.SST HOURS OF DEVOTION. A BOOK OF PRAYERS AND MEDITATIONS FOR THE USB OF THE DAUGHTERS OF ISKAEL, DURING PUBLIC SERVICE AND AT HOME, FOR ALL CONDITIONS OF WOMAN'S LIFE. Translated from the German "Stunden der Andacht" BY M. MAYER. FIFTH EDITION. NEW YORK : jr. ifcos:E:isr:B_A.TJ SUCCESSOR TO H. SAKOL8KI, 53 DIVISION STREET. 18895650. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year J866, 'BY L. H. FRA*S T E:, In the Clerk's office of the District Court of the Southern Disrict of the State of New York. INDEX. PAGE. Prayers on entering the Synagogue 7 Morning Prayer 8 Night Prayer 9 Prayer before retiring to bed 11 Morning Prayer for children 12 Evening Prayer for children 13 DAILY PEAYEKS. Prayer for Sunday 14 " for Monday 15 " for Tuesday 16 " for Wednesday 16 " for Thursday 17 for Friday 18 " on the Eve of the Sabbath 20 " for the Sabbath Day 22 when the law is taken out 23 Meditation on the holy Sabbath 24 Prayer for the close of the Sabbath 25 " on the Sabbath previous to the New Moon 26 " for the Day of New Moon 27 FESTIVAL PEAYEKS. Prayer for the First Days of Passover 28 " for the Last Days of Passover 30 442379 PAGE, Prayer for the Feast of Weeks. (Pentecost) .' 31 Meditation on the Decalogue 33 Prayer for the Anniversary of the Destruction of the Temple (axa m>on) 38 Prayer for the month of Ellul 43 " for the Eve of New Year 44 " for the New Year's Day 47 Meditation for the New Year's Day and the Day of Atonement 49 Prayer on the Eve of the Day of Atonenient^-n] b-) 52 " for the Day of Atonement 54 " for the Evening of Atonement (nb^5:) .... 61 " for the Departed (m&oa mstn) 64 " for the First Day of Tabernacles 65 Prayer for the 8th Day of Tabernacles (mx* -O^TD) 67 " for the Day of Eejoicing of the Law (rmn rnao) 70 Prayer for the* Feast of Chanuccah 71 " for the Feast of Purim 73 PKAYEKS FOE MAIDENS. Prayer for a young Maiden 74 " for an Orphan 76 " for a Bride on her Nuptial Day 76 PEAYEES FOE MAEEIED WOMEN. A Wife's Prayer for Matrimonial Happiness 77 A Mother's Prayer on the Wedding Day of her Daughter 78 A Mother's Prayer on the Wedding Day of her Son 79 Prayer on the approach of Accouchement 80 " after save delivery 81 " for a Mother on visiting the Synagogue after Confinement 82 Prayer for a Childless Wife 83 A Mother's Prayer at the Confirmation of her Children 84 A Mother's Prayer whose child is abroad 86 A Wife's Prayer whose Husband is on a Journey 87 A Widow's Prayer 87 MISCELLANEOUS PEAYEES. A Child's Prayer for his Parents 88 Prayer for Patience and Strength in Adversity . . 90 Thanksgiving for Deliverance 91 Prayer during a Voyage 92 During a Storm at Sea 93 Prayer at the End of a Voyage 94 PEAYEES FOE THE SICK. Prayer for a Sick Husband 95 " for Sick Parents 95 " for a Sick Child 96 " in Heavy Sickness 97 PAGE PBAYEES FOE THE DEAD. Prayer on the Anniversary of a Parents Death (Jahrzeit) 98 " at a Father's Grave 99 " at a Mother's Grave 100 " at a Husband's Grave .102 " at the Grave of a Child .. 104 " at the Grave of a Brother or Sister . . 105 HOURS OF DEVOTION. PEAYER ON ENTERING THE SYNAGOGUE. I greet thee, thou holy, silent habitation, thou goodl; Temple of the Lord! Be blessed, ye consecrated halls! Here dwells and reigns the Lord, here mine eye beholds the glory of the Almighty, His majesty hovers around me, I ajn encompassed by His holiness. Bent down and worn out by the cares of life I pass the threshold of this Sanctuary, and behold! the spirit of peace takes possession of my heart ! Sorrow vanishes, and the anxiety of my soul yields to fervent and tearful prayer. " Truly, this is the house of God, and here is the gate that leads into heaven!" Merciful God I Thou art nigh unto me everywhere, but nearest unto me in this place. Here, I feel safe and secure beneath Thy protecting hand, O Heavenly Father! Here, I feel myself shielded against the temptations and vicissi- tudes of life; here, my soul willingly offers up its sacri- fices, my life is cheerfully placed at Thy disposal, who art my Creator and Savior; here, I disclose unto Thee my most secret desires, my inmost inclinations. Out there, in the bustle and turmoil of the world, life, with its tempta- tions and allurements, with its burthens and obstacles, ris- es like a barrier between my heart and Thee, my Lord ! but upon my entrance into these silent, still, and sacred halls, that barrier vanishes, and my soul rises unto Thee; full of fervor and enthusiasm, full of inspiring awe and de- votion, I feel myself purer and better, for virtue and relig- ion appear unto me in their sublime and heavenly form, m 3 HOUftS OF DEVOTION their eternal, unchangeable majesty. My heart widens, my innermost soul becomes radiant with light, my very thoughts and emotions become sanctified, sinful passions vanish and make room for good, noble and virtuous resolves. Oh! may these lofty sentiments, this lucid contemplation of Thee, my Lord and Creator, never be dimmed, and may the consecration and holiness, which here permeate my heart, follow me into life without; and may this hour become unto me an hour of bliss and grace, an hour of acceptance, and pleasing in Thine eyes, merciful and benign Father 1 Amen. MORNING PRAYER. All-gracious, All-merciful God ! Thy paternal goodness has permitted me to awaken after a refreshing sleep, and has sent the gladdening rays of morning to revive me anew. O Heavenly Father ! how great is the mercy which Thou hast shown unto me. My first emotion is, therefore, to thank Thee, from the innermost depth of my heart, for Thy providential watchfulness over my life, and for having protected me whilst the darkness of night surrounded me. How many of my fellow-creatures but yesternight ascend- ed the couch in good health and hopes, and yet cannot leave it this day, from being bound to it by pains and suffering! how many may have yesternight sunk to sleep amidst riches and affluence, but who are brought to poverty this morning by sudden disaster. Alas ! how many others are languish- ing, perhaps, in the dark gloom of a prison, into which no friendly ray of joy penetrates. And how large may be the number of those who fell asleep last night, never to awaken any more in this world-. How thankful ought I therefore to be, Heavenly Creator I for Thy goodness, wherewith Thou hast warded off every % HO'JJl^ OP DEVOTirN 9 danger from me, hast preserved my health, and restored me to the arms of my relations and friends. Oh! let me ever cherish this feeling of gratitude within my heart, so that I may faithfully discharge my religious and domestic duties ; that I may meet my fellow-creatures with loving-kindness, such as Thou hast shown unto me ; and that I may ever extol Thee, who causest the sleeper to awake, and who wilt cause those that sleep the sleep of death to awake to eter- nal life. Amen. NIGHT PRAYER. Father of All! again a day has passed, and night spread her sombre mantle over the earth. Nature rests, and man, following her example, sinks into the embrace of refreshing sleep. But before closing mine eyes in slumber, I raise them in gratitude unto Thee, my Creator; ere I shall de- liver my thoughts and feelings unto the power of sleep, let my heart and life engage in communion with Thee. My soul delights to think of Thee, Eternal Father 1 who, like a father, carest for us in the fullness of love and mercy. "How sweet is it to give thanks unto Thee, and to give praise unto Thy name, O Most High /" Many are the benefits which I received this day, many the gifts and blessings which Thou didst bestow upon me. Thou didst cause the light of heaven to shine upon me, and the splen- dor of the earth to enrapture mine eye ; Thy loving kind- ness has gladdened me, Thy heavenly beneficence covered rue with the wings of love, and Thy merciful hand sustained me and carried me through many evils and dangers that surrounded me. All joy and cheerfulness came from Thee, and in the dark hour of grief, thou didst take my wearied head to Thy parental heart and uphold me with heavenly comfort. 10 HOURS OF DEVOTION Therefore, my soul is full of gratitude, my lips utter Thy praise, my heart trusts in Thee lovingly and confiding- ly, O Thou Unsearchable One ! who always givest and never receivest, who continually dispensest blessings, and who art the inexhaustible Fountain of goodness and mercy. Truly, Thou art a God of infinite love and grace. But with fear and trembling I ask the questions : Have I, by my works and action during the past day, made myself ac- ceptable unto Thy grace ? Have I faithfully and properly fulfilled my duties towards Thee and my fellow-men ? Have I not neglected to perform deeds of charity, of love and of mercy ? And whenever I have performed them, have I done so with a perfect heart and in a proper spirit, or in a cold, unfriendly manner ? Have I served Thee, my God ! with all my heart have I trusted in Thee, have I rever- enced and feared Thee? Have I withstood all temptations, folly and sin ? With grief and repentance I must confess, I have sinned before Thee ! I have not always borne Thee within my heart, I have not always walked in the path which Thou hast laid out for us. My thoughts have not always been sanctified, nor my passions subdued and controlled by Thy law. Oh, how I feel prostrated by the stings of my con- science ! I recognize the utter hatefulness of sin, its de- moralizing and degrading influence:- depriving man of his choicest treasure, the peace and happiness of his soul. Oh! be merciful unto me, Thou God of mercy, who art abun- dant in love and compassion. Forgive my transgressions, O Lord ! and turn not from me in anger, in this hour. Relieve the anxiety of my soul, and make peace and tran- quillity, once more, to descend into my heart, that I may enjoy the blessing of sleep and repose, reconciled within my heart, reconciled with Thee, my God, and with my conscience. HOURS OF DEVOTION 1 1 Cause Thy love, All-merciful God! to watch over me and guard me against the terrors and dangers that creep in darkness. Grant, O God ! that the sleep which Thou hast sent down upon earth may be comfort to the oppress- ed, bring relief unto them that are prostrated by sufferings and sorrows, and pour its refreshing balm upon me and those endeared to my heart. Hide us under the shadow of Thy wings, thus we shall be secure ; for Thou, O God ! art my banner, and a sure refuge unto me, my Fortress, my Rock, my Shield. Into Thy hand I commit my spirit and my body, ray peace and my happiness, all that is near and dear unto me in this life: whether I am asleep or awake, God is with me, and I fear not Amen. PRAYER BEFORE RETIRING TO BED. Sleep peaceful tender angel whom God hath sent dowu to this valley of tears, to cover with thy soft wings the suffering of life, alight upon mine eyelids and rock me into repose ; enter the huts of misery, and cause sweet dreams to sport around the couch of the unhappy, that they may for- get their sorrows and become unconscious of their woes. Bring healing unto the sick, that they may awake refresh- ed and strengthened and feel new, youthful vigor flow through their weary limbs, and show unto all those who weep over a dear departed being, that death also is but a peaceful sleep, to be followed by a glorious waking up, a blissful rising in the realms of light, where there is no more night, nor the terror of darkness : but heavenly unutter- able beatitude in the presence of God. Beautiful and significant is the parable, that the soul leaves the weary body, its earthly abode, during the night, to inscribe into the great book of heaven the deeds done 12 HOURS OF DEVOTION during the day ; and that, when on some future day, God shall summon man before His judgment seat, his own hand* writing shall testify for or against him. O my soul I may- est thou have to record only noble thoughts and beneficent deeds upon that book of everlasting memorial Amen. MOE^ESTG PKAYEE FOE CHILDREN". O God! Thy goodness now I praise That did Thy child securely keep; My grateful heart and eyes I raise To Thee who calPst me up from sleep. O God ! be Thou my helping friend, And