ASTRONfOMk" JLffiRARY ASTRONOMY UBRAf^Y o^ ^ict ASTRONOMY LIBRARY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation S ! lo ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. BY THE LATE SIR WILLIAM ROWAN HAMILTON, LL. D., M. R. I. A., D. C. L. CANTAB. ; FKLr>OW Olf THE AMERICAN SOCIETr OF ARTS AND SCIKNCKS; OF THE SOCIETY OF AHTS FOR SCOTLAND ; OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMrCAL SOCIKTT OF LONDON; AND OF THB ROYAL NORTHKRN SOCtKTY OF ANTIQUAKIES AT COPKNHAGEM : CORRESPONDING MICMBER OF THE INSTITUTK OF FRANCE ; HONOHART OR CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE IMPERIAL OR ROYAL ACADEMIES OF ST. PETERSBDRGH, BERLIN, AND TURIN ; OF THE ROYAL SOCIETIES OF EDINBURGH AND DUBLIN; OFTHK NATIONAL ACADEMY OF THE UNITED STATES; OF THE CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY ; THE NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY ; THE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCES AT LAUSANNE ; THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF VENICB ; . AND OF OTHER SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES IN BRITISH AND FORKIGN COUNTRIES ; ANDREWS' PROFESSOR OF ASTRONOMY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN; AND ROYAL ASTRONOMER OF IRELAND. EDITED BY HIS SON, WILLIAM EDWIN HAMILTON, A.B.T.C.D., C.E. LONDON : LONGMANS, GREEN, & CO, 1866. ASTRONOMY UBRARY DUBLIN: ^rlntetJ at tl)t ©ntijersitp ^regg, BY M. H. GILL. ASTRONOMY UBRARV ^0 THE EIGHT HONOEABLE WILLIAM EAEL OF EOSSE, CHANCELLOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN, ^\im Mximz IS, BY PERMISSION, DEDICATED, BY THE EDITOR. m^772ao In my late father's Will no instructions were left as to the publication of his Writings, nor specially as to that of the " Elements of Quaternions," which, but for his late fatal illness, would have been before now, in all their completeness, in the hands of the Public. My brother, the Rev. A. H. Hamilton, who was named Executor, being too much engaged in his cle- rical duties to undertake the publication, deputed this task to me. It was then for me to consider how I could best fulfil my triple duty in this matter — First, and chiefly, to the dead ; secondly, to the present public ; and, thirdly, to succeeding generations. I came to the con- clusion that my duty was to publish the work as I found it, adding merely proof sheets, partially corrected by my late father and from which I removed a few typo- graphical errors, and editing only in the literal sense of giving forth. Shortly before my father's death, I had several con- versations with him on the subject of the " Elements." In these he spoke of anticipated applications of Qua- ternions to Electricity, and to all questions in which the idea of Polarity is involved — applications which he never in his own lifetime expected to be able fully to develope, bows to be reserved for the hands of another Ulysses. He also discussed a good deal the nature of his own forthcoming Preface ; and I may intimate, that after dealing with its more important topics, he intended to advert to the great labour which ( vi ) the writing of the " Elements" had cost him — labour both mental and mechanical; as, besides a mass of subsidiary and unprinted calculations, he wrote out all the manuscript, and corrected the proof sheets, without assistance. And here I must gratefully acknowledge the ge- nerous act of the Board of Trinity College, Dublin, in relieving us of the remaining pecuniary liability, and thus incurring the main expense, of the publication of this volume. The announcement of their intention to do so, gratifying as it was, surprised me the less, when I remembered that they had, after the publication of my father's former book, " Lectures on Quaternions," defrayed its entire cost ; an extension of their liberality beyond what was recorded by him at the end of his Preface to the " Lectures," which doubtless he would have acknowledged, had he lived to complete the Pre- face of the " Elements." He intended also, I know, to express his sense of the care bestowed upon the typographical correctness of this volume by Mr. M. H. Gill of the University Press, and upon the delineation of the figures by the Engraver, Mr. Oldham. I annex the commencement of a Preface, left in ma- nuscript by my father, and which he might possibly have modified or rewritten. Believing that I have thus best fulfilled my part as trustee of the unpub- lished " Elements," I now place them in the hands of the scientific public. William Edwin Hamilton. January \st^ 1866. PREFACE.* [1.] The volume now submitted to the public is founded on the same principles as the " LECTURES, "^^^ which were pub- lished on the same subject about ten years ago : but the plan adopted is entirely new, and the present work can in no sense be considered as a second edition of that former one. The Table of Contents^ by collecting into one view the headings of the various Chapters and Sections, may suffice to give, to readers already acquainted with the subject, a notion of the course pursued : but it seems proper to offer here a few intro- ductory remarks, especially as regards the method of expo- sition, which it has been thought convenient on this occasion to adopt. [2.] The present treatise is divided into Three Books, each designed to develope one guiding conception or^view, and to illustrate it by a sufficient but not excessive number of exam- ples or applications. The First Book relates to the Concep- tion of a Vector^ considered as a directed right line^ in space of three dimensions. The Second Book introduces a First Con- ception of a Quaternion^ considered as the Quotient of two such Vectors. And the Third Book treats of Products and Powers of Vectors^ regarded as constituting a Second Principal Form of the Conception of Quaternions in Geometry. * This fragment, by the Author, was found in one of his manuscript books by the Editor. . TABLE OF CONTENTS. BOOK I. Pages. ON VECTORS, CONSIDERED WITHOUT REFERENCE TO ANGLES, OR TO ROTATIONS, . • . . 1-102 CHAPTER* I. FUNDAMENTAL PBINCIPLES EESPECTING TECTOES, . 1-11 SECTiONf 1. — On the Conception of a Yector ; and on Equa- lity of Vectors, . 1-3 Section 2. — On Differences and Sums of Yectors, taken two by two, 3-5 Section 3. — On Sums of Three or more Yectors, .... 5-7 Section 4. — On Coefficients of Yectors, 8-11 This short First Chapter should be read with care by a beginner ; any misconception of the meaning of the word "Vector" being fatal to progress in the Quaternions. The Chapter contains explana- tions also of the connected, but not all equally important, words or phrases, " revector," " pro vector," " transvector," "actual and null vectors," "opposite and successive vectors," " origin and term of a vector," " equal and unequal vectors," "addition and subtraction of vectors," "multiples and fractions of vectors," &c. ; with the nota- tion B - A, for the Vector (or directed right line) ab : and a deduction of the result, essential but not peculiarX to quaternions, that (what is here called) the vector-sum^ of two co-initial sides of a parallelo- gram, is the intermediate and co-initial diagonal. The term " Scalar" is also introduced, in connexion with coefficients of vectors. * This Chapter may be referred to, as I. i. ; the next as I. ii. ; the first Chap- ter of the Second Book, as II. i. ; and similarly for the rest. t This Section may be referred to, as I. i. 1 ; the next, as I. i. 2 ; the sixth Section of the second Chapter of the Third Book, as III. ii. 6 ; and so on. X Compare the second Note to page 203. b 11 CONTENTS. Pages, CHAPTER II. APPLICATIONS TO POINTS AND LINES IN A GIVEN PLANE, 11-49 Sectfon 1. — On Linear Equations connecting two Co-initial Vectors, 11-12 Section 2. — On Linear Equations between three Co-initial Vectors, 12-20 After reading these two first Sections of the second Chapter, and perhaps the three first Articles (31-33, pages 20-23) of the following Section, a student to whom the subject is new may find it convenient to pass at once, in his first perusal, to the third Chapter of the present Book; and to read only the two first Articles (62, 63, pages 49-51) of the first Section of that Chapter, respecting Vectors in Space, before proceeding to the Second Book (pages 103, &c.), which treats of Qua- ternions as Quotients of Vectors. Section 3. — On Plane Geometrical Nets, ...*.. 20-24 Section 4. — On Anharmonic Co-ordinates and Equations of Points and Lines in one Plane, 24-32 Section 5. — On Plane Geometrical !N'ets, resumed, . . . 32-35 Section 6. — On Anharmonic Equations and Vector Ex- pressions, for Curves in a given Plane, 35-49 Among other results of this Chapter, a theorem is given in page 43, which seems to offer a new geometrical generation of (plane or spheri- cal) curves of the third order. The anharmonic co-ordinates and equa- tions employed, for the plane and for space, were suggested to the writer by some of his own vector forms ; but their geometrical inter- pretations are assigned. The geometrical nets were first discussed by Professor Mobius, in his Barycentric Calculus (Note B), but they are treated in the present work by an entirely new analysis : and, at least for space, their theory has been thereby much extended in the Chapter to which we next proceed. CHAPTER III. APPLICATIONS OF VECTOKS TO SPACE, . . . 49-102 Section 1. — On Linear Equations between Vectors not Com- planar, 49-56 It has already been recommended to the student to read the first two Articles of this Section, even in his first perusal of the Volume ; and then to pass to the Second Book. Section 2 — On Quinary Symbols for Points and Planes in Space, 57-62 CONTENTS. iii Pages. Section 3, — On Anharmonic Co-ordinates in Space, . . 62-67 Section- 4. — On Greometrical ]S"ets in Space, 67-85 Section 5. — On Earycentres of Systems of Points ; and on Simple and Complex Means of Vectors, 85-89 Section 6. — On Anharmonic Equations, and Yector Ex- pressions, of Surfaces and Curves in Space, .... 90-97 Section 7. — On Differentials of Yectors, 98-102 An application oi finite differences^ to a question connected with ha- ry centres, occurs in p. 87. The anharmonic generation of a ruled hy- perboloid (or paraboloid) is employed to illustrate anharmonic equa- tions ; and (among other examples) certain cones, of the second and third orders, have their vector equations assigned. In the last Section, a defi- nition of differentials (of vectors and scalars) is proposed, which is afterwards extended to differentials of quaternions, and which is in- dependent of developments and of infinitesimals, but involves the conception of limits. Vectors of Velocity and Acceleration are men- tioned ; and a hint of Hodographs is given. BOOK II. ON QUATERNIONS, CONSIDERED AS QUOTIENTS OF VECTORS, AND AS INVOLVING ANGULAR RELA- TIONS, • 103-300 CHAPTER I, fundamental peinciples respecting quotients op vectors, 103-239 Very little, if any, of this Chapter II. i., should be omitted, even in a first perusal ; since it contains the most essential conceptions and notations of the Calculus of Quaternions, at least so far as quo- tients of vectors are concerned, with numerous geometrical illustra- tions. Still there are a few investigations respecting circumscribed cones, imaginary intersections, and ellipsoids, in the thirteenth Sec- tion, which a student may pass over, and which will be indicated in the proper place in this Table. Section 1 Introductory Remarks ; First Principles adopted from Algebra, 103-106 Section 2. — First Motive for naming the Quotient of two Vectors a Quaternion, 106-110 Sections. — Additional Illustrations, .110-112 It is shown, by consideration of an angle on a desk, or inclined plane, that the complex relation of one vector to another, in length and IV CONTENTS. Pages, in direction, involves generally a system oifour nvmerical elements. Many other motives, leading to the adoption of the name, " Quater- nion," for the suhject of the present Calculus, from its fundamental connexion with the number " Four," are found to present themselves in the course of the work. Section 4 On Equality of Quaternions ; and on the Plane of a Quaternion, 112-117 Section 5. — On the Axis and Angle of a Quaternion j and on the Index of a Eight Quotient, or Quaternion, . . 117-120 Section 6. — On the Reciprocal, Conjugate, Opposite, and iN'orm of a Quaternion; and on Null Quaternions, , . 120-129 Section 7. — On Radial Quotients ; and on the Square of a Quaternion, 129-133 Section 8. — On the Yersor of a Quaternion, or of a Vec- tor ; and on some General Formulae of Transformation, 133-142 In the five foregoing Sections it is shown, among other things, that the plane of a quaternion is generally an essential element of its constitution, so that diplanar quaternions are unequal; but that the tquare of every right radial (or right versor) is equal to negative unity^ whatever its plane may be. The Symbol V — 1 admits then of a real in- terpretation, in this as in several other systems ; but when thus treated as real, it is in the present Calculus too vague to be useful : on which account it is found convenient to retain the old signification of that symbol, as denoting the (uninterpreted) Imaginary of Algebra, or what may here be called the scalar imaginary, in investigations re- specting non-real intersections, or non-real contacts, in geometry. Section 9. — On Yector-Arcs, and Vector- Angles, consi- dered as Representatives of Versors of Quaternions ; and on the Multiplication and Division of any one such Versor by another, 142-157 This Section is important, on account of its constructions of mul- tiplication and division ; which show that the product of two diplanar versors, and therefore of two such quaternions, is not independent of the order of the factors. Section 10. — On a System of Three Right Versors, in Three Rectangular Planes ; and on the Laws of the Symbols, ijl, 157-162 The student ought to make himself /awjt7/«r with these laws, which are all included in the Fundamental Formula, CONTENTS. V In fact, a Quaternion may be symbolically defined to be a Quadrino- mial Expression of the form, q = w-\-ix+jy + kZj (B) in which w, x, y, z are four scalars, or ordinary algebraic quantities, while i,j, k are three new symbols, obeying the laws contained in the formula (A), and therefore not subject to all the usual rules of alge- bra : since we have, for instance, ij= + k, but ji=^-k; and i'^pk^ =^- ^jk)-i. Section 1 1 . — On the Tensor of a Vector, or of a Quater- nion ; and on the Product or Quotient of any two Qua- ternions, 162-174 Section 12 On the Sum or Difference of any two Qua- ternions ; and on the Scalar (or Scalar Part) of a Qua- ternion, 175-190 Section 13. — On the Right Part (or Yector Part) of a Quaternion ; and on the Distrihutive Property of the Multiplication of Quaternions, 190-238 Section 14. — On the Reduction of the General Quaternion to a Standard Quadrinomial Porm ; with a Pirst Proof of the Associative Principle of Multiplication of Qua- ternions, . . . 233-239 Articles 213-220 (with their sub-articles), in pp. 214-233, maybe omitted at first reading. CHAPTER II. ON COMPLANAE QITATEENIONS, OE QUOTIENTS OF VECTOES IN ONE PLANE ; AND ON POWEES, EOOTS, AND LOGAEITHMS OF QUATEENIONS, 240-285 The first six Sections of this Chapter (II. ii.) may be passed over in a first perusal. Section 1. — On Complanar Proportion of Vectors ; Fourth Proportional to Three, Third Proportional to Two, Mean Proportional, Square Root ; General Reduction of a Quaternion in a given Plane, to a Standard Bino- mial Porm, 240-246 Section 2. — On Continued Proportion of Four or more Vec- tors ; whole Powers and Roots of Quaternions ; and Roots of Unity, 246-251 vi CONTENTS. Pages. Section 3. —On the Amplitudes of Quaternions in a given Plane; and on Trigonometrical Expressions for such Quaternions, and for their Powers, 251-257 Section 4. — On the Ponential and Logarithm of a Quater- nion ; and on Powers of Quaternions, with Quaternions for their Exponents, 257-264 Section 5. — On Finite (or Polynomial) Equations of Alge- braic Form, involving Complanar Quaternions ; and on the Existence of n Eeal Quaternion Boots, of any such Equation of the n'^ Degree, 265-275 Section 6. — On the n^ - n Imaginary (or Symbolical) Roots of a Quaternion Equation of the n*'' Degree, with Coefficients of the kind considered in the foregoing Section, 275-279 Section 7. — On the Reciprocal of a Vector, and on Har- monic Means of Vectors ; with Remarks on the Anhar- monic Quaternion of a Group of Four Points, and on Conditions of Concircularity, 279-285 In this last Section (II. ii. 7) the short first Article 258, and the following Art. 259, as far as the formula VIII. in p. 280, should be read, as a preparation for the Third Book, to which the Student may next proceed. CHAPTER III. ON DIPLA.NAR QUATERNIONS, OR QUOTIENTS OF VECTORS IN ^^ SPACE : AND ESPECIALLY ON THE ASSOCIATIVE PRINCIPLE OF MULTIPLICATION OF SUCH QUATERNIONS, 286-300 This Chapter may be omitted, in a first perusal. Section 1. — On some Enunciations of the Associative Pro- perty, or Principle, of Multiplication of Diplanar Qua- ternions, 286-293 Section 2. — On some Geometrical Proofs of the Associative Property of Multiplication of Quaternions, which are independent of the Distributive Principle, .... 293-297 Section 3. — On some Additional Formulae, .... 297-300 CONTENTS. vii BOOK III. Pages. ON QUATERNIONS, CONSIDERED AS PRODUCTS OR POWERS OF VECTORS; AND ON SOME APPLICA- TIONS OF QUATERNIONS, 301 to the end. CHAPTER I. ON THE INTEEPEETATION OF A PRODUCT OF VECTORS, OR POWER OF A VECTOR, AS A QUATERNION, . . . 301-390 The first six Sections of this Chapter ought to be read, even in a first perusal of the -work. Section 1 . — On a First Method of Interpreting a Product of Two Vectors as a Quaternion, 301-303 Section 2. — On some Consequences of the foregoing Inter- pretation, 303-308 This^r*^ interpretation treats th.e product 13. a, as equal to the quotient /3 : a-i ; where a"i (or Ra) is the previously defined Eeeiprocal (II, ii. 7) of the vector a, namely a second vector.^ -which has an in- verse length, and an opposite direction. Multiplication of Vectors is thus proved to be (like that of Quaternions) a Bistributive, but not generally a Commutative Operation. The Square of a Vector is shown to be always a Negative Scalar, namely the negative of the square of the tensor of that vector, or of the number which expresses its length ; and some geometrical applications of this fertile principle, to spheres, &c., are given. The Index of the JRight Fart of a Product of Two Co- initial Vectors, OA, ob, is proved to be a right line, perpendicular to the Flane of the Triangle oab, and representing by its length the Double Area of that triangle ; while the Eolation round this Index, from the Multiplier to the Multiplicand, is positive. This right part, or vector part, Va/3, of the product vanisJies, when the factors are parallel (to one common line) ; and the scalar part, Sa/3, when they are rectangular. Section 3. — On a Second Method of arriving at the same Interpretation, of a Binary Product of Vectors, . . . 308-310 Section 4. — On the Symbolical Identification of a Eight Quaternion with its own Index : and on the Construc- tion of a Product of Two Rectangular Lines, by a Third Line, rectangular to both, 310-313 Section 5. — On some Simplifications of N'otation, or of Expression, resulting from this Identification ; and on the Conception of an Unit-Line as a Right Versor, . 313-316 vni CONTENTS. Pages. In this second interpretation^ which is found to agree in all its re- sults with the first, but is better adapted to an extension of the theory, as in the following Sections, to ternary products of vectors, a product of two vectors is treated as the product of the two right quaternions, of which those vectors are the indices (II. i. 5). It is shown that, on the same plan, the Sum of a Scalar and a Vector is a Quaternion. SECTioif 6. — On the Interpretation of a Product of Three or more Vectors as a Quaternion, 316-330 This interpretation is effected by the substitution, as in recent Sections, of Eight Quaternions for Vectors, without change oiorder of the factors. Multiplication of Vectors, like that of Quaternions, is thus proved to be an Associative Operation. A vector, generally, is reduced to the Standard Trinomial Form, p = ix-Vjy-\-Jcz; (C) in which i,j, h are the peculiar symbols already considered (II. i. 10), but are regarded now as denoting Three Rectangular Vector- Units, while the three scalars x, y, z are simply rectangular co-ordinates ; from the known theory of which last, illustrations of results are derived. The Scalar of the Product of Three coinitial Vectors, oa, ob, oc, is found to represent, with a sign depending on the direction of a rotation, the Volume of the Parallelepiped under those three lines ; so that it va- nishes when they are complanar. Constructions are given also for ^ro- ducts of successive sides of triangles, and other closed polygons, inscribed in circles, or in spheres ; for example, a characteristic property of the circle is contained in the theorem, that the product of the four suc- cessive sides of an inscribed quadrilateral is a scalar : and an equally characteristic (but less obvious) property of the sphere is included in this other theorem, that the product of the ^t?^ successive sides of an inscribed gauche pentagon is equal to a tangential vector, drawn from the point at which the pentagon begins (or ends). Some general For- mula of Transformation of Vector Expressions are given, with which a student ought to render himself very familiar, as they are of con- tinual occurrence in the practice of this Calculus ; especially the four formulae (pp. 316, 317) : V.yV/3a=aS/3y-)3Sya; (D) Vy/3a = aS|3y-/3S7a + ySa/3; (E) pSajSy = aS/3yp + /3Syap + ySa^Sp ; (F) |0Sa/3y = VjSySap + VyaS^p + Va/3Syp ; (G) in which a, (3, y, p are any four vectors, while S and V are signs of the operations of taking separately the scalar and vector parts of a qua- ternion. On the whole, this Section (III. i. 6) must be considered to be (as regards the present exposition) an important one ; and if it have been read with care, after a perusal of the portions previously indicated, no difficulty will be experienced in passing to any subse- quent applications of Quaternions, in the present or any other work. CONTENTS. ix Pages. Section 7. — On the Fourth Proportional to Three Diplanar Vectors, 331-349 Section 8.. — On an Equivalent Interpretation of the Fourth Proportional to Three Diplanar Vectors, deduced from the Principles of the Second Book, 349-361 Section 9. — On a Third Method of interpreting a Product or Function of Vectors as a Quaternion; and on the Consistency of the Eesults of the Interpretation so ob- tained, with those which have been deduced from the two preceding Methods of the present Book, . . .361-364 These three Sections may be passed over, in a first reading. They contain, however, theorems respecting composition of successive rota- tions (pp. 334, 335, see also p. 340); expressions for the sem^are« of a spherical polygon, or for half the opening of an arbitrary pyramid^ as the angle of a quaternion product, with an extension, by limits, to the semiarea of a spherical figure bounded by a closed curve, or to half the opening of an arbitrary cone (pp. 340, 341) ; a construction (pp. 358- 360), for a series of spherical parallelograms, so called from a partial analogy to parallelograms in o. plane ; a theorem (p. 361), connecting a certain system of such (spherical) parallelograms with ih^foci of a spherical conic, inscribed in a certain quadrilateral ; and the concep- tion (pp. 353, 361) of a Fourth Unit in Space (?^, or + I), which is of a scalar rather than a vector character, as admitting merely of change of sign, through reversal of an order of rotation, although it presents itself in this theory as the Fourth Troportional {if'^h;) to Three Beet- angular Vector Units. Section 10. — On the Interpretation of a Power of a Vector as a Quaternion, 364-384 It may be well to read this Section (III. i. 10), especially for the Exjjonential Connexions which it establishes, between Quaternions and Splierical Trigonometry, or rather Folygonometry, by a species of extetision of Moivr^s theorem, from the plane to space, or to the spliere. For example, there is given (in p. 381) an equation of six terms^ which holds good for every spherical j^entagon, and is deduced in this way from an exfetided exponential formula. The calculations in the sub-articles to Art. 312 (pp. 375-379) may however be passed over; and perhaps Art. 315, with its sub-articles (pp. 383, 384). But Art 314, and its sub-articles, pp. 381-383, should be read, on account of the exponential forms which they contain, of equations of the circle, ellipse, logarithmic spirals (circular and elliptic), h^liz, a.nd screw sur- face. Section 11 — On Powers and Logarithms of Diplanar Qua- ternions ; with some Additional Formulae, .... 384-390 X CONTENTS. It may suffice to read Art. 316, and its first eleven sub-articles, pp. 384—386. In this Section, tlie adopted Logarithm, \q, of a Qua- ternion q, is the simplest root, q\ of the transcendental equation, and its expression is found to be, l^ = lT^ + Z?.UVj, (H) in which T and U are the signs of tensor and versor, while Z. $■ is the angle of q, supposed usually to be between and tt. Such logarithms are found to be often useful in this Calculus, although they do not gene- rally possess the elementary property, that the sum of the logarithms of two quaternions is equal to the logarithm of their ^ro^wc^ ; this ap- parent paradox, or at least deviation from ordinary algebraic rules, arising necessarily from the corresponding property of quaternion multiplication, which has been already seen to be not generally a com- mutative operation {q'q" not = q'q\ unless (f and j" be complanar^. And here, perhaps, a student might consider his first perusal of this work as closed.* Pages. CHAPTER II. ON DIFFERENTIALS AND DEVELOPMENTS OF FUNCTIONS OF QUA- TERNIONS ; AND ON SOME APPLICATIONS OF QUATERNIONS TO GEOMETRICAL AND PHYSICAL QUESTIONS, 391-495 It has been already said, that this Chapter may be omitted in a first perusal of the work. Section 1. — On the Definition of Simultaneous Differen- tials, 391-393 * If he should choose to proceed to the Differential Calculus of Quaternions in the next Chapter (III. ii.), and to the Geometrical and other Applications in the third Chapter (III. iii.) of the present Book, it might be useful to read at this stage the last Section (I. iii. 7) of the First Book, which treats of Differentials of Vectors (pp. 98-102); and perhaps the omitted parts of the Section II. i. 13, namely Articles 213-220, with their subarticles (pp. 214-233), which relate, among other things, to a Oonstruction of the Ellipsoid, suggested by the present Calculus. But the writer will now abstain from making any further suggestions of this kind, after having indicated as above what appeared to him a minimum course of study, amounting to rather less than 200 pages (or parts of pages) of this Volume, which will be recapitulated for the convenience of the student at the end of the present Table. CONTENTS. XI Pages. Section 2. — Elementary Illustrations of the Definition, from Algebra and Geometry, 394-398 In the view here adopted (comp. I. iii. 7), differentials are not ne- cessarily, nor even generally, small. But it is shown at a later stage (Art. 401, pp. 626-630), that the principles of this Calculus a^/ot^ us, whenever any advantage may be thereby gained, to treat differentials as infinitesimals ; and so to abridge calculation, at least in many ap- plications. Section 3 — On some general Consequences of the Defini- tion, 398-409 Partial differentials and derivatives are introduced ; and differen- tials of functions of functions. Section 4 — Examples of Quaternion Differentiation, . . 409-419 One of the most important rules is, to differentiate the /ac^or* of a c^dXemion. product, in situ ; thus (by p. 405), 6..qq' = diq.q'-VqAq'. (I) The formula (p. 399), d. ^-» = - q-^^q.q-\ (J) for the differential of the reciprocal of a quaternion (or vector), is also very often useful ; and so are the equations (p. 413), dT^ d^ dU^ d^ Tq q Vq q and (p. 411), ^ • "' = Y "'^^^^ ' ^^) g being any quaternion, and a any constant vector-unit, while tisa variable scalar. It is important to remember (comp. III. i. 11), that we have not in quaternions the usual equation, Q unless q and d^ be complanar ; and therefore that we have not generally, dlp = ^, P if p be a variable vector ; although we have, in this Calculus, the scarcely less simple equation, which is useful in questions respecting orbital motion, dlP-=^, (M) a p if a be any constant vector, and if the plane of a and p be given (or constant). Section 5. — On Successive Differentials and Developments, of Functions of Quaternions, 420-435 xii CONTENTS. Pages. In this Section principles are established (pp. 423-426), respect- ing qnatermon functions which vanish together ; and a form of deve- lopment (pp. 427, 428) is assigned, analogous* to Taylor's Seriesy and like it capable of being concisely expressed by the symbolical equation^ 1 + A = £ + m"(p^ - ^3 ; (N) whence m(}>~^ — m'— m"

p, (N') = anotJier symbol of linear operation, which it is shown how to de- duce otherwise from 0, as well as the three scalar constants, m, m, m'. The connected algebraical cubic (pp. 460, 461), Jlf = w + m'c + m"c2 + c3 = 0, (0) is found to have important applications ; and it is provedf (pp. 460, 462) that if SX^p = Sp^X, independently of X and p, in which case the function is said to be self-conjugate, then this last cubic has three real roots, ci, cz, cz ; while, in the same case, the vector equation, \p^p = 0, (P) is satisfied by a system of Three Heal and Rectangular Directions : namely (compare pp. 468, 469, and the Section III. iii. 7), those of the axes of a (biconcyclic) system of surfaces of the second order, re- presented by the scalar equation, * At a later stage (Art. 375, pp. 509, 510), a neiv Enunciation of Taylor's Tlieorem is given, with a new proof , but stiU in a form adapted to quaternions. t A simplified proof, of some of the chief results for this important case of self-conjugation, is given at a later stage, in the few first subarticles to Art. 415 (pp. 698, 699). CONTENTS. Xlll Pages. Sp(f>p = <7p2 -f C", in which C and C are constants. (Q,) Cases are discussed; and general forms {coX^Qdi cyclic, rectangular, focal, bifocal, &c., from their chief geometrical uses) are assigned, for the vector and scalar functions ^p and Sp^/o : one useful pair of such (cyclic) forms being, with real and constant values of ^, X, j«, (l>p=ffp + YXpfi, Bp^p=ffp'^ + S\pnp. (R) And finally it is shown (pp. 491, 492) that if fg be a linear and qua- ternion function of a quaternion, q, then the Symbol of Operation, f satisfies a certain Symbolic and Biquadratic Equation, analogous to the cubic equation in ^, and capable of similar applications. CHAPTER III. ON SOME ADDITIONAL APPLICATIONS OF QUATERNIONS, WITH SOME CONCLUDING REMARKS, . . 495 to the end. This Chapter, like the one preceding it, may be omitted in a first perusal of the Volume, as has indeed been already remarked. Section 1. — Remarks Introductory to this Concluding Chapter, 495-496 Section 2 On Tangents and Kormal Planes to Curves in Space, 496-501 Section 3. — On J^ormals and Tangent Planes to Surfaces, 501-510 Section 4. — On Osculating Planes, and Absolute ]N"ornials, to Curves of Double Curvature, ........ 511-515 Section 5. — On Geodetic Lines, and Families of Surfaces, 515-531 In these Sections, dp usually denotes a tangent to a curve, and v a normal to a surface. Some of the theorems or constructions may perhaps be new ; for instance, those connected with the cone of paral- lels (pp. 498, 513, &c.) to the tangents to a curve of double curvature ; and possibly the theorem (p. 525), respecting reciprocal curves in space : at least, the deductions here given of these results may serve as exemplifications of the Calculus employed. In treating of Families of Surfaces by quaternions, a sort of analogue (pp. 629, 530) to the for- mation and integration of Partial Differential Equations presents itself; as indeed it had done, on a similar occasion, in the Lectures (p. 674). Section 6. — On Osculating Circles and Spheres, to Curves in Space; with some connected Constructions, . . . 531-630 The analysis, however condensed, of this long Section (III. iii. 6), cannot conveniently be performed otherwise than under the heads of the respective Articles (389-401) which compose it: each Article XIV CONTENTS. Pages, being followed by several subarticles, which form with it a sort of Series* Article 389. — Osculating Circle defined, as the limit of a circle, which touches a given curve (plane or of double curvature) at a given point p, and cuts the curve at a near point q (see Fig. 77, p. 511). Deduction and interpretation of general expressions for the vector k of the centre k of the circle so defined. The reciprocal of the radius KP being called the vector of curvature, we have generally, Vector of Curvature = (p - k)-i = -=~ = — Y ~ = &c. ; (S) •^ vr- y rp^i^ dp dp and if the arc (s) of the curve be made the independent variable, then d2p Vector of Curvature = p" = Ds^p = ~j. (S') Examples : curvatures of helix, ellipse, hyperbola, logarithmic spiral ; locus of centres of curvature of helix, plane e volute of plane ellipse, 531-535 A.RTICLE 390 — Abridged general calculations; return from (S') to (S), 535, 536 Article 391 Centre determined by three scalar equations ; Folar Axis, Polar Developable, 537 Article 392. — Vector Equation of o^cvloXm^ civc\e, 538,539 Article 393. — Intersection (or intersections) of a circle with a plane curve to which it osculates ; example, hyperbola, 539-541 Article 394. — Intersection (or intersections) of a spherical curve with a small circle osculating thereto ; example, spherical conic ; con- structions for the spherical centre (or pole) of the circle osculating to such a curve, and for the point of m^ersec^ww above mentioned, . . 541-549 Article 395. — Osculating Sphere, to a curve of double curvature, defined as the limit of a sphere, which contains the osculating circle to the curve at a given point p, and cuts the same curve at a near point Q (comp. Art. 389). The centre s, of the sphere so found, is (as usual) the point in which th.Q polar axis (Art. 391) touches the cusp-edge of tlie polar developable. Other general construction for the same centre (p. 551, comp. p. 573). General expressions for the vector, a = os, and for the radius, R = Wp', -K'' is the spherical curvature (comp. Art. 897). Condition of Sphericity {8=1), and Coefficient of Non- sphericity (^S — 1), for a curve in space. When this last coefficient is positive (as it is for the helix), the curve lies outside the sphere, at least in the neighbourhood of the point of osculation, 549-553 Article 396. — Notations r, r, . . for D«p, Bs^p, &c. ; properties of a curve depending on the square (s^) of its arc, measured from a given point p ; r = unit-tangent, t' = vector of curvature, r~^ = Tr' = cur- vature (oT first curvature, comp. Art. 397), v = tt' = binormal ; the * A Table of initial Pages of all the Articles will be elsewhere given, which will much facilitate reference. CONTENTS. XV Pages. three planes, respectively perpendicular to r, r', v, are the normal plane, the rectifying plane, and the osculating plane ; general theory of emanant lines and planes, vector of rotation, axis of displacement, oscit- lating screw surface ; condition of developahility of surface of emanants, 554-559 Article 397. — Properties depending on the cube (s^) of the are ; Radius r (denoted here, for distinction, by a roman letter), and Vector ir^T, oi Second Curvature ; this radius r may be either positive or ne- gative (whereas the radius r of first curvature is always treated as positive), and its reciprocal r^ may be thus expressed (pp. 663, 669), d^o r" Second Curvature* = r-i = S ^,, \^ , (T), or, r-i = S — , CT') the independent variable being the arc in (T'), while it is arbitrary in (T) : but quaternions supply a vast variety of other expressions for this important scalar (see, for instance, the Table in pp. 574, 675). "We have also (by p. 560, comp. Arts. 389, 395, 396), Vector of Spherical Curvature = sp~i = (p— -ps in which Vs—Tst/, and u)= (vs,u = the vector of an arbitrary point of the surface. The general method (p. 501), of the Section III. iii. 3, shows that the normal to this surface (Ci), at any proposed point thereof, has the direction of w*, « - o-j ; that is (p. 600), the direction of the radius of the sphere, which contains the circle through that point, and has the same point of osculation p* to the given curve. The locus of the osculating circle is therefore found, by this little calculation with quaternions, to be at the same time the Envelope of the Osculat- ing Sphere, as was to be expected from geometrical considerations (comp. the Note to p. 600). (m). The curvilinear locus of the point c in (Jc) is one branch of the section of the surface (I), made by the normal plane to the given curve at p ; and if d be the projection of c on the tangent at p to this new curve, which tangent pd has a direction perpendicular to the ra- dius PS or H of the osculating sphere at p (see again Fig. 83, in p. 599), while the ordinate dc ia parallel to that radius, then (attending only to principal terms, pp. 598, 599) wc have the expressions, and therefore ultimately (p. 600), DC3 81 w3^5r((T-p) ^ ,_. from which it follows that p is a singular 2>oint of the section here considered, but not a cusp of that section, although the curvature at p is infinite : the ordinate dc varying ultimately as the power with exponent ^ of the abscissa pd. Contrast (pp. 600, 601), of this xxii CONTENTS. section, with that of the developable Locus of Tangents, made by the same normal plane at p to the given curve ; the vectors analogous to PD and DC are in this case nearly equal to - fs^/ and — ^s^v^v ; so that the latter varies Tiltimately as the power f of the former, and the point p is (as it is known to be) a cusp of this last section. (n). A given Curve of double curvature is therefore generally a Singular Line (p. 601), although not a cusp-edge, upon that Surface {T)j which is at once the Locus of its osculating Circle, and the Envelope of its osculating Sphere : and the new developable surface {d), as being circumscribed to this superficial locus (or envelope), so as to touch it along this singular line (p. 612), may naturally be called, as above, ihe Circumscribed Developable (;;^. h^i). (o). Additional light may be thrown on this whole theory of the singular line (n), by considering (pp. 601-611) a problem which was discussed by Monge, in two distinct Sections (xxii. xxvi.) of his well- known Analyse (comp. the Notes to pp. 602, 603, 609, 610 of these Elements') ; namely, to determine the envelope of a sphere with varying radius R, whereof the centre s traverses a given curve in space ; or briefly, to find the Envelope of a Sphere with One varying Parameter (comp. p. 624) : especially for the Case of Coincidence (p. 603, &c.), of what are usually two distinct branches (p. 602) of a certain Charac- teristic Curve (or arete de rebroussement), namely the curvilinear enve- lope (real or imaginary) of all the circles, along which the superficial envelope of the spheres is touched by those spheres themselves. {^p)' Quaternion forms (pp. 603, 604) of the condition of coinci- dence (o) ; one of these can be at once translated into Monge' s equa- tion of condition (p. 603), or into an equation slightly more general, as leaving the independent variable arbitrary ; but a simpler and more easily interpretable form is the following (p. 604), ridr = ±MB, (Gi) in which r is the radius of the circle of contact, of a sphere with its envelope (o), while ri is the radius of (first) curvature of the curve (s), which is the locus of the centj-e s of the sphere. (^). The singular line into which the two branches of the curvi- linear envelope ^refused, when this condition is satisfied, is in general an orthogonal trajectory (p. 607) to the osculating planes of the curve (s) ; that curve, which is noiv the given one, is therefore (comp. 391, 395) the cusp-edge (p. 607) of the^o^ar developable, corresponding to the singular line just mentioned, or to what may be called the curve (p), which was formerly the given curve. In this way there arise many verifications of formulae (pp. 607, 608) ; for example, the equation (Gi) is easily shown to be consistent with the results of (/). (r). With the geometrical hints thus gained from interpretation of quaternion results, there is now no difficulty in assigning the Com- plete and General Integral of the Equation of Condition {p), which was presented by Monge under the form (comp. p. 603) of a non-linear differential equation of the second order, involving three variables Pages. CONTENTS. xxiii Pages. (0, \jj, tt) considered as functions of a fourth (a), namely the co-or- dinates of tlie centre of the sphere, regarded as varying with the ra- dius, but which does not appear to have been either integrated or interpreted by that illustrious analyst. The general integral here found presents itself at first in a ^^wa^^rw/ow/orm (p. 609), but is easily translated {^. 610) into the usual language of analysis. A less ge- neral integral is also assigned, and its geometrical signification exhi- bited, as answering to a case for which the singular line lately consi- dered reduces itself to a singular point (pp. 610, 611). (s). Among the verifications (jf) of this whole theory, it is shown (pp. 608, 609) that although, when the two branches (o) of the general curvilinear envelope of the circles of the system are real and distinct, each branch is a cusp-edge (or arete de rebroussement, as Monge per- ceived it to be), upon the superficial envelope of the spheres, yet in the case of fusion (p) this cuspidal character is lost (as was likewise seen by Monge*) : and that then a section of the surface, made by a normal plane to the singular line, has precisely the form (on), ex- pressed by the equation (Fi). In short, the result is in many ways confirmed, by calciilation and by geometry, that when the condition of coincidence (j») is satisfied, the Surface is, as in (n), at once the JEnve- lope of the osculating Sphere and the Locus of the osculating Circle, to that Singular Line on itself, into which by ((?) the two branches (o) of its general cusp- edge are fused. ({). Other applications of preceding formulae might be given ; for instance, the formula for k" enables us to assign general ex- pressions (p. 611) for the centre and radius of the circle, which oscu- lates at K to the locus of the centre of the osculating circle, to a given curve in space : with an elementary verification, for the case of the plane evolute of the plane evolute of a plane curve. But it is time to con- clude this long analysis, which however could scarcely have been much abridged, of the results of Series 398, and to pass to a more brief account of the investigations in the following Series. Akticle 399. — Additional general investigations, respecting that gauche curve of the third order (or degree), which has been above called an Osculating Twisted Cubic (398, (A))) to any proposed curve of double curvature ; with applications to the case, where the given curve is a Me:r, 612-621 (a). In general (p. 614), the tangent pt to the given curve is a nodal side of the cubic cone 398, (A) ; one tangent plane to that cone (C3), along that side, being the osculating plane (P) to the curve, and therefore touching also, along the same side, the osculating oblique cone (C2) of the second order, to the cone of chords (397) from p ; while the other tangent plane to the cubic cone (Ca) crosses ihsit first plane (P), or the quadric cone (C2), at an angle of which the trigonometric cotan- * Compare the first Note to p. 609 of these Elements. XXIV CONTENTS. Pages. gent (^r') is equal to half the differential of the radius (r) of second curvature, divided hy the differential of the are (s). And the three common sides, pe, pb', pe", of these two cones, which remain when the tangent pt is excluded, and of which one at least must be real, are the parallels through the given point p to the three asymptotes (398, (t)) to the gauche curve sought ; being also sides of three quadric cylin- ders, say (Z2), (X'2), (-^"2), which contain those asymptotes as other sides (or generating lines) : and of which each contains the twisted cubic sought, and is cut in it by the quadric cone ( G2). (b). On applying this First Method to the case of a given h,elix, it is found (p. 614) that the general cubic cone (^C^ breaks up into the system of a new quadric cone, (jO-i), and a new plane (P') ; which lat- ter is the rectifying plane (396) of the helix, or the tangent plane at p to the right cylinder, whereon that given curve is traced. The two quadric cones, (Co) and (C2), touch each o^Aer andthe plane (P) along the tangent pt, and have no other real common side : whence tivo of the sought asymptotes, and tivo of the corresponding cylinders (a), are in this case imaginary, although they can still be used in calculation (pp. 614, 615, 617). But the plane (P') cuts the cone (C2), not only in the tangent pt, but also in a second real side pe, to which the real asymptote is parallel (a) ; and which is at the same time a side of a real quadric cylinder (Z2), which has that asymptote for another side (p. 617), and contains the twisted cubic : this gauche curve being thus the curvilinear part (p. 615) of the intersection of the real cone (C2), with the real cylinder (Zo)- (c). Transformations and verifications of this result ; fractional ex- pressions (p. 616), for the co-ordinates of the twisted cubic ; expres- sion (p. 615) for the deviation of the helix irom that osculating curve, which deviation is directed inwards, and is of the sixth order : the least distance, between the tangent pt and the real asymptote, is a right line PB, which is cut internally (p. 617) by the axis of the right cylin- der (h), in a point a such that pa is to ab as three to seven. {cT). The First Method (a), which had been established in the pre- ceding Series (398), succeeds then for the case of the Jielix, with a faci- lity which arises chiefly from the circumstance (J)), that for this case the general cubic cone (Cz) breaks up into two separate loci, whereof one is a. plane (P'). But usually the foregoing method requires, as in 398, (Ji)), the solution of a cubic equation : an inconvenience which is completely avoided, by the employment of a Second General Method, as follows. (e). This Second Method consists in taking, for a second locus of the gauche osculatrix sought, a certain Cuhic Surface (63), of which every point is the vertex* of a quadric cone, having six-point con- * It is known that the locics of the vertex of a quadric cone, which passes through six given points of space, a, b, c, d, e, f, whereof no four are in one CONTENTS. XXV Pages. tact with the given curve at p : so that this new surface is cut by the plane at infinity^ in the same cubic curve as the cubic cone ipz). It is found (p. 620) to be a Ruled Surface^ with the tangent pt for a Sin- gular Line ; and when this right line is set aside, the remaining (that is, the curvilinear') part of the intersection of the two loci, (C2) and (aSs), is the Osculating Twisted Cubic sought : which gauche osculatrix is thus completely and generally determined, without any such difficulty or apparent variety, as might be supposed to attend the solution of a cubic equation (d), and with new verifications for the case of the helix (p. 621). Article 400. — On Involutes and Evolutes in Space, .... 621-626 {a). The usual points of Monge's theory are deduced from the two fundamental quaternion equations (p. 621), S((r-p)p'=0, V(or-p)(T'=0, (Hi) in which p and a are corresponding vectors of involute and evolute ; together with a theorem of Prof. De Morgan (p. 622), respecting the case when the involute is a spherical curve. (b). An involute in space is generally the only real part (p. 624) of the envelope of a certain variable sphere (comp. 398), which has its centre on the evolute, while its radius R is the variable intercept be- tween the two curves : but because we have here the relation (p. 622, comp. p. 602), i2'2 H- '-i); (QO this latter is also a form of the equation of the Cone, with vertex at p', which is circumscribed to the same quadric (/p = 1). {b). The condition (Qi) may also he thus transformed (p. 654), FYpp' = aH^c^fp' = gp'^ -f SXpVp' = 1, (Ui") or more generally = const. ; and it is proposed to call this surface, of which the ce^itre is at the given point p, the Index Surface, partly because its diametral section, made by the tangent plane to the given surface at p, is a certain Index Curve (p. 668), which may be consi- , dered to coincide with the known " itidicatrice" of Dupin. (e). The expressions (Ti") show (p. 670), that whatever the given surface may be, the tangents to the lines of curvature bisect the angles formed by the traces of the two cyclic planes of the Index Surface (^d), on the tangent plane to the given surface ; these two tangents have also (as was seen by Dupin) the directions of the axes of the Index Curve (p. 668) ; and they are distinguished (as he likewise saw) from all otJier tangents to the given surface, at the given point p, by the condition that each is perpendicular to its own conjugate, with respect ^ to that indicating curve : the equation of such conjugation, of two tangents r and r', being in the present notation (see again p. 668), Sr0r' = 0, or Sr^r = 0. (Ui'") (/). New proof (p. 669) of another theorem of Dupin, namely that if a developable be circumscribed to any surface, along any curve thereon, its generating lilies are everywhere conjugate, as tangents to the surface, to the corresponding tangents to the curve. {g). Case of a central quadric ; new proof (p. 671) of still another theorem of Dupin, namely that the curve of orthogonal intersection (p. 645), of two confocal surfaces, is a line of curvature on each. Qi). The system of the eight umbilicar generatrices (j^(i%, (^)), of a central quadi'ic, is the imaginary envelope of the lines of curvature on that surface (p. 671) ; and each such generatrix is itself &.n imaginary * For the case of a central quadric, g, X, /i are constants. t Generally two ; but in some cases more. It will soon be seen, that three lines of curvature pass through an wnbilic of a quadric. XXXll CONTENTS. Pages. line of curvature thereon : so that through each of the twelve umUlics (see again 408, (e)) there pass three lines of curvature (comp. p. 677), whereof however only one, at most, can be real : namely two genera- trices, and a principal section of the surface. These last results, which are perhaps new, will be illustrated, and otherwise proved, in the following Series (411). Article 411. — Additional illustrations and confirmations of the foregoing theory, for the case of a Central* Quadric ; and especially of the theorem respecting the Three Lines of Curvature through an Umbilic, whereof two are always imaginary and rectilinear, .... 674-679 (a). The general equation of condition (Ti'), or Si/AvAp = 0, for the intersection of two finitely distant normals, may be easily trans- formed for the case of a quadric, so as to express (p. 675), that when the normals at p and p' intersect (or are parallel), the chord pp' is per- pendicular to its own polar. (b). Under the same conditions, if the point p be given, the locus of the chord pp' is usually (p. 676) a quadric cone, say (C) ; and there- fore the locus of the point p' is usually a quartic curve, with p for a double poinf, whereat two branches of the curve cut each other at right angles, and touch the two lines of curvature. (c). If the point p be one of aprincipal section of the given surface, but not an umbilie, the cone (C) breaks up into a. pair of planes, whereof one, say (P), is the plane of the section, and the other, {F'), is perpen- dicular thereto, and is not tangential to the surface ; and thus the quartic (J) breaks up into a pair of conies through p, whereof one is the principal section itself, and the other is perpendicular to it. (dp -1- dUi/ = ; (Wi') whence VdpdUa/ = 0, (Wi"), and ^+S^ = 0; (Wi'") M up the equation (Wi") being a new form of the general differential equa- tion of the lines of curvature. (J). Deduction (pp. 680, 681, &c.) of some known theorems from these equations ; and of some which introduce the new and general conception of the Index Surface (410, ( therefore vanishes at an umbilic of the given surface, whatever the form of that surface may be : that is, at a point, where v || X or || ^, and where consequently the index curve is a circle. (d). At any other point p of the given surface, which is as yet en- tirely arbitrary, the values of r may be thus expressed (p. 681), n = ar2,r2=ao-2, (Xi") ai, &2 being the scalar semiaxes (real or imaginary) of the index curve (defined, comp. 410, {d), by the equations Sp'^p' = 1, S»'p' = 0), CONTENTS. XXXV Pages. ( being derived from the func- tion = 1. (E2') (m). The equations (Wi), (Wi) give (comp. the Note to p. 684), d(T=di2.Uv; (F2) combining which with (C2), we see that the equations (Hi) of p. xxv. are satisfied, when the derived vectors p' and tr' are changed to the cor- responding differentials, dp and d = i^3-'. (G2) (§'). Hence, by (e), if a neio surface be derived from a given cen- tral quadric (of any species'), as the locus of the extremities of normals, erected at the centre, to the planes of diametral sections of the given surface, each such normal (when real) having the letigth of one of the semiaxes of that section, the equation of this new surf ace f admits (p. 683) of being written thus : Sp(0-p-2)-ip = o. (H2) (r). Under the conditions (o),the expression (C2) for a gives (p. 684) the two converse forms, (r = r-i(^ + r)p, (I2), p = r(0 + y)-i). The vector of curvature (389) of any such curve or section being (p - k)-i = T>s'^p, its normal and tangential components are found to be (p. 694), (p - (t)-i = y-^S -^ = (p - (Ti)-i cos2 V + {p - (To)-! sin2 v, (Wa) and (p - !)-!= j/-'dp-iSj/dp-id2p ; (W2') the former component being the Vector of Normal Curvature of the g xlii CONTENTS. Pages. Surface, for the direction of the tangent to the curve : and the latter being the Vector of Geodetic Curvature of the same Curve (or section). (c). In the foregoing expressions, hown (p. 720), that for any /«« 1). And in all these cases, if we write a=p(l-e^y^ = ch-^(l-e^y\ (R^) the constant a will have its usual signification, relatively to the orbit. (0- The quantity Mr-^ being here called the Potential, and de- noted by P, geometrical constructions for this quantity P are assigned, with the help of the hodograph (p. 723) ; and for the harmonic mean, 2M(r + y')-», between the two potentials, P and P', which answer to the extremities t, t' of any proposed chord of that circle : all which constructions are illustrated by a new diagram (Fig. 86). ij). If u be the pole of the chord tt' ; m, m' the points in which the line ou cuts the circle ; l the middle point, and n the pole, of the new chord mm', one secant from which last pole is thus the line ntt' ; u' the intersection of this secant with the chord mm', or the harmonic conjugate of the point u, with respect to the same chord ; and nt,t/ any near secant from n, while u, (on the line ou) is the pole of the near chord Tjs I : then the two small arcs, Tjr and t't/, of the hodo- graph, intercepted between these two secants, are proved to be xHiii- maielj proportional to the ttvo potentials, P andP'; or to the two ordinates tv, t'v', namely the perpendiculars let fall from t and t', on what may here be called the hodographic axis ln. Also, the harmonic mean between these two ordinates is obviously (by the construction) the line u'l; while ux, ut', and u,t, u,t/ oxe four tangents to the hodograph, so that this circle is cut orthogonally, in the two pairs of points, T, t' and t,, t/, by two other circles, which have the two near points TJ, u^ for their centres (pp. 724, 725). (k). In general, for any motion of a point (absolute or relative, in one plane or in space, for example, in the motion of the centre of the moon about that of the earth, under the perturbations produced by the attractions of the sun and planets), with a for the variable vector (418) oi position of the point, the time dit which corresponds to any vector- element dDa of the hodograph, or what may be called the time of ho- dographically describing that element, is the quotient obtained by dividing the same element of the hodograph, by the vector of accelera- tion D«a in the orbit ; because we may write generally (p. 724), J, dDa , TdDa ., , d. = __, or d.= .jj^, .f d*>0. (S.) h 1 CONTENTS. Q). For tlie law of the inverse square (comp. («) and (O)? the measure oi the force is, TD2a = Mr-^ = M-^P^ ; (T4) the times d^, d^, of hodographically describing the small circular arcs T,T and t't/ of the hodograph, being found by multiplying the lengths (y) of those two arcs by the mass, and dividing each product by the square of the potential corresponding, are therefore inversely as those two potentials, P, P', or directly as the distances, r, r', in the orbit : so that we have the proportion, d^:df :di + d<'=r:/:r + r'. (U4) (m). If we suppose that the mass, M, and ihe Jive points 0, l, m, "U, u^ upon the chord mm' are given, or constant, but that the ra- dius, h, of the hodograph, or the position of the centre h on the hodo- graphic axis ln, is altered, it is found in this way (p. 725) that although the two elements of time, d^, dd', separately vary, yet their sum remains unchanged : from which it follows, that even if the two circular arcs, tt, t't/, be not small, but still intercepted (/) between two secants from the pole n of ihe fixed chord mm', the sum (say, M + A^') of the two times is independent of the radius, h. (n). And hence may be deduced (p. 726), by supposing one secant to become a tangent, this Theorem of Sodographic Isochronism, which was communicated without demonstration, several years ago, to the Royal Irish Academy,* and has since been treated as a subject of investigation by several able writers : If two circular hodographs, having a common chord, which passes through, or tends towards, a common centre of force, he cut perpendicu- larly by a third circle, the times of hodographically describing the inter- cepted arcs will be equal. (0). This common time can easily be expressed (p. 726), under the form of the definite integral, , 2MC^ dw Time of TMT = -^ ; ; (V4) 9^ Jo (l-e'cosw)2' ^ '^ 2g being the length oi the fixed chord mm'; e' the quotient lo : lm, which reduces itself to - 1 when is at m', that is for the case of a pa- rabolic orbit ; e lying between ± 1 for an ellipse, and outside those limits for an hyperbola, but being, in all these cases, constant ; while w is a certain auxiliary angle, of which the sine = ut : ul (p. 727), or = 5 (r + r')"i, if s denote the length pp' of the chord of the orbit, cor- responding to the chord tt' of the hodograph ; and w varies from to 7r, when the yjhiAe periodic time 2'7rn~^ for a closed orbit is to be computed : with the verification, that the integral (V4) gives, in this last case, M=ahi^, as usual. (Wi) * See the Proceedings of the 16th of March, 1847. It is understood that the common centre o oi force is occupied by a common mass, M. CONTENTS. (p). By examining the general composition of the definite inte- gral (V4), or by more purely geometrical considerations, which are illustrated by Fig. 87, it is found that, with the law of the inverse square, the time t of describing an are pp' of the orbit (closed or un- closed) is Q. function (p. 729) of the three ratios^ a3 ,.+ / s M' "^' ^^" ^^^ and therefore simply a function of the chord (s, or fp') of the orbit, and of the sum of the distances (r + r*, or op + op') when M and a are given : which is a form of the Theorem of Lambert. (q). The same important theorem may be otherwise deduced, through a quite different analysis, by an employment of partial deri- vatives, and of partial differential equations in quaternions, which is analogous to that used in a recent investigation (418), respecting the motions of an attracting system of any number of bodies, m, m', &c. (r). "Writing now (comp. p. xlvii) the following expression for the relative living force, or for the mass {M= m + m'), multiplied into the square of the relative velocity (TDa), 2T=-ifDa2= 2(P+ J?) = if (2r-i - «-i) ; (Y4) introducing the two new integrals (p. 729), J5'=r(P+T)d^, (Z4), and r=[*^2TdLt = F+tH, (A5) which have thus (comp. (E4) and (r4)) the same forms as before, but with different (although analogous) significations, and may stiU be called the Principal and Characteristic Functions of the motion ; and denoting by a, a' (instead of ao, a) the initial and final vectors of po- sition, or of the orbit, while r, r' are the two distances, and r, r' the two corresponding vectors of velocity, or of the hodograph : it is found that when M is given, F may be treated as a function of a, a', t, or of r, r, s, t, and Fas a function of a, a, a, oxofr, r, s, andJS"; and that their partial derivatives, in the first view of these two functions, are (p. 729), BaF^DaV^T, (Bo); Ba'F=J)a'V=-T'; (Cs) (J)t)F=-H, (Ds); and D^r = — Dar=<; (E5) while, in the second view of the same functions, they satisfy the two partial differential equations (p. 730), DrF=^Dr'F, (F5), and D,.F=D/r; (G5) along with two other equations of the same kind, but of the second degree, for each of the functions here considered, which are analogous to those mentioned in p. xlviii. (5). The equations (Fa) (G5) express, that the two distances, r and /, enter into each of the two functions only by their sum ; so that, if M be still treated as given, F may be regarded as a function of the lii CONTENTS. Pages. three quantities, r + Z, s, and t\ while F, and therefore also t by (Es), is found in like manner to be a function of the three scalars, r + r', s, and a : which last result respecting the time agrees with (p), and furnishes a new proof of Lambert' s Theorem. (0- The three partial differential equations (r) in F conduct, by merely algebraical combinations, to expressions for the three partial derivatives, DrF, D,' V {=J)rV), and D^F; and thus, with the help of (E5), to twoneiv definite integrals* (p. 731), which express respec- tively the Action and the Time, in the relative motion of a binary system here considered, namely, the two following : ]-s\r^r'-^s a j whereof the latter is not to be extended, without modification, be- yond the limits within which the radical is finite. Article 420. — On the determination of the Distance of a Comet, or new Planet, from the Earth, 733, 734 (a). The masses of earth and comet being neglected, and the mass of the sun being denoted by M, let r and w denote the distances of earth and comet from sun, and z their distance from each other, while a is the heliocentric vector of the earth (Ta = r), known by the theory of the sun, and p is the unit- vector, determined by observation, which is directed from the earth to the comet. Then it is easily proved by quaternions, that we have the equation (p. 734), SpDpDV r[M M\ CJ5) SpDpUa with t<;2 = r2 + 2;2 _ 2zSa|0 ; (K5) eliminating w between these two formulae, clearing of fractions, and dividing by a, we are therefore conducted in this way to an algebrai- cal equation of the seventh degree^ whereof owe root is the sought dis- tance, z. (J}). The final equation, thus obtained, differs only by its notation, and by the facility of its deduction, from that assigned for the same purpose in the Mecanique Celeste; and the rw/^ofLaplace there given, for determining, by inspection of a celestial globe, which of the two * References are given to the First Essay, &c., by the present writer (comp. the Note to p. xlvii.), in which wore assigned integrals, substantially equivalent to (H5) and (I5), but deduced by a quite different analysis. It has recently been remarked to him, by his friend Professor Tait of Edinburgh, that while the area described, with Newton's Law, about the full focus of an orbit, has long been known to be proportional to the time corresponding, so the area about the empty foam represents (or is proportional to) the action. CONTENTS. liii Pages, bodies (earth and comet) is the nearer to the sun, results at sight from the formula (Js)- Article 421. — On the Development of the Disturbing Force of the Sun on the Moon ; or of one Planet on another, which is nearer than itself to the Sun, 734-736 («). Let a, -a = M72,3 of the second %xo\y^ are as the numbers 1, 2, 5; and the /02Q partial forces are conceived to act at the moon ; but their directions may be represented by the respectively jj^mW^/ unit- lines \J r]\, i, &c., drawn /rom the earth, and terminating on a great circle of the celestial sphere (supposed here to have its radius equal to unity), which passes through the geocentric (or apparent) places, and ]), of the sun and moon in the heavens. (/). Denoting then the geocentric elongation D oimoon from sun (in the plane of the three bodies) by 4 ; and by 0i, 03, and ])i, 1)2, Da, what may be called tivo fictitious suns, and three fictitious moons, of which the corresponding elongations from 0, in the same great liv CONTENTS. Pages. circle, are +29,- 29, and -0, +B9,-39, as illustrated by Fig. 88 (p. 735) ; it is found that tte directions of the two forces of the Jirst group are represented by the two radii of this unit-circle, which termi- nate in D and ])i ; those of the three forces of the secowc? group, by the three radii to 0i, 0, and 03 ; and those ot the four forces of the third group, by the radii to h, D, Dij and %', with facilities for ex- tending all these results (with the requisite modifications), to the fourth and subsequent groups, by the same quaternion analysis. (g). And it is important to observe, that no supposition is here made respecting any smallness of excentricities or inclinations (p. 736) ; so that all the formulce apply, with the necessary changes oi geocen- tric to heliocentric vectoT^, &c., to the perturbations of the motion of a coinet aboict the sun, produced by the attraction of a planet, which is (at the time) more distant than the comet from the sun. Article 422— On Fresnel's Wave, 736-756 (a). If p and fi be two corresponding vectors, of ray-velocity and wave-slowness, or briefly Hay and Index, in a biaxal crystal, the velo- city of light in a vacuum being unity ; and if dp and Sfx, be any infi- nitesimal variations of these two vectors, consistent with the equa- tions (supposed to be as yet unknown), of the Wave (or wave- surface), and its reciprocal, the Index-Surface {or surface of ivave-sloivness) : we have then first the fundamental Equations of ^Reciprocity (comp. p. 417), S/ip=-l, (Ra); S/ti5p = 0, (Ss); Sp^/i = 0, (T5) which are independent of any hypothesis respecting the vibrations of the ether. (b). If dp he next regarded as a displacement (or vibration), tan- gential to the wave, and if de denote the elastic force resulting, there exists then, on Fresnel's principles, a relation between these two small vectors ; which relation may (with our notations) be expressed by either of the two following equations, de = r'^p, (U5), or dp = ^ds; (Vg) the function ^ being of that linear, vector, and self- conjugate kind, which has been frequently employed in these Elements. {c). The fundamental connexion, between the functional symbol v, or V = ^"'w, (Ce) connecting the two new vectors (/) with each other, they are con- nected with p and ft by the equations (pp. 738, 739), S^t; = -1, (De); Spi; = 0; (Ee) Spw=-1, (Fe); S/^a; = 0; (Ge) and generally (p. 739), the following Rule of the Interchanges holds good: In any formula involving p, fi, v, w, and 0, or some of them, it is permitted to exchange p with /a, v -with a>, and with 0'' ; pro- vided that we at the same time interchange dp with Se, but not gene- rally* Sfi with dp, when these variations, or any of them occur. (A). We have also the relations (pp. 739, 740), _ p-i = v-iVv/i = fi + v-i^; (He) — /*-J = (o'^Ywp = p + 0)-' ; (le) * This apparent exception arises (pp. 739, 740) from the circumstance, that dp and ^6 have their directions generally fixed, in this whole investigation (although subject to a common reversal by +), when p and p. are given ; whereas dfi continues to be used, as in (a), to denote any infinitesimal vector, tangential to the index- surface at the end of /u. Ivi CONTENTS. with others easily deduced, whichmay all be illustrated by the above- cited Fig. 89. (i). Among such deductions, the following equations (p. 740) may be mentioned, (Yve connected (as stated in p. 741) with those of the two reciprocal ellipsoids, Sp"'c-i) : and thus the two auxiliary surfaces, (Lg) and (Me), may be briefly called the Generat- ing Ellipsoid, and the Reciprocal Ellipsoid. (jn). The cubic (W5) in (j) enables us easily to express (p. 741) the inverse function (^ + e)-J, where e is any scalar ; and thus, by chang- ing 6 to — p-3, &c., new forms of the equation (Ac) of the wave are obtained, whereof one is, = (0-ip)2 + (p2 + «2 + j2 + c2) Sp^-'p - ame^ ; (Ne) with an analogous equation in fx (comp. the rule in (y)), to represent the index-surface : so that each of these two surfaces is of the fourth degree, as indeed is otherwise known. (n). If either Sp(p-^p or p2 be treated as constant in (Ne), the degree of that equation is depressed from the fourth to the second; and therefore the Wave is cut, by each of the two concentric quadrics, Sp^-ip = AS (Oe), p2 + r2 = 0, (Po) in a (real or imaginary) curve of the fourth degree : of which two quar- Pages. CONTENTS. Ivii Pages. tic curves, answering to all scalar values of the constants h and r, the wave is the common locus. (o). The new ellipsoid (Oe) is similar to the ellipsoid (Me), and similarly placed, while the sphere (Pe) has r for radius ; and every quartic of the second system (n) is a sphero-conic, because it is, by the equation (A^) of the wave, the intersection of that sphere (Pe) with the concentric and quadrie coney O = Sp(0 + r2)-ip; (Qe) or, by (Be), with this other concentric quadrie,* -l = Sp(0-i + y2)-ip^ (Re) whereof the conjugate (obtained by changing - 1 to + 1 in the last equation) has fl;2_y2^ ^2_y2j c2_y2, (Se) for the squares of its scalar semiaxes, and is therefore confocal with the generating ellipsoid (Le). (^). For any point p of the wave, or at the end of any ray p, the tangents to the two curves (w) have the directions of a> and /iw ; so that these two quartics cross each other at right angles, and each is a . • common orthogonal in all the curves of the other system. ((?). But the vibration dp is easily proved to be parallel to (o ; hence the curves of the^rs^ system (n) are Zincs of Vibration of the Wave : and the curves of the second system are the Orthogonal Trajec- toriesf to those Zines. (r). In general, the vibration dp has (on Fresnel's principles) the direction of the projection of the ray p on the tangent plane to the wave ; and the elastic force de has in like manner the direction of the projection of the index-vector fi on the tangent plane to the index- surface : so that the ray is ^ms, perpendicular to the elastic force Article423.— Mac Cullagh's Theorem of the Polar Plane, . . 757-762 ******** ******** * For real curves of the second system (n), this new quadrie (Ee) is an hy- perboloid, with one sheet or with two, according as the constant r lies between a and b, or between b and c ; and, of course, the conjugate hyperboloid (o) has two sheets or one, in the same two cases respectively. t In a different theory of light (comp. the next Series, 423), these sphero- conics on the wave are themselves the lines of vibration. Iviii CONTENTS. Table* of Initial Pages of Aeticles. Art. Page. Art. Page. Art. I Page, t Art. 1 Page. Art. Page. Art. Page. 1 1 49 37 97 1 88 145 i 126 193 173 241 260 2 2 50 38 98 90 146 129 194 174 242 262 3 8 51 39 99 95 147 130 195 175 243 264 4 52 )) 100 98 148 11 196 176 244 265 5 4 53 40 101 103 149 131 197 183 245 n 6 6 54 41 102 104 150 132 198 184 246 266 7 55 42 103 t) 151 133 199 185 247 11 8 5 66 43 104 105 152 11 200 187 ; 248 11 9 6 57 44 105 ^^ 153 134 201 190 1 249 267 10 )) 58 46 106 106 154 11 202 11 250 »» 11 7 59 j» 107 „ ; 155 135 203 192 : 251 12 8 60 47 108 »j 156 11 204 193 i 252 268 13 61 48 109 107 157 136 205 200 253 269 14 9 62 49 110 108 158 137 206 202 I 254 272 15 63 50 111 t) 159 138 207 203 255 274 16 10 64 51 112 109 160 139 208 204 ; 256 275 17 65 53 113 110 161 140 209 207 ! 257 277 18 11 66 ); 114 111 162 142 210 208 268 279 19 )) 67 54 115 )> 163 143 211 213 269 11 20 12 68 55 116 ;; 164 144 212 214 260 281 21 )) 69 n 117 112 165 11 213 11 261 283 22 13 70 57 118 It 166 145 214 217 262 286 23 14 71 ;; 119 113 167 146 215 219 263 287 24 )9 72 58 120 11 168 147 216 223 264 11 25 15 73 )) 121 114 169 148 217 225 265 289 26 16 74 59 122 11 170 149 218 227 266 290 27 17 75 >) 123 115 171 11 219 229 267 291 28 18 76 60 124 116 172 150 220 232 268 292 29 19 77 61 125 11 173 11 221 233 269 293 30 )) 78 J) 126 11 174 151 222 234 270 11 81 20 79 62 127 117 175 ^j 223 236 271 295 82 22 80 )j 128 11 176 152 224 239 272 11 33 )) 81 J) 129 V 177 153 225 240 273 297 34 23 82 63 130 118 178 ^, 226 11 274 298 35 24 83 64 131 It 179 154 227 241 275 301 36 26 84 ?> 132 119 180 155 228 244 276 ^j 37 28 85 65 133 120 181 157 229 246 277 302 38 29 86 j» 134 11 182 158 230 11 278 11 39 30 87 66 135 121 183 159 231 247 279 303 40 ii 88 67 136 11 184 161 232 11 280 11 41 31 89 68 137 11 185 162 233 248 281 42 32 90 » 138 122 186 163 234 250 282 305 43 83 91 69 139 11 187 166 235 251 283 308 44 5) 92 »5 140 123 188 167 236 253 284 jj 45 34 93 77 141 11 189 168 237 255 285 310 46 35 94 80 j 142 124 190 169 238 257 286 11 47 36 95 83 143 1 191 170 239 11 287 311 48 37 96 85 144 125 192 171 240 259 288 312 * This Table was mentioned in the Note to p. xiv. of the Contents, as one likely to facilitate reference. In fact, the references in the text of the Elements are almost entirely to Articles (with their sub -articles), and not to pages. . CONTENTS. Table of Initial Taq-es— continued. lix Art. Page. Art. Page. Art. 337 Page. Art. Page. Art. Page. Art. Page. 289 312 313 379 417 361 482 385 524 \ 409 664 290 313 314 381 338 420 362 484 386 625 410 667 291 5) 315 383 339 421 363 485 387 527 i 411 674 292 314 316 384 340 422 364 487 388 529 ! 412 679 293 315 317 391 341 423 ' 365 491 389 631 413 ( 389 294 316 318 )) 342 427 366 495 390 535 414 694 295 321 319 343 429 367 496 391 637 415 698 296 324 320 292 ! 344 431 368 392 538 416 ' ro7 297 331 321 393 345 432 369 )> 393 639 1 417 709 1 298 343 322 394 346 435 370 498 394 641 418 ' ri3 299 347 323 399 347 436 371 500 395 649 i 419 ' '17 300 349 324 400 348 439 372 501 396 664 420 ' r33 301 351 325 401 349 441 373 602 397 659 421 ' r34 302 )) 326 403 350 443 374 508 398 578 422 ' r36 303 352 327 404 351 445 375 509 399 612 423 ' 757 304 354 328 405 352 447 376 611 400 621 424 305 356 329 406 353 453 377 512 401 626 425 306 358 330 407 354 459 378 613 402 630 426 307 361 331 408 355 464 379 )) 403 631 427 308 364 332 409 356 466 380 515 404 633 428 309 366 333 411 357 468 381 519 405 636 429 310 370 334 412 358 470 382 620 406 638 430 311 373 335 414 359 474 383 622 1 407 649 . , 312 374 336 416 360 481 384 624 1 408 1 663 • • Table of Pages foe the Figuees. Figure. Page. Figure. 1 Page. Figure. Page. Figure. Page. Figure. Page. 1 1 21 21 i 38 119 64 247 72 348 2 2 i 22 25 1 39 129 65 269 73 369 3 1 23 27 40 130 66 bis 74 397 4 ! 24 33 41 56 75 426 6 3 25 36 41 bis )i 67 274 76 499 6 26 37 42 132 68 280 77 611 7 4 27 42 42 bis 141 69 288 78 517 8 5 28 60 43 144 60 290 79 620 9 6 29 64 44 151 61 80 543 10 >» 30 82 46 152 62 295 81 669 11 7 ! 31 91 46 bis 63 324 82 673 12 8 1 32 98 46 164 63 bis 325 83 599 13 10 i 33 108 47 167 64 84 660 14 11 33bis 120 47 bis 158 65 326 85 706 15 13 34 110 48 168 66 327 86 724 16 14 35 112 49 172 67 332 87 727 17 16 i 85bis 143 60 190 68 334 88 736 18 17 ; 36 112 61 216 69 ^^ 89 740 19 20 1 B6bis 126 62 220 70 343 90 . . 20 » i " 116 63 226 71 344 91 • • Note. — It appears by these Tables tbat tbe Author intended to have com- pleted the work by the addition of Seven Articles, and Two Figures.— Ed. ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. BOOK I. ON VECTORS, CONSIDERED WITHOUT REFERENCE TO ANGLES, OR TO ROTATIONS. CHAPTER I. FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES RESPECTING VECTORS. Section l,— 0?i the Conception of a Vector; and on Equality of Vectors. Art, 1 . — A right line ab, considered as having not only length, but also direction, is said to be a Vector. Its initial point a is said to be its origin; and its final point b is said to be its term, A vector ab is conceived to be (or to construct) the differerice of its two extreme points ; or, more fully, to be the result of the subtraction of its own origin from its own term ; and, in conformity with this conception, it is also denoted by the symbol b - a : a notation which will be found to be exten- sively useful, on account of the analogies which it serves to express between geometrical and algebraical operations. When the extreme points a and b are distinct, the vector ab or B - A is said to be an actual (or an effective) vector ; but when (as a limit) those two points are conceived to coincide, the vector aa or a - a, which then results, is said to be null. Opposite vectors, such as ab and ba, or B - a and a - b, are sometimes called vector and revector. Succes- sive vectors, such as ab and bc, or Kevector. B - a and c - b, are occasionally said ^'S- ^• to be vector and provector: the line ac, or c - a, which is A Vector, b-'a A ^7^ ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [book I, Fig. 2. drawn from the origin a of the first to the term c of the second, being then said to be the trans- vector. At a later stage, we shall have to consider vector-arcs and vector-angles ; but at present, our only vectors are (as above) right lines. 2. Two vectors are said to be equal to each other, or the equation ab = CD, or b - a = d - c, is said to hold good, when (and only when) the origin and term of the one can be brought to coincide respectively with the corresponding points of the other, by transports (or by translations) without rotation. It follows that all null vectors are equal, and may therefore be denoted by a common symbol, such as that used for zero ; so that wemaywrite, ^_ ^ = b _b =&«. = O; but that two actual vectors, ab and cd, are not (in the present full sense) equal to each other, unless they have not merely equal lengths, but also similar directions. If then they do not happen to be parts of one common line, they must be opposite sides of a parallelogram, /^ c. ^^ ,d abdc ; the two lines ad, bc becoming thus the two dia- gonals of such a figure, and consequently bisecting each other, in some point e. Conversely, if the two equa- tions, D - E = E - A, and are satisfied, so that the two lines AD and BC are commedial, or have a common middle point e, then even if they be parts of one right line, the equation D-c=B-Ais satis- fied. Two radii, ab, ac, of any one circle (or sphere), can never be equal vectors ; because their directions differ. Pig. 4. CHAP. I.J FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES VECTORS. 3 3. An equation between vectors^ considered as an equidif- ference of points, admits of inversion and ^ ^ alternation ; or in symbols, if D - C = B - A, then c - D =A-B, and D - B = C - A. Fig. 5. Two vectors, cd and ef, which are equal to the same third vector, ab, ^( are also equal to each other ; and these three equal vectors are, in general, the three parallel edges of '^p. g a prism. Section 2. — On Differences and Sums of Vectors taken two by two, 4. In order to be able to write, as in algebra, (c' - a') - (b - a) = c - B, if c' - a' = c - a, we next define, that when a first vector ab is subtracted from a second vector ac which is co-initial with it, or from a third vector a'c' which is equal to that second vector, the remainder is that fourth vector bc, which is drawn from the term b of the first to the term c of the second vector : so that if a vector be subtracted from a transvector (Art. 1), the remainder is the provector corresponding. It is evident that this geometrical subtraction of vectors answers to a decomposition of vections (or of motions) ; and that, by such a decomposition of a null vec- tion into two opposite vections, we have the formula, - (b - a) = (a - a) - (b - a) = A - b ; so that, if an actual vector ab be subtracted from a null vector A A, the remainder is the revector ba. If then we agree to abridge, generally, an expression of the form - « to the shorter form, - «, we may write briefly, - ab = ba; a and - a being thus symbols of opposite vectors, while a and - (- a) are, 4 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. for the same reason, symbols of one common vector : so that we may write, as in algebra, the identity^ 5. Aiming still at agreement with algebra, and adopting on that account the formula of relation between the two signs^ + and -, (b -a) + a = b, in which we shall say as usual that b- ais added to «, and that their sum is b, while relatively to it they may be jointly called summands, we shall have the two following consequences : I. If a vector, ab or b - a, be added to its own origin a, the sum is its term b (Art. 1) ; and II. If a provector bc be added to a vector ab, the sum is the transvector ac ; or in symbols, I. . (b - a) + A = B ; and II. . (c - b) + (b - a) = c - a. In fact, the first equation is an immediate consequence of the general formula which, as above, connects the signs + and -, when combined with the conception (Art. 1 ) of a vector as a dif- ference of two points ; and the second is a result of the same formula, combined with the definition of the geometrical sub- traction of one such vector from another, which was assigned in Art. 4, and according to which we have (as in algebra) for any three points^ a, b, c, the identity, (c - a) - (b - a) = c - B. It is clear that this geometrical addition of successive vectors corresponds (comp. Art. 4) to a composition of successive vec- tions, or motions ; and that the sum of two opposite vectors (or of vector and revector) is a null line ; so that ba + ab = 0, or (a - b) + (b - a) = 0. It follows also that the sums of equal pairs of successive vectors are equal; ^,. or more fully that if b' - a' = b - a, and c' - b' = c - b, then c' - a' = c CHAP. I.] FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES VECTORS. 5 the two triangles, abc and a'b'c', being in general the two oppo- site faces of ^ prism (comp. Art. 3). 6. Again, in order to have, as in algebra, (c' - b') + (b - a) = c - A, if c' - b' = c - B, we shall define that if there be two successive vectors, ab, bc, and if a third vector b'c' be equal to the second, but not suc- cessive to the first, the sum obtained by adding the third to the first is that fourth vector, ac, which is drawn from the origin A of the first to the term c of the se- cond. It follows that the sum of any two co-initial sides, ab, ac, of 2iny paral- lelogram abdc, is the intermediate and co-initial diagonal ad ; or, in symbols, (C - a) + (b - a) = D - A, if D - C = B - A ; Fig. 8. because we have then (by 3) c-a = d-b. 7. The sum of any two given vectors has thus a value which is independent of their order ; or, in symbols, a -f j3 = j3 + a. If equal vectors be added to equal vectors, the sums are equal vectors, even if the summands be not given as successive (comp. 5) ; and if a null vector be added to an actual vector, the sum is that actual vector ; or, in symbols, + a = a. If then we agree to abridge generally (comp. 4) the expression + « to + fl, and if a still denote a vector, then + a, and + (+ a), &c., are other symbols for the same vector; and we have, as in algebra, the identities, - (- a) = + a, + (- a) = - (+ a) = - a, (+ a) + (- a) = 0, &c. Section 3. — On Sums of three or more Vectors. 8. The sum of three given vectors, a, j3, y, is next defined to be that fourth vector, ^ = 7 + (/3 + a), or briefly, S=7 + /3 + a, which is obtained by adding the third to the sum of the first and second ; and in like manner the sum of any number of vectors is formed by adding the last to the sum of all that 6 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. precede it: also, for any four vectors, a, /3, 7, S, the sum S + (7 + j3 + a) is denoted simply by 8 + 7 + /3 + a, without pa- rentheses, and so on for any number of summands. 9. The sum of any number of successive vectors, ab, bc, CD, is thus the line ad, which is drawn from the origin a of the first, to the term d of the last ; and be- cause, when there are three such vec- tors, we can draw (as in Fig. 9) the two diagonals ac, bd of the (plane "^ p. 9 or gauche) quadrilateral abcd, and may then at pleasure regard ad, either as the sum of ab, bd, or as the sum of ac, cdj we are allowed to establish the follow- ing general formula of association ^ for the case oi' any three summand lines, a, f5, y '• (7 + /3) + a = 7 + (j3 + a)=7 + j3 + a; by combining which with the formula of commutation (Art. 7), namely, with the equation, a + j3 = |3 + a, which had been previously established for the case of any two such summands, it is easy to conclude that the Addition of Vectors is always both an Associative and a Commutative Ope- ration. In other words, the sum oYany number of given vectors has a value which is independent of their order, and of the mode of grouping them ; so that if the lengths and directions of the summands be preserved, the length and direction of the sum will also remain unchanged : except that this last direction may be regarded as indeterminate, when the Zew^^A of the sum- line happens to vanish, as in the case which we are about to consider. 1 0. When any n summand-lines, AB, bc, CA, or AB, bc, CD, DA, &C., arranged in any one order, are the n successive sides of a triangle ab c, or of f" 10 a quadrilateral abcd, or of any other closed polygon, their sum is a 7iull line, aa ; and conversely. CHAP. I.] FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES VECTORS. when the sum of any given system of n vectors is thus equal to zero, they may be made {in any order ^ hy transports without rotatioTi) the n successive sides of a closed polygon (plane or gauche). Hence, if there be given any such polygon (p), sup- pose a pentagon abcde, it is possible to construct another closed polygon (p'), such as a'b'c'd'e', with an arbitrary initial point a', but with the same number of sides, a'b', . . e'a', which new sides shall be equal (as vectors) to the old sides ab, . . ea, taken in any arbitrary order. For example, if we draw^wr successive vectors, as follows, A B = CD, B C AB. CD = EA, D E = BC, and then complete the new pentagon by drawing the line e'a', this closing side of the second figure (p') will be equal to the remaining side de of the^rs^ figure (p). 11. Since a closed figure abc . . is still a closed one, when all its points ^vq projected on any assumed joZawe, by any system of parallel ordinates (although the area of the projected figure a'b'c' . . . may happen to vanish), \t follows that if the sum of any number of given vectors a, j3, y, . . be zero, and if we project them all 07i any one plane by parallel lines drawn from their extre- mities, the sum of the projected vec- tors a, /3') y'i . . will likeivise be null; ^' so that these latter vectors, like the former, can be so placed as to become the successive sides of a closed polygon, even if they be not already such. (In Fig. 1 1 , a"b"c" is considered as such a polygon, namely, as a triangle loith evanescent area ; and we have the equation, Fig. 11. as well as a"b" + b"c" + c"a" = 0, a'b' + b'c' -f cV = 0, and ab + bc + ca = 0.) 8 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. Section 4. — On Coefficients of Vectors, 12. The simple or single vector, a, is also denoted by la, or by 1 . a, or by (+ 1 ) a ; and in like manner, the double vector, a-\^a, is denoted by 2a, or 2 . a, or (+ 2) a, &c. ; the rule being, that for any algebraical integer, m^ regarded as a coefficient by which the vector a is multiplied, we have always, \a + ma = {\ -^r m) a I the symbol 1 + m being here interpreted as in algebra. Thus, Oa = 0, the zero on the one side denoting a null coefficient, and the zero on the other side denoting a null vector ; because by the rule, la -f Oa = (l + 0)a = la = a, and .'.Oa = a-a = 0. Again, because (I) a + (- 1) a = (1 - 1 ) a = Oa = 0, we have (- l)a = - a = -a = -(la); in like manner, since(l)a+ (-2)a = (l-2)a = (- l)a = -a, we infer that (- 2)a = -a - a = - (2a) ; and generally, (^-m) a = - (ma), whatever whole number m may be : so that we may, without danger of confusion, omit the parentheses in these last symbols, and write simply, - la, - 2a, -ma. 13. It follows that whatever two whole numbers (positive or negative, or null) may be represented by m and n, and what- Fig. 12. ever two vectors may be denoted by a and j3, we have always, as in algebra, the formulae, na±ma = {n± m) a, n (ma) = (nm) a =« nma, and (compare Fig. 12), m (/3 ± a) = /w/3 ±ma; CHAP. I.J FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES VECTORS. 9 SO that the multiplication of vectors by coefficients is a doubly distributive operation^ at least if the multipliers be whole numbers; a restriction which, however, will soon be re- moved. 14. If ma = j3, the coefficient m being still whole, the vector |3 is said to be a multiple ol' a ; and conversely (at least if the integer m be different from zero), the vector a is said to be a sub-multiple of /3. A multiple of a sub-multiple of a vector is said to be infraction of that vector ; thus, if /3 = ma, and y = na, n then y is a fraction of j3j which is denoted as follows, 7 = — jS ; m n also j3 is said to be multiplied by the fractional coefficient — , and y is said to be the product of this multiplication. It fol- lows that if a; and y be any two fractions (positive or negative or null, whole numbers being included), and if a and (3 be any two vectors, then ya±xa==(y±x)a, ' y{xa) = {yx)a = yxa, x(P ± a) = xj3 ±Xa ; results which include those of Art. 1 3, and may be extended to the case where x and y are incommensurable coefficients, con- sidered as limits oi' fractional ones. 15. For any actual vector a, and for any coefficient x, of any of the foregoing kinds, ihaproduct xa, interpreted as above, represents always a vector j3, which has the same direction as the multiplicand-line a, if x> 0, but has the opposite direction if aj < 0, becoming null if x= 0. Conversely, if a and /3 be any two actual vectors, with directions either similar or opposite, in each of which two cases we shall say that they are parallel vectors, and shall write j3 H a (because both are then parallel, in the usual sense of the word, to one common line), we can always find, or conceive as found, a coefficient x^O, which shall satisfy the equation j3 = xa; or, as we shall also write it, f3 = ax; and the positive or negative number x, so found, will bear to ± 1 the same ratio, as that which the lenyth of the line 3 bears to the lengtli of a. 10 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. 16. Hence it is natural to say that this coefficient x is the quotient which results, from the division of the vector j3, hy the parallel vector a ; and to write, accordingly, x = Q-7-a, orx=Q:a, or^ = ^; a SO that we shall have, identically, as in algebra, at least if the divisor-line a be an actual vector, and if the dividend-line ^hQ parallel thereto, the equations, (j3 : a) .a = — a = j3, and Xa\a=- — = x', which will afterwards be extended, by definition, to the case of non-parallel vectors. We may write also, under the same conditions, d = — , and may say that the vector a is the quotient X of the division of the other vector j3 hy the numher x ; so that we shall have these other identities, — .a3 = (aa;=)j3, and — = a. 17. The positive or negative quotient, x-=^, which is thus obtained by the division of one of two parallel vectors by ano- ther, including zero as a limit, may also be called a Scalar ; because it can always be found, and in a certain sense con- structed, by the comparison of positions upon one common scale (or axis) ; or can be put under the form, c - A AC b-a~ab' where the three points, a, b, c, are collinear (as in the figure annexed). Such scalar s are, there- ^ fore, simply the Re a ls (or real quan- ' ^, ' tities) oi Algebra; but, in combina- tion with the not less real Vectors above considered, they form one of the main elements of the System, or Calculus, to CHAP. II.] POINTS AND LINES IN A GIVEN PLANE. 11 which the j)resent work relates. In fact it will be shown, at a later stage, that there is an important sense in which we can conceive a scalar to be added to a vector ; and that the sum so obtained, or the combination, Scalar plus Vector^'* is a Quaternion. CHAPTER II. APPLICATIONS TO POINTS AND LINES IN A GIVEN PLANE. Section 1. — On Linear Equations connecting two Co-uiitial Vectoj's. 18. When several vectors, oa, ob, . . are all drawn from one common point o, that point is said to be the Origin of the System ; and each particular vector, such as oa, is said to be the vector of its own term, a. In the present and future sec- tions we shall always suppose, if the contrary be not expressed, that all the vectors a, j3, . . which we may have occasion to consider, are thus drawn from one common origin. But if it be desired to change that origin o, without changing the term- points a, . . we shall only have to subtract, from each of their old vectors a, . . one common vector w, namely, the old vector oo' of the new origin d ; since the remainders, a - w, j3 - w, • • will be the new vectors a, /3', . . of the old points a, b, . . . For example, we shall have a = o'a = a - o' = (a - o) - (o' - o) = oa - oo' = a - w. 19. If tivo vectors a, /3, or oa, ob, be thus drawn from a given origin o, and if their o a b directions be either similar or ' "■; ~ ' opposite, so that the three points, o, A, B, are situated on one right line (as in the figure 12 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. annexed), then (by 16, 17) their quotient — is some positive or negative scalar, such as x ; and conversely, the equation j3 = xa, interpreted with this reference to an origin, expresses the condition of collinearity , of the points o, a, b ; the particu- lar values, 03 = 0, x=\, corresponding to the particular /)052- tions, o and a, of the variable point b^ whereof the indefinite right line OA is the locus. 20. The linear equation, connecting the two vectors a and j3, acquires a more symmetric ^or/w, wlien we write it thus : aa + ^/3 = ; where a and b are two scalars, of which however only the ratio is important. The condition of coincidence, of the two points A and B, answering above to a? = 1, is now -j- = 1 ; or, more symmetrically, « + 5 = 0. Accordingly, when a=-b, the linear equation becomes b{(5-a)-^0, or i3-a = 0, since we do not suppose that both the coefficients vanish ; and the equation j3 = a, or ob = oa, requires that ihepointB should coincide with the point a : a case w^hich may also be conve- niently expressed by the formula, B = a; coincident points being thus treated (in notation at least) as eqy^L In general, the linear equation gives, a . OA + 6 . OB = 0, and therefore « : 6 = bo : oa. Section 2. — On Linear Equations between three co-initial Vectors. 21. If two (actual and co-initial) vectors, a, /3, be not con- nected by any equation of the form aa 4 Z>/3 = 0, with any two scalar coefficients a and b whatever, their directions c^n neither be similar nor opposite to each other ; they therefore determine CHAP. II.] POINTS AND LINES IN A GIVEN PLANE. 13 a plane aob, in which the (now actual) vector, represented by the sum aa + Z>/3, is situated. For if, for the sake of symmetry, we denote this sum by the symbol - cy, where c is some third scalar, and 7=00 is some third vector, so that the three co-initial vectors, a, )3, 7, are connected by the linear equation, «a -f ^>/3 + C7 = ; and if we make , - aa oa = , c then the two auxiliary points, a' and b', will be situated (by 19) on the two indefinite right lines, oa, ob, respectively: and we shall have the equation, oc = oa'+ ob', so that the figure a'ob'c is (by 6) a parallelogram, and conse- quently plane. 22. Conversely, if c be any point in the plane aob, we can draw from it the ordinates, ca' and cb', to the lines oa and ob, and can determine the ratios of the three scalars, a, b, c, so as to satisfy the two equations. OA oa' OB OB after which we shall have the recent expressions for oa', ob', with the relation oc = oa' + ob' as before ; and shall thus be brought back to the linear equation aa + b^ + cy = 0, which equation may therefore be said to express the condition ofcom- plariarity of the^wr points, o, a, b, c. And if we write it under the form, Xa + 7/f5 + zy = 0, and consider the vectors a and j3 as ^iven, but 7 as a variable vector, while x, y, z are variable scalars, the locus of the va- riable poirit will then be the given plane, oab. 14 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [book 23. It may happen that the point c is situated on the right line ABj which is here considered as a given one. In that AC case (comp. Art. 17, Fig. 13), the quotient — must be equal AB to some scalar, suppose t ; so that we shall have an equation of the form, = t, or y = a + t(f5-a), or (1 - #) a + ^/3 - 7 = ; jS-a by comparing which last form with the linear equation of Art. 21, we see that the condition of collinearity of the three points A, B, c, in the given plane oab, is expressed by the formula, « + i + c = 0. This condition may also be thus written, Fig. 10. -a -b c c ' OA OB or — + — = 1 ; OA OB and under this last form it expresses a geometrical relation, which is otherwise known to exist. 24. When we have thus the two equations, «a + 6/3 + c-y = 0, and « + 6 + c = 0, so that the three co-initial vectors a, /3, 7 terminate on one right line, and may on that account be said to be ternwio-col- linear, if we eliminate, successively and separately, each of the three scalars a, b, c, we are conducted to these three other equations, expressing certain ratios of segments : b(j5-a) + c{y-a) = 0, dy - (5) + a(a - (^) = 0, a(a-7) + i(/3-7) = 0; or = 6.AB 4 C.AC = C.BC + «.BA = a.CA + 6.CB. Hence follows this proportion, between coefficients and seg- ments, « :6:c = Bc : CA : ab. CHAP. II.] POINTS AND LINES IN A GIVEN PLANE. 15 We might also have ! observed that the proposed equations give, bf3 + Cy P- cy + aa aa + bf3 a + b ' whence AC_ y -a = ^=-* 1 then, in like manner, we shall have this other ratio ofseg^ ments, AC _ 2/' c'b ~ a?'* If, then, we agree to employ, generally, ^o?- any group offo collinear points, the notation. ^ ab CD AB AD (abcd) = — = — : — ^ bc da bc dc SO that this symbol, (abcd), may be said to denote the anharmonic function, or anharmonic quotient, or simply the anharmonic of the group, a, b, c, d : we shall have, in the present case, the equation, „ AC Ac' yx (acbc ) = — :-T- = ^. ^ ^ CB CB xy 16 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. 26. When the anharmonic quotient h^QomQ^ equal to nega- tive unity, the group becomes (as is well known) harmonic. If then we have the two equations, xa + y(^ , xa- yj5 ' x + y X -y the two points c and c' are harmonically conjugate to each other, with respect to the two given points^ a and b ; and when they vary together, in consequence of the variation of the value of -, they form (in a well-known sense), on the indefinite right line AB, divisions in involution; the double points (ov foci) of this involution, namely, the points of which each is its oion conjugate, being the points a and b themselves. As a verifi- cation, if we denote by p. the vector of the middle point m of the given interval ab, so that ^ A M C B C' /3-/i=/x-a, or/i = J(a+/3), Fig. 17. we easily find that y - f-i _y - X P -luL MCMB^ /3-jU y ^ X~ y' - fx MB MC'* so that the rectangle under the distances mc, mc', of the two variable but conjugate points^ c, c', from the centre m of the involution, is equal to the constant square of half the interval between the two double points, a, b. More generally, if we write xa+ y(5 , _ Ixa + my (5 ' X +y ^ lx + my ' where the anharmonic quotient — = — ,- is any constant scalar, then in another known and modern* phraseology, the points c and c' will form, on the indefinite line ab, tivo homographic divisions, of which a and b are still the double points. More generally still, if we establish the two equations, * See the Gtometrie Supe'rieure of M. Chasle?, p. 107. (Paris, 1852.) CHAP. II.] POINTS AND LINES IN A GIVEN PLANE. 17 xa + vQ , , lxa + my 3' y= ^, and 7'=— ^^, x^y lx-\- my I , , y . — beinof still constant, but - variable, while a = oa', 3' = ob', and y' = oc', the two given lines, ab and a'b', are then homo- graphically divided, by the two variable points, c and c', not now supposed to move along one common line. 27. When the linear equation aa + bf3 + cy = subsists, without the relation « -i- ^ + c = between its coefBcients, then the three co-initial vectors a, /3, y are still complanar, but they no longer terminate on one right line ; their term-points a, b, c being now the corners of a triangle. In this more general case, we may propose to find the vec- tors a', j3', y' of th€ three points, a' = oabc, b'=obca, C'= OCAB ; that is to say, of the points in which the lines drawn from the origin o to the three corners of the triangle intersect the three respectively opposite sides. The three collineations oaa', &c., give (by 19) three expressions of the forms, a = Xa, (5' = yj3, y' = Z.y, where x, y, z are three scalars, which it is required to deter- mine by means of the three other collineations, a'bc, &c., with the help of relations derived from the principle of Art. 23. Substituting therefore for a its value re 'a', in \)i\^ given linear equation, and equating to zero the sum of the coefficients of the new linear equation which results, namely, and eliminating similarly j3, 7, each in its turn, from the ori- ginal equation ; we find the values, -a -h -c X = , y = , z = 7 ; ft + c ^c + a a^ b 18 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [boOK I. whence the sought vectors are expressed in either of the two following ways : or J , -aa 1. , . a =7 , b + c ^ c + a '^~a + b' II. , bfi + Cy C + a , aa + b[5 ^ a + b In fact we see, by one of these expressions for a, that a' is on the line oa ; and by the other expression for the same vector a', that the same point a' is on the line bc. As another veri- fication, we may observe that the last expressions for a, j5', y\ coincide with those which Avere found in Art. 24, for a, /3, y themselves, on the particular supposition that the three points a, B, c were collinear. 28. We may next propose to determine the ratios of the segments of the sides of the triangle abc, made by the points a', b', c'. For this purpose, we may write the last equations for a', j3', y under the form, 0=^b{a'-(5)-c{y-a') = c((5'-y)-a{a-(5') = a{y'-a) and we see that they then give the required ratios, as follows : ba'_ c cb' a Ac'_ b a'c b' b'a c' c'b a' whence we obtain at once the known equation of six segments, ba' cb' ac' a'c b'a c'b ' as the condition of concurrence of the three right lines a a', bb', cc', in a common point, such as o. It is easy also to infer, from the same ratios of segments, the following proportion of coeffi- cients and areas, a:b:c= OBC : oca : gab, in which we must, in general, attend to algebraic signs ; a tri- angle being conceived to pass {through zero) from positive to negative, or vice versa, as compared with any give?i triangle in CHAP. II.] POINTS AND LINES IN A GIVEN PLANE. 19 its own plane, when (in the course of any continuous change) its vertex crosses its base. It may be observed that with this conveiition (which is, in fact, a necessary one, for the establish- ment o{ general for mulce) we have, for any three points^ the equation ABC + BAC = 0, exactly as we had (in Art. 5) for any two points, the equa- tion AB+ BA= 0. More fully, we have, on this plan, the formula3, ABC = - BAC = BCA = - CBA = CAB = - ACB ; and any two complanar triangles, abc, a'b'c', bear to each other a positive or a negative ratio, according as the two rotations, which may be conceived to be denoted by the same symbols ABC, a'b'c', are similarly or oppositely directed. 29. If a' and b' bisect respectively the sides bc and ca, then a = b = c, and c' bisects ab ; whence the known theorem follows, that the three bisectors of the sides of a triangle concur, in a point which is often called the centre of gravity, but which we pre- fer to call the mean point of the triangle, and which is here the origiji o. At the same time, the first expressions in Art. 27 for a, ft', y' become, "~~2' ^^"2' ^^"2' whence this other known theorem results, that the three bisec- tors trisect each other, 30. The linear equation between a, ft, y reduces itself, in the case last considered, to the form, a + /3 4 7 = 0, or oa + ob + oc = ; the three vectors a, ft, y, or oa, ob, oc, are therefore, in this ca^e, adapted (by Art. 10) to become the successive sides of a. 20 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [book I. triangle, by transports without rotation ; and ticcordingly, if we complete (as in Fig. 19) the /^c parallelogram aobd, the triangle GAD will have the property in question. • It follows (by 11) that if we project the four points o, A, B, c, by any system of pa- rallel ordinates, into four other A^ points, o^, A^, B^, c , on any as- sumed pZ«we, the sum of the three j^ projected vectors^ a^, j3^, y^, or Fig. 19. o A , &c., will be null; so that we shall have the new linear equation, or. o A^ + o B^ + o^c^ = ; and in fact it is evident (see Fig. 20) that the projected mean point o^ will be the mean point of the projected triangle, ^'^" ^^• A^, B^, c^. We shall have also the equation, (a,-o) + (/3,-^) + (y,--y) = 0; where hence a^- a = O^A - OA = (O^A + AA ) - (OO^ + O^a) = AA^ - 00^ ; OO^ = ^ (aA^ -\ BB^ + CC ). or the ordinate of the mean point of a triangle is the mean of the ordinates of the three corners. Section 3. — On Plane Geometrical Nets, 31. Resuming the more general case of Art. 27, in which the coefficients «, b, c are supposed to be unequal, we may next inquire, in what points a", b", c" do the lines b'c', c'a', a'b' meet respectively the sides bc, ca, ab, of the triangle ; or may seek to assign the vectors a\ /3", y" of the points of intersec- tion (comp. 27), CHAP. II.] POINTS AND LINES IN A GIVEN PLANE. 21 A =BC*BC, B =CA*CA, C -ABAB. The first expressions in Art. 27 for |3', 7', give the equa- tions, B" Fig. 21. (c -f «) j3' + ^>i3 = 0, (a + &)y + C7 = ; whence b[5-cy _ (a + b)y-(c+a)j5\ b- c {a + b) ~ {c -\- a) but (by 25) one member is the vector of a point on bc, and the other of a point on b'c' ; each therefore is a value for the vector a" of a", and similarly for j3" and 7". We may there- fore write, „_bfi- Cy ^„ Cy - aa „ tta- b[5 a = -7 , ~ o - c ^,.^cy-aa^ c - a 7 = and by comparing these expressions with the second set of values of a', /3', 7' in Art. 27, we see (by 26) that the points a", b", c" are, respectively, the harmonic conjugates (as they are indeed known to be) of the points a', b', c', with respect to the three pairs of points, b, c ; c, a ; a, b ; so that, in the notation of Art. 25, we have the equations, (baca") = (cb'ab") = (ac'bc") =- I. And because the expressions for a", /3", 7" conduct to the fol- lowing linear equation between those three vectors, 22 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [boOK I. {b-c)a'+ (c-«)j3"+ {a - b)y"=0, with the relation (b-c)+ {c-a) + (a-b) = between its coefficients, we arrive (by 23) at this other known theorem, that the three points a", b", c" are collifiear, as indi- cated by one of the dotted lines in the recent Fig. 2 1 . 32. The line a"b'c' may represent any rectili?iear transver- sal, cutting the sides of a triangle abc ; and because we have ba"_ «"-/3 ^ c a"c 7 - a" b while -7- = -, and —r- = -, as before, we arrive at this other ba c cb a equation of six segments, for any triangle cut by a right line (comp. 28), ba" cb' ac' _ a"c b'a c'b which again agrees with known results. 33. Eliminating j3 and 7 between either set of expressions (27) for j3' and y', with the help of the given linear equation, we arrive at this other equation, connecting the three vectors a, /3', 7' : O = - «a + (c + «) j3' + (a + ^) 7'. Treating this on the same plan as the given equation between a, j3, 7> we find that if (as in Fig. 21) we make, a'" = OA • Bc', b"' = OB • c'a', C ' = DC ' a'b', the vectors of these three new points of intersection may be ex- pressed in either of the two following ways, whereof the first is shorter, but the second is, for some purposes (comp. 34, 36) more convenient : '" ^ «« n.n^ bP ,„^ Cy ^ 2a + b + c ^ 2b^c + a ^ 2c + a + b' or „, _ 2aa + bj5 + Cy ^,„ _ 2^/3 + cy + aa ^ 2a + b^c ' ^ ~ 26 + c + « ' ,„ _ 2cy -{ aa^bf5 ^ 2c + « + ft CHAP. II.] POINTS AND LINES IN A GIVEN PLANE. 23 And the three equations, of which the following is one, {h-c)a:'- (26+ c + «)/3'"+ (2c+ « + 6)7'" = 0, with the relations between their coefficients w^hich are evident on inspection, show (by 23) that we have the three additional collineations, a"b'"c'", b"c"'a'", c"a"'b'", as indicated by three of the dotted lines in the figure. Also, because we have the two expressions, „, (a-\-b)y+(c + a)(5' „ _(a +b)y - (c -¥ a)^' ." ~ {a-\-b) + (€ + a) ' {a + b)-(c + a) ^ we see (by 26) that the two points a", a'" are harmonically con- jugate with respect to b' and c' ; and similarly for the two other pairs of points, b", b'", and c", c'", compared with c', a', and with a', b': so that, in a notation already employed (25, 31), we may write, (b a'"c a") = (c b'Vb") = (a'c'"b'c") = - 1 . 34. If we beyin^ as above, with any four complanar points, o, A, B, c, of which no three are collinear, we can (as in Fig. 18), by what may be called a First Construction, derive from them six lines, connecting them two by two, and intersecting each other in three new points, a', b', c' ; and then by a Second Construction (represented in Fig. 21), we may connect these by three new lines, which will give, by their intersections with the former lines, six new points, a", . . c"\ We might pro- ceed to connect these with each other, and with the given points, by sixteen new lines, or lines of a Third Construction, namely, the four dotted lines of Fig. 21, and twelve other lines, whereof three should be drawn from each of the four given points : and these would be found to determine eighty- four new points of intersection, of which some may be seen, although they are not marked, in the figure. But however far these processes oi linear construction may be continued, so as to form what has been called* a plane * By Prof. A. F. INIobujs, in page 274 of his Bary centric Calculus (dcr baryrcu- trische Calcul, Leipzig, 1827). 24 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. geometrical net, the vectors of the points thus determined have all one common property : namely, that each can be represented by an expression of the form, xaa H- yh^ -1- zcy xa + yh + zc where the coefficients x, y, z are some whole numbers. In fact we see (by 27, 31, 33) that such expressions can be assigned for the nine derived vectors, a', . . . y", which alone have been hitherto considered ; and it is not 'difficult to perceive, from the nature of the calculations employed, that a similar result must hold good, for every vector subsequently deduced. But this and other connected results will become more completely evident, and their geometrical signification will be better un- derstood, after a somewhat closer consideration of anharmonic quotients, and the introduction of a certain system o^ anhar- monic co-ordinates, for points and lines in one plane, to which we shall next proceed : reserving, for a subsequent Chapter, any applications of the same theory to space. Section 4. — On Anharmonic Co-ordinates and Equations of Points and Lines in one Plane. 35. If we compare the last equations of Art. 33 with the corresponding equations of Art. 31, we see that the harmowc group ba'ca", on the side bc of the triangle abc in Fig. 21, has been simply reflected into another such group, b V'c'a", on the line b'c', by a harmonic pencil of four rays, all passing through the point o ; and similarly for the other groups. More generally, let oa, ob, oc, od, or briefly o.abcd, be any pencil, with the point o for vertex ; and let the new ray OD be cut, as in Wig. 22, by the three sides of the triangle ABC, in the three points Ai, Bi, Ci ; let also yh^ + zcy OAi = ai = — ^ ^, yb 4- zc so that (by 25) we shall have the anharmonic quotients, y , ^ (ba'cai) = -, (ca'b.\i) = -; ^ ^ 2 y CHAP. II.] POINTS AND LINES IN A GIVEN PLANE. 25 and let us seek to express the two other vectors of intersec- tion, j3i and 71, with a view to determining the anharmonic ra- tios of the groups on the two other sides. The given equation (27), «a + 6/3 + cy = 0, shows us at once that these two vectors are. OB 1 - Pl ; Fig. 22. 001 = ^1 = {z-y)h^-^zaa {z-y)b + za * whence we derive (bj 25) these two other anharmonics, (cb'aBi) = (bCACi) y -2 so that we have the relations, (CB'aBi) + (ca'bAi) = (bc'aCi) + (ba'cAi) = 1. Bat in general, for any four collinear points a, b, c, d, it is not difficult to prove that AB AC CD+ BD= DA BC CB whence by the definition (25) of the signification of the sym- bol (abcd), the following identity is derived, (abcd) + (acbd)= 1. Comparing this, then, with the recently found relations, we have, for Fig. 22, the following anharmonic equations ; (cab'Bi) = (ca'bAi) = - ; y (bac'Ci) = (ba'cAi) =-; and we see that (as was to be expected from known princi- 26 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. pies) the anharmonic of the group does not change, when we pass from one side of the triangle, considered as a transversal of the pencil, to another such side, or transversal. We may therefore speak (as usual) of such an anharmonic of a group^ as being at the same time the Anharmonic of a Pencil ; and, with attention to the order of the rays, and to the definition (25), may denote the two last anharmonics by the two following reciprocal expressions: z y (o.cabd) = -; (o.bacd) = -; y ^ with other resulting values, when the order of the rays is changed ; it being understood that (o . cabd) = (c'aVd'), if the rays oc, oa, ob, od be cut, in the points c', a\ b\ d\ by any one right line. 36. The expression (34), xaa + yh^ + zcy p- J xa +yo + zc may represent the vector o^ any point p in the given plane ^ by a suitable choice of the coefficients x, y, x, or simply of their ra- tios. For since (by 22) the three complanar vectors pa, pb, PC must be connected by some linear equation, of the form «' . PA + i' . PB -r c' . PC = 0, or aXa-p) + b'(f5-p) + c(y-p) = 0, which gives a a + b'Q + cy P~ a' + b' + c we have only to write a' b' d a b " c and the proposed expression for p will be obtained. Hence it is easy to infer, on principles already explained, that if we write (compare- the annexed Fig. 23), CHAP. II.] POINTS AND LINES IN A GIVEN PLANE. 27 Pi=PABC, P2 = PB'CA, P3 = PCAB, we shall have, with the same coefficients xyz, the following expressions for the vectors opj, 0P2, 0P3, or |0i, /02, /03, of these three points of intersection, Pi,*P25 P3 : yh^ + zcy ^^~ yb + zc ^2=- zcy + xaa J zc\ xa ' xaa + yhfi ^ ^ xa^yh Fig. 23 which give at once the following anharmonics of pencils, or of groups, (a . BOCP) = (ba CPi) = - ; z z (B . COAP) = (cb'aPz) = - ; X X (C . AOBP) = (ac'bPs) = - ; y whereof we see that the product is unity. Any two of these three pencils suffice to determine the position of the point P, when the triangle abc, and the origin o are given ; and there- fore it appears that the three coefficients x, y, z, or any scalars proportional to them, of which the ^'z^o^zVw^a- thus represent the anhai^monics of those pencils, may be conveniently called the Anharmonic Co-ordinates of that point, p, with respect to the given triangle and origin : while the point p itself may be denoted by the Symbol, p = (07, y, z). With this notation, the thirteen points of Fig. 21 come to be thus symbolized ; a =(1,0,0), b =(0,1,0), c =(0,0,1), = (1,1,1); a' =(0,1,1), B' =(1,0,1), €'=(1,1,0); a" = (0,1,-1), B" = (-1,0, 1), €"=(1,-1,0); A'"=(2, 1, 1), B'"= (1,2,1), €'"=(1,1,2). 28 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. 37. If Pi and Pa be any two points in the given plane, Pi = (^H yi, zi), P2 = (^2> y2, Z2), and if t and u be any two scalar coefficients, then the following third pointy p = (toi + UX2, tyi + uy^i tzx + uz^, is collinear with the two former points, or (in other words) is situated on the right line PiPg. For, if we make a; = ^a!i + 11X2, y=ty\^ wyz) z = #Zi + uz^r and a^ifla + . . x^aa + . . xaa + . . p\ = J Pa"" > /> = J aJia + . . ^2« + • • a:a + . . these vectors of the three points P1P2P are connected by the linear equation, t (xia -h . .)pi + u (x^a + . 0/02 - {xa + . .) /o = ; in which (comp. 23), the s?im of the coefficients is zero. Con- versely, the point p cannot be collinear with Pi, Pg, unless its co-ordinates admit of being thus expressed in terms of theirs. It follows that if a variable point p be obliged to move along a given right line PiPg, or if it have such a line (in the given plane) for its locusy its co-ordinates xyz must satisfy a homo- geneous equation of the first degree, with constant coefficients ; which, in the known notation of determinants, may be thus written, X, y, z = Xu yi, z^ «^2> y^i Z2 or, more fully, = x {yxZ^ - z{y^ + y {zix^ ~ ofiZz) + z {x^y^ - y^x^) ; or briefly, = l.v + my + nz, where /, m, n are three constant scalars, whereof the quotients determine the position of the right line A, which is thus the locus of the point p. It is natural to call the equation, which CHAP. II.] POINTS AND LINES IN A GIVEN PLANE. 29 thus connects the co-ordinates of the point p, the Anharmonic Equation of the Line A ; and we shall find it convenient also to speak of the coefficients /, w, n, in that equation, as being the Anharmonic Co-ordinates of that Line: which line may also be denoted by the Symbol^ A = [Z, m, w] . 38. For example, the three sides bc, ca, ab of the given triangle have thus for their equations, a; = 0, y = 0, 2=0, and for their symholsy [1,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,1]. The three additional lines oa, ob, oc, of Fig. 18, have, in hke manner, for their equations and symbols, 3/-0 = O, 2-37 = 0, x-y=0, [0,1,-1], [-1,0,1], [1,-1,0]. The lines b'c'a", c'a'b", a'b'c", of Fig. 21, are y + z -x = 0, z-rx-i/ = 0) x + y -z = 0, or [-1,1,1], [1,-1,1], [1,1,-1]; the lines aV'c'", b"c'V", cV'b'', of the same figure, are in like manner represented by the equations and symbols, y + z-Sx = 0, z + x-3y=0, x-\^y-3z = 0, [-3,1,1], [1,-3,1], [1,1,-3]; and the line a"b "c" is X -^ y + z=0, or [1, 1, 1]. Finally, we may remark that on the same plan, the equation and the symbol of what is often called the line at infinity, or of the locus of all the irifinitely distant points in the given plane, are respectively, ax -v by ^ cz = 0, and [a, b, c] ; 30 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. because the linear function, ax + hy + cz, of the co-ordinates z, y, 2r of a point p in the plane, is the denominator of the ex- pression (34, 36) for the vector p of that point : so that the point p is at an infinite distance from the origin o, when, and only when, this linear function vanishes. 39. These anharmonic co-ordinates of a line, although above interpreted (37) with reference to the equation of that line, considered as connecting the co-ordinates of a variable point thereof, are capable of receiving an independent geome- trical interpretation. For the three points l, m, n, in which the line A, or [/, m, w], or lx\my \nz = 0, intersects the three sides BC, CA, ab of the given triangle abc, or the three given lines a? = 0, 7/=0, 2:=0 (38), may evidently (on the plan of 36) be thus denoted : L = (0, 7i, - m) ; M = (- w, 0, /) ; n = (m, - I, 0). But we had also (by 36), a" = (0,1,-1); b"=(- 1,0,1); c"= (1,-1,0); whence it is easy to infer, on the principles of recent articles, that — = (ba"cl) ; - = (cb"am) ; — = (ac'bn) ; m ^ n ^ ' I ^ with the resulting relation, (ba"cl) . (cb"am) . (ac"bn) = 1. 40. Conversely, this last equation is easily proved, with the help of the known and general relation between segments (32), applied to any two transversals, a"b"c" and lmn, of any triangle abc. In fact, we have thus the two equations, ba" cb" ac"_ bl cm an a"c b"a c"b ' LC MA NB ' on dividing the former of which by the latter, the last formula of the last article results. We might therefore in this way have been led, without any consideration of a variable point p, CHAP. II.] POINTS AND LINES IN A GIVEN PLANE. 31 to introduce three auxiliary scalar s^ /, ?w, n^ defined as having 71 I Tfl their quotients — , -, — equal respectively, as in 39, to the three anharmonics of groups, (ba"cl), (cb"am), (ac"bn); and then it would have been evident that these three scalars, /, m, n (or any others proportional thereto), are sufficient to determine the position of the right line A, or lmn, considered as a transversal of the given triangle abc : so that they might naturally have been called, on this account, as above, the an-- harmonic co-ordinates of that line. But although the anhar- monic co-ordinates of a point and of a line may thus be inde- pendently defined^ yet the geometrical utility of such definitions will be found to depend mainly on their combination : or on the formula Ix ^-my a- nz=0 of 37, which may at pleasure be con- sidered as expressing, either that the variable point (re, y, z) is situated somewhere upon the given right line [/, m, ri\ ; or else that the variable line [/, tw, n\ passes, in some direction, through the given point {x, y, z). 41. If Ai and As be any two right lines in the given plane, Ai = [/i, mi, ni], Aa = [h, m^, Wo], then any third right line A in the same plane, which passes through the intersection ArA25 or (in other words) which cow- curs with them (at a finite or infinite distance), may be repre- sented (comp. 37) by a symbol of the form, 'A = [til + uli, tmi + um2, tn^ + uji.^, where t and u are scalar coefficients. Or, what comes to the same thing, if I, m, n be the anharmonic co-ordinates of the line A, then (comp. again 37), the equation /, m, n = 1 (min-i- nimz) + &c. = h, mi, Ui hi 'mi, ni must be satisfied ; because, if {X, Y, Z) be the supposed point common to the three lines, the three equations 32 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [boOK I. lX+mY+nZ=0, hX + m,Y+n,Z =0, kX + m^Y+n^Z^(S, must co-exist. Conversely, this coexistence will be possible, and the three lines will have a common point (which may be infinitely distant), if the recent condition of concurrence be sa- tisfied. For example, because [a, J, c] has been seen (in 38) to be the symbol of the line at infinity (at least if we still re- tain the same significations of the scalars a, 6, c as in articles 27, &c.), it follows that A = [Z, m, ri] , and A' = [/+ ua, m + ub, n + uc] , are symbols of two parallel lines ; because they concur at infi- nity. In general, all problems respecting intersections of right lines, coUineations of points, &c., in the given plane, when treated by this anharmonic method, conduct to easy elimina- tions between linear equations (of the scalar kind), on which we need not here delay : the mechanism of such calculations being for the most part the same as in the known method of trilinear co-ordinates : although (as we have seen) the geome- trical interpretations are altogether different. Section 5. — On Plane Geometrical Nets, resumed. 42. If we now resume, for a moment, the consideration of those plane geometrical nets, which were mentioned in Art. 34 ; and agree to call those points and lines, in the given plane, ra- tional points and rational lines, respectively, which have their anharmonic co-ordinates equal (or proportional) to whole num- bers ; because then the anharmonic quotients, which were dis- cussed in the last Section, are rational ; but to say that a point or line is irrational, or that it is irrationally related to the given system o^four initial points o, a, b, c, when its anhar- monic co-ordinates are not thus all equal (or proportional) to integers ; it is clear that ivhatever four points we may assume as initial, and however far the construction of the net may be carried, the net-points and net-lines which result will all be ra- tional, in the sense just now defined. In fact, we begin with such; and the subsequent eZz/w ma ^20W5 (41) oan never after- CHAP. II.] PLANE GEOMETRICAL NETS. 33 wards conduct to any, that are of the contrary kind : the right line which connects two rational points being always a rational line ; and the point of intersection of two rational lines being necessarily a rational point. The assertion made in Art. 34 is therefore fully justified. 43. Conversely, every rational point of the given plane, with respect to the four assumed initial points oabc, is a point of the net which those four points determine. To prove this, it is evidently sufficient to show that every rational point Ai = (0, y, z), on any one side bc of the given triangle abc, can be so constructed. Making, as in Fig. 22, Bi = oAi • CA, and Ci = oAi • ab, we have (by 35, 36) the expressions, Bi = (2/, 0,2/-2r), Ci=(z, ;2-y, 0); from which it is easy to infer (by 36, 37), that c' Bi • BC = (0, y,z- y), b'Ci • bc = (0, 2/ - z, z) ; and thus we can reduce the linear construction of the rational point (0, 2/j 2;), in which the two whole numbers y and z may be supposed to be prime to each other, to depend on that of the point (0, 1, 1), which has already been constructed as a'. It follows that although no irrational point Q of the plane can he a net-point, jet every such point can be indefinitely approached to, by continuing the linear construction; so that it can be included within a quadrila- teral interstice P1P2P3P4, or even within a tri- angular interstice P1P2P3, which interstice of p^^ -T^^* the net can be made as small as we may de- sire. Analogous remarks apply to irrational lines in the plane, which can never coincide with net-lines, but may always be indefinitely approximated to by such. 44. If p, Pi, P2 be any three collinear points of the net, so that the formulae of 37 apply, and if p'be any ^wr^^ net-point {x, y, z) upon the same line, then writing Xxa + yj) + z^c ~ Vx, x^a + y-h + z.c = v^. 34 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. we shall have two expressions of the forms, _ tVipi + UV2P2 , t'Vipi + UV2P2 tVi + UV2 ' t'Vi + UV2 ' in which the coefficients tut'u are rational, because the co-or- dinates xyz, &c., are such, whatever the constants abc may be. We have therefore (by 25) the following rational expression for the anharmonic of this net-group : "" ^ tu' {X1/2 - yXi) {x'y, - y'x,) ' and similarly for every other group of the same kind. Hence every group of four coUinear net-points, and consequently also every pencil of four concurrent net-lines, has a rational value for its anharmonic function ; which value depends only on the pro- cesses of linear construction employed, in arriving at that group or pencil, and is quite independent of the configuration or ar- rangement oiihefour initial points : because the three initial constants, «, b, c, disappear ^vom the expression which results. It was thus that, in Fig. 21, the niiie pencils, which had the nine derived points a' . . c"' for their vertices, were all harmo- nic pencils, in whatever manner the four points o, a, b, c might be arranged. In general, it may be said that plane geometrical nets are all homo graphic figures ;* and conversely, in any two such ^2,wq figures, corresponding points may be con- sidered as either coinciding, or at least (by 43) as indefinitely approaching to coincidence, with similarly constructed points of two plane nets : that is, with points of which (in their re- spective systems) the anharmonic co-ordinates (36) are equal integers. 45. Without entering heref on any general theory of trans- fi)rmation of anharmonic co-ordinates, we may already see that if we select any fjur net-points Oi, Ai, Bi, Ci, of which no three are collinear, every other point p of the same net is rationally related (42) to these ; because (by 44) the three new anhar- * Compare the Geometrie Svpe'rieure of M. Chasles, p. 362., t See Note A, on Anharmonic Co-ordinates. CHAP. II.] CURVES IN A GIVEN PLANE. 35 monies of pencils, (Aj . BiOiCip) = — , &c., are rational : and therefore (comp. 36) the new co-ordinates Xi, r/i, Zi of the point p, as well its old co-ordinates xi/z, are equal or proportional to whole numbers. It follows (by 43) that everi/ point p of the net can be linearly constructed, if ani/ four such points be ffiven (no three being collinear, as above) ; or, in other words, that the whole net can be reconstructed,* \^ any one of its qua- drilaterals (such as the interstice in Fig. 24) be known. As an example, we may suppose that the four points oa'b'c' in Fig. 21 are given, and that it is required to r^c^juer from them the three points abc, which had previously been among the data of the construction. For this purpose, it is only neces- sary to determine first the three auxiliary points a'", b'", c"', as the intersections oa' • b'c', &c. ; and next the three other auxi- liary points a", b", c", as b'c' • b'"c'", &c. : after which the for- mulae, A = b'b" • c'c"j &c., will enable us to return, as required, to the points a, b, c, as intersections of known right lines. Section 6. — On Anharmonic Equations, and Vector Expres- sions, for Curves in a given Plane. 46. When, in the expressions 34 or 36 for a variable vec- tor p = OP, the three variable scalars (or anharmonic co-ordi- nates) X, y, z are connected by any given algebraic equation, such as fp{x,y, 2) = 0, supposed to be rational and integral, and homogeneous of the p^^ degree, then the locus of the term v (Art. 1) of that vector is biplane curve of the jo^^ order; because (comp. 37) it is cut * This theorem (45) of the possible reconstruction of a plane net, from any one of its quadrilaterals^ and the theorem (43") respecting the possibility of indefi- nitely approaching by net-lines to the points above called irrational (ii), without ever reaching such points by any processes of linear constrtiction of the kind here considered, have been taken, as regards their substance (although investigated by a totally different analysis), from that highly original treatise of Mobius, which was referred to in a former note (p. 23). Compare Note B, upon the Bai-ycentric Calcu- lus ; and the remarks in the following Chapter, upon nets in space. I 36 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. in p points (distinct or coincident, and real or imaginary), by any given right line, Ix -^^ my ■\- nz = 0, in the given plane. For example, if we write f^aa + u^b^ + v'^cy where t, u, v are three new variable scalars, of which we shall suppose that the sum is zero, then, by eliminating these be- tween the four equations, a; = t^, y = u\ z=v\ t + u+v = 0, we are conducted to the following equation of the second degree, q =^ = ^2 ^ ^2 + ^^ - 22/z - 2zx - 2xy ; so that here p-% and the locus of p is a conic section. In fact, it is the conic which touches the sides of the given triangle abc, at the points above called a', b', c' ; for if we seek its inter sec- tions with the side bc, by making a; = (38), we obtain a quadratic with equal roots, namely, {y-zy = 0\ which shows that there is contact with this side at the point (0, 1, 1), or a' (36) : and similarly for the two other sides. 47. If the point o, in which the three right lines aa', bb', cc' concur, be (as in Fig. 18, &c.) interior to the triangle abc, the sides of that triangle are then all cut internally, by the points a', b', c' of contact with the conic ; so that in this case (by 28) the ratios of the constants «, h, c are all positive, and the denominator of the recent expression (46) for p cannot va- nish, for any real values of the va- riable scalars t, u^ v, and conse- quently no such values can render infinite that vector p. The conic is therefore generally in this case, as in Fig. 25, an inscribed ellipse ; which becomes however the inscribed cir- cle, when «-M &-^ : c"^ = s - a : s - b : s - c ; a, b, c denoting here the lengths of ^'^' ^^* the sides of the triangle, and s being their semi-sum. CHAP. II.] ANHARMONIC EQUATIONS OF PLANE CURVES. 37 48. But if the point of concourse o be exterior to the tri- angle of tangents abc, so that two of its sides are cut externally^ then two of the three ratios o^ segments (28) are negative; and therefore one of the three constants a, h, c may be treated as < 0, but each of the two others as > 0. Thus if we suppose that i>0, oO, «<0, « + J>0, a+oO, a' will be a point on the side b itself, but the points b', c', o will be on the lines Ac, ab, ka! prolonged, as in Fig. 26 ; and then the conic a'b'c' will be an ellipse (including the case of a circle), or a parabola, or an hy- perbola^ according as the roots of ^ the quadratic. Fig. 26. {a + c) t^ + 2ctu +{b + c)u^ = 0, obtained by equating the deno- b' minator (46) of the vector p to zero, are either, 1st, imaginary ; or Ilnd, real and equal; or Ilird, real and unequal : that is, according as we have bc + ca + ab>0, or = 0, or < ; or (because the product abc is here negative), according as a'^ + b-^ + c-^ < 0, or =0, or > 0. For example, if the conic be what is often called the exscribed circle, the known ratios of segments give the proportion, a'^ : 6"^ : c'^ = - s : s - c : s - b ; and -s + s-c + s-b<0. 49. More generally, if c^ be (as in Fig. 26) a point upon the side ab, or on that side prolonged, such that cc^ is parallel to the chord b'c', then c^c' : Ac' = cb' : ab' = - rt : c, and ab : ac' = « + i : 6 ; writing then the condition (48) of ellipticity (or circularity) 38 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. under the form, ^— < —7—, we see that the conic is an ellipse, c parabola, or hyperbola, according as c^c' < or = or > ab ; the arrangement being stilU in other respects, that which is repre- sented in Fig. 26. Or, to express the same thing more sym- metrically, if we complete the parallelogram cabd, then ac- cording as the point d falls, 1st, beyond the chord b'c', with respect to the point a; or llnd, on that chord; or Ilird, ivithin the triangle ab'c', the general arrangement of the same Figure being retained, the curve is elliptic^ or parabolic, or hyperbolic. In that other arrangement or configuration, which answers to the system of inequalities, Z>>0, c>0, « + 5 + c<0, the point a' is still upon the side bc itself, but o is on the line a'a prolonged through a ; and then the inequality, a (^ + c) + 6c < - (^>2 + 6c + c2) < 0, shows that the conic is necessarily an hyperbola ; whereof it is easily seen that one branch is touched by the side bc at a', while the other branch is touched in b' and c', by the sides CA and ba prolonged through a. The curve is also hyperbo- lic, if either a + 6 or a + c be negative, while b and c are posi- tive as before. 50. When the quadratic (48) has its roots real and un- equal, so that the conic is an hyperbola, then the directions of the asymptotes may be found, by substituting those roots, or the values of t, u, v which correspond to them (or any scalars proportional thereto), in the numerator of the expres- sion (46) for p ; and similarly we can find the direction of the axis of the parabola, for the case when the roots are real but equal : for we shall thus obtain the directions, or direction, in which a right line op must be drawn from o, so as to meet the conic at infinity. And the same conditions as before, for dis- tinguishing the species of the conic, maybe otherwise obtained by combining the anharmonic equation, /= (46), of that conic, with the corresponding equation ax + by ^■cz={) (38) of the line at infinity ; so as to inquire (on known principles of modern geometry) whether that line meets that curve in tivo CHAP. II.] DIFFERENTIALS — TANGENTS POLARS. 39 imaginary points^ or touches it, or cuts it, in points which (al- though infinitely distant) are here to be considered as real, 51. In general, if /(a?, y, z) = be the anharmonic equa- tion (46) oi any plane curve, considered as the locus of a varia- ble point p ; and if the differential* of this equation be thus denoted, = d/(a?,3/, ^) = Xdar+ Ydy+^ds'; then because, by the supposed homogeneity (46) of the func- tion/, we have the relation Xx^Yy + Zz=^fd, we shall have also this other but analogous relation, if , x' - x'.y' -y \z' - z = diX',diy\<\.z\ that is (by the principles of Art. 37), if p'=-(a;'j y\ z!) be any point upon the tangent to the curve, drawn at the point p = (re, y, z), and regarded as the limit of a secant. The sym- hoi (37) of this tangent at p may therefore be thus written, [X,y, ZJ, or [D,/ D,/, D,/]; where d^, d^, d^ are known characteristics of partial deriva- tion. 52. For example, whenyhas the form assigned in 46, as an- swering to the conic lately considered, we have d.t/= 2{x-y-z), &c. ; whence the tangent at any point (x, y, z) of this curve may be denoted by the symbol, \_x-y-z, y-z-x, z-x-y]; in which, as usual, the co-ordinates of the line may be replaced by any others proportional to them. Thus at the point a', or (by 36) at (0, 1, 1), which is evidently (by the form of/) a point upon the curve, the tangent is the line [- 2, 0, 0], or [1, 0, 0] ; that is (by 38), the side bc of the given triangle, as * In the theory of qziaternions, as distinguished from (although including) that of vectors, it will he found necessary to introduce a new definition of differentials, on account of the non- commutative property o{ quaternion-multiplication : hut, for the present, the usual significations of the signs d and d are sufficient. 40 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. was Otherwise found before (46). And in general it is easy to see that the recent symbol denotes the right line, which is (in a well known sense) the polar of the point {x, y, z), with re- spect to the same given conic ; or that the line [X', F', Z''\ is the polar of the point (x', y, z) : because the equation Xx'+Yy' + Zz^O, which for a conic may be written as X'x + Y'y + Z'z = 0, expresses (by 51) the condition requisite, in order that a point (x, y, z) of the curve* should belong to a tangent which passes through the point {x\ y\ z). Conversely, the point {x, y, z) is (in the same well-known sense) the po/^ of the line [X, Y, Z"] ; so that the centre of the conic, which is (by known principles) i\\Q pole of the line at infinity (38), is the point which satisfies the conditions a-^X=^h-^Y=c-^Z \ it is therefore, for the pre- sent conic, the point k = (6 + c, c + «, a + S), of which the vector OK is easily reduced, by the help of the linear equation, «a + Z>j3 + cy = (27), to the form, 2 {he + c« + ah) ' with the verification that the denominator vanishes^ by 48, when the conic is a parabola. In the more general case, when this denominator is different from zero, it can be shown that every chord of the curve, which is drawn through the extremity K of the vector k, is bisected at that point k : which point would therefore in this way be seen again to be the centre. 53. Instead of the inscribed conic (46), which has been the subject of recent articles, we may, as another example, consi- der that exscribed (or circumscribed) conic, which passes through the three corners a, b, c of the given triangle, and touches there the lines aa", bb", cc" of Fig. 21. The anhar- monic equation of this new conic is easily seen to be, yz -v zx -\^ xy = ; * If the curve /= were of a degree higher than the second, then the two equa- tions above written would represent what are called the first polar, and the last or the line-polar, of the point (x', y\ z'), with respect to the given curve. CHAP. 11 ] VECTOR OF A CUBIC CURVE. 41 the vector of a variable point p of the curve may therefore be expressed as follows, with the condition ^ + m + v = 0, as before. The vector of its centre k' is found to be, ^2 _^ 52 4. c2 - 2bc - 2ca - lab ' and it is an ellipse, a parabola, or an hyperbola, according as the denominator of this last expression is negative, or null, or positive. And because these two recent vectors^ jc, k, bear a scalar ratio to each other, it follows (by 19) that the three points o, K, k' are collinear ; or in other words, that the line of centres kk', of the two conies here considered, passes through the point of concourse o of the three lines aa', bb', cc'. More generally, if l be the pole of any given right line A = [/, w, n] (37), with respect to the inscribed conic (46), and if l' be the pole of the same line A with respect to the exscribed conic of the present article, it can be shown that the vectors ol, ol', or A, X', of these two poles are of the forms, \ = k (laa + mb^ + ncy)^ A' = h! {laa + mb^ + ncy), where k and k' are scalar s ; the three points o, l, l' are there- fore ranged on one right line. 54. As an example of a vector-expression for a curve of an order higher than the second, the following may be taken : t^aa + U^bQ + v^Cy ^ t^a + v?b + v^c with ^ 4- M + r = 0, as before. Making x = t^, y^u^, z = v^, we find here by elimination of t, u, v the anharmonic equation^ {x-\-y+ zy - 27 xgz--^0; the locus of the point p is therefore, in this example, a curve of the third order, or briefly a cubic curve. The mechanism (41) G 42 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [book I. Fig. 27. of calculations with anharmonic co-ordinates is so much the same as that of the known trilinear method, that it may suffice to remark briefly here that the sides of the given triangle abc are the three (real) tangents of inflexion; the points of inflexion being those which are marked as a", b", c" in Fig. 2 1 ; and the origin of vectors o being a conjugate point* lia=b = c,in which case (by 29) this origin o becomes (as in Fig. 19) the mean point of the trian- gle, the chord of inflexion a"b"c" is then the line at infinity, and the curve takes the form represented in Fig. 27; hav- ing three infinite branches, inscribed within the angles vertically opposite to those of the given triangle abc, of which the sides are the three asymptotes. 55. It would be improper to enter here into any details of discussion of such cubic curves, for which the reader will na- turally turn to other works.f But it may be remarked, in passing, that because the general cubic may be represented, on the present plan, by combining the general expression of Art. 34 or 36 for the vector p, with the scalar equation s^ = 27kxgz, where s = a; + y-\- z; k denoting an arbitrary constant, which becomes equal to unity, when the origin is (as in 54) a conjugate point; it fol- lows that if p = (x, y, z) and p' = (a?', y', z) be any two points of the curve, and if we make s' = x' + y' + z, we shall have the relation, x^ ys' zs sx sy sz' xyzs ^ = xyz s^, or — ; * Answering to the values ^=1, m = 0, v=Q\ where is one of the imaginary cube-roots of unity ; which values of t^ u, v give x — y = z, and p = 0. t Especially the excellent Treatise on Higher Plane Curves^ by the Rev. George Salmon, F. T. C D., &c. Dublin, 1852. CHAP. II.] ANHARMONIC PROPERTY OF CUBIC CURVES. 43 in which it is not difficult to prove that •^'=(a".pbp'b"); ^,= (b".pcp'c"); — , = (c". papV); sx ^ sy ^ sz the notation (35) of anharmonics of pencils being retained. We obtain therefore thus the following Theorem : — " If the sides of any given plane* triangle abc he cut (as in Fig. 2\)hy any given rectilinear transversal a"b"c'', and if any two points p and p' in its plane be such as to satisfy the anharmonic rela- tion (a". pbpV) . (b". pcp'c") . (c". papa") = 1, then these two points p, p' are on one common cubic curve, which has the three collinear points a", b", c" for its three real points of inflexion^ and has the sides bc, ca, ab of the triangle for its three tangents at those points ;" a result which seems to offer a new geometrical generation for curves of the third order, 5Q. Whatever the order of a plane curve may be, or what- ever may be the degree p of ihQfunctionf'm. 46, we saw in 51 that the tangent to the curve at any point p = (a:, y, z) is the right line A = [/, m, w], if 1= Hxf, rn = Hyfi n = n^f-, expressions which, by the supposed homogeneity off, give the relation, Ix -\-my+nz^ 0, and therefore enable us to establish the system of the two following differential equations, Idx + mdy + ndz = 0, xdl + ydm + zdn = 0. If then, by elimination of the ratios of x, y, z, we arrive at a neio homogeneous equation of the form, as one that is true for all values of x, y, z which render the function /= (although it may require to be cleared of factors, introduced by this elimination), we shall have the equation F(l,m, n) = 0, * This Theorem may be exteaded, with scarcely any modification, from plane to spherical curves., of the third order. 44 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. as a condition that must be satisfied by the tangent A to the curve, in all the positions which can be assumed by that right line. And, by comparing the two differential equations, dr(/, 772, W) = 0, red/ + 7/d77Z + 2:d77 = 0, we see that we may write the proportion, x\y\z= D/F : D,rtF : d„f, and the symbol v = (d^f, d„iF, d^f), if {x, 7/, z) be, as above, the point of contact p of the variable line [/, 772, n\ in any one of its positions, with the curve which is its envelope. Hence we can pass (or return) from the tan- gential equation f = 0, of a curve considered as the envelope of a right line A, to the local equation f= 0, of the same curve considered (as in 46) as the locus of a point p : since, if we ob- tain, by elimination of the ratios of /, m, n, an equation of the form 0=/(dzF, d,„f, d„f), (cleared, if it be necessary, of foreign factors) as a conse- quence of the homogeneous equation f = 0, we have only to substitute for these partial derivatives, D/F, &c., the anhar- monic co-ordinates x, 7/, z, to which they are proportional. And when the functions /"and f are not only homogeneous (as we shall always suppose them to be), but also rational and integral (which it is sometimes convenient not to assume them as being), then, while the degree of the function^ or of the local equation, marks (as before) the order of the curve, the degree of the other homogeneous function f, or of the tangential equation F = 0, is easily seen to denote, in this anharmonic method (as, from the analogy of other and older methods, it might have been expected to do), the class of the curve to which that equation belongs : or the number of tangents (dis- tinct or coincident, and real or imaginary), which can be drawn to that curve, from an arbitrary point in its plane. 57. As an example (comp. 52), if we eliminate x, y, z be- tween the equations, l = x-y-z, m = y-z - X, n = z-x-y, Ix + my + 7iz== 0, where /, in, n are the co-ordinates of the tangent to the inscribed CHAP. II.] LOCAL AND TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS. 45 conic of Art. 46, we are conducted to the following tangen- tial equation of that conic, or curve of the second class, f(1, m,n) = mn + nl+ lm = ; with the verification that the sides [1, 0, 0], &g. (38), of the triangle abc are among the lines which satisfy this equation. Conversely, if this tangential equation were given, we might (by 5Q) derive from it expressions for the co-ordinates of con- tact X, 2/, z, as follows : a;=D/F = 772+72, 2/ = n -^ I, Z = I -^ m ', with the verification that the side [1, 0, 0] touches the conic, considered now as an envelope, in the point (0, 1, 1), or a', as before : and then, by eliminating /, m, n, we should be brought back to the local equation, f= 0, of 46. In like manner, from the local equation /= yz + zx-\- xy = of the exscribed conic (53), we can derive by differentiation the tangential co-ordinates,* I = T>jf^= y -^ z, rn = z-\- X, n = X + y, and so obtain by elimination the tangential equation, namely, f(/, 7w, n) = l^ + m^+n''- 2mn - 2nl -2lm = 0; from which we could in turn deduce the local equation. And (comp. 40), the very simple formula Ix + my+nz = 0, which we have so often had occasion to employ, as connecting two sets of anharmonic co-ordinates, may not only be consi- dered (as in 37) as the local equation of a given right line A, along which a point p moves, but also as the tangential equa- tion of a given point, round which a right line turns : according as we suppose the set I, 7n, n, or the set x, y, z, to be given. Thus, while the right line a"b"c", or [1, 1, 1], of Fig. 21, was * This name of " tangential co-ordinates'^ appears to have been first introduced by Dr. Booth in a Tract published in 1840, to which the author of the present Ele- ments cannot now more particularly refer : but the system of Dr. Booth was entirely dilFerent from his own. See the reference in Salmon's Higher Plane Curves, note to page 16. 46 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. represented in 38 by the equation a; + z/ + 2: = 0, the point o of the same figure, or the point (1, 1, 1), may be represented by the analogous equation^ l + m + n = 0; because the co-ordinates I, ni, n of every line, which passes through this point o, must satisfy this equation of the first de- gree, as may be seen exemphfied, in the same Art. 38, by the lines OA, ob, oc. 58. To give an instance or two of the use of forms, which, although homogeneous, are yet not rational and integral {pQ), we may write the local equation of the inscribed conic (46) as follows : ai + ?/4 + 22 = ; and then (suppressing the common numerical factor J), the partial derivatives are I = x% m = 2/"2, n = z'h; so that a form of the tangential equation for this conic is, /-I + ni-i ^ ^-1 = Q . Avhich evidently, when cleared of fractions, agrees with the first form of the last Article : with the verification (48), that ^-1 4. ^-1 4. c-i = when the curve is a parabola ; that is, when it is touched (50) by the line at infinity (38). For the ex- scribed conic (53), we may write the local equation thus, x-'^ + y^ + 2-^ = 0; whence it is allowed to write also, Z=a;-2, m = y-'^, n-=z-\ and lh + mh + n^=0 ; a form of the tangential equation which, when cleared of radi- cals, agrees again Avith 57. And it is evident that we could return, with equal ease, from these tangential to these local equations. 59. For the cubic curve with a conjugate point (54), the local equation may be thus written,* * Compare Salmon's Higher Plane Curves, page 172. CHAP. II.] LOCAL AND TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS. 47 we may therefore assume for its tangential co-ordinates the expressions, / = x'i, m = ?/-!, n = ^i ; and a form of its tangential equation is thus found to be, Conversely, if this tangential form were given, we might re- turn to the local equation, by making X = Zf , y = m"f , z = w"2, which would give x^-vy^-^ zi= 0, as before. The tangential equation just now found becomes, when it is cleared of radi- cals, = 7-2 + ^-2 ^ ^-2 _ 2m-i n' - 2n-' l' - 21' m' ; or, when it is also cleared of fractions, = F = m^n^ + ^2/2 4. /2^2 _ 2nl^m - 2Im^n - 2mnH ; of which the biquadratic form shows (by 5Q) that this cubic is a curve of the fourth class, as indeed it is known to be. The inflexional character (54) of the points a", b", c" upon this curve is here recognised by the circumstance, that when we make m -n = 0, in order to find the four tangents from a" =(0, 1,- 1) (36), the resulting biquadratic, = m*- Alm^, has three equal roots ; so that the line [1, 0, 0], or the side Bc, counts as three, and is therefore a tangent of inflexion : the fourth tangent from a" being the line [1, 4, 4], which touches the cubic at the point (- 8, U 1). 60. In general, the two equations {6Q), nDj.f- lDzf= 0, nTfyf- mBzf^ 0, may be considered as expressing that the homogeneous equa- tion, ^ f{nx,ny, -lx-my) = 0, which is obtained by eliminating z with the help of the rela- tion Ix + my-^nz^ 0, from f(x, y, z) = 0, and which we may 48 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. denote by {x, y) = 0, has two equal roots x:y,\{ /, wi, n be still the co-ordinates of a tangent to the curve/*; an equality which obviously corresponds to the coincidence of two intersec- tions of that line with that curve. Conversely, if we seek by the usual methods the condition of equality of two roots xiy of the homogeneous equation of the p^^ degree, = ^ (a;, y) =f{nx, ny, -Ix- my), by eliminating the ratio x : y between the two derived homo- geneous equations, = Dj.^, = d,^0, we shall in general be conducted to a result of the dimension 2p{p- 1) in /, m, n, and of the ^rm, = wP^P-i) F (/, m, n) ; and so, by the rejection of the foreign factor nP^P-'^\ introduced by this elimination,* we shall obtain the tangential equation F = 0, which will be in general of the degree /?(p - 1 ) ; such being generally the known class (pQ) of the curve of which the order (46) is denoted by p : with (of course) a similar mode of passing, reciprocally, from a tangential to a local equation. 61. As an example, when the function /has the cubic form assigned in 54, we are thus led to investigate the condition for the existence of two equal roots in the cubic equation, = (p(x,y)= [(n-l)x+ (m - l)y]'^ + ''277i^xy(lx+ my), by eliminating x : y between two derived and quadratic equa- tions ; and the result presents itself, in the first instance, as of the twelfth dimension in the tangential co-ordinates /, m, n ; but it is found to be divisible by n^, and when this division is effected, it is reduced to the sixth degree, thus appearing to imply that the curve is of the sixth class, as in fact the general cubic is well known to be. A. further reduction is however possible in the present case, on account of the conjugate point o (54), which introduces (comp. 57) the quadratic factor, * Compare the method employed in Sahnon's Higher Plane Curves, page 98, to find the equation of the reciprocal of a given curve, with respect to the imaginary conic, *2 4.y3-|- j2 = 0. In general, if the function f be deduced from /as above, then F(a;y?)= 0, and f(xyz) = are equations of two reciprocal curves. CHAP. III.] VECTORS OF POINTS IN SPACE. 49 (/+ m + w)2 = ; and when this factor also is set aside, the tangential equation is found to be reduced to the biquadratic form* already assigned in 59 ; the algebraic division, last performed, corresponding to the known geometric depression of a cubic curve with a double point, from the sixth to ihQ fourth class. But it is time to close this Section on Plane Curves ; and to proceed, as in the next Chapter we propose to do, to the consideration and comparison of vectors of points in space. CHAPTER III. APPLICATIONS OF VECTORS TO SPACE. Section 1. — On Linear Equations between Vectors not Com^ planar. 62. When three given and actual vectors oa, ob, oc, or «5 i3j 7 J are not contained in any common plane, and w^hen the three scalars a, b, c do not all vanish, then (by 21, 22) the expression aa + b[5 + cy cannot become equal to zero ; it must therefore represent 50/w^ actual vector (1), which we may, for the sake of symmetry, denote by the symbol - d^ : where the new (actual) vector B, or od, is not contained in any one * If we multiply that form f = (59) by z% and then change nz to-lx- my, we obtain a biquadratic equation in / : w, namely, = ;//(;, w) = (^ - m)2 (Ix + myy^ + 2lm {I + m) {Jx -f my) z + I'^nfiz^ \ and if we then eliminate I : m between the two derived cubics, = Dii|/, = d,„i//, we are conducted to the following equation of the twelfth degree, = x^y'^z^fix, y, z), where /ha3 the same cubic form as in 54. "We are therefore thus brought hack (comp. 59) from the tangential to the local equation of the cubic curve (54) ; com- plicated, however, as we see, with the /ac^or x^y'^z^^ which corresponds to the sys- tem of the three real tangents of inflexion to that curve, each tangent being taken three times. The reason why we have not here been obliged to reject also the foreign factor, 2*2, as by the general theory (60) we might have expected to be, is that we multiplied the biquadratic function f only by z2, and not by z'^. H 50 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [book I. of the three given and distinct planes, boc, coa, aob, unless some one, at least, of the three given coefficients «, 6, c, va- nishes ; and where the new scalar^ d, is either greater or less than zero. We shall thus have a linear equation between four vectors, aa + b(5 + cy + dd = ; which will give g = aa bfi where oa', ob', oc'. -Cj or or od = oa'+ ob'+ oc' aa -b(5 ~Cy Fig. 28. —7-5 — -T-j — r, are the a d d vectors of the three points a', b', c', into which the point D is projected^ on the three given lines oa, ob, oc, by planes drawn parallel to the three given planes, boc, &c. ; so that they are the three co-initial edges of a parallelepiped, whereof the sum, od or §, is the internal and co-initial diagonal (comp. 6). Or we may project d on the three planes, by lines da", db", dc" parallel to the three • . bQ + Cy given lines, and then shall have oa" = ob' + oc'= — — — ^, &c., - d and g = OD = oa' + oa" = ob' + ob" = oc' + oc". And it is evident that this construction will apply to any ffth point D of space, if the j^wr points oabc be still supposed to be given, and not complanar : but that some at least of the three ratios of the four scalars a, b, c, d (which last letter is not here used as a mark of differentiation) will vary with the^o- sition of the point d, or with the value of its vector 8. For example, we shall have a = 0, if d be situated in the plane boc ; and similarly for the two other given planes through o. 63. We may inquire (comp. 23), ichat relation between these scalar coefficients must exist, in order that the point d CHAP. III.] VECTORS OF POINTS IN SPACE. 51 may be situated in the fourth given plane abc ; or what is the condition of complanarity o^ \hQ four points, a, b, c, d. Since the three vectors da, db, dc are now supposed to be complanar, they must (by 22) be connected by a linear equation, of the form fl(a-g) + 6(j3-g) + c(y-g) = 0; comparing which with the recent and more general form (62), we see that the required condition is, a + 5 + c + c?