeration of selected scientific names of both native and foreign plants, with Romanized Japanese names, and in many cases Chinese characters. Various paging. 321,62 [4] p. O. Tokyo: Z. P. Maruya & Co., 1895. [Works on botany], 26 p. "Japanese works on botany, printed or only in manuscript, bearing dates earlier than 1868," 17 p. Has also Japanese title-page. Glaser, Ludwig. 580.3 Pooi '^^* Taschenworterbuch fiir Botaniker . . . enthaltend die botanische Nomenklatur, Terminologie und Litteratur, nebst einem alpha- betischen Verzeichnisse aller wichtigen Zier-, Treibhaus- und Kul- turpflanzen, sowie derjenigen der heimischen Flora. Zweite ver- mehrte und verbesserte Auflage. vi,[2],5i6 p. S. Leipzig: T. O. Weigel, 1890. Nicholson, George, editor. 1*634 O400 15975 jj^g illustrated dictionary of gardening, a practical and scientific encyclopaedia of horticulture for gardeners and botanists. Edited by George Nicholson, assisted by professor J. W. H. Trail, in the parts relating to insects, fungi, plant structure, horticultural chemistry, &c. ; and J. Garrett in the fruit, vegetable, and general garden work portions. 5 vol. in 6. il. colored pi. sq.Q. Lon- don : L. U. Gill, [1884-1901]. Vol. 5, [part i] published under the title: The "1900" supplement to The dictionary of gardening, . . . ; [part 2], The century supplement .... Fries, Elias. 580.3 O002 28627 Kritisk ordbok ofver svenska vaxtnamnen. Utgifven af Svenska akademien. xiv,i77,[i] p. D. Stockholm: P. A. Norstedt & soner, 1880. Birnbaum, Karl, editor. 630.3 N900 16210 Thiei's kleines landwirthschaftliches Lexikon. 2 vol. O. Leip- zig: F. Thiel, 1881-1882. Birnbaum, Ksirl, & Werner, E. 630.3 N700 16264 -phigi'g landwirthschaftliches Konversations-Lexikon. 7 vol. O. Strassburg i. E. : F. Thiel, 1877-1882. Vol. 4-7 published at Leipzig. Erster Supplementband. Enthaltend Biographien . . . beriihmter Landwirthe und hervorragender Lehrer der Landwirth- schaft, sowie . . . Belehrungen iiberdie wichtigstenlandwirthschaft- lichen Maschinen und Gerathe. 223 p. il. O. Leipzig 1884. Spezial-Supplement-Band. 784 p. O. Berlin W In one volume with binder's title Spezial-Supplement. 88 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Baillon, Henri [Ernest], 1 827-1 895, ed. L580.3 N500 40865 Dictionnaire de botanique, par M. H. Baillon, avec la collabora- tion de MM. J. de Seynes, J. de Lanessan . , . etc. etc. Dessins de A. Faguet. Tome premier- [quatrieme]. Paris, Hachette et c'«, 1 876-1 892. 4 vol. illus., 33 col. pi. 33 X 25<=™. Paxton, [5/r Joseph]. 580.3 M800 1053 Paxton's botanical dictionary, comprising the names, history and culture of all plants known in Britain ; with a full explanation of technical terms. New edition, including all the new plants up to the present year. Revised ... by Samuel Hereman. xii, 623 p. O. London: Bradbury, Evans, & Co., 1868. Henslow, John Stevens. 580.3 Li "" A dictionar}' of botanical terms. New edition. [4] ,2 18 p. 200 il. D. London: O. Newmann & Co., 1894. Richard, Louis Claude [Marie]. 580.3 H700 33973 p^ botanical dictionary, being a translation from the French. With additions from Martyn, Smith, Milne, Wildenow, Acharius, &c. 14, [156] p. D. New Haven: H. Howe, 1817. Britten, James, & Boulger, G. S. 580.92 B77 24975 ^ biographical index of British and Irish botanists. xv,i88 p. O. London: West, Newman & Co., 1893. "List of the chief books and other sources consulted and quoted," p. vii-xiv. Saccardo, Pietro Andrea. L580.945 P500 ^*^" La botanica in Italia. MateriaH per la storia di questa scienza. .... 2 vol. in I. F. Venezia: C. Ferrari, 1 895-1901. Vol. I. I. Repertorio biografico e bibliografico del botanici italiani, aggiuntivi gli stranieri che trattarono della flora italiana. 2. Indice dei floristi d' Italia, disposti secondo le regioni esplorate. 3. Cenni storici e bibliografici degli orti botanici pubblici e pri- vati. 4. Quadro cronologico dei principali fatti botanici, ne'quali gli italiani furono precursori. 236 p. 1895. Vol. 2. i. Prefazione. 2. Quadro cronologico dei principali fatti botanici nei quali gli italiani furono precursori o scopritori. 3. Prospetto degli instauratori della flora italiana. 4. Repertorio biografico e bibliografico supplementare dei botanici italiani, aggiuntivi gli stranieri che trattarono della flora italiana. 5. I flo- risti d' Italia. 6. Cenni storici e bibliografici supplementari degli orti botanici pubblici e privati d'ltalia. 7. Lettere di alcuni naturalist! veneti intorno agli erbari. xv,i72p. 1 901. "Edizione di 100 esemplari tirati a parte." Reprinted from Alef/iorie del R. Istituto veneto di scieme, lettere ed arte, vol. 25, no. 4; vol. 26, no. 6. Smith, John. 581.61 O200 17880 p^ dictionar}- of popular names of the plants which furnish the natural and acquired wants of man, in all matters of domestic and general economy. Their history, products, & uses. ix,457 P* O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1882. BOTANY 89 H^raud, Auguste. 581.63 P500 14079 Nouveau dictionnaire des plantes medicinales. Description, ha- bitat et culture, recolte, conservation, partie usitee, composition chimique, formes pharmaceutique et doses, action physiologique, usages dans le traitement des maladies, memorial therapeutique. Precede d'une etude generale sur les plantes medicinales au point de vue botanique, pharmaceutique et medical, avec clef dicho- tomique, tableaux des proprietes medicales. Troisieme edition revue et augmentee de I'etude des plantes nouvellement em- ployees. xii,653 p. 294 il. O. Paris: J.-B. Bailliere&Fils, 1896. Turnbull , Robert . 58 1 . 942 O900 ^®^®' Index of British plants according to the London catalogue (eighth edition). Including the synonyms used by the principal authors, an alphabetical list of English names, also references to the illus- trations of Syme's English botany, and Bentham's British flora. [4] ,98 p. O. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1889. Ramirez, Jose, 1852- L581.972Q200 *'^^^ Sinonimia vulgar y cientifica de las plantas mexicanas, arreglada por el Dr. Jose Ramirez .... Con la colaboracion del Sr. Gabriel V. Alcocer ... . Mexico, Oficina tipografica de la Secretaria de fomento, 1902. xii, [2], 160 p. 34i'='". "Bibliografia de las obras consultadas," p. vii-xii. "Memorias del Dr. Jose Ramirez," p. 1 59-160. Post, Tom von. 582 Q401 41386 Lexicon generum phanerogamarum inde ab anno MDCCXXXVII, cum nomenclatura legitima internationali et systemate inter recentia medio, auctore Tom von Post. Opus revisum et auctum ab Otto Kuntze. Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1904. xlvii, 714, [6] p. aa^m. Jackson, Benjamin Daydon. L582 P300 '*^*'' Index Kewensis. An enumeration of the genera and species of flowering plants from the time of Linnaeus to the year 1885 inclusive, together with their authors' names, the works in which they were first published, their native countries, and their syno- nyms. Compiled . . . under the direction of Joseph D. Hooker. 2 vol. sq.F. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1895. Has also a title-page in Latin. 90 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Sargent, Charles Sprague. 582 Oooi 29806 ^ catalogue of the forest trees of North America. 93 f. O. (U. S. A. Department of the Interior. Tenth Census. Forestry.) Washington 1880. Printed and numbered on only one side of the leaves, Loudon, John Claudius. 582 K200 17316 ^j^ encyclopaedia of trees and shrubs ; being the Arboretum et fruticetum Britannicum abridged : containing the hardy trees and shrubs of Britain, native and foreign, scientifically described ; with their propagation, culture, and uses in the arts. Abridged from the large edition in eight volumes, and adapted for the use of nurserymen, gardeners, and foresters. lxxi,[i], 11 62 p. il. O. London: printed for the author, 1842. [Piper, Archibald], compiler. 583.37 P901 "^'^ Cultivated roses; an alphabetical list of species and varieties grown in this country, with their date of introduction, classes, colours, adaptabilities, and modes of pruning; also chapters deal- ing with insect and fungoid pests, manures, etc. Edited by T. W. Sanders. [2],ii,i57,[i] p. il. i pi. D. London: W. H. & L. Coliingridge, 1899. "Having been frequently applied to by numerous readers of Amateur gardening to supply information as to ... roses, we conceived the idea of preparing and publishing, ... a catalogue or schedule of all the kinds of roses worth growing in this country, . . . , and recognizing the fact that if done at all it was worth doing well, we engaged an expert, Mr. Archibald Piper, to carry out the compilation." Introduction, Dean, Richard. 583 55 O300 ■'"^' The dahlia, its history and cultivation, by Richard Dean, F.R.H.S., Robert Fife, F.R.H.S., John Ballantyne, Stephen Jones, William Cuthbertson, F.R.H.S., Leonard Barron, with illustrations of the different types and a very complete list of varieties in cultivation in 1902. London, New York, The Macmillan Company; Rothe- say, Dobbie & Co., 1903. [8], 120 p. incl. 7 pi. front. I9<=™. Grout, Abel Joel. 588.2 P901 ^**'* Illustrated glossary of bryological terms. 16 p. 46 il. sq. D. New York City: published by the author, [1901]. Reprinted from The Bryologist, vol. 2-4, 1 899-1 901. No title-page nor index. Title tjiken from inside cover. Toni, Ettore de. 589.3 O900 14831 Repertoriumgeographico-polyglottum in usum "Sylloges algarum omnium." 8,ccxiv p. O. Patavii 1894. Published and bound with: Toni, G. B. de. Sylloge algarum, vol. 2, part 3, 1894. 590 ZOOLOGY Sherborn, Charles Davies. 590- 3 Q200 *"^^ Index animalium ; sive, Index nominum quae ab A. D. MDCCLVIII generibus et speciebus animalium imposita sunt, societatibus eruditorum adiuvantibus, a Carolo Davies Sherborn confectus .... Cantabrigiae, e Typographic academic©, 1902-. Vol. I-. 24=". "Bibliography," vol. i, p. [xi]-lvi. Waterhouse, Charles Owen. 590-52 2 v.o ^"®' Index zoologicus. An alphabetical list of names of genera and subgenera proposed for use in zoology as recorded in the "Zoolog- ical record" 1 880-1900, together with other names not included in the "Nomenclator zoologicus" of S. H. Scudder. Compiled (for the Zoological Society of London) by Charles Owen Water- house and edited by David Sharp. xii,420,[2] p. O. London 1902. Scudder, Samuel Hubbard. 590.3 N900 *"^ Nomenclator zoologicus. An alphabetical list of all generic names that have been employed by naturalists for recent and fos- sil animals from the earliest times to the close of the year 1879. In two parts : I. Supplemental list. 11. Universal index. 2 vol. ini. O. [United States National Museum. Bulletin no. 19.] Washington 1882. Another copy in the Bulletin of the United States National Museum, has shelf num- ber 071.91 3 V.19 Richet, Charles. L591.1 P501 17962 Dictionnaire de physiologie Vol. I-. il. Q. Paris: F.Al- can, 1895. Brooklyn Entomological Society. 595.06112 i 20070 Explanation of terms used in entomology [2]»37»[i] P- I il. O. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1883. Published as supplement to, and bound with vol. 2 of the Bulletin. Hett, Charles Louis. 598.2 Q207 ^"" A glossary of popular, local and old-fashioned names, of British birds, by Chas. Louis Hett .... London, H. Sotheran & Co., 1902. 114 p. i6i'='". Rewritten from the appendix to the 1898 edition of the author's Dictionary of bird notes, cf. Pref. 92 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Hett, Charles Louis. 598-2 P814 ^«'" A dictionary of bird notes, to which is appended a glossary of popular local and old-fashioned synonyms of British birds. By Chas. Louis Hett Brigg, Jacksons', 1898. 136, [2],xiii, [I]p. I7'='"- Thompson, D*Arcy Wentworth. 398.35 T37 "'" A glossary of Greek birds. xvi,204,[2] p. i pi. O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1895. Newton, Alfred. 598.2 P301 *®" A dictionary of birds. By Alfred Newton, assisted by Hans Ga- dow. With contributions from Richard Lydekker, Charles S. Roy, and Robert W. Shufeldt. 4 vol. in i, paged continuously, il. map. O. London: A. & C. Black, 1 893-1896. Ridgway, Robert. 071.913 ***' Nomenclature of North American birds, chiefly contained in the United States National Museum. 94 p. O. [United States National Museum. Bulletin, no. 21.] Washington 1881. 38164 6oo APPLIED SCIENCES Webber, Eduard. 603 Q400 "'*' ... . Technisches Worterbuch in vier Sprachen Zweite, verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage. Berlin, J. Springer ; Mailand, U. Hoepli, 1904-. Vol. I-. IS"'"' At head of title; Eduard Webber. Isendahl, W. 603 Q200 34404 Maschinentechnisches Taschenworterbuch in drei Sprachen mit besonderer RUcksicht auf Automobilismus und Elektrotechnik. Franzdsisch — Deutsch — Englisch. iv,i 76 p. S. Berlin: G. Siemens, 1902. Privat-Deschanel, [Augustin], 1821-1883. L503 Q201 .... Dictionnaire general des sciences theoriques et appliquees. Mathematiques — physique et chimie — technologic — mecanique — ethnologic — histoire naturelle — medecine — agriculture. 5™® edition illustree, environ 3,500 gravures. Entierement re- fondue, par MM. Jules Gay, Louis Mangin, .... Paris, Gamier freres, [1902-]. Pt. I-. illus. agcf". At head of title : Privat-Deschanel et Focillon. Technologisches Worterbuch. L603 Qioi Technologisches Worterbuch. Deutsch-Englisch-Franzdsisch. ... . Neu bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Egbert v. Hoyer und Franz Kreuter Funfte Auflage. Vol. i. viii,884 p. Q. Wiesbaden: J. F. Bergmann, 1902. Villavecchia, Vittorio. L6o^ Oioo Uizionario di merciologia e di chimica applicata alia conoscenza dei prodotti delle cave e miniere, del suolo e deH'industria, con speciale riguardo ai prodotti alimentari, chimici e farmaceutici. Pel Dott. Vittorio Villavecchia ... con lacollaborazione dei Dott. Guido Fabris ... e Prof. Camillo Hannau ... . Seconda edizione, completamente riveduta, corretta ed aumentata. Genova, A. Donath, 1902. vii, [8], ioi2p. 25i«°>. Double columns. "Tabelle di correzione da adoperarsi per I'accertamento del grado di ricchezza dello spirito," p. 877-881. 35343 408S9 94 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES A.llgemeiner deutscher Sprachverein. 413 A435 87087 Verdeutschungsbiicher des Allgemeinen deutschen Sprachvereins. .... No. 1-2, 5-9. D. Berlin 1891-1900. Contents: No. I. Deutsche Speisekarte. Verdeutschung der in der Kiiche und im Gasthofswesen gebrauchlichen entbehrlichen Fremdworter Vierte, stark ver- mehrte Auflage bearbeitet von Prof. Dr. H. Dunger und E. Lossnitzer. ix,[i],86p. 2 il. I pi. I table. 1900. No. 2. Der Handel. Geldverkehr, Buchhaltung, Brief- wechsel, Waarenverkehr und Versicherungswesen Zweite umgearbeitete und sehr vermehrte Auflage. 132 p. Braunschweig 1891. No. 5- Die Amtssprache Bearbeitet von K. Bruns. 5. vermehrte Auflage. 144 p. 1899. No. 6. Das Berg- und Hiittenwesen 20 p. 1895. No. 7. Die Schule Bearbeitet von Dr. K. Schefl^er. 67 p. 1896. No. 8. Die Heilkunde. . . . Bearbeitet von Dr. O. Kunow. 2. Auflage. 92 p. 1898. No. 9. Tonkunst, Biihnenwesen und Tanz Im Auftrage des Vereins zusammengestellt von Prof. Dr. A. Denecke. 60 p. 1899. And^s, Louis Edgar, editor. L603 Qooi ®*'" Technologisches Lexikon. Handbuch fur alle Industrien und Gewerbe vi,[2],950 p. 337 il- Q- Wien: A. Hartleben, [1900]. Hopkins, Albert Allis, editor. 603 Q003 28163 jj^g Scientific American cyclopedia of receipts, notes and queries. [4] ,629, 105 p. il. O. New York: Munn & Co., 1901. "Appendix. Fifteenth revised edition : Additional receipts. Tables of weights and measures. Chemical synonyms," 105 p. Johnston, Sidney Paine, co^np. 603 P901 42126 'pj^g manual of receipts; being a collection of formulae and pro- cesses for artisans, giving the compositions of various alloys, amalgams, solders, bronzes, lacquers, varnishes, cements, etc., also data for the preservation and decoration of various metallic articles. Compiled from the files of the American artisan and various other sources, by Sidney P. Johnston. Chicago, The American Artisan Press, 1899. 241 p. 20"=™. (0« fowfr.' American artisan manuals.) Kronthal, Paul. L703 K92 ^*^'* Lexikon der technischen Kiinste. 2 vol. paged continuously: vol. i: [2],xxii,[2],i-5i4 p.; vol. 2 : [2],5 15-1021 p. Q. Ber- lin: G. Grote'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1 898-1 899. Lovendal, A. S. 603 P900 24462 Dictionnaire technique frangais-anglais, des outils et ustensiles employes dans les metiers manuels, la petite Industrie, le menage, etc. Suivi d'un index anglais-frangais. viii,i58 p. D. Paris: Boyveau & Chevillet, [1899]. "^^, APPLIED SCIENCES 95 Ghersi, I. 603 P800 "'" .... Recetario industrial. Recetas y procedimientos utiles en las artes, industrias y oficios .... Con 26 grabados, por el in- geniero I. Ghersi. Traducida de la ultima edicion italiana por Antonio Alvarez y Redondo, .... Madrid, Romo y Fussel, 1902. [4], 471, [i] p. 26 illus. I7<"n. (Manuales Romo y-Fiissei.; Bureau of the American Republics. L603 P700 ''^*^ Commercial nomenclature. Published by recommendation of the International American Conference. August 1897. iii,670 p. F, Washington 1897. Bureau of the American Republics. L603 P703 '^"' Nomenclatura comercial. Publicada por especial recomendacion de la Conferencia internacional. Abril de 1897. iii)645 p. F. Washington 1897. Tolhausen, Alexander. 603 P705 ""*' Technological dictionary in the English, German & French lan- guages, ... , revised by Louis Tolhausen Leipzig, B. Tauchnitz, 1 897-1 898. 3 vol. i8<;™. Contents. — [vol. i.] Fran"=' Meisterwerk der Speisen und Getranke Enclyclopedie de cuisine de tous les pays. International encyclopaedia of food and drink. Dritte, wesentlich verbesserte Stereotyp-Auflage. Her- ausgegeben von Dr. P. M. Bluher. 2 vol. paged continuously; vol. I : [2], viii, 1-960 p.; vol. 2: 96i-20i4,[2] p. il. pi. por. map. O. (Bliihers Sammel-Ausgabe von Gasthaus- und Kuchen- Werken, vol. 22-23.) Leipzig: P. M. Bluher, 1901. Goodholme's Domestic cyclopaedia. L640.3 O900 ='^'" Goodholme's Domestic cyclopaedia of practical information Edited by Todd S. Goodholme. New edition, revised. iv,652 p. il. Q. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1889. Harpers' cook book encyclopaedia. 641 Q210 ""' Harpers' cook book encyclopaedia, arranged like a dictionary, and compiled under the direction of the editor of Harper's ba- zar, with contributions by famous authorities on cooking, includ- ing Maria Blay, Christine T. Herrick, Margaret Sangster, Elena de la Torre Bueno, Marion Harland, Mary J. Lincoln, Josephine Grenier, Ysaguirre, etc., etc., etc. New York and London, Harper & Brothers, 1902. xi, [3], 442, [I] p. front., 7 pl- 2ii^"\ ^^ Il8 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES [Dagouret, P.] 641 Q014 31083 Abre^e de cuisine (1200 recettes) avec vocabulaire en quatre langues. [2], 106 p. S. Paris 1900. Meyer, Ethel S. 641 P914 28271 ^ practical dictionary of cookery. 1200 tested recipes. Second edition .... viii,3i9 p. O. London: J. Murray, 1899. Browne, Phyllis, pseud. 641 P804 27855 -pj^g dictionary of dainty breakfasts. With a tabular introduction by a mere man. xii,i39 p. D. London: Cassell & Co., 1898. Phyllis Browne is pseudonym of Olive Patch. Garrett, Theodore Francis, editor. L641 P8oi 21996 -j-j^g encyclopaedia of practical cookery: a complete dictionary of all pertaining to the art of cookery and table service. Illustrated by Harold Furniss, George Cruikshank, W. Munn Andrew, and others. Edited by Theodore Francis Garrett. Assisted by William A. Rawson . . . and other distinguished chefs de cuisine .... 4 vol. il. pi. por. sq.Q. Hyde Park, Mass., U. S. A.: G. T. King, [1898]. Dumas, Alexandre, 1802-1870. L641 M900 23528 Qj-and dictionnaire de cuisine. [2],vi,[2],i i 55,24 p. 2 por. Q. Paris: Alphonse Lemerre, 1873. Senn, Charles Herman. 643 P801 ''"' Senn's Culinary encyclopaedia. A dictionary of technical terms, the names of all foods, food and cookery auxiliaries, condiments and beverages Being a revised, greatly improved, and up-to-date version of the original work, entitled "Culinary diction- ary", by the same author. [4] ,96 p. D. London : Spottiswoode & Co., 1898. 650 BUSINESS American business and accounting encyclopaedia. L650.3 Qioo 30319 ji^g American business and accounting encyclopaedia. A stand- ard reference book for accountants and business men, .... Compiled by E. H. Beach and W. W. Thorne. Commercial law department by A. E. Rouech. Second edition. [2], 1090 p. il. I por. 8 tables. O. Detroit, Michigan: Book-keeper Publishing Co., c. 1901. STENOGRAPHY II9 Scholl, Charles. L650.3P100 2290 ^ phraseological dictionary of commercial correspondence in the English, German, French & Spanish languages. With an ap- pendix containing lists of commercial abbreviations, geographical names, the principal articles of commerce, &c. By Charles Scholl, assisted by George Macaulay, Louis Deglatigny, and Man- uel Lopez Jonte. 2nd edition. [4] ,898 p. O. Liverpool 189 1. Odermann, Carl Gustav. 652.O300 '''®° Deutsch-franzosisches Handelscorrespondenz-Lexikon. Bearbei- tet von Professor Dr. Carl Gustav Odermann, unter Mitwirkung von Elie C6te. Zweite Auflage. vii,[i],50i ,[i] p. O. Leip- zig: H. Haessel, pref. 1883. Veitelle, I. de. 652 M400 '^^'^ Mercantile dictionary : a complete vocabulary of the technicalities of commercial correspondence, names of articles of trade, and marine terms, in English, Spanish, and French; with geographi- cal names, business letters, and tables of the abbreviations in common use in the three languages. iv,303 p. D. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1892, c. 1864. 653 STENOGRAPHY Cordingley, William George. 653.1 Q200 A dictionary of abbreviations and contractions commonly used in general mercantile transactions .... 67 p. S. London : E. Wil- son, 1902. Reporter's list. 653.5 OQOO 28i>os jj^^ reporter's list of word signs and contractions. Giving the correct short-hand oudine, with key opposite, of all the useful word-signs and contractions, of the Graham and Ben Pitman sys- tems of phonography. [2], 32 p. sq. D. Salyersville, Ky. : J. H. Sublett, 1889. Musick, William L 653.51 Q200 Combination shorthand dictionary and reader, adapted to The universal dictation course for Benn Pitman phonography, arranged by W. L. Musick .... Springfield, Mo., W. L. Musick, [1902]. [2], 46 p. 2401. I20 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Kitt, Charles W 653.51 Qioo "'^"^ Shorthand dictionary ; containing characters written in accord- ance with lessons in Pitman phonography, prepared by C. W. Kitt. Chicago, New York, Powers & Lyons, [1901]. 191 p. isixSc-n. Pitman, Benn, 1822- 653.51 Qioi ^'®'' .... The phonographic dictionary and phrase book. By Benn Pitman and Jerome B. Howard. Cincinnati, The Phonographic Institute Co., 1902. 552 p. 20"". (The American system of shorthand.) Moran, Eldon. 653.6 O900 27482 Yhe short-hand sign-book. A compendium of word and phrase contractions. Pitman system. Designed as an accompaniment to the "Reporting style." .... Fifth edition — revised. [2], 53 p. nar. T. St. Louis, Mo.: Moran Short-Hand Co., c. 1889. Pitman, 5/> Isaac, 1813-1897. 653.61 Qi "^®^ Pitman's shorthand dictionary. By Sir Isaac Pitman, .... Eighth (twentieth century) editian. London, New York, Sir I. Pitman & Sons, ltd., [190-]. iv, 312 p. i8i«™. Pitman, 5/r Isaac. 653.61 Looi 4833 ^ phonographic and pronouncing dictionary of the English language. Sixth edition. iv,299 p. D. London : I. Pitman & Sons, 1891. Kitt, Charles W 653.62 Qioo *'**' Shorthand dictionary ; containing characters written in accordance with lessons in Munson phonography. Prepared by C. W. Kitt. Chicago, New York, Powers & Lyons, [1901]. 191 p. i5ix7i<=">. Munson, James Eugene, 1835- 653.62 N400 *'*" Munson's system of phonography. The dictionary of practical phonography, giving the best phonographic forms for the words of the English language (sixty thousand), and for over five thou- sand proper names ; also illustrating the principles of phrase- writing ... . By James E. Munson, .... Boston, New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Co., [1902, ^1874]. XXXV, 328 p. 19^'='". Re-issue of the edition of 1875, with a new title-page. * Gregg, John Robert. 653.837 Q200 Gregg shorthand phrase book, by John Robert Gregg. Chicago, The Gregg Publishing Company, 1902. [4], 80 p. i5X7i'=">. TELEGRAPHY 121 Gregg, John Robert. 653.837 Qioo 41572 Gregg shorthand dictionary, by John Robert Gregg ; the short- hand forms have been written under the direction of the author by Pearl A. Power. Chicago, The Gregg Pubhshing Company, 1902. [2], 146 p. 15x7^=". Ruess, Ferdinand, 1853- 653.93 Qooi *'*'° Stenographisches Handworterbuch nach Gabelsbergers System in Korrespondenzschrift mit zahlreichen Angaben der Satzkiir- zung bearbeitet von Dr. Ferd. Ruess, .... Neustadt a. d. Haardt, W. Marnet, 1901. [4], 274 p. i7h^^. 654 TELEGRAPHY International Cable Directory Company, 1-654 10 ''"°' New York and London. International cable directory of the world in conjunction with Western Union telegraphic code system [Universal edi- tion.] [New York, 1902-.] Continued from [1902]. 27.^x21'='". Gopsill's Sons, James, Philadelphia. L654 Q200 41570 j]^g international cable code. Third edition. Philadelphia, J. Gopsill's Sons, 1902. 276 p. 26x31^'='". Thue, W Clausen-. L654 Qioo 39985 The A. B. C. universal commercial electric telegraphic code. Specially adapted for the use of financiers, merchants, shipowners, underwriters, engineers, brokers, agents, etc., etc., suitable for everyone By W. Clausen-Thue, F.R.G.S. Fifth edition. .... New York, American Code Company, 1901. [22], 1400 p. 254'='". At head of title: Am. edn. Association of American Railway Accounting Officers. 654 Qooi "^'* Standard railway cipher code. Authorized by the Association of American Railway Accounting Ofhcers. 63 p. S. Chicago, III. : C. G. Phillips, 1900. 122 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Atlantic Cable Directory & Code Co., p2iblishers. L654 i 16049 Atlantic cable directory of registered addresses and code book. Containing an alphabetical list of names arranged by cities and states, together with a classified business directory. Telegraph and cable code compiled by Chas. P. Bruch, Assistant Secretary of the Postal Telegraph-Cable Company United States and Canada section [io],28o,[8].656 p. Q. New York [1898]. Moreing, Charles Algernon, & McCutcheon, Frederic G. L654P700 15875 -pj-jg general commercial and mining telegram code .... Pre- ceded by a complete index to the most important words in the English language, with groups of words expressing ideas closely related to suggest and facilitate the compilation of sentences. Also including economical combination tables .... Together with the ofificial vocabulary of cipher words, prepared in accord- ance with the decisions of the International Telegraph Conference of Paris. [2],clxviii,2204 p. Q. London: W. Clowes & Sons, 1897. Lieber, Benjamin Franklin, L654 P600 22019 Standard telegraphic code. [New edition.] xxii,8oo p. Q. New York: Lieber Publishing Co., 1898. McNeill, Bedford. 654 P500 ^®'' McNeill's code. Arranged to meet the requirements of mining, metallurgical and civil engineers ; directors of mining, smelting and other companies ; bankers ; stock and share brokers ; solici- tors, accountants, financiers and general merchants. Safety and secrecy. By Bedford McNeill, F.G.S., .... London, Whitehead, Morris & Co., ltd., 1895. [4], viii, 807 p. I fold. map. 24i<='". Unicode. 654 O600 13106 "Unicode." The universal telegraphic phrase-book. A code of cypher words for commercial, domestic, ano familiar phrases in ordinary use in inland and foreign telegrams. With a list of prominent commercial firms who are Unicode users. Eighth edi- tion. v,[5],iiop. O. London: Cassell & Co., 1892. Miller, Frank. L654 O201 Telegraphic code to insure privacy and secrecy in the transmission of telegrams. 118, [2] p. sq. F. New York : C. M. Cornwell, c. 1882. PRINTING 123 Paton & Co., John. 654O200 1656 Xelegraph & cable code, in use between John Paton & Co., New York, and ... . Compiled by Benjamin Graham. Third edition. [4],ioi ,[2],io p. D. New York: J. C. Hartfield & Son, 1887, c. 1882. 655 PRINTING Irmisch, Linus. 655.03 Q 100 33766 "Worterbuch der Buchdrucker und Schriftgiesser. Etwa siebzehn- hundert fachgewerbliche und fachgesellschaftliche Worter und Redensarten sprachlich und sachlich kurz erlautert. iv,83,[i] p. O. Braunschweig: Selbstverlag des Verfassers, 1901. Maire, Albert. 020.2 M28 ""** Manuel pratique du bibliothecaire : bibliotheques publiques, bibliotheques universitaires, bibliotheques privees, suivi : i*' d'un lexique des termes du livre ; 2° des lois, decrets, etc., concernant les bibliotheques universitaires, de 1837 ^ 1894. xi,[i],59i p. 64 il. I table. O. Paris: A. Picard & Fils, 1896. [Pasko, Wesley Washington, editor.] L655.03P400 American dictionary of printing and book-making, containing a history of these arts in Europe and America, with definitions of technical terms and biographical sketches. [2],iv,592 p. il. i por. sq. O. New York: H. Lockwood & Co., 1894. Heichen, Paul [Hermann], 1848- L655.03 P300 Deutsches polygraphisches Kompendium. Encyclopadisches Hand- und Lehrbuch fiir Buchdruck. Schriftgiesserei, Buchhandel und dieverwandten Facher : Lithographic, Photochemie, Xylo- graphie, Zinkatzung, Kupferstechkunst, Stereotypic und Galvano- typie, Buchbinderei, Papierfabrikation etc. Vom gegenwartigen Standpunkte der Technik unter Beriicksichtigung der neuesten Litteraturen und mit Unterstiitzung bewahrter Fachmanner her- ausgegeben von Paul Heichen .... Erster- [zweiter] Band. Leipzig, M. Schafer; Philadelphia, Schafer & Koradi, 1884- [1886]. 2 vol. illus., fold, plates, facsims., alphabets, forms. aS*:"!. "Xachweis iiber das fur die Bearbeitung Lenutzte Hilfsmaterial," vol. i, p. xii-xiii. "Erganzungsblatter zum technischen Telle des Buches," vol. 2, p. [^^j^-^eg. Lexikon der deutschen Grammatik und Rechtschreibung. Anhang zum "Polygraphischen Kompendium." Mit Angabe der Silbenbrechung. Leipzig, M. Schafer, 1884. [2]> 133 P- 28<=Di. [ lVz//i his Deutsches polygraphisches Kompendium, Bd. i.] 40888 124 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Jacobi, Charles Thomas. 655.03 O800 40883 j^Q printers' vocabulary; a collection of some 2500 technical terms, phrases, abbreviations and other expressions mostly rela- ting to letterpress printing, many of which have been in use since the time of Caxton ; by Charles Thomas Jacobi ... . London, The Chisvvick Press, 1888. vi, [2], 158, [8] p. i9h'^\ Ringwalt, John Luther, editor. L655.03N100 ^° American encyclopaedia of printing. xv,5i2 p. il. 20 pi. Q. Philadelphia: Menamin & Ringwalt, 1871. [Deschamps, Pierre.] 910.3 Nooi ^'^^ Dictionnaire de geographie ancienne et moderne a I'usage du li- braire et de I'amateur de livres, contenant : 1° Les noms anciens, grecs et latins, de la decadence latine et de la renaissance, ... , avec leur signification actuelle en langues vulgaires ; 2° Les re- cherches . . . sur les origines de la typographic dans toutes les villes, bourgs, abbayes d'Europe, jusqu'au XIX*^ siecle exclusive- ment; 3° Un dictionnaire frangais-latin des noms de lieux, des- tine a servir de table. Par Un Bibliophile, viii p. 796 col. O. Paris: Firmin Didot Freres, Fils & C'*^, 1870. Published as supplement to Brunet, J. G. Manuel du libraire. Un Bibliophile is pseudonym for Pierre Deschamps. Annuario. 655.055 i 14864 Annuario della stampa italiana e della libreria Milano, 1898. Vol. 4, 1898. illus. 2i«™. Edited by Henry Berger. Timperley, Charles H. L655.09 J900 19873 Encyclopaedia of literary and typographical anecdote ; being a chronological digest of the most interesting facts illustrative of the history of literature and printing from the earliest period to the present time Second edition, to which are added, a con- tinuation to the present, comprising recent biographies, chiefly of booksellers, and a practical manual of printing. vi,i I5,[i],996, 12 p. il. 4 pi. 4 por. Q. London: H. G. Bohn, 1842. Timperley, C. H. The printers' manual. Ii5,[i] p. il. i pi. London 1838. Schmidt, Rudolf, 1875- L655.092 S353 39464 Deutsche Buchhandler, deutsche Buchdrucker. Beitrage zu einer Firmengeschichte des deutschen Buchgewerbes, von Rudolf Schmidt .... Berlin, F. Weber, 1902-. Vol. I-. illus. (port.) 254«™. PRINTING 125 Renouard, Philippe. 655.092 R29 *'*'^ .... Imprimeurs parisiens, libraires, fondeurs de caracteres et correcteurs d'imprimerie, depuis I'introduction de rimprimerie a Paris (1470) jusqu'a la fin du XVI® siecle. Leurs adresses, marques, enseignes, dates d'exercice. Notes sur leurs families, leurs alliances et leur descendance, d'apres les renseignements bibliographiques et des documents inedits. Avec un plan des quartiers de I'Universite et de la cite. Paris, A. Claudin, 1898. xvi, 480, [4] p. illus., plan. 19^"". Contents. — Libraires, imprimeurs, correcteurs et fondeurs de caracteres. — Auteurs qui vendaient eux-m6mes leurs ouvrages. — Table des adresses classees par rues. — Table des enseignes. — Liste chronologique. — Table des noms de personnes. Heichen, Paul [Hermann], 1848- 655.092 E36 ^'^'^ Taschen-Lexikon der hervorragenden Buchdrucker u. Buchhand- ler seit Gutenberg bis auf die Gegenwart. Ein Handbiichlein fUr Geschichte und Geographic der Buchdruckerkunst in alpha- betischer Anordnung. Herausgegeben von Paul Heichen. Mit 7 Illustrationen. Leipzig, M. Schafer ; Philadelphia, Schafer & Koradi, 1884. [4],343> [I] P- illus. Hi'". Labadie, Ernest. L655.0944 Q(J02 34B45 j^Qtices biographiques sur les imprimeurs et libraires bordelais des XVI®, XVII® et XVIII® siecles, suivies de la liste des imprimeurs et libraires de Bordeaux, et du Departement de la Gironde au XIX® siecle. Documents pour servir a I'histoire de I'imprimerie et de la librairie. Iiii,[2],i84 p. il. 7 pi. i colored. Q. Bor- deaux: Mounastre-Picamilh, 1900. Van der Haeghen, Ferdinand. 655.09492 N600 86791 Dictionnaire des devises des hommes de lettres, imprimeurs, libraires, bibliophiles, chambres de rhetorique, societes litteraires et dramatiques. Belgique & HoUande. Par F. V. H. 104 p. O. Bruxelles: F. J. Olivier, 1876. Supplement .... Par Th. J. I. Arnold. 34 p. O. Bruxelles 1879. Boutmy, Eugene. 655.144 N400 ^'^^ Les typographes parisiens, suivis d'un petit dictionnaire de la langue verte typographique. 52 p. O. Paris 1874, [Wilson, Frederick J. F.] 655.3 O600 ^'^^ List of technical terms relating to printing machinery. Compiled by the editor of the "Printing times & lithographer." 80 p. D. [Wyman's Technical series.] London: Wyman & Sons, [1886]. 126 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Pfau, Karl Friedrich. 