guide me in the way of night ; From ev'ry sin my life defend Send to my soul Thy heav'nly light. My parents, brothers, sisters dear Protect and shield beneath Thy love; Awake or 'sleep, Thou, God, art near, To grant Thy blessings from above. And pure as I commence this day, May I conclude it joyfully, With deeds that never pass away, But last unto eternity. HOURS OF DEVOTION 13 PRAYER FOR CHILDREN. to bed I do retire, Rest to find and sweet repose ; Lord! my weary eyes aspire Unto Thee before they close. Thou, O Father, ever good, Take my thanks for all Thy love, For Thy care, for drink and food, Which Thou gav'st me from above Pardon ev'ry sinful deed, Ev'ry evil I have done; Let my tender age now plead To Thy mercy, Holy One! Let my childhood's innocence Last through life, unbroken, pure; That, when'er thou call's! me hence, My salvation shall be sure. DAILY PRAYERS, FOR SUNDAY. . Hallelujah ! Praise ye God, the Eternal , who in His Omnipotence brought forth the world from nothing, and who by His merciful command "Let there be light," set a boundary to the darkness of chaos. Thanks to Thee, O Father, for the beneficial and all-rejoicing Light ; thanks to Thee for this boon, so worthy of Thy greatness a boon, the salutary influence of which I now also enjoy that I may look up to Thee, Father, with filial confidence, and that ] may worship Thee with deep reverence And since light was the first production which Thou, in Thine all-merciful greatness, calledst forth in Thy Creation, since light was the first, which, as we are taught by Holy Scripture, Thou hast deigned to designate a good gift: may it be Thy will, all-gracious Father, that this great boon may rejoice and cheer me also, Thy handmaiden, whilst I live; and that it may also serve me for that purpose, which was intended by Thy wisdom, for the whole community of mankind. Grant also, O Lord! I beseech Thee, that the Light of Thy truth may guide, enlighten, and prosper me, that my spirit may not grope in the dark, and that I may not fall a prey to corruption. Grant, O All-merciful One ! that the light of Thy sacred law may lead me in the path of virtue, that I may never deviate therefrom, but continue to ennoble my heart, and render myself ever worthier of Thy mercy, which, I trust, Thou wilt never withhold from me. Amen, 14 HULKS OF DKVUTlOiN 15 FOR MONDAY. Hallelujah ! Praise ye the Eternal, ascribe honor unto Him for evermore; exalt Him, ye nations, and sing of His glory, and His marvelous deeds. Like unto a tent He spread out the firmament over endless waters, and called it "Heaven." That Heaven declareth the Omnipotence of its Creator, though "not by speech nor by language." From yonder impenetrable heights He looketh down into the heart of every man, whose innermost thoughts He knovveth ; ordaineth the steps of every human being ; and rewardeth and punisheth the high as well as the low, the superior as well as the inferior, the rich as well as the poor. From yonder heights He compassionates the oppressed here beneath, and lifteth up those that are humbled down O Lord! may this thought continually be present unto my mind, that I may never, even when I stand on the summit of prosperity, allow myself to be beguiled by vanity, pride, or eagerness for dazzling show ; that I may never deny assistance to any one in need thereof, but follow Thee, O bengin Father, who art ever near to him, and helpeth him who calleth upon Thee in truth. For art Thou not the God that loveth humility but hateth pride ? Art Thou not the Lord who said " the heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool, but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor, and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word ?'' Strengthen me also then, O merciful Father, in my resolve to support the fallen, and relieve the oppressed at all times, to the utmost, according to my means and powers, in order that I may render myself worthy of being numbered among the ta'o&m h 3a "the childern of the com- passionate," a name which ever distinguished Israel. Amen. 1 6 HOURS OF DEVOTION FOR TUESDAY. Hallelujah ! Praise tbou, O my soul, the exalted Creator, who adorned the earth, which He gave to all men, with fruit-trees and herbs of every kind, on the third day of the creation. A mild congenial verdure decked the surface of the earth, which had but just (merged from the waters; valleys wrapped themselves in herbs and plants of thousand- fold colors, ;.nd of lovely fragrance ; and thus was created the first Spring- which now returns in due season to the joy and delight ot all living creatures, according to the laws which Thou, benign Father, hast prescribed for nature. Mill- ions of powers developed themselves on that day of Creation, as soon as Thy mighty call, "Let there be," resounded. Millions of powers now proclaim Thine Omnipotence, so that every feeling heart joyfully and deeply moved, calleth unto Thee, "this is my God, and I will exalt Him." In the book of nature every one can reverentially read Thy paternal love ; on the heights as well as in the depths, in the storm as well as in the calm, moves and waves the spirit of Thy love. Let, therefore, everything which hath breath in its nostrils, praise the Lord. Hallelujah. FOR WEDNESDAY. Hallelujah ! Praise God in due meeknes, praise Him, declare His high exalted fame and glory. Myriads of heavenly bodies, suns, moons, and stars were created by His Omnipotence on the fourth day of creation, that in their lofty magnificence reverentially obey His law, and never trespass over the limist assigned to them. Al of these bodies, the sun with his ocean of rays, the moon and the stars with their bright lustres, proclaim Thy glory, and call, " who among the mighty is like unto Thee, O Lord, who so HOURS OF DEVOTION 11 glorified in holiness!" By those luminaries of heaven Thou, O all-wise Creator, didst divide the seasons of the year, didst fix the boundaries of day and night; therefore, shall my soul be uplifted to Thee in thankfulness, and sing praises unto Thy great name. When the beams of the sun break forth through the grey dawn, and spread light, warmth, life, and joy unto all, who then can resist thanking Thee from the innermost depths of the heart ? When the moon with her lovely brightness softly lights up the dark night, accompa- nied by a choir of stars, what feeling heart of mortal is not then penetrated with emotions of gratefulness ? who does not exclaim with amazement, "what is man that Thou, the Creator of so many worlds, rememberest him ?" But Thou art also kind and merciful, O Father, towards all Thy cre- atures; wherefore, I also will ever comfort myself with the words of the inspired psalmist, "my help cometh from the Lord, who created the heavens and the earth." Amen. FOR THURSDAY. Hallelujah I Unto Thee exalted Creator of nature, shall resound my song of joy; unto Thee be ever dedicated my praise. Oh, soar up from thy mortal coil, my spirit, to the Creator of beings without number, to the Omnipotent, who on the fifth day of the Creation filled the earth, the waters, and the air with living creatures, all of which praise and exalt their Creator who at all times remembereth them, and who is a Father unto all of them. The inhabitants of thes paces of all spheres, as well as the great monsters of the sea, the high-soaring eagle, as well as the worm in the dust pay homage unto Thy Majesty. From the dawn of morning, until the coming forth of the evening-star on the heavens, these creatures all proclaim Thy grace and paternal care. And I, after having arrived at this conviction, should 18 HOURS OF DEVOTION I allow my trust in Thee to be weakened by timid doubts or chilled scoffing ? No, beloved Father! may neither the one nor the other ever deprive me of the hopes, that Thou wilt never forsake me, that Thou wilt never deliver me up to destruction. Even if the path of my life remain clouded in obscurity, doth not the voice, sounding like the melody of angels, call unto me, "I am the Eternal, thy God, I am with thee! I am thy refuge!" Yes, Father, it is ThoH who hast continually watched over me; it is Thou who hast vouchsafed Thy blessing unto all those who follow the path of the righteous, and whose efforts are directed to that purpose, more and more to resemble Thee in the pursuit of all that is good and virtuous, that I may exclaim with joy, arpa ab ^ ^ "the Eternal is with me, I fear nothing I" Amen. FOR FRIDAY. Thou art great, O God! in Thy visible wonders and works, but still greater in Thine invisible ordinations and dispensations. In the six days of creation Thine almighty word called this great and beautiful earth into existence, the earth and whatever filleth it, the animals and plants, the refreshing dew and the lustrous stars. And when the world was fin- ished in its glory, thou didst place man into it, that he may know all Thy glorious works, enjoy all created things, and praise Thee who art so good and gracious. All-merciful Father ! worlds praise Thee, choirs of an- gels sing everlasting hymns unto Thee, and why should not man, the son of earth worship and praise Thee, since Thou hast thus distinguished him, hast especially remembered and blessed him in Thy paternal love, hast honored and exalted him ? HOURS OF DEVOTION 19 Yea, my God 1 I will adore Thee, and praise Thee by a life full of virtue, full of holiness and purity, full of rever- ence for God, and love for man; nor will I ever give myself up to sin or ingratitude towards Thy loving-kindness. Thou hast formed and created man in Thine own image ; Thou hast given him a body, beautiful and noble in shape and form Thou hast given him a spirit still nobler and more exalted, a ray from Thy wisdom, a light of Thy love, and hast united both into one glorious, wonderful whole ! And should I deface, destroy this masterpiece of creation, by sin and vice ? should I disfigure my body by excesses and immorality, deprive it of its beauty by low desires, by unbridled passions, by malice, hatred, envy and jeal- ousy ? should I deprive my spirit of its nobility by vulgar sentiments and aspirations, by unholy, brutal practices? No, no ! 1 will carefully watcjj over myself, ennoble my heart by acts of charity, elevate my spirit by Thy precepts and Thy divine "Law ; I will guard my body, this frail garb of the soul, against every pernicious influence, against every thing that may endanger its health, or weaken its energies; for it is the creation of Thy hands, the means and instru- ment of our labors upon earth ! Mayest Thou, Lord, our God! aid me, and strengthen me in my resolves, mayest Thou, All-merciful One ! guard me against all temptations, that want and suffering, grief and sorrow may never overpower me that bodily affliction and pains may not bring untimely dimness upon the light of my soul, that mental grief and pangs may not too soon weaken and destroy my body ; that I may ever aspire heavenward, and sacrifice unto Thee the vigor of my spirit and the glow of my heart, until Thine inscrutable judgment shall separate my soul from my body, and my spirit wing its flight up to Thee, thenceforward to dwell 20 HOURS OF DEVOTION again with Thee, O Most-High One, who art and shalt re* main from eternity even unto eternity Amen. ON THE EVE OF THE SABBATH. Praised be Thou, Eternal 1 . our God, King of the world, who &J13W1 hast sanctified us by Thy coin- mandments and commanded us to light the lamp of Sabbath. (On Festivals: 310 fc-p ^E ^3 (On the eve of a Festival say: and "i^nrro tO^oO The lights of the Feast.) Almighty God 1 with joyful emotions 1 light, according to Thy command and behest, this lamp, as an ornament and glorification of the Sabbath hours which Thou hast conse- crated and hallowed. How sweet, how precious are these hours which Thy grace has given us ! Oh ! how the calm stillness of Sabbath rejoice our hearts, affording recreation to the body for the toils and 4abors of the week-days, while the spirit soars up unto Thee on the wings of holy meditations, and the heart seeks and finds Thee in fervent prayer, in