LIBRARY OF THE University of California. RECEIVED BY EXCHANGE Class \ THE FOUNDATIONS EUCLIDIAN GEOMETRY AS VIEWED FEOM THE STANDPOINT OF KINEMATICS DISSEETATIOK SUBMITTED TO THE BOARD OF UNIVERSITY STUDIES OF THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY IN CONFORMITY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY ISRAEL EUCLID RABINOVITCH April 29, 1901 NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR 1903 THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE EUCLIDIAN GEOMETRY AS VIEWED FBOM THE STANDPOINT OF KINEMATICS ERRATA. Page X, next to bottom line read " Bolyai '' instead of Bolyi. Page xi, under Lobatchevski, close the quotation with ". Page 26, last line, read " Matematiche " instead of Mathe- matiche. ^ET ISRAEL EUCLID RABINOVITCH Apeil 29, 1901 OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR 1903 THE FOUNDATIONS OP THE EUCLIDIAN GEOMETRY AS VIEWED FEOM THE STANDPOINT OF KINEMATICS BISSERTATION SUBMITTKD TO THE BOARD OF UNIVERSITY STUDIES OF THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY IN CONFOBMITY WITH THE BEQUIBEMENTS FOB THE DEGBEB OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY BY ISRAEL EUCLID RABINOVITCH Apbil 29, 1901 PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR 1903 ^* w^ Copyright 1903 By ISRAEL EUCLID RABINOVITCH All rights reserved PRtSIOF The Nn e«a PRinTme Conpaiv LAiCASTER, Pa. SDetitcateti TO FABIAN FEANKLIN, Ph.D., FORMERLY PROFESSOR OP MATHEMATICS IN THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, 3rn Grateful ^cfenotoleiffment OF BENEFITS CONFEBRED UPON THE AUTHOR DURING HIS RESIDENCE IN BALTIMORE AS A GRADUATE STUDENT OF THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. lU 166146 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation PREFACE. The present work is the result of long meditations and of an earnest search for truth. A conviction that truth in mathe- matics must be absolute, not admitting of any compromises, and an inmost feeling that Nature is not deceiving us and that She reveals Herself to us in Her true appearance, unmutilated by false logic, have guided me in my endeavors to solve one of the hardest mathematical problems, so intimately connected with the problem of the origin of our ideas, — namely, the problem of the Foundations of Geometry. These meditations were finally written up, in April, 1899, at the prompting of my excellent and highly esteemed friend and benefactor. Dr. Fabian Franklin, formerly Professor of Mathematics in the Johns Hopkins University, to whom I have availed myself of the present opportunity of expressing my gratitude, by inscrib- ing this work to him. Another name I ought to mention with gratitude is that of Dr. Alexander S. Chessin, Professor of Mathematics in Wash- ington University, who was the first to appreciate the value of this work and to talk to me unreservedly about it, and also to urge me to use it as a thesis for the Ph.D. degree. And, finally, I owe a duty of gratefulness to my distinguished professor. Dr. Frank Morley, for his guidance in the work of reading up the literature of the subject, for discussing with me points of difficulty in the literature, and also for allowing me to present some of my theorems before the conference of the mathematical seminary of the university, where the general discussion by the audience helped me in improving the mode of presentation of these theorems. To this discussion I owe, in particular, the analytical presentation of my proof that, with the point as its element, space must be three-dimensional. The whole of the Introduction was undertaken and carried out, dur- ing the academic year of 1900-1901, at the suggestion and under the direction of Professor Morley, and it is intended as a critical review of some of the most important results obtained by modern VI PREFACE. mathematicians in the subject (Riemann, Beltrami, Lie and Poincar6), so that in the light of these an adequate estimate of the results achieved in this Dissertation might become possible. And last, but not least, my thanks are due to Professor Edwin R. A. Seligman and Professor Felix Adler of Columbia University for the generous interest they have taken in the publication of my work in full ; and also to Mr. Isador Goetz, A.B., of New York City, for his valuable assistance in the re- vision of the proof-sheets, and to the gentlemen of The New Era Printing Company for the care and efficiency with which the printing of this volume has been executed. 130 Heney Street, New York City, November, 1903. CONTENTS. Page. INTRODUCTION 1-37 An infinity of mutnally contradictory geometries postulated by Klein, Killing, and others — and its criticism 1-5 Sophns Lie's opinion as to the possibility of an efficient system of postulates and axioms of geometry 5-6 Lie's treatment of the Riemann-Helmholtz space-problem by the theory of transformation-groups, and the axioms which he assumes for this purpose. A comparison of this set of axioms with those assumed in the Dissertation 6-9 The interpretation of the non-Euclidian groups of displacements represents but a partially solved problem 10-11 Poincare's opinions of the relation of pure reason and experi- ence to the formation of our geometrical notions ; his opin- ions as to the number of dimensions of space 11-16 An account of Riemann's Inaugural Dissertation on the Foun- dations of geometry and multiply-extended manifolds. — Resume 16-20 Importance of the problem from a purely mathematical point of view. Theory of proportion and similar figures impossible in the non-Euclidian geometry ; the squaring of the circle possible 20-21 A summary and justification of the author's views in his treat- ment of the subject. The conception of space as a number manifold of three dimensions — to be sought in the properties of rigidity, impenetrability, and infinite divisibility of mate- rial substance. The notion of distance derived from rigidity. The distance-line, or straight line, must be constructed in space, not in a plane, and deduced from the notion of dis- tance. The plane should be constructed from the straight line, and both should be demonstrated to have all properties commonly attributed to them without justification. For instance, — the legitimacy of the assumption, of the plane being capable to move upon itself in a triply-infinite number of ways, and of its coincidence with itself when its two sides are interchanged — must follow from its construction 21-25 An account of Beltrami's views of the interpretability of the geometry of Lobatchevski upon the pseudosphere, based upon the analogy of the straight line and a geodesic upon that sur- face, when bending without stretching is allowed 26-27 Distinction emphasized between the straight line, as a figure capable of lying in a plane, and its notion as a geodesic in a vii Vlll Page. plane, — and reason given why in the later case the Euclidian postulate could not be proved 27-29 Quotations from Bianchi, " Lezioni di geometria dififerenziale," concerning the futility of all attempts of proving the Eu- clidian postulate, and a justification of the author's attempt to do it by means of the immaterial quadrilateral, not bound to lie in a plane 29-32 The identity of the author's postulates with those necessary for defining the group of displacements in general. A comparison with the postulates assumed by Helmholtz 32 The interpretation of the non-Euclidian geometries again, and Beltrami's opinion that the non-Euclidian geometry of three dimensions is interpretable only analytically. — An allusion to a probable interpretation in line-space, with certain special conventions as to the meaning of metrical terms 32-37 DISSERTATION. THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE EUCLIDIAN GEOMETRY. 38-115 CHAPTER I. (inteoductoey.) Space and Its Dimensions. Definitions 1-6 : — Geometry ; space, extension ; impenetra- bility, geometrical place ; vacant space, infinite divisibility ; magnitude and form ; geometrical solid, volume 38-39 Postulate 1, — Motion without distortion. Definitions 7-8 : — Geometrical equality, coincidence ; non-equality. Scholium and R^sum6 : — A rational justification of the definitions and postulate 40-43 Definitions 9-12 and R^sum^: — Distance and contact between bodies; Surface physical and geometrical; Portions and equality, or coincidence, of surfaces; Homogeneous and non- homogeneous surfaces 44-47 Definitions 13-15: — Line; Portions, equality of lines, homoge- neous lines; The point 48-50 Resume : — Discussion of the tri-dimensionality of space 50-53 Thirteen paragraphs purporting to give an analytical discussion of the dimensions of space 54-62 CHAPTER IL The Spheee, Ciecle, Steaight Line, Angle, Teiangle, Plane, Etc. Definition I, — Distance. Axiom 1, — Continuity in congruence. Lemma 1, — A fixed body 63-64 IX Page. Theorem 1, — Construction of a sphere. Cor. I, — Spherical surface divides all space into two regions. Definition II, — Greater and smaller distances. Cor. II, — Unique center. Cor. Ill, — Two distinct spheres cannot have a finite portion of surface in common 64-66 Theorem 2: — Measurement of distances from a fixed origin; addition and subtraction of distances 67-72 Theorems 3-5, Operation of addition of distances obeys the associative and the commutative laws 72-78 Scholium, Definition III and corollaries I-IX: — The homo- geneous distance-line, or straight line, and its properties 78-83 Theorem 6, Definition IV: — Infinity of straight line; Angle. Theorem 7, Definition V: — A right angle is one of four equal ones formed by two intersecting straight lines in space 84-85 Theorem 8, Definition VI, and corollaries I-V : — The construc- tion of a plane from a fixed origin; the properties of a plane as an infinite homogeneous surface symmetrical with respect to space. Theorem 9, — All right angles are equal 85-89 Scholiums I and II: — Every pair of crossing lines is applicable to a pair of crossing rays in a plane; measurement of angles by arcs of the circumference of a circle. Theorem 10, — Adjacent supplementary, and vertical angles... 89-92 Definition VII and cor.. Theorem 11 and cor.: — Simplest conditions of equality of triangles 92-93 Theorem 12, Definition VIII and cor., — A straight line, an angle, and a triangle are plane figures. Scholium, — The segment of a transversal of a variable angle increases with the increase of the angle 93-95 Definition IX, Theorem 13 and corollaries: — A perpendicular to a plane. A plane can be shifted upon itself in a triply- infinite number of ways, and also turned upside down with- out deformation 95-96 CHAPTER III. The Quadbilateral, the Immaterial Quadrilateral. Parallel Straight Lines. An enumeration of the theorems of the first book of Euclid which can easily be established by means of the principles laid down earlier in this Dissertation 97 Theorem 14 and corollaries I-IV: — Sum of two interior angles of a triangle <2 rt. /'s; Two straight lines making with a third one two interior ^'s = 2rt. Z's> cannot meet; Exterior angle of a triangle, etc. ; A perpendicular is the shortest dis- tance from a point to a line 98-99 Page. Definition X, Theorems 15-16 and corollaries, — The quadrilat- eral, the immaterial quadrilateral, and some of their proper- ties 99-101 Theorem 17 and cor. : — In a plane quadrilateral two of whose opposite sides are equal, and in which two interior angles adjacent to the third side are supplementary, this third side is not greater than the one opposite to it ; The sum of the three angles of a triangle ^2rt. ^'s 101-102 Theorem 18, — The possibility of a certain deformation of an immaterial quadrilateral with equal opposite sides established 102-106 Theorem 19, — A lemma from three-dimensional geometry. Theorem 20 and corollaries : — The motion considered in Theorem 18 is a plane motion ; Conclusion as to the sum of the interior angles adjacent to the same side in an immaterial quadrilateral subject to such a motion 106-108 Theorem 21 and corollaries : — The sum of the interior angles adjacent to the same side of a plane quadrilateral with equal opposite sides, equals two right angles ; The sum of the three angles of a triangle, and the sum of the four angles of any plane quadrilateral 108 Theorem 22, — Properties of two lines perpendicular to a third in the same plane 108-110 Definition XI, — Provisional definition of parallel lines and cor- ollaries 110-111 Theorem 23 and corollaries : — Three collinear points at equal distances from a given straight line, must be in the same plane with the latter, — and a consequent further definition of par- allel lines 111-113 Theorem 24, — A proof of Euclid's Eleventh Axiom, and corol- laries extending the definition of parallels to that given by Euclid 113-115 Conclusion 115 Autobiography 116 LIST OF WORKS QUOTED IN THE INTRODUCTION OR CONSULTED BY THE AUTHOR IN PREPARING THE DISSERTATION. Ball, R. S., — "Measurement," article Encyclop. Brit., vol. XV. Beltrami: — "Saggio di interpretazione della geometria non-Euclidea, " Giornale di Matematiche, 1868, t. VI ; "Teoria fondamentale degli spazii di curvatura costante, " Annali di Matematica, Ser. 2, II, 1868. Bianchi, — "Lezioni di geometria difEerenziale," German translation, 1898, t. II. Bolyi, John, — "Science Absolute of Space," translated into English by Professor George Bruce Halstead. XI Cantor, — Mathematisohe Annalen, t. V, pp. 123-128. Chrystal, Geo.,— "Parallels," article Ed cyclop. Brit., vol. XVIII. Clifford, — Articles on the Axioms of Geometry in his Mathematical Papers. Frischauf, — " Eleraente der absoluten Geometric," 1876. Helmholtz, — " Ueber die Thatsachen die der Geometric zum Grunde liegen," Konigliche Gesellsohaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. Henrici, CI., — *' Geometry," article Encyclop. Brit., vol. X. Killing, — "Ueber die Grundlagen der Geometric," Crelle's Journal, Bd. 86, 109. Klein, Felix: — Memoirs, " Zur Nicht-Euklidischen Geometric," Mathe- matisohe Annalen, Bd. IV, VI, XXXVII; " Nicht-Euklidische Geo- metric," lithographed lectures, Gottingen, 1893. Lie, Sophus: — " Transformationsgruppen, " vol. Ill; " Continuierliche Gruppen " ; " Die Grundlagen der Geometric," Leipziger Beriohte. Lindemann, — Clebsch, "Vorlesungen iiber Geometric," Bd. II. Lobatchevski : — "Theory of Parallels," translated by Halstead ; F. EngePs ' ' Urkunden zur Geschichtc der Nicht-Euklidischen Geometric. Playfair's Euclid. Poincare : — Memoirs on the foundations of geometry in the : Bulletin de la Soci^t^ Math^matiquc de France, t. 16, 1887 ; Revue Generale des Sciences Pures et Appliquees ; Revue de M^taphysique et de Morale ; "The Foundations of Geometry," Monist, vol. IX, 1888,— translated into English by McCormack. Riemann, — "Ueber die Hypothesen wclche der Geometric zu Grunde liegen," Mathematisohe Werkc, pp. 254-269. INTRODUCTION. A SURVEY OF THE MOST IMPORTANT VIEWS OF MODERN MATHE- MATICIANS ON THE FOUNDATIONS OF GEOMETRY. Both mathematicians and philosophers at present agree that — although the science of mathematics as a whole is undoubtedly the most exact of sciences, one of her most important branches, at once the oldest and the most fascinating, namely geome- try, has to some extent lost in its prestige and can no longer be quoted by epistemologists as the prototype of purely deductive, a priori science, and as a proof of the existence of certain in- nate ideas, having a purely transcendental origin, wholly inde- pendent of experience and partly conditioning it. This change of view upon geometry has taken place during the past cen- tury of all-pervading doubt and criticism, and, strange to say, it did not originate with men outside the profession of mathe- matics, but with those who had the greatest interest in pre- serving her sanctity, in keeping up the halo of her alleged transcendental origin. The very priests who worship at her shrine, the greatest mathematicians who contributed most to her fabulous growth and development in the nineteenth cen- tury, — Gauss, Riemann, Helmholtz, Beltrami, and Clifford among the immortal dead, and many prominent names still among us, — have done most to cause this change. At present, it is almost regarded as a heresy to attempt to restore some of the old prestige to the science which was considered by the Greeks to be the prototype of all science and all philosophy. All this change of view has occurred, of course, not with re- gard to the method employed by geometry, the soundness and legitimacy of which have never been seriously doubted, but with regard to the very foundations upon which geometry rests. It is the body of axioms and postulates, the definitions and common notions, — propositions and assumptions, both implicit and ex- 1 plicit, which had, for a very long time, been considered as self- evident, intuitive, and independent of all elaborate proof, — prop- ositions that need only be stated in order to elicit unconditional consent, — it is this body of, so-called, self-evident truths which at present are questioned and doubted, and by many relegated to the realm of empiricism, true only with a certain degree of approximation, and capable of being modified in an infinity of ways and, hence, of giving rise to a corresponding multitude of geometries, each consistent in itself but in contradiction with the others, each as perfect in theory as any other, and all very nearly agreeing with our limited experience.* It is, however, admitted on all sides, that the old system, namely, the Euclidian system, more than all others, seems to agree with the results of our experience, as far as this last goes ; and if we were able to extend our experience considerably beyond the limits of the fixed stars, and if even then we should find its norms to remain unaltered and not needing revision, it would to a certain extent prove the physical reality of the Euclidian geometry and the unreality of the other systems, although the others would still be theoretically admissible and would form a body of imaginary geometries. Now, this is rather a peculiar state of the geometrical science, singular in its kind. For, while in other branches of science two contradictory systems of thought would hardly be allowed to stand side by side, both claiming to represent the truth simul- taneously, — while, for instance, the Ptolemaic and Copernican systems of astronomy could not avowedly coexist — the latter having superseded the former as soon as it was found to agree better with astronomical observations and with the abstract laws of mechanics, — while no quarter was given to the Aristo- telian theory of the fixity of species by the new evolutionary systems of Lamarck and Darwin, or to the ancient doctrine of the Four Elements by modern chemistry and physics, — the contradictory systems of geometry, according to some mathe- maticians of note, could be allowed to stand together, side by side, and be of equal theoretical (if not practical) value and importance. So, for instance, F. Klein, in his memoirs in the * Professor F. Klein in many places in his memoirs on the non-Euclidian geometry, Math. Ann., Bd. IV, VI, XXXVII, and in his ''Nicht-Euklidische Geometric," lithographed impression, Gott., 1893, forcibly presents and de- fends this opinion. See lithogr, lectures, I, pp. 298-365; Math. Ann., XXXVII, p. 570. Mathematische Annalerij vols. 4, 6, 7 and 37, and in his " Nicht- Euklidische Geometrie," second impression, Gottingen, 1893, develops [from the projective point of view three systems of geometry, — the Elliptic, the Hyperbolic, and the Parabolic systems (which in broad features had been drawn already by Riemann), corresponding to the three possible hypotheses which can be made concerning our space, namely, as possessing con- stant positive, negative, or zero, curvature. Giving no theoretical preference to any of these systems, he even goes so far as to think that the question, whether one of these systems is to be preferred as expressing the real rela- tions of our space, is unanswerable, since by allowing the radius of curvature to be sufficiently great, the elliptic or hy- perbolic geometry would give results approximating, with as great a degree of accuracy as we please, to the results obtain- able by the most exact measurements, performed with the most powerful telescopes upon distances such as are involved in the determination of the annual parallax of a fixed star. He prefers the parabolic geometry, however, on account of its pre- senting the simplest hypothesis in the theory of measurement. So he says in his lectures on the non-Euclidian geometry, referred to above, first part, page 277:* "There is, how- ever, on the other hand, no lack of enthusiasts, who do not answer the question in the way we have done, by asserting that to our conception and experience of space could with sufficient precision correspond alike the hyperbolic or the elliptic, as well as the parabolic system of measurement, and that we decide in favor of the parabolic, solely on account of its offering the simplest hypothesis (just as in physics, among hypotheses of equal probability, the simplest is always allowed to prevail)." Each of these geometries, according to Klein, in another place in the same work (p. 295), admits of an infinity of different space- forms, — in which respect he differs from Killing, who thinks that only in case of the elliptic geometry an infinite variety of space-forms — Raumformen — is possible. He says : " We thus expressly contradict the remark of Killing that in case of the hyperbolic or parabolic metrics there exists the possibility only of one space-form ; we say, on the contrary, that also in these cases there exists an infinity of space-forms." — It has come to * See also pp. 161-170 of same work, where this idea is presented with especial force and elegance. pass, indeed, that some mathematicians are vying with one another in devising new space-forms, as they call them, for which new systems of geometry are supposed to hold. Clif- ford, Klein, Lindemann, Killing, and others have contributed much to this field of investigation. The enumeration and de- scription of some of these geometries would lead us too far, and the reader interested is referred to the numerous memoirs in the Math. Ann. and in Crelle^s Journal and to separate books and reprints from mathematical and philosophical peri- odicals, which have appeared since the beginning of the seven- ties up to the end of the past century. It may, however, be said without exaggeration, that most of these space-forms impress the reader rather with the ingenuity of their inventors than with their actual value in bearing upon the question of the foundations of geometry. There seems to be rather too much license given to the imaginative faculty of the human mind ; and while the origin of almost all investiga- tions of this nature is to be sought in the impetus given to the non-Euclidian geometry by the deep-searching criticism of Riemann's inaugural dissertation on the foundations of geome- try,* — where, it may be said, he formulated questions without giving final answers to some of them, — the new systems devised hardly ever carry conviction with them, and it may be stated as a certainty, that many of them would not stand a scrutiniz- ing criticism and would have to be relegated to the realm of fancy rather than be classed with such an exact science as mathematics. To quote an instance, the elliptic space, i. e., one of positive curvature with two geodesies meeting only in one point, described by Klein, Lindemann f and Killing, | is one of such systems. Beltrami in his "Teoria fondamentale degli spazii di curvatura costante '^ § makes the express statement that any two geodesies in a space of positive curvature meet in two antipodal points, through which a whole pencil of (an *"Ueber die Hypothesen, welche der Geometrie zu Grunde liegen," Math. Werke, pp. 254-269. It was not intended for publication by the author in the form it appeared after his death in the Gottinger Abhand- lungen. See "Nioht-Euklid.," I, p. 206 ; Lie, " Transformationsgruppen, " III, pp. 485-486. t Clebsoh, Vorlesungen iiber Geometrie, t. II. X Crelle, t. 86, p. 72. \AnnnH di Matematica, ser. 2, II, 1868 (The French translation of this work of Beltrami and also of his famous *'Saggio," by Hoiiel, appeared in the Jour, de VEcole Normale, t. VI). infinity of) similar geodesies must pass ; and to this statement Klein takes exception in his " Nicht-Euklid. Geometric," pp. 240-242 and in other places of the same work, and in the Math, Ann., t. 6, p. 125 and t. 37, p. 554 et seq. Another instance is the spiral space-form, in which a rotation of a rigid body is accompanied by an increase or decrease in its volume, so that by a continuous rotation about a fixed point, any arbitrarily chosen body can be made to enclose any given point of space, and by an inverse rotation the body can be made to shrink down to an arbitrarily small portion of space around the fixed point. (Killing, " Ueber die Grundlagen der Geometric," Crelle's Jour., t. 109, 1891, pp. 185-266). There are, however, other mathematicians, who, — agreeing in the main that the foundations of geometry have thus far not been laid down with any degree of certitude and that they are, therefore, open to considerable differences of opinion, — think, nevertheless, that there ought to be some objective truth con- cerning the nature of these foundations, and that it is not at all unlikely that some day a satisfactory body of axioms and pos- tulates may be found, which will prove undebatable. The question is only in finding the minimum of simple truths, de- rived from experience as an original source and formulated by abstraction into a body of definitions and propositions which, — on account of their incontestable efficiency as a basis for geometry, on the one hand, and by their unquestionable real- ity, on the other, as well as by their being irreducible to a smaller number with equal efficiency, — should carry conviction into the mind of the mathematician, whose taste is especially fastidious in this relation, and should satisfy him that the basis is a unified whole, without leaks, and that it is capable of stand- ing the test of a scientific scepticism (of course, not a meta- physical scepticism putting questions of the nature of whether space and time or even matter and mind, the ego, the universe, and so on, have any reality, objective or subjective, phenomenal or noumenal, etc.). Among these mathematicians is especially to be mentioned Sophus Lie, who, it seems, has contributed more than any contemporary mathematician to sound views in this matter, by treating the so-called Riemann-Helmholtz prob- lem in a masterly way, which won for him the Lobatchevski Prize in 1897. So Lie says in his " Transformationsgruppen," Vol. Ill, p. 398, " We wish, however, to express the opinion, 6 which is a conviction with us (wollen wir doch als unsere Ueber- zeugung die Auffassung aussprechen), that it is in no wise im- possible to establish a system of geometrical axioms which at once shall be sufficient and shall contain nothing superfluous. It is distressingly certain, however, that there are very few investiga- tions which have actually furthered the problem as to the foun- dations of geometry." In another place in the same work (p. 536) he says : " Ge- ometry in its different stages ought, as much as possible, to be founded on a purely geometrical basis ; this is a demand with which everybody undoubtedly will agree. " For the first stage of geometry are necessary, in the first place, certain fundamental conceptions, like space, curve, point, and surface ; second come certain axioms concerning, for in- stance, the properties of the right line, the existence of a sphere, and so on. Every new conceivable stage is characterized by the introduction of new axioms, — one stage, for instance, by the axiom of parallels, another by the Cantor-axiom." — In my own work, this last axiom, i. e., that the straight line is a number- manifold, will be proved to be one of the fundamental properties of the straight line, from which its construction and all its other properties are obtained. — " Upon this axiom it is possible to establish rationally the conceptions of area, length of arc, etc., while Euclid virtually needs a separate axiom in each case. " The great question is now, what axioms in each stage are not only sufficient but also necessary, in other words, are in- dispensable. In the answer to this question the whole problem of the foundations of geometry would find its solution. And then further (p. 537) Lie sketches a programme for the mathematician who would undertake to establish the necessary axioms, which perhaps might prove fewer in number than those which Lie assumed provisionally for the purpose of solving the Riemann-Helmholtz problem. — " First one would have to estab- lish certain fundamental conceptions, like space, point, curve, surface, and also the conception of motion. . . . " As a first axiom one would have to establish the following : If a point P is fixed, every other point can still describe a sur- face which does not pass through the point F. In this may be found the reason that two points in all rigid motions (Bewegun- gen) remain separated." [These two conceptions are certainly also connected in my treatment (see pp. 63-64, definition of distance and the proof following of the existence of a sphere), except that the second is coming first, as the simplest one, and following at once from the conception of rigidity.] " As a second axiom it would be necessary to assume that, — When two points P^ and P^ are fixed, there are still an infinity of other points which remain fixed simultaneously, and these points form one and only one line passing through Pj and Pg." — I think Lie would certainly not object to a proof of this prop- osition, which at once makes space a number-manifold and, thus, supplies also the Cantor-axiom. He says that these prop- ositions are not yet sufficient for the first stage of geometry. Now, I think, that by means of only one additional axiom (viz, axiom 1, p. 63), which, according to my mind, happens to coincide with Lie's fundamental notion of a continuous group of displacements, I have succeeded in establishing all that is necessary for the first stage together with the most important postulate of the second stage, namely, the postulate of parallels, — in a sense, however, that does not exclude the spherical and pseudospherical geometries, proving only the necessity of a plane geometry in the Euclidian sense. Lie himself treated this subject from the point of view of continuous group-transformations. Starting with the Riemann- Helmholtz postulate that space is a manifold of three dimen- sions, in which the position of the single element, the point, is determined by three coordinates, and adding a few very simple postulates, characterizing the group of continuous motions of rigid bodies (i, e., transformations in which every two points have one essential invariant), he showed that there remains only the possibility of the Euclidian and the two non-Eucli- dian systems of motions.