655.443 Pooi '^'°' Biographisches Lexikon des deutschen Buchhandels der Gegen- wart. Unter Beriicksichtigung der hervorragendsten Vertreter des Buchgewerbes der alten Zeit und des Auslandes [4], 464 p. 25 il. I pi. O. Leipzig: F. Pfau, 1890. DoUeris, Andreas. 655.4489 P300 33294 "Danmarks boghandlere. En personalhistorisk haandbog. [8], 222, [2] p. O. Kjobenhavn 1893. Caspar, Carl Nicolaus. L655.473O900 ^'- Caspar's Directory of the American book, news and stationery trade, wholesale and retail, ... , in the United States and Canada. .... Added a list ... of ... periodicals, magazines and reviews of the United States, .... xviii,i434 p. 2 pi. i por. Q. Mil- waukee: C. N. Caspar, 1889. Contains also a bibliography of bibliography, and a list of technical terms used in the graphic arts and in the book and stationery trades. 656 TRANSPORTATION Goedel, Gustav. 433 G55 408B0 EtyniQiogisches Worterbuch der deutschen Seemannssprache. Von Gustav Goedel. Kiel und Leipzig, Lipsius & Tischer, 1902. [2], 520, [2] p. i9i=>". Thomas, Northcote W. 656.03 Qooi 30617 ^Y^^ naval wordbook. (Die Seemannssprache.) Ein systema- tisches Worterbuch marine-technischer Ausdriicke in englischer und deutscher Sprache. Zweite verbesserte und vermehrte Auf- lage. xiii,i78p. D. Kiel: Lipsius & Tischer, 1901. Kirberg, August. 656.03 P701 '°°^* Eisenbahn-Worterbuch in deutscher und franzosischer Sprache. Zusammenstellung der bei dem Bau, dem Betrieb und der Ver- waltung der Eisenbahnen vorkommenden technischen und allge- mein gebrauchlichen Ausdriicke in deutscher und franzosischer Sprache II. Auflage. 2 vol. in i , paged continuously ; vol. i: 1-154 p.; vol. 2: 155-302, [2] p. D. Koln : Kolner Verlags-Anstalt & Druckerei, 1898. Vol. 2 published under the title: Dictionnaire des chemins de fer en langues francjaise et allemande. TRANSPORTATION I27 Serraillier, Lucien. 656.03 P700 **"" Vocabulaire technique des chemins de fer. Termes frangais, anglais et americains. Railway technical vocabulary. French, English and American terms. xx,222 p. D. London : Whit- taker & Co., 1897. Hirche, Paul. 656.03 P300 ®''^' Vocabulaire systematique des termes usites au service des che- mins de fer, Frangais et allemand. i. Le service des voyageurs et des marchandises, suivi d'une liste alphabetique des marchan- dises. Troisieme edition. [2],xl,56o,3i p. S, Berhn : C. Hey- mann, 1893. Hirche, Paul. 656.03 Pooi 60S2 Systematische Sammlung der Fachausdriicke des Eisenbahnwe- sens. Deutsch und italienisch. I. Der Personen- und Giiter- dienst nebst alphabetischem Waarenverzeichniss xliii,47i p. S. Wiesbaden: J. F. Bergmann, 1890. Roll, Victor, editor. L656.03P002 ^^"^ Encyklopadie des gesamten Eisenbahnwesens in alphabetischer Anordnung. Herausgegeben unter redaktioneller Mitwirkung des Ingenieurs Carl Wurmb 7 vol. paged continuously; vol. i: [8], 1-480 p.; vol. 2: [2], 48 1-996 p. ; vol 3 : [2],997- 15 16 p. ; vol. 4: [2],i 5 17-2058 p. ; vol. 5 : [2], 2059-26 18 p.; vol. 6 : [2], 2619-3 102 p. ; vol. 7 : [10] ,3 103-3686 p. il. pi. maps, tables. Q. Wien : C. Gerold's Sohn, 1 890-1 895. F. Kienesperger and Ch. Lang were collaborators on vol. 3-7. Hirche, Paul. 656.03 Oooi ''*°* Systematische Sammlung der Fachausdriicke des Eisenbahn- wesens, .... I. Der Giiterdienst, mit Anhang, enthaltend : alphabetisches Waarenverzeichniss nach der Nomenklatur der verschiedenen Tarife. xxviii,64,i 57,[i] p. S. Bromberg: im Selbstverlage des Verfassers, 1882. Has also a title-page in French. Biographical directory. 656.092 B96 "" The biographical directory of the railway officials of America. ... . [No. 1-4.] 1885-1896. por. O. Chicago: Railway Age and Northwestern Railroader, i885-[i896]. 1885 edited by E. H, Talbott & H. R. Hobart; 1893 & 1896 by T. A. Busbey. 1885 & 1887 published by the Railway Age Publishing Co. 128 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Imperato, Fortunate. 656.9 Q105 33749 Attrezzatura, manovra navale, segnalazioni marittime e diziona- rietto di marina. Terza edizione riveduta ed ampliata .... xxi, [2], 643 p. 330 il. 27 pi. 22 colored. S. (Manual! HoepH.) Milano: U. HoepH, 1902. Patterson, Howard. L656.9 Qioi 30459 Patterson's Illustrated nautical encyclopedia. From keel to truck. From stem to sternpost. From zenith to nadir. From bedplate to funnel. From torpedo boat to battle ship (Revised and enlarged edition.) 5 14 p. 500 il. i por. paged in. Q. Cleve- land, O. : Marine Review Pub. Co., c. 1901. U. S. A. Navy Department. Bureau of Equipment. .L656.9 Q104 '"'^ Hydrographic Office. The international code of signals for the use of all nations. American edition, 1901. Published by the Hydrographic Office, Bureau of Equipment, Navy Department. 546 p. il. 5 pi. 4 col- ored, I paged in. pi. Q. Washington 1901. Corazzini, Francesco, 1832- L656.9 Q005 '*"* .... Vocabolario nautico italiano con le voci corrispondenti in francese, spagnolo, portoghese, latino, greco, inglese, tedesco, compilato per commissione del Ministero della r. marina Vol. 1-2, Torino, tipografia San Giuseppe degli ArtigianelH ; vol. 3-, Firenze, Ministero della r. marina, 1900-. VoL I-. 25i«"'. At head of title: Comm. Prof. F. Corazzini di Bulciano. Terry y Rivas, Antonio. L656.9 P902 24829 XDiccionario de los terminos y frases de marina espanol-frances- ingles. Obra util para las marinas militar y mercante, consules, armadores, consignatarios, maquinistas navales, agentes comer- ciales, sociedades de seguros, etc. vi,6i9 p. Q. Madrid: Im- prenta del Ministerio de marina, 1899. Ansted, A. 656.9 P703 A dictionary of sea terms. For the use of yachtsmen, amateur boatmen, and beginners. iv,320 p. il. D. London: L. U. Gill, 1898. Pirrie, William. 656.9 P501 ^^^'^ A technical dictionary (English-French and French-English) of sea terms, phrases, and words in the English and French lan- guages for the use of seamen, engineers, pilots, shipbuilders, ship- owners, and others. viii,354 p. S. London: C. Lockwood & Son, 1895. TRANSPORTATION I2Q Patterson, Howard. L656.9P100 Patterson's illustrated nautical dictionary. Unabridged [2], 392 p. il. I por. Q. New York City, c. 1891. Contents: i. General sea terms; 2. Shipbuilding terms; 3. Navigation terms; 4. Engineering terms; 5. Naval terms. Delbos, Leon. 656.9 O900 ""' Nautical terms in English and in French. With useful tables, iv, [2], 66 p. D. London: Williams & Norgate, 1889. Patterson, Howard. L656.9 O700 The yachtsman's guide, .... Part I. Rudimentary treatise on navigation. Part 11. Practical navigation explained. Part III. Laws of sailing, yacht discipline, valuable rules, etc. Part IV. Practical seamanship, embracing all rigs. Part V. Dictionaries of ship building and sea terms, etc. New and enlarged edition. 443 p. il. I por. Q. New York City: New York Navigation School, c. 1887. Nautisch-technisches Worterbuch der Marine. 656.9 O303 ^" " Nautisch-technisches Worterbuch der Marine. Deutsch, ita- lienisch, kanzosisch und englisch Bearbeitet von P. E. Dabovich. Herausgegeben von der Redaction der Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete des Seewesens Vol. i-. O. Pola 1883-. Has also title-page in Italian. Witcomb, Henry, &- Tiret, Edmond. 656.9 O301 Dictionnaire des termes de marine, francais-anglais & anglais- francais. 2 vol. il. pi. O. Paris: Challamel aine, 1883. Vol. 2 has title-page in English. Totten, Benjamin J. 6^6^^ j^^oo Naval text-book, and dictionary, for the use of the midshipmen of the U. S. Navy. New edition, revised. 449 p. D. New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1862. 657-659 BOOKKEEPING — ADVERTISING Stern, Robert. L657 Q210 '""^ Buchhaltungs-Lexikon, umfassend samtliche Methoden der Buch- fuhrung, die Kontierung der verschiedenen Branchen, die Buch- fuhrungsgesetze aller Staaten,die wichtigsten Entscheidungen und Erfahrungssatze, nebst Rathschlagen fiir Revisionen. Ein Nach- schlagebuch des gesamten Buchhaltungswesens fiir Richter, Rechtsanwalte, Steuer- und Verwaltungsbeamte, Bankiers, Fa- brikanten, Kaufleute, sowie fiir Studierende bearbeitet unter Mit- wirkung zahlreicher Fachmanner, von Robert Stern Wien und Leipzig, L. Weiss, [i902]-i904. [4], 672 p. 2Sh"". Payne, F. M. 658 P002 ^"" Business pointers and dictionary of synonyms. With much other information not generally known 207 p. S. New York : Excelsior Publishing House, c. 1890. Fowler, Nathaniel C, Jr. L659P700 '""^' Fowler's publicity. An encyclopedia of advertising and printing, and all that pertains to the public-seeing side of business. 10 16 p. il. sq.Q. New York: Publicity Publishing Co., 1897. 660 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY Nuova enciclopedia. L540.3 P900 ^^^°* Nuova enciclopedia di chimica scientifica, tecnologica e industriale, colle applicazioni a tutte le Industrie chimiche e manifatturiere, alia medicina, farmacia, igiene, mineralogia e geologia, all'agricol- tura, .... Diretta dal D"" Icilio Guareschi, con la collaborazione di distinti chimici italiani. No. i-. il. Q. Torino : Unione tipo- grafico-editrice torinese, [1899-]. Villon, A. M. L660.3 P300 '^^^■' Dictionnaire dc chimie industriellc, contenant Ics applications de la chimie a I'industrie, a la metallurgie, a I'agriculture, a la phar- macie, a la pyrotechnic et aux arts et metiers. Vol. i-. il. Q. Paris: B. Tignol, [1893-]. CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY 13I Arends, Georg. 540.3 Pioo "°^^ Synonymen-Lexikon. Eine Sammlung der gebrauchlichsten gleichbedeutenden Benennungen aus dem Gebiete der technischen und pharmaceutischen Chemie, der Pharmakognosie und der pharmaceutischen Praxis. Ein Hand- und Nachschlagebuch fiir Apotheker, Chemiker, Droguisten u. A. vnjiyp. O. Leipzig: E. Pfau, 1 891. Thorpe, Thomas Edward, editor. 660.3 Pi 00 ^'^"^ A dictionary of applied chemistry 3 vol. il. O. London : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1 893-1 895. VoL I : third edition, 1894. VoL 2: second edition, 1895. VoL 3: 1893. Weidinger, G. 660.3 Pioi 599= G. Weidinger's Waarenlexikon der chemischen Industrie und der Pharmacie. Mit Beriicksichtigung der vvichtigsten Nahrungs- und Genussmittel. Unter Mitwirkung der Herren Dr. Med. Joseph Moeller, Dr. Hermann Thorns, K. Thiimmel, herausgegeben von Dr. T. F. Hanausek. Zweite ganzlich umgearbeitete Auflage. .... iv,iooo p. O. Leipzig: G. H. Meyer, 1896, pref. 1891. Harris, William A. 660.3 OQOO '*'®' A technological dictionary of insurance chemistry. xi,407 p. D. Liverpool : published by the author at the Phcenix Fire Ofhce, 1890. Bouant, Emile. L540.3O801 ''" Nouveau dictionnaire de chimie viii.i 120 p. 650 il. 2 pi. Q. Paris: J.-B. Bailliere & Fils, 1889. Stohmann, Friedrich, & Kerl, Bruno, editors. L660.3 O800 ''^°^ Encyklopadisches Handbuch der technischen Chemie. Vierte Auflage Vol. i- il. Q. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1888-. Has also a title-page reading: Muspratt's theoretische, praktische und analytische Chemie in Anwendung auf Kiinste und Gewerbe. VoL 6- read: Begonnen von F. Stohmann und Bruno KerL . . . Herausgegeben von H. Bunte. Ladenburg, Albert, editor. 540-3 O200 *^^" Handworterbuch der Chemie 13 vol. and index, il. pi. O. [Encyclopadie der Naturwissenschaften.] Breslau : E. Trewendt, 1882-1896. The index is compiled by Albert Matzdorff. 132 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Neues Handworterbuch. 540-3 Nioo 13182 Neues Handworterbuch der Chemie. Auf Grundlage dcs von Liebig, Poggendorff und Wohler, Kolbe und Fehling herausge- gebenen Handworterbuchs der reinen und angewandten Chemie und unter Mitwirkung von mehren Gelehrten bearbeitet ... . Vol. I-. il. O. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1874-. Vol. 1-3 edited by Herman von Fehling; vol. 4- by Carl Hell. Wurtz, Adolphe. L540.3M800 •"' Dictionnaire de chimie, pure et appliquee. Comprenant : la chimie organique et inorganique ; la chimie appliquee a I'industrie, a I'agriculture et aux arts: la chimie analytique, la chimie physique et la mineralogie. 3 vol. in 5. il. pi. O. Paris: Hachette & C'^ 1870-1878. Wurtz, Adolphe. I'540-3 M800 ^^^^ Dictionnaire de chimie, pure et appliquee Supplement. 2 vol. il. pi. Q. Paris: Hachette & 0\ [i 880-1 886]. Wurtz, Adolphe. L540.3 M800 '="' Deuxieme supplement au Dictionnaire de chimie, pure et ap- pliquee. Public sous la direction de Ch. Friedel Vol. i- il. O. Paris: Hachette & c'^ 1892-. Muspratt, [James] Sheridan. L660.3 Mooi '*'*'^ Chemistry, theoretical, practical, and analytical, as applied and relating to the arts and manufactures. 2 vol. il. por. Q. Glas- gow : W. Mackenzie, [i860]. Thomson, Robert Dundas. 540-3 Mooi 32099 Dictionary of chemistry, with its applications to mineralogy, physi- ology, and the arts. New edition. vii,[i],539,[i] p. il. O. [Grififin's Portable cyclopaedias.] London: R. Griffin & Co., [i860]. Binder's and half title read: Thomson's Cyclopaedia of chemistry. Auskunftsbuch. 660.53 10 36886 Auskunftsbuch fiir die chemische Industrie. ... . Wittenberg, 1902-. Continued from vol. i, 1902. aa-i*^"™. Daniel, Jacques, 1868- L662.2 Q200 Poudres et explosifs. Dictionnaire des matieres explosives par le Dr. J. Daniel .... Preface de M. Berthelot. Paris, V^'^ C. Dunod, 1902. [2], X, 815 p. illus. 25.V'". CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY I33 Wahl, Robert, & Henius, Max. 663.3 Qioo 30753 American handy-book of the brewing, malting and auxiHary trades. A book of ready reference . . . with tables, formulas, calculations, bibliography and dictionary of technical terms, xv,i266p. il. S. Chicago: Wahl & Henius, 1901, "Bibliography", p. 1157-1185. Bersch, Josef, ^^. L667 Q201 '*'*"' Lexikon der Farbentechnik. Handbuch fUr alle Gewerbetrei- benden und Kunstler auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Farbentech- nik. Unter Mitwirkung von Fachmannern redigirt von Dr. Josef Bersch. Mit 203 Abbildungen. Wien, A. Hartleben [1902- 1903?] vi, 952 p. illus. 27<=in. O'Neill, Charles. 667 M200 S9S3 A dictionary of calico printing and dyeing; .... [2],iii,[4],2i5, XV p. O. London: Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., 1862. Rawson, Christopher. "- 667.25 Qioo A dictionary of dyes, mordants, and other compounds used in dyeing and caHco printing. By Christopher Rawson, F.I.C. . . . Walter M. Gardner, F.C.S. ... and W. F. Laycock, PH.D. ... London, C. Grififin & Company, ltd., 1901. [6], 372 p. 23='". Hurst, George H. L667.26P600 Dictionary of the coal tar colors. Second edition, revised and enlarged. [4],vii,2i2 p. Q. London : Heywood & Co., 1896. Hurst, George H. 667.6 Qioo Dictionary of chemicals and raw products used in the manufacture of paints, colours, varnishes and allied preparations. vi,[2], 382 p. O. London: Scott, Greenwood & Co., 1901. Power, Frederick Belding. 668.5 P400 Descriptive catalogue of essential oils and organic chemical prep- arations. 96 p. O. New York: Fritzsche Brothers, c. 1894. 670-680 MANUFACTURES — MECHANIC TRADES Bergmann, Heinrich. 671 Q303 ^""'•^ Chcmisch-technisches Rezeptbuch fiir die gesamte Metallindus- trie. Eine Sammlung ausgewahlter Vorschriften fiir die Bear- beitung aller Metalle, Dekoration und Verschonerung daraus gefertigter Arbeiten, sowie deren Konservierung. Ein unent- behrliches Hilfs- und Handbuch fiir alle Metall verarbeitenden Gevverbe. Von Heinrich Bergmann. Zweite vollstandig um- gearbeitete Auflage. Wien und Leipzig, A. Hartleben, 1904. [8], 327 p. 19^'^"^ (0/z c-(;e'tvv Chemisch-technische Bibliothek. Band 146.) Bolland, Simpson. 671 P400 29-26 jYie encyclopedia of founding and dictionary of foundry terms, used in the practice of moulding First edition iv,535 p. D. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1894. Markham, Christopher Alexander. 671.69 P800 29060 ii^j^^ book to foreign hall marks on gold and silver plate. (With the exception of those on French plate.) vii,i02 p. 163 il. i pi. D, London: Gibbings & Co., 1898. Geyer, Andrew, publisher. 676 Q004 *'''''' Registry of water marks and trade marks. Fourth edition, 322 p. S. New York 1900. Donat, Franz. A677 Q400 *^'^^ Grosses Bindungs-Lexikon. Bearbeitet von Franz Donat. Ein Musterbuch fiir jeden Textilfachmann und ein Leitfaden fiir die Gewebemusterung. 300 Tafeln mit 9015 Bindungen. Grand dictionnaire des liages Traduit par Henri Seywert Large book of textile designs Translated by Rudolf Teltscher Wien und Leipzig, A. Hartleben, [1904-] Pt. I-. plates. 47^'='". * Has German, French and English text in parallel columns. Cole, George Snow. 677 Q004 ^^^"^ Cole's Encyclopedia of dry goods. A reference book for the wholesale and retail dry goods trade of the United States, con- taining a descriptive list of all the standard fabrics, . . . and a full description of the processes of carding, spinning, weaving, bleach- ing, dyeing and printing. New edition, revised and enlarged. 640 p. il. O. New York: Root Newspaper Association, 1900. MANUFACTURES MECHANIC TRADES 135 Bible, George W., & Bible, Dan'l P. 677 P402 10070 Pocket dictionary of dry-goods, etc. 300 p. D. New York: Trade Printing and Publishing Co., 1896. How. 680.3 Qooi "316 f^Q^^ i-Q make and how to mend. By an amateur mechanic. [2], 288 p. il. D. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1900. Schulte, Carl. 681 Qioo ">*">' Lexikon der Uhrmacherkunst. Handbuch fiir alle Gewerbetrei- bende und Kunstler der Uhrenbranche. [4].358 P- I77 il- O- BerHn: im Selbstverlage des Herausgebers, 1901. Abbott, Henry George, pseud. 681 P700 11866 /Antique watches and how to estabhsh their age. Brief biograph- ical sketches of the celebrated watchmakers of the world, and a directory of over 6,ooo names of English, French, German, Dutch, Swiss and American watch and clock makers who were in the business prior to the year 1850. 204 p. il. 13 por. paged in. D. Chicago: G. K. Hazlitt & Co., c. 1897. Abbott, Henry George, psetid. 681 P401 "^'' Abbott's American watchmaker and jeweler. An encyclopedia for the horologist, jeweler, gold and silversmith. Containing . . . receipts and formulas compiled from the best and most reliable sources. Complete directions for using all the latest tools, attach- ments and devices for watchmakers and jewelers. 354 p. 288 il. O. Chicago: G. C. Hazhtt & Co., 1894. Grossmann, Moritz. 681 Pico "*'" Taschen-Worterbuch flir Uhrmacher, enthaltend die technischen Ausdriicke der Uhrmacherei, sowie das Nothigste aus den Hilfs- wissenschaften, dem geschaftlichen Leben und dem Verkehr in Werkstatten. Deutsch-Englisch-Franzosisch. Dritte unveran- derte Auflage. [3 parts] in I vol. sq. S. Bautzen : E. Hiibner, 1897- Britten, Frederick J. 681 O400 4003 ^^Q watch & clock makers' handbook, dictionary, and guide. Ninth edition. 459 p. il. O. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1896. 690 BUILDING Schonermark, Gustav, & Stuber, Wilhelm. L690.3 Q200 ''"■• Hochbau-Lexikon Parti-, il. F. Berlin : VV. Ernst & Sohn, 1902-. Waldow, Edmund i. c. Hermann Heinrich Edmund. 690.3 Q201 40897 Handvvorterbuch des Hochbauwesens im Konigreich Sachsen, Von E. Waldow ... . Zweite, vollig umgearbeitete Auflage. Leipzig, Rossberg'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, A. Rossberg, 1902. [4]» 573 P- I fold- table. 23.i<='". Ricard, Leon, &■ Berry, PauL L690.3 P800 ^'"^' Dictionnaire et traite pratique du metre de fumisterie, chauffage et ventilation; comprenant les professions qui s'y rattachent: terrasse, magonnerie, marberie, serrurerie, chaudronnerie et cou- verture. Base sur la serie des prix de la Societe centrale des architectes, (edition 1897). 420 p. il. O. Paris: en vente chez les auteurs, 1898. Burns, Gavin James. 690.3 P500 Glossary of technical terms used in architecture and the building trades. vii,[i],i36 p. il. D. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1895. Dictionary. 690.3 O800 ^"^ A dictionary of the leading technical and trade terms of architect- ural design and building construction With derivations of and French and German equivalents or synonyms for the various terms. By the editor of "The Technical journal and self-instruct- or." XXXV, 283 p. O. London: Ward, Lock & Co., 1888. Dictionary. L604 142 ''"■"' A dictionary of the leading technical and trade terms of architect- ural design and building construction [2],x,i24p. [//v Industrial self-instructor and technical journal, vol. 5. London 1888.] Issel, Hans. L691 Q200 37722 iiiustriertes Handlexikon der gebrauchlichen Baustoffe von Architekt Hans Issel .... Ein praktisches Hand- und Hilfsbuch auf dem grossen Gebiete der heutzutage gebrauchlichen Baustoffe in Bezug auf deren Gewinnung, Verarbeitung und Verwendung in neuester Zeit. Mit 473 Abbildungen und 13 Tafeln. Leip- zig, T. Thomas, [pref. 1902]. [4]. 5". [I] P- 473 iUus., xiii pi. 25i':'". BUILDING 137 Masselin, Onesime. L693.1O500 ■*'" Cinquieme et nouvelle edition populaire, entierement refondue et considerablement augmentee du Dictionnaire du metre : terrasse, magonnerie, marbrerie & carrelage. Commentaires sur les series de prix de la ville de Paris et du Ministere des travaux publics. [6],35i p. 12 p. of pi. O. Paris: Ducher & 0«, 1885. Newlands, James. L694 Oooi 11398 -pj-jg carpenter and joiner's assistant: being a comprehensive trea- tise on the selection, preparation, and strength of materials, and the mechanical principles of framing, with their application in carpentry, joinery, and hand-railing; also, a complete treatise on lines ; and an illustrated glossary of terms used in architecture and building. xiii,254 p. il. 106 pi. F\ London: Blackie & Son, 1880. Gardner, Franklin B. 698.1 O700 2959 r^YiQ painters' encyclopaedia. Containing definitions of all impor- tant words in the art of plain and artistic painting, with details of practice .... 427 p. 158 il. D. New York: M.T.Richardson Co., 1894. c. 1887. Master Car Builders* Association. L699 i *'*^^ .... The carbuilders' dictionary ; an illustrated vocabulary of terms which designate American railroad cars, their parts, attach- ments, and details of construction. Four thousand nine hundred and seventy-one illustrations. Compiled for the Master Car Builders' Association by Rodney Hitt, B.M.E. assisted by A, M. Waitt ... J. S. Lentz ... W. P. Appleyard .... New York, The Railroad Gazette, 1903. [6], 149, [2], 374 p. illus. (incl. plans, diagrs.) 31.^'='". At head of title : 1 903 edition. Car-builder*s dictionary. L699 P500 3833 -j-j^g Car-builder's dictionary : an illustrated vocabulary of terms which designate American railroad cars, their parts, attachments, and details of construction. Compiled for the Master Carbuilders' Association by Professor John C. Wait, [and others] 1 895 edition. [6],i5i,[i] p. 394 p. of il. F. New York: Railroad Gazette, 1895. The first edition was compiled by Matthias N. Forney, in 1880, and the second by A. M. Wellington, in 1884. 138 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Car-builder's dictionary. 699 O800 *^'*^ The car-builder's dictionary : an illustrated vocabulary of terms which designate American railroad cars, their parts and attach- ments. Compiled for the Master Car-Builders' Association by Matthias N. Forney, assisted by Leander Garey and Calvin A. Smith. Revised and enlarged edition, to which has been added a vocabulary of the leading terms used in English railway carriage and wagon construction. Compiled by A. M. Wellington, assist- ed by members of the Executive Committee of the Master Car- Builders' Association. xii,203 p. 358 p. of il. ob.O. New- York: Railroad Gazette, 1884. 700 FINE ARTS Kronthal, Paul. L703 K92 ^^^^^ Lexikon der technischen Kunste. 2 vol. paged continuously : vol. i: [2],xxii,[2],i-5i4p.; vol. 2 : [2],5i5-i02i p. Q. Ber- lin: G. Grote'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1 898-1 899. Adeline, [Jules]. 703A229 15408 Adeline's art dictionary. Containing a complete index of all terms used in art, architecture, heraldry, and archaeology. Trans- lated from the French, and enlarged. vii,422 p. il. O. New York D. Appleton & Co., 1891. Champlin, John Denison, Jr., L750-3C35 '""' &- Perkins, Charles C, editors. Cyclopedia of painters and painting. 4 vol. il. pi. por. sq.Q. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1 886-1 887. Large paper edition, in 500 copies. BruUiot, Francois. 1^703 B83 18953 Djctionnaire des monogrammes, marques figurees, lettres initiales, noms abreges etc., avec lesquels les peintres, dessinateurs, gra- veurs et sculpteurs ont designe leurs noms. Nouvelle edition revue, corrigee, et augmentee d'un grand nombre d'articles. 3 vol. in I. F. Munich: J. G. Cotta, 1832-1834. Bryan, Michael. L750.92 B841 42152 J3i-yan's Dictionary of painters and engravers. New edition re- vised and enlarged under the supervision of George C. Williamson, LITT.D. With numerous illustrations .... New York, The Mac- millan Company; London, G. Bell and Sons, 1903-. Vol. I-. fronts., plates. 29x21="". Bryan, Michael. L750.92 B84 Dictionary of painters and engravers, biographical and critical. New edition, revised and enlarged, edited by Robert Edmund Graves. 2 vol. Q. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1 886-1 895. Vol. 2 edited by Robert Edmund Graves and Walter Armstrong. I40 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES [Waters], Clara, born Erskine, /^rwrr/j' Clement, 709.2 W311 dr Hutton, Laurence. Artists of the nineteenth century and their works. A handbook containing two thousand and fifty biographical sketches. [Re- vised edition.] 2 vol. in i, D. Boston: Houghton, MifBin & Co., c. 1884. Seubert, Adolf. 709.2 S496 2138 Allgemeines Kiinstler-Lexicon, oder Leben und Werke der bc- riihmtesten bildenden Klinstler. Zweite Auflage, . . . erganzt. Neue ... Ausgabe. 3 vol. O. Frankfurt a-M. : Literarische An- stalt Riitten & Loening, 1882. [Waters], Clara (Erskine) Clement, 1834- 709.2 W31 •u-97 Painters, sculptors, architects, engravers, and their works. A handbook. By Clara Erskine Clement, .... With illustrations and monograms. Fifteenth impression. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mififlin and Co., 1899, [''iSSi]. xlii, [2], 681 p. front., illus., 6 pi., 3 port. 19^'='". 710 LANDSCAPE GARDENING Robinson, William. 710.2 R56 16685 Yj^g English flower garden. Design and arrangement shown by existing examples of gardens in Great Britain and Ireland followed by a description of the best plants for the open-air garden and their culture. Sixth edition. xii,832 p. il. O. London: J. Murray, 1898. Illustriertes Gartenbau-Lexikon. 716 I2Q ^'"*^ Illustriertes Gartenbau-Lexikon. Begriindet von Th. Riimpler. Dritte, neubearbeitete Auflage Herausgegeben von Dr. L. Wittmack. iv,936 p. 1002 il. O. Berlin: P. Parey, 1902. Wright, Walter Page, 1864- cd. L634 Q204 Casscll's dictionary of practical gardening. An illustrated ency- clopjedia of practical horticulture for all classes, edited by Walter P. Wright .... Vol. I-[ll]. London, Paris, New York & Mel- bourne, Cassell and Co., ltd., 1902. 2 vol. illus., 20 col. pi. (inch fronts.) 26^™'. ARCHITECTURE I4T Nicholson, George, editor. 1*634 O400 15975 jj^g illustrated dictionary of gardening, a practical and scientific encyclopaedia of horticulture for gardeners and botanists. Edited by George Nicholson, assisted by professor J. W. H. Trail, in the parts relating to insects, fungi, plant structure, horticultural chemistry, &c. ; and J. Garrett in the fruit, vegetable, and general garden work portions. 5 vol. in 6. il. colored pi. sq.O. Lon- don : L. U. Gill, [1884-1901]. Vol. 5, [part l] published under the title: The "1900" supplement to The dictionary of gardening, ... ; [part 2], The century supplement .... Bailey, Liberty Hyde, editor. L634 Qooi ^"'' Cyclopedia of American horticulture. Comprising suggestions for cultivation of horticultural plants, descriptions of the species of fruits, vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants sold in the United States and Canada, together with geographical and bio- graphical sketches. By L. H. Bailey, assisted by Wilhelm Miller .... 4 vol. il. Q. New York: Macmillan Co., 1900-1902. Fillassier, [Jean Jacques]. 634 Fi 11937 Dictionnaire du bon jardinier. Traite complet de la culture des plantes, des fleurs et des fruits, que Ton pent elever en pleine terre sous tons les climats de la France 2 vol. in 4. S. Paris: Lebigre, 1830. Title of vol. 2, part 2, reads: . . . sous tous les chmats de la terre. 720 ARCHITECTURE Materiaux et documents d' architecture. L720.3 2 30S48 Materiaux et documents d'architecture et de sculpture classes par ordre alphabetique .... Continued from vol. 26. 1897-98. pi. F. Paris [1897-]. Edited by A. Raguenet. No title-page nor index. Title taken from cover. Diccionario. L720.3 D54 ^"'"^ Diccionario de arquitectura civil, religiosa, militar y legal. Por varios arquitectos. Obra escrita en vista de las mas importantes que se han publicado en Espaiia y en el extranjero e ilustrada con gran numero de grabados Madrid, V. Suarez ; Barce- lona, Biblioteca cientifica y literaria, [1903]. [2 vol.] illus., plates. 25<="\ 142 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Guedy, Henry. 720.3 G93 31569 Dictionnaire d'architecture, donnant I'explication de tous les termes employes en architecture, beaux-arts, jurisprudence et travaux publics. [2],ii,500 p. il. O. Paris : Ch. Beranger, 1902. Sturgis, Russell, 1836- L720.3 S935 40893 ^ dictionary of architecture and building, biographical, historical, and descriptive; by Russell Sturgis, PH.D. . . . , and many archi- tects, painters, engineers, and other expert writers, American and foreign. In three volumes New York and London, The Macmillan Company, 1901. 3 voL illus., 106 pL ind. front. 27<='". Gwilt, Joseph. 720.3 G99 ""**' An encyclopaedia of architecture, historical, theoretical, and prac- tical. Revised, portions re-written, and with additions (in 1888) by Wyatt Papworth. New impression. xiv,i443 p. il. i pi. O. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1899. "A brief synoptical list of the principal architects, ancient and modern, with their chief works", p. ii 29-1 159. "Publications relating to architecture", p. 1160-1200. Longfellow, William Pitt Preble, editor. L720.3 L86 33378 p^ cyclopaedia of works of architecture in Italy, Greece, and the Levant. xxxii,[2],546 p. 256 il. 12 pi. sq.O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1895. The classical part of this book is the work of Mr. T. W. Ludlow, its bibliography is by H. N. Fowler; most of the articles on the mediaeval and later architecture are by C. A. Cummings; while some on the Gothic and Romanesque churches of middle Italy are by Prof. A. J. Frothingham, Jr. "This edition is limited to five hundred copies, .... This copy is No. 364." "Bibliography," p. xv-xxii. Sabine, Henri. 720.3 V81 v.o """ Table analytique et synthetique du Dictionnaire raisonne de I'architecture frangaise du xi« au xvi*^ siecle par Viollet-le-Duc. Avec table alphabetique des noms de lieux par departements, pour la France et par contrees, pour I'etranger. xx,387,[2] p. Q. Paris: Librairie des Imprimeries Reunies, 1889. Garnsey, George 0. L720.3 G18 The American glossary of architectural terms ; being a concise and comprehensive compilation of all terms used in the practice of architecture and the building arts. A complete dictionary : of over three thousand terms. Historical, descriptive, theoretical, mechanical. [Third edition.] [94] p. il. Q. Chicago, 111., pref. 1892, c. 1887. DECORATIVE ARTS 143 Crugnola, G. L620.3 O300 28069 Dizionario tecnico di ingegneria e di architettura nelle lingue italiana, francese, inglese e tedesca, compresovi le scienze, arti e mestieri affini. Vol. i-. O. Torino: A. F. Negro, 1883-. VioUet-le-Duc, [Eugene Emmanuel]. 720.3 V81 16997 Dictionnaire de I'architecture frangaise du Xi*" an XVI*' sieclc. 10 vol. il. por. O. Paris: vol. i, 9, V'' A. Morel & C'^ vol. 2-8, 10, A. Morel, 1 867-1 873. Vol. 10 is index. "Henri Sabine. Table analytique et synthetique ... ", was published separately in 1889. Vol. I published in 1873. Berty, Adolphe, i8i 8-1867. 720.3 B46 40601 Vocabulaire archeologique frangais-anglais et anglais-frangais, par Adolphe Berty, architecte. Avec renvois aux 1700 vignettes illustrant le Glossaire d'architecture Paris, Londres, etc., J. H. Parker, 1853. [4], 40 p. 22<:">. Bauchal, Ch. L720.92 B32 '^""^ Nouveau dictionnaire biographique et critique des architectes frangais xvi,842 p. Q. Paris: Andre, Daly fils & c'*", 1887. 730-76O DECORATIVE ARTS Smith, Alfred Morris. LTS? S642 Illustrated encyclopaedia of gold and silver coins of the world ; illustrating the modern, ancient, current and curious from A. D. 1885 back to B. C. 700 511 p. il. i por. O. Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A., 1886. 13979 Jervis, William Percival, 1851- , comp. L738 J481 *'"* The encyclopedia of ceramics. Compiled by W. P. Jervis, with much original matter now first published .... New York, [1902]. 673 p. front, (port ), illus. Z'^h.'^^- Bibliography, p. 48-51. Garnier, Edouard. L738G18 '"'"^ Dictionnaire de la ceramique. Faiences — gres — poteries. Ixiii, 258,[i] p. il. 20 pi. O. (Bibliotheque Internationale de I'art. Guides du collectionneur.) Paris: Librairie de I'art, pref. 1893. 144 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Rouaix, Paul. ^740 -3 ^75 17336 Dictionnaire des arts decoratifs a I'usage des artisans, des artistes, des amateurs et des ecoles. [2],vii,i042,[2] p. 541 il. i pi. Q. Paris: Librairie Illustree, [1885]. Texier, — , Abbe. I'740-3 Tai '^'^^ Dictionnaire d'orfevrerie, de gravure et de ciselure chretiennes, ou de la mise en oeuvre artistique des metaux, des emaux et des pierreries ; .... 1496 col. [748 p.] il. 2 pi. Q. [Encyclopedic theologique, Third series, vol. 2'J.'] Paris: J. -P. Migne, 1857. Mazerolle, Fernand, 1868- L740.92 M45 39955 Les medailleurs frangais du xv^ siecle au milieu du xvii*^, par F. Mazerolle ... . Tome premier- [second]. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1902. 2 vol. 28ix23^"\ {Half-title : Collection de documents inedits sur I'histoire de France, publics par les soins du Ministere de I'instruction publique.) " Bibliographic des principaux ouvrages cites," vol. i, p. [clxxij-clxxviii. Contents. — t. i. Introduction et documents. [4], clxxviii, [2], 630 p. — t. 2. Cata- logue des medailles et des jetons. [4], 267 p. Portalis, Roger. 740.92 P83 18549 Lgg dessinateurs d'illustrations au dix-huitieme siecle. 2 vol. paged continuously, vol. i: [4],xxxii,i-386 p.; vol. 2: [2], 387-788 p. I pi. O. Paris: D. Morgand & C. Fatout, 1877. Biographies of illustrators and engravers, with bibliographies of their works. Caulfeild, Sophia F. A. df Saward, Blanche C. L746 C31 .9285 -pj^g dictionary of needlework, an encyclopaedia of artistic, plain, and fancy needlework, dealing fully with the details of all the stitches employed, the method of working, the materials used, the meaning of technical terms, ... . Second edition. [6], 535. vii p. il. 200 pi. sq.O. London: L. U. Gill, [1887?]