pi- ous attention to the proclamation of Thy holy word, in un- disturbed contemplation of Thy loving-kindness. Many are the cares and sorrows of the week-days, many the strug- gles in life, but when Sabbath appears, rest and peace en- ter our hearts ; the restless desires, the exciting aspira- tion and struggle after earthly gifts and treasures give way to sweet repose of the mind, and the heart is opened unto calm, pleasant and quieting emotions. All-good Father ! how can we sufficiently thank Thee for all Thy grace and goodness ? Throughout the week Thou didst surround us with Thy protection and mercy ; Thy paternal grace did bless us with life and health, with nourishment and garments to put on, with light and warmth ; Thou didst prepare for us thousand pleasures which rejoiced pur hearts, often, even, ere we were aware thereof ! From HOtlRS OP DEVOTION" 2l day to day, the Manna of Thy heavenly blessing came down for us; and, at the end of the week, which has been so full of Thy manifold gifts, Thou gran test the choicest of all heavenly boons the Sabbath day. The Sabbath is the crown and glorious ornament of the week! it ennobles our aspirations, consecrates our enjoyments, pours soft, heaven- ly light upon our pilgrim path on earth, and carries us back to Thee, whenever the aspirations of the week-days have removed us from Thee. We look up to Thee, O God 1 with pure confidence, in love and humility ; and every thought of Thee removes the veil from before our eyes, the light increases within our souls, and we feel the certainty of a better future, of a higher Sabbath in Thy presence, where the weary pilgrim, in the lustrous light, beaming from Thy throne, enters upon everlasting rest, where the gates of Eden are opened for the pious and righteous, who have accomplished their career, who have fulfilled the destination of their lives. And the heavier our labors shall have been on earth, the sweeter will be the fruit thereof, the more industrious the laborer shall have been, the richer will be his reward. Bless, then, my God ! these holy hours, that they may realize unto me also their elevating and quickening pow- er, that they may afford recreation and strength unto my body, understanding and enlightenment unto my spirit, that I may more and more improve in the knowledge of Thee, and thus be enabled to walk in Thy ways, and be- come more and more worthy of Thy benevolence. Grant Thine almighty protection unto me and mine, guard us against all accident and evil, aid Thou us to conquer every temptation and allurement of sin, and cause the light of joy to burn in our hearts, and the light of love and peace to shine in our homes. Amen. 22 HOURS OF DEVOTION FOR THE SABBATH DAY. Almighty God ! with profound humility I would offer unto Thee the oblations of my gratitude for the precious gift of this holy day of bodily rest and spiritual elevation. After six days of toil and labor, this messenger of peace again and again appears unto us, to give strength unto the weary, freedom unto the enthralled, courage unto the op- pressed, and teaches us, that Thine almighty protection accompanies us in the pilgrim paths of this earthly life, from its beginning even unto its end ; that Thou blessest the fruits of our labor, and bestowest upon us all that of which we stand in need ; that "not by bread alone man doth live, but by every, thing thatproceedeth out of Thy mouth," by obedience to Thy holy Law, for the preservation and diffusion of which Thou didst deliver Israel from the Egypt- ian bondage, and hast guided them safely through all perils and sufferings even to this day. Heavenly Father! we feel Thy blissful and quickening presence ; we hear the mighty voice of Thy spirit as in the endless Universe, so also in the course of our own destinies, and even in the longing of our soul that "pant eth after Thee, O Lord! as a hart panteth after brooks of water" in the desire of our hearts to approach Thee, and take refuge from the billowing ocean of earthly life beneath the sha- dow of Thy protecting presence, and all that is within us exults in Thee, Thou, Eternal God and Father! Thy mercy shall never forsake us, not even in death ! Through the darkness of the grave, Thou leadest the righteous unto the everlasting Sabbath, unto never-ending salvation ! " With honor and glory Thou hast crowned the son of man" and hast vested him, the most miraculous being of Thy creation, with freedom to choose between life and death. Oh ! mayest Thou also teach me to number my days, and HOURS OF DEVOTION 23 apply my heart uiito wisdom. Grant me a pure heart, a spirit permeated by Thy holy word, a life filled with deeds of love for Thee and my fellow-beings. Help me, O God ! to attend^ on this holy Sabbath, with earnestness to the things that concern our everlasting peace ; grant, that all my thoughts and actions may be holy and unblameable in Thy sight ; fill me with the spirit of true devotion in the hours of worship and open my mind for the truths that may be proclaimed in Thy Holy. Sanctuary. By attending upon the ordinances of our holy religion, on this day, may I grow wiser and better, purer and holier, more meek and humble, more resigned and thankful, and more heartily disposed to follow Thy sacred behests. Speedily we feel this speedily as the days of the week, do our years vanish hence, and the work and work-days of this shadow-like existence will be ended, ere we be aware thereof ; Oh ! may my soul, when my day of departure shall come", look back with contentment upon the removing shadows, hopefully soar to its Heavenly Source, and ever- lastingly walk in Thy light, my Rock and Redeemer ! Amen. PRAYER, WHEN THE LAW IS TAKEN OUT. Praised be the name of Him who, in His holiness, has given the Torah unto His people Israel. Praised be the name of the Ruler of the universe, praised be the crown of Thy glory, the place where Thou thronest. May Thy grace ever reign over Israel, that Thy saving hand may become manifest in Thy people, and in Thy Sanc- tuary ; that Thy heavenly light may descend upon us in its lustre, and our prayers be graciously accepted by Thee. Thus, then, I stand before Thee, my God, ready to serve Thee, and bend my knee, now and always, before Thee and 4 HOURS OF DEVOTION Thy holy Law. I do not rely upon men, not upon them who imagine to be gods, do I put my trust, but I confide in Thee, upon God in heaven. Thou art the true God, Thy Law is truth, and Thy prophets are true. Thou bestowest blessings and doest wonders in truth. Upon Thee I rely, and in Thee I confide, and I praise and glorify Thy holy name by the emotions of my heart and the utterances of my lips ! May it be Thy will to open my heart unto Thy divine precepts, and to fulfill the wishes of my heart unto me and Thy whole people Israel, that we may be remembered unto life, happiness and peace. Amen. MEDITATION ON THE HOLY SABBATH. Be welcome to me with thy soothing tranquillity, thou day of sober and joyous rest, for in thee germinate undis- turbed the sacred blossoms of silent virtue ; and the soul, removed from the tumult of the sensual world, readily listens to the lovely voice of religion. When, in the diverting bustle of life, my heart forgets the high purpose of human existence when enticed by vanity, it strays from the path of the good then, receive me, thou comforter, in thy holy shades ; that in thy lap I may strengthen myself for the gladdening performance of my sacred duties. When I become weary on the rough road, on which secret passions cripple or paralyse the power to exercise good and noble deeds; when, with this weak feminine heart, which, alas, but too often is overcome by vanity, I feel ashamed how grievously I sinned against the Father of all : be thy sacred calmness, day of holy rest, my comforter and protector 1 But I also will never waste thy hallowed hours in senseless, indolent, mental vacancy, but ever devote them to the highest purposes attainable on earh, so that I maybe elevated HOURS OF DEVOTION 25 to that nobility of the mind which will draw me nearer to the Eternal, the ideal of all virtues, and which will easily raise me above all sorrows of the times. Then shall I be able to say with consoling confidence : I have, in letter and spirit, observed the divine commandment revealed on Sinai : "remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy," then shall I with assurance await that blessing which the All- merciful vouchsafed to all those who do not desecrate the Sabbath in any way, nor profane it by sanctioning any unholy work. PRAYER FOR THE CLOSE OP THE SABBATH. Almighty God, Rock of my salvation ! in Thy name I conclude the day of rest and sanctification, and with it the week, during which Thou didst shower upon me the gifts of Thy loving-kindness, and didst provide me from the in- exhaustible fountain of Thy paternal blessings with every thing that I needed for my support and the maintenance of those near and dear to my heart. My heart swells with gratitude towards Thee, my devotion is kindled and burns like a flame within me Oh ! would that my lips were able to express it. But Thou, O Lord! searchest the heart, examinest the thoughts of man, and acceptest the will for the deed, and even our aspiration towards virtue is accepted and counted by Thee for its practice. Yet, without Thine aid we cannot find the right path, nor fulfill our duties. There- fore, God! I pray unto Thee, at the beginning of a new week, to which Thou hast preserved our lives, to open unto us the gates of understanding, of knowledge, and of enlight- enment, that we may shun evil and sin, all that is immoral useless and reprehensible, and enter, pure and sanctified, into the gates of virtue, piety and chastity! Open unto us the gates of contentment and tranquillity of the heart, and con- 2 26 HOURS OF DEVOTION cord and peace, of universal unity and brotherly love, that we may envy no one, and no one may envy us. Open unto us the gates of blessing, of prosperity and happiness, that all the works of our hands may be crowned with success. Open unto us the gates of joy and delight, of acceptance and fulfillment, that we may behold the realization of the gladsome promise which Thou hast given unto the pious and righteous: "And the Lord shall give unto thee accor* ding to the desire of thy heart and prosper all thy designs. Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee, and the light shall shine upon thy ways." Amen. PRAYER OX THE SABBATH PREVIOUS TO THE NEW MOON. God, Fountain of all happiness! another month will soon be carried in the swift stream of time to the endless host of its predecessors ; and a new one will rise in its stead from the ocean of Eternity, which carries in its lap many a cheering, but also many a saddening fate. There- fore, do we appear before Thee, Lord, to implore on this day Thy paternal blessing. Open, Creator of time, the gates of mercy, and admit the prayer of a heart which, in humility and meekness, prostrates itself before Thee. Give me, O Father, what Thou deemest beneficial to me, and teach me to make the most sacred use of Thy gifts. Neither gold nor treasures, but cheerfulness and contentment, be my portion. Endow me with that firm belief in Thee which no affliction, no calamity, however dire, can shake. Bless me with a true unalloyed love, which is able to sacrifice a life for a friend, and to pardon the bitterest enemy. Send me, Creator of light, some cheering rays from Thy Throne of Light, that I may not lose my way, never wander from the straight road, but always adhere to the observance of HOl'KS OF DEVOTION 27 Thy laws, and render myself worthy of Thy love. Bless me with hope, to look forward with full confidence to yonder regions where my soul may find all again whom death hath taken away. Bless me with peace of mind and repose of the soul, with love of justice and truth, so that with the coming month I may find myself brought nearer to the goal, for which I have to prepare myself here on earth. Be Thou my support and my staff, that I may live before Thee a life of righeousness, and that I may at all times obey the faithful behests of Thine infinite wisdom. Amen PRAYER FOR THE DAY OF NEW MOON. Lord of life, who regulatest the course of time, Thou hast divided it into great and small periods, into years, months, and days. This change of periods teaches us, how time rusheth hence in swift, uninterrupted flight and, with every onward movement, carries us nearer unto the end of all earthly existence, unto eternity ; and that fleeting time, when once passed away, will never come back, despite all our wishes and ardent desires for its return. Therefore, we should employ it as long as we may yet call it ours, not waste even the least tittle thereof, lose no hour by idle sports or trifling, by useless deed and practice: for Thou, Lord! wilt, on some future day, call us to account for every moment of our life! Therefore, Heavenly Father! I pray to Thee, for un- derstanding and knowledge, that I may so employ my time, as to be for a blessing unto me and my dear ones, and unto my fellow-beings ; that T may use every hour, every mo- ment of my life unto wise activity and industry, unto successful labor and work, for the ennoblement of my heart, for the preparation and cultivation of my soul, for eternity. O All-good Father, who hast thus far guided and 28 HOURS OF DEVOTION shielded me, continue to grant Thy gracious protection unto me and mine; may the coming month be unto me a month of peace and joy, preserve our health and lives, soften and lighten our grief, increase our pleasure in life, bless the works of our hands and our industry, and vouchsafe unto us, from the fullness of Thy grace, all that of which we may stand in need, and which may be benefi- cial to us Amen. FESTIVAL PRAYERS, FOR THE FIRST DAYS OF PASSOVER My God and Lord I the Festival of Passover has come, the joyful Feast of the memorial of the days of jubilee, when Thou didst redeem our forefathers from inhuman op- pression, and didst carry them, with outstretched hand, into the beautiful land of liberty ; from the dark abode of error and false belief, into the sunny realms of knowledge, and the pure, gladdening belief in Thee and Thy divine word, my Heavenly Father. With emotion and joy do we celebrate this Festival, which reminds us of that happy time, when Thou didst choose Israel for Thine inheritance, elect him from all nations, be- troth him unto Thee as the bridegroom betrothes his bride, and bind him unto Thee with the ties of grace and love ; and when Thy people, in return, clung unto Thee as a youthful bride to the heart of her beloved one, as a child to its mother's breast, went after Thee, full of love and faithfulness, into a strange, unknown land, followed Thee into a dreary desert and wilderness. A long space of time has since then passed away, the heart of Thy people has HOURS OF DEVOTION 29 since then often changed, but Thy love has ever remained the same 1 " Thou hast been a help and refuge unto our fath- ers from eternity, a shield and help unto their children after them, throughout all times." Thou art our Guide, our Pro- tector, our Guardian, as Thou hast been from all times. We have passed through more than one Egypt. Hatred and prejudice laid a heavy yoke upon our necks but through the darkness of misery and oppression a ray of Thy grace continually shone above us, and has at last brought on a morning of redemption, in which our human dignity is recognized and we live free and undisturbed under the protection of mild and just laws. Oh! mayest Thou, All- good Father, be further with us. As, in those days, Thou didst burst the chains in which our fathers sighed, and with an awful hand break the yoke of bondage and tyranny, so mayest Thou deliver and redeem our souls from the degrad- ing yoke of sin and passion, that they may rise, with un tram- meled, victorious power, above all attacks and temptations; and as Thou.didst hurl from their altars the numberless idols and gods of Egypt, so may Thy boundless mercy assist us also, to subdue and destroy all the idols of vanity and worldly pleasure, that all our inner parts may be filled with Thee, Thou incomparable, exalted and glorious Being, thoroughly permeated by filial faithfulness and love, by un- shaken, unchangeable confidence and unbounded attachment to Thee, who art the Shield and Savior of every single being as well as of whole nations, arid art nigh unto them with Thy help in trouble and suffering ! Thus, my God ! mayest Thou cause Thy grace to reign over us, to exalt and sanctify us with Thy spirit. Blessed be Thou who sanctifiest Israel and the Festivals. Amen. HOURS OF DEVOTION FOR THE LAST DAYS OF PASSOVER. Almighty God ! great and glorious were Thy works and miraculous Thy power wherewith Thou didst break the tyranny of Egypt and make our ancestors free ; yet greater and more glorious was the help which Thou didst bestow upon them, when the mighty hosts of the pursuing enemy caused them again to tremble and despair on the shore of the Red Sea, where Thou didst deliver them from a twofold danger, that they could triumphantly exclaim : ' The Lord is my strength and song, and He is become my sal- vation; He is my God, and I will prepare Him a habitation ; my fathers' God, and I will exalt Him" Do Thou, my God ! preserve within us the memory of these Thy glorious works, that we may never despair when dangers encompass, us ; fill us with the consoling conviction, that Thou, with Thine outsretched arm, wilt lead us also through all the perils of the stormy ocean of this life, that Thou wilt ever struggle for us, as long as we trust in Thy grace and loving-kindness. Grant us, O God ! strength and perseverance in our progress towards the promised land of light and truth; fill us with humility and forbearance in prosperity, and with confidence and resignation in adversity ; be Thou unto us a pillar of cloud in the days of happiness, that we may not become proud and overbearing and go astray, and a pillar of fire in the dark nights of misfortune, that we may never stumble or fall on our ways of life. Accept, Benign Father ! our joyful thanks which on this festive day we offer up unto Thee for Thine infinite grace and goodness, wherewith Thou hast again removed from us reproach and ignominy, freed us from oppression and persecution, and caused us again to enjoy the bless- ings of a beloved home, where we may again live unto HOURS OF DEVOTION 31 Thee and our holy religion, unmolested and unharmed. Oh! implant in our hearts unshaken obedience to Thy holy Law, that we may ever listen to the doctrines of virtue and righteousness written therein ; preserve within us faithful reveration for Thy sacred precepts, that we may ever well appreciate and worthily use our freedom, for the hon- or and glory of Thy holy name, and the name of Israel, for the welfare of all men, for our own benefit here on earth, and our salvation in life eternal. Amen. FOR THE FEAST OF WEEKS. (PENTECOST.) With the most profound reverence, O Lord ! do we, this day, proclaim Thy glory and praise Thee for the infinite grace which Thou didst manifest on Sinai unto our forefathers, unto us, and unto all Thy beings created in Thine eternal image. Our hearts rejoice, our souls exalt at the memory of that day on which Thy majesty appeared, in the fullness of its lustre, upon the sacred mountain, to reveal the law of life unto Thy people And this people are we. Thou didst call us from out of all nations to be Thine inheritance, the priests of Thy Law, the messengers of salvation unto all the families of the earth. Oh! how great is Thy grace, O God ! how inexhaustible Thy loving-kindness. From the beginning Thou hast placed man high upon the pinnacle of creation. Endowed with the light of reason and far surpassing all other visible beings, he was destined to raise his eye to Thee, to seek and find Thee in Thy wonderful works. But soon his eye grew dark, the fetters of worclly sense pinioned the wings of his spirit. Instead of soaring from the visible creatures to the Invisible Creator, he sank into the dust before finite beings and called created beings, which Thou, O God! hadst placed far below him, his gods! And thus plunged in error and delusion, thus blinded, men 32 HOURS OF DEVOTION could no longer read even the holy law of morality which Thou hast engraven, with indelible characters, upon the tablets of our hearts, and they practised the most abomin- able vices for the worship of their idol gods. The earth was filled with, and defiled by all kind of abominations; lust and murder were deemed pious deeds, and the human race seemed to be irretrievably delivered up -unto perdition. Then, Father ! didst Thou appear on Mount Sinai, with the flaming Law in Thy right hand, and upon Thy mighty command, light and darkness, Israel and the nations were separated from each other. A small tribe was commissioned, by Thine inscrutable counsel, to become a dam against the torrent of corruption, a pattern and guardian-angel unto all mankind ; Israel's doctrines, example and destiny should give testimony of Thee, the One in Unity, and, on some future day, lead all the children of the earth unto Thy worship and glorification, to make all of them Thy people. Were we possessed even of angel tongues, we could, nevertheless, not sufficiently thank Thee for the sublime mission which Thou hast imposed upon us, for Thine endless mercy wherewith Thou hast safely carried us through the all- swallowing stream of time. Years, numerous as the sand on the sea-shore, have passed before us, and even to this day we do firmly cling to our priestly office; even to this day Thy word is our light, our life, our joy; even to this day we do wait, with unshaken trust, upon the fulfill- ment of Thy promise unto our forefather Abraham: " Thy seed shall be as numberless as the stars of heaven, a blessing unto all the families of the earth." God! grant, that that promised time may soon come. Do Thou reveal Thy glory unto all the world, as Thou didst once reveal it on Mount Sinai unto Thy people Israel! establish everywhere the reign of light, truth and virtue, that they, may rule over darkness, error and malice, that the great day may come, HOURS OF DEVOTION 33 on which all nations shall go up to Thy holy mountain, when Thy house shall be called a_ house of prayer unto all nations, and from one end of the world even unto the other thereof the exulting shout shall be heard: "Zion, thy God reigneth, now and for ever more!" Amen. MEDITATION ON THE DECALOGUE. With holy emotions do I greet this festive day, this cradle-feast of our sublime Religion, this memorial of that grand season, which brought so much salvation and blessing into this world Amidst the roar of thunder and flashes of lightning, Thou, O Father of All, didst descend upon the modest brow of Sinai and didst speak unto Thy people in Thy sublime, yet tender, language ; Thou, the High and Exalted One, earnest down to the weak, finite son of man to reveal Thy- self unto him in Thy glory and majesty, and give him sta- tutes of justice and truth, doctrines of comfort and elevation. Unto the joyful event of this Festival we are indebted for our highest treasure, our most costly jewel the Ten Commandments, these pillars and corner stones of our quickening faith, these faithful guides and leaders through life pointing out the paths of right and duty, these props and saving anchors in woe and trouble, containing all that elevates the spirit, ennobles the heart, renders man more human and children more childlike, and affords consolation to the despairing and confidence unto the doubting. 