UC-NRLF C 2 525 5^2 ARMS OBAWN * WSTTTEN « fx f ibris Jjir^^Ijjrff THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Vzt^ GIFT OF William F. Freehoff , ^r. '(Utr. (punc5*0' (f ooft of (^me. BRADBURY. AGNEWe^ C2 «— M— «»«MO««M»» I ««» 'H^^S^ I II H »>H 1 1 1 I — ^ »fcfcJ*JM of i^t fiefb on a ^utf "Stxi unUx i^t ^etafbic toee a ^poxtmc^ ^dtxan ^ax^ to t^t ((XBt putdnc^ a 6if proper on a Mefg ntounf (uxnino^ up (xnmp^ on f^e po0f / it) ee^etraf ^afteb guinea j:pt5er beBre^feee ric^fg gif^ anb ^oiU^ of ectupfe c^atgeb S5if^ maxMaik cotonefe Batfetreb in fute / Hi) on a gtrounb of ptomoiion a patfi^an of tenoSSn umu ^i(^ e^amtocSe ar(i e^iffefag^e ar(i> SBteai^eb S5i^^ fautete efe^afeb anb etaeeb aff ptopet* Ctee^ / tiding front a Bar 6att)^ a ^oSSet of eixmc^i^ axmt'b at a(( pointe ar(b c^atgeb S5if^ ^ efaunc^ anb fifiaf io i^t core* ^econb Qllo^o ^HOth^ ixan^Mxon^ / ' Bi^^iU^t t^ftaf/ bgib gu effgt/ nob gff ^oup^, fit0f (Barf of (gixmin^^am. (^trnta / quatfetfg / i an aniiqMt (§ott Botbute *c^atfmb* componee, paxK^ ^^iU^, SSae^eb / i; an ^etafbic Batffe^ cuffeb anb ttaet'b xmitt a c^ap^au bouBfeb up catntine / ^V <^H 3tfi^5 e^atnrocft/ Batrtreb in petrpefuifg on %i on a ground ovange of pujnikt / iiij a tng0^mou0 ftBef Sofun^atifg era^eb eaBfe, tenb^teb ntote ot feff if%i6fe affet i^t tnannetr of ^^^ ne® jouxmiiem / o^tx aff / on an eecufc^eon of ptefenc^/ ee^etaf miYii^tmd Biffete of ^^e Bee^, da^i anb coffatreb in ab^ance* Cxtei / a fion of Uiak ((xn^Wi motiant/ Uaxinc^ in it)cttx poSS t^t mion ffag ffoSing (o i^t BXYiif^Uxf btopping in ^ia ptogreff a (|)^tg^ c^ian ox repuBfican cap of UUxi^ ^futmb up / anb tefaceb txmint. ^Mppoxkxtf / ^5)5o ^ig^fg ctu0feb piffat0 of ^^e conf^diudon ♦0ang::*a5ute in a bemi^jfutrioue f^taU of 0uppteffiom IP?" (^me / quatfetfg / { on a eea of futBufence ^et^ a jo^iaf cotnmoiote/ 6xaim anb epauferteb ptopetr in Buffiou/ anb SSeating f^e imic^ia of f^e granb ctoff of (^t 6a^^, ntounttng nitn6% t^t 6v%e of a pg^^ing^e^ip/ btifiinj beteficf anb Btii guf^eb / ijunber a c^ief xat>ian( in eua^iig/ 0e^etaf ^etafbtc pattHou^ uxc^tnt/ attneb ®i^^ C|uei0fion0 petenniaffg Btranbi^^eb ou^ of 0ea0on/ Up(omaticM^ tjcotcm'bf mu}^(ti/ anb 0uj)pteffeb / it) on a gtounb umu of ^^i0ffe0/ an efbet of i^t aufb fic^f fic^f^ 0onte, fiaii^ canng j)a5B0^ eif^^nbj (o i^t fu*, Bearing an ^etafbtc SeeBif ctui3eg otr ^co^fie^ icctiUxMi finbtn* ^af^afton in ^^e hn^^^u ptopetr / iiij a x\x(x,^t'^ efep^anf of i^e QteS ^ouai on f^e SSat^pa^^, e^utbg xxi ptro^e^^an^ient/ mt^ Ua^f Xiii tfStxat baj)per ^etaPbic 0counbteffe0 of i^t 0faff/ pfunteb }>to))er/ Btaibeb gofb fo f^e Sai0^, aff Banbeb foge^^er anb tampan^ in (ot( I ii) (k uxk^ of ^i^^i^'MxyxM^ joutnafiefic fgtea in patrtg on ^^e gatBfe ptopet \(xiuitt in \xm^0M / iiij on a voc6 of begjraba^ion/ mittu^ in ticiki a ntifi^atg ud'pi^ocA c^atgeb S5if^ ft^aeon/ foabeb Si^P c^aine of eSibence be0i5neb fotg^b anb Sefbeb in fraub, on i2}t fotijon, i^t fit0f trag0 of a baSn of ^ope Bteafiing i^roug^ cfoub0 of futg* €^^0^0 / i on a cap of ftfietrfj ^wetg, ^iaiu^ zpoik^ cix\^ txi^mo^iu^ gufe0/ a peacocft in ptibe proper, ^i0 ^eab 0%^^?