^c36 THE ENGLISH ASSOCIATION Pamphlet No. 29 t Bibliographies of Swinburne Morris and Eossetti By Professor C. E. Vaughan A-'X >j<'-V December, 1914 A copy of this pamphlet is suppKed to all full members of the Association. They can obtain further copies (price 1».) on application to the Secretary, Mr. A. V, Houghton, Imperial College Union, South Kensington, London, S.W, THE ENGLISH ASSOCIATION Pamphlet No. 29 Bibliographies of Swinburne Morris and Rossetti By Professor C. E. Vaughan December, 1914 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE WORKS OF A. C. SWINBURNE [Early work. Some half-dozen Poems by Swinburne were published in Fraser's Magazine ; the bulk of them in 1849, the latest in 1851. It is clear that, at the age of twelve, he was already feeling after the rhythms which he afterwards perfected. Where shall I follow thee, wild floating symphony ? and To struggle, when hope is banished are enough to establish this. The following appeared in Undergraduate Papers (Oxford, 1858) : Early English Dramatists (Marlowe and Webster) ; Queen Iseidt, Canto I ; The Mono- maniac's Tragedy [a review of an imaginary drama by Ernest Wheldrake, author of Eve, a Mystery, London, 1858] ; Church Imperialism [an attack on the relations between Louis Napoleon and the Church].] A. POEMS AND DRAMAS The Queen Mother and Rosamond. Printed by Pickering (London), 1860 ; first actually published by Moxon (London), 1861. Rights transferred to J. C. Hotten (in consequence of the outcry against Poems and Ballads), 1866. Second edition, Hotten, 1868. The Pilgrimage of Pleasure, a morality play for children [in Mrs. Disney Leith's Children of the Chapel], 1864. Atalanta in Calydon. Firstedition,4to, Moxon, 1865. Second, Hotten, 1866. Third, Hotten, 1868. Kelmscott Press, 4to, 1894. German translation, by Wickenburg, 1878 ; Swedish, by Ossian-Nilson, 1912; Polish, by Kasprovicz, 1912. Chastelard (completed by 1862). First edition, Moxon, 1865. Transferred to Hotten, 1866. German translation, by Horn, 1873. French translation, by Mme du Pasquier, 1910. Laus Veneris [published to ' test the taste — and forbearance — of the public ']. Moxon, 1866 [slightly different from the text of Poems and Ballads]. French translation, by F. Viele-Griffin, Paris, 1895], Poem^ and Ballads. First edition, Moxon, 1866 (a few months later than Laus Veneris). Transferred to Hotten (Moxon quailing before the storm) the same year. Second edition, Hotten, 1866. American edition (Carleton, New York), 1866. [Dolores was republished separately by Hotten in 1867.] Third edition, Chatto & Windus, 1878. French translation by Gabriel Mourey, with Notes sur Swinburne by Guy de Maupassant, 1891. N.B. The text of the first edition is exactly reproduced in all subsequent editions. Notes on Poems and Revietvs (pp. 23), Hotten, 1866. [This was Swinburne's answer to his critics.] Second edition, Hotten, 1866. Cleopatra, Hotten, 1866 [with motto, professedly drawn from T. Hayman, Fall of Antony ; really ■■ a chipping from the first (undergraduate) sketch of Chastelard ']. A Song of Italy [afterwards in Songs of Two Nations], Hotten, 1867. Ode on the Proclamation of the French Republic, September 4, 1870 [afterwards in Songs of Two Nations], F. S. Ellis (London), 1870. Songs before Sunrise, F. S. Ellis (London), 1871. [Of this collection, the following had been previously published : Insurrection in Candia (March 1867), Halt before Rome (November 1867), Watch in the Night (December 1868), Super Flumina Babylonis (October 1869) — all in the Fortnightly Review ; Appeal to England against the Execution of the Fenian Prisoners {Morning Star, November 22, 1867) ; Siena, in Lippincotf s Magazine (June 1868). An Italian translation of Siena, by Menasci, was published (Florence), 1890 ; and of To Florence, by Emilio Teza (Padua), 1898.] 