BIOLOGY A STUDENT'S TEXT-BOOK OF ZOOLOGY. COREIGENDA. In the description of Fig. 71 omit "(triods)."' 177. Lines 12 to 16. Professor Hickson has pointed out to me that in some genera the siphonozooids have generative organs. 17S. 22nd line from the top. For "Stereosoma Hickson, with" read "Stercosoma Hickson, without." 188. For "Section 2. Paractinia" read "Section 2. Paractiniae." 287. Line 2. For "sarcolemina" read "sarcolemma." 300. Line 8 from bottom. ) [For "Bdclloidea" read "Bdelloida." 306. Line 4 from top. ) 323. Line 2 from bottom. For " Pectinobranchiata " read "Pectinibranchiata." 375. Line 4 from bottom. For " Aspidobranchia " read " Aspidobranchiata." 411. For "Section 1. Tritonioidea " read "Tribe 1. Tritonioidea." 413. In description of Fig. 329 for "Eolis" read "Aeolis." A STUDENT'S TEXT-BOOK ZOOLOGY. BY ADAM SEDGWICK, M.A.. F.R.S., FELLOW AND TUTOR OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE ; AND READER OF ANIMAL MORPHOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY. VOL. I. LONDON: SWAN SONNENSCHEIN AND CO., LTD., NEW YORK: THE MACMILLAN CO. 1898. BIOLOOI IIBR; REPUGNS &<*><6& .X . v. I S37 V.I BIOLOGY PREFACE. IN preparing the present work I have been actuated mainly by the desire to place before English students of Zoology a treatise in which the subject was dealt with on the lines followed with so much advantage by Glaus and his predecessors in their works on Zoology. My original intention was to bring out a new edition of Glaus' Lehrbuch, revised and brought up to date, and a trace of this intention may be seen in a few pages of the present volume. But this plan was, for various reasons, soon given up, and the present treatise is, with the exception of about twenty pages, an< entirely new work. For a successful study of Zoology it is necessary that the student should begin by making a thorough examination of individual animals, of their structure, of the functions of their parts, of their relation to the external world and to each other. This method of study by types, which was largely introduced into this country by Huxley, and is admirably exemplified by that author's book on the Crayfish, is absolutely necessary as a preliminary to any thorough study of Zoology. By pursuing it the student acquires, if the animals are properly selected, a knowledge of the principal forms of animal life, and a basis from which more extended studies can be made. It is to assist these more extended studies that the present work is designed. At the same time it is hoped that the book will be of value to all interested in Natural History, whether professedly students of Zoology or not, if in no other way than as. a handy book of reference in which, by means of the index, information may be gained of A 2 MG55S35 VI PREFACE. the general nature and habits of a large number of animals, and of the more important and striking of the phenomena of animal life. To assist in giving the book utility in this direction, I have endeavoured, in the index, to refer the reader to the page on which technical terms are used for the first time and explained. At one time I thought of adding to each chapter a detailed account of some easily accessible species belonging to^ the group with which it dealt, but on reflection it appeared to me that such accounts were not required; for we possess them in an excellent form in many useful and well-known books, which are accessible to everyone. Moreover, to have done so would have either unduly increased the size of the book or rendered necessary the omission of much interesting matter concerning the infinite variation of animal structure and habits not found in works easily accessible to students. Small print has been used for those parts of the work which deal with disputed matters, or with subjects of a more recondite character. It has also been employed for the accounts of the families and genera which will be used mainly for reference. By this means I have been able to give far more information than would otherwise have been possible. To further the same object I have used, in the small print dealing with families and genera, not only abbreviations, but also what has been called by a friendly critic the style of the note-book. I very carefully considered my critic's objection to this "note-book style," but I decided that so long as I did not become unintelligible, the employ- ment of it was justified by the object in view. Moreover, I have been careful to limit its use to those parts of the work which were apart from the main narrative, and would be almost entirely used for purposes of reference. Most of the abbreviations are explained in the index, and it is hoped that no inconvenience will arise on account of their use. Authors' names for genera are given throughout. It has been pointed out to me, too late however for alteration, that the customary abbreviations for those names are not always used, and that my abbreviations have varied even on the same page. I am PREFACE. Vll afraid that this charge is true. I can only hope that my carelessness in this respect will not cause my readers serious annoyance. To make the book more complete as a work of reference, I have endeavoured to mention and give an account of as many families as possible. For the same reason I have named a large number of genera without giving any account of them. It may appear to some absurd to name without describing so many genera. My object in doing it has been to make the book more useful in enabling students to track as many unknown names as possible to their place in the system. I must ask the indulgence of my readers towards the many imperfections of this work. It is impossible to have a specialist's knowledge of every group, and in a book of this size, dealing with an enormous number of facts and names, it is beyond human capacity to avoid mistakes. Every care has been taken, and it is hoped that they will be found to be neither numerous nor important. The errors would undoubtedly have been much more numerous had it not been for the kind assistance given me by my friends. To Mr. J. J. Lister I am especially indebted. He has looked through all the proof sheets, and has brought to bear a critical power and discrimination which have been invalu- able. I cannot be sufficiently grateful for his assistance. Mr. Lister has also contributed the account of Coral Eeefs, and of the reproduction of the Foraminifera. My thanks are also owing to Mr. Heape and Mr. Graham Kerr. who looked through the greater part of the proofs, and to Mr. Shipley, Dr. Benham, Professor Haddon, and Dr. Harmer, who looked over the proofs of portions of the book, and gave me the benefit of their special knowledge. I have thus often been saved from errors into which I should other- wise have fallen. My principal sources of information are acknowledged in the foot-notes ; but I must not omit to make mention here of works from which I have obtained special help ; these are Biitschli's Protozoa in Bronn's Thierreich, Chun's introductory account of the Coelenterata also in Bronn, Vlll PREFACE. Wasiliewski's Sporozoa, Pelseneer's Mollusca, and Benham's Polychaeta in the Cambridge Natural History. Of the illustrations about fifty are new, of the remainder the majority are from Glaus' Lehrluch ; but some, which I have been permitted to make use of by the courtesy of the author and publishers, are from Bronn's Thierreich, Perrier's Zoologie, Korschelt and Heider's Embryology, and Lang's Text- book of Comparative Anatomy ^ In the classification the principal departures from precedent concern the group of Amphineura, which has been given up, and the Gephyrea, which has been broken up into four inde- pendent phyla. The reasons for these innovations are given in the body of the work. The work will be issued in two volumes. The present volume deals with the whole of the animal kingdom except the Arthropoda, the Echinodermata, and the Chordata. The treatment of these will be included in the second volume, in the production of which I have been fortunate enough to gain the co-operation of Mr. Lister. The second volume is in preparation, and will, we hope, appear without any great delay. It will, if possible, contain a part dealing generally with the facts and principles of Zoology, but it may be necessary, from considerations of size, to reserve this for a third volume. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE PHYLUM PROTOZOA ... 1 Class I. GYMNOMYXA (SARCODINA) 3 Sub-class 1. RHIZOPODA . 6 Order 1. Amoeboidea . .11 ,, 2. Testacea . .11 Sub-class 2. MYCETOZOA . 15 ., 3. HELIOZOA . .18 ,, 4. RADIOLARIA . 20 Class II. INFUSORIA . . 24 Sub-class 1. MASTIGOPHOKA . 27 Order 1. Flagellata . . 27 Sub-order 1. Monadina . 30 ,, 2. Euglenoidea . 30 ,, 3. Heteromastigoda, 31 ,, 4. Isomastigoda . 31 ,, 5. Phytomastigodn 32 Order 2. Choanoflagellata . 32 3. Dinoflagellata . 33 ,, 4. Silicoflagellata . 35 ,, 5. Cystoflagellata . 35 Sub-class 2. CILIATA . . 37 Order 1. Gymnostomata . 45 ,, 2. Trichostomata . 46 Sub-order 1. Aspirotricha . 46 ,, 2. Spirotricha . 48 a. Heterotricha . 48 b. Oligotricha . 49 c. Hypotricha . 49 cl. Peritricha . 50 Sub-class 3. ACINETARIA . 51 Class III. SPOROZOA . . 54 Order 1. Gregarinida . . 56 CHAPTER I. PROTOZOA contd. PAGE Sub- order 1. Monocystidea . 59 ,, 2. Polycystidea . 59 Order 2. Coccidiidea . . 59 3. Haemosporidia . 61 Sub-order 1. Drepanidiidia 61 ,, 2. Acystosporidia 62 Order 4. Myxosporidia. . 64 ., 5. Sarcosporidia . . 68 CHAPTER II. THE METAZOA . CHAPTER III. 70 PHYLUM PORIFERA . . . 72 Class I. CALCAREA . . 89 Order 1. Calcarea . . 89 Sub-order 1. Homocoela . 89 ,, 2. Heterocoela . 90 Class II. TRIAXONIA . . 90 Order 1. Hexactinellida . 90 Sub-order 1. Lyssacina . 92 ,, 2. Dictyonina . 93 Order 2. Hexaceratina . . 93 Class III. DEMOSPONGIAE . 93 Order 1. Tetractinellida . 93 Sub-order 1. Choristida . 93 2. LUMstida . 94 Order 2. Carnosa . . .95 ,, 3. Monaxonida . . 95 Sub-order 1. Halichondrina 95 ,, '2. Spintharophora 97 Order 4. Ceratina 97 TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. PAGE PHYLUM COELENTERATA . 99 SUB-PHYLUM I. CNIDARIA . 123 Class I. HYDROMEDUSAE (CRASPEDOTA) 123 Order 1. Hydrida . .127 ,, 2. Hydrocorallinae . 127 3. Tubulariae . .129 Anthomedusae . 130 4. Campanulariae . 132* Leptomedusae . 133 ,, 5. Trachomedusae . 135 6. Narcomedusae . 136 ,, 7. Siphonophora. . 137 Sub-order 1. Disconanthae . 141 Section 1. Disconectae (Velellidae) 141 Sub-order 2. Siphonanthae . 144 Section 1. Calyconectae (Calycophoridae) 144 ,, 2. Physonectae (Physophoridae) 150 ,, 3. Auronectae . 153 ,, 4. Cystonectae (Physalidae) 154 Class II. ACALEPHAE (ACRASPEDA) 156 Order 1. Scyphomedusae . 162 Sub-order 1. Stauromedusae 163 ,, 2. Peromedusae . 165 3. Cubomedusae . 166 Order 2. Ephyroninae . . 166 Sub-order 1. Cannostomae . 167 ,, 2. Semostomae . 167 ,, 3. Rhizostomae . 167 Class III. ACTINOZOA (ANTHOZOA) 168 Order 1. Rugosa . . .175 ,, 2. Alcyonaria (Octactinia) 175 Sub-order 1. Protoalcyonaria 17 '8 ,, 2. Stolonifera . 178 ,, 3. Alcyonacea . 178 ,, 4. Pennatulacca . 179 Section 1. Pennatulea . 180 ,, 2. Spicata . . 181 ,, 3. Renillea . . 181 ,, 4. Veretiliea . . 181 Sub -order 5. Gorgonacea . 181 Section 1. Scleraxonia . 182 ,, 2. Holaxonia . , 182 CHAPTER IV. COELENTERATA contd. PAGE Order 3. Zoantharia (Hexactinia) 183 Sub-order 1. Actiniarin . 183 Section 1. Hexactiniae . 186 ,, 2. Paractiniae . 188 ,, 3. Protactiniae . 189 ,, 4. Echvardsiae . 189 ,, 5. Zoantheae . . 189 ,, 6. Ceriantheae . 190 Sub-order 2. Antipatharia . 190 ,, 3. Madreporaria . 191 Section 1. Aporosa . . 194 2. Fungida . . 196 ., 3. Perforata . .196 SUB-PHYLUM II. CTENOPHORA 197 Order 1. Tentaculata . . 207 Section 1. Cydippidae . 207 2. Lobatae . . 207 3. Cestidae . . 208 Order 2. Nontentaculata . 208 CHAPTER V. PHYLUM PLATYHELMINTHES . 209 Class I. TURBELLARIA . 210 Order 1. Acoela . .218 ,, 2. Rhabdocoela . .219 ,, 3. Alloiocela . . 220 ,, 4. Triclada . . 221 ,, 5. Polyclada . . 222 Acotylea . . 222 Cotylea . . 223 Class II. TREMATODA . . 223 Order 1. Heterocotylea (Monogenea) 233 ,, 2. Aspidocotylea . 236 3. Malacotylea (Digenea) 237 Dicyemidae and Orthonectidae 240 Class III. CESTODA . 243 CHAPTER VI. PHYLUM NEMERTEA . . 263 Order 1. Protonemertini . 270 ,, 2. Mesonemertini . 270 ,, 3. Metanemertini . 271 4. Heteronemertini . 272 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XI CHAPTER VII. PACK PHYLUM NEMATHELMINTHES 273 Class I. NEMATODA . . 274 Chaetosomatidae and Desmoscolecidae 291 Class II. NEMATOMORPHA . 292 ,, III. ACANTHOCEPHALA 293 CHAPTER VIII. PHYLUM ROTIFERA . . 299 Order 1 . Ebizota . . 307 ,, 2. Bdelloida . . 308 ,, 3. Ploima . . 308 ., 4. Scirtopoda . . 310 ,, 5. Seisonacea . . 310 Gastrotricha . 310 Eclrinoderidae . 311 CHAPTER IX. THE COELOMATA . . .313 CHAPTER X. PHYLUM MOLLUSC A . . .316 Class I. LAMELLI- BRANCHIATA 324 Order 1. Protobranchiata . 345 ,, 2. Filibrancblata . 345 Sub-order 1. Anomiacea, . 345 2. Arcacea . . 345 3. Mytilacea . 349 Order 3. Pseudolamelli- branchiata 346 4. Eulamellibrancbiata 347 Sub-order 1. Submytilacea . 347 ,, 2. Telliiiacea . 347 ,, 3. Veneracea . '-'AS ,, 4. Cardiacea . 348 5. Myacca . 348 ,, 6. PJioladttcea . 348 ,, 7. Anatinacea . 349 Order 5. Septibranchiata . 349 Class II. SCAPHOPODA . 349 , III. SOLENOGASTRES . 352 CHAPTER X. MOLLUSCA contd. PAGE Class IV. GASTROPODA . 356 Sub-class 1. ISOPLEURA . . 387 ,, 2. ANISOPLEUJI^ . 392 Order 1. Streptoneura . . 392 Sub-order 1. Aspido- branckiata 393 Tribe 1. Docoglossa . . 394 ,, 2. Rhipidoglossa . . 394 A. Zygobranchiata . 394 B. Azygobranchiata . 395 Sub-order 2. Pectini- branchiata 395 Tribe 1. Ptenoglossa . . 396 2. Bachiglossa . . 396 ,, 3. Toxoglossa . . 397 4. Taenioglossa . . 397 A. Platypoda . . 397 B. Heteropoda . 400 ,, 5. Gymnoglossa . . 402 Order 2. Euthyneura . . 402 Sub-order 1. Opistho- branchiata 403 Tribe 1. Tectibranchiata (includes Pteropoda) 403 Section 1. Bulloidea . . 405 ,, 2. Aplysioidea . 407 ,, 3. Pleurobranchioidea 408 Tribe 2. Nudibranchiata . 409 Tribe 1. Tri tonic-idea . 411 ,, 2. Doridioidea . 412 ,, 3. Aeolidioidea . 412 4. Elysioidea . . 413 Sub-order 2. Pulmonata . 414 Tribe 1. Basommatophora . 415 ,, 2. Stylommatophora . 416 Class V. CEPHALOPODA . 417 Order 1. Tetrabranchiata . 443 ,, 2. Dibrancbiata . . 444 Sub-order 1. Decapod 'n, . 444 ,, 2. Octopoda . 445 CHAPTER XI. PHYLUM ANNELIDA. . . 447 Class I. ARCHIAXNELIDA . 451 II. CHAETOPODA. . 458 Order 1. Polychaeta . . 458 Phanerocephala . 475 Sub-order 1. Nereidiformia . 475 ,, 2. Spioiiiformia . 483 TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER XI. ANNELIDA contd. PAOE Sub-order 3. Terebelliformia 484 ,, 4. Capitelliformia 486 ,, 5. Scoleciformia . 487 Cryptocephala . 490 Sub-order 1. Sdbelliformia . 490 ,, 2. Hermelliformia, 491 Myzostoniida Order 2. Oligochaeta . Sub -order 1. Limicolae 2. Terricolae 492 49? 508 509 512 Class III. HIRUDINEA IV. ECHIUROIDEA (GEPHYREA ARMATA) 527 CHAPTER XII. PHYLUM SIPUNCULOIDEA (GEPHYREA ACHAETA) 534 CHAPTER XIII. PAGE PHYLUM PRIAPULOIDEA . . 540 CHAPTER XIV. PHYLUM PHORONIDEA . . 542 CHAPTER XV. PHYLUM POLYZOA . . .549 Class I. ECTOPROCTA . . 564 ,, II. ENTOPROCTA. . 568 CHAPTER XVI. PHYLUM BRACHIOPODA . . 573 Order 1. Ecardines . . 585 ,, 2. Testicardines . . 585 CHAPTER XVII. PHYLUM CHAETOGNATHA . 586 CHAPTER I. PROTOZOA.* Animals in ichich there is one nucleus, or, if more than one nucleus, in which the nuclei are disposed apparently irregularly and without relation to the functional tissues of the animal. Conjugating cells of the form of ova and spermatozoa are never formed. Structurally the Protozoa are so simple that the reproduction of the species is effected either by division of the body into two or more parts, or by a separation off of a small portion, which so nearly resembles the parent in structure that the phenomenon of embryonic development is almost, if not completely, absent from the life-history. The body is always composed of a contractile granular substance, filled with vacuoles; it may also contain a pulsating vacuole, and present the phenomenon of granule currents. The pulsating vacuole consists of a space without differentiated walls filled with a clear fluid. This space apparently diminishes and disappears through the contraction of the surrounding plasma, and then reappears. There are, however, differentiations, both in the interior of the body and in its external boundary, on which a classification may be founded. In the simplest cases, the entire body consists of a small lump of protoplasm (or sarcode, as it was at first called), the contractility of which is confined by no firm external membrane. This lump of protoplasm is sometimes semi-fluid, and protrudes and retracts processes. It is sometimes of tougher consistence in parts, and protrudes thread-like rays (Rhizopoda). Nutrition takes place through the intussusception of extraneous bodies, which can be surrounded and enclosed by the protoplasmic substance at any portion whatsoever of the periphery of the body. In other cases the body which sends out slender processes (pseudopodia) secretes silicious or calcareous needles, lattice-work shells, or shells perforated by holes, to shelter and protect the body (Foraminifera, Radiolaria). * 0. Biitschli, "Protozoa" in Bronn's Thierreich, 1880-2. B PROTOZOA. In the Infusoria the body is bounded by an external membrane, and is capable of quick and varied locomotion by means of the movements of the cilia, hairs, bristles, etc., which it possesses. The nourishing matter may be solid, in which case it is taken in through a mouth, and the remainder after digestion cast out through an anal aperture (holozoic nutrition), or it may be in a fluid form as a putrescent solution, in which case the name Infusoria is well applied, and be taken in by simple osmosis through the walls of the body (sapi'ophytic nutrition). The conjugation, or fusion, of two or more individuals has been observed at some period or another of the life-history in most of the groups of Protozoa ; and in most groups the power of with- drawing the pseudopodia or cilia and of forming stout membranes round the body (encystment) to protect the organism against adverse external influences is generally present. The Protozoa fall into three main classes. Of these the first (Gymnomyxa] possess the power of thrusting out processes of their body as pseudopodia ; the second (Infusoria) are, for the most part, without pseudopodia, but bear cilia, or flagella; while the third (Sporozoa) possess neither pseudopodia nor cilia, and are parasitic in habit. Table showing the classification of the Protozoa. CLASS I. GYMNOMYXA (SARCODINA). Sub-class 1. RHIZOPODA. Order 1. Amoeboidea. ,, 2. Testacea. Sub-class 2. MYCETOZOA. ,, 3. HELIOZOA. ,, 4. RADIOLAUIA. CLASS II. INFUSORIA. Sub-class 1. MASTIGOPHOIIA. Order 1. Flagellata. Sub-order 1. Monadina. ,, 2. Euglenoidea. ,, 3. Hetcromastigoda. ,, 4. Isomastigoda. ,, 5. Phytomastigoda. Order 2. Choanoflagellata. ,, 3. Dinoflagellata. ,, 4. Silicoflagellata. ,, 5. Cystoflagellata. CLASS II. INFUSORIA Continued. Sub-class 2. CILIATA. Order 1. Gynmostomata. ,, 2. Trichostomata. Sub-order 1. Aspirotricha. ,, 2. Spirotricha. a. Heterotricha. I. Oligotricha. c. Hypotricha. d. Peritricha. Sub-class 3. ACINETARIA. CLASS III. SPOROZOA. Order 1. Gregarinida. Sub-order 1. Polycystidea. , , 2. Monocystidea. Order 2. Coccidiidea. ,, 3. Haemosporidia. Sub-order 1. Drepanidiidca. , , 2. Acystosporidea. Order 4. Myxosporidia. ,, 5. Sarcosporidia. GYMNOMYXA. 3 Class 1. GYMNOMYXA (SARCODINA).* Protozoa possessing the poiver of thrusting out pseudopodia. An investing membrane is absent, or, if present, is incomplete, and'tyaves a considerable portion of the protoplasm exposed. A calcareous shell, or silicious skeleton, is very usually secreted. The body-substance, which is richly granulated, and may contain pigment, contracts slowly, and sends out at the same time the processes called pseudopodia; and these serve not only as a means of movement, but also for the reception of nourishment. The pseudopodia may be broad, lobed, or finger-like processes (Fig. 2), by means of which a quick and flowing motion can be imparted to the body mass; or they may be filiform radiating processes (Fig. 1) ; or, lastly, they may anastomose with one another, and form networks. A tougher, clear homogeneous external layer (exoplasm) is usually to be distinguished as the peripheral boundary from a more fluid and more granular internal mass (endoplasm). During motion the former is , FIG. 1. Optical section through portion of the body of Actinosphaerium projected in Eichhornii (after Hertwig and Lesser). N nuclei in the endoplasm, processes into from which the vacuolated ectoplasm is clearly distinguishable. In the centre of the pseudopodia the axial thread is visible. which the gran- ules of the latter stream more or less quickly. In the stiffer pseudo- podia streams of granules are observable, slow but regular, passing from the base to the extremity and vice versa. The explanation of * Dujardin, " Observations sur les Rhizopodes." Comptes rendus, 1835. Ehrenberg, "Uber noch jetzt zahlreich lebeude Thierarten der Kreidebildung und den Organismus der Polythalamien." Abhandlung der Akad. zu Berlin, 1839. Max Sigm. Schultze, "Uber den Organismus der Polythalamien." Leipzig, 1854. Joh. Mitller, " Uber die Thalassicolen, Polycystinen und Acan- thometren." 1858. E. Haeckel, "Die Radiolarien. " Eine Monographic. Berlin, 1862. PROTOZOA. these movements is to be sought in the contractility of the surround- ing portions of protoplasm (Fig. 1). A pulsating space, the contractile vacuole, is not unfrequently to be found in the protoplasm, e.g., Difflugia, Actinpphrys, Arcella (Fig. 2). Nuclei are usually to be made out, but there are forms in which no trace of a nucleus has yet been found. In such cases either our methods of observation are faulty, or the protoplasm of the nucleus is not yet differentiated as a separate structure (the Monera of E. Haeckel), or we have to do with a transient, non- nucleated stage in the life-history. The protoplasm usually secretes silicious or calcareous structures, either as fine spicula and hollow spines, which are directed from the centre to the periphery in regular T~P, capillitium threads, with lime-knots attached to a fragment of the sporangium- wall, x 110. FIG. 12. Fuligo septica, a, Aethalium, one third natural size ; b, capillitium threads with lime-knots and two spores, x 120. sporangial cyst by the spore-protoplasm. The division into spores is in the Endosporece preceded by a single division of the nuclei of the sporeplasm by karyokinesis. * On the germination of the spore the spore coat bursts and the contents issues as an amoeboid organism which soon protrudes one flagellum. (Fig. 13.) The swarm-cells so formed swim by their flagellum, ingest solid food by their pseudopodia (at the non-flagellate end) and undergo frequent bipartition. They may also withdraw the flagellum and encyst (microcysts), but this is only temporary : they emerge and re-assume the swarm-cell form. After a time the flagellum is withdrawn and they creep about in an amoeboid manner, and ultimately several of them fuse together to form the multinucleated plasmodium. (Fig. 14.) * The nuclei of the plasmodium sometimes multiply simultaneously by karyokinesis, though it is highly probable that simple division occurs as well. MYCETOZOA. 17 Order 1. Exosporeae. Spores produced on the sporophores and not enclosed in a cyst. Ceratiomyxa Schroeter, plasmodium in rotten wood fruiting on the outside. Order 2. Endosporeae. Spores produced in a sporangium. Badhamia Berkeley, Physarum Persoon, Fuligo Haller, sporangia combined m#b an jethalium. F. septica Gmelin, flowers of tan. Cienkowslcia Rostafinski, Physarella Peck, Craterium Trentepohl, Leocarpus Link, Chondrioderma Rost. , Trichamphora Junghuhn, Diachcea, Fries, Didymium Schrader, Lepidoderma de Bary, Stemonitis Gleditsch, Comatricha Preuss, Enerthenema Bowman, Lamproderma, Rost., Clastoderma Blytt, Amaurochcete Rost., Brefeldia Rost., Lindbladia Fries, Cribraria Pers., Dictydium Schrad., Licea Schrad., Orcadella Wingate, Tubulina Pers., Siphoptychium Rost., Alwisia Berkeley and Broome, Didydicethalium Rost., Enteridium Ehrenb., Reticularia Bull, Tricliia Haller, Oligonema Rost., Cornuvia Rost., Arcyria Hill, Lachnobolus Fries, Perichcena Fries, Margarita Lister, Dianema Rex, Prototrichia Rost., Lycogala Michel i. FIG. IB. Didymium di/orme (after Lister), a, spore ; b, swarm-cell escaping from the spore-case ; c, newly hatched swarrn-cell with nucleus and three vacuoles ; d, flagel- lated swarm-cell ; e, swarm-cell with two vacuoles containing bacteria, and produced at the posterior end into pseudopodia ; /, amoeboid swarm-cell, x 720. FIG. 14. Didymium di/orme (after Lister), young plasmodium with attendant amoe- boid swarm-cells, some of which have turned into microcysts (m) ; one micro- cyst being digested in a vacuole (v). An empty spore-shell at s. x 470. In the neighbourhood of Mycetozoa may be placed provisionally the peculiar marine form Labyrinthula, described by Cienkowsky (Arch.f. M. Anat., III.), from the harbour of Odessa. This animal consists of aggregations of roundish to spindle-shaped cells placed in a finely granular substance. From this mass, hyaline or finely fibrous processes are given off. These processes branch and anastomose so as to form a labyrinth ic network along which the cells glide. Chlamydomyxa Archer (Q.J.M.S., XIX.), seems to be a fresh- water organism of the same nature. The Sorophora which are classed by some authors with the Mycetozoa, appear to be more nearly allied to Labyrinthula. In the vegetative phase they live on the dung of various animals, and are formed by the coming together of numbers of amcebulfe produced from spores. The amoebulse, however, retain their distinctness, and do not fuse to form a homogeneous plasmodium as in the Mycetozoa, nor are there streaming movements throughout the mass. The mode C 18 PROTOZOA. of increase of the amcebulse in this stage has not been followed. In the spore formation of Dictyostelium the mass rises up into club-shaped prominences, in the axis of which a septate stalk is formed, and the amcebulse become gradually aggregated at the summit of the stalk, where they encyst. The amcebulse which escape from the spores divide by fission, but they do not pass through a flagellate Genera. Copromyxa Zopf., Cynthulina Cienk., Dictyostelium Brefeld, Acrasis Van Tieghem, Polyspondylium Brefeld. SUB-CLASS ]JL HELIOZOA.* For^ the most part fresh-water Gymnomyxa with stiff radiating pseudopodia, and one or more nuclei ; usually with contractile vacuole. A radial silicious skeleton sometimes present. The characteristic pseudo- podia give the name to the group. (Fig. 15.) When a skeleton is secreted, it consists either of radially arranged silicious spines ( Acan- thocystis) or of latticed sili- cious shells (Clathrulina), and so closely resembles the skele- ton of the Radiolaria that the Heliozoa have been actually described as fresh-icater Radio- laria. They differ from the Radio- laria in the absence of the complicated differentiations of the protoplasm, particularly of the central capsule. One or more nuclei may be present in the central mass. An important distinguishing mark is afforded by the presence of the pulsating vacuoles, which have not been observed in any marine Radiolarian. Reproduction is effected by fission. Encystment and subsequent * L. Cienkowski, ''Ueber Clathrulina." Archiv. fur mikrosk. Anatomic, Tom III., 1867. R. Greeff, "Ueber Radiolarien und radiolarienahnliche Rhizo- poden des stissen Wassers." Ibid. Tom V. & XI. R. Hertwig und Lesser, "Ueber Rhizopoden und denselben nahe stehende Organismen." Ibid. Suppl. Tom X., 1874. Also Archer and F. E. Schulze, etc. FIG. 15. Young Actinosplicerium, still with a single nucleus (after F. E. Schulze). N nucleus. HELIOZOA. 1 9 spore-formation sometimes takes place. This has been observed in Adinosphcerium, in which form the spores acquire a silicious coat. In some genera, e.g., Clathrulina the spores are hatched as flagellate* forms. ^/ Conjugation of two or more individuals has been observed. Ac- cording to Brauer the nuclei of Actinosphcerium fuse with one another, so that their number may be much reduced. Whether this nuclear fusion takes place only in forms which have resulted from conjugation, is not known. Schaudinn has recently published a preliminary account of the encystment and conjugation of Actinophrys sol,] which is of special interest in view of a similar process described by WoltersJ in the Gregarines (Monocystis), and the division of nuclei preceding conju- gation in the Ciliata. He finds that after two individuals have come together and formed a cyst wall, the nucleus of each divides by karyokinesis into two daughter nuclei, of which one is extruded from the protoplasm, while the other unites with its fellow to form the conjugation nucleus. The subsequent division of this nucleus, together with the protoplasm, into two or four gives rise to the resting cysts, from which after some days the young Actinophrys escapes. The analogy of this process with the forma- tion of the polar bodies in the maturing ova of higher animals is striking. Order 1. Aphrothoraca. Heliozoa without a skeleton (sometimes temporarily invested by a gelatinous membrane). Nudearia Cienk. body-form changeable, multinucleate ; (Monobia, Vampyrella, Myxastrum sometimes placed here). Actinophrys Ehrb. (the sun animalcule) pseudopodia with axial fibre which can be traced to the single central nucleus ; may form colonies by in- complete fission. Actinosphcerium Stein, large, multinucleate ; Actinolophus F. E. Sch. Order 2. Chlamydophora. Heliozoa with gelatinous envelope. Hetercphrys Archer ; Sphcerastrum Greef. Order 3. Chalarothoraca. Heliozoa with skeleton of loosely arranged isolated silicious spicules ; Pompholyxophrys Archer ; Eaphidiophrys Archer ; Pinacocystis H. and L. ; Pinaciophora Greef; Acanthocystis Carter. Order 4. Desmothoraca. Heliozoa with a stalked or unstalked shell per- forated by numerous pores ; Clathrulina Cienk. ; Orbulinella Entz. * Cienkowski, Arch. f. Mic. Anat., 1867, p. 311. t Fr. Schaudinn. " Uber die Copulation von Actinophrys sol." Sitzungsber. d. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Berlin, 1896, V. t "Die conjugation und sporenbildung bei Gregarinen." Arch.f. Mikr. Anat. XXXVII. p. 99. 20 PROTOZOA. SUB-CLASS IV. KADIOLARIA.* Marine Gymnomyxa ivitli radiating pseudopodia, central capsule, and usually a skeleton of silica or acantliin. The body contains a membranous porous capsule (the central capsule), in which is contained a slimy protoplasm with vacuoles and granules (intracapsular sarcode), fat and oil globules, and albuminous bodies, and more rarely crystals and concretions. The intracapsular mass contains also a single large* nucleus or several small nuclei. The \ \ F IG 16, Tlwlasslcolla pelagica, with central capsule and single large nucleus, also numerous alveoli in the protoplasm (after E. Haeckel). extracapsular sarcode which communicates with the intracapsular through the pores in the capsule, and which emits on all sides simple or anastomosing pseudopodia, contains numerous yellow cells, some- times pigment masses ; and in some cases it is much vacuolated like the external protoplasm of some pelagic Foraminifera (Thalassicolla pelagica. Fig. 16). The yellow cells are Algse living symbiotically with * Job. Miiller, "Ueber die Thalassicollen, Polycystinen mid Acanthometren." Abh. der Berl. AJcad. 1858. E. Haeckel, "Die Radiolarien." Erne Monographic, Berlin, 1862. R. Hertwig, "Der Organismus der Radiolarien," 'Jena, 1879. E. Haeckel, "Report on the Radiolaria." Challenger Reports, 1887. RADIOLARIA. 21 the Radiolarian. They have been named Zooxantliella nutricola, and contain chlorophyl, a nucleus and a cellulose wall. The central capsule, which may be either conical or spherical, is either perforated by fine pores over its whole circumference (Peripylaria), or the ppes are limited to a definite part of its surface (Monopylaria\ or there are only a few, usually three, large pores (Tripylaria). Many Radiolaria form colonies, and are composed of numerous individuals. In such colonies the extracapsular protoplasm is united with that of neighbouring individuals, so that the Avhole colony may be described as consisting of a common mass of vacuolated protoplasm containing in itself, not as in the moiiozoic Radiolaria a single central capsule, but a number of capsules. The whole animal in the solitary as well as in the colonial forms is embedded in a structureless jelly, called the Calymma. The extracapsular proto- plasm may be described as consisting of the following parts : (1) the Sarcomatrix, the layer which surrounds the central capsule ; (2) the Sarcodictyum, the layer which bounds the outer surface of the calymma ; (3) the Sarcoplegma, or anasto- mosing threads which traverse the calymma and connect the sarcodictyum and sarcomatrix. From the extracalymmar sarcodictyum proceed the pseudopodia. Only a few species remain naked and without firm deposits; as a rule, the soft body possesses a skeleton, which is composed either of silica or of an organic substance called Acanthin, and either lies entirely outside the central capsule (Ectolithia) or is partially within it (Entolithici). In the most simple cases the skeleton consists of small, simple, or toothed silicious needles (spicula) united together, which sometimes give rise to a fine sponge -work round the periphery of the proto- plasm, e.g., Physematium. In a higher grade we find stronger hollow silicious spicules, which radiate from the middle point of the body to the periphery in regular number and order, e.g., AcantJwmetra. (Fig. 17.) A fine peripheral framework of spicules may be added to these. In other cases simple or compound lattice-works, and perforated FIG. If.Acanthoimtra Miilleri (after E. Haeckel). 99 PROTOZOA. \ shells of various external form (like helmets, bird-cages, shells, etc.) are found, and on the periphery of these, spicules and needles, and even external concentric shells of similar shape may be formed, e.g., Polycystina. (Figs. 18 and 19.) Up to the present time but little has been made out about the reproduction of these animals. Besides fission of the central capsule (Polycyttaria), the formation of spores has been observed. These are formed from the contents of the central capsule, and, after the burst- ing of the latter, become free-swimming mastigopods. The spore- formation is of two kinds : in the one it results in the development of a mastigopod contain- ing a crystal the crys- talligerous swarmer ; in the other (dimorphous) two kinds of swarmers are formed the macrospores and microspores, being distinguished from one another by their size. The further history of the spores is not known. Conjugation has not been observed in the Radio- laria ; but it has been suggested that the macro- spores and microspores may turn out to be conju- FIG. 18. Heliosphcera echinoides (after E. Haeckel). gating cells. Radiolaria are inhabitants of the sea, and swim at the surface, but some live on the bottom, even at great depths. Fossil remains of Radiolaria have been made known in great numbers by Ehrenberg, e.g., from the chalky marl and polishing slate found at certain parts of the coast of the Mediterranean (Caltanisetta in Sicily, Zante and ^Egina in Greece), and in particular from the rocks of Barbados and Nikobar, where the Radiolaria have given rise to widely extended rock formations. Samples of sand also from very considerable depths have shown themselves rich in Radiolarian shells. Order 1. PERIPYLARIA. Central capsule uniformly perforated by numerous fine pores, with or without silicious skeleton. Fam. 1. Colloidea without skeleton. Solitary are ThalassolampeH., Thalasso- RADIOLARIA. 23 pila H., Thalassicolla Huxl., Thalassopkysa H. ; colonial (Polycyttaria) is Collozoum H. Fam. 2. Beloidea, skeleton of loose silicious needles. Solitary are Thalasso- sphcera H., Thalassoplancta H., Physematium Meyen ; colonial (Polycyttaria) are Belonozoum H., Sphcerozoum Meyen. , J > Fam. 3. Sphaeroidea, with one to numerous concentric spherical shells. Colonial (Polycyttaria) are Collosphcera Mliller one -shelled, Clathrosphcera H. two concentric shells ; solitary are Stigmosphcera H. 1 -shelled, Carposphcera H. 2-shelled, Thecosphcera H. 3-shelled, Cromyosphcera H. 4-shelled, Xiphosphcera H. 1 -shelled with two radial spines, Stylosphcera H. 2-shelled with two radial spines, Staurosphcera H. 1 -shelled with four radial spines. Hexastylus H. one- shelled with six spines, Haliomma H. 2-shelled and numerous spines, Helio- sphcera H. (Fig. 18) with numerous radial spines of two sizes and a fenestrated shell. Fam. 4. Prunoidea with ellipsoidal to cylindrical latticed shells and central capsule. Ellipsis H., Druppula H., Spongurus H., Artiscus H., Cyphinus H., Panartus H., Zygartus H. Fam. 5. Discoidea, shell and central capsule discoidal or lenticular. Cenodiscus H., Phacodiscus H., Coccodiscus H., Porodiscus H., Polydiscus H., Spongodiscus H. Fam. 6. Larcoidea. Order 2. ACANTHARIA. Skeleton of acanthin, in the form of spines radiating from the central point ; central capsule uniformly perforated (Peripylaria type). Fam. 7. Actinelida, with a variable number of usually irregularly arranged spines. Astrolophus H. , Litholophus H. , Chiastolus H. Fam. 8. Acanthonida, with 20 spines arranged according to Miiller's law. Acanthometra J. Miiller (Fig. 17), Astrolonche H., Quadrilonche H., Amphi- lonche H. Fam. 9. Sphaerophracta, with 20 equal quadrangular spines, and a complete fenestrated spherical shell. Sphcerocapsa H., Dorataspis H., Phractaspis H., Phractopelta H. Fam. 10. Prunophracta, with ellipsoidal, lenticular, or double-coned shell, and 20 spines of different size arranged according to Miiller's law. Belonaspis H., Hexalaspis H., Diploconus H. Order 3. MONOPYLAKIA. Skeleton silicious, rarely without skeleton; central capsule monaxonic to bilateral, with simple wall and single polar perforated area ; extracapsular plasma without pigment. Fam. 11. Nassoidea, without skeleton. Nassela H. Fam. 12. Flectoidea. Skeleton of 3 or more spines radiating from one point (placed beneath the basal pole of the c.c.) or from a central rod; a complete latticed shell is never formed. Plagoniscus H., Plagonium H., Plectanium H. Fam. 13. Stephoidea. Skeleton of one to several fused rings, which may be connected by a loose network. Lithocircus H., Zygocircus H., Cortina H., Steplianium H., Semantis H., Coronidium H., Tympanidium H. Fam. 14. Spyroidea. Fam. 15. Botryoidea. Fam. 16. Cyrtoidea. Eucyrtidium H. (Fig. 19), helmet-shaped latticed shell outside central capsule, Eucecryplialus H. Order 4. TEIPYIARIA (PKffiODARIA). Central capsule with double mem- brane, at one pole with a spout -like main opening on a striped field, and 24 PROTOZOA. frequently an accessory opening on each side of the main axis of the opposite pole ; sometimes several central capsules in one individual ; always with extra- capsular pigment mass (Phceodium H.), which covers the region of the main opening. Skeleton either purely silicious, or weakly silicated with much organic suhstance, always extracapsular, rarely absent. Fam. 17. Phaeocystina. Partly without skeleton, partly with loose skeletal structures ; central capsule in the centre of the spherical body. Phceodinia H. Aulacantha H., Auladinium H. Fam. 18. Phaeosphaeria. Fam. 19. Phaeogromia. Fam. 20. Phaeoconchia. \ If: Fict. 19.Eucyrtidium cranoidcs (after E. Haeckel). Class II. INFUSORIA.* Protozoa with a definite form, provided with an external membrane, and bearing either flagella or cilia. Mouth and anus usually, contractile vacuole and one or more nuclei always present. * Ehrenberg, Die Infusionsthierchen als vollkommene Organismen, 1838. Balbiani, "Etudes sur la Reproduction des Protozoaires. " Journ. de la Phys., Tom. III. Balbiani, "Recherches sur les phenomenes sexuels^les Infusoires." Journ. de la Phys. , Tom. IV. Claparede und Lachmann, Etudes sur les Infu- soires et Us Rhizopodes, 2 vol. Geneve, 1858-1861. E. Haeckel, "Zur Morphologic INFUSORIA. 25 Infusoria were discovered towards the end of the 17th century in a vessel of stagnant water by A. von Leeuwenhoek, who made use of a magnifying glass for the examination of small organisms. The name Infusoria, which was at first used to denote all anini^Jculae which appear in infusions and are only visible with the aid of a microscope, was first brought into use by Ledermiiller and Wrisberg in the last century. Later on the Danish naturalist 0. Fr. Miiller made valuable additions to our knowledge of Infusoria. He observed their conjugation and their reproduction by fission and gemmation, and wrote the first systematic work on the subject. 0. Fr. Miiller included a much larger number of forms than we do nowadays, for he placed among the Infusoria all invertebrate water animal- culse without jointed organs of locomotion and of microscopical size. The knowledge of Infusoria received a new impulse from the comprehensive researches of Ehrenberg. The principal work of this investigator, "Die Infusionsthierchen als vollkommene Organismen," discovered a kingdom of organisms hardly thought of. These were observed and portrayed under the highest microscopic powers. Many of Ehrenberg's drawings may even yet be taken as patterns, and are hardly surpassed by later representations, but the significance of the facts observed has been essentially corrected by more recent investi- gations. Ehrenberg also conceded too great an extent to the group of Infusoria, including not only the lowest plants such as Diatomacece, Desmidiacece, under the name of Polycjastrica anentera, but also the much more highly organized Rotifera. As he chose the organization of the last-named for the basis of his explanations, he was led into numerous errors. Ehrenberg ascribed to the Infusoria mouth and anus, stomach and intestines, testis and ovary, kidneys, sense-organs, and a vascular system, without being able to give reliable proofs of the nature of these organs. There very soon came a reaction in the way of regarding the Infusorian structure ; for the discoverer of the Mhizopoda, Dujardin, as well as von Siebold and Kolliker (the latter taking into consideration the so-called nucleus and nudeolus), referred the Infusorian body to the simple cell. In the subsequent works of Stein, Claparede, Lachmann, aird Balbiani numerous differentiations der Infusorien." Jen. Zeitschrift, Tom. VII., 1873. 0. Biitschli, Studien uber die ersten Entwickelungsvorgdnge des Eizelle, die Zelltheilung und die Conjuga- tion des Infusorien, Frankfurt, 1876. Saville Kent, A Manual of the Infusoria, London, 1880-2. Maupas, "Sur la multiplication des Infusoires Cilies." Arch, d. Zool. Exp. (2), 6, and " La Rajeunissement Karyogamique chez les Cilies, ibid. (2), 7. 26 PROTOZOA. were certainly shown to exist, which, however, can all be referred to differentiation of the body of the cell. This view is supported by the more recent work of Biitschli and Maupas, who have shown that in their reproduction these animals resemble other Protozoa: that is to say, that the whole body participates in the reproductive fission, that the parent disappears in the offspring, and FIG. 21. a, Cercomonas intestinalis; b, Tricliomonas vaginalis (after Leuckart). FIG. SLTridumwas batraclwrum (after Stein). Us undu- lating membrane. FIG. 23. Oikomonas termo (after Biitschli). n nu- cleus ; Cv contractile vacuole ; Nv vacuole which takes up the food (oral vacuole). that special conjugating cells of the nature of ova and spermatozoa are not formed. Maupas especially, by follow- ing the history of the individual result- ing from conjugation, has definitely established the fundamental distinction between conjugation and reproduction, and has thrown a flood of light upon the meaning of the whole phenomenon of conjugation. The outer boundary of the body is usually formed by a cuticle a delicate transparent membrane, the surface of which is beset with vibratile and moving appendages of various kinds. In the smallest Infusoria i\& Mastigophora, we find only one or two long whip-like cilia; while the more highly differentiated Ciliata are usually richly provided with cilia. Finally, in the Acinetaria the young forms have cilia, and the adults a number of delicate tentacle-like processes, which either end in suctorial discs or are pointed. FIG. 24. Gonium perforate (after Stein). The colony a from above, b from the side. INFUSORIA. 27 SUB-CLASS I. MASTIGOPHORA. Infusoria generally of small size provided with flagella. This sub-class includes forms which live in putrefying infusions, parasitic forms, and forms which live freely. They all have con- tractile vacuoles, and some of them have an opening at the base of the nagellum for the reception of solid substance (holozoic nutrition). Encystment and spore formation are very commonly found ; and it has been shown by Dallinger and Drysdale* that the spores are capable of resisting a temperature above boiling point. Dallinger has also shown, in the case of some of the infusion forms, that it is possible by very gradually raising the temperature in which the animals are living during a number of successive generations to produce a race for which the optimum temperature is considerably above the normal killing temperature for the species. Conjugation is known to occur very generally, and in some cases the conjugating individuals (or gametes) f are especially differen- tiated. This is notably the case in Volvox, in which the gametes are of two kinds, and recall the spermatozoa and ova of the higher animals. Many members of our sub-class are difficult to distinguish from the swarm-spores of certain Rhizopoda and of the Mycetozoa, and even from the zoospores of unicellular Algce. It is necessary, therefore, to point out that in the Mastigoplwra the flagellated stage covers the main, if not the entire, period of the life of the organism. The nucleus is almost invariably single. Order 1. FLAGELLATA.| Mastigoplwra with flagetta, without collar or cilia. This order includes holozoic, holophytic, and saprophytic forms. Many of them are parasitic and many live in infusions. It is not infrequent to find an amoeboid condition of the body combined with the possession of the nagellum (Mastigamceba\ or to find these two conditions alternating in the life -history. Many of them form colonies, and an outer cuticular skeleton in the form of a cup or investing membrane may be present ; and in some forms a gelatinous layer is secreted. In the holozoic forms food may be taken up by * "Researches on the Life-history of the Monads." Monthly Mic. Journal, 10-13. t An organism which conjugates, whether specially differentiated or not, is called a gamete, and the product of the conjugation is a zygote. I G. Klebs, " Flagellatenstudien." Z. f. w. Z., 55, 1892. 28 PROTOZOA. means of pseudopodia in an amoeboid fashion, or there is a definite spot at the base of the main flagellum where the food enters : this spot is either marked by a mouth- vacuole (Fig. 23 Nv) into which the food slips, or by the presence of a mouth-opening with or without a pharyngeal continuation. The expulsion of undigested remains of food appears to be localised and often to take place by the bursting of a vacuole ; but the position of the temporary anus, which seems to be variable in the different forms, has only been determined in a few cases. Contractile vacuoles close to the body- surface seem to be always present, and in the Euglenina they appear to open into a receptacle which is in communication with the hind end of the pharynx. Chromatophores of the same character and function as those of plants are present in the holophytic forms, and vary in colour from a light green to a brown (Chlorophyll and Diatomin). They contain amylum bodies, which consist of a central mass of a highly stainable plasma the pyrenoid and of an outer zone of amylum. The pyrenoids may increase by division. Amylum bodies are also found in colourless saprophytic forms. Paramylum, a substance more nearly allied to cellulose, is sometimes present in the protoplasm. Chromatophores may be present or absent in closely allied forms, and even in the same form at different times ; their presence is of no systematic importance. The nucleus is always single except in Trepomonas, which some- times has two. Stigmata as red pigment spots are often present in the protoplasm, usually at the base of the flagellum. Reproduction takes place by fission, which is usually, if not always, longitudinal, in both the active and resting state, and some- times by continued fission (spore formation) in the resting state. In the first case the fission may be into two, or by successive binary fissions into four, eight, sixteen, or even thirty-two before the young separate. When the fission is into two, the flagella become doubled in number before the body divides. The manner in which this doubling occurs is disputed : very likely a new set of flagella and of the other organs of the body is formed before the division occurs. When the first binary fission is succeeded by others, the successive fissions take place within the cuticle, while the animal continues to move by the two original flagella which remain attached to one of the products of fission. Finally reproduction may take place by continued fission (spore formation), during the resting state (Bodo, Tetramita). This has been observed to follow conjugation. FLAGELLATA. 29 Conjugation* is of very common occurrence. In certain small Itodoninai it takes place between several individuals in the amoeboid state, so as to give rise to a plasmodium, which, as in the Mycetozoa, encysts and ^divides into spores. In Cercomonas the gametes become amoeboid and conjugate in pairs. Sometimes the gametes, or one of them, differ in size or history from the ordinary forms. In the Clilainydomonadina small forms (inicrogametes or microgonidia) often arise by fission and conjugate with similar inicrogametes or with the ordinary form, or with forms which have been produced from the ordinary form by a smaller amount of fission. In Polytoma gametes are produced by tetrapartite fission, and are all alike. The differentiation of the gametes is carried furthest in some of the Volvodna. In Volvox both gametes are specially differentiated individuals of the colony. The megagamete or macrogonidium is an ovum-like cell without nagella, while the microgamete or micro- gonidium is a small flagellated organism produced by fission from the ordinary form. In some species these two kinds of gametes are not found in the same individuals, so that there are unisexual colonies. The zygote resulting from their conjugation secretes a thick membrane, and remains in the resting state for some time. On the death of the mother it falls to the bottom, and when conditions are favourable it develops into a new colony. Conjugation is, so far as is known, followed by encystment, the zygote remaining for some time quiescent. While in this condition it is capable of resisting drought, which indeed seems to be favourable to it. When placed in suitable conditions the contents of the cyst divide into two or four parts, which issue as young forms to begin a new cycle of life. The breaking up of the zygote into minute spores is only described for a few forms (Dallinger, Bodo, Tetramita). The Flagellata are allied to the Gymnomyxa by such forms as the Monadina, in which the amoeboid condition may occur as an important phase in the life- history, and by those of the Gymnomyxa in which the young leave the spore-case in the flagellate form (mastigopod). In other words the Flagellata and Gymno- myxa agree with one another in including forms which pass through both the myxopod and mastigopod condition in the life-history, the difference between these forms consisting mainly in the relative duration of the two states. Paramceba, a form recently described by Schaudinn (Sitzb. K. Preuss. Akad. W., * Klebs throws doubt upon the occurrence of conjugation in any true Flagellate. He admits that it takes place in the Volvodna, which he removes from the Flagellata, and in certain other forms such as Cilioplirys and Protomonas, all of which he refers to the Heliozoa; but more recently Dill (Jahrb. wiss. Bot., 28, 1895) has not only stated that transverse fission occurs, but also that gametes are formed in Chlamydomonas, which is a member of the Flagellata. 30 PROTOZOA. 1896), seems to be a form exactly intermediate between the two groups. On the other hand the Flagellata show distinct affinities to the lower plants by such forms as the Volwcina, which Klebs replaces amongst the Algce, and by the Chrysomonadina and Cryptomonadina, which he unites into a special group the Chromomonadina of the Flagellata. Sub-order 1. MONADINA. Small to very small forms of simple structure, naked and often more or less amoeboid, sometimes with tests ; usually colourless, rarely with chromatophores ; with one anterior large flagellum, to which may be added one or two small flagella ; special mouth-opening sometimes absent, sometimes present, but never continued into a well -developed pharynx. Fam. 1. Rhizomastigina. Simple, mouthless forms with one or two flagella, and in some cases the power of thrusting out pseudopodia ; in other cases the amoeboid condition may be assumed with or without retraction of the flagella. Mastigamceba F. E. Sch., fresh-water ; Ciliophrys Cienk., fresh-water, heliozoon- like ; Dimorpha Gruber ; Actinomonas Kent ; Trypanosoma Gruby, parasitic forms from blood of Amphibia, Pisces and Chelonia, with undulating membrane. FIG. 25. Euglena viridis. a and 6, free-swimming in different stages of contraction ; c, d, e, encysted and in process of division. Fam. 2. Cercomonadina. Form oval to elongated, often amoeboid ; one large, forwardly-directed flagellum with mouth, as a vacuole for taking up food, at its base. Cercomonas Dujardin (Fig. 21), fresh-water and infusions, hind end continued into pseudopod-like fibre ; Herpetomonas Kent, parasitic, gut of Musca; and Trilobus, blood of Mus ; Oikomonas Kent (Fig. 23), fresh- water, infusions and marine ; Ancyromonas Kent. Fam. 3. Codonoecina. Monad with attached gelatinous or membranous cup. Ccdonwca James Clark, salt and fresh-water ; Platytheca Stein. Fam. 4. Bikoecina. Monads with cup ; hind end fastened to base of cup with contractile stalk ; cup usually fastened by stalk ; some colonial. Bicoswca Clark, fresh-water and marine ; Posteriodendron Stein, fresh-water. Fam. 5. Heteromonadina. Small, colourless monads with an anterior large flagellum, one or two contiguous smaller accessory flagella ; often colonial and then stalked. Nonas Ehrb. ; Dendromonas Stein, fresh- water ; Cephalothamnium Stein, attached to Cyclops ; Anthophysa Bory d. Vine., fresh-water; Dinobryon Ehrb. ; Uroglena Ehrb. Sub-order 2. ETJGLENOIDEA. Monoflagellate forms ; body contractile or stiff ; mouth and well-developed pharynx at base of flagellum ; contractile vacuole near pharynx, often with FLAGELLATA. 31 Fam. 6. Coelomonadina. Euglenoids coloured with numerous chlorophyll bodies, or one to two larger plate-like chromatophores ; usually no true pharynx. Ccelomonas Stein, ectoplasm with chlorophyll grains ; Gonyostomum Diesing, like preceding, with trichocysts in ectoplasm ; Microglena Ehrb. ; Chromulina Cienk.; Cryptoglena Ehrb. ^ Fam. 7. Euglenina. Elongated ; hind end usually pointed ; spirally striped cuticle ; reservoir with usually several contractile vacuoles and simple stigma close behind pharynx ; chromatophores, usually green, almost always present. Euglena Ehrb. (Fig. 25) ; Colacium Ehrb. ; Eutreptia, Perty ; Ascoglena Stein ; Trachelomonas Ehrb. Fam. 8. Chloropeltina. Like preceding, but with thicker cuticle. Lepo- cinclis Perty ; Phacus Nitzsch. Fam. 9. Menoidina. Like Euglenina, but without chlorophyll and stigma ; saprophytic. Astasiopsis Biitschli ; Menoidium Perty ; Rhabdomonas Fresenius. Fam. 10. Peranemina. Fam. 11. Petalomonadina. Fam. 12. Astasiina, with small or large second flagellum. Astasia Ehrb.; Hetcronema Duj. ; Sphenomonas Stein. Sub-order 3. HETEKOMASTIGODA. With two flagella of different character and size, the one directed forward and the other (sometimes two) trailed behind ; with at least a mouth-spot, which in the larger forms becomes a mouth with pharynx ; colourless, holozoic ; some- times amoeboid. Fam. 13. Bodonina. Bodo Ehrb. (ffeteromita), the hooked monad and the springing monad. Phyllomitus Stein ; Colponema Stein ; Dallingeria Kent. Fam. 14. Anisonemina. Sub-order 4. ISOMASTIGODA. With two, four, rarely five equal flagella at the anterior end ; rarely with mouth opening and pharynx. Fam. 15. Amphimonadina. Fam. 16. Spongomonadina. Biflagellate ; colonial, the individuals living in a granular jelly, or at the end of branched gelatinous tubes. Spongomonas Stein ; Cladomonas Stein ; Rhipidodendron Stein ; Diplomita Kent. Fam. 20. Tetramitina. Naked and sometimes amoeboid Isomastigoda, with finely pointed hind end ; anterior end with four equal flagella, one of which may be larger and directed backwards ; the latter may have the form of an undulating membrane ; distinct mouth only rarely discernible ; holozoic. Collodictyon Carter ; Tetramitus Perty ; Monocercomonas Grassi ; Trichomonas Donne (Figs. 21 b and 22) ; Trichomastix Blochmann. Fam. 21. Polymastigina. Somewhat oval, with broader or pointed hind end, which is continued into two flagella. At the anterior end of the body are two or three flagella on each side. Holozoic, and perhaps in part sapro- phytic. Hexamitus Duj. ; Megastoma Grassi. Fam. 22. Trepomonadina. The two anterior flagella arise far apart from one another at the sides of the body. Trepomonas Duj. Fam. 23. Cryptomonadina. Coloured or colourless ; usually laterally com- pressed, without true cuticle, with two long anterior flagella ; anterior end obliquely truncated, and pitted inwards slightly on one side ; the pit may lead into a pharynx. Cyathomonas Fromentel, possibly having affinities with the Dinoflagellata ; Chilomona&JSblb,; Cryptomonas Ehrb. ; Oxyrrhis Duj. 32 PROTOZOA. The following three families of the Isomastigoda are separated as a sub-order named Phytomastigoda on account of their plant-like features. Sub-order 5. PHYTOMASTIGODA. Holophytic, vegetable-like Isomastigoda with chlorophyll, without mouth. Fam. 17. Chrysomonadina. Solitary or colonial ; rarely with test ; with two, rarely one, brown to greenish -brown chromatophore ; usually with eye-spot at the base of flagella ; colonies free-swimming, with spherical grouping of individuals. Stylochrysalis Stein ; Chrysopyxis Stein ; Nephroselmis Stein ; Synura Ehrb., colonial, with cuticle often growing out inltf) fine spines ; Syncrypta Ehrb. Fam. 18. Chlamydomonadina. Almost always green on account of considerable, usually single, chromatophore ; usually delicate membranous shell without large opening ; one to two contractile vacuoles at base of flagella ; usually one eye-spot (stigma). Reproduce by continued division within the shell-membrane ; usually forming macro- and microgonidia ; mostly solitary. Hymcnomonas Stein : Chlorangiuin Stein ; Chlorogonium Ehrb. ; Polytoma Ehrb., saprophytic, without chromato- phores, with amylum bodies ; Chlamydomonas Ehrb. ; Hamatococcus Agardh. ; Spondylomorum Ehrb., colonial; Coccomonas Stein; Phacotus Perty. Fam. 19. Volvocina. Biflagellate colonial Phytomastigoda, intermediate in structure between Chlamydomonas and Hcematococcus. Reproduction by continued division of all, or of certain, indi- viduals of the colony (parthenogonidia] to form daughter colonies. In some, probably in all, con- jugation occurs between definite individuals of the colony, with or without differentiation of the colonies and gametes into male and female. The result of conjugation is a resting zygote, which develops later into one or into several new colo- FIG. 26. Codosiga botrytis (after nies. Gonium 0. F. Mtiller (Fig. 24), colonies of Butschli). a, colony, b, one f our or sixteen individuals united to a quadran- individual. K collar; nnu- } plate . like group . reproduction by simul- cleus ; Cv contractile vacuole ; & , J Nv oral vacuole. taneous division of all the individuals to form daughter colonies ; Stcphanosph&ra Cohn ; Pan- dorina Bory de Vincent; Eudorina Ehrb.; Volvox L., spherical colonies with numerous individuals, which are placed at equal distances within the common thick colonial membrane, and lie in special membranes which stand off from the cells and are compressed against one another into the form of hexagons. Order 2. CHOANOFLAGELLATA. Mastigopliora with a collar-like process of protoplasm round the base of the single flagellurn. Solitary and colonial forms are included in this group. The DINOFLAGELLATA. 33 individuals may be naked, or may secrete a cup, or may be .embedded in jelly (Proterospongia). Their nutrition is holozoic. The food- particles, brought by the currents set up by the flagellum, adhere to the outer side of the collar, down which they move untif>they are swallowed by a kind of vacuole-like elevation of the body proto- plasm at the base of the collar (oral vacuole). Ejection of faecal matter takes place in the collar area, though there is no distinct anal spot. The collar is protoplasmic and retractile. Fam. 1. Phalansterina. Colonial, each individual in a granular gelatinous tube. Colonies either a lamellar expansion or a dichotomously branching stock ; collars narrow, conical, and of constant shape. Phalansterium Cienk. Fam. 2. Craspedomonadina. Solitary or colonial, collars considerable, conical and of changeable form. Individuals naked or with incomplete cup, or in gelatinous mass. Monosiga Kent ; Codosiga J. Clark (Fig. 26) ; Codonocladium Stein ; Hirmidium Perty ; Proterospongia Kent, colonial, the individuals are embedded in jelly and readily assume the amoeboid condition ; Salpingosca J. Clark, and Polyceca Kent, with thin-walled cups. Order 3. DINOFLAGELLATA.* Bilateral, asymmetrical Mastigophora with a ventral groove and two flagella. A membrane consisting of cellulose is generally present. The Dinoflagellata are most nearly allied to the Cryptomonadina. Like these they possess two flagella, which arise from a groove. The flagella are always distinguishable from one another: the one as the longitudinal flagellum directed forwards (Adinida) or backwards (Dinifera), and the other as the transverse flagellum because it has a transverse circular course round the base of the first (Fig. 27). The transverse flagellum moves by very short waves, and was until lately taken to be a transverse ring of fine cilia (hence FiG.27-Gien^Uniumcinc- tum (after Butschli) ven- Ciliojiagellata). A membrane or shell consisting trai view, g longitudinal of cellulose and often prolonged into processes gSSlVSS! (Fig. 28), is nearly always present. They closely OG stigma (eye -spot); resemble the Flagellata in their internal struc- ture. Except in one genus (Polykrikoe), there is never more than a single nucleus. Chromatophores of a green to brown colour are * R. S. Bergh, "Der Organismus der Cilioflagellaten. " Morph. Jahrb., 7, 1881. Fr. Schiitt, "Die Peridineen d. Plankton-Expedition," Th. 1. Ergeb. Plankton- E\p., 4, 1895. 34 PROTOZOA. generally present, and contain chlorophyll and diatomin*; but there are colourless forms. Amylum, fat, red pigment, and stigmata may also be present. There is always a longitudinal groove upon what we call the ventral surface, and in the Dinifera there is a second groove the transverse groove encircling the body ; the latter generally has a slightly spiral course (so that the two ventral ends of it are not quite at the same level, Figs. 27, 28) and in one genus makes two complete turns. The two flagella arise, as a rule, close together, where the two grooves cross one another. The transverse flagelluni lies wrapped round the body in the circular groove. The flagella project through a hole in the cuticle, which in some genera at least ex- tends as a slit along the left side of the ventral groove, being enlarged posteriorly where the longitudinal flagelluni projects. Reproduction takes place by transverse fission. Conjugation has been observed in a few forms, and in a few cases individuals have been observed to unite in chains (*? a form of conju- gation). In PolyfcriJcos, which has four nuclei, there are eight trans- FIG. 28.-Shell of Ceratium tripos (after verse ^OWS, each with a flagelluni. stein), if longitudinal furrow ; q f The presence of a mouth is doubtful. transverse furrow. ^ , resli- water and marine. Sub-order 1. ADINIDA. Longish bilaterally -symmetrical forms with inclination to asymmetry ; the two flagella arise at the anterior pole, and the transverse furrow is not developed ; with bivalved porous membrane ; two vacuoles near one another at the anterior end ; chromatophores. Fam. 1. Prorocentrina, with characters of sub-order. Exuviaella Cienk. ; Prorocentrum Ehrb. Sub-order 2. DINIFERA. With a more or less distinct transverse furrow containing a flagellum. Longi- tudinal flagelluni directed backwards. Fam. 2. Peridinida, with the transverse groove at or near the centre of the body. Podolampas Stein ; Peridinium Ehrb. ; Goniodoma Stein ; Ceratium Schrank (Fig. 28) ; Fyrophacus Stein ; Glenodinium Ehrb. (Fig. 27) ; Gymno- dinium Stein, without cuticle ; Ceratocorys Stein. * By some naturalists there is supposed to be affinity between the Dino- flagellata and the silicious Algfe, the Liatomaccce. CYSTOFLAGELLATA. 35 Fam. 3. Dinophysida. Phalacroma Stein ; Dinophysis Ehrb. ; Amphisolenia Stein ; Ornithoccrcus Stein ; Histioneis Stein. Fam. 4. Polydinida, with several transverse grooves and flagella : naked. Polykrikos Biitschli. x Order 4. SILICOFLAGELLATA.* Marine mastigophora with one flagellum and a latticed silicious cap on one side of the body. The forms included in this order were formerly regarded by some naturalists as Radiolaria, on account of their silicious latticed- skeleton, and by others as parts of the skeleton of Radiolaria (large species of Phceodaria). Their soft parts were imperfectly known, owing to the fact that they are small, exceedingly sensitive to adverse influences, and consequently very difficult to get under observation in the living state. The body lies within the skeleton, and contains some small brownish-yellow spherical bodies. There is a nucleus in the centre of the protoplasm, bounded by a membrane, and con- taining a nucleolus ; it has been called the central body. There is one long vibratile flagellum. The body is without a bounding membrane, and there are no pseudopodia. The reproductive processes are unknown. The skeleton consists of hollow silicious rods, and has the form of two circles united by rods; it invests the body in a cap-like manner. Fam. Dictyochidae, with the characters of the order. Mesocena Ehrb. ; Didyoclia Ehrb. ; Distephanus H. ; Cannopilus H. Order 5. CYSTOFLAGELLATA (RHYNCHOFLAGELLATA). Mastigophora of large size witli a single nucleus, reticular proto- plasm, and a stout membrane. Noctiluca is a nearly spherical form of large size (1 mm. in diameter), and has on its ventral side a groove, called the peristome, at the base of which is the elongated slit-like mouth. From the anterior end of the peristome projects a large transversely striated flagellum, sometimes called the tentacle, and a little further back on the right side are two organs, the tooth and the lip. The flagellum is a contractile organ and varies in form : it moves slowly from side to side. The tooth is a protoplasmic projection, and is probably actively movable. From the lip there projects forward a smaller and vibratile flagellum. The greater part of the protoplasm with the nucleus is aggregated on the ventral side at the base of * A. Borgert. " Ueber die Dictyochiden," etc. Z. f. w. Z., 51, 1891, p. 629. 36 PROTOZOA. the peristomial groove, and from it there radiate in all directions to the periphery branching strands of protoplasm. At the periphery there is a thin layer of reticulated phosphorescent protoplasm immediately underlying the stout cuticle which bounds the body. The nutrition is holozoic, and food vacuoles are formed. Leptodiscus has the form of a flattened disc, concave on one side and convex on the other. On the convex side is the mouth somewhat eccentrically placed, and from the same side there is a tubular depression from which projects a flagellum. The protoplasm is much vacuolated as in Noctiluca, and the principal part of it is aggregated at the centre of the concave or aboral side of the disc. FIG. 29. Noctihica miliaris partly after Cienkowski. N nucleus ; a, single animal ; ft, conjugation of two individuals ; c and d, swarm spores. Noctiluca occasionally draws in its flagella and loses its peristome and enters the resting state, but has not been observed to encyst. It reproduces in two ways : by binary fission and by the formation of small swarmers. If by fission, the division of the nucleus and central plasma is soon followed by that of the whole body. Before the latter is completed the development of the peristome and its organs in the new individuals begins. Individuals with two central masses and two nuclei are occasionally found. The formation of spores takes place during the resting state. The central plasma projects slightly on the surface, and divides by a superficial con- striction into two prominences. The nucleus karyokinetically participates in this and future divisions. These two again divide CILIATA. 37 into four, and so on, until a large number of small prominences are formed ; these eventually become free, and constitute the spores. The latter are provided with a flagellum, a pointed process the so-called spine and a nucleus. Their later history has noVbeen followed, and it is not known whether they conjugate. The process of division by which these spores arise is incomplete, and resembles the cleavage of a meroblastic egg. While it is taking place a part of the protoplasm of the rest of the body seems to pass into the dividing disc, but the superficial layer beneath the cuticle always remains. The fate of the maternal body after the separation of the spores is not known. Conjugation takes place between two individuals, and results in complete fusion; but the fate of the zygote has not been traced. Noctiluca owes its name to its phospho- rescent power. The light is emitted from numerous points in the surface protoplasm, and principally when the animal is disturbed. It sometimes appears in enormous numbers 011 the sea surface. It is cosmopolitan, and is principally confined to the coasts, but it has been taken in the open ocean. There are two genera both marine. Noctiluca Suriray, with very slight power of change of form ; cosmopolitan. Leptodiscus R. Hertwig, body con- tractile and movements energetic ; Mediterranean. SUB-CLASS II. CILIATA.* Infusoria provided with cilia ; mouth and anus, nucleus and paranucleus are generally present. This group contains the most highly Flo 30 .'_< ?(m , /cMa mytilus Organised of the Protozoa. The locomotive (after Stein), seen from ven- .,. -i-i TO -i tral side. Wz ad oral zone of appendages are cilia, which are modified in cilia ; c contractile vacuoie ; diverse ways, as will be explained below ; N nucleus ; w paranucleus ; and immovable hairs and stiff bristles, which may even have the form of bent hooks and be employed in loco- motion and attachment, are often present. The power of forming * 0. Biitschli, loc. cit. "W. Saville Kent, A Manual of the Infusoria. London, 1880-82. E. Maupas, " Sur la multiplication des Infusoires Cilies." Arch. Zool exp. et gin. (2), Vol. VI.; and "La Rajeunissement Karyogamique chez les Cilies. Ibid., Vol. VII. 38 PROTOZOA. pseudopodia is almost always absent, and the body is generally bounded by a thin pellicle or cuticle. Certain fixed Ciliata, as Stentor (Fig. 31) and Cothurnia, secrete external coverings or shells into which they can be retracted. Nourishment is in a few cases taken in by endosmosis through the whole surface of the body ; but as a general rule there is an oral aperture usually near the anterior pole of the body, through which solid food is introduced. A second aperture, which acts as anus, and which can be seen as a slit durfhg the exit of the excreta, is often present at a definite part of the body. The pellicle seems to be part of the living tissue, and frequently has an alveolated struc- ture, in which case it forms the alveolar layer. Beneath it there is generally a layer of cortical plasma the ectoplasm which has a firmer consistence than the more fluid endo- plasm. The pharynx, or oesophagus, projects into the endoplasm as a tubular prolongation of the ectoplasm and pellicle. Through this the food-stuff passes into the endoplasm, in which it gives rise to food-balls. The latter undergo a slow rotating movement round the body in the endoplasm, during which the food is digested; and finally the solid useless remain- der is ejected through the anal aperture. A digestive canal, bounded by distinct walls, exists .. no more than do the numerous stomachs which riG. ol. stentor rcesehi Ehrb., after stein, o Ehrenberg, who was deceived by the food vacu- oral -P-ture^ith guU ^ ^^ tQ ^ ^^ po l ygastri ^ In vacuoie ; N nucleus. some cases there is a tube leading in from the anus towards the oesophagus (Nyctotherus), but it ends in the digestive endoplasm, and does not join the oasophagus. In some cases (the EncJielina and Chlamydodonta, Fig. 32), the oesophagus is surrounded by a layer of stiff rods forming the so- called rod-apparatus of the oesophagus. The firmer, more viscid ectoplasm is to be regarded pre-eminently as the motor and sensory layer of the body. In it we may find fibrillse resembling muscular fibres (Stentor, stalk of Vorticella). These fibrillaB are differentiations of the alveolar layer and are sometimes varicose. When they shift into the cortical layer (ectoplasm), they form the so-called myophane layer. Small rod-shaped bodies the CILIATA. 39 trichocysts are sometimes present in the cortical plasma. It appears that on suitable stimulation they have the power of everting needle-shaped structures which probably have a stunning action upon other organisms. In one form, Epistylis umbellaria, dcjimte nematoeysts, like those of the Coclenterata, are present in the ectoplasm. The contractile vacuoles are fixed in position and contained in the ectoplasm, generally near the surface of the body. When more than one is present they increase in number with the size of the individual. They open outward through pores in the pellicle, or in some cases (Vorticellines) into a reservoir, or there may be a long excretory canal as in Lemladion. The contractile vacuoles are re-formed by the fusion of formative vacuoles which appear in the neighbouring plasma during the diastole of the preceding vacuole, or there may be canals leading even from distant parts of the body, which collect the fluid for the formation of the new vacuole (Paramcecidce). The walls of these canals are, in some cases at any rate, contractile. These vacuoles and canal -systems are probably excretory in function, collecting waste matters in solution from the body gener- ally and discharging it externally. They have been compared, probably with some justice, to the excretory organs of Platyhelmintlies and Rotifer a. The vibratile appendages of the body are of FlG - w.-CMiodon cucui- , , . , j A. *, after Stein; with four kinds, and they all seem to be processes rod -apparatus round of the cuticle or alveolar layer. the oesophagus. N si\ m .4 -T 1-1 * nucleus; excreta are (1) I he nne cilia which serve for swimming. passing out per anum. (2) The Cirri : stouter vibratile processes which taper towards their free ends. They are placed on the ventral surface of the body, and serve for locomotion in a pediform manner (hence called legs or styles), or for attachment. (3) Membranellse : short flattened cilia which, when ending in a point, are not clearly distinguishable from cirri; they form the adoral zone of the peristome of the fyrirotricha, in which they create the whirlpools by which the food is brought to the mouth. (4) Undulating membranes placed in the neighbourhood of the mouth, and assisting in the prehension of food. The fibre which can often be made out running from the base of the cilium, apparently to the myophane layer, is continuous with the 40 PROTOZOA. cuticle as well as with the cilium. In a few forms (Actinobolus) retractile tentacular processes are present. In the simplest forms the mouth is at the anterior end of the body, the ciliary covering is uniform, and the cilia are nearly all the same size (Enchelina). An advance upon this is presented by those forms in which the mouth is on the ventral surface, and in which there is a triangular area the peristome leading back from the front end of the body to the mouth (Paramcecium). There may be a special row of strong cilia, cirri, or menlbranellse the adored row, or zone running along the left side of the peristome (Hypotricha, Fig. 30). The peristome, when ventral, is very commonly asymmetrical. In some cases the adoral row has the form of a spiral round the mouth region, and the peristome may be placed at the front end of the body (Stentor, Vorticella). In the Hypo- tricha the following regions may be distinguished on the ventral surface of the body : a pre-oral and a post-oral region. The pre-oral region consists of the peristome on the left side, and the frontal area on the right (Fig. 41.) The majority of the Ciliata are multinuclear, and the nuclei are almost, if not quite, always differ- entiated into two kinds. One of these the macro- nucleus is larger than the other, the micronucleus. The macronucleus, which lies in the endoplasm, is generally single, and presents considerable variation of form; it may be spheroidal, band-shaped, moniliform, or even branched. In some cases the macronucleus is represented by a great number of small nuclei. It is probable that these small nuclei are all parts of one nucleus, and connected with one another by fine fibres; so that the condition is really that of a much-branched nucleus. Fragmentation of the macronucleus into fine pieces has been observed, and is probably a stage in its final disappearance ; but the real significance of the phenomenon is unknown. The micronucleus is often multiple ; it varies in position, form, and number, in different species. It is always smaller than the macro- nucleus, and usually lies close to the latter. It appears only to be absent in certain Opalines and in some of the so-called multinuclear Ciliata just referred to. In the normal reproduction of the animal it appears that, while the micronucleus divides by karyokinesis, the macronucleus divides directly. FIG. 33 Opaliiia ranarum (after W. Engelmann). CILIATA. 41 The most usual method of reproduction is by fission. When the forms reproduced remain connected together, a colony is formed, e.g., the colonies of Epistylis and Carchesium. Fission usually takes place by a transverse division (at right angles to the long axis), and, the products may be equal or unequal. In cases of inequality we have transitions to budding, which is really only a modified fission. Less frequently ( Vwiicella) the fission takes place through the long axis (Fig. 36), and still more rarely in a diagonal direction. The onset of fission does not appear to depend upon the size of the indi- vidual, for it may take place in large or in small specimens. The nuclei always participate in the division, but do not always lead the way ; for in many cases un- doubted new formations appear in the protoplasm (rudiments of new cili- ary structures, of a mouth and contractile vacuole), before any changes are observed in the macro- and micro- nuclei. As to the Other FIG - ^5. - Pa^maxium aurelia in division, organs they do not par- after R. Hertwig. N macronucleus ; n micro- nucleus ; o mouth of FIG. 34. Stylonychia mytilus in C con- ticipate in the division division, from Stein. tractile vacuole ; N macro- -\yhole nucleus ; n micronuclei. the anterior portion ; N', n', o 1 the same of the hinder portion. (unless they extend the length of the body), but one of the fission products develops them afresh, generally before the fission is completed. In the Hypotriclia the ciliary structures of both the products of fission appear to be new formations. In Opalina the nucleus divides many times, so that a multinucleate condition is produced (Fig. 33). The gradual division of the whole animal by a series of binary fissions into a number of small pieces which encyst, takes place subsequently. From the cyst a small uninucleate form eventually emerges. Reproduction is often preceded by envtjutim'ut, which appears to be of great importance for the preservation of the body from desiccation. 42 PROTOZOA. The animal retracts its cilia, contracts its body to a globular mass, and then secretes a transparent cyst which hardens and protects it and enables it to survive in damp air. In water the contents of the cyst divide into a number of parts, which attain freedom by the bursting of the cyst, each one becoming a young animal. The rapidity of fission depends upon the temperature and upon the food, and seems to be fairly constant for each species. Thus an individual of Stylonychia pustulata, if well supplied with food, will divide once in twenty-four hflurs in a temperature of 5 to 10 C., and once in twelve hours if the tempera- ture be from 10 to 15 C. Although the rapidity of fission is less in senile individ- uals, there does not appear to be any special increase in it after con- jugation. The Conjugation of the Ciliata is generally of a temporary nature. Two individuals (rarely more) apply themselves together and acquire protoplasmic continu- ity. After a few hours FIG. 36. Vorticella microstoma, after Stein, a, in process of , , , , fission ; N nucleus, the mouth apparatus in each portion is t nev Separate and lead, formed afresh ; b, fission is completed, one product of it their ordinary life 111 is set free after the formation of a posterior circlet of cilia ; . w adoral zone of cilia ; ce oesophagus ; c, Vorticella in process the VOrtlCellmeS the of bud-like conjugation ; fc the bud-like individuals (micro- coni'll^ation is complete gametes) attached. and permanent. As a general rule conjugation takes place between two ordinary individuals of the species, but in some cases the conjugating individuals, i.e., the gametes, are specially produced by division from the ordinary individuals. Thus Leueophrys patula divides rapidly several times, and produces dwarfed forms uniformly ciliated and incapable of taking nourishment. These small forms are the gametes. In the Vorticellince the gametes differ; one of the conjugating individuals is the ordinary fixed form, and is called the megagamete, while the other is a small free-swimming form, produced by two or three CILIATA. 43 successive fissions (or in some species by budding) of a fixed form into four or eight. These are the microgainetes ; they become free-swimming and conjugate with a fixed form (Fig. 36). In Zoothamnium the megagamete is also modified, being larger Jjjian the ordinary individual. The results of conjugation may be considered under two heads-^- the physiological and the morphological. The physiological results of, and the conditions favourable to conjugation, have been mainly elucidated by Maupas. He found that it actually effected, as had long been suspected, a rejuvenescence of the conjugating individuals ; that without it senile degeneration, followed by death, ensued, and that to be effective it must take place at a particular stage in the life- history. His course of procedure was as follows : he isolated an exconjugate, i.e., an individual which had just been released from conjugation, and he kept it and the products of its bipartition under continuous observation. He found that after a certain number of bipartitions the vigour and size of the descendants or products of his initial exconjugate diminished, and that their nuclear and ciliary apparatus became imperfect; and that these changes, to which he applies the term senile, eventually led to the death of the whole stock. He further found that it was not possible to induce conjugation during the period of the earlier bipartitions ; this is the period of immaturity ; but that after a certain number of bipartitions puberty is attained and conjugation can be induced; this is the period of eugamy. This stage merges into the last, the period of senescence, during which the individuals become gradually reduced in size, the ciliary apparatus more and more imperfect, the micronuclei absorbed, and conjugation ineffective. The period of senescence ends in death. In Stylonychia pustulata puberty occurred at the 130th bipartition, and senile degeneration began at about the 170th, and death took place at about the 316th. Conjugation in the period of eugamy con- ferred the power of again beginning the cycle; but the conjugation of the period of senescence had no result in retarding the degenerative changes or in averting death. Maupas further asserts that fertile conjugation between descendants of the same exconjugate cannot be effected in the period of eugamy; but this statement requires confirmation. These facts explain why it is that when conjugating individuals are met with they generally occur in large numbers (epidemics of conjugation), for the inclination to conjugation comes only at a particular stage in the life of the stock ; and the divisions 44 PROTOZOA. being rapid, there will always be a considerable number of descendants of the same exconjugate in juxtaposition. Maupas also found that exhaustion of the food supply, which usually determines encystrnent, causes conjugation among individuals of mixed origin and of suitable age. The morphological changes, our knowledge of which we owe mainly to Balbiani, Biitschli, and particularly Maupas, appear to consist of the breaking-up and disappearance of the macronucleus, the particles of which in *ome cases, at any rate are excreted FIG. 37. Conjugation of Pammeecium caudatum after R. Hertwig. A" macronucleus ; n micro- nucleus ; o mouth. In a the micronucleus is forming a spindle ; l> illustrates the second division of the micronucleus, resulting in the formation of four micronuclei in each animal ; of these, those marked 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 will atrophy, while 1 and 5 will persist and divide ; c, the micronuclei 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 are disappearing, while 1 and 5 are dividing into two, one of which, 1m and 5m, migrate respectively through the protoplasmic connection into the other conjugating individual, while the other, Iw and 5w, remains in its own individual. through the anus; and in the increase by successive bipartitions of the micronucleus. Of the micronuclei so produced, all abort except two, one of which is migratory and the other stationary ; the migratory nucleus passes into the other gamete, and fuses with its stationary nucleus to form the zygote-nucleus. The two gametes, each with a zygote-nucleus, now separate, and the zygote-nucleus gives rise by successive bipartitions to the nuclear apparatus of the exconjugate. The details differ in different species. As an example of the process we may take the simple case of Colpidium colpoda, which possesses one macro- and one micronucleus. Soon after the onset of conjugation, which lasts some hours, the micronucleus of each gamete undergoes two successive bipartitions, and so gives rise CILIATA. 45 to four micronuclei ; of these three abort, and one divides again to form the two prormdei, as we may call them. One of these migrates into the other gamete, and fuses with its stationary pro- nucleus to form the zygote-nucleus. This undergoes two bipartitio^is, during which the gametes separate and the old macronucleus dis- appears. The exconjugates now possess four nuclei, all derived from the zygote-nucleus. Of these, two become micronuclei and two macronuclei of the first bipartition, which takes place at from four to nine days after the separation. So that the exconjugate has for some time double the ordinary nuclear apparatus, and the first bipartition takes place quite independently of the nuclear division. For some days after conjugation the exconjugates take no food, and appear to be without a mouth and gullet. They acquire the latter and begin to feed about twenty-four hours before the first bipartition. The mode of life of the Ciliata is very various. Most of them lead an independent life ; some are carnivorous and others herbivorous. The former are very rapacious, and may take up even Rotifera. Some, as Ampliile^tus^ select fixed Infusorians, as Carchesium and Epistylis, for their prey, and swallow them down as far as the origin of their stalk. They then, while fixed on the stalk, secrete a capsule, and divide into two or more individuals. Some, as the mouthless Opalina and many Bursaridce, are parasitic in the intestines and bladder of Yertebrata. To these belong the Balantidium coli, from the large intestine of man. (Fig. 40.) Order 1. GYMNOSTOMATA. The mouth is usually closed except during inception of food, and is without undulating membranes. The pharynx when distinctly developed is without ciliary structures, but is usually provided with a rod -apparatus or a modification of one. The food is always swallowed, never taken in by a whirlpool. Ciliation usually holotrichous, but often more or less reduced. Fam. 1. Enchelina. The mouth is terminal or sub-terminal, is usually round, rarely slit-like. Anus usually terminal. Conjugation terminal. Sub-fam. 1. Holophryina. Without tentacular structures. Holophrya, Ehrb., m. and f.w.*; Urotricha Clap, and L. with caudal bristle, f.w. ; Enchelys Hill, m. and f.w.; Spathidium Duj., f.w.; Chocnia Quennerstedt, m. ; Prorodon Ehrb.; Dinoplirya Biitschli, f.AV. ; Lacrymaria Ehrb. Sub-fam. 2. Actinobolina. With retractile tentacular organs and cilia. Actinobolus Stein, t'.w. * in., f.w., and inftis. are abbreviations for marine, fresh- water, and infusions. 