* The latter two are such as leave invariant respectively the imaginary surface x? -f- icl + icf -f 1 = (Eiemannian group), or the real surface xl -{- xl -}- x^ -- 1 = (Lobatchevski group of motions). The group of Eucli- dian motions together with the group of transformations by similar figures are characterized by their leaving invariant the absolute, x' + f + z'^O, <=0.t * Transformationsgruppen, III, pp. 464-479. The whole of the fifth chapter is devoted to the Riemann-Helmholtz problem. See also Leipziger Benchte, 1890, pp. 356-418, 284-321, and 1892, pp. 297-305. t TransformatioDsgruppen, III, p. 218. 8 The following are the axioms * which Lie considers suffi- cient for his investigation : I. Space is a number-manifold of three dimensions, R^, II. The displacements or motions of B^ form a real continu- ous group of point-transformations. III. If any real point of general position, 3/ J, y^, 3/3, is held fixed, all the real points x^^ x^y x^ into which another real point tcj, xlf xl can be moved, satisfy an equation with real coeffi- cients, of the form ^{Vv 2/2? Vs » ^V ^2> ^3 J ^V ^2' ^3) ~ ^f which is not fulfilled for 0;^ = ^J, X2 = yl, x^ = 1/3, and which, in general, represents a real surface passing through x^, x^^ xl. (A synthetic proof of this proposition is given in Theorem 1, p. 64, of my Dissertation.) IV. About the point 2/J, yl, yl a finite triply-extended region may be so bounded that, after fixing the point y^, y\^ yl, every other real point x\j x\, xl of the region can still pass by con- tinuous motion into the position of every other real point of the region which satisfies the equation, TF= 0, and which is joined to the point y\y yl, yl by an irreducible continuous series of points. (This proposition is also proved in the theorem referred to above.) In the Leipziger Berichte, 1890, pp. 357-358, he character- izes the axioms necessary and sufficient to define the Euclidian and the two kinds of non-Euclidian motions in a somewhat different way, which, however, amounts to the same thing. The analytical formulae are interesting, and I repeat them here. The assumptions are : — An infinite aggregate of real transformations of the points ol JR3 (xy y, z) is given by the equations : — ^1 =/(^> y> h «!> «2? • • •)> Vi = *(^? y^ h ^v ^v ' ' ')> z^^y\r{x,y,z,a^,a,^, . . .). These equations have to satisfy the following conditions : A. The functions /, , -^ are analytical functions of the co- ordinates X, y, z and of the parameters a^, a^, a^, ■ • • * J64U, pp. 506-507. B. Any two points x^^ y^, z, ; x^^ y^, z^ have one essential invariant under all transformations of the group, of the form ^{^v Vv \ ^ ^2^ Vv h) = const. Hence, ^(^v Vv h > ^21 2/2? ^2) = ^«y y'v < y ^'v Vv ^2% where x[j y[, z[ ; x'^, y'^, z'^ are the new positions of the original pair of points x^, y^, z^ ; x^, y^, z^, which these obtain in virtue of any transformation of the group. C. The group is transitive, i. e., any point of the -R3 can be transformed into any other point. If, however, one point x^, y^y z^ is iixed, every other point x.^, y^, z^ can assume 00^ different positions, which are defined by the equation : ^(^1, yv h ; ^v Vv = ^{^v Vv ^i y ^v Vi^ ^2)' If two points x^f y^y z^ and x^y y^y z^ are fixed, any third point of general position, x^y 3/3, z^y can assume 00^ different positions SC3, y'^y z'^ defined by the equations : ^ (^1? Vv ^i > ^3^ 2/3J h) = ^ (^v Vv h y ^v Vv ^3) ^ (^2> Vv \ ; %y y'v ^D = ^ (^2> yt> ^ > ^3> 2/3^ ^3)- [The point x^y y^y z.^ must be of general position, in order to be able to assume oo^ different positions, since there exists a singly- infinite number of points defined by the last two equations II, such that x'^y 2/3, z[^ = x^y y^y Z3, namely the 00^ points collinear with x^y y^y z^ ; x^, y^y z^.] ^ If three points x,^y y^y 2, ; x^y y^, z^ ; x^y 3/3, z^ are fixed, all points of space remain fixed, and three similar equations will be satisfied only for x'^ — x^y y'^ — y^y z\ The interpretation of the results obtained by Lie with regard to the possibility of the two groups of non-Euclidian motions, according to my mind, represents still an unsolved mathemat- ical problem, alongside with the interpretation of similar re- sults obtained by him for n-dimensional manifolds. A concrete interpretation of these must be found in our empirical space, for which the Euclidian axioms hold, in order to appreciate their full geometrical significance. 10 Not considering myself competent at present to undertake even a partial solution of the problem, I wish, however, to indicate that for two-dimensional manifolds an interpretation seems to be near at hand, not at all in conflict with our Euclidian con- ceptions of space. The non-Euclidian groups of transforma- tions, assuming an invariant between two elements, only of the most general kind, and presenting projective relations to certain special forms of the fundamental quadric, must repre- sent the real metric relations of our space, as imaged by pro- jection upon certain surfaces of the second degree. In such a projective image the anharmonic ratio of four points, or some function of it, will remain unaltered, which will have to be taken for a definition of distance or angle in these transformed metrics; so that these metrics will coincide with the generalized Cayleyan metrics, developed by Klein. For an interpretation of this nature, we may refer to Poincar^'s paper on the founda- tions of geometry in the Bull, de la Soc. Math, de France, t. 16, Nov., 1887. Another interpretation for these groups has been found in the metrics upon surfaces of positive and negative curvature, when the straight lines are replaced by geodesies on these surfaces, — an interpretation which has been fully justi- fied by the works of Beltrami, to which reference will be made later. Klein, in his " Nicht-Euklid. Geometric,'^ has shown, it seems to me, conclusively (although he intended his procedure to illustrate and to show in a concrete manner the possibility of the plane having elliptic or hyperbolic metrics) that what he calls an elliptic plane is actually the central projection upon a Euclidian plane of the metrics upon a sphere,* and what he calls the hyperbolic plane is the orthographic projection of a system of metrics upon a sphere touching the plane, in which the straight lines are represented by circles orthogonal to the equator of the sphere which is parallel to the plane. At any rate, this also shows that by certain processes of projection and by making certain conventions as to the meaning of " distance " and "angle,'' we may be able to account for the two non- Euclidian groups of motions, as well as for the non-Euclidian metrics deduced by Klein from the Cayleyan metrics. The non-Euclidian groups of displacements for three dimensions, * The radius of the sphere is taken to be = 2k, and ± l/4fc2 is the measure of curvature of the elliptic or hyperbolic plane, resp. See " Nicht- Euklid.," pp. 94-97 and pp. 220-237. 11 however, as well as the Euclidian and the non-Euclidian groups of displacements for manifolds of a higher number of dimensions than three, which Lie derives from postulates simi- lar to those he assumed for R^, still need an interpretation, and this interpretation seems to lie in the change of element from a point to a figure depending upon any number of parameters, which is Pliicker's idea of making our space n-dimensional. (To this I shall yet have occasion to refer later.) Another eminent thinker on the subject who, in the main, holds the same opinions and who has written some expositions of the ideas of Lie and of his own views on the subject, is the illus- trious French mathematician Poincar6. The first publication of his on this subject is the paper in the Bull, de la Soc. Math, de France^ quoted above ; then papers of his on the same subject appeared in the Revue Generale des Sciences Pures et Appliquies, t. Ill, 1892, and in the Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale. Another paper, in which he further develops and complements his views in the previous papers, appeared in the Monist, Vol. IX, 1898, translated into English by McCormack. I quote extensively from this paper, as I find in it so many points of agreement with some of my own views — to which I have ar- rived independently — about the relation of experience and pure reasoning to the formation of our geometrical notions, also in relation to the number of dimensions of space, and other points. He begins thus : " Our sensations cannot give us the notion of space. That notion is built up by the mind from elements preexisting in it, and external experience is simply the occa- sion for its exercising this power ....'' He maintains further that variations in our sensations give rise to our notions of space. We observe two kinds of changes in our impressions, which we thus separate into two classes : 1) External changes, independent of our will, and 2) Internal changes, accompanied by voluntary muscular exertions. The external changes again fall into two subdivisions : 1) Displacements y capable of being corrected by an internal change, and 2) Altei-ationSy or physical changes not having this property. Only Displacements are the Object of Geanieiry. An identical displacement can be repeated a number of times. Hence the introduction of number. 12 The ensemble or aggregate of displacements form a group, since the combination of any number of these is one of the aggregate. The notion of group could not be formed by a priori reas- oning, but by experience together with reasoning. We ah- stract from the concrete alterations which may accompany dis- placements, so that geometry is safe from all revision. "When experience teaches us that a certain phenomenon does not correspond to the laws of the group, we strike it from the list of displacements. When it obeys these laws only ap- proximately, we consider the change by an artificial convention as the resultant of two compound changes. One is regarded as a displacement, rigorously satisfying the laws of the group, while the second is regarded as a qualitative alteration. Thus we say that solids undergo not only great changes of position, but also small thermal alterations.'^ (Compare with this Pos- tulate 1 and Scholium to Definition 8 in my Dissertation.) " The fact that the displacements form a group contains in a germ a host of important consequences. Space must be homo- geneous ; that is, all points are capable of playing the same part . . . "Being homogeneous, it will be unlimited, for a category that is limited cannot be homogeneous, seeing that the boun- daries cannot play the same part as the center. But this does not say that it is infinite, for a sphere is an unlimited surface, and yet it is finite." [To this reasoning I should object, for I should ask : Is not a sphere a bounded body, and therefore non-homogeneous in the third dimension ? If space were finite, it would not be homogeneous in some dimension ; but as all dimensions belong to space, it would be non-homogeneous in some of its own dimensions ; hence, we could not say without limitation that any two displacements form a new displacement. In my proof of the infinite extent of the straight line, I do not, however, assume the infinity of space. I only postulate that " each point is capable of playing the same part as any other,'' which is postulated by Poincar6 also, as being involved in the notion of the group. Hence, from any point we can de- scribe a sphere with a distance actually given by a previous construction, if it is possible to do it for one point and for one given distance. (See Theorem 2, p. 67.)] 13 After postulating continuity for the group of displacements, and defining what is meant by subgroups, isomorphism, inva- riant subgroups, etc., into which I cannot go in detail without transcribing the paper as a whole, Poincare goes on to say that by experience combined with abstraction we arrive at the notion of a rotative subgroup^ or the ensemble of displacements which conserve a certain system of sensations. Then he says : " By new experiences, always very crude, it is then shown : "1. That any two rotative subgroups have common dis- placements. " 2. That these common displacements, all interchangeable among one another, form a sheaf, which may be called a rotative sheaf (rotations about a fixed axis). "3. That any rotative sheaf forms part not only of two rotative subgroups but of an infinity of them. There is the origin of the notion of the straight line, as the rotative sub- group was the origin of the notion of the point." [In these few sentences one may discover a somewhat crude empirical statement of the facts of which I availed myself in constructing the straight line in Theorem 2 (see pp. 67-83).] He then goes on to say that the existence of an invariant stib- groupj namely, the subgroup of translations, in which all dis- placements are interchangeable, is the only fact " that determines our choice in favor of the geometry of Euclid, as against that of Lobatchevshiy because the group that corresponds to the geometry of Lobatchevski does not contain such an invariant subgroup.'^ When he comes to the discussion of dimensions, Poincar^ points out the distinction, from the point of view of the theory of groups, between the order k and the degree n of a group, and states that the order k is the more important characteristic of a group. So that two groups can be isomorphic (i. e., their opera- tions obey the same laws of combination and hence have the same number of subgroups etc.), and still be of different de- gree, provided their order k is the same. In continuous groups, in general, and in the group of displacements, in particular, the object of operations ''is the ensemble of a certain number n of quantities susceptible of being varied in a continuous manner, which quantities are called coordinates." — " Then, every infini- tesimal operation of the group can be decomposed into k other operations belonging to k given sheaves. The number n of the coordinates (or of the dimensions) is then the degree, and the 14 number h of the components of an infinitesimal operation is the order J ^ — " The degree is an element relatively material and sec- ondary, and the order a formal element/' — The study of the group is mainly the study of its formal properties. The order k corresponds to the number of essential parameters of a group of transformations. — " The group of displacements is of the sixth order." — The order k in case of R^ is 6, since B^ can have 00^ displacements. — As to the degree n, it depends upon the choice of the element. If we choose the different transformations of a rotative sub- group, we get a triple infinity of elements. " The degree of the group is three. We have chosen the point as the element of space and given to space three dimensions. '* Choosing the different transformations of a helicoidal sub- group, we obtain a quadruple infinity of elements. We have chosen the straight line as the element of space, — which gives to space four dimensions. " Suppose, finally, that we choose the different transformations of a rotative sheaf. The degree would then be five. We have chosen as the element of space the figure formed by a straight line and a point on that straight line. Space would have five dimensions. "The introduction of a group more or less complicated, ap- pears to be absolutely necessary. Every purely statical theory of the number of dimensions will give rise to many difficulties, and it will always be necessary to fall back upon a dynamical theory." [I wish to observe here that the deduction of the number of dimensions in my Dissertation is based upon kinematical prin- ciples.] " When I pronounce the word ^ length/ a word which we frequently do not think necessary to define, I implicitly assume that the figure formed by two points is not always superposable upon that which is formed by two other points ; for, otherwise, any two lengths whatever would be equal to each other. Now, this is an important property of our group. "I implicitly enunciate a similar hypothesis when I pronounce the word * angle.' " I have still to quote his ideas concerning contradictions in geometry, as I think they are of cardinal importance. Here is what he says : 15 " In following up all the consequences of the different geometrical axioms are we never led to contradictions ? . . . The axioms are conventions. Is it certain that all these con- ventions are compatible? " These conventions, it is true, have all been suggested to us by experience, but by crude experience. We discover that certain laws are approximately verified, and we decompose the observed phenomenon conventionally into two others : a purely geometrical phenomenon, which exactly obeys these laws ; and a very minute disturbing phenomenon. "Is it certain that this decomposition is always permissible ? It is certain that these laws are approximately compatible, for experience shows that they are all approximately realized at one and the same time in nature. But is it certain that they would be compatible if they were absolutely rigorous ? " Fo7' us the question is no longer doubtful. Analytical geom- etry has been securely established, and all the axioms have been introduced into the equations which serve u^ as its point of depar- ture; we could not have written these equations if the axioms Jiad been contradictory. Now that the equations are written, they can be combined in all possible manners ; analysis is the guarantee that contradictions shall not be introduced.'^ We see thus that both Lie and Poincar^ are of the opinion, that the question about the foundations of geometry represents a more concrete and, therefore, more easily manageable prob- lem than Klein and Killing and some others are willing to grant. Neither of the former mathematicians allows an infin- ity of contradictory geometries, and Poincar^ even gives some reasons for our choice in favor of the Euclidian geometry. He thinks only that this is solely due to the mode of experience we have of space, and when he speaks of hypothetical beings, whose experience might have led them to a predilection for the geometry of Lobatchevski, he certainly is right, in the sense that our geometrical notions, siich as they are, are not altogether independent of the mode of experience we have, and the nature of the universe we live in. In Poincar^'s own words : " It is our mind that furnishes a category for nature. But this category is not a bed of Procrustes into which we viole^Uly force nature, mutilating her as our needs require. We offer to 16 nature a choice of beds, among which we choose the couch best suited to her stature/' Now, this view of the matter is certainly more encouraging to the one who would venture to find, by methods more ele- mentary and, consequently, more legitimate for the given pur- pose than those based upon the laws of continuous groups, ex- actly which couch is the most suitable for nature's stature, and even under what conditions the other couches may become just as suitable. Let us now turn to Riemann, whose paper on the founda- tions of geometry seems to have been the occasion (apparently unintended by the author),* of many a misconception sanc- tioned by his name. Riemann himself, as well as can be gath- ered from the fact that he tried to find the laws of free mobility in manifolds of n dimensions, considering space as a special CQjSe of such manifolds, where n=: S, seems to have been of the opinion that geometry, as a science of space and spacial magni- tudes alone, must be one and only one, although he did not de- cide in favor of any of the three possible systems. He thought, at any rate, that the discovery of the truth concerning the natwe of the geometry of our space repr^esents a concrete and not unsolv- ahle scientific p)rohlem. He stated expressly that the solution of this problem was not to be found in investigations of such a general character as was his own about manifolds in general — a thing which his followers have not always heeded sufficiently — since space was for him a manifold of special character, whose science alone he called geometry, as distinguished from the science of the general laws of manifolds, which, accord- ing to him, belongs to analysis and the theory of functions. So he says on p. 258 of his " Math. Werke " : " These magni- tudinal relations " (of multiply-extended manifolds in general) " admit of investigation only in terms of abstract quantity, their natural connection being representable by formulce ; under certain assumptions they can, however, be decomposed into relations, which, taken separately, are capable of geometrical represeittation, and through this it becomes possible to express geometrically the * See above, note to p. 4. 17 remit of the, calculation. So that, although an abstract investi- gation, by means of formulae, remains unavoidable, it will still be possible to invest its final results in geometrical attire." And on page 256 he says, " More frequent occasions for cre- ating and developing these conceptions (of multiply-extended manifolds) we find only in the higher mathematics." His own investigation he considered useful only in so much as it threw light upon the extent and nature of the implicit a«- sumptions of geometry and upon the many questions of measure- ment in the wider region of multiply-extended manifolds, upon which these assumptions touch, and which, apparently, have escaped the attention of his predecessors. He says on p. 268 : " Such investigations which, like the one here carried through, start from general conceptions, can serve only the end that this work (the investigation of the real facts underlying our notions of space and of its magnitudinal relations) shall not be hampered by too narrow conceptions, and that the progress of discovery of the connection of things should not be impeded by the burden of inherited prejudice." — He looked, however, for the solution of this problem in the wrong direction, when he thought that some physical hypothesis which may in time prove necessary, to account for certain, as yet unexplained, physical phenomena in the realm of the infinitely small, might also throw some light upon the true nature of geometry. He cer- tainly erred in respect of this physical hypothesis of the geo- metrical properties of our space.* They could lead to no better results than astronomical observations upon the stellar paral- laxes, instituted with the purpose of finding some testimony in the immensely large triangles concerning the amount by which the sum of the three angles of a triangle is less than two right angles, — as is very evident from the truly philosophical treat- ment of this subject by Poincar^. But be this as it may, the fact still remains that Riemann, in the first place, regarded space as an unbounded manifold of three dimensions, and spoke of it as being an empirical certainty greater than any other we have, and, secondly, thought that the problem as to the admissi- bility of the propositions of the Euclidian geometry beyond the *'*It must be, therefore, either that the realities which lie at the basis of space form a discrete manifold, or that the fonndation of its magnitudinal relations ought to be looked for outside, in the binding forces working upon it." (p. 268). 18 bounds of observation was still an unsolved, but not unsolvahlcy scientifixi problem. Some of the results arrived at by Riemann are : 1. The simplest form of the linear element in any n-fold- extended manifold admitting of measurement, is ds = V^OL^jdx.dXj^, where the a's are continuous functions of the ic's ; of these, n func- tions can be taken arbitrarily, and n{n — l)/2 are fixed by the nature of the manifold. In space, for instance, even if it were curved, three of the a's could be taken = 0, each, and the rest would have to take their chances, which would depend upon the nature of the curvature. At this stage of his investigation, Riemann seems to assume that space and the plane are flat manifolds, so that their linear elements can be brought to the form of V^dx^ (see p. 200, Werke). It would seem, therefore, that when later he speaks of the possibility of space-curvature, and of a physical investigation in the realm of the infinitely small, he means rather that, since he does not see any logical, a 'priori necessity of the necessary and sufficient assumptions of the Euclidian geometry, which he establishes iu § 1 of Art. Ill, p. 205, he hopes to find an explanation of their necessity in physics, as he does not hope to find light on this subject in geometry proper, her realm being only the finite. 2. In an n-manifold we can construct at each point oc"~^ geodesies ; then a surface-element is determined by any two of these given by their linear elements, when these are prolonged until they become finite geodesies. In other words, as Klein puts it in his " Nicht-Euklid. Geom.,^' p. 211, we have to con sider the collectivity of geodesies whose linear elements ds.= \'d's.^ \"d"s., or such whose initial directions are in the same linear manifold with the two given ones. Each of the surfaces thus obtained will have its own initial Gaussian curvature, which Riemann defines as the curvature of the n-manifold at the given point in the given surface-direction. 3. A manifold of constant curvature is such as has the Gauss- ian curvature in its surface-element the same at all points and in all surface-directions. But the nature of the manifold at a 19 point will be completely determined as soon as the surface-cur- vature is given in 7i(n — l)/2 surface-directions. 4. Only a manifold of constant curvature allows free mobility of figures, and if the Gaussian curvature be denoted by ot, the linear element of such a manifold can be reduced to the form of V^dx'. 5. All metrical relations of the manifold depend upon the value of the curvature. The number of ways in which an n-manifold can move in itself without deformation is n{n H- 1) _ 2 _ K^ ~ ^) _ number of coordinates minus number of distances between n points. Rieraann then gives three possible forms of the conditions necessary and sufficient to determine the measure-relations of space, as distinguished from all other three-dimensional mani- folds admitting of measurements and flat in their smallest parts, i. e.y such whose line-length is independent of position and in which the linear element is expressible as the square root of a positive differential expression of the second degree. 1°. The Gaussian curvature in three surface-directions is zero at each point ; or, otherwise, the metric relations of space are completely determined, if the sum of the three angles of a tri- angle is always equal to two right angles. 2°. Besides the independence of line-length from position, we may assume with Euclid the existence of rigid bodies, inde- pendent of position, — which is equivalent to postulating constant curvature. The sum of the three angles in all triangles is then determined, when it is known in one triangle. 3°. We may assume not only the independence of line- length from position, but also the independence of length and direction of lines from position. Each of these three alternatives adds something to the prop- erties of a manifold, flat in its smallest portions. The first and last lead at once to the Euclidian geometry ; the middle one allows the possibility of all three different geometries, 20 according as the sum of the angles of a triangle is greater than, equal to, or less than, two right angles.