5;i4^i4 4 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE WORKS OF Le Tombeau de Theophile Gautier, Lemerre (Paris), 1873 [republished in Poems and Ballads, second series]. Bothwdl, Chatto & Windus (London), 1874. An issue in two vols., with con- tinuous paging, 1875. SoTigs of Two Nations, Chatto & Windus, 1875. [The Dirce had appeared in the Fortnightly Review and the Examiner during 1873.] ErecUheus, Chatto & Windus, 1875. Poems and Ballads, second series. Chatto & Windus, 1878. Heptalogia, Seven against Sense [parodies of Tennyson, Browning, Walt Whitman, Coventry Patmore, Owen Meredith, D. G. Rossetti, and himself], 1880. Songs of the Springtides, Chatto & Windus, 1880. Studies in Song, Chatto & Windus, 1880. [Grand Chorus of Birds had appeared in the Athenceum of October 30, 1880, and the Fourteenth of July in the Fortnightly Revietv of August 1880.] Dolorida (In the album of Adah Menken). Two stanzas in French. Privately printed, 1880. Euthanatos (M. T., January 1881) [pp. 4], 1881. | [Republished in A Century Tristram of Lyonesse, Chatto & Windus, 1882. ) of Roundels.] Mary Stuart, Chatto & Windus, 1881. Ode to the Statue of Victor Hugo, published in Gentleman's Magazine, September 1881. [Republished in A Century of Roundels ; French translation by Tola Dorian (Paris, Lemerre), 1882.] A Century of Roundels, Chatto & Windus, 1883. A Midsummer Holiday, and other Poems, Chatto & Windus, 1884. Marino Faliero, Chatto & Windus, 1885. A Word for the Navy, Ottley & Landon (London), 1887 ; reissued by Redway (London), 1887, and again (' popular edition ') by Redway in 1896. [There is one variant : ' Strong Germany, girded with guile ' (first edition), appears as ' Dark Muscovy ', &c., in second edition, and reverts to ' Strong Germany ' in third edition.] Included in A Channel Passage [' Base Germany, blatant in guile ']. The Question, Daily Telegraph, April 29, 1887. Ottley & Landon (pp. 15), 1887. [It contains an attack on Gladstone.] Included in A Channel Passage. The Jubilee, Nineteenth Century, June 1887. Ottley & Landon, 1887. It appears as The Commonweal in Poems and Ballads, third series. Locrine, Chatto & Windus, 1887. Gathered Songs, Ottley & Landon, 1887. [All the four poems in this collection had been previously published : The Interpreters, in English Ulustrated Magazine, October 1885 ; The Commonweal, a song for Unionists, in The Times of July 1, 1886 (this is to be distinguished from The Commonweal, i.e. The Jubilee, of 1887; it appears as The Commonweal in A Channel Passage) ; In a Garden, in English Illustrated Magazine, December 1886 ; A Ballad of Bath, in English Illustrated Magazine, February 1887. All, except The Commonweal (for Unionists), are included in Poems and Ballads, iii.] The Bride's Tragedy, in Athenceum, March 9, 1889. Privately printed (pp. 15), 1889 ; republished in Poems and Ballads, iii. Ballad of Dead Men's Bay, in Athenceum, September 14, 1889. Privately printed (pp. 14), 1889 ; republished in Astrophel. Poems and Ballads, third series, Chatto & Windus, 1889. The Brothers, in The People of December 22, 1889 ; republished in Astrophel. A Sequence of Sonnets on the Death of Robert Brouming, in Fortnightly Review, January 1890. Privately printed, 1890 ; republished in Astrophel. Eton : an Ode, 1891 ; republished in Astrophel. A. C. SWINBURNE 5 The Sisters : a Tragedy, Chatto & Windus, 1892, A Ballad of Bvlgarie, privately printed, 1893. [It begins, ' The gentle knight. Sir John de Bright — of Brummageme was he — ' ; was written in December 1876, and sent to an evening newspaper, but refused by it.] Orace Darling, in Illustrated London News, Summer No. (June), 1893. Privately printed, 1893 ; republished in Astrophel. Astrophel and other Poems, Chatto & Windus, 1894. Robert Burns, ra Nineteenth Century, February 1896. Printed at Edinburgh for the Burns Centenary Club, 1896. The Tale of Balen, Chatto & Windus, 1896. [The Dedication had appeared in the Athenaeum of May 16, 1896.] Rosamund, Queen of the Lombards, Chatto & Windus, 1899. A Channel Passage, and other Poems, Chatto & Windus, 1904. The Duke of Qandia, Chatto & Windus, 1908. [To these should be added Unpublished Verses (by Swinburne), pirated by R. H. Shepherd in 1866 (pp. 4). It consists of eighteen lines, written about 1866. The following are characteristic : As the refluent sea-weed moves in the languid exuberant stream, Stretches and swings to the slow passionate pulse of the sea.] B. PROSE WORKS I. Imaginative Dead Love. First appeared in Once a Week, October 1862. Published separately by Parker (London), 1864. A Year's Letters. First appeared in The Tatler, 1877. Published separately as Love's Cross Currents, 1905 (second edition, same year). II. Critical Beaudelaire, Fleurs du Mai, in Spectator, 1862. Selections from Byron, edited, with introduction, by A. C. Swinburne, in Moxon's Miniature Poets, Moxon, 1865. William Blake, a critical Essay, Hotten, 1868. Notes on the Royal Academy Exhibition, 1868 [part i by W. M. Rossetti, part ii by Swinburne]. 