= 0. This equation may be written (comp. again 23) as -a -b -c , oa' ob' oc' , d d d OA OB 00 and, under this last form, it expresses a known geometrical property of a plane abcd, referred to three co-ordinate axes OA, OB, oc, which are drawn from any common origin o, and terminate upon the plane. We have also, in this case of com- planarity (comp. 28), the following proportion of coefficients and areas : a :b: c :- d = dbc : dca : dab : abc ; or, more symmetrically, with attention to signs of areas, a :b: c : d = bcd : - cda : dab : - abc ; where Fig. 1 8 may serve for illustration, if we conceive o in that Figure to be replaced by d. 64. When we have thus at once the two equations, aa-¥bf^ + cy + d^ = 0, and a + b + c + d=0, so that the four co-initial vectors a, /3, y, S terminate (as above) on one common plane, and may therefore be said (comp. 24) to be termino-complanar, it is evident that the two right lines, da and bc, which connect two pairs of the four complanar points, must intersect each other in some point a' of the plane, at a finite or infinite distance. And there i no difficulty in perceiving, on the plan of 31, that the vectors of the three 52 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [book I. points a', b', c' of intersection, which thus result, are the fol- lowing : for a' = bc'Da, for b'= ca'DB, for c' = ab • DC, ^'= b^c - a + d cy + aa &/3 + dd cv a - b + d aa + b^ Cy + d^ a +b c + d expressions which are independent of the position of the arbi- trary origin o, and which accordingly coincide with the cor- responding expressions in 27, when we place that origin in the point D, or make S = 0. Indeed, these last results hold good (comp. 31), even when the^wr vectors a, ^, y, ^, or the Jive points o, A, b, c, d, are all complanar. For, although there then exist two linear equations between those four vectors, which may in general be written thus, a a + ft'j3 + Cy + d'^ = 0, a"a f 6"/3 + c'y + d"8 = 0, without the relations, a' + &c. = 0, a" + &c. = 0, between the coefficients, yet if we form from these another linear equation, of the form, (a" + ta)a + {b" + tb')fi + (c" + tc')y + (d" + td')^ = 0, and determine t by the condition, t = a" + b" + c" + d" a+b' + c+d'^ we shall only have to make a = a"+ ta, &c., and the two equa- tions written at the commencement of the present article will then both be satisfied; and will conduct to the expressions assigned above, for the three vectors of intersection : which vectors may thus be found, without its being necessary to em- ploy those processes of scalar elimination^ which were treated of in the foregoing Chapter. As an Example, let the two given equations be (comp. 27, 33), aa + ij3 + cy = 0, (2a + fc + c)a'"- aa = ; CHAP. III.] VECTORS OF POINTS IN SPACE. 53 and let it be required to determine the vectors of the intersections of the three pairs of lines bc, aa'" ; CA, ba'" ; and ab, ca"'. Forming the combination, (2a + 6 + c)a" - aa-\- t(aa + JjS + cy) = 0, and determining t by the condition, (2a + 6 + c) - a + <(a + 6 + c) = 0, which gives * = — 1, we have for the three sought vectors the expressions, bfi + cy cy + 2aa 2aa + bjS b + c ' c+2a ' 2a + 6 ' whereof the first = a, by 27. Accordingly, in Fig. 21, the line aa'" intersects bc in the point a' ; and although the two other points of intersection here considered, which belong to what has been called (in 34) a Third Construction, are not marked in that Figure, yet their anharmonic symbols (36), namely, (2, 0, 1) and (2, 1, 0), might have been otherwise found by combining the equations y = and x — lz for the two lines ca, ba'" ; and by combining z = 0, x = 2y for the remaining pair of lines. Q5. In the more general case, when the four given points A, B, c, D, are not in sluj common plane, let k be any fifth given point of space, not situated on any one o^ the fijur faces of the given pyramid abcd, nor on any such face prolonged ; and let its vector oe = c. Then the/owr co-initial vectors, ea, eb, ec, ED, v^hereof (by supposition) no three are complanar, and which do not terminate upon one plane, must be (by 62) connected by some equation of the form, tf .EA + 6.EB + C.E0 + 6?.ED = 0; where the^wr scalar s, a, b, c, d, and their sum, which we shall denote by - e, are all different fiom zero. Hence, because ea = a - £, &c., we may establish the following linear equation between five co-initial vectors, a, j3, 7, S, e, whereof wo j^tt?- are termlno-complanar (64), aa + Jj3 + Cy + c?S + e£ = ; with the relation, a+^ + c + c?+e = 0, between ih^five scalars a, b, c, d, e, whereof no one now separately vanishes. Hence also, £ = (aa + b(5+cy + d^) : (a+b + c+ d), &c. 66. Under these conditions, if we write Di = DE*ABC, and ODi = ^i, that is, if we denote by di the vector of the point Di in which the right line de intersects the plane abc, we shall have 54 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. Oi = r = — = . a + b+ e d+ e In fact, these two expressions are equivalent^ or represent one common vector, in virtue of the given equations; but the first shows (by 63) that this vector Si terminates onthe/>Z«we abc, and the second shows (by 25) that it terminates on the line DE ; its extremity Di must therefore be, as required, the inter- section of this line with that plane. We have therefore the two equations, I. . .a(«-gi) + *(i3-^i) + c(y-S0 = 0; II.. .d{d~Si) + e(e-Bi)^0; whence (by 28 and 24) follow the two proportions, T, . . a:b:c= DjBC : DiCA : DiAB ; ir. . . d:e= EDiiDiD ; the arrangement of the points, in the annexed Fig. 29, answering to the case where all the four coefficients a, b, c, d are positive (or have one common sign), and when therefore the remaining co- '^" ' efficient e is negative (or has the opposite sign). 67. For the three complanar triangles, in the first propor- tion, we may substitute any three pyramidal volumes, which rest upon those triangles as their bases, and which have one common vertex, such as D or e ; and because the collineation DEDi gives DDiBc - EDiBc ~ DEBc, &c., wc may write this other proportion, F. . . a:b:c = debc : deca : deab. Again, the same collineation gives EDi : DDi = EABC : DABC ; we have therefore, by IP., the proportion, II". . . d: -e = EABC : DABC. But DEBC + DECA + DEAB + EABC = DABC, and CHAP. III.] VECTORS OF POINTS IN SPACE. 55 a-^ b + c + d= -e; we may therefore establish the following fuller formula of proportion, between coefficients and volumes : III. . . aibicid: -e = debc : deca : deab : eabc : dabc ; the ratios of all these five pyramids to each other being consi- dered as positive^ for the particular arrangement of the points which is represented in the recent figure. 68. The formula III. may however be regarded as per- fectly general^ if we agree to say that a pyramidal volume changes sign, or rather that it changes its algebraical character, as po- sitive or negative, in comparison with a given pyramid, and with a given arrangement of points, in passing through zero (comp. 28) ; namely when, in the course of any continuous change, any one of its vertices crosses the corresponding base. With this convention* we shall have, generally, DABC = -ADBC = ABDC = - ABCD, DEBC = BCDE, DECA = CDEA ; the proportion III. may therefore be expressed in the follow- ing more symmetric, but equally general form : Iir. . , a:b:c:d:.e = bcde : cdea : deab : eabc : abcd ; the sum of these j^ve pyramids being always equal to zero, when signs (as above) are attended to. 69. We saw (in 24) that the two equations, aa + bfi + cy = 0, a + b + c = 0, gave the proportion of segments, a : b : c = BC : CA : ab, whatever might be the position of the origin o. In like man- ner we saw (in 63) that the two other equations, ♦ Among the consequences of this convention respecting signs of volumes, which has already been adopted by some modern geometers, and which indeed is necessary (comp. 28) for the establishment of general formulae, one is that any two pyramids, ABCD, a'b'c'd', bear to each other a positive or a negative ratio, according as the two rotations, BCD and b'c'd', supposed to be seen respectively from the points A and a', have similar or opposite directions, as right-handed or left-handed. 56 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. aa + bfi + Cy+d^^O, a + 6 + c + c? = 0, gave the proportion of areas, a:b:c: d= bcd : - cda : dab : - abc ; where again the origin is arbitrary. And we have just deduced (in 68) a corresponding proportion of volumes, from the two analogous equations {65), fla + 6/3 + cy + = ^!-^. ^ ; in which the ratios of the differences of ihe five coefficients^ xyzwv, de- termine the position of the point. In fact, because the four points ABCD are not in any common plane, there necessarily exists (comp. 65) a determined linear relation between the four vectors drawn to them from the point P, which may be written thus, a/a . PA + y'b . pb + z^c . PC + w'd . pd = 0, giving the expression, _ x'aa + y^h^ + z'c^ + w'dh x'a + y'b + z'c + w'd * in which the ratios of the four scalars x'y'z'w'^ depend upon, and conversely determine, the position of p ; writing, then, ic=te' + v, y = ty'^v^ z-tz'-^v^ w-tw' + Vy where t and v are two new and arbitrary scalars, and remembering that aa + . . + ee = 0, and « + . . + e = (65), we are conducted to the form for /», assigned above. 71. When the vector p is thus expressed, the point p maybe denoted by the Quinary Symbol {x, ?/, z^ Wy v) ; and we may write the equation, p = (x, y, z, w, v). But we see that the same point p may also be denoted by this other symbol, oHhe same kind, (a/, y, z\ w\ v'), provided that the follow- ing /jropor^eoM between differences of coefficients (70) holds good: x' -v' '. y' -v''.z' -v''.w' -v' = x-v'.y-v\z-v'.w-v, Undei' this condition, we shall therefore write the following /orww/a of congruence, {x\ y', z', w', v') E {x, y, z, w, v), to express that these two quinary symbols, although not identical in composition, have yet the same geometrical signification, or denote one common point. And we shall reserve the symbolic equation, {x', y, z', w', v') = {x, y, z, w, v), I 58 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. to express that the Jive coefficients, x' . . . v\ of the one symbol, are separately equal to the corresponding coefficients of the other, a;' = flj, . . v' = v. 72. Writing also, generally, (to, ty^ tZf tw, tv) = t (x, y, z, w, v), {x' + a;, . . v' + v) = (x\ . . v') + (a;, . . v), &c., and abridging the particular symbol* (1, 1, 1, 1, 1) to (Z7), while (Q)> (Q0» • • "^^y briefly denote the quinary symbols (a;, . . v), {x', . . v'), . . we may thus establish the congruence (71), (Q')=(a), if (Q)=«(ao+w(£^); in which t and u are arbitrary coefficients. For example, (0,0, 0,0, 1)E (1,1, 1,1,0), and (0, 0, 0, 1, 1)E(1, 1, 1, 0, 0); each symbol of the first pair denoting (fi5) the given point e; and each symbol of the second pair denoting ifiQ) the derived point Di. When the coefficients are so simple as in these last expressions, we may occasionally omit the commas^ and thus write, still more briefly, (00001) = (11110); (00011) E (1 1100). 73. If three vectors, />, /?', p"^ expressed each under the first form (70), be termino-collinear (24) and if we denote their denomi- tors, a;a + . . , rc'a + . . , x"a + . . , by m-, m\ m!\ they must then (23) be connected by a linear equation, with a null sum of coefficients, which may be written thus : tmp + t'm'p' + i"m"p" = ; tm^ t'm' + t"m" + 0. We have, therefore, the two equations of condition^ t {xaa + . . + vee) + 1' {x'aa + . . + v'ee) + 1" {x"aa + . . + v"ee) = ; t{xa + . . + ve) + 1' {x'a + . . + v'e) + f' {x"a + . . + v"e) = ; where t, f, t" are three new scalars, while the five vectors a . . e, and the five scalars a..e, are subject only to the two equations (65); but these equations of condition are satisfied by supposing that tx + t'x' + t"x" = . . = a' + t'v' + t"v" = -u, where u is some new scalar, and they cannot be satisfied otherwise. Hence the condition of collinearity of the three points p, p', p'', in which the three vectors />, p', p" terminate, and of which the qui- nary symbols are (Q), (QOi {.01% "^^y briefly be expressed by the equation, * This quinary symbol ( U) denotes no determined point, since it corresponds (by 70, 71) to the indeterminate vector /o = - ; but it admits of useful combinations with other quinary symbols, as above. CHAP. III.] QUINARY SYMBOLS OF PLANES. 59 t{Q) + V {Q) + t" {Q")^-u{U); so that if ant/ four scalars, <, t\ t'\ u, can he found, which satisfy this last symbolic equation, then, but not in any other case, those three points pp'p" are ranged on one right line. For example, the three points D, E, Di, which are denoted (72) by the quinary symbols, (00010), (00001), (11100), are coUinear ; because the sum of these three symbols is ( U). And if we have the equation, where t, f, u are any three scalars, then {Q") is a symbol for a point v", on the right line pp'. For example, the symbol (0, 0, 0, t, t') may denote any point on the line de. 74. By reasonings precisely similar it may be proved, that if (Q) (QO (^'0 (Q'^0 be quinary symbols for &ny four points pp^p'^p'^' in any common plane, so that the four vectors pp'p^p'^' are termino- complanar (64), then an equation, of the form UQ) + i^QO + 1" (Q'O + i'" ( Q''0 = - «^( C^)» must hold good; and conversely, that \i the fourth symbol can be expressed as follows, {Cl"^) = t{a)^t' {Cl')^t"{Q!') ^u{U\ with any scalar values oit, t', t" , u, then the fourth point 2'^' is situ- ated in the plane pp'p'^ of the other three. For example, the four points, (10000), (01000), (00100), (11100), or A, B, c, Di {^^\ are complanar; and the symbol {t, t' , t", 0, 0) may represent any point in the plane abc. 75. When a point p is thus complanar with three given points, Po, Pi, P2, we have therefore expressions of the following forms, for ih.Q five coefficients x, ..v oi its quinary symbol, in terms of the fif- teen given coefficients oi their symbols, and of /owr new and arbitrary scalars : X = ^o^^o + , or at least the ratios of their differences (70), in the quinary symbol of that point, (x, y, z, w, v) = T = PoPiPg • P3P4. Combining, for this purpose, the expressions, X = ^30:3 + tiX4, + u',. . v = t^Vs + ^4^4 + u\ (which are included in the symbolical equation (73), {Q)=^t,{Q,)-\-t,(CL) + u^iU). and express the collinearity PP3P4,) with the equations (75), /a?+ .. +5t;=0, Z+.. + 5 = 0, (which express the complanarity pPqPiP^,) we are conducted to the formula, ^3 {Ix^ + . . + svg) -I- «4 {Ix^ + . . + 5^4) = 0; which determines the ratio t^ : ^4, and contains the solution of the problem. For example, if p be a point on the line de, then (comp. 73), X=:y = z-u', w^tz+u', V = «4 + ?/; CHAP. III.] QUINARY TYPES OF POINTS AND PLANES. 61 but if it be also a point in the plane abc, then w-v-0 (75), and therefore ^3 - ^4 = ; hence (Q) = ^3(00011) + w^(ll 111), or (Q) = (00011); which last symbol had accordingly been found (72) to represent the intersection (fi^), Dj = abc • de. 77- When the five coefficients, xyzwv, of any given quinary symbol (Q) for a point p, or those of any congruent symbol (71), are any whole numbers (positive or negative, or zero), we shall say (comp. 42) that the point p is rationally related to the five given points, A . . E ; or briefly, that it is a Kational Point of the System, which those five points determine. And in like manner, when the five coefficients, Imnrs, of the quinary symbol (75) of a plane 11 are either equal or proportional to integers, we shall say that the plane is a Ra- tional Plane of the same System; or that it is rationally related to the same five points. On the contrary, when the quinary symbol of a point, or of a plane, has not thus already whole coefficients, and can- not be transformed (comp. 72) so as to have them, we shall say that the point or plane is irrationally related to the given points; or briefly, that it is irrational. A right line which connects two rational points, or is the intersection of two rational planes, may be called, on the same plan, a Rational Line ; and lines which cannot in either of these two ways be constructed, may be said by contrast to be Irrational Lines. It is evident from the nature of the eliminations employed (comp. again 42), that a plane, which is determined as con- taining three rational points, is necessarily a ra^eowaZ^Zawe; and in like manner, that o. point, which is determined as the common inter- section of three rational planes, is always a rational jwint : as is also every point which is obtained by the intersection of a rational line with a rational plane ; or of two rational lines with each other (when they happen to be complanar). 78. Finally, when two points^ or two planes, differ only by the ar- rangement (or order) of the coefficients in their qn'mar j symbols^ those points or planes may be said to have one common type; or briefly to be syntypicaL For example, ihefive given points, a, . . e, are thus syntypical, as being represented by the quinary symbols (10000), . . (00001); and the ten planes, obtained by taking all the ternary combinations of those five points, have in like manner one common type. Thus, the quinary symbol of the plane abc has been seen (75) to be [OOOll]; and the analogous symbol [11000] represents the plane cde, &c. Other examples will present themselves, in a 62 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. shortly subsequent Section, on the subject of Nets in Space. But it seems proper to say here a few words, respecting those Aiihar- monic Co-ordinates, Equations^ Symbols, and Types, for Space, which are obtained from the theory and expressions of the present Section, by reducing (as we are allowed to do) the number of the coefficients^ in each symbol or equation, from Jive to four. Section 3. — On Anharmonic Co-ordinates in Space. 79. When we adopt the second form (70) for />, or suppose (as we may) that the fifth coefficient in the yir5^ form vanishes, we get this other general expression (comp. 34, 36), for the vector of a point in space: xaa + yh3 + zc^ + wdb xa + yb-\-zc + wd and may then write the symbolic equation (comp. 36, 71), p=(a7, y, z, w), and call this last the Quaternary Symbol of the Point P : although we shall soon see cause for calling it also the Anharmonic Symbol of that point. Meanwhile we may remark, that the only congruent symbols (71), of this last form, are those which differ merely by the introduction oi s. common factor : the three ratios of the /owr coeffi- cients, X . ,w, being all required, in order to determine the position of the point; whereof those four coefficients may accordingly be said (comp. 36) to be the Anharmonic Coordinates in Space. 80. When we thus suppose that v = 0, in the quinary symbol of t\ie point p, we may suppress the fifth term sv, in the quinary equation of 2i plane IT, lx-\- ..+sv = (75) ; and therefore may suppress also (as here unnecessary) th^ fifth coefficient, s, in the quinary symbol of that plane, which is thus reduced to the quaternary form, n = [/, m, n, r]. This last may also be said (37, 79), to he the Anharmonic Symbol of the Plane, of which the Anharmonic Equation is Ix + my + nz + rw = 0', the four coefficients, Imnr, which we shall call also (comp. again 37) the Anharmonic Co-ordinates of that Plane 11, being not connected among themselves by any general relation (such as Z+ . .+5 = 0): since their three ratios (comp. 79) are all in general necessary, in order to determine the position of the plane in space. 81. If we suppose that the fourth coefficient, w, also vanishes, in CHAP. III.] ANHARMONIC CO-ORDINATES IN SPACE. 63 the recent symbol of a point, thsit point p is in theplane abc ; and may- then be sufficiently represented (as in 36) by the Ternary Symbol (a?, y, z). And if we attend only to the points in which an arbitrary plane n intersects the given plane abc, we may suppress its fourth co- efficient, r, as being for such points unnecessary. In this manner, then, we are reconducted to the equation, lx+my + nz= 0, and to the symbol, A= [Z, m, w], for a right line (37) in the plane abc, considered here as the trace, on that plane, of an arbitrary plane H in space. If this plane n be given by its quinary symbol (75), we thus obtain the ternary symbol for its tf^ace A, by simply suppressing the two last coefficients, r and s. 82. In the more general case, when the point p is not confined to the plane abc, if we denote (comp. 72) its quaternary symbol by (Q), the lately established formulae of collineation and complanarity (73, 74) will still hold good: provided that we now suppress the symbol ( U), or suppose its coefficient to be zero. Thus, the formula, {Q)=t'{Q)^t"{Q^)-Vt"'{Q"), expresses that the point p is in the plane -j^'^f'-p'" ; and if the coeffi- cient t"' vanish, the equation which then remains, namely, signifies that p is thus complanar with the two given points p^, v", and with an arbitrary third ^wint; or, in other words, that it is on the right line v'v" ; whence (comp. 76) problems of intersections of lines with planes can easily be resolved. In like manner, if we de- note briefly by [i?] the quaternary symbol \l, m, n, r'] for a plane n, the formula [i2] = t' [i?'] + 1" IR"^ + 1"' [R"q expresses that the plane n passes through the intersection of the thr^ planes, 11', II'', W ; and if we suppose t'^' = 0, so that [ij]=«'[fi']+«"[fi"3, the formula thus found denotes that the plane 11 passes through the point of intersection of the two planes, 11', 11", with any third jilane; or (comp. 41), that this plane n contains the line of intersec- tion of n', n" ; in which case the three planes, Tl, 11', 11", may be said to be coUinear. Hence it appears that either of the two expres- sions, I. . . t' ( Q') + ^" ( a^O. II- • • i' [-^G + i" \.Rf'\ may be used as a Symbol of a Right Line in Space : according as we consider that line A either, 1st, as connecting two given points, or 64 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. Ilnd, as being the intersection of two given planes. The remarks (77) on rational and irrational points, planes, and lines require no modifi- cation here; and those on types (78) adapt themselves as easily to quaternary as to quinary symbols. 83. From the foregoing general formulee of collineation and conj- planarity, it follows that the point p', in which the line ab inter- sects the plane cdp through CD and any proposed point P = {xyzw) of space, may be denoted thus : p' = AB • CDP = {xy{)Q)) ; for example, e = (U 1 1), and c' = ab • cde = (1100). In general, if ABCDEF be any six points of space, the four collinear planes (82), abc, abd, ABE, ABF, are said to form a pencil through ab; and if this be cut by any rectilinear transversal, in four points, c, D, e, f', then (comp. 35) the anharmonic function of this group of points (25) is called also the Anharmonic of the Pencil of Planes: which may be thus denoted, (ab . cdef) = (c'dVf'). Hence (comp. again 25, 35), by what has just been shown respect- ing c' and p', we may establish the important formula: (cD . AEBp) = (ac'bpO = - ; so that this ratio of coefficients, in the symbol {xyzw) for a variable point p (79), represents the anharmonic of a pencil of planes, of which the variable plane cdp is one; the three other planes of this pencil being given. In like manner, • \ y 1 / \ -2^ (ad . BECP) = -, and (bd . ceap) = - ; ^ Z X so that (comp. 36) the product of these three last anharmonics is unity. On the same plan we have also, (bc.aedp)=— , (ca.bedp) = — , (ab.cedp) = -; w w ^ ^ w so that the three ratios, of the three first coefficients xyz to the fourth coefficient w, suffice to determine the three planes, bcp, cap, ABP, whereof \h.Q point p is the common intersection, by means of the anharmonics of thxe pencils of planes, to which the three planes re- spectively belong. And thus we see a motive (besides that of analogy to expressions already used for points in a given plane), for calling the/owr coefficients, xyzw, in the quaterna/ry symbol (Jd) for 9, point in space, the Anharmonic Co-ordinates of that Point. 84. In general, if there be any four collinear points, Vq, . . P3, so CHAP. III.] ANHARMONIC CO-ORDINATES IN SPACE. 65 that (comp. 82) their symbols are connected by two linear equations, such as the following, (Qi) = «(Qo) + u{Cl,), (as) = t'{Q,) + w'(Q2), then the anharmonic of their group may be expressed (comp. 25, 44) as follows : ut' (PoPiP.P3) = -,; as appears by considering the pencil (cd . PoPiPgPa), and the transversal AB (83). And in like manner, if we have (comp. again 82) the two other symbolic equations, connecting /om?' collinear planes IIq . . n^, the anharmonic of their pencil (8.3) is expressed by the precisely similar formula, ut' (n„n,n,n,) = _; as may be proved by supposing the pencil to be cut by the same transversal line ab. 85. It follows that ii f{xyzw) and /j (a^^^it') be any two homo- geneous and linear functions of ic, y, z^w\ and if we determine four collinear planes IIo . . Ila (82), by the four equations, ■/=0, /i=/, /x = 0, j\ = kf, where h is any scalar ; we shall have the following value of the an- harmonic function, of the pencil of planes thus determined: f Hence we derive this Theorem^ which is important in the application of the present system of co-ordinates to space : — " The Quotient of any two given liomogeneous and linear Functions^ of the anharmonic Co-ordinates (79) of a variable Point p in space, may be expressed as the Anharmonic (noninalls) of a Pencil of Planes; w^hereof three are given, while the fourth passes through the variable point p, and through a given right line A which is common to the three former planes y 86. And in like manner may be proved this other but analogous Theorem : — " The Quotient of any two given homogeneous and linear Functions, of the anharmonic Co-ordinates (80) of a variable Plane n, may be ex- pressed as the Anharmonic (PoPiP^Pa) of a Group of Points; whereof three are given and colliriear, and the fourth is the intersection, A ' 11, of their common and given right line A, with the variable plane H," K 66 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. More fully, if the two given functions of Imnr be f and y^^ and if we determine three points P0P1P2 by the equations (comp. 57) F = 0, Fi = F, Fi=:0, and denote by P3 the intersection of their com- mon line A with n, we shall have the quotient, ^=(P0P,P,P3). For example, if we suppose that A2=(1001), B2=(010]), C2=(0011), A'2 = (1001), B'2 = (OIOT), c'2 = (00 iT), so that A2 = DA*BCE, &c., and (dA2Aa'2) = - 1, &c., we find that the three ratios of Z, m, n to r, in the symbol n = [/mnr], may be expressed (comp. 39) under the form of anharmonics of groups, as follows; - = (da'sAQ) ; - = (db^^br) ; - = (dc'sCs) ; where q, r, s denote the intersections of the plane n with the three given right lines, da, db, dc. And thus we have a motive (comp. 83) besides that of analogy to lines in a given plane (37), for calling (as above) the, four coefficients I, m, n, r, in the quaternary symbol (80) for a, plane n, the Anharmonic Co-ordinates of that Plane in Space. 87. It may be added, that if we denote by l, m, n the points in which the same plane IT is cut by the three given lines bc, ca, ab, and retain the notations a'', b''', c'^ for those other points on the same three lines which were so marked before (in 31, &c.), so that we may now write (comp. 36) A''= (0110), b'' = (1010), c''= (llOO), we shall have (comp. 39, 83) these three other anharmonics of groups, with their product equal to unity : — = (ca'^bl) ; - = (ab^^cm) ; — = (bc'^an) ; n V 7ft and the six given points, a.'\ e", c", A'2, B'2, c'2, are all in one given plane [e], of which the equation and symbol are: x + y + z + w = 0\ [e] = [11111]. The six groups of points, of which the anharmonic functions thus represent the six ratios of the four anharmonic co-ordinates, lmm\ of a variable plane n, are therefore situated on the six edges of the given pyramid^ abcd; two poi7iis in each group being corners of that CHAP. III.] GEOMETRICAL NETS IN SPACE. 67 pyramid, and the tiuo others being the intersections of the edge with the two planes^ [e] and n. Finally, the plane [e] is (in a known modern sense) the plane of homology ^^' and the point e is the centre of homology^ of the given pyramid abcd, and of an inscribed pyramid AiBiCiDi, where Ai = ea*bcd, &c.; so that Di retains its recent signi- fication (QQ, 76), and we may write the anharmonic symbols, Ai = (0111), Bi = (1011), Ci=(1101), Di = (IllO). And if we denote by a'ib'iC^d'i the harmonic conjugates to these last points, with respect to the lines ea, eb, ec, ed, so that (eaiAA'i) = . . = (eDiDD'i) = - 1, we have the corresponding symbols, A'i=(2111), B^ = (1211), c'i = (1121) D^ = (1112). Many other relations of position exist, between these various points, lines, and planes, of which some will come naturally to be noticed, in that theory of nets in space to which in the following Section we shall proceed. Section 4. — On Geometrical Nets in Space, 88. When we have (as in Q5) five given points a . . e, whereof no four are complanar, we can connect any two of them by a right line^ and the three others by a plane, and determine the point in which these last intersect one another: deriving t\i\\s a system oHen lines Aj, ten planes Hi, and ten points Pi, from the given system oi five points Po, by what may be called (comp. 34) a First Construction. We may next propose to determine all the new and distinct lines, A,, and planes, Ila, which connect the ten derived points Pj with the five given points Fq, and with each other ; and may then inquire what new and distinct points Pa arise (at this stage) as intersections of lines with planes, or oHines in one plane with each other: all such new lines, planes, and points being said (comp. again 34) to belong to a Second Construction. And then we might proceed to a Third Construction of the same kind, and so on for ever : building up thus what has been calledf a Geometrical Net in Space. To express this geome- trical process by quinary symbols (71, 75, 82) o^ points, planes, and lines, and by quinary types (78), so far at least as to the end of the second construction, will be found to be an useful exercise in the * See Poncelet's Traite des Propriete's Projectives (Paris, 1822). t By Mbbius, in p. 291 of his already cited Barycentric Calculus, 68 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. application of principles lately established : and therefore ulti- mately in that Method of Vectoks, which is the subject of the present Book. And the quinary form will here be more convenient than the quaternary^ because it will exhibit more clearly the geome- trical dependence of the derived points and planes on ih^five given points, and will thereby enable us, through a principle of symmetry^ to reduce the number of distinct types. 89. Of the five given points, Pq, the quinary type has been seen (78) to be (10000); while of the ten derived points p,, o^ first con- struction, the corresponding type may be taken as (00011); in fact, considered as symbols, these two represent the points a andDj. The nine other points Pi are a Vc/AiBjCiAaBaCa ; and we have now (comp. 83, 87, 86) the symbols, A'= BC • ADE = (01 100), Ai = EA • BCD = (10001), A2=DA -BCE^ (10010); also, in any symbol or equation of the present form, it is permitted to change a, b, c to b, g, a, provided that we at the same time write the third, first, and second co-efficients, in the places of the first, second, and third: thus, b' = ca • bde = (10100), &c. The symbol (a;^000) represents an arbitrary point on the line ab ; and the sym- bol [OOm'5], with n + r + 5 = 0, represents an arbitrary plane through that line : each therefore may be regarded (comp. 82) as a symbol also of the line ab itselfi and at the same time as a type of the ten lines Ai; while the symbol [000 ll], of the plane abc (75), may betaken (78) as a type of the ten planes Hi. Finally, the five pyramids, bcde, cade, abde, abce, abcd, and the ten triangles, such as abc, whereof each is a common face of two such pyramids, may be called pyramids i?i, and triangles T^, of the First Construction. 90. Proceeding to a Second Construction (88), we soon find that the lines A, may be arranged in two distinct groups; one group con- sisting oi fifteen lines Aj, i, such as the line* aa''d„ whereof each coti- nects two points Pi, and passes also through one point Pq, being the inter- section of two planes IIi through that point, as here of abc, ade; while the other group consists of thirty lines Ag, 2, such as b'c', each connecting two points Pi, but not passing through any point ?„, and being one of the thirty edges of five new pyramids R^, namely, C'b'AzA,, A'c'B^B], B^A'C^C,, A.B^C^Di, AiBjCiDj : * AB1C2, ABoCi, da'Ai, ea'Ao, are other lines of this group. CHAP. 111.] GEOMETRICAL NETS IN SPACE. 69 which pyramids i?2 may be said (comp. 87) to be inscribed homo- logues of the five former pyramids i?i, the centres of homology for these Jive pairs of pyramids being the five given points a . . e ; and \)i\Q. planes of homology being five planes [a] . . [e], whereof the last has been already mentioned (87), but which belong properly to a third con- struction (88). IhQ planes lis, oi second construction, form in like manner two groups; one consisting o^ fifteen planes U^, i, such as the plane of the five points, AB1B3C1C2, whereof each passes through one point Po, and t\iVou^\ four points Pi, and contains two lines Ag, 1, as here the lines AB1C2, AC1B2, besides containing /-u=0, a; + y + z -u)-2y= 0, x -V y + z^-w -Av = 0', with this additional consequence, that the ternary symbol (81) of the common trace, of the three latter on the former, is [111]: so that this trace is (by 38) the line A"B"c"of Fig. 21, as above. And if we briefly denote the quinary symbols of the four planes, taken in the same form and order as above, by \_Rq\ [iZi] [-Rg] [-^3], we see that they are connected by the two relations, [iJi] =- [/2o] + [i?2] ; [.Rz'\ = 2[/?o] + [Ro] ; whence if we denote the planes themselves by IIi, 112, n'2, lis, we have (comp. 84) the following value for the anharmonic of their pencil, (Hinan'sHs) = - 2 ; a result which can be very simply verified, for the case when abcd is a regular py- ramid, and E (comp. 29) is its mean point : the plane lis, or [e], becoming in this case (comp. 38) the plane at infinity, while the three other planes, abc, AiBiCi, A2B2C2, axe parallel ; the second being intermediate ioei^eQn the other two, but twice as near to the third as to the first. (3.) "We must be a little more concise in our remarks on the seven other types of points P2, which indeed, if not so well known,* are perhaps also, on the whole, not quite so interesting : although it seems that some circumstances of their arrangement in space may deserve to be noted here, especially as affording an additional exercise (88), in the present system of symbols and types. The type P2, 2 represents, then, a. group oi thirty points, of which a", in Fig. 21, is an example; each being the intersection of a line A2,i with a line A2,2, as a'" is the point in which aa' intersects b'c' : but each belonging to no other line, among those which have been hitherto considered. But without aiming to describe here all ihe lines, planes, and points, of what we have called the third construction, we may already see that they must be expected to be numerous : and that the planes lis, and the hnes A3, of that construction, as well as the pyramids Ro, and the triangles To, of the second construction, above noticed, can only be regarded as specimens, which in a closer study of the subject, it becomes ne- cessary to mark more fully, on the present plan, as lis, i, . . Tz,i. Accordingly it is found that not only is each point P2, 2 one of the corners of a triangle T3, 1 of third construction (as a'" is of a"'b"'c"' in Fig. 21), the sides of which new triangle are lines A3, 2, passing each through one point P2,i and through two points P2,2 (hke the dotted line a"b"'c"' of Fig. 21) ; but also each such point P2, 2 is the intersection of two new lines of third construction, A3, 3, whereof each connects a point Pq with a * It does not appear that any of these other types, or groups, of points P2, have hitherto been noticed, in connexion with the net in space, except the one which we have ranked as the fifth, po, 5, and which represents two points on each line Ai, as the type P2, 1 has been seen to represent one point on each of those ten lines of first con- struction : but thdX fifth group, which maybe exemplified by the intersections of the line DE with the two planes AiBiCi and A2B2C2, has been indicated by Mobius (in page 290 of his already cited work), although with a different notation^ and as the re- sult of a different analysis. CHAP. III.] GEOMETRICAL NETS IN SPACE. 73 point P2,i. For example, the point a'" is the common trace (ou the plane abc) of the two new lines, da'i, EA'g: because, if we adopt for this point a'" the second of its two congruent symbols, we have (comp. 73, 82) the expressions, A"'= (10011) = (d) - (A'l) = (e) - (A'2). We may therefore establish the formula of concurrence (comp. the first sub-article) : a'" = aa' • b'c' • da'i • E A'2 -, which represents a system of thirty such formulae, (4.) It has been remarked that the point a'" may be represented, not only by the quinary symbol (21100), but also by the congruent symbol, (10011); if then we write, Ao = (Ii100), Bo = (iriOO), Co = (11100), these three new points AqBoOo, in the plane of abc, must be considered to be syntypical, in the quinary sense C78), with the three points a"'b"'c"', or to belong to the same group P2,2, although they have (comp. 88) a different ternary type. It is easy to see that, while the triangle a"'b"'c"' is (comp. again Fig. 21) an inscribed homo- logue Ty,! of the triangle a'b'c', which is itself (com\). sub-article 1) an inscrihed homologue To, 1 of a triangle Ti, namely of abc, with a"b"c" for their common a is of homology, the new triangle AqBoCo is on the contrary an exscrihed homologue Ti,2, with the same axis As,!, of the same given triangle Ti. But from the syuty- pical relation, existing as above for space between the points a'" and Ao, we may expect to find that these two points P2, 2 admit of being similarly consirucfed, when the^ue points Pq are treated as entering symmetrically (or similarly), as geometri- cal elements, into the constructions. The point Aq must therefore be situated, not only on a line A2,i, namely, on aa', but also on a line A2,2, which is easily found to be A1A2, and on two lines A3, 3, each connecting a point Pq with a point P2,i ; which latter lines are soon seen to be bb" and cc". We may therefore establish the formula of concurrence (comp. the last sub-article) : Ao = aa'*AiA3*bb"-cc"; and may consider the three points Aq, Bq, Co as the traces of the three lines AiAo, B1B2, C1C2 : while the three new lines aa'', bb", cc", which coincide in position with the sides of the exscribed triangle AqBoCIo, are the traces A3, 3 of three planes 1X2, 1, such as AB1C2B2C1, which pass through the three given points A, B, c, but do not contain the Unes A2,i whereon the six points P2,2 in their plane ITi are situated. Every other plane IIi contains, in like manner, six points P2 of the present group ; every plane 1X2, 1 contains eight of them ; and every plane 112,2 contains three; each line A2, 1 passing through two such points, but each line A2, 3 only through one. But besides being (as above) the intersection of two lines Ao, each point of this group P2,2 is common to two planes Yli, four planes 113,1, and two planes 112,2; while each of these thirty points is also a common corner of two different triangles of ^/aVrf construction, of the lately mentioned kinds Ts, 1 and 2^,2, situated respectively in the two planes oi first construction which contain the point itself. It may be added that each of the two points P2, 2, on a line A2, 1, is the harmonic conjugate of one of the two points pi, with respect to the point Pq, and to the other point Pi oa that line ; thus we have here the two harmonic equations, (aa'dia'") = (adia'ao) = — 1, by which the positions of the two points a'" and Ao miglit be determined. L 74 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. (5.) A third group, P2,3, oi second construction, consists (like the preceding group) of thirty points, ranged two hxj two on the fifteen lines Aa^i, and six hy six on the ten planes ITi, but so that each is common to two such planes ; each is also situated in two planes Zlg,!, in two planes Il2,2, and on one line A3, i in which (by sub art. 1) these two last planes intersect each other, and two of the five planes lis, i ; each plane 112,1 contains /owr such points, and each plane 112,2 contains three of them ; but no point of this group is on any line Ai, or A2,2' The six points P2,3, which are in the plane abc, are represented (like the corresponding points of the last group) by two ternary types, namely by (211) and (311) ; and may be exemplified by the two following points, of which these last are the ternary symbols : A'^ = AA' • a"b"c" = AA' • AiBiCi ' A2B2C2 ; Ai'^ = AA' •d'iA'2A 1 = AA' •b'CiC2 •c'BiB2. The three points of the first sub-group a'^ . . are collinear ; but the three points Ai''^ . . of the second sub-group are the corners of a new triangle, T3, 3, which is homologous to the triangle abc, and to all the other triangles in its plane which have been hitherto considered, as well as to the two triangles AiBiCi and A2B2C2 ; the line of the three former points being their common axis of homology ; and the sides of the new trian- gle, Ai'^Bi'^Ci'^, being the traces of the three planes (comp, 90) of homology of pyra- mids, [a], [b], [c] ; as (comp. sub-art. 2) the line a'^b^'^c'"' or a"b"c" is the com- mon trace of the two other planes of the same group lis, 1, namely of [d] and [e]. We may also say that the point Ai'"^ is the trace of the line a'ia'2 ; and because the lines b'co, c'bo are the traces of the two planes 112,2 in which that point is contained, we may write the formula of concurrence, Ai" = A a' • a'ia'2 • b'Co • c'Bo. (G.) It may be also remarked, that each of the two points P2, 3) on any line A2, 1, is the harmonic conjugate of a point P2, 2, with respect to the point Pq, and to one of the two points Pi on that line ; being also the harmonic conjugate of this last point, with respect to the same point Pq, and the other point P2,2 : thus, on the line aa'dj, we have the /oMr harmonic equations, which are not however all independent, since two of them can be deduced from the two others, with the help of the two analogous equations of the fourth sub-article : (aa"'a'a''^) = (aa'aqA") = (aaqDiAi'^) = (adia"'ai*'^) = - 1. And the three pairs of derived points Pi, P2,2, P2,3, on any such line A2, 1, will be found (comp. 26) to compose an involution, with the given point Pq on the line for 07ie of its two double points (ov foci') : the other double point of this involution being a point P3 of third construction ; namely, the point in which the line A2, 1 meets that one of the five planes of homology IT3, 1, which corresponds (comp. 90) to the par- ticular point Pq as centre. Thus, in the present example, if we denote by A'' the point in which the line aa' meets the plane [a], of which (by 81, 91) the trace on ABC is the line [411], and therefore is (as has been stated) the side Bi'^ci*^ of the lately mentioned triangle T3, 3, so that A^ = (1 22) = aa' • BC'" • Cb'" • Bi'^Ci"^, we shall have the three harmonic equations, (aa'a^Di) = (aa"'a^Ao) = (AA'^A^Ai'^) = - 1 ; which express that this new point A" is the common harmonic conjvgate of the given CHAP. III.] GEOMETRICAL NETS IN SPACE. 75 point A, with respect to the three pairs of points^ a'di, a"'Ao, a'^Ai'^ ; and therefore that these three pairs form (as has been said) an involution, with A and A'^ for its two double points. (7.) It will be found that we have now exhausted all the types of points of second construction, which are situated upon lines A2, 1 ; there being only four sach points on each such line. But there are still to be considered two new groups of points P2 on lines Ai, and three others on lines A2,2- Attending first to the former set of lines, we may observe that each of the two new types, P2,4, P2,5, represents twenty points, situated two by two on the ten lines of first construction, but not on any line A2 ; and therefore six by six in the ten planes ITi, each point however being coinmon to three such planes : also each point P2,4 is common to three planes 172,2, and each point P2, 5 is situated in one such plane ; while each of these last planes contains three points P2, 4, but only one point P2, 5- If we attend only to points in the plane abc, we can represent these two new groups by the two ternary types, (021) and (021), which as symbols denote the two typical points, A^ = BC • c'AiA2 • DlAiBi • «iA2B2 ; A^' = BC • c'BiBo = BC c'Bq ; we have also the concurrence, A^ = BC • o'Aq • DiC" • AB '", It may be noted that A^ is the harmonic conjugate of c, with respect to Aq and Bi'^, which last point is on the same trace c'aq, of the plane c'aiA2 ; and that a^' is harmonically conjugate to Bi^, with respect to c' and Bq, on the trace of the plane c'biB2, where bi^ denotes (by an analogy which will soon become more evident) the intersection of that trace with the line ca : so that we have the two equations, (AqC'Bi'^A^) = (boBi^o'a^'') = - 1. (8.) Each line Ai, contains thus two points P2, of each of the two last new groups, besides the point P2, 1, the point Pi, and the two points Pq, which had been previously considered : it contains therefore eight points in all, if we still abstain (88) from proceeding beyond the Second Construction. And it is easy to prove that these eight points can, in two distinct modes, be so arranged as to form (comp. sub-art. 6) an involution, with two of them for the two double points thereof. Thus, if we attend only to points on the line bc, and represent them by ternary symbols, we may write, B = (010), c=(001), A'=(011), a"=(0i1); a^=(021), a^' = (021), AiV = (012), Ai^' = (012); and the resulting harmonic equations I. . . (ba'oa") = (BA^CA^') = (BAf CAi^O = - I, II. . . (a'ba'c) = (A'AVA"Af') = (aVa"Ai^') = - I, will then suffice to show : 1st., that the two points Pq, on any line Ai, are the double points of an involution, in which the points Pi, Po,i form one pair of conjugates, while the two other pairs are of the common form, P2,4, P2,5; and Ilnd., that the two points Pi and P2, 1, on any such line Ai, are the double points of a second iiivo- lution, obtained by pairing the two points of each of the three other groups. Also each of the two points Pq, on a line Ai, is the harmonic conjugate of one of the two points P2,5 on that line, with respect to the other point of the same group, and to the point Pi on the same line ; thus, 76 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. (ba'ai"a^O = (ca'a^Ai^O = - 1. (9.) It remains to consider briefly three other groups of points P2, each group containing sixty points , which are situated, two by two, on the thirty lines A2,2, and six by six in the ten planes 11 1. Confining our attention to those which are in the plane abc, and denoting them by their ternary symbols, we have thus, on the line b'c', the three new typical points, of the three remaining groups, P2.6, P2,7, P2,8 : A^"= (121) ; A^"' = (321) ; a« = (237) ; with which may be combined these three others, of the same three types, and on the same line b'c' : Ai^" = (112); Ai^'" = (312); Ai« = (213). Considered as intersections of a line A2,2 with lines A3 in the same plane IIi, or with planes 112 (in which latter character alone they belong to the second construction), the three points a"', &c., may be thus denoted : A"^" = b'c' ■ BB" • Cb"' • AA^^ = b'c' ' BCiA2AiC2 ; jjni _ 3'^' . j,^b" . ^"^v _ b'c' . DiCiAi • D1C2A2 ; A™= b'c'* a'CoBi'^Ci"^B^i-BA*^Bi'^'Bi'^" = b'c''a'ciC2 ; with the harmonic equation, (CqA'Ci^A^^) = - 1, and with analogous expressions for the three other points, Ai^", &c. The line b'c' thus intersects one plane 112,1 (or its trace bb" on the plane abc), in the point a^" ; it intersects two planes 112,2 (or their common trace Dib") in A"^°' ; and one other plane 112,2 (or its trace a'cq) in a'^ : and similarly for the other points, Ai"^", &c., of the same three groups. Each plane li^, 1 contains twelve points P2,6, eight points P2,7, and eight points P2,8; while every plane 112,2 contains six points P2,6) twelve points P2,7, and nine points P2,8. Each point P2,6 is contained in one plane IIi; in three planes 112,1; and in two planes n2,2. Each point P2,7 is in one plane ITi, in two planes 112,1, and mfour planes 02,2. And each point P2,8 is situated in one plane ITi, in two planes 112,1, and in three planes 112,2. (10.) The points of the three last groups are situated o/j/y on lines A2,2; but, on each such hne, two points of each of those three groups are situated ; which, along with one point of each of the two former groups, P2, 1 and P2,2, and with the two points Pi, whereby the line itself is determined, make up a system oitenpoints upon that line. For example, the line b'c' contains, besides the six points mentioned in the last sub -article, the^wr others: b'=(101); c'=(110); a" = (011); a"'=(211). Of these ten points, the two last mentioned, namely the points P2,i and P2,2upon the line A2,2, are the double poitits (comp. sub-art. 8) of a new involution, in which the two points of each of the four other groups compose a conjugate pair, as is expressed by the harmonic equations, (a"b'a"'c') = (A"A^"A"'Ar") = (A"A^"'A"'Ar"') = (a"a'*a"'Ai«) = - I. And the analogous equations, (b'a"c'a"') = (b'a^"c'a^'") = (b'ai^"c'ai^'") =- 1» show that the two points Pi on any line A2,2 are the double points of of another invo- lution (comp. again sub-art. 8), whereof the two points P2,i, P2,2 on that line form CHAP. III.] GEOMETIIICAL NETS IN SPACE. 77 one conjugate pair, while each of the two points P2,6 is paired with one of the points P2,7 as its conjugate. In fact, the eight-rayed pencil (a.c'b'a'"a"a^'"'a^"Ai^"'Ai'") coincides in position with the pencil ( A . bca Wa"^'Ai^Ai"^'), and maybe said to be a pencil in double involution ; the third and fourth, the fifth and sixth, and the se- venth and eighth rays forming one involution, whereof the first and second are the two double* rays ; while the first and second, the fifth and seventh, and the sixth and eighth rays compose another involution, whereof the double rays are the third and fourth of the pencil. (11.) If we proceeded to connect systematically the points P2 among themselves, and with the points Pi and Pq, we should find many remarkable lines and planes of third construction (88), besides those which have been incidentally noticed above ; for example, we should have a group IIo,2 of twenty new planes^ exemplified by the two following, [E„] = [11103], [D^] = [11130], which have the same common trace A3, 1, namely the line a"b"c", on the plane abc, as the two planes AiBiCi, A2B2C2, and the two planes [d], [e], of the groups 1X2,2 and 113, 1, which have been considered in former sub- articles ; and each of these new planes Ha, 2 would be found to contain one point Pq, three points P2,i, six points P2,25 and three points P2, 3. It might be proved also that these twenty new planes are the twenty faces of Jive new pyramids R3, which are the exscribed homologues of the five old pyramids Ki (89), with the five given points Pq for the corresponding centres of homology. But it would lead us beyond the proposed limits, to pursue this dis- cussion further : although a few additional remarks may be useful, as serving to establish the completeness of the enumeration above given, of the lines, planes, and points oi second construction. 93. In general, if there be any n given points^ whereof no four are situated in any common plane, the number N of the derived points, which are immediately obtained from them, as intersections A • n of line with plane (each line being drawn through two of the given points, and each plane through three others), or the number of points of the/orm ab'CDE, is easily seen to be, _ n(^^-])(7^-2)(7.-3)(n-4) ^ ^'•^^^~ 2.2.3 so that N - 10, as before, when 7t = 5. But if we were to apply this formula to the case n= 15, we should iSnd, for that case, the value, iVr=y(i5)=i5.i4. 13.11 = 30030; and ikiVi^ fifteen given and independent points of space would conduct, by what might (relatively to them) be called a First Construction (comp. 88), to a system of more than thirty thousand points. Yet it has been lately stated (92), that from the fifteen points above called Po> Pi, there can be derived, in this way, onlu two hundred and ninety * Compart; page i7'2 of the GJc:::. Srvc'rUure of il. Chasies. 78 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. points P2, as intersections of the form* A -11; and therefore /e^^er than three hundred. That this reduction of the number of derived points^ at the end of what has been called (88) the Second Construc- tion for the net in space, arising from the dependence of the ten points Pi on thQJive points Pq, would be found to be so considerable, might not perhaps have been anticipated; and although the foregoing ex- amination proves that all the eight types (92) do really represent points P2, it may appear possible, at this stage, that some other type of such points has been omitted. A study of the manner in which the types of points result, from those of the lines and planes oi which they are the intersections, would indeed decide this question ; and it was, in fact, in that way that the eight types, or groups, Po, 1, . .p^is, of points of second construction for space, were investigated, and found to be sufficient: yet it may be useful (compare the last sub- art.) to verify, as below, the completeness of the foregoing enumeration. (1.) ThQ ff teen points, V(!, Pi, admit of 105 binary^ and of 455 ternary combina- tions; but these are far from determining so many distinct lines and planes. In fact, those 15 points are connected by 25 collineations, represented by the 25 lines Ai, A2,i; which lines therefore count as 75, among the 105 binary combinations of points : and there remain only 30 combinations of this sort, which are constructed by the 30 other lines, A2,2- Again, there are 25 ternary combinations of points, which are represented (as above) by lines, and therefore do not determine any plane. Also, in each of the ten planes IIi, there are 29 (=35 - 6) triangles Ti, Tg, because each of those planes contains 7 points Pq, Pi, connected by 6 relations of coUinearity. In like manner, each oi the fifteen planes 1X2,1 contains 8 (= 10-2) other triangles T-z, because it contains 5 points po, Pi, connected by two collineations. There re- main therefore only 20 (= 455 — 25 — 290 - 120) ternary combinations of points to be accounted for; and these are represented by the 20 planes 112, 2- The complete- ness of the enumeration of the lines and planes of the second construction is therefore verified ; and it only remains to verify that the 305 points, Pq, Pi, P2, above consi- dered, represent all the intersections A -IT, of the 55 lines A 1, A2, with the 45 planes III, n2. (2.) Each plane IIi contains three lines of each of the three groups, Ai, A2, 1, A 2, 2; each plane 1X2,1 contains two lines A 2,1, and four lines A2,2; and each plane 1X2,2 contains three lines A2,2. Hence (or because each line Ai is contained in three planes 11 1; each line A 2,1 in two planes IXi, and in two planes 1X2,1; and each line A2, 2 in one plane ITi, in two planes 1X2, 1, and in two planes IX2, 2), it follows that, without going beyond the second construction, there are 240 (= 30 i- 30 + 30 + 30 * The definition (88) of the points P2 admits, indeed, intersections A'A ofcom- planar lines, when they are not already points Pq or Pi ; but all such intersections are also points of the form A- XI ; so that no generality is lost, by confining ourselves to this last form, as in the present discussion we propose to do. CHAP. u..] GEOMETRICAL NETS IN SPACE. 79 + 60 + 60) cases of coincidence of line and plane; so that the number of cases of intersection is reduced, hereby, from 56 . 45 = 2475, to 2235 (= 2475 — 240). (3.) Each point Pq represents twelve intersections of the form Ai'Hi ; because it is common to four lines A\, and to six planes IIi, each plane containing two of those four lines, but being intersected by the two others in that point Pq ; as the plane ABC, for example, is intersected in A by the two lines, ad and ae. Again, each point Po is common to three planes IIo, i, no one of which contains any of the four lines Ai through that point ; it represents therefore a system of twelve other inter- sections^ of the form Ai • ITa, i. Again, each point Pq is common to three lines Ai, i, each of which is contained in two of the six planes IIi, but intersects the four others in that point Pq ; which therefore counts as twelve intersections, of the form A2, rlli. Finally, each of the points Pq represents three intersections, A2, 1 * ITo, 1 ; and it re- presents no o^Aer intersection, of the form A -IT, within the limits of the present inquiiy. Thus, each of the^re given points is to be considered as representing, or constructing, thirty-nine (= 12 -f 12 + 12 +3) intersections of line with plane; and there remain only 2040 (= 2235 — 195) other cases of such intersection A •IT, to be accounted for (in the present verification) by the 300 derived points, Pi, P2. (4.) For this purpose, the nine columns, headed as I. to IX. in the following Table, contain the numbers of such intersections which belong respectively to the nine forjns, Ai'iii, Ai-n2,i, Arn2,2; A2,i-ni, A2,i-n2,i, A2,i-n2,2; A2,2*ni, A2,2*n3, 1, A2,2"n2,2, for each of the nine typical derived points, a' . . . A'^, of the nine groups Pi, P2, 1, . . P2,8. Column X. contains, for each point, the sum of the nine numbers, thus tabu- lated in the preceding columns ; and expresses therefore the entire number of inter- sections, which any one such point represents. Column XI. states the number of the points for each type ; and column XII. contains the product of the two last numbers, or the number of intersections A . Tl which are represented (or constructed) by the group. Finally, the sum of the numbers in each of the two last columns is written at its foot ; and because the 300 derived points, of first and second constructions, are thus found to represent the 2040 intersections Avhich were to be accounted for, the verification is seen to be complete : and no new type, of points P2, remains to be discovered. (5.) Table of Intersections A n. Type. I. 11, III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. a' 1 6 6 6 12 18 18 24 24 115 10 1150 a" 3 6 6 3 12 30 10 300 a'" 2 2 1 2 7 30 210 A'^ 2 2 30 60 A' 3 3 20 60 A^' 1 1 20 20 A^" 1 1 60 60 ^Tin 2 2 60 120 A'* " 1 1 60 300 60 1 2040 80 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. (6._) It is to be remembered tbat we have not admitted, by our definition (88), any points which can only he determined hy intersections of three planes TIi, 02, as belonging to the second construction : nor have we counted, as lines A2 of that construction, any lines which can only be found as intersections of two such planes. For example, we do not regard the traces Aa", &c., of certain pZanes A2,i considered in recent sub-articles, as among the lines of second construction, although they would present themselves early in an enumeration of the lines A3 of the third. And any point in the plane abc, which can only be determined (at the present stage) as the intersection of two such traces, is not regarded as a point P2. A student might find it however to be not useless, as an exercise, to investigate the expressions for such intersections ; and for that reason it may be noted here, that the ternary types (comp, 81) of the forty-four traces of planes ITi, IIo, on the plane abc, which are found to compose a system of only twenty-two distinct lines in that plane, whereof nine are lines Ai, A2, are the seven following (comp. 38) : [100], [Oil], [111], [111], [Oil], [211], [211]; which, as ternary symbols, represent the seven lines, EC, aa', b'c', a"b"c", aa", Dia'', a'co- (7.) Again, on the same principle, and with reference to the same definition, that new point, say f, which may be denoted by either of the two congruent quinary symbols (71), F= (43210) E (01234), and which, as a quinary type (78), represents a new group of sixty points of space (and of no more, on account of this last congruence, whereas a quinary type, with all its Jive coefiicients unequal, represents generally a group of 120 distinct points), is not regarded by us as a point P2 ; although this new point f is easily seen to be the intersection of three planes of second construction, namely, of the three following, which all belong to the group IIo, 1 : [OlIIl], [11011], [iilio], or aa'diCiB3, cc'diBiA2, eb'b2c'c2. It may, however, be remarked in passing, that each plane II 2, 1 contains twelve points P3 of this new group : every such point being common (as is evident from what has been shown) to three such planes. 94. From the foregoing discussion it appears that the^ye given points Po, and the three hundred derived points Pi, P2, are arranged in space, upon the fifty-Jive lines A^, A^, and in the forty-Jive planes H^ rig, as follows. Each line Aj contains eight of the 305 points, forming on it what may be called (see the sub-article (8.) to 92) a double in- volution. Each line A2, 1 contains seven points, whereof one, namely the given point, Pq, has been seen (in the earlier sub-art. (6.)) to be a double point of another involution, to which the thj^ee derived pairs of points, Pi, p.^, on the same line belong. And each line Aj,jj con- tains ten points, forming on it a 7iew involution; while eight of these ten points, with a different order of succession, compose still another CHAP, in.] GKOxMETRICAL NETS IN SPACE. 81 involution* (92, (10.))- Again, each plane n, contains fifty -two points, namely three given points, four points of first, and 45 points of 5ecow • • 1*25 81 given or derived, and of all the three groups of lines, A^, ■^2)1) ^2,2, at the close of that second construction (since the types P2»4j P2>5j Ai are not represented by any points or lines in any plane 112,1, nor are the types Pq, Ai, Ag,! represented in a plane 112,2), it has been thought convenient to prepare the annexed diagram (Fig. 30), which may serve to illustrate, by some selected instances, the arrangement oi th^ fifty -two points Pq, Pi, P2 in a plane 11^, namely, in the plane abc; as well as the arrangement of the nine lines A„ A, in that plane, and the ti^aces A3 of other planes upon it. View of the Arrangement of the Principal Points and Lines in a Plane of First Construction, In this Figure, the triangle abc is suppposed, for simplicity, to be the equilateral base of a regular pyramid abcd (comp. sub-art. (2.) to 92) ; and Di, again replaced by o, is supposed to be its mean point (29). The first inscribed triangle, a'b'c', therefore, bisects the three sides ; and the axis of homology a''b"c" is the line at in- finity (38): the number 1, on the line c'b' prolonged, being designed to suggest that CHAP. 111.] GEOxMETRlCAL NETS IN SPACE. 83^ the point a", to which that line tends, is of the type ?•.>, i, or belongs to the y/rs< group of points of second construction. A second inscribed triangle, a"'b"'c"', for which Fig. 21 may be consulted, is only indicated by the number 2 placed at the middle of the side b'c', to suggest that this bisecting point a'" belongs to the second group of points Pg. The same number 2, but with an accent, 2', is placed near the corner Aq of the exscribed triangle AqBoCo, to remind us that this corner also belongs (by a syntypical relation in space) to the group P2,2. The point a''', which is now infinitely distant, is indicated by the number 3, on the dotted line at the top ; while the same number with an accent, lower down, marks the position of the point Ai". Finally, the ten other numbers, unaccented or accented, 4, 4', 5, 5', 6, 6', 7, 7', 8, 8', denote the places of the ten points, a^, Ai^, a^', Ai^', a"', Ai^« a'"', a^'" A'*, Ai"^. And the principal harmonic relations, and relations of involution, above mentioned, may be verified by inspection of this Diagram. 95. However far the series of construction of the net in space may be continued, we may now regard it as evident, at least on com- parison with the analogous property (42) of the plane net, that every pointf line, or plane, to which such constructions can conduct, must necessarily be rational (77); or that it must be rationally related to the system o^ the f^ve given points : hecause ihm anharmojiic co-ordi- nates (79, 80) of every net-point, and of every net-plane, are equal or proportional to whole numbers. Conversely (comp. 43) every pointy line, OT plane, in space, which is thus rationally related to the system of points ABODE, is a point, line, or plane of the net, which those five points determine. Hence (comp. again 43), every irrational point, line, or plane (77), is indeed incapable of being rigorously constructed, by any processes of the kind above described; but it admits of being inde- finitely approximated to, by points, lines, or planes of the net. Every anharmonic ratio, whether of a. group of net-points, or of a pencil of net-lines, or of net-planes, has a rational value (comp. 44), which de- pends only on the processes of linear construction employed, in the generation of that group or pencil, and is entirely independent of the arrangement, or configuration, of the five given points in space. Also,, all relations of collineation, and of complanarity, are preserved, in the passage from one net to another, by a change of the given system of points: so that it may be briefly said (comp. again 44) that all geo- metrical nets in space are homographic figures. Finally, any five points* of such a net, of which no four are in one plane, are sufficient (comp. * These general properties (95) of the space-net are in substance taken from Mobius, although (as has been remarked before) the analysis here employed appears to be new : as do also most of the theorems above given, respecting ihepoints of second construction (92), at least after we pass beyond the Jirst group V2, \ of ten such points, which (as already stated) have been known comparatively long. 84 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. 45) for the determination of the whole net: or for the linear construc- tion of all its points, including the five given ones. (1.) As an Example, let the five points AiBiCiDi and e be now supposed to be given ; and let it be required to derive the four points abcd, by linear constructions, from these new data. In other words, we are now required to exscrihe a pyramid ABCD to a given pyramid AiBiCiDi, so that it may be homologous thereto, with the point E for their given centre of homology. An obvious process is (comp. 45) to in. scribe another homologous pyramid, A3B3C3D3,, so as to have A3 = eai*BiCiDi, &c ; and then to determine the intersections of corresponding faces, such as AiBiCi and A3B3C3 ; for these/owr lines of intersection will be in the common plane\E^, of homology of the three pyramids, and will be the traces on that plane of the /owr sought planes, ABC, &c., drawn through the four given points Di, &c. If it were only required to construct one corner A of the exscribed pyramid, we might find the point above called a'' as the common intersection of three planes, as follows, A'^ = AiBiCi • Aid/e • A3B3C3 ; and then should have this other formula of intersection, A =EAi-DiA''. Or the point A might be determined by the anharmonic equation, (EAA1A3) = 3, yrhich for a regular pyramid is easily verified. (2.) As regards the general passage from one net in space to another, let the symbols Pi ={xi . . vi), . . P5 = (a^s . . Pg) denote any Jive given points, wliereof no four are complanar ; and let a'b'c'd'e and «' be six coefiicients, of which the five ratios are such as to satisfy the symbolical equation (^comp. 71, 72), a' (Pi) + bXFz) + c' (P3) + d'(Pi) + ^'(yd ==-u'CU): or the five ordinary equations which it includes, namely, a'xi + . . + e'x5 = . . = a'vi + . . 4- e'v^ = - u'. Let p' be any sixth point of space, of which the quinary symbol satisfies the equa- tion, (p')=:ica'(Pi) + 2/5(P2)+ zc'(pi) + wd'(Fi) + ve'(V5)+u{ U) ; then it will be found that this last point p' can be derived from the five points Pi . . P5 by precisely the same constructions, as those by which the point p = (^xyzwv') is de- rived from the five points abcde. As an example, if w' = aj + y + « + w — 3w, then the point {xyzwv) is derived from AiBiCiD]E, by the same constructions as (xyzwv) from ABCDE ; thus a itself may be constructed from Ai . . E, as the point p = (30001) is from a . . b ; which would conduct anew to the anharmonic equation of the last sub-article. (3.) It may be briefly added here, that instead of anharmonic ratios, as con- nected with a net in space, or indeed generally in relation to spatial problems, we are permitted (comp. 68) to substitute products (or quotients) of quotients of volumes of pyramids; as a specimen of which substitution, it may be remarked, that the an- harmonic relation, just referred to, admits of being replaced by the following equa- tion, involving one such quotient of pyramids, but introducing no auxiliary point : CHAP. III.] MEANS OF VECTORS. 85 EA : AiA = 3eBiCiDi : AiBiCiDi. In general, if xyzw be (as in 79, 83) the anharmonic co-ordinates of a point p in space, yve may write, X PBCD EBCD ^ PCDA " ECDa' with other equations of the same type, on which we cannot here delay. Section 5. — On Barycentres of Systems of Points ; and on Simple and Complex Means of Vectors, 96. In general, when the sum 2a of any number of co-initial vectors, ai = OAi, .. a^ = OA„„ is divided (16) by their number, m, the resulting vector , a = OM = — 2a = - 2oA, m m is said to be the Simple Mean of those m vectors; and ihQ point m, in which this mean vector terminates, and of which the position (comp. 18) is easily seen to be independent of the position of the common origin o, is said to be the Mean Point (comp. 29), of the system of the m points, Aj, . . A«. It is evident that we have the equa- tion, = (ai-^) + . .+(a^-/i) = 2(a-/t)-2MA; or that the sum of the m vectors, drawn/row the mean point m, to the points A of the system, is equal to zero. And hence (comp. 10, 11, 30), it follows, 1st., that these m vectors are equal to the m successive sides of a closed polygon ; Ilnd., that if the system and its mean point be projected, by any parallel ordinates, on any assumed plane (or line), the projection m', of the mean point m, is the mean point of the projected system : and Illrd., that the ordinate mm', of the mean point, is the mean of all the other ordinates, AiA'i, . . a^a'„. It fol- lows, also, that if n be the mean point of another system, Bi, . . b„; and if s be the mean point of the total system, Aj . . b,„ of the m + tj = s points obtained by combining the two former, considered as par- tial systems ; while v and a may denote the vectors, on and os, of these two last mean points : then we shall have the equations, 7W/*-2a, wi^ = 2y3, 5ff = 2a+ 2)3 = w/i + /ii^, miff- iJi) = n{v~ a), w.MS=n.SN; so that the general mean point, s, is situated on the right line mn, which connects the two partial mean points, m and n; and divides 86 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. that line (internally), into tivo segments ms and sn, which are inversely proportional to the two whole numbers^ m and n. (1.) As an Example, let abcd be a gauche quadrilateral^ and let E be its mean point ; or more fully, let OE = ;i (OA + OB -t- DC -f Od), or that is to say, let o = 6 = c = rf, in the equations of Art. 65. Then, with notations lately used, for certain derived points Di, &c., if we write the vector formuloe, OAi = ai = i(i3 + y + 5), .. 5i=K« + /3 + r), OA3=a2 = |(a + 5), . . r2 = Ky + ^). oA' = a'=|(/3+r),.. y'=K«+/3), we shall have seven different expressions for the mean vector^ i ; namely, the follow- ing: e = K« + 3ai) = .. = i(^+3^0 = K«'+«2) =.. = §(/ + 72). And these conduct to the seven equations between segments^ AE = 3eai, . . DB = 3edi ; a'e = ea2, . . c'b = ec2; which prove (what is otherwise known) that the four right lines, here denoted by AAi, . . DDi, whereof each connects a corner of the pyramid abcd with the mean point of the opposite face, intersect and quadrisect each other, in one common point, e ; and that the three common bisectors a'as, b'b2, c'co, of pairs of opposite edges, such as BO and da, intersect and bisect each other, in the same mean point : so that the /our middle points, c', a', C2, A2, of the four successive sides ab, &c., of the gauche quadrilateral abcd, are situated in one common plane, which bisects also the common bisector, b'b2, ofthe^wo diagonals, AC and bd. (2.) In this example, the number s of the points A . . D being j^wr, the number of the derived lines, which thus cross each other in their general mean point E is seen to be seven ; and the number of the derived planes through that point is nine : namely, in the notation lately used for the net in space, four lines Ai, three lines A2, 1, six planes Hi, and three planes 112, 1. Of these nine planes, the six former may (in the present connexion) be called triple planes, because each contains three lines (as the plane abe, for instance, contains the lines aai, bbi, c'c2), all passing through the mean point e; and the three latter may be said, by contrast, to he non-triple planes, because each contains only two lines through that point, determined on the foregoing principles. (3.) In general, let («) denote the number of the lines, through the general mean point s of a total system of s given points, which is thus, in all possible ways, decom- posed into partial systems ; let/(*) denote the number of the triple planes, obtained by grouping the given points into three such partial systems ; let ;^ (s) denote the number of non-triple planes, each determined by grouping those s points in two dif- ferent ways into two partial systems ; and let f(«) =/(*) + »// (s) represent the entire number of distinct planes through the point s : so that ^(4) = 7, /(4) = 6, 4'(4) = 3, F(4) = &. CHAP. III.] MEAN POINTS OF SYSTEMS. 87 Then it is easy to perceive that if we introduce a new point c, each old line mn fur- nishes two new lines, according as we group the new point with one or other of the two old partial systems, (M) aud (A') ; and that there is, besides, one other new line, namely cs : we have, therefore, the eqication infinite differences, which, with the particular value above assigned for 0(4), or even with the simpler and more obvious value, ^(2)= 1, conducts to the general expression, 0Cs) = 2*-i-l. (4.) Again, if (Af) (iV) (P) be any three partial systems, which jointly make up the old or given total system (-S") ; and if, by grouping a new point c with each of these in turn, we form three new partial systems, {M') (N') (P') ; then each old triple plane such as mnp, will furnish three new triple planes, m'np, mn'p, mnp' ; while each old line, kl, will give one new triple plane, Ckl ; nor can any new triple plane be obtained in any other way. We have, therefore, this new equation in dif- fer eiices : /(*+l) = 3/(O + 0(*). But we have seen that 0(» + l) = 20(5) + l; if then we write, for a moment, /(s) + 0(O=xW, we have this other equation in finite differences, X(« + I) = 3x(«)+1. Also, /(3)-l, 0(3) = 3, x(3) = 4: therefore, 2x (s) = 3»-i - 1, and 2/(«) = 3»-»-2»+l. (5.) Finally, it is clear that we have the relation, 3/(*) + ^(*) = l0(O-(^(O-l) = (2-'-l) (2-2-1); because the triple planes, each treated as three, and the non-triple planes, each treated as one, must jointly represent all the binary combinations of the lines, drawn through the mean point s of the whole system. Hence, 2»//(«) = 22«-2 + 3 . 2«-» - 3* - 1 ; and F(s) = 22»-3+2«-2-3«-i; so that P(» + 1) - 4f(») = 3*-» - 2«-i, and ^(* + l)-4,^(*) = 3/(.); which last equation in finite differences admits of an independent geometrical inter- pretation. (6.) For instance, these general expressions give, 0(5) = 15; /(5) = 25; of a variable point P of space, the four variable scalars, or anharmonic co-ordi- nates, xi/zw, are connected (comp. 46) by a given algebraic equation, f,{x, y, z, w) = 0, or briefly /= 0, supposed to be rational and integral, and homogeneous of the p''' dimension, then the point P has for its locus a surface of the p^^ orde?', whereof /= may be said (comp. 56) to be the local equation. For if we substitute instead of the co ordinates x . .w, expressions of the forms, X = tXo + UXx^ .. w= tWo + UWi^ to indicate (82) that p is collinear with two given points, Po, Pi, the resulting algebraic equation int'.u is of the p*^ degree ; so that (ac- cording to a received modern mode of vspeaking), the surface may be said to be cut in p points (distinct or coincident, and real or imagi- nary*), hy any arhitrary right line, PyPi- And in like manner, when the four anharmonic co-ordinates Imnr of a variable plane 11 (80) are connected by an algebraical equation, of the form, F^(/, m, n, r) =0, or briefly F = 0, where F denotes a rational and integral function, supposed to be ho- mogeneous of the q^^ dimension, then this plane n has for its enve- lope (comp. 5%) a surface of the q*'' class, with f= for its tangential equation: because if we make l = tlQ+ uli,.. . r = tro-\-uri, to express (comp. 82) that the variable plane 11 passes through a given right line ITo'IIi, we are conducted to an algebraical equation of the q^^ degree^ which gives q (real or imaginary) values for the ratio t:u, and thereby assigns q (real or imaginary!) tangent planes to the sur- * It is to be observed, that no interpretation is here proposed, for imaginary in- tersections of this kind, such as those of a sphere with a right line, which is wholly external thereto. The language of modern geometry requires that snch imaginary intersections should be spoken of, and even that they should be cnwrnera/ec? : exactly as the language of algebra requires that we should count what are called the imagi- nary roots of an equation. But it would be an error to confound geometrical imagi- naries, of this sort, with those square roots of negatives, for which it will soon be seen that the Calculus of Quaternions supplies, from the outset, a di finite and real in- terpretation. f As regards the uninterpreted character of such imaginary contacts in geometry, the preceding Note to the present Article, resptcting imaginary intersections, may be consulted. CHAP. III.] ANHARMONIC EQUATIONS OF SURFACES. 91 face^ drawn through any such given but arbitrary right line. We may add (comp. 51, 56), that if the functions / and f be only ho- mogeneous (without necessarily being rational and integral)^ then is the anharmonic symbol (80) of the tangent plane to the surface /= 0, at the point (xyziv) ; and that (DjF, d,„f, d„f, d,f) is in like manner, a symbol for the point of contact of the plane \_lmnr'], with its enveloped surface^ f= 0; d^, . . d^, . . being charac- teristics of partial derivation. (1.) As an Example, the surface of the second order, which passes through the nine points called lately A, c', B, a', C, C2, D, A2, E, has for its local equation, 0=f=xz-yw; which gives, by differentiation, I = T)xf— z; m = Dy/= — w ; n=Dzf=X', r =DM,/=-y: so that lz,-w, a!,-2/] is a symbol for the tangent plane, at the point (x, y, z, w). (2.) In fact, the swrface here considered is the ruled (or hyper'holic) hyperboloid, on which the gauche quadrilateral abcd is superscribed, and which passes also through the point e. And if we write p = (xyziv), Q = (aryOO), R = (OyzO), then Qs and rt (see the annexed Figure 31), namely, the lines drawn through p to intersect the two pairs, ab, cd, and bc, da, of opposite sides of that quadrilateral abcd, are the two generating lines, or generatrices, through that point ; so that their plane, qrst, is the tangent plane to the sur- face, at the point p. If, then, we denote that tan- gent plane by the symbol [Imnr], we have the equations of condition, = Zar + my = my + nz = nz + rw = rw+lx; whence follows the proportion, l:m:n:r = otr^ : — y~^ : z*' : — w • ; or, because xz = yw, I: m: n: r= z : —w: x as before. (3.) At the same time we see that (ac'bq) = - = = (002u;), T = {xOOw\ Fig. 3 (ncacs) ; 92 * ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. so that the variable generatrix QS divides (as is known) the two Jixed generatrices AB and DC homographically* ; ad, bc, and c'cj being three of its positions. Con- versely, if it were proposed to find the locus of the right liiie Q3, which thus divides homographically (comp. 26) two given right lines in space, we might take ab and DC for those two given lines, and ad, bc, c'c2 (with the recent meanings of the letters) for three given positions of the variable line ; and then should have, for the two va- riiible but corresponding (or homologous^ points % s themselves, and for any arbitrary point p collinear with them, anharmonic symbols of the forms, Q = (s, M, 0, 0), s = (0, 0, M, s), P = (st, tu, uv, vs) ; because, by 82, we should have, between these three symbols, a relation of the form, (p) = ^(q) + »(s)! if then we write p= (ar, y, z, w), we have the anharmonic equation xz = yw, as before ; 80 that the locus, whether of the line qs, or of the point p, is (as is known) a ruled surface of the second order. (4.) As regards the known double generation of that surface, it may suflSce to observe that if we write, in like manner, K=(Of«0), T = (<00f), (p)=«(r) + «(t), we shall have again the expression, p = {st, tu, uv, vs), giving xz = yw, as before : so that the same hyperboloid is also the locus of that other line rt, which divides the other pair of opposite sides bc, ad of the same gauche quadrilateral abcd homographically ; ba, cd, and A'Ag being three of its positions ; and the lines a'a2, c'c2 being still supposed to intersect each other in the given point e. (5.) The symbol of an arbitrary point on the variable line kt is (by sub-art. 2) of the form, t(0, y, z, 0) +u(x, 0, 0, w), or (ux, ty, tz, uw) ; while the symbol of an arbitrary point on the given line c'C2 is (t', f, u, u'). And these two symbols repre- sent one common point (comp. Fig. 31), p' = RT-c'c2=(y,y,2,2), when we su[)pose , , y 2 t =y, u =z, t=\, «=-=-. X w Hence the known theorem results, that a variable generatrix, kt, of one system, in- tersects three fixed lines, BC, AD, c'Cg, which are generatrices of the other system. Conversely, by the same comparison of symbols, for points on the two lines rt and c'c2, "we should be conducted to the equation xz =yw, as the condition for their inter- section ; and thus should obtain this other known theorem, that the locus of a right line, which intersects three given right lines in space, is generally an hyperboloid with tliose three lines for generatrices. A similar analysis shows that QS intersects a'a2, in a point (comp. again Fig. 31) which may be thus denoted : p" = QS • a'a2 = (xyyx). (6.) As another example of the treatment of surfaces by their anharmonic and local equations, we may remark that the recent symbols for p' and p'', combined with Compare p. 298 of the Geometric Superieure. CHAP. III.] ANHAllMONIC EQUATIONS OF SURFACES. 93 those of sub-art. 2 for p, q, r, s, t; with the symbols of 83, 86 for c', a', C2, A2, e; and with the equation xz = y w, give the expressions : (p)=(q) + (8) = (r) + (t); (P') = y(c') + ^(C2)=(R)+^(T); (E) = (c') + (C2) = (A-) + (A2) ; (p") = y{A')-^x (a^) = (q) + ^ (s) ; whence it follows (84) that the two points p', p", and the sides of the quadrilateral ABCD, divide the four generating lines through p and e in the following anharmonic ratios : (c'eCzP') = (qp"sp) = - = (bA'CR) = (AAgDT) ; / y (a'eA2P ') = (rp'tp) = - = (bc'Aq) = (CC2DS) J so that (as again is known) the variable generatrices, as well as the fixed ones, of the hyperboloid, are all divided homographically . (7.) The tangential equation of the present surface is easily found, by the expres- sions in sub-art. 1 for the co-ordinates Imnr of the tangent plane, to be the follow- ing: = F = /n — wir ; which may be interpreted as expressing, that this hyperboloid is the surface of the second class, which touches the nine planes, [1000], [0100], [0010], [0001], [1100], [0110], [0011], [1001], [1111] ; or with the literal symbols lately employed (comp. 86, 87), BOD, CDA, DAB, ABC, CDc", DAa", ABc'o, BCA'2, and [e].* Or we may interpret the same tangential equation f = as expressing (comp. again 86, 87, where q, l, n are now replaced by t, r, q), that the surface is the envelope of a plane qrst, which satisfies either of the two connected conditions of homography : (bc'aq) = = = (ccaDs) ; m n (CA Br) = = = (dA2 at) ; n r a double generation of the hyperboloid thus showing itself in a new way. And as re- gards the. passage (or return)^ from the tangential to the local equation (comp. 66), we have in the present example the formulae : X = DiF = n ; y = d^f = — r; z = d„f = Z ; w = d^-f = — to ; whence xz — yw = 0, as before. (8.) More generally, when the surface is of the second order, and therefore also of the second class, so that the two functions / and f, when presented under rational and integral forms, are both homogeneous of the second dimension, then whether we derive I . .r from x . .why the formulae. * In the anharmonic symbol of Art. 87, for the plane of homology [e], the co- efficient 1 occurred, through inadvertence, five times. 94 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. or a; . . M7 from / . . r by the converse formulae, X = DiF, y = DmF, Z = D„F, W = D^F, the /)oin< p = (xyzvi) is, relatively to that surface, what is usually called (corap. 62) the pole of the plane 11 = [Imnr] ; and conversely, the plane 11 is the polar of the point p ; wherever in space the point P and plane 11, thus related to each other, may be situated. And because the centre of a surface of the second order is known to be (comp. again 52) the pole of (what is called) the plajie at infinity ; while (comp. 38) the equation and the symbol of this last plane are, respectively, aa; + &y + cz -f rfw = 0, and [a, 6, c, d], if the four constants aftccZ have still the same significations as in 05, 70, 79, &c., with reference to the system of the five given points abode : it follows that we may denote this centre by the symbol, K=(DaFo, DfcFo, DcFq, DrfFo) ; where Fq denotes, for abridgment, the function f (abcd)^ and d is still a scalar con- stant. (9.) In the recent example, we have YQ = ac — ld; and the anharmonic symbol for the centre of the hyperboloid becomes thus, K = (c, — d, a, — 6), Accordingly if we assume (comp. sub- arts. 3, 4), p = (.= (2(0. But if the n scalars x . ,hQ functions of two independent and scalar variables, t and u, then p becomes a function of those two scalars^ and we may write accordingly, II. . . /> = <|)(;, v). In the 1st case, the term p (comp. 1) of the variable vector /> has • Compare the Notes to page 90. 96 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK I. generally for its locus a curve in space^ which may be plane or of double curvature, or may even become a right line^ according to the form of the vector-function cp ; and p may be said to be the vector of this line, or curve. In the Ilnd case, p is the vector of a surface, plane or curved, according to the form of

nth a;2 + y2 = 1 for the 1st, and a:^ + y2 + ^2 = i for the Ilnd, signify 1st, that p is the vector of an ellipse, and Ilnd, that it is the vector of an ellipsoid, with the origin o for their common centre, and with OA, OB, or OA, ob, DC, for conjugate semi-diameters. (3.) The equation (comp. 46), p = t''a^ui^^(t^uyy, expresses that p is the vector of a cone of the second order, with o for its vertex (or centre), which is touched by the three planes obc, oca, gab ; the section of this cone, /> made by the plane abc, being an ellipse (comp. Fig. 25), which is inscribed in the /t"'' triangle ABO ; and the middle points A, b', c', of the sides of that triangle, being tlje points of contact of those sides with that conic. (4.) The equation (comp. 53), p = r'a + «"i/3 + r-iy, with < + u + v = 0, expresses that p is the vector of another cone of the second order, with o still for vertex, but with OA, ob, oc for three of its sides (or rays). The section by the plane abc is a new ellipse, circumscribed to the triangle abc, and having its tangents at the corners of that triangle respectively parallel to the opposite sides thereof. (5 J The equation (comp. 54), p=t^a + m'/3 + v^y, with t +- m + « = 0, signifies that p is the vector of a cone of the third order, of wliich the vertex is still the origin ; its section (comp. Fig. 27) by the plane abc being a cubic curve, whereof the sides of the triangle abc are at once the asymptotes, and the three (real) tangents of inflexion; while the mean point (say o') of that = op is generally the vector of a point p of sl curve in space, PCI . . ., gives evidently, for the vector oq of another point Q of the same curve, an expression of the form p + Ap^ = A(p (t) = (p(t + At)-(p (t). Suppose now that the other finite dif- ference, A^, is the n*^ part of a new scalar, u ; and that the chord A/>, or pq, is in like manner (comp. Fig. 32), the n^^ part of a new vector, ff„, or pr ; so that we may write, nAt = u, and ?iA/3 = w . pq = o-,^ = pr. Then, if we treat the two scalars, t and u, as constant, but the num- ber n as variable (the, form of the vector function (f), and the origin o, being given), the vector p and the;?om^ p will he fixed: but the two points Qt and R, the two differences At and Ap, and the multiple vector nAp, or (^ + n~^u) - ^(f)'. so that the variable •point Q of the curve will tend to coincide with the fixed point p. But although the chord pq will thus be indefinitely shortened, its n^^ mul- tiple, PR or a,,, will tend (generally) to Vi finite liinit,* depending on the supposed continuity oi the function (^); namely, to a certain definite vector, pt, or «t„, or (say) t, which vector pt will evidently be (in general) tangential to the curve: or, in other words, the variable point R will tend to a fixed position t, on thetangent to that curve at p. We shall thus have a limiting equation, of the form T = PT = lim. PR = croo = lim. 7iA0(^), if ?iA^ = w; M = 00 t and u being, as above, two given and (generally) /wiVe scalars. And * Compare Newton's Privcipia. CHAP. III.] DIFFERENTIALS OF VECTORS. 99 if we then agree to call the second of these two given scalars the dif- ferential of the first, and to denote it by the symbol d^, we shall de- fineih2i,\, the vector-limit^ r or o-», is the (corresponding) differential of the vector p, and shall denote it by the corresponding symbol^ d/>; so as to have, under the supposed conditions, u = dt, and t = dp. Or, eliminating the two symbols u and t, and not necessarily suppos- ing that p is SL point of a curve, we may express our Definition"^ of the Differential of a Vector />, considered as a Function ^ of a Scalar t, by the following General Formula : dp = d^{t)=\m-i.n\cl^{t+-\-^(f)\, n = cc ( n J ) in which t and d^ are two arbitrary and independent scalars, both ge- nerally finite ; and dp is, in general, a new and finite vector, depending on those two scalars, according to a law expressed by the formula, and derived from that given law, whereby the old ov former vector, p or

yp = y/3 + (a; + .y) y ; and therefore, 2p = xDxp + !/T>yp ; so that the three vectors, p, D^p, i>,jp, if drawn (18) from one common origin, are con- tained (22) in one common plane; which implies that the tangent plane to the sur- face, at any point p, passes through the origin o : and thereby verifies the conical character of the locus of that point p, in which the variable vector p, or op, termi- nates. (12.) If, in the same example, we make a: = 1, y = — 1, we have the values, P = l(a-V^), ^xp = ct, Dyp = -/3; whence it follows that the middle point, say c', of the right line ab, is one of the points of the conical locus ; and that (comp. again the sub-art. 3 to Art. 99, and the recent sub-art. 9) the right lines OA and ob are parallel to two of the tangents to the surface at that point ; so that the cone in question is touched by the plane aob, along the side (or ray) oc'. And in like manner it may be proved, that the same cone is touched by the two other planes, BOC and COA, at the middle points a' and b' of the two other lines BC and CA ; and therefore along the two other sides (or rays), oa' and ob' : which again agrees with former results. (13.) It will be found that a vector function of the turn of two scalar variables, t and (\t, may generally be developed, by an extension of Taylor's Series, under the form, 0(< + dO = ^(O+d<&(O + id2^(O + ^d'^(O + -- d2 d3 "^^^"^^ 2 + 2:^+--^^^'^=''^^'^' it being supposed that d'^t= 0, dH = 0, &c. (comp. sub-art. 6). Thus, if 0; LqKiT', where tt is used as a symbol for two right angles. 131. When the general quaternion, q^ degenerates into a scalar, x, then the axis (like the planeX) becomes entirely in- determinate in its direction ; and the angle takes, at the same time, either zero or two right angles for its value, according as the scalar \& positive ov negative. Denoting then, as above, any such scalar by x, we have : * At a later stage, reasons will be assigned for denoting this axis^ Ax .q, of a quaternion g, by the less arbitrary (or more systematic) symbol, \^Yq ; but for the present, the notation in the text may suffice. f In some investigations respecting complanar quaternions, and powers or roots of quaternions, it is convenient to consider negative angles., and angles greater than two right angles; but these may then be called amplitudes ; and the word "An- gle," like the word " Ilatio," may thus be restricted, at least for the present, to its ordinary geometrical sense. X Compare the Note to page 114. The angle, as well as the axis, becomes in- determinate, when the quaternion reduces itself to zero ; unless we happen to know a law, according to which the dividend-line tends to become null, in the transition r ^. ° from - to -. a a CHAP. I.] CASE OF A RIGHT QUOTIENT, OR QUATERNION. 119 Ax . a; = an indeterminate unit-vector ; Z :r = 0, if ar > ; z re = tt, if a? < 0. 132. Ot non-scalar quaternions, the most im- b portant are those of which the angle is right, as in the annexed Figure 38 ; and when we have thus, OB , , TT q= — , and ob_L_oa, or Lq = -, OA 2i >- A the quaternion q may then be said to be a Right Fig. 38. Quotient ;* or sometimes, a Right Quaternion. (1.) If then a = OA and p —op, where o and a are two given (ov fixed) points, but P is a variable point, the equation a 2 expresses that the locus of this point p is the plane through o, perpendicular to the li?ie OA ; for it is equivalent to the formula of perpendicularity p j_ a (129). (2.) More generally, if /3= ob, b being any third given point, the equation, p (3 L- = L- a a expresses that the locus of p is one sheet of a cone of revolution, with o for vertex, and OA for axis, and passing through the point b ; because it implies that the angles AOB and AOP are equal in amount, but not necessarily in one common plane. (3.) The equation (comp. 128, 129), Ax.^ = Ax.^, a a expresses that the locus of the variable point p is the given plane aob ; or rather the indefinite half-plane, which contains all the points p that are at once complanar with the three given points o, A, b, and are also at the same side of the indefinite right line OA, as the point B. (4.) The system of the two equations, a a a a ^ expresses that the point p is situated, either on thej^mVe right linele^^, or on that line prolonged through ^A, but not through o; so that the locus of p may in this case be said to be the indefinite half -line, or ray, which sets out from o in the direction of the vector on or /3 ; and we may write p = .r/3, x> () (x being understood to be a sca- lar)^ instead of the equations assigned above. * Reasons will afterwards be assigned, for equating such a quotient, or quater- nion, to a Vector; namely to the line which will presently (133) be called the Index of the Bight Quotient. 120 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [boOK II. (5. ) This other system of two equations, a a a a expresses that the locus'of p is the opposite ray from o ; or that p is situated on the prolongation of the revec- tor BO (1) ; or that p=x(3, x<0; or that p,''' p = x(3\ x>0, if /3' = ob' = - /3. Fig. 33, bis. (Comp. Fig. 33, bis.) (6.) Other notations, for representing these and other geometric loci, will be found to be supplied, in great abundance, by the Calculus of Quaternions ; but it seemed proper to point out these, at the present stage, as serving already to show that even the two symbols of the present Section, Ax. and Z, when considered as Characteris- tics of Operation on quotients of vectors, enable us to express, very simply and con- cisely, several useful geometrical conceptions, 133. If a third line, oi, be drawn in the direction of the axis ox of such a right quotient (and therefore perpendicular, by 127, 129, to each of the two given rectangular lines, oa, ob) ; and if the length of this new line oi bear to the length of that axis ox (and therefore also, by 128, to the assumed unit of length) the same ratio, which the length of the dividend- line, OB, bears to the length of the divisor- line, oa; then the line 01, thus determined, is said to be the Index of the Bight Quotient. And it is evident, from this definition of such an Index, combined with our general definition (117, 118) of Equality between Quaternions, that tivo right quotients are equal or unequal to each other, according as their two index- lines (or indices) are equal or unequal vectors. Section 6 On the Reciprocal, Conjugate, Opposite, and Norm of a Quaternion; and on Null Quaternions. 134. The Keciprocal {ox ihQ Inverse, comp. 119) of a quaternion, such as 5' = — , is that other quaternion, which is formed by interchanging the divisor- line and the divi- dend-line ; and in thus passing from any non-scalar quater- nion to its reciprocal, it is evident that the angle (as lately CHAP. I.] RECIPROCAL OF A QUATERNION. 121 defined in 130) remains unchanged^ but that the axis (127, 1 28) is reversed in direction : so that we may write gene- rally, pa p a 135. The product of two reciprocal quaternions is always equal to positive unity ; and each is equal to the quotient of unity divided hy the other; because we have, by 106, 107, 1:2 = ":^ « and |.2 = f=l. a a a p p a a It is therefore unnecessary to introduce any new or peculiar notation, to express the mutual relation existing between a quaternion and its reciprocal; since, if one be denoted by the symbol q, the other may (in the present System, as in Alge- bra) be denoted by the connected symbol,* 1 : 5^, or -. We have thus the two general formulae (comp. 134) : z-=z<7; Ax.- = -Ax.o'. 9 9 136. Without yet entering on the general i\\QOvy of multi- plication and division of quaternions, beyond what has been done in Art. 120, it may be here remarked that if any two quaternions q and q be (as in 134) reciprocal to each other, so that q'-q^l (by 135), and if 5'" be any third quaternion, then (as in algebra), we have the general formula, . , .1 q :q = q ,q =9'-\ because if (by 120) we reduce q and q' to a common denomina- tor a, and denote the new numerators by j3 and 7, we shall have (by the definitions in 106, 107), „ 7^770 „ , 137. When two complanar triangles aob, aob', with a com^ * The symbol 5-1, for the reciprocal of a quaternion q, is also permitted in the present Calculus ; but we defer the use of it, until its legitimacy shall have been established, in connexion with a general theory of powers of Quaternions. R 122 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [book II. ^ mon side OA, are (as in Fig. 36) inversely similar (\18), so that the formula A aob' a' aob holds good, then the iwo unequal quotients,* — and — , are said to be Conjugate Quater- ^ OA OA NiONS ; and if the ^rst of them be still denoted by q, then the second, which is thus the conjugate of that^r^^, or of any other quaternion which is equal thereto, is denoted by the new sym- bol, K^ : in which the letter K may be said to be the Charac- teristic of Conjugation. Thus, with the construction above supposed (comp. again Fig. 36), we may write, OB OA = <1 OA ^ OA 138. From this definition of conjugate quaternions, it follows, 1st, that if the equation OB __ OB , - _ , - 17. f , — = K — holdffood, then the line ob maybe OA OA '^ "^ called (118) the reflexion of the lineoB (and conversely, the latter line the reflexion of the foi^mer), with respect to the line oa ; Ilnd, that, under the same condition, the line oA (prolonged if necessary) bisects per- pendicularly the line be', in some point a' (as represented in Fig. 36) ; and Ilird, that any two conjugate quaternions (like any iv^o reciprocal quaternions, comp. 1.34, 135) have equal angles, but opposite axes: so that we may write, geujerally, L^q=L q\ Ax . K^ = - Ax . q ; and thereforef (by 135), Z.K^ = Z.-; Ax.K<7 = Ax.-. <1 9. 139. The reciprocal of a scalar, x, is simply another scalar, -, or x'"^, having the same algebraic sign, and in all other re- X speCts related to x as in algebra. But the conjugate 'Kx, of a scalar x, considered as a limit of a quaternion, is equal to that scalar x itself; as may be seen by supposing the two equalhxxt opposite angles, aob and aob', in Fig. 36, to tend together to * Compare the Note to page 112. t It will soon be seen that these two last equations (138) express, that the con- jugate and the reciprocal, of any proposed quaternion 5, have always equal versors, although they have in general unequal tensors. CHAP. I.] CONJUGATE AND NULL QUATERNIONS. 123 zero, or to two right angles. We may therefore write, gene- rally, Kx = x, ifx be any scalar ; and conversely*, q = 21, scalar, if Kq = q; because then (by 104) we must have ob=ob', bb'=0; and therefore each of the two (now coincident) points, b, b', must be situated somewhere on the indefinite right line oa. 140. In general, by the construction represented in the same Figure, the sum (comp. 6) of the two numerators (or di^ vidend-Unes, ob and ob'), of the tivo conjugate fractions (or quo- tients, or quaternions), q and Kq (137), is equal to the double of the line oa' ; whence (by 106), the sum of those two conju- gate quaternions themselves is. Kg + g = g + Kg = • ; ^ ^ ^ ^ OA this sum is therefore always scalar, hemg positive if the anple Z ^ be acute, but negative if that angle be obtuse. 141. In the intermediate case, when the angle aob is right, the interval oa' between the origin o and the line bb' vanishes ; and the two lately mentioned numerators, ob, ob', become two opposite vectors^ of which the sum is null (5). Now, in gene- ral, it is natural, and will be found useful, or rather necessary (for consistency \fii\i former definitions), to admit that a null vector, divided by an actual vector, gives always a Null Qua- ternion as the quotient; and to denote this null quotient by the usual symbol for Zero, In fact, we have (by 106) the equation, ? = fLZf = ^_5. 1.1 = 0; a a a a the zero in the numerator of the Z^^-hand fraction represent- ing here a null line (or a null vector, 1,2); but the zero on the riyht-hand side of the equation denoting a nidi quotient (or quaternion). And thus we are entitled to infer that the sum, * Somewhat later it will be seen that the equation Kq = q may also be written as V^ = ; and that this last is another mode of expressing that the quaternion, j, degenerates (131) into a scalar. 124 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. J^q +q, or q + K.q, of a right-angled quaternion, or right quo- tient (132), and of its conjugate, is always equal to zero, 142. We have, therefore, the three following formulae, whereof the second exhibits a continuity in the transition from the j^r5^ to the third : I. . . ^r + K^r > 0, if Z^ < I ; 11. . . ^ + K^ = 0, if z^=|; III. . . ^ + K^ < 0, if Lq>~. And because a quaternion, or geometric quotient, with an ac- tual and^nite divisor-line (as here oa), cannot become equal to zero unless its dividend-line vanishes, because (by 104) the equation L- = = - requires the equation j3 = 0, a a if a be any actual and finite vector, we may infer, conversely, that the sum q + Kq cannot oanish, without the line oa' also vanish- ing ; that is, without the lines ob, ob' becoming opposite vectors^ and therefore the quaternion q becoming a right quotient (132), We are therefore entitled to establish the three following con- verse formulae (which indeed result from the three former) : T. , ,if q-V Kq > 0, then Aq <-; II'. . . if 5' + Kq = 0, then Lq=-', Iir. . . if 5- + Kq < 0, then Lq> -, 143. When two opposite vectors (1), as j3 and-/iJ, are both divided by one common (and actual) vector, a, we shall say that the two quotients, thus obtained are Opposite Quaternions; so that the opposite of any quaternion q, or of any quotient /3 : a, may be denoted as follows (comp. 4) : -p 0-i3 /3 _ a a a a CHAP. I.] OPPOSITE QUATERNIONS. 125 while the quaternion q itself m2ij, on the same plan, be denoted (comp. 7) by the symbol + $', ov ■¥ q. The sum of any two opposite quaternions is zero, and their quotient is negative unity; so that we may write, as in algebra (comp. again 7), (-^) + ^ = (+^) + (-^) = 0; (-^):^ = -i; -^ = (-1)^; because, by 106 and 141, a a a a a a p The reciprocals of opposite quaternions are themselves oppo- site ; or in symbols (comp. 126), 1 1 - a -a a — = — , because —^ = -77" = - ts* -q q -(5 (3 j5 Opposite quaternions have opposite axes, and supplementary angles (comp. Fig. 33, bis) ; so that we may establish (comp. 132, (5.) ) the two following general formulse, L{-q) = Tr- Lq\ Ax.(- 5-) = - Ax.^'. 144. We may also now write, in full consistency with the recent formulae II. and 11'. of 142, the equation, IF. , ,Kq = -q, if ^ ^ = I ; and conversely* (comp. 138), ir...ifK^ = -^, then zK^=z^ = ^. In words, the conjugate of a right quotient, or of a right-angled (or right) quaternion (132), is the right quotient opposite thereto ; and conversely, if an actual quaternion (that is, one which is not null) be opposite to its own conjugate, it must be a right quotient. (1.) If then we meet the equation, Ke = _^, or ^ + K^ = 0, a a a a we shall know that p -i_ a ; and therefore (if a = oa, and p = op, as before), that the * It will be seen at a later stage, that the equation Kq=-q, or g + Kg = 0, may be transformed to this other equation, Sg = ; and that, under this last form, it expresses that the scalar part of the quaternion q vanishes : or that this quaternion is a right quotient (132). 126 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [book II. locus of the point p is the plane through o, perpendicular to the line OA (as in 132, (2,) On the other hand, the equation, K P-kP = 0, expresses (by 139) that the quotient p : a is a scalar ; and therefore (by 131) that its angle I (^p : a) is either or tt ; so that in this case, the locus of p is the indefi- nite right line through the two points o and A. 145. As the opposite of the opposite, or the reciprocal of the reci- procal^ so also the conjugate of the conjugate, of any quaternion, is that quaternion itself; or in symbols, -(-?) = + ?; l:(l:g) = ^; K% = ^=1^; so that, by abstracting from the subject of the operation, we may write briefly, K2 = KK=1. It is easy also to prove, that the conjugates of opposite quaternions are themselves opposite quaternions ; and that the conjugates of reciprocals are reciprocal: or in symbols, that I...K(-^) = -K^, or K^+K(-5) = 0; and II...Ki=l:K^, or K7.Ki=l. (1.) The equation K(- g) = — Kg is included (comp. 143) in this more general formula, Yi(xq') = xKq, where x is any scalar; and this last equation (comp. 126) may be proved, by simply conceiving that the two lines ob, ob', in Fig. 36, are multiplied by any common scalar ; or that they are both cut by any parallel to the line bb'. (2.) To prove that conjugates of reci- procals are reciprocal, or that Kg . K - = 1, / we may conceive that, as in the annexed / Figure 36, bis, while we have still the f relation of inverse similitude, \ A aob' (xf AOB (118, 137), as in the former Figure 36, a new point c is determined, either on the line OA itself, or on that line prolonged through A, so as / to satisfy either of the two following con- ^ig. 36, bis. nected conditions of direct similitude : ,^ A boc a aob' ; A b'oc oc aob ; or simply, as a relation between the /our points o, a, b, c, the formula, A boc a' aob. •- , P CHAP. I.] GEOMETRICAL EXAMPLES. 127 For then we shall have the transformations, 1 _ OA _ Ob' _ OB _ OA 1 q OB OC OC Ob' Kq (3.) The two quotients, ob : OA, and ob : oc, that is to say, the quaternion q itself, and the conjugate of its reciprocal, or* the reciprocal of its conjugate, have the same angle, and the same axis ; we may therefore write, generally, 1 1 . ZK-=Z.o; Ax.K- = Ax.g'. (4.) Since oa : ob and OA : ob' have thus been proved (by sub-art. 2) to be a pair of conjugate quotients, we can now infer this theorem, that any two geo- metric fractions, — and — , which have a common numerator a, are conjugate qua- ternions, if the denominator jS' of the second be the reflexion of the denominator (3 of theirs*, with respect to that common numerator (comp. 138, I.) ; whereas it had only been previously assumed, as a definition (137), that such conjugation exists, uuder the same geometrical condition, between the two other (or inverse) fractions, — and — ; the three vectors a, jS, (3' being supposed to be all co-initial (18). a a (5.) Conversely, if we meet, in any investigation, the formula OA : ob' = K (oA : ob), we shaU know that the point b' is the reflexion of the point b, with respect to the line OA ; or that this line, OA, prolonged if necessary in either of two opposite direc- tions, bisects at right angles the line bb', in some point a', as in either of the two Figures 36 (comp. 138, II.). (6.) Under the recent conditions of construction, it follows from the most ele- mentary principles of geometry, that the circle, which passes through the three points A, B, c, is touched at b, hij the right line OB ; and that this line is, in length, a 7nean proportional between the lines oa, oc. Let then od be such a geometric mean, and let it be set off from o in the common direction of the two last mentioned lines, so that the point d falls between A and c ; also let the vectors oc, od be denoted by the symbols, y, S', we shall then have expressions of the forms, d = aa, y=a^a, where a is some positive scalar, a > ; and the vector /3 of B will be connected (comp. sub-art. 2) with this scalar a, and with the vector a, by the formula, OB „ OA oc ,^ OB a^a ^ B — = K— , or — = K— , or -— = K^. oc OB OB OA (Ha (7.) Conversely, if we still suppose that y = a^a, this last formula expresses the in- verse similitude of triangles, A boc a' aob ; and it expresses nothing more: or in other * It will be seen afterwards, that the common value of these two equal quater- nions, K - and — , may be represented by either of the two new symbols, JJq : Tq, q Kq or 5 : Nj ; or in words, that it is equal to the versor divided by the tensor; and also to the quaternion itself divided by the norm. 128 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. words, it is satisfied by the vector (3 of every point b, which gives that inverse simili- tude. But for this purpose it is only requisite that the length of ob should be (as above) a geometric mean between the lengths of OA, oc ; or that the two lines, ob, OD (sub-art. 6), should be equally long: or finally, that b should be situated some- where on the surface of a sphere, which is described so as to pass through the point D (in Fig. 36, bis), and to have the origin o for its centre. (8). If then we meet an equation of the form, ''^=Ki, or eK-P = a^ pa a a in which a = OA, p — op, and a is a scalar, as before, we shall know that the locus of the point p is a spheric surface, with its centre at the point O, and with the vector aa for a radius ; and also that if we determine a point c by the equation oc = a'^a, this spheric locus of P is a common orthogonal to all the circles apc, which can be described, so as to pass through the two fixed points, A and c : because every radius OP of the sphere is a tangent, at the variable point p, to the circle apc, exactly as OB is to ABC in the recent Figure. (9.) In the same Fig. 30, ^is, the sinular triangles show (by elementary princi- ples) that the length of BC is to that of AB in the sub-duplicate ratio of oc to OA ; or in the simple ratio of OD to OA ; or as the scalar a to 1. If then we meet, in any re- search, the recent equation in p (sub-art. 8), we shall know that length of (^p — a^a) = a x length of{p — a) ; while the recent interpretation of the same equation gives this other relation of the same kind : length of p = a x length of a. (10.) At a subsequent stage, it will be shown that the Calculus of Quaternions supplies Rules of Transformation, by which we can pass from any one to any other of these last equations respecting p, without (at the time) constructing any Figure, or (immediately) appealing to Geometry : but it was thought useful to point out, already, how much geometrical meanirig* is contained in so simple a fonnula, as that of the last sub- art. 8. (11.) The product of two conjugate quaternions is said to be their common NoRMjt and is denoted thus: qKq = Ng. * A student of ancient geometry may recognise, in the two equations of sub-art. 9 a sort of translation, into the language of vectors, of a celebrated local theorem of Apollonius of Perga, which has been preserved through a citation made by his early commentator, Eutocius, and may be thus enunciated : Given any two points (as here A and c) in a plane, and any ratio of inequality (as here that of 1 to a), it is possible to construct a circle in the plane (as here the circle bdb'), such that the (lengths of the) two right lines (as here ab and cb, or ap and cp), which are inflected from the two given points to any common point (as B or p) of the circumference, shall be to each other in the given ratio. (Avo doOkvTCJv arjutiwv, k. t. X. Page 11 of Halley's Edition of Apollonius, Oxford, mdccx.) f This name. Norm, and the corresponding characteristic, N, are here adopted, as suggestions from the Theory of Numbers ; but, in the present work, they will not CHAP. I.] RADIAL QUOTIENTS, RIGHT RADIALS. 129 It follows that NK^ = Ngr ; and that the norm of a quaternion is generally a positive scalar: namely, the square of the quotient of the lengths of the two lines, of which (as vectors) the quaternion itself is the quotient (112). In fact we have, by sub-art. 6, and by the definition of a norm^ the transformations : OB Ob' _ OC OB' _ OC OB _ OO _ / OD Y , OA~ OA Ob' OA OB OA OA \OA. ] a a a \length of a J As a limit, we may say that the norm of a null quaternion is zero; or in symbols, N0 = 0. (12.) With this notation, the equation of the spheric locus (sub-art. 8), which has the point o for its centre, and the vector aa for one of its radii, assumes the shorter form : N^ = a2; or N-^=l. Section 7. — On Radial Quotients; and on the Square of a Quaternion. 146. It was early seen (comp. Art. 2, and Fig. 4) that ani/ two radii, ab, ac, of any one circle, or sphere, are necessarily unequal vectors ; because their directions differ. On the other hand, when we are attending only to relative direction (110), we may suppose that all the vectors compared are not merely co-initial (18), but are also equally long; so that if their com- mon length be taken for the unit, they are all radii, oa, ob, . . of what we have called the Unit- Sphere ( 1 28), described round the origin as centre; and may all be said to be Unit- Vectors (129). And then the quaternion, which is the quotient of any one such vector divi- ded bv any other, or generally the .- \ i . 77 7 Fig. 39. quotient oj any two equally long vec- tors, may be called a Radial Quotient; or sometimes sim- ply a Kadial. (Compare the annexed Figure 39.) be often wanted, although it may occasionally be convenient to employ them. For we shall soon introduce the conception, and the characteristic, of the Tensor, Tq, of a quaternion, which is of greater geometrical utility than the Norm, but of which it will be proved that this norm is simply the square, qKq^-Sq^iTqy. Compare the Note to sub -art, 3. S 130 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [book II. Fig. 40. 147. The two Unit' Scalar s^ namely, Positive and Nega- tive Unity ^ may be considered as limiting cases of radial quo- tients, corresponding to the two extreme values, and tt, of the angle aob, or z §' (131). In the intermediate case, when aob is a right angle, or Lq = ^, as in Fig. 40, the resulting quotient, or qua- ternion, may be called (comp. 132) a Right Radial Quotient; or simply, a Right Ra- dial. The consideration of such right radials will be found to be of great importance, in the whole theory and practice of Quaternions. 148. The most important general 'property of the quotients last mentioned is the following : that the Square of every Right Radial is equal to Negative Unity ; it being understood that we write generally, as in algebra, q.q=^qq = q\ and call this product of two equal quaternions the square of each of them. For if, as in Fig. 41, we describe a semicircle aba', with o for cen- tre, and with ob for the bisecting radius, then the two right quotients, ob : oa, and oa' : ob, are equal (Qom^. 117); and therefore their common square is (comp. 107) the product, ^obV oa' ob oa' ^OAy ob oa oa where oa and ob may represent any two equally long, but mutually rect- ^ angular lines. More generally, the Square of every Right Quotient (132) is equal to a Negative Scalar; namely, to the negative of the square of the number, which represents the ratio of the lengths* of the two rectangular lines compared ; or to zero Fig. 41, bis. * Hence, by 145, (11.), q^ = -Nq, if Iq- CHAP.l.] GEOMETRICAL SQUARE ROOTS OF NEGATIVE UNITY. 131 minus the square of the wwm^^r which denotes (comp. 133) the length of the Index of that Kight Quotient : as appears from Fig. 41, his^ in which ob is only an ordinate, and not (as be- fore) a radius, of the semicircle aba' ; for we have thus, obV oa' (length of obV .r. — = — = - , ^,; •;. , if OB ± OA. OAy OA \lengtli oj oaJ 149. Thus everg Might Radial is, in the present System, one of the Square Roots of Negative Unity ; and may there- fore be said to be one of the Values of the Symbol \/ - 1 ; which celebrated symbol has thus a certain degree of vagueness, or at least 0^ in determination, oi meaning in this theory, on account of which we shall not often employ it. For although it thus admits o^ Si. perfectly clear and geometrically real Interpretation, as denoting what has been above called a Right Radial Quo- tient, yet the Plane of that Quotient is arbitrary; and therefore the symbol itself must be considered to have (in the present system) itidefinitely many values ; or in other words the Equa- tion, has (in the Calculus of Quaternions) mc^ 0, expresses that the locus of the point p is a (new) circular circumference, with the line oa for its axis,* and with a radius of which the length = a x the length of OA. 150. It may be added that the index (133), and the axis (128), of a right radial (147), are the same; and that its reciprocal (134), its conjugate (137), and its opposite (143), are all equal to each other. Con- versely, if the reciprocal of a given quaternion q be equal to the opposite * It being understood, that the axis of a circle is a right line perpendicular to the plane of that circle, and passing through its centre. CHAP. I.] RADIAL QUOTIENTS CONSIDERED AS VERSORS. 133 of that quaternion, then q is a right radial; because its square^ q^, is then equal (comp. 136) to the quaternion itself, divided hy its op- posite; and therefore (by 143) to negative unity. But the conjugate of every radial quotient is equal to the reciprocal of ^Aa^ quotient ; because if, in Fig. 36, we conceive that the three lines da, ob, ob' are equally long, or if, in Fig. 39, ^iQ prolong the arc ba, by an equal arc ab', we have the equation, ^ ob' oa 1 Kg' = — = — = -. OA ob §- And conversely,* if 'Kq- -, or if gK^= 1, then the quaternion 5' is a radial quotient. Section 8. — On the Versor of a Quaternion, or of a Vector ; and on some General Fornfiulce of Transformation. 151. When a quaternion g' = /3 : a is thus a radial quotient (146), or when the lengths of the two lines a and j3 are equal, the effect of this quaternion q, considered as a Factor (103), in the equation qa = jS, is simply the turning of the multipli- cand-line a, in the plane ofq (119), and towards the hand de- termined by the direction of the positive axis Ax . q (129), through the angle denoted hj A q (130) ; so as to bring that line a (or a revolving line which had coincided therewith) into a neio direction : namely, into that of the product-line j3. And with reference to this conceived operation of turning, we shall now say that every Radial Quotient is a Versor. 152. A Versor has thus, in general, 2i plane, an axis, and an angle ; namely, those of the Radial (146) to which it cor- responds, or is equal : the onlg difference between them being a difference in the points ofview'f from which they are respec- tively regarded ; namely, the radial as the quotient, q, in the * Hence, in the notation of norms (145, (11.) ), if l^q= 1, then 5 is a radial ; and conversely, the norm of a radial quotient is always equal to positive unity. f In a slightly metaphysical mode of expression it may be said, that the radial quotient is the result of an analysis, wherein two radii of one sphere (or circle) are compared, as regards their relative direction ; and that the equal versor is the instru- ment of a corresponding synthesis, wherein owe radius is conceived to he generated, by a certain rotation, from the other. 134 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. formula, q = j3: a ; and the versor as the (equal) ^c^or, q, in the converse formula, f5 = q.a; where it is still supposed that the two vectors, a and )3j are equally long, 153. A versor, like a radial {} 4^), cannot degenerate into b. scalar, except by its angle acquiring one or other of the two limit-values^ and TT. In the first case, it becomes positive unity ; and in the second case, it becomes negative unity : each of these two unit-scalars ( 1 47) being here regarded as 2, factor (or coefficient^ comp. 12), which ope- rates on a line, to preserve or to reverse its direction. In this view, we may say that - 1 is an Inversor ; and that every Right Versor (or ver- sor with an angle = - is a Semi-inversor :* because it half-inverts the line on which it operates^ or turns it through half of two right angles (comp. Fig. 41). For the'same reason, we are led to consider every right versor (like every right radial, 149, from which indeed we have just seen, in 152, that it differs only as factor differs from quotient), as being one of the square-roots of negative unity : or as one of the va- lues of the symbol y' - 1 . 154. In fact we may observe that the effect of a right versor, con- sidered as operating on a line (in its own plane), is to turn that line, towards a given hand, through a right angle. If then q be such a ver- S07% and if qa = ft, we shall have also (comp. Fig. 41), qP = -a', so that, if a be any line in the plane of a right versor q, we have the equation, q,qa = -a; whence it is natural to write, under the same condition, as in 149- On the other hand, no versor, which is not right-angled, can he a value of y/ -\; or can satisfy the equation q^a --a, as Fig. 42 may serve to illustrate. For it is included in the meaning of this last equation, as applied to the theory of versors, that a rotation through 2 Lq, or through the double of the angle of q itself, is equi- * This word, " semi -inversor," will not be often used ; but the introduction of it here, in passing, seems adapted to throAV light on the view taken, in the present work, of the symbol V — 1, when regarded as denoting a certain important class (149) of Reals in Geometry. There are uses of that symbol, to denote Geometrical Imagi- naries (comp. again Art. 149, and the Notes to page 90), considered as connected with ideal intersections, and with ideal contacts ; but with such uses of V - 1 we have, at present, nothing to do. CHAP. I.] VERSOR OF A QUATERNION, OR OF A VECTOR. 135 valent to an inversion of direction; and therefore to a rotation through two right angles. 155. In general, if a be any vector^ and if a be used as a temporary* symbol for the number expressing its length; so that a is here a positive scalar, which bears to positive unity, or to the scalar + 1, the same ratio as that which the length of the line a bears to the assumed unit of length (comp. 128); then the quotient a : a denotes generally (comp. 16) a new vec- tor, which has the same direction as the proposed vector a, but has its length equal to that assumed unit : so that it is (comp. 146) the Unit- Vector in the direction of a. We shall denote this unit-vector by the symbol, Ua ; and so shall write, generally, Ua = -, if a = length of a ; that is, more fully, if a be, as above supposed, the number (commensurable or incommensurable, but positive) which re- presents that length, with reference to some selected standard. 156. Suppose now that 5- = j3 : a is (as at first) 2^ general quaternion, or the quotient of any two vectors, a and j3, whether equal or unequal in length. Such a Quaternion will not (gene- rally) be a Versor (or at least 7iot simply such), according to the definition lately given ; because its effect, when operating as a factor (103) on a, will not in general be simply to turn that line (151) : but will (generally) alter the length,^ as well as the direction. But if we reduce the two proposed vectors, a and j3, to the two unit-vectors Ua and Uj3 (155), and ^ovmthQ quotient of these, we shall then have taken account of relative direction alone : and the result Avill therefore be a versor, in the sense lately defined (151). We propose to call the quotient, or the versor, thus obtained, the versor-element, or briefly, the Yer- soR, of the Quaternion q ; and shall find it convenient to em- * "We shall soon propose a general notation for representing the lengths of vectors, according to which the symbol Ta will denote what has been above called a ; but^ are imwilling to introduce more than one new characteristic of operation, such as K, or T, or U, &c., at one time. f By what we shall soon call call an act of tension, which will lead us to the consideration of the tensor of a quaternion. 136 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. ploy the same* Characteristic, U, to denote the operation of taking the versor of a quaternion, as that employed above to denote the operation (155) of reducing a vector to the unit of length, without any change of its direction. On this plan, the symbol \]q will denote the versor ofq ; and the foregoing de- finitions will enable us to establish the General Formula : a xJa in which the two unit-vectors, Ua and Uj3, may be called, by analogy, and for other reasons which will afterwards appear, the versor s^ of the vectors, a and j3. 157. In thus passing from a given quaternion, q, to its ver- sor, \Jq, we have only changed (in general) the lengths of the two lines compared, namely, by reducing each to the assumed unit of length (155, 156), without making any change in their directions. Hence \h.Q plane (119), the axis (127, 128), and the angle (130), of the quaternion, remain unaltered in this passage ; so that we may establish the two following general formulae : L\]q = Lq; Ax . U<7 = Ax . q. More generally we may write, * For the moment, this double use of the characteristic U, to assist in denoting both the unit-vector Ua derived from a given line a, and also the versor Uy derived from a quaternion q, may be regarded as estabhshed here by arbitrary definition; but as permitted, because the difference of the symbols, as here a and q, which serve for the present to denote vectors and quaternions, considered as the subjects of these two operations U, will prevent Bwch. double use of that characteristic from giving rise to any confusion. But we shall further find that several important analogies are by anticipation expressed, or at least suggested, when the proposed notation is employed. Thus it will be found (comp. the Note to page 119), that every vector a may usefully be equated to that right quotient, of which it is (133) the index ; and that then the unit-vector "[] a may be, on the same plan, equated to that right radial (14.7), which is (in the sense lately defined) the versor of that right quotient. We shall also find ourselves led to regard every unit-vector as the axis of a quadrantal (or right) rota- tion, in a plane perpendicular to that axis; which will supply another inducement, to speak of every such vector as a versor. On the whole, it appears that there will be no inconvenience, but rather a prospective advantage, in our already reading the symbol Ua as ^^ versor of a ;" just as we may read the analogous symbol \Jq, as ^^ versor ofq." t Compare the Note immediately preceding. CHAP. I.] EQUAL AND RECIPROCAL VERSORS, REVERSORS. 337 Z ^' = Z $', and Ax . ^' = Ax . ^, if \Jq' = JJq ; the versor of a quaternion depending solely on, but conversely being sufficient to determine, the relative direction (156) of the two lines, of which (as vectors) the quaternion itself is the quo- tient (112); or the axis and angle of the rotation, in the plane of those two lines, from the divisor to the dividend (128) ; so that any two quaternions, which have equal versors, must also have equal angles, and equal (or coincident) axes, as is ex- pressed by the last written formula. Conversely, from this dependence of the versor \]q on relative direction'^ alone, it follows that any two quaternions, of which the angles and the axes are equal, have also equal versors; or in symbols, that \]q'==\]q, if Lq'=-Lq, and Ax.^-' = Ax.^'. For example, we saw (in 138) that the conjugate and the re- ciprocal of any quaternion have thus their angles and their axes the same ; it follows, therefore, that the versor of the conjugate is always equal to the versor of the reciprocal; so that we are permitted to establish the following general for- mula,! q 158. Again, because it follows that the versor of the reciprocal of any quaternion is, at the same time, the reciprocal of the versor ; so that we may write, * The unit-vector Ucr, which we have recently proposed (156) to call the versor of the vector a, depends in like manner on the direction of that vector alone; which exclusive reference^ in each of these two cases, to Direction, may serve as an addi- tional motive for employing, as we have lately done, one common name^ Veesor, and one common characteristic, U, to assist in describing or denoting both the Unit- Vector Ua itself and the Quotient of two such Unit- Vectors, \Jq = U/3 : Ua ; all danger of confusion being sufficiently guarded against (comp. the Note to Art. 156), by the difference of the two symbols, a and q, employed to denote the vector and the quaternion, which are respectively the subjects of the two operations U ; while those two operations agree in this essential point, that each serves to eliminate the quan- titative element, of absolute or relative length. t Compare the Note to Art. 138. T 138 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. Ui = ^; or JJq.JJ-=l. q Vq ^ q Hence, by the recent result (157), we have also, generally, UK^ = i-; or, U^.UK^ = l. Also, because the versor XJq is always a radial quotient (151, 152), it is (by 150) the conjugate of its own reciprocal ; and therefore at the same time (comp. 145), the reciprocal of its own conjugate; so that the /?roc?wc^ of tic o conjugate versor s, or what we have called (145, (!!•)) their common Norm, is always equal io positive unity ; or in symbols (comp. 150), NU^ = U^.KU^=1. For the same reason, the conjugate of the versor of any qua- ternion is equal to the reciprocal of that versor^ or (by what has just been seen) to the versor of the reciprocal of that qua- ternion; and therefore also (by 157), to the versor of the con- jugate; so that we may write generally, as a summary of re- cent results, the formula : each of these four symbols denoting a new versor, which has the same plane, and the same angle, as the old or given versor \]q, but has an opposite axis, or an opposite direction of rota- tion-, so that, with respect to that given Versor, it may na- turally be called a Ke versor. 159. As regards the versor itself, whether of a vector or of a quaternion, the definition (155) of Ua gives, UiCo = + Ua, or = - Ua, according as rc> or < ; because (by 15) the scalar coefjicient x preserves, in the first ease, but reverses, in the second case, the direction of the vec- tor a; whence also, by the definition (156) of U^', we have generally (comp. 126, 143), U^r^' = + U^', or = - \5q, according as a;> or < 0. The versor of a scalar, regarded as the limit of a quaternion (131, 139), is equal to positive or negative unity (comp. 147, CHAP. I.] GENERAL TRANSFORMATIONS OF A VERSOR. 139 153), according as the scalar itself is positive or negative ; or in symbols, Ua; = + 1, or = - 1 , according as a; > or < ; the plane and axis of each of these two unit scalar s (147), con- sidered as versors (153), being (as we have already seen) inde- terminate. The versor of a null quaternion (141) must be re- garded as wholly arbitrary^ unless we happen to know a Z«i^7,* according to which the quaternion tends to zero^ before actually reaching that limit ; in which latter case, the plane^ the axis, and the angle of the versor] UO may all become determined, as limits deduced from that law. The versor of a right quotient (132), or of a right-angled quaternion (141), is always a right radial (147)) or a right versor (153) ; and therefore is, as such, one of the square roots of negative unity (149), or one of the values of the symbol V - 1 5 while (by 150) the axis and the index of such a versor coincide ; and in like manner its recipro- cal, its conjugate, and its opposite are all equal to each other. 160. It is evident that if a proposed quaternion q be already a versor (151), in the sense of being a radial (146), the ope- ration o^ taking its versor (156) produces no change; and in like manner that, if a given vector a be already an unit-vector, it remains the same vector, when it is divided (155) by its own length; that is, in this case, by the number one. For example, we have assumed (128, 129), that the axis o^ every quaternion is an unit-vector ; we may therefore write, generally, in the no- tation of 155, the equation, U(Ax./7) = Ax .§'. A second operation U leaves thus the result of i)iQ first opera- tion U unchanged, whether the subject of such successive ope- rations be a line, or a quaternion; we have therefore the two * Compare the Note to Art. 131. t When the zero in this symbol^ UO, is considered as denoting a null vector (2), the symbol itself denotes generally, by the foregoing principles, an indeterminate unit-vector; although the direction of this unit- vector may, in certain questions, he- come determined, as a limit resulting from a law. 140 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [boOK II. following general formulae, differing only in the symbols of that subject : UUa=Ua; JJUq = Uq; whence, by abstracting (comp. 145) from the subject of the operation, we may write, briefly and symbolically, 16 1. Hence, with the help of 145, 158, 159, we easily deduce the following (among other) transformations of the versor of a qua- ternion : K^- q q U^ ^ ^ ^ TJq = Vxq, if £c> ; = - TJxq, if x<0. We may also write, generally, the parentheses being here unnecessary, because (as will soon be more fully seen) the symbol JJq^ denotes one common versor ^ whether we interpret it as denoting the square of the versor^ or as the versor of the square^ of q. The present Calculus will be found to abound in General Transformations of this sort; which all (or nearly all), like the foregoing, depend ultimately on very simple geometrical concep- tions ; but which, notwithstanding (or rather, perhaps, on account of) this extreme simplicity of their origin, are often useful, as elements of a new kind o^ Symbolical Language in Geometry: and generally, as instruments of expression, in all those mathematical or physical researches to which the Calculus of Quaternions can be applied. It is, however, by no means necessary that a student of the subject, at the present stage, should make himself familiar with all the recent transformations of Ug-; although it may be well that he should satisfy himself of their correctness, in doing which the fol- lowing remarks will perhaps be found to assist. (I.) To give &. geometrical illustration^ ■\vhich may also serve asa/3/oo/J of the recent equation, CHAP. I.] GEOMETRICAL ILLUSTRATIONS. 141 we may employ Fig. 36, bis ; in which, by 145, (2.), we have ^ Kq OA OB' Ob' \ODJ \ OA j (2.) As regards the equation, Jj(q^) = (JJqY^ we have only to conceive that the three lines oa, ob, oc, of Fig. 42, are cut (as in Fig. 42, bis) in three new points, a', b', c', by an unit-circle (or by a circle with a radius equal to the unit of length), which is described about their common origin o as centre, and in their common plane ; for then if these three lines be called a, ft, y , the three new lines oa', ob', oc' are (by 155) the three unit-vectors denoted by the sym- bols, Ua, U/3, Uy; and we have the transformations (comp. 148, 149), u(,^)=u.(^y=uz=hi=2£;=(-;y=(u,)^. ^^ ^ \a j a Ua OA V<^^ / (3.) As regards other recent transformations (161), although we have seen (135) that it is not necessary to invent any new or peculiar symbol, to represent the reciprocal of a quaternion, yet if, for the sake of present convenience, and as a merely temporary notation^ we write Bq=\, O A' A Fig. 42, bis. employing thus, for a moment, the letter R as a characteristic of reciprocation, or of the operation of taking the reciproeal, we shall then have the symbolical equations (comp. 145, 158) : R2 = K2 = 1; RK = KR; RU = UR = KU=UK; but we have also (by 160), U2= U ; whence it easily follows that U = RUR = RKU = RUK = KUR = KRU = KUK = URK = UKR = UKUR = UKRU = (UK)2 = &c. (4.) The equation U ^ -. US or simply, Up = U|3, a a expresses that the locus of the point p is the indefinite right line, or ray (comp. 132, (4.)), which is drawn /rom o in the direction of ob,* but not in the opposite direc- tion ; because it is equivalent to ^^- ^f- or (0 = x(3, x>0. (5.) On the other hand the equation, or Up=-U/3, a a expresses (comp. 132, (5.)) that the locus of p is the opposite ray from o ; or that it is the indefinite prolongation of the revector bo ; because it may be transformed to * In 132, (4.), p. 119, OA and a ought to have been ob and b. 142 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. U ^ = - 1 ; or Z ^ = TT ; or p = a:/3, cc < 0. (6.) If a, j3, y denote (as in sub-art. 2) the three lines oa, ob, oc of Fig. 42 (or of Fig. 42, his), so that (by 149) we have the equation - = f ^ J , then this other equation, l^pV^^y^ expresses generally that the locus of p is the system of the two last loci ; or that it is the whole indefinite right line, both ways prolonged, through the two points o and B (comp. 144, (2.)). (7.) But if it happen that the line y, or oc, like oa' in Fig. 41 (or in Fig. 41, 6is), has the direction opposite to that of a, or of oa, so that the last equation takes the particular form, I n\2 1, ("fl- then U- must be (by 154) a right versor ; and reciprocally, every right versor, with a a plane containing a, will be (by 153) a value satisfying the equation. In this case, therefore, the locus of the point p is (as in 132, (1.), or in 144, (1.)) the plane through o, perpendicular to the line OA ; and the recent equation itself, if supposed to be satified by a real* vector p, may be put under either of these two earlier but equivalent /orm* • Section 9. — On Vector- Arcs, and Vector- Angles, considered as Representatives of Versors of Quaternions ; and on the Multiplication and Division of any one such Versor hy another. 162. Since every unit-vector oa (129), drawn from the origin o, terminates in some point a on the surface of what we have called the unit-sphere (128), that term a (1) may be considered as a Representative Point, of which the position on that surface determines, and may be said to represent, the direction of the line oa in space ; or of that line multiplied (12, 17) by any positive scalar. And then the Quaternion which is the quotient (112) of any two such unit- vectors, and which is in one view a Radial (146), and in another view a Versor (151), may be said to have the arc of a great circle, AB, upon the unit sphere, which connects the terms of the two * Compare 149, (2.) ; also the second Note to the same Article ; and the Notes to page 90. CHAP. I.] REPRESENTATIVE AND VECTOR ARCS. 143 vectors, for its Representative Arc, We may also call this arc a Vector Arc, on account of its having a definite direc- tion (comp. Art. 1), such as is indicated (for example) by a curved arrow in Fig. 39 ; and as being thus contrasted with its own opposite, or with what may be called by analogy the Revector Arc ba (comp. again 1) : this latter arc represent- ing, on the present plan, at once the reciprocal (134), and the conjugate (137), of the former versor; because it represents the corresponding Reversor (158). 163. This mode of representation, of versors of quaternions by vector arcs, would obviously be very imperfect, unless equals were to be represented by equals. We shall therefore define, as it is otherwise natural to do, that a vector arc, ab, upon the unit sphere, is equal to every other vector arc cd which can be derived from it, by simply causing (or conceiv- ing) it to slide* in its own great circle, icithout any change of length, or reversal of direction. In fact, the two isosceles and plane triangles aob, cod, which have the origin o for their common vector, and rest upon the chords of these two arcs as bases, are thus complanar, similar, and similarly turned ; so that (by 117, 118) we may here write, OB CD A AOB OC COD, — = — ; OA OC the condition of the equality of the quotients (that is, here, of the versors), represented by the two arcs, being thus satisfied. We shall sometimes denote this sort of equality of two vector arcs, AB and cd, by the formula, o AB = /> CD; and then it is clear (comp. 125, and the ear- lier Art. 3) that we shall also have, by what may be called inversion and alternation, j these two other formulas of arcual equality, oi'-:~_ -'a Fig. 35, his, '^BA=/>DC; ^ AC = ^ BD. ^ ' (Compare the annexed Figure 35, his^ * Some aid to the conception may here be derived from the inspection of Fig 34 ; in which two equal angles are supposed to be traced on the suiface of one com- 144 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. 164. Conversely, unequal versors ought to be represented (on the present plan) by unequal vector arcs; and accordingly, we purpose to regard any two such arcs, as being, for the pre- sent purpose, unequal (comp. 2), even when they agree in quantity i or contain the same number of degrees^ provided that they differ in direction : which may happen in either of two principal ways, as follows. For, 1st, they may be opposite arcs oi one great circle; as, for example, a vector arc ab, and the corresponding revector arc ba ; and so may represent (162) a versor, OB : oa, and the corresponding reversor, oa : ob, re- spectively. Or, Ilnd, the two arcs may belong to different great circles^ like ab and bc in Fig. 43 ; in which latter case, they represent two radial quotients ( 1 4 6) m different planes ; or (comp . 119) two diplanar versors, ob : oa, and 00 : OB ; but it has been shown generally (122), that diplanar qua- ternions are always unequal: we consider therefore, here again the arcs, AB and bc, themselves^ to be (as has been said) unequal vectors. 165. In this manner, then, we may be led (comp. 122) to regard the conception of a plane, or o^ the position of a great circle on the unit sphere, as entering, essentially, in general,* into the conception of a vector-arc^ considered as the representa- tive of a versor (162). But even without expressly referring to versors, we may see that if, in Fig. 43, we suppose that b is the middle point of an arc aa' of a great circle, so that in a recent notation (163) we may establish the arcual equation, we ought then (comp. 105) not to write also, '^ AB = '^ bc; mon desk. Or the four lines OA, ob, oc, od, of Fig. 35, may now be conceived to be equally long; or to be cut by a circle with o for centre, as in the modification of that Figure, which is given in Article 163, a little lower down. * We say, in general ; for it will soon be seen that there is a sense in which all great semicircles, considered as vector arcs, may be said to be eqval to each other. CHAP. I.] ARCUAL EQUATIONS, CO-ARCUALITY. 145 because the two co-initial arcs, ba and bc, which terminate differently, must be considered (comp. 2) to be, as vector-arcs y unequal. On the other hand, if we should refuse to admit (as in 163) that any two complanar arcs, i^ equally long, and simi- larly (not oppositely) directed, like ab and cd in the recent Fig. 35, bis, are equal vectors^ we could not usefully speak of equality between vector-arcs as existing under any circum- stances. We are then thus led again to include, generally, the conception of a plane, or of one great circle as distinguished from another, as an element in the conception of a Vector-Arc, And hence an equation between two such arcs must in general be conceived to include two relations of co-arcuality. For example, the equation ^ ab = '^ cd, of Art. 163, includes gene- rally, as apart of its signification, the assertion (comp. 123) that ihe four points a, b, c, d belong to ouq common great cir- cle of the unit-sphere ; or that each of the two points, c and d, is co-arcual Avith the two other points, a and b. 166. There is, however, a remarkable case o1 exception, vav^YiioSx two vector arcs may be said to be equal, although situated in diffe- rent planes: namely, when they are both great semicircles. In fact, upon the present plan, every great semicircle, aa', considered as a vector arc, represents an inversor (153); or it represents negative unity (oa' : oa = - a : a = - 1), considered as one limit of a versor; but we have seen (159) that such a versor has in general an indeter- minate plane. Accordingly, whereas the initial and final points, or (comp. 1) the origin a and the term b, of a vector arc ab, are in ge- neral sufficient to determine the plane of that arc, considered as the shortest or the most direct path (comp. 112, 128) from the one point to the other on the sphere; in the particular case when one of the two given points is diametrically opposite to the other, as a' to A, the direction of this path becomes, on the contrary, indeterminate. If then we only attend to the effect produced, in the way of change of position of a point, by a conceived vection (or motion') upon the sphere^ we are permitted to say that all great semicircles are equal vector arcs; each serving simply, in the present view, to transport a point from one position to the opposite; and thereby to reverse (like the factor - 1, of which it is here the representative) the direction of the radius which is drawn to that point of the unit sphere. u 146 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. (1.) The equation, r» aa' = o bb', in which it is here supposed that a' is opposite to a, and b' to b, satisfies evidently the general conditions of co-arcuality (165); because the /owr points aba'b' are all on one great circle. It is evident that the same arcual equation admits (as in 163) of inversion and alternation ; so that r> a'a = r\ b'b, and n ab = «^ a'b'. (2.) We may also say (comp. 2) that all null arcs are equal, as producing no effect on the position of a point upon the sphere ; and thus may write generally, n AA = n BB = 0, with the alternate equation, or identity, r> ab = o ab. (3.) Every such null vector arc AA is a representative, on the present plan, of the other unit scalar, nsimely positive uniti/, considered as another limit of aversor (153) ; and its plane is again indeterminate (159), unless some law be given, according to which the arcual vection may be conceived to begin, from a given point A, to an in- definitely near point B upon the sphere. ' 167. The principal use of Vector Arcs, in the present theory, is to assist in representing^ and (so to speak) in con- structing, by means of a Spherical Triangle, the Multiplica- tion and Division of any two Diplanar Versors (comp. 119, 164). In fact, any two such versors of quaternions (156), considered as radial quotients (152), can easily be reduced (by the general process of Art. 120) to the forms, $- = j3 :a = OB : OA, g'' = 7 ; j3= oc : ob, where a, b, c are corners of such a triangle on the unit sphere; and then (by 107), the former quotient multiplied by the lat- ter will give for product ; q\q = ^ : a = OC'. OA. If then (on the plan of Art. 1) any two successive arcs, as ab and Bc in Fig. 43, be called (in relation to each other) vector a^d provector ; while that third arc ac, which is drawn from the initial point of the first to the final point of the second, shall be called (on the same plan) the transvector : we may now say that in the multiplication of any one versor (of a quater- nion) by any other, if the multiplicand* q he represented (162) by a vector-arc ab, and if the multiplier q be in like manner * Here, as in 107, and elsewhere, we write the symbol of the multiplier towards the left-hand, and that of the multiplicand towards the right. CHAP. I.] CONSTRUCTION OF MULTIPLICATION OF VERSORS. 147 represented by sl provector-arc bc, which mode of representa- tion is always possible, by what has been already shown, then the product q'. q, or q'q, is represented, at the same time, by the transvector-arc ac corresponding. 168. One of the most remarkable consequences of this con- struction of the multiplication ofversors is the following : that the value of the product of two diplanar versors (164) depends upon the order of tJie factors ; or that q'q and qq are unequal, unless q be complanar (119) with q. For let aa' and cc' be any two arcs of great circles, in different planes, bisecting each other in the point b, as Fig. 43 is designed to suggest; so that we have the two arcual equations (163), '^ AB = ^ ba', and '^ bc = '^ c'b ; /^ then one or other of the two following alternatives will hold good. Either, 1st, the two mutually bisecting arcs will both be semicircles, in which case the two new arcs, ac and cV, will indeed both belong to one great circle, namely to that of which B is a pole, but will have opposite directions therein ; because, in this case, a' and c' will be diametrically opposite to a and c, and therefore (by 166, (1.) ) the equation '^ AC = '^ a'c', but not the equation '^ AC = '^ c'a', will be satisfied. Or, Ilnd, the arcs aa' and cc', which are supposed to bisect each other in b, will not both be semicircles, even if one of them happen to be such ; and in this case, the arcs AC, c'a' will belong to two distinct great circles, so that they will be diplanar, and therefore unequal, when considered as vectors. (Compare the 1st and Ilnd cases of Art. 164.) In each case, therefore, ac and c'a' are unequal vector arcs; but the former has been seen (167) to represent the product qq-, and the latter represents, in like manner, the other product, qc[, of the same two versors taken in the opposite order, because it is the new transvector arc, when c b (= bc) is treated as the new vector arc, and ba' (= ab) as the new provector arc, as is indi- cated by the curved arrows in Fig. 43. The two products, 148 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. (iq and qq^ are therefore themselves unequal, as above asserted, under the supposed condition of diplanarity, 169. On the other hand, when the two factors, q and q\ are complanar versors^ it is easy to prove, in several different ways, that their products, q'q and qq\ are equals as in algebra. Thus we may conceive that the arc cc', in Fig. 43, is made to turn round its middle point b, until the spherical angle cba' vanishes; and then the two new transvector-arcs^ ac and cV, will evidently become not only complanar but equal, in the sense of Art. 163, as being still equally long, and being now similarly directed. Or, in Fig. 35, bis, of the last cited Arti- cle, we may conceive a point e, bisecting the arc bc, and there- fore also the arc ad, which is commedial therewith (comp. Art. 2, and the second Figure 3 of that Article) ; and then,, if we represent the one versor q by either of the two equal arcs, AE, ED, we may at the same time represent the other versor q' by either of the two other equal arcs, eg, be ; so that the one product, q'q, will be represented by the arc ac, and the other product, qq', by the equal arc bd. Or, without re- ference to vector arcs, we may suppose that the two factors are, q =(3: a = ob: oa, q' <= y : a== oc : OA, oa, ob, oc being any three complanar and equally long right lines (see again Fig. 35, bis) ; for thus we have only to deter- mine a fourth line, S or od, of the same length, and in the same plane, which shall satisfy the equation S:y=(5:a (117), and therefore also (by 125) the alternate equation, 01/3 = 7: a; and it will then immediately follow* (by 107), that S 13 S S y q ^q = ^-- = - = -'- = q'q' . p a a y a We may therefore infer, for any two versor s of quaternions, q and q, the two following reciprocal relations : * It is evident that, in this last process of reasoning, we make no use of the sup- posed equality of lengths of the four lines compared ; so that we might prove, in ex- actly the same way, that q'q = qq' if 9' | !| 9 (123), without assuming that these two complanar factors, or quaternions, q and q', are versors. CHAP. I.] MULTIPLICATION OF RIGHT VERSORS. 149 = qq\ if q' \\\ q (123) ; II. , . i£ q'q =qq\ then 5^' ||| 9- (168) ; convertibility of factors (as regards -[heiv places in thQ product) being thus at once a consequence and ?i proof of complanarity. 170. In the 1st case of Art. 168, th^ factors q and q' are both right versors (153) ; and because we have seen that then their two products^ q'q and qcf ^ are versors represented by equally long but op- positely directed arcs of one great circle, as in the 1st case of 164, it follows (comp. 162), that these two products are at once reciprocal (134), and conjugate (137), to each other; or that they are related as versor and reversor (158). We may therefore write, generally, I. . . qq'=Kq'q, and II. .. m' = -fZ^ if q anc] q be any two right versors; because the multiplication of any two such versors, in two opposite orders, may always be repre- sented or constructed by a Figure such as that lately numbered 43, in which the bisecting arcs aa' and cc' are semicircles. The Ilnd formula may also be thus written (comp. 135, 154): III. .. if 2'^ = -!, and q'^=-\., then qq-qq=-^^\ and under this form it evidently agrees with ordinary algebra, be- cause it expresses that, under the supposed conditions., q'q.qq'^iKf', but it will be found that this last equation is not an identity, in the general theory of quaternions. 171. If the two bisecting semicircles cross each other at riyht angles., the conjugate products are represented by two quadrants., oppositely turned, of one great circle. It follows that if two right versors, in two mutually rectangular planes, he multiplied together in two opposite orders, the two resultiiig products will he two opposite right versors, in a third plane, rectangular to the two former; or in symbols, that if ^^ = - 1, 2''^ = - 1, and Ax. q x Ax. q, then {qqy=-{qqy^-\, q'q = -qq\ and Ax. q'q 4- Ax. q. Ax. ^q a. Ax. q\ In this case, therefore, we have what would be in algebra a paradox, namely the equation, {q'qy^-q'^.q\ 150 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. if q and q' be any two right versors, in two rectangular planes ; but we see that this result is not more paradoxical, in appearance, than the equation qq=-qq, which exists, under the same conditions. And when we come to ex- amine what, in the last analysis, may be said to be the meaning of this last equation, we find it to be simply this : that any two quadrantal or right rotations^ in planes perpendicular to each other^ compound them- selves into a third right rotation^ as their resultant^ in a plane perpendi- cular to each of them: and that this third ox resultant rotation has one or other of two opposite directions^ according to the order in which the two component rotations are taken, so that one shall be successive to the other. 172. We propose to return, in the next Section, to the consideration of such a System of Right Versors, as that which we have here briefly touched upon : but desire at present to remark (comp. 167) that a spherical triangle ABcmay serve to construct, by means of represeritative arcs (162), not only the multiplicatioiL, but also the division, of any one of two diplanar versors (or radial quotients) by the other. In fact, we have only to conceive (comp. Fig. 43) that the vector arc ab repre- sents a given divisor, say q, or j3 : a, and that the transvector arc AC (167) represents a given dividend, suppose q", or y : a; for then the provector arc bc (comp. again 167) will represent, on the same plan, the quotient of these two versors, namely q" : 5', or 7 : j3 (106), or the versor lately called q ; since we have generally, by 106, 107, 120, for quaternions, as in alge- bra, the two identities : (q":q)^q = q"; qq-q^q'- 173. It is however to be observed that, for reasons already as- signed, we must not employ, for diplanar versors^ such an equation as q. {q": q) = q" ', because we have found (168) that, for such ver- sors, the ordinary algebraic identity, qq' — (^q, ceases to he true. In fact by 169, we may now establish the two converse formulse: I. . . q{q"'.q)=q'\ if q"\\\q {123); 11. . . iiq\q"'.q) = q", then ^'Mil q. Accordingly, in Fig. 43, if q, q', q" be still represented by the arcs AB, BC, AC, the product q {q"'.q), or qq', is not represented by CHAP. I.] REPRESENTATIVE AND VECTOR ANGLES. 151 AC, but by the different arc c'a^ (168), which as a vector arc has been seen to be unequal thereto: although it is true that these two last arcs, AC and c'a', are always equally long^ and therefore subtend equal angles at the centre o of the unit sphere; so that we may write, generally, for any two versors (or indeed for any two quaternions)* q and q" , the formula, Lq{q":q) = Lq''. 174. Another mode of Representation of Versors, or rather two such new modes, although intimately connected with each other, may be briefly noticed here. 1st. We may consider the angle aob, at the centre o of the unit- sphere, when conceived to have not only a definite quantity, but also a determined^Zawe (110), and a given direction therein (as indicated by one of the curved arrows in Fig. 39, or by the arrow in Fig. 33), as being what may be called by analogy a Vector- Angle ; and may say that it represents, or that it is the Representative Angle of, the Versor ob : oa, where oa, ob are radii of the unit- sphere. Ilnd. Or we may replace this rectilinear angle aob at the centre, by the equal Spherical Angle ac^b, at what may be * called the Positive Pole of the representative arc ab ; so that c^A and c^b are quadrants; and the rotation, at this pole c', from the first of these two quadrants to the second (as seen from a point outside the sphere), has the direction which has been selected (111, 127) for the positive one, as indicated in the annexed Figure 44: and then we may consider this spherical angle as a new Angular Representative of the same versor q, or ob : OA, as before. 175. Conceive now that after employing ?k first spherical trian- gle ABC, to construct (as in 167) the multiplication of any one given versor q, by any other given versor q' , we form a second or polar triangle, of which the corners a', b', c' shall be respectively (in the sense just stated) tha positive poles of the three successive sides, bc, CA, AB, of the former triangle ; and that then we pass to a third tri- angle A^B^'c', as part of the same lune ^'^" with the second, by tak- ing for -&" the point diametrically opposite to b' ; so that ^" shall be * It will soon be seen that several of the formulae of the present Section, respect- ing the multiplication and division of versors^ considered as radial quotients (151), require little or no modification, in the passage to the corresponding operations on quaternions, considered as general quotients of vectors (112). 152 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [book II. Fi-r. 45. the negative pole of the arc CA, or the positive pole of what was lately- called (167) the transvector-arc Ac: also let c" be, in like manner, the point opposite to c' on the unit sphere. Then we may not only write (comp. 129), Ax. 5' = oc^ Ax. §'' = oa', Ax. q'q = ob'\ but shall also have the equations, lq = b'^c^a^ Z g' = c' a'b^', Z q'q = C^'b^'a' ; these three spherical angles^ namely the ivm base-angles at c' and a\ and the external vertical angle at b''', of the new or third triangle a''b''V/, will therefore represent^ re- spectively, on the plan of 174, II., the mul- tiplicand^ q, the multiplier^ q\ and the pro- duct, q'q. (Compare the annexed Figure 45.) 