* Now, then, the position and the opinions of this second cate- gory of mathematicians (E-iemann, Lie, and Poincare), and especially those of Lie, seem to indicate that the task of estab- lishing an efficient system of axioms is not perfectly hopeless. And if the reader admit with Lie that but few investigations ,have materially furthered the problem concerning the founda- tions of geometry, he may find it of interest to read through the present memoir, even if its purpose is disclosed at the very beginning to be — the establishment of such a system and the restoration of a goodly part of the old prestige to the origin and foundations of the geometrical science. It may not be amiss here, in this connection, to remind the generously disposed and impartial reader that this problem, besides its philosophic interest, is also of importance from a purely mathematical point of view. The fact which will sub- stantiate my statement is, indeed, very well known to mathe- maticians who have familiarized themselves, at least superficially, with the non-Euclidian geometry, although little stress is put upon its bearings by those mathematical writers on the subject, who, having satisfied themselves that Avithin the bounds of our limited experience the Euclidian geometry holds, concluded that beyond these limits actual deviations of the metrical rela- tions of space may take place, of which we are not bound to take heed in our analytical geometry, as long as we intend to avail ourselves of its results in actual practice only. Already the earliest non-Euclidians, and among them the two great founders of the hyperbolic geometry, Lobatchevski and Bolyai, have made it clear that the theory of proportion and similar figures is based upon the parabolic system of measurement, and that it has no meaning when the Euclidian postulate of paral- lels does not hold. In fact, they have both given formulae for the solution of rectilinear triangles, perfectly analogous to those of the spherical trigonometry, f Further, Bolyai has shown *See Lie, "Transformationsgruppen," Vol. Ill, p. 497, where he finds this paragraph in Kiemann's paper (§ 1 of art. Ill) not clear. fSee Lobatchevski, "Theory of Parallels," translated by Halstead, pp. 35-45. Also, " Urkunden zur Geschichte der Nioht-Euklid. Geom." F. Engel, pp. 216-235. 21 that, by assuming the hyperbolic geometry to be true, the prob- lem of the squaring of the circle presents no difficulty.* It is, therefore, evident that the establishment of the Euclidian geometry on a basis more rational than mere empiricism even if very accurate, still remains a desideratum. It will, however, become incumbent upon me to explain my own point of view in this matter, and give in outline the re- sults at which I have arrived, and also to throw some light upon the methods pursued in this dissertation, as well as to present the reasons which, according to the best of my judg- ment, can be assigned to the final success with which these methods have been rewarded. To give my own views upon the r6le of experience and reason in the formation of our geometrical conceptions would, I think, only be a repetition of what is stated more or less explicitly in my introductory chapter on dimensions, as well as a repetition of many excellent remarks of Poincar^ in his paper in the Monist, which I have allowed myself to quote so extensively. In a few words these views may, however, be summarized thus : — As in all pure sciences, our fundamental conceptions in geometry are formed by experience helped on by pure reasoning^ which abstracts from certain unessential irregularities in the rough data of experience, by reducing certain general norms to ideal forms, not admitting of exception. The exceptions, indeed, are purposely eliminated by ascribing to them some other causes, which are not the subject of the given investigation. So, for instance, in mechanics, the fact that no body in actual experi- ence, possessing a certain momentum, can go on and move for- ever, does not bother the physicist, who postulates the first law of Newton, and ascribes the stopping of the body or the retar- dation of its motion to external causes, like frictional resistance, etc. Similarly, if ideal solids are postulated in geometry, the deformation which natural solids undergo in motion is ascribed to physical causes, and not to properties of space.! Further, I think that we cannot start simply with an axiom — that space is a number-manifold, i. e., each point in it can *See " Science Absolute of Space " by John Bolyai, Halstead's transla- tion, p. 47. t See postulate 1, Definition 6, and Scholium to Definition 8, of the intro- ductory chapter of my Dissertation (pp. 40, 41). 22 be determined by three coordinates, or three numbers which can be made to vary continuously. I think rather that space ought to be proved capable of being made a number-manifold, and the best starting point in this direction is, according to my opinion, to be found in the simple physical facts of impenetra- bility, rigidity, and divisibility of bodies, each in geometry be- ing idealized. The bulk of a given portion of space, bounded on all sides, can certainly be represented by a number, showing how many times it will contain a smaller bulk of definite shape. By considering the smaller bulk as rigid, or such in which internal motion or rearrangement of parts is excluded, and making this smaller bulk take up all possible positions within the larger bounded portion of space, we observe that no matter whence it he placed within the larger one, it always occupies or Jills up the same numerical portion of the larger bulk. The num- ber of other bulks like the smaller, necessary to fill up the larger completely, besides the smaller one itself, or the num- ber of places the smaller can be made to occupy within the larger, such that no two have any portion in common, is always the same. And this is true also when the smaller bulk is broken up into infinitely small portions, free to change position with respect to one another, but still capable of filling up com- pletely the same space ; or, in other words, when the smaller bulk is allowed to change its form in all possible ways, so as to retain only impenetrability. Equal bulks are then measured by equal spaces of same shape, which they are capable of filling.* We postulate that this be true for any bounded space and for any small bulk which is placed in the larger one, in any position, — that there should always be the same numerical re- lation between the smaller and the larger bulk as soon as these are given, as a rigid solid, on the one hand, and a bounded vacuum in which the first is to lie in any position, on the other hand. We arrive at the notion of congruent portions within the bounded space, meaning such which the same solid fills up to the exclusion of others, — and by considering, besides, very small portions of the smaller bulk, their number and disposi- tion with respect to one another are seen not to change as long as rigidity of form is postulated for the whole. So that, after * For a complete and rigorous treatment of this question, the reader is referred to the introductory chapter, Scholium to Definition 8, pp. 41-44. Here is possible only a short indication of the procedure. 23 we have worked ourselves up to the notion of surface, line, and point, as done in the introductory chapter, rigidity is seen to imply that no two points, separated in one position of a rigid body, become ever coincident on account of change of position of the solid. And, moreover, the same continuous series of separated points of the solid must be capable of being con- structed between any two given points of the solid in any one of its positions as in any other. But this is only a starting point. We must further make clear to ourselves what we understand when we say that space is a three-dimensional manifold, considering a point as its ele- ment, and whether there is any sense in looking for a fourth dimension, not directly given by experience. It will appear from the treatment of the question in the introductory chapter that the tridimensionality of space is actually postulated by the definition of a point, and that, therefore, to look for a fourth dimension, without changing its element from that which lies at the basis of the metrical geometry of Euclid to some other geometrical object (which is, in fact, a figure in the Euclidian sense, depending upon a certain number of parameters), as is done, for instance, in Pliicker's line-geometry, — is a contradic- tion in terms. Finally, from the same principle of rigidity, the notion of distance as an invariable relation between two points in rigid connection or in fixed space, is easily derived by a defi- nition which makes use of the principle of superposition. Next, continuity must be postulated,* and then we must show how distances can be added and subtracted, and whether there is a line, or a one-dimensional manifold, in space, capable of rep- resenting by the actual distances of its points all possible dis- tances arrived at by addition and subtraction, and whether this can be done in a unique way. It appears, that from this property alone a notion of the straight line can be deduced, which will have all other properties of the straight line, commonly postu- lated for it in the Euclidian geometry ; the construction, more- over, based upon this property, will make it a number-manifold f of infinite extent, such as can in no way be mixed up with a geodesic returning into itself at a finite distance. This, in a * See axiom 1, p. 63. fThe construction makes the straight line a number-manifold in the Cantor-sense, since, as we can construct all possible sums of all possible ra- tional numbers, we can construct the irrational numbers by sequences, in the way it is done by Cantor for pure numbers. Math. Ann.f t. 5, pp. 123-128. 24 certain way, disposes of the so-called elliptic geometry of the straight line. Further, the line so constructed will prove to be both an axis of rotation and an axis of helicoidal motion, or, in Poincar6 and Lie's language, admitting either the transfor- mations of a rotative sheaf, or those of a helicoidal subgroup, ac- cording as one point, at least, upon the line is taken as an in- variant point, or none, at a finite distance, is taken as an inva- riant point — the line being able to slide upon itself, while all points in rigid connection with the line, but outside it, being free only to twist, i. e., to move with a screw-like motion. The notion of distance, as thus defined, is, of course, of a very abstract nature, and does not depend upon the paths which either of two non-coincident points can be made to pass in a given surface from its own position to the position of the second, nor upon any given position of the point-couple in space, but only upon the relative position of the two points themselves. It is simply a fact of experience that a pair of points in a solid are capable of coincidence only mth certain de- terminate couples of points in other solids or vacant space, and this fact of congruence or non-congruence is the only factor determining equality or non-equality of distances. It is only after it has been proved that this geometrical magnitude is representable uniquely and perfectly by some line (a priori, a surface or a volume might perhaps have been found more capable to represent this magnitude, as happens, for instance, with the angular magnitude, which is equally well represented by a portion of a circular arc as by the area of a sector of the circle of radius unity, and as, for instance, the solid angle, considered as a geometrical magnitude, may be measured equally by the area of a spherical surface of radius unity whose center is the vertex of the angle, or by the corresponding spherical sector ; so that it is only an accident, having, of course, its rea- sons in the nature of things a posteriori, that distance as a geometrical magnitude has for its representation a line), it is only after this fact has been established, that any curve can be broken up into linear elements ds, each of which is comparable with the elements of three given straight lines dx, dy, dz, and can be expressed in terms of these. So that any complicated expression for a linear element of some curve in space, in terms of dx, dy, dzy say, ds —f(dx, dy, dz), must necessarily be based, in the first instance, upon a certain relation, which could be 25 considered the simplest and which would be formed exactly in the same way as a finite distance is expressed in terms of three other finite distances, which must be taken as parameters in the case of tridimensional space. I wish here to call attention to the fact that the deduction of the existence of the straight line in space, not as a line in the plane, as far as I am aware, seems never to have constituted a serious problem with mathematicians. This is, perhaps, the only reason why the straight line has always been regarded as a geodesic which is determined by two points in the surface to which it belongs, i. e., as a geodesic in some plane. The plane is postulated or constructed before the straight line, and angles and triangles and circles are regarded not only as plane figures, that iSy such as can lie in a plane, but also as figures constructed in a plane. The distinction, according to my mind, is not at all trivial, since the existence of a plane can be proved with perfect rigor only after a number of theorems concerning angles, triangles, and circles, have been established for these figures in space. Then only, according to my opinion, we ought to prove that these simple figures, as well as the straight line, are plane figures. The plane, as constructed from a certain origin, must then he shown to he capahle of moving upon itself in a triply-infinite num- ber of ways, and also of coincidence with itself when its two sides are interchanged. The first will establish the legitimacy of what is called in analytic geometry change of origin and change of axes ; the second, a revolution of the plane through an angle TT, which appears in the theory of groups to need special sub- groups of displacements. (See Lie, " Continuierliche Gruppen,^' p. 101. The first kind of displacements form the group of con- gruent figures, the second, the group of symmetrical figures.*) In the Euclidian geometry both processes are invariably used in superposition of figures for demonstrations. In spherical and pseudospherical geometry this is also practised, with the understanding that bending without stretching is postulated. In spherical geometry bending is necessary only for making the inner side of a portion of a spherical surface coincide with the outer side of the same surface, or for the purpose of applying * Group of congruent figures, a?i = a; cos a — y sin a + a, yi = « sin a -{- y cos a + 6 ; group of symmetrical figures, a^i =^ a cos a + y sin a + «i yi = X sin a — y cos (x-\-h. 26 its figures to figures fi^rmed upon other surfaces of equal con- stant curvature ; in case of pseudospherical geometry, i, e., sur- faces of constant negative curvature, no superposition of parts of different regions, even on the same side of the same surface, would be possible without bending. And it was just by ab- stracting from rigidity, in so much as bending without stretch- ing was allowed, that Beltrami, in his "Saggio^^* and in his " Teoria fondamentale,'' was able to prove that Lobatchevski's geometry holds good, in our Euclidian space, upon surfaces of constant negative curvature, which he first named pseudo- spherical surfaces. — " The fundamental criterion of the demon- strations in the elementary (Euclidian) geometry,'' Beltrami begins his investigation in his " Saggio,'' " consists in superpo- sition of figures. The criterion is applicable not only to the plane, but also to all surfaces upon which there can exist equal figures in different positions, that is to say, to all surfaces whose any portion can by means of simple flexion be applied to any other portion of the same surface. We see, in fact, that the rigidity of the surfaces upon which the figures are traced, is not an essential condition for the application of this criterion ; for instance, the exactitude of the plane Euclidian geometry would not become deteriorated, if we should begin by conceiv- ing the figures traced upon the surface of a cylinder or a cone, instead of a plane." Stating then that the surfaces whose figures have a structure independent of position, and hence allowing the principle of superposition without restriction, are those of constant curvature only, he goes on to say : " The most important element of figures is the straight line. The specific characteristic of this line is that it is completely determined by two of its points, so that two straight lines can- not pass through two points in space without their coinciding in all their extent. In 'plane geometry , however y this principle is used only in the following form : " In making coincide two planes, in each of which there is a straight line, it is sufficient that the two lines coincide in two points, in order that they coincide in the whole of their extent, " Now, this propefi^ty the plane has in common with all surfaces of constant curvature, whetx, instead of the straight lines, we take ***Saggiodi interpretazione della geometria non-Euolidea, " Oiomale di Mathematiche, 1868, t. VI (see note above, p. 4). 27 the geodesies, , . ,' If we make coincide two surfaces of constant and equal curvature, so that two of their geodesic lines have two points in common, these lines will coincide in all their extent, " It follows that, excluding the cases where this property is sub- ject to exceptions, the theorems of planimetry whieh are proved by the principle of superposition and the postulate of the straight line for plane figures, are true also for figures formed in an analogous way, upon surfaces of constant curvature, by geodesic lines, " TJpmi this are based the many analogies between the geometry on a plane and that on a sphere, the straight lines corresponding to geodesies, i. e., to arcs of great circles. For a sphere, haW' ever, there exist exceptions, for any two poi7its diametrically op' posite, or antipodal points, do not determine a geodesic without ambiguity, since through such points an infinity of great circles will pass. This is a reason why certain theorefins in plane geom- etry are not true for the sphere, as, for instance, the theorem that two perpendiculars to the same line do not meet,'' Beltrami further makes clear that the basis of investigation in plane geometry is too general, if, as usually done, the only facts lying at this basis are taken to be the principle of superposition and the postulate of the straight line. The results of the demon- strations must exist whenever this principle and this postulate, are true. They must, evidently, be true for surfaces of constant cur- vature, in which the postulate of the straight line holds without exception. Now, the purpose of Beltrami's investigation was precisely to show that this postulate does not admit of exceptions in case of surfoMes of constant negative curvature. And, in his own words, — " If we can prove that such exceptions do not exist for these sur- faces, it becomes evident that the theorems of the non-Euclidian planimetry hold without restriction upon such surfaces. And then certain results which seem incompatible with the hypothesis of a plane, may become corweivable upon such a surface and obtain ther-eby an explanation, not less simple than satisfactory. At the same time the determinations which produce the transition from the non-Euclidian to the Euclidian j^lanimetry, are shown to be identical with those which specify the surfaces of zero curvature in the sanies of surfaces of constant negative curvature," Lobatchevski and Bolyai, who, together with Legendre, were aware of the defects of the Euclidian geometry in respect to all the postulates regarding the straight line and the plane, have 28 both tried to construct them and to deduce their properties from the construction.* But, as it seems to me, they did not succeed in doiTig it with sufficierd rigor ; and, besides, neither of them freed himself from the idea that a plane is given in concep- tion previous to a straight line, and, therefore, they constructed first the plane and then the straight line in it. The straight line, therefore, again has the same properties as a geodesic upon a surface, which will coincide with another geodesic in a similar surface, of same constant curvature, as soon as the two surfaces are superposed so that two congruent pairs of points in the two geodesies are made to coincide. At least, neither of the two mathematicians separated the straight line from the plane suffi- ciently, to come to the clear idea, that figures of straight lines in space can he considered without considering the planes in which they lie. This is one of the reasons why they could not prove the postulate of parallels, which, in fact, distinguishes the plane from all other surfaces of constant curvature. For, it is evident, that since the curvature of a surface is an extrinsic property of the surface, i. e., it is a parameter by varying which we can obtain all surfaces of constant positive and negative curvature, the limit between the two being the plane (of zero curvature)t, — those properties of the geodesies which depend upon any parti ^^ (Le9ons sur les coordin^es curvilignes, pp. 76 and 78). " In our case H— ly H, — R sinh -^, H^ — R sinh -^ sin p, , and for these values, the first system is evidently satisfied ; but the second system is satisfied only for R= oo. Hence the expression (18) cannot belong to the linear element of the ordi- nary Euclidian space, and the formulce founded upon this exp^-es- 36 slon cannot be constructed by means of figures given us by the or- dinary geometry.'^ And, again, in his " Teoria fondamentale degli spazii di cur- vatura costante/' Beltrami says : " Thus all conceptions of the non-Euclidian geometry find a perfect correspondence in the geometry of a space of constant negative curvature. It is only necessary to observe that while the conceptions of the planimetry obtain a true and proper inter- pretatioUy since they can be constructed upon a real surface, those, on the contrary, which refer to three dimensions, are susceptible only of an analytic representation, since the space in which such a representation could be realized is different from that to which we ordinarily give the name of space. At least, it does not seem that experience could be brought into agreement with the results of this more general geometry, unless we suppose R to be infi- nitely great, that is, the curvature of the space to be zero. This circumstance might, of course, also be due only to the smallness of the triangles which we can measure, or to the smallness of the region to which our observations extend them- selves.'^ In his "Teoria fondamentale,^' Beltrami shows, from a general discussion of n-dimensional manifolds, that the linear element in the Riemannian geometry of three dimensions may be taken to be the same as the linear element upon a hypersphere in a space of four dimensions. The equation of the hypersphere, with center at origin, will be fj^u' + v^JrW^^ a\ and hence, da^ = de + du^ -f dv^ + dw" is at once the representation of the linear element upon the hyper- sphere of radius a, and in a Riemannian space of curvature 1 ja^. To obtain the linear element of the three-dimensional space of Lobatchevski, he substitutes ds— — Eda/w, and by elimi- nating 10 he gets (18). The curved Lobatchevskian space, of infinite extent, is then imaged upon the interior of the sphere of Euclidian space, e-^u' + v^^ a\ — the geodesies of that space being represented by chords of the 37 sphere. Every geodesic has two distinct real points at oo, which are imaged upon the representative sphere by the two ends of the corresponding chord, so that the spherical surface itself cor- responds to the locus of all points at oo in the Lobatchevskian space. But since we proved * that to assume a four-dimensional point-space is to commit a logical error, and since Beltrami's results have certainly given a conclusive analytical proof that we could obtain Lobatchevski's geometry for three dimensions, if we could actually construct a curved three-dimensional manifold, contained in a four-dimensional plane manifold, — we may sur- mise that the only way to obtain a concrete and true interpreta- tion of the Lobatchevskian (as well as the Riemannian) stere- ometry is to be found in Pliicker's idea that our space becomes a manifold of a higher number of dimensions, when, instead of the point, we take as its element a figure depending upon n para- meters, making space a manifold of n dimensions. Therefore, it would seem that one of the simplest ways to look for such a concrete interpretation would be to start with line geometry, which makes space an H^ — the next simplest after the point- space, which is an R^ — and seek what in this geometry would be meant by the terms : " distance,'' " angle," ^' linear element," '^curvature," "parallel," "perpendicular," and other metrical terms ; and see whether the results thus arrived at, — by con- sidering in it the special three-dimensional manifolds (com- plexes) possessed of " curvature," (since by excluding the postu- late of parallels, which is now proved for a flat manifold, such as our point- space must undoubtedly be, we actually ob- tain a manifold of constant curvature), — whether these results do agree with those obtained in the Lobatchevskian and Riemannian geometries, respectively. But such an investiga- tion would go far beyond the limits of the present Dissertation. * In the introductory chapter of the Dissertation. ON THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE EUCLIDIAN GEOMETEY. Chapter I. SPACE AND ITS DIMENSIONS. Definition 1. — Geometry is the science which treats of spacdal forms and magnitudes and their mutual relations. Dealing with magnitudes, and with spacial forms only in so far as these are determined by their magnitudinal relations, Geometry is a branch of the general science of quantity — Mathematics, A few introductory remarks are necessary in the way of more accurately specifying the subject of geometry, which I prefer to put in the form of definitions. These definitions, however, will not be only nominal ; most of them prove the actual ex- istence of the objects they define. Definition 2. — Space is that in which all bodies exist. It is the condition sine qua non of material objects. This truth is expressed in physics by the assertion that matter , or the sub- stance of which all bodies consist, has extension, or, in other words, material objects occupy space. Definition 3. — Experience teaches us that matter is also im- penetrable, i. e., that every material object occupies a definite por- tion of space, which is fixed by certain limits or boundaries and tohich cannot at the same time be occupied by any other material object. The portion of space that is for a time exclusively occupied by a certain material object is called the place of that object. For the sake of accurate terminology I propose to call it the geometrical place. Definition 4. — Experience further teaches us that the re- sources of space with regard to its capacity of containing ma- terial objects, or of affording place to the material substance, are absolutely limitless. Thus, notwithstanding the impenetra- bility of material substance, explained above, beside any occu- pied space there is always room enough for the existence of other material objects, and any vacant space is always conceived of only as susceptible of being filled up with matter. Moreover, any material object is conceived of as capable of being divided into 38 39 any number of portions, and these again subdivided into lesser ones, and so on, ad infinitum. In this respect, extended sub- stance and, hence, also space, follow perfectly the nature of ah~ stract quantity, ranging both ways — from the finite to the in- definitely small, on the one hand, and to the indefinitely large, on the other. Definition 5. — The geometrical place of a body, being that portion of space which is occupied by that body to the exclusion oj any other body, lias the same spacialform and dimensions as the body which fills it up. We mean by this, that whatever meas- urements in regard to extension the whole body, or its several parts, may have, the same are attributed to its geometrical place, and whatever arrangement of extended parts makes up the form of the body, the same belongs likewise to the geomet- rical place, and vice versa, — so that in these regards the geomet- rical place may be substituted for the body, and conversely. The geometrical place alone, apart from all other physical prop- erties, or, in fact, apart from the matter filling it up, is dealt with in geometry, — and is regarded by this science : 1°. As a magnitude — that is, not only as something that can be greater or less, the reason for which is given in Definition 4, but as something that can be measured, that is accurately compared, with a view of an exact quantitative determination, with a standard mxxgnitude of the same kind, which is arbi- trarily taken as a unit, and can be repeated any number of times, or divided into a certain number of equal parts, thereby becoming either equal to, or greater, or smaller than the mag- nitude in question ; and 2°. As a form, consisting of a definite arrangement of parts according to some law, which can also be expressed by numbers. Definition 6. — The geometrical place of a body is called a solid in geometry, meaning by it, that it is mentally represented as preserving a fixed form and dimensions. The geometrical solid is a mere ideal abstraction and has nothing to do with phys- ical solidity, from which, however, it is originally derived. Geometry does not, therefore, treat it as impenetrable. It is, indeed, only the impression left by a body in surrounding space conceived of as capable of preserving the impression after the body itself has been removed. As a magnitude or thing to be measured and expressed in numbers, mthout regard to its form or outer appearance, it is called volume. 