1868. Christabd, and the Lyrical and Imaginative Poems of S. T. Coleridge, arranged and introduced by A. C. Swinburne, 1869. Under the Microscope. [Swinburne's defence of D. G. Rossetti against the attack made by T. Maitland (i.e. R. Buchanan) in an article. The Fleshly School of Poetry, published in the Contemporary Review, October 1870.] D. White (London), 1872. Essays and Studies, Chatto & Windus, 1875. [These had appeared separately as follows : Byron (as above), 1865 ; Morris's Life and Death of Jason, in Fortnightly, 1867 ; Arnold's New Poems, in Fortnightly, 1867 ; Designs of Old Masters at Florence, in Fortnightly, 1868 ; Notes of some Pictures of 1868 [a reprint of Notes on the R. A. Exhibition, 1868 (as above), with the omission of the note on Leighton's ' Acme and Septimius ', and of the notice of Millais] ; The Text of Shelley, in Fortnightly, 1869 ; Coleridge (as above), 1869 ; Rossetti's Poems, in Fortnightly, 1870 ; Johii Ford, in Fortnightly, 1871 ; L'Annee terrible, in Fortnightly, 1872.] Etude sur Auguste Vacquerie, Paris, 1875. [A translation of an article by Swin- burne in the Examiner of November 6, 1875.] George Chapman ; a Critical Essay, Chatto & Windus, 1875. [Also in vol. ii of the same publisher's edition of Chapman (3 vols.) of that year.] 6 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE WORKS OF Joseph and his Brethren, by C. Wells, with introduction by Swinburne, London, 1876. [Appeared as An Unknown Poet, in Fortnightly, 1875.] A Note on the Muscovite Crusade [political], Chatto & Windus, 1876. A Note on Charlotte Bronte, Chatto & Windus, 1877. A Study of Shakespeare, Chatto & Windus, 1880. Les Cenci de P. B. Shelley, traduction de Tola Dorian, avec Preface de A. C. Swinburne, Paris, 1883. A Study of Victor Hugo, Chatto & Windus, 1886, A Note on Shelley's Epipsychidion, in Shelley Society's Publications, 1887. Middleton's Plays (5), with introduction by Swinburne (Mermaid Series). Vizi- teUi, 1887. Mr. Whistler's Lecture on Art, Chatto & Windus, 1888. A Study of Ben Jonson, Chatto & Windus, 1889. Studies in Prose and Poetry, Chatto & Windus, 1894. Preface to Herrick's Hesperides and Noble Numbers in Muses' Library, 1898. Prefatory note to E. B. Browning's Aurora Leigh, 1898. Charles Dickens, in Quarterly Review, July 1902. Reprinted, with notes by Mr. Watts Dunton, Chatto & Windus, 1913. Herrick's Flower Poems, with a note on Herrick by Swinburne, 1906. The Cloister and the Hearth,with. introduction by Swinburne (Everyman's Library), 1906. The Age of Shakespeare, Chatto & Windus, 1908. Introduction to Complete Works of Shakespeare, Clarendon Press, 1910. Letters of A. C. Swinburne to Stephane Mallarme (ed. E. Gosse). Printed for private circulation. London, 1813. Selection from the Poetical Works of A. C. Sivinburne (ed. R. H. Stoddart). Crowell, New York, 1884. Poetical Works of A. C. Swinburne. Complete {including also the most celebrated of his Dramas). Williams, New York, 1884 ? Selections from the Poetical Works of A. C. Swinburne, Chatto & Windus, 1887. [Recent editions contain a sketch of the poet's life, by himself.] Selections from Swinburne (by A. Symons), in Poets and Poetry of the Century (ed. A. H. Miles), 1891. [Bibliographies of Swinburne's Works have been published by R. H. Shepherd, 1888, &c. ; T. J. Wise, 1897 ; and J. C. Thomson, 1904.] WILLIAM MORRIS 7 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE WORKS OF WILLIAM MORRIS A. POEMS Poetical Works of William Morris (including The JEneids and The Odyssey), 10 vols. 8vo. Longmans, 1896. Sir Oalahad, a Christmas Mystery. 8vo. Bell & Daldy (London), 1858. The Defence of Guinevere, and other Poems. Edition i, 8vo, Bell & Daldy, 1858. 