. Havard, Henry. L749 H29 Dictionnaire de I'ameublement et de la decoration depuis le xiii*' siecle jusqu a nos jours 4 vol. il.pl. F. Paris : Ancienne Maison Quantin, [1887-189-]. Vol. 4 is in new edition, considerably enlarged. Slater, John Herbert. 760.92 S631 Engravings and their value: a guide for the print collector. Second edition. Revised and enlarged. [6], 572, [4] p. D. London: L. U. Gill, 1897. "A dictionary of engravers and their works. Being an alphabetical list of the prin- cipal engravers, with the prices realised at auction for a selection of their works," P- 95-572. 2l934 PHOTOGRAPHY Index. L770.3I38 An index of photographic trade names. Compiled by the editors and staff of The Photogram, the Process photogram, & the Ameri- can photogram. 24 p. il. Q. [London 1899.] Published as supplement to The Photogram, June, 1899. No title-page. Wall, E.J. 770.3 W15 The dictionary of photography for the amateur and professional photographer. Revised and brought up to date by Thos. Bolas. Seventh edition, enlarged. iv,632 p. 122 il. D. London: Hazell, Watson, & Viney, 1897. Wilson, Edward Livingstone. 770.3 W69 ^^'' Wilson's cyclopaedic photography. A complete hand-book of the terms, processes, formulae and appliances available in photogra- phy, arranged in cyclopaedic form for ready reference. 453 p. 247 il. sq.O. London: Dawbarn & Ward, c. 1894. Heighway, William. • „ 18808 -LJ^^A U \ f U . , . 770.3 1130 Hand-book of photographic terms. An alphabetical arrange- ment of the processes, formula, applications, etc., of photography for ready reference. (Second edition, revised.) [21,226 p D London: Piper & Carter, 1891. Sutton, Thomas. .7.70.3 S967 A dictionary of photography. By Thomas Sutton. The chemi- cal articles of A, B, C, by John Worden. vii,423 p. il. D. Lon- don : Sampson Low, Son, & Co., 1858. Crban, Wilhelm, comp. 770.8 9 Recept-Sammlung aus dem photomechanischen Betriebe der technischen Lehr- und Versuchs-Anstalt von Klimsch & Co., Frankfurt a. M. Zusammengestellt von Wilhelm Urban [Frankfurt a. M., Klimsch & Co., 1898.] [2], viii p., 31 1., 32-38 p. 2i.icm. (.J,/,/,,/ /..^., Klimsch's Graphische Bibliothek. ii. Band.) The numbered leaves printed on one side only. 78o MUSIC Redman, Harry Newton. 78o-3 R24 40805 j^ pronouncing dictionary of musical terms ; compiled and edited by Harry Newton Redman. Boston, Knight and Millet, [*^i90i]. [6],vi, I39P i6^<:>^ Riemann, Hugo, 1849- 780.3 R441 42''2 Musik-Lexikon, von Dr. Hugo Riemann, .... Fiinfte vollstandig umgearbeitete Auflage. Leipzig, M. Hesse, 1900, xxiii, [i], 1284 p. 22'^'". Gouget, Emile. 780.3 G72 ■^'"^ L'argot musical : curiosites anecdotiques et philologiques. Avec une introduction de Louis Gallet. xxv,43i p. il. D. Paris: Li- brairie Fischbacher, 1892. Riemann, Hugo. 780.3 R44 '^"^ Dictionary of music. New edition, with many additions by the author. Translated by J. S. Shedlock. [2], 895 p. il. O. Lon- don: Augener & Co., [1893]. Grove, 5//- George, ctfitor. 780.3 G91 *'" A dictionary of music and musicians (A. D. 1450-1889) by emi- nent writers, English and foreign. With appendix, edited by J. A. Fuller Maitland, and index by Mrs. Edmond Wodehouse. 4 vol. and index, il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1 890—94. Champlin, John Denison, Jr., L780.3C35 *"' & Apthorp, William Foster, editors. Cyclopedia of music and musicians. 3 vol. il. por. table. Q. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1 888-1 890. Special edition, with etchings, in 50 copies. Baker, Theodore, editor. 780.92 B17 ^'""^ A biographical dictionary of musicians. With portraits from drawings in pen and ink by Alex. Gribayedoff. vii,653 p. il. O. New York: G. Schirmer, 1900. Eicner, Robert. L780.92 E36 '^^''^' Biographisch-bibliographisches Quellen-Lexikon der Musikerund Musikgelehrten der christlichen Zeitrechnung bis zur Mitte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts Vol. i-. Q. Leipzig: Breit- kopf & Haertel, 1900-. "Verzeichnis der angezogenen neueren Quellenwerke", vol. i, p. 9-14. AMUSEMENTS 147 Brown, James Duff, & Stratton, Stephen S. 780.92 B81 13587 British musical biography: a dictionary of musical artists, authors and composers, born in Britain and its colonies. [4],ii,[2] ,462, [2] p. O. Birmingham: S. S. Stratton, 1897. F6tis, Francois Joseph. 780.92 F431 199-' Biographic universelle des musiciens et bibliographic generale de la musique. Supplement et complement, publics sous la direction de M. Arthur Pougin. 2 vol. O. Paris: Firmin-Didot & O^, 1878-1880. F^tis, Franqois Joseph. 780.92 F43 ■992 Biographic universelle des musiciens et bibliographic generale de la musique. Deuxieme edition . . . augmentec 8 vol. O. Paris: Firmin Didot Freres, Fils & C*'', 1 860-1865. 790 AMUSEMENTS Encyclopaedia. L790.3 E56 30868 'j'l^g encyclopaedia of sport. Edited by the Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire, Hedley Peek and F. G. Aflalo. 2 vol. il. pi. Q. London: Lawrence & Bullen, 1 897-1 898. Euler, Carl, editor. 796 E88 ^"^'^ Encyklopadisches Handbuch des gesamten Turnwesens und der vervi^andten Gebiete. 3 vol. il. O. Wien : A. Pichler's Witwe & Sohn, 1 894-1 896. Gould, Arthur Corbin, 1850- comp. 799-3^73 *'"' American rifleman's encyclopedia. Being a collection of words and terms used by riflemen of the United States, with definitions and explanations, and general suggestions for rifle shooting. Compiled by A. C. Gould ... . Cincinnati, Ohio, The Peters Cartridge Co., [1902]. 137 p. incl. front., illus. IS"^"". 8oo LITERATURE Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. 032 P800 27504 'YiiQ reader's handbook of famous names in fiction, allusions, references, proverbs, plots, stories, and poems. A new edition revised throughout and greatly enlarged. viii,i243 p. O. Phila- delphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1900. Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. 032 P200 '"' Dictionary of phrase and fable. Giving the derivation, source, or origin of common phrases, allusions, and words that have a tale to tell. Twenty-sixth edition, revised To which is added a concise bibliography of English literature, based upon the . . . work ... of W. Davenport Adams viii,i076 p. O. New York: Cassell Publishing Co., [1892]. Wheeler, William Adolphus. 010.3 W56 13272 \Yho wrote it? An index to the authorship of the more noted works in ancient and modern literature. Edited by Charles G. Wheeler. [2], 174 p. sq. D. Boston: Lee & Shepard, 1882. Wheeler, William Adolphus, & Wheeler, Charles G. 031 O200 ®''" Familiar allusions : a hand-book of miscellaneous information, in- cluding the names of celebrated statues, paintings, palaces, country-seats, ruins, churches, ships, streets, clubs, natural curi- osities, and the like. v,584 p. O. Boston : J. R. Osgood & Co., 1882. Smith, Henry Percy, editor. • 031 P500 '"* A dictionary of terms, phrases, and quotations. The terms and phrases edited by the Rev. H. Percy Smith. The quotations com- piled for the American edition by Helen Kendrick Johnson, x. 724 p. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1895. Bartlett, John, 1820-. 808.8 B28 "^ Famihar quotations : a collection of passages, phrases, and prov- erbs traced to their sources in ancient and modern literature. Ninth edition. xv,ii58p. O. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co., 1892. LITERATURE 149 Belton, John Devoe. 808.8 B41 "** A literary manual of foreign quotations, ancient and modern, with illustrations from American and English authors and explanatory notes. vi,249 p. O. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1892. Friswell, James Hain. 808.8 F91 '"" Familiar words. An index verborum or quotation handbook, with parallel passages, of phrases which have become imbedded in our English tongue. New edition, with supplement and . . . new verbal index. vi,500 p. D. London: Sampson Low, ... , & Rivington, 1889. Murray, James Henry. 808.8 M96 '"'*' A dictionary appendix, comprising classical and foreign phrases, family mottoes, proverbs, etc., fully translated, together with ab- breviations in frequent use, and notes .... 156 p. S. London: G. Routledge & Sons, 1889. Adams, William Davenport. 032 N800 "'^ Dictionary of English literature : being a comprehensive guide to English authors and their works. Third edition. iv,708 p. O. London: Cassell, Petter & Galpin, [188-]. Larousse, Pierre. 1-034 M200 24486 pigyj-g historiques ; clef des allusions aux faits et aux mots cele- bres que Ton rencontre frequemment dans les ouvrages des ecri- vains frangais. Cinquieme edition. xxiv,696 p. i por. Q. Paris: Librairie Larousse, [189-]. Inside cover title reads: Fleurs historiques des dames et des gens du monde. 900 HISTORY Larned, Josephus Nelson. I'QOS P300 °^' History for ready reference from the best historians, biographers, and specialists. Their own words in a complete system of his- tory .... 6 vol. maps, tables. O. Springfield, Mass. : C. A. Nichols Co., 1895-1901. Original work in 5 volumes. Vol. 6, revised and enlarged edition. Recent history (1894-5 to 1901). Haydn, [^ose^h.'], of Lincoln s Itm. 032P500 '"^ Haydn's dictionary of dates and universal information relating to all ages and nations. Twenty-first edition, containing the history of the world to the autumn of 1895. ^V Benjamin Vincent, vi, [6],i2i6p. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1895. Bouillet, Marie Nicolas. L903P301 "^° Dictionnaire universel d'histoire et de geographic. Contenant : 1° rhistoire proprement dite : ... ; 2° la biographic universelle : ... ; 3° la mythologie : ... ; 4" la geographic ancienne et mo- derne Refondu sous la direction de L.— G. Gourraigne. Trente-et-unieme edition. x,2ioi p. O. Paris: Librairie Ha- chette &C'^ [1893]. Heilprin, Louis. 903P302 *'"" The historical reference book. Comprising a chronological table of universal history, a chronological dictionary of universal his- tory, a biographical dictionary. With geographical notes .... Fourth edition, with a supplement revised to 1893. xi,[2],574 p. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1895. Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. 032 Pioo '*° The historic note-book : with an appendix of battles. x, 997 p. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1894. Putnam, George Palmer, compiler. 031 O303 ^"' The world's progress : an index to universal history, . . . , being a chronological and alphabetical record of . . . the progress of so- ciety, .... Revised and continued to date by Frederick B. Per- kins and Lynds E. Jones. xlv,i028 p. i por. i table. O. New York: G. J. Griffin, 1883. The compiler has incorporated in his work Ilaydn's Dictionary of dates. GEOGRAPHY 151 Wilhelm , Thomas . L355 . 03 Ooo i ^^-^ A military dictionary and gazetteer, comprising ancient and mod- ern military technical terms, historical accounts of all North Amer- ican Indians, as well as ancient warlike tribes ; also notices of bat- tles from the earliest period to the present time, with a concise ex- planation of the terms used in heraldry and the offtces thereof. .... With an appendix containing the articles of war, etc. Re- vised edition. 659 p. \_12'] p. of il. Q. Philadelphia: L. R. Hamersly, 1881. Obermiiller, Wilhelm. 572.03 M700 ^•-■'6 Wilhelm Obermiiller's deutsch-keltisches, geschichtlich-geogra- phisches Worterbuch zur Erklarung der Fluss-, Berg-, Orts-, Gau-, Volker-, und Personen-Namen Europas, West-Asiens und Nord- Afrikas im Allgemeinen, wie insbesondere Deutschlands, nebst den daraus sich ergebenden Folgerungen fur die Urgeschichte der Menchheit. 2 vol. O. Vol. i : Leipzig: L. Denicke, 1868; vol. 2: Berlin: Denicke's Verlag, 1872. 910 GEOGRAPHY Lippincott's gazetteer. L910.3 Qioo '""''' Lippincott's gazetteer of the world. A complete pronouncing gazetteer or geographical dictionary of the world ... . Origi- nally edited by Joseph Thomas, M.D New revised edition. With a conspectus of the twelfth census of the United States and a supplement containing . . . recent figures and statistics of popu- lation and commerce the world over. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippin- cott Company, 1902, [^1901]. 2636, Ixxxvii p. 27^™. Beiche, Eduard. QiO'S P900 341=2 Eri^iarung geographischer Namen, unter besonderer Beriicksichti- gung des preussischen Staates und der deutschen Kolonieen. Ein Nachschlagebuch flir Lehrer und Lernende. [4], 168 p. O. Glogau : C. Flemming, [1899]. Bacon, George Washington. 910.3 P700 "*^^"" Bacon's pocket atlas and gazetteer of the world [i6],i 15 p. 64 maps. S. London: G. W. Bacon & Co., 1897. Longmans, Green, & Co. ^ publishers. L910.3P501 '°" Longmans' gazetteer of the world. Edited by George G. Chis- holm. xii,i788p. O. London : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1895. 152 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Ritter, Karl. L910.3P502 2979 fitters geographisch-statistisches Lexikon, .... Achte, . . . um- gearbeitete, vermehrte . . . Auflage. Unter der Redaktion von Jobs. Penzler. 2 vol. Q. Leipzig: O. Wigand, 1895. Taylor, Isaac. 910.3 P503 ^"* Names and their histories, alphabetically arranged as a handbook of historical geography and topographical nomenclature. v,[3], 392 p. D. London: Rivington, Percival & Co., 1896. Thomas, Joseph. L910.3P500 '" Lippincott's Gazetteer of the world. A complete pronouncing gazetteer or geographical dictionary of the world New revised edition, amplified by a series of statistical tables, ... . 2894 p. Q. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1895. Levasseur, Emile, editor. L910.3 P400 '""" Lexique geographique du monde entier. Public sous la direction de M. E. Levasseur. Par J.-V. Barbier avec la collaboration de M. Anthoine. Vol. i-. Q. Paris : Berger-Levrault & C'*^, 1 894-. U. S. A. Board on Geographic Names. 910.3 Pooi "®" . . . Report of the United States Board on Geographic Names. No. I. 1 890-1 891. O. Washington 1892. Nouveau dictionnaire. L910.3 N700 ^^^*^ Nouveau dictionnaire de geographic universelle, contenant: i^ la geographic physique : ... ; 2^^ la geographic politique : ... ; 3° la geographic economique : . . . ; 4*^ I'ethnologie : ... ; 5*^ la geographic historique : ... ; 6° la bibliographic : .... Ouvrage commence par M. Vivien de Saint-Martin et continue par Louis Rousselet. 7 vol. sq. F. Paris: Hachette & c^*', 1 879-1 895. . Supplement au tome premier, (A-C). [646 p.] sq.F. Paris 1897. [Deschamps, Pierre.] 910.3 Nooi ^'" Dictionnaire de geographic ancienne et moderne a I'usage du li- braire et de I'amateur de livres, contenant: i" Les noms anciens, grecs et latins, de la decadence latine et de la renaissance, . . . , avec leur signification actuelle en langues vulgaires ; 2° Les re- cherches . . . sur les origines de la typographic dans toutes les villes, bourgs, abbayes d'Europe, jusqu'au XIX^ siecle exclusive- ment; 3^ Un dictionnaire frangais-latin des noms de lieux, des- tine a servir de table. Par Un Bibliophile, viii p. 796 col. O. Paris: Firmin Didot Frercs, Fils & C'*', 1870. Published as supplement to Brunet, J. G. Manuel du libraire. Un Bibliophile is pseudonym for Pierre Deschamps. BIOGRAPHY j^. McCuUoch, John Ramsay. 910 3 j^^^^ '^"° A dictionary, geographical, statistical, and historical, of the vari- ous countries, places, and principal natural objects in the world. New edition, carefully revised, with the statistical information brought up to the latest returns by Frederick Martin. 4 vol. maps. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1866. Smith, William, LL. D. ^^^ ^ t "875 T\- • 910-3 1^300 Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography. 2 vol. il. maps. O London: J. Murray, 1870, pref. 1853. 920 BIOGRAPHY General ami niiscellatieous Who's who. 12423 WTi. > , 920.01 W62 Whos who? An annual biographical dictionary Continued from vol. 50. 1898. D. London 1898-. Vol. 50-51 edited by Douglas Sladen. Vol. 50, with no subtitle, is also called New issue, vol. 2. Men and women of the time was incorporated with vol. 53. Carney, Henry, 1861- , . ./. " L920.01 C212 . . . Dictionnaire biographique international des ecrivains, des artistes, des membres des societes savantes, du clerge, du m'onde diplomatique, politique et administratif,du barreau de la magistra- ture, de la haute societe, des folkloristes, voyageurs et g6ographes, des medecins, chirurgiens, chimistes et naturalistes, etc. Public' sous la direction de M. Henry Carnoy .... Paris, chez I'auteur [1902-]. Vol.1- illus. 290-. (Collection des grands dictionnairesbiographiques inter- nationaux.) Cover- title. Carney, Henry, 1861-, ed. T^,^ ^, p,„ 37553 TV ^- • .• i^920.0I C2II . . . Uictionnaire biographique international des folkloristes des voyageurs et geographes public sous la direction de M. Henry Carnoy ... Paris, chez I'auteur, [1902-] cover-title, [v. i-]. illus. incl. ports. 28.iem. (Collection des grands diction- naires biographiques internationaux) Carney, Henry, 1 86 1- , ^^ t ^ 37222 T^- ,• . , L920.01 C21 • Dictionnaire biographique des grands commergants et indus- triels pubhe sous la direction de M. Henry Carnoy . avec le ' T"t^ '' ""• """"^ "^'^^^^ • • • P-^^' ^hez I'auteur, [190:-! cover-title, v. i- iHus. incl. ports 284^"' rr.iu r , ' i ^^ ' J nairesbiographiques internationaux) ' ^^'^"-'-" ^es grands diction- 154 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Thomas, Joseph. L920.01 T361 30050 Universal pronouncing dictionary of biography and mythology. New third edition, thoroughly revised and brought up to 1901. 2 vol. por. Q. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1901. Binder's title reads: Lippincott's pronouncing biographical dictionary. Men and women. 920.01 M52 '"'^ Men and women of the time. A dictionary of contemporaries. .... Revised and brought down to the present time .... Vol. 14- 15. 1 895-1 899. O. London: G. Routledge & Sons, 1895- 1899. Edited by Victor G. Plarr. Chambers's biographical dictionary. 920.01 C35 15300 (Chambers's biographical dictionary. The great of all times and nations. Edited by David Patrick and Francis Hindes Groome. 1002 p. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1898. Pratt, Alfred T. Camden, editor. L920.01 P88 16547 Peopig q{ the period. Being a collection of the biographies of upwards of six thousand living celebrities. 2 vol. O. London : N. Beeman, i897-[i898]. Carnoy, Henry, 1861- ,ed. L920.01 D56 ^°'^" ... . Dictionnaire biographique des membres des societes savantes .... Public sous la direction de M. Henry Carnoy, .... Paris, impr. de I'Armorial frangais, [1895-]. Vol. I-. illus. (ports.) 29"=°\ (Collection des grands dictionnaires biographi- ques.) Thomas, Joseph. L920.01 T36 *^^ Universal pronouncing dictionary of biography and mythology. New edition, ... enlarged. [4],xii,2550 p. Q. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1895. Vapereau, Gustave. L920.01 V41 Dictionnaire universel des contemporains, contenant toutes les personnes notables de la France et des pays etrangers, .... Sixieme edition ... augmentee. [2],iii,[i],i629 p. Q. Paris: Librairie Hachette & C'®, 1893. Supplement ... . [4], 103 p. Q, Paris: Librairie Ha- chette & C•^ 1895. Bound together. BIOGRAPHY 155 Bouillet, Marie Nicolas. L903P301 "'*'* Dictionnaire universel d'histoire et de geographic. Contenant: i« I'histoire proprement dite : ... ; 2« la biographic univcrsellc : ... ; 3*^ la mythologic : ... ; 40 la geographic ancienne et mo- derne Refondu sous la direction de L.-G. Gourraigne. Trente-et-unieme edition. x,2ioi p. O. Paris: Librairic Ha- chettc &C*^ [1893]. Heilprin, Louis. 903 P302 """ The historical reference book. Comprising a chronological table of universal history, a chronological dictionary of universal his- tory, a biographical dictionary. With geographical notes .... Fourth edition, with a supplement revised to 1893. xi>[2],574 p. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1895. Gubernatis, Angelo de. L920.01 G93 ®'^^ Dictionnaire international des ecrivains du jour. 3 vol. Q. Florence: L. Niccolai, 1890-1891. Vol. I published in 1891. Phillips, Lawrence Barnett. 920.01 P54 The dictionary of biographical reference, containing over one hundred thousand names, together with a classed index of the biographical literature of Europe and America. New edition, re- vised, . . . with supplement to date, by Frank Weitenkampf xi,[2],i038 p. O. Philadelphia: Gebbie & Co., 1889. Sanders, Lloyd Charles, editor. 920.01 S215 Celebrities of the century. Being a dictionary of men and women of the nineteenth century. vi,[2],i077 p. O. London : Cassell & Co., 1887. Vapereau, Gustave. L920.01 V411 Dictionnaire universel des litteratures, Contenant, i, des notices sur les ecrivains de tous les temps et de tous les pays ... ; II, la theorie et I'historique des differents genres de poesie et de prose, .... Ill, la bibliographic generale et particuliere Seconde edition, revue et augmentee d'un supplement. xvi,2096,2 5 p. O. Paris: Hachette & c*^ 1884. Oettinger, Eduard Maria. L920.01 O29 '"° Moniteur des dates, contenant un million de renseignements bi- ographiques, genealogiques et historiques, .... 6 vol. in 2. sq.F. Dresde: E. M. Oettinger, 1 866-1 868. Supplement, commence par Edouard-Marie Oettinger, . . . augmente et continue jusqu' a nos jours, redige et edite par Dr. Hugo Schramm. 3 vol. in i. sq.F. Leipzig: B. Hermann, 1873-1882. 156 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Gates, William Leist Redwin. L920.01 C28 '" A dictionary of general biography. Third edition, . . . completed to the present time. viii,i484p. O. London : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1881. Hoefer, Ferdinand, editor. 920.01 H67 • 990 Nouvelle biographic generale depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a nos jours, avec les renseignements bibliographiques et I'in- dication des sources a consulter: publiee par MM. Firmin Didot Freres. 46 vol. in 23. O. Paris: Firmin Didot Freres, Fils & C^ 1855-1885. Vol. I published in 1862. Michaud, [Joseph Francois, & Michaud, L. G.] , editors. L920.01 M58 2000 Biographic universelle (Michaud) ancienne et moderne, ... . Nouvelle edition, . . . revue, ... ; ouvrage redige par une societe de gens de lettres et de savants. 45 vol. Q. Paris: Madame C. Desplaces, i854-[i857]. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. 920.01 S678 12972 -pi-jg biographical dictionary of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Vol. 1-4, in 7 parts. O. London : Longman, . . . , & Longmans, 1 842-1 844. Edited by George Long. No more published. Flloyd, Thomas. 920.01 F64 '"'" Bibliotheca biographica : a synopsis of universal biography, an- cient and modern 3 vol. O. London: J. Hinton, 1760. Smith, William, ZZ.Z>. 920.03 S664 5809 Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. 3 vol. il. O. London: Taylor, Walton, & Maberly, 1849-185 i. Erving, Joseph. 920.041 172 82967 'pj^g book of Scotsmen eminent for achievements in arms and arts, church and state, law, legislation, and literature, commerce, science, travel, and philanthropy. ix,573,[2] p. O. Paisley: A. Gard- ner, 1 88 1. Boase, Frederic. L920.042 B63 •"^' Modern English biography containing many thousand concise memoirs of persons who have died since the year 1850, with an index of the most interesting matter. 3 vol. Q. Truro : for the author, 1892-1901. Only 250 copies printed. BIOGRAPHY 157 Dictionary. 920.042 D56 '"^ Dictionary of national biography. Edited by Leslie Stephen [and Sidney Lee]. Vol.i-[63] New York, v. 1-48, Mac- millan and Co. ; v. 49-63, The Macmillan Company; London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1885-1901. 63 V. front, (port.) 24"^"^ "A list of writers" of the articles at beginning of each volume. V. 1-21 edited by Leslie Stephen; v. 22-26, by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee; V. 27-63, by Sidney Lee. "The Dictionary of national biography. A statistical account," v. 63, p. [v]-xxii. . Supplement .... (Edited by Sidney Lee.) New York, . . . , London ... , 1901. 3 V. front, (port.) 24<^"'. "Memoir of George Smith," v. i, p. [ix]-xlix. . Index and epitome. Edited by Sidney Lee. New York, . . . , London . . . , 1903. vii, 1456 p. 24"". Biographisches Jahrbuch. L920.043B52 ''''' Biographisches Jahrbuch und deutscher Nekrolog Con- tinued from vol. I. [1896.] por. O. Berlin 1897- Edited by Anton Bettelheim. Published as continuation of the Biographische Blatter. Munich. Konigliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. 920.043 M92 "'' Allgemeine deutsche Biographic. Auf Veranlassung ... seiner Majestat des Konigs von Bayern . . . herausgegeben durch die Historische Commission bei der Konigl. Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Continuedfrom vol. I. O. Leipzig: Duncker & Hum- blot, 1 875-. Vol. I- edited by R. von Liliencron and F. X. Wegele. Dictionnaire nationaL L920.044 D56 Dictionnaire national des contemporains. Contenant les notices . . . de toutes les personnalites vivantes, frangaises ou demeurant en France, qui se sont fait connaitre .... Ouvrage redig^ et tenu k jour par un groupe d'ecrivains, savants, artistes et hommes politiques sous la direction de C.-E. Curinier. Vol. i- sq Q Paris: B. Brunei & Co., [1900-]. * Contains bibliographies of author biographees. Glaeser, Ernest, eduor. L920.044 G45 Biographic nationale des contemporains, redig^e par une societe de gens de lettres. 4,834 p. Q. Paris : Glaeser & C'^ 1878. 158 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Lermina, Jules [Hippolyle], 1839- "* L920.044 L56 ^'*** Dictionnaire universel illustre biographique et bibliographique de la France contemporaine ; comprenant, par ordre alphabetique, la biographic de tous les Frangais et Alsaciens-Lorrains mar- quants, de I'epoque actuelle, I'analysedes ceuvres les pluscelebres (theatre, litterature, sciences) des auteurs vivants, I'histoire des principaux theatres et journaux de Paris et des departements ; par une societe de gens de lettres et de savants sous la direction de Jules Lermina. Paris, L. Boulanger, [etc., 1884]. [6], 1397 p. illus. (port.), I coL port. 30^^°^ Molins, Antonio Elias de. L920.046 M73 *'^^' Diccionario biografico y bibliografico de escritores y artistas cata- lanes del siglo XIX, (Apuntes y datos.") 2 vol. il.pl. Q. Barce- lona i889-[i895]. Carpelan, Tor, editor. L920.047 C22 240d7 p-jj-jgj^ biografisk handbok. Utgifven under medverkan af aldre och yngre vetenskapsman. Vol. i-. Q. Helsingfors : G. W. Edlund, 1895-. Biografiskt lexikon. 920.0485 B52 18372 Biografiskt lexikon ofver namnkunnige svenske man. Ny re- viderad upplaga. 23 vol. O. Vol. 1-8, Stockholm : F. & G. Beijer ; vol. 9-20, Upsala : Wahlstrom & C; vol. 21-23, Orebro : N. M. Lindh, 1 843-1 876. VoL 9-23 are in first edition, 1843-185 7. VoL 1-8 published in 1874-1876. ^ Svenskt biografiskt lexikon. Ny foljd. Vol. i-io, part 2. O. Vol. 1-6, Orebro: N. M. Lindh: vol. 7-10, Stock- holm: F. & G. Beijer, 1 857-1 892. Bricka, Carl Frederik. 920.0489 B76 '^'■■'® Dansk biografisk lexikon, tillige omfattende Norge for Tidsrummet 1537-1814. Udgivet af C. F. Bricka Kjobenhavn, Gyldendalske boghandels forlag, 1887-. VoL I-. 24'='". Brussels. Academic royale des sciences, des lettres 064.12 13 et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Notices biographiques & bibliographiques concernant les mem- bres, les correspondants et les associes. 1896. 4"'*^ edition, viii, 832 p. D. Bruxelles 1897. BIOGRAPHY ' 159 Brussels. Academie royale des sciences, des lettres 064.12 14 *''" et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Notices biographiques et bibliographiques concernant les mem- bres, les correspondants et les associes. 1886. [Troisieme edi- tion.] vii,6o6 p. D. Bruxelles 1887. Brussels. Academie royale des sciences, 920.0493 B83 "°» des lettres et des beaux-arts. Biographic nationale, publiee par rAcademie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Vol. i-. O. Bru- xelles 1 866-. Beale, Thomas William. L920.05 B36 '"'"' An oriental biographical dictionary, founded on materials collect- ed by the late Thomas William Beale. A new edition revised and enlarged by Henry George Keene. vii,43i p. Q. London: W. H. Allen & Co., 1894. Giles, Herbert Allen. L920.051 G39 24681 ^ Chinese biographical dictionary. xii,i022 p. Q. London: B. Quaritch, 1898. Appletons' cyclopaedia. L920.07 A649 '" Appletons' cyclopaedia of American biography. Edited by James Grant Wilson and John Fiske. 7 vol. il. por. Q. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1 894-1900. Vol. 1-6 published in 1894; vol. 7 published in 1900 as a supplementary volume, edited by James Grant Wilson. Canadian men and women. 920.071 M82 13159 ^YhQ Canadian men and women of the time : a hand-book of Can- adian biography. Edited by Henry James Morgan. First edition. xii,iii7,[i] p. D. Toronto: W. Briggs, 1898. Rose, George Maclean, editor. 920.071 R72 '"^^^ A cyclopaedia of Canadian biography : being chiefly men of the time. A collection of persons distinguished in professional and political life ; leaders in the commerce and industry of Canada, and successful pioneers. xvi,8i6 p. O. (Rose's National bio- graphical series, vol. 2.) Toronto: Rose Publishing Co., 1888. Cover title reads : Representative Canadians. Who's who in America. 920.073 W62 Who's who in America. A biographical dictionary of notable living men and women of the United States Edited by John W. Leonard. [Vol. 1-3.] 1899-1905. Chicago, A. N. Mar- quis & Co., c. 1899-1903. 3 vol. 20'="'. Subtitle varies slightly. 17908 l6o LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Lamb's biographical dictionary. L920.073 L16 ^'^'"' Lamb's biographical dictionary of the United States. Edited by John Howard Brown. [University edition.] Vol. i— . il. per. Q. Boston, Mass.: J. H. Lamb Co., 1900-. Chamberlain, Gen. Joshua Lawrence, editor. L378.74 2 23586 Universities and their sons. History, influence and characteristics of American universities, with biographical sketches and portraits of alumni and recipients of honorary degrees. Editor-in-chief, General Joshua L. Chamberlain Introduction by William T.Harris. [First series.] 5 vol. il. por. F. Boston: R. Hern- don Co., 1898-1900. Contents: Vol. i. Harris, W. T. Introduction. Chamberlain, J. L. Universities of learning. Thayer, W. R. Harvard University, 1636-1898. Smith, C. H. Yale Uni- versity, 1 700-1898. DeWitt, J., & Williams, J. L. Princeton University, 1 746-1898. Van Amringe, J. H. Columbia University, 1754-1898. [2],vi,[2],738p. il. i pi. 5por. 1898. Vol. 2. Administrators and instructors, founders and benefactors. [2], 616 p. il. 1899. Vol. 3-5. University sons. Biographical editors: Charles E. L. Wingate, Harvard '83, Albert Lee, Yale '91, Jesse Lynch Williams, Princeton '92, Henry G. Paine, Columbia '80. National cyclopaedia. L920.073N21 *'^^ The National cyclopaedia of American biography. Being the history of the United States as illustrated in the lives of the founders, builders, and defenders of the Republic, and of the men and women who are doing the work and moulding the thought of the present time. Edited by distinguished biographers, se- lected from each state, .... Continued from vol. i . il. por. Q. New York : J. T. White & Co., 1892-. Vol. I was published in 1893. Lanman, Charles. L920.073 L27 33108 Biographical annals of the civil government of the United States, during its first century. From original and ofificial sources. 6,6^6 p. O. Washington: J. Anglim, 1876. Allen, William, 1 784-1 868. 920.073 A432 38424 ^j^ American biographical and historical dictionary, containing an account of the lives, characters, and writings of the most emi- nent persons in North America from its first discovery to the present time, and a summary of the history of the several colonies and of the United States, by William Allen, A.M Cam- bridge, W. Hilliard, 1809. viii, 632 p. front, (port.), I table. 22.^"". BIOGRAPHY l6l Who's who. 920.0747 W62 "'"* Who's who in New York city and state, containing authentic biographies of New Yorkers who are leaders and representatives in various departments of worthy human achievement .... First edition, 1904. New York, L. R. Hamersly Company, [''1904]. I vol. 24=™. History of the Great Lakes. L977 P900 29560 History of the Great Lakes. 2 vol. il. pi. por. maps, tables. Q. Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1899. Contents: Vol. I. [General history.] xvi.gaS p. il. 62 pi. paged in, 5 maps. Vol. 2. [Biographical.] [4],! 108 p. I pi. 2 pi. of por. 46 por. 45 paged in. Evans, Nelson Wiley, 1842- L977.101 Qooi *'*" A history of Adams county, Ohio, from its earliest settlement to the present time, including character sketches of the prominent persons identified with the first century of the county's growth and containing numerous engravings and illustrations. By Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers. West Union, Ohio, E. B. Stivers, 1900. viii, 946 p. front., i6 pi., 63 port, on 51 leaves, fold. map. 26='". "There are but 500 copies of this book printed The number of this book is 358." Encyclopaedia. L920.0773 E56 40877 Encyclopaedia of biography of Illinois. Volume i-[lll]. Illus- trated with engraved and etched portraits. Chicago, The Cen- tury Publishing and Engraving Company, 1 892-1902. 3 vol. 361 port. 30x23'='". Men of Illinois. L920.0773 M52 35238 yiQ^ qI Illinois. [42] p. 535 p. of por. i por. Q. Chicago: H. Witherspoon, c. 1902. Album of genealogy. L920.0773 A345 89695 Aibuni of genealogy and biography of Cook County, Illinois. Also biographies ... of all the presidents of the United States. 614 p. 83 por. 24 paged in. sq.Q. Chicago: Calumet Book & Engraving Co., 1895. Biographical dictionary. L920.0773 B52 The biographical dictionary and portrait gallery of representative men of Chicago and the World's Columbian Exposition. 806, [2] p. 1 79 por. sq.Q. Chicago : American Biographical Publish- ing Co., 1892. l62 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Kett & Co., H. F., publishers. ^11-2^1 N700 289S4 jj^g history of Winnebago County, III, its past and present, con- taining a history of the county — its cities, towns, etc., a bio- graphical directory of its citizens, war record of its volunteers in the late Rebellion, . . . , general and local statistics, history of the • North-west, history of Illinois, .... vi, 19-672 p. il. 32 por. paged in, i map. O. Chicago 1877. Biographical directory. 977-346 N600 29391 Biographical directory of the voters and tax-payers of Kendall County, Illinois 114 p. i map. O. Chicago: G.Fisher & Co., 1876. Two copies bound together. Power, John Carroll. 977-378 N600 88077 History of the early settlers of Sangamon County, Illinois. "Centennial record." By John Carroll Power, assisted by his wife, Mrs. S. A. Power. Under the auspices of the Old Settlers' Society. 