40 Postulate 1. — The geometrical solid or body may be mentally imagined as moving about in fixed space, or changing its position with respect to other bodies, whether physical or geometricaly without distortion or change of form. The solid is said to pos- sess geometrical rigidity, meaning by it that the disposition of the parts with reject to each other is fixed and unchangeable, or, that there is no internal motion. This idea of geometry is derived from the fact that space is conceived of as affording a mere passive capacity of being filled up with matter, all changes of form being r^erred to the active principle of the material substance py^oper, i. e., to physical causes alone (of. Definition 4). It is also based upon the undoubted fact of universal experience that, in so far as can be ascertained by observation and experiment (measurements — astronomical, physical, and geodesic), no real, or physical, ligid body, moving about in space, has ever been known to undergo any alteration in form or dimensions on account only of change of position in space, without regard to physical causes which, in most cases, have been found quite adequate to account for such alterations. And even if the contrary were the truth in the case of real bodies, the Euclidian geometry would still have nothing to do with such alterations, as it con- siders only ideal rigidity, where change of form or dimensions as depending upon position, is purposely eliminated for the sake of simplicity, and may be left to other branches of the mathematical sciences to consider (Kinematics, for instance, may very properly consider such questions as a special kind of liaisons — constraint — depending upon any number of para- meters, those of position included). But the Euclidian geom- etry considers only the simplest case, even if it were only an idealized abstraction. Definition 7. — A body is said to be equal to another geomet- rically, when their geometrical places can be made to fill each other without remainder of any parts of the one, not filled by corresponding parts of the other. When the geometrical places thus fill each other, we say that the geometrical bodies coincide, — coincidence, as thus defined, being a proof of equality, in- variably resorted to in geometry. When the coincidence can take place only with the change of form resulting from a mere rearrangement of parts, these last preserving separately their respective magnitudes and forms, the bodies are said to be of equal volume, though not equal in form. 41 Definition 8. — One body is said to be r/reater than another, when some of the parts of the one can be made to coincide with all the parts of the other, while there still remain some parts of the first, having no corresponding parts of the second to coincide with. The other body is then called the less. Scholium. — Having firmly established the empirical and rational basis of the notions contained in the previous defini- tions, it may not be amiss to give a more compact and abstract form to the logical process by which they are obtained, which is free from all cavils on the part of those who think that spacial forms and magnitudes may, for all we know, be certain functions of absolute position, which we shall never be able to ascertain or disprove. Starting with the notions of space, matter or ex- tended substance in general, position, and change of position or motion, and with the abstract notion of quantity, we may as- sume, for the sake of abstraction, the existence of a hypothet- ical impenetrable material substance, infinitely divisible, — i. e., possessed of the following properties : — 1 . Impenetrability. — Every determiiiate portion or quantity of this substance occupies or fills up a corresponding portion of space which cannot at the same time be occupied by any other portion of the same substance. Any tioo portions of space thus filled up by the same quantity of the substance at different times , are said to be equal in capacity y and any two portions of the substance tohich can fill up the same portion of space at different times, or dif- ferent portions of space of equal capacity at the same time, are said to be of the same bulk. So that to each bulk, which measures the quantity of the hypothetical substance, there is a correspond- ing capacity of the space which is occupied by it at any moment, to the exclusion of any other portion of the same substance ; to a greater portion of the substance, there corresponds a greater capacity of the space occupied by it, to a double or multiple bulk, a double or equimultiple capacity of the space, and to any part of a given bulk, a corresponding part of the capacity of the space occupied. The generic term for bulk or capacity alike is volume, so that the quantity of the substance (bulk) and the spac£ filled up by it, to the exclusion of any more of the same substance (capacity), are said to be equal in volume. 2. Infinite divisibility. — If a portion of the substance is di- vided into n portions, such that they can fill up spaces of equal capacity each, that portion is said to be divided into n equal parts. 42 The property of infinite divisibility now becomes perfectly com- prehensible, and is possessed, according to hypothesis, both by the hypothetical substance, and by the spa^e giving position to this substance. 3. Form ; rigidity, or plasticity. — If two equal poiiions of the substance {of equal bulk or volume) are made to fill up succes- sively the same fixed portion of space (not merely spaces of equal capacity), then in these two portions of the substance we observe not only equality in bulk of the whole, but also of corresponding parts, filling up in the two cases the same corresponding parts of space ; that is, the two portions of the substance, while each fills up in tmm the space considered, have a similar arrangement of parts that are equal in bulk in the two cases, no mutter in what man- ner the division is made, and however small the parts considered. The two equal portions of the substance, in their successive positions, are, therefore, said to be equal not only in volume, but also in form — equal form thus meaning an equal arrangement of equal parts. When a portion of the substance leaves a certain posi- tion, passing into another position, it may change its form (i. e., the arrangement of parts may change, so that an arrange- ment denoted by a, b, c, • - - k, may now have to be repre- sented by • • • e " • k .../... g ... a • • • h - --, where a, ^j ^j ^j ff 9) hf h ^tc., denote unequal portions). Moreover, even if as a whole it does not change its position, that is, if some one part of it, at least, preserves its old position, the form of the whole may still change, and actually does change, whenever the remaining parts change their relative positions to this fixed part and to each other ; and, provided the space filled up by the whole is still continuous, that is, it is still filled up com- pactly and represents one concrete whole, without interruptions of vacant or unoccupied portions intervening, we say, the space occupied by the whole has not changed its volume, but has changed its form, and so has the substance filling it up. The distinction between two portions of space of equal volume and two portions of both equal volume and equal form is now clear and unambiguous. In fact, we have seen that, when the sub- ' stance as a whole does not leave its original position, i. e., when at least one of its portions preserves its position, a change in form is possible only in virtue of the change of position of the remain- ing parts with respect to the stationary part and with respect to one another, — in other words, change of form is caused by mo- 43 tion of parts of the whole with respect to one another, that is, by internal motion. The same is, therefore, true with respect to a substance which has left its original position entirely, fill- ing now up a portion of space which has not the smallest part in common with the original position. If there has been inter- nal motion or a rearrangement of unequal parts besides, then the substance has also changed its form ; if there has been no internal motion, the original arrangement of parts having been preserved, the substance has only changed its position, but not its form. If a substance resists a change of form, as just de- fined, whether the whole is at rest or in motion, we may say that the parts are held fixed to one another, and we call this state of the substance the rigid state ; the whole substance is then said to form a solid or a rigid body. The portions of space which represent any two successive positions of a solid in motion, are said to be equal to each other, in volume and form, just as two solids that can be made to fill up successively the same space, are themselves said to be equal in volume and form. When two equal solids are made successively to fill up the same space, then, by abstracting from time, that is, disre- garding the fact that the filling up can take place only at dif- ferent moments, we simply say that the two solids are made to fill up the same space, or, they are made to coincide with each other — coincidence being a test of equality in volume and form. If, on the contrary, the substance does not resist a rearrange- ment of parts, these parts are not held rigidly to one another, and change of form is possible without change of volume. Such a portion of the substance is said to possess plasticity. We see now that these notions, though having a firm empir- ical basis, are not absolutely dependent upon the actual con- dition of things. The hypothetical substance, of absolute impene- trability, need not actually exist, but a^ an abstraction, agreeing, in general, with our expet^ence, it may serve as a starting point for the only possible science of measurement of extension ; since the notions based on its assumption are clear and unequivocal, and absolutely necessary to make the investigation of the laws of spacial forms and magnitudes possible. Moreover, we must agree to class all actual phenomena, in so far as they conform to the laws deducible from these notions and from those that follow in this introduction, as geometrical phenomena, that is, such as depend upon the essence of extension only ; and, in so 44 far as they deviate from these laws, they must be explained by physical causes, and any attempt to confuse these two (as very able geometers, like Clifford and others, have done) would only tend to raise a dust of endless discussion, which would never permit us to see the real foundations of geometry. Definition 9.-^ A rigid physical body is said to be sur- rounded by vacant space on all sides, when it can be moved in all directions : forwards and backwards, to the right or to the left, and so on, in all intermediate directions.* JVhen some other body is posited beyond the vacant space, in any part of it, the two bodies are said to be at a distance from each other, that admits, either of the position of some third body between them, or of the motion of one towards the other. In the latter case, the bodies are said to approach each other, the distance between them becoming less and less, until it vanishes altogether, ad- mitting of no further approach towards each other, the bodies then being in contact. These ideas of distance and contact are transferred upon geometrical solids, or the geometrical places of the bodies corresponding to the positions of the physical bodies just mentioned. Definition 10. — When two rigid physical bodies are brought into close contact with each other, so that no further motion of one toward the other is possible, they are said to have reached the limits or boundaries of each other, and if these limits are to some extent continuous, — i. e., when they touch each other in many parts, the touchings being uninterrupted by intermediate vacant space, which happens when the bodies fit each other, — the limits are then called surfaces. A physical surface is, accord- ingly, the continuous boundary where the rigidity of a body just begins, or where the physical property of impenetrability just begins to act. If the body is surrounded by vacant space, the surface of the body is the boundary separating the impene- trable matter of the body from the capacious space. But it is neither the one nor the other, since the smallest part of the body has some of its parts removed from the boundary by the interposed rigidity of other parts of itself. No other rigid body could possibly have access to those concealed parts without overcoming rigidity, and, therefore, no part of the body, how- * The word direction is used here in the common acceptance of its meaning, viz: some course, but it is really vague. The scientific meaning of the word will be given in another place in this work. 45 ever small, can belong to its surface, of which the essential characteristic is its being in contact with some other body, w, ivith vacant space and, hence, capable of being brought into contact with some other body. Surface, therefore, has no mag- nitude of the same kind as a body ; in other words, it has no bulk or volume, and it can never amount to any part of volume. But, as is shown in the following definition, it nevertheless has magnitude and form of its own ; in other words, it is a thing that can be measured and expressed in numbers — these numbers being in determinate relations to those expressing the volume of the body bounded by the surface. One of the tasks of geometry is, in fact, the discovery and determination of these relations. The idea of surface is also transferred from physical bodies to geometrical solids, and the geometrical surface may be said to represent the geometrical place ofaphydcal surface. Geom- etry regards it as a separate entity, capable of existing by itself and moving about in space, or changing its position with regard to other bodies and surfaces, whether physical or geo- metrical, without distortion or change of form. Definition 11. — Since a rigid body, immersed in unoccupied space, or in any plastic material substance, displaces a portion of the material, or occupies a portion of the void, to the exclu- sion of other matter, equivalent to its own volume, and since this rigid body exposes only its surface — the interior parts not coming into play at all in the act of this displacement (the in- terior might as well be imagined hollow or devoid of matter in this connection), — it is evident that, in general, surface ought to be a function of volume, increasing with the increase of the last ; that is, to a large volume there must in general correspond a large surface, although the converse is not a necessary conse- quence. At any rate, it is quite inconceivable how a rigid im- penetrable body could take up space to the exclusion of other material substance, which, on account of its capability of mo- tion or change of position, can be prevented from occupying the same space as the body consider ed, only by the boundaries of the last J — were it not that these boundaries are in themselves an extended magnitude, standing in some functional relation to volume and form. Accordingly, surface must have portions, all of which may be exposed to vacant space, or in contact with surfaces of other bodies, or some exposed and the others covered by cor- responding surfaces of other bodies. In this last case, the ex- 46 posed surfaces can again be brought into contact with surfaces of other bodies. Two surfaces will then be equal, if they can lie upon each other and mutually cover all their parts ; and one is greater than the other, when a part of the first can cover the whole of the second, while another part of the first will remain exposed, or covered by a third surface. Scholium. Any part of a body may be regarded as a sepa- rate body (in the geometrical sense of the term) from the re- maining part, since each can be imagined to move about in space independently of the other, and without distortion or change of magnitude ; and, while the two constitute the parts of the same solid, the limit common to both is a surface of some definite shape and magnitude. Corollary. Surfaces coincide with one another when the bodies limited by them coincide and, conversely, bodies limited by surfaces that can be made to coincide with one another, must themselves be capable of coincidence, since when the sur- faces are brought into actual coincidence, none of the bodies can help being everywhere within and nowhere beyond their coinciding limits. Definition 12. — Both experience and reasoning lead us to the conclusion that, while volume, or unspecified space — space in all possible directions , wherever motion is possible — is homogeneous, surface, or that which limits a body, may be of very different kinds, having almost nothing in common, except that an in- definitely small, or infinitesimal, part of any surface may be imagined to move towards another infinitesimal part of the same surface by a continuous infinity of paths in the surface itself, as will be shown later. But this common property is not sufficient to make surface a magnitude, always definable with mathematical precision, and capable of being expressed in a voluntarily chosen unit. The indefinite size of the small part that is capable of congruence would make the computation of areas with mathematical precision impossible, unless there be ways of reducing these to surfaces capable of coincidence in finite por- tions. Volume, as a magnitude, which, in fact, is only the capacity of space to contain matter of a constant ideal impene- trability, is everywhere the same. Any part of volume is capable of coincidence with any other corresponding part of volume ; this coincidence is given directly in the fundamental idea of motion together with the idea of rigidity of the moving 47 bodies. Volume, therefore, or space unspecified, is homo- geneous ; whereas surface, as having an infinite variety of forms, is not so. And while, for instance, a smaller body, being posited within, or surrounded by, a larger one, invariably occupies a part of the volume of the larger, — the limits of the two unequal bodies may be, and, in fact very frequently are, incapable of co- incidence in any of their finite parts. In order to make surface a mathematical magnitude (i. e., definable with precision), there must be found at least one homogeneous surface, of which any finite part is capable of coincidence with any other correspond- ing part of the same, and, after taking such a surface as stand- ard, there must be found rules how to reduce other surfaces, with any desirable degree of precision, to this standard. Such homo- geneous surfaces, the essential characteristic of which is that any part of them can be imagined to slide upon the whole, re- maining always in coincidence in all its parts with correspond- ing portions of the whole, do really exist ; and their existence is likewise a matter both of experience and of mathematical de- duction. Any of these homogeneous surfaces might be taken as a standard of measurement ; but one, as affording the greatest advantages for computation, and being capable of indefinite ex- tension, is accepted as the standard, and all others are always reduced to this single standard. (It is needless to remark that a difference of choice of the standard surface would, like dif- ferent systems of numeration, lead only to different methods of computation, but not to different results.) To sum up : — surfaces are multiform and are, therefore, seldom capable of coincidence in their finite portions. The nature of measurement, however, requires a homogeneous standard, to which all magnitudes of the same kind that are to be meas- ured, can easily be reduced. Surfaces answering this descrip- tion of homogeneity and, hence, capable of serving as a standard of measurement of area and form, actually exist — of different species and infinite in number — the essential characteristic of all of which is the capability of any portion of such a surface to slide along the whole, remaining always in coincidence with different corresponding portions of the whole. The simplest of these is chosen as the norm ; it will be shown that it pos- sesses the additional properties of being indefinitely extended, beyond any arbitrary limit, and of its side towards the interior of the body which is limited by it, fitting upon the opposite 48 exposed side, so that the two can be made to coincide (plane). Definition 13. — If two bodies are in partial contact of their surfaces with each other, the boundary separating the part of surface in contact from the part not in contact, in either of the bodies, is the limit of either the covered or the exposed portion of the surface. For simplicity, let us imagine the surfaces to be homogeneous. Any finite portion of the uncovered surface can be imagined to be in contact with the surface of some third body (see Def. 11), whose form at a finite distance is immaterial, and which moves upon the rest of the uncovered surface, along any path in it, until it reaches the limit of the covered surface, where it is checked in its motion by the rigidity of the surface of the covering body, and can only move so, that, while a por- tion of its surface touches the covered, another portion touches the covering, body. Motion along the boundary separating the covered from the uncovered surface, must still be possible for an indefinitely small portion of a finite body, whose contact with the two bodies, in the exposed por- tions of their respective surfaces, blends along the boundary for the infinitesimal element ; for, as this finite body can be conceived to move along the two, remaining always in partial contact with each, the infinitesimal element, touching the two simultaneously, must, of necessity, find a region of motion along their common boundary. This boundary will, therefore, have parts of its own, viz., the specializations of position of the infinitesimal touching element considered ; but these parts will not be of the same kind as the parts of a surface ; neither can the whole be a part of surface. In fact, it cannot be a part of the covered surface, since it must likewise belong to the uncovered surface ; but, however small, a portion of the cov- ered surface, if not infinitesimal, will always have some of its parts removed from the exposed region by intervening parts of the covered region. Similarly, it cannot be a part of the ex- posed surface. But we have proved that it must have parts of its own. The boundary between two portions of surface is, therefore, a new magnitude ; it is a line, and its parts are dif- ferent from those of a solid or a surface, but like them expres- sible in numbers having some determinate relation to the num- bers expressing the magnitudes of volume and surface. (The same reasoning holds also in the case of non-homogeneous sur- 49 faces, provided a certain amount of plasticity of form is al- lowed to the touching parts of the moving body). Scholium. — The analysis of the last Definition can be made more concrete by the following r6sum6, which also puts its re- sult in a somewhat different light : — When three bodies touch one another in their surfaces and they also fit one another, so that no vacant space is left between the parts of the touchings, the same part of surface can belong only to two of the touching bodies at once ; while the boundary separating the surface belonging to any pair simultaneously, from the surface belonging to either of the pair and the re- maining third body, belongs to all three bodies simultaneously and, hence, is not a surface, but a line. It is the continuous boundary of rigidity of three bodies that have come into con- tact with one another, and any indefinitely small part of it can be conceived to pass to the position of any other of the same only by two different courses, in case the boundary is com- pleted and the line returns into itself, and only by one course, if the boundary is not completed. Corollary. — From this follows immediately the statement made in Definition 12, that an infinitesimal part of a surface can move towards another infinitesimal part of the same surface, by a continuous infinity of different paths in the very surface. The idea of a line is also transferred from a physical sur- face upon a geometrical one, and the geometrical line may be said to represent the geometrical place of a physical line. Geometry regards it as a separate entity, which can be conceived to move about in space, or upon a suitable surface, without change of form or magnitude. Definition 14. — Any body may be regarded as divided into two definite parts, having one part of their surfaces — namely, that created by the section — in mutual contact, while the surface of the original whole body is now also cut into two parts, each belonging to one of the two bodies now taking the place of the original one. The boundary separating the common surface from the distinct parts will, according to Definition 13, be a line on the surface of the original body, — thus being, from one side at least, exposed to space. Any part of this line may be brought into contact with some other body. When the whole line is in contact with other bodies, leaving no part of it adjacent to va- cant space, it can be regarded as covered by another, the 50 duplicate of the first in form and magnitude, which is traced upon the surfaces of the touching bodies, — and no body, be- sides, can be in contact with the line. The line and its du- plicate are then said to coincide — coincidence in this case also being a proof of equality in both form and magnitude. If we form, in a similar way, the duplicate of only a portion of the line, this duplicate will evidently be less in magnitude than the whole line. Corollary. — Lines coincide with one another, when the sur- faces limited by them coincide, since none of the lines limiting these surfaces can be within or mthout the limited surfaces. The converse, however, is not necessarily true (except in the case of the plane, as will be shown later). Scholium. — Lines, like surfaces, are multiform; but there exist also homogeneous lines, of which any part is capable of coin- cidence with any corresponding part of the same. One of such homogeneous lines, capable of indefinite extension and uniquely determined by any two of its elements, is accepted as the stand- ard of line-measurement (straight line). Definition 15. — When the surfaces of two bodies are in par- tial contact, the bounding line being, in its turn, brought into partial contact with a corresponding line upon the surface of a third body, or, in other words, a part of the line being covered, — any indefinitely small part of the remaining uncovered line may again be covered with a corresponding infinitesimal line upon the surface of still another body ; then the parts of the last body, immediately adjacent to the line in question, may be imagined to move along the uncovered part of the line, only by two opposite paths, until they reach the limit of the covered part of the line, where further motion is checked altogether by the rigidity of the surface of the body which has effected the first partial covering of the line. This limit, therefore, separating the covered part of the line from the uncovered, has no parts at all, since an infinitesimal element, coming up to it, finds no exten- sion to move upon. (There would be no advantage in this case in starting with a finite part of the line moving upon the un- covered part, by allowing plasticity of form in case of non- homogeneity, since — a line being a region of motion, only for an infinitesimal part of a body, touching two surfaces at once — the motion upon it must be a filing in, or successional motion, all along the line ; that is, the motion of a row of individual 51 members, where there is a unicursal succession of each mem- ber into the place of the one immediately preceding, going on either indefinitely, or returning to the original starting place, — the members being the infinitesimal portions of the line, and all of them belonging to the same series.) The proof that the limit we have found is a part neither of the covered, nor of the uncovered, portion of the line, is perfectly similar to the proofs given for the limits of a solid and a surface, and need not be repeated again. The boundary of a line is no magnitude. It is called a point in geometry, which regards only its position or geometrical place. We say its motion generates a line, meaning by this that a line represents a field of motion for it, or, otherwise, the path of a moving point. It is regarded in geometry as a separate entity, which can move about in space independently. It is neither homogeneous nor heterogeneous, since it has no parts. The geometrical places of two points always coincide with each other, as soon as they are brought into the same position in space, within a body, upon a surface, or a line. It is, therefore, regarded as the element of space. Corollary. — When two lines coincide, their ends, or the points limiting them, coincide also, i, e., these ends have the same positions, two by two. To sum up what has been stated in the foregoing definitions : — The boundary separating impenetrable substance from capa- cious space, or the region where no motion is possible, from the region where motion is wholly unimpeded, is a surface, and admits only of motion in contact along finite regions, with the condition of plasticity of the touching surface of the moving body for the case of non-homogeneity. The boundary separating uncovered surface from covered surface, or the region where motion in contact is possible, from the region where motion in contact for finite bodies is also im- possible, is a line, and belonging neither to the first nor to the second, it admits motion in contact for an indefinitely small portion of a body. The limit separating an uncovered portion of a line from a covered portion, or the region where motion in contact is pos- sible for an infinitesimal portion of a body, from the region of absolute exclusion of motion, is a point, which is, thus, the position of an infinitely small portion of a body at rest ; it has, therefore, no dimensions and only position. 