8vo, Ellis &White (London), 1875 [8vo, Roberts, Boston (U.S.A.), 1875]. [Revised edition] Kelmscott Press, small 4to (Reeves & Turner), 1892. Longmans, 1900 ; Longmans, 1903 ; Longmans, 1905 ; Longmans, 1908 ; Longmans, 1909. Edited by R. Steele for The King's Poets, 1904. Illustrated by Jessie King, 1903 ; reprinted, 1904. Published in Everyman's Library {Early Romances in Prose and Verse, W. Morris), 1907. Italian translation {La Difesa di Ginevra only) by Barera; Venice, 1898. The Life and Death of Jason. Edition i, 8vo, Bell & Daldy, January 1867 ; Bell & Daldy, December 1867 ; Bell & Daldy, 1868 [16mo, Roberts (U.S.A.), 1867] ; F. S. Ellis (London), 1869 ; Ellis, 1872 ; (revised edition), Ellis & White, 1882 ; Kelmscott Press edition (large 4to), 1895 ; Longmans, 1897 ; Longmans, 1902 ; pocket edition (foolscap 8vo), Longmans, 1907 ; Long- mans, 1907. The Earthly Paradise. First edition, vol. i (parts 1 and 2), 8vo, F. S. Ellis, 1868 ; editions ii, iii, iv, Ellis, 1868 ; edition v, 2 vols, 1870. First edition, vol. ii (part 3), Ellis, 1870 ; editions ii and iii, Ellis, 1870. First edition, vol. ii (part 4), Ellis, 1870 ; edition ii, Ellis, 1870 ; edition iii, Ellis, 1871. [Edition 16mo and edition 8vo (each in three vols.), by Roberts (Boston, Mass.), 1868-71 ; also a popular edition (16mo). The two first were reissued in 1877.] Popular edition (in ten monthly parts) ; parts 1-9, Ellis and White ; 12mo, 1872. Reissued in five vols., Reeves & Turner, 1886. Library edition in four vols., 8vo, Reeves & Turner, 1886. Edition in one vol. (with revised text). Reeves & Turner, 1890 ; reprinted, 1895. Kelmscott Press edition (8 vols., medium 4to), 1896-7. Edition in one vol. reissued by Longmans in 1896, 1898, 1900, 1903, 1905, 1907, 1910. Edition in twelve parts (8vo), Longmans, 1905. Silver Library edition, 4 vols., 8vo, 1905. Popular edition in ten vols., 12mo, Longmans, 1902—4. [Riegel, Die Quellen von Morris' Dichtung, The Earthly Paradise, Erlanger Beitrage, Leipzig, 1890.] Love is Enoiigh, or The Freeing of Pharamond, square cr. 8vo, Ellis & White, 1873 (November 1872). [Roberts (Boston, Mass.), published two editions, 12mo and 8vo, in 1873. Kelmscott Press (large 4to), 1898.] The Two Sides of the River, Hapless Love, The Foray of Aristomenes. Privately printed, London, 1876. The Two Sides of the River was subsequently in- cluded in Poems by the Way. The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs. Edition i, square cr. 8vo, Ellis & White, 1877 (November 1876). [Roberts (U.S.A.), 1876 and 1879.] Reeves & Turner, 1887 ; Longmans, 1898 ; Longmans, 1901 ; Longmans, 1904 ; Longmans, 1910 ; Kelmscott Press (small folio), 1898. The Tale of the House of the Wolfings, in Prose and Verse. Edition i, Reeves & Turner, 1888 ; edition ii. Reeves & Turner, 1890 [Roberts (Boston, Mass.), 1890] ; edition iii (in Golden Type Edition), 1901 ; edition iv, Longmans, 1904 ; edition v, Longmans, 1909. Poems by the Way. Edition i, small 4to, Kelmscott Press, September 1891 ; edition ii, crown 8vo, Reeves & Turner, December 1891 ; reprinted, April 1892 ; new edition in the Pocket Library, Longmans, 1910. [The following poems had appeared previously : The God of the Poor, in Fortnightly, August 1868 ; The Two Sides of the River, in Fortnightly, October 1868 ; On the 8 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE WORKS OF Edge of the Wilderness, in Fortnightly, April 1869 ; Error and Loss (as The Dark Wood), in Fortnightly, February 1871 ; The Seasons (with a variant in the Winter stanza), in Academy, February 1, 1871 ; Love's Gleaning -tide, in Athenaeum, April 1874 ; Of the Three Seekers, in To-day, January 1884 ; The Raven and the King's Daughter, in English Illustrated Magazine, March 1884 ; The Day is Coming {Chants for Socialists, i), March 1884 ; All for the Cause {Chants for Socialists, ii), in Justice, April 1884 ; The Voice of Toil, in Justice, April 1884 ; The Message of the March Wind, in Commonweal, March 1885 ; Mother and Son, in Commonweal, 1885 ; Half of Life Gone, in Commonweal, January 1886 ; Drawing near the Light, in Commonweal, April 1888 ; Mine and Thine, in Commonweal, March 1889 ; A Death Song (for Alfred Linnell) [originally as a broadside, with a drawing by Crane, November 1887], in Commonweal, November 1889 ; The Hall and the Flood, in English Illustrated Magazine, February 1890 ; The Day of Days, in Time, November 1890 ; The Briar Rose, in pamphlet for Agnew's Galleries, 1890 ; The Witid 's on the Wold, in pamphlet for Arts and Crafts Exhibition, 1893.] Poems by the Way and Love is Enough were published as one vol. 8vo, Longmans, 1896 ; reprinted, 1898, 1902, 1907. B. POEMS ON SOCIAL SUBJECTS [All these, with the exception of those marked *, are included in Poems by the Way.