797 p. 2 por. i map. O. Springfield, 111. : E. A. Wil- son & Co., 1876. Woodruff, George H. 977-397 N600 "717 pif^-ggri years ago : or The patriotism of Will county, designed to preserve the names and memory of Will county soldiers, both officers and privates ... , in the great struggle to preserve our nationality. 515,82 p. i por. O. Joliet : published for the au- thor, by J. Goodspeed, 1876. Biographical sketches. L920.0773 B521 ''""' Biographical sketches of the leading men of Chicago, written by the best talent of the Northwest. [Photographically illustrated by J. Carbutt.] 693 p. 95 por. Q. Chicago : Wilson & St. Clair, 1868. Contributions. Logo. 92 C76 ^'**'^ Contributions towards a dictionary of English book-collectors, as also of some foreign collectors whose libraries were incorporated in English collections or whose books are chiefly met with in England Part 1-13. pi. por. facsim. Q. London: B. Quaritch, 1 892-1 899. No more published. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Baudouin, Marcel. 396.561 Qioo 30665 j^^gg femmes medecins. Etude de psychologic sociale inter- nationale Vol. i-. por. D. Paris: Institut international de bibliographic, 1901-. PHILOSOPHIC 163 Ebel, Otto, comp. 396-578 Q200 41603 \\/^omen composers. A biographical handbook of woman's work in music, compiled by Otto Ebel .... Brooklyn, N. Y., F. H, Chandler, [1902]. [2], viii, 151 p. Xd'^^. "Writers and works of musical literature have been included." — Pref, Rebiere, Alphonse. 509.2 R24 10609 Lgg femmes dans la science. Notes recueillies par A. Rebiere. Deuxieme edition, tres augmentee. ix,359,[2] p. il. 25 por. i facsim. paged in. O. Paris: Nony & C'°, 1897. Willard, Frances Elizabeth, L920.7 W66 '^^'^ dr Livermore, Mary A., editors. A woman of the century. Fourteen hundred-seventy biographical sketches accompanied by portraits of leading American women in all walks of life. [4] ,8 12 p. il. Q. Buffalo: C. W. Moulton, 1893. Hays, Frances. 920.7 H33 "*" Women of the day. A biographical dictionary of notable con- temporaries. xiv,224 p. D. London: Chatto & Windus, 1885. Crosland, [Camilla, bom Toulmin]. 920.7 C88 12805 Memorable women : the story of their lives. By Mrs. Newton Crosland. Eighth edition. viii,408 p. 4 pi. D. London: J. Blackwood & Co., [187-]. 921 PHILOSOPHIC Noack, Ludwig. L109.2 N65 34334 phiiosophie-geschichtHches Lexikon. Historisch-biographisches Handworterbuch zur Geschichte der Philosophie. xx,[2],936 p. Q. Leipzig: E. Koschny, 1879. 922 RELIGIOUS Lindner, August, 1848- 209.2 L64 "'^' Die Schriftsteller und die um Wissenschaft und Kunst verdienten Mitglieder des Benediktiner-Ordens im heutigen Konigreich Bay- ern vom Jahre 1750 bis zur Gegenwart. Von August Lindner, .... Regensburg, Druck von G. J. Manz, in Commission der M. Hueber'schen Buchhandlung in Schrobenhausen, 1880. 2 vol. in I. 24<='". "Quellen," vol. i, p. 1-13. . Nachtrage zum I. und II. Bande. Regensburg, G. J. Manz, 1884. 89, [3] P- 24^"'- Bound together. SOCIOLOGICAL U. S. A. Congress. 353 4539 *^"" .... A biographical congressional directory 1774 to 1903. The Continental Congress: September 5, 1774, to October 21, 1788, inclusive. The United States Congress : the First Congress to the Fifty-seventh Congress, March 4, 1789, to March 4, 1903, inclusive. Compiled under authority of Congress [by O. M. Enyart]. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1903. iv, 90op. 27''"'. (57th Congress, 2d session. House of Representatives. Docu- ment no. 458.) Headley, Phineas Camp. 923.273 H34 15791 Public nien of to-day. Being the biographies of the President and Vice-President of the United States, each member of the Cabinet, the United States senators and the members of the House of Representatives of the forty-seventh Congress, the Chief-Justice and the justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, and of the governors of the several states First series. 799 p. il. i por, O. Hartford: S. S. Scranton & Co., 1883. Elster, Ludwig, editor. L330.3 P800 Worterbuch der Volkswirtschaft 2 vol. Q. Jena: G. Fischer, 1898. "Litteratur" with each subject. Biographical sketches scattered through the work. 22794 SOCIOLOGICAL 165 Heitman, Francis Bernard, 1838- I'SSS-OQTS Q301 *'®*" . . . Historical register and dictionary of the United States army, from its organization, September 29, 1789, to March 2, 1903. By Francis B. Heitman. PubHshed under act of Congress ap- proved March 2, 1903 .... Volume i-[2]. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1903. 2 vol. 27<="'. "This is the unofficial work of a private compiler, purchased and published by direc- tion of Congress." Cullum, George Washington. 355.092 C89 '^'' Biographical register of the officers and graduates of the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, N. Y., from its establishment, in 1802, ... with the early history of the United States Military Academy. 4 vol. O. Vol. 1-3, Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co.; vol. 4, Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1891-1901. Contents: vol. 1-3. 1802-1890. Third edition, revised and extended. 3 vol. 1891. Vol. 4. Supplement. 1890-1900. Edited by Edward S. Holden. xii,707 p. i por. 1901. Hamersly, Lewis Randolph. 359.092 H17 S3754 'pj^g records of living officers of the U. S. Navy and Marine Corps. Compiled from official sources. Third edition. Revised, with numerous additions. 403 p. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1878. O'Byrne, William Richard. L359.092 O14 16268 j^ naval biographical dictionary : comprising the life and services of every living officer in Her Majesty's navy, from the rank of admiral of the fleet to that of lieutenant, inclusive. Compiled from authentic and family documents. ix,i400 p. Q. London: J. Murray, 1849. Walford, Cornelius, 1827-1885. L368 Nioo ^'*'* The insurance cyclopaedia: being a dictionary ... a biographical summary ... a bibliographical repertory . . . and also containing a detailed account of the rise and progress of insurance in Europe and in America. And a compendium of vital statistics. Vol. 1-6, part I. Q. London: C. & E. Layton, 1871-1880. Ends in the article "Hereditary diseases." No more published on account of the author's death. ^^eyer, Otto Wilhelm. 370.92 B46 Deutsche Schulwelt des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts in Wort und Bild. Von Otto Wilhelm Beyer .... Mit 467 Bildnissen Leipzig und Wien, A. Pichlers Witwe & Sohn, 1903. [4]>392p. 467 illus. (ports.; 24^'^'". l66 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Bardeen, Charles William. 370-92 B23 *»'"" A dictionary of educational biography giving more than four hun- dred portraits and sketches of persons prominent in educational work. iv,287 p. il. sq. D. Syracuse, N. Y. : C. W. Bardeen, 1 901. St. Petersburg. ImperatorskiT S.-PeterburghskiT L378.47 SFi 3^«°^ UnTversTtet. Bioghraficheskii slovar professorov i prepodavatelel Imperators- kagho S.-Peterburghskagho Universiteta za istekshuyu tret'yu chetvert vyeka egho sushchestvovaniya. 1869-94 [Bio- grapical dictionary of the professors and instructors of the Impe- rial University, St. Petersburg, for the past third quarter of the cen- tury of its existence, 1869-94 ] 2 vol. in i, Q. S. -Peter- burgh 1 896-1 898. 925 SCIENTIFIC Poggendorff, Johann Christian. L509.2 P75 11820 Biographisch-literarisches Handworterbuch zur Geschichte der exacten Wissenschaften. Enthaltend Nachweisungen iiber Leb- ensverhaltnisse und Leistungen von Mathematikern, Astronomen, Physikern, Chemikern, Mineralogen, Geologen usw. aller Volker und Zeiten. 3 vol. Q. Leipzig: J. A. Barth, 1 863-1 898. VoL 3 published under the title: J. C. Poggendorff's biographisch-literarisches Handworterbuch .... Dritter Band. (1858 bis 1883). Herausgegeben von Dr. B. W. Feddersen und Prof. Dr. A. J. von Oettingen. Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles. 503 H600 "'*' Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles, .... Suivi d'une bioera- phie des plus celebres naturalistes Par plusieurs professeurs du Jardin du Roi, et des principales ecoles de Paris. 60 vol. pi. por. tables. O. Strasbourg: F. G. Levrault, 18 16-1830. Lebon, Ernest. 520.9 P900 Histoire abregee de I'astronomie. vii,288 p. 16 por. i map. O. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1899. "Dictionnaire biographique et bibliographique", p. 229-274, SCIENTIFIC 167 [Bernoulli, Jean.] 520.92 B45 '^^''' Liste des astronomes connus, actuellement vivans, par ordre alphabetique des lieux de leur demeure. Precedee de reflexions d'un usage plus general & suivie de quelques supplemens au Re- cueil pour les astronomes. Par I'auteur de ce Recueil. 48 p. nar. O. Berlin: ches I'auteur, 1776. Published anonymously. Bound with BernouUi, J. Nouvelles litteraires, 1 776-1 779, in which supplementary lists are also published. Weiler, W. I'537.03 P8oi 21004 Worterbuch der Elektricitat und des Magnetismus. Ein Hand- und Nachschlagebuch zur Erklarung, Erlauterung und Beschrei- bung der elektrischen und magnetischen Ausdriicke, Gesetze, Vorgange, Apparate, Instrumente und Maschinen nebst Hilfs- wissenschaften und Anwendungen in Gewerbe, Kunst und Wissen- schaft, mit Formeln, Tabellen, biographischen und geschichtlichen Angaben, deutschen, englischen und franzosischen Worterklarun- gen u. s. w. [2],iv,632 p. 816 il. Q. Leipzig: M. Schafer,pref. 1898. "Litterarisches Verzeichnis," p, 62S-630. Schaedler, Carl. 540,928293 "'^'' Biographisch-litterarisches Handworterbuch der wissenschaftlich bedeutenden Chemiker. vi,i62 p. D. Berlin: R. Friedlaender & Sohn, 1891. Whitney, Josiah Dwight, 18 19-1896. L010.51 4 v. 15 ^'^'* ... . List of American authors in geology and palaeontology. By J. D. Whitney. Republished from the Bulletin of Harvard University. [No. 22-23, Apr. -Oct. 1882.] Cambridge, Mass., University Press, J. Wilson and Son, 1882. II p. 26*^"'. (/« Harvard University. Library. Bibliographical contributions, no. 15.) Cover-title. "May be considered as supplementary ... to the Royal Society's 'Catalogue of scien- tific papers' and to Prime's 'Catalogue of official reports upon geological surveys of the United States and territories.' " Includes also "a few names of those who, although born in foreign countries, spent the larger portion of their lives and published chiefly here". Britten, James, & Boulger, G. S. 580.92 B77 2497. p^ biographical index of British and Irish botanists. xv,i88 p. O. London: West, Newman & Co., 1893. "List of the chief books and other sources consulted and quoted," p. vii-xiv. l68 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Saccardo, Pietro Andrea. L580.945 P500 ^^*" La botanica in Italia. Materiali per la storia di questa scienza. .... 2 vol. in I. F. Venezia: C. Ferrari, 1895-1901. VoL I. I. Repertorio biografico e bibliografico dei botanici italiani, aggiuntivi gli stranieri che trattarono della flora italiana. 2. Indice dei floristi d' Italia, disposti secondo le regioni esplorate. 3. Cenni storici e bibliografici degli orti botanici pubblici e pri- vati. 4. Quadro cronologico dei principali fatti botanici, ne'quali gli italiani furono precursori. 236 p. 1895. Vol. 2. i. Prefazione. 2, Quadro cronologico dei principali fatti botanici nei quali gli italiani furono precursori o scopritori. 3. Prospetto degli instauratori della flora italiana. 4. Repertorio biografico e bibliografico supplementare dei botanici italiani, aggiuntivi gli stranieri che trattarono della flora italiana. 5. I flo- risti d'ltalia. 6. Cenni storici e bibliografici supplementari degli orti botanici pul^blici e privati d'ltalia. 7. Lettere di alcuni naturalisti veneti intorno agli erbari. xv,i72p. 1901. "Edizione di 100 esemplari tirati a parte." Reprinted from Alemorie del R. Istiluto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arte, vol. 25, no. 4; vol. 26, no. 6. 926 TECHNICAL Dictionnaire. L603 N900 ao306 Dictionnaire encyclopedique et biographique de I'industrie et des arts industriels .... Par E.-O. Lami avec la collaboration des savants, specialistes et praticiens .... 8 vol. and supplement, il. F. Paris: Librairie des dictionnaires, [i 884-1 891]. Vol. I published in 1891. Pagel, Julius Leopold. L610.92 P14 24026 Biographisches Lexikon hervorragender Arzte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Mit einer historischen Einleitung. xxxiii,i983 p. 669 il. Q. Berlin: Urban & Schwarzenberg, [i90o]-i90i. Stone, Richard French, editor. L610.92 S879 34765 Biography of eminent American physicians and surgeons, xxii, 729 p. por. Q. Indianapolis: Carlon & Hollenbeck, 1894. Biographisches Lexikon. L610.92 B52 25076 Biographisches Lexikon der hervorragenden Aerzte aller Zeiten und Volker Herausgegeben von Dr. August Hirsch. 6 vol. Q. Wieii: Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1884-1888. Vol. I edited with assistance of A. Wernich, vol. 2-6 of E. Gurlt. Schmidt, Rudolf, 1875- L655.092 S353 39484 Deutsche Buchhandler, deutsche Buchdrucker. Beitrage zu einer Firmengeschichte des deutschen Buchgewerbes, von Rudolf Schmidt .... Berlin, F. Weber, 1902-. Vol. I-. illus. (port.) 25^*="!. TECHNICAL 169 Labadie, Ernest. L655.0944 Q002 ""'' Notices biographiques sur les imprimeurs et libraires bordelais des XVI®, XVII® et XVIII® siecles, suivies de la liste des imprimeurs et libraires de Bordeaux, et du Departement de la Gironde au XIX® siecle. Documents pour servir a I'histoire de I'imprimerie et de la librairie. Iiii,[2],i84 p. il. 7 pi. i colored. Q. Bor- deaux: Mounastre-Picamilh, 1900. Renouard, Philippe. 655.092 R29 "^'° .... Imprimeurs parisiens, libraires, fondeurs de caracteres et correcteurs d'imprimerie, depuis I'introduction de I'imprimerie a Paris (1470) jusqu'a la fin du XVI® siecle. Leurs adresses, marques, enseignes, dates d'exercice. Notes sur leurs families, leurs alliances et leur descendance, d'apres les renseignements bibliographiques et des documents inedits. Avec un plan des quartiers de I'Universite et de la cite. Paris, A. Claudin, 1898. xvi, 480, [4] p. illus., plan. igi'^"'. Contents. — Libraires, imprimeurs, correcteurs et fondeurs de caracteres. — Auteurs qui vendaient eux-memes leurs ouvrages. — Table des adresses classees par rues. — Table des enseignes. — Liste chronologique. — Table des noms de personnes. Konnecke, Gustav. 655.143 P400 33863 f^essisches Buchdruckerbuch enthaltend Nachweis aller bisher bekannt gewordenen Buchdruckereien des jetzigen Regierungs- bezirks Cassel und des Kreises Biedenkopf. Im Auftrage des Marburger Geschichtsvereins bearbeitet und herausgegeben iv,366,xxiii,[i74] p. 96 il. O. Marburg in Hessen : N. G. El- wert'sche Verlagshandlung, 1894. DoUeris, Andreas. 655.4489 P300 33294 Danmarks boghandlere. En personalhistorisk haandbog. [8], 222, [2] p. O. Kjobenhavn 1893. Pfau, Karl Friedrich. 655.443 Pooi ^'°' Biographisches Lexikon des deutschen Buchhandels der Gegen- wart. Unter Berlicksichtigung der hervorragendsten Vertreter des Buchgevverbes der alten Zeit und des Auslandes [4], 464 p. 25 il. I pi. O. Leipzig: F, Pfau, 1890, Heichen, Paul [Hermann], 1848- 655.092 H36 ^'°'® Taschen-Lexikon der hervorragenden Buchdrucker u. Buchhand- ler seit Gutenberg bis auf die Gegenvvart. Ein Handbiichlein fiir Geschichte und Geographic der Buchdruckerkunst in alpha- betischer Anordnung. Herausgegeben von Paul Heichen. Mit 7 Illustrationen. Leipzig, M, Schafer ; Philadelphia, Schafer & Koradi, 1884. [4], 343. [I] P- illus. I4.i<:m. lyo LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Biographical directory. 656.092 B96 "" The biographical directory of the raihvay officials of America. ... . [No. 1-4.] 1885-1896. por. O. Chicago: Railway Age and Northwestern Railroader, i885-[i896]. 1885 edited by E. H. Talbott & H. R. Hobart; 1893 & 1896 by T. A. Busbey. 1885 & 1887 published by the Railway Age Publishing Co. Abbott, Henry George, pseud. 68 1 P700 ii«66 Antique watches and how to establish their age. Brief biograph- ical sketches of the celebrated watchmakers of the world, and a directory of over 6,000 names of English, French, German, Dutch, Swiss and American watch and clock makers who were in the business prior to the year 1850. 204 p. il. 13 por. paged in. D. Chicago: G. K. Hazlitt & Co., c. 1897. Britten, Frederick J. 681 P400 3989 pormer clock & watchmakers and their work. Including an ac- count of the development of horological instruments from the earliest mechanism, with portraits of masters of the art ; ... . viii,397 p. il. D. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1894. Thoinan, Ernest. 686P303 *'*" Los relieurs frangais (i 500-1 800). Biographic critique et anec- dotique, precedee de I'histoire de la Communaute des relieurs et doreurs de livres de la ville de Paris et d'une etude sur les styles de reliure. [2],vii,4i6 p. il. i map. O. Paris: E. Paul, L. Hu- ard & Guillemin, 1893. 927 ARTISTIC [Waters], Clara, bom Erskine y /ormerlj> Clement, 709.2 W311 "^''° &- Hutton, Laurence. Artists of the nineteenth century and their works. A handbook containing two thousand and fifty biographical sketches. [Re- vised edition.] 2 vol. in i. D. Boston: Houghton, Mififlin & Co., c. 1884. Seubert, Adolf. 709.2 S496 *'^*' Allgemeines Kiinstler-Lexicon, oder Leben und Werke der be- riihmtesten bildenden Ktinstler. Zweite Auflage, . . . erganzt. Neue ... Ausgabe. 3 vol. O. Frankfurt a-M. : LiterarischeAn- stalt Riitten & Loening, 1882. ARTISTIC 171 [Waters], Clara (Erskine) Clement, 1834- 709.2 W31 """ Painters, sculptors, architects, engravers, and their works. A handbook. By Clara Erskine Clement, .... With illustrations and monograms. Fifteenth impression. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1899' [''1881]. xlii, [2], 681 p. front., illus., 6 pi., 3 port. I9i<='". BruUiot, Francois. ^Tos B83 18953 Dictionnaire des monogrammes, marques figurees, lettres initiales, noms abreges etc., avec lesquels les peintres, dessinateurs, gra- veurs et sculpteurs ont designe leurs noms. Nouvelle edition revue, corrigee, et augmentee d'un grand nombre d'articles. 3 vol. in I. F. Munich: J. G. Cotta, 1 832-1 834. Gwilt, Joseph. 720.3 G99 An encyclopaedia of architecture, historical, theoretical, and prac- tical. Revised, portions re-written, and with additions (in 1888) by Wyatt Papworth. New impression. xiv,i443 P- il- i pl- O. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1899. "A brief synoptical list of the principal architects, ancient and modern, with their chief works", p. 1129-1159. "Publications relating to architecture", p. 1 160-1200. Bauchal, Ch. L720.92 B32 '^^"^ Nouveau dictionnaire biographique et critique des architectes frangais xvi,842 p. Q. Paris : Andre, Daly fils & c'*^, 1887. Portalis, Roger. 740.92 P83 18549 Les dessinateurs d'illustrations au dix-huitieme siecle. 2 vol. paged continuously, vol. i: [4],xxxii,i-386 p.; vol. 2: [2], 387-788 p. I pl. O. Paris: D. Morgand & C. Fatout, 1877. Biographies of illustrators and engravers, with bibliographies of their works. Bryan, Michael. L750.92 B841 42168 gj-yan's Dictionary of painters and engravers. New edition re- vised and enlarged under the supervision of George C. Williamson, LITT.D. With numerous illustrations .... New York, The Mac- millan Company; London, G. Bell and Sons, 1903-. Vol. I-. fronts., plates. 29x21=™. Bryan, Michael. L750.92 B84 Dictionary of painters and engravers, biographical and critical. New edition, revised and enlarged, edited by Robert Edmund Graves. 2 vol. Q. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1 886-1 895. Vol. 2 edited by Robert Edmund Graves and Walter Armstrong. iy2 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Champlin, John Denison, Jr., ^750.3^35 i""' <£r Perkins, Charles C, editors. Cyclopedia of painters and painting. 4 vol. il. pi. por. sq.Q. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1 886-1 887. Large paper edition, in 500 copies. Fincham, Henry Walter. LoQ? P700 10515 Artists and engravers of British and American book plates. A book of reference for book plate and print collectors. xvi,i35 p. il. 22 pi. sq.Q. London: Kegan Paul, ... & Co., 1897. Slater, John Herbert. 760.92 S631 i74»4 Engravings and their value: a guide for the print collector. Second edition. Revised and enlarged. [6], 572, [4] p. D. London: L. U. Gill, 1897. "A dictionary of engravers and their works. Being an alphabetical list of the prin- cipal engravers, with the prices realised at auction for a selection of their works," P- 95-572. Baker, Theodore, editor. 780.92 B17 21045 A biographical dictionary of musicians. With portraits from drawings in pen and ink by Alex. Gribayedoff. vii,653 p. il. O. New York: G. Schirmer, 1900. Eicner, Robert. L780.92 E36 ^"'^' Biographisch-bibliographisches Quellen-Lexikon der Musiker und Musikgelehrten der christlichen Zeitrechnung bis zur Mitte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts Vol. i-. Q. Leipzig: Breit- kopf & Haertel, 1900-. "Verzeichnis der angezogenen neueren Quellenwerke", vol. i, p. 9-14. Brown, James Duff, & Stratton, Stephen S. 780.92 B81 13587 Bj-itish musical biography: a dictionary of musical artists, authors and composers, born in Britain and its colonies. [4],ii,[2],462, [2] p. O. Birmingham: S. S. Stratton, 1897. Riemann, Hugo. 780.3 R44 ^''* Dictionary of music. New edition, with many additions by the author. Translated by J. S. Shedlock. [2], 895 p. il. O. Lon- don: Augener & Co., [1893]. Grove, 5z> George, editor. 780.3 G91 '" A dictionary of music and musicians (a. D. 1450-1889) by emi- nent writers, English and foreign. With appendix, edited by J. A. Fuller Maitland, and index by Mrs. Edmond Wodehouse. 4 vol. and index, il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1890-94. LITERARY 1 73 Champlin, John Denison, Jr., L780.3C35 *"' & Apthorp, "William Foster, editors. Cyclopedia of music and musicians. 3 vol. il. por. table. Q. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1 888-1 890. Special edition, with etchings, in 50 copies. F^tis, Francois Joseph. 780.92 F43 '®^"" Biographic universelle des musiciens et bibliographic generate de la musique. Deuxieme edition •. . . augmentee 8 vol. O. Paris: Firmin Didot Freres, Fils & C'«, 1 860-1 865. Fetis, Francois Joseph. . 780.92 F431 '99* Biographic universelle des musiciens et bibliographic generalc de la musique. Supplement ct complement, publics sous la direction de M. Arthur Pougin. 2 vol. O. Paris: Firmin-Didot & O^, 1878-1880. 928 LITERARY Adams, Oscar Fay. 920.073 A2161 287«5 ^ dictionary of American authors. Fourth edition, revised and enlarged. [2],viii,[2],522 p. O. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1901. Adams, Oscar Fay. 920.073 A216 22531 ^ dictionary of American authors. [Third edition.] [2],viii, [2], 469 p. O. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1899. Kirk, John Foster. L015.42 A4361 "^^ A supplement to Allibone's Critical dictionary of English litera- ture and British and American authors 2 vol. Q. Phila- delphia : J. B. Lippincott Co., 1892. Allibone, Samuel Austin. L015.42A436 **' A critical dictionary of English literature, and British and Amer- ican authors, living and deceased, from the earliest accounts to the latter half of the nineteenth century 3 vol. Q. Phila- delphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1891. Griswold, William McCrillis. 928 G88 '** A directory of writers for the literary press, particularly in the United States. Third edition. 59 p. O. Bangor, Maine : W. M. Griswold, 1890. 174 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Sharp) Robert Farquharson. 920.042 S531 ""' A dictionary of English authors, biographical and bibhographical. Being a compendious account of the lives and writings of 700 British writers from the year 1400 to the present time. Second edition, with list of errata. vi,2,3io p. O. London: G. Red- way, 1898. Interleaved. Kiirschners Deutscher Litteratur-Kalender. 830.53 i 3590 Kiirschners Deutscher Litteratur-Kalender .... Leipzig, 1 879-. Continued from vol. i, 1879. fronts., ports, i^h'^^.-iy^'". Vol. 5-24 edited by Joseph Kiirschner. Vol. 1-4 published under the title: Allgemeiner deutscher Literaturkalender; vol. 5- 24, Deutscher Litteratur Kalender. Vol. 1-3 published in Bremen; vol. 4, m Norden; vol. 5-1 1, in Berlin; vol. 12-17, in Stuttgart. Pataky, Sophie, c^itoj-. oi5«43 P27 "*^''* Lexikon deutscher Frauen der Feder. Fine Zusammenstellung der seit dem Jahre 1840 erschienenen Werke weiblicher Autoren, nebst Biographieen der lebenden und einem Verzeichnis der Pseu- donyme. 2 vol. D. Berlin: C. Pataky, 1898. flalvorsen, Jens Braage. • 015.481 H16 ''" Norsk Forfatter-Lexikon. 18 14-1880. Paa Grundlag af J. E. Krafts og Chr. Langes "Norsk Forfatter-Lexikon 18 14-1856." Continued from vol. i. O. Kristiania : Norsk Forlagsforening, 1885-. 929 GENEALOGY Gothaisches genealogisches Taschenbuch. 929.1 G712 ^^'^'^ Gothaisches genealogisches Taschenbuch der adeligen Hauser. Der in Deutschland eingeborene Adel (Uradel) Gotha, J. Perthes, 1904. No. 5, 1904. from, (port.) i^'^"'. Gothaisches genealogisches Taschenbuch. 929.1 G711 Gothaisches genealogisches Taschenbuch der freiherrlichen Hauser. No. 53. 1903. i por. T. Gotha: J. Perthes, pref. 1902. Gothaisches genealogisches Taschenbuch. 929.1 G71 Gothaisches genealogisches Taschenbuch der graflichen Hauser. No. y6. 1903. I por. T. Gotha: J. Perthes, pref. 1902. GENEALOGY 175 AUstrom, Carl Magnus, 1833- 929.1 A442 40864 Dictionary of royal lineage of Europe and other countries, from the earliest period to the present date. Compiled from official records and other recognized authorities. With alphabetical in- dex by C. M. Allstrom. Chicago, U. S. America, [press of S. T. Almberg], 1902-= Vol. I-. 23i'='". Barber, Henry. 9294 B23 4io5s gj-itish family names; their origin and meaning, with hsts of Scandinavian, Frisian, Anglo-Saxon and Norman names, by Rev. Henry Barber M.D., .... Second edition, enlarged. London, E. Stock, 1903. xii, 286 p. 23<=»'. "Books consulted," p. xi-xii. Robelo, Cecilio A 929.4 R541 38654 ginopsis toponimica Nahoa del distrito federal por el Lie. Cecilio A. Robelo Cuernavaca (Cuauhnahuac), J. D. Rojas, 1901. [4], 20, [4] p. 8 pi. I5ix21<"n. Robelo, Cecilio A 929.4 R54 41940 Nombres geograficos mexicanos del Distrito federal. (Estudio critico-etimologico.) Por el Lie. Cecilio A. Robelo .... Cuer- navaca (Cuauhnahuac), J. D. Rojas, 1900. [4], 176 p. illus. 20.i'='". [ Judson, Amos M ] , comp. 929.4 J92 41580 ^ grammar of American surnames; being an introduction to the study of American nomenclature ; and containing twenty thousand names heretofore unknown to our people at large. Collected chiefly from official sources by a department clerk. . . . Wash- ington, D. C, J. F. Sheiry, 1898. [4], 120 p. 23i<='". "Edition limited to one hundred copies." Penafiel, Antonio. L929.4 P37 41590 Nomenclatura geografica de Mexico. Etimologias de los nombres de lugar correspondientes a los principales idiomas que se hablan en la republica, por el Dr. Antonio Penafiel. Primera- [segunda] parte Mexico, Oficina tipografica de la Secretaria de fomento, 1897. 2 vol. and atlas of 109 pi. in i vol. 33^'='". Added t.-p. in colors, dated 1895. 176 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Pittier, Enrique. 929-4 P68 "*" .... Nombres geograficos de Costa Rica. I Talamanca (primera contribucion). For H. Pittier. San Jose de Costa Rica, Tip. nacional, 1895. 46 p. 19;^ X 15'='". (Instituto fisico-geografico nacionah ) Century cyclopedia of names. 1-031 O901 "*" The Century cyclopedia of names. A pronouncing and etymo- logical dictionary of names in geography, biography, mythology, history, ethnology, art, archaeology, fiction, etc., etc., etc. Ed- ited by Benjamin E. Smith. vii,io85 p. F. New York : Century Co., c. 1894. Frey, Albert Romer. 031 O800 ®®'^ Sobriquets and nicknames. iii,482 p. O. London: Whittaker &Co., [1887]. Franklin, Alfred. 014 F85 *"^ Dictionnaire des noms, surnoms et pseudonymes latins de I'his- toire litteraire du moyen age (iioo a 1530). x,[2],683 col. O. Paris: Firmin-Didot & C*S 1875. Pape , Wilhelm . 483 . 3 P 1 9 S9044 y)y, W. Pape's Worterbuch der griechischen Eigennamen. Dritte Auflage. Neu bearbeitet von Dr. Gustav Eduard Benseler. Zweiter Abdruck. 2 vol. in i, paged continuously; vol. i : Hi, 1-755 P-5 '^ol- 2: [4], 757-1 710 p. O. [Pape, W. Handworter- buch der griechischen Sprache, vol. 3.] Braunschweig: F. Vie- weg & Sohn, 1875. Michaelis, Gustav. 929-4 M58 41586 Vergleichendes Worterbuch der gebrauchlichsten Taufnamen . . . Zugleich als dritter Teil zu der Schrift des Verfassers : Die Vereinfachungen derdeutschen Rechtschreibung, vom Stand- punkte der Stolzeschen Stenographic beleuchtet &c. Berlin, F. Duncker, 1856. vi, [2], 72 p. 22'='". Almanach de Gotha. 034 i ^^'"' Almanach de Gotha. Annuaire genealogique, diplomatique et statistique. Continued from vol. 139. 1902. por. T. Gotha 1902-. GENEALOGY I 77 Gothaischer genealogischer Hofkalender. 929.7 G71 "'^'^ Gothaischer genealogischer Hofkalender nebst diplomatisch-sta- tistischem Jahrbuch .... Gotha, J. Perthes, [i 880-1 896]. No. 117, 119, 127, 132-133, 1880, 1882, 1890, 1895-1896. fronts., ports. 13'='". Archer, James Henry Lawrence-. L929.7 A671 17126 -pj^g orders of chivalry. From the original statutes of the various orders of knighthood, and other sources of information, xxviii, [2]. 355 P- 63 pi. 3 por. sq. F. London: W. H. Allen & Co., 1887. Burke, Sir [John] Bernard. L929.72 B91 ""'" A genealogical and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baronet- age, together with memoirs of the privy councillors and knights. By Sir Bernard Burke. Vol. 60,65. [1897,1902.] il. Q. Lon- don 1898-1903. Vol. 60 edited by Henry Farnham Burke; vol. 65, by Ashworth P. Burke. Linderfelt, Klas August. 025.3 L64 "** Eclectic card catalog rules, author and title entries, based on Dziatzko's "Instruction", compared with the rules of the British Museum, Cutter, Dewey, Perkins, and other authorities. With appendix, containing a hst of oriental titles of honor and occupa- tions. viii,i04 p. Q. Boston: C. A. Cutter, 1890. Pedrick, Gale. L929.8 P34 '"'* Monastic seals of the Xlllth century, a series of examples, illus- trating the nature of their design and artistic value, selected, in- troduced, and described by Gale Pedrick .... London, The De La More Press, 1902. ix, [4], 144 P- Lpl. 26<=">. Davies, Arthur Charles Fox-, &■ L929.8 D28 ""' Crookes, M. E. B., compilers. The book of public arms. A cyclopaedia of the armorial bearings, heraldic devices, and seals, as authorised and as used, of the counties, cities, towns, and universities of the United Kingdom. Derived from the official records. 57 p. 130 pi. sq. F. Edin- burgh: T. C. & E. C. Jack, 1894. Chassant, Alphonse, & Tausin, Henri. 929.8 C38 '*"* Dictionnaire des devises historiques et heraldiques. 3 vol. pi. nar. D. Paris: J.-B. Dumoulin, 1878. Interleaved, with numerous ms. notes by Anatole de Montaiglon. 937 GREEK AND ROMAN ANTIQUITIES Seyffert, Oskar. L937 P400 '*■'*'" A dictionary of classical antiquities, mythology, religion, litera- ture & art. From the German. Revised and edited, with addi- tions, by Henry Nettleship [and] J. E. Sandys. [Fifth edition.] vi,7i6 p. il. Q. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1899. Smith,William, LL. D., Wayte, William, 6- Marindin, G. E. 937P001 3396 ^ dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities. Third edition, ... enlarged. 2 vol. il. O. London: J. Murray, 1890—1891. 940 EUROPE Groome, Francis Hindes, 1851-1902. I'94i Qioo *'"* Ordnance gazetteer of Scotland. A graphic and accurate de- scription of every place in Scotland ; edited by Francis H. Groome. New edition with census appendix 1901, and a large map of Scotland. Edinburgh, T. C. and E. C. Jack, 1901. [4], 1762 p. illus., I fold. map. 27*=™. In double columns. This edition contains all the printed matter of the large 6 vol. edition, the revisions made in 1895 ^^^ subsequent partial revisions. — cf. Publishers' note. Low, Sidney James, & Pulling, F. S., editors. 942 P704 10956 -pj^g dictionary of English history. Revised edition. vi,[2],viii, 1 128 p. O. London: Cassell & Co., 1897. Railway and commercial gazetteer. L942 P703 10189 'pj^g railway and commercial gazetteer of England, Scotland and Wales, compiled from ofificial sources. Thirteenth edition, (thor- oughly revised) 1897. [8],6i8 p. Q. London: McCor- quodale & Co., pref. 1897. Cassell & Co., publishers. L942 P403 ^^°"' Cassell's gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland, being a complete topographical dictionary of the United Kingdom [6 vol.] il. maps. Q. London 1 899-1900. EUROPE 179 Bartholomew, John George, editor. L942 P300 '^^^ Gazetteer of the British Isles, statistical and topographical. With census supplement 1891, and appendices, [New edition.] [6], xxxi,88o p. Q. Edinburgh: J. Bartholomew & Co., pref. 1893. Gorton, John. 942 Jioo 23511 ^ topographical dictionary of Great Britain and Ireland, compiled from local information, and the most recent and official authorities. The Irish and Welsh articles by G. N. Wright. With . . . maps, drawn and engraved by Sidney Hall. 3 vol. maps. O. London : Chapman & Hall, 1831-1833. Petzold, Ernst Hermann. 943 Qioi ^'^^^ Gemeinde- und Ortslexikon des deutschen Reichs. Verzeichnis samtlicher Gemeinden und Gutsbezirke, ferner aller nicht selb- standigen Ortschaften, Ortsteile u. s. w. des deutschen Reichs- gebiets, sofern solche iiber 50 Einwohner zahlen. Auf Grund amtlicher Materialien bearbeitet. 2 vol. paged continuously; vol. i: xxiv, 1-536 p. I map.; vol. 2: 537-1 162, [4] p. O. Bischofswerda : E. H. Petzold, 1901. Petzold, Ernst Hermann. 943 Q102 40889 Stadte-Lexikon des Deutschen Reichs. Verzeichnis samtlicher Stadte des Deutschen Reichs, sowie aller landlichen Ortschaften mit dem Sitze eines Amtsgerichts und solcher von iiber 5000 Einwohnern mit Angabe der Einwohnerzahl nach der Volkszah- lung vom I Dezember 1900, der Verwaltungs- und Gerichtsbe- horden, Verkehrsanstalten, Militarbehorden und Truppenteile, Rechtsanwalte, Notare, Prozessagenten Rechtsbeistande, Gerichts- vollzieher, Bank- und Speditionsgeschafte &c. Auf Grund amt- licher Materialien bearbeitet von E. H. Petzold. Bischofswerda, E. H. Petzold, 1901. xxiv, 129 p. 2oi'=™. Neumann, Gustav. L943 P400 Neumanns Orts-Lexikon des Deutschen Reichs. Ein geogra- phisch-statistisches Nachschlagebuch fiir deutsche Landeskunde. Dritte, neu bearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage von Wilhelm Keil. vi,[2],xlii,[2],i034 p. 14 p. of pi. i pi. 2 pi. of maps, 31 maps. Q. Leipzig: Bibliographisches Institut, 1894. 