62 Space, in its totality, being the repository of extended sub- stance which is capable of motion (change of position) and endowed with the properties of impenetrability, rigidity, and infinite divisibility, limiting and bounding vacant space in cer- tain definite ways, — gives rise to three difiPerent kinds of spacial magnitude, so connected that one is the limit of the other and is limited by the third. The point is the result of limitless divisibility of any of the three kinds of extended spacial mag- nitude. Space is, therefore, a tridimensional manifoldness, only be- cause of its three chief attributes, giving three different kinds of specializations of position, limiting each other and so con- nected that there is always a certain determinate relation be- tween the units of one kind of space and the units of the other kinds. It was shown in Definition 11, that the rigid surface by means of which the property of impenetrability makes itself effective, must be some function of the volume ; reasons were also given why a surface should be a field of motion for finite re- gions in contact, and a line, a field of motion for infinitesimal regions of contact ; from which will follow at once, that a line is a differential element of a surface, and a point, an element of a line. Limitless space, in its totality, would be a one-dimen- sional magnitude, ranging from zero to infinity, in terms of volume alone, — were it not for the invariable relations between the units of volume and those of the two subcategories of speci- fied space, resulting from the fact that they always limit one another. In order, therefore, to suppose that space has more than three dimensions, we must conceive that a point has di- mensions, since we began our analysis from free unlimited space, and found it, in itself, without considering its limits, to be one- dimensional ; and only in relation to its limits does it become tridimensional, since its first two limits (but not the third) are also magnitudes and bear certain fixed relations to unspecified space as a magnitude. Since u, du, d^u^ where u represents a piece of unspecified space, i. e, volume, are all variables, but not so d^Uj it follows that, if u is a function of .r, it must be of the third order : lo = ax^ may do for the simplest representation of such a function, where dx will represent the differential of a line ; dx may, of course, be a homogeneous function of the first degree, of a number of differentials dx^, dx^, dx^, • • ■ dx^ ; but then there must be ti — 3 linear relations between the dx^a, re- 53 ducing the number of independent ones to three. It is absurd, by reasoning in a reversed order, to infer by a kind of induc- tion, that, just as a point in moving generates a line, a line, in moving out of its regions, generates a surface, and a sur- face generates a body, so tridimensional space, in moving out of itself, will produce a new kind of space. In the first 'place, we would have to prove in general, that if our reasoning holds for n, it will hold for n + 1, as we always do in mathe- matics in such a kind of induction. Riemann^s construction of an (n -f- l)-fold variability, out of an n-fold one and a variability of one dimension, is based on the assumption that the n-fold variability passes over into another one, entirely differe'iit, in a determinate way, so that each point of the first passes over into a definite point of the other, which is not at the same time a ptolnt of the first, — an assumption that must he proved in each particular case. In our case, this assumption is actually equivalent to as- suming, that space can move out of space, which is absurd by the very definition of space, viz., space is that which gives place to material objects, whether at rest or in motion ; so that wherever motion is at all possible for a tri-dimensional piece of space, there is space again. In the second place, even if we admit the possi- bility of space moving out of itself into some other region, we have not admitted any new property of space which might be the ob- ject of measurement, since we tacitly assume that the new region is not space, so that space would remain again tridimensional. And even if we should admit a new unknown property of space, we would still have to prove that tridimensional space is its limit ; and that its units bear a fixed mathematical rela- tion to the units of space we have already considered. Indeed, it is not sufficient for a phenomenon to have a certain number of properties, in order to consider that phenomenon of as many dimensions as the number of its properties. The properties must be the limits of each other, and their units must stand in a certain invariable mathematical relation to one another. The following is an analytical deduction of the number of dimensions of space considered as a point-manifold, which was written up and added, as a supplement to the introductory chapter of the main body of the Dissertation, two years after the latter had been completed. The purpose of this analysis is to prove the a-priori necessity of three dimensions, when the point, as usually defined in elementary geometry, is taken as 54 the element of space. It will follow that to make space a four- dimensional manifold, without changing its element to some other geometrical entity, will involve a contradiction in terms. The discussion is divided into 13 paragraphs. — 1) Let the whole original manifold he S, which we suppose to be continuous J i. e., any two different positions in it can be reached from each other only through an unbroken series of other positions, all in S, whose number is infinite. 2) Let an invariable piece of it — 11, endowed with impen- etrability, rigidity, and infinite divisibility, be imagined as capable, as a whole, of changing its position in S. The invari- ability of U is characterized by the fact that the mutual dispo- sition, or arrangement, and the relation, of the parts of f/, ob- tained in a determinate way by any arbitrary subdivision, is to remain unaltered with respect to one another and with respect to the whole of U, considered as an entire manifold in itself. We say that internal motion, of parts of U within C7, is ex- cluded, and any two parts that have been separated from each other by certain continuous series of other parts, in one posi- tion of U within >S^, will remain so in any other position. We thus arrive at the notion of Bulk or Volume. Further, this notion is made more precise by postulating, that, when such a rigid piece has once occupied a definite portion of vacant or unoccupied 8, to the exclusion of any other impenetrable piece, it will always be brought into coincidence with that portion again, as soon as a finite part of it, no matter how small, will be brought into coincidence with the corresponding part of 8 it has occupied originally ; any other small portion of U will then also have to occupy its original position within 8. (According to this postulate, it is perfectly indifferent whether Z7is conceived to move within 8, or U is conceived as stationary and 8 as changing its relation with respect to Uf in giving it position in different portions of itself — all these portions being, of necessity, equal in bulk or volume to one another and to U.) If we should measure only bulk or volume, we would get only one dimension. The property of impenetrability of the movable pieces, however, leads us to distinguish a new category of manifold, subordinate to the cate- gory >S' and contained in it, in the following way : — 3) Suppose U fixed, and another piece F, of same nature, moving up to it, reaches the boundary of the latter. It will 65 then be prevented from occupying the same place as U by the impenetrability of the two, exhibited in their boundaries, so that a certain kind of motion of V is checked when the latter comes into contact with U. Here we have the notion of the boundary of U separating it from vacant Sy or from other pieces V of same nature as itself. 4) This first derivative boundary of U, which we may denote by Z7', is neither a portion of Z7, nor of V that has come into contact with Uj nor of the vacant 8, in which U is posited ; it may, or may not, have portions of its own. Example : — the limits of a period of time, no matter how great, have no parts, since there is no possibility for an invariable piece of time to change its position with respect to other invariable pieces, and move up to them to come in contact with their boundaries. In our case, however, U' must have parts of its own, as will become evident from the following considerations : 5) By infinite divisibility of a rigid piece F, we may arrive at the notion of a plastic substance, each infinitesimal portion of which occupies a corresponding infinitesimal portion of the manifold S, and the whole retaining only the property of im- penetrability, having lost, however, rigidity. It will repre- sent, in fact, a plastic substance, the smallest portions of which are easily capable of separation and change of position with respect to one another and with respect to the whole of their aggregate. The rigid piece U considered, if immersed in this plastic substance, will displace a portion of it equivalent to the bulk of the portion immersed. To a smaller portion of U im- mersed will correspond a smaller bulk of the plastic material displaced, and to a greater portion immersed will correspond a greater bulk displaced. Now this displacement is necessarily effected only by the boundary of the immersed portion of Uj and by that part of it alone which has, before immersion, been exposed to vacant /S', as distinguished from the remaining part which — separating the immersed portion of U from the non- immersed — could have no effect in the act of displacement considered. It follows, therefore, that to a greater bulk dis- placed — and hence to a greater portion of U immersed — cor- responds a greater portion of the boundary U' y which we may call C7.' (i = immersed), as distinguished from the remaining portion of U'y which, as belonging to the exposed portion of U only, we may call Z7J (e = exposed). By changing con- 56 tinuously the portion of U immersed, from an infinitesimal bulk to the whole bulk of U, we arrive at the notion of a con- tinuously increasing boundary 1[J[, from an infinitesimal to the whole of U' , and a correspondingly decreasing Z7J, from the whole of U' to an infinitesimal of f/J, and then to zero. 6) The limit separating the two portions of V (i. e.j U[ from CT), at each and every stage of the process, is evidently a new kind of boundary — : TJ", — and the infinitesimal portion of U\ between two very near Z7"'s corresponding to two very nearly equal bulks of TJ immersed, in the continuous process described above, may be denoted by dU' , meaning an infini- tesimal of TJ' y and the aggregate of all these, ^dUlj may be taken to equal the whole of U' belonging to the whole of U, just as ?7= ^dUj^. (In the synthetic discussion of the dimen- sions, above (Definition 12), allusion was made to the geomet- rically indispensable notion of a homogeneous Z7', which might serve as a standard of measurement for different C/''s, and later the actual existence and construction of such a U' will be rigorously proved.) A homogeneous U' may be considered a field of motion for finite portions of C7', covered by corre- sponding portions of V belonging to some moving rigid F, which, in the process of motion, touches U in the variable por- tions of U' considered. U' in itself, without the piece U which is bounded by it, has an independent existence, only as an abstraxition (like, for instance, force without matter). In fact, we can speak of it as moving about, either in 8 or in its own region, only in vii^tue of corresponding motions of U (or V) to which U' (or V) belongs. 7) Corollary. — It follows also, that U', as a boundary be- tween U and unoccupied adjoining portions of S, or between U and F, must be considered as having the property of im- penetrability. In fact, U' is conceived of as that which pre- vents any portion of F, no matter how small, from penetrating into the region occupied by any portion of Z7, and vice versa. But, as a region of motion for portions of itself i. e., as a mani- fold in itself it cannot possess the property of impenetrability, and must, in fact, be of the same nature with respect to portions of V or U' moving in the whole, as vacant S is with respect to impene- trable U or F. This is a reason why the boundary between U^ and Cr can be obtained only through the medium of an auxiliary F, which may also be considered rigid, and portions 57 of whose boundary — F', very near F'( = U^y c = covered), will then serve as a check to a third rigid piece Wy of same nature as U and V, a finite portion of whose boundary — W^ is conceived as covering corresponding finite portions of UJ (exposed with respect to V only) and moving in the manifold Z7', until a finite portion of W^ comes into coincidence with a corresponding portion of F', which thus becomes V^^ = W^^. 8) It is important to observe that, when a piece of the original manifold F comes into coincidence with another piece of the same kind U", in general only finite portions of their boundaries coincide and thus become IT = FJ ; the remaining portions of their boundaries combine in forming a new combined boundary of the piece {U-j- F), taken as a whole, — this combined boundary being now represented by (^7+ F)'= C/"^' -f- Fj'.* It is, therefore, evident that, when TF, considered in No. 7, moves up to F, the two portions of its boundary — W^^ and W^^ — become now combined into the boundary separating W from the combined piece {U-i- F), m., (wi + w:j={u+v):j and, in general, for the same reason as above, there will yet re- main a finite portion of ( Z7 + F)' exposed which we may denote hyiU+V):. 9) We see now that U'\ — originally obtained as the limit separating U! from C7', when F was considered as the plastic substance in which a portion of U was immersed, and then identified with the boundary separating U^{— FJ) from C/', and also from F', in case Fis considered rigid and a portion of its boundary FJ covering an equal portion of C/', — by means of the process considered in No. 7 becomes broken up into two por- tions : one lying in the region of(U+ F)^ exclusively, and sepa- rating U^^ from Fj" , or each of these from the same correspond- ing portion of U^(= F^'), and the other lying exclusively in the region of (C/-h F)f^ = (TF,; + TF/J, and separating U;^ from V' . Let the first be called U'' and the second U'J . 10) By introducing another piece T, which we make to play the r6le of W for the breaking up of U^l into C/^J^ ^^ and * This combined boundary is in no way different in character from U', being like it continuous, and having finite parts represented by A ( C7"+ T)' -=AC7^ + AFe'. 58 U" c , and then still another piece X for the breaking up of U'' ^^ into two pieces, and so on, we see that U" consists of as many parts as we please. Moreover, by making W move lip to T, so that ( W'^^ -f M7J, — conceived as changing its posi- tion continuously and as changing its form and magnitude if need be,* — shall always remain during this process in coinci- dence with an equivalent variable ( C/ + F)^^, we shall convince ourselves that an infinitesimal d{W^^-\- TF^'J, in the neigh- borhood of U", remaining always in coincidence with a variable d{TJ-\-V)'^^, Avill displace itself and find a region of motion along the element d{U -\- V)' taken in the neighborhood of U" and conceived, in toto, as a locus for the different positions of the moving infinitesimal portion of the first derivative boundary. U" itself, therefore, as a whole, will prove to be a locus in quo for U'J^ — Urn d{U + V)l^. When W comes up to T, it is there checked, — and we arrive at the conception of U'", separating the region of motion for U^'^ from the region where such a motion is impossible. It is, of course, the same boundary as that which separated U^'^^^t fronn L^^^ ^^, obtained at the beginning of this paragraph. 11) In summing up, we see that, while S is a region of mo- tion for pieces like C/, F, etc., the first derivative boundary U' is the limit of d U, and that, not being a portion of U, it has portions of its own, being a region of motion for corresponding 'finite portions of the boundaries of a movable covering piece F. IJ" is the limit of dU' as dU' = 0, and, not being a part of Z7', on account of its sej^arating the region of motion in con- tact for a finite piece W from the region where such a motion is impossible, it still has portions of its own. For, although W cannot find upon it a region of motion, even for a finite portion of its boundary, it can find upon it a region of motion for the limit of an infinitesimal portion of its boundary, namely for lim dW (= W"). For, as it was shown, TFcan be made to move so, that, while two finite portions of its boundary, dis- tinct but contiguous in W", move each upon a corresponding portion of U' and F' respectively, an infinitesimal of its boun- dary d W, contiguous to TF", and taken as near W" as we please, * This was previously shown to be possible, by supposing the first deriva- tive boundary to be homogeneous, for simplicity, or by allowing sufficient plasticity to W\ 69 on either side of it, will move and remain in coincidence with corresponding variable infinitesimal portions of both U' and V , In passing as near to the limit as we please, we come to the conception of portions of the limit W" itself, moving in the whole of it as in a locus in quo. The third derivative boundary U" separates the region of motion for the limit of an indefinitely small portion of the boundary of the first order from the region where motion is impossible even for the limit of an infinitesimal portion of such a boundary. An infinitesimal portion of U", very near U'", on both sides of it, namely dU'\ may be considered an element of U"j so that we have ^d U" = U", 12) And now, if we agree that any manifold derived from 8 in the manner indicated, will have to be capable of giving place to impenetrable substance, or to its boundary which is directly connected with the substance, we find that the last derived boundary, TJ"\ which does not, even near its limit, afford a region of motion to an infinitesimal of the first derivative boundary d U' of the impenetrable substance, has only position but no dimensions. So that we have three categories of space, corresponding to three properties of bodies — rigidity, im- penetrability, and infinite divisibility, — each limiting the pre- ceding and limited by the following. These are : — 8, a region of motion for pieces of the impenetrable substance itself — Uy F, etc., and their boundaries, both finite and infini- tesimal ; U\ the first derivative boundary of impenetrable substance, a region of motion in contact of finite pieces like Z7, F, i. e., a region of motion for a finite portion of the boundary of a piece of impenetrable substance, and, lastly, Z7", the second derivative boundary, a region of motion for the limit of an infinitesimal portion of the first detnvoiive boun- dary dU\ The boundary, U'", between two portions of this last region of motion, because of its limiting the region of motion for an infinitesimal portion of the boundary belonging to impenetrable substance, from the region of no motion even for an infinitesi- mal portion of the boundary, must be of zero dimensions, but still capable of having definite position, being the primary irre- ducible element of space. It follows, therefore, since each of 60 the boundaries is capable, near the corresponding limit, of being considered an infinitesimal element of the category which is bounded by it, the last category in order derived, namely U"y has one dimension ; the one preceding, two dimensions ; and the original one U, or a piece of vacant S as measured by C7, three dimensions. 13) * By the very process of the deduction of the three qualitatively different categories of space (regions of different kinds of motion, which, however, are the boundaries of each other, in a series), we have arrived at the notion of a manifold of two dimensions, objectively not independent from the main category, but, none the less, having a true abstract reality, and which, by its very nature, as a manifold in itself and not as a boundary, is devoid of the property of impenetrability (see No. 7). In this derived manifold, therefore, boundaries of portions can be established only by means of a piece of the higher manifold, having the property of impenetrability in the region of the dimensions of the derived manifold considered, and, for this very reason, suggesting a dimension over and above those of the derived manifold. It is no wonder, then, that the general reasoning, applicable to the original manifold, is not applicable to the derived manifold. The figure given as an objection, instead of disproving the reasoning, is only another proof of its validity. Mark, that in order to attribute impene- trability to the limits of the circle, you must postulate it to be infinitely thin, and V an infinitely thin film, — which, of course, is equivalent to postulating a third dimension, but in a very disguised form. Now, this infinite thinness is already capable of being increased indefinitely. In other words, the assumption of impenetrability, by the reasoning employed above, would involve a third dimen- sion, outside of the given manifold of two dimensions, leaving this last unchanged. A reference to Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10 will fully justify this assertion. And still otherwise, — perhaps this way of looking at the thing may be more satisfactory : — To such intelligent beings * 13) is a reply to an objection raised during a conference -when this was presented : Why by the same general reasoning we are unable to prove a third dimension even in the domain of an admittedly two dimensional mani- fold, as is, for instance, the first derivative manifold. The nature of the ob- jection will be understood by the reader from the reply, which alone is given here explicitly. 61 as would have no sense of the third dimension, if such beings were at all possible, the speculation about a third dimension would not only involve no logical contradiction, but, on the con- trary, would be a perfectly logical and necessary generalization. For, they would have to postulate some dimension — not directly given in experience — as a medium for the continuous passage of W to Ty remaining always in contact with both U and F, which, even in two dimensions are not essentially separated, since they are both on one and the same side of U' and V, But the speculation about a fourth dimension for such beings as a S .§ T 'O *6 ^ "^ V O ^ y' \ -^ "fi / f 1 \ o S / j \ *» « / \ M / \ (U o \ \ 1.1 S o \ u V" i i ^■s \ Ci OB \ i M / •^ bo V ^^ / t^-^ c^ ■ f^ k5^1 w .2 Fig. a. have already risen to the empirical verification of the abstract deduction of three dimensions, would certainly involve a logi- cal inconsistency. For, starting with the manifold S as de- fined above, in its most general aspect, without boundaries at all, and, for all we know, having n dimensions, where n may be any entire positive number, we were led, by a simple analysis of its definition, to three different manifolds, containing each other in series, and the third derivative boundary which is the boundary of the lowest category in this series, was found to be something that can have, at most, position, but no dimen- sions. If preferred, you may say that we have proved that the maximum number of dimensions of space as defined by the properties of 8, is three, and that, having logically arrived at 62 the maximum, we find it in perfect agreement with our intuitive experience, which, of course, also served us as a starting basis in defining the manifold S, at the beginning of the present dis- cussion. I deem it necessary to repeat at the conclusion that I ac- knowledge the fruitfulness of the idea of making space a mani- fold of a higher number of dimensions, by dropping the property of impenetrability in the physical sense, and assuming a figure depending on n parameters, as the element of space. Chaptek II. THE SPHERE, THE CIRCLE, THE STRAIGHT LINE, THE ANGLE, THE TRIANGLE, THE PLANE, ETC. Definition I. — A pair of fixed points in space, or any two points in rigid connection which can he made to coincide with these, are said to he at an invayiahle distance from each other. Corollary I. — If a pair of points, A and B, in rigid con- nection, are capahle of coincidence, one hy one, with another pair, C and D, likewise in rigid connection between themselves, the two pairs loill he at equal distances, each point from its pair, i. e., distance of B from A = distance of C from D or of D from C. Corollary II. — Two pairs of fixed points in space. A, B, and C, D, hoth of which are capahle of coincidence successively with the same freely movahle pair in rigid connection, E and F, are re- spectively at equal distances. For shortness we shall call a pair of points in rigid con- nection, free to move as a whole, simply a rigid pair of points, and will denote them thus (AB). Axiom 1. — If any surface or line can be made to coincide with another surface or line, it can do so only by passing from one position to the other by a continuous path, consisting of an infinity of such positions, every position in which is a surface or line, respectively congruent with the moving one. Lemma 1. — From the principle of rigidity and the defini- tions of body, surface, line, and point, it follows that a body is absolutely fixed in space when, and only when, a finite portion of the surface limiting it, or in any way rigidly fixed in it, is fixed in space. For, whenever a body is fixed in space, the whole of its sur- face, limiting it from all space around, and hence every finite portion of this surface, is fixed in space ; and whenever the body is moved, the whole of its surface, and hence every finite portion of it, no matter how small, changes its position. We cannot say, however, the same of a point in the surface, since a point, having no magnitude, but only position, does not limit the surface to which it belongs and which may be conceived to 63 64 change its position as a whole, and hence to interchange the positions of all congruent lines in it that are drawn from a common point limiting them all and remaining fixed. Hence, a body and, therefore, also any surface or line, rigidly fixed in it, may be conceived to move when only one point in the body, the surface, or the line, is held fixed in space. Such a motion of the body is called rotation, revolution, or turning, about the fixed point. Theorem 1. — If (AB) denote a rigid pair of points, of which A is fixed and (B) is made to assume all possible positions compatible with the rigidity of the pair and the fixity of A, then (B) will describe a homogeneous surface called a spherical suifcvce, limiting a body called a sphere, A is called the center of the sphere J or of the spherical surface, and the invariable distance AB, from the center to any point in the surface, is called the radius of the sphere. In fact, the moving point (B) can pass from any fixed point B with which it initially coincided to any other point J5', J5", and so on, by a continuous infinity of paths crossing and re- crossing one another in all conceivable ways, provided all these points are at the same distance from A sls B (preceding Lemma and Axiom 1). Let (B) pass from B to B' by a continuous path of some determinate rigid form, BB'; while doing so, any rigid line connecting A and (jB) will describe a portion of a surface. This surface, in its turn, conceived as a rigid form, can (according to Lemma) be imagined so to move while A is fixed, that every one of its points describe a line not already con- tained in the original position of the surface itself, — thus describ- ing a body. The line (BB'), conceived rigid and always limit- ing the moving surface {ABB'), will then be dragged along with it in its motion and will describe a surface, since each of its points describes a line not coincident with the original position of the moving line ; in other words, each point of the line (BB') passes to another point not already contained in the original position of the line. Moreover, since the surface {ABB') can be conceived to sweep through all that portion of space around A whose aggregate of points is characterized by the property that their distances from A are correspondingly equal to those of the aggregate of points