^ The God of the Poor (in Fortnightly, August 1868). Published separately by the Social Democratic Federation, 1868. Wake, London Lads (air. The Hardy Norseman). First sung at Exeter Hall, January 16, 1878. Socialists at Play (prologue to entertainment of the Social League, South Place Institute, June 11, 1885). Chants for Socialists [The Day is coming ; The Voice of Toil ; All for the Cause ; *No Master ; *The March of the Workers ; The Message of the March Wind], published at Social League Office, 1885. A new edition {*Douni among the Dead Men added) in the same year. Contributions to the Commonweal (between February 1885 and November 1890) : — The March of the Workers ; The Message of the March Wind ; The Bridge of the Street ; Sending to the War ; Mother and Son ; The new Birth ; The new Proletarian ; In Prison and at Home ; The Half of Life Gone ; a New Friend ; Ready to Depart ; A Glimpse of the Coming Day ; Meeting the War Machine ; The Story's Ending ; Mine and Thine ; Drawing Near the Light ; A Death Song (on the death of Alfred Linnell, November 1887) — first published as a broadside, then in the Commomveal (1889). C. PROSE ROMANCES The Hollow Land, and other Contributions to the ' Oxford arid Cambridge Magazine ' for 1S56. Republished by Longmans, 1903. [Some of the tales were again republished (ed. J. Thomson) as The Wcn-ld of Romance, 1906 ; and as Early Romances in Prose and Verse, in Everyman's Library, 1907.] A King''s Lesson, in Commonweal, September 1886. John Ball, in Commonweal, November 1886 — January 1887. [First edition of John Ball and A King's Lesson, 16mo. Reeves & Turner, 1888 ; second edition, small 4to, Kelmscott Press, 1892 ; reprinted, 1889, 1892, 1895, and (transferred to Longmans) 1898, 1900.] The Tables Turned, or Nupkins awakened, a Socialist Interlude, Office of Common' weal, 1887 [not republished]. WILLIAM MORRIS 9 The Roots of the Mountains. Edition i, square cr. 8vo, Reeves & Turner, 1889 ; edition ii, Reeves & Turner, 1893 ; edition iii, Longmans, 1906. The Story of the Glittering Plain, in English Illustrated Magazine, 1890. Edition i, small 4to, Kelmscott Press, 1891 ; edition ii, 1894 (large 4to), reprinted, Longmans, 1898, 1904. News from Nowhere, in Commonweal, January-October 1890. [Published by Roberts (Boston, Mass.), 1890, 1894.] Edition i, cr. 8vo, Reeves & Turner, 1891 ; reprinted, 1891 (twice), 1892, 1895 ; Kelmscott Press, 8vo, 1892 ; reissued by Longmans, 1897, 1899, 1902, 1905, 1907, 1908, 1910 ; pocket edition (foolscap 8vo), 1912. A Dutch translation, Nieuws wit Nergensoord, Amsterdam, 1898. A French translation, Nouvelles de nulle part, Paris, 1902. The Wood beyond the World. First edition, Kelmscott Press, 8vo, 1894 ; re- printed (square cr. 8vo), Lawrence & BuUen, 1895 ; reprinted by Longmans, 1904, 1911. The Well at the World's End. Edition i, 2 vols., large 4to, Kelmscott Press, March 1896 ; reset at Chiswick Press, October 1896 ; reprinted 1903, 1910. The Sundering Flood. Edition i, 8vo, Kelmscott Press, 1897. The Water of the Wondrous Isles. Edition i, 4to, Kelmscott Press, April 1907 ; reprinted, cr. 8vo, October 1897, 1902, 1909. D. TRANSLATIONS FROM OLD NORSE, OLD ENGLISH, AND EARLY FRENCH Gretti's Saga ; the Story of Grettir the Strong (Morris & Asmundarson). Edition i, cr. 8vo, F. S. Ellis, 1869 ; edition ii, cr. 8vo, Longmans, 1900 ; edition iii, 4to (Golden Type Edition), Longmans, 1901. Volsunga Saga ; the Story of the Volsungs and Niblungs, with certain Songs from the Elder Edda (Morris & Magmisson). Edition i, 8vo, F. S. Ellis, 1870 ; edition ii, Camelot Series (edited by Halliday Sparling), 12mo, W. Scott, 1888 ; edition iii, 4to (Golden Type Edition), Longmans, 1901. Three Northern Love Stories, and other Tales (Morris & Magniisson). [Gunnlaug the Worm-Tongue, Frithiof the Bold, Viglund the Fair ; Hogni and Hedinn, Roi the Fool, Thorsteln Staff- Smitten.] Edition i, cr. 8vo, Ellis & White, 1875 ; edition