34166 l8o LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Austria. K. k. statistische Central- Commission. L943.6 Q200 39665 Allgemeines Ortschaften-Verzeichniss der im Reichsrathe ver- tretenen Konigreiche und Lander nach den Ergebnissen der Volkszahlung vom 31. December 1900. Nebst vollstandigem alphabetischem Namenregister. Herausgegeben von der k. k. Statistischen Central-Commission in Wien. Wien, A. Holder, 1902. vii, [i], 678 p. 27=™, Joanne, Paul, editor. L944P004 *^'' Dictionnaire geographique et administratif de la France et de ses colonies Vol. i- il. pi. maps F. Paris : Hachette & C'®, 1 890-. Castillo, Rafael del, editor. L946 O900 16262 Qj-^j^ diccionario geografico, estadistico e historico de Espana y sus provincias de Cuba, Puerto Rico, Filipinas y posesiones de Africa. Habiendo servido de base para su confeccion el censo de 1887, las estadisticas mas recientes y gran numero de datos particulares comprobados con la mayor escrupulosidad. 4 vol. il. maps. F. Barcelona: Henrich & C'*^, 1 889-1 894. Switzerland. Bundesrat. 949*4 Q200 '®'"^ Die obligatorische Schreibweise der Namen der schweiz. politischen Gemeinden fur die Bundesverwaltung. Beschluss des Bundesrates vom 15. August 1902. Orthographe des noms des communes politiques de la Suisse rendue obligatoire pour toutes les admi- nistrations federales [Bern, 1902.] cover title, 52 p. 22'='". Geographisches Lexikon. L949.4 Qooi *'**' Geographisches Lexikon der Schweiz. Herausgegeben unter^der Leitung von Charles Knapp und von Maurice Borel Part I-. il. maps. Q. Neuenburg: Gebr. Attinger, 1900-. Switzerland. Eidgendssisches Department des Innern. L949.4 P501 16056 „ • • 7 n Citatistisches Bureau. Schweizerisches Ortschaftenverzeichnis 221, [i] p. Q. Bern 1895. Text in both German and French. Published as a number of Schweizerische Statistik. 950-960 ASIA— AFRICA Balfour, Edward. L032 O500 ^" The cyclopaedia of India and of eastern and southern Asia, com- mercial, industrial, and scientific ; products of the mineral, vege- table, and animal kingdoms, useful arts and manufactures. Third edition. 3 vol. Q. London: B. Quaritch, 1885. Ball, James Dyer. 95 1 Q006 29313 Things Chinese: being notes on various subjects connected with China. Third edition. Revised and enlarged. [6],8,666,xxv p. O. London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co. Hongkong: Kelly & Walsh, 1900. Arranged alphabetically. Chamberlain, Basil Hall. 952 Q201 35900 Thino-s Japanese. Being notes on various subjects connected with Japan for the use of travellers and others. Fourth edition revised & enlarged. vi,[2],545 p. i map. O. London: J. Mur- ray, 1902. Hunter, Sir William Wilson. 954O600 *■■"' The imperial gazetteer of India. Second edition. 14 vol. maps. O. London: Trubner & Co., 1885-1887. Egypt. Ministry of Finance. L962 P900 32886 Dictionnaire geographique de I'Egypte. xxi,649,[2] p. Q. Le Caire 1899. 970 NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA Alcedo, Antonio de. 1-970 F3 19823 -pj^g geographical and historical dictionary of America and the , West Indies. Containing an entire translation of the Spanish work of Colonel Don Antonio de Alcedo, with large additions and compilations from modern voyages and travels, and from original and authentic information. By G. A. Thompson. 5 vol. sq.Q. London: vol. 1-3, J. Carpenter; vol. 4-5, Carpenter & Son, 1812-1815. l82 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Morse, Jedidiah, editor. 970 Fi '*'' The American gazetteer, exhibiting, ... , an . . . account, . . . , of . . . the American continent, also of the West-India islands, and other islands . . . , and those newly discovered in the Pacific ocean: .... viii,[552] p. 7 maps. O. Boston : E. Larkin, 1797. Might Directory Co., publishers. L971 5 ""' Dominion of Canada and colony of Newfoundland gazetteer and classified business directory Vol.2. 1899. Q. Toronto 1899. Lovell & Son, John, publishers. 97 1 P500 ^^'^ Lovell's gazetteer of British North America: .... 671 p. O. Montreal 1895. Ramos i Duarte, Feliz. ' 036 P900 "*^' Diccionario de curiosidades historicas, geograficas, hierograficas, cronologicas, etc., de la Republica Mejicana, per Feliz Ramos i Duarte .... Mejico, imprenta de E. Dublan, 1899. [2],vi, 4o8p. 24f^'». Bibliography, p. [i]-vi. Garcia Cubas, Antonio, 1832- I'972 O802 40878 Diccionario geografico, historico y biografico de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, por Antonio Garcia Cubas ... . Mexico, antigua imprenta de Murguia [etc.], 1 888-1 891. 5 voL in 3. illus. 304*"". Penafiel, Antonio. L419 P37 11969 Nombres geograficos de Mexico. Catalogo alfabetico de los nombres de lugar pertenecientes al idioma "Nahuatl". Estudio jeroglifico de la matricula de los tributes del Codice Mendocino. Dibujos de las "Antigiiedades mexicanas" de Lord Kingsborough por el Sr. Domingo Carraly grabados por el Sr. Antonio H. Gal- aviz 260, [4] p. il. Atlas of 39 pi. F. Mexico: Ofificina Tip. de la Secretaria de Fomento, 1885. Gannett, Henry, 1846- 557-3 8 v. 192 *'^''^ .... A gazetteer of Cuba, by Henry Gannett. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1902. 113, iii p. VIII maps (i fold.) 24^'"". (/« Bulletin of the United States Geo- logical Survey, no. 192. Series F, Geography, 29.) A I head of (ilk: United States Geological Survey Gannett, Henry, 1846- 557-3 8 v. 183 *'^** .... A gazetteer of Porto Rico, by Henry Gannett. Washing- ton, Gov't Print. Off., 1901. 5i,iip. 244<='". (/« Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey, no. 183. Series F, Geography, 25.) At head of title: United States Geological Survey 973 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Gannett, Henry, 1846- 557-3 8 v.197 *'^*^ .... The origin of certain place names in the United States, by by Henry Gannett. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1902. 280 p. 24i<='". (/« Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey, no. 197. Series F, Geography, 32.) At head of title: United States Geological Survey "Authorities," p. 12-16. Lossing, Benson John, 1 8 1 3-1 89 1 . 973 Q200 40888 Harper's encyclopaedia of United States history from 458 A. D. to 1902. Based upon the plan of Benson John Lossing ll.d. with special contributions covering every phase of American history and development by eminent authorities ... . With a preface on the study of American history by Woodrow Wilson, PH.D. With original documents, portraits, maps, plans, &c. Complete in ten volumes New York, London, Harper & Bros., 1902, [«i90i]. 10 vol. col. fronts., illus., plates (partly col.), ports., maps, facsims. 24<='". Gannett, Henry, 1846- 557-3 8 v.160 **""' .... A dictionary of altitudes in the United States (third edition) compiled by Henry Gannett. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1899. 775, xp. 24i<^'". (/« Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey, no. i6o.) At head of title: United States Geological Survey .... Gannett, Henry, 1846- 557-3 8 v. 123 *'^** .... A dictionary of geographic positions in the United States, compiled by Henry Gannett .... Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1895. 183 p. I fold. map. 24^'^'". (/« Bulletin of the United States Geological Sur- vey, no. 123.) At head of title : United States Geological Survey .... Jameson, John Franklin. L973P500 "® Dictionary of United States history. 1492-1895. Four centuries of history. Written concisely and arranged alphabetically in dictionary form. [2], 733 p. i pi. 22 pi. of por. i facsim. Q. Boston, Mass.: Puritan Publishing Co., c. 1894. 184 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Gannett, Henry, 1846- 557-3 8 v.76 *"^* .... A dictionary of altitudes in the United States (second edition) compiled by Henry Gannett .... Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1 89 1. 393 p. 24^*='". (/« Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey, no. 76.) At head of title: United States Geological Survey .... Gannett, Henry, 1846- 557-3 8 v.5 "*'" .... A dictionary of altitudes in the United States, compiled by Henry Gannett .. . Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1884. 325 p. 24^'=°'. {In Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey, no. 5.) At head of title: United States Geological Survey .... Colange, Leo de, cdito7\ 973N602 '^^^^ The United States business directory for 1876. Containing clas- sified lists of banks and bankers, manufacturers, merchants Together with valuable statistical information on the resources of the states and territories, the . . . customs tariff, ... a ... list of the state and city governments, etc., etc. Being also a complete gazetteer of all cities and towns ... to a minimum population of 3000. i6oi,[i] p. Q. Philadelphia: Baker, Davis & Co., c. 1876. Chapin, William. 973J800 '"° A complete reference gazetteer of the United States of North America 347, [4] p. O. New York: W. Chapin & J. B. Taylor, 1839. New England business directory. 974 i 37489 The New England business directory and gazetteer no. XX. Con- taining lists of the merchants, manufactures, and professional men throughout Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. Also court, state and county officers ... 1902. Boston, Mass., Sampson Murdock, & Co., *'I902. V. 20. I fold. map. 24'='°. Massachusetts. 974*4 2 "** Massachusetts year book, .... Continued from vol. 2. 1896, il. pi. map. D. Worcester: F. S. Blanchard, c. 1896-. Vol. 2-4 compiled by Alfred S. Roe. With slight variations in subtitle. Gannett, Henry, 1846- 557-3 8 v. 116 *'*" .... A geographic dictionary of Massachusetts, by Henry Gan- nett. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1894. 126 p. 24^<=™. (/« Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey, no. Ii6.) y//-^^af/(7/"////f.- United States Geological Survey UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 185 Gannett, Henry, 1846- SSV^S 8 v. 115 .... A geographic dictionary of Rhode Island, by Henry Gan- nett. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1894. 31 p. 24^<:m, (-/;^ Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey, no. 115.) At head of title: United States Geological Survey .... Gannett, Henry, 1846- 557-3 8 v.117 *'®''* .... A geographic dictionary of Connecticut, by Henry Gan- nett. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1894. 67 p. 24^'='". (/m Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey, no. 117.) At head of title: United States Geological Survey Appletons' dictionary. 974.762 10 *°°*^ .... Appletons' dictionary of Greater New York and its neigh- borhood. With maps, including the rapid transit route, and new illustrations. An alphabetically arranged descriptive index and guide to places, institutions, societies, amusements, resorts, etc., in and about the City of New York. Twenty-fifth anniversary edition. Each edition revised to date of issue. New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1903. iv, [2], 357 p. front., illus. i8 pL, i fold. map. 17^"=™. At head of title: A complete guide book. Appletons' dictionary. 974.762 2 Appletons' dictionary of New York and its vicinity Twen- tieth year. (First "Greater New York" edition.) Each edition revised to date of issue, il. pi. map. S. New York 1898. Polk, R. L., & 0,0.^ publishers. 974-8 i 3S459 Polk's Pennsylvania state gazetteer and business directory. .... Pittsburg, [etc.] R. L. Polk & Co., *^^I903. Vol. 5, 1903-04. fold. map. 24^'^'". ^ Gannett, Henry, 1846- 557-3 8 v. 118 *'^°* .... A geographic dictionary of New Jersey, by Henry Gannett. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1894. 131 p. 24.^'^'". {^In Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey, no. 1 18.) At head of title: United States Geological Survey Polk & Co., R. L., publishers. 9175.4 i West Virginia state gazetteer and business directory. Vol. 7. 1900-1901. map. O. Detroit c. 1900. Gannett, Henry, 1846- 557-3 8 v. 190 .... A gazetteer of Texas, by Henry Gannett. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1902. 162, [2] p. VIII pi. (maps, I fold.) 24i<:°». (/« Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey, no 190. Series F, Geography, 28.) .7^ /^^'(?(/(y/'/.Vc.- United States Geological Survey l86 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Polk & Co., R. L., publishers. Q?^.? I 12546 Arkansas state gazetteer and business directory. 1 898-9 Vol. IV. 715 p. il. O. Detroit [1898]. Kentucky state gazetteer. 976-9 1 '*'" Kentucky state gazetteer and business directory. 1896 1296 p. O. Detroit: R. L. Polk & Co., c. 1895. Indiana state gazetteer. 977-2 1 "" Indiana state gazetteer and business directory. Seventh edition. 1895 1075 p. O. Indianapolis, Ind. : R. L. Polk & Co., [1896]. Scott, John. 977-2 J300 19979 Yhe Indiana gazetteer, or topographical dictionary ; containing a description of the several counties, towns, villages, settlements, roads, lakes, rivers, creeks, and springs, in the state of Indiana. Second edition, carefully revised, corrected, and enlarged. 199, [i] p. nar. D. Indianapolis: Douglass & Maguire, 1833, c. 1826. Historical encyclopedia. I'977-3 Qooi 27835 Historical encyclopedia of Illinois. Edited by Newton Bateman, Paul Selby. Cook County edition. Vol. i-. p. of pi. pi. por. maps. Q. Chicago: Munsell Publishing Co., 1901-. Illinois state gazetteer. 977-3 3 ■"^^^ Illinois state gazetteer and business directory Chicago, R. L. Polk & Co., 1 882-1 893. Vol. 3, 7-8, 1882, 1890-1893. 23i<=™. Advertising matter interspersed. Illinois state gazetteer. 977-3 2 "'* Illinois state gazetteer and business directory for the years 1864—5. Chicago, J. C. W. Bailey, 1864. [9]-820 p. illus., 5 pL, I fold. map. 23'=". Advertisements, p. ii-xxviii, xxxiii-lxix. Illinois state gazetteer. 977-3 i *'®^* Illinois state gazetteer and business directory, for 1858 and 1859. Complete in one volume. George W. Hawes, publisher and compiler Chicago, Illinois, [1858]. xxxvi, 444 p. 23*"". "Chicago advertisements," p. [4093-444. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 187 Peck, John Mason. 977*3 J701 3*®^ A gazetteer of Illinois, in three parts : containing a general view of the state, . . . each county, and a particular description of each town, settlement, stream, ... , etc. ; alphabetically arranged. Second edition, . . . revised, . . . , and enlarged. xi,328 p. T. Philadelphia: Grigg & Elliot, 1837. Morris, Frank M., piiblisJicr. 977.316 P900 20003 Morris' Dictionary of Chicago and vicinity. A complete guide to places, institutions, amusements, societies, resorts, and all points of interest in and about Chicago. A new and complete revision. [2], 1 70 p. 6 pi. I map. S. Chicago 1899. Polk & Co., R. L., publishers. 91*7 A ^ "" Michigan state gazetteer and business directory. 1897, 1901. [2 vol.] maps. O. Detroit c. 1897-1901. Polk & Co., R. L., publishers. 977-5 i "'* .... Polk's Wisconsin state gazetteer and business directory. 1897-98, 1901-1902 [2 vol.] maps. O. Chicago c. 1897-1901. Polk & Co., R. 1,., publishers. 977-7 i 41591 poij^'g Iowa state gazetteer and business directory Pub- lished biennially .... Des Moines, Chicago, [etc.], R. L. Polk & Co., 1901. Vol, II, 1901-1902. I fold. map. 24'='". Iowa state gazetteer. 977-7 i ■'^se Iowa state gazetteer and business directory. 1897. 1658 p. i map. O. Des Moines: R. L. Polk & Co., c. 1897. Parker, Nathan Howe. 977-7 L500 '^^" Iowa as it is in 1855 ; a gazetteer for citizens, and a hand-book for emigrants, embracing a full description of the state of Iowa: .... 264 p. 9 pi. D. Chicago, 111. : Keen & Lee, 1855. Polk & Co., R. L., publishers. 977-8 i '"'° Missouri state gazetteer and business directory. 1898-99. Twen- ty-third year Pubhshed biennially. 2132 p. O. St. Louis, Mo., c. 1898. Polk & Co., R. L., publishers. 97^ i ""* .... Minnesota, North and South Dakota and Montana gazet- teer and business directory, 1900-1905. Volume xii-xiv St. Paul, Minn., c. 1900-1904. 3 vol. 24<''". At head of title of vol. 13-14: Established in 1870. Northwestern gazetteer. Binder's title: Northwestern gazetteer. l88 LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Polk & Co., R. L., publishers. 978.1 i 31880 PqII^'s Kansas state gazetteer and business directory, including a complete business directory of Kansas City, Mo Detroit, Chicago, [etc.], ^'i 904. Vol. 10, 1904. 24«='". Gannett, Henry, 1846- 557-3 8 v. 154 """ .... A gazetteer of Kansas, by Henry Gannett. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1898. 246 p. VI maps (inch fold, front.) 24^'='". (/« Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey, no. 1 54-) At head of title: United States Geological Survey .... Colorado. 978.8 i ^'^^^ .... Colorado state business directory. With Colorado min- ing directory department Denver, Colorado, The Gazet- teer Publishing Co., 1904. Vol. 30, 1904. 24^™. Polk & Co., R. L., publishers. 979-2 I 22401 Utah state gazetteer and business directory Salt Lake City, Utah, *= 1900-^ 1903. VoL 1-2, 1900-1904. 24'='". Gannett, Henry, 1846- 557-3 8 v. 166 *'^** .... A gazetteer of Utah, by Henry Gannett. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1900. 43 p. I fold. map. 24^"="". (/« Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey, no. 166.) At head of title; United States Geological Survey Polk & Co., R. 1,.., publishers. 979-5 I 37349 Oregon and Washington gazetteer and business directory 1903— 1904 ... [Portland] ^1903. 1903-04. 24'="'. Polk & Co., R. 1,, publishers. 979-8 I '"^^'' R. L. Polk & Co.'s Alaska-Yukon gazetteer and business directory. .... Seattle, Wash., St. Paul, Minn., 1903. 1903. 24'='". Baker, Marcus, 1849- 557-3 8 v.187 *'*" . . . Geographic dictionary of Alaska, by Marcus Baker. Wash- ington, Gov't Print. Off., 1902. 446, iii p. 24.^'='". (/« Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey, no. 187. Series F, Geography, 27.) ////^frtrt'^//'///^.- United States Geological Survey SOUTH AMERICA PHILIPPINE ISLANDS AUSTRALIA 189 Gannett, Henry, 1846- 557-3 8 v.169 "'^» .... Altitudes in Alaska, compiled by Henry Gannett. Wash- ington, Gov't Print. Off., 1900. 13 p. 24^'='". (/« Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey, no. 169.) At head of title: United States Geological Survey .... 980-990 SOUTH AMERICA — PHILIPPINE ISLANDS — AUSTRALIA Asta-Buruaga y Cienfuegos, Francisco Solano. 1-983 P900 2690O £)iccionario geografico de la Republica de Chile. Segunda edicion corregida y aumentada. [2], 903 p. i por. Q. Santiago de Chile 1899. Paz Soldan, Mariano Felipe. L985 N701 24356 Diccionario geografico estadistico del Peru, contiene ademas la etimologia aymara y quechua de las principales poblaciones, lagos, rios, cerros, etc. etc. xxix,[2],i077,[2] p. F. Lima: Imprenta del estado, 1877. Mendibuni, Manuel de. 985 N400 84338 Diccionario historico-biografico del Peru. Parte primera, que corresponde a la epoca de la dominacion espanola. 8 vol. por. O. Lima : Vol. 1-4 : J. F. Solis ; vol. 5-7 : Imprenta "Bolognesi" ; vol. 8: T. Aguirre, 1874-1890. "Catalogo de las obras y manuscritos que deben consultarse para la historia de la America latina y particularmente del Peru," vol. i, [26] p. Blumentritt, Ferdinand. 99i-4 P500 v.2 **"' Diccionario mitologico de Filipinas. Compuesto por Fernando Blumentritt ... . Segunda edicion corregida y aumentada. [Madrid, Viuda de M. Minuesa de los Rios], 1895. 120, [i] p. l8i<=™. (/« Retana, W. E. Archive del bibliofilo nlipino tomo 2, p. 33S-454» 5"-) Buzeta, Manuel, &■ Bravo, Felipe. L991.4L001 23890 Diccionario geografico, estadistico, historico, de las Islas Filipi- nas. 2 vol. por. tables. Q. Madrid 1 850-1 851. Hutchinson's Australasian encyclopaedia. 994P200 '"® Hutchinson's Australasian encyclopfedia. Comprising a descrip- tion of all places in the Australasian colonies, an account of the events which have taken place in Australasia from its discovery to the present date, and the biographies of distinguished early colonists. By George Collins Levey. [4] ,437 p. i map. D. London: Hutchinson & Co., 1892. igo LIST OF CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES Hanson, William. 994-4 P200 '*"^ Geographical encyclopaedia of New South Wales, including the counties, towns, and villages, within the colony, with the sources and courses of the rivers and their tributaries. Ports, harbours, Hght-houses, and mountain ranges. Postal, money order and telegraph offices, and savings banks. The railways and stations on each line. The public schools, and the county in which each school is located. (Published by authority of the Government of New South Wales for the World's Columbian Exposition, Chi- cago, 1893.) [8] ,462 p. I pi. of maps. O. Sydney 1892. DIRECTORIES 020-050-060 LIBRARIES — NEWSPAPERS — SOCIETIES International directory. 655.4 i 19562 jj^g International directory of booksellers and bibliophile's manual. Including lists of the public libraries of the world, publishers, book collectors, learned societies and institutions, universities and colleges ; also bibliographies of book and library catalogues, con- cordances, bookplates, etc., etc. [No. 4-6.] D. Rochdale 1 894- 1 903. Edited by James Clegg. Variations in subtitle. Jahrbuch. 027.0436 34613 Jahrbuch der deutschen Bibliotheken. Herausgegeben vom Ver- ein deutscher Bibliothekare. Continued from no. i. [1902]. D. Leipzig 1902-. Each year consists of four parts: i. Verzeichnis der Bibliotheken. 2. Verzeichnis der vvissenschaftlicher Bibliotheksbeamten. 3. Verordnungen und Erlasse. 4. Biblio- theksstatistik. Edited by P. Schwenke; part 1-2 compiled by O. Kohnke. Schwenke, Paul. 020.53 2 5363 Adressbuch der deutschen Bibliotheken. xx,4ii p. i table. (/;/ Centralblatt flir Bibliothekswesen, Beihefte, vol. 3. Leipzig 1892-93.) Directory. 1^655 -47 i *''®* Directory of booksellers, librarians, publishers and stationers in the United States and Canada. Minneapolis, H. W. Wilson, 1902. [No. I, 1902.] 25^"=". U.S.A. Department of the Inferior. Biwcati of Education. 027. 07 I Statistics of public libraries in the United States and Canada. By Weston Flint, Statistician of the Bureau of Education. xiii,2i3 p. O. (U. S. A. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Education. Circular of information, 1893, no. 7.) Washington 1893. 6613 192 LIST OF DIRECTORIES U.S.A. Departtnent of the Interior. Bureau of Education. 027.0735 "*'* Public, society, and school libraries in the United States, with library statistics and legislation of the various states. (Chapters from the Report of the Commissioner of Education for 1895-96.) [2], 339-599 P- I il- O. Washington 1897. Same as "Statistics of libraries and library legislation in the United States" which has shelf number 027.073 4 U. S. A. Department of tJie Interior. Bureau of Education. 027.073 4 '**" Statistics of libraries and library legislation in the United States. (Chapters from the Report of the Commissioner of Education for 1895-96.) [2], 339-599 p. I il. O. Washington 1897. Same as "Public, society, and school libraries in the United States" which has shelf number 027.073 5 U.S.A. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Education. 027.073 I ^""^ Statistics of public libraries in the United States [4], ccxxix-ccxxx,69 1-782 p. O. Washington 1886. Reprinted with additions from the Report of the Comtnissioner of Education for 1884-83. Ayer & Son, N. W., publishers. L016.051 A976 '058 -[^ -^Y. Ayer & Son's American newspaper annual. Containing a catalogue of American newspapers, .... A list of the newspa- pers of the United States and Canada which insert advertisements, ... . Separate lists of religious and agricultural publications, .... Continued from 1897. Q. Philadelphia 1897-. Dauchy & Co., publishers. L016.051 D26 287B9 £)auchy & Company's newspaper catalogue. A list of the news- papers and periodicals published in the United States and terri- tories, and Canada, with date of establishment, .... Followed by a complete classified list of all religious, agricultural and class publications and those in foreign languages. Published annually. 1901. Q. New York c. 1901. Remington Brothers. 016.051 R28 "*"* Remington Brothers' newspaper manual. A complete catalogue of the newspapers of United States, Canada, Porto Rico, Cuba and Hawaii. With supplementary lists of the best agricultural, re- ligious, scientific and trade papers, leading magazines and prin- cipal daily and weekly papers. Vol. 7-8, 12. 1 893-1 895, 1901. pi. O. New York, N. Y. c. 1893-c. 1901. Vol. 7-8 subtitle reads: A catalogue of the newspapers of the United States and Canada. With supplementary lists .... V. 7-8 published in Philadelphia. LIBRARIES NEWSPAPERS SOCIETIES I93 Courrier de la presse, Paris. 016.05 C83 ^^^'^ Catalogue periodique des journaux & revues du Courrier de la presse. France et etranger. Journaux, revues, documents. 395 P- 5 pl- O- P^"s [1900?]. Rowell & Co., George P., publishers. 016.051 R79 1650 American newspaper directory, containing a description of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States, Do- minion of Canada and Newfoundland, and of the towns and cities in which they are published. Vol. 27-28, [ 1 895-1896.] por. O. New York 1895-1896. Lord & Thomas, publishers. 016.051 L88 "*•'* Lord and Thomas' pocket directory for 1891. A complete list of newspapers, magazines and periodicals in the United States and Canada, omitting such as do not insert advertisements. 8, 449 p. nar. S. Chicago: Lord & Thomas, 1891. Willing, James, publisher. 016.052 W67 '"' WiUing's press guide and advertiser's directory and handbook. .... A concise and comprehensive index to the press of the United Kingdom Continued from no. 19. 1892. O. Lon- don 1 892-. No. 19 published under the title: WilHng's (late May's) British & Irish press guide ... ; no. 22-25 : WiUing's British & Irish press guide .... No. 20-21 missing. Newspaper press directory. L016.052 N47 20106 -pj^g Newspaper press directory: and advertisers' guide, contain- ing full particulars of every newspaper, magazine, review, and periodical published in the United Kingdom and the British Isles. The continental, American, Indian and colonial papers, and a directory of the class papers and periodicals. Vol. 54. 1899. map in pocket. Q. London pref. 1899. Sperling, H. 0., Stuttgart, publisher. 016.053 S749 ^®'^ Sperlings Zeitschriften-Adressbuch. Adressbuch der hervorra- genden politischen Tagesblatter Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz. Hand- und Jahrbuch der deutschen Presse Continued from no. 36. 1895. O. Stuttgart 1895-. Founded by C. A. Haendel. No. 36-40 published under the title : Adressbuch der deutschen Zeitschriften und der hervorragenden pohtischen Tagesblatter ... ; no. 40 adds : Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz. 194 LIST OF DIRECTORIES Deutsche Presse. 016.053 D48 20992 j^jg deutsche Presse. Verzeichnis der im Deutschen Reiche erscheinenden Zeitungen. Inhalt: Amts-, Lokal- und Anzeige- Blatter, politische Zeitungen. Sechste Auflage. iv,i9i,[5] p. O. Forbach: W. Albrecht, 1896. Catalogue-tarif . 016.054 A615 '*** Catalogue-tarif a prix forts et nets des journaux, revues et publi- cations periodiques parus a Paris .... Suivi d'une table sys- tematique et du tarif postal pour la France et I'etranger .... With supplements. Continued from [vol. 12]. 1891. O. Paris 1 892-. Edited by Henri Le Soudier. The above title and Annuaire des journaux, ... , are used interchangeably. Annuaire. 016.054 A6155 19918 Annuaire de la presse frangaise et du monde politique Vol. 20. 1899. il. por. O. Paris 1899. Edited by Henri Avenel. Contains portraits of Dreyfus and of the journalists and others who were prominent in the affair. Cercle beige de la librairie et de I'imprimerie. 655.4493 i '^'"^ Annuaire de la librairie beige. Livres d'adresses de tous les libraires, imprimeurs, papetiers, etc. Ainsi que de toutes les professions se rattachant a la librairie, suivi d'une liste alphabe- tique et systematique de tous les journaux, revues, et publications periodiques paraissant en Belgique. Public sous les auspices du Cercle beige de la librairie et de I'imprimerie. No. 5. 1895. por. O. Bruxelles [1895?] Schulz, Albert. 016.054 S388 ^'"^' Catalogue methodique des revues et journaux parus a Paris . . . , jusqu'a fin 1892, contenant le titre, I'annee d'origine, I'adresse de I'editeur ou de I'administration, le mode de publication et le prix d'abonnement pour Paris, la province et I'union postale ; suivi de la table alphabetique de tous les journaux. Deuxieme annee. [2], 85 p. sq. D. Paris 1893. Bernardini, Nicola. 016.055 ^45 20205 Qujfja della stampa periodica italiana. Con prefazione di Rug- gero Bonghi. v,[2],743 p. O. Lecce 1890. Bureau of the American Republics. oi6.oq6 B801 18628 XT ,. , -r . . O y JNewspaper directory of Latm America. 41 p. O. (Handbook no. 90.) Washington, U.S. A., 1897. LIBRARIES NEWSPAPERS - SOCIETIES 195 Bureau of the American Republics. 016.056 B89 ■"'"' Newspaper directory of Latin America. [2], 423-458 p. O. (Bulletin no. 42.) Washington, U. S. A., [1892]. Smithsonian Institution. 060.3 2 **"'' List of foreign correspondents of the Smithsonian Institution, cor- rected to July I, 1885. By George H. Boehmer. [2],xi,i90 p. O. (Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous col- lections.) Washington 1886. Another copy in Smithsonian miscellaneous collections has shelf number 061.82 2 Smithsonian Institution. 061.82 2 v. 26 "*'' List of foreign correspondents of the Smithsonian Institution. Corrected to January, 1882. vii,i65 P- 1882. {In Smitpiso- NiAN Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, vol. 26. Washington 1883.) Smithsonian Institution . 06 1 . 8 2 2 ^"' List of foreign correspondents of the Smithsonian Institution. Corrected to January, 1878. (Fifth edition.) 3,117 p. (/;/ Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous collec- tions, vol. 15. Washington 1878.) Smithsonian Institution. 061.822 -^^^ List of foreign correspondents of the Smithsonian Institution. Corrected to January, 1872. (Fourth edition.) 3,63 p. 1872. (/« Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous col- lections, vol. 10. Washington 1873.) Smithsonian Institution. 061.822 *^^' List of foreign correspondents of the Smithsonian Institution. Cor- rected to January, 1862. 3,52 p. {In SMITHSONIAN INSTITU- TION. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, vol. 5. Washington 1864.) [Rhees, William Jones.] 061.822 **^^ List of the institutions, libraries, colleges, and other establishments in the United States in correspondence with the Smithsonian In- stitution. 3,252 p. 1872. {In Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, vol. 10. Washington 1873.) Rhees, William Jones. 027.073 R34 ' Manual of public libraries, institutions, and societies, in the United States, and British provinces of North America, xxviii, 587 p. O Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1859. 7533 196 LIST OF DIRECTORIES Year-book. 062 3 3790 Year-book of the scientific and learned societies of Great Britain and Ireland : . . . . Compiled from ofificial sources. Continued from vol. I. [1884.] O. London 1884-. Spielmann, Wilhelm. 063 2 Handbuch der Anstalten und Einrichtungen zur Pflege von Wis- senschaft und Kunst in Berlin. [4], 361 p. D. Berlin: Mayer & Muller, 1897. 320-360 LEGISLATIVE BODIES — BANKS — GOVERNMENT BODIES — CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS — ETC. U. S. A. Congress. 328.73 G900 I87S9 Qfjf^cjai congressional directory, for the use of the United States Congress Continued from 43d Congress, ist session. 1873. il. pi. maps. O. Washington 1873-. 43d-49th Congress published under the title: Congressional directory. Various editions. Of the 43d-46th, 49th-S2d Congress, several editions are missing. U. S. A. Congress, 353 4539 '*^"'' .... A biographical congressional directory 1774 to 1903. The Continental Congress: September 5, 1774, to October 21 , 1788, inclusive. The United States Congress : the First Congress to the Fifty-seventh Congress, March 4, 1789, to March 4, 1903, inclusive. Compiled under authority of Congress [by O. M. Enyart]. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1903. iv, goop. 27<='". (57th Congress, 2d session. House of Representatives. Docu- ment no. 458.) Poore, Benjamin Perley. L328.73 N800 "" The political register and congressional directory : a statistical record of the federal officials, legislative, executive, and judicial, of the United States of America, 1776-1878. vi,[2],7i6 p. i pi. Q. Boston: Houghton, Osgood & Co., 1878. Lanman, Charles. 328.739 M800 Dictionary of the United States Congress, and the general Gov- ernment; .... Fifth edition: revised and brought down to in- clude the Fortieth Congress. 628 p. O. Hartford: T. Belknap & H. E. Goodwin, 1868. LEGISLATIVE BODIES BANKS GOVERNMENT BODIES ETC. 197 Pennsylvania. General Assembly. 328.7488 i 18558 Legislative directory, with names of senators and members of the House of Representatives and heads of departments. Committees of both houses ; joint rules ; rules of the Senate and House of Representatives 1899. S. [Harrisburg] 1899. Cooper, Thomas Valentine, ^ Fenton, Hector T. 329O300 ■'®^ American politics (non-partisan) from the beginning to date. Embodying a history of all the political parties, .... Great speeches on all great issues, the text of all existing political laws, a complete tabulated history of American politics, .... Also a complete federal blue book, .... Revised edition. xii,i072 p. O. Chicago: C. R. Brodix, 1884. Official annual labor gazette. 33i-05i 7 .35932 Official annual labor gazette Published under the auspices of the Illinois State Federation of Labor. Containing an accurate roster of the subordinate trades organizations, . . . proceedings of the annual conventions of the American Federation of Labor and the Illinois Federation of Labor 1895. por. O. Chicago, 111., 1895. Trades and labor gazetteer. 331-88 P201 38245 "pj-^fjeg ai^(j labor gazetteer and record. Chicago and vicinity. Containing a complete list of all labor organizations and kindred associations in Chicago and vicinity, with place and time of meet- ing, with corresponding secretaries and their addresses, labor statistics, and interesting articles from brilliant labor leaders. Published under the auspices of the International Labor Congress Association. [Chicago], Industrial Publishing Co., ''1892. [No. I], 1892. zih.""^. Banking almanac. 332.052 i 10259 -j-j^g Banking almanac . . . , containing a diary and complete bank- ing directory for the United Kingdom and the British Colonies, the principal banks in other countries of the world, and a parlia- mentary directory Continued from vol. 54. 1898. O. London [1898-]. Edited by R. H. Inglis Palgrave. Financial half-year. L332.052 5 The Financial half-year. Issued by The Times. Continued from vol. I. Oct. 1900-March, 1901. Q. London 1901-. ig8 LIST OF DIRECTORIES Stock exchange official intelligence. 