176. Without expressly referring to the former triangle abc, we can connect this last construction of multiplication of versors (175) with the general formula (107), as follows. Let a and y3 be now conceived to be tw^o unit-tangents'^ to the sphere at c', perpendicular respectively to the two arcs c^b^' and c'a^ and drawn to- wards the same sides of those arcs as the points a' and b' respectively; and let two other unit-tangents, equal to these, and denoted by the same letters, be drawn (as in the annexed Figure 45, his) at the points B^' and a', so as to be normal there to the same arcs c'b'^ and c'a', and to fall towards the same sides of them as before. Let also two other unit-tangents, equal to each b'/ other, and each denoted by 7, be drawn at the two last points b" and a', so as to be both perpendicular to the arc a^b^^ and to fall towards the same side of it as the point c'. Then (comp. 174,11.) the two quotients, (3 : a and 7 : /3, will be equal to the two versors, q and q, which were lately represented (in Fig. 45) by the * By an unit tangent is here meant simply an unit line (or unit vector, 129) so drawn as to be tangential to the unit-sphere^ and to have its origin, or its initial point (1), on the surface of that sphere, and not (as we have usually supposed) at the centre thereof. Fig. 46, bis. CHAP.T.] DEPENDENCE OF PRODUCT ON ORDER OF FACTORS. 153 two base angles, at c' and a', of the spherical triangle a'b'^'c'; the pro- duct, q'q, of these two versors, is therefore (by 107) equal to the third quotient, 7 : « ; and consequently it is represented, as before, by the external vertical angle c"b"a.' of the same triangle, which is evidently equal in quantity to the angle of this third quotient, and has the same axis ob", and the same direction of rotation, as the arrows in Fig. 45, his, may assist to show. 177. In each of the two last Figures, the internal vertical angle at B^' is thus equal to the Supplement, tt - l q'q, of the angle of the product; and it is important to observe that the corresponding ro- tation at the vertex b", from the side b^'a' to the side b'^c', or (as we may briefly express it) from the point k' to the point o', is, positive; a result which is easily seen to be a general one, by the reasoning of the foregoing Article.* We may then infer, generally, that when the multiplication of any two versors is constructed hya spherical trian- gle, of which the two ba^e angles represent (as in the two last Articles) t\iQ factors, while the external vertical angle represents t\\Q product, then the rotation round the axis (ob'O of that product q'q, from the axis (oa') of the multiplier q', to the axis (oc^) of the multiplicand q, is positive: whence it follows that the rotation round the axis Ax. q' of the multiplier, from the axis Ax. q of the multiplicand, to the axis Ax. q'q of the product, is also positive. Or, to express the same thing more fully, since the only rotations hitherto considered have hQQU plane ones (as in 128, &c.), we may say that if the two latter axes be projected on a plane perpendicular to the former, so as still to have a common origin o, then the rotation round Ax. q\ from the projection of Ax. q to the projection of Ax. q'q, will be di- rected (with our conventions) towards the right hand. 178. We have therefore thus a new mode of geometrically exhibiting the inequality of the two products^ q'q and ^5-', o{two diplanar versors (168), when taken a3 factors in two different orders. For this purpose, let Ax. 5-= OP, Ax.5'=0Q, Ax.qq = OR; and prolong to some point s the arc PR of a great circle on the unit sphere. Then, for the spherical triangle pqr, by prin- * If a person be supposed to stand on the sphere at b", and to look towards the arc a'c', it would appear to him to have a right-handed direction, which is the one here adopted as positive (127). 154 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [book II. ciples lately established, we shall have (comp. 175) the follow- ing values of the two internal base angles at p and q, and of the external vertical angle at ii : RPQ = Lq\ PQR = L q ', SRQ = L q'q ; and the rotation at q, from the side qp to the side qr will be right-handed. Let fall an arcual perpendi- g cular, RT, from the vertex r on the base pq, and prolong this perpendicular to r', in such a manner as to have /^ RT = '^ tr' ; also prolong pr' to some point s'. We shall then have a new triangle pqr', which will be a sort of reflexion (comp. 138) of the old one with respect to their common base pq ; and this new triangle will serve to construct the new product^ qq. For the rotation at p Fig. 46. from PQ to pr' will be right-handed, as it ought to be ; and we shall have the equations, qpr' = Z^; r'qp = Z5''; qr's' = Z^'^''; on' = Ax.qq \ so that the new external and spherical angle, qr's', will repre- sent the new versor, qq\ as the old angle srq represented the old versor, q'q, obtained from a different order of the factors. And although, no doubt, these two angles, at r and r', are always equal in quantity, so that we may establish (comp. 1 73) the general formida, Lqq^Lqq, yet as vector angles (174), and therefore as representatives of versors, they must be considered to be unequal: because they have different planes, namely, the tangent planes to the sphere at the two vertices r and r'; or the two planes respectively parallel to these, which are drawn through the centre o. 179. Division of Versors (comp. 172) can be constructed by means oi Representative Angles (174), as well as by representative arcs (162). Thus to divide q" by q, or rather to represent such division geometrically, on a plan entirely similar to that last employed for CHAP. I.] CONICAL ROTATION OF AXIS OF VERSOR. 155 multiplication, we have only to determine the two points P and r, in Fig. 46, by the two conditions, and then to find a third point q by the two angular equations, RPQ =Lq, QRP ^tr- L q", the rotation round p from PR towards pq being positive ; after which we shall have, A-K. {q" \ q)=OQ,\ L{q" '.q) = VQ,Vi. (1.) Instead of conceiving, in Fig. 46, that the dotted line rtk', which connects the vertices of the two triangles, with pq for their common base (178), is an arc of a great circle, perpendicularly bisected by that base, we may imagine it to be an arc of a small circle^ described with the point p for its positive pole (comp. 174, II.). And then we may say that the passage (comp. 17 B) from the versor q'% or qq, to the unequal versor q(q" : 9), or qq\ is geometrically performed by a Conical Rota- tion of the Axis Ax. 5", round the axis Ax. 7, through an angle ~2 Lq^ without any (jjuantitative) change of the angle Lq"\ so that we have, as before, the general formula (comp. again 173), L q (9" : 9) = ^ 9". (2.) Or if we prefer to employ the construction of multiplication and division by representative arcs, which Fig. 43 was designed to illustrate, and conceive that a new point c" is determined in that Figure by the condition ^ a'c" = "^ c'a', we may then say that in the passage from the versor q'\ which is represented by ac, to the versor q (5" : 5), represented by c'a' or by a'c", the representative arc of q" is made to move, without change of length, so as to preserve a constant inclination* to the representative arc AB ofq, while zYs initial point describes the double of that arc A^, in passing from a to a'. (3.) It maybe seen, by these few Examples, that if, even independently of some new characteristics of operation, such as K and U, new combinations of old symbols, such as q (q" : q), occur in the present Calculus, which are not wanted in Algebra, they admit for the most part of geometrical interpretations, of an easy and interest - ing kind ; and in fact represent conceptions, which cannot well be dispensed with, and which it is useful to be able to express, with so much simplicity and conciseness. (Compare the remarks in Art. 161 ; and the sub-articles to 182, 145.) 180. In connexion with the construction indicated by the two Figures 45, it may be here remarked, that if abc be any spherical triangle, and if a', b', c' be (as in 175) the positive poles of its three successive sides, bc, ca, ab, then the rotation (comp. 177, 179) round a' from b' to c', or that round b' from * In a manner analogous to the motion of the equator on the ecliptic, by luni- ioldv precession, in astronomy. 156 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. c' to A, &c., IS positive. The easiest way, perhaps, of seeing the truth of this assertion, is to conceive that if the rotation round a from b to c be not already positive, we make it such, by passing to the diametrically opposite triangle on the sphere, which will not change the poles a', b', c'. Assuming then that these poles are thus the near ones to the corresponding corners of the given triangle, we arrive without any difficulty at the conclusion stated above : which has been virtually employed in our construction of multiplication (and division) of versors, by means of Representative Angles (1 75, 176) ; and which may be otherwise justified (as before), by the consideration of the unit-tangents of Fig. 45, Ms. (1.) Let then a, j3, y be any three given unit vectors, such that the rotation round the first, from the second to the third, is positive (in the sense of Art. 177); and let a', /3', y' be three otlier unit vectors, derived from these by the equations, a'=Ax. (y:/3), /3'= Ax. (a : y), y' = Ax.(/3 : a) ; then the rotation round a, from /3' to y', will be positive also; and we shall have the converse formulae, a = Ax.(y':/5'), ^ = Ax. (a: y'), y = Ax . (/3' : a')- (2.) If the rotation round a from /3 to y were given to be negative, a', /3', y' being still deduced from those three vectors by the same three equations as before, then the signs of a, /3, y would all require to be changed, in the three last (or reci- procal) formulae ; but the rotaticm round a', from /3' to y', would still be positive. (3.) Before closing this Section, it may be briefly noticed, that it is sometimes convenient, from motives of analogy (comp. Art. 5), to speak of the Transvector- Arc (167), which has been seen to represent a. product of two versors. as being the Arcual, Sum of the two successive vector-arcs, which represent (on the same plan) the factors ; Provector being still said to be added to Fector : but the Order of such Addition of Diplanar Arcs being not now indifferent (168), as the corresponding order had been early found (in 7) to be, when the vectors to be added were right lines. (4.) We may also speak occasionally, by an extension of the same analogy, of the External Vertical Angle of a spherical triangle, as being the Spherical Sum of the two Base Angles of that triangle, taken in a suitable order of summation (comp. Fig. 46); the Angle which represents (174) the Multiplier being then said to be added (as a sort of Angular Provector) to that other Vector-Angle which represents the Multiplicand; whilst what is here called the sum of these two angles (and is, with respect to them, a species of Transvector- Angle) represents, as has been proved, the Product. (5.) This conception of angular transvaction becomes perhaps a little more clear, when (on the plan of 174, I.) we assume the centre o as the common vertex of three angles aob, boc, aoc, situated generally in three different planes. For then we may CHAP. '•] SYSTEM OF THREE RIGHT VERSORS. 157 conceive a revolving radius to be either carried by two successive angular motions, frnm OA to OB, and thence to oc ; or to be transported immediately, by one such motion, from the Ji?-st to the third position. (6.) Finally, as regards the construction indicated by Fig. 45, bis, in which tan- gents instead of radii were employed, it may be well to remark distinctly here, that a'b"c', in that Figure, may be ani/ given spherical triangle, for which the rotation round b" from a' to c' is positive (177); and that then, if the two factors, q and q', be defined to be the two versors, of which the internal angles at c' and a' are (in the sense of 174, II.) the representatives, the reasonings of Art. 176 will prove, without necessarily referring, even in thought, to any other triangle (such as abc), that the external angle at b" is (in the same sense) the representative of the product, q'q, as before. Section 10. — On a System of Three Right Versors^ in Three Rectangular Planes ; and on the Laws of the Symbols, 181. Suppose that oi, oj, ok are any three given and co- initial but rectangular unit-lines, the rotation round the first from the second to the third being positive ; and let oi', oj, ok' be the three unit- vectors respectively opposite to these, so that Ol' = -OI, Oj'-=-OJ, ok'=-ok. Let the three new symbols i,j, k denote a system (comp, 172) of three right versors, in three mutually rectangular planes, with the three given lines for their respective axes; so that Ax.i=oj, Ax.j=oj, Ax.k-OK, and i = ok:oj, J=oi:ok, A=oj:oi, as Figure 47 may serve to illustrate. We shall then have these other expres- sions for the same three versors : i = o y : OK = ok' ^ = OK : 01 =01 k = oi : OJ = OJ Fig. 47. OJ = OJ : OK ; ok'= ok: oi' ; oi' = 01 : oj' ; while the three respectively opposite versors may be thus ex- pressed : - z = oj : OK = OK : OJ = oj : ok = ok: oj -j = OK : 01 = oi' : OK = ok' : oi' = 01 : ok - A = 01 : OJ = OJ : 01 = oi' : oj' = OJ : oi'. /< / 158 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. And from the comparison of these different expressions seve- ral important symbolical consequences follow, which it will be worth while to enunciate separately here, although some of them are virtually included in the results of former Sections. 182. In \hQjirst place, since i^ = (oj' : ok) . (OK : oj) = oj' : OJ, &c., we deduce (comp. 148) the following equal values for the squares of the new symbols : L..z^ = -1; / = -l; k' = -l; as might indeed have been at once inferred (154), from the circumstance that the three radial quotients (146), denoted here by hj, ^3 are all right versors (181). In the second place, since ij= (oj:ok') .(ok':oi) = oj : oi, &c., we have the following values for the products of the same three symbols, or versors, when taken iioo hy two, and in a certain order of succession (comp. 168, 171) : II. . . ij= k] jk = i; ki =j. But in the third place (comp. again 171), since j .i= (ox : ok) . (ok : oj) = oi : oj, &c., we have these other and contrasted formulae, for the binary products of the same three right versors, when taken as fac- tors with an opposite order : III. . .ji=-k; kj = -i; ik = -j. Hence, while the square of each of the three right versors, de- noted by these three new symbols, ijk, is equal (154) to nega-^ tive unity, the product of any two of them is equal either to the third itself, or to the oppo- site (171) of that third versor, according as the multiplier precedes ov follows the multipli- cand, in the cyclical succession, h i, k, i, j\ . . . which the annexed Figure 47, bis, may give some help towards remembering. CHAP. I.] LAWS OF THE SYMBOLS, I, J, K. 159 (1.) To connect such multiplications ofi,j, k with the theory of representative arcs (162), and of representative angles (174), we may regard any one of the four quadrantal arcs, JK, Kj', j'k', k'j, in Fig, 47, or any one of the four spherical right angles, jik, kij', j'ik', k'ij, which those arcs subtend at their common pole i, as re- presenting the versor i ; and similarly for j and k, with the introduction of the point i' opposite to I, which is to be conceived as being at the back of the Figure. (2.) The squaring of i, or the equation i^ = - 1, comes thus to be geometrically constructed by tbe doubling (comp. Arts. 148, 154, and Figs. 41, 42) of an arc, or of an angle. Thus, we may conceive the quadrant kj' to be added to the equal arc jk, their sum being the great semicircle jj', which (by 166) represents an inversor (153), or negative unity considered as a, factor. Or we may add the right angle kij' to the equal angle JIK, and so obtain a., rotation through two right angles at the jooZe i, or at the centre o; which rotation is equivalent (comp. 154, 174) to an inversion of direction, or to a passage from the radius OJ, to the opposite radius oj'. (3.) The midtiplication ofj hy i, or the equation ij = k, may in like manner be arcually constructed, by the addition of k'j, as a provector-arc (167), to ik' as a vector-arc (162), giving ij, which is a representative of ^, as the transvector-arc, or arcual-sum (180, (3.) ). Or the same multiplication may be angularly con- structed, with the help of the spherical triangle ijk ; in which the base-angles at I and J represent respectively the multiplier, i, and the multiplicand, j, the rotation round l from j to k being positive : while their spherical sum (180, (4.)), or the ex- ternal vertical angle at K (comp. 175, 176), represents the same product, k, as before. (4.) The contrasted multiplication of i hy j, or of J into* i, may in like manner be constructed, or geometrically represented, either by the addition of the arc ki, as a new provector, to the arc jk as a new vector, which new process gives Ji (instead of ij) as the new transvector ; or with the aid of the new triangle ijk' (comp. Figs. 46, 47), in which the rotation round i from j to the new vertex k' is negative, so that the angle at i represents now the multiplicand, and the resulting angle at the new' pole k' represents the new and opposite product, ji = - k. 183. Since we have thus ji = - ij (as we had q'q = - qq in 171), we see that the laws of combination of the neio symbols^ i,j, k, are not in all j^espects the same as the corresponding laws in algebra; since the Commutative Property of Multipli- cation, or the convertibility (169) of the places o^ \k\Q factors without change of value of the product, does not here hold good: which arises (168) from the circumstance, that the factors to be combined are here diplanar versor s (181). It is therefore important to observCj that there is a respect in which * A multiplicand is said to be multiplied hy the multiplier ; -while, on the other hand, a multiplier is said to be multiplied into the multiplicand : a distinction of this sort between the tivo factors being necessary, as we have seen, for quaternions, although it is not needed for algebra. 160 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. the laws of i, j, k agree with usual and algebraic laws : namely, in the Associative Property of Multiplication ; or in the pro- perty that the new symbols always obey the associative for- mula (comp. 9), whichever of them may be substituted for z, for ic, and for X ; in virtue of which equality of values we may omit the pointy in any such symbol of a ternary product (whether of equal or of unequal factors), and write it simply as lk\. In particular we have thus, i.jk = i,i = i'^ = ~ \ ; ij .k = k.k = k^ = - \ ; or briefly, ijk = -l. We may, therefore, by 182, establish the following important Formula : p=f^k^ = ijk = -l ; (A) to which we shall occasionally refer, as to " Formula A," and which we shall find to contain (virtually) all the laws of the symbols ijk, and therefore to be a sufficient symbolical basis for the whole Calculus of Quaternions i* because it will be shown that every quaternion can he reduced to the Quadrino- mial Form, q=w + ix +jy + kz, where w, x, y, z compose a system of four scalar s, while 2, j, k are the same three right versors as above. (1.) A direct proof of the equation, ijk = — 1, may be derived from the definitions of the symbols in Art. 181. In fact, we have only to remember that those defini- tions were seen to give, * This formula (A) was accordingly made the basis of that Calculus in the first communication on the subject, by the present writer, to the Royal Irish Academy in 1843 ; and the letters, i, 7', k, continued to be, for some time, the only peculiar sym- bols of the calculus in question. But it was gradually found to be useful to incor- porate with these a few other notations (such as K and U, &c.), for representing Operations on Quaternions. It was also thought to be instructive to establish the principles of that Calculus, on a more geometrical (or less exclusively symbolicaT) foundation than at first ; which was accordingly afterwards done, in the volume en- titled : Lectures on Quaternions (Dublin, 1853) ; and is again attempted in the pre- sent work, although with many differences in the adopted plan of exposition, and in the applications brought forward, or suppressed. CHAP. I.] LAWS OF THE SYMBOLS, I, J, K. 161 t = oj' : OK, j = ok: oi', ^ = oi' : oj ; and to observe that, by the general fornmla of multiplication (107), whatever four lines may be denoted by a, /3, y, d, we have always, y' (3 a y a a ^ a y/^a' or briefly, as in algebra, y /3 a a the point being thus omitted without danger of confusion : so that ijk = oj' : OJ = — 1, as before. Similarly, we have these two other ternary products : jki = (ok' : ot) (oi : oj') (oj' : ok) = ok' : ok = — 1 ; kij = (oi' : oj) (oj : ok') (ok' : oi) = oi' : oi = - 1 . (2,) On the other hand, kji— (oj : oi) (oi : ok) (ok : oj) =oj : oj = + 1 ; and in like manner, ikj— + 1, and jik = + 1. (3.) The equations in 182 give also these other ternary products, in which th» law of association of factors is Still obeyed : i . ij = ik = -j = iy = a .j\ iij =-j] i .ji = i.-k = -ik=j = ki = ij . ?, iji = +j ; i.jj=i.-l=-i = kj = ij.j, VJ = -i; with others deducible from these, by mere cyclical permutation of the letters, on the plan illustrated by Fig. 47, Ms. (4.) In general, if the Associative Law of Combination exist for ani/ three symbols whatever of a given class, and for a giiwn mode of combination, as for addi- tion of lines in Art. 9, or for multiplication of ijk in the present Article, the same law exists for any fotir (or more) symbols of the same class, and combinations of the same kind. For example, if each of the four letters t, /c, X, /* denote some one of the three symbols i, j, k (but not necessarily the same one), we have the formula, I . (cX/i = t . K . XjLl = tK . X/i = tK . X . /f = ifcX . n = tjcX/A. (5.) Hence, any multiple (or complex') product of the symbols ijk, in any manner repeated, but taken in one given order, may be interpreted, with one definite result, by any mode of association, or of reduction to partial factors, which can be performed without commutation, or change of place of the given factors. For example, the symbol ijkkji may be interpreted in either of the two following (among other) ways : ij.kk.ji = ij.-ji = i.~j'Ki = ii = - 1; ijk.kji=-l. 1=-1. 184. The formula (a) of 183 includes obviously the three equa- tions (I.) of 182. To show that it includes also the six other equations, (H.)? (m*)' ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ cited Article, we may observe that it gives, with the help of the associative principle of multiplication (which may be suggested to the memory by the absence of the jpomi in the symbol tjk), Y 162 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. ij =i-ij .kk = -ijk.k = + k', jk = -i. ijk = + i\ ji =j .jk]=fk = -k', ik = i.ij = i V = -j ; k' = V • ; = «;'^ = - « ; ^« = - ^^!/ = -P = + J- And then it is easy to prove, without any reference to geometry/, if the foregoing laws of the symbols be admitted, that we have also, jki = kij = - 1 , kji =jik = ikj = + 1 , as otherwise and geometrically shown in recent sub-articles. It may- be added that the mere inspection of the formula (a) is sufficient to show that the tkree'^ square roots of negative unity j denoted in it by /, j, k, cannot be subject to all the ordinary rules of algebra : because that formula gives, at sight, Pfk'=(-iy^-l=-{ijky; the non-commutative character (183) , of the multiplication of such roots among themselves, being thus put in evidence. Section 11. — On the Tensor of a Vector, or of a Quaternion ; and on the Product or Quotient of any two Quaternions. 185. Having now sufficiently availed ourselves, in the two last Sections, of the conceptions (alluded to, so early as in the First Article of these Elements) of a vector-arc (162), and of a vector-angle (174), in illustration^ of the laws o^ multiplica- tion and division of vers or s of quaternions ; we propose to re- turn to that use of the word. Vector, with which alone the First Book, and the first eight Sections of this First Chapter of the Second Book, have been concerned : and shall therefore henceforth mean again, exclusively^ by that word " vector," a Directed Right Line (as in 1). And because we have already considered and expressed the Direction of any such line, by * It is evident that — i, —j, — k are also, on the same principles, values of the symbol V — 1; because they also are right versors (153); or because (- gy=q^. More generally (comp. a Note to page 131), if a:, y, z be any three scalers which sa- tisfy the condition x^ i- 1/"^ + z"^ = 1, it will be proved, at a later stage, that (ix-\-jt/ + kzy = -l. f One of the chief uses of such vectors, in connexion with those laws, has been to illustrate the non-com>Hutative property (1G8) of multiplication of versors, by ex- hibiting a corresponding property of what has been called, by analogy to the earlier operation of the same kind on linear vectors (5), the addition of arcs and angles on a sphere. Compare 180, (3.), (4.). CHAP. I.J TENSOR OF A VECTOR. 163 introducing the conception and notation (155) of the Unit- Vector, Ua, which has the same direction with the line a, and which we have proposed (156) to call the Versor of that Vec- tor, a ; we now propose to consider and express the Length of the same line a, by introducing the new name Tensor, and the new symbol,* Ta; which latter symbol we shall read, as the Tensor of the Vector a : and shall define it to be, or to denote, the Number (comp. again 155) which represents the Length of that line a, by expressing the Ratio which that length bears to some assumed standard, or Unit (128). 186. To connect more closely these two conceptions, of the versor and the tensor of a vector, we may remember that when we employed (in 155) the letter a as a temporary sym- bol for the number which thus expresses the length of the line a, we had the equation, Ua = a : «, as one form of the defini- tion of the unit-vector denoted by Ua. We might therefore have written also these two other forms of equation (comp. 15, 16), a-a.\Ja, a = a'.JJa, to express the dependence of the vector, a, and of the scalar, a, on each other, and on what has been called (156) the versor, Ua. For example, with the construction of Fig. 42, bis (comp. 161, (2.) ), we may write the three equations, « = OA : oa', b = OB : ob', c = oc : oc', if «, b, c be thus the three positive scalars, which denote the lengths of the three lines, oa, ob, oc ; and these three scalars may then be considered as factors, or as coefficients (12), by which the three unit-vectors Ua, Uj3, Uy, or oa', ob', oc' (in the cited Figure), are to be respectively multiplied (15), in order to change them into the three other vectors a, j3, y, or OA, OB, oc, by altering their lengths, without any change in their directions. But such an exclusive Operation, on the Length (or on the extension) of aline, may be said to be an Act of Tension ;t as an operation on direction alone may be called (comp. 151) an act of version. We have then thus a motive * Compare the Note to Art. 155. t Compare the Note to Art. 156, in page 135. 164 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. for the introduction of the name, Tensor, as applied to the positive number which (as above) represents the length of a line. And when the notation Ta (instead of a) is employed for such a tensor, we see that we may write generally, for any vector a, the equations (compare again 15, 16) : Ua = a : Ta ; Ta = a : Ua ; a ~ Ta . Ua = Ua . Ta. For example, if a be an unit-vector, so that Ua = a (160), then Td = 1 ; and therefore, generally, whatever vector may be denoted by a, we have always, * TUa=l. For the same reason, ivhatever quaternion may be denoted by q, we have always (comp. again 160) the equation, T(Ax.g)=l. (1.) Hence the equation where p = op, expresses that the locus of the variable point p is the surface of the unit sphere (128). (2.) The equation Tp = Ta expresses that the locus of p is the spheric surface with o for centre, which passes through the point a. (3.) On the other hand, for the sphere through o, which has its centre at A, we have the equation, ., . 7> T(p-a) = Ta; ■" /' r. ^^ " "' '^ which expresses that the lengths of the two lines, ap, ao, are equal. , , ' [ ^^H^) ' (4.) More generally, the equation, T (p - a) = T (/3 - a), 7 (M\ r y.. 4-^- ^ expresses that the locus of p is the spheric surface through b, which has its centre at A. (5.) The equation of the Apollonian* Locus, 145, (8.), (9.), may be written under either of the two following forms : T(p-a2a)=aT(p-a); Tp=aTa; \^^.^.^ „ ^ ' from each of which we shall find ourselves able to pass to the other, at a later stage, by general Rules of Transformation, without appealing to geometry (covv^. 145, (10.)), (6.) The equation, T(p + a) = T(p-a), expresses that the locus of p is the plane through o, perpendicular to the line oa ; because it expresses that if oa' = - oa, then the point p is equally distant from the two points A and a'. It represents therefore the same locus as the equation, * Compare the first Note to page 128. CHAP. I.] GEOMETRICAL EXAMPLES. 165 or as the equation, Z^=^, of 132, (L); a i ^ + K^=0, of 144, (L); a a or as f U^Y=-1, of 161, (7.); or as the simple geometrical formula, p -L a (129). And in fact it will be found possible, by General Rules of this Calculus, to transform any one of these /ue for- mulae into any other of them ; or into this sixth form, a which expresses that the scalar part* of the quaternion - is ze/o, and therefore that a this quaternion is a right quotient (132). (7.) In like manner, the equation T(p-/3)=T(p-a) expresses that the locus of p is the plane which perpendicularly bisects the line ab ; because it expresses that p is equally distant from the two points A and b. (8.) The tensor, T«, being generally a positive scalar, but vanishing (as a limit) with a, we have, Txa = + xTa, according as x> or < ; thus, in particular, T (- a) = Ta ; and TOa = TO = 0. (9.) That T(/3 + a) = T/3+Ta, if U/3 = Ua, but not otherwise (a and fi being any two actual vectors), will be seen, at a later stage, to be a symbolical consequence from the rules of the present Calculus ; but in the mean time it may be geometrically proved, by conceiving that while a = OA, as usual, we make (3+ a = oc, and therefore j3 = oc — OA = ao (4) ; for thus we shall see that while, iyi general, the three points o, A, c are corners of a triangle, and there- fore the length of the side oc is less than the sum of the lengths of the two other sides OA and ac, the former length becomes, on the contrary, equal to the latter sum, in the particular case when the triangle vanishes, by the point a falling on the finite line OC ; in which case, OA and AC, or a and /3, have one common direction, as the equation Ua = U/3 implies. (10.) If a and (3 be any actual vectors, and if their versors be unequal (Ua not = U/3), then T(/3 + a) or < Ta ; but T (i3 + a) >+ (T/3 -Ta), if U/3no*=-Ua. 187. The quotient, Uj3 : Ua, of the versors o^ \hQ two vec- tors, a and j3, has been called (in 156) the Versor of the Quo- tient, or quaternion, q = ^ : a ; and has been denoted, as such, by the symbol, \]q. On the same plan, we i3ropose now to call the quotient, T/3 : Ta, of the tensors of the same two vec- tors, the Tensor* of the Quaternion q, or (5: a, and to denote it by the corresponding symbol, Tq. And then, as we have called the letter U (in 156) the characteristic of the operation o^ taking the versor, so we may now speak of T as the Cha- racteristic of the (corresponding) Operation of taking the Ten- sor^ whether of a Vector, a, or of a Quaternion, q. We shall thus have, generally, T(j3 : a) = TjS : Ta, as we had U(/3 : a) = U/3 : Ua (156) ; and may say that as the versor JJq depended solely on, but conversely was sufficient to determine, the relative direction (157), so the tensor Tq depends on and determines the relative length] (109), of the two vectors, a and /3, of which the qua- ternion q is the quotient (112). (1.) Hence the equation T- = l, like T(0 = Ta, to which it is equivalent, ex- presses that the locus of p is the sphere with o for centre, which passes through the point A. * Compare the Note to Art. 109, in page 108; and that to Art. 156, in page 135. f It has been shown, in Art. 112, and in the Additional Illustrations of the third Section of the present Chapter (113-116), that Relative Length, as well as relative direction, enters as an essential element into the very Conception of a Qua- ternion. Accordingly, in Art. 117, an agreement of relative lengths (as well as an agreement of relative directions) was made one of the conditions of equality, between any two quaternions, considered as quotients of vectors : so that we may now say, that the tensors (as well as the versors) of equal quaternions are equal. Compare the first Note to page 137, as regards what was there called the quantitative element, of absolute or relative length, which was eliminated from a, or from q, by means of the characteristic U ; whereas the new characteristic, T, of the present Section, serves on the contrary to retain that element alone, and to eliminate what may be called by contrast the qualitative element, of absolute or relative direction. CHAP. I.] TENSOR OF A QUATERNION. 167 (2.) The equation comp. 186, (6.) ), T^i-e = l, p- a expresses that the locus of p is the plane through o, perpendicular to the line oa. (3.) Other examples of the same sort may easily be derived from the sub-arti- cles to 186, by introducing the notation (187) for the tensor of a quotient, or qua- ternion, as additional to that for the tensor of a vector (185). (4.) T(/3 : a) >, =, or < 1, according as T/3 >, =, or < Ta. (5.) The tensor of a right quotient (132) is always equal to the tensor of its in- dex (133). (6.) The tensor of a radial (146) is always positive unity ; thus we haA^e, ge- nerally, by 156, TU^ = 1; and in particular, by 181, Tt = T; = TA=l. (7.) Txq = + xHq, according as a; > or < ; thus, in particular, T(— g') = T5', or the tensors oi opposite quaternions are equal. (8.) Ta; = + ar, according as x> or < ; thus, the tensor of a scalar is that scalar taken positively. (9.) Hence, TTa = Ta, TTq^Tq; 80 that, by abstracting from the subject of the operation T (comp. 145, 160), we may establish the symbolical equation, T^ = TT= T (10.) Because the tensor of a quaternion is generally a positive scalar, such a tensor is its own conjugate (139) ; its angle is zero (131) ; and its versor (159) is positive unity : or in symbols, KTq^Tq; LTq=Oi VTq=l. (11.) T(l:5) = T(a:i8) = Ta:T/3 = l:T5; or in words, the tensor of the reciprocal of a quaternion is equal to the reciprocal of the tensor, (12.) Again, since the two lines, ob and ob', in Fig. 36, are equally long, the de- finition (137) of a conjugate gives TKq = Tq', or in words, the tensors of conjugate quaternions are equal. (13.) It is scarcely necessary to remark, that any two quaternions which have equal tensors, and equal versors, are themselves equal : or in symbols, that g' = q, if T:q=Tq, and XJq'^Uq. 188. Since we have, generally, a Ta.Ua Ta Ua Ua we may establish the two following general formulae of decom- 15 T^.u^ t/3 uii u^ T^ ^ ,„^ ,_^ 168 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. position of a quaternion into two factors, of the tensor and ver- sor kinds : I. .,q=Tq.\]qi II. . . ^ = U^.T^ ; which are exactly analogous to the formulae (186) for the cor- responding decomposition of a vector, mio factors of the same two kinds : namely, r. . .a = Ta.Ua; H'. . . a = Ua . Ta. To illustrate this last decomposition of a quaternion, q, or OB : oA, into factors, we may conceive that aa' and bb' are two concentric and circular, but oppositely directed arcs, which terminate respectively on the two lines OB and oa, or rather on the longer of those two lines itself, and on the shorter of them prolonged, as in the annexed Figure 48 ; so that oa' has the length of oa, but the direction of ob, while ob', on the contrary, has the length of ob, but the direction of oa ; and that therefore we may write, by what has been defined respecting versors and tensors of vectors (155, 156, 185, 186), OA' = Ta.U]3; 0B'=Tj3.Ua. Then, by the definitions in 156, 187, of the versor and tensor of a quaternion, JJq = U(oB : oa) = oa' : oa = ob : ob' ; Tq =T (oB : oa) = ob' : oa = ob : oa' ; whence, by the general formula of multiplication of quotients (107), I. . q = 0b: o\ = (ob : oa') . (oa' : oa) = T^' . Uq ; and II. . ^ = ob : oa = (ob : ob') . (ob' : oa) = \Jq . Tq, as above. 189. In words, if we wish to pass from the vector a to the vec- tor /3, or from the line oa to the line ob, we are at liberty either, 1st, to begin by turning^ from oa to oa', and then to end by stretching^ CHAP. I.] TENSOR OF A QUATERNION. 169 from oa' to ob, as Fig. 48 may serve to illustrate; or, Ilnd, to begin by stretching, from oa to ob^, and end by turning, from ob' to ob. The act of multiplication of a line a by a quaternion q^ considered as a factor (103), which affects both length and direction (109), may thus be decomposed into two distinct and partial acts, of the kinds which we have called Version and Tension ; and these two acts may be performed, at pleasure, in either of tvjo orders of succession. And although, if we attended merely to lengths, we might be led to say that th.Qtensor of a quaternion was a signless number,'^ expressive of a geometrical ratio of magnitudes, yet when the recent construction (Fig. 48) is adopted, we see, by either of the two resulting expres- sions (188) for 1q, that there is b. propriety in treating this tensor as 2, positive scalar, as we have lately done, and propose systemati- cally to do, 190. Since TYiq = Tq, by 187, (12.), and UK^=1:U^, by 158, we may write, generally, for any quaternion and its conjugate, the two connected expressions: L. ,q = Tq.\]q', II. .. Kq^Tq'.Uq; whence, by multiplication and division, III. . . ^ . K(? = (T^)2 ; IV. . . 2 : K^ = (U^)^ This last formula had occurred before; and we saw (161) that in it thQ parentheses might be omitted, because (J^qf =^{q^)' In like manner (comp. 161, (2.) ), we have also (T?)-^=T(s^) = Tf/, parentheses being again omitted ; or in words, the tensor of the square of a quaternion is always equal to the square of the tensor: as ap- pears (among other ways) from inspection of Fig. 42, his, in which h 1^/ the lengths of oa, ob, oc form a geometrical progression ; whence obV ^oc T.oc / T.ob V YrpOB"' oa; ~ oa T.oA~\T.oAy \ oa At the same time, we see again that the product qKq of two conju- gate quaternions, which has been called (145, (U.) ) their common Norm, and denoted by the symbol '^q, represents geometrically the square of the quotient of the lengths of the two lines, of which (when considered as vectors) the quaternion q is itself the quotient (112). We may therefore write generally,! V. . . qYiq = Tq^ = l^q\ VI. . . T^ = ^/^q^ v/(^/K^). * Compare the Note in page 108, to Art. 109. f Compare the Note in page 129. Z 170 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. (1.) We have also, by II., the following other general transformations for the tensor of a quateraion : VII. . . Tg = Kg.U5; VIII. . . Tg^ Ug . % ; of which the geometrical significations might easily be exhibited by a diagram, but of which the validity is sufficiently proved by what precedes. (2.) Also (comp. 158), (3.) The reciprocal of a quaternion, and the conjugate* of that reciprocal, may now be thus expressed : 1 _ Kg _ ^_ KUg_ J_ J^ _ ±.J.. g~"f^~K^~ Tq ~ Vq' Tq~ Tq'Vq' q % Tg2 Tg Kg* (4.) We may also write, generally, IX.. . Kg = Tg. KUg = N5:g. 191. In general, let any two quaternions, q and^'', be con- sidered as multiplicand and multiplier, and let them be re- duced (by 120) to the forms j3 : a and 7 : j3 ; then the tensor and versor of that third quaternion, y.a, which is (by 107) their product q'q^ may be thus expressed : I...T^'^=T(y:a) = Ty:Ta = (T7:Ti3).(T/3:Ta) = T5'.T^; Il...U^V = U(7:a) = U7:Ua=(U7:Uj3).(Uj3:Ua) = U^'.U^; where Tq'q and \Jqq are written, for simplicity, instead of T{q\q) and U (§''.$'). Hence, in any such multiplication, the tensor of the product is the product of the tensor; and the ver- sor of the product is the product of the versors; the order of the factors being generally retained for the latter (comp. 168, &c.), although it may be varied for the former^ on account of the scalar character of a tensor. In like manner, for the divi- sion of any one quaternion q\ by any other q, we have the analogous formulae : III. .. T (?':?) = Tj -.Tq; IV. . . U(?' : q) = \Jq' : JJq ; or in words, the tensor of the quotient of any two quater- nions is equal to the quotient of the tensors ; and similarly, the versor of the quotient is equal to the quotient of the versors. And because multiplication and division of tensors are per- formed according to the rules 0^ algebra, or rather of a/^V/^/w^- * Compare Art. 145, and the Note to page 127. CHAP. I.] PRODUCT OR QUOTIENT OF TWO QUATERNIONS. l7l tic (a tensor being always, by what precedes, a positive num- ber), we see that the difficulty (whatever it may be) of the general multiplication and division of quaternions is thus re- duced to that of the corresponding operations on versors : for which latter operations geometrical constructions have been assigned, in the ninth Section of the present Chapter. (1.) The two products, q'q and qq', of any two quaternions taken as factors in two different orders, are equal or unequal, according as those two factors are compla- nar or diplanar ; because such equality (169), or inequality (168), has been already proved to exist, for the case* when each tensor is unity : but we have always (comp. 178), Hqq = Tgq\ and lq'q=l qq. (2.) If Lq = Lq =—i then qq' = Kq'q (170) ', SO that the products of two right quotients, or right quaternions (132), taken in opposite orders, are always conju- gate quaternions. ,(3.) If lq = /.g'='~, and Ax.^'-i-, then qq=-q'q, Lqq'=Lq'q = ^, Ax. q'q -i- Ax . q, Ax . q' q -I- Ax . q' {17 1) ', so that the product of two right quaternions, in two rectangular planes, is a third right quaternion, in a plane rectangular to both ; and is changed to its oivn opposite, when the order of the factors is reversed : as we had ijz=k=-ji (182). (4.) In general, if q and q' be any two diplanar quaternions, the rotation round Ax . q', from Ax . 5 to Ax . q'q, is positive (177). (6.) Under the same condition, q\{q' : g-) is a quaternion with the same tensor, and same angle, as q', but with a different axis; and this new axis. Ax .g(q' : g), may be derived (179, (1.)) from the old axis. Ax . q', by a conical rotation (in the positive direction) round Ax . q, through an angle = 2 Lq. (6.) The product or quotient of two complanar quaternions is, in general, a third quaternion complanar with both ; but if they be both scalar, or both right, then this product or quotient degenerates (131) into a scalar. (7.) Whether q and q' be complanar or diplanar, we have always as in algebra (comp. 106, 107, 136) the two identical equations: V. . . (g' : g) . g = ?' ; VI. . . (9' . ?) : g = q'. (8.) Also, by 190, V., and 191, I., we have this other general formula : VII. . .Ng'g = Ng'.Ng; or in words, the norm of the product is equal to the product of the norms. 192. Let ^ = j3 : a, and 5'' = 7 : j3, as before ; then 1 : ^'^= 1 : (7 : a) =a : 7 = (« : /3) . (/3 : 7) = (1 : g) . (1 :^'); so that the reciprocal of the product of any two quaternions is * Compare the Notes to pages 148, 151. 172 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. equal to the product of the reciprocals, taken in an inverted order : or briefly, I. . . R^''^' = R.^ . ^q\ if R be again used (as in 161, (3.)) as a (temporary) charac- teristic of reciprocation. And because we have then (by the same sub-article) the symbolical equation, KU = UR, or in words, the conjugate of the versor of any quaternion q is equal (158) to the versor of the reciprocal of that quaternion ; while the versor of a product is equal (191) to the product of the versors : we see that KU^'^ = UR^'^ = UR^ . UR^' = KU^ . KU^'. But Kq^Tq. KU(7, by 190, IX. ; and Tq'q = Tq .Tq = T^.T^', by 191; we arrive then thus at the following other important and general formula : II. ..K|7'^ = K^.K^'; or in words, the conjugate of the product of any two quater- nions is equal to the product of the conjugates, taken (still) in an inverted order. (1.) These two results, I., II., may be illustrated, for versors (Tg = T$' = 1), by the consideration of a spherical triangle abc (comp. Fig. 43) ; in which the sides AB and BC (comp. 167) may represent q and q', the arc Ac then representing q'q. For then the new multiplier 'Rq = Kq (158) is represented (162) by ba, and the new multiplicand Kg' = Kg' by CB ; whence the new product, Rg.Rg'= Kg^.K^', is re- presented by the inverse arc CA, and is therefore at once the reciprocal Kg'g, and the conjugate Kq'q, of the old product q'q. (2.) If q and q' be right quaternions, then Kq = -q, Kg' = — g' (by 144) ; and the recent formula II. becomes, Kg'g = gg', as in 170. (3.) In general, that formula II. (of 192) may be thus -written : III. .. k^ = k^.k2:; a a /3' where a, j8, y may denote anj/ three vectors. (4.) Suppose then that, as in the annexed Fig. 49, we have the two following relations of in- verse similitude of triangles (118), A AOB a' BOC, A BOE a' DOB ; and therefore (by 137) the two equations, /3~ a' S l3' Fig. 49. CHAP. I.] CASE OF TWO RIGHT QUATERNIONS. 173 we shall have, by III., ^=K-, or ADOCa'AOE; a so that this third formula of inverse similitude is a consequence from the other two. (5.) If then (comp, 145, (6.) ) any two circles, -whether in one plane or in space, touch one another at a point b ; and if from any point o, on the common tangent bo, two secants OAC, oed be drawn, to these two circles ; the four points of section, A, c, D, E, will be on one common circle : for such concircularity is an easy conse- quence (through equal angles, &c.), from the last inverse similitude. (6.) The same conclusion (respecting concircularity, &c.) may be otherwise and geometrically drawn, from the equality of the two rectangles, AOC and doe^ each being equal to the square of the tangent ob ; which may serve as an instructive «*k^ verification of the recent formula III., and as an example of the consistency of the results, to which calculations with quaternions conduct. (7.) It may be noticed that the construction would in general give three circles, although only one is drawn in the Figure ; but that if the two triangles abc and DBE be situated m different planes, then these three circles, and of course ih.& five points ABODE, are situated on one common sphere. 193. An important application of the foregoing general theory of Multiplication and Division, is to the case of Right Quaternions (132), taken in connexion with i\iQ\Y Index- Vec- tors, or Indices (133). Considering division first, and employing the general for- mula of 1 06, let /3 and y be each _L a ; and let /3' and -y' be the respective indices of the two right quotients, q = j3 : a, and «/' = y : a. We shall thus have the two complanarities, /3' 1 1| /3, 7, and 7'||| j3, 7 (comp. 123), because the four lines /3, 7, /3', y are all perpendicular to a ; and within their common plane it is easy to see, from definitions already given, that these four lines form a proportion of vectors, in the same sense in which a, (5, y, d did so, in the fourth Section of the present Chapter : so that we may write the equation of quotients. In fact, we have (by 133, 185, 187) the following relations of length, TjS' = Tp : Ta, T7' = T7 : Ta, and .-. T (7' : jS') = T (7 : |3) ; while the relation of directions, expressed by the formula, U(y:/3') = U(y:j3), or Uy : U/3' = Uy : U/3, is easily established by means of the equations, 174 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [boOK II. Z(y:y)=Z(/3':i3) = ^; Ax . (y' : 7) = Ax . (/3' :/3) = Ua. We arrive, then, at this general Theorem (comp. again 133): that ^^the Quotient of any two Right Quaternions is equal to the Quotient of their Indices.''* (1.) For example (comp. 150, 159, 181), the indices of the right versors t, j, k are the axes of those three versors, namely, the lines 01, oj, ok ; and we have the equal quotients, j: » = 01 : oj' = A = OJ : oi, &c. (2.) In like manner, the indices of - z, —J, —k are 01', oj', ok' ; and 1 : —j = oj' : 01' = A = 01 : Oj', &c. (3.) In general the quotient of any two right versors is equal to the quotient of their axes ; as the theory of representative arcs, and of their poles, may easily serve to illustrate. 1 94. As regards the multiplication of two right quaternions, in connexion with their indices, it may here suffice to observe that, by 106 and 107, the product 7 : a = (y : j3) . (j3 : a) is equal (comp. 136) to the quotient, (7 : i3) : (a : /3) ; whence it is easy to infer that ''the Product, q'q, of any two Right Quaternions, is equal to the Quotient of the Index of the Multiplier, q, di- vided by the Index of the Reciprocal of the Multiplicand, q" It follows that the plane, whether of the product or of the quotient of two right quaternions, coincides with the plane of their indices ; and therefore also with the plane of their axes ; because we have, generally, by principles already established, the transformation, if Z 5' = -, then Index of q = T5' . Ax . q, * We have thus a new point of agreement, or of connexion, between right qua- ternions, and their index-vectors, tending to justify the ultimate assumption (not yet made), of equality betAveen the former and the latter. In fact, we shall soon prove that the index of the sum (or difference), of any two right quotients (132), is equal to the sum (or difference) of their indices ; and shall find it convenient subsequently to interpret ilvQ product (5a of any two vectors, as being the quaternion-product (194) of the two right quaternions, of which those two lines are the indices (133): after which, the above-mentioned assumption of equality will appear natural, and be found to be useful. (Compare the Notes to pages 119, 136.) CHAP. I.] SUM OF TWO QUATERNIONS. 175 Section 12. — Oii the Sum or Difference of any tico Quater- nions ; and on the Scalar (or Scalar Part) of a Quater- nion. 195. The Addition of any given quaternion q^ considered as a geometrical quotient ov fraction (101), to any other given quaternion q^ considered also as a fraction, can always be ac- complished by the first general formula of Art. 106, when these two fractions have a common denominator ; and if they be not already ^iven as having such, they can always be reduced so as to have one, by the process of Art. 120. And because the ad- dition of any two lines was early seen to be a commutative ope- ration (7, 9), so that we have always y + /3 = )3 + y, it follow^s (by 106) that the addition of any two quaternions is likewise a commutative operation, or in symbols, that I. . . ^ + ^' = ^' + (7 ; so that the Sum of any tivo* Quaternions has a Value, which is independent of their Order : and which (by what precedes) must be considered to be given, or at least known, or definite, when the two summand quaternions are given. It is easy also to see that the conjugate of any such sum is equal to the sum of the conjugates, or in symbols, that 11. ..K(^'-K7)=%' + K^. (1 .) The important formula last -written becomes geometrically evident, when it is presented under the following form. Let obdc be any parallelogram, and let OA be any right line, drawn from one comer of it, but not generally in its plane. Let the three other comers, b, c, d, be reflected (in the sense of 145, (5.) ) with respect to that line OA, into three new points, b', c', d' ; or let the three lines ob, oc, od be reflected (in the sense of 138) with respect to the same line oa; which thus bisects at right angles the three joining lines, bb', cc', dd', as it does bb' in Fig. 36. Then each of the lines OB, oc, od, and therefore also the ^\io\q plane figure ohdc, may be considered to have simply revolved round the line oa as an axis, by a conical rota- tion through two right angles ; and consequently the new figure ob'd'c', like that old one obdc, must be a, parallelogram. Thus (comp. 106, 137), we have od' = oc' + ob', 5' = -y' + /3', 5': a=(y' : a)+ (/3': a); and the recent formula II. is justified. * It will be found that this result admits of being extended to the case of three (or more) quaternions ; but, for the moment, we content ourselves with two. 176 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. (2.) Simple as this last reasoning is, and unnecessary as it appears to be to draw- any new Diagram to illustrate it, the reader's attention may be once more invited to the great simplicity of expression, with which many important ^reome^ncaZ concep- tions, respecting space of three dimensions, are stated in the present Calculus : and are thereby kept ready for future application, and for easy combination with other results of the same kind. Compare the remarks already made in 132, (6.) ; 145, (10.); 161; 179,(3.); 192,(6.); and some of the shortly following sub-articles to 196, respecting properties of an oblique cone with circular base. 196. One of the most important cases o^ addition y is that of two conjugate summands^ q and K^ ; of which it has been seen (in 140) that the sum is always a scalar. We propose now to denote the ^^Zf of this sum by the symbol. Is , , ^9'-> hus writing generally, I. . . ^ + Kg = Ky + ^=2S^; or defining the new symbol S^' by the formula, f^ II. ..S^ = i(^ + K^); or briefly, 11'. . . S = i (1 + K). For reasons which will soon more fully appear, we shall also call this new quantity, Sg', the scalar part, or simply the Sca- lar, of the Quaternion, q ; and shall therefore call the letter S, thus used, the Characteristic of the Operation of taking the 6'caZ«r of a quaternion. (Comp. 132, (6.) ; 137; 156; 187.) It follows that not only equal quaternions, but also conjugate quaternions, have equal scalars ; or in symbols, III. . . S^'=S^, if q^q-, and IV. ..SK9 = S^; or briefly, IV'. ..SK=S. And because we have seen that Kg- = + ^, if 5' be a scalar ( 1 39), but that li^q^-q, if 5' be a right quotient (144), we find that the scalar of a scalar (considered as a degenerate quaternion, 131) is equal to that scalar itself, \>\xi that the scalar of a right quaternion is zero. We may therefore now write (comp. 160): V. . Sa; = X, if ic be a scalar ; VI. . .SSg = Sg', 8^ = 88 = 8; and Vll. ..8^ = 0, if z^ = |. Again, because oa' in Fig. 36 is multiplied by x, when ob is multiplied thereby, we may write, generally, CHAP. I.] SCALAR OF A QUATERNION. 177 VIII. • . Sxq = xSq, if oj be any scalar; and therefore in particular (by 188), IX. ..S^ = S(T^.U^) = T^.SU^. Also because SK^=S^, by IV., while KU^ = U-, by 158, we have the general equation, X. ..SUq = SJJ-; or X'. . . SU^ = SU ^ ; whence, by IX., XI. . .S^ = T^.Sui; or XI'. . . S^ = T@. SU^ ; ^ ^ q a a p and therefore also, by 190, (V.), since T^.T- = 1, XII.. .Sq = TqKS-=^^q.S-; XIF. . . S ^ = N^ • S " ^ ^ q ^ q a a (5 The results of 142, combined with the recent definition I. or II., enable us to extend the recent formula VII., by writing, XIII. . . S^' >, =, or < 0, according as Lq <, =, or > - ; and conversely, XIV. . . Z ^ <, =, or > -, according as S^- >, =, or l, T(|3:a) = a2, „'=„, /3' = /3; and the circle (13.) coincides with the circle (7.). (15.) In the same case, the cone is one of revolution ; every point p of its circu- lar 6a*e (that is, of the circumference thereof) being ai one constant distance from the vertex o, namely at a distance = aTa. For, in the case supposed, the equations (7.) give, by XII., N^ = S^:S-=l:S- = a2:S^=a2; or To = aTa. a a p p p (Compare 145, (12.), and 186, (5.). ) (16.) Conversely, if the cone be one of revolution, the equations (7.) must con- duct to a result of the form, a2=N" = S- :S- = S-:S-,or (comp. (2.) ), S' =0: a a p p p "^ p which can only be by the line /3 — a'^a vanishing,' or by our having (5= a^a, as in (] 4.) ; since otherwise we should have, by XIV., p -i- (3- a^a, and all the points of the base would be situated in one plane passing through the vertex o, which (for any actual cone) would be absurd. (17.) Supposing, then, that we have not (3 || a, and therefore not a =a, /3' = (3, as in (14.), nor even a' \\ a, (3' \\ (3, we see that the cone (8.) is not a cone of revolu- tion (or what is often called a right cone) ; but that it is, on the contrary, an oblique (or scalene) cone, although still a cyclic one. And we see that such a cone is cut in two distinct series* of circular sections, by planes parallel to the two distinct (and mutually non-parallel) planes, (5.) and (13.) ; or to two new planes, drawn through the vertex o, which have been calledf the two Cyclic Planes of the cone, namely, the two following : * ThGSQ two series o{ sub- contrary (or antiparallel) hut circular sections of a cyclic cone, appear to have been first discovered by Apollonius : see the Fifth Propo- sition of his First Book, in which he says, KuXihOuj dk )? Toiavrr} To/xtj v-rrevavria (page 22 of Halley's Edition). t By M. Chasles. 182 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. a p ■while the two lines from the vertex, OA and ob, which are perpendicular to these two planes respectively, may be said to be the two Cyclic Normals. (18.) Of these two lines, a and /3, the second has been seen to be a diameter of the sphere (6.)? which may be said to be circumscribed to the cone (8.), when that cone is considered as having the circle (7.) for its base ; the second cyclic plane (17.) is therefore the tangent plane at the vertex of the cone, to thatj^rs* circumscribed sphere (6.). (19.) The sphere (13.) may in like manner be said to be circumscribed to the cone, if the latter be considered as resting on the new circle (13.), or as terminated by that circle as its new base ; and the diameter of this new sphere is the line ob', or j8', which has by (12.) the direction of the line a, or of thQ first cyclic normal (17.) ; so that (comp. (18.)) th^. first cyclic plane is the tangent plane at the vertex, to the second circumscribed sphere (13.). (20.) Any other sphere through the vertex, which touches the first cyclic plane, and which therefore has its diameter from the vertex =b'(3% where b' is some scalar co-efficient, is represented by the equation, S^'=l,- or S^'=i; P P it therefore cut$ the cone in a circle, of which (by (12.) ) the equation of the plane is S^, = 6', or S-^,= l, a b a so that the perpendicular from the vertex is b'a' \\ (3 (comp. (5.) ) ; and consequently thisp/a«e of section of sphere and cone is parallel to the second cyclic plane (17.). (21.) In like manner any sphere, such as S — = 1, where b ia any scalar, P w^hich touches the second cyclic plane at the vertex, intersects the cone (8.) in a cir- cle, of which the plane has for equation, and is therefore /)araZZeZ to the first cyclic plane. (22.) The equation of the cone (by IX., X., XVI,) may also be thus written : SU^.SU^ = T^; or, cos ^^ . cos /|= T ^; a p (S a (3 (3 it expresses, therefore, that the product of the cosines of the inclinations, of any va- riable side (p) of an oblique cyclic cone, to two fixed lines (a and f3), namely to the two cyclic normals (17.), is constant ; or that the product of the sines of the inclina- tions, of the same variable side (or ray, p) of the cone, to two fixed planes, namely to the two cyclic planes, is thus a constant quantity. (23.) The two great circles, in which the concentric sphere Tp = 1 is cut by the two cyclic planes, have been called the two Cyclic Arcs* of the Spherical Conic (11.), in Bv M. Cbasles. CHAP. I.J SCALAR OF A SUM OR DIFFERENCE. 183 which that sphere is cut by the cone. It follows (by (22.) ) that the product of the sines of the (arcuaV) perpendiculars, let fall from any point v of a given spherical conic, on its two cyclic arcs, is constant. (24.) These properties of cyclic cones, and of spherical conies, are not put for- ward as new ; but they are of importance enough, and have been here deduced with sufficient facihty, to show that we are already in possession of a Calculus, with its own Rules* of Transformation, whereby one enunciation of a geometrical theorem, or problem, or construction, can be translated into several others, of which some may be clearer, or simpler, or more elegant, than the one first proposed. 197. Let a, /3, 7 be any three co-initial vectors, oa, &c., and let 00 = ^ = 74-/3, so that obdc is a parallelogram (6);^ then, if we write i^ [5:a = q, y:a = q', and S : a = q" = q' + q (106)^ and suppose that b', c', d' are the feet of perpendiculars let fall from the points b, c, d on the line oa, we shall have, by 196, XIX., the expressions, (ob' =) ^' = aSq, y' = aSq', S' = aSq" = aS (q' + q). But also OB = CD, and therefore ob'= c'd', the similar projec- tions of equal lines being equal ; hence (comp. 11) the sum of the projections of the lines j3, 7 must be equal to the projec- tion of the sum, or in symbols, od' = oc'+ob', g' = y-fj3', S': a = (7 :a) + (/3': a). Hence, generally, for any tioo quaternions, q and q, we have the formula : I. . . S(^'+9) = S^' + Sg; or in words, the scalar of the sum is equal to the sum of the scalar s. It is easy to extend this result to the case of any three (or more) quaternions, with their respective scalars ; thus, if q be a third arbitrary quaternion, we may write S { ?" + (3' + ?) ) = Sj" + S (j + ?) = S/ + (Sj'+ S?) ; where, on account of the scalar character of the summands, the last parentheses may be omitted. We may therefore write, generally, II. . . SS^ = 2S^, or briefly, SS = 2S ; where 2 is used as a sign of Summation : and may say that * Comp. 146, (10.), &c. 184 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. the Operation of tailing the Scalar of a Quaternion is a Dis- tributive Operation (comp. 13). As to the general Siibtrac- tion of any one quaternion from any other, there is no difficulty in reducing it, by the method of Art. 120, to the second gene- ral formula of 106 ; nor in proving that the Scalar oftheDiffe- rence* is always equal to the Difference of the Scalars. In symbols, III. . . S(^'-^) = S^'-S^; or briefly, IV... SA^ = AS^, SA=AS; when A is used as the characteristic of the operation of taking a difference, by subtracting one quaternion, or one scalar, from another. (1.) It has not yet been proved (comp. 195), that the Addition oi any number of Quaternions, q, q\ q" , . . is an associative and a commutative operation (comp. 9). But we see, already, that the scalar of the sum of any such set of quaternions has a value, which is independent of their order, and of the mode oi grouping them. (2.) If the summands be all right quaternions (132), the scalar oieach separately vanishes, by 196, VI I. ; wherefore the scalar of their sum vanishes also, and that sum is consequently itself, by 196, XIV., a right quaternion : a result which it is easy to verify. In fact, if /3 -i- a and y -^ a, then y + /3 -J- a, because a is then per- pendicular to the plane of /3 and y ; hence, by 106, the sum of any two right qua- ternions is a right quaternion, and therefore also the sum of any number of such qua- ternions. (3.) Whatever two quaternions q and q' may be, we have always, as in algebra, the two identities (comp. 191, (7.) ) : V. ..(?'-g) + 5 = g'; VI. ..(9' + 5) -9 = ^'. 198. Without yet entering on the general theory o^ scalars of products or quotients of quaternions, we may observe here that be- cause, by 196, XV., the scalar of a quaternion depends only on the tensor and the angle, and is independent of the axis, we are at liberty to write generally (comp. 173, 178, and 191, (1.), (5.)), l...Sqq^=Sq'q; 11. , . S . q (q^: q) = Sq' ; the two products^ qq' and q'q, having thus always equal scalars, although they have been seen to have unequal axes, for the general case of diplanarity (168, 191). It may also be noticed, that in vir- tue of what was shown in 193, respecting the quotient, and in 194 ' Examples have already occurred in 196, (2.), (5.), (16.). CHAP. I.] SCALAR OF A PRODUCT, QUOTIENT, OR SQUARE. 185 respecting the product, of any two right quaternions (132), in con- nexion with their indices (133), we may now establish, for any such quaternions, the formulae : III. . . S (^' : 5) = S (I^' : I?) = T {q' : q) . cos Z.(Ax. q^ : Ax. q) ; IV. . . Sq'q =^S{q' .q) = s(lq':l-j = - Tq'q.cos L (Ax. ^': Ax. q)\ where the new symbol \q is used, as a temporary abridgment, to denote the Index of the quaternion q^ supposed here (as above) to be a right one. With the same supposition, we have therefore also these other and shorter formulae : V. . . SU(g':^)=+ cosz(Ax. ^': Ax.^); VI. . . SU'^'2' = - cos Z (Ax. q^ : Ax. q) ; which may, by 196, XVI., be interpreted as expressing that, under the same condition of rectangularity of q and q\ VII. . . L{q'.q)=^L (Ax. q^: Ax. q) ; VIII. , . Lq'q = 7r-L (Ax. q' : Ax. q). In words, the Angle of the Quotient of two Right Quaternions is equal to the Angle of their Axes; but the Angle of the Product^ of two such quaternions, is equal to the Supplement of the Angle of the Axes, There is no difficulty in proving these results otherwise, by con- structions such as that employed in Art. 193; nor in illustrating them by the consideration of isosceles quadrantal triangles, upon the surface of a sphere. 199. Another important case of the scalar of a product, is the case of the scalar of the square of a quaternion. On refer- ring to Art. 149, and to Fig. 42, we see that while we have always T (q') = {Tq)\ as in 190, and \]{q') = U(^)% as in 161, we have also, I. . .Z(g)^ = 2z^, and Ax. (q') = Ax. q, if Zg<|; /^^ but, by the adopted definitions of ^^'(130), and of Ax. 5'^^^. / In each case, however, by 196, XVI., we may write, i^ lU. . .S\J(q') = C0SL{q')=C0s2lq; 2 B 186 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. a formula which holds even when z 5^ is 0, or -, or tt, and which gives, IV.. . S\](q') = 2{S\]qy-l. Hence, generally, the scalar of q"^ may be put under either of the two following forms : V. . . S(q') = TqKcos2z.q; YL . . S C^^) = 2 (S^)^ - T^'' ; where we see that it would not be safe to omit the parentheses, without some convention previously made, and to write simply Sq\ without first deciding whether this last symbol shall be understood to signify the scalar of the square, or the square of the scalar of q: these two things being generally unequal. The latter of them, however, occurring rather oftener than the former, it appears convenient to fix on it as that which is to be understood by Sq^, while the other may occasionally be written with a point thus, S.q^; and then, with these conven- tions respecting notation* we may write : VII. . . Sq' =-. (Sqy ; VIII. . .S.q'=S {q% But the square of the conjugate of any quaternion is easily seen to be the conjugate of the square ; so that we have generally (comp. 190, II.) the formula: IX. . . K^^ = K {q^) = {KqY = Tq^ : J]q\ (1.) A quaternion, like a positive scalar, may be said to have in general two oppo- site square roots ; because the squares of opposite quaternions are always equal (comp. (3.) ). But of these two roots the principal (or simpler') one, and that which we shall denote by the symbol V9, or Vg-, and shall call by eminence the Square Root of q^ is that which has its angle acute, and not obtuse. We shall therefore write, generally, _ ^. . . LMq=^ Lq'; Ax. Vg'= Ax. q ; * As, in the Differential Calculus, it is usual to write da;2 instead of (dx)2 . while d(x2) is sometimes written as d.x^. But as d^a; denotes a, second differential, so it seems safest not to denote the square of Sq by the symbol S^q, which properly/ signifies SSg, or Sq, as in 196, VI. ; the second scalar (like the second tensor, 187, (9,), or the second versor, 160) being equal to the^r*^ Still everj'^ calculator will of course use his own discretion ; and the employment of the notation S^q for (87)^, as cos ^x is often written for (cos x)^, may sometimes cause a saving of space. CHAP. I.] TENSOR AND NORM OF A SUM. 187 with the reservation that, when lq = 0, or = tt, this common axis of q and Vg be- comes (by 131, 149) an indeterminate unit-line. (2.) Hence, XI. ..SVg'>0, if Lq-c f whatever two quaternions q and q^ may be, while . we easily infer this other general formula, VII. . . N (^' + ?) =N^' + 2S . qKq' f %; which gives, if x be any scalar, VIII. . . N (^ + a;) = N^ + 2x^q -f x\ * Compare the first Note to page 162. t By the Second Book of Euclid, or by plane trigonometry 188 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. (1.) We are now prepared to effect, hy rules* of transformation^ some other pas- sages from one mode of expression to another, of the kind which has been alluded to, and partly exemplified, in former sub-articles. Take, for example, the formula, T^^!^=l, of 187, (2.); p-a or the equivalent formula, T(p + a) = T(p-a), of 186, (6.) ; ■which has been seen, on geometrical grounds, to represent a certain locus, namely the plane through o, perpendicular to the line oa ; and therefor the same locus as that which is represented by the equation, S- = 0, of 196, (1.). a To pass now from the former equations to the latter, by calculation, we have only to denote the quotient p: ahy q, and to observe that the first or second form, as just now cited, becomes then, T(^ + l) = T(g-l); or N(9 + 1) = N (^ - 1) ; or finally, by II. and IV., S^=0, which gives the third form of equation, as required. (2.) Conversely, from S - = 0, we can return, by the same general formulas II. a * andlV., to the equation n[^-1J=: Nl^+l\ or by I. and III. to Tf^-1 J = T -+l\ ortoT(p- a") = T(|0 + a), orto T*^ — -= 1, as above; and gene- \a J p-a rally, Sq = gives T(9-1) = T(^+1), or T^=l; while the latter equations, in turn, involve, as has been seen, the former. (3.) Again, if we take the Apollonian Locus, 145, (8.), (9.), and employ the Jirst of the two forms 186, (5.) of its equation, namely, T(p-a2a)=aT(p-a), where a is a given positive scalar difierent from unity, we may write it as T(g-a2) = aT(5-l), or as N (q - a^) = a-^^ {q - 1) ; or by VIII., % - 2a^Sq + a* = a2 (Ng - 2Sq + 1) ; or, after suppressing - 2a^Sq, transposing, and dividing by a^ _ i^ Ny = a2; or, Np = a2Na; or, Tp = aTa ; which last is the second form 186, (5.), and is thus deduced from the first, hy calcu- lation alone, without any immediate appeal to geometry, or the construction of any dia^am. * Compare 145, (10.) ; and several subsequent sub-articles. CHAP. I.] GEOMETRICAL EXAMPLES. 189 (4.) Conversely if we take the equation, , ""^ ' ^ /Vl^ N^ = a2, of 145, (12.), ^ a which was there seen to represent the same locus, considered as a spheric surface, with o for centre, and aa for one of its radii, and write it as Ng^ = a2, we can then hy calculation return to the form N(g-a2) = a2N(9-l), or T (q-a^) = aT (q -1), or finally, T (p - a2a) = aT (p - a), as in 186, (5.) ; this /rsf/orm of that sub- article being thus deduced from the second, namely from Tp=aTa, or T- = a. ^ (5.) It is far from being the intention of the foregoing remarks, to discourage attention to i^xe geometrical interpretation of the various /orws of expression^ and ,^ x general rules of transformation, which thus offer themselves in working with qua- '^ ^IT ternions ; on the contrary, one main object of the present Chapter has been to es- tablish a firm geometrical basis, for all such forms and rules. But when such a. foun- dation has once been laid, it is, as we see, not necessary that we should continually recur to the examination of it, in building up the superstructure. That each of the two forms, in 186, (5.), involves the other, may he proved, as above, by calculation ; but it is interesting to inquire what is the meaning of this result : and in seeking to interpret it, we should be led anew to the theorem of the Apollonian Locus. (6.) The result (4.) of calculation, that N (g - a2) = a2N (g - 1), if N^ = a2, may be expressed imder the form of an identity, as follows : IX. . .N(g-N5) = %.N(g-l); in which q may be any quaternion. (7.) Or, by 191, VII., because it will soon be seen that q(jq-i) = q^ — q, as in algebra, we may write it as this other identity : X. . . N(g-Ng) = N(52-5). (8.) If T (9 - 1) = 1, then S - = - ; and conversely, the former equation follows q 2 from the latter; because each may be put under the form (comp. 196, XII.), Ng = 2Sg. 2a (9.) Hence, if T (p - a) = Ta, then S — = 1, and reciprocally. In fact (comp. 196, (6.) ), each of these two equations expresses that the locus of p is the sphere which passes through o, and has its centre at a ; or which has on = 2a for a dia- meter. (10.) By changing 7 to 7 + 1 in (8), we find that if Tq=\, then S - — - = 0, and reciprocally. 190 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [boOK II. (11.) Hence if T|0=Trt, then S^ — ^ = 0, and reciprocally ; because (by 106) |0 + a -a p—ap+a p+a (12.) Each of these two equations (11.) expresses that the locus of pis the sphere through a, which has its centre at o ; and their proved agreement is a recog- nition, by quaternions, of the elementary geometrical theorem, that the angle in a semicircle is a right angle. ^■■'-i'-ii-Mi^^ Section 13. — On the Right Part (or Vector Part) of a Qua- ternion ; and on the Distributive Property of the Multipli- cation of Quaternions. 201. A given vector ob can always be decomposed, in one but in only one way, into two component vectors, of which it is the sum (6) ; and of which one, as ob' in Fig. 50, is parallel (15) to another given vector oa, while ,, the other, as ob" in the same Figure, is i . perpendicular to that given line oa; j ^^ namely, by letting fall the perpendicu- j ^^^ lar bb' on oa, and drawing ob" = b'b, so \y^ that ob'bb" shall be a rectangle. In p-j g^ other words, if a and j3 be any two given, actual, and co-initial vectors, it is always possible to deduce from them, in one definite way, two other co-initial vectors, /3' and j3", which need not however both be actual (I); and which shall satisfy (comp. 6, 15, 129) the conditions, j3' vanishing, when j3 _L a ; and /3" being null, when j3 || a ; but both being (what we may call) determinate vector func- tions of a and /3. And of these two functions, it is evident that j3' is the orthographic projection of j5 on the line a ; and that j3" is the corresponding j^ro/ec^/ow o/j3 on the plane through o, which is perpendicular to a. 202. Hence it is easy to infer, that there is always one, but only one way, of decomposing a given quaternion^ q = 0B : 0A = /3 : a, into two parts or summands (195), of which one shall be, as in CHAP. I.] RIGHT PART OF A QUATERNION. 191 196, a scalar, while the other shall be a right quotient (132). Of these two parts, the. former has been already called (196) the scalar part, or simply the Scalar of the Quaternion, and has been denoted by the symbol ^q ; so that, with reference to the recent Figure 50, we have I. . . S3' = S(oB : oa) = ob': OA ; or, S (j3 : a) =/3': a. And we now propose to call the latter part the Eight Part* of the same quaternion, and to denote it by the new symbol writing thus, in connexion with the same Figure, 11. . . V^ = V(ob:oa) = ob":oa; or, V(i3 : a) = i3": a. The System of Notations, peculiar to the present Calculus, will thus have been completed ; and we shall have the follow- ing general Formula of Decomposition of a Quaternion into tivo Summands (comp. 188), of the Scalar and Right kinds : III. ..^=S^ + V^ = V^ + S^, or, briefly and symbolically, IV. . . 1 = S + Y = V+S. (1.) In connexion with the same Fig. 50, we may write also, V(ob: OA) = b'b : OA, be( cause, by construction, b'b = ob". I C2.) In like manner, for Fig. 36, we have the equation, P !>^ V(ob: OA) = a'b : OA. (3.) Under the recent conditions, V(j3':a)=0, and S(/3":a) = 0. (4.) In general, it is evident that V. ..g=0, if S^=0, and V5'=0; and] reciprocally. (5.) More generally, VI. ..9' =9, if ^q=Sq, and Yq = Yq ; with the converse. (6.) Also VII. ..Y9 = 0, if lq = 0, or = tt; or VIII. .. V(^:a) = = 0, if /3i|a; the right part of a scalar being zero. * This Eight Part, Yq, will come to be also called the Vector Part, or simply the Vector, of the Quaternion ; because it will be found possible and useful to iden- tify such part with its own Index- Vector (133). Compare the Notes to pages 119, 136, 174. 192 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. (7.) On the other hand, X...Vn = o. if /« = IX...Yq = q, if iq^'^; a right quaternion behig its own right part. 203. We had (196, XIX.) a formula which may now be written thus, I. . . ob'= S(oB : oa). OA, or /3' = S--a, to express the projection o/ob on oa, or of the vector /3 on a ; and we have evidently, by the definition of the new symbol V^-, the analogous formula, II. . . ob" = V (oB : oa) . oA, or /3" = V - • a, a to express the projection of (5 on the plane (through o), which is drawn so as to be perpendicular to a ; and which has been considered in several former sub-articles (comp. 186, (6.), and 196, (1.) ). It follows (by 186, &c.) that III. . . Tj^" = TY— Ta= perpendicular distance of a from oa; this perpendicular being here considered with reference to its length alone, as the characteristic T of the tensor implies. It is to be observed that because the factor, V — , in the recent a formula II. for the projection jS", is not a scalar, we must write that factor as a multiplier, and not as a, multiplicand ; althougli we were at liberty, in consequence of a general convention (15), respecting the multiplication of vectors and scalars, to denote the other projection j3' under the form, r. ..i3' = aS2(196,XIX.). (1.) The equation, V^ = 0, expresses that the locus of p is the indefinite right line oa. , V (2.) The equation, ve:i^=o, or ve = v^, a a a ."■f '4^ CHAP. I.] GEOMETRICAL EXAMPLES. 193" expresses that the locus of p is the mdefinite right line bb", in Fig. 60, which is drawn through the point B, parallel to the line oa. (3.) The equation S^Z^ = 0, or S^ = s2, ofl96, (2.), a a a has been seen to express that the locus of p is the plane through b, perpendicular to the line oa ; if then we combine it with the recent equation (2.), we shall express that the point p is situated at the intersection of the two last mentioned loci ; or that it coincides with the point b, (4.) Accordingly, whether we take the two first or the two last of these recent forms (2.), (3.), namely, ve^=o, st^=o, or ve=v^, se=s^, a a a a a a we can infer this position of the point p: in the first case by inferring, through 202, v., that = 0, whence p- (3=0, by 142 ; and in the second case by inferring, a through 202, VI., that - = — ; so that we have in each case (comp. 104), or as a consequence from each system, the equality p = /3, or op = on ; or finally (comp. 20) the coincidence, P = B. (5.) The equation, ^^ p ^ ^^ ^ a a expresses that the locus of the point P is the cylindric surface of revolution, which passes through the point b, and has the line oa for its axis ; for it expresses, by III., that the perpendicular distances of P and B, from this latter line, are equal. (6.) The system of the two equations, TV^=TV^, S^ = 0, a a y expresses that the locus of p is the (generally) elliptic section of the cylinder (5.), made by the plane through o, which is perpendicular to the line oc. (7.) If we employ an analogous decomposition of p, by supposing that p=p' + p", p'\\a, p"-^a, the three rectilinear or plane loci, (1.), (2.), (8.), may have their equations thus briefly written : p" = 0; p" = /3"; p' = /3': while the combination of the two last of these gives p = |3, as in (4.). (8.) The equation of the cylindric locus, (5.), takes at the same time the form, Tp" = T/3"; which last equation expresses that the projection p" of the point p, on the plane through o perpendicular to OA, falls somewhere on the circumference of a circle, with o for centre, and ob" for radius : and this circle may 'accordingly be considered as the hast of the right cylinder, in the sub-article last cited. 204. From the mere circumstance that V^ is always a right qvotient (132), whenceUV^' is a right versor (153), of 2 c 194 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. which the plane (119), and the axis (127), coincide with those of §', several general consequences easily follow. Thus we have generally, by principles already established, the relations : I. . .ZV^ = ^; 11. . . Ax.V^ = Ax.tJV^ = Ax.ry; III. . . KV^ = - V^, or KV = - V (144) ; IV. ..SV^ = 0, or SV=0(196, VII.); V. . .(UV^)2 = -1 (153,159); and therefore, VI. . . (V^)2 = -(TV^)^ = -NV^,* because, by the general decomposition (188) of a quaternion mio factors^ we have VII. .. V^ = TV^.UV^. We have also (comp. 196, VI.), VIII. . . VS^ = 0, or VS = (202, VII.) ; IX. . . VV^ = V^, or V^ = VV = V (202, IX.) ; and X. .. VK^=-V(?, or VK = - V, because conjugate quaternions have opposite right parts, by the definitions in 137, 202, and by the construction of Fig. 36. For the same reason, we have this other general formula, XI. . . K^ = S^-V^, or K = S-V; but we had ^ = S^ + V^, or I = S + V, by 202, III., IV.; hence not only, by addition, q + Kq = 2Sqy or 1 + K= 2S, as in 196, I., but also, by subtraction, XIL ..^-K^ = 2V^, or I-K = 2V; whence the Characteristic, V, of the Operation of taking the RightPartofa Quaternion (comp. 132, (6.); 137; 156; 187; 196), may be dejined hj either of the two following symbolical equations : XIII. .. v = i-S(202, IV.); XIV. . . v = i(i-K); whereof the former connects it with the characteristic S, and * Compare the Note to page 130. CHAP* I.] PROPERTIES OF THE RIGHT (OR VECTOR) PART. 195 the latter with the characteristic K ; while the dependence of K on S and V is expressed by the recent formula XI. ; and that of S on K by 196, 11'. Again, if the line ob, in Fig. 50, be multiplied (15) by any scalar coefficient, the perpendicular bb' is evidently multiplied by the same ; hence, generally, XV. . . Nxq = rcV^, if x be any scalar ; and therefore, by 188, 191, XVI. .,Yq = Tq . VU^, and XVII. . . TV^ = Tq .TVU^. But the consideration of the right-angled triangle, ob'b, in the same Figure, shows that XVIII. . .TV^ = T^.sinz^, because, by 202, II., we have TV^ = T(ob":oa) = T.ob":T.oa, and T.ob"= T.ob . sin aob ; we arrive then thus at the following general and useful for- mula, connecting quaternions with trigonometry anew : XIX. . .TVU^ = sinz^; by combining which with the formula, SU^ = co3Z^(196, XVL), we arrive at the general relation : XX. ..(SU^)2 + (TVUy)2 = l; which may also (by XVII., and by 196, IX.) be written thus : XXI. ..(S^)^-f(TV^)^=(T^)^; and might have been immediately deduced, without sines and cosines, from the right-angled triangle, by the property of the square of the hypotenuse, under the form, (T.ob')2+ (T.b'b)'^ = (T.ob)^ The same important relation may be expressed in various other ways ; for example, we may write, XXII. . . % = T^2 = S^^ - Yq\ where it is assumed, as an abridgment oi notation (comp. 199, VII., VIII.), that XXIII. . . V^^ = {Yq)\ but that XXIV. . . V. j^ = V(f ), 196 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. the import of this last symbol remaining to be examined. And because, by the definition of a norm, and by the proper- ties of S^ and V^', XXV. . . NS^ = Sf , but XXVI. . . NVy = - Yq\ we may write also, XXVII. . . % = N(S^ + Yq) = NS^ + NV^ ; a result which is indeed included in the formula 200, VIII., since that equation gives, generally, XXVIII. . .N(y + rr) = % + Naj, if z^ = ^; X being, as usual, any scalar. It may be added that because (by 106, 143) we have, as in algebra, the identity, XXIX. ..-(?'+?) = -?'- y, the opposite of the sum of any two quaternions being thus equal to the sum of the opposites, we may (by XL) establish this other general formula : XXX. ..-K^ = V^-S^; the opposite of the conjugate of any quaternion q having thus the same right part as that quaternion, but an opposite scalar part. (1.) From the last formula it may be inferred, that if q' = -Kq, then Yq' = + Yg, but Sq' = -Sq; and therefore that Tq'=Tg, and Ax. 5'= Ax. g, but L-l, x to ad- mit (comp. 145, (12.) ) of being represented by the equation N - = 1 ; and there- a fore, by XXII., under the recent form (6.) ; in which if we write x to denote the variable scalar S -, as in the first of the two equations (4.), we recover the second of those equations : and thus might be led to consider, as in (6.), the sphere in question * By the word " circle," in these pages, is usually meant a circumference, and not an area ; and in like manner, the words " sphere," *' cylinder," " cone," &c., are usually here employed to denote surfaces, and not volumes. 198 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. aa the locus of a variable circle^ which is (as above) the intersection of a variable cylinder^ with a variable plane perpendicular to its axis. (9.) The same sphere may also, by XXVII., have its equation written thus. Nfs^ + V^Vl; or Tfs^-fV^V (10.) If, in each variable plane represented^by the first equation (4.), we conceive the radius of the circle, or that of the variable cylinder, to be multiplied by any con- stant and positive scalar a, the centre of the circle and the axis of the cylinder re - maining unchanged, we shall pass thus to a new system of circles, represented by this new system of equations, se= "' [^L] -""-'■ (11.) The locus of these new circles will evidently be a Spheroid of Revolution ; the centre of this new surface being the centre o, and the axis of the same surface being the diameter aa', of the sphere lately considered : which sphere is therefore either inscribed or circumscribed to the spheroid, according as the constant a > or < 1 ; because the radii of the new circles are in the first case greater, but in the se- cond case less, than the radii of the old circles ; or because the radius of the equator of the spheroid = aTa, while the radius of the sphere = Ta. (12.) The equations of the two co-axal cylinders of revolution, which envelope respectively the sphere and spheroid (or are circumscribed thereto) are : (v-:y=-- (^£1=- NV^=l, NV^=i TV^=1, TV^=a. a a (13.) The system of the two equations, S-=ir, (v|j=a;2_i, with j3 no< II a, represents (comp. (3.) ) a variable ellipse, if the scalar x be still treated as a va- riable. (14.) The result of the elimination of x between the two last equations, namely this new equation, or NS ^ + NV §= 1, by XXV., XXVI. ; a p or Nfs^ + v|Ul, by XXVII.; or finally, Tfs^ + V|^=l, by 190, VI., CHAP. I.] QUATERNION EQUATION OF THE ELLIPSOID. 199 represents the locus of all such ellipses (13.), and will be found to be an adequate representation, through quaternions, of the general Ellipsoid (with three unequal axes) : that celebrated surface being here referred to its centre, as the origin o of vectors to its points ; and the six scalar (or algebraic) constants, which enter into ^/ the usual algebraic equation (by co-ordinates) of such a central ellipsoid, being here / «-^ virtually included in the two independent vectors, a and (3, which may be called its two Vector- Constants * (15.) The equation (comp. (12.) ), (il= NV|=1, or TV^=1, represents a cylinder of revolution, circumscribed to the ellipsoid, and touching it along the ellipse which answers to the value a: = 0, in (13.) ; so that the plane of this ellipse of contact is represented by the equation, a the normal to this pZane being thus (comp. 196, (17.) ) the vector a, or oa; while the axis of the lately mentioned enveloping cylinder is (3, or ob. (16.) Postponing any further discussion of the recent quaternion equation of the ellipsoid (14.), it may be noted here that we have generally, by XXII., the two fol- lowing useful transformations for the squares, of the scalar Sq, and of the right part Yq, of any quaternion q : XXXI. ..852 = T52 f V52 ; XXXII. ..¥52= Sq^ - Tq^. (17.) In refei-ring briefly to these, and to the connected formula XXII., upon occasion, it may be somewhat safer to write,' (S)2 = (T)2 + (V)2, (Vy = (S)2 - (T)2, (T)2 = (S)2 - (V)2, than S2 = T2 + V2, &c. ; because these last forms of notation, S2, &c., have been otherwise interpreted already, in analogy to the known Functional Notation, or No- tation of the Calculus of Functions, or of Operations (comp. 187, (9.); 196, VI. ; and 204, IX.). (18.) In pursuance of the same analogy, any scalar may be denoted by the gene- ral symbol, V-'O; because scalars are the only quaternions of which the right parts vanish. (19.) In like manner, a right quaternion, generally, maybe denoted by the sym- bol, S-'O; and since this includes (comp. 204, I.) the right part of any quaternion, we may establish this general symbolic transformation of a Quaternion : 5 = v-io + s-io. (20.) With this form of notation, we should have generally, at least for realf quaternions, the inequalities, • It will be found, however, that other pairs of vector-constants, for the central ellipsoid, may occasionally be used with advantage. t Compare Art. 149 ; and the Notes to pages 90, 134. 200 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. (V-i0)2>0; (S-»0)2<0; so that a (geometrically real) Quaternion is generally of the form : Square-root of a Positive^ plus Square-root of a Negative. (21.) The equations 196, XVI. and 204, XIX. give, as a new link between qua- ternions and trigonometry, the formula : XXXIII. . . tan Z 5 = TVUg : SUg = TV? : S?. (22.) It may not be entirely in accordance with the theory of that Functional (or Operational) Notation, to which allusion has lately been made, but it will be found to be convenient in practice, to write this last result under one or other of the abridged forms : * TV XXXIV. . . tan z: 9 = — - . 5 ; or XXXIV. . . tan Z 9 = (TV : S) 9 ; o which have the advantage oi saving the repetition of the symbol of the quaternion , when that symbol happens to be a complex expression, and not, as here, a single let- ter, q. (23.) The transformation 194, for the index of a right quotient, gives generally, by II., for any quaternion q, the formulae : XXXV. . . IVg = TV? . Ax. ? ; XXXVI. . . IUV9 = Ax. q ; so that we may establish generally the symbolicalf equation, xxxvr. . . iuv = Ax. (24.) And because Ax. (1 : Yq) = - Ax. Vg-, by 135, and therefore = - Ax. q, by II., we may write also, by XXXV., XXXV. . . I (1 : Vg) = - Ax. 5 : TV?. 205. If any parallelogram obdc (comp. 197) be projected on the plane through o, which is perpendicular to oa, the pro- jected figure obV'c" (comp. 11) is still a parallelogram; so that od" = oc" + ob" (6), or S" = 7" + /3" ; and therefore, by 106, g":a=(7":a) + (i3":a). Hence, by 120, 202, for any two quaternions, q and q\ we have the general formula, • Compare the Note to Art. 199. t At a later stage it will be found possible (comp. the Note to page 174, &c.), to write, generally, IV? = V?, lUV? = UV? ; and then (comp. the Note in page 118 to Art. 129) the recent equations, XXXVI., xxxvr., will take these shorter forms : Ax. ? = UV? ; Ax. = UV. CHAP. I.] RIGHT PART OF A SUM OR DIFFERENCE. 201 with which it is easy to connect this other, IL..y(q'-q) = Yq-yq. Hence also, for any three quaternions, q, q\ q\ V(?"+ (y' + !?)) = Vy"+ V(j' + 5) = V/+(V?' + V?) ; and similarly for any greater number of summands : so that we may write generally (comp. 197, II.), III. . . VS.7 = SV^, or briefly III'. . . VS = SY ; while the formula II. (comp. 197, IV.) may, in like manner, be thus written, IV. ..VA^ = AV^, or IV'. ..VA = AV; the order of the terms added, and the mode Oti grouping them, in III., being as yet supposed to remain unaltered, although both those restrictions will soon be removed. We conclude then, that the characteristic V, of the operation of taking the right part (202, 204) of a quaternion, like the characteristic S of taking the scalar (196, 197), and the characteristic K of taking the conjugate (137, 195*), is a Distributive Symbol, or represents a distributive operation: whereas the characteris- tics, Ax., z, N, U, T, of the operations of taking respectively theaa;25(128, 129), the«?z^/e(130), the?zorm (145, (11.) ), the versor (156), and the tensor (187), are not thus distributive symbols (comp. 186, (10.), and 200, VII.) ; or do not operate upon a lohole (or sum)^ by operating on its parts (or sum- mands). (1.) We may now recover the sjiKibolical equation K^ = 1 (145), under the form (comp. 196, VI.; 202, IV, ; and 204, IV. VIII. IX. XL): V. . . K2 = (S-V)2 = S2-SV-VS + V2 = S + V=1. (2.) In like manner we can recover eacli of the expressions for S^, V^ from the other, under the forms (comp. again 202, IV.) : VI. . . S2 = (1-V)2 = 1-2V + V2=1-V = S, as in 196, VI.; VII.. . V2 = (1-S)3=1-2S+S2 = 1-S = V, as in 204, IX.; or thus (comp. 196, II'., and 204, XIV.), from the expressions for S and V in terms ofK: * Indeed, it has only been proved as yet (comp. 195, (1.)), that KSj = SKj, for the case of two summands ; but this result will soon be extended. 2 D 202 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. VIII.. .S2 = i(l+K:)2 = i(l + 2K + K2) = i(l + K) = S; IX. . . V2 = ^(l-K)2=:i(l-2K + K2; = i(l-K) = V. (3.) Similarly, X.. . SV = i(l + K)(l-K) = i(l-K2)=0, as in 204, IV.; and XI. . .VS = K1-K) (1 + K) = i (1-^0=0, as in 204, VIII. 206. As regards the addition {ov subtraction) of such n^^^ parts, Yq, V^-', or generally of any two right quaternions (132), we may connect it with the addition (or subtraction) of their indices (133), as follows. Let obdc be again any paral- lelogram (197, 205), but let oa be now an unit-vector (129) perpendicular to its plane ; so that Ta=l, z(/3:a) = Z(7:a) = Z(S:a)=^, S = 7 + /3. Let ob'd'c' be another parallelogram in the same plane, ob- tained by a positive rotation of the former, through a right angle, round oa as an axis ; so that Z(i3':/3)=A(y:7) = ^(^':S)=|; Ax. (j3' : ^) = Ax. (y : 7) = Ax. (S' : g) = a. Then the three right quotients, /3 : a, 7 : a, and ^ : a, may re- present any two right quaternions, q, q\ and their sum, q -\- q, w^hich is always (by 197, (2.) ) itself o, right quaternion; and the indices of these three right quotients are (comp. 133, 193) the three lines j3', y\ S', so that we may write, under the fore- going conditions of construction, /3'=I(i3:a), y = I(7:a), S' = I(g:a). But this third index is (by the second parallelogram) the sum of the two former indices, or in symbols, ^' = 7' + /3' ; we may therefore write, I. ..!{(][ ^q) = lq +lq, if Z^ = Zg=|; or in words the Index of the Sum* of any two Right Quater- nions is equal to the Sum of their Indices, Hence, generally, for any two quaternions, q and q\ we have the formula, IL. .\Y{q-^q) = lYq^lYq, * Compare the Note to page 174. CHAP. I.] GENERAL ADDITION OF QUATERNIONS. 203 because V^-, Yq are aliuays right quotients (202, 204), and V {q' + q) is always their sum (205, I.) ; so that the index of the right part of the sum of any two quaternions is the sum of the indices of the right parts. In like manner, there is no diffi- culty in proving that m...l{q'-q)^lq-lq, if Zj = /y = |; and generally, that IV. ..IV(^'-^)=IV^'-IV^; the Index of the Difference of any two right quotients, or of the right parts of any two quaternions, being thus equal to the Difference of the Indices* We may then reduce the addition or subtraction of any two such quotients, or parts, to the addi- tion or subtraction of their indices ; a right quaternion being always (by 133) determined, when its index is given, or known. 207. We see, then, that as the Multiplication of any tico Quaternions was (in 191) reduced to (1st) the arithmetical operation of multiplying their tensors, and (Ilnd) the geometri- cal operation of multiplying their versors, which latter Avas con^ structed by a certain composition of rotations^ and was repre- sented (in either of two distinct but connected ways, 167, 175) by sides or angles of a spherical triangle: so the Addition of any two Quaternions maybe reduced (by 197, 1., and 206, II.) to, 1st, the algebraical addition of their scalar parts ^ considered as two positive or negative numbers (16) ; and, Ilnd, the geo- metrical addition of the indices of their right parts, considered as certain vectors (1) : this latter Addition of Lines being per- formed according to the Rule of the Parallelogram (6.).t In * Compare again the Note to page 174. t It does not fall within the plan of these Notes to allude often to the history of the subject ; but it ought to be distinctly stated that this celebrated Mule, for what may be called Geometrical Addition of right lines, considered as analogous to compo- sition of motions (or of forces), had occurred to several writers, before the invention of the quaternions : although the method adopted, in the present and in a former ■work, of deducing that rule, by algebraical analogies, from the symbol b — A (1) for the line ab, may possibly not have been anticipated. The reader may com- pare the Notes to the Preface to the author's Volume of Lectures on Quaternions (Dublin, 1853). 204 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. like manner, as the general Division of Quaternions was seen (in 191) to admit of being reduced to an arithmetical division of tensors, and 2^ geometrical division ofversors, so we may now (by 197, III., and 206, IV.) reduce, generally, the Subtrac- tion of Quaternions to (1st) an algebraical subtraction of sea- larsy and (Ilndj Sk geometrical subtraction of vectors: this last operation being again constructed by a parallelogram, or even by a plane triangle (comp. Art. 4, and Fig. 2). And because the sum of any given set of vectors was early seen to have a value (9), which is independent of their order, and of the mode of grouping them, we may now infer that the Stim of any num- ber of given Quaternions has, in like manner, a Value (comp. 197, (l'))» which is independent of the Order, and of the Grouping of the Summands: or in other words, that the general Addition of Quaternions is a Commutative* and an Associative Operation. (1.) The formula, Y^q=-2Yq, of 205, III., is now seen to hold good, for any number of quaternions, independently of the arrange- ment of the terms in each of the two sums, and of the manner in which they may be associated. (2.) We can infer anew that K (q' + q) = K^' 4 Kg-, as in 195, II., under the form of the equation or identity, S (7' + 9) - V (q +q)= {Sq - Yq) + QSq - Yq). (3.) More generally, it may be proved, in the same way, that K2g = 2 Kg, or briefly, K2 = SK, whatever the number of the summands may be. 208. As regards the quotient or product of the right paHs, Yq and Yq', of any two quaternions, let t and f denote the tensors of those two parts, and let x denote the angle of their indices, or of their axes, or the mutual inclination of the axes, or of the planes,] .of the two quaternions q and q' themselves, so that (by 204, XVIII.), * Compare the Note to page 175. f Two planes, of course, make with each other, in general, two unequal and sup- plementary angles ; but we here suppose that these are mutually distinguished, by taking account of the aspect of each plane, as distinguished from the opposite aspect : which is most easily done (HI-)) ''}' considering the axes as above. CHAP. I.] QUOTIENT OR PRODUCT OF RIGHT PARTS. 205 t = TVq = Tq. sin Lq, f = TYq' =Tq\ sin /.q\ and x = /. {lYq' : lYq) = L (Ax. q' : Ax. q). Then, by 193, 194, and by 204, XXXV., XXXV'., I. . .Yq':Yq = lYq' :lYq = + (TYq' : TYq) . (Ax. q' : Ax. g) ; II. . . V^^ V^ = IV^' : I ^ = - (T V^' . TYq) . (Ax. q'-.Ax.q)-, and therefore (comp. 198), with the temporary abridgments pro- posed above, III. . . S ( V^' : V^) = ft' cos X ; IV. . . SU (Yq' : V^) = + cos x ; V. . . S{Yq'.Yq)=-t'tcosx- VI. . . ^U {Yq\Yq) = - cos x; VII. ..L{Yq':Yq) = x; VIII. . . L{Yq' . Yq)=7r-x. We have also generally (comp. 204, XVIII., XIX.), IX. . . TV (Yq' : Yq) = ft' sin a; ; X. . . T VU ( V^' : Yq) = sin a; ; XI... TV(Vg'.V^)=i'^sina;; XII. . . TY\J (Yq' .Yq)= sin x; and in particular, XIII. . . V ( V^' : V^) = 0, and XIV. . . V ( V^' . V^) = 0, if/|||.i(123); because (comp. 191, (6.), and 204, VI.) the quotient or product of the right parts of two complanar quaternions (supposed here to be both 7ion-scalar (108), so that t audi' are each >0) degenerates (131) into a scalar, which may be thus expressed : XV. . . V^' : V^ = + tt\ and XVI. . .Yq\Yq = - t% if a; = ; but XVII. ..V^':V^ = -«'<-', and XYIU. . . Yq\Yq = + t% ifx = 7r; the first case being that of coinciderd, and the second case that of opposite axes. In the more general case oi diplanarity (119), if we denote by B the unit-line which is perpendicular to both their axes, and therefore common to their two planes, or in which those planes intersect, and which is so directed that the rotation round it from Ax. q to Ax. q' is positive (comp. 127, 128), the recent formulae I., II. give easily, XIX. . . Ax. (V^': Vg) =+ a; XX. . . Ax. {Yq' ,Yq)=-h', and therefore (by IX., XI., and by 204, XXXV.), the indices of the right parts, of the quotient and product of the right parts of any two diplanar quaternions, may be expressed as follows: XXI. . . IV ( V^' : V<7) = + a . ft' sin x ; XXII. . . IV {Yq'. Yq) = sin x. 206 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [book ir. (1.) Let ABC be any triangle upon the unit-sphere (128), of which the spheri- cal angles and the corners may be denoted by the same letters A, b, c, while the sides shall as usual be denoted by a^h^ c\ and let it be supposed that the rotation (comp. 177) round A from c to b, and therefore that round b from A to c, &c., U positive, as in Fig. 43. Then writing, as we have often done, q = (3: a, and q' = y ■ (3, where a = OA, &c., we easily obtain the the following expressions for the three scalars t, t', x, and for the vector d : i? = sin c ; if ' = sin a ; a; = tt — b ; d = - (3. (2.) In fact we have here, Tq = Tq=l, Lq = c, Lq=a\ whence t and <' are as just stated. Also if a', b', c' be (as in 175) the positive poles of the three successive sides bc, ca, ab, of the given triangle, and therefore the points A, b, c the negative poles (comp. 180, (2.)) of the new arcs b'c', c'a', a'b', then Ax. q = oc'. Ax. q' = Oa' ; but X and d are the angle and the axis of the quotient of these two axes, or of the quaternion which is represented (162) by the arc c'a'; therefore x is, as above stated, the supplement of the angle b, and d is directed to the point upon the sphere, which is diametrically opposite to the point b. (3.) Hence, by III. V. VII. VIII. IX. XI., for any triangle abc on the unit- sphere, with a =OA, &c., we have the formulae: XXIII. XXV. XXIV. . . s ^ V- ^v^ (4.) Also, by XIX. XX. XXI. XXII, still positive, XXXL ) sin a cosec c cos b : = + sin a sm c < XXVI. . . L H-^lh- XXVII. XXVIIL. . TV + sm a cosec c sm b ; + sin a sin c sin b. if the rotation round b from a to c be XXIX. . . Ax. XXX. . . Ax. ('r'a = + ^; xxxn. . .ivi v^.v V — 1 = — /3 sin a cosec c sin b a j /3' + (3sma sin c sin b. (5.) If, on the other hand, the rotation round b from a to c were negative, then writing for a moment ai= — a, /3i = — /?, yi = — y, we should have a new and ojo/jo- site triangle, AiBiCi, in which the rotation round Bi from Ai to Ci would be positive, but the angle at bi equal in magnitude to that at b ; so that by treating (as usual) all the angles of a spherical triangle as positive, we should have Bi = b, as well as Ci, = c, and ai — a; and therefore, for example, by XXXI. CHAP. I.] COLLINEAR QUATERNIONS. 207 IV V ^ : V— ) = - /3i sin ai cosec ci sin bi, V Pi ai I or IV I V ^ : V - 1 = + j8 sin a cosec c sin b ; \ (3 a] the four formulae of (4.) would therefore still subsist, provided that, for this new direction of rotation in the given triangle, we were to change the sign of [3, in the second member of each. (6.) Abridging, generally IVg' : ^q to (IV: S)^, as TVg: Sg- was abridged, in 204, XXXIV'., to (TV: S)*?, we have by (5.), and by XXIV., XXXII., this other general formula, for any three unit- vectors a, /3, y, considered still as terminating at the corners of a spherical triangle abc : XXXIII. .. (IV:S)f v|.V^^ = ±j6tan the upper or the lower sign being taken, according as the rotation round b from a to A c, or that round /3 from a to y, which might perhaps be denoted by the symbol rtj8y, and which in quantity is equal to the spherical angle b, is positive or negative. 209. When the planes of any three quaternions q, q'^ q'\ consi- dered as all passing through the origin o (119), contain any co7iimon line, those three may then be said to be Collinear^- Quaternions ; and because the axis of each is then perpendicular to that line, it follows that the Axes of ColUnear Quaternions are Complanar : while con- versely, the complanarity of the axes insures the collinearity of the quaternions, because the perpendicular to the plane of the axes is a line common to the planes of the quaternions. (1.) Complanar quaternions are always collinear ; but the converse proposition does not hold good, collinear quaternions being not necessarily complanar. (2.) Collinear quaternions, considered as fractions (101), can always be reduced to a common denominator (120) ; and conversely, if three or more quaternions can be so reduced, as to appear under the form of fractions with a common denominator e, those quaternions must be collinear : because the line e is then common to all their planes. (3.) Any two quaternions are collinear with any scalar ; the plane of a scalar being indeterminate^ (I'^l)- (4.) Hence the scalar and right parts, Sg, Sg', Vg, Vg', of any two quaternions, are always collinear with each other. (5.) The conjugates of collinear quaternions are themselves collinear. * Quaternions of which the planes are parallel to any common line may also be said to be collinear. Compare the first Note to page 113. t Compare the Note to page 114. 208 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [boOK II. 210. Let $', 5', ql' be any three collinear quaternions; and let a denote a line common to their planes. Then we may determine (comp. 120) three other lines y8, 7, ^, such that ^ a' ^ "a' ^ a' and thus may conclude that (as in algebra), because, by 106, 107, ^y .. ^y _ 7 + /^ g _ 7 + /3 _ 7 ^ /3 ^ 7 « ^ « a a jh a ^ b S d a d a S In like manner, at least under the same condition of collinearity,* it may be proved that II. . . {q'-q)q" = q'q"-qq''. Operating by the characteristic K upon these two equations, and attending to 192, II., and 195, II., we find that III. . . K2^^(%'+%) = K$'^K/+K^^K^; IV. . . K^'^(%'-K^) = K2'^K5'-K^'^K^; where (by 209, (5.) ) the three conjugates of arbitrary collinears, K5, K(2^ ^q"-> may represent any three collinear quaternions. We have, therefore, with the same degree of generality as before, V. . . q" {q' + g) = q"q' + q"q ; VI. . . q'^ {q' -q)= q"q' - q"q. If, then, q^ q', q", q'"hQ any four collinear quatet-mons, we may esta- blish the formula (again agreeing with algebra) : VII. . . (q'^' + q") {q' + q) =- q'"q' + q"q' + q'"q + q'^q ; and similarly for any greater number, so that we may write briefly, VIII. .. ^q',^qr=:2q'q, where ^q' = qy + q2+"-\-qm> ^q' = q'i + q2 + ' •+q'ny and -Eq'q = q\q, + . . q^'q^ -Yq'-iqx + . . . + q'^q^^, m and n being any positive whole numbers. In words (comp. 13), the Multiplication of Collinearf Quaternions is a Doitbli/ Distributive Operation. * It will soon be seen, however, that this condition is unnecessary. t This distributive property of multiplication will soon be found (compare the last Note) to extend to the more general case, in which the quaternions are not collie near. CHAP. I.] DISTRIBUTIVE MULTIPLICATION OF COLLINEARS. 209 (1.) Hence, by 209, (4.), and 202, III., we have this general transformation, for the product of any two quaternions : IX. .. qq = Sq. Sq + Yq\ Sq + Sq'.Yq + Yq'.Yq. (2.) Hence also, for the square of any quaternion, we have the transformation (comp. 126 ; 199, VII. ; and 204, XXHI.) : X. . . q^=Sq^ + 2Sq.Yq + Yq^. (3.) Separating the scalar and right par^s of this last expression, we find these other general formulae : XL . . S . 52 = S52 + Vg3 ; XII. . . V . 92 = 2Sg . V? ; whence also, dividing by Tq^, we have XIII. . . SU((?2) = (SU5)2 + (YUg)2; XIV. . . Y\JCq^) = 2S\Jq.YUq. (4.) By supposing q' = Kq, in IX. , and therefore Sg' = Sg, Vg-' = — Yq, and trans- posing the two conjugate and therefore complanar factors (corap, 191, (1.) ), we ob'- tain this general transformation for a norm, or for the square of a tensor (comp. 190, V. ; 202, III. ; and 204, XI.) : XV. . . Tg2 = Ng = qKq = (Sg + Vg) (Sg - Vg) = Sg2 - Vg2 ; which had indeed presented itself before (in 204, XXII.) but is now obtained in a new way, and without any employment of sines, or cosines, or even of the well-known theorem respecting the square of the hypotenuse. (5.) Eliminating Vg2, by XV., from XI., and dividing by Tg2, we find that XVI. . . S . 92 = 2Sg2 - Tg2 ; XVH. . . SU(g2) = 2 (SUg)2 - 1 ; agreeing with 199, VI. and IV., but obtained here without any use of the known formula for the cosine of the double of an angle. (6.) Taking the scalar and right parts of the expression IX., we obtain these other general expressions : XVIII. . . Sg'g = Sg'. Sg + S(Vg'. Vg) ; XIX. . . Yq'q = Yq'. Sq + Yq.Sq' + Y (Yq'.Yq) ; in the latter of which we may (by 126) transpose the two factors, Vg', Sg, or Vg, Sg'. We may also (by 206, 207) write, instead of XIX., this other formula : XIX'. . . IVg'g = IVg'. Sg + IVg . Sg' + IV(Vg'. Vg). (7.) If we suppose, in VII., that g" = Kg, g"' = Kg', and transpose (comp. (4.) ) the two complanar (because conjugate) factors, q' + q and K(g'+g), we obtain the following general expression for the norm of a sum : (g + g) K (g' + g) = g'Kg' + gKg' + g'Kg + gKg ; or briefly, XX. . . N (g' + g) = Ng' + 2S . gKg' + Ng, as in 200, VII. ; because g'Kg = K. gKg', by 192, II., and (1 + K).gKg'= 2S.gKg', by 196, II'. (8.) By changing g' to x in XX., or by forming the product of g + a? and Kg + X, where x is any scalar, we find that XXI.. .N(g + a;) = ]Srg + 2a;Sg + a;2, as in 200, VIII. ; whence, in particular, XXr. . . N(g - 1) = Ng - 2Sg -|- 1, as in 200, II. 2 E 210 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. (9.) Changing q to fi: a, and multiplying by the square of Ta, we get, for any two vectors, a and /3, the formula, XXII. . . T(/3 - a)2 = T/32 - 2T/3 . Ta . SU ^ + Ta\ in which Ta2 denotes* (Ta)2; because (by 190, and by 196, IX.), N(5-ll = Nt5=(I(^Y, and S^ = ^^Sne \a J a \ Ta I a la a (10.) In any plane triangle, abc, with sides of which the lengths are as usual denoted by a, &, c, let the vertex c be taken as the origin o of vectors ; then o = CA, /3 = CB, j3-a = AB, Ta = 6, T/3 = a, T(j3-a) = c, SU- = cosc; a we recover therefore, from XXII., the fundamental formula of plane trigonometry, under the form, XXIIl. . . c2 = a2 - 2ab cos c -i- b^. (11.) It is important to observe that we have not here been arguing in a circle ; because although, in Art. 200, we assumed, for the convenience of the student, a pre- vious knowledge of the last written formula, in order to arrive more rapidly at certain applications, yet in these recent deductions from the distributive property YIU. of multiplication of (at least) collinear quaternions, we have founded nothing on the re- sults of that former Article ; and have made no use of any properties of oblique-an- gled triangles, or even of right-angled ones, since the theorem of the square of the hypotenuse has been virtually proved anew in (4.) : nor is it necessary to the argu- ment, that any properties of trigonometric functions should be known, beyond the mere definition of a cosine, as a certain projecting factor, from which the formula 196, XVI. was derived, and which justifies us in writing cose in the last equation (10.). The geometrical Examples, in the sub-articles to 200, may therefore be read again, and their validity be seen anew, without any appeal to even plane trigonometry being now supposed.' (12.) The formula XV. gives Sg2 = T52 + V52, as in 204, XXXI. ; and we know that V52, as being generally the square of a right quaternion, is equal to a negative scalar (comp. 204, VI.), so that XXIV . . Vg2 < 0, unless Lq = 0, or = tt, in each of which two cases V9 = 0, by 202, (0.), and therefore its square vanishes ; XXV. . . Sg2 < Tg2, (SU9)2 < 1, in every other case. * We are not yet at liberty to interpret the symbol Ta2 as denoting also T(a2) ; because we have not yet assigned any meaning to the square of a vector, or generally to the product of two vectors. In the Third Book of these Elements it will be shown, that such a square or product can be interpreted as being a quaternion : and then it will be found (comp, 190), that T(a2) = (Ta)2 = Ta2, whatever vector a may be. CHAP. I.] APPLICATIONS TO SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 211 (13.) It might therefore have been thus proved, without any use of the transfor- mation SUg = cos Z. 5- (196, XVI.), that (for any real quaternion q) we have the in- equalities, XXVI. . . SU9<+1, S>\Jq>-l, and S5<+Tg, S>q>-T:q, unless it happen that Z g = 0, or = tt ; &\Jq being = + 1, and 85- = + Tg-, in the first case ; whereas SUg = - 1, and Sg = — Tg, in the second case. (14.) Since Tg2 = Ng, and Tq . Tq = T. gKg' = T . q'Kq = Ng . T (g' : g), while S . gKg' = S . g'Kg = Ng . S (g' : g), the formula XX. gives, by XXVI., XXVII. . . (Tg' + Tg)2-T(g' + g)2 = 2(T-S)gKg' = 2Ng.(T-S) (g':g)>0, if we adopt the abridged notation, XXVIIL . . Tg - Sg = (T - S) g, and suppose that the quotient g' : g is not a positive scalar ; hence, XXIX. . . Tg' + Tg>T(g' + g), unless q=xq, and x>0; in which excepted case, each member of this last inequality becomes = (1 + aj)Tg. (15.) "Writing g = j3 : a, g'= 7 : a, and multiplying by Ta, the formula XXIX. becomes XXX. . . Ty + T/3>T(y + /3), unless y=a;/3, a;>0; in which latter case, but not in any other, we have Uy = U/3 (155). We therefore arrive anew at the results of 186, (9.), (10.), but without its having been necessary to consider any triangle, as was done in those former sub-articles, (16.) On the other hand, with a corresponding abridgment of notation, we have, by XXVI., XXXI. . . Tg + Sg=(T+S)g>0, unless Z.g=7r; also, by XX., &c., XXXII. . . T(g'+ g)^ - (Tg' -Tg)2= 2(T + S)gKg' = 2Ng.(T + S) (g' : g) ; hence, XXXIII. . . T (g' + g) > + (Tg' - Tg), unless g' = - a;g, a: > ; where either sign may be taken. (17.) And hence, on the plan of (15.), for any two vectors ]3, y, XXXIV. . . T (y + 18) > + (Ty - T/3), unless Uy = - Uj3, whichever sign be adopted ; but, on the contrary, XXXV. ..T(y + /3) = ±(Ty-T/3), if Uy = -U/3, the upper or the lower sign being taken, according as Ty > or < T/3 : all which agrees with what was inferred, in 186, (11.), from ^eome^ncaZ considerations alone, combined with the definition of Ta. In fact, if we make j3 = ob, y = oc, and - y = oc', then obc' will be in general a plane triangle, in which the length of the side BC' exceeds the difference of the lengths of the two other sides ; but if it happen that the directions of the two lines ob, oc' coincide, or in other words that the lines OB, oc have opposite directions, then the difference of lengths of these two lines becomes equal to the length of the line bc'. (18.) With the representations of g and g', assigned in 208, (1.), by two sides of a spherical triangle abc, we have the values, Sg = cosc, Sg' = cosa, Sg'g = S(y : a) = cos t ; 212 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. the equation XVIII. gives therefore, by 208, XXIV., the fundamental formula of spherical trigonometry (comp. (10.) ), as follows : XXXVI. . . cos 6 = cos a cos c + sin a sin c cos b. (19.) To interpret, with reference to the same spherical triangle, the connected equation XIX., or XIX'., let it be now supposed, as in 208, (6.), that the rotation round b from c to a is positive, so that b and b' are situated at the same side of the arc CA, if b' be still, as in 208, (2.), the positive pole of that arc. Then writing a' = oa', &c., we have \Yq — y sin c ; IV^'' = a' sin a ; IVg-'^ = — /3' sin 6 ; and IV (Vg'. Yq) = — /3 sin a sin c sin b (comp. 208, (5.) ), with the recent values (18.), for Sg and Sj'; thus the formula XIX'. becomes, by transposition of the two terms last written : XXXVII. . . j8 sin a sin c sin b = a sin a cos c + /3' sin h-\-y' sin c cos a. (20.) Let jO =op be any unit-vector; then, dividing each term of the last equa- tion by jO, and taking the scalar of each of the four quotients, we have, by 196, XVI., this new equation : XXXVIII. . . sin a sin c sin b cos pb = sin a cos c cos pa' + sin h cos pb' + sin c cos a cos pc' ; where a, 6, c are as usual the sides of the spherical triangle abc, and a', b', c' are still, as in 208, (2.), the positive poles of those sides; but p is an arbitrary point, upon the surface of the sphere. Also cos pa', cos pb', cos pc', are evidently the sines of the arcual perpendiculars, let fall from that point upon those sides ; being positive when p is, relatively to them, in the same hemispheres as the opposite corners of the triangle, but negative in the contrary case ; so that cos aa', &c., are positive, and are the sines of the three altitudes of the triangle. (21.) If we place p at b, two of these perpendiculars vanish, and the last formula becomes, by 208, XXVIIL, XXXIX. . . sin6cosBB' = sinasincsinB = TVt V^.V- 1; \ ^ aj such then is the quaternion expression for the product of the sine of the side ca, mul- tiplied by the sine of the perpendicular let fall upon that side, from the opposite ver- tex B. (22.) Placing p at A, dividing by sin a cos c, and then interchanging b and c, we get this other fundamental formula of spherical trigonometry, XL. . . cos aa'= sin c sin b = sin 6 sin c ; and we see that this is included in the interpretation of the quaternion equation XIX., or XIX'., as the formula XXXVI. was seen in (18.) to be the interpretation of the connected equation XVIII. (23.) By assigning other positions to p, other formulae of spherical trigonometry may be deduced, from the recent equation XXXVIII. Thus if we suppose p to co- incide with b', and observe that (by the supplementary* triangle), * No previous knowledge of spherical trigonometry, properly so called, is here supposed ; the supplementary relations of two polar triangles to each other forming rather a part, and a very elementary one, of spherical geometry. CHAP. I.] GENERAL DISTRIBUTIVE PROPERTY. 213 b'c' = tt — a, c'a' = tt — b, a'b'= tt — c, while cos bb' = sin a sin c = sin c sin a, by XL., we easily deduce the formula, XLI. . . sin a sin c sin A sin b sin c = sin b — cos c cos c sin A - cos a cos A sin c ; which obviously agrees, at the plane limit, with the elementary relation, A + B + C = TT. (24.) Again, by placing p at a', the general equation becomes, XLII. . . sin a cos c = sin 6 cos c + sin c cos a cos b ; with the verification that, at the plane limit, a = 6 cos c + c cos b. But we cannot here delay on such deductions, or verifications : although it appeared to be worth while to point out, that the whole of spherical trigonometry may thus be developed, from the fundamental equation of multiplication of quaternions (107), when that equation is operated on by the two characteristics S and V, and the results interpreted as above. 211. It may next be proved, as follows, that the distributive for- mula I. of the last Article holds good, when the three quaternions, ^, 5', q"^ which enter into it, without being now necessarily colli- 7iem\ are right; in which case \h^\x reciprocals (135), and their swrns (197, (2.) ), will be right also. Let then and therefore, We shall then have, by 106, 194, 206, W+q')q=^l{q"+qy.lq, = W:lq,) + W:lq) = q"g + q'q; and the distributive property in question is proved. (1.) By taking conjugates, as in 210, it is easy hence to infer, that the oMer dis- tributive formula, 210, V., holds good for any three right quaternions ; or that g(iq" + q') = 9q'+qq, if Lq = Lq= Lq'=-. (2.) For any three quaternions, we have therefore the two equations: (V^" + Yq') . Yq = Yq" . Yq + Yq' . Yq ; Yq . (Yq" + Yq') = Yq . Yq" + Yq . Vg'. (3.) The quaternions g, 7', q" being still arbitrary, we have thus, by 210, IX., 214 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. {q" +9')'i = (S?" + S?') . S^ + (Vq" + Yq') . Sg + V(? . (Sg" + Sq') + ( Vg" + Yq') . Yq = (Sq".Sq + Yq".Sq+Yq.Sq"+Yq".Yq) + {Sq'.Sq + Yq'.Sq + Yq.Sq' + Yq'.Yq) = q"9 + QQ ; so that the formula 210, I., and therefore also (by conjugates) the formula 210, V., is valid generally. 212. The General* Mtiltiplication of Quaternions is there- fore (comp. 13,210) 2i Doubly Distributive Operation; so that we may extend, to quaternions generally, the formula (comp, 210, VIII.), I. . . ^q'.^q^^g'q: however many the summands of each set may be, and whe- ther they be, or be not, coUinear (209), or right (211). (1.) Hence, as an extension of 210, XX., we have now, 11. . . KSg = 2% + 2 2S gKg' ; where the second sign of summation refers to all possible binary combinations of the quaternions g, q\ . . (2.) And, as an extension of 210, XXIX., we have the inequality, III. . . STg>T2g, unless all the quaternions g, q', . . bear scalar and positive ratios to each other, in which case the two members of this inequality become equal : so that the sum of the tensors, of any set of quaternions, is greater than the tensor of the sum, in every other case. (3.) In general, as an extension of 210, XXVII,, IV. . . (STg)2 - (T2g)2 = 22 (T - S) qKq. (4.) The formulae, 210, XVIII., XIX., admit easily of analogous extensions. (5.) We have also (comp. 168) the general equation, V...(2y)2_2(g2) = 2(gg' + 5'5); in which, by 210, IX., VI. . . qq' + q'q=2(iSq.Sq' + Yq.Sq +Yq'.Sq -^ S(Yq'.Yg)); because, by 208, we have generally VII. . . Y(Yq'.Yq) = -Y(Yq.Yq); or VIII. . . Yq'q = - Yqq, if /.q=lq^'^. (Comp. 191, (2.), and 204, X.) 213. Besides the advantage which the Calculus of Quaternions gains, from the general establishment (212) oi the Distributive Prin- ciple, or Distributive Property of Multiplication, by being, so far, * Compare the Notes to page 208. CHAP. I.] INTERSECTIONS OF RIGHT LINES AND SPHERES. 215 assimilated to Algebra^ in processes which are of continual occur- rence, this principle or property will be found to be of great im- portance, in applications of that calculus to Geometry; and especially in questions respecting the (real or ideal*) intersections of right lines ivith spheres^ or other surfaces of the second order, including contacts (real or ideal), as limits of such intersections. The follow- ing Examples may serve to give some notion, how the general dis- tributive principle admits of being applied to such questions : in some of which however the less general principle (210), respecting the multiplication of collinear quaternions (209), would be sufficient. And first we shall take the case of chords of a sphere^ drawn from a given point upon its surface. (1.) From a point a, of a sphere with o for centre, let it be required to draw a chord AP, which shall be parallel to a given line OB ; or more fully, to assign the vector, p = OP, of the extremity of the chord so drawn, as a function of the two given vectors, a = OA, and /3 = OB ; or rather of a and IJ(3, since it is evident that the length of the line j3 cannot affect the result of the construction, which Fig. 51 may serve to illustrate. (2.) Since AP || ob, or p — a || /3, we may begin by writing the expression, p = a + x(3(15), which may be considered (corap. 23, 99) as a form of the equation of the right line AP ; and in which it remains to determine the scalar coefficient x, so as to satisfy the equation of the sphere, Tp=:Ta(186,(2.)). In short, we are to seek to satisfy the equation, T(a + a;/3) = Ta, by some scalar x which shall be (in general) different from zero ; and then to sub - Stitute this scalar in the expression p = a + x^, in order to determine the required vector p. ^/Vo^ -t (3.) For this purpose, an obvious process is, after dividing both sides by T/3, to square, and to employ the formula 210, XXI., which had indeed occurred before, as 200, VIII., but not then as a consequence of the distributive property of multiplica- tion. In this manner we are conducted to a quadratic equation, which admits of division by x, and gives then, 2xS-. ^^ ''*• fi 2S /3' p = a-2(3S- * Compare the Notes to page 90, &c. 216 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. the problem (1.) being thus resolved, with the verification that /3 may be replaced by U/3, in the resulting expression for p. (4.) As a mere exercise of calculation, we may vary the last process (3.), by dividing the last equation (2.) by Ta, instead of T/3, and then going on as before. This last procedure gives. a a and therefore, -(-^')= 2S-:N^ = - 2S^ (by 196, XII'.), as before. a a (5 (5.) In general, by 196, II'., 1-2S = -K; hence, by (3.), and finally, ? = -K? P = -k|./3, a new expression for p, in which it is not permitted generally, as it was in (3.), to treat the vector /3 as the multiplier,* instead of the multiplicand. (6.) It is now easy to see that the second equation of (2.) is satisfied ; for the expression (6.) for p gives (by 186, 187, &c.), Tp = T^.T/3 = Ta, as was required. (7.) To interpret the solution (3.), let c in Fig. 51 be the middle point of the chord AP, and let D be the foot of the perpendicular let fall from a on ob ; then the expression (3.) for p gives, by 196, XIX., CA=i(a-p) = /3s|=OD; and accordingly, ocad is a parallelogram. (8.) To interpret the expression (5.), which gives — P ^« op' ^OA .. -f = K-, or — =K— , if op' = PO, (3 (3 OB ob' we have only to observe (comp. 138) that the angle aop' is bisected internally, or the supplementary angle aop externally, by the indefinite right line ob (see again Fig. 51). (9.) Conversely, the geometrical considerations which have thus served in (7.) and (8.) to interpret or to verifi/ the two forms of solution (3.), (5.), might have been employed to deduce those two forms, if we had not seen how to obtain them, by rules of calculation, from the proposed conditions"^ of the question. (Comp. 145, (10.), &c.) (10.) It is evident, from the nature of that question, that a ought to be deduci- Compare the Note to page 159. CHAP. I.] IMAGINARY INTERSECTIONS. 2lT ble from (3 and p, by exactly the same processes as those which have served us to de- duce p from (3 and a. Accordingly, the form (3.) of p gives, and the form (5.) gives, K|=-|, »=-Ke.,. And since the first form can be recovered from the second, we see that each leads us back to the parallelism, p — a\\(3 (2.). (11.) The solution (3.) for x shows that a; = 0, p = a, p = A, if S(a:/3) = 0, or if /3 -U a. And the geometrical meaning of this result is obvious ; namely, that a right line drawn at the extremity of a radius OA of a sphere, so as to be perpendicular to that radius, does not (in strictness) intersect the sphere, but touches it : its second point of meeting the surface coinciding, in this case, as a limit, with the first. (12.) Hence we may infer that the plane represented by the equation, stZ^^O, or 8^=1, a a is the tangent plane (comp. 196, (5.)) to the sphere here considered, at the point a. (13.) Since /3 may be replaced by any vector parallel thereto, we may substitute for it y — a, if y = oc be the vector of any given point c upon the chord ap, whether (as in Fig, 61) the middle point, or not; we may therefore write, by (3.) and (5.), p = a-2(y-a)S-^ = -K-^.(y-a). :. _, /^ ^ . M y-a y-a ^ ^^ 214. In the Examples of the foregoing Article, there was no room for the occurrence of imaginary roots of an equation, or for ideal intersections of line and surface. To give now a case in which such imaginary intersections may occur, we shall proceed to con- sider the question of drawing a secant to a sphere, in a given direc- tion, from a given external point ; the recent Figure 51 still serving us for illustration. (1.) Suppose then that 6 is the vector of any given point e, through which it is required to draw a chord or secant epqPi, parallel to the same given line /3 as before. We have now, if po = opo, po = £ + ^oA Ta = Tpo = T (£ + Xq^), x„2 4-2a;oSi+Ni-N^ = 0, ,. being a new scalar ; and similarly, if |0i = OPi, 2 F vv - ff- "^I ^18 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [boOK II. by transformations* which will easily occur to any one who has read recent articles with attention. And the points Po, pi will be together real, or together imaginary^ according as the quantity under the radical sign is positive or negative ; that is, ac- cording as we have one or other of the two following inequalities, T|> or /{(--;r-(^'iT}' 9 and t being thus two given and real scalars, we may write, «ro = a-^V-l; Xi = s+tV -l; where V — 1 is the old and ordinary imaginary symbol of Algebra, and is not in- vested here with any sort of Geometrical Intei-pretation.f We merely express thus the fact of calculation, that (with these meanings of the symbols a, /3, 6, * and t) the formula Ta = T(e +x(S), (1.), when treated by the rules of quaternions, conducts to the quadratic equation, (X - S)2 +(2=0, which has no real root ; the reason being that the right line through E is, in the present case, wholly external to the sphere, and therefore does not really intersect it at all ; although, for the sake of generalization of language, we may agree to say, as usual, that the line intersects the sphere in two imaginary points. (4.) We must however agree, then, for consistency of symbolical expression, to consider these two ideal points as having determinate but imaginary vectors, namely, the two following : in which it is easy to prove, 1st, that the real part c + s/3 is the vector t' of the foot e' of the perpendicular let fall from the centre o on the line through E which is drawn (as above) parallel to on ; and Ilnd, that the real tensor tT/S of the coefficient of * It does not seem to be necessary, at the present stage, to supply so many refe- rences to former Articles, or Sub-articles, as it has hitherto been thought useful ta give ; but such may still, from time to time, be given. t Compare again the Notes to page 90, and Art. 149. CHAP. I.] CIRCUMSCRIBED CONES. 219 V - 1 in tha ijnaginary part of each expression, represents the length of a tangent e'e" to the sphere, drawn from that external point, or foot, e'. (6.) In fact, if we write oe' = «' = £ -f «j3, we shall have e'e = £ - 6' = - »j3 = /3S — = projection of oe on ob ; which proves the 1st assertion (4.), whether the points Po, Pi be real or imaginary. And because /f(> + «^ we have, for the case of imaginary intersections, «T^ = V(T£'2 - Ta2) = T . E'E", and the Ilnd assertion (4.) is justified. (6.) An expression of the form (4.), or of the following, p' = /3 + V-ly, in which /3 and y are two real vectors^ while V - 1 is the (scalar) imaginary of al- gebra, and not a symbol for &. geometrically real right versor (149, 153), may be said to be a BiVECTOR. (7.) In like manner, an expression of the form (3.), ora:' = s+7^' when I and k are two new constant vectors, and < is a new constant scalar, which we shall suppose to be positive, but of which the value may be chosen at pleasure. (2.) The comparison of the forms X. and X'. shoAvs that y and 3 may be inter- changed, or that they enter symmetrically into the equation of the ellipsoid, although they may not at first seem to do so ; it is therefore allowed to assume that XVIir. . . Ty > T^, and therefore that XVIII'. . . Tt > Tk ; for the supposition Ty = T^ would give, by VI., T(/3 + a) = T(/3-a), and .'. (by 186, (6.) &c.) which latter case was excluded in 216, (1.). (3.) We have thus, XIX. . . Ut = U5; XX. /3' Tt XXI. Tl2 - T/c2 UK: = Uy (to) ily) (4.) Let ABC be a plane triangle, such that XXII. . . CB = t, CA = k;; let also AE = p. Then if a sphere, which we shall call the diacentric sphere, be described round the point c as centre, with a radius = Tk, and therefore so as to pass through the centre A (here written instead of o) of the ellip- soid, and if D be the point in which the line AE meets this sphere again, we shall have, by 213, (5.), (18.), XXIII. and therefore CD = -K-.p, P . .'btit^ Fig. 53, xxiir. . . DB t+K-.p; P - rf • '3 unA.^-<^ /t^fc jfyi^ff ty CHAP. I.] CONSTRUCTION OF THE ELLIPSOID. 227 so that the equation XVI. becomes, XXIV. . . <2=T.AE.T.DB. (5.) The point b is external to the diacentric sphere (4.), by the assumption (2.) ; a real tangent (or rather cone of tangents) to this sphere can therefore be drawn from that point ; and if we select the length of such a tangent as the value (1.) of the sca- lar *, that is to say, if we make each member of the formula XXI. equal to unity^ and denote by d' the second intersection of the right line bd with the sphere, as in Fig. 53, we shall have (by Euclid III.) the elementary relation, XXV. . .<'; whence follows this Geometrical Equation of the Ellipsoid, XXVI. .. T.AB = T.BD'; or in a somewhat more familiar notation, XXVII. . . AE = ^; where ae denotes the length of the line ae, and similarly for bd'. (6.) The following very simple Rule of Construction (corap. the recent Fig. 53) results therefore^from our quaternion analysis : — From a fixed point A, on the surface of a given sphere, draw any chord ad ; let d' he the second point of intersection of the same spheric surface with the secant bd, drawn from a fixed external* point b ; and take a radius vector ae, equal in length to the line bd', and in direction either coincident with, or opposite to, the chord ad : the locus of the point E will he an ellipsoid, with A for its centre, and with Bfor a point of its surface. (7.) Or thus: — If, of a plane hut variable quadrilateral abed', of which one side ab is given in length and in position, the two diagonals ae, bd' he equal to each other in length, and if their intersection D he always situated upon the surface of a given sphere, whereof the side ad' of the quadrilateral is a chord, then the opposite side be is a chord of a given ellipsoid, 218. From either of the two foregoing statements, of the Rule of Construction for the Ellipsoid to wliich quaternions have conducted, many geometrical consequences can easily be inferred, a few of which may be mentioned here, with then: proofs by calculation annexed : the present Calculus being, of course, still employed. (1.) That the corner b, of what may be called the Generating Triangle abc, is in fact a point of the generated surface, with the construction 217, (6.), may be * It is merely to fix the conceptions, that the point b is here supposed to be exter- nal(5.) ; the calculations and the construction would be almost the same, if we as- sumed B to be an internal point, or Ti < T/c, Ty < Td. 228 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. proved, by conceiving the variable chord ad of the given dia centric sphere to take the position AG; where g is the second intersection of the line ab with that spheric sur- face. (2.) Kobe conceived to approach to a (instead ofo), and therefore d' to g (instead of a), the direction of ae (or of ad) then tends to become tangential to the sphere at A, while the length of ae (or of bd') tends, by the construction, to become equal to the length of bg ; the surface has therefore a diametral and circular section, in a plane which touches the diacentric sphere at A, and with a radius = bg. (3.) Conceive a circular section of the sphere through A, made by a plane perpen dicular to bc ; if d move along this circle, d' will move along a parallel circle through ,Sa^^ g, and the length of bd', or that of ae, will again be equal to bg fsuch then is the radius of a second diametral and circular section of the ellipsoid, made by the lately f mentioned plane. (4.) The construction gives us thus two cyclic planes through A ; the perpendi- culars to which planes, or the two cyclic normals (216, (7.)) of the ellipsoid, are seen to have the directions of the two sides, ca, cb, of the generating triangle abc (1.). (5.) Again, since the rectangle ba . BG = bd . bd' = bd . ab = double area of triangle abe : sin bde, we have the equation, XXVIII. . . perpendicular distance of e from ab = bg • sin bde ; the third side, ab, of the generating triangle (1.), is therefore the axis of revolution of a cylinder, which envelopes the ellipsoid, and of which the radius has the same length, bg, as the radius of each of the two diametral and circular sections. (6.) For the points of contact of ellipsoid and cylinder, we have the geometrical relation, XXIX. . . bdb = a right angle ; or XXIX'. . . adb = a right angle ; the point d is therefore situated on a second spheric surface, which has the line ab for a diameter, and intersects the diacentric sphere in a circle, Avhereof the plane passes through A, and cuts the enveloping cylinder in an ellipse of contact (comp. 204, (15.), and 216, (9.) ), of that cylinder with the ellipsoid. (7.) Let AC meet the diacentric sphere again in f, and let bf meet it again in p' (as in Fig. 53) ; the common plane of the last-mentioned circle and ellipse (6.) can then be easily proved to cut perpendicularly the plane of the generating triangle abc in the line af'; so that the line f'b is normal to this plane of contact; and there- fore also (by conjugate diameters, &c.) to the ellipsoid, at b. (8.) These geometrical consequences of the construction (217), to which many others might be added, can all be shoAvn to be consistent with, and confirmed by, the quaternion analysis from which that construction itself was derived. Thus, the two circular sections (2.) (3.) had presented themselves in 216, (7.) ; and their two cy- clic normals (4.), or the sides CA, cb of the triangle, being (by 217, (4.) ) the two vectors k, t, have (by 217, (1 .) or (8.) ) the directions of the two former vectors y, 5 ; which again agrees with 216, (7.). (9.) Again, it will be found that the assumed relations between the three pairs of constant vectors, a, j3 ; y, d ; and j, *•, any one of which pairs is sufficient to deter- CHAP. 1.] CONSEQUENCES OF THE CONSTRUCTION. 229 mine the ellipsoid, conduct to the following expressions (of which the investigation is left to the student, as an exercise) : XXX. ..a = ~ r = T^ ^=7FT ;U(i + k) = f'b; XXXI. ../3 = ^y = /-5 = =rP^xU(t-K) = BG; — y —y i {i- k) the letters B, f', g referring here to Fig. 53, while a/3y^ retain their former mean- ings (216), and are not interpreted as vectors of the points abcd in that Figure. Hence the recent geometrical inferences, that ab (or bg) is the axis of revolution of an enveloping cylinder (5.), and that f'b is normal to the plane of the ellipse of con- tact (7.), agree with the former conclusions (216, (9.), or 204, (15.) ), that j3 is such an axis, and that a is such a normal. (10.) It is easy to prove, generally, that c9-i_q (g-i)(Kg+i) ^ %- i g + 1^ yg-1 . 9 + 1 (9+i)(k:3+i) KCz + i)' 9-1 N(^-l)' whence t + K T (l + k)* l-K 1 (t - k)2 whatever two vectors t and k may be. But Ave have here, XXXIII. . . <3 = Ti2 - Tk2, by 217, (5.) ; the recent expressions (9.) for a and /3 become, therefore, XXXIV. . . a=;+(i + fc)S*-— ^; i(S = -(i-K:) S— . 1 + K l-K The last form 204, (14.), of the equation of the ellipsoid, may therefore be now thus written : XXXY. ..TiS-^:S'— ^-V-^:S— 1=1 l~K I- \ i + K 1 + in which the sign of the right part may be changed. And thus we verify by calcu- lation the recent result (1.) of the construction, namely that b is a point of the sur- face ; for we see that the last equation is satisfied, when we suppose XXXVI. . . p = AB = t-K = /3:s2; a a value of p which evidently satisfies also the form 216, IV. (11.) From the form 216, II., combined with the value XXXIV. of otitis easy to infer that the plane, XXXVII. . .s^ = i, or xxxvir. . .S-^ = S^-^, a 1+ K 1 + K which corresponds to the value a;= 1 in 216, I., touches the ellipnoid at the point B, of which the vector p has been thus determined (10) ; the normal to the surface^ at that point, has therefore the direction of t + ic, or of a, that is, of fb, or of f'b : so that the last geometrical inference (7.) is thus confirmed, by calculation with quater- 219. A few other consequences of the construction (217) may be here noted; especially as regards the geometrical determination 230 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. of the three principal semiaxes of the ellipsoid, and the major and minor semiaxes of any elliptic and diametral section ; together with the assigning of a certain system of spherical conies^ of -which the surface may be considered to be the locus. (1.) Let a, 6, c denote the lengths of the greatest, the mean, and the least semi- axes of the ellipsoid, respectively ; then if the side bc of the generating triangle cut the diacentric sphere in the points h and h', the former lying (as in Fig. 53) between the points b and c, -we have the values, XXXVIII. ..a = BH'; 6 = bg; c = bh; so that the lengths of the sides of the triangle abc may be thns expressed, in terms of these semiaxes, — a -^ c — a — c — cic XXXIX. . .BC=Te = -|-; ca = Tk=-— -; ab =T(i - «) = — ; and we may write, Ti3 — Tk2 XL. . . a = Ti + T/c; h==—- -; c=Ti-T/c. T (i - k) (2.) If, in the respective directions of the two supplementary chords ah, ah' of the sphere, or in the opposite directions, we set off lines al, an, with the lengths of bh', BH, the points L, N, thus obtained, will be respectively a major and a minor summit of the surface. And if we erect, at the centre a of that surface, a perpendicular am to the plane of the triangle, with a length = bg, the point m (which will be common to the two circular sections, and will be situated on the enveloping cylinder) will be a mean summit thereof. (3.) Conceive that the sphere and ellipsoid are both cut by a plane through a, on which the points b' and c' shall be supposed to be the projections of b and c ; then c' will be the centre of the circular section of the sphere ; and if the line b'c' cut this new circle in the points Di, »2, of which di may be supposed to be the nearer to b', the two supplementary chords adi, ad2 of the circle have the directions of the major and minor semiaxes of the elliptic section of the ellipsoid ; while the lengths of those semiaxes are, respectively, bdi, and ba. bg : BD2; or bd'i and BD'2, if the secants bdi and BD2 meet the sphere again in Di' and D2'. (4.) If these two semiaxes of the section be called a, and c„ and if we still de- note by t the tangent from b to the sphere, we have thus, XLI. . . BDi = <2 : a = oca -1 ; BD2 = *2 ; c = acc'^ ; but if we denote by pi and p2 the inclinations of the plane of the section to the two cyclic planes of the ellipsoid, whereto CA and cb are perpendicular, so that the pro- jections of these two sides of the triangle are |o'a = CA . sinpi = ^(a — c) sin pi, XLII. [c'b =CB.smp2 = i{a + c)s'mp2, we have XLIII. . . BD33 - BDi2 = b'd22 -b'di2 = 4b'c' . c'a = (a^ - c2) sin pi sin p> whence follows the important formula, XLIV. . . c,-2 - a, 2 = (c 2 _ a 2) sin pi smpz ; CHAP. I.] SEMIAXES, SPHERICAL CONICS. 231 or in words, the known and useful theorem, that " the difference of the inverse squares of the semiaxes, of a plane and diametral section of an ellipsoid, varies as the product of the sines of the inclinations of the cutting plane, to the two planes of circular section. (5.) As verifications, if the plane be that of the generating triangle abc, we have pi=p2= -, and a^ = a, c^ = c', but if the plane be perpendicular to either of the two sides, ca, cb, then either pi or P2 = 0, and c, = a^. (6.) If the ellipsoid be cut by any concentric sphere, distinct from the mean sphere XIV., so that XLV. . . AE = Tp = r ^ 6, where r is a given positive scalar ; then XL VI. . . BD = «2r-i ^ acb-^j that is, ^ ba ; so that the locus of what may be called the guide-point D, through which, by the construction, the variable semidiameter ab of the ellipsoid (or one of its prolongations) passes, and which is still at a constant distance from the given external point b, is now again a circle of the diacentric sphere, but one of which the plane does not pass (as it did in 218, (3.) ) through the centre A of the ellipsoid. The point b has there- fore here, for one locus, the cyclic cone which has A for vertex, and rests on the last- mentioned circle as its base; and since it is also on the concentric sphere XLV., it must be on one or other of the two spherical conies, in which (comp. 196, (11.) ) the cone and sphere last mentioned intersect. (7.) The intersection of an ellipsoid with a concentric sphere is therefore, gene- rally, a system of two such conies, varying with the value of the radius r, and be- coming, as a limit, the system of the two circular sections, for the particular value r = 6 ; and the ellipsoid itself may be considered as the locu» of all such spherical co- nies, including those two circles. (8.) And we see, by (6.), that the two cyclic planes (comp. 196, (17.), &c.) of any one of the concentric cones, which rest on any such conic, coincide with the two cyclic planes of the ellipsoid : all this resulting, with the greatest ease, from the con- struction (217) to which quaternions had conducted. (9.) With respect to the Figure 53, which was designed to illustrate that con- struction, the signification of the letters abcdd'efk'ghh'ln has been already ex- plained. But as regards the other letters we may here add, 1st, that n' is a second minor summit of the surface, so that an' = na ; Ilnd, that k is a point in which the chord af', of what we may here call the diacentric circle agf, intersects what may be called the principal ellipse, * or the section nblen' of the ellipsoid, made by the plane of the greatest and least axes, that is by the plane of the generating triangle ABC, so that the lengths of AK and bf are equal; Ilird, that the tangent, vKv', to this ellipse at this point, is parallel to the side ab of the triangle, or to the axis of * In the plane of what is called, by many modern geometers, i\\Q focal hyper- bola of the ellipsoid. 232 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. revolution of the enveloping cylinder 218, (5.), being in fact one fide (or generatrix) of that cylinder ; IVtb, that ak, ab are thus two conjugate semidiameters of the ellipse, and therefore the tangent tbt', at the point b of tbat ellipse, is parallel to the line akf', or perpendicular to the line bff' ; Vth, that this latter line is thus the normal (comp. 218, (7.), (11.) ) to thesame elliptic section, and therefore also to the ellipsoid, at b ; Vlth, that the least distance kk' between the parallels ab, kv, being = the radius b of the cylinder, is equal in length to the line bg, and also to each of the two semidiameters, as, as', of the ellipse, which are radii of the two circular sections of the ellipsoid, in planes perpendicular to the plane of the Figure ; Vllth, that AS touches the circle at A ; and Vlllth, that the point s' is on the chord Ai of that circle, which is drawn at right angles to the side bc of the triangle. 220. The reader will easily conceive that the quaternion equa- tion of the ellipsoid admits of being put under several other forms; among which, however, it may here suffice to mention one, and to assign its geometrical interpretation. (I.) For any three vectors, t, k, p, we have the transformations, XLVIL..N[l + K^UNi-fN^+2S-i^ 0^^ '^ \p p ) p p p p = NiN- + N-N- + 2S--T-T- K p >■ p p p I K \9 I P KJ \p K pi] Tk ^Vk .Ti\ [JJk.Ti . _Ut.T/c + K =N +K P P } \ 9 P whence follows this other general transformation : XLVIir. ..Tfi + K-.p^ = TfuK.Tt + K Hil^!^ . p \ (2.) If then we introduce two new auxiliary and constant vectors, i and k\ de- fined by the equations, XLIX. . . t' = - Uk . Ti, K' = -Ut.TK, which give, L. . . Tt' = Tt, Tfc' = Tk, T (i' - ^') = T (t - k), Tt'2 - Tk'2 = t\ we may write the equation XVI. (in 217) of the ellipsoid under the following pre- cisely similar form :'.Kl.,) in which i and k have simply taken the places of t and k. (3.) Retaining then the centre A of the ellipsoid, construct a new diaceniric sphere^ with a new centre o', and a new generating triangle ab'c', where b' is a new fixed external point, but the lengths of the sides are the same, by the conditions, LII. . Ac' = — k', c'b' = + t', and therefore ab' — i -k \ draw any secant b'd"d"' (instead of bdd'), and set off a line ae in the direction of CHAP. I.] STANDARD QUADRINOMIAL FORM. 233 ad", or in the opposite direction, with a length equal to that of bd'"; the locus of the point E will be the same ellipsoid as before. (4.) The only inference which we shall here* draw from this new construction is, that there exists (as is known) a second enveloping cylinder of revolution, and that its axis is the side ab' of the new triangle ab'c' ; but that the radius of this second cylinder is equal to that of the first, namely to the mean semiaxis, 6, of the ellipsoid ; and that the major semiaxis, a, or the line al in Fig. 53, bisects the angle bab', between the two axes of revolution of these two circumscribed cylinders : the plane of the new ellipse of contact being geometrically determined by a process exactly similar to that employed in 218, (7.); and being perpendicular to the new vector, c' + k\ as the old plane of contact was (by 218, (11.)) to t + k. Section 14. — On the Reduction of the General Quaternion to a Standard Quadrinomial Form ; icith a First Proof of the Associative Principle of Multiplication of Quaternions, 221. Retaining the significations (181) of the three rect- angular unit-lines oi, oj, ok, as the axes, and therefore also the indices (159), of three given right versors 2, J, k, in three mutually rectangular planes, we can express the index oq of any other right quaternion, such as Yq^ under the trinomial form (comp. 62), I. . . IV$' = 0Q = a;.oi+y.0J + Z.OK; where xyz are some three scalar coeflScients, namely, the three rectangular co-ordinates of the extremity q of the index, with respect to the three axes oi, oj, ok. Hence we may write also generally, by 206 and 126, II. . . \q = xi + yj + zk = ix +jy + kz ; and this last form, ix +jy + kz^ may be said to be a Standard Trinomial Form, to which every right quaternion, or the right part Yq of any proposed quaternion q, can be (as above) re- duced. If then we denote by w the scalar part, Sq, of the same general quaternion q, we shall have, by 202, the following General Reduction of a Quaternion to a Standard Quadri- nomial Form (183) : * If room shall allow, a few additional remarks may be made, on the relations of the constant vectors t, k, &c., to the ellipsoid, and on some other constructions of that surface, when, in the following Book, its equation shall come to be put under the new form, T(tp+pK) = /c2-t2. 2 H 234 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. III. . . 2' = (Sq + V*^ =)w + ix ^jy + kz ; in which the four scalars, wxyz^ may be said to be the Four Constituents of the Quaternion. And it is evident (comp. 202, (5.), and 133), that if we write in like manner, IV. . . q =w \ ix -vji/ + kz\ where ijk denote the same three given right versors (181) as before, then the equation between these two quaternions, q and q\ includes the Jour follow- ing scalar equations between the constituents : VI. . . w' = w, x ~x, y "^y^ z' = z\ which is a new justification (comp. 112, 116) of the propriety of naming, as we have done throughout the present Chapter, the General Quotient oftioo Vectors (101) a Quaternion. 222. When the Standard Quadrinomial Form (221) is adopted, we have then not only 1. . . ^q = w, and V^ = ix ^jy + kz, as before, but also, by 204, XI., II. . . K^ = (Sg - Yq =) 10 - ix ~jy - kz. And because the distributive property of multiplication of qua- ternions (212), combined with the laws of of the symbols ijk (182), or with the General and Fundamental Formula of this whole Calculus (183), namely with the formula, P=f = k^=^ijk = -\, (A) gives the transformation, III. . . {ix +jy 4- kzY = - (a;2 + 2/2 + z% we have, by 204, &c., the following new expressions : IV. . . NVg=(TV(?)2 = -V22^a;2 + ?/2+r2. V. . . TV2= V(^' + 3/' + -2'); VI. . .\]Yq = {ix^jy-\-kz)'. ^/ {x^ -^ y"" ^ z"^) ; VII. . . % = T^'' = Sy'^-V^2 = w;'^+a;^ + z/2 + 2:^ VIII. . . T^ = V i^o'' + a;2 + 3/2 + z") ; IX. . . U$' = (w? + ix ^jy -^kz): y/ (w^ + a;^ + z/^ ^ ^2^ . CHAP. I.] LAW OF THE NORMS. 235 X. . . SU^ = w: s/(w^ + x'^ + 2/2 + z^) ; XI. . . VU^- = (ix +jy + kz): yj (yo' ^ x' + y''^ z"^) ; xii...Tvug=) -'rr . ^ \ 2v^ + x^ -\- y^ + z^ (1.) To prove the recent formula III., we may arrange as follows the steps of the multiplication (comp. again 182) : Yq = ix ■\-jy + hz, Yq — ix -\-jy + kz ; ix .Yq = — x'^-Y kxy —jxz ; jy-Yq^-y^- kyx + iyz, kz.Yq = — z^ +jzx — izy ; Yq^ = Yq.Yq==-x^-y^-z^. (2.) We have, therefore, XIII. . . {ix -\-jy + kzy = - 1, if x^+y^+z^ = 1, a result to which we have already alluded,* in connexion with the partial indeter- minateness of signification, in the present calculus, of the symbol V — 1, when consi- dered as denoting a right radial (149), or a right versor (153), of which the plane or the axis is arbitrary. (3.) If q" = qq, then N/'=Ng'.%, by 191, (8.); but if g = m; + &c., q =z w' ■{ &t,c., (2'"= u;"+ &c,, then ■ w" = w'w — {x'x+y'y + z'z), x" = (w'x + x'w) + {y'z - z'y), y" = (w'y + y'w) + (z'^c — a?'*), z" = (w'z 4- z'w) + {xy — y'x') ; and conversely these four scalar equations are jointly equivalent to, and may be summed up in, the quaternion formula, XV. . . u?" + ix" +J7j" + kz" = (w' + ix' +jy' + kz') (w + ix +jy + kz) ; we ought therefore, under these conditions XIV., to have the equation, XVI. . . w"2 + ar"2 + y"2 -I- z"2 = (a,'2 + ^'2 + y'2 + a'2) (^j-i ^ ^'^ + y^ + z^) ', which can in fact be verified by so easy an algebraical calculation, that its truth may be said to be obvious upon mere inspection, at least when the terms in the four quadrinomial expressions w" . . z' are arrangedf as above. * Compare the first Note to page 131 ; and that to page 162. f From having somewhat otherwise arranged those terms, the author had some little trouble at first, in verifying that the twenty-four double products, in the ex- pansion of w'"^ + &c., destroy each other, leaving only the sixteen /)roc?Mcfs of squares, or that XVI. follows from XIV,, when he was led to anticipate that result through quaternions, in the year 1843. He believes, however, that the algebraic theorem XVI., as distinguished from the quaternion formula XV., with which it is here con- nected, had been discovered by the celebrated Euler. XIV. 236 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II, 223. The principal use which we shall here make of the standard quadrinomial form (221), is to prove by it the gene- ral associative property of multiplication of quaternions ; which can now with great ease be done, the distributive* property (212) of such multiplication having been already proved. In fact, if we write, as in 222, (3.)j [ q = w + ix +jy + kz, L . . ^ g' = w + ix +jy' + kz\ j^/ = w" + IX ' -^jy" .+ kz% without now assuming that the relation q" ^qq^ or any other relation, exists between the three quaternions q^ q\ q\ and inquire whether it be true that the associative formula^ II. . -qq^q^q-qq, holds good, we see, by the distributive principle, that we have only to try whether this last formula is valid when the three quaternion factors q, 5'', q are replaced, in any one common order on both sides of the equation, and with or without repe- tition, by the three given right versors ijk ; but this has al- ready been proved, in Art. 183. We arrive then, thus, at the important conclusion, that the GeJieral Multiplication 0/ Qua- ternions is an Associative Operation^ as it had been previously seen (2 1 2) to be a Distributive one : although we had also found (168, 183, 191) that such Multiplication is not (in ge- neral) Commutative : or that the two products^ q'q and qq\ are generally unequal. We may therefore omit the point (as in 183), and may denote each member of the equation II. by the symbol q'q'q- (1.) Let v = Vq, v' = Yq', v" = Yq" \ SO that v, v', v" are any three right qua- ternions, and therefore, by 191, (2.), and 196, 204, f^, Kv'u = vv)\ Sf't? = \ (v'v + vv")j Yv'v = ~ (w'w — vv'). Let this last right quaternion be called w„ and let Sv'v = s„ so that v'v = s^ + v/, we shall then have the equations, • At a later stage, a sketch will be given of at least one proof of this Associative Principle of Multiplication^ which will not pj-esuppose the Distributive Principle. f- tA^ CHAP. I.] ASSOCIATIVE PRINCIPLE OF MULTIPLICATION. 237 2Vv"w, = v'v, — vv" ; = v"a\ — sv" ; whence, by addition, 2 V»"t7^ = v". v'v — v'v . v" — (v"v' + v'v")v - v'{v"v + ry") = 2wSw'y" — 2©'Su"u ; and therefore generally, if r, v', t>" be still n^/t<, as above, in. . . V. v"Yv'v = v^vv" - «'Sr"« ; a formula with which the student ought to make himself completely familiar, on ac- count of its extensive utility. (2.) With the recent notations, V . v'^v'v = Nv"s^ = v"s^ = v"S«i;'; we have therefore this other very useful formula, ■ / ^ IV. . . V . v"vv = v^v'v"- v'%v"v + v'^vv, ^ ^"/r ' where the point in the first member may often for simplicity be dispensed with ; and in which it is still supposed that TT Lv = Lv = Lv = -. (3.) The formula IIL gives (by 206), V. . . IV, v"Yv'v = lv. SvV- lu'. St?"»; hence this last vector, which is evidently complanar with the two indices Iv and Iw', is at the same time (by 208) perpendicular to the third index Iv", and therefore (by (1.) ) complanar with the third quaternion q". (4.) With the recent notations, the vector, VI., = l\v'v = lV(Vg'.V9), is (by 208, XXII.) a line perpendicular to both It; and Iw'; or common to the planes of q and q' ; being also such that the rotation round it from Iv' to \v is positive : while its length, TIv,, or Tu,, or TY.v'v, or TV(Vg'.Vg), hears to the unit of length the same ratio, as that which the parallelogram under the indices, Iv and Iv', bears to the unit of area. (6.) To interpret (comp. IV.) the scalar expression, VII. . . Sv'v'v = Sp"», = S.v"Yv'v, (because S»"5,= 0), we may employ the formula 208, V. ; which gives the the trans- formation, VIII. . . Sv'v'v = Tv". Tw . cos (tt-x); where Tv" denotes the length of the line Iv", and Tv, represents by (4.) the area (positively taken) of the parallelogram under Iv' and Iv ; while x is (by 208), the angle between the two indices Iv", Iv,. Tliis angle will be obtuse, and therefore the cosine of its supplement will he positive, and equal to the sine of the inclination of the line Iv' to the plane oflv and Iv, if the rotation round Iv" from Iv' to Iv be negative, that is, if the rotation round Iv from Iv' to Iv" be positive ; but that cosine will be equal the negative of this sine, if the direction of this rotation be reversed. We have therefore the important interpretation : IX. . . S«"i''v = + volume of parallelepiped under Iv, Iv, \v" ; 238 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. the upper or the lower sign being taken, according as the rotation round Ir, from \v' to lv\ is positively or negatively directed. (6.) For example, we saw that the ternary products ijk and kji have scalar va- lues, namely, ijk=^-U kji = +l, by 183, (1,), (2.); and accordingly the /jara^/ff/epipec? of indices becomes, in this case, a.n unit-cube ; while the rotation round the index oft, from that ofj to that of ^, is positive (181). (7.) In general, for any three right quaternions vv'v", we have the formula, X. . . 