ii, 4to (Golden Type Edition), Longmans, 1901. The Saga Library (Morris & Magmisson). Vol. I. The Story of Howard the Halt ; The Story of the Banded Men ; The Story of Hen Thorir. Quaritch, 1891. Vol. II. Eyrbyggja Saga ; the Story of the Ere-dwellers, with the Story of the Heath Slayings [Heidarviga Saga] as appendix. Quaritch, 1892. Vols. III-VI. Heimskringla, the Stories of the Kings of Norway called the Round World, by Snarri Sturluson. Quaritch, 1893, 1894, 1895. The Tale of Beowulf (Morris & Wyatt). Edition i, large 4to, Kehnscott Press, 1895, cr. 8vo, Longmans, 1898 ; Longmans, 1904 ; Longmans, 1910. The Ordination of Knighthood [translation of UOrdre de la Chevalerie], small 4to, Kelmscott Press, 1893, Of King Florus and the fair Jehane, 16mo, Kelmscott Press, 1893. Of the Friendship of Amis and Amile, 16mo, Kelmscott Press, 1894. Tale of the Emperor Coustans and of Over Sea, 16mo, Kelmscott Press, 1894. [The three last were republished with introduction by J. Jacobs ; G. Allen, 1896.] Child Christopher and Goldilind [i.e. The Lay of Havelock], two vols., 16mo, Kelmscott Press, 1895, 10 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE WORKS OF E. SOME OF THE MORE IMPORTANT OF THE LECTURES DELIVERED BY W. MORRIS The Decorative Arts, in relation to Modern Life and Progress. Ellis & White, 1878. Hopes and Fears for Art ; Five Lectures [The Lesser Arts of Life ; The Art of the People ; The Beauty of Life ; Making the Best of it ; Architecture in Civilizationl. Ellis & White, 1882 ; Kelmscott Press (Longmans), 1902. Summary of the Principles of Socialism (with Mr. Hyndman), 1884. True and False Society (Socialist League, London), 1885. A Dutch translation, Hoe de Maatschappij is, Amsterdam, 1898. Useful Work and useless Toil, 1885. Labour Questions from the Socialist Standpoint, 1886, A short Account of the Commune of Paris, 1886. Signs of CJiange ; seven lectures [Hoio we live, and how we might live ; Whigs, Democrats, and Socialists ; Feudal England ; The Hopes of Civilization ; The Aims of Art ; Useful Work versus Useless Toil ; The Dawn of a New Epoch]. Reeves & Turner, 1888 ; Kelmscott Press (Longmans), 1902. Gothic Architecture, Kelmscott Press, 1893. Architecture, Industry, and Wealth, Chiswick Press, 1902. A Note by William Morris on his Aims in founding the Kelmscott Press, together with a short description of the Press by S. C. Cockerell, and an annotated List of the Books printed thereat. Kelmscott Press, 1908. Collected Works of William Morris, 24 vols., or. 8vo, Longmans, 1910 sq. The distribution of writings in The Collected Works of William Morris (1910 sq,), is as follows : Vol. I, The Defence of Guinevere, The Hollow Land, and other contributions to the Oxford and Cambridge Magazine [see below]. Vol. II. The Life and Death of Jason. Vols. III-VI. The Earthly Paradise. Vol. VIL The Story of Grettir the Strong ; The Story of the Volsungs and Nib- lungs. Vol. VIII. Journals of Travels in Iceland, 1871-3. Vol. IX, Love is Enough ; Poems by the Way. Vol. X. Three Northern Love Stories ; The Tale of Beowulf. Vol. XI. The Mneids of Virgil. Vol. XII. The Story of Sigurd the Volsung, atid the Fall of the Niblungs. Vol. XIII. The Odyssey of Homer, done into English verse. Vol. XIV, The Story of the Wolfings ; The Story of the Glittering Plain. Vol. XV. The Roots of the Mountains. Vol. XVI. News from Noivhere ; John Ball; A King's Lesson. Vol. XVII. The Wood beyond the World; Child Christopher; Old French Romances. Vols. XVIII-XIX. The Well at the World's End. Vol. XX. The Water of the Wondrous Isles. Vol. XXI. The Sundering Flood. Vol. XXII. Lectures {Signs of Change, Hopes and Fears for Art, &c.). Vol. XXIII. Architecture, Industry and Wealth, &c. Vol. XXIV. Unpublished Poems ; Articles and Letters to the Press. WILLIAM MORRIS 11 The contributions to the Oxford and Cambridge Magazine in vol. i of the Collected Works are as follows : The Story of the Unknown Church ; A Dream ; Gertha's Lovers ; Svend and his Brethren ; Lindenborg Pool ; The Hollow Land ; Golden Wings ; Frank's Sealed Letter ; Men and Women (a review of Browning's volume of that name) ; The Churches of North France ; Death the Avenger and Death the Friend ; Winter Weather (a poem). [A bibliography of Morris's works was published by Temple Scott (i.e. J. H. Isaacs), 1897.] The last four vols, still to come. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE WORKS OF D. G. ROSSETTI Sir Hugh the Heron, a legendary tale in four parts. Privately printed, London, 1843. The Blessed Damozel and Hand and Soul (a prose tale) were published in The Germ, London, 1850. The Early Italian Poets (from Ciullo d'Alcamo to Dante Alighieri) in the Original Metres, together ivith Dante's Vita Nuova, translated by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Smith & Elder, 1861. Dante and his Circle, tvith the Italian Poets preceding [a revised and rearranged version of The Early Italian Poets]. Ellis & White, 1874 ; new edition, with preface by W. M. Rossetti. EUis & Elvey, 1892. Poems. Edition i, Ellis & White, 1870 ; editions ii and iii, the same year. [The House of Life in these editions comprised no more than fifty sonnets, besides eleven songs.] Ballads and Sonnets. Ellis & White, 1881. [The House of Life was now enlai'ged to 101 somiets, with a sonnet preface. The songs were detached from it. The ballads were Rose Mary, The White Ship, The King's Tragedy.] Poems. New edition, Ellis & White, 1881. [The House of Life was excluded from this edition, but other poems were added to fill the gap.] D. G. Rossetti's Collected Works. Two vols. Ellis & Scrutton, 1886. New edition, Ellis & Elvey, 1897. This edition contains: — (1) The following prose pieces : Haml and Soul ; Saint Agnes of Intercession ; The Doom of the Sirens ; The Cup of Water ; Michael Scott's Wooing ; The Palimpsest ; The Philtre [all these are described as Stories and Schemes of Poems]. (2) The following critical essays : William Blake [originally contributed to Gilchrist's Life of Blake (editions 1863 and 1880)] ; Ehenezer Jones ; The Stealthy School of Criticism [an answer (published in the Athenceum, 1871) to Buchanan's attack, The Fleshly School of Poetry (in Contemporary, October 1870)] ; Hake's Madeline and other Poems ; Hake's Parables and Tales. (3) Sentences and notes. These are in vol. i ; vol. ii contains some dozen criticisms of pictures and painters. Hand and Soul. Reprinted from The Germ, Kelmscott Press, 1895. Reprinted in Collected Works (1886, &c.), vol. i. , Poems ofD. G. Rossetti (Siddal edition), 7 vols., Ellis & Elvey, 1898-1901. Dante Gabriel Rossetti. His Family Letters (with memoir by W. M. Rossetti). 2 vols. Ellis & Elvey, 1895. Letters of D. G. Rossetti to W. Allingham (1854-70), edited by Birkbeck Hill. Fisher Unwin, 1897. Selections from Rossetti' s Poems, by Hall Caine, in Miles' Poets and Poetry of the Century (1891, &c.). The White Ship (Selections from the Poems of D. G. Rossetti), Colesworthy, Boston, U.S.A., 1896. 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE WORKS OF D. G. ROSSETTI The House of Life ; a Sonnet Sequence, 16mo, Putnams, New York and London, 1898. The House of Life, Svo, Mosher, Portland (Maine), 1898. Ruskin, Rossetti, PreraphaeUsm. Papers, 1854-62, arranged and edited by W. M. Rossetti. Allen, 1899. La Maison de Vie : Sonnets traduits litferalement et litterairement par C. Couve (introduction par J. Peladan). Paris, 1897. Poesie : traduzione di A. Agresti. Con uno studio su la pittura inglese e su Vopera pittorica e la vita delV autore. Florence, 1899. The following Publications have been issued by the Association, and those still in print can be purchased by members : — 1907-14. 1. Types of English Curricula in Boys' Secondary Schools. (Out of print.) Price 6d. 2. The Teaching of Shakespeare in Secondary Schools (Pro- visional suggestions). (Out of print.) Price Id. 3. A Short List of Books on English Literature from the beginning to 1832, for the use of Teachers. Price 6d. (to Associate Members, Is.) 4. Shelley's View of Poetry. By A. C. Bradley, Litt.D. (Out of print.) Price Is. 5. English Literature in Secondary Schools. By J. H. Fowler, M.A. Price 6d. 6. The Teaching of English in Girls' Secondary Schools. By Miss G. Clement, B.A. (Out of print.) Price 6d. 7. The Teaching of Shakespeare in Schools. Price 6d. 8. Types of English Curricula in Girls' Secondary Schools. (Out of print.) Price 6d. 9. Milton and Party. By Professor O. Elton, M.A. (Out of print.) Price 6d. 