332-6 3 «'" The Stock exchange official intelligence .... Being a carefully revised precis of information regarding British, American, and foreign securities, .... (Under the sanction of the Committee of the Stock Exchange.) Continued from vol. 15. i897- sq.O. London 1897-. Vol. 15-16 edited by H. C. Burdett and published under the title : Burdett's official intelligence. London banks. 332-052 2 '"" The London banks, and kindred companies and firms, .... Con- tinued from 1896. D. London [1896-]. Edited by Thomas Skinner. Price, F. G. Hilton. L332.0942 N601 "^•■' A handbook of London bankers with some account of their prede- cessors, the early goldsmiths, together with lists of bankers from 1670, including the earliest printed in 1677, to that of the London Post Office directory of 1890 (Enlarged edition.) vi,[2], 454 P- Q- London: Leadenhall Press. 1 890-1 891. Bankers encyclopedia. L332.097 6 *"" The Bankers' encyclopedia. A new and original compilation of the banks, bankers, savings banks and loan and trust companies in the United States and Canada Continued from vol. 13. 1901. il. maps. Q. Chicago c. 1901-. Edited by Charles R. Williams. Mercantile adjuster. 650.51 5 27102 'pj^g Mercantile adjuster and The Lawyer and credit man. Con- tinued from vol. 14, no. 5 Nov. 1899. O. St. Louis [1899-]. In Nov. 1899 The Lawyer and credit man was united with The Mercantile adjuster. No title-page nor index. Rand-McNally Bankers' directory. 332.097 i Rand-McNally Bankers' directory and list of attorneys "blue book." .... Jan. 1879, -July, 1882, Jan. 1886, Jan. 1889, Jan. 1893. Continued from July, 1900. il. pi. por. facsim. Q. Chi- cago c. 1 879-. 1879-1881 published under the title: Bankers' directory of the United States and Canada, . . . ; 1882-93: Bankers' directory and list of bank attorneys; .... 1879-86 are in O. LEGISLATIVE BODIES — BANKS GOVERNMENT BODIES — ETC. 199 Lawyer. L650.51 2 15815 -pj^g Lawyer and credit man. A monthly legal and bank directory and journal for credit men. Vol. 6-10, no. 3. 1897-Sept. 1899. Q. New York [ 1 897-1 899] . In Nov. 1899 united with The Mercantile adjuster and continued under the title: The Mercantile adjuster and Lawyer and credit man. Vol. 6-9, no 2, published under the title: The Lawyer and credit man and financial trade press review. Vol. 6-9 are in F. No title-page nor index. Rhodes & Co., Bradford, publishers. 332-097 2 "*' The Bankers' directory and collection guide. ... 1897. 2 vol. O. New York [1897]. Bankers directory. I'332-097 5 18994 -pj^g Bankers directory, Homans — and Sharp & Allemans edition. [Vol. 53.] Jan., 1896. maps. Q. Chicago : Credit Co., c. 1896. Banker's almanac. 332-097 4 '"" The Banker's almanac and register and legal directory. ... . Vol.42. January, 1892. O. New York c. 1892. Edited by Albert S. Bolles. Bankers and attorneys register. L332.097 3 "*'^' The bankers and attorneys register. A carefully revised list of banks and bankers in the United States and Canada, and reliable commercial lawyers. For the use of bankers, merchants, attor- neys and business men 1 889-1 890. maps. sq.Q. Chicago c. 1 889-1 890. Manual. 332-6 i *'" The Manual of statistics. Stock exchange hand-book. Rail- roads, industrial securities. Grain and provisions ; cotton ; mining ; petroleum; banks and trust companies; street railways, ... . Continued from vol. 9. [1886]. maps. O. New York, c. 1887-. Vol. 22- edited by Henry E. Wallace. Vol. 9 subtitle reads: Railroads, grain and produce, cotton, petroleum, mining divi- dends and production; other slight variations in subtitle. Vol. 10, 13-15, 17 missing. McLean & Co., J. L., New York. 332.051 8 35831 American manual of values (annual). Continued from 1902. il, p. of pi. pi. maps. sq.O. New York c. 1902-. 200 LIST OF DIRECTORIES Moody's Manual. 332.051 7 27574 Moody's Manual of corporation securities Continued from vol. I. 1900. O. New York c. 1900-. Edited by John Moody. Vol. I published under the title: Moody's Manual of industrial and miscellaneous se- curities. Board of Trade. 38o-9773 i '^^'^^ Board of Trade, Stock Exchange and bankers* directory of statis- tics Dictionary of financial and commercial terms and phrases. 1 894-1 897 [3 vol.] O. Chicago, U. S. A., [i895]-c. 1897- 1894-1896 published under the title: Board of Trade, Stock Exchange and bankers directory 1894-5 does not contain Dictionary of . . . terms and phrases; 1896 has it with slight variation in the title. Poor's Hand book. 332.6 16 30908 Pqoi-'s Hand book of investment securities. For the use of bank- ers, investors, trust institutions and railroad officials supplement- ing Poor's Manual of railroads. Vol. 3. 1892. maps. O. New York 1892. Wilber Mercantile Agency. 380 "973 20 '^'"'° .... Directory of associate attorneys of the Wilber Mercantile Agency and list of banks and bankers, ... for the protection of manufacturers, merchants and business men ; . . . . Second se- ries. Vol. XX. no. I. [1892.] D. Chicago [1892]. Pennsylvania. Secretary of the ConimonwcaltJi. 380.9748 P900 "'"^'' List of foreign corporations registered in the ofhce of the Secre- tary of the Commonwealth from April 22, 1874, to February i, 1899. 94 p. O. [Harrisburg] 1899. Philadelphia securities. 332.6 10 15703 Philadelphia securities. A descriptive and statistical manual of the corporations of the City of Philadelphia. Compiled from ofhcial sources. [No. 1,3. 1890,1892.] O. Philadelphia 1890- 1892. Compiled by J. P. Crittenden and Chas. B. Helffrich. No. I has subtitle : A manual for investors. Williams & Son, John L., Richmond, Va. 332.6 Pooi '*^^' A manual of investments. Important facts & figures regarding southern investment securities, (i 889-1 890.) xvi,344p. 2 maps. O. Richmond, Va., c. 1890. LEGISLATIVE BODIES BANKS GOVERNMENT BODIES — ETC. 20I Chicago securities. 332.6 4 12823 (Chicago securities A digest of information relating to stocks, bonds, banks and financial institutions of Chicago. Con- tinued from [no. i]. 1891. O. Chicago [1891-]. Handbook. 332.66 13972 j^an(j book of Chicago stocks and bonds [No. i]-4. 1 889-1 89 1. O. Chicago, c. 1 889-1 891. Edited by Frank M. Lester, No. I was published as a continuation of Chicago securities. A manual for bankers, .... For continuation see Chicago securities A digest of information relating to stocks ... of Chicago. Lester, Frank M., compiler. 332.6 5 15692 Chicago securities. A manual for bankers, brokers and investors. Compiled from ofificial sources to May i, 1888. 224 p. O. Chicago: J. W. Strong, c. 1888. For continuation see: Hand book of Chicago stocks and bonds. 1889. National Legal Bureau. I'349«73 i *^*'' The directory of the National Legal Bureau, containing a list of the members of the National Legal Bureau. A compendium of the laws of the different states upon business subjects and our own telegraphic cipher code. [Vol. 4. 1896.] Q. Chicago 1896. County councils. 352.0424 -'^^ The County councils, municipal corporations, urban district, rural district, and parish councils companion, magisterial directory, poor-law authorities and local government year book, .... Con- tinued from no. 21. 1897. O- London 1897-. Continuation of: The County companion, diary, statistical chronicle, and magiste- rial and official directory; and The Municipal corporations companion, diary, directory, and year book of statistics. Edited by Sir J. R. Somers Vine. London manual. 352.042 8 '""^ The London manual .... Continued from [no. i]. 1896-97. il. D. London [1896-]. Edited by Robert Donald. No. I, published under the title: The London manual and municipal year-book, is in third edition. Municipal year book. 352.042 3 '■'**' The Municipal year book of the United Kingdom Con- tinued from [no. i]. 1897. D. London 1897-. Edited by Robert Donald. 202 LIST OF DIRECTORIES Berlin. Statistisches Amt. 352.043 B4511 36370 personal-Nachweisung der Berliner Gemeinde-Verwaltung und mit derselben in Verbindung stehenden Anstalten, Verwaltungen und Aemter. Amtlich herausgegeben vom Statistischen Bureau. xi,[2],547 p. O. Berlin 1879. U. S. A. Department of the Interior. 1*353 ^ 2028 Official register of the United States, containing a list of the officers and employes in the civil, military, and naval service, together with a Hst of vessels belonging to the United States Con- tinued from 1857. sq.Q. Washington 1857-. From 1857-1859 compiled under the direction of the Secretary of State. From 1857-1877 pubhshed under the title: Register of officers and agents, civil, military, and naval in the service of the United States; with variations in the subtitle. From 1857-1871 the vol. are in O; from 1877-1893, in Q. Vol. for 1861, 1863, 1869, 1873, 1875, 1883: part l, missing. U. S. A. Department of State. 353* i i 15289 Registei- Qf the Department of State. ... Continued from 1883. maps. O. Washington 1883-. No register published for 1885, 1889-1891. 1884, 1895 missing. Bureau of the American Republics. L353.I P700 30302 Diplomatic and consular service of the United States. (Correct- ed to July 29, 1897.) Special bulletin no. 79. 22 p. sq.Q. Washington 1897. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. U. S. A. Treasury Department. L353.2 4 2M93 -pj^g United States Treasury register, containing a list of persons employed in the Treasury Department, including sub-treasuries, depositories, mints, assay offices, and the customs, steamboat- inspection, revenue-marine, life-saving, light-house, marine- hospital, internal-revenue, and coast-survey services. 1 873-1 875, 1877, 1879. [5 vol.] Q. Washington i873-[i879]. 1873-1877 are in O. 1879 has no title-page. U. S. A. Department of the Interior. 353*3 ^ 18368 Registgi- Qf i;hg Department of the Interior. Containing a list of persons employed in the Department, appointed by the President or by the Secretary of the Department. [No. 1-12.] 1877-1894. O. Washington 1 877-1 894. No. I published under the title: Annual register of the Department of the Interior, containing a list of the persons employed in the Department. LEGISLATIVE BODIES BANKS GOVERNMENT BODIES ETC. 203 0". S. A. Post Office Department. 353«4 I United States official postal guide. Revised and published . . . by authority of the Post Office Department Second series, vol. 13. 1891, Continued from vol. 17. 1895. O- [Washing- ton, D. C], c. 1891-. Vol. 13, no. 2-12; vol. 17, no. 2-12; voL 22, no. 2-4, 6, 11; vol. 23, no. 8-10, missing. U. S. A. War Department. 353'6 2 10042 Official Army register .... Continued from 1870. tables. O. Washington 1870-. U. S. A. War Department. Adjutant General's Offiee. 353-6 Qooi Official register of officers of volunteers in the service of the United States. Organized under the act of March 2, 1899. 154 p. O. [U. S. A. War Department. Document no. 117.] Washington 1900. CT. S. A. War Departmettt. Adjutant General's Office. 353-6 Q004 ?92io j^oster of troops serving in the Division of Cuba, comprising the departments of Matanzas and Santa Clara ; province of Havana and Pinar del Rio; Havana; and Santiago and Puerto Principe, commanded by Major General Leonard Wood, U. S. Volunteers. 126 p. 5 maps, I table. O. Havana 1900. U. S. A. War Department, 353*6 3 25S35 K.egister of the War Department, .... Containing the names of all persons connected with the War Department and its bureaus in Washington, D. C, and of all persons in the classified service in the offices of the depot quartermasters. 1 885-1 895. [11 nos.] O. Washington 1885-1895. With variations in subtitle. 1885 has no subtitle. 1888, 1 89 1, 1893, missing. U. S. A. Navy Department. 353'7 I '®"" Register of the . . . officers of the Navy of the United States, and of the Marine Corps 1864. July, 1867. July, 1881-1883, 1885. Continued from 1896. O. Washington 1864-. U. S. A. Navy Department. Bureau of Navigation. 353'7 2 16095 -j^jg^ ^^^ station of the commissioned and warrant officers of the navy of the United States, and of the marine corps, on the active list. Continued from 1898. O. Washington 1898-. 1898 includes "officers on the retired list employed on active duty"; 1898-1899, "of- ficers appointed for temporary service." 204 LIST OF DIRECTORIES Massachusetts. General Court. 328.7448 i 2ot.57 ]y[anual for the use of the General Court : containing the rules of the two branches, together with the Constitution of the Common- wealth, and that of the United States, and a list of the executive, legislative, and judicial departments of the state government, state institutions and their ofificers, and other statistical informa- tion Continued from [1876]. pi. S. Boston 1876-. Slight variations in title. 1878-1879, i88i, 1895, missing. Massachusetts register. 974-4 i S6000 jj^g Massachusetts register, containing a record of the govern- ment and institutions of the state, and a variety of useful informa- tion ... . 1847-1853,1855-1858. [11 vol.] O. Boston 1847- [1858]. 1847-1851 edited by Nahum Capen; 1852-1857, by George Adams. 1847-1850 published under the title: The Massachusetts state record and year book of general information; 1851, The Massachusetts state record, New England register and year book; 1852-1857 have slight variations in the title. 1847-1851, called vol. [i]-5, are in D; 1852-1858, called no. 86-92 Connecticut. Secretary. 974*6 i 34134 Register and manual of the State of Connecticut. Continued from 1902. pi. maps. D. Hartford 1902-. Weed, Parsons & Co., publishers. 353-9747 N900 25226 (^iyji list and forms of government of the colony and state of New York : containing notes on the various governmental organizations : lists of the principal colonial, state and county oflficers ; federal appointments from the state ; congressional delegations and presi- dential electors, and the votes of the electoral colleges. The whole arranged in constitutional periods. Edition of 1878. [6], 598 p. 7 pi. I facsim. D. Albany 1879. Smull's legislative hand book. 328.748 i "*"* SmuU's legislative hand book and manual of the State of Pennsyl- vania Continued from 1891. pi. O. Harrisburg, Pa., pref. 1891-. 1891-1897 are in D. 1895- 1896 missing. New Jersey. Legislature . 328.749 i '"" Manual of the Legislature of New Jersey No. 112. 1888. Continued from no. 127. 1903. pi. por. S. Trenton, N, J., c. 1 884-. LEGISLATIVE BODIES BANKS GOVERNMENT BODIES ETC. 20$ Indiana. General Assembly. 353-9772 Qooi '"" Record of Indiana volunteers in the Spanish- American War 1898- 1899. Issued by authority of the sixty-first General Assembly of Indiana 368 p. i pi. of por. O. Indianapolis 1900. Illinois. Secretary of State. 353-9773 20 ■'*"« Blue book of the State of Illinois. Compiled and published by ... , [the] Secretary of State. Springfield, 111., Phillips Bros., state printers, 1899-. Continued from 1899. plates, maps. 23*^"^ 1 899- 1 90 1 title reads: List of state officers Iowa. Secretary of State. ^11 -1 15 ^-''■' Iowa official register. Published by the Secretary of State, .... Continued from vol. 7. 1892. il. pi. por. U. [Des Moines] 1891-. Vol. 7 is in second edition. Vol. 8, 12, missing. Iowa. Adjutant General. ZSZ'^111 O601 ''"* List of ex-soldiers, sailors and marines, living in Iowa, prepared by William L. Alexander, Adjutant General. viii,772 p. O. Des Moines 1886. North Dakota. Legislative Assembly. 328.7848 P700 *'-*' Legislative manual, containing the Constitution of North Dakota, also rules and standing committees of the . . . Legislative Assem- bly and historical, statistical and political information. (1897.) O. Bismarck, N. D., 1897. Almanach de Gotha. 034 i ^"'* Almanach de Gotha. Annuaire genealogique, diplomatique et statistique. Continued from vol. 139. 1902. por. T. Gotha 1902-. Szende, Julius. 354 P900 '"'" Handbuch fUr Diplomaten, von Julius Szende. 1899. Wien, A. Holder, 1899. viii, 266 p. 20™'. Great Britain. Colonial Office. 314-2 2 ^'"® The Colonial Office list: comprising historical and statistical in- formation respecting the colonial dependencies of Great Britain, .... Compiled from official records, .... Continued from no. 35. [1896.] maps, tables. O. London, pref. 1896-. ^o- 3S~36 edited by John Anderson; no. 37-, by W. H. Mercer and A. E. Collins 2o6 LIST OF DIRECTORIES Whitaker, Joseph, editor. 032 M900 ^^^^ An almanac .... Containing the usual astronomical and other phenomena. Also a large amount of information respecting the government, finances, population, commerce, and general statistics of the British Empire throughout the world, with some notice of other countries, &c., &c. Continued from [no. i :] 1869. D. London: J. Whitaker, pref. 1868-. Whitaker & Sons, J., publishers. 354-42 20 20021 whitaker's naval and military directory and Indian army list .... Containing an alphabetical list of commissioned officers on the active list of both services, together with all senior retired ofhcers, with particulars concerning them ; a list of the ships of the navy and of the regiments, etc., of the army ; . . . ; and a cat- alogue of war medals and decorations. 1899. D. London pref. 1899. Germany. Reichsamt des Inneni. 354'43 ^ ''''' Handbuch fiir das deutsche Reich. Bearbeitet im Reichsamte des Innern. Continued from vol. 23. 1898-. O. Berlin 1898-. Staats-, Hof- und Kommunal-Handbuch. 354-43 5 •'■'*^^ Staats-, Hof- und Kommunal-Handbuch des [Deutschen] Reichs und der Einzelstaaten Continued from vol. 17. 1902. il. p. of por. D. Leipzig 1902-. Edited by Joseph Kiirschner. Almanach nationaL 354-44 i '"^^ Almanach national, Annuaire oiificiel de la Republique frangaise. Presente au President de la Republique. Continued from [vol. 199]. 1897. O. Paris 1897-. Almanach nationaL 354-44 2 "''"^ Almanach national de France, I'an septieme de la republique fran- 5oise une et indivisible. [1798-99.] nar.T. Paris [1798]. France. Ministere des finances. 354.44 3 12853 Annuaire general des finances. Public d'apres les documents ofificiels sous les auspices du Ministere des finances. Continued from no. i. 1890-91. O. Paris 1890-. No. 1-7, 9, are in O. Norges statskalender. 354.481 i i97n7 Norges statskalender Anhang. Uddrag af Sveriges stats- kalender. Continued from vol. i. 1901. O. Kristiania 19OQ-. Edited by N. R. Bull. LEGISLATIVE BODIES BANKS GOVERNMENT BODIES — ETC. 20 Stockholm. K. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademien. 354.485 i '"'* Sveriges statskalender ... . Utgifven efter Kongl. Maj:ts nadigste forordnande af dess Vetenskaps-Akademi. Bihang: Utdrag ur Norges statskalender. Continued from 1898. O. Stockholm 1897-. Kongelig dansk hof- og statskalender. L354.489 i 30587 Kongelig dansk hof- og statskalender. Statshaandbog for kon- geriget Danmark .... Continued from 1901. Q. Kjobenhavn [1901-]. United States Infantry and Cavalry School, 355.07191 P500 ^**''* Ft. Leavenworth. Historical sketch, roster of commandants, school staff and gradu- ates of the U. S. Infantry and Cavalry School, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, from its organization to June 30th, 1895. [2], 23 p. sq. D. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 1895. Heitman, Francis Bernard, 1838- I'355'0973 Q301 *'**'' . . . Historical register and dictionary of the United States army, from its organization, September 29, 1789, to March 2, 1903. By Francis B. Heitman. Published under act of Congress ap- proved March 2, 1903 .... Volume i-[2]. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1903. 2 vol. 27'="'. "This is the unofficial work of a private compiler, purchased and published by direc- tion of Congress." Gardner, Charles Kitchell. 355-0973 L300 23953 ^ dictionary of all ofificers, who have been commissioned, or have been appointed and served, in the army of the United States, since the inauguration of their first president, in 1789, to the first January, 1853, — with every commission of each; — in- cluding the distinguished ofificers of the volunteers and militia of the states, ... ; and of the navy and marine corps, who have served with the land forces : indicating the battle, in which every such officer has been killed, or wounded, — and the special words of every brevet commission. 587 p. D. New York: G. P. Put- nam & Co., 1853. Hamersly, Lewis Randolph. L359.092 H171 42108 'pj^g records of living ofificers of the U. S. navy and Marine Corps. Compiled from official sources by Lewis Randolph Hamersly .... Seventh edition. Revised, with numerous additions. New York, L. R. Hamersly Co., 1902, [<'i90i]. 511 p. illus. (ports.) 27<=™. 2o8 LIST OF DIRECTORIES Annual. 360.52 3 10826 -pj^g Annual charities register and digest. Being a classified reg- ister of charities in or available for the metropolis, ... . Con- tinued from [1897]. O- London 1897-. Classified directory. 360.942 3 "■"" . . . The Classified directory to the metropolitan charities .... Giving full information of above one thousand metropolitan chari- table institutions, .... Together with an appendix containing a list of similar institutions in England and Wales Continued from no. 22. 1897. nar. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1897-. Low's handbook. 360.942 2 ®*"'' Low's handbook to the charities of London. Giving the objects, date of formation, office, income, expenditure, invested funds, bankers, treasurers and secretaries of over a thousand charitable institutions Revised according to the latest reports. Con- tinued from no. 54. 1890. S. London [1890-]. Edited by H. R. Dumville. Royal guide. 360.942 i 18947 Herbert Fry's Royal guide to the London charities, showing in alphabetical order their name, date of foundation, address, objects, annual income, chief officials, &c., according to their latest reports. .... The first London annual charity guide London, Chatto & Windus, 1896-1904. [No.] 33, 40, [1896, 1904]. iSic". Edited by John Lane. New York, N. Y. Charity Organization Society. 360.9747 i 13IS3 ]yjg^ York charities directory. A classified and descriptive direc- tory to the philanthropic, educational and religious resources of the City of New York including the boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, Richmond. Published by the Charity Organization Society of the City of New York. Continued from vol. 2. [1887]. S. New York 1887-. None published for 1889, 1891, 1893-1894, 1897. Vol. 2 published under the title: Classified and descriptive directory to the charitable and beneficent societies and institutions of the city of New York. With other slight variations in the title. New York. State Board of Charities. 360.9747 10 32683 Directory of the charitable, eleemosynary, correctional and re- formatory institutions of the State of New York. [Prepared by the State Board of Charities.] Transmitted to the Legislature April 20, 1892. viii,494 p. O. Albany 1892. LEGISLATIVE BODIES BANKS GOVERNMENT BODIES ETC. 20g Civic Club of Philadelphia. 360.9748 10 4S1S0 j^ directory of the charitable, social improvement, educational and religious associations and churches of Philadelphia, together with legal suggestions, laws applying to dwellings, etc. Prepared by the Civic Club. 2d edition. Philadelphia, [Civic Club], 1903. xviii, 828 p. I9<=". Philadelphia. Civic Club. Social Science Section, 360.9748 P500 "*'' Civic Club digest of the educational and charitable institutions and societies in Philadelphia. Compiled by a committee of the Social Science Section of the Civic Club. With an introduction on social aspects of Philadelphia relief work, by Samuel McCune Lindsay. clxxiv,20i p. O. Philadelphia 1895. "Partial reading and reference list of books and important articles relating to chari- ties", p. clxiv-clxxiv. Philadelphia Society for Organizing Charitable 360.9748 N900 '""' Relief and Repressing Mendicancy. Manual for visitors among the poor. With a classified and de- scriptive directory to the charitable and beneficent institutions of Philadelphia. Published by the Philadelphia Society for Organiz- ing Charitable Relief and Repressing Mendicancy. 2 1 7 p. S. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1879. Baltimore. Charity Organization Society. 360.9752 i 26196 Directory of the charitable and beneficent organizations of Balti- timore and of Maryland. Together with a summary of laws, etc., and an introduction by Amos G. Warner. Prepared by the Charity Organization Society. xiv,i4i p. i map. nar. D. Balti- more, Maryland, U. S. A., 1892. "A bibliography of charities." p. 127-133. Visher, John, comp. 360.9773 P700 1104S Hand-book of charities, by John Visher. Third edition, revised and enlarged. Chicago, C. H. Kerr & Co., 1897. 253» [9] P- illus. 20"". "The object is to put into permanent form a list and directory of the charitable'soci- , eties of Chicago, and the [Illinois] state institutions." — Pref. to first edition. Originally issued under the auspices of the Illinois Conference of Charities. Visher, John, comp. 360.9773 P400 390SI Hand-book of charities, by John Visher, Secretary Illinois Con- ference of Charities. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Chicago, C. H. Kerr & Co., 1894. 259 p. illus. 20^^™. "The object is, ... , to give such authoritative data as will enable a business man to form an intelligent opinion, as to the relative value and scope of the various charitable efforts of the city [Chicago] and state [Illinois]." — Introd. Page 229-230 mutilated. 2IO LIST OF DIRECTORIES [Visher, John], comp. 360.9773 P200 18930 Hand-book of Chicago's charities. Published by the Illinois Conference of Charities and Corrections. Chicago, printed and illustrated by E. M. Colvin, [<'i892]. I73> [6] p- illus., I fold. map. 20'="'. Copyrighted by John Visher. "The object is to put in permanent form a list and directory of the charitable societies of Chicago and the [Illinois] state institutions." — Introd. Boston. Associated Charities. 361.9744 B65 27068 ^ directory of the charitable and beneficent organizations of Boston, together with legal suggestions, laws applying to dwell- ings, etc. Prepared by the Associated Charities. [Second]- fourth edition. Boston, Damrell & Upham, 1 886-1 899. 3 vol. I7™\-20'='". Subtitle varies slightly. Burdett's hospitals. 362.942 i 18404 Burdett's hospitals and charities . . . being the year book of phil- anthropy and the hospital annual, containing a review of the position and requirements, and chapters on the management, revenue and cost of the charities. An exhaustive record of hos- pital work for the [preceding] year London, The Scientific Press, ltd., [i 898-1 903]. 1898, 1903. [2 vol.] i8i=". Edited by Sir Henry Burdett. Hayden's Annual cyclopedia. 368.973 3 ^'"® Hayden's Annual cyclopedia of insurance in the United States. Continued from 1900-01. D. Hartford, Conn., 1901-. Insurance yearbook. 368.973 4 32703 jj^g Insurance yearbook New York, The Spectator Com- pany, 1901-. Continued from twenty-ninth annual issue, 1901. 24^'='°. Each year published in 2 vol.: vol. i. Life and miscellaneous insurance; vol. 2. Fire and marine. Insurance blue book. L368.973 i "^'■^ 1876. Insurance blue book, 1877. Centennial issue. An insur- ance annual, containing a history of insurance in the United States from the earliest times, with a chapter of sketches of representa- tive companies, ... ; directories of all the companies . . . [and] the insurance agents in the United States ; . . . ; comparative abstracts of the insurance laws of the several states, etc., etc. [2], 304 p. il. I por. sq.F. New York : C. C. Hine, 1877. 370 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Annuaire. 37o«54 i ^^** Annuaire dc I'enseignement primaire Continued from [vol. 13]. 1897. S. Paris [1897-]. Edited by G. Jost. California. State Normal School, San Jose. 370.7114 O900 •''"'^ ... . Historical sketch of the State Normal School at San Jose, California, with a catalogue of its graduates and a record of their work for twenty-seven years. Sacramento, Supt. State Print- ing, 1889. 283 p. 2 pi. 23^'=m_ At head of title: 1 862-1 889. Steiger, E., publisher. L370.9 N801 "*^'' Steiger's educational directory. 1878. Q. New York 1878. "A classified descriptive catalogue of American, British, German, French, and other foreign publi'^ations on education and general philology; together with works of refer- ence, teachers' handbooks, etc., exclusive of text-books," p. 101-148. American college. 370-973 i 11078 American college and public school directory St. Louis, Mo., C. H. Evans & Co., [1898-]. Vol. 21, 1898; continued from vol. 26, 1903. 21^'='". Baird, William Raimond. 37i'85 N900 10733 American college fraternities: a descriptive analysis of the society system in the colleges of the United States, with a detailed account of each fraternity. 212 p. i pi. D. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippin- cott & Co., 1879. Delta Phi. 371.85 M800 "^^ Catalogus anni quadragesimi primi fraternitatis Delta Phi. Kal. Jan. MDCCCLXVIII. [1827-1868.] 151 p. O. New York [1868]. Volta Bureau, Washington. 371.92 Pooi 14818 jsjaj^gg 2j^^ addresses of persons interested in the education of the deaf. Compiled 1890. 14 p. O. Washington, D. C, 1890. Supplement. Compiled 1890. 5 p. O. Washington, D. C, 1890. [Gerould, Samuel L.] 373'742 M54 28327 j]^g general catalogue and a brief history of Kimball Union Academy, Plainfield, (Meriden P. O.) N. H. Also a biographi- cal sketch of Hon. Daniel Kimball, its founder. 1815-1880. 323 p. I pi. O. Claremont, N. H. 1880. Newspaper clippings mounted on flyleaves and inside of cover. 212 LIST OF DIRECTORIES [Fay, Eugene Francis.] 373-744 W52 29013 y^j^ illustrated biographical catalogue of the principals, teachers, and students of the West Newton English and Classical School, West Newton, Mass., 1 854-1 893. Including an account of the re-unions November 15, 1871, and June 21, 1893. Compiled by a former pupil, 176 p. 3 pi. 2 gr. of por. 3 pi. of por, O. Boston: Rand Avery Supply Co., 1895. Preface signed E. F. F. Lawrence Academy. Alumni Association. L373.744 G91 9ios ^ general catalogue of the trustees, teachers, and students of Lawrence Academy, Groton, Massachusetts, from the time of its incorporation. 1 793-1 893. With an account of the celebrations of the ninetieth and the one hundredth anniversaries. 241 p. i pi. O. Groton 1893. Bryn Mawr College. Graduate Club. 376.6 P900 ^"*' Handbook of British, Continental and Canadian universities, with special mention of the courses open to women. Compiled for the Graduate Club of Bryn Mawr College by Isabel Maddison. Second edition. iv,i74p. O. New York : Macmillan Co., 1899. Supplement for 1901 [4] .70 P- O. Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1901. Bryn Mawr College. Graduate Club. 376.6 P600 Handbook of courses open to women in British, Continental and Canadian Universities. Compiled for the Graduate Club of Bryn Mawr College by Isabel Maddison assisted by Helen Whitall Thomas and Emma Stansbury Wines iv,i55p. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1896. Supplement for 1897. ... By Isabel Maddison. iv,62 p. O. New York 1897. Minerva. 378 i "*** Minerva. Jahrbuch der gelehrten Welt Continued from vol. I. 1891-92. por. S. Strassburg 1892-. Vol. 1-5 edited by R. Kukula and K. Triibner; vol. 6-7, by K. Triibner; vol. 8-9, by K. Triibner and F. Mentz; vol. 10-, by K. Triibner. Vol. I published under the title: Minerva. Jahrbuch der Universitaten der Welt. Anderson, Peter John, ed. L378.41 ATi 37839 j^qJj qJ alumni in arts of the University and King's College of Aberdeen. 1 596-1 860. Edited by Peter John Anderson, M. A., LL.B. Librarian to the University of Aberdeen. Aberdeen, printed for the University, 1900. xiii, [2], 275 p. front. 26<''". (j%^-/«V/dv Aberdeen University Studies: no. I.) EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 213 Cambridge. University. 378.42 CGi 42118 'Ylie book of matriculations and degrees: a catalogue of those who have been matriculated or admitted to any degree in the Uni- versity of Cambridge from 1851 to 1900. Cambridge, The University Press, 1902. X, 685, [I] p. 23<^^. "The volume has been prepared for the press by ... J. F, E. Faning .... My share in it has been limited to the suggestion, at the outset, of some of the principles on which this new departure in the publication of a catalogue of graduati, should be based, and to a revision of the proof-sheets." — Pref., signed by John Willis Clark. Venn, John, 1834- L378.42 CZ2 *'*'"' Biographical history of Gonville and Caius College, 1 349-1 897; containing a list of all known members of the College from the foundation to the present time, with biographical notes. Com- piled by John Venn, SC. D Vol. l-[lll] .... Cambridge, University Press; London, C.J.Clay and Sons, [etc.], 1897- 190 1. 3 vol. 27^="'. Contents. — vol. i. 1349-1713. 1897. xxvi, 531 p. front. — vol. 2. 1713-1897. 1898. [4], 610 p. front. 2 pi. — vol. 3. Biographies of the successive masters, the his- tory of the various endowments and benefactions and transcripts of many early deeds and charters. 1901. viii, [2], 456 p. front, (port.), 26 pi., i port., 5 plans, i fold. pi. (diagr.) Foster, Joseph. L378.42 OG3 Oxford men, 1880-1892. With a record of their schools, honours and degrees, xv p. 686 columns [343 p.] il. 12 pi. 46 pi. of per. I por. sq.Q. Oxford: J. Parker & Co., 1893. Continuation of Alumni Oxonienses. Companion volume to Oxford men and their colleges. Foster, Joseph. L378.42 OG4 Oxford men and their colleges, xii p. 664 columns, il. 62 pi. 21 por. sq.Q. Oxford: J. Parker & Co., 1893. Supplement to Alumni Oxonienses. Companion volume to Oxford men, 1880-1892. Foster, Joseph. L378.42OG1 3539 A 1 • y^ • v^ » 1^ Alumni Oxonienses : the members of the University of Oxford, 1500-1714: their parentage, birthplace and year of birth, with a record of their degrees. Being the matriculation register of the University, alphabetically arranged, revised and annotated 4 vol. paged continuously; vol. i: xxiv,i-439 p. ; vol.2: [2], 440-867 p.; vol. 3: [2],868-i296 p.; vol. 4: [2],i297-i7o6 p.' Q. Oxford: Parker & Co., [pref. 1892]. 214 LIST OF DIRECTORIES Foster, Joseph. L378.42 OG2 3538 Aiujnni Oxonienses : the members of the University of Oxford, 1 71 5-1 886: their parentage, birthplace and year of birth, with a, record of their degrees. Being the matriculation register of the University, alphabetically arranged, revised and annotated 4 vol. paged continuously; vol. i : ix,[i],i-40i p.; vol. 2: [2], 402-807 p. ; vol. 3 : [2], 808-1240 p. ; vol. 4: [2],i24i-i632 p. pi. Q. Oxford: Parker & Co., [1887-1888]. Deutscher Universitats-Kalender. 378-43 8 ''■" Deutscher Universitats-Kalender .... Leipzig, K. G.T. Scheffer, 1 900-. Continued from [April], 1900. 15^™. 1900/2 published in Berlin, by L. Simion. Includes the universities of the German empire, Austria- Hungary, Switzerland and the Baltic provinces of Russia. Briinn. K. k. technische Hochschule. L378.437 BGi 27523 Yerzeichnis der an der K. k. technischen Hochschule in Briinn thatigen Lehrkrafte, Beamten und Diener wahrend ihres Bestandes in den Studienjahren 1849/50 bis 1898/99 und der in dieser Zeit eingeschriebenen Horer. Beilage der Festschrift der K. k. technischen Hochschule in Briinn zur Feier ihres fiinf- zigjahrigen Bestehens und der Vollendung des Erweiterungs- baues im October 1899. 