1. "I am the Eternal thy God who have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage." This is the first word of Divine Revelation. Oh ! be blessed unto me, thou glorious word ! That 34 HOURS OP DEVOTION which the presentiment of the heart proclaims unto us with a small, still voice, Thou callest unto the world with loud tones, That which is inscribed upon every page of the Book of Nature, Thou providest with Thy seal and endorse- ment : There, is a God! A God of supreme power, who with a mighty arm crashed our oppressors and persecu- tors, a God of compassion, who lendeth His ear unto the lamentations of the oppressed and enthralled, who breaketh all bars and fetters to lead them unto liberty and happi- ness. Oh ! how my heart does widen with joy and confi- dence in Him, who with infinite love extendeth His hand unto me also, whenever woe and oppression encompass me, whenever the hand of persecution is heavily laid upon me, whenever the gates of happiness are closed before me. 2. "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." The Eternal is One, Sole God, unto Him alone belong all glory, praise and adoration ; unto Him, thou heart of mine, dedicate thy worship, thy love, thy thankfulness ! Jt is He alone who graciously leads me through life, my Creator and Savior, who guides my youth, protects mine old age, who is always and everywhere the same, in the heavens above, and on the earth below, and in the depth of the ocean. Therefore, be of good cheer and courage, my soul ! Even though thy destiny may not be smiling, even though grief and pain may depress thee, bear it all with patience and resignation, hopefully and trustfully, for He, the All-wise and All-loving Father, our Sole Guardian and Ruler, who in His wisdom creates the storm as well as sunshine, has thus ordained it for thee, and whatever He does cannot be but for our salvation. He will make all things right. HOURS OF DEVOTION 35 3. "Thou shalt not utter the name of the Eternal unto falsehood." How should we utter the name of Him whose whole be- ing is truth and faithfulness unto untruth ? Faitfulness and sincerity are rays of His divine being, they ennoble the heart which receives them, and elevate it unto the likeness of the Eternal. Oh! may these god-like feelings never de- part from my heart, may they ever dwell upon my lips, that the thoughts of my soul, as well as the words of my mouth may find favor, in Thy preence my God, and Lord. 4. "Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work ; but the seventh day is a day of rest." If idleness is a pernicious vice, continual hunting after earthly possessions, unceasing cares and anxieties, efforts and exertions for worldly acquisitions and aspirations are no less fatal and destructive. Our body would grow weary, our spirit, soon forgetting its heavenly mission upon earth, would sacrifice its heavenly treasures for earthly gifts, if God, in His provident grace, had not appointed the Sabbath for us, that we may thereon refresh our bodies and direct our minds towards the contemplation of all that is divine. On that day, all shall participate in quickening repose, parents and children, masters and servants; even the brute creation has been included by All-loving God in this command concerning the Sabbath. "God blessed the Sabbath-day and hallowed it;" and it will become a blessing unto us, if we sanctify ourselves on it and through it by ennobling medi- tations, by communion with our Protector and Creator. 5. "Honor thy father and mother." Our ancient Sages remark : Three beings have a share in man : God, bis father, and his mother! How sublime and sacred must filial duty appear in the eyes of God, for He 36 HOURS OF DEVOTION calls for its performance by a threefold voice : by the feeling of filial love inmate in our very being; by the law of thankfulness towards our parents who are our guardian angels on earth and have, after God, the gratest share in our being; and lastly by the divine command: "Honor thy father and thy mother, that it may be well with thee." Thus, then, be thrice hallowed unto me, thou sweet duty! My father and mother, Oh! how my heart throbs for you in love and gratitude; I will use all my power to fulfill the divine command of filial reverence resounding from all the chords of my soul. 6. "Thou shalt not murder." The life of our neighbor must be unto us a sacred, invio- lable good. But not his life alone, but all that beautifies and cheers his life, must not be violated or endangered by us. It does not always require a sword or dagger to strike the heart of man; an insidious, slanderous word often turns into a poisonous arrow, that strikes as deep wounds and causes death. Spiritual murder is not less destructive than a deathblow struck by a murderer's hand, nor less punish- able in the eyes of God. 7. "Thou shalt not commit adultery." The most sacred treasure, the most priceless boon for wedded people arematrirnonial love and faithfulness. Who would with ruthless hand destroy this crown, rend this wreath, who with wicked levity trample upon these tender blossoms that ornament the matrimonial Eden ? Before the gates of this Eden, God, in His grace, has placed, as a Cherub with a flaming sword, His divine command: "Thou shalt not commit adultery !" in order that every careless thought, every sinful emotion be frightened off and recoil in fear and trembling. HOURS OF DEVOTION 37 8. "Thou shall not steal." Let the thought never enter Thy mind to appropiate the property of thy neighbor to thyself. Whether he may have acquired his possessions by his own industry, whether God's blessing alone, without his own co-operation, may have made him rich, do never resolve to lay thy hand thereon. Theft whatever form or name it may assume: violence, fraud, or cunning is at all times the same. . In whatever way thou mayest deprive thy neighbor of his own, it will never turn unto thy salvation, the blessing of God will flee from thee. Thou hast defiled thy hand with the most vulgar, the ba.sest deed, and God, the Pure, the Just, the Exalted One, will in His anger turn His countenance from thee. 9. "Thou shalt not bear false witness." How much calamity and evil do we cause in this world by false testimony ! Though we do not perpetrate a crime with our own hand, yet we sustain it by false testimony in court, and often, by means of a word, lead vice unto victory and triumph, mislead judges to unjust decisions, oppress innocence, which will cry unto God for revenge against us. Perchance we may think, that the wrong which we favor may not be very great, may be very excusable; but who can ever measure the range that sin may take ? Evil must beget evil, injustice must produce injustice. Whenever we have once extended our hand to sin, it extends itself, ere we are aware thereof, increases in dimension, immeshes us in its destructive net, that we can never escape, and behold, to our horror, that we are given UD a prey to its power. 10. "Thou shalt not covet anything that is thy neighbor's." Oenvy, thou source of all vices! Whatever we possess as U8 HOURS OF our own, whatever the grace of God has vouchsafed unto us, thou makest appear little and insignificant in our eyes; only that which belongs unto our neighbor thou presentest in lustre and beauty, after it thou directest our wishes, incitest our desires. Thou dost robb our heart of its peace, turnest our life into a torment ; from the heaven of a con- tented mind thou hurlest us into the depths of discontent and discord with ourselves. Therefore, will I guard myself against envy, against covetousness of what belong unto others and that which God has deemed well to deny me. Praise be unto Thee, O Heavenly Father, for these divine, gladdening and saving doctrines and ordinances. They are unto us a priceless gift of Thy grace and truth, my God, we will bear them within our hearts, fasten them at the door-post of our houses, bind them upon our hands and foreheads, that they may ever remain before our eyes, and guide us in our lives, that their light may open our eyes unto truth, their admonitions strengthen us in the per- formance of our duties, and, by pointing to Thee, Thou Exalted One, cause us to find peace and consolation, so as to enable us cheerfully and courageously to enter upon the contest with the troubles and cares of earthly life. Grant, God, that the celebration of this Festival may consecrate my whole life, may make it a great festive day, a feast of commemoration of Thy holy Law, of Thy divine Ten Words. Amen. PRAYER FOR THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE DESTRUCTION OF THE TEMPLE (aaa With profound fervor, O Lord ! do we this day remember the fatal day on which the enemy entered Thy fortress, and Thy Sanctuary became a prey unto consuming flames. "How the city sat solitary that was full of people, the HOUR.S OF DEVOTION 39 princess among the provinces, a mourning widow." Israel's pride and crown, the glorious Temple upon Moriah's proud heights wherein the children of Abraham praised the glory of Thy name before all nations, the lustrous abode of the Ark with the divine testimony and the Cherubim pair with their heavenward turned wings, the altar with the atoning sacrifice, the candelstick with its seven tongues of fire : all sank into ruins; the sweet song of the Levites that had risen up to Thee in thousand voices was hushed, and the wails of the Priests robbed of their ministrations and dig- nity, the cries and lamentations of the children of Thy people deprived of their houses, were alone heard. Alas ! heavy and bitter affliction didst Thou impose upon the house of Jacob on that day! With bleeding hearts did the poor pilgrims tear themselves away from their dearly beloved house of their youth, which had offered them so many gifts of imperishable salvation, such rich treasures of never-dying reminiscences, and started for a loveless strange land, like children whom their father had rejected, everywhere sur- rounded by raving cries of hostile nations, everywhere nurtured with sufferings, wrapt in the garb of slaves, beaten and wounded unto death, that they often cried unto Thee from out of their misery: "Thou hast laid me in the lowest pits, in darkness, in the deeps; Thy wrath lieth hard upon me, and Thou hast afflicted me with all Thy waves ; Thou hast taken away all my friends far from me, and hast made me an abomination unto them ; I am shut up, and I cannot come forth; mine eye grows blind from grief, Lord! I call upon Thee, the whole day I stretch out my hands unto Thee; wilt Thou shew wonders unto the dead, can shadows rise again ? Why, O God, castest Thou off my soul, why hidest Thou Thy face from me ? Thy fierce wrath goeth over me, Thy terrors surround me ; lover and friend hast Thou taken from me, and darkness is mine acquaintance!" 