46 PROTOZOA. Sub-fain. 3. Colepina. Mouth terminal, surrounded by a circle of cirri. Body sometimes surrounded by armour composed of pieces of the pellicle arranged in an annular manner. Plagiopogon Stein, f.w. ; Coleps Nitzsch. f.w. ; Tiarina Berg, m. ; Stephanopogon Entz, m. Sub-fam. 4. Cyclodinina. Cilia confined to one or several rings. Mouth on a papilliform projection. JMdinium Stein, f.w.; Mesodinium Stein, a large oral papilla with one or more cirri arising from its base, m. and f.w. Sub-fam. 5. Prorotrichina. Bluntly truncated oral end ; ciliation confined to front end, or there are in addition incomplete rings of cilia. Butschlia Schuberg, rumen of. Ruminants. Fam. 2. Trachelina. Mouth is either a long slit which extends from the front end along the ventral surface backwards, or its hinder part is alone developed as a short slit-like or roundish opening. The oral end of the body usually tapers in a proboscis-like manner. Pharynx short or absent. Sub-fam. 1. Amphileptinae. Mouth on the convex ventral edge of the dorsalwards-bent proboscis, sometimes as long slit, sometimes as round opening. Ampliileptus Ehrb., m. and f.w.; Lionotus Wrzesniowski, mouth along whole ventral edge of long proboscis, f.w. and m.; Loxophyllum Duj., f.w. and m. ; Trachelius Schrank, mouth as round opening at base of proboscis, endoplasm vacuolated, f.w.; Dileptus Duj., f.w. and m. Sub-fam. 2. Loxodina. Proboscis bent ventrally, and mouth on its concave edge. Ciliatiou confined to the right side. Loxodes Ehrb. , large size, endoplasm vacuolated, on dorsal side a row of excretion vacuoles, each with a dark body, f.w. Fam. 3. Chlamydodonta. Body never elongated ; mouth always at a distance from the front end. Pharynx always with well-developed rod-apparatus, or a smooth, sometimes peculiarly-formed CESOphageal tube. Sub-fam. 1. Nassulina. Ciliation complete; Nassula Ehrb., m. and f.w. Sub-fam. 2. Chilodontina. Ciliation confined to, or stronger on the ventral surface than on the back. Orthodon Gruber, m. ; Chilodon Ehrb. (Fig. 32), f.w. and infus., m. ; Chlamydodon Ehrb., m. ; Opisthodon Stein, mouth far back, f.w. ; Phascolodon Stein ; Scaphidiodon Stein, m. Sub-fam. 3. Erviliina. Ciliation confined to ventral surface, or a small field of it. Caudal end with a well-developed movable style usually arising a little ventrally of hind end. Aegyria Clap, and L., m. ; Onycho- dactylus Entz, m. ; Trochilia Stein, f.w. and m. ; Dysteria Huxley, f.w. and m. Order 2. TRICHOSTOMATA. Mouth as a rule always open, rarely closed when not in use ; pharynx always tubular and open; edges of mouth provided with undulating membranes which are continued into the pharynx, or the latter is provided with cilia. Food rarely swallowed, usually brought by a whirlpool or by special ciliary structures. Sub-order 1. ASPIEOTRICHA. The mouth in the most primitive forms extends as a slit from the front end along the ventral surface ; but is usually removed from the front end as a reniform or crescent-shaped opening. Pharynx, when present, without rod- apparatus. At the edges of the mouth or in the pharynx are one or two undulating membranes. CILIATA. 47 Fam. 1. Chilifera. Mouth in the anterior half of the body, or close behind the middle. Pharynx either scarcely developed or short. The undulating membranes stand either at the edges of the mouth or in the pharynx. A so-called peristoniial field leading to the mouth absent or little developed. Leucophrys Ehrb., f.w. ; Glaucoma Ehrb., f.w. and infus. ; Dallasia St6kes, f.Av. ; Frontonia Clap, and L., f.w. and m. ; Ophryoglena Ehrb., f.w.; Colpidium Stein, f.w., infus., m. ; Chasmatostoma Engelmann, f.w.; Uronema Duj., f.w., m., par. on skin of star-fishes ; Urozona Schewiakoff, f.w.: Loxocephalus Kent, f.w. and infus.; Colpoda Miiller, f.w. and infus. (hay). Fam. 2. Microthoracina. Asymmetrical ; mouth in hinder part of body, placed somewhat laterally at the anterior end of a peristoniial furrow, which begins behind ; ciliation sometimes complete, sometimes confined to ventral surface, always sparse. Cinetochilum Perty, f.w., m. ; Microthorax Engelmann, f. AV. ; Ptychostomum Stein, paras, in intestine of Oligochretes ; Ancistrum Maupas, in mantle cavity of Mytilus, Venus, and probably Ostrea ; Drepanomonas Fresenius, f. w. Fam. 3. Paramaecina. Mouth sometimes in the anterior, sometimes in the hinder half of the body, with considerable triangular shallow peristoniial pit passing to it from the left side of the body. Pharynx tubular, with long undulating membranes or row of cilia. Ciliation close and uniform. Paramcecium Hill (Fig. 37-39), f.w. and m. Fam. 4. Urocentrina. Mouth in middle of ventral surface with long tubular pharynx, like that of Paramcecina. Ciliation reduced to two broad annular zones, one in front and one behind. Urocentrum Nitzsch, f.w. and m. Fam. 5. Pleuronemina. Ciliation complete and usually considerable ; mouth at the end of a peristome placed at varying distances from the front end on the ventral surface. The left edge of the peristome with con- siderable undulating membrane ; the right edge with a weaker membrane, or with a row of closely-placed cilia. Pharynx slightly developed or absent. Lembadion Perty, f.w.; Pleuronema Duj., f.w. and m.; Calyptotricha Phillips ; Lembus Cohn, f.w., infus., m. Fam. 6. Isotrichina. Pellicle thick ; ciliation total and close. Mouth posterior. Parasitic in rumen of Ruminants. Isotricha Stein ; Dasytricha Schuberg. Fam. 7. Opalinina. Ciliation complete and almost always uniform ; mouth and pharynx absent. Anoplophrya intest. of Oligochretes, Polychretes, Clepsine, Paludina ; Hoplitophrya Stein, with two hook-like structures, Oligochfetes and Planarians ; Discophrya Stein, with anterior sucker, Planarians and Anura ; Opalinopsis Foettinger, macronucleus in young forms elongated and twisted, later an irregular, even branched and anastomosing mass breaking up into pieces ; venous appendages of Sepia, Octopus, or in liver of Sepiola and Octopus ; FIG. 38. Paramcecium burso^ria about one hour after conjugation (after Biitschli). n micronucleus ; N macronucleus ; PV contractile vacuole. 48 PROTOZOA. Opalina Park, and Val. (Fig. 33), in young state a roundish nucleus. Micro- nucleus not observed ; no contractile vacuole ; rectum of Anura. Sub-order 2. SPIROTRICHA. Always with distinct adoral zone, which usually consists of membranelhe, and has a more or less spiral course round a peristomial area. The latter is distinguished by other peculiarities from the rest of the body-surface. Section 1. Heterotricha. With well-developed adoral zone or spiral, and a complete ciliary covering (except Gyrocorys). Fam. 1. Plagiotomina. Peristome as a narrow furrow, which usually begins close to the front end and passes along the ventral surface to the mouth, which is either at the middle of the body or at the hind end. The adoral zone stretches from the mouth along the left side of the peristome, and is usually straight. Pharynx tubular. Conchopthirus Stein, ma.n.* single, or multiple, f.w., ectopar. in slime of different land and f.w. molluscs, in gastral cavity of Aetmire ; Playiotoma Duj., paras.; Nydotherns Leidy, with anal tube, paras, in intestine of Anura, Insects, and Myriapods ; Blepharisma Perty, f.w.; Metopus Clap, and L., f.w. and m. ; Spirostomum Ehrb., ma.n. single, mi. n. numerous, f.w. and m. Fam. 2. Bursarina. Peristome as a more or less triangular (apex oralwards) field, and not a furrow, as in Plagioto- mina. Pharynx absent or but slightly developed. The adoral row extends along the left peristome-edge only, or crosses over in front as far as the right anterior angle of the peristome. Balantidium Cl. and L., paras, rectum of man, pig, Amphibia, body cavity of Polych?etes ; Balantidiopsis Biitschli, intestine of Rana ; Condylostoma Duj., mi. n. numerous, f.w. and m. ; Bursaria, 0. F. Miiller, large size, ma. n. long, mi. n. numerous, f.w. Fam. 3. Stentorina. Body elongated. Peristome short and at front end. Its two edges sometimes prolonged into wings. The adoral spiral passes either across the front end of the peristome to the right corner of the same, or completely surrounds the peristomial area. Undulating membrane absent. The peristomial surface is ciliated and spirally striped. Pharynx tubular. Climacostomum Stein, f.w.; Stentor Oken (Fig. 31), ma.n. long, mi.n. numerous, sometimes fixed and with gelatinous tube, f.w.; Folliculina Lam. with peris- tomial wings, usually inhabits chitinous tubes, f.w. and m. Fam. 4. Gyrocoryna. Bell-shaped, anterior end rounded, posterior end as caudal appendage projecting from the bell ; a ventral furrow with cilia, a row of * ma.n., mi.n. are abbreviations of macro- and micronucleus respectively; f.w. and m. similarly standing for fresh-water and marine. FIG. 39. Paramce- cium aurelia,after Ehrenberg. M mouth ; Cv con- tractile vacuoles with canals. um coli, with two con- tractile vacuoles after Stein. Near the nucleus lies a starch grain which has been eaten ; a ball of excrement is passing out per anum at the hind end. CILIATA. 49 cilia at edge of bell leading to mouth at base of appendage. CcenomorpTia Perty, f.w. and m. Section 2. Oligotricha. Never elongated, usually spherical or conical. Peristomial field at front end and at right angles to the long axis. Adoral row nearly or completely a dosed circle. Ciliation of body partly well developed, partly much reduced. Fam. 1. Lieberkuhnina, possibly a young form of Stentor. Fam. 2. Halterina. Peristomial surface without cilia. Body with few scattered or no cilia : sometimes with scattered immovable setae. No shell. Strombidium 01. and L., f.w. and m. ; Halteria Duj., f.w. Fam. 3. Tintinnoina. Provided with a tubular shell, to the base of which the body is fastened by a stalk. Adoral row as a circle of large membranellse, inside which is a row of fine cilia (paroral). Tintinnidium Kent, f.w. and m. ; Tintinnus Schrank, m. ; Tintinnopsis Stein, m. ; Codonella Hack., f.w. and m.; Didyocysta Ehrb., m. Fam. 4. Ophryoscolecina, with thick pellicle, hinder end often with spine- like processes, deep funnel-shaped peristomial region. Anus terminal, usually with anal tube. Parasitic in rumen of Ruminants. Entodinium Stein ; Diplodinium Schuberg ; Ophryoscolex Stein. Section 3. Hypotricha. Body dorso-ventrally flattened, ventral surface usually flat, dorsal convex ; peristomial field usually triangular and in same plane as rest of ventral surface. Dorsal surface Avithout cilia, but with stiff bristles. The ventral cilia uniform or in various ways reduced and differentiated. Pharynx little developed or absent. Fam. 1. Peritromina. Peristome but little marked off from frontal area. Ciliation of ventral surface close and uniform without differentiation of stronger cilia or cirri. Peritromus Stein, m. and f.w. Fam. 2. Oxytrichina. Peristome distinctly marked off from frontal area. Ventral ciliation in the most primitive forms uniform in oblique longitudinal rows ; but some stronger cilia are almost always present on the frontal area (frontal cirri) and at the hind end (anal cirri). Usually the ventral cilia are cirri. A right and left row are distinguished as marginal cirri from the imperfect median rows which are called ventral cirri (Fig. 41). These rows of cirri must not be confused with the adoral row of membranellse (a. ) on the left side of the peristome. There is an undulating membrane on the right side of the peristomial area (the preoral membrane, Fig. 41 m.) t and in many forms a row of cilia on the right side of the adoral row (the paroral row, Fig. 41 &) ; both these structures are, like the adoral row, continued into the pharynx. Trichogaster Sterki, f.w.; Urostyla Ehrb., f.w. and m. ; Kerona Ehrb., com- mensal on Hydra; Epiclintes Stein, m. ; Stichotricha Perty, f.w. and m. ; Strongylidium Sterki, f.w.; HolostichaWrzesu., m. ; Amphisia Sterki, f.w. and m. ; Uroleptus Ehrb,., f.w. and m. ; Onychodromus Stein (Fig. 41), f.w.; Pleuro- tricha Stein, f.w.; Gastrostyla Engelm., f.w.; Gonostomum Sterki, f.w. and m.; Urosoma Kowalewsky, f.w.; Oxytricha Ehrb., f.w. and m. ; Stylonychia Ehrb. (Fig. 30), f.w. and m.; Actinotricha Cohn, m.; Balladina Kow., f.w.; Psilotricha Stein, f.w. Fam. 3. Euplotina. Ciliation much reduced ; the anal cirri are always present, but the marginal frontal and ventral cirri may be absent ; encuirassed. Kuplotes Ehrb., f.w. and m. ; Diophrys Duj., m. ; Uronychia Stein, m. ; Aspidisca Ehrb. (Fig. 42), f.w. and m. E 50 PROTOZOA. Section 4. Peritricha. Cilia confined to an adoral spiral and a posterior circlet which is not always present. The adoral spiral with the peristomial area is placed at the front end of the body (except in one family). The mouth, anus, and reservoir of the contractile vacuole all open into a depression of the peristome called the vestibule. The peristome and adoral cilia are generally surrounded by a projecting lip-like ridge. Fam. 1. Spirochonina. With a peculiar peristomial funnel rolled into a spiral at the front end. Reproduction by budding near the peristome. Attached by an adhesive disc at the hind end. Total conjugation between small animals with undeveloped peristome. No. posterior circlet of cilia. Parasitic on the legs of Gammarus, Limnoria, Nebalia. Spirochona Stein. 771 FIG. 41. Ciliary apparatus of a Hypotrich Onycho- dromus grandis (from Perrier after Maupas). a adoral membranellae ; b paroral cilia ; c mar- ginal cirri ; d frontal cirri ; e ventral cirri ; / anal cirri ; m preoral undulating membrane ; n nucleus ; v contractile vacuole. FIG. 42. a, Aspidisca lyncaster, and b, Aspidisca polystyla dur- ing fission (after Stein). Fam. 2. Lichnophorina. Peris- tome and adoral spiral ventral. Hind end as a sucker for attach- ment, and surrounded by the pos- terior circlet. Ectoparasitic on the skin of Medusae, Opisthobranchs, worms, and Asteroids. Liclmo- phora Clap. Fam. 3. Urceolarina. Free-swimming, with posterior circlet of cilia, which encloses an adhesive disc ; without peristomial lip. Trichodina Ehrb., ecto- parasitic on the skin of fresh-water and marine animals, e.g., Hydra, Planarians, etc. also endoparasitic in bladder of fishes and Amphibia. Cyclochccta, Jackson, on the surface of sponges, gills of Scorpcena and Trigla, etc.; Trichodinopsis Clap, and L. , in gut and mantle cavity of Cyclostoma. Fam. 4. Vorticellina. For the most part attached ; without permanent posterior circlet ; with peristomial lip, which can be closed over the peristome in a sphincter-like fashion ; a large undulating membrane continued into the vestibule. In addition to the adoral zone there is an inner circle of cilia cor- responding to the paroral row of other types ; it extends into the vestibule. ACINETAKIA. 51 Scypliidia Lachmann, ectopar. ; Gerda Clap, and L., f.w. ; Astylozoon Engelmann, f.w. ; Vorticella L., with long contractile fibre for attachment, f.w. and m. ; Carchesium Ehrb., colonial, f.w.; Zoothamnium Ehrb., colonial, f.w. and m. ; Glossatella Blitschli, attached, but without stalk; Epistylis Ehrb., colonial, and Ehabdostyla Kent, solitary, stalk without contractile fibre ; OpcrJularia Goldf. ; Ophrydium Bory ; Cothurnia Ehrb. ; Vaginicola Lam. ; Lagenophrys Stein, with lorica. Forms of uncertain position : Multicilia Cienk., covered by long flagella-like cilia, m. and f.w.; Grassia Fisch, covered with long cilia, parasitic in stomach of frog and in blood of Hyla viridis ; Magosphczra Haeckel, free-swimming ciliated forms occurring in spherical colonies. SUB-CLASS III. ACINETARIA. Infusoria with knobbed tentacle-like processes which serve as sucking tubes. Ciliated in the young state. These animals are always sedentary in habit, and either free or attached; when the latter they may be sessile or stalked. They prey upon the living tissues of other organisms by means of their tentacles. The latter are processes of the cor- tical protoplasm, and are of two main kinds, con- necting which there are intermediate forms : (1) the so-called prehensile tenta- cles which taper distally, although they do not end in a sharp point, and (2) the suctorial, which are cylindrical in shape and rounded at the end, which FlG - ^--^cineta femuaMquinum Ehrb., sucking the . body of a small infusorian (Enchelys), after Lachmann. may even be swollen into T suctorialtentacle ; V vacuole ; N nucleus. a distinct knob. The tentacles of both kinds appear to contain a canal which opens distally to the exterior, and leads at the other end into the central protoplasm of the body. The fluid or semi-fluid contents of their prey pass down these canals in a current, the cause of which is not quite understood. Maupas has suggested that the transparent ecto- plasm of the Acinetan first passes in an invisible current by the tentacle into the body of the prey, there absorbs the protoplasm, and then returns with its burden to its own body in a current which can be traced by the granule contents of the protoplasm. All tentacles 52 PROTOZOA. are retractile, and the prehensile do not seem to differ materially in function from the suctorial.* In their retraction they often become marked by a peculiar spiral wrinkling of their surfaces possibly due to torsion. Mouth (other than the tentacular pores) and anus are not present. Contractile vacuoles are present and vary in number. The macro- nucleus may be elongated or branched, attaining a great extension and complexity in such a form as Dendrosoma, which looks like a colony of Acinetans attached to a creeping stolon. A micronucleus is certainly present in some forms, and probably in all. The body has a pellicle which is in some cases thickened to form a shell or theca. The stalk of attachment, when present, is not contractile. FIG. 44. Ephelota (Podoplirya) gemmijxtra, after R. Hertwig. o, with extended tentacles (both prehensile and suctorial) and two contractile vacuoles ; b, the same, with ripe buds into which processes of the branched nucleus N enter ; c, free young form. Keproduction takes place in one of three ways : 1. Equal transverse fission; as a result of this the organism divides into two equal pieces, one of Avhich the distal retracts its tentacles, acquires cilia, and swims away, while the other, or basal piece, keeps the old attachment and condition. Such reproduction, in which the products are more or less equal in size, is found in Hypocoma, Splicaroplirya^ Podoplirya, Urnula, etc. 2. Simple to multiple budding ; this is characteristic of the genus Ephelota (Fig. 44). One or more buds, each containing a process of * The prehensile tentacles when present first seize the prey, bring it within reach of the knobbed tentacles ; but it is by no means clear that they do not share in the suction act. ACINETARIA. 53 the nucleus, are formed, and eventually nipped off as free-swimming ciliated forms. 3. Internal budding is the most common method of increase. It takes place in Tokophrya quadripartite, as follows : a funnel-shaped invagination of the apical surface is formed, the opening of which narrows to a pore. The bud arises from the base of the pit or brood-pouch so formed, as a projection containing a part of the nucleus. Eventually the bud becomes constricted off so as to lie freely in the brood-pouch, acquires some cilia, and escapes through the opening as the free-swimming young form. In Dendrocometes the bud is evaginated through the pore before separation, so that it- forms a projection of the body of the mother. The young are always ciliated, and the ciliation may be holotrichous, hypotrichous, or peritrichous. It occasionally happens (Podophrya fixa, etc.) that a whole individual retracts its tentacles, acquires cilia, and breaks away as a free-swimming swarmer. Conjugation of the temporary kind has been observed, and is probably a general phenomenon in the group. The changes of the macro- and micronucleus accompanying it seem to be of the same nature as in the Ciliata. Encystment is of common occurrence, but its relation to other vital phenomena is not known. The cyst wall often possesses annular thickenings. Fam. 1. Hypocomina. Freely movable, not attached ; with permanently ciliated ventral surface and one suctorial tentacle. Hypocoma Gruber, m., ectopar. on Zoothamnium. Fam. 2. Urnulina. With one or two (rarely more) tentacles not distinctly knobbed. Rhyncheta Zenker, freely motile, without theca, on ventral side of Cyclops ; Urnula Clap, and L., attached and with theca, on stalk of Epistylis. Fain. 3. Metacinetina. With stalked funnel-shaped theca, the walls of which are perforated by slits for the exit of the knobbed tentacles. Metacineta Biitschli, f.w. Fam. 4. Podophryina. Tentacles numerous and usually considerable, on the whole surface or only apical, either all distinctly knobbed, or some of them without knobs serving as prehensile tentacles. Spcerophrya Clap, and L., without stalk, endoparasitic in Ciliata; Endosphcera Engelm., Podophrya Ehrb , stalked, with knobbed similar tentacles from all parts of body ; Ephelota Wright (Fig. 44), tentacles both knobbed and pointed, chiefly from free end, m. , on Hydroids, Polyzoa, and Crustacea ; Podocyathus Kent, like the last, but Avith theca. Fam. 5. Acinetina. Stalked, or with stalked or unstalked theca with simple opening. Tentacles numerous, all alike, and usually distinctly knobbed. Tolcophrya Biitschli ; Acineta Ehrb. (Fig. 43). stalk continued as theca ; Soleno- phrya Clap, and L., theca sessile. Fam. 6. Dendrosomina. Without stalk or theca. Tentacles numerous, all PROTOZOA. alike and knobbed, arranged in tufts, which may be numerous and placed at the ends of branch-like lobes. Trichophrya Clap, and L., Dendrosoma Ehrb., large animal resembling a colony, with branched macronucleus extending throughout the body. Fam. 7. Dendrocometina. Sessile, with numerous knobbed tentacles on branched arms or over the whole free surface. Attached by the whole basal surface or by a part of it. Dendrocometes Stein, gills of Gammarus pulex ; Stylocometes Stein, on gill-plates of Asellus aquaticus. Fam. 8. Ophryodendrina. With short or long stalk, tentacles rarely distinctly knobbed, and borne by one to several proboscis -like processes of the body. Ophryodendron Clap. and*L. Class III. SPOROZOA.* Parasitic Protozoa which reproduce by spore- formation. Nutriment is taken up in the liquid state. In most, probably in all, the young stages at least are intracellular in habit. The Sporozoa are found in all the great groups of animals except the Proto- zoa and Coelenterata. In the young state at least they live embedded in the protoplasm of their host, into which they make their way when hatched out from the minute spores. They are there- fore described as intra- cellular parasites. In some forms they remain within the cell throughout life, but more often they outgrow the cell and come to lie free in the tissues or spaces of the body. They live entirely on the nutritive juices of their host, and their power of movement is limited. Some have little or no power of * Balbiani, Lecons sur Us Sporozoaires, Paris, 1884. Biitschli, "Sporozoa," in Bronn's Klassen u. Ord. d. Thierreiches, 1880-82. L. Pfeiffer, Die Protozoan als Krankheitserreger, ed. 2, Jena, 1891, and Nachtrdge, Jena, 1895. Idem, Die Zellerkrankungen etc. durch Sporozoen, Jena, 1893. V. Wasielewski, Sporozoenkunde, Jena, 1896. FIG. 45.Gregarines (after Stein and Kolliker). a, Stylorhynchus oligacanthtis from the intestine of Calopteryx; b, Gregarina (Clepsidrina) polymorpJia, from the intestine of the meal-beetle, two forms in " association " ; c, two forms of the same in conju- gation ; d, encystment completed ; e, sporulation ; /, cyst with completely formed spores (pseudo- navicellse). SPOROZOA. 55 changing their form, while others are amoeboid. They vary much in size, some not exceeding ten micromillimetres in length, while others may attain a length of sixteen mm. The protoplasm usually exhibits a differentiation into ectoplasm and endeplasm, and the endoplasm is often highly granular a feature which becomes more marked with the age of the individual. Conjugation occurs in some groups (Gregarinida, Drepanidiidia, etc.), but has not been observed in all. Reproduction is effected by the division of the protoplasm into spores, which may be coated or naked. In most cases encystment precedes sporulation, but in some of them the spores are produced gradually during the ordinary life of the individual. In the Gregarinida and Coccidiidea the spore-protoplasm divides to form the young forms. In others the whole spore becomes the young form. There is often a little residual protoplasm generally non- nucleated left over after the sporulation. The young which issue from the spores are either falciform or amoeboid. In Gregarinida and Coccidiidea the sporulation usually takes place after the cyst has left the host (exogeny), but in the other forms it is effected within the host (endogeny). A process which may or may not be analogous to the formation of polar bodies of the metazoan ovum (or speaking more generally, to the reduction- divisions of the progametes) has been observed by Wolters in Gregarines (Arch. Mic. Anat. Bd. 37) and by Labbe (loc. cit.) in Coccidia. The nucleus divides ; one half remains in the animal, while the other passes to the surface and disappears. This phenomenon precedes the fusion of the nuclei in the con- jugating gregarine, and sporulation in the Coccidia. In Gregarinida and Coccidiidea the cysts pass out with the faeces and enter another host in its food. In the other orders the method of transference from host to host is not certainly known, but probably in some cases the spores are not able to leave the host until its death, after which they may enter a new host in the food ; while in other cases it is possible that the infection is transmitted by blood-sucking insects, or through the lungs in dust. It is possible that there may be in the exogenous forms at least some other mode of reproduction besides that of spore-formation. Very little is known on this head; but unless there is some other reproductive process, it is difficult to see how in exogenous forms, such as Coccidium oviforme of the rabbit, the enormous number of individuals which characterise acute coccidiosis is produced. It is also probable that in some cases, e.g., the forms which live in 56 PROTOZOA. blood, there is an intermediate host, or that the spores have the power of developing and living outside the body. As a general rule they do not inflict serious damage on their hosts; but in some cases they are very injurious, and may cause death. This is sometimes due to the destruction of large tracts of cells or of great numbers of blood corpuscles. Whether in such cases the injury is due to any other cause than merely eating out the cell, such as the production of an injurious substance as the result of their vital activity, is not known. In some endogenous forms, e.g., Myxosporidia, in which the spores cannot escape from the host, extensive tumours may be formed. In the classification of the class adopted in this work, the blood -parasites have been united in the order Hcemosporidia, and the Coccidiidea have been separated from the Gregarinida. It is very probable that these three orders, which are more closely allied to each other than to the other two orders, should be united in one group. Order 1. GREGARINIDA.* Parasitic Protozoa which are embedded during the whole or a part of their lives in the protoplasm of their hosts. They are without mouth or anus, and they usually reproduce by coated spores. Cilia and pseudopodia are absent. The Gregarinida live as parasites in the alimentary canal, and in the tissues of most animals. They are not found in Protozoa, Coelenterates, or Vertebrata. In the young state they lie entirely within the protoplasm of a cell of their host, usually an epithelial cell of the intestine ; but as they grow older and increase in size they project from the cell, to which they remain attached for a time. Eventually they become free, and lie in the cavity of the intestine or other organ of their host. The body is generally elongated in a vermiform manner, and consists of a granular semi- fluid endoplasm containing a nucleus, a thin external layer of clear ectoplasm, and a thick external cuticle. Hooks for attachment, and hair-like processes may be present as modifications of the cuticle. The structure of the body may be complicated by the presence of a partition wall dividing the endoplasm into an anterior portion called the protomerite, and a posterior the deutomerite. The partition consists of a prolongation of the ectoplasm, and the * Aime Schneider, " Contributions a 1'histoire des Gregarines des Invertebres de Paris et de Roscoff." Arch, de Zool. exper. et gen., torn, iv., 1875 ; and in various succeeding volumes of the same Journal. O. Biitschli, " Protozoa," in Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen d. Thierreichs, 1880-2. GREGARINIDA. 57 nucleus lies in the deutomerite. In such forms there is generally a small third division of the body in front of the protomerite called the epimerite. It contains a small quantity of endoplasm, and is the part of the body by which attachment to the cell-Jiost is effected. When the animal loses this attachment and lies free in the alimentary canal the epimerite disappears. The epimerite varies much in form, and bears appendages of very different kinds (hooks, spikes, filaments, etc.). It is usually found only in septate forms (with a proto- and deutomerite), but occasionally it is present on the front end of a monocystid (non-septate) form. Occasionally after detachment from their cell-host they penetrate the gut-wall, and form cysts which project into the body-cavity these are known as the body-cavity forms ; but as a rule they lie freely in the alimentary canal. Free Gregarines particularly the Polycystid (septate) forms have a peculiar habit of adhering to one another, end to end, in rows (Fig. 45). These are the so-called associations of Gregarines. As many as a dozen may be so joined together. The anterior indi- vidual of an association is called the primite, the rest the satellites. The phenomenon has nothing to do with conjugation. Nourishment is effected by endosmosis through the body-walls, and motion is confined to a slow gliding forward of the body. The body, however, has sometimes the power of change of form, though such change is not of an amoeboid character. It consists rather of a contraction of the ectoplasm which causes movements of the endo- plasm, and is not unlike the streaming movements seen in the Myeetozoa. In many forms there are longitudinal fibrillar thickenings of the cuticle, and occasionally a special superficial layer of the ectoplasm immediately beneath the cuticle is distinguished as the sarcocyte. The sarcocyte, which is sometimes found only on the anterior part of the body, may contain a layer of transversely-placed fibres, which are very possibly contractile in function, and form the part of the ectoplasm called the myocyte. Reproduction is effected by the division of the body while in an encysted condition into spores, and seems generally, if not univer- sally, to be preceded by conjugation of two or more individuals. The procedure is as follows : two (rarely more) individuals apply themselves together in various ways, and gradually flatten out against one another so as to form a rounded syzygium. In some cases, after remaining in this condition for some little time, it appears 58 PROTOZOA. that they separate and encyst separately. As a rule, however, they remain together, and a cyst-wall is secreted round the syzygium ; but even in this case the fusion of the conjugating individuals does not appear always to be complete, for the line between them can frequently be seen until the spore-formation has begun. In Diplo- cystis and Gamocystis conjugation occurs very early, so that it is rare to find any but very small forms not united with another in conjugation. This precocious conjugation may take place some time before encystment. The internal processes accompanying conjugation have not been thoroughly made out, but it appears that the nuclei of the conjugating pair meet in the bridge of protoplasm which connects the two bodies, and there fuse to form a zygote-nucleus. This divides and gives rise to a number of nuclei, which travel to the surface and are budded off with a certain portion of the protoplasm as the small rounded spores. The protoplasm of the syzygium is more or less used up in this process, but there generally appears to be a certain amount (residual protoplasm) left over, unchanged, in the cyst. The uninucleated spores acquire a chitin-like coat, which has often a spindle-shaped, oval, or oblong form, and in this condition are called pseudonavicellce.* The contents of the pseudonavicellse divides longi- tudinally into a number, generally six to eight, of sickle -shaped structures called the falciform bodies, and into a small amount of residual protoplasm, which disappears. The falciform bodies on the bursting of the cyst and the solution of the spore-case become young Gregarines. It thus appears that the young Gregarines arise by the division of the spore -protoplasm. When first liberated from the case, the young often perform active serpentining movements and make their w r ay into a cell of their host (generally a new host, but in endogenous sporulation it may be the same host, see below), in which they increase in size, until they grow too large for the cell and project into the neighbouring space. Eventually they become detached and lie freely in the organ they infest alimentary canal, testis, kidney, or whatever it may be. Some of the forms are only known in the full-grown free condition, and we cannot therefore be certain that they are intracellular in habit in the young stage. The spores escape by the bursting of the cyst, or in some cases through sporoducts which are formed in the protoplasm of the syzygium and everted through perforations in the cyst-wall. As a general rule conjugation precedes the formation of the cyst, but encystment of solitary forms and subsequent sporulation has been * In Porospora gigantea of the lobster the spores are naked. COCCID1IDEA. 59 observed. It is possible, however, that such solitary forms have escaped from conjugation.* The division of the cyst-contents into spores in Polycystids usually takes place outside the body of the host after evacuation with the faeces (exogenous sporulation) ; bttjx in the Monocystids and body-cavity forms, sporulation is endogenous, i.e., it takes place in the body of the host. In the latter case the spores may either be evacuated and produce their germs in a new host, or the germs may be hatched out in and reinfest the same host. Endogenous cysts found in organs which do not communicate with the exterior can only set free their spores for a new host after the death of their host. The body-cavity cysts are found only in insects, and mainly in females, which often die after laying their eggs. Sub-order 1. MONOCYSTIDEA. Without differentiation of the body into protomerite and deutomerite, etc. Generally of considerable size ; when full grown lying free in the body-spaces of their host. The protoplasm after encystment breaks up into spores, each of which becomes coated and divides into several falciform bodies. Conjugation appears to be general. Monocystis Stein, elongated, one end with cuticular hairs, sporulation incomplete ; body-cavity, gut, and testis of earthworm ; Gamocystis Stein, cyst with gelatinous coat and sporoducts, intestine of Blatta lapponica and Ephemerid-larvse ; Conorhynchus Greef, almost always in syzygial condition, gut of Echiurus ; Gonospora Schn., like Monocystis, Annelids, Urospora Schn., like Monocystis, gut of Nemertines, body-cavity of Sipunculus, testis of Tubifex. Sub-order 2. POLYCYSTIDEA (SEPTATA). With differentiation of the body into protomerite, deutomerite, and sometimes epimerite. Other characters as in Monocystidea. In alimentary canal of Arthro- poda. Dufouria Schn., Colymbetes larva ; Bothriopsis Schn., various Dytiscidse ; Porospora Schn., Homarus ; Stenocephalus Schn., Julus ; Hyalospora Schn., Thysanura ; Euspora Schn., Melolontha larva ; Clepsidrina (Gregarina) Hammersch. (Fig. 45), various insects ; Pileocephalus Schn. ; Eckinocephalus Schn., Lithobius ; Stylorhynchus Schn. (Fig. 45), Opatrum, Asida, Blaps ; Actinocephalus Schn., Coleoptera, Locusta, Sciara larva. Order 2. CoccroiiDEA.f Minute Gregarine-like forms which mainly infest epithelial cells, and do not outgrow their cell-host. They produce falciform young. This is a provisional division to include certain small oval parasites with' a single nucleus found in the cells of various animals. They have so far been found in Vertebrates, Arthropods, and Molluscs. They bring about the destruction of their cell-host, and those which * According to Leger there is a Gregarine in the body-cavity of Glycera which produces spores without encystment. t A. Labbe, "Recherches sur les Coccidies," Arch. Zool. Exp. (3), 4, 1896. 60 PROTOZOA. infest the epithelium of the alimentary canal may cause the death of their host. They encyst within the cell which they inhabit, and their protoplasm gives rise to coated spores. Conjugation is un- known, and there are no cuticular structures until the cyst-wall is formed. The cyst-wall may be thin, in which case sporulation takes place in the same host, and the germs (falciform bodies) are set free to reinfest the same host (endogenous sporulation), or it is thick and double-contoured, in which case the cyst, on the breaking down of iffe cell-host, falls into the alimentary canal and is ejected with the faeces. In the latter case the sporulation (exogenous) takes place outside the host, and the germs are set free after the spores have entered ;i new host. FIG. 46. Coccidiwn oviforme from the liver of the rabbit (from Wasielewski, after Balbiani). a and b, young cocciclia in epithelial cells of the bile duct, the cell-nucleus lies in the upper process of the cell host ; c, encysted form ; d and e, contraction of the protoplasm to a sphere ; y, h, i, spore-formation ; k, ripe spore with two falciform young and a residual body. In some Coccidiidea only one spore* is produced; in such cases the whole animal becomes the spore, and its cyst-wall the spore case. In the rest the contents of the cyst divides into two or more spores (leaving as usual a residue) which acquire cuticular coats. In all cases the contents of the spore gives rise to the falciform bodies (one or more, leaving a small unused residue) which are the germs or young. Tribe 1. Monosporea. The whole contents of the cyst forms only one spore, and the spore has no spore-case distinct from the cyst- wall. Orthospora A. Schn. , spore with four falciform bodies, intesc. epithelium of Triton; Eimeria, Schn., numerous falc. bodies, intest. epithelium of mouse, frog, fishes, myriapods, etc. * The archespore of Labbe seems to be merely the spore before the formation of the spore-case. The sporozoites are the bodies which proceed from the spore ; they are called in the text falciform bodies, and are the young forms. In Labbe's nomenclature a spore which produces one falciform body is called monozoic ; that which produces two falciform bodies is called dizoic, and so on to polyzoic. H.EMOSPORIDIA. 61 Tribe 2. Oligosporea. Cyst produces but few spores. Cyclospora Schn., iutest. epithelium of Glomeris, and the cat. Coccidium Leuck., in each of the four spores only two falciform bodies ; in cells of the intestine and liver of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibia, and fishes ; C. oviforme Leuck. (Fig. 46), epithelium of bile-duct and intestine of rabbit.* J Tribe 3. Polysporea. With many spores. Klossia Schn. , about sixty spores each with four to six falc. bodies ; kidney Helix, Succinea, and Neretina ; Minchinia Labbe, spores with two long filaments, in liver and connective tissue of Chiton ; Barroussia, Schn., each spore with one falc. body ; Adelea Schn., in intestinal epithelium of Lithobius forficatus. Order 3. H^EMOSPORIDIA. Minute intracellnlar parasites /('hich mainly infest the corpus- cles of the blood. The spores are naked and do not sub-divide. The Hcemospwidia, like the Coccidiidea, never become so large as to outgrow their cell- host ; but they differ from them in possessing naked spores. Moreover the spores do not sub-divide, but become directly transformed into the young forms.f It is not known how they leave their host or how they enter new hosts. Sub-order 1. DEEPANIDIIDIA. The Drepanidiidia infest the blood-corpuscles and are found in Amphibia, Reptilia, and Aves. They have not yet been found in fishes and mammals, or in invertebrates. They were discovered by Ray Lankester in the frog. They are small uninucleated gregarine-like creatures which infest the red blood-corpuscles (rarely the white blood-corpuscles and cells of spleen, liver, and kidney) of their host. They cause the destruction of their cell-host, from which they pass to live for a time freely in the blood. They then enter another blood-corpuscle, secrete a cyst-wall, and break up into elongated oval * This forms an exogenous cyst, and it is a question how the rabbit becomes infested with the innumerable coccidia which are present in acute coccidiosis. It has been suggested that these coccidia reproduce in two ways the one by exogenous sporulation as described in the text, and the other endogenously in the cell-host by the direct breaking up of the coccidium into numerous falciform bodies without the formation of spores, or by its simple division. t This statement perhaps requires qualification, for in some of the Acysto- sporidia the so-called two-spored forms the nucleus of the form about to sporulate divides into two, and gives rise to two centres of spore-formation. (See below.) Vide Quart. 7. Mic. Sci., xi., 1871, and ibid., vol. xxii., 1882. FIG. 47. Dunilewskya lacazei from the lizard, a, three free forms with gregarine-like appearance, fresh ; b, after treatment with gold - chloride and hsematoxylin, showing myocyte-fibrillae. 62 PROTOZOA. bodies which are naked and do not further sub-divide. These constitute the young form, and may be compared to the spores of the other forms. They are set free in the blood on the breaking down of the cell-host, and soon enter another corpuscle, w T here they acquire their full size. They then leave the corpuscle and enter upon the stage described above, during which they live freely in the blood. They have been observed to conjugate completely in pairs in this free stage. In the free state they move either by serpentine bending of the body or by wave-like contractions of the body substance. It is not known how they are transported to a new host. Drepanidium Lankester, Rana^ Aves ; Karyolysus Labbe, Lacerta ; Dani- lewskya Labbe, Lacerta, Cistudo, Rana. FIG. 48. a-c, red blood-corpuscles of the frog infected with Drepanidium princeps; d, free forms in movement (from Wasielewski after Labbe). Sub-order 2. ACYSTOSPORIDIA.* These are amoeboid cell-parasites, found only in vertebrata (except fishes and reptiles). They do not form a cyst-wall. They mainly infest red blood- corpuscles, but are also sometimes found in the kidney, liver, and intestinal epithelium. They cause hypertrophy of the corpuscle and a diminution of its haemoglobin. The Acystosporidia are specially interesting, because they include forms w r hich are associated with some important diseases in certain of the larger mammals, e.g., malaria in man and Texas-fever in cattle. They are minute amoeboid organisms, with a nucleus and pigment-grains (Fig. 49). They never leave their cell-host, and their movements, which are always amreboid, take place within the cell. They readily undergo degenerative changes in prepara- tions of the blood of infected animals. These changes consist in the disruption of their corpuscular host and in the thrusting out of vibratile processes, which break off from the body (Fig. 50) : this is the so-called Poly mitus- form. Finally the body itself breaks up. They reproduce in their cell-host by the formation of minute spores without encystment. They first assume a rounded form ; the nucleus then breaks up (so-called one-spored forms) into a number of minute fragments, around which a portion of the protoplasm becomes segregated (Fig. 51) ; these small nucleated fragments constitute the naked spores of the animals. In some cases the nucleus divides (so-called two-spored forms) into two before breaking up, so * A. Labbe, "Parasites endoglobulaires. " Arch. Zool. exper. (3), 2. Laveran, L' Hematozoaire du paludisme, Paris, 1891. J. Mannaberg, Die Malariaparasiten, Vienna, 1893. ILEMOSPORIDIA. 63 that two groups of spores are formed. The spores are generally ampeboid, but in Karyophagus they are sickle-shaped. They pass into the blood, and then enter other blood-corpuscles. How these organisms are carried from host to host is not known ; but j has been suggested that they may be taken into the lungs in dust, and be carried by parasitic insects and ticks. It appears certain that the organism associated with Texas-fever is carried by a tick, Boophilus bovis.* Fam. 1. Acystidae. Epithelial para- sites which form falciform germs. Karyophagus Steinhaus, amphibia. Fam. 2. HaemamcebidEe. Mainly in blood - corpuscles ; form amoeboid germs. Halteridium Labbe, with two spores, birds, health unaffected ; Pro- teosoma Labbe, with one spore, birds, produces fever and may cause death ; Hcemamoeba Grassi, with one spore, man, occurs in two forms, the one amoeboid (variety tertiana), and the other semilunar and immovable (vari- ety quaterna). H. laverani Labbe (Figs. 52, 53), discovered in 1880 by Laveran in the blood of malaria patients, causes destruction of the red corpuscles, period of development of germs 48-72 hours. Golgi showed the connection between the attacks of fever and the development of this parasite ; Dadylosoma Labbe and Cytamosba Labbe. in fiana esculenta ; Apiosoma bigeminum Smith, associated with Texas-fever in FIG. 49. Cytamceba bacterifera, from the blood of Rana esculenta (from Wasielewski, after Labbe). a, amoeboid form with long movable p.seudopodia ; b, rounded form with numerous spores. FIG. 50. Successive stages or degeneration (Polymitus-form) of Halteridium danilewskyi, from the blood of the lark ; I, c stages with vibratile flagella ; in d these are being cast off (after Labbe). cattle, infection carried by ticks, amoeboid organisms in the red blood-corpuscles, high fever, anaemia, bloody urine, the number of red blood-corpuscles is dimin- ished in one week to one-sixth. Babesia bovis Babes, in blood of the ox, causing hfemoglobinurea ; Aincebo- sporidium polyphagum Bonone, associated with Icterus -heematuria of the sheep, are probably allied here. Th. Smith, Centralbl. Bakt. Parasitk. 13, 1893, p. 511. 64 PROTOZOA. Order 4. MYXOSPORIDIA.* Multinucleated, amoeboid sporozoa parasitic in the cells, tissues, or spaces of animals. The spores possess polar capsules and fibres. The contents of the spores do not divide, but issue as amosboid young. These are the so-called fish-psorosperms of J. Miiller. They are parasitic in worms, arthropods, polyzoa, and vertebrates. They a b Fio. 51. Proteosoma grassii Labbe, from the blood of a finch. Sporulation of the one-spored parasite, a, showing the parasite in the corpuscle ; b, showing the parasite broken up into spores (after Labbe). FIG. 52.Hcemamceba laverani, variety quaterna, from the blood of a man with malaria (after Labbe). a, newly-infected blood-corpuscles ; b, c, d, successive stages in the growth of the parasite in the corpuscle ; e, beginning of sporulation ; /, rosette-shaped group of spores round a central residual body ; g, spores (young forms) set free in the blood by the breaking up of the corpuscle. Fio. 5S.Ha;mamceba laverani, variety tertiana, from the blood of a man with malaria. a, young parasites in a corpuscle ; b, amoeboid form ; c, rounded form ; d, sporulation ; e, free spores (after Labbe). have attained some notoriety from the fact that the organism (Glugea bombycis), which causes the Pefrrm-disease of silk-worms, belongs to the order. They include two principal varieties, viz., those which lead a free life, creeping about on the surface of the gall-bladder, urinary bladder, and kidney tubes (Fig. 54), and those which are embedded * R. R. Gurley, "The Myxosporidia, or Psorosperms of fishes and the epidemics produced by them." Hull. U.S. Fish Commission, Part 18, 1894. P. Thelohan, "Recherches sur les Myxosporidies." Bull. Sci. de la France et Belgique, 26, 1895. MYXOSPORIDIA. 65 iii the tissues. The tissue-forms occur either in cysts, which are often visible to the naked eye, or in an infiltrated form, and they may infest almost any tissue (bone, cartilage excepted). It is not quite clear to what extent they are cell- parasites. Many of them are certainly intracellular in the young state, and it is possible that all may be so j but the youngest stages have not been studied in ?.? all forms. Sporulation in the intracellular forms may begin in the quite young forms, even before they have outgrown their cell- host. The Myxosporidia differ from other Sporozoa in their tendency to cause tumours in their host. They may cause serious diseases : the silk - worm disease has been referred to, and they have been known to cause serious mortality among fishes. Those which lead a free life are amoeboid and vary much in shape (Fig. 54). The shape of the cysts and of the infiltration -forms depends upon the physical condition of the tissues. The Myxosporidia, though amoeboid, do not take up solid food, but resemble other Sporozoa in absorbing the nutritive juices of their hosts. The body shows a division into ecto- and endoplasm. The nuclei are numerous and lie in the endoplasm, which contains granules and fat-drops. Reproduction takes place by spore-formation. They differ, however, from other Sporozoa in the fact that the whole body does not break up into spores at one time, but the spores are formed gradually in the endoplasm while the parent F 7 5 ^_ Leptotheca ^ lis as a type 01 free . living Myxo sporidia, from the gall-bladder of Trygon vulgaris ps pseudopodia ; g fat-drops ; r refractile granules ; S2> spores (after Thelohan). 66 PROTOZOA. still continues to grow and to move. When a spore is about to be formed, a small spherical mass of endoplasm containing one nucleus is marked off from the rest by a delicate membrane ; it thus constitutes an ovum-like body lying in the endoplasm. It is called a primitive sphere (Fig. 55) ; its nucleus gradually divides, karyokinetically, into ten nuclei, and it then itself divides into two parts, each of which contains three of the ten nuclei of the primitive sphere ; the four remaining nuclei together with a portion of protoplasm forms a small residual body, which soon disappears (cf. the residual bodies of other Sporozod). The two trinucleated bodies thus formed are the sporoblasts ; they are enclosed in the membrane of the original primitive sphere, which soon thickens into a resistent spore-case. Each sporofxlast divides into three cells (Fig. 55e), of which one gives rise to one spore, and the other two to the two polar-capsules (Fig. 55/). The polar- capsules are formed in and at the expense of the protoplasm of the polar-capsule cells, which wholly disappear in the process. The polar- capsules are ovoid bodies containing a long spirally-coiled thread (Fig. 56), which is everted with considerable force when the spore is acted upon by the digestive FIG. 55. Spore-formation of Myxdbolus (after Thelohan). a, primitive sphere with nucleus, a little endoplasm of the parent is shown ; b, stage with six nuclei, and c, with ten nuclei. d, division of primitive sphere into two sporoblasts a and b, each with three nuclei, and a residual body with four nuclei n ; e, division of one of the sporoblasts into two smaller capsule-forming cells op, each with a vacuole, and a larger cell (the spore) g. f, formation of polar-capsules. juices of the animal which swallows it. It is probably everted with such force that it pierces the wall of the alimentary canal, and thus effects the attachment of the spore to its new host (Fig. 56). The spore-case bursts in the course of twenty-four hours after this attachment, and the contained germ makes its way as an amoeboid form through the intestinal wall and migrates to the tissue in which it is to live. In the case just described, which is that of the genus Myxobolus, each primitive sphere gives rise to two spores ; but in some cases only one spore results, and in others three or more are formed. In the tissue-forms a considerable number of spores proceed from each primitive sphere. The species are distributed by the spores, which are carried to the exterior, or when this is impossible, as in the case of the tissue-forms, are set free on the death of their host. MYXOSPORIDIA. 67 Fam. 1. Myxididae. Spores variously formed with two polar-capsules; includes the forms least degenerated by parasitic life. Principally in gall- bladder and kidney tubes of fishes and amphibia. Leptotheca Thelohan (Fig. 54), gall-bladder or kidney of various fishes and amphibia; Ceratomyxa, Thel., gall-bladder of fishes ; Sphcerospora Thel., kidney-tubes of fishes, S. Regans Thel., kidney- tubes and ovary of stickleback ; Myxidium Butschli, M. lieberkuhni Butschli, urinary bladder of pike ; Sphceromyxa Thel. ; Myxosoma Thel. abed FIG. 56. Polar-capsules of Myxobolus ellipsoides. a, polar -capsule with spirally-coiled thread ; b, c, d, eversion of the fibre (after Balbiani). a b FIG. 57. Spores of Myxobolus ellipsoides (after Balbiani), showing polar-cap- sules in b the threads are everted. FIG. 5S.Glngea bombycis (after Balbiani). a, ripe >pore ; b, c, hatching o. amoeboid young ; d, e, growth stages ; /, g, h, sporulation ; i, testis-follicle of silk-worm caterpillar, strongly infested with Glugea ; A;, I, two infected stomach-epithelial cells of the caterpillar of Attacus (Saturnia) pernyi ; k, beginning of infection ; I, the cell is completely filled with spores. 68 PROTOZOA. Fam. 2. Chloromyxidae. Spores with four polar-capsules. Chloromyxum Mingazzini : C. incisum Gurley, gall-bladder Raja batis. Fam. 3. Myxobolidae. Almost all tissue-parasites, principally gills, spleen, etc., of fishes ; one or two polar-capsules. Myxobolus Blitschli (Figs. 55-57); M. piriformis Thel., gills, spleen, kidney of the tench (Tinea vulgar is) ; M. dispar Thel., gills of Carp (Cyprinus rutilus) ; Henneguya Thel. ; H. psoros- permica Thel., gills, eye-muscles, ovary of pike; H. media Thel., kidney and ovary of stickleback. Fam. 4. Glugeidae. "With very small oviform spores, having at the broad end a non-colourable vacuole, atf the narrow end a polar-capsule usually invisible. Glugea Thel., mainly tissue -parasites ; Gl. bombycis Thel. (Micro- sporidium bombycis Balb.), in all tissues of Bombyx mori, is the cause of the Pebrine disease of silk-worms (Fig. 58), which between the years 1854-67 caused the loss of one milliard francs to the French silk-worm industry ; combated by microscopical examination of eggs and rejection of those infected (Pasteur and Balbiani) ; Gl. bryozoides Korot- neff, sexual organs and body-cavity of Alcyonella fungosa ; Pleistophora Gur- ley; Thelohania Henneguy, muscles of Palfemon, Crangon, Astacus; Th. contegeani Hen., muscles of Astacus fluviatilis. Order 5. SARCOSPORIDIA.* Cylindrical intracellular para- sites infestintj the striped mus- cular fibres of certain vertebrates. These are the so-called Mi- scher's tubes, the contents of which are known as Rainey's Corpuscles (Fig. 59). They con- tain a number of more or less spherical bodies, which divide up into still smaller bodies the germs. These latter become sickle-shaped and appear to con- stitute the young. Very little is known about this group. We are ignorant of the manner in which the transference from host to nost is effected, and of the young stages of infection. * Bertram, "Beitrage z. Kennt. d. Sarcosporidien. " Zool. Jahrb. Abth: f. Anat., 5. Ai. Schneider, " Ophryocystis biitschlii." Arch. Zool. Exp. (2), 2, 1884. FIG. 59. Rainey's Corpuscles from the flesh of a pig. a, an animal inside a muscle-fibre ; b, posterior end of same strongly magnified ; C cuticle ; B spores. SARCOSPORIDIA. C9 Sarcocystis Lankester, in the muscles of pig, sheep, gecko. Sarcosporidia have been described in man, cat, dog, mouse, rat, hare, rabbit, ox, deer, horse, etc. The Amasbosporidia and Serosporidia may be taken here. The Amcebosporidia are multinucleated amoeboid forms, which conjugate, encyst, and prodrfce one coated spore. The spore divides into eight falciform young; they may also increase by dividing directly ; they live in the Malpighian tubules of some beetles. Ophryocystis A. Schn. in Blaps, and Akis. The Serosporidia are long oval parasites which infest the body-cavity of some Crustacea. They increase ~by direct division, and by encysting without conjugation and subsequent breaking up into numerous amoeboid young. Serosporidium L. Pfeiffer, in Cypris, Daplmia, and Gammarus. CHAPTER II. THE METAZOA. ALL animals above the Protozoa have been classed together as Metazoa, and possess the following characters in common : There is always more than one nucleus, and the nuclei are for the most part arranged with a definite relation to the functional tissues. Conjugation always takes place, but the structure is so complex that conjugation between the ordinary individuals of the species is impossible. Consequently special individuals the gametes are produced for the purpose of conjugating. These individuals, which have a very similar form throughout the group, are simple in structure and unicellular in character; there are always two kinds of them in every species, called respectively ova and spermatozoa. They arise by a process of unequal fission from their parent, and may both be produced by one individual or by different individuals. When they are both produced by the same individual, that indi- vidual is said to be hermaphrodite. When they are produced by different individuals, that parent which produces the ova is called the female, while that which produces the spermatozoa is called the male; and the individuals are said to be unisexual and the species dioecious. The conjugating individuals, or gametes, produced by the male never have the power of assuming the ordinary form of the species, and though they have, as a rule, the power of inde- pendent locomotion, soon die unless placed in the most favourable circumstances. The gametes produced by the female, on the other hand, while they are without the power of locomotion and have a rather greater power of independent life, are in rare cases capable of becoming more complex in structure, and of assuming the form of the adult. To females which produce such ova the term partheno- genetic is applied. In the vast majority of cases, however, the ovum has not the power of changing its form and of developing into METAZOA. 71 the ordinary form of the species unless it first conjugates with the spermatozoon. The zygote so produced is uninuclear, and has the property of developing into the ordinary form of the species. This method of reproduction, in which a new individual arises from the combination of two independent individualities in the zygote, is called the sexual method of reproduction, as opposed to the asexual method, in which a multinucleated mass is separated off from the parent with the power of assuming more or less directly the ordinary form of the species. The asexual method, though common in the vegetable kingdom, is comparatively rarely found amongst animals (Coelenterata, Polyzoa, Tunicata, Annelida, etc.). It thus appears that the Metazoa may be defined as Animals in which the ordinary (so-called adult) form of the species has always more than one nucleus, and in which the nuclei are for the most part arranged regularly and with a definite relation to the functional tissues of the animal (so-called cellular arrangement). Special conjugating individuals of the form of ova and spermatozoa are always formed. CHAPTEE III. PORIFERA.* THE Porifera present a great variety of external form. They may be cup-shaped, saucer-shaped, tubular, rod-shaped, foliaceous, trumpet -shaped, fan- shaped, mushroom -shaped, lobed, digitate, branched, or irregular, etc. (Figs. 60-62.) As a general rule, the form is extremely variable even in the same species, and is therefore of little use in identification. They are almost, if not quite, always attached to foreign objects; this may be effected by a broad basal surface, or they may be stalked. In some cases they are rooted in sand or in mud by basal processes or by special rooting spicules. With the exception of the fresh-water Spongillidai, they are marine, and are found at all depths. One family the Clionidce bore into shells and stones. As the name implies, the surface of the body presents a large number of pores, which are minute in size and inhalent in function. These pores lead into a system of channels which, after permeating almost the whole body, open to the exterior by one or more but always a few larger exhalent openings called oscula. This system of spaces connecting the inhalent pores with the exhalent oscula is the canal system. Through it there passes maintained, as we shall see, by ciliary action a continual stream of water, which enters by the inhalent pores and passes out through the oscula. The sponge is covered by an epithelial layer which we may call ectoderm ; the canal system is lined by an epithelium, which as we shall see is usually partly ectoderm and partly endoderm ; but the main mass of the body is formed of a soft tissue which we shall call mesoderm. The mesoderm consists of a gelatinous basis (though no gelatine has been detected in it), containing a protoplasmic network holding * For principal literature see classes and orders. R. Hanitsch, " Revision of the generic nomenclature and classification in Bowerbank's 'British Spongiadae.'" Proceedings and Transactions of the Liverpool Biol. Soc., vol. 8, 1893, p. 173. PORIPERA. 73 nuclei, and presenting differentiations of various kinds-^ so-called muscle cells, amoeboid cells, generative cells, scleroblasts {spicule- forming cells). The mesodermal network is continuous both with the ectoderm and with the endoderm ; indeed, these layers>may fairly be regarded as superficial bounding expansions of the meso- dermal mass. Skeletal structures, the main function of which is FIG. 61. Euspongia qfficinalis adriutica, with a number of oscula, (after F. E. Schulze). FIG. 60. Amnella polypvides (after O. Schmidt). FIG. 62. A branched Ascon-colony (after Haeckel). to support the sponge-body, are contained in the mesoderm. These may be calcareous or silicious, in which case we get the so-called sponge-spicules ; or they may consist of a horny material called spongin (common bath sponge, Fig. 63); or finally, spongin fibres and silicious spicules may co-exist. The generative cells are budded off from the mesodermal network, and are eventually dehisced into 74 PORIFERA. some part of the canal system, whence they are carried to the exterior. It is probable that all the protoplasmic tissues of the sponge are contractile, i.e., both the epithelial layers and the mesodermal net- work; but special structures in the course of the inhalent and exhalent parts of the canal system have been described as muscular sphincters. Ectodermal cells carrying hair-like sensory projections have been described; these,, like other epithelial structures, are connected below with the mesodermal network, parts of which have therefore been interpreted as nerve-fibres and nerve-cells; but PIG. 63. Piece of network of horny fibres from Euspongia equina. Mes Fia. 64. Section through a calcareous sponge (Sycon raphanus), after F. E. Sch. Ect ectoderm; En endoderm of a flagellated chamber; Mes meso- derm ; N calcareous spicule in the mesoderm ; Eiz ovum. there is no reason why one part of the network should be considered as more especially adapted for nervous conduction and reflection than another. The ectodermal epithelium consists of flat cells; the endoderm is partly formed of flat cells and partly of somewhat cylindrical cells, each with a flagellum and collar. These are the choanocytes (Fig. 64). They are perhaps the most characteristic constituents of the sponge-body; the collar is a membranous pro- longation of the cell at its free end round the base of the flagellum ; and the whole cell resembles an individual of the Choanoflagellata. It contains one or more contractile vacuoles, and its base is prolonged PORIFERA. 75 into processes which join similar processes of neighbouring cells and the mesodermal network. The collared cells are, as a rule, confined to special parts of the canal system called the flagellated or ciliated chambers. Their main function is, no doubt, to cause the curreT>t of water which is continually flowing through the sponge. Ciliated epithelium is not found in the Porifera, though in some sponges (Oscar ella lolularis, Plaldna monoloplia, etc.) the ectoderm cells carry flagella. We may now proceed to describe in greater detail the various parts of the sponge-body. The simplest form of sponge we do not say the most primitive, though it may be so is presented by the Ascon type of the order Calcarea. The Ascon-person, which is characteristic of the genus Leucosolenia* consists of a cup- or vase-shaped animal attached by one end, and presenting at the other an opening the oscu- lum. The walls are thin, and consist of ectoderm outside, flagellated endoderm inside, lining the cavity of the cup, and thin mesoderm, containing triradiate calcareous spicules, between the two. They are further pierced by numerous pores, the prosopyles. In the Sycon-person (Fig. 65), which is characteristic of the Heterocosla, there is a tube or cup open by the osculum at one end and attached at the other. This tube is lined by flat cells, and gives off all around and through- out its length numerous short diverticula lined by flagellated cells. These are the radial flagellated chambers: they possess, in addition to the one main opening into the cavity of the central tube, which we may call the gastric cavity, numerous minute pores the prosopyles through which water passes from the exterior into the flagellated chambers. These radial tubes, in short, resemble an Ascon in structure, except for the absence of an osculum at their free end. In the simplest Heteroccela the radial chambers stand out freely from the central tube, and do not touch at any * This genus comprises Ascetta primordialis and all Haeckel's Ascons. The Olynthus is a hypothetical animal imagined by Haeckel, and closely approaching the Ascon-person in form. FIG. 65. Longitudinal section through Sycon raphanus, slightly mag- nified. osculum with collar of spicules; Rt radial tubes which open into the central cavity. 76 PORIFERA. point (Sycetta). But in the more complex forms the Avails of adjacent chambers fuse more or less completely where they touch, and the spaces between them are broken up and called the inlialent canals or intercanals. These intercanals open by the prosopyles into the chambers, and outwards on the surface of the sponge (Sycori). In still more complex forms the outer ends of the chambers and the openings of the intercanals are covered by a membrane called the dermal^ membrane or cortex. This cortex is perforated by numerous pores the dermal pores (to be dis- tinguished from the prosopyles) which lead into the intercanals FIG. 66. 1, Diagrammatic section of a Rhagon. H hypophare ; osculum ; G gastral cavity ; v flagellated chambers ; pi prosopyle (from Perrier, after Sollas). 2, Diagram of a simple form of the Eurypylous type of canal-system. The spongophare is folded. H hypophare ; G gastral cavity ; o osculum ; i incurrent sinuses ; p dermal pores. (Grantia, Ute, Sycyssa, Heteropeyma, Amphoriscus, etc.). In this type the chambers may branch, and the dermal cortex may attain a considerable thickness, as also may the wall of the central tube (gastral cortex). A further complication is effected by the retreat of the flagellated cells towards the distal (outer) ends of the chambers, their place being taken by pavement epithelium. "We thus get exhalent canals coming off from the gastral cavity and lined PORIFERA. 77 by flat cells, together with a reduction in length of the flagellated chambers (Leucilla uter, Leucandra aspera, etc.). Finally the chambers are small and spherical and irregularly scattered through the sponge- wall; the inhalent and exhalent canals being fljuch developed. This is the Leucon stage of Haeckel and is found in Leucandra, Leucilla, etc. In the non-calcareous sponges the canal- system is generally on a somewhat different plan. The simplest form is the so-called Rhagon type (Fig. 66) found in the embryos of certain forms (Plakina, Reniera). The Ehagon has the form of a flattened pyramid, attached by its broad base and opening by the osculum at its apex. The sac is lined by flat cells, but possesses on its upper wall a number of small flagellated chambers into which the prosopyles open. The lower basal wall of the Rhagon, which is FIG. 67. Diagram showing the relations of the ectosome. H hypophare; E ectosome ; I fold of the ectosome roofing over the incurrent sinus ; p-& sieve-plate of dermal ostia or inhalent pores ; g excurrent sinuses ; v flagellated chambers ; S incurrent sinuses (from Perrier). without flagellated chambers, is called the hypophare, and the upper wall, with the chambers, the spongophare. The openings of the chambers into the gastric cavity of the Ehagon are called the apopyles. The Rhagon condition is not found in any adult sponge, but the nearest approach to it is presented by Plakina monolopha and Oscarella lobularis, in which the spongophare is folded, so as to give rise to incurrent sinuses or canals similar to the intercanals of the Calcarea (Fig. 66, 2). As a result of this same folding the chambers open, not into the central or gastral cavity, but into diverticula of it. These diverticula are the excurrent sinuses. We thus get a modification of the Rhagon canal-system called the Eurypylous type. As a general rule in the Eurypylous type, there is concrescence between the folds of the spongophare, and the openings of the incurrent sinuses are roofed 78 PORIFERA. over by a membrane (Fig. 67, Z) which is exactly comparable to the dermal cortex of the Calcarea, and is pierced by inhalent pores leading into the incurrent sinuses. (Figs. 67, 68.) This membrane is called the ectosome, as opposed to the rest of the sponge, which contains the chambers and is called the choanosome ; and the incurrent sinuses beneath it constitute the subdermal cavities, which, as is obvious, correspond to the intercanals of the Calcarea. By further folding of the spongophare and suppression of chambers on the main excurrent sinuses an increase in complexity is obtained. In the Eurypylous type the chambers open directly into the excurrent sinuses ; but in many sponges they are removed from the surface of the latter, and the apopyle of each of them is pro- longed into a canaliculus the aphodus lined by a prolongation of the epithelium of the excurrent sinus into which it opens. Further, FIG. 68. Diagram of a section ot the outer part 01 Tetilla bow-shaped spicule, not spirally twisted (9). MICROSCLERES. 85 d. Chela a more or less curved shaft, bearing at each end a variable number of recurved processes. 2. Asters are multiactinate microscleres. There are two chief kinds ; (A) asters or euasters, in which the actines proceed from a centre, and (rp strept- asfcrs/in.which the actines proceed from an axis which is usually spiraiV A. Euasters are in many varieties ; but of these we need only note the sterr aster \\i\ which the actines are numerous and soldered together by sub- sequently deposited silica, which extends almost as far as their extremities (29). Other varieties are the chiaster (17), the pycnaster (36), the oxyaster (22), and the spheraster (32). Fie. 74. Development of Sycon raphanus (after F. E. Sch.). a, ripe ovum ; ft, stage with four segments ; c, stage with sixteen segments ; d, blastosphere with large dark granular cells at the open pole; e, free-swimming larva, one half of the body (endodermal) being formed of long ciliated cells, the other (ectodermal) of large granular cells. B. The Streptasters are also various. There are the spiraster (12), the metaster (14), the plesiaster (15, 16), the sanidaster (19), and the amphiaster (13). In the amphiaster the actines form a whorl at each end of the axis, which is straight. C. Reduced asters, in which the actines are few and variable. Thus we get microrhabds, microcalthrops (26-31), microtriods (24). There are several varieties of the microcalthrops depending on the branching of some of the actines. Thus there is the monolophous microcalthrops (26) with one cladose (branched) actine, the dilophous (21), trilophous (30), and telralophous (31) microcalthrops with two, three, and four cladose actines. The candelabrum (35) is a tetralophous 86 PORIFERA. microcalthrops, in which one actine differs from the three others, which are similar to one another. The bacillus of Carter is a microstrongyle. Bhaphides are long hair-like microscleres not in sheaves. Dragmas are microscleres, several of which are secreted in a single cell or scleroblast. They lie in sheaves. Trichodal is a term applied to any hair -like spicule. Sexual reproduction was first demonstrated with certainty by Lieberkiihn for Spongilla, but more recently has been shown to exist throughout the V\ ! \ / , group. In most cases A S the ova and sperma- tozoa seem to reach maturity at different times in the same sponge. The sperma- tozoa have a small head, and lie in small spaces lined with cells. The ova, like the mother - cells of the spermatozoa, are modified cells of the mesoderm. They are naked amoeboid cells, and are fertilised and undergo their first development in the mesoderm. They leave the sponge by passing into the canal -system as ciliated larvae, which after a brief free-swimming life attach themselves and develop into a young sponge. An invaginate gastrula is sometimes formed (Sycon, Oscarella, Fig. 76), in which case it is observed that the Sponge-larva attaches itself by the blastopore surface, and develops the osculum as a new formation. In other cases a solid morula is formed. The recent important researches of Delage* have shown that the mode of development first revealed by the researches of F. E. Schulze in the Calcarea is found throughout the group. According to the results of these observers it appears that the locomotive cells of the larva, which are the first differentiated tissues (Fig. 74e), become internal and transformed into the flagellated cells of the endoderm, while the other cells, more or less indifferent in the larva, become transformed into the ectoderm and mesoderm of the adult. Asexual reproduction is found throughout the Porifera. The presence of FIG. 75. Young Sycon (after F. E. Sch.). osculum, or exhalent aperture ; P pores (inhalent) of the wall. " Embryogenie des Eponges etc." Arch. Zool. exper. et gen. Tom. x., 1892. DEVELOPMENT. 87 more than one osculum is often regarded as a case of incomplete budding. More unequivocal cases are, however, furnished by the external budding found in Thenea, Tethya, Lophocalyx, Polymastia, Oscarella, etc., and the internal budding, known as the formation of gemmules, found in fresh- water and ki^ome marine sponges (Topsent). Gemmules are masses of parenchyma cells containing yolk grains and surrounded by a shell composed of a thick cuticular layer, to which silicious structures are often added. The shell possesses an aperture or micropyle, and the whole structure is to be regarded as a portion of the mesoderm cut off from the rest of the sponge. In Spongilla the shell contains the characteristic spicules known as amphidiscs (Fig. 78, 9). That the power of asexual increase and repair of lost parts is probably a widespread phenomenon in the group is indicated by the fact that sponges can be propagated by artificial fission. It has been attempted, with a certain amount of success, to utilise this property for the purpose of increasing the number of Fio. 76. Sections through three stages of the development of Halisarca (Oscarella) lobularis (after C. Heider). a, gastrula after its fixation ; b, formation of mesoderm ; c, development of the osculum (Os.), and of the flagellated chambers ; E, inhalent pore. marketable sponges in the Mediterranean and in other sponge-growing seas. The marketable sponges belong to the species Euspongia officinalis, the Turkey or Levant sponge ; Hippospongia equina, the horse sponge ; and Euspongia zimocca, the zimocca sponge. They occur all along the Mediterranean coast to a depth of 200 fathoms, and in many other parts of the world. The sand found in new sponges is an adulteration to increase the weight. Sponges are found all over the world and at all depths of the ocean. One family only (Spongillidce) is found in fresh-water. The Tetractinellida are found in deep and shallow water; but when in deep water, generally near land. The Monaxonida, which comprise by far the greatest number of living sponges, also cling to the land ; while the Hexactinellida, though found in the middle of the great 88 PORIFERA. oceans, are more numerous near the land. The HexacMnellida are mainly deep-water forms, the characteristic depth being between 200 and 1000 fathoms. For the Tetractinettida the characteristic depth is 50 to 200 fathoms, though they are also found in shallow water. The Calcarea and Ceratosa are mainly shallow-water forms (to a depth of 200 fathoms). The Monaxonida, though character- istically inhabitants of shallow water, are found in considerable numbers at all depths. The deep-sea Monaxonida are distinguished by their symmetrical and definite shapes. All spongologists agree as to the immense difficulty of classifying sponges. Not only are the boundaries of the great groups difficult to lay down, but the limits of species, and even of genera, often defy definition. Almost all characters are highly variable, and the number of intermediate forms and of collateral affinities is immense. On the whole we may distinguish three main types, which we shall exalt to the dignity of classes not because they deserve that rank, for they do not; but because the term fits in more conveniently with the terminology generally used for the group. The three classes are as follows : Calcarea. With calcareous spicules and large choanocytes. Order 1. Calcarea. Triaxonia. With triaxonic (sex-radiate) spicules and large flagel- lated chambers. Order 2. Hexadinellida. 3. Hexaeeratina. Demospongise. Without triaxonic spicules ; with small choano- cytes and ciliated chambers ; skeleton of silicious spicules or spongin, or both combined. Order 4. Tetradinellida. 5. Carnosa. 6. Monaxonida. 7. Ceratina. While these groups stand out fairly sharply, their division into sup-groups, or orders, as we must call them, is fraught with some difficulty. This is particularly the case with the Demospongice, which include the great majority of living sponges. The sub-divisions of the Demospongiae must be regarded as entirely artificial, and only to be established for the convenience of the student. The four orders into which we have divided the class are by no means sharply marked off from one another, nor do they form a single series, but rather three or four series running parallel to one another, and connected together at several points. In CALCAREA. 89 fact, if we had to set forth in a pictorial manner the true affinities of the families of this sub-class, we should be obliged to use a network or, better still, a sponge work, rather than a tree or a line, because so many of the families present affinities of apparently equal importance in more than one direction. And this applies with equal force to genera and species. If this vittf of a reticular arrangement rather than that of a tree arrangement were generally held, we feel assured that a good many of the difficulties of sponge classification would be disposed of. It is the genealogical tree idea which makes the difficulty. Fossil sponges are found in various formations, e.g., in the chalk, and these remains appear to differ considerably from those now living. The Hexadinellida, however, agree so fully with the ancient forms that they might be direct descendants of them. Finally many of the principal groups extend back into the palaeozoic age, in which the Lithistida and Hexactinellida especially are found in the most ancient Silurian strata. Class I. CALCAREA.* Sponges with a calcareous skeleton and large choanocytes. Order 1. CALCAREA. With the characters of the class. Sub-order 1. HOMOC(ELA. Calcarea without flagellated chambers ; the internal surface entirely lined by collared cells. Fam. 1. Asconidae. Gastric cavity a simple sac. Leucosolenia Bow. Polejaeff and Dendy both unite all Homoccela in one genus, for " the spicules of the Calcarea, being very variable in every direc- tion, could not serve as a basis for the distinction of genera." Haeckel's genera therefore go. Dendy distinguishes three sections of the genus: (1) Olynthus types which do not form colonies, or, if they do form colonies, in which the individuality of the members of the colony (Ascon- persons) is always recognisable (Fig. 77); (2) FIG. 77.-Section through an Ascon-colony, colonies the members of which diagrammatic (after Haeckel). anastomose and form a network ; (3) colonies consisting of a central Ascon tube from which other tubes are radially budded off. * A. Dendy, "A Monograph of the Victorian Sponges," part 1. Transactions of the Royal Society of Victoria, vol. 3, part 1. A. Dendy, "Observations on th e Structure and Classification of the Calcarea Heteroccela." Q. J. M. ., vol. , vol. 35, 1893, p. 159. N. Polejaeff, "Report on the Calcarea." Challenger Jieports, l. 8, 1883. 90 PORIFERA. Sub-order 2. HETEKOCCELA. Calcareous sponges in which the collared cells are confined to more or less well- defined flagellated chambers. Fam. 1. Leucascidae. Flagellated chambers branched, opening into exhalent canals which converge towards the oscula ; their outer ends covered over by a dermal poriferous membrane. Skeleton of irregularly scattered radiate spicules. Leucascus Bendy. Fam. 2. Sycettidae. The blind outer ends of the flagellated chambers pro- jecting freely on the surface and not covered by a dermal cortex. Chamber skeleton articulate. Sycetta H. ; Sycon Risso ; Sycantha Lendf. Fam. 3. Grantiidae. With poriferous dermal cortex covering the chamber layer ; without subdermal sagittal triradiates. Chamber skeleton varies from regularly articulate to irregularly scattered. Grantia Fleming; Ute O.S.; Utella Dendy ; Anamixilla Pol. ; Sycyssa H. ; Leucandra H. ; Lelapia Gray ; Leucyssa H. Fam. 4. Heteropidae. With poriferous dermal cortex ; with subdermal sagittal triradiates. An articulate chamber skeleton present or absent. Grantessa Lendf. ; Heteropia Carter ; Vosmceropsis Dendy. Fam. 5. Amphoriscidae. With poriferous dermal cortex ; conspicuous sub- dermal quadriradiate spicules with inwardly directed apical rays are present. Heteropegma Pol. ; Amphoriscus H. ; Syculmis H. ; Leucilla H. Class II. TRIAXONIA. With triaxonic (sex-radiate) spicules and large flagellated chambers. Order 1. HEXACTINELLIDA.* Sponges with very loose soft parts, and with silicious spicules which are either isolated or united into a connected framework, and belong or are reducible to the triaxial system. Canal system simple, with syconate chambers. In the Hexactinellida the ectoderm is a thin layer containing nuclei, but without discernible cell outlines. The lining cells of the flagellated chambers project into the cavity of the chamber, and stand some distance apart from one another. Their bases are connected by basal strands which are apparently processes of the cells themselves. No flagella or collars have so far been detected, but there can be but little doubt that they exist as in other sponges. The spicules contain a central canal filled with a soft granular substance which is continuous with adjacent structures through openings at the end of the rays. These are closed when the spicule has ceased to grow. The spicules (Fig. 78) typically consist of a system of three equal axes intersecting at right angles, and variations in this type are due to the unequal development or branching of * F. E. Schulze, "Report on the Hexactinellida." Challenger Reports, vol. 21, 1887. TRIAXONIA. 91 the rays, or to the suppression of some of them. The variations in the form of spicule may be classed in six main groups hexacte (Fig. 78, 2\ pentacts, tetracts, triacts (7), diacts, and monacts. The spicules when united are generally bound together by df-fine laminated silicious substance. FIG. 78. Spicules of Hexactinellida. 1, an auto-gastral pinulus of Sympagella nvx; 2, hexact of Holascus fibulatus to which are applied small diacts ; 3, pinulus of Caulophacus latus ; t>, pentact pinulus of Hyalonema lusitanicum ; 5, discohexact of Tcegeria pulchra ; 6, disco- hexacter of Dictyocalyx gracilis ; 7, triact of Hyalonema gracilis ; 8, scopula of Eurete semperi ; 9, amphidisc of Hyalonema Sieboldii. (From Perrier after Schulze.) Prostalia are the spicules which occur over the outer surface of the sponge. They are of three kinds : basalia or rooting spicules, pleuralia at the sides, and marginalia round the osculum. Dermalia are spicules in relation with the bounding membrane of the sponge, 92 PORIFERA. and are of two kinds : autodermalia in the dermal membrane, and hypodermalia beneath the dermal membrane. Gastralia are spicules on the gastral membrane or membrane lining the central chamber of the sponge. Parenchymalia are spicules in the parenchyma. Dictyonalia are the parenchymalia which become fused to form the con- tinuous skeletal framework of the Dictyonina. Synapticula are bridges of silica connecting neighbouring spicules. Oxyhexacts, hexacts with axes running to a point. Discohexacts, hexacts with axs enlarged at the extremity. Hexasters, hexacts with axes branching into rays at their extremity. Pinulus, a pentact or hexact in which one ray bears oblique lateral teeth or prickles (Fig. 78, 1). Amphidiscs, a diact at each end of which a convex expansion occurs, which bears six or more backwardly bent marginal teeth (Fig. 78, 9). TTncinate, a straight rod, pointed at both ends and beset all over with barbs pointing in the same direction. Clavula, a rod which bears at one end a club-shaped or transverse discoidal expansion. Scopula, a rod which bears at one end a number of rays. Sub-order 1. LYSSACINA. Hexactinellida in which the spicules either remain altogether isolated, or are in part subsequently and irregularly united by silicious matter or transverse synapticula. Tribe 1. HEXASTEROPHORA. Hexasters always present in the parenchyma. The ciliated chambers are sharply separated from one another, and thimble- shaped. Fam. 1. Euplectellidae. Dermal skeleton contains sword-shaped oxyhexacts with long proximal ray. Euplectella Owen ; Regadrella 0. S. ; Holascus F. E. S. ; Malacosaccus F. E. S. ; Tccgeria F. E. S. ; Walteria F. E. S. ; Habrodictyum W. Th.; Eudictyum Marshall; Dictyocalyx F. E. S.; Rhabdodidyum 0. S.; Rhabdopectella 0. S. ; Hertwigia 0. S. ; Hyalostylus F. E. S. Fam. 2. Asconematidae. The dermal and gastral skeletons contain pentact or hexact pinuli. The hypodermalia and hypogastralia are pentacts with parenchymal discohexasters. Asconema S. Kent ; Aulascus F. E. S. ; Sympagella 0. S.; Polyrhabdus F. E. S.; Balanites F. E. S.; Caulophacus F. E. S.; Trachycaulus F. E. S. Fam. 3. Rossellidae. Dermalia always without a distal radial ray. Lanu- ginella 0. S.; Polylophus F. E. S.; Rossella Carter; Acanthascus F. E. S. ; Bathydorus F. E. S. ; Rhabdocalyptus F. E. 'S. ; Crateromorpha Gray ; Aulochone F. E. S. ; Caulocalyx F. E. S. ; Aulocalyx F. E. S. ; Euryplegma F. E. S. Tribe 2. AMPHIDISCOPHORA. Amphidiscs always present in limiting membranes. Parenchyma without hexasters. Anchoring basalia always present. Chambers not thimble-shaped nor sharply marked off from one another, but forming irregular diverticula of the membrana reticularis. Fam. 1. Hyalonematidae. Both dermal and gastral membranes contain numerous pentact pinuli. Hyalonema Gray; Pheronema Leidy; Poliopogon Wy. Th. ; Semperella Gray. DEMOSPONGLE. 93 Sub-order 2. DICTYONINA. Hexactinellida in which the large parenchymal hexacts are from the first more or less regularly united as dictyonalia in a firmly -connected framework. Tribe 1. UNCINATAKIA. With uncinates. A. With clavulce. Fam. 1. Farreidae. Farrea Bow. B. With radially disposed scopulce. Fam. 2. Euretidae. Eurete Carter; Periphragella Marshall; Lefroyella Wy. Th. Fam. 3. Melittionidae. Aphrocallistes Gray. Fam. 4. Coscinoporidae. Chonelasma F. E. S. Fam. 5. Tetrodictyidae. Hexactinella Carter ; Cyrtaulon F. E. S. ; Fieldingia S. Kent; Scleroihamnus'W. Marshall. Tribe 2. INERMIA. Without uncinates or scopulfe. Fam. 1. Maeandrospongidae. Dactylocalyx Stutchbury; Margaritella 0. S. ; Scleroplegma 0. S. ; Myliusia Gray ; Aulocystis F. E. S. Order 2. HEXACERATINA. Sponges with large and saccular ciliated chambers, with simple canals. Skeleton composed of soft horny fibres, sometimes accom- panied by horny spicules. The skeleton may be absent. Fam. 1. Darwinellidae. Skeleton comprises both horny fibres and horny spicules. Darwinella Fr. Mliller. Fam. 2. Aplysillidae. Skeleton is composed of horny fibres only. lanthella Gray; AplysillaF. E. S. ; Dendrilla Lendf. Fam. 3. Halisarcidae. Skeletal structures absent ; chambers syconate. Halisarca Duj. ; Bajulus Lend. Class III. DEMOSPONGIJE. Without triaxonic spicules, with small choanocytes and small ciliated chambers. Skeleton of silicious spicules, or of spongin, or of both combined. Order 1. TETRACTINELLIDA.* Skeleton characterised by tricene or tetraxon megascleres, or lithistid desmas. The genus Placospongia, which is without the skeletal characters, is included here because of the presence of sterrasters which are not found outside the group. Sub-order 1. CHORISTIDA. Tetractinellida in which lithistid desmas are absent, and the megascleres are never articulated to form a coherent skeleton. Tribe 1. SIG-MATOPHORA. Microsclere when present a sigmaspire. * W. J. Sollas, " Report ,on the Tetractinellida." Challenger Reports, vol. 25, 1888. E. Topsent, "Etude Monographique des Spongiaires de France. I. Tetractinellida." Arch. d. Zool. exper. et gen.^(3) T. 2, 1894. 94 PORIFBRA. Fam. 1. Tetillidae. The characteristic megasclere a protrisene. Tetilla 0. Schm. ; Chrotella Soil as ; Cinachyra Soil. ; Craniella 0. Schm. Fam. 2. Samidse. Characteristic megasclere an amphitrisene. Samus Gray. Tribe 2. ASTROPHORA. One or more of the microscleres is an aster. Fam. 1. Theneidae. Microscleres are spirasters or amphiasters, and oxyasters or microxeas. Without cortex. Thenea Gray; Characella Soil.; Pcecillastra Soil.; Sphinctrella 0. Schm.; Triptolemus Soil.; Stceba Soil.; Nethea Soil.; Placinastrella F. E. Sch. Fam. 2. Pachastrellidae. The chief megascleres are calthrops; trisenes absent. Microscleres may be spirasters, spherasters, or microrabds. Pachastrella 0. Schm.; Derdtus Gray ; Calthrofella Soil. Fam. 3. Stellettidae. Euasters always present, but never spirasters or sterrasters. With trirenes; without calthrops. Chamber-system aphodal, and choanosomal mesoderm sarcenchymatous. Megascleres generally arranged on the radiate type. Myriastra Soil. ; Pilochrota Soil. ; Astrella Soil. ; Anthastra Soil. ; Stelletta 0. Schm. ; Dragmastra Soil. ; Aurora Soil. ; Ancorina O. Schm. ; Tribrachium Weltner; Tethyopsis Stewart; Disyringa Soil.; Stryphnus Soil.; Ecionema Bow.; Papyrula 0. Schm.; Psammastra Soil.; Algol Soil. Fam. 4. Geodiidae. The characteristic microsclere is a sterraster. With trisene megascleres. The sterrasters in the cortex are united together by fusiform fibrillated cells. Erylus Gray ; Caminus 0. Schm. ; Pachymatisma Bow. ; Cydonium Fleming ; Geodia Lamarck ; Synops Vos. ; Isops Soil. Fam. 5. Placospongidae. The characteristic microsclere is a sterraster. The only megascleres are tylostyles ; triames absent. Often placed with the Suberitidce (Monaxonid) on account of tylostyles. Placospongia Gray. Tribe 3. MEGASCLEROPHORA. Without microscleres. Fam. Tethyopsillidae. Proteleia K. and D.; Tellnjopsilla Lendf. Sub-order 2. LITHISTIDA. Tetractinellida provided with a consistent skeleton by the zygosis of modified spicules or desmas. Tribe 1. HOPLOPHORA. With special ectosomal spicules, and usually some form of microsclere. A. Ectosomal spicules as tricenes. Aphodal. Fam. 1. Tetracladidae. Desma tetracremd. Theonella Gray ; Discodermia Bocage ; Racodiscula Zittel ; Kaliapsis Bow Neosiphonia Soil. ; Rimella 0. Schm.; Collinella 0. Schm.; Sulcastrella 0. Schm. Fam. 2. Corallistidae. Desma monocrepid (i.e., with crepis as monaxon) and tuberculated. Aphodal. Corallistes 0. Schm. ; Macandrewia Gray ; Dccdalopelta Soil. ; Heterophymia Pomel ; Callipelta Soil. Fam. 3. Pleromidae. Desma monocrepid and smooth. Aphodal. Pleroma Soil.; Lyidium 0. Schm. B. Ectosomal spicules as microstrongyles or modified microstrongyles (discs}. Desmas monocrepid. Fam. 4. Neopeltidae. Ectosomal spicules as monocrepid discs. Neopelta 0. Schm. Fam. 5. Scleritodermidae. Ectosomal spicules as microstrongyles and the other microscleres as sigmaspires. Sderitoderma 0. Schm. ; Aciculites 0. Schm. Fam. 6. Cladopeltidae. Ectosomal spicules as a monocrepid desma highly branched in a plane parallel to the surface. Microscleres absent. Siphonidium 0. Schm. CARNOSA. 95 Tribe 2. ANOPLIA. Special ectosomal spicules and microscleres absent. Fam. 1. Azoricidae. Desmas monocrepid. Azorica Carter ; Tretolophus Soil.; Gastrophanella 0. S.; Setidium 0. S. ; Poritella 0. S. ; Amphibleptula 0. S. ; Tremaulidium 0. S. ; Leiodcrmatium 0. S.; Sympyla Soil. Fam. 2. Anomocladidae. Desma acrepid, consisting of a variable number of smooth cylindrical cladi radiating from a thickened centrum. Zygosis between the expanded ends of the cladi of one desma and the centrum of another. Vetulina 0. S. Order 2. CARNOSA.* Sponges without megascleres ; microscleres belonging to the tetr axial type present or absent. Tribe 1. MICROSCLEROPTERA. Microscleres are variously modified tetrac- tinose asters, candelabras, or minute triaenes. Fam. 1. Plakinidae. With tetractinose, triactinose, diactinose asters, and sometimes mono-, di-, or trilophous candelabra. Chamber-system eurypylous or aphodal ; mesoderm chiefly collenchymatous. The sponge is divided into a hypomere and a spongomere. PlaJcina F. E. S. ; Placortis F. E. S. Fam. 2. Corticidae. Tetractinose asters and candelabras. Aphodal or dip- lodal. In part sarcenchymatous, in part collenchymatous. Corticium 0. Schm. ; Calcabrina Soil. ; Corticella Soil. ; Rhacella Soil. Fam. 3. Thrombidae. Trichotriaenes, and sometimes a peculiar form of amphiaster. Ectosome thin and not sharply marked off from choanosome. Diplodal. Mesoderm densely collenchymatous with numerous large granular cells in addition to collencytes. Thrombus Soil. Fam. 4. Astropeplidae. With microxeas and asters ; the microxeas are arranged tangentially to the walls of the canal -system, forming a loose felt ; eurypylous ; ectosome not a cortex. Astropeplus Soil. Tribe 2. OLIGOSILICINA. With asters only. Fam. Chondrillidae. Chondrilla 0. S. Tribe 3. MYXOSPONGIDA. Without spicules. Fam. Grumminidae. Chondrosia 0. S. , diplodal rhagon chambers ; Oscarella Vos. , chambers eurypylous and rhagose. Order 3. MONAXONIDA.! Silicious skeleton with uniaxial megascleres. The Monaxonida are related to the Tetractinellida through the Astropeplidce on the one]hand, and Plaldna on the other. In fact it is difficult to see why these forms are placed in separate orders. Sub-order 1. HALICHONDRINA. Typically non-corticate ; skeleton usually reticulate ; megascleres usually either oxea or styli. Fam. 1. Homorraphidae. Megascleres all diactinal, either oxea or strongyla ; no microsclera. * E. Topsent, Arch. Zool. cxper. (3), 3, 1895. + Ridley and Dendy, "Report on the Monaxonida." Challenger Reports, vol. 20, 1887. E. Topsent, " Expose des Principes actuels de la Classification des Spongiaires. " Revue Biologique du Nord de la France, t. 4. Id., "La classifi- cation des Halichondrina." Mem. Soc. Zool. France, 1894. 96 PORIFERA. Sub-fam. 1. Renierinae. Spicules may be enveloped by a small pro- portion of spongin, but are never completely enveloped in it. Hcdicliondria Fleming, littoral ; Petrosia Vos. ; Reniera Nardo ; Calyx Vos. Sub-fam. 2. Chalininae. Spongin plentiful ; spicules enveloped and united by it. Pachycludina Schm. ; Chalina Grant ; Sipfuniochalina 0. Schm. ; Cacoclialyna 0. S. ; ChalinorrhapMs Lend. ; Hoploclialina Lend. Fam. 2. He terorr aphid ae. Megascleres of various forms ; microscleres com- monly present, but never chelfe. Sub-fam. 1. Phloeodictyinae. Sponge massive, with tubular processes (fistulas) projecting from it. With a well-marked external rind. Megasclera oxea, passing into strongyla in some species. Hhizochalina Schmidt ; Oceanapia Norman. Sub-fam. 2. Gelliinae. Megascleres all diactinal, oxea, or strongyla. Microsclera as sigmata or toxa ; no rind or fistuhe. Gellius Gray ; Gelliodes Ridley ; Toxochalina Ridley. Sub-fam. 3. Tedaniinae. Megascleres of two forms monactinal (styli) forming the main skeleton, diactinal (tylota or tornota) dermal. Micro- sclera as rhaphides. Tedania Gray ; Trachytedania Ridley. Sub-fam. 4. Desmacellinse. Megascleres all monactinal, stylote to tylostylote. Microscleres sigmata or toxa, or both. Desmacella Schm.; Biemma Gray. Sub-fam. 5. Hamacanthinae. Megascleres oxea or styli. Microscleres large diancistra, and sometimes others. Vomerula Schm.; Hamacantha Gray. Fam. 3. Desmacidonidae. Megascleres of various forms, usually monactinal. Microscleres always present and always including chelae. Sub-fam. 1. Esperellinae. Skeleton fibre not echinated by laterally projecting spicules. Esperella Vos. ; Espcriopsis Carter ; Cladorhiza M. Sars, megascleres long, often projecting radially, like spines, deep-sea; Axoniderma R. and D. ; Chondrodadia W. Thomson, deep-sea ; Meliiderma R. and D. ; Desmacidon Bow. ; Artemisina Vos. ; Phelloderma R. and D. ; Sideroderma R. and D. ; lophon Gray ; Amphilectus Vos. ; Dcndoryx Gray ; Forcepia Carter ; Yvesia Topsent ; Metonanchora Carter ; Damiria Keller, etc. Sub-fam. 2. Ectyoninae. Skeleton fibre echinated by laterally projecting spicules. Myxilla Schmidt ; Pytheas Tops. ; Clathria Schm. ; Rhaphidophlus Ehlers ; Stylostichon Tops. ; Microciona Bow. ; Uymcraphia Bow. ; Plocamia O.S. ; Plumohalichondria Carter; Acarnus Gray; Ecliinoclathria, Carter; Agclas Duch. and Mich. ; Echinodictyum Ridley. Fam. .4. Axinellidae. Skeleton typically non-reticulate, consisting of ascend- ing axes of fibres from which arise subsidiary fibres radiating to the cortex. Megasclera chiefly styli, to which oxea or strongyla may be added. Microsclera rarely present, never chelate. Hymeniacidon Bow. ; Phakellia Bow. ; Ciocalypta Bow. ; Acanthella Schm. , Axinella Schm. , generally branched ; Raspailia Nardo, branched, whip-like ; Dendropsis R. and D. ; Thrinacoplwra Ridley ; Dictyo- cylindrus Bow. Fam. 5. Spongillidae. Fresh-water sponges. Asexual reproduction by gemmules which are often surrounded by a special kind of spicules called amphidiscs. Spongilla Lamarck ; Ephydatia Lamouroux ; Tubella Carter ; Parmula Carter ; Heteromeyenia Potts ; Lubomirskia Dybowski ; Lessepsia Keller ; Uruguay a Carter ; Potamolcpis Marshall. CERATINA. 97 Sub-order 2. SPINTHAROPHORA. Usually corticate. Megascleres, as a rule, collected in fibres radially arranged from the base to the surface. Microscleres, when present, as some form of aster, never a sigma, sigma spire, or chela. f^ Tribe 1. ACICULINJE. With diactinal megascleres. Fam. 1. Epallacidae. Megascleres as oxeas, and microscleres as some form of asters. Epallax Soil.; Scolopes Soil.; Dorypleres Soil.; AmpMus Soil.; Asteropus Soil.; Coppatias Soil. Fam. 2. Stylocordylidae. Sponge differentiated into a head and stalk. Skeleton in head radiately arranged with a cortical layer of smaller spicules set radiately to the surface. Spicules in stalk set longitudinally in a dense axis. Oxeas only. Stylocordyla W. Th. Fam. 3. Tethyidae. Megascleres are strongyloxeas radially arranged. Microscleres are spherasters, and sometimes other forms of Euasters. Tethya Lam.; Columnitis 0. S. ; Xcnospongia Gray ; Magog SoU.; Sollasella Lend. Tribe 2. CLAVULIKffi. With monactinal megascleres. Fam. 1. Spirastrellidae. Non- boring sponges with numerous microscleres (asters, spirasters, or discasters), typically forming a more or less continuous dermal crust. Hymedesmia Bow. ; Spirastrella 0. S. ; Latruncalia Bocage ; Podospongia Bocage, etc. Fam. 2. Suberitidae. Without microscleres of the aster type. Sub-fam. 1. Suberitinae. Skeleton not radially arranged. Suberites Nardo ; Weberella Vos. ; Poterion Schlegel, etc. Sub-fam. 2. Polymastinae. Skeleton radially arranged. Polymastia Bow. ; Quasillina Norman ; Tentorium Vos. ; Ridleia Dendy ; Trichostemma M. Sars, free-living, deep-sea, symmetrical forms with fringe of hair-like spicules for attachment in the mud ; Tethyspira Tops., etc. Fam. 3. Clionidae. Boring sponges, generally with microscleres of the aster form. Cliona Grant ; Thoosa Carter ; A lectona Carter. Order 4. CERATINA.* Sponges with a supporting skeleton formed of spongin fibres which are without spicules ; ciliated chambers saccular or piriform ; micro- scleres present or absent. This is undoubtedly an artificial order, and contains forms which are more closely allied to various families of the Monaxonida than to each other. It includes the so-called horny sponges. Fam. 1. Aulenidae. Vestibular spaces complicated ; ciliated chambers very small ; skeleton reticulate, formed of more or less areniferous horny fibres which do not contain proper spicules. Proper echinating spicules may, however, be attached to the superficial fibres. Allied to the Desmacidonidoe. Aulena Lendf. ; Hyattella Lendf, Fam. 2. Spongidae. With small piriform or spherical ciliated chambers ; without proper spicules ; not clathriform. Allied to the Homorrhaphidce. Sub-fam. 1. Eusponginae. Skeletal network close-meshed, fibres solid, generally with foreign bodies in the main fibres. Chalinopsilla Lendf. ; * R. von Lendenfeld, A Monograph of the Horny Sponges. Royal Society, London, 1889. 98 PORIFERA. Phyllospongia Ehlers ; Leiosella Lendf. ; Euspongia Brown ; E. officinalis L., the fine Turkey or Levant sponge ; Hippospongia F. E. S. ; H. equina. 0. S., the horse sponge or common bath sponge. Coscinoderma Carter ; Heteronema Keller. Sub-fam. 2. Aplysinae. Skeletal network loose, the axis of the fibres is occupied by a kind of pith. Aplysina Nardo; Luff aria Pol.; Thorect- andra Lendf. ; Thoreeta Lendf. ; Aplysinopsis Lendf. Sub-fam. 3. Druinellinae. Ciliated chambers with long special efferent and afferent canals ; fibres thick with irregular lobose surfaces. Druinella Lendf. Sub-fam. 4. Halminae. Skeleton as a network of slender fibres containing at the nodes large sand-grains ; or with a skeleton of loose sand-grains and dendritically-branched areniferous fibres. Oligoceras F. E. S.; Dysideopsis Lendf. ; Halme Lendf. Sub-fam. 5. Stelosponginae. Skeletal network wide-meshed, composed of solid fibres more or less fasciculated. Stelospongia Schmidt ; Hircinia Nardo. Fam. 3. Spongelidae. With large saccular ciliated chambers without efferent canals, a clear ground substance, and a skeleton of solid fibres without proper spicules, but containing sand-grains. Sometimes the fibres are replaced entirely by large scattered sand-grains. More closely allied to the Heteror- r aphides, than to any family of Ceratina. Sub-fam. 1. Phoriosponginae. With microscleres. Phoriospongia Marshall ; Sigmatella Lendf. Sub-fam. 2. Spongelinae. Without microscleres. Spongelia Nardo; Psammopemma Marshall ; Haastia Lendf. ; Psammoplysilla Keller. The deep-sea Ceratosa of Haeckel (Challenger Reports, vol. xxxii., 1889), belong to this order. He distributes the forms into four families : Ammoconidae, without spongin skeleton ; Psamminidae, without spongin skeleton ; the Stannomidae, with spongin skeleton ; and the Spongelidae. Most of them were taken at a depth of from 2000 to 3000 fathoms. CHAPTEE IV. COELENTERATA.* Radially symmetrical animals with only one cavity in the body the gastrovascular space which serves alike for digestion and circula- tion. The generative cells are always either ectodermal or endodermal. The Coelenterata, which include polyps, corals, sea-anemones, jelly- fishes, etc., are multinucleate animals, in which the greater number of the nuclei are arranged in regular layers at the body surfaces, and constitute, with the protoplasmic layer which contains them, the external and internal epithelia, commonly called the ectoderm and endoderm respectively. Between these two layers the protoplasm is reduced to a sparse reticulum, without or with only a few nuclei, the spaces between the strands of the reticulum being filled by a gelatinous matter, the jelly, f When this interposed gelatinous layer is thin and inconspicuous, as in most polyps, it is called the supporting lamella, or structureless lamella ; when it is thick and bulky, as in some parts of the jelly-fishes, it is called simply the jetty. Further, these layers are always differentiated to a greater or less extent into functional tissues contractile tissues and nervous tissues ; and nematocysts are always present as differentiations of the ectoderm or endoderm, or of both layers ; the generative cells are always products of one of these layers ; and finally, the ectoderm or the protoplasm of the jelly very commonly secretes a skeletal tissue, which may be either cuticular, horny, or calcareous. On the other hand, the internal surface of the body is not differentiated into organs of circulation, of digestion, or of coelom distinct from each other. The vegetative processes are performed by the internal surface of the enteric cavity, or gastro- vascular space as we shall call it, of which the central part func- tions as stomach and intestine, the peripheral as vascular system. * R. Leuckart, Zoologischc Untersuclmngen, I., Giessen, 1853. C. Chun, Coelenterata in Bronn's Klassen u. Ordnungen, Bd. 2, Abth. 2. t Sometimes called the mesoglaea an unsuitable term, because it suggests an ectoglaea and entoglaea, which do not exist. 100 COELENTERATA. R. Leuckart was the first to recognise the importance of these characters, and made use of them to separate the Polyps and the Medusae from the Echinoderms, thus resolving Cuvier's type of Radiata into the types of Coelenterata and Echinodermata. The Coelenterata are divided into two main sub-phyla, the Cnidaria and the Ctenopliora^ distinguished from one another by a number of characters, of which, perhaps, the most compre- hensive is the presence or absence of iiemato- cysts. The entire structure of the body is generally speaking disposed in radial symmetry, although amongst the Cnidaria transitions towards bilateral symmetry are sometimes apparent. Three distinct types of body -form are met with amongst the Coelenterata, viz., that of the Polyp ; of the Medusa; and of the Ctenopliore. The Polyp type. The Polyp has the form of a cylinder or sac (Fig. 79), of which the posterior or lower end is fixed and the opposite end is free and pierced by an opening the mouth placed on a flat or conical prominence the oral cone or liypostome, and leading into the cavity of the body, or enteric space (coelen- teron). Around the mouth are placed a number of regularly or irregularly arranged contractile processes the tentacles, which always contain endoderm, either solid or traversed by a prolongation of the enteric space. The tentacles may be reduced to knob-like warts or be absent altogether (siphonozooids of the Stylasteridae, etc.). In rare cases (Arachnactis, Min- yas) the polyp is free-swimming. The ectoderm, which is the part FIG. 79. Diagrammatic longitudinal section of a hydroid polyp. mouth ; M enteric space or coelenteron ; Ek ectoderm ; En en- doderm ; T tentacle. dea. Sz sense cells in the ectoderm ; Gz ganglion cells ; Nf nerve-fibres ; Stl supporting lamella ; E endoderm cells. 5, E FIG. 80. Longitudinal section through the nerve ring of Charyb- of the polyp in closest relation with the outer world, possesses, to use the ordinary parlance of histology, sense-cells (Fig; 80) provided with sensory hairs ; nerve or ganglion-cells with branching processes; epithelio-muscle cells, with COELENTERATA. 101 FIG. 81. Ectoderm cells of Hydra with con- tractile processes (rm). From Chun, after Kleinenberg. contractile processes (Fig. 81) arranged along the long axis of the body; and cnidoblasts, which form the thread-cells, or nematocysts, and carry sensory processes, the cnidocils or triggers, projecting on the surface. The thread-cells (Fig. 82) are small capsules consisting of a highly refractile cuticular material, and containing some fluid and a spirally - coiled thread. Under certain mechan- ical conditions, e.g., under slight pressure produced by contact with a foreign body, these capsules suddenly protrude the thread, which either fastens on to the causes of the disturbance, or pierces it, carrying into it a part of the fluid contents of the capsule. In many parts of the body, and especially on the tentacles, which serve for the capture of prey, these microscopic weapons are present in great numbers, and are often grouped in a peculiar arrangement to form batteries of thread-cells. The endoderm cells are principally concerned with the processes of digestion and secretion. They often bear cilia for the movement of the contents of the gastrovascular space, and their deeper ends are sometimes prolonged into contractile processes which are transversely arranged. The endoderm of the tentacles is sometimes solid, and modified for a skeletal function by the develop- ment of vacuoles and cuticular struc- tures into a form resembling the vegetable parenchyma of plants, or the tissue of the vertebrate noto- chord (Fig. 83). The food is digested in the Protozoan manner, being surrounded by protoplasmic processes of the endoderm. The digestion is therefore intracellular, and the indigestible remains are cast out into the enteron and ejected through the mouth by the help of the cilia of the endoderm cells. FIG. 82. a, b Nematocysts and cnido- blasts of Cordilophora, with the cnidocil of the cell (cnidoblast) ; c adhesive cells of a ctenophore (from Lang). 102 COELENTERATA. FIG. 83. Axial cells from the tentacles of Campanularia. As a rule there is no localised organ for the excretion of the nitrogenous waste, but in a few cases deposits of guanin or urea crystals may be seen in some of the endoderm cells. Some polyps possess pores at the apices of the tentacles or through the body wall, which may serve for excretion (Fig. 84). Asexual reproduction by budding or fission is very commonly found. If the individuals so produced remain united they give rise to the colonies which are so widely distributed amongst the Cnidama, and which by the continued multiplication of their mem- bers may attain a considerable size. Sexual reproduction is always met with. The sexual cells arise in the endoderm or ectoderm. They sometimes remain at their place of origin (Hydra, Anthozoa), but often they pass through the supporting lamella and wander to ea> , another place where they ripen (most Hydromedusae). There are two kinds of polyps, characterised by the structure of the enteric cavity the Hydroid polyp and the Antliozoan or coral polyp. As types of the former we may mention Hydra with ^ s s i n gl e row f hollow tentacles, and Tubularia with its double row of solid tentacles. In such polyps the gastrovascular space is simple, and there is no oesophageal tube. The Antliozoan Polyps are usually of a larger size ,-, ,, * TT i i i tnan tlie JlydrOldS, and c. FIG 84. Diagrammatic longitudinal section through an Antliozoan polyp, passing through an enteric pouch on the left side and through a mesentery possess a more complicated on the right, e perforation in mesentery ; elc ecto- ' derm; en endoderm (black); ex excretion -pores (cinclides); ex' excretion pore at the end of a tentacle ; /pedal disc ; g.t. enteric pouch ; m wall of body ; mes supporting lamella ; mf mesenterial filament; o mouth; oes oesophageal tube ; p edge of penstome ; s supporting lamella of a mesentery ; t tentacle (from Chun). ., ,^. gastrovascular Cavity (.big. 4) In the first place the mouth leads into a tube ^focll projects into the gas- trovascular cavity, and opens COELENTERATA. 103 into the latter at its lower end. This tube is lined with ectoderm and is called the oesophageal tube, or stomodaeum (Fig. 84 oes). In the second place there projects inwards from the side walls of the body a number of vertical partitions formed of folds pf the endoderm and a prolongation of the supporting lamella. These are the mesenteries. Internally they are attached to the oesophageal tube in the region of that structure, while below it they end in free edges which are somewhat folded and thickened and are called the mesenterial ridges and filaments. The mesenteries break up the enteric FIG. 85. Alcyonarian polyp (Veretillum FIG. 86. Diagram of a hexactinian polyp (from cynomorium), from Chun, t pinnate Chun, after Andres). / pedal disc ; m wall of tentacles ; oes oesophageal tube ; m body ; p peristome ; d edge of peristome ; mesenterial filaments ; s mesenteries ; t tentacles ; o mouth. s', s' two adjacent mesenteries with feebly developed filaments. cavity into a number of circumferential pouches which, in the lower part of the polyp, open into the central part of the enteric cavity or stomach, but in the upper part of the polyp where the mesenteries are attached to the oesophagus form separate chambers (Figs. 88 and 89). Each of these communicates above with the cavity of a tentacle (Fig. 84). The gastral pouches then are the peripheral parts of the enteric cavity (coelenteron) between the mesenteries. An opening may be present in each mesentery just below the oral disc putting 104 COELENTERATA. the adjacent chambers in communication (Fig. 84, c). Between these mesenteries, which join the oesophageal tube and are called primary mesenteries, there may be intercalated mesenteries which, as a rule, do not reach the oesophagus and are called accessory mesenteries. There are secondary, tertiary, etc., accessory mesenteries. All the mesenteries decrease in breadth towards the base of the polyp (Fig. 89). The mouth open- ing is rarely round, but usually has the form of a slit, at the two ends of which (or sometimes at one end) there is a groove lined with long cilia. These grooves are the oesophageal grooves or yonidial grooves (siphonoglypJies). They remain open when the walls of the rest of the oesophagus are ap- plied to one another (Figs. 88 and 89). The tentacles are hollow, and may be smooth (Zoantharia, Fig. 86) or pinnate (Alcyonaria, Fig. 85), and are placed in one or in several rows. Pores may be present at the tips of the hollow tentacles, and on the side walls of the body, in which case they are called cinclides (Fig. 84). In the genus Cerianthus and its allies there is a large aboral pore. The mesenterial thickenings or filaments are specially characteristic of the Anthozoa. They consist of thick- enings of the endoderm containing gland -cells and thread -cells. FIG. 87. Longitudinal section through a Hexactinian (Phellia limicola), from Chun, after Andres, a acontia ; c, c' septal ostia ; g gonad ; m.f mesenterial filament; m.l longitudinal muscles ; o mouth ; o' internal opening of oesophageal tube ; oes oesophageal tube : s primary mesentery ; s' secondary mesentery; s" tertiary mesentery; t tentacle. COELENTERATA. 105 In some sea-anemones contractile fibres the acontia arise from the edges of the lower ends of the mesenteries : they are closely set with thread -cells and can be protruded from the lateral pores (cinclides) in the contraction of the polyp and serve as weapons of defence (Fig. 87). The muscular system is much more complicated than in Hydroids. The muscles are both ectodermal and endodermal. The ectodermal muscles of the body- wall (longitudinal) are generally feebly developed, while those of the peristomial disc (radial) and of the tentacles (longitudinal) are powerfully developed. The endodermal circular muscles of the pedal disc, the side body-wall, and of the oesophageal FIG. 88. Transverse section through an Alcyonarian (after R. Hertwig). 11 gonidial groove ; 1, 2, 3, 4 the four pairs of mesenteries with their muscles. FIG. 89. Section through an Actinian (Adamsia), after R. Hertwig. Hf the unpaired (dorsal and ventral) chambers ; R, R gonidial grooves. tube are well developed. To this system there is added a character- istic and well-developed set of endodermal muscles on the mesenteries. Each septum is provided on one face with transverse (radial) fibres, and on the other with longitudinal (Fig. 90). The lowest section of the transverse muscles are often independent of the rest, and pass from the side body-wall to the pedal disc (m.t). The longitudinal muscles are well developed and cause a projection on the face of the mesentery (Figs. 88, 89). While a nucleus is generally associated with each of the ectodermal muscular fibres, the endodermal muscles are in close connection with the base of a cylindrical epithelial cell. In correspondence with the powerful formation of the musculature, the nervous system reaches a considerable development. It has the 106 COELENTERATA. form of a diffuse plexus of much-branched glanglion cells, which are contained in both ectoderm and endoderm between the lower ends of the epithelial cells, and are especially developed in the peristome, tentacles, and oesophagus. The AntJiozoa are almost always dioecious, rarely her- maphrodite ( Cerianthus) . va and spermatozoa arise from the endoderm al cells of the mesenteries, and lie in follicles in the jelly of the same struc- tures. They cause swellings on the faces of the mesenteries, a short distance from their free ends (Fig. 91). Asexual reproduction by budding and fission is very generally present, and often leads to the forma- tion of colonies. The Antho- zoan polyps are much inclined to the formation of skeletal structures, which consist of slimy (Cerianthus), horny, or calcareous substances. The symmetry of the Antho- zoan polyps is almost always radial. The Octactinia (Alcyonarid) indicate their 8-radiate structure by their eight feathered tentacles, m.p. FIG. 90. Primary mesentery of a Hexactinian (Sagartia parasitica), and the parts of the body to which it is attached, ac Acontia ; c Septal ostium ; / pedal disc ; m.l longitudinal mus- cular fibres; m.t transverse muscular fibres; m.p parietal muscles ; p peristome, t tentacle. FIG. 91. Section through the mesentery of an Actinian (Edwardsia tulcrculata), after O. and R. Hertwig. ck ectoderm ; en endoderm ; m./mesenterial filament; m.l section of the pro- jection caused by the folding of the muscular lamella of the longitudinal muscles, the fibres appear as dots ; ov ovary. COELENTERATA. 107 FIG. 92. Eight-armed Scyphistoma-polyp with wide mouth. M longitudinal muscles of the gastral ridges; Csk chitinous tube. a strictly radiate and a bilateral structure. The tentacles rarely show a tendency to the bilateral arrange- ment, but the mesen- teries, as shown by the arrange- ment of the lon- gitudinal muscu- lar bands, are generally grouped in a bilateral manner (Figs. 88 and 89). The Scypho- polyp or Scy- phistoma is a transitional form between the Hydro- and An- thozoan- polyp. It resembles the hydroid in the and the horny corals (Anti- patliarioi) their 6-radiate sym- metry by their six tentacles; multiradiate usually in ^ mul- tiple of six are the Actiniaria and stone-corals. Nevertheless, hardly a single anthozoan-polyp can be found in which all the organs are strictly arranged according to one and the same number. The fact that the mouth-opening is not usually round, but slit-like, indicates an inclination to a biradiate or bilateral symmetry, and there are transitional forms between FIG. 93. Sixteen-armed Scy- ; phistoma (slightly |magni- fied). GttTgastralJridges. 108 COELENTERATA. absence of the oesopliageal tube* and mesenteries, but it recalls the Anthozoan-polyp in the fact that the structureless lamella is developed into a gelatinous layer, and in the presence of gastral ridges (taenioles) or folds of endoderm resembling rudimentary mesenteries, into which the jelly is continued. It is somewhat cup-shaped (Fig. 92), and is attached by the aboral end which is elongated and narrow, and often secretes a chitinous tube for fixation. There are eight or sixteen tentacles (Fig. 93) round the^mouth supported by a central axis of stiff endoderm cells. There are four gastral ridges or taenioles (Fig. 94), each of which is accompanied by a longitudinal muscle derived from the endoderm. The Medusa is a free-swimming animal, and consists of a flattened disc or arched bell of gelatinous consistence, from the under or sub- umbrella surface of which hangs a central stalk the luanulrium bearing at its free end the mouth. The greater part of the umbrella consists of the jelly or enlarged structureless la- mella ; this is often traversed by protoplasmic strands which may contain nuclei. In the normal position the medusa swims by the contraction of the bell with its convex or ex-umbrella surface upwards. The manubrium is frequently prolonged in the region of the mouth into lobes and tentacle-like structures, while the edge of the umbrella is beset with a variable number of true tentacles, In a few cases the medusae are attached by the ex-umbrella surface ; in the Lucernaridae (Fig. 134) by a styliform prolongation of the aboral pole ; in some Rhizostomas by a sucker-like plate of the ex-umbrella. Some of them can creep m.L- FIG. 94. Transverse section through the middle part of a Scy- phistoma. ek ectoderm ; en endoderm ; s jelly (structureless lamella) ; ml longitudinal muscle ; gw gastral ridge; gv enteron (from Chun, after Claus). * Gotte asserts that there is an oesopliageal depression of ectoderm in the Scyphopolyp. COELENTERATA. 109 COC..V. by means of small suckers on their tentacles (Clavatella prolifera, Pectanthus asteroides), or can adhere by the suctorial action of their mouth openings (Pelagia), and even in rare cases are able to lead a parasitic life (Mnestra -//arasitica on a pelagic snail Phyllirhoe bucephala}. v The contraction of the bell is effected by the circular muscles of the sub-umbrella surface. The ejection of water caused by this contraction drives the medusa along. The velum is a mus- cular membrane at the edge of the bell. It consists of a fold of ectoderm, and assists in the move- ment of the medusa by elongating the umbrella cavity and narrowing its aper- ture. When the velum is absent the margin of the bell is lobed (Acraspe- dote Medusae, as opposed to Craspe- dote Medusae in which a velum is present). The marginal ten- tacles are rarely absent (tihizostoma) ; occasion- ally there is only one (Steenstrupia) or two (Aeginopsis, Gemella- rici) ; more frequently there are four or some multiple of four. Occa- sionally there are six or a multiple of six (Carmarina, Fig. 101); or the tentacles may be numerous, in which case they are either uniformly distributed round the edge of the bell ( Tiaropsis, Aurelia, Fig. 100), or grouped in bundles (four bundles in ougainvillea, eight in Lucernaridae, Fig. 134, and in Cyanea}. Occasionally the tentacles are removed from the edge of the umbrella, and inserted either on the ex-umbrella (Narco- medusae, Fig. 96), or on the sub-umbrella (Cyaneidac). The tentacles are FIG. 95. Sarsia mirabilis (from Chun, after Agassiz). A cras- pedote ocellate medusa budded from Cory tie mirabilis. c.r radial canal ; c.c circular canal ; ex.u ex-umbrella ; g inanu- brium containing the elongated stomach and surrounded by the gonads (manubrial gonads) ; o mouth ; t tentacles ; v velum ; s.u sub- umbrella. 110 COELENTERATA. usually hollow and unbranched, more rarely they have a solid endodermal axis (Narcomedusae, Fig. 96, Tesseridae, Ephy- ridae), or are dicho- tomously branched (Cladonemidae). Be- sides the larger main tentacles there are often smaller inter- mediate tentacles at the umbrella edge (Tessera, Fig. 133). Occasionally the ac- cessory tentacles are confined to the young stages and drop off in later life, or they may become trans- formed into the mar- ginal bodies. In the gastrovascular apparatus a central stomach for digestion, and a carrying or circulating system of peripheral canals and pouches tb. FIG. 96. Portion of the edge of the umbrella of a Narcomedusan (Cunina lativentris) from Chun, after O. and K. Hertwig. v velum ; t tentacles with stiff endodermal axes ; t.b roots of tentacles ; n.r nerve ring ; n.s radial nerve which passes to the base "of the tentacles ; ot marginal bodies ; x otoporpa ; g.t gastral pouches ; c.p, c.p the two peronial vessels ; they form originally a part of the circular canal, which in the shifting of the tentacles dorsalwards on to the ex-umbrella is festooned and opens into the gastral pouches (after Hertwig, from Chun). Z FIG. 97. Diagrammatic longitudinal section through a Rhizostoma. U umbrella ; M gastric cavity ; S sub-umbrella ; G gonad ; Sh sub-genital pit ; F gastral filament ; SM muscular system of the sub-umbrella; ligf radial canal; Blc marginal body; Eg olfactory pit; Al ocular lobe ; Sk shoulder tufts, Dk dorsal tufts, Vk ventral tufts of the eight arms ; Z terminal parts of the arms. COELENTERATA. Ill can always be distinguished. The mouth leads directly. (Fig. 101, Carmarina), or by a tube into the stomach, and its lips are often drawn out into four grooved processes the oral arms (Fig. 100). The edges of the grooves are often frilled, and carry small tentacular filaments. In Rhizostoma the four arms bifurcate (Fig. 97), giving rise to eight, the frilled edges of which fuse and bring about the closure of the mouth. The fusion is not, however, complete, but numerous small openings are left the suctorial mouthlets, in which digestion of the food takes place. From these openings arise small ves- sels, which gradually uniting with each other form a system of canals passing up the oral arms to open into the stomach (Fig. 97). The stomach is generally flattened, rarely elongated (Lucernaria, PeriphyUa, Tes- sera) in its main axis. Occa- sionally it is divided by a constriction into two sections, an aboral basal section and a central stomach (Tessera, Pericolpa, PeriphyUa (Fig. 99), the stalk tube of Lucernaria). Gastral filaments (phacellae) are highly characteristic of the acraspedote medusae, and recall the same structures in the Anthozoa, as do the gas- tral ridges or taenioles, which to the number of four are placed interradially in the basal and central stomach in the Lucernaridae and Tesseri- clae (Figs. 98, 99). ml c!t TO .re. FIG. 98. Section through the peripheral part of the umbrella of a young Lucernarian (Craterolophu* thetys). e/c ectoderm ; mes jelly ; en endoderm ; g central stomach ; g' radial diverticula of the stomach between the funnels (stibgenital pits); g.t radial pouches ; se septa ; inf funnels lined by ectoderm ; septal muscles ; m.i longitudinal muscles of the funnels ; gen gonads (after Glaus). The peripheral part of the gastrovascular system may appear in the young form as a continuous dorso-ventrally flattened space extending almost to the edge of the umbrella. Later the dorsal and ventral walls of this space come together along certain radially directed lines and fuse with one another, so that the originally continuous space is broken up into a number of pouches or vessels, all leading outwards from the central stomach. At the places where the concrescence of 112 COELENTERATA. the two walls occurs the endoderm epithelium is retained in the form of a layer of cells called the vascular or endoderm lamella (Fig. 107). In many medusae these concrescent places appear as four small septal unions (Cathammata, Fig. 98 se). They delimitate four wide radial pouches of the stomach, which however communicate with one another peripherally beyond the unions by a kind of circular canal. In the Lucernaridae and Charybdeidae the septal unions are extended into elongated partitions (Fig. 98, se), 4;he septa, which delimitate the four radial pouches in nearly their whole extent. But the septa never quite reach the umbrella edge, so Gift.- canals are connected by a narrow circular canal. The gastric pouches open into the stomach by the gastral ostia (Fig. 99 g.o). When the four places of fusion of the dorsal and ven- tral stomach walls are of considerable extent, the gastral pouches have the form of four narrow radial vessels : this is characteristic of the tetra-radiate craspedote medusae. A circular canal connecting them peripherally is however retained. In many acraspedote medusae there are, beyond and independent of the four septal unions, sixteen lines of adhesion between the dorsal and ventral walls of the gastric pouches. In some cases the four septal unions are not formed, and only the peripheral lines of adhesion appear : in this way the more or less com- plicated form of the peripheral gastrovascular apparatus of the Semostomae and Jihizostomae is introduced. Sometimes the adhesion-lines are narrow and extend up to the edge of the disc (Pelagidae, Cyaneidae), sometimes they are broad and leave a circular canal at the periphery. In the first case broad, blindly-ending gastric pouches are formed ; in the latter the*" pouches are reduced to narrow vessels which frequently branch peripherally, or even anastomose (Aurelia, Fig. 100, Rhizostoma}. A similar branching of the radial vessels occurs also in the Craspedota. The endoderm lamella may become secondarily excavated, and thereby new radial vessels may arise, vessels dichotomously branching in a peripheral direction, or FIG. 99. Section through the central stomach of an acraspedote medusa (Periphyllct mirabilis). v.g umbrella-jelly ; in/ the four funnels ; g.c basal stomach ; /gastral filaments ; g.o gas- tral ostia ; sin circular sinus ; kn septal unions ; s gonads. COELENTERATA. 113 centripetal vessels arising at the umbrella edge and ending blindly (Carmarina, Fig. 101). Excretion pores may be present at the umbrella-edge in both craspedote and acraspedote medusae. In the Craspedota (most frequently in the Leptomedusae) they are placed on warts on the circular canal and open on the sub-umbrella surface. The endoderm cells near the openings are of a glandular nature, and contain concretions which are emptied through the pore. In the Acraspeda there are eight excretion pores at the distal end of the eight adradial canals. The ectoderm which is composed of a flat epithelium on the dorsal surface, and of a muscular epithelium on the sub-umbrella surface and velum, is thickened and stiffened along certain lines and contains a large number of RK FIG. 100. Aurelia aurita from the oral surface. MA the four oral tentacles with the mouth in the centre ; GK gonads ; GH aperture of sub-genital pit ; RK marginal body ; RG radial vessel ; T marginal tentacles. nematocysts. An annular thickening of this kind is found round the umbrella margin in some forms (Fig. 101), and similar thickenings ascend for a short distance on the ex-umbrella surface from the roots of the tentacles the peroniums (Fig. 101, pe) and from the roots of the auditory tentacles the otoporpas (Fig. 96, x). The peroniums and otoporpas are continuations of the first-mentioned circular thickening. The gastro vascular apparatus is lined by endoderm, which in places carries cilia for the movement of the contained matter. The digestion seems to be, partly at least, intracellular. The endoderm is without muscular structures and nema- tocysts, except on the gastral filaments, which are actively moveable and contain both. Possibly the four longitudinal muscular bands, found beneath the four taenioles and septa in some acraspedote medusae, are of endodermal origin. I 114 COELENTERATA. The nervous system has the form of a plexus of multipolar ganglion cells placed between the muscle-fibres and the ectoderm cells. In addition to this peripheral plexus there are special FIG. 101. Carmarina (Geryonia) Jiastata (from Chun, after Haeckel) a sex-radiate Tracho- medusan. s.u sub-umbrella; a manubrium ; v velum; n nerve-ring; rv circular vessel; en thickened tract of ectoderm at edge of bell ; t marginal tentacle ; mu interradial longitu- dinal muscular bands of the manubrium ; o mouth ; g stomach ; cr one of the six radial canals ; ov ovaries on the sub-umbrella-wall of the radial vessels ; c.cp centripetal, blindly ending radial vessel ; pe peronium. The tentaculocysts are shown near the base of and between the tentacles. COELENTERATA. 115 aggregations of nervous tissue in certain regions. In the. craspedote medusae there are two annular nervous tracts in the ectoderm at the base of the velum, one on each side of the supporting lamella (Fig. 102 ri, n"). They consist of ganglion-cells, nerve-fibres,>some of which perforate the supporting lamella to put the two rings in communication, and of sensory epithelial cells bearing stiff projecting sensory hairs, and ending internally in fibres which pass into the nerve-rings. In the Acraspeda there is a special aggregation (Fig. 103 F) of the nervous tissue, of the same structure as the nerve-rings of the Craspedota, round the base of each of the sense tentacles (marginal bodies, or rhopalia) ; and in the Charybdeidae there is a sub -um- brella marginal nerve with a zigzag course connecting together these rudimentary ganglia, which in the other forms are apparently inde- pendent of one another. In the Acraspedota, pits the so-called olfactory pits lined by a sensory epithelium are found on the edge of the umbrella above the marginal bodies (Fig. 103 K). At the edge of the um- brella are always placed special sense organs the marginal bodies. They are of two kinds those which by their structure indicate an auditory function, and those which indicate a visual purpose. In the craspedote medusae they are mutually exclusive, so that we find ocellate medusae with sense organs of the visual type and vesiculate medusae with sense organs of the auditory type. In the Acraspeda the marginal bodies may carry organs of both types. The sense organs of the auditory type always contain concretions the otoliths of an organic or inorganic material, which concretions are contained inside cells ; and two types of auditory organ are distinguished according as these concrements are contained in cells of the ectoderm (Fig. 104) or in cells of the endoderm (Fig. 105). In the Craspedota we find auditory organs of both types. In the Leptomcdusae they consist of ectodermal pits, which may be closed into vesicles, on the under side of the base of the velum ; some of the 71.0C. St. FIG. 102. Diagrammatic transverse section through the edge of the umbrella of Carmarina hastata (from Chun), v velum ; $ t supporting lamella of velum ; mu circular muscles of velum in section ; n 1 lower, n" upper nerve ring; n.iv thickening of the ectoderm of the edge of the umbrella ; c.r radial vessel ; r.k circular vessel ; en solid cord of endoderm beneath the peronium pe ; ot tentaculocyst ; auditory nerve ; ga umbrella jelly. 116 COELENTERATA. ectoderm cells of the pit or vesicle contain otoliths, while others bear sensory hairs (Fig. 104). In the other type, found in the Trachomedusae and Narco- medusae, the auditory organs have the form of short reduced tentacles of the edge of the disc, containing a solid endodermal axis and surrounded at their base by cells bearing long auditory sense hairs. The otoliths are contained in the endoderm cells of the tentacles. These sense tentacles may project freely on the surface (Aeginidae, Fig. 96), or they may be sunk in pits, or the pits may be closed and they may lie in vesicles embedded in the jelly of the umbrella (Fig. 102), in which case they may be fitly termed tentaculocysts. In both types the hair- bearing sensory cells are prolonged into fine fibres which join the nerve rings (Fig. 105). FIG. 103. Section through the olfactory pit (R), the sense tentacle (marginal body), and its nerve centre of Aiirelia aitrita. L lobe of umbrella covering the sense tentacle ; P eye-spot ; Ot otoliths in the endoderm of the sense tentacle ; Z endoderm cells after solution of the otoliths ; En endoderm ; EC ectoderm with the underlying tissue of the nerve centre F. The eye-spots of the Craspedota (ocellate medusae or Anthomedusae] consist of a pigmented patch of ectoderm cells just dorsal to the insertion of the velum ; a lens-like cuticular thickening over them is sometimes developed (Lizzia). The ectoderm patches contain two kinds ^>f cells, namely peripheral cells with pigment surrounding some colourless cells, the bases of which are prolonged into nerve fibres. The marginal bodies of the Acraspeda or the rhopalia are absent in the Tesseridae, and in most Lucernaridae. When they are present they have the form of short marginal tentacles and are distinguished from those of the Craspedota, by the fact that they contain a hollow prolongation of the gastrovascular system, and are covered on the dorsal side by a hood-like prolongation of the umbrella COELENTERATA. 117 (hence Steganophthalmata, Fig. 103). In some Lucernaridae the marginal bodies are present as the so-called marginal anchors (Halidystus, Fig. 134). There are eight of them, four being called radial in position, and the other four interradial ; they are placed respectively between the -eight marginal lobes. They end in a small swelling with thread cells ; their middle portion is surrounded by a kind of collar formed of sticky glandular ectoderm cells, and on the sub-umbrella side of their basal part is an eye -spot. In other Acraspcda the eudoderm at the end of the sense tentacle is thickened and loaded with concretions, and the ectoderm round its base is columnar and provided with cilia and sense hairs (Fig. 103). The fibrillar continuations of these cells form a nervous network, with ganglion cells, round the base of the tentacle (Fig. 103, F). Visual organs are sometimes present in this sensory epithelium. They are most complicated in Charybdca, where there are two large terminal eyes with a retina, vitreous humour, lens, and cornea. FIG. 104. Sense organ on the nerve-ring and circular vessel of Octorchis (after the Hert- \vigs). Rb Sense organ; 0, two otoliths ; Hh auditory hairs ; Hz auditory cells ; Nv upper nerve-ring ; Rg circular vessel (type of Vesiculata). Jff FIG. 105. Tentaculocyst of Geryo- nia (after O. and R. Hertwig). N, N' the auditory nerves ; Ot otolith; Hz auditory cells; Hh auditory hairs (type of the Tracho- niediisae). Beproductive organs. The medusae are almost always dioecious, only in rare cases are they hermaphrodite (Chrysaord). The sexual cells of the Craspedota appear always to arise in ectoderm, and those of the Acraspeda in endoderm. In the Antliomedusae they are developed in the ectoderm of the manubrium (Fig. 95) in four radial streaks, each of which later splits into two. In the other Craspedota (Leptomedusae) they are placed in the ectoderm of the sub-umbrella beneath the radial canals (Fig. 106). It appears, how- ever, that in many medusae (Obelia) the generative cells arise in the ectoderm of the manubrium, and then later migrate to the ecto- derm below the radial canals, where they occasionally wander into the endoderm and ripen partly in the ectoderm and partly in the endoderm. In the Acraspeda the sexual cells arise in the endodermal walls of 118 COELENTERATA. the central stomach or gastral pouches. They are interradially* placed, and have the form of four horseshoe-shaped glands, which may secondarily divide into eight adradial halves. In all cases the sexual cells are dehisced into the enteron and pass out by the mouth. In connection with the genital glands there are very generally present ectodermal invaginations in the form of pits of the sub- umbrella surface. These pit* are for respiratory purposes, and constitute the so-called sub-genital pits (Discomedusae, Fig. 100), and funnels (Lucernaridae and Periphyllidae, Fig. 98). They occur interradially beneath the genital glands. Asexual reproduction by budding is of very general occurrence in the craspe- dote medusae. The buds are formed, usually in groups, rarely singly, on the wall of the manubrium, more rarely at the base of the tentacles, on the cir- cular canal, or on other places. In the Narco- medusae the budding is confined to larval life, when a bud-nurse is formed which attaches itself para- sitically to other Medusae. As hinted often in the above description the medusae fall into two well-marked divisions, viz., into the Craspedota and Acraspedota (Acraspeda) or Acalepliae. Since the celebrated discovery of the alternation of generations in the medusae by Sars we have known that the former are budded off by Hydroid-polyps, the latter by the Scypho-polyp or Scyphistoma. The Craspedote Medusae are distinguished by the following characters : a smooth umbrella edge ; a muscular velum, without endoderm; a double nerve-ring; gastral filaments and taenioles are * In describing a Scyphomedusa it is usual to speak of eight primary radii. These are the radii of the marginal bodies. These eight primary radii are further distinguished into four perradii and four interradii. The oral arms lie in the four perradii, and the gastral ridges and gonads in the four interradii. The adradii are the eight radii between the eight primary radii. Ov ""^ Ob FIG. 106. Phialidium variabile represented from the under side of the umbrella. V velum ; mouth ; Ov ovary ; Ob auditory vesicle ; Rf marginal ten- tacles. COELENTERATA. 119 absent ; sexual cells arise in the ectoderm of the mamibrium, or along the radial canals ; they are rarely developed directly from the egg. The Acraspeda, on the other hand, have a lobed umbrella edge and no double nerve ring; the marginal sense bodies are always tentacular in form, and contain a prolongation of the gastrovascular system; gastral filaments are always developed on the stomach wall, and taenioles are generally present ; the sexual cells are endodermal, and the development is either direct or by fission from a Scypho-polyp. Connection between the Polyp and the Medusa. The medusa is very generally produced by budding from a polyp, although in certain orders it does rise directly from the egg. For a long time it was considered a remarkable circumstance, hardly admitting of a satisfactory explanation, that organisms which differed so widely as polyps and medusae they had indeed been systematically separated in different classes should only form different stages in the life- history of a single cycle of development. The theory of "Alternation of Generations" contained only a description of the matter, and offered no explanation. The discovery of the mode of origin of the medusa as a bud on the body of the polyp first clearly demon- strated the direct relation of the two forms; for it proved that the medusa is a flattened disc-shaped polyp with a shallow, but wide gastric cavity, the peripheral part of which has, by the fusion (Fig. 107, c) of its upper and lower walls along four, six, or more radiating areas, become divided into the vascular pouches, or as they are often called, radial canals. The differences consist mainly in the presence of the oral cone or hypostome of the polyp as a well-marked external appendage, the manubrium; in the enlargement of the oral disc to form the muscular sub -umbrella surface (Fig. 107, c, S) ; in the collapse of the coelenteron (leaving the endoderm lamella) above referred to ; and in the greater development of the nervous and muscular systems in connection with the free -swimming habit of life. To these may be added the thickening of the structureless lamella between the dorsal endoderm and ectoderm, to form the jelly- like tissue which is so characteristic of medusae. As stated above the medusa is generally produced by budding from a polyp- colony, but however produced it always develops the generative cells. For this reason it is frequently called a gonophore. This name, though not employed when the polyp stage is unimportant (Acalephae) or absent (some Acalephae, Tracho- medusae, etc.), is applied to all medusae or medusa-like organisms which are produced by budding from a polyp. Typically a gonophore becomes detached from its origin, and as a free -swimming medusa distributes the generative products far and wide ; but in some colonies the gonophore does not become 120 COELENTERATA. detached. In such cases it may acquire the full development of a medusa, but more often its development is not complete, and a degenerate medusa or as it is often called, a gonophore with concealed medusiform structure is produced. These degenerate medusae (hedrioblasts, adelocodonic gonophores, medusoids, as they are variously called) vary considerably in structure from the stage of an almost perfect medusa, to a stage in which they consist of little more than a bud containing the generative cells (sporosacs). The Ctenophore. The description of the fundamental form of the Ctenophora will be more conveniently dealt with under the descrip- tion of the class (see below, p. 197). Rdc Eli FIG. 107. Diagrammatic longitudinal sections of a, a hydroid polyp, and 5, c, a medusa. Section b passes through two radial canals, section c between two radial canals. mouth ; T tentacle ; M enteron ; Ek ectoderm ; En endoderm ; Rdc radial canals ; Re circular canal ; vel velum ; Gp vascular or endoderm lamella ; S sub-umbrella ; U umbrella. Asexual reproduction by budding and fission is very widely spread. It is found in all groups with the exception of the Ctenophora, and it frequently leads to the formation of colonies, the component members of which are in bodily continuity. In most cases both layers of the body wall participate in this mode of reproduction, but it has recently been asserted that the ectoderm alone participates in the gemmation of the buds of Hydra; and in the so-called sporogony, which is found in some Narcomedusae, a single ovum-like cell of the body has the power of reproducing the whole organism. The latter should perhaps be regarded as a case of parthenogenesis which otherwise has not been observed in the Coelenterata. With this phenomenon of asexual reproduction must be connected the COELENTERATA. 121 power of regenerating lost parts a property which is probably widely diffused in the Coelenterata, and reaches, perhaps, its highest expression in Hydra. The smallest pieces into which the body of Hydra can be cut are able to reproduce the whole polyp. In the asexual reproduction budding and fission may achieve results varying from the complete formation of a new individual which separates from the parent, to the mere repetition of a portion of the growing organism, which remains attached to the parent. As an instance of the one extreme we may mention Hydra ; of the other, the Siplionophora ; and between these two extremes we have the colonial Hydroinedusae and Anthozoa. In Hydra the whole organism is reproduced; in the Hydromedusan colonies the whole parent except the rooting portion or hydrorliiza ; in the Maeandrine Corals the reproduction is confined to the oral disc and stomodaeum, and perhaps a few tentacles and mesen- teries: finally, in the Siphonophora the manubrium of the parent Medusa (or polyp, according to the view taken) may produce almost any portion of an entire organism from an um- brella to a tentacle. Connected Avith this asexual reproduction are two important phenomena which must shortly be referred to here. The one is polymorphism, and the other alternation of generations. In the colonial Coelenterata the individuals associated in the colony are rarely all alike in structure. A certain number have one form, others another form, and with this difference in form is often associated a difference in the part which they respectively play in the life of the colony. As an instance we may take the Tubularian colony called Podocoryne (Fig. 108). Here from a creeping coenosark or FIG. 108. Podocoryne carnea (after C. Grobben). P pol^p ; M medusa bud on the blastostyle ; Sk skeleton polyp ; S spiral zooid. 122 COELENTERATA. hydrorhiza arise several individuals, some of which are ordinary polyps, with a mouth and tentacles; others are polyps lacking the mouth and tentacles, and acting as defensive organs for the colony (the dactylozooids) ; others again, while lacking the mouth and possessing only vestiges of tentacles, have the property of budding off the gonophores or sexual members of the colony these are the blastostyles, and the sexual individuals they produce are imperfectly developed medusae, which characterize this particular species. In some species the medusa acquires a complete development, and breaking away from the colony swims in the sea and distributes its products far and wide. The phenomenon of alternation of generations depends upon the fact that in many Hydromedusae and Acdlephae the fertilized ovum gives rise to an organism (the polyp) which can produce buds, but not ova and spermatozoa. Some of the buds become Medusae or medusa-like individuals in which the sexual elements are formed. This kind of alternation of generations in which a sexually repro- ducing generation succeeds one or more generations of asexual forms is called metagenesis. The ovum is generally fertilized outside the parent, but in some Anthozoa the fertilization and the early stages of development take place in the enteric cavity. In many forms, particularly amongst the Medusae, all the individuals of the same species discharge their eggs at the same time of day, but this time may alter slightly according to the time of year. It is remarkable that in the most nearly allied species the eggs are discharged at the most different times. It has been suggested that this is an arrangement to prevent the crossing of closely allied species. Almost all Coelenterates are marine. Hydra, Microhydra, Cordy- lophora amongst polyp forms; and Limnocodium, found in the Victoria Regia tank of the Royal Botanical Society, London, and Limnocnida from Lake Tanganyika, amongst Medusae, are the most striking of the few fresh-water members of the group. The polyps and polyp colonies are for the most part attached to foreign bodies and lead sedentary lives, w,hile the Medusae, Siplionophora, and CtenopJwra are free-swimming pelagic organisms, striking for their beauty and for the extreme fragility and transparency of their tissues. Many of them are phosphorescent. The greater number are littoral or pelagic in habit, but a few forms, often characterized by important peculiarities of structure, are from the deep sea. CNIDARIA. 123 A few are parasitic, e.g., Polypodium hydriforme parasitic in the young stage in the ova of the Sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus), (Ussow, Ann. and Mag. N". Hist. (5), 18, 1886); and Mnestra, a medusa parasitic on Phyllirhoe. The few fossil forms known belong for the most part to the corals, the hard tissues of which have left traces in the rocks of most periods. There are traces of Medusa remains in the Solenhofen slates, and the Graptolites of the Cambrian formation may possibly have been hydroid colonies, resembling the Sertularidae. The following table shows the classification of the Coelenterata adopted in this work : Sub-phylum I. CNIDARIA. CLASS I. HYDROMEDUSAE (CRASPEDOTA). Order 1. HYDRIDA. 2. HYDROOOKALLINAE. ,, 3. TUBULARIAE. ANTHOMEDUSAE. ,, 4. CAMPANTJLARIAE. LEPTOMEDUSAE. ,, 5. TRACHOMEDUSAE. ,, 6. NARCOMEDUSAE. 7. SIPHONOPHORA. CLASS II. ACALEPHAE (ACRASPEDOTA). Order 1. SCYPHOMEDUSAE (TETRAMERALIA). CLASS II. ACALEPHAE Continued. Order 2. EPHYRONIAE (OCTOMERALIA). CLASS III. ANTHOZOA. Order 1. RUGOSA (TETRACORALLA). ,, 2. ALCYONARIA (OCTACTINIA). ,, 3. ZOANTHARIA (HEXACTINIA). Sub-phylum II. CTENOPHOBA. CLASS CTENOPHORA. Order 1. TENTACULATA. 2. NUDA. Sub-phylum I. CNIDARIA. Coelenterata with thread-cells. It is on the whole convenient to use the characteristic thread-cells to divide the Coelenterata into two sub-phyla the Cnidaria and Ctenopliora although it must not be forgotten that these structures have been observed in one Ctenophore, and are found outside the limits of the Coelenterata altogether (Platyhelminthes, Mollusca, Protozoa). Class I. HYDROMEDUSAE (CRASPEDOTA).* Cnidaria in which the medusa has a velum and the polyp is without gastral ridges or filaments. This class includes polyps; colonies of polyps, which produce * The Hydroniedusae coincides with the old group Hydrozoa, excluding the Acalephae. It appears convenient to place the latter in a separate class to mark their intermediate position between the Hydromedusae and Actinozoa. 124 COELENTERATA. medusae or modified medusae by budding; and medusae which arise directly from the egg. The polyps are generally attached permanently to foreign bodies, and are of small size ; but in the SipTionophora the whole colony is free-swimming. The medusae are also of small size and possess a velum. When skeletal structures are present they consist, as a rule, of a more or less horny secretion of the ectoderm (perisark). In one order, however, the secretion is calcareous (Hydrocorallinae). The colonies very often pfesent, in a well-marked manner, the phenomenon of polymorphism, and in describing the various FIG. 109. Development of hydroid polyps (from Chun, I and II after Metschnikoff, III after Allnian). I. Young larva of Clytia flavidula six hours after attachment, ek ectoderm ; en radially pouched endoderm (rudiment of hydrorhiza) ; g enteric space ; hy cylindrical projection which constitutes the hydrocaulus. II. Larva of Clytia one day after fixation ; the hydrorhiza forms a chambered disc from which the cylindrical hydrocaulus pro- jects ; nematocysts are present in the ectoderm. III. Older larva of Eudendrium ramosum; the hydrocaulus invested by the chitinous perisark (ch) projects from the discoidal hydrorhiza ; a hydrocephalis with a tentacular circlet (t) has been developed at the free end of the hydrocaulus ; the mouth is not yet formed. modifications which may be present it will be convenient to explain some of the more common terms which are used in the cumbrous and complicated nomenclature of the group. The fertilized ovum very generally giVes rise to an oviform free-swimming larva the planula (Daly ell*), consisting of an outer layer of ciliated ectoderm and an inner hollow mass of endoderm. After a short time it loses its cilia and secretes a thin cuticular covering the perisark and becomes attached by one end (Fig. 109). The free end elongates and develops a terminal mouth and 1847. Sir J. Graham Dalyell, Rare and Remarkable Animals of Scotland, London, HYDROMEDUSAE. 125 mec- tentacles, while the attached end often spreads itself into a discoidal root (Fig. 109), the hydrorhiza.* This is the first polyp. The free upstanding portion is correctly termed the hy- dranth, though the word polyp is some- times loosely ap- plied to it. The hydranth elongates and begins to bud, and two parts be- come distinguish- able in it a ter- minal part called the polyp-head or hydrocephalis with the mouth and ten- tacles, and a lower part with the buds, the stem or coeno- sark. The buds lengthen, remain attached to the parent, and themselves become differ- entiated into hydrocephalis and coenosark. The whole colony of hydranths thus formed is called the hydrosoma. The term hydropJiyton seems to be applied to the coenosark plus hydrorhiza, while hydrocaulus^ appears to be synonymous with coenosark. In some forms the perisark does not extend on to the polyp-head but stops short at its base ; in others it is con- tinued round the polyp- head as a cup the hydrotheca (Fig. 114), which, however, stands off from the polyp, being only connected with it by pseudo- podial prolongations of the ectoderm. The polyp-head can shrink into the hydrotheca for protection. Some of the buds formed by the colony develop gth- FIG. 110. Gonangium with hedrioblasts of Gono- thyraea loveni (from Chun, after Allman). U blastostyle ; gth gonangium (gonotheca) ; c oper- culum of gonangium ; go 1 -^ budding gonophores (hedrioblasts) ; mec 1 hedrioblast with planulae pi; mec 2 hedrioblast with ova in manubrium. * The hydrorhiza has some- times the form of a branching and anastomosing tube, from which the hydranths arise by budding. f The coenosark or hydrocaulus is said to be fascicled or polysiphonic when it is composed of several adherent tubes, monosiphonic when consisting of a single tube. 126 COELENTERATA. into medusae which become free-swimming, or medusoids which are imperfectly developed medusae and do not become free. These medusae and medusoids are called the gonophores because the gonads are contained in them. A phanero- codonic gonophore is a free - swimming medusa, and is sometimes termed a planoblast ; an adelocodonic gonophore is a medusoid, and is sometimes called a hedrioblast. Sometimes the gonophores are budded only from special hydranths, which are then modified by the absence or diminution of size of the tentacles and mouth. Such a proliferous hydranth is a blastostyle. In the forms with hydrothecae, the hydrotheca of the blastostyle forms a chitinous capsule enclosing the blastostyle and gonophores ; it is called the gonangium or gonotheca (Figs. 110, 114). Colonies with gonangia are called calyptoUastic ; those without gymnoblastic. The word zooid or person is sometimes applied to any individual of a colony, whether hydranth, gono- phore, or blastostyle, etc. Trophosome means the entire assemblage of zooids which are concerned with the nutrition of the colony, i.e., all the hydranths; gonosomc the entire assemblage of zooids which are concerned with the sexual reproduction of the colony, i.e., all the gonophores. A dactylozooid or spiral zooid is a hydranth without or with reduced mouth and tentacles, specially developed in some genera (Hydractinia and Podocoryne, Fig. 108) for defensive purposes. A nematophore (macho-polyp, guard -polyp, sarcostyle) is a special stalked projection of the coenosark found in the Plumularidae (Fig. 111). It con- sists of ectoderm, which contains thread- cells and is highly amoeboid, and of a solid axis of endoderm ; the whole is en- closed in a theca (sarcotheca) of perisark. Nematophores are probably nutritive, catching food as an Amoeba does, by th'e pseudopodia of their ectoderm. Hydrocladium is a special term applied to the hydrotheca - bearing branches (ramuli) of the coenosark of Plumula- ridae. Phyladocarps are specially modified hydrocladia bearing gonangia as well as nematophores and sometimes hydrothecae ; they often develop protective branches the costae which form the walls of an open basket-work and enclose FIG. 1 1 1 . A ntennularia ante nnina. Bran ch (hydrocladium) of colony with hydranths and nematophores (from Chun, after All- man), p extended, p* retracted hydranth ; n, ng nematophores ; r coenosark (hydro- cladium). HYDRIDA HYDROCORALLINAE. 127 the gonangia. When the costae are well developed and the hydrothecae are suppressed, the phylactocarp is called a corbula (Aglaophenia). The generative cells, though nearly always ripening in and discharg- ing from the ectoderm of gonophores, make their first appearanpe in a great variety of places : in the ectoderm of the free Medusa, in the endoderm or ectoderm of the fixed gonophore, in the ectoderm of the coenosark, near or remote from the budding gonophore, or even in the endoderm. But wherever they arise they eventually migrate passing, if necessary, through the structureless lamella to the gono- phore, in the ectoderm of which they are generally, though not always, contained. The Hydromedusae feed chiefly on animal substances, and Hydra possesses chlorophyll bodies in its endoderm. Whether these are chlorophyll bodies like those of plants or symbiotic Algae, like those of Radiolaria, seems uncertain. The free-swimming Medusae and Siphonophora are phosphorescent. With a few exceptions they are marine organisms. Order 1. HYDRIDA. Solitary polyps without medusoid buds. Both generative products are developed in the ectoderm of the polyp. In this order colonies are not formed, and there are no medusoid individuals. The generative cells are produced by the ectoderm of the polyp itself. There is only one genus, Hydra L., the fresh- water polyp. The genera Protohydra Greeff, and Microhydra Potts, are possibly allied here. Protohydra is marine, and reproduces by transverse fission. Microhydra is fresh- water, and invested by a coat of mud. Both genera are without tentacles, and the sexual reproduction is unknown. Order 2. HYDROCORALLINAE.* Colonial Hydromedusae consisting of a meshwork of coenosarcal canals, the ectoderm of which secretes a hard calcareous matter filling up the spaces of the meshwork. Polyps of two forms, gastrozooids and dactylozooids. Gonophores of the form of rudimentary medusae are generally present. For a long time the position of the Hydrocorallinae was uncertain. L. Agassis first suggested that Millepora was not an Anthozoon but a Hydroid, but it was not until Moseley had worked out the anatomy * H. N. Moseley, "Report on Corals," Challenger Reports, vol. 2. S. J. Hickson, "The Medusae of Millepora Murrayi, etc," Q.J.M.S., vol. 32. 1891. 128 COELENTERATA. FIG. 112. Group of polyps of Millepora nodosa. A gastrozooid surrounded by five dactylozooids B ; o mouth ; c tentacles ; d tubes (after Moseley). of the soft parts of this genus and of the Stylasteridae, that the Hydro- medusan affinities of these animals were clearly proved, and that the order Hiidrocorallinae was definitely estab- lished. The colonies have the form of encrusting or arborescent masses con- sisting of a network of coenosarcal canals (Fig. 113) permeating a hard calcareous support called the coeno- steum. The canals consist of ectoderm and endoderm, and the coenosteum is calcareous matter secreted by the ectoderm and comparable to the peri- sark of other Hydroid colonies. From the surface of the colony which is covered by a layer of ectoderm the polyps project. They are of two kinds gastro- zooid s with a mouth and tentacles, and more nu- merous dactylozooids (Fig. 112) with or without tentacles, but always without a mouth. They are lodged in pits or caly- cles excavated in the sur- face of the coenosteum, and lined by a continuation of the surface ectoderm. The relation of the surface ectoderm to the ectoderm of the polyps and of the canals is not known. The polyps of the two kinds are either scattered irregu- larly over the surface of the colony, or gathered into groups more or less regular, in each of which a centrally placed gastro- zooid is surrounded by a DZ-- G2- --DZ FIG. 113. Vertical section through a group of retracted zooids of Allopora profunda (after Moseley). DZ dac- tylozooids ; P calycles of dactylozooids separated by pseudosepta ; Z gastrozooid giving off canals which join the coenosarcal network ; GZ calycle of gastro- zooid ; DZ' dactylozooids of an adjacent group; G gonozooid (gonophore). TUBULARIAE. 129 ring of dactylozooids. The cavities of the zooids communicate with the coenosarcal meshwork by large canal offsets. Gonophores having the form of rudimentary medusae are developed on the coenosarcal tubes, and are often lodged in special ampullae of the coenoat^um. The tentacles generally possess knobbed extremities armed with thread cells. From coral reefs and warm seas. Fam. 1. Milleporidae. Coenosteum arborescent or encrusting, composed of a thin superficial living layer, lying upon dead layers of former growth. Pores without styles, but divided by tabulae marking the successive layers of growth. Dactylozooids with knobbed tentacles. Millepora L. Fain. 2. Stylasteridae. Coenosteum arborescent, with a strong tendency to assume a fan-like form, and to the development of the pores on one face only or on the lateral margins of its branches. In some genera a superficial layer only of the coenosteum is living, in others nearly the entire mass retains its vitality. Pores with tabulae in two genera only. Gastropores provided with a conical calcareous projection the style at their bases. Pseudosepta, arising from the partial confluence of the dactylopores and gastropores, sometimes present. Dactylozooids without tentacles. Colonies dioecious. Found in all seas in shallow and deep waters. Sporadopora Moseley ; Pliobothrus Pourtales ; Errina Cray ; Distichopora Lamarck ; Labiopora Moseley ; Spinipora Moseley ; Allopora Ehrenberg ; Stylaster Gray ; Stenohelia S. Kent ; Conopora Moseley ; Astylus Moseley ; Cryptohelia M. Edw. and Haime. Order 3. TUBULARIAE* (GYMNOBLASTEA). Without hydrothecae and gonangia. Polyps, ivhen more than one, forming permanent colonies. Generative individuals, ivhen set free, are Anthomedusae. The Tubulariae are almost all colonial (the Corymorphinae, Myrio- thela, etc., are solitary), and they all produce medusoid gonophores by budding. The gonophores are either set free as Medusae, or only become partially developed as medusoids, with rudiments of the medusan organs, e.g., manubrium, gastro vascular canals, and marginal tentacles. The Medusae have ocelli, and their gonads are in the manubrium. Section 1. Tubularinae. Colonial forms with a perisark destitute of investing layer of coenosark. Fam. 1. Clavidae. Polyps with scattered filiform tentacles. Clava Gmelin ; Cordylophora Allm., fresh and brackish water; Tubidava Allrn. ; Merona Norman ; Rhizogeton Ag. ; Clavula Wright ; Dendrodava "Weissman ; Campani- dava Allm. ; Corydendrium v. Ben. * G. J. Alhnan, A Monograph of the Gymnoblastic or Tubularian Hydroids, Ray Society, 1871. G. J. Allman, "Report on the Hydroidea," Pts. 1 and 2 Challenger Reports, 1883 and 1888. T. Hincks, A Monograph of the British Hydroid Zoophytes, London, 1868. E. Haeckel, Monographic der Medusen, Jena, 1879. 130 COELENTERATA. Fam. 2. Corynidae. Polyps with scattered, more or less spirally disposed, capitate tentacles. Coryne Gartner ; Actinogonium Allm. ; Syncoryne Ehrb. ; Gfymnocoryne Hincks ; Gemmaria McCrady. Fam. 3. Bougainvillidae. Hypostome not abruptly differentiated (conical). Tentacles filiform in a single circle round the base of the hypostome. Bougain- villia Lesson; Perigonimus Sars ; Bimeria S. Wright; Dicoryne Allm. ; Stylactis Allm.; Atractylis S. Wright; Diplura Green; Hydranthea Hincks; Cionistes S. Wright ; Heterocordyle Allm. ; Wrightia Allm. ; Garveia S. Wright. Fam. 4. Eudendridae. Hypostome abruptly differentiated from the body (everted). Tentacles filiform in a ^ngle row. Eudendrium Ehrb. Fam. 5. Pennaridae. Polyps with filiform and capitate tentacles. Pennaria Goldfuss ; Halocordyle Allm. ; Stauridium Duj. ; Vorticlava Alder ; Heteroste- phanus Allm. ; Acharadria S. Wright ; Acaulis Stimpson ; Cladonema Duj. Fam. 6. Cladocorynidae. Polyps with simple and ramified capitate tentacles. Cladocoryne Rotch. Fam. 7. Clavatellidae. With simple capitate tentacles in a single row. Clavatella Hincks. Fam. 8. Tubularidae. Polyp with a proximal and distal row of simple filiform tentacles. Tubularia L. ; Hybocodon Ag. ; Ectopleura Ag. Fam. 9. Myriothelidae. Polyp solitary. Tentacles scattered, capitate. Myriothela Sars. Section 2. Hydractininae. Colonial. Perisark invested by a superficial covering of naked coenosark ; with spiral zooids. Very frequently found coating the gastropod shell of a Hermit Crab. Fam. 10. Hydractinidae. With sessile gonophores. Hydradinia v. Ben. Fam. 11. Podocorynidae. Gonophores as free medusae. Podocoryne Sars (Fig. 108) ; Corynopsis Allm. Section 3. Corymorphinae. Polyps solitary, without perisark. Fam. 12. Corymorphidae. Gonophores as free medusae. Corymorplia Sars ; Halatraclus Allm. ; Amalthaea 0. Schmidt. Fam. 13. Monocaulidae. Gonophores as fixed sporosacs. Monocaulus Allm. Section 4. Hydrolarinae. Polyps unsymrnetrical, with the tentacles, one or two in number, springing from one side of the body. Fam. 14. Hydrolaridae. Lar Gosse. The Medusae of this order are arranged by Haeckel as follows : ANTHOMEDUSAE. Craspedota without otocysts, wifii ocelli at the base of the tentacles, and ititli manulrial gonads ; radial canals usually 4, rarely 6 or 8 ; budded from Polyps of the Tubular iae. Fam. 1. Codonidae. Mouth-opening simple; gonads not radially divided; 4 narrow radial canals ; imbranched tentacles. The polyps of most Sarsiadae belong to the genus Syncoryne, of Ectopleura to Tubularia, of Euphysidae to Corymorpha, of Globiceps to Pennaria. ANTHOMEDUSAE. 131 Sub-fara. 1. Sarsiadae. With 4 radial tentacles. Codonium H. * ; Sarsia Lesson ; Syndictyon A. Ag. ; Ectopleura L. Ag. ; Dipurena McCrady ; Bathycodon H. Sub-fam. 2. Dinemidae. With 2 radial tentacles. Dicodonipm H. ; Dinema v. Ben. Sub-fam. 3. Euphysidae. With 3 rudimentary tentacles, and one strongly developed. Sieenstrupia Forbes ; Euphysa Forbes ; Hybocodon L. Ag. ; Amplncodon H. Sub-fam. 4. Amalthaeidae. All four tentacles rudimentary, Amalthaea 0. Schmidt ; Globiccps Ayres. Fam. 2. Tiaridae. With 4 frilled buccal lobes ; with 4 manubrial gonads, which may be split into 8 ; with 4 wide radial canals ; and unbranched tentacles. Ontogeny only known in two species. The polyp of Turris neglecta is Clavula Gossei, that of Corynetes Agassizii is Halocharis spiralis. Sub-fam. 1. Protiaridae. With 4 perradial tentacles. Protiara H.; Modceria Forbes ; Corynetes McCrady. Sub-fam. 2. Amphinemidae. With 2 opposite radial tentacles. AmpTii- nema H. ; Codonorchis H. ; Stomotoca L. Ag. Sub-fam. 3. Pandaeidae. With numerous tentacles. Pandaea Lesson ; Conis Brandt ; Tiara Lesson ; Turris Lesson ; Catablema H. ; Turritopsis McCrady ; Callitiara H. Fam. 3. Margelidae. With 4 or more simple or branched oral tentacles, with 4 or 8 separate manubrial gonads ; with simple unbranched tentacles, which may be uniformly distributed or grouped in 4 or 8 bundles. Development known in a few species ; pol} 7 p usually belongs to Bougainvillea (Lizusa, Margelis, Hippocrene, Rathkca), polyp of Dysomorpha to Podocoryne, of Cytaeandra to llhizocline. The polyp of Lizzia (blondina ?} is said by Allman to be a Campanu- larian, Laomedia (Leptoscyphus) tennis. Sub-fam. 1. Cytaeidae. With unbranched oral, and uniformly distributed marginal tentacles. Cytaeis Eschsch ; Cubogaster H. ; Dysmorphosa Phillipi ; Cytaeandra H. Sub-fam. 2. Lizusidae. With unbranched oral, and 4 or 8 bundles of marginal tentacles. Lizusa H. ; Lizzia Forbes ; Lizzella H. Sub-fam. 3. Thamnostomidae. With 4 branched oral, and uniformly distributed marginal tentacles. Thamnitis H., Thamnostylus H. ; Tham- nostoma H. ; Limnorea Peron. Sub-fam. 4. Hippocrenidae. Oral tentacles branched, marginal tentacles in 4 or 8 groups. Margelis Steenstrup ; Hippocrene Mertens ; Nemopsis L. Ag. ; Margellium H. ; Rathkea Brandt. Fam. 4. Cladonemidae. With dichotomously branched or feathered tentacles, with 4 to 8 narrow, simple or bifurcated radial canals, with 4 or 8 separate manubrial gonads. Oral arms 4, numerous, or absent. Polyp form known inl 3 genera, viz. , Gemmaria is the medusa of Gemellaria, Eleutheria of Clava- tclla, Cladonema of Stauridium. Sub-fam. 1. Pteronemidae. Radial canals simple. PteronemaH. ; Zanclea Gegenb. ; Gemmaria McCrady ; Eleutheria Quatref. Sub-fam. 2. Dendronemidae. Radial canals bifurcated. Ctenaria H. resembles the Ctenophora, ex-umbrella with 8 adradial ribs of thread cells ; Cladonema Duj. ; Dendronema H. * Throughout the Cnidaria H. stands for Haeckel. 132 COELEXTERATA. Order 4. CAMPANULARIAE* (CALYPTOBLASTEA). With hydrothecae and gonangia. Colonial. Generative individuals, when set free, are Leptomedusae. The Campanulariae are colonial Hydromedusae, and they all produce gonophores by budding. The zooids are provided with hydrothecae (Fig. 114), which, in the case of the blastostyles, form gonangia. The gonophores are either set free as Medusae, or are only partially developed as Medusoids (hedrio- blastic), with rudiments of the medusan organs. The Medusae generally have marginal auditory organs of the vesiculate type, and their gonads lie beneath the radial canals (Fig. 106). Section 1. Campanularinae. Hydrothecae at least in the proximal part of the colony never adnate by their sides to the hydrocaulus. Fam. 1. Haleciidae. Hy- drothecae reduced to shallow saucer-shaped pedunculate appendages (hydrophores). Hydranths with conical hypostome. Gonophores hedrioblastic. Halecium Oken ; Diplocyatlms Allm.; Ophioides Hincks. Fam. 2. Campanularidae. Hydrothecae borne by pe- duncles, campanulate or tubular. Hydrocaulus not enveloped by peripheral tubes. Gonophores free- swimming or sessile. Campanularia Lamarck ; Obelia Peron and Lesueur ; Thyroscyphus Allm. ; Hypanthea Allm. ; Calamphora Allm. ; Hebella Allm. ; Halisiphonia Allm. ; Coppinia Hassall ; Calycella Hincks ; Clytia Lamouroux ; Campanopsis Glaus ; Melicertaria Haeckel ; Lovtnella Hincks ; Cuspidella Hincks ; Thaumantias Esch. ; Campanulina v. Ben. ; Leptoscyphus Allm. * T. Hincks, A Monograph of the British Hydroid Zoophytes, London, 1868. G. 3. Allman, "Report on the Hydroidea," Pts. 1 and 2, Challenger Reports, Ife83 and 1888. E. Haeckel, Monographie der Medusen, Jena, 1879. Fio. 114. Branch of an Obelia colony (0. gelatinosa). mouth of a nutritive polyp with extended tentacles ; M medusa-buds on a blastostyle in a gonatheca ; Th hydrotheca. LBPTOMEDUSAE. 133 Fam. 3. Perisiphonidae. Hydrocaulus enveloped by peripheral tubes ; the hydrothecae are never adnate and are carried by the axial tube only. Lafoea Lamouroux ; Lictorella Allm. ; Cryptolaria Busk ; Perisiphonia Allm. Section 2. Sertularinae. ^ Hydrothecae developed from more than one side of the hydrocaulus, to which they are all adnate for a greater or less extent by their sides. Fam. 4. Grammaridae. Hydrocaulus consisting of an axial tube which carries the hydrothecae and is sur- rounded by and inseparably coalesced with peripheral tubes without hydrothecae. Hydro- thecae adnate to axial tube. Grammaria Stimpson. Fam. 5. Sertularidae. Hy- drothecae in two or more series, adnate to hydrocaulus. Gonophores sessile. Sertularia L. ; Diphasia Agassiz ; Thui- aria Fleming ; Desmoscyphus Allm. ; Hypopyxis Allm. ; Staurotkeca Allm. ; Dictyo- cladium Allm. ; Synthecium Allm. ; Thecocladium Allm. ; Hydrallmania Hincks. FIG. 115. Free Medusa of Obelia gelatinosa as yet without gonads ; g otocysts. Section 3. Idiinae. Hydrothecae adnate to hy- drocaulus. Coenosark divided into segments which form two longitudinal series of intercommunicating cham- bers, each of which communicates with the gastral cavity of a hydranth. Fam. 6. Idiidae. Idia Lamouroux. Section 4. Plunmlarinae. Hydrothecae developed from one side only of the hydrocaulus, to which they are adnate by their sides. Sarcostyles (nematophores) are always present. Fam. 7. Plumularidae. Antennularia Lamarck; Sciurella Allm. ; Acanthella Allm. ; Plumularia Lamk. ; Schizotricha Allm. ; Polyplumaria Sars ; Heteroplon Allm. ; Halicornaria Busk ; Azygoplon Allm. ; Streptocaulus Allm. ; Diplochcilus Allm.; Lytocarpus Kirchenpauer ; Acanthocladium Allm.; Cladocarpus Allm.; Aglaophenia Lamouroux. The Medusae of this order are arranged by Haeckel as follows : LEPTOMEDUSAE. Craspedota partly icifh, partly without, otocysts ; ocelli ywesent or absent ; gonads on radial canals ; budded from polyps of the Campanulariae. Fam. 1. Thaumantidae. Radial canals simple, unbranched, without otocysts. Polyp form known only in Laodice (Thaumantaria) calcarata as Thaumantias inconspicua, and in Melicertum campanula as Melicertum campanula. 134 COELENTERATA. Sub-fam. 1. Laodicidae. With 4 radial canals and 4 gonads. Tetranema H. ; Dissonema H. ; Octonema H. ; Thaumantias Eschsch. ; Staurostoma H. ; Laodice Lesson. Sub-fam. 2. Melicertidae. With 8 radial canals and 8 gonads. Meli- certella H. ; Mclicertissa H. ; Melicertum A. Ag. ; Melicertidium H. Sub-fam. 3. Orchistomidae. With numerous radial canals. Orchis- toma H. Fam. 2. Cannotidae. Without marginal vesicles, with 4 or 6 radial canals which are branched, bifurcated, or pinnate. Development unknown. Sub-fam. 1. Polyorchidae. With 4 or 8 pinnate radial canals, the side branches ending blindly. Staurodiscus H. ; Gonynema A. Ag. ; Ptychogena A. Ag. ; Staurophora Brandt ; PolyorcMs A. Ag. Sub-fam. 2. Berenicidae. With 4 or 6 branched radial canals, branches and main canals open into circular canal. Cannota H. ; Dyscannota H. ; Berenice Peron and Lesueur ; Dipleurosoma Axel Boeck. Sub-fam. 3. Williadae. With 4 or 6 bifurcated radial canals, the branches only open into circular canals. Dicranocanna H.; Toxorchis H. ; Willetta H. ; Willla Forbes ; Proboscidactyla Brandt ; Cladocanna H. Fam. 3. Eucopidae. With marginal vesicles and 4 simple unbranched radial canals, in whose course 4 or 8 gonads lie. The polyps when known belong to the genera Campanularia, Obelaria, Clytia, Campanulina, etc. Sub-fam. 1. Obelidae. 8 adradial marginal vesicles, stomach without stalk. Eucopium H. ; Saphenella H. ; Eucope Gegenbaur ; Obelia Peron and Les. (Fig. 115) ; Tiaropsis L. Ag. ; Eucliilota McCrady. Sub-fam. 2. Phialidae. Numerous marginal vesicles, stomach without stalk. Phialium H. ; Phialis H. ; Mitrocomium H. ; Epenthcsis McCrady ; Mitrocomella H. ; Phialidium Leuckart ; Mitrocoma H. Sub-fam. 3. Eutimidae. 8 adradial marginal vesicles, a distinct, often long, stomach-stalk. Eutimium H. ; Eutima McCrady ; Sapiienia Eschsch. ; Eutirneta H. ; Eutimalphcs H. ; Octorchidium H.; Octorchis H.; Octor- chandra H. Sub-fam. 4. Irenidae. Numerous marginal vesicles, a distinct stomach- stalk. IreniumH. ; Irene TLsch. ; Tima Esch. Fam. 4. Aequoridae. With marginal vesicles and with numerous (often over 100) simple or branched radial canals. Polyp of Polycanna (Zyyodactyla) mtrina only known as a very small Campanaria. Sub-fam. 1. Octocannidae. With 8 simple radial canals. Odocanna H. Sub-fam. 2. Zygocannidae. With 8 or more radial canals bifurcated at their base. Zygocanna H. ; Zygocannota H.; Zygocannula H. ; Halopsis A. Ag. Sub-fam. 3. Polycannidae. With numerous simple radial canals which arise separately from the stomach (12 or more to over 100). Aequorea Peron and Les. ; fihcgmatocfcs A. Ag. ; Stomobrachium Brandt ; Stauro- brachium H. ; Mesonema Esch. ; Polycanna H. Limnocodium,* a fresh-water medusa from the Victoria Regia tanks of the Royal Botanic Society, London, and of unknown habitat, is probably allied here. * G. H. Fowler, Quart. J. Mic. Sci., vol. 30, 1889, p. 507. TRACHOMEDUSAE. 135 Order 5. TRACHOMEDUSAE.* Hydromedusae without hydrosome (polyp stage); with marginal sense-tentacles in pits or vesicles, ivith endodermal otoliths. Ocelli usually absent. Gonads radial. Radial canals 4, 6, or 8, oft&jrwith centripetal canals. With .thread-cell thickening of ectoderm round the edge of the umbrella. The medusae of this order (Fig. 101) develop directly from the egg, and no polyps are known. Fam. 1. Petasidae. With 4 radial canals and 4 gonads, stomach without stalk, with sense-tentacles sometimes free, sometimes in vesicles. Sub-fam. 1. Petachnidae. Without centripetal canals. Petasus H-., Dipetasus H. ; Petasata H. ; Petachnum H. ; Aglauropsis F. Miiller ; Gossea L. Ag. Sub-fam. 2. Olindiadae. With blind centripetal canals. Olindias F. Miiller. Fam. 2. Trachynemidae. 8 radial canals and 8 gonads, without stomach- stalk, sense-tentacles rarely free, usually in vesicles. Sub-fam. 1. Marmanemidae. Tentacles without suckers, mesogonionsf absent. Trachynema Gegenbaur ; Marmanema H. ; Hhopalonema Gegenbaur. Sub-fam. 2. Pectyllidae. Tentacles with suckers, with 8 radial meso- gonions.t Pectyllis H. ; Pectis H. ; Pectanthis H. Fam. 3. Aglauridae. With 8 radial canals, stomach with stalk, sense tentacles free. Sub-fam. 1. Aglanthidae. With 8 radial gonads (sometimes 011 the stomach-stalk, sometimes on the sub-umbrella). Aglantha H. ; Aglaura Peron and Les. ; Agliscra H. Sub-fam. 2. Persidae. 4 or only 2 opposite gonads. Stauraglaura H. ; Persa McCrady. Fam. 4. Geryonidae. With 4 or 6 radial canals and flattened gonads ; with long stomach-stalk ; with 8 or 12 marginal umbrella-clasps or peroniums ; and with 8 or 12 closed tentaculocysts (sense tentacles enclosed in vesicles), which are embedded in the jelly on the axial side of the peroniums (Fig. 102). The tentacles are in three different groups which appear at three different periods of the development. (1) The primary tentacles are transitory larval organs, and filled with solid endoderm. They are perradial and 4 or 6 in number. They pass on to the ex-umbrella, and remain connected with the edge by a peronium. (2) The secondary tentacles are interradial and also solid, and 4 or 6 in number. They pass on to the ex-umbrella, and remain connected with the edge by peroniums. They may fall off or persist. (3) The tertiary tentacles develop last and persist. .They arise beneath the perradial primary tentacles just to one side of the peroniums of these latter. They are hollow and long, and their cavity opens into the circular canal. There is a solid * E. Haeckel, Monographic der Medusen. Jena, 1879. f Mesogonions are thin vertical radial folds of the sub-umbrella, which underlie the radial canals and divide the gonads into two separate halves. They incom- g'etely divide the umbrella cavity into spaces recalling the funnel-cavities of the eriphyllidac. 136 COELENTERATA. cartilaginous strip of endoderm beneath each of the 8 or 12 peroniums, close to which are the tentaculocysts. Sub-fam. 1. Liriopidae. 4 gonads and 4 radial canals ; 8 tentaculocysts (4 primary perradial and 4 secondary iuterradial). Permanent tentacles, 4 or 8. Liriantha H. ; Lirwpe Lesson ; Glossoconus H. ; Glossocodon H. Sub-farn. 2. Carmarinidae. 6 gonads in the course of the 6 radial canals, 12 tentaculocysts (6 primary interradial, and 6 primary perradial). Tentacles 6 or 12. Geryones H. ; Geryonia, Per. and Les., without centripetal canals ; Carmaris H.; Carmarina H. (Fig. 101), with centripetal canals. Order 6. "^ARCOMEDUSAE.* Craspedota with free auditory tentacles. Tentacles inserted dorsally on the ex-umbrella, and connected ivith its edge by peroniums. Radial canals when present in the form of flat radial gastric pouches. So far as is known the Narcomedusae are without the hydroid phase. There is a thickened ectodermal ring at the umbrella edge which is prolonged on to the ex-umbrella to the insertion of the tentacles as the peroniums (Fig. 96). The peripheral part of the umbrella is lobed. The gonads are primitively in the ventral or lateral wall of the stomach, whence they are often spread out on the radial gastral pouches. The circular canal is either obliterated, or else in festoons (Fig. 96), following the edge of the lobes to open into the gastral pouches. The radial structures (tentacles, lobes, and pouches) vary in number they may be rarely 4, usually 8 or more to 32. Otoporpae or peronial streaks of ectoderm passing from the auditory tentacles may be present (Fig. 96). Fam. 1. Cunanthidae. With wide, pouch-like radial canals, which are connected with the circular canal by double peronial canals (festoon canals, Fig. 96). With otoporpae. Ounantha H. ; Cunarcha H. ; Cunoctantha H. ; Cunina Esch. ; Cunissa H. Fam. 2. Peganthidae. Without radial canals and gastral pouches, but with a festoon canal, with otoporpae. Polycolpa H. ; Polyxcnia Esch. ; Pegasia Per. and Les. ; Pegantha H. Fam. 3. Aeginidae. With a circular canal which communicates with the stomach by double peronial canals ; with internemalf gastral pouches ; without otoporpae. Aegina Esch. ; Aeginella H. ; Aegineta Gegenbaur ; Aeginopsis Brandt; Aeginura H. ; Aeginodiscus H. ; Aeginodorus H. ; Aeginorhodtisld. Fam. 4. Solmaridae. Without circular canal and peronial canals ; sometimes without radial canals, sometimes with modified radial canals (pernemal or inter - * E. Haeckel, Monographic d. Medusen. Jena, 1879. t Internemal gastral pouches are really interradial pouches projecting from a radial (pernemal) pouch (suppressed in the Acginidae] into the lobes of the peripheral part of the umbrella. Each original radial pouch gives off two of these internemal pouches, one into one lobe and the other into the adjacent lobe. The two internemal pouches of one radial gastric pouch are therefore separated by the double peronial canal, or festoon-like loop of the circular canal, which runs into the central stomach radially. SIPHONOPHOR A. 137 nenial gastral pouches) ; without otoporpae. Solmissus H. ; Solmundus H. ; Solmundella H. ; Solmoncta H. ; Solmaris H. Limnocnida,* a fresh- water Medusa from Lake Tanganyika, is probably allied here. Order 7. SIPHONOPHORA.! Free-swimming polymorphic colonies of Hydromedusae produced by budding from an original, probably medusoid, individual. Gonads in gonophores which, as a rule, are not set free. The colonies of the Siphonophora are characterised by the extreme specialization of the individuals composing them. So great indeed is this specialization that some zoologists (Eschscholtz, Huxley, Metscknikoff) have held the view that their component parts are really organs of a single medusoid individual, which is distinguished from an ordinary medusa by the fact that its various parts manu- brium, tentacles, umbrella have multiplied independently of one another, and have become differentiated and in part dislocated from their primitive positions ; in short, that a siphonophore, in possessing in a marked degree the power of vegetative increase of its parts, resembles a plant more than an animal. This multiplication of the parts of an organism, often independently of one another, is not however by any means exclusively a vegetable characteristic. It must have happened largely in the animal kingdom, and have been a potent factor in determining the forms of animal life. Another view, and the one more generally held, is that they are free-swimming polymorphic colonies of highly specialized polyps, with the power of producing medusae (Yogt, Leuckart, Gegenbaur, Glaus, Chun). According to it, all the parts of a siphonophore are either modified polyps or medusae, and the primitive zooid of the colony is of the polyp type. Just as the first theory errs too much in denying the colonial origin of our group, so the second theory probably goes too far in affirming it. It is probable that the truth lies between the two views. We hold, with Haeckel and Balfour, that the colonial theory is the true one, but that the primitive zooid of the colony was probably a medusa which has produced other medusae by budding, and that the parts of these medusae possess the power of becoming discrete and removed from the bud to which they belong, and of becoming in some cases secondarily multiplied. So * R. T. Giinther, Quart. J. Mic. Sci., vol. 36, p. 284. t E. Haeckel, "Report on the Siphonophorae," Challenger Reports, vol. 28, 1888. C. Chun, "Die Canarischen Siphonophoren," I. and II., Abhandlungcn d. Senckenbergischen naturf. Gesellsch. 1891-2. 138 COELENTERATA. that many organs of the colony which on the old colonial theory are modified polyps are on this view nothing more than parts of medusiform indi- viduals which have shifted their attachment, and are therefore really organs. For in- stance, the struc- tures called pal- pons (hydrocysts, dactylozooids) are to be looked upon as mouthless ma- nubria of medu- soids, the um- brellas of which have become modi- fied as bracts, or are entirely degen- erate. The siphons (trumpet - shaped polyps, nutritive polyps) are the manubria of medu- soids, of which the umbrella is a bract, or a nectocalyx or degenerate. The tentacle, on the other hand, is to be looked upon as the only sur- viving marginal tentacle of the medusoid of the siphon, which has shifted so as to be attached to the base of its manubrium. This theory then agrees with the second theory in asserting the colonial nature of the Siphonophora, but admits that there has been that vegetative FIG. 116. Diagram of a colony of Siphonanthae. St coenosome or stem ; Ek ectoderm ; En endoderm ; Pn pi*eumatophore ; Sk budding nectocalyx ; S nectocalyx ; T palpon (hydrocyst, dacty- lozooid); Sf tentacle and pal pacle ; P siphon (polyp) ; mouth of siphon ; Nk battery of nematocysts ; D hydrophyllium ; G gonophore. SIPHONOPHORA. 139 repetition and specialization of certain organs which is demanded by the first view. The diagram (Fig. 116) shows nearly all the possible parts found in colonies of Siphonanthae, the largest of the two sub-orders <& the Siphonophora. We may briefly enumerate these and consider their relation to the colony on this " medusome " theory of Haeckel. The stem (St) or trunk is the coenosark or coenosome of the colony ; it is the elongated manubrium of the original larval medusoid, and produces by budding all the parts of the colony. Two parts may be distinguished in it an upper part, the nectosome, to which the swimming organs (nectocalyces and pneumatophores) are attached, and a lower part, the siphosome, bearing the nutritive and repro- ductive organs (siphons, palpons, gonophores). All parts are budded off from the same surface of the stem (the so-called ventral median line), their apparent radial disposition in some forms being due to a spiral twisting of the stem.* The swimming organs. The nectocalyx (S) is a medusa with canal system and velum but without a manubrium. The pneumato- phore (Pn) is more difficult of interpretation; it may either be regarded as a medusa, in which the umbrella cavity is the air- chamber or pneumatocyst, or it may be simply regarded and this is Haeckel's view as a part of the ex-umbrella region of the original medusoid larva, the ectoderm of which has become invaginated upon the contained enteric system to form the pneumatocyst (Haeckel distinguishes the ectodermal imagination as the pneumatosac, the secreted chitinous lining as the pneumatocyst). The space round the pneumatocyst lined by endoderm is the pericystic space. The siphons (P) may be regarded as polyps, or as the manubria of medusoids. The palpons (tasters, hydrocysts, dactylozooids) are mouthless manubria. The tentacles (Sf) are organs of the siphons (see above). The palpacles (Sf) are similar organs of the palpons found in one order. The hydrophyllia (bracts) are the umbrellas of medusae which are cleft on one side, or which have simply lost their umbrella cavity and of which the manubria are either degenerate or slightly shifted as siphons and palpons. In many forms bracts have undergone a large secondary increase. Gfonophores (G) are either budded from the stem or from processes of the latter called gonostyles, which may, or may not be, mouthless polyps. * The twisting when present takes place in opposite directions in the necto- some and siphosome. 140 COELENTERATA. The zooids are generally attached to the stem in groups called cormidia (Fig. 119). The points of attachment of the cormidia are called nodes, the part of the stem between being internodes ; in such cases the cormidia are said to be ordinate. Sometimes this regular grouping does not occur, and the various zooids bud off separately from the stem ; the cormidia are then said to be irregular or dissolved. The nectocalyces by their contractions move the colony through the water; they have a deeply concave muscular sub-umbrella sur- face. The pneumatophore is a hydrostatic apparatus, and, in those forms which have a long spiral stem, serves to keep the body in an upright condition. The gaseous contents is secreted by some of the cells lining the pneumatocyst and can, in some cases, be expelled freely by contraction of the walls of the pneumatophore through one or more openings the stigmata. The enteric or gastro vascular system is continuous throughout the colony. The gastral zooids are without oral tentacles, but possess a tentacle arising at their base. This tentacle can be extended to a considerable length and be retracted into a spiral coil. It rarely has a simple form, but, as a rule, it bears a number of unbranched lateral twigs the tentilla, which are also very contractile. These tentacles are invariably beset with a great number of nematocysts, which in many places are closely packed and have a regular arrange- ment. These aggregations of thread-cells are especially found upon the tentilla, where they give rise to large brightly-coloured swellings, the cnidosacs or batteries. The gonophores have a velum, a complete gastrovascular system, and a manubrium; but the mouth is nearly always absent. The generative cells are ectodermal, and arise in the manubrium ; they are without radial divisions (as in the Codonidae of the AntJwmedusae). The colonies are generally hermaphrodite, but the gonophores are- male and female. The sexual medusoids frequently become separate from the colony when ripe, but are only rarely liberated as small medusae ( Velellidae), which produce the generative cells during their free life. The hydrophyllia are leaf-shaped, and composed of a stiff gelatinous substance ; they are protective in function. All the appendages are developed as buds formed of ectoderm and endoderm, and containing an endoderm-lined cavity which communicates with the cavity of the stem. The Siplwnophora are extremely beautiful transparent, marine DISCONANTHAE. 141 organisms, with here and there spots of colour (the hepatic cells of the siphon the apex of the pneumatophore, the cnidosacs of the tentacles, etc.). They are mostly pelagic in habit, but some come from the deep sea. The ova are large, generally without vitelline membrane, and undergo a complete and regular segmentation. A free-swimming, solid planula is formed. There are two main sub-orders* the Disconanthae, in which the primary form is an 8-radiate medusa, the Disconula, which produces buds on the ventral side of its umbrella ; and the Siphonanthae, in which the promorph is a bilateral medusa which produces buds on the ventral side of the base of its manubrium. Sub-order 1. Disconanthae. TJie body (coenosome) formed by the umbrella of the original octo- radial medusa, which includes a polythalamous pneumatocyst ; the huds arise in concentric rings from the sub-umbrella. Larva octoradial (Disconula). This sub-class includes one order. Section 1. DISCONECTAE. YELELLIDAE. Siphonophora with a permanent primary umbrella, without necto- calyces and bracts. The Disconectae are medusae with a large manubrium (Fig. 117, 7ns), hollow marginal tentacles, and radial canals opening into a circular canal. There is no velum, and the ex-umbrella surface is pitted inwards in the centre to form an ectodermal sac, the pneumato- cyst (Hi}. From the under side there hangs downwards a number of accessory manubria (giii) which bud the gonophores and are called gonostyles (gm). The gonostyles open into the radial canals at their basal ends, while distally they may be closed or open. Beneath the pneumatocyst there is a large cellular mass, the centradenia (cd\ or so-called liver. The pneumatocyst opens on the upper surface by * Chun, who objects to Haeckel's separation of the Disconanthae from the rest of the class, arranges the Siphonophora as follows : Order 1. CALYCOPHOEIDAE. With nectocatyces without pneumatophore. Order 2. PHYSOPHORIDAE. With pneumatophore. Sub-order 1. Haplophysae. Physophoridae with unchambered pneumato- cyst, which is partly lined by gas -secret ing ectoderm and is without tracheae. Tribe 1. Physonectae. With pneumatophore and nectocalyces. Tribe 2. Pneumatophoridae (Physalidae}. Without nectocalyces. Sub-order 2. Tracheophysae (Haeckel's Disconectae}. With chambered, chitin -lined pneumatocj^st, which gives off tracheae to the polyps. Gono- phores set free as medusae (Chrysomitra}. 142 COELEXTERATA. Ik small apertures the stigmata and communicates with the centra- denia and adjacent tissues by a number of fine tubes the tracheae which project from its base. The tracheae are lined by a prolongation of the chitinous lining of the pneumatocyst. The centradenia is separated from the dorsal endoderm of the stomach by a gelatinous plate the gastrobasal plate (sp) which is pierced by the gastral ostia (primitively 8) for the passage dorsalwards of the radial canals (?&), whicl^ arise from the fundus of the stomach. It is a composite organ, partly consisting of a dense network of endodermal gastral canals, and partly of a parenchyma of ectoderm cells with many cnidoblasts. The function of the former is probably , partly digestive and p^s^% partly renal, of the latter gas-producing. In the simpler Dis- conectae, i.e., in the Discalidae the cen- tradenia is composed solely of a compact mass of ectoderm cells and cnidoblasts without canals. The only canals of the centradenia of such forms are eight sim- ple radial canals which arise from the eight ostia of the stomacli and run on its upper face between it and the pneumatosac uniting in its centre to form a typical octoradial liver star. They are to be looked upon as ascending branches of the eight' primary radial canals of -the sub- umbrella. The canals which perforate the centradenia of the more complex forms are branches of these (Fig. 117). The canal system is primitively octoradiate; it consists of the radial canals above mentioned, which branch as they pass outwards to be united at the margin of the umbrella by a circular canal (not marked in the figure). This system gives off, in addition to the FIG. 117. Porpalia prunella (after Haeckel from Lang), cd centradenia (central gland); Ik pneumatocyst; cp central stigma of pneumatocyst ; rlc radial canal ; sp gastrobasal plate; eii ex-umbrella; su sub - umbrella ; t tentacles; g gonophores ; o mouth ; ms chief siphon ; gm accessory siphons, in this case gonostyles. DISCONECTAE. 143 centradenial canals, a set of canals the pallia! canals on the ex- umbrella or upper surface of the pneumatocyst, which unite over the centre of the pneumatophore (round cp). This pallial system is the result of the invagination of ectoderm to form the pneumato^feore. The constitution and function of the centradenia, tracheae, and pneumatocyst of the Disconectae is disputed. Haeckel's account has been followed in the text. He regards the supposed ectodermal portion of the centradenia or liver as gas- secreting in function, and corresponding to the gas-secreting portion of the pneumatocyst of the Siphonanthae (see below), the tracheae being for the purpose of carrying the gas, so secreted, into the pneumatocyst, which is entirely hydro- static. Chun, on the other hand, holds that in the Disconanthae, which habitually float on the surface, the pneumatocyst has no gas-gland, and that the cell mass of the centradenia, which Haeckel calls ectoderm,, is endoderm with a rich development of thread cells ; further, that the tracheae often end in places where this tissue is absent. He considers that these tubes are really tracheae for the conveyance of oxygen to the thick glandular endoderm, and that the pneumatocyst in this group is a breathing organ. In confirmation of this view he states that the living Velella does periodically contract its body as though it were expelling air from the air-sac. The elastic chitinous lining receives its explanation also on this view, as it would by its elasticity tend, in regaining its original form, to suck air in through the stigmata. The gas-secreting ectoderm of the pneumatocyst is present in the young forms, which apparently live below the surface, and probably in the deep sea forms ; and no doubt the function of the air-sac is, in these cases, purely hydrostatic, as in other Siphonophora in which there is a gas-gland and no tracheae. Chun C. , Bericht ub. cine nach d. Canarischen Inseln ausgef. lieise. Sitzb. Acad. Wiss. Berlin, 1888. The gonophores which are produced on the gonostyles are small 4-radiate medusae, which do not produce sexual cells until after detachment, when they are known as CJirysomitra. It is probable that the young of the Disconectae pass through a larval stage resembling in structure Discalia. This would be the so-called Disconula, a form actually met with in Discalia and presenting an 8-radiate medusiform structure with eight radial canals, eight marginal tentacles, and a dorsal 8-radiate in- vagination of ectoderm the pneumatocyst. Fam. 1. Discalidae. From the deep sea. Ex-umbrella without crest, gonostyles without mouth, pneumatocyst divided into a central chamber sur- rounded by 8 radial chambers, to which may be added a still more circumferential arrangement of 5 to 10 concentric ring-chambers. These chambers communicate with each other by the apertures called pneumothyrae, and some of them with the exterior by stigmata. The tentacles have terminal cnidospheres.f Discalia H. ; Disconalia H. Fam. 2. Porpitidae. Circular umbrella without crest ; pneumatocyst divided into an octoradiate central part and numerous concentric rings. The gonostyles have mouths. Pneumothyrae* are present. With many stalked cnidospheresf on the tentacles. * Pneumothyrae are communications between the concentric chambers of the pneumatocyst. f Cnidospheres are spherical knobs composed of cnidobjasts. 144 COELENTERATA. Sub-fam. 1. Porpalidae. Umbrella highly vaulted. Pneumatocyst campanulate, with a radially lobate margin. Porpalia H. (Fig. 117) ; Porpema H. Sub-fam. 2. Porpitellidae. Umbrella flat, slightly vaulted. Pneu- matocyst discoidal, without prominent radial marginal lobes. Porpitella H.; Porpita Lamarck. Fam. 3. Velellidae. With an elliptical, often nearly quadrangular, umbrella including a polythalamous pneumatocyst of the same form, composed of numerous concentric rings, and usually bearing in its diagonal a vertical crest. Marginal tentacles simple, without cnidospheres ; gonostyles with mouths. A chitinous prolongation of the pneumatocyst -fining into the crest is generally present. The 8-radiate character of the canal system exists but is much hidden and has become in part bilateral. The pneumatocyst consists of a central chamber sometimes markedly 8-radiate and of many concentric elliptical rings, with stigmata and pneumothyrae. Rataria Esch., pneumatocyst without crest. Velella Lamarck ; Armenista H. nata magnified about 8 times, sb somatocyst. Sub-order 2. Siphonanthae. Stem (eoenosome) formed by the manubrium of the original bilateral medusa. The buds arise in the ventral line of this manubrium. Larva bilateral (Siphonula). Section 1. CALYCONECTAE. CALYCOPHORIDAE. Siphonanthae with one or more nectocalyces, without p?ieumatocyst and palpons. Cormidia ordinate. A typical member of this group such as Diphyes (Fig. 118) consists of a long con- tractile hollow stem bearing at its upper end two opposed nectocalyces or swimming bells without manubria, but with four radial canals, a circular canal, and velum ; and at regular intervals along its course groups of indi- viduals called cormidia (Figs. 119, 120). At the point where the stem joins the nectocalyx (Fig. 121), or between the FIG. 119. Three cor- midia attached to the stem (eoenosome) of a Diphyid (after Leuck- art). D hydrophyl- lium ; GS gonophore ; P polyp (siphon), with tentacle. The cormidia separate from the stem to form eudoxids. CALYCONECTAE. 145 nectocalyces if two are present (Fig. 118), there is a deep groove or pit in the jelly called the hydroecium, into which the contractile stem with its cormidia can be retracted. In the jelly of the upper- most nectocalyx is a space lined by large vacuolated cells, and br- an oil-drop. This is a dilatation of the upper end of the central canal of the stem and is called the somato- cyst. Each cormidium consists of two medu- soid individuals the one of these is a sterile and the other a fertile medusoid. The sterile medusoid consists of a bract or liydropliy Ilium, a siphon (trump-et- shaped polyp), and a tentacle, while the fertile one is a gono- phore. The hydro- phyllium is the bell of the sterile medu- soid; it possesses rudiments of the radial canals which radiate from an api- cal dilatation the phyllocyst (Fig. 120) which corresponds to the somatocyst of the nectocalyx and is connected with the central canal of the stem. The siphon is the manubrium of the sterile medusoid, which is displaced from its umbrella and has a trumpet-shaped mouth at its free end. The L FIG. 120. Eiidoxia Eschscholtziia, female eudoxid of Mug- gioea Kochii (after Chun), with helmet-shaped hydrophyl- lium, br containing phyllocyst, siphon p, tentacle t, and three gonophores of different ages, go 1 , go 2 , go 3 , with eggs in the manubrium. 146 COELENTERATA. -col tentacle is the single marginal tentacle of the medusoid which has shifted on to the base of the manubrium. In some forms the gono- phores become sexually mature while still attached to the stem, but in the greater number the cormidia are detached before maturity and become free-swimming. Such free-swimming groups are called Eudoxia (Fig. 120), and are distinguished as monogastric forms (there being only one mouth and stomach) from the polygastric colonies from which they arise, and when found free are classified separately from the polygastric forms, just as the medusae of the Anthomedusae are classi- fied separately from the polyp colonies. The nutritive canals of all the parts of a cormidium unite in the bract (Fig. 120), from which point a bracteal canal passes to join the canal of the I stem. The phyllocyst I (Fig. 120), which corre- sponds to the somatocyst (Fig. 122), arises from the same point. The tentacle is tubular and is beset with a series of lateral tentilla, also tubu- lar. Each tentillum is composed of three parts (1) a thin pedicle or proximal part, (2) a dilated middle part the cnidosac, and (3) a slender terminal filament. The swelling of the cnidosac is due to a rich development of nemato- cysts of various kinds, forming the battery. The gonophore has a 4-radiate canal system and a velum, but is without tentacles or mouth (Fig. 120). The sexual cells originate in the ectoderm of its manubrium. It forms the swimming organ of the cormidium. In some forms it becomes detached, and then a secondary gonophore is formed. In some species (of Alyla) a cluster of small gonophores is developed in a single cormidium, FIG. 121. Sphaeronectes gracilis (from Chun), seen from the side, ny hydroecium : c.ol somatocyst ; c.v ventral radial canal, c.d dorsal radial canal, c.c circular canal of nectocalyx ; tr coenosome with connidia. CALYCONECTAE. 147 in which case a special nectocalyx is developed as a swimming organ. The gonophores are of separate sexes, but the same stem is usually hermaphrodite, bear- ing male and female A cormidia. 7? The variations in structure of the order depend principally upon the number of the nectocalyces. In the MonopTiyidae there is one necto- calyx, in the Diphyi- dae two, and in the Polyphyidae several pairs of nectocalyces. The first formed mouthless siphon is supposed by Haeckel to elongate and form the stem of the future colony. The oldest cormidium is that . which is placed furthest from the necto- calyces (Fig. 122). Chun states that the first nec- tocalyx (cap-shaped) is retained only in Mono- phyes and Sphaeronectes (Fig. 121) ; in the other Calyconectae it is thrown off and replaced by a differently shaped (pyra- midal) secondary necto- calyx (Fig. 122), to which more secondary nectocalyces are added later. All Calyconectae pass therefore through a monophyid stage. As stated above the buds of the cormidia are always formed at the upper end of the stem, so that the oldest cor- FIG. 122. Young colony of Muggiaea Tcochii with the primary cap -shaped nectocalyx (A) which is soon cast off, and the secondary pyramidal nectocalyx (). c.ol somatocyst with oil-drop ; hy hydroecium ; tr coenosome (stem) with two cormidia, the upper one being the younger ; ~br bud of hydrophyllium ; go bud of gonophore ; p siphon ; t tentacle, su sub-umbrella. midium is the lowest (Fig. 122). The law as to the formation of the necto- calyces is not clear in the Calyconectae, but in the Physonectae the pneumatophore 148 COELENTERATA. is at the top of the stem, the youngest nectocalyx bud next to it, while the oldest nectocalyx is at the lowest end of the siphosome, i.e., next the youngest cormidium bud. The development of the egg leads to the formation of a variety of the Siphonula larva (Fig. 123). It is a medusoid composed of a nectocalyx (A) the umbrella, of a cylindrical mouthless process the manubrium, and of a tentacle. The mouthless process is attached to the ex-umbrella surface of the nectocalyx (to what is called in Siphonophoran parlance its ventral side), and is regarded by Haeckel as the original siphon. It is supposed to have protruded through a fissure in the ventral wall of the nec- tocalyx. This disloca- tion* of the siphon (if it really exists) from its proper position in the nectocalyx is an example of a Avidespread phenom- enon in the Siphono- P nora > which accounts for a good many of the peculiar features of the group. The alternation of generations in this order is between the polygastric colony and the monogastric cormi- dium, produced by bud- ding from the former and when detached known as a eudoxid. f The gonophore of the eudoxid after shedding its genital cells is cast off and a new gonophore is formed. Fam. 1 . Eudoxidae. Monogastric, cormidium composed of two medu- soid s, a sterile and a FIG. 123. Developing Siptionula larva of Muggiaea Kochii with buds on the ventral surface. A, rudiment of primary nectocalyx, with somatocyst ol, and commencing jelly ga between ectoderm ek and endoderm en; su sub-umbrella; t budding tentacle ; p siphon ; en' yolky endoderm cells which are absorbed later (after Chun). * This attachment of the primary siphon to the ex-umbrella surface of the Srimary nectocalyx is a serious difficulty to the medusome theory. The ifliculty may be got over by supposing that the primary siphon is the manubrium of an umbrella which has disappeared, and that the primary nectocalyx is the first bud from the persistent manubrium. f In some forms the primary gonophore loses its sexual manubrium, and is developed into a special nectocalyx, and a secondary gonophore is formed. In this case the cormidium is composed of three medusoids, and is called an Ersaeid. CALYCONECTAE. 149 fertile ; without special nectocalyx. Diplophysa Gegenbaur ; Eudoxella H. ; Cucubalus Q. and G. ; Cucullus Q. and G. ; Cuboides Q. and G. ; Amphiroa Blainville ; Sphenoides Huxley ; Aglaisma Esch. Fam. 2. Ersaeidae. Monogastric, cormidium composed of three medusoids, a sterile, a fertile, and a special nectocalyx. Ersaea Esch. ; Lilaea H. ^ Fam. 3. Monophyidae. Calyconedae Polygastricae with a single nectophore at the apex of the long tubular stem. Cormidia eudoxiform, separated by equal free intern odes ; each siphon with a bract. Monophyes* Glaus ; Sphaeronectes* Huxley (Fig. 121); Mitropliyes H.; Cymbonectes^ H.; Muggiaea^ Busch. (Fig. 122); Cymba Esch. ; Doramasia^ Chun ; Halopyramis^ Chun. Fam. 4. Diphyidae.iJ: Poly- gastric Calyconectae with two nectocalyces at the apex of the long tubular trunk. Cormidia eudoxiform separated by free equal internodes ; each siphon with a bract. Pray a Blainville ; Galeolaria (confounded with Epibulia a Cystonect) Lesueur ; Diphyes Cuvier (Fig. 118) ; Diphyopsis H. ; Abyla Q. and G. ; Bassia Q. and G.; Calpe Q. and G. Fam. 5. Stephanophyidae. Polygastric, with several apical nectocalyces and a special necto- calyx on each cormidium. With small palpons with long tentacles on the intemodes. Cormidia not set free as ersaeids. Stephana- phyes Chun. Fam. 6. Desmophyidae. Poly- gastric Calyconectae with four or more nectocalyces, opposite, in pairs. Cormidia eudoxiform or ersaeiform, separated by equal internodes ; each siphon with a bract. Dcsmalia H. ; Desmophyes H.; umbrella edge of special nectocalyx with 8 ocelli and 8 short tentacles. Fam. 7. Polyphyidae. Poly- gastric Calyconectae with four or FIG. 124. An advanced Siphonula larva of Epi- bulia aurantiaca with one large nectocalyx (after Metschnikoff, from Balfour). So somatocyst; ?ic second imperfectly developed nectocalyx ; Tipli hydrophyllium ; po siphon ; t tentacle. * According to Chun the primary nectocalyx of the larva persists in these genera, and there are no secondary or replacement nectocalyces. t Chun states that in these genera the primary cap-like nectocalyx is thrown off and replaced by a pyramidal secondary nectocalyx. J In this family the primary nectocalyx is replaced by two secondary bells, which are themselves replaced by a succession of similar bells formed from similar buds. 150 COELENTERATA. more nectocalyces opposite in pairs. Cormidia without bracts. Gonophores reach maturity while attached to the stem ; no free eudoxids or ersaeids. Hippopodius Q. and G.; Polyphyes H. ; Vogtia, Kolliker. Section 2. PHYSONECTAE. PHYSOPHORA. Siphonanthae with a pneumatocyst and several nectocalyces (or bracts instead), and pal- pons. Cormidia ordinate or irregular. The Physonectae include monogastric and polygastric forms. The stem carrying the cormidia is either short, sometimes spread out in the form of a sac (Fig. 125), or elongated and spirally twisted (Fig. 126). The small, often brightly coloured apical pneumato- phore is without a terminal opening of the pneumato- cyst, though sometimes an opening near its base may be made out. The endo- dermal space of the pneu- matophore itself is usually divided by a number of radial septa into pouches, while the invaginated pneu- matocyst is divided into two communicating parts an upper part with a chitinous lining, and a lower part with a thick glandular lining. The latter FIG. 125.Physophora Jiydrostatica. Pn pneumato- is Called the air funnel. It phore ; S nectocalyces arranged in a double row .-* o-lqnrl nnrl its on the stem ; T palpon ; P siphon with tentacles Sf; NJc groups of nematocysts (cnidosacs) ; G lining secretes the gas of clusters of gonophores. , rpi the pneumatocyst. 1 he nec- tocalyces (except when replaced by paddling bracts with rudimentary PHYSONECTAE. nectocalyces at their ends) are usually numerous. They have four radial canals, a circular canal, a velum, and sometimes ocelli. The cormidia are rarely dissolved : i.e., the parts are rarely scattered along the stem, but gener- ally ordinate, i.e., in groups (Fig. 126). Each cormi- dium consists of one siphon (sometimes two or four) with tentacle ; several pal- pons each with a tentacle called a palpacle ; several bracts which may even in the forms with ordinate cormidia occur in the in- ternodes of the stem (Fig. 126); two gonostyles, one bearing male gonophores and the other female, and very often a cyston. A cyston is a structure like a palpon but with a ter- / minal opening : it acts as an anus to the colony, ex- pelling fluid and crystalline excretions through its aper- ture. The batteries of the tentilla of the tentacles are enveloped in an invo- lucrum or fold of ectoderm arising at their proximal end. The female gono- phore produces only one egg- FIG. 126. HoMstemma tergestinum. Pn pneumatophore ; S nectocalyx ; P siphon ; D hydrophyllium ; Nk group of neraatocysts on tentacles. 152 COELENTERATA. The planula develops at one pole a pneumatocyst as a thickening and involu- tion of ectoderm (like the entocodon of a medusa bud), and at the other a siphon (Fig. 127 d). The pneumatocyst is supposed by Chun to be homologous with the primary nectocalyx of the Calyconectae. In some forms the upper part of the body gives rise to a cap-shaped hydrophyllium as well as to a pneumatophore (Fig. 127). The crown of hydrophyllia which is sometimes formed persists only in Athorybia, Avhere nectocalyces are not formed. In Agalmopsis and Physo- phora the primary hydrophyllia of the larva (Fig. 128) fall off as the stem becomes larger, and are replaced by nectocalyces. FIG. 127. Development of Agalmopsis Sarsii (after Metschnikoff). a, planula ; b, stage with developing hydrophyllium D; c, stage with cap-shaped hydrophyllium (D)and developing pneumatocyst Lf; d, stage with three hydrophyllia (D, D', D"), siphon P and tentacle; Lf pneumatocyst. Fam. 1. Circalidae. Monogastric Physonectae with a corona of nectocalyces, without bracts. Circalia H. Fam. 2. Athoridae. Monogastric Physonectae with a corona of bracts, without nectocalyces. Athoria H. ; Athoralia H. Fam. 3. Apolemidae. Polygastric Physonectae with a long tubular stem bearing numerous siphons, palpons, and bracts ; each siphon with unbranched tentacle. Nectocalyces biserial ; either two opposite nectocalyces, or two alter- nate series of opposite nectocalyces. Pneumatophore without radial pouches. Nectocalyces with tentacles arising from the stem. Sub-fam. 1. Dicymbidae. Two opposite nectocalyces only. Cormidia monogastric ; each with a single cyston. Dicymba H. Sub-fam. 2. Apolemopsidae. Two opposite rows of nectocalyces. Cor- midia polygastric ; each with several cystons. Apolemia Esch. ; Apolemopsis Brandt. AURONECTAE. 153 Fam. 4. Agalmidae. Polygastric Physonectae with a long tubular stem, bearing numerous siphons, palpons, and bracts. Nectocalyces numerous, biserial. Pneumatophore Avith radial pouches. All the genera except four, viz., Stephanomia Per. and Les., Crystallodes H., Anthemodes H., Curjfolaria Eysenhardt, have dissolved cormidia. Phyllophysa L. Ag. ; Agalma "Esch. ; Halistemma Huxley (Fig. 126) ; Cupulita Q. and G. ; Agalmopsis Sars (Fig. 128) ; Lychnagalma H. Fam. 5. Forskalidae. Polygastric, with a long tubular stem bearing numerous siphons, palpons, bracts ; each siphon with a branched ten- tacle. Nectocalyces numerous ; multiserial, strobiliform in several spiral rows. Pneumatophore with radial pouches. The largest and most splendid of all Physonectae. Cormidia dissolved in all except Strobalia H. Forskaliopsis H. has palpacles among the nematocalyces. Forskalia Kolliker ; Bathyphysa Studer. Fam. 6. Nectalidae. Polygas- tric, with a short vesicular stem, bearing numerous siphons, palpons, and bracts ; tentacles branched. 2 or 4 rows of nectocalyces. Pneu- matophore with radial pouches. Nectalia H.; Sphyrophysa L. Ag. Fam. 7. Discolabidae. Like the preceding but with a corona of palpons instead of bracts ; with- out bracts. Physophom Forskal, biserial nectocalyces (Fig. 125) ; Discolabe Esch., quadriserial necto- calyces ; Stcphanospira Gegenbaur, multiserial nectocalyces. Fam. 8. Anthophysidae. Poly- gastric, with short vesicular stem bearing numerous siphons and pal- pons ; each siphon with a branched tentacle. Nectocalyces replaced by corona of bracts (as in Fig. 128). Pneumatophore with radial pouches. Ehodophysa Blainville ; Melophysa H. Ploeophysa Fewkes. NK FIG. 128. Small larval colony of Agalmopsis after the type of Athorybia. Lf pneumatophore ; D the crown of hydrophyllia ; Nk groups of nema- tocysts ; P siphon. ; Athorybia Esch.; Anthophysa Mertens ; Section 3. AURONECTAE. Siphonanthae icith a large pneumatophore, a corona of nectocalyces, a peculiar aurophore, and a network of canals in the jelly of the thickened trunk. Siphosome spheroidal, ovate, or turnip-shaped. Deep sea forms. The aurophore (Fig. 129) is an appendage of 154 COELENTERATA. the pneumatocyst, and contains a central tube putting the cavity of the pneumatocyst in communication with the exterior. It is placed on one side of the pneumatophore, and its central tube (pistillum) is surrounded by a number of radial chambers, which are separated by septa and communicate with the pericystic (endo- dermal) space of the pneumatophore. Very possibly the aurophore is a gas-secreting gland. Fam. 1. Fam. 2. Stephalidae. Khodalidae. Stephalit Auralia . ; Stephonalia H. ; Ehodalia H. Aph FIG. 129. Stephalia corona (after Haeckel). a, side view ; fc, section. Aph Aurophore ; Sg corona of nectocalyces ; P siphons with their tentacles ; CP the large central siphon, the enteron of which forms the central tube of the siphosome (coenosome or stem). Section 4. CYSTONECTAE. PHYSALIDAE. Siphonanthae ivith a large apical pneumatophore without necto- calyces and ivithout bracts. Pneumatocyst with an apical stigma. This order includes Physalia, the well-known Portuguese Man of War, which we may take as type. Physalia possesses a large pneumatophore lying nearly horizontally and bearing posteriorly and ventrally the numerous siphons, palpons, and branched gonostyles. The stigma is at the front end of the pneumatophore, and leads into a large pneumatocyst. The pericystic cavity is simple and not divided. The air-secreting cells or pneu- CYSTONECTAE. 155 madenia are confined to the under part of the pneumatocyst. The float bears on its dorsal side a crest formed by a fold of the trunk, i.e., of the part of the body which projects behind the sac (as well as ventral to it), and which carries the cormidia. The pneumatpcyst extends into the crest, and becomes divided up by a number of transverse septa into air-chambers. The cormidia are very numerous; they appear to be dissolved in the old individuals, but in the younger stages they are ordinate. When they can be made out they may be seen to consist of palpons, siphons, and branched gonostyles arising from a common stem. The tentacles arise from the palpons. The gonostyles are hermaphrodite, and the female gonophores break away and develop their ova as free -swimming Antliomedusae. The youngest larva of the Physalidae is known as a Cystonula. It has a float and one siphon with tentacle hanging below it. Later it elongates horizontally and produces on the ventral side, anterior to the first siphon (i.e., nearer the morphological apex), the cormidia. The primary siphon or cormidium persists at the hinder end of the float, i.e., at the end opposite to the stigma, and is in some forms always marked off from the numerous secondary cormidia. There are monogastric and polygastric forms in the order. The pneumatocyst has generally a gas-secreting thick epithelium or pneumadenia in its basal part. This may be partly constricted off as a hypocystic air-funnel. The epithelium of the pneumadenia in many forms sends out branching villi of its ectoderm which project into the pericystic space, and are covered towards the latter by its ciliated endodermal lining. These hypocystic villi are composed of large cells and are solid. They are probably mechanical in function helping to support the air-vessel. In many forms the gonostyles bear palpons (gono-palpons) ; and in the Physalidae the palpons have a tentacle. The tentacles are often branched, but without a cnidosac (battery). The sting of Physalia is particularly poisonous. Fam. 1. Cystalidae. Monogastric, with one large siphon bearing a tentacle and surrounded by a corona of siphons. Pneumatophore without radial septa or hypocystic villi. Cystalia H. Fam. 2. Rhizophysidae. Polygastric, with a long stem bearing in its ventral median line numerous monogastric cormidia with single palpon and tentacle. Pneumatophore large with radial pericystic pouches, but with hypo- cystic villi. Sub-fam. 1. Cannophysidae. Cormidia ordinate. Gonostyles attached to the stem at the base of the siphons. Aurophysa H. ; Cannophysa H. Sub-fam. 2. Linophysidae. Cormidia dissolved. Gonostyles attached to stem between the siphons. Linophysa H. ; Nedophysa H. ; Pneumophysa H. ; RMzophysa Per. and Les. Fam. 3. Salacidae. Polygastric with long stem bearing in its ventral median line numerous polygastric cormidia. Pneumatophore large, without radial pericystic pouches, but with hypocystic villi. Salacia H. 156 COELENTERATA. Fam. 4. Epibulidae. Polygastric with a short inflated spirally convoluted stem. Cormidia ordinate in a spiral ring protected by a corona of palpons. Pneumatophore without pericystic radial pouches, but with hypocystic villi. Epibulia Esch. ; Angela Lesson. Fam. 5. Physalidae. Polygastric, with a short inflated stem horizontally expanded along the ventral side of the large horizontal pneumatophore. Cor- midia in a multiple series along the ventral side of the trunk, usually dissolved. Pneumatophore large, with a chambered dorsal crest, without radial septa or hypocystic villi. Alophota Brandt; Arethusa H. ; Physalia Lamarck; Caravella H. Class II. ACALEPHAE.* ACKASPEDA. Medusae of considerable size with gastral filaments (pliacellae) ; with endodermal gonads ; with lobed umbrella-edge; without true velum. The medusae of this class are distinguished from those of the RK FIG. 130. Aurelia aurita, from the oral surface. MA the four oral tentacles with the mouth in the centre ; Gk generative organs ; GH aperture of subgenital pit ; Rk sense organ (marginal body) ; RG radial vessel ; T, tentacle at edge of the disc. * E. Haeckel, Monographic der Medusen, Jena, 1879. L. Agassiz, Contributions to the Natural History of the United States, Acalephae, vol. 3, 1860, vol. 4, 1862. C. Glaus, " Studien tiber Polypen u. Quallen der Adria," Denks. d. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1877... Id., Unters. ub. d. Organisation u. Entw. Acalephcn, Prag, 1883. A. Gotte, Ub. d. Entwickelung v. Aurelia aurita u. Cotylorhiza tuberculata, 1887. C. Glaus, "Ub. dieEntwick. desScyphostoma, etc," I. and II. Arb. a. d. Zool. Inst. Wien, 9 and 10, 1S91 and 1893. ACALEPHAE. 157 Hydromedusae by their larger size and the greater thickness and stiffness of their umbrella, the gelatinous tissue of which contains a quantity of strong fibrillae, and a network of elastic fibres. Another characteristic of the group is derived from the stkrfcture of the edge of the umbrella. This is divided by a regular number of indentations usually into eight groups of lobes between which the sense organs are contained in special pits (Fig. 130). The marginal lobes of the Acalepliae, like the continuous velum of the Hydromedusae, appear to be secondary formations at the edge of the disc. In the young stage known as Epliyra (Fig. 131), which is common to most of the Ephyroninae, they are present as eight pairs of relatively long tongue-like processes, and grow out from the disc-like segments of the Strolila as marginal processes. An un- divided marginal membrane (the vela- rium), differing from the velum of the Craspedota in containing prolongations of the canals of the gastrovascular system, is present in the Charyldeidae alone. The Acalepliae differ from the Hy- dromedusae in possessing, as a rule, large oral tentacles at the free end of the wide manubrium. These may be regarded as being derived from an FlG 131 _ An Ephym seen from the unequal growth of the edges of the oral side. Ek marginal body ; Gf ,1 r TI gastral filament; Re radial pouch mouth. They grow as four arm-like O f enteron ; o mouth, processes of the manubrium from the angles of the mouth, and are placed perradially (see p. 118, note), i.e., they alternate with the genital organs and gastric filaments. In some cases the arms become forked at an early period, and four pairs of arms are formed, the lobed tufted edges of which may again divide and sub-divide into many branches. In this case, the margins of the mouth and the opposed surfaces of each pair of arms fuse in early life as described above, p. Ill (Rhizostomidae, Fig. 97). Further, there is to be observed in the Acalepliae two types of structure, which we may term the type of the Scyphistoma and the type of the Epliyra, respectively. To the former type, which is called the Scyphomedusae, belong the sessile forms (Lucernaridae, Fig. 134), and swimming forms which perhaps possess a direct development (Tesseridae, Fig. 133, Charyldeidae, Fig. 136). The edge of the umbrella is only incompletely divided into lobes ; marginal 158 COELENTERATA. bodies are absent in the Lueernaridae and Tesseridae, their place being taken by tentacles or marginal anchors, which are homologous with marginal bodies. The stomach is surrounded by four wide gastric pouches separated from one another by septa (Fig. 99). The sexual organs are placed in the sub-umbrella wall of the gastric pouches. The umbrella is usually much arched and fre- quently prolonged into a stalk. The second type, which is called the Ephyroninae, is a modifica- tion of that of the Ephyra itself. The Ephyra (Fig. 131) possesses eight marginal lobes, which are forked distally and carry in the clefts of the forks eight rhopalia. Each marginal lobe has a radial prolongation of the stomach The Ephyra therefore shows while it is still on the Strobila, a predominance of the 8-racliate structure in opposition to the 4-radiate build of the Scyphistoma type. At the same time it should be noted that the more centrally placed organs (buccal arms, gonads, gastral filaments) are 4-radiate. Between the eight lobes of the Ephyra there grow out later eight additional lobes (sometimes more), also bifurcated distally and carrying tentacles in place of the marginal bodies. The Ephyroninae then are distinguished from Scyphomedusae by the lobed structure of the umbrella edge, by the presence of eight or more rhopalia, and by the division of the peripheral part of the coelenteron into eight or more radial vessels, which are seldom widened in a pouch-like manner. The gonads are interradial and placed in the ventral wall of the central stomach. The umbrella is flattened, usually discoidal. The Periphyllidae (Fig. 135) and Pericolpidae are intermediate between these two groups in that the central part of the umbrella presents the characters of the Scypho- medusae, while the peripheral parts recall the structure of the Ephyra. They possess four knot-like septa which bound the four gastric pouches, and at the edge of the umbrella there are sixteen places of adhesion between the dorsal and ventral endoderm. Moreover, the Periphyllidae have four taenioles (gastral ridges); their gonads are in the circular sinus; the umbrella is bell-shaped or flat, and marked on its dorsal surface by an annular constriction which indicates the junction between the ventral Scyphistoma-like and the distal Ephyra-like parts. The Scyphistoma, which may be regarded as the promorph of the Scyphomedusae, is the larval form of the JEphyroninae. The gastric filaments which are worm-like and movable, and are not found in Hydromedusae, afford a distinctive mark. They cor- ACALEPHAE. 159 respond to the mesenteric filament of the Anthozoa, and lend the same aid to digestion by the secretion of their glandular endodermal covering. They are always attached to the sub-umbrella wall of the stomach, and fall in the four interradii, i.e., the radii of the generative organs which alternate with the radii of the angles of theVmouth (radii of the first order). They usually follow the inner edge of the generative frill in a simple or curved line. The nervous system and rhopalia have already been described (p. 115). The four generative organs of the Acalephae can be easily dis- tinguished in consequence of their size and their bright colouring. In some cases, at any rate in the Discomedusae, they protrude as folded bands into special cavities in the umbrella, the so-called sub-genital pits (hence the term Phanerocarpae Esch.). In all cases these bands lie on the lower (sub-umbrella) wall of the digestive cavity, from which they originate as leaf-like prominences. Their upper surface is covered with gastric epithelium; their under, which is turned towards the sub-umbrella, with germinal epithelium, the elements of which in the process of development, pass into the gelatinous substance of the band. The subgenital pits have already been described (p. 118): they may be completely absent (Ephyra, Nausithoe) : their lining consists of sub-umbrella ectoderm and is quite distinct from the generative epithelium, which is of endodermal origin. The mature generative products are dehisced into the gastric cavity, and pass out through the mouth; but in many cases the ova undergo their embryonic development either in the ovary (CJirysaora) or in the oral tentacles (Aurelia). Separate sexes are the rule. Male and female individuals, however, apart from the colour of their generative organs, have only slight sexual differences ; as, for instance, the form and length of the tentacles (Aurelia). CJirysaora is hermaphrodite. In the Ephyroninae the development is generally accompanied by an alternation of generations; the asexual generations being repre- sented by the Scyphistoma (Hydra tula) and StroUla ; but in exceptional cases it is direct (Pelagia). In all cases a complete segmentation leads to the formation of a ciliated larva (Fig. 132 a), the so-called planula, which attaches itself by the pole which is directed forwards in swimming. This pole is, however, opposite to the gastrula mouth, which in the meantime becomes closed, while round the mouth, which is formed as a perforation at the free end, the tentacles appear (Fig. 132 b, c). As in the embryo Actinia, two 160 COELENTERATA. opposite tentacles first make their appearance ; not, however, simul- taneously, the one appearing after the other, so that the young larva about to develop into the Scyphistoma presents a bilaterally sym- metrical structure. Subsequently the second pair appears in a plane at right angles to the plane of the first tentacles. These four tentacles mark the radii of the first order. Then alternating with these, but in a less regular succession, the third and fourth pairs appear; and soon after, in the plane of these latter, four longitudinal folds (Fig. 132 d) of the gastric cavity are developed (radii of the second order or of the gastric filaments and genital organs; often called the interradii, see above, p. 118, note). d FIG. 132 a-li. Larval development of Chrysaora ; a, plauula with narrow enteron ; b, the same after attachment and formation of mouth and commencing tentacles ; c, young scyphistoma with 4 tentacles ; Csk periderm ; d, eight-armed scyphistoma with wide mouth ; M longi- tudinal muscles of gastral ridges. The eight-armed Scyphistoma soon produces eight fresh tentacles (Fig. 132 e\ which succeed one another in irregular succession, and alternate with the tentacles already present. Their position deter- mines the intermediate radii, or adradii, of the future young Discophor or Ephyra. After the formation of the circle of tentacles and the secretion of a clear basal periderm (Chrysaora), the Scyphistoma is capable of reproduction by gemmation and fission. At first the Scyphistoma appears to multiply only by budding ; the second mode of reproduction, the process of strobilization, begins later. This consists essentially in the fission and division of the anterior half of the body into a number of segments, thus changing the Scyphistoma ACALEPHAE. 161 into a Strobila (Fig. 132 /). The separation of the segments progresses continuously from the anterior end to the base of the Strobila, so that after the disappearance of the tentacles (Fig. 132 g), first the terminal segment, then the second, and so forth, attain independent existence (Fig. 132 h). Each segment becomes an Ephyra (Fig. 131), developing eight pairs of elongated marginal lobes, with a marginal FIG. 132. e, scyphistoma with sixteen arms (slightly magnified) ; Gw gastral ridges ; /, commencing strobilisation. body in the notch which separates the two lobes of the same pair. It is these marginal lobes which give to the edge of the umbrella of the Ephyra its characteristic appearance. The young Ephyra gradually acquires the special peculiarities of form and organization of the sexually mature animal. The number of nematocysts accumulated on the upper surface of 162 COELENTERATA. the disc and on the tentacles of many Medusae enables them to cause a perceptible stinging sensation on contact. Many, e.g. Pelagia, are phosphorescent. According to Panceri, this phenomenon originates in the fat-like contents of certain epithelial cells on the surface. The Acalephae may attain a large size, the bell in some Rliizostomae and Cyaneidae reaching a diameter of from two to six feet. In spite of the delicacy of their tissues, certain large Medusae have left impressions in the litho- graphic slate of Sohlenhofen (Medusites circularis, etc.). Order 1. SCYPHOMEDUSAE. TETRAMERALIA. TESSERONAE. Acalephae with or without four rliopalia (sense-tentacles) ; stomach with four gastral pouches separated by short or long septal-unions. Gonads in sub-umbrella wall of the gas- tral pouches. Umbrella highly vaulted. The Scyphomedusae are best considered in their relation to the Scyphistoma. They may be looked upon as Scyphistomas deprived of their tentacles, which indeed are only transi- tory structures, and elongated so as to assume the form of a cup, and changed in several par- ticulars which are characteristic of the medusa stage. The four septa (Fig. 98) arise by the fusion of the four gastric folds with the wide oral disc, which becomes drawn in and concave like a sub-umbrella. These four septa separate the same number of gastrovascular 'pouches ; while the margin of the cup may be drawn out into eight arm-like processes from which groups of short, knobbed tentacles arise (Fig. 134). The genital organs extend on the oral wall of the umbrella into the arms as eight band-shaped, plicated ridges (Fig. 134, /.). They run along in pairs at the lower part of each septum in the gastric FIG. F132. g, fully formed strobila with sepa- rating ephyrae; h, free ephyra (1-5 to 2 mm. in diameter). STAUROMEDUSAE. 163 cavity (Fig. 98). The ovum, according to Fol, undergoes a complete segmentation, which results in a single-layered blastosphere. This becomes an oval, two-layered larva, which becomes ciliated, swims freely about, and finally attaches itself. The further development probably takes place directly without alternation of generations. The Scyphomedusae are without exception marine animals, and are remarkable for their great reproductive power. According to A. Meyer, if the stalk of Lucertiaria be cut off, the cup reproduces a new one, and injured individuals, and even excised pieces, can become perfect animals. Fio. 133. Tessera princeps (after Haeckel). o, external view magnified about 20 times; 6, longitudinal section through two perradii ; c, view of sub-umbrella. Gf gastral filaments ; G gonads ; Rm circular muscle ; Sk septal unions. Sub-order 1. STAUROMEDUSAE. Without rhopalia, but in their place 8 simple principal tentacles (Fig. 133) or marginal anchors (Fig. 134). Stomach with 4 wide perradial pouches con- nected peripherally by a ring-canal. Gonads as 4 interradial horse-shoe shaped thickenings (Fig. 133), or 4 pairs of adradial ridges in the ventral walls of the gastric pouches (Fig. 134). 164 COELBNTERATA. Fam. 1. Tesseridae. Umbrella edge without lobes ; 8 principal tentacles (4 perradial and 4 interradial) ; marginal anchors absent. Apex of the ex- umbrella surface prolonged into a hollow process or stalk for attachment. Tessera H. (Fig. 133) and Tesserantha H., with hollow, ex-umbrella process not used for attachment ; Depastrella H., Depastrum H., with ex-umbrella stalk for attachment. FIG. l34.Haliclystus auricula (from Chun, after Clark). I. From the side. II. From the oral face. III. From the side with evaginated umbrella and protruded mouth. IV. Marginal anchor from the axial side, p stalk ; su sub-umbrella ; t one of the eight tufts of knobbed tentacles on the eight hollow triangular marginal lobes ; ra one of the eight marginal anchors ; t 1 anchor tentacle ; U collar of adhesive glandular ectoderm ; oc eye-spot ; en vessel of marginal anchor ; o mouth ; se interradial septal ridge passing into the taenioles (ft) of the stalk ; gen one of the eight adradial gonads on the sub-umbrella wall of the four radial gastric pouches, representing four interradial horse-shoe gonads connected at the oral end of the septal ridge. Fam. 2. Lucernaridae. With 8 adradial umbrella lobes, and tufts of short knobbed tentacles at end of each lobe. With 8 principal tentacles (4 per- and 4 interradial) as marginal anchors (Fig. 134), or absent. An ex-umbrella stalk for attachment. Halidystus Clark, Halicyathus Clark, with marginal anchors ; Lucernaria 0. F. Miiller, Craterolophus Clark, without marginal anchors. PEROMEDUSAE. 165 Sub-order 2. PEROMEDUSAE. With 4 interradial rhopalia (with otoliths and eyes) ; with 4 perradial tentacles, or with 12 tentacles (4 per- and 8 adradial, Fig. 135); with 8 or IG-T^arginal lobes. The 4 radial gastral pouches are separated from one another by very short septal-unions or septa, so that the stomach may be said to be surrounded by a wide circular sinus, communicating with it by 4 ostia (Fig. 99). The circular sinus gives off towards the periphery of the umbrella 8 or 16 flat pockets, each of which gives off two lobe -pockets, and between these one pocket to a tentacle or sense - body. 4 horse - shoe shaped gonads in the ventral wall of the circular sinus. FIG. 135. Periphylla hyacinthina (after Haeckel). FIG. 136. Charybdea marmpialis, natural Rf annular groove dividing the umbrella into size. T tentacles ; Ilk marginal bodies 5 a proximal conical part, and a ventral lobed Ov gonads. region. Fam. 3. Pericolpidae. With 4 perradial tentacles, 4 interradial rhopalia, and 8 adradial marginal lobes. Pericolpa H. ; 'Pericrypta H. Fam. 4. Periphyllidae. 12 tentacles, 4 rhopalia, 16 marginal lobes. Peripalma H.; Periphylla H. (Fig. 135). 166 COELENTERATA. Sub-order 3. CUBOMEDUSAE (Marsupialida). FIG. 1 37. The apical half of a Charybdea divided transversely, seen from the sub-umbrella side. The four oral arms are visible. Ov ovaries on the four septa; Ost ostia of the gastric pouches; Gf gastric filaments; S septa. With quadrangular umbrella (Fig. 136), 4 perradial rhopalia (with otoliths and eyes), 4 interradial marginal tentacles, 4 perradial gastric pouches, separated by long and narrow interradial septa. Gonads as 4 pairs of broad plates fastened by one dge to the radial septa (Fig. 137), and projecting into the pouches. "With a smooth - edged velarium containing pro- longations of the gastro vascular system. With a nerve ring on the sub -umbrella side of the edge of the bell, having a zig- zag course. Fam. 5. Charybdeidae. Procharagma H.; Procharybdis H. ; Charybdea Per. and Les.; Tamoya F. Miiller. Fam. 6. Chirodropidae. Chiropscdmus L. Ag. ; Chirodropus H. Order 2. EPHYRONINAE. OCTOMERALIA. DISCOMEDUSAE. Acalepliae with 8 or more rJiopalia (sense tentacles) (4 per- and 4 interradial, and often several accessory}. Stomach with 8, 16, 32, or more radial pockets or canals. Gonads sub-gastral (in ventral wall of central stomach}. Umbrella flat, generally discoidal. Larval form Ephyra. The Ephyroninae can at once be distinguished from the Scypho- medusae by the discoidal lobed umbrella, and usually by the large size of the oral tentacles. The lobes of the umbrella, however much they may differ in detail, can always be reduced to the eight pairs of lobes of the Ephyra (Fig. 131), which, as the promorph of the Ephyroninae, presents most clearly the 8-rayed symmetry character- istic of the group. The gonads have the form of horse-shoe shaped frills (Fig. 130), and project into the widely open subgenital pits. The germinal epithelium, which is always embedded in the gelatinous substance of the umbrella, is covered with an endodermal layer. Development takes place by alternation of generations. In rare cases (Pelagia) the development is simplified, and the larva passes directly into the Ephyra, missing out the attached Scyphistoma and StroUla stage. The gastrovascular system may be pouch-like or canalicular. In Aurelia (Fig. 130), in which it is canalicular, the eight primary radial canals (i.e., the four perradial and four interradial) are branched, while CANNOSTOMAE SEMOSTOMAE KHIZOSTOMAE. 167 the eight secondary radial canals (adradial) are unbranched. The parts of the stomach from which the eight adradial and the four interradial canals arise are pouched outwards. Sub-order 1. CANNOSTOMAE. With simple quadrangular manubrium without oral arms ; with short solid marginal tentacles. Fam. 7. Ephyridae. Usually 16 wide gastric pouches, rarely 32-64, without terminal branches ; usually 8 rhopalia, rarely 16-32 ; usually 16, rarely 32-64 marginal lobes. This family may be described as consisting of sexually mature Ephyrae. Ephyra Per. and Les. ; Palephyra H. ; Zonephyra H.; Nausicaa H. ; Nausithoe Kolliker ; Nauphanta H. ; Atolla H. ; Collaspis H. Fam. 8. Linergidae. With wide radial gastric pouches, and branched, blind lobe-canals ; without circular canal. Linantha H. ; Linerges H. ; Liniscus H. ; Linuche Esch. Sub-order 2. SEMOSTOMAE. With 4 large perradial oral arms, and with long hollow tentacles. Fam. 9. Pelagidae. Semostomae with 16 simple wide gastric pouches, without branched distal canals, without circular canal. PelagiaPer. and Les., with 8 adradial tentacles, 8 rhopalia, and 16 marginal lobes ; Chrysaora Per. and Les. , with 24 tentacles (and 8 rhopalia), and 32 marginal lobes ; Dacty- lometra L. Ag. Fam. 10. Cyaneidae. Semostomae with 16 or 32 wide gastral pouches, and branched, blind lobe-canals, without circular canal. 16-32 or more marginal lobes ; 8 or 16 rhopalia (4 per-, 4 inter-, and 8 adradial) ; 8 or more long hollow tentacles. Procyanea H.; Medora Couthouy; Stenoptycha L. Ag.; Desmonema L. Ag. ; Cyanea Per. and Les. ; Patera Lesson ; Melusina H. Fam. 11. Flosculidae. Semostomae with 16 or more simple unbranched narrow radial canals and with a circular canal. 8 rhopalia ; 8-24 or more long hollow tentacles. Floscula H. ; Floresca H. Fam. 12. Ulmaridae. Semostomae with 16 or more narrow radial canals, which branch and often anastomose, and are connected by a circular canal. 8 or 16 rhopalia; 8-24 or more hollow tentacles. Ulmaris H.; Umbrosa H. ; Undosa H. ; Sthenonia Esch. ; Phacellophora Brandt ; Aurelia Per. and Les. ; Aurosa H. Sub-order 3. KHIZOSTOMAE.* With 8 large adradial, root-like, simple or branched, oral arms, with numerous suctorial mouths, without central mouth opening, and without marginal tentacles. Fam. 13. Toreumidae. Rhizostomae with 4 separated subgenital pits, and with ventral suctorial frills on the 8 oral arms (no dorsal frills). 8, 12, or 16 rhopalia ; 8-16 or more narrow radial canals, branched and anastomosing. Archirhiza H. ; Toreuma H. ; Polydonia L. Ag. ; Cassiopea Per. and Les.; Cephea Per. and Les. ; Polyrhiza L. Ag. Fam. 14. Pilemidae. Rhizostomae with 4 separated subgenital pits, and with dorsal as well as ventral sucking frills on the 8 oral arms. 8 rhopalia ; 8-16 or more branched and anastomosing radial canals, with circular canal. * The forms commonly called by the generic name Rhizostoma belong to the genus Pilema. The term Rhizostomae is kept for the sub-order. 168 COELENTERATA. Toxoclytus L. Ag. ; Lychnorhiza H. ; Phyllorhiza L. Ag. ; Eupilema H. ; Pilema H. ; PJiopilema H. ; Brachiolophus H. ; Stomolophus L. Ag. Fam. 15. Versuridae. Rhizostomae with a single central subgenital porticus (i.e., subgenital pits united), with ventral suctorial oral frills only. 8 rhopalia; 8-16 or more narrow, branched, anastomosing, radial canals. Haplorhiza H. ; Cannorhiza H. ; Versura H. ; Crossostoma L. Ag.; Cotylorhiza L. Ag. ; Stylo- rhiza H. Fam. 16. Crambessidae. Rhizostomae with a single central subgenital porticus, oral amis with dorsal an*d ventral frills. 8 rhopalia ; 8-16 or more anastomosing radial canals ; usually a circular canal. Crambessa H. ; Mastigias L. Ag. ; Eucranibessa H. ; Thysanostoma L. Ag. ; Himantostoma L. Ag. ; Lepto- brachia Brandt ; Leonura H. Class III. ACTINOZOA* (ANTHOZOA). Polyps colonial or solitary, with oesophageal tube, mesenteric folds, and endodermal gonads. A medu- soid sexual generation is unknown. The polyp of the Actinozoa has already been described (p. 102). It differs from that of the Hydro- medusae in being larger, in having a greater muscular development, a .better developed structureless la- mella or jelly which often contains muscular and skeletal elements. The development of this jelly, which has a tough, dense character, is, in the colonial forms, greater in the lower parts of the polyps than in the upper, the result of which is the formation of the branched or massive coenenchyme (Fig. 138), from the surface of which the free ends of "the polyps project. A calcareous skeleton is very generally present, but its form and method of formation vary in the different groups. The mesenteries and tentacles vary much in number. In the Alcyonaria there are always eight; in the Zoantharia, in which there are primary and secondary mesenteries, the number is sometimes six * Ehrenberg, "Beitrage zur physiologischen Kenntniss der Korallenthiere im Allgemeinen u. besonders des rothen Meeres, etc," Abhand. d. Berliner Akad., 1832. Ch. Darwin, The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs, London, 1842. J. D. Dana, United States Expl. Expedition, Zoophytes, Philadelphia, 1846. M. Edwards and J. Haime, Histoire Naturelle des Coraillaires, 3 vols., Paris, 1857-60. Lacaze Duthiers, Histoire Naturelle du Corail, Paris, 1864. FIG. 138. Branch of a polyparium of Corallium rubrum (after Lacaze Du- thiers). P polyp. ACTINOZOA. 169 or some multiple of six ; but it may be different : indeed, the greatest variety is found in this character in the order Zoantharia. The gonads are produced on the mesenteries (Fig. 91), aVd the embryos sometimes undergo the early stages of development within the parent. Asexual reproduction by budding and fission is of great importance. Buds can be formed in various positions, even at the oral end, in which case a strobila-like form appears. In Blastotrochus the buds appear at right angles to the axis of the parent (Fig. 139). In Gonadinia prolifera the polyp divides transversely, a new set of tentacles arising on the lower half (Fig. 139a). In some cases a portion of the basal expansion is separated off by contraction of the body, and develops into a new polyp. This is called laceration. FIG. 139. Blastotrochus nutrix (after C. Sem- per). LK lateral bud. FIG. 139a. Two stages of transverse fission of Gonactinia prolifera, Sars (after Blochman and Hilger). If the individuals so produced remain connected with one another, a polyp-colony is formed, which may attain very various forms and great size. As a rule the individuals are embedded in a common body mass, the coenenchyme* and their gastric cavities communicate more or less directly, so that the juices acquired by the individual polyps penetrate through the whole stock. This stock affords us an excellent example of an animal community built up out of similar members. The formation of the generative products alone is some- times confined to special polyps, which, however, discharge all other functions of polyp life. The skeletal formations of the polyps are specially noteworthy. In almost every case, with the exception of Actinia, there is a deposit of solid calcareous matter, and according to the density of this deposit, there is produced a leathery, chalky, or even stony framework. * This word is used in a different sense in the Madreporaria, which see. 170 COELENTERATA. If the skeleton has the form of isolated needles or toothed rods (Fig. 140) of calcareous substance deposited in the jelly of the coenenchyma (or polyp), the polyp-stock has a fleshy, leathery nature (Alcyonaria) ; but if, on the contrary, the calcareous structures are fused or cemented together, a solid, more or less firm calcareous skeleton is de- veloped (Corattium, Tubipora). Finally, the skeleton may be of a stony character and secreted by the ectoderm of the lower part of the polyp (Madre- poraria). The important diversities of form in the polyp-stocks are not only occasioned by the differences of structure of the skeleton of the polyp, but are also the resultant of varying FIG. 140. Calcareous bodies (Sderodermites) of methods of growth by gem- Alcyonaria (after Kolliker). a, of Plexaurella ; mat i n and imperfect fission. 0, ofGorgoma; c, of Alcyonium. According to the method, nu- merous modifications of branched stocks are distinguished, e.g., Madrepores (Fig. 141), Ocu- linidae (Fig. 142), and the lamellar and massive stocks as Astraea (Fig. 143) and the Maeandri- nidae (Fig.- 144). The Anthozoa are all inhabitants of the sea, and live mostly in the warmer zones, but certain types of the fleshy Octactinia and Actinia are distributed in all latitudes. Some genera of the Madreporaria are found in the deep sea, FlG .l4l.-Ma d re P ora V erru co*. (after Ed. H.). Ed. H.). mulations of considerable extent, but the polyps which take the ACTINOZOA. 171 principal share in the formation of coral reefs live near the surface, being rarely found alive at a greater depth than 40 fathoms. They are confined to a zone extending about 28 degrees on either' side of the equator, and only here and there extend beyond these bounds. Their calcareous skeletons, together with those of mille- Fio. 143. Astraea (Goniastraea) pectinata FIG. 144. Maeandrina (Coeloria) arabica Klz. Ehrbg. (after Klunzinger). (after Klunzinger). pores, the shells of molluscs, echinoderms, annelids, foraminifera, cemented together into a compact rock by encrusting organisms and by deposited lime, build up in the course of time masses of colossal extent. Coral reefs are generally met with in one of three forms, fringing reefs, barrier reefs, and atolls. A fringing or shore reef is a platform of rock skirting the shore and ending, seawards, in an abrupt edge from which there is a steep slope down to the sea bottom. To a depth of 20 or 30 fathoms the slope is covered with growing coral, the upper part being bathed in the surf of the breaking rollers. The upper surface of the outer edge of the reef, which is generally uncovered at low water, is higher than the part nearer the shore, and, in exposed reefs, is largely formed by encrusting calcareous algae (Nullipores), which thrive in the freshly aerated water. In reefs in protected situations some corals, especially the Madrepores, grow on the edge of the reef wh ere they are laid bare at low tide. The reef is frequently broken here and there by channels which have a depth of a few fathoms and run in towards the land in branching and tortuous courses, often expanding into irregular pools floored by coral sand. These protected pools and channels, whose vertical sides are formed by a luxuriant growth of hard corals, millepores, and the leathery colonies of Alcyonaria, are tenanted by an abundant reef fauna often displaying the most brilliant and varied colours. Between the channels the surface of the reef is formed of beds of corals which have nearly reached the surface, or of tracts of dead coral-rock, or sand often consisting largely of Foraminifera. Nearer the land the growth of coral becomes less abundant and the water- deepens, forming a shallow channel which at high water may be practicable for 172 COELENTERATA. vessels of small draft.* The width of the reef is largely dependent on the slope of the sea bottom, becoming narrowed in proportion as this is steep ; and also, as Semper has shown, on the set of the currents, which, when they are strong, hinder the extension of the reef past which they flow. The edge of a fringing reef is often seen to be strewn with large masses of dead coral, which have been torn from the outer slopes by the breakers and FIG. 144a. A barrier reef (from Darwin), seen from within, from one of the high peaks 01 Bolabola, one of the Society Islands. thrown upon the reef. Many such masses must, on the other hand, fall down the slope, and here, by their gradual accumulation, together with the shells of Pteropods, Foraminifera, and other pelagic organisms borne by ocean currents, form a basis on which the living margin of the reef may extend outward. The structure and growth of a fringing reef do not appear to offer problems which are very difficult to solve, but the case is different when we come to the other two classes of reef, the barrier reef and atoll. FIG. 144b. A small atoll (from Darwin), being a sketch of Whitsunday Island in the S. Pacific, taken from Captain Beechey's Voyage. The whole circle has been converted into land, which is a comparatively rare occurrence. A barrier reef resembles a fringing reef except in one important particular, namely, that it is separated from the shore by a channel, which is often of great width and which may attain a depth of 50-60 fathoms. The great barrier reef of Australia which runs along the east coast of Queensland is over 1100 miles in length, and encloses a channel which is in many places * Opposite the mouths of streams there are wide openings in the reef where the coral does not grow, by which the fresh waters reach the sea. ACTINOZOA. 173 more than 30 miles wide, and 10-25 fathoms deep. A similar reef, though of less extent, borders the western shore of New Caledonia. In many cases, as in the Society Islands and elsewhere, a similar barrier or, as it is here called, an encircling reef surrounds an island or group of islands, having at intervals Dreaks in it, which lead into the deep lagoon channels and are often situated opposite the valleys on the land. Low islands (coral islands] formed of coral rock and sand thrown up by the sea, and supporting- a littoral vegetation, are often situated on the reef. A' * FIG. 144 d. Diagram illustrating Darwin's view of the formation of a barrier reef from a fringing reef (from Darwin). AA outer edge of the fringing reef at the level of the sea ; BB shores of the island ; A' A' outer edge of reef (now a barrier reef) after its upward growth during a period of subsidence ; CO the lagoon channel between the reef and the island ; B'B' the shore of the island. The lagoon islands or atolls consist of a similar ring-shaped reef, enclosing an open lagoon in which there is no island (Fig. 1446). There may be gaps leading into the lagoon, or the ring may be so complete, that, as in the case of Fakaofu in the Union Islands, it is left at low tide brim full of water standing some feet above sea level. The floor of the lagoon is generally nearly flat, shelving slightly towards the reef, and is often from 20 to 35 fathoms below 0' FIG. 144e. Diagram illustrating Darwin's view of the formation of an atoll from a barrier reef by subsidence. A' A' outer edges of the barrier reef at the level of the sea. The cocoanut trees represent coral islets formed on the reef. CO the lagoon channel ; B'B' the shores of the island generally formed of low alluvial land and of coral detritus from the lagoon channel ; A" A" the lagoon of the newly formed atoll. According to the scale the depth of the lagoon and of the lagoon channel is exaggerated. the surface whereas the sea outside the reef rapidly deepens, so that it is not uncommon to find a depth of more than 1000 fathoms within a mile of the reef. The slope of the Seaward side of the reef below the region of growing coral in many cases exceeds an angle of 45. Low islands (coral islands) with glittering white sand and characteristic vegetation are often situated on the reef, scattered or united into a continuous belt of land. The mode of the formation of the atoll has been much discussed. Whatever the foundation of an atoll may be, it is requisite (1) that it should at one time, 174 COELENTBRATA. at any rate, have readied so near the surface that coral polyps could form a settlement on it, and (2), as whole groups of islands have the atoll form, that it should in the great majority of cases not rise above that level. Formerly the view was held that atolls were formed on submarine moun- tains (volcanic) which reached to within the limit of growing coral distance (40 fathoms), but this was objected to on the ground that it was exceedingly unlikely that there should have been so many mountains reaching to just within the right distance from the surface. But it has recently been pointed out* that a large number of banks exist inthe ocean, springing from deep water and rising to a wide level top at a depth of about 30 fathoms from the surface. On many of these banks a rim of growing coral has been found raised a few fathoms above the general level. Such banks have probably been produced by a submarine volcanic eruption which has formed a mound, sometimes reaching to the surface, sometimes reaching above it, but composed of loose scoriae in a more or less finely divided state. Within the last few years the formation of such mounds has been observed in different parts of the sea, and they have since been, or are now in process of being reduced, by the action of the waves on the loose material, to the condition of submarine banks such as are known to exist, and such as are required for the foundation of atolls. Darwin, to whom the existence of these banks was unknown, pronmlgated his well-known theory of coral reefs, which was as follows : fringing reefs are formed within the coral-reef zone on the shores of places where the conditions are favourable for coral growth. Barrier reefs and atolls are derived from fring- ing reefs by the subsidence of the land on which the reef is placed. If we suppose an island bordered by a fringing reef to begin to subside (Fig. 144^), the corals, which as we have seen, are in the most vigorous condition on the edge of the reef, no longer limited in their growth by the level of low water, will grow upward ; the width of the lagoon will be increased by the extent to which the sea now encroaches on the shore, and its depth by the amount of the subsidence. Continue the subsidence and the reef will rise like a wall round the land from which it is separated by the deepening lagoon, and the land itself, lessened in area, will be reduced to the higher parts of the original mass, forming an island or a group of islands in the centre of the wide lagoon (Fig. 144^). The breaks in the fringing reef at the mouths of rivers still remain in the barrier corresponding to the valleys, these parts of the shore line having been originally free from coral growth. Although the lagoon deepens as the island subsides, its depth will not be increased by the whole amount of that subsidence, being partially filled up by detrital matter carried down by streams on the one hand, and on the other by the material broken off by the wear and tear of the breakers on the outside of the reef. Continue the subsidence further till the highest mountain peak disappears below the waters of the lagoon and an atoll remains, "like a monument, marking the place of the burial," of the island (Fig. 144e). In confirmation of his view as to the conditions under which fringing reefs are formed, Darwin pointed out that their distribution is in many cases coincident with lines of recent volcanic activity, with which elevation of the earth's crust is often associated ; as well as with raised shore lines giving direct evidence of elevation. Although not ignoring the possibility of atoll-shaped islands being formed without the aid of subsidence, Darwin regarded this as * See "Foundations of Coral Atolls," by Admiral W. J. L. Wharton, F.R.S. Nature 1426, Feb. 25, 1897, p. 390. RUGOSA ALCYONARIA. 175 exceptional, and, on the whole, the areas in which barrier reefs, encircling reefs, and atolls occur were considered by him to be areas of subsidence. To this view lie was led in part by the difficulty of finding any other foundation for atolls than an island which had subsided. Direct indications of subsidence arerf from the nature of the case, difficult to obtain, but such evidence as we have is not altogether in harmony with Darwin's theory. Thus Dana, although an adherent of the view, was of the opinion that the movement now going on in many of the Paumotu Islands is one of elevation ; and similar evidence is forth- coming from elsewhere (Solomon Islands, Tonga Islands, etc.). Such evidence is, on the other hand, in keeping with the view that atolls rest, at any rate in some cases, on such banks as those described by Admiral Wharton, and referred to above (p. 174). It has been urged by Murray that an atoll on such a basis would increase in size by the extension of the reef to seaward on its own talus, while the lagoon would be widened by the solution of the dead portions of the reef. A fringing reef would be converted into a barrier reef by the same process. The part which the Anthozoa take in the alteration of the earth's surface is considerable. In the present time they protect the coast from the consequences of the breaking of the waves, and assist in the formation of islands and rocks by producing immense masses of calcareous matter. In earlier geological epochs they have played a still more important part, judging from the great thickness of the coral formations of the Palaeozoic period and of the Jurassic formation. Order 1. RUGOSA = TETRACORALLA. Palaeozoic Corals with numerous symmetrically arranged septa grouped in multiples of four. To these belong the families of the CyathophyHidae, Stauridae, etc. Order 2. ALCYONARIA.* Polyps and polyp colonies with eight pinnate tentacles and eight mesenteric folds. The Alcyonaria are all marine and, with the exception of the Haimeidae, colonial. The buds are formed as a rule, not from the bodies of the polyps themselves, but from stolons which originate as tubular processes of the body-wall of the polyps at the base of the colony (Fig. 145, A), or from the small canals which ramify in the common jelly or coenenchyma and connect together the polyps (Fig. 145, D). In the simplest colonies the polyps arise directly from the basal stolon (Cornularia) ; an advance upon this occurs when the basal part of the polyp acquires a greatly developed jelly, * Wright and Studer, "Report on the Alcyonaria," Challenger Reports, 1889. S. J. Hickson, "A Revision of the genera of the Alcyonaria Stolonifera, " Trans. ZooL Soc. t vol. 13, 1894. A. Kolliker, Anat.-syst. Beschreibuwg d. Alcyonarien, 1872. 176 COELENTERATA. and spreads out so as to form a plate-like expansion of coenenchyma containing endodermal canals from which the new polyps bud (Clavularia rosed). By the increase of this basal coenenchyme we get the massive colonies of Alcyonium, with long polyp tubes and canal system (Fig. 145, D). Another variation in the colonial form may be deduced by supposing the plate-like expansion to be invaginated so as to bring its lower surface to the inside, and the polyps to the outside. Such a process would lead to the production of colonies with an ectodermal axial rod (Gorgonia, Fig. 145, B, ? Pennatula). Calcareous spicules are very generally present. They may occur either in the coenenchyma, or in the walls and tentacles of the polyps, and they may either be loose or coalesced to form a B FIG. 145. Diagrams to show the budding and mode of formation of the colonies of various Alcyonaria. A, general diagram. B, Gorgonia. C, Tubipora. D, Alcyonium. The enteric space and canals are black. S oesophagus ; se mesenteries ; mf mesenterial filaments ; dh enteron ; sk axial skeletal rods with lines to show the mode of growth. continuous corallum. When this coalescence occurs in the polyp- walls we get the thecal tubes of Tubipora; when it occurs in the coenenchyma, the axial rod of the Scleraxonia (Corallium rubrum). Sometimes the spicules are embedded in a horny material, sometimes in a calcareous cement. In the Pennatulacea and the Holaxonia (Gorgonia} there is an axial rod secreted by an epithelial layer contained in the stem or axis of the colony. This epithelial layer is of ectodermal origin in the Holaxonia (Fig. 145, B\ but its origin in the Pennatulacea is doubtful (? endodermal). In all other cases the spicules arise in the jelly of the coenenchyma. ALCYONARIA. 177 The polyps (autozooids) have eight pinnate tentacles and eight mesenteries (Fig. 146). The gonidial groove (siphonoglyphe) when present is single, and the side on which it is placed is called ventral. * The longitudinal muscles are placed on the ventral faces of the mesenteries (Fig. 146). The dorsal mesenteries are often longer than the others, and are developed earlier in the bud, though later in the egg. The polyps vary considerably in their power of con- tractility. In the genera, with a good development of spicules in the body-wall, there is hardly any retractility, but the tentacles are simply folded over the mouth on irritation. In Stereosoma, which has a horny layer beneath the ectoderm, the polyps are non-retractile. The polyps are often dimorphic. There are the autozooids with tentacles and generative organs, and the siplwnozooids without these struc- R tures, and with filaments only on the dorsal mesenteries. A gonidial groove (siphonoglyphe) is present in the Alcyonidae and in Scircophy- ton ; it is absent in the autozooids of Pennatulacea, Heteroxenia, and Para- f/oryia, but present in the siphono- zooids, in which it is always specially developed. The Pennatulacea are phosphorescent. The enteric cavities of the polyps are connected with the fine canal- system of the coenenchyma, when such exists, and are continued as main canals for a longer or shorter distance towards the base of the colony. In the Stolonifera they all, of course, open into the basal stolon. Development. The ova develop inside (as far as the planula) and outside the parent. They have yolk, and the segmentation is on the centro-lecithal type, and is often delayed until the nucleus has under- gone many divisions. There is usually a free-swimming planula-larva. Extinct forms.! The genera Heliolites (palaeozoic) and Poly- tremacis (chalk, greensand, eocene) were probably Helioporidae, and FIG. 146. Transverse section through Alcyonium (after Hertwig). R goni- dial groove ; 1, 2, 3, k, the four pairs of septa with their muscles. * This is a special use of the term ventral, and does not imply any homology with the ventral surface of bilateral animals. t K. A. Zittel, Handbuch der Palaeontologic, Bd. 1, p. 208. Munich and Leipzig, 1876-80. 1 78 COELENTERATA. Heliopora itself is found in the cretaceous formation. Syringopora (Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous) was probably allied to Tubipora. The Favositidae were probably Alcyonarian. Sub-order 1. PROTOALCYONAKIA. Polyps solitary ; with or without spicules. Fam. 1. Haimeidae. Haimea M. Edw. ; Hartea P. Wright ; Monoxenia H. Sub-order 2. STOLONIFEEA. Colonial Alcyonaria with a membranous or ribbon-like stolon. Jelly poorly developed. Polyps either entirely free from one another except at their bases, or connected by horizontal platforms (Tubipora) or connecting tubes (Clavularia viridis}. Skeleton absent, or composed of calcareous spicules which may be joined together or be isolated. In some cases the body-wall is supported by a horny secretion. Fam. 2. Cornularidae. Polyps are not united in bundles, but either spring from a plate-like expansion or a creeping stolon ; or are branched and bear lateral buds. Gornularia Lam. , no spicules, horny secretion on polyp-walls and stolon ; Ehizoxenia Ehrb. ; Clavularia Q. and G. ; Sarcodictyon Forbes ; Anthelia Savigny ; Gymnosarca S. Kent ; Cornulariella Verrill ; Telesto Lamouroux, polyps rise from a flat base, or from stolons, and bear buds ; Coelogorgia M. Edwards, colony arborescent, an axial polyp with buds ; Cyathopodium Verrill, stolons calcined connecting the short cup-shaped polyps ; Scleranthelia Studer ; Anthopodium Verrill ; Sympodium Ehrb. ; Stereosoma Hickson, with spicules, with non-contractile polyps and tentacles, with a horny layer between the ectoderm and supporting lamella ; Erythropodium Roll. ; Callipodium Verr. ; Pseudogorgia Koll., axial polyp with lateral polyps budded from the upper part. Fam. 3. Tubiporidae. Colonies consist of tubular polyps parallel to one another, and united by horizontal platforms containing endodermal canals (Fig. 145, C}. The platforms are formed as outgrowths of the lips of the polyps, into which prolongations of the enteric cavity pass to form the endodermal canals ; they are, at first without or with only a few spicules. The platforms and the greater part of the walls of the polyp-tubes contain a skeleton formed of coalesced spicules, so that the dry corallum has the form of parallel tubes united by lamellae. The first layer of platforms constitutes the plate-like stolon of origin. The tubes are divided at intervals by partitions called tabulae which may be funnel-shaped. Tubipora L., the organ-pipe coral. Sub-order 3. ALCYONACEA. Colonial Alcyonaria with a well-developed canaliferous coenenchyma and loose spicules. Without axial skeletal rod. The buds are formed from the coenenchymal canals (Fig. 145, D}. Fam. 4. Xeniidae. Colonies of long polyps, united in their lower portion by a canal system, ramifying in a connecting coenenchyma with feebly calcareous spicules. Xenia (Heteroxenia Koll.) Savigny. Fam. 5. Organidae. Elongated polyps united together so as to form a short upright stem. Polyps and tentacles provided with spicules. Organidus Danielssen. Fam. 6. Alcyonidae. Massive coenenchyma containing the polyp tubes, which are united by endodermal canals from which the buds are formed. Isolated spicules in the jelly of the coenenchyma. Crystallophanes Dan.; PENNATULACEA. 179 Bellonella Gray; Nidalia Gray; Paralcyoniutn M. Edw. ; Sarakka Dan.; Alcyonium L., A. digitatum, dead men's fingers; Lobularia Savigny ; Sarco- phyton Lesson, with dimorphic polyps ; Lubophytum Marenzeller, with dimorphic polyps ; Anthomastus Verr., dimor- phic polyps ; Nannodendron Dan., dimorphic polyps. Fam. 7. Nephthyidae. A branched coenenchyma with sterile base and terminal polyps. The latter do not exhibit separate calycine and ten- tacular regions, and there is no in- vagination of the latter ; when at rest tentacles folded over oral disc. Buds arise from fine endodermal canals between the polyps. Voerin- gia Dan.; Fulla Dan.; Barathrobius Dan. ; Gersemia Marenzeller ; Ger- semiopsis Dan.; Drifa Dan.; Duva Kor. and Dan. ; Eunephthya Verr. ; Ammothea Sav. ; Nephthya Sav. ; Spongodes Lesson ; Paranephthya Wright and Studer ; Sderonephthya Wr. and St. ; Chironephthya Wr. and St.; Siphonogorgia Kbll. Fam. 8. Helioporidae.* Compact corallum formed in the jelly of the coenenchyma. The corallum is tra- versed by tubes closed above, called coenenchymal tubes (possibly modi- fied siphonozooids), and by tubes continued from the polyp calycles. Both systems of tubes are divided by tabulae and are united by endo- dermal canals in the superficial coenenchyma. False septa formed by denticulations of the margins of the calycles. Heliopora Blainville. Sub-order 4. PENNATTJLACEA.f Unattached polyp colonies with a stalk embedded in mud or sand, and a rachis bearing polyps. The stalk generally has an axial rod. The stalk is without polyps and is embedded in mud or sand. The FIG. 147. Kophobdemnon Leiickartii. rachis is a continuation of the stalk and carries the polyps, which are arranged * H. N. Moseley, "The Structure and Relations of the Alcyonarian Heliopora Coerulea," Phil. Trans., 1876. t A. Kolliker, Anat.-syst. Beschreib. d. Alcyonarien Abt. 1. Die Pennati diden, Frankfurt-a-M. ; 1872. A. Kolliker, "Report on the Pennatulidae," Challenger Reports, 1880. 180 COELENTBRATA. upon it in different ways. In Veretillum they are distributed all round the rachis ; in Kophobelemnon (Fig. 147) they are absent on a streak of one side the so-called ventral side ; in most genera they are arranged bilaterally, there being a dorsal as well as a ventral streak free from them. Further, in some genera they are sessile on the rachis, but in the Pennatulea, or Sea-Feathers proper, the polyps are borne only on lateral processes of the coenenchyma, called the pinnules. The pinnules are broad triangular leaf-shaped structures attached by their base to the rachis and carrying the polyps on their dorsal edges (Fig. 148). The polyp-tubes project in fome cases to form the so-called cells; the cells may have spines or tufts of spicules. The polyps are dimorphic ; the autozooids have tentacles and generative organs, and are without a gonidial groove ; the siphonozooids possess a gonidial groove but are without tentacles and gonads, also they have filaments on the two dorsal mesenteries only. The siphon o- zooids are distributed over the whole rachis in Renilla and Vere- tillum ; and in the Pennatulea they are on the rachis or on the pinnules. The stalk generally contains an axial calcareous or horny rod sur- rounded by a sheath of epithelial cells ; and the coenenchyma and bodies of the polyps may contain FIG. 148. Pennatula Sulcata Roll, (after Kolliker). A, from the dorsal ; B, from the ventral side. isolated spicules. The polyps are continued into tubes which join the canal system of the coenen- chyma. This canal-system con- sists of large canals continued down from the polyps and open- ing after a longer or shorter course into a few "main canals," which run in the stalk. There are generally four of the latter (two in Renilla}, of which two are lateral, one dorsal, and one ventral. At the lower end of the stalk the lateral canals cease, leaving only the dorsal and ventral. They fuse at the end of the stalk and are said to open there. In addition to the large canals there are minute canals uniting them. Some of the polyps are closed below, and open at their base by narrow openings into the general canal system of the colony. The Pennatulacea are not distributed uniformly over all seas. They are mainly littoral, but deep water forms are known, and these, it is important to notice, belong principally to the simpler families, e.g., the Protoptilidae and Umbellulidae. They appear to be absent, or nearly so, in the deeper parts of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans and the South Polar Sea at a certain distance from the shore. Section 1. Pennatulea. The Sea-feathers. With pinnules ; rachis with a bilateral arrangement of the polyps, elongated, cylindrical. GORGONACEA. 181 Fain. 1. Pteroeididae. Pinnules well developed, with siphonozooids on the pinnules. Pteroeides Herklot ; Godcfroyia Kbll. ; Sarcophyllum Kbll. Fara. 2. Pennatulidae. Pinnules well developed ; siphonozooid^ on the ventral and lateral sides of the rachis. Pennatula Lam. ; Leioptilum Verr. ; Ptilosarcus Gray ; Halisceptrum Herklot. Fam. 3. Virgularidae. Pinnules small, without a calcareous plate. Virgu- laria Lam. ; Scytalium Herkl. ; Pavonaria Kbll. Fam. 4. Stylatulidae. Pinnules small, with a calcareous plate. Stylatula Yerr. ; Dubenia Kor. and Dan. ; Acanthoptilum Kbll. Section 2. Spicata. Rachis elongated, cylindrical, with a bilateral arrangement of the polyps ; without pinnules ; polyps sessile. Fam. 5. Funiculinidae. Polyps on both sides of the rachis in distinct rows, with cells ; ventral siphonozooids absent. Funiculina Lamarck ; Ualipteris Kbll. Fam. 6. Stachyptilidae. Polyps (with cells) on both sides of the rachis in distinct rows. Ventral siphonozooids present. Stachyptilum Koll. Fam. 7. Anthoptilidae. Polyps on both sides of the rachis in distinct rows, without cells. Anthoptilum Kbll. Fam. 8. Kophobelemnonidae (Fig. 147). Polyps on both sides of the rachis in a single series, or in indistinct rows, large and without cells; rachis elongated, cylindrical ; ventral streak of rachis without polyps. Kophobelemnon Asbjbrnsen, Sclerobelemnon Kbll. ; Bathyptilum Kbll. Fam. 9. Umbellulidae. Polyps on both sides of the rachis in a single series, or in indistinct rows, large and without cells ; rachis short (i.e.) the polyps are placed at the end of the central stem). Umbellula Lam. Fam. 10. Protocaulidae. Polyps on both sides of the rachis in a single series, or in indistinct rows, small and without cells. Protocaulon Kbll. ; Cladiscus Kor. and Dan. Fam. 11. Protoptilidae. Polyps on both sides of the rachis in a single series or in indistinct rows, with cells. Protoptilum Kbll. ; Lygomorpha Kor. and Dan. ; Microptilum Kbll. ; Leptoptilum Kbll. ; Trichoptilum Kbll. ; Scleroptilum Kbll. Section 3. Kenillea. Rachis expanded in the form of a leaf, with bilateral arrangement of the polyps on one side of the expansion ; without pinnules. A single large siphono- zooid (exhalent zooid) terminates the end of the central stem. Fam. 12. Renillidae. Renilla Lam. Section 4. Veretillea. Club-shaped colonies, without pinnules. Polyps arranged all round the rachis. Fam. 13. Cavernularidae. Spicules long. Cavernularia Valenciennes; Stylobelemnon Kbll. Fam. 14. Lituaridae. Spicules short. Lituaria Val. ; Veretillum Cuv.; Policella Gray ; Clavella Gray. Sub-order 5. GORGONACEA. Fixed colonial Alcyonaria with a horny or calcareous axial rod, which is covered by a coenenchyma from which the polyps arise. 182 COELENTEEATA. Section 1. Scleraxonia (Pseudaxonia). Fixed upright branched colonies. The coenenchyma consists of a canaliferous cortical layer (with spicules) in which the polyps are placed, and of a medullary substance. The latter contains spicules (different in form from the cortical spicules) which are generally tightly packed, and sometimes fastened together by a horny substance, or cemented into a strong axis by calcareous matter.' Without epithelial layer round the central rod. Fam. 1. Briareidae. Coenenchyma consists of a polyp-bearing cortex and a medullary substance of closely packed spicules. These are either developed on the surface of an upright shrubby colony, or the medullary substance is relegated to the interior of a cylindrical stem, over which is spread the cortex. In the latter case there is a more or less well-defined axis, which may be permeated by nutritive canals. Leucoella Gray ; Solenocaulon Gray ; Semperina Koll. ; Suberia Studer ; AnthothelaVen\', Paragorgia M.-Edw. ; Briareum Blainville ; Titani- deum Ag. ; Iciligorgia Ridley ; Spongioderma Koll. Fam. 2. Sclerogorgldae. An axis consisting of closely intercalated elongated spicules with dense horny sheaths. The axis is surrounded by longitudinal canals, into which there open the reticulated coenenchymatous canals, uniting the polyps. Suberogorgia Gray ; Keroeides Wr. and St. Fam. 3. Melitodidae. Axis jointed, consisting of alternate portions of cal- careous and soft horny substance. Melitodes Verr. ; Mopsella Gray ; Acabaria Gray ; Psilacdbaria Ridley ; Wrightdla Gray ; Clathraria Gray ; Parisis Verr. Fam. 4. Corallidae. Axis of a dense calcareous mass of fused spicules ; polyps dimorphic ; the siphonozooids are said to grow into autozooids. Corallium Lam.; C. rubrum, the red coral (Fig. 138) ; Pleurocorallium Gray. Section 2. Holaxonia (Axifera) Coenenchyma branched or simple, with cortical canaliferous layer and axial rod, which is either horny, or of calcified horn, or of alternating joints of calcareous matter and horn. Axial rod derived from a layer of ectoderm cells invaginated at the base of the colony, and surrounding it as an epithelium (Fig. 145). Fam. 5. Dasygorgidae. Simple or branched, coenenchyma thin, potyps large ; both polyps and coenenchyma contain spicules. When at rest the tentacles are folded over the oral disc. Strophogorgia Wright ; Chrysogorgia Duch. and Mich. ; Herophila Steenstrup ; Dasygorgia Verr. ; Iridogwgia Verr. Fam. 6. Isidae. Axis consists of alternating horny and calcareous portions. Bathygorgia Wright ; Ceratoisis Wright ; Callisis Verr. ; Acanella Gray ; Isidella Gray ; Sclerisis Studer ; Primnoisis Wr. and St. ; Mopsea Lamouroux ; Acan- thoisis Wr. and St. ; Isis L. Fam. 7. Primnoidae. Axis calcareous and horny, basal attachment calcareous. Polyps with club-shaped calycine portion. Operculum calycine formed by some of the scale-like spicules of the calycine region, which shut over the tentacular region. Callozostron Wright ; Calyptrophora Gray ; Primnoa Lamouroux ; Stachyodes Wr. and St. ; Calypterinus Wr. and St. ; Stenella Gray ; ThouareUa Gray ; AmphilaphisWr. and St. ; Plumarella Gray; Primnoella Gray; Caligorgia Gray. Fam. 8. Muriceidae. Axis horny ; spicules project beyond the surface of coenenchyma ; operculum tentacular, formed by the spicules at the base of the tentacles which close over the calyx when the oral region is retracted. Acan- thogorgia Gray ; Paramuricea Koll. ; Hypnogorgia Duch. and Mich. : Muriceides Wr. and St. ; Clematissa Wr. and St. ; Villogorgia Duch. and Mich. ; Anthogorgia ZOANTHARIA. 183 Verr. ; Menella Gray ; Ads Duch. and Mich.; Thesea Duch. and Mich.; Bebryce Philippi. Fam. 9. Plexauridae. Colony branched, axis horny ; polyps occur fty. over the thick coenerichyma ; spicules large ; cortical club-shaped and deeper spindle- shaped spicules. Eunicea Lamouroux ; Plexaura Lamotiroux ; Psammogorgia Verr. ; Platygorgia Studer. Fam. 10. Gorgonidae. Colonies upright and branched usually in one plane ; axis horny, rarely horny and calcareous ; polyps arise from stem and twigs in a bilateral and biradiate manner. Coenenchyma smooth, spicules small. Platy- caulos "Wr. and St.; Loplwgorgia M.-Edw. ; Leptogorgia- M. -Edw. ; Stenogorgia Verr.; Callistephanus Wr. and St.; Swiftia Duch. and Mich.; Gorgonia L. ; Eugorgia Verr. Fam. 11. Gorgonellidae. Order 3. ZOANTHARIA = HEXACTINIA. Polyps and polyp-colonies, usually with simple unbranched tentacles. There are usually incomplete as tcell as complete mesenteries, and the tentacles usually alternate in several circles. This order includes the Sea-Anemones and Corals. The order owes its name Hexactinia to the fact that in some of the best- known forms the mesenteries and tentacles are arranged in some multiple of the number six. There is, however, the greatest variation in this respect, and with the progress of research it has become clear that the number six is by no means universally characteristic; indeed we may go further, and say that it is not even typical; and it appears probable that, when this matter has been more fully looked into, the hexactinian arrangement will be found tq be only one of many mesenterial arrangements found in the group. In some cases the number of mesenteries increases with the growth of the animal. Development. Our knowledge is not very complete. An in- vaginate gastrula has been observed, with a blastopore persisting as mouth. A ciliated, free-swimming larva is usually formed. There are three sub-orders. Sub-order 1. ACTINIARIA.* MALACODERMATA. Solitary, rarely colonial polyps with mesenteries, the number of which is usually a multiple of six ; without skeleton. Body moving freely, or adherent by means of the pedal disc ; rarely firmly fixed. * P. H. Gosse, A History of the British Sea-Anemones and Corals, London, 1860. R. Hertwig, "Report on the Actiniaria," Challenger Reports, Pt. 15, 1882. R. Hertwig, Supplement to the above, Challenger Reports, Pt. 73, 1888. A. Andres, " Le Attinie," Fauna and Flora des Golfes von Neapel, 1884. A. C. Haddon, "A Revision of the British Actiniae," Pts. 1 and 2, Sci. Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. (2), 4, 1889-91. J. Playfair McMurrich, "Report on the Actiniae collected by the United States Fish Commission Steamer Albatross," Proc. U. S. National Museum, vol. xvi. p. 119, 1893. 184 COELENTERATA. The Zoantheae alone are colonial. As a rule there is a single corona of tentacles at the edge of the oral disc ; these are the primary (marginal) tentacles. When they are in several rows the inner are the oldest. They arise both from intra- and intermesenterial spaces (see below, p. 184). In addition to these there are in some forms (Corallimorphidae) secondary or accessory tentacles arising from the disc midway between the inouth and margin, and these are always intramesenterial. There is nearly always a sphincter muscle at the peristomial margin, which may be endodermal or mesodermal (i.e. in the jelly). It closes the peristomial margin ove*r the mouth and tentacles during retraction. The mouth is usually slit-like, and the oesophagus has two gonidial grooves (Gosse). Sometimes there is only one gonidial groove (Peachia, Zoantheae, Cerianthus). The thickened walls of these grooves are prolonged beyond the lip at the two ends of the long axis of the mouth as two tubercles (called in the Siphonactinidae the conchula). The oesophageal lappets are processes of the oesophageal wall at each end of the long axis which hang down into the coelenteron beyond the rest of the oesophagus ; the gonidial grooves are continued on to them. The gonidial grooves are, in this work, denned as dorsal and ven- tral. The ventral groove is the most conspicuous, and the only one present in Peachia and the Zoantheae. When there is only one groove, it is not always pos- sible to determine whether it is dorsal or ventral. In the termi- nology which has more recently been introduced by Haddon the ventral groove is termed the sulcus, and the dorsal the sulculus. It will, of course, be understood that the above use of the words dorsal and ventral is special to the group, and implies no homologies with the dorsal and ventral surfaces of other animals. The mesenterial arrangement presents the greatest variation. The arrangement* generally described as typical is that of the Hexactiniae, in which the mesenteries are arranged in pairs (Fig. 149), and in the simplest cases in six pairs. These are the primary mesenteries, and they all reach and are inserted into the oesophagus. The mesenteries of each pair are usually provided with longitudinal muscles on those faces which are turned towards one another, except on the two pairs of directive mesenteries ; these carry the longitudinal muscles on the faces turned from one another. The portion of coelenteron enclosed in each pair of mesenteries is called an intramesenterial space or endocoele, the portion between the pairs being intermesenterial (exocoele). There are, there- fore, six of the former and six of the latter. There are in many cases secondary * For variations see descriptions of the different sections. FIG. 149. Transverse section through Adamsia (Sagartidae) (after R. Hertwig). Hf the cham- bers between the directive mesenteries ; R gonidial grooves. ACTINIARIA. 185 mesenteries (formed later than the primary) in addition to the primary; these are complete in most Hexadiniae (incomplete in some Sagartidae, Peachia, etc.) ; there are six pairs of them, and they are placed in the intermesenterialfspaces, the longitudinal muscular faces of each mesentery being turned towards the corresponding face of its fellow of a pair, as in the case of the lateral primaries. There may be, in addition, twelve pairs of tertiary mesenteries and twenty-four quaternaries, and so on ; the mesenteries of each order being always in pairs and placed in intermesenterial spaces. The mesenteries of each order are smaller than those of the preceding order, and except in the case of the primaries and secondaries do not, as a rule, reach the oesophagus. The space between the mesenteries of a primary pair is a primary intramesenterial space, that between the mesenteries of the next cycle a secondary intramesenterial space, and so on. The tentacles, like the mesenteries, are in cycles of different age, so that we can distinguish tentacles of the first, second, etc. order. There is often a corresponding distinction in size (Corallimorphidae), and the arrangement of the mesenteries is reflected in that of the tentacles. In such cases the six largest tentacles are over the primary mesenterial spaces ; the next six, which are a little smaller, belong to the secondary intramesenterial chambers ; then follow the twelve tentacles, still smaller, of the tertiary intramesenterial spaces ; while the twenty-four last tentacles communicate with the intermesenterial spaces. Acontia are present in the Sagartidae. The epithelial cells always carry flagella or cilia. The sexes are usually separate, but a few are hermaphrodite. The generative cells in some cases, if not all, escape through the gonidial grooves. Budding takes place in the colonial Zoantheae, and both budding and fission are occasionally observed in some solitary forms (Anthea cereus = Anemonia sulcata, Actinoloba, Actinia, and other genera). The development of mesenteries in some larval Actiniae is interesting in view of permanent arrangements in the various tribes of the Actiniaria. It is as follows : Stage 1. The two first mesenteries are at right angles to the long axis of the oesophagus, and divide the coelenteron into two, generally unequal, chambers. Stage 2. The mesenteries of the second pair are in the larger of the two chambers so formed. Stage 3. The mesenteries of the third pair develop in the smaller of the two primitive chambers. Stage 4. The mesenteries of the fourth pair are within the unpaired chamber enclosed by the mesenteries No. 2 (Fig. 149). Stage 5. Two pairs now arise simultaneously, and for some time remain incomplete ; they are respectively between the first and second, and the first and third ; their longitudinal muscles face the longitudinal muscles of the first and second respectively. When these are completed we get the typical Hexactinian arrangement of the above mesenterial pairs ; the third and second are directive. Moreover, it is to be noted that Stage 4 exists permanently in the Edwardsiae, while Stage 5 is found in Gonactinia and in a modified form in the ZoantJieae. Stage 6. A pair of small mesenteries with their muscles facing each other appears in each intermesenterial chamber (exocoele), and so with subsequent cycles. In Peachia only four pairs of secondaries are formed, those of the dorsal intermesenterial chamber (opposite to the gonidial groove) being absent. The deep-sea forms are very commonly distinguished by the reduction of their 186 COELENTERATA. tentacles even to vanishing point and by the enlargement of their terminal openings to large slit-like stomidia* ; also by variations from the type of mesenterial arrangement. The Actiniaria comprise the Sea- Anemones ; they live in the sea, attached to rocks or other bodies, or embedded in sand, or sessile, as commensals, on hermit crab shells. Section 1. Hexactiniae. With paired mesenteries. The mesenteries of each pair are usually provided with longitudinal muscular fibres on those faces which are turned towards one another, except on the two pairs of directive mesenteries, which carry the longitudinal muscles on the faces turned from one another (Fig. 149). Six or more pairs of mesenteries, increasing in multiples of six.t Mouth slit-like, oesophagus usually with two gonidial grooves. FIG. 149 a. Diagram of the growth of the mesenteries in Hexactinians (from Korschelt and Heider). A , stage of Manicina areolata, with eight primary mesenteries, in transverse section (after H. V. Wilson) ; 7>, stage of Aulactinia stelloides with twelve primary mesenteries (after McMurrich). The mesenteries are numbered in the order of their appearance, ec ectoderm ; en endoderm ; s supporting lamella ; / mesenterial filaments. Sub-tribe 1. STICHODACTYLINAE. Tentacles arranged radially, some or all of the iutramesenterial chambers communicating with more than one tentacle. Fam. 1. Corallimorphidae. With a double or multiple corona of tentacles (marginal, principal, and intermediate accessory), more than one tentacle com- municating with each intramesenterial chamber. Tentacles various ; pedal disc present ; gonads on all the septa ; muscular system weak ; sphincter muscle various ; acontia absent. Corallimorphus Moseley, from the deep-sea ; Corynactis Allman ; Capnea Forbes ; Discosoma Leuck. ; Aureliana Gosse ; Rhodactis * Recent researches render it probable that in these cases the tentacles have dropped off. t There is, however, variation in this character, even within the section Hexactiniae. ACTINIARIA. 187 M.-Ed. and H.; Phymanthus M.-Ed. and H.; Crambactis Haeckel ; Cryptoden- drum Klunzinger ; Actinothrix D. and M. ; Heterodactyla Ehr. Fam. 2. Minyadidae. Pedal disc transformed into an apparatus for floating. Tentacles in some as in the Corallimorphidae. Minyas Cuv. ; Dactylommyas And. ; Acerominyas And. ; Phyllominyas And. Sub-tribe 2. ACTININAE. Tentacles arranged in cycles, only a single tentacle communicating with each intramesenterial chamber. Fam. 3. Antheomorphidae. Tentacles digitate ; pedal disc present ; accessory tentacles absent; gonads on all the mesenteries ; numerous complete mesenteries ; muscular system weak ; without sphincter muscle or acontia. Antheomorphe R. Hertwig, deep-sea form. Fam. 4. Actiniidae. Tentacles digitate, in a single corona ; pedal disc present ; acontia absent, sphincter muscle endodermal, weak ; with numerous mesenteries. Actinia Browne ; Anemonia Eisso ; Cotidylactis D. and M. ; Actinioides Hadd. and Shack. ; Bolocera Gosse. Fam. 5. Aliciidae. With large flat base. Lateral body-wall with simple or compound hollow processes or vesicles, mostly in vertical rows. No cinclides. Sphincter variable, diffuse, endodermal. Acontia absent. A licia Johnson ; Cysti- actis M.-Edw. ; Thaumactis Fowler ; Bunodeopsis And. ; Phyllactis M.-Ed. and H. Fam. 6. Bunodidae. Tentacles digitate ; pedal disc present ; acontia absent ; sphincter well developed, circumscribed, endodermal ; with numerous perfect mesenteries. Tealia Gosse ; Leiotealia R. Hertwig. ; Bunodes Gosse ; Phymactis M.-Edw. and H.; AulactiniaVei'r.; Anthopleura Duch. ; Evactis Verr. ; Thelactis Klunzinger ; Cereactis Andres. Fam. 7. Paractidae. Tentacles digitate ; pedal disc present ; acontia absent ; sphincter strong, mesodermal ; with numerous perfect mesenteries. Paractis M.-Edw.; Dysactis M.-Edw.; Tealidium Hertwig ; Antholoba Hertwig; OpModiscus Hertwig; Paranthus Andres; Paractinia And.; Actinerus Verr.; Actinostola Verr. ; Pycnanthus McM. ; Cymbactis McM. ; Stomphia Gosse. Fam. 8. AmpManthidae. Tentacles digitate ; pedal disc present ; acontia absent ; mesodermal sphincter present ; transverse axis of body and mouth elongated, so that the two gonidial grooves almost touch ; principal mesenteries sterile ; secondary mesenteries incomplete. Attached to the axial skeletons of Gorgonidae. Stephanactis Hertw.; Amphianthus Hertw. Fam. 9. Sagartidae. With mesodermal sphincter muscle, usually with only a few complete mesenteries, with acontia. Sub-fam. 1. Sagartinae. W T ith naked ectoderm, the acontia emitted through the mouth and through cinclides. The mesenteries of the second and subsequent cycles may, in a more irregular manner, reach the oeso- phagus. Sagartia Gosse ; Cereus Oken ; Actinoloba Blainv. ; Adamsia Forbes, sessile upon Gastropod shells containing a Hermit crab; Cylista Gosse ; Mitactis Haddon and Duerden ; Aiptasia Gosse ; Gephyra V. Koch (Morph. Jahrb. 4) solitary or colonial, sessile on zoophytes, to which it is glued by a cuticular matter secreted by the ectoderm, with more than 24 tentacles. Sub-fam. 2. Chondractininae. With thick body-wall, upper portion different in character from the lower, which is provided with a cuticle. The 12 primary mesenteries alone are complete and without gonads. Acontia emitted by the mouth, cinclides absent. Actinauge Verrill ; Chitonanthus McM. ; Hormathia Gosse ; Ckitonactis Fischer ; Chondradinia Littken ; Paraphellia Haddon. 188 COELENTERATA. Sub-fam. 3. Phellinae. Sagartidae with a cuticular covering ; primary mesenteries alone fertile. Phellia Gosse ; Octophellia And.; Ilyactis And.; Ammonactis Verr. Fam. 10. Heteractidae. Tentacles clavate, knobbed. Eloactis And. ; Rhopo- lactis And.; Ragactis And.; Heteractis M.-Edw. and H. ; Stauractis And. Fam. 11. Sideractidae. "With sixteen pairs of perfect mesenteries, and three series of non-retractile tentacles, of which the innermost contains eight. Sideractis Dan. Fam. 12. Madoniactidae. With a few principal mesenteries, acontia, and a prominent endodernial circular muscular system. Intermediate between Bunodidae and Sagartidae. Madoniactis Dan. Fam. 13. Andvakiadae. Elongated, without any real pedal disc, seated loose in the sand, the greater part of the body encrusted. The uppermost bare part of the body, the oral disc, and the tentacles completely retractile. Few mesenteries. Endodermal circular muscular system. Near Sagartidae. Fam. 14. Liponemidae.* Tentacles reduced to short tubes or stomidia ; with numerous perfect mesenteries. Deep-sea forms. Polysiphonia R. Hert., tentacles short tubes with large terminal opening, allied to Paractidae ; Poly- stomidium, R. Hert., with stomidia, allied to Actinidae ; Liponema R. Hertwig, stomidia very numerous ; Aulorchis R. Hert., with gonads modified into a tube opening through the mouth. Fam. 15. SarcophiantMdae. Sarcophianthus Lesson. Fam. 16. Thalassianthidae. Tentacles replaced by bushy excrescences of the disc. Thalassianthus Leuck. ; Actineria Blain.; Megalactis Ehrb. ; Actinodendron Blain. Fam. 17. Ilyanthidae. With single corona of tentacles ; pedal disc absent, gonidial grooves and sphincter obscure. Ilyanthus Forbes ; Mesacmaea And. ; Halcampa Gosse ; Halcampella And. Fam. 18. Siphonactinidae. Like the last, but with a gonidial groove, the lips of which project beyond the mouth (conchula). Peachia Gosse ; Siphon- actinia K. and D. ; Philomedusa Miiller ; Adinopsis K. and D. Danielssen's genera Aegir and Fenja^ do not exist. They were founded upon mutilated specimens. Section 2. Paractinia. With paired mesenteries. There are two pairs of directives, and the longi- tudinal muscles are arranged as in Hexactinia. Number of mesenteries has no relation to the number 6. With two gonidial grooves and two oesophageal lappets. Fam. 1. Sicyonidae. Sessile, with tetramerous arrangement of the mesenteries, sphincter muscle mesodermal, tentacles as short knob-like stumps. Possibly related to the Tetracorallia. Sicyonis R. Hert. Deep-sea form. Fam. 2. Polyopidae. Without pedal disc, tentacles transformed into stomidia. J Polyopis R. Hert. Deep-sea form, probably tetramerous. * Vide note on p. 186. t D. E. Danielssen, "Actinida," The Norwegian North Atlantic Expedition 1876-8. 1890. J See note on p. 186. ACTINIARIA. 189 Section 3. Protactiniae (Protantheae). With 12 primary and 1 or 2 pairs of secondary mesenteries, which are dorsal rather than ventral. Body-wall and oesophagus with ectodermal ganglionic and muscular layers. Fam. Gonactinidae. Scytophorus R. H. ; Gonactinia Sars, with the power of transverse fission ; Oractis McM. ; Protanthea Calg. Section 4. Edwardsiae. Without pedal disc, with 8 mesenteries, including two pairs of directive mesenteries and 4 unpaired mesenteries (Fig. 150). All mesenteries with gonads. Tentacles usually more numerous than the mesenteries. The muscular (longi- tudinal) faces of the 4 unpaired mesenteries are all turned the same way. Live in sand. Edwardsia Quatrefages. S FIG. 150. Diagram of the arrangement of FIG. 151. Diagram of a transverse section the muscles and mesenteries of Edwardsia through a young Zoanthus. The section is (from Chun after Boveri). S, S sagittal a little oblique. D dorsal, V ventral side ; plane ; a, a gonidial grooves. x gonidial groove ; c inesenteric filaments ; s 1 macro-, s 2 micro-mesenteries (from Perrier). Section 5. Zoantheae. With numerous mesenteries of two kinds, (a) imperfect sterile micro-mesenteries, (b) larger perfect macro-mesenteries with gonads and filaments : the two kinds (Fig. 151) usually placed alternately, so that each pair is composed of a larger and a smaller mesentery ; two pairs of directive mesenteries, one pair consisting of macro-, the other pair (dorsal) of micro-mesenteries ; one gonidial groove ventral (near large directives). Usually colonial ; wall of body usually traversed by ectodermal canals, and encrusted with foreign bodies which may even be embedded in the wall. The longitudinal muscular faces of the mesenteries of each pair are arranged as in Hexactiniae. New mesenteries are formed in the inter-mesenterial space on either side of the ventral directives. The colonial forms arise either from a branched stolon, or from a broad basal plate containing anastomosing endodermal canals. Fam. ZoantMdae. Zoanthus Cuvier ; Gemmaria D. and M. ; Isaurus Gray ; Palythoa Lamx. ; Splienopus Stenstr. , with rounded aboral end, embedded in sand ; Epizoanthus Gray, often on hermit-crab gastropod shells ; Parazoanthus Haddon and Shack. 190 COELENTERATA. Section 6. Ceriantheae. With numerous unpaired mesenteries (Fig. 152), and a single gonidial groove e (ventral). The two mesenteries attached to the gonidial groove (directive) are very small ; the mesentery on either side of these is large, and reaches to the aboral end ; the remaining mesen- teries diminish in size towards the dorsal region where new mesenteries are added (not ventrally as in Zoantlieae). Fam. Cerianthidae. With a double corona of tentacles, marginal principal and circumoral accessory ; aboral end rounded ; without sphincter. With an aboral pore and a sheath of mud, sand grains, and nematocysts, in which the aboral end of the body lies as in a case. Cerianthus D. Chiaje ; Bathyan- thus Moseley ; Arachnactis Sars, pelagic (possibly a larval form). FIG. 152. Diagram of the arrangement of the mesenteries of Cerianthus. a goni- dial groove. Sub-order 2. ANTIPATHARIA.* Colonial Zoaniharia with a tendency to Jiexamery ; with a usually branched, axial, hollow, horny skeletal rod contained in an epithelial sheath. The coenenchyma consists of the fused bases of the polyps ; it is always thin and without spicules. Except in one genus there is a central horny rod, round which the coenenchyma is disposed. The origin of the epithelial sheath which surrounds the rod is unknown. The polyps have generally six tentacles and six primary mesenteries, four of which are directives, and the other two transverse. The transverse mesenteries bear the gonads. The 4 or 6 secondary mesenteries fade away in the lower part of the polyp. The polyps are always much elongated in the transverse axis (i.e. at right angles to the elongation of the mouth), and in the Schizopathinae the body is actually constricted into three divisions, two lateral containing the gonads and one central with the mouth. Each division has two of the tentacles. To this phenomenon the name pseudo-dimorphism rather than dimorphism (gonozooids and gastrozooids) should be applied. Fam. 1. Savagliidae. With 24 mesenteries and tentacles. The colonies are without an axial rod, but form a sheath round Gorgonid skeletons. Polyps with typical Actinian structure. Probably Actiniarians. Savaglia Nardo (Gerardia L. Dnth.). Fam. 2. Antipathidae. With 6 tentacles, 6 primary mesenteries, and with or without 4 or 6 secondary mesenteries. The two lateral primary mesenteries bear the gonads. The axial skeleton is spiny and has a central canal. Sub-fam. 1. Antipathinae. Polyps not pseudo- dimorphic, each with 6 tentacles; transverse axis of the polyp more elongated than the axis (sagittal) which is marked by the long axis of the mouth. Cirripathes Blainv. ; Stichopathes Brook; Leiopathes Gray; Antipathes Pall.; Anti- pathella Brook ; Aphanipathcs Brook ; Tylopathes Brook ; Pteropathcs Brook ; Parantipathes Brook. * G. Brook, "Report on Antipatharia," Challenger Heports, Pt. 80, 1889. MADREPORARIA. 19.1 Sub-fam. 2. Schizopathinae, Polyps exhibit pseudo-dimorphism ; each with two tentacles (i.e. 6 to each polyp). Schizopathes Brook ; Bathypathes Brook ; Taxipathes Brook ; Cladopathes Brook. Fain. 3. Dendrobrachiidae. With branched retractile tentacles. Axial rod without central canal. Anatomy not known, possibly Alcyonarian. Dendro- brachia Brook. Sub -order 3. MADREPORARIA.* Colonial, rarely solitary, zoantharian polyps, which secrete by the ectoderm a continuous and complicated calcareous corallum. This old and apparently well-established division of the Zoantharia is still, from a structural point of view, very imperfectly known. The less important features of structure, viz. the arrangement of the hard parts the corallum has been minutely examined, but the soft parts have been neglected, and had it not been for the investigations of the Oxford School, and of v. Koch, we should still know very little more about them than we do of the soft parts of extinct forms. These investigations which will, we may hope, soon lead to the possibility of a satisfactory classification of the sub-order, have established the following im- portant points: (1) the complete disestablishment of the Tabulate division, which, on examination of the soft parts, has been found to comprise forms belonging to Hydromedusae, Alcyonaria, as well as to Madreporaria ; (2) that the corallum is entirely a product of the epithelial ectoderm, and lies wholly outside the animal ; (3) that the structure of the polyps varies in the different groups, though the Hexactinian type seems on the whole to prevail. The most important deviations from that type, so far known, are presented by those forms, in which the directive mesenteries (if indeed they can be called so) present the same arrangement of their muscles as do the other pairs (Lophohelia, Mussa, Euphyllia, Heteropsammia], and the number of mesenteries and tentacles is not a multiple of six. Acontia appear to be absent ; but peristomial cinclides are said to be present, allowing of the emission of the much convoluted mesenteric filaments. The colonies are generally dioecious ; and the gonads are borne upon all or certain of the mesenteries. Pores at the apex of the tentacles seem to be absent. Asexual reproduction by budding, or by fission, is always present. In Fungia and its allies there is formed from the egg a fixed nurse-stock, which has the property of nipping off its disc-shaped apical portion, and of forming in its place a new disc. The fixed nurse-stock is a typical polyp with theca and septa, and at first it does not terminate in an expanded disc. When the walls of the theca, which are at first vertical, have widened out into a disc, the lower part of it forms a stalk. It is this stalk which is left after the fission, and which produces a new disc. The new disc is not a bud, but is a product of the growth of the structures already existing in the base of its predecessor (Lister, Q. J. M. S. , 29). It is not certain whether the Fungia stock increases by budding. * Martin Duncan, "A Revision of the Families and Genera of the Sclero- dermic Zoantharia," Journal of ike Linnean Society, vol. 18, 1885. H. N. Moseley, "Report on the Corals," Challenger Reports, 7, 1881. G. C. Bourne, "Anatomy of Mussa and Euphyllia," etc., Q. J. M. S., 27, 1887, p. 21. G. H. Fowler, "Anatomy of the Madreporaria," I.-V., Q. J. M. S., vol. 25 to vol. 28. V. Koch, " Ub. d. Verhaltniss v. Skelet u. Weichtheile b. d. Madreporen," Morph. Jahrb., 12, 1886. M. M. Ogilvie, "Microscopic and systematic study of Madreporarian types of Corals," Phil. Trans., 187, 1896. 192 COELENTERATA. In the colonial forms, fission by division of the polyps into two may occur (Oculinae, Astraea), or the division may be confined to the oral disc, so that a complex polyp is formed, with several mouths and oesophaguses opening into a common coelenteron (Maeandrina, Fig. 144). In many cases, perhaps the majority, the colony is increased by budding from the extra-thecal coenosark. The hard structures or corallum follows more or less closely the shape of the polyp, and were at one time thought to be actually contained in the tissue of the polyp. They consist of a cup or theca, from which the polyp projects and into which it can shrink, and in some forms of a connecting substance, which may or may not be porous, connecting the cups this is the coenenchyma. The cup has, projecting inwards from its walls, a number of radiately and vertically arranged calcareous plates, which suggest calcified mesenteries. These are the septa; they are not mesenteries, but occur between mesenteries. The cup presents a basal plate below, from which rise the walls. FIG. 153. Basal plate of a larva of Astroides ccdycularis, soon after at- tachment. With 12 radial ridges (after Lacaze Duthiers, from Bal- four). FIG. 154. Diagram to exhibit the relations of the polyp to the corallum. T tentacles ; ec ectoderm ; ed endoderm ; st oesophagus ; mf mesenterial filaments; r extra-thecal coelen- teron ; m mesentery ; TO' extra-thecal portion of inesentery ; Ep basal plate ; ep epitheca ; Th theca ; cy calicoblasts (after G. C. Bourne). The hard structures or corallum are secreted by, and on the outer side of, the ectoderm. The first part of the skeleton to appear (Astroides calycularis) is an annular basal plate (Fig. 153), incomplete at first in its central part, between the basal ectoderm and the surface to which the young polyp is attached. Next twelve radially arranged folds of the basal body-wall rise up and project into the enteron. The ectoderm of these folds secrete calcareous deposits, which constitute the first trace of the septa (Fig. 153). The folds of the septa differ from those of the mesenteries (between which they are placed) in being folds of the whole body-wall, and not of the endoderm alone. The septa, therefore, arise as rod-shaped structures in continuity with the basal plate. They increase in thickness and height as the polyp grows, and their outer ends, which do not reach to the body-wall of the polyp, become MADREPORARIA. 193 forked. The theca is formed by the junction (complete in the Aporosa, incom- plete in the Porosa) of these forked extremities of the septa. From this account it is obvious that the theca must not only projet> into the cavity of the polyp in exactly the same way as do the septa, and divide it into an extra- and intra-thecal portion (Fig. 154), but also must divide the mesenteries in a similar manner. This is actually found to occur in adult polyps, in which the body- wall projects over the lip of the calycle and lies on the outer side of the theca (Fig. 154, r). It appears that when the polyps of a colony are connected by soft tissues (coenosark), the connection is effected by this extra-thecal portion of the polyp, and that the so-called coenenchyme or hard matter filling up the valleys between adjacent polyps is secreted by the ectoderm on the lower side of this connecting coenosark. The coenosark is generally broken up into canals which, in the Porosa, communicate with the coel- enteron of the polyps by apertures left in the theca, and may in some cases, at any rate, be embedded in the superficial layer of the hard coenenchyma. The extra-thecal coelenteron is confined to the upper part of the thecae, and the coenosarkal continuation of it over the coenenchyme (when present) may or may not be broken up by con- tinuations of the mesen- teries. When there is no coenenchyme, and the thecae are isolated from one another except at their base, the living tissues appear to have died away round the basal parts of the thecae. As may be gathered from the last statement, the polyps ascend as the thecae grow and forsake the lower older parts of the cup. In their ascent the ectoderm of their basal walls secretes calcareous laminae, which may either completely occlude the cup as the tabulae of Serialopora and Podllopora, or merely stretch as imperfect plates between the septa as the so-called dissepiments. Synapticula are more rod-like calcareous structures passing from septum to septum through the mesenteries. The columella (Fig. 155) is a central calcareous projection into the theca rising up from the basal plate, and pali (Fig. 156) are accessory columellae arranged in a circle round the central columella, and sometimes joined to the edges of the septa : they are sometimes looked upon as FIG. 155. Vertical section through a polyp of Astraides calycularis (after Lacaze-Duthiers). The mouth-opening, oesophageal tube and mesenteries are seen ; also the calcareous septa between the mesenteries, and the columella Sk (the line from Sk should be produced to the middle of the cup). 194 COELENTERATA. FIG. 156. Vertical section through the cup of Cyathina cyathus E. and H. = Caryo- phyllia cyathus Lamk. (after M. Edwards). S septa; P pali ; C columella. Fam. 1. Turbinolidae. projections of the septa. The costae are vertical ridges along the outside of the theca : they are extra-thecal projections of the septa. The septa may be confined to the intramesenterial spaces, or they may occur in the intermesenterial as well. They are generally present in cycles of different sizes like the mesenteries, but the number is not always a multiple of six. The epitheca when present is outside the theca : it is attached to the edge of the basal plate (Fig. 154). Section 1. Aporosa. Solitary or colonial forms. Hard parts usually solid and imperforate. Theca or wall solid, may be epithecate. Septa solid near the wall, and usually, but not invariably, solid at the further part. Interseptal loculi (i.e., the chambers between the septa) open throughout, or closed more or less by endotheca in the form of dissepiments and tabulae. One or more rows of tentacles in relation to the septa and interseptal loculi. The disc with one or more mouths ; a mesentery usually in each inter- septal loculus. Mesenteries usually in multiples of six. Corallum simple (solitary), or in colonies. Gemma- tion from the wall or from an expansion of the basal structures. Wall solid. Septal loculi open to the base. Endotheca rarely present. (a) Corallum simple, rarely producing deciduous buds. Smilotrochus Ed. and H. ; Onchotroehus Duncan ; Desinophyllum Ehrb. ; Schizocyathus Pourtales ; Fldbellum Lesson ; Rhizotrochus Ed. and H. ; Thysanus Dune. ; Placotrochus Ed. and H. ; Sphenotrochus Ed. and H. ; Nototrochus Dune. ; Placocyathus Ed. and H. ; Platytrochus Ed. and H. ; Turbinolia Ed. and H. ; Stylocyathus d'Orb. ; Conocyathus d'Orb. ; Bistylia T. Woods ; Trematoirochus T. Woods ; Trocho- cyathus Ed. and H. ; Dcltocyathus Ed. and H. ; Odontocyathus Moseley ; Caryophyllia Lmk. (Fig. 156) ; Ceratotrochus Ed. and H. ; Discocyathus Ed. and H.; Brachytrochus Duncan ; Sabinotrochus Dune.; Stephanotrochus Moseley; Anthemiphyllia Pourt. : Fungiacyathus Sars ; Guynia Dune. ; Duncania Pourt. ; Haplophyllia Pourt. (b) Colonial ; buds free above their origin ; no exotheca uniting the corallites. Coenocyathus Ed. and H. ; Gemmulatroclms Dune. (c) Colony growing from basal expansions; exotheca absent. Pohjcyathus Dune. Fam. 2. Oculinidae. Colonial, in the form of branches, espaliers, irregular ramifications on a thick stem ; or massive, or incrusting. Interseptal loculi usually open to the base, but dissepiments or tabulae sometimes occur. Walls of corallites often increasing in thickness exogenously with age, and becoming a solid mass by union with others. Solid intercalicular coenenchyma usually present. Polyps when expanded rising above the wall, or long and exsert, the mouth protruding ; the tentacles 10 to 48 or more, elongated, tips usually swollen or capitate. (a) Massive or incrusting colonies. Columella and pali absent, or a false MADREPORARI A. 195 columella may be present. Coenenchyma well developed between the calices. Barylielia, Ed. and H. ; Neohelia Moseley ; Diblasus Lonsdale. (b) Dendroid or bunch-shaped colonies. Corallites often coalescing ; gfemma- tion alternate. Columella absent or rudimentary. Tabulae or dissepiments present or not. Lopholielia^A. and H. ; Amphihelia Ed. and H.; Acrohelia Ed. and H. (c) Arborescent or tufted colonies. Gemmation rarely from one side only. Columella various. Oculina Ed. and H. ; Cyathohelia Ed. and H. ; Trymohelia Ed. and H. ; Sclerohelia Ed. and H. ; Bathelia Moseley. (d) Branched espalier-like colonies. Corallites projecting or twisted. Colu- mella styliform. No pali. Coenenchyma well developed. Prohelia E. de Fro. Jurassic and cretaceous. (e) Arborescent, palmate, or incrusting colonies. Septa few, unequal. Colu- mella styliform. Costae short or absent. Stylophora, Ed. and H. ; Madracis From. Fam. 3. Pocilloporidae. Colonial, with tabulae ; septa small ; columella well or ill developed. Inter-corallite structure coenenchymal and solid. Polyps with disc, tentacles, and one pair of long mesenterial filaments. Pocillopora Lamarck ; Seriatopora Lamk. Fam. 4. Astraeidae. Solitary or colonial, rarely reproducing by deciduous buds. Colonies increase by gemmation and fissiparous division. Interseptal loculi with dissepimental endotheca, rarely tabulae. Soft parts resembling those of Turbinolidae ; the long serial calices have several mouths in the limited disc which is surrounded by tentacles. Corallites may unite by their walls, but true intermural solid Coenenchyma is rarely seen. Includes the so-called brain corals. Sub-fam. 1. Astraeidae simplices. Simple solitary torms. Propagation rarely by deciduous buds. Pali present or absent. Endotheca always present, but variable in amount. Lophosmilia Ed. and H. ; Spheno- phyllia Moseley; Parasmilia Ed. and H.; Dasmosmilia P.; Lithophyllia Ed. and H.; Asterosmilia Duncan. Sub-fdm. 2. Astraeidae reptantes. Colonies composed of short coral - lites, which arise by gemmation from stolons or basal expansions. Cylicia Ed. and H. ; Astrangia Ed. and H. ; Ulangia Ed. and H. ; Colangia Pourt. Sub-fam. 3. Astraeidae gemmantes. Colonies increasing by gemmation from the wall below the calicular margin. Endotheca dissepimental. Cladocora Ed. and H. ; Pourtalosmilia Duncan. Sub-fam. 4. Astraeidae caespitosae. Corallites isolated terminally, being free at their sides, springing from a common parent ; increasing by fissiparity, separation occurring rapidly or serial growth persisting. Gemmation rare. Eusmilia Ed. and H. ; Solenosmilict Dune. ; Dasyphyllia Ed. and H. ; Dendrocora Dune ; Trachyphyllia Ed. and H. ; Mussa Oken. Sub-fam. 5. Astraeidae confluentes. Increase by fissiparity, with excess of serial growth. Gemmation may occur. Corallites united by their walls, costae, or by intermediate tissue, or free. Euphyllia Ed. and H. ; Dendrogyra Ehrbg. ; Pectinia Oken ; Diploria Ed. and H. ; Manicina Ehrb. ; Maeandrina Ed. and H. ; Coeloria Ed. and H. ; Leptoria Ed. and H.; Symphyllia Ed. and H. ; Mycetophyllia Ed. and H. ; Ulophyllia Ed. and H. ; Tridacophyllia Blainv. ; Colpophyllia Ed. and H. ; Scapo- phyllia Ed. and H. ; Plerogyra Ed. and H. ; Physogyra Quelch ; Hydnophora Ed. and H. 196 COELENTERATA. Sub-fam. 6. Astraeidae agglomeratae fissiparantes. Colonies massive or incrusting. Corallites increasing by fissiparity, and sometimes also by gemmation ; united by costae or coenenchynia ; not forming long series. Dichocoenia Ed. and H.; Favia Oken ; Goniastraea Ed. and H. Sub-fam. 7. Astraeidae agglomeratae gemmantes. Massive and foliaceous colonies. Colonies increasing by gemmation from the wall from within the calice, or from intercorallite tissue. Corallites joined by costae, exotheca, or peritheca, or fused by their walls. Endotheca vesicular, rarely tabulate. Heliastraect Ed. and H.; Phymastraea Ed. and H.; Solenastraea, Ed. and H. ; Plesiastraca Ed. and H.; Echinopora Dana; Galaxea Oken; Acan- thopora Verrill ; Leptastraea Ed. and H. ; Acanthastraea Ed. and H. ; Astrocoenia Ed. and H. ; Prionastraea Ed. and H. ; Merulina Ehrbg. ; Moseley a Quelch. Section 2. Fungida. Solitary or colonial forms. Septa and septo-costae with synapticula, which cross the interseptal and intercostal loculi. An endotheca is present or absent. Basal structures perforate or imperforate. Soft structures with short, lobe-like, scattered, sometimes obsolete tentacles, not covered when contracted ; discs not circumscribed, and in colonial forms confluent. Fam. 1. Plesiofungidae. Transitional between the Aporosa and Fungida. Simple or colonial, with synapticula in the interseptal loculi, besides endothecal dissepiments. Septa solid and imperforate, occasionally perforate and trabeculate. Epistreptophyllum Milaschewitsch ; Siderastraea Blainv. ; Polyaraect Fritsch. Fam. 2. Fungidae. Simple or colonial, usually depressed ; septa solid or porous. With synapticula, without dissepimental endotheca ; tentacles short ; scattered, sometimes absent. Wall perforated and echinulate. Fungia Dana ; Diafungia Duncan, both solitary. The following are colonial : Halomitra Dana ; Sandalolitha Quelch ; Cryptabacia Ed. and H. ; Herpolitha Esch. ; Polyphyllia, Q. and G. ; Lithactinia Lesson ; Zoopilus Dana. Fam. 3. Lophoseridae. Wall neither perforated nor echinulated. Simple forms. Trochoseris Ed. and H. ; Cycloseris Ed. and H. ; Diaseris Ed. and H. ; Bathyadis Moseley; Psammoseris Ed. and H. ; Stephanoseris Ed. and H. Colonial forms : Cyathoseris Ed. and H. ; Lophoseris Ed. and H. ; Haloseris Ed. and H. ; Tichoseris Quelch ; Mycedium Oken. ; Phyllastraea Dana ; Trachy- pora Verrill ; Leptoseris Ed. and H. ; Stephanaria Verrill ; Agaricia Lamck. ; Plesioseris Duncan ; Psammocora Dana ; Pachyscris Ed. and H. ; Coscinaraca Ed. and H. Fam. 4. Anabaciadae. Simple or colonial, septa trabeculate and fenestrated. Synapticula small. Dissepiments absent. Wall indistinct. Anabacia d'Orb. Fam. 5. Plesioporitidae. Transitional group with regularly perforate septa. Menndroseris Rouss. Section 3. Perforata. Corallum entirely or almost entirely composed of porous or reticulate coenen- chynia. Dissepiments and tabulae may be present or absent. Septa solid or much perforated, or represented by trabeculae only. Fam. 1. Eupsammidae. Simple or colonial. Walls with costae and apertures in the intercostal spaces. Calices well developed. Increase by geihmation and fission. Stephanophyllia Michelin. ; Leptopenus Moseley, deep-water, southern hemisphere ; Balanophyllia S. Wood ; Thecopsammia Pourt. ; Eupsammia Ed. and H. ; Heteropsammia Ed. and H.; Dendrophyllia Ed. and H. ; Pachypsammia CTENOPHORA. 197 Verrill ; Leptopsammia Ed. and H. ; Endopsammia Ed. and H. ; Astroides Blainv. (Fig. 155) ; Lobopsammia Ed. and H. ; PJiodopsammia Semper ; Rhizopsammia, Verr. Fam. 2. Madreporidae. Colonial, arising by gemmation from the j^des of the parent polyp : coenenchyma more or less abundant, spongy and reticulate, slightly or not distinct from the porous corallite-walls. Madrepora L. ; Turbi- naria Oken ; Astraeopora Blainv. ;. Montipora Q. and G. ; Anacropora Ridley. Fam. 3. Poritidae. Sclerenchyma reticulate and perforate. Septa never completely lamellary. Walls very porose. Corallites increasing by gemmation, and united directly or by intervening porous sclerenchyma. Forties Ed. and H. ; Synaraea Verr.; Napopora Quelch ; Ehodaraea Ed. and H. ; Alveopora Q. and G. ; Dichoraea T. Woods. Sub-phylum II. CTENOPHORA.* Free-swimming, transparent pelagic coelen- terata, with eight meridional rows of vibratile plates formed of fused cilia. They possess an oesopliageal tube called the stomach - lined by ectoderm, and a gastrovascular canal system. Nematocysts are almost always absent. The fundamental form of the Ctenophora is a gelatinous, spherical, or ovoid body, which swims in the sea by the activity of its ciliated plates. It has two poles the oral pole marked by the mouth, and the aboral pole marked by the sense organ. The line connecting these two poles is the main axis, and in describing the structure of the body it is important to recognise two planes which pass through this axis at right angles to one another. The mouth leads into a tube called the stomach (sometimes called oesophagus or stomodaeum, because it is lined by ectoderm), and the stomach opens into the central part of the gastro- vascular apparatus called the funnel (infuii- dibulum). The stomach is furnished with two hepatic bands. Both stomach and funnel are flattened sacs, and both lie in the main axis the funnel of course above the stomach but with their long diameters FIG. 157. Hormiphora (Cy- dippe) phtmosa (after Chun). mouth. * C. Chun, "Die Ctenophoren des Golfes von Neapel," Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel. 1880. 198 COELENTERATA. in different planes. The long diameter of the stomach lies in one of the two planes mentioned above, while that of the funnel lies in the other plane, which is at right angles to the first. These two planes are called the stomach-plane* (Fig. 158, M t M.) and funnel-plane (T, T.) respectively. The stomach-plane divides the body into a right and left half; but it is impossible to speak of the two parts of the body marked off by the funnel-plane as dorsal and ventral, or as anterior and posterior, as is done by some authors, because these two parts are identical and FIG. 158. Diagram of a Cydippe seen from the aboral pole (after Chun). M-M stomach (sagittal) plane ; T-T funnel (transverse) plane ; ri to r the eight rows of vibratile plates ; p polar plates ; n^ to % the eight ciliated grooves ; t.b base of tentacle ; stalk of tentacle ; tt branch of tentacle ; scJi sheath of tentacle ; sch.o opening of tentacle-sheath ; per- raclial vessel; interradial vessel; c.adr adradial vessel ; sp 1 to sp 8 the sperm producing, oiA to ov8 the ova-producing sides of the eight meridional vessels ; t.g tentacle vessel ; ex 1 and ea; 2 the two aboral openings of the gastrovascular system. not distinguishable from one another by any differential character. The tentacles when present are two in number : they arise from the sides of the body in the funnel-plane (Fig. 158, T, T). Further, we may speak of two transverse axes a stomachal axis passing through the long diameter of the stomach, and a funnel axis passing through the long diameter of the funnel. The body (Fig. 157) carries eight meridional rows of vibratile * The plane of the stomach is sometimes called the sagittal plane, and that of the funnel the transverse plane. CTENOPHORA. 199 plates the ribs. These rows begin close to the aboral pole, and pass in the meridians of the animal towards the oral pole. Four of these rows lie in one half of the body, and four in the '<>ther. Further it is to be noted, that of these eight rows we may distinguish those which lie on each side of the tentacle (or funnel-plane) these are the sub-tentacular rows*' and those which lie on each side of the stomach-plane, which we may call the sub-stomachal f rows (Fig. 158). There are therefore four sub-tentacular rows and four sub-stomachal rows of meridional plates. The central nervous system and sense organ are placed at the aboral pole. (Fig. 159). It has the form of a flat depression formed of ciliated sensory ectoderm, and covered over by a bell-shaped structure (the bell) formed of fused cilia (gl). Some of the cilia of the sensory area are very long and fused together to form four large triangular plates. These are the springs (/). Their tips are attached to, and carry a small mass of otoliths (ot), which is placed over the centre of the sensory area. The sensory plate is drawn out in the stomach plane into two lobes the polar plates (Fig. 158, j). Beginning at the base of each of the four springs, or otolith-bearers, is a ciliated groove (pi), which, passing outward through a hole in the bell-like cover, divides into two grooves (ft 1 " 8 ). These are continuous with the aboral ends of two rows of vibratile plates, and are sometimes called nerves because they seem to transmit any movement of the otolith- bearer to the row of vibratile plates, and so set the latter in motion. The movement of the vibratile plates begins at the aboral pole and passes oralwards, each plate successively bending energetically towards the aboral pole, and then slowly regaining its original posi- tion. The movement of the animal is thus with the oral end forwards. The vibratile plates have the appearance of consisting of long cilia fused together at their bases. They arise from specially long ectoderm cells. The gastro vascular apparatus (Fig. 158) consists of a central space, the funnel, which gives off two vessels the perracUal vessels (; these pass outwards in the funnel-plane in opposite directions and divide dichotomously into the interradial vessels (, of which there are four. These again divide, and give rise to eight adradial vessels (c.adr\ which enter the meridional vessels. The meridional vessels underlie the rows of vibratile plates and end blindly above * Sometimes called sub-transversal. t Sometimes called sub-sagittal and sub-ventral. 200 COBLENTBRATA. ex FIG. 159. Sense organs and adjacent organs, I of Cestus veneris in side view (from the stomach plane) x 100, II of Eucharis multicornis from above x 120 (after Chun), a sense organ ; gl bell ; / the four springs ; ri 1 to % 8 the eight ciliated grooves with their cilia ci, and their plate-like expansions at the base of the springs pi and pi' ; k granules ; ot otoliths ; ot l otoliths in process of formation ; p edge of polar plate ; pf middle part of polar plate (polar field) ; mu (in II) muscular fibres running beneath the ciliated grooves ; me circular muscular fibres ; mu (in I) longitudinal muscles of the funnel-vessels ; v funnel-vessel ; gg branching of a funnel-vessel into the ampullae ; ex aboral excretion pores. CTENOPHOBA. . 201 and below. The perradial vessels give rise, close to their origin, to the paragastric canals, which run oralwards on each side of the stomach (Fig. 157). They end blindly, and are absent only jrn one genus (Euchlora). The tentacular vessels are direct continuations of the perradial vessels (Fig. 158, tg). The funnel is continued upwards as the funnel-vessel, which divides beneath the sense- organ into two limbs, each of which again divides into two ampullae, one situated in each quadrant of the body. Two of these ampullae (and two which lie in diagonally opposite quadrants) open to the exterior by small pores placed just outside the sensory plate (Fig. 159 I, ex). There are two extensile tentacles (Fig. 157) in the funnel-plane. They consist of a stout base contained in a depression of the body- wall, which constitutes the tentacular sheath and into which the tentacle can be withdrawn. The tentacle vessel is not prolonged along the tentacle, but ends in two ampullae at its base. The tentacles carry a row of branches which are provided with the peculiar adhesive cells (Fig. 161). The muscular tissue is feebly developed. It has the form of fibres, lying in the jelly and branched at both ends. There is a sub-epithelial nervous plexus with scattered ganglion cells. It extends on to the stomach, but no connection has been observed between it and the sense-organ and ciliated grooves and ribs. The description given above applies to one group of the Ctenophora, the Cydippidae, the structure of which may be taken as typical. There are, besides, the Cestidae, the Lolatae, and the Bervidae. The Cydippidae include, besides the spherical form just described, forms in which the main axis is elongated (cylindrical Pleuro- Irachiadae), and forms in which the body is compressed in the stomach- plane, i.e., the stomach-axis is much reduced (Euchlora, Callianira). In Callianira (Fig. 165) tnere are two wing-like processes of the aboral end of the body; they lie in the funnel-plane, and the meridional vessels are prolonged into them. In Euchlora the sub- tentacular ribs are longer than the sub-stomachal. The larvae of the Cestidae and Lobatae closely resemble the above described typical form (particularly the Mertensid variety of it) and acquire the adult condition by a complicated metamorphosis (see below). The Cestidae are ribbon-shaped (Fig. 160), and the body is enormously elongated in the stomach-plane and much compressed 202 COELENTERATA. in the funnel-plane (cf. Fig. 158); i.e., the stomach-axis of the body is very long, and the funnel-axis very short. Further, the sub- tentacular ribs (r\ ? A , r 5 , r 8 ) are very short, and reduced to a few plates at the aboral pole, while the sub-stomachal ribs (r 2 , r 3 , r 6 , r 7 ) extend close together along the whole length of each side of the aboral surface of the body. The perradial vessels are absent, as the four interradial vessels arise directly from the funnel (in correspondence with the compression of the body). The sub-stomachal meridional vessels run horizontally beneath the long ribs to the ends of the body, while the sub-tentacular (ff l t # 4 5 /7 5 j y 8 ) P ass along the middle of each side of the body, also to the extremity, where they are connected with the sub-stomachal vessels (# 2 ), and with the paragastric vessels which are continued along the flattened oral surface of the body. In the Cestidae generative cells are only produced in the sub-stomachal meridional vessels. The tentacular apparatus is hidden in a sheath. There is no projecting tentacle, but a very large tentacle base which is in the sheath. Each tentacle-sheath is continued right and left as a furrow, which extends along its own side of the oral edge of the body to the extremity. The numerous lateral fibres which arise from the tentacle base lie in these tentacular furrows and hang down from them all along like a fringe (Fig. 160), being held in the tentacular furrows by hooks. In the Lobatae the body is compressed in the same way, but not to the same extent as in the Cestidae, i.e. the funnel axis is shortened. There are two large buccal lobes, one on each side of the mouth in the stomach-plane. The sub-tentacular ribs are shorter than the sub- stomachal, and at their oral ends arise the four auricles. The auricles are processes of the body, and each carries one row of vibratile plates. The sense-organ lies in a deep pit at the aboral pole, and the ciliated furrows (the so-called nerves), which pass from it, extend all along the ribs. The interradial vessels arise directly from the funnel, and the sub-tentacular vessels anastomose with the paragastric vessels at the base of the auricle. From the point of junction there arises a vessel which forms a loop in the lobes and anastomoses with its fellow of the neighbouring quadrant. The sub-stomachal vessels also form loops and anastomose in the oral lobes. The Beroidae are without any tentacular apparatus in both larvae and adults. The body is compressed in the funnel-plane, and the main axis is elongated. The mouth and stomach are enormous, and the lower third of the stomach-wall is closely beset with sabre-like 203 204 COELENTERATA. hooks for the retention of food. The hepatic bands are absent. The edges of the polar plates of the sense-organ are dendritically branched. The interradial vessels and the ampullae spring directly from the funnel. The musculature is well developed, and the meridional and paragastric vessels give nu- merous branches which anastomose. Thread-cells are almost universally absent ; but the ectoderm of the tentacles contains peculiar "adhesive cells," the base of which is prolonged into a spirally coiled thread (Fig. 161), while the convex free end is soft and glutinous and becomes readily attached to any object which touches it. Thread-cells are found in the ectoderm of Euclilora alone, the tentacles of which are characterized by the absence of adhesive cells and the presence of amoeboid ectodermal prominences. The nervous system and sense-organs have already been described (p. 199). The Ctenoplwra are hermaphrodite, and sexual reproduction alone is known. The generative cells arise on the walls of the meridional vessel, or of diverticula of the same. Sometimes they are localized (Cestus) ; sometimes they arise along the whole length of the canals, one side being beset by egg-follicles, the other by sperm- sacs. Ova and spermatozoa when ripe pass into the gastro- vascular space, and are ejected through the apertures of the same. FIG. 161. Muscle-fibres, ad- hesive cells (fc/) and tactile cells (6) from the lateral filaments of the tentacle of Euplocamis stationis (after R. Hertwig). ltf> prolon- gation of the contractile thread of a prehensile cell. The early development takes place within the egg -membranes. The segmentation is complete. A cap of small ectoderm cells is soon formed (Fig. 163), which grow round the larger endoderm cells ; but before this overgrowth is completed a number of cells are separated from the lower ends of the large endoderm cells, and constitute an embryonic mesoderm (Fig. 163, 5, Ms) (Metschnikoff). The mesoderm gives rise to the protoplasmic FIG. 162. Meridional vessel (Gc) of Beroe ovata with ova (Ov) and spermatozoa (Sp) in their walls (after Will). CTENOPHORA. 205 network (wandering cells) of the jelly. The mouth is a new formation, and the stomodaeum (stomach) arises as an invagination of ectoderm at the lower pole (Fig. 163, 7, 8, 9}. y The larva when hatched differs more or less from the sexually mature arfiimal in the simpler and usually more spherical form of the body, in the small size of FIG. 163. Development of Callianira Ualata (after Metschnikoff). 1, stage with eight ; 3, stage with sixteen blastomeres ; 3, the eight upper cells of the previous stage have divided into 48 micromeres (ectoderm), which form a cap on the 8 macromeres (endoderm) ; &, side view of an older stage ; 5, embryo in the stage of formation and invagination of mesoderm (Ms) ; 6, more advanced stage in sagittal section ; 7, stage with developing stomodaeum ; 8, later stage with commencing formation of tentacles ; 9, ripe embryo ; T tentacles ; Ot sense-organ ; mouth ; Me mesoderm (jelly). the tentacles and swimming plates, and in the difference in the relative size of the oesophageal tube, infundibulum, and vascular canals. The differences, putting Cestus on one side, are most striking in the lobed Ctenopliora, the embryos of which have a great similarity to the young of Cydippe. It is only after a longer 206 COELENTERATA. period of larval life that the completely mature form is attained by the unequal growth of the swimming plates and their canals, the outgrowth of the tentacle- like processes, and the formation of two lobe-like projections round the mouth from those halves of the body which correspond to the longer rows of swimming plates. The Lobatae present a peculiar phenomenon, which has been called by Chun, dissogony. The Cydippe-like larva develops sexual cells on its four sub- stomach vessels, and becomes sexually mature during the hot period of the year. The eggs are fertilised and develop normally into larvae smaller than those produced from adults. After the sexual activity has continued for some days, the larva loses its generative organs, undergoes a complicated metamorphosis, and develops into the adult, with generative* organs in all of its eight meridional vessels. The phenomenon of dissogony is therefore characterised by the fact that sexual maturity occurs twice in the same individual, and that the two sexual periods are separated by a sterile period in which there are no generative cells, and in which a complicated metamorphosis occurs. Ot FIG. 164. Bcroe ovatus. Ot sense-organ, at its sides are the small tentacles of the polar areas ; Tr funnel. FIG. 165.Callianira Ualata (after Chun). mouth. The Ctenophora live in the warmer seas, and, under favourable conditions, often appear in great quantities at the surface. They feed on marine animals of various size, which they capture with their tentacles. Many, as the Beroidae, which do not possess tentacles, are compensated for this deficiency by the possession of an unusually large mouth (Fig. 164), by means of which they are able to receive relatively large bodies, even fishes, into the wide oesophageal tube, TENTACULATA. 207 and to digest them. Although the average size is small, some of them, as Cestus, Eucharis, reach the length of a foot." Order 1. TENTACULATA. Ctenophora witli tentacles. - / Section 1. Cydippidae. Spherical or cylindrical Ctenophora, with two simple or pinnate tentacles, retractile into a sheath. The meridional and paragastric vessels end blindly. Fam. 1. Mertensidae. Body compressed in the stomachal-plane ; sub- tentacular ribs longer than the sub-stomachal. No wing-like appendages at the sensory pole. Euchlora Chun (Haeckelia Car. and Gerst., Owenia Koll., Mertensia Geg.) ; Charistephane Chun. Fam. 2. Callianiridae. Body compressed in the stomach-plane ; sub- tentacular ribs longer than the sub-stomachal. Wing-like appendages at the sensory pole. Callianira Peron (Fig. 165). Fam. 3. Pleurobrachiadae. Body round in section. Sub-tentacular and sub-stomachal ribs equal in length. Hormiphora L. Ag. (Cydippe Geg.); Pleurobrachia Fleming ; Lampetia Chun ; Euplokamis Chun. Section 2. Lobatae. Body laterally compressed ; stomach-axis longer than the funnel-axis. With two lateral lobes in the oral region, and four auricles. Lateral tentacles lie in a tentacular furrow ; tentacle-sheath absent. The auricles are provided with swimming plates, and are placed at the end of the sub-tentacular ribs. The central nervous system is sunk in a pit. The stomachal ribs are longer than the sub-tentacular. Mouth-opening wide, and extending into a buccal furrow reaching to the base of the lobes. The four interradial vessels arise direct from the funnel. The meridional vessels are con- tinued on to the lobes in a sinuous course, and anastomose. The larvae are Mertensia-\\k& forms which, in Eucharis, become sexually mature, and reproduce themselves. Fam. 1. Lesueuridae. Lobes and lobe-windings of vessels rudimentary. Auricles long and ribbon-shaped. Lesueuria M.-Edw. Fam. 2. Bolinidae. Lobes of medium size. Lobe-windings of vessels simple. Adradial vessels pass directly into the aboral ends of the meridional vessels. Auricles short. Bolina Mertens ; Bolinopsis L. Ag. ; Hapalia Esch. Fam. 3. Deiopeidae. Body strongly compressed. Lobes of medium size. Windings of lobe-vessels more complicated than in the Bolinidae. Auricle short. Ribs consist of few but enormous plates. Sub-tentacular vessels possess short aboral blind processes. Dewpea Chun. Fam. 4. Eurhamphaeidae. Two aliform processes in the tentacular-plane at the aboral pole, on which the sub-tentacular ribs are continued. Eurhamphaea Gegenb. Fam. 5. Eucharidae. Lobes of considerable size, Avith complicated vessel- windings. Auricles vermiform. Body beset with papillae. Aboral blind ends of sub-tentacular vessels long. A long main tentacular fibre as well as the lateral tentacular fibres. Eucharis Esch. Fam. 6. Mnemiidae. Lobes very large. Origin of auricles and lobes placed almost at the same height as the funnel. Auricles long and ribbon-shaped. Mnemia Esch. ; Alcinoe Rang ; Mnemiopsis L. Ag. 208 COELENTBRATA. Fam. 7. Calymmidae. Body strongly compressed. The great lobes arise almost at the height of the funnel. Ribs nearly horizontal. Calymma Esch. Fam. 8. Ocyroidae. Lobes enormous, almost independent of the body. Ocyroe Rang. Section 3. Cestidae. Body much compressed in the funnel-plane, i.e. y with the broad faces parallel to the stomach-plane. The sub-tentacular ribs much shorter than the sub-stomachal, which extend all along the aboral edges of the body. The interred ial vessels arise direct from the funnel. The sub-tentacular vessels run along the middle of the band to unite at the ends of the body with the* long sub-stomachal and paragastric vessels. Gonads in the sub-stomachal vessels only. The larvae are Mertensia- like forms. Fam. Cestidae. CestusLes. ; Vexillum Fol. Order 2. NONTENTACULATA. Without tentacles. Fam. Berdidae. With large mouth and stomach. Body conical or oviform, compressed in the funnel-plane. The vessels give off branches which anastomose in the jelly. Beroe Brown. Ctenoplana* Korotneff (Z.f.w.Z., 43, 1886) and Goeloplana Kowalewsky (Nachrichten der Liebhaber der Natunviss., 1882, Russian) should probably be included amongst the Ctenophora. Pemmatodiscus Monticelli,t a gastrula-like form living in the jelly of Rhizostoma,) may be mentioned amongst the Coelenterates. * A. Willey, "On Ctenoplana," Q. J. M. 8., vol. 39, p. 323. t Monticelli, Naples Mitth., 12, 1897. CHAPTER V. PHYLUM PLATYHELMINTHES. Vermiform, bilateral, more or less elongated, and usually dorso- ventrally flattened animals, wifh an anteriorly-placed central nervous mass (cerebral ganglion), and an excretory system of ramified canals containing flame-cells. Enteron ivhen present aproctous. The forms included in this phylum are mostly parasitic Entozoa, but some live freely in water or on land. Suckers and hooks for attachment are often present, especially in the parasitic forms. The enteron is absent in one class (Cestoda), and when present is without an anus. Vascular system and body cavity are not found in the group, and the organs are embedded in a plasmatic mass the parenchyma in which muscular and connective tissue elements are differentiated. This is the so-called mesoderm. The excretory system is distributed as a system of branching and often anasto- mosing canaliculi throughout the parenchyma, and in the absence of a vascular system collects the excretory products in all parts of the body. Projecting from the walls of the canals at intervals are thick flame-shaped cilia, and sometimes finer cilia. The canaliculi are supposed to end blindly in hollow cells of the parenchyma, from which cells there often projects into the blind end of the canal a flame-shaped cilium. Such terminal cells are called flame-cells. In the terms of the cell-theory this system may be described as consisting of a number of branched and hollow anastomosing cells, the spaces or vacuoles within which form a continuous system opening externally, and constituting the cavities of the excretory canaliculi. Such canals are often distinguished as intracellular, and contrasted with intercellular canals, in the walls of which cell limits can be made out. It is extremely doubtful if this distinction has the reality or morphological importance which is often attributed to it. The external openings of the excretory canals vary much, both in number and position. The animals are usually hermaphrodite, and the reproductive organs are complex. A vitellarium or yolk-gland is very generally p 210 PLATYHELMINTHES. present, and may be part of the ovary or distinct from it. Such glands are to be regarded as parts of the ovary, the cells of which are without the capacity of becoming ova, but store up yolk matter and are deposited round the ovuin in the cocoon or egg-shell, and consumed by the embryo during its development. Asexual repro- duction is very often found, and may take place at different stages of the development. The life history is in such cases very complicated. So far as is known parthenogenesis is not met with in the group, unless the germ-cells of the sporocysts and rediae of the Trematoda be regarded as parthenogenetic ova. Class I. TURBELLARIA.* Free-living Platyhelminthes with delicate, soft, and often leaf-shaped bodies, and with a ciliated ectoderm containing rhabdites and sometimes thread-cells, and with muscular protrusible pharynx. The Turbellaria include fresh-water, marine, and terrestrial forms. They are distinguished by the possession of a ciliated ectoderm and soft delicate tissues. They usually have an oval, flattened body, and they reach only a small size. It is exceptional to find organs for adhering, viz., small hooks and suckers. The anterior end of the body is especially sensitive, and generally bears eyes and sometimes a pair of tentacl'es, which in a few cases (Euryleptidae and Pseudo- ceridae) contain prolongations of the enteron. In some forms the dorsal surface is covered with papillae, and these also sometimes contain prolongations of the enteron. A pair of ciliated pits, not unlike those of Nemertines, are occasionally present on the front of the body, around which there may be present a ciliated marginal groove. A sucker is found in some Polyclada on the ventral surface. The mouth is on the front, middle, or hinder part of the ventral surface. In the American Triclad Phagocata there are eight or nine pairs of mouths and pharynges in addition to the main one, and the same peculiarity has been observed as an exception in the genera Planaria and Polycelis. The generative openings are on the ventral surface behind the mouth. The skin consists of a single layer of cells, or of a finely granular *L. v. Graff, Monographic der Turbellarien, Leipzig, 1882. L. v. Graff, Die Organisation der Turbellaria Acoela, Leipzig, 1891. P. Hallez, "Catalogue des Turbellarie's du Nord de la France, ".etc., Revue Biologique dn Nord de la France, Ts. ii., iv., and v., 1892, 3. A. Lang, "Die Polycladen," Fauna and Flora des Golfes von Neapel, 1884. F. W. Gamble, "British Marine Turbellaria," Q. J. M. S., 34, 1893, p. 433; and Article on Turbellaria, in the Cambridge Natural History, vol. 2, 1896. TURBELLARIA. 211 nucleated material, which bears cilia and rests upon a stratified basement membrane (Fig. 166). It is covered externally by a homogeneous membrane bearing tactile hairs and comparable to a cuticle. Peculiar rod-like structures, called rhabdites^ are found in the ectoderm cells and in cells lying deeper in the parenchyma, but connected with the ectoderm layer by processes. The rhabdites are homogeneous, highly refractile structures of unknown function, and can be extruded from the ectoderm. Other structures probably of a similar $ character, but differing slightly, are also found in the ectoderm these are the pseudorJudxlites and sayittocysts. Nema- tocysts are found in some members of the class (Microstoma, Anonymus, Stylo- choplana). Various pigments are often present in the epidermis or in the parenchyma; and green vesicles con- taining chlorophyll and starch grains (Vortex), or yellow cells (Convolute), are found in the parenchyma in some forms C? symbiotic Algae). The dermis, or outer layer of the parenchyma, lies beneath the basement membrane, and contains well-developed muscular layers (usually outer circular and inner longi- tudinal). The structure of the parenchyma is difficult to make out. In the Acoela the whole of the tissues within the basement membrane may be described as consisting of a plasmatic mass con- taining nuclei, vacuoles, and fibres, both muscular and connective. The centre of this mass is of a softer consistency than the outer parts, and constitutes the solid digestive endoderm into which the food passes to be digested. The outer part of the paren- chyma, which is not at all marked off from the central, contains dermal muscles externally, networks of connective tissue fibres, and muscular fibres running dorso-ventrally through the body. Further, the central nervous mass and the nerves and the gonads are all parts of this parenchyma, differentiated from it indeed, but not in any FIG. 166. Portion of a longitudinal section of Planaria polychroa, showing the ectoderm and outer part of the parenchyma. R rhab- dites in ectoderm ; K~L nuclei of ectoderm ; Bm basement mem- brane ; Pg pigmented connective tissue cell ; K 2 nucleus of paren- chyma cell ; Rz deep rhabdite- forming cell (after Leuckarfc and Nitsche). 212 PLATYHBLMINTHES. sense marked off from it (except in the case of the ripe generative cells), and passing perfectly gradually into it. Cell limits, save for the ripening generative cells, and possibly here and there a wandering cell, are entirely absent from it. It should also be mentioned that spaces or vacuoles filled with fluid are present in all parts of the parenchyma. The parenchyma of the other Turbellaria, generally speaking, resembles that of the Acoela in structure, but differs in the fact that the organs enteron, cerebral ganglion, gonads are more completely delimited from it- It cannot be said that there is a perivisceral cavity in the Turbettaria. There are vacuoles in the parenchyma, and these, in some Rhabdococlida, are so much developed round the enteron as to suggest a body cavity. According to v. Graff indeed, there is in such cases a lining of endothelium. As to the homologies of the parenchyma tissue, it appears probable, from its condition in the Acoela, that it is a part of the endodemi in which the enteric cavity is either not developed or lias collapsed, or become filled with plasmodial extensions of its protoplasmic walls, of a nature similar to the filling up of the enteron described by Bourne in a ooral polyp (Q. J. M. S., 28, p. 29). In the Acoela this absence of enteron extends to the whole of the endoderm. The close relation of the parenchyma to the endoderm is not only suggested by the condition in the Acoela, in which they are actually continuous, but is indicated by an observation of Lang's that the endodermal lining of the enteron contains extensions of the excretory system. This suggests that possibly the continuity between the parenchyma and the endoderm in the Triclada, at any rate, is closer than is supposed. The origin of the generative cells in the parenchyma, and their passage through the vacuolatecl spongy mass to the genital opening is exactly what must happen in Bourne's coral polyp with a spongy enteron. At the same time I do not wish to suggest that the paren- chyma ever had a continuous digestive space. I would rather suggest that the Acoela are connecting forms between large Infusoria and the higher animals, in which the endodermal protoplasm, though without a continuous cavity, is partly differentiated into a number of important organs. FIG. 167 Planaria polychroa creeping with outstretched pharynx. The mouth leads into a muscular pharynx, which is contained in a sheath, and can usually be protruded like a proboscis (Fig. 167). The enteron, into which the pharynx opens, consists only of a simple chamber (Fig. 168), or of a central chamber prolonged into branches, which may themselves branch and even anastomose. In some cases TURBELLARIA. 213 (Yungia, Cydoporus) the enteric diverticula open to the exterior. The internal wall of the enteron is some- times ciliated. In the Acoela the pharynx leads into the central parenchyma, in the vacuoles of which digestion takes place. The excretory organs are the draining system of the parenchyma. They also sometimes extend into the endoderm, which is really the central part of the parenchyma. A general account of what is known of these organs has already been given. To that may now be added that there is generally a main trunk opening externally by one or several openings (Fig. 172) on the dorsal, or on the ventral surface, or even into the pharynx-sheath; that this main canal gives off secondary canals which may branch and even anas- tomose ; that the secondary canals receive the finest canaliculi, which come direct from the terminal cells the flame-cells as they are called. Flame-like cilia and smaller cilia may project into these canals at different parts of their course. The whole system is said to be intra- cellular, and without well-marked walls. It can only be made out in the living FIG. 168. Alimentary canal and nervous system of Mesostomum Ehrenbergii (after Graff). G the two cerebral ganglia with two eye-spots; St the two lateral nerve - trunks ; D alimentary canal with mouth and pharynx. Phg Dst Sch Qm Dvm FIG. 169. Transverse section of Planaria polychroa, passing through the pharynx (after Leuckart and Nitsche). D intestine ; Ph pharynx ; Phg cavity of pharynx ; Pht sheath of pharynx ; Ln lateral nerve-trunks with commissures Co connecting them, and lateral branches Sn ; T testes ; Od oviduct ; Dst yolk-glands ; Dvm dorsoventrally running muscular fibres ; Qm transverse muscular fibres ; Sch mucous glands opening externally at the edge of the ventral surface ; Vd vas deferens. 214 PLATYHELMINTHES. animals. No doubt what we really have to do with here is a con- tinuous system of tubular vacuoles in the plasmatic parenchyma similar in nature to the tubes leading from the contractile vacuole of an Infusorian. The excretory system has not yet been observed in the Acoela. The nervous system (Fig. 168) consists of a bilobed ganglion at the anterior end of the body. It is embedded in the parenchyma, and gives off nerve trunks in all directions ; of these, two especially large lateral trunks run backwards, one on either side (Fig. 168). The latter are sometimes connected at regular intervals by delicate transverse cords, and in the Polydada and Tridada all the peripheral nerve-trunks anastomose. In a number of the two last-named groups a diverticulum of the enteron runs forward above the transverse commissure in a groove between the two cerebral lobes ; and in some genera this enteric prolongation is encircled by a nervous commissure. Sense-organs. Eye-spots are very generally present. In the lower forms (Acoela) they are simply pigment-spots in the ectoderm. As a rule, however, they are placed in the parenchyma or in the brain, and consist of many retinal rods contained in a pigmented sheath. The outer ends of these rods, i.e., the ends turned towards the external surface, are continuous with the nerves passing to the brain. In the Polydada the eyes have been observed to increase by division, and in the Tridada they have been seen to fuse, so as to give rise to more complex eyes. The eyes, which may be present in any number, from one to a hundred or more, are placed over the brain, or on the tentacles, or on the margin of the body. Auditory organs, as otocysts, are sometimes found. In Acoela and in some Rhaldocoela (Monotus), and more rarely in Polydada, a single otocyst is found in the neighbourhood of the brain. The integument is endowed with a highly developed tactile sense ; the large hairs and stiff bristles which project between the cilia have probably this function. Lateral ciliated pits, which may also be explained as sense-organs, are in rare cases present at the anterior end of the body. In the Proloscidae the anterior end of the body is retractile into a sheath, and probably highly sensitive. Reproductive organs. With the exception of Microstomum and Stenostomum, and possibly Plagiostomum dioicum, the Turbellaria are hermaphrodite ; but steps between the hermaphrodite and dioecious condition are not wanting, for according to Metschnikoff in Gyrator Jiermapliroditus (Prostomum Uneare), the male generative organs are sometimes developed, while the female organs remain rudimentary, TURBELLARIA. 215 or vice versa. This is probably only a case of successive hermaphro- ditism common amongst the Turlellaria, a condition in which the male organs attain maturity before the female. The generative organs are always complex, and the gonads are either compact, or follicular and scattered. As a type of the first condition we may .take Mesostomum Ehrenbergii (Fig. 170). Here there is a single external opening leading into an atrium genitale, into which opens the vas deferens (Vd) through the penis (P), the FIG. 170. Generative apparatus of Meso- stomum Ehrenbergii (combined from Graff and Schneider). S pharynx ; Go sexual opening ; Ov ovary ; Ut uterus with winter eggs; Do yolk -gland; Dg duct of yolk- gland : T testes ; Vd vas deferens ; P penis ; Rs receptaculum seminis. FIG. 171. Generative organs of Vortex viridis (after M. Schultze). T testes; Vd vas deferens; Vs vesicula seminalis ; P penis ; Or ovary ; Va vagina ; M uterus ; 1) yolk-gland ; Rs receptaculum oviduct, the two uteruses (Ut), the receptaculum seminis (Rs\ and the ducts of the yolk-glands (Dg). The testes (T) are paired and tubular, their ducts join in the penis, which projects into the atrium. The ovary (Ov) is single, and its duct opens directly into the atrium yenitale. The receptaculum seminis stores up the sperm received in copulation, and the eggs remain in the uterus for a shorter or longer time. As a type of the second condition we may take the fresh-water Triclad Planaria lactea. Here (Fig. 172) also there is a single external opening (Go) leading into an atrium genitale, into which open the 216 PLATYHELMINTHES. vasa deferentia through the penis, the oviduct (Od), the uterus (Ut), and a muscular sac of unknown function (X}. There are two ovaries (Ov) placed between the third and fourth pairs of intestinal caeca or thereabouts. The two oviducts (Od) pass backwards, receiving as they go the yolk -glands which are placed between the caeca of the intes- tine ; they join to open by a single tube into the genital atrium. The testes are numerous vesicles placed irregularly be- tween the gut caeca, and communicating with a longitudinal tube on each side FIG. 172. Diagrammatic representa- tion of the anatomy of Planaria Icwtea (after Leuckartand Nitsche). D intestine ; Ph pharynx ; M open- ing of sheath of pharynx ; E exter- nal openings of excretory vessels ; To tactile organs ; Gl cerebral gan- glion ; Ln origin of lateral nerve ; Ov ovary : Od oviduct (anterior and posterior part only shown) ; Ut uterus ; X muscular piriform organ ; Go external genital opening ; Vd vesiculae seminales opening into the base of the penis. The yolk-gland and testes are omitted, and the vasa deferentia are not shown. w.a** FIG. 173. Anatomy of Leptoplana pallida (after Quatrefages). G cerebral ganglion with the nerves given off from it : mouth ; D branches of intes- tine ; Od oviduct; V vagina; W. Goe female genera- tive opening ; M. Goe male generative opening ; T vas deferens ; Ov ova. TURBELLARIA. 217 the vasa def erentia : * these open into glandular sacs the vesiculae seminales (Vd\ which themselves open into the penis. The penis is an eversible organ, which can be protruded through the genital pore. In the Polydada the ovaries as well as the testes are follicular and scattered, and there are no yolk-glands. Moreover, the, external openings are separate, the male being in front of the female. In some Rhabdocoela also the generative openings are separate. In the Acoela the ovaries are compact, but the testes are follicular, and there are no generative ducts, so that the generative cells have to make their way through the parenchyma to the external generative opening or openings. The penis is protrusible and very commonly armed with hooks, which are said to assist the animal in retaining hold in copulation, and also to serve as weapons of offence. In Prorhynchus and Stylostomum the penis opens into the mouth. A curious instance of vegetative repetition is presented by some Polydada, in which there may be (Anonymus) several pairs of penes and of male openings placed in two rows on the ventral surface. In some cases it is said that true copulation takes place ; but in many forms (e.g., Polydada) the sperm masses are deposited on the body of another worm, or even in a wound in the body-wall made by the impact of the penis. In such cases of sperm injection the spermatozoa must make their way to the receptaculum or uterus by travelling through the tissues of their host. These creatures do not always confine their attentions to individuals of their own species, for Lang observed a Pseudoceros crawl over a Thysanozoon and make several wounds, in each of which a sperm mass was deposited. Some Rhabdocoela form two kinds of eggs summer eggs, which have thin shells, and are retained in the uterus till hatching; and winter eggs, which have thick brown shells, are laid, and last through the winter to be hatched out in the spring. The eggs are either enclosed singly in egg-shells, or several of them are included with a number of yolk -cells in one shell or cocoon. The Polydada agglutinate a number of eggs together in an albuminous mass. The fresh-water Turlellaria as well as many marine forms undergo a simple direct development, and in the young state are often difficult to distinguish from Infusoria. Some of the Polydada undergo a * It is possible that there are no vasa deferentia, but that the spermatozoa make their way through the parenchyma to the vesiculae seminales. 218 PLATYHELMIXTHES. metamorphosis, the larvae, known as Miiller's larva, possessing finger- shaped ciliated lobes (Fig. 174). Asexual reproduction by transverse fission takes place in the Microstomidae (Fig. 175). The posterior third of the body becomes separated from the rest by a septum, and develops its own mouth and organs. This process may continue both in the offspring and parent before separation takes place, so that a com- plex chain of individuals arises (Fig. 175). Planaria alpina is also known to undergo fission. The power of regenerating lost parts is great. Order 1. ACOELA.* FIG. 174. Larva of Eurylepta auricnlata (after Hallez). Small marine Turbellaria without digestive cavity, but with a spongy digestive paren- chyma not differentiated into endoderm and mesoderm. Dejinite excretory organs have not been Observed. A single otocyst is alirai/* present. Mouth ventral, leading into a short pharynx. The central nervous system, generative organs, and digestive organs, are not sharply separated from the parenchyma, but appear rather to be a part of it. Generative ducts are not specially developed, though in the male organs there appear to be fairly -well specialized tracts along which the sperm passes. The genital opening is double or single ; a penis is always, and a bursa seminalis sometimes present. There are no yolk-glands, and the excretory system has not been made out. There is always a pharynx, which ends in the central mass. At the front end of the body there is an organ of a glandular or sensory nature, which was formerly mistaken for the mouth. It is the "frontal organ." The Acoela are marine. Most are carnivorous, but it is said that some species of Convoluta can live like a green plant by means of the green cells (1 symbiotic algae}, which live symbiotically in their tissues. * Y. Delage, "Etudes histologiques sur les Planaires Rhabdocoeles Acoeles," Arch. zool. exp. et gin. (2) T. iv. 1886. FIG. 175. Micro- stomuin lineare (after Graff). A chain produced by fission ; 0, 0' mouth open- ings. RHABDOCOELA. 219 Fam. 1. Proporidae. With one generative opening, without accessory female apparatus ; with soft penis. Proporus v. Graff, Proporus venenosus 0. Schm., Plymouth; Monoporus v. Graff, M. rubropunctalus 0. Schm., Plymouth. Haplodiscus Weldon. Fam. 2. Aphanostomidae. With two sexual openings, the female being anterior to the male. With bursa seminalis and soft penis. Apkdnostomum Oersted, A. diversicolor Oe. , A. elegans Jen., Plymouth ; .Nadina Uljanin ; Cyrtomorpha v. Graff; Convoluta Oersted, C. paradoxa Oerst., English coast, etc.; Amphickoerus v. Gr. ; Polychoerus. Order 2. RHABDOCOELA. With straight, rod-shaped enteron, and protrusille pharynx. This order includes the smallest forms in the class, but not the most simply organised. On the contrary, the structure of the parenchyma lends support to the view that they are the most highly organised of the class. The enteron is unbranched, and lies in a space simulating a body-cavity. The vitellarium is sometimes not separated from the ovary. They live on the juices of small worms and of the larvae of Entomostraca and Insecta, which they envelop with a cutaneous secretion containing rhabdites, and after- wards suck. They are mostly fresh-water, but a few of them are to be met with in the sea, and some upon land (Prorhynchus sphyro- ceplialus). Parasitic forms are also known (Grafilla muricicola in the kidney of Murex Irandaris, Fecampia erytlirocepliala in gut of Carcinus maenas, etc.). Fam. 1. Macrostomidae. With two generative openings, the female being in front of the male. Without accessory female apparatus ; with simple pharynx. Mecynostomum E. v. Ben., marine ; Mctcrostomum E. v. Ben., f.w. and mar., M. hystrix Oe., f.w.; Omalostomum E. v. Ben., marine. Fam. 2. Microstomidae. With sexual and asexual reproduction ; with simple ovary, without accessory female apparatus ; with simple pharynx. Microstomum 0. Schmidt, dioecious, f.w. and mar., M. lineare Oe., f.w.; Stenostomum 0. Schm., dioecious, f.w. and mar., S. lemnae Dug., S. leucops 0. Schm., f.w.; Alaurina Busch, hermaphrodite with follicular. testes, A Claparedii v. Graff, coast of Skye. Fam. 3. Prorhynchidae. With separate generative openings, the female being ventral, the male combined with the mouth. With simple ovary divided into germarium and vitellarium ; with variable pharynx. The so-called pro- boscis is the copulatory organ. Damp earth or fresh water. Prorhynchus M. Schultze, P. stagnalis M. Sch. Fam. 4. Mesostomidae. With one or two generative openings ; vitellarium and germarium either distinct organs or separate parts of the same organ. Usually with accessory female apparatus, and always with compact paired testes. With a ventrally-placed rosette-shaped pharynx. F.w. and mar. Otomesostomum v. Graff; Mesostomum Duges (Fig. 168); Bothromesostomum'bL Braun ; Castrada O. Schm.; Promesostomum v. Gr., P. marmoratmn Schultze, coasts of Britain; 220 TLATYHELMINTHES. P. solea 0. Sell. Plymouth, P. lenticulatum 0. Sclim. Isle of Man ; Byrsophlebs Jen., B. Graffi, Jen. Plymouth, Millport, B. intermedia v. Gr. Isle of Man, Mill- port; Proxenetes Jen., P. cochlear v. Gr., Millport. Fam. 5. Proboscidae. With a tactile proboscis, one or two generative openings, separate germarium and vitellarium, bursa seminalis and compact testes. Mouth ventral ; pharynx rosette-shaped. The continuity of the enteron is interrupted at the period of sexual maturity. All marine except Gyrator Ehbg. Pseudorhynchus v. Gr., Irish Channel; Acrorhynchus v. Gr., Brit, coast; Macrorhynchus v. Gr., Brit, coast; Hyporhynchus v. Gr., Brit, coast; Gyrator Ehrb., St. Andrews. Fam. 6. Vorticidae. With one generative opening ; germarium and vitellarium combined or separate ; with accessory female apparatus, always simple uterus, and compact paired testes. Mouth ventral, and usually near the anterior end ; pharynx with a single exception cask-shaped. The chitinous penis very various. Schultzia v. Gr. ; Provortex v. Gr., Brit, coast; Vortex Ehbg.; Jensenia v. Gr. ; Opistomum 0. Schm. ; Derostomum Oers. ; Graffilla v. Jhering, parasitic ; Anoplo- dium Schneider ; Fecampia crythrocepliala Giard, in gut of Carcinus maenas. Fam. 7. Solenopharyngidae. With one gen. opening, one germarium (ovary), paired compact elongated testes. The pharynx elongated, tubular, directed backwards. Solenophitrynx v. Gr. Order 3. ALLOIOCOELA. Enteron lobed or an irregularly widened sac. Testes follicular. Paired ovaries and vitellaria, combined or separate ; vitellaria irregu- larly lobed or partially branched. The parenchyma is less differentiated than in the Rliabdocoela, and more in the condition it has in the Acoela. The generative openings are separate or united, as in the latter group. With few exceptions they are marine (Plagiostomum leinani. Lake of Geneva, Bothrioplana}. Fam. 1. Plagiostomidae. With one gen. opening, and without accessory female apparatus (except Cylindrostomum} ; with testicular follicles in front of, alongside, and behind the brain. Pharynx varying in position and size. Otocyst absent. Usually small, cylindrical, or plano-convex forms with narrow hind end. Acmostomum v. Gr. ; Plagiostomum 0. Schm. ; Vorticeros 0. Schm. ; Enteros- tomum Clap.; AllostomumP. J. v. Ben.; Cylindrostomum Oers. All recorded from British coast except Acmostomum. Fam. 2. Monotidae. With two gen. openings, and with bursa seminalis ; testicular follicles closely aggregated between brain and pharynx. Pharynx always elongated with opening directed backwards. With one otocyst. Elongated forms with narrow front end and broad hind end. Monotus Diesing ; Automolos v. Gr. Both recorded from British coast. Fam. 3. Bothrioplanidae.* Intestine with three branches, of which the two posterior unite behind the pharynx. With one genital opening. Allied to the Triclada. Genital glands with tunica propria. Bothrioplana Braun. , fresh water. * F. Vejdovsky, Z. f. w. Z., 60, 1895, p. 198. TRICLADA. 221 Order 4. TRICLADA. Enteron with three branches, one forward and two backward ; pharynx cylindrical, inserted at the junction of the three branches. Genital pore single, behind the mouth. ^ The Triclada comprises marine, fresh-water, and terrestrial forms. A description of a typical member of the order has already been given. The testes are numerous and follicular; the vitellarium consists of scattered follicles, and is only exception- ally compact (Otopland); the ovaries are two in number, placed anteriorly. The mouth is usually behind the middle of the body, and the body is more or less flattened. The skin is often provided with glands, the secretion of which in certain land forms (Bipalium, Rhyncho- demus) hardens to a fibrous web. The Triclada have great power of repairing lost parts; fission occurs in Planaria alpina and cornuta. a FIG. 176. Planaria polychroa (a), P. lugiibris (b), P. torva (c), about twice natural size (after O. Schmidt). Marine forms. Enteric branches but little ramified, sometimes simply lobed. Mouth placed in the posterior half of the body (except Bdellura). Body flattened. Uterus placed behind the genital opening. Fam. 1. Otoplanidae. "With otocyst and ciliated pits, without eyes. Otoplana Du Plessis. Fain. 2. Procerodidae. Without otocyst and ciliated pits. Cercyra 0. Schm. ; Procerodes Girard (including Gunda, Fovia, Haga) ; Uteriporus Bergendal. Gundct and Fovia recorded from British coast. Fam. 3. Bdelluridae. Ectoparasitic on Limulus, provided with a caudal apparatus for fixation. Bdellura Leidy. Fresh-water forms. Enteric branches much ramified. Mouth placed in the posterior half of the body. Body flattened. Uterus placed between the pharynx and the penis. Fam. 1. Planaridae. Head without differentiated organ of fixation. Planaria 0. F. Miill. (including Dugesid), with two eyes ; P. lactea 0. F. M. ; P. punctata Pall. ; P. polychroa Schm. ; P. torva M. Sch. ; P. alpina Dana are British. Phagocata Leidy, witli 8 or 9 pairs of pharynges additional to the main one, Pennsylvania; Anocdis Stimpson, no eyes; Polycelis Hemprick and Ehrenb., many marginal eyes ; P. nigra Ehr., P. cornuta are British. Fam. 2. Dendrocoelidae. Head with several differentiated organs of fixation. Dendrocoelum Oerst. (incl. Bdellocephala and Galeocephala), two eyes ; Oligocelis Stimpson, six eyes ; Procotyla Leidy ; Sorocelis Grube, and Dicotylus Grube, from Lake Baikal. Terrestrial forms. Enteric branches generally simply lobed. Position of 999 PLATYHELMINTHES. mouth and form of body variable. Uterus slightly developed and behind the genital pore. Ventral muscular system much developed. Fam. 1 . Leimacopsidae. Dorsal face very convex ; mouth in the anterior part of body. Leimacopsis Diesiug, 2 frontal tentacles with eyes at base, tropical America. Fam. 2. Geoplanidae. Body sub-cylindrical ; mouth almost median (except Microplana and Dolichoplana). Geoplana Stimpson (with Geobia and Coeno- plana) S. America, Australia, K". Zealand, etc.; Sphyrocephalus Kuhl and v. Hasselt (with Bipalium}, Ceylon, India, N. Zealand, etc.; Geodesmus Metschnikoff ; Rhynchodcmus Leidy, world-wide, mouth a little behind the middle of body. Dolichoplana Moseley ^Philippines ; Microplana Vejdovsky. Fam. 3. Polycladidae. Body flattened ; mouth in posterior part of body. Polycladus Blanchard. Order 5. POLYCLADA. Enteron with many branches, which ramify or anastomose. Male and female openings distinct (exceptionally united in Stylochoplana, Discocelis). Ovaries follicular, without vitelline glands. The Polyclada are marine animals. Both testes and ovaries are numerous and follicular. A vitellarium is absent. The female genital opening is behind the male. In some forms the young are hatched out as larvae, called after their discoverer, Mliller's larvae (Fig. 174). ACOTYLEA. Without suckers. Mouth in the middle of the body or behind it. Copulating apparatus in the posterior half of body. Without tentacles, or Avith nuchal tentacles. Fam. 1. Planoceridae. With nuchal tentacles ; mouth about median ; male copulating apparatus directed backwards. Planocera de Blainville ; P. folium Grube, Berwick Bay. Imagine Girard ; Conoceros Lang ; Styloclms Ehrb. : Stylochoplana Stimps., body widened in front, attenuated behind, male and female openings united, with two tentacles and eyes at their base ; St. maculata Quatr. , Brit, coast. Diplonchus Stimps. Fam. 2. Leptoplanidae. Without tentacles ; mouth about median ; male copulating apparatus directed backwards. Cryptocelis Lang, with oval, consistent body, mouth median, genital openings separate, eyes small in indistinct groups between the brain and front body end, and round the whole edge of the body; Discocelis Ehrb., broadly oval, tolerably consistent body, mouth median or in front of middle, a single genital opening, eyes in two groups, one on each side of brain, and on the anterior edge of the body ; Leptoplana Ehrb. (Fig. 173), body elongated, genital openings more or less re- moved from hind end of body, eyes in two sometimes indistinct tentacular groups, and in the brain area, small eyes on the anterior edge of body ; L. tre- mellaris 0. F. M., Brit, coast. Trigonoporus Lang. Fam. 3. Cestoplanidae. Without tentacles, body ribbon-like. Mouth not far from hind end of body. Copulating apparatus directed forwards ; eyes scattered over the whole head. Cestoplana Lang. TREMATODA. 223 COTYLEA. With central or sub-central ventral sucker always placed behind the openings of the body. Mouth in middle of body, or in front of it. Copulating apparatus (except Anonymus) in the anterior half of the body. Without tentacles, or with marginal tentacles. . Fam. 1. Anonymidae. Body broad, oval, without tentacles. Numerous penes in two lateral rows. Single female opening between mouth and sucker. Eyes in brain area and on whole edge of body. Anonymus Lang. Fam. 2. Pseudoceridae. Body oval or elliptical, with fold-like marginal tentacles. Mouth in middle of anterior half of body. Eyes on brain areas, and on the tentacles. Thysanozoon Grube, with dorsal villi and double penis. Pseudoceros Lang, and Yungia Lang, without villi. In Yungia the gut diverti- cula open by numerous pores on the dorsal surface of the body. Fam. 3. Euryleptidae. Body oval or elliptical, with or without pointed frontal tentacles. Mouth near the front end of the body. Pharynx tubular. Eyes in the brain area and on the tentacles (or at the two sides of front edge of body). Prostheceraeus Schmarda, Brit, coast ; Cydoporus Lang, gut branches open along the whole of the edge of the body, C. papillosus Lang, Plymouth, Port Erin; Eurylepta Ehrb. ; Eu. cornuta 0. F. M., Brit, coast. Oligodadus Lang, Brit, coast ; Stylostomum Lang, Brit, coast ; Aceros Lang. Fam. 4. Prosthiostomidae. Body elongated, without tentacles. Mouth immediately behind brain. Pharynx long and tubular. Prosthiostomum Quatrefages. Class II. TBEMATODA.* Parasitic Platyhelminthes with unsegmented, usually flattened, rarely cylindrical, body. They possess a mouth and ventr ally-placed organ for attachment. The intestine is forked and without an anus. The Trematodes, in the main features of their organisation, are most nearly related to the Turbellaria. They differ from them in their parasitic habit, and in the absence in the adult of a ciliated ectoderm, though the Temnocephalidae, in possessing a partially ciliated ectoderm and in other respects, are intermediate between the two classes. In connection with their parasitic habit they possess special organs for adhering, such as suckers and hooks, which are stronger and better developed in those which are external parasites than in those which infest the internal organs of animals. The mouth is invariably placed at the anterior end of the animal, usually in the middle of a small sucker. It usually leads into a * M. Braun, "Trematoda" in Bronn's Klassen u. Ordnungen, Bd. iv., 1887-93. A. v. Nordmann, " Mikrographische Beitrdge z. Kenntniss der wir- bellosen Thiere, Berlin, 1832. P. J. v. Beneden and Hesse, Mem. de VAcad. Roy. Belgique, 34, 1864, p. 60. P. J. v. Beneden, Mem. s. Us Vers intestinaux, Paris, 1858-61. v. Linstow, Compendium der Helminthologie, Hanover, 1878. A. P. Thomas, "The Life-History of the Liver-Fluke," Q. J. M. S., 23, liiSS, p. 99. R. Leuckart, "Die Parasiten des Menschen,"Ed. 2, Leipzig, 1879-1894. S. Goto, " Ectopar. Trematodes of Japan, " Journ. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Japan, 8. 224 PLATYHELMINTHES. muscular pharynx with a more or less elongated oesophagus (Fig. 177), which is prolonged into a forked intestine, ending blindly and often beset with coeca. The organs are embedded in a paren- chyma of muscle and connective tissue. The excretory apparatus consists of two large lateral trunks, and of a network of fine vessels permeating the tissues and ending in small ciliated lobules (flame-cells). The two large trunks usually open into a common contractile vesicle, which opens to the exterior at th$ hind end of the body. The nervous system consists of a bilobed ganglion lying above the oesophagus. From it there pass out, in addition to some small nerves, two strong back- wardly directed ventral nerve- trunks. These are connected by transverse anasto- with each and with two weaker lateral longitudinal cords, which are themselves connected with two dorsal FlG - ire. -Nervous system .of Distomum isostomum trunks (Fig. 178). Eye -spots with refractive (after E. Gam-on). MS bodies are sometimes present on the larvae during their migration, and in many of the ectoparasitic forms. Locomotion is effected by the dermo-muscular system, with the co-operation of the organs of adhesion (suckers and hooks) which present numerous modifications in number, form, and arrangement. The organs of adhesion, in size and development, are related to the endoparasitic or ectoparasitic mode of life. In the endo- parasitic Trematodes they are less developed, and usually consist of the oral sucker and of a second larger sucker on the ventral surface, either near the mouth as in Distomum, or at the opposite FIG. 177. Young Distomum (after la Valette). Ex trunk of the excretory system ; Ep excretory pore ; mouth other, with sucker ; S ventral sucker ; P pharynx ; D forked intestine. oral sucker; Bs ventral sucker ; Sn lateral nerve ; En dorsal nerve; Bn ventral nerve. TREMATODA. 225 end of the body (Amphistomum). The large sucker may however be absent (Monostomum). The ectoparasitic forms are, on the other hand, distinguished by a much more powerful adhesive armature ; for, besides two small suckers at the sides of the mouth, they possess one or more large suckers at the posterior end of the body \ Fig. 185), which, moreover, may be supported by a chitinous framework. There are often in addition chitinous hooks, and very frequently two larger hooks among the posterior suckers in the middle line (Fig. 185). In the . Temnoceplialidae the anterior suckers are replaced by a group of tentacles, and in the Aspi- docotylea the adhesive apparatus is a kind of large ventral foot bearing numerous suckers. Reproductive organs. The Trematoda are mostly hermaphro- dite. * As a rule, the male generative opening and the uterine opening of the female are side by side or one behind the other, not far from the middle line of the ventral surface, near the anterior end of the body (Fig. 179). The openings may be separate, or they may lead into a genital cloaca which opens by the single genital pore. The male open- ing leads into sac, the cirrus sac, which encloses the protrusible ter- minal part (penis or cirrus) of the vas deferens. The vas deferens soon divides into two, which lead back to the two large simple or multi- lobed in Distoinum liepaticuin much branched testes. Both testes and ovaries are, as a rule, placed between the two limbs of the intestine. The female organs consist of a convoluted uterus and of an ovary and paired yolk-glands, to which may be added a special shell-gland. * Bilharzia, Distomum Okenii, and perhaps one or two other Digenca are dioecious. Do FIG. 179. Distoinum hepaticum (after Sommer). mouth ; D caecum of in- testine (hinder part of intestine not shown) ; S sucker ; T testes ; Do yolk- glands ; Dr ovary ; Ov uterus. 226 PLATYHBLMINTHES. The ovary may be rounded (Fig. 185) or branched (Fig. 179); the yolk-glands, which secrete vitelline matter, are much branched tubular glands occupying the sides of the body (Fig. 179). The oviduct, after receiving the ducts from the yolk-gland, is continued as the convoluted, somewhat dilated, uterus which opens near the male opening. The shell-gland is placed round the junction of the oviduct and vitelline ducts, or round the first part of the uterus. Here the egg is fertilised, and the vitelline particles come into contact with the ova. In the Hetyrocotylea (Polystomeae) the part of the uterus into which the oviduct opens is dilated and called the ootype. Here, or in the beginning of the uterus if there is no ootype, each ovum acquires its investment of yolk, and is surrounded by a strong shell; it is then ready to be passed out through the opening of the uterus. In a great many Trematodes, if not in all, there is a special paired or unpaired canal, called the canal of Laurer,* which opens externally in the dorsal middle line (Distomum), or laterally through two warts on the sides of the body (Polystomum, Fig. 185), and internally into the oviduct where it joins the yolk-ducts, or into the yolk-ducts near this point. This canal, certainly in some cases, probably in all, is functionally a vagina, and serves for the entrance of the spermatozoa re- ceived in copulation, or otherwise, from another individual. In some genera (Polystomum, Diplozoon, Octobothrium) there is a duct (vitello- intestinal) connecting the oviduct with the intestine. It appears to serve the purpose of carrying the superfluous yolk into the intestine. The so-called third vas deferens, as a tube connecting the vas deferens with the oviduct, appears not to exist. It is probable that the vitello-intestinal canal (and possibly the canal of Laurer) have been mistaken for a tube connecting the oviduct with the male-duct in such a way as to permit of self-fertilization. The function of Laurer's canal is in some doubt. It has very generally been interpreted as a vagina, but, excepting in Polystomum integerrimum, in which two worms have been detected in reciprocal copulation, with their male generative openings applied to one of its openings in the other worm, the apposition of the penis to it has never been observed. On the other hand, in the Diatomic (dige- netic) division reciprocal copulation with the penis of one worm inserted into the uterine opening of the other has been observed in some forms, t and in one casej the penis of one individual Avas found to be inserted into the adjacent opening of its own uterus. These latter cases point to the view that the uterus functions as vagina. Then the question arises, what is the function of the canal of Laurer ? It has been suggested that its function is to carry off the superfluous * J. Fr. Laurer, Disquisitiones anatomicae de Amphistomo conico, 1830, 4. f Holostomum serpens, Monostomum faba, Distomum clavigerum, D. cylin- draceum. J Distomum cirrigerum. TREMATODA. 227 yolk. This view is not, however, borne out by an examination of its contents, which are often spermatozoa, though sometimes yolk, and even ova. Some observers hold that the single canal of the digenetic forms is not homologous with the two canals of many monogenetic forms, but with the vitelio -intestinal canal, which is not present in the Digenea. On the whole we incline to the view that the canal of Laurer, whether double or single, is in all cases homologous, and serves for the entrance of spermatozoa to the female ducts, when, as is often the case, the uterus is full of ova. It may be that in some cases the penis is used, like that of the Turbellaria, for hypodermic injection of spermatozoa ; but as a general rule the thickness of the cuticle and the isolation of the individuals will prevent this ; again, sometimes the penis may, more or less accidentally, find its Avay into the opening of its own uterus, or into that of another worm ; but, as a general rule, the parasites being not contiguous, and having but little power of locomotion, the spermatozoa are discharged into the cavity in which the parasite is lodged. The testis being very large, the number of spermatozoa so discharged is probably very great, so that they spread over the whole surface of the infected organ, to which other parasites of the same species are affixed. Some of them, therefore, are sure to reach the body of other individuals, and to pass, by their own move- ments, into the opening of the canal in question. That some kind of haphazard impregnation of this kind is the rule in Trematoda is rendered almost certain by the relatively enormous size of the testis. On this view the penis must be regarded as a vestigial organ, with little or no function under the present conditions of life. Although the so-called internal or third vas deferens does not exist, self- impregnation* seems in some cases to occur. For in some species solitary specimens have been found with spermatozoa in the female passages (e.g., Polystomum integerrimum, Distomum agamos encysted in Gammarus pulex). This self-fertilization may have been effected by the insertion of the penis into the opening of the uterus, but probably it has more often been effected in the manner above suggested. The egg-shell is usually in two parts, a small piece being separated by a suture from a larger, and constituting the oper- culum. In the ectoparasitic forms it is often prolonged into a filament at one or both poles of the egg, which filament serves for the attachment of the egg (Fig. 188). Filaments are only rarely found in the endoparasitic forms. The eggs of the endoparasitic forms are smaller and more numerous than those of the ectoparasitic division. The early stages of development are sometimes passed through in the uterus, but in some cases the segmentation does not begin till after ovi- position. Most Trematodes lay their eggs, but a few are viviparous (Gyrodadylus). The just hatched young either possess (in most ectoparasitic forms, Heterocotylea) the form and organisation of the parent (Fig. 186), * A. Looss, "Beitrage z. Kenntniss der Trematoden," Z. f. w. Z., 41, 185, p. 420-427. 228 PLATYHELMINTHES. in which case there is no intermediate host and no alternation of generations : such forms are monogenetic, and are mostly ecto- parasites; or they have the form of ciliated larvae (Mimcidium) which pass into an intermediate host, and eventually become transformed into the adult without alternation of generations : such forms are monogenetic and metastatic, and are endoparasites ; or they undergo a change of host and present the phenomenon of a complicated alternation of generations, in which the miracidium larva develops into an asexual form whicfc reproduces itself : such forms are called digenetic, and are all endoparasites. In the monogenetic forms the relatively large eggs become, in most cases, attached on the place FIG. 180. Embryonic development of Distomum tereticollc (after H. Schauinsland). a, egg after hardening in picric acid ; Es shell ; E ovum ; D yolk-cells, b, the yolk has been largely used up by the embryonic cells ; // the first-formed cells of the cellular membrane of the shell ; S operculum. c, later stage, the shell membrane H surrounds the embryo, the yolk D almost gone, d, later stage showing ectoblast EC, the internal mass being endoblast. e, later stage. /, a ripe embryo just before the hatching ; B setigerous plates with their nuclei. where the mother lives, and the young are hatched out as non-ciliated or partially ciliated forms (Polystomum integerrimum has transverse rows of cilia at hatching, Fig. 186). In the case of the metastatic and digenetic forms the eggs (relatively small in the Digened} are deposited in a damp place, usually in the water. In the Digenea* the ovum is placed next the operculum the pole of the egg where the anterior end of the future embryo will be formed (Fig. 180, E). It undergoes a total cleavage and gives rise to a solid cell-mass, from the surface of which is differentiated a cellular membrane (Fig. 180, H), which lines the shell and is * H. Schauinsland, "Beitrag z. k. d. embryonalen Entwicklung der Trema- toden," Jena, Zeitschrift, 16, 1883. TREMATODA. 229 left behind at hatching. Beneath this there is formed a second membrane (Ec) t which gives rise to the ectoderm of the just-hatched larva; this is ciliated in some forms (D. hepaticum, Fig. 182), but in others it develops a stout cuticular layer (D. tereticolle, Fig 180, e, EC). The peripheral cells of the contained cell-mass now differentiate a third membrane of 'flattened epithelial cells, while of the remaining cells those at the head end give rise to the rudiment of the alimentary canal the others becoming the germ cells of the larva. The embryo is now hatched, and becomes a small free larva the Miracidium. This, which may be ciliated (Fig. 182) or non-ciliated, or even pro- vided with stiff bristles (D. tereticolle, D. ovocaudatum), has a contractile body and often an x-shaped eye-spot; it is also provided with excretory canals in its walls, and in cases in which the structure has been fully examined, a sucker with a mouth opening, intestine, and a ganglion can be made out (Fig. 181). Further, between the intestine and the body-wall there are some ova-like cells the germ cells. This larva leaves the egg and, if ciliated, wanders about independently in search of FlG - isi. Anterior pole of an , ,, egg of the liver-fluke with a host, through the body-wall of Which it fully developed embryo, in bores its way ; if non-ciliated it is taken P tical section - The P robos - cis, with mouth, oesophagus, Up by the new host in its food. and intestine, the ganglion Sometimes the unhatched egg is swal- * nd w are visible (after Leuckart). lowed (D. lanceolatum) and the larva is set free in the alimentary canal. In any case the larva makes its way into the tissues of its host, which is a mollusc, usually a water-snail, and, casting its cuticularized or ciliated skin, becomes a sporocyst or a redia* The sporocyst (Fig. 182, I) is a hollow sac with excretory canals in its wall, and containing in its cavity a number of germ-cells ; a redia (Fig. 182, c) is like a sporocyst except that it contains a mouth at one end and an intestine, and two lateral processes near its hind end ; it likewise contains a cavity with germ- cells. The germ-cells of these organisms develop into more sporocysts or rediae, or into Cercariae* The Cercariae are young Trematodes, which eventually reach (often only after two migrations, an active * The miracidium generally becomes a sporocyst, rarely a redia (Monostomtnn flavmn and mutabile). The sporocyst may produce other sporocysts (D. cygnoides), or Cercariae direct, but generally gives rise to rediae (D. hepaticum, Diplodiscus subclavatus), which produce the Cercariae. 230 PLATYHELMINTHES. and a passive one) the final host, where they become sexually mature. They are furnished (Fig. 182, d) with an exceedingly motile caudal appendage, frequently with a buccal spine, and occasionally with eyes, and they present in the rest of their organization great resemblances to the adult, excepting that the generative organs are not developed. In this form they make their way out of the body of the redia or sporocyst, and of their host, and move about in the water, partly creeping and partly swimming. Here they either perish or find a new host (snail, worm* insect larva, crustacean, fish, FIG. 182. Stages in the life-history of Distomwm liepaticum. a, Miracidium (ciliated embryo), fc, Sporocyst with rediae R (after Leuckart). c, redia (after Thomas); D gut, C Cercaria, R redia, K germ-cells, rf, Cercaria (after Thomas). batrachian), into which they penetrate aided by the powerful vibra- tions of their tails ; they then lose the tail and encyst. The Cercariae thus become distributed amongst a number of hosts, and in each case give rise to an encysted form, which only differs from the adult in being without generative organs. This young Trematode migrates passively with the flesh of its host into the stomach of another animal, and thence, freed from its cyst, into the organ (intestine, liver, etc.) in which it becomes sexually mature. There are then, as a rule, three different hosts, in the organs of TREMATODA. 231 which the different stages (miracidium, sporocyst, redia, encysted form, sexually mature animal) of the digenetic Trematoda are buried. The transitions from one host to another are effected partly by independent migration (Miracidium, Cercaria), partly ]>y passive migration (encysted sexless adult). Modifications of the ordinary course of development may, however, take place; these may be either complications or simplifications. The embryo at hatching may contain a single redia (as in Monostomum flavum and mutabile), which it carries about till it enters the first host (Fig. 184, I). In some cases the course of development is simplified by the omission of the second intermediate host, viz., that which contains the encysted immature Trematode (Cercaria macrocerca of Dis- tomum cygnoides; also Leucochloridium, the sporocyst of Dis- tomum macrostomum, in the tentacles of Succinea ampJiilia ; D. hepaticum, in which the Cercaria encysts upon a blade Of grass). In other FlG . 184 ._a, Miracidium (ciUated cases the sporocysts FIG. 183.-A sporocyst produce rediae, which with contained Cerca- riae c, B boring spine produce Cercariae or of Cercariae. embryo) of Diplodiscus (Amphi- stomum) subclavatus (after G. Wagener). D intestine ; Ex ex- cretory vessels. 5, Miracidiun- of Monostomum, mutabile (after v. Siebold). p eye-spot ; R redia. more rediae (D. he- paticum). Further, there are unencysted young Distoma which never be- come sexually mature in their host (e.g. in the lens and vitreous humour of the vertebrate eye, in the jelly of Coelenterates). On the other hand encysted forms are known (Distomum agamos of Gammarids) which are sexually ripe and produce eggs within the cyst (? self -impregnation). The sporocyst may increase by division (e.g. the sporocyst of Cercaria minuta). The tail of the Cercaria may become transformed into a sporocyst, and after detachment produce a brood. Many forms possess great adaptability to changed conditions of life, e.g. D. echinatum, which proceeds from Cercaria echinata of Paludina vivipara and normally infests the intestine of the Duck 232 PLATYHELMINTHES. and of water birds ; it can, however, attain maturity in the intestine of the Dog, Mouse, and Rat. If we summarise the development of the endoparasitic Trematodes we get the following results : (1) Development with a non-ciliated larva, which changes direct into the sexual animal. No intermediate host, but transference to another individual. Aspidogaster and its allies. (2) Development with ciliated larva, which enters other animals (Molluscs, Hirudinea, Fishes, Amphibians, Mammals), there encysts, and takes on a second larval form (metastatic Trematodes). Holostomidae. (3) Development with ciliated or non-ciliated larva (Miracidium), which passes actively or passively into another animal (Mollusc), in which it becomes transformed into an asexual form (sporocyst or redia), which produces Cercariae either directly, or after the formation by internal budding and rarely by fission of more asexual forms. These are the larvae of the adult sexual animal, and they usually migrate into another host (Mollusc, or Crustacean, Insect, Fish, Amphibian* and even Mammal), where they lose their larval organs and encyst. Here they remain until they are passively transferred into the alimentary canal of their permanent host (almost always a Vertebrate), in which they become sexually mature (digenetic Trematodes). Most Malacotylea. The life-cycle of the digenetic Trematoda must he looked upon as an alterna- tion of generations of the variety called heterogamy. That is to say, the alternation is hetween a sexual generation (the so-called adult) and one or more parthenogenetically producing generations (sporocyst, redia). The Miracidium is a larva which, becoming parasitic, loses its gut, nervous system, etc., and degenerates into a sporocyst, or more rarely a redia. The sporocyst or redia possesses a kind of diffuse ovary in the germ-cells, which develop either into rediae or Cercariae (see above, p. 229). The redia is very similar to the sporocyst, but is not so degenerate. The Cercaria is simply the larva of the final stage ; it possesses special larval organs, e.g. tail and spine, which however may be absent in cases in which they are not required ; e.g. Macrostomum, in which the migration of the Cercaria into its final host is a passive one. On this view the germ-cells of the sporocysts and rediae are ova, and from what is known of the development (see p. 229), they seem to be set apart at an early stage (the end of cleavage). Some observers hold the view that we have to do here with a kind of embryonic fission at a very early stage, the divided off cells remaining latent for some time, and only developing later into sporocysts or rediae. But whatever view be taken of the reproduction of the sporocysts and rediae, there are two facts to be noted with regard to it ; (1) it starts, as does sexual reproduction, from a one-celled stage, and (2) the phases of the develop- ment of the so-called germ-cells, whether into rediae or Cercariae, seem closely to resemble what is known of the development of the fertilised ovum into the Miracidium. HETEROCOTYLEA. 233 Order 1. HETEROCOTYLEA = MONOGENEA. Body variously shaped. Anterior end with or without suckers; hind end always with a suctorial organ. The ectodermal epithelium is transformed into a cuticular layer except in the Temn6cepJialidae and in the lateral suckers of the Tristomidae. Eyes are present. The openings of the excretory organs are usually paired, dorsal and anterior ; rarely single and posterior. Always hermaphrodite ; male and female openings separate or united, ventral and usually anterior. A paired or unpaired vagina is generally present, opening ventrally or laterally, or more rarely dorsally. Eeproduction sexual; development direct, without metagenesis or heterogamy. For the most part external parasites, on the integu- ment, or in the mouth, nasal passages, branchial cavity, in some cases in the urinary bladder, of Fishes, Amphibia, Reptiles, and Crustacea. They are usually hatched in the locality inhabited by the mother. Some- times the development is a metamorphosis, and the young live in another place. The development of Polystomum integcrrimum, parasitic in the bladder of the frog, is the Lest known, owing to the researches of E. Zeller* (Fig. 186). The production of eggs begins in the spring, when the frog awakens from its winter sleep and proceeds to pair. It lasts from three to four weeks. It is easy then to observe the Polystoma in the process of reciprocal copulation. When the eggs are being laid, the parasite forces the anterior end of the body with the genital opening through the mouth of the bladder nearly as far as the anus. The development of the embryo takes place in water, and occupies a period of some weeks, so that the young larvae are not hatched until the tadpoles have acquired internal gills. The larvae (Fig. 186) are Gyrodactylus-like, and possess four eyes, a pharynx and alimentary canal, as well as a posterior disc for attachment, which is surrounded by sixteen hooks. They possess five transverse rows of cilia, three are ventral and anterior, two dorsal and posterior. There is also a ciliated cell upon the anterior extremity. The larvae now migrate into the branchial cavity of the tadpole, lose their cilia, and are transformed into young Polystoma by the formation of the two median * Z.f. w. Z., 22, 1872. FIG. 185. Polystomum inte- gerrimum (after E. Zeller). mouth ; Go genital open- ing ; D intestine ; W lateral papillae bearing openings of vaginae (Laurer's canal) ; Dg yolk - gland duct ; S sucker; Ov o vary ;H hooks. 234 PLATYHELMINTHES. FIG. 186. a, egg with embryo of Polystomum integerrimum ; &, larva of same. Dk oper- culum (after Zeller). hooks, and of the three pairs of suckers upon the posterior disc. The young Polystomum, eight weeks after the migration into the branchial cavity, at the time when the latter begins to abort, passes through the stomach and intestine into the bladder, and there only becomes sexually mature after three or more years. In some exceptional cases, and always when the larva has passed on to the gills of a very young tadpole, it becomes sexually mature in the branchial cavity of the latter. The forms then remain very small, are without the vaginae and uterus, and die after the production of a single egg, without e*er getting to the bladder. Fam. 1. Temnocephalidae. With 4 to 12 tentacles at the anterior end, and a posterior sucker without hooks or marginal membrane. The integu- ment consists of a cuticle, epidermis, and basement membrane ; in some cases it is, in part, ciliated. There are rhabdites in the tentacles. Mouth subterminal, a muscular pharynx (ab- sent in Craspedella),a,nd an unbranched intestine. A pair of contractile ex- cretory sacs opening anteriorly and dorsally. Genital pore single, ventral, and posterior ; it leads into an atrium, which receives the opening of the uterus and the penis. Eggs with stalk-like appendages, by means of which they are sometimes attached. They live as external parasites on Crustacea, Chelonia, and Mollusca of fresh waters, and feed on Infusoria, small insect-larvae, Rotifers, and Crustacea. They have been found in Australia, New Zealand, Malay Archipelago, S. America, India, and may be regarded as connecting links between the Turbellaria and Trematoda. Temnocephala Blanchard ; Craspedella Haswell. Fam. 2. Tristomatidae. With flattened, discoidal, or elongated body ; with two lateral anteriorly-placed suckers, and one large posterior sucker, often pro- vided with radiations and hooks. Parasitic on the skin or the gills of marine fishes, or on the bodies of parasitic marine Crustacea. Sub-fam. 1. Tristomidae. With flat body, two suckers, and a large ventral sucker ; genital opening and opening of vagina usually on the left. On the skin and gills of marine fishes. Nitzschia v. Baer ; Epibdella Blainv. ; Phyllonella v. Ben. and Hesse ; Trochopus Dies. ; Placundla v. Ben. and Hesse ; Tristomum Cuv. ; Acanthocotyle Montic. ; Encotyllcibe Dies. Sub-fam. 2. Monocotylidae. With flat body. Without lateral suckers, with small ventral sucker. Genital opening median, vagina paired. On skin, gills, or in cloaca of marine fishes. Pseudocotyle Ben. and Hesse ; Calicotyle Dies. ; Monocotyle Tschbg. Sub-fam. 3. TTdonellidae. With cylindrical body, with lateral suckers, and large simple ventral sucker. On parasitic Crustacea. Udonella Johnst. ; Echinella v. Ben. and Hesse ; Pteronella Ben. and Hesse. Fam. 3. Polystomatidae. With a more or less distinctly marked-off adhesive HETEROCOTYLEA. 235 organ at the hind end, bearing suckers and hooks ; usually with two oral suckers. On the gills of fishes, in Amphibia and Reptiles on the skin, nasal passages, or bladder. Sub-fam. 1. Octocotylidae. With two oral suckers and genital hooks ; adhesive organ Avith 4, usually 8 small suckers. On the gills of marine and f.w. fish. Octobothrium Leuck. ; Pleurocotyle Gerv. and Ben.; Diplozoon v. Nordrn. (Fig. 187). The animal is double, two individuals being fused to form an x-shaped double animal, the posterior ends of which are provided FIG. 187. Young Diplozoon (after Zeller). a, two young Diporpae beginning to attach them- selves together ; b, after complete attachment. mouth ; H posterior suckers ; Z dorsal papilla ; G ventral sucker. with two large suckers divided into four pits. In the young state they live solitarily as Diporpa ; they then possess a ventral sucker and a dorsal papilla (Fig. 187, a). The Diporpa is without generative organs ; these are not formed until after it has fused with another Diporpa to form the x-shaped Diplozoon (Fig. 187, b). The production of ova is confined to a definite period of the year, usually the spring. The eggs are laid singly after the forma- tion of the thread by which they are attached, and two weeks later the embryo (Fig. 188), which only differs from Diporpa in the possession of two eye - spots and a ciliated apparatus upon the sides and on the posterior extremity of the body, is hatched. When an opportunity of fixing itself on the gills of a fresh -water fish occurs, the young animal loses its cilia and becomes a Diporpa, which possesses the characteristic apparatus for attachment, and sucks the branchial blood. The junc- tion of two Diporpae can now take place ; this is not effected as was formerly believed, by the fusion of the two ventral suckers, but in such a manner that the ventral sucker of each animal affixes itself to the dorsal papilla of the other, and fuses with it (Fig. 187, b). In this fusion the vas deferens of the one animal is directly connected with the opening of the vagina of the other. D. paradoxum v. Nord. , on the gills of many fresh-water fish. AnthocotyU Ben. and Hesse; Vallisia Perugia - Par'ona ; FIG. 188. Egg (a) and larva (6) of Diplozoon (after Zeller). 236 PLATYHELMINTHES. Phyllocotyle Ben. and Hesse ; Hexacotyle Blainv. ; Platycotyle Ben. and Hesse ; Pledanocotyle Dies. Sub-fam. 2. Polystomidae. Without oral suckers and larger genital hooks. Adhesive disc usually with 6 suckers, and with hooks. On the gills of m. fishes, on the skin, gills, or in the bladder of Amphibia or Reptiles. Polystomum (Fig. 185) Zeder ; Onchocotyle Dies. ; Erpocotylc Ben. and Hesse ; Diplobothrium Leuck.; Sphyranura R. Wright. Sub-fam. 3. Microcotylidae. With two oral suckers, and with genital hooks. Adhesive disc with numerous suckers. On gills of in. fishes. Microcotyle Ben. and Hesse ; Gastrocotyle Ben. and Hesse ; Axine Abildgaard ; Pseudaxine Par. and Per. Sub-fam. 4. Gyrodactylidae. Usually without oral suckers. Anterior end with 2 or 4 cephalic lappets, or with sucker-like membrane ; excretory organs opening at the hind end ; adhesive disc usually with small radially arranged hooks, and 2 or 4 larger central hooks, without suckers. Repro- duction by eggs which are either laid, or develop within the mother into a young form which may itself produce a second generation while still in the parent, v. Siebold believed that he had observed a young animal developing from a germ-cell of Gyrodadylus, and that this became pregnant during its development. He regarded the Gyrodadylus as an asexual form since he failed to find organs for the production of sperm. G. Wagener, however, showed that the reproduction is sexual, and conceived the idea that the germs from which the second and third generations are formed are derived from the remains of the fertilized ovum, from which the first generation is formed. Metschnikoff too is of the opinion that the individuals of the first and second generations are formed at the same time from a common mass of similar embryonic cells. On gills or integument of fishes. Calceostoma Ben. and Hesse ; Gyrodadylus v. Nordm., G. elegans v. Nordm., from the gills of Cyprinoids and f. w. fishes ; Dadylogyrus Dies. ; Tdraonchus Dies. ; Amphibdella Chatin ; Dipledanum Dies. Order 2. ASPIDOCOTYLEA. Body very variously shaped. Adhesive apparatus ventral, large, round, oval, or elongated, more or less distinctly marked off from the body, and possessing numerous suckers arranged in one or several rows, without armature. Mouth terminal or sub-terminal without oral sucker; oesophagus short, with a more or less developed pharynx; intestine saccular. Genital pore median, ventral, anterior to adhesive organ; penis sheath opens into widened end of uterus, which is much coiled; usually one testis; Laurer's canal absent; yolk-gland paired. Eggs without filaments. Excretory organs open posteriorly by one, somewhat dorsally placed, pore. Development direct with simple metamorphosis. A ciliated covering is not developed during the embryonic development. Parasitic in the alimentary canal and gall bladder in Chelonia and fishes, and in different organs in Molluscs. MALACOTYLEA. 237 Fam. Aspidobothridae. With the characters of the order. Aspidogaster v. Baer ; A. conchicola v. Baer, from the pericardial cavity of Anodonta and Unio. Platyaspis Mont. ; Cotylogaster Montic ; Macraspis Olss. Order 3. MALACOTYLEA = DIGENEA. ^ Body variously shaped. Being internal parasites the adhesive apparatus is, as a rule, feebly developed, consisting of two suckers, one the oral sucker at the anterior end, and the other (less frequently present) on the ventral surface, or at the hind end. An armature of chitinous hooks is never present on the posterior sucker, and only exceptionally on the anterior sucker. Additional adhesive organs are occasionally present (Holostomatidae, Amphistomatidae). Mouth terminal or sub-terminal, exceptionally on the middle of the ventral surface (Gasterostomum), almost always surrounded by a sucker; eyes exceptionally present. Excretory organs open posteriorly by a terminal or dorsal pore. Hermaphrodite, except Bilharzia and possibly one or two other forms.* Genital organs open close to one another, or into an atrium. Genital pores usually on the ventral surface anteriorly, rarely placed posteriorly, or laterally, or at the front end. One ovary and usually two testes; yolk-gland paired, rarely unpaired. Laurer's canal usually present. Eggs usually without filaments, with operculum. Life-history with alternation of generations (digenetic, except Holostomidae) and more than one host. The sexual form is parasitic in the alimentary canal, and its appendages, of Vertebrates f ; the asexual generations in Mollusca, and the encapsuled larva in Invertebrata and lower Vertebrata. Insectivorous birds are particularly infested by them. It may be of interest to gourmets to know that the trail of a woodcock largely consists of distomic Trematodes. Fam. 1. Holostomatidae (Metastatica). With two suckers, and a peculiar adhesive apparatus behind the ventral sucker on the anterior region of the hody. Body divided into an anterior flattened and a posterior cylindrical region (Fig. 189). Genital organs in the posterior region, and genital opening at the hind end. In the alimentary canal of birds, reptiles, and mammals, rarely in am- phibia and fishes. The eggs are large and not very numerous, and hatch out * Dimorphic forms are found in certain species of Monostomum and Distomum in connection with the division of labour of the sexual functions ; one individual develops only male organs, and the other only female, the former producing spermatozoa, and the latter ova. The vestige of the functionless generative gland undergoes in these cases a more or less complete degeneration. Such forms are morphologically hermaphrodite, but practically of separate sexes. t There are a few exceptions to this rule, e.g., Distomum Echiuri in the nephridia of Echiurus pallasii, and D. rhizophysae in the gastrovascular apparatus of the siphonophore Rhizophysa conifera. 238 PLATYHELMINTHES. as ciliated larvae (of the miracidium type), which probably make their way into an intermediate host (fish, amphibian, mollusc, mammal), in which they develop into a larva known as Tetracotyle (usually with four suckers). The Tetracotyle probably becomes directly transformed into the adult when the intermediate host is eaten by the permanent host. This kind of development, in which there is a change of host but no alternation of genera- Dra Ms tions, is called metastatic. Diplostomum Brds. ; Polycotyle Will, and Schm. ; Hemi- stomum Brds. (Fig. 189) ; Holostomum Nitzsch. Fam. 2. Amphistomatidae. Digenetic forms with two suckers ; the posterior (ven- tral) sucker is terminal, and on it or just in front of it there are sometimes numerous papillae or pits for attachment. Genital opening median, ventral, in anterior third of body. Eggs with operculum, without fila- ment. In alimentary canal of Vertebrata. Amphistommn Rud.; Diplodiscus'Die.s.', Gas- trodiscus Cobb.; Homalogaster Poir.; Gastro- thylax Poir. ; Aspidocotyle Dies. Fam. 3. Distomatidae. Digenetic forms with two suckers ; the posterior sucker is on ventral surface. Genital opening median, in anterior third of body, anterior to ventral sucker, rarely behind the latter or lateral. Eggs usually with operculum, without fila- ment. Laurer's canal usually present. In alimentary canal and its appendages of Verte- brates. Distomum Retz., D. hepaticum L. liver-fluke (Fig. 179) ; with conical anterior end and numerous spine-like prominences on the surface of the broad, leaf-shaped body, which is about 33 mm. long. In the bile- ducts of sheep and of other domestic animals, causing sheep-rot. It is occasionally found in man, and bores its way into the portal vein and into the system of the vena cava. The embryo is hatched after the egg has been some time in water as a ciliated larva (Fig. 182), with an x-shaped eye-spot ; this passes into the water-snail Limnaea truncatula, and there casts its ciliated skin and emerges as a sporocyst. The sporocyst produces rcdiae, which produce more rediae or Cer- cariae. The Cercariae, which are provided with long tails, leave the host, swim about for a short time in water, and then encyst upon foreign objects, e.g., blades of grass. In this condition they are eaten by the sheep. D. crassum Busk, perhaps identical with D. rathouisi Poir. (Fig. 190) in the intestine of Chinese. D. lanceolatum Mehlis, body lancet-shaped, 8- 9 mm. long, lives in same place as D. hepaticum; the miracidium is pear-shaped, ciliated on FIG. 189. Hemistotmim clathratum Dies., from the gut of Lutra bra- siliensis, ventral view (from Bronn, after Brandes). M.s oral sucker; ovary ; Ut. uterus, the open- ing of the uterus is rather indis- tinctly rendered, just below the lower Ut. ; H testis ; V.s. vesicula seminalis ; Dr.a openings of glands Dr. ; z ventral adhesive apparatus, the ventral sucker is just in front of this ; Sch shell-glands. MALACOTYLBA. 239 anterior half of body only, and bears a styliform spine on the projecting apex. D. conjunct-urn Cobb., lancet-shaped, 12 mm. long, in the liver of dog, rarely on man, East Indies. D. spathulatum R. Leuck. = D. sinense Cobb., in liver of man and cat in Japan and China ; D. pulmonale Bolz, in the lungs of man in Japan and China. D. ophthal- mobium Dies., a doubtful species, 4 specimens only found, in the lens-capsule of a nine-months child. D. heterophyes in the intestine of jnan in Egypt. D. macrostomum End. (Fig. 191), in the intestine of insectivorous birds, with genital pore at hind end. The eggs are consumed by the snail, Sttccinea amphibia, in the gut of which the miracidium is set free ; this makes its way through the gut -wall into the tissues, and becomes a branched sporocyst, known as Leu- cochloridium paradoxum. Some of the branches extend into the tentacles, to which they give a peculiar appearance by their colouring of green and white bands and red tip. A bird, attracted by this, pecks off the tentacle, and so swallows a branch of the sporocyst, in which have been formed tailless Cercariae. The latter are thus transferred to the intestine of the final host. The remarkable feature about this life-history is that the Cercaria is never free, and is without a Fio. 190. Distomum rathouisi Poir., after Leuckart. FIG. 191. Life-history of Distomum macrostomum, after Heckert. a, Sucdnea amphibia contain- ing a ripe sporocyst of a Leucochloridium in its right tentacle. b, Leucochloridium paradoxum isolated, c, Cercaria (tailless) ready for transference in a double membrane, d, sexual Distomum macrostomum; D yolk-glands ; T testis ; Ov ovary ; LK canal of Laurer. The open- ings of the vas deferens and uterus are at the hind end. 240 PLATYHELMIXTHES. tail. Rhopalophorus Dies.; Koellik.eria Cobb., dioecious, living in pairs con- tained in cysts in the mucous membrane of the mouth and branchial cavity of fishes ; the one individual is cylindrical and narrow, and produces sperma- tozoa ; the other is swollen in the middle and posterior region of the body, and is rilled with eggs. The dissimilar condition of the two individuals is probably due to the fact that copulation only leads to the fertilization of one of them, which alone is able to perform the female sexual functions. K. filicolle Rud. (D. Okenii Roll.) in Brama Raji. Bilharzia* Cobb. (Fig. 192), dioecious ; body elongated, nematode-like ; the female is slender and cylindrical ; the male has powerful suckers and the margins of its body are bent round so as to form a groove the canalis gynaecophorus for the reception of the female ; they live in pairs in the blood-vessels of mammals. B. haematobia Cobb., portal veins and veins of bladder of man in most parts of Africa. The embryos, which are ciliated, escape by the urethra. By the deposition of masses of eggs in the vessels of the mucous membrane of the ureter, bladder, and great intestine, inflammation is set up which may cause haematuria and stone. B. crassa Sons., in Bos taurus domesticus ; B. magnet, Cobb., in Cercopithecus fuliginosus. Fam. 4. Gasterostomatidae. With the anterior sucker only ; mouth on the ventral surface, not in the sucker ; eggs with operculum, without filament. Genital opening terminal, at hind end. The Cercaria is known as Bucephalus, and has a bifid tail. In alimentary canal of fishes. Gasterostomum v. Sieb. Fam. 5. Didymozoonidae. With the anterior sucker only ; mouth in the sucker ; gut present or absent. Hermaphrodite, but live in pairs in cysts. Eggs with operculum without filament. Genital pore in front of the oral sucker, terminal. On the integument, or in the mouth and branchial cavity of marine fishes. Didymozoon Tschbg. ; Nematobothrium v. Ben. Fam. 6. Monostomatidae. With only one anterior sucker. Mouth in the sucker. Genital pore usually in front, median, ventral. Eggs often with two fila- ments. Laurer's canal usually absent. In alimentary canal of most vertebrate classes. Monostomum, Zed.; M. lentis v. Nord. , the young form without generative organs is found in the lens of the human eye ; M. bipartitum Wedl., living in pairs enclosed in a common cyst, the one individual surrounded by the posterior lobe of the other, branchiae of Tunny- fish ; Notocotyle Dies. ; Ogmogaster Jaegerskiold ; Opisthotrema Leuck. THE DICYEMIDAE AND ORTHONECTIDAE.t The systematic position of these forms is obscure : it will, hoAvever, be con- venient to place them provisionally near the Trematoda. They all consist of an * G. Fritsch, " Zur Anat. d. Bilharzia haematobia Cobb.," Arch. f. Mic. AnaL, 31, 1888. t C. 0. Whitman, "A contribution to the embryology, life^history, and classification of the Dicyemids," Naples Mittheilungen, Bd. 4. 1882. Julin C., "Contribution a 1'histoire cles Mesozoaires," Arch, de Biologic, Bd. 3, 1882. FIG. 192. Bilharzia haema- tobia. Male and female, the latter being in the catialis gynaecophorus of the former. S sucker. DICYEMIDAE ORTHONECTIDAE. 241 outer layer of ciliated cells surrounding an inner mass, which in the Dicyemidae consists of a protoplasmic mass with many nuclei, and in the Orthonectidae (single genus Rhopalura) of a mass of cells compacted together. None of them have a digestive cavity. The Dicyemidae are parasitic in the kidneys of Cephalopoda, the Orthonectidae in the gut of Turbellarians, in the, body- wall and tissue-spaces of Nemertines, and in the body-cavity and broocT pouches of Ophiurids. h-Cy iS FIG. 193. Rhopalura Giardii. a, male; 5, cylindrical female of the same (after E. v. Beneden). FIG. 194. Dicyemopsis macrocephalus (after v. Beneden). In the Dicyemidae egg-like germs are found in the central plasmic mass which give rise to embryos : no spermatozoa have been found (Fig. 194). In Ortho- nectidae both spermatozoa and ova are found in the central mass, and in different individuals. No light is thrown upon their affinities by their development. The Orthonectidae possess a layer of fibres, presumably muscular, between the outer cells and the inner mass. The males are smaller than the females (Fig. 193); and there are two kinds of females the cylindrical forms (Fig. 193, b) and the flattened forms. The history of these forms is obscure. Both forms produce eggs, and are supposed to leave the host to wander into a R 242 PLATYHELMINTHES. new host, where the cylindrical female ends her existence in the act of expelling her eggs, while the flat female breaks up into a number of sacs, each enclosing a number of ova. The eggs of the cylindrical female are probably fertilised, while those of the flattened form are supposed to develop parthenogenetically. The Dicyemidae have two kinds of embryos (hence the name of the group) the infusori- form (Fig. 196) and the vermiform (Fig. 195) which arise from the egg-like germs in the central plasmic mass. They arise in indi- viduate of slightly different form the indi- viduals producing vermiform embryo are called nematogens and are longer and thinner than those producing infusoriform embryos, which are called rhombogens. The rhom- bogens, however, after producing a certain number of infusoriform embryos become nematogens and produce vermiform embryos. The vermiform embryo changes directly into the parent form. The infusoriform embryo is very different from the parent, and its fate is unknown. Very possibly it has the power of making its way out of its host, and so distributing the species. No males or sperma- tozoa have been observed in the Dicyemidae, and it has been suggested that the infusori- form embryos are immature males, or that they contain the male elements. Whitmtin indeed states that he has found them in a modified form within nematogenic adults. The origin of the egg-like germs within the central plasmic mass has been described as a case of endogenous cell-formation; i.e. a nucleus gathers round itself a certain amount of protoplasm, Avhich becomes delimited, to FIG. 195. A-D, stages in the develop- ment of the vermiform embryos of Dicyema; A, of Dicyemennea eledones (after Whitman) ; B-D, of Dicyema typus (after E. van Beneden). Ax axial cell ; K nucleus of the axial cell ; Kz germ cells (from Korschelt and Heider). FIG. 196. Infusoriform embryos and their development. A-D, of Dicyema typus ; E-G, of Dicyemella Wagnerii (after van Beneden from Balfour). A-C, developing embryos ; D, embryo from the ventral side, E from the right side, F from the front ; G side view of the urn isolated, gr granular bodies in the urn ; I bed of urn ; u floor of the urn ; r refractive bodies. CESTODA. 243 an extent and in a manner which has not been ascertained, from the" surrounding plasma. By some naturalists the Dicyemidae and the Orthonectidae have been regarded as survivals of a most primitive Metazoan group of a group possibly inter- mediate between the Protozoa and the Metazoa, and they have b^en grouped together as Mesozoa. There does not, however, appear to us to be any sufficient reason for this view, especially when we remember their parasitic habit. We are inclined to regard them as allied to the Trematoda, to the miracidium larva of which they do present some considerable resemblance. Trichoplax, which may be mentioned here, has been found in salt-water aquaria (F. E. Schulze, Zool. Anzeiger 6). It is a small, flattened organism (1-3 mm. in diameter), and consists of a sponge-work of protoplasm, with nuclei at the nodes, and continuous with processes of the surface epithelial cells. The latter are ciliated on the lower surface of the animal. Nothing is known of the reproduction. Salinella is another form which may be mentioned here (Frenzel, Arch, f Naturg., 58, 1891). It has only been found in aquaria. Order 3. CESTODA.* Elongated and usually segmented Platyhelminthes without mouth or alimentary canal, with organs for attachment at the anterioi' extremity. The tape-worms (Fig. 196), which may easily be recognised by their band-shaped, usually segmented bodies, are parasitic in the alimentary canal of Vertebrata, and were formerly taken for single animals. Steenstrup was the first to introduce a different view, according to which the tape-worm is a colonial animal (Strobild), a chain of single animals, each segment or proglottis being an individual. There are, however, Cestoda, like Caryophyllaeus (Fig. 212), which are destitute both of external segmentation and of * Besides the older works and papers of Pallas, Zeder, Bremser, Rudolphi, Diesing, and others, compare van Beneden, "Les vers cestoides ou acotyles," Brussels, ]850. Kiichenmeister, Ueber Cestoden im Allgemeinen und die des Menschen insbesondere, Dresden, 1853. V. Siebold, Ueber die Band- und Blasen- wiirmer, Leipzig, 1854. G. Wagener, "Die Entwickelung, der Cestoden," Nov. Act. Leop.-Car., torn. 24, Suppl., 1854. G. Wagener, Beitrag zur Entwicke- lungsgeschichte der Eingeweidewiirmer, Haarlem, 1857. R. Leuckart, Die Blasenbandwurmer und ihre Entwickelung, Giessen, 1856. R. Leuckart, The Parasites of Man, vol. 1, 1886, London. F. Sommer and L. Landois, "Ueber den Bau der geschlechtsreifen Glieder von Bothriocephalus latus," Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., 1872. F. Sommer, "Ueber den Bau und die Entwickelungs- geschichte der Geschlechtsorgane von Taenia mediocanellata und Taenia solium," Ibid., torn. 24, 1874. M. Braun, Zur Entwick. gesch. des breiten Bandivurines ( Bothriocephal i Entwick. Nervensystei La Structure anat. et hist, des Cesto'ides, Geneva, 1888. B. Grassi u. G. Rovelli, "Embryol. Forsch. an Cestoden," Centralbl. f. BaJcteriol., 5, 1889. M. Braun, "Vermes" in Bronn's Thierreich, 4, 1895. 0. v. Linstow, Compendium der Helminthologie, Hannover, 1878 ; and Nachtrag to the same, 1889. 244 PLATYHELMINTHES. segmentation of the generative organs ; while in other cases the segments of the body are clearly differentiated, and each is provided with a set of generative organs, but they do not attain individual independence (Ligula). The proglottides, however, usually become separated off, and after their separation from the body of the tape-worm continue to live for some time independently, and in some cases even increase considerably in size, if they remain within the intestine of their host (Echeneibotliriuin, Calliobothrium, etc.). The proglottis after separation rrfHy remain for a certain time in the intestine, but eventually makes its way either passively in the faeces (e.g. T. solium), or actively by its own movement ( T. saginata) to the exterior per anum. Here it retains its vital power for a short time, and crawling away from the faeces ascends the stalks of plants. It soon dies, and the body decomposes and the eggs are scattered; or in some cases the eggs escape through a rupture in the body-wall, and are left as a trail on the objects over which the proglottis crawls. The eggs soon lose their vitality in a dry atmosphere. The proglottides of T. saginata, which have consider- able powers of movement, have been found on the wall a yard above the bed of their quondam host, and they frequently creep over his warm body. These facts seem to be sufficient to justify the view that the tape-worm is a colonial or polyzoic animal, the individual members of which have the power of separate and independent life. At the same time the existence of monozoic forms like Archigetes (Fig. 211) and Caryopliyllaeus (Fig. 212) must not be forgotten: in these the Cestodariidae there is only one set of generative organs, and the body is unsegmented ; the head and body not being sharply distinguished. It would appear that these monozoic forms of Cestoda have the same relation to the proglottis that Lucernaria has to Aurelia in the Acalephae. Just as the Lucernaria may be compared to a Scyphistoma, which develops generative organs and does not strobilate, so an Archigetes may be looked upon as a scolex, which becomes sexual but does not bud off proglottides (i.e. does not develop into a strobila). This is the only satisfactory mode of regarding the Cestoda; especially as the entire tape-worm, and not the proglottis alone, corresponds to the Trematode, and is to be regarded as being derived from the latter by a simplification of organization and loss of the alimentary canal. The anterior part of the tape-worm is narrow, and presents a CESTODA. 245 FIG. 196. Head of Taenia solium, viewed from the front (apical surface), with rostellum and double circle of hooks. The four suckers are visible (from Clans). rostellum, which is armed with a circle of hooks, while the lateral surfaces of the head are furnished with four suckers (Taenia, Fig. 196a). In other cases only two suckers are present (Bottiriocepk- alus) ; or we find suckers of more complicated structure and beset with hooks (Acanthobothmum), or four protrusible proboscises beset with recurved hooks (Tetrarhynchus, Fig. 198) ; while in other genera the head armature presents various special forms. That portion of the animal, which follows the head and is distin- guished as the neck, shows, as a rule, the first traces of commencing segmentation. The rings, which are at first faintly marked and very narrow, become more and more distinct and gradually larger the further they are removed from the head. At the posterior extremity the segments or proglottides are largest, and have the power of becoming detached. terminal swelling by which it at- taches itself. This anterior swollen part is distinguished as the head of the tape-worm, but it is mainly its external form which entitles it to this name. In Caryophyllcteus the head armature is very weak, and consists of a lobed fringed expan- sion. The apex of the head often ends in a conical projection, the FIG. 197. Taenia saginata (mediocanel- lata), natural size (after R. Leuckart). 246 PLATYHELMINTHES. The simplicity of the internal organization corre spends with the simple appearance of the external structure. Like the Trematoda, the Cestoda are said to possess no epithelial ectoderm. Beneath the cuticle -like outer membrane is a layer of spindle-shaped cells lying at right angles to the surface ; their external ends abut upon the cuticle, and their inner ends are prolonged as fibres into the parenchyina. Beneath this layer there is a delicate superficial layer of longitudinal muscular fibres, and next a parenchyma of connective tissue, in which strongly-developed bundles of longitudinal muscular fibres, as well as an inner layer of circular muscles, are embedded ; both these muscular layers are traversed, principally at the sides of the body, by groups of dorso-ventral muscular fibres. The power which the proglottis possesses of altering its form is due to the interaction of all these FIG. 198. Young muscles. By means of them it is able to shorten Tetrarhynchus with itself considerably, at the same time becoming beginning segment- J ' . ation. The four ex- much broader and thicker, or to elongate to double the^o^recting its normal length, becoming much thinner. In the loops in the head, connective tissue parenchyma of the body, not only velif^ar^visiWe the muscles, but all the other organs are embedded, (from ciaus). In its peripheral portion, especially in the neigh- bourhood of the head, we find small densely packed calcareous concretions, which are prob- ably contained in connective tissue cells. The nervous system consists of two lateral longitudinal cords passing exter- nally to the main trunks of the excretory system. They are somewhat swollen in the head, where they are connected by a transverse commissure ; these anterior swellings and the commissure may repre- sent a cephalic ganglion. In Moniezia the lateral nerves are connected by two transverse commissures at the hind end of each proglottis. Distinct sense-organs FlG> i 99 ._ H ead of a Taenia with are wanting, but the tactile sense may be the four suckers, and the con- . necting loops of the excretory ascribed to the Skin, especially to that Of canal (after Pintner). CESTODA. 247 the head and the suckers. An alimentary canal is also wanting. The nutritive fluid, already prepared for absorption by the host, passes endosmotically through the body-wall into the parenchyma. The excretory apparatus, on the contrary, attains a considerable development as a system of much ramified canals which are distributed throughout the whole body.* It consists primarily of two longi- tudinal canals (a dorsal and a ventral f), running along each side of the body and connected in the head and in each segment by trans- verse trunks (Figs. 198, 199). According to the state of contraction of the muscular system these longitudinal trunks and cross branches appear sometimes straight and some- times bent in a wavy or zigzag manner : their breadth also presents considerable variation, so that the power of contraction has been ascribed to their walls. The longi- tudinal trunks only serve as the efferent ducts of a system of very fine vessels which ramify through- out the whole parenchyma and receive numerous long tubes : the latter begin in the parenchyma with closed funnels, which contain a vibratile ciliated lappet (Fig. 200). The larger vessels are said to con- tain valves. In many cases, as in Ligula and Caryophyllaeus, these longitudinal trunks are broken up into numerous longitudinal vessels, which are connected by transverse anastomoses. In other cases, on the other hand, the two ventral vessels are enlarged at the cost of the two dorsal, which may entirely atrophy. The external opening of the excretory system is, as a rule, placed at the posterior end of the body, i.e., at the hind end of the last segment, in which a small vesicle with an external opening receives the longitudinal trunks. According to the observations of Leuckart on Taenia cucumerina, the posterior transverse canals in the segments immediately preceding * Compare Th. Pintner, " Untersuchungen iiber den Bau des Bandwurm- korpers," Wien, 1880. t These surfaces are distinguished by the generative apparatus (see below). FIG. 200. A portion of the excretory system of Caryophyllaeus mutabilis (after Pintner). Wb ciliated funnels with the nucleus of the cell belonging to them. 248 PLATYHELMINTHES. the last become, by their gradual shortening and the approach of the longitudinal trunks, transformed into the vesicle, which acquires an external opening when the segment behind it is detached. In rare cases the excretory system possesses additional openings in the anterior part of the body behind the suckers, and elsewhere. The generative apparatus is repeated in each proglottis. The male apparatus consists of numerous small vesicles, the testes (Fig. 201, T), which are situated nearer one surface of the proglottis than the other ; this surface is distinguished as the dorsal surface. Delicate ducts proceed from the testes to open into a common efferent FIG. 201. Proglottis of Taenia saginata, with male and female organs (after Sommer). Ov ovary ; Ds yolk-gland (vitellarium) ; Sd shell-gland ; Ut uterus ; T testes ; Vd vas deferens ; Cb pouch of the cirrus ; K generative cloaca ; Va vagina. duct (vas deferens). The coiled end of this duct lies in a muscular pouch (cirrus sheath), whence it can be protruded through the genital opening as the so-called cirrus. This cirrus is frequently beset with spines which are directed backwards, and serves as a copulatory organ. The female generative organs consist of ovary, yolk-gland, shell-gland, uterus, receptaculum, and vagina. The vagina and vas deferens usually open into a common genital cloaca, which lies either on the ventral surface of the segment (Bothriocephalus), or on the lateral margin (Taenia) (Fig. 201). In the last case it may be placed alternately on the right and on the left side. Sometimes the two genital openings are widely separate, the male opening being CESTODA. 249 placed at the side, the female on the surface of the segment. In other cases there are two sets of generative organs in each segment, opening on the right and left margins (Dipylidium). In the Bothrio- cephalidae and other forms (possibly in all Cestodes except the Taeniadae) the uterus has a special opening of its own to the exterior in addition to the vagina, which opens close to the vas def erens (Fig. 216). This opening is comparable to the uterine opening in Trematoda, differing from the latter in being remote from the male opening. The vagina of Cestodes, which is not used for the exit of eggs, even when there is no uterine opening (see above, p. 244), must be compared to the canal of Laurer in the Trematoda. In forms with a special uterine opening, eggs are deposited through it while the proglottis is part of the chain in the intestine. When there is no uterine opening, the eggs are only set free by the rupture of the proglottis after it has broken away from the chain and reached the exterior. As the segments increase in size and become further removed from the head, the contained generative organs gradually reach maturity in such a way that the male generative organs arrive at maturity rather earlier than the female. As soon as the male elements are mature, copulation is said to take place, and the receptaculum seminis is filled with sperm, and then only do the female generative organs reach maturity. The method of sperm -transference is not fully understood. The penis is sometimes found projecting from the genital opening (Fig. 207), and Leuckart states that he has seen it inserted into the vagina of the same proglottis, thus being in a position to effect self-fertilization. In other cases it has been found (Pagenstecher) inserted into the vagina of another proglottis of the same chain. There is also the possibility of copulation between the proglottides of different chains in the same host, though this has not been observed ; and it may be that in some cases the penis is used, like that of the Turbellaria, for hypodermic injection of spermatozoa. Finally we must admit the possibility of the sperm passing out into the fluids of the intestine in which the body of the tape-worm is bathed, and of the spermatozoa so set free migrating in sufficient numbers into the vagina of other proglottides. The ova are fertilized and pass into the uterus, which then assumes its characteristic form and size. As the uterus becomes distended, the testes and then the ovaries and vitellaria are more or less com- pletely absorbed (Fig. 202). The posterior proglottides, viz., those which are ready for separation, have alone undergone full develop- ment, and the eggs in their uterus often contain completely developed embryos. Accordingly we can recognize in a continuous series of the 250 PLATYHELMINTHES. segments the course of development passed through hy the sexual organs and products in their origin and gradual progress towards maturity. An examination of the segments between that with the first trace of the generative organs and the first proglottis with fully developed organs will give us an idea of the stages of structure through which each segment has to pass. The tape-worms are ovi- parous ; either the embryo develops within the egg-shell in the body of the mother, or the development takes place outside the proglottis, for example, in water (Bothriocephal'm). FIG. 202 Ripe proglottides ready to sepa- rate, a, of Taenia soliiim; b, of Taenia saginata. We water - vascular (excretory) canal (from Glaus). FIG. 203. Egg with embryo : a, of Taenia solium ; b, of Microtaenia; c, larva of Bothmocepliahis latiis (after R. Leuckart). The eggs are round or oval and of small size (Fig. 203) : they consist of the minute ovum embedded in yolk-cells and surrounded by a membrane, which is thin when the development takes place in the uterus, and thick and provided with an operculum when it occurs only after oviposition (Bothriocepholidae, etc.). The early develop- ment appears to be closely similar to that of Trematodes; the segmentation is complete, and is followed by the epibolic formation of two membranes, of which the outer, lining the inner surface of the shell in the BothriocepTialidae (Fig. 204), is called the shell or enveloping membrane, the inner being the so-called ectoderm or outer layer. These two membranes surround the rest of the embryo, which we shall call the inner mass. The enveloping membrane is CESTODA. 251 left in the shell at hatching, and the outer layer either becomes thick and ciliated, as in some Bothriocephalidae (Fig. 203, c), or thin and not ciliated as in other Bothriocephalidae and Taenias which inhabit aquatic animals, or finally it becomes cuticularised as a thick, radially striated layer (Fig. 203, a), as in the Taenias which infest land animals (protection against desiccation). Meanwhile, either while the embryo is free (Bofhrioceplialidae), or while it is within the uterus of the mother, the inner mass develops six hooks, and becomes the six-hooked embryo or Onchosphere (Fig. 205, 6). In the Bothriocephalidae the further history of the embryo is unknown; it loses its ciliated coat and probably soon dies, unless it migrates into its next host, which is unknown. In other cases, in which the life-history has been followed, the development of the embryo into the asexual scolex rarely takes place in the intestine of the original host. It is said to do so in Taenia (Hymenolepis) nana (see p. 261), and it has been suggested that it might occur in the stomach of the same animal, if by reversed peristalsis a ripe proglottis was passed back into the stomach, and there digested (T. saginata). As a rule the Scolex, i.e. the head and neck of the tape-worm, is developed from the six-hooked embryo in another host, and in some cases (Coenurus, Echino- coccus) more than one scolex arises from a single embryo (Fig. 206). The eggs usually leave the intestine of the host in the proglottis, either by active migration or in the faeces. The proglottides are deposited on the ground or in water. Here they crawl about and deposit their eggs as described on page 244, but they soon die, especially if the temperature is unfavourable and the air dry. The embryo, which in the case of the land forms is protected against desiccation by the thick cuticle described above, retains its vitality for a time, which depends on the external conditions. Eventually it dies, unless it passes into the stomach of a suitable host. As a rule this host is an herbivorous or omnivorous animal, but it may be a carnivorous animal. The embryos are usually taken up in the food, or in drinking water, but occasionally they enter accidentally FIG. 204. Embryo of Bothrio- cephalus latus pressed out of the egg. EG outer layer (so- called ectoderm) ; Hm the shell (enveloping) membrane. 252 PLATYHELMINTHES. in consequence of dirty habits. * As soon as the egg membranes are digested or burst by the action of the juices of the stomach of the new host, the embryos, or onchospheres as they are called, which have been thus set free, bore their way into the gastric or intestinal vessels by means of their six (rarely four) hooks, the points of which can be approached and removed from one another over the periphery of the small globular embryonic body (Fig. 205, I). When they are once within the vascular system, they are no doubt carried along passively by the current of blood, g,nd transported by a longer or shorter route into the capillaries of the different organs, as the liver, lungs, muscles, brain, etc. After losing their hooks, they usually become enveloped by a cyst of the connective tissue of their host, d Fi'> 205. Stages in the development of Taenia solium to the Cysticercus stage (partly after R. Leuckart). a, egg with embryo ; 6, free embryo ; c, rudiment of the head as a hollow papilla on the wall of the vesicle ; d, bladder- worm with retracted head ; e, the same with protruded head, magnified about four times. and grow into large vesicles with liquid contents and a contractile wall. The vesicle gradually becomes a cystic or bladder worm by the formation of one (Cysticercus^ Fig. 205, e) or several (Coenurus) hollow buds, which are developed from the walls and project into the interior of the vesicle (Fig. 205, c). The armature of the tape-worm head (suckers and double circle of hooks) is formed on the inside and at the bottom of this invagination of the wall of the vesicle (Fig. 205, d). When these hollow buds are evaginated so as to form external appendages of the vesicle, they present the form and armature of the Cestode head, as well as a more or less developed * The habit of allowing dogs to lick the face and to feed off plates which their owners use is, to say the least of it, an unclean one, and should be avoided. t Exceptionally two or more heads are found in some Cysticercus forms. CESTODA. 253 neck, which presents even at this stage traces of segments (Fig. 205, e). The head and neck together constitute the scolex. In some cases (Echinococcus) the irregularly shaped maternal vesicle produces from its internal walls one or two generations * of secondary vesicles which project into it ; and the Cestode heads originate' in special small brood-capsules on these secondary vesicles (Fig. 206, a). In such cases the number of tape-worms which arise from one embryo FIG. 206. a, brood-capsule of Echinococcus with developing heads (after R. Leuckart). fo, brood- capsule of Echinococcus (after G. Wagener). c, heads of Echinococcusstill connected with the wall of the brood-capsule one is evaginated ; Vc excretory canals. is naturally enormous, and the parent vesicle may reach a very considerable size, being sometimes as large as a man's head. In consequence of this enormous growth the vesicles frequently obtain an irregular shape ; while on the other hand, the tape-worms which are developed from them remain very small, and carry, as a rule, only one ripe proglottis (Fig. 207). The cyst in which the bladder- worm lies, and which is caused by it, is called an hydatid cyst. * In Cysticerci (C. longicollis, tenuicollis) also, sterile daughter vesicles are sometimes budded off. 254 PLATYHELMINTHES. So long as the tape-worm head (scolex) remains attached to the body of the bladder-worm and in the host of the latter, it never develops into a sexually mature tape-worm ; although in many cases it grows to a considerable length (Cysticercus fasciolaris of the house-mouse). The bladder-worm must enter the alimentary canal of another animal before the head (scolex) can, after separation from the body of the bladder-worm, develop into the sexually mature tape-worm. This transportation is effected passively, the new host eating the flesh or organs of the Animal infected with Cysticerci. The tape-worms, therefore, are principally found in the Carnivora, the Insectivora, and the Omnivora, which receive the bladder-worms in the flesh of the animals on which they feed. The vesicles are digested in the stomach, and the cestode head becomes free as a scolex. The latter is, perhaps, protected from the too intense action of the gastric juice by its calcareous concretions, and at once enters the small intestine, fastens itself to the intestinal wall, and grows by gradual seg- mentation into a tape -worm. From the scolex the chain of proglottides proceeds as the re- sult of a growth in length accompanied by segmentation, a Fig. 2Q7.-Taenia process which is to be looked FIG 208.-C^fcem>id of f aS6XUal Sr T Le7c- kart), magnified duction (budding in the direction 12 to 15 times. Qf Taenia cucumerina, mag- nified 60 times (after R. Leuckart). ment of the scolex is then to be explained as a metamorphosis, characterized by the individualization of certain stages of the development. But the whole life-history is a case of metagenesis, inasmuch as the sexual proglottides alternate with the asexual scolex. The development of some tape-worms (Microtaeniinae) presents considerable simplifications. In the cysticercus stage the vesicle is represented by a small appendage (Fig. 209, b), in which the cavity is much reduced or absent. Such cysticercus forms are called Oysticercoids, in which an appendage bearing the embryonic hooks is distinct from a larger part which represents the scolex (Fig. 210). Cysticercoids are found principally in Invertebrates (Gammarids, Cyclops, Insects, Slugs, Oligochaetes). CESTODA. 255 The tape-worms found in herbivorous animals are probably derived from the Cysticercoids of Invertebrates,- but the inter- mediate host is generally unknown. The same may be said of the tape-worms of birds, only in this case the intermediate host is more often known. In some cases the caudal appendage, which is the homologue of the vesicle of the Cysticerci, is elongated (Fig. 210), and the Cysticercoids then present a considerable resemblance to the Cercaria of a Trematode. If this comparison is a just one, as it probably is, the Cysticercoid must be regarded as a more primitive larval form than the Cysticercus. Moreover Caryophyllaeus (Fig. 212) with its single set of generative organs and unsegmented body is probably the most primitive member of the group, and may be compared to the ordinary sexual Trematode. a FIG. 209. a, Echinococcus-like Cyst from the body -cavity of the earth-worm (after *E. Metschnikoff), containing three Cysticercoids ; b, Cysticercoid with evaginated head. FIG. 210. Cysticercoid of Taenia sinuosa from Gam- marus pulex (after Ha- mann). Amphilina (Fig. 213) and Amphiptyches are forms intermediate between the Trematodes and Cestodes, while Archigetes (Fig. 211) is either the most primitive Cestode, or a larval form which has become sexually mature. All the other Cestodes differ from the primitive Caryophyllaeus in the fissive reproduction which the body undergoes in the process of strobilization. The only part of the body which is not reproduced in this asexual increase is the organ of attachment; just as in the Scyphistoma (Fig. 132, g) all the organs of the body participate in the fission by which the epliyrae arise except the stalk of attachment. Finally it must be pointed out, that on this view Ligula is not a primitive, but a highly * Verh. d. Peter sburger Naturforsch. , 1868, Zool., p. 263. 256 PLATYHELMINTHES. specialized form, in which the sexual persons produced by division have lost their distinctness and do not separate from the colony. In other words, Ligula bears the same relation to a sharply seg- mented tape-worm that a hydroid colony with medusoids bears to a colony which buds off free-swimming medusae. Bothriocephalus, in which the segments separate off in groups (Fig. 214), may be regarded as a stage on the road to the condition found in Ligula. Fam. 1. Cestodariidae. The body is unsegmented and the generative organs are not repeated. Archigetes Lkt. A. Sieboldii Lkt. (Fig. 211), in the body- cavity of the generative segments of Tubifex rivulorum, about 3 mm. long, with caudal appendage (? Onchosphere) which carries three pairs of small hooks at its free end. The anterior end of the body has two weak suckers. Life-history unknown. The only Cestode which attains sexual maturity outside the Vertebrata. It is to be regarded as a Cestode retaining the Onchosphere, and still fixed by the embryonic hooks. Caryophyllaeus Mill!., elongated, no ex- ternal distinction between head and body, without suckers ; excretory opening at hind end ; genital pore on ventral surface of hind end, receives the vas deferens, uterus, and vagina. C. mutabilis Rud. (Fig. 212), intestine of Cyprinoids, asexual form probably in Tubifex rivulorum. Amphilina Wagoner, body-cavity of sturgeons, A. foliacca Rud. (Fig. 213). Body flattened, Trematode-like, 60 mm. long, pointed at one end which carries a sucker near by the opening of the uterus ( ; the vagina (Vg) and vas deferens (C) open at the other end; body -cavity of sturgeon; produces a partially ciliated hooked embryo, life -history unknown. Gyrocotyle Dies. (Amphiptyches Wagener), alimentary canal of Holo- cephali, a sucker at the anterior end, edge of body folded. Uterus, vagina, vas deferens open separately ; G. urna W. , alimentary canal of Chimaera. The Onchosphere probably passes into bivalves. Wageneria Monticelli, in Scymnus nicaeensis. Fam. 2. Bothriocephalidae. With only two suckers, which are weak and flat. Generative organs usually open on the flat surface of the proglottis. Proglottides are often detached in groups. Hydatid stage represented by an encysted scolex (Fig. 215), which is usually found in fishes. Bothridinm Blainv. (Solenophorus Creplin) intestine of pythons and boas ; Diplocotyle Krabbe, intestine of fishes ; Diphyllobothrium Cobbold, intestine of dolphin ; Ptychdbothrium Lonnberg ; Duthiersia Perrier, from Varanus. Bothriocephalus Brems. Segmented body. Head with two pits, without hooks. The genital openings are on the middle of the ventral surface. The young stage usually in fishes. B. latus Brems. (Fig. 214), the largest of the tape-worms parasitic in man, twenty-four to thirty feet in length, principally found in Russia, Poland, Switzerland, and South France. The sexually mature segments are broader than they are long (about 10-12 mm. broad and 3-5 mm. long). They do not become detached singly, but in groups (Fig. 214). The segments of the hindermost portion of the body are, however, narrower and Fio.211. Archi- getes Sieboldii Lkt. (after Leuckart). CESTODA. 257 longer. The head is club-shaped, and is provided with two slit-like pits. The cortical parts of the lateral regions of the body contain a number of round masses of granules, the yolk-glands (Fig. 216, Dst), the contents of which are poured into the shell glands (coiled glands) through the so-called yellow ducts. The genital openings lie close together, one behind the other, in the midst of the segment (Fig. 216, a). The anterior and larger belongs to the mal/generative apparatus, and leads into the muscular terminal portion of the vas deferens, which is enclosed in the cirrus sheath (Fig. 216, Ob), and can be evaginated as the cirrus. The vas deferens just before its entrance into the cirrus pouch, FIG. 212.Caryoi)hyllaeus muta- Ulis (after V. Carus). W ex- cretory canal ; H testes ; Vd vas deferens ; Vs vesicula seminalis ; P penis ; Ov ovary ; D yolk - gland ; Dg duct of yolk gland ; Ut uterus ; Rs receptaculum seminis. FIG. 213. AmpMlina foliacea, showing the generative ducts. S.g sucker; Ut.m opening of uterus; yolk-gland; ovary"; Vg opening of vagina ; C opening of vas deferens (after Wagener). is dilated (Fig. 216, b) to form a large muscular swelling (the vesicula seminalis?). It then becomes coiled, and passes in the direction of the long axis of the segment on the dorsal surface and divides into two side branches. These receive the efferent canals of the delicate testicular sacs, which occupy the lateral parts of the middle layer (T). The female genital opening (Fig. 216) leads into a vagina ( Va] situated behind the pouch of the cirrus, and frequently filled with semen. This vagina runs as a tolerably straight median canal on the ventral surface, and opens by a short, narrow tube into the oviduct. The vagina also functions as a receptaculum seminis. There is yet a third opening s 258 PLATYHELMINTHES. FIG. 214,BothriocepMlus latus (after Leuckart). FIG. 215. Encysted larva of Bothrio- cephalus from the Smelt (after Leuckart). (Fig. 216, a), situated at some distance behind the other two ; this is the opening of the tubular uterus (Ut), the convolutions of which give rise to a peculiar rosette-shaped figure in the midst of the segment. Close to the hind end of the segment the ducts of the yolk-glands (Dst] and of the ovaries (Ov) unite with each other and open into the uterus ; the cells of the shell -gland (Sd) surround and open into the point of junction of thesestructures. The ova are for the most part developed in water, and escape from the upper pole of the egg-shell through a lid-like valve (Fig. 204). The escaped embryo is covered with cilia (Fig. 203), by means of which it swims about for a long time. The encysted larval form (scolex without a bladder) is found between the muscles or in the viscera of the pike, turbot (Lota vulgaris), and possibly of other fresh-water fish (Fig. 215). How they become infected is not known, as experiment tends to show that the ciliated larva does not enter them directly, and no intermediate host is known. The scolex enters the body of its final host in the flesh of the fish. B. cordatus Lkt. With large, heart-shaped head, without a filiform neck ; with deposits of numerous calcareous bodies in the parenchyma. It attains a length of about three feet, and lives in the intestines of man and of the dog in Greenland. B. liguloides Lkt. Young form about 20 cm. in the subperitoneal tissue of man in China and Japan. ScMstocephalus Crepl. Head split, with a sucker on each side. The body of the cestoid form is segmented. S. solidus Crepl. Lives in the body cavity of the stickleback, escapes into the water, and becomes sexually adult in the intestine of water-birds. Triaeno- phorus Rud. Head not distinct, with two weak suckers and with two pairs of triden- tate hooks. The body has no external seg- mentation. The generative openings are marginal. T. nodulosus Rud. In the intes- tine of the pike. Asexual encysted form in the liver of Cyprinus. Bothrimonus Duver- noy, intestine of sturgeon. Ligula Bloch. Body band-shaped and un- segmented. Without real suckers. Hooks may be present or absent. The Cestoid has CESTODA. 259 no segmentation, but the generative organs are repeated. They live in the body cavity of Teleosteans and become sexually mature in the intestine of birds. L. simplicissima Rud., in the body cavity of fishes and in the intestine of aquatic birds. L. tuba v. Sieb., in the intestine of the tench. Fam. 3. Tetrarhynchidae. Head with two or four suckers, and with four protractile proboscises armed with hooks (Fig. 217) ; genital openings marginal. The scolices live encysted in bony fishes, and the sexual worms in the intestine of skates and rays. Tetrarhynchus Cuv., with four suckers ; Rhynchobothrium Blainv., with two suckers. Fam. 4. Echinobothridae. With two suckers and two armed proboscises ; genital openings marginal. Echinobothrium v. Ben. Fam. 5. Tetraphyllidae. Head with four very mobile suckers often armed with hooks. Proglottides detached singly. Genital pores marginal. In the intestines of Selachians. FIG. 216. Generative organs of a sexually mature proglottis of Bothriocephahis latus (after Sommer and Landois) ; a, from the ventral surface ; 6, from the dorsal surface. Ov and v ovary ; Ut uterus opening to the exterior independently of the vagina ; Sd shell-gland ; Dst vitellarium (yolk -gland) ; Va vagina with opening; T testes ; Cb pouch of the cirrus; Vd vas deferens. Sub-fam. 1. Phyllobothrinae. Suckers without hooks, more or less stalked. Echeneibothrium v. Ben.; Phyllobothrium v. Ben., suckers sessile; Anthobothrium v. Ben. Sub-fam. 2. Phyllacanthinae. Suckers armed, each with 2 or 4 hooks. Acanthobothrium v. Ben. ; Calliobothrium v. Ben. ; Onchobothrium Blainv. Fam. 6. Taeniadae. The armature of the head consists of four muscular suckers, to which is frequently added a single or double circle of hooks on the rostellum. The proglottides have a marginal sexual opening. The vagina is usually long, and enlarged at the internal end to form a receptaculum seminis (Fig. 201). The uterus is without a special opening to the exterior. The young stages are Cysticerci or Cysticercoids, rarely quite without caudal vesicle. Parasitic in warm and cold-blooded animals. Sub-fam. 1. Cystotaeniinae. Rostellum usually with double row of 260 PLATYHELMINTHES. hooks. Development by means of Cysticerci (bladder -worms). Both bladder-worm and tape-worm stage in mammals. Taenia L. (Cystotaenia R. Lkt). The vesicles of the Cysticerci are large. The heads arise from the bladder of the Cysticercus. T. solium. L. 2-3 metres long. A double circle of 26 hooks. The ripe proglottides are 8-10 mm. long and 6-7 mm. broad ; the uterus has 7-10 dendritic branches (Fig. 202). It lives in the human intestine. The bladder-worms belonging to it (Cysticercus cellulosae) live principally in the dermal cellular tissue and in the muscles of pigs, but also in the human body (muscles, eyes, brainj, in which self-infection with them is possible if a Taenia is present in the digestive canal ; more rarely in the muscles of the roe- deer, the dog, and the cat. In the human brain the Cysticercus acquires an elongated form, and sometimes does not produce a head. T. saginata Goeze = mediocanellata Kiichenm., in the intestine of man, distinguished by the older helminthologists as a variety of T. solium. Head without circle of hooks or rostellum, but with four more power- ful suckers. The tape- worm reaches a length of four metres, and becomes much stronger and thicker. The ma- ture proglottides are about 18 mm. long and 7-9 mm. broad. The uterus forms 20-35 dichotomous side branches (Fig. 202). The Cysticercus lives in the muscles of the ox (Fig. 218). It ap- pears to be principally distributed in the warmer parts of the Old World, but is often found in great numbers in many places in the north. It is the common tape-worm of the Abyssinians. T. serrata Goeze, in the intestinal canal of the dog. The Cysticercus is known as Cysticercus pisiformis in the liver of the hare and rabbit. T. crassicollis Hud. in the cat, with Cysticercus fasciolaris of the common mouse. T. marginata Batsch. of the dog (butcher's dog) and wolf with Cysticercus tenuicollis from ruminants and pigs, and occasionally in man (Cyst, visceralis}. T. crassiceps Rud. in the fox with Cysticercus longicollis from the thoracic cavity of the field-mouse. T. coenurus v. Sieb. in the intestine of the sheep-dog with Coenurus cerebralis in the brain of one-year- old sheep causing staggers. The presence of Coenurus in other places has FIG. 217. Scolex of Tetrarltyn- chus ruficollis, showing the four hooked proboscises protruded and two of the suckers (after van Beneden). Fio. 218. Cysticercus of Taenia sngi nata (medioca- ncllata), magnified about eight times. The head is protruded (from Glaus). CESTODA. 261 been stated, as for instance, in the body cavity of the rabbit. T. tenui- collis Rud. in the intestine of the weasel and the pole-cat, with a Cysticercus which, according to Kiichenmeister, lives in the hepatic ducts of the field- mouse. Echinococcifer "Weinl. The heads bud on special brood-capsules in such a way that their imagination is turned towards the lumen of the vesicle (Fig. 206). T. echinococcus v. Sieb. (Fig. 207) in the intestine of the dog, 3-4 mm. long, forming but few proglottides. The hooks on the head are numerous but small. Its bladder-worm is distinguished by the great thick- ness of the stratified cuticula. It lives as Echinococcus principally in the liver and the lungs of man (E. hominis), and of domestic animals (E. veteri- norum). The first form is also distinguished as E. altricipariens on account of the frequent production of primary and secondary vesicles ; it usually reaches a very considerable size, and has a very irregular shape ; while that form which inhabits domestic animals, E. scolicipariens, more frequently retains the form of the simple vesicle. Finally these echinococcus cysts frequently remain sterile, in which case they are called Acephalocysts. Another, and indeed pathological form is the so-called multilocular Echino- coccus, which was for a long time taken for a colloid cancer. It is also found in mammalia (in cattle), and here presents a confusing resemblance to a mass of tubercles. The echinococcus disease (hydatid plague] was widely spread in Iceland. This disease likewise seems endemic in many places in Australia. Sub-fam. 2. Microtaeniinae. The rostellum is frequently absent, or unarmed, or beset with small hooks. Development by means of Cysticercoids, the vesicle having but little fluid, or being absent. The Cysticercoid lives principally in invertebrates (slugs, insects, &c.), more rarely in cold-blooded vertebrates (the tench). Sub-genus Dipylidium Leuck. With two sets of generative organs in each segment. T. cucumerina, Bloch, in the intestine of dogs (house dogs). The Cysticercoid is entirely without the caudal vesicle, and lives (according to Melnikoff' and R. Leuckart) in the body cavity of the dog-louse (Tricho- dectes canis). The infection with the Cysticercoids takes place when the dog swallows the parasites which are annoying him, while the parasites swallow the eggs contained in faeces adherent to the hair of the dog. Nearly allied is T. clliptica, Batsch. in the intestine of the cat, occasionally in that of man . Sub-genus Hymcnolepis Weinland. One set of generative organs in each segment, opening on one side ; eggs with two smooth shells. T. nana Bilh.-v. Sieb., in the intestine of the Abyssinians and in Sicily, hardly an inch long ; probably identical with T. murina of the rat, the Cysticercoid of which, according to Grassi and Rovelli, is able to develop in the intestinal villi of its host, and then emerge to form a tape-worm in the intestine (self-infection). T. flavopunctata Weinl., in the human in- testine (North America). Also found by Grassi in Italy, and regarded as identical with T. diminuta Rud. = leptocephala Crepl., of the rat. The Cysticercoids of the meal-worm are probably developed into tape-worms in the intestines of mice and rats. In other partially unarmed Taenias* the generative organs and develop- ment are as yet not accurately known ; such are T. (Anoplocephala * See note on following page. 262 PLATYHELMINTHES. R. Bl.) perfoliata Goeze, and T. plicata Rud., in the horse ; T. (Moniczia R. Bl.) pectinata Goeze, in the hare; T. dispar Rud., in the frog; T. (Ctenotaenia R.) expansa Im., in the ox. There is a special section of Taenias,* in which the genital opening is on the broad surface of the segment : such are T. litterata Batsch. ; T. lineata Goeze, in the intestine of the dog. To another group belong Taenias from the gut of birds, e.g. T. simiosa Zed., in the goose and duck; T. tenuirostris from Merganser and Anas, both with tailed Cysticercoids in Gammarus. * A number of new genera have been recently created for the reception of species formerly united under Taenia: mde A. Railliet, "Notices parasitolo- giques," Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1892 ; and R. Blanchard, Mem. de la Soc. Zool. de France, 4, 1891, p. 420. CHAPTER VI. PHYLUM ISTEMERTEA.* Elongated, vermiform animals ivith a ciliated ectoderm, and an eversible proboscis lying in a sheath on the dorsal side of the enteron. With mouth and anus, simple gonads, and a vascular system. Dioecious. The position of the Nemertea is difficult to settle. Formerly they were united with the Platyhelminthes, but the presence of an anus, and of a vascular system, and the higher organization of the organs and tissues in general, renders it advisable, for the present at any rate, to place them in a separate phylum, allied to the Platyhelminth phylum but not part of it. It has been suggested that the proboscis of Nemertines is homologous with the retractile anterior part of the body found in some Turbellaria, particularly Prorhynchus. The general structure of the Nemertine tissues strongly recalls that of The Nemertea are elongated worms, some of them attaining an immense length, and are found in the sea, in fresh water, and on land. The marine forms are, however, by far the most numerous. They are often brilliantly coloured, and many of them have the power of forming a tube around their bodies by the mucous secretion of the skin. The body is excessively contractile, so much so that a worm which is measured by yards when extended may shrink to a length of as many inches. The mouth is large and placed on the ventral surface of the anterior end of the body. It leads into a straight alimentary canal consisting of oesophagus and intestine. The latter opens posteriorly by a terminal anus, and possesses lateral caeca which are generally, but not always, regularly arranged in pairs ; it also gives off from its front end an anteriorly- directed caecum. The most characteristic organ of the group is the proboscis. This * W. C. Mclntosh, A Monograph of British Annelida, Ft. 1, "Nemerteans," Ray Society, 1873-4. A. A. W. Hubrecht, "Unters. lib. Nemertinen a. d. Golf v. Neapel," Niederl. Arch. f. Zoologie, 2, 1874. Id., "The Genera of European Nemertines critically revised," Notes from the Leiden Museum, 1879-80. Id., "Report on the Nemertea," Challenger Reports, vol. 19, 1887. 0. Burger, "Die Enden des exkretorischen Apparates bei den Nemertinen," Zeit.f. w. Zoologie, 53, 1891. 0. Burger, "Die Nemertinen," Fauna u. Flora des Golfes von Neapel, 22, 1895. 264 NEMERTEA. lies in a sheath (Fig. 219 bis) which is placed on the dorsal side of the gut, and extends in most forms along the whole length of the body. It is a hollow tubular organ, opening nearly always at the front end* of the body, but closed behind. In the retracted state rsh. FIG. 219 bis. Diagram showing the proboscis of an armed Nemertine in its relation to its sheath (from Lang). A, in the retracted condition ; B, in the protruded state, r proboscis ; rs pro- boscis sheath ; rsh rhyncocoelom ; st spine ; gd cavity of the posterior non-eversible part 01 the proboscis ; rm retractor muscle. FIG. 219. Tetrastemma obscurum (after M. Schulze). Young specimen about 3 lines in length ; mouth ; D intestine ; A anus ; Bg blood-vessels ; R proboscis armed with stylet; Ex lateral trunks of the excre- tory system ; P excretory pore ; G lateral organ ; Nc nerve centre ; Ss lateral nerve cords ; Oc eyes. the proboscis lies in its sheath, to the hind end of which its blind end is fastened by a muscular band (Fig. 219 bis, A}; its walls contain both transverse and longitudinal muscles, the latter of which are continued into the band. The proboscis sheath also * In Akrostomum, Malacobdella, etc., the opening of the proboscis is within the mouth. NEMERTEA. 265 has muscular walls, and contains a corpusculated fluid; it contains a closed cavity (rhynchocoelom), and its epithelioid lining is continuous anteriorly with that covering the outer side (in the retracted state) of the proboscis, i.e. with the epithelium on that surface of the retracted proboscis which is in contact with the proboscis-sheath fluid. The proboscis and its sheath may therefore N FIG. 220. A young Pelagowmcrtes Rollestoni, dorsal view (after Hubrecht, from Perrier). P pro- boscis ; G sheath of proboscis ; I intestine ; D diverticula of intestine ; C cerebral ganglia ; N lateral nerve cords ; V lateral vessels ; ovaries : A anus ; m longitudinal muscles ; t transverse muscles. be compared to the finger of a glove, of which the free end is pulled in upon the portion next the hand, the pulling in being effected by a string attached to the inner side of the tip of the glove, and lying inside the finger. From the above description it will also be clear that the epithelium lining the inner surface of the retracted proboscis is*continuous with the surface ectoderm of the 266 NEMBRTEA. body at the anterior opening, and becomes external when the proboscis is projected by eversion (Fig. 219 Us, B). The eversion is no doubt caused by the contraction of the muscular wall of the sheath bringing pressure to bear upon the contained fluid, and, when completed, the middle portion of the retracted proboscis is at the front end of the protruded organ. That is to say, the hinder part of the proboscis is not eversible : it lies within the protruded part of the proboscis in the projected state, and in the hinder part of the sheath in the retracted state. This non-eversible portion has glandular walls and contains a fluid. In the armed forms (Hoplonemertini) it is separated from the eversible part by a contraction of its cavity, which almost closes up the eversible part, and a stylet, to which may be added two groups of small accessory reserve stylets, is placed at this point. The posterior part of the proboscis opens by a narrow aperture at the base of this stylet, and allows the contents of the glandular non-eversible part, which is very possibly poisonous, to exude. When the proboscis is completely everted the stylet projects freely at its apex. In the unarmed forms (Anopla) the stylet is absent, but the surface of the proboscis which becomes external on eversion possesses numerous nematocysts. The proboscis is therefore clearly offensive, but very possibly it also possesses a tactile function. The body-wall varies in structure in the different orders. It always possesses an external layer of ciliated ectoderm cells con- taining mucus -secreting gland-cells. Within this there is in the Heteronemertini (1) a thin basement membrane, (2) a cutis con- taining connective tissue and some longitudinal muscular fibres, (3) a layer of longitudinal muscular fibres, (4) a thin layer of a plexiform nervous matter containing at two points the lateral nerve-cords, (5) a layer of circular muscular fibres, and (6) of longitudinal muscles; this is followed by a compact mass of reticular connective tissue which passes into the muscular coats of the intestine and proboscis sheath. In other Nemertini there are only an external circular and internal longitudinal muscular layer. All the layers above mentioned are embedded in a gelatinous albuminoid material, which is especially developed in the transparent pelagic form, Pelagonemertes, and is of the same nature as the jelly of Medusae. There is therefore no body cavity in ISTemertines, though, as in Rhabdocoeles, spaces in the connective tissue may in some cases be so large as to simulate one. The nervous system consists of two cerebral ganglia connected NEMERTEA. 267 above and below the proboscis sheath and each divided into two lobes, a dorsal and ventral. The ventral lobes are continued back- wards as the lateral nerve-cords (Fig. 221), which in some, cases unite posteriorly above the intestine by a supra -anal commissure. The dorsal lobe (Fig. 221, O) is partly or completely divided into an anterior and posterior lobe. In the armed forms (Fig. 221, L) this third lobe is com- pletely separated off and united with the anterior only by nerves. This pos- terior part of the dorsal lobe contains in nearly all forms an epithelium - lined cavity which com- municates with the exterior by a fine ciliated tube. The latter opens, in the forms with head-slits, into the slits, in the other forms on the side of the head. The whole apparatus including the brain lobe constitutes the lateral organs, or as it is sometimes called, the cerebral organs. The central nervous system lies in Cari- nella outside the muscular layers ; in the Heteronemertini between the external longitudinal and the circular layer; and in the Metanemertini com- pletely within the muscles. In all, except the Metanemertini^ in which the central nervous system gives off nerve-cords, there is a complete nerve-sheath of a reticulate nervous substance, occupying the same position with regard to the muscles as do the central FIG. 221. Diagram of the nervous system of Drepanophorus Lankesteri (from Perrier after Hubrecht). C dorsal lobes of the cerebral ganglia ; t nerves of the proboscis ; s sensory nerves of head ; ce stomatogastric nerves ; L posterior part of the dorsal lobes of the brain in which are the lateral organs ; opening of lateral organ ; n peripheral nerves ; T lateral nerve-cords ; v, k transverse commissures. 268 NEMERTEA. -ecs. organs. The lateral nerve-cords are thickenings of this sheath, and there is a median dorsal thickening constituting the proboscis nerve. In Heteronemertini the central organs are impregnated with haemoglobin. As sense organs there are the lateral organs above mentioned, the tactile hairs of the ectoderm cells, cephalic eyes more or less numerous, and sometimes provided with refractive bodies. Exceptionally, as in Oerstedia pallida, two oto- lithic vesicles are found on the brain. The vascular system consists of three longitudinal vessels with contractile walls placed just outside the intestinal wall ; one of them is straight and dorso- median, and the other two are sinuous and lateral. They communicate in front and behind ; and anteriorly the lateral vessels often dissolve themselves in a network of vascular spaces on the oeso- phagus. The longitudinal vessels give off lateral branches, which no doubt open into a system of lacunae in the tissues. The blood is usually colourless, but in some species it is red. In Amphiporus splendens and Borlasia splendida, the red colour (haemoglobin) is contained in the blood corpuscles. The excretory organs consist of two lateral tubes, which lie close to the lateral vessel, and open externally by one, or rarely by several openings on each side. They are confined to the anterior region of the body, usually not extending further back than the oesophagus (fore-gut). These tubes have a glandular ciliated lining, and in some forms, possibly in all, give off branches which themselves branch and finally end in small swellings, containing a long flame-shaped cilium. These flame-cell ends are said to differ from the corre- sponding structure in Turbellaria by consisting of many cells. As already pointed out, this distinction is probably unimportant, PIG. 222. Lateral organ of Drepanophorus cerinus (after Burger, from Perrier). e ecto- derm ; b basement membrane ; v canal of the organ ; dg dorsal lobe of cerebral ganglion ; n nerve connecting dg to its posterior lobe ; c point of division of the canal into a glan- dular tube dc, which projects back behind the [brain and into a canal cs which passes into the dilatation s in the posterior lobe ; ecs epithelium of the sac ; pi pigment. NEMERTEA. depending merely on the size of the organ. The flame-cell knobs- of JNemertines sometimes project into the blood-vessels, but do not open into them. In the forms in which flame-cells have not been observed, the excretory canals are said to open into the lateral blood- vessels. This will probably turn out to be an error. The^ animals- are generally dioecious, and the gonads quite simple, consisting of paired sacs regularly placed between the gut caeca, or in some cases more numerous than the caeca and irregularly arranged. They open by simple openings on the dorso-lateral surface of the body. Some genera are viviparous (Prosorochmus Claparedii, Tetrastemma obscurum), but most of them lay eggs in albuminous strings. The development is usually direct, but in many Heteronemertini the young are hatched as helmet-shaped, free-swimming larvae (Fig. 223),, known as Pilidium. FIG. 223. Pilidium (after E. Metschnikoff). a, free-swimming larva. 6, later stage, helmet- shaped. E, E 1 the two pairs of ectodermal invaginations ; D alimentary canal. The Pilidium was formerly described as a species of a supposed independent genus. The enteron is formed by the invagination of the wall of a hollow blastosphere ; the blastopore forms the larval mouth ; at the aboral pole a long flagellum is developed, and a broad lobe grows out on each side of the mouth, on to the edges of which the circumoral ciliated band extends. By an elaborate metamorphosis this larva turns into the young worm. Asexual reproduction is unknown, but the power of repair is great. In some cases the body readily breaks up into pieces when touched, and the pieces have the power of developing the whole. The ISTemertines live principally in the sea, under stones in the 270 NEMERTEA. R mud, but the smaller species swim freely. There are also forms which live on land (Geonemertes), fresh-water forms (species of Tetrastemma), and a pelagic form (Pelagonemertes). Certain species form tubes and passages which are lined by a slimy secretion. The food of the larger species principally consists of tubicolous worms, which they extract by their proboscis. There are, however, parasitic (or com- mensal) Nemertines, which infest Crustacea, or live on the mantle and gills of Mollusca. In this case they are, like the Hiru- dinea, furnished with a posterior sucker (Malacob- della). Order 1. PROTONEMERTINI. Am FIG. 224. Later stage of Pilidium, with tuft of cilia and enclosed Nemertine (after O. Biitschli); Oe oesophagus ; D alimentary canal ; Am amnion ; R rudimentary proboscis of the Nemertine ; So lateral pit. The cerebral ganglia and lateral nerves are outside the dermal muscles, either in the ectoderm or beneath the dermis. The body-wall consists of the ectoderm, a dermis, an external circular and an internal longi- tudinal layer of muscles, between which is usually interposed a diagonal layer. The mouth is behind the brain. There is no caecum. The proboscis is without stylets. Fam. 1. Carinellidae. The lateral organs have the form of epithelial pits or canals, which only exceptionally perforate the dermis and penetrate into the brain ; they have no relation to the lateral vessels. There is no dorsal vessel. The brain and lateral nerves lie in the epithelium or beneath the dermis. The dermis is homogeneous and has a gelatinous appearance. Carinella Mclntosh. Fam. 2. Hubrechtidae. The lateral organs are spherical structures which lie deep within the body-wall and project into the lateral vessels. Brain and lateral nerve-cords lie beneath the dermis, which is reticular. There is a dorsal vessel. The excretory organs constitute a richly-branched canal - system. Hubrechtia Burger. Order 2. MESONEMERTINI. The lateral nerves lie in the dermal muscular layer. Body- wall as in Order 1. Mouth behind the brain. No caecum. The proboscis is without stylets. Fam. 1. Cephalothricidae. The lateral nerves are in the longitudinal muscles. Lateral organs, and cephalic slits absent. Carinoma Oudemans ; Cephalothrix Oersted. METANEMERTINI. 271 Order 3. METANEMERTINI. Brain and lateral nerves lie within the dermal muscles in the body- parenchyma. The body-wall is as in previous orders. Mouth in front of the ganglion. The mouth and the proboscis usually open together. The proboscis as a rule has stylets, and there is almost always a caecum given off from the anterior end of the intestine, and projecting forwards. A. PKORHYNCHOCOELOMIA. With long and thin body, which coils itself in complicated windings. They do not swim. The proboscis is much shorter than the body. Fam. 1. Eunemertidae. Usually several small eyes. No otocysts. Only one stylet. Slow in movement. Eunemertes Vaillant ; Nemertopsis Burger. Fam. 2. Otptyphlonemertidae. Eyes absent. One, rarely two pairs of otocysts, ventral to brain. The body is more cylindrical than flat. The worms belonging to this family are small (1-3 cm.). Ototyphlonemertes Diesing. B. HOLORHYNCHOCOELOMIA. Usually with short body. Some of them swim. The proboscis is at least as long as the body. The proboscis sheath always reaches into the hinder third of the body. Fam. 3. Prosorhochmidae. With four eyes. Gut-pouches and gonads alternate with one another. The lateral organs are very small, in front of the brain. Usually hermaphrodite. Prosorlwchmus Keferstein ; Prosadenoporus Burger ; Geonemertes Semper, terrestrial form. Fam. 4. Amphiporidae. Body when extended comparatively short and wide. Extensile part of proboscis thick and covered with adhesive papillae. The gonads and gut-pouches do not, as a rule, strictly alternate. The gut-pouches are branched. There are almost always numerous eyes. Amphiporus Ehrbg. ; A. lactifloreus Johnst. Lives under stones and is distributed from the North Sea to the Mediterranean. Drepanophorus Hubrecht. Fam. 5. Tetrastemmidae. The body is, as a rule, short (1-3 cm.). There are almost always four eyes. The gut-pouches are not branched, and the gonads alternate with them. The lateral organs are in front of the brain. For the most part dioecious. Tetrastemma Ehrbg. ; T. obscurum M. Sch. , viviparous ; Baltic ; T. agricola Will. Suhm. , terrestrial ; T. clepsinoides Duges, fresh-water, North America, probably Europe, e.g., Cherwell at Oxford, T. lacustre Du Plessis, Lake of Geneva. Oerstedia, Quatref. Fam. 6. Neetonemertidae. Deep-sea forms, with short, broad bodies and hind end flattened into a fin. They can swim. The mouth and proboscis openings are separate. The presence of stylets has not been certainly shown. Without eyes. Nectonemertcs Verrill ; Hyalonemertes Verrill. Fam. 7. Pelagonemertidae. Body leaf-shaped, gelatinous, hyaline. Anterior extremity broad and abrupt, posterior narrowed to a point. Digestive canal with 13 pairs of lateral ramifications. Integument thin and hyaline, with a thin muscular tunic immediately beneath it consisting of external circular and internal longitudinal fibres. The viscera and tissues are embedded in the hyaline gelatinous matter. Gonads open on the ventral surface. Nerve-cords internal to the muscular coats. Free-swimming, pelagic. Pelagonemertes Moseley (Fig. 220). Fam. 8. Malacobdellidae. Parasitic forms. The body is short and provided with a sucker at the hind end. Intestine coiled, without pouches. The 272 NEMERTEA. proboscis is unarmed and opens with the mouth. There is a dorsal vessel, and two lateral. The proboscis-sheath reaches to the anus. Malacobdella Blainv. , in the mantle-cavity of various marine Lamellibranchs. Order 4. HETERONEMEKTINI. The lateral nerves are in the dermal muscles ; they lie outside the circular muscles. The body-wall consists of ectoderm, dermis, an outer longitudinal layer of muscles (which is not present in the other orders), a circular and an internal longitudinal muscular layer. The diagonal muscles, if present, lie between the circular and outer longitudinal. The mouth is behind the brain. There is no caecum. The proboscis is unarmed. Fam. 1. Eupoliidae. There are usually no lateral cephalic slits. The canal of the lateral organ opens either directly to the exterior, or into a shallow ventral slit. Eapolia Hubrecht ; Poliopsis Joubin. ; Valencinia Quatrefages. Fam. 2. Lineidae. The body is more or less flattened. There is a deep longitudinal lateral fissure on each side of the head. A ciliated groove leads from the bottom of the fissure into the posterior lobe of the ganglion. The nervous tissue is tinged with haemaglobin. Development often by ciliated larvae. Linens Sow. (Fig. 225) ; L. marinus Mont.; L. longissimus Sim., sea- long-worm ; Borlasia Oken ; Euborlasia Vaill. ; Micrura, Ehrbg. ; Cerebratulus Renier ; Langia Hubrecht, the margins of the body slightly frilled. Fio. 2-25.Lineus sanguineus (after Me Intosh). CHAPTER VII. PHYLUM NBMATHELMINTHES. THE Nemathelminthes include three orders the Nematoda, the Nematomorpha, and the Acanthocephala which have little else in common than the round form of body and the parasitic habit. The body is unsegmented, rounded, more or less elongated, tubular or filiform, and both ends are, as a rule, tapered off. Appendages are always wanting, as are, with few exceptions, movable bristles. On the other hand, special organs for attack and attachment, such as teeth and hooks, are not unfrequently present on the anterior end of the body : and in some cases small suckers, which serve for attach- ment during copulation, may be developed near the hind end. As a rule the integument possesses a cuticular layer of relatively considerable thickness, and the ectoderm is very generally reduced to a nucleated granular layer, in which cell outlines are absent. These features of the skin are probably correlated with the endo- parasitic habit, for we find them in the Trematoda, and the ectoderm of the Cestoda is, to say the least of it, much modified. In these latter groups the ectoderm is even less conspicuous than in the Nematlielminthes. There is a well-developed muscular layer, which generally consists of longitudinal fibres only, but circular fibres are also present in the Acanthocephala. A body -cavity is always present, but it appears generally to be without an epithelial lining, and in Nematoda, at least, is bounded on one side by the endodermal wall of the alimentary canal. As to the nature of this body-cavity we have little evidence except in the Acanthocephala, in which, from its relation to the generative organs and duct in the female we may infer it to be a coelom. It contains a vascular fluid, and in the other orders it is probably a haemocoele. Blood vessels and special respiratory organs are wanting. A nervous system is always present, but it presents very different features in the three- orders. Of sense organs there are often sensory papillae in the neighbourhood of the mouth and genital openings, and eye spots are often present 274 NEMATHELMINTHES. in the free-living forms. While in the Acanthocephala mouth and alimentary canal are completely absent, the Nematoda and Nemato- morpha possess a mouth at the anterior end of the body, an oesophagus, and a straight digestive canal, which usually opens by the anus on the ventral surface near the hind end of the body. The excretory organs have various forms, and their nature is not understood : there are no flame-cells. In the Nematoda they consist of paired canals in the ectoderm, which open by a common pore on the same surface (ventral) as the anus. In the Acanthocephala there is a pair of organs which appear to be of the nature of nephridia. The absence of cilia may be stated as a general characteristic of the group ; but they are said to be present in the supposed nephridia of the Acanthocephala. With a few exceptions the Nemathelminthes have separated sexes, and the male organs often open into the rectum and are provided with copulatory spicula. The larvae and sexual animals are not unfrequently distributed in two different hosts. The majority of the Nemathelminthes are parasites either during the whole period of their life or at certain stages. There are, however, also free -living forms which often show the closest relationship to the parasitic members of the group. Class I. NEMATODA (THREAD-WORMS).* Nemathelminthes, with mouth and alimentary canal. With longi- tudinal muscles only, with lateral lines, without cilia. The vas deferens opens into the rectum. They are principally parasites. Dioecious. The Nematodes possess an extremely elongated thread-like body, which may be provided with papillae at the anterior pole in the region of the mouth, or with hooks and spines within the oral cavity. The mouth leads into a narrow oesophagus, which usually has thick muscular walls, a chitinous lining, and a triangular lumen, * Besides the older writings of Rudolphi, Bremser, Cloquet, Dujardin, compare Diesing, " Sy sterna helminthum," 2 Bde. Wien, 1850-51. Diesing, "Revision der Nematoden," Wiener Sitzungsberichte, 42, 1860. Claparede,"Zte la formation et de la fecondation des ceitfs chez les vers Nematodes," Geneve, 1856. A. Schneider, "Monographic der Nematoden," Berlin, 1866. R. Leuckart. "Untersuchungen uber Trichina spiralis," Leipzig and Heidelberg, 1866, 2nd edition; also "Die menschlichen Parasiten," etc., torn. 2., Leipzig and Heidelberg, 1876. C. Glaus, " Ueber Leptodera appendiculata," Marburg, 1868. 0. Biitschli, " Untersuchungen liber die beiden Nematoden der Periplaneta orientalis," Zeitzschr. fur Wiss. ZooL, torn. 21., 1871. And "Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Nervensystems der Nematoden," Archiv. fur MiTcr. Anatomic, torn. 10. A. Goette, "Unters. z. Entwick. d. Wurmer" Leipzig, 1882. R. Leuckart, "Neue Beitrage z. Kent. d. Ban u. d. Lebensgeschichte d. Nematoden," Leipzig, 1887. A. E. Shipley, "Nemathelminthes," Cambridge Natural History, vol. 2, May, 1896. NEMATODA. 275 a and is frequently dilated behind to a muscular bulb (pharynx). In certain genera (Rhabditis, Oxyuris\ the chitinous lining of the pharynx is raised into ridges or tooth-like prominences, to which the radial muscles converge in the form of conical bundles. According to its function, the oesophagus is essentially a suctorial tube, which pumps in fluids, and by peristaltic action passes them on to the intestine. The intestine follows the pharynx, and opens by the anus not far from the hind end of the body on the ventral surface (Fig. 226). Its walls are formed of cells and are non-muscular, and are coated with cuticle both inside and outside ; it may be reduced to a row of perforated cells (Filaria). The ter- minal portion, or rectum, has a special investment of muscular fibres which render it contractile. Muscular fibres passing from the body-wall to the wall of the rectum are also frequently present. In certain Nematodes the anus may be wanting (Mermis) ; and in some genera (see p. 290) even the alimentary canal undergoes degeneration. Beneath the stiff cuticle, which is often transversely ringed and is composed of several layers, lies a soft granular nu- cleated sub-cuticular layer (hypodermis), which is without cell limits and is to be . . P , i /. FIG. 226. Oxyurls vermlcularis regarded as the matrix of the former. (a fter R. Leuckart). a, female; Beneath this lies the highly -developed o mouth; A anus; v genital opening. 6, male with curved muscular layer, which consists of band- posterior end. c, the latter en- shaped or fusiform longitudinal muscles, larged ; s p spicnium. d.eggwith A enclosed embryo. The surface of the body may present markings, as for instance polyhedric spaces and longitudinal ribs, also processes in the form of tubercles, spines,* and hairs. Ecdyses, * There may also be prominences of various kinds, and even in some cases a complete covering of spines (Cheir acanthus Dies. = Gnathostoma Ow., Ch. hispiduin Fedsch. ). 276 NEMATH ELMINTHES. i.e., sheddings of the cuticular layer, seem only to occur in the young forms. The muscles are each composed of a single cell, in which two parts are distinguishable, a clear, sometimes a granular proto- plasmic portion (medullary substance), which projects into the body-cavity and is often prolonged into processes; and an external fibrillated layer (Fig. 227). The ISTematodes may be distinguished as Meromyaria or Polij- myaria, according to the arrangement of their muscular system. In the Meromyaria the number of muscle-cells (which are arranged according to definite laws) in the cross section is small (eight), while in the Polymyaria their number is considerable. In the latter the muscle-cells arc; often connected together by transverse processes of the medullary substance, which unite on the so-called median lines to form a longitudinal cord. In almost every case two lateral regions remain free from muscles, and form the so-called lateral lines or regions, which may equal in breadth the neighbouring muscular regions. These lateral regions are internal projections of the hypodermis, and are formed of a finely granular nucleated substance, and enclose a clear vessel containing granules. This vessel is connected with that of the opposite side in the anterior part of the body, and the two open by a common transverse slit, the excretory pore, on the ventral surface in the median line. The lateral lines are regarded as the excretory organs* Median lines (dorsal and ventral), accessory median lines (sub-median lines), the latter being placed between the principal median line and the lateral line, are also to be distinguished. Cutaneous glands, in the form of uni- cellular glands, have been observed principally in the region of the oesophagus and in the tail. The nervous system, owing to the difficulty which its investigation offers, has only been satisfactorily recognized in a few forms. It consists of a nerve ring (Fig. 228) surrounding the oesophagus, near the anterior end of the body, in Asc. megalocephala just in front of FIG. 227. -Muscle- cell of a Nema- tode. * Hamann (Sitz. Ber. Akad. Berlin, 1891, p. 57) asserts that in Lecanocephalus, in which the right canal only is present, the excretory canal is coiled, and ends posteriorly in a small opening into the body-cavity. This statement needs confirmation. NEMATODA. 277 Sn- .Rn. the excretory pore, and sending off posteriorly six and anteriorly six nerve trunks (Ascaris megalocepTiala). The two largest posterior trunks run in the dorsal and ventral lines (N. dorsalis, ventralis), the four smaller, two in each lateral line, to the extremity of the tail ; while of the six anterior nerves, two run in the "lateral lines (N. laterales), and four in the interspaces between the lateral and median lines (N. submediani) ; they supply the papillae around the mouth. The gan- glion cells lie partly near, in front of and behind the nerve ring, partly on the fibrous cords themselves, and are arranged in groups which can be distinguished as ventral, dorsal, and lateral ganglia. There are in addition groups of ganglion cells in the median lines and in the lateral lines in the caudal region. As sense organs we must mention the eyes found in the free-living Nematoda, and the papillae and tactile hairs found princi- pally in the neighbourhood of the mouth. Each papilla is supplied by one nerve fibre, which is swollen to a knob and forms the axis of the papilla. The body -cavity is a continuous space between the longitudinal muscles of the body-wall and the outer cuticle of the gut- wall ; it contains a corpusculated and colour- less fluid. The homology of the cavity is doubtful ; it occurs between the muscles and the endoderm, and it has no relation to the gonads or excretory organs. There is no vas- cular system. Generative organs. The Nematodes are dioecious (with exception of the hermaphro- dite Pelodytes, and of RJiabdonema (Ascaris) nigrovenosum and Allantonema mirabile, which produce first spermatozoa and later ova). The males are characterised by their smaller size, and by the posterior end of the body being generally curved. Both kinds of generative organs consist of a single tube or of paired and often much coiled tubes, at the upper end of which the generative products are developed, the lower ends representing the efferent ducts FIG. 228. Nervous system of Nematodes, diagrammatic after Butschli. C lateral ganglion on the nerve ring ; S anterior lateral nerve ; Sm submedian nerve ; SI sublateral nerve ; Bn ven- tral nerve ; Rn dorsal nerve ; Ag anal ganglion ; A anus. 278 NBMATHBLMINTHES. and receptacula of the generative products. The usually paired ovarian tubes are distinguishable into the following regions : the ovary where the eggs are developed; the oviduct along which they pass to reach the uterus, a more dilated region where they are fertilised and often pass through a part or the whole (viviparous forms) of their development; the two uteruses lead into the single vagina, which opens to the exterior on the ventral surface somewhat in the anterior region of the body or near the middle, rarely near the hind end. The male generati^ apparatus, which contains amoeboid spermatozoa without flagellum or vibratile appendage, is almost invariably represented by an unpaired tube, and usually opens on the ventral surface near the posterior end of the body in a common opening with the intestine. As a rule, the common cloacal portion contains two pointed chitinous rods, the so-called spicula, in a pouch-like invagination. These spicula can be pro- truded and retracted by a special muscular apparatus, and serve to fasten the male body to the female during copulation. In many cases (Strong ylidae) an umbrella-like bursa is added, or the terminal portion of the cloaca can be protruded like a penis (Trichina):, in such cases the cloacal aperture lies almost at the extreme end but is still ventral (Acrophalli). In the male, papillae are almost always present in the region of the posterior end of the body, and their number and arrangement afford important specific characters. The upper ends of the generative organs in both sexes (ovary and testis) consist of a multinucleated cord in which cell limits are not dis- cernible; lower down cell limits become discernible, but all the cells are attached by a stalk to a central protoplasmic cord the rachis. In the oviduct and vas deferens the germ cells (progametes) become entirely free and lie loose in the cavity of the duct, and divide into the definite genital cells or gametes (ova or spermatozoa). Development. The Nematoda for the most part lay eggs; it is only in rare cases that they bear living young. The eggs usually possess a hard shell and may be laid at different stages of the embryonic development or before it has begun. In the viviparous Nematodes the eggs lose their delicate membranes in the uterus of the mother (Trichina, Filaria). Fertilization takes place by the entry of a spermatozoon into the ovum, which is still without a membrane. The segmentation is equal, and leads to the formation of a kind of invaginate gastrula, from the two cell-layers of which are developed the body-wall and the alimentary canal. The embryo gradually assumes an elongated cylindrical form, and comes to lie NEMATODA. 279 rolled up in several coils within the shell. The excretory pore and the rudiments of generative organs, as well as a nerve ring, are present in the embryo, which is also provided with mouth and anus. The free development is a metamorphosis, usualjy compli- cated by the circumstance that it is not undergone in the habitat of the mother. The young stages or larvae, probably of most Nematodes, have a different habitat to that of the sexually adult animal, being contained in different organs of the same or even of different hosts. The larvae live for the most part in parenchy- matous organs, either free or encysted in a connective tissue capsule; the adults, on the contrary, live principally in the alimentary canal. The embryo is almost invariably characterised by the special form of the oral and caudal extremities, but sometimes also by the possession of a boring tooth. Sooner or later the skin is shed, and the animal enters its second stage, which may often still be considered as a larval stage; repeated ecdyses precede the sexually adult stage. The post -embryonic develop- ment of the Nematodes presents numerous modifications. In the simplest cases the embryo, while still enveloped in the egg mem- branes, is transported passively Fia 2 ^_ sderostomum tetracanthum> in the food (OxyuriS vermicularis encysted (after R. Leuckart). and Trichocephalus). In many Ascaridae the embryos, which are provided with a boring tooth, first make their way into an intermediate host, by which they are transported into the intestine of the second host with the food or water. More frequently the young forms encyst within the intermediate host, and, enclosed in the cyst, are transferred into the stomach and intestine of the permanent host (Fig. 229). For example, the embryos of Spiroptera obtusa of the mouse, while still in the egg membranes, are taken with the food by the meal-worm, in the body cavity of which they encyst. In the viviparous Trichina spiralis there is a modification of this mode of development, inasmuch as the migration of the embryos and their development, to the stage found encysted in the muscles (muscle-trichina), takes place in the same animal which contains the sexually mature intestinal Trichinas. 280 NEMATHELMINTHES. The development of the Nematode larvae often makes a consider- able advance within the intermediate host into which they have migrated. Thus, for instance, in Cucullanus elegans, the embryos migrate into the Cyclops, and in the body cavity of these small Crustacea undergo two ecdyses and essential alterations of form, obtaining at this early stage the characteristic oral capsule of the sexually adult stage, to which they only develop in the intestine of the perch. According to Fedschenko,* a similar mode of develop- ment occurs in Filaria medinensis. The embryos pass into puddles of water, and migrate thence into the body cavity of the Cyclopidae ; and after casting their skin assume a form which, except for the absence of the oral capsule, resembles that of the larva of Cucullanus. After the expiration of two weeks there is another ecdysis, with which is connected the loss of the long tail. The later history is unknown. It has not yet been discovered whether the migration of the Filarian larva into the permanent host (man, see p. 289) takes place within the body of the Cyclops, or independently after copulat- ing in the free state. The embryos of some Nematoda develop in damp muddy earth, after casting their skin, to small so-called Rhabditis forms with a double enlargement of the oesophagus, and with a pharyngeal arm- ature. They lead an independent life in this habitat, and finally migrate to lead a parasitic life within the permanent host, where, after several ecdyses and alterations of form, they attain the sexually mature condition. This mode of development occurs in Dochmius trigonocephalus from the intestine of the dog, and very probably in the nearly allied D. (Ancylostomwii) duodenalis of man, and also in Sclerostomum. The offspring of parasitic Nematodes may, however, attain sexual maturity in damp earth, as free Rhabditis forms, and represent a special generation of forms whose offspring again migrate and become parasites. Such a life -history is a case of heterogamy. It occurs in Rhaldonema mgrovenosum, a parasite in the lungs of Batrachians. These parasites, which are about half to three-quarters of an inch long, all have the structure of females, but contain spermatozoa, which are produced (as in the viviparous Pelodytes) in the same tubes as, but earlier than the ova. They are viviparous. The embryos make their way into the intestine of their host, and accumulate in * Compare Fedschenko, " Ueber den Ban und Entwieklung der Filaria medinensis," in the Berichtcn der Freunde der Naturwissenschaften in Moskau, torn. 8 and 10. NEMATODA. 281 the rectum, but finally pass to the exterior in the faeces, and so reach the damp earth or muddy water, where they develop in a short time into the Rhabditis-like forms, which have separate sexes and are barely 1 mm. in length (Fig. 230, a and b). The impregnated females of the latter produce only from two to four embryos, which become free inside the body of the mother, pass into her body cavity, and there feed on her organs, which disintegrate to form a granular detritus. They finally migrate as slender, already tolerably large FIG. 230. a, Rhdbdonema (Ascaris) nigrovenosum, about 3'5 mm. in length, in the stage of maturity of the male products ; G genital glands ; mouth ; D intestine ; A anus ; N nerve- ring ; Drz glandular cells ; Z isolated spermatozoa, b, male and female Khdbditis forms from about 1'5 mm. to 2 mm. long ; Ov ovary ; T testis ; V female genital opening ; Sp spicula. Nematodes into the lungs of the Batrachia, passing through the buccal cavity and glottis. A similar alternation of parasitic forms with free-living Rhabditis generations is presented by Rliabdonema strongyloides (Anguillula stercoralis), parasitic in man (p. 290), and by Bradynema mirabile (this is probably the real explanation of Zur Strasse's observation, see p. 290). Khabdonema (Leptodera) appendiculata, which lives in the slug Arion empiricorum, also presents in its development a like alternation of heteromorphic generations, which, however, are not strictly alternating, inasmuch 282 NEMATHELMINTHES. as numerous generations of the free Rhdbditis form may succeed one another, before there is a return to the parasitic condition. The Ehabdonema appendiculata is also peculiar, in that the form parasitic in the slug is a larva characterized by the absence of a mouth and by the possession of two long band-shaped caudal appendages ; it quickly attains maturity, but only after a migration into damp earth and after losing the caudal appendages and casting the skin. The Nematoda feed on organic juices, some of them also on blood, and are enabled by their armed moutk to inflict wounds and to gnaw tissues. They move by bending their body with a rapid undulatory movement towards the ventral and dorsal surfaces. Although most Nematoda are parasitic, they usually lead an independent life in certain stages of their life-history. Numerous small Nematoda (Anguillulidae, Enoplidae), however, are never parasitic, but live freely in fresh and salt water, and in the earth. Some Nematodes are parasitic in plants, 6.17., Anguillula tritici, dipsaci, etc., and may even produce gall-like deformities (Tylenchus), others live in decaying vegetable matter, e.g., the vinegar worm in fermenting vinegar and paste. In many cases the migration of the parasite is a condition necessary to the attainment of sexual maturity, e.g., in Mermis, where sexual organs are not developed till the worm leaves its host and becomes free in damp earth, in which copulation of the sexes is effected. Finally there are certain small Nematodes the females of which alone are parasitic. These, after copulation in the free state with the small males, migrate into insects, and under the favourable conditions of parasitism not only increase enormously in size, but also undergo structural modifications favourable for the production of a large number of embryos. In Attractonema gibbosum and in Spliae- rularia bombi, the remarkable parasite of the humble-bee, the females, after copulating in the free state, migrate, the former into the larva of the gall-fly Cecidomyia pini, the latter into the queen-bees, which live through the winter. Here the gut degenerates, and a kind of hernia of the body-wall, containing the generative organs, is formed, while the body of the worm shrinks to a small appendage (Fig. 231). The eggs develop in the body of the insect into larvae, which pass out of the body, become free, and, either after a few days (Attract- onema) or after some months (Spliaerularia), become sexually mature. The power possessed by small Nematodes of resisting the effects of prolonged desiccation and of coming to life again (so to speak) on being moistened is remarkable. NEMATODA. 283 Farn. 1 . Ascaridae. Body tolerably stout. Mouth with three lips furnished with papillae, one of which is dorsal, while the other two meet- together in the ventral line. Buccal cavity rarely furnished with pieces of chitin. Posterior portion of oesophagus often forming a distinct pharyngeal bulb. Posterior end of male ventrally curved, and usually furnished with two horny spicula. Parasitic in the alimentary canal of animals. FIG. 231. a, male SpJiaerularia in its larval skin (Lc) x about 75. 6, female with partially protruded vagina S. c, the same with still more developed uterine outgrowth S. d, uterine outgrowth fully formed, containing ovary, oviduct, and uterus x 10 ; W the relatively minute body of the worm. Ascaris L. Polymyarian, edges of lips dentated in the larger species. Pharyngeal bulb not distinct ; hind end usually short and conical, and in the male always provided with two spicula (Fig. 232) ; in Vertebrata. A. lumbricoides, '284 NEMATHELMINTHES. Cloquet, the human round worm, 4 to 14 in. in length, a smaller variety in the pig (A. suilla, Duj.). The eggs pass out into water or damp earth, and remain there for some months, until the embryonic development is completed. They are probably introduced direct into the alimentary canal of their host (Grassi and Ebstein). The smallest worm found in the human intestine is 3 mm. in length. A. megalocephala Cloq., horse and ox, may attain a length of 17 inches. A. mystax Zed., dog and cat, sometimes man. There is a large number of species found in all classes of Vertebrates. Heterakis Duj. Polymyarian, hind end of male with a preanal sucker and two lateral thickenings, spicules unequal, intestine of Vertebrates. Oxyuris Rud. Meromyarian ; pharyngeal bulb with teeth, hind end of female thin and pointed, male with one spiculum, in Vertebrates and Insects (cockroach and beetles) ; 0. vermicularis L., large intestine of man, introduced directly as eggs- 0. curvula, caecum of horse; Nematoxys Sclm., in Amphibia; Oxysoma Schn. ; Isakis Lespes, Arthropods and terrestrial Molluscs ; Labidurus Sclm. ; Asiridocephalus'Dies.; Heterocheilus Dies.; Peritrachelius Dies. Fin. 232. Ascaris lumbricoides (after Leuckart). a, hind end of male with the two spicula ; b, anterior end from the dorsal side, showing the dorsal lip with its two papillae ; c, the same from the ventral side with the two lateral ventral lips and the excretory pore (P) ; d, egg with the external membrane formed of small clear spherules. Fam. 2. Strongylidae. The male genital opening is at the posterior end of the body, at the bottom of a bell-shaped bursa, the margin of which carries a variable number of papillae; no pharyngeal bulb. Eustrongyhis Dies., poly- myarian, with six oral papillae and a row of papillae on either lateral line. The bursa is bell-shaped and completely closed, with regular muscular walls and numerous marginal papillae. There is only one spiculum. The female genital opening is far forward. The larvae live encysted in fishes (Filaria cystica from Symbranchus). E. gigas Rud., the body of the female is three feet in length, and only twelve mm. thick. It lives singly in the pelvis of the kidney of the seal and otter, etc., and very rarely in man ; got by eating raw fish. Strongylus Rud. With six oral papillae and small mouth. Two conical cervical papillae upon the lateral lines. The posterior end of the male has an umbrella-like incompletely closed bursa. Two equal spicula, usually with unpaired supporting organ. The female sexual opening is sometimes approached to the posterior end of the body. They live for the most part in the lungs and bronchial tubes. The larvae live in damp earth, and probably pass into the host directly in the food. St. lonyevaginatus Dies. Body 26 mm. long, 5 to 7 mm. thick. The female sexual opening lies directly in front of the anus, and leads into a simple ovarian tube. Only once found in the lung of a six-year old boy, in Klausenburg. St. paradoxtis Mehlis, in the bronchial NEMATODA. 285 tubes of the pig. St. filaria Rud., in the bronchial tubes of the sheep. St. commutatus Dies., in the trachea and bronchial tubes of the hare and rabbit. St. auricularis Rud., in the small intestine of Batrachia. St. micrurus in. aneurisms on the arteries of the ox. Dochmius Duj. With wide mouth and horny oral capsule, the edge of which is strongly toothed. Two ventrally placed teeth project at the bottom of the oral capsule, while on the dorsal wall a conical spine projects obliquely forwards. D. duodenalis Dub. (Ancylostomum duodenale Dub.), 10 to 18 mm. long, in the small intestine of man, discovered in Italy (Fig. 233) ; very widely distributed in the countries of the Nile (Bilharz and Griesinger). By aid of its strongly armed mouth it wounds the intestinal mucous membrane, and sucks the blood from the vessels. The frequent haemorrhages occa- sioned by these Dochmii are the cause of the illness known by the name of Egyptian chlorosis. It has lately been established that this worm occurs in Brazil, and that, like D. trigonocephalus, it develops in puddles of water ( Wucherer). D. trigonocephalus Rud., in the dog. Sclerostomum Rud. With char- acters of Dochmius, but with a different oral capsule, into which two long glanular sacs open. Sc. equinum Duj. = armatum Dies. In the intes- tine and the mesenteric arteries of the horse. Lives freely in Ehabditis form. Bellinger* has shown that the phenomena of colic in the horse may be referred to embolic processes proceeding from aneurism of the intestinal artery. Each aneurism contains about nine worms. Sc. tetra- canthum Mehlis, also in the intestine of the horse. The embryos, after migrating into the intestine, become encysted in the walls of the rectum and caecum, assume within the cyst their definite form, break out from the cyst, and escape again into the intestine. Pseudalius Duj. ; Physaloptera Rud. ; Cucullanus Miill.; C. elegans Zed., in the perch, buccal capsule well developed ; viviparous, the young pass into water and enter Cyclops. Olullanus Lkt. ; 0. tricuspis Lkt., in the cat, sexless young encysted in the mouse. Syngamus Siebold ; S. trachealis Sieb. , in trachea and bronchi of poultry cause of gapes, the male is permanently attached to the female by the application of the bursa to the female opening. The eggs hatch on the ground or in water. No second host, though the embryos may be eaten by earthworms and remain alive in their alimentary canal. Fam. 3. Trichotrachelidae, with long, thin anterior portion of the body. Mouth small, without papillae. Oesophagus very long, traversing a peculiar cord of cells. Trichoceplialus Goeze. Anterior part (Fig. 234) of the body elongated and * Bellinger, "Die Kolik der Pferde und das Wurmaneurysma der Einge- weidearterien," Miinchen, 1870. FIG. 233. Dochmiits duodenalis (after R. Leuckart). a, male ; mouth ; B bursa. b, female ;. mouth ; A anus ; V vulva. 286 NEMATHELMINTHBS. whip-shaped : posterior part cylindrical and sharply distinct, enclosing the generative organs, curved in the male. Lateral lines absent. Main median lines present. The penis is slender and furnished with a sheath, which is turned inside out when the former is protruded. The hard-shelled, lemon-shaped eggs undergo the first part of their development in water, without intermediate host. Tr. dispar Rud. In the human colon : these worms do not live free in the intestine, but bury their filiform anterior extremity in the mucous membrane (Fig. 234). The eggs pass out of the host with the faeces, as yet without a sign of beginning development, which only takes place after a prolonged sojourn in the water or in a damp place. According to the experiments of Leuckart, performed with Tr. affinis of the sheep and Tr. crenatus of the pig, embryos with the egg membranes, if introduced into the intestine, develop into the adult Trichocephalus ; and we may therefore conclude that the human Tr. dispar is introduced directly, and with- out an intermediate host, either in the drinking water or in uncleaned food. The young Tr. dispar is at first hair-like, and resembles a Trichina, and only gradually acquires the considerable thickness of the hind end of the body. Trichosomum Rud. Body thin, hair-like, but the pos- terior end of the body in the female is swollen. Lateral lines and the principal median lines are present. The male caudal extremity has a cuta- neous fold and a simple penis (spiculum) and sheath. Tr. muris Creplin., in the large intestine of the house-mouse. Tr. crassicauda Bellingh., in the bladder of the rat. According to Leuckart, the dwarfed male lives in the uterus of the female, and there are usually two or three, more rarely four or five males in a single female. There is also a second species of Trichosomum found in the bladder of the rat, Tr. Schmidtii v. Linst., the larger male of which was formerly taken for that of Tr. crassicauda. Trichina Owen. * Body thin, hair-like. Principal median lines and lateral lines are present. The female generative opening well forward. The hind end of the body without spicule ; with two small conical papillae, between which the cloaca projects. Tr. spiralis Owen, in the alimentary canal of man and numerous, principally carnivorous, mammalia ; hardly two lines in length. The viviparous females begin to bring forth embryos about eight days after their entrance into the alimentary canal. These embryos traverse the intestinal walls and body cavity of the host, and migrate, partly by their own movements in the bundles of * Compare the writings of R. Leuckart, Zenker, R. Virchow, Pagenstecher, etc. FIG. 234. -Trichocephalus dispar (after R. Leuckart). a, egg. b, female, c, male with the anterior part of the body buried in the mucous membrane ; Sp spiculum. NEMATODA. 287 connective tissue, partly with the aid of the currents of blood, into the striped muscles of the body. They pierce the sarcolemima and penetrate into the FIG. 235. Trich'na spiraHs. a, mature female Trichina from the alimentary canal ; G genital opening; E embryos ; GJ ovary, b, male ; T testis. c, embryo, d, embryo which has migrated into a muscle fibre, already considerably enlarged, e, the same developed into a coiled Muscle Trichina, and encysted. 288 NEMATHELMINTHES. primitive bundles, the substance of which degenerates, the degeneration being accompanied by an active multiplication of the nuclei. In a space of fourteen days they develop, within a sac-like swelling of the muscle fibres, into spirally coiled worms, around which and within the sarcolemma and its connective tissue investment a clear lemon-shaped capsule is excreted from the degenerated muscle substance. The young Muscle -Trichina can remain, living for years within this capsule, which at first very delicate, gradually becomes thickened and hard by the formation of other layers and by the gradual deposition of calcareous matter. If the encysted animal is trans- ferred into the intestine of some warm-blooded animal in the flesh of its first host, it is freed from its cyst by the action of the gas- tric juice, and the rudimentary generative organs, which are already tolerably far developed, quickly attain maturity. In from three to four days after their introduction the asexual Muscle- Trichinas become sexual Trichinas These copulate and produce a brood of embryos which migrate into the tissues of the host (one female may produce as many as 1000 embryos) (Fig. 235). The house rat is especially to be men- tioned as the natural host of the Trichina. This animal does not hesitate to eat the carcase of its own species, and so the Trichina infection is passed on from genera- tion to generation. Carcases in- fected with Trichinas are sometimes eaten by the omnivorous pig, in whose flesh the encysted Trichinas are introduced into the intestine of man, and occasion the well- known disease, Trichinosis, which when the migration takes place in numbers, often has a fatal FIG. 236. Filaria medinensis (after Bastian and Leuckart). a, anterior end seen from the oral surface ; mouth ; P papilla. &, pregnant female (size reduced more than half), c, embryos strongly magnified. result. Fam. 4. Filariidae. Body filiform, elongated, often with six oral papillae, sometimes with a horny oral capsule, with four praeanal pairs of papillae, to which an unpaired papilla may be added, with two unequal spicula or with simple spiculum. Filaria 0. Fr. Mtill. (Fig. 236). With small mouth and narrow oesophagus. This genus, which is sometimes destitute of papillae, lives outside the viscera, usually in connective tissue, frequently beneath the skin, and is divided by NEMATODA. 289 Diesing into numerous genera. F. (Dracunculus) medinensis* Gmel. the Guinea worm, in the subcutaneous cellular tissue of man in the Tropics.of the Old World, reaches a length of two feet or more. The head is provided with two small and two larger papillae. Alimentary canal degenerate. The female is vivipa- rous, and without sexual opening. The male form is unknown. The worm lives in the connective tissue between the muscles and beneath ttte skin, and after reaching sexual maturity, occasions the formation of an abscess, with the contents of which the embryos escape to the exterior (Fig. 236). It has lately been proved (Fedschenko) that the embryos of Filaria migrate into a Cyclops and there undergo an ecdysis. Whether they are then (in the body of the Cyclops) introduced into man in his drinking water, or whether they first escape and copulate in a free state, is not known. F. immitis lives in the right ventricle of the dog, and is very abundant in East Asia. It is viviparous. The embryos pass directly into the blood, where, however, they do not undergo their further development. Similar immature Filariae are also found in the blood of man in the Tropics of the New and Old Worlds, and havB been described as F. sanguinis hominis nocturna, the sexual form living in the lymphatic glands as F. Bancrofti Cobb. The intermediate host is probably the mosquito, on the death of which the larvae make their way into the water in which they, presumably, enter the alimentary canal of man. It is supposed that they make their way from the alimentary canal, by active migration, to the lymphatics where they mature and pair, f The larvae enter the blood and probably escape by means of abscesses, etc., and by the kidneys, since they are also found in the urine ; their appearance seems to have an aetiological con- nection with chyluria and elephantiasis. F. sanguinis hominis nocturna is periodic, appearing only in the blood at night. Two other varieties of Filaria are also found in the human blood, viz. diurna which appears in the day, and perstans. Filaria perstans is supposed to have a connection with the sleeping sickness of negroes. The sexual forms of F. diurna and perstans are unknown. In the East Indies, young Filaria also live in the blood of the street dog, and would seem to be related to the brood of Filaria sanguinolenta, since, according to Lewis, knotty swellings on the aorta and oesophagus are invariably found with these Filaria. F. papillosa Hud. in the peritoneum of the horse. F. loa Guyot., in the conjunctiva of negroes on the Congo. F. labialis Pane, only once observed at Naples. An immature Filaria described as Filaria lentis (oculi humani) has been found in the human capsula lentis. Ichthyonema Dies. , anus and vulva absent, male minute, in fishes. Spiroptera Rud., S. obtusa Rud., stomach of mouse, asexual larva in meal-worm. Spiroxys Schn., Hystrichis Molin ; Tetra- meres Crepl. ( Tropidocera Dies. ) ; Hedruris Crepl. ; Ancyracanthus Dies. Fam. 5. Mermithidae. Aproctous Nematodes, with very long filiform body, and six oral papillae. The male caudal region is broad, and is provided with two spicula and three rows of numerous papillae. They live in the body-cavity of insects, and escape into the damp earrtli, where they attain sexual maturity and copulate. Mermis nigrescens Duj. was the occasion of the fable of the rain-worm. M. albicans v. Sieb. v. Siebold established by experiment the migration of the embryos into the caterpillars of Tinea evonymella. * Compare H. C. Bastian, " On the Structure and Nature of the Dracunculus," Trans. Linn. Society, vol. xxiv., 1863. Fedschenko I.e. t P. Hanson, China Customs Report, No. xiv., 1878. T. Lewis, Q.J.M.S., 19. 1879. See also Hanson, in Davidson's "Hygiene and Diseases in Warm Climates" London, 1893. U 290 NEMATHELMINTHES. Fam. 6. Anguillulidae. * Free-living Nematodes of small size, usually with a double swelling on oesophagus. Caudal glands are sometimes present. The lateral canals are often replaced by the so-called ventral glands ; males with two equal spicules. Some species either live on or are parasitic in plants ; others live in fermenting or decaying matter. The greater number, however, live free in earth or water. Tylenchus Bast. Buccal cavity small, and containing a small spine. The female genital opening lies far back. T. scandens Schn. = tritici Needham, in mildewed wheat grains. When the grains of wheat fall the dried embryos grow in the damp earth, bore through the softened membranes, and make their way on to the growing wheat plant. Here they remain some time, perhaps a whole winter without alteration, until the ears begin to be formed. They then pass into the latter, grow, and become sexually mature, while the ear is ripening. They copulate and deposit their eggs, from which the embryos creep out, and at length constitute the sole contents of the wheat grains (ear-cockles). T. dipsaci Kulm, in heads of thistles (Carduus) ; T. Davainii Bast., on roots of moss and grass. Heterodcra Schachtii Schmidt., roots of the beet-root, also of the cabbage, of wheat, barley, etc. Rhabditis Duj. (divided by Schneider into Leptodera Duj. and Pelodcra Schn.), with two strongly-developed oesophageal swellings, of which the hinder has a dental armature. Rh. flexilis Duj., head very sharply pointed, mouth with two lips ; in the salivary glands of Limax cinereus. Eh. angiostoma Duj. Rhabditis nigrovenosa, the free dioecious generation of Rhabdonema (Ascaris) nigrovenosum, which is hermaphrodite, and infests the lungs of frogs. Rhabdonema strongyloides Lkt. (Anguillula intestinalis) in intestine of man in Lombardy and Cochin China, causing diarrhoea ; Anguillula stercoralis is the free Rhabditis generation of this.f Rhabdonema (Leptodera) appcndiculata Schn., in damp earth, 3mm. long. The parasitic form, which is without a mouth and has two caudal bands, lives in Arion empiricorum, and does not attain sexual maturity until after its escape from its host. It is dioecious, and gives rise to free-living, also dioecious, Rhabditis forms, many generations of which may succeed one another. Bradynema Zur Strasse, Br. regidum v. Sieb. in the body-cavity of the beetle Aphodius fimentarius, without mouth, intestine, anus, excretory and nervous systems. Mainly consisting of uterus full of embryos ; viviparous ; larvae, male and female, set free in body-cavity, bore through into intestine, and pass out by anus of host. According to Zur Strasse the female larvae die without pro- ducing eggs, while the male larvae become protandrous hermaphrodites, and enter in an unknown way the body -cavity of their host. This account requires confirmation. Allantonema mirabile Lkt. in the beetle Hylobius pini, 3 mm. long, sausage- shaped, surrounded by a membrane, and attached to tracheae in the body-cavity ; without mouth, intestine, anus; are protandrous hermaphrodites, with a free- living dioecious Rhabditis generation. * Davaine, " Recherches sur 1'Anguillule du ble nielle," Paris, 1857. Kiihn, "Ueber das Vorkommen von Anguillulen in erkrankten Bliithenkb'pfen von Dipsacus fullonum," Zeitschr. fur wiss Zool., torn 9., 1859. Bastian, "Mono- graph of the Anguillulidae or free Nematoids, marine, land, and fresh water," London, 1864. 0. Biitschli, " Beitrage zur Kentniss der freilebenden Nema- toden," Nov. Ada, torn. 36, 1873. J. G. de Man, "Diefrei in der reinen Erde und im sussen Wasser lebenden Nematoden der Nied. Fauna," Leiden, 1884. t Leuckart, Ber. d. k. Sachs. Gesel. d. Wiss, 1882. Z.f. w. Z.,54, 1892, p. 700. NEMATODA. 291 Attractonema gibbosum Lkt. in body-cavity of Cecidomyia pini, without mouth and anus ; with alimentary canal reduced to a cell-cord ; with prolapsed uterus and vagina, full of eggs, projecting from the body. Males and females are found in the free state; they copulate; the female alone enters the host. Sphaerularia bombi* Leon. Duf., in the body-cavity of the humhie bees which have survived the winter (Fig. 231) ; the life-history is similar to that of At. gibbosum. The form in the body-cavity of the bee is the female, and consists of a 15 mm. vermiform body carrying a small Nematode-like worm. The former is the enormously grown protruded female generative apparatus, and the latter is the body of the female worm, which alone enters the host. The larvae become free in the bee, and leave it by the anus. When free and 1 mm. long they become sexual as males and females, and copulate. After copulation the female enters the bee. Anguilhila Ehrbg. Small buccal cavity, oesophagus with a posterior bulb and a valvular apparatus. Male without bursa. Usually two circular lateral organs. No anal gland. A. aceti = glutinis 0. Fr. M., the vinegar- and paste-worm 1-2 mm. long. Chromadora Bast. ; Spilophora Bast. ; Odonto- phora Bast. Fam. 7. Enoplidae.f Small, usually free- living, marine forms, without the posterior pharyngeal bulb, often with eyes and a buccal armature, often with fine hairs and bristles round the mouth. Dorylaimus Duj. ( Urolabes Carter) ; D. palustris Cart., supposed by Carter to be a non- parasitic stage in the development of Filaria medinensis ; D. stag- nalis found in mud everywhere in Europe. Trilobus Bast.; Monhystera Bast.; Comesoma Bast.; Enchdidium Ehrbg., a large eye on the oesophagus, in the sea. Enoplus Duj., marine ; Symplocostoma Bast. ; Oncholaimus Duj.; Odontobius Roussel. The Chaetosomatidae and the Desmoscole- cidae may be mentioned here. They are minute non-parasitic, marine organisms, pre- senting in the arrangement of their generative organs resemblances to the Nematoda. Their anatomy, however, is imperfectly known. FIG. 237. Desmoscolex minutus x 200. a eye ; b ventral surface ; c long dorsal bristles, which exist only in the female ; d anus ; ventral bristles (after Greef, from Perrier). * A. Schneider, Zool. Beitrage, Breslau, vol. i. R. Leuckart, "Zool. Anzeiger," 1885. Id., Neue Beitrage 2. Kennt. d. Nematoden, Leipzig, 1887. f Eberth, Unters. ub. Nematoden, Leipzig, 1863. Marion, "Rech. anat. et physiol. sur les Nematoides non-parasites marins," Ann. Sc. Nat., XIII., 1870. O. Biitsclili, "Ub. freileb. Nematoden, insb. d. Kieler Hafens," Abh. Senk. Nat. Oesel. Frankfurt, 9, 1874. De Man, "Onderz. o. v. in der Aarde lev. Nematoden," Tyds. d. Nederland. Tierkund. Vereenig, 1875. Id. " Contributions d la con- naissance des Nematodcs du golfe de Naples," Leiden, 1876. 292 NEMATHELMINTHES. Chaetosomatidae. * The anterior end of the body is swollen into a head, with a semicircle of moveable hooks. The body is covered with fine hair. There is a terminal mouth, an oesophagus, intestine and ventral anus. Two rows of knobbed processes on the ventral surface of hind end of body. Dioecious. Testis single, vas deferens opens with the anus, and is provided with two spicules. Two ovaries, single vagina, opening ventrally about middle of body. Minute. Marine. Chaetosoma Clap., Rhabdogaster Metschnikoff. Desmoscolecidae.f Minute, vermiform marine animals. Body marked with transverse ridges, which carry bristles. Mouth anterior and terminal, anus dorsal. Dioecious. Testis and ovary as impaired tubes. Male with two spicula, vas deferens opens with the anusf ovary opens on ventral surface. They move by looping. Nervous system unknown. Desmoscolex Clap. (Fig. 237), Trichoderma Greef. Class II. NEMATOMORPHA. + Elongated, unsegmented round worms without lateral lines, witli ventral nerve-cord and circumoesophageal ring. The position of these worms in the system is obscure. The name chosen for the order expresses the fact that in general form of body they resemble the Nematoda. Their anatomy, however, is very different from that of the latter group. The body is elongated and filiform, but is without oral papillae and lateral lines. There is a marked cuticle, beneath which is a cellular epidermis. The body- muscles are in one layer of longitudinal fibres. The nervous system consists of three cords closely approximated in the middle ventral line, within the muscular layer. This ventral cord divides in front into the two cords which embrace, and unite with one another dorsal to, the oesophagus. The mouth (which is anterior) and oesophagus are occluded in the adult state, and the anus is at the hind end of the body. Between the body-wall and the gut there lie polygonal cells, which in the adult seem to differentiate into various organs, e.g. genital glands, genital ducts ; and a space, which may or may not be a coelomic space, appears among them. * E. Metschnikoff, Z. f. w. Z., 17, 1867. Panceri, Atti Accad. delle Scienze, Naples 7, 1878, p. 7. f Greef. Unters. lib. einige merkwiirdige Thiergruppen der Arthropoden u, Wurmtypus, Arch. Naturg. 35 (1) 1869. Panceri, Op. cit. I F. Vejdovsky, " Zur Morphologic der Gordiiden," Z. /. w. Z., 43, 1886, p. 369, and Ibid., 46, 1888, p. 188. v. Linstow, "Ueb. d. Entwick. und d. Anat. v. Gordius," Arch. f. Mic. Anat., 34, 1889, p. 248. Id., " Weitere Beobachtungen an Gordius," Arch. f. Mic. Anat., 37, 1891, p. 239. Id., "Uber d. Entwick. v. Gordius," Cenlralbl. Bctct. ParasitJc., 11, p. 475. 0. Biirger, "Zur Kenntniss v. Nectonema agile Verr.," Zool. Jahrb. Morph. Abth., 4, 1891, p. 631. H. B. Ward, "On Nectonema agile," Bull Mus. Harvard Coll., 23, 1892, p. 135. NEMATOMORPHA. 