8vv'v" = — Sv"v'v ; and when the three indices are complanar, so that the volume mentioned in IX. va- nishes, then each of these two last scalars becomes zero ; so that we may write, as a new Formula of Complanarity ; XI. . . St;"»'« = 0, if Iv" \\\\v', Iv (123) : while, on the other hand, this scalar cannot vanish in any other case, if the quater- nions (or their indices) be still supposed to be actual (1, 144); because it then re- presents an actual volume. (8.) Hence also we may establish the following Formula of Collinearity, for any three quaternions : XII. . . S (Yq" . Yq, Yq) = 0, if lYq" \ \ \ lYq', lYq ; that is, by 209, if the planes of q, q, q" have any common line. (9.) In general, if we employ the standard trinomial form 221, II., namely, v = Yq = ix +jy + kz, v' = ix' + &c. , v"= ix" + &c. , the laws (182, 183) of the symbols i,j, k give the transformation, XIII. . . S^''^'^ = x"{z'y — y'z) + y'\x'z - zx) + z"{rf'x — x'y') \ and accordingly this is the known expression for the volume (with a suitable sign) of the parallelepiped, which has the three lines op, op', op" for three co-initial edges, if the rectangular co-ordinates* of the four corners, o, p, p', p" be 000, xyz, x'y'z', x"y"z". (10.) Again, as another important consequence of the general associative pro- perty of multiplication, it may be here observed, that although products oimorethan two quaternions have not generally equal scalars, for all possible permutations of th« factors, since we have just seen a case X. in which such a change of arrangement produces a change of sign in the result, yet cyclical permutation is permitted, under the sign S ; or in symbols, that for any three quaternions (and the result is easily ex- tended to any greater number of such factors) the following formula holds good : XIV. . . Sq'q'q = Bqq'q'. In fact, to prove this equality, we have only to write it thus, XIV'...S(9'V-9) = S(g.9'Y), and to remember that the scalar of the product of any two quaternions remains unal- tered (198, I.), when the order of those two factors is changed. * This result may serve as an example of the manner in which quaternions, although not based on any usual doctrine of co-ordinates, may yet be employed to deduce, or to recover, and often with great ease, important co-ordinate expressions. CHAP. l.J COMPLANAR QUATERNIONS. 239 (11.) In like manner, by 192, II., it may be inferred that XV. . . K'qq'q =^{q". q'q) = Kq'q . Kq" = Kq . Kq' . Kq", with a corresponding result for any greater number of factors; whence by 192, I., if Uq and Il'g' denote the products of any one set of quaternions taken in two op- posite orders, we may write, XVI. . . KUq = n'Kq ; XVII. . . RUq = U'Rq. (12.) But if V be right, as above, then Ku = - v, by 144 ; hence, XVIII. .. Knc=± n't?; XIX. . . srio = + sn'«; xx. . . vnu =+vn'w; upper or lower signs being taken, according as the number of the right factors is even or odd; and under the same conditions, XXL . . snr = I (uv ± n'v) ;. xxii. . . vn« = i(Uv + Wv) ; as was lately exemplified (1.), for the c&se where the number is two. (13.) For the case where that number is three, the four last formulae give, XXIIT. . . Sv'v'v = — Svv'v" = ~ (v"v'v — vv'v") ; XXIV. . . Yv'v'v =-\-Yvv'v" = I (y"v'v + vv'v") ; results which obviously agree with X. and IV. 224. For the case of Complanar Quaternions (119), the power of reducing each (120) to the form of a fraction (101) which shall have, at pleasure, for its denominator or for its numerator, any arbitrary line in the given plane, furnishes some peculiar facilities for proving the commutative and associative properties oi Addition (207), and the distributive and associative properties oi Multiplication (212, 223); while, for this case of multiplication of quaternions, we have already seen (191, (I-)) *^^^ *^® commutative property also holds good, as it does in algebraic multiplication. It may therefore be not irrele- vant nor useless to insert here a short Second Chapter on the subject oi ^UQh complanars : in treating briefly of which, while assuming as proved the existence of all the foregoing properties, we shall have an opportunity to say something of Powers and Roots and Logarithms ; and of the connexion of Quaternions with Plane Trigonometry, and with Algebraical Equations. After which, in the Third and last Chapter of this Second Book, we propose to resume, for a short time, the consideration oi Diplanar Quaternions; and especially to show how the Associative Principle of Multiplication can be established, for them, without* employing the Distributive Principle, * Compare the Note to page 236. 240 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. CHAPTER II. ON COMPLANAR QUATERNIONS, OR QUOTIENTS OF VECTORS IN ONE PLANE ; AND ON POWERS, ROOTS, AND LOGARITHMS OF QUATERNIONS. Section 1. — On Complanar Proportion of Vectors; Fourth Proportional to Three, Third Proportional to Two, Mean Proportional, Square Root; General Reduction of a Qua- ternion in a given Plane, to a Standard Binomial Form. 225. The Quaternions of the present Chapter shall all be supposed to be complanar (119); their common plane being assumed to coincide.with that of the given right versor t ( 1 8 1 ). And all the lines, or vectors, such as a, j3, 7, &c., or ao> oi, 02) &c., to be here employed, shall be conceived to be in that given plane of 2; so that we may write (by 123), for the pur- poses of this Chapter, thejbrmulce of complanarity : ?lll?'lll/---llh'; «llh-> /3||iz, ««|||i,&c. 226. Under th^se conditions, we can always (by 103, 117) interpret any symbol of the form (j3 : a) .7, as denoting a line 8 in the given plane; which line may also be denoted (125) by the symbol (7 ; a) .j3, but nof^ (comp. 103) by either of the two apparently equivalent symbols, (J3.7) : a, {y.^):a\ so that we may write, I... 8 = ^7 = ^/3, a a and may say that this line 8 is the Fourth Proportional to the * In fact the symbols /3 . y, y . j3, or /3y, y/3, have not as yet received -with us any interpretation ; and even when they shall come to be interpreted as represent- ing certain quaternions, it will be found (comp. 168) that the two combinations, - y and — , have generally different significations. a a CHAP. II.] COMPLANAR PROPORTION OF VECTORS. 241 three lines a, P, 7 ; or to the three lines a, 7, /3 ; the two Means, /3 and 7, of any such Complanar Proportion of Four Vectors, admitting thus of being interchanged, as in algebra. Under the same conditions we may write also (by 125), II...a = -g7 = g0. /3 = -g = -a; 7 = ^a=^S, so that (still as in algebra) the two Extremes, a and S, of any such proportion of four lines a, jS, 7, d, may likewise change places among themselves : while we may also make the means become the extremes, if we at the same time change the ex- tremes to means. More generally, if a, /3, 7, ^, e . . . be «wy odd number of vectors in the given plane, we can always find another vector p in that plane, which shall satisfy the equa- tion, "I Vr-^' - "^'••- •••ii-=i' and when such a formula holds good, for any 07ie arrangement of the numerator-lines a, 7, e, . . . and of the denominator-lines /o, j3, S . . . it can easily be proved to hold good also for any other arrangement of the numerators, and any other arrange- ment of the denominators. For example, whatever four (com- planar) vectors may be denoted by ^yde, we have the trans- formations, the two numerators being thus interchanged. Again, so that the two denominators also may change places. 227. An interesting case of such proportion (226) is that in which the means coincide; so that only three distinct lines, such as a, j3, 7, are involved : and that we have (comp. Art. 149, and Fig. 42) an equation of the form, I. ..7 = ^^, or a=^i3, a 7 2 I 242 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. but nof^ 7 = ]3j3 : a, nor a = j3/3 : y. In this case, it is said that the three lines afiy form a Continued Proportion; of which a and y are now the Extremes, and j3 is the Memi : this line j3 being also said to be af Mea7i Proportional between the two others, a and y ; while y is the Third Proportional to the two lines a and j3 ; and d is, at the same time, the third propor- tional to y and j3. Under the same conditions, we have 1I.../3 = ^, = I„; SO that this mean, /3, between a and 7, is also the fourth pro- portional (226) to itself, as first, and to those two other lines. We have also (comp. again 149), III. l^\-y fP' ■J a \y whence it is natural to write, and therefore (by 103), although we are not here to write j3 = (ya)i, nor j3 = (ay)^. But because we have always, as in algebra (comp. 199, (3.) ), the equation or identity, (- qy = g\ we are equally well enti- tled to write. fi-? -^■e^-e^ the symbol gh denoting thus, in general, either of two opposite quaternions, whereof however one, namely that one of which the angle is acute, has been already selectedm 199, (1.), as that which shall be called by us the Square Root of the quaternion * Compare the Note to the foregoing Article. f "We say, a mean proportional ; because we shall shortly see that the opposite line, — j3, is in the same sense another mean; although a rule will presently be given, for distinguishing between them, and for selecting one, as that which may be called, by eminence, the mean proportional. CHAP. II.] CONTINUED PROPORTION, MEAN PROPORTIONAL. 243 q^ and denoted by 'sj q. We may therefore establish the for- mula, if a, jS, 7 form, as above, a continued proportion ; the upper signs being taken when (as in Fig. 42) the angle aoc, between the extreme lines a, y, is bisected by the line ob, or /3, itself; but the lower signs, when that angle is bisected by the opposite line, -/B, or when j3 bisects the vertically opposite angle (comp. again 199, (3.) ): but tho, proportion of tensors, VIII. ..Ty:Tj3 = Tj3:Ta, and the resulting formula3, IX. . . T/3^ = Ta .Ty, Tj3 = v/ (Ta .Ty), in ^aeA case holding good. And when we shall speak simply of the Mean Proportional between two vectors, a and y, which make any acute, or right, or obtuse angle with each other, we shall always henceforth understand the former of these two bisectors ; namely, the bisector ob of that angle aoc itself, and not that of the opposite angle : thus taking upper signs, in the recent formula VII. (1.) At the limit wheu the angle aoc vanishes, so that Uy = Ua, then U/3 — each of these two unit-lines; and the mean proportional /3 has the same common direction as each of the two given extremes. This comes to our agreeing to write, X. . . VI = + 1, and generally, X'. . . V(a2) =+ a, if a be any positive scalar. (2.) At the other limit, when A0C = 7r, or Uy =— Ua, the length of the mean proportional /3 is still determined by IX., as the geometric mean (in the usual sense) between the lengths of the two given extremes (comp. the two Figures 41); but, even with the supposed restriction (225) on the plane in which all the lines are situated, an ambiguity arises in this case, from the doubt which of the two opposite perpendiculars at o, to the line AOC, is to be taken as the direction of the mean vec- tor. To remove this ambiguity, we shall suppose that the rotation round the axis of i (to which axis all the lines considered in this Chapter are, by 225, perpendicu- lar), from the first line oa to the second line ob, is in this case positive ; which supposition is equivalent to writing, for present purposes, XI.* . . V-l = + i; and XI'. . . V(- a^) = la, if a>0. * It is to be carefully observed that this square root of negative unity is not, in any sense, imaginary, nor even ambiguous, in its geometrical interpretation, but denotes a real and given right versor (181). 244 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. And thus the mean proportional between two vectors (^in the given plane) becomes, in all cases, determined : at least if their order (as first and third) be given. (3.) If the restriction (225) on the common plane of the lines, were removed, we might then, on the recent plan (227), fix definitely the direction, as well as the length, of the mean OB, in every case hut one: this excepted case being that in which, as in (2.), the tvio given extremes, OA, oc, have exactly opposite directions ; so that the angle (aoc = tt) between them has no one definite bisector. In this case, the sought point b would have no one determined position, but only a locus : namely the circumference of a circle, with o for centre, and with a radius equal to the geome- tric mean between oa, oc, while its plane would be perpendicular to the given right line AOC. (Comp. again the Figures 41 ; and the remarks in 148, 149, 153, 154, on the square of a right radial, or versor, and on the partially indeterminate cha- racter of the square root of a negative scalar, when interpreted, on the plan of this Calculus, as a real in geometry.) 228. The quotient of any two complanar and right quater- nions has been seen (191, (6.) ) to be a scalar ; since then we here suppose (225) that q\\\h we are at liberty to write, I. . . Sg = aj ; V^ 'i=y', y^q - yi = iy ; and consequently may establish the following Reduction of a Quaternion in the given Plane (of i) to a Standard Binomial Form* (comp. 221) : II. . . q^x^iy, if q\\\i', X and y being some two scalars, which may be called the two constituents (comp. again 221) of this binomial. And then an equation between two quaternions, considered as binomials of this form, such as the equation, III, ' ' q' =q, or III'. . , od ■\- iy = x + iy^ breaks up (by 202, (5.) ) into two scalar equations between their respective constituents^ namely, IV. . . x=^x, y=y, notwithstanding the geometrical reality of the right versor, i. (1.) On comparing the recent equations II., III., IV., with those marked as III., v., VI., in 221, we see that, in thus passing from general to com/)7anar quaternions, we have merely suppressed the coefficients ofj and k, as being for our present purpose, null ; and have then written x and y, instead of w and x. * It \& permitted, by 227, XI., to write this expression as aj + y V — 1 ; but the form a; + ty is shorter, and perhaps less liable to any ambiguity of interpretation. CHAP. II.] STANDARD BINOMIAL FORM, COUPLE. 245 (2.) As the word " binomial" has other meanings in algebra, it may be conve- nient to call the form II. a Couple ; and the two constituent scalars x and y, of which the values serve to distinguish one such couple from another, may not unna- turally be said to be the Co-ordinates of that Couple, for a reason which it may be useful to state. (3.) Conceive, then, that the plane of Fig. 60 coincides with that of i, and that positive rotation round Ax.i is, in that Figure, directed towards the left-hand; which may be reconciled with our general convention (127), by imagining that this axis of i is directed from o towards the back of the Figure ; or below* it, if horizon- tal. This being assumed, and perpendiculars bb', bb" being let fall (as in the Fi- gure) on the indefinite line oa itself, and on a normal to that line at o, which nor- mal we may call oa', and may suppose it to have a length equal to that of oa, with a left-handed rotation aoa', so that V. . . 0A' = i.0A, or briefly, V. . . a' = ia, while j3' = ob', and /3"= ob", as in 201, and q = (3:a, as in 202 ; then, on whichever side of the indefinite right line oa the point b may be situated, a comparison of the quaternion q with the binomial form II. will give the two equa- tions, VI. . . iK (= S5) = j8' : a ; y (= Yq : i = /3" : ia) = /3" : a ; so that these two scalars, x and y, are precisely the two rectangular co-ordinates of the point B, referred to the two lines OA and oa', as ttbo rectangular unit-axes, of the ordinary (or Cartesian) kind. And since evert/ other quaternion, g'z=x' + iy\ in the given plane, can be reduced to the form y : a, or 00 : OA, where c is a point in that plane, which can be projected into c' and c" in the same way (comp. 197, 205), we see that the two new scalars, or constituents, x' and y', are simply (for the same reason) the co-ordinates of the new point c, referred to the same pair of axes. (4.) It is evident (from the principles of the foregoing Chapter), that if we thus express as couples (2.) any two complanar quaternions, q and q, we shall have the following general transformations for their sum, difference, and product : Nil.. . q±q = {x'±x) + i(jy'±y); VIII. . . q,q = (x'x - y'y) + i {x'y + yx). (6.) Again, for any one such couple, q, we have (comp. 222) not only Sg = x, and V5 = iy, as above, but also, IX. . .Kg = a;-z>; X. . . N9 = x2 +y2 . XL . . T5=V(a;2 +y3); XII... U, = -^,; XIII...i=4^^;&c. V(-x'2+y^) q a;2-fy2' (6.) Hence, for the quotient of any two such couples, we have, f 9' _ x + it/ _ x" + iy' XIV. . . \'^~ x + iy ~ a;2+y [_ x" = x'x + y'y, y" = yx - x'y. 2, x" -I- iy = g'K^, * Compare the second Note to page 108. 246 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. (7.) The law of the norms (191, (8.) ), or the formula, N^'g- = N^' . Nj, is ex- pressed here (comp. 222, (3.) ) by the well-known algebraic equation, or identity, XV. . . (af^ + y^) {x^ +y^) = {,xx -y'y)^ ^{x'y + y'xy ', in which xyx'y' may be any four scalars. Section 2. — On Continued Proportion of Four or more Vec- tors ; Whole Powers and Roots of Quaternions ; and Roots of Unity, 229. The conception of continued proportion {211) may easily be extended from the case o^ three to that of four or more (com planar) vectors ; and thus a theory may be formed oi cubes and higher whole powers of quaternions ^ with a corre- spondingly extended theory of roots of quaternions, including roots of scalars^ and in particular of unity. Thus if we sup- pose that the four vectors a^y^ form a continued proportion, expressed by the formulae. I. . . - = 75 = -, whence II. . . - = - ^ ^ ' "^ ^^ 7 p a a y p a (by an obvious extension of usual algebraic notation,) we may say that the quaternion S : a is the cube^ or the third power, of j3 : a ; and that the latter quaternion is, conversely, a cube- root (or third root) of the former ; which last relation may na- turally be denoted by writing, III. . . ^ = ('^Y, or Iir. ../3 = ^^Ya(comp.227,IV.,V.). 230. But it is important to observe that as the equation q"^ = Q, in which «/ is a sought and Q is a given quaternion, was found to be satisfied by two opposite quaternions q, of the form ± \/ Q (comp. 227, VII.), so the slightly less simple equation q^= Q is satisfied by three distinct and real quater- nions, if Q be actual and real ; whereof each, divided by either of the other two, gives for quotient a real quaternion, which is equal to one of the cube-roots of positive unity. In fact, if we conceive (comp. the annexed Fig. 54) that /3' and /3" are two other but equally long vectors in the given plane, ob- CHAP. II.J CUBE-ROOTS OF A QUATERNION, AND OF UNITY. 247 tained from j3 by two successive and positive rotations, each through the third part of a circumference, so that fi' 15" 13' IV. or IV'. and therefore V... (|)- = (|)-=,,*„v....f =(!)•, l-d we shall have -■.(?)--(fK!)'=!.--.^.(e SO that we are equally entitled, at this stage, to write, instead of III. or III'., these other equations : vii...&'=f^Y, li'M' or Yll'...^-J'-l (5"-(^]K. 231. A (real and actual) quaternion Q may thus be said to have three (real, actual, and) distinct cube-roots ; of which however only one can have an angle less than sixty degrees ; while none can have an angle equal to sixty degrees, unless the proposed quaternion Q degenerates into a negative scalar. In every other case, one of the three cube-roots of Q, or one of the three values of the symbol Q^, may be considered as simpler than either of the other two, because it has a smaller angle (comp. 199, (!•))» ^^^ ^f w^j for the present, denote this one, which we shall call the Principal Cube-Hoot of the quaternion Q, by the symbol ^ Q, we shall thus be enabled to estabhsh the formula of inequality, VIII. ..Z^Q<|, if zQ<7r. 232. At the limit, when Q degenerates, as above, into a negative scalar, one of its cube-roots is itself a negative scalar, and has there- 248 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. fore its angle = w ; while each of the two other roots has its angle = -. In this case, among these two roots of which the angles are o equal to each other, and are less than that of the third, we shall consider as simpler^ and therefore as principal^ the one which an- swers (comp. 227, (2.) ) to a positive rotation through sixty degrees ; and so shall be led to write, IX...y-l=lii^; and X...^y-l=|; using thus the positive sign for the radical ^ 3, by which i is multi- plied in the expression IX. for 2^- 1 ; with the connected for- mula, IX'. ..y(-a3) = ^(l4-^V3), if a>0; although it might at first have seemed more natural to adopt as principal the scalar value, and to write thus, 3/-l=-l; which latter is in fact one value of the symbol, (- 1)*. (1.) "We have, however, on the present plan, as in arithmetic, XI. ,.^1 = 1; and XI'. . . ^(a3) = a, if a>0. (2.) The equations, XII...(^-^] =-1, and XIIL..|^— ^j= + l, can be verified in calculation^ by actual cubing^ exactly as in algebra ; the only dif- ference being, as regards the conception of the subject, that although i satisfies the equation i^ = — 1, it is regarded here as altogether real; namely, as a real right ver- sor* (181). 233. There is no difficulty in conceiving how the same general principles may be extended (comp. 229) to a continued proportion of 71 + 1 complanar vectors, I. . . a, ai, aa, . . . a„, * This conception differs fundamentally from one which had occurred to seve- ral able writers, before the invention of the quaternions ; and according to which the symbols 1 and V — 1 were interpreted as representing a pair of equally long and mutually rectangular right lines, in a given plane. In Qtiaternions, no line is repre- sented by the number, One, except as regards its length ; the reason being, mainly, that we require, in the present Calculus, to be able to deal with all possible planes ; and that no one right line is common to all such. CHAP. II.] FRACTI0NALPOWERS,GENERALR0OTSOFUNITY. 249 when n is a whole number greater than three ; nor in interpreting, in connexion therewith, the equations, II...^ = f^'r; III...-'=f2^\^; IV. a \ a •••"=(7)""- Denoting, for the moment, what we shall call the principal n*^ root of a quaternion Q by the symbol !y/Q, we have, on this plan (comp. 231, VIII.), V. ..zyQ<-, if za<'^; VI. . . ,1 (y- 1) = -; VII. . . Y(y- l):e>0; To this last condition, namely that there shall be a positive (scalar) co- efficient y of 2, in the binomial (or couple) form x-\-iy (228), for the quaternion^- 1, thus serving to complete the determination of that principal fi*^ root of negative unity ; or of any other negative sca- lar, since ~ 1 may be changed to -a, if «>0, in each of the two last formulae. And as to the general n*^ root of a quaternion, we may write, on the same principles, VIIL.. Q^=l^. VQ; where the factor 1», representing the general n*^ root of positive unity, has n different values, depending on the division of the cir- cumference of a circle into n equal parts, in the way lately illus- trated, for the case ?z = 3, by Figure 54 ; and only differing from ordinary algebra by the reality here attributed to i. In fact, each of these n*^ roots of unity is with us a real versor; namely the quo- tient of two radii of a circle, which make with each other an angle, equal to the n*^ part of some whole number of circumferences. X (1.) "We propose, however, to interpret the particular symbol i^, as always de- noting the principal value of the n*^ root of i ; thus writing, i n/ IX. . . t« = \/i; whence it will follow that when this root is expressed under the form of a couple (228), the two constituents x and y shall both be positive, and the quotient y: x shall have a smaller value than for any other couple x + iy (with constituents thus positive), of which the n*^ power equals i. (2 ) For example, although the equation 52 = (ar + ty)2 = i, vi satisfied by the two values, ± (1 + : V2, we shall write definitely, 2 K 250 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. x....-.=.v.-=i±i. (3.) And although the equation, is satisfied by the three distinct and real couples, (i ± V3) : 2, and - 1, we shall adopt only the one value, XI. . . il-V t= — r— . (4.) In general, we shall thus have the expression, XII. . . t** = cos -- + 1 sm — - ; 2n 2n which we shall occasionally abridge to the following : i TT Xir. . . i« = cis — : 2n' and this root^ i", thus interpreted, denotes a versor, which turns any line on which it operates, through an angle equal to the n*'* part of a right angle, in the positive di- rection of rotation, round the given axis of i. 234. If m and n be anj/ two positive whole numbers, and q any quaternion, the definition contained in the formula 233, II., of the whole power, q^, enables us to write, as in algebra, the two equations : I. . . y'"^« = ^»»^ ; II. . . (^")'" = ^™" ; and we propose to extend the former to the case of mill and negative whole exponents, writing therefore, III. . . ^°= 1 ; IV. . . q^ri-n^^ . and in particular, Y. . . q-^ = l :q = - = reciprocal* (134) of q. We shall also extend the formula II., by writing VI. . . (^")'" = q^, whether m be positive or negative ; so that this last symbol, ifm and n be still whole numbers, whereof w may be supposed to be positive, has as many distinct values as there are units in the denominator of li^ fractional exponent, when reduced to its * Compare the Note to page 121. CHAP. II.J AMPLITUDE OF A QUATERNION. 251 m least terms ; among which values of q~\ we shall naturally consider as the principal one, that which is the m^^ power of the principal n*^ root (233) of q. (1.) For example, the symbol gi denotes, on this plan, the square of any cube- root of 9 ; it has therefore three distinct values, namely, the three values of the cube- root of the square of the same quaternion q ; but among these we regard as principal, the square of the principal cube-root (231) of that proposed quaternion. (2.) Again, the symbol q'^ is interpreted, on the same plan, as denoting the square of any fourth root of 5 ; but because (li)2 =z li = + 1, this square has only two distinct values, namely those of the square root q^, the fractional exponent | being thus reduced to its least terms; and among these the principal value is the square of the principal fourth root, which square is, at the same time, the principal square root (199, (l.)> ^^ 227) of the quaternion q. (3.) The symbol q-^ denotes, as in algebra, the reciprocal of a square-root of q ; while g'2 denotes the reciprocal of the square, &c. (4.) If the exponent #, in a symbol of the form q^, be still a scalar, but a surd (or incommensurable), we may consider this surd exponent, t, as a limit, towards which a variable fraction tends : and the symbol itself may then be interpreted as the corre- sponding limit oi a, fractional power of a quaternion, which has however (in this case) indefinitely many values, and can therefore be of little or no use, until a selection shall have been made, of one value of this surd power &.& principal, according to a law which will be best understood by the introduction of the conception of the amplitude of a quaternion, to which in the next Section we shall proceed. (5.) Meanwhile (comp. 233), (4.) ), we may already definitely interpret the sym- bol V' as denoting a versor, which turns any line in the given plane, through t right angles, round Ax.i, in the positive or negative direction, according as this scalar ex- ponent, t, whether rational or irrational, is itself positive or negative ; and thus may establish the formula, -TTxr w 'tt , . tir VII. . . I* = cos — - -f I sm — ; 2 it I or briefly (comp. 238, XII'.), VIII.. . i' = cis— . 2 Section 3.— ^Ow the Amplitudes of Quaternions in a given Plane; and on Trigonometric Expressions for such Quater- nions, and for their Powers, 235. Using the binomial or couple form (228) for a qua- ternion in the plane of/ (225), if we introduce two new and real scalars, r and z, whereof the former shall be supposed to be positive, and which are connected with the two former sca- lars X and y by the equations, I. . . x-r cos z, y =^r sin ^, r > 0, 252 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. we shall then evidently have the formulae (comp. 228, (5.) ) : n. . .Tq = T(x + ii/) = r; III. . . TJq = U (aj + iy) = cos z + i8in.z; which last expression may be conveniently abridged (comp. 233, Xir., and 234, VIII.) to the following : IV. . , U<^ =cisz ; so that V. . . g==r cisz. And the arcual or angular quantity, z, maybe called the Am- pUtude* of the quaternion q ; this name being here preferred by us to " Angle" because we have already appropriated the latter name, and the corresponding symbol Z ^, to denote (130) an angle of the Euclidean kind, or at least one not ex- ceeding, in either direction, the limits and tt ; whereas the amplitude, z, considered as obliged only to satisfy the equa- tions I., may have any real and scalar value. We shall denote this amplitude, at least for the present, by XhQ symbol,^ am.y, or simply, am q ; and thus shall have the following formula, of connexion between amplitude and angle, VI. . . (2: =) am . 5^ = 2w7r ± z $» ; * Compare the Note to Art. 130. t The symbol V was spoken of, in 202, as completing the system of notations peculiar to the present Calculus ; and in fact, besides the three letters^ i, j, k, of which the laws are expressed by thQ fundamental formula (A) of Art. 183, and which were originally (namely in the year 1843, and in the two following years) the only pecu- liar symbols of quaternions (see Note to page 160), that Calculus does not habi- tually employ, with peculiar significations, any more than the^ue characteristics of operation, K, S, T, U, V, for conjugate, scalar, tensor, versor, and vector (or right part) : although perhaps the mark N for norm, which in the present work has been adopted from the Theory of Numbers, will gradually come more into use than it has yet done, in connexion with quaternions also. As to the marks, Z, Ax., I, R, and now am . (or am,,), for angle, axis, index, reciprocal, and amplitude, they are to be considered as chiefly available for the present exposition of the system, and as not often wanted, nor employed, in the subsequentprac^ice thereof ; and the same remark applies to the recent abridgment cis, for cos + i sin ; to some notations in the present Section for powers and roots, serving to express the conception of one «'^ root, &c., as distinguished from another ; and to the characteristic P, of what we shall call in the next section the ponential of a quaternion, though not requiring that notation after- wards. No apology need be made for employing the purely geometrical signs, -i-, II, III, for perpendicularity, parallelism, and complanarity : although the last of them was perhaps first introduced by the present writer, who has found it frequently useful. CHAP. II.] ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION OF AMPLITUDES. 253 the upper or the lower sign being taken, according as Ax. q - ± Ax. i ; and n being any whole number, positive or negative or null. We may then write also (for any quaternion 5' ||1 the general transformations following : VII. . . \Jq = cis am q ; VIII. . . 5' = T^ . cis am q. (1.) Writing q = f3: a, the amplitude am. g', or am (/3 : a), is thus a scalar quan- tity, expressing (with its proper sign) the amount of rotation^ round Ax. i, from the line a to the line /3 ; and admitting, in general, of being increased or diminished by any whole number of circumferences, or oi entire revolutions, when only the direc- tions of the two lines, a and /3, in the given plane of i, are given. (2.) But the particular quaternion, or right versor, i itself, shall be considered as having definitely/, for its amplitude, one right angle; so that we shall establish the particular formula, . . '"' IX. . . am.t = /i 1 = -. (3.) When, for any other given quaternion q, the generally arbitrary integer n in VI. receives any one determined value, the corresponding value of the ampli- tude may be denoted by either of the two following temporary symbols,* which we here treat as equivalent to each other, am„ .q, or Zn 9 ; so that (with the same rule of signs as before) we may write, as a more definite for- mula than VI., the equation : X. . . am,, . 9 = Zm 9 = 2«7r ± Z. 9 ; and may say that this last quantity is the n^^ value of the amplitude of q ; while the zero-value, amoj, may be called the principal amplitude (or the principal value of the amplitude). (4.) With these notations, and with the convention, amo(— l) = + 7r, we may write, XI. . . amo q = loq = ±lq', XII. . . am„ a = am,, 1 = Zn 1 = 2n7r, if a > ; and XIII. . . am„ (- a) = am„(- 1) = Z„ (- 1) = (2« + 1) tt, if a be still a positive scalar. 236. From the foregoing definition of amplitude, and from the formerly established connexion of multiplication ofversors with composition of rotations (207), it is obvious that (within the given plane, and with abstraction made of tensors) multi- plication and division of quaternions answer respectively to * Compare the recent Note, respecting the notations employed. 254 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. (algebraical) addition and subtraction of amplitudes : so that, if the symbol sna.q be interpreted in the general (or indefinite) sense of the equation 235, VI., we may write : I. . . am {q'. q) = am q' + am q ; II. . . am (q'l q) = am q'- am q ; implying hereby that, in each formula, o?ie of the values, of the first member is among the values of the second member ; but not here specifying which value. With the same generality of signification, it follows evidently that, for a product of ani/ number of (complanar) quaternions, and for a whole power of any one quaternion, we have the analogous formulae : III. . . am rig = S am 5' ; IV. . . am.qP =p.2Lmq ; where the exponent p may be any positive or negative integer, or zero. (1.) It was proved, in 191, II., that for an7/ two quaternions, the formula Vq'q = XJq'.Vq holds good; a result which, by the associative principle of multiplication (223), is easily extended to ani/ number of quaternion factors (complanar or dipla- nar), with an analogous result for tensors : so that we may write, generally, V. . . Un^ = U\Jq ; VI. . . TUq = UTq. (2.) Confining ourselves to the first of these two equations, and combining it with III., and with 235, VII., we arrive at the important formula : VII. . . n cis am 5 (= UVq = UII5' = cis am 119) = cis 2 am g ; whence in particular (corap. IV.), VIII. . . (cis am q)p=cis(p . am q), at least if the exponent p be still any whole number. (3.) In these last formula), the amplitudes am. 5-, am. 5^', &c., may represent a?i^ angular quantities, z, 2', &c. ; we may therefore write them thus, IX. . . n cis 2 = cis Sz ; X. . . (cis z)p = cis pz ; including thus, under abridged forms, some known and useful theorems, respecting cosines and sines of sums and multiples of arcs. (4.) For example, if the number of factors of the form cis z be two, we have thus, IX'. . . cis z' . cis z = cis (z' + 2) ; X'. . . (cis 2)2 = cis 2z ; whence cos (z' + z) = S (cis z' . cis 2) = cos s;' cos z - sin z' sin 2; ; sin(2' + z) = i-iV(cisz'.cisz) = cos 2' sin 2 + sin z' cosz ; cos 2z = (cos zy — (sin 2)2 ; sin 22 = 2 cos z sin z ; with similar results for more factors than two. (5.) Without expressly introducing the conception, or at least the notation of amplitude, we may derive the recent formula) IX. and X., from the consideration of the power V (234), as foUoAVS. That pozrer ofi, with a scalar exponent, t, has been CHAP. II.] POWERS WITH SCALAR EXPONENTS. 255 interpreted in 234, (5.)j as a symbol satisfying an equation which may be written thus: XI. . . V — cis z, if z = ^tTT ; or geometrically as a versor, which turns a line through t right angles, where t may be any scalar. We see then at once, from this interpretation, that if*' be either the same or any other scalar, the formula, XII. . . iHt'= ii^f, or XIII, . . n . i< = i^\ must hold good, as in algebra. And because the number of the factors t* is easily seen to be arbitrary in this last formula, we may write also, XIV. . .(it)p=ipf,' if p be any whole* number. But the two last formulae may be changed by XI., to the equations IX, and X., which are therefore thus again obtained ; although the later forms, namely XIII. and XIV., are perhaps somewhat simpler: having in- deed the appearance of being mere algebraical identities, although we see that their geometrical interpretations, as given above, are important. (6.) In connexion with the same interpretation XI. of the same useful symbol i*, it may be noticed here that XV. ..', and that therefore, XVI. . . cos — = S. i' = i(z' -f i-t) ; t'jr XVII. . . sin — =. i-i V. i* = i i-i (it - i-ty (7.) Hence, by raising the double of each member of XVI. to any positive whole power p, halving, and substituting z for ^tir, we get the equation, XVIII. . . 2p-» (cos z)p= I (it+ i-t)P = | (iP*+ i-p*) + Ip (i(p-2)t + i(2-/>)«) + &c. = cos pz+p coa(p - 2)z +?-^^-^—^ cos (p - A) z+ 8ic., with the usual rule for halving the coefficient of cos Oz, ifp be an even integer ; and with analogous processes for obtaining the known expansions of 2^"^ (sin z)p, for any positive whole value, even or odd, of p ; and many other known results of the same kind. 237. Ifp be still a whole number, we have thus the transforma- tion, I. . . qp = (r cis zy = ?'P cis pz = (TqY cis (/> . ato q) ; in which (comp. 190, 161) the two factors, of the tensor and versor kinds, may be thus written : II. . . T (qY = {Tqy = T^'' ; III. . . U (q^) = (U^)^ = Vq^ ; and any value (235) of the amplitude nm.q may be taken, since all • It will soon be seen that there is a sense, although one not quite so definite, in which this formula holds good, even when the exponent p is fractional, or surd ; namely, that the second member is then one of the values of the first. 256 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II.' will conduct to one common value of this whole power q^. And if, for I., we substitute this slightly different formula (comp. 235, (3-)), IV. . . (qP)n = TqP . cis (p . am„ q\ with i? = ~, n'>0, m^, n', n being whole numbers whereof the first is supposed to be prime to the second, so that the exponent p is here a fraction in its least terms, with a positive denominator n\ while the factor Tq^ is interpreted as expositive scalar (of which the positive or negative logarithm, in any given system, is equal io px the logarithm of T^-), then the expression in the second member admits of n' distinct va- lues, answering to different values of n ; which are precisely the n' values (comp. 234) of the fractional power q^, on principles already established : the principal value of that power corresponding to the value n=0. (1.) For any value of the integer w, we may say that the symbol (qp),i, defined by the formula IV., represents the n'^ value of the power qv ; such values, however, recurring periodically, when p is, as above, o. fraction. (2.) Abridging (1p)„ to 1^,,, we have thus, generally, by 235, XII., V, . . lP„ = cis Ipnir, if /j be any fraction, a restriction which however we shall soon remove ; and in particular, VI. . . Principal value oflP= 1Po= 1. (3.) Thus, making successively jp = |, /> = ^, we have VII. . . li„ = cis mr, Ik = + 1, l^i = - 1, 1^3 = + 1, &c. ; -I7TTT -,1 • 2«7r ,. ^ ^. -l + tV3 ^. -l-tV3 ^. ^ - VIII. . . Un = CIS — , Uo = 1, 1*1 = , 1*3 = , 1*3 = 1, &C. (4.) Denoting in like manner the n^^ value of (- 1)p by the abridged symbol (- l^w, we have, on the same plan (comp. 235, XIII.), for any fractional* value of/?, IX. . . (- iyn = clsp(2n+ l)7r; whence (comp. 232), X. ..(-l)io = cis-=+t-, (-l)ii = ci8-2- = -i, (-l)i2 = + t, &c.; and XI...(-l)lo = iJ^^ (-1)..=-!, (-l)., = il^%c., these three values of (- l)i recurring periodically. (5.) The formula IV. gives, generally, by V., the transformation, XII. . . (qp)n = (qP)o cis 2pmr = lP«(gP)o 5 so that the n*'» value of qP is equal to the principal value of that power of y, multi- As before, this restriction is only a temporary one. CHAP. II.] PONENTIAL OF A QUATERNION. 257 plied by the corresponding value of the same power of positive unity ; and it may be remarked, that if the base a be any positive scalar^ the principal p^^ power ^ (^)o) is simply, by our definitions, the arithmetical value of aP. (6.) The n*^ value of the p^^ power of any negative scalar, — a, is in like man- ner equal to the arithmetical p^^^ power of the positive opposite, +a, multiplied by the corresponding value of the same power of negative unity; or in symbols, XIII. . . (- a)Pn={- l)Pn (aP)o = (aP)oci8i)(2n+ l)7r. (7.) The formula IV., with its consequences V. VI. IX. XII. XIII., may be extended so as to include, as a limit, the case when the exponent p being still scalar, becomes incommensurable, or surd; and although the number of values of the power qp becomes thus unlimited (comp. 234, (4.)), yet we can still consider one of them as the principal value of this (now) surd power : namely the value, XIV. . . (5^)0 = TqP . cis {p amo q), which answers to i\xQ principal amplitude (235, (3.) ) of the proposed quaternion q. 238. We may therefore consider the symbol^ ^^ in which the base, q^ is any quaternion, while the exponent, p^ is any scalar^ as being now fully interpreted; but no interpre- tation has been as yet assigned to this other symbol of the same kind, qq'^ in which both the base q, and the exponent q, are supposed to be (generally) quaternions, although for the purposes of this Chapter complanar (225). To do this, in a way which shall be completely consistent w^th the foregoing conventions and conclusions, or rather which shall include and reproduce them, for the case where the new quaternion exponent, q, degenerates (131) into a scalar, will be one main object of the following Section : which however will also contain a theory of loga- rithms of quaternions, and of the connexion of both logarithms and powers with the properties of a certain function, which we shall call the ponential of a quaternion, and to consider which we next proceed. Section 4. — On the Ponential and Logarithm of a Quater- ternion; and on Powers of Quaternions, with Quaternions for their Exponents. 239. If we consider the polynomial function, I. . . P(^, m)=\^q,^q^^..q,,,, 2 L 258 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. in which q is any quaternion, and m is any positive whole number, while it is supposed (for conciseness) that 11. ••^-=i.2.3..mV"r(m+l)/ y^^Ai^' *^6n it is not difficult to prove that however great, hut finite and C ; ^t given, the tensor Tq may be, a finite number m can be assigned, for ^ off ' which the inequality III. . . T (P(g, m+n)-F (q, m)) < a, if a > 0, shall be satisfied, however large the (positive whole) number n may be, and however small the (positive) scalar a, provided that this last is given. In other words, if we write (comp. 228), IV. . . q = x + ii/, F(q, m) = X^ + iT^, a finite value of the number m can always be assigned, such that the following inequality, V. . . (X^,,-X„,y + (Y^.„-T,^y 0) the scalar a may be. It follows evidently that each of the two scalar series, or succession of scalar functions, VI...Xo=l, X,= \+x, X,= l+x+''-^,.. X^,.. = 0, Yr==7/, T, = y+xy,.. Y^, . . . converges ultimately to a fixed and finite limit, whereof the one may be called Xoo, or simply X, and the latter Foo, or F, and of which each is a certain function of the two scalars, x and y. Writing then VIII. . . Q = Xoo+iFoo=X+er, Ave must consider this quaternion Q (namely the limit to which the following series of quaternions, IX...P(g,0)=l, P(?, 1) = 1+^, P(^,2)=l + ^ + |',.. P(^,m),... converges ultimately) as being in like manner a Q,Qiid.m function, which we shall call the ponential function, or simply the Ponential of q, in consequence of its possessing certain exponential properties; and which may be denoted by any one of the three symbols, P (?» oo), or P {q), or simply P^. We have therefore the equation, X. . . Ponential of q=Q==Vq=\-{-qy + q.i-\- . . + qccy with the signification II. of the term q^. CHAP. II.] EXPONENTIAL PROPERTY. 259 (1.) In connexion with the convergence of this ponential series, or with the in- equality pi., it may be remarked that if we write (comp, 235) r = T^', and r^ = Tg-^, we shall have, by 212, (2.), XI. . . T (P(gr, m + n) - P (gr, m) ) < P (r, m + n) - P (r, m) ; it is sufficient then to prove that this last difference, or the sum of the n positive terms, r»i+i, . • ^w+w, can be made < a. Now if we take a number p>2r -1, we shall have r^i <|rp, rp+2< |^p+i» &c,, so that a finite number m>p>2r- 1 can be assigned, such that>»r o, Ai>o, &c., be convergent when q is changed to a positive scalar, it will ^fortiori converge, when g- is a quaternion. ' " ^ ^ 240. Let q and q^ be any two complanar quaternions, and let q^^ be their sum, so that I...5" = S' + g, 2"|||2'|ll?; then, as in algebra, with the signification 239, II. of ^,„, and with corresponding significations of q'm and q'^^j we have II. . . qJ' = 1,2.^3!. ^ " ^'"^° "^ ^'""'^' "^ ^''"■'^' "^ • • ^ ^'"^"' where ^o = ?'o = l- Hence, writing again r = T^, r,„ = T2'„„ and in like manner r' = T^', r^^=Tq'\ &c., the two differences, _ III. . . P (r', 77z) . P (r, 7/1) - P (r'^ m), *^ ^, (^^ f)^(HUi-^ and s. /^-^' I -vx IV. ..P(r",2m)-P(r',m).P(r,m), . . ^ ^ < --1- can be expanded as sums of positive terms of the form r'p..rp (one^^"^^*^ y? sum containing ^m(m+ 1), and the other containing m(m+ 1) such ^/ terms); but, by 239, HI-, the sum of these two positive differences ^ can be made less than any given small positive scalar a, since s ^*^ (*^ "^ V. . . P (r'^ 2m) - P (r'', m) 0, provided that the number m is taken large enough ; each difference, therefore, separately tends to 0, as m tends to 00 ; a tendency which must exist a fortiori, when the tensors, r, r', r", are replaced by the quaternions., q, q', q'^. The function Vq is therefore subject to the Exponential Law, \l...V{q'^q) = Vq'.Vq:=Vq.Vq\ if q' \\\ q. // 260 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [boOK II. (1.) If we write (comp. 237, (5.) ), VII. . . PI = c, then VIII. . . Par = (£*)o = arithmetical value oft" ; where e is the known base of the natural system of logarithms, and x is any scalar. We shall henceforth write simply £«^ to denote this principal (or arithmetical) value of the x*^ power of t , and so shall have the simplified equation, VIII'. . . Pa;;=£*. (2.) Already we have thus a motive for writing, generally, IX. . . Vq = i1', but this formula is here to be considered merely as a definition of the sense in which we interpret this exponential symbol, (9 ; namely as what we have lately called the ponential function, Fq, considered as the sum of the infinite but converging series, 239, X. It will however be soon seen to be included in a more general definition (comp. 238) of the symbol g-?'. (3.) For any scalar x, we have by VIII. the transformation : X. . . x = \'Px = natural logarithm of ponential of x. 241. The exponential law (240) gives the following general de- composition of a ponential into factors, I. . . P^ = P(a;4-e» = P^.P?>; in which we have just seen that the factor Vx is a positive scalar. The other factor, Viy, is easily proved to be a versor, and therefore to be the versor ofFq, while Fx is the tensor of the same ponen- . tial; because we have in general, 11. . .P^.P(-g) = PO=I, and III. ..PK^ = KP^, since IV. . . (K^)- =K(q^) = {say) Kq^ (comp. 199, IX.); and therefore, in particular (comp. 150, 158), ^ ^J £ "s- ^"^"t ' V. ..l:P^> = P(-^» = KP^3/, or VI.". . NPz> = 1. '"^^^ I ■ jfc We may therefore write (comp. 240, IX., X.), " ^^,3 ^ VII. . . TFq = VSq = Fx=^; VIII, . . x=Sq = lTFq; IX. . . UP5 = PVg' = Piy = 6»>=cis?/ (comp. 235, IV.); this last transformation being obtained from the two series, X. . . SPz>=l-^ + &c. = cos^; XI. . . r> VFiy = y - ^ + &c. = sin y. Hence the ponential P^' may be thus transformed : XII. . . P^ = P (x + iy) = e'' cis 7/. CHAP. II.] CONNEXION WITH TRIGONOMETRY. 261 (1) If we had not chosen to assume as known the series for cosine and sine^ nor to select (at first) any one unit of angle, such as that known one on which their va- lidity depends, we might then have proceeded as follows. Writing xiil. ..Piy=/y + %, /(-y)-+/y, 0(-y) = -^y, ^ *^ we should have, by the exponential law (240), XIV. . ./(y + y') = S(Piy.Piy')=/y./y'-0y.0/; XV. . .f{y-y)= fy.fy'+y'^y'-. and then the functional equation, which results, namely, XVI. . . /(y + y') +/(y -yl = 2/y .//, would show that XVII. . . fy = cos,\ - X a right angle whatever unit of angle may be adopted, provided that we determine the constant c by the condition, XVIII. . . c = least positive root of the equation fy(= SFiy) = ; or nearly, XVIII'. . . c= 1'5708, as the study of the series* would show. (2.) A motive would thus arise for representing a right angle by this numerical constant, c; or for so selecting the angular unit, as to have the equation (tt still de- noting two right angles), XIX. . . TT = 2c = least positive root of tke equation fy = — 1 ; giving nearly, XIX'. . . 7r = 314159, as usual; for thus we should reduce XVII. to the simpler form, XX. . .fy = cosy. (3.) As to the function (py, since XXL . . (fyy + (cpyy='Piy-'Pi-iy) = h it is evident that 0y = + sin y ; and it is easy to prove that the upper sign is to be taken. In fact, it can be shown (without supposing any previous knowledge of co- sines or sines) that (pc is positive, and therefore that XXII. . .) ; these two last only differing from the usual imaginary expressions for cosine and sine, by the geometrical reality* of the versor i. (3.) The cosine and sine of a quaternion (in the given plane) may now be defined by the equations : IX. . . cos 5 = I (£»■« + £"»■«) ; X. . . sin 5^ = — (£»3 - r'l) ; and we may write (comp. 241, IX.), XI. . . cis 5 = £»■« = Fiq. (4.) With this interpretation of cis q, the exponential properties, 236, IX., X., continue to hold good ; and we may write, XII. . . (59')« = P C^'IT?). P OV amn 5) = (Tq^ cis (5' am,, 5) ; a formula which evidently includes the corresponding one, 237, IV., for the n*^ value of the p*^ power of g, when p is scalar. (5.) The definitions III. and VI., combined with 235, XII., give generally, XIII. . . 1„5' = (19')« = P . 2in7rq' ; XIV. . . {qi')n = !««'. (q^'^O ; this last equation including the formula 237, XII. (6.) The same definitions give, XV. . . Fo-H = — ; XVI. . . (iOo = £~2- ; which last equation agrees with a known interpretation of the symbol, -/-I considered as denoting in algebra a real quantity. (7.) The formula VI. may even be extended to the case where the exponent q' is a quaternion, which is not in the given plane ofi, and therefore not complanar with the base q ; thus we may write, XVII.. . (i.> = P(iPo-H-) = P^-^^ = -A; but it would be foreign (225) to the plan of this Chapter to enter into any further de- tails, on the subject of the interpretation of the exponential symbol qi', for this case of diplanar quaternions, though we see that there would be no difficulty in treating it, after what has been shown respecting complanars. * Compare 232, (2.), and the Notes to pages 243, 248. 264 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. 243. As regards the general logarithm q of a quaternion q (in the given plane), we may regard it as any quaternion which satisfies the equation, I. . . ei' = Vq' = q', and in this view it is simply the Imponential V'^q, of which the n^^ value is expressed by the formula 242, III. But the principal impo- nential, which answers (as above) to w = 0, may be said to be the prin- cipal logarithm^ or simply the Logarithm, of the quaternion q^ and may be denoted by the symbol, so that we may write, I. . . Ig = Po"'2' = ITg' + i amo g'; or still more simply, II. ..1^ = 1(T2.U^) = 1T^+1U^, because 1TU2' = 11 =0, and therefore, III. . . lU^ = i amo q. We have thus the two general equations, IV... % = lTg; V. .. V1(? = 1U^; in which YTq is still the scalar and natural logarithm of the positive scalar T^'. (1.) As examples (comp. 235, (2.) and (4.) ), VI. . . It = ifTT ; VII. . . 1(- 1) = iV. (2.) The general logarithm of q may be denoted by any one of the symbols, log . q, or log q, or (log q\, this last denoting the «*^ value ; and then we shall have, VIII. . . (log 9)n = 1^ + 2imr. (3.) The formula, IX. . . log . 99= log q' + log g-, if q \\\ q, holds good, in the sense that every value of the first member is one of the values of the second (comp. 236). (4.) Principal value ofq'i'= tS'l? ; and one value of log . q9' = q'lq. (6.) The quotient of two general logarithms, X...(.og,VK.og,),= '0|^. may be said to be the ^eweraZ logarithm of the quaternion, q', to the complanar qua- ternion base, q ; and we see that its expression involves* two arbitrary and indepen- dent integers, while its principal value may be defined to be Iq' : \q. As the corresponding expression in algebra, according to Graves and Ohm. CHAP. II.] EQUATIONS OF ALGEBRAIC FORM. 265 Section 5. — On Finite"^ {or Polynomial) Equations of Alge^ braic Form, involving Complanar Quaternions ; and on the Existence ofn Real Quaternion Roots, of any such Equa- tion of the n*'' Degree, 244. We have seen (233) that an equation of the form, I. . .^"-Q = 0, where n Is any given positive integer, and Q is anyj given, real, and actual quaternion (144), has always n real, actual, and unequal quaternion roots, q, complanar with Q ; namely, the n distinct and real values of the symbol Q" (233, VIII.), determined on a plan lately laid down. This result is, how- ever, included in a much more general Theorem, respecting Quaternion Equations of A Igebraic Form ; namely, that if qy, q2i . . qn be any n given, real, and complanar quaternions, then the equation, II. . . ^" + q,q^-^ + qiq"-"" -f . . + ^n = 0, has always n real quaternion roots, q, q", . . q^^\ and no more in the given plane ; of which roots it is possible however that some, or all may become equal, in consequence of certain relations existing between the n given coefficients. 245. As another statement of the same Theorem, if we write, I. . . Fnq = q"" + qiq''~' + • -^ qm the coefficients q^. . qn being as before, we may say that every such polynomial function, Ynq, is equal to a product ofn real, complanar, and linear {or binomial) factors, of the form q-q'; or that an equation of the form, lL..Fnq=={q-q'){q-q")--(q-q'''), can be proved in all cases to exist : although we may not be * By saying finite equations, we merely intend to exclude here equations with infinitely many terms, such as Fq= 1, which has been seen (242) to have infinitely many roots, represented by the expression q = 2imr, where n may be any whole number. t It is true that we have supposed Q ||| t (225) ; but nothing hinders us, in any other case, from substituting for i the versor UVQ, and then proceeding as before. 2 M 266 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. able, with our present methods, to assign expressions for the roots, q\ . . q'^^\ in terms of the coefficients ^i, . • . qn- 246. Or we may say that there is always a certain system ofn real quaternions, q\ &c., ||| 2, which satisfies the system of equations, of known algebraic form, Ill . . J qq" + qq" + qq" + . . = + 52 ; UW"+-- = -^3; &C. 247. Or because the difference f„5' - "Enq is divisible by q - q, as in algebra, under the supposed conditions of compla- narity (224), it is sufficient to say that at least one real quater- nion q always exists (whether we can assign it or not), which satisfies the equation, IV. ..F„^' = 0, with the foregoing form (245, 1.) of the polynomial function f. 248. Or finally, because the theorem is evidently true for the case n=\, while the case 244, 1., has been considered, and the case 9'n = is satisfied by the supposition §' = 0, we may, without essential loss of generality, reduce the enunciation to the following: Every equation of the form,* l>^.q{q-q){q-q")..{q-q^"-'^) = Q, in which q', q'\ . . and Q are any n real and given quaternions in the given plane, whereof at least Q and g'' may be supposed actual (144), is satisfied by at least one real, actual, and com- planar quaterniDn, q. * The corresponding ybrm, of the algebraical equation of the n*^ degree, was pro- posed by Mourey, in his very ingenious and original little work, entitled La vraie theorie des Quantites Negatives, et des Quant ites pretendues Tmaginaires (Paris, 1828). Suggestions also, towards the ^'eome^ricaZfjroo/ of the theorem in the text have been taken from the same work ; in which, however, the curve here called (in 251) an oval is not perhaps defined with sufficient precision : the inequality, here numbered as 251, XII., being not employed. It is to be observed that Mourey's book contains no hint of the present calculus, being confined, like the Double Alge^ bra of Prof. De Morgan (London, 1849), and like the earher work of Mr. Warren (Cambridge, 1828), to questions within theplajie : whereas the very conception of the Quaternion involves, as we have seen, a reference to Tridimensional Space. CHAP. II.] GEOMETRICAL EXISTENCE OF REAL ROOTS. 267 249. Supposing that the m-l last of the n-l given quater- nions q' . . g-^""^^ vanish, but that the n-m first of them are actual, where m may be any whole number from 1 to w - 1, and introduc- ing a new real, known, complanar, and actual quaternion Qq, which satisfies the condition, Q we may write thus the recent equation I., and may (by 187, 159, 235) decompose it into the two following: IV. ..'17^=1; and Y...Vfq=], or Yl...Simfq-=2p7r', in which p is some whole number (negatives and zero included). 250. To give a Taoro, geometrical form to the equation, let A, be any given or assumed line j|| z, and let it be supposed that a, ^, . . and p, ff, or OA, ob, . . . and op, os, are n - m + 2 other lines in the same planes, and that ^p is a known scalar function of /o, such that VII. . . a = 2''X, ^ = q'%.. p = q\ , which thus renders T^p equal to unity, we can conceive a real, unambiguous, and scalar function Y^t, which shall have the two fol- lowing properties : XI. .. T0(tfO = l; XII. . . T^(a;ti^O0, < 1. And in this way the equation, or system of equations, 268 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. XIII. ..p = tft, or XIV. . . Up = t, Tp = yjrc, may be conceived to determine a real, finite^ and plane closed curve, which we shall call generally an Oval^ and which shall have the two following properties: 1st, every right line, or ray, drawn/rom the ori- gin o, in any arbitrary direction within the plane, meets the curve once, but once only; and Ilnd, no one of the n-m other given points A, B, . . is on the oval, because ^a = ^/3 = . . = 0. 252. This being laid down, let us conceive a point p to perform one circiiit of the oval, moving in thepositive direction relatively to the given interior point O; so that, whatever the given direction of the line OS may be, the amplitude 2im{p'.a), if supposed to vary conti- nuously,* will have increased hy four right angles, or by 27r, in the couTSQ oi this one positive circuit; and consequently, the amplitude of the left-hand factor (/> : - a)\ a will have increased by 27r. But if a be an exterior point, so that the finite line oa intersects the curve in a point m, and therefore never meets it again if prolonged, although the prolonga- tion of the opposite line ao must meet it once in some point n, then while thQ point p performs first what we may call the positive half- circuit from M to N, and afterwards the other positive half-circuit from N to M again, the ray ap has only oscillated about its initial and final direction, namely that of the line Ao, without ever attaining the opposite direction ; in this case, therefore, the amplitude am(AP: oa), if still supposed to vary continuously, has only fluctuated in lis X2i\\xe, and has (upon the whole) undergone no change at alh And since precisely similar remarks apply to the other given points, b, &c., it follows that the amplitude, am 0p, of the product (VIJI.) of all these factors, has (by 236) received a total increment =2{m + t)7r, if t be the number (perhaps zero) of given internal points, a, b, . . ; while the number m is (by 249) at least = 1. Thus, while p per- forms (as above) 07ie positive circuit, the amplitude am >pp has passed at least m times, and therefore at least once, through a value of the form 2p'7r; and consequently the condition X. has been at least once satisfied, Biit the other condition, IX., is satisfied throughout, by the * That 13, so as not to receive any sudden increment, or decrement, of one or more whole circumferences (comp. 235, (1.)). CHAP. II.] GEOMETRICAL ILLUSTRATIONS, QUADRATICS. 269 supposed construction of the oval : there is therefore at least one real position P, upon that curve, for which , and III. . . Uo- = Ux/>, a we may thus regard the vector o- as a known function of the vector /?, or the point s as di. function of the point p; in the sense that, while o and A s^TQ fixed, p and s vary together : although it may (and does) hap- pen, that s may return to a former position without p having similarly returned. Now the essential property of the oval (253) may be said to be this: that it is the locus of the points p nearest to o, for which the tensor Txp has a given value, say h; namely the given value o/To-, or of OS, when the^om^ s, like o and a, is given. If then we conceive the point p to move, as before, along the oval, and the point s also to move, according to the law expressed by the recent formula I., this latter point must move (by II.) on the circumference of a given circle (comp. again Fig. 56), with the given origin o for centre ; and the theorem is, that in so moving, s will pass, at least once, through every position on that circle, while p performs one circuit of the oval. And this may be proved by observing that (by III.) the angular motion of the radius os is equal to the sum of the angular motions of the two rays, OP and ap; but this latter sum amounts to eight right angles for the case of Fig. 55-, his,, and to four right angles for the case of Fig. 56; the radius os, and the point s, must therefore have revolved twice in the first case, and once in the second case, which proves the theorem in question. (1.) In the first of these two cases, namely when a is an interior point, each of the three angular velocities is positive throughout, and the mean angular velocity of CHAP. II.] CASSINIAN OVALS, LEMNISCATA. 273 the radius OS is double of that of each of the two rays op, AP. But in the second case, when A is exterior, the mean angular velocity of the ray ap is zero; and we might for a moment doubt, whether the sometimes negative velocity of that ray might not, for parts of the circuit, exceed the always positive velocity of the ray op, and so cause the radius os to move backwards, for a while. This cannot be, however ; for if we conceive p to describe, like p', a circuit of the other (or lighter) oval, in Fig. 56, the point s (if still dependent on it by the law I.) would again traverse the whole of the same circumference as before ; if then it could ewer fluctuate in its motion, it would pass more than twice through some given series of real positions on that circle, during the successive description of the two ovals bj" p ; and thus, within certain limiting values of the coefficients, the quadratic equation would have more than two real roots : a result which has been proved to be impossible. (2.) While 8 thus describes a circle round o, we may conceive the connected point B to describe an equal circle round a ; and in the case at least of Fig. 56, it is easy to prove geometrically, from the constant equality (253, IV.) of the rectangles OP'AP and OA. AB, that these two circles (with t'u and xV as diameters), and the two ovals (with MN and mV as axes), have two common tangents, parallel to the line OAj which connects what we may call the two given foci (or focal points), o and a : the new or third circle, which is described on this focal interval OA as diameter, passing through the four points of contact on the ovals, as the Figure may serve to exhibit. (3.) To prove the same things by quaternions, we shall find it convenient to change the origin (18), for the sake of symmetry, to the central point c; and thus to denote noio cp by p, and ca by a, writing also CA = Ta = a, and representing still the radius of each of the two equal circles by b. We shall then have, as the joint equation of the system of the two ovals, the following : lY. . .T(p + a).TCp-a)=2ab; or V. . . T(52-l)=2c, if q = ^ and c = -. a, a But because we h&ve generally (by 199, 204, &c.) the transformations, VI. . . S . ^2 = 2S52 _ T52 = Tq^ + 2V92 = 2NS9 - % = N^ - 2NV^, the square of the equation V. may (by 210, (8.) ) be written under either of the tAvo following forms : VII. . . (N^ - 1)2 + 4NV5 = 4c2 ; VIII. . . (Ng + 1)2 _ 4NS5 = 4c2 ; whereof the first shows that the maximum value of TYq is c, at least if 2c < 1, as happens for this case of Fig. 56; and that this maximum corresponds to the value Tq=l, or Tp = a : results which, when interpreted, reproduce those of the preceding sub-article. (4.) When 2c > 1, it is permitted to suppose S9 = 0, N V9 = Ng = 2c - 1 ; and then we have only one continuous oval, as in the case of Fig. 55, bis; but if c < 1, though > I, there exists a certain undulation in the form of the curve (not represented in that Figure), TYq being a minimum for S^= 0, or for p -i- a, but becoming (as before) a maximum when Tq = l, and vanishing when 8(72 = 2c + 1, namely at the two summits M, N, where the oval meets the axis. (5.) In the intermediate caie, when 2c = 1, the Cassinian curve IV. becomes (as is known) a lemniscata; of which the quaternion equation may, by V., be written (comp. 200, (8.) ) under any one of the following forms: 2 N 274 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [book II. IX. . .T(92-l) = or finally, or X. . . N93 = 2S. ^2 . or xi. . . T92 = 2SU . 92 XII. . . Tp2 = 2Ta2 cos 2 ^ Avhich last, when written as Xir. . . cp2 = 2ca2 . cos 2acp, agrees evidently with known results. (6.) This corresponds to the case when XIII. (T = -— , and 4 XIV. P = P + -, in 253, XII., that quadratic equation having thus its roots equal; and in general, iov all degrees, cases of equal roots answer to some interesting peculiarities of form of the ovah, on which we cannot here delay. (7.) It may, however, be remarked, in passing, that if we remove the restriction that the vector p, or cp, shall be in a given plane (225), drawn through the line which connects the two foci, o and a, the recent equation V. will then represent the surface (or surfaces') generated by the revolution of theora/ (or ovals), orleraniscata, about that line oa as an axis. 255. If we look back, for a moment, on the formula oi similarity, 253, III., we shall see that it involves not merely an equality of rect- angles, 253, IV., but also an equality of angles, aop and pab; so that the angle oab represents (in the Figures 55) a given difference of the base angles aop, pao of the triangle oap: but to construct a triangle^ by means of such a given difference, combined with a given base, and a given rectangle of sides, is a known problem of elementary geome- try. To solve it briefly, as an exercise, by quaternions^ let the given base be the line aa', with for its middle point, as in the annexed Figure 57 ; let baa' represent the given diffe- rence of base angles, paa' - aa'p ; and let oa . ab be equal to the given rectangle of sides, ap • a^. We shall then have the similarity and equa- tion, p +a /3- a A OA'P a PAB ; II. a p — a whence it follows by the simplest calculations, that III. -i'-.lf- 1+1 = ^ + 1 = or that /> is a mean proportional (227) between a and /3. Draw, therefore, a line op, which shall be in length a geometric mean be- tween the two given lines, oa, ob, and shall also bisect their angle CHAP. II.] IMAGINARY QUATERNION ROOTS. 275 AOB ; its extremity will be the required vertex, p, of the sought tri- angle aa'p: a result of the quaternion analysis, vflaioh geometrical syn- thesis* easily confirms. (1.) The equation III. is however satisfied also (comp. 227) by the opposite vec- tor, op' = PC, or p' = - (0 ; and because /3 = (p : a) . p, we have lV...t±i=.t=^ = t^ or IV'. ..^=-= - = ^. p-\^ a a p d^ p'a oa op oa' ' so that the^bttr following triangles are similar (the two first of them indeed being equal) : V. . . A a'op' a AOP or < ; but for the case a = 0, the two pairs of lines, x^ — y"- =■ and xy = 0, may be considered to havofour coincident intersections at the origin. CHAP. II.] NEW SYMBOLICAL ROOTS OF UNITY. 277 which, after the reductions depending on the substitution V. of - 1 for h^, receives the form, where Xn and Vn are the same real and scalar Junctions as in I. (5.) But we have seen in II., that these two real functions can be made to va- nish together, by selecting any one ofn real pairs IV. of scalar values, x and y ; the General Algebraical Equation X., of the n*^ Degree, has therefore n Real or Imagi- nary/ Roots,* of the Form ar + 2/ V — 1 ; and it has no more than n such roots. (6.) Elimination of y, between the two equations IT. or III., conducts generally to an algebraic equation in x, of the degree n^ ; which equation has therefore n^ alge- braic roots (5.), real or imaginary ; namely, by what has been lately proved, n real and scalar roots, x', . . a;("), with real and scalar values y , . .y(") (comp. IV.) of y to correspond; and «(«—!) other roots, with the same number of corresponding values of y, which may be thus denoted, XII. . . [x(«+i), . . [a;(«'^] ; XIII. . . [yf"+i)], . . [y(«2)] ; and which are either themselves imaginary (or bi-scalar, 214, (7.)), or at least cor- respond, by the supposed elimination, to imaginary or bi-scalar values ofy; since if a;(w+i) and y("+^), for example, could both be real, the quaternion equation Fnq=0 would then have an (w 4-l)st real root, of the form, ^(w+i) = a;(w+i) + ^^(n+i)^ contraiy to what has been proved (252). 257- On the whole, then, it results that the equation F„q = in complanar quaternions, of the w^'' degree, with real coefficients, while it admits of only n real quaternion roots, L..^^^^..2W(244,&c.), is symbolically satisfied also (corap. 214, (3.)) by n(n- \) imaginary quaternion roots, or hy n^ -n bi-quaternions (214, (8.) ), or bi-couples (256, (3.) ), which may be thus denoted, and of which the first, for example, has the /orm, III. . . [^'"^^^] = [a;("^^)] + 2[?/^"^^T = a;/"^») + ^a;//«^') + 2(y/^"'^^ + %//^"''0 ; where a;/"^'\ XjI''*^\ y/''^^\ and y,/"^'^^ are four real scalars, but h is the imaginary of algebra (256, (2.) ). (L) There must, for instance, be n(n - 1) imaginary n*^ roots of unity, in the given plane of i (comp. 256, (3.) ), besides the n real roots already determined (233, * This celebrated Theorem of Algebra has long been known, and has been proved in other ways ; but it seemed necessary, or at least useful, for the purpose of the pre- sent work, to prove it anew, in connexion with Quaternions : or rather to establish the theorem (244, 252), to which in the present Calculus it corresponds. Compare the Note to page 266. 278 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. 237); and accordingly in the case n = 2, we have the four foWowmg sqvare-roois ofl \\\i, two real and two imaginary : IV, . . +1, -1 ; +hi, -hi; for, by 256, (2.), we have V. . . (± hiy = hH^ = (- 1) (- 1 ) = + 1. And the two imaginary roots of the quadratic equation F^q = 0, which generally exist, at least as symbols (214, (3.) ), may be obtained by multiplying the square- root in the formula 253, XX. by hi ; so that in the particular case, when that radi- cal vanishes, the four roots of the equation become real and equal : zero having thus only itself for a square-root. (2.) Again, if we write (comp. 237, (3.)), -1 + »V3 -l-iV3 Yl...q=lh= , g^ = \h= , so that 1, q, qi are the three real cube-roots of positive unity, in the given plane ; and if we write also, v.i..,e=M=zi±i^, e^ = hp = zizA^, so that 9 and 02 are (as usual) the two ordinary (or algebraical) imaginary cube- roots of unity ; then the nine cube-roots o/ 1 (| 1 1 1) are the following : VIII. . . 1 ; 9, 52 ; 0, 02 ; Qq^ e^ ; 9^q, Q^q^ ; whereof the first is a real scalar ; the two next are real couples, or quaternions \\\i ; the two following are imaginary scalars, or biscalars; and the four that remain are imaginary couples, or bi-couples, or biquaternions. (3.) The sixteen fourth roots of unity (|[| i) are: IX. ..+1; ±i; +/*; ±hi; ±|(1±/0(1±0; the three ambiguous signs in the last expression being all independent of each other. (4.) Imaginary roots, of this sort, are sometimes useful, or rather necessary, in calculations respecting ideal intersections,* and ideal contacts, in geometry: although in what remains of the present Volume, we shall have little or no occasion to employ them. (5.) We may, however, here observe, that when the restriction (225) on the plane of the quaternion q is removed, the General Quaternion Equation of the n*^ Degree admits, by the foregoing principles, no fewer than «* Hoots, real or imagi- nary : because, when that general equation is reduced, by 221, to the Standard Quadrinomial Form, X...Fnq= Wn + iXn +j Vn + hZn = 0, it breaks up (comp. 221, VI.) into a System of Four Scalar Equations, each (gene- rally) of the «*'» dimension, in w, x, y, z-, namely, XI. ..r,»=0, X„=0, Yn=0, Zn = 0; and if x, y, z be eliminated between these four, the restilt is (generally) a scalar (or algebraical) equation of the degree n*, relatively to the remaining constituent, w; Comp. Art. 214, and the Notes there referred to. CHAP. II.] RECIPROCAL OF A VECTOR. 279 which therefore has n^ (algebraical) values, real or imaginary : and similarly for the three other constituents, x, y, z, of the sought quaternion q. (6.) It may even happen, when no plane is given, that the number of roots (or solutions) of a ^raiYe* equation in quaternions shall become infinite; as has been seen to be the case for the equation q^ =—1 (149, 154), even when we confine our- selves to what we have considered as real roots. li imaginary roots he admitted, we may write, still more generally, besides the two biscalar values, + h, the expres- sion, XII. . . (-l)i = «+ Ar', S«=Sw'=S«w' = 0, Nw-Nzj'=l; V and v' being thus any two real and right quaternions, in rectangular planes, pro- vided that the norm of ih.Q first exceeds that of the secondhy unity. (7.) And in like manner, besides the two real and scalar values, + 1, we have this general symbolical expression for a square root of positive unity, with merely the difference of the norms reversed : XIII. . . li=y + Ay', Sy=S«' = Sw' = 0, N«'-Nr = l. Section 7. — On the Reciprocal of a Vector^ and on Harmo- nic Means of Vectors; with Remarks on the Anharmonic Quaternion of a Group of Four Points, and on Conditions of Concircularity. 258. When two vectors, a and a', are so related that I. . . a = - Ua : Ta, and therefore 11. . . a = - Ua : Ta, or that III. . . Ta . Ta' = 1, and IV. . . Ud + Ua = 0, we shall say that each of these two vectors is the Reciprocal^ of the other ; and shall (at least for the present) denote this relation between them, by writing V. ..a=Ea, or VI. ..a = Ea'; so that for every vector a, and every right quotient v, VII.. .Ra = -Ua:To; VIII. . .R^a = RRa = a; and IX. . . EIv = IRi; (comp. 161, (3.), and 204, XXXV'.). 259. One of the most important properties of such reci- procals is contained in the following theorem : * Compare the Note to page 265. t Accordingly, under these conditions, we shall afterwards denote this recipro- cal of a vector a by the symbol a"' ; but we postpone the use of this notation, until we shall be prepared to connect it with a general theory of products and poivers of vectors. Compare 234, V., and the Note to page 121. And as regards the tempo- rary use of the characteristic R, compare the second Note to page 252. 280 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. If any two vectors oa, ob, have oa', ob' for their recipro- cals, then (comp. Fig. 58) the right line a b' is parallel to the tangent od, at the origin o, to ' the circle oab ; and the two triangles, gab, obV, are inversely similar (118). Or in symbols, I. . . if oa =R.OA, and ob' = R.ob, then A oab a' ob'a'. (1.) Of course, under the same conditions, the tangent at o to the circle oa'b' is parallel to the line ab. (2.) The angles bao and ob'a' or bod being equal, the fourth proportional (226) to AB, AO, and ob, or to ba, oa, and ob, has the direction of od, or the direction op- posite to that of a'b' ; and its length is easily proved to be the reciprocal (or inverse) of the length of the same line a'b', because the similar triangles give, II. . . (oa : ba) . ob = (ob' : a'b'). ob = 1 : aV, it being remembered that III. . . OA . oa' = OB . ob' = 1 ; we may therefore write, IV. . .(oa:ba).ob = R.a'b', or V. . . — ^i3 = R(Ri3 - Ra), a — p whatever two vectors a and /3 may be. (3.) Changing a and /3 to their reciprocals, the last formula becomes, VI. . . R(/3-a) = - — ^.R/3; or VII. . . (oa': b'a').ob' = R. ab. Ka —Up yiii...K2=5?. (4.) The inverse similarity I. gives also, generally, the relation, Ra R^* (5.) Since, then, by 195, II., or 207, (2.), IX, . . K-+1 = K'-^^, we have X... - ^- a ' R/3 R()3±a)' the lower signs agreeing with VI. (6.) In general, the reciprocals of opposite vectors are themselves opposite ; or in symbols, XI. . . R(-a) = -Ra. (7.) More generally, XII. . . Rxa = x-^B,a, if X be any scalar. (8.) Taking lower signs in X., changing a to y, dividing, and taking conjugates, we find for any three vectors a, /3, y (complanar or diplanar') the formula : Ry:^^,J_Ry_ R(/3-a) \ a r^_oA bc ■^^"••^ Ra-R/3 VK(i8-y)" Ra / /3- a ' - y "ab* co' if a = OA, j3 = OB, and y = oc, as usual. CHAP. II.] ANHARMONIC AND EVOLUTIONARY QUATERNIONS. 281 (9.) If then we extend, to any four points ofspace^ the notation (25), ,,,,, . ^ AB CD XIV. . . Cabcd) = — .— , ^ ' BC DA interpreting esich. of these two factor-quotients as a quaternion, and defining that t\\eiv product (in this order^ is the anharmonic quaternion function, or simply the Anharmonic, of the Group of four points A, B, C, D, or oi the (^plane or gauche^ Quw drilateral ABCD, we shall have the following general and useful ^rmw/a of transfor- mation : XV.. (0ABc) = KgI-^ = K_„ where oa', ob', ob' are supposed to be reciprocals of oa, ob, oc. (10.) With this notation XIV., we have generally, and not merely for coUinear groups (35), the relations : XVI. . . (abcd) + (acbd) = 1 ; XVII. . . (abcd). (adcb) = 1. (11.) Let o, A, B, c, D be any five points, and oa', . . od' the reciprocals of OA, . . od ; we shall then have, by XV., XVIII. . . ^ = K (OCBA), ^ = K (oadc) ; bo' ^ ^ DA ^ and therefore, XIX. . . K (a'b'c'd') = (oADc) (ocba) = - (oadcba), if we agree to write generally, for any six points, the formula,* ,„ , ^ AB CD EF XX. . . Cabcdef) = — . — . — . EC DE fa (12.) If then the five points o . . d be complanar (225), we have, by 226, and by XIV., XXI. . . K (a'b'c'd') = (abcd), or XXI'. . . (a'b'c'd') = K (abcd) ; the anharmonic quaternion (abcd) being thus changed to its conjugate, when the four rays OA, . . od are changed to their reciprocals, 260. Another very important consequence from the defi- nition (258) of reciprocals of vectors, or from the recent theo- rem (259), may be expressed as follows: If any three coinitial vectors^ oa, ob, oc, be chords of one common circle^ then (see again Fig. 58) their three coinitial re- * There is a convenience in calling, generally, this /iroc/Mc^ of three quotients, (abcdef), the evolutionary quaternion, or simply the Evolutionary, of the Group of Six Points, A . . F, or (if they be not collinear) of the plane or gauche Hexagon abcdef : because the equation, (abca'b'c') = - 1, expresses either 1st, that the three pairs of points, aa', bb', cc', form a collinear in- volution (26) of a well-known kind ; or Ilnd, that those threepairs, or the three cor- responding diagonals of the hexagon, compose a complanar or a homospheric Involu- tion, of a new kind suggested by quaternions (comp. 261, (11.) ). 2 282 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [BOOK 11. ciprocals, oa', ob', oc', are terminO'ColUnear (24) : of, in other words, \S ihe four points o, a, b, c be concircular, then the three points a', b'j c' are situated on one right line. And conversely, if three coinitial vectors^ oa', ob', oc', thus terminate on one right line, then their three coinitial recipro- cals, oa, ob, oc, are chords of one circle; the tangent to which circle, at the origin, is parallel to the right line; while the anharmonic function (259, (9.) )? of the inscribed quadrilateral OABC, reduces itself to a scalar quotient of segments of that line (which therefore is its own conjugate, by 139) : namely, I. . . (oABc) = b'c' : bV = (oo a'b'c') = (o . oabc), if the symbol oo be used here to denote the point at infinity on the right line a'b'c' ; and if, in thus employing the notation (35) for the anharmonic of a plane pencil, we consider the null chord, 00, as having the direction^ of the tangent, od. (1.) If p = OP be the variable vector of a point p upon the circle oab, the qua- ternion equation of that circle may be thus written : II. . . Ep = E/3 + a;(Ea - Ej3), where III. . . a; = (oabp) ; the coefficient x being thus a variable scalar (comp. 99, I.), which depends on the variable position of the point p on the circumference. (2.) Or we may write, IV...Ep = 2^±i^, ^ t+u ^ as another form of the equation of the same circle oab ; with which may usefully be contrasted the earlier form (comp. 25), of the equation of the line ab, ^ t+u (3.) Or, dividing the second member of IV. by the first, and taking conjugates, we have for the circle, to up ... _^_T ta uj3 VI. . .-i-+ -^=< + «; while VII. . . - + -^ = f + m, a (i P ' P for the right line. (4.) Or we may write, by II., this latter symbol, by 204, (18.), denoting any scalar. * Compare the remarks in the second Note to page 139, respecting the possible determinateness of signification of the symbol UO, when the zero denotes a line, which vanishes according to a law. CHAP. II.] CIRCULAR AND HARMONIC GROUP. 283 (5.) Or still more briefly, IX. . . V(OABP) = ; or IX'. . . (oabp) = V-i 0. (6.) If the four points o, A, b, o be still concircular, and if p be any fifth point in their plane, while POi, . . PCi are the reciprocals of po, . . PO, thea by 259, XXI., we have the relation, X. , . (OiAiBiCi) = K(OABC) = (OABC) = V"! ; the^wr new points Oi. . Ci are therefore generally concircular. (7.) If, however, the point p be again placed on the circle oabc, those four new points are (by the present Article) collinear; being the intersections of i\iQ pencil p.oabo with a, parallel to the tangent at p. In this case, therefore, we have the equation, XI. . . (p. oabc) = (oiAiBiCi) = (oabc) ; so that the constant anharmonic of the pencil (35) is thus seen to be equal to what we have defined (259, (9.) ) to be the anharmonic of the group. (8.) And because the anharmonic of a circular group is a scalar, it Is equal (by 187, (8.) ) to its own tensor, either positively or negatively taken : we may therefore write, for any inscribed quadrilateral oABC, the formula, XII. . . (OABc) = + T (OABc) = + (OA . BC) : (aB . CO), = + & quotient of rectangles of opposite sides; the upper or the lower sign being taken, according as the point b' falls, or does not fall, between the points a' and c' : that is, according as the quadrilateral oabc is an uncrossed or a crossed one. I; (9.) Hence it is easy to infer that /or any circular group o, A, b, c, we have the equation, XIII...U^ = + U^; AB - CB the upper sign being taken when the succession oabo is a direct one, that is, when the quadrilateral oabc is uncrossed; and the lower sign, in the contrary case, namely, when the succession is (what may be called) indirect, or when the quadri- lateral is crossed: while conversely this equation XIII, is sufficient to prove, when- ever it occurs, that the anharmonic (oabc) is a negative or a positive scalar, and therefore by (5.) that the gro^ip is circular (if not linear^, as above. (10.) If A, b, c, d, e be any five homospheric points (or points upon the surface of owe sphere), and if o be any sixth point of space, while oa', . . oe' are the reciprocals of OA, . . OE, then the five new points a'. . e' are generally homospheric (with each other) ; but if o happens to be on the sphere abcde, then a' . . e' are complanar, their common plane being parallel to the tangent plane to the given sphere at o : with resulting anharmonic relations, on which we cannot here delay. 26 1 . An interesting case of the foregoing theory is that when the generally scalar anharmonic of a circular group be- comes equal to negative unity ; in which case (comp. 26), the group is said to be harmonic, A few remarks upon such czV- ctdar and harmonic groups may here be briefly made : the stu- 284 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. dent being left to fill up hints for himself, as what must be now to him an easy exercise of calculation. (1.) For such a group (comp. again Fig. 58), we have thus the equation, I. . . (oABc) = - 1 ; and therefore II. . . a'b' = b'c' ; or III. ..R/3=KKa + R7); and under this condition, we shall say (comp. 216, (5.) that the Vector /3 is the Har- monic Mean between the two vectors, a and y. (2.) Dividing, and taking conjugates (comp. 260, (3.), and 216, (5.) ), we thus obtain the equation, IV... ^ + ^=2; or V. . . /3 = -?i- y = ^a; or VI. . ./3 = -y = ^a, if VII. . . £ = |(y-f a); £ thus denoting here the vector oe (Fig. 68) of the middle point of the chord ao. We may then say that the harmonic mean between any two lines is (as in algebra) the fourth proportional to their semisum^ and to themselves. (3.) Geometrically, we have thus the similar triangles, VIII. . . A AOB a EOC ; VIII'. . . A aoe a boc ; whence, either because the angles oba and oca, or because the angles oac and obc are equal, we may infer (comp. 260, (5.) ) that, when the equation I. is satisfied, the four points o, a, b, c, if not coUinear^ are coneircular. (4.) We have also the similarities, IX. . . A OEC a ceb, and IX'. . . A oea a aeb ; or the equations, X...^ = I^', and X'.,.t.'=2Zi, y — c -c a- 1 — c in fact we have, by VI. and VII., XI. £ .1-.; xn...^(=iL&". = x-I«] = (.-^y (5.) Hence the line ec, in Fig. 58, is the mean proportional (227) between the lines EO and eb ; or in words, the semisum (oe), the semidifference (ec), and the excess (be) of the semisum over the harmonic mean (ob), form (as in algebra) a continued proportion (227). (6.) Conversely, if any three coinitial vectors, eo, ec, eb, form thus a continued proportion, and if we take ea = ce, then the four points oabc will compose a circu- lar and harmonic group ; for example, the points apbp' of Fig. 67 are arranged so as to form such a group.* (7.) It is easy to prove that, for the inscribed quadrilateral oabc of Fig. 58, the rectangles under opposite sides are each equal to half of the rectangle under the * Compare the Note to 255, (2.). In that sub-article, the text should have run thus : of which (we may add) the centre c is on the circle oab, &c. In Fig. 68, the centre of the circle oabc is coneircular with the three points o, E, b. CHAP. II.] INVOLUTION IN A PLANE, OR IN SPACE. 285 diagonals; which geometrical relation answers to either of the two anharmonic equations (comp. 259, (10.)) : XIII. . . (0BAC) = + 2; Xlir. . . (ocab) =+ ^. (8.) Hence, or in other ways, it may be inferred that these diagonals, ob, ac, are conjugate chords of the circle to which they belong : in the sense that each passes through the pole of the other^ and that thus the line db is the second tangent from the point d, in which the chord ac prolonged intersects the tangent at o. (9.) Under the same conditions, it is easy to prove, either by quaternions or by geometry, that we have the harmonic equations : XIV. . . (abco) = (bcoa) = (coab) = - 1 ; so that AC is the harmonic mean between ab and ao ; bo is such a mean between BC and BA ; and ca between co and cb. (10.) In any such group, any two opposite points (or opposite corners of the qua- drilateral), as for example o and b, may be said to be harmonically conjugate to each other, with respect to the two other points^ a and c ; and we see that when these two points A and c are given, then to every third point o (whether in a given plane, or in space) there always corresponds a. fourth point b, which is in this sense conju- gate to that third point : this fourth point being always complanar with the three points A, c, o, and being even concircular with them, unless they happen to be colli- near with each other ; in which extreme (or limiting') case, the fourth point b is still determined, but is now coUinear with the others (as in 26, &c.). (11.) When, after thus selecting two* points, A and c, or treating them as given or fixed, we determine (10.) the harmonic conjugates b, b', b", with respect to them, of any three assumed points, o, o', o", then the three pairs of points, O, B ; o', b' ; o", b", may be said to form an Involution,f either on the right line AC, (in which case it will only be one of an already well-known kind), or zw a plane through that line, or even generally in space : and the two points A, c may in all these cases be said to be the two Double Points (or Foci^ of this Involution. But the field thus opened, for geometrical investigation by Quaternions, is far too extensive to be more than mentioned here. (12.) We shall therefore only at present add, that the conception of the Aarmonic mean between two vectors may easily be extended to any number of such, and need not be limited to the plane : since we may define that ij is the harmonic mean of the n arbitrary vectors ai, . . an, when it satisfies the equation, XV. . . Rj; = i (Rai + . . + Ra„) ; or XVI. . . nB.r) = SRa. n (13.) Finally, as regards the notation Ra, and the definition (258) of the recipro- cal of a vector, it may be observed that if we had chosen to define reciprocal vectors as having similar (instead of opposite') directions, we should indeed have had the posi- tive sign in the equation 258, VII. ; but should have been obliged to write, instead of 258, IX., the much less simple formula, RIt> = -IRr. * There is a sense in which the geometrical process here spoken of can be applied, even when the two fixed points, or foci, are imaginary. Compare the Geomctrie Superieure of M. Chasles, page 136. t Compare the Note to 259, (11.). 286 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. CHAPTER III. ON DIPLANAR QUATERNIONS, OR QUOTIENTS OF VECTORS IN SPACE : AND ESPECIALLY ON THE ASSOCIATIVE PRINCI- PLE OF MULTIPLICATION OF SUCH QUATERNIONS. Section 1. — On some Enunciatio7is of the Associative Pro- perty, or Principle, of Multiplication of Diplanar Quater- nions. 262. In the preceding Chapter we have confined ourselves almost entirely, as had been proposed (224, 225), to the con- sideration of quaternions in a y iv en plane (that of i) ; alluding only, in some instances, to possible extensions* of results so obtained. But we must now return to consider, as in the First Chapter of this Second Book, the subject of General Quotients of Vectors : and especially their Associative Multi- plication (223), which has hitherto been only proved in con- nexion with the Distributive Principle (212), and with the Laws of the Symbols i,j\ k (183j. And first we shall give a iQW geometrical enunciations of that associative principle, which shall be independent of the distributive one, and in which it will be sufficient to consider (corap. 191) the multiplication of versors; because the multiplication of tensors is, evidently an associative operation, as corresponding simply to arithmetical multiplication, or to the composition of ratios in geometry.f We shall therefore suppose, throughout the present Chapter, that ED + n GH + " KL= 0, then o DK + « HE + -^ LG= 0. (6.) If, for a moment, we agree to write (comp. Art. 1), V. . . '^ ab = B - A, we may then express the recent statement IV. a little more lucidly thus : VI. ..ifD-E + H-G + L-K = 0, then k-d + e-h + g-l, = 0. (7 ) Or still more simply, if '^, o', r," be supposed to denote any three dipla- nar arcs, which are to be added according to the rule (180, (3.) ) above referred to, the theorem may be said to be, that VII.. .(o"+o')+^ = n" + (n'+o); or in words, that Addition ofArcsi on a Sphere is an Associative Operation. (8.) Conversely, if any independent demonstration be given, of the truth of any one of the foregoing statements, considered as expressing a theorem of spherical geo- metry, f a new proof Avill thereby be furnished, of the associative property of multi- plication of quaternions. 265. In the second arrangement (263) of the six planes, instead of representing the three given versors, and their partial or total products, by arcs, it is natural to represent them (174, 11.) by an- gles on the sphere. Conceive then that the two versors, q and r, are represented, in Fig. 60, by the two spherical angles, eab and ABE; and therefore (175) that their product, rq or s% is represented by the external vertical angle at e, of the triangle abe. Let the * Some of these formulae and figures, in connexion with the associative principle, are taken, though for the most part with modifications, from the author's Sixth Lec- ture on Quaternions, in which that whole subject is very fully treated. Comp. the Note to page 160. t Such a demonstration, namely a deduction of the equation II. from the five equations I., by known properties of spherical conies, will be briefly given in the en- suing Section. 2 p 290 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [book II. second versor r be also represented by the angle fbc, and the third versor s by bcf; then the other binary product, sr or 3', will be represented by the external angle at f, of the new triangle bcf. Again, to represent the^r^^ ternary product, t=ss' = s.rq, we have only to take the external an- gle at D of the triangle ecd, if D be a point determined Fig. 60. by the two conditions, that the angle ecd shall be equal to bcf, and DEC supplementary to bea. On the other hand, if we conceive a point d' determined by the conditions that d'af shall be equal to eab, and afd' supplementary tocFB, then the external angle at t>\ of the triangle afd^, will represent the second ternary product, q^q = sr. q, •which (by the associative principle) must be equal to the first. Conceiving then that ed is prolonged to G, and fd' to h, the two spherical angles, gdc and ad'h, must be equal in all respects ; their vertices d and d' coinciding, and the rotations (174, IT 7) which they represent being not only equal in amount, but also similarly/ directed. Or, to express the same thing otherwise, we may enunciate (262) the Associative Principle by saying, that when the three angular equations, I. . . ABE = FBC, BCP = ECD, DEC = TT - BEA, are satisfied, then these three other equations^ II, . . DAF = EAB, FDA = CDE, AFD - TT - CFB, are satisfied also. For not only is this theorem of spherical geometry a consequence of the associative principle oi multiplication of quaternions , but conversely any independent demonstration* of the theorem is, at the same time, a proof of the principle. 266. The third arrangement (263) of the six planes may be illustrated by con- ceiving a gauche hexagon, ab'ca^bc^ to be inscribed in a sphere, in such a manner that the intersection d of the three planes, c'ab', b'ca', a'bc', is on the surface; and there- fore that the three small circles, denoted by these three last triliteral symbols, concur -p. g. * Such as we shall sketch, in the following Section, with the help of the known properties of the spherical conies. Compare the Note to the foregoing Article. CHAP. III.] THIRD ARRANGEMENT, SPHERICAL HEXAGON. 291 in one point d ; while the second intersection of the two other small circles, ab'c, ca'b, may be denoted by the letter d', as in the annexed Fig. 61. Let it be also for simplicity at first supposed, that (as in the Figure) the Jive circular successions^ I. . . c'ab'd, ab'cd', b'ca'd, ca'bd', a'bc'd, are all direct ; or that the Jive iTiscrihed quadrilaterals, denoted by these symbols I., are all uncrossed ones. Then (by 260, (9.) ) it is allowed to introduce three versors, q, r, 5, each having two expres- sions, as follows : __ _._b'd __ab' -^da' „ca' ^ DC' AC/ B'D Cb' ^^ CD' „ BD' ca' a'b although (by the cited sub-article) the last members of these three formulae should receive the negative sign, if the first, third, and fourth of the successions I. were to become indirect, or if the corre- sponding quadrilaterals were crossed ones. We have thus (by 191) the derived expressions, III. . . s' = rq = TJ — • =U — ;; o' = 5r=U — - = U — ■; ^ DC' BC' ^ cb' AB' whereof, however, the two versors in the first formula would differ in their signs, if the fifth succession I. were indirect; and those in the second formula, if the second succession were such. Hence, IV.. .t = ss^ = s.rq = V — ', q'q = sr.q = \J — ; and since, by the associative principle, these two last versors are to be equal, it follows that, under the supposed conditions of construc- tion, the four points, b, c', a, d', compose a circular and dij'ect suc- cession ; or that the quadrilateral, bc'ad', is plane, inscriptible* and uncrossed. 267. It is easy, by suitable changes of sign, to adapt the recent reasoning to the case where some or all of the suc- cessions I. are indirect ; and thus to infer, from the associa- tive principle, this theorem of spherical geometry : 7/*ab'ca'bc' * Of course, siuce the four points bc'ad' are known to be homospheric (comp. 260. (10.)), the inseriptihility of the quadrilateral in a circle would follow from its being plane, if the latter were otherwise proved : but it is here deduced from the equality of the two versors IV., on the plan of 260, (9.J. 292 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. he a spherical hexagon, such that the three small circles c'ab', b'ca', a'bc' concur in one point d, then, 1st, the three other small circles, ab'c, ca'b, bc'k, concur in another point, d'; and Ilnd, of the six circular successions, 266, I., and bc'ad', the number of those which are indirect is always even (including zero). And conversely, any independent demonstration* of this geo- metrical theorem will be a new proof oi the associative prin- ciple. 268. The same fertile principle of associative multiplication may be enunciated in other ways, without limiting the factors to be ver- sors, and without introducing the conception of a sphere. Thus we may say (comp. 264, (2.) ), that if o . abcdef (comp. 35) be any pencil of six rays in space, and o.a'b^c' any pencil of three rays, and if the three angles aob, cod, eof of the first pencil be respectively equal to the angles b'oc', c'oa', a'ob^ of the second, then another pencil of three rays, o . a'^b^'o''', can be assigned, such that the three other angles boc, doe, foa oith.Q first pencil shall be equal to the angles b'^oc''', c'^oa'', a'^ob'^ of the third: equality of angles (with one vertex) being here understood (comp. 165) to include complana' rity, and similarity of direction of rotations. (1.) Again (comp. 264, (4.)), we may establish the following formula, in which the four vectors a/3y5 form a complanar proportion (226), but e and Z, are any two lines in space : T ^^-^^ if ^_^. ye at 7 « for, under this last condition, we have (comp. 125), II £? = ?^ ? = ? ^? * " y e aye. a' d e' (2.) Another enunciation of the associative principle is the following : III. . . if -- = -, then -- = -; y a e ay o for if we determine (120) six new vectors, r]9i, and kX/i, so that = -, - = — , whence - = -, y I a It IV. . . ^ and I ^_« f _/^ I. K a fi y * An elementary proof, by stereographic projection, will be proposed in the fol- lowing Section. CHAP. III.] PBOOFS BY SPHERICAL CONICS. 293 we shall have the transformations, V - = -- = ^ -1 = -L ^ = -l = f^ or VI - = ^ (3.) Conversely, the assertion that this last equation or proportion VI. is true, •whenever the twelve vectors a . . fx are connected by the five proportions IV., is a form of enunciation of the associative principle ; for it conducts (comp. IV. and V.) to the equation, VII. , .-.ij = --.^, atleastif e\\\i,0; but, even with this last restriction, the three factor-quotients in VII. may represent any three quaternions. Section 2. — On some Geometrical Proofs of the Associative Property of Multiplication of Quaternions, which are inde- pendent of the Distributive* Principle. 269. We propose, in this Section, to furnish three geome- trical Demonstrations of the Associative Principle, in con- nexion with the three Figures (59-61) which were employed in the last Section for its Enunciation ; and with the three ar- rangements oi six planes, which were described in Art. 263. The two first of these proofs will suppose the knowledge of a few properties oi spherical conies (196, (11.)); but the third will only employ the doctrine of stereographic projection, and will therefore be of a more strictly elementary character. The Principle itself is, however, of such great importance in this Calculus, that its nature and its evidence can scarcely be put in too many different points of view. 270. The only properties of a spherical conic, which we shall in this Article assume as known, f are the three following: 1st, that through any three given points on a given sphere, which are not on a great circle, a conic can be described (consisting generally oitwo oppo- site ovals), which shall have a given great circle for one of its two cyclic arcs; Ilnd, that if a transversal arc cut hath these arcs, and the conic, the intercepts (suitably measured) on this transversal are equal; and Ilird, that if the vertex of a spherical angle move along the conic, while its legs pass always through two fixed points thereof, those legs * Compare 224 and 262 ; and the Note to page 236. t The reader may consult the Translation (Dublin, 1841, pp. 46, 50, 55) by the present Dean Graves, of two Memoirs by M. Chasles, on Cones of the Second De- gree^ and Spherical Conies. 294 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. intercept a constant interval^ upon each cyclic arc, separately taken. Admitting these three properties, we see that if, in Fig. 59, we con- ceive a spherical conic to be described, so as to pass through the three points b, f, h, and to have the great circle daec for one cyclic arc, the second and third equations I. of 264 will prove that the arc GLIM is the other cyclic arc for this conic; the first equation I. proves next that the conic passes through k ; and if the arcual chord fk be drawn and prolonged, the two remaining equations prove that it meets the cyclic arcs in d and m ; after which, the equation 11. of the same Art. 264 immediately results, at least with the arrange- ment* adopted in the Figure. (1.) The 1st property is easily seen to correspond to the possibility of circum- scribing a circle about a given plane triangle, namely that of which the comers are the intersections of a plane parallel to the plane of the given cyclic arc, with the three radii drawn to the three given points upon the sphere : but it may be worth while, as an exercise, to prove here the Ilnd property by quaternions. (2.) Take then the equation of a cyclic cone, 196, (8.), which may (by 196, XII.) be written thus : I...S^S^ = N^; andlet II. . . S^' S^' = K^', p and p' being thus two rays (or sides) of the cone, which may also be considered to be the vectors of two points p and p' of a spherical conic, by supposing that their lengths are each unity. Let r and r' be the vectors of the two points t and t' on the two cyclic arcs, in which the arcual chord pp' of the conic cuts them ; so that III. ..S- = 0, S^=0, and IV. . . Tr = Tr' = 1. a (5 The theorem may then be stated thus : that V. . . if jO = a;r + xt', then VI. . . p' = aV + xt ; or that this expression VI. satisfies II., if the equations I. III. IV. V. be satisfied. Now, by III. V. VI., we have a a X a j3 ^ x' (i whence it follows that the first members of I. and II. are equal, and it only remains to prove that their second members are equal also, or that Tp' = Tp, if Tr' = Tr. Accordingly we have, by V. and VI., VIII. . . ^-Ili' = ^^.^^^ = S-iO, by 200, (11.), and 204, (19.); p' + p X +X T+T ^ ^ '^ ^' and the property in question is proved. * Modifications of that arrangement may be conceived, to which however it would be easy to adapt the reasoning. CHAP. III.] PROOF BY STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTION. 295 271. To prove the associative principle, with the help of Fig. 60, three other properties of a spherical conic shall be supposed known :* 1st, that for every such curve two focal points exist, ipossessing seve- ral important relations to it, one of which is, that if these two foci and one tangent arc he given, the conic can be constructed; Ilnd, that if, from any point upon the sphere, two tangents be drawn to the conic, and also two arcs to the foci, then one focal arc makes with one tangent the same angle as the other focal arc with the other tangent ; and Ilird, that if a spherical quadrilateral be circumscribed to such a conic (supposed here for simplicity to be a spherical ellipse, or the opposite ellipse being neglected), opposite sides subtend supplementary/ angles, at either of the two (interior) foci. Admitting these known properties, and supposing the arrangement to be as in Fig. 60, we may conceive a conic described, which shall have e and f for its two focal points, and shall touch the arc bc ; and then the two first of the equations I., in 265, will prove that it touches also the arcs ab and CD, while the third of those equations proves that it touches ad, so that ABCD is a circumscribedf quadrilateral: after which the three equations II., of the same article, are consequences of the same pro- perties of the curve. 272. Finally, to prove the same important Principle in a more completely elementary way, by means of the arrangement represented in Fig. 61, or to prove the theorem of spherical geometry enunciated in Art. 267, we may assume the point d as the pole of a stereograpjhic projection^ in which the three small circles through that point shall be represented by right lines ^hui the three others by czVc/ei", iall being in one common plane. And then (interchanging accents) the theorem comes to be thus stated : 7/* a', b', c' be any three points (comp. Fig. 62) on the sides bc, CA, AB of any plane triangle^ or on those sides prolonged, then^ 1st, ^ ^Y\si. 62 the three circles^ * The reader may again consult pages 46 and 50 of the Translation lately cited. In strictness, there are of course /owr /oa, opposite two by two. t The writer has elsewhere proposed the notation, ef(. .) abcd, to denote the relation of the focal points e, f to this circumscribed quadrilateral. 296 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. I. . . c'ab', a'bc', b'ca', will meet in one point d ; and Ilnd, an even number (if any) of the six (linear or circular) successions, II. . . ab'c, bc'a, cab, and 11'. . . c'ab'd, a'bcd, b'ca'd, will be direct; an even number therefore also (if any) being indirect. But, under i\\\Qform* the theorem can be proved by very elementary considerations, and still without any em- ployment of the distributive principle (224, 262). (1.) 1h.B first part of the theorem, as thus stated, is evident from the Third Book of Euclid ; but to prove both parts together, it may be useful to proceed as follows, admitting the conception (235) oi amplitudes, or of angles as representing ro«a«ions, ■which may have any values, positive or negative, and are to be added with attention to their signs. (2.) We may thus write the three equations, III. . . ab'c = nTT, bc'a = w'tt, ca'b = n"7r, to express the three coUineations, ab'c, &c. of Fig. 62 ; the integer, n, being odd or even, according as the point b' is on the finite line AC, or on a prolongation of that line ; or in other words, according as the first succession II. is direct or indirect : and similarly for the two other coefficients, n' and n". (3.) Again, if opqr be any four points in one plane, we may establish the for- mula, IV. . . POQ 4- QOR = POR + 2m7r, with the same conception of addition of amplitudes ; if then d be any point in the plane of the triangle abc, we may write, V. . . ab'd + db'c = n7r, bc'd + dc'a = nV, ca'd + da'b = w'V ; and therefore, VI. . . (ab'd + dc'a) + (bc'd + da'b) 4 (ca'd + db'c) — (» + w' 4 »") TT. (4.) Again, if any four points opqr bo not merely complanar but concircular, we have the general formula, VII. . . CPQ4QRO=/J7r, the integer p being odd or even, according as the succession opqr is direct or indi' * The Associative Principle of Multiplication was stated nearly under this ^brm, and was illustrated by the same simple diagram, in paragraph XXII. of a commu- nication by the present author, which was entitled Letters on Quaternions, and has been printed in the First and Second Editions of the late Dr. Nichol's Cyclopcedia of the Physical Sciences (London and Glasgow, 1857 and 1860). The same commu- nication contained other illustrations and consequences of the same principle, which it has not been thought necessary here to reproduce (compare however Note C) ; and others may be found in the Sixth of the author's already cited Lectures on Quater- nions (Dublin, 1863), from which (as already observed) some of the formulae and figures of this Chapter have been taken. CHAP. III.] ADDITIONAL FORMULA, NORM OF A VECTOR. 297 red ; if then we denote by d the second intersection of the first and second circles I. , whereof c' is & first intersection, we shall have VIII. . . ab'd + dc'a =/>7r, bc'd + da'b =p'7r, p and p' being odd, when the two first successions II'. are direct, but even in the con- trary case. (5.) Hence, by VI., we have, IX. . . ca'd + db'c =/>"7r, where X. . . jo + />' + p" = « + »' f n" ; the third succession II'. is therefore always circular, or the third circle I. passes through the intersection D o^ ih.Q two first ; and it is direct or indirect, that is to say, p" is odd or even, according as the number of even coefficients, among thej^re previously considered, is itself even or odd ; or in other words, according as the number of indirect successions, among the five previously considered, is even (includ- ing zero), or odd. (6.) In every case, therefore, the total number of successions of each kind is even, and both parts of the theorem are proved : the importance of the second part of it (respecting the even partition, if any, of the six successions II. 11'.) arising from the necessity of proving that we have always, as in algebra, XI . . sr.q = -\-s.rq, and never Xll. . , sr. q = — s.rq, if q, r, s be any three actual quaternions. (7.) The associative principle of multiplication may also be proved, without the distributive principle, by certain considerations of rotations of a system, on which we cannot enter here. Section 3. — On some Additional FormulcB. 273. Before concluding the Second Book, a few additional re- marks may be made, as regards some of the notations and transfor- mations which have already occurred, or others analogous to them. And first as to notation, although we have reserved for the Third Book the interpretation of such expressions as /3a, or a^ yet we have agreed, in 210, (9.), to abridge the frequently occurring symbol (Ta)^ to Ta^; and we now propose to abridge it still further to Na, and to call this square of the tensor (or of the length) of a vector, a, the Norm of that Vector: as we had (in 190, &c.), the equation Tg'^ = N5', and called N^- the norm of the quaternion q (in 145, (11.) ). We shall therefore now write generally, for any vector a, the formula, I. . .(Ta)2 = Ta2 = Na. (1.) The equations (comp. 186, (1.) (2.) (3.) (4.) ), II. ..Np = l; III. ..Np = Na; IV- . . N(p -«) = Na ; V. ..N(p-a) = N(/3-a), represent, respectively, the unit-sphere; the sphere through a, with o for centre ; the sphere through o, with a for centre ; and the sphere through b, with the same centre a. 2q 298 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. (2.) The equations (comp. 186, (6.) (7.) ), VI. ..N(p + a) = N(p-a); VII. . . N(p-i8) = N(p- a), represent, respective!}'', the plane through o, perpendicular to the line oa ; and the plane which perpendicularly bisects the line Ab. 274, As regards transformations, the few following may here be added, which relate partly to the quaternion forms (204, 216, &c.) of the Equation"^ of the Ellipsoid. (1.) Changing K(k: p) to Ep : Rk, by 259, VIII., in the equation 217, XVI. of the ellipsoid, and observing that the three vectors p, Rp, and Rk are complanar, while 1 : Tp = TRp by 258, that equation becomes, when divided by TRp, and when the value 217, (5.) for t^ is taken, and the notation 273 is employed : I. .. Tf-i-+-?-VNt-m-; V Rp ^ Rk / of which the first member will soon be seen to admit of being written f asT(ip + p^), and the second member as /c^ - i^. (2.) If, in connexion with the earlier forms (204, 216) of the equation of the same surface, we introduce a new auxiliary vector^ a or os, such that (comp. 2 1 6, VIII.) • the equation may, by 204, (14.), be reduced to the following extremely simple form : III. .. T(T=T/3; which expresses that the locus of the new auxiliary point s is what we have called the mean sphere, 216, XIV. ; while the line PS, or (t — p., which connects any two corresponding points, p and s, on the ellipsoid and sphere, is seen to be parallel to the fixed line /3; which is one element of the homology, mentioned in 216, (10.). (3.) It is easy to prove that IV. . .S^ = S^ S?, and therefore V. . . S ^': S^ = S^' : S^, a c 6 if p' and /an es of homology, but with a new centre of homology, which is the infinitely distant point on the axis of the second circum- scribed cylinder (or on the line ab' of the sub-article last cited). (6.) Although not specially connected with the ellipsoid, the following general transformations may be noted here (comp. 199, XII., and 204, XXXIV.) : XL..TVV7=V{KTry-S7)}; XIL . • tan iZ(? = (TV: S) V7 = ^I|^^. (7.) The equations 204, XVI. and XXXV., give easily, XIII. . . UYq = UVU«7 ; XIV. . . VlYq = AK.q; XV. . . TlYq = TVq ; or the more symbolical forms, Xlir. . . UVU = UV ; XIV'. . . UIV = Ax. ; XV'. . . TIV = TV ; and the identity 200, IX. becomes more evident, when we observe that XVI. . .5-N"5=7(l-K5). (8.) We have also generally (comp. 200, (10.) and 218, (10.)), XVII ^^ = (g-l)(Kg4l) ^ Ng-1 + 2V(7 '"q + 1 (q + l)(Kq+l) Nj + 1 + 28? ' (9.) The formula,* XVIII. . .V(rq + Kqr) = U(Sr. S^ + Yr.Yq) = r"! (r^-i^ q-\ in which q and r may be any two quaternions, is not perhaps of any great importance in itself, but will be found to furnish a student Avith several useful exercises in trans- formation. (10.) When it was said, in 257, (1.), that zero had only itself iox a square-root, the meaning was (comp. 225), that no binomial expression of the form x-\- »y (228) could satisfy the equation, XIX. . . = 52 = (x + ty)8 = (x^ - y2) 4- 2ixy, * This formula was given, but in like manner without proof, in page 587 of the author's Lectures on Quaternions. 300 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK II. for any real or imaginary values of the two scalar coefficients x and y, diflFerent from zero ;* for if biquaternions (214, (8.) ) be admitted, and if h again denote, as in 256, (2.), the imaginary of algebra, then (comp. 257, (6.) and (7.)) we may write, generally, besides the real value Qi =■ 0, the imaginary expression^ XX. . . Qi=v-{ hv', if S» = S»' = SW=:Ntj'-N» = 0; V and v' being thus any two real right quaternions, with equal norms (or with equal tensors), in planes perperpendicular to each other. (11.) For example, by 256, (2.) andby the laws (183) of y A, we have the trans- formations, XXI. . . {i+hj)i=i^-f -Vh{ij^ji) = + A0 = 0; so that the bi-quaternion i 4- hj is one of the imaginary values of the symbol 0^. (12.) In general, when bi-quaternions are admitted into calculation, not only the square of one, but the product of two such factors may vanish, without either of them separately vanishing : a circumstance which may throw some light on the existence of those imaginary (or symbolical) roots of equations, which were treated of in 257. (13.) For example, although the equation XXII. . . g2-l = (g-l) (9-t-l) = has no real roots except ± 1, and therefore cannot be verified by the substitution of any other real scalar, or real quaternion, for q, yet if we substitute for q the bi-qua- ternionf v + hv', with the conditions 257, XIII., this equation XXII. is verified. (14.) It will be found, however, that when two imaginary but non-evanescent factors give thus a null product, the norm of each is zero; provided that we agree to extend to bi-quaternions the formula Ng^= Sq'^—Yq^ (204, XXII.) ; or to define that the Norm of a Biquaternion (like that of an ordinary or real quaternion) is equal to the Square of the Scalar Fait, minus the Square of the Right Part : each of these two parts being generally imaginary, and the former being what we have called a Bi-scalar. (15.) With this definition, if q and q' be any two real quaternions, and if h be, as above, the ordinary imaginaiy of algebra, we may establish the formula : XXIII. . . N(9 + hq) = (Sq + hSqy - (Vq + hYq'^ ; or (comp. 200, VII., and 210, XX.), XXIV. . . N(9 + A5') = N5-Ng'+2^S.5K9'. (16.) As regards the norm of the sum of any two real quaternions, or real vec- tors (273), the following transformations are occasionally useful (comp. 220, (2.) ); XXV. . . N (5' + g) = N (Tq. Vq + Tq . Vq') ; XXVI. . . N(/3 + a)=N(T/3.Ua + Ta.U/3); in each of which it is permitted to change the norms to the tensors of which they are the squares, or to write T for N. * Compare the Note to page 276. t This includes the expression + hi, of 257, (1.), for a symbolical square-root of positive unity. Other such roots are + hJ, and + hk. BOOK III. ON QUATERNIONS, CONSIDERED AS PRODUCTS OR POWERS OF VECTORS ; AND ON SOME APPLICATIONS OF QUATERNIONS. CHAPTER I. ON THE INTERPRETATION OF A PRODUCT OF VECTORS, OR POWER OF A VECTOR, AS A QUATERNION. Section 1. — On a First Method of interpreting a Product of Two Vectors as a Quaternion. Art. 275. In the First Book of these Elements we inter- preted, 1st, the difference of any two directed right lines in space (4) ; Ilnd, the sum of two or more such lines (5-9) ; Ilird, the product of one such line, multiplied by or into a positive or negative number (15) ; IVth, the quotient of such a line, divided by such a number (16), or by what we have called generally a Scalar (17); and Vth, the sum of a system of such lines, each affected (97) with a scalar coefficient (99), as being in each case zY^e//" (generally) o. Directed Line'^ in Space ^ or what we have called a Vector (1). 276. In the Second Book, the fundamental principle or pervading conception has been, that the Quotient of two such Vectors is, generally, a Quaternion (112, 116). It is how- ever to be remembered, that we have included under this ge- neral conception, which usually relates to what may be called an Oblique Quotient, or the quotient of two lines in space making either an acute or an obtuse angle with each other * The Fourth Proportional to any three complanar lines has also been iaince in- terpreted (226), as being another line in the same plane. 302 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. (130), the three following particular cases: Ist, the limiting case, when the angle becomes null, or when the two lines are similarly directed, in which case the quotient degenerates (131) into 2i positive scalar; Ilnd, the other limiting case, w^henthe angle is equal to two right angles, or when the lines are oppo- sitely directed, and when in consequence the quotient again degenerates, but now into a negative scalar ; and Ilird, the intermediate case, when the angle is right, or when the two lines are perpendicular (132), instead of being parallel (15), and when therefore their quotient becomes what we have called (132) a Right Quotient, or a Eight Quaternion: which has been seen to be a case not less important than the two former ones. 277. But no Interpretation has been assigned, in either of the two foregoing Books, for a Product of two or more Vec- tors ; or for the Square, or other Power of a Vector: so that the Symbols, I. . . /3a, 7j3aj . . and II. . . a% a^ . . a"S ... a*, in which a, j3, 7 . . denote vectors, but t denotes a scalar, re- main as yet entirely uninterpreted; and we are therefore /re^ to assign, at this stage, any meanings to these new symbols, or new combinations of symbols, which shall not contradict each othei\ and shall appear to be consistent with convenience and analogy. And to do so will be the chief object of this First Chapter of the Third (and last) Book oi' these Elements : which is designed to be a much shorter one than either of the fore- going. 278. As a commencement o£ such. Interpretation we shall here define, that a vector a is multiplied by another vector j3, or that the latter vector is multiplied into* the former, or that the product j3a is obtained, ivhen the multiplier-line j3 is divided by the reciprocal^a (258) of the multiplicand-line a ; as we had proved ( 1 36) that one quaternion is multiplied into another, when it is divided by the reciprocal thereof. In sym- bols, we shall therefore write, as a first definition, the for- mula: * Compare the Notes to pages 14G, 159. CHAP. I.J INTERPRETATION OF A PRODUCT OF TWO VECTORS. 303 I. . ./3a=j3:Ra; where II. . . Ra = - Ua : Ta (258, VII.). And we proceed to consider, in the following Section, some of the general consequences of this definition, or interpretation, of a Product of two Vectors, as being equal to a certain Quotient^ or Quaternion. Section 2. — On some Consequences of the foregoing Inter- pretation, 279. The definition (278) gives the formula : I. . . |3a = :^ ; and similarly, T. . . a/3 = ^ ; it gives therefore, by 259, VIII., the general relation, II. . . /3a = Ka/3 ; or 11'. . . a/3 = Kj3a. The Products of two Vectors, taken in two opposite orders, are therefore Conjugate Quaternions; and the Multiplication of Vectors, like that of Quaternions (168), is (generally) a Non- Commutative Operation. (1.) It follows from II. (by 196, comp. 223, (1.) ), that III. . . S/3a = + Sa/3 = i(/3a + a/3). (2.) It follows also (by 204, corap. again 223, (I.) ), that IV. . . V^a = - Ya^ =^\(pa- a(3). 280. Again, by the same general formula 259, VI II., we have the transformations, ' R{a-va) K/3 E/3 R/3 Ra IV it follows, then, from the definition (278), that II. . ./3(a + a')=/3a+/3a'; whence also, by taking conjugates (279), we have this other general equation, III. . . (a + a) /3 = a/3 -f a'/3. Multiplication of Vectors is, therefore, like that of Quaternions (212), a Doubly Distributive Operation. 281. As we have not yet assigned any signification for a ternary product of vectors, such as yfia, Ave are not yet pre- 304 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. pared to pronounce, whether the Associative Principle (223) o^ Multiplication of Quaternions does or does not extend to Vector-Multiplication. But we can already derive several other consequences from the definition (278) ofsibinari/ product, j3a ; among which, attention may be called to the Scalar character of a Product of two Parallel Vectors; and to the Right cha- racter of a Product of two Perpendicular Vectors, or of two lines at right angles with each other. (1.) The definition (278) may be thus written, I. ../3a = -T/3.Ta.U(/3:a); it gives, therefore, II. ..T/3a=T/3.Ta; III.. . U/3a = -U(i3 : a) = U/3.Ua ; the tensor and versor of the product of two vectors being thus equal (as for quater- nions, 191) to the product of the tensors^ and to the product of the versors, re- spectively. {2.) Writing for abridgment (comp. 208), IV. ..a = Ta, 6 = T/3, y=Ax.(/3:a), a; = Z(/3:a), we have thus, V. . . T(3a = ba ; VI. . . S(3a = Saj3 = - 6a cos a; ; VII. ..SU/3a = SUai3 = -cos^; VIII... L(3a = 7r-x; so that (comp. 198) the angle of the product of any two vectors is the supplement of the angle of the quotient. (3.) We have next the transformations (comp. again 208), IX. . . TV/3a = TVaj3 = 6a sin a; ; X. . . TVUj3a = TVUaj3 = sin a: ; XI. . . I Vj3a = - y6a sin x ; XI'. . . I Va/3 = + yab sin x ; XII. . . IUV/3a=Ax.|3a = -y; XII'. . . IUVa/3 = Ax. a/3 = + y ; so that the rotation round the axis of a product of two vectors, from the multiplier to the multiplicand, is positive. (4.) It follows also, by IX., that the tensor of the right part of such a product, (3a, is equal to the parallelogram under the factors; or to the double of the area of the triangle OAB, whereof those two factors a, (3, or OA, OB, are two coinitial sides : so that if we denote here this last-mentioned area by the symbol A OAB, we may write the equation, XIII. . . TY(3a = parallelogram under a, (3, = 2A OAB ; and the index, lY (3a, is a right line perpendicular to the plane of this parallelogram, of which line the length represents its area, in the sense that they bear equal ratios to their respective units (of length and of area). (6.) Hence, by 279, IV., XIV. . . T((3a - a (3) = 2 X parallelogram = 4 A oab. (6.) For any two vectors, «, (3, CHAP. I.] PRODUCTS OF PARALLELS AND PERPENDICULARS. 305 XV. ..S/3a = -Na.S(|3:a); XVI. . . V^a=-Na . V(|3 : a); or briefly,* XVII. ../3a = -Na.(/3:a), with the signification (273) of Na, as denoting (Ta)2. (7.) If the two factor-lines be perpendicular to each other, so that a; is a right angle, then the parallelogram (4.) becomes a rectangle, and the product (3a becomes a right quaternion (132) ; so that we may write, XVIII. . . S(3a = Sa/3 = 0, if /3 -J- a, and reciprocally. (8.) Under the same condition of perpendicularity, XIX. . . Z)3a=Za/3 = |; XX. . . I^a = - y6a ; XXI. . . la(3 = + yab. (9.) On the other hand, if the two factor-lines he parallel, theright part of their product vanishes, or that product reduces itself to a scalar, which is negative or po^ sitive according as the two vectors multiplied have similar or opposite directions ; for we may establish the formula, XXII. . . if /3 II a, then V/3a = 0, Va/3 - ; and, under the same condition oi parallelism, XXin. ., pa=a^ = S(3a = Sa(3 = + ba, the upper or the lower sign being taken, according as a; = 0, or = tt. (10.) We may also write (by 279, (1.) and (2.) ) the following ybrmM?a of per- pendicularity, and formula of parallelism : XXIV. . . if /3 4- a, then (3a =- a(3f and reciprocally ; XXV. . . if j8 II a, then /3a = + a/3, with the converse. (11.) If a, (3, y be any three unit-lines, considered as vectors of the comers A, B, c of a spherical triangle, with sides equal to three new positive scalars, a, b, c, then because, by XVII,, (3a = - (3: a, and y/B = - y : /3, the sub-articles to 208 allow us to write, XXVI. . . S (Vy/3 . V/3a) = sin a sin c cos b ; XXVII. . . IV(Vy(3.V/3a) = ±/3sinasincsinB; XXVIII. . . (IV: S) (Vy/3.V/3a) = + ^3 tan b ; upper or lower signs being taken, in the two last formulae, according as the rotation round (3 from a to y, or that round b from A to c, is positive or negative. (12.) The equation 274, I., of the Ellipsoid, may now be written thus : XXIX. . . T(«p + pfc) = Ti2-TK2; or XXX. . . T(tp + pK)=Nt-N'K. 282. Under the general head o£ sl product of two parallel vectors, two interesting cases occur, which furnish two first examples of Powers of Vectors : namely, 1st, the case when * All the consequences of the interpretation (278), of the product (3a of two vec- tors, might be deduced from this formula XVII. ; which, however, it would not have been so natural to have assumed for a definition of that symbol, as it was to assume the formula 278, I. 2 R 306 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. the two factors are equal, which gives this remarkable result, that the Square of a Vector is always equal to a Negative Sca- lar; and Ilnd, the case when the factors are (in the sense already defined, 258) reciprocal to each other, in which case it follows from the definition (278) that i\iQ\v product is equal to Positive Unity : so that each may, in this case, be consi- dered as equal to unity divided by the other, or to the Potver of that other which has Negative Unity for its Exponent, (I.) When (5 = a, the product (3a reduces itself to what we may call the square of a, and may denote by a^; and thus we may write, as a particular but important case of 281, XXIIL, the formula (comp. 273), I. . . a2=-a2 = -(Ta)2 = -Na; so that the square of any vector a is equal to the negative of the norm (273) of that vector; or to the negative of the square of the number Ta, which expresses (185) the length of the same vector. (2.) More immediately, the definition (278) gives, II. .. a2 = aa = a : Ra = - (Ta)« = - Na, as before. (3.) Hence (compare the notations 161, 190, 199, 204), III. . . S.a2 = -Na; IV. ..V.a2=0; and V. . . T.a2 = T(a2) = + Na = (Ta)2 = Ta2; the omission of i\ie parentheses, or of the point, in this last symbol of a tensor,* for the square of a vector, as well as for the square of a quaternion (190), being thus justified : and in like manner we may write, VI. ..U.a2 = U(a3) = -l=(Ua)2 = Ua2; the square of an unit-vector (129) being always equal to negative unity, and paren- theses (or points) being again omitted. (4.) The equation VII. . . p2 = a\ gives VII'. . . Np = Na, or VII". . . Tp = Ta ; it represents therefore, by 186, (2.), the sphere with o for centre, which passes through the point a. (6.) The more general equation, VIII. . . (p - a)2 = ((3 - a)«, (comp.f 186, (4.), ) represents the sphere with a for centre, which passes through the point b. (6.) For example, the equation, IX. . . (p - a)2 = a2, (comp. 186, (3.), ) represents the sphere with a for centre, which passes through the origin o. * Compare the Note to page 210. t Compare also the sub-articles to 275. CHAP. I.] SQUARE AND RECIPROCAL OF A VECTOR. 307 (7.) The equations (comp. 18G, (6.), (7.)), X. . . (p + a)2 = (p-a)2; XI. . . (p - /3)2 = (p- a)^, represent, respectively, the plane through o, perpendicular to the line OA ; and the plane which perpendicularly bisects the line ab. (8.) The distributive principle oi veetor'tnultiplication (280), and the formula 279, III., enable us to establish generally (comp. 210, (9.) ) the formula, XII. . . (|3±a)2 = /3-2+2S/3a + a3; the recent equations IX. and X. may therefore be thus transformed : IX'. . . p^- = 2Sap ; and X', . . Sap = 0. (9.) The equations, XIII. . . p2+a2 = 0; XIV. .. p2 + 1=10, represent the spheres with o for centre, which have a and 1 for their respective radii ; so that this very simple formula, p'+ 1 = 0, is (comp. 186, (1.) ) a form of the Equa- tion of the Unit- Sphere (128), and is, as such, of great importance in the present Calculus. (10.) The equation, XV. . . p«-2Sap + c = 0, may be transformed to the following, XVI. . . N(p-a) = -(p-a)2 = c-a2 = c + Na; or XVr. . . T(p-a) = V(c-a2) = V(c + Na); it represents therefore a (real or imaginary) sphere, with a for centre, and with this last radical (if real) for radius. (11.) This sphere is therefore necessarily real, if c be a positive scalar ; or if this scalar constant, c, though negative^ be (algebraically) greater than a*, or than — Na : but it becomes imaginary, if c + Na < 0. (12.) The radical plane of the two spheres, XVII. . . p2 - 2Sap + c = 0, p2 - 2Sa'p + c' = 0, has for equation, XVIII. . . 2S(a'-a)p = c'-c; it is therefore always real, if the given vectors a, a and the given scalars c, c be such, even if one or both of the spheres themselves be imaginary. (13.) The equation 281, XXIX., or XXX., of the Central Ellipsoid {ox of the ellipsoid with its centre taken for the origin of vectors), may now be still further sim- plified,* as follows : XIX.. .T(tp + pK:)=/c^~i2. (14.) The definition (278) gives also, XX. . . aRa = a : a = 1 ; or XX'. . . Ra . a = Ra : Ra = 1 ; whence it is natural to write, f * Compare the Note to page 233. t Compare the second Note to page 279. 308 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. XXL . . Ra = l:i = a-S a if we so far anticipate here the general theory oi powers of vectors^ above alluded to (277), as to use this last symbol to denote the quotient^ of unity divided by the vector a ; so as to have identically, or for every vector, the equation, XXII. . . a.a-i = a-'.a=l. (15.) It follows, by 258, VII., that XXIII. . . a-i = - Ua : Ta ; and XXIV. . . (Sa = ft : aK (16.) If we had adopted the equation XXIII. as a definition* otthesymbol a"', then the formula XXIV. might have been used, as a formula of interpretation for the symbol (3a. But we proceed to consider an entirely different method, of arriving at the same (or an equivalent) Interpretation of this latter symbol : or of a Binary Product of Vectors, considered as equal to a Quaternion. Section 3. — On a Second Method of arriving at the same In- terpretation, of a Binary Product of Vectors. 283. It cannot fail to have been observed by any attentive reader of the Second Book, how close and intimate a connexion'\ has been found to exist, between a Right Quaternion (132), and its Index, or Index- Vector (133). Thus, if u and v' denote (as in 223, (1.), &c.) any two right quaternions, andif lu, Iv de- note, as usual, their indices, we have already seen that I. . . Iv' = Iv, if v'=v, and conversely (133); IL . . l(v'±v)=^Iv'±lv (206); 111. . . Iv: lv=v:v (193); to which may be added the more recent formula, IV. . .EI?;=mi;(258, IX.). 284. It could not therefore have appeared strange, if we had proposed to establish this new formula of the same kind, I. . . lv',Iv = v'.v = vv, as a definition (supposing that the recent definition 278 had not occurred to us), whereby to interpret the product of any two indices of right quaternions, as being equal to thQ product of those tivo quaternions themselves. And then, to interpret the product /3a, of any two given vectors, taken in a given order, * Compare the Note to page 305. t Compare the Note to page 174. CHAP. I.] SECOND INTERPRETATION OF A PRODUCT. 309 we should only have had to conceive (as we always may), that the two proposed ^c^6>r5, a and j3j are the indices of two right quaternions, v and v, and to multiply these latter, in the same order. For thus we should have been led to establish the for- mula, II. . . j3a = vv, if u = Iv, and /3 = Iv ; or we should have this slightly more symbolical equation, III. . .j3a = j3.a = r^i3.Fa; in which the symbols, I'a and T^jS, are understood to denote the two right quaternions, whereof the two lines a and /3 are the indices. (1.) To establish now the substantial fc?ew^zVy of these two interpretations, 278 and 284, of a binary product of vectors (3a, notwithstanding the difference of form of the definitional equations by which they have been expressed, we have only to ob- serve that it has been found, as a theorem (194), that IV. . .v'v = It)': I (1 : i;) = Iv: IRr ; but the definition (258) of Ra gave us the lately cited equation, RIu = IRv ; we have therefore, by the recent formula II., the equation, V. . . Iy'.Iy = Iw':RIt?; or VI. . . i3.a = j3 : Ra, as in 278, I. ; a and /3 still denoting any two vectors. The two interpretations therefore coincide, at least in their results, although they have been obtained by dif- ferent processes, or suggestions, and are expressed by two different /br?wwte. (2.) The result 279, II., respecting conjugate products of vectors, corresponds thus to the result 191, (2.), or to the first formula of 223, (1.)- (3.) The two formulae of 279, (1.) and (2.), respecting the scalar and right parts of the product (3a, answer to the two other formulas of the same sub-article, 223, (1.), respecting the corresponding parts ofv'v. (4.) The doubly distributive property (280), oi vector-multiplication, is on this plan seen to be included in the corresponding but more general property (212), of multiplication of quaternions. (5.) By changing YVq, YVq', t, t' , and o, to a, (3, a, b, and y, in those formula) of Art. 208 which are previous to its sub-articles, we should obtain, with the recent definition (or interpretation) II. of (3a, several of the consequences lately given (in sub-arts, to 281), as resulting from the former definition, 278, I. Thus, the equa- tions, VI., VII., VIII,, IX., X., XL, XII., XXIL, and XXIII., of 281, correspond to, and may (with our last definition) be deduced from, the for- mulaa, v., VI., VIII., XL, XIL, XXII., XX., XIV., and XVI., XVIIL, of 208. (Some of the consequences from the sub- articles to 208 have been already considered, in 281, (11.) ) 310 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. (6.) T\\& geometrical properties of the line IV/3a, deduced from ihQ first defini- tion (278) of /3a in 281, (3.) and (4.), (namely, t\xQ positive rotation round that line, from /3 to a ; '\U perpendicularity to their plane ; and the representation by the same line of the paralellogram under those two factors^ regard being had to units oi length and of area,^ might also have been deduced from 223, (4.), by means of the second definition (284), of the same product^ (3a. Section 4. — On the Symbolical Identification of a Right Qua- ternion with its own Index: and on the Construction of a Product of Two Rectangular Lines, by a Third Line, rect- angular to both. 285. It has been seen, then, that the recent formula 284, II. or III., mag replace the formula 278, 1., as a .second definition of a product of two vectors, which conducts to the same conse- quences, and therefore ultimately to the same interpretation of such a product, as the^r^^. Now, in the ^ecowc? formula, we have interpreted that product, /3a, by changing the two fac- tor-lines, a and j3, to the two right quaternions, v and v, or r^a and I"^j3, of which they are the indices; and by then de- fining that the sought product j3a is equal to the product v'v, of those two right quaternions. It becomes, therefore, impor- tant to inquire, at this stage, how far such substitution, of I"^a for a, or of v for lu, together with the converse substitution, is permitted in this Calculus, consistently with principles already established. For it is evident that if such substitutions can be shown to be generally legitimate, or allowable, we shall thereby be enabled to enlarge greatly the existing field of inter- pretation: and to treat, in «// cases, Functions of Vectors, as being, at the same time. Functions of Right Quaternions. 286. We have first, by 133 (comp. 283, I.), the equality, L..r>/3 = rx if ^=a. In the next place, by 206 (comp. 283, II.), we have the formula of addition or subtraction, 11. . . r'()3±a)=I-'^ir'a; with these more general results of the same kind (comp. 207 and 99), III. . . I^2a = sr'fl : IV. . . l-'2xa = 2a;r^a. CHAP. I.] RIGHT QUATERNION EQUAL TO ITS INDEX. 311 In the third place, by 193 (comp. 283, III.), we have, for division, the formula, V... r»/3:r'a = ^:a; while the second definition (284) oi multiplication of vectors, which has been proved to be consistent with the first definition (278), has given us the analogous equation, VI. . . I-'^.I-'a = ^.a = /3a. It would seem, then, that we might at once proceed to define, for the purpose of interpreting any proposed Function of Vectors as a Quater- ternion, that the following general Equation exists : VII. ..ria=:a; or VIII. . . I«7 = V, if V = -; or still more briefly and symholically, if it be understood that the subject of the operation I is always a right quaternion, IX. ..1=1. But, before finally adopting this conclusion, there is a case (or rather a class of cases), which it is necessary to examine, in order to be cer- tain that no contradiction to former results can ever be thereby caused. 287. The most general form of a vector -function, or of a vector regarded as a function of other vectors and of scalars, which was considered in the First Book, was the form (99, comp. 275), 1. . . p = l^xa ; and we have seen that if we change, in this form, each vector a to the corresponding right quaternion I'^a, and then take the index of the new right quaternion which results, we shall thus be conducted to precisely the same vector p, as that which had been otherwise ob- tained before; or in symbols, that II. . . -Ixa^l^xl-'a (comp. 286, IV.). But another form of a vector-function has been considered in the Se- cond Book ; namely, the form, III. ..^ = ...^^a(226,III.); in which o, /3, 7, ^, e . . . are any odd number of complanar vectors. And before we accept, as general, the equation VII. or VIII. or IX. of 286, we must inquire whether we are at liberty to write, under the same conditions of complanarity, and with the same signification of the vector p, the equation, 312 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [BOOK III. ■—(••■S-B-'-) 288. To examine this, let there be at first only three given com- planar vectors, 7|||a, /3; in which case there will always be (by 226) 2, fourth vector />, in the same plane, which will represent or construct the function (7: /3).a; namely, thQ fourth proportional to /3, 7, a. Taking then what we may call the Inverse Index- Functions^ or operating on these four vectors a, y3, 7, p by the characteristic I"^ we obtain/owr collinear and right quaternions (209), which may be denoted by v, v'^ v'\ v'" ; and we shall have the equation, V. . . v"'\v--{p\a=r^\^^)v"\v'\ or VI. . . v'"--{v"'.v').v\ which proves what was required. Or, more symbolically, VII ^=^=:^=Ii)f. viiL..^.a = />=i(i-V)=i(J;Jj.rH And it is so easy to extend this reasoning to the case of any greater odd number of given vectors in one plane, that we may now consi- der the recent formula IV. as proved. 289. We shall therefore adopts as general^ the symbolical equations VII. VIII. IX. of 286; and shall thus be enabled, in a shortly subsequent Section, to interpret ternary (and other) products of vectors, as well as powers and other Functions of Vectors, as hQing generally Quaternions; although they may, in particular cases, degenerate (131) into scalars, or may be- come right quaternions ( 132) : in which latter event they may, in virtue of the same principle, be represented by, and equated to, their own indices (133), and so be treated as vectors. In symbols, we shall wnte generally, for any set of vectors a, j3, y, . . . and any function f the equation, I. ../(a,p,7,...)=/a-^«»I"/3,I-^y,--) = ?, q being some quaternion; while in the particular case when this quaternion is right, or when q = v=S-^0 = l-'p, CHAP. I.] PRODUCT OF TWO RECTANGULAR LINES A LINK. 313 we shall write also, and usually by preference (for that case), the formula, n. . ./(a, /3, r, . . .) = i/(i-'<«. i-'/3. i-'7> • • •) =P. jO being a vector. 290. For example, instead of saying (as in 281) that the Product of any two Rectangular Vectors is a Right Quaternion, with certain properties of its Index^ already pointed out (284, (6.) ), we may now say that such a product is equal to that in- dex. And hence will follow the important consequence, that the Product of any Two Rectangular Lines in Space is equal to (or may be constructed by) a Third Line, rectangular to both ; the Rotation round this Product-Line, from the Multi- plier-Line to the Multiplicand' Line, being Positive : and the Length of the Product being equal to the Product of the Lengths of the Factors, or representing (with a suitable refe- rence to units) the Area of the Rectangle under them. And generally we may now, for all purposes of calculation and ex- pression, identify* a Right Quaternion with its own Index. Section 5 On some Simplifications of Notation, or of Ex- pression, resulting from this Identification ; and on the Con- ception of an Unit-Line as a Right Versor. 29 1 . An immediate consequence of the symbolical equa- tion 286, IX., is that we may now suppress the Characteristic I, of the Index of a Right Quaternion, in all the formulas into which it has entered ; and so may simplify the Notation. Thus, instead of writing, Ax. q = lUV^, or Ax. = lUV, as in 204, (23.), or Ax. q = JJlYq, Ax. = UIV, as in 274, (7.), we may now Avrite simplyj, L..Ax.^=UV^; or II. ..Ax.= UV. The Characteristic Ax., of the Operation of taking the Axis of a Quaternion (132, (6.) ), may therefore henceforth be replaced * Compare the Notes to pages 119, 136, 174, 191, 200. t Compare tbe first Note to page 118, and the second Note to page 200. 2 s 314 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. whenever we may think fit to dispense with it, by this combina- tion of two other characteristics, U and V, which are of greater and more ^ew^r«/ utility, and indeed cannot'* be dispensed with, in the practice of the present Calculus. 292. We are now enabled also to diminish, to some extent, the number of technical terms^ which have been employed in the foregoing Book. Thus, whereas we defined, in 202, that the right quaternion V^ was the Right Part of the Quater- nion g, or of the sum Sq + Yq, we may now, by 290, identify that part with its own index-vector lYq, and so may be led to call it the vector part, or simply ^Ae Vector,-}- of that Quater- nion q, without henceforth speaking of the right part: although the plan of exposition, adopted in the Second Book, required that we should do so for some time. And thus an enuncia- tion, which was put forward at an early stage of the present work, namely, at the end of the First Chapter of the First Book, or the assertion (17) that ^^ Scalar plus Vector equals Quaternion" becomes entirely intelligible, and acquires a perfectly definite signification. For we are in this manner led to conceive a Number (positive or negative) as being added to a Li7ie,% when it is added (according to rules already established) to that right quotient (132), of which the line is the Index, In symbols, we are thus led to establish the formula, 1. . . q = a-^a, when II. . . + Ar)« = - (.r2 + y' + 22) ; this square of the line p is therefore equal to the negative of the square of its length Tp (185), or to the negative of its norm Np (273), which agrees with the former resultf 282, (1.) or (2.). (5.) The condition of perpendicularity of the two lines p and a, when they are represented by the two trinomials I. and I'., may be expressed (281, XVIII.) by the fonnula, III. . . = Sap = -(^ax + bt/+ cz) ; which agrees with a well-known theorem of rectangular co-ordinates. (6.) The condition of complanarity of three lines, p, p', p", represented by the trinomial forms, IV. . . p = ix +jy + kz, p' = ix' + &c., p" = ix" + &c., is (by 294, VI.) expressed by the formula (comp. 223, XIII.), V. . . = Sp'V'p = x" (z'y - y'z) + y'\x'z - zx') + z'ijy'x - x'y) ; agreeing again with known results. (7.) "When the three lines p, p', p", or op, op', op", are not in one plane, the recent expression for Sp"p'p gives, by 294, (3.), the volume of the parallelepiped * In the Lectures, the three rectangular unit-lines, i, j, k, were supposed (in order to fix the conceptions, and with a reference to northern latitudes) to be directed, respectively, towards the south, the west, and the zenith ; and then the contrast of the two formulae, ij = -\- k,ji = — k, came to be illustrated by conceiving, that we at one time turn a moveable line, which is at first directed westward, round an axis (or handle) directed towards the south, with a right-handed (or screwing) motion, through a right angle, which causes the line to take an upward position, as its fnal one ; and that at another time we operate, in a precisely similar manner, on a line directed at first southward, with an axis directed to the west, which obliges this new line to take finally a downward (instead of, as before, an upward) direction. t Compare also 222, IV. CHAP. I.] PRODUCT OF ANY NUMBER OF VECTORS. 323 (comp. 223, (9.) ) of which they are edges ; and this volume, thus expressed, is a positive or a negative scalar, according as the rotation round p from p' to p" is itself positive or negative : that is, according as it has the same direction as that round + X from +y to +z (or round i from j to k), or the direction opposite thereto. (8.) It may be noticed here (comp. 223, (13.) ), that if a, (3, y be ang three vectors, then (by 294, III. and V.) we have : VI. . . SaySy = - 8y(3a = i (a/^y - yfta) ; VII. . . Va/3y = + V7|3a = |(a/3y + y|8a). (9.) More generally (comp. 223, (12.) ), since a vector, considered as represent- ing a right quaternion (290), is always (by 144) the opposite of its own conjugate, so that we have the important formula, * VIII. . . Ka = - a, and therefore IX. . . KTIa = + Wa, we may write for ang number of vectors, the transformations, X. . . sna = + sn'a=Kri«±n'a), XI. . . vna = + vn'a = |(na +n'a), upper or lower signs being taken, according as that number is even or odd : it being understood that XII. . . n'a = ...yj3a, if Ua = a(3y... (10.) The relations of rectangularity, XIII. . . Ax. i-i- Ax.j; Ax.y -i- Ax. A ; Ax. A 4- Ax. i, which result at once from the definitions (181), may now be written more briefly, as follows : XIV. . . i-i-y-, j-i-k, A-i-i; and similarly in other cases, where the axes, or the planes, of any two right quater- nions are at right angles to each other. (11.) But, with the notations of the Second Book, we might also have writtten, by 123, 181, such formulae oi complanarity as the following, Ax.^ \\\i, to express (comp. 225) that the axis of j was a line in the plane of i ; and it might cause some confusion, if we were now to abridge that formula tojT ||| i. In general, it seems convenient that we should not henceforth employ the sign \\\, except as connecting either symbols of three lines, considered still as complanar ; or else symbols of three right quaternions, considered as being collinear (209), because their indices (or axes') are complanar : or finally, any two complanar quaternions (123). (12.) On the other hand, no inconvenience will result, if we now insert the sign of parallelism, between the symbols of two right quaternions which are, in the former sense (123), complanar : for example, we may write, on our present plan, XY...xi\\i, yjWj, zk\\k, if xyz be any three scalars. * If, in like manner, we interpret, on our present plan, the symbols Ua, Ta, Na as equivalent to Ul"ia, Tl'a, NI''a, we are reconducted (compare the Notes to page 136) to the same significations of those symbols as before (155, 185, 273) ; and it is evident that on the same plan we have now, Sa = 0, Va = a. 324 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [boOK III. 296. There are a few particular but remarkable cases^ of ternary and oihQx products of vectors^ which it may be well to mention here, and of which some may be worth a student's while to remember: especially as regards the products of successive sides of closed polygons ^ inscribed in circles, or in spheres. (1.) If A, B, c, D be any four concircular points, we know, by the sub-articles to 260, that their anharmonic function (abcd), as defined in 259, (9.), \s scalar; being a\m positive or negative, according to a law of arrangement of those four points, which has been already stated. (2.) But, by that definition, and by the scalar (though negative) character of the square of a vector (282), we have generally, for any plane or gauche quadrilateral ABCD, the formula : I. . . e2(ABCD) = AB.BC.CD.DA= 0. (3.) If then abcd be deplane and inscribed quadrilateral, we have, by 260, (8.), the formula, III. . . = a positive or negative scalar, according as this quadrilateral in a circle is a crossed or an uncrossed one. (4.) The product a(3y of any three complanar vectors is a vector, because its scalar part Sa(3y vanishes, by 294, (3.) and (4.); and if the factors be three suc- cessive sides AB, BC, CD of a quadrilateral thus inscribed in a circle, their product has either the direction of the fourth successive side, DA, or else the opposite direction, or in symbols, IV. . . AB.BC.CD : DA > or < 0, according as the quadrilateral abcd is an uncrossed or a crossed one. (5.) By conceiving the fourth point d to approach, continuously and indefinitely, to the first point A, we find that the product of the three successive sides of any plane triangle, abc, is /""'^ ^^\C given by an equation of the form : / ^--'""''"^iX V. . . AB . BC . CA = AT ; -^Lc^::^— —— -4p at being a line (comp. Fig. 63) which touches the \ \ / /' / circumscribed circle, or (more fully) which touches \ \ //'V,/^ the segment ABC of that circle, at the point A ; or re- \,.J\^^^> ;^X'^ presents the initial direction of motion, along the cir- ^ IJ A cumference, from A through B to C : while the length ^^S- ^^• of this tangential product-line, AT, is equal to, or represents, with the usual reference to an unit of length, the product of the lengths of the three sides, of the same inscribed triangle abc (6.) Conversely, if this theorem respecting the product of the sides of an inscribed triangle be supposed to have been otherwise proved, and if it be remembered, then since it will give in like manner the equation, CHAP. I.] PRODUCTS OF SIDES OF INSCRIBED POLYGONS. 325 A Fig. 63, bis. VI. . . AC.CD.DA=AU, if D be any fourth pointy concircular with A, B, c, -while AU is, as in the annexed Figures 63, a tangent to the new segment ACD, we can recover easily the theorem (3.), respecting the product j. of the sides of an inscribed quadrilateral ; and thence can return to the corresponding theorem (260, (8.) ), respecting the anharmonic function of any such figure gl abcd: for we shall thus have, by V. and VI., the equation, VII. . . AB.BC.CD.DA= (at. Au) : (CA.Ac), in which the divisor CA, AC or N. Ao, or Jc^ is always positive (282, (1.) ), but the dividend at. AU is nega- tive (281, (9.)) for the case of an ttwcrosseen number of tangents, at the first point. (32.) On the other hand, the product oi any odd number of complanar vectors is always a line, in the same plane; and in particular (comp. (19.)), the product of the successive sides of a pentagon, or heptagon, &c., inscribed in a circle, is equal to a tangential vector, drawn from the first point of that inscribed and odd-sided poly- gon : because it differs only by a scalar coefficient from the product of an odd num- ber of such tangents. (33.) The product of any number oi lines in space is generally a quaternion (289) ; and if they be the successive sides of a hexagon, or other even-sided polygon, inscribed in a sphere, the axis of this quaternion (comp. (12.) ) is normal to that sphere, at the initial (or final) point of the polygon. (34.) But the product of the successive sides of a heptagon, or other odd-sided polygon in a sphere, is equal (comp. (19.) ) to a vector, which touches the sphere at the initial or final point ; because it bears a scalar ratio to the product of an odd number of vectors, in the tangent plane at that point. (35.) The equation XX., or its transformation XXVIII., may be called the con- dition or equation of homo sphericity (comp. 260, (10.)) oi the five points o. A, B, c, P ; and the analogous equation for the five points abode, with vectors afiydt from any arbitrary origin o, may be written thus : XXXIV.. . = S(a-/3) {(3-y) (y- 5) (5- f) (t - a); or thus, XXXV. . . = aa* + 6/32 + cy2 + dd^ + ee^, six times the second member of this last formula being found to be equal to the se- cond member of the one i)receding it, if XXXVI. .. a = BODE, 6 = CDEA, C = DEAB, rf = EABC, e = ABCD, or more fully, XXXVII. . . 6a = S (y - 18) (^ - /3) (€ - /3) = S {yh - Stf5 + sjSy - (Syd), &c. ; so that, by 294, XLVIII. and XLVII., we have also (comp. 65, 70) the equation, XXXVIII. . . = aa + bl3 + cy + d8 + ee, with the relation between the coefficients, XXXIX. . . = a + b + c + d + e, which allows (as above) the origin of vectors to be arbitrary. (36.) The equation or condition XXXV. may be obtained as the result of an elimination (294, (27.) ), of a vector k, and of a scalar g, between ^ve scalar equa- tions of the form 282, (10.), namely the five following, 2 u 330 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. XL. . . a2-2SKa + ^ = 0, /32- 2Sk/3 + ^ = 0, . . f2_2SK£4^=0; K being the vector of the centre K of the sphere Abcd, of which the equation may be written as XLI. . . p2_2S/cp + 5' = 0, ff being some scalar constant ; and on which, by the condition referred to, the Jifth point E is situated. (37.) By treating this fifth point, or its vector e, as arbitrary, we recover the condition or equation of concircularily (3.), of the four points A, B, c, D ; or the formula, XLII. .. = V(a- /3)(i3-y)(y-^)(^-a). (38.) The equation of the circle ABC, and the equation o^the sphere abcd, may in general be written thus : XLIII. ..0 = V(a-^)(/3-y)(y-p)(p-«); XLIV. ..0 = S(a-/3)(/3-y)(y-^)((^-p)(p-a); p being as usual the vector of a variable point p, on the one or the other locus. (39.) The equations of the tangent to the circle abc, and of the tangent plane to the sphere abcd, at the point A, are respectively, XLV...O=V(a-^)(^-y)(y-«)(p-a), and XLVI. . . = S(a -^8) (/3-y) (y-^) (^-a) (p- a). (40.) Accordingly, whether we combine the two equations XLIII. and XLV., or XLIV. and XLVI., we find in each case the equation, XLVIL . . (p - a)2 = 0, giving p = «, or p = a(20); it being supposed that the three points a, b, c are not collinear, and that the four points, a, b, c, d are not complanar. (41.) If the centre of the sphere abcd be taken for the origin o, so that XLVIIL . . a2=/32 = y2=^2 = _r2, or XLIX. . . Ta = T/3 = Ty = T^ = r, the positive scalar r denoting the radius, then after some reductions we obtain the transformation, L...V(a-/3)(/3-y)(y-^)(5-a) = 2aS(/3-a)(y-a)(^-«). (42.) Hence, generally, if k be, as in (36.), the centre of the sphere, we have the equation (comp. XXV I'.), LI. . . V( = 12ka.aecd. (43.) "We may therefore enunciate this theorem : — " The vector part of the product of four successive sides, of a gauche quadrila- teral inscribed in a sphere, is equal to the diameter drawn to the initial point of the polygon, multiplied by the sextuple volume of the pyramid, which its four points de- termine.^^ (44.) In effecting the reductions (41.), the following general formulce of trans- formation have been employed, which may be useful on other occasions : LIL . . aq + qa = '2{a^q + Sga) ; LII'. . . aqa = a^Kq + "la^qa ; where a may be any vector, and q may be any quaternion. CHAP. I.] FOURTH PROPORTIONAL TO DIPLANAR VECTORS. 31^1 Section 7. — On the Fourth Proportional to Three Diplanar Vectors, 297. In general, when a.nj four quaternions, q, q', q"^ q"\ satisfy the equation of quotients, I. . . q"':q"=^q':q, or the equivalent formula, II. . . q'"={q':q).q" = q'q-'q", we shall say that they form a Proportion ; and that the fourth, namely q'", is the Fourth Proportional to iho, first, second, and third quaternions, namely to q, q', and q", taken in this given order. This definition will include (by 288) the one which was assigned in 226, for the fourth proportional to three complanar vectors, a, yS, 7, namely ih^i fourth vector in the same plane, 8= I3a^^ ; OE = Ue = r-h ; (5.) The sides opposite to d, e, f, in this new or de- rived triangle, are bisected, as in Fig. 67, by the corners A, B, c of the old or given triangle ; because we have the d~ three equations, XIII. . .c + ^ = 2Za; ^ + ^=2»i/3; ^+e = 2«y. (G.) Denoting the halves of the new sides by a', b', c' (so that the arc Er = 2a', &c.), the equations XIII. show also, by IV. and IX., that XIV. . . cos a = r cos a', cos b — r cos b', cos c = r cos e • the cosines of the half-sides of the new (or bisected) triangle, def, are therefore /jro - portional to the cosines of the sides of the old (or bisecting) triangle ABC. (7.) The equations IV. give, by 279, (1.), XV. .. 2Z = -(^y + y/3), 2m = -(ya + ay), 2n = - (a/3 + /3a) ; we have therefore, by VII., the three following equations between quaternions, XVI. . . af = ^a, f3K = S(3, yd = ey; which may also be. thus written, XVr. . . ea = aK, K(3 = ^d, dy = yf , and express in a new way the relations of bisection (5.). (8.) We have therefore the equations between vectors, XVII. . . c = a?a-i, K = /3^/3-i, d = yty^^ ; . or XVir. . . ^ = a£a-i, d = l30-\ £ = y^y-i. (9.) Hence also, by V., or because a, j3, y are unit-vectors, XVIII... c = -a^a, K = ~I3^P, ^ = -y£y; or XVIir. . . ? = - asa, d = - /3^/3, e = - y ^y. (10.) In general, whatever the length of the vector a mag be, the first equation XVII. expresses that the line s is (comp. 138) thereflexion of the line ^, with respect to that vector a ; because it may be put (comp. 279) under the form, XIX. . . ^a-»=a-»£ = K£a-i, or XIX'. . . fa-i =K^a-'. (11.) Another mode of arriving at the same interpretation of the equation CHAP. I.] EXPRESSIONS FOR CONICAL ROTATION. 333 £ = rt^a-J, is to conceive ^ decomposed into two suramand vectors, ^' and ^", one pa- rallel and the other perpendicular to a, in such a manner that XX. ..