40 HOURS OP DEVOTION Yea, unutterable woe hath Israel suffered during the num- berless days of his pilgrimage ! his shoulder whereon the government once lay, became a path for wanderers ; his eye, once shining with the brilliancy of'happines, became an inexhaustible fountain of tears. Where'er his fugitive foot trod, he found the yoke of oppression, the curse of hatred, the poisonous arrow of calumny, and many thousands of his sons and daughters were compelled to sacrifice their fortunes and lives in their struggles for Thee and Thy holy Law; yet they were more fleeting than an eagle, stronger than a lion in the performance of Thy sublime will, inseparable, both in life and in death, from their faithfulness unto Thee, Thou Unsearchable One, who Greatest the pure from impure, light from darkness, and wilt lead also Thy people from the deepest ignominy of degradation unto the most glorious goal, unto the most beautiful triumph. And this elevating thought affords us also consolation, courage and hope, aye! it changes our mourning into joy, our lamentation into cries of exultation. However deeply and sorely our soul may be affected by the memory of the unutterable woe wherewith our ancestors went forth from their- own Zion into the vast wilderness of heathen nations, however great our pain may be at the contemplation of the long journey of heavy sufferings and great sacrifices which our race has since had to pass: in all these bitter trials we recognize Thy loving paternal guidance, a means towards the fulfill- ment of Thine infallible promises, towards the glorification of Thy name and of Thy law, before the eyes of all nations. No! not as a rejected son did Thy first-born go forth into a strange land, but as Thy messenger unto all the families of the earth. Israel should no longer dwell solitary and sepa- rate from Thy other children who were languishing in night and darkness, but carry his blessings everywhere like a fertilizing stream. The One Temple of God at Jerusalem MOlJRS OF DEVOTION 41 sank into ruins, in order that numberless Temples might rise all over the earth unto Thy honor and glory. The ancient priestly dignity and sacrificial service vanished, in order that the whole Congregation of Israel, in accordance with its original mission, may become a ministering priest, and every member thereof may offer sacrifices wherewith Thou wilt be more pleased than with the blood of animals and thousands of rivers of oil, sacrifiesof practical charity, love for God and man, sacrifices of a pure and holy life, which will not deviate from the path of truth even in suffering and death, sacrifices of that unprecedented faith- fulness to God, whose miracles are attested by the history of thousands of years. Thine imperishable testimony has remained inviolate and has risen purified and with height- ened lustre from that bitterly bewailed conflagration, relieved from walls which had become for it a dungeon and shut out its glory from the view of millions of beings standing with- out, created in Thine image and intended to be elevated by Thy Priest, to be Thy people. From the flames that con- sumed Zion, the Messiah was born, suffering Israel, who, relieved from the bonds of childhood, proceeds through the world, a man of sorrows, without form and comeliness, despised and rejected, that with his chains he may lead his own tormentors unto freedom, through his wounds carry healing unto them that had smitten him, in order that, after his soul had made an offering for sin he should be- hold seed, happily accomplish God's will, and be rejoiced and satisfied by the sight of the numberless hosts that will come to join him from all parts. Thus, then, Lord ! this day has turned, according to the proclamation of Thy prophet, from a day of fast and mourning into a feast of joy, when we remember the glorious development of Thy Law, and our sublfme Messianic mission which commenced with the event commemorated on this 42 HOURS OF DEVOTION day. Though this sublime mission has cost us bitter sacri- fices, and though the way which we have still to pass is long: our hearts are full of gratitude for the infinite grace which Thou hast vouchsafed unto us, to be the ministering priests for all mankind ; and our confidence in Thy promise shall never be shaken, that all that hath breath shall on some future day bow before Thee. Grant, God, that all Israel may know the goal of their pilgrimage and pursue it with united energy and cheerful courage ! Grant, that their mourning may end everywhere, where'er they may yet sigh under the yoke of hatred ; open the eyes of all those who still regard Thy messenger as rejected from before Thy countenance, and limit the house of the world-conquering Prince of God to that narrow spot whereon his cradle stood in ancihnt time! Mayest Thou, then, strengthen us all in Thy service, fortify us for our mission, and cause us soon to enter upon that promised time, when the vast earth shall be an altar for trespass-offerings, whereon all spirits and hearts will rise to Thee with burning love, when the Doctrine of Truth and the Law of life's sanctification shall, as protecting Cherubim, expand their wings over the Sanctuary of a race lovingly united among themselves and with Thee; when all mankind shall shine in the same lustre, like that candle- stick which was made of one piece of pure gold, and sent forth from seven arms its brilliant light ; when that Temple shall rise which Thine own hand shall build out of the same fire which destroyed that made by human hands, out of the heavenly fire, from which Thou didst reveal Thyself on Sinai unto the people of Israel, and on Zion unto all Thy children, that Thy promise may be fulfilled of a new Jeru- salem which Thou wilt surround as with a wall of flames, Amen. feOURS OF DEVOTION 43 PRAYER FOR THE MONTH OF ELLUL. This concluding month of the year is full of serious and sublime significance for us: for in these last days of the departing year our souls should prepare themselves for that great day, on which Thou wilt sit in judgment over us, Thou, the Most Holy One, over us frail, sinful human beings, Thou, before whom even the inhabitants of heaven can not appear sufficiently pure, how much less we with our weak, vacillating heart which is so often led astray by the allurements and temptations of this earth, into which sin enters through our eyes and ears to occupy a lasting abode, and which consciously or unconsciously, often deviates from Thee and violates Thy holy laws. Consecrated and sanctified unto us are these days, on which, in our prayers and petitions, we implore Thy pardon and forgiveness, O All-merciful God! for our sins, on which we are anxious to wash away, by our repentance and tears, the blots and stains of guilt. We long to return unto Thee with true, sincere hearts, and with the firm resolution to mend our ways and practices. Oh ! do Thou sanctify unto us these days through Thy blessings and grace. All-merciful God! grant that they may become for us days of return, and reconciliation with Thee, Heavenly Father! days of true improvement and sanctificatiou, on which our hearts may be filled with renewed love for virtue and religion; on which the quickening spirit of justice and peace may enter our souls, and we may feel ourselves impelled by its beatific influence to good and noble deeds, strengthened for the struggle against weakness and sin ; that these days may become for us days of hear- ing and fulfilling our prayers and petitions, days of pardon and forgiveness of all our iniquities before Thee, our Lord. Amen. 44 HOURS OF DEVOTION FOR THE EVE OF NEW YEAR. Almighty God ! "TVi olden times didst Thou lay the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of Thy hands. These will indeed perish, but Thou wilt ever exist: yea, a/I of them will wear out like a garment; as a vesture wilt Thou change them, and they will be changed; but Thou art ever the same, and Thy years will have no end ." With this exclamation of the inspired Psalmist do we draw nigh unto Thee, in this first hour of the solemn Festival of Memorial and New- Year, and most humbly bow down before Thee, O King and Ruler of the Uni- verse ! to acknowledge the eternity and unchangeableness of Thy being, and remember Thine infinite justice and loving kindness wherewith Thou mindest and preservest Thy numberless creatures, and hast again granted us to live unto the beginning of another year, to enter upon a new period of life, and to continue afresh the working out of our sublime destination upon earth. When we cast an examining glance at the past year, we perceive that, tho' it is but a short space of time which hath vanished away like a dream, it is well apt to fill our hearts with manifold emotions, and our souls with serious and solemn reflections. Bitter grief mingles with profound joy within our bosoms, while we most thankfully remember Thy paternal guidance which Thou hast so often manifested unto us during the past year. We thank Thee, All-good Father, for the manifold blessings and benefits, which Thou hast bestowed upoq us, for food and raiment, for the preservation of health and life, for Thine ever-ready protection against danger and temptation. We praise Thee, God ! for all the HOURS OF DEVOTION 45 blessings which Thou hast vouchsafed unto all those endeared to our hearts, and whose lives are wedded unto ours by the ties of blood, love, friendship, and noble purposes. With calm resignation and profound confidence in Thy holy will, we bow down before Thine inscrutable wisdom arid justice, and piously submit to the trials and afflictions wherewith Thou didst deem it fit to visit us. For unto Thee alone it is known, why we must suffer, why the cup of life is so often filled with bitter draughts ; and it behooves us, therefore, to accept them also with the pious and consoling conviction, that Thou sendest grief and sorrow for our own welfare and salvation. Oh! accept the tears of woe and pain for those dear to us, whom Thou hast removed from us, henceforth to dwell with Thee in the realms of everlasting bliss and peace, where we shall meet them again, never to be separated ! All-merciful Lord! Transient and fleeting is this earthly pilgrimage ; Oh ! may we ever be mindful thereof, that pride and vanity may never enter our hearts, and charity and love actuate us in all our sentiments, words and deeds. Oh ! may we always remember, that this life is but a shadow, and ourselves, like the flowers of the fields which bloom but a short while soon to wither and die, and that we, therefore, may never neglect with holy avarice to use the time, and conscientiously prepare ourselves, during this short existence of ours, for eternity and its blessings and treasures. May we never forget, that Thou hast kindled within us a light from Thine eternal spirit, never to die, but to elevate us above all other creatures, to enable us to look up to Thee, to adore Thee, and to comprehend that Thou hast not placed us here on earth to live for a few years, and then to sink 46 HOURS OF DEVOTION down into eternal night and destruction, but to make us partakers of eternal life and salvation. Do Thou en- lighten us with a ray of Thy wisdom, that we may ever choose right from wrong, good from evil, exercise justice and mercy towards all our fellow- beings, walk humbly before Thee, and thus create and promote peace and concord among all mankind. Oh ! do Thou fortify us against all error and temptation, and whenever sin should have led us astray, lead us back upon the path of piety and rectitude. Father of all mercies ! give us also during the coming year "bread to eat and raiment to put on," but above all, peace of mind and contentment of the heart ; protect us against adversity and bitter grief. Preserve us all, that we may inspire each other to noble deeds, and work together for our own sanctification, the glory of Thy holy name, and the honor of our sacred Religion. All-bounteous God ! "Be not angry with me, now that I have taken upon me to speak unto my Lord, although I am but dust and ashes." I cannot yet leave Thee ere 1 have recommended unto Thy paternal care the widows and the orphans, the weak and the poor, the afflicted and the mourning. Oh ! pour Thy heavenly balm upon the wounded, grant Thy stay and staff to the falling and oppressed, and Thy protection to the forsaken and persecuted. 0!i! do not withdraw Thy- self from those that are prostrated upon the bed of sickness, and awaken for them tender and pious souls to alleviate their sufferings. And whomsoever Thou shouldst summon hence, to-day or to-morrow, let his breaking eye behold Thy countenance, that his departure from those dear to his heart may be easy, and that he may go hence with the strengthening belief, That Thou HOURS OF DEVOTION 47 wilt receive us all in grace and in mercy upon Thy holy mountain. Oh! may this new year become unto all whom my lips have named before Thee, and unto those whom I have not mentioned, a year of bliss, peace and salvation ! May it bring unto us new life, new strength, and new hopes, that we may joyfully continue our earthly pilgrim- age, until it be concluded and we depart hence to cele- o " r brate that New Year which shall never grow old, but last unto all eternity. Amen. FOR THE NEW YEAR'S DAY. Almighty God! as we concluded the old year be- fore Thee, with tears and prayers, thus we assemble again in the first hours of the new, in Thy Sanctuary, to dedicate unto Thee our emotions, and open our hearts before Thy paternal eyes. O God ! how many are the things to be implored of Thee for the new year. As a child approaches its father, so do we open unto Thee our hearts and souls, confide unto Thee our joys and sorrows, our thoughts and feelings. Whatever secret woe may depress us, whatever our souls may hesitate to place upon our lips, the glowing tears of our eyes utter before Thee this day, our sighs and weeping lay bare before Thee. But above all it is this that moves our souls: we know this is the day of memorial, to-day the year past steps before Thee with our deeds and works, to testify for or against us. With fear and trembling do we look back upon it, with alarm do we ask ourselves : what shall the past year testify concerning us? Did we employ it for good and blissful works? Have we used 48 HOURS OF DEVOTION the days thereof unto our eternal salvation, unto our ennoblement and improvement, or did we carelessly waste them in labors of vanity, merely to enjoy the fleeting fruits of life? Or did they vanish hence like a dream, disappear like a cloud without value and impor- tance, without gain and profit? The year is irre- trievably gone, but the work of man, both good and evil, which he performed, has remained, and the memory of our shortcomings weighs heavily upon our souls, pierces our hearts with sharp stings, covers us with shame and disgrace! Only profoundly confiding in Thine endless grace and mercy we draw nigh unto Thee, this day, in order to expiate, with our sighs and tears, the heavy guilt beneath which we are sighing. Thy compassion and loving-kindness alone, which do not desire the death of the sinner, but that he may return and live, are my hope and consolation. With humility and contrition I call upon Thy holy name, exclaiming: Forgive, Father of all men, forgive my sins and deal with me according to the measure of Thy mercy which is great, and not according my guiltiness. Mayest Thou guard and protect me in the new year as Thou hast done heretofore ; preserve all those dear to me, inscribe us in the book of life unto life, unto happiness, unto welfare : avert from us all evil acci- dent, all sad destiny ; cause the fruit of life to ripen unto us with mildness and sweetness. Cause the sun of Thy grace to illumine our paths, vouchsafe the fullness of Thy divine blessing unto all our works, success unto all our endeavers, salvation unto all our labors, realization unto all our hopes, and fulfillment unto all our wishes. Truly and lastingly bind around us the blissful tie of peace and concord. Cause Thy compassion to behold all our grief, and send healing unto all the pains and HOURS OF DEVOTION 49 wounds of our souls, as unto the ills and diseases of our bodies ; send Thy help and consolation unto all who may be in need thereof. Grant that we may patiently and resignedly submit to all situations of life, courageously and confidently look towards the future, and walk before Thee with pure hearts, until, at the close of our days of life, we shall appear before Thy heavenly throne to render our account of them. Amen. MEDITATION FOR NEW YEAR'S DAY AND THE DAY OF ATONEMENT. My God ! how terrible and detestable is sin ! Pure hast thou created the soul and breathed it into us, but sin creeps around it as a poisonous plant that de- prives a tree of its nourishment, and desecrates the child of heaven and disfigures in it the sublime image of its creator ; sin settles in our heart, arid extinguishes therein the divine ray, destroys every germ of goodness, it rises as a powerful barrier between the desecrated creature and the holy, high-exalted Deity; it robs us of the sweet comforts of belief, and prevents us from looking up to Thee, my God ; it destroys our cheerfulness, and the peace and tranquillity of our minds, it darkens the heaven within us, covers us with shame and disgrace, and fills us with pain and woe. Yea, terrible and detestable is sin, for it disfigures and destroys not only our mental being, it disfigures and destroys also our bodies. In return for that we allowed it to enter our inner parts, it shakes the pillars of our health, consumes the vigor and bloom of life, extinguishes from our countenances thy ray and reflection of our 3 50 HOURS OF DEVOTION God-likeness, whose impress innocence and ourity of the heart have stamped upon them. Oh ! I abhor and abominate sin I will shake it from me with all the strength of my soul ! Awake within me, all ye aspirations unto good, and ye incli- nations of my better being, to struggle against the power of evil within me; awaken, O my conscience, in all thy strength, raise thine admonishing, threatening voice whenever the fascinating words of temptation reach my ear and I am in danger to be allured and infatuated by them ! O my soul ! remember thy sublime destination and tear thyself away from all connection with sin, control all sinful inclinations and habits, and be im- pressed of thy greatness, of thine elevated position above all that is base and vulgar; remember thy sublime worth and unite only with all that is sublime and worthy, entertain only pure, chaste thoughts, only God-pleasing emotions, receive only such impressions as are not in conflict with the thought of God ; devote thyself only to such wishes and aspirations as will not offend the conscience, as will not disturb thy peace and cheerfulness. In these sacred hours which Thou, O God, hast set apart for our purification and atonement, for our return to virtue, for the communion of our spirits with all that is heavenly and divine in these sacred hours I will unite all the energies of my being, all the feelings of my heart, all my wishes, all my aspirations and capacities in the one firm thought, in the one unshaken resolve : to destroy all evil inclinations and sinful desires within me, in order to effect a perfect improvement and conversion, a Rebirth of the innocence and purity of my heart. But, my God and Father ! will the inspiration. glowing HOURS OF DEVOTION 51 within me in these sacred halls, where I feel Thy pre- sence more than in any other place, will the enthusiasm that permeates me to- day on which mine ears are closed to all worldly utterances, on which I am severed and separated from all my relations with the world of vanity and its allurements, on which I am entirely absorbed in the contemplation of Thine high-exalted Being and mine own estate : will that enthusiasm and inspiration remain vivid within me, when I shall leave this sanctuary to return to the life and tumult of the world without, whenever I shall have to contend against passions, against want and sorrow, when the infatuating voice of temp- tation shall resound in my ear, or whenever sin shall appear before me in the dazzling form of fame and honor'? Oh ! conscious of the weakness and foibles of the human heart I tremble and fear that my pious intentions may again be shaken, that I may then turn faithless to my vows and resolutions ! Grant, O All-merciful One ! that the elevated influences of this solemn day may never be lost, that the spirit of righteousness which permeates me this day, may never depart from me. Grant, that sin, in whatever form and under whatever garb it may appear, may be hideous and abhorrent in mine eye, and that, however tempting its alluring flatteries may appear to my senses, I may, yet, never cease to hate it and flee from it; that I may ever honor what is truly good, acknowledge virtue in its exalted worth, in its everlasting sublimity ; that I may ever love and distinguish it whenever and wherever I may meet it, even in the hut of poverty and misery, even in the garment of want and howliness ! Oh ! may I succeed ever to remain strong, firm and unshaken in all 52 HOURS OF DEVOTION and noble endeavors ; may I become better and more and more like unto Thee, my God and Lord, that I may ever be able to look up to Thee with a clear conscience and cheerful confidence. Amen. FOR THE EVE OF THE DAY OF ATONE- MENT, (i *&) Lord, God ! All-merciful, gracious, of abundant goodness and truth, forgiving iniquity, transgression and sins, I also have sinned, I feel my wrong and my guil- tiness, and desire and seek of Thee mercy and forgive- ness. Thou art a God of mercy, but also a God of justice, before whom there is neither h} r pocrisy, nor bribery, nor regard of person. How can I hope to be declared not guilty by Thee, when I know myself that I have sinned? But as I confess and repent my sins, renounce all inclinations unto evil, aspire after virtue and piety, and indeed amend my ways, so wilt Thou also in mercy look down upon me, so will I become worthier of Thy grace and blessings, more susceptible of the influence of Thy spirit and Thy power, and thus I shall return my natural relation with Thee and again enjoy its hap- piness. Thus it is said: "The tenth day of this seventh month is the day of atonement, a holy convocation shall it be unto you, and a fast-day; on it no manner of work shall ye do, for it is a day of atonement, to make an atonement for you, before the Lord your God, a Sabbath- rest it shall be unto you, and ye shall fast : on the ninth day of the month at evening shall ye begin, from evening unto evening shall ye celebrate your Sabbath." Thus the promise of Thy forgiveness is held out to us, of Thine everlasting, unchangeable will to pardon repentant and fcOtJRS OF DEVOTION 63 improving sinners. This promise affords confidence and joy to every one who is on the way of improvement. Feeling our weakness and foibles we. may confidently approach Thee and trust in Thee as an indulgent, kind Father, as soon as we follow Thine admonition and indeed forsake the path of sin. But when we draw nigh unto thee, confiding in the never-dying fountain of Thy love, we must first banish all hatred and vindictiveness from our hearts; when we call unto Thee as our father, we must first have shown ourselves as brothers towards our fellow-men : for the Day of Atonement can effect its work only then, after we have conciliated our brothers and sisters whom we may have offended or injured in the course of the past year, whose honor or property we may have violated. For thus it is said in Holy Writ: "For on that day an atonement shall be made for you, to cleanse you : from all your sins before the Lord shall ye be clean." The day of Atonement works forgiveness for sins against the Eternal; but not for such com- mitted against our fellow-men, so long as we have not satisfied them. Thanks be unto Thee, O all-merciful Father, for the blissful revelations of Thy grace, for these consoling and indispensable assurances of Thy paternal love! How much is the work of improvement facilitated ! We know certainly that Thou forgivest sins and remittest punishment and hast mercy as a father upon them who return to their duty and strive to please Thee; and Thou demandest of them neither sacrifices nor trespass- offerings, but only sincerity and truth. Thus it is said: "Sacrifice and offerings Thou dost not desire, mine ears hast Thou opened," "Obedience is better than sacri- fice" now we know certainly, that it is not in vain 54 HOURS t)F DEVOTION to mend our ways, that it is pleasing unto Thee when we change our desires and ways, that Thou dost assist and strengthen us, and that Thou requirest no improve- ment of us which would go beyond our powers. And though we cannot expect that the evils naturally result- ing from our sins and follies should be speedily removed as by a miracle, yet we hope that Thy supreme wisdom will turn all unto our own benefit. I will bear all ills which I have brought upon me by mine own aberrations, and Thou, God, wilt turn them unto good for me and, sooner or later, convert them into sources of joy and gladness. Grant me strength, O Lord, to dedicate my- self, according to Thy law, unto Thy service from evening even unto evening ; let not my body become weak, nor my spirit weary, that on to-morrow evening I may depart from this sacred place with the consolatory hope, that my prayer has been pleasing in Thy sight, and my actions shall ever be acceptable before Thy face, O Lord, my God. Amen. FOR THE DAY OF ATONEMENT. Almighty God ! My heart trembles beneath Thine examining and all-penetrating eye ; for I feel how far I have remained behind the fulfillment of my duties, how often I have sinned within my heart against my better inclinations, against Thy holy Law; how often even mine actions were prompted by sinister and impure motives, how much, alas ! how much still remains for me to do, and which my conscience would often and seriously urge me to accomplish ! But now, in this sacred place, and on this holiest of days, mine ear does more distinctly and powerfully hear the rustling and rushing HOURS OF DEVOTION 55 of Thine ever-present majesty, the thick veil sinks from before mine eyes, and with astonishment do I behold the shadowyness, the vanity and emptiness of all my intentions and aspirations, of all my toils and labors. Thine endless grace has endowed me with a breath from Thy breath, with a spirit from Thy spirit, an angel, whom Thou hast crowned with honor and glory, whom Thou hast vested with the power of ruling over all living beings as well as the human body, called unto Thy service but for a short while, an angel, whom Thou hast given unto me for a guardian and watchman, continu- ally to teach me Thy name and Thy will, and success- fully to lead me towards the place which Thou hast prepared for me, to guide me into the Sanctuary shining with unspeakable lustre, which Thy hand has establish- ed for an everlasting dwelling place, an abode of never- ending beatitude unto all Thy worshippers. But sinfully reversing Thine all-wise ordination, 1 would bind that angel into the yoke of worldly, base desires, made the ruler a slave, and the servant a ruler, aye ! a tyrant ! The gratification of my earthly wants and desires, the ingathering of harvests of dust and evanescence, and not instruction in Thy holy Law, nor the acquisition of holy, imperishable treasures, nor the knowledge of Thy name and will, nor pious meditation upon Thy Being and my destination beyond the grave, would I regard as the chief end of my labors, as the very object of life. I would hunt after earthly enjoyments with all the power of my soul, to them I devoted all my thoughts, aspi- rations and actions, from the beginning of the year to fche end thereof, by day and by night, when I laid me down and when I rose up. The hours which I dedicated unto Thee and Thy holy word, the moments during 66 HOURS OF DEVOTION which my God-born spirit remembered its exalted dig* nity and mission, these moments O shame and dis- grace! appeared to me lost, because they were offered unto Thee and not unto my idols ; aye ! I would even go so far in my blind aberration to regret the loss of these moments, and call myself foolish because I interrupted my folly but for a few moments. Arid yet, what would I be without Thee, Thou Unsearchable One? Thine is all, all that I am and possess. Thine eye would watch over me even before my birth and to this day ; Thy hand has directed my steps, has safely carried me through numberless dangers, Thou hast never ceased to cheer and gladden me. How could I number the be- nefits of which every day, every hour of my life has been full, from my earliest childhood, even to this moment 1 And though Thou wouldst visit me with bitter sorrows and heavy cares, mine own shortsighted eye would after all discover that they contained a germ of salvation, that lamentation would change into joy, that the tears I wept were seeds from which bliss and pleasure sprang forth. But how did I thank Thee for Thy merciful guidance 1 Whenever Thou didst vouchsafe abundant blessings upon me, whenever Thou didstfulfill even the most glowing and boldest wishes of my heart, I would not praise Thee, but myself; I would soon forget the pious vows which I had promised unto Thee in the hours of grief and trouble, and would glory in mine own wisdom, strength and energy ; I would proclaim my own praise and not Thine ; I would dedicate hymns and incense of triumph unto myself instead of offering them up unto Thee : I myself became my own god. But whenever it would please Thee to visit me with troubles, whether to try me or to chastize me, then HOURS OF DBVOTtON 57 indeed ! I knew to remember Thee, not, however, to seek strength and refuge with Thee, the Rock in time .of need, but to utter presumptuous complaints against Thine all-wise rule, to accuse heaven, and to exclaim with sinful lips : "My way is hid from the Lord, and my judgment is passed over from my God!" then I looked with an envious eye upon the happiness of the wicked, whose adornment is pride, and whose garment is iniquity, and who from their heights utter deceit and malice ; then I deemed myself forsaken by Thee, who bringest forth the heavenly hosts according to their number, callest them all by their names, and sufferest not one of them to be lost. And thus the very thing which should have been a prop and support for my strength became a snare for me. And as I thus would be wrecked against my own destiny, so would I fall by the desires and inclinations which Thou hast implanted in my heart ; all of them proceeded pure and spotless from Thy hand, brilliant, clear flames, ever mingling upon the hearth of life to create light and warmth, joy and gladness. Even the desire for evil indwelling within me, is but destined to be conquered by the powerful sword of the holy, heaven- born Seraph within me, and to shine as the tear of bitter but well understood fate as a precious pearl in my crown of victory. But did I understand how to acquire this crown? Alas! no I stumbled and was conquered, I would go after the desires of mine eyes, saying: I shall have peace as long as I shall follow, in my intoxication, the blind impulses of my heart ; I would prefer the greedy draughts from the cup of pleasures that end in gall and wormwood and are like unto brilliantly coated decay, I would prefer them to the 58 HOURS OF DEVOTION pleasure that growethoutof close communion with Thee, out of well-preserved human dignity, out of enhanced self-regard and the sweet approbation of my own con- science. Thus I would give myself up unto impure meditations, and sinful desires, so that the flames intended to nourish, sustain and beautify life, turned into poisonous tongues, consuming it with greedy draughts. My folly would seek peace and freedom by casting off the salutary yoke which Thy Law has imposed upon me, and now my soul is like "a troubled sea whose waters cast up mire and dirt." Aye! even thus far would I often go in my frivolity, that through and with Thy most-holy name I would wickedly violate the law of reverence to Thee. Thy name, Unsearchable One! Thy name, whose honor and glory are proclaimed by the exulting choirs of thousands of voices in heaven, upon the earth, in the air and in the depths of the sea, and which no created being should venture to utter with- out the deepest awe and the most fervent reverence and adoration, Thy name I bore in innumerable instances upon my lips as a shallow phrase, without sense and meaning ; I would employ it as unto sport, for affirmations that did not proceed from my heart, or also in connection with seriously meant pledges, but which I have never fulfilled ; even sinful resolves of anger and passion, of revenge and covetousness, even curses and imprecations so hateful in Thy sight, aye ! even the abominations of religious intolerance I sought to seal, to sanctify by the use of Thy holy name. Also against my fellow-men I have greatly sinned, partly by heavy offences, partly at least by not fully per- forming my duties towards the dear persons united with me by the ties of near or distant relationship, both HOURS OF DEVOTION 59 towards such as are still among the living, and such that slumber in their graves. The sweet, self-sacrificing love of father and mother, that ever bore me within its heart and upon its arms, and guarded me ever as the apple of its eye alas ! I rewarded it with ingratitude, instead of that reverence which Thy holy Law enjoins upon me. My ingratitude, my indifference, my want of love, pressed tears from the eyes which had watched at my cradle through many nights, wounded or ever broke the heart which never became weary of holding me entwined with all its fibres, and once set pleasant and brilliant hopes upon the budding child. Nor would I bestow the proper measure of fidelity, love and care upon the dear, inseparable consort of life and destiny, whom Thou hast placed at my side to share with me in joy and sorrow, and unshaken perseverance, amidst all the changes and storms of my existence. I would not hesitate to wound, by word and deed, the heart so closely entwined with mine, to violate, by indifference and carelessness, the obligations imposed upon me by the sacred state of wedlock, and I would not seldom be so selfish, as to receive the deeds of the most tender love and undivided attachment with a cold heart, with a gloomy eye, aye ! with spiteful indignation. And no less would I neglect the performance of my sacred duties towards the loved ones of my heart, towards my own children, these precious earthly treasures bestowed upon me by Thy grace. I have been wanting in the right care for their education and their future, I have not set them an example to serve them for a shining pattern, I have not afforded them lessons and admonitions apt to make even the rugged path of this earthly life. Oh ! I have not done all that was in my power to do to secure 60 H6URS OF DEVOTION* their earthly welfare, nor would I, at the same time, pay attention to the promotion of their spiritual and eternal well being. I would be more pleased with their outward adornment than with their inner worth, with the fast vanishing morning hue in their countenances than the everlasting dawn of a pious soul, with their external, glittering garbs than a noble heart, a firm character, and an enlarged mind, I would be more zealous to educate them for the proud pomp of this world than for God and themselves. On the whole, I have neglected to set my house in order, thus to settle all my concerns, that I could depart hence with a tranquil conscience, were it even only in the face of my dearest and nearest. And when I probe my conduct towards my fellow-men in general, towards the members of the. one great family of God on earth, wherewith I may be connected by near or distant ties ; when I consider how often haughty words from my lips struck, like deeply wounding arrows, timid and dejected hearts, how often my tongue poured out the deadning poison of slander against the innocent, how often, when I was in ill humor, aye ! even from sheer heartlessness, I drove away from my door the poor and hungry with their tears, or completely pressed their sinking heads to the dust by my humiliating treatment, how often I threw the firebrand of discord between brother and brother, sister and sister, be it from thought- lessness, or even from envy and vindictiveness ; when I reflect, lastly, how little I did to advance the salvation and honor of Israel, the prosperity and progress of my Congregation, the beauty and glory of this House of God, but, on the contrary, though one of the race com- missioned to glorify the Divine Name, I would profane Thy name and that of Israel by wicked practices, by HOURS OF DEVOTION 61 indifference towards our religious affairs, or through unmeaning, inanimate, hypocritical form and lip wor- ship : when I consider all these things, then, O God ! nothing remains for me but to cast down mine eyes and to hide my face before Thy holy throne, full of shame and repentance. But no! nothing is hidden before Thee, whom the heavens, and the heaven of heavens cannot contain. But in the dust I will call unto Thee, O my God ! and pray: Hide Thou not Thy countenance from me, let me not perish in my sin. I am in trouble hear me ! Draw nigh unto my soul and deliver it from its enemies ! God, ail-merciful, and gracious, long-suffering and abundant in goodness and truth ; keeping mercy unto thousands, forgiving iniquity, transgression and sin, forgive my sins, pardon mine iniquities, grant me atonement. Amen. PRAYER FOR THE EVENING OF THE DAY OF ATONEMENT, nb^a The day hath turned, the sun has turned ana m going down, we approach Thy heavenly gates. Almighty God! Once more, ere w