150 p. sq.F. Briinn 1899. Hrabak, Josef. L378.437 PEi *^'*' Gedenkbuch zur Feier des fiinfzigjahrigen Bestandes der K. k. Bergakademie Pribram 1849 bis 1899. iv,[4],265 p. il. i pi. Q. Pribram: K. k. Bergakademie, 1899. Paris. Ecole normale superieure. L378.44 EnEi "*'" Le centenaire de I'Ecole normale, 1795-1895. [2],xlv,[2],699 p. il. 3 pi. I pi. of por. 16 por. Q. Paris: Hachette & c"^, 1895. Petersens, Carl af , &" Malm, Anders, compilers. 378.485 LMi ^"'* Lunds universitets matrikel. Utgifven I April 1899. [4]. 180, [2] p. O. Lund: C. W. K. Gleerup, 1899. Upsala. Universitet. L378.485 UHi *'*'* Upsala universitets matrikel; utgifven af J. von Bahr och Th. Brandberg, Upsala, Almqvist & Wiksells boktryckeri-aktiebolag, 1896. viii, 182 p. 25i<=". Full bio-bibliographical notes. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 215 College year-book. 378-73 4 '^" The College year-book and athletic record 1896 D. New York: Stone & Kimball, 1897. Edited by Edwin Emerson, Jr. No more published. Bowdoin College. 378-741 B0G3 ^"" General catalogue of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine, 1794-1902. vi,[2],258 p. O. Brunswick, Maine, 1902. Compiled by G. T. Little. Bowdoin College. L378.741 B0G2 *"" General catalogue of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine, 1 794-1 894. Including a historical sketch of the institu- tion during its first century prepared by George Thomas Little, the Librarian. cxii,2i6 p. 7 pi. Q. Brunswick, Maine, 1894. Bowdoin College. 378-741 BoGi '®''®'' Catalogus senatus academici, et eorum qui munera et ofificia gesserunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt, in Collegio Bowdoinensi, Brunsvici, in republica Mainensi. 93, [2] p. O. [Brunswick] 1870. Bound with this: BowDOiN COLLEGE. Catalogue of names and residences of the alumni of Bowdoin College living November, 1872. 12, [2] p. — Necrology of Bow- doin College, 1867-1870. 8 p. Dartmouth College. 378-742 DGi *^*'' General catalogue of Dartmouth College and the associated schools, 1 769-1900. Including a historical sketch of the College, prepared by Marvin Davis Bisbee. viii, 492 p. 16 pi. O. Hanover, N. H., 1900. Dartmouth College. 378-742 DTi 13788 Addresses of the living graduates of Dartmouth College, the Medical College, and the Thayer School of Civil Engineering. 128 p. O. Hanover, N. H., 1897. Ellis, William Arba, editor. 378-743 ^Ei 22205 Norwich University. Her history, her graduates, her roll of honor. xiv,624 p. il. 4 pi. 11 por. O. Concord, N. H., 1898. Vermont. University. 378-743 UGi *'*''' General catalogue of the University of Vermont and State Agri- cultural College, Burlington, Vermont, 1791-1900. Burlington, Free Press Association, 1901. 260 p. 25«™. 2i6 LIST OF DIRECTORIES Amherst College. 378-744 AGi ^"* General catalogue of Amherst College, including the officers of government and instruction, the alumni, and honorary graduates. 1821-1890, 1821-1900. [2 vol.] O. Amherst, Mass., 1890- 1900. Quinquennial. With slight variation in the title. Boston University. 378-744 B^Gi 37083 Historical register of Boston University. Fourth decennial issue. Boston, University Offices, 1901. vi, [7]-242p. 23i<=>". Harvard University. 378.744 HG2 13294 j^ catalogue of the doctors of philosophy and of science and of the masters of arts and of science of Harvard University who have received their degrees after examination. Continued from 1 873-1 898. O. Cambridge 1898-. Cumulative. Harvard University. 378.744 HGi ''" Quinquennial catalogue of the officers and graduates of Harvard University 1636-1900. Cambridge, Mass., 1 794-1900. [3onos.] 24'^'". 1 794-1803 title reads: Catalogus eorum qui in Universitate Harvardiana ... alicujus gradCis laurea donati sunt; 1806-1845, 1851-1857, Catalogus senatus academici .... in Universitate Harvardiana; 1848, Catalogus Collegii Harvardiani seu Universitatis Can- tabrigiensis; i860- 188 5, Catalogus senatus academici Collegii Harvardiani . . . 1 794-1 875 published triennially. 1797, 1800, 1890, wanting. Palmer, Joseph. 378.744 HFi '^"^ Necrology of alumni of Harvard College, 1851-52 to 1862-63. vi,[2],536p. O. Boston 1864. Tufts College. 378.744 TGi '"" Register of officers of instruction and government, and directory of graduates. 1852-1900. 117 p. O. (TUFTS COLLEGE. Pub- lications. New series, vol. i, no. 2.) [Medford] 1901. Williams College. 378.744 WiG2 38353 Qeneral catalogue of the officers, alumni and honorary graduates of Williams College: [1795-1890.] Williamstown, Mass., pub- lished by the College, 1890. 130, [2] p. 24i<=m. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 21 7 Williams College. 378.744 WiGi Catalogue of the corporation, officers and students of Williams College. 1838-42. [4 nos.] O. Troy, N. Y., 1838-1841. Bound with this: Masonry in embryo ! ! i p. Sigma Phi Fraternity. Catalogue of the members of the Sigma Phi E. P. V. [i827]-i840. Williams College. Social Fraternity. Catalogue of the Social Fraternity. Williams College, ... [1834]- 41. Williams College. Catalogus senatus academici, eorum qui munera et ofiScia academica gesserunt, quique aliquovis gradu exornati fuerunt, in Collegio Guhelmensi, oppidi Gulielmi, in republica Massachusettensi. [1795-1840.] 1841. Williams Col- lege. Philo-Logian Society. Catalogue of the members of the Philo-Logian Society since its formation in 1795. 1840. Williams College. Philo Technian Society. Catalogue of the members of the Philo-Technian Society. i795-[i84o]. 1840. Wil- liams College. Library. Catalogue of books in the Library of Williams College, Wil- liamstown. 39,[i]p. 1836. Williams COLLEGE. Laws of WiUiams College. 1841. 23 P- Brown University. 378.745 BGi "'°* Address book of the living graduates Continued from no. I. 1894. O. Providence, R. I., 1894-. No. 6 contains an Index of graduates, 1895-1899. Brown University. 378.745 BG^ 38810 TT- 4. • 1 1 ^' l~*J O Historical catalogue of Brown University. Providence, Rhode Island, 1764-1894. Providence, R. I.. P. S. Remington & Co., 1895. [Vol. I.] 24='". "It is proposed that the Historical catalogue be issued every five years, .... The Address book, meanwhile, will be issued annually."— Pref. Yale University. 378.746 YGi Catalogue of the officers and graduates of Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. Continued from 1 701-1895. O. New Haven 1895-. Triennial, Madison University. Alumni Association. 378.747 ClEi The first half century of Madison University, (1819-1869); or The jubilee volume, containing sketches of eleven hundred living and deceased alumni. [Compiled by a committee of the Associ- ation, B. F. Bronson, chief editor.] 503 p. i pi. 15 per. O. New York: Sheldon & Co., 1872. In 1890 the name of Madison University was changed to Colgate University. Coltimbia University. 378.747 CuG2 Catalogue of matriculants who have not graduated, 1758-1897. .... 55 P- O. [New York] 1897. Published as supplement to the General catalogue of 1894. 20489 2l8 LIST OF DIRECTORIES Columbia University. 378-747 CuGi **^^ Officers and graduates of Columbia College, originally the college of the province of New York known as King's College. General catalogue. 1 754-1 894. 620 p. i table. O. New York 1894. Cornell University. 378.747 CyG i '"" The ten-year book of Cornell University. II. 1 868-1 888. 2 15 p. O. Ithaca, N. Y. : Andrus & Church, 1888. III. 1868-1898. vi,[2],338p. O. Ithaca, N.Y., 1898. Hobart College. 378-747 HoGi 24590 (General catalogue of officers, graduates and students. 182 5-1 897. vii,[i],254 p. I pi. I pi. of por. 3 por. O. Geneva, N. Y. 1897. New York University. 378.747 NeGi *°^° Biographical catalogue of the chancellors, professors and gradu- ates of the Department of Arts and Science of the University of the City of New York.. x,3ii p. i pi. O. New York: Alumni Association, 1894. Nason, Henry Bradford, e^/itor. 378.747 ReFi 27696 Biographical record of the officers and graduates of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1 824-1 886. With an introduction by Ben- jamin H. Hall. vii,[i],6i4 p. 10 por. O. Troy, N. Y. : W. H. Young, 1887. United States Military Academy, IVcst Point. Zl^-l^l UmGi '"'"" List of cadets admitted into the United States Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., from its origin till September i, 1901, with tables exhibiting the results of examinations for admission, and the corps to which the graduates have been promoted. [Fourth edition.] 119 p. D. Washington 1902. University of Rochester. 378.747 UrGi 36804 Qgneral catalogue of the University of Rochester. 1 850-1900. vi,2 56 p. O. Rochester, N. Y., 190c. Vassar College. 378.747 VGi '*'"® . . . General catalogue of the officers and graduates of Vassar Col- lege .... No. 3. 1861-1900. Poughkeepsie 1900. Haverford college. 378.748 HaFi "'" Biographical catalogue of the matriculates of Haverford College, together with lists of the members of the college faculty and the managers, officers and recipients of honorary degrees, 183 3-1 900. Prepared by a committee of the Alumni Association, Allen C. Thomas, '65, editor. xxiii,296 p. O. Philadelphia 1900. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 2IQ Coffin, Selden Jennings. 378-748 LTi '°°'*' Record of the men of Lafayette: brief biographical sketches of the alumni of Lafayette College, from its organization to the present time. To which is added the Historical sketches of the college, by Professor William B. Owen. 358, [2], 71 p. i pi. 3 por. O. Easton, Pa., 1879. University of Pennsylvania. Socictj of the Alumni. 378.748 UnGi '■'"* Biographical catalogue of the matriculates of the college, together with lists of the members of the college faculty, and the trustees, officers, and recipients of honorary degrees. 1 749-1 893. Pre- pared by a committee of the Society of the Alumni. xlii,567 p. O. Philadelphia 1894. Washington and Jefferson College. 378-748 WaFi josis Biographical and historical catalogue of Washington and Jefferson College, containing a general catalogue of Jefferson College, of Washington College, and of Washington and Jefferson College, including thus all the alumni of the present college. 1802-1889. 526, [2] p. O. Cincinnati, Ohio, 1889. Williams, John Rogers, cojup. 378-749 PG5 ^'«" Academic honors in Princeton University, 1 748-1902; compiled and edited by John Rogers Williams. [Princeton, N. J.], Prince- ton University, 1902. xxviii, 254 p. 24.^'''". Princeton University. 378-749 P^i '="•' Catalogue of all who have held office in, or have received degrees from, the College of New Jersey, at Princeton, in the state of New Jersey 1 746-1 896. 277 p. O. Princeton 1896. Princeton University. 378-749^^2 ^^"^ Directory of the graduates and former students of Princeton Col- lege. [Third edition.] 1896. 268 p. O. [Princeton 1896.] Princeton University. 378-749 PG4 '*"* Directory of the graduates and former students of Princeton Col- lege. June, 1892. [Second edition.] 236 p. O. Princeton, N. J., [1892]. Princeton University. ^378-749 ^^3 "'" Catalogus eorum qui munera et officia gesserunt quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt, in Collegio Neo-Caesariensi, Prince- toniae in republica Neo-Csesariensi. [1869-1886. 5 nos.] O. Philadelphise 1 869-1 886. 1869-1881 are in O. 220 LIST OF DIRECTORIES Alexander, Samuel Davies. 378.749 PEi 17101 Princeton College during the eighteenth century. xv,326 p. O. New York: A. D. F. Randolph & Co., c. 1872. Biographical sketches of its alumni. College of William and Mary. 378.755 WmE2 25656 'pj^g history of the College of William and Mary [including the general catalogue,] from its foundation, 1660, to 1874. 183, [2] p. O. Richmond: J. W. Randolph & English, 1874. Green, Francis Marion. 378.771 HiEi "*'*^ Hiram College and Western Reserve Eclectic Institute. Fifty years of history, 1 850-1900. With an introduction by Prof. E. B. Wakefield. [i6],425 p. 10 pi. 5 pi. of por. 5 por. O. Cleve- land, Ohio, 1 90 1. Oberlin College. 378.771 ObGi *"*' Quinquennial catalogue of Oberlin College. 1895. 202 p. O. Oberlin, Ohio, 1895. Indiana University. 378.772 IGi "'^* Register of graduates of the Indiana University, including ad- vanced and honorary degrees, 1 830-1901. Bloomington, Indi- ana, published by the University, 1901. 1 12 p. 23""'. Michigan. University of Michigan. 378.774 UG2 ^^"'' General catalogue of ofificcrs and students, 1 837-1901. viii,7o6p. O. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1902. Michigan. University of Michigan. 378.774 UGl ■^*''"' General catalogue of officers and students, 1 837-1 890. viii,472 p. O. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1 891. Chase, Theodore Russell, 1825-1898. 378.774 UG3 .59420 The Michigan University book, 1 844-1 880. Theodore R. Chase, M.A., class of "'49". Detroit, Mich., Richmond, Backus & Co., 1880. 399 p. 24i<:"\ Ripon College. 378.775 RGi *^®** General catalogue of Ripon College, 185 i to 1900. 71 p. 5 pi. O. Ripon, Wisconsin, 1900. Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin. 'il^-ll^ U^Gl ®" General catalogue of the ofificers and graduates of the University of Wisconsin from its organization in 1849 to 1892. Compiled for the University by David B. Frankenburger. 155 p. O. Madison, Wis., 1892. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 22 1 Nebraska. University of Nebraska. "^^.^j^i UnGl ''"' A complete list of the officers of the University of Nebraska and the alumni of the Graduate School, the College of Literature, Science and the Arts, the Industrial College, the College of Law, and the College of Medicine. 1 873-1 899 97 p. O. [Nebraska. University of Nebraska. University bulletins. Series 4, no. 8.] Lincoln, Nebr., 1900. Colorado. University of Colorado. 378.788 UcGl "'^' Register of the alumni of the University of Colorado. Continued from 1 882-1 894. D. [Boulder 1894-.] Triennial. California. University of California. 378.794 UcGi ^'°" Catalogue of graduates ... ,1864-1899. (To September, 1899.) 71 p. I table, sq. D. [Bulletins, New series, vol. i, no. 2.] Berkeley 1899. Boston. English High School. 379-744 ^653 -■^** Catalogue of the scholars and teachers of the EngHsh High School, Boston, Mass., from 1821 to 1890, together with ... an historical sketch of the school. xxviii,[4],i09 p. 4 pi. i gr. of por. 6 por. O. Boston, Mass. : English High School Association, [1890]. Chicago. Board of Education. 379-773^434 35909 [Directory of the public schools of the City of Chicago.] Chi- cago, ^^1902-. Continued from 1902/3. 144'^'". At head of title-page: ... Board of Education, City of Chic£^o Title sup- plied from cover. Hinners, Albert E , 1873- 379-773 C27 41608 p^^ illustrated directory of Cass county schools, by A. E. Hin- ners .... [Virginia? 111.] 1902. [159] p. illus. 22^'="'. Advertising matter interspersed. Iowa. Depaj'tment of Public Instruction. Z19'*7*7*7 "^ Iowa educational directory .... Issued by the Department of Public Instruction Continued from i899-[i90o]. D, Des Moines 1899-. 38402 38o COMMERCIAL New York, N. Y., Custom House. 38o.9747 Q400 """ .... Custom house guide and guide list of steamers arriving at the port of New York. General order stores and warehouses. Legal rates of storage and labor. Bonded railroad Hnes. Ware- house and transportation ports, tables of currency, measures and weights. List of consuls. U. S. Customs Civil Service informa- tion. Map. Compiled by Hamilton Fulton .... [New York, ^1904.] 283 p. illus., fold. map. 17"". At head of title : Twenty-third edition — 1904. U. S. A. Interstate Commeree Commission. 353 4428 ''^'" . . . Information concerning commercial organizations and agri- cultural associations .... List of national, state, and local com- mercial organizations, also national, state, and local agricultural associations of the United States. [Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1903.] 296 p. 23^''"'. (57th Congress, 2d session. Senate. Document no. 146.) Referred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce and ordered to be printed, Feb- ruary 10, 1903. Sheldon's Export trade. 382 Qioi ^"'■"' Sheldon's Export trade : containing buyers in New York for foreign markets, classified, giving classes of merchandise bought, and countries bought for. Also, representatives in New York of for- eign houses. 119 p. T. New York: J. D. Sheldon & Co., [1901]. Thubron, Robert. 387 N200 20092 Yj^g ^oxt charges of Great Britain and Ireland. Containing, in addition to the towage, pilotage, dock and harbour dues, and the depth of water at each port, a list of graving docks and their rates, harbour and dock managers names, &c., &c. xvi,333 p. 9 maps. O. Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1872, 500 SCIENTIFIC Electrical Manual. 537-8 i ^*'* Manual of electrical undertakings and directory of officials Continued from vol. i. 1896. tables. O. London 1896-. Compiled under the direction of Emile Garcke. Vol. 1-5 have no subtitle and are in D. Powers' central station directory. 537-05i 12 18550 Powers' central station directory and buyer's manual. Containing a complete list of the electric lighting central stations in the United States, Canada and Mexico, .... Continued from vol. i. April, 1894. O. Chicago 1894-. Vol. 1-3, no. 3 published under the title: Electrical industries directory; vol. 3, no. 4 -vol. 5: Standard electrical directory quarterly; vk^ith variations in the subtitle; vol. 6-7, no. 2: American electrical directory and buyer's manual. No title-page nor index. Vol. I : no. I, 3, 4, vol. 3: no. 3, vol. 4 missing. Kalender. 550-53 9 "'*'° Kalender flir Geologen, Palaontologen und Mineralogen (Begriindet von Prof. Dr. K. Keilhack.) Vol. 6. 1903. il. S. Berlin 1903. Edited by Joh. Bohm. The calendar part is in pocket. Whitney, Josiah Dwight, 18 19-1896. L010.51 4 v. 15 ^'''* ... . List of American authors in geology and palaeontology. By J. D. Whitney. Republished from the Bulletin of Harvard University. [No. 22-23, Apr. -Oct. 1882.] Cambridge, Mass., University Press, J. Wilson and Son, 1882. II p. 26'='°. (/« Harvard University. Library. Bibliographical contributions, no. 15.) Cover-title. "May be considered as supplementary ... to the Royal Society's 'Catalogue of scien- tific papers' and to Prime's 'Catalogue of official reports upon geological surveys of the United States and territories.' " Includes also "a few names of those who, although born in foreign countries, spent the larger portion of their lives and published chiefly here". 224 LIST OF DIRECTORIES Cassino, Samuel Edson. 570-3 i }309o -pj^g Naturalists' directory. Containing the names, addresses, special departments of study, etc., of professional and amateur naturalists, chemists, physicists, astronomers, etc., etc., of the United States and Canada [1877], i88o-[i88i. 1883], 1898. [5 vol.] D. Boston 1 877-1 898. [1881-1883], 1885, 1888 published under the title: The International scientists' directory. Containing the names, ... , of ... naturalists, ... , in America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceanica; 1892, 1894, 1896, The Scientists' international directory. With slight variations in the subtitle. 1877, published in Salem, Mass., is in O. 1887, 1889, 1897, never published. Zoologisches Adressbuch. 590-3 i 15649 Zoologisches Adressbuch. Namen und Adressen der lebenden Zoologen, Anatomen, Physiologen und Zoopalaeontologen sowie der kiinstlerischen und technischen HUlfskrafte .... Herausge- geben im Auftrage der Deutschen zoologischen Gesellschaft von R. Friedlander & Sohn. Berlin, R. Friedlander & Sohn, 1895-1901. 2 V. 24^*^'". "Teil II enthaltend die seit September 1895 eingetretenen Veranderungen (Todesfalle, Erganzungen, Adressenanderungen)." Skinner, Henry, compiler. I'590.973 i The entomologists' directory, containing the names, addresses, special departments of study, etc., of those interested in the study of insect life in the United States and Canada. [6] ,84 p. Q. Philadelphia, Pa.: American Entomological Society, 1900. 600 INDUSTRIAL Medical Kelly's Directory. L9io.3 2 30834 Kelly's Directory of merchants, manufacturers and shippers and guide to the export and import, shipping and manufacturing in- dustries of the world. Vol. 15. 1901. Q. London pref. 1901. Annuaire. 609.44 ^ 10265 Annuaire et aide-memoire des mines, de la metallurgie, de la construction mecanique et de I'electricite. (Fonde en 1876 par Ch. Jeanson) .... Paris, [1897-]. Continued from [v. 22], 1897. 25*'". [V. 22-23] title reads: Annuaire des mines .... INDUSTRIAL 225 Societa editrice Sonzogno, publishers. 609.45 P900 ^*''° Guida tecnica delle Industrie della Provincia di Milano. 211 p. D. Milano [1899]. Bonnier, Albert, publisher. 380.9485 i ""' Sveriges handelskalender. Continued from vol. 21. 1899. O. Stockholm 1899-. Key-Aberg, Karl [Vilhelm Viktor] . 609.485 P800 30650 5yej-iges industri. Handbok for industriidkare och affarsman, hufvudsakligen efter ofificiella kallor utarbetad. xvi,i07i p. O. Stockholm: P. A. Norstedt & soner, 1898. Mechanical index. 609.73 QS^i ^^■•^^ .... Mechanical index ... . The complete work is an ency- clopedia and list of manufacturers in the United States of mechan- ical appliances and tools operated by steam, electricity, water, air, hand or foot power ; carefully arranged under sub-headings for quick reference. New York, The Industrial Press, 1903—. Section A-. 22^='". Buyer and seller. 609.73 5 . . . The Buyer and seller. Directory for railroad, traction and steamship lines and electrical, mechanical and manufacturing industries [1902.] il. O. New York: Le Roy PubHsh- ing Co., [1902]. Seeger and Guernsey's cyclopaedia. L609.73 PQOc Seeger and Guernsey's cyclopaedia of the manufactures and products of the United States. ccxl,i ii6,[2],44 p. Q- New York: United States Industrial Publishing Co., c. 1899. "Buyers' inquiry form" pasted on inside of front cover. Railway Directory Publishing Co. 609.73 i The railroad, telegraph and steamship builders' directory [No. I, 3. 1888, 1 891. J O. New York 1 888-1 892. Storey & Co., George, publishers. 380.973 P200 Reference directory of the machine, iron, steel and metal working trades, plumbers, steam and gas fitters, . . . throughout the United States: .... 1892. 431 P- O. Philadelphia, Pa., [1892]. Seeger and Guernsey's cyclopedia. L609.73 Pioo Seeger and Guernsey's cyclopedia of the manufactures and pro- ducts of the United States. [Second edition.] cxc,902,[2l 267p. il. O. New York c. 1891 ^ LJ' 226 LIST OF DIRECTORIES Walton & Walton, Austin, Tex. 976-4 I 38898 Directory of Texas industries from ofificial sources, by Walton & Walton. In one volume. Austin, Texas, Gammel-Statesman Publishing Company, 1903. [4], 431 p. 24<=°^. Anuario Pillado. 318 i 324S6 y\^nuario Pillado de la deuda pilblica y sociedades anonimas establecidas en las republicas Argentina y del Uruguay .... Continued from 1900. O. Buenos Aires 1900-. Compiled by Ricardo Pillado. Hodson, Jane, editor. 610.71 P700 21233 jjq^ j-Q become a trained nurse: a manual of information in de- tail. With a complete list of the various training schools for nurses in the United States and Canada. 265 p. 35 pi. i pi. of per. 3 tables. O. New York: W. Abbatt, 1898. "List of books for nurses," p. 263-265. Polk & Co., R. 11,.^ publishers. 610.79 1 12825 Polly's Medical register and directory of North America. Com- prising list of physicians and surgeons, . . . , the various medical societies, . . . and other medical institutions, boards of health, . . . , the laws of registration and other laws relating to the pro- fession, medical journals, . . . , official list of officers of the medi- cal departments of the U. S. army, navy and marine hospital service, .... Detroit, Baltimore, [etc.], 1898-1904. No. 5, 7-8, 1898, 1902-1904. 24'^"\ No. 5-7, title reads: Polk's Medical register and directory of the United States and Canada; other slight variations. Thomas Pub. Co., New York, N. Y. 615.0973 Q200 35603 Thomas' American drug and chemical trades register 15, [i],4i5,[i4],252,[2] p. nar.O. New York [1902]. Title taken from cover. Polk & Co., R. L., publishers. 617.6 I 14127 Polk's Dental register and directory of the United States and Canada. Comprising list of dentists arranged by states and provinces, giving postofifice address with population and location, date and college of graduation, . . . dental colleges . . . , the various dental societies, a synopsis of the laws of registration, and other laws relating to the profession . . . , dental journals with names of editors, frequency of publication and subscription rates, and an index ... arranged alphabetically Vol. 3,5. 1898-1899, 1902-1903. O. Detroit, c. 1898-c. 1902. With variations in the title. INDUSTRIAL 227 Hendricks' Commercial register. L620.973 2 """ Hendricks' Commercial register of the United States. For buyers and sellers. Especially devoted to the interests of the architec- tural, mechanical, engineering, contracting, electrical, railroad, iron, steel, mining, mill, quarrying and kindred industries [Vol. 9, 12.] 1899, 1902. Q. New York c. 1899-c. 1902. Vol. 9 published under the title: Hendricks' Architectural, engineering & mechanical directory of the United States. Variations in subtitle. Cleveland. Civil Engineers' Club. 620.9771 P300 19087 Visitors' directory to the engineering works and industries of Cleveland, Ohio. Presented with the compliments of the Civil Engineers' Club of Cleveland. Columbian edition. 83 p. il. i pi. S. Cleveland 1893. Directory. 621.09773 i Directory of licensed stationary engineers of Chicago. Also con- taining list of supply houses with telephone numbers. [First issue.] 1892. 124 P.O. [Chicago: F.A.Hart & Co., 1892.] Copper handbook. 622.09 i The Copper handbook. A manual of the copper industry of the world Houghton, Michigan, 1900-. Continued from [vol. i], 1900. 23'='". [Vol. I], subtitle reads: Giving f^fty statistical tables, ... , and much other informa- tion of value; it is "devoted mainly to Lake Superior copper mines"; vol. 2, A manual of the copper industry of the United States and foreign countries. Edited by Horace J, Stevens, Mining manual. 622.052 2 The Mmmg manual .... A record of information concerning mining companies, arranged in four sections : Australasian, South African, West African & Miscellaneous .... Continued from vol. [11]. 1897. O. London 1897-. Edited by Walter R. Skinner. Vol. [ 1 1-14] have subtitle : Separate sections are devoted to Australasian mining com- pames and South African mining companies; vol. 15 adds west African mining companies. Vol. [11-14] called vol. 9-12. Mabson, R. R. 622.0968 Qioo The Statist's Mines of the Transvaal. 378 p. il. 7 maps. D. London: "The Statist," [1901]. 228 LIST OF DIRECTORIES Goldmann, Charles Sydney. L622.0968 P501 28339 gQut^]-, African mines; their position, results, & developments: together with an account of diamond, land, finance, and kindred concerns. By Charles Sydney Goldmann, with the co-operation of Joseph Kitchen 3 vol. il. pi. colored pi. maps in pocket, maps, tables, scale in pocket. Q. London: E. Wilson & Co., 1895-6. Contents: Vol. i. Rand mining companies. xl,583 p. 8 pi. 2 colored. Vol. 2. Miscellaneous companies. iv,[2],2io p. Vol. 3. Maps and plans. [2],vi,i7 p. il. 16 colored pi. 60 maps, 19 in pocket, 4 tables, i scale in pocket. Poole Bros., publishers. L622.097 P800 18626 pQQig Bros, mining directory and reference book of the United States, Canada and Mexico, containing lists of mining and quarry- ing companies and operators, smelters, reduction and sampling works, blast furnaces, rolling mills, iron and steel works 926 p. il. I map. Q. Chicago, 111., 1898. Mine, quarry, and metallurgical record. L622.097P700 ®^®^ The Mine, quarry, and metallurgical record of the United States, Canada and Mexico Together with the mining codes of the United States, Canada and Mexico, and digests of the com- mercial, corporation and mining laws of . . . the United States and Canada 702 p. Q, Chicago, 111., U. S. A. : Mine and Quarry News Bureau, 1897. American mines annual. 622.0973 3 31566 American mines annual. Comprising a careful, accurate and concise compilation of the active gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc mining and milling companies throughout the United States. Continued from [vol. i, 1902]. O. New York City, U. S. A., 1901-. Compiled by George E. Vigouroux. National . . . blue book. 622.0973 4 41614 National iron and steel, coal and coke blue book. An authentic and concise list of firms, corporations and individuals, engaged in the production of iron and steel, coal and coke, in the United States .... Edited by B. H. Morwood. Pittsburg, Pa., R. L. Polk& Co., [1902]. [1902.] 2ii<=°>. INDUSTRIAL Annales. 624.0544 «"» Annales des ponts et chaussees. Memoires et documents relatifs a I'art des constructions et au service de I'ingenieur, lois, decrets, arretes et autres actes concernant I'administration des ponts et chaussees. Personnel. i832-[i90o] Paris 1832-1900. [69 V.] 2I<='".-23<='". 1832-1867 published in: Lois, decrets, arretes, etc. 1868-1869 title reads: Annuaire du Ministere de I'agriculture, du commerce et des travaux publics; 1870-1878, and 1888, Annuaire du Ministere des travaux publics. Ceased publication in 1900. Lame, Antoine. 627.09441 '''' Manuel des voies navigables de la France, avec leur prolonge- ment au dela des frontieres. Deuxieme edition, revisee et aug- mentee. [8], 400 p. O. Creusot: Pautet, 1877. U. S. A. Trcasiay Department. Light-Hojise Board. L627.097 2 '^««« List of lights and fog signals of the United States on the northern lakes and" rivers; and also of the lights and fog signals of the Do- minion of Canada on those waters. Corrected to the opening of navigation, 1895- n/ P- Q- VVashington 1895. Cr. S. A. Treasury Department. Light-House Board. L627.097 3 '^^»' List of lights and fog signals on the Pacific coast of the United States and of the lights and fog signals of the Dominion of Cana- da on the coast of British Columbia. Corrected to January i, 1895. 40 p. 5 pi. Q. Washington 1895. U. S. A. Treasury Department. Light-House Board. L627.0973 4 15890 Ljgt of lights and fog signals on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States. Corrected to January 1,1895. 1 47 P- 29 pl- Q. Washington 1895. PI. 28 missing. U. S. A. Navy Department. Bureau of Equipment. L627.9 i 30545 Hydrographic Office. List of lights of the world Continued from vol. 2. sq.Q. Washington 1900-. Until May 1898, the Hydrographic Office was a part of the Bureau of Navigation. Brown, Ernest C , comp. L628.0973 i '6309 Brown's Directory of American gas companies. Gas statistics. New York, press of "Progressive age", 1899-. [1899]; continued from [1902]. 26™\ [1899] called no. 8. 230 LIST OF DIRECTORIES Manual. 628.097 i 8093 j^Q Manual of American water-works. Compiled from special returns. Containing the history and descriptions ... of the water-works of the United States and Canada. . . . and water rates charged in over 1,250 cities and towns. Edited by M. N. Baker, PH. B. ... [First- fourth issue. 1888-1897.] New York, The Engineering News Publishing Co., 1 889-1 897. 4 vol. 23i<'"'.-24'=™. Subtitle varies slightly. Ceased Dublication. American Florist Company. 634 2 88700 ^YhQ American Florist Company's directory of florists, nurserymen and seedsmen of the United States and Canada. Arranged both by states and post ofifices and all names alphabetically ; also gar- deners, horticulturists, landscape architects, parks, cemeteries, botanical gardens, societies and horticultural supply concerns. [Vol. 9. 1900.] D. Chicago 1901. Hotel red book. 640.973 i "'" Hotel red book. United States oflficial hotel directory. Con- taining the only complete and reliable list of the best hotels in the United States and Canada, including summer and winter re- sorts ; also, a list of hotels in London, Liverpool and Manchester. .... 1900. il. O. New York City: Official Hotel Red Book and Directory Co., c. 1900. Lieber's manual. 380.51 18 29029 Liebej-'s manual. Directory for the users of the Lieber standard code. Continued from vol. 17. 1900. O. New York [1900-]. Vol. 17, no. 140-142, subtitle reads: Importers', exporters' and bankers' guide. No title-page nor index. Title taken from inside cover. Mercantile adjuster. 650.51 5 27102 -pj^g Mercantile adjuster and The Lawyer and credit man. Con- tinued from vol. 14, no. 5 Nov. 1899. O. St. Louis [1899-]. In Nov. 1899 The Lawyer and credit man was united with The Mercantile adjuster. No title-page nor index. Lawyer. L650.51 2 '^*'* The Lawyer and credit man, A monthly legal and bank directory and journal for credit men. Vol. 6-10, no. 3. 1897-Sept. 1899. Q. New York [ 1 897-1 899] . In Nov. 1899 united with The Mercantile adjuster and continued under the title: The Mercantile adjuster and Lawyer and credit man. Vol. 6-9, no 2, published under the title: The Lawyer and credit man and financial trade press review. Vol. 6-9 are in F. No title-page nor index. INDUSTRIAL 23I Western Commercial Agency. L380.51 2 ""' The Western Commercial Agency book of ratings. January, 1879. Variously paged, sq. F\ Chicago : Western Commercial Agency Co., 1879. Commercial Agency. L380.51 1 ^^"'^ The Commercial Agency register for July, 1878. Variously paged, sq. F\ New York: McKillop & Sprague Co., c. 1878. International Cable Directory Company, L654 10 "8"' AVw York and London. International cable directory of the world in conjunction with Western Union telegraphic code system [Universal edi- tion.] [New York, 1902-.] Continued from [1902]. 27ix2i<=™. Atlantic Cable Directory & Code Co., publishers. L654 i 16049 Atlantic cable directory of registered addresses and code book. Containing an alphabetical list of names arranged by cities and states, together with a classified business directory. Telegraph and cable code compiled by Chas. P. Bruch, Assistant Secretary of the Postal Telegraph-Cable Company United States and Canada section [io],28o,[8],656 p. Q. New York [1898]. International directory. 655.4 i 19562 -j-j^g International directory of booksellers and bibliophile's manual. Including lists of the pubHc libraries of the world, publishers, book collectors, learned societies and institutions, universities and colleges; also bibliographies of book and library catalogues, con- cordances, bookplates, etc., etc. [No. 4-6.] D. Rochdale 1 894- 1 903. Edited by James Clegg. Variations in subtitle. Literary year-book. 655.052 3 28600 yj^g Literary year-book and bookman's directory, ... . [Vol. 2.] 