^=r+r, riia, r^a; for then we shall have, by 281, (10.), the transformations, XXI. . . £ = a^'a-i + aCa-^ = I'aa-^ - V'aa-^ = ^' - Z," ; the parallel part of Z, being thus preserved^ but thQ perpendicular part being reversed, hy the operation a (^ )a-^ (12.) Or we may return from e = a^a"' to the form ea — a?, that is, to the first equation XVI'. ; and then this equation between quaternions will show, as suggested in (7.), that whatever may be the length of a, we must have, XXII. ..T£ = T?, Ax.*£a = Ax.a^, Lta==Lal-, so that the two lines s, ^ are equally long, and the rotation from £ to a is equal to that from a to ^ ; these two rotations being similarly directed, and in one common plane. (13.) We may also write the equations XVII. XVII'. under the forms, XXIII. . . e=a-Ka, Sec, XXIII'. . . Z=a-ha, &c. (14.) Substituting this last expression for ^ in the second equation XVII'., we derive this new equation, XXIV. . .d = /3a-^f aj3-i ; or XXIV. . . t = a/3-i^/3a-i ; that is, more briefly, XXY. ..d = qeq-\ and XXY'. . . e = q-^dq, if XXYl. . . q = (3a-K (15.) .A.n expression of this form, namely one with such a symbol as XXVII. . . 9 ( ) g-i for an operator, occurred before, in 179, (1.), and in 191, (5.) ; and was seen to in- dicate a conical rotation of the axis of the operand quaternion (of which the symbol is to be conceived as being written within the parentheses'), round the axis of q, through an angle =2 Lq, without any change of the angle, or of the tensor, of that operand; so that a vector must remain a vector, after any operation of this sort, as bting still a right-angled quaternion (290) ; or (comp. 223, (10.) ) because XXVIII. . . S9P5-1 = S9-I5P = Sjo = 0. (1 6.) If then we conceive two opposite points, p' and p, to be determined on the unit-sphere, by the conditions of being respectively ihe positive poles of the two op- posite arcs, ab and ba, so that XXIX. . . op' = Ax. /3a-' = Ax. g, and op = p'o = Ax. a/3-' = Ax. 9-', we can infer from XXIV. that the line od may be derived from the tine OE, by a co- nical rotation round the line op' as an axis, through an angle equal to the double of the angle aob (if o be still the centre of the sphere). (17.) And in like manner we can infer from XXIV'., that the line oe admits * It was remarked in 291, that this characteristic Ax. can be dispensed with, because it admits of being replaced by UV ; but there may still be a convenience in employing it occasionally. 334 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [book III. of being derived from od, by an equal but opposite conical rotation, round the line OP as a new positive axis, through an angle equal to twice the angle boa. (18.) To illustrate these and other connected results, the annexed Figure 68 ia drawn ; in which p represents, as above, the positive pole of the arc ba, and arcs are drawn from it to D, e, f, meeting the great circle through A and b in the points R, s, T. (The other letters in the Figure are not, for the moment, required, but their significa- tions will soon be explained.) (19.) This being understood, we see, first, that because the arcs ef and fd are bisected (5.) at A and b, the three arcual perpendiculars, Es, FT, dr, let fall from E, F, D, on the great circle through A and b, are equally long; and that therefore the point P is the interior pole of the small cir- cle def', if f' be the point diametrically op- posite ioF: so that a conical rotation round this pole p, or round the axis op, would in fact bring the point D, or the line OD, to the position E, or OE, which is one part of the theorem (17.). (20.) Again, the quantity of this conical rotation, is evidently measured by the arc RS of the great circle with p for pole ; but the bisections above mentioned give (comp. 165) the two arcual equations, XXX. . . r, rb= « bt, r,ix = ^ as; whcnce XXXI. . . '^ rs = 2 <-> ba, and the other part of the same theorem (17.) is proved. (21.) The point F may be said to be the reflexion, on the sphere, of the point D, with respect to the point b, which Insects the interval between them ; and thus we may say that two successive reflexions of an arbitrary point upon a sphere (as here fromD to F, and then from f to e), with respect to two given points (b and a) of a given great circle, are jointly equivalent to one conical rotation, round the pole (p) of that great circle ; or to the description of an arc of a small circle, round that j9o/e, or parallel to that great circle : and that the angular quantity (dpe) of this rotation is double of that represented by the arc (ba) connecting the two given points ; or is the double of the angle (bpa), which that given arc subtends, at the same pole (p)^ (22.) There is, as we see, no difficulty in geometrically proving this theorem of rotation : but it is remarkable how simply quaternions express it : namely by the formula, XXXII. . . a. i8- V|3. a- i=a|3V p. j3rt-i, in which a, j3, p may denote any three vectors ; and which, as we see by the points^ involves essentially the associative principle of multiplication. (23.) Instead of conceiving that the point d, or the v/' ""\ line OD, has been reflected into the position f, or of, /'' /fx. with respect to the point b, or to the line ob, with a simi- / r b/ I ^XA S > lar successive reflexion from F to E, we may conceive that \ / a point has moved along a small semicircle, with B for pole, from d to f, as indicated in Fig. 69, and then along Fig. 09. CHAP. I.] CONSTIIUCTION OF A FOURTH PROPORTIONAL. 335 another small semicircle, with A for pole, from f to e ; and we see that the result, or effect, of these two successive and semicirctdar motions is equivalent to a motion along an arc de of a third small circle, which is parallel (as before) to the great circle through B and A, and has a projection rs thereon, which (still as before) is double of the given arc ba. (24.) And instead of thus conceiving two successive arcual motions of a point D upon a sphere, or two successive conical rotations of a radius OD, considered as cotn- ponnding themselves into one resultant motion of that point , or rotation of that ra- dius, we may conceive an analogous composition of two successive rotations of a solid body (or rigid system^, round axes passing through a point o, which \& fixed in space (and in the body) : and so obtain a theorem respecting such rotation, which easily suggests itself from what precedes, and on which we may perhaps return. (25.) But to draw some additional consequences from the equations VII., &c., and from the recent Fig. 68, especially as regards the Construction of the Fourth Pro- portional to three diplanar vectors, let us first remark, generally, that when we have (as in 62) a linear equation, of the form aa -f 6/3 -r cy 4 rf^ = 0, connecting /oMr co-initial vectors a . . d, whereof no three are complanar, then this fifth vector, e=aai bl3= - cy - dS, is evidently complanar (22) with a, (3, and also with y, d (comp. 294, (6.) ) ; it is therefore part of the indefinite liiie of intersection of the plane aob, cod, of these two pairs of vectors. (26.) And if we divide this fifth vector e by the two (generally unequal) sca- lars, a + 6, and — c ~ d, the two (generally unequal) vectors, (aa + */3) : (a + 6), and {cy + rf^) : (c + d), which are obtained as the quotients of these two divisions, are (comp. 25, 64) the vectors of two (generally distinct) points of intersection, oilines yf'iih planes, namely the two following : ABOCD, and cdoab. (27.) When the two lines, ab and cd, happen to intersect each other, the two last-mentioned points coincide ; and thus we recover, in a new way, the condition (63), for the complanarity of thQ four points o, A, b, c, or for the termino-compla- narity of the four vectors a, j3, y, d ; namely the equation ai-b + c + d=0, which may be compared with 294, XLV. and L. (28.) Resuming now the recent equations VII., and introducing the new vector, XXXIII. . . X = Za-m/3-^(c-5), which gives, XXXIV. . . SyX = 0, and XXXV. . . T\ = V(r« -n^)=r sin c\ we see that the two arcs ba, de, prolonged, meet in a point l (comp. Fig. 68), for which OL= UX, and which is distant by a quadrant from o : a result which may be confirmed by elementary considerations, because (by a well-kno fy-n theorem respect- 336 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. iiig transversal arcs) the common bitector ba of the two sides, de and ef, must meet the third side in a point i^, for which sinDL= sin el, (29.) To prove by quaternions this last equality of sines, and to assign their common value, we have only to observe that by XXXIII., XXXVL . . Va = Vf \ = AVc^« ; in which, T5\ = TfX = r2 sin c', and TV^t = r' sin 2c' ; the sines in question are therefore (by 204, XIX.), XXXVr. . . TVUa = TVU6X = ^r-i sin 2c : r' sin c' = cos c'. (30.) On similar principles, we may interpret the two vector-equations y XXXVII. . . V/3\ = lY(ia, YaX = mY(3a, in which XXXVIII. . . TX : TV/3a = r sin c' : sin c = tan c': tan c, an equivalent to the trigonometric equations, tan CD cosBC cos AC XXXIX. tan AB sm bl sin al (31.) Accordingly, if we let fall the perpendicular OQ on ab (see again Fig. 68), so that Q bisects rs, and if we determine two new points m, n by the arcual equa- tions, XL. . . rt I.M = -^ ab = '^ QR, r> LN = r> CD, the arcs mr, kd will be quadrants ; and because the angle at r is right by construc- tion (18.), M is the pole of dr, and dm is a quadrant ; whence d is the pole of mn and the angle lnm is right : conceiving then that the arcs CA and cb are drawn, we have three triangles, right-angled at Q and n, which show, by elementary principles, that the three trigonometric quotients in XXXIX. have in fact a common value, namely cos cq, or cos l. (32.) To prove this last result by quaternions, and without employing the auxi- liary points M, N, Q, R, we have the transformations, XLI. . . COSL=bU -— — =SU — r- = i :^jr^- b — = 1 — — Yde yX Y(3a yX V/3a because XLII. . . ^ = ny-X, e = ny+\, Ydt=2ny\, UV^e = UyX, and XLIII. . . S^ = ?^=-S/3a-'yX-' =-S5X-» =1, yX (yX)2 it being remembered that X -J- y, whence VyX = yX = - Xy, (yX)2 = - y2X« = X2, SyX'l = 0. (33.) At the same time we see that if P be (as before) the positive pole of ba, and if k, k' be the negative and positive poles of de, while l' is the negative (as l. is the positive) pole of cq, whereby all the letters in Fig. 68 have their Bignification* determined, we may write, XL! V. . . OP = TJYfSa ; ok' = yUX ; ok = - yUX ; ol' = - UX ; while oi< = + UX, as before. CHAP. I.] ANGLE OF A FOURTH PROPORTIONAL. 337 (34.) Writing also, XLV. . . K = - y\, or \ = yK, and fi = (3a-^ X, so that XLV. . . OK = U/c, and om = U/z, we have XLVI. . . /3a-i.y = /t\-».\«;-» =/m»c-i ; this fourth proportional, to the three equally long hut diplanar vectors, a, /3, y, ia therefore a versor, of which the representative arc (162) is km, and the representa- tive angle (174) is kdm, or l'dr, or edp 5 and we may write for this versor, or qua- ternion, the expression : XLVII. . /3a"iy = cos l'dr + od . sin l'dr. (35.) The double of this representative angle is the sum of the two base-angles of the isosceles triangle dpe ; and because the two other triangles, epf', f'pd, are also isosceles (19.), the lune ff' shows that this sum is what remains, when we subtract the vertical angle F, of the triangle def, from the sum of the supplements of the two base-angles d and e of that triangle ; or when we subtract the sum of the three an- gles of the same triangle /row four right angles. We have therefore this very simple expression for the Angle of the Fourth Proportional : XL VIII. . . L /3a-iy = l'dr = 7r - |(d + e + f). (36.) Or, if we introduce the area, or the spherical excess, say 2, of the triangle def, writing thus XLIX. . . 2 = d + e+f- TT, we have these other expressions : L. . . Z./3a-^y = i7r-|S; LI. . . /3a-»y = sin|2 1- r'^o cos i2 ; because OD = U^ = r-io, by XIL (37.) Having thus expressed (3a-^y, we require no new appeal to the Figure, in order to express this other fourth proportional, ya' 1/3, which is the negative of its conjugate, or has an opposite scalar, but an eqiial vector part (comp. 2U4, (1.), and 295, (9.) ) : the geometrical diflference being merely this, that because the rotation round a from /3 to y has been supposed to be negative, the rotation round a from y to j3 must be, on the contrary, positive. (38.) We may thus write, at once, LIL . . ya-i/3 = - K/3a-i y = - sin |2 + ri^ cos |2 ; and we have, for the angle of this new fourth proportional, to the same three vectors a, (3, y, of which the second and third have merely changed places with each other, the formula : LIII, . . Z.ya-ij3 = RDL = :i(D + E + F) = i7r + i2. (39.) But the common vector part of these ) = TV/3a. SU(V/3a : y); in which one factor is the sine of ab, and tlie other factor is the cosine of op, or the sine of cq. (43.) Under the same conditions, since LVIII. . . a = U(£ + = F*(c + 0, &c., ■we may write also, LIX. . .8iniS=SU(« + ^)(?+^) (^ + = S^6? : 4//jm ; in which, by IV. and XIII., LX. . . 4Zm« =- 8(5 + (e + = »•= -S(t? +KS + St). (44.) Hence also, by LIV,, LXI. . . cos is = r = (r3 - rS (e^ + ?5 + St) ) : Umn ; TYTT t.niT=i= S^^^ ^ SU5.^ ^'^ ^ r r3_rS^£$ + ^5+50 1 - SUf^- SU^5 - Smc ' and under this last form, we have & general expression for the tangent of half the spherical opening at o, of any triangular pyramid odef, whatever the lengths Td, Tf, T^ of the edges at o may be. (45.) As a verification, we have LXIII. . . (4/mn)3 = -i.(f + ^2 (^4 ^)2 (a + e)» = 2 (r2 - SfO (^2 - SS5) (r2 - Sdt) ; but the elimination of ^S between LIX. LXI. gives, LXIV. . . (Almny = (SdeKy + (rS - r(StK + S^5 + Sds) )2 ; •we ought then to find that LXV. . . {SSeK)^ = r^-r^(SeK)^ + {BZSy+iSSey'}-2StKSKSSSe, if 5* = «2 = ^3 = — r2 ; and in fact this equality results immediately from the general formula 294, LIU. (46.) Under the same condition, respecting the equal lengths of S, f, ^, we have also the formula, * These sides abc, of the bisecting triangle ABC, have been hitherto supposed for simplicity (1.) to be each less than a quadrant, but it will be found that the for- mula LV. holds good, without any such restriction. CHAP. I.] CONNEXION WITH SPHERICAL AREA. 339 LXVI. . . - V(^ + £) (£ + (^ + ^) = 25 (r2 - SeK - S^d - SSe) = SlmnS ; whence other verifications may be derived. (47.) If (7 denote the area* of the bisecting triangle ABC, the general principle LXII. enables us to infer that LXVII. . . tan ^ = ^-^^ = ! 2 1 - S/3y - Sya - Sa/3 l-^Z+m + w sin c sin p , 1 + cos a -t- cos 6 + cos c if p denote the perpendicular cq from c on ab, so that e = sin c sin/> = sin b sine sin a = &c. (comp. 210, (21.) ). (48.) But, by (IX.) and (XL), LXVIII. . . e2 + (H-/ + m + «)2=2(l + (1 + m) (l+n) I . a b c = 1 4 cos - cos - cos - \ 2 2 2 hence the cosine and sine of the 7iew semi-area are, <7 1 + cos a + cos b 4 cos c LXIX. 2 a b c 4cos - cos - cos - 2 2 2 a b siu - sin - sin c Tvv • '^ 2 2 , LXX. . . sm - = ————— = &c. 2 c cos - 2 (49,) Returning to the bisected triangle^ def, the last formula gives, ^^^^T^ . 1^ sin a' sin i' sin F . , . LXXI. . . sm ^2 = '. = sui » sm c sec c , ^ cose ' if />' denote the perpendicular from F on the bisecting arc ab, or ft in Fig. 68; but cos ^2 = cos c sec c, by LV. ; hence LXXII. . . tan 1 2 = sinp' tan c = sin ft . tan ab. Accordingly, in Fig. 68, we have, by spherical trigonometry, sin FT = sin es = sin le sin l = cos ln sin mn cosec lm = tan mn cot ab. (50.) The arc MX, which thus represents in quantity the semiarea of def, has its pole at the point d, and may be considered as the representative arc (162) of a certain new quaternion^ Q, or of its versor, of which the axis is the radius OD, or U^ ; and this new quaternion may be thus expressed : LXXIII. .. Q = dya(3 = -S^+ dSaiSy = r^-^ ed; its tensor and versor being, respectively, LXXIV. . . TQ = r = cos|2; LXXV. . . UQ = cos^2 +0D.sin^2. (51.) An important transformation of this last versor maybe obtained as fol- lows : * The reader will observe that the more usual symbol 2, for this area of abc, in here employed (36.) to denote the area of the exscribed triangle def. 340 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK ill. LXXVI. . . UQ = U(».?j3-0=(^OK«^0K^^-'>i so that LXXVII. . . iS = A Q= A dya[3=L (^£->> (f^O' (^^0* ? these powers of quaternions, with exponents each = |, being interpreted as square roots (199, (1.) ), or as equivalent to the symbols V(^£-i), &c. (52.) The conjugate (or reciprocal) versor, UQ"i, which has nm for its repre- tentative arc, may be deduced from UQ by simply interchanging /3 and y, or c and ^ ; the corresponding quaternion is, LXXVIII. . . Of = KQ=S(3ay = r« - e^ ; and we have LXXIX. . . UQ' = cos IS - OD . sin 12 = (5^i> (^f-i)' (f ^')* ; the rotation round d, from e to f, being still supposed to be negative. (53.) Let H be any other point upon the sphere, and let oh = rj; also let 2' be the area of the new spherical triangle, dfh ; then the same reasoning shows that LXXX. . . cos |S' + OD.sin p'= (^^-i)' (.W^y^ (»?5'0s if the rotation round d from f to h be negative ; and therefore, by multiplication of the two co-axal versors, LXXVI. and LXXX., we have by LXXV. the analogous formula : LXXXL . . cos 1(2 + 2') + oD.sin |(2 + 20 = (^£"0' (f^O^' iKrj-^y {no'')'; where 2 + 2' denotes the area of the spherical quadrilateral, defh. (54.) It is easy to extend this result to the area of ang spherical polygon, or to the spherical opening (44.) oi any pyramid; and we may even conceive an exten- sion of it, as a limit, to the area of any closed curve upon the sphere, considered as decomposed into an indefinite number of indefinitely small triangles, with some cofn- mon vertex, such as the point d, on the spheric surftice, and with indefinitely small arcs EP, FH, . . of the curve, for their respective bases : or to the spherical opening of any cone, expressed thus as the Angle of a Quaternion, which is the limit* of the product of indefinitely many factors, each equal to the square-root of a quaternion, lohich differs indefinitely little from unity. (55.) To assist the recollection of this result, it may be stated as follows (comp. 180, (3.) for the definition of an arcual sum) : — " The Arcual Sum of the Halves of the successive Sides, of any Spherical Poly- gon, is equal to an arc of a Great Circle, which has the Initial {or Final) Point of * This Limit is closely analogous to a definite integral, of the ordinary kind ; or rather, we may say that it is a Definite Integral, but one of a new kind, which could not easily have been introduced without Quaternions. In fact, if we did not employ the non-commutative property (168) of quaternion multiplication, the Products here considered would evidently become each equal to imity : so that they would fur- nish no expressions for spherical or other areas, and in short, it would be useless to speak of them. On the contrary, when that property or principle of multiplication is introduced, these expressions of product-form are found, as above, to have ex- tremely useful significations in spherical geometry ; and it will be seen that they sug- gest and embody a remarkable = (^^i>, if S^^7/ = 0, the product of four factors LXXXI. reduces itself to the product of three factors 'LXXVI. ; the geometrical reason being evidently that in this case the added area 2' vanishes ; so that the quadrilateral defh has only the same area as the triangle DEF. (60.) But this added area (53.) may even have a negative* effect^ as for exam- ple when the new point H falls on the old side de. Accordingly, if we write LXXXIII. . . Qi=:(t^J)^ {W)' (»?£-')*. and denote the product LXXXI. of four square-roots by Qi, we shall have the trans- formation, LXXXIV. . . Q2 = (^£-' )i Q) (£5-» )i, if ^^tr, = ; which shows (comp. (15.) ) that in this case the angle of the quaternary/ product Qz is that of the ternary product Qi, or the half-area of the triangle efh (= def — dhf), although the axis of Qz is transferred from the position of the axis of Qi, by a ro- tation round the pole of the arc ed, which brings it from oe to od. (Gl.) From this example, it may be considered to be sufficiently evident, how the formula LXXXL may be applied and extended, so as to represent (comp. (54.) ) the area of any closed figure on the sphere, with any assumed point D on the surface as a sort of spherical origin ; even when this auxiliary point is not situated on the pe- rimeter, but is either external or internal thereto. (62 ) A new quaternion Qo, with the same axis od as the quaternion Q of (50,), but with a double angle, and with a tensor equal to unity, may be formed by simply squaring the versor UQ ; and although this squaring cannot be effected by removing the fractional exponents,^ in the formula LXXVI., yet it can easily be accomplished in other ways. For example we have, by LXXIII. LXXIV., and by VII. IX. X., the transformations :| LXXXV. . . Qo = UQ2 = r-2(5yo/3)2 = - ^^ ya/3^.^yo/3 = - (y«/5)2 = - (e - (5)2 = r2 - e« + 2ed ; and in fact, because S — r. od, by XII., the trigonometric values LIV. for r and e enable us to write this last result under the form, LXXXVI. . . Qo = - (7a/3)2 = cos S + od . sin 2. (63.) To show its geometrical signification, let us conceive that abc and lmn * In some investigations respecting areas on a sphere, it may be convenient to distinguish (comp. 28, 63) between the two symbols def and dfe, and to consider them as denoting two opposite triangles, of which the sum is zero. But for the pre- sent, we are content to express this distinction, by means of the two conjugate qua- ternion products, (51.) and (52.). t Compare the Note to (54.). X The equation 5ya/3 = ya/?^ is no< valid generally ; butwehave/jere d=~y-/aj3; and in general, qp ■= pq, if p || Yq. CHAP. I.] CASE OF SIDES GREATER THAN QUADRANTS. 343 have the same meanings in tlie new Fig. 70, as in Fig. 68 ; and that AiBiMi are three new points, determined by the three arcual equations (163), LXXXVII. OAC = '>CAi, <^BC='^CBi, r> MN = n NMi ; which easily conduct to this fourth equation of the same kind, LXXXVir. . . n LMi = " BiAi. This new arc LMi represents thus (comp. 167, and Fig. 43) the product aiy-*.y/3rJ = ya-i./3y-i ; while the old arc ml, or its equal ba (31.), represents afl-^ ; whence the arc mmi, which has its pole at d, and is numerically equal to the whole area S of def (be- cause MN was seen to be equal (50.) to half that area), represents the product ya-i]3y-i. a(3-\ or - (ya/3)2, or Qq. The formula LXXXVI. has therefore been interpreted^ and may be said to have been proved anew, by these simple geometri- cal considerations. (64.) We see, at the same time, how to interpret the symbol^ LXXXVIII. . . Qo=--^; a y /3 namely as denoting a versor, of which the axis is directed to, or from, the corner d of a certain auxiliary spherical triangle def, whereof the sides, respectively o/>/)osj7e to D, E, F, are bisected (5.) by the given points A, b, o, according as the rotation round a from /3 to y is negative or positive; and of which the angle represents, or is numeri- cally equal to, the area S of that auxiliary triangle : at least if we still suppose, as we have hitherto for simplicity done (1.), that the sides of the^'it'ew triangle abc are each less than a quadrant. 298. The case when the sides of the given triangle are all greater, instead of being all less, than quadrants, may deserve next to be (although more briefly) considered; the case when they are all equal to quadrants, being reserved for a short subsequent Article: and other cases being easily referred to these, by limits, or by passing from a given line to its opposite, (1.) Supposing now that I. . , / < 0, m<0, n < 0, or that II. ..a>-, o>—, c>— , we may still retain the recent equations lY. to XI. ; XIII. ; and XV. to XXVI., of 297 ; but we must change the sign of the radical, r, in the equations XII. and XIV., and also the signs of the versors JJd, Ue, U^ in XII., if we desire that the sides of the auxiliary triangle, def, may still be bisected (as in Figures 67, 68) by the cor- ners of the given triangle ABC, of which the sides a, 6, c are now each greater than a quadrant. Thus, r being still the common tensor of d, i, ^, and therefore being still supposed to be itself >0, we must write now, under these new conditions I. or II., the new equations. 344 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. III. . . OD = -m = -r-i5; OE=-U£=-r-'6; OF = -U^ = -r-»^; I V. . . cos a = — r cos a', cos b =—r cos 6', cos c = — r cos c'. (2.) The equations IV. and VIII. of 297 still holding good, we may now write, V. . . + 2r cos a cos b' cos c = cos a'2 + cos 6'2 + cos c'^—l, according as we adopt positive values (297), or negative values (298), for the co- sines I, m, n of the sides of the bisecting triangle ; the value of r being still supposed to be positive. (3.) It is not difficult to prove (comp. 297, LIV., LXIX.), that VI. . . r=4:C0S |S, according as ^>0, &c., or l<0,&c.; the recent formula V. may therefore be written unambiguously as follows : VII. . . 2 cos a cos b' cos c' cos ^2 = cos a'2 -|- cos 6'2 + cos c'^ — 1 ; and the formula 297, LV. continues to hold good. (4.) In like manner, we may write, without an ambiguous sign (comp. 297, LI.), the following expression for the fourth proportional /3a"iy to three unit-vectors a, /3, y, the rotation round the first from the second to the third being negative : VIII. . . j3a-Jy = sin AS + 0D. cos IS; where the scalar part changes sign, when the rotation is reversed. (6.) It is, however, to be observed, that although this ^rmwZa VIII. holds good, not only in the cases of the last article and of the present, but also in that which has been reserved for the next, namely when Z= 0, &c. ; yet because, in the present case (298) we have the area S> tt, the radius on is no longer the (positive) axis XJd of the fourth proportional jSa-^y ; nor is Att — iS any longer, as in 297, L., the (posi- tive) angle of that versor. On the contrary we have noWy for this axis and angle, the expressions : IX. . . Ax. /3rt-Jy = DO=-OD; X. . . Z./3a-iy = i(2-7r). (6.) To illustrate these results by a construction, we may remark that if, in Fig. 67, the bisecting arcs bc, ca, ab be supposed each greater than a quadrant, and if we proceed to form from it a new Figure, analogous to 68, the perpendicular CQ will also exceed a quadrant, and the poles p and k will fall between the points c and Q ; also M and k will fall on the arcs lq and ql' prolonged: and although the arc km, or the angle kdm, or l'dr, or edp, may still be considered, as in 297, (34.), to re- present the versor /3a"' y, yet the corresponding rotation round the point d is now o' a negative character. (7.) And as regards the quantity of this rotation, or the magnitude of the angle at D, it is again, as in Fig. 68, a base-angle of one p of three isosceles triangles, with p for their common , /-'^l^^v^ ; / vertex ; but we have now, as in Fig. 71, a new ar- \>^, y^ \ ^s^/' range7nent, in virtue of which this angle is to be B^>^~ C \ ~^^ found by halving what remains, when the sum of """^^^TTrrrr^^^^' the supplements of the angles at d and e, in tlietri- Yig. 71. angle def, is subtracted /ro?» the angle at f, instead of our subtracting (as in 297, (35.) ) the latter angle from the former sum ; it i^i therefore now, in agreement with the recent expression X., XL . . Z. /3a-«y = ^(d f e 1 f) - tt. CHAP. I.] MODIFICATIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION. 345 (8.) The negative of the conjugate of the formula VIII. gives, XII. . . ya-^j3 = - sin IS + OD . cos iS ; and by taking the negative of the square of this equation, we are conducted to the following : XIII. . . ^ 5 ^ = _ (y a-i/3)3 = cos S + OD . sin S ; ay 13 a result which had only been proved before (comp. 297, (62.), (64.)) for the case 2 < TT ; and in which it is still supposed that the rotation round a from /3 to y is negative. (9.) With the same direction of rotation, we have also the conjugate or recipro- cal formula, XIV. . . ^^- = -(/3a-»y)2 = cos2-OD.sin2. a(3y (10.) If it happened that only one side, as ab, of the given triangle abc, was greater, while each of the two others was less than a quadrant, or that we had Z > 0, tn > 0, but n < ; and if we wished to represent the fourth proportional to a, /?, y by means of the foregoing constructions ; we should only have to introduce the point c' opposite to c, or to change y to y' = — y ; for thus the new triangle abc' Avould have each side greater than a quadrant, and so would fall under the case of the present Article; after employing the construction for which, we should only have to change the resulting versor to its negative. (11.) And in like manner, if we had I and m negative, but n positive, we might again substitute for c its opposite point c', and so fall back on the construction of Art. 297: and similarly in other cases. (12.) In general, if we begin with the equations 297, XII., attributing any arbi- trary (but positive) value to the common tensor, r, of the three co-initial vectors ^, f, ^, of which the versorsy or the unit-vectors Vd, &c., terminate at the corners of a given or assumed triangle def, with sides = 2a', 26', 2c', we may then suppose (comp. Fig. 67) that another triangle abc, with sides denoted by a, 6, c, and with their cosines denoted by /, m, n, is derived from this one, by the condition of bisect- ing its sides ; and therefore by the equations (comp. 297, LVIII.), XV. ..OA=a = U(€ + 0, OB = ^=U(^+5), oc = y = U(5 + e), with the relations 297, IV. V. VI., as before; or by these other equations (comp. 297, XIII. XIV.), XVI. . . 6 + ^ = 2mco3a', <^ + S=2rl3 cos b', d+€=2ry cose'. (13.) When this simple construction is adopted, we have at once (comp. 297, LX.), by merely taking scalars of products of vectors, and without any reference to areas (compare however 297, LXIX., and 298, VII.), the equations, XVII. . . 4 cos a cos 6' cos c' = 4 cos b cos c cos a' = 4 cos c cos a' cos b' = - r-2S (? + 6) (5 + f) = &c. = 1 + cos 2a' + cos 26' + cos 2c' ; or cos a _ cos6 _ cose _ cos a'^ + cos b'^ + cos c'^ ~ 1 cos a' cos b' cos c 2 cos a' cos b' cos c' ' which can indeed be otherwise deduced, by the known formulae of spherical trigo- nometry. 2 Y 346 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [BOOK III. (14.) We see, then, that according as the sum of the squares of the cosines of the half-sides, of a given or assumed spherical triangle, def, is greater than unity, or equal to unity, or less than unity, the sides of the inscribed and bisecting triangle^ ABC, are together less than quadrants, or together equal to quadrants, or together greater than quadrants. (15.) Conversely, t/the sides of a given spherical triangle abc be thus all less, or all greater than quadrants, a triangle def, but only one* such triangle, can be exscrihed to it, so as to have its sides bisected, as above : the simplest process being to let fall a perpendicular, such as CQ in Fig. 68, from c on ab, &c. ; and then to draw new arcs, through c, &c., perpendicular to these perpendiculars, and therefore coin- ciding in position with the sought sides de, &c., of def. (16.) The trigonometrical results of recent sub-articles, especially as regards the area\ of a spherical triangle, are probably all well known, as certainly some of them are ; but they are here brought forward only in connexion with quaternion formulcB ; and as one of that class, which is not irrelevant to the present subject, and includes the formula 294, LIIL, the following may be mentioned, wherein a, (3, y denote any three vectors, but the order of the factors is important : XIX . . (a/3y)2 = 2a2^2y9 + a2 (/3y)^ + /32 (ay)2 + y2 (a/3 ^a _ Any Sa/3 S/3y . (17.) And if, as in 297, (1.), &c., we suppose that a, (3, y are three unit-vec- tors, OA, OB, oc, and denote, as in 297, (47.), by a the area of the triangle abc, the principle expressed by the recent formula XIII. may be stated under this appa- rently different, but essentially equivalent form : ^v n + /3y-I-aj3+y XX. . . . . - — - = cos 0- + a sin (T ; /8 + 7 a + /3 y + a which admits of several verifications. (18.) We may, for instance, transform it as follows (comp. 297, LXVII.) : XXI -(« + ig)(<3+y)(y + «) ^ -2e+2a(l + ^+m + n) ' • • K(a-l-/3)(i3f y) (y + a) + 2^+ 2a(l + ^+ w + n) . , - , , 1 + a tan - cos - + a sm - _l4-/ + w + n-fca_ 2 2 2 l + / + m + » — ea _ a a , a \ ~ a tan ~ cos - — a sm - 2 2 2 -[ i- + a sm - = cos (T + a sm + OP . sin/) . (2.) Admitting then, as is natural, for the purposes of the sought interpretation, that distributive property which has been proved (212) to hold good for the multi- plication of quaternions (as it does for multiplication in algebra); and writing for abridgment, VII. . . M = (ol' : oq) . op; we have the quadrinomial expression : VIII. . . (oB : oa). oc = ol'. sin c cos/)i- OQ . cos ccos/> + OP . cos c sin j3 + « . sin c sin j9 ; in which it may be observed that the sum of the squares of the four coefficients of the CHAP. I.] SCALAR UNIT IN SPACE. 351 three rectangular unit-vectors, oq, ol', op, and of their fourth proportional, m, is equal to unity, (3.) But the coefficient of this fourth proportional, which may be regarded as a species oi fourth unit, is IX, . . sin c sin p = sin mn = sin 12 = e ; we must therefore expect to find that the three other coefficients in VIII., when di- vided by cos 12, or by r, give quotients which are the cosines of the arcual distances of some point x upon the unit-sphere, from the three points i!, Q, p ; or that a point X can be assigned, for which X. . . sin c cosp = /' cos l'x ; cos c cos /? = r cos Qx ; cos c sin p = r cos px. (4.) Accordingly it is found that these three last equations are satisfied, when we substitute d for x ; and therefore that we have the transformation, XI. . . OL,'. sinccos/j + OQ .cose cos/? + OP.coscsin/j = OD . cosiS = ^, whence follow the equations IV. and III. ; and it only remains to study and interpret t\\Q fourth unit, u, which enters as a factor into the remaining part of the quadrlno- mial expression VIII., without employing any principles except those of the Second Booh : and therefore without using the Interpretations 278, 284, of (3a, &c. 301. In general, when two sets of three vectors, a, /3, 7, and «'» ^\ 7'* are connected by the relation, 1. ..--—= 1, or 11... ,= -7^ a Y P a ^ a' it is natural to write this other equation, III. . .-7 = - 7 ; a ft and to say that these two fourth proportionals (297), to a, /3, 7, and to a', [i\ 7^ are equal to each other: whatever the /wZ^ signification oi each of these two last symbols III., supposed for the moment to be not yet fully known, may be afterwards found to be. In short, we may propose to make it a condition of the sought Interpretation, on the principles of the Second Book, of the phrase, ^''Fourth Proportional to Three Vectors,'^ and of either of the two equivalent Symbols 300, I., that the recent Equation III. sha.\\ follow from I. or II.; just as, at the commence- ment of that Second Book, and before concluding (112) that the ge- neral Geometric Quotient /3: a of any two lines in space is a Quaternion, we made it a condition (103) of the interpretation of such a quotient, that the equation {fi:a).a = jS should be satisfied. 302. There are however two tests (comp. 287), to which the re- cent equation III. must be submitted, before its final adoption; in 352 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK 111. order that we may be sure of its consistency^ 1st, with the previous interpretation (226) of a Fourth Proportional to Three Complanar Vectors, as a Line in their common plane; and Ilnd, with the gene^ ral principle of all mathematical language (105), that things equal to the same thing, are to be considered as equal to each other. And it is found, on trial, that both these tests are home : so that they form no objection to our adopting the equation 301, III., as true hy defini- tion^ whenever the preceding equation II., or I., is satisfied. (1.) It may happen that the first member of that equation III. is equal to a.line df as in 226 ; namely, when a, j3, y are complanar. In this case, we have by II. the equation, y y Y a a a ' so that a', /3', y are also complanar (among themselves), and the line B is their fourth proportional likewise : and the equation III, is satisfied, both members being symbols for one common line, ^, which is in general situated in the intersection of the two planes, ajSy and a'jS'y' ; although those planes may happen to coincide, without disturbing the truth of the equation. (2.) Again, for the more general case oi diplanarity of a, /3, y, we may con- ceive that the equation* II. co-exists with this other of the same form, V. . . ^ 1- = ^ ; which gives VI. . . ^ y =Cr", a y a a a if the definition 301 be adopted. If then that definition be consistent with general principles of equality, we ought to find, by III. and VI., that this third equation be- tween two fourth proportionals holds good : VII. . . ^'y' = ^'y" ; or that VIII. . . ^L = ^ a a a y a when the equations II. and V. are satisfied. And accordingly, those two equations give, by the general principles of the Second Book, respecting quaternions considered as quotients of vectors, the transformation, (B'y' /3 y y' /3 y jS" — -i^ = C: ± . _L_ = c: _i- = '--^ as required. a' y ay y' ay" a 303. It is then permitted to interpret the equation 301, III., on the principles of the Second Book, as being simply a transformation (as it is in algebra) of the immediately preceding equation II., or I.; and therefore to write, generally, I. . . 57 = 2V> if II. . . 5(7:7')=?'; * In this and other cases of reference, the numeral cited is always supposed to be the one which (with the same number) has last occurred before, although perhaps it may have been in connexion with a shortly preceding Article. Compare 217, (1.). CHA1\ T.] FOURTH PROPORTIONAL RESUMED. 353 where 7, 7' are any two vectors^ and q, q' are any tivo quaternions^ which satisfy this last condition. Now, if v and v be any two right quaternions^ we have (by 193, comp. 283) the equation, III, . . Iv'.lv' - v'.v' = vv'^ ; or IV. . . v~^{l.v: Iv') - «j'"^ ; whence V. . . v^ . Iv = v'-^. lv\ by the principle which has just been enunciated. It follows, then, that '■''if a right Line (Iv) he multiplied hy the Reciprocal (v") of the Right Quaternion (v), of which it is the Index, the Product {v^lv) is independent of the Lengthy and of the Direction, of the Line thus ope- rated on ;" or, in other words, that this Product has one common Va- lue., for all possible Lines (a) in Space: which common or constant value may be regarded as a kind of new Geometrical Unit, and is equal to what we have lately denoted, in 300, III., and VII., by the tem- porary symbol u; because, in the last cited formula, the line op is the index of the right quotient oq,: ol'. Retaining, then, for the moment, this symbol, u, we have, for every line a in space, considered as the index of a right quaternion, v, the four equations : VI. . . v'^a = u ; VII. . . a = Vlt ; VIII. . . V- a:u; IX. . . V"' = w: «; in which it is understood that a = Jv, and the three last are here re- garded as being merely transfoi^mations o{ the fivst, which is deduced and interpreted as above. And hence it is easy to infer, that for any given system of three rectangular lines a, /3, 7, we have the general expression : X. . . (/3 : a) . 7 = XU, if aJ-^,^JL^,<^_i,a\ where the scalar co-efficient, x, of the new unit, u, is determined by the equation, XI. . .a; = ±(Ty3:Ta).T7, according as XII. . . U7 = + Ax. (a: /3). This coefficient x is therefore always equal, in magnitude (or absolute quantity), to the fourth proportional to the lengths of the three given lines 0^7 ; but it is positively or negatively taken, according as the rotation round the third line 7, from the second line /3, to the first line a, is itseM positive or negative: or in other words, according as the rotation round the first line, from the second to the third, is on the contrary negative ox positive (compare 294, (3.) ). (I.) In illustration of the constancy of that fourth proportional whicli has been, for the present, denoted by u, while the system of the three rectangular unit-lines 2 z 354 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. from \vhi<'h it is conceived to be derived is in any manner turned about, we may ob- serve that the three equations, or proportions, XIII. . . u : y =j3: a ; y:a = a:-y; i8:-y = y:/3, conduct immediately to this fourth equation of the same kmd, XIV. . . M:a = y:/3, or* « = (y:j3).a; if we admit that this new quantity, or symbol, u, is to be operated on at all, or com- bined with other symbols, according to the general rules of vectors and quaternions. (2.) It is, then, permitted to change the three letters a, /3, y, by a cyclical per- mutation, to the three other letters /3, y, a (considered again as representing unit- lines), without altering the value of the fourth proportional, w, or in other woi'ds, it is allowed to make the system of the three rectangular lines revolve, through the third part of four right angles^ round the interior and co-initial diagonal of the unit-cube, of which they are three co-initial edges. (3.) And it is still more evident, that no such change of value will take place, if we merely cause the system of the two first lines to revolve, through any angle, in its own plane, round the third line as an axis ; since thus we shall merely substitute, for the factor (i : «, another factor equal thereto. But by combining these two last modes of rotation, we can represent ang rotation whatever, round an origin supposed to be fixed. ('{.) And as regards the scalar ratio of any one fourth proportional, such as (3' : a' . y', to any other, of the kind here considered, such as j3 : a . y, or «, it is suffi- cient to suggest that, mthout any real change in the former, we are allowed to sup- pose it to be so prepared, that we shall have XV. ..a' = a; /3' = /3; y' = xy; X being some scalar coefficient, and representing the ratio required. 304. In the more general case, when the three given lines are not rectangular, nor unit-lines, we may on similar principles de- termine their fourth proportional, without referring to Fig. 68, as follows. Without any real loss of generality, we may suppose that the planes of a, /3 and a, 7 are perpendicular to each other; since this comes merely to substituting, if necessary, for the quotient )3 : a, another quotient equal thereto. Having thus I. . . Ax.(/3:a) JL Ax.(7:a), let II. . . /3 = /3' + )3'^ ry = y + y', where /3' and 7' are parallel to a, but ^" and 7'' are perpendicular to it, and to each other; so that, by 203, I. and II., we shall have the expressions, III. ..^' = S^.a, y=S^.a, a tt * In equations of this form, the parentheses may be omitted, though for greater clearness they are here retained. CHAP. I.] SPHEUICAL PARALLELOGRAM. 355 and W... ^" = Y^.a, y/ = V^.o. a a We may then deduce, by the distributive principle (300, (2.) ), the t ran s formations, a a a a where VI.. . ^ = )3S^+7''S^=7S- + /3''S^, and VII. . . o^w = ^' 7' a a a a a The latter part, xu, is what we have called (300) the (geometrically) scalar part, of the sought fourth proportional ; while the former part B may (still) be called its vector part : and we see that this part is represented by a line^ which is at once m thetwo planes^ of /3, 7'', and of 7, ^" ; or in two planes which may be generally constructed as fol- lows, without now assuming that the planes ajS and ar^ are rectangu- lar, as in I. Let 7' be the projection of the line 7 on the plane of a, j3, and operate on this projection by the quotient yS: a as a multi- plier ; the plane which is drawn through the line /3 : a . 7' so obtained, at right angles to the plane a^, is one locus for the sought line d : and the plane through 7, which is perpendicular to the plane 77^ is another locus for that line. And as regards the length of this line, or vector part ^, and the magnitude (or quantity) of the scalar part xu, it is easy to prove that VIII. . . T^ = / cos 5, and IX. . . a; = + ^sin 5, where X... . ^ = T/3:Ta.T7, and XI. . . sin 5 = sine sin p, if c denote the angle between the two given lines a, )3, and jo the inclination of the third given line 7 to their plane: the sign of the scalar coefficient, x, being positive or negative, according as the rota- tion round a from yS to 7 is negative or positive. (L) Comparing the recent construction with Fig. 68, we see that when the con- dition L is satisfied, the four unit-lines Uy, Ua, U/3, Vd take the directions of the four radii oc, oq, or, od, which terminate at the four comers of what may be called a tri -rectangular quadrilateral CQRD on the sphere. (2.) It may be remarked that the area of this quadrilateral is exactly equal to h(dfthe area 2 of the triangle def ; which may be inferred, either from the circum- 356 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [boOK 111. stance that its spherical excess (over four right angles) is constructed by the angle MDN ; or from the triangles dbr and eas being together equal to the triangle abf, 60 that the area of desk is 2, and therefore that of cqrd is ^S, as before. (3.) The two sides CQ, qr of this quadrilateral, which are remote from the obtuse angle at d, being still called p and c, and the side cd which is opposite to c being still denoted by c', let the side dr which is opposite to p be now called p' ; also let the diagonals CR, qd be denoted by d and d' ; and let s denote the spherical excess (ODR - ^tt), or the area of the quadrilateral. "We shall then have the relations, !cos d = cosp cos c ; cos d' = cosp cos c' ; tanc'= cosp tan c ; tan p' = cos c tan j» ; cos s = cos p sec/>' = cos c sec c' = cos d sec d' ; of which some have virtually occurred before, and all are easily proved by right-an- gled triangles, arcs being when necessary prolonged. (4.) If we take now two points, A and b, on the side qr, which satisfy the arcual equation (comp. 297, XL., and Fig. 68), XIII. . . (^ AB= nQB; and if we then join AC, and let fall on this new arc the perpendiculars bb', dd' ; it is easy to prove that the projection b'd' of the side bd on the arc AC is equal to that arc, and that the angle dbb' is right : so that we have the two new equations, XIV. . . n b'd' = o AC ; XV. . . dbb' = |7r ; and the neiv quadrilateral bb'd'd is also tri-rectangular. (5.) Hence the point d may be derived from the three points A'BC, by any two of the four following conditions: 1st, the equality XIII. of the arcs ab, qr ; Ilud, the cori'espondiug equality XIV. of the arcs AC, b'd'; Ilird, the tri-rectangular charac- ter of the quadrilateral CQRD ; IVth, the corresponding character of bb'd'd. (6.) In other words, this derived point D is the common intersection of the four perpendiculars, to the four arcs ab, ac, cq, bb', erected at the four points R, d', C, b ; CQ, bb' being still the perpendiculars from c and b, on ab and AC; and r and d' bohig deduced from Q and b', by equal arcs, as above. 305. These consequences of the construction employed in 297, &c., are here mentioned merely in connexion with that theory of fourth proportionals to vectors, which they have thus served to illus- trate; but they are perhaps numerous and interesting enough, to justify us in suggesting the name^ ''^ Sp>herical Parallelogram,''^* for the quadrilateral cabd, or bacd, in Fig. 68 (or 67) ; and in proposing to say that d is the Fourth Point, which completes such d^ parallelogram, when the three points c, A, B, or B, a, c, are given upon the sphere, {kS first, second, and third. It must however be carefully observed, that the analogy to the plane is here thus far imperfect, that in the * By the same analogy, the quadrilateral cqrd, in Fig. 68, may be called a Sjiherical Rectangle. CHAP. 1.] SERIES OF SniERICAL PARALLELOGRAMS. 357 gefieral case, when the three given points are not co-arcucd, but on the contrary are corners of a spherical triangle abc, then if we take c, d, b, or B, D, c, for the three first points of a new spherical parallelogram^ of the kind here considered, the new fourth pointy say a„ will not coin- cide with the old second point a; although it will very nearly do so, if the sides of the triangle abc be small: the deviation aAj being in fact found to be small of the third order, if those sides of the given triangle be supposed to be small of the first order; and being always directed towards the foot of the perpendicular, let fall from a on bc. (L) To investigate the Zaw of this deviation, let /3, y be still any two given unit-vectors, ob, oc, making with each other an angle equal to a, of which the co- sine is I ; and let p or op be any third vector. Then, if we write, I. . . pi = ^(p) = ANp. -y+-/3 , OQ=Up, OQi = Upi, \9 P I the new or derived vector, V = P, if Plll/^,y; but IV. ..^p = -Zp, if p II Ax. (y : /3). (2.) This being understood, let V. ..p = p' + p"; ^p' = p'i; p'lli/3, y, p"|| Ax.(y:/3); so that p', or op', is the projection of p on the plane of (3y ; and p", or op", is the part (or component) of p, which is perpendicular to that plane. Then we shall have an indefinite series of derived vectors, pi, pg) P3» • • or rather two such series, suc- ceeding each other alternately, as follows : VI. . . fP^'^'^P"^ f'^ ~ '^ " ' P2 = BM = r> MC, ^ AM = r\ mn ; so that the arcs an and bc bisect each other in m. Let fall from n a perpendicular nd' on BC, so that III. . . «-> bd'= n a'c ; and let b", o" be two other auxiliary points, on the sides b and c, or on those sides prolonged, which satisfy these two other equations, IV. . . o b'b" = r^ AC, f^ C'C" = n AB, (2.) Then the perpendiculars to these last sides, CA and AB, erected at these last points, b" and c", will intersect each other in the point D, which completes (ZQb^ the spherical parallelogram bacd ; and the foot of the perpendicular from this point d, on the third side bc of the given triangle, will coincide (comp. 305, (2.) ) with the foot d' of the perpendicular on the same side from n ; so that this last perpendicular nd' is one locus of the point D. (3.) To obtain another locus for that point, adapted to our present purpose, let E denote now* that new point in which the two diagonals, ad and bc, intersect each other ; then because (comp. 297, (2.) ) we have the expression, V. . . OD = u(mj3 + ny - ?a), we may write (comp. 297, (25.), and (30.)), VI. . . OE = u (m/3 + ny), whence VII. . . sin be : sin ec = w : m = cos ba' : cos a'c ; the diagonal ad thus dividing the arc bc into segments, of which the sines are pro- portional to the cosines of the adjacent sides of the given triangle, or to the cosines of their projections ba' and a'c on bc ; so that the greater segment is adjacent to the lesser side, and the middle point M of bc (1.) lies between the points a' and E. (4.) The intersection e is therefore a known point, and the great circle through A and e is a second known locus for D ; which point may therefore be found, as the intersection of the arc AE prolonged, with the perpendicular nd' from N (1.). And because e lies (3.) beyond the middle point m of bc, with respect to the foot a' of the per- pendicular on bc from a, but (as it is easy to prove) not so far beyond M as the point d', or in other words falls between M and d' (when the arc BC is, as above supposed, less than a quadrant), the prolonged arc ae cuts nd' between N and d'; or in other words, the perpendicular distance of the sought fourth point D, from the given diagonal BC of the parallelo- gram, is less than the distance of the given second point A, from the same given diagonal, (Compare the annexed Fig. 73.) Fig. 73. It will be observed that m, n, e have not here the same significations as in 360 ELKMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. (6.) Proceeding next (305) to derive a new point Ai from b, i>, c, as d has been derived from b, a, c, we see that we have only to determine a new* auxiliary point F, by the equation, VIII. . . --> EM = r. MF ; and then to draw df, and prolong it till it meets a a' in the required point Ai, which will thus complete the second parallelogram, bdcai, with bc (as before) for a given diagonal. (6.) In like manner, to complete (comp. 305, (5.) ), the third parallelogram, BAiCDi, with the same given diagonal bc, we have only to draw the arc AiE, and prolong it till it cuts nd' in Di ; after which we should find the point A2 of a fourth successive parallelogram BD1CA2, by drawing DiF, and so on for ever. (7.) The constant and indefinite tendency, of the derived points d, Di, . . to the limit-point d', and of the other (or alternate^ derived points Ai, Ag, . • to the other limit-point a', becomes therefore evident from this new construction ; the final (or limiting') results of which, we may express by these two equations (comp. again 305,(5.)), IX. . . Dd) = d' ; A

0, s>0, s^l, t^O, *<2, may represent any vector ; the length or tensor of this line p being r ; its inclina- tion\ to k being sir ; and the angle through which the variable />Zane kp may be * Compare the shortly following sub-article (11.). t If we conceive (compare tlie first Note to page 322) that the two hnes i andy are directed respectively towards the south and west points of the horizon, while the third line k is directed towards the zenith^ then sir is the zenith-distance of p; and tTT is the azimuth of the same line, measured /rom south to west, and thence (if ne- cessary) through north and east, to south again. 366 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. conceived to have revolved, frem the initial position ki, with an initial direction to- wards the position kj, being t-jr. (11.) In accomplishing the transformation XVI., and in passing from the ex- pression XVIII. to the less symmetric but equivalent expression XIX., we employ the principle that XXI. . . */-* = S-i = - K (kj-o) =j^k ; which easily admits of extension, and may be confirmed by such transformations as VII. or VIII. (12.) It is scarcely necessary to remark, that the definition or interpretation I., of the power a* of an?/ vector a, gives (as in algebra) the exponential property, XXII. ..a*a< = a«+«, whatever scalars may be denoted by s and t ; and similarly when there are more than two factors of this form. (13.) As verifications of the expression XVIII., considered as representing a vec- tor, we may observe that it gives, XXIII... p = -Kp; and XXI V. . . p2 = _ r2. (14.) More generally, it will be found that if m* be any scalar, we have the eminently simple transformation : XXV. . . |0« = (rk^j^kj-^k-^y = r^'ktfktfj-«k-*. In fact, the two last expressions denote generally two equal quaternions, because they have, 1st, equal tensors, each = r" ; Ilnd, equal angles, each = L (^'0 ; and Ilird, equal (or coincident) axes, each formed from + A by one common system of two successive rotations, one through stt round j, and the other through tn round k. 309. Ani/ quaternion, q, which is not simply a scalar^ may be brought to i\\Qform a\ by a suitable choice of the base, a, and of the exponent, t ; which latter may moreover be supposed to fall between the limits and 2 ; since for this purpose we have only to write, 1...^=^^; II. . .Ta = T^^ III. . .Ua = Ax.^; TT and thus the general dependence of a Quaternion, on a Scalar and a Vector Element, presents itself in a new ivay (comp. 17, 207, 292). When the proposed quaternion is a versor, T^- = 1, * The emplojonent of this letter u, to denote what we called, in the two preced- ing Sections, a. fourth unit, &c., was stated to be a merely temporary' one. In gene- ral, we shall henceforth simply equate that scalar unit to the number one ; and die- note it (when necessary to be denoted at all) by the usual symbol, 1, for that num- ber. CHAP. I.] EXPRESSIONS FOR VERSORS AS POWERS. 367 we have thus Ta = 1 ; or in other words, the base a, of the equivalent jooi^er a', is an unit-line. Conversely, every versor may be considered as a power of an unit-line^ with a scalar ex- ponent^ t^ which may be supposed to be m. general positive, ^-rA less than two ; so that we may write generally^ lY...Vq^a\ with V. . .a = Ax.y = T-U, and VI. . . ^ > 0, t<2\ although if this versor degenerate into 1 or - 1, the exponent t becomes or 2, and the base a has an indeterminate or ar- bitrary direction. And from such transformations ofversors new methods may be deduced, for treating questions of sphe- rical trigonometry, and generally of spherical geometry. (1.) Conceive that p, q, k, in Fig. 46, are replaced by a, b, c, with unit-vec- tors a, j3, y as usual ; and let a;, y, z be three scalars between and 2, determined by the three equations, VII. . . x7r = 2A, ^7r = 2B, 27r = 2c', where a, b, c denote the angles of the spherical triangle. The three versors, indi- cated by the three arrows in the upper part of the Figure, come then to be thus de- noted : VIII. . . 9 = a^ ; 9' = /32/ ; q'q = y2-z . so that we have the equation, IX. . . /3J/a*= 72-a ; or X. . . y^^va^^- 1 ; from which last, by easy divisions and multiplications, these two others immediately follow : X'. . . a^y^i^v = - 1 ; X", . . ^va^'y^ = - 1 ; the rotation round a from /3 to y being again supposed to be negative. (2.) In X. we may write (by 308, VIII.), XI. . . a»^ = casA ; /3J' = c/3sb; y« = cySC; and then the formula becomes, for any spherical triangle, in which the order of ro- tation is as above : XII. . . cysc . c/3sB . caSA = — 1; or (com p. IX.), XIII. . . - COS c + y sin c = (cos b + jS sin b) (cos a + a sin a). (3.) Taking the scalars on both sides of this last equation, and remembering that S/3a= - cos c, we thus immediately derive one form of ihQ fundamental equation of spherical trigonometry ; namely, the equation, XIV. . . cos c + cos a cos b = cos c sin a sin b, (4.) Taking the vectors, we have this other formula : XV. . . y sin c = a sin a cos B + jS sin b cos a + V/3« sin a sin E ; which is easily seen to agree with 306, XII., and may also be usefully compared with the equation 210, XXXVII. 368 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. (5.) The result XV. may be euunciated in the form of a Theorem^ as follows : — " If there be any spherical triangle abc, and three lines he drawn from the centre O of the sphere, one towards the point a, with a length = sin A cos B ; another towards the point b, with a length = sin b cos A ; and the third perpendicular to the plane aob, and towards the same side of it as the point C, with a length = sin c sin A sin B ; and if with these three lines as edges, we construct a parallelepiped : the intermediate diagonal from o will he directed towards c, and will have a length = sinc." (6.) Dividing both members of the same equation XV. by p, and taking scalars, we find that if p be any fourth point on the sphere, and q ih.^ foot of the perpendi- cular let fall from this point on the arc ab, this perpendicular pq being considered as positive when c and p are situated at one common side of that arc (or in one common hemisphere, of the two into which the great circle through a and b divides the sphe- ric surface), we have then, XVI. . . sin c cos pc = sin a cos b cos pa + sin b cos a cos pb + sin a sin b sin c sin pq ; a formula which might have been derived from the equation 210, XXXVIIL, by first cyclically changing aftcABC to 6caBCA, and then passing from the former triangle to its polar, or supplementary : and from which many less general equations may be deduced, by assigning particular positions to p. (7.) For example, if we conceive the point p to be the centre of the circumscribed small circle abc, and denote by R the arcual radius of that circle, and by s the se7nisum of the three angles, so that 2s=A + B4-c=7r + -2, y>-2, z>-2, they are introduced with a view to render the problem of finding the exponents xyz in the formula X. determinate ; for since we have, by 308, XXIV. . .a4 = ^4 = y4=+l, if Ta = T/3 = Ty = l, we might otherwise add any multiple (positive or negative) of the number four, to the value of the exponent of any unit-line, and the value of the resulting /jower would not be altered. (15.) If we admitted exponents = + 2, we might render the problem of satisfy- ing the equation X. indeterminate in another way ; for it would then be sufficient to suppose that any one of the three exponents was thus equal to + 2, or —2, and that the two others were each = ; or else that all three were of the form + 2. (16) When it was lately said (13.), that the exponents, x, y, z, in the formula X., if limited as above, would have one common sign, the case was tacitly excluded, for which those exponents, or some of them, when multiplied each by a quadrant, give angles not equal to those of the spherical triangle abc, whether positively or 3 B 370 ELEMENTS OF QUATERKIONS. [bOOK III. negatively taken ; but equal to the supplements of those angles, or to the negatives of those supplements. (17.) In fact, it is evident (because a^ = /32 = 72 = _ 1), that the equation X., or the reciprocal equation XXII., if it be satisfied by any one system of values of xj/z, will still be satisfied, when we divide or multiply any two of the three exponential factors, by the squares of the two unit-vectors, of which those factors are supposed to he powers: or in other words, if we subtract or add the number two, in each of two exponents, (18.) We may, for example, derive from XXII. this other equation : XXV. . . a2 ^/3^-3/y-s' = - 1 ; or XXVI. . . a^-^(3^-y= y'-^ ; which, when the rotation is as supposed in (1.), so that xyz are positive, maybe in- terpreted as follows. (19.) Conceive a lune cc', with points A and b on its two bounding semicircles, and with a negative rotation round A from b to c ; or, what comes to the same thing, with a positive rotation round A from b to c'. Then, on the plan illustrated by Fi- gures 45 and 46, the supplements tt - A, 7r — B, of the angles A and b in the triangle ABC, or the angles at the sa7ne points A and b in the co-lunar triangle abc', will represent two versors, a multiplier, and a multiplicand, which are precisely those denoted, in XXVI., by the two factors, a^"^ and (S^-v ; and the product of these two factors, taken in this order, is that third versor, which has its axis directed to o', and is represented, on the same general plan (177), by the external angle of the lune, at that point c' ; which, in quantity, is equal to the external angle of the same lune at c, or to the angle rr-c. This product is therefore equal to that power of the 2 unit-line oc', or - y, which has its exponent = - (tt — c) = 2 — z ; we have there- fore, by this construction, the equation, XXVII. . . a2-*/3«-y = (-y)2-«; which (by 308, (6.) ) agrees with the recent formula XXVI. 310. The equation, 2c 2b 2a I. . . 7'^P'^d^ = -l, which results from 309, (1.), and in which a, j3, 7 are the unit-vectors oa, ob, oc of any three points on the unit-sphere ; while the three scalars a, b, c, in the exponents of the three factors, represent generally the angular quantities of rotation, round those three unit-lines, or radii, a, j3, 7, from the plane Aoc to the plane aob, from boa to bog, and from cob to coa, and are positive or negative according as these rotations of planes are themselves positive or negative : must be regarded as an important formula, in the applications of the present Calculus. It includes^ for example, the whole doctrine of Spherical Triangles; not merely because it conducts, as we CHAP. I.] SPHERICAL SUM OF ANGLES. 371 have seen (309, (3.) ), to one form of the fundamental scalar equation of spherical trigonometry^ namely to the equation, II. . . cos c + cos A cos B = COS c sin A sm b ; but also because it gives a vector equation (309, (4.) ), which serves to connect the angles^ or the rotations^ a, b, c, with the directions* of the radii, a, j3, 7, or OA, ob, go, for any system of three diverging right lines from one origin. It may, there- fore, be not improper to make here a few additional remarks, respecting the nature, evidence and extension of the recent formula I. (1.) Multiplying both members of the equation I., by the inverse exponential 20 y "" , vfe have the transformation (comp. 309, (1.) ) : 2b 2a 2c 2(7r — c) IIL . . j3^ a^ =-y ^ =y '^ . 2a (2.) Again, multiplying both members of I. intof a t, we obtain this other for- mula: 2c 2b 2a 2(ff — a) IV. . . y'' (3^ =-a~^ =a ^ . 2a 20 (3.) Multiplying this last equation IV. by a'^, and the equation III. into y"^, we derive these other forms : * This may be considered to be another instance of that habitual reference to direction, as distinguished from mere quantity (or magnitude), although combined therewith, which pervades the present Calculus, and is eminently characteristic of it ; whereas Des Cartes, on the contrary, had aimed to reduce all problems of geo- metry to the determination of the lengths of right lines : although (as all who use his co-ordinates are of course well aware) a certain reference to direction is even in his theory inevitable, in connexion with the interpretation of negative roots (by him called inverse or false roots) of equations. Thus in the first sentence of Schooten's recently cited translation (1659) of the Geometry of Des Cartes, we find it said: " Omian Geometriae Problemata facile ad hujusmoditerminosreduci possunt, ut deinde ad illorum constructionem, opus tantum sit rectarum quarundam longitudinem cognoscere." The very different view of geometry, to which the present writer has been led, makes it the more proper to express here the profound admiration with which he re- gards the cited Treatise of Des Cartes : containing as it does the germs of so large a portion of all that has since been done in mathematical science, even as concerns imaginary roots of equations, considered as marks of geometrical impossibility. t For the distinction between multiplying a quaternion into and by a factor, see the Notes to pages 146, 159. 372 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. 2a 2c 2b 2b 2a 2c V. . . a'T y'r /S" =-1; VI. . . /3^ o*^ y'^ = - 1 ; so that cyclical permutation of the letters, a, /3, y, and A, B, c, is allowed in the equation I. ; as indeed was to be expected, from the nature of the theorem which that equation expresses. (4.) From either V. or VI. we can deduce the formula: 2a 2c 2b 2 (tt — b) VII. . . a'T y?r = _^ 7r = ^ n ; by comparing which with III. and IV , we see that cyclical permutation of letters is permitted, in these equations also. (5.) Taking the recijaroca/ (or conjugate) of the equation I., we obtain (com- pare 309, XXII.) this other equation : 2a 2b 2c VIII. . . a~»r j3~7r y T=_l; 2 (tt — A) 2(7r — B) 2(7r-c ) or IX. . . a If (3 If y •" = + 1; in which cyclical permutation of letters is again allowed, and from which (or from III.) we can at once derive the formula, 2a 2b 2c X. . . a «• ^" TT = _ y »r. (6.) The equation X. may also be thus written (comp. 309, XXVII.) : 2(7r — A) 2 (TT — B) 2(7r — c) 2 (tt — c) XI. . . a '^ TT =.j,~ TT =(-y) T . (7.) And all the foregoing equations may be interpreted {cqvc\'^. 309, (19.) ), and at the same time/jrorerf, by a reference to that general construction (177) for the multiplication ofversors, which the Figures 45 and 46 were designed to illustrate; if we bear in mind that a power a*, of an unit-line a, with a scalar exponent, t, is (by 308, 309) a versor, which has the effect of turning a line -^ a, through t right an- gles, round a as an axis of rotation. (8.) The principle expressed by the equation I , from which all the subsequent equations have been deduced, may be stated in the following manner, if we adopt the definition proposed in an earlier part of this work (180, (4.) ), for the spherical sum of two angles on a spheric surface : " For any spherical triangle, the Spherical Sum of the three angles, if taken in a suitable Order, is equal to Two Right Angles." (9.) In fact, when the rotation round A from B to c is negative, i{ we spherically add the angle b to the angle a, the spherical sum so obtained is (by the definition referred to) equal to the external angle at c; if then we add to this sum, or supple- ment of c, the angle c itself, we get di final or total sum, which is exactly equal to 7r ; addition of spherical angles at one vertex, and therefore in one plane, being ac- complished in the usual manner; but the spherical summation of angles with diffe- rent vertices being performed according to those new rules, which were deduced in the Ninth Section of Book II., Chapter I. ; and were connected (180, (6.) ) with the conception of angular transvection, or of the composition of angular motions, in dif- ferent and successive planes. CHAP. I.] ADDITION OF ARCS ON A SPHERE. 373 (10.) "Without pretending to attach importance to the following notation, we may- just propose it in passing, as one which may serve to recall and represent the con- ception here referred to. Using a plus in parentheses, as a symbol or characteristic of such spherical addition of angles, the formula I. may be abridged as follows: XII. . . c(+)B(+)A=7r; the symbol of an added angle being written to the left of the symbol of the angle to which it is added (comp. 264, (4.) ) ; because such addition corresponds (siS above) to a multiplication ofversors, and we have agreed to write the symbol of the multi- plier to the left* of the symbol of the multiplicand, in every multiplication of qua- ternions. 311. There is, however, another view of the important equation 310, I., according to which it is connected rather with addition of arcs (180, (3.) ), than with addition of angles (180, (4.) ); and may be interpreted) and proved anew^ with the help of the supplementary or polar triangle^ a'b'c', as follows. (1.) The rotation round a from b to o being still supposed to be negative, let a', b', c' be (as in 175) the positive poles of the sides bc, ca, ab ; and let a', (5', y' be their unit- vectors. Then, because the rotation round a from y' to /3' is positive (by 180, (2.) ), and is in quantity the supplement of the spherical angle a, the pro- duct y'j3' will be (by 281, (2.), (3.)) a versor, of which a is the axis, and a the angle; with similar results for the two other products, a'y', (5' a'. (2.) If then we write (comp. 291), I. . . a' = UV/3y, /3' = UVya, y' = UVa|3, supposing that II. ..Ta = T/3 = Ty = l, and III. . . Sa/3y > 0, we shall have (comp. again 180, (2.) ), IV. . . a = UVy'/3', (3 = Way', y = UV)3V, and V. .. A=z.y'/3', B = z.a'y', c = lfS'a'', whence (by 308 or 309) we have the following exponential expressions for these three last products of unit-lines, 2a 2b 2c VI. . . y '^' = a~' ; a'y ' = j3^ ; (i'a = y^. (3.) Multiplying these three expressions, in an inverted order, we have, there- fore, the new product : 2c 2b 2a VII. . .y-^ ^ a"^ = j3'a'. a'y'. y'jS' = y'2/3'2 c'a' + o b'c' = ; each of the the two left-hand symbols denoting an arc, which is conceived to be added (as a successive vector-arc, 180, {d.) ), to the arc whose symbol immediately /o//ow« it, or is written next it, but towards the right-hand. (6.) The expressions VI. or VIII., for the exponential factors in 310, I., show in a new way the necessity of attending to the order of those factors, in that formula : for if we should invert that order, without altering (as in 310, VIII.) the exponents, we may now see that we should obtain this new product : 2a 2b ic , , XI. . . a^ /S"^ y^ =- ^ -, ^ = + (/i8'a')2 ; (5 y a which, on account of the diplanarity of the lines a', (3', y', is not equal to negative unity, but to a certain other versor ; the properties of which may be inferred from what was shown in 297, (64.), and in 298, (8.), but upon which we cannot here delay. 312. In general (comp. 221), an equation^ such as 1...?'=?, between two quaternions, includes a system o//our* scalar equa- tions, such as the following : II. . . Sq = ^q; Saq' = Saq ; Sj3^' = S(5q ; Syq = Syq ; where a, j3, y may be ani/ three actual and diplanar vectors : and conversely, if* a, /3, y be any three such vectors, then the four scalar equations II. reproduce, and are sufficiently re- * The propriety, which such results as this establish, for the use of the name, Quaternions, as applied to this whole Calculus, on account of its essential connexion with the number Four, does not require to be again insisted on. CHAP. I.] A QUATERNION EQUATION INCLUDES FOUR. 375 placed by, the one quaternion equation I. But an equation between two vectors is equivalent only to a system of three sca- lar equations^ such as the three last equations II. ; for exam- ple, in 294, (12.), the one vector equationXXll. is equivalent to the three scalar equations XXI., under the immediately preceding condition of diplanarity XX. In like manner, an equation between two versors of quaternions,* such as the equa- tion III. ..JJq'=\Jq, includes generally a system of three, but of not more than three, scalar equations ; because the versor \]q depends gene- rally (comp. 157) on a system of three scalars, namely the two which determine its axis Ax. q, and the one which determines its angle /. q ; or because the versor equation III. requires to be combined with the tetisor equation, IV. . . Tq=Tq, compare 187 (13.), in order to reproduce the quaternion equation I. Now the re- cent equation, 310, I., is evidently of this versor-form III., if a, j3, 7 be still supposed to be unit-lines. If then we met that equation, or if one of its form had occurred to us, without any knowledge of its geometrical signification, we might propose to resolve it, with respect to the three scalars a, b, c, treated as three unknown quantities. The few following remarks, on the problem thus proposed, may be not out of place, nor unin- structive, here. (1.) Wiitiug for abridgment, V, . . cot A = t, cot B = M, cot c = V, and VI. . . « = — cosec a cosec b cosec c, the equation to be resolved becomes (by 308, VII., or 309, XII.), VII. ..(y + y) («+/S) {t + a) = s; in which the tensors on both sides are already equal, because * An equation, Up'= Up, or UV9' = UV9, between two versors of vectors (156), or between the axes of two quaternions (291), is equivalent only to a system of ^ujo scalar equations ; because the direction of an axis^ or of a vector^ depends on a sys- tem of two angular elements (111). 376 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. VIII. . . «2 = (y2 + 1) (a2 + 1) (<« + 1). (2.) Multiplying the equation VII. by t + a, and into t-a, and dividing the re- sult by i^ + 1, we have this new equation of the same form, but differing by cyclical permutation (comp. 310, (3.) ) : IX. ..(« + a)(«+y)(«+)8) = «; and in like manner, X. . . (u + p)(t+a)(:o-\-y) = 8. (3.) Taking the half difference of the two last equations, and observing that (by 279, IV., and 294, II.) XI V|(i3ar-ariS)=V./3Vay = ySa/3-aS/3y, "'\i(l3a-a(i) = Y(3a, K(^y-y^) = Y(3y, we arrive at this new equation, of vector form : XII. . . = vYpa + tY(3y + ySa/3 - aS/3y ; which is equivalent only to a system of two scalar equations, because it gives = 0, when operated on by S./8 (comp. 294, (9.) ). (4.) It enables us, however, to determine the twoscalars, t and v ; for if we ope- rate on it by S.a, we get (comp. 298, XXVI. ), XIII. . . fSa/3y = a2S/3y-S^aSay = S(V/3a.Vay); and if we operate on the same equation XII. by S . y, we get in like manner, XIV. . . rSa/3y = y2Sa/3 - SaySy(3 = S(Vay.Vy/3). (5.) Processes quite similar give the analogous result, XV. . . uSal3y = |32Sya - Sy/3 S/3a = S (Vy/3 . V/3a) : and thus the problem is resolved, in the sense that expressions have been found for the three sought scalars t, u, v, or for the cotangents V. of the three sought angles A, B, c : whence the fourth scalar, s, in the quaternion equation VII., can easily be deduced, as follows. (6.) Since (by 294, (6.), changing S to a, and afterwards cyclically permuting) we have, for any three vectors a, j3, y, the general transformations, XVI. . . aSa/3y = Y(Y(3a . Vay), /3Sa)3y = V(Vy/3 .Yl3a), ySa/3y = V(ay.Vy/3), the expressions XIII. XV. XIV. give, Ut +a)Sai3y = Vi3a.Vay; XVII. ..)(u + (B) Sa(5y = Vy/3 .Y(3a ; ((» + y)Sa/3y = Vay .Vy/3; whence, by VII , XVIII, . . «(Sa/3y)3 = (Vy/3)2(Vi8a)2 (Vay)2; and thus the remaining scalar, s, is also entirely determined. ( 7.) And the equation VIII. may be verified, by observing that the expressions XVII. give, ((«« + 1) (Sa/3y)2 = (V/3a)2 (Vay)2 ; XIX. . . («2 + 1) (Sa/3y)2 = (Vy;8)^ (V,8a)2 ; ( («2 + 1) (SafSyy = (Vay)2 ( Vy/3)=*. (8.) The equations XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. give, by elimination of Saf3y, these new expressions : CHAP. I.J SOLUTION OF THE EXPONENTIAL EQUATION. 377 XX. . . a<-» = (V : S) (Vi3a . Vay) ; /3«-' = (V : S) (Vy/3 . Y(3a) ; y«-l=(V:S)(Vay.Vy/3); by comparing which Avith the formula 281, XXVIII., after suppressing (291) the characteristic I, we find that the three scalars, t, u, v, are either 1st, the cotangents of the angles opposite to the sides a, b, c, of the spherical triangle in which the three given unit-lines a, (3, y terminate^ or Ilnd, the negatives of those cotangents, the angles themselves of that triangle being as usual supposed to hepositive (309, (10.) ), according as the rotation round a from /3 to y is negative or positive : that is (294, (3.) ), according as Sa/3y >or < ; or finally, by XVIIL, according as the fourth scalar, s, is negative or positive, because the second member of that equation XVIII. is ahvays negative, as being the product of three squares of vectors (282, 292). (9.) In the 1st case, which is that of 309, (1.), we see then anew, by V. and VI., that we are permitted to interpret the scalars A, B, c, in the exponential formula 310, L, as equal to the angles of the spherical triangle (8.), which are usually de- noted by the same letters. But we see also, that we may add any even multiples of TT to those three angles, without disturbing the exponential equation ; or any one even, and two odd multiples of tt, in any order, so as to preserve o, positive product of cosecants, because s is, for this case, negative in VI., by (8.). (10.) In the Ilnd case, which is that of 309, (11.), we may, for similar reasons, interpret the scalars A, B, c, in the formula 310, 1., as equal to the negatives of the angles of the triangle; and as thus having, what VI. now requires, because s is now positive (8.), a negative product of cosecants, while their cotangents have the values required. But we may also add, as in (9.), any multiples of tc, to the scalars thus found for the formula, provided that the number of the odd multiples, so added, is itself even (0 or 2). (11.) The conclusions of 309, or 310, respecting the interpretation of the expo- nential formula, are therefere confirmed, and might have been anticipated, by the present new analysis : in conducting which it is evident that we have been dealing with real scalars, and with real vectors, only. (12.) If this last restriction were removed, and imaginary values admitted, iu the solution of the quaternion equation VII., we might have begun by operating, aa in II., on that equation, by i\\Q four characteristics, XXI. . . S, S . a, S . /3, and S . y ; which would have given, with the significations 297, (1.), (3.), of/, m, n, and e, and therefore with the following relation between those ybi/r scalar data, XXII. . . e2 = 1-/2-^2 -n2+2Zm», a system of four scalar equations, involving theyb«r sought scalars, s, t, u, v; from which it might have been required to deduce the (real or imaginary) values of those four scalars, by the ordinary processes of algebra. (13.) The four scalar equations, so obtained, are the following: = e + lt-\- mu 4- nr — tuv + s ; = c< + tiitu + ntv + «w - Z : ^ . . = - ew + ftw + *w + nuv + m - 2/n ; = ew + 2. (1.) One mode of proving this extended formula is the following. Letoc = y be the unit-vector of an arbitrary point c on the spheric surface ; and conceive that arcs of great circles are drawn from this point c to the n successive corners of the polygon. We shall thus have a system of « spherical triangles, and each angle of the polygon will (generally) be decomposed into two (positive or negative) partial angles, which may be thus denoted : II. . . CA1A3 = Ai', CA2A3 = A2', . . . ; III. . . AnAiC = Ai", A1A2C = A2", . . . ; so that, with attention to signs of angles in the additions, IV. . . Ai = Ai' + Ai", A2 = A2' + A2", &c. Also let v. . . AoCAi = Ci, A3CA2 = C3, &c. ; and therefore VI. . . Ci + C2 + . . + C,» = an even multiple of tt, which reduces itself to 27r in the simple case of a polygon with no re-entrant angles, and with the point c in its interior. (2.) Then, for the triangle CA1A2, of which the angles Are Ci, Ai', A2", we have, by 310, III., the equation, 2A2" 2Ai' 2Ci VII. . . a2 '^ aj T = — y n- ; and in like manner, for the triangle CA2A3, we have * The formula admits of interpretation, even for the case n~2. 380 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. 2A:j 2A2' 2C2 VIII. . . 03 '^ a2 '^ - - y "■ » &c. Bat, when we multiply VII. by VIII., we obtain, by IV., the product, 243" 8A2 2Ai' 2(Ci + C2) IX. . . as "^ a2 '^ ai T = + y 'f ; and so proceeding, we have at last, by VI., a product of the form, 2Ai" 2A;j 2A2 2Ai' X. . . ai T a„ T . . . a2 «■ ai «■ = (- 1)'* ; 2Ai" 2Ai" which reduces itself to I., when it is multiplied hy a "^ , and into a "^ (comp. 310, (3.) ). The theorem is therefore proved. (3.) In words (comp. 310, (8.) ), " the spherical sum of the successive angles of any spherical polygon, if taken in a suitable order, is equal to a multiple of two right angles, which is odd or even, according as the number of the sides (or corners) of the polygon is itself odd or even'''' : the definition formerly given (180, (4.) ), of a Sphe- rical Sum of Angles, being of course retained. And the reasoning may be briefly stated thus. When an arbitrary point c is taken on the spherical surface, as in (1.), the spherical sum of the two partial angles, at the ends of any one side, is the supple- ment of the angle which that side subtends, at the point c ; but the sum of all such subtended angles is either four right angles, or some whole multiple thereof: there- fore the sum of their supplements can differ only by some such multiple from nir, if n be the number of the sides. (4.) Whatever that number may be, if we denote by p„ the exponential product in the formula I., we have for every vector p, and for every quaternion q, the equa- tions : XI. . . pnppn'^ = p', XII. . . pnqpn'^ = ? ; whereof the former may (by 308, (8.), be thus interpreted: — " If any line OP, drawn from the centre O of a sphere, he made to revolve coni' cally round any n radii, OAi, . . OA^, as n successive axes of rotation, through an- gles equal respectively to the doubles of the angles of the spherical polygon Ai . .An, the line will be brought back to its initial position, by the composition of these n rota- tions.^^ (5.) Another way of proving the extended formula I., for anj' sphencal polygon, is analogous to that which was employed in 311 for the case of a triangle on a sphere, and may be stated as follows. Let Ai', A2', . . . A,/ be the positive poles of the arcs A1A2, A2A3, . . . ArtAi ; and let ai, az, . . . an be the unit- vectors of those n poles. Then the point Ai is the positive pole of the new arc Ai'a,/, and the angle Ai of the polygon at that point is measured by the supplement of that arc ; with similar re- sults for other corners of the polygon. Thus we have the system of expressions (comp. 311, VI.): 2Ai 2A^ XIII. . . ai w = aiUn ; . . . a,i '^ = an'a'n-i ; 80 that the product of powers in I. is equal to the following product of n squares of unit-lines, and therefore to the n'^ poiver of negative unity, CHAP. I.] FORMULA FOR A SPHERICAL QUADRILATERAL. 381 XIV. . . a'na'n-\ . a'n-ia'„-3 . . . a'oa'i . a'ia'„ = (- 1)" ; and thus the extended theorem is proved anew. (6.) This latter process may be translated into another theorem of rotation, on which it is possible that we may briefly return,* in the Second and last Chapter of this Third Book, but upon which we cannot here delay. (7.) It may be remarked however here (comp. 309, XII.), that the extended exponential formula I. may be thus written : XV. . . CanS An • Ca„-iSAn_i . . . Ca2S A2 . caiS Ai = (- I)'*. (8.) For example, if abcd be any spherical quadrilateral, of which the angles (suitably measured) are denoted by A, . . d, so that a represents the positive or ne- gative rotation from ad to AB, &c., while a, j3, y, 5 are the unit vectors of its cor- ners, then XVI. . . c^sD .cysc . c/3sB.casA = + l. (9.) Hence (comp. 309, XIII.), we may write also, XVII. . . (cos c - y sin c) (cos d - ^ sin d) = (cos b + /3 sin b) (cos a + a sin a) ; and therefore, by taking scalars on both sides, and changing signs, XVIII. . . - cos c cos D + sin c sin d cos cd = — cos b cos A + sin b sin a cos ba ; in fact, each member of this last formula is equal (by 309, XIV.) to the cosine of the angle aeb, or ced, if the opposite sides ad, bc of the quadrilateral intersect in e. (10.) Let jO = OP be the unit vector of any fifth point, p, upon the spheric sur- face; then operating by S . p on XVII., we obtain this other general formula. JO = sir 'I + sir „ = sin A cos B cos ap + sm b cos a cos bp + sin a sin b sin ab sin pq ■ sin c cos D cos cp + sin d cos c cos dp + sin c sin d sin cd sin pr : in which the sines of the sides AB, CD are treated as always positive ; but the sines of the perpendiculars pq and PR, on those two sides, are regarded as positive or ne- gative, according as the rotations round p, from A to b and from c to d, are negative or positive : and hence, by assigning particular positions to p, several other but less general equations of spherical tetragonometry can be derived. (11.) For example, if we place p at the intersection, say F, of the opposite sides ab, CD, the two last perpendiculars will vanish, and two of the six terms will disap- pear, from the general formula XIX. ; and a similar reduction to four terms will occur, if we make the arbitrary point p the pole of a side, or of a diagonal. 314. The definition o£ the power a\ which was assigned in 308, enables us to form some useful expressions, by quaternions, for cir- cular^ elliptic, and spii'al loci^ in a given plane, or in space, a few of which may be mentioned here. (1.) Let a be any given unit- vector oa, and /3 any other given line ob, perpendi- cular to it ; then, by the definition (308), if we write, Compare 297, (24.). 382 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. J...OF = p = a% Ta = l, Sa/3 = 0, the locus of the point p will be the circumference of a circle, with o for centre, and OB for radius, and in a plane perpendicular to OA. (2.) If we retain the condition Ta = 1, but not the condition Sa/3 = 0, then the product a^^ will be in general a quaternion, and not merely a vector ; but if we take its vector-part (292), we can form this new vector- expression, II. . . OP = jO = V. a*/3 = /3 cos a; + y sin x, where III. . . 2x = tir, and IV. . . y = oc = Va/3 ; and now the locus of p is a plane ellipse, with its centre at o, and with OB and oc for its major and minor semiaxes : while the angular quantity, x, is what is often called the excentric anomaly. (3.) If we write, under the same conditions (2.), V. . . OB'=/3' = V/3a: a = a-iy, and VI. .. op' =p' = Vpa: a = aV|Oa, 60 thatB' and p' are the projections (203) of b and v ona plane drawn through o, at right angles to the unit-line OA, we have then, by II., the equation, VII. . . p' = j8' cos ic + y sin aj = a*^' -, so that the locus of this projected point p' is a circle, with ob' and oc for two rectan- gular radii. (4.) Under the same conditions, the elliptic locus (2.), of the point p itself, is the section of the right cylinder (compare 203, (5.) ), VIII. . . TVap = TVa/3 = Ty, made by the plane, IX. . . = Sy(3p, or IX'. . . /32Sap = Sa^S/3p (comp. 298, XXVI.) ; as a confirmation of which last form we have, by II. and IV., X. . . Sap = Sa/3 cos x, S/3p = (3^ cos x. (5.) If we retain the condition Sa/3 = (1.), but no^ now the condition Ta= 1, we may again write the equation I. for p ; but the locus ofv will now be a loga- rithmic spiral, with o for its pole, in the plane perpendicular to OA ; because equal angular motions, of the turning line OP, correspond now to equal multiplications of the length of that line p. (6.) For example, when the scalar exponent t is increased by 4, so that the re- volving unit line, XL. .Up = Ua*.U/3 returns (comp. 309, XXIV.) to the direction which it had before the increase of* was made, the length Tp of the turning line p itself or of the radius vector of the locus, is multiplied by Ta* ; which constant and positive scalar is not now equal to unity. (7.) If we reject both the conditions (1.), Ta=l, and Sa/3 = 0, so that the line a, or the base of the power a*, is now neither an unit-line, nor per- pendicular to /3, namely to the line on which that power operates, as & factor, we must again take vector parts, but we have now this new expression : XII. . . OP = p = V. a*/3 = a'(/3 cos a; + y sin a?) in which we have written, for abridgment, CHAP. I.] EXPRESSIONS FOR CERTAIN SPIRALS. 383 XIII. ..« = Ta, y = V(Ua./3). (8.) In this more complex case, the locus of p is still a plane curve, and may be said to be now an elliptic* logarithmic spiral; for if we suppress the scalar factor, a', we fall back on the /orm II., and have again an ellipse as the locus: but when we ifa^c accoMw* of that factor, we find (comp. (2.)) that equal increments of ex- centric anomaly («), in the auxiliary ellipse so determined, correspond to equal mul- tiplications of the length (Tp), of the vector of the new spiral. (9.) We may also project b and p, as in (3.), into points b' and p', on the plane through o perpendicular to OA, which plane still contains the extremity c of the auxiliary vector y ; and then, since it is easily proved that y = Ua./3', the equa- tion of the projected spiral becomes (with Ta > or < 1), XIV. . . jo' = a^(/3' cos a; -I- y sin x') = a^/3' ; so that we are brought back to the case (5.), and the projected curve is seen to be a logarithmic spiral, of the known and ordinary kind. (10.) Several spirals of double curvature are easily represented, on the same ge- neral plan, by merely introducing a vector-term proportional to t, combined or not with a constant vector-term, in each of the expressions above given, for the variable vector p. For example, the equation, XV. .. p = cta + a% with Ta = 1, and Sa/3 = 0, while c is any constant scalar different from zero, represents a helix, on the right circular cylinder VIII. (11.) And if we introduce a new and variable scalar, «, as Si factor in the right- band term, and so write, XVI. . . p = cta + ua% we shall have an expression for a variable vector p, considered as depending on two variable scalars {t and ?/), which thus becomes (99) the expression for a.'vector of a surface : namely of that important Screw Surface, which is the locus of the perpen- diculars, let fall from the various points of a given helix, on the axis of the cylinder of revolution, on which that helix, or spiral curve, is traced. 315. Without at present pursuing farther the study of these loci by quaternions, it may be remarked that the definition (308) of the power a\ especially for the case when Ta= 1, combined with the laws (182) of i,j, k, and with the identification (295) of those three important right versors with their own indices, enables us to esta- blish the following among other transformations, which will be found useful on several occasions. (1.) Let a be any unit-vector, and let t be any scalar ; then, I. . . S.a-'=S.a'; II. . . S. a-*-i = S . a«^i = - S . a<-'; ♦ The usual logarithmic spiral might perhaps be called, by contrast to this one, a circular logarithmic spiral. Compare the following sub-article (9.), respecting the projection of what is here called an elliptic logarithmic spiral. 384 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. III. . . a«=S.a« + aS.a'-i; IV. . . a-« = S. a'- aS. a<-i; V. . . (S . a02 + (S . a^i)2 = aiat= 1. (2.) Let a and t be any two unit-vectors, and let t be still any scalar ; then VI. . . S.a' = S.i*; VII. . . V.a« = aS. a'l ; VIII. . . aV. a« = a^S . a'l = S . a*+'. (3.) Hence, by the laws of z, j, k, IX. . . iV. it =jY.jt = kY.kt = ^. a«+». (4.) We have also, by the same principles and laws, X. . . iY.jt = V. A' ; jV. ¥ = V. it ; kV. it = Y.jt ; XI. . . jV. it=-Y.kt; kY.jt = - V. it ; iV. kt = - Y.jt, (5.) The expression 308, (10.), for an arbitrary vector p, may be put under the following form : XII. . . p = rV.;i2s+i + rA2«V.t2«. (6.) And it may be expanded as follows : XIII. . . p = r { (i cos tTT +j sin <7r) sin «7r + A cos stt } . (7.) We shall return, briefly, in the Second Chapter of this Book, on some of these last expressions, in connexion with differentials and derivatives of powers of vectors ; but, for the purposes of the present Section, they may suffice. Section 11 — On Powers and Logarithms ofJDiplanar Qua- ternions; with some Additional Formulce. 316. We shall conclude the present Chapter with a short Sup- plementary Section, in which the recent definition (308) of a power of a vector^ with a scalar exponent, shall be extended so as to include the general case, of a Power of a Quaternion, with a Quaternion Ex- ponent, even when the two quaternions so combined are diplanar: and a connected definition shall be given (consistent with the less general one of the same kind, which was assigned in the Second Chapter of the Second Book), for the Logarithm of a Quaternion in an arbitrary Plane ;* together with a few additional Formulas, which could not be so conveniently introduced before. (1.) We propose, then, to write, generally, q being any quaternion, and c being the real and known base of the natural (or Na- pierian) system of logarithms, of real and positive scalars : so that (as usual), * The quaternions considered, in the Chapter referred to, were all supposed to be in the plane of the right versor i. But see the Second Note to page 265. CHAP. I.] LOGARITHMS OF DIPLANAR QUATERNIONS. 385 II. ..£ = £1=1+1+ -i-+&c. = 2-71828... (Compare 240, (1.) and (2.).) (2.) We shall also write, for any quaternion q^ the following expression for what we shall call its principal logarithm^ or simply its Logarithm : III. . .\q = \Tq+ Lq.UYq; and thus shall have (comp. 243) the equation, IV. . . 6i* = q. (3.) When q is any actual quaternion (144), which does not degenerate (131) into a negative scalar, the formula III. assigns a definite value for the logarithm, \q ; which is such (comp, again 243) that V. ..Sl^^lT^; VI. .. Vlg=^9.UVg; VII. . . UVl^ = UV9 ; VIII. . .TVl5 = Z9; the scalar part of the logarithm being thus the (natural) logarithm of the tensor ; and the vector part of the same logarithm \q being constructed by a line in the direc- tion of the axis Ax. q, of which the length bears, to the assumed unit of length, the same ratio as that which the angle L q bears, to the usual unit of angle (comp. 241, (2.),W)- (4.) If it were merely required to satisfy the equation, IX... £9' = 9, in which q is supposed to be a given and actual quaternion, which is not equal to any negative scalar (3.), we might do this by writing (compare again 243), X. . . g' = (log q)n = 1? + 2n7rUVg', where n is any whole number, positive or negative or null ; and in this view, what we have called the logarithm, \q, of the quaternion q, is only what may be considered as the simplest solution of the exponential equation IX., and may, as such, be thus denoted : XI. ..19 = (log 9)0. (5.) The excepted case (3.), where 9 is a negative scalar, becomes on this plan a case of indetermination, but not of impossibility : since we have, for example, by the definition III., the following expression for the logarithm of negative unity, XII. .. l(-l) = 7rV-l; which in its form agrees 'fvith old and well-known results, but is here interpreted as signifying any unit-vector, of which the length bears to the uriit of length the ratio of TT to 1 (comp. 243, VII.). (6.) We propose also to write, generally, for any two quaternions, q and q', even ifdiplanar, the following expression (comp. 243, (4.) ) for what may be called the principal value o^thQ power, or simjjly the Power, in which the former quaternion q is the base, while the latter quaternion q is the exponent : XIII. . . 92' = £9'13; and thus this quaternion power receives, in general, with the help of the definitions I. and III., a perfectly definite signification. (7.) When the base, q, becomes a rector, p, its angle becomes a right angle ; the definition III. gives therefore, for this case, 3d 386 KLEMKNTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. XIV. . .lp=lTp + |Up; and this is the quaternion which is to be multipled by 9', in the expression, XV. . . p9' = 6«''P. (8,) When, for the same vector-base, the exponent q' becomes a scalar, t, the last formula becomes : XVI. . . p* = £<1P = Tp^ £^Up^ if 2a; = f TT ; and because, by I., the relation (Up)^ =—1 gives, XVII. . . £'UP = cos a? + Up sin x, or briefly, XVII'. . . t^^p = cpscc, we see that the former definition, 308, 1., of the power a\ is in this wsiy reproduced, as one which is included in the more general definition XIII., of the power qi' ; for we may write, by the last mentioned definition, XVIII. . . (Up)« = £^UP = cps y (comp. 234, VIII.), with the recent values XVI. and XVII., of x and t^^p. (9.) In the present theory of diplanar quaternions, we cannot expect to find that the sum of the logarithms of any two proposed yhc^ors, shall be generally equal to the logarithm of the product ; but for the simpler and earlier case of complanar quaternions, that algebraic property may be considered to exist, with due modifica- tions for 7nultiplicity of value* (10.) The definition III. enables us, however, to establish generally the very simple formula (comp. 243, II. III.) : XIX. . .lq=] (Tq . Vq) = \Tq + Wq ; in which (comp. (3.) ), XX. . . IU5 = Z 9 . TJYq = Y\q ; XXI. . . TlUg = ^ 9 ; XXII. . . UIU9 = UYq. (11.) We have also generally, by XIII., for any scalar exponent, t, and any quaternion lase, q, the power, XXIII. . . 9« = 6^1? = (Tqy. (cos t ^q+ \JYq .sint Iq); or brieflv, XXIIV. ..q*=Tqt. CVS tig, if v = \JYq; in which the parentheses about Tq may be omitted, because XXIV. . . T(90 = (T9)« = T9*(comp. 237, II.). (12 ) When the base and exponent of a power are two rectangular vectors, p and p', then, whatever their lengths may be, the product p'lp is, by XIV., a vector; but £1 is always a versor, XXV. . . £« = cos Ta + Ua sin la, if a be any vector ; Ave have therefore, * In 243, (3.), it might have been observed, that every value of each member of the formula IX., there given, is one of the values of the other member; and a similar remarli applies to the forraulca I. and II. of 236. CHAP. I.] POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF QUATERNIONS. 387 XXVI. . . T.pP'=l, if S.pjo'=0; or in words, the power pp' is a versor, under this condition of rectangularity . (13.) For example (comp. 242, (7.),* and the shortly following formula XXVIII.), XXVII. . . V = c^l' = -k; ji = £'U- = + A ; and generally, if the base be an unit- line, and the exponent a line of any length, but perpendicular to the base, the axis of the power is a line perpendicular to both ; un- less the direction of that axis becomes indeterminate, by the power reducing itself to a scalar, which in certain cases may happen. (14.) Thus, whatever scalar c may be, we may write, XXVIII. . . i<^= f'yi' = f-»<^*'' = cos A sin — ; 2 2 this power, then, is a versor (12.), and its axis is generally the line + k ; but in the case when c is any whole and et?en number, this versor degenerates into positive or ne- gative ««zVy (153), and the axis becomes indeterminate (131). (15.) If, for any real quaternion q, we write again, XXIX. . . UVg = V, and therefore XXX. . . vq^ gv, and XXXI. . . i;2 = - 1, the process of 239 will hold good, when we change i to v; the series, denoted in I. by eS', is therefore always at last convergent,^ however great (but finite) the tensor 'Iq may be ; and in like manner the two following other series, derived from it, which represent (comp. 242, (3.) ) what we shall call, generally, by analogy to known ex- pressions, the cosine and sine of the quaternion q, are always ultimately convergent : XXXII. . . C089 = i(s''9+ s-'9) = l - j«i+ j-^^-&C.l XXXIII.. .stoj = l(a^^-r^') = f-j^+j-^^.-&c. (16.) We shall also define that the secant, cosecant, tangent, and cotangent of a quaternion, supposed still to be real, are the functions : 2 2v XXXIV. . . sec o = ; cosec q = ; XXXV. . . tan o = —^ ^ ; cot q =-^ ^ ; ^ £"9 4- £-"9 c"? _ C-W9 and thus shall have the usual relations, sec g = 1 : cos q, &c. (17.) We shall also have, XXXVI. . . 6"' = cos 9 + V sin q, £-"* = cos 5 - w sin g ; * In the theory of complanar quaternions, it was found convenient to admit a certain multiplicity of value for & power, when the exponent was not a whole num- ber; and therefore a notation for the principal value of a power was employed, with which the conventions of the present Section enable us now to dispense. t In fact, it can be proved that this final convergence exists, even when the qua- ternion is imaginary, or when it is replaced by a biquaternion (214, (8.) ) ; but we have no occasion here to consider any but real quaternions. 388 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. and therefore, as in trigonometry (comp. 315, (!•))> XXXVII. . . (cos 9)2 + (sin 9)2 = e''^ . e-""^ =e° = 1, whatever quaternion q may be. (18.) And all the formulce of trigonometry, for cosines and sines of sums oUwo or more arcs, &c., will thus hold good for quaternions also, provided that the quater- nions to be combined are in any common plane ; for example, XXXVIII. . . cos {q' + g) = cos q cos q - sin q' sin q, if q' \\\ q- (19.) This condition of eomplanarity is here a necessary one; because (comp. (9. ) ) it is necessary for the establishment of the exponential relation between swns and powers. (20.) Thus, we may indeed write, XXXIX. . . £2'+? = £«'. £9, if q\\\q; but, in general, the developments of these two expressions give the difference, XL. . . £9'-^ 9 - £9' £9 = — — i-^ -f terms of third and higher dimensions ; and XLI. . . ^ {qq' - q'q) =Y {Yq .Yq'), an expression which does not vanish, when the quaternions q and q' are diplanar. (21.) A few supplementary formulae, connected with the present Chapter, maybe appended here, as was mentioned at the commencement of this Article (316). And first it may be remarked, as connected with the theory of powers of vectors, that if a, (3, y be any three unit-lines, OA, OB, oc, and if a denote the area of the spherical triangle abc, then the formula 298, XX. may be thus written : xLii...t±i:.liS.ll±y = X /S+ya + jS y + a the exponent being here a scalar. (22.) The immediately preceding formula, 298, XIX., gives for any three vec- tors, the relation : XLIIL . . (Ua/3y)2 + (U/3y)2 + (Uay)2+(Ua/3)2+4Uay.SUa/3.SU/3y = -2; for example, if a, j8, y be made equal to i, j, k, the first member of this equation be- comes, l-l-l-H-0 = -2. (23.) The following is a much more complex identity, involving as it does not only three arbitrary vectors a, j3, y, but also/o«r arbitrary scalar s, a, b, c, and r ; but it has some geometrical applications, and a student would find it a good exercise in transformations, to investigate a proof of it for himself. To abridge notation, the three vectors a, (3, y, and the three scalars a, b, c, are considered as each composing a cycle, with respect to which are formed sums S, and products U, on a plan which may be thus exemplified : XLIV. . . SaV/3y = aV/3y + 6Vya + cVa/3 ; Ua^ = a^b^c^. This being understood, the formula to be proved is the following : XLV. . . (Sa/3y)2 + (2aVi3y)^- + r2(SV/3y)2-r2(2a(/3-y))2 + 2n (r2 + SjSy + be) = 20 (r2 + a2) + 2 ria2 + 2(r2 + a2 + a«){(Vi3y)« + 26c(r2 + S/3y)-r2 03-y)«}; the sign of summation in the last line governing all that follows it. CHAP. I.] ADDITIONAL FORMULA, CONTACTS ON A SPHERE. 389 (24.) For example, by making the four scalars a, 6, c, r each =0, this formula gives, for any three vectors a, j3, y, the relation, XLVI. . . (Sa/3y)2 + 2nS/3y = "lUa^ -f 2 . a2(V/3y)2 ; which agrees with the very useful equation 294, LIII., because XLVII. . . a2(V/3yy = a^ {(Si3y)2 - /32y2 } = (aS/3y)2 - UaK (25.) Let a, /3, y be the vectors of three points A, b, c, which are exterior to a given sphere^ of which the radius is r, and the equation is, XLVIII. . . p2+ r2 = (comp. 282, XIII.) ; and let a, 6, c denote the lengths of the tangents to that sphere, which are drawn from those three points respectively. We shall then have the relations : XLIX. .. a2 + a2 = /32+fc2 = ^2-^c2 = -r2; thus r2+ a2= - a2, &c., and the second member of the formula XLV. vanishes ; the first member of that formula is therefore also equal to zero, for these significations of the letters : and thus a theorem is obtained, which is found to be extremely useful, in the investigation by quaternions of tbe system of the eight (real or imaginary) small circles^ which touch a given set of three small circles on a sphere. (26.) We cannot enter upon that investigation here; but may remark that be- cause the vector p of the foot p, of the perpendicular op let fall the origin o on the right line ab, is given by the expression, L. . . p = aS -i— + i3S = -^, as may be proved in various ways, the condition of contact of that right line ab with the sphere XLVIII. is expressed by the equation, LL . . TVjSa = rT {a-^); or LII. . . (Vj3a)2 = r2 (a - /3)2 ; or by another easy transformation, with the help of XLIX., LIII. . . (r2 + Sa/3)2 = (r2 + a2) (r2 + pi) = a2i2. (27.) This last equation evidently admits of decomposition into two factors, re- presenting two alternative conditions, namely, LIV. ..r2 + Sai3-a6 = 0; LV. . . r2 + Sa/3 + o6 = ; and if we still consider the tangents a and h (25.) &s positive, it is easy to prove, in several different ways, that the frst or the second factor is to be selected, according as the point p, at which the line ab touches the sphere, does or does not fall between the points A and b ; or in other words, according as the length of that line is equal to the sum, or to the difference, of those two tangents. (28.) In fact we have, for the first case, LVL . .T(j3-a) = 6 + a, or = (/S - a)2 + (6 + a)2 = -2 (r2+ Sa/3 -a6), in virtue of the relations XLIX. ; but, for the second case, LVIL . .T(/3-a)=±(6-a), or = (/3 -a)2 + (6-a)2 = -2(r2 + Sa/3 + a6) ; and it may be remarked, that we might in this way have been led to find the system of ihe two conditions (27.), and thence the equation LIII., or its transformations, LII. and LI. 390 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. (29.) We may conceive a cone oftangetits from A, circumscribing i\\Q sphere XLVIII., and touching it along a small circle, of which ih^ plane, or \hB polar plane of the point A, is easily found to have for its equation, LVIII. . . Sa/) + r2 = (comp. 294, (28.), and 215, (10.) ) ; and in Uke manner the equation, LIX. . . S/3.o + r2 = 0, represents the polar plane of the point b, which plane cuts the sphere in a second small circle : and these two circles touch each other, when either of the two con- ditions (27.) is satisfied; such contact being external for the caseLIV., hwtinternal for the case LV. (30.) The condition of contact (26.), of the line and sphere, might have been otherwise found, as the condition of equality of roots in the quadratic equation (comp. 216, (2.)), LX, . . = (a:a + y/3)2 + (a; + yY r^, or LXI. . . = 0:2 (r2 + ^2) + 2xy (r2 + Sa/3) + y3 (r^ + /32) ; the contact being thus considered here as a case of coincidence of intersections. (31.) The equation of conjugation (comp. 215, (13.)), which expresses that each of the two points a and b is in the polar plane of the other, is (with the present notations), LXII. . .r2 + Sa/3 = 0; the equal but opposite roots of LXI., which then exist if the line cuts the sphere, answering here to the well-known harmonic division of the secant line ab (comp. 215, (16.) ), which thus connects two conjugate points. (32.) In like manner, from the quadratic equation* 216, III., we get this analo- gous equation, connecting the vectors X, ju of any two points l, m, which are conjugate relatively to the ellipsoid 216, II. ; and if we place the point L on the surface, the equation LXIII. will i-epresent the tangent plane at that point i., considered as the locus of the conju- gate point M ; whence it is easy to deduce the normal, at any point of the elhpsoid. But all researches respecting normals to surfaces can be better conducted, in con- nexion with the Differential Calculus of Quaternions, to which we shall next pro- ceed. (33.) It may however be added here, as regards Powers of Quaternions with scalar exponents (11.), that the symbol q^rq-* represents a quaternion formed from r, by a conical rotation of its axis round that of q, through an angle — 2tLq', and that both members of the equation, LXIV. . . {qrq-^y=zqrtq'\ are symbols of one common quaternion. Corrected as in the first Note to page 298. Lxm. ..S- s^-s^-^ CHAP. II.] DEFINITION OF DIFFERENTIALS. 391 CHAPTER II. ON DIFFERENTIALS AND DEVELOPMENTS OF FUNCTIONS OF quaternions; and on some APPLICATIONS OF QUATER- NIONS, TO GEOMETRICAL AND PHYSICAL QUESTIONS. Section 1. — On the Definition of Simultaneous Differentials. 317. In the foregoing Chapter of the present Book, and in several parts of the Book preceding it, we have taken occasion to exhibit, as we went along, a considerable variety of Exam- pies, of the Geometrical Application of Quaternions : but these have been given, chiefly as assisting to impress on the reader the meanings of new notations, or oi new combinations of sym- bols, when such presented themselves in turn to our notice. In this concluding Chapter, we desire to offer a few additional examples, of the same geometrical kind, but dealing, more freely than before, with tangents and normals to curves and surfaces ; and to give at least some specimens, of the applica- tion of quaternions to Physical Inquiries, But it seems ne- cessary that we should first establish here some Principles, and some Notations, respecting Differeritials of Quaternions^ and of their Functions, generally. 318. The usual definitions, o{ differential coefficients, and of derived functions, are found to be inapplicable generally to the present Calculus, on account of the (generally) wow-cowz- Twz^^a^iue character of quaternion- multiplication (168, 191). It becomes, therefore, necessary to have recourse to a new Defi- nition of Differentials, which yet ought to be so framed, as to be consistent with, and to include, the usual Rules of Diffe- rentiation: because scalars (131), as well as vectors (292), have been seen to be included, under the general Conception of Quaternions. 319. In seeking? for such a new definition, it is natural to 392 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [boOK III. go back to the first principles of the whole subject of Diffe- rentials : and to consider how the great Inventor of Fluxions might be supposed to have dealt with the question, if he had been dq)rived of that powerful resource o^ common calculation, which is supplied by the commutative property of algebraic multiplication ; or by the familiar equation, xy=^yx, considered as a general one, or as subsisting for every pair of factors, X and y ; while limits should still be allowed, but in- finitesimals be still excluded: and indeed the fluxions them- selves should be regarded as generally finite,* according to what seems to have been the ultimate view of Newton. 320. The answer to this question, which a study of the Principia appears to suggest, is contained in the following Definition, which we believe to be a perfectly general one, as regards the older Calculus, and which we propose to adopt for Quaternions : — '* Simultaneous Differentials (or Corresponding Fluxions) are Limits of Equimultiples] of Simultaneous and Decreasing Differences." * Compare the remarks annexed to the Second Lemma of the Second Book of the Principia (Third Edition, London, 1726) ; and especially the following passage (page 244): " Neque enim spectatur in hoc Lemmate magnitude momentorum, sed prima nascentium proportio, Eodem recidit si loco momentorum usurpentur vel velocitates incrementorum ac decrementorum (quas etiam motus, mutationes et fluxiones quan- titatum nominare licet) vel finitae quaevis quantitates velocitatibus hisce proportion- ales." f As regards the notion of multiplying such differences, or generally any quanti- .ties which all diminish together, in order to render their ultimate relations more evi- dent, it may be suggested by various parts of the Principia of Sir Isaac Newton ; but especially by the First Section of the First Book. See for example the Seventh Lemma (p. 31), under which such expressions as the following occur : " intelligantur semper AB et AD ad puncta longinqua b Qi d produci," . . . . " ideoque rectae semper finitae Ah, Ad, . . ." The direction, " ad puncta longinqua produci," is repeated in con- nexion with the Eighth and Ninth Lemmas of the same Book and Section ; while under the former of those two Lemmas we meet the expression, " triangula semper finita," applied to the magnified representations of three triangles, which all diminish indefinitely together : and under the latter Lemma the words occur, " manente longi- tudine Ae,'" where Ae is a finite and constant line, obtained by a constantly increas- ing multiplication of a constantly diminishing line AE (page 33 of the edition cited). CHAP. II.] LIMITS OF EQUIMULTIPLES OF DIFFERENCES. 393 And conversely, whenever any simultaneous differences^ of any system of variables, all tend to vanish together^ according to any law^ or system of laws ; then, if any equimultiples of those decreasing differences all tend together to any system of finite limits, those Limits are said to be Simultaneous L>iffe- rentials of the related Variables of the System ; and are de^ noted, as such, by prefixing the letter d, as a characteristic of differentiation, to the Symbol of each such variable. 321. More fully and symbolically, let I. , .q,r,s,. .. denote any system of connected variables (quaternions or others); and let II. . . A^', Ar, As, . . . denote, as usual, a system of their connected (or simultaneous) diffe- rences ; in such a manner that the sums, III. , . q + Aq, r + Ar, s + As, . . . shall be a new system of variables, satisfying the same laws of con- nexion, whatever they may be, as those which are satisfied by the old system I. Then, in returning gradually from the new system to the old one, or in proceeding gradually from the old to the new, the simultaneous differences II. can all be made (in general) to approach together to zero, since it is evident that they may all vanish together. But if while the differences themselves are thus supposed to decrease* indefinitely together, we multiply them all by some one common but increasing number, n, the system of their equimultiples, IV. . . nAq, nAr, uAs, . . . may tend to become equal to some determined system of finite limits. And when this happens, as in all ordinary cases it may be made to do, by a suitable adjustment of the increase of n to the decrease of Aq, &c., the limits thus obtained are said to be simultaneous differentials of the related variables, q,r,s; and are denoted, as such, by the sym- bols, V. . . d^-, dr, d5, . . . * A quaternion may be said to decrease, when its tensor decreases ; and to de- crease indefinitely, when that tensor tends to zero. 3e 394 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. Section 2. — Elementary Illustrations of the Definition^ from Algebra and Geometry. 322. To leave no possible doubt, or obscurity, on the im- port of the foregoing Definition, we shall here apply it to de- termine the differential of a square^ in algebra, and that of a rectangle, in geometry; in doing which we shall show, that while for such cases the old rules are reproduced, the differen- tials treated of need not be small; and that it would be a vitia- tion, and not a correction, of the results, if any additional terms were introduced into their expressions, for the purpose of ren- dering all the differentials equal to the corresponding diffe- rences : though some of them may be assumed to be so, namely, in the first Example, one, and in the second Exam- ple, two. (1.) In Algebra, then, let us consider the equation, I. ..y = a:2, which gives, II. . . y + Ay = (a; -f Ax)\ and therefore, as usual,* III. . . Ai/ = 2xAx+ Ax"^; or what comes to the same thing, IV. . . nAy = 2xnAx + w"*(nAa;)2, where n is an arbitrary multiplier^ which may be supposed, for simplicity, to be a positive whole number. (2.) Conceive now that while the differences Ax and Ay, remaining always con- nected with each other and with x by the equation III., decrease, and tend together to zero, the number n increases, in the transformed equation IV., and tends to infi- nity, in such a manner that ^q product, or multiple, nAx, tends to ?,om& finite limit a ; which may happen, for example, by our obliging Ax to satisfy always the con- dition, V. . . Aa; = n-^a, or nAx = a, after a previous selection of some given and finite value for a. * We write here, as is common, Aa;' to denote (Aa;)2; while A.a;2 would be written, on the same known plan, for A {x^), or Ay. In like manner we shall write da;2, as usual, for (da;)2 ; and shall denote d(x^) by d.x^. Compare the notations S92, S.g2, and Yq^, Y.q^, in 199 and 204. CHAP. II.] ILLUSTRATION FROM ALGEBRA. 395 (3.) We shall then have, with this last condition V., the following expression by IV., for the equimultiple nAi/, of the other difference, Ay ; VI. . . »Ay = 2xa + n" 'a^ = 6 + n-ia2, if 6 = 2xa. But because a, and therefore a2, is given and finite, (2.), while the number n in- creases indefinitely, the term n-^a^, in this expression VI. for 7iAy, indefinitely tends to zero, and its limit is rigorously null. Hence the two finite quantities, a and b (since x is supposed to be finite), are two simultaneous limits, to which, under the supposed conditions, the two equimultiples, nAxandnAy, tend;* they are, therefore, by the definition (320), simultaneous differentials of x and y : and we may write ac- cordingly (321), VII. . . dx = a, ([y = b = 2xa ; or, as usual, after elimination of a, VIII. . . dy = d..r2 = 2a;da;. (4.) And it would not improve, but vitiate, according to the adopted definition (320), this usual expression for the differential of the square of a variable x in alge- bra, if we were to add to it the term da;'^, in imitation of the formula III. for the difference A.x^. For this would come to supposing that, for a given and finite value, a, of da;, or oi nAx, the term n'^a^, or n'^dx^, in the expression VI. fornAy, could fiiil to tend to zero, while the number, n, by which the square oidx is divided^ increases without limit, or tends (as above) to infinity. (5.) As an arithmetical example, let there be the given values, IX...x = 2, y = x^=4,, daj = 1000; and let it be required to compute, as a consequence of the definition (320), the arith- rithmetical value of the simultaneous differential, dy. We have now the following equimultiples of simultaneous differences, X. . .nAa; = da; = 1000; ndy = 4000+ 1000000 n-i ; but the limit of the n^^part of a million (or of any greater, hwt given and finite num- ber') is exactly zero, if n increase without limit ; the required value of dy is, therefore, rigorously, in this example, XI. . .dy = 4000. (6.) And we see that these two simultaneous differentials, XII. . .da; = 1000, dy = 4000, are not, in this example, even approximately equal to the two simultaneous diffe- rences, XIII. . . Aa; = da; = 1000, Ay = 10022 - 22 = 1004000, which answer to the value n = 1 ; although, no doubt, from the very conception of simultaneous differentials, as embodied in the definition (320), they must admit of having such equisubmultiples of themselves taken, XIV. . . n'^da; and n'dy, * In this case, indeed, the multiple wAa; has by V. a constant value, namely a ; but it is found convenient to extend the use of the word, limit, so as to include the case of constants : or to say, generally, that a constant is its own limit. 396 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. as to be nearly equal^ for large values of the number n, to some system of simulta- neous and decreasing differences, XV. . . Ax and Ay; arid more and more nearly equal to such a system, even in the way of ratio, as they all become smaller and smaller together, and tend together to vanish. (7.) For example, while the differentials themselves retain the constant values XII., their millionth parts are, respectively, XVI. .. n-Ma; = 0-001, and n-'dy = 0004, if n=1000000; and the same value of the number n gives, by X., the equally rigorous values of two simultaneous dfferenees, as follows, XVII. .. Ax = 0*001, and Ay = 0-004001; so that these values of the decreasing differences XV. may already be considered to be nearly equal to the two equisubmultiples, XIV. or XVI., of the two simultaneous differentials, XII. And it is evident that this approximation would be improved^ by taking higher values of the number, n, without the rigorous and constant values XII., of diC and dy, being at all affected thereby. (8.) It is, however, evident also, that after assuming y = x^, and a; = 2, as in IX., we might have assumed any other finite value for the differential dx, instead of the value 1000 ; and should then have deduced a different (but &i\l\ finite') value fox the other differential, dy, and not the formerly deduced value, 4000 : but there would always exist, in this example, or for this form of the function, y, and for this value of the variable, x, the rigorous relation between the two simultaneous differentials, dx and dy, XVIII. ..dy = 4da;, which is obviously a case of the equation VIII., and can be proved by similar rea- sonings. 323. Proceeding to the promised Example from Geometry (322), we shall again see that differences and differentials are not in gene- ral to be confounded with each other, and that the latter (like the former) need not he small. But we shall also see that the differentials {like the differences), which enter into a statement of relation, or into the enunciation of a proposition, respecting quantities which vary to- gether, according to any law or laws, need not even he homogeneous among themselves : it being sufficient that each separately should be homogeneous with the variable to which it corresponds, and of which it is the differential, as line of line, or area of area. It will also be seen that the definition (320) enables us to construct the differential of a rectangle, as the sum of two other {finite) rectangles, without any refe- rence to units of length, or of area, and without even the thought of employing any numerical calculation whatever. CHAP. II.] ILLUSTRATION FROM GEOxMKTRY. 397 (1.) Let, then, as in the annexed Figure 74, abcd be any given rectangle, and let BE and dg be any arbitrary but given and finite -j^ increments of its sides, ab and ad. Complete the increased rectangle gaef, or briefly af, which will thus exceed the given rectangle ac, or CA, by the sum of the three partial rectangles, ce, cf, cg ; or by what we may call the gnomon^ * cbefgdc. On the diagonal cf take a point i, so that the line ci may be any arbitrarily selected submultiple of that diago- nal ; and draw through i, as in the Figure, lines hm, Fig. 74, KL, parallel to the sides ad, ab ; and therefore in- tercepting, on the sides ab, ad prolonged, equisubmultiples bh, dk of the two given increments, be, dg, of those two given sides. (2.) Conceive now that, in this construction, ih&point i approaches to c, or that we take a series of new points i, on the given diagonal of, nearer and nearer to the given point c, by taking the line ci successively a smaller and smaller part of that diagonal. Then the two new linear intervals^ bh, dk, and the new gnomon, cbhikdc, or the sum of the three new partial rectangles, CH, ci, ck, will all indefinitely de- crease, and will tend to vanish together : remaining, however, always a system of three simultaneous differences (or increments), of the two given sides, AB, AD, and of the given area, or rectangle, AC. (3.) But the given increments, be and dg, of the two given sides, are always (by the construction) equimultiples of the two fir st^ of the three new and decreasing differences ; they may, therefore, by the definition (320), be arbitrarily taken as two simultaneous differentials of the two sides, AB and AD, provided that we then treat, as the coiTCsponding or simultaneous differential of the rectangle Ac, the limit of the equimultiple of the new gnomon (2.), or of the decreasing difference between the two rectangles, AC and Ai, whereof i\iQ first is given. (4.) We are then, first, to increase this new gnomon, or the difference of AC, ai, or the sum (2.) of the three partial rectangles, ch, ci, ck, in the ratio of be to bh, or of DG to DK ; and secondly, to seek the limit of the area so increased. For this last limit will, by the definition (320), be exactly and rigorously equal to the sought dif- ferential of the rectangle AC ; t/the given and finite increments, be and dg, be as- sumed (as by (3.) they may) to be the differentials of the sides, ab, ad. (5.) Now when we thus increase the two new partial rectangles, ch and ck, we get precisely the two old partial rectangles, ce and cg ; which, as being given and constant, must be considered to be their own limits, f But when we increase, in the same ratio, the other new partial rectangle ci, we do not recover the old partial rectangle CF, corresponding to it ; but obtain the new rectangle cl, or the equal rectangle cm, which is not constant, but diminishes indefinitely as the point i ap- proaches to c ; in such a manner that the limit of the area, of this new rectangle cl or CM, is rigorously null. * The word, gnomon, is here used with a slightly more extended signification, than in the Second Book of Euclid, t Compare the Note to page 395. 398 ELEMENTS OF QU ATKllNIONS. [booK III. (6.) //", then, the given increments, be, dg, be still assumed to be the differen- tials of the given sides ab, ad (an assumption which has been seen to he permitted^, the differential of the given area, or rectangle, AC, is proved (not assumed) to be, as a necessary consequence of the definition (320), exactly and rigorously equal to the sum of the two partial rectangles CE and CG ; because such is the limit (5.) of the multiple of the new gnomon (2.), in the construction. (7.) And if any one were to suppose that he could improve this known value for the differential of a rectangle, by adding to it the rectangle CF, as a new term, or part, so as to make it equal to the old or given gnomon (1.), he would (the definition being granted) commit a geometrical error, equivalent to that of supposing that the two similar rectangles ci and cr, bear to each other the simple ratio, instead of bear- ing (as they do) the duplicate ratio, of their homologous sides. Section 3. — On some general Consequences of the Definition. 324. Let there be any proposed equation of the form, I. ..Q = i^(5r, r, ...); and let d^', dr, . . . be any assumed (but generally finite) and simultaneous differentials of the variables^ q, r, . . . whether scalars, or vectors, or quaternions, on which Q is supposed to depend, by the equation I. Then the corresponding (or simul- taneous) differential o^ th^w function, Q, is equal (by the de- finition 320, compare 321) to the following limit: II. . . dQ = lim.w (2^(5' + 72-^5', r + w'dr, .. .)-F(q,r, ...)); 71= CO where n is any whole number (or other positive* scalar) which, as the formula expresses, is conceived to become indefinitely greater and greater, and so to tend to infinity. And if, in particular, we consider the function Q as involving only one variable q, so that III. ..Q =/(?)=/?, then TV. . .dQ = dfq = \im,n{f(q ^n-'dq)--fq]; n= 00 a formula for the differential of a single explicit function of a single variable, which agrees perfectly with those given, near the end of the First Book, for the differentials of a vector, and of a scalar, considered each as a function (100) of a single sea- * Except in some rare cases of discontinuity, not at present under our considera- tion, this scalar n may as well be conceived to tend to negative infinity. CHAP. II.] CONSEQUENCES OF THE DEFINITION. 399 lar variable^ t : but which is now extended^ as a consequence of the general definition (320), to the case when the connected variables, q, Q, and their differentials, Aq, dQ, are quaternions : with an analogous application, of the still more general For- mula of Differentiation II., to Functions of several Quater- nions, (1.) As an example of the use of the formula IV., let the function of 5 be its square, so that Then, by the formula, VI. . .dQ = d/9 = lim. «{(5 + n-id9)2-g2} n= 00 = lira. {q.dq+ 6q.q + n,-^ d^^)} »= 00 where dq"^ signifies* the square of dq ; that is, VII. . .d.q^=q.diq + dq.q; or without the pointsf between q and dq, Vir. . . d.q''- = qdq + dq q; an expression for the differential of the square of a quaternion, which does not in gene- ral admit of any further reduction : because q and dq are not generally commutative, as, factors in multiplication. When, however, it happens, as in algebra, that q.dq = dq.q, by the two quaternions q and dq being complanar, the expression Vll. then evidently reproduces the usual form, 322, VIII., or becomes, VIII. . . d.9^ = 23dg, if d5||l5(123). (2.) As another example, let the function be the reciprocal, IX... Q=fq=q-\ Then, because X. . ./(g + n-idgr)-/^ = (5 + »-id9)-i-g-» = (9 + n-i dg)-l {9 - {q + n-idg)}g'-l = —n-'^{q-\-n''^dqy^.dq.q-'^, of which, when multiplied by n, the limit is - q'^dq.q'"^, we have the following ex- pression for the differential of the reciprocal of a quaternion, XL . .d.g-i=-g-i.dg.5-J; * Compare the Note to page 394. t The /Jom< between d and q"^, in the first member of VII., is indispensable, to distinguish the differential of the square from the square of the differential. But just as this latter square is denoted briefly by dq\ so the products, q . dg- and dq . q, may be written as qdq and d^ q ; the symbol, dq, being thus treated as a whole one, or as if it were a single letter. Yet, for greater clearness of expression, we shall re- tain the point between q and dq, in several (though not in all) of the subsequent for- mulae, leaving it to the student to omit it, at his pleasure. 400 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. or without the points* in the second member, 6q being treated (as in VII'.) as a whole symbol, XI'. . . d.^-i = -5-id^ 5-1 ; an expression which does not generally admit of being any farther reduced, but be- comes, as in the ordinary calculus, XII...d.5-l=-5-2dg, if dglll^, that is, for the case of complanarity , of the quaternion and its differential. 325. Other Examples of Quaternion Differentiation will be given in the following Section ; but the two foregoing may serve sufficiently to exhibit the nature of the operation, and to show the analogy of its results to those of the older Calculus, while exemplifying also the distinction which generally exists between them. And we shall here proceed to explain a notation^ which (at least in the statement of the present theory of dijQferentials) appears to possess some advan^ tages ; and will enable us to offer a still more brief symbolical defi- nition, of the differential of a function fq, than before. (1.) We have defined (320, 324), that if dg- be called the differential of a Cqua- temion or other) variable, q, then the limit of the multiple, L..n{/(^ + n-id(?)-/?}, of an indefinitely decreasing difference of i\iQ function fq, of that (single) variable q, when taken relatively to an indefinite increase of the multiplying number, n, is the corresponding or simultaneous differential of that function, and is denoted, as such, by the symbol d/g. (2.) But before we thus pass to the limit, relatively to n, and while that multi- plier, n, is still considered and treated a.s finite, the multiple I. is evidently a func- tion of that number, n, as well as of the two independent variables, q and dq. And we propose to denote (at least for the present) this new function of the three variables, II. ., n,q, and dq, of which the form depends, according to the law expressed by the formula I., on the form of the given function, f, by the new symbol, III... fn(q,dqy, in such a manner as to write, for any two variables, q and q, and any number, n, the equation, IV. . .fnCq, q') = n{f^q + n-iq')-fq}; which may obviously be also written thus, V. . . fiq + n-l q') =fq + n"'/,, (q, q'), and is here regarded as rigorously exact, in virtue of the definitions, and without anything whatever being neglected, as small. Compare the Note immediately preceding. CHAP. II.] DISTRIBUTIVE PROPERTY. 401 (3.) For example, it appears from the little calculation in 324, (1.), that, VI. . . fn{q, q) = qq + q'q + n"! q\ ii fq = q^ ; and from 324, (2.), that, VII. . . Mq, q') =-(q + n-^ 5')"^ 9r\ ^^fl = T'- (4.) And the definition of difq may now be briefly thus expressed : VIII. ..d/5=/J^,d5); or, if the sub-index ^ be understood^ we may write, still more simply, IX...d/g=/(g,d5); this last expression, /(g', d^), orf^q, q'), denoting thus a. function of two indepen- dent variables, q and 5', of which the form is derived* or deduced (comp. (2.) ), from the given or proposed form of the function _/5 of a single variable, g, according to a law which it is one of the main objects of the Differential Calculus (at least as re- gards Quaternions) to study. 326. One of the most im-poYt2int general properties, of the Junctions of this class f(q, q'), is that they are all distributive with respect to the second independent variable, q\ which is in- troduced in the foregoing process of what we have called de- rivation,^ from some ffiven function fq, of a single variable, q: a theorem which may be proved as follows, whether the two independent variables be, or be not, quaternions. (1.) Let q" be any third independent variable, and let n be any number ; then the formula 325, V. gives the three following equations, resulting from the law of de- rivation offniq, q) from/g : I. . .f(q + n-^q")=fq+n-%(iq, q"); II. ..f(q + n'iq" + n^q') =f(q + n'^q") + nifn(ci + n'l q\ q') ; III. . .f{q + nlq+n-'q)=^fq + n-^fn(iq, q+q"); * It was remarked, or hinted, in 318, that the usual definition oi a, derived func- tion, namely, that given by Lagrange in the Calcul des Fonctions, cannot be taken as a foundation for a differential calculus of quaternions : although such derived functions of scalars present themselves occasionally in the applications of that cal- culus, as in 100, (3.) and (4.), and in some analogous but more general cases, which will be noticed soon. The present Law of Derivation is of an entirely different kind since it conducts, as we see, from a given function of one variable, to a derived function of two variables, which are in general independent of each other. The function /n(9, 9')> of the three variables, n, 9, q, may also be called a derived func- tion, since it is deduced, hj the jftxed law IV., from the same given function fq, although it has in general a less simple form than its own limit, f^ (5, y'), or f(g. 9'). t Compare the Note immediately preceding. 3 F 402 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [boOK III. by comparing which we see at once that IV. . ./„(?, ^'+ q")=Mg + n~iq", q')+Mq, q"), the form of the original function, fq, and the values o£ the four variables, q, q', q'\ and n, remaining altogether arbitrary : except that n is supposed to be a number, or at least a scalar, while q, q', q" may (or may not^ be quaternions. (2.) For example, if we take the particular function /g' = 2'2^ which gives the form 325, VI. of the derived function /„ (§-, q'), we have V. . .fn{q, q")=qq"-Vq"q-^n-^q"^; VI. . . fn{q, q'+ q") = q{q' + q') + {q + q"\q + n"' (^' + q'^ \ and therefore VII. . .fn{q, q'^-q")-fn(iq, f^ ^ qq' ^ q q ^ rc^^i \ c[ c[' ^ c, by elimination before differentiation. And if, in the formula VI., we substitute the expressions VII. and VIII. for r and s, we get this other differential equation. Compare the second Note to 324, (1.). 408 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. IX. . . d.(y-Jc)2 = — q-^cq-^ .dq.g'^c — q-^ .dg.g"' cq''^ c\ ■which might have been otherwise obtained (com p. again 324, (1.) and (2.) ), under the form, X. . . d.(5-»c)2 = g-ic.dC5-ic) + d(^-»c).5-ic. 33 1 . No special rules are required, for the differentiation of functions of functions of quaternions ; but it may be instructive to show, briefly, how the consideration of such differentiation conducts (comp. 326) to 2i general property of functions of the class f{q^ q')\ and how that property can be otherwise esta- blished. (1.) Let/, 9, ^q, according to the law expressed by the formula 325, IV. ; and that then the limits to which these derived functions fn(q, q'), &c. tend, when the number n tends to infinity, are denoted by these other functional symbols, f{q, q'), &c. (4.) To prove this otherwise, or to establish this general property VII., of func- tions of this class f{q, q), without any use of differentials, we may observe that the general and rigorous transformation 326, V., of the formula 325, IV. by which the functions /«(g, q') are defined, gives for all values of n the equation : VIII. . . fq+n''(Pn(fq,fn(,q,q'))', but also, by the same general transformation, CHxVP. II.] DIFFERENTIAL OF A PRODUCT OR POWER. 409 IX. . . i// (gr + n-l q') = i^? + «-l ^/n (?, q') ] hence generally, for aW values of the number n, as well as for all values of the two independent quaternions, q, q\ and for all forms of the two functions, f ^a'X^^-^ whence, by addition, = a' s ^ x/t' and finally, A XVn. . . g' + r-i^'s = (r + fi) r '+ r' (r + «) = 2r' (r -y s) an expression for the differential of the square -root of a quaternion, which will be found to admit of many transformations, not needful to be considered here. (7.) In the three last sub-articles, as in the three preceding them, it has been sup- posed, for the sake of generality, that q and d^ are two diplanar quaternions ; but if in any application they happen, on the contrary, to be complanar, the expressions are then simplified, and take usual, or algebraic forms, as follows: XX. . . d .^« = mg'»-i dg ; XXI. . . d . g-»» = - mq'^-^Aq ; and XXII. . . d . ^^ = Iq-^Aq, if XXIII. . . dg 1 1 1 ^ (123) ; * Although such solution of a linear equation, or equation of the^rs< degree, in quaternions, is easily enough accomplished in the present instance, yet in general the problem presents diflSculties, without the consideration of which the theory of diffe- rentiation of implicit functions of quaternions would be entirely incomplete. But a general method, for the solution of all such equations, will be sketched in a subse- quent Section. , , CHAP.II.] DIFFERENTIALSOrTRANSCENDENTALFUNCTIONS. 411 because, when q is complanar with g, and therefore with gi, or with r, in the ex- pression XVIIL, the numerator of that expression may be written as r"^ q (r + s). (8.) More generally, if x be awy scalar exponent, we may write, as in the ordi- nary calculus, but still under the condition of complanarity XXIII., XXIV. . . d.9« = a;^-Jdg'; or XXV. . . ^d . 9* = arg* dar. 333. IhQ functions of quaternions, which have been lately diffe- rentiated, may be said to be of algebraic form ; the following are a few examples of differentials of what may be called, by contrast, transcendental functions of quaternions : the condition oi complanarity (dg' III 5') being however here supposed to be satisfied, in order that the expressions may not become too complex. In fact, with this sim- plification, they will be found to assume, for the most part, the known and usual forms, of the ordinary differential calculus* (1.) Admitting the definitions in 316, and supposing throughout that d^ ||j q, we have the usual expressions for the differentials of ii and \q, namely, I. . . d.£2 = £«dg ; II. . . dlgr = qr-Mg'. (2.) We have also, by the same system of definitions (316), III. . . d sin 9 = cos gdj ; IV. . . d cos 5' = - sin gd^ ; &c. (3.) Also, if r and dr be complanar with q and dg, then, by 316, IV'. . . d . g*- = d. 6»-i« = 5*-d.rl9 = g''(lgdr + g-'rdg) ; or in the notation of partial differentials (329), V. . . dg.g*"= rg»-id(7, and VI. . . dr . g*" = g^'lgdr. (4.) In particular, if the base 9 be a given or constant vector, a, and if the ex- ponent r be a variable scalar, t, then (by the value 316, XIV. of Ip) the recent for- mula IV. becomes, VII. . . d.a« = [ lTa + |Ua ja'dt. (5.) If then the base a be a given unit line, so that ITa = 0, and Ua = a, we may write simply, J U-^ " " * I . VIII. ..d.a* = -a«+id^, if da = 0, and Ta=l. ^n.<.^^^^r p I (6.) This useful formula, for the differential of a power of a constant unit line, with a variable scalar exponent, may be obtained more rapidly from the equation 308, VII., which gives, IX. - . a'=c03-— + asin— , if Ta = 1 ; since it is evident that the differential of this expression is equal to the expression itself multiplied by ^Tradt, because a2 = - 1. (7.) The formula VIII. admits also of a simple geometrical interpretation, con- nected with the rotation through t right angles, in a plane perpendicular to a, of fM. 412 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. which rotation, or version, the power a*, or the versor Va*, is considered (308) to be the instrument* or agent, or operator (comp. 293). 334. Besides algebraical and transcendental forms, there are other results of operation on a quaternion, q^ or on a function thereof, which may be regarded as forming a new class (or kind) oi func- tions^ arising out oi \hQ principles and rules of the Quaternion Cal- culus itself: namely those which we have denoted in former Chapters by the symbols, I. . . Kg, Sg, Yq, Ng, Tq, \Jq, or by symbols formed through combinations of the same signs of operation, such as II. . . SUg, VUg, UVg, &c. And it is essential that we should know how to differentiate expres- sions of these forms, which can be done in the following manner, with the help of the principles of the present and former Chapters, and without now assuming the complanarity , ^q\\\q. (1.) In general, let /represent, for a moment, any distributive symbol, so that for any two quaternions, q and q', we shall have the equation, III. ../(g + 0=/9+/9'; and therefore alsof (comp. 326, (5.)), IV. . . f(xq^ = xfq, if x be any scalar. (2.) Then, with the notation 325, IV., we shall have V. . ./«(?, q)=n{f{q^n-^q')-fq} =.fq' ; and therefore, by 325, VIII., for any such function /j', we shall have the differential expression, VI. . . ^fq=fAq. (3.) But S, V, K have been seen to be distributive symbols (197, 207) ; we can therefore infer at once that VII. . . dK<7 = Kd^ ; VIII. . . dS? = Sd^ ; IX. . . dV^= Vd^ ; or in words, that the differentials of the conjugate, the scalar, and the vector of a quaternion are, respectively, the conjugate, the scalar, and the vector of the differen- tial of that quaternion. (4.) To find the differential of the norm, Ng, or to deduce an expression for dN^, we have (by VII. and 145) the equation, * Compare the second Note to page 133. f In quaternions the equation III. is not a necessary consequence of IV., al- though the latter is so of the former; for example, the equation IV., but not the equation III., will be satisfied, if we assume fq = qcq^ c'q, where c and c' are any two constant quaternions, which do not degenerate into scalars. CHAP. II.] DIFFERENTIALS OF TENSOR AND VERSOR. 413 X. . . d^q = d . qKq = 6q .Kq + q .Kdq ; but qKq = K . q'Kq, by 145, and 192, II. ; and (1 + K) . q'Kq = 2S . q'Kq = 2S(Kq . q'), by 196, II., and 198, I. ; therefore XI. . . dNg = 2S(Kq . dq). (5.) Or we might have deduced this expression XI. for dNg, more immediately, by the general formula 324, IV., from the earlier expression 200, VII., or 210, XX., for the norm of a sum, under the form, XI'. . . dN^ = lim . n { N(5 + n^ dq) - N^} = lim. {2S(Kq.dq) + n-^-Sdq} *» = «> = 2S(K^.d^), as before. (6.) The tensor, Tq, is the square-root (190) of the norm, 'Nq; and because Tq and Ng are scalars, the formula 332, XXII. may be applied ; which gives, for the differential of the tensor of a quaternion, the expression (comp. 158), XII. . . dT9 = ^^ = S(KU5.d5) = S-^, a result which is more easily remembered, under the form, Tq q y: (7.) The versor \Jq is equal (by 188) to the quotient, q : T^^, of the quaternion q divided by its tensor Tq ; hence the differential of the versor is, XIV...dU, = df = (^^-S^-iU=V^.U,; ^3t«'-^^' whence follows at once this formula, analogous to XIII., and like it easily remem- bered, Q . XV... ^^=v^. "- -^ 7^-J ^q q (8.) We might also have observed that because (by 188), we have generally q^Tq. U?, therefore (by 332, (3.)) we have also, XVI. . . d^ = dT^ . U^ + T^ . dU^, and q Tj ^ % • if then we have in any manner established the equation XIII., we can immediately deduce XV. ; and conversely, the former equation would follow at once from the latter. (9.) It may be considered as remarkable, that we should thus have generally, or for any two quaternions, q and dq, the formula :* * When the connexion of the theory of normals to surfaces, with the differential calculus of quaternions, shall have been (even briefly) explained in a subsequent Section, the student will perhaps be able to perceive, in this formula XVIII., a re- cognition, though not a very direct one, of the geometrical principle, that the radii of a sphere are its normals. -' 414 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [booK III. XVIII. . . S (dU^ : U^) = ; or XVIII'. . . dU^ : Ug = Si ; but this vector character of the quotient dJJq : JJq can easily be confirmed, as fol- lows. Taking the conjugate of that quotient, we have, by VII. (comp. 192, II. ; 158 ; and 324, XI,), XIX. . . K (dU^ . U^-i) = KU^-i . dKU^ = U^ . d (U^ i) = - dU^ . Ug-i ; whence XX. . . (1 + K) (dU? . U^O = ; which agrees (by 196, II.) with XVIII. (10.) The scalar character of the tensor, Tj, enables us always to write, as in the ordinary calculus, XXI. . . dlTg = dTq : Tq ; but 1T(7 = SI$', by 316, v.; the recent formula XIII. may therefore by VIII. be thus written, XXII. . . Sd\q = dSlq = dTq:dq = S (dq : q) ; or XXII'. . . dig - q'^ dq = S"' 0. (11.) "When dg I II g, this last difference vanishes, by 333, II. ; and the equation XV. takes the form, XXIII. . . dlUg = Vdlg = dVlg. And in fact we have generally y 1U5' = V15', by 316, XX., although the differentials of these two equal expressions do not separately coincide with the members of the re- cent formula XV., when q and dq are diplanar. We may however write generally (comp. XXII.), XXIV. . . dlUg - dVq : Vq = V(dlg - dg : g) = d]q -dq : q. 335. We have now differentiated the six simple functions 334, I., which are formed by the operation of the six characteristics^ K, S,V, N, T, U; and as regards the differentiation of the compound functions 334, II., which are formed by combinations of those former operations, it is easy on the same principles to determine them, as may be seen in the few following examples. (1.) The axis Ax. g of a quaternion has been seen (291) to admit of being re- presented by the combination JJYq ; the differential of this axis may therefore, by 334, IX. and XIV., be thus expressed : I. . . d (Ax. q) = dUV^ = V (Ydq : Yq) . VYq ; whence Tl d(Ax.g) _dUVg^ Vdg Ax. g TJYq Yq ' The differential of the axis is therefore, generally, a line perpendicular to that axis, or s\tua.ted in the plane of the quaternion; but it vanishes, when the plane (and therefore the axis) of that quaternion is constant ; or when the quaternion and its differential are complanar. (2.) Hence, III. ..dUVg = 0, if IV. ..dg III 7; and conversely this complanarity IV. may be expressed by the equation III. CHAP. II.] DIFFERENTIALS OF AXIS AND ANGLE. 415 (3.) It is easy to prove, on similar principles, that and VL . . dSU^ = SdUg = S f V ^. U^l (4.) But in general, for any two quaternions, q and q, we have (comp. 223, (o.) ) the transformations, VII. . . S (V^' . ^) = S (V^' . V^) =S. ^Vj ; and when we thus suppress the characteristic V before dg' : q^ and insert it before Ug', under the sign S in the last expression VI., we may replace the new factor VU^' by TVU^. UVU^ (188), or by TVU^ . JJYq (274, XIIL), or by - TVUg : UV^ (204, v.), where the scalar factor TVUg' may be taken outside (by 196, VIII.) ; also for q-^ : UV^f we may substitute 1 : (UVg' . $'), or 1 : q\^Yq, because \JYq \\\q'^ the formula VI. may therefore be thus written, VIIL..dSU^ = -S^.TVUg. (5.) Now it may be remembered, that among the earliest connexions of quater- ternions with trigonometry^ the following formulae occurred (196, XVI., and 204, XIX.), / f //, IX. . . SUg = cos L q, TVU? = sin ^ 5 ; -C -^ > we had also, in 316, these expressions for the angle of a quaternion, X. . . Zg=TVl2 = TlU, or XV'. . . p-2 + p2 = 0. Then, XVI. . . dp = Sv6p, if XVII. . . j/=/)V=P^Up; V being here a new auxiliary vector, distinct from the one lately considered (VIII.) and having (as we see) the same versor (or the same direction) as the vector p it~ self, but having its tensor equal to the square of the proximity of 'P too ; or equal to the inverse square of the distance, of one of those two points from the other. 337. On the other hand, we have often occasion, in the applica- tions, to consider vectors as functions ofscalars, as in 99, but now with forms arising out of operations on quaternions^ and therefore such as had not been considered in the First Book. And whenever we have thus an expression such as either of the two following, I. ..f.=i0(O, or 11. . .p = 0(5, 0, for the variable vector of a curve^ or of a surface (comp. again 99), s and t being two variable scalars, and 0(«) and '^(s^t) denoting anj/ functions of vector form, whereof the latter is here supposed to be en- tirely independent* of the former, we may then employ (comp. 100, * We are therefore not employing here the temporary notation of some recent Articles, according to which we should have had, d^q = f(q, d^). 3 H 418 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK 111. (4.) and (9.)» and the more recent sub-articles, 327, (5.), (6.), and 329, (5.) ) the notation of derivatives, total or partial; and so may write, as the differentiated equations^ resulting from the forms I. and TT. respectively, the following : III. . . d/3 = ^'^d« = />'d« = D,/>.d«; IV. . . d/> = d^ + d = D^pAs + Dtp . d« ; of which the geometrical significations have been already partially seen, in the sub-articles to 100, and will soon be more fully deve- loped. (1.) Thus, for the circular locus, 314, (1.), for which Y...p = a% Ta=l, Saj3 = 0, we have, by 333, VIII., the following derived vector, (2.) And for the elliptic locus, 314, (2.), for which VII. . . p=V.a«/3, Ta = l, but «o< S«j3 = 0, we have, in like manner, this other derived vector, VIII. ..p'=D,p = -V.a'-i/3. (3.) As an example of a vector-function of more scalars than one^ let us resume the expression (308, XVIII.), IX. . . p^rk*j»kj-»k-t; in which we shall now suppose that the tensor r is given, so that p is the variable vector of a point upon a given spheric surface, of which the radius is r, and the cen- tre is at the origin ; while s and t are two independent scalar variables, with respect to which the two partial derivatives of the vector p are to be determined. (4.) The derivation relatively to t is easy ; for, since ijk are vector-units (295), and since we have generally, by 333, VIII., X. . . d . a* = - a^i da?, and therefore XI. . . D< . a* = — a^+' D^a?, if Ta = 1, and if x be any scalar function of t, we may write, at once, by 279, IV., XII. . . D,p = "^ {kp - pk) = TrYIcp ; and we see that , XIII. ..SpD,p = 0, a result which was to be expected, on account of the equation, XIV. . . p2 + ;.2=0, which follows, by 308, XXIV., from the recent expression IX. for p. (5.) To form an expression of about the same degree of simplicity, for the other partial derivative of p, we may observe that/'+>^j-» is equal to its own vector part (its scalar vanishing) ; hence CHAi'. II.] VECTOR FUNCTIONS, DERIVED VECTORS. 419 XV. . . Dgjo = nktjk-ip ; or XVI. . . D^p = irk'^tjp = Trjk-i^p, by the transformation 308, (11.). And because the scalar of k^jk-^ is zero, we have thus the equation, XVII. . . SpD,p = 0, which is analogous to XIIL, and might have been otherwise obtain^, by taking the derivative of XIV. with respect to the variable scalar s. (6.) The partial derivative T>sp must be a vector ; hence, by XV. or XVI., p must be perpendicular to the vector k^jk'^^ or A^'j, orJA-^'; a result which, under the last form, is easily confirmed by the expression 315, XII. for p. In fact that expression gives, by 315, (3.) and (4.), and by the recent values XII. XVI., these other forms for the two partial derivatives of p, which have been above considered : XVIII. . . Dip = 7rr/v2«V.72»; XIX. . . D,jO = Trr(Jc^^ .i^^^ -Y.k^) ; which might have been immediately obtained, by partial derivations, from the ex- pression 315, XII. itself, and of which both are vector-forms. (7.) And hence, or immediately by derivating the expanded expression 316, XIII., we obtain these new forms for^the partial derivatives of p : XX. . . Dtp = 7rr (j cos tTr — i sin <7r") sin stt ; XXI. . . Dgp = 7rr { (t cos tir + j sin <7r) cos stt — A; sin «7r } . (8.) We may add that not only is the variable vector p perpendicular to each of tiie two derived vectors, Dap and Dtp, but also they are perpendicular to each other ; for we may write, by XII. and XVI., XXII. . . ^(Dsp . Dtp) = - 7r2 S . /t3'ip2 k^^2r2S.k^ti=o. and the same conclusion may be drawn from the expressions XX. and XXI. (9.) A vector may be considered as a function of three independent scalar varia- bles, such as r, s, t; or rather it rmist be so considered, if it is to admit of being the vector of an arbitrary point of space ; and then it will have a total differential (329) of the trinomial form, XXIII. . . d|0=drp + dsp + ddj)2j-i-7-id2^.g-i. (3.) If p be a variable vector, then (comp. 336, (1.)) we have, for the first and second differentials of its square, the expressions : I V. . . d . p2 = 2Spdp ; V. . . d2. p2 = 2S/jd2p + 2dp2. (4.) If/p be any o^Aer scalar function of a variable vector p, and if (comp. again the sub-articles to 336) \t& first differential be put under the form, VI. . . d/p = 2Sj/dp, when v is another variable vector, then the second differential of the same function may be expressed as follows : VII. . . d2/p = 2Svd2p + 2Sdrdp ; in which we have written, briefly, Sdj^dp, instead of S(dj/.dp). (5.) The following very simple equation will be found useful, in the theory of motions, performed under the influence of central forces : , Y i VIII. . . dVpdp = Vpd"-p ; because V. dp2 = 0. (6.) As an example of the second difterential of a quaternion, considered as a CHAP. II.] SUCCESSIVE DIFFERENTIALS, DEVELOPMENTS. 421 function of a scalar variable (comp. 333, VIII., and 337, (1.))? th»following may- be assigned, in which a denotes a given unit line, so that a^ =— 1, da = 0, but x is a variable scalar : IX. . . d2.a*=^df |a^»da; j = |a^^id2a;-f I ]a*da;2. (7.) The second difierential oiihQ product oi any two functions oi& quaternion q may be expressed as follows (comp. II.) : X. . . d^(>q) = d2fq.q+fq.d^q. 339. The second differential, d^q^ of the variable quaternion q, enters generally (as has been seen) into the expression of the second differential d^fq, of the function /9', as a new and arbitrary quater- nion : but, for that very reason, it is permitted, and it is frequently- found to be convcfiient, to assume that this second differential d^^ is equal to zero : or, what comes to the same thing, that the first dif- ferential dq is constant. And when we make this new supposition, I. , . dq = constant, or P. . . d^^- = 0, the expressions for d^q become of course more simple, as in the following examples. (1.) With this last supposition, I. or I'., we have the following second differen- tials, of the square and the reciprocal of a quaternion : II. . . d2.g2 = 2d52; IIL . . d2.9-i=2(<7-idg)2g-i = 27-»(d5. j-i)/ *. (2.) Again, if we suppose that cq, Ci, cg are any thi-ee constant quaternions, and take the function, IV. . .fq=CoqCiqC2, we find, under the same condition I. or I'., that its first and second differentials are, V. . . d/g = codq . ciqc2 + coqcidq. c^; VI. . . d2/^ = 2codq . cidq . cz ; in writing which, the points* may be omitted. (3.) Theirs* differential, dq, remaining still entirely arJiVrary (comp. 322, (8.), and 325, (2.) ), so that no supposition is made that its tensor Tdq is small, although we now suppose this differential dq to be constant (I.) we have rigorously, Yll...(iq + dqy=q^ + d.q'-\-^dKq^; an equation which may be also written thus, VIII. ..({?+ dg)2 = (1 + d + ^d2) . ^2. (4.) And in like manner we shall have, more generally, under the same condi- tion of constancy of d^, the equation, IX. ../(?+ d9) = (l + d+ id2)/^, if the function /7 be the sum of any number of nionomes, each separately of the ybrwi * Compare the second Note to page 399. 422 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. IV., and there%re each rational, integral, and homogeneous of the second dimension, with respect to the variable quaternion, 9 ; or of such monomes, combined with others of the Jirst dimension, and with constant terms : that is, if a©, bo, 61, 6'o, 6'i, . . and Co, ci, C2, c'o, c'l, c'a, . . be ani/ constant quaternions, and X. . .fq = ao+ ^buqbi + Sco^cigca. 340. It is easy to carry on the operation of diiFerentiating, to the third and higher orders ; remembering only that if, in any former stage, we have denoted the first differentials of q, dq, . . by d^', d^q, . . we then continue so to denote them, in every subsequent stage of the successive differentiation : and that if we find it convenient to treat any one differential as constant, we must then treat all its successive differentials as vanishing. A few examples may be given, chiefly with a view to the extension of the recent formula 339, IX., for the function f{q + d^) of a sum, of any two quaternions, q and d^', to po- lyn^mial forms, of dimensions higher than the second. (1.) The third differential of a square is generally (comp. 338, II.), I.. . d3.g3 = ^.d3g+d35.9 + 3(d7. d^^ + da^.d^). (2.) More generally, the MtVd differential of a product of two quaternion func- tions (comp. 338, X.) may be thus expressed : II. . . d^ (fq.*fq. n And even if these last values vanish, or if the ^z<;o new condi- tions VIII. . . /^O = 0, 00 = 0, are satisfied, so that x, F'x, and 0'ic are now (comp. II.) a w^z« system of simultaneous differences, we may 5^z7/ establish the following equation of limits of quotients, which is independent of these last conditions VIII., IX. . .lim(Fa;:0aj)=lim(F'a':0'a;), if FO = 0O = O; it being understood that, in certain cases, these two quotients may 6o^7e vanish with x ; or may tend together to infinity, when X tends^ as before, ^o zero. (1.) This theorem is so important, that it will not be useless to confirm it by a geometrical illustration, which may at the same time serve for a geometrical proof ; at least for the extensive case where both the functions fx and ^x are of scalar forms, and consequently may be represented, or constructed, b}' the corresponding ordi- nates, XY and XZ (or ordinates answering to one common abscissa OX), of two curves OyY and OzZ, which are in one plane, and set out from (or pass through) one common origin O, as in the annexed Figure 75. We shall afterwards see that the result, so obtained, can be extended to quaternion functions. (2.) Suppose then, first, that the ordinates of these two curves are proportional, or that they bear to each other one fixed and constant ratio', so that the equation, X. .. XY : liZ = xy'.xz, is satisfied for every pair of abscisses, OX and Ox, however great or small the corre- sponding ordinates may be. Prolonging then (if necessary) the chord Yy of the first curve, to meet the axis of abscissae in some point t, and so to determine a sub- secant tX, we see at once (by similar triangles) that the corresponding chord Zz of thes econd curve will meet the same axis in the same point, t ; and therefore that it will determine {rigorously^ the same subsecant, tX. CHAP. II.] GEOMETRICAL ILLUSTRATIONS. 425 (3.) Hence, if the point x be conceived to approach to X, so that the secant Yt/t of the first curve tends to coincide with the tangent YT to that curve at the point Y, the secant Zzt of the second curve must tend to coincide with the line ZT, which line therefore must be the tangent to that second curve : or in other words, corresponding suhtangents coincide, and of course are equal, under the supposed con- dition X., of a constant proportionality ofordi- nates. (4.) Suppose next that corresponding ordi- nates only tend to bear a given or constant ratio to each other ; or that their (now) variable ratio tends to a given or fixed limit, when the com- mon abscissa is indefinitely diminished, or when die point X tends to ; and let T be still the variable point in which the tangent to the^rs^ curve at Y meets the axis, so that the line TX is still the first suhtangent. Then the corresponding tangent to the second curve at Z will not in general pass through the point T, but will meet the axis in some different point U. But the ratio of the two corresponding suhtangents, TX and UX, which had been a ratio o^ equality, when the condition oi proportionality X. was satisfied rigorously, will now at least tend to such a ratio; so that we shall have, under this new condition, of tendency to proportionalit}' of ordinates, the limiting equation, XL . . lim (TX : UX) = 1 ; whence the equation IX. results, under the geometrical fi)rm, XII. . . lim (tan XTY : tan XUZ) = lim (XY : XZ). (5.) We might also have observed that, when the proportion X. is rigorous, cor- responding areas ^ (such as xXYy and xXZz) of the two curves are then exactly in the given ratio of the ordinates ; so that this other equation, or proportion, XIIL , . OXYyO : OXZ2O = XY : XZ, is then also rigorous. Hence if we only suppose, as in (4.), that the ordinates tend to some fixed limiting ratio, the areas must tend to the same ; so that ey the second member of the equation IX. have any definite value, as a limit, ihQ first member must have the same: whereas the recent proof, hy suhtangents, served rather to show that if )JaQ first (or left hand) limit in IX. existed, then the second limit in that equation existed also, and was equal to the first. (6.) U the function Fx be a quaternion, we may (by 221) express it as follows, XIV. .. Fx=: Jr+ iX + jV+kZ, where JV, X, Y, Z axe four scalar functions of x, of which each separately can be * Compare the Fourth Lemma of the First Book of the Principia ; and see espe- cially its Corollary, in which the reasoning of the present sub-article is virtually an- ticipated. • 3i 426 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. constructed^ as the ordinate of a plane curve ; and the recent geometrical* reasonmg will thus apply to each of them, and therefore to their linear combination Fx: which quaternion function reduces itself to a vector function oi x, when JV=0. (7.) And if \l/x were another quaternion or vector function, we might first sub- stitute it for Fx, and then eliminate the scalar function xexy if F(O) = 0(O) = O: 9 denoting some proper fraction, or quantity between and 1. And a geometrical illustration, which is also a geometrical proof, when the functions Fx and (px can be constructed (or conceived to be constructed) as the ordinates of two plane curves, is sometimes derived from the axiom (or geometrical intuition), that the chord of any finite and ;>/ane arc must be parallel to the tangent, draw^n at some point of that finite arc. But this parallelism no longer exists, in general, when the curve is one of double curvature ; and accordingly the equation in this Note is not generally true, when the functions are quaternions ; or even when one of them is a quaternion, or a vector. CHAP. II.] Taylor's series extended to quaternions. 427 342. It will now be easy to extend the Exponential Trans- formation 340, VII.; and to show that there is a sense in which that very important Formula, which is, in fact, a known* mode of expressing the Series or Theorem of Taylor, holds good for Quaternion Functions ge- nerally, and not merely for those functions of finite and poly- nomial form, \\\i\\ positive and lohole exponents, for which it was lately deduced, in 340, (6.). For let^ and/(<7 + d^) denote any two states, or values, of which neither is infinite, of any function of a quaternion; and of the m first differentials, II. . . dfq, d-fq, . . d"fq, in which dq = const., let it be supposed that no one is infinite, and that the last of them is different from zero ; while all that precede it, and the functions^ and f{q + d^') themselves, may or may not happen to vanish. Let the first m terms, of the exponential develop- ment of the symbol (e^ - l)fq, be denoted briefly by qi, qz, . . qm ; and let r^ denote what may be called the remainder of the series, or the connection which must be conceived to be added to the sum of these m terms, in order to produce the exact value of the difference, III. . . Afq =^f(q + A^) -fq =f{q + dq) -fq ; in such a manner that we shall have rigorously, by the nota- tions employed, the equation, d"fq IV. . . /(^ + d^) =fq^qi + q^-^'^ + q,n + r„„ where ^„, = ^^ ^ ; this term q^ being different from zero, but 7io one of the terms being infinite, by what has been above supposed. Then we shall prove, as a Theorem, that * Lacroix, for instance, in page 168 of the First Volume of his larger Treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus (Paris, 1810), presents the Theorem of Taylor under the form, dw d^M d^M d^M ^ ^ 1 1.2 1.2.3 ■where u' denotes the value which the function u receives, when the variable x re- ceives the arbitrary increment dx (I'accroissement quelconque d:r). 428 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. V. . . lim {Tr,n : Tq,,) = 0, if lim. Td^ = ; or in words, that the tensor of the remainder may he made to bear as small a ratio as we please^ to the tensor of the last term retained, by diminishing the tensor, without changing the ver- sor, of the differential (or difference) ^q. And this very gene- ral result, which will soon be seen to extend to functions of several quaternions, is in the present Calculus that analogue of Taylor's theorem to which we lately alluded (in 340, (7.) ) ; and it may be called, for the sake of reference, " Taylor s Theorem adapted to Quaternions'^ (1.) Writing we shall have the following successive derivatives with respect to a;, ra; = d/(? + a:dg) - d/9 -. ^dy^ - . . - 2-^— -^— d'H - 1/9 ; VII. . . \ F'x = d2/(9 + xd.q) - dV? - . . - ^ 3 "'"'^"^_3^ d-i/g ; . . . F(»»- ^)x = d"*- ' f{q + xAq) - d»»- ' /5 ; and finally, jp(»»)a; = d»'/(9 + xdiq) ; because, by 327, VI., and 324, IV., VIII, . . D/(9 + a;dg) = lim.n{/(g + a;dg' + «-idg)-/(^ + a;d5)} =d/(5'+a;dj), and in like manner, IX. . . D2/(? + xdiq) = d2/(9 + xdq), &C. ; the mark of derivation D referring to the scalar variable a:, while d operates on q alone, and not here on x, nor on Aq. (2.) We have therefore, by VI. and VII., the values, X. . . FO = 0, F'O = 0, F"Q = 0, . . F(»» - J)0 = 0, F(»»)0 = d'"/? ; whence, by 341, XIX., we have this limiting equation. XL . .lim.f Fx:—^ V ^=0 V 2.3. ..mj d-/r. Xll...Mm(Fx:^x) = l, if ,Lx = f-^^^5^\ x=Q \2.3...m) (3.) But these two functions, Fx and v^.r, are formed by IV. from qm + r„j and qm> by changing d^ tox'dg ; and instead of thus multiplying dq by a decreasing sca- lar^ x, we may diminish its tensor Tdq, Avithout changing its versor Vdq. We may therefore say that, when this is done, the quotient (qm + »m) : qm tends to unitt/, or this other quotient r,„ : qm to zero, as its limit; or in other words, the limiting equa- tion V. holds good. CHAP. II.] EXAMPLES OF QUATERNION DEVELOPMENT. 429 (4.) As an example, let the function fq be the reciprocal, q-^ ; then (comp. 339, IIL) its m*^ differential is (for d5 = const.), XIII. .. d»*/^ = d»».g-i = 2.3. ..w.^r-i (-r)"', if r = dq.q-^i and it is easy to prove, without differentials, that XIV. . . (r? + rg)-i =9-^(1 + r)-i=5-i{l - r + r2-. . + (- r)'» + (-r>»^i (1 + r)-i }; we have therefore here XV. ..g^ = 5-'(-r)-, r„. = -<7,,r(l + r)-', T(r„, : 9,„) = Tr . T(l + r)"!; and this last tensor indefinitely diminishes with Td(jf, the quaternion q being sup- posed to have some given value different from zero. (5.) In general, if we establish the following equation, XVI. ../(, XXI. . . U(l+s+r) = (H-s + t)>(l + s-vH but also, if the first of these for example (when expanded by ordinary processes, which are in this case applicable) have given us, without differentials, XXII. . .T{g + q') = (^l + s- |z?2 . .)T;7, where s ■= Sqq-^, and v = Yq'q-\ we can then infer the values of they?7's* and second differentials of the tensor of a quaternion, as follows : XXIII. . . dT^ = S — . T7 ; d^Tq = - I V-^ YTq ; whereof the first agrees with 334, XII. or XIII., and the second can be deduced from it, under the form, xxiv...a«T,=a(s^l.T,) = ((syy-s.(jy)T, (10.) In general, if we can only develope a function /(g 4- 5') as far as the term or terms which are of the first dimension relatively to q', we shall still obtain thus an expression for theirs* differential d/j, by merely writing dq in the place of ^'. But we have not chosen (comp. 100, (14.) ) to regard this property of the differen- tial of a function as the fundamental one, or to adopt it as the definition of dfq ; be- cause we have not chosen to postulate the general possibility of such developments of functions of quaternion sums, of which in fact it is in many cases difficult to discover the laws, or even to prove the existence, except in some such way as that above ex- plained. (11.) This opportunity may be taken to observe, that (with recent notations) we have, by VIII., the symbolical expression, XXV. .. ts+^'+d 1 = 1 + 5 + 0; or XXVI. ..£'-+di = i+r. .344. Successive differentials are also connected with successive dif- ferences, by laws which it is easy to investigate, and on which only a few words need here be said. (1.) We can easily prove, from the definition 324, IV, of dfq, that if d^- be con- stant, L . . d2/^ = lim . «2 [f(^q + 2n-» dg) - 2f(q 4 n'^ d^) +fq]; n= CD with analogous expressions for differentials of higher orders. (2.) Hence we may say (comp. 040, X.) that the successive differentials, 11. ..dfq, d^fq, d^fq,.. for d''q==0, are limits to which the following multiples of successive differences, lll...nAfq, n^A^fq, n^A^fq,.. for A^q = 0, all simultaneously tend, when the multiple nAq is either constantly equal to d^, or at least tends to become equal thereto, while the number n increases indefinitely. (3.) And hence we might prove, in a new way, that if the function f(q + d^) 432 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. can be developed, in a series proceeding according to ascending and whole dimemions with respect to dq, the parts of this series, which are of those successive dimensions, must follow the law expressed by Taylor^s Theorem* adapted to Quaternions (342). 345. It is easy to conceive that the foregoing results may be ex- tended (comp. 338), to the successive differentiations of functions of several quaternions; and that thus there arises, in each such case, a system of successive differentials^ total and partial: as also a system of partial derivatives^ of orders higher than the first, when a quaternion^ or a vector^ is regarded (comp. 337) as a function of several scalars. (1.) The general expression for the second total differential, I. ..d2Q=d2F(5r,r, . .), involves d^g, d2r, . . ; but it is often convenient to suppose that all these second dif- ferentials vanish, or that the Jirst differentials dq, dr, . . are constant ; and then d^Q, or d.»^F(q, r, . .), becomes a rational, integral, and homogeneous function of the m^^ dimension, of those first differentials dq, dr, . . , which may (comp. 329, III.) be thus denoted, II. . . d'"Q = (d3 + dr + ..)'»Q; or briefly. III. . . d'» = (d2 + dr + . .)»», in developing which symbolical power, the midtinomial theorem of algebra may be employed : because we have generally, for quaternions as in the ordinary calculus, iV. . . drdq = d,,dr. (2.) For example, if we denote dq and dr by q and r', and suppose V. . . Q = rqr, then VI. . . dqQ = rq'r; VII. . . d,Q = r'qr + rqr ; and VIII. . . drdq Q = d^dr Q = r'q'r + rq'r. And in general, each of the two equated symbols IV. gives, by its operation on F(q, r), the limit of this other function, or product (comp. 344, I.), IX. ..nn{ F(q + «-» d^, r + n''^ dr) - F((q, r + »'-» dr) - F{q + n-i d^, r) + F((j, r) } ; in which the numbers n and n ' are supposed to tend to infinity. (8.) We may also write, for functions of several quaternions, X... Q-\-^Q = F(^q^dq,r^dr,..)=e\^\*'-F{q,r)', or briefly, XI. . . 1 + A = e'^3+'^r+"= e''; with interpretations and transformations analogous to those which have occurred already, for functions of a single quaternion. (4.) Finall}'^, as an example of successive and partial derivation, if we resume the vector expression 308, XVIII. (comp. 315, XIL and XIII.), namely, XII. . . p = r¥j«kj'«k-*, * Some remarks on the adaptation and proof of this important theorem will be found in the Lectures, pages 589, &c. CHAP. II.] SCALAR AND VECTOR INTEGRALS. 433 ■which has been seen to be capable of representing the vector oi any point of space, we may observe that it gives, without trigonometry, by the principle mentioned in 308, (11.), and by the sub-articles to 315, not only the form, XIII. . . p = rk*j2^k^-*, as in 308, XIX., but also, if a be any vector unit, XIV. . . p =- rk*^\j-^^k't = rki(k^ . a2« + iS. a«»-0- *"' ; whence XV. . . p = rV. k^'^^ + rk^^Y. i^^, as in 315, XII. (5.) We have therefore the following new expressions (compare the sub- articles to 337), for the two partial derivatives o{t\\e first order, of this variable vector p, taken with respect to s and t : XVI. . . Dsp = Trrk^jHpk-i = -Trp¥jJc-\ with the verification, that XVII. . . p'Dsp = 7rr^.kifkj-'>k'i.k» connected with it by the following Equation of Conjugation, IV.. . S>Mp = Spf\; where A and p are any two vectors. Assuming then, as we may, that fi and V are two auxiliary vectors, so chosen as to satisfy the equa- tion, and therefore also, VI. . . SXff = SX/ii/, S/i(T = 0, Si/a = 0, where X is a f^ercf auxiliary and arbitrary vector, we may (comp. 312) replace the otie vector equation III. by the three scalar equations, CHAP. II.] INVERSION OF LINEAR AND VECTOR FUNCTIONS. 437 VII. . . Sp^'A = S//ti/, S/J0> =-• 0, S/>^' v = 0. And these give, by principles with which the reader is supposed to be already familiar,* the expression, VIII. . . mp = yjra, or IX. . . p^ J X. . . m^Xfiv = S XL . . V^CV^i.) ^ or briefly, i/ Ujl^c ' ( ^'^"^^ ^ X'. . . m'&\fjiu=^.0V. And thus the proposed Problem of Inversion, of the linear and vector function 0, may be considered to be, in all its generality, resolved; because it is always possible so to prepare the second members of the equations X. and XL, that they shall take the forms indicated in the first members of those equations. (1.) For example, if we assume any three diplanar vectors a, a\ a", and deduce from them three other vectors /3o, /3'o, jS'o, by the equations, XII. . . (3oSaa'a" = Ya'a', /3'oSaa'a" = Ya'a, /3"oSaa'a" = Yaa, then ani/ vector p may, by 294, XV., be expressed as follows, XIIL . . p = (3oSap + /3'oSa'p + (5"oQa"p ; if then we write, XIV. . .(3 = ^i3o, /3' = V'/3o', jS" = (PI3\ we shall have the following General Expression, or Standard Trinomial Form, for a Linear and Vector Function of a Vector, XV. . . 0p = jSSajo + jS'Sa'p + /3"Sa"p ; containing, as we see, three vector constants, (3, /3', /3", or nine scalar constants, such as XVI. . . Sa|3, Sa'(3, Sa"/3; SafS', Sa'jS', Sa"(5' ] Sa(5", Sa'jS", Sa"(i" ; which may (and generally will) all vary, in passing from one linear and vector func- tion + Va"aS/3i3> + Vaa'S/3'/3p, as an expression for the auxiliary function ;// ; of which the conjugate may be thus written, XIX. . . ^/'p = V/3'/3"Sa"a'p + V/3"i3Saa"p + V/3/3'Sa'ap ; \ T -^ ^ so that •«// is changed to ;p', when ^ is changed to 0', by interchanging each of the three alphas with the corresponding 6e0V, and XXII. . . mSW = S. 0'X^\', with the same sort of abridgment of notation as in XI'. ; and because the coefficient of Saa'a" in this last expression XXII. is by XVII. XVIII., S/3XS/3"/3'\' + S(3'KS(3(3"\' + Sf5"XSl3'^X' = S/3"/3'/3SXX', the division by SXX', or by SXjuv, succeeds, and we find the expression, XXIII. ..m = Saa'a"S/3"/3'/3; which may also be thus written, XXIir. . . m = S/3/3'i3"SaVa, so that m does not change when we pass from ^ to (p', on which account we may write also, XXIV. . . mSXX'= S.^X-f X', or XXIV. . . mSX/^i/ = S.^X^/i^v, because, by (2.), we can deduce from XI. the conjugate expression, XXV. .. ;//'X'=V.0/i0i/. (4.) We ought then to find that the linear equation, XXVI. . . (T = = 2V|3/3'Sa'«p, and XXXV. ..m = 2Saa'a"S/3"/3'|3= 2S|S/3'/3"Sa"a'a. (8.) The important property (2.), that the auxiliary function y^j is changed to its own conjugate i// , when ip is changed to ^'v, 347, xr., we get these two other equations, IV. . . - ^V. v^'ju = mY-iK^'v ; V. . . -^Y.-^'ii-^'v = m^Vjuv ; in the former of which i\iQ points may be omitted, while in each of them accented may be exchanged with unaccented symbols of operation : and we see that the law of homogeneity (347, (6.) ) is preserved. And many other transformations of the same sort may be made, of which the following are a few examples. (1.) Operating on V. by ^-^ or by m"'^, we get this new formula, VI. . . Y,\l>'ix\p'v = m^Ynv; comparing which with the lately cited definition of tp, we see that we may change (f> to \p, if we at the same time change tp to mip, and therefore also m to m^ ; 0' being then changed to \p', and ip' to mtp'. (2.) For example, we may thus pass from IV. and V. to the formulis, VII. . . - (l>Yv(p'fi =Yfji\p'v, and VIII. . . K (6.) It may also be remarked that the changes (1.) conduct to the equation, XV. , . (S . \j'v) : SX^v ; or, interchanging \ with X', &c., in the dividends, VII. . . Kqx = (X^'X' + /*0'|ii' + v'+ /i^y + vxl^'v) : SXfiv ; where X' = Yfiv, &c., as before. (3.) Operating with Y.p on Vg'i, and observing that V. pVX>X = 0(XSX'|t)) - X'SX0>, &c., while * ^ (XSX'p + fiSfi'p + vSv'p) = 0(oSX/iv, and X'SX^'p + fi'SfKp'p + v'Sv^'p - ^'pSX/xr, with similar transformations for Y.pVqz, we find that IX. . . Y.pYqi = (pp-(p'p; and X. . . V. pYq2 =4^p- ^''p- (4.) Accordingly, since Sp ((pp - ip'p) = - Sp (0p - ip'p) = 0, the vector 0p — ^'p, if it do not vanish, must be a line perpendicular to p, and there- fore of the form, XI. . . (pp-(p'p = 2Yyp, in which y is some constant vector ; so that we may write, XII. . . 0p = 0op + Vyp, 0'p = 0op-Vyp, where the function ^oP is rts own conjugate, or is the common self- conjugate part of 0p and 0'p ; namely the part, XIII. . . 0op = K^P + f |o)- And we see that, with this signification of y, XIV. . . V(X>X + fi'iPfi + v'(pv) = - 2ySX/*v, or XIV'. . . V91 = - 2y ; while we have, in like manner, XV. . . V(X'^X + fi'^ix + v'^v) = - 25SX/XV, or XV'. . . V92 = - 2^, if XVI. . .^|/p-4''p = 2V^p. As a confirmation, the part 'v') = + 2ySX/iv, and XX. . . Y^X^'X + /^/'/^ + v'»//V) = + 2^SX/iv, we have this relation between the two new vector constants, XXI. . . ^ = -^y = -fy=-0oy; for 0, 'n) = 0x^/"''» as required. (6.) Since, then, S . X^x^' = S . X(/Ln//V - vyp'ix) = S(/u'»/''/tt + v'tp'v), the value III. of m' gives, by 349, VI., the equation, XIX. . . m'SXX'=S.X(»p+^x)^', X and X' being independent vectors ; hence, XX. . .■^p + (pxp = m'pj or briefly, XXI. . . -tp + '2 - f 3. (9.) Multiplying symbolically the equation I. by — m-'i//3^ and reducing by •^(p = 7», we eliminate the symbol 0, and obtain this cubic in ?^, XXV. . . = m2 - mm"yl^ + m';|/2 _ ^3 . in which i//' may be substituted for i//. (10.) In general, it may be remarked, that when we change to ^, and there- fore il/ to m^, as before, we change not only m to m2, but also m' to mm", and m" to m ; while x is at the same time changed to 0x> ^^ ^^ X^i ^^^ *^^ quaternion qx is changed to 52- Accordingly, we may thus pass from the relation XVI. to XXI. ; and conversely, from the latter to the former. (11.) And if the two new auxiliary functions, x and x', be considered as defined by the equations VIII. and IX., their conjugate relation (3.) to each other may be proved, without any reference to the standard form of 0p, by reasonings similar to those which were employed in 347, (8.), to establish the corresponding conjugation of the functions ip and ;//'. (12.) It may be added that the relations between 0, 0', x, %', and m" give the following additional transformations, which are occasionally useful : XXVI, . . ^'Vjuv = Y{nxv + v^/i) = - y^vxi^ + jw^v) ; XXVII. . . (pYfiv = Yifix'v + vtp'n) = - V(vxV + f^fv) ; with others on which we cannot here delay. 35 1 . The cubic in ^ may be thus written : 1, . . = mp - m'(j)p + m"(^'^p ~ (p^p ; where p is an arbitrary vector. If then it happen that for some particular but actual vector, p, the linear function (j)p vanishes, so that (pp = 0, (p'^p = 0, (p^p = 0, &c., the constant m must be zero ; or in symbols, II. . . if 0p = 0, and Tp > 0, then m = 0. Hence, by the expression 347, XXIII. for m, when the standard form for 0p is adopted, we must have either III. . . Saa'a = 0, or else IV. . . S/3' '^jS = ; so that, in each case, that generally trinomial for m^ 347, XV., must admit of being reduced to a binomial. Conversely, when we have thus a function of the particular form^ 446 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [boOK III. V. . . ^p = j3Sa/o + f5'Sap, we have then, VI. . .^Vda' = 0; so that if a and a be actual and non-parallel lines, the real and actual vector Yaa will be a value of |0, which will satisfy the equation 0/> = ; but no other real and actual value of /o, ex- cept Q = a; Vaa, will satisfy that equation, if j3 and j3' be actual^ and non-parallel. In this case V., the operation reduces every other vector to the fixed plane of j3, )3', which plane is therefore the Z<^cw5 of ^p ; and since we have also, we see that the locfus of the functionally conjugate vector., (p'p, is another fixed plane, namely that of a, a . Also, the normal to the latter plane is the line which is destroyed hj the former operation, namely by ^ ; while the normal to the former plane is in like manner the line, which is annihilated by the latter operation, (p', since we have, VIII.. .fVj30' = O, but not (p'p= 0, for any actual p, in any direction except that of Vj3/3', or its opposite, which may however, for the present purpose, be regarded as the same.*. In this case we have also monomial forms for ^p and \ilp, namely IX. ..^Pp^ yaa'Si5'j5p, and X. . . ^'/o = Y(5(5'Sa'ap ; so that the operation xp destroys every line in the first fixed plane (of j3, j3'), and the conjugate operation ^p' annihilates every line in the second fixed plane (of a, a). On the other hand, the operation ^ reduces every line, which is out of the first plane, to \hQ fixed direction of the normal to the second plane; and the operation xfj reduces every line which is out of the second T^\2i\i% to that other fixed direction, which is normal to the^r^^ plane. And thus it comes to pass, that whether we operate first with ;//, and then with ; or first with 0, and then with ^ ; or first with \p' and then with 0' ; or first with 4>', * Accordingly, in the present investigation^ whenever we shall speak of a ^^ fixed direciion,^^ or the " direction of a given line,''' &c., we are always to be understood as meaning, " or the opposite of that direction." CHAP. II.] EQUAL ROOTS, RECTANGULAR LINES AND PLANES. 447 and then with \p' ; in all these cases, we arrive at last at a null line, in conformity with the symbolic equations, XI. . . 0;// = ^0 = 0'^' = ^'0' = m = 0, which belong to the case here considered. (L) Without recurring to the standard form of Xfj,v, and the same equations might have enabled us to foresee, that the scalar constant m must be zero, if for any one actual vector, such as X, either (pX or (p'X becomes null. (5.) And the reducihility of the trinomial to the binomial form, when this last condition is satisfied, might have been anticipated, without any reference to the com- position of the constant m, from the simple consideration (comp. 294, (10.)), that no actual vector p can be perpendicular, at once, to three diplanar lines. 352. It may happen, that besides the recent reduction (351) of the linear function (^tp to a binomial form, when the relation I. . . m = exists between the constants of that function, in which case the symbolic and cubic equation 350, I. reduces itself to the form, thus losing its absolute term, or having one root equal to zero. 448 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. this equation may undergo a further reduction^ by two of its roots becoming equal to each other ; namely either by our having III. ..m' = 0, and IV. . . ^^(0 - m") = 0; or in another way, by the existence of these other equations, V. . . m"^ - 4/w' = 0, and VI. . . ^ (^ - ^m'y = 0. In each of these two cases, we shall find that certain new geo- metrical relations arise, which it may be interesting briefly to investigate ; and of which the principal is the mutual rectan- gular ity q£ two Jixed planes ^ which are the loci (comp. 351) of certain derived, ^ndi functionally conjugate vectors : namely, in the case III. IV., the loci of p and satisfies this new cubic, IX. . . = 2 (O + \m") ; while ^' satisfies at the same time a cubic equation with the same coefficients (comp. 350, (8.)), namely (1.) We saw in 351, (1.), (2.). that when m = the line y\/'p has generally afixed direction, to which that of the line (pp is perpendicular ; and that in like manner the line ;//jO has then another fixed direction, to which (/)'p is perpendicular. If then the plane loci of 0p and 0'p be at right angles to each other, we must also have the fixed lines i//'\ and »^/i rectangular, or XI. . . = S.i/z'X^'/i = SXi^V, independently of the directions of \ and n ; whence XII. . . = i//3^, or XIII. . . x^2 = 0, since jit is an arbitrary vector. (2.). Now in general, by the functional relation 350, XXI. combined with »//0 = w, we have the transformation, XIV. . . rp^ = tp^m' — 'p and does not annihi- late every vector p, so that (comp, (4.) (5.) (6.) ) ' = ; after which we easily find that XXXIV /^'^'=^' ^Vll/^, '= 0. (17.) Since we have thus xV = ^» where /*' is a line in the fixed direction of 0'2p, we have also the equation, XXXV. . . = Spx>'= Sfi'xp, or xP "»-/*' ; the locus of xp is therefore a plane perpendicular to the line ju' ; and in like manner, H is the norjnal to a plane, which is the locus of the line x'p« And the symbolical equations, X = ^i P^'X-^: °^^^y ^® interpreted as expressing, that the operation reduces every line in this new plane of xp to thej^a;ec? direction of 0-^0, or of \' ; and that the operation 0^ destroys every line in this plane -L ju'; with analogous results, when accented are interchanged with unaccented symbols. Accordingly we see, by XXXII., that (pxp has the fixed direction of Yaa', or of V ; and that . ^xP = 0, because 0\' = 0. (18.) We see also, that the operation 0x> or X0» destroys every line in the plane n, to which the operation reduces every line ; and that thus the symbolical equa- tions, inay be interpreted. (19.) As a verification, it may be remarked that the Jixed direction X', of cpxp or x0p> ought to be that of the line of intersection of the two fixed planes of 0p and Xp; and accordingly it is perpendicular by XXXIII. to their two normals, X and fjf : with similar remarks respecting the fixed direction X, of 0'x'p or X'P'Pi which is perpendicular to X' and to ju. (20.) Let us next suppose, that besides m=0, and m' — 0, we have 4' = 0, but that to" is still diff'erent from zero. In this case, it has been seen (6.) that the expres- sion for 0p reduces itself to the monomial form, jGSap; and therefore that the opera- tion destroys every line in a. fixed plane (-L- a), while it reduces every other line to a. fixed direction (|1 (3), which is not contained in that plane, because we have not nowSaj3=0. (21.) In this case we have by (16.), equating a or ^S' to 0, the expressions, XXXVI. . . 1^'° " ^^"l"' ^'^ " "^^^' """ " ^"^ < ^' j XP = V. aV/3p = (to" - 0) p, x'P = V. fiYap = (to" - 0')p, so that the equations XVIII. are reproduced ; and the depressed cubic, or the qua~ dratic XXII. in 0, may be written under the very simple form. 452 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. XXXVII. . . O = 0x = X0- (22.) Accordingly (comp. (5.) and (7.) ), the operation ^ here reduces an arbi- trary line to the fixed direction of f3, while x destroys every line in that direction ; and conversely, the operation x reduces an arbitrary line to the fixed plane perpen- dicular to a, and (p destroys every line in that fixed plane. But because we do not here suppose that m" = 0, the Jixed direction of ^p is not contained in the Jixed plane of XP ) and (comp. (8.) and (10.) ) the directions of (pp and ; XLVII. . . Yaia'i .Yj3'il3i = Vaa'. V/3'/3 ; 80 that the sea ?ar, Saj3 + Sa'/3' ; the vector, /3Sap + jS'Sa'p ; and the quaternion * Yaa.Yj3'(3, remain unaltered in value, when we pass from a given system oi four vectors a(Ba'(i\ to another system of four vectors ai/3ia'i/3'i, by expressions of the forms XLIV. (28.) With the help of this general principle (27.), and of the remarks in (26.), it may be shown, without difficulty, that in the case (23.) the vector constants of the binomial expression /3Sap + (3'Sa'p for 0. It will also be shown that these two directions, pi, pz, are not only real, but rectangular, to each other and to the third direction p, when the linear function (pp is self conjugate (349, (4.) ), or when the condition VI. . . 0> = ^p, or Vr. . . SXp = Sp(l>X, is satisfied by the given form of 0, or by the constants which enter into the composition of that linear symbol; but that when this condition of self- conjugation is wo^ satisfied, the roots of the quadratic I. may happen to be imaginary : and that in this case there exists no real direction of p, for which the vector equation II. of the second degree is satisfied, by actual values of p, except that one direction which has been seen before to satisfy the linear equation V. (1.) The most obvious mode of seeking to satisfy II,, otherwise than through V., is to assume an expression of the form, p = x(3 + x'(i', and to seek thereby to satisfy the equation, (^ + c) p = 0, with i0 = O, in which the points may be omitted ; and in fact we have the transformations, XVIIL . . 0102 = 0201 = (^ + ci) (0 4- cz) = 02 - m"0 -\-m'=\p, so that 0102.0= 0201.0 = »p0 =»i = 0. (5.) If we propose to form t//i from 0i, by the same general rule (347, XI.) by which -.// is formed from 0, we have XIX. . . ifjiYfiv = V. 0'1^0'iv = V.(0'/i + ciju) (0V + cip), and therefore, by the definition 350, VIII. of x? XX. . . ;//ip = i//p+cixp + ci2p, or XXI. . . t//i = T^ + cix + ci2 ; and in like manner, XXII. . . ^//2 = ^ + C2X + ^22> even if m be different from zero, and if ci, c^ be arbitrary scalars. (6.) Accordingly, without assuming that m vanishes, if we operate on xj/ip with 456 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. ^1, or symbolically multiply the expression XXI. for xpi by ^i, we get the symbolic product, XXIII. . . ^1^1 = (0 + ci) (»// + cix + Ci2) = m + c\m' + ci^m" + c^ = mi, where mi is what the scalar m becomes, when is changed to ^i, or is such that XXIV. . . miSX/iV = S.0'iX0'i/i^'iv = S.(0'\+ci\) (^V + ci^i) (^V+civ); as appears by the definitions of 0', t^, x, »»j W, m", and by the relations between those symbols which have been established in recent Articles, or in the sub- articles appended to them. (7.) Supposing now again that m = 0, and that ci, c^ are the roots of the quadra- tic I. in c, we have by XXIII., XXV. . . 0i;//i = TWi = ; and in like manner XXVI. . . ^2^2 = »*2 = 0, if m% be formed from mi, by changing c\ to a. (8.) Comparing XXV. with XVII., we may be led to suspect the existence of an intimate connexion existing between ipi and 020, since each reduces an arbitrary vec- tor to the fixed direction of 0r'O, or of pi ; and in fact these two operations are iden- tical, because, by XXI., and by the known relations between the symbols, we have the transformations, XXVII. . . t//i = ip + cix + Ci2 = (m' - m"0 + 02) ^ ci (m" - 0) + c^ = ,p2-(ni"+ ci)0 = 03 + C20 = 002 ; and similarly, XXVIII. . . \p2 = 0^ + ci0 = 00i ; while \p = 0102, as before. (9.) We have thus the new symbolic equation, XXIX. . . 00102 = 0, in which the three symbolic factors 0, 0i, 02 may be in any manner grouped and transposed, so that it includes the two eqxiations XVII. ; and in which the subject of operation is an arbitrary vector p. Its interpretation has been already partly given ; but we may add, that while reduces every vector to the Jixed plane IT, 01 reduces every line to another fixed plane, 11 1, and 02 reduces to a third plane, 1X2 ; thus 0102, or 020i, while it destroys two lines pi, po, and therefore every line in the plane 11, reduces an arbitrary line to the fixed direction of the intersection of the two planes 111112, which intersection must thus have the direction of 0-10 ; and in like manner, the fixed direction pi of 0r^O, as being that to which an arbitrary" vec- tor is reduced (3.) by the compound operation 020, or 002, must be that of the inter- section of the planes 11112 ; and p2, or 02"'O, has the direction of the intersection of IIIIi ; while on the other hand 002 destroys every line in IIi, and 00i every line in 1X2: so that these three planes, with their three lines of intersection, are the chief elements in the geometrical interpretation of the equation 00i02 = 0. (10.) The conjugate equation, XXX. . . 0'0 10 2 = 0, may be interpreted in a similar way, and so conducts to the consideration of a con- jugate system o^ planes and lines ; namely the planes 11', II'i, n'2, which are the loci of 0'p, 0'ip, 0'3p, while the operations 0'i0'2. 0'20'i, and 0'0'i destroy all lines CHAP. II.] CASE OF IMAGINARY ROOTS AND DIRECTIONS. 457 in these three planes respectively, and reduce arbitrary lines to the fixed directions of the intersections, Xl'ill'a, n'2n', II'II'i, which are also those of ^'-'O, ^V'O, (11.; It is inaportant to observe that these three last lines are the normals to the three first planes, IT, IT, IT"; and that, in like manner, the three ^rmer lines are perpendicular to the three latter planes. To prove this, it is sufficient to ob- serve that XXXI. . . Sp>p = Sp^'p' = 0, if 0'p' = 0, or that (pp 4- 0'-'O ; and similarly, ^'p -J- ^-'0, &c. (12.) Instead of eliminating x' : cc between the two equations VII., we might have eliminated c ; which would have given this other quadratic, XXXII. . . = a;2Sa'/3 + .r.r(Sa'/3'-Sai8)-a;'2Sa|3'; also, if x'\ : x\ and x^ : X2 be the two values of x' : x, then XXXIII. . . pi II Xl(3 + X\(3', P2 II 232/3 + Xz(3', and XXXIV. . . Xix^ : (a;ia;'2 + x^x'i) : x'lx'^ = - Sa/3' : (Saj3 - Sa'/3') : Sa'^; hence the condition of rectangularity of the two lines pi, p2, or ^r^O, ^2''0, is ex- pressed by the equation, XXXV. . . = - )82Sa/3 ' + S/3/3'(Sa)3 - Sa'/^) + ^'^a'^ = S . ^|3'V(/5a + /3'a') ; and consequently it is satisfied, if the given function be self-conjugate (VI.), be- cause we have then the relation, XXXVI. .. V/3a+V/3'a' = 0; in fact the binomial form of ^ gives (comp. 349, XXII.), XXXVII. . . ^'p - 0p = (aS/3p - (38ap)+ (a'S/3'p -/3'Sa'p) = V.pV(|3a +/3'a'), which cannot vanish independently of p, unless the constants satisfy the condition XXXVI. (13.) With this condition then, of self-conjugation of ^, we have the relation of rectangularity, XXXVIII. .. Spip3=0, or ^1-10 -L ^2-'0 ; at least if these directions pi and p2 be real, which they can easily be proved to be, as follows. The condition XXXVI. gives, XXXIX. . . = S . aa'Y(i(3a + /3'a') = a^Sa'13 + Saa'(Sa'|8' - Sa/3) - a'^Safi' ; hence (a^ Sa'/3 - a'2Sa/3')2 = (Saa')^ {Sa(3 - Sa'fty, a^a'Hrn"^ - 4m') = a^a"^ { (Sa^S - Sa'/S')^ + 4Sa|8'Sa'/3} = {a^a'^ - (Saa')2) (a/3 ~ Sa'/3')^ + (a2Sa'/3 + a'2Sa/3')2 > 0, and XL. . . (Saj3 - Sa'/3')2 + 4Sa/3'Sa'/3 = m"2 - 4m' > ; so that each of the two quadratics, I. (or VIII.), and XXXII., has real and unequal roots : a conclusion which may also be otherwise derived, from the expressions /3 = aa + 6a', (i' = ba + a' a', which the condition allows us to substitute for /3 and j3'. (14.) The same condition XXXVI. shows that the /owr vectors a(3a'(3' are corn- planar, or that we have the relations, XLI. . . Sa(3(i' = 0, Sa'i3/3' = 0, V(Vaa'. V^'|3) = ; hence Yaa', or ^"'0 is now normal to the ja^ane 11 ; and therefore by (13.), when the function

become therefore, XLVI. ..c2-y2 = 0, Ci = + yri.Ty, C2 = --/rT.Ty, where v— 1 is the imaginary of algebra (comp. 214, (3.) ) ; thus by XX. or XXI., and XXII.) we have now XLVII. . . i//i(r = - ySy 0P2 = ~ ^^2^2) Vp20p2 = 0, CHAP. II.] VECTOR AND QUADRATIC EQUATION. 459 as ones which are at least symbolically true. We find then that the two imaginary directions, p\ and jOo, satisfy (at least in a symbolical sense, or as far as calculation is concerned) the vector equation II., or that p\ and p^ are two imaginary vector roots of yp(pp = ; but that, because the scalar quadratic I. has here imaginary roots, this vector equation II- has (as above stated) no real vector root p, except one in the direction of the given and real vector y, which satisfies the linear equation V., or gives 'p = p, or ir. . . SX^/o = Sp^A, for all values of the vectors p and X, the equation I. may hap- pen to become true, for one real direction of p, and for every direction perpendicular thereto : or even for all possible direc- tions, according to the particular system of constants, which enter into the composition oi t\iQ function (pp. We shall show also that the scalar (or algebraic) and cubic equation, III. . . =m + m'c + nfc^ + c^ which is formed from the symbolic and cubic equation 350, I., by changing to - c, enters importantly into this whole theory ; and that if it have one real and two imaginary roots, the quadratic and vector equation I. is satisfied by only one real direction of p ; but that it may then be said (comp. 353, (17.)) to be satisfied also by tivo imaginary directions, or to have two imaginary and vector roots : so that this equation I. may be said to represent generally a system of three right lines, whereof one at least must be real. For the case IL, the scalar roots of III. will be proved to be always real; so that if TWo, m'o, and m"o be formed (as in sub-articles to 349 and 350) from the self -conjugate part i^' = ]//'+ ex' +c2, and VII. . . M= m + m'c + mV + c^, with VIII. . . M= ^^ = ^(p = x'j ^^^ the constants m', m" become, IX. . . X= Dc^ = X + 2c, X'= D,^' = x' + 2c, j-M' = DcM= m' + 2m"c + 3c2, • " \M"=|Dc2iW = m"+3c; with the verifications, XI. . . $ + X = *' + X'=M", *X + ^ = $'X' + >t''=iW', as we had, by the sub-articles to 350, + X = 0' + x' = ^"» 0x + 'Z' = ^'x' + '/''= w'- (3.) The new linear symbol $ must satisfy the new cubic, XII. ..0 = M- M'^ + M"2 + Af' $; which is precisely similar to the form, Q = (f>^-m'y^viipi = 0. while ^2P2= for the other, so that each satisfies XVI., or I. ; and these are precisely the fixed directions of ^ip and "ir-zp, if ■*■! and ^2 he formed from ^ by changing $ to $1 and $2 respectively. (7.) Cases of equal and of imaginary roots need not be dwelt on here ; but it may be remarked in passing, that if the function 0p have the particular form {g being any scalar constant), XIX. . . 0p = gp, then XX. . .{g-y = 0, and XXI. . . M= (^ + c)3 ; the cubic XIV. or III. having thus all its roots equal, and the equation I. being sa- tisfied by every direction of p, in this particular case. (8.) The general existence of a real and rectangular system of three directions satisfying I., when the condition II. is satisfied, may be proved as in 353, (14.) ; and it is unnecessary to dwell on the case where, by two roots of the cubic becoming equal, all lines in a given plane, and also the normal to that plane, are vector roots of I., with the same condition II. (9.) And because the quadratic, = c^ + m"c + m' (353, I.), has been proved to have always real roots (353, (13.) ) when (}>'p = p, the analogous quadratic XVII. must likewise then have real roots, Ci, Cz ; whence it immediately follows (comp. XII. and XIII.), that (under the same condition of self-conjugation) the cubic III. has three real roots, c, c + Ci, c + C2 ; and therefore that (as above stated) the other cubic IV., which is formed from the self-conjugate part ^q of the general linear and vector function 0, and which may on that account be thus denoted, XXII. . . Mo= 0, has its roots always real. (10.) If we denote in like manner by o the symbol ^o f c, the equation w =mo - Sy0oy (349, XXVI., comp. 349, XXI.) becomes, XXIII. . . M=Mo- Sy^oy ; whence, by comparing powers of c, we recover the relations, ni = m'o - y2, and m" = m"o, as in 350, (1.). (11.) On a similar plan, the equation m^'Y^v = Y.^'fi'^l^v becomes, XXIV. . . M^'Vfiv==Y.^n^v, comp, 348, (1.), in which p. and v are arbitrary vectors, and c is an arbitrary scalar ; or more fully, XXV. . . (w + m'c + m"c^ + c^) {^' + c)Ypv = V. (j^p + cxp + c2/i) (i//j/ -j- c^v + c^v) ; whence follow these new equations, XXVI. . . (to + m'')Ypv = Y(px^-^XfJ^)> which can all be otherwise proved, and from the last of which (by changing to i/^, &c.) we can infer this other of the same kind, XXIX. . . (m' + \ly')Ypv = Y{p(pxv - v'p, g being here any real and given scalar, and X, /i any real and non-parallel given vectors ; to which/orm, indeed, we shall soon find that ewery self-conjugate function ^op can be brought. We have now (after some reductions), XXXI. . . xj/p = VXpjuSX/A - Y\iJiS\pfi-g(\Sfip + fjiSXp) + g^p, XXXII. . . XP = - (>^S/tp + /iSXp) + 2gp, and XXXIII, . . m = (5- - SX/*) (g^ - X^^), m' = - X^ - 2^SX/i + 3^2, m" = - SX/i + 3g ; where the part of \pp which is independent of^* may be put under several other forms, such as the following, XXXIV. . . V(Xp/iSX/A - XfiSXpn) = XpfiSXfi - XfiSXpfi = X(pSX/i + SXfxp)fi = ^X(X/ip + pXfi)ii = X(XSfxp + juSXp - Xp/i)/i, &c. ; and 4>, ""i^, X, M, M', M" may be formed from ^, ;//, Xi ™> "* » *^ » ^7 simply changing g to c^g. The equation M= has therefore here three real and unequal roots, namely the three following, XXXV. . . c = -^ + SX/i, c+Ci = -^ + TX^, c+C2 = -<7-TX/[i; and the corresponding forms of "^p are found to be, XXXVI. . . ^p = YXfiSXfip, ^ip= - (XTju + /iTX; S . p(XT/i + /nTX), xp2p = - (XT/i - /i*TX)S. p(XT/i - /xTX). Thus ^p, ^ip, and '^'ap have in fact the three fixed and rectangular directions of YX/x, XTix + /xTX, and XTfi - ^TX, namely of the normal to the given plane of X, fi, and the bisectors of the angles made by those two given lines ; and these are ac- cordingly the onlg directions which satisfy the vector equation of the second degree, XXXVII. . . (Vp0p=V.pVXp/[t=)VpXS/ip + Vp/xSXp = O; 80 that this last equation represents (as was expected) a system of three right lines, in these three respective directions. (13.) In general, if ci, C2, C3 denote the three roots (real or imaginary) of the cubic equation M=0, and if we write, XXXVIIL . . $x = + Ci, $2=0+C2, *3 = 0+C3, the corrresponding values of ■*" will be (comp. VI.), XXXIX. . .^l = xf^+CiX+Ci^, ^2 = '/' + C2X + C22, ^3=»^ + C3X + <'32; also we have the relations, (ci + C2 + cz = -m" =-^ - X, XL. . . < C2C3 + c^ci + C1C2 = +m'=(px+i', { C1C2C3 = — m = — 0i// ; whence it is easy to infer the expressions, XLI. . . a»i = (C2 - C3)-i (^3 - ^2), *2= (c3 - ciyi (^1 - ^3), *3 = {Cl - C2)-» (^2 - ^1) ; which enable us to express the functions *ip, 4>2p, *3p as binomials (comp. 351, &c.), when ^ip, *^2p, ^sp have been expressed as monomes, and to assign the planes (real or imaginary), which are the loci of the lines *ip, fp2p, *3p- 464 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS, [bOOK III. (14.) Accordingly, the three operations, $, i, 4>2, by which lines in the three lately determined directions (12.) are destroyed, or reduced to zero, and which at first present themselves under the forms, XLII. . . *p = XS//p + /iSXp, *ip = VXpjLi + pTX^, *2 = VXp/i - pTX/i, are found to admit of the transformations, ^ 2TX/i ' ^^ TX/i+SX/i' ^^ TXfi-SXix' where *, *i, ^2 have the recent forms XXXVI., and the loci of $p, 4»ip, *2io com- pose a system of three rectangular planes. (IS.') In general, the relations (13.) give also (comp. 363, (8.)), XLIV. . . ^1 = $2^3, ^2 = *3$i, ^3 = $1*2, and XLV. . . *i^i = $2*2 = *3^3 = *i*2*3 = 0, whence also, XLVI. . . ^i'*^2 = ^2^3 = ^3'*'i = 0, the symhols (in anyone system of this sort) admitting of being transposed and grouped at pleasure; if then the roots of M— be real and unequal, there arises a system of three real and distinct planes, which are connected with the interpretation of the symbolical equation, $1*2*3 = 0, exactly as the three planes in 353, (9.) were con- nected with the analogous equation, = 0, and II, . . Sa/j = 0, and investigating the condition of the reality of the two* directions, pi and p2, by which they are generally satisfied, and for each of which the plane of p and (pp contains generally the given line A in I., or is normal to the plane locus II. of p. We shall find that these two directions are always real and rectangular (except that they may become indeterminate), when the linear function (p is its own conju- gate ; and that then, if A be a root po of the vector equation, III. . . Yp9p^0, * Geometrically, the equation I. represents a cone of the second order, with X for one side, and with the three lines p which satisfy III. for three other sides ; and II. represents a plane through the vertex, perpendicular to the side X. The tivo direc- tions sought are thus the tivo sides, in which this plane cids the cone. CHAP. II.] NEW PROOF OF EXISTENCE OF THE SYSTEM. 465 which has been already otherwise discussed, the lines px and p^ are also roots of that equation ; the general existence (354) of a system of three real and rectangular directions, which satisfy this equation III. when (p'p = (ppy being thus proved anew : whence also will follow a new proof of the reality of the scalar roots of the cubic 31= 0, for this case of self -conjugation of ^ ; and therefore of the necessary reality of the roots of that other cubic, Mq = 0, which is formed (354, IV. or XXII.) from the self -conjugate part 0; and the correspondmg directions of p will be rectangular, if VII. . . = S (y i/i + ziv) (r/2fi + z%v) = - (j/iy-i -f 212:2) ; that is, if VIII. . . Sv0ft = S/i0v, at least for this particular pair of vectors, ju and v. (2.) Introducing now the expression, 4 (Sy/tiv)2, and X. . . Syfiv = ; which are both satisfied generally when y = 0, or = ^' = ^q ; the only exception being, that the quadratic V. may happen to become an identity, by all its coefficients vanishing : but the opposite inequality (to VI. and IX.) can never hold good, that is to say, the roots of that quadratic can never be imaginary, when is thus self- conjugate. (3.) On the other hand, when y Is actual, or 0'p not generally =^p, the condi- tion X. of rectangularity can only accidentally be satisfied, namely by the given or fixed line y happening to be in the assumed plane of //, v ; and when the two direc- tions of p are thus not rectangular, or when the scalar Syixv does not vanish, we have only to suppose that the square of this scalar becomes large enough, in order to render (by IX.) those directions coincident, or imaginary. (4.) When ^' = 0, or y = 0, we may take p and v for the two rectangular direc- tions of p, or may reduce the quadratic to the very simple form yz = ; but, for this purpose, we must establish the relations, XL .. Spfi = S\(pv ; ■whence ^fi \\ Yv\ || ;x, and 0v || YXfi || v, or, XIII. . . = YX(p\ = YfjL!, /jg, pz, . , . or ^ V» ^V) ^V> • • ; «^^ i/*» % constructing a Parallelepiped, we decompose any Line of this Series, such as p^, into three partial or component lines^ mp, - m'pi, m"pi^ in the Directions of the three which precede it, as here of P) Pii Pi '•> i^^^ i^^ Three Scalar Coefficients, m, - m\ m", or the Three Ratios which these three Components of the Fourth Line pz hear to the Three Preceding Lines of the Series, will depend only on the given Mode or Law of Derivation, and will be entirely independent of the assumed Length and Direction of the Initial Vector y (1.) As an Example of such successive Derivation, let us take the law, I. . . pi = 0p = - \ftpy, p2 = ^2p = _ V^piy, &c., which answers to the construction in 305, (1.), &g., when we suppose that /3 and y are unit-lines. Treating them at first as any two given vectors, our general method conducts to the equation, II. . . p3 = mp - m'pi + »»"p2, with the following values of the coefiicients, III. . .m = -i82y2S/3y, m'=-(3^y^, m" = S/3y; as may be seen, without any new calculation, by merely changing p, X, and /*, in 354, XXXIII., to 0, (B, and - y. (2.) Supposing next, for comparison with 306, that IV. . . /32=y2=-l, and S/3y=-Z, so that (3, y are unit lines, and I is the cosine of their inclination to each other, the values III. become, V. . . m = Z, w' = - 1, m" = — l; and the equation II., connecting /owr successive lines of the series, takes the form, VI. . . p3 = ^p + Pi-^p3, or VII. . .p3-pi = -?(p3-p); m = :SSaa'a"Si8"/3'/3 + 2S (rVaa'. V^G'/S) + SrSSa^Sr - SSarS/3r + SrTr^ ; and the auxiliary function which we now denote by t// was, miro(T-iy + t) S(y + e) a + Ya( that is, unless the self-conjugate parts of and op=9p-\- VXp/i = p(g- SXfi) + XS/^p + /iSXp, becomes, XV. . . (pop = - C2P + (e'as + eai) S(e'a3- eai)p + {e'az - eai) S(e'a3+ eai)p = - C2P - 2e2aiSaip + 2e'2aoSa3p ; which agrees, by X., with VI. (6.) Conversely if ^r, X, and p, be constants such that ^Qp-=gp-\-N\pp, then 0oVX/i = (/'VXyw, where g' =g - SX/i, as before ; hence — g' must be one of the three roots ci, C2, C3 of the cubic Mq = 0, and the normal to the plane of X, p. must have one of the three directions of ai, 02, az ; if then we assume, on trial, that this plane is that of ai, 03, and write accordingly, XVI. . . X = aai + a'as, p, = bai-\-b'azi (p2P = XSpp-i- [iSXp, we are, by VI., to seek for scalars aa'bb' which shall satisfy the three conditions, XVII. . .2ab = ci~ C2, 2a'6' = C3 - co, ab' + 6a' = ; but these give XV in. . . (2aJ')2 = (26a')2 = (cs ^ cz) (c2 - ci). 470 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. so that if the transformation is to be a real one, we must suppose that C2 — cy and C3 — c-z are either both positive, as iu IX., or else both negative ; or in other words? we must so arrange the three real roots of the cubic, that 03 may be (algebraically) intermediate in value between the other two. Adopting then the order IX., with the values X., we satisfy the conditions XVII. by supposing that XIX. . . a' = b' = e', a = — 6 = e ; and are thus led back from XVI. to the expressions XI., as the onl^ real ones for \, fi, and g which render possible the transformations I. and II. ; except that \ and fi may be interchanged, &c., as before. (7.) We see, however, that in an imaginary sense there exist two other solutions of the problem, to transform (pp and Sp0p as above ; for if we retain the order IX., and equate g' in II'. to either - ci or - C3, we may in each case conceive the corresponding sum of two squares in VIII. as \)&ii\g the product of two imaginary but linear fac- tors ; the planes of the two imaginary pairs of vectors which result being real, and perpendicular respectively to a\ and as. (8.) And if the real expression XIV. for 0op he given, and it be required to pass from it to the expression V., with the order of inequality IX., the investigation in 354, (12.) enables us at once to establish the formulae : XX. . . ci = -5r-TX/i, C2=-^+S\ju, cz = -g^T\fi; XXI. . . ai = V(\Tfx - fiTX), az = UVX/*, as = V(\Tfx + fiTX) ; in which however it is permitted to change the sign of any one of the three vector units. Accordingly the expressions XI. give, TX/i + SX/z = 2e2 = C2 - ci, TX)ti-SX/i = 2e'2=c3-c2, SX/i = ^ + C2; TX = T/i, . X- ju = 2eai, VXj[i = — 2ee'a3ai = + 2ee'a2, \ + fi=2e'a3. (9.) We have also the two identical transformations, XXII. . . SXpup = p^TXfi + { (SX/ip)2 + (SXpTfjL + SfxpTXy } (TXfx - SX/i)-i, XXIII. . . SXpfip = - p2TX/* - {(SXfipy + (SXpT/i - SupTXy] (TXh + SX/i)-«, which hold good for any three vectors, X, ft, p, and may (among other ways) be de- duced, through the expressions XX. and XXI., from II. and VIII. (10.) Finally, as regards tbe expressions VI. for ^ip. Sec, if we denote the cor- responding forms of »//p by ipip, &c., we have (comp. 354, (15.) ) these other ex- pressions, which are as usual (comp. 351, &c.) oi monomial form : I ■^ip = (p2(pzp = (C2 - ci) (ci - C3) aiSaip ; XXIV. . . j ■4>2p = 4>3(p\p = (c3 - C2) (c2 - ci) a2Sa2p ; ( 4'3p = 0i^2p = (ci - cs) (c3 - C2) asSasjO ; and which verify the relations 354, XLI., and several other parts of the whole fore- going theory. 358. The general linear and vector function C2"' > C3-1 ; which will indeed coincide with the arrangement 357, IX., if the three roots ci, ci, 03, be all positive, but will be incompatible with it in every other case. (2.) This being laid down (or even, if we choose, the opposzYe order being taken), the (real) values of a, h; a, (3 may be thus expressed : IV, . . a = - C2, b = ci-C2 + cz; V. . . a = xai + zas, /3 = x'ai + z'a^ ; in which VI.. :r3 = £LiZ ci 1 - C3 ATT 2 <'1^-C2'' „ C-Z- V I. . x^ = , z^= — C\T C^Z VII. . . -p = -p = b(xx + zz') = - 6Sa/3 = (8ay) b' ; 472 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. VIII. . . 6'2 = C1C2-IC3& = Ci2a;2 + C32z2 ; IX. . . x2 + y2 = a;'2 4-/2 = 1; X. . . hx'z' = c^xz ; XI. . . cix3 + C3z2 = ciC2-»C3 = ft-ifc'z = & (Sa/3)2, C1C3 = - a6 CSa|3)2 . XII. . . 6'/3 = -6]8Sa/3 = cia;ai + cszas; &c. (3.) And there result the transformations : XIII. . . ^2p =(ci - C2)aiSaip + (03 — C2) asSasp = - ci{xa\ + zaz) S (a;ai + zaz) p H • (a? 0. Accordingly these expressions for the roots agree evidently with the former results, IV. and XI., because S . (afSf = 2 (Sa/3)2 - 1. (6.) The roots ci, C2, C3 being thus known, the same general method gives for the directions of oi, 02, 03 the versors of the following expressions (or of their nega- tives) : CHAP. II.] SECOND FOCAL TRANSFORMATIONS. 473 !»^ip = ac3->(c3a + 6/3SajS) S (c^a + b(3Sa(3) p ; 4/2|0 = a6Va/3S/3ap; ^s9 = acr'(cia + 6/3Sa/3) S(cia + 6/3Saj3)p ; of which the monomial forms may agaiu be noted, and which give, XXII'. .. ai = ± U(c3a + &;3Saj8), as = ± UVa/3, as = ± U(cia + 6/3Sa^). (7.) Accordingly the expresssions in (2.), give (if we suppose a^ai = + az), XXIII. . . cza + */3Saj3 = (ca - ci)a;ai, Va^S = (x'z - xz) ai, cia + 6/3Sa/3 = (ci - C3)za3 ; and as an additional verification of the consistency of the various parts of this whole theory, it may be observed (comp. 357, XXIV.), that XXIV. . . - ac3-J(c3a + h^^a^y = (c2 - ci) (ci - cg), ab(Yaf3y = (c3 - C2) (c3 - ci), - acri(cia + 6/3Sa/3)2 = (ci - C3) (03 - C2). (8.) As regards the second transformations, XVII. and XVIII., it is easy to prove that we may write, XXV. . . (C3 - ci) a' = 5j3a/3 - aa, (cg - ci)/3' = aa/3a - b(3, XXVI. . . - (C3 - ci)2 = (bj3a(3 - aay = [aa^a - b(3y ; so that we have the following equation, XXVII. . . (a(Vap)2+ 6(Si3p)«) (a2 + 2a6S.(a]3)2+62) = a (V(6/3a/3 - aa)p)2 + b (S(aa/3a - fe/3)p)2, which is true for any vector p, any two unit lines a, /3, and any two scalars a, 6. (9.) Accordingly it is evident from (4.), that ai, as must be the bisectors of the angles made by a, a', and also of those made by (3, (i' ; and the expressions XXV. may be thus written (because 6 - a = ci + C3), XXVIII. . . (C3 - ci) a' = (C3 + ci) a + 26/3Saj3, (ci - C3)/3' = (ci + C3)/3 - 2aaSa/3 ; whence, by XXIII., we may write, XXIX. . . a + a=^ 2xai, a-a' = 2za3 ; so that ai bisects the internal angle, and as the external angle, of the lines a, a'. (10.) At the same time we have these other expressions, XXX. . . (ci - C3) (j3 + i3') = 2 (ci/3 - aaSa/3), (C3 - ci) (/3 - jS') = 2 (csiS - aaSa/S) . which can easily be reduced to the simple forms, XXXI. . . /3 + /3' = 2x'ai, (B-I3'= 2z'az, with the recent meanings of the coefficients x' and z'. (11.) And although, for the sake of obtaining real transformations, we have supposed (comp. III.) that XXXII. . . (ci-i - cg-i) (C3-^ - C3-O > 0, because the assumed relation a = xax + zaz between the three unit vectors aaiuz, whereof the two latter are rectangular, gives a;2-f 2:3= 1^ as in jx., so that each of the two expressions VI. involves the other, and their comparison gives the ratio, XXXIII. . . ar2 : 22 = (ci-i - C2-J) : {c^^ - C3-'). 3 P 474 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. yet we see that, without this inequality XXXII. existing, the foregoing transforma- tions hold good in an imaginary (or merely symbolical) sense : so that we may say, in general, that the functions Sp^p and tpop can be brought to the forms I. and II. in six distinct ways, whereof two are real, and the four others are imaginary. (12.) It may be added that the first equation XXII. admits of being replaced by the following, XXXIV. . . ^i^ip=-bci-i(cil3-aaSaj3)S{ei(B-aaSaj3)p, with a corresponding form for \pzp; and that thus, instead of XXII'., we are at liberty to write the expressions, XXXV. . . ai = U (tfii3 - aaSa/3), a^ = UVa^, 03 = U ( = CiftiSai^ + Caa^Sag/o + CsU^Sa^^ 357, V., and II. . . Sp(pp = c,{Sa,py + c,(Sa,py + c,{Sa,p)\ 357, VIII., the Rectangular Transformations of the Functions (poP and Sp(pp, then by another geometrical analogy^ which will be seen when we come to speak briefly of the theory of Surfaces of the Second Order, we may call the expressions, . III. ..1>oP=gp + VV/*, 357, XIV., and TV. . .Sp4>p = gp^±S\pfip, 357,11., the Cyclic* Transformations of the same two functions; and may say that the two other and more recent expressions, V. . . 0o/> = - auYap + b^SjSp, 358, II., and VI. . . Sp(f)p = a(Vapy + b(S^py, 358, L, are Focalf Transformations of the same. We have already shown (357) how to exchange rectangular forms with cyclic ones; and also (358) how to pass from rectangular expressions to focal ones, and reciprocally : but it may be worth while to consider briefly the mu- tual relations which exist, between cyclic and /oca^ expressions, and the modes of passing from either to the other. (1.) To pass from IV. to VI., or from the cyclic to the focal form, we may first accomphsh the rectangular transformation II., with the values 357, XX., and XXI., of ci, C2, C3, and of ai, a%, 03, the order of inequality being assumed to be * Compare the Note to Art. 357. f It will be found that the two real vectors a, a', of 358, are the two real focal lines of the real or imaginary cone, which Is asymptotic to the surface of the second order, S/o0p = const. CHAP. II.] PASSAGE FROM CYCLIC TO FOCAL FORMS. 475 VII. . . C3 > C2> ci, as in 357, IX. ; and then shall have (comp. 358, XV.) the following expressions : VIII. . . 4Sp(pp = { S . p (cii(UX - U/i) + cs^UX + U/i)) } 2 -{Y.p (ci^(U\ + U/i) + ezi(JJ\ - U/i)) } 2 ; Vlir. . . 4Sp0p = - (S . p ((- ci)i (UX ~ U/i) + (- C3)i (U\ + U/i*)) }2 + { V. p ((- cx)i (U\ + U/x) + (- C3)KUX - U/.))} 2 ; IX. . . (C3 - C2)2 Sp^p = { V. p (csi VX/z + (- C2)i (XT/i + fiTX)) } « + {S.p((- C2)J VX/t - C3KXT/i + /.TX))}2; X. . . (c2-ci)2Sp^p = -{V.p((-ci)^VX/i + C2iCXT/i-;*TA))}2 - {S.p(- C2^VX/i + (- ci)i (XT/* -juTX))}2; in which it is to be remembered that (by 357, XX.), XL . . ci = -5r-TX/i, C2 = -^ + SX/t, cs = -g-T\fi; and of which all are symbolically true, or give (as in IV.) the real value gp^ + SXp/xp for Sp^p, if g, X, /t, p be real. And in #Ats symbolical sense, although they have been written down as four, they only count as three distinct /ocaZ transformations, of a ^it'e7i and reaZ cyclic form i because the expression VIII'. is an immediate con- sequence of VIII. ; and other formulae IX'. and X'. might in like manner be at once derived from IX. and X. (2.) But if we wish to confine ourselves to real focal forms, there are then four cases to be considered, in each of which some one of the four equations VIII. VIII'. IX. X. is to be adopted, to the exclusion of the other three. Thus, if XII. . . C3 > C3 > ci > 0, and therefore ci'^ > C2-1 > C3-' > 0, the form VIII. is the only real one. If XIII. . . C3 > C2 > > ci, C3-1 > C3-1 > > ci-i, then X. is the real form. If XIV. . . C3 > > C2 > ci, C3-1 > > ci-i > C2-\ the only real form is IX. Finally if XV. . . > C3 > cg > ci, > cr^ > cg"^ > C3"', that is, if all the roots of the cubic ifo = be negative, then VIII'. is the form to be adopted, under the same condition of reality. (3.) When all the roots c axe positive, or in the case when VIII. is the realfo- calform, the unit lines a, /3 in VI. may be thus expressed : XVI. [i3 = ^(^i^y(UX-U/i) + ^(^|y(UX + U/i); with 6 = ci - ci + C3 as before (358, IV.). (4.) In the same case VIII., the expressions for 4Sp0p may be written (comp. 358, XVI.) under either of these two other real forms : XVII. . . 4Sp^p = N { (cgi + cii) p .UX 4- (csi - ci^) U/i . p } ; XVII'. . . 4Sp0p = N {(cgi + cii) UX . p + (C3i - Cii)p.U/t } ; so that if we write, for abridgment, XVIII. . . *o = i (C3* + cii) UX, Ko = i (c^^ - cii) U/i, . we shall have, briefly, XIX. . . Sp^p = N(top + pK:o)=N(p(o+«-op)- 476 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. (5.) Or we may make XX. . . t = ^ (ci-i + C3-i) UX, K = ^ (ci-i - C3"-i)U)u, whence k« - i^ = cfi C3~i ; and shall then have the transformation, which may be compared with the equation 281, XXIX. of the ellipsoid, and for the reality of which form, or of its two vector constants, i, k, it is necessary that the roots c of the cubic should all be positive as above. (6.) It was lately shown (in 358, (8.), &c.), how to pass from a, given and real focal form to a second of the same kind, with its new real unit lines a', /3' in the same plane as the two old or given lines, a, /3 ; but we have not yet shown how to pass from a focal form to a ct/clic one, although the converse passage has been re- cently discussed. Let us then now suppose that the ^rm VI. is real and given, or that the two scalar constants a, 6, and the two unit vectors a, (3, have real and given values ; and let us seek to reduce this expression VI. to the earlier form IV. (7.) We might, for this purpose, begin by assuming that XXII. . . ci-i > C2-1 > C3-\ as in 358, IIL ; which would give the expressions 358, XXI. and XXII., for C1C2C3 and rtiaaos, and so would supply the rectangular transformation, from which we could pass, as be- fore, to the ct/clic one. (8.) But to vary a little the analysis, let us now suppose that the given focal form is some one of the four following (comp. (1.) ) : XXin. . . Sptpp = (S/3o|o)2 - (Vaop)2; XXIII'. . . Sp0p = (Vaop)^ - (S/3o|o)2 ; XXIV. . . Sp^p = (S/3op)2 + (Vaop)2 ; XXIV. . . Sp^p = - (Vaop)^ - (S^op)^; in each of which ao and /3o are conceived to be given and real vectors, but not gene- rally unit lines; and which are in fact the four cases included under the general form, a(Vap)2 ■}- 6(S/3p)2, according as the scalars a and 6 are positive or negative. It will be sufficient to consider the two cases, XXIII. and XXIV., from which the two others will follow at once. (9.) For the case XXIII. we easily derive the real cyclic transformation, XXV. . . Sp^p = (S/3op)2 - (Saop)2 + ao^p^ = S(|3o+ ao)p.S(^o- ao) p + aoV = ^p2 + SXp/xp = {g- SXju)p2 + 2SX/iS/*p, where XXVI. . . X = jSo + ao, M = | (jSo - ao), 9 = IW + M ; and the equations 357, (9.) enable us to pass thence to the two imaginary cyclic forms. (10.) For example, if the proposed function be (comp. XIX.), XXVIL . . Sp^p =N(top + pKo) = (SO0+ »co)p)2 -(V(to - ko)p)2, we may write ao = «o - KG, /3o = to + Ko, X = 2to, /i = Ko, £/ = to* + Ko' ; and the required transformation is (comp. 336, XL), XXVIIL . . N(iop + p/co) = (to2+ 'co«)p2 + 2SiopKop. (11.) To treat the case XXIV. by our general method, we may omit for simpli- city the subindices 0, and write simply (comp. V. and VI.) the expressions, CHAP. II.] PASSAGE FROM FOCAL TO CYCLIC. 477 XXIX. . . ^p = - aVap + /3Si3p, and XXX. . . Sp^p = (Vap)2 + (Si3p)2 ; in which however it is to be observed that a and j3, though real vectors, are not now unit lines (8.). Hence because - aVap = aSap - a?p^ we easily form the expres- sions : XXXI. . . m = a2 (Sai3)2, m = a^ (a^ - 132) - (Sa/3)2 , m" = f5^ - 2a2 ; XXXII. . . j = Vap/3Sa/3 + a (a^ - ^2j Sap, ( XP = - (aSap + i8S/3p) + (/32 - ««) p ; and therefore XXXIII. .. M=(c-a^) (c^ + (j32 - a«)c - (Sa/3)2), and XXXIV. . . ^p = Yap(3Saf3 + (fP _ a2) (cp - aSap) -claSap + /3S/5p) + c2p = (a(a2 - |82 - c) + /3Saj8) Sap + (aSa/3 - c/3) S(3p + (c2 + (/32 -a^)c- (Sa(3y)p. (12.) Introducing then a real and positive scalar constant, r, such that XXXV. . . r* = (a2 - /32)2 + 4(Sa/3)2 = (a^ + /32)2 -f 4 (Ya(3y = a* + (a/3)2 + (/3a)2 + )8< = a* + 2S. (a/3)2 + ^S* = a-2 (a3 + /3a;3)2 = /3-2 (/S^ + a)3a)2 = &c., in which (by 199, &c.), S . (a/3)2 = (Sa/3)2 + (Va/3)2 = 2 (Sa(3y - a^^-i = 2 (Va/3)2 + a2|8a, the roots oi AI=0 admit of being expressed as follows : XXXVI. . . ci = i («^ - i3^ + »•'), Co = a2, C3 = ^ (a2 - /32 - »•«) ; and when they are thus arranged, we have the inequalities, XXXVII. . . Ci > > C3 > C2, ci-i > > C2-1 > C3-1. (13.) The corresponduig forms of ^p are the three monomial expressions, T Y Y VTTT f'^'P = '^^''^'"'^ + '^^"^^ ^ ^""'^ + ^^"^^ <"' '^'^ " Va/3S/3ap, js^JLViii. . . |^3p^^^-,(„^^^^Sa/3)S(aci + i8Sap)p; which may be variously transformed and verified, and give the three following rect- angular vector units, XXXIX. .. ai = U(aC3 + /3Sa;8), a2 = UVa(3, a3 = U(aci + i8Sa/3) ; in connexion with which it is easy to prove that ( T (ac3 + (5Sa[3) = (- ca)^ {d. - c%f (C3>C3 (XXXVII.) with the ar- rangement 357, IX., we see, by 357, (6.), that for the real cyclic transformation (6.) at present sought, the plane of X, fi is to be perpendicular to 03 (and not to 02, as in 357, (3.), &c.). We are therefore to eliminate (csSjSp — SajSSap)^ between the equations XLVII. and LVI., which gives (after a few reductions) the real trans- formation : LVIL . . ((Sa/3)2- Ci/32) ((Vap)2+ (S/3p)2) - (oi - a2) (Sa^)2p2 = (ciS(3p - Saj3Sap)2 - a (Sa(3py = S . p (ci/3 - aSa^ + Ci^VajS) S . p (ci/3 - aSa/3 - Ci^Va/S) ; which is of the kind required. (23.) Accordingly it will be found that the following equation, LVIII. . . ((Sa/3)2-cj32) (Vap)2 + (c - a2) (c(S/3p)2 - p2S(a/3)2) = (cS/3p - Sa/3Sap)2 - c(Sa(3p)\ is an identity, or that it holds good for all values of the scalar c, and of the vectors a, (3, p; since, by addition of c(Yal3)^p^ on both sides, it takes this obviously iden- tical form, LIX. . . ((Sa/3)2 - c^2) (Sap)2 + c(e - a2) (S/3p)2 =. (cS/3p - Saf^Sap^ -c(aS/3p-|8Sap)^; so that if ci be either root of the quadratic XLIIL, or if ci(ei - a^) = (Sa/3)2 - cij3^, the transformation LVIL is at least symbolically valid : but we must take, as above, the positive root of that quadratic for ci, if we wish that transformation to be a real one, as regards the constants which it employs. And if we had happened (comp. (20.)) to perceive this identity LIX., and to see its transformation LVIII., we might have been in that way led to form the quadratic XLIIL, without having previously formed the cubic XXXIII. (24.) Already, then, we see how to obtain one of the two imaginary cyclic trans- formations of the given focal form XXX., namely by changing ci to C3 in LVIL ; and the other imaginary transformation is had, on principles before explained, by eliminating (SafSpy between XLVII. and LVI. ; a process which easily conducts to the equation, 480 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. LX. . . (Yapy + (S/3p)2 + a2/)2 = (ci - ca)-' {cr'(cS/3p - SajSSap)^ -C3-i(c3S)3/o-Sa/3Sap)2}, where the second member is the sum of two squares (ci being > 0, but cz < 0), as the second expression LVII. would also become, if ci were replaced by C3. Accordingly, each member of LX. is equal to (Sap)2 + (Sj3p)3, if ci, C3 be the roots of any quadra- tic LI., with only the one condition, LXL . . ciC3 = 5 = -(Sa/3)2; which however, when combined with the condition of rectangularity LIIL, suffices to give also J. = j82 — a', as in LIV., and so to lead us back to the quadratic XLIII., which had been deduced by the general method, as & factor of the cubic equation XXXIIL (25.) And since the values XXXVI. of ci, C3 reduce, as above, the second mem- ber of LX. to the simple form (Sap)2 + (S/3jo)2, we may thus, or even without em- ploying the roots ci, cz at all, deduce the following expression for the last imaginary cyclic transformation : LXII. . . Sp^p = (Vap)2 + (S)3p)2 = - a2p2 + S (a + a/^/3) p . S (a - \/^/3) p, where ^/— 1 is the imaginary of algebra (comp. 214, (6.)) ; while the real scalar r* of XXXV. may at the same time receive the connected imaginary form , LXIII. . . r4 = (a2 - /32)2 + 4 (Sa/3)5 = (a + V^l^f (a - \/~li3)2. (26.) Finally, as regards the passage from the given form XXX., to a second real focal form (comp. 358, (4.) ), or the transformation, LXIV. . . (Vap)2+ (S/3p)2= (Va'p)2 + (S/3'p)2, in which a' and j8' are real vectors, distinct from + a and + /3, but in the same plane with them, it may be sufficient (comp. 358, (8.) ), to write down the formulae : LXV. . . r2a' = - (a' + jSa/S), r2/3' = - (i33 + a/3a), with the same real value of r' as before ; so that (by XXXV., &c.) we have the relations, LXVI. . . Ta' = Ta, T/3' = T/3, Sa'/3' = Sa/3 ; rr2(a + a') = a(r2-a2 + /32)-2/3Sa/3 = -2(ac3 + ^Saj8)[|ai, \r2(a -a')^a (r^ + a^ - fi^) + 2(3Sa(3 = 2 (an + f3Sa(3) \\ az ; >2(/3 + /3') = /3(r2 + a2 - j82) - 2aSa|3 = 2 (|3ei - aSa/3) II ai, ! (|3 - /3') = /3 (r2 - a2 + j82) + 2aSa/3 = - 2 (/Sca - aSaj3) || as- (27.) We have then the identity, LXIX. . . (V(a3 + /3ai3)p)2 + (S(i33 + a^a)py = (a4+2S.(a/3)^ + ^0 ((Vap)H (S^p)^); with which may be combined this other of the same kind, LXX. . . - (V(a3 - /3a/3)p)2 + (S(i33 - a^a)py = (a4 - 2S. (a/3)2 + /30 (-(Vap)2 + (S/3p)2), which enables us to pass from the focal form XXIIL, to a second real focal form, with its two new lines in the same plane as the two old ones : and it may be noted that we can pass from LXIX. to LXX,, by changing a to a\/- 1. rr2( Lxvm. . . 1^,; CHAP. II.] BIFOCAL AND MIXED TRANSFORMATIONS. 481 360. Besides the rectangular, cyclic, and focal transformations of S/30/>, which have been already considered, there are others, al- though perhaps of less importance: but we shall here mention only two of them, as specimens, whereof one may be called the Bifocal^ and the other the Mixed Transformation. (1.) The two lines a, a', of 359, LXV., being called /oca? lines,* an expression which shall introduce them both may be called on that account a bifocal transforma- tion. (2.) Eetaining then the value 359, XXXV. of r*, and introducing a new auxi- liary constant e, which shall satisfy the equation, I. . . /32 - a2 = r^e, and therefore II. . . 4 (Sa(3y = H (1 - e"^), so that III. . . 4c2 (Sa(Sy= (1 - e^) (/32 - a2)2, the first equation 359, LXV. gives, IV. . . r2 (ea - a') = 2/3S«j3, V. . . r^ (eSap - Sa» = 2S«/3S/?p ; and therefore, with the form 359, XXX. of Sp^p, VI. . . (1 - e2) Spi>p = (1 - c2) ((Vap)2 + (S/3p)2) = (1 - e2) (Vap)2 + (eSap - Sa'p)2 = (e2 - i; rt2p2 -1- (Sap)2 - 2eSapSa'p + (Sa'p)2 ; in which ft2 = a'2, by 359, LXVL, so that a and a' may be considered to enter st/m- metrically into this last transformation, which is of the bifocal kind above men- tioned. (3.) For the same reason, the expression last found for Sp0p involves again (comp. 358) six scalar constants; namely, e, Ta(=Ta'), and the four involved in the two unit lines, Ua, Ua'. (4.) In all the foregoing transformations, the scalar and quadratic function Sp0p has been evidently Jwmogeneous, or has been seen to involve no terms below the se- cond degree in p. We may however also employ this apparently heterogeneous or mixed form, VII. ..Sp^p=y(p-£)2 + 2SX(p-OSp(p-0 + e; in which g\ X, ^ have the same significations as in 357, but e, t, K are three new constants, subject to the two conditions of homogeneity, YIU. . . g's + \SfiK + fJiSXK = 0, and IX. . . g't^ + 2SX^Sp^ + e = 0, in order that the expression VII. may admit of reduction to the form, X. . . Sp0p =/p2 + 2SXpS^p, as in 357, If. (5.) Other general homogeneous transformations of Sp0p, which are themselves real, although connected -with, imaginary^ cyclic forms (comp. 357, (7.)), because * Compare the Note to Art. 359. t Xi + ^Z— 1 pi, and X3 + ^- 1 p3, may here be said to be two pairs 0^ ima- ginary cyclic normals, of that real surface of the second order, of which the equa- tion is, as before, Sp^p = const. Compare the Notes to pages 4G8, 474. 3 Q 482 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. a sum of two squares of linear and scalar functions is, in an imaginary sense, a pro' duct of two such functions, are the two following (comp. 357, (9.) ) : XI. . . Sp0p=5rp2 + SXp/ip= 5^1102 +(S\ip)2 + (S/iip)2; XII. . . Spipp = ^p2 + SXpfxp = pip^ - (SX3/t))2 - (S/i3p)2 ; in which (comp. 357, (2.) and (8.) ), XIII. . .ffir=p-^TXfl = -Cl, p3=p-T\fl = -C3, XIV. . . Xi = VX/i (TX/i - SX/x)-i, fii = (XT/x + fiTX) (TX/z - SX/4)-i, and XV. . . X3 = VX/x (TXju + SX;i)-i, nz = (XT/i - /xTX) (TX/t + SX/>i)-i ; so that gi, Xi, ^1, and ^3, X3, fis are reaZ, if ^r, X, fi be such. (6.) We have therefore the two new mixed transformations following : XVI. . . Sp0p=^i(p-£i)2+(sxi(p-^x)yH(S;ii(p-?i))2 + ei; XVII. . . Sp0p = 5r3(p-£3)2-(SX3(p-^3))2-(S^3(p-?3))2 + e3; with these two new pairs of equations, as conditions of homogeneity, XVIII. . . giti + XiS^iXi + iiSlm = 0, XIX. . . «7if i2 + (S?iXO» + (S:iiui)2 + ei = 0, and XX. . . <73f3 - X3S^3X3 - //sS^sjwa = 0, XXI. . . ^3*32 - (8^3X3)2 - i^flzKzy + 63 = 0. 361. We saw, in the sub-articles to 336, that the diffe- rential, d/)b, of a scalar function of a vector, may in general be expressed under the form, I. . . d^ = wSvdjO, where i/ is a derived vector function, of the same variable vec- tor |0, and w is a scalar coefficient. And we now propose to show, that if II. . ,fp = Sp(j)p, (pp still denoting the linear and vector function which has been considered in the present Section, and of which ^op is still the self-conjugate part, we shall have the equation I. with the va- lues, III. . . w = 2, v = (Pop; so that the part (pop may thus be deduced from and shall thus have, simply, XII. ..v = p = (Yapy + (S/3p)2, 359, XXX., in which a and (5 are supposed to be given and real vectors. We have now, by 359, fp = p = -aYap + ^S(3p, m = a2(Sa/3)2, and therefore, XXX. . . mFp = a2(Sa^)2 Fp = Spx^p = Sapf3pSa(3 + (a* - /32) (Sa py = - 1.2 (Sa/3)2 -h Sai/((a2 - /32) Sa J/ -f 2Sa/?S/3j/) = -p\Sa(3y + SavS(a^ + f3a^)p, an expression which is of cyclic ybrm ; one cyclic line oi Fp being the given focal line a of fp ; and the other cyclic line of Fp having the direction of 4; (a^ + /3«j3), and consequently (by 359, LXV.) of Hha', where a' is the second real and focal line of/0. (8.) And to verify the equation XVIII., or to show by an example that the two functions fp and Fp are equal in value, although they are (generally) different in form, it is suflficient to substitute in XXX. the value XXIX. of p ; which, after a few reductions, will exhibit the asserted equality. 362. It is often convenient to introduce a certain scalar and sym- metric function of two independent vectors, p and p% which is linear with respect to each of them, and is deduced from the linear and self-conjugate vector function 0/3, of a single vector p, as follows: I. . 'f(P^ P') =f(p\ P) = ^P'^P = ^P^P'- With this notation, we have * They are in fact (compare the Note to page 468) the cyclic normals, or the normals to the cyclic planes, of that surface of the second order, which has for its equation /p = const. ; while they are, as above, the focal lines of that other or re- ciprocal surface, of which p is the variable vector, and the equation is Fp - const. CHAP. II.] DERIVED LINEAR FORMS, 485 11. ../(/> + p') =fp + 2/(/>, p') +fp^ ; III. . . /(/>, / + p^') =f{p, p') ^f{p, p") ; IV. . ^f{p,p)-fp; V, . . d//> = 2/(/>,d/>); VI. . . f{xp, yp) = xyf{p, p% if Vx = Yy=0; and as a verification, YIL.. f(xp):=x^fp, a result which might have been obtained, without introducing this new function I. (1.) It appears to be unnecessarj'-, at this stage, to write down proofs of the fore- going consequences, II. to VI., of the definition I.; but it may be worth remarking, that we here depart a little, in the formula V., from a notation (325) which was used in some early Articles of the present Chapter, although avowedly only as a temporary one, and adopted merely for convenience of exposition of the principles of Quaternion Differentials. (2.) In that provisional notation (comp. 325, IX.) we should have had, for the differentiation of the recent function /p (361, II.), the formulae, d/P=/(p>dp), /(p,p') = 2SpVp; the numerical coeflScient being thus transferred from one of them to the other, as compared Avith the recent equations, I. and V. But there is a convenience now in adoptmg these last equations V. and I., namely, d/P=2/(p, dp), f(p,p') = Sp' + 2/(p,dp)-|-/dp; or briefly, X. . . e'^fp =f(p + dp), an equation which by II. is rigorously exact (comp. 339, (4.)), without any suppo- sition whatever bemg made, respecting any smallness of the tensor^ Tdp. 36.3. Linear and vector functions of vectors, such as those con- sidered in the present Section, although not generally satisfying the condition of self-conjugation^ present themselves generally in the dif- ferentiation of non-linear but vector functions of vectors. In fact, if we denote for the moment such a non-linear function by w(/>), or simply by icp^ the general distributive property (326) of differential expressions allows us to write, I. . . dtt?(/>) = (/)(^p)i or brielly, 1'. . . dw/j = <56d/); 486 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. where has all the properties hitherto employed, including that of not hQing generally self- conjugate, as has been just observed. There is, however, as we shall soon see, an extensive and important case, in which the property of self-conjugation exists, for such a function 0; namely when the differentiated function, wp, is itself thQ result v of the differentiation of a scalar function fp of the variable vector /», although not necessarily a function of the second dimension, such as has been recently considered (361); or more fully, when it is the coefficient of d/>, under the sign S., in the differential (361, I.) of that scalar function//), whether it be multiplied or not by any sca- lar constant (such as n, in the formula last referred to). And gene- rally (comp. 346), the inversion of the linear and vector function in I. corresponds to the differentiation of the inverse (or implicit) func- tion u)-^ ; in such a manner that the equation I. or F. may be writ- ten under this other form, II. . . dw-'o- = 0-'dff = mr^-^dia, if o- = ivp, (1.) As a very simple example of a non-linear but vector function, let us take the form, III. . . (T = io{p) = pap^ where a is a constant vector. This gives, if dp = p', IV. . .jyy = DyD;,, Dj/Ds = D^Dj,, DzT>x = I>xT)z. 364. At the commencement of the present Section, we reduced (in 347) the problem of the inversion (346) of a linear (or distributive) quaternion function of a quaternion, to the * We may also say that each of the two symbols XV. represents the coeflicient of aj'y', in the development o^f{q + xdq-\-ydq) according to ascending powers of a; and y, when such development is possible. 488 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK IIT. corresponding problem for vectors; and, under tliis reduced or simplified form, have resolved it. Yet it may be interest- ing, and it will now be easy, to resume the linear and quater- nion equation, I...fq = r, with lL.-f(q + q')-fq+fg', and to assign a quaternion expression for the solution of that equation, or for the inverse quaternion function, 111. ..q^f-^r, with the aid of notations already employed, and of results al- ready established. (1.) The conjugate of the linear and quaternion function yj being defined (comp. 347, IV.) by the equation, lY,.. Spfq = Sqfp, in which p and q are arbitrary quaternions, if we set out (comp. 347, XXXI.) with the form, Y. . .fq =tqs + t'qs' + . . = S/js, in which s, s\ . , . and t, /',... are arbitrary but constant quaternions^ and wliich is more than sufficiently general, we shall have (comp. 347, XXXII.) the conjugate form, VI. . .f'p = spt + s'pt' + . . . = Ilspt ; whence VII. . . /I = 2^s, and VIII. . . /'I = 2sf ; it is then possible, for each given particular form of the linear function /^j to assign one scalar constant e, and two vector constants, f, e', such that IX. ../l = c + c, fl=e+s'', and then we shall have the general transformations (comp. 347, I.) : X. . .Sfq = S.qfl = eSq + St'q ; XL ..Yfq = tSq + Y.fYq ^t^q + fYq] and XII. . . A = (e + c) 8q + S^'^ + Yq ; in which Sis'q = S.e'Yq, and (pYq or YfYq is a linear and vector function of Yq, of the kind already considered in this Section ; being also such that, with the form V. of /pYr ; the scalar constant, m, and the auxiliary linear and vector function, i//, being deduced CHAP. II.] PROBLEM OF QUATERNION INVERSION. 489 from the function ^ by methods already explained. It is required then to express 9, or Sq and Yq, in terms of r, or of Sr and p, so as to satisfy the linear equation, XVI. . . (e + £)Sg' + Se'9 + 0Vg = Sr + 0p; the constants e, e, f ', and the form of (p, being given. (4.) Assuming for this purpose the expression, XVIl...q = Q'+p, in which q' is a new sought quaternion, we have the new equation, XVIII. ../g'=Sr+0p-/p = S(r-£'p); whence XIX. . . q'=S(r-e'p).f-n, and XX. . . 5' = p + S(r~e'p)./-il; iu which p is (by supposition) a known vector, and S(r- e'p) is a known scalar; so that it only remains to determine the unknown but constant quaternion, /''I, or to resolve the particular equation, XXI. . . /gro = 1, in which XXII. . . ^0 = c + y =/'! 1 , c being a new and sought scalar constant, and y being a wczt; and sought vector con- stant. (5.) Taking scalar and vector parts, the quaternion equation XXI. breaks up into the two following (comp. X. and XI.) : XXIII... 1 = S/(c + y) = ec -f St'y ; XXIV.. . = V/(c + y) = £C + 0y ; which give the required values of c and y, namely, XXV. . . c = (e - S£>-'0" S and XXVI. . . y = - c^p'h ; whence XXVII. ../-'!= ^ "" f '' ; and accordingly we have, by XII., the equation, XXVIII. . . /(I - 0-i£) = e - Ssy •£ = V-iO. (6.) The problem of quaternion inversion is therefore reduced anew to that of rector inversion, and solved thereby ; but we can now advance some steps further, in the elimination of inverse operations, and in the suhstitution for them of direct ones. Thus, if we observe, that tp~'^ =m-i\p, as before, and write for abridgment, XXIX. . . n = me-St'\pe=f(m-\Pe), so that re is a new and known scalar constant, we shall have, by XV. XX. XXVII. XXIX. XXX. . .mp = 4/Vr; XXXI. . . n/-il =m - ^6 ; and XXXII. . . mnq = n^^Yr + (mSr - Ss'-^Yr) . (m - ^t), an expression from which all inverse operations have disappeared, but which still ad- mits of being simplified, through a division by m, as follows. (7.) Substituting (by XXIX.), in the terra n\pYr of XXXIL, the value me - Si'xps for n, and changing (by XXX.) -ipYr to mp, in the terms which are not ob- viously divisible by m, such a division gives, XXXIII. . .nq = (m- i^f) Sr + e-^Yr - Sf'i/zVr + a, where XXXIV. . . a = - p^exj^s + ^j^eSe'p = Y.t'Vp^s. But (by 348, VII., interchanging accents) we have the transformation, XXXV. . . Vpi//f = - fVt(pp = - <},'YeYr, 3 R 490 KLEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. because 0p = Vr, by XIV. or XV. ; everything inverse therefore again disappears, with this new elimination of the auxiliaiy vector p, and we have this final expres- sion, XXXVI. . . nq =nf--ir = {me-^t'->\ji).f-'^r = (»i - -^f) Sr + e;//Vr - St'j//Vr - Ve V'Vt Vr, in which each symbol of operation governs all that follows it, except where a point indicates the contrary, and which it appears to be impossible further to reduce, as the formula of solution of the linear equation I., with the /orm XII. of the quater- nion function^ fq. (8.) Such having been the analysis of the problem, the synthesis, by which an a posteriori proof oi the correctness of the resulting formula is to be given, may be simphfied by using the scalar value XXIX. of /(m - -.//c) ; and it is sufficient to show (denoting Vr by w), that for every vec/or w the following equation holds good, with the same form XII. of/: XXXVII. . .f{e^\Ju) - Se'i/zoi) -fVe'cp'Yeu) = {me - Sf'^/c). w. (9.) Accordingly, that form of/ gives, with the help of the principle employed in XXXV., XXXVIII Z^^*^*^ = ^ (Sf 't//w + mio), -/Se'tpw = - (e + t) Sc'i// w, X-fYe'fYeoj = - ^Ve'f Vew = V(Vf w . i^'t') =:£Ss'^u) - uSe'^t, because Swip'c' = Sg'vpw, &c. ; and thus the equation XXXVI. is proved, by actually operating with/ (10.) As an example, if we take the particular form, XXXIX. ..r=/^=;,9 + 9P, in which XL. . . jp = a + a = a given quaternion, we have then, XLI. . ./1=/'1=2;?, e = 2a, E = i' = 2a, (pp = 2ap; whence by the theory of linear and vector functions, XLII. ^ . 0'p = 2ap, i//p = 4a2p, m = 8a', and therefore, XLIII. . .\pe = Sa'^a, m-^pe = 8a^ (a - a), n = 16a^ (a2 - a^) ; so that, dividing by 8a, the formula XXXVI. becomes, XLIV. . . 2a (a2 - a2) 9 = a (a - a) Sr + a2 Vr - aS . aYr - a V. aYr, or XLV. . . 2a(a + a)^ = aSr+(a + a)Vr-Sar, or XLVI. . .2pqSp^S.rKp + pYr = rS/) + V (Yp . Vr), or XLVII. . . 4pqSp = 2rSp + Qpr - rp) =pr + rKp ; or finally, XLVIII. . . q =/ V= !1±^:^ = r + Kp.rp-i Accordingly, XLIX. . . (pr + rK/)) + {rp + Kp . r) = 2r (;? + K/)) = 4rS/J. (11.) In so simple an example as the last, we may with advantage avail our- selves of special methods; for instance (comp. 346), we may use that which was employed in 332, (6.), to differentiate the square root of a quaternion, and which conducted there more rapidly to a formula (332, XIX.) agreeing with the recent XLVIII. (12.) We might also have observed, in the same case XXXIX., that CHAP. II.] SYMBOLIC AND BIQUADRATIC EQUATION. 491 L. . . pr - rp =p^q - qp^ = 2V(V(p2) .y^) = 43^ .Y(Yp Nq) =2Sp.(pq-qp); whence pq — qp, and therefore ^95 and qp, can be at once deduced, with the same re- sultuig value for q, or for/-ir, as before : and generally it is possible to differentiate, on a similar plan, the nfl^ root of a quaternion. 365. We shall conclude this Section on Linear Functions, of the kinds above considered, by proving the general exist- ence of a Symbolic and Biquadratic Equation, of the form, I. . . O^n-nf-^n'p-n'f^+fS which is thus satisfied hy the Symbol (/) of Linear and Qua- ternion Operation on a Quaternion, as the Symbolic and Cubic Equation, r. . . = m - m'0 + ?w"02 _ ^3^ 350^ I,^ was satisfied by the symbol (0) of linear and vector operation on a vector ; the/cwr coefficients, n, n, n', ri", being^wr sca- lar constants ^ deduced from the function y* in this extended or quaternion theory, as the three scalar coefficients m, m, rn' were constants deduced from ^, in the former or vector theory. And at the same time we shall see that there exists a System, of Three Auxiliary Functions, F, G, H, of the Linear and Quaternion kind, analogous to the two vector functions, \p and X, which have been so useful in the foregoing theory of vec- tors, and like them connected with each other, and with the given quaternion function^ by several simple and useful re- lations. (1.) The formula of solution, 364, XXXVL, of the linear and quaternion equa- tion fq = r, being denoted briefly as follows, 11. . . nq = nf-h=Fr, so that (comp. 348, III'.) we may write, briefly and symbolically, III.../F=iy=n, it may next be proposed to examine the changes which the scalar n and the function Fr undergo, when/r is changed to /r + cr, or/to/+c, where c is any scalar con- stant; that is, by 364, XII., when e is changed to e+ c, and (p to (p + c ; 'YiYr ; XII. . . j (?r = (m' - xO Sr + (ex + ^)Vr - St'xVr - Vt'Vf Vr ; ( Hr = (m" _ £) Sr + (e + x) Vr - Se'r ; and w, »', w", n'" are four scalar constants, namely, ^ n = em- Bt^s (as in 364, XXIX) ; XIII... J"r^+'"^':^:,'r' n = m + em — Sf £ ; n" = m" + e. (4.) Developing then the symbolical equation VII., with the help of X. and XI., and comparing powers of c, we obtain these new symbohcal equations (comp. 350, XVI. XXI. XXIII.) : (H=n"~f', XIV. . . G?=n"-/a-=n"-n'7+/2; f F= n' -fG = n' - n'/+ n'p -^ ■ and finally, XV. . . » = Ff= n'f- np + n'p -/S which is only another way of writing the symbolic and biquadratic equation I. (5.) Other functional relations exist, between these various symbols of operation, which we cannot here delay to develope : but we may remark that, as in the theory of linear and vector functions, these usually introduce a mixture of functions with their conjugates (comp. 347, XL, &c.). (6.) This seems however to be a proper place for observing, that if we write, as temporary notations, for any four quaternions, p, q, r, s, the equations, XVI. . . [pq-]=pq-qp', XVII. . . (;>?r) = S ./) [^r] ; XVIII. . . [pqr-] = (pqr) + [rq^] Sp + [pr] Sq + [qp^ Sr ; and XIX. . . (jpqrs)= S./>[jr5], so that \^pq'] is a vector, (pqr') and (pqrs) are scalars, and [pgr^ is a quaternion, we shall have, in the first place, the relations : XX...lpq-]=-lqpl [p/)] = 0; XXI. ..(pqr) = - {qpr) = (qrp) = &c. , (ppr) = ; XXII. . . [pqr] = - [qpr] = [qrp] = &c., [ppr] = ; and XXIII. . . (pqrs) = — (qprs) = (qrps) = — (qrsp) = &c., {pprs) = 0. (7.) In the next place, if t be any fifth quaternion, the quaternion equation, XXIV. . . =p(qrst) + q(rstp) +r(stpq) + s(tpqr) + t(pqrs), which may also be thus written, XXV. . . q (prst) ~p{qrst) f r(pqst) + s (prqt) +t(prsq), and which is analogous to the vector equation, XXVI. . . 0=aS(3y5-(3Syda + ySdaP-dSal3y, CHAP. II.] GENERAL QUATERNION TRANSFORMATIONS. 493 or to the continually* occurring transformation (comp. 294, XIV.), XXVII. . . SSaf3y =■ a8d(3y + (SSady + ySa(Bd, is satisfied generally^ because it is satisfied for thenar distinct suppositions, XXVIII. . . q =p, q = r, q = s, q = t. (8.) In the third place, we have this other general quaternion equation, XXIX. . . q(prst) = [rst] Spq - [stp] Srq + [tpr^ Ssq - [prs'] Stq, which is analogous to this other f useful vector formula (comp. 294, XV.), XXX. . . dSa(3y = Y(3ySad +YyaSf3d -]-Ya[5Syd', because the equation XXIX. gives true results, when it is operated on by the four distinct symbols (comp. 312), XXXI. . . S.;?, S.r, S.s, S.<. (9.) Assuming then any four quaternions, p, r, s, t, which are not connected by the relation, XXXII. . . (prst) = 0, and deducing from them /owr others, p\ r', s\ t\ by the equations, XXXIII J^^' ^ ^^^^^ =/[^«^]' ^' (p^^O = -/[«(p]> "'\sXprst)=j --f\tpr']y tXprst) = -flprsl in which /is still supposed to be a symbol of linear and quaternion operation on a quaternion, the formula XXIX. allows us to write generally, as an expression for the function fq, which may here be denoted by q' (because r is now otherwise used) : XXXIV. . . q' ^fq ==pSpq + r'Srq + s'Ssq + t'Stq ; and its sixteen scalar constants (comp, 364, (2.)) are now those which are involved in its four quaternion constants, p', r, s', t'. (10.) Operating on this last equation with the four symbols, XXXV. ..s.[r'sV], %.[s'ep'-\, s.p'pV], s.[pVV], we obtain the four following results : fCqVsr) = {p'r's't') Spq ; (q's'tY) = (r's't'p') Srq ; . . \(^qrp'r) = ist'p'r')Ssq; {q'p'r's')=. {t'p'rs)Stq; and when the values thus found for the four scalars, XXXVII. . . Spq, Srq, Ssq, Stq, are substituted in the formula XXIX., we have the following new formula of quater- nion inversion : XXXVIII. . . (p'r's'f) (jprst')q = {p'r's't') {prst)f''^q' = b'sf] {q'r's't') + Istp'] (q's't'p') + [tpr'] iq't'p'r) + [prs'] (q'p'r's') ; * The equations XXVII. and XXX., which had been proved under slightly diffe- rent forms in the sub-articles to 294, have been in fact freely employed as trans- formations in the course of the present Chapter, and are supposed to he familiar to the student. Compare the Note to page 437. t Compare the Note immediately preceding. 494 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. which shows, in a new way, how to resolve a linear equation in quaternions^ when put under what we may call (comp. 347, (I.)) t^^ Standard Quadrinomial Fornix XXXIV. (11.) Accordingly, if we operate on the formula XXXVIII. with,/; attending to the equations XXXIII., and dividing by (jprst), we get this new equation, XXXIX. . . ip'r's't')fq =p'{q'r's't'^ — r' {q's't'p') + a' (jq't'p'r') — t' (^qp'r's'') ; whence fq = 5', by XXV. (12.) It has been remarked (9.), that /?, r, s, <, in recent formulaj, may be any four quaternions^ which do not satisfy the equation XXXII. ; we may therefore as- sume, XL. ../)=1, r = i, «=j, < = ^, with the laws of 182, &c., for the symbols t,y, A, because those laws give here, XLI. ..(lz;-A) = -2; and then it will be found that the equations XXXIII. ^ve simply, XLII. ../=/l, r' = -/i, s' = -fj, t'=-fk', so that the standard quadrinomial form XXXIV. becomes, with this selection of prst, XLIII. . .fq = fl.Bq-fi.Siq-fj.Sjq-JJ^.Skq, and admits of an immediate verification, because any quaternion, q, may be ex- pressed (comp. 221) by the quadrinomial, XLIV. . . q = Sq- i^iq -jSjq - IcSkq. (13.) Conversely, if we set out with the expression, XLV. . . q = w + ix +jy + kz, 221, III., which gives, XLVI. ..fq = wfl + xfi + yfj + zfh, or briefly, XLVII. . . e = aw + 6a; + cy + dz, the letters dbcde being here used to denote five known quaternions, while wxyz are four sought scalars, the problem of quaternion inversion comes to be that of the se- parate determination (comp. 312) of these four scalars, so as to satisfy the one equation XLVII. ; and it is resolved (comp. XXV.) by the system of the four fol- lowing formulae : XL VIII Z"' («^cd) = {ehcd) ; x (abed) = (aecd) ; \y {abed) = (abed') ; z(abcd) = (abce) ; the notations (6.) being retained. (14.) Finally it may be shown, as follows, that the biquadratic equation I., for linear functions oi quaternions, includes* the cubic I'., or 350, I., for vectors. Sup- * In like manner it may be said, that the cubic equation includes a quadratic one, when we confine ourselves to the consideration of vectors in one plane ; for which case m = 0, and also ^'p = 0, if p be a line in the given plane : for we have then ^^=m' — ^1/ = m', or 02 - m"0 + m' = 0, CHAP. III.] ADDITIONAL APPLICATIONS. 495 pose, for this purpose, that the linear and quaternion function, fq^ reduces itself to the last term of the general expression 364, XII., or becomes, XLIX. ../7 = 0V9, so that L. ..e = 0, £=£'=0, /l=/'l = Oj the coefficients n, n', n", n" take then, by XIII., the values, LI. . . n = 0, n =m^ n" = m\ n" = m" ; and the biquadratic I. becomes, LIL . . = (-m + m'/-m'72+/3)/ But/g is now a vector^ by XLIX., and it may be any vector, p ; also the operation /is now equivalent to that denoted by 2 + 03) p^ which agrees with 351, I., and reproduces the symbolical cubic, when the symbol of the operand (p) is suppressed. CHAPTER III. ON SOME ADDITIONAL APPLICATIONS OF QUATERNIONS, WITH SOME CONCLUDING REMARKS. Section 1. — Remarks Introductory to this Concluding Chapter. 366. When the Third Book of the present Elements was begun, it was hoped (277) that this Book might be made a much shorter one, than either of the two preceding. That purpose it was found impossible to accomplish, without injus- tice to the subject; but at least an intention was expressed (317), at the commencement of the Second Chapter^ of render- ing that Chapter the last : while some new Examples of Geo- with this understanding as to the operand. In fact, the cubic gives here (because m = 0), (^2 _ ni"(p + m')(pp = 0; and therefore (02 - m"^ + m') = 0(O=0^ where f is a scalar variable, and is a functional sign, then the de- rived vector, 11. , .T>p = T>(t)t = (p't = p'=dp : d^, * Accordingly, even references to former Articles will now be supplied more sparingly than before. CHAP. III.] TANGENTS AND NORMAL PLANES TO CURVES. 497 represents a line which is, or is parallel to, the tangent to the curve, drawn at the extremity of the variable vector p. If then we sup- pose that T is a point situated upon the tangent thus drawn to a curve PQ, at P and that u is a point in the corresponding normal plane, so that the angle tpu is right, and if we denote the vectors OP, OT, ou by p, T, V, the equations of the tangent line and normal plane at p may now be thus expressed : III. ..y(T-p)p' = 0; lY. . . S(t/-p)p' = 0; the vector t being treated as the only variable in III., and in like manner v as the only variable in IV., when once the curve pq is given^ and the point p is selected. (1.) It is permitted, however, to express these last equations under other forms; for example, we may replace p' by dp, and thus write, for the same tangent line and normal plane, V. . . V(r-p)dp = 0; VL . . S(v- p)dp = ; where the vector differential dp may represent any line, parallel to the tangent to the curve at p, and is not necessarily small (compare again 100). (2.) We may also write, as the equation of the tangent, VII. . . T — p + xp\ where a; is a scalar variable ; and as the equation of the normal plane, VIII. . . dpT(i;-p) = 0, or Vlir. . .dT(v-,o)=0, if dy = 0; because this partial differential of T(w -p), or of fu, is (by 334, XII., &c.), IX. . . dT(u-p) = S(U(i;-p).dp). (3.) For the circular locus 314, (1.), or 337, (1.), of which the equation is, X...p = a% with Ta=l, and Sa/3 = 0, the equation of the tangent is, by VII., and by the value 337, VI. of p', XL . . r = p +yap, where y is a new scalar variable ; the perpendicularity of the tangent to the radius being thus put in evidence. (4.) For the plane but elliptic locus, 314, (2.), or 337, (2*), for which, XII. . . p = V. a% with Ta = 1, but not SafS = 0, the value 337, VIII. of p' shows that the tangent, at the extremity of any one semi- diameter p, is parallel to the conjugate semidiameter of the curve ; that is, to the one obtained by altering the excentric anomaly (314, (2.)), by a quadrant: or to the value of p which results, when we change < to * + 1. (5.) For the helix, 314, (10.), of which the equation is, XIII. .. p = cta^ a -P) . * * ' PQ vp'(u) — p) ' ' * ' PQ up'{(i} — p) ' the variable t thus disappearing through the division, except so far as it enters into tt, which tends as above to 1. (4.) Passing then to the limits, we have these other rigorous equations, V. . . lim. ™ = Xd^l VI. . . Ita. "^ = MllZf); PQ p{(0-p) PQ p{ - po), or VIII. . . (o) - p - utp'^ = (w - p)2, or IX. . . 2Sup\o) - p) = t(upy, in which it may be noted that up' is a vector (in the direction of the chord, pq), al- though u itself is generally a quaternion, as before : such then is the equation of the bisecting plane, with id for its variable vector, and its limit 4K^, X. . . S/o'(w - p) = 0, as before. (6.) The last process may also be presented under the form, XI. . . = lim. ri{T(w - pO - T(a> - po)} = D(T(a> - pO, when t = 0- and thus the equation 369, VIII. may be obtained anew. (7.) Geometrically, if we set off on rq a portion rs equal in /T length to RP, as in the annexed Figure 76, we shall have the y^^'TTT^ limitmg equation, /\\/ ■' XII. . . + SQ : PQ = (rq - Rp) : PQ = (ultimately) - cos rpt ; / X \ j which agrees with 369, IX. // ^^^^ (8.) If then the point r be taken out of the normal ^^^^"''''''^ plane at p, this limit of the quotient, rq — rp divided by pq, Y\v 76. has & finite value, positive or negative; and if the chord pq be called smaZZ of the ^r«< order, the difference of distances of its extremities from R may then be said to be small of the same (first) order. But if r be taken in the nor- mal plane at p (and not coincident with that point p itself), this diflfereuce of dis- 500 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. tances may then be said to be small, of an order higher than the first : which an- swers to the evanescence of the first differential of the tensor, T(w -p) in XI., or T(t;-p)in 369, VIII'. 371. A curve may occasionally be represented in quaternions, by an equation which is not of the/orw, 369, !.> although it must always be conceived capable of reduction to that form : for instance, this new equation, I. . . Yap ,Ypa' = {Yaa')\ with TY aa' > 0, is not immediately of the form p =(pt, but it is reducible to that form as follows, II. . . p = ta + t-^a'. An equation such as I. may therefore have its differential or its deri' vative taken, with respect to the scalar variable t on which p is thus conceived to depend, even if the exact law of such dependence be un- known : and d/>, or />', may then be changed to the tangential vector up - p to which it is parallel, in order to form an equation of the tan- gent, or a condition which the vector to of a point on that sought line must satisfy. (1.) To pass from I. to II., we may first operate with the sign V, which gives, III. . . pSaa'p — 0, or simply, HI'. . . Saap = ; whence, t and t' being scalars, we may write, lY. . . p = ta+ t'a', Yap = t'Yaa\ Ypa = tYaa, tt' = 1, and the required reduction is effected : while the return from 11. to I., or the elimi- nation of the scalar t, is an even easier operation. (2.) Under the form II., it is at once seen that p is the vector of a plane hyper- bola, with the origin for centre, and the lines a, a' for asymptotes; and accordingly all the properties of such a curve may be deduced from the expression II., by the rules of the present Calculus. (3.) For example, since the derivative of that expression is, V. . . jo' = a - t-^a, the tangent may (comp. 369, VII.) have its equation thus written: VI. . . w = (« + a;)a + «-2(e_a;)a'; it intersects therefore the lines a, a' in the points of which the vectors are 2ta, 2t'^a' ; so that (as is well known) the intercept, upon the tangent, between the asymptotes, is bisected at the point of contact : and the intercepted area is constant, because Y{ta.t-^a) = Yaa', &c. (4.) But we may also operate immediately, as above remarked, on the farm I. ; and thus arrive (by substitution ofw-pfordp, &c.) at the equation of conjuga- tion, VII. . . Vaw . Vpa' + Yap . Vw«' = 2 {Yaay, CHAIMII.] NORMALS AND TANGENT PLANES TO SURFACES. 501 which expresses (comp. 215, (13.), &c.) that if p = op, and oi = or, as before, then either r is on the tangent to the curve, at the point p, or at least each of these two points is situated on the polar of the other, with respect to the same hyperbola. (5.) Again, it is frequently convenient to consider a curve as the intersection of two surfaces; and, in connexion with this conception, to represent it by a system of two scalar equations, not explicitly involving any scalar variable : in which case, both equations are to be differentiated, or derivated, with reference to such a varia- ble understood, and dp or p' deduced, or replaced by w — p as before. (6.) Thus we may substitute, for the equation L, the system of the two follow- ing (whereof the first had occurred as III'.) ; VIII. . . Saa'p = 0, p2Saa' - SapSa'p = (Jaa'y ; and the derivated equations corresponding are, IX. . . Saa'p' = 0, 2Saa'Spp' - Sap'Sa'p - SapSa'p' = ; or, with the substitution of w — p for p', &c., X . . Saa'o) = 0, 2Saa'Spa; - SawSa'p - SapSa'w = 2 (Yaay ; the last of which might also have been deduced from VII., by operating with S. (7.) And it may be remarked that the two equations VIII. represent respectively in general a plane and an hyperloloid, of which the intersection (5.) is the hyperbola I. or II.; or a plane and an hyperbolic cylinder^ if Saa'= 0. Section 3. — On Normals and Tangent Planes to Surfaces. 372- It was early shown (100, (9.))» that when a curved surface is represented by an equation of the form, I. . . 9 = ; so that the plane of these two differential vectors, or of lines parallel to them, is (or is parallel to) the tangent plane at that point: and the principle has been since exemplified, in 100, (11.) and (12.), and in the sub- articles to 345, &c. It follows that any vector v, which \s perpendicular to both of two such non-parallel differentials, or derivatives, must (comp. 345, (11.)) be a normal vector at p, or at least one having the direction of the normal to the surface at that point ; so that each of the two vectors, IV. . . V.d,pd,P, V. . . V. D.,pD/, if actual, represents such a normal. 502 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. (1.) As an additional example, let us take the case of the ruled paraboloid^ on which a given gauche quadrilateral abcd is superscribed. The expression for the vector jO of a variable point p of this surface, considered as a function of two inde- pendent and scalar variables, x and y, may be thus written (comp. 99, (9.)) : VI. ..p = a;ya + (l-x)y/3 + Cl-a;) 0--y)y +x(l-y)S] where the supposition y = 1 places the point p on the line ab ; x = places it on bc ; y = 0, on CD ; and a; = 1, on da. (2.) We have here, by partial derivations, VII...D.p=yCa-i3) + (l-y)(5-y); D,p = a;(a-^) + (l -:r) (/3- y); these then represent the directions of two distinct tangents to the paraboloid VI., at what may be called the point (x, y) ; whence it is easy to deduce the tangent plane and the normal at that point, by constructions on which we cannot here delay, ex- cept to remark that if (comp. Fig. 31, Art. 98) we draw two right lines, QS and rt, through p, so as to cut the sides ab, bc, cd, da of the quadrilateral in points Q, R, s, T, we shall have by VI. the vectors, VIII . /OQ = a;a + (!-«;) /3, OB=y/3 + (l-y)y, ' * ■ \os = a;5 + (l-a;)y, OT=ya+ (1 -y)^, and therefore, by VII., IX. . . "Dxp = RT, Byp = SQ ; so that these two tangents are simply the two generating lines of the surface, which pass through the proposed point p. (3.) For example, at the point (1, 1), or a, the tangents thus found are the sides ba, da, and the tangent plane is that of the angle bad, as indeed is evident from geometry. (4.) Again, the equation of the screw surface (comp. 314, XVI.), X. . . p = cxa+i/a''(3, with Ta = 1, and Sa/3 = 0, gives the two tangents, XI. . . Dxp = ca + ^ya^J/3, Dyp = a% whereof the latter is perpendicular to the former, and to the axis a of the cylinder ; so that the correspondmg normal to the surface X. at the point (x, y) is represented by the product, XII. . . J/ = D^p . Dy|0 = ca^+i/3 + ^y^'^a. 373. Whenever a variable vector p is thus expressed or even conceived to be expressed, as a function of two scalar variables, x and y (or s and t, &c.), if we assume any three diplanar vectors, such as <*> A 7 (oJ^ h i^i \ &c.), the three scalar expressions^ Sap, Sfip, 87^ (or Sfp, S/cp, Sap, &c.) will then be functions of the same two scalar variables; and will therefore be connected with each other by some 07ie scalar equation, of the form, I. . . F{Sap, S^p, S7P) = 0, or briefly, CHAP. III.] CONNEXION WITH QUATERNION DIFFERENTIALS. 503 II.../P = C; where C is a scalar constant, introduced (instead of zero) for greater generality of expression ; and F, f are used as functional but scalar signs. If then (comp. 361, XIV.) we express th.Q first differential of this scalar function fp under the form, III. ..dfp=2Svdp, in which v is a certain derived vector, and is here considered as being (at least implicitly) a vector function (like p) of the two scalar varia- bles above mentioned, we shall have the two equations, IV.. . Syd,p = 0, S»^d,p=0, or these two other and corresponding ones, V. .. Si/D,p = 0, SvD,P = 0; from which it follows (by 372) that v has the direction of the nor- mal to the surface I. or II., at the point p in which the vector p ter- minates. Hence the equation of that normal (with tv for its variable vector) may, under these conditions, be thus written: VI. . .Yp{iv-p) = 0; and the corresponding equation of the tangent plane at the same point p is VII. ..Si/(a;-p) = 0. (1.^ For example, if we take the expression 308, XVIII., or 345, XII., namely YIIL . . p = rk^j^kj-^Jc~\ in which kj-^ =j^k, &c., treating the scalar r as constant, but s and t as variable, we have then (comp. 345, XIV.), the equations, a denoting any unit- vector, IX. .. Sjp = rS.a2sp + V>tp) dt, if d* = s'dt ; whence, dt being still arbitrary, we have the one scalar equation, XVII. . . S . p dsDsp 4- T>tp) = 0, or XVIII. . . p -i- sDsp 4 Dtp , and although, on account of the arbitrary coefficient «', this one equation XVII. is equivalent to the system of the two equations XV., yet it immediately signifies, as in XVIII., that the directed radius p, of the sphere XL, is perpendicular to the arbi- trary tangent, s'Dsp -f Dtp ; or to the tangent to an arbitrary spherical curve through p, the centre o and tensor Tp (or undirected radius, r) remaining as before. (5.) As regards the logic of the subject, it may be worth while to read again the joroo/ (331), of the validity of the rule for differentiating a function of a function; because this rule is virtually employed, when after thus reducing, or conceiving as reduced, the scalar function /p of a vector p, to another scalar function such as Ft of a scalar t, by treating p as equal to some vector function ^t of this last scalar, we infer that XIX. . .dFt = df(pt = 2S. vd-p) = 0, or XXIV. = p+ar(^-p), in which ic is a scalar variable (conip. 369, VII.) ; making then x=l, we see that ^ is the vector of the point N in which the normal intersects the plane of the two fixed lines t, k, supposed to be drawn from the origin, which is here the centre of the ellipsoid. (8.) If we look back on the sub-articles to 216 and 217, we shall see that these lines t, K have the directions of the two real cyclic normals^ or of the normals to the two (real) cyclic planes ; which planes are now represented by the two equations. XXV. . . Stp = 0, S/cp = 0. Accordingly the equation XX. of the ellipsoid may be put (comp. 336, 357, 359) under the cyclic forms^ XXVI. . . Sp^p = (i2 + /c2)p« + 2StpK:p = (t - /e)2 p2 + 4StpS«:p = {k^ - i3)2 = const. ; hence each of the two diametral planes XXV. cuts the surface in a circle^ the com- mon radius of these two circular sections being XXVII...Tp = ,f^_^=5, where h denotes, as in 219, (1.), the length of the mean semiaxis of the ellipsoid; and in fact, this value of Tp can be at once obtained from the equation XX., by making either ip = - pi, or pjc = — /cp, in virtue of XXV. (9.) By the sub-article last cited, the greatest and least semiaxes have for their lengths, XXVIII. . . a = Ti + Tie, c = Tt - Tfc ; and the construction in 219, (2.) shows (by Fig. 53, annexed to 217, (4.)) that these three semiaxes a, b, c have the respective directions of the lines, XXIX. . . iTk- kTi, V(/c, iTk + kTi ; all which agrees with the rectangular transformation, Sp, we may interpret in another way, and with a reference to chords rather than to curves^ the diffe- rential equation^ I. . . d//3=2Si^d/>, supposed still to be a rigorous one (in virtue of our definitions of dif- ferentials, which do not require that dp should be smalt) ; and may still deduce from it the normal property oiVaQYeciov v, but now with the help of Taylor''s Series adapted to quaternions (comp. 342, 370). In fact, that series gives here a differenced equation, of the form, II. . . Afp = 2Sv^p^R', where 7? is a scalar remainder (comp. again 342), having the pro- perty that III. . . lim. {R : TAp) = 0, if lim. TAp = ; whence IV. . . lim. (Afp : TAp) = 2 lim. SvUAp, whatever the ultimate direction of Ap may be. If then we conceive that * Compare the Note to page 484. f It is permitted, for example, by general principles above explained, to treat the differential dp as denoting a chordal vector, or to substitute it for Ap, and so to re- present the differenced equation of the surface under the form (comp. 342), = A/p = (£d - l)/p =d/p + Id2/p + &c. ; but with this meaning of the symbol dp, the equation Afp = 0, or Svdp = 0, is no longer rigorous, and must (for rigour) be replaced by such an equation as the follow- ing, = 2St/dp + Sdj/dp + R, if d/p = 2Sj/dp, as before ; the remainder R vanishing, when the surface is only of the second order (comp. 362, (3.)). Accordingly this last/or?« is useful in some investigations, especially in those which relate to the curvatures of normal sections: but for the present it seems to be clearer to adhere to the recent signification of dp, and therefore to treat it as still denoting a tangent, which may or njay not be small. CHAP. III.] NEW ENUNCIATION OF TAYLOR's THEOREM. 509 A/) represents a small and indefinitely decreasing chord pq of the sur- face, drawn from the extremity p of p, so that V. . . Afp =/ {p + M -fp = 0, and lim. TA/> = 0, the equation IV. becomes simply, VI.. . lim. Si^UA/> = 0; and thus proves, in a new way, that v is normal to the surface at the proposed point p, by proving that it is ultimately perpendicular to all the chords votfrom that point, when those chords become indefinitely small, or tend indefinitely to vanish. (1.) For example, if VII. . ./jo = p2, v = p, then VIII. . . i?= Ap^, and i? : TAp = - TAp ; thus, for every point of space, we have rigorously, with this form of /p, IX. . . A/p : TAp = 2SpUAp - TAp ; and for every point q of the spheric surface, fp = const., we have with equal rigour, X. . . 2SpUAp = TAp, or XI. . . pq = 2op.cosopq ; in fact, either of these two last formulae expresses simply, that the projection of a diameter of a sphere, on a conterminous chord, is equal to that chord itself and of course diminishes with it. (2.) Passing then to the limit, or conceiving the point q of the surface to ap- proach indefinitely to p, we derive the limiting equations, XII. . . lim. SpUAp = ; XIII. . . Um. cos opq = ; either of which shows, in a new way, that the radii of a sphere are its normals ; with the analogous result for other surfaces, that the vector v in I. has a normal di- rection, as before : because its projection on a chord pq tends indefinitely to diminish with that chord. (3.) We may also interpret the differential equation I. as expressing, through II. and III., that t\iQ plane 373, VII., which is drawn through the point p in a direction perpendicular to v, is the tangent plane to the surface : because the pro- jection of the chord Ap on the normal v to that plane, or the perpendicular distance, XIV. . . - S (Ui/. Ap) = |i2. Tiz-i, of a near point qfrom the plane thus drawn through p, is small of an order higher than the first (comp. 370, (8.)), if the chord fq itself he considered as small of the frst order. 375. This occasion may be taken (comp. 374, 1. II. III.), to give a new Enunciation of Taylor^ s Theorem, in a form adapted to Quater- nions, which has some advantages over that given (342) in the pre- ceding Chapter. We shall therefore now express that important Theorem as follows: — *' If none of the m^\ functions, 510 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. I. . . fq, Afq, d?fq, . . . d."'fq, in which ^^q = 0, become infinite in the immediate vicinity of a given quaternion g, then the quotient y II. . . Q= {/(^ + dy)-/^-d/^-^-^- S|_&e. ~ 2.3..w) ' 2.3..m' can he made to tend indefinitely to zero, for any ultimate value of the versor Udg, ly indefinitely diminishing the tensor Td^." (1.) The jproo/ of the theorem, as thus enunciated, can easily be supplied by an attentive reader of Articles 341, 342, and their sub-articles; a few hints may how- ever here be given. (2.) We do not now suppose, as in 342, that d»"/^ must be different from zero; we only assume that it is not infinite: and we add, to the expression 342, VI. for Fx, the term, ■ * ■ 2.3. ..?« * (3.) Hence eaoA of the expressions 342, VII , for the successive derivatives oi Fx, receives an additional term; the last of them thus becoming, IV. . . Jy^Fx = i^W^r = d'»/(5 + xiiix) - d"»/ 0, 2. o . . .m which gives, VII. . . ;//0 = 0, »//'0 = 0, -^"Q = 0, . . ^/C*"- »0 = 0, i//('")0 = dj"*, we find (by 341, (8.), (9.), comp. again 342, XII.) that VIII. . . lim. {Fx : i//a;) = 0. (5.) But these two new functions, Fx and i|/x, are formed from the dividend and the divisor of the quotient Q in II., by changing Aq to a:dg; and (comp. 342, (3.)) instead of thus 7nultiplying a given quaternion differential dg', by a small and indefi- nitely decreasing scalar, x, we may indefinitely diminish the tensor, Tdg, unthout changing the versor, Udg-. (6.) And even if^^q he changed, while the differential dg is thus made to tend to zero, we can always conceive that it tends to some, limit ; which limiting or ulti- mate value of that versor Udg may then be treated as if'it were a constant one, with- out affecting the limit of the quotient Q. (7.) The theorem, as above enunciated, is therefore fully proved ; and we are at liberty to choose, in any application, between the two forms of statement, 342 and 375, of which one is more convenient at one time, and the other at another. CHAP. III.] OSCULATING PLANES TO CURVES IN SPACE. * 511 Section 4 On Osculating Planes, and Absolute Normals, to Curves of Double Curvature. 376. The variable vector pt of a curve in space may in general be thus expressed, with the help of Taylor's Series (corap. 370, (1.)): I. . . pt = p + t/ + \fup"^ with t^o = 1 ; /), p', p", u being here abridged symbols for />oj p'q, p"oi Wj.; and the product up" being a vector, although the factor u is generally a qua- ternion (comp. 370, (5.)). And the different terms of this expres- sion I. may be thus constructed (compare the annexed Figure 77): II... P while III.. OP; //)' = pt; ■|«2w/' = tq; Pt = OQ, and tp' + ^fup" = pq ; the line tq, or the term ^t'up'\ being thus what maybe called the deflexion ofthecwrrePQR, at q, from its tangent pt at p, measured in a direction which depends on the law according to which pt varies with t, and on the distance of q, from p. The equation of the plane of the triangle ptq is rigorously (by II.) the following, with no for its variable vector, IV.. .0=^up"p'{w-p)', this plane IV. then touches the curve at p, and (generally) cuts it at Q,; so that if the point q, be conceived to approach indefinitely toP, the resulting formula, V. . . = Sp"p' {iv - p\ or v. . . = Sp'p" (iv - p\ is the equation of the plane ptq in that limiting position, in which it is called the osculating plane, or is said to osculate to the curve pq,r, at the point P. (l.) If the variable vector p be immediately given as ti function ps of a variable scalar, s, which is itself a. function of the former scalar variable t, we shall then have (comp. 331) the expressions, VI. . . p't = s'Dsps, p"t = s"DsPs + «'^D,2ps5 with s' = D^s, s"= Bt^s ; thus the vector p" may change, even in direction, when we change the independent scalar vai-iable ; but p" will always be a line, either in or parallel to the osculating plane ; while p will always represent a tangent, whatever scalar variable may be selected. (2.) As an example, let us take the equation 314, XV., or 369, XIII., of the 512 * ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. helix. With the independent variable t of that equation, we have (comp. 369, XIV.) the derived expressions, VIL..p' = ca-f|a^^iA p" = -^^ p)3 = (^^ ] V' P) p" has therefore here (comp. 369, (8.)) the direction of the normal to the cylinder ; and consequently, the oseulatiiig plane to the helix is a normal plane to the cylinder of revolution, on which that curve is traced : a result well known, and which will soon be greatly extended. (3.) When a curve of double curvature degenerates into a. plane curve, its oscu- lating plane becomes constant, and reciprocally. The condition of planarity of a curve in space may therefore be expressed by the equation, VIII. . . UVjo'p" = + a constant unit line ; or, by 335, II., and 338, VIII., ix...o = v^iP>7=v^p'p"'- Vp'p" YqY ' or finally, X. . . Sp'p'p"' = 0, or XI. . . p" \\\ p', p". (4.) Accordingly, for a plane curve, if \ be a given normal to its plane, we have the three equations, XII. . . SXp' = 0, SXp" = 0, SXp'" = ; which conduct, by 294, (11.), to X. (5.) For example, if we had not otherwise known that the equation 337, (2.) represented a plane ellipse, we might have perceived that it was the equation of some plane curve, because it gives the three successive derivatives, XIII. . . p' - ^ Va«-i/3, p" = - f ^ J Ya% p'" = " f | Y Va'-'/3, which are complanar lines, the third having a direction opposite to the first. (6.) And generally, the formula X. enables us to assign, on any curve of double curvature, for which p is expressed as a function of t, the points* at which it most resembles a plane curve, or approaches most closely to its own osculating plane. 377. An important and characteristic property of the osculating plane to a curve of double curvature, is that the perpendiculars let fall on it, from points of the curve near to the point of osculation, are small of an order higher than the second, if their distances from that ^om^ be considered as small of the. first order. (1.) To exhibit this by quaternions, let us begin by considering an arbitrary plane, * Namely, in a modern phraseology, the places o^ four-point contact with a plane. The equation, Vp'p"= 0, indicates in like manner the places, if any, at which a curve has three-point contact with a right line. For curves of double curvature, these are also called points of simple and double inflexion. CHAP. III.] CONE OF PARALLELS TO TANGENTS. 513 I. . . S\(a»-p) = 0, with T\ = l, drawn through a point p of the curve. Using the expression 376, I., for the vector OQ, or pt, of another point q of the same curve, we have, for the perpendicular dis- tance of Q from the plane I., this other rigorous expression, II. . . SX(p« - p) = iS\p + |<2SXmp" ; which represents, in general, a small quantity of ih& first order, \it be assumed to be such. (2.) The expression II. represents however, generally, a small quantity of the second order, if the direction of \ satisfy the condition, III. . .SXp' = 0; that is, if the plane I. touch the curve. (3.) And if the condition, IV. . . SXp"=0, be also satisfied by X, then, but not othertoise, the expression II. tends to bear an evanescent ratio to t^, or is small of an order higher than the second. (4.) But the combination of the two conditions. III. and IV., conducts to the expression, V. ..X = + UVp'p"; comparing which with 376, V., we see that the property above stated is one which belongs to the osculating plane, and to no other. 378. Another remarkable property* of the osculating plane to a curve is, that it is the tangent plane to the cone of parallels to tangents (369, (6.)), which has its vertex at the point of osculation. (1.) In general, if p = 0a; be (comp. 369, I.) the equation of a curve in space, the equation of the cone which has its vertex at the origin, and passes through this curve, is of the form, I. .. p = l/(l>x; in which x and ?/ are two independent and scalar variables. (2.) We have thus the two partial derivatives, II. . . Da-p = r/^'x, Dyp = (px ; and the tangent plane along the side (x) has for equation, IIL . . = S(w. to t, p', p", ot — p, we see that the equation 376, v., of the osculating plane to the curve 376, I., is also that of the tangent plane to the cone of parallels, &c., as asserted. 379. Among all the normals to a curvCy at any one point, there are two which deserve special attention ; namely the one which is in * The writer does not remember seeing this property in print ; but of course it is an easy consequence from the doctrine of infinitesimals, which doctrine however it has not been thought convenient to adopt, as the hasis of the present exposition. 3 u 514 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. the osculating plane, and is called the absolute (or principal) normal; and the one which is perpendicular to that plane, and which it has been lately proposed to name the hinormal.* It is easy to assign ex- pressions, by quaternions, for these two normals, as follows. (1.) The absolute normal, as being perpendicular to p', but complanar with p' and p", has a direction expressed by any one of the following formulae (comp. 203, 334) : I. .. VpY-p'"'; or II. ..dUp'; or III. . . dUdp. (2.) There is an extensive classf of cases, for which the following equations hold good: IV. . . Tp' = const. ; V. . . p'2 = const. ; VI. . . Sp'p"= ; and in all such cases, the expression I. reduces itself to p", which is therefore then a representative of the absolute normal. (3.) For example, in the case of the helix, with the equation several times be- fore employed, the conditions (2.) are satisfied ; and accordingly the absolute nor- mal to that curve coincides with the normal p" to the cylinder, on which it is traced ; the locus of the absolute normal being here that screw surface or Selicoid, which has been already partially considered (comp. 314, (11.), and 372, (4.)). (4..) And as regards the binormal, it may be sufficient here to remark, that be- cause it is perpendicular to the osculating plane, it has the direction expressed by one or other of the two symbols (comp. 377, V.), VII. . . Y^'p", or Vir. . . Vdpd2p. (5.) There exists, of course, a system of three rectangular planes, the osculating plane being one, which are connected with the system of the three rectangular lines, the tangent, the absolute normal, and the binormal, and of which any one who has studied the Quaternions so far can easily form the expressions. (6.) And a constructionX for the absolute normal may be assigned, analogous to and including that lately given (378) for the osculating plane, as an interpreta- tion of the expression II. or III., or of the symbol dUp'or dUdp. From any origin o conceive a system of unit lines (Up' or Udp) to be drawn, in the directions of the successive tangents to the given curve of double curvature ; these lines will terminate * By M. de Saint- Venant, as being perpendicular at once to two consecutive ele- ments of the curve, in the infinitesimal treatment of this subject. See page 261 of the very valuable Treatise on Analytic Geometry of Three Dimensions (Hodges and Smith, Dublin), by the Rev. George Salmon, D. D., which has been published in the present year (1862), but not till after the printing of these Elements of Quaternions (begun iu 1860) had been too far advanced, to allow the writer of them to profit by the study of it, so much as he would otherwise have sought to do. t Namely, those in which the arc of the curve, or that arc multiplied by a scalar constant, is taken as the independent variable. X This construction also has not been met with by the writer in print, so far as he remembers ; but it may easily have escaped his notice, even iu the books which he has seen. CHAP. III.] ABSOLUTE NORMALS, GEODETIC LINES. 515 on a certain spherical curve; and the tangent, say ss'', to this new curve, at the point 8 which corresponds to the point P of the old one, will have the direction of the ab- solute normal at that old point. (7.) At the same time, the plane oss' of the great circle, which touches the new curve upon the unit sphere, being the tangent plane to the cone of parallels (378), has the direction of the osculating plane to the old curve ; and the radius drawn to its pole is parallel to the hinormal. (8.) As an example of the auxiliary (or spherical) curve, constructed as in (6.), we may take again the helix (369, XIII., &c.) as the given curve of double curva- ture, and observe that the expression 369, XIV., namely, TT 7r2j3^ VIII. . . p' = ca+~a^^% gives IX. . . p'2 = - c^ -h -^ = const, (comp. (3.)); whence Tp' is constant (as in IV.), and we have the equation (comp. 369, XV. XIX.), / 7r2/32Vi X. . . SaUp' = -cl c2 ^ ] =_ cos a = const., a being again the inclination of the helix to the axis of its cylinder ; which shows that the new curve is in this case a plane one, namely a certain small circle of the unit sphere. (9.) In general, if the given curve be conceived to be an orbit described by a point, which moves with a constant velocity taken for unity, the auxiliary or sphe- rical curve becomes what we have proposed (100, (5.)) to call the hodograph of that motion. (10.) And if the given curve be supposed to be described with a variable velo- city, the hodograph is still some curve upon the cone of parallels to tangents. Section 5. — On Geodetic Lines, and Families of Surfaces, 380. Adopting as the definition of a geodetic line, on any proposed curved surface, the property that it is one of which the osculating plane is always a normal plane to that surface, or that the absolute normal to the curve is also the normal to the surface, we have two principal modes of expressing by quaternions this general and ckarac^ teristic property. For we may either write, I. . . Si/pV = 0, or II. . . Si/d/)dV = 0, to express that the normal v to the surface (comp. 373) is perpen- dicular to the hinormal Np'p" or Vd^d^ to the curve (comp. 379^ VII. VII'.) ; or else, at pleasure, III. . . Vi^(U/)' = 0, or IV. . . Vi^dUd/> = 0, to express that the same normal v has the direction of the absolute normal (Up')' or dUd/a (comp. 379, H* HI.), to the same geodetic line. And thus it becomes easy to deduce the known relations of such lines (or curves) to some im'portant families of surfaces^ on which 516 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. they can be traced. Accordingly, after beginning for simplicity with the sphere, we shall proceed in the following sub-articles to de-, termine the geodetic lines on cylindrical and conical surfaces, with arbitrary bases; intending afterwards to show how the correspond- ing lines can be investigated, upon developable surfaces, and surfaces of revolution. (1.) On a sphere^ with centre at the origin, we have v || p, and the differential equation IV. admits of an immediate integration ;* for it here becomes, V. . . = VpdUdp =dVjoUdp, whence VI. . . VpUdp = w, and VII. . . Sw/o = 0, 10 being some constant vector ; the curve is therefore in this case a great circle, as being wholly contained in one diametral plane. (2.) Or we may observe that the equation, VIII. . . ^pp'p"= 0, or IX. . . SpdpdV = 0, obtained by changing j/ to p in I. or II., has generally for a first integral (comp, 335, (1.)), whether Tp be constant or variable, X. . . U Vpp' = UVpdp = w = const. ; it expresses therefore that p is the vector of some curve (or line) in a plane through the origin ; which curve must consequently be here a great circle, as before. (3.) Accordingly, as a verification of X., if we write XI. . . p = ax-\- j3y, X and y being scalar functions of t, where t is still some independent scalar variable, and a, /3 are two vector constants, we shall have the derivatives, XII. . . Q' = ax' + I3y\ p" = ax" + (3y" \\\p,p'] so that the equation VIII. is satisfied. (4.) For an arbitrary cylinder, with generating lines parallel to a fixed line a, we may write, XIII. . .Sav = 0, XIV. . . SadUdp = 0, XV. . . SaUdp = const. ; a geodetic on a cylinder crosses therefoie the generating lines at a constant angle, and consequently becomes a right line when the cylinder is unfolded into a. plane : both which known properties are accordingly verified (comp. 369, (5.), and 376, (2.)) for the case of a cylinder of revolution, in which case the geodetic is a helix. (5.) For an arbitrary cone, with vertex at the origin, we have the equations, XVI. . . Sz/p = 0, XVII. . . SpdUdp = 0, XVIII. . . dSpUdp = S(dp.Udp) = - Tdp ; multiplying the last of which equations by 2SpUdjO, and observing that - 2Spdp = - d . p', we obtain the transformations, * We here assume as evident, that the differential of a variable cannot be con- stantly zero (comp. 335, (7.)) ; and we employ the principle (comp. 338, (5.)), that V. dp Udp = - VTdp = 0. CHAP. III.] GEODETICS ON SPHERES, CONES AND CYLINDERS. 517 XIX. . . = d { (SpUd|o)2 + p2 } = d . ( VpUdp)«, XX. . . T VpUdp = const. ; the perpendicular from the vertex^ on a tangent to any one geodetic upon a cone, has therefore a constant length; and all such tangents touch also a concentric sphere^* or one which has its centre at the vertex of the cone. (6.) Conceive then that at each point p or p' of the geodetic a tangent pt or p't' is drawn, and that the angles otp, ot'p' are right ; we shall have, by what has just been shown, XXI. . . OT = or' = const. = radius of concentric sphere ; and if the cone be developed (or unfolded) into a plane, this constant or common length, of the perpendiculars from o on the tan- gents, will remain unchanged, because the length OP and the angle opt are unaltered by such de- velopment ; the geodetic becomes therefore some plane line, with the same property as before ; and although this property would belong, not only to a right line, but also to a circle with o for centre (compare the second part of the an- nexed Figure 78), yet we have in this result 0^ merely an effect of the foreign factor SpUdp, which was introduced in (5.), in order to facili- tate the integration of the differential equation XVIII., and which (by that very equation) cannot be constantly equal to zero. We are therefore to exclude the curves in which the cone is cut by spheres concentric with it : and there remain, as the sought geodetic lines, only those of which the de- velopments are rectilinear, as in (4 ). (7.) Another mode of interpreting, and at the same time of integrating, the equation XVIII., is connected with the interpretation of the symbol Tdp ; which can be proved, on the principles of the present Calculus, to represent rigorously the dif- ferential ds of the arc (s) of that curve, whatever it may be, of which p is the varia- ble vector ; so that we have the general and rigorous equation, XXII. . . Tdp = ds, if s thus denote the arc : whether that arc itself, or some other scalar, t, be taken a.s the independent variable ; and whether its differential ds be small or large, provided that it be positive. (8.) In fact if we suppose, for the sake of greater generality, that the vector p and the scalar s are thus both functions, pt and st, of some one independent and sca- lar variable, t, our principles direct us first to take, or to conceive as taken, a suhmul- tiple, n-'d<, oi ih.Q finite differential At, considered as an assumed and arbitrary in- crement of that independent variable, t ; to determine next the vector pun'^dt, and the scalar st+n~^dt, which correspond to the point Ptm'^dt of the curve on which pt ter- minates in P;, and of which st is the arc, ^^t^ measured to Ft from some fixed point Po on the same curve ; to take the differences, Fig. 78. * When the cone is of the second order, this becomes a case of a known theorem respecting geodetic lines on a surface of the same second order, the tangents to any one of which curves touch also a confocal surface. 518 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. pt+n'^dt - pt, and stHi'^dt - St, •which represent respectively the directed chord, and the length, of the arc Ft^t+rTht, which arc will generally be small, if the number n be large, and will indefinitely di- minish when that number tends to infinity; to multiply these two decreasing diffe- rences, of pt and St, by n ; and finally to seek the limits to which the products tend, when n thus tends to oo : such limits being, by our definitions, the values of the two sought and simultaneous differentials, dp and d«, which answer to the assumed va- lues of t and dt. And because the small arc, As, and the length, TAp, of its small chordf in the foregoing construction, tend indefinitely to a ratio of equality, such must be the rigorous ratio of ds and Tdp, which are (comp. 320) the limits of their equimultiples. (9.) Admittmg then the exact equality XXII. of Tdp and ds, at least when the latter like the former is taken positively, we have only to substitute — ds for - Tdp in the equation XVIII., which then becomes immediately iutegrable, and gives, XXIII. . . s + SpUdp = s - S (p : Udp) = const. ; where S(p :Udp) denotes the projection tp, of the vector p or op, on the tangent to the geodetic at p, considered as a positive scalar when p makes an acute angle with dp, that is, when the distance Tp or op ffom the vertex is increasing; while s denotes, as above, the length of the arc PqP of the same curve, measured from some fixed point Pq thereon, and considered as a scalar which changes sign, when the va- riable point p passes through the position Pq. (10.) But the length of tp does not change (comp. (6.)), when the cone is deve- loped, as before ; we have therefore the equations (comp. again Fig. 78), /'-^ — /"^s — /^*N XXIV. . . PoP — TP = const. = PoP' - t'p', XXV. . . pp' = t'p' — tp, which must hold good both before and after the supposed development of the conical surface ; and it is easy to see that this can only be, by the geodetic on the cone be- coming a right line, as before. In fact, if ot' in the plane be supposed to intersect the tangent tp in a point t , and if p' be conceived to approach to p, the second member of XXV. bears a limiting ratio of equality to the first member, increased or diminished by tt, ; which latter line, and therefore also the angle tot' between the perpendiculars on the two near tangents, or the angle between those tangents them- selves, if existing, must bear an indefinitely decreasing ratio to the arc P?' ; so that the radius of curvature of the supposed curve is infinite, or t' coincides with T, and the development is rectilinear as before. (11.) The important and general equation, Tdp = ds (XXII,), conducts to many other consequences, and may be put under several other forms. For example, we may write generally, XXVI. . . TD«p = 1, XXVII. . . (dsp)2 + 1 = 0; also XXVIII. . . (d^p)2 + (d^s)2 = 0, or XXIX. . . p'2 + s'2 = o, if p' and s' be the first derivatives of p and s, taken with respect to any independent scalar variable, such as t ; whence, by continued derivation, XXX. . . Sp>"+ s's" = 0, XXXI. . . Sp'p"'+ p"2 + «s"' + s"2= 0, &c. (12.) And if the arc s be itself idken as the independent variable, then (comp. 379, (2.)) the equations XXIX., &c., become, XXXII. . . p'2 + 1 = 0, Sp'p" = 0, Sp'p'" + fi = 0, &c. CHAP. III.] DIFFERENTIAL AND SCALAR EQUATION. 519 381. In general, if we conceive (comp. 372, I.) that the vector p of a given surface is expressed as a given function of two scalar varia- bles, X and ?/, whereof one, suppose y, is regarded at first as an un- known function of the other, so that we have again, !.../> = 0(a;, y\ but now with 11. , . y -fx, where the/orm of is Tcnown^ but that of/ is sought; we may then regard /> as being implicitly a function of the single (or independent) scalar variable^ x, and may consider the equation, III. . .p = (p(x,fx), as being that of some curve on the given surface, to be determined by assigned conditions. Denoting then the unknown total derivative Dx^ = i/Dx^px = i/ip\ Vyf^ipx^-ij/y comp. 378, II. ; and X. . . Da;2^ = yDa;2i//a;=y^", d^jDj,^ = i/'', Dj,2^=0; the expressions IV. become, tben, XI. . . p= i/\p' + y'«//, p" = i/\p" + 2^'i//' + 1/"^ ; and since only the direction of the normal is important, we may divide V. by — y, and write, XII. . . v = Y^p^'. (2.) The expressions XI. and XII. give (comp. VI. and VII.) for the geodetic* on the cone VIII., the differential equation of the second order, XIII. . . =S(Y^PxP'.Yp'p") = Sp'rpSp'xP' - Sp"4^'&p'^ = CyS^^p" + 27/'SxP^' + !/"^^) (yi//'2 + y'S^/^p') - (yS;//'-^" + 2y'»//'2 + y"S;//i//') (yS-^>//' + y'i//2), in which i//3 and yp'^ are abridged symbols for (;^x)2 and(i|/'a;)2; but this equation in X and 2/ may be greatly simplified, by some permitted suppositions. (3.) Thus, we are allowed to suppose that the guiding curve (1.) is the intersec- tion of the cone with the concentric unit sphere, so that XIV. ..T;^a; = l, yp'^ = -l, S-^;//'=0, S^'i/'" + ^'2 = ; and if we further assume that the arc of this spherical curve is taken as the inde- pendent variable, x, we have then, by 380, (12.), combined with the last equation XIV., XV. ..T;//'a;=l, »|/'2 = _i, Sf;^" = 0, S^//i//" = -iP'2= I. (4.) "With these simplifications, the differential equation XIII. becomes, XVI. . . 0-(y-y") (_y)-(-2y') (-y')=yy'-2y'2-y2; and its complete integral is found bg ordinary methods to be, XVII. . . y = 6 sec (ic + c), in which 6 and c are two arbitrary but scalar constants. (5.) To interpret now this integrated and scalar equation in x and y, of the^fo- detics on an arbitrary cone, we may observe that, by the suppositions (3.), y repre- sents the distance, Tp or op, from the vertex o, and x + c represents the angle aop, in the developed state of cone and curve, from some Jixed line OA in the plane, to the variable line op ; the projection of this new op on thatj^a;ed line OA is therefore con- stant (being = b, by XVII.), and the developed geodetic is again found to be a right line, as before. 382. Let ABODE . . . (see the annexed Figure 79) be any given se- ries of points in space. Draw the succes- , sive right lines, ab, bc, cd, de, . . and pro- - -"'■"' "^^v-c' long them to points e', c', d', e', . . . the ^^--^^^'^ c" — p^^ ^— -Ap' lengths of these prolongations being ar- ^ -^ ""^'e' bitrary; join also b'c', c'd', d'e', . . . We ^^^' '^^' shall thus have a series of plane triangles, b^bc', c'cb', d'de', ... all ge- nerally in different planes ; so that bcd'c'b', cde'd'c', . . . are generally gauche pentagons, while bcde'd'c'b' is a gauche heptagon, &c. But we CHAP. III.] DEVELOPABLE SURFACE, CUSP-EDGE. 521 can conceive the jftrst triangle b'bc' to turn round its sideBCc\ till it C07nes into the plane of the second triangle, c'cd'; which -will trans- form the first gauche pentagon into a plane one, denoted still by bcd'cV. We can then conceive this plane figure to turn round its side cdd', till it comes into the plane of the third triangle, d'de'; whereby the first gauche heptagon will have become a plane one, de- noted as before by bcdeVc'b': and so we can proceed indefinitely. Passing then to the limit, at which the points abcde . . . are conceived to be each indefinitely near to the one which precedes or follows it in the series, we conclude as usual (comp. 98, (12.)) that the locus of the tangents to a curve of double curvature is a developable surface : or that it admits of being unfolded (like a cone or cylinder) into a plane, without any breach of continuity. It is now proposed to translate these conceptions into the language of quaternions, and to draw from them some of their consequences: especially as regards the determi- nation of the geodetic lines, on such a developable surface. (1.) Let i//ar, or simply i^, denote the variable vector of a point upon the curve^ or cvsp-edge, or edge of regression of the developable, to which curve the generating lines of that surface are thus tangents, considered as a. function -^ of its arc, x, mea- sured from some fixed point A upon it ; so that while the equation of the surface will be of the form (comp. 100, (8.)), T. . . p = (pQc, g)=\p^-\- y-y^ = t// 4 yy^j', y being a second scalar variable, we shall have the relations (comp. 381, XV.), II. . . Ti//'a;=l, i//'2 = -l, Sf;p"=0, S;//'i//"' = -t//"2 = 22^ if z=Tt//". (2.) Hence III. . . T)x(p=^'^yV, D^^ = »//'; IV. . . p' = {i+y'W^yi'"i /o"=y'y + (i + V)i/'" + y '/'"'; and V. . . J/ = Y\p'\p" = i//'ip", multiplied by any scalar. (3.) The differential equation of the geodetics may therefore be thus written (comp. 381, XIIL), VI. . . = S(Y^P'4J".Yp'p") = Sp'^p•'Sp"^P' - Sp";|/"Sp'i//' ; in which, by (1.) and (2.), VII /^P''^" = -2'^^ Sp"4/'=-y" + y22, • • • lSp>"=-(l + 2«/0^2-y^^', Sp';^' = -(1+/); the equation becomes therefore, after division by — z, VIII. . . = z{(l +y')2 + 0^2)2} + (1 +y') {yz)'-y"yz, or simply, IX. . . z + tj'=0, or IX'. . . TdJ/' + dw=0, if X. . . tan u=-^. = ^^. 1 + y 1+y' (4.) To interpret now this very simple equation IX. or IX'., we may observe that 2, or Tt//", or Tdi|/' : da;, expresses the limiting ratio, which the angle between two near tangents i//' and i//' + A\//', to tlie cusp-edge (1.), bears to the small arc Aa5 3 X 522 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. of that curve which is intercepted between their points of contact ; while v is, by IV., that other angle, at which such a variable tangent, or generating line of the deve- lopable, crosses the geodetic on that surface ; and therefore its derivative, v' or dr : da?, represents the limiting ratio, which the change Av of this last angle, in passing from one generating line to another, bears to the same small arc Ax of the curve which those lines touch. (5.) Referring then to Figure 79, in which, instead of tuo continuous curves, there were two gauche polygons, or at least two systems of successive right lines, con- nected by prolongations of the lines of the first system, we see that the recent formula IX. or IX'. is equivalent to this limiting equation, cd'c'-bcV XI, . . lim ■ — ; = - 1 ; CCD but these three angles remain unaltered, in the development of the surface : the bent line b'c'd' for space becomes therefore ultimately a straight line in the plane, and si- milarly for all other portions of the original polygon, or twisted line, b'c'd'e' . . ., of which b'c'd' was a part. (6.) Returning then to curves and surfaces in space, the quaternion analysis (3.) is found, by this simple reasoning,* to conduct to an expression for the known and characteristic property of the geodetics on a developable : namely that they become right lines, as those on cylinders (380, (4.)), and on cones (380, (6.) and (10.), or 381, (5.)), were lately seen to do, when the surface on which they are thus traced is unfolded into a plane. 383. This known result, respecting geodetics on developahles, may be very simply verified, by means of a new determination of the ab- solute^ normal (379) to a curve in space, as follows. (1.) The arc s of any curve being taken for the independent variable, we may write (comp. 376, I.), by Taylor's Series, the following rigorous expressions, I. . . p-s = p - sp' + ^s2m_sp", po = p, P« = P + sp' -f Is'iusp", with «o = 1, for the vectors of tiiree near points, p_j, Pq, p«, on the curve, whereof the second bi- sects the arc, 2s, intercepted between the first and third. (2.) If then we conceive the parallelogram p_sPoP«Ks to be completed, we shall have, for the two diagonals of this new figure these other rigorous expressions, II. . . ■P-sPs=ps-p-s=2sp' + ^s'^(us-u_s')p"; III. . . PoRg = ps + p_s — 2po = ls~(us + u_s) p" ; * In the Lectures (page 581), nearly the same analysis was employed, for geo- detics on a developable ; but the interpretation of the result was made to depend on an equation which, with the recent significations of ;// and v, may be thus written, as the integral of IX'., » + jTdi//' = const. ; where jTd;//' represents i\xQ finite angle be- tween the extreme tangents to i\iQ finite arc J Td;//, or A.r, oii\\Q cusp- edge, wlien that curve is developed into a plane one. t Called also, and perhaps more usually, the principal normal. CHAP. III.] GEODETICS ON DEVELOPABLES. 523 which give the limiting equations, IV. . . lim. s-ip-sPs = 2p' ; V. . . lim. s'^PoKs - p". (3.) But the length P-sP» of what may be called the long diagonal, or the chord of the double arc, 2s, is ultimately equal to that double arc ; we have therefore, by IV., the equation, VI. . . Tp'= 1, if p' = Dsp, and if s denote the arc, considered as the scalar variable on which the vector p depends : a result agreeing with what was otherwise found in 380, (12.). (4.) At the same time, since the ultimate direction of the same long diagonal is evidently that of the tangent at Pq, we see anew that the same first derived vector p' represents what may be called the unit-tangent* to the curve at that point. (5.) And because the lengths of the two sides P-sPo and PqPs, considered as chords of the two successive and equal arcs, s and s, are ultimately equal to them and to each other, it follows that the parallelogram (2.) is ultimately equilateral, and there- fore that its diagonals are ultimately rectangular; but these diagonals, by IV. and v., have ultimately the directions of p' and p" ; we find therefore anew the equation, VII. . . Sp'/o" = 0, if the arc be the independent variable, which had been otherwise deduced before, in 880, (12.). (6.) But under the same condition, we saw (379, (2.)) that the second derived vector p" has the direction of the absolute normal to the curve ; such then is by V. the ultimate direction of what we may call the short diagonal PqKs, constructed as in (2.) ; or, ultimately, the direction of the bisector of the (obtuse) angle p.sPqPs, be- tween the two near and nearly equal chords from the point Pq ; while the plane of the parallelogram becomes ultimately the osculating plane. (7.) All this is quite independent of the consideration of any surface, on which the curve may be conceived to be traced. But if we now conceive that this curve is formed //o/n a right line b'c'd' . . . (comp. Fig. 79), by wrapping round a develop- able surface a plane on which the line had been drawn, and if the successive por- tions b'c', c'd', . . of that line be supposed to have been equal, then because the two right lines c'b' and c'l>' originally made supplementary angles with any other line c'c in the plane, the two chords c'b' and cV of the curve on the developable tend to make supplementary angles with the generatrix c'c of that surface ; on which ac- count the bisector (6.) of their angle b'c'd' tends to he perpendicrdar to that generat- ing line c'c, as well as to the chord b'd', or ultimately to the tangent to the curve at c', when chords and arcs diminish together. The absolute normal (6.) to the curve thus formed is therefore perpendicular to two distinct tangents to the surface at c', and is consequently (comp. 372) the normal to that surface at that point ; whence, by the definition (380), the curve is, as before, a geodetic on the developable. (8.) As regards the asserted rectangularity (7.), of the bisector of the angle b'c'd' to the line c'c, when the angles cc'b' and cc'd' are supposed to be supple' mentary, but not in one plane, a simple proof may be given by conceiving that the * Compare the Note to i)age 152. 524 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. right line b'c' is prolonged to c", in such a manner that c'c" = c'd' ; for then these two equally long lines from c' maiie equal angles with the line c'c, so that the one may- be formed from the other by a rotation round that line as an axis; whence c"d', which is evidently parallel to the bisector of b'c'd', is also perpendicular to c'c. (9.) In quaternions, if a and p be any two vectors, and if t be any scalar, we have the equation, VIII. . .S.a(a'pa-«-p) = 0; which is, by 308, (8.), an expression for the geometrical principle last stated. 384. The recent analysis (382) enables us to deduce with ease, by quaternions, other known and important properties of develop- able surfaces: for instance, the property that each such surface may be considered as the envelope of a series of planes^ involving only one scalar and arbitrary constant {ox parameter) in their common equation; and that each plane of this series osculates to the cusp-edge of the de- velopable. (I.) The equation of the developable surface being still, I. . . p-= - a) = 0, if a be vector of vertex ; and fourth, developable surfaces, with the distinguishing property expressed by the more general equation, * Compare the Note to page 525. 528 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [boOK 111. IV. . . Yudv =0, if d/> have the direction of a generatrix ; V being in each the normal vector to the surface, so that . V. . . 81^(3/? = 0, for all tangential directions of d/j; and \\iQ fourth family including the third, which in its turn includes the second, A few additional remarks on these equations may be here made. (1.) The geometrical signification of the equation I. (as regards the radii) is ob- vious ; but on the side of calculation it may be useful to remark, that elimination of V between I. and V. gives, for spheres^ VI. . . S(|0 - a) dp = 0, or VII. . . T(p - a) = const. (2.) The equations II. and V. show that dp, and therefore Ap, may have the given direction of a ; for an arbitrary cylinder, then, we have the vector equation (372), VIIT. . . p = 0(a;,y) = i//a; + ytr, where ^l^x is an arbitrary vector function of x. (3.) From VIII. we can at once infer, that IX. . . S/3p = S/3i//^, Syp = Sy;^., if a = V/3y ; the scalar equation (373) of a cylindrical surface is therefore generally of the ^brm (comp. 371, (6.), (7.)), X. ..0=F(S|3p, Syp); (B and y being two constant vectors, and the generating lines being perpendicular to both. (4.) The equation III. may be thus written, XI. . . SvVa = Ta-»Svp ; whence XII. . . SvVa = 0, if Ta = oo ; the equation for cones includes therefore that for cylinders, as was to be expected, and reduces itself thereto, Avhen the vertex becomes infinitely distant. (5.) The same equation III., when compared with V., shows that dp may have the direction of p - a, and therefore that p — a may be multiplied by any scalar ; the vector equation of a conical surface is therefore of the form, XIII. . . p — a + yxpx, 4'^ being an arbitrary vector function. (6.) The scalar equation of a cone may be said to be the result of the elimination of a scalar variable t, between tvvo equations of the forms, XIV...S(p-a)x* = 0, S(p-a)x'. = 0, which express that the cone is the envelope (comp. 386, (11.)) of a variable plane, which passes through a. fixed point, and involves only one scalar parameter in its equation : with a new reduction to a cylinder, in a case on which we need not here delay. (7.) The equation IV. implies, that for each point of the surface there is a direc- tion along which we may move, without changing the tangent plane ; and therefore that the surface is an envelope of planes, &c., as in 386, and consequently that it is developable, in the sense of Art. 382. (8.) The vector equation of a general developable surface may be written under the form, CHAP. III.] ELIMINATION OF ARBITRARY FUNCTIONS. 529 XV. . . p = (l>(x,y) = ->Pa:+yVxl^'^; the sign of a rersor being here introduced, for the sake of facilitating the passage, at a certain liynit, to a cone (comp, 386, (12.)). (9.) And the scalar equation of the same nrhitrary developable may be repre- sented as the result of the elimination of t, between the two equations, XYI. . . ^pxt +1=0, Spx'< = ; in which xt is an arbitrary vector function of t. (10.) The envelope oi a. plane with two arbitrary and scalar parameters, t and M, is generally a curved but undevelopable surface, which may be represented by the system of the three scalar equations, XVII. . . ^pxu « + 1 = 0, S|oD,x = 0, SpD„x = ; where — x denotes the reciprocal of the perpendicular from the origin on the tan- gent plane to the surface, at what may be called the point (t, «). 388. It remains, on the plan lately stated (380), to consider briefly surfaces of revolution, and to investigate the geodetic lines, on this SLdd'itional family of surfaces; of which the equation, analogous to those marked I. II. III. IV. in 387, for spheres, cylinders, cones, and developables, is of the form, I. . . Sapv = 0, if a be a given line in the direction of the axis of revolution, sup- posed for simplicity to pass through the origin ; but which may also be represented by either of these two other equations, not involving the normal v, II. . . T/> =/(Sa/>), or III. . . TYap = F(Sap), where /and F are used as characteristics of two arbitrary but sca- lar functions : between which S«/) may be conceived to be eliminated, and so a third form of the same sort obtained. (1.) In fact, the equation I. expresses that v ||| a, jO, or that the normal to the surface intersects the axis ; while II. expresses that the distance from sl fixed point upon that axis is a. function of its own projection on the ssLxne fixed line, or that the sections made by planes perpendicular to the axis are circles ; and the same circu- larity of these sections is otherwise expressed by III., since that equation signifies that the distance from the axis depends on the position of the cutting plane, and is constant or variable with it : while the two last forms are connected with each other in calculation, by means of the general relation (comp. 204, XXI.), IV. . . (Tap)3 = (Sap)2 + (TVap)3. (2.) The equation I. is analogous, in quaternions, to a. partial differential equa- tion of WiQ first order, and either of the two other equations, II. and III., is analogous to the integral of that equation, in the usual differential calculus of scalars. 3 Y 530 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. (3.) To accomplish the corresponding integration in quaternions, or to pass from the form I. to II., whence III. can be deduced by IV., we may observe that the equation I. allows us to write (because Svdp = 0), V. . . v = a;« +yp, VI. . . orSadp + ySpdp = 0, so that the two scalars Sap and Tp are together constant, or together variable, and must therefore he functions of each other. (4.) Conversely, to eliminate the arbitrary function from the form II., quater- nion differentiation gives, VII. . . = S (Up . dp) +/' (Sap) . Sadp = S . (Up + a/'Sap) dp ; hence VIII. . . v || Up + afSap, and IX. . . v ] ] | a, p, as before ; so that we can return in this way to the equation I., the functional sign f disappear- ing. (5.) We have thus the germs of a Calculus of Partial Differentials in Quater- nions,* analogous to that employed hy Monge, in his researches respecting _/«»w7ieff of surfaces: but we cannot attempt to pursue the subject farther here. (6.) But as regards the geodetic lines upon a surface of revolution, we have only to substitute for v, in the recent formula I., by 380, IV., the expression dUdp, which gives at once the differential equation, X. . . = SapdUdp = d.SapUdp (because S(adp.Udp) = - SaTdp = 0) ; whence, by a first integration, c being a scalar constant, XI. . . c = SapUdp = TVap.SU(Vap.dp). (7.) The characteristic property of the sought curves is, therefore, that for each of them the perpendicular distance from the axis of revolution varies inversely as the cosine f of the angle, at which the geodetic crosses a parallel, or circular section of the surface : because, if Ta = 1, the line Yap has the length of the perpendicular let fall from a point of the curve on the axis, and has the direction of a tangent to the parallel. * The same remark was made in page 574 of the Lectures, in which also was given the elimination of the arbitrary function from an equation of the recent form III. It was also observed, in page 578, that geodetics furnish a very simple example of what may be called the Calculus of Variations in Quaternions ; since we may write, ^Jds = 5jTdp=J^Tdp = -jS(Udp.Mp) = - J S(Udp . d^p) = - AS (Udp . 5p) + J S (dUdp . 5p), and therefore dUdp \ v, or VvdUdp = 0, as in 380, IV., in order that the expression under the last integral sign may vanish for all variations ^p consistent with the equation of the surface : while the evanescence of the part which is outside that sign J supplies the equations of limits, or shows that the shortest line between two curves on a given surface is perpendicular to both, as usual. t Unless it happen that this cosine is constantly zero, in which case c = 0, and the geodetic is a meridian of the surface. CHAP. III.] OSCULATING CIRCLES TO CURVES IN SPACE. 531 (8.) The equation XI. may also be thus written, XII, . . cTp' = Sap|o', where p' = i>tp ; and if the independent variable t be supposed to denote the time, while the geodetic is conceived to be a curve described by a moving point, then while Tp' evidently re- presents the linear velocity of that point, as being = ds : dt, if s denote the arc (conip. 100, (5.), and 380, (7.), (H-))? it is easy to prove that Sapp' represents the double ureal velocity, projected on a plane perpendicular to the axis; the one of these two velocities varies therefore directly as the other : and in fact, it is known from mecha- nics, that each velocity would be constant,* if the point were to describe the curve^ subject only to the normal reaction of the surface, and undisturbed by any other force. (9.) As regards the analysis, it is to be observed that the differential equation X. is satisfied, not only by the geodetics on the surface of revolution, but also by the parallels on that surface : which fact of calculation is connected with the obvious geometrical property, that every normal plane to such a parallel contains the axis of revolution. (10.) In fact if we draw the normal plane to any curve on the surface, at a point where it crosses a parallel, this plane will intersect the axis, in the point where that axis is met by the normal to the surface, drawn at the same point of crossing ; but this construction ^zVs to determine that normal, if the curve coincide with, or even touch a parallel, at the point where its normal plane is drawn. Section 6 On Osculating Circles and Spheres, to Curves in Space; with some connected Constructions. 389. Resuming the expression 376, I. for pt, and referring again to Fig. 77, we see that if a circle pq,d be described, so as to touch a given curve pqr, or its tangent pt, at a given point p, and to cut the curve at a near point Q, and if pn be the projection of the chord pq on the diameter pd, or on the radius cp, then because we have, rigo- rously, 1. . ,TCi=tp^-\- \fup", with u=\ for < = 0, we have also II. . .m = ^fVup''p'\p\ and 2 _ _2_ _ 2pn _ Yupffp' ' * * PC PD PQ2 (^pf ^ ^tUp"Yp'' Conceiving then that the near point Q, approaches indefinitely to the given point p, in which case the ultimate state or limiting position of * This remark is virtually made in page 443 of Professor De Morgan's Diffe- rential and Integral Calculus (London, 1842), which was alluded to in page 578 of the Lectures on Quaternions. 632 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK. Ill the circle pqd is said to be that of the osculating circle to the curve at that point P, we see that while t\\Q plane of this last circle is the os- culating plane (376), the vector jc of its centre k, or of the limiting po- sition of the point c, is rigorously expressed by the formula: which may however be in many ways transformedy by the rules of the present Calculus. (1.) Thus, we may write, as transformations of the expression IV., the follow- ing : Vp"p'-» ^ Vp>'-i.U(o' "^ (Up')" or introducing differentials instead of derivatives, but leaving still the independent variable arbitrary, _ _ dp^ dp Tdp _ _ d« VI. . . k: - p - y^^^^2p -P^ Vd2(>dp-i ~ ^ dUp' ~ ^ dUd^' if s be the arc of the curve ; so that the last expression gives this very simple for- mula, for the reciprocal of the radius of curvature, or for the ultimate value of 1 : CP, VII. . . (p - k)"^ = D«Up', where Up' = Udp, as before. (2.) To interpret this result, we may employ again that auxiliary and spherical curve, upon the cone of parallels to tangents, which has already served us to con- struct, in 379, (6.) and (7.), the osculating plane, the absolute normal, and the bi- normal, to the given curve in space. And thus we see, that while the semidiameter PC has ultimately the direction of dUp', and therefore that of the absolute normal (379, II.) at P, the length of the same radius is ultimately equal to the arc pq (or A«) of the given curve, divided by the corresponding arc of the auxiliary curve; or that the radius of curvature, or radius of the osculating circle at p, is equal to the ultimate quotient of the arc PQ, divided by the angle between the tangents, pt and (say) QU, to that arc pq itself at p, and to Its prolongation qr at Q, although these two tangents are generally in different planes, and have no common point, so long as PQ remains jf?wi7e: because we suppose that the given curve is in general one of double curvature, although the forinulce, and the construction, above given, are ap- plicable to plane curves also. (3.) For the helix, the formula IV. gives, by values already assigned for p, p', p", and a, the expression, VIII. . . K = cta— a*j3 cot^ a, whence IX. . . p — ic = a*(3 cosec^ a, a being the inclination of the given lielix to the axis ; the locus of the centre of the osculating circle is therefore in this case a second helix, on the same cylinder, if tt = — , but otherwise on a co-axal cylinder, of which the radius — the given radius 4 Tj3, multiplied by the square of the cotangent of a; and the radius of curvature = T(p — k) = T/3 X cosec^ a, so that this radius always exceeds the radius of the cy- linder, and is cut perpendicularly (without being prolonged) by the axis. CHAP. III.] VECTOR OF CURVATURE, EXAMPLES. 533 (4.) In general, if Tp' = const,, and therefore Sp'p"=0 (comp. 379, (2.)), the expression IV. becomes,* p'2 X. . . K = p+^, ; whence, XI. , . K = p — p""i, if Tp = 1, that is, if the arc be taken as the independent variable (380, (12.)). Under this last condition, then, the formula VII. reduces itself to the following, XII. . . (p - fc)-' = p" = 'Dpp = ultimate reciprocal of radius CP ; so that p" (for Tp'= 1) may be called the Vector of Curvature, because its tensor Tp" is a mimerical measure for what is usually called the curvature^ at the point P, and its versor Up" represents the ultimate direction of the semidiameter pc, of the circle constructed as above. (5.) As an example of the application (2.) of the formula IV. for k, to a, plane curve, let us take the ellipse, XUL..p = Ya% Ta=l, Sa/3^0, 337,(2.), considered as an oblique section (314, (4.)) of a right cylinder. The expressions 376, (5.) for the derivatives of p, combined with the expression XIII. for that vec- tor itself, give here the relations, XIV. . . Vpp" = 0, Vp'p"' = 0; and therefore comp. (338, (5.)), XV. . . Ypp' = const4 = ^ /3y, Yp'p" = const. = I^Y(3y^ if y = Ya(3 ; hence for the present curve we have by IV., XVI. . . ic = p - -^ = Yat(3 - (Va'+i/3)3 (/3y)-'. Ypp (6.) To interpret this result, we may write it as follows, XVII. . . K = p- ^^^] , , , where XVIII. . . pi = - p'= Va^+i/3; \pp.p * 7r so that pi is the conjugate semidiameter of the ellipse (comp. 369, (4.)), and Ypp':p' is the perpendicular from the centre of that curve on the tangent. We recover then, by this simple analysis, the known result, that the radius of curvature of an ellipse is equal to the square of the conjugate semidiameter, divided by the perpendicular. (7.) "We may also write the equation XVI. under the form, lOi^ XIX. . . *c = p - ——, where XX. . . Vppi = /Sy = const. ; Vppi * The expressions X. XI. may also be easily deduced by limits, from the con- struction in 383, (2.). f It may be remarked that the quantity z, or T\p", in the investigation (382) reapect'mg geodetics on a developable, represents thus the curvature of the cusp-edge^ for any proposed value of the arc, x, of that curve. X These values XV. might have been obtained without integi-aiions, but this seemed to be the readiest way. 534 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. and may interpret it as expressing, that the radius of curvature is equal to the cube of the conjugate semidiameter, divided by the constant parallelogram under any two such conjugates ; or by the rectangle under the major and minor semiaxes, which are here the vectors /3 and y (comp. 314, (2.)). (8.) The expression XVI. or XIX. for k is easily seen to vanish, as it ought to do, at the limit where the ellipse becomes a circle, by the ci/linder being cut perpen- dicularlg, or by the condition Sa(3 = being satisfied ; and accordingly if we write, XXI. . . e = SUa/5 = excentricity of ellipse, or XXII. . . y2 = (i _ ^2)^2^ we easily find the expressions, XXIII. . . p = /3S.a<+yS.a«-i, pi = -^S.a<-i + yS.a« ; XXIV. . . px^=/3Kl-eHS.aOO, ^ = |i = /3-^ (/3S.aH 5^^]; EC that the formula XIX. becomes, XXV. . . «: = e^f/3(S.a03- I^|^^'\ = c2(^(S.a03--(S.aM)3), thus containing e^ as a factor. (9.) And it may be remarked in passing, that the expression XVI., or its recent transformation XXV., for k as a function of t, may be considered as being in qua- ternions the vector equation (comp. 99, I., or 369, I.) of the evolute* of the ellipse, or the equation of the locus of centres of curvature of that plane curve; and that the last form gives, by elimination of ^ (comp.f 315, (1.), and 371, (5.)), the following system of two scalar equations for the same evolute, XXVI...(s|]^+fsp)*=e^, S/3y« = 0; or XXVr. . . (S/3Kf + (SyK)i = (e^Y, &c. ; which will be found to agree with known results. (10.) As another example of application to a, plane curve, we may consider the hyperbola, XXVII. . . Q^ta^- 1-% comp. 371, II., with a and /3 for asymptotes, and with its centre at the origin. In this case the de- rived vectors are, XXVIII. . . p' = a- 1-^(3, p" = 2t-3j3, whence XXIX. . . Yp"p' = 2t-3Y(3a = t-Wpp, and the formula IV. becomes, XXX. ..K-p== ; ,= , Ypp : p ov where ov is the perpendicular from the centre o on the tangent to the curve at p, and PT is the portion of that tangent, intercepted between the same point p and an asymptote (comp. (6.) and 371, (3.)). * That is to say, of the plane evolute; for we shall soon have occasion to consi- der briefly those evolutes of double curvature, which have been shown by Monge to exist, even when the given curve is plane. t In lately referring (373, (1.)) to the formula 315, V., that formula was inad- vertently printed as (a^^ -i- (a<-')2= 1, the sign S. before each power being omitted. CHAP. III.] ABRIDGED GENERAL CALCULATION. 535 (11.) We may also interpret the denominator in XXX. as denoting the projec- tion of the semidiameter op on the normal, or as the line NP where N is the foot of the perpendicular from the curve on that normal line ; if then k be the sought centre of the osculating circle, we have the geometrical equations, XXXI. . . NP . PK = PT2, XXXII. . . Z NTK = - ; whereof the last furnishes evidently an extremely simple construction for the centre of curvature of an hyperbola, which we shall soon find to admit of being extended, with little modification, to a spherical conic* and its cyclic arcs. (12.) The logarithmic spiral with iispole at the origin, XXXIII. . . p = a% Sa/3 = 0, Ta ^ 1, comp. 314, (5.) may be taken as a third example of a plane curve, for the application of the foregoing formulae. A first derivation gives, by 333, VII., XXXIV. . . p' = (c + y)p = p(c - y), p'p-i = c + y, if c = ITa, and y = ^ Ua; the constant quaternion quotient, p' : p, here showing that the prolonged vector op makes with the tangent pt a constant angle, n, which is given by the formula, XXXV. . . tan n = (TV : S) (p' : p) = c" iTy, or cot « = - ITa ;+ and a second derivation gives next, XXXVI. . . p" = (C + y)2 p, Yp"p' = (C2 - y«) p2y = p'2y. The formula IV. becomes therefore, in this case, XXXVII. . . fc = p+ p'y-» = pcy-i = -cy-ip = --^.a<+ii(3; TT Ja the evolute is therefore a second spiral, of the same kind as the first, and the radius of curvature kp subtends a right angle at the common pole. But we cannot longer here delay on applications within the plane, and must resume the treatment by qua- ternions of curves of double curvature. 390. When the logic by which the expression 389, IV. was ob- tained, for the vector k of the centre of the osculating circle, has once been fully understood, the process may be conveniently and safely abridged, as follows. Referring still to Fig. 77, we may write briefly, * It was in fact for the spherical curve that the geometrical construction alluded to was first perceived by the writer, soon after the invention of the quaternions, and as a consequence of calculation with them : but it has been thought that a sub-arti- cle or two might be devoted, as above, to the plane case, or hyperbolic limit, which may serve at least as a verification. f If r be radius vector, and 9 polar angle, and if we suppose for simplicity that 2 T(3 = 1, the ordinary polar equation of the spiral becomes r = o^, with a = Ta"-, and cot n = la, as usual. 536 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. as equations which are all ultimately true^ or true at the limits in a sense which is supposed to be now distinctly seen: , Vd^dp I. . . PT = d/j, TQ = IdV, PN = (part of pq JL pt =) -^ — , by 203, &c. ; whence, ultimately, __ PQ^ PT^ d/>* II. . . /c-/, = PC = — - = 5— 2pn 2pn VdVd/>' as before: this last expression, in which Vd^dp denotes briefly V(dV.d/>), being rigorous, and permitting the choice oi any scalar^ to be used as the independent variable. And then, by writing, III. . . dp = p'd^, d?t = 0, dV = p^^dt\ the factor dt^ disappears, and we pass at once to the expression, which had been otherwise found before. (1.) When the arc of the curve is taken for the independent variable, then (comp. 380, (12.), &c.) the expresssion II. reduces itself to the following, dp2 V. . . /c - p = -p-, because Sd^pdjO = ; and accordingly the angle ptq in Fig. 77 is then ultimately right (comp. 383, (5.)), so that we may at once write, with this choice of the scalar variable, PX2 clp^ YI. . . K-p = {ult.') PC = (ult.) - — = — , as above. (2.) Suppose then that we have thus geometrically (and very siviply^ deduced the expression V. for /c — p, for this particular choice of the scalar variable ; and let us consider how we might thence pass^ in calculation, to the more general formula II., in which that variable is left arbitrary. For this purpose, we may write, by principles already stated, ( _ yi^ ^V = ^ d ^P ^dUdp^ Vdydp-i.Udp Vii. . . {^p K) ^r^^py Tdp Tdp Tdp Tdp Vd2pdp-J _ Vdpd2p dp dp' and the required transformation is accomplished. (3.) And generally, if « denote the arc of any curve of which p is the variable vector, we may establish the symbolical equations, (4.) For example (comp. 389, XII.), the Vector of Curvature, Ds^p, admits of being expressed generally under any one of the five last forms VII. CHAP. HI.] POLAR AXIS, POLAR DEVELOPABLE. 537 391. Instead of determining the vector k of the centre of the os- culating circle by one vector expression, such as 389, IV., or any of its transformations, we may determine it by a system of three scalar equations, such as the following, I. ..S(«:-rt/ = 0; II. . . S(A:-rt/>''-/>'^ = 0; III. ..S(/c-/))/>y' = 0, of which it may be observed that the second is the derivative of the first, if /c be treated as constant (comp. 386, (4.)) ; and of which the first expresses (369, IY-) that the sought centre is in the normal plane to the curve, while the third expresses (376, V.) that it is in the osculating plane ; and the second serves to fix its position on the absolute normal (379), in which those two planes intersect. (1.) Using differentials instead of derivatives, but leaving still the independent variable arbitrary, we may establish this equivalent system of three equations, IV. ..S(K:-p)dp = 0; Y. . . S^k- p)u^-p -6p^ = ; VI. . . S(K:-p)dpd2p= 0; of which the second is the differential of the first, if k be again treated as constant. (2.) It is also permitted (comp. 369, (2.), 376, (3.), and 380, (2.)), with the same supposition respecting k, to write these equations under the forms, VII. ..dT((c-p) = 0; VIII. . .d'^T(K-p)=0; IX. . . dUV(K - p)dp = ; and to connect them with geometrical interpretations. (3.) For instance, we may say that the centre of the osculating circle is the point, in which the osculating plane, III. or VI. or IX., is intersected by the axis of that circle ; namely, by the right line which is drawn through its centre, at right angles to its plane : and which is represented by the two scalar equations, I. and II., or IV. and V., or VII. and VIII. (4.) And we may observe (comp. 370, (8.)), that whereas for a point r taken arbitrarily in the normal plane to a curve at a given point p, we can only say in ge- neral, that if a chord pq be called small of the first order, then the difference of dis- tances, RQ — ijp, is small of an order higher than the first ; yet, if the point r be taken on the axis (3.) of the osculating circle, then this difference of distances is small, of an order higher than the second, in virtue of the equations VII. and VIIT. (5.) The right line I. II., or IV. V., or VII. VIII., as being the locus oi points which may be called poles of the osculating circle, on all possible spheres passing through it, is also called the Polar Axis of the curve itself, corresponding to the ^ven point of osculation. (6.) And because the equation II. is (as above remarked) the derivative of I., the known theorem follows (comp. 386), that the locus of all such polar axes is a deve- lopable surface, namely that which is called the Polar Developable, or the envelope of the normal planes to the given curve; of which surface we shall soon have oc- casion to consider briefly the cusp- edge. 3 z 538 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. 392. The following is an entirely different method of investigat- ing, by quaternions, not merely the radius or the centre of the oscu- lating circle to a curve in space, but the vector equation of that circle itself: and in a way which is applicable alike, io plane cmwqs, and to curves of double curvature. (1.) In general, conceive that ox = r is a given tangent to a circle, at a given point which is for the moment taken as the origin ; and let pp' = p' represent a va- riable tangent, drawn at the extremity of the variable chord op= p : also let u be the intersection, ot-pp', of these two tangents. Then the isosceles triangle cup, combined with the formula 324, XI. for the differential of a reciprocal, gives easily the equations, I. . . p 11 pr- V ; XL . . Vrp-ip'p-i = - (Yrp-^)' = ; III. . . Vrp-i = const. = Vra-i, as in 296, IX.", if a be the vector OA of any second given point a of the circumference. (2.) The vector equation of the circle pqd (389) is therefore, IV. . . V -^ = V -^ = - V. (1 + |^Mp"p'-i)-i = - v.V'p'-' (1 + ¥^p"p'V ; w — p Qt-p t whence, passing to the limit (< = 0, m= 1), the analogous equation of the osculating ciccle is at once found to be, V...V-^=-vi', or VI...v(?^+2^M = 0; b) - p p \^~ P ^P J with the verification (comp. 296, (9.)), that when we suppose, VII. . . w - p = 2 (fc - p) j_ p', the vector k of the centre is seen to satisfy the equation, VIII... -^=-vC or IX...-^ + V^^=0; K-p p K-p dp .^ which agrees with recent results (389, IV., &c.). (3.) Instead of conceiving that a circle is described (389), so as to touch a given curve (Fig. 77) at p, and to cut it at one near point Q, we may conceive that a circle cuts the curve in the given point p, and also in two near points, Q and k, uncon- nected by any given law, but both tending together to coincidence with p : and may inquire what is the limiting position (if any) of the circle pqr, which thus intersects the curve in three near points, whereof one (p) is given. (4.) In general, if a, j3, p be three co-initial chords, OA, OB, op, of any one cir- cle, their reciprocals a-i, /3'^ p'\ if still co-initial, are termino-collinear (260) ; ap- plying which principle, we are led to investigate the condition for the three co-ini- tial vectors, X. . . (w - p)-i, (sp + |s2«,p")-i, (tp' -f it^utp")-^ with «o = 1, thus ultimately terminating on one right line ; or for our having ulti- mately a relation of the form, xs-\-yt _ se V JLl. . • — — — — — p- — - — 7, + P'^W P'^r^tp' CHAP. III.] VECTOR EQUATION OF OSCULATING CIRCLE. 539 J. J J (xs^yt)£ lo-p 1 + |«p"p'"^ I + itp"p'~^ = x + y-^(xs + yt) p"p'-i -I- &c. : in which last equation, both members are generally quaternions. (5.) The comparison of the scalar parts gives here no useful information, on ac- count of the arbitrary character of the coeflScieuts x and y ; but these disappear, with the two other scalars, s and t, in the comparison of the vector parts, whence follows the determinate and limiting equation, XIIL . . 2Vp'(w-p)-i=-Vp>'-i, which evidently agrees with V. (6.) It is then found, by this little quaternion calculation, as was of course to be expected,* that the circle (3.), through any three near points of a curve in space, coincides ultimately with the osculating circle, if the latterhQ still tfe^ned (389) with reference to a given tangent, and a near point, which tends to coincide with the given point of contact. 393. An osculating circle to a curve of double curvature does not generally meet that curve again; but it intersects generally a plane curve, of the degree n, to which it osculates, in 2w - 3 points, distinct from the point p of osculation, whereof one at least must be realy although it may happen to coincide with that point P : and such a circle intersects also generally a spherical curve of double curvature, and of the degree n, in n-S other points, namely in those where the osculating />/ane to the curve meets it again. An example of each of these two last cases, as treated by quaternions, may be useful. (L) In general, if we clear the recent equation, 392, V. or XIII., of fractions, it I. . . = 2p'2Vp' (w-p) + { - p)2 = 0)2 - p3, which expresses that the circle is entirely contained on the same spheric* surface as the cur\'e ; while the other scalar equation, XIII = Sp"pX-»c)2 = (p-fc)2; and which reprejsents a new sphere, whereon the osculating circle to the curve is a great circle. 394. To give now an example of a spherical curve of double cur- vature, with its osculating circle and plane for any proposed point p, and with a determination of the point Q in which these meet the curve again (393), we may consider that spherical conic^ or sphero- conic, of which the equations are (comp. 357, II.), I. . ./^-l-r^=0, II. ..^/>HSXp/x/> = 0; namely the intersection of the sphere, which has its centre at the origin, and its radius =r, with a cone of the second order, which has the same origin for vertex, and has the given lines A, and /u. for its two (real) cyclic normals. And thus we shall be led to some suffi- ciently simple spherical constructions, which include, as their plane limits, the analogous constructions recently assigned for the case of the common hyperbola. (1.) Since SXpfxp = 2SXpS/ip - p^SXfi (comp. 357, 11'.), the equations I. and II. allow us to write, as their first derivatives, or at least as equations consistent there- with, III. . . Spp' = 0, SXp' + SXp = 0, S/ip' - Sjup = 0, because the independent variable is here arbitrary, so that we may conceive the first derived vector p' to be multiplied by any convenient scalar ; in fact, it is only the Compare the Note immediately preceding. 542 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. direction of this tangential vector p' which is here important, although we must con- tinue the derivations consisteiltly, and so must write, as consequences of III., the equations, IV. . . Spp" + p'2 = 0, S\p"+ S\p' = 0, Sfip" - Snp' = 0. (2.) Introducing then the auxiliary vectors, Y. . . rj = YXfi, a = XS/xp + /iSXp, T=p-\- p, v — p — p, whence VI. . . = Sj7(r=SXr = S/iv, Sp(r=28\pSixp, S/*r = 2S)up, SXi; = 2SXp, r2=t;2= p2^p'2j and by new derivations, YIL . . (t' = Yt]p, t' = p' + p", v' = p-p", SXr' = S/iu'=0, S/ir'=S/ir, SXv' = -SXu, we see first that r and v are the vectors ox and ou of the points in which the recti- linear tangent to the curve at p meets the two cr/clic planes, perpendicular respec- tively to X and fi ; and because the radius op is seen to be the perpendicular bisector of the linear intercept Tu between those two planes, so that VIII. . . p' = PT = UP -I- OP, we have IX. . . uop = pot, or X. . . o AP = r> PB, if the tangent arc on the sphere, to the same conic at the same point p, meet the two cgclic arcs CA and cb in the points A and b : the intercepted arc ab being thus bi- sected at its point of contact p, which is a well-known property of such a curve. (3.) Another known property of a sphero-conic is, that for any one such curve the sum of the two spherical angles CAB and ABC, and therefore also the area of the spherical triangle abc, is constant. We can only here remark, in passing, that quaternions recognise this property, under the form (comp. II.), XI. . . cos (A + b) = - SUXpjup — - g\ TX/x = const. (4.) The scalar equations III. and IV. give immediately the vector expressions, XII. . . p = ^~^ , XIII. . . p = p —-— ; or by (2.), XIV...p'=g-;, and xy...p=p-?, if XYI...?=g = t — t' = v+ y', the new auxiliary vector ^ being thus that of the point x, in which the osculating plane to the conic at p meets the line rj of intersection of the cyclic planes : so that we have the geometrical expressions, XVII. . . p" = xp, r' = XT, —v' = XV, if | = ox, and the lines* r' and v are the traces of the osculating plane on those two cyclic * We may also consider the derived vectors r' and v% or the lines xt and xu, as corresponding tangents, at the points T and u (2.), to the two sections, made by the cgclic planes, of that developable surface which is the locus of the tangents TPU to the spherical conic in question. CHAP. III.] CONSTRUCTION FOR A SPHERICAL CONIC. 543 planes, or of the latter on the former ; while a and a', as being perpendicular respec- tively to p' and p, while each 4- ri, are the traces on the plane X/a of the two cyclic normals, of the normal plane to the conic at the point p, and of the tangent plane to the sphere at that point : or at least these lines have the directions of those traces. (5.) Already, from the expression XVI. for the portion ox of the radius oc (2.), or of that radius prolonged, which is cut off by the osculating plane at p, we can derive a simple construction for the position of the spherical centre, or pole, say E, of the «maZZ circZe which osculates at that point p, to the proposed sphero-conic. For if we take the radius r for unity, we have the trigonometric expressions, XVIII. . . sec CE cos EP = (T| = Tr^ : SIJj^-ip =) sec^ pb sec cp ; or letting fall (comp. Fig. 80) the perpendicular cd on the normal arc pe, XIX. . . cos DE = cos DP cos PB . COS PB COS PE = COS DB COS BE ; or finally, XX. . . dbe (or dae) = — . (6.) But although it is a perfectly legitimate process to mix thus spherical tri- gonometry with quaternions (since in fact the latter include the former), yet it may be satisfactory to deduce this last result by a more/)Mrc/yquaternionic method, which can easily be done as follows. The values (4.) of p' and p" give, XXI. . . Vp'p"S?jp = pS(Tp"-(rSpp"=pSp(r+p'2(r = (r - p') Scrr + (rSpV = rSor + Yrpa 1 1 ] r, Yrpa, in which pa denotes a vector J- p' (because SpV = 0), and ||| 77, p' (because Sj/p'p' the vector of this point, we have the three sca- lar equations, which are all evidently satisfied by the value w = p, but can in general be satisfied also by one other vector value, which it is the object of the problem to assign. (13.) We satisfy the two first of these three equations XXXIL, by assuming the expression, XXXIII. . . (^ = ^-\-l{x-W-xv'), in which x is any scalar ; in fact we have the relations, XXXIV. . . S/c? = S/cp, S\u' = - 2S\p, S/tr' = 2S/ip, = SX^ = S/i? = SXr' = S/iv' = Sicr' = S/cu', whence XXXIII. gives, XXXV. . . SXw = a;SXp, S/zw = x'S/xp, &c. CHAP. III.] INTERSECTION WITH OSCULATING CIRCLE. 545 And because XXXVI. ..p = ?+Kr'-y')> we shall satisfy also the third equation XXXII., if we adopt for x any root of that new scalar equation, which is obtained by equating the square of the expression XXXIII. for w, to what that square becomes when x is changed to 1. (14.) To facilitate the formation of this new equation, we may observe that the relations, ^ = p-p", t'=p' + p", v'=p'-p", Spp' = 0, Spp" = -p\ which have all occurred before, give XXXVII. . . - 4S4r' = 3t'2 + v'^, 4S^v' = r'2 + 3v'^ ; the resulting equation is therefore, after a few slight reductions, the following biqua- dratic in ic, XXXVIII. . . = (ic - 1)3 {v'^x - r'2) ; of which the cubic factor is to be rejected (comp. 393, (2.)), as answering only to the point p itself. (15.) We have then the values, XXXIX. . . a; = r'2v'-2, and XL. . . 0Q = a> = ? + i [ ^^ - '^ "j ; comparing which last expression with the formulae XVII., we see that the required point of intersection q, of the sphero-conic with its osculating circle, can be constructed by the following rule. On the traces (4.), of the osculating plane on the two cyclic planes, determine two points t^ and Ui, by the conditions, XLI. . . XT.XTi =XU2, XU.XUi = Xt2; then XLII. . . TiQ = QUi, or in words, the right line TjUi is bisected by the sought point Q. (16.) But a still more simple or more graphic construction may be obtained, by investigating (comp. 393, (4.)) the direction of the chord pq. The vector value of this rectilinear chord is, by XXXVI. and XL., XLIIL . . PQ = w - p = i (y'2 - r'2) (u'-i -h t'-i) = i (r'-2- v'-2) r'(r' + v') v' " V ^ - i/2 ) ^'9'''^\ because p' = |(r' + v') ; the chord pq has therefore the direction (or its opposite) of ihQ fourth proportional (226) to the three vectors, p\ t', and — v\ or pt, xt, and xu; if then we conceive this chord or its prolongations to meet the traces xt, xu in two new points Tg, U2, we shall have (comp. 393, VIII.) the two inversely similar triangles (118), XLIV. . . A T2XU2 oc' CXT. (17.) To deduce hence a spherical construction for q, we may conceive four planes, through the axis oke, perpendicular respectively to the four following right lines in the osculating plane : XLV. . . r', - v', p', w - /o, or xt, xu, pt, pq ; which planes will cut the sphere in four great circles, whereof the four arcs, XLVI. . . EF, EG, EP, EH, are parts, if F, G, H (see again Fig. 80) be the feet of the three arcual perpendiculars from the pole e of the osculating circle on the two cyclic arcs cb, ca, and on the arcual chord pq. 4 A 546 MLKMENTS OF QUATEIINIONS. [bOOK III. (18.) These four arcs XLVI. are therefore connected by the same angular rela- tion as the /oMr lines XLV. ; and we have thus the very simple formula, XLVII. . . GEH = PEF, expressing an equality between two spherical angles at the pole e, which serves to determine the direction of the arc eh, and therefore also the positions of the points H and Q, by means of the relations, TT XLVIII. . . PHE = — , r> PH = O HQ. (19.) If the arcual chord pq, both ways prolonged, or any chord of the conic, cut the cyclic arcs cb and ca in the points r and s (Fig. 80), it is well kno^vn that there exists the equality of intercepts (comp. 270, (2.)), XLIX. . . '^ BP = r. Qs ; and conversely this equation, combined with the formulae (11.), or with the trigono- metric expression, c L. . . tan PE = tan r = ^ sin — (cot a + cot b), for the tangent of the arcual radius of the osculating circle, enables us to determine what may be called perhaps the arcual chord of osculation pq, by determining the spherical angle kpb, or simply p, from principles of spherical trigonometry alone, in a way which may serve as a verification of the results above deduced from quater- nions. (20.) Denoting by t the semitransversal rh = hs, and by s the semichord ph = hq, the oblique-angled triangles rpb, spa give the equations, ^ . ^ c . cot (t — s) sm - = cos p cos - + sm p cot b, LI. I , . . c c . cot (t + s) sm - = cos p cos - - sm p cot A; while the right angled triangle phe gives, LII. . . tan s = sin p tan r. Equating then the values of cot 2s, deduced from LI. and LII., we eliminate s and t, and obtain a quadratic in tan p, of which one root is zero, when tan r has the value L. ; such then might in this new way be inferred to be the tangent of the arcual ra- dius of curvature of the conic, and the remaining root of the equation is then, cos - (cot B — cot a) LIIL . . tanp= 2 : c cot a cot b + cos2 - — tan2 r a fonnula which ought to determine the inclination p, or rpb, or qpa, of the chord PQ to the tangent pa, but which does not appear at first sight to admit of any simple interpretation* * We might however at once see from this formula, that p = a - b at the plane limit; which agrees with the known construction 393, (4.), for the corresponding chord PQ in the case of the plane hyperbola. CHAP. III.] HYPERBOLIC CYLIDER, ASYMPTOTIC PLANES. 547 (21.) On the other hand, the construction (17.) (18.), to which the quaternion analysis led us, gives LIV. . . HEP=GEP— GEH = GEP — PEF = FEB4- GEA, and therefore, by the four right-angled triangles, phe, bfe, age, and bpe or epa, conducts to this other formula, LV. . . cot 1 (cos r cot p) = cot-M cos r cos - tan (b + -M cos r cos - tan (b + o) ] — cot-' cos r cos - tan (a + a in which a is the same auxiliary angle as in XXXI. ; we ought therefore to find, as the proposed verification (19.), that this last equation LV. expresses virtually the same relation between A, b, c, and p, as the formula LIII., although there seems at first to be no connexion between them ; and such agreement can accordingly be proved to exist, by a chain of ordinary trigonometric transformations^ which it may be left to the reader to investigate. (22.) A geometrical proof of the validity of the construction (17.) (18.) may be derived in the following way. The product of the sines of the arcual perpendi- culars, from a point of a given sphero-conic on its two cyclic arcs, is well known to be constant ; hence also the rectangle under the distances of the same variable point from the two cyclic planes is constant, and the curve is therefore the intersection of the sphere with an hyperbolic cylinder, to which those planes are asymptotic. It may then be considered to be thus geometrically evident, that the circle which oscu- lates to the spherical curve, at any given point p, osculates also to the hyperbola, which is the section of that cylinder, made by the osculating plane at this point ; and that the point q, of recent investigations, is the point in which this hyperbola is met again, by its own osculating circle at p. But the determination 393, (4.) of such a point of intersection, although above deduced (for practice) by quaternions, is a plane problem of which the solution was known ; we may then be considered to have reduced, to this known and plane problem, the corresponding spherical prob- lem (12.) ; and thus the inverse similarity of the two plane triangles XLIV., although found by the quaternion analysis, may be said to be geometrically ex- plained, or accounted for : the traces xx and xu, or r and — v', of the osculating plane to the conic on the two cyclic planes (4.), being evidently the asymptotes of the hyperbola in question. (23.) In quaternions, the constant product of sines, &c., is expressed by this form of the equation II. of the cone, LYI. . . SUXp . SU/ip = (^ - SX^) : 2TX/* = const. ; and the scalar equation of the hyperbolic cylinder, obtamed by eliminating p^ be- tween I. and II., after the first substitution (1.), is . LVII. . . SXpS/«p = ir2 (g - SX/i) = const. ; while the expression XXXIII. for w may be considered as the vector equation of the hyperbola, of which the intersection q with the circle, or with the sphere, is de- termined by combining that equation with the condition w^ -.p2^-_^2^ 548 KLEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. (24.) In the foregoing investigation, Ave have tresLtedi a. sphero-conic in connexion with its ci/e!ic arcs (2.) ; but it would have been about equally easy to have treated the same curve, with reference to its /oca/ /7o^«' XII. . . a = p + ^^y^,r, ; or with differentials, 3Vdpd2pSdod?p + dpaVd^pdp XIII. . . a = p+ Sdpd2pd3p ' the scalar variable being still left arbitrary. (8.) And if, as an example, we introduce the values for the helix^ XIV. ..p = cta + a% p' = ca + ^ a<+i^, P"=-\^ ]«*/?, -w whereof the three first occurred before, we find after some slight reductions the ex- pression, in which a denotes again the constant inclination of the curve to the axis of the cylinder, XV. . . a — p — a^(B cosec2 a = cta — a*l3 cot^ a ; but this is precisely what we found for k, in 389, VIII. ; for the helix, then, the two centres, K and s, of absolute and spherical curvature, coincide. 552 elp:ments OF QUATERNIONS. [bookiii. (9.) This known result is a consequence, and may serve as an illustration, of the general construction (6.) ; because it is easy to infer, from what was shown in 389, (3.), respecting the locus of the centre k of the osculating circle to the helix, as being another helix on a co-axal cylinder^ that the tangent kk' to this locus is perpendi- cular to the radius of curvature kp, while the same tangent (kk' or k') is always perpendicular (X.) to the tangent (pp' or p') to the curve ; kk' is therefore here at right angles to the osculating plane of the given helix, or coincides with its polar axis: so that the perpendicular on it from the extremity m of the diameter of cur- vature falls at the point k itself, with which consequently the point s in the present case coincides^ as found by calculation in (8.). (10.) In general, if we introduce the expressions 376, VI., or the following, XVI. . . p' = s'Vsp, p" = s'2D«2p + s"-Dsp, p'" = s'^Ds^p + Bs's'Ds^p + s"'Ds/0, in which s denotes the arc of the curve, but the accents still indicate derivations with respect to an arbitrary scalar t ; and if we observe (comp. 380, (.12.)) that the re- lations, XVII. . . D,p2 = _ 1, S . Jy,pWp = 0, S . T>,pDs^p + D,2p2 ^ Q, in which T>sp^ and D^^pS denote the squares of r>sp and Ds^p, and S . T>spJ>s^p denotes S(Dsp.Ds^p), &c., exist independently of the form of the curve ; we find that s" and s'" disappear from the numerator and denominator of the expression XII. for s^p ^ Ds . DspWp S.DspDs2pD/|0 S.DspVs'^pDs^p' And accordingly the three scalar equations VII., which determine the centre of the osculating sphere, may now be written thus, XIX. . . S((T-p)D,p = 0, S(»T-p)D,2p+ 1 = 0, S(flr-p)D,3p = 0. (11.) Conversely, when we have any formula involving thus the successive deri- vatives of the vector p taken, with respect to the arc, s, we can always and easily generalize the expression, and introduce an arbitrary variable t, by inverting the equations XVI. ; or by Avriting (comp. 390, VIII.), XX. . . Dsp =s'~^p'', T>s-p =s''>(s'-^p')' = s'-2p"- s'-Vp', &c. (12.) It may happen (comp. 379, (2.)) that the independent variable t is only proportional to s, without being equal thereto ; but as we have the general relation, XXI. . . Bt^p = s'"D/'p, if s' = Dts = Tp' = const., it is nearly or quite as easy to effect the transformations (10.) and (11.) in the case here supposed, or to pass from t to s and reciprocally, as if we had «' = 1. (13.) If the vector a be treated as constant in the derivations, or if we consider for a moment the centre s of the sphere as a fixed point, and attend only to the va- riations of distance of a point on the curve from it, then (remembering that T(p — a)^ = — (p — (t)-) we not only easily put (comp. VIII.) the three equations XIX. under the forms, XXII. . . = D,T(p - (t) = D,2T(p - (t) = D,5T(p - (t), but also obtain by XVII. this/o«;s ^ pT>s*p - Ds^f}^ S . TispDs-p^Ds^p^ we see that this scalar, S, must be constantly equal to unity, for every spherical curve ; but that for a curve which is non-spherical, the distance SQ of a near point Q, from the centre s of the osculating sphere at p, is generally given by an expres- sion of the form, XXVII... sQ=i2 + ^^^|^*, with «o=i; 80 that, at least for near points Q, on each side of the given point p, the curve lies without or ioithin the sphere which osculates at that given point, according as the sca- lar, s, determined as above, is greater or less than unity. (15.) In the case (12.), the formula XXVI. may be thus written, XXVIII... 5= li^^i:;!; whence, by carrying the derivations one step farther than in (8.), we find for the helix, XXIX. . . 5' = cosec2a>l, or XXIX'. . . 5- l = cot2 a>0 ; and accordingly it is easy to prove that this curve lies wholly unthout its osculating sphere, except at the point of osculation. (16.) In general, the scalar S - 1, which vanishes (14.) for aZZ spherical curves, and which enters as a coefficient into the expression XXVII. for the deviation SQ — sp of a near point of any other curve from its own osculating sphere, may be called the Coefficient of Non- Sphericity ; and if qt be the perpendicular from that near point q on the tangent pt to the curve at the given point P, we have then this limiting equation, by which the value of that coefficient may be expressed, /sq2- XXX. . . 5'-l = lim. 1- \, Qf2 (17.) Besides the forms XVIII., other transformations of the expressions XII. XIII. for the vector a of the centre of an osculating sphere might be assigned ; but it seems sufficient here to suggest that some useful practice may be had, in proving that those expressions for a reduce themselves generally to zero, when the condition, XXXI. . . Tp = const. is satisfied. (18.) It may just be remarked, that as r-i is often called (comp. 389, (4.)) the absolute curvature, or simply the curvature, of the curve in space which is consi- dered, so R-^ is sometimes called the spherical curvature of that curve : while r and R are called the radii* of those two curvatures respectively. * We shall soon have occasion to consider another scalar radius, which we pro- pose to denote by the small roman letter r, of what is not uncommonly called the torsion, or the second curvature, of the same curve in space. 4 B 554 ELKxMKNTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. 396. When the arc («) of the curve is made the independent variable, the calculations (as we have seen) become considerably sim- plified, while no essential generality is lost, because the transforma- tions requisite for the introduction of an arbitrary scalar variable (t) follow a simple and uniform law (395, (ll.)> &c.). Adopting then the expression (comp. 395, IV.), I. . . P, = P^■s^^ Is^t' + ^sXt'', with ?^o = 1 , in which II. . . T = D,/?, t' = D,V, -r" = D,V, and therefore III. ..tU 1=0, Stt' = 0, Stt" + t'2 = 0, we shall proceed to deduce some other affections of the curve, besides its spherical curvature (395, (18.)), which do not involve the consi- deration of the fourth poiver of the a7'c (or chord). In particular, we shall determine expressions for that known Second Curvature (or torsion), which depends on the change of the osculating plane, and is measured by the ultimate ratio of that change, expressed as an angle, to the. «rc of the curve itself; and shall assign the quaternion equa- tions of the known Rectifying Plane, and Rectifying Line, which are respectively the tangent plane, and the generating line, of that known Rectifying Developable, whereon the proposed curve is o^ geodetic (382) : so that it would become a right line, by the unfolding of this last sur- face into Qi plane. But first it may be well to express, in this new notation, the principal affections or properties of the curve, which depend only on the three first terms of the expansion I., or on the three initial vectors />, t, t', or rather on the two last of these ; and which include, as we shall see, the rectifying plane, but not the recti- fying line : nor what has been called above the second* curvature. (1.) Using then first, instead of I., this less expanded but still rigorous expres- sion (eomp. 376, I.), IV. . . ps = p + sr + |s2Msr', with «o = 1, * In a Note to a very able and interesting Memoir, '* Sur les lignes courhes non planes''' (referred to by Dr. Salmon in the Note to page 277 of his already cited Treatise, and published in Cahier XXX. of the Journal de VEcoh Folytechnique), M. de Saint- Venant brings forward several objections to the use of this appellatirm, and also to the phrases torsion, flexion^ &c., instead of which he proposes to intro- duce the new name, " camhrure ;" but the expression " second curvature''' may serve us for the present, as being at least not unusual, and appearing to be suffi- ciently suggestive CHAP. III.] EMANANT LINES AND PLANES. 555 and with the relations 11. and III., we have at once the following system of three rectangular lines, which are conceived to be all drawn from the given point p of the curve : V. . . r = unit tangent ; VI. . . r'= vector of curvature (389, (4.) ; and VII. . . J/ = rr' = — r'r = tt~^ = binomial (comp. 379, (4.)) ; r being a line drawn in the direction of a conceived motion along the curve, in virtue of which the arc (s) increases ; while r' is directed towards the centre of curvature j or of the osculating circle, of which centre K the vector is now, VIII. . . OK = K = p - r'"i = p + r*/ = p + rUr', if IX. . . r~'^ = TT' = curvature at F, or IX'. . . r = Tt''^ = radius of curvature ; and the third line v (which is normal at P to the surface of tangents to the curve) has the same length (Tv = r-i) as r', and is directed so that the rotation round it from r to r is positive. (2.) At the same time, we have evidently a system of three rectangular vector units from the same point p, which may be called respectively the tangent unit, the normal unitf and the binormal unit, namely the three lines, X. . . Ur = r, Ur' = r/, Vv = vtt ; the normal unit being thus directed (like r') toivards the centre of curvature. (3.) The vector equation (comp. 392, (2.)) of the circle of curvature takes now the form, XI...V-^ = -., w — p with the verification that it is satisfied by the value, XII. . . w = /i = 2/c-p = p-2r'->, in which fx. (comp. 395. (6.)) is the vector om of the extremity of the diameter of curvature PM. (4.) IhQ normal plane, the rectifying plane, and the osculating plane, to the curve at the given point, form aj-ectangular si/stem of planes (comp. 379, (5.)), perpendicular respectively to the three lines (1.) ; so that their scalar equations are, in the present notation, XIII. ..Sr(a>-p) = 0; XIV. . . Sr' (w - p) = ; XV. . . Si/(a;- p) = 0-, by pairing which we can represent the tangent, normal, and binomial to the curve, regarded as indefinite right lines ; or by the three vector equations, XVI. . . Vr(w-p) = 0; XVII. . . Vr'(w -p)= 0; XVIII. .. Vj/ (a> - p) = 0. (5.) In general, if the two vector equations, XIX. . . V»/ (w ~ p) = 0, and XIX'. . . Yrjs (w« - pO = 0, represent two right lines, ph and p«Hs, which are conceived to emanate according to any given law from any given curve in space, the identical formula,'* * It is obvious that we have thus an easy quaternion solution of the problem to draw a common perpendicular to any two right lines in space. 556 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. XX...p.-p+V(^V„..V^^J = -.^,^;^^, 8how8 that the common perpendicular to these two emanants, which as a vector is re- presented by either member of this formula XX., intersects the two lines in the two points of which the vectors are, YYT «. o (P«-p)^^ VYT' ,. ^ , „ g Cp^ - P ) ^ XXI. . . w = p + wb — =: ; XAl . . . wj = Pj -f Mjb — — . (6.) In general also, the passage of a right line from any one given position in space to any other may be conceived to be accomplished by a sort of screw motion, with the common perpendicular for the axis of the screw, and with two proportional velo- cities, of translation along, and of rotation rownrf that axis : the locus of the two given and of all the intermediate positions of the line (when thus interpolated) being a Screw Surface, such as that of which the vector equation was assigned in 314, (1 1.), and was used in 372, (4.). (7.) AggLin, for ani/ quaternion, q, we have (by 316, XX. and XXIII.*) the two equations, XXII. . . IVq^Lq.VVq, XXII'. . . Y\Jq = sm l.q.\jYq', comparing which we see that XXIII. . . YJJq : 1Uo of the foot H of the axis reduces itself to p ; and thus we might be led to see (what indeed is otherwise evident), that the passage from a given tangent to a near one may be approximately made, by a rotation round the binormal, through the small angle, sTv =sr~^ = arc divided by radius of curvature. (14.) Instead of emanating lines, we may consider a system of emanating planes, which are respectively perpendicular to those lines, and pass through the same points of the given curve. It may be sufficient here to remark, that the passage from one to another of two such near emanant planes, represented by the equations, XXXV. . . S// (w - p) = 0, XXXV. . . S7is((o - p) = 0, may be conceived to be made by a rotation through an angle = sT9, round the right line. 558 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. XXXVr. . . S?7 (o> - p) = 0, 8r]'{ - p) + r'^r]T = 0, in which the plane XXXV. touches its developable envelope, and which is parallel to the recent vector 9, or to the vectoi- of rotation (9.) of the emanant line ; so that if an equal vector be set off on this new line XXXVI., it may be said to be the Vec- tor Axis of Rotation of the Emanant Plane. (15.) For example, if we again make 7/ = r, so that the equation XXXV. repre- sents now the normal plane to the curve, we are led to combine the equation XIII. of that plane with its derived equation, and so to form the system of the two scalar equations, XXXVII. . . Sr(a> - p) = 0, Sr'(w - p) + 1 = 0, whereof the second represents a plane parallel to the rectifying plane XIV., and drawn through the centre of curvature VIII. ; and which jointly represent the polar axis (391, (5.)), considered as an indefnite right line, which is represented otherwise by the one vector equation, XXXVIII. . . Vv (w - k) = 0, or XXXVIII'. . . Vv (w - p) = - r. (16.) And if, on this indefinite line, we set off a portion equal to the binormal v, h\xc\\ portion (wliich may conveniently be measured /rom the centre k) may be said, by (14.), to be the Vector Axis of Rotation of the Normal Plane ; or briefly, the Polar Axis, considered as representing not only the direction but also the velocity of that rotation, which velocity =Tj/ = 7'~i = the curvature (IX.) of the given curve : while another portion = \Jv = the binormal unit (2.), set off on the same axis from the same centre of curvature, may be called the Polar Unit. (17.) This suggests a new way of representing the osculating circle by a vector equation (comp. (3.), and 316), as follows: XXXIX. . . w*=/c + £«''(p-fc) = P + (£*''-l)r'-» = p + «r 4 hs^r' + (£«" -1-sv- ^s^v^) r'-i ; which agrees, as we see, with the expression I. or IV., if s^ be neglected; and of which, when the expansion is continued, the next term is, XL. . . 1s^v^t-'^=^s^vt' = . (18.) The complete expansion of the exponential form XXXIX., for the variable vector of the osculating circle, may be briefly summed up in the following trigono- metric (but vector) expression : XLI. . . Ws = K+| co3- + Uv.Bin- I (p-K), in which, XLII. . . p- k = - r^r', and Uv. (p — /c) = ri/r'~* =rr; 80 that we may also write, neglecting no power ofs, XLIII. . . Ws = p + rr sin - + r-r vers - ; r r and if this be subtracted from the full expression for the vector p,, the remainder may be called the deviation of the given curve in space, from its oivn circle of curvature : which deviation, as we already see, is small of the third order, and will soon be da- CHAIMII.] VECTOR AND RADIUS OF SECOND CURVATURE. 559 composed into its two principal parts, or terms, of that order, in the directions of the normal and the binormal respectively. (19.) Meantime we may remark, that if we only neglect terms of the fourth order, the expansion T. gives, by III. and IX., for the length of a small chord pp,, the formula : XLIV. . . PPs = T(p,-p)=T(«r + |s2/ + is3/') 4,'"-^^y'-^^''''''t' this length then is the same (to this degree of approximation), as that of the cAord of an equally long arc of the osculating circle : and although the chord of even a small arc of a curve is always shorter than that arc itself yet we see that the difference is generally a small quantity of the third* order, if the arc be small of the first. 397. Resuming now the expression 396, 1., but suppressing here the coefficient Wj, of which the limit is unity, and therefore writing simply, I. ../., = /)+ ST -^i5Vf|5V^ with the relations, 11. . . T*2 = - 1 , Stt' = 0, Stt'^ = - t'2 = r-\ St't'^ = r-V, if 5 = are, and r~^ = Tr' = curvature^'f as before, or r = radius of curva- ture (> 0), while r' = D^r ; and introducing the new scalar, III. . . r'^ = S — = T-^V — = Secondl Curvature. it' V ^ with v=.'n' = binormal, or the new vector, t" v' IV. . . r''T = TS — ^, = V— = Vector of Second Curvature, supposed to be set off tangentially from the given point p of the curve, or finally this other new scalar (> or < 0), V. . . r = f S — -\ -Radius of Second Curvature^ * This ought to have been expressly stated in the reasoning of 383, (5 ), for which it was not sufficient to observe that the arc and chord tend to bear to each other a ratio of equality, without showing (or at least mentioning) that their difference tends to vanish, even as compared with a line which is ultimately of the same order as the square of either. t Whenever this word curvature is thus used, without any qualifying adjective, it is always to be understood as denoting the absolute (ox first) curvature of the curve in space. X Compare the Note to page 564. 560 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK IIT. •which gives the expression, VI. . . t" = - r^T - rVr' + t-'tt' = - 7--2Ut + (r-')'UT' + (rr)-^Uv ; we proceed to deduce some of the chief affections of a curve in space, which depend on the third power of the arc or chord. In doing this, although everything new can be ultimately reduced to a dependence on the two new scalars^ r' and r, or on the one new vector t'\ or even on v' - Vtt^', yet some auxiliary symbols will be found useful, and almost necessary. Retaining then the symbols v, /c, tr, R^ as well as t, t', r, and therefore writing as before (comp. 396, VIII.), VII. . . OK = /c = /3- t'~' = /)-}- rUT'=/> + rV, VIII. . • (p- f^y^ = r''U(«: - /)) = t' = D//3 = Vector of Curvature, we may now write also, by 395, XVIIL, v' IX. . . OS = ff = /) - - — 7 = /c + rr'rv = /c + r'rUi/, and X. . . (/5 - o-)"' = i^'U(o• -p) = j/'"'StV = Fec^or o/ Spherical Curvature^ = projection of vector (t') of curvature on radius {R) of osculating sphere ; because we have now, by VI., XI. ..v' = {tt'Y = Vtt'^ = - t-'t' - rVV, or XF. . . {TJpy = {rvY = - rr'r' = - r^UT', and XII. . . StV' = - SttV = - r'r'^ = r-^r-\ If then we denote by p and P the linear and angular elevations, of the centre S of the osculating sphere above the osculating plane, we shall have these two new auxiliary scalars, which are positive or negative together, according as the linear height ks has the direction of + v or of - t' : XIII. . .;? = ^^ = r'r; XIV. . . P= kps = tan-i^ = sin-i^=cos-' 4; while XV. . . i2=T(o--/3)=^(r2+;90 = V'0^ + ^''r2); the angle P being treated as generally acute. Another important line, and an accompanying angle of elevation, are given by the for- mulae, XVI. . . \ = V ^' = r'Yr'T'' = r^T + tt' = r-'Ur + r'JJv r = Nv'v'^ + 1/ = Rectifying Vector (set off from given point p), ~ Vector of Second Curvature plus Binormal; CHAP. III.] OSC. CONES, CYLINDER, HELIX, AND PARABOLA. 561 \ r XVII. . . H =/.- = tarr'^ - = Elevation of Rectifying Line (>0, <7r), = the angle (acute or obtuse, but here regarded as positive), which that known and important line (396) makes with the tangent to the curve; so that (by XIII., XIV.) these two auxiliary angles,* H and P, from which (instead of deducing them from r' and r) all the affections of the curve depending on s^ can be deduced, are connected with each other and with r' by the relation, XVIII. ..tan P = r' tan iy. Many other combinations of the symbols offer themselves easily, by the rules of the present calculus ; for instance, the vector o- may be determined by the three scalar equations (comp. 395, XIX.), XIX. .. ST(ff-/)) = 0, St\ + 5Tt^(/c-p)+^VX(^-/>): and may thus exhibit, even to the eye, the dependence of all affec- tions connected with s^, on the two new lines, \ and o"- />, which were not required when ^ was neglected, but can now be determined by the two scalars r and p (or r and r', or H and P as before). The geometrical signification of the scalar p is evident from what precedes, namely, the height (ks) of the centre of the osculating sphere above that of the osculating circle, divided by the binormal unit (Ui^) ; and * The angle H appears to have been first considered by Lancret, in connexion with his theory of rectifying lines, planes, and surfaces : but the angle here called P was virtually included in the earlier results of Monge. t As regards the homogeneity of such expressions, if we treat the four vectors ps, p, K, and a, and the five scalars s, r, i?, p, and r, as being each of theirs* di- mension, we are then to regard the dimensions of r, r', k', H, and P as being each zero ; those of r', v, and X as each equal to - 1 ; and that of either r" or v as being = - 2. 4 c 562 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. as regards what has been called the radius r of second curvature (V.), we shall see that this is in fact the geometrical radius of a second air- cle, which osculates, at the extremity of the tangential vector rr, to the principal normal section of the developable Surface of Tangents ; and thereby determines an osculating oblique cone to that important sur- face, and«/50 an osculating right cone* thereto, of which latter cone the semiangle is S^, and the rectifying line X is the axis of revolution : being also a side of an osculating right cylinder, on which is traced what is called the osculating helix. We shall assign the quaternion equations of these two cones, and of this cylinder, and helix ; and shall show that although the helix has not generally complete contact of the third order with the puen curve, yet it approaches more nearly to that curve (supposed to be of double curvature), than does the osculating circle. But an oscidating parabola will also be assigned, namely, the parabola which osculates to the projection of the curve, on its own os- culating plane : and it will be shown that this parabola represents or constructs one of the two principal and rectangular components (396, (18.)), of the deviation of the curve from its osculating circle, in a direction which is (ultimately) tangential to the osculating sphere, while the helix constructs the other component. An osculatitig' right cone to the cone of chords, drawn /rom a given point of the curve, will also be as- signed by quaternions : and will be shown to have in general a smaller acute semiangle C (or tt - G), than the acute semiangle H (or tt - H), of the osculating right cone (above mentioned) to the surface of tan- gents, or (as will be seen) to the cone of parallels to tangents (369, (6.), &c.) : the relation between these two semiangles, oitivo osculating right cones, being rigorously expressed by the formula, XXV... tanC = f tanir. A new oblique cone of the second order will be assigned, which has con- tact of the same order with the cone of chords, as the second right cone (C), while the latter osculates to both of them; and also an oscu- culating parabolic cylinder, which rests upon the osculating parabola, and is cut perpendicularly in that auxiliary curve by the osculating plane to the given curve. And the intersection of these two last sur- faces of the second order (oblique cone and parabolic cylinder) will * These two osculating cones, oblique and right, to the surface of tangents, appear to have been first assigned, in the Memoir already cited, by M. de Saint Te- nant : the osculating (circular) helix, and the osculating (circular) cylinder, having been previously considered by M. Olivier. CHAP. III.] CONTACT OF THIRD ORDER, TWISTED CUBIC. 563 be found to consist partly of the hinormal at the given point, and partly of a certain twisted cubic* (or gauche curve of the third degree)^ which latter curve has complete contact of the third order with the given curve in space. Constructions (comp. 395, (6.)) will be assigned, which will connect, more closely than before, the tangent to the locus of centres of curvature, with oiAer properties or affections of that given curve. And finally we shall prove, by a very simple quaternion analysis, as a consequence of the formula XI'., the known theorem,f that when the ratio of the two curvatures is constant, the curve is a geodetic on a cylinder. (1.) The scalar expression III., for the second curvature of a curve in space, as defined m 396, may be deduced from the formulae (396, (5.), &c.) of the recent theory of emanants, which give, XXVI. . . = VvV> = r-ir, wo = /o, < = 7-, if t] = v, while the line of contact (396, (14.)), of the plane with its envelope, coin- cides in position with the tangent to the curve; in passing, then, from the given point p to the near point Pg, the binormal (i/) and the osculating plane (4- v) have (nearly) revolved together, round that tangent (r) as a common axis, through a small angle =x~^s, and therefore with a velocity =x'\ if this symbol have the value assigned by III., or by the following extended expression, in which the scalar va- riable (t) is arbitrary (comp. 395, (ll.)> &;c.), XXVII. . . r-i = S -^, = S =^-4— = -S-ficond Curvature : Vp p Vdpd2p while the binormal has at the same time been translated (nearly), in a direction perpendicular to the tangent t, through the small interval is = sr, which (in the pre- sent order of approximation) represents the small chord pPj. (2.) As an example, if we take this new form of the equation of the helix, XXVIII. .. pt = b(jxt cot a + 6« = fti sin a cos a; while the common centre (395), of the osculating circle and sphere, has now for its vector (comp. 389, (3.)), XXXII. . . K = (T = pt- hi'^^jS cosec2 a = 6 cot a (a« - £«*^ cot a) ; h being here the raditis of the cylinder, but a denoting still the constant inclination of the tangent (p') to the axis (a). (3.) HhjQ rectifying line (396), considered merely as to imposition, being the line of contact of the rectifying plane (396, XIV.) with its own envelope, is repre- sented by the equations, XXXIII. . . = Sr'(a> - p) = Sr"(w - p), or XXXIII'. . . = VX(a> - p), with the signification XVI. of X ; and accordingly, if we treat the rectifying planes as emanants, or change rj to r', we find the value = Vr"r'-* =X, which shows also that in the passage from p to Pj the rectifying plane turns (nearly) round the rectify- ing line, through a small angle = sTX, or with a velocity of rotation represented by the tensor, XXXIV. . . TX = V (r-2 + r-2) = r-i cosec JS"= r"! sec H; so that what we have called the rectifying vector, X, coincides in fact (by the general theory of emanants) with the vector axis (396, (14.)) of this rotation of the rectify- ing plane : as the vector of second curvature (r"'r) has been seen to be, in the same full sense (comp. (1.)), the vector axis of rotation of the osculating plane, when velo- city, direction, and position are all taken into account. (4.) When the derivative s' of the arc is only constant, without being equal to unity (comp. 395, (12.)), the expression XVI. may be put under this slightly more general form, XXXV. . . X = v4-r, = V ^ = Rectifying Vector; s p dsd2p and accordingly for the helix (2.) we have thus the values, XXXVI. . . X = a«'-' = ab-i sin a = ar-i^ cosec a, UX = a ; the rectifying line is therefore, for this curve, parallel to the axis, and coincides with the generating line of the cylinder, as is otherwise evident from geometry. The value, TX = 6"^ sin a, of the velocity of rotation of the rectifying plane, which is here the tangent plane to the cylinder, when compared with a conceived velocity of motion along the curve, is also easily interpreted; and the formulae XVII., XVIII. give, for the same helix (by XXXI.), the values, XXXVII. . . r' = 0, H==a, P = 0. (5.) The normal (or the radius of curvature), as being perpendicular to the rectifying plane, revolves with the same velocity, and round a parallel line ; to de- termine the position of which new line, or the point h in which it cuts the normal, we have only to change t^ to r' in the formula 396, XXXIL, which then becomes, XXXVIII. . . OH = ojo = p - r'S -^, = p - X-2r' Xr _ r'2 (k - p) _ r-Q -f r2K "P+ r-2 + r-2 r2 + r2 = pcos2i/+ '(p-/c)+-vV, with the value XI. of v'; in which the sum of the two first terms gives the vector of the point of the osculating circle, which is distant from the given point PPg by an arc of that circle equal to the arc s of the given curve ; and the third term, LII. . . \s^v't = Is' (r" + r-'^T^ = - ^s^r-^r'r + ^s W, which represents the deviation from the same circle, measured in a direction (comp. IX. or X.) tangential to the osculating sphere, is (as we see) the vector sum of two rectangular components, which represent respectively the deviations of the curve, from the osculating helix (8.), and from the osculating parabola (9.). (12.) It follows, then, that although neither helix nor parabola ha.s in general complete contact of the third order with a given curve in space, since the deviation from each is generally a small vector of that (third) order, yet each of these two auxiliary curves, one on a right cylinder XLV., and the other on the osculating plane, approaches in general more closely to the given curve, than does the osculating circle : while circle, helix, and parabola have, all three, complete contact of the se- cond* order with the curve, and with each other. * It appears then that we may say that the helix and parabola have each a con- tact with the curve in space, which is intermediate between the second and third or- ders : or that the exponent of the order of each contact is the fractional index, 2~. But it must be left to mathematicians to judge, whether this phraseology can pro- perly be adopted. CHAP. III.] SECTION OF SURFACE OF TANGENTS. 567 (13.) As regards the geometrical signification of the new variable scalar, t, ia the equation XLIX. of the parabola, that equation gives, ff r't\ .1 r't t^ liii...t.', = t|(i + -).+ *,'} = i + - + -..., and therefore (to the present order of approximation), LIV. . . Arc of Osculating Parabola (from (oq to ojt) C* r't^ <3 = TriK- cipal* normal section, of which the variable vector has for its approximate expres- sion, LIX. . .o}s = (p + ct) + {cs +. .) r' + (|cs2r* + ..')v; the terms suppressed being of higher orders than the terms retained, and having no influence on the curvature of the section. "We find then thus, that the vector of the centre of the osculating circle to this normal section of the surface of tangents to the given curve is, rigorously, * Some general acquaintance with the known theory of section* of surfaces is here supposed, although that subject will soon be briefly treated by quaternions. 568 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. (cst'^"^ LX. . . p + cr + ^^ ~ = p + c(r + rv) = p + cr\ ; so that the locus of all such centres is the rectifying line XXXIII'. And if, in parti- cular, we make c = r, or cut the developable at the extremity of the tangential vec- tor rr, the expression LX. becomes then p-rrT + rVv ; which expresses that the radius of the circle of curvature of this normal section of the surface is precisely what has been called the Radius (r) of Second Curvature, of the given curve in space. But this radius (r = r tan H) depends only on the angle IT, when the radius (r) of (absolute) curvature is given, or has been previously determined. (16.) The cone of the second order, represented by the quaternion equation, LXI. . . = 2rSr (u) - p) Sv (w - p) + (Vr (a> - p))2, has its vertex at the given point p, and rests upon the circle last determined ; it is then the locus oi all the circles lately mentioned (15.), and is therefore (in a known sense) an osculating oblique cone to the developable surface. of tangents : its cyclic normals (comp. 357, &c.) being r and t + 2vv, or r and rr+ 2rUv. But, by 394, (30.), the osculating right cone to this cone LXI., and therefore also (in a sense likewise known) to the surface of tangents itself is one which has the recent locus of centres (15.), namely the rectifying line (\), for its axis of revolution, while the tangent (r) to the curve is one of its sides : its semiangle is therefore = H, and a form of the quaternion equation of this osculating right cone is the following (comp. XLV.), LXIL . . T VU\ (w - p) = sin H. (17.) The right cone LXII., which thus osculates to the developable surface of tangents LVI., along the given tangent r, osculates also along that tangential line to the cone of parallels to tangents, which has its vertex at the given point P ; as is at once seen (comp. 394, (30.)), by changing p and p" to / and r", in the general expression Yp'p" (393, (6.), or 394, (6.)), for a line in the direction of the axis of the osculating circle to a curve upon a sphere. And the axis of the right cone thus determined, namely (again) the rectifying line (X), intersects the plane of the great circle of the osculating sphere, which is parallel to the osculating plane, in a point L of which the vector is, LXIII. . . OL = p + rp\ = p + rrr + rpv. (18.) We have thus, in general, a gauche quadrilateral, pksl, right-angled ex- cept at L, with the help of which one figure all affections of the curve, not depending on **, can be geometrically represented or constructed : although it must be observed that when r = 0, which happens for the helix (XXXVIL), the osculating circle is then itself a gi-eat circle of the osculating sphere, and the points p and L, like the points K and s, coincide. (19.) In the general case, it may assist the conceptions to suppose lines set off, from the given point p, on the tangent and binormal, as follows : LXI V. . . PT = BL = rr'r ; pb = tl = ks = rpv ; for thus we shall have a right triangular prism, with the two right-angled triangles, TPK and LBS, in the osculating plane and in the parallel plane (17.), for two of its faces, while the three others are the rectangles, pksb, pblt, kslt, whereof the two first are situated respectively in the normal and rectifying planesi CHAP. III.] INCLINATIONS DETERMINED BY QUATERNIONS. 569 (20.) All scalar properties of this auxiliary jonsw may be deduced, by our ge- neral methods, from the three scalars, r, r, r', or r, H^ P ; and all vector properties of the same prism can in like manner be deduced from the three vectors r, r', t", or from r, v, v', which (as we have seen) are not entirely arbitrary, but are subject to certain conditions. (21.) As an example of such deduction (compare the annexed Figure 81), the equation of the diagonal plane SPL, which contains the radius (iE) of spherical curvature and the rectifying line (\), and V the equation of the trace, say PU, of that plane on the oscu- \l lating plane, which trace is evidently parallel (by the con- struction) to the edffes Ls, TK of the prism, are in the recent notations (comp. XX.), LXV. . . = Sr"(w - p) ; LXVI. . . = V(r-ir)' (w - p) ; with the verification that rSr'r" = r'Srr"=r-2/, by II. (22.) In general, by 204, (22.), if a and (3 be any two vectors, we have the expressions. Fig. 81. LXVII. . . tan Z. - = tan zl a tan Z. i8a = - tan ii a/3 = TV^:S^ (TV: S) a/3, TV /3 a a S * a the angles of quaternions here considered being supposed as usual (comp. 130) to be generally > 0, but < tt ; for example, we have thus, LXVIII. . tanJEf =tan Z -= (TV: S) Xr-i = (TV: S) (r-» r') as in XVII. ; and in like manner we have generally, by principles already ex- plained (comp. 196, XVI.), LXIX. . . cos A ' cos Z. -- = - cos Z /3a = - cos Z a/3 = S^:T^=SU^ = -SUa/3. a a a (23.) Applying these principles to investigate the inclinations of the vector r", which is perpendicular to the diagonal plane LXV. of the prism, to the three rectangular lines r, r, v, or the inclinations of that diagonal plane itself to the nor- mal, rectifying, and osculating planes, with the help of the expressions deduced from VI. for the three products,* tt", tt", vt", we arrive easily at the following results : * A student, who should be inclined to pursue this subject, might find it useful to form for himself a table of all the binary products of the nine vectors, r, t\ r", V, v\ X, or — p, (t — [i, and k', considered as so many quaternions, and reduced to the common quadrinomial form, a + &r + cr' + ev, in which a, h, c, e are scalars, whereof some may vanish, but which are generally functions of r, r, and r'. 4 D 570 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. r" -r-2 t" r'^r t" r-»r-> LXX. .. cos £- = —-:;- ; cosZ.-=-7^,; cos^- = -7— -; rTr T It v Lr with the verification, that the sum of the squares of these three cosines is unity, be- cause LXXI. . . r2Tr"= V(l + r-2/?2) = V(l + r'2 + rV^) ; or LXXr. . . rTr" = V(r-V2 + T\«), Tr" = V(r-4 + Tj/'«). (24.) Or we may write, on the same general plan, r" -R t" -rTX r" r ,, LXXII. . . tan Z - = -7^ ; tan^- = — ;— ; tan ^ - = - V(H- r'2); rTr TV V r ' or LXXIII. . . tan ^ tt" = RTv^ ; tan L t't" = rr'-iTX ; tan L vt"=- rr-i V(l + r'2) ; and may modify the expressions, by introducing the auxiliary angles H and P, with which may be combined, if we think fit, the following angle of the prism, LXXI V. . . PKT = BSL = tan-i r'. (25.) Instead of thus comparing the plane spl with the three rectangular planes (379, (5.)) of the construction, we may inquire what is the value of the angle spl, which the radius (i?) of spherical curvature makes with the rectifying line (X) ; and we find, on the same plan, by quaternions, the following very simple expression for the cosine of this angle, which may however be deduced by spherical trigonometry also, LXX V. . . cos SPL = - SUX(-p); LXXXIV. . . 2Sr'(w-p) = -r2(Svi^(a>-p))2; LXXXV. . . 3rSi/ (w - p) = - r2Sr'(w - p) Svv{u) - p) ; whereof the first represents a new osculating oblique cone, which has a contact of the same (^second) order with the cone of chords, as the osculating right cone (27.) ; the second represents an osculating parabolic cylinder, which is cut perpendicularly in the osculating parabola (9.), by the osculating plane to the curve ; and the third represents a certain osculating hyperbolic (or ruled') paraboloid, whereof the tan- gent (r) is one of the generating lines, while the diameter (?;) of the osculating /)a- rabola is another. (32.) Each of these three surfaces (31.) has in fact generally a contact of the third order with the given curve; or has its equation satisfied, not only (as is ob- vious on inspection) by the point p itself, but also when we derivate successively with respect to the scalar variable t, and then substitute the values (comp. LXXXI.), LXXXVI. . . w = po = p, (1)' = po~T, io" = po" = V, w'" = po"' = r-i v ; r, r, p, T, V, and v being treated as constants of the equation, or of the surface, in each of these derivations. .'>72 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [boOK lil. (33.) The cone LXXXIIL, and the cylinder LXXXIV., have a common gene- ratrix, namely the hinormat* (v) ; and in like manner, another generating line of the same cone, namely the tangent (r) to the curve, has just been seen (^31.) to be a line on the paraboloid LXXXV. : and although the cylinder and paraboloid have no finitely distant right line common, yet each may be said to contain the line at in- finity, in the diametral plane of the cylinder, namely in the plane of v and v, of which pldne the quaternion equation is (comp. (14.)), LXXXVII. . . = Sru (oi - p), or LXXXVII'. . . = S(rrV' - 3r) (a> - p) ; or the line in which this diametral meets the parallel axial plane. (34.) On the whole, then, it is clear, from the known theory of intersections of surfaces of the second order having a common generating line, that the given curve of double curvature (whatever it may be) has contact of the third order with the twisted cubic,f or gauche curve of the third degree, which is represented without ambiguity by the system of the two scalar equations, LXXXVIII. ..y = x2, z = x^ if we write for abridgment, (x=Q =)-r2Suv(w-p), LXXXIX. . . !y = (<2 =) - 2r2Sr'(a> - p), (z = (<3=)_6r2rSj/(w-p). (35.) As another geometrical connexion between the elements of the present theory, it may be observed that while the osculating plane to the curve, of which plane the equation is, XC. . . Sv(oj-p) = 0, as in 396, XV., touches the oblique cone LXXXIII., along the tangent t to the same curve, the diame- tral plane LXXXVII. touches the same cone along the binomial v, which was lately seen (33.) to be, as well as r, a side of that oblique cone; but these two sides of contact, T and v, are both in the rectifying plane (396, XIV.), and the two tangent planes corresponding intersect in the diameter v of the parabola (9.) ; we have therefore this theorem : — The diameter of the osculating parabola to a curve of double curvature is the polar of the rectifying plane, with respect to the osculating oblique cone LXXXIII. ; that is, with respect to a certain cone of the second order, which has been above de- duced from the expression LXXXI. for the vector pt of the curve, as one naturally suggested thereby, and as having a contact of the third order with the curve at p, * The geometrical reason, for the osculating cone LXXXIII. to the cone of chords containing the binormal (v), is that if the expression LXXXI. for pt were rigorous, and if the variable t were supposed to increase indefinitely, the ultimate direction of the chord VPt would be perpendicular to the osculating plane. And the same binor- mal is a generating line of the parabolic cylinder also, because that cylinder passes through p, and all its generating lines are perpendicular to the last mentioned plane. It is sufficient however to observe, on the side of calculation, that the equations LXXXIII. and LXXXIV. are satisfied, when we suppose w — p || v. t Compare again page 241, already cited, of Dr. Salmon's Treatise ; also Art. 285, in page 225 of the same work. CHAP. III.] TANGENT TO LOCUS OF CENTRES. 573 and therefore also a contact of the second order with the cone of chords from that point. (_36.) Conversely, this particular cone LXXXIII. \s geometrically distinguished from all other* cones of the same (second) order, which have their vertices at the given point p, and have each a contact of the same second order, with the given cone of chords from that point, or of the tliird order with the given curve, by the condition that it is touched (as above), along the binormal (v), by the diametral plane {w) of the osculating parabolic cylinder LXXXIV. (37.) We have already considered, in 395, (5.), the simultaneous variations of the points p and k, or of the vectors p and k:. With recent notations, including the expression fji = 2K — p, we have the following among other transformations, for the first derivative of the latter vector, and therefore for the tangent kk' to the locus of centres of curvature, of a given curve in space : XCI. . . kk'= BsK = k= (p - r'-i)' = r + r'-ir'V'-i = (p + r^T'y = r+ r^T"+ 2rrV' = rr'r' + rh-^v = rr\T' -\- p'^rv) = rr'^ (j)t' -{■ rj/) rr' rr' _ rr\a - ii) ) — K (T—K ((T — k)(k; — |C = cot //(Ur tan P + Uj/) = y-^R(\Jt' sin P + Vv cos P) = r^vv'r' = r^Tv'v = v~^v't~'^ = r'-'^v'v'^ = r-iv (p - -p)Sj/(w - p) ; and with respect to this cone (comp. (35.)), the po/ar of the rectifying plane is the (^absolute) normal (r') to the curve. f Geometrically, and by infinitesimals, if we conceive k' to be an infinitely near point of the locus of k, and therefore in the normal plane at p, the angle pk's (like pks) will be right, and the point k' will be on the semicircle pks ; but the radius of this semicircle drawn to k (comp. Fig. 82) h parallel to the line sm, to which line the tangent kk' is therefore perpendicular, as above. XCTII. . . KK, = rr'r' = r'Ur' = XCIV. . . KK =r2r-V = rr-iUv = 574 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK HI. = &c.; = &c.; a — K these two projections then, or the vector-tangent kk' itself, would suffice to determine r and r', or H and P, and thereby all the affections of the curve which depend on s^, but not on s*. (39.) We have also the similar triangles (see again Fig. 82), XCV. . . A k^k'k oc ic kk' r" (28, 29, 30, 31) = HSvJ/V" = r"-iVv'X = r^r'-iSz/'Xr' = r^r'-^ SvXr" (32, 33, 34, 35) - Sv'Xr"-i - Tr"-2SXvV" - ~ ^'"''^ - ~ '"''' (36, 37, 38, 39) rr a - p * In illustration it maybe observed, that if d« be treated as infinitely small, and if the line kk' be supposed to represent (not the derivative k, but) the differential vector dfc = k^s, then the projections kk^ and kk become dr and rr-'ds (comp. XCIII. and XCIV.) ; while kpk (in Fig. 82) represents the infinitesimal angle r-'d*, through which the osculating plane (comp. (1.)) revolves, round the tangent r to the curve during the change d« of the arc. t This direction of + r is to be conceived (comp. Fig. 81) to be towards the hack of Fig. 82, as drawn, if the scalars r and r (and therefore also p) be positive. CHAP. III.] EXPRESSIONS FOR THE SECOND CURVATURE. 575 ^ = i2-i tan L rrr" = i2-» tan L (40, 41, 42, 43) rr'-|-/?i/- r((r-p) rr'v rrr' r t(^k — p') (44, 45, 46, 47) roo/of this known theorem, which is attributed to M. Bertrand by M. Liouville, in page 558 of the already cited Additions to Monge ; but the deduction of it as above, from the fun- damental property (396) of the rectifying line, is sufficiently obvious, and appears to have suggested the method employ ed by M. de Saint- Venant, in the part (p. 26) of his Memoir sur les lignes courbes non planes. Sec, before referred to, in which the result is enunciated. Another, and perhaps even a simpler method, suggested by quaternions, of geometrically establishing the same theorem, will be sketched in the present sub- article (49.) ; and in the following sub-article (50.), a proof by the quaternion ana- lysis will be given, which seems to leave nothing to be desired on the side of simpli- city of calculation. 4 E 578 KLEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. same case) constant angles, with t\iQ fixed radius drawn to that point : and the curve itself ia therefore (as before) a geodetic line, on some cylindrical surface. (50.) By quaternions, when the two curvatures have thus a constant ratio, tiie equations XI'. and XVI. give, CVIII. . . (rX)' = {\Jv + rr-ir)' = (rr-i)'r = 0, or CIX. . . r\ = a constant vector ; the tangent (r) makes therefore, in this case, a constant angle {H) with a constant line (rX) : and the curve is thus seen again, by this very simple analysis, to be a geodetic on a cylinder. And because it is easy to prove (comp. XXXI.), that we have in the same case the expression, ex. . . r sin^ H= radius of curvature of base, or of the section of the cylinder made by a plane perpendicular to the generating lines, this other known theorem results, with which we shall conclude the present se- ries of sub-articles : When both the curvatures are constant, the curve is a geodetic on a right circular cylinder (or cylinder of revolution') ; or it is what has been called above, for simplicity and by eminence, a helix. * 398. When the fourth power {s^) of the arc is taken into account, the expansion of the vector Ps involves another term^ and takes the form (comp. 397, I.), I. . .Ps = p + ST+ IfiV^ f i-S V + ^\sh^'\ in which II. . . T^'^ = D,V, and III. . . Stt'^' = - 3StV" = - Sr'r' ; so that the new affections of the curve, thus introduced, depend only on two new scalars, such as r' and r'^, or r^ and B\ or H' and F\ &c. We must be content to offer here a very few remarks on the theory of such affections, and on the manner in which it may be ex- tended by the introduction of derivatives o£ higher orders. * In general, the expression XLIV. for the vector w, of the osculating helix, in which I = — r'^X"^ = r — X-'r', and p - wq = \~^t', gives Toj's = 1 ; so that the devia- tion (8.) maybe considered (comp. (13.)) to be measured from the extremity of an arc of the helix, which is equal in length to the arc s of the curve, and is set off from the same initial point p, with the same initial direction : while wo does not here de- note the value of w, answering to s - 0, but has a special signification assigned by the formula XXXVIII. It may also be noted that the conception, referred to in (46.), of an auxiliary spherical curve, corresponds to the ideal substitution of the motion of a point with a varying velocity upon a sphere, for a motion with an uni- form velocity in space, in the investigation of the general properties o( curves of dou- ble curvature: and that thus it is intimately connected (comp. 379, (9 )) with the general tlieory of hodographs. CHAP. III.] FOURTH POWER OF ARC, ROT. OF RADIUS R. 579 (1.) The new vector r'", on whicli everything here depends, is easily reduced to the following forms,* analogous to the expressions 397, VI. for r" : T t' V = 3r-Vr + (r(r-i)"+X2)r'+ (r~^r-^yr^v. (2.) The first derivatives of the four vectors, v\ k\ X, (t, taken in like manner with respect to the arc « of the curve, are the following : V. . .v"= (Yrr")' = Vrr'" + r-2\ = r-2r-ir + (r-2r-i)'r'-i -f (r(r-i)"- r-2) v ; VI. . . k"= - r-Wr+ (rr" -r^T-^)T' + (r2r-»)'v ; VII. . . X' = Cr-i)V + (r-i)Vj/, or VII'. . . (rX)' = (rr-i)V (comp. 397,CVIII.) ; VIII. . . +P'), the expression XXII. takes the simplified form (corap. again 397, XXXVIII.), XXIV. . . ov = p + ^= p cos2 /+ (T sin2 J; and the segments, into which the point v divides (internally) the radius M of the sphere, have the values (comp. 397, XXXIX.), XXV. . . pv = ^sin3 j^ yg = i2co32 J. (8.) A geometrical signification may be assigned for this new angle J, which is analogous to the known signification of the angle H (397, XVII.). In fact, the tangent plane to the osculating sphere at P touches its own developable envelope along a new right line, of which the scalar equations are, XXVI. ..S((r-p)(w-p) = 0, S((r'-r)(a>-p)=0; and because the developable locus of all such lines can be shown to be circumscribed, along the given curve, to the locus of the osculating circle, which is at the same time the envelope of the osculating sphere, we shall briefly call this locus of the line XXVI. the Circumscribed Developable. And the inclination of the generatrix of this new developable surface, to the tangent to the given curve at P, if suitably mea- sured in the tangent plane to the sphere, is precisely the angle which has been above denoted by J. (9.) To render this conception more completely clear, let us suppose that a finite right line pj is set off from the given point p, on the indefinite line XXVI., so as to represent, by its length and direction, the velocity oi the rotation of the tangent plane to the osculating sphere; and so to be, in the phraseology (396, (14.)) of the general theory of emanants, the vector-axis of that rotation. We shall then have the values, XXVII. . . pj= ^(= the six expressions XVI.) = i?-ir (cot J+ U ((T - p)) = R-^ cosec /(r cos J+ rU('-rrX*)- 1 = ^( p' + ^ \ = »rr-i (3, 4, 5) = — = cot-H'cot/secP=^^ (6,7,8); TV px whence also the deviation of a near point p^ of the curve, from the osculating sphere at P, is ultimately (by 395, XXVII,). _,_,Y^ _ _ {S-\) s* ns^ Ks^ XXXV. . . sp.- sp= -2^^- = gri;:^^ = 21;:^^ ; and accordingly, the square of the vector pg - o- is given now (comp. I.) by the ex- pression, (p,-cr)2 = (p-a)2-^{r2S((T-p)r"'-l}, in which r2S (o- - p) t" = /S = 1 + nrr'i = &c., as above. (23.) The same auxiliary scalar n enters into the following expressions for the arc, and for the scalar radii of t\iQ first and second curvatures, of the locus of the centre s of the osculating sphere, or of the cusp-edge of the polar developable (comp. 391, (6.), and 395, (2.)) : XXXVI. . . +J «ds = Arc of that Cusp-Edge (or of locus ofs) ; 7? J?' XXXVI'. . . ri = nr = r +p'r = -— - = (^Scalar) Radius of Ourvature of same edge ; r XXXVl". . . ri = rar = a' v~^ = (^Scalar) Radius of Second Curvature of same curve ; these two latter being here called scalar radii, because th.Q first as well as the second (comp. 397, V.) is conceived to have an algebraic sign. In fact, if we denote by Ki the centre of the osculating circle to the cusp-edge in question, its vector is (by the general formula 389, IV.), XXXVII. . . OKi = Ki= 0, but ri > or < 0, PK K— p r according as the cusp-edge turns its concavity or its convexity towards the given curve at P. (24.) The radius of (first) curvature of that cusp-edge, when regarded as a po- sitive quantity, is therefore represented by the tensor, XLII. . . -v/n2 = ± ri = Tri = i?T ^ = ± -^ (> 0) ; and as regards the scalar radius XXXVI". of second curvature of the same cusp- edge, its expression follows by XXXVIII. from the general formula 397, XXVII., which gives here, XLIII. . . rr' = S s^,. = — S -^, = «-i/-i, because XLI 11'. . . S -^, = 1 ; Ya(T nr Ypv Yvv the two scalar derivatives, n and n", which would have introduced the derived vec- tors r'^ and t", or Dg^p and Ds^p, of the fifth and sixth orders, thus disappearing from the expressions of the two curvatures of the locus of the centre s of the osculat' ing sphere, as was to be expected from geometrical* considerations. (25.) For the helix, the formula XXXVI 1. gives fci = p, or Ki = p ; we have then thus, as a verification, the known result, that the given point p of /A/« curve is itself the centre of curvature Ki of that other helix (comp. 389, (3.), and 395, (8.)), which is in this case the common locus of the two coincident centres, K and s. It is scarcely necessary to observe that for the helix we have also J= H. (26.) In general, the rectifying plane of the locus ofs is parallel to the rectify- ing plane of the given curve, because the radii of their osculating circles are parallel ; the rectifying lines for these two curves are therefore not only parallel but equal ; and accordingly we have here the formula, XLIV. . . Xi = V— ,' = V-, = X (by 397, XVL), 7-1 T which will be found to agree with this other expression (comp. 397, XVII.), XLV. . . tan Hi = ;^ = - Uri = + cot H, iri r the upper or lower sign being taken, according as the new curve is concave (as in Figs. 81, 82), or is convex at s (comp. (23.)), towards the old (or given) curve at p : and the new angle Hi being measured in the new rectifying plane, from the new * In fact, n represents here the velocity of motion of the point s along its own locus, while r"' and r-i represent respectively the velocities of rotation of the tangent and binormal to that curve : so that nr and nr must be, as above, the radii of its two curvatures. 4 F 586 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. tangent a or nrv, to the new rectifying line Xi, and in the direction from that new tangent to the new binormal vi, or (comp. XL.) to a line from s which is equal to the vector of second curvature x-^t of the given curve^ multiplied by a positive scalar^ namely by Tn-i, or by the coefficient n-i taken positively. (27.) The former rectifying line \ touches the cusp-edge of the rectifying deve- lopable (396) of the given curve, in a new point r (comp. Fig. 81), of which by 397, (45.), and by XV., the vector from the given point is, generally, ^,,,, VrV r-2\ r\ UXsin^ XLVI...PH=-g-;-;;-;,, = ^^ = -— ,^^,= -^^; with the verification that this expression becomes infinite (comp. 397, (4.9.), (50.)), when the curve is a geodetic on a cylinder. (28.) In general, the vector or of thepoiw^ of contact r, which vector we shall here denote by v, may be thus expressed, XLVII. .. v = OR = p + m\, if XLVIII. . . Z = ^^ = 7^ ; M' (rr-i) and because (rX)' = (rr-')'r, by VII'., its first derivative is, XLIX. . . u' = rX I ^-^ J = UX cosec H (I sin H)' = UX (/' + cos H) ; in which however the new derived scalar Z' involves //", and so depends on t'*' : while the scalar coefficient I itself represents the /Jor^ion (+fR)oithe rectifying line, intercepted between the given curve, and the cusp-edge (27.) of the rectifying deve- lopable, and considered as positive when the direction of this intercept pr coincides with that of the line + X, but as negative in the contrary case. (29.) For abridgment of discourse, the cusp-edge last considered, namely that of the rectifying developable, as being the locus of a point which we have denoted by the letter R, may be called simply " rv(u} - p), so that LVI. . . b} = p-\- XT + yrr + zrv, the scalar equation, Lvn...(?^f=s(l)%..(^:)V..«'. * A result substantially equivalent to this is deduced, by an entirely different analysis, in the above cited Memoir of M. de Saint- Venant, and is illustrated by geometrical considerations : which also lead to expressions for the two curvatures (or, as he calls them, the courbure and cambrure), of the cusp-edge of the rectifying developable ; and to a determination of the rectifying line of that cusp-edge. 588 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. in which e is an arbitrary but scalar constant, represents evidently, by its form, a cone of the second order^ with its vertex at the given point P ; and this cone can be proved to have contact of the fourth order with the curve* at that point : or of the third order with the cone of chords from it (comp. 397, (31.), (32.))- In fact the coefficients will be found to have been so determined, that the difference of the two members of this equation LVII. contains s^ as a factor, when we change w to ps, as given by the formula I., or when we substitute for xyz their approximate values for the curve, as functions of the arc a ; namely, by the expressions IV. for r'", and 397, VI. for r", s^ r's^ LVIII. L 6rr 24 ^ ^ where the terms set down are more than sufficient for the purpose of the proof. It — «< may be added that the coefficient of — — in y,, which is the only one at all complex here, may be transformed as follows : LVIII'. . . SrrV"' = -(r-i)"-r-iX2 = r-35' + /)(r-2r-i)'; S being that scalar for which (or more immediately for its excess over unity) several expressionsf have lately been assigned (22.), and which had occurred in an earlier investigation (395, (14.), &c.). (35.) With the same significations LV. of the three scalars xyz, this other equa- tion, LIX. . . 18ry - (3a; - r V)2 = (9 + r'2 - 3rr" - 3r2r-2) y^, or LIX'. ..2ry-(x- l/y)2 = (1 - |r^ (r^)" - lr2r-2) y^, will be found to be satisfied when we substitute for x and y the values LVIII. of x, and ysi and neglect or suppress s^ ; it therefore represents an elliptic (or hyperbolic') cylinder, which is cut perpendicularly, by the osculating plane to the given curve at p, in an ellipse (or hyperbola), having contact of the fourth order with the pro/ec- tion (comp. 397, (9.)), of that given curve upon that osculating plane : and the cy- linder itself has contact of the same {fourth} order with the curve in space, at the * In the language of infinitesimals, the cone LVII. contains five consecutive points of the curve, or has five-point contact therewith : but it contains only /our con- secutive sides of the cone of chords from the given point, or has only four -side con- tact with that cone, except for one particular value of the constant, e, which we shall presently assign. It may be observed that xyz form here a (scalar) system oi three rectangular co-ordinates, of the usual kind, with their origin at the point p of the curve, and with their positive semiaxes in the directions of the tangent t, the vector of curvature r', and the hinormal v. f It might have been observed, in addition to the eight forms XXXIV., that we have also, XXXI v. . . 5 - 1 = Rr' cot /= n cot H (9, 10). CHAP. III.] OSCULATING ELLIPTIC CYLINDER. 589 same given point p, so that we may call it (comp. 397, (31.)) the Osculating Elliptic {or Hyperholic) Cylinder, perpendicular to the osculating plane. • (36.) As a verification, if we suppress the second member of either LIX. or LIX',, we obtain, imder a new form, the equation of what has been already called the Oscu- lating Parabolic Cylinder (397, LXXXIV.) ; and as another verification, the co- efficient of y^ in that second member vanishes, as it ought to do, when the given curve is supposed to be a parabola : that plane curve, in fact, satisfying the differen- tial equation of the second order, LX. , . Brr" - r'2 = 9, or LX'. . . r^ (r^)" = 2, or LX". • • '•■^ ( ( ^ )^+ 1 I = const. =/>-§, if r be still the radius of curvature, considered as a function of the arc, s, while p is here the semiparameter. (37.) The hinormal v is, by the construction, a generating line of the cylinder LIX. ; and although this line is not generally a side of the cone LVIL, yet we can make it such, by assigning the particular value zero to the arbitrary constant, e, in its equation, or by suppressing the term, ez^. And when this is done, the cone LVII. will intersect the cylinder LIX., not only in this common side v (comp. 397, (33.)), but also in a certain twisted cubic, which will have contact of the fourth order with the given curve at p, as stated at the commencement of (34.). (38.) But, as was also stated there, indefinitely many such cubics can be de- scribed, which shall have contact of the same (fourth) order, with the same curve, at the same point. For we may assume any point E of space, or any vector (comp. LYI.), LXI. . . OE = e = jO + ar + brr' + crv, in which a, 6, c are any three scalar constants ; and then the vector equation, LXIL . . a> = ps+<(6-p), in which < is a new scalar variable, will represent a cylindric surface, not generally of the second order, but passing through the given curve, and having the line pe for a generatrix. We can then cut (generally) this new cylinder by the osctdating plane to the curve at p, and so obtain (generally) a new and oblique projection of the czirve upon that plane ; the x and y of which neto projected curve will depend on the arc s of the original curve by the relations, LXIII. . . x = Xs-ac-^Zs, y = ys-bc-^Zs', with the approximate expressions LVIII. for XsysZs. And if we then determine two new scalar constants, B and C, by the condition that the substitution of these last expressions LXIII. for x and y shall satisfy this new equation, LXIV. . . 2ry = a;2 + 2Bxy + Cy\ if only 8^ be neglected (comp. (35.)), or by equating the coefficients of s^ and s*, in the result of such substitution, then, on restoring the significations LV. of xyz, and writing for abridgment, LXV. . . X=a;-ac Jz, Y^y-bc'^z, the equation of the second degree, 590 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. LXVI. . . 2rF= jr2 + 2i?ZF+ CF2, will represent generally an oblique osculating elliptic (or hyperbolic) cylinder, which has contact of the /o«r in which it may be observed, that the second scalar coefficient is equal to three times the scalar deviation sp* — sp (XXXV. or C), of the near point Vs of the curve, from the given osculating sphere (at p). (66.) But we may also interpret the new coefficient last mentioned, as represent- ing a new deviation ; namely, that of the point Ct of the given circle, from the near osculating sphere at Ps, considered as positive when that new point c< is exterior to that near sphere ; or as denoting the difference of distances, SsCj — s«p«. We have therefore (comp. (56.)) this new geometrical relation, of an extremely simple kind : CXVI. . . SiCit- SsPs= 3(sp$ - sp) = 3 (ssP - SsPs) ; or CXVr. . . SsCj = 3ssP — 28sPs. (67.) Supposing, then, at first, that the coefficient ofnon-sphericity S-l\9, posi- tive (comp. 395, (16.)), if we conceive a point to move hackivards, upon the curve, from Ps to p, and th&n forwards, upon the circle which osculates at P, to the new point Ct (63.), we see that it \\\l\ first attain (at p) a position exterior to the sphere which osculates at p^, or will have an amount, determined in (56.), of outward devi- ation, with respect to that near osculating sphere ; and that it will afterwards attain (at the new point Ct) a deviation of the same character (namely outwards, if S> 1), from the same near sphere, but one of which the amount will be threefold the former : this last relation holding also when S <1, or when both deviations are inwards. (68.) It is easy also to infer from (65.), (comp. (57.)), that if we go back from Ps, on the near circle which osculates at that near point, through an arc (t) of that circle, which will only differ by a small quantity of the fourth order (comp. (60.)) from the are (s) of the curve, so as to arrive at a point, which for the moment we shall simply denote by c, and in which (as well as in another point of section, not necessary here to be considered) the near osculating circle is cut by the given nor- mal plane at P, the vector deviation of this new point c of the new circle, from the given point p of the curve, must be, nearly : the coefficients being formed from those of the formula CXV., by first changing s to — s, and then changing the signs of the results : • while the relation CXVI. or CXVI'. takes now the form, CXVIII. . . sc - SP = 3 (sp, - sp), or CXVIII'. . . sc = 3ips - 2 sp. (69.) Accordingly if, after going from p to p* along the curve, we go forward or backward, through any positive or negative arc, t, of the circle which osculates at that point p*, we shall arrive at a point which we may here denote by Cs, t ', and the vector (comp. again 396, (18.)) of this near point (more general than any of those hitherto considered) will be, rigorously, CHAP. III.] LOCUS OF OSCULATING CIRCLE. 599 CXIX. . . b)s,t = ocs, t = Ps-\- TsTs sin — + Ts^t's vers — , rs Ts And if we develope this new expression to the accuracy of theybwr^^ order inclusive, we find that we satisfy the new condition Tcomp. (63.)), CXX. .. Sr («;„<- p) = 0, wlien CXXI. . . ^= - s - — ; and that then the expression CXIX. agrees with CXVII., within the order of ap- proximation here considered. (70.) A geometrical connexion can be shown to exist, between the two equiva- lents which have been found above, one for the quadruple (LXXXVII,, comp. (53.)), and the other for the triple (CXVIII.), of the deviation sp^ - SP of a near point Ps of the curve, from the sphere which osculates at the given point p : in such a manner that if either of those two expressions be regarded as known, the other can be in- ferred from it. (71.) In fact if we draw, in the normal plane, perpendiculars pd and pe to the lines PS and ps^, and determine points d and e upon them by drawing a parallel to PS through the point c of (68.), letting fall also a perpendicular cf on ps«, the two small lines pd and DC will ultimately represent the two terms or components CXVII. of PC ; and the small angle dpc will ultimately be equal to three quarters of the small angle spSs, and will correspond to the same direction of rotation round r, be- cause CXXII...^ = f.^=|V-^, or CXXIII. . . dpc = f SPS, = |DPE ; so that we shall have the ultimate ratios (comp. the annexed Fig. 83*): CXXIV. . . DC : DE : CE (or fp) = 3 : 4 : 1. But the line cf is ultimately the trace, on the given pirr. 83. normal plane, of the tangent plane at c to the near osculating sphere; the small line fp (or ce) represents therefore the deviation SsP- SsPs of the given point p from that near sphere, or the equal deviation (57.) SPs — SP ; its ultimate quadruple, de, represents the product mentioned in (52.) ; and the ultimate triple, dc, of the same small line ce, is a geometrical representation of that other deviation "sc— sp, which has been more recently considered. (72.) When the two scalars, s and t, are supposed capable of receiving any va- lues, the point Cs,t in (69.) may be any point of the Locus (8.) of the Osculating Circle to the given curve of double curvature ; and if we seek the direction of the normal to this superficial locus, at this point, on the plan of Art. 372, writing first the equation of the surface under the slightly simplified, but equally rigorous form, * In Figs, 81, 82, the little arc near s is to be conceived as terminating there, or as being a preceding arc of the curve which is the locus of s, if r', r, n, and there- fore also p and ri, he positive (comp. the second Note to page 574). In the new Fi- gure 83, the triangle pde is to be conceived as being in fact much smaller than PKs, though magnified to exhibit angular and other relations.. 600 ELKMENTS OF QUATKKNIONS. [bOOK III. CXXV. . . itts, n=Ps + TsTs sin u + rs'^r's vers u, with CXXVI. . . M = rs-^< = p*k«c«, t, so that « is here a new scalar variable, representing the ariffle subtended at the cen- tre Ks, of the osculating circle at Pj, 6y the arc, <, of that circle, we are led, after a few reductions, to the expression, CXXVI I. . . V(D„Ws,,t . Dsw«, m) = rsrs'i(w«, « - Cs) vers « ; which proves, by quaternions, what was to be expected from geometrical* conside- rations, that the loctis of the osculating circle is also (as stated in (8.) and (22.)) the Envelope of the Osculating Sphere. (73.) The normal to this locus, at any proposed point c,s,t of any one osculating circle, is thus the radius of the sphere to which that circle belongs, or which has the same point of osculation Fs with the given curve, whether the arc (s) of that curve, and the arc (t) of the circle, be small or large. We must therefore consider the tan- gent plane to the locus, at the given point p of the curve, as coinciding with the tan- gent plane to the osculating sphere at that point ; and in fact, while this latter plane (J- Ps) contains the tangent r to the curve, which is at the same time a tangent to the locus, it contains also the tangent r((T- p) to the sphere, which is by CXVII. another tangent to the locus, as being the tangent at P to the section of that surface, which is made by the normal plane to the curve. (74.) But when we come to examine, with the help of the same equation CXVII., Vihatis the law of the deviation DC (comp. Fig. 83) of that normal section of the locus, considered as a new curve (c),/rom its own tangent pd, we find that this law is ultimately expressed (comp. (71.)) by the formula, CXXVm...^! = H.»!i!^^ = const.; pd4 32 R^ hence dc varies ultimately as the power of pd, which has the fraction f for its expo- nent ; the limit of pd^ : DC is therefore null, and the curvature of the section is infinite atv. (75.') It follows that this point p is a singular point of the curve (c), in which thelocus (8.) is cut (73.), by the normal plane to the given curve at that point ; but it is not a cusp on that section, because the tangential component pd of the vector chord PC is ultimately proportional to an orfd power (namely to the cube, by CXVII., comp. (71.)) of the scalar variable, s, and therefore has its direction reversed, when that variable changes sign : whereas the normal component DC of the same chord PC is proportional to an even power (namely the fourth, by the same equation CXVII.) of the same arc, s, of the given curve, and therefore retains its direction unchanged, when we pass from a near point p,, on one side of the given point p, to a near point p.g on the other side of it. (76.) To illustrate this by a contrasted case, let G be the point in which thetan- gent to the given curve at p^ is cut by the normal plane at p ; or a point of the sec- tion, by that plane, of the developable surface of tangents. We shall then have * In the language of infinitesimals, two consecutive osculating spheres, to any curve in space, intersect each. other in an osculating circle to that curve. CHAP. III.] ENVELOPE OF SPHERE WITH VARYING RADIUS. 601 the sufficiently approximate expressions, * + 3;i)'"*= ""2 -3^ = - PQ2 - 2pQ3, with the significations 397, (10.) of Q2 and Q3; hence the point p of the curve is (as is well known) a cusp of the section (g) of the developable surface of tangents (comp. 397, (15.)), because the tangential component (— PQ2) of the vector chord (pg) has here a. fixed direction^ namely that of the outward radius (kp prolonged) of the circle of curvature at p : while it is now the normal component (— 2PQ3) which changes direction, when the arc s of the curve changes sign. At the same time we see* that the equation of this last section (g) may ultimately be thus ex- pressed : CXXX. . . — = -— = const. (- PQ3)^ .9r2 comparing which with the equation CXXVIII., we see that although, in each case, the curvature of the section is infinite, at the point p of the curve, yet the normal component (or co-ordinate) varies (ultimately) as the power -| of the tangential com- ponent, for the section (g) of the Surface of Tangents : whereas the former compo- nent varies by (74.) as the power f of the latter, for the con-esponding section (c) of the Locus of the Osculating Circle. (77.) It follows also that the curve (p) itself, although it is not a cusp-edge of the last-mentioned locus (8.), while it is such on the surface of tangents, is yet a Singular Line upon that locus likewise : the nature and origin of which line will perhaps be seen more clearly, by reverting to the view (8.), (22.), (72.), accord- ing to which that Locus of a Circle is at the same time the Envelope of a Sphere. (78.) In general, if we suppose that o- and R are any two real functions, of the vector and scalar kinds, of any one real and scalar variable, t, and that a', R', and a", R", &c. denote their successive derivatives, taken with respect to it, then " + il'Vr TtV") - A2]2 + A2 [a2(^"2 + ^"2 + ^"2) _ /^i] = Q y in which he writes, for abridgment, and 0, •^, TT are the three rectangular co-ordinates of the centre of a moving sphere, considered as functions of its radius a. Accordingly, if we change R to a, and (t'3 CLIX. . . (ci = tr + „ , , for an arhitrary scalar variable, we easily deduce this new form of the scalar quotient, CLIX'. . . '^^^ = 1 + ({RWy - HR'Sa'-^a") a'-^ ; ' + (y-^)'/''+ (2-7r)7r'+a = 0; (3). ..(x- 0)0"+ (y -!//)•.//"+ (z - 7r)7r"+ 1 -f 2 _^'2_ ^2= ; (4). . . (a; - 0) (i|/'7r" - 7r'-^") + (y - r//) (ttV" - ^V") +(iz-7r) {"- ^'//)y"+ (z - tt) z" + x'i + y'^ + z'a = ; (7). . . ix-ip)x"' ■\-{y-^)y"' + iz-'7r)z"'^ 3;(a; V + //' + z'z") = 0. By treating a as a function of some other independent variable, t^ the terms + a and + 1, in (2) and (3), come to be replaced by + aa' and + aa" + a'^ ; and the slightly more general form, which Monge's Equation thus assumes, has still its complete general integral assigned by the system (1) (5) (6) (7), if x, y, z (as well as a) be now regarded as arbitrary functions of the new variable t, in the place of which it is permitted (for instance) to take x, and so to write x' = 1, or" = : only two arbitrary functions thus entering, in the last analysis, into the general solution, as was to be expected from the form of the equation. * ThQ particular ijitegral corresponding, of the Equation of Monge, is expressed by the following system : ^ = a + et+lu, \p=:b+ft + mu, '7r = e+gt + nu, (et + luy + (/if + muy + {gt + nu^ = a'^ ; abcdefglmn being nine arbitrary constants, while t and u are two functions of a, whereof one is arbitrary, but the other is algebraically deduced from it, by means of the fourth equation. The writer is not aware that either of these integrals has been assigned before. CHAP. III.] VECTOR EQUATION OF LOCUS OR ENVELOPE. 611 the second scalar coefficient, u, being here an arbitrary function of the first scalar coefficient, or of the independent variable #, and a, |8, y being three arbi- trary but constant vectors : so that the curve (s) is now obliged to lie in some one plane* through the fixed point A, but remains in other respects arbitrary. Accord- ingly it will be found that this last integral system, although less general than the former system (102.), and not properly included in it, satisfies the differential equa- tion CXXXVI. ; whereof the two members acquire, by the substitutions indicated, this common value, CLXXV. . . (i2S(T'(T" - R'gy = &c. = RH"- (tu' - uj u"^ (Vj3y)4. (105.) Other problems might be proposed and resolved, with the help of formulsef already given, respecting the properties or affections of curves in space which depend on \h& fourth power (s**) of the arc, or on ^e fourth derivative Ds^p or r"' of the vec- tor ps', but it is time to conclude this series of sub -articles, which has extended to a much greater length than was designed, by observing that, in virtue of the vector form 396, XL for the equation of a circle of curvature, the Locus (8.) of the Oscu- lating Circle may be concisely but sufficiently represented by the Vector Equation, CLXXVL.. V-^+i/,= 0, lO- Ps * Compare the Note to page 606. t "We might for example employ the formula VI. for k", in conjunction with one of the expressions 397, XCL for »c', to determine, by the general formula 389, IV., the vector (say ^) of the centre of curvature of the curve (k), and therefore also the radius of curvature of that curve, which is the locus of the centres of curvature of the given curve (p), supposed to be in general one of double curvature. After a few reductions, with the help of XII., we should thus find the equations, CLXXVII. . . V -, = ^^ + (r-i - P') T, K rK CLXXVIIL..^ = K:+-A7=fc+ ''~^'' + '* k' ds r6.K in which last the denominator is a quaternion, and the scalar variable is arbitrary whence also, CLXXIX. . . Radius of curvature of curve (k), or of locus of centres of osculating circles to a given curve (p) in space, ■Rdr a 1 dpy pds \\x ds with the verification, that for the case of a plane curve (p), for which therefore — = 1, and - = = — , we have thus the elementary expression, p T ds rdr CLXXX. . . Radius of Curvature of Plane Evolute = + — -, ds r l)eing still the radius of curvature, and s the arc, of the given curve. *-— THi)r 612 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. which apparently involves only one scalar variable, s, namely, the arc of the curne (f), the other scalar variable, such as t, which corresponds (69.) to the arc of the cir- cle, disappearing under the sign V : and that the surface, which was called in (8.) the Circumscribed Developable, is now seen to be in fact circumscribed to that Lo- cus, or Envelope, in a certain singular (or eminent) sense, as touching it along its Singular Line. 399. When we take account of the fifth power {s^) of the are, the expression for p^ receives a new term^ and becomes (comp. 398, L), I. ../>. = P + ST + is^T' + |s3t'' + -,\5*t''' + rio^V- ; and although some of the consequences of such an expression have been already considered, especially as regards the general determi- nation of what has been above called the Osculating Twisted Cubic to a curve of double curvature, or the gauche curve of the third de- gree which has contact of the fifth order with a given curve in space, yet, without repeating any calculations already made, some addi- tional light may be thrown on the subject as follows. (1.) As regards the successive deduction of the derived vectors in the formula I., it may be remarked that if we write (comp. 398, LVI., LXI.), II. . . DV'p = r^") = OnT + bfJ-T + CnrVy we shall have, generally, III. . . a„vi = a'n-r-i6„, 6n+i = 6n + r-ia„-r-'c„, tf«+i =c'„ + ri6„, with the initial values, IV., 6o = 0, co=0, or IV'. = 0, 6i = r-i, ei = 0; whence V /"2 = -'--^ &2 = ('-0', H=r-'x-\ \a3 = 3r-3r', 63 = (r-i)"" »-"' -'-^^"^ C3 = r(r-2r-0', as in the expressions 397, VI. for t", and 398, IV. for t" \ the corresponding co- efficients of t'^ being in like manner found to be, /ai = - 2 (r-2)" + ((r-i)')2 + r-2(r-2 + r-2) ; VI. . . )54 = (r-i)"'-2(r-»)'-3(r-Vi)'r-i; ( C4 = r-i (r-i)" + 3 ((r-i)'r-O' - »'"*r"' (^-^ + ^2) ; and being sufficient for the investigation of all affections or properties of a curve in space, which depend only on thej^/M power of the arc s. (2.) For the helix the two curvatures are constant, so that all the derivatives of the two radii r and r vanish ; the expressions become therefore greatly simplified, and a law is easily perceived, allowing us to sum the infinite series for ps, and so to obtain the following rigorous expressions for the co-ordinates* Xs, y*, Zs of this * We have here, and in this whole investigation, an instance of the facility with which quaternions can be combined with co-ordinates, whenever the geometrical na- CHAP. III.] OSCULATING TWISTED CUBIC TO HELIX. 613 particular curve, instead of those which were developed generally in 398, LVIII., but only as far as s* inclusive : VII. , .Xs = P (x-H + r-2 sin t); y, = IH'^ vers t; Zs= Pr-^x-^ (t - sin t) ; where I and t are an auxiliary constant and variable, namely, VIII. . . ? = (r-2 + r-2)-J = rsmH, t = Z's, I being thus what was denoted in earlier formulae by T\-i, and t being the angle be- tween two axial planes ; while the origin is still placed at the point p of the curve, and the tangent, normal, and binorraal are still made the axes of xyz. (3.) The cone of the second order, 398, (40.), which has generally a contact of the fifth order with a proposed curve in space, at a point p taken for vertex, has in this case of the AeZta; the equation (comp. 398, LVII.* and LXIX.), ,„ 3rr /3r T r \ ^ IX. ..y^ = --q generally a surface, which is real or imaginary (398. (79.)) according as R"^ + (t'2 < or > 0, we have here by XIII. the intermediate or limiting case (comp. 398, CXXXI.), for which the circles * In general, it may have been observed that we have hitherto abstained, at least in the text of this whole Chapter of Applications, from making any use of infinitesimals, although they have been often referred to in these Notes, and employed therein to assist the geometrical investigation or enunciation of results. But as regards the mechanism of calculation, it is at least as easy to use infinitesimals in quaternions as in any other system : as will perhaps be shown by a few examples, farther on. t Compare the Note to page 516. 624 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. of the system become points, and the surface itself degenerates into a curve, which is here the involute (p)above considered. The involutes of a given curve (s) are there- fore included, as a. limit, in that general system of envelopes which was considered in the lately cited subarticles, and in others immediately following. (13.) The equation of condition, 398, CXXXVI., is in this case satisfied by XIII., both members vanishing; but we cannot now put it under the form 398, CXLI., because in the passage to that form, in 398, (85.), there was tacitly efiected a division hy r^, which is not now allowed, the radius r of the circle on the envelope being in the present case equal to zero. For a similar reason, we cannot now divide hy g, as was done in 398, (86.); and because, in virtue of IL, the two equations 398, CLX. reduce themselves to one, they no longer conduct to the formulae 398, CLX'. CLXI. CLXr. CLXIII. XCIV. ; nor to the second equation 398, CLXII. (14.) The general geometrical relations of the curves (p) and (s), which were investigated in the sub-articles to 398 for the case when the condition* above re- ferred to is satisfied, are therefore only very partially applicable to a system of invo- lute and evolute in space : at least if we still consider the former curve (the involute) as being a rectangular trajectory to the tangents to the latter (the evolute), instead of being, like the curve (p) previously considered, a rectangular trajectory (398, (94.)) to the osculating planesf of the curve (s). * If, without thinking of evolutes, we merely suppose that the condition 398, CXXXVI. is satisfied, as lately in (13.), by our having the relation i?'2 + ff'2= 0, it will be fomid (comp. the symbolical expression 274, XX. for Oi, and the imagi- nary solution in 353, (18.) of the system Syp = 0, p2= 0), that the envelope of the sphere ((x - p)^ + i22 = 0, or the locus of the (null) circles in which such spheres are (conceived to be) cut by the (tangent) planes. So*' (c — p) + RR'= 0, may be said to be generally the system of all those imaginary points, of which the vectors (or the bivectors, comp. 214, (6.)) are assigned by the formula, p = (T - HH'-^a' + (Uff' + \/~l) Ya'fi ; where fi is an arbitrary vector, and v — 1 is the old imaginary of algebra. By making /i = we reduce this expression for p to the real vector form, p = a-RR'-^a' = = (T - iJri-JXr' = (T + UXi. R cos Hi, if ri, JTi, and \i be what r, H, and X in 397 become, when we pass from the curve (p) to the curve (s), with the present relations between those two curves ; this cen- tre of curvature K is therefore the/oo< of the perpendicular let fall /rom the point p of the involute, on the rectifying line Xi of the evohite : as indeed is evident from geometrical considerations, because by (3.) this rectifying line of the curve (s) is the polar axis of the curve (p). (16.) If Ave conceive (comp, 389, (2.)) an auxiliary spherical curve to be de- scribed, of which the variable unit- vector shall be, XXVI.. . OT=T = a'=V(p-(T) = R-^{p-(T), and suppose that v is the vector ov of the centre of curvature of this new curve, at the point t which corresponds to the point s of the evolute, we shall then have by XXV. the expression, XXVII.. .T(T = v-r = -— -,= -— 7-7,= ^: =pk:ps; Vr r V(7 0- R we have therefore this theorem, that the inward radius of curvature of the hodograph of the evolute (conceived to be an orbit described, as in 379, (9.), with a constant velocity taken for unity) is equal to the inward radius of curvature of the involute, divided by the interval It between the two curves (p) and (s) : and that these two radii of curvature, TU and PK, have one common direction, at least if the direction of motion on the evolute be supposed, as in (15.), to be towards the involute. (17.) The following is perhaps a simpler enunciation of the theoremf just sta- ted : — IfF, Pi, P2, . . and s, Si, Sg, . • be corresponding points of involute and evo~ * Especially by observing that Vo-'Vd'V" = - (t"^, because StrV = 0, and Sa'cr'" = -«t"2. f Some additional light may be thrown on this theorem, by comparing it with the construction in 397, (48.) ; and by observing that the equations 397, XVI. XXXIV. give generally, in the notations of the Article referred to, for the vector of the centre of curvature of the hodograph of any curve, the transformations, r + —L = r + - = - r- iX"i = UX . cos /T. VrV-i X 4 L 626 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. lute, and if we draw lines STi || SiPi, ST2II S2r2, . • ^ith a common length = sp, the ■spherical curve PT1T3 . . will then have contact of the second order with the curve PP1P2 . ., that is with the involute at p. 401. The fundamental formula 389, IV., for the vector of the centre of the osculating circle to a curve in space, namely the for- mula, ^•••'^^^■'Ayy' "" "•••'^ = ^^vdvd?' which has been so extensively employed throughout the present Section, has hitherto been established and used in connexion with derivatives and differentials of vectors, rather than with differences, great or small. We may however establish, in another way, an es- sentially equivalent formula, into which differences enter by their limits (or rather by their limiting relations'), namely, the following, 111. . , K-p + lim. ==r—-—-, if lim.A/>=0, and lim. — — = 0, V A^pAp Ap the denominator YA'^pAp being understood to signify the same thing as V (AV . A/)) ; and then may, if we think fit, interpret the differen- tial expression II. as if dp and d^/> in it denoted infinitesimals,^ of the first and second orders : with similar interpretations in other but analogous investigations. (1.) If in the second expression 316, L., for the perpendicular from o on the line AB, we change a and /3 to their reciprocals (comp. Figs. 58, 64) and then take the reciprocal of the result, we obtain this new expression, TV _ -_a-i-/3-i _ a(/3-cf)/3 _ OA.AB.OB ■ ' • ^^ " ~ V/3-ia-^ Y(3a ~ V(ob.oa)' in the denominator of which, ob may be replaced by ab, or by AG + ab, for the diameter CD of the circle gab ; so that if c be the centre of this circle, its vector y = oc = |oD = ^d = &c. Supposing then that p, q, r are any three points of any given curve in space, while o is as usual an arbitrary origin, and writing V. ..OP = (0, GQ = p+A|t), OR = p+2Ap+ A2|0, and therefore VI. ..PQ = Ap, QR = Ap+A2p, iPR = Ap + JA2p, the centre c of the circle pqr has the following rigorous expression for its vector : VII. . . GC==y = p+ ^KAp + AIPKAp +|AV) Compare 345, (17.)> and the first Note to page 623. CHAP. III.] OSCULATING CIRCLES BY INFINITESIMALS. 627 whence passing to the limit, we obtain successively the expressions III. and II. for the vector k of the centre of curvature to the curve pqr at p ; the two other points, Q and R, being both supposed to approach indefinitely to the given point p, accord- ing to any law (comp. 392, (6.)), which allows the two successive vector chords, pq and QR, to bear to each other an ultimate ratio of equality. *(2.) Instead of thus^rs< forming a rigorous expression, such as VII., involving the differences Ap and A^p ; then simplifying the formula so found, by the rejection of terms, which become indefinitely small, with respect to the terms retained ; and finally changing differences to differentials (comp. 344, (2.))r, namely AptodjO, and A^p to d2p, in the homogeneous expression which results, and of which the limit is to be taken : we may abridge the calculation, by at once writing the differential sym- bols, in place of differences, and at onee suppressing any terms, of which we foresee that they must disappear from the final result. Thus, in the recent example, when we have perceived, by quaternions, that if k be the centre of the circle pqr, the equation V{(qr-pq)pq} is rigorous, we may at once change each of the three factors of the numerator to djO, while the factor qr — pq in the denominator is to be changed to d^p ; and thus the differential expression II., for the inward vector-radius of curvature k — p, is at once obtained. (3.) It is scarcely necessary to observe, that this expression for that radius, as a vector, agrees with and includes the known expressions for the same radius of curva- ture of a curve in space, considered as a (positive) scalar, which has been denoted in the present Section by the italic letter r (because the more usual symbol p wotdd have here caused confusion). Thus, while the formula II. gives immediately (be- cause Tdp =ds) the equation, IX. . . r-ids3 = TVdpd2|t), it gives also (because dp^ =- ds3j and Sdpd^/o = - dsd^s) the transformed equation, X. . . r-Jds2 = V(Td2p2 _ d««2) j and it conducts (by 389, VI.) to this still simpler formula (comp. the equation r"i = Tr', 396, IX.), XI. . .r-id5 = TdUdp. (4.) Accordingly, if we employ the standard trinomial form (295, 1.) for a vectory XII. . . p = ix -\-jy + kz, ■which gives, by the laws of the symbols ijk (182, 183), f dp = tdx +ydy + Mz, d« = Tdp = V(d^-2 ^ ^yS ^. ^22), I d?p = id'^x + jd2y + kd^z, Td2p = V {d^x^ + d^y^ + dH^), XIII. . . 7 Vdpd2p = i (dyd2z - dzdV) + JCdzd^x - dxd^^z) + k {dxd^y - dyd^x), 1 da; ,dy , dz ,^, , , dx LU''''='d7+^d; + *d7' iudp=.d-+.., the recent equations IX. X. XI. take these known forms: IX'. . . r-ids3 = V((d3/d2z - dzd^y^ + . .) ; X'. . . r-id«2 = V(d2;r« + d2y2 -t d222 - d2«2) ; 628 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [BOOK III. (5.) The formula IV., which lately served us to determine a diameter of a circle through three given points, may be more symmetrically written as follows, /f ad he a diameter of the circle ABC, then XIV. . . AD .V(AB . BC) = AB . BC. CA ; an equation* in which V(ab.bc) may be changed to V(, &c., and in whj^h it may be remarked that each member is an expression (comp. 296, V.) for a vector AT, which touches at A the segment abc : while its length is at once a representa- tion of the prorfwc^ oy/Ae Zew^ossi6/e to combine* quater- nions, in practice, with methods founded on the more usual notion of Differentials, as infinitely small differences : and that when this combination is judiciously made, abridgments of calculation arise, without any ultimate error. Section 7 On Surfaces of the Second Order ; and on Cur- vatures of Surfaces, 402. As early as in the First Book of these Elements, some spe- cimens were given of the treatment or expression of Surfaces of the Second Order by Vectors ; or by Anharmonic Equations Avhich were derived from the theory of vectors, without any introduction, at that stage, of Quaternions properly so called. Thus it was shown, in the sub-articles to 98, that a very simple anharmonic equation {xz = yw) might represent either a ruled paraboloid, or a ruled hyperholoid^ ac- cording as a certain condition (ac = hd) was or was not satisfied, by the constants of the surface. Again, in the sub-articles to 99, two examples were given, oi vector expressions for cones of the second or- der (and one such expression for a cone of the third order, with a conjugate ray (99, (5.)); while an expression of the same sort, namely, I. . . p = xa+y^ + zy, with x^ f2/^ + z"^ = I, was assigned (99, (2.)) as representing generally an ellipsoid,] with a, ^, 7, or OA, OB, oc, for three conjugate semidiameters. And finally, * Compare the first Note to page 62l It will however be of course necessary, in any future applications of quaternions, to specify in which of these two senses, as a finite differential, or as an infinitesimal, such a symbol as dp is employed, f In like manner the expression, U. , . p=xa+yf3+ zy, with x^ i- y^ - z^ = 1, or = - 1, represents a general hyperboUid, of one sheet, or of two, with a/3y for conjugate semi- diameters : while, with the scalar equation x^ + y^ — z'^=: 0, the same vector expres- sion represents their common asymptotic cone (not generally of revolution). CHAP. III.] QUATERNION EQUATIONS OF SPHERE. 631 in the sub-articles (11.) and (12.) to Art. 100, an instance was fur- nished of the determination of a tangential plane to a cone, bj means o^ partial derived vectors. 403. In the Second Book, a much greater range of expression was attained, in consequence of the introduction of the ;?ecw^ear s^m- hols, or characteristics of operation, which belong to the present Cal- culus; but still with that limitation which was caused, by the con- ception and notation of a Quaternion being confined, in that Book, to Quotients of Vectors (112, 116, comp. 307, (5.)), without yet admit- ting Products or Powers of Directed Lines in Space : although ver- sors, tensors, and even norms* of such vectors were already intro- duced (156, 185, 273). (1.) The Sphere,f for instance, which has its centre at the origin, and has the vector oA, or a, with a length Ta = a, for one of its radii, admitted of being repre- sented, not only (comp. 402, I.) by tlie vector expression, I. . . p=:xa + !/l3 + zy, x-^ + t/^ + z^= 1, with r. . .Ta=T/3 = Ty = a, and I". . . S- = S ^=S | = 0, a a (i but also by any one of the following equations, in which it is permitted to change a to -a : " 1; 145, (8.), (12.) 186,(2.), 187,(1.) 200, (11.), 215,(10.), P + « « « 273,(1.) XI. ..(s^Y-(v^Y=l; XII...NS^ + NV^=1; 204, (6.), XXV., XXVI. XIII...Nfs^ + V^^i = l; XIV...Tfs^ + V^yi; 204,(9.) or by the system of equations, XV. ..S^ = a:, f V^V = a:2-l(<0), 204,(4.) representing a system of circles, with the spheric surface for their locus. * The notation Na, for (Ta)^, although not formally introduced before Art. 273, had been used by anticipation in 200, (3.), page 188. t That is to say, the spheric surface through A, with o for centre. Compare the Note to page 197. P « III., ..eK^=l; a a IV.. •<-> V...Tp = «; VI.. .Tp = Ta; VII. ..T?=l; a viii...s^-"= = 0; IX.. .Ni^ = N«: X... Np = Na: 632 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. (2.) Other forma of equation, for the same spheric surface, may on the same principles be assigned ; for example we may write, N- = l; XVIII. . .T- = l; P P i^^=l; XXI...S-^=1; p^-a p+a XVI.. a p' XVII. . . XIX. p-a ir ^ ■•^p+a~2' XX. . . s or (comp. 186, (5.), and 200, (3.)), XXII. . . ,T(p-ca) = T(cp-a), c2^1; under which last form, the sphere may be considered to be generated by the revolu' Hon of the circle, which has been already spoken of as the Apollonian'^ Locus. (3.) And from awy one to any other, of all these various /orms, it is possible? and easy io pass, by general Rules of Transformation,-^' which were established in the Second Book : while each of them is capable of receiving, on the principles of the same Book, a Geometrical Interpretation. (4.) But we could not, on the principles of the Second Book alone, advance to such subsequent equations of the same sphere, as XXIII. . . p2 = a2, or XXIV. . . p2 + ^2 = o, 282, VII. XIII. whereof the latter includes (282, (9.)) the important equation p2 + 1 = 0, or p2 = _ i^ of what we have called the Unit-Sphere (128) ; nor to such an exponential expres- sion for the variable vector p of the same spheric surface, as XXV. . . p = aktj^kj-^k't, 308, XVIII. in which j and k belong to the fundamental system ijk of three rectangular unit- lines (295), connected by the fundamental Formula A of Art. 183, namely, ii=j2=k^ = ijk = -l, (A) while s and / are two arbitrary and scalar variables, with simple geometricalX signi- fications : because we were not then prepared to introduce any symbol, such as p', or k\ which should represent a square or other /?ower of a vector. % And similar re- * Compare the first Note to page 128. f This richness of transformation, o^ quaternion expressions or equations, has been noticed, by some friendly critics, as a characteristic of the present Calculus. In the preceding parts of this work, the reader may compare pages 128, 140, 183, 573, 574, 575; in the two last of which, the variety of the expressions for the second curvature (r-^) of a curve in space may be considered worthy of remark. On the other hand, it may be thought remarkable that, in this Calculus, a single expression, such as that given by the first formula (389, IV.) of page 532, adapts itself with equal ease to the determination of the vector (k) of the centre of the osculating circle, to a plane curve, and to a curve of double curvature, as has been sufficiently exemplified in the foregoing Section. J Compare the second Note to page 365. § It is true that the formula A was established in the course of the Second Book (page 160) ; but it is to be remembered that the symbols ijk were there treated as de- noting a system oi three right versors, in three mutually rectangular planes (181) : CHAP. III.] EQUATION OF ELLIPSOID RESUMED. 633 marks apply to the representation, by quaternions, of other surfaces of the second order. 404. A brief review, or recapitulation^ of some of the chief ex- pressions connected with the Ellipsoid^ for example, which have been already established in thesQ Elements ^ with references to a few others, may not be useless here. (1.) Besides the vector expression p = cca + yj^ + 2y, with the scalar relation a;2 + y2+2?=l, and with arbitrary vector values of the constants a, /3, y, which was lately cited (402) from the First Book, or the equations 403, I., without the conditions 403, I'., II'. which are peculiar to the sphere, there were given in the Second Book (204, (IB.), (14.)) equations which differed from those lately num- bered as 403, XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV., only by the substitution of V ^ for V ^ ; for instance, there was the equation, analogous to 403, XI., and representing generally* an ellipsoid, regarded as the locus of a certain system of ellipses, which were thus substituted for the circles^ (403, XV.) of the sphere, by a species of geometrical deformation, which led to the establishment of certain homologies (developed in the sub-articles to 274). although it has since been found possible and useful, in this Third Book, to identify those right versors with their own indices or axes (295), and so to treat them as a system of three rectangular lines, as above. * In the case of parallelism of the two vector constants (j3 1| a), the equation I. represents generally a Spheroid of revolution, with its axis in the direction of a; while in the contrary case of perpendicularity (fi J- a), the same equation I. repre- sents an elliptic Cylinder, with its generating lines in the direction of j3. Compare 204, (10.), (11.), and the Note to page 224. t The equation I. might also have been thus written, on the principles of the Se- cond Book, whence it would have followed at once (comp. 216, (7.)), that the ellipsoid I. is cut in two circles, with a common radius = T/3, by the two diametral planes, + s|=o, s£-s^=o. In fact, this equation I', is what was called in 359 a cyclic form, while I. itself is what was there called dL focal form, of the equation of the surface ; the lines a'^ ± (i'^ being, by the Third Book, the two (real) cyclic normals, while ^ is one of the two (^re&\) focal lines of the (imaginary) asymptotic cone. Compare the Note to page 474. 4 M 634 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. (2.) Employing still only quotients of vectors^ but introducing two other pairs of vector-constants, y, 5 and i, k, instead of the pair a, (3 in the equation I., which were however connected with that pair and with each other by certain assigned re- lations, that equation was transformed successively to II...T(e.+ K^^ = l, 216, X. and to a form which may be written thus (comp. 217, (5.)), III. . . T f t + K - . p Vp =Tt«- T/c2; 217, XVI. (e + K^^.p^Tp and this last form was interpreted, so as to lead to a Hule of Construction* (217, (6.), (7.)), which was illustrated by a Biagram (Fig. 63), and from which many geometrical properties of that surface were deduced (218, 219) in a very simple manner, and were confirmed by calculation with quaternions : the equation and con- struction being also modified afterwards, by the introduction (220) of a new pair of vector-constants, i' and k', which were shown to admit of being substituted for t and K, in the recent form III. (3.) And although the Equation of Conjugation, IV. ..S-S^-s(v^.r^Vl» 316, LXIII. a a \ (3 i3 ; which connects the vectors X, p, of any two points l, m, whereof one is on the polar plane of the other, with respect to the ellipsoid I., was not assigned till near the end of the First Chapter of the present Book, yet it was there deduced by principles and processes of the Second Book alone : which thus were adequate, although not in the most practically convenient way, to the treatment of questions respecting tangent planes and normals to an ellipsoid, and similarly for other surfaces^ of the same second order. * This Construction of the Ellipsoid, by means of a Generating Triangle and a Diacentric Sphere (page 227), is believed to have been new, when it was deduced by the writer in 1846, and was in that year stated to the Royal Irish Academy (see its Proceedings, vol. iii. pp. 288, 289), as a result of the Method of Quater- nions, which had been previously communicated by him to that Academy (in the year 1843). f The following are a few other references, on this subject, to the Second Book. Expressions for a Right Cone (or for a single sheet of such a cone) have been given in pages 119, 179, 220, 221. In page 179 the equation S ^ S ^ = 1, has been as- a p signed, with a transformation in page 180, to represent generally a Cyclic Cone, or a cone of the second order, with its vertex at the origin ; and to exhibit its cyclic planes, and subcontrary sections (pp. 181, 182). Bight Cylinders hsive occurred in pages 193, 196, 197, 198, 199, 218. A case of an Elliptic Cylinder has been already mentioned (the case when /3 -J- a in I.) ; and a transformation of the equa- tion III. of the Ellipsoid, by means of reciprocals and norms of vectors, was assigned in page 298. And several expressions (comp. 403), for a Sphere of which the ori- CHAP. III.] TRANSFORMATIONS OF THE EQUATION. 635 (4.) But in this Third Book we have been able to write the equation III. under the simpler form,* V. . . T (tp + pk) = k:2 - t2, 282, XXIX. which has again admitted of numerous transformations ; for instance, of all those which are obtained by equating (k2-i2)2 to any one of the expressions 336, (5.), for the square of this last tensor in V., or for the norm of the quaternion tp + p/c ; cyc/ic ybrms t of equation thus arising, which are easily converted into focal forms (359); while a rectangular transformation (373, XXX.) has subsequently been assigned, whereby the lengths (abc), and also the directions, of the three semiaxes of the surface, are expressed in terms of the two vector-constants, i, k : the results thus obtained by calculation being found to agree with those previously deduced, from the geometrical construction (2.) in the Second Book. (5.) The equation V. has also been differentiated (336), and a normal vector v = = S/>0/) = l; the asymptotic cone (real or imaginary) being represented by the connected equation, II. ..//> = S/>0/> = O; and the equation of conjugation, between the vectors />, p' of any two points P, p', which are conjugate relatively to this surface I. (comp. 362, and 404, (3.), see also 373, (20.)), being, III. . . f{p, p') =f{p', p) = Spp' = S/>'0/> = 1 ; while the differential equation of the surface is of the form (361), IV. . . = dfp = 2Si'dp, with V. . . 1/ = 0/> ; this vector-function 0/>, which represents the normal v to the surface, being at once linear and self- conjugate (361, (3.)) ; and the surface itself being the locus of all the poiiits p which are conjugate to them- selves, so that its equation I. may be thus written, I'. ../(/>, rt = l, because f{p,p)=fp, by 362, IV. (1.) Such being the /orm of ^p, it has been seen that there are always ^Aree real and rectangular unit-lines, ai, a^i as, and three real scalars, ci, cg, C3, such as to satisfy (comp. 357, III.) the three vector equations, VI. . . az = -C2a2, ^as^-czas; whence also these three scalar equations are satisfied, VII./ai = ci, /a2 = C2, /a3 = C3; and therefore (comp. 362, VII.)) VIII. . ./(crJai)=/(c2-^a2)=/(03ia3) = l. (2.) It follows then that the three (real or imaginary) rectangular lines, IX. . . ^1 = cr'ai, (32 = C2-^a2, ^3 = cs^az, are the three (real or imaginary) vector semiaxes of the surface I. ; and that the three (positive or negative) sca/ars, c\, C2, C3, namely the ^/iree roofs of the scaZar and cm6ic equation* M=. (comp. 367, (1.))j ^^^ t^® (always real) inverse squares of the three (real or imaginary) scalar semiaxes, of the same central surface of the second order. * It is unnecessary here to write Mo= 0, as in page 462, &c, because the func- tion f is here supposed to be self- conjugate ; its constants being also real. CHAP. III.] GENERAL CENTRAL SURFACE. 637 (3.) For the reality of that surface I., it is necessary and suflScient that one at least of the three scalars cy, C2, c^ should be positive ; if all be such, the surface is an ellipsoid ; if two^ but not the third, it is a single- sheeted hyperholoid ; and if only one, it is a double- sheeted hyperholoid : those scalars being here supposed to be each j^niVe, and different from zero. (4.) We have already seen (357, (2.)) how to obtain the rectangular transfor- mation, X. . .fp = ci {Saipf + C2(Sa2,o)2 + C3(Sa3p)2, which may now, by IX., be thus written, XI. . ./p = (S/3rW + (S/32-ip)2+(S^3->p)2; but it is to be remembered that, by (2.) and (3.), one or even two of these three vec- tors /3i/32i33 may become imaginary, without the surface ceasing to be real. (5.) We had also the cyclic transformation (357, II. II.'), XII. . .fp=gp^ + S\pfip = p^(g-SXp) + 2S\tjSpp, in which the scalar g and the vector \, fi are real, and the latter have the directions of the two (real) cyclic normals ; * in fact it is obvious on inspection, that the surface is cut in circles, by planes perpendicular to these two last lines. (6.) It has been proved that the four real scalars, ciczcsg, and the^ue real vec- tors, aiaza^Xp, are connected by the relationsf (357, XX. and XXI.), XIU. . . ci = -g-T'Kix, C2 = -5'+SX/i, C3 = -g + TXp; XIV. . . ai= U (Xl> - fxTX), aa = UVX/x, 03 = U(\T/z + /iTX) ; at least if the three roots C1C2C3 of the cubic M—0 be arranged in algebraically as- cending order (357, IX.), so that ci ; and it represents an elliptic cylinder. (9.) Again, if c^ ~ 0, or g = SXp, the equation becomes, XVI. . . 2SXpS^p = 1, and represents an hyperbolic cylinder ; the root ci being in this case negative, while the remaining root cs is positive. * Compare the Note to page 468 ; see also the proof by quaternions, in 373, (16.), &c., of the known theorem, that any two subcontrary circular sections are homosphe- rical, with the equation (373, XLIV.) of their common sphere, which is found to have its centre in the diametral plane of the two cyclic normals X, p. t These relations and a few others mentioned are so useful that, although they occurred in an earlier part of the work, it seems convenient to restate them here. 638 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. (10.) But if we suppose that c^ = 0, or <7 = TX^, so that ci and C2 are both nega- tive, the equation may (by 357, XXIII.) be reduced to the form, XVII. . . (SXfipy + (SXpTfi - SfipTXy = - TXfi - S\/i < ; it represents therefore, in this case, nothing real, although it may be said to be, in the same case, the equation of an imaginary* elliptic cylinder. (11.) It is scarcely worth while to remark, that we have here supposed each of the two vectors X and {i to be not only real but actual {^krt. 1) ; iorii either of them were to vanish, the equation of the surface would take by XII. the form, XVIII. . . p2 =g-i, or XVIII'. ,.Tp= i-gyi, and would represent a real or imaginary sphere, according as the scalar constant g was negative or positive : X and fi have also distinct directions, except in the case of surfaces of revolution. (12.) In general, it results from the relations (6.), that the plane of the two (real) cyclic normals, X, p,, is perpendicular to the (real) direction of that (real or imagi- nary) semiaxis, of which, when considered as a scalar (2.), the inverse square ci is algebraically intermediate between the inverse squares Ci, cz of the other two ; or that the two diametral and cyclic planes (SXp — 0, S/ip = 0) intersect in that real line (YXp) which has the direction of the real unit-vector a-i (1.), corresponding to the mean root c^ of the cubic equation J/= : all which agrees with known results, re- specting the circular sections of the (reaiy ellipsoid, and of the two hyperboloids. 406. Some additional light may be thrown on the theory of the central surface 405, I., by the consideration of its asymptotic cone 405, II. ; of which cone^ by 405, XII., the equation may be thus written, I. . . //> ^9P^ t ^^Pf^P = pHg- SXytt) + 2S\pSjiip = ; and which is real or imaginary, according as we have the inequa- lity, II. ..g^< \^jii\ or III. . . g^> XV ; that is, by 405, (6.), according as the product c^c^ of the extreme roofs of the cubic M= is negative or positive ; or finally, according as the surface fp = \ is a (real) hyperboloids or an ellipsoid (real or imaginaryf). * In the Section (III. ii. 6) above referred to, many symbolical results have been established, respecting imaginary cyclic normals, or focal lines, &c., on which it is unnecessary to return. But it may be remarked that as, when the scalar function fp admits of changing sign, for a change of direction of the real vector p, so as to be positive for some such directions, and negative for others, although/(— jo)=/(+ p), the two equations, /p =+ 1, /p = - 1, represent then two real and conjugate hyperbo- loids, oi different species : so, when the function /p is either essentially positive, or else essentially negative, for real values of p, the equations /p = 1 and fp = — 1 may then be said to represent two conjugate ellipsoids, one real, and the other imaginary. t Compare the Note immediately preceding ; also the second Note to page 474. CHAP. III.] CONES OF THE SECOND ORDER. 63^ (1.) As regards the asserted reality of the cone I., when the condition II. is sa- tisfied, it may suffice to observe that if we cut the cone by the plane, IV...SX(p-,.)=-^, the section is a circle of the real and diacentric sphere, V. . . p2 = 2S/ip, or v. . . (p - /i)3 = ;^2 . and a real circle, because it is on the real cylinder of revolution, VI. . . TV(p - jti)UX = (T/i3 _^2T\-2)i, so that its radius is equal to this last real radical. (2.) For example, the cone VII...S^S^ = 1, or Vir. ..2(SapS/3p-aV) = 0, a p which under the form VII. occurred as early as 196, (8.), and for which \ = a, fi = (3f g = Sa/3 - 2a^, and therefore TXfi +g>0, the condition II. reduces itself to TXfj,-g > ; or after division by 2Ta^, &c., to the form (comp. 199, XII.), VIII. ..KT4S)^>1, or Vlir.^>l; and accordingly, when either of these two last inequalities exists, it will be found that the sphere S — = 1 is cm< by the plane S - = 1 in a real circle, the base of a real p a cone VII. (3.) As an example of the variety of processes by which problems in this Calcu- lus may be treated, we might propose to determine, by the general formula 389, IV., the vector k of the centre of the osculating circle to the curve IV. V., considered merely as an intersection of two surfaces. The first derivatives of the equations would allow us to assume p' = VX(p — jw), and therefore p" = Xp'', whence, by the formula, we have TV , P'^ , P' SpX+V/iX . the section is therefore a circle, because its centre of curvature is constant ; and its radius is, X.,.r = T(p-K) = T(p-/u4-^X-i) = (T/i2-^2TX-2>, = the radius of the cylinder VI. (4.) When the opposite inequality III. exists, the radius X., the cylinder VI., the circle IV. V., and the cone I., become all four imaginary ; the plane IV. being then wholly external to the sphere V., as happens, for instance, with the plane and sphere in (2.), when the condition VIII. or VIII'. is reiiersed. (5.) In the intermediate case, when XI. . .g'^ = X^ii^, or XI'. . . g = T TXju, the radius r in X. vanishes ; the right cylinder VI. reduces itself to its axis ; and the circle IV. V. becomes a point, in which the sphere is touched by the plane. In this case, then, the cone I. is reduced to a single (real*) right line, which has * It may however be said, that in this case the cone consists of a pair of imagi- nary planes, which intersect in a real right line. 640 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. (compare the equations of the elliptic cj/linders, 405, XV. XVII.) the direction of XT;* — fiT\, if g = — TX/i, but the perpendicular direction of XT/* + ftTX, if g = + TX/tt. (6.) In general (comp. 405, X.), the equation of the cone I. admits of the rect- angular transformation, XII. . .fp = ciCSaip)2 + C2(Sa2p)2 + 03(803,0)' = ; and the two sub-cases last considered (5.) correspond respectively (by 405, (6.)) to the evanescence of the roots ci, cz of the cubic 71/= 0, with the resulting directions ai, 03 of the only real side of the cope. An analogous but intermediate case (comp. 405, (9.)) is that when C2 = 0, or ^r = SXfi ; in which case, the cone I. reduces itself to the pair of (real) planes, XIII. . . SXp . S^p = 0, namely to the asymptotic planes of the hyperbolic cylinder 405, XVI., or to those which are usually the two cyclic* planes of the cone. (7.) The case (comp. 394,^(29.)), XIV. . .5'=-SX/i, or XIV. . . ci-C24-C3 = 0, for which the equation I. of the cone becomes, XV. . . =/p = 2(SXpS/ip - p2SX/i) = 2S(V\p .V/xp), may deserve a moment's attention. In this case, the two planes, of Xp and /zp, which connect the two cyclic normals X and p with an arbitrary side p of the cone, are always rectangular to each other ; and these two normals to the cyclic planes are at the same time*icfes of the cone, which thus is cut in circles, by planes perpen- dicular to those two sides. And because the equation of the cone may (in the same case) be thus written, XVI. . . TV(X +p)p = TV(X - /i) p, while the lengths of X and p may vary, if their product TXp be left unchanged, so that X + p and X- p may represent any two lines from the vertex, in the plane of the two cyclic normals, and harmonically conjugate with respect to them, it follows that, /or this cone XV., the sines of the inclinations of an arbitrary side p, to these two new lines, have a constant ratio to each other. (8.) In general, the second form I. of /p shows (comp. 394, (23.)), that the con- stant product of the sines of the inclinations, of a side p of the cone to the two cyclic planes, has for expression,,.e = j(^ + cos.^]; while the first form I. of the same function /p reproduces the condition of reality II., by showing that g : TX/t is (for a real cone) the cosine of a real angle, namely, that of the quaternion product Xppp, since it gives the relation, XVIII. . . -|- = SUXp/ip = cos L Xpfip = cos L ^^. IXp A. * The cones and surfaces which have a common centre, and common values of the vectors X and fj, but different values of the scalar g, may thus be said, in a known phraseology, to be biconcyclic. CHAP. III.] ARCUAL AXES AND FOCI OF A SPHERO-CONIC. 641 (9.) We may also observe that in the case of reality II., with exclusion of the sub-case (6.), if 03 have the direction of the internal axis of the cone, so that XIX.<0, C2<0, C3>0, or XIX'. . . ^>S\ju, gp=gp + YXpix. Inverting this linear function > ci-J > C2-1, instead of the inequalities 358, III., or 359, XXXVII., we are now to change, in the earlier formulae referred to, the symbols cic^czoiazaz to cscicsasaiaa, so that we have now the values, XXXIII. .. a = -ci, & = C3-ci+C2, if T/3 = T/3' = 1. (14.) And as regards the interpretation of the unifocal form XXXI., with these last values, it is evidently contained in this other equation, XXXIV. . . sin z ^- . sec 4 = n^ = ( 'iZSlllA^ = const. ; the sines of the inclinations of an arbitrary side (p) of the cone, to a. focal line (a), * In fact, the bisecting radii op are parallel to the supplementary chords m'q, if mm' be a diameter of the sphere ; and the locus of all such chords is a cyclic cone, resting on the small circle as its base. CHAP. III.] SYSTEM OF CONFOCAL SURFACES. 643 and to the corresponding rfiVec^or jo/ane (-1-/3), thus bearing to each other (as is well known) a constant ratio, which remains unchanged when we pass to the other (real) /ocaZ line (a'), and at the same time to the other (real) director plane (-1- /3') : and the focal plane of these two lines (a, a') being perpendicular to that one of the three axes, which corresponds to the root (here ci, by XXXIT.) of the cubic, of which the reciprocal is algebraically intermediate between the reciprocals of the other two. (15.) It is, however, more symmetric to employ the bifocal transformation (comp. 360, VI.*), XXXV. . . = (Sap)2 - 2eSapSap + (Sa»2 + (1 - e2)p2 . in which the scalar constant e has the value (comp. XXIX'.), XXXVI. .. e = cos 2a; and a, a' are the twof real a.nd focal unit lines, recently considered (13.). (16.) The equation XXXV., for the case of a reaZ cone, may be thus written (comp. XXVI. XXXVL), XXXVII. .. L^+ L ^ = cos-i6=2a; a a the sumX of the inclinations of the side p to the two focal lines a, a' being thus con- stant, and equal (as is well known) to the major axis of the spherical conic : and although, when e> 1, the cone becomes imaginary, yet it is then asymptotic to a real ellipsoid, as we shall shortly see. 407. The bifocal form (406, XXXV.) of the equation of a cone may suggest the corresponding /orm, I. . . C-=Cfp = (Sapy-2eSapSa'p + (Sa^py + {l -e^)p\ in which a and a' are given and generally non-parallel unit-lines, while e and C are scalar constants, as capable of representing gene- rally (comp. 360, (2.), (3.)) a central but non-conical surface (fp = 1) of the second order. And we shall find that if, in passing from one such surface to another, we suppose a and a' to remain unchanged^ but e and C to vary together, so as to be always connected by the relation, II... C={e'-l)(e + Saa^)P, in which I is some real, positive, and y^iven scalar, then all the sur- * It is to be remembered that, in the formula here cited, the symbols a, a' did not denote unit- vectors. t When these two vectors a, a' remain constant, but the scalar e changes, there arises a system of biconfocal cones : or, by their intersections with a concentric sphere, a system of biconfocal spheh-conics. Compare the Note to page 640. + Or the difference, according to the choice between two opposite directions, for one of the two focal lines. The angular transformation XXXVII. may be accom- plished, by resolving the equation XXXV. as a quadratic in e, and then interpreting the result. 644 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. faces I. so deduced, or in other words the surfaces represented by the common equation, III. . . I -Pfp (7:rT)(e + SaaO ' with e for the only variable parameter, compose a Confocal System. (1.) The scalar form III. of//3 gives the connected vector form, IV. . . Pv = P^p = °" (-ea> H^a-S(a:- «.)p + (1 - e»)p _ (e2-l) (e + Saa) which may also be thus written, with the value II. of C, V. . . Cv= C 1, and therefore a^ > 52 > c2 > o ; another a single-sheeted hyperboloid, for which e < 1, e> — Saa', d^ > b^> 0> c^ ; and the third a double-sheeted hyperboloid, for which e < - Saa', e>- 1, a2>0 > 62 > c2. CHAP. III.] RECTANGULAR SYSTEM OF THREE NORMALS. 645 (4.) From the other rectangular transformation XI. it follows, that if we denote by vi = ^\p what the normal vector v = (pp becomes, when p remains the same, but e is changed to a second root ei of the equation III. or X. of the surface, considered as a cubic in e, then XII. . . ^^^—^=P(pvi=P-i(l>p = P({>(l)^p- e\ e but XIII. . . S|OVi = Sp V =fip =fp = 1, fip being formed from//?, by the substitution of ei for e ; therefore, XIV. . . 0-Spvi = Svij/ = 0; and they are the directions of the axes of this new surface of the second order (comp. 357, &c.), XXIV. . . Sj/wv = (Spi/)2 - 2Z2SavSaV = 1, in which p is still treated as a constant vector, but v as. a variable one. (8.) The inverse squares of the scalar semiaxes of this new surface (Svwv = 1), are the direct squares b^, 6i2, b^^ of what may be called the mean semiaxes of the three confocals ; these latter squares must therefore be the roots of this new cubic, XXV. . . = wH- m'b^ + m" (62)2 + (62)3^ in which the coefficients m, m', m", deduced here from the new function w, as they were deduced from (p in the Section III. ii. 6, have the values, fm =Z4(Saa'p)2; XXVI. . . )m' = li (Yaay + 2^23 (Yap .Va'p) ; (m"=p2- 222 Saa'. Accordingly, if we observe that (because Ta = Ta'= 1) we have among others the transformation, XXVII. . . (Saa'p)2 = p2 (Yaa'y - (Sap)2 - 2Saa'SapSa'p - (Sa'p^, we can express this last cubic equation XXV., with these values XXVI. of its co- efficients, under the form, XXVIII. . . = (62+p2) {(62_;2Saa')2-Z4} + 2Z2 (62 _ Z2Saa') SapSa'p - 1^ ((Sap)2 + (Sa'p)2) ; which, when we change 6^ by VII. to its value Z2(e + Saa'), and divide by I*, be- comes the cubic in e, or the equation III. under the form, XXIX. . . = («2 - 1) {Z2(e + Saa') + p2} + 2eSapSa'p - (Sap)2- (Sa'p)2. (9.) As an additional test of the consistency of this whole theory and method, the directions of the three axes of the new surface XXIV., or those of the three normals (7.) to the confocals, or the three vector roots (354) of the equation XXIII., ought to admit of being assigned by three expressions of the forms, {nv =\I^(T + b^x^ + ^*<^> XXX. . . |nivi = v^(ri+6i2;^-i + 6-2)v = 0; in which, XXXIV. . . a>-ii/.(Saa'p)2=Vaa'SaaV + Z-2(VopSa'pi/ + Va'pSapv); and from which it follows that the normals v to the confocals through p have the directions of the axes of this new cone, XXXV. . . Svw-' i; = 0, or XXXVI. . . = Z^ (Saa'»^)3 + 2SapvSa'p v, with p treated as a constant, as before. (12.) The vertex of this auxiliary cone being placed at the given point p, of in- tersection of the three confocals, we may inquire in what curve is the cone cut, by the plane of the given focal lines, a, a', drawn through the common ceritre o of all the surface^ III. Denoting by (T = ta + t'a' the vector of a point s of this sought section, and writing XXXVII. . . v = (T-p = ta-\^ t'a - P, the equation XXXVI. gives the relation, XXXVIII. ..«' = - = — - — = const. ; 2 4 the section is therefore an hyperbola, which is independent of the point p, and has the focal lines of the system for its asymptotes. And because its vector equation may be thus written (comp. 371, II.), XXXIX. . . a = ta^-lin-^a, or what may be called its quaternion equation as follows (comp. 371, I.), XL. . . 2Vatr.V(7a' = Z2(Vaa')2, it satisfies the two scalar equations, XLI. . . TO = 0, w' = 0, with the significations XXVL of m and m' ; it is therefore that important curve, which is known by the name of the Focal Hyperbola :\ namely the limit to which * The general expressions for ^pcr and xcr include terms, which vanish when (T = p. t Compare the Notes to pages 231, 505. 648 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. the section of the confocal surface by the plane of its extreme* axes tends, when the mean axis (26) tends to vanish. We are then led thus to the known theorem, that t/J with any assumed point v for vertex, and with the focal hyperbolaf for base, a cone be constructed, the axes of this focal cone have the directions of the normals to the confocals through P. (13.) As regards the Focal Ellipse, its two scalar equations may be deduced from the rectangular form X., by equating to zero both the numerator and the de- nominator of its last term ; they are therefore, XLII. . . S(«-a')p = 0, 2/2 = (SpU(a + a'))3 + f ?