^ ^utneb/ c^atgeb S5i^^ i^e tiBanb anb 0fat of i^t oxHx of ^f* O^nbre® <\\jdk proper / xj (kXi ^etafbic jungfejjBoft rampant unber ee^eraf beobate or ntm:J0a^i60 or 5)5orb0 io iH #c< / itj a forb% efep^inf a j)tfim k(x^ I xxxj an argo^::nauficaf ^effef ♦in IJeree* in fuff mUi cfaffeb (^1 af »% £fo^b0/ c^atgeb S55i^5 a catgo of (u^nU caMtB aff SSartranf eb c^miint* Cub( / on a c^atget atrgenf ^^e B^ab of a ^juBfie^et utgmf* ^uj)potr^^tr0 / U)c(tx, a fotnnt^ afiin0 in a(( f^i^ S^otj/ m^m. Cub( I a tefottn ioxioiu of i^t tanb metgenf coupeb af ^^e necfi ptop^t bie^ atmeb anb Soibeb of affete* ^uppotf^ra / be;efet/ a Butg^etr tampan^ in pie^^ attneb fo ^^^ ^eef^ / t^mBkxi axK Mix(\\xt boppet ateo in pufg ^aBi^eb ptopetr in Broabcfo^^ ^ontej:mabe anb nto^^:;eden fo i^t i(x^i / 60^^ ringing in vm^on ^ahdit i^t in^tfmX^d ftont ' eintpficif a x\xeii^(Kn(\* ' ^econb (TUo^fo / 'Tl7^o eaib (g^obea?' (^moixni ^dti of t^t ^(xani* c^atgeb tjiixa / ij (o t^t fu(t * cam^af biepfageb pxoptt / ij i^ut (topka( cocoamufe Btcdant eaiU *(^tu e^ie^ a pmnj* / it; an ancient (^trifie^ 6atro5B/ 0uppo0^b fo 6e c^atgeb S3ii^ 6ob^ of Ouem (0oabicea / iiij an att^ iffuanf fVotn xt front t^xu Battf i(a(m( on a fiefb boftj^ Cuei I (XXI aff*e ^eab tegatbanf teptoac^^ fttf/ proBaBfj c^atrgeb on ^^e 6obg Stf^ a juggins tantpanf^ ^uppot^^r^ / be;efet, an amef pfumeb anb jatni^^eb eonteif^inft M^/ 3 Mi get / 0ini0fet/ a confer a concertina aff proper* ^econb Qtlo^^o / '%r rcgufar 8cno*' ^otb B^tno* (^ttn0 / <\u(ix(txt^ 1 1 i^xtt 6at0 ^(xit \xiit^ in i^t %ixKOj^^ / ij an ^etrafbic a paitr of ^etrafbic bancing^puntpe afeo fairfg guifefeff (o O^t Serge of iYtanii}^ paffanf in peru^af proper of ^t^t Q^o^^era«on0 of Qg^eef3e6u6' / 0ini0fer, a cooS^generaf proper c^dwM^, farmer pafptfanf in pat^oB aB^orBen^ t^t '^orrer^ o* ^^(*nJ ^econb (ttloHo / '3f 3 ^^ forgoifen, i^ Son^^ Be ntp fauftP " (gmn ^ec% of ^uUin. fi0^ o\xi of "SfcAtx (^xdkt U icccrt^t / xj on a pefb^^nig^^, fiSe ^03^3^0 moffimf for ^^e ^oue / itj on a ntinie^^mf 6mc^ tf«tif ^ig^fg proper a eage of rmoSn ^ouffran^ unber a eurfei^ of Bore^ rampant / Hi) on grounb repugnant frettg a Stcfi^'Mi^^ or 3ri0^ 0en0i^i^e pfan^ "SttUnt *green** Cree^f / an '^xie^ ^arpj eurc^argeb pnan:: ciaf% on t^t pounce proper^ ^upporfer^ / it]ckt/ a (^rttie^ fion '^^.^.^ of fi^era^ ^ure inbm^eb eaBfe/ anb eui^afifj arrageb in c^antB'M'^^MU ani e^oee efaaficaffg 0ibeb / Biniettt/ an ^erafbic cantefoparb Btjant ffe;eeb a^ aff joinfe/ acaUmicatt^ ^aiittif coffareb/ cappeb/ anb goSneb* (^xmB I (\\K(Ktitxii I i epo^feb Before proper / ij xmiU a HJt^imxxK^Ux oxU a ^xiixe^ fion of xuiiixxU ^ance^fe on i c^amtB tfinitfitt MnUx a cfoub ptoptt / iij on a gtounb patt^'xoiouWb of t^Soft a ptimtoH of noBifi^g Batteb anb ttani / iiij in a piffotj an ^^tafbic pigott bi^pfajeb in contximd^ / o^et aff, on an eecufc^eon ^^e fantifj coa^ of (patron Caunfon* Cttet / iffuanf ftont a cfu6 *Qta^ionaf ;£i6etaf*, a ^aSft^egeb fgn;c tampan^ in ^ie gfotr^, gotgeb ®ii^ a Banquef for poj)ufan^g» ^uppoxtttf^ f U)ckti a cfafficaf ^c^viU xipxtHniinc^ ^iiiit ^nojlian^ miicAi^ ciiixit^, ^tx U\inu^ 0onte®^af mgfec^eb ptx^ap^i tiicAcini on i^t pc&t of ci^ifi^a^ion / einie^et/ an iUU^x of Qtoti^ampfon ptopet* ^econb (Mlof^o / '(^tifannia mebef no BufCatfiaf — f^eg come foo e;fpmd1Je 1 ' # (Bi^otge Qta^^anief, fitef (Batf Curjon of f^e ^ttne / (\\x