contained in {ABB') in its original position, it follows that the surface described by the line {BB') will contain the whole aggregate of points which 65 are at the same distances from A as (B) in its original posi- tion. It is also evident from the moae the body described by the surface (ABB') is generated, that it is a continuous body, i. e.y the aggregate of points composing it is a continuous aggregate, which allows to pass from any point in the body to any other through any third point belonging to the body, by a continuous path lying wholly in the body (^. e., every point of which belongs to the body). The surface, therefore, is also con- tinuous, in the same sense, — namely, that we can pass by con- tinuous motion from any point in it to any other, through any third, by a path every point of which is in the surface. More- over, the moving point will during such a motion remain at the given distance from JL, hence, on the surface of an imagined fixed sphere ; and if the moving point is conceived to be fixed in a sphere, of same center A, but which is dragged along with (B) in its motion, we see that every portion of a spherical surface is congruent with every other of same limits ; that is to say, the spherical surface is a homogeneous surface. Corollary I. — Since the spherical surface separates a continu- ous portion of space from all other space, that is, all points that can be reached by one continuous path wholly contained in the body, from all points of space that can not be reached by a continuous motion from the center, unless the boundary of the body is crossed by a path of which a portion, at least, does not belong to the body, — it follows that this surface is also a closed surface. Definition II. — All points in the sphere (body limited by the spherical surface) generated by the given radius AB^ from the given center A, which can be reached by continuous motion from the center, without crossing the surface at all, or after crossing and recrossing it an even number of times, are said to be within the surface or inside the sphere, and the distances of all these points from the center (excluding those of the surface itself) are said to be smaller than the distance AB. All points that can be reached by continuous motion from the center, only after crossing the surface once, or crossing and recrossing it an odd number of times, are said to be without the surface or outside the sphere, and their distances from A are said to be greater than the distance AB, Corollary II. — When a sphere is conceived to move within the boundaries of a fixed spherical surface which is always in coincidence with the surface of the moving sphere, its center (or centers, if there can be more than one), remaining at a con- stant distance (or constant distances) from each and every one of the same fixed aggregate of points belonging to the same surface, will remain fixed in position. But since, when the sphere moves around one fixed center, from which it is con- ceived to be generated, every other point in it, at a distance from the center, moves upon the surface of a sphere (Theorem 1), it follows that, given a spherical surface as a whole, its center is uniquely determined. A complete spherical surface is, there- fore, said to he the locus of all points equidistant from a unique fixed pointy called the center. Corollary III. — If two spheres coincide in any finite portion of their surfaces, they coincide throughout, and, hence, have the same center and radius. For, by holding the finite common portion of each spherical surface fixed, each of the surfaces remains fixed (Lemma 1). But if either of the spheres is conceived as moving within its fixed boundaries, around its fixed centre, every point at a dis- tance from the fixed centre, moves upon a corresponding sphere, and passes into the position of every possible point on the last, and of no other point. Hence, there is only one center com- mon to both, since the portion of each movable spherical sur- face, which is initially in coincidence with the corresponding common portion of the two fixed surfaces, can, without leaving either of the spherical surfaces, pass over into any congruent portion of either. It follows from what has preceded, that a distance is a geo- metrical magnitude. No two points at different distances from a given point, can be connected with the given point by the same line, which might serve as a path of motion from one end- point of each distance to the other. If we take, to fix ideas, as the connection between A and B, a line of some determinate shape, lying wholly within the sphere described by (AB), sl concentric sphere, described by a distance AC less than AB, will cut every line {AB) into two parts, one of which will lie within the smaller sphere, and the other, outside. Thus we see that to a smaller distance corresponds a smaller path of motion from one end of the distance to the other. This sug- gests the idea of representing the distance-magnitude by a line. But, then, we must find a line such that to a fixed distance, from one fixed point on it to another, should correspond a 67 unique position of the line, and to a smaller portion of the line should also correspond a smaller distance, — which is not al- ways the case with any line. Is there such a path between A and jB? I say, that if we eliminate all paths between A and B which can assume different positions while A and B remain fixed, — since their distance is unaltered, — there must still be left a path between them which is unique for this fixed position of the ends, and which will also satisfy the other re- quirement, — as I shall proceed to prove with the utmost rigor in the following two propositions and their corollaries. Measuremefnt of Distances From a Fixed Origin ; Addition and Subtraction of Given Distances, Theorem 2. — Let S represent a sphere described by radius a from origin 0. OA = a, as soon as A is on its surface. De- scribe from A a sphere S' with a radius 6, where b <^a. Then is outside 8' (by Defin. 2), and, hence, some portions of S are outside S'; for if the whole of 8 were inside 8'j the center of 8, which is separated from its own outside by some portions of 8y would be inside 8' a fortiori. Similarly, some portions of 8' are outside 8; otherwise A would have to be within the surface of 8f and not on it. But some portions of 8 are also inside 8'; for otherwise it would be impossible to reach by continuous motion from A any point belonging to 8, before crossing the surface of 8^ once, — which is absurd, since A itself is on the surface of 8, and hence belongs to >S'; a portion of 8 is, therefore, inside 8\ Also some portions of 8' are inside 8 ; for if 8' were wholly outside 8y it could not contain in its interior any point belong- ing to 8 — contrary to what has just been proved to be the case. Hence, the spheres penetrate each other, — having one portion of space in common, limited by the portions of their surfaces which they have inside each other, and two other portions of space, enclosed each between the interior side of the one and the exterior of the other. The two surfaces must intersect along a line every point of which is at equal distances from and from A, respectively. Hence, a rigid connection of any point C on this line, with both centers and A, will be cap- able of displacing itself in such a manner that, while and A remain fixed, C shall take all different positions on the line. Describe now from a sphere 8" concentric with 8y with a radius equal to the distance from of a point lying in the in- terior of both 8 and S'. Its surface will pass through this point, hence will cut this space ^into two portions, of which only one will lie inside S". This new sphere will still have a portion of its surface inside 8' and the other portion outside, since it encloses centre 0, which lies outside 8'. Describing again a concentric sphere from 0, with a radius whose end-point passes now through a point lying in the interior of 8' and /S"', we shall still more reduce the portion of volume enclosed in the interior of /S" and /S"', to that only which is left inside this new sphere 8'" and 8\ (The portion of the surface of 8' exposed is continually increasing during this process of variation of >S', 8'\ /S"" • • • etc., since some portions of it enclosed by a greater sphere described from are exterior to any of the smaller spheres.) Evi- dently, by continuing this process far enough and in a suitable manner, the variable portion of volume can be made less than any assignable small volume. This will happen when the two spheres, the constant one 8', described from A, and the variable 8^'"\ described from 0, touch each other in one or several points, or in one or several lines ; for they cannot touch in any portion of surface without their coinciding in every part (Cor. 3 to Theorem 1). Now, they cannot touch in several distinct lines or distinct points; for any line of fixed form, connecting and A with a point of the contact, could be displaced so, that, while and A remain fixed, the point on the line which has been in coincidence with the touching point originally taken, shall coincide with any other point in the common touching parts, which must be at the same distances from and from Ay re- spectively. Hence, since by the principle of continuous congru- ence in motion (Axiom 1), the figure described by the displaced line is a continuous one, — the figure described by a determinate point in it is also a continuous one. It must, therefore, be either one line, — any portion of which can, by a continuous motion along itself, pass without deformation into any other of same limits, — or one point. Scholium. — By continually decreasing the radius of the variable sphere, and dropping the condition of its having to pass through a point within 8 ', we shall, at last, arrive to a series of spheres which have all their volume outside 8', and have not one point in common with the constant sphere. It is evi- dent, therefore, that in this process of passing continuously from spheres having some portions inside 8', to such whose volume 69 rt^'o;^ o-^^^. and surface are wholly exterior to /S", — so that there is an ap- preciable distance from each and every point belonging to the region of these exterior spheres, and each and every point be- longing to the region of S'j — we must on the way encounter a sphere, such that any sphere described by a radius greater than its own, has some portions of volume inside S', and any sphere described by a smaller radius, has every point of its re- gion at some appreciable distance from the region of S'. And in crossing from the series of greater to the series of smaller spheres, we obviously can choose two, one from either series, whose radii differ as little as we please from each other and from the radius of the bounding sphere. Evidently the minimum sphere of the first series and the maximum of the second series, both tend towards the same limit — the bound- ing sphere, which, we say, touches the constant sphere. This bounding sphere must have at least one point in common with the constant sphere, and may have even a continuous line of contact, until otherwise shown, — which is done in what follows. Similar remarks hold in the next supposition of the present demon- stration, viz.j w^hen we have to add a distance to a given one, in- stead of subtracting (see p. 70). Now, the contact cannot be a line. For this would imply that the surface of the sphere >S'^"^, lying wholly outside S' according to hypothesis, is divided by this line into two parts : one,* which together with the exposed por- tion of >S" that has been continu- ally increasing during the process of variation of S^''\ makes up a closed surface, separating the in- terior of both spheres from the whole of the exterior space ; and the second part, which, as derived from the portion of the variable surface that has remained inside the combined closed surface of both spheres during all the process of variation, must still be- FlG. 1, a Fig. la and lb on p. 70 illustrate this in two ways. 70 loDg to the interior and, hence, must be enclosed between the outside of 8 ' and the interior side of the part of surface of 8^'^'^ previously considered. Some volume must, therefore, be enclosed between the outside of S' and the outside of the portion of sur- face of /S^*^"^, last considered. Describing now a sphere from with a radius of some point in this portion of volume, which, consequently, is greater than the radius of the touching sphere /S'^"^, we see that the new spherical surface must enclose every point on 8^"^^ and, hence, also the line of contact. It must, therefore, enter into the interior of 8' along a line lying on the covered portion of 8' , and again come out from there by another line, lying on the exposed portion of same, — which is possible. Hence, the contact must be in a single point. ^rt jon o/ j'^ ^ . We say that the radius of /S'*^"\ described from and touching 8' , is = (a — 6), and the distance from to any point in /S'*^'*^ and, in particular, to the point of contact, is (a — h); the distance of this last point from A being equal to 6, the distance from to A={a — h)-\-h = a — in perfect agreement with original hypothesis. If, instead of diminishing the radius of the sphere /S, we should continuously increase it, we would, by a reasoning perfectly similar to the preceding, come to the conclusion that the space between the exterior portion of the surface of 8^""^ and the inte- rior of 8' y would continuously diminish (and likewise the exposed portion of the surface of 8') and could be made less than any assignable volume, — when the two surfaces would have to touch, either along a single line, or in a single point. Now, it cannot be along a line ; for, then, — since /S^**^ in the limit will have to enclose in its interior both the portion of 8' which has been interior to 8 at the outset and which has kept on increasing during the pro- cess of variation of /S*^"^, and also the remaining portion of Fig. 1, 6 71 aS" which has been exterior to >S^"^ and has been decreasing during the process, — there must be, in the limit, a portion of volume, contained between the portion of the surface of S' considered last, on the outside of it, and that portion of the surface of /S'^"^ which is now separated from the first por- tion of S' by the surface of the other portion of S' . The two portions of surface, enclosing this volume and belonging to the two spheres respectively, are separated by the line of con- tact. Now, if we describe a sphere from by the distance from it to any point within this space, this sphere will lie wholly within 8^""^ and must be one of the spheres which have cut S' before reaching the limit. It must, therefore, first emerge from that space ; but as it cannot cut 8^""^ it must cut ;S" in two lines, one on each of the portions of its surface, separated from each other by the line of contact of /S" and 8^''\ — which is im- possible. Hence, the contact 8' and 8^""^ must be in a single point. We then say that the radius of the sphere /S^"^ described from 0, enclosing 8' and touching it in one point, is equal to a + 6. The distance from to any point in >S'^"^, and, in particular, to the point of contact, is = (a -f 6) ; the distance of this last point from A being equal to b, the distance from to ^ is (a -j- ^) — 6 = a, in perfect agreement with the original hypothesis. Suppose now we have to add to OA a distance AB greater than OA. We describe then from A a sphere 8', with radius A B ; it will enclose and, hence, at least a portion 8 ; it may, how- ever, enclose it all. Describe now a sphere 8^ from 0, with radius equal to AB ; it will enclose A, and hence 8^ and 8' must have common portions ; but neither can enclose the whole of the other, since, as one cannot be greater than the other, they would have to coincide, which is impossible — the centres being distinct. Hence, they will intersect as previously. Increasing now the radius of the sphere described from 0, we can prove, as in the last case, that some >S'*^''^ will come to touch 8' in one point B, and enclose it all, so that OB will be equal to OA + ABy as previously. Also, by diminishing the radius of 8^ continuously, we shall get another point of contact, whose distance from we shall call OA — AB = a — b <,0. Such a point of con- tact as this last can never be obtained from the above rules of addition and subtraction by adding any positive distance, either 72 greater or less than OAj nor by subtracting from OA any posi- tive distance less than OA. Hence, points corresponding to negative distances from 0, where OA is positive, are distinct not only from one another, but also from all points mark- ing positive distances from under same hypothesis. We see now, that we can add and subtract distances as abstract quantities. Scholium. — The rules for addition and subtraction given above are based upon the fact that every two rigid pairs of points connected at one end give rise to an infinity of distances between the free ends, having a perfectly determinate higher and lower limit (maximum and minimum), which we have de- fined, respectively, as the sum and the difference of the two given distances represented by the rigid pairs themselves. An additional reason for singling out the maximum and minimum distances from the host of all the aggregate, is found in the further fact that, when the ends of one of the two connected rigid pairs are fixed in position, the position of the remaining free end is not fixed for any one of the derived distances, with the exception of these two limiting distances. It is also evident, that one of the essential conditions which the addition and sub- traction of measurable quantities must satisfy, namely, that the sum increase with the increase of each of the terms, and that any two quantities differing in value should always give a determinate difference (see Weber, "Traits D'Alg^bre Sup^rieure," 1. 1, p. 9), is perfectly satisfied by our rules for all the three cases considered in the theorem. In order, however, that these rules be perfectly consistent, and should lead to no contradictions in their appli- cation, it is further necessary to prove that, in the first place, the operation of addition obeys the associative and commutative laws of addition of abstract quantities, and, in the second place, the rule for subtraction is actually the inverse of the rule for addition. This can be done by the aid of the following two lemmas : Lemma 1, Theorem 3. — If the point B has been so de- termined by our rule of addition, from the fixed points and A, that OB = OA -f AB, then, taking B as origin and a mov- able rigid pair (AO') congruent with (AO), the fixed point Oj determined so that B0^= BA -\- AO' coincides with the original starting point 0. 73 Demonstration. — Let 0, Ay B be the triplet of points of the original operation ; S'^, S'[, aS"J, the corresponding spheres. Then, by construction, if C is any point on S'[ not coincident with Bj we have OB '> OC. The spheres S^ and 8'^ have same centre and pass through A and J5, respectively, and the sphere 8 'I, with center Aj is wholly interior to 8^, with the exception of point J5, at which the two spheres touch. Let now the sphere (-S'y), conceived rigid, rotate about the fixed point A ; every point (P) belonging to the rotating sphere, will remain upon a sphere described about J. as a center, with radius (AP). Hence, the center of the moving sphere, (0), will move upon the surface of 8^ described from A with radius (A 0) ; and, since (B) is the only point of the surface of (/S'q) which has, at the beginning of the motion, been at a dis- tance (AB) from A, this point (^B) will be the only point in the moving surface (8'^) which will, during all the rotation, remain upon the surface of 8'^. All other points in the moving sur- face (^o), having been at the beginning of the rota- tion outside iS"/, will re- main outside during any moment of the rotation. Hence, the moving sphere (81) will, during all the rotation, remain in inte- rior contact with the sta- tionary sphere 8'^, touch- ing it at any moment in some point jB', which marks the corresponding position in space, at that moment, of the moving point (B) rigidly fixed in the moving sur- face of {8q). Let 0' be the corresponding position, at the moment considered, of the centre (0). It is now evident that the rotation of (81) can be so arranged that its centre (0) describe the whole of the spherical surface 8 1. (It is sufficient for this purpose, that the radius (AO) describing aS'J, be rigidly fixed in the sphere (8^), which moves along with the radius about A fixed.) Simi- FlG. 2. 74 larly, (S'^) can rotate so, that (B) describe the whole of the surface S'^. Our original construction of the triplet of points 0, A J and Bj will, in either case, at any moment be presented by a congruent triplet 0', Aj B'; hence, O'B' = O'A + AB'* We conclude, therefore, that : — First. To any point 0' on the surface of S^ corresponds one, and only one, point B' on the concentric surface S'^, such that 0^S^= WA + 35"= OB, a nd, at the sam^ time, WJ = '0A and AB' = AB, and, further, 0' B' is the maximum distance between the ends of the connected rigid pairs {0' A) and {AB'). Second. To any point B' on the surface 8 'I corresponds some point 0' on the surface /S'J, such that our original construction, repeated from 0' and A^ instead of and Aj will lead us ex- actly to the point B' . We cannot say, however, until proven so, that to B' corresponds only one point 0' . For, although we know that there is only one point B' on aS"/, corresponding to a fixed point 0' on 8\, such that O'B' > 0' C — C being any other point on /S"/, not coincident with B', we cannot affirm that, conversely, B' 0' is also the maximum dis- tance from fixed B' to any point on the surface Sly or, in other words, that BW> B'D, where D is any point on S \ not coincident with 0' ; and if it is not the maximum distance, then we know from the preceding, that a spherical surface de- scribed from B' with ra- dius = B'O'y will cut the surface /S J in a closed line, every point of which is exactly at the same dis- Ym. 2. tances from B' and from J. as 0', and can, therefore, replace 0' in our construction. Let us now start with the fixed points B and Ay as in the theorem, and let the movable rigid pair {AO'), congruent with 75 (AO), be put in the position AO^y where BO^ — BA + ^O^, in the sense of the definition of addition given in Theorem 2. I say, that Oj, which is by construction unique on S\, and which satisfies the inequality B0^'> BO' , where 0' is any other point on S\ not coincident with Oi, cannot be any other point than the original starting point 0. For, let it be some other point D 'j D \Q unique on 8\, and BD^ BO. In this new con- struction, B being the starting point and D, the final point in the operation, we know that, when (J5) moves upon S j, its cor- responding unique point (D) moves upon S\, (It is hardly necessary to explain that the sphere rotating about A fixed in the new construction, and corresponding to Sl'in the old one, is {S^l) touching internally in Z) the stationary sphere /SJ, and supposed, at the beginning of the motion, to have its center at B.) We know, further, that to every point (D) on S \, there is at least one point {B) (and maybe an infinity of such points) on /Sj, such that the construction repeated from the point (^), or from any one of such points, and from A, will lead exactly to {D). Let now (D) move up to ; none of its corresponding points {B) can, for this new position of (D), coincide with B, since, by construction, BD^ BO. Hence, the point corre- sponding to in the new construction, must be some other point C on S'[, — and we have CO = BD > BO — which is in con- tradiction with the result obtained from the first construction, namely, OB '>0C. Hence 0^ marking that position of the end of the rigid pair {AO') in the new construction, which corresponds to the maximum distance BO' from B to any point on S\y cannot coincide with any point ou S\ except 0. We conclude hence, that if OS = OA -f AB, then W) = ~BA -j-~AO — in the sense of our rule of addition, — and if the distances are measured from the same origin 0, then 6 + a = a -f 6. Q. E. D. Lemma 2, Theorem 4. — If 0^ = OA -\- AB, then a sphere described from B with radius BA, will touch externally the sphere described from with radius OA. In other words, if from the rule of addition OA — OB — AB^ then OA is the minimum distance between the extreme ends, of the fixed rigid pair {OB) and the movable rigid pair {BA) jointed to the first at B ; or, otherwise still, the rule for subtraction is an actual inverse of the rule for addition. 76 Demonstration. — Let the theorem not be true. Then a construction of a triplet of points, 0, A, and B, is possible, like that in the figure, where the sphere S 3 — touching internally at B the sphere S'^ of center 0, and having its center A on the spherical surface S^j likewise described from — has a radius AB such, that the sphere 8'^ described from B with this radius, cuts aS'^ in a closed line AA'. Then, we can describe from B as center another sphere S'^f such as will touch exter- nally the sphere aS'^ in the point C, and, consequently, whose radius BC<^BA, Hence, the sphere S^^ described from C with radius CD = ABy having B and some space in the neighborhood, in its inte- rior, cuts S'q or encloses it wholly in its interior. By conceiving now the spher- ical shell contained between the concentric surfaces S^ and SI, to be rigid and to rotate about the stationary sphere /S'^, dragging along (8^) rigidly fixed to this shell, ((7) will come to A^ and 8^^ will now coincide with a congruent sphere 8'[ described from A with ra- dius CD — AB and cut- ting S'q in a closed line or enclosing it wholly in its interior ; but this is contrary to hypothesis, according to which the sphere described from A with radius AB, is 8^, tangent internally to 8^. Our theorem, therefore, can never be untrue, but must be true without exception. Hence, the rule for sub- traction is a real consequence of the rule for addition. Q. E. D. Scholium. — Now we can prove that the operation of addi- tion obeys the associative and commutative laws in their full generality. We have, however, to remark : — first, that from the very sense of the rule for addition follows the equality : a 4- 6 + c = (a + 6) -f c, and, in general, any number of terms following the first, written separately with signs +, may be Fig. 3. OF THE * UNIVERSITY 77 incorporated in a parenthesis enclosing the first, and hence such a parenthesis may be dropped ; and second, that in any parenthesis, by Lemma 1, we may interchange the order of the first two terms, if they are both positive. Theorem 5. — The operation of addition obeys the associ- ative and commutative laws, so that any number of terms, be- ginning from, and ending with, any term we please, may be en- closed in a parenthesis, and the result added to the preceding terms, — and any term may be transposed forwards and back- wards, through any number of other terms. Demonstration. — We have by lemma 2 : 6 + c — c — 6 = & — 6 = 0, and also 6 + c — (6 + c) = (6 -f c) — (6 -f c) = ; .*. — (6 + c) = — c — 6. Therefore, a+6 + c — (6-fc) = a + 5 + c — c — 6 ... a -h 6 + c - (6 + c) + (6 + c) = a + (6 + c), or a + 6 -f c = a + (6 + c), and still otherwise, (a + 6) + c = a + (6 + c). Put now 5 = c? -f 6 + • • • , c = (/ + ^) + • • • + (g + • • • + r) 4- • • • 4- < ; then we get a + (cZ + e +...) + [(/+ ^) + ... + (5 + ... + r) + ..- + q = [a+((^+e+.'. •)] + Kf+gH' • '+{{q+' • •+0+- • -+0] 78 = («+^) + (e+- • •+/+^) + (- • • + ?