10. Romance. By W. P. Ker. Price 6d. 11. What still remains to be done for the Scottish Dialects. By W. Grant. Price 6d. 12. Summary of Examinations in English affecting Schools. Price 6d. 13. The Impersonal Aspect of Shakespeare's Art. By Sidney Lee, D.Litt. Price Is. 14. Early Stages in the Teaching of English. (Out of print.) Price 6d. 15. A Shakespeare Reference Library. By Sidney Lee, D.Litt. Price Is. 16. The Bearing of English Studies upon the National Life. By C. H. Herford, Litt.D. Price Is. 17. The Teaching of English Composition. By J. H. Fowler, M.A. (Out of print.) Price Is. 18. The Teaching of Literature inFrench and German Secondary Schools. By Elizabeth Lee. (Out of print.) Price 6d. 19. John Bunyan. By C. H. Firth, LL.D. (Out of print.) Price Is. 20. The Uses of Poetry. By A. C. Bradley, Litt.D. Price Is. 21. English Literature in Schools. A list of Authors and Works for Successive Stages of Study. Price Is. 22. Some Characteristics of Scots Literature. By J. C. Smith. Price Is. 23. Short Bibliographies of Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, Keats. Price Is. 24. A Discourse on Modern Sibyls. By Lady Ritchie. Price Is. tm-^^iM^.^km- :-^^'-^MA'i:^^' ;^:^^?S2SP:^S:^^ Future of English Poetry. By Edmund Gosse, C.B. Price Is. e Teaching of English at the Universities. By Stanley Leathes. With a note by W. P. Ker. Price Is. Poetry and Contemporary Speech. By Lascelles Aber- crombie. Price Is. The Poet and the Artist and what they can do for us. By Professor G. C. Moore Smith, Litt.D. Price Is. Bibliographies of Swinburne, Morris, and Rossetti. By Professor C. E. Vaughan. Price Is. Wordsworth's Patriotic Poems and their Significance To-day. By F. S. Boas, LL.D. Price 6d. Members can obtain further copies of the Bulletin (price 6d.) on application to the Secretary. 80 Essays and Studies by Members of the English Association. Vol. I. Collected by A. C. Bradley. Clarendon Press. 2s. 6d. to members. Contents : — English Place-names, by Henry Bradley ; On the Present State of English Pronunciation, by Robert Bridges; Browning, by W. P. Ker ; Blind Hany's * Wallace ', by George Neilson ; Shakespeare and the Grand Style, by George Saintsbury ; Some Suggestions about Bad Poetry, by Edith Sichel; Carlyle and his German Masters, by 0. E. Vaughan. Essays and Studies by Members of the EngL'sh Association. Vol. II. Collected by Dr. Beeching. Clarendon Press. 2s. 6d. to members. Contents : — ^The Particle ing in Place-names, by H. Alexander ; On the Nature of the Grand Style, by John Bailey ; Richardson's Novels and their Influences, by F. S. Boas ; Jane Austen, by A. C. Bradley ; Description in Poetry, by A. Glutton Brook ; The Literary Play, by 0. E. Montague; A Yorkshire Folk-Play and its Analogues, by F. Moorman. Essays and Studies by Members of the English Association. Vol. III. Collected by W. P. Ker. aarendon Press. 2s. 6d. to members. Contents: — What English Poetry may still learn from Greek, by Gilbert Murray ; Some Childish Things, by A. A Jack ; A Lovers Complaint, by J. W. Mackail ; Arnold and Homer, by T. S. Omond ; Keats' s Epithets, by David Watson Rannie; Dante and the Grand Style, by George Saintsbury; Blake's Religious Lyrics, by H. 0. Beeching. Essays and Studies by Members of the English Association. Vol. IV. Collected by C. H. Herford. Clarendon Press. 2s. 6d. to members. Contents : — ^A Note on Dramatic Criticism, by J. E. Spingam ; English Prose Nmnbers, by 0. Elton ; Some Unconsidered Elements in EngUsh Place-names, by A. Mawer; Platonism in Shelley, by L. Winstanley ; Defoe's True-bom Englishman, by A C. Guthkelch ; The Plays of Mr. John Galsworthy, by A R. Skemp ; Dramatic Technique in Marlowe, by G. P. Baker. Essays and Studies by Members of the English Association. Vol. V. Collected by Oliver Elton. Clarendon Press. 2s. 6d. to members. Contents : — ^Rhythm in English Verse, Prose, and Speech, by D. S, MacCoU ; The Novels of Mark Rutherford, by A. E. Taylor; English Place-Names and Teutonic Sagas, by F. W. Moorman; Shelley's Triumph of Life, by F. Melian Stawell ; Emily Bronte, by J. C. Smith ; Translation from Old into Modern English, by A. Blyth Webster. ■m^a- r).i:is4i -VJcX. ^_ v_.^^/^J^_>£30^VA_- UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY