HE 27&I I&97 ^B IDO SIS » I .J M >> '■n ^H •^ r-- p : ^ ^H » 4 cr- ^^^^n' ^ 1 ^^^^^H ^ ^^^^^K- [ ^^H Agreemknx OF HOLDERS OF COLLATERAL NOTES OF Union i acific Ixailway Company. Dated February 15, 1897. J. P. MORGAN & CO. Depositaries. C. G. Burgoyne, Walker and Centre Streets, N. Y.— «1&97. o » o »> Agreement OF HOIyDERS OF -' ' '\ ' ' ■" Collateral Notes Off UNION PACIFIC RAII/WAY COMPANY. ^QXttmtXXt^ made this fifteenth day of Feb- urarj, 1897, between such holders of hereinafter de- scribed Collateral Trust Notes of the Union Pacific Kailway Company as shall deposit their Collateral Notes under this Agreement in the manner hereinafter provided, parties of the first part ; the firm of J. P. Morgan & Co., of the City and State of New York (hereinafter called the " Depositaries "), parties of the second part ; and Louis Fitzgerald, Jacob H. Schiff, T. Jefferson CooLiDGE, Jr., Chauncey M. Depew, Marvin Hughitt and Oliver Ames, as a Committee under the Plan and Agreement, hereinafter mentioned, for the reorgan- ization of the Union Pacific Kailway Company (here- inafter called the " Eeorganization Committee "), party of the third part. Whereas, the Union Pacific Eailway Company issued its Six Per Cent. Collateral Trust Notes (hereinafter called " Collateral Notes "), under and pursuant to a certain Indent- ure of Trust, dated September 4, 1891, (hereinafter called M114724 UfpS *' Collateral Trust Indenture "), executed by said Union Pacific Railway Company to the firm of Drexel, Morgan & Co. (now J. P. Morgan & Co.), of the City and State of New York, as Trustees, and there are now outstanding and unpaid $8,488,000 •of ^iyc}i;(;'p|l»teral Notes, the remainder of the Collateral Notes issued* un*d^ said Collateral Trust Indenture having been pur- ; V^al^sep • piinSHant to such Indenture and canceled ; and, •-•••• • r ..r .*• •.•,•* Whereas, the said Collateral Notes matured on the first day of August, 1894, but said Union Pacific Railway Company made default in the payment thereof, and is wholly insolvent, and receivers of its property have been appointed ; and Whereas, holders of said Collateral Notes have called upon the Trustees under said Collateral Trust Indenture to enforce the security thereof for the benefit of the holders of the Collateral Notes thereby secured, on account of such default ^in the payment of such Collateral Notes at maturity ; and Whereas, it is in the interest of the trust estate under said Collateral Trust Indenture, and also of the holders of all such Collateral Notes, that the holders of such notes should unite for the purpose of bidding at any public sale of such collaterals in order to prevent the sacrifice of such collaterals by a sale thereof without a prior arrangement necessary and sufficient to procure an adequate price therefor ; and Whereas, the parties of the second part are a Committee under a certain plan and agreement dated October 15, 1895, made and accepted by the Committee and by creditors and stockholders of the Union Pacific Railway Company, for the reorganization of the Union Pacific Railway Company, and sucb Committee desires to prevent the collaterals under said Collateral Trust Indenture from being sold at a sacrifice and without adequate reduction of the debts of the Union Pacific Railway Company, and, so far as practicable and consistent with the duty and the powers of the Trustees, to secure, for the benefit of the Company to be organized under such plan, the privilege of acquiring on the terms herein set forth, at an}^ time prior to February 1st, 1902, such of said collaterals as shall be purchased under this Agreement by use of the deposited Collateral Notes and as shall not have been sold by the Depositaries hereunder ; and Whereas, the parties hereto anticipate that, if sold at public auction as provided in said Collateral Trust Indenture, such collaterals may not realize a sum sufficient to pay ofif the whole amount of said Collateral Notes now outstanding ; and it is intended by this Agreement to authorize the Depositaries, at any auction sale of such collaterals, to bid such sums as will prevent a sacrifice thereof, and in case of the purchase by them of such collaterals, in their discretion to consent to the entire satisfaction of all such deposited Collateral Notes ; and Whereas, it is also the purpose of this Agreement to au- thorize the Depositaries to administer during the period of five years any collaterals purchased by them hereunder with the view of realizing sums in cash sufficient to pay, as hereinafter more particularly set forth, to the holders of Certificates of Interest and warrants issued hereunder the equivalent of interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum from February 1, 1897, and also the principal sums of such Certificates; and it is intended that in case the collaterals purchased by the Depositaries when administered and sold hereunder, shall not realize, sums in cash sufficient to pay interest on said Certificates and the principal sums thereof as afore- said, then and in that event such loss must be borne by the holders of such Certificates and warrants, but if after pay- ing to the holders of the Certificates and warrants the full amount of such interest and principal a surplus shall remain, then that such surplus shall be turned over to the Reorganiza- tion Committee or to the new company to be formed by it, in consideration of the delivery to the Certificate Holders of Preferred Stock of the new company to the amount and in the manner in this Agreement set forth : Now, therefore, it is mutually agreed by and be- tween the respective parties hereto as follows : L This Agreement shall be signed by the Depositaries and by the Chairman and Secretary of the Reorganization Com- mittee on its behalf, and shall be lodged with the Depositaries for account of all the parties. Holders of Collateral Notes may obtain the benefit of this Agreement only by delivering their Collateral Notes to the De- positaries on or before such date as the Depositaries shall fix, and by accepting in exchange therefor Certificates of Interest, or temporary receipts convertible into such certificates, to be issued by the Depositaries hereunder. All Collateral Notes, at the time of deposit, must be in such form as to be trans- ferable by delivery merely ; and by such deposit each depositor sells, assigns and transfers the Collateral Notes deposited by him to the Depositaries and their successors as joint tenants, and not as tenants in common, and agrees that the Depositaries shall be vested with all the rights and powers of owners thereof. The Depositaries shall have power, in their discretion, to fix or limit the period within which holders of Collateral Notes ma}^ deposit their notes and obtain the benefit of this Agree- ment. Holders of Collateral Notes who shall fail to deposit such Collateral Notes on or before such date as the Depositaries shall fix will not be entitled to deposit the same or to become parties to this Agreement, or to share in the benefits thereof, and shall acquire no rights hereunder ; but, in their discretion, either generally or in special instf^nces, and on such terms and conditions as they may deem proper, the Depositaries may ex- tend or renew the time for receiving deposits, or may receive any deposit at a later date, or waive any default. II. The Depositaries may issue under this Agreement 8,488 Certificates of Interest (hereinafter called " Certifi- cates ") numbered from 1 to 8,488 consecutively, each in the sum of $1,000, and to be substantially of the following tenor : iform of certificate op interest.] Certificate op Interest IN the sum of $1,000. No Under an Agreement dated February 15th, 1897, between certain depositors of Collateral Notes of the Union Pacific Railway Company of the first part ; the undersigned, J. P. Morgan & Co., as Depositaries, of the second part ; and Louis Fitzgerald and others, as a Committee under a certain Plan and Agreement for the Reorganization of the Union Pacific Railway Company, of the third part. Issued in respect of UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY Six Per Cent. Gold Collateral Trust Note FOR $1,000. This Certificate of Interest and the warrants hereto attached are issued under, and subject to, all the terms, conditions and provisions of the Agreement above mentioned in respect of a Union Pacific Railway Company Six Per Cent. Collateral Trust Note for One Thousand Dollars, and entitle the bearer to share in the rights and benefits specified in said Agreement. The respective warrants attached to this Certificate, repre- sent in the order of their numVjers, the corresponding semi- annual installments for interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, which may become payable under said Agree- ment upon the principal sum of $1,000, or the portion thereof :jhen remaining unpaid in respect of this Certificate ; and such 6 installments, if and wlien notice of payment shall be announced as provided in said Agreement, will be payable upon presenta- tion and surrender of the respective warrants representing such installments and not otherwise. This Certi^cate is one of a series of Certificates all of like tenor and effect numbered from 1 to 8,488, both inclusive, issued and to be issued in respect of Union Pacific Railway Company Six Per Cent. Gold Collateral Trust Notes for the aggregate principal sum of $8,488,000 outstanding under the Indenture of Trust, dated September 4, 1891, executed by the Union Pacific Railway Company to Drexel, Morgan & Co. as Trustees, such Certificates being issued either against deposits of such Collateral Notes or against payments of cash as provided in such Agreement above mentioned, dated February 15th, 1897. This Certificate and all interests thereby represented sball pass by delivery unless registered in the owner's name on the Looks of the Depositaries at their office in the City of New York, such registration being noted by them on this Cer- tificate ; after which no transfer shall be valid unless made on the books of the Depositaries by the registered owner in person or hj attorney and similarly noted on this Certificate ; but the same may be discharged from registry by being transferred to bearer, after which transferability by delivery shall be restored, and it may again from time to time be registered or transferred to bearer as before. Such registration shall not affect the negoti- ability of the warrants issued herewith by delivery merely. To guard against any excessive issue of such Certificates of Interest no such Certificate shall be valid unless authenticated by the United States Trust Company of New York by exe- cuting the endorsement hereon. Dated New York, February 15th, 1897. Depositaries. No such Certificate shall be valid until the United States Trust Company of New York shall have executed an endorse- ment thereon substantially of the following tenor, viz. : [form of endorsement.] This Certificate is one of a series of Certificates of Interest described in the within mentioned Note Holder's Agreement. United States Trust Company of New York, By Said United States Trust Company of New York, from time to time, upon request of the Depositaries, shall certify and shall re-deliver to the Depositaries such Certificates to an amount in the aggregate not exceeding 8,488 of such Cer- tificates. To eacli of such Certificates there shall be attached ten warrants numbered consecutively from 1 to 10, both inclusive, representing in the order of their numbers ten con- secutive semi-annual installments which may become payable, as hereinafter provided in respect of such Certificate, each of which warrants shall be substantially of the following tenor : (form of warrant.) (Issued under Note Holder's Agreement dated February 15th, 1897, in respect of Union Pacific Railway Company Six Per Cent. Collateral Trust Note for $1,000.) Warrant No. , payable to Bearer, for the semi-annual interest on unpaid principal represented by Certificate No. III. In exchange for each Collateral Note in the principal sum of $1,000 delivered and assigned to the Depositaries here- under, as provided in Article I. hereof, the Depositaries will issue and deliver one of such Certificates in the sum of $1,000. All or any of the remainder of the authorized issue of such Certificates, being an amount thereof equal to the amount of the Collateral Notes which, shall not be deposited hereunder, may be issued, sold and delivered by the Depositaries, from time to time, upon receiving therefor sums in cash, or pro- vision satisfactory to the Depositaries for the payment of sums in cash, equal to the aggregate of all sums which, after the date of this Agreement, shall be payable to the holders of a like amount of undeposited Collateral Notes out of the collaterals under said Collateral Trust Indenture. 8 A contract bearing even date herewith has been made be- tween the Depositaries, the Reorganization Committee and a certain Syndicate, which contract, among other things, stipulates that such Syndicate shall provide the sums in cash payable to the holders of undeposited Collateral Notes, and in consideration thereof shall receive Certificates to be issued as aforesaid in respect thereof. Such contract is hereby adopted and made a part of this Agreement. All Certificates hereunder, whether issued in exchange for Collateral Notes or in consideration of cash pay- ments as aforesaid, shall entitle the holders to equal and pro- portionate benefits and rights hereunder without preference, priority, or distinction for any cause, of any Certificate over any other Certificate, so that each and every Certificate issued and to be issued as aforesaid, shall have the same rights, benefits and advantages under this Agreement as if all had been made, executed and delivered simultaneously with the execution of this Agreement and for a common considera- tion. Until snch Certificates shall have been engraved and shall be ready for distribution, temporary receipts may be issued in lieu of such Certificates, and such temporary receipts will be exchangeable for such engraved Certificates when ready for dis- tribution. The holders of such Certificates and of such tem- porary receipts will be entitled (subject to any provisions therein contained) to the rights and benefits, and only to the rights and benefits, in this Agreement specified. Such Certificates shall be transferable by delivery merely, unless registered in the owner's name on the books of the Depositaries at their office in the City of New York, in the manner and with the effect set forth in such Certificates ; and after such registration of any Certificate the person in whose name such Certificate shall be registered shall for all the purposes of this agreement be deemed the owner of the Certificate, and all rights in respect thereof shall accrue to such registered holder, excepting that registration shall not 9 restrain the negotiability of the warrants issued with such Cer- tificate. The Reorganization Committee and the Depositaries may- treat the bearer of each Certificate which shall not at the time be registered as aforesaid, and the bearer of any warrant issued with any Certificate, whether such Certificate shall be registered or not, as the absolute owner of such Certificate or warrant, as the case may be, and shall not be affected by any notice to the contrary. IV. The Depositaries are hereby authorized and requested as holders of such deposited Collateral Notes to receive and to collect the principal and interest of such Collateral Notes and to enforce the same and all rights under said Collateral Trust Indenture ; in their discretion to apply to some court of competent jurisdiction for its aid and direction in foreclos- ing the equity of redemption under said Collateral Trust In- denture, and as decided and permitted by such^Court, or pur- suant to any other power, to cause to be sold the underlying bonds, stocks and other securities held under said Collateral Trust Indenture ; and at any sale or sales to bid for, or to purchase, any of such bonds, stocks and other securities, at such prices as the Depositaries may deem reasonable. At any such sale under said Collateral Trust Indenture the Depositaries shall bid for such bonds, stocks or other securities such prices, higher than the Depositaries shall otherwise be willing to pay, as may be fixed by the Reorganization Committee, provided that it shall furnish the Depositaries with any sums required to be paid in cash (in addition to such sums as shall be provided by said Syndicate) for such bonds, stocks or other securities purchased pursuant to such action of the Reorgani- zation Committee ; and otherwise the Depositaries shall be free to refrain from bidding at any such sale if they shall so deem best. The Depositaries may cause any such purchase to be made in their own name, or by, or in the name of, others. 10 and they may use and apply any of the deposited Collateral Notes on account of any bid made by them, and in satisfying, so far as may be, the purchase price of any bonds, stocks or other securities purchased ; and in case of purchase by them of all such bonds, stocks and other securities the Depositaries, in their discretion, may consent to the entire satisfaction of the deposited Collateral Notes. y. All bonds, shares of stock, or other securities so pur- chased by the Depositaries, and all other bonds, shares of stock or other securities and all cash in any manner acquired by the Depositaries hereunder (except the preferred stock deliv- erable to holders of Certificates pursuant to Article VIII. of this agreement), shall be held, used and disposed of by the Depositaries as hereinafter provided, and all, taken collectively, are herein termed the " trust estate." All or any such bonds, shares of stock, or other securi- ties, at any time comprised in the trust estate, may be sold by the Depositaries, at any time or times, at such prices and on such terms, as the Depositaries in their discretion may deem proper, and any such sale may be made at any stock exchange, or at private or public sale, either by the Depositaries or by any agent or broker selected by them ; but before making any sale of any shares of stock, prior to February 1, 1902, the Depositaries shall give to the Keorgan-. ization Committee, (or to any new company which, pur- suant to Article X. hereof, may have been substituted for the Committee hereunder,) notice of the intention to make such sale, and whether it be intended to make such sale at the New York Stock Exchange, or at public auction, or at private sale, and of any offer made to the Depositaries for the purchase of such stock at private sale. In any such case of an intended sale of any such stock at private sale the Keorganization Committee shall have the preferential right to purchase such stock (all or none) on such terms as the Deposi- 11 taries may then be willing to accept, provided that within three days after such notice of such intention to sell at private sale shall have been given, the Keorganization Com- mittee shall agree to purchase the same on such terms, and within five days thereafter shall pay therefor. Any such notice shall be sufficient if addressed in writing to the Reorganization Committee, or to such new company, and three days before the time of the proposed sale delivered to The Mercantile Trust Company, or to any address of such new company in the City of New York which shall have been designated by it to the Depositaries in writing. The Depositaries, however, shall not be required to give any such notice in case the Reorganization Committee shall have determined to proceed no further under such Plan and Agree- ment or under some modification thereof, or in case said Com- mittee or such new company shall have made default in the performance of any of its obligations hereunder. The Depositaries may deposit any Collateral Notes, stocks, bonds or other securities, by them held hereunder, in their own vaults or in such safe deposit vaults or such place or places of safety or with such custodian, as they may deem proper, and they shall not be responsible for the safety of any such deposit or for the acts of any such custodian. The Depositaries shall have full power and authority to consent to any renewals or extensions of any bonds or other securities at any time held in the trust estate ; to institute, or to unite in, any foreclosure or other appropriate proceed- ings to enforce or collect any such bonds or other securities ; to transfer into their own names, or into the names of any nominees by them selected, any shares of stock at any time held in the trust estate; to join in any plan or plans of reorganization in respect of any bonds, stocks, or other securities held in the trust estate, and out of the trust estate to pay any assessment on such bonds, stocks or other securities under any reorganization plan ; to buy in 12 for the benefit of the trust hereunder any bonds, stocks or other securities held in the trust estate sold at public sale under the provisions hereof, if, in the judgment of the Depos- itaries, the price offered therefor by others shall not be adequate, and to resell any bonds, stocks or other securities so bought in ; and generally, at the expense of the trust estate, and as the absolute owners thereof, to do any act or thing in respect of the Collateral Notes, bonds, stocks and other securities or property at any time embraced in the trust estate, which they may deem proper for the protection or benefit of the trust estate ; it being hereby expressly declared that it is the intention hereof to give to the Depositaries the broadest discretionary powers for the management of the trust estate and for carrying out the general purposes of this agreement, and that the De- positaries shall be authorized in their discretion to reconcile any inconsistencies in this agreement and to supply any omissions, as they may deem best. The Depositaries may employ, and act by, agents, trustees and attorneys, as they may deem proper and may fix their compensation. They may borrow from others, or may themselves advance, at interest, such sums of money as they may require for the purpose of paying any sums in cash needed upon the purchase of any of the bonds, stocks or other securi- ties sold at any public sale under the said Collateral Trust In- denture, and any sums which the Depositaries may deem advisable to obtain for the protection of the trust estate, or for the purpose of carrying out any plan of reorganization of any company of which bonds or stock shall be held by the Depositaries, or for any other purpose of this Agree- ment ; and they may charge or pledge the deposited Collateral Notes and any bonds, stocks or securities at any time embraced in the trust estate for the repayment of any sums borrowed and shall have a lien thereon for advances made by themselves with interest. The Depositaries in their discretion may exer- 13 cise or may refrain from exercising any or all of the powers under this Agreement. The Depositaries may incur any and all expenses which, in their discretion, they may deem proper for the administration and protection of the trust estate, or for carrying out or attempt- ing to carry out, this Agreement or any of the provisions thereof, including all expenses in connection with the prepar- tion of this Agreement and said Syndicate Agreement, the issue of Certificates, all legal expenses, all expenses for adver- tising, printing and for procuring the deposit of Collateral Notes hereunder, and all other expenses in any manner con- nected with this Agreement, or which the Depositaries, may deem expedient to incur in undertaking to promote any of the purposes thereof. The Depositaries shall be the sole judges of the propriety and the expediency of any and all such ex- penses, and of the amount thereof, and all such expenses shall be a first charge upon the trust estate, and shall be payable out of the proceeds thereof. Upon any sale of bonds, stocks or other securities under this Agreement, the Depositaries shall be entitled to charge and to receive to their own use, and to deduct from the proceeds of sales made by them, the usual com- missions on any such sales, and such commissions together with all proper expenses incurred in making such sales shall be deemed part of the expenses of the administration of the trust estate. It is hereby declared that no specification of particular powers shall be construed so as to limit any of the general powers by this Agreement conferred upon the Depositaries. Unless (aj the Reorganization Committee shall have de- termined to proceed no farther under said Plan and Agree- ment of Reorganization or some modification thereof, or unless (bj the Reorganization Committee shall have made default in the performance of any of its agreements herein contained, the Depositaries shall give to the Reorganization Committee, or to its nominees, or to the new company which pur- 14 suant to Article X. hereof may liave been substituted for the Keorganization Committee hereunder, proxies to vote upon any shares of stock then held by the Depositaries here- under for the election of any directors and for any other purpose except as such election or purpose shall be objected to by the Depositaries as prejudicial to the interests of the holders of the Certificates issued hereunder ;. provided, however, that the Depositaries shall not be required to give any such proxy after Februar}^ 1, 1902. In any case of a disagreement the Depositaries shall be authorized to vote as they deem best, either in person or by proxy. In case the Reorganization Committee or such new company shall have determined to proceed no further under said Plan and Agree- ment, or in case it shall have made default as aforesaid, and in any event after February 1, 1902, the Depositaries shall be fully authorized, in their discretion, to vote upon all shares for the time being held by them hereunder and to give proxies to others to vote thereupon. Neither the execution of this agreement nor anything herein contained shall in any manner affect, limit or im- pair any rights, powers or duties of said firm of J. P. Morgan & Co. as Trustees under said Collateral Trust Indenture. YI. All sums in cash received by the Depositaries for principal or interest on the deposited Collateral Notes, or upon any bonds, stocks or other securities purchased by the Depositaries, and all sums realized by the Depositaries by the sale or other disposition of any such bonds, stocks or other securities, or in any manner resulting from the trust estate under this Agreement, shall be deposited with J. P. Morgan