^^^y ; the curve being thus given as a perpendicidar section of an elliptic cylinder, with IV2 and /V(l + Saa'), or {a^ - e^)^ and (b^ — c-^-, for the semiaxes of its base, or of the ellipse itself. (14.) The same curve may also be represented by the equations, XLIII. . . Sap = Sa'p, TVap = (b^ - c2)i, or XLIII'. . . Sa'|0 = Sap, TVa'p = (6^ _ c2)i ; which express that it is the common intersection of its own plane (-^ a — a') with two right cylinders,X which have the two focal lines a, a' of the system for their axes of revolution, and have equal radii, denoted each by the radical last written. (15.) In general, the unifocal form (comp. 406, (13.)) of the equation III., namely, XLIV. . . = (1 - e2) (fYapy + 6^) + (S(a' - ea) p)3, in which a and a' may be interchanged, shows that the two equal right cylinders, XLV. . . (Vap)2 + 62 = 0, XLV. . . ( Va'p)2 + 62 = 0, or XLYI. . . TVap = 6, XLVI'. . . TVa'p = 6, which are real if their common radius 6 be such, that is, if the confocal (e) be either an ellipsoid (supposed to be real^, or else a single-sheeted hyperboloid, and which have ih.Q focal lines a, a' of the system for their axes of revolution, envelope^ that confocal surface ; the planes of the two ellipses of contact (which again are real curves, if 6 be real) being given by the equations, XLVII. . . S(a' -ea)p = 0, XLVII'. . . S (a - ea) p = ; so that they pass through the centre o of the surface (or of the system), and are the (real) director planes (comp. 406, (14.)) of the osyw/)fo a-2 > > c-2) ; the second for an ellipsoid (c 2 > b'2 > a-2 > 0) ; and the third for a double-sheeted hyperboloid (a-2 > > c-2 > fe-s^, (21.) Whatever the species of the surface III. maybe, we can always derive from the unifocal form XLIV. of its equation what may be called an Exponential Trans- formation ; namely the vector expression, LIV. . . p = a;a + yNa% with LV. . . x^fa + y2yuVaa'= 1 ; the scalar exponent, t, remaining arbitrary, but the two scalar coefficients, x and y, being connected by this last equation of the second degree : provided that the new constant vector /3 be derived from a, a', and e, by the formula, ^ e + 8aa' which gives after a few reductions (comp. the expression 315, III. for a', when Ta = 1), LVII. . . Va/3=UVaa', S (a' - ca) /3 = 0, Saa'i3=0; LVIII. . . Va 6i2 > > 62, so that the confocal (cg) is here an ellipsoid, and (e) a double-sheeted hyperboloid. (30.) But if , />0 = o, which replaces the former for the case of the asymptotic conefp = 0, may be called by contrast the Equation of Conjugate Directions : in fact, it is satisfied by any two conjugate semidiameters, as may be at once inferred from the differential equation f{p, d/)) = of the surface fp = const, (comp. 362). Each of these two formulge admits of nu- merous applications, among which we shall here consider the deduction, and some of the transformations, of the Equation of a Circumscribed Cone, III. . . {f(p, p')-lf={fp-l)(fp'-\); which may also be considered as the Condition ofContacty of the right line pp' with the surface fp= 1. (1.) In this last view, the equation III. may be at once deduced, as the condi- tion of equal roots in the scalar and quadratic equation (comp. 216, (2.), and 316, (30.)), I V. . . =f(xp + afp') - (a; + xy, or V. . . 0=ar2(/p-l)-l-2a;x'(/((0, p')- 1) + a:'2(/p'- 1); which gives in general the two vectors of intersection, as the two values of the ex- xp + x'p' pression — — . *^ x + x' (2.) If we treat the point p' as given^ and denote the two secants drawn from it in any given direction t by ti^T and t-f^T, then t\ and t% are the roots of this other quadratic, f{p'+t'h) = 1, or VI. . . =f(tp' + r) - p.Spipp-Sp (SrUi.)2 + (ei - e,)"! (SrUvi)s + (ea - c,)-i (SrUj/2)2, which thus is a form of the equation of the circumscribed cone to (e^), with its ver- tex at a given point p : the confocal character (11) of all such cones being hereby exhibited anew. (13.) It follows also from XXXI., that the axes of every cone thus circumscribed have the directions of the normals v, v\, v^ to the three confocals through p ; and this known theoremf may be otherwise deduced, from the Equation of Confocals (407, LXV.), by our general method, as follows. That equation gives V,— V II (^v (because v, = <^v'), and therefore, XXXII. . . {y^~v)^vv=ip,v{fQ-l\ Vvj/,Si^v,+ Vi/0,v(l-/p) = O; changing then V to S, and v to r, we see that v, vi, 1/2, as being the roots (3.54) of this last vector quadratic XXXII., have the directions of the axes of the cone, with r for side, XXXIII. . ./Xp, r)2+/r.(l-/p) = 0; that is, by VIIL, the directions of the axes of the cone of tangents, from p to (ej. (14.) As an application of the formula XIV., with the abridged symbols r and i; of (5.) for p — p' and Vpp', the condition of contact of the line pp' with the confo- cal (e) becomes, by the expressions 407, III., XVIII., and VII. for the functions /, F, and the squares a^, b% c\ the following quadratic in e : XXXIV. . . (Sar)« - 2eSarSaV + (Sa'r)2 + (1 - e«) t2 = l'^ (Sava'v - eu2) ; there are therefore in general (as is known) two confocals, say (c) and (e J, of a given system, which touch a given right line ; and their parameters,"^ e and e^, are the two roots of the last equation : for instance, their sum is given by the formula, XXXV. . . (e + e,)r2 = l-^v^ - 2SarSaV. * This theorem (which includes that of 407, (30.)) is cited from Jacobi, and is proved, in page 143 of Dr. Salmon's Treatise, referred to in several former Notes, t Compare the second Note to page 648. X This name of parameter is here given, as in 407, to the arbitrary constant e = — -, of which the value distinguishes one confocal (e) of a system from another. CHAP. III.] CIRCUMSCRIBED RIGHT CONES. 651 (15.) Conceive then that p is a given semidiameter of a given confocal (e), and that djO is a tangent, given in direction, at its extremity ; the equation XXXIV. will then of course be satisfied,* if we change r to dp, and v to Vpdp, retaining the given value of e ; but it will also be satisfied, for the same p and dp ("or for the same r and v), when we change e to this new parameter, XXXVI. ..e=-e-\- 2SaUdp . Sa'Udp - ^2 (VpUdp)2 ; that is to say, the new confocal (e ), with a parameter determined by this last for- mula, will touch the given tangent to the given confocal (e). (16.) If we at once make /2 = Q in the equation 407, III. of a Confocal System of Central Surfaces, leaving the parameter e finite, we fall back on the system 406, XXXV. of Biconfoeal Cones ; but if we conceive that V^ only tends to zero, and that e at the same time tends to positive infinity, in such a manner that ihQic pro- duct tends to a. finite limit, r^, or that XXXVII. ..lim.; = 0, lira. 6=00, lim.eZ2 = r2, then the equation of the surface (e) tends to this limiting form, XXXVIII. . . p3 + r8= 0, or XXXVIII'. . . Tp = r ; a system of biconfoeal cones is therefore to be combined with a system of concentric spheres, in order to make up a complete confocal system. (17.) Accordingly, any given right line pp' is in general touched by only one cone of the system just referred to, namely by that particular cone (e), for which (comp. XXXIV.) we have the value, XXXIX. . . e= SawaV, or XXXIX'. . . c + Sua' = 2SauSa'u-i, with V = ypp', as before, so that v is perpendicular to the given plane opp', which contains the vertex and the line ; in fact, the reciprocals of the biconfoeal cones 406, XXXV., when a, a' are treated as given unit lines, but e as a variable para- meter^ compose the biconcyclief system (comp. 407, XVIII.), XL. . . Sava'v = ev^. But, besides the tangent cone thus found, there is a tangent sphere with the same centre o ; of which, by passing to the limits XXXVIL, the radius r may be found from the same formula XXXIV. to be, r p-p and such is in fact an expression (comp. 316, L.) for the length of the perpendicular from the origin on the given line pp'. (18.) In general, the equation XXXIV. is a form of the equation of the cone, with p for its variable vector, which has a given vertex p', and is circumscribed to a given confocal (e). Accordingly, by making e = -Saa' in that formula, we are * In fact it follows easily from the transformations (6.), that fp ./dp - a-26-2c-2FVpdp =/(p, dp)2. t The bifocal form of the equation of this reciprocal system of cones XL. was given in 406, XXV., but with other constants (\, p,, g), connected with the cyclic form (406, I.) of the equation of the given system. 4 p 658 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. led (after a few reductions, comp. 407, XXVII.) to an equation which may be thu3 written, XLII. . . 0=Z2(SaaV)H2Sap'rSayr, with the variable side T = p-p', as before ; and which differs only by the substitution of p' and r for p and v, from the equation 407, XXXVI. for that focal cone, which rests on the focal hyperbola. The other (real) focal cone which has the same arbi- trary vertex p', but rests on the focal ellipse, has for equation, XLIII. . . Z2(S(a-a')r)2 = Saua'u-i/2, as is found by changing e to 1 in the same formula XXXIV. (19.) It is however simpler, or at least it gives more symmetric results, to change e^ in XXXI. to — Saa' for the focal hyperbola, and to + 1 for the focal elUpse, in order to obtain the two real focal cones with p for vertex, which rest on those two curves; while that third and wholly imaginary focal cone, which has the same ver- tex, but rests on the known imaginary focal curve, in the plane of h and c, is found by changing e^ to — 1. This imaginary focal cone, and the two real ones which rest as above on the hyperbola and ellipse respectively, may thus be represented by the three equations, XLIV. . . = a-2(SrUi;)2 + «r2(SrUi/i)2 + «2-2(SrUv2)2 ; XLV. . . = 6-2(SrU»/)2 + 6i-2(SrUvi)2 + 62-2(SrUr2)2; XLVI. . . = c-2 (SrUj/)2 + cr^ (SrUj/i)2 + C2-2 (SrUj/a)^ ; r being in each case a side of the cone, and v, v\, v^ having the same significations as before. (20.) On the other hand, if we place the vertex of a circumscribed cone at a point p of Bifocal curve, real or imaginary, the enveloped surface being the confocal (c,), we find first, by XXX., for the reciprocal cones, or cones of normals a, with the same order of succession as in (19.), the three equations, XLVII...a2(sUv(r)2 = a^2. XLVIII...62(SUi/0 for the first, and c2 < for the second ; 6 being the mean semiaxis of the ellipsoid, which passes through a given point of the focal hyperbola, and c2 being the negative and algebraically least square of a scalar semiaxis of the double-sheeted hyperboloid, •which passes through a given point of the /oca/ ellipse: while, in each case, v has the direction of the normal to the surface, which is also the tangent to the curve at that point, and is at the same time the axis of revolution of the cone. (22.) The semiangles b) ; and the other cone LII. is imaginary, if the surface (ej be either any ellipsoid (c, real), or else an exterior and dowfiZe-sheeted hyperbo- loid (a,2< a"^, c^_c2). Accordingly it is known that the focal hyper- bola, which is the locus of the vertex of the cone LI., lies entirely inside every double- sheeted hyperboloid of the system ; while the focal ellipse, which is in like manner the locus of the vertex of the cone LII., is interior to every ellipsoid: and real tan- gents to a sin^'Zc- sheeted hyperboloid can be drawn, from every real point of space. (2-3.) The twelve points (whereof only four at most can be real), in which a surface (e) or (abc') is cut by the three focal curves, are called the Umbilics of that surface ; the vectors, say w, w,, w^^, of three such umbilics, in the respective planes of ca, ab, be, are : LV. ..(u =^(a + a') + ^(a-a'); ^,,^ aCa + a) \/^bYaa' 1 - baa 1 — Saa LVlL...=i^^Z^^-^^I^I^; " l + Saa' 1+Saa' ' and the others can be formed from these, by changing the signs of the terms, or of some of them. The four real umbilics of an ellipsoid are given by the formula LV., &ud those oi a. double-sheeted hyperboloid by LVI., with the changes of sign just mentioned. (24.) In transforming expressions of this sort, it is useful to observe that the ex- pressions for the squares of the semiaxes, a2 = Z3(e + l), 62 = Z2(e + Saa'), e^ = P(ie-l), 407, VII. combined with Ta = Ta'= 1, give not only a^ — c^ = 2P, but also, and LX. . . TVaa' = V(l - (Saa')2) = sin Z - = l'^ (cfi - &2)J (62 _ c-i)h, with the verification, that because LXI. . . (a - a) (a + a') = 2Vaa', therefore LXI'. . . T(a - a').T(a + a') = 2T Vaa'. We have also the relations, LXII. . . T(a-i-a')-2 + T(a-a)-2 = (TVaa')-'; LXIII. . . T (a + a')-^ - T (a - a')"^ = Saa'. (T Vaa')"' ; with others easily deduced. 660 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. (25.) The expression LV. conducts to the following among other consequences, which all admit of elementary verifications,* and may be illustrated by the annexed Fig. 84. Let u, u' be the two real points in which an ellipsoid (ahc) is cut by one branch of the focal hyperbola, with h for summit, and with r for its interior focus ; the adjacent major summit of the surface being e, and r, r' being (as in the Figure) the adjacent points of intersection of the same surface with the focal lines a, a', that is, with the asymptotes to the hyperbola. Let also v, t be the points in which the same asymptotes a, a' meet the tangent to ^ Y\s.. 84. the hyperbola at u, or the normal to the ellipsoid at that real umbilic, of which we may suppose that the vector ou is the w of the formula LV. ; and let s be the foot of the perpendicular on this normal to the surface, or tangent TV to the curve, let fall from the centre o. Then, besides the obvious values, LXIV. ..oE = «, 0F = (a'-c2)J, 3H = (a2-5^>\ and the obvious relations, that the intercept tv is bisected at u, and that the point F is at once a summit of the focal ellipse, and a focus of that other ellipse in which the surface is cut by the plane (ac) of the tigure, we shall have these vector expres- sions (comp. 371, (3.), and 407, VIII. LXI.) : LXV. . . ov = (a + c) a, OT = («-c)a', TV = a(a-a')+ c(a + a'); LXVI. . . su-i = 0w = - — (a + a') - — ' (a - a'), su = - ac : tu ; LXVII. . . OR = — — = ab-^cUf ok' = - — ; = ab'ha' ; V/a V/a whence follow by (24.) these other values, LXVIII. . . ov = « + c, oT = a-c, TV = 26; LXIX. . . TU = uv =^ &, sij = or = or' = «6~^c; LXX. . . 6xj = Ta» = (a2_62 + e2)i; LXXI. . . OS = (a^ - 62 4. c2 _ «2J-2c2)J = 6-1 (,, respectively. And such an imaginary right line, which is easily proved to satisfy, for all values of the variable e', both the rect- angular and the bifocal forms of the equation of the surface (e), or to be (in an imaginary sense) wholly contained upon that surface, may be called an Umbilicar Generatrix. (31.) There are in general eight such generatrices of any central surface of the second order, whereof each connects three umbilics, in the three principal planes^ two passing through each of the twelve umbilicar points (28.) ; and because e'^ dis- appears from the square of the expression LXXX. for p, which square reduces itself to the following, LXXXI. . . p2 = - Z2 (2e' + e + Saa) = - 62 _ 2Pe, they may be said to be the eight generating lines through the four imaginary points, in which the surface meets the circle at infinity. (32.) In general, from the cubics in e and in b'^, or from either of them, it may be without diflSculty inferred (comp. (28.)), that the eight intersections (v&dX ox imsL- ginary) of any three confocals (cq) (ei) (^2) have their vectors p represented by the formula : y ±aQa\a2 V— l&o6i&2 coC\C2 LXXXII. . . p— —^ jT + l\a ^ a') - /3 Vaa' " ^2 (a - a) ' comparing which with the vector expression LXXX., we see that the three confo- cals, through the point determined by that former expression, for any given value of c', are (e), (e'), and (e') again ; and therefore that two of the three confocal surfaces ihxo-agh. any point oiaxi umbilicar generatrix {ZQ.') coincide : a result which gives in a new way (comp.LXXV.) the expression LXXXI. for p2. (33.) The locus of all such generatrices, for all the confocals (e) of the sy.stem, is a certain ruled surface, of which the doubly variable vector may be thus expressed, as a function of the two scalar variables, e and e' : TYYYTTT ' +/rg + !>(«'+ 1) , M~U{ e+Saay{e'+Saa) LiAAAiii. . . Pee = ; r — ; a-\-a \aa . l(e-l)He-l) and because we have thus, for any one set of signs, the differential relation, LXXXIV. . . Drp„e=aD./,p„/, LXXXV. CHAP. III.] DEVELOPABLE LOCUS AND ENVELOPE. G63 it follows that this ruled locus is a Developable Surface : its edge of regression being that wholly imaginary curve, of which the vector is pc,e, and which is therefore by (32.) the locus of all the imaginary points, through each of which pass three coinci- dent confocals. (34.) The only real part of this imaginary developable consists of the two real focal curves, which are double lines upon it, as are also the imaginary focal, and the circle at infinity (31.) ; and the scalar equation of the same imaginary surface, ob- tained by elimination of the two arbitrary scalars e and e, is found to be of the eighth degree, namely the following : = 2m2a^ + 22ni (m - n)arV + 2(/>2 - Qmn)x*y*^ + 22 (3m2 - np)xY'z'- + 22m2(n -p)x^ + 2^m(mp - 3n2) x*yi + 2(m-n) (n-p)(p- m) x^y^z^ + 2m2 (m^ - 6np)x^ + 2'2mn {mn - 3p-) x'^y^ + 2 S»i2«/> (p -n)x^-\- ni^n^p^ ; in which we have written, for abridgment, LXXXVI. . .x = - S,oU(a + a'), y = - SpUVaa', z = - S|oU(a - a'), and LXXXVIL . . m = 62 _ c2, n = «2_a2^ p = a^-b^, so that LXXXVIIL . . »i + n+j!) = 0; while each sign S indicates a sum of three or of six terms, obtained by cyclical or binary* interchanges. (35.) From the manner in which the equation of this imaginary surface (33.) or (34.) has been deduced, we easily see by (32.) that it has the double property : Lst of being (comp. (20.)) the locus of the vertices of all the (real or imaginary) right cones, which can be circumscribed to the confocals of the system ; and II. nd of being at the same time the common envelope of all those confocals : which envelope accordingly is known to be a developable^ surface. (36.) The eight imaginary lines (31.) will come to be mentioned again, in con- nexion with the lines of curvature of a surface of the second order ; and before closing the present series of subarticles, it may be remarked that the equation in (15.), for the determination of the second confocal (e^ which ^owc^es a given tangent, dp or pp', to a given surface (e) of the same system, will soon appear under a new form, in con- nexion with that theory of geodetic lines, on surfaces of the second order, to which we next proceed. * When xyz and abc are cyclically changed to yzx and bca, then mnp are similarly changed to npm ; but when, for instance, retaining x and a unchanged, we make only binary interchanges of y, z, and of b, c, we then change m, n, and p, to - m, -p, and - n respectively. f This theorem is given, for instance, in page 157 of the several times already cited Treatise by Dr. Salmon, who also mentions the double lines &c. upon the sur- face ; but the present writer does not yet know whether the theory above given, of the eight umbilicar generatrices, has been anticipated: the locus (33.) of which ima- ginary right lines TSO.) is here represented by the vector equation LXXXIIL, from which the scalar equation LXXXV. has been above deduced (34.), and ought to be found to agree (notation excepted) with the known co-ordinate equation of the developable envelope (35.) of a confocal system. 664 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. 409. A general theory of geodetic lines^ as treated by quater- nions, was given in the Fifth Section (III. iii. 5) of the present Chapter ; and was illustrated by applications to several different families of surfaces. We can only here spare room for applying the same theory to the deduction, in a new way, of a few known but principal properties of geodetics on cetitral surfaces of the second or- der ; the differential equation employed being one of those formerly used, namely (comp. 380, IV.), I. . . Yvd?p = 0, if II. . . Td/> = const. ; that is, if the arc of the geodetic be made the independent variable. (1.) In general, for any surface^ of which r is a normal vector, so that the first differential equation of the surface is Srdp = 0, the second differential equation dSi^d/>= gires, by I., for a geodetic on that surface, the expression, III. . . d2ja = -v-»Sdvdp. (2.) Again, the surface yjb = const, being still quite general, if we write (comp. 363, X'., 373, III., &c.), IV. . . d/p = 2Si/dp = 2S t^e thus transformed : XVI. . . e, = ei(TVUi/idp)2 + €2(TVUi'2dp)8 = ei(SU»'2dp)2 + eo(SUjvidp)2 = const. ; where «i, 63 are the parameters of the two confocals through the point p of the geo- detic on (e), and vi, vi are as before the normals at that point, to those two surfaces (7.) In fact, the two equations last cited give the general transformation, XVII. . . Z-2(Vp(r)2-2Sa(TSa'(r = e (V + (vdp)-iSvdpd2p ; of which, under the conditions I. and II., the two last terms vanish, as in III. Without assuming those conditions, if we now introduce the relations VII. which belong to a central surface of the second order, we have by V. and IX. the expres- sion, f XXII. . .\Ah. dp2 = v2Sdrd2p + Srdi/Sdrdp - ASdpdSp = Srdvdp-i.Sj/dpd^p, or XXIIL . . dA = d . v^Sd vdp-i = d . p-2Z)-2 = 2S»/dvdp-iSj/dp-id2p ; or finally, XXIV. , . dA . dp* = 2Si/di^dp . SrdpdZp, the scalar variable with respect to which the differentiations are performed being here entirely arbitrary. (10.) For a geodetic line on any surface, referred thus to any scalar variable, we have by 380, 11. the differential equation, XXV.. . Sj^dpd2p = 0; and therefore by XXIV., for such a line on a central surface of the second order, we have again, as in (3.), XXVI. . . d^ = 0, or XXVI'. . . h = const., with h = p-«i}-2 as in X. (11.) But we now see, by XXIV., that for such a surface the condition XXVI. is satisfied, not only by this differential equation of the second order XXV. but also by this other differential equation, XXVII. . . Sivdj^dp = ; the product P^D-^ (or PD itself) is therefore constant, not only as in (3.) for every * Under this form XX., the integral is easily seen to coincide with that of M. Liouville, fi^ cos^ i + v2 sin2 i = n'i = const., cited in page 290 of Dr. Salmon's Treatise. t In deducing this expression, it is to be remembered that dSdvdp = d/dp = 2Sdi;d2p ; in fact, the linear and self -conjugate form of v = fp gives, Sdp'd2j/=/(dp, d2p)= Sd»'d2p. CHAP. III.] LINES OF CURVATURE. 667 geodetic on the surface, but also for every curve of another set* represented by this last equation XXVII., -which is only of the^r«^ order, and the geometrical meaning of which we next propose to consider. 410. In general, if v and v ■{■ Jlv have the directions of the nor- mals to any surface, at the extremities of the vectors p and p + A/5, the condition of intersection (or parallelism) of these two normals is, rigorously, I. . . Si^Ai/A/) = 0; the differential equation] of what are called the Lines of Curvature^ on an arbitrary surface, is therefore (comp. 409, XXVII.), II. . . Sj^di/d/) = 0; from which we are now to deduce a few general consequences, toge- ther with some that are peculiar to surfaces of the second order. (1.) The differential equation of the surface being, as usual, III. . . Sj/dp = 0, the normal vector v is generally some function of p, although not generally linear, because the surface is as yet arbitrary : its differential dv is therefore generally some function of p and dp, which is linear relatively to the latter. And if, attending only to the dependence of dv on dp, we write IV. . . dv = Yv(pT II r, if Si/r = 0, may easily be deduced from the self-conjugate property of (p, with the help of the formula 348, VJI., in page 440. CHAP. III.] INDEX CURVE AND SURFACE, CONJ. TANGENTS. 669 (6.) The parallelism XII'. may be otherwise expi-essed by saying (comp. (4.)) that XIV. . . dp and Vvdj/ have the directions of conjugate tangents ; or that the two vectors, XV. . . ^p and Yv^v, have ultimately such directions, when TAp diminishes indefinitely. But whatever may be this length of the chord Ap, the vector Yv^v has the direction of the line of intersection of the two tangent planes to the surface, drawn at its two extremi- ties : another theorem of Diipin* is therefore reproduced, namely, that if a develop- able be circumscribed to any surface, along any proposed curve thereon, the generat- ing lines of this developable are everywhere conjugate, as tangents to the surface, to the corresponding tangeiits to the curve, with the recent definition (4.) of such con- jugation. (7.) The following is a very simple mode of proving by quaternions, that if A tangent r satisfies the equation VI., then the rectangular tangent, XVI. . . t'^vt, satisfies the same equation. For this purpose we have only to observe, that the self- conjugate property of ^ gives, by VI. and XVI., XVII. . . = Sr'(/)r = Sr^r'=v-2Syr>r'. (8.) Another way of exhibiting, by quaternions, the mutual rectangularity of the lines of curvature, is by employing (comp. 357, I.) the self-conjugate /orm, XVIII. .. 0r = <7r+VXr/i; in which the vectors X, p,, and the scalar g, depend only on the surface and the point, and are independent of the direction of the tangent. The equation VI. then be- comes by v., XIX. . . = SrrXr/A = Si^rXS/ir + Svr/iSXr; assuming then the expression, XX, . . r=^xYv\-^yYvp, we easily find that XXI. . . y2(Y^^)2 = a-2(VvX)2, or XXI'. . . y1Yvp-=±x1Yv\ ; the two directions of r are therefore those of the two lines, XXII. . .UVj/X+UVvju, which are evidently perpendicularf to each other. * Dupin proved ^rs< (^Dev. de Geometric, pp. 43, 44, &c.), that tw» such tangents as are described in the text have a relation of reciprocity to each other, on which account he called them " tangentes conjuguees :" and afterwards he gave a sort of image, or construction, of this relation and of others connected with it, by means of the curve which he named " I'indicatrice" (in his already cited page 48, &c.). t This mode, however, of determining generally the directions of the lines of curvature, gives only an illusory result, when the normal v has the direction of either X or p, which happens at an umbilic of the surface. Compare 408, (27.), (29.), and the first Note to page 466. 670 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. (9.) An interpretation, of some interest, may be given to this last expression XXII., by the introduction of a certain auxiliary surface of i\\Q second order, which may be called the Index Surface, because the index curve (4.) is the diametral sec- tion of this new surface, made by the tangent plane to the given one. With the re- cent signification of ^, this index surface is represented by the equation VII., if r be now supposed (comp. (2.)) to represent a line pt drawn in any direction fronj the given point p, and therefore not now obliged to satisfy the condition V. of tan- gency. Or if, for greater clearness, we denote by p + p' the vector from the origin o to a point of the index surface, the equation to be satisfied is, by the form XVIII. of (comp. 357, II.), XXIII. . . l=Sp'(pp=gp'^+S\p'np'] the centre of this auxiliary surface being thus at p, and its two (real) cyclic normals being the lines X and fi : so that YvX and Yvfi have the directions of the traces of its two cyclic planes, on that diametral plane (Svp' = 0) which touches the given surface. "We have therefore, by XXII., this general theorem, that the bisectors of the angle formed by these two traces are the tangents to the two lines of curvature, whatever the form of the given surface may be. (10.) Supposing now that the given surface is itself one of the second order, and that its centre is at the origin o, so that it may be represented (comp. 405, XII.) by the equation, XXIV. . . l = Sp(l>p=gp^+S>\pfip, with constant values of A, ju, and g, which will reproduce with those values the form XVIII. of ^, we see that the index surface (9.) becomes in this case simply that given one, with its centre transported from o to p ; and therefore with a tangent plane at the origin, which is parallel to the given tangent plane. And thus the traces (9.), of the cyclic planes on the diametral plane of the inde.r surface, become here the tangents to the circular sections of the given surface. We recover then, as a case of the general theorem in (9.), this known but less general theorem : that the angles formed by the two circular sections, at any point of a surface of the se- cond order, are bisected by the lines of curvature, which pass through the same point. (11.) And because the tangents to these latter lines coincide generally, by (3.) (4.) (9.), with the axes of the diametral section of the index surface, made by the tangent plane to the ^fi yen surface, they are parallel, in the case (10.), as indeed is well known, to the axes of the parallel section of a given surface of the second order.' (12.) And if we now look back to the Equation of Confocals in 407, (26.), and to the earlier formulae of 40 7, (4.), we shall see tliat because the vector vi, in the last cited sub-article, represents a tangent to the given surface Sp^p = 1, complanar* with the normal v and the derived vector ^vi, so that it satisfies (comp. 407, XII. XIV., and the recent formulai V. VI.) the two scalar equations, XXV. . . Svvi = 0, and XXVI. . . Sj/vi^j/i = 0, which are likewise satisfied (comp. (7.)) when we change vi to the rectangular tan- * Compai'e the Note to page 645. CHAP. III.] LINES OF CURVATURE ON CENTRAL SURFACES. 671 gent vo, it follows that these two vectors, vi and V2, which are the normals to the two confocals to (e) through p, are also the tangents to the two lines of curvature on that given surface of the second order at that point : whence follows this other theo- rem* of Dupin, that the curve of orthogonal intersection (407, (4.)), of two confocal surfaces, is a line of curvature on each. (13.) And by combining this known theorem, with what was lately shown re- specting the umhilicar generatrices (in 408, (30.), (32.), comp. also (36.), (36.)), we may see that while, on the one hand, the lines of curvature on a central surface of the second order have no real envelope, yet on the other hand, in an imaginary sense, they have for their common envelope^ the system of the eight imaginary right lines (408, (31.)), which connect the twelve (real or imaginary) umbilics of the sur- face, three by three, and are at once generating lines of the surface itself, and also of the known developable envelope of the confocal system. (14.) It may be added, as another curious property of these eight imaginary right lines, that each is, in an imaginary sense, itself a line of curvature upon the surface : or rather, each represents two coincident lines of that kind. In fact, if we denote tlie variable vector 408, LXXX. of such a generatrix by the expression, XXVII. .. p = e'(r+(r', in which e' is a variable scalar, but (T, a' are two given or constant but imaginary vectors, such that XXVIII. . . (72 = 0, S(t(T A. a, XXXI. . . Tv = +^ r^-; * Dtv. de Ge'ome'trie, page 271, &c. t The writer is not aware that this theorem, to which he was conducted by qua- ternions, has been enunciated before ; but it has evidently an intimate connexion with a result of I^rofessor Michael Roberts, cited in page 290 of Dr. Salmon's Trea- tise, respecting the imaginary geodetic tangents to a line of curvature, drAwn from an umbilicar point, which are analogous to the imaginary tangents to a plane conic, drawn from a focus of that curve. An illustration, which is almost a visible repre- sentation, of the theorem (13.) is supplied by Plate II. to Liouville's Monge (and by the corresponding plate in an earlier edition), in which the prolonged and dotted parts of certain ellipses, answering to the real projections of imagijiary portions of the lines of curvature of the ellipsoid, are seen to touch a system of four real right lines, namely the projections (on the same plane of the greatest and least axes), of the four real umbilicar tangent planes, and therefore also of what have been above called (408, (30.), (31.)) the eight (imaginary) umbilicar generatrices of the surface. Accordingly Monge observes (page 150 of Liouville's edition), that "toutes les ellipses, projections des lignes de courbure, seront inscrites dans ce parallelogramme dont chacune d'elles touchera les quatre cotes :" with a similar remark in his expla- nation of the corresponding Figure (page 160). 672 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. and we find, after reductions, the imaginary expression, XXXir. . . v(T = + V-1 (tTv, whence XXXIII. . .Sva = 0, Sv(70(t = 0. The differential equations V. VI. of a line of curvature are therefore symholicnlli/ satisfied, when we substitute, for the tangential vector r, either the imaginary line (T itselfi or the apparently /7erjoenc?/cM/ar but in an imaginary sense coi«ci"dy, we may then write also, on the present plan, which gives d/p = 2SvdjO, dp = tda; \j^y -f ^dr, v = -\(ip +jq + kr), dv = -^ (idp +jdq + Mr), SdpAv = ^ (dxdp + dydq + dzdr) ; and the index surface, constructed as in (9.), and with p' changed to Ap = iAx +jAy + kAz, will thus have the equation, (a). . . ip'Ax"^ + l^'AyS + Ir'Az^ +p"AyAz + q'AzAx + r"AxAy = 1, or more generally = const. ; so that it may be made in this way to depend upon, and be entirely determined by, the six partial differential coefficients of the second order, p' . .p" ' ., of the function v or fp, taken with respect to the three rectangular co- ordinates, xyz. And by comparing this equation (a) with the following equation of the same auxiliary surface, which results more directly from the principles em- ployed in the text (comp. XVIII. XXIII.), (b). . . SAp ; but StXSe> + SjX^Jn + SkXSkfi = - SXfi ; therefore, (c). . . ^ (Dx2w + Dy^v + D^Sw) = SXfi-3g = ci + C2 + cs = - m", if ci, C2, C3 be the roots and m" a coeificient of a certain cubic (354, III.), deduced from the linear and vector function dv = ^dp, on a plan already explained. If then the function v satisfy, as in several physical questions, the partial differential equation, (d). . .D.,2o + Dj,2» + Ds2o = 0, the sum of these three roofs, ci, cz, cz, will vanish : and consequently, the asympto- tic cone to the index -surface, found by changing 1 to in the second member of (a), is real, and has (comp. 406, XXL, XXIX.) the property that (e). . . cot2a + cot2b = l, if a, b denote its two extreme semiangles. An entirely different method of trana- 4 R 674 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. we may suppose, as in 372, thsit p is a, given vector function of two scalar varia- bles^ X and y, between which there will then arise, by the same fundamental formula II., a differential equation of the first order and second degree^ to be integrated (when possible) by known methods. For example, if we write, XL. . . p = ix +J7/ + kz, dz =:pdx + ^dy, we shall satisfy the equation III. by assuming (with a constant factor understood), XLL . . v = ip +jq - k, whence XLII. . . d v = i6p +Jdq ; and thus the general equation II., for the lines of curvature on an arbitrary surface, receives (by the laws of ijk) the form, XLIII. . . dp (dy + qdz) = dg (da; + pdz) ; which last form has accordingly been assigned, and in several important questions employed, by Monge* : but which is now seen to be included in the still more con- cise (and more easily deduced and interpreted) quaternion equation^ Svdvdp = 0. 411. For a central surface of the second order, we have as usual p = (pp, Aj^ = 0A/3, and therefore (by 347, 348, and by the self-con- jugate form of 0), I. . . VvAv = Y(pp4>^p = ylrYpAp = m(/)'^Yp^p; the general condition of intersection 410, I. of two normals, at the extremities of a. finite chord Ap, and the general differential equation 410, II. of the lines of curvature, may therefore for such a surface receive these new and special forms : forming, by quaternions, the well known equation (d), occurred early to the present writer, and will be briefly mentioned somewhat farther on. In the mean time it may be remarked, that because tn' = by (c), when the equation (d) is satisfied, we have then, by the general theory III. ii. 6 of linear and vector functions, and espe- cially by the subarticles to 360, remembering that fp is here self-conjugate, the for- mulae, (f). . . dv + xdjo = 0, and (g). . . tpa - YiK = jc^t - t^0-> V/)A/> = 0, or ir. . . Sp^p(p''Ap = 0', III. . . Sd/>0-i V/>d/3 = 0, or III'. . . Spdp(/>-'dp = ; which admit of geometrical interpretations, and conduct to some new theorems, especially when they are transformed as follows : IV. . . SX A/9 . BpAp(p-y + SfiAp . Sp A/)0-i\ = 0, V. . . S\dp. Spdp(p-^/ii + Sfidp .Spdp^-^X =0, X and fi being (as in 405, (5.), &c.) the two real cyclic normals of the surface: while the same equations may also be written under the still more simple forms, VI. . . SaAp . SaVA/3 + Sa'Ap . SapAp = 0, VII. .. Sadp. Sapdp + Sa'dp . Sapdp = 0, a, a being, as in several recent investigations, the two real focal unit lines, which are common to a whole confocal system. (1.) The vector <}}~^YpAp in II. has by I. the direction of VvAv ; whence, by 410, (6.), the interpretation of the recent equation II., or (for the present purpose) of the more general equation 410, L, is that the chord pp' is perpendicular to its own polar, if the normals at its extremities intersect. Accordingly, if their point of intersection be called n, the polar of pp' is perpendicular at once to pn and p'n, and therefore to pp' itself. (2.) The equation 11'. may be interpreted as expressing, that when the normals at P and p' thus intersect in a point n, there exists a point p" in the diametral plane opp', at which the normal p''n" is parallel to the chord pp' : a result which may be otherwise deduced, from elementary principles of the geometry of surfaces of the second order. (3.) It is unnecessary to dwell on the converse propositions, that when either of these conditions is satisfied, there is intersection (or parallelism) of the two normals at p and p' : or on the corresponding but limiting results, expressed by the equations III. and III'. (4.) In order, however, to make any use in calculation of these new forms II., III., we must select some suitable expression for the self-conjugate function 0, and deduce a corresponding expression for the inverse function 0"i. The ^brm,* VIII. . . p=ffp + Y\pii, which has already several times occurred, has also been more than once inverted : but the following new inverse f form, * The vector form VIII. occurred, for instance, in pages 463, 469, 474, 484, 641, 669 ; and the connected scalar form, fp = gp^ -[■ SXpfip, 357,11. has likewise been frequently employed. t Inverse forms, for -^ix-fiSp(}>-% has an advantage, for our present purpose, over those assigned before. In fact, this form IX. gives at once the equation, X. . . {g- S\fi).-^Yp/^p =YpAp -XSpAp(p-^fi -fiSpAp^-^X; and so conducts immediately from II. to IV., or from III. to V. as a limit. (5.) The equation IV. expresses generally/, that the chord Ap, or pp', is a side of a certain cone of the second order, which has its vertex at the point P of the given surface, and passes through all the points p' for which the normals to that surface in- tersect the ffiven normal at p ; and the equation V. expresses generally^ that the two sides of this last cone, in which it is cut by the given tangent plane at the same point p, are the tangents to the lines of curvature. (6.) But if the surface be an ellipsoid, or a c?ott&/e-sheeted hyperboloid, then (comp. 408, (29.)) the always real vectors* ^'^\ and 0"V» '^^^'^ *^^ directions of semidiameters drawn to two of the four real umhilics ; supposing then that p is such a semidiameter, and that it has the direction of + ^''X, the second term of the first member of the equation IV. vanishes, and the cone IV. breaks up into a pair of planes^ of which the equations in p' are, XI. . . S\ (p' - p) = 0, and XII. . . Sp'^-iX^y = ; whereof the ybrmer represents the tangent plane at the umhilic p, and the latter re- presents the plane of the four real umhilics. (7.) It follows, then, that the normal at the real umhilic p is not intersected by any real normal to the surface, except those which are drawn at points p' of that principal section, on which all the real umhilics are situated: but that the same real umbilicar normal PN is, in an imaginary sense, intersected by all the imaginary nor- mals, which are drawn from the imaginary points p' of either of the two imaginary generatrices through P. (8.) In fact, the locus of the point p', under the condition of intersection of its normal p'n' with a given normal pn, is generally a quartic curve, namely the inter- section of the given surface with the cone IV. ; but when this cone breaks up, as in (6.), into two planes, whereof one is normal, and the other tangential to the surface, the general quartic is likewise decomposed, and becomes a system of a real conic, namely the principal section (7.), and a pair of imaginary right lines, namely the two umbilicar generatrices at P. (9.) We see, at the same time, in a new way (comp. 410, (14.)), that each such generatrix is (in an imaginary sense) a line of curvature : because the (imaginaiy) normals to the surface, at all the points of that generatrix, are situated by (7.) in one common (imaginary) normal plane. (10.) Hence through a real umhilic, on a surface of the second order, there pass correction in a Note to which last page should be attended to). In comparing these with the form IX., it will easily be seen (comp. page 661) that * Compare the Note immediui.ely preceding. CHAP. III.] THREE LINES THROUGH AN UMBILIC. 677 three lines of curvature : whereof one is a 7'eal conic (8.), and the two others are imaginary right lines, namely, the umhilicar generatrices as before. (11.) If we prefer differentials to differences, and therefore use the equation V. of the lines of curvature, we find that this equation takes the form = 0, if the point p be an umbilic ; and that if the normal at that point be parallel to X, the differential of the equation V. breaks up into two factors, namely, XIII. . . SXd2p = 0, and XIV. . . Sdp0-'X^-i/i = ; whereof the former gives two imaginary directions, and the latter gives one real di- rection, coinciding precisely with the three directions (10.). (12.) And if p, instead of being the vector of an umbilic, be only the vector of a point on a generatrix corresponding, we shall still satisfy the differential equation v., by supposing that dp belongs to the same imaginary right line : because we shall then have, as at the umbilic itself, XV. . . SXdp = 0, Spdp0-iX = 0. An umhilicar generatrix is HdQTQiorQ proved anew (comT^. (9.)) to be, in its whole extent, a line of curvature. (13.) The recent reasonings and calculations apply (6.), not only to an ellipsoid, but also to a double-sheeted hyperboloid, four umbilics for each of these two sur- facesbeing real. But if for a moment we now consider specially the case of an ellip- soid, and if Ave denote for abridgment the real quotient by h, we may then * a + c substitute in IV. and V. for X, fi, ^-% 0-y the expressions, , 26UX , , 2bJJfi XYI. ..a— ha = ; ha ~ a = --, a-\- c a-\- c , , -2i0-iUX , -2&0- iU^ XVll. . . a + ha = ; -ha — a = -^ ^ : ac{a-^c) ac{^a-{-c) and then, after division by Az — 1, there remain only the two vector constants a a', the equation IV. reducing itself to VI., and V. to VII. (14.) The simplified equations thus obtained are not however peculiar to ellip- soids, but extend to a whole confocal system. To prove this, we have only to com- bine the equations II. and III. with the inverse form, XVIII. . . Z-2^-'p = aSa'p + a Sap - p (e + Saa'), which follows from 407, XV., and gives at once the equations VI. and VII., what- ever the species of the surface may be. (15.) The difi^erential equation VII. must then be satisfied by the three rectan- gular directions of dp, or of a tangent to a line of curvature, which answer to the orthogonal intersections (410, (12.)) of the three confocals through a given point P ; it ought therefore, as a verification, to be satisfied also, when we substitute v for dp, V being a normal to a confocal through that point : that is, we ought to have the equation, XIX. . . SavSa'pv + Sa'vSapv = 0. And according!}' this is at once obtained from 407, XVI., by operating with S.pj/ ; so that the three normals v are all sides of this cone XIX., or of the cone VII. with dp for a side, with which the cone V. is found to coincide (13.). (16.) And because this last equation XIX., like VI. and VII., involves owZy the two /oca/ lines a, a' as its constants, we may infer from it this theorem : '' Jfinde- 678 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. finitely many surfaces of the second order have only their asymptotic cones hiconfo- caly* and pass through a given point, their normals at that point have a cone of the second order for their locus ;" which latter cone is also the locus of the tangents, at the same point, to all the lines of curvature which pass through it, when different values are successively assigned to the scalar constant a'^ — c^ (or 2Z2) : that is, when the asymptotes a, a' to the focal hyperbola remain unchanged in position, but the semiaxes (cfl — b'^)i^, (b^ — c2)^ of that curve (here treated as both real) vary together. (17.) The equation VI. of the cone of chords (5.) introduces t)xQ fixed focal lines a, a' by their directions only. But if we suppose that the lengths of those two lines are equal, without being here obliged to assume that each of those lengths is unity, we shall then have (comp. 407, (2.), (3.)), the following rectangular sys- tem of unit lines, in the directions of the axes of the system, XX. . . U(a + a'), JJVaa', U(a-a'), * which obey in all respects the laws of ijk, and may often be conveniently denoted by those symbols, in investigations such as the present. And then, by decomposing the semidiameter p, and the chord Ap, in these three directions XX., we easily find the following rectangular transformation^ of the foregoing equation VL, XXI S (« + «')"'P , S(a-aO-ip ^ S.(Vaa')-'p _ '**S(a + a')Ap S(a-a')A|0 S.Uaa'Ap' in which it is permitted to change Ap to dp, in order to obtain a new form of the differential equation of the lines of curvature ; or else at pleasure to v, and so to find, in a new way, a condition satisfied by the three normals, to the three confocals through p. (18.) The cone, VI. or XXI., is generally the locus of a system of three rectan- gular lines ; each plane through the vertex, which is perpendicular to any real side', cutting it in a real pair of mutually rectangular sides : while, for the same reason, the section of the same cone, by any plane which does not pass through its vertex p, but cuts any side perpendicularly, is generally an equilateral hyperbola. (19.) If, however, the point v be situated in any one of the three principal planes, perpendicular to the three lines XX., then the cone XXI. (as its equation shows) breaks up (comp. (6.)) into Si pair of planes, of which one is that principal * That is, if the surfaces (supposed to have a common centre) be cut by the plane at infinity in biconfocal conies, real or imaginary. t The corresponding form, in rectangular co-ordinates, oi t\xQ condition of in- tersection, of normals at two points {xyz) and {x'y'z), to the surface, Sfl y% zZ is the equation (probably a known one, although the writer has not happened to meet with it), (62 _ c-J) x' (c2 -a^~)y' {cfl - 62) z' J 1 1 — = ; x-x y-y z-z in which it is evident that xyz and x'y'z' may be interchanged. CHAP. III.] CENTRES OF CURVATURE. 679 plane itself, while the other is perpendicular thereto. And while the former plane cuts the surface in a principal section, which is always a line of curvature through p, the latter plane usually cuts the surface in another conic, which crosses the for- mer section at right angles, and gives the direction of the second line of curvature. (20.) But if we further suppose, as in (6.), that the point p is an umhilic, then (as has been seen) the second plane is a tangent plane ; and the second conic (19.) is itself decomposed, into a pair of imaginary right lines : namely, as before, the two umhilicar generatrices through the point, which have been shown to be, in an ima- ginary sense, both lines of curvature themselves, and also a portion of the envelope of all the others. (21.) We shall only here add, as another transformation of the general equation VI. of the cone of chords, which does not even assume Ta = Ta', the following : XXII. . . S(a+a')Ap.S(a+a')pAp = S(a-a')A|O.S(a-a')pAp; where the directions of the two new lines, a + a and a — a, are only obliged to bo harmonically conjugate with respect to the directions of i\xQ fixed focal lines of the system : or in other words, are those of any two conjugate semidiameters of the focal hyperbola. 412. The subject of Lines of Curvature receives of course an additional illustration, when it is combined with the known concep- tion of the corresponding Centres of Curvature. Without yet en- tering on the general theory of the curvatures of sections of an arbi- trary surface, we may at least consider here the curvatures of those normal sections^ which touch at any given point the lines of curva- ture. Denoting then by a the vector of the centre s of curvature of such a section, and by R the radius PS, considered as a scalar which is positive when it has the direction of + v, it is easy to see that we have the two fundamental equations : I. . . cr = p + RUv', II... i2-'d^ + dUi/ = 0; whence follows this new form of the general differential equation 410, II. of the lines of curvature, III. . . Vd/>dUi^ = 0; with several other combinations or transformations, among which the following may be noticed here : (1.) The equation I. requires no proof; and from it the equation II. is obtained by merely differentiating* as if 7' ^^^'^^-TVUX^' + (SUX/ti;)2 +Vg2 XV. . . SrUX.SrU;it = XVI. ..Yq: and XVII. .. T2 = -2 + 2SUg = + TVUXv.TVU/iv T^ ' because XVI. . . Vj = - Ur . SUX/iv ; 2(Sg + T9) Tg * (5.) Admitting then the expression VII., for the curvature R'^y we easily see that it may be thus transformed : XVIII. . . i?-'=-T,/->L+TX//.cosf Z^ + Z-^"]; and that the difference of the two (principal) curvatures, of normal sections of an arbitrary surface, answering generally to the two (rectangular) directions of the conceive the differentials to be such. But it has already been abundantly shown, that this view of the latter is by no means necessary, in the treatment of them by quater- nions. (Compare the second Note to page 667.) CHAP. III.] DIFFERENCE OF CURVATURES. 681 lines of curvature through the particular point considered, vanishes when the normal V has the direction of either of the two cyclic normals, X, jm, of the index surface (410, (9.)); that is, when the index curve (410, (4.)), considered as a section of that index surface, is a circle : or finally, when the point in question is, in a received sense, an nmhilic* of the given surface. (6.) That surface, although considered to be a given one, has hitherto (in these last sub-articles) been treated as quite general. But if we now suppose it to be a central surface of the second order ^ and to be represented by the equation, XIX. ../p = 5rp2+SXp/tp = l, which has already several times occurred, we see at once, from the formula VII. or XVIII. (comp. 410, (10.)), that the difference of curvatures^ of the two principal normal sections of any such surface, varies proportionally to the />er/?enrftcttZar (Tv~^ or P) from the centre on the tangent plane, multiplied by the product of the sines of the inclinations of that plane, to the two cyclic planes of the surface. (7.) In general (comp. 409, (3.)), it is easy to see that XX. .. s5^ = Sr-idr = -i)-2, dp if D denote the (scalar) semidiameter of the index surface, in the direction of dp or of T ; but for the two directions of the lines of curvature, these semidiameters become (410, (3.), (4.)) the semiaxes of the index curve. Denoting then by ai and 82 these last semiaxes, the two principal radii of curvature of any surface come by IV. to be thus expressed : XXI. . . iJi = ai^Tj/ ; E^ = as^Tv. And if the surface be a central one, of the second order, then ai, &% are the semiaxes of the diametral section, parallel to the tangent plane ; while Tv is (comp. again 409, (3.)) the reciprocal P-i of the perpendicular, let fall on that plane from the centre. Accordingly (comp. (6.), and 219, (4.)), it is known that the difference of the in- verse squares of those semiaxes varies proportionally to the product of the sines of the inclinations, of the plane of the section to the two cyclic planes. (8.) And as regards the squares themselves, it follows from 407, LXXI., that they may be thus expressed, in terms of the principal semiaxes of the confocal sur- faces, and in agreement with known results : XXII. . . ai* = a2 _ ai2 ; aa^ = a2 - «2* ; being thus both positive for the case of an ellipsoid ; both negative, for that of a double- sheeted hyperholoid ; and one positive, but the other negative, for the case of an hyperboloid of one sheet (comp. 410, (15.)). (9.) In all these cases, the normal + v is drawn towards the same side of the tangent plane, as that on which the centre o of the surface is situated (because Svp= 1); hence (by I. and XXI.) both the radii of curvature Ei, i?2 are drawn in this direction, or towards this side, for the ellipsoid; but one such radius for the 6in^Z?-sheeted hyperboloid, and both radii for the hyperboloid of two sheets, are di- rected towards the opposite side, as indeed is evident from the forms of these surfaces. * Compare the second Note to page 669, 4s 682 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. (100 The following is another method of deducing generally the two principal curvatures of a surface, from the self -conjugate function, XXIII. . . dv = 0d/>, 410, IV. which affords some good practice in the processes of the present Calculus. "Writing, for abridgment, XXIV. ..r = -^ = R-^Tv = - S ^ = - Sr'^r, a — p djO where r is still a tangent to a line of curvature, the equation II. is easily brought to the form, XXV. . . — rr = v~'^YvipT =(^7 — v'Sr^v = $r, where ^ denotes a new linear and vector function, which however is not in general self-conjugate, because we have not generally 0r || v. Treating then this new func- tion on the plan of the Section III. ii. 6, we derive from it a new cubic equation, of the form, XXVI. . . = M + M'r + M"r-i -}- r^, and with the coefficients, XXVII. . . 3/=0, M' = Sv-^y\jv, M" = m" -^v-^v; }p being a certain auxiliary function (= »n^">), and to" being the coefficient* analo- gous to M", in the cubic derived from the function ^ itself The root r = is foreign to the present inquiry; but the two curvatures, i?i"', R%~^, are the two roots of the following quadratic in J?"', obtained from the equation XXVI. by the rejection of that foreign root : XXVIII. . . = {R-YYvy + M"R-nv + M. (11.) As a first application of this general equation XXVIII., let ^r have again, as in v., the form gr + VXr/« ; we shall then have the values, XXIX. . . M"=2(iy+SXUj;.S^Uj.), and XXX. . . M' = {g->r S\Ui/ . ^n^vf - ( VXUj/)2 (V/iUv)2, = a great variety of transformed expressions ; and the two resulting curvatures agree with those assigned by VII. (12.) As a second application, let the surface be central of the second order, with ahc for its scalar semiaxes (real or imaginary) ; then the symbolical cubic (350) in becomes, XXXI. . . = 03 - 7w"02 + m'0 - m = (0 + a-2) Qp ^ 6-2) (^^ + c-2) ; and the coefficients of the quadratic XXVIII. in R'^ take the values, in which N denotes the semidiameter of the surface in the direction of the normal : XXXII. . . 2?ri + i?2-i = - M"Tj/-i = - (m" +/Uj/) P= (^-2 + 62 j^ ^-2 - m) P; * Compare the Note to page 673, continued in page 674. The reason of the evanescence of the coefficient M, or of the occurrence of a null root of the cubic, is that we have here fp(p~^v = 0, so that the symbol $-iO may represent an actual vec- tor (comp. 851). Geometrically, this corresponds to the circumstance that when we pass, along a semidiameter prolonged, from a surface of the second order to another surface of the same kind, concentric, similar, and similarly placed, the direction of the normal does not change. CHAP. HI.] PRODUCT OF CURVATURES. 683 XXXIII. . . RfiMi-^ = M'Tv-^ = - mv-' = a^h-^c'^Pi ; both of -which agree with known results, and admit of elementary verifications. * (13.) In general, if we observe that m"-(p = x (360, XVI.), we shall see that the quadratic XXVIIl. in r (or in R^'Iv) may be thus written: XXXIV. . . = Sz;-i(r2j,+ rxv + ;//»'); or thus more briefly (comp. 398, LXXIX.), XXXV.. . = Sj/-i(^ + r)-iv. (14.) Accordingly, the formula XXV. gives the expression, XXXVI. . . vV = (^ + r)-ij/. Sr^v ; from which, under the condition Svr = 0, the equation XXXV. follows at once. (15.) We have therefore ^reneraZ/y, for the prorfwc^ of the two principal curva- tures of sections oi any surface at any point, the expression: XXXVII. . . Ei-^R^-'^ =rir2Tv-2 = -i/-''Sv»^v = -S ^ yh- \ V V which contains an important theorem of Gauss, whereto we shall presently proceed. (16.) Meanwhile we may remark that the recent analysis shows, that the squares ai^ a22 (7.) of the semiaxes of the index-curve are generally the roots of the follow- ing equation, XXXVIII. . . = Sj/(^ + a-2)-V, when developed as a quadratic in a^. (17.) And that the same quadratic assigns the squares of the semiaxes of a dia- metral section, made by a plane -J- v, of the central surface of the second order which has Sppp= 1 for its equation. (18.) Accordingly, Vp0p has the direction of a tangent to this surface, which is perpendicular to p at its extremity ; and therefore the vector, XXXIX. . . 3dy, d/y=2S0i;du, dFy = 2S^-ii;dv, we find, by comparison with XLVI. and XLVIIL, the expression: 2w^ v*(bv 2v (bv or finally by XLIX., with the recent signification XXIV. of r, LXIV. . . ^^)(7; but by combining XLIII. LI. LXVII. we have, LXX. . . l=(Spw=)S.(r(l+r-V)-'^ - /c)'' = D//) = t- ^ t^ i d/> d/> the independent variable in the last expression being arbitrary. And if we denote by + i?2"' sin2 v, and the required transformation is accomplished. (5.) The theorem of Meusnier may be considered to be a result of the elimination (2.) of d^p from the expressions for the normal component III. of what we may call the Vector D^'^p of Oblique Curvature ; and it may be expressed by the equation, XIII. . . S ^-^ =1, or Xlir. . . S ^^ = 0, which gives XIII". . . pks = ^, p - K p -K 2 if it be now understood that the point s, of which a is the vector, is the centre of the * The name, '■'' courhure geodesique" was introduced by M. Liouville, and has been adopted by several other mathematical writers. Compare pages 568, 575, &c. of his Additions to Monge. 696 ELEMKNTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. circle which osculates to the normal section ; or of the sphere which osculates in the same direction to the surface, as will be more clearly seen by what follows. (6.) In general, if p + Ap be the vector of any second point p' of the given sur- face, the equation V V XIV. . . S = S — , with w for a variable vector, 0/9 = 0, 354, I. represents generally a System of Three Real and Rectangular Direc- tions ; and that these (comp. 405, (1.), (2.), &c.) are the directions of the Axes of the Central Surfaces of the Second Order, which are represented by the scalar equation, II. . . S/>0/> = const. ; or more generally, III. . . S/>0/> = C(i^-\- C\ where C and C are any two scalar constants. (1.) It is an easy consequence of the theory (350) of the symbolic and cubic equation in = ^ + c (as in that Article), the neiv linear and vector function 4>p must be reducible to the binomial form (351), and in which the scalar constant c can be shown to have the value, XXVIII. . . c = (^ - (o) V.vdp = ± T (? - p) = Eadius of Geodetic Curvature, = radius of developed circle ; and each such curve includes, by XXVI., on the given surface, a maximum area with a given perimeter : on which account, and in allusion to a well-known classical story, the writer ventured to propose, in page 682 of the Lectures, the name " Didonia" for a curve of this kind, while acknowledging that the curves themselves had been discovered and discussed by M. Delaunay. CHAP. III.] NEW PROOF OF RECTANGULAR SYSTEM. 699 IV. . . ^p = ^p + cp = /3Sap + /3'Sa'p, with V. . . V/3a + V/3'a' = 0, as the condition (353, XXXVI.) of self- conjugation. With this condition we may then write, YI, . . p = Aa + Ba', (5' = A'a+Ba; and it is easy to see that no essential generality is lost, by supposing that a and a are two rectangular vector units, which may be turned about in their own plane, if j3 and /3' be suitably modified : so that we may assume, VII. . . a2 = a'2 = - 1, Saa = ; whence VIII. . . $a = - /3, $a' = - j3', and IX. . . V/3'a' = Baa = - V/3a, Y(3a = Aaa, V/3'a = - A'aa'. (2.) The equation I., under the form, X. . . Vp$p = 0, is satisfied by XI. . . $p = 0, or XII. . . Yaa'p - ; and it cannot be satisfied otherwise, unless we suppose, XIII. . . p = aja + x'a', and XIV. . . V (a;/3 + a:'/3') (xa + x'a) = ; that is, by IX., XV. . . B(x^-x^) + (A -A')xx'=0: while conversely the expression XIII. will satisfy I., under this condition XV. But this quadratic in x' : x, of which the coefiicients B and A— A' do not generally va- nish, has necessarily two real roots, with a product = — 1 ; hence there always ex~ ists, as asserted, a system of three real and rectangular directions, such as the fol- lowing, XVI. . . xa + x'a', x'a — xa', and aa' (or Va a'), which satisfy the equation I. ; and this system is generally definite : which proves thfi first part of the Theorem. (3.) The lines a, a' may be made by (1.) to turn in their own plane, till they coincide with the two first directions XVI. ; which will give, XVII. ..5 = 0, ^=Aa, (3' = A'a', and therefore, XVIII. . . p = -cp + AaSap + A'a'Sa'p = (c + A^ aSap + (c + A') a'Sa'p + caa'Saa'p ; and thus the scalar equation II. will take the form, XIX. . . Sp(pp = (c + A) (Sap)2 + (c + A') (Sa»2 + c(Saa'p)2= const., which represents generally a central surface of the second order, with its three axes in the three directions a, a', aa' of p ; and does not cease to represent such a surface, and with such axes, when for Sp^p we substitute, as in III., this new ex- pression : XX. . . Sp(pp - Cp2 = Sp0p + C ((Sap)2 + (Sa'p)3 + (Saa'p)2) = C'= const. ; the second surface heing in fact concyclic (or having the same cyclic planes) with the first, and the new term, - Cp, in ^q-T>yr, Q^Bicr-DzP, R=Dyp-T>j,qi the condition of integrability XLV. becomes therefore here, pP+ qQ-\ ri? = 0, which agrees with knoAvn results. CHAP. III.] MODULAR AND UMBILICAR GENERATIONS. 703 vectors of Modular Foci, in two distinct planes, and ^i, ^3 being vectors of points upon the Modular Directrices corresponding : whence the modular focal conies, and dirigent cylinders (real or imaginary), are found by easy eliminations. (20.) Thus, by assuming that either XLVI. ..S\(p-^O = 0, S\(p-?3) = 0, or XLVII. . . S/i (p - ?i) = 0, S/i (p - ^3) = 0, the equations 360, XVI., XVII. may be brought to the forms, XLVIII. . . (p - f 1)2 = mi2 (p - ^1)2, XLIX. . . (p - f 3)2 = »«32 (p - ^3)2, with the values, L. ..mi2 = l-^, and LI. . . m32= 1- - ; Ci C3 in which ci, C2, C3 are the three roots of a certain cubic (M= 0), or the inverse squares of the three scalar semiaxes (real or imaginary) of the surface, arranged in algebraically ascending order (357, IX., XX. ; 405, (6.), &c.): and mi, m^ are the two (real or imaginary) Moduli, or represent the modidar ratios, in the two modes of Modular Generation* corresponding. (21.) It is obvious that an equation of the form, LII. . . T^p= C= const., represents a central quadric, if 0p be any linear f and vector function of p, of the * Mac Cullagh's rule of modular generation, which includes both those modes, was expressed in page 437 of the Lectures by an equation of the form, T(p-a)=TV.yV/3p; in which the origin is on a directrix, (3 is the vector of another point of that right line, a is the vector of the corresponding focus, y is perpendicular to a directive (that is, generally, to a cyclic) plane, p is the vector of any point p of the surface, and ± Sj3y is the constant modular ratio, of the distance ap of p from the focus, to the distance of the same point p from the directrix ob, measured parallel to the di- rective plane. The new forms (360), above referred to, are however much better adapted to the working out of the various consequences of the construction ; but it cannot be necessary, at this stage, to enter into any details of the quaternion trans- formations : still less need we here pause to give references on a subject so interest- ing, but by this time so well known to geometers, as that of the modular and um- bilicar generations of surfaces of the second order. But it may just be noted, in order to facilitate the applications of the formulae L. and LL, that if we Avrite, as usual, for all the central quadrics, a^ >b^ > c^, whether 6^ and c^ be positive or negative, then the roots ci, c^, C3 coincide, for the ellipsoid, with a"2, 6-2^ c-2 ; for the single- sheeted, hyperboloid, with c-2, a'^, 6 2 • and for the double -sheeted hyperboloid with 6-2, c"2, a'^, (comp. page 651). t In page 664 the notation, dp = 2Svdp = 2S0pdp, 409, IV. was employed for an arbitrary surface ; but with the understanding that this func- tion tpp (comp. 363) was generally non-linear. It may be better, however, as a 704 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. kind considered in the Section III. ii. 6, whether self-conjugate or not; but it re- quires a little more attention to perceive, that an equation of this other form ^ LIII. . . T(p-V./3Vya) = T(a-V.yV/3p), represents such a surface, whatever the three vector constants a, (3, y may be. The discussion of this lust form would present some circumstances of interest, and might be considered to supply a new mode of generation^ on which however we cannot enter here. (22.) The surfaces of the second order, considered hitherto in the present Section, have all had the origin for centre. But if, retaining the significations of ^, /, and F, we compare the two equations, LIV. . .f{p-K) = C, and LV. . .fp- 2S£p = C, we shall see (by 362, &c,) that the constants are connected by the two relations, LVI. ..6 = ^»c, C'=C-//c= C-S£K=C-F«; so that the equation, LVII. ..fp- 2S6P =/(p - 0-i£) - F,, is an identity. (23.) If then we meet an equation of the form LV., in which (as has been usual) we have still yp= Sp0p = a scalar and homogeneous function of p, of the second dimension, we shall know that it represents generally a surface of that order, with the expression (comp. 347, IX., &c.), LVIII. . . K = 0-'£ = m-^^e = rector of Centre. (24.) It may happen, however, that the two relations, LIX. ..m=0, ^^Ps>0, exist together ; and then the centre may be said to be at an infinite distance, but in a definite direction : and the surface becomes a Paraboloid, elliptic or hyperbolic, accord- ing to conditions which are easy consequences from what has been already shown. (25.) On the other hand it may happen that the two equations, LX. . . m = 0, ;//£ = 0, are satisfied together; and then the vector k of the centre acquires, by LVIII., an indeterminate value, and the surface becomes a Cylinder, as has been already suffi- ciently exemplified. (26.) It would be tedious to dwell here on such details; but it may be worth general rule, to avoid writing v = 0p, except for central quadrics ; and to confine ourselves to the notation dv=(pdp, as in some recent and several earlier sub -articles, when we wish, for the sake of association with other investigations and results, to treat the function ^ as linear (or distributive) ; because we shall thus be at liberty to treat the surface as general, notwithstanding this property of ^. As regards the methods of generating a qnadric, it may be worth while to look back at the Note to page 649, respecting the Six Generations of the Ellipsoid, which were given by the writer in the Lectures, with suggestions of a few others, as interpretations of quaternion equations. CHAP. III.] CUBIC CONE, SCREW SURFACE, SKEW CENTRE. 705 while to observe, that the general equation of a Surface of the Third Degree may be thus written : LXI. . . Sqpq'pq'p + Sp0p + Syp + C= ; C and y being any scalar and vector constants ; ; LXVII. . . p=y(yS.a*- /3S.a*-i). (32.) Derivating these with respect to x, and eliminating (3 and y', we arrive at the equation, LXVIII. . .p = (a; + a)p'-fzy, if LXIX. . . 26z = Try^ * Compare the Note to page 43 ; see also the theorem in that page, which con- tains perhaps a new mode of generation of cubic curves in a given plane : or, by an easy modification, of the corresponding curves upon a sphere. t Already mentioned in pages 383, 502, 514, 557. The condition y>0 an- swers to the supposition that, in the generation of the surface, the perpendiculars from a given helix on the axis of the cylinder are not prolonged beyond that axis. 4 X 706 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS, [book III, but zy in LXVIII. is the vector of the point, say g, in which the tangent to the sec- tion at the point (a?, y), or p, intersects the given line y, namely the line in the plane of that section which ii perpendicular to the axis a : we see then, by LXIX., that this point of intersection depends only on the constant, h, and on the variable^ y, being independent of the constant, a, and of the variable, x. (33.) To interpret this result of calculation, which might have been otherwise found with the help of the expression 872, XII. (with ]3 changed to y) for the nor- mal V to a screw- surface, we may observe, first, that the equation LXVIL, which may be written as follows, LXX. . . p =yV. a^+i/3, and gives LXXI. . . TYap = yTy, would represent an ellipse, if the coefiicient y were treated as constant ; namely, the section of the right cylinder LXXI. by ihQ plane LXIV. ; the vector semiaxes (ma- jor and minor) of this ellipse being y(3 and yy (comp. 314, (2.)). (34.) By assigning a new value to the constant a, we pass to a new screw sur- face (30.), which differs only in position from the former, and may be conceived to be formed from it by sliding along the axis a ; while the value of x, corresponding to a given y, will vary by LXVI., and thus we shall have a new screw section (31.), which will cross the ellipse (33.) in a new point Q : but the tangent to the section at this point will intersect by (32.) the minor axis of the ellipse in the same point G as before. (35.) We shall thus have a Figure* such as the following (Fig. 85) ; in which if F be a, focus of the ellipse bc, and g (as above) the point of convergence of the tan- gents to the screw sections at the points p, Q, &c., of that ellipse, it is easy to prove, by pursuing the same analysis a little farther, 1st, that the angle (^), subtended at this focus F by the minor semiaxis oc, which is also a radius (r) of the cylinder LXXI., is equal to the inclination of the axis (a) of that cylinder to the plane of the ellipse, as may indeed be inferred from elementary principles ; and Ilnd, what is less obvious, that the other angle (h), subtended at the same focus (f) by the interval og, or by what may be called (with reference to the present construction, in which it is supposed that 6 < 0, or that the angles made by Dxp and j8 with a are either both acute, or both obtuse) the Depression (s) of the Skew Centre (g), is equal to the inclination of the same axis (a) to the helix on the same cylinder, which is obtained (comp. 314, (10.)) by treating y as constant, in the equation LXIII. of the Screw Surface. * Those who are acquainted, even slightly, with the theory of Oblique Arches (or skew bridges), will at once see that this Figure 85 may be taken as representing rudely such an arch : and it will be found that the construction above deduced agrees with the celebrated Rule of the Focal Excentricity, discovered practically by the late Mr. Buck. This application of Quaternions was alluded to, in page 620 of the Lec- tures. CHAP. III.] STATICS OF A RIGID BODY. 707 Section 8. — On a few Specimens of Physical Application of Quaternions, with some Concluding Remarks, 416. It remains to give, according to promise (368), before con- cluding this work, some examples* oi physical applications of the present Calculus: and as a first specimeti, we shall take the Statics of a Rigid Body. (1.) Let ai, . . an be n Vectors of Application, and let /3i, . . /3w be n correspond- ing Vectors of Force, in the sense that n forces are applied at the points Ai, , . A» of a. free but 7-igid system, and are represented as usual by so many right lines from those points, to which lines the vectors OBi, . . ob„ are equal, though drawn from a common origin ; and let y (= oc) be the vector of an arbitrary point c of space. Then the Equation^ of Equilibrium of the system or body, under the action of these n applied forces, may be thus written : I. . . 2V(a--y)/3=0; or thus, I'. . . Vy2/3 = 2Va/3. (2.) The supposed arbitrariness (I.) of y enables us to break up the formula T. or I'., into the two vector equations : II.. . 2/3 = 0; III. . . SVai8 = 0; oi each of which it is easy to assign, as follows, the physical signification. (3.) The equation II. expresses that if the forces, which are applied at the points Ai . . of the body, were all transported to the origin o, their statical resultant, or vector sum, would be zero. (4.) The equation III. expresses that the resultant of all the couples, produced in the usual way by such a transference of the applied forces to the assumed origin, is null. (5.) And the equation I., which as above includes both II. and III., expresses that if all the given forces be transported to any common point c, the couples hence arising will balance each other : which is a sufficient condition of equilibrium of the system. (6.) When we have only the relation, IV. . . S(S/3.2Va/3) = 0, without S/3 vanishing, the applied forces have then an Unique Resultant — 2/3, acting along the line of which I. or I', is the equation, with y for its variable vec- tor. * The reader may compare the remarks on hydrostatic pressure, in pages 434, 435. t We say here, ^^ equation :" because the single quaternion formula, I. or I'., contains virtually the six usual scalar equations, or conditions, of the equilibrium at present considered. 708 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. (7.) And the physical interpretation of this condition IV. is, that when the forces are transported to o, as in (3.) and (4.) the resultant force is in the plane of the resultant couple. (8.) When the equation II., but not III., is satisfied, the applied forces compound themselves into One Couple, of which the ^xis = SVa/3, whatever may be the posi- tion of the origin. (9.) When neither II. nor III. is satisfied, we may still propose so to place the auxiliary/ point c, that when the fiven forces are transferred to it, as in (5.), the resultant force 2j3 may have the direction of the axis 2V(a-y)/3 of the resultant couple, or else the opposite of that direction ; so that, in each case, the condition,* shall be satisfied by a suitable limitation of the auxiliary vector y. (10.) This last equation V. represents therefore the Central Axis of the given system of applied forces, with y for the variable vector of that right line : or the axis of the screw-motion which those forces tend to produce, when they are not in balance, as in (1.), and neither tend to produce translation alone, as in (6.), nor rotation alone, as in (8.). (11.) In general, if 5 be an auxiliary quaternion, such that VI. . . 92/3 = SVa,3, its vector part, Yq, is equal by (V.) to the Vector-Perpendicular, let fall from the origin on the central axis ; while its scalar part, Sg, is easily proved to be the quo- tient, of what may be called the Central Moment, divided by the Total Force : so that Yq = () when the central axis passes through the origin, and 83 = when there exists an unique resultant. (12.) When the total force S;3 does not vanish, let Q be a new auxiliary qua- ternion, such that VIL..Q = ^ = ,+ ^ ^ S/3 ^ 2)3' with VIII. . . c = SQ = Sg, and IX. . . y = oc = VQ, for its scalar and vector parts ; then c2j8 represents, both in quantity and in direction, the Axis of the Central Couple (9.), and y is the vector of a point c which is on the central axis (10.), considered as a right line having situation in space: while the position of this point on this line depends only on the given system of applied forces, and does not vary with the assumed origin o. (13.) Under the same conditions, we have the transformations, X. . . 2a/3 = (c + y) 2)8 ; XI. . . T2a/3 = (c2 - y2)JT2/? ; XII. . . 2Va/3 = c2/3 + Vy2/3 ; XIII. . . (2Vai8)2 = c^ (2/3)2 + (Vy 2/3)2 ; * The equation V. may also be obtained from the condition, v. . . T2V(a — y)/3 = a minimum, when y is treated as the only variable vector ; which answers to a known property of the Central Moment. CHAP. III.] GENERAL EQUATION OF DYNAMICS. 709 ■whereof XII. contains the known law, according to which theaais of the couple (4.), obtained by transferring all the forces to an assumed point o, varies generally in quantity and in direction with the position of that point : while XIII. expresses the known corollary from that law, in virtue of which the qtiantity alone, or the energy (TSVa/S) of the couple here considered, is the same for all the points o of any one right cylinder, which has the central axis of the system for its axis of revolution. (14.) If Ave agree to call the quaternion product pa. aa' the quaternion moment, or simply the Moment, of the applied force aa' at A, with respect to the Point p, the quaternion sum 2a/3 in X. may then be said to be the Total Moment of the given system of forces, with respect to the assumed origin o ; and the formula XI. ex- presses that the tensor of this sum, or what may be called the quantity of this total moment, is constant for all points o which are situated on any one spheric surface, with the point c determined in (12.) for its centre : being also a minimum when o is placed at that point c itself, and being then equal to what has been already called the central moment, or the energy of the central couple. (15.) For these and other reasons, it appears not improper to call generally the point c, above determined, the Central Point, or simply the Centre, of the given system of applied forces, when the total force does not vanish ; and accordingly in the particular but important case, when all those forces are parallel, without their sum being zero, so that we may write, XIV. . . |3i = hl3, .. (3n-^ bn(3, TS^ > 0, the scalar c in (12.) vanishes, and the vector y becomes (comp. Art. 97 on bary- centres), biai+ . . + bnUn 26a XV. . . oc = y = = — — ; ' bi+..-\-bn 26 so that the point c, thus determined, is independent of the common direction (3, and coincides with what is usually called the Centre of Parallel Forces. (16.) The conditions of equilibrium (1.), which have been already expressed by the formula I., may also be included in this other quaternion equation, XVI. . . Total Moment = 2a/3 = a scalar constant, of which the value is independent of the origin ; and which, with its sign changed represents what may perhaps be called the Total Tension of the system. (17.) Any infiiiitely small change, in the position of a rigid body, is equivalent to the alteration of each of its vectors a to another of the form, XVII. . . a + Sa = a+E + Yia, e and i being two arbitrary but infinitesimal vectors, which do not vary in the pas- sage from one point a of the body to another : and thus the conditions of equilibrium (1.) may be expressed by this other formula, XVIII. . . 2S/3^a=0, which contains, for the case here considered, the Principle of Virtual Velocities, and admits of being extended easily to other cases of Statics. 417. The general Equation of Dynamics may be thus written, I.. . 27wS(D/«-^)r^« = 0, 710 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. with significations of the symbols which will soon be stated ; but as we only propose (416) to give here some specimens of physical appli- cation, we shall aim chiefly, in the following sub-articles, at the de- duction of a few formulae and theorems, respecting Axes and Mo- ments oi Inertia^ and subjects therewith connected. (1.) In the formula L, a is the vector of position, at the time <, of an element m of the system ; da is any variation of that vector, geometrically compatible with the mutual connexions between the parts of that system; the vector m% represents a moving force, or % an accelerating force, which acts on the element m of mass ; D and S are marks, as usual, of derivating and taking the scalar ; and the summation denoted by S extends to all the elements, and is generally equivalent to a triple in- tegration, or to an addition of triple integrals in space. And the formula is ob- tained (comp. 416, (17.)), by a combination of D'Alembert's principle with the prin- ciple of virtual velocities, which is analogous to that employed in the Me'canique Analytique by Lagrange. (2.) For the case of a. free but rigid body, we may substitute for da the expres- sion e-vYia, assigned by 416, XVII.; and then, on account of the arbitrariness of the two infinitesimal vectors c and i, the formula I. breaks up into the two follow- ing, IL .. 2jn(D,2a-O = 0; HI. . . SmVa(D^2„-^) = 0; which correspond to the two statical equations 416, II. and III., and contain re- spectively the law of motion of the centre of gravity, and the law of description of areas. (3.) If the body have a, fixed point, which we may take for the origin o, we eliminate the reaction at that point, by attending only to the equation III. ; and may then express the connexions between the elements m by the formula, IV. . . DDee + Vt0i = O; XII. . . 0i + y = 0; XIII. . . St^t= A2; y and h being two real constants, of the vector and scalar kinds, connected with each other and with t by the relation, XIV. . . Sty + A« = ; also XV. . . , then XXXI. . . 7^ = r2Sjn(V*(a-a;))2 = 7o + SSm. S (wt-iVtK) + /)2s,„^ if XXXII. . . /cSm = 2ma, and XXXIII. . . jo = TVwUt, so that K is the vector of the centre of inertia (or of gravity) of the body, and p is the distance between the two parallel axes. (16.) If then we suppose that the condition XXXIV. . . VtK = is satisfied, that is, if the axis i pass through the centre of inertia, we shall have the very simple relation, XXXV. ..7^ = /o-|-/)22m; which agrees with known results. 418. As a third specimen of physical applications of quaternions, we propose to consider briefly the motions of a System of Bodies^ m, m\ m', . . . regarded as free material points, of which the variable vectors are a, a', a"^ . . . and which are supposed to attract each other according to the law of the inverse square: the fundamental for- mula employed being the following, iTim/ I. . . 2mSD/«aa + ^P = 0, if II. ..P = 2:— -: -: J (a - a ) P thus denoting the Potential {pi force-function) of the system, and the variations ca, ta'^ . . . being infinitesimal, but otherwise arbi- trary. (1.) To deduce the formula I., with the signification 11. of P, from the general equation 417, I. of dynamics, we have first, for the case of two bodies, the following expressions for the accelerating forces, 111...^=—^, r=r-7^, if r = T(a-a'); (a -a')r (a - a)r ^ 4 Y 714 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. whence follows the transformation,* TTT r,y vr^ .^.v. »x —mm „S(a — a') ^mm' IV. . .-S(m^5a + m'K'Sa)= S -^ -=S ; r a- a r a result easily extended, as above. If the law of attraction were supposed different, there would be no difficulty in modifying the expression for the potential accordingly. (2.) In general, when a scalar, f (^as here P), is a, function of one or more vec^ tors, a, a', . . . its variation (or differential) can be expressed as a linear and scalar function of their variations (or differentials), of the form S(3da + S/3'^a' + . . (or 2Sj3da) ; in which [3, /3' . . . are certain new and fnite vectors, and are them- selves generally /?inc^tows of o, a', . . ., derived from the given scalar function/. And we shall find it convenient to extend the Notation^ of Derivatives, so as to denote these derived vectors (3, (3', &c., by the symbols, Dn/, ^a'f &c. In this manner we shall be able to write, V. . . ^P=2S(DaP.oa); and the differential equations of motion of the bodies m, m', m", . . will take by I. the forms : VI. . . mDt^a + D„P= 0, m"Dfia' + Da' P = 0, &c. ; or more fully, VII. . . Wa = . -^^- + ^ j-%- -^ + . . ; &c. (a-a)T(a-a) (o-a)T(a-o/ (3.) The laws of the centre of gravity, of areas, and of living force, result imme- diately from these equations, under the forms, VIII. . . SmD^a = /? ; IX. . . SmVaD^a = y ; and X. . . r=-J-2m(Da to Vta, ^a' to Via', &c. ; i being ano^Aer arbitrary and infinitesimal vector. Finally, to arrive at X., change variations to differentials (^a to da, &c.), and integrate once, as for the two former equations, with respect to the time t. (5.) The formula I. admits of being integrated by parts, without any restric- tion on the variations 8a, by means of the general transformation, XI. . . S(Pt^a.8a) = DtS(Pta.6a)-:^8.(J)iay, combined with the introduction of the following definite integral (comp. X.), XII. . . F= fVP+ T)dt. * It may not be useless here to compare the expression in page 417, for the dif- ferential of a proximity. t In this extended notation, such a formula as d/p = 2Svdp would give, v^-iD.fp. CHAP. III.] INTERMEDIATE AND FINAL INTEGRALS. 7l5 (6.) In fact, if we denote by ao, a'o, . . the initial values of the vectors a, a', . . or their values when ^ = 0, and by Doa, Doa', . . the corresponding values of D^a, Via', . , , we shall thus have, as a first integral of the equation I., the formula, XIII. . . 2mS (Pta . 6a - Bqu . Sao) + dF=0; in'which no variation dt is assigned to #, and which conducts to important conse- quences. (7.) To draw from it some of these, we may observe that if the masses m, m', . . be treated as constant and known, the complete* integrals of the equations VI. or VII. must be conceived to give what may be called the final vectors of position a, a', . . and of velocity D 1, the centre o of force is then exte- rior to the hodograph, being however, in all these cases, situated in its plane. (9.) The equation VII. gives, XI. . . £-Ua=-y-iDa = Da.y-J; operating then on this with S. a, and writing for abridgment, XII. . .;7=/3y-i = iW-»T/32 = c2Jl[f-i, and XIII. .. SUa£ = cos r, so that /) is a constant and positive scalar, while v is the inclination of a to — e, we find, XIY.. .r + Sae = p; or XV.. 1 + g cos w the orbit is therefore a plane conic, with the centre of force o for a. focus, having e for its excentricity, and p for its semiparameter. (10.) And we see, by XII., that if this semiparameter p be multiplied by the attracting mass M, the product is the square of the double areal velocity c ; so that this constant c may be denoted by {Mp)\ which agrees with known results. (11.) If, on the other hand, we divide the mass (iW) by the semiparameter (/j), the quotient is by XII. the square of the radius (J/T/3"^ or h) of the hodograph. (12.) And if we multiply the same semiparameter p by this radius 3/T/3"' of the hodograph, the product is then, by the same formula XII., the constant T/3 or c of double areal velocity in the orbit, so that h = Jic"i = cp'K (13.) If we had operated with V. a on VII'., we should have found, XVI. . .i3 = V.a(f-Ua)y = (Sa£ + r)y; which would have conducted to the same equations XIV. XV. as before. * This law of the circular hodograph was deduced geometrically, in a paper read before the Royal Irish Academy, by the present author, on the 14 th of December, 1846 ; but it was virtually contained in a quaternion formula, equivalent to the re- cent equation VII., which had formed part of an earlier communication, in July, 1845. (See the Proceedings for those dates ; and especially pages 845, 347, and xxxix., xlix., of Vol. III.) 720 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. (14.) If we operate on VII. with S.a, we find this other equation, XVII. . . - rDr = SaDa = yYae ; M but XVIII. . . - y2 = /i2 = _ (by VI. and XII., comp. (1 1.)), and XIX. . . -(Vae)2=:eV2-(;j-r)2=;j(2r-p-r5a-i), if we write XX. . . a = : 1 - e^' hence squaring XVII., and dividing by ?-3, we obtain the equation, xxi...,|r=«'^ r a r2 J* (15.) It is obvious that this last equation, XXI., connects the distance, r, with tlie time, t, as the formula XV. connects the same distance r with the true anomaly, V ; that is, with the angular elongation in the orbit, from the position of least dis- tance. But it would be improper here to delay on any of the elementary conse- quences of these two known equations : although it seemed useful to show, as above, how the equations themselves might easily be deduced by quaternions, and be con- nected with the theory of the hodograph. (16.) The equation II. may be interpreted as expressing, that the parallelogram (comp. Fig. 32) under the vectors a and Da of position and velocity, or under any two corresponding vectors (5.) of the orbit and hodograph, has a constant plane and area, represented by the constant vector (3, which is perpendicular (1.) to that plane. But it is to be observed that, by (2.), these constancies, and this representation, are not peculiar to the law of the inverse square, but exist for all other laws of central force. (17.) In general, if any scalar function R (instead of M;-"2) represent the acce- lerating force of attraction, at the distance r from the fixed centre o, the differential equation of motion will be (instead of I.), XXII. . . D2a = iJm-i = - i?Ua ; and if we still write VaDa = /3, as in II., the formula IV. will give, D3« XXIII. . . D3a = - DR. Ua - Rr-^^\Ja, and XXIV. . . V — - = r'2/3 ; D'-a in which /3 = cU/3, if c = T/3, as before. (18.) Applying then the general formula 414, I., we have, for any law* of force, the expressions, 1 D3a e XXV. . . Vector of Curvature of Hodograph = — — V — — = Ua/3 ; D^a D2a Rr^ XXVI. . . Radius (h) of Curvature of Hodograph = Rr^c'^ Force x Square of Distance ~ Double Areal Velocity in Orbit ^ * The general value XXVI., of the radius of curvature of the hodograph, was geometrically deduced in the Paper of 1846, referred to in a recent Note. CHAP. III.] PRODUCT OF OPP. VELOCITIES, POTENTIAL. 721 of which the hist not only conducts, in a new way, for the law of nature, to the con- stant value (7.), h = A/c~', but also proves, as stated in (6.)? thfit for any other law of central force the hodograph cannot he a circle, unless indeed the orbit happens to be such, and to have moreover the centre of force at its centre. (19.) Confining ourselves however at present to the law of the inverse square, and writing for abridgment (comp. (5.)), XXVII. . . K = OH = fy = Vector of Centre h of Hodograph, which gives, by (5.) and (7.), XXVIII. . . Tk = eh, the origin o of vectors being still the centre o^ force, we see by the properties of the circle, that the product of any two opposite velocities in the orbit is constant ; and that this constant product* may be expressed as follows, XXIX. . . (e-l)AUK.(e+l)/tUK = AHl-e2)=Ma-i, by XVIII. and XX. (20.) The expression XXIX. may be otherwise written as k^ - y2; and if v be the vector of any point u external to the circle, but in its plane, and u the length of a tangent ut from that point, we have the analogous formula, XXX. . . m2= y2 _ (y _ k)2 = T (W - K^ - h^. (21.) Let T and r' be the vectors ox, ot' of the two points of contact of tan- gents thus draw n to the hodograph, from an external point u in its plane ; then each must satisfy the system of the three following scalar equations, XXXI. . . Syr = ; XXXII. . . (r - *c)2 = y2 ; XXXIII. . . S (r - fc) (v - k) = y^ ; whereof the first alone represents the plane ; the two first jointly represent (comp. (5,)) the circle ; and the third expresses the condition of conjugation of the points T and u, and may be regarded as the scalar equation of the polar of the latter point. It is understood that Syy = 0, as well as Sy/c = 0, &c., because y is perpendicular (3.) to the plane. (22.) Solving this system of equations (21.), we find the two expressions, XXXIV.. . r = K+y(y + «)(v-K)-»; XXXIV. . . r' = K + y (y-«) (v- fc)-i ; in which the scalar u has the same value as in (20.). As a verification, these ex- pressions give, by what precedes. * In strictness, it is only for a closed orbit, that is, for the case (8.) of the centre of force being interior to the hodograph (e < 1), that two velocities can be opposite ; their vectors having then, by the fundamental rules of quaternions, a scalar and posi- tive product, which is here found to be= Ma~^, by XXIX., in consistency with the known theory of elliptic motion. The result however admits of an interpretation, in other cases also. It is obvious that when the centre o of force is exterior to the hodo- graph, the polar of that point divides the circle into two parts, whereof one is con- cuve, and the other convex, towards o ; and there is no difficulty in seeing, that the former part corresponds to the branch of an hyperbolic orbit, which can be described under the influence of an attracting force : while the latter part answers to that other branch of the same complete hyperbola, whereof the description would require the force to be repulsive. 4 z 722 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. XXXV. ..S(r-K)(r-v) = 0; XXXV'.. . S(r'-fc) (r'- i;)= 0; and XXXVI. . . (r - 1>)2 = (r' -vf = - u\ In fact it is found that XXXVII. . . 7- - V = u (« + y) (u - k)-i ; XXXVIII. . . T(« + y) = T (v - k) ; and XXXIX. . . (r - v) (r - k) = «y ; « + y being here a quaternion. (23.) If v be the vector ou' of any point u', on the polar of the point u with respect to the circle, then changing r to v', and u to 2, in XXXIV., we find this vector form (comp. (21.)) of tlie equation of that polar, XL. . . v' = K + y (y + 2) (y- k:)-', or, by an easy transformation, XLI. . . (/t2 4- m2) v' = h^y 4. „2k + zy (k - u), in which 2 is an arbitrary scalar. (24.) If then we suppose that u' is the intersection of the chord tt' with the right line ou, the condition XLII. . . Yv'v = will give XLI II. . . zy = f^^" ; v^ — Skv but XLIV. . . Vku . (k - v) = kS (kv - v^) + vS (kv - k^) ; the coefficient then of k, in the expanded expression for v', disappears as it ought to do : and we find, after a few reductions, XLV. . . v = V 1 + —- = , \ i;2 - Skv I V — v-^Skv a result which might have been otherwise obtained, by eliminating a new scalar y between the two equations, XLVI. . . v'=yi;, S (yu - k) (?; - k) = y2. (25.) Introducing then two auxiliary vectors, X, //, such that XLVII. . . \ = v-'^Skv, or Skv^v\ = \v, and therefore XLVII'. . . \ - k = u" Wkv, SkX = \2, (\ _ «)« = fc2 - \2, y2-K2U and XLVIII. . . /^ = \ I 1 +1 1 + '— — ^ , whence fi we have the very simple relation, XLIX. . . (v - X) (v' - X) = (/i - \)2, or L. . . Lu . lu' = lm2, if X = OL, and )ti = om. Accordingly, the point l is the foot of the perpendicular let fall from the centre 11 on the right line ou, while m is one of the two points m, m' of intersection of that line with the circle ; so that the equation L. expresses, that the points u, u' are harmonically conjugate, with respect to the chord mm', of which l is the middle point, as is otherwise evident from geometry. (26.) The vector a of the orlit (or of position), which corresponds to the vector r (= Da) of the hodograph (or of velocity'), and of which the length is Ta = r = the distance, may be deduced from r by the equations, LI. . . a = r(K-r)y-i, and LIL . . Vra = -/3= Myi; whence follow the expressions, LIII. . . Potential = Mr"! = (say) P= Sr (k - r) = Sv (k - r) ; CHAP. III.] CONSTRUCTIONS FOR THE POTENTIAL. 723 the second expression for P being deduced from the first, by means of the relation XXXV. (27.) The first expression LIII. for P shows that the potential is equal, 1st, to the rectangle under the radius of the hodograph, and the perpendicular from the centre o of force, on the tangent at t to that circle ; and Ilnd, to the square of the tangent from the same point T of the hodograph, to what may be called the Circle of Uxcentricitg, namely to that new circle which has oh for a diameter. And the first of these values of the potential may be otherwise deduced from the equality (7.) of the mass M, to the product he of the radius h of the hodograph, multiplied by the constant c of double areal velocity, or by the constant parallelogram (16.) under any two cor- responding vectors. (28.) The second expression LIII. for the potential P, corresponding to the point T of the hodograph, may (by XXXIV., &c.) be thus transformed, with the help of a few reductions of the same kind as those recently employed : LIV. . . P= — = — ^— -| — , if hY. . . q = v(K-v), r h^ + u' q being thus an auxiliary quaternion ; and in like manner, for the other point t' lately considered, we have the analogous value, whence and therefore, and finally, Lvi p>_^_ ^^Sg-"y^ g. r' h'i+u'^ ' LVn...P.P'=*-^i?|^^; h^ + u^ Lviii... ^=p-i5?i+^"!I?, T TY ^' - P'-i _ Sg-«y-^Vg r _ 2M 2PP' „ ^«2y3 (29.) In fact, the same second expression LIII. shows, that if v and v' be the feet of perpendiculars from x and x' on hl, then the potentials are, LXI. . . P= ou . XV, and P' = ou . x'v' ; and it is easy to prove, geometrically, that the segment u'l is the harmonic mean be- tween what may be called the ordinates, xv, x'v', to the hodographic axis hl. (30.) If we suppose the point u to take any new but near position u, in the plane, the polar chord xx', and (in general) the length u of the tangent ux, will change ; and we shall have the differential relations : LXII. . . dr = (r - v)-iS (r - k) dv ; LXir. . . dr' = (r' - v)->S (r' - k) dw ; and » LXIIL . . d« = ?riS (fc - v) dv. (3L) Conceiving next that u moves along the line ou, or lu, so that we may write, LU LM , , LO LXIV.... = Gr-e')(^-X), if ^=- = ^, and e =-~, we shall have, 724 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [book 111 LXV. . . dv = {fx -\)dx = v {x- e')''da;, with ic > 1 > e', if u be on lm prolonged, and if o be on the concave side of the arc tmt' ; and thus, by LIII., the diflPerential expressions (30.) become, LXVI. . . dr = (i;-r)->P(^-e')-ida:; dr' = (v- r')-iP'(^-e')->dr ; and LXVII. . . d« = u-^Sg.{z - e'y^dx, with S7 = v(\ - v) ; Pdx „. . P'dx so that LXVIII. . . Tdr = Tdr' = if d;^; > 0. « (iC — e'y ~ ' u(x — e) Such then are the lengths of the two elementary arcs TT, and t't/ of the hodograph, intercepted between two near secants ntt' and nt^t/ drawn from the pole n of the chord mm', and having u and u, for their own poles ; and we see t^at these arcs are proportional to the potentials^ F and P', or by LXI. to the ordinates, tv, t'v', or finally to the lines nt, nt' : and accordingly we have the inverse similarity (comp. 118), of the two small triangles with n for vertex, LXIX. . . A NTT, oc'ntV, as appears on inspection of the annexed Figure 86. N 4 A \ \ ---.^ f' ^ V \ \^ w^ ii^ "~\\\ ■¥^ It ^ \ "^ \ / \ / 1 \ 1 Y/ \\i //\ \\\ ^ V' ^0 ^ \IJ^^. Ki / TV^,--'-' \ "^ — -^ Fig. 8G. (32.) For any motion of a point, however complex, the element dt of time which corresponds to a given element dDa of the hodograph, is found by dividing the latter element by the vector D-a of accelerating force ; if then we denote by dt and dt' tlie times corresponding to the elements dr and dr' (31.), we have the expressions, Mdx rdx LXX. . d< = M.P-«.Tdr= -- Pu(x - e) LXX'. . , d<'=iW.P'-2.Tdr' Mdx u (x - e'y r'dx r'u (x - e') u (x - e') ' CHAP. III.] THEOREM OF HODOGllAPHIC ISOCHRONISM. 725 because, for tlie motion here considered, the measure or quantity of the force is, by I. and LIII., LXXT. . . TD2a = Mr-2 = M-ip2. (33.) The times of hodographically describing the two small circular arcs, t,t and t't ', are therefore inversely proportional to the potentials, or directly propor- tional to the distances in the orbit ; and their sum is, T^^TT ■■ ■, , [ ^ M\u-'idx (r+r')dx \F F jx-e u(jc-e) that is, by LX. and LXIV., LXXIII. ..d# + d*' = — — — , if LXXIV. -.p = T(u-\)=i:M. u(x — eygi- .7 xr- y (34.) We have also the relations, M LXXV. . . M = (a;2 - V)\ g, and LXXVI. ..— = (!_ e'2) ^2 ; a so that the sum of the two small times may be thus expressed, LXXVII. . . d, + d<-= ^-^pt ■ (' -'"^X^, M\ X (a;2 - 1)1 ' or finally, LXXVIII. . . de + d<' = 2 ^ ^ Y . (1 - e' cos wy if LXXIX. . . a; = sec w, or i^ = Z.MLW in Fig. 86, in -which Figure u'w is an ordinate of a semicircle, with the chord mm' of the hodo- graph for its diameter. (35.) The two near secants (31.), from the pole n of that chord, have been here supposed to cut the half chord lm itself, as in the cited Figure 86 ; but if they were to cut the other half chord lm', it is easy to prove that the formulae LXXVIII. LXXIX. would still hold good, the only difference being that the angle w, or mlw, would be now obtuse, and its secant x<—l. (36.) A circle, with u for centre, and m for radius, cuts the hodograph orthogo- nally in the points T and t'; and in like manner a near circle, with 11, for centre, and u-\- dw for radius, is another orthogonal, cutting the same hodograph in the near points T and t/ (31.). And by conceiving a series of such orthogonals, and observ- ing that the differential expression LXXVIII. depends only on i\\Q four scalars, M'^a^, e', w, and dw, which are all known when the mass Mand the five points o, I., m, u, u^ are given, so that they do not change when we retain that mass and those points, but alter the radius h of the hodograph, or the perpendicular hl let fall from its centre h on the fixed chord mm', we see that the sum of the times (comp. (33.), of hodographically describing any two circular arcs, such as t T and t't/, even if they be not small, but intercepted between any two secants from the pole n of the fxed chord, is independent of the radius (A), or of the height hl of the centre h of the hodograph. (37.) If then two circular hodographs, such as the two in Fig. 86, having a com- mon chord mm', which passes through, or tends towards, a common centre of force o, Avith a common ma^s M there situated, be. cut by any ttvo common orthogonals, the sum of the two times oi hodographically describing (33.) the two intercepted arc* (small or large) will be the same for those two hodographs. 726 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. (38.) And as a case of this general result, we have the following Theorem* of Hodographic Isochronism (or Synchronism) : '■'^ If two circular hodographs^ having a common chord, which passes throvgh, or tends towards, a common centre of force, be cut perpendicularly by a third circle, the times of hodographically describing the intercepted arcs will be equal." For example, in Fig. 86, we have the equation, LXXX. . . Time of Tim:' = time o/wsiw'. (39.) The time of thus describing the arc tmt' (Fig. 86), if this arc be through- out concave] towards o (so that x>l>e', as in LXV.), is expressed (comp. LXXVIII.) by the definite integral, / fl3(l-e'2)3Urw Aw LXXXI. . . Time of tmt' = 2 ^ ,^ ^ V r. ' ^ 5 •^ V M y Jo (1 - e cos wy and the time of describing the remainder of the hodographic circle, if this remaining arc t'm't be throughout concave towards the centre o of force, is expressed by this other integral, dw LXXXII. . . Time of t'm't = 2 ( ^ ^ Y , (1 — e' cos wy (40.) Hence, for the case of a closed orbit (e'^ < 1, e < 1, a > 0), if n denote the mean angular velocity, we have the formula. LXXXI 1 1. . . Periodic Time = — = 2 ( — T (1 -e -) J (1 — e'cos w)' LXXXI V. . . M=«%2, as usual. 'Hil The same result, for the same case of elliptic motion, may be more rapidly obtained, by conceiving the chord mm' through o to be perpendicular to oh ; for, in this posi- tion of that chord, its middle point l. coincides with o, and e'- by LXIV. (41.) In general, by LXXVI., we are at liberty to make the substitution, LXXXV. . . ( ^ ^ r = -J, with g = half chord of the hodograph ; supposing then that e' = - 1, or placing o at the extremity m' of the chord, we have by LXXXI., LXXXVI. . . Parabolic time of tmt' = — -— -^ ; 5^3 J^(l+C0St«)2' for, when the centre of force is thus situated on the circumference of the hodographic circle, we have by (8.) the excentricity e = 1, and the orbit becomes by XV. a para- * This Theorem, in which it is understood that the common centre of force (o) is occupied by a common mass (M), was communicated to the Royal Irish Aca- demy on the 16th of March, 1847. (Seethe Proceedings of that date. Vol. III., page 417.) It has since been treated as a subject of investigation by several able writers, to whom the author cannot hope to do justice on this subject, within the very short f^pace which now remains at his disposal. t Compare the Note to page 721. CHAP. III.] CHORD OF ORBIT, SUM OF DISTANCES. 727 hola. For lujperbolic motion (e'2> 1, e> 1, a<0), the formula LXXXI. (with or without the substitution LXXXV.) is to be employed if e' < — 1, that is, if o be on lm' prolonged ; and the formula LXXXIL, if e'>l, e'hV= t ; F being here a scalar function of a, a', t, while T is a scalar function of a, a', If, if M be treated as given. (50.) The two vectors a, a' can enter into these two scalar functions, only through their dependent scalars r, r', s (comp. 418, (17.)) ; but CXVI. . . dr = - r-^8aSa, ^/•' = - r'-iSa'oa', Ss = - s'lS (a - a) (5a' - 5a) ; confining ourselves then, for the moment, to the function V, and observing that we have by CXII. the formula, CXVII. . . S (jda - T'da') = Dr V. Sr + D^' V. dr + D, V. ds, in which the variations da, da are arbitrary', we find the expressions, CXVIII. . . r=-ar-iD,.F + (a'-a)s-iDsF; CXVIir. . . r' = + aV'-'D/ r+ (a' - a) s-iD,F; permitted to conceive the motion to be performed along either of the two elliptic arcs, pp', p'p, which together make up the whole periphery. But into details of this kind we cannot enter here. 5 A 730 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [boOK III. which give these others, CXIX. . .DrV= rY(a' -a)r: Yaa' ; CXIX'. . . D/ F= r'Y(a - a) t : Yaa' ; and CXX. . . D, F = s/3 : Yaa\ because Var = Va V = |8. (51.) But, by XCir., CXXI. . . rr -f r V = (r + r) v' \\ v\\a'- a, the chord tt of the hodograph, in Figures 86, 87, being divided at u' into segments Tu', u't', which are inversely as the distances r, r', or as the lines op, op' in the orbit ; we have therefore the partial differential equation, CXXII. . . D,.F= D/ F, and similarly, CXXIII. . . D,F= Dr'F; so that each of the two functions, F and F, depends on the distances r, r', only by depending on their siim, r + r'. (52.) Hence, if for greater generality we now treat M as variable, the Principal Function F, and therefore by CXIV. its partial derivative H=- (D^F), are func- tions of the/o?), we find: CXXVIII. . . i ((D, F)2 + (D, F)2) = fi + ^ + ^^ CXXIX. . . T)rV.DsV= r-fr+s r + r —s M M r-i-r' + « r + r—s 4:M / 4 IN CXXX. . .(D,F+D,F)2 = 2//4- r" =M — "; 1 ^ r+ r'+s \r + r'+ s a } 4tM I 4 1 CXXX'. ..(DrF-D.F)2 = 2iJ+ r— = M[ -. ^ r+r -s \r+r-s a CHAP. III.] DEFINITE INTEGRALS FOR ACTION AND TIME. 731 (56) But, by CXII. CXVII. CXXII., we have the variation, and the function V vanishes with t, and therefore with s, at least at the commence- ment of the motion ; whence it is easy to infer the expressions,* cxxxii. . . r= r ( _^_ + f y d.= r f -^ - f )*d, , As a verification, t when t and s are small, and therefore / nearly = r, we have thus the approximate values, CXXXIV. .. V={2P+2H)l8 = {2T)h = 2Tt; CXXXV. . . t=(2F+ 2H)-ha = (2 Tyh ; in which « may be considered to be a small arc of the orhit, and (2 T')^ the velocity with which that arc is described. (57.) Some not inelegant constructions, deduced from the theory of the hodo- graph, might be assigned for the case of a closed orbit, to represent the excentric and mean anomalies ; but whether the orbit be closed or not^ the arc tmt' of the hodo- graphic circle, in Fig. 86, represents the arc of true anomaly described : for it sub- tends at the hodographic centre ii an angle tht', which is equal to the angular mo- tion pop' in the orbit. (58.) We may add that, whatever ihQ special form of the orbit may be, the equa- tions CXVIII. CXVIII'. give, by CXXIL, CXXXVI. ..T'-r = (Ua' + Ua) D,. F; from which it follows that the chord tt' of the hodograph is parallel to the bisector of the angle pop' in the orbit : and therefore, by XCI., that this angle is bisected by OQ in Fig. 87, so that the segments PR, rp', in that Figure, of the chord pp' of the orbit, are inversely proportional to the segments tu', uV of the chord tt' of the ho- dograph. (59.) We arrive then thus, in a new way, and as a new verification, at this known theorem : that ^y be the heliocentric vectors of earth and comet. Write also, L..Ta=r, Tm = w, T(o)-a) = z, \J(io-a)^p, so that r and w are the distances of earth and comet from the sun, while z is their distance from each other, and p is the unit-vector, directed from earth to comet. Then (comp. 419, I.), * It appears from an unprinted memorandum, to have been nearly thus that the author orally deduced the theorem, in his communication of March, 1847, to the Royal Irish Academy ; although, as usually happens in cases of invention, his OAvn previous processes of investigation had involved principles and methods, of a much less simple character. 734 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. 11. . . D3a =- Mr-^a, B^io = - Mw-^w, and III. . . D2.2P = D2(w - a) = A/(r-3_ m,-3) „ _ Mzw^p, with IV. . . w^=-(a + zpy = r2 + z^-2zSap. (2.) The vector a, with its tensor r, and the mass M, are given by the theory of the earth (or sun) ; and p, Dp, D^p are deduced from three (or more) near obser- vations of the comet ; operating then on III. with S.pD/o, we arrive at the formula, which becomes by IV., when cleared of fractions and radicals, and divided by z, an algebraical equation of the seventh degree, whereof one root is the sought distance* z, of the comet (or planet) from the earth. 421. As a sixth specimen, we shall indicate a method, suggested by quaternions, of developing and geometrically decomposing the disturbing force of the sun on the moon, or of a relatively superior on a relatively inferior planet. (1.) Let a, ; so that (pa is here a vector-function of a, but not a linear one. (2.) If we confine ourselves to the term M(pa, in the second member of >., we fall back on the equation 419, 1., and so are conducted anew to the laws o( undisturbed relative elliptic tnotion. (3.) If we denote the remainder of that second member by ?/, then ij may be called the Vector of Distwhing Force ; and we propose now to develope this vector, according to descending powers of T (i first compoltent of this group, VIII...T,.„=^', U,„, = Ua.a- = "-Hf; a line from the earth, parallel to this new force, meets therefore the heavens in what may be called & first fictitious sun, 1, such that the arc of a great circle, ©01, con- necting it with the true sun, is bisected by the moon ]), as in the same Fig. 88. * Such a general term was in fact assigned and interpreted in a communication of June 14, 1847, to the Pioyal Irish Academy {Proceedings, Vol. III., p. 614) ; and in the Lectures, page 616. The development may also be obtained, although less easily, by Taylor's Series adapted to quaternions. Compare pp. 427, 428, 430, 431 of the present work ; and see page 332, &c,, for the interpretation of such sym- bols as (Taof"', aaa~^. 736 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [iJOOK III. (10.) The second component force, of the same second group, has an intensity ex- actly double that of the Jirst (Tr]2,2 = 2Tr/2, i) ; and in direction it is parallel to the sun's geocentric vector es, so that a line drawn in its direction from the earth would meet the heavens in the place of the sun 0. (11.) The third component of the present group has an intensity which is ipre- clsely Jive-fold that of the^rs^ component (TjjsjS = STj/o, i) ; and a line drawn in its direction from the earth meets the heavens in a second fictitious sun 00, such that the arc 0i 0^, connecting these two fictitious suns, is bisected by the true sun 0. (12.) There is no difficulty in extending this analysis, and this interpretation, to subsequent groups of component disturbing forces, which forces increase in number ^ and diminish in intensity^ in passing from any one group to the next ; their intensi- ties, for each separate group, bearing numerical ratios to each other, and their direc- tions being connected by simple angular relations. (13.) For example, the third group consists (5.) of four small forces, tj3,i .. »j3, i, Sr"^ of which the intensities are represented by , multiplied respectively by the four whole numbers, 6, 9, 15, and 35 ; and which have rfirec^ions respectively parallel to lines drawn from the earth, towards a second fictitious moon ])2, the true moon, the first fictitious moon J)i (8.), and a third fictitious moon ])3 ; these three fictitious moons, like the two fictitious suns lately considered, being all situated in the momen- tary plane of the three bodies E, m, s : and the three celestial arcs, ])2]), DDi, Di])3, being each equal to double the arc JQ of apparent e/ow^afion of sun from moon in the heavens, as indicated in the above cited Fig. 88. (14.) An exactly similar method may be employed to develope or decompose the disturbing force of one planet on another, which is nearer than it to the sun ; and it is important to observe that no supposition is here made, r.'specting any smallness of excentricities or inclinations. 422. As a seventh specimen of the physical application of quater- nions, we shall investigate briefly the construction and some of the properties of FresneVs Wave Surface, as deductions from his princi- ples or hypotheses* respecting light. (1.) Let jO be a Vector of Ray- Velocity, and fi the corresponding Vector of Wave-Slowness (or Index-Vector), for propagation of light from an origin o, within a biaxal crystal ; so that I. . . S/i/> = - 1 ; II. . . Sfi^p = ; and therefore III. . . Sp^/i = 0, * The present writer desires to be understood as not expressing any opinion of his own, respecting these or any rival hypotheses. In the next Series (423), as an eighth specimen of application, he proposes to deduce, from a quite different set of physical principles respecting light, expressed however still in the language of the present Calculus, Mac Cullagh's Theorem of the Polar Plane ; intending then, as a ninth anCi final specimen, to give briefly a quaternion transformation of a celebrated equation in partial differential coefficients, of the fiz'st order and second degree, which occurs in the theory of heat, and in that of the attraction of spheroids. CHAP. III.] CONSTRUCTION OF FRESNEL's WAVE SURFACE. 737 if 5p and dfx be any infinitesimal variations of the vectors p and /;, consistent with the scalar equations (supposed to be as yet unknown), of the Wave-Surface and its Reciprocal (with respect to the unit-sphere round o), namely the Surface of Wave- Slowness^ or (as it has been otherwise called) the Index* -Surface : the velocity of light in a vacuum being here represented by unity. (2.) The variation ^p being next conceived to represent a small displacement, tangential to the wave, of a particle of ether in the crystal, it was supposed by Fres- nel that such a displacement tp gave rise to an elastic force, say dt, not generally in a direction exactly opposite to that displacement, but still a. function thereof, which function is of the kind called by us (in the Sections III. ii. 6, and III. iii. 7) linear^ vector, and self-conjugate ; and which there will be a convenience (on account of its connexion with certain optical constants, a, h, c) in denoting here by 0'i^p (instead of ^^p) : so that we shall have the two converse formulae, IV. . . ^p = (pde ; V. . . 5e = ^-'^p. (3.) The ether being treated as incompressible, in the theory here considered, 60 that the normal component fx-^Sfide of the elastic force may be neglected, or rather suppressed, there remains only the tangential component, VI. . . fi-^YfiSe = de-ix-^Sfide, as regulating the motion, tangential to the wave, of a disturbed and vibrating par- ticle. (4.) If then it be admitted that, for the fro])agatior\ of a, rectilinear vibration, tangential to a wave of which the velocity is T/i"i, the tangential force (3.) must be exactly opposite in direction to the displacement dp, and equal in quantity to that displacement multiplied by the square (T/i-^) of the wave-velocity, we have, by V. and VI., the equation, VII. . . ip-^Sp-fi-^SnS£=ix'^dp, or VIII. . . ^p = (^-i-/i-2)-i/t-iS/i^t ; combining which with II., we obtain at once this Symbolical Form of the scalar equation of the Index Surface, IX. . . O = S/x-i(0-i-/i-2)- 1/4-1; or by an easy transformation, X.. . i=s/irKr'-/*-^)''Af'; or finally, XI. . . 1 = S/i (jw2 - 0)-i ft ; * This brief and expressive name was proposed by the late Prof. Mac Cullagh (Trans. R. I. A., Vol. XVIII., Parti., page 38), for that rfciprocaZof the wave-sur- face which the present writer had previously called the Surface of Components of Wave- Slowness, and had employed for various purposes : for instance, to pass from the conical cusps to the circular ridges of the Wave, and so to establish a geometri- cal connexion between the theories of the two conical refractions, internal and exter- nal, to which his own methods had conducted him (Trans. K. I. A., Vol. XVII , Part I., pages 125-144). He afterwards found that the same Surface had been otherwise employed by BI. Cauchy {Exercises de Mathematiques, 1830 p. 36), who did not seem however to have perceived its reciprocal relation to the Wave. 5 B 738 ELKMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. while the direction of the vibration Sp, for any given tangent plane to the wave, is determined generally by the formula VIII. (5.) That formula for the displacement, combined with the expression V. for the elastic force resulting, gives XII. . . dp=- cpvSfiSf, and XIII. . . Ss = - vSfiSs, if XIV. . . {(p-fi^)v = fi, or XV. . . u = (^ - fi-y^fi, V being thus an auxiliary vector; and because the equation XI. of the index surface gives, XVI. . . S/iu = - 1, while XVII. . . Yvde = 0, by XIII., it follows that the vector v, if drawn like p and /x from o, terminates on the tangent plane to the wave, and is parallel to the direction of the elastic force. (6.) The equations XIV. XVI. give, XVIII. . . fi^vz- Sv(}>v = 1, whence XIX. . . v^Sfi^fi = Sfidv = - Svdfx, because ^S^t; = 0, by XVI., and dSv^v =:2S{ = -/i-v-i; XXI. . . p-2 = ;x2-u-2; XXII. .. Spy = ; which last equation shows, by (5.), that the ray is perpendicular (on Fresnel's prin- ciples) to the elastic force Se, produced by the displacement dp. (7.) The equations XX. and XXI. show by XIV. that XXIII. . . (p-2 - 0) u = p-\ whence XXIV. . . v = (p-2 - 0)-i p"' ; we have therefore, by XXII., the following Symbolical Form (comp. (4.)) of the Equation of the Wave Surface, XXV. . . = Sp-» (^ - p"'*)"'p"M or, by transformations analogous to X. and XI., XXVI... l = Sp0(0-p-2)-ip-i; XXVII... l = Sp(p2-0-i)-ip; and we see that we can return from each equation of the wave, to the' corresponding equation of the index surface, by merely changing p to /*, and to 0"i : but this result will soon be seen to be included in one more general, which may be called the Rule of the Interchanges. (8.) The equation XXV. may also be thus written, XXVIII. ..Sp(0-p-2)-ip = O; but under this last form it coincides with the equation 412, XLI. ; hence, by 412, (19.), the Wave Surface may be derived from the auxiliary or Generating Ellipsoid^ XXIX. ..Sp0p = l, by the following Construction, which was in fact assigned by Fresnel* himself, but as the result of far more complex calculations: — Cut the ellipsoid (abc) by an arbi- trary plane through its centre, and at that centre erect perpendiculars to that plane, which shall have the lengths of the seniiaxes of the section ; the locus of the extremi- ties of the perpendiculars so erected will be the sought wave surface. * See Sir John F. W. Herschel's Treatise on Light, in the EncyclopOEdia Me- tropolitana, page 545, Art. 1017. CHAP. III.] CONNEXION OF RAY WITH INDEX-VECTOR. 739 (9.) And we see, by IX., that the Index Surface may be derived, by an exactly similar construction, from that Reciprocal Ellipsoid, of Avhich the equation is, on the same plan, XXX. ..Sp0-V = l. (10.) If the scalar equations, XXVII. and XI., of the wave and index surface, be denoted by the abridged forms, XXXI. . . fp = 1, and XXXII. . . F/i = 1, then the relations I. II. III. enable us to infer the expressions (comp. the notation in 418, (2.)), XXXIII... ,.= ^1^5 XXXIV... p = -=J?^; in which (comp. 412, (36.), and the Note to that sub-article), XXXV. . . iDpfp = (p2_0-i)-ip_pSp(p2-0-»)-V = -w- w2p^ and XXXVI. . . ^D^F/x = (/xS - ^)-y - p^fi (^2 - 0)-^ = - v - 1/ V ; V being the same auxiliary vector XV. as before, and w being a new auxiliary vec- tor, such that (by XXIV. XXVII. and IX. XV.), XXXVII. . . w=(0-i-p2)-ip = 0v; XXXVIII. . . 8pa> = -l; XXXIX. . . S/xw = ; whence also w || ^p by XII., so that (comp. (5.)) if w be drawn (like p, /u, and y) from the point o, this new vector terminates on the tangent plane to the index sur- face, and is parallel to the displacement on the wave ; also Sp : de = (o : v. (11.) Hence, by XXXIII. XXXV. XXXVIII., XL.../. = -I-^^ = -— ^=-(o;-i + p)-«. or XLI...-;ti-i = p + (.-i; 1 — urp* w ^ — p2 and similarly, by XXXIV. XXXVI. and XVI., 80 that, with the help of the expressions XV. and XXXVII. for v and w, the ray-vec- tor p and the index-vector p. are expressed as functions of each other : which func- tions are generally definite, although we shall soon see cases, in which one or other becomes partially indeterminate. (12.) It is easy now to enunciate the rule of the interchanges, alluded to in (7.), as follows: — In any formula involving the vectors p, p, v, oj, and i\iQ functional symbol (p, or some of them, it is permitted to exchange p with p, v with w, and with ^'i; provided that we at the same time interchange dp with de (but no<* gene- rally with dp)f when either dp or di occurs. * It is true that, in passing from II. to III. (instead of passing to XLIII.), we may be said to have exchanged not only p with p, but also dp with dfx. But usu- ally, in the present investigation, dp represents a small displacement (2.), which is conceived to have a definite direction, tangential to the wave ; whei'eas dp 740 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. For example, we pass thus from XX. to XLI., and conversely from the latter to the former ; from II. we pass by the same rule, to the formula, XLIII. . . Spde = 0, which agrees by XVII. with XXII. ; and, as other verifications, the following equations may be noticed, XLIV. ..Sp = [xY,xdB ; XLV. ..di = pYpdp ; XLVI. . . Sfidi = Spdp. (13.) The relations between the vectors may be illustrated by the annexed Fi- gure 89 ; in which, XLVII. . . OP = p, OQ = /*, ou = v, ow = (1), and XLVIir. . .op' = -p-i, OQ' = -/i-l, 0U'= - V'l, OW'=-W~l in fact it is evident on inspection, that XLIX. . . OP . op' = OQ . oq' y\s:. 89. = ou . ou' = ow . ow' ; and the common value of these four scalar products is here taken as negative unitj'. (14.) As examples of such illustration, the equation XX. becomes p'o = qu'-, XLI. becomes oq' = w'p; XXIII. may be written as w + p"i = p-^v, or as p'w : ou = p'o : OP ; &c. And because the lines pq'u and qp'w are sections of the tangent planes, to the wave at the extremity p of the ray, and to the index surface at the extremity q of the index vector, made by the plane of those two vectors p and fi, while dp and Se (as being parallel to w and v) have the directions of PQ'andQp'; we see that the displacement (or vibration) has generally, in Fresnel's theory, the direction of the projection of the ray on the tangent plane to the wave ; and that the elastic force resulting has the direction of the projection of the index vector on the tangent plane to the index surface : results which might however have been other- wise deduced, from the formulae alone. (15.) It may be added, as regards the reciprocal deduction of the two vectors [x and p from each other, that (by XLL XXXVIII., and XX. XVI.) we have the expressions, L. . . - n'"^ =a>-iVw|0, and LI. . . — p-' = i»"iVi;/x ; which answer in Fig. 89 to the relations, that oq' is the part (or component) of op, perpendicular to ow ; and that op' is, in like manner, the part of oq -J- ou. (16.) We have also the expressions, LII. . . - fx'^ =u)-^Y(jt)Vf and LIII. . . — p'^^v'^Vvio, which may be similarly interpreted ; and which conduct to the relations, LIV. . . -(Vvw)2 = v2p-2=(^2^-2=Svw. Hence, the Locus of each of the two Auxiliary Points u and w, in Fig. 89, is a Sur- face of the Fourth Degree ; the scalar equations of these two loci being, LV. . . (Yvtpvy + Sy^u = 0, and LVI. . . (Vw^-J w)2 + Sw0->w = ; continues, as in (1.) to represent any infinitesimal tangent to the index siirfacCf while dt still denotes the elastic-force (2.), resulting from the displacement dp. CHAP. III.] EQUATIONS OF WAVE, LINES OF VIBRATION. 741 from which it would be easy to deduce constructions for those surfaces, with the help of the two reciprocal ellipsoids, XXIX. and XXX. (17.) The equations XII. XXII., combined with the self-conjugate property of 0, give LVII. . . = S (0-ip . ^p), or LVIII. . . = ^Sp0- V ; hence (between suitable limits of the constant), every ellipsoid of the form, LIX. . . Sp0"V = ^* = const., which is thus concentric and coaxal with the reciprocal ellipsoid XXX., being also similar to it, and similarly placed, contains upon its surface what may be called a Line of Vibration* on the Wave ; the intersection of this new ellipsoid LIX. with the wave surface being generally such, that the tangent at each point of that line (or curve) has the direction of Fresnel's vibration. (18.) The fundamental connexion (2.) of the /wnc^ion (p with the optical con- stants, a, b, c, of the crystal, is expressed by the symbolical cubic (comp. 350, L, and 417, XXV.), LX. . . (^ + a-2) (<1> -F 6-2) (0 ^ c-2) = ; from which it is easy to infer, by methods already explained, that if e be any scalar, and if Ave write, LXL . . E=(e-a-2) (e_6-2) (e - c'^), we have then this formula of inversion, LXII. . . E((p + e)-i = e2 - e (0 + - a^b^c^Spfp. (20.) These equations may be variously transformed, with the help of the cubic LX. in (p, which gives the analogous cubic in ^-i, LXV. . . (0-1+ a^) (0-1 + 62) (^-1 + c2) = ; for instance, another form of the equation of the wave is, LXVI. . . = Sp0-2p + (p2 + a2 + 62 4. <,2) Sp^-ip - a262c2 ; in which it may be remarked that Sp0-2p = (0""ip)2 < 0, whereas Sp0-ip > 0. (21.) Substituting then, for Sp^'V in LXVI., its value h^ from (17.), we find that this second variable ellipsoid, with h for an arbitrary constant or parameter, LXVII. . . O=<0-'p)2 + A4(p2 + a2 + 62+c2)-a262c2, contains upon its surface the same line of vibration as the first variable ellipsoid LIX., which involves the same arbitrary constant h ; and therefore that the line in * Such lines of vibration were discussed by the present writer, but by means of a quite different analysis, in his Memoir of 1832 (Third Supplement on Systems of Rays), which was published in the following year, in the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy. See reference in the Note to page 737. 742 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. question is a quartic curve, or Curve of the Fourth Degree, as being the intersection of these two variable but connected ellipsoids : and that the wave itself is the locus of all such quartic curves. (22.) The Generating Ellipsoid (Sp^p =1) has a, b, c for its semiaxes {a> b> c > 0) ; and for any vector p, in the plane of be, we have the symbolical quadratic (comp. 353, (9.)), LXVIII. . . (^ + 6-2) (^ + c-2) = 0, or LXIX. . . - Mc-z^-i = ,^ + 6-2 + c-2 ; making then this last substitution for 0+6-24. c-2 in LXIII., we find, for the sec- tion of the wave by this principal plane of the ellipsoid XXIX., an equation which breaks up into the two factors, LXX. . . p-2 + a-2 = 0, and LXXI. . . 1 - b-^c-^Spp) + a-^b-^c-^-^p ; which gives by XXXIII. the expression, p-3(Vp0p - 1) - a-26-2c-20-i LXXXI. /* = and therefore a generally definite value (comp. (11-)) ^o^* the index vector fi, when the ray p is given. (27.) If the ray be in the plane of ac, then (comp. LXIX.), LXXXII. . . pfp = 0, for p = po, we shall see that if p be changed to po+ p' in the expression LXXVIII. for fp, and only terms which are of the second dimension in p' retained, the result equated to zero will represent a cone of tangents p', or a Tangent Cone to the Wave at the Cusp : which cone is of the second degree, and everg normal p to Avhich, if limited by the con- dition I., is here to be considered as one value of the vector p, corresponding to the value po of p. (32.) And it is evident, by the law (12.) of transition from the wave to the in- dex surface, that if + vo, + vi be the Lines of Single Normal Slowness, or the four values of p which are analogous* to the four cusp-rags + po, + pi (23.), then, at the end of each such new line, there must be a Conical Cusp on the Index Surface, ana- logous to the Conical Cusp (31.) on the Wave, which is in like manner one of four such cusps. (33.) In forming and applying the equation above indicated (31.), of the tan- gent cone to the wave at a cusp, the following transformations are useful : XCIV. . . - (p + p')-2 = - p-2 ( 1 + p-ip')-i (1 + p'p-i)-i = - p-2 + 2p-2Sp'p-i + p-^p'^ - 4:p-e(Spp')^ + &c., the terms not written being of the third and higher dimensions in p', and p, p' being ang two vectors such that Tp'< Tp (comp. 421, (4.)) ; also, without neglecting ang terms, the self-conjugate property of ^ gives (comp. 362), XCV. . . S(p + p') (p + p') = Sp^p + 2Sp>p + Sp'^p', with an analogous transformation for the corresponding expression in 0-' ; while the cubic LX. in f , or LXV. in ^-', gives for an arhitrarg p, XCVI. . . ^(^ + a-2) (^ + c-2)p = - 6-2 (^ ^ „-2) (^ + c-2)p^ XCVIL . . 0-«(^ + a-2) (0 + c-2)p =- 62(^ + a-2) (^ + c-a) p ; and therefore, among other transformations of the same kind, XCVIII. . . (0 +a-2)2 (0 + c-2)2p = (a-2 - 6-2) (c 2 - 6-2) (0 + a-2) (* + 6-2) p. * This word " analogous" is here more proper than " corresponding" ; in fact, the cusps on each of the two surfaces will soon be seen to correspond to circles on the other, in virtue of the law ofreciprocitg. CHAP. 111.] CIRCULAR RIDGES ON WAVE AKD INDEX SURF. 745 We have also for a cusp, the values, XCIX. . .o - 2/[ioSp'po, the scalar coefficient x being determined, for each direction of the tangent p' to the wave at the cusp, by the condition I., which here becomes (31.), cm.. . S/ipo=S/«opo = -l; also, by CII., &c,, we have after some slight reductions, CIV. . . xS/ipo= 2(62Sp>o + Sp'po) -, CV. . . a;S/xjMo = 2(Sp'/io-fto^Sp'po); CVI. . . 0:2^2 = 4(^2^^24. i-)Sp'poSp>o + 4 (poSp>o + i"oSp'po) ■ = - 462 (Sp>o)2 + 4 (&2//o2 - 1) Sp'poSpVo + 4/io2 (Sp'po)2 ; but this last expression is equal, by CIV. CV., to - x^SfxpoSfifio \ the equation of the cone of perpendiculars, let fall from the wave-centre o on the tangent planea at the cusp, takes then this very simple form, CVII. . . /i2 + S/fpoS/i/io = 0; 60 that this cone of the second degree has the two vectors po and /iq at once for sides and cgclie norinals (comp. 406, (7.)); and it is cut, by ihQ plane CIIL, in a circle, of which the diameter is, CVIII. . . T(/io + po-0 = (T^o^ - 6-«)i = h (6-2 » e?-2)5 (c-2 - 6-2)». and therefore subtends, at the centre o, and in the plane of ac, the angle, CIX. ., l'^ = tan-i . 62 (6-2 _ «-2)i (c-s _ 6-2)i. po ^ (35.) And by combining the equations CIIL CVII., we see that this circle (34.) is a small circle of the sphere, ex. . . /i2 = SnnQ, or CX'. . . S/t- Vo = 1 which passes through the wave-centre, and has the vector hq for a diameter, passing also through the extremity of the vector - po-^. (36.) This circle is, by III., a curve of contact of ihQ plane CIII. with the sur- face of which p, is the vector, because every vector p of the curve corresponds, by (31.), to the one vector po of the wave ; it is therefore one of Four Circular Ridges on the Index Surface, the three others having equal diameters, and corresponding to the three remaining cusp-rays, — po, pi, — pi (23.); and there are, in like manner, Four Circular Ridges on the Wave, along which it is touched hy the four planes, CXI. . . Spj/o = -l, Spvo = + l, Spvi = -1, Spn = + 1, ± vo, ± J^i being the four lines introduced in (32.) ; also the common length of the diameters, of these four circles on the wave, is (comp. CVIII.), CXII. . . T((To + vq-^) = (T(To2 -62)i = 6-i(a2_ 62)i (ja _ c2)l, where CXIII. . . cto = - a'^c^ + 6-2)-Vo"' = Ca^o 4- po"')-^ + (^ + b-^y ; /io retaining its recent signification XCI., and the symbol (0 +6 2)-io denoting any vector oi the form y (3, if /3 be the mean vector semiaxis of the generating ellipsoid XXIX., so that CXIX. . . Si30i3 = 1, (0 + h-'i-) (5 = 0, T/3 = 6. (41.) "Writing then for abridgment (comp. XX.), CXX...Vo=-'{fio + Po-'y\ the Vector Equation of the Index Ridge (36.) is obtained under the sufficiently simple form, CXXI. . . V/3 (/i + po-^-' + V/3vo = ; and this equation does in fact represent a Circle (comp. 296, (7.)), which is easily * It is not difficult to show that these are the vectors of two points, in which the circle and ellipse (6), wherein the wave is cut by the plane of ac, are touched by a common tangent. CHAP. III.] DIAM. OF CIRCLES, DIRECTIONS OF VIBRATION. 747 proved to be the same as the circular section (34.), of the cone CVII. by the plant cm. ; its diameter CVIII. being thus found anew under the form, CXXII. . . Tyo-i = *TV\\' = h (b'^ - a 2)1 (c-2 _ h-2y_^ with the significations (24.) (25.) of \, X'; in fact we have now the expressions, CXXII r. . . po= *UX, vo = po-'(V\\')-', with the verification, that CXXIV. . . (^ + 6-2)vo = XS\'uo + X'S\uo = i~^U\=-|Oo"'- (42.) And by a precisely similar analysis, we have first the new general rela- tion (comp. CXVII.), for any two correspondijig vectors, p and ;«, cxxv. . . (r' -/^-') (p + /i-O' =/*-^ ; aoid then in particular {comp. CXVIII.), for j« = vq, CXXVI. . . (/o + i'o-0"^ = (r^ + *0"^»^o-' = ('yo + vo-0"*+Cr' + ^^)'^0; so that finally, if we write for abridgment (comp. XLI. CXX.), CXXVII. ..wo=-(p = 1) : and the diameter CXII., of this circle of contact of the wave with the first plane CXI., is thus found anew (comp. CXXII.), without any reference to cusps (37.), as the value of Two"*- (43.) Several of the foregoing results may be illustrated, by a new use of the last diagram (13.). Thus if we suppose, in that Fig. 89, that we have the values, CXXIX. . . op = )Ooj «Q = iWo> ou = Vo, whence CXXX. . . op' = -po"S &c., then the index-ridge (36.), corresponding to the wave-cusp v (23.), will be the cir- cle which has p'q for diameter, in a plane perpendicular to the plane of the Figure, which is here the plane of ac ; the cone of normals fi (34.), to the tangent cone to the tvave at p, has the wave-centre o for its vertex, and rests on the last-mentioned circle, having also for a subcontrary section that second circle which has pq' for diameter, and has its plane in like manner at right angles to the plane of poq ; also if k and s be any two points on the second and first circles, such thatOKS is a right line, namely a side p, of the cone here considered, then the chord pr of the second circle is per- pendicular to this last line, and has the direction of the vibration dp, -which answers here to the two vectors p (= Pq) and p : because (comp. (14.)) this chord is perpen- dicular to /u, but complanar with p and p. (44.) Again, to illustrate the theory of the wave-ridge (36.), which corresponds to a cusp (32.) on the index-surface, we may suppose that this cusp is at the point Q in Fig. 89, writing now (instead of CXXIX. CXXX.), CXXXI. . . OQ = Vq, op = o-Q, ow = Wo, oq' = - Vo"'» &c. ; for then the ridge (or circle of contact) on the wave will coincide with the second circle (43.), and the cone of rays p from o, which rests upon this circle, will have the fr^t circle (43.) for a sub-contrary section : also the vibration, at any point r of the wave- 748 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. ridge, will have the direction of the chord rq', for reasons of the same kind as be- fore. (4.5.) Let K and k' denote the bisecting points of the lines pq' and qp', in the same Fig. 89 ; then k' is the centre of the index ridge, in the case (43.) ; while, in the case (44.), k is the centre of the wave-ridge. (46.) In the^rs^ of these two cases, the point k is not the centre of ant/ ridge, on either wave or index-surface ; but it is the centre of a certain suhcontrary and circular section (43.), of the cone with o for vertex which rests upon an index-ridge ; and each of its chords PR has the direction (43.) of a vibration dpQ, at the wave-cusp P corresponding : so that this cusp-vibration revolves, in the plane of the circle last mentioned, with exactly half the angular velocity of the revolving radius kr. (47.) And every one of those cusp-vibrations dpo, which (as we have seen) are all situated in one plane, namely in the tangent plane at the cusp v to the ellipsoid (6) of (28.), has (as by (14.) it ought to have) the direction of the projection of the cusp-ray po, on some tangent plane to the tangent cone to the wave, at that point P : to the determination of which last cone, by some new methods, we purpose shortly to return. (48.) In the second of the two cases (45.), namely in the case (44.), pq' is a diameter of a wave-ridge, with K for the centre of that circle, and with a plane (per- pendicular to that of the Figure) which touches the wave at every point of the same circular ridge ; and the vibration, at any such point k, has been seen to have the direction of the chord rq', which is in fact the projection (14.) of the ray or upon the tangent plane at R to the wave. (49.) And we see that, in passing from one point to another of this wave-ridge, the vibration rq' revolves (comp. (46.)) round the Jixed point q' of that circle, namely round the^o< of the perpendicular from o on the ridge-plane, with (again) half the angular velocity of the revolving radius KR. (50.) These laws of the two sets of vibrations, at a cusp and at a ridge upon the wave, are intimately connected with the two conical polarizations, which accompany the two conical refractions,* external and internal, in a biaxal crystal ; because, on the one hand, the theoretical deduction of those two refractions is associated with, and was in fact accomplished by, the consideration of those cusps and ridges : while, on the other hand, in the theory of Fresnel, the vibration is always perpendicular * The writer's anticipation, from theory, of the two Conical Refractions, was announced at a general meeting of the Royal Irish Academy, on the 22nd of Octo- ber, 1832, in the course of a final reading of that Third Supplement on Systems of Rays, which has been cited in a former Note (p. 737). The verj' elegant experi- ments, by which his friend, the Rev. Humphrey Lloyd, succeeded shortly afterwards in exhibiting the expected results, are detailed in a Paper On the Phenomena pre- sented by Light, in its passage along the Axes of Biaxal Crystals, which was read before the same Academy on the 28th of January, 1833, and is published in the same First Part of Volume XVIL of their Transactions. Dr. Lloyd has also given an account of the same phenomena, in a separate work since published, under the title of an Elementary Treatise on the Wave Theory of Light (London, Longman and Co., 1857, Chapter XL). CHAP. III.] FORMS OF EQUATION OF CUSP-CONE. 749 to the plane of polarization. But into the details of such investigations, we cannot enter here. (51.) It is not difficult to show, by decomposing p' into two other vectors, pi and p2, perpendicular and parallel to the plane of « ; the equation CI. of the tangent cone at a ivave-cusp may therefore be thus more briefly written, CXXXIII. . . (S/io|Oop')'=4Spon>'S)«op'; and under this form, the cone in question is easily proved to be the locus of the nor- mals from the cusp, to that olher cone CVII., which has /i for a side, and the wave- centre o for its vertex : while the same cone CVII. is now seen, more easily than in (34,), to be reciprocally the locus of the perpendiculars from o on the tangent planes to the wave at the cusp, in virtue of the new equation CXXXIII., of the tangent cone at that point. (52.) Another form of the equation of the cusp-cone may be obtained as fol- lows. The equation LXXIV. of the wave may be thus modified (comp. LXXVI.), by the introduction of the two non- opposite cusp-rays, po = 6U\ (CXXIII.), and pi = 6U\': CXXXIV. . . 2«262c2 + (fl3 + c2) 62p2 + (^2 _ g?) Spop . Spip = + («2_c2)TVpop.TVpip; where it will be found that the first member vanishes, as well as the second, at the cusp for which p = po. (53.) Changing then p to po + p', and retaining only terms o? first dimension in p' (comp. (31.)), we find an equation oi unifocal form (comp. 369, &c.), CXXXV. . . Si3op' = + TVaop', or CXXXV. . . {Ya^p'y + (S|3op')2 = ; with the two constant vectors, CXXXVI. . . ao= (6-2-a-2)j (c-2-6-2)^po ; CXXXVI'. . . (3o = fio - Po'^ i and this equation CXXXV. or CXXXV. represents the tangent cone, with p' for side, S/3op' being positive for one sheet, but negative for the other. (54.) As regards the calculations which conduct to the recent expressions for oo, /3o, it may be sufficient here to observe that those expressions are found to give the equations, CXXXVII. . . 2fl262c2a^= (a2_c2) poTVpoPi; CXXXVir. . . 2rt262c2/3o = 2 («2 + c*) 62po + («2 - c«) (poSpopi - 6 Vi) ; and that, in deducing these, we employ the values, 62S\X' „„ 52TVX\" CXXXVIII. ..Spopi=^;^, TVpopi = -^;^^'; together with the formula XCIX., and the following, . CXXXIX. . . ^ (po - pi) = - «"^ (Po - pO ; ^ (Po + pi) = - c"2 (po + pi). (55.) It is not difficult to show that the equation CXXXV. or CXXXV'., of the tangent cone at a cusp, can be transformed into the equation CXXXIII.; but it 750 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. may be more interesting to assign here a geometrical interpretation^ or construction, of the unifocal form last found (63.). (56.) Retaining then, for a moment, the use made in (43.) of Fig. 89, as serv- ing to illustrate the case of a wave-cusp at p, with the signification (45.) of the new point k' as bisecting the line p'q, or as being the centre of the index-ridge ; and conceiving a parallel cone, with o instead of p for vertex, and with a variable side OT = p' ; then the cusp-ray op (= po II «o) is a. focal line of the new cone, and the line ok' (= i {/Xq - po'O = il^o) ^^ ^^^ directive normal, or the normal to the director plane corresponding ; and the formula CXXXV. is found to conduct to the follow- ing) CXL. . . cos k'ot = sin pok' sin pot, which may be called a Geometrical Equation of the Cusp- Cone: or (more im- mediately) of that Parallel Cone, which has (as above) its vertex removed to the wave- centre o. (57.) Verifications of CXL. may be obtained, by supposing the side ot to be one of the two right lines, pi', pa', in which the cone is cut by the plane of the figure (or of ac) ; that is, by assuming either CXLI. . . OT = pi' = juo + po"' II ou, or CXLI'. . . ot = pa' = po + Ho'^ \\ ow ; and it is easy to show, not only that these two sides, ov, ow, make (as in Fig. 89) an obtuse angle with each other, but also that they belong to one common sheet, of the cone here considered, because each makes an acute angle with the directive nor- mal ok'. (58.) Another way of arriving at this result, is to observe that the equation CXXXIII. takes easily the rectangular form, CXLII. . . (Sp'(U^o+Upo))2 = (Sp'(Ui«o-Upo))2-f T;uoPo(Sp'U/ioPo)2; the internal axis of the cusp-cone has therefore the direction of U/io+ Upo, that ia, of the internal bisector of the angle poq, while the external bisector of the same angle is one of the two external axes, and the /awe ofpo)f*o> l^ut Sp'(U//o + Upo)<0, whether p' = pi', or=p2': and therefore these two sides, pi and pa', belong (as above) to one sheet, because each is inclined at an acute angle to the internal axis VfiQ + Upo- (59.) It is easy to see that the second focal line of the parallel cone (5G.) is /Mq, or OQ ; and that the second directive normal corresponding is the line ok (45.), in the same Fig. 89 ; whence may be derived (comp. CXL.) this second geometrical equation of the cone at o, CXLIIL . . cosKOT = sinKOQ sin qot; with koq = pok'. (60.) And finally, as a bifocal but still geometrical form of the equation of the cusp-cone, with its vertex thus transferred to o, we maj"- write, CXLIV. . . z POT -h z. QOT = const. = I wou. (61.) Ant/ legitimate form of anyone of the four functions, ^p, 0-ip, Sp^p, Sp0"ip, when treated by rules of the present Calculus which have been already stated and exemplified, not only conducts to the connected forms of the three other functions of the group, but also gives the corresponding forma of equation, of the JFave and the Index- Surface. CHAP. III.1 RIDGES RESUMED, ORTHOG. TO LINES OF VIB. 751 (62.) For instance, -with the significations (32.) of vq and vi, the scalar func- tion SjO0-'p, which is = 1 in the equation XXX. of the Reciprocal Ellipsoid (9.), may be expressed by the following cyclic form^ with vo, v\ for the cyclic normals of that ellipsoid, CXLV. . . S/)0-ip = - 62p^ + (^^ - c2)62Sro|oSvip ; reciprocating which (comp. 361), we are led to a bifocal form of the function Sp0p, which function was made = 1 in the equation XXIX. of the Generating Ellip- soid (8.), and is now expressed by this other equation (comp. 360, 407), CXLVI. . . ___^(Sp^p + 6>2) = (Sx.op)2 + (S.'ip)2-2 -^SvopSrip; vo, v\ being here the two (real) /ocaZ lines of the same ellipsoid (8.), or of its (ima- ginary) asymptotic cone. (63.) Substituting then these forms (62.), of Sp^p and Sp^'^p, in the equation LXIII., we find (after a few reductions) this new form of the Equation of the Wave : CXLVII. . . (2p2 - («3 _ c2) SvopSj/ip + a2 -f c2)2 = (a2 _ c2)2 { 1 - (Svop)2} {i-(Svip)M; whence it follows at once, that each of the four planes CXI. touches the wave, along the circle in which it cuts the quadric, with vo, vi for cyclic normals, which is found by equating to zero the expression squared in the first member of CXLVII. For example, the j^rs^ plane CXI. touches the wave along that circle, or wave-ridge, of which on this plan the equations are, CXLVIII. . . Sj/oP +1 = 0, 2p2 + («2 - c«) Svip - (a^ -f c2) Svop = ; and because CXLIX. . . (vo + vi) = - a-2 (vo + vi), (p (x/o -vi)=- c-2 (v^ - vi), and therefore, with the value CXIII. of Cq, CL. . . (To = - a'^c^VQ = J ((a2 -f c"-) vq - (»2 - c^)vi), the second equation CXLVIII. represents (comp. CX.) the diacentric sphere, CLL . . p2 = S(rop, or CLI'. . . S(Top-» = 1, which passes through the wave-centre o, and of which the ridge here considered is a section. The diameter of that ridge may thus be shown again to have the value CXII. ; and it may be observed that the circle is a section also of the cone, CLII. . . Sj/opSo-op = - p2, or CLir. . . SvopSo-op-^ = - 1. (64.) It was shown in (17.) that the vibration Sp, at any point of the wave- surface, or at the end of any ray p, is perpendicular to (p-^p, as well as to p. by II. ; and is therefore tangential to the variable ellipsoid LIX., as well as to the wave itself. Hence it is easy to infer, that this vibration must have generally the direction of the auxiliary vector w, because not only S/iw = 0, by XXXIX., but also Suxp-^p = Sp(p-^(o = Spv = 0, by XXII. and XXXVII. Indeed, this parallelism of Sp to to results at once by XXXVIL from XII. (65.) If then we denote by d'p an infinitesimal vector, such as pdp, which is tan- gential to the wave, but perpendicular to the vibration dp, the parallelism dp \\ (a will give, 752 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. CLIII. . . d'p = ftSp II /ifc> -i- p, because CLIII'. . . Sp/tw = 0; whence CLIV. . . SpS'p = 0, S'Tp = 0, or CLV. . . Tp = r= const., for this new direction S'p of motion upon the wave. (Q6.) And thus (or otherwise) it may be shown, that the Orthogonal Trajecto- ries to the Lines of Vibration (17.) are the curves in which the Wave is cut by Concentric Spheres, such as CLV. ; that is, by the spheres p2 ^ ;.2 _ q^ Jjj -y^hich the radius r is constant for any one, but varies in passing from one to another. (67.) The spherical curves (r), which are thus orthogonal to what we have called the lines (K) of vibration, are sphero-conics on the wave ; either because each such curve (r) is, by XXVIIL, situated on a concentric and quadric cone, namely, CLVL .. O = Sp(0+r-2)-ip; or because, by XXVII., it is on this other concentric quadric, CLVIL ..-l = Sp(0-l+r2)-lp• (68.) It is easy to prove (comp. LXXV.)) that, for any real point of the wave, r^ cannot be less than c2, nor greater than fl2 j and that the squares of the scalar semiaxes of the new quadric CLVII. are, in algebraically ascending order, r'^ —a^, ,•2 _ 52^ r2 - c2 ; so that this surface is generally an ht/perboloid, with one sheet or with two, according as r > or < 6. (69.) And we see, at the same time, that the conjugate hyperboloid, CL VIII . . . + 1 = Sp (0- » + r2)-i p, which has two sheets or one, in the same two cases, r>h, rh', (y)..r = ft; (J) . . r < 6, >c; (e)..r = c. (71.) In each of the three cases (a) (y) (t), the conic (r) becomes a circle, in one or other of the three principal planes : namely the circle (a), for the case (a) ; (b) for (y) ; and (c) for (c). (72.) In the case (j3), the curve (r) is one of double curvature, and consists of two closed ovals, opposite to each other on the wave, and separated by the plane (a), which plane is not (really) met, in any point, by the complete sphero-conic (r) ; and each separate oval crosses the plane {V) perpendicidarly, in two (real) points of the ellipse (b), which are external to the circle (6) : while the same owaZ crosses a/so the plane (c) at right angles, in some two real points of the ellipse (c). (73.) Finally, in the remaining case {d), the ovals are separated by the plane (c), and each crosses the plane (b) at right angles, in two points of the ellipse (6), which are interior to the circle (6) ; crossing also perpendicularly the plane (a), in two points of the ellipse (a). (74.) Analogous remarks apply to the lines of vibration (h); which are either the ellipses (a) (6) (c), or else orthogonals to the circles (a) (6) (c), and generally to the sphero-conics (r), as appears easily from foregoing results. CHAP. III.] fresnel's theory. 753 (75.) It may be here observed, that when we only know the direction (U/x), but not the length (T^), of an index-vector fi, so that we have two parallel tangent planes to the wat^e, at one common side of the centre, the directions of the vibrations dp differ generally for these two planes, according to a law which it is easy to as- sign as follows. (76.) The second values of fi and Sp being denoted by p,^ and dp,, we have, by the equation IX. of the index- surface, tliese two other equations : CLxi. . . = S/i (0-' - /x-2)-i p ; cLxr. ..o=Sp (0-1 - pr^y^p -, of which the difference gives, suppressing the factor p^'^ — p.'^, CLXIL ..0 = Sp (0-' -/i,-2)-i (0-1 _^-2)-i^ ; or CLXII'. . . = S (0-1 - p-^yi p (0-1 - p-^y^p, because (0"^ — /^t/^)"^ as a functional operator, is self- conjugate, so that p may be transferred from one side of it to the other ; just as, U v = ^p be such a self-conju- gate function of p, then v''' = Sp(pp = Sp T/c ; or, without ani/ restriction on the two vector constants, t, k, by this other equa- tion, * CLXXIir. . . T (tp + Pk)2 = (/c2 - t2)2. (90.) Comparing this with Sptpp= 1, as the equation XXIX. of the Generating Ellipsoid, we see that we are to satisfy, independently of p, or as an identity, the re- lation (comp. 336) : CLXXIV. . . (/e2 - i5)2 Sp^p = (ep + pk) {pi + Kp = (i2-f k2) p + 2SipKp; which is done by assuming (comp. again 336) this cyclic form for Sa-ip ; CLXXXIV. . . if r« = Tp2 = Sa:2, then v = r-2(^ + r-2)-ip = r-2S-~I^=-2i^- fl2a;3 ^2a;2 J2y2 c2y2 CLXXXV. . . for Wave, = Sou = S = + -^^— + ^ • ' ^ r2_a3 r2_^2 r2-62^r2-c2' or CLXXXVI. . . 1 = - S|Ow = - Sp^u = - Su? a;2 a;2 v« + -^^^0 + r1 _ ^3 r2 - a2 y2 _ 62 and the Index-Surface may be treated similarly, or obtained from the Wave by changing abc to their reciprocals. 423. As an eighth specimen of physical application we shall in- vestigate, by quaternions, MacCullagh's Theorem of the Polar Plane,* and some things therewith connected, for an important case of inci- dence of polarized light on a biaxal crystal : namely, for what was called by him the case of uniradial vibrations. (1.) Let homogeneous light in air (or in a vacuum), with a velocityf taken for unity, fall on a plane face of a doubly refracting crystal, with such a polarization that only one refracted ray shall result ; let p, p', p" denote the vectors of ray-velo- city of the incident, refracted, and reflected lights respectively, p having the direc- tion of the incident ray, prolonged within the crystal, but p" that of the reflected ray outside ; and let jx be the vector of wave-slowness, or the index-vector (comp. 422, (1.)), for the refracted light : these /o2 ; and therefore to the vector expression, 2rSr|0 = VjOJ/V, as in XV. (10.) By these or other transfomations, there is no difficulty in deducing this new equation, in which )r-(p'-w)r' + (p"-a;)rr}r' = 0; and conversely, when w is thus treated as arbitrary, the formula XXIII., with the relations (9.) between the vectors p, p', p", v, v\ fi\ but without any restriction (ex- cept itself) on r, r', r", is sufficient to give the two vector equations, XI. . . r-r'+ r" = 0, and XXIV. . . pr - p'r' + p"r" = £cv- ' + y, in which XXV. . . iK = Sr (pr — p'r' + p'V") = Si/j/V', and XXI. . . y = S (pr - pW + p"r") ; and which conduct to the two scalar equations (among others), XXVII. . . Sk ipT - p'r' + p"r") = 0, if XXVII'. . . Skv = 0, and XXVIII. . . Sj/p (Spr - Sp'V") = Si^p'S/r' ; so that if we now suppose the equations VI. VIII. IX. to be given, the equation VII. will /o//ow, by XXVIII. ; while, as a case of XXVII., and with the significa- tion IV. or IV'. of t, we have the equation, XXIX. . . Si (pr - p'r' f p"r") = 0. (11.) And thus (or otherwise) it may be shown, that the three scalar equations •VI. VIII. IX., combined with the one vector formula XXIII., which (on account of the arbitrary w) is equivalent io five scalar equations, are sufficient to give the same direction of r', and the same dependencies of r and r" thereon, as those expressed by .the equations X. XV. XVI. ; and therefore (among other consequences), to the for- mula XII. and XVII. (12.) But the equations VI. VIII. IX. contain what may be called the Princi- ple of Rectangular Vibrations (or of vibrations rectangular to rays)', and the for- mula XXIII. is easily interpreted (416.), as expressing what may be termed the Principle of the Resultant Couple : namely the theorem, that if the three vibrations (or displacements), r, r', r", be regarded as three forces, rt, k't', r"t", acting at the ends of the three rays, p, p', p'', or or, or', or" (drawn in the directions (1.) from the point of incidence o), then this other system of three forces, rt, — r't', r"t" (con- ceived as applied to a solid body), is equivalent to a single couple, of which the plane is parallel (or the axis perpendicular) to the face of the crystal. CHAP. Ill] PRINCIPLE OF EQUIVALENT MOMENTS. 761 (13.) It follows then, by (10.) and (11.), that from these two principles,* (I.) and (II.), we can infer all the following : (III.) t\\Q Principle of Tangential Vibrations (or of vibrations tangential to the waves) ; (IV.) the Principle of Eqvivalent Vibrations (^4:.) ; (V.) the Principle of the Vis Viva, as expressed (in conjunction with that of the Constant Density of the Ether) by the equation XII. ; (VI.) the Principle (or Theorem) of the Polar Plane; And (VII.) what may be called the Principle of Equivalent Moments,f namely * The word " Principle" is here employed with the usual latitude, as representing either an hypothesis assumed, or a theorem deduced, but made a grozmd of subsequent deduction. The principle (I.) of rectangular vibrations coincides, for the case of an ordinary medium, with the principle (III.) of tangential vibrations ; but, for an ex- traordinary medium, except for the case (not here considered) oi ordinary rays in an vniaxal crystal, these two principles are distinct, although both were assumed by Mac Cullagh and Neumann. The present writer has already disclaimed (in the Note to page 736) any responsibility for the physical hypotheses ; so that the results given above are offered merely as instances of mathematical deduction and generalization attained through the Calculus of Quaternions. t In a very clear and able Memoir, by Arthur Cayley, Esq, (now Professor Cayley), " On Professor Mac CuUagh's Theorem of the Polar Plane," which was read before the Royal Irish Academy on the 23rd of February, 1857, and has been printed in Vol. VI. of the Proceedings of that Academy (pages 481-491), this name "principle of equivalent moments," is given to a statement (p. 489), that "the- moment of R't' round the axis AH, is equal to the sum of the moments oi Rt and R"t" round the same axis" ; the line AH being (p. 487) the intersection of the plane of incidence with the plane of separation of the two media, that is, with the face of the crystal : while Pt, R't', R"t'' are lines representing (p. 488) the three vibrations (incident, refracted, and reflected), at the ends of the i/iree rays AR, AR' AR", which are drawn from the point of incidence A, so as to lie, all three (p. 487), within the crystal. And in fact, if this statement be modified, either by changing the sign of the moment of R"t" (p. 491), or by drawing the reflected ray AR", like the line or" of the present investigation in the air (or in vacuo), instead of prolong- ing it backwards within the biaxal crystal, it agrees with the case XXIX. of the more general formula XXVI I., which is M^qM included in what has been called above the Principle of the Resultant Couple. In venturing thus to point out, as the sub- ject obliged him to do, what seemed to him to be a slight inadvertence in a Paper of such interest and value, the present writer hopes that he will not be supposed to be deficient in the admiration, (long since publicly expressed by him), which is due to the vast attainments of a mathematician so eminent as Professor Cayley, Since the preceding Series 423, including its Notes (so far), was copied and sent to the printers, the writer's attention has been drawn to a later Paper by Mac Cul- lagh (read December 9th, 1839, and published in Vol. XXI., Part I., of the Trans- actions of the Royal Irish Academy, pp. 17-50), entitled '■'■An Essay towards a Dyn&mical Theory of crystalline Reflexion and lief •action ;" in which there is given at p. 43) a theorem essentially equivalent to the above-stated "Principle of the 5 E 762 ELEMENTS OF QUATERNIONS. [bOOK III. theorem that the Moment of the Refracted Vibration (r't') is equal to the Sum of the Moments of the Incident and Reflected Vibrations (Rxand r"t"), with respect to any line, which is on, or parallel to, the Face of the Crystal. [It appears by the Table of Initial Pages (see p. lix.), that the Author had in- tended to complete the work by the addition of Seven Articles.] Resultant Couple," but expressed so as to include the case where the vibrations are not uniradial, so that the double refraction of the crystal is allowed to manifest itself. Mac CuUagh speaks, in his enunciation of the theorem, of measuring each ray, in the direction of propagation : which agrees with, but of course anticipates, the direc- tion of the reflected ray, adopted in the preceding investigation. The writer believes that subsequent experiments, by Jamin and others, are considered to diminish much the physical value of the theory above discussed. 39 rAXEUI-iOSTER E.OW, E.G. London: JanKar f/ 1S70. 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