+• • •+r+- • - + =etc. Suppose, now, we have the sum, and we wish to transpose 6 + c over the terms We write then, = a+ [(6 + c) + (cZ+6+/)] = a + [(d^ + e +/) + (6 + c)] = a + (d + e +/+ 6 + c) We add then the remaining terms to both sides of the equation, and get the desired transposition. Q. E. D. Scholium. — The process of obtaining any integral multiple of a given distance, and also, of obtaining the ratio (commensur- able or incommensurable) of two given distances, ought no longer to detain us, and we shall only remark that this process is a direct consequence of the rules for addition and subtraction and of the postulate of continuity, which says that between any two positions of any geometrical entity (a point included) there is always an infinity of other such positions, all in space, and that at least one infinite series of such positions must be passed through, to reach either of the two given positions from the other. By the associative law of addition and its extension to subtraction in considering this operation as the addition of neg- ative terms, we can get a given series of points, either by adding and subtracting separate terms, each to, or from the preceding sum, or by adding to the same given term a series of distances equivalent to one, two, three • • •, n • • •, of the added and subtracted terms taken in any order we please. This last process, in as- suming that the term to be added (in a positive and a negative sense) increases continuously, leads us to the important concep- tion of a homogeneous line, completely determined by two 79 points in it, which serves as the basis of all line-measurements, and is fully described in the following definitions and succeed- ing corollaries. Definition III. — By conceiving the sphere S' described from A (in Theorem 2), to vary continuously beginning from one whose radius is indefinitely small, and, passing all imaginable distances, to become indefinitely large, we shall get all possible distances OB, positive and negative, whose general expression is {a -f x). To each such distance from corresponds, by con- struction, one, and only one, point, and the aggregate of all these points will, evidently, form a continuous line, which, satisfying fully the conditions necessary for a line suitable to represent the distance-magnitude, may be called the distance-line or the straight line. 80 Corollary I. — To every distance on the line, as measured from 0, there will correspond a point 5 at a corresponding distance from A, such that no other point in space can have the same distances from and A, respectively. For, if we describe two spheres from and^^Jl with the cor- responding distances as radii, these two spheres will have only one point in common, namely, the point on the distance line ; but if there were another point in space at the same dis- tances from and J., this last point would also be on both these spheres, which is contrary to construction. Corollary II. — If J. and B^ and A' and B' , are two pairs of points, at equal distances from each other singly, then the straight lines constructed from each pair as from and A or- iginally, will coincide with each other along the whole of their extent as soon as the congruent pairs {AB) and (^A'B') are made to coincide. This follows immediately from the fact that the distance-line is unique when constructed from two points of fixed position. Corollary III. — Every point not on the distance-line between A and B or its prolongation, is such that we can find a con- tinuous series of points of which this is one, which have the same distances from A and B, respectively, as the given one. For, since the given point is not on the distance-line con- structed from A and B, it follows that the two spheres through the point, described from A and B as centers, will not touch in this point, but cut along a line which is the locus of points having the same distances from A and B as the given one ; hence our corollary. Corollary IV. — If we imagine a rigid body to be placed so, that two of its points coincide with A and B considered pre- viously, and to be fixed there, then all the points of the body fall in either of the following two categories : — (1) A continuous series of them coincide with corresponding points on the distance-line through A and B, which is fixed in space as long as A and B are fixed ; (2) The remaining points coincide, each with a point in space whose distances from A and B^ respectively, it has in common with every point on the intersection of the two spheres described from A and from B through this point. It is evident, therefore, that any point in the body, of the second category, can be displaced along the line of intersec- 81 tion of the two spheres, on which it originally fell, while (A) and (B) are still fixed in A and By letting all other points in the body take care of themselves, or, rather, the rigidity of the body — which consists in preserving the relative distances of the points of the body — take care of their individual positions dur- ing this displacement. We find then that every other point of the second category will have, in all its displacements, to re- main on a corresponding line of intersection of two spheres from A and B. Every point in the first category, however, will have to remain stationary, since there is no other point in space having the same distances from A and By besides the one with which it coincided originally. These conditions are seen also to be perfectly compatible with the relative distances of the individual points of the body from one another, as soon as a continuous series of spheres, described from A and B as centers, is imagined, together with their mutual intersections ; for, as the points of the body move along these lines of intersec- tion, these lines, together with their spheres, can be conceived to glide upon themselves, never changing their form, since a sphere is a homogeneous surface ; hence, the mutual distances of the moving points are defined alike throughout their motion. Such a motion of a rigid body, about a stationary straight line (axis), we call rotation^ and the body moving with such a mo- tion, is said to rotate or to revolve about the axis ABj or, simply, about the two fixed points A and B. Corollary V. — Since in the rotation of the solid, considered in the preceding corollary, any two points in the solid, (C) and (i)), which lie on the axis {AB)y will remain in coincidence with a pair of congruent points C and I) fixed upon the dis- tance-line AB, and since no other points in the solid, besides those lying on the axis, remain fixed, — it follows that if a solid is moved so, that a given pair of points in it, (C) and (D), re- main fixed in space, then all the points in the moving solid fall in two categories : — such as remain on a fixed axis determined by C and D and constructed from any two 'points in itj A and By and such as move constantly upon corresponding intersec- tions of two systems of spheres of centers A and By respectively. For, rotating upon the fixed axis constructed from, and therefore determined by, C and D, no other points in the solid besides those lying on the axis can remain fixed in space. Any two points [A) and {B) in the axis, however, remaining fixed, the 82 solid rotates also about the distance-line constructed from A and By and this must coincide with that determined by C and D. Corollary YI. — It follows,* that there is no difference in the form of the distance-line when constructed from any pair of points in space, and that any two such lines will coincide with each other throughout the whole of their extent as soon as two congruent points in both are made to coincide. Corollary YII. — Any portion of a straight line will, by the preceding corollary, coincide with any other portion of the same straight line, as soon as their limits coincide. In other words, a straight line is homogeneous, i. e., any portion can move upon the whole without deformation. Corollary VIII. — If we move up the segment (AB) of a straight line upon itself a distance AA'y so that the position of (AB) at the end of the motion will be A' BB' , then the whole line AA' BB' is also a straight line. A a! B B' Fig. 5. In fact, AA' B and A' BB' , separately considered, being, re- spectively, the original and final position of the same segment )AB), are two segments of a straight line, having the portion A' B in common. Hence, by Corollary YI, they must coin- cide, each with a corresponding segment upon the unique dis- tance-line determined by A' B, i. e., AA' BB' is likewise a seg- ment of a straight line. It follows, that in this way we can prolong a segment of a straight line indefinitely far, solely by shoving it along itself and its successive prolongations. Corollary IX. — A straight line cannot have more than one branch on each side of a point belonging to it. It cannot, for instance, have the branch ^^ on one side of the point B, and J5(7and BD on the other side of it. Fig. 6. *This corollary follows also very readily from the associative law of ad- dition of distances. 83 For, otherwise, by revolving a solid containing both branch ABD and branch ABC, about ABD fixed, BC would be displaced — which is impossible if ABC is a straight line. Another proof is obtained thus : — If the line ABD is con- structed from ABy then the points between B and A and be- tween B and D are obtained by continuously increasing the distance x — respectively to be subtracted from and added to AB — from zero to infinity. But, in doing so, the radius of the corresponding sphere 8' described from B as center, on whose surface the corresponding points lie, increases continu- ously, i. e.j these points recede more and more from the center By both ways, and can never come back to it without crossing the intermediate spherical surface, or, which is the same thing, without retracing their steps backwards. But as this is not permissible in the continuous description of the distance-line, we can never come back to B, Hence, it is impossible that the additional branch BChe ever described. Theorem 6. — A straight line ABy issuing from a fixed point A and prolonged indefinitely on the other side of By will not return to A again, after any num- ber of prolongations, each equal to ABy however large that number. For, if this were possible, then taking just half of the whole extent, whose end let be (7, we would have two distinct straight lines between A and (7, namely, ABC and CB'Ay since CB' A is supposed to be differ- ent from ABCy as the point B is not supposed to re- trace its steps backwards beginning from (7. Another proof is exactly like the second proof of Corollary IX to Theorem 5, where the impossibility of returning back to a point in the distance-line is Fia. 7. deduced from the fact that, as we continually move away from it both ways, all the points passed in either sense, become separated from those not yet reached, by a series of closed spherical surfaces, which, by the definition of an increas- ing distance, can never be crossed backwards. Corollary. — From this theorem and from the preceding one it follows, that two distinct straight lines can have no more than one point in common, like AOB and COD. As soon as, besides 0, another point E in CODy is made to coincide with 84 E' in A OB, the two lines must coincide up to the ends of the smaller segments of either, on both sides of 0, and their prolongations must coincide as far as we please to take them. Fig. 8. Definition lY. — A pair of straight lines having only one point in common are said to diverge and form an angle at the point Oj which is the vertex of the angle, and the straight lines themselves are the sides of the angle. Such a pair of straight lines is called a crossing pair of straight lines. Scholium. — It is evident, since an angle has four segments, having six combinations in pairs, if we leave out the two pairs belonging to the same straight line each, we get only four — the number of angles as defined above. (We shall learn later an extension of the definition, which will give an indefinite num- ber of angles.) We shall consider at present one angle, made only by two segments of distinct straight lines issuing only on one side of the vertex 0, like A OB. We imagine this to be a rigid figure, in which any two points k and I, each on one side, preserve always a con- stant distance between each other. The vertex and one side of any other angle A' 0' B' can, evidently, be applied to the vertex Fia. 9. and either side of A OB. If, at the same time, a point in the remaining side 0' B' can he made to coincide with a point equidistant from on OB — the corresponding free side of the angle AOB — without breaking the rigidity of either of 86 the figures as explained above, the whole side O'B' will coin- cide with OB, and the two angles will he said to he equal; if on the contrary y this is not possible, the angles are unequal. Let us see whether there is a way of measuring angles. Theorem 7. — If two straight lines, ^OCand BOB, inter- sect so that they form two adjacent angles A OB and BOG (such as have one side in common) equal to each other, all four angles are equal. Demonstration. — For, put an exactly equal movable figure, which we denote by small letters upon the given one, so that ZaOh of the movable figure shall coincide with BOC of the c b d A c D Fig. 10. original figure ; then Oc, the prolongation of aO, will coincide with OD, the prolongation of BO, and Od, the prolongation of 60, will coincide with OA, the prolongation of CO. Hence ZBOC= ZaOh= Z.hOG= ICOD = /.cOd^^ ZDOA = ZdOa= Z A OB ; that is, all four angles are equal. Q. E. D. Definition V. — Each of the four equal angles formed hy the two intersecting lines, is called a right angle, and the lines are said to he perpendicular to each other. Theorem 8. — Let the straight lines AOA' and BOB' inter- sect each other at right angles. Let one of these be fixed, and the other turn round in space, — A OA ' , say, taking up all possible 86 positions compatible with the rigidity of the figure. Then OA will generate a surface, which is indefinite in extent if OA is indefinite in extent, and which is capable of revolving upon itself around without deformation, i. e., any portion of it inclosed between any two positions of OA^ like OA^ and OA^, will be capable of coincidence with any other portion inclosed between two other positions of OA making an angle equal to AfiA^\ moreover, if BOB' is turned over about the fixed point 0, so that the segment OB' come to coincide with the original position of OB, and OB with that of OB' , the whole surface will, without deformation, turn about and come into coincidence with the trace of its original position, upside down, as soon as BOB' comes into coincidence with B' OB, *' B* Fig. 11. ./ Demonstration. — The first half of the proposition follows immediately from the principle of continuity of congruence in motion (Axiom 1) and from the property of a straight line, combined with the fact that in the rotation of a rigid body any point of the second category moves upon a closed line — the intersection of two spheres described from any two points in the fixed axis as centers and passing through the point in question (Corollary TV. to Definition 3)* The second half * If the two points on the axis are taken equidistant from 0, the plane represents the system of concentric circles which served for Lobatchevski as a definition of a plane in his work (see " Urkundenznr Geschichte der Nicht- Eukl. Geom.," Engel, 1898, pp. 93-109). 87 follows from the equality of the angles A OB and A OB'. For we can imagine from the start, that a duplicate of the figure BOAOB' has been brought into coincidence with B' OAOB ; so that BOA and the duplicate of B' OA generate the same sur- face on one side, as the duplicate of BOA and B' OA itself y on the other side. Hence the theorem. Definition YI. — The surface is called a plane, OA — the generator, and, in any of its fixed positions, a half-ray, which together with its prolongation on the other side of composes a complete ray or element. The point is the origin ; the axis B' OB is said to be normal to the plane AOAy Corollary I. — It follows, that we can revolve the plane about any element or ray passing through 0, until its upper side comes into coincidence with the original lower side, and J^ ^ Fig. 11. y" / ^^4 moe. versa — the ray itself remaining fixed ; since, in this mo- tion, the ray will always coincide with itself while the nm-mal is displaced and revolves around into coincidence with its own reversed position. Corollary II. — It follows also, that a plane divides all space into two equal portions, which become coincident with each other as soon as the normal coincides with its reversed position. Corollary III. — The plane described by the segment OA, using the perpendicular OB as an axis, is identically the same as that described by the prolongation of OA, viz., OA' ; also this plane is unique as long as BOB' is fixed. 88 Corollary TV. — Given the plane A OA^ whose normal is OB, and a straight line OC not lying in this plane, then Z.BOC is not a right angle. For, joining by a straight line, h and a, a point on the normal and some point in the plane, not 0, and then revolving {BhOci) around Bh fixed, ihd) must somewhere in its motion intercept, in some point c, the straight line OC, which is supposed to re- main stationary until this occurs ; since, after ( Oa) comes round back to its original position, (60a) will have described a closed surface, separating a finite portion of space from all other space. This surface will consist, partly of the portion of the plane described by the segment {Oa) of the element OA^ in which a is situated, and partly of the lateral surface de- scribed by (ah), every point of which will be at some appreci- able distance from 0. Hence, a sphere described by the smallest distance from of any point in the lateral surface, Fig. 12. will enclose an appreciable portion of OC; while a sphere de- scribed by a distance greater than that of the point in the lateral surface farthest from (only the finite segment (ah) is con- sidered), will enclose in its interior a portion of OC having some points exterior to the closed surface. Hence, a variable point on OC, in moving continuously from a position on the interior portion towards a position on the exterior portion, must cross the closed surface. But as C can meet neither an element of the plane A Oa, nor the normal OB, in any other 89 point than 0, it must pierce the lateral surface described hj (ba) in some point c. Thus, the generator of the lateral sur- face (ba) in the position of bca intercepts OC in the point c. Let then the element (OA^)) starting from its new position, de- scribe its own plane anew, dragging along OC in its motion. Then, this last will describe a surface which will lie wholly on that side of the plane A OA^ where the half of the normal OB is situated. Reversing now the plane, the surface generated by OC will lie wholly on the side where OB' was originally, and will be separated from its original position by double the space between its original position and the plane A OAy There- fore, the surface generated by 0(7 in its rotation around the axis BOB', is not a plane (Corollary II), and hence Z.BOC is not a right angle. Corollary V. — It follows, that all planes coincide with one another as soon as their normals and origins coincide. Theorem 9. — All right angles are equal. Demonstration. — If the vertex of any right angle is made to coincide with the origin of our plane, and one of its sides, with the normal OB of the plane, the other side must coincide with some one of the elements of the plane, say OA^, by pre- ceding corollary. Hence, all right angles can be made to coin- cide, or are equal. Q. E. D. The preceding theorems about the properties of a plane and of right angles will suffice to render more concrete our notions about angles in general as geometrical magnitudes. First, we observe that we have found a natural unit for measuring angles, namely, the right angle ; and, secondly, we shall soon see how the plane will afford us a means of comparing all possible angles with our standard unit, the right angle. The following preliminary remarks are necessary. Scholium I. — Any pair of crossing lines will be capable of being applied to the plane so, that the vertex shall lie on the origin, and the lines themselves shall lie wholly in the plane. In fact, one of the two lines can always be brought into co- incidence with any ray in the plane so, that the vertex fall on the origin. If, now, the other line falls upon another ray, the proposition is proved for the case under consideration. If not, this other line will have pierced the plane (which is admissible during the process of applying ; we may imagine, if necessary, 90 a portion of the plane removed during the application and then restored back to its original position ; see also definition of rigidity), and will have only one point in common with the plane, viz., the origin, like OB or 00 in Fig. 12. If, now, we revolve the plane about the fixed ray with which the first side is in coincidence, it will sweep through all space during a revolution that brings the normal into its reversed position. Hence, some time during this revolution, it will have to inter- cept another point on the line which has not been in it origi- nally and which is supposed to have remained fixed in position ; but just as this interception occurs, this line will have two points in common with some ray in the plane, and will, hence, coincide with it along the whole of its extent — i. e., both lines of the crossing pair will lie in the plane. Hence, all pairs of crossing lines can be made to coincide, each with a pair of crossing rays in the plane. In other w^ords, all possible angles are to be found among the different angles between the different rays of any plane. Scholium II. — If we apply any two perpendicular lines of indefinite extent to a corresponding pair of rays in the plane, we see that the whole extent of the plane can, from any initial position of a ray, OA say, be divided into four congruent parts, each of which will be enclosed by a right angle. The end of any fixed distance from 0, measured along a ray, will generate in its motion around a homogeneous curve every point of which is equidistant from 0. The curve is called the circum- ference of a circle, and is its center. A portion of the plane enclosed between any two rays measured one way from center to circumference and termed radii is called a sector ^ that is, a part of the whole portion of the plane enclosed by the circumfer- ence ; such a sector is congruent with any other sector enclosed between two radii making the same angle with each other. It is now evident that, since, whenever the angle between two fixed radii is equal to the angle between two other fixed radii, both the sectors of the circle and the segments of the circumfer- encCy or arcs, enclosed by the respective pairs of radii, are equal each to each — the angles can be measured either by the cor- responding sectors or by the arcs enclosed between their sides, so that a greater angle corresponds to a greater sector or arc, and a multiple or part of an angle corresponds to the same multiple or part of the corresponding sector or arc. Since every possible 91 position of two intersecting straight lines, with respect to each other, has been proved to find its analogue in some position of two intersecting rays of a plane, it is sufficient to investigate these last. Now, we can conceive the whole aggregate of dis- placements possible for a ray in the plane (Fig. 13) with re- spect to a fixed ray A 'a' OaA, to be bound up with the corre- sponding displacements of a circle rigidly fixed to the moving ray and revolving with it about the center, so that the circum- ference moves in its own trace. Then we see that, if (Oc), one segment of the moving ray, makes in any of its positions an angle AOq with OJ., measured by the arc — passed over by the moving point in the circumference — from a to c, then the pro- longation of (Oc) must have been displaced just as much on the other side of OA' — the prolongation of OA — and must form an equal angle A' OC — as measured from the fixed segment OA' or, along the circumference of the circle, from a' to c', in the same sense as ac. For, any fixed point in the moving cir- cumference must have been displaced an equal arc with any other. So we see that the two half-rays of the same ray lie on opposite sides of the two half-rays of any other ray not coinci- dent with it — since any fixed ray can be taken as the initial ray — and the angle made by the prolongations of any two half-rays will be exactly equal to the angle made by the half-rays them- selves. Also, that any point in the moving ray will be dis- 92 placed a quarter, a half, three quarters, and a whole circumfer- ence, when the ray is displaced one, two, three, or four, right angles ; further, that the half-ray will fall upon its own prolon- gation — for a displacement of two right angles, and will come to its original position — for a displacement of four right angles. It follows, then, that a half-ray, in any of its positions, makes with the two half-rays of another ray two angles, one of which is just as much less than a right angle, as the other is greater, — their sum being equal to two right angles {acute and ohtvLse angles). The following theorem, concerning angles in space, becomes at once evident by the application of the angles to the plane. Theorem 10. — Two adjacent* angles whose two non-com- mon sides form the opposite prolongations from the vertex of the same straight line, are together equal to two right angles ; the two non-adjacent angles, made by two straight lines and their prolongations, respectively, are equal ; and all the four angles taken together are equal to four right angles. Definition VII. — A figure bounded by three straight lines intersecting, two by two, in three points and making three angles, each less than two right angles, is called a triangle. We must not, at the beginning, consider the triangle as contain- ing any surface that may be limited by the sides of the triangle. * Adjacent angles are defined as usual. 93 Scholium. — It is evident from the way we have constructed the straight line, that any three points at fixed distances from each other are capable of congruence with any other triplet of points of the same fixed distances ; since, if in any such a triad we revolve one of the points around the straight line connect- ing the remaining pair, we get the locus of all the points which are at the same two distances from the fixed pair as the given third one, and no point outside this locus can have the same distances from the fixed pair, — as shown in Theorem 2-5 and corollaries. Hence, when the corresponding points of the two equidistant pairs in the two triads are brought into coincidence, the third ones, in each triad, will be capable of coincidence. Corollary. — Since as soon as the ends of two equal distances coincide the straight lines representing these distances coincide, it follows that any two triangles whose sides are respectively equal to each other are congruent. Theorem 11. — Two triangles are equal when two sides and the included angle of one are respectively equal to two sides and the included angle of the second. The demonstration given by Euclid in his Elements for this theorem, holds here word for word, and need not be repeated. Corollary. — In every isosceles triangle the angles at the base (opposite the equal sides) are equal. For, its duplicate can be applied to it so, that the equal sides be interchanged by turning over ; the base and, hence, the angles interchanged, will still coincide with the corresponding ones in the original triangle. These two theorems concerning congruent angles and tri- angles are sufficient to deduce a most fundamental property of the plane — namely, that the origin may be transposed to any point in the plane, and hence, any straight line having only two points in common with the plane, anywhere, will lie wholly in the plane ; hence, the plane itself is capable of translation or rotation upon itself without deformation. Theorem 12. — A straight line having two points in common with a plane, will lie wholly in that plane. Demonstration. — If the two points are upon the same ray, the straight line coincides with the ray, i. e., lies in the plane. Suppose, however, that the two points lie upon different rays ; we then can prove that any other point of the straight line lies upon some other ray of the plane. 94 Let BOB' , where OB = OB' ^ be the normal of the plane AOC, and let the straight line X'X cut the rays OA and OC in the points A and C, respectively ; we have to prove that any point jD of the line X' X lies upon a ray OD. Connecting OD, we join B and B' y respectively, with Ay C, and I), K~~~-~~~^. Fig. 14. Then ABOC^AB'OC and ABOA = AB'OA, by last proposition. .'.BC=:B'C,BA = B'Ay whence AABC= AAB'Cy by corollary to Definition VII. Whence, Z.BAD= AB'AJD; . • . ABAD = AB'ADy and ^D = J5'D ; whence, again, ABOD = AB' OD, . • . ABOD = right angle by Theorem 10. OD is, therefore, a ray. Now, since this is true for any point D in the line X'X, the whole of its extent lies in the plane. Q. E. D. Definition YIII. — A plane can now be re-defined as the sur- face in which every straight line lies wholly if it passes through two of its points. Corollary. — It immediately follows, that any angle can be made to lie anywhere in the plane ; and so also a triangle, — for one side of the triangle will lie wholly in the plane as soon as 95 its two ends lie in the plane ; now, if also the third vertex is brought into coincidence with some point in the plane, by re- volving the triangle around the side held fixed in the plane, the other two sides will likewise come wholly into the plane. Scholium. — When a movable half-ray in a plane describes a positive (continuously increasing) angle, and in doing so it slides upon a fixed straight line termed transversal and inter- secting its initial position in a point other than the vertex, the segments which it cuts off upon this transversal — measured from the fixed point of intersection towards the corresponding positions of the variable point of intersection with the moving half-ray — will continuously increase as long as the moving half-ray meets the transversal ; that is, until a segment is reached which exceeds in length any arbitrarily given finite seg- ment, no matter how great. For, any point of the transversal, that is at a finite distance greater than the given length from the origin of the segments, can readily be joined with the ver- tex of the variable angle, and will therefore form the limit of one of the segments greater than the given one. Definition IX. — The normal is said to be perpendicular to the plane, because it is perpendicular to every straight line passing through it and lying wholly in the plane. Theorem 13. — A straight line perpendicular to any two intersecting straight lines at their point of intersection, is per- pendicular to the plane in which these straight lines are situ- ated. The straight lines need not be the rays of the original construction of the plane, but any two straight lines intersect- ing these and, hence, ^ M \ \ \ \ lying in their plane. L — The proof is word for word that given by Eu- clid in Book XI, prop- osition lY, of his Ele- ments. Corollary I. — An im- mediate consequence is that at every point of a ^' plane we can erect a per- Fia. 15. pendicular to the plane. For, if K is such a point, not the origin of the original construction, and LKM and KN are any two perpendicular \' 96 straight lines through K in the same plane, then, fixing the line LKM and revolving {NK) about it the amount of one quadrant, into the position of iV^' -ST, this last is now perpen- dicular to KM and KN) hence, it is perpendicular to the plane in which they are situated. In other words, KN' may now be regarded as a normal, and all straight lines in the given plane through Kj as the rays. Corollary II. — Since any two planes coincide as soon as their origins and normals coincide, it follows that a plane will coin- cide with itself when the origin is displaced, in any manner whatever, to any other point in the same plane, provided the normal at the origin is made to coincide with the normal at the point to which the origin is shifted ; also, that the origin or, indeed, any point in a plane, treated as such, may displace itself continuously, describing any curve in the plane — the whole plane remaining unaltered in shape or position ; and, further, that the plane may be turned upside down, shifted upon itself in any manner whatever, without altering its position or shape as a whole (Leibnitz). At this stage of our investigation our elementary figures, viz., the angle, the triangle, and the circle, can be made more concrete. Since each of these figures can be made to lie wholly in a plane, we may suppose their boundaries to limit corresponding por- tions of a plane. This is the reason of their being called plane figures, in contradistinction to those which cannot be made to lie wholly in a plane. Thus, a network of straight lines and circles may be conceived to cover these plane figures, just like the plane itself ; crossing and recrossing one another in all possible ways, since every point in a plane may be conceived as an origin of rays and angles and as a center for the circumfer- ences of the circles described by the fixed points in these rays. Geometry invariably makes use of this conception of the plane, in the way of d^jiat : " Describe a circle, from such and such a point as centre, and with such and such a distance as radius,^' etc., — just as it does with respect to homogeneous space in general. CHAPTER III THE QUADRILATERAL AND THE IMMATERIAL QUADRILATERAL. PARALLEL STRAIGHT LINES The following propositions of the first book of Euclid's Ele- ments can now be proved very rigorously, either by Euclid's demonstrations, or in a more elegant way — like the one used by Legendre and his followers, — since none of the hypotheses, whether tacit or explicit, which Euclid assumes in the shape of postulates, definitions, and axioms, in these demonstrations, are now wanting a solid basis. I omit the demonstrations, refer- ring the reader to Euclid or Legendre, whose treatment of these propositions is admitted to be rigorous and faultless, once you grant the postulates and axioms upon which their proofs rest, and which have now been established with the utmost rigor. The propositions referred to are : IX*, X, XI, XII, XIV, the converse of XY, XVI, XVII, (for the last two I prefer to give my own proofs, which will throw some light on the nature of parallels); then XVIII, XIX,t XXI, XXII, XXIII, XXIV, XXV, XXVI. Now we come to Euclid's treatment of parallels, which has been acknowledged to be the weakest spot in the Euclidian geometry. I propose to treat this subject in an entirely difierent manner, using again, as in the rest of this treatise, the kinematic method, which is much more powerful than the static method adopted by Euclid, and which, I flatter myself with the belief, will es- tablish on a foundation firmer than ever before, the most im- * The propositions left out have been proved by ns explicitly or implicitly, excepting VII, which is unnecessary, and VI, which is a consequence of XXVI, case 1, since the duplicate of a triangle with two equal angles can be turned over and applied to the original triangle, with which it will coincide. fThe Twentieth of Euclid and also the more general proposition that a straight line is the shortest path between two points (not the shortest dis- tance, since there is only one distance between two fixed points) can be proved immediately by the consideration, — that any point of the second cate- gory with respect to two fixed points, lies upon the intersection of two spheres described from the points with radii whose sum is greater than the sum of the radii of the two spheres in contact described from the same fixed points, whose point of contact is a point of the first category, on the straight line between the fixed points, by the very construction. 97 98 portant truths of similarity and proportion, on which rests all the grand superstructure of our actual mathematics, both pure and applied. I proceed to prove XVI and XYII of Euclid's first book. Theorem 14. — The sum of any two interior angles of a triangle is less than two right angles. a + b<2rt Z's, Demonstration. — If a + 6 ^ 2 rt. Z's, then, because /.ABE -f 6 = 2 rt. Z's (Theorem 10), it follows a + 6 ^Z.ABE-\- h, and a ^ /.ABE. For a similar reason h ^ /.DAB. Now, apply- ing the lower part of the diagram, namely DABEy to the upper ABC so, that A shall fall upon B and B upon Ay and the angle a, being ^ /EBAy shall coincide with or in- close the latter, and b shall coincide with or inclose /DAB, — AD will lie, either on the side BC, or within the angle 6, and BE, either on A (7, or within the angle a. In either case AD and BE will intersect — namely, at C, the vertex of the triangle, or in some point within the triangle; and when returned to their original positions, they — while making the prolongations of CA and CB, respectively — will in- tersect at some other point C, below AB. Or, in other words, the two lines CAD and CBE will intersect in two points Cand C, — which is impossible (The- orems 2, 5 and, corollaries). Therefore, it is impossible that in the triangle ABC, a + 6 ^ 2 rt. Z's. Q. E. D. Corollary I. — If in the formula a + 6 ^ 2 rt. Z's, we sepa- rate the case of equality, namely, a + 6 = 2 rt. Z's, we shall have a=/ ABE and b = / DAB ; and the two straight lines mak- ing such angles with the secant^ cannot meet either below or above the secant, — for, in either case, they would have to meet simultaneously also on the other side of the secant, which is impossible. Therefore, if two straight lines intersected by a third one make with it two interior angles on the same side Fig. 16. 99 of the secant, equal to two right angles, they cannot meet, even if produced indefinitely both ways. Corollary II. — Any exterior angle of a triangle is greater than either of the interior and opposite angles. Because any of the interior angles with its adjacent exterior angle equals two right angles (Theorem 10) ; while with eithe of the opposite interior angles it is less than two right angles ; hence, each of these last ones is less than the exterior opposite to it. Corollary III. — If one of the interior angles of a triangle is a right or an obtuse angle, either one of the remaining two is less than a right angle ; therefore, in any triangle there can be no more than one right or obtuse angle, and not less than two acute angles. Corollary IV. — A perpendicular is the shortest line from a point to a straight line (Proposition XYIII of Euclid's Ele- ments). A perpendicular is, therefore, assumed to represent the distance from a point to a straight line. Definition X. — A quadrilateral is a figure bounded by four sides containing four interior angles. A rectilinear quadrilat- eral is one bounded by the segments of four straight lines — of fixed length each — between four points which are the ver- tices of the quadrilateral, — each vertex being connected only with two adjacent ones. A plane quadrilateral is one that can be placed wholly in a plane. We shall have occasion to use quadrilaterals of fixed sides only, but not of fixed angles. Of course, such are, so to speak, non-material ones, i. e., bounding no fixed plane area, and in such, the relative distances of the four vertices are fixed only for the four (out of all six pos- sible) pairs, constituting the ends of the four sides respec- tively. While the three distances, AB, BCy CA, must necessarily fix all distance-relations between three points — a distance being a relation between one pair (number of com- binations of three different things taken two at a time), only six distances will be sufficient to fix uniquely the distance- relations between four points (number of combinations of four different things taken two at a time) ; hence, four distances are insufficient in the case of a quadrilateral. If, however, the quadrilateral is restricted to lie in a plane, we have an addi- tional relation, — and only one additional distance, like one diago- nal (the distance between either pair of the opposite vertices), will be sufficient to determine the complete form of the quadri- 100 lateral. This property of a quadrilateral is expressed by say- ing that a quadrilateral can " rack." We shall call such a quad- rilateral with variable angles an immaterial quadrilateral. Theorem 15. — In any rec- tilinear quadrilateral, whether plane or not, whose opposite sides are equal, the opposite an- gles are equal. Demonstration. — Let AB =: DC, AD = BC. Then join- ing A C and DB, we get Fig. 17. aABC= a CJDA and A ABB = A CDB ; . • . ZABC= Z CDA, ZBAD = ZDCB. Q. E. D. Corollary I.— It follows, that ZABD = ZBDC and ZADB = ZCBD; similarly ZCAB== ZACD and ZACB = ZCAD, — that is, the angles made by the same diagonal with the two opposite sides, are equal. Corollary II. — It also follows, that in a plane quadrilateral, with equal opposite sides, two non-opposite sides and the angle enclosed by them are suf- ficient to determine the whole quadrilateral. Theorem 16. — Two plane quadrilaterals ABCD and A' B' CD' , having three sides and two included angles in the one equal respectively to the corres- ponding three sides and included angles in the other, are equal to each other. Demonstration. — If DA = D'A\ AB = A'B', Fig. 18. and also, BC=^B'C', 101 Osim'fi) 0, Of X' ZDAB = ZD'A'B\ ZABO= ZA'B'C, then, by superposition, we see that the two quadrilaterals coin- cide with each other. Q. E. D. Theorem 17. — In a plane quadrilateral, two of whose op- posite sides are equal and in which the interior angles made by these with one of the re- maining sides, are supplemen- A«(m+/) tary, this last side cannot be greater than the side opposite to it. Let OA ^ O^A^, Z AOO^ + / 00,A^ = 2 rt. Z 's ; then 00^ > AA^. For, let 00^>AA^, Then since OA = O^A^ and Z AOO^ := Z Afifi^j the supplement of Z OOyA^y we can apply the lower side of the quadrilateral to its upper side O^A^j and we get ^,^,< 0,0, = 00,. Now, suppose 00^ — AA^=l, some length ; then, every time is transposed a distance = 00^ along the straight line XX', A is transposed a distance = 00^ — L Let OA = ml -{- ?„ where m is a positive integer, and l^ is either zero or a length less than I. Then, applying this quadrilateral to itself, along the same straight line XX , 2(m Fia. 19. + 1) times, we get, — <^<^2U-f 1)= 2 (m + 1) 00, = 2 (m + 1) ^^, + 2 (m -h 1) ^ >2(m+l) AA,-\-2ml-{.2l, = AA,A,>>>A,^^^,^+ OA -\- ^2U+l) ^2(m+l)> 102 that is, the straight line between and 0^^^^ ^^ is greater than the broken line between these same two points — which is absurd * (Euclid XX, Book 1). Hence, 00^ > AA^. Q. E. D. Corollary. — The sum of the three angles of a triangle can- not be greater than two right angles. For, if ^50 is such a triangle, then apply- ing to it an equal triangle BCD, where BD = ^(7 and CD = AB, we get ZDBC+ ZCBA + ZBAC=^ ZC+ Z B+ ZA>2rt.Z's; therefore, if Z D'BC+ ZB+ ZA = 2 rt. Z's, and D'B=DB, we have ZD'BC< ZDBC, whence CD' < CD (Euclid I, XV) ; we have also, D'B = CA and ZD'BA-{- ZBAC= 2 rt. Z's, ^. e., D'BACis just such B a plane quadrilateral as has been discussed in the theorem, and CD' ZdOh (Euclid I, XXY). . •. ZaOc + ZcOh> ZaOd+ Z dOh, or ZAOC + I COB> ZAOB. Q. E. D. Theorem 20. — In the motion considered in Theorem 18, the four sides of each quadrilateral will, at any instant, be in one plane. For from I, a = 7, or from II, /3 == 8, combined with (7), a + 3 = 2 rt. Z's, it follows that 7 -f- 8 = 2 rt. Z's. Now, join- ing FD, we find that if CF is always in the plane of A DFEy then CD J FB^ FA, and AB are in the same plane, and the theo- rem is conceded. But if CF is sometimes out of the plane ^ , ,_ n Id — -..>,..^^ cj f^^ ' — ~-— ~^ Z CFE, or Z CFD + Z FDC > 3 (Theorem 15) ; and since 0=7, we get c -\- Z CFD + Z FDC> 7 4- 5, or Z nCF+ Z CFD-j- Z FDC> 2rt. Z^s— which is impossible (cor. to Theorem 17). Hence, CF is always in the plane DFE, and the theorem is proved as before. Q. E. D. Corollary I. — It follows, that any immaterial quadrilateral vnth equal opposite sides, can move in a plane so, that one of its angles assume any value we please, and that the distarwe hetween the middle points of one pair of opposite sides constantly remain equal to each of the remaining pair of opposite sides. * See also note, p. 97. 108 Corollary II. — It is evident that the sum of the interior angles and, hence, also of the exterior angles, adjacent to the same side in any of the positions of such a moving quadri- lateral, is equal to two right angles, since 2 rt. Z's = a -f- /^ = y-^8 = d-\-c=a-\-h — b-\-c, etc. Theorem 21. — The sum of the interior angles adjacent to the same side of any plane quadrilateral with equal opposite sides, is equal to two right angles. For, an immaterial quadrilateral having sides of equal length with the given one, can assume such a position in a plane, that the angle enclosed between any two of its non-oppo- site sides, be equal to the corresponding angle in the given quadrilateral. And as the sum of the interior angles adjacent to the same side of this immaterial quadrilateral in the particu- lar position, is equal to two right angles, it follows by Corollary II to Theorem 15, that the sum of the interior angles adjacent to the same side in our given quadrilateral, is likewise equal to two right angles. Q. E. D. Corollary I. — The sum of the three interior angles of any triangle is equal to two right angles. For, if in the triangle ABC we produce AB to E, Z CBE> C; hence, making Z CBD = ZBCA^ BD falls within angle CBE (Theorem 14, Cor. II). Taking BD =^ AC, and joining CD, we have, A CBD = a BCA, and CD = AB (Theorem 11), hence, we have a plane quadri- lateral with equal opposite sides therefore, Z CAB -h Z ABD = 2 rt. Z's, or ZA + ZB + ZG = 2 rt. Z's. Corollary II. — The exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the two interior and opposite angles. Corollary III. — The four angles in any plane quadrilateral equal 4 rt. Z^s, since it can be divided into two triangles having their six angles coincident with the four given ones. Theorem 22. — Two straight lines perpendicular to a third one in the same plane with it, — 1) Will both be perpendicular to any other perpendicular drawn from any point in the one to the other ; 109 2) Will both have the same inclination towards any secant to both ; 3) Will be everywhere equidistant from each other, i, e., any perpendicular from one to the other will be of the same length with any other. Demonstration. — 1) Let J.j5, CD be both perpendicular to the same straight line KL in the same plane ; and draw any other perpendicular UN, from any other point 31 in AB to CD ; and join LM. The sums of the interior angles of each of the two triangles are equal to two right angles singly, and to- FiG. 25. gether they are equal to four right angles. But the six angles of both triangles make up together the four angles of the quad- rilateral KLMN. Of these last, the angles K, L, and N are each a right angle (by construction) ; therefore, Z 31 also is a right angle, and hence any perpendicular to CD, from any point in AB, will also be perpendicular to AB. For the same reason, any perpendicular to ABj from any point in CD, will also be perpendicular to CD. 2) In the same diagram, if P3fL is a secant toAB and CD, which are both perpendicular to a third line in the same plane, then draw from L a perpendicular LK to AB, and from Jf, a per- pendicular 3fN to CD. The first will also be perpendicular to CD J and the second, to AB (section 1 of our proposition). Now, in the triangle L3fN we have Z L3IN -{- Z NL3I = 2 rt. Z's — Z N= rt. Z (corollary to Theorem 21); besides, /.L3IN-\- Z LiOr= 31= rt. Z. Hence, Z L3^1N -h /_ NL3f=: Z L3fN-{- Z L3IK; Z NL3I= Z L3IK, or Z PLD = Z P3IB (Theorem 10). That is, both AB and CD have the same inclination o wards any common secant. 110 3) If KL, MN are any two perpendiculars to both AB and CDy which are situated in the same plane, and ML joins the opposite angles M and X, then Z NLM = Z LMK ; Z LMN = Z MLK (section 2 of our proposition), and ML is common to both triangles ; therefore, A L3IN= A MLK, and MN= KLj — and as the same reasoning applies equally to any other two perpendiculars to both, all the points of either line AB ov CDy are at equal distances from the other. Definition XI. — Two straight lines perpendicular to a third in the same plane, as having the same inclination towards any common secant and being everywhere equidistant from each other, are said to be parallel to each other, meaning — beside each other, or going in the same direction and being everywhere at the same distance from each other. Corollary I. — Any perpendicular to one of a pair of parallel lines, in the same plane with both, if produced indefinitely must meet the other at right angles. For, if from the point of intersection with the first a perpen- dicular be drawn to the other, it must also be perpendicular to the first (section 1) and, therefore, coincide with the perpen- dicular to the same, previously drawn. Corollary II. — From any given point without a given straight line only one parallel can be drawn, namely, that line which is at right angles to the perpendicular from the point to the given line. Corollary III. — Any two points at the same distance from a given straight line, in the same plane with, and on the same side of it, determine another straight line parallel to the first. For, joining these points and drawing the perpendiculars to the given straight line, we get a plane quadrilateral which is con- gruent with the duplicate turned over, so that the equal perpen- diculars become interchanged in position ; hence, the angles op- posite the given right angles are equal, and as their sum equals two right angles (Theorem 19, corollary III), each is equal to one right angle ; that is, the line connecting the points, and the given line, are both perpendicular to the same straight line in the same plane with these. Hence, they are parallel. Corollary IV. Any two straight lines lying in the same plane and having same inclinations towards a common secant are parallel ; for if a parallel to one of the given lines is con- structed through the intersection of the other with the secant, the corollary becomes evident (section 2). Ill Theorem 23. — Not more than two points of equal distances from a given straight line, can be situated in another straight line which is in a different plane from that passing through the given line and one of these points. Demonstration. — Let AB^ CE be the two straight lines, of which EC is not in the plane BA C passing through the line AB and the point (7; and let the distances of the points C and E from AB (i, e., the perpendiculars EB and CA drawn from these points to AB) be equal. Then no other point on EC can be of the same distance from AB. For, produce the plane BAG indefinitely beyond BG, and draw initGDLAGy.'.W AB (Definition XI), and BD 1 AB. BD will meet CD, and BI) = AG= BE (Theorem 22, Cor. I and Definition XI). Join AD, BG, EA. The right-angled triangles BAE^ ABB, and j5J.(7are equal (Theorem 11) ; there- fore, EA = J)A=^ GB, and Z EAB = Z DAB = Z GBA. Also, since EA is not in the plane GAB, Z GAE -f Z EAB > Z GAB (Theorem 19), or Z GAE + Z EAB > Z GAD -^ZDAB; hence, ZGAE> Z GAD. Now the triangle EAG must have Z EGA < rt. Z. For, if we imagine it re- moved from its original position and applied to a DA G in such a way that EA shall coin- cide with its equal DA — the other side, inclosing the greater angle EAG, will fall without y the smaller angle DAG and / will take the position AG', I y >>^ j _-^b as in the diagram ; and join- c'^ ing GG ', we obtain an isosceles ^ p^^ 26 ^ triangle AGG' , of which the angles (7. and C, at the base, are equal, and each less than a right angle (Cor. to Theorem 11 and Cor. Ill to Theorem 14). Then, DG and GG' form an angle DGG' < 2 rt. Z's, having its opening towards A ; that is, the prolongation oi G' G is separated from A and from any point on AD by the half-ray CD. Therefore the half-ray G' (7, including its prolongation, in passing continuously, not through A, to the position C' D contain- ing one point of the segment AD, must first pass through some point on the prolongation o^ AD before reaching its final posi- tion. Hence Z A G' D is less than some angle which is less than Z ^(7'C(Scholium to Theorem 12); or ZAG'D rt. Z (Theorem 10). Therefore, no point of the same distance from AB 2^ C, can be on the prolongation of EC to the left. For a similar reason, no point of the same distance from AB as the two given points, can be on the prolongation of CE to the right, because CE is not in the plane AEB passing through AB and the point E, Neither can a point of an ^E equal distance from AB be situated on CE, between C and E, since then, either E or C would be on the prolong- ation of a straight line connecting two points of equal dis- tances from another straight line — one of the points connected being in a different plane from that passing through the other point and the other straight line, — which has just been demon- strated to be impossible. Therefore, no other point besides E and (7, on the same straight line with them, or on its prolonga- tions, is possible, of the same distance from ^j5 as ^ and C. Q. E. D. Corollary I. — Hence, any straight line in space which con- nects three points at equal distances from another straight line, must lie wholly in the plane passing through the other line and one of its own points, — and, therefore, is parallel to the other ; and all that is said in Theorem 22, with reference to a parallel straight line, is also true of any straight line in space having, at least, three points at equal distances from a given straight line. Corollary II. — It also follows, that if two equal lines inter- sect two others in four points, and three of these lines are at right angles to one another, all four are in the same plane, and, therefore, are parallel, each pair singly. Corollary III. — A parallel can also be defined as the locus 113 o/ all points equidistant from a straight line, and coUinear vnth two given points. The definition of alternate interior and exterior angles of a line intersecting two others in the same plane, is as usually- given. If the definition of parallels is taken provisionally in the sense in which we have defined them, we see that we have proved propositions XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX of Eu- clid, also XXXII and some others, from which a number of corollaries can be drawn, regarding the conditions of paral- lelism of straight lines in space, which we will not give here. We are now in a position to prove propositions XXX, XXXIII, and XXXIV of Euclid, using his proofs word for word. This will now enable us to deduce Euclid's famous Eleventh Axiom, and thereby extend the definition of paral- lelism to any two lines situated in the same plane and not meet- ing each other at a finite distance. Theorem 24.— Two straight lines in the same plane, of which one is perpendicular to a third one, and the other makes an acute angle with it, if sufficiently produced on that side of the secant where the acute angle is situated, must meet each other somewhere. Let 5 C be per- pendicular to AB, and AE make an acute angle with ^^ AB at A, then AE and BC, if produced towards the opening of the acute angle, will meet in some point/. Demonstration. Take some point a on AE, draw a perpen- dicular from it to A B (Euclid, prop. XI). This perpendicular I m n pBq Fig. 27. 114 will cut AB in some point I between A and JB, and not on its prolongation AR ; otherwise ZBAE, being according to sup- position an acute angle, would be greater than a right angle (Theorem 14, Cor. II) — which is absurd. Let now Al be con. tained in AB m times (m being a whole number), or m times with some remainder less than AL Take upon AEy beginning from A and proceeding towards -£J, m + 1 parts equal to Aa, namely Aa, ab, 6c . • •, and let / be the end of the last part. A Im n pBq Fig. 27. Draw now perpendiculars aa^, hh^, cc^- • -ff^ to AD which is made perpendicular to AB (Eucl., prop. XI) ; they will also be parallel to AB and to one another (Defin. XI). Draw also 6m, en J • • -/g, parallel to BC, AD, al, — which will all meet at right angles all the perpendiculars to AD (Cor. 1 to Theorem 22). Let the vertices of these right angles be g, A, ^, • • •/. All these perpendiculars will represent two sets of parallels. The triangles Aaly ahg, ---efk will be equal to one another because they have one side and two adjacent angles equal respectively, in all of them — those adjacent angles being alternate angles (Theorem 115 22, section 2, and Euclid, prop. XXYI). Therefore Al = ag — hh- " ek, and therefore also — according to Euclid, proposi- tion XXXIII — Al = lm = mn • . • = pq. For the same reason a^a = Aly bj) = Am, c^c = An • • 'f^f== Aq. But Aq, contain- ing m -f 1 times Al is greater than AB ; hence f^f>AB, In other words, the distance of f from AD is greater than the dis- tance between the parallels BC, AD, which is everywhere the same and equal to AB ; hence, y must lie beyond the space in- closed between both the parallels — and since it is a point on AE, AE must intersect ^Cin some point of/' below/. Q. E. D. Corollary I. — Two straight lines in the same plane, which cannot meet how far soever produced both ways, are parallel to each other. For, any perpendicular to one of them, drawn from any point in the other, cannot make an oblique angle with the latter — otherwise they would meet on the side of the acute angle ; it must, therefore, be at right angles to both — or both the lines must be parallel (Theorem 22, Defin. XI). Q. E. D. Corollary II. — Any straight line intersecting one of a pair of parallel lines, and in one plane with the other, if produced sufficiently far, must meet the latter. For, being in one plane with both, were it not to meet the second somewhere, it would be parallel to it (preceding Corol- lary) and hence also to the first (Euclid, prop. XXX) ; but it is not, since it intersects the first. Therefore it must likewise intersect the other, somewhere at a finite distance. Q. E. D. With this, the theory of parallels, as well as that of the elements of geometrical measurement — distance, straight line, plane, angle, circle, etc., — is firmly established. We see, then, that THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE EUCLIDIAN GEOMETRY rest OU a much firmer basis than mere arbitrary assumptions verified by experience to a very great degree of approximation. They are, rather, implanted in the very nature of our logic, being to a great degree what the Kantists call a priori, and are empirical only in so much as all our conceptions of quantity, form, and motion depend upon experience. AUTOBIOGEAPHY. The author of this DissertatioD, Israel Euclid Rabinovitch, was born in the month of June of the year 1861, in the town of Berditchev, Kiev Government, Russia. He obtained his elementary education in an old-fashioned rabbinical school, and afterwards prepared himself by self-instruction for entrance into a Russian University, by having completed a course of a Russian classical gymnasium. Having, however, found it diffi- cult to obtain admission there, he left in 1887 for the United States, with the express purpose of eventually pursuing an academic course of studies in one of the American universities. He entered the University of Pennsylvania in 1891 and, hold- ing a scholarship there, studied the elements of mathematics, including some engineering courses, under Professors Crawley, Fisher, Barker, and Spangler, during 1891-1892 and part of 1892-1893, when he left on account of illness. During the academic year of 1894-1895 he attended special courses of mathematics and German in Harvard University. In 1896 he entered the Johns Hopkins University, as a student in ad- vanced standing, and has since been pursuing courses in mathe- matics under Professors Morley, Craig, Chessin, and Hulburt, and Dr. Cohen, and in physics under Professor Ames and Dr. Bliss, and in philosophy under Professor Griffin. He was made a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in 1899, having selected Mathematics as his principal subject, and Physics and History of Philosophy as first and second subordi- nates, and was appointed Fellow in Mathematics in June, 1900. UNIVERSITY OF CALII'ORNIA LIBRARY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW kflAY 13 itf4l i ^^'an'SO-B/1 ' TsJan54W' t LIBRARY USE 1 JUL 2 11957 R6C*DL0 - JUL 24 t957 AUG 2 1999 :uu„ (;,'i 1