1901. por. D. New York 1901. Edited by Herbert Morrah. Borsenverein der deutschen Buchhandler. 655.443 i '^«^» Offizielles Adressbuch des deutschen Buchhandels und der ver- wandten Geschaftszweige. (Begrundet von O. A. Schulz.) Im Auftrage des Vorstandes bearbeitet von der Geschaftsstelle des Borsenvereins der deutschen Buchhandler zu Leipzig. With supplements. Continued from no. 60. 1898. por. O. Leipzig [1898-]. No. 60 published under the title: Adressbuch des deutschen Buchhandels .... 232 LIST OF DIRECTORIES Neues Adressbuch. 655.443 2 25453 Neues Adressbuch des deutschen Buchhandels und der verwand- ten Geschaftszweige mit Gratis-Beilage Verleger-Auslieferungs- tabelle Continued from no. 5. 1900. por. O. Leipzig [1900-]. Edited by Walther Fiedler. Annuaire. 655.444 P400 "®' Annuaire de la librairie frangaise. With supplements. Contin- ued from vol. I. 1894. O. Paris [1894-]. Vol. I, published under the title: Agenda-annuaire de la librairie frangaise, is in T. Cercle beige de la librairie et de I'imprimerie. 655.4493 i ^'^" Annuaire de la librairie beige. Livres d'adresses de tous les libraires, imprimeurs, papetiers, etc. Ainsi que de toutes les professions se rattachant a la librairie, suivi d'une liste alphabe- tique et systematique de tous les journaux, revues, et publications periodiques paraissant en Belgique. Public sous les auspices du Cercle beige de la librairie et de I'imprimerie. No. 5. 1895. P^^' O. Bruxelles [1895?] Directory. L655.47 i *"" Directory of booksellers, librarians, publishers and stationers in the United States and Canada. Minneapolis, H. W. Wilson, 1902. [No. I, 1902.] zsh'^'^- Caspar, Carl Nicolaus. L655.473O900 '" Caspar's Directory of the American book, news and stationery trade, wholesale and retail, ... , in the United States and Canada. Added a list ... of ... periodicals, magazines and reviews of the United States, .... xviii,i434 p. 2 pi. i por. Q. Mil- waukee: C. N. Caspar, 1889. Contains also a bibliography of bibliography, and a list of technical terms used in the graphic arts and in the book and stationery trades. Caspar, Carl Nicolaus. 655.473 O500 ^^^ Directory of the antiquarian booksellers and dealers in second- hand books of the United States 276 p. sq.O. Milwau- kee, Wis. : C.N. Caspar, 1885. McArthur, D. 656.09 O400 1605 poi-eign railways of the world. Containing . . . the names of of- ficers, length, capital, cost of construction, . . . and . . . other kinds of information regarding foreign railways and their opera- tion. Vol.1. 480 p. O. St. Louis, Mo. : Railway Register, 1884. No more published. INDUSTRIAL '■33 Bradshaw's railway manual. 656.052 4 18693 Bradshaw's railway manual, shareholders' guide, and official directory ... . Vol. 29-36. 1 877-1 884. Continued from vol. 50. 1898. maps. D. London 1877-, Vol. 32, missing. Universal directory. 656.092 U58 30964 'pi^g Universal directory of railway officials, .... [Vol. 7.] 1901. O. London 1901— . Edited by S. Richardson Blundstone. Annuaire. 656.091 5 "^®® Annuaire general des tramways de France, public sous les aus- pices de rUnion des tramways de France (syndicat professionnel) ... septembre 1901- Paris, 1901- Continued from 1901. 22^"". Johnston Co., W. ^.^ publishers. 656.03 i '^^^ Johnston's electrical and street railway directory .... 1897. O- New York, c. 1897. In Feb. 1899 united with the American street railway directory, which continues under the title: Powers' street railway directory and buyers' manual. Poor's manual. 656.051 2 "" Poor's manual of the railroads of the United States, with an ap- pendix containing a full analysis of the debts of the United States, the several states, municipalities, etc. Also statements of street railway and traction companies, industrial corporations, etc. Con- tinued from vol. I. 1868. maps. O. New York [1868-]. Vol. 1-26 are compiled by Henry V. Poor. Vol. 1-27 published under the title: Manual of the railroads of the United States. Vol. 21-27 contain Poor's directory of railway officials. Electric railway directory. 656.03 2 ""' Electric railway directory and buyers' manual New York, McGraw Pubhshing Company, c. 1899-. Continued from vol. 2, 1899. 23 x i ii<'°'.-23i<=™. Vol. 2, no. 1-2, title reads: American street railway directory and buyer's manual; vol. 2, no. 3-V0I. 6, no. 3, Powers' street railway directory and buyers' manual. A street railway list of the world for electrical, mechanical and financial reference. . . . ; vol. 2, no. 3 -vol. 5, no. 2, has cover subtitle: A consoHdation of the American street railway directory, "Railroad gazette's" electric railroad list of the world, John- ston's street railway directory, etc. Vol. 6, no. 4-, published as supplement to American street railway investments in which no. 2 of each year is merged. Vol. 2-6, no. 3, pubhshed by the E. L. Powers Company. 234 LIST OF DIRECTORIES Pocket list. 656.051 9 32470 jj^g Pocket list of railroad officials ... of the United States, Can- ada, and Mexico .... Vol. 4, no. 4. [1898]. S. New York: Railway Equipment and Publication Co., c. 1898. Inside cover reads: Issued quarterly by The Official railway equipment register. Biographical directory. 656.092 B96 "" The biographical directory of the railway officials of America. .... [No. 1-4.] 1 885-1 896. por. O. Chicago: Railway Age and Northwestern Railroader, i885-[i896]. 1885 edited by E. H. Talbott & H. R. Hobart; 1893 & 1896 by T. A. Busbey. 1885 & 1887 published by the Railway Age Publishing Co. Official railway list. 656.097 i 18748 jj^g official railway list. A complete directory of the Presidents, Vice-presidents, ... , of railways in North America, and hand- book of useful information for railway men. [Vol. 8-15]. 1889- 1896. ob.T. Chicago 1 889-1 896. Vol. 8 has title-page and p. vii-x missing. Vol. 9, 13 missing. Reynolds, John N., piiblisher. 656.097 2 12298 ]3ij-ectory of the street railway companies in the United States and Canada. (August, 1894.) Arranged alphabetically in cities, giving their mileage, gauge, weight and style of rail, number of cars, horses, etc, and names and addresses of officers. Unpaged. ob.T. New York, N. Y., c. 1894. Beeson's marine directory. L656.0977 i '*^" Beeson's marine directory of the northwestern lakes Con- tinued from no. ii. 1898. il. pi. Q. Chicago c. 1898-. No. 11-12 published under the title: Beeson's marine directory. Blue book. L656.0973 10 20493 gi^g book of American shipping ... . Marine and naval direc- tory of the United States, . . . statistics of shipping and ship building in America .... [1899], 1902. [2 vol.] il. pi. Q. Cleveland, Ohio, c. 1 899-1902. With variations in subtitle. U. S. A. TrcasHiy Department. Bureau of Navigation. 656. 051 I *''^^' . . . Annual list of merchant vessels of the United States, .... No. 16-17,21,28. [i883]-85, [i888]-89, [i895]-96. il. sq.O. Washington 1 884-1 896. No. 16 is in Q. INDUSTRIAL 235 Chemical manufacturers' directory. 66 1 1 '^'^ .... The Chemical manufacturers' directory of England, Wales & Scotland, with some of the firms in Ireland, being a list of the principal manufacturers of chemicals used in commerce, medicine, agriculture and the arts. Twenty-ninth edition. Corrected and enlarged. ii6p. O. London : Simpkin, ... , Kent & Co., 1897. American brewing trade list. 663.3 i 39540 American brewing trade list and internal revenue guide for brewers. .... Supplement to the American brewers' review, .... Chi- cago, American Brewers' Review Company, 1903-. Continued from 1 903/4. 15"=™. Brewers hand-book. 663.4 i ^"" The Brewers hand-book. A directory of brewers in North and South America, Africa, Asia and Australasia, including complete hsts of brewmasters, maltsters and general supply trades A supplement to The Western brewer. Chicago, New York, H. S. Rich & Co., ^1903. Vol. 28, 1903. 20XII<='". Millar, Austin Quincy, compiler. 380.973 21 16361 -pj^g United States (official) wholesale grocers' and canners' directory with brokers' lists. A list of wholesale grocers, canners and packers and brokers in food products of the United States, with valuable data. (Edition 1898.) xii,io8 p. nar. D. Duluth, Minn.: U. S. Wholesale Grocers' & Canners' Directory Co., c. 1898. Pottery gazette diary. L666.052 2 "^"^ . . . The Pottery gazette diary . . . and directory of modern Brit- ish manufacturers, pottery trade marks, and shippers. Contin- ued from vol. 22. 1898. il. sq.Q. London [1898-]. Vol. 22-24 subtitle reads: and directory of shippers and manufacturers; vol. 25, manufacturers and shippers. Cahill, John T., compiler. 666.1 O800 '*''^' Business guide and directory of the glass factories of the United States and Canada. Giving . . . , location of works, productive capacity, and nature of manufacture of every glass factory. Also, complete schedule of tariff on glass in force January ist, i: ... . 32 p. S. Pittsburgh, Pa., I : 236 LIST OF DIRECTORIES Brown, Charles Carroll, ed. 666.9 2 37197 i3irectory of American cement industries and hand-book for cem- ent users. Second edition revised and enlarged. Edited by Charles Carroll Brown, M.AM.SQC.C.E. — Indianapolis, New York, Municipal Engineering Company, 1902. 740 p. 22^'^'". Contents: Handbook for cement users, p. 9-317; Directory ... , p. 318-734. Brown, Charles Carroll, editor. 666.9 i 28911 Directory of American cement industries and hand-book for cem- ent users. [2], 645 p. il. I table. O. Indianapolis, Ind. : Munici- pal Engineering Co., 1901. "Testing of cement," p. 21-34. "Specifications for cement," p. 35-61. "The uses of cement," p. 62-82. "Specifications for the use of cement," p. 83-133. "Data for estimates of cement work," p. 134-139. "Cement laboratories," p. 140-148. Houry, Ch., & Thevin, F., publishers. 668 i "«'« Annuaire commercial et industriel de la savonnerie et de la par- fumerie. No. 4. 1897. O. Paris [1897]. Lamborn, Leebert Lloyd. 668.1 Q200 "•'^^ The soap brand record and trade mark manual, by Leebert Lloyd Lamborn, B.S., .... New York, C. S. Berriman, [1902]. 178 p. illus. 2I.^«'". American Iron and Steel Association. 669.1 i "^ Directory to the iron and steel works of the United States To which is added a complete list of the iron and steel works of Canada and Mexico. With supplements. Continued from [vol. 2. 1874.] O. Philadelphia 1874-. First edition pubhshed in 1859, under the title: The iron manufacturer's guide to the furnaces, forges, and rolling mills of the United States; vol. 2-3, The ironworks of the United States. A directory .... The Canadian and Mexican lists were first added in vol. II. Vol. 3 is called Centennial edition. Vol. 4 has no title-page. American Iron and Steel Association. 669.1 2 ^'®^'' Supplement to the Directory to the iron and steel works of the United States. Containing a complete list of the consolidated iron and steel companies in the United States. Continued from [no. i]. Feb. 1900. O. Philadelphia 1900. Interleaved. Houston & Co., D., New York. 660.3 P700 "^'^ Copper manual. Copper mines, copper statistics and a summary of information on copper by D. Houston & Co., metal brokers, New York, 1897. [2],i88 p. il. O. New York c. 1897. INDUSTRIAL 237 Thomas Pub. Co., New York, N. V. 670.973 P900 i7»35 xhomas' American machinery, iron, steel and metal trades reference book (i899-) 534P- nar.O. New York [1899]. Illinois manufacturers' directory. L670.9773 Oooi "' Illinois manufacturers' directory, containing a complete list of all manufactures of every description, alphabetically arranged by towns and business, showing at a glance whether steam or water power is used Chicago, Fox, Cole & Co., 1880. 15-228 p. 29'='". Advertising matter: p. 15-26, 173-228. Iron age directory. 671 i 33203 jjjg jj-Qj^ ^gg directory. A classified index of goods manufac- tured by advertisers in the Iron age .... New York, D. Williams Company, 1902-. Continued irom no. 6, [igo2]. 17^"=™. Polk, R. L., «&; Co. publishers. 674 I ""' Polk's Lumber directory of the United States. Comprising list of lumber manufacturers — wholesale and retail dealers — furniture, piano, box, agricultural implement and wagon manufacturers — car builders — planing mills, etc. ... Also laws affecting the lum- ber interests — inspection, measurement and classification rules of different markets — lumber associations, journals, etc. First edition. Chicago, [etc.] R. L. Polk & Co., c. 1902. 1430 p. 23^c»>. Advertising matter interspersed. Shoe and leather reporter annual. L675.0051 i 5563 -pj^g Shoe and leather reporter annual ... . Continued from 1897. Q. New York [1897-]. Post's Paper mill directory. 676 2 "''' Post's Paper mill directory for 1903. Containing a complete list of the paper, pulp, and chemical fibre mills of the United States and Canada, together with classified lists of mills by goods made ; also a comprehensive list of the paper, pulp and board mills in all foreign countries, making a handy directory of the paper mills of the world . . . New York, L. D. Post, *^I903. 512 p. 24"=™. Lockwood Trade Journal Co., publishers. 676 i Lockwood's directory of the paper, stationery and alHed trades. .... Vol. [9], 26, 1883, 1900-01. O. New York, c. 1883- [1900]. Vol. 9 published by Howard Lockwood. 238 LIST OF DIRECTORIES Textile world. 677 i 8378 jextile world record, official directory of the textile industries, also the yarn trade index. Boston, New York, [etc.]. Lord & Nagle Co., ^1897-. Continued from 1897. illus. (incl. maps). 24cm. Cover title; 1897 has title-page. 1897, title reads : Textile world's director^' of the mill trade in the United States. . . . ; 1898-1899, Textile world's directory of the mill trade in the United States and of buyers of textile fabrics; 1900, The Textile world's ofificial directory of the textile mills and of buyers of textile fabrics; 1 901-1902, The Textile world's official directory of the textile industries .... 1902- include Canada. 1 897- 1 902 published by Guild & Lord. Dockham & Co., C. k.^ publishers. L677 2 ^"" Dockham's American report and directory of the textile manu- facture and dry goods trade, embracing the cotton, woolen, silk, jute and linen manufacturers. United States, Canada. Vol. 14. 1893-94. Q. Boston c. 1893. Textile manufacturers' directory. 677 4 ^'"° Textile manufacturers' directory of the United States Comprising woolen, cotton, silk, jute, flax, and linen manufactur- ers, dealers and brokers in raw material, dry goods commission merchants and jobbers ; city offices and agencies of manufactur- ing companies; and dyers of textile fabrics. 1881. O. Boston 1881. Compiled by W. C. Wyckoff; revised by the National Association of Wool Manufac- turers, Silk Association of America and Edward Atkinson. United States textile manufacturers' directory. 677 3 31133 United States textile manufacturers' directory: comprising wool- len, cotton, silk, jute, flax, and linen establishments. 1874. O. Boston c. 1873. Compiled by the National Association of Wool Manufacturers, New England Cotton Manufacturers' Association, and the Silk Association of America. Polk & Co., R. L., publishers. 679.0051 3 Polk's flour, mill and grain directory of the United States and Canada Vol. i. il. O. Chicago 1900. Cawker, Emanuel Harrison, compiler. L679.30 i io464 Directory of the flour mill owners and millwrights, of the United States of America and Canada. 1880 132, [4] p. Q. Milwaukee, Wis., 1880. EUROPE AFRICA 239 Abbott, Henry George, psend. 68i P700 11866 Antique watches and how to establish their age. Brief biograph- ical sketches of the celebrated watchmakers of the world, and a directory of over 6,ooo names of English, French, German, Dutch, Swiss and American watch and clock makers who were in the business prior to the year 1850. 204 p. il. 13 por. paged in. D. Chicago: G. K. Hazlitt & Co., c. 1897. Motor, cycle. 684.052 i 14284 jj^g Motor, cycle, and component parts official intelligence. Containing full particulars of motor, cycle, and component parts manufacturing companies, together with a complete directory of manufacturers, dealers, and agents throughout the United King- dom. July, 1897 327 p. O. London pref. 1897. Edited by Charles A. Hunter. American carriage directory. L684.5 i 3371a American carriage and wagon and accessory trades directory, in- cluding manufacturers and dealers in automobiles Vol.14. 1902. Q. New Haven, Conn., c. 1901. Chicago architects' blue book. 690.9773 i 29328 (Chicago architects' blue book (. . , Annual issue) A com- plete classified directory of all the construction industries of Chi- cago, and all architects in Illinois, Indiana, Idaho, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Da- kota and Wisconsin. Vol.12, 1901. O. Chicago : M. E. Lowitz & Co., c. 1901. Directory. 720.3 1 4952 Directory of architects and classified directory of first hands in the building trades. Issued annually. 1890 xvi,i88 p. O. Springfield, Mass., C. W. Bryan & Co., c. 1890. 940-960 EUROPE — AFRICA Postoffice London directory. L942.51 i ""' The Postoffice London directory . . . , comprising . . . official, street, commercial, trades, law, court, parliamentary, postal, city and clerical, conveyance and banking directories. London, Kel- ly's Directories ltd., [pref. 1896-1903]. Vol. 98, 102, 105; 1897, 1901, 1904. maps. 27<= 7cm 240 LIST OF DIRECTORIES Little London directory. 942-51 2 '"" The little London directory of 1677. The oldest printed list of the merchants and bankers of London. Reprinted from the ex- ceedingly rare original ; with an introduction pointing out some of the most eminent merchants of the period. xxii,[i28] p. T. London: J. C. Hotten, 1863. The original was published under the title: A collection of the names of the mer- chants living in and about the City of London; .... London: S. Lee, 1677. Petzold, Ernst Hermann. 943 Q102 ^°^®'' Stadte-Lexikon des Deutschen Reichs. Verzeichnis samtHcher Stadte des Deutschen Reichs, sowie aller landlichen Ortschaften mit dem Sitze eines Amtsgerichts und solcher von liber 5000 Einwohnern mit Angabe der Einwohnerzahl nach der Volksziih- lung vom I Dezember 1900, der Verwaltungs- und Gerichtsbe- hdrden, Verkehrsanstalten, Militarbehorden und Truppenteile, Rechtsanwiilte, Notare, Prozessagenten Rechtsbeistande, Gerichts- vollzieher, Bank- und Speditionsgeschiifte &c. Auf Grund amt- licher Materialien bearbeitet von E. H. Petzold. Bischofswerda, E. H. Petzold, 1901. xxiv, 129 p. 2oi<=™. Scherl, LMgyy^t, publisher. L943.109 i «°^« Adressbuch fiir Berlin und seine Vororte. 1897. Unter Benutz- ung amtlicher Quellen. Mit der Beigabe : Plan von Berlin und Umgebung. 1897 and supplement ; 1901. sq. F. Maps, bound separately. sq.Q. Berlin, pref. i896-[i90i]. Annuaire-almanach. L944.65 i 6638 Annuaire-almanach du commerce, de I'industrie, de la magistra- ture et de I'administration, ou Almanach des 1,500,000 adresses de Paris, des departements, des colonies et des pays etrangers, Didot-Bottin Premiere partie. Paris. Departement de la Seine (arrond. cantons et communes) ... 1897,1902. maps. Q. Paris [i897]-i902. Founded in 1797 by Duverneuil and J. de La Tynna under the title: Almanach du commerce . . . ; from 1819 to his death in 1853 continued by Sebastien Bottin and known as Alnianach-Bottin; in 1857 ceded by his widow to the firm of Firmin Didot freres and united with their Annuaire general du commerce. Since 1881 published by a "societe anonyme". For further details of its history see the Preface by Paul Leroy-Beaulieu in 1897. Slight variations in title. 1897 called "Edition du centenaire". NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA 24I Edwards & Co., Dennis, publishers. L968 i 36421 -pj^g general directory of South Africa . . . comprising separate directories for nearly 500 townships, cities and districts of Cape Colony, Natal, Orange River Colony, the Transvaal, Basutoland, Mashonaland, Rhodesia, etc., etc., with a trade directory for the whole of South Africa under one alphabetical arrangement 1903. il. map. O. Cape Town 1903. 970 NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA Might Directory Co., publishers. L971 5 °'"^ Dominion of Canada and colony of Newfoundland gazetteer and classified business directory Vol.2. 1899. Q. Toronto 1899. Coney, Alejandro K., &• Godoy, Jose F. 380.972 Pioo 23b(i9 -pj^g legal and mercantile handbook of Mexico. 546 p. O. Chi- cago: Pan-American Publishing Co., 1892. Bureau of the American Republics. 972 i '®*'^ Commercial directory of Mexico. iii,i22 p. O. (Bulletin no. 18.) Washington 1891. Bureau of the American Republics. 972.8 1 '"" Commercial directory of Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nic- aragua, Salvador. 44 p. O. (Bulletin no. 28.) Washington 1891. Perry, G. R., editor. 972.83 i 10606 Directorio nacional de Honduras, America Central 502 p. il. I map. O. New York, U. S. A. : Spanish-American Direc- tories Co., 1899. Has also English title-page. Spanish- American Directories Co., New York. 972-9 2 28537 Qf^cial commercial directory of Cuba, Porto Rico and the entire West Indies with Bermuda for 190 1. Containing complete com- mercial lists and descriptions of the various islands and colonies, their customs, tariffs, statistical information etc. Three volumes in one. Compiled printed and published by The Spanish- Amer- ican Directories Company. xxxii,942 p. i pi. of maps, i map. O. New York c. 1901. Has also a Spanish title-page and text in both English and Spanish. 242 LIST OF DIRECTORIES Bureau of the American Republics. 380.9729 P200 '*"- Commercial directory of Cuba and Puerto Rico. [2], 375-422 p. O. (Bulletin no. 38.) Washington, U. S. A., [1892]. Bureau of the American Republics. 972.9 i "*" Commercial directory of Haiti and Santo Domingo. 1 1 p. O. (Bulletin no. 29.) Washington 1891. Colange, Leo de, editor. 973N602 '®'*- The United States business directory for 1876. Containing clas- sified lists of banks and bankers, manufacturers, merchants Together with valuable statistical information on the resources of the states and territories, the . . . customs tariff, ... a ... list of the state and city governments, etc., etc. Being also a complete gazetteer of all cities and towns ... to a minimum population of 3000. i6oi,[i] p. Q. Philadelphia: Baker, Davis & Co., c. 1876. New England business directory. 974 i 37489 The New England business directory and gazetteer no. XX. Con- taining lists of the merchants, manufactures, and professional men throughout Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. Also court, state and county ofificers . . . 1902. Boston, Mass., Sampson Murdock, & Co., ^1902. V. 20. I fold. map. 24<^™. Massachusetts. 974-4 2 2966 Massachusetts year book, .... Continued from vol. 2. 1896. il. pi. map. D. Worcester: F. S. Blanchard, c. 1896-. Vol. 2-4 compiled by Alfred S. Roe. With slight variations in subtitle. Boston. 974.410 1 *'" The Boston directory, containing the city record, a directory of the citizens, business directory and street director}-. Vol. 92, 95, 98. 1896, 1899, 1902. por. maps. O. Boston: Sampson, Mur- dock & Co., c. 1896-1902. Lowell year book. ' 974.452 i '"'■' Lowell year book. No. 11. 1 895-1 896. Tt. [Lowell, Mass., 1896.] Cover title reads: Lowell mail year book. NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA 243 Buffalo directory. 974.7127 i 28915 'Yhe Buffalo directory ... of the residents, business, churches, colleges, schools, institutions, clubs, societies, etc. A complete street directory of the city of Buffalo, and a classified business directory Buffalo, Courier Co., 1901. I 90 I. 24"". Trow Directory, Printing & Bookbinding Zo.^ publishers. L974.762 i 4290 -pcQ^y's general directory of the boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx, City of New York New York, "1877-*^! 903. Vol. 91, 1 10, 113, 115, 117, [ 1877, 1S96, 1S99, 1901, 1903]. fold. maps. 23*='".- 27*^"'. Previous lo 1899, title reads: Trow's New York city directory. Trow Directory, Printing and Bookbinding Co., 974.762 3 360^9 publishers. Trow's business directory of Greater New York (five boroughs combined). Arranged by boroughs and containing the names of all business persons, firms and corporations classified under appropriate headings which are fully indexed. Also street di- rectories of the boroughs of Manhattan, Bronx and Brooklyn. Vol. 5. 1902. D. New York 1902. Polk, R. L., & Co., publishers. 974-8 i 38459 PqII^'s Pennsylvania state gazetteer and business directory. .... Pittsburg, [etc.] R. L. Polk & Co., 'T903. Vol. 5, 1903-04. fold. map. 24.^*^'". Gopsill's Sons, James, publishers. 974.868 i *"*^ Gopsill's Philadelphia city directory, .... 1897. 1901. [2 vol.] O. maps. Philadelphia 1 897-1901. Polk & Co., R. L., publishers. ' 974.869 i 26930 Pittsburgh and Allegheny ... directory Vol. 45. 1900. map. O. [Pittsburgh] : R. L. Polk & Co., & R. L. Dudley, c. 1900. Polk & Co., R. L., publishers. 975.206 i ''"' R. L. Polk & Go's Baltimore City directory .... Vol. 14. 1900. O. Baltimore, Md., c. 1900. Boyd, W. Andrew, compiler. 975«3 i ^*^'*' Boyd's Directory of the District of Columbia, .... Together with a compendium of its governments, institutions and trades, to which is added a complete business, street and congressional di- rectory 1901. O. Washington, D. C. : W. H. Boyd, c. 1 90 1. 244 LIST OF DIRECTORIES Polk & Co., R. L., publisher's. 975'4 I 22814 \Yest Virginia state gazetteer and business directory. Vol. 7. 1900-1901. map. O. Detroit c. 1900. Soards Directory Co., publishers. 976.362 i ^"^^ Soards' New Orleans city directory, .... Vol. 24, 29, 1897, 1902. O. New Orleans [i 897-1902]. Polk & Co., R. 1,., publishers. 97^.7 I 12546 Arkansas state gazetteer and business directory. 1898—9 Vol. IV. 715 p. il. O. Detroit [1898]. Kentucky state gazetteer. 976.9 1 '^^^ Kentucky state gazetteer and business directory. 1896 1296 p. O. Detroit: R. L. Polk & Co., c. 1895. Williams & 0.0.^ publishers. L977.1 i "9" Williams' Ohio state directory .... 1896. 87i,[i],95 p. Q. Cincinnati, c. 1895. Williams' Cincinnati directory. 977.117 5 '*'" Williams' Cincinnati directory . . . , including Avondale, Clifton, Linwood, Riverside, and Westwood, .... No. 48, 53, 1898, 1903. Cincinnati, The Williams Directory Co., ^1898-^1903. 2 vol. 24C™. Cincinnati Street Railway Publishing Co. L656.09771 P800 ^""' Cincinnati by trolley. 1 898-1 899. Official maps of the Cincin- nati Street Railway Company's system, with directory and loca- tions of leading manufacturing establishments, business houses, public buildings, railroad stations, points of interest, etc., etc. 112 p. il. F\ Cincinnati, Ohio, c. 1898. Cleveland Directory Publishing Co. 977.117 i "'' The Cleveland directory .. . . Vol. 27, 30. [i897]-98, [1900]- 01. maps. O. Cleveland 1 897-1 900. Indiana state gazetteer. 977.2 1 Indiana state gazetteer and business directory. Seventh edition. 1895 1075 p. O. Indianapolis, Ind. : R. L. Polk & Co., [1896]. Polk «& Co., R. L., publishers. 977.243 i R. L. Polk & Co's Indianapolis city directory .... Vol. 46. 1900. map in pocket. O. [IndianapoHs] c. 1900. NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA 245 Illinois state gazetteer. 977-3 3 '"'' Illinois state gazetteer and business directory Chicago, R. L. Polk & Co., 1 882-1 893. Vol. 3, 7-8, 1882, 1890-1893. 23i<="'. Advertising matter interspersed. Lakeside. 977*3 10 '''"' Lakeside directory of the State of Illinois 1875. O- Chi- cago: Williams, Donnelley & Co., 1875. Illinois state gazetteer. 977-3 2 ''^^^ Illinois state gazetteer and business directory for the years 1 864-5 • Chicago, J. C. W. Bailey, 1864. [9]-82op. illus., 5 pi., I fold. map. 23""^ Advertisements, p. ii-xxviii, xxxiii-lxix. Illinois state gazetteer. 977-3 ^ *'®^* Illinois state gazetteer and business directory, for 1858 and 1859. Complete in one volume. George W. Hawes, publisher and compiler Chicago, Illinois, [1858]. xxxvi, 444 p. 23<=". "Chicago advertisements," p. [409]-444. Kett & Co., H. F., publishers. ^ll'Z^Z N700 27833 jj^g voters and tax-payers of Bureau county, Illinois. Contain- ing, also, a biographical directory of its tax-payers and voters : a history of the county and state ; map of the county ; a business directory ; an abstract of every-day laws ; ofificers of societies, lodges, etc., etc. 411 p. 17 por. 16 paged in, i map paged in. O. Chicago 1877. Chicago blue book. 977-3i63 "•^** The Chicago blue book of selected names of Chicago and subur- ban towns. Containing the names and addresses of prominent residents Continued from [vol. 8]. 1897. D. Chicago, c. 1 896-. Lakeside. L977.316 2 '**' The Lakeside annual directory of the city of Chicago. Embrac- ing a complete general and business directory, miscellaneous information, and street guide Continued from [vol. i.] 1874. Q. Chicago c. 1874-. 1876-1886 compiled by Thomas Hutchinson; 1887-, by Reuben H. Donnelley. 1874-1891 are in O. For previous years see Chicago city directory which has shelf number 977.316 1 246 LIST OF DIRECTORIES Mensch & Co., Paul, publishers. 977-3i6 5 ^-'"^ Chicago office building and central business directory . . . with correct telephone call of all business houses. ... ; also city and county officials; parks, theatres, libraries, halls, hospitals, etc. 1899, 1902. [2 vol.] il. O. Chicago c. 1899-c. 1902. 1899 published under the title: Directory of Chicago office buildings .... Rand, McNally & Co., publishers. 977-3i6 Q200 ^^^"' Rand, McNally & Co.'s Chicago city ra4lway directory and street number guide. Accurately locating any given number on any street or avenue. Also giving a complete list of all street car lines, ... ; and other valuable information. xxi,224 p. 2 p. of maps. T. Chicago 1902. Metropolitan Directory Co., publishers. 977-3i6 6 26S94 Ownership directory and valuation guide of the business district of Chicago. Indexed by streets, .... Chicago, [1896]. 65 p. 23Axii'^"'. "The valuations given were recently placed by a commission . . . appointed by Mayor George B. Swift" [in February 1896]. "The commission consisted of Joseph Donnes- berger, Eugene H. Fishburn, Dunlap Smith, Charles W. Gindele, George Tapper." Donnelley & Sons, R. R., pitblishers. 977.3164 ^*" The Architects, contractors, and material dealers directory of the city of Chicago. It also contains the names of the real estate, insurance and banking interests, arranged in alphabetical order, .... 321 p. O. Chicago, 1885. Chicago. 977.316 Oioo '^*' Chicago business directory. 1881, 1882, 1883 3 vol. 2 maps. O. Chicago: Rand, McNally & Co., 1881-1883. Chicago. 977.316 I '^^^ Chicago city directory. 1856-1857, 1859-1874. 22 vol. maps. O. Chicago 1857-1874. Made up of the following different directories: 1856 published by J. Gager & Co.; 1857: Business directory, by W. F. Bartlett cS: Co.; 1S59-1860 by D. B. Cooke & Co.; i860 by Smith & Du Moulin; 1861-1863 by Halpin & Bailey; 1864-1867 by J. C. W. Bailey; 1868: Business directory by W. J. Jefferson; 1866, 1869-1873, also Fire edi- tion 1871, by R. Edwards; 1873-1874 by G. J. Roberts & Co. The Monthly business directory of Chicago for October, 1872. Incomplete. Contains "Roll of the burned district of Chicago on the anniversary of the great fire as re-occupied ... ." NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA 247 Edwards, Richard, compiler. 977.316 N105 27716 (^iiicago census report; and statistical review, embracing a com- plete directory of the city, . . . , with a vast amount of valuable, statistical, historical and commercial information, compiled from actual canvass, .... I245,[i] p. il. i pi. 2 p. of maps. O. Chicago: R. Edwards, c. 1871. Polk & Co., R. Y,.^ publishers. 977'4 I "" Michigan state gazetteer and business directory. 1897, 1901. [2 vol.] maps. O. Detroit c. 1897-1901. Polk & Co., R. 1,., publishers. 977.422 i "^^^ Detroit city directory .... 1896, 1899, 1902. maps. O. De- troit, c. 1896-c. 1902. Polk & Co., R. 1,., publishers. 977-5 i "'* .... Polk's Wisconsin state gazetteer and business directory. 1897-98, 1901-1902 [2 vol.] maps. O. Chicago c. 1897-1901. Wright, Alfred G.^ publisher. 977-557 i «««9 Wright's directory of Milwaukee ... 1896, 1899, 1902. [3 vol.] maps. O. Milwaukee 1 896-1902. Duluth Directory Co., publishers. 977-624 i "'" R. L. Polk & Co.'s Duluth directory, ... . Duluth, Minn., *'I902. 1902. 24'='". Minneapolis Directory Co., publishers. 977-658 i 22838 Davison's Minneapolis city directory .... Vol.28. 1900. map. O. [Minneapolis] c. 1900. Polk & Co., R. 1..^ publishers. 977-677 I '''' R. L. Polk & Go's St. Paul city directory ... . [Vol. 32, 35, 38.] 1896, 1899, 1902. maps. O. St. Paul, Minn., c. 1896-c. 1902. Polk & Co., R. L., publishers. oni-l I 41591 PqII^'s Iowa state gazetteer and business directory Pub- lished biennially .... Des Moines, Chicago, [etc.], R. L. Polk & Co., 1901. Vol. II, 1901-1902. I fold. map. 24""". Iowa state gazetteer. 977-7 ^ "®® Iowa state gazetteer and business directory. 1 897. 1658 p. I map. O. Des Moines: R. L. Polk & Co., c. 1897. 248 LIST OF DIRECTORIES Polk & Co., R. L., publishers. 977-782 I 38073 -j^ L_ YoW & Co.'s Sioux City directory .... Also a complete classified business directory Sioux City, Iowa, R. L. Polk & Co., ^1902. 1902-03. 23'=°\ Polk & Co., R. L., publishers. 977-8 i 12395 ]y[issouri state gazetteer and business directory. 1898-99. Twen- ty-third year Published biennially. 2132 p. O. St Louis, Mo., c. 1898. Gould Directory Co. ^ publishers. 977-877 i *'" Gould's St. Louis directory .... Being a complete index of the residents of the entire city, and a classified business directory, .... Vol. 25, [28, 31]. 1896,1899,1902. O. St. Louis 1896- 1902. Polk & Co., R. L., publishers. 978 i ^"'^ .... Minnesota, North and South Dakota and Montana gazet- teer and business directory, 1900-1905. Volume XII-XIV St. Paul, Minn., c. 1900-1904. 3 vol. 24cm. At head of title of vol. 13-14: Established in 1870. Northwestern gazetteer. Binder's title : Northwestern gazetteer. Polk & Co., R. L., publishers. 978.1 I 21280 PqIJ^'s Kansas state gazetteer and business directory, including a complete business directory of Kansas City, Mo Detroit, Chicago, [etc.], ^1904. Vol. 10, 1904. 24"^'". Colorado. 978.8 i "^''* .... Colorado state business directory. With Colorado min- ing directory department Denver, Colorado, The Gazet- teer Publishing Co., 1904. Vol. 30, 1904. 24'^'". Ballenger & Richards, publishers. 978.822 i ■^^^'" ... Annual Denver city directory .... Denver, Colo., Ballenger & Richards, 1903. Vol. 31, 1903. 23^'='". At head of title: Ballenger & Richards. Polk & Co., R. \,,^ publishers. 979-2 I 22 )AINn-3l\V SANCElfj> > SO -< ''^ o ■^/Sa3AlNn-3WV^ ^vM-LIBRARYQc. ^ILIBRARYQ^^ AWEUNIVERS-//- vvlOSANCElfj> o %jnV3J0^ ^«!/OJI7VD-30'^ '^J:?130NV SOl^ %a3AINn3WV' ^OFCALIFO/?^ ^OFCAilFO% ^5MEUNIVER% ^vWSANGElfj^ \V\E UNIVERS/A ^vWSANGElfJ-;^ ^OFcWo/?^ D 000 730 365 - < ^\^EI cs^ Jl_ <5? ^^ ^\^EI '4 -< -Si % ^ v^^ S 'JO ^. ^WE I ^ >- awei ^;s^ m I S^ >- M:\