293 The sexes are separate, and the generative organs are paired ; they open to the exterior, with the anus near the hind end of the body. The ovaries are metamerically repeated masses of cells on each side. The ova are collected into two tubes the egg-sacs, which behind become the oviducts. The oviducts open into a median atrium, which also receives the opening of the single receptaculum seminis. The male organs are much the same, except that the two vasa deferentia open separately into the rectum (cloaca). The male caudal region is forked, and is devoid of spicula. In the adult stage these animals are free and sexually mature, but the -,. , FIG. 238. Larvae of Gordius subbi- alimentary canal is generally degen- furcm (after Me issner). a, in the erate, being occluded in front, and egg-membrane with protruded pro- , , , , boscis; 6, out of the egg-membrane; presumably functionless. They are c> with invaginated proboscis, found in fresh -water ponds and streams, and move in an undulating manner. The eggs give rise in the water to an embryo, with a circle of boring-spines, which leaves the egg and migrates into insect larvae (Ephemerid larvae, etc., they have been found even in fishes, molluscs, and oligochaetes) and there encysts. Water beetles and other aquatic predatory insects eat with the flesh of their prey the encysted young forms, which then develop in the body-cavity of their new and larger host to young Gordiidae, which make their way into the water. Gordius L. ; Nectonema Verr., a marine form, life-history unknown. Class III. ACANTHOCEPHALA.* Elongated round ivorms, with protrusible proboscis furnished with hooks ; without mouth, and alimentary canal ; icith a body-cavity, into which the ova are dehisced and the oviducts open ; parasitic. The saccular, often transversely wrinkled body begins with a proboscis, which is furnished with recurved hooks, and can be retracted into a tube projecting into the body-cavity (sheath of the * Besides Dujardin, Diesing, 1. c., compare: R. Leuckart, " Parasiten des Menschen," torn 2, 1876. Greeff, " Untersuchungen liber Echinorhynchus miliaris," Arch, fur Naturgesch, 1864. A. Schneider, "Ueber den Bau der Acanthocephalen," Mutter's Archiv., 1868. Also the Sitzungsbcrichte der Oberhessischen Gesellschaft fur Natur- und fleilkunde, 1871. B. Grassi and S. Calandmccio, " Ueb. einen Echinorhynchus, welcher auch in Menschen parasitirt u. dessen Zwischemvirth ein Blaps ist," Centralbl. fur Bakt. u. Parasitekund. 3, 1888. 0. Hamann, Die Nemathelminthen, Heft 1, Monographic der Acantho- cephalen, Jena 1891 ; Heft 2, 1895. 294 NEMATHELMINTHES. 3, proboscis) (Fig. 239, R and Ms). The posterior end of this sheath is fastened to the body-wall by a ligament, and by retractor muscles (retinacula). The nervous system (Fig. 239, G) is placed at the base of the proboscis, and consists of a simple ganglion formed of large cells. Nerves are given off from the ganglion anteriorly to the proboscis, and through the lateral retrac- tors to the body-wall (Fig. 239, R). The latter supply partly the muscular system of *he body, and partly the genital apparatus, in which there are, principally in the male animal, special nerve-centres, consisting of ganglionic enlarge- ments. Sense organs are entirely wanting, as also are mouth, alimentary canal, and anus. The nutritive juices are taken in through the whole outer surface of the body. In the soft granular subcuticular layer of the integument (epider- mis}) in which, as in Nematodes, cell -limits are not discernible, lies a com- plicated system of canals, filled with a clear fluid containing granules. Be- neath the subcuticular layer of the integument, which layer is often very extensive and of a yellow colour, is FIG. 240. Male of ECU placed the powerful mus- cular tunic; it is composed of external transverse arid internal longitudinal fibres, which latter bound the body-cavity. The struc- ture of the muscular fibres is not unlike that of Nematodes. The complicated ramified system of the epidermal canals, of which two principal longitudinal trunks may be recognized, is filled with juices, and probably functions as a nutri- tive apparatus. The epidermis and canal system of the proboscis is entirely cut off from the epidermis and vessels of the trunk by a thin ingrowth of cuticle. The lemnisci are two bodies which R FIG. 239. Anterior part of an Echinorhynchus. R Proboscis ; Rs sheath of proboscis ; G ganglion ; Le lem- nisci : R retinacula. rhyncus nngnstatus (after R. Leuckart). 11 pro- boscis ; Rs sheath of the proboscis ; Li ligament ; (; ganglion ; Le lemnisci : T testes ; Vd vasa defer- entia ; Pr prostatic sacs ; De ductus ejaculatorius ; P penis; B retracted bursa. ACANTHOCEPHALA. 295 project through the muscular tunic into the body-cavity at the base of the proboscis (Fig. 240, Le). They consist of epidermis, continuous with that of the proboscis, and a thin muscular coat, and they contain a great number of anastomosing canals, It has been suggested that the epidermal spaces of the lemnisci and proboscis are organs for the protrusion of the proboscis ; the fluid which in the retraction of the proboscis enters the epidermal spaces of the lemnisci being by the contraction of these latter organs forced back into the walls of the proboscis, so bringing about its protrusion. According to Schneider, the vessels of the lemnisci open into a circular vessel in the integument, and only communicate with the net- work of canals in the proboscis, while the other dermal vessels (nutritive apparatus), the con- tents of which differs from that of the vessels of the lemnisci, are, as above stated, completely shut off from the latter. It has recently* been asserted that there is in Echino- rhynchus gigas a pair of nephridia. They consist of a bunch of tine tubes, which terminate in a sieve-plate, the pores of which open into the body -cavity. The sieve-plate carries on its inner side a bunch of flagella. The fine tubes unite to form a duct, which joins its fellow. The single duct so formed opens into the generative duct. Generative organs. The body-cavity through which fluids circulate encloses the greatly- developed generative organs, which are attached to the end of the sheath of the proboscis by the ligament (Figs. 240* and 241 1). The sexes are separate. The male (Fig. 240) has two testes (T\ and the same number of efferent ducts ( Vd). The latter unite behind to form a ductus ejaculatorius (De), which is often furnished with six or eight glandular sacs (Pr), and a conical penis (P), at the bottom of a bell-shaped protrusible bursa (B), situated at the posterior end of the body (Fig. 240). The generative organs of the larger females (Fig. 241) consist of the ovary developed in the ligament; of * J. E. Kaiser "Die Acanthocephalen u. ilire Entwick." Bill. Zool. Bd. 2, Heft 7, 2 Theile, 1892. FIG. 241. Generative ducts of a female Echinorhynchus tricho- cephahis from the so- called dorsal side, i.e., the side of the pos- terior opening of the bell. The opening of the uterine bell b looking forward and its relation to the liga- ment I. c posterior opening of the bell, by which the unripe eggs pass back into the body-cavity; d uterus; e vagina (after Kaiser). 296 NEMATHELMINTHES. a complicated " uterine bell," which opens into the body-cavity (ft), and to the base of which the ligament is attached; of two short oviducts connecting the bell with the uterus, which leads into the vagina ; the vagina opens at the hind end. There is at the hind end of the bell a second opening into the body-cavity on the so- called dorsal side (c). The female generative ducts consist of a few very large cells, like the cells constituting the skin of the embryo, and the muscles of the ducts are fibrous differentiations of the outer parts of these cells. It is only in the young stage that the ovary is a simple body enclosed by the membrane of the above-mentioned ligament. As the animal increases in size, the ovary grows, and becomes divided into numerous spherical masses of eggs, the pressure of which bursts the membrane of the ligament; the masses of ova, as well as the ripe elliptical eggs, which gradually become free from them, fall into the body -cavity. The egg membranes are not formed till after segmentation, and ought perhaps to be interpreted as embryonic membranes. The eggs, which already contain embryos, pass out of the body-cavity into the uterine bell, which is continually dilating and contracting, thence into the oviduct, and through the genital opening to the exterior; while the round still unripe eggs pass from the uterine bell through the dorsal FIG. 242. Embryo of EcMnorhynchus posterior opening back into the body-cavity. gigas enclosed in Development. Segmentation is irregular and the egg membranes (after Leuckart). complete, and results in the formation of an em- bryo, which is enclosed in three egg-membranes. The embryo has a small, somewhat long body, armed with small spines at the anterior pole, and consists of a central mass of small cells and a peripheral layer containing a few large nuclei and without cell-limits (Fig. 242). The peripheral layer gives rise to the ectoderm and the lemnisci ; the central cells to the other organs. The large nuclei are said to break up into the small nuclei of the ectoderm of the adult except in Neorhynclms and Arhynclms. The body cavity arises in the central mass, and the cells on the outside of it form the muscles of the body-wall. In this development there can be no talk of layers in the ordinary sense. The embryo passes into the intestine of Amphipods (Ech. proteus, polymorphus), or of Isopods (Ech. angustatus), and there becomes free, bores through the wall of the intestine, and after losing the embryonic spines, ACANTHOCBPHALA. 297 develops to a small elongated larva, which, like a pupa, lies in the body-cavity of the small Crustacean, with its proboscis retracted and surrounded by its firm external skin as by a cyst (Fig. 243, I). As stated above, the skin of the larva gives rise only to the integu- ment, the vessels and the lemnisci of the adult ; while all the other organs enclosed within the dermal muscular envelope, viz., the nervous system, the sheath of the proboscis, and the generative organs, are de- veloped from the so-called embryonic nucleus. It is only after their introduction into the intestine of fishes (Ech. proteus) or of aquatic birds (Ech. polymorphus), which feed on these Crustacea, that the larvae attain to sexual maturity, copulate, and reach their full size. T c s3 d FIG. 243. Larvae of EcMnorhynclius proteus from Gammarus (after Leuckart). a, free embryo ; Ek embryonic nucleus. 6, older stage, with more differentiated embryonic nucleus, c, young female worm ; Ov ovary, d, a young male worm ; T testes ; Le lemnisci. The numerous species of the genus Echinorhynchus 0. F. M tiller, live in the alimentary canal of different Vertebrates, principally fishes, the gut wall of which may be as it were sown with these animals ; the asexual larvae are found in small Crustacea (Amphipods, Isopods). Lambl found a small sexually immature Echinorhynchus in the small intestine of a child which died of leukhaemia. Ech. polymorphus Brems, in the intestine of the duck and other birds, larva in the crayfish ; E. proteus Westrumb., larval form in Gammarus and in the body -cavity and liver of Phoxinus, sexual form in the trout. Gigantorhynchus Hamann, with ringed and flattened body, intestine of ant- eaters, birds, swine ; larval form in grubs of insects ; G. gigcts Goeze, as large as an Ascaris lumbricoides, in the small intestine of the pig, larval form in grubs of beetles. Neorhynchus Hamann, the nuclei of the epidermis and lemnisci are large and few in number, as in the larvae of other forms ; in the carp, larval form in larvae of Neuroptera, etc. Arhynchus Shipley, without eversible proboscis and hooks ; epidermis and lemnisci with giant nuclei ; in- side the skin of a bird Hemignathus procerus. 298 NEMATHELMINTHES. Following the usual custom, the Acanthocephala are placed in the phylum Nemathelminthes ; but it must be borne in mind that the relationship to the Nematoda thus expressed is more than doubtful. Indeed, there is nothing in common between the two groups, and there are many remarkable differences. The absence of an alimentary canal, the presence of a coelorn with relations to the generative organs and ducts, the form of the nervous system, the presence of cilia in the so-called nephridia, are all characters of great importance and quite different from anything in the Nematoda. Further, the canals in the skin, though they may be compared to the lateral excretory organs of Nematodes, are, in reality, totally different, inasmuch as they form anastomosing net- works, and are found throughout the whole of the epidermis. Finally, the development cannot be brought into relation with anything else in the animal kingdom. It is peculiar in the fact of the giant nuclei of the outer layer and in their behaviour, and in the absence of a third layer or group of cells in the early stages. Our inclination is to create a separate phylum the Acantho- cephala for this strange group of parasites. CHAPTER VIII. PHYLUM ROTIFERA.* Minute animals with a ciliated trochal disc, an anterior mouth, and a dorsal posterior anus. Perivisceral cavity ivell developed ; excretory system ivith flame-cells; vascular system absent. The Rotifera are small aquatic organisms which swim in the water by means of a ciliary apparatus at the front end of the body, called the trochal disc. This consists of the anterior end which generally has a somewhat discoidal form, and of the cilia which are disposed in one or two rows round its margin. The name "Wheel-animalcules," sometimes applied to this group, is due to the co-ordinated movement of these cilia, which produces the appearance of a rotating wheel, or in some cases, when the ciliary band is indented or interrupted at its median dorsal point and its median ventral, of two wheels (Philodina, Limnias). It will be useful to use the word corona for the discoidal anterior end of the body, and velum for the ciliary apparatus of its margin the whole being the trochal disc. The posterior end of the body tapers, and is called the foot or pseudopodium ; it may be jointed, and the joints are often telescopically retractile. It terminates either in a sucker-like surface for adhesion, on which the secretion of a cement-gland may be poured, or in two (or more) styles, which can be used as pincers for anchoring the animal (Fig. 244). It is used both for locomotion and attachment. The trochal disc is generally retractile, and the foot is, in rare cases, absent. The mouth is 011 the ventral side of the trochal disc, and the anus is on the dorsal surface, usually near the foot. * Ehrenberg, "Die InfusionsthiercTien als vollkommene Organismen," Leipzig, 1838. C. T. Hudson and P. H. Gosse, ".The Rotifera or Wheel- animalcules,'" 2 vols., London, 1886. L. H. Plate, "Ub. d. Rotatorienfauna d. bottnisclien Meerbusens," etc., Z. f. w. Z., 49, 1890. C. Zelinka, " Studien lib. Rotatorien," Z. /. w. Z., 44, 1886 ; 47, 1888 ; 53, 1892. 300 ROTIFERA. There is often a spur-like process, carrying a tuft of setae and projecting from the dorsal middle line close to the trochal disc : this is the calcar or antenna. There may be, in addition, a pair of ventral setigerous processes or antennae of a similar character. The single nerve-ganglion is placed on the dorsal side of the body, close to the trochal disc. The velum varies in its arrangement. It may consist of a simple circle of cilia at the margin of the trochal disc (Microcodon) : in this case it surrounds the mouth, and is a circum-oral ring. In the Floscularidae (Fig. a 245, 3\ this ring is reduced to a half-ring on ? the ventral side of the mouth, and the edges of the disc may be produced into long processes (Stephano- ceros). In other forms the ring encircles the disc twice by bending on itself (Fig. 245, 7, 2) ; thus enclosing the mouth, and having a dorsal gap between the points of flexure (Rhi- zota). In this form of velum a fusion of the two points of flexure would result in the formation of two rings, one pre-oral (above the mouth), and one post- oral (circum-oral) below the mouth. In the Bdelloidea the ring is doubled on itself, but there are two gaps, one dorsal, at the point of flexure, and the other ventral in the upper ring just above the mouth (Fig. 245, 4)- Very frequently, especially in the parasitic forms, the trochal disc is reduced, and in certain cases entirely aborted (Apsilus). In Notoin- mata tardigrada the trochal disc is reduced to a ciliated disc round the mouth. In some cases the ciliated edge of the disc projects over the head and forms the double wheel above referred to (Philodina, FIG. 244,Hydatina senta (after F. Cohn). a, female, b, male. Wpr ciliated ring (velum) ; CBl contractile vesicle of the excretory system; Wtr ciliated lobule of the excretory organs (Ex) ; K mastax ; Dr salivary glands ; Md stomach ; Ov ovary ; T testis ; P penis. ROTIFERA. 301 Brachionus), or becomes a ciliated cephalic shield (Megalotrocha, Tubicolaria). Finally it may be produced into ciliated processes of various form (Floscularia, Stephanoceros). The cilia are con- FIG. 245. Vela of various Rotifera (after Hudson and Gosse). 1, Rhizotic velum, front view (Melicerta ringens). 2, Rhizotic velum, side view (M. ringens). 3, Velum of Floscularia campanulata. k, Bdelloidic velum (Rotifer citrinus). 5, The same, side view. 6, Bdelloidic velum of Adineta vaga. bf the buccal funnel ; pw the principal ring of cilia ; sw the secondary ring ; lp the lips ; cw the velum. cerned with locomotion, but in addition they play an important part in procuring food. Locomotive organs. In addition to the foot and trochal disc, there are often styliform processes of the body, into the bases of 302 ROTIFERA. which special muscles are inserted. Such are found in Triarthra, Polyarthra, etc. In one family the Pedalionidae the body pos- sesses hollow appendages containing muscles, and recalling very closely the limbs of Arthropoda (Fig. 246). The body-wall consists of a cuticle with a subjacent protoplasmic layer with scattered nuclei, but without cell-limits. This doubtless represents the ectoderm. There does not appear to be any con- FIG. 246. Pedalion mirum, side view (from Perrier, after Gosse). g eyes ; c velum ; m, m', m" mus- cular bands ; v ventral appendage ; d dorsal appen- dage ; 1,1' lateral appendages. FIG. 247. Melicerta ringens (after Leuckart and Nitsch, modified from Ehrenberg and Joliet). showing the tube formed of pellets cemented together. mouth ; Ph pharynx ; L ciliated lobe overhanging W the cili- ated cup ; Dr cement gland ; M stomach ; T tentacle ; B trochal disc. tinuous muscular layer in the body-wall, but there may be a small amount of connective tissue, inasmuch as connective tissue fibres can be seen passing between the various organs across the body- cavity. The cuticle is sometimes soft and thin, sometimes hardened into a kind of shell, called the lorica (the Ploima) ; there are sometimes joints in it, which give the body a segmented appearance. The ROTIFERA. 303 skin is not ciliated except in certain spots, of which the trochal disc is the chief. The principal integumentary glands are the cement glands of the foot, which open at the extremity of the pincers and secrete the substance by which the animal is fixed. The tube or urceolus, in which some Rotifera live, is pfobably a secretion of the skin; it is often gelatinous, but in Melicerta it consists of pellets. These pellets are formed of foreign or faecal particles which are worked up and cemented together by a ciliated cup on the ventral side close to the trochal disc, the cementing substance being a secretion of a gland (Dr) near the ciliated cup (Fig. 247). The body-cavity is a well-marked space, traversed as stated above by a few fine connective tissue strands and filled with a clear vascular fluid. As to its nature we know nothing. The generative and, apparently, the renal organs are in no way connected with it, so that presumably it is not coelomic. It may be a haemocoele; if it is, it is the only representative of the vascular system, for nothing in the shape of heart or blood-vessels are known. The alimentary canal (Fig. 244) is ciliated throughout. It consists of a mouth leading into a muscular pharynx called the mastax, and provided with a special armature the troplii. The parts of the armature (see below) are in continual movement, and serve for mastication. In the more predaceous forms they can be protruded so as to act as jaws. Following the pharynx is a short oesophageal tube ; this leads into the digestive sac or stomach. The stomach is lined with large ciliated cells, which often contain green or yellow pigment grains. The anterior or gastric part of this cavity is wide and receives two large glandular tubes, which may be explained as salivary or pancreatic glands. The posterior narrow intestinal part leads into a cloacal chamber, which opens on the dorsal surface at the point where the foot-like posterior region joins the anterior part of the body. In some cases, e.g. Asplanchna, the intestine ends blindly, and the faeces are rejected through the mouth. Respiration is carried on by the general surface of the body; special organs are wanting. The muscular system is complex, being composed mainly of muscular bands passing between definite points. The muscular tissue is in part, at any rate, cross-striped. Excretory organs. The so-called respiratory canals are excretory. They consist of two sinuous longitudinal canals, with fluid contents ; they open into the cloaca either directly or by means of a contractile 304 ROTIFERA. vesicle, and are beset by short appendages called the vibratile tags (Fig. 244). The latter appear to be simply flame-cells, which open into the main trunks : whether they open into the perivisceral cavity or not is disputed. The nervous system consists of a simple or bilobed cerebral ganglion placed dorsal to the oesophagus, and giving off nerves to peculiar cutaneous sense organs and to the muscles. In Calli- dina and Discopus there is in addition a small ventral ganglion connected with the dorsal ganglion rotund the oesophagus. Eyes are often present, and lie upon the brain either as an x-shaped, unpaired pigment body, or as paired pigment spots provided with refractile spheres. There is often a small mass* of calcareous granules in connection with the ganglion : its function is unknown. The above-mentioned cutaneous sense-organs, which have the form of prominences beset with hairs and setae, e.g. calcar, so-called antennae, etc., are probably tactile. Generative organs. The sexes are separate, and are distinguished, except in Seison, by a strongly marked dimorphism. The males (Fig. 244, b) are much smaller than the females, and often have a very different form ; they possess excretory tubes and ganglion, etc., but are without either oesophagus or intestinal canal these organs being reduced to a cord of cells : they leave the egg completely developed. Their generative organs are reduced to a testicular sac, the muscular duct of which opens at the hind end of the body, sometimes on a papilliform protuberance. This is the penis, which either introduces sperm into the female's cloaca in true copulation, or perforates her body-wall and deposits the spermatozoa in the body-cavity. The males of many species are unknown, and when they are known they often appear only in the autumn, when the winter- eggs are formed; but they are also found in summer. The generative organs of the female consist of a roundish ovary, with which a yolk-gland is associated, and of a short oviduct which usually opens into the cloaca. The oviduct is sometimes absent (Rotifer), and in the Pldlodinidae and Seisonidae the ovaries are double. Almost all Rotifera are oviparous, and their eggs are distinguishable into thin-shelled summer eggs, which develop immediately without being- fertilized, and thick-shelled winter eggs, which last through the winter and are probably fertilized. They carry both kinds of eggs about on their body in their tube, but the summer eggs not un- frequently develop in the oviduct. The summer eggs are of two HOTIFERA. 305 kinds, large and small. The large develop into females, and the small into males; they are produced by different individuals. Asexual reproduction is unknown. It has been established by Maupas* that in certain Rotifera (Hydatina senta) the same animal produces only eggs of^bne sex; thus, a female which has once laid the small male egg never produces a female egg, and vice versa. He has further shown that while the general rule is that female eggs should be produced a rise in temperature, if applied at the earliest stages of their short life, will ensure the production of the small male eggs. Further, he has shown that the layers of female eggs are devoted to parthenogenesis, and only produce the thin-shelled immediate eggs. Copulation of such with a male has no effect. On the other hand copulation between a young female, which would, if left alone, lay only male eggs, and a male brings about a complete change in the character of the eggs ; in this case the egg acquires a thick, hard, often orna- mented shell, and develops immediately to a certain stage ; but the development soon ceases and the egg becomes a resting so-called winter egg. Such eggs may be produced at any season of the year, and their peculiar property is to be able to resist drought and other adverse influences ; they give rise only to parthenogenetic females, which lay thin-shelled immediate eggs. Finally, copulation between a male-producing female, in which the eggs have been formed, and a male has no effect; in such a case the female lays small immediate eggs, which develop at once into males. It thus appears that, as in the bees, an egg which would, if fertilized, produce a female, will, if not fertilized, produce a male. Should these most important and interesting observations be con- firmed and here it may be observed is a subject of the most fascinating and far-reaching character for research it would appear that in the Rotifera the problem of how to control the production of the sexes has been solved. The development has been studied in the parthenogenetic imme- diate eggs. It throws no light upon the affinities of the group. The young are hatched with practically the form of the adult. There is said to be no mesoderm in the ordinary sense of the word, but the rudiments of the organs are laid down independently. The Rotifera principally inhabit fresh water, but marine forms are known. Some species live in gelatinous tubes which they secrete, or in a case consisting of pellets manufactured by the animal * Ccmiptes rendus Acad. Sci., 109, 1889, 90, 91. X 306 ROTIFERA. (Melicerta, Fig. 247). A small number are parasitic. Many of them possess to a remarkable degree the property of resisting the effects of drought and a high temperature (200 F.). This power is particularly developed in the Bdelloidea. On the approach of the adverse influence they protect themselves by a gelatinous secretion FIG. 248. Jaws of RoUfera.l, Malleate ; 3, Sub-malleate ; 3, Forcipate ; 4, Incudate ; 5, Malleo-ramate ; 6, Uncinate ; 7, Ramate (from Hudson and Gosse). ms malleus ; is incus ; rs rami ; fin fulcrum ; mm manubrium ; us uncus. which protects them against evaporation. The duration of life is often very short. The female of Hydatina senta attains maturity in three days and lives only fourteen days; and the males live only three days. The position of the Rotifera in the system is obscure. Apparently RHIZOTA. 307 they form an isolated phylum with affinities through Pedalion (Fig. 246) to the Arthropoda ; and through the Trochosphere larva to Annelids and Molluscs. As in the Trochosphere, it is impossible to say whether the perivisceral space is a coelom or a haemocoele; probably it is a haemocoele. There is a further important feature of resemblance to the Trochosphere in the form of the excretory organs, which also recall those of Platyhelminthes and Nemertines. The Rotifera are highly specialized animals, and perhaps the most remarkable general fact to note about them is the rarity of marine forms. World-wide in distribution, and extremely rich in species, still they are mainly confined to fresh waters. One cannot help feeling that there must be an equally important marine branch of the phylum which has so far been overlooked, and which when discovered will throw light upon the affinities of the group. The jaws or troplii are three in number ; two mallei and one incus (Fig. 248, 1). The malleus ms consists of a head or uncus (us), and of a handle or manubrium (mm). The incus (is) consists of two rami (rs), against which the mallei work, and of a basal piece the fulcrum (fm). The modifications (Fig. 248, 1-7) of their jaws are as follows : 1. Malleate. Mallei stout, manubria and unci of equal length. 2. Sub-malleate. Mallei slender ; manubria about twice as long as unci. 3. Fordpate. Mallei rod-like ; manubria and fulcrum long ; unci pointed or absent ; rami used as forceps. 4. Incudate. Mallei absent ; rami as curved forceps. 5. Malleo-ramate. Mallei fastened by unci to rami. Unci 3-toothed ; rami large, fulcrum slender. 6. Uncinate. Unci 2-toothed ; incus slender. 7. Hamate. Rami, crossed by two or three teeth, fulcrum rudimentary ; manubria absent. Order 1. EHIZOTA. Fixed when adult, usually inhabiting a gelatinous tube excreted from the skin; foot transversely wrinkled, not retractile within the body, ending in an adhesive disc or cup. The foot of the RMzota is unlike the foot of all other Rotifera, in that it is a prolongation of the dorsal, and not of the ventral, region of the body. Fam. 1. Floscularidae. Corona* produced into setigerous lobes ; mouth central; velum* a single half circle ventral to the buccal orifice (i.e., the gap in velum is dorsal, Fig. 245, 3) ; trophi uncinate. Floscularia Oken ; Acyclus Leidy, without setae ; Apsilus Metschnikoft', without setae, velum, and foot ; Stephanoceros Ehrbg. , lobes long, convergent ; St. eichhornii Ehbg. Fam. 2. Melicertidae.f Corona without setigerous lobes ; mouth lateral ; velum a marginal continuous band, bent on itself at the dorsal surface, so as to encircle the corona twice ; with the mouth between its upper and lower curves, and having also a dorsal gap between its points of flexure (Fig. 245, 1) ; trophi malleo-ramate. Social, the tubes are often adherent to each other. Melicerta Schrank, corona of four lobes, dorsal antenna minute, ventral antennae * Corona is used for trochal disc, and velum for ciliary ring or rings, f This family must not be confused with the Leptomedusan sub-family of the same name (p. 134). 308 EOTIFERA. obvious, Melicerta ringens L. (Fig. 247) ; Limnias Schrank, tube without pellets ; Cephalosiphon Ehrb., vent, antennae absent ; Oecistes Ehrb., dors. ant. absent ; Lacinularia Schweigger, adherent gela- tinous tubes in clusters, antennae absent ; Megalo- trocha Ehrb. , clustered, without tubes, ant. ab- sent ; Trochosphaera Sem- per (Fig. 249), solitary, free -swimming, spherical, velum as preoral ring broken dorsally, ventral antennae minute, trophi malleo-ramate, lateral canals end in cloaca, nerve ganglion close to mastax, male unknown, ovary opens into cloaca. Fresh water of Philippine Islands. Interesting from its resemblance in form, gut, velum, and appear- ance to a trochosphere larva ; Conochilus Ehrb. , gap in velum ventral. FIG. 249. Trochosphaera aequatorialis (after Semper, from Korschelt and Heider). Ce cloaca ; Dr glands of the foregut ; Ex duct of the excretory organs ; G brain ; Ge ovary and oviduct ; M mouth ; Mu muscles ; N nerve ; S mastax; Si sense-organ; W, preoral, W n postoral ciliated band ; A cloacal orifice. Order 2. BDELLOIDA. Swimming with their velum, and creeping like a leech. Foot telescopic, wholly retractile within the body, usually ending in three toes. Fam. 3. PMlodinidae. Corona a pair of circular lobes, transversely placed. Velum a continuous marginal curve, bent on itself at the dorsal surface so as to encircle the corona twice, with the mouth between its upper and lower curves, and having also two gaps, the one dorsal between its points of flexure, and the other ventral in the upper curve opposite to the mouth (Fig. 245, 4) 5 trophi ramate. Philodina Ehrb., eyes two, cervical ; Rotifer Schrank, eyes two, within the frontal column ; in both these genera no oviduct has been seen, but the eggs develop in the body-cavity, and both eggs and young have been seen to leave the cloaca ; males not known. Actinurus Ehrb. ; Callidina Ehrb. Fam. 4. Adinetidae. Corona a flat prone surface ; velum as the furred (with cilia) ventral surface of the corona ; trophi ramate ; frontal column soldered to dorsal surface, and ending in two hooks. Adineta Hudson. Order 3. PLOIMA. Swimming with their velum, and (in some cases) creeping with their toes. The mastax can be protruded so as to seize the prey ; the ganglion is well developed and the eyes often have lenses. Sub-order 1. ILLOEICATA. Integument flexible, not stiffened to an enclosing shell ; foot when present almost always furcate, but not transversely wrinkled, rarely more than feebly telescopic, and partially retractile. LORICATA. 309 Fam. 5. Microcodidae. Corona obliquely transverse, flat, circular ; buccal orifice central ; velum a marginal continuous band encircling the corona and two curves of larger cilia, one on each side of the mouth ; trophi forcipate ; foot stylate. Microcodmi Ehrb. Fam. 6. Asplanchnidae. Corona sub-conical with one or two apices ; velum single, edging the corona; with large stomach which ends blindly, intestine and cloaca being absent. Asplanchna Gosse ; Sacculus Gosse. Fam. 7. Synchaetidae. Corona a transverse spheroidal segment, sometimes much flattened, with styligerous prominences ; velum a single interrupted or continuous marginal band ; mastax large, piriform ; trophi forcipate ; foot minute, furcate. Synchaeta. Fam. 8. Triarthridae. Body furnished with skipping appendages ; corona transverse ; velum single, marginal ; foot absent. Polyarthra Ehrb. ; Pteroessa Gosse ; Triarthra Ehrb. ; Pedetes Gosse. Fam. 9. Hydatinidae. Corona truncate with styligerous prominences ; velum two parallel bands, the one marginal fringing the corona and mouth, the other lying within the first, the styligerous prominences being between the two ; trophi malleate ; foot furcate. Both rings are continued into the mouth. Eydatina Ehrb., eye absent, H. senta 0. F. M. (Fig. 244) ; Rhinops Hudson, eyes two ; Notops Hudson, eye single. In Hydatina senta, there is a small styliferous pit on the dorsal surface with a strong nerve from the ganglion. Fam. 10. Notommatidae. Corona obliquely transverse ; velum of interrupted curves and clusters, usually with a marginal band surrounding the mouth ; trophi forcipate ; foot furcate. Albertia, Duj., vermiform, eiitozoically parasitic in Annelida; Taphrocampa Gosse, Pleurotrocha Ehrb., without eyes; Nolom- mata Gosse, not annulose, cylindrical, with projecting tail : auricles on head ; brain contains opaque chalk masses, trophi virgate ; Copeus Gosse ; Proales Gosse ; Furcularia Ehrb. ; Eosphora Ehrb. ; Diglena Ehrb. ; Distemma Ehrb. Sub-order 2. LORICATA. With a stiffened, wholly or partially enclosing shell ; foot various. Fam. 11. Eattulidae. Body cylindric or fusiform, smooth without plicae or angles ; contained in a lorica closed all round, but open at each end, often ridged ; trophi long asymmetric ; eye single, cervical. Generally subject to abnormal conditions. With tendency to asymmetry, in mastax, antennae, toes. Mastigocerca Ehrb. , toe as single style with accessory stylets ; Rattulus Ehrb. , toes two ; Coelopus Gosse, body curved, toes one broad plate with another laid upon it in a different plane. Fam. 12. Dinocharidae. Lorica entire, vase-shaped or depressed ; sometimes facetted, often spinous ; foot and toes often greatly developed ; trophi sym- metrical. Dinocharis Ehrb., foot and toes long, foot with spurs; Scaridium Ehrb. , foot without spurs, toes long ; Stephanops Ehrb. , head with a wide circular shield. Fam. 13. Salpinidae. Body more or less completely enclosed in a firm lorica which is open at each end and divided down the back by a fissure whose sides are united by membrane ; two furcate toes always exposed. DiascMza Gosse, Diplax Gosse, Salpina Ehrb., lorica with spines, trophi sub-malleate, eye single, cervical ; Diplois Gosse. Fam. 14. Euchlanidae. Lorica of two dissimilar plates, one dorsal and one ventral, united so as to form two confluent cavities of which the upper 310 ROTIFERA. is much the larger ; foot jointed, furcate. Euchlanis Ehrb. ; Cathypna Gosse ; Distyla Eckstein ; Monostyla Ehbg. Fam. 16. Coluridae. Body enclosed in a lorica, open at both ends, closed dorsally, usually open or wanting ventrally ; head surmounted by a chitinous hood ; toes two, rarely one, always exposed. Colurus Ehbg. ; Metopidia Ehbg. ; Monura Ehbg. ; Mytilia Gosse ; Cochleare Gosse. Fain. 17. Pterodinidae. Lorica entire, various ; corona and velum those of the Philodinidae ; trophi malleo-ramate ; foot wholly retractile, transversely wrinkled, jointless, toeless, ending in a ciliated cup ; or foot absent ; (foot and trophi Rhi/otic, corona Bdelloidic). Pterodina Ehbg. ; Pompholyx Gosse. Fam. 18. Brachionidae. Lorica box-lifte, open at each end, and generally armed with anterior and posterior spmes ; foot long, very flexible, wholly retractile, wrinkled, ending in two toes. Brachionus Ehrb., lacustrine and marine ; Noteus, Notholca Gosse ; Eretmia Gosse. Order 4. SCIRTOPODA. Swimming with velum, and skipping with arthropodo^ls limbs ; foot absent. Fam. 20. Pedalionidae. Six hollow limbs ; head truncate, corona of two concave lobes, and velum as in Philo- dinidae; trophi malleo-ramate. Peda- lion Hudson (Fig. 246), one limb (the longest) Centre-median, another dorso- median, and two pairs of lateral limbs ; and two stylate ciliated appendages on its posterior dorsal surface ; Hexarthra Schmarda, with three pairs of limbs attached to the ventral surface. Order 5. SEISONACEA.* Marine forms parasitic on Nebalia. The cloaca opens at base of neck in male, at hind end of body in female ; male otherwise like female. Intestine complete or blind. Fam. 21. Seisonidae. Seison Griibe ; Paraseison Plate ; Saccobdella v. Ben. and Hesse. GASTROTRICHA.f Small aquatic organisms with a double ventral row of cilia, a cuticle * C. Claus, "Ueb. die Organisation, etc., der Gattung Seison," Festschrift z. F. d. 25 j. Best. d. K. k. z. b. Gesellschaft, Wien, 1876. L. Plate, "Ectopar. Rotatorien d. Golfes v. Neapel," Naples Mit., 7, 1886. f C. Zelinka, "Die Gastrotrichen," Z. f. w. Z., 49, 1890. FIG. 250.Chaetonotus maxlmus (after Biit- schli), ventral view. Cb row of cilia ; Oe oesophagus. ECHINODERIDAE. 311 often prolonged into spines and hairs, a cerebral ganglion connected with the ectoderm and with mouth and anus. The Gastrotricha (Fig. 250) are small fresh-water organisms of unknown affinities. They have a ventral mouth in front, a dorsal anus behind, and an alimentary canal presenting a muscular pharynx, stomach lined withj^ few large cells, and a rectum. The body cavity is indistinct, and if present is without epithelioid lining. There is no vascular system, and the excretory organs consist of two coiled tubes opening on the ventral surface, and internally ending in a ciliated portion. The ovaries are paired, and no oviducts have been observed. It is doubtful if they are hermaphrodite, and if a small median organ behind the ovaries is a testis. No male is known. There is only one kind of egg, found in summer as well as winter. The muscular system is highly developed, and in part in specialized muscular bands. There are no transversely arranged muscular fibres. The cilia are in two ventral rows, and a patch is found on the head in the neighbourhood of the mouth. There is a dorsal ganglion in front which extends a little distance backwards on each side. The marine forms, Hemidasys Clap, and Turbanella M. Sch., appear not to be Gastrotricha. The former has a parenchyma, a well-developed testis, vas deferens, and chitinous penis, and two small ciliated pits in front like Nemer- tines and some Turbellarians ; the ovary, nervous system, and excretory organs are unknown. In Turbanella the whole ventral surface is ciliated, and there is no chitinous cuticle ; and there are two ciliated pits. Section 1. Euichthydina. With forked tail, and adhesive glandular apparatus. Fam. 1. Ichthydiidae. Skin either naked or beset with scales or papillae, never with spines. Ichthydium Ehbg. ; Lepidoderma Zelinka. Fam. 2. Chaetonotidae. Skin either with spines or with spines placed on scales. Chaetonotus Ehbg. ; Chaetura Metschn. Section 2. Apodina. Without caudal fork ; hind end either simply rounded, or lobed and provided with tufts of hairs. Dasydytes Gosse ; Gossecc Zelinka. ECHINODERIDAE.* These are minute marine animals with an elongated body, covered with a strong cuticle which is divided into segments, and an anterior protrusible spiniferous proboscis, at the apex of which the mouth opens. The anus opens at the hind end of the body. The cuticle is produced into bristles and spines. The central nervous system, which lies in the ectoderm, consists of a nerve-ring surrounding the pharynx and clothed with nerve-cells, and of a ventral cord with segmentally arranged groups of ganglia. The alimentary canal consists of a muscular pharynx, a non-muscular intestine, and a rectum. The excretory organs are represented by blind ciliated tubes, which open separately on the dorsal surface. The animals are dioecious ; the testes and ovaries are paired tubes opening ventrally on either side of the anus. They occur in mud on the sea-bottom, and on marine Algae. * W. Reinhard, " Kinorhyncha (Echinoderes), anat. Bau u. Stellung ini System," Z. f. w. Z., 45, 1887. C. Zelinka, " Ub. Echinoderes," Verh. d. deutschen Zool. GcseL, 1894. 312 ROTIFERA. The systematic position of these animals is very uncertain ; indeed, our know- ledge of their anatomy hardly justifies us in coming to a decision on the matter. In the published accounts of their anatomy there is no description of the vascular system, nor is the arrangement of the body-cavity made clear. It would appear, however, that the kidneys and generative organs are not connected with any other space, and it is possible that they are to be regarded as coelomic, as the products of two pairs of coelomic chambers (mesoblastic somites). If this should turn out to be a correct supposition, it would support the view that they are related to Annelids a view which is prompted by the relations and segmenta- tion of the central nervous system. Ecliinodercs Duj. CHAPTER IX. THE COELOMATA. THE coelom, the possession of which characterizes all the remaining groups of the animal kingdom, is an organ of the greatest importance, and one the real nature of which has only recently been appreciated by anatomists. Formerly the word coelom was used as synonymous with body- cavity or perivisceral cavity, and no distinction was recognized between the body-cavity of the Arthropoda and the same structure in such forms as the Vertebrata. In fact, there are works on Zoology now in use in which the term coelom is applied alike to the blood-containing space of the Arthropods, and to the body-cavity of Annelids and Vertebrates, which is free of blood, and into which the generative ducts and kidney tubes open and the generative cells are dehisced. We now know that the organ called coelom, so far from being necessarily or primarily a body-cavity, may in some cases have nothing of that mechanical relation to the viscera which is implied in the conception of a perivisceral space. It is true that in the majority of cases a portion of the coelom does enlarge, acquire a thin smooth wall, and enter into a relation with some of the more important viscera, a relation the purpose of which is apparently to enable the functional movements of the internal organs to take place with the least amount of friction and of resistance from surrounding structures. But there is one group, the Arthropoda, in which the coelom, though present and discharging important functions, develops no such perivisceral portion, and another, the Mollusca, in which the perivisceral portion is sometimes much limited, not extending to any other viscus than the heart. The functions which the coelom discharges in such cases, and the real nature and relations of the organ will be dealt with more fully in the general part of this work ; here we shall only consider the subject in its main outlines, and not being in a position to place all 314 COELOMATA. the facts before the reader, our treatment of it must be more or less dogmatic. The coelom presents the fullest and, what we may call most typical development in the dibranchiate Cephalopoda. Here it is divided into three parts, all of which communicate. These parts are, (1) the genital sac or gonadial coelom, from the epithelial walls of which the reproductive cells arise ; (2) the viscero-pericardial sac or perivisceral coelom, which has the functions of a typical body-cavity for the heart and certain other viscera* (3) the renal sacs or nephridial coelom, the epithelial walls of which' secrete the nitrogenous waste, thus performing the functions of kidneys. As stated above all these sections of the coelom are in communi- cation, the gonadial with the viscero-pericardial, and the viscero- pericardial with the nephridial. Moreover, the gonadial and nephridial open directly to the exterior, the former through the generative ducts, and the latter through the nephridiopores. From this it would appear that the coelom, in addition to its mechanical relations, has two most important functions : the one of these is to bud out the reproductive cells, and the other to secrete the nitrogenous waste. These functions are always discharged by the coelom in the Coelomata. In certain forms, e.g., Peripatus, elasmobranch fishes, Cephalopoda, some Gastropoda and the Annelida, this is perfectly obvious ; but in most Arthropods, and in some Vertebrates and Molluscs it is a matter of inference, and might possibly be disputed by those zoologists who have not followed recent morphological research. We, however, have no hesitation in laying it down as a general law that in all Coelomata the functions of producing the reproductive cells and secreting the nitrogenous waste are discharged by this organ which we now call Coelom. With regard to the origin of the coelom and its relation to other organs, we have here only the following statements to make. The coelom is derived from the enteron ; it is a part of the enteric cavity, which has, in all Coelomata, lost its connection with that portion which constitutes the alimentary canal in the adult, though it has retained its connection with the enteron, thus showing its enteric origin, in the young stages of certain groups, e.g., the Echinodermata, Chaetognatha, Brachiopoda, Enteropneusta, and in Amphioxus. In the one division of the Coelenterata, viz., the Actinozoa, there is an incipient coelom in the enteric pouches, on the walls of which the reproductive cells are formed. The Coelen- terata, however, are not Coelomata; they have no organ distinct from COELOMATA. 315 the enteron concerned with the renal and with the reproductive functions. The Platyhelminthes, Nemathelminthes, and Motif era are also not Coelomata ; or perhaps it would be better to say that they cannot be ranked as Coelomata in the present state of our knowledge. It may be that in these phyla also, or in some of them, the progress of research will show that the renal and reproductive organs are enteric in origin, and are to be regarded as homologous with the coelom. It has already (p. 312) been pointed out that in the lower Tur- bellaria there is reason to believe, from a study of the adult structure, that the whole of the mesodermal parenchyma, of which the genital and renal organs are part, is in reality a portion of the enteric wall. Finally, before leaving this subject, there is one more point to notice with regard to the coelom. In all metamerically segmented animals the coelom is the first organ to show segmentation in the embryo : it is the first organ to show that repetition along the long axis which constitutes metameric segmentation. In fact, we may lay it down as a general law that in metamerically segmented animals the coelom. is not only the first organ to present segmentation, but is segmented from its very first appearance, and that the subsequent segmentation or repetition of other organs is evolved out of this primal segmentation. There are a few apparent exceptions to this law amongst certain groups in which the number of segments is very small, being, in fact, limited to three. These exceptions are the Brachiopoda, Chaetog-natha, and the Echinodermata. In the first two of these groups the coelom is said to be separated off as a single sac on each side, which, presumably, subsequently becomes divided into the three sacs characteristic of the adult (for qualification with regard to Brachiopods see chapter on Brachiopoda). In the Echinoderms there is some variation with regard to this point. CHAPTER X. PHYLUM MOLLUSCA.* Bilaterally symmetrical unsegmented animals, with a ventral foot, and usually with a radula, a mantle fold, and a univalve or bivalve calcareous shell. The central nervous system consists of a circum- oesophageal ring with various ganglionic developments, and both the haemoeoel and coelom contribute to the formation of the perivisceral cavities. The group Mollusca^ with somewhat of its present limits was established by Cuvier (1798). Linnaeus had used the word before, but his group Mollusca bore very little resemblance to that of Cuvier, and even Cuvier himself included in the " embranchement " a number of forms which are now known to have nothing to do with it. Cuvier's Mollusca included the Cephalopoda, the Gastropoda, the Pteropoda, the Acephala, and the following groups now removed from them : the Brachiopoda, the Tunicata, and the Cirripedia. In many points the Mollusca resemble the Annelida, with which phylum they are clearly closely allied. The arrangement of the * J. Poll, "Testacea utriusque Siciliae, eorumque Instoria et anatome," 3 vols., Parma, 1791-1795. G. Cuvier, Memoires pour servir a I'histoire et a I 1 anatomic des Mollusques, Paris, 1817. G. B. Deshayes, "Histoire naturelle des Mollusques (Exploration de I'Algerie)," Paris, 1844-48. R. Leuckart, " Ueb. d. Morphologic u. d. Vcrwand. Verhalt. der Wirbellosen Thierc," Braunschweig, 1848. Eydoux and Souleyet, " Voyage autour du monde sur la corvette la Bonite. Histoire naturelle Zoologie" Paris, 1852. T. H. Huxley, "On the Morphology of the Cephalous Mollusca as illustrated by the Anatomy of certain Heteropoda and Pteropoda, etc.," Phil. Trans., 1853. Bronn and Keferstein, "Die Klassen u. Ordnungcn der Weidi- thiere," Leipzig and Heidelberg, 1862-66. E. Ray Lankester, "Contributions to the developmental history of the Mollusca," Phil. Trans. , 1875. P. Fischer, " Manual de Conchy liologie et de Paleontologie conchy liologique, Histoire nat. des Mollusques vivants etfossiles," 2 vols., Paris, 1887. P. Pelseneer, "Introduction a 1' etude des Mollusques," Bruxelles, 1894. K. A. Zittel, Handbuch der Palaeon- tologie, Abth. 1, Palaeozoologie, Bd. 2, Mollusca and Arthropoda, Munich and Leipzig, 1881-85. S. P. Woodward, A Manual of the Mollusca, 3rd Ed., London, 1875. t For a short literary history of the Mollusca, vide E. Ray Lankester's Article on Mollusca in the last edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, and republished in " Zoological Articles," London, 1891. MOLLUSCA. 317 central nervous system as a circum-oesophageal ring, of which the sub-oesophageal portion may be pulled out into ventral cords; the presence of a more or less developed perivisceral portion of the coelom ; the dorsal position of the main vascular trunk ; an/1, finally, the very general presence of a trochosphere larva, are all important characters, which point to a connection more close than that which ordinarily exists between groups of phyletic rank. On the other hand, the differences, which are also of great importance, must be noted. The Mollusca are almost entirely without the phenomenon of metamerism, which is so generally characteristic of Annelida. It is true that signs of this phenomenon are not altogether absent, for we find in Nautilus a twofold repe- tition of the gills, kidneys, and auricles, and in Chiton multifold repetition of the shell-plates and gills. But these are isolated instances, and not generally characteristic of the group. Moreover, so far as is known there is nothing in the embryo comparable to the repetition of the mesoblastic somites of the Annelids the phenomenon by which the adult metamerism is preceded, and on which it is based. Finally, whereas in Annelids the perivisceral cavity is entirely furnished by coelom, and the haemocoel is almost completely canalicular; in Molluscs vascular sinuses are well developed, and in some parts of the body so large that they constitute perivisceral cavities to the organs in relation with them. Thus in Molluscs part of the body-cavity is coelomic the portion called pericardial or viscero- pericardial and part is haemocoelic ; but it must be carefully borne in mind that the coelomic portion of the body-cavity is entirely separate from the haemocoelic, and that, however much they may appear to resemble each other in the adult, their relations and de- velopment are totally different. The asymmetry and distortion found in the class Gastropoda is a very interesting phenomenon, and in some respects comparable to the still more remarkable distortion from the original symmetry found in the Echinodermata. But the two phenomena differ in their mode of occurrence in certain important respects, which it may be desirable to point out. In Echinodermata not only is the distortion completely carried out in every living member of the group, but a new symmetry has in all cases been obtained, and sometimes (certain Echinoidea) a second time lost. Therefore, in order to arrive at an understanding of the course which the dis- tortion has taken, we are entirely dependent upon embryology; indeed, were it not for the knowledge gained by a study of the 318 MOLLUSCA. development, we should not know that any departure from the original symmetry had occurred. In the Gastropoda, on the other hand, not only is there one form in which there is no asymmetry at all, but the other members of the group present the distortion in various degrees, and in no living Gastropod has a new symmetry been completely attained. It is possible, therefore, by a comparison of adult forms to arrive at an understanding of the course by which the distortion in the most extreme members has been brought about. The Mollusca are unsegmented Eftiimals without jointed append- ages. The body is covered by a soft, slimy integument, bounded externally by an epithelium frequently ciliated and containing a considerable number of gland-cells. They lack both an internal and external locomotory skeleton, and are therefore especially suited for life in water. But few of them are terrestrial, and when this is the case the movements are always limited and slow ; while the aquatic forms may be endowed with the power of rapid swimming. Beneath the epithelium is the dermal connective tissue, which consists of cells of various forms, branched cells, elongated fibre- cells, and especially characteristic are the vesicular cells, which sometimes secrete and contain calcareous concretions or spicules (Pleurobranchs, and some Nudibranchs). This tissue contains blood-spaces, the filling of which with blood may cause a turgescent swollen condition of that part of the integument. Sometimes it is condensed, and forms the cartilage of the Cephalopoda, the skeletal tissue of the branchial filaments of Lamellibranchs, the shell of the Cymbuliidae. The muscular fibres are generally non-striped. There is often an appearance of striation in consequence of the arrangement of the granules, e.g., muscles of buccal mass, of heart, columellar muscles of the larvae of some Nudibranchs, etc., and in some cases the fibres are more distinctly cross-striped, e.g., portion of adductor muscles of Pecten. The dermal muscular system plays an important part in the loco- motion of these animals, especially that part of it which is placed on the ventral surface of the body. In this region it is greatly developed, and gives rise to a more or less projecting locomotory organ of very various shape, the foot (Fig. 254). The foot always consists of an unpaired median structure, which is sometimes divided into several parts, and may possess, in addi- tion, paired lateral lobes the epipodia. MOLLUSC A. 319 In most Mollusca the Cephalophora as opposed to the AcepTiala or Lamellibranchiata the anterior part of the body is marked off as a distinct head, and bears the mouth, tentacles, and special organs of sense. The dorsal part of the body behind, the head constitutes the main mass of the animal, and is called the visceral sac. The integument of the visceral sac constitutes the mantle or pallium, and is nearly always folded near the junction of the visceral sac with the head and foot. This fold is the mantle-fold^ or pallial-fold, and the groove enclosed by it is the mantle-groove, or pallial-groove. The mantle-groove contains the gills, anus, and renal openings, and is nearly always deeper in the neighbourhood of these structures than elsewhere, thus constituting the mantle- or pallial-cavity proper. The outer surface of the mantle generally secretes a calcareous shell though this structure may, by secondary modification, be absent in the adult. The head and foot are attached to the shell by paired and symmetrical muscles in the Placophora, Scaphopoda, Lamellibranchiata (retractors of the foot), and Cephalopoda (retractors of the head and funnel) ; and in Gastro- poda by a single muscle the columellar or spindle-muscle. The central nervous system consists of a circum-oesophageal ring with a uniform coating of nerve-cells, or the latter may be specially aggregated into ganglia the cerebral or supra-oesophageal, and the pedal or sub-oesophageal. In some forms the pedal or ventral portion of this nerve-ring may extend as a pair of long cords into the foot (Chiton, Haliotis, etc.). Sometimes there is a second circum- oesophageal commissure connecting the cerebral and pedal, and pro- vided with a ganglion the pleural. These various ganglia give off nerves the cerebral to the head, cephalic sense organs and lips, the pedal to the foot, and the pleural to the mantle and gills. In addition to this somatic system, as we may call it, there is the visceral system, which generally consists of two commissures with ganglia in their course. Of these there is (1) the stomato- gastric commissure, which starts on each side from the cerebral, and is completed ventrally to the oesophagus; the ganglia upon it are called the buccal, and supply the buccal mass and stomach;, and (2) the visceral commissure, which starts on each side from the pleural, and is completed posteriorly ventral to the intestine. The ganglia upon this commissure vary in number in different forms, and are called the visceral. They innervate the intestine, vascular, renal, and reproductive organs. The stomatogastric and 320 MOLLUSCA. visceral commissures very frequently anastomose (Cephalopoda, Gastropoda). Tactile organs. In addition to the general sensibility of the skin there are tentacles on the head, or in the Acephala on the mantle-edge. The olfactory sense is partly discharged by the ten- tacles, and partly by the osphradia, which are sensory patches of the mantle epithelium near the base of the gills, and are innervated by nerves from the visceral commissure. The eyes have generally a complicated structure; there are usually two on the head, and in rare cases they are found on the mantle-edge (Acephala), and even on the dorsal surface (Chiton, Onchidium). Auditory organs, or organs which, from their structure, are supposed to have that function are very generally present. They have the form of otocysts, provided with sense-hairs on their internal walls, and containing one or more otoliths. They are usually paired, and lie either on the cerebral or pedal ganglia. They are, however, said to be always innervated from the former. The alimentary canal (absent in two parasitic forms, Entoconclia .and Entocolax) is always provided with a mouth and anus. The mouth is always at the front end of the body, on the head in the Cephalophora, and the anus opens into the mantle-cavity behind, excepting in Gastropods, in which the mantle-cavity is on the front side in consequence of the torsion of the visceral sac. Three parts can be distinguished^ (1) the stomodaeum, consisting of buccal cavity and oesophagus; (2) the mesenteron, consisting of stomach and intestine; and (3) the proctodaeum, which is very .short in most forms, even if it can be distinguished at all. The buccal cavity is absent in Acephala (Lamellibranchs) ; but in the other forms, which may be called Odontophora, it forms a chamber with muscular and cartilaginous walls, which receives the salivary ducts, and has on its floor an apparatus called the odontophore. This consists of a toothed chitinous ribbon the radula, a pair of cartilaginous pieces beneath the buccal floor, and a sheath in which the ribbon is formed (for detailed descrip- tion see under Gastropoda, p. 356). There is usually an extensive liver opening into some part of the mesenteron. The relations of the perivisceral or body-cavity, in the formation of which the coelom and haemocoele take varying parts, have already been described, and will be dealt with again in detail under the various classes. The vascular system forms a completely closed system. Even MOLLUSC A. 321 in cases when some of the vessels open out into large spaces, which surround some of the viscera and form a true perivisceral cavity, there is no communication with the coelom, or with any other organ, or with the exterior. The so-called aquiferous canals, when present, do not lead into the blood system, but merely"mto spaces in the integument. The heart consists of a median ventricle, and of two lateral auricles (four in Nautilus, one in most Gastropoda) it is placed on the dorsal surface in. the pericardium (except in Anomia and the Oetopoda). As already hinted the ventricle is merely a portion of a longitudinal dorsal vessel (the rest being formed by the aortae) comparable to the dorsal vessel of Annelids. The arteries branch, but, except in Cephalopoda, in which capil- laries are found, they end in sinuses amongst the organs, from which the blood passes into the large veins ; these conduct the blood to the gills, part or all of it passing through the kidney on the way. In many cases the blood in the mantle passes directly to the heart without traversing the gills. The blood is either colourless or of a slightly blue tinge, due to the presence of haemocyanin (an albuminoid pigment containing copper). In rare cases it is red owing to the presence of haemo- globin in the plasma (Planorbis), or in the corpuscles (Solenogastres, some Lamellibranchs). A lymphatic gland consisting of a framework of connective tissue, in which blood corpuscles are formed, is often present on the course of the aorta. Respiration is in all cases carried on through the general outer surface of the body, but in addition special respiratory organs in the form of branchiae or of lungs are generally present. The branchiae are projections (often ciliated) of the body surface and are usually placed in the mantle-cavity. Very generally they have a certain form designated by the term Ctenidium. A ctenidium is a branchia consisting of an axis attached to the body and bearing two rows of projecting lamellae. Although not always found, the ctenidium is the typical Molluscan gill, and is always contained to the number of one, two, or four (Nautilus) in the mantle-cavity. In the Ghitonidae only are the ctenidia more numerous than four. The gills may have other forms (Nudibranchiata\ and in the terrestrial forms are absent altogether, the mantle-cavity having assumed a form and structure suitable for aerial respiration. The excretory organs, often called the organs of Bojanus, are Y 322 MOLLUSC A. special portions of the coelom, and as such are nearly always in free communication with other parts of the coelom. In Nautilus alone are they isolated. The glandular tissue of the excretory organs is arranged in various ways in different forms (for which see accounts of separate groups). The forms in which the nitro- genous waste is got rid of is said to be guanin in Cephalopods, uric acid in many Opisthobranchs, and urea in Lamellibranchs. The pericardial or viscero-pericardial division of the coelom also often contains glandular tissue, wlych constitutes the pericardial gland. Reproduction is always sexual, and no cases of parthenogenesis are known in the phylum. The power of reproducing lost parts, whether cast off voluntarily or lost accidentally, is considerable parts of the foot and its appendages, siphons of some bivalves, dorsal papillae, etc., of some Nudihranchs, cephalic tentacles, arms of Cephalopoda; and very often the part reproduced may bear organs of a complicated kind, e.g., eyes, suckers, etc. But this power of reproducing lost parts is never so great so far as is known as to lead to the complete formation of a new individual from the part removed from the body, i.e., asexual reproduction is unknown in the group. The hermaphrodite condition is fairly common. The genital glands, however much they may be modified, are always to be regarded as portions of the coelom. This fact is perfectly obvious in the Scaphopoda, and in some Lamellibranchs and Gastropoda, in which they open into the renal division of the coelom; and in the Solenogastres and Cephalopoda, in which they open into the peri visceral part of the coelom. But in the majority of Lamellibranchs and Gastropods it is not so obvious ; but there can be no doubt of this being the real, if modified and concealed, relation, when such forms are compared with others in the same class in which the two organs communicate ; and further, it must not be forgotten that in some Lamellibranchs, and in Paludina amongst Gastropods, the genital cells can, in their origin in the embryo, be directly related to the coelom. Development. We cannot here enter into details of the develop- ment ; the greatest variety prevails from the large meroblastic eggs of Cephalopoda, through viviparous forms such as Paludina, to the immense majority of forms in which the eggs are small, and the young hatched at an early stage as a larva. The larva always has the trochosphere form, and soon acquires a shell-gland on its dorsal, and a rudiment of the foot on its ventral surface (Fig. 268). MOLLUSCA. 323 The velum at the same time becomes drawn out into lobes, and we get the well-known veliger larva. A point to notice about the development is that the blastopore often assumes the form of a slit which may completely close, or close behind and remajn open in front as the mouth, or less often close in front and remain open behind as the anus. The Mollusca are essentially aquatic animals, and especially marine; only a few live on land, and these seek damp situations. They are one of the largest and most diversified of animal groups, and apparently have always been so since the earliest fossiliferous periods, for all of the great groups are represented in the Palaeozoic period, and a Helix, or a form allied to Helix and belonging to the most specialized of Mollusca is now known even from the Car- boniferous. At the present day about 25,000 species are known; they are distributed over the whole surface of the earth, and are found in the sea to a depth of nearly 3000 fathoms. Their habits of life are most various; there are parasitic forms, JEntoconcha, Eulima, Entocolax, Entovalva, Stilifer, Thyca (all on Echinoderms) ; com- mensals (e.g., Montacuta) ; fixed forms ( Vermetus, Ostrea) ; pelagic forms; and creeping forms, the latter constituting the majority. Their duration of life, where known, varies from one to thirty years ; the Pulmonates generally live two years, but the garden-snail has been known to live five years. The oyster is adult at about five years, and lives to ten years. The Anodonta do not arrive at sexual maturity till five years, and live for twenty or thirty years. The following is the classification of the Mollusca adopted in this work : CLASS I. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. II. SCAPHOPODA. ,, III. SOLENOGASTRES. IV. GASTROPODA, Sub-class 1. ISOPLEURA. ,, 2. ANISOPLEURA. Order 1. Streptoneura. Sub-order 1. Aspidobranchiata. Tribe 1. DOCOGLOSSA. ,, 2. RHIPIDOGLOSSA. Section A. Zygobranchiata. B. Azygobranchiata. Sub-order 2. Pectinobranchiata. Tribe 1. PTENOGLOSSA. 2. RACHIGLOSSA. CLASS IV. GASTROPODA Contimwd. Tribe 3. TOXOGLOSSA. ,, 4. TAENIOGLOSSA. Section A. Platypoda. ,, B. Heteropoda. Order 2. Euthyneura. Sub- order 1. Opisthobranchiata. Tribe 1. TECTIBRANCHIATA (includes Pteropoda). ,, 2. NUDIBRANCHIATA. Sub-order 2. Pulmonata. Tribe 1. BASOMMATOPHORA. ,, 2. STYLOMMATOPHORA. CLASS V. CEPHALOPODA. Order 1. Dibranchiata. 2. Tetrabranckiata. 324 MOLLUSCA. Class I. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA* (PELECYPODA. LIPOCEPHALA). Symmetrical Mollusca without head or odontophore; with bilobed mantle, bivalve shell, and usually lamellate gills. The name of this class f is taken from the form which the gills present in most members of the group. The fresh-water mussel Anodonta cygnea is a typical member of the class. The mantle-fold is in reality a Continuous annular fold of the dorsal integument, but in connection with the lateral compression of the body it is especially developed on the two sides of the animal into a right and left lobe. It is, therefore, usually described as being bilobed. The mantle secretes over the whole of its outer surface a cuticular covering, which becomes calcified everywhere except in the dorsal middle line, forming the two pieces, or valves, of which the shell is composed. In the dorsal middle line it remains as an uncalcified elastic membrane the hinge-ligament which connects together the two valves of the shell. The latter are rarely exactly alike ; nevertheless, the term unequivalve is only applied to those shells in which the asymmetry is very marked and the valves can be distinguished as an upper and lower. In such forms (Ostreidae) the lower valve is the larger and more arched, while the upper is smaller and flatter, closing up the concavity of the lower after the manner of an operculum. The two valves of the shell are in contact dorsally, where they are also connected by the ligament. This line of contact may be complicated by the presence of interlocking hinge-teeth. The hinge- edge with the ligament is, therefore, to be distinguished from the free edge of the shell, which is divided into an anterior, ventral, and posterior (siphonal) edge. The anterior and posterior edge * G. Cuvier, " L'histoire et V anatomic des Mollusques" Paris, 1817. Bojanus, " Ueber die Athem und Kreislaufswerkzeuge der ZAveischaligen Muscheln," Isis, 1817, 1820, 1827. Deshayes, "Histoire Naturelle des Mollusques" (Exploration . de I'Algtrie), 1844-1848. S. Loven, K. Vet. Akad. Hanlgr. Stockholm, 1848. Translated in the Arch. f. Naturgesch., 1849. Lacaze Duthiers, Ann. des Sc. Nat. 1854-1861. H. and A. Adams, " The Genera of recent Mollusca" London, 1853-1858. L. Reeve, " Conchologica iconica," London, 1846-1858. R. H. Peck "The Minute Structure of the Gills of Lamellibranch Mollusca," Quart. J. Mic. Sci., vol. xvii., 1877. K. Mitsukuri, "Structure and Significance of some aber- rant forms of Lamellibranchiate Gill," Quart. J. Mic. Sci., xxi., 1881. P. Pelseneer, "Contribution a 1' etude des Lamellibranches," Arch. d. Biologic, xi., 1891. P. Pelseneer, "Introduction a V etude des Mollusques," Bmxelles, 1894. t There does not appear to us to be any sufficient reason for altering this well- established name in favour of the less suitable, but perhaps more symmetrical term, Pelecypoda (TreXe/cus, an axe). LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 325 may generally be determined by the fact that the hinge-ligament is posterior to the two umbones (nates), which have the form of two beak-like prominences projecting over the dorsal edge of the shell (Fig. 250 bis, u), and indicate the point (o^ea^where the development of the valves began. The area (c) is behind the apex, and includes the dorsal posterior side of the shell. The part of the dorsal edge in front of the apex is usually shorter, and contains, at least in the equivalve species, an excavation, the lunula (Fig. 250 Us, Z), by means of which the anterior edge can at once be recognized. The apex in some forms (Isocardia, Diceras) is spirally twisted. KIS M. VM M.I FIG. 250 Ins. Dorsal view of shell of Lucina pennsylvanica. AB anteroposterior axis; CD transverse (right and left) axis ; I lunula ; u umbo ; d ligament ; c area (from Perrier, after Fischer). FIG. 251. a, Mactra dliptica in its shell; b, inner surface of left valve of Mactra solida. KIS dorsal siphon (cloacal or exhalent) ; KS ventral siphon (branchial or inhalent) ; P foot ; VM impression of anterior adductor muscle ; HM impres- sion of posterior adductor muscle; Ml pallial line ; Mb pallial indentation. The hinge-teeth are placed ventral to the umbo. They generally consist of cardinal teeth placed below the umbo, and of anterior lateral teeth in front of, and posterior lateral behind, the umbo. Hinge-teeth are entirely absent in some genera (e.g., Anodonta, Ostrea). The ligament is an elastic structure, and is so arranged that it is either stretched or compressed when the shell is closed by the action of the adductor muscles. In the former case it connects the two valves on the dorsal side of the hinge-line (Fig. 250 bis), and is said to be external; in the latter it is on the ventral side of the hinge, and is called internal. 326 MOLLUSCA. While the outer surface of the shell presents various sculpture markings, the inner surface is smooth and shines with the lustre of mother-of-pearl. On a closer examination impressions and pits become visible on the inner surface. A narrow line, the so-called mantle or pallial line (the line of attachment of the pallial muscle of the mantle-edge to the shell), is placed near and fairly parallel to the ventral edge f of the shell (Fig. 251). In the siphoned forms this presents posteriorly a bend directed forwards and upwards (Mb) the p&llial bay or indentation (Sinu- palliatae). This curve in the attachment of the mantle-edge permits of the siphons being contained within the shell when retracted. Impres- sions are usually caused by the insertion of an anterior and posterior adductor muscle which pass through the body transversely from one side to the other, and are attached to the inner surface of the shell (Fig. 251). While in the equi- valve mussels (Ortho- concha) the two im- pressions are usually of equal size, in the unequivalve forms(J D /ew- roconcha) the anterior adductor may be re- duced, and even com- pletely vanish, in which case the posterior adductor has a much larger size and shifts forwards to the middle of the shell. Hence the names Dimyaria and Monomyaria. Chemically the shell consists of carbonate of lime and an organic matrix (conchyolin), which usually has a laminated texture. In addition to this laminated layer there is also a thick external calcareous layer composed of large, pallisade-like prisms, which are placed side by side and may be compared to the enamel of teeth (Fig. 253). Finally, on the outer surface of the shell there is a horny cuticle, the so-called epidermis or periostracum. The internal laminated layer is called the nacreous or mother-of- pearl layer; it has an iridescent lustre, and is secreted by the whole surface of the mantle. The middle layer is called the FIG. 252. Avicula semisagitta, the valves are shifted over one another. M impression of the single adductor muscle. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 327 prismatic layer. It and the periostracum are secreted only by the free edge of the mantle. The whole of the shell is a cuticular formation of the epi- dermis, and its growth is effected in two ways : (1) by additions to the nacreous layer whereby the shell increases in thickness; (2) by additions to the prismatic and horny layers, whereby it increases in superficial extent. Accordingly the outer coloured part of the shell, which is com- posed of vertical prisms and the horny cuticle, when once formed does not increase in thickness ; while new concentric layers are continually being added to the colourless nacreous layer during the whole life of the animal. It is this nacreous secretion of the mantle surface which, when thrown down round foreign objects which have worked their way in between the mantle and the shell, in the so-called pearl oysters (Meleagrind) and to a less extent in other forms (Unio, Margaritana), gives rise to pearls. In some cases the valves do not meet ventrally, but always gape (Pholadidae, Gastrochaenidae, etc. ). In exceptional cases the valves are fused dorsally (Pinna}. The edges of the mantle are folded back over the shell in the Galeommidae and in Entovalva. In some gaping forms the parts of the body projecting beyond the shell secrete accessory pieces. Such pieces may be independent of the shell, as in the case of the dorsal pieces of Pholas (Fig. 270), and the calcareous tube with which Teredo lines its burrow (Fig. 271), or fused to the shell, as the calcareous tube of Aspergillum (Fig. 272). The skin consists of a slimy, one-layered epidermis, beneath which lies a highly vascular connective tissue traversed by abundant muscular fibres. The epidermis on the outer surface of the mantle consists of columnar cells; while on the inner sur- face the cells composing it are ciliated (Fig. 253). Pigments are present principally upon the edges of the mantle, which are FIG. 253. Vertical section through the shell and mantle of Anodonta (after Leydig). Cu cuticle or horny layer (periostracum) ; S prismatic layer ; Bl laminated nacreous layer (mother-of-pearl); Ep' external epithelium of mantle ; Bd connective tissue of mantle; Ep" internal epithelium of mantle, ciliated. 328 MOLLUSCA. thickened and frequently folded and beset with tentacles, papillae, and eyes. A head, properly so-called, is absent in this class, the parts of the body in the neighbourhood of the mouth being devoid of sense-organs. These are placed mainly on the mantle edges, which are the parts of the body in closest relation with the external medium. The edges of the mantle may be entirely free from each other (those forms in which the gill-filaments are not connected to the mantle, and in which there is no concrescence of the mantle-lobes, e.y., Nucula, the Anomiidae, Arcidae, Trigoniidae, Pectinidae); or they may be united to one another indirectly by the attachment of the branchiae, e.g., Unionidae, Ostreidae; or they may be fused with one another in one, two, or three places. When there is only one fusion it separates off the opening of the cloacal or supra- branchial chamber from the general mantle-opening (Mytilidae, Fig. 256, Carditidae, Astartidae, Crassatellidae, most of the Luci- nidae, etc.). When there are two fusions as there are in Yoldia and Leda, and in most of the Eulamellibranchs, and in Septibranchs the one separates off the cloacal opening as in the forms with one fusion, while the second is near the first, and with it bounds an opening adjacent to the cloacal opening. This second opening is the branchial opening; it leads into the general mantle-chamber (Cardlum, Fig. 255). In such forms there is a third opening the pedal opening in front of the second fusion, through which the foot can be protruded. The size of the foot-opening is in inverse pro- portion to the extent of the second fusion. When the second fusion is much elongated, there may be a fourth opening between the pedal and branchial orifices (Solen, Lutraria, and some Anatinacea). In some cases, at any rate, this fourth opening is in relation to the byssus, for in Lyonsia the byssus filaments project through it. The further forwards the fusion of the two mantle-lobes extends, the more marked becomes a peculiar elongation of the posterior mantle region round the inhalent (branchial) and exhalent (cloacal) openings an elongation of such a nature that two contractile tubes or siphons (Fig. 251) become formed (especially in boring and burrowing bivalves). These may be so large that they cannot be drawn between the posterior edges of the gaping valves of the shell. The two siphons are often fused with one another, but the two canals, with their openings surrounded by tentacles, remain separate. In the most extreme cases the siphons are LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 329 enormously enlarged and the posterior region of the body is peculiarly elongated and uncovered by the rudimentary shell ; so that the whole animal acquires a vermiform appearance, the shell- bearing anterior part of the body constituting the heajl (Teredo, Fig. 271). In cases in which there is no fusion the hind end of the edges of the mantle lobes often presents two slight contiguous excavations (Anodonta, Fig. 254), the ventral of which is bordered by numerous papillae, When the two halves of the mantle are applied together these excavations form, with the corresponding structures of the opposite side, two slit-like openings placed one above the other. VA KrS RS V FIG. 254. Anatomy of Unio pictorum (after C. Grobben). A region of mantle lobes bounding the cloacal or exhalent orifice ; Af anus ; Cg cerebral ganglion ; D intestine ; E region of mantle lobes bounding the inhalent or branchial orifice ; F foot ; G generative organs ; HA posterior aorta ; Hk ventricle ; HS posterior adductor muscle ; K branchiae ; KrS crys- talline style ; L liver ; M stomach ; Mg splanchnic ganglion ; MS labial palp ; Mt mantle ; N kidney ; mouth ; P pericardial gland ; Pg pedal ganglion ; Va anterior aorta ; Vh auricle ; VS anterior adductor muscle. The dorsal of these two openings functions as the cloacal (exhalent) opening, the ventral as the branchial (inhalent). So that in such cases, though there is no actual fusion, functionally two siphons are present as in the siphoned forms. The most important of the muscles attached to the shell are (1) those of the edge of the mantle : these are attached to the pallial line of the shell, and serve to retract the edges of the mantle; the siphonal muscles which serve for the retraction of the siphons are a specialized portion of this system, and arise from the pallial indentation. (2) The adductors which pass from valve to valve of 330 MOLLUSCA. ES the shell. These are typically two in number (Dimyaria), but in some forms the anterior adductor is smaller than the posterior (Mytilus), and may be absent altogether (Monomyaria), as in Ostrea, Pecten, etc. (Fig. 252). The adductors sometimes consist of two parts of a different aspect : the fibres of one of these parts are said to be transversely striated, and capable of rapid contraction, those of the other being smooth, but this has been denied. (3) The anterior and posterior retractors, which are specialized portions of the adductors, serve for the retraction of the animal into the shell; and the pro- tractor which passes from its attachment just behind the ven- tral portion of the anterior adductor. The foot, which often contains some of the viscera (intes- tine, liver, and gon- ad), is completely absent in compara- tively few forms, and only in those which have lost the power of locomotion (Os- trea, Anomia, Teredo, etc.). In many forms, principally in the larva, less fre- quently in the adult (Mytilus, Fig. 256), the foot possesses a byssus gland, which secretes silk -like fibres, by which a temporary or permanent attachment of the animal is effected. The form and size of the foot vary very considerably, in accordance with particular kinds of locomotion. The foot is most frequently used for creeping in sand, and is then hatchet - shaped ; in other cases it is spread out laterally, and its creeping surface has the form of a disc. More rarely it is of a large size and bent, in which case it is used for springing movements in the water (Cardium, Fig. 255). Some Lamellibranchs possess a M FIG. 255. Anatomy of Cardium tuberculatum (after C. Grob- ben). A exhalent siphon ; A auricle of heart ; Af anus ; D intestine ; E inhalent siphon ; F foot ; G generative organ ; Goe generative opening ; HS posterior adductor ; K gill of right side ; L liver ; M right lobe of mantle ; Mg stomach ; N kidney ; mouth ; S right valve of shell ; V ventricle ; VS anterior adductor muscle. LAMELLIBRANCHIA TA. 331 FIG. 256. Mytilus edulis attached by its byssus to a piece of wood (after Meyer and Moebius). linear club-shaped or cylindrical foot (Solen, Solenomya\ and move by rapidly retracting it and ejecting water through the siphons. Many use the foot for burying themselves in mud ; others bore into wood (Teredo}, or hard rock (Pholas, Lithodomus, Saxicfiva, etc.), for which purpose they push them- selves against the rock with their short blunt foot, and use the hard and often serrated edge of their shell as a ' grater, giving it a rotatory move- ment. According to Hancock, the foot and edge of the mantle at the an- terior edge of the gaping shell are beset with silicious crystals, and effect the excavation of the rock after the manner of a file. The protraction of the foot is due to its turgescence by blood ; its retraction to the retractor muscles. An aquiferous pore by which the vascular system communicates with the exterior does not exist. The byssus-gland opens by a pore in the middle line of the foot. It is well-developed in the adult in Anomia, Area, Mytilus, Avicula, Pecten, Saxicava, Lyonsia, Tridacna, Dreissena, etc. In Anomia the byssus passes through a hole in the right valve, and is calcified. The nervous system presents three pairs of ganglia, the cerebral (supra-oesophageal), pedal (sub-oesophageal), and visceral ganglia (Fig. 257). In Nucula (Fig. 258) there is, in addition, close to the cerebral a pair of pleural ganglia; these are connected with the pedal by a pleuro-pedal connective which, however, joins the cerebro-pedal connective before it reaches the pedal. In Solenomya, in which there is also a pleural ganglion, the pleuro-pedal con- nective is fused with the cerebro-pedal throughout almost its whole extent. In all other Lamellibranchs a pleural ganglion is not present as a distinct ganglion, but is in all probability fused with the cerebral, which must, therefore, be regarded as a cerebro-pleural ganglion. The visceral ganglia are on the hinder part of the visceral loop ; they are usually placed on the ventral side of the posterior adductor muscle. 332 MOLLUSCA. Since there is never a distinct head and sense-organs are not present upon the anterior part of the body, the cerebral ganglia are but slightly developed They supply mainly the regions round the mouth and the anterior part of the mantle, to the margins of which two large nerves pass. They also send fibres along the cerebro-pedal connective to the otocysts. The two ganglia are frequently (Unio) far removed from one another laterally, and are some- times approximated to the anteriorly placed pedal ganglia (Pecten\ the nerves of which supply the ventral region of the body. The pedal ganglia are reduced when the foot is atrophied. The visceral ganglia innervate the viscera, the gills, the heart, and the FIG. 257. Nervous system of the pond mussel Anodonta (after Keber). mouth ; A anus ; K gills ; P foot ; Se labial palps ; Gg cerebral ganglion ; Pg pedal ganglion ; Vg splanchnic (visceral) ganglion; G generative gland ; Oe' external opening of generative gland ; Oe" opening of kidney. Fio. 258. Dorsal view of nervous system of Numla, the middle part of the foot is represented by dotted shading (after Pelseneer). / pleural ganglion ; II pleuro-pedal connective ; ///combined pleuro-pedal and cerebro- pedal connective; IV nerve to the otocyst ; V pedal ganglion ; VI visceral ganglion ; VII posterior pallial nerve ; VIII osphradiurn ; IX visceral commis- sure ; X otocyst ; XI canal from otocyst to exterior, and XII its external open- ing; XIII cerebro-pedal connective; XIV anterior pallial nerve ; XV nerve to palps; XVI cerebral ganglion. posterior part of the mantle. The nerves supplying the latter are two large trunks which run in the edge of the mantle, and anastomose with the mantle nerves from the cerebral ganglia. Large nerves also pass from the visceral ganglia to the siphons, at the base of which they form a pair of accessory ganglia. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 333 Sense organs. Auditory, visual, tactile, and probably olfactory organs are present. The auditory organs have the form of paired otocysts placed in the foot. They are apparently innervated from the pedal ganglia, or from the cerebro-pedal connective je^ose to the pedal ganglion, but the nerve fibres really arise in the cerebral ganglia. They contain one or more otoliths, and are lined by hair-cells and by ciliated cells. In the Protobranchiata (Fig. 258) they open to the exterior by a fine canal, and contain foreign bodies (fine grains of sand). Eyes, when present, are placed on the edge of the mantle : they may either be simple pigment spots at the end of the respiratory tube (Solen, Venus), or they may be more highly developed and placed along the edges of the mantle in Area, Pectunculus, Tellina, and especially in Peden and Spondylus. In the two latter genera FIG. 259. Openings of the siphons of Cardium edule (from Perrier after Mb'bius). they are placed on stalks between the marginal tentacles, and have an emerald-green or brown-red colour : they consist (Fig. 260) of an eye-bulb with a corneal lens, choroid, iris, and a well-developed layer of rods, into the external ends of which the optic nerve (from the circumpallial nerve) passes. The sense of touch is specially localized on the exposed parts of the body, i.e. on the edges of the mantle and round the openings of the siphons. In these regions there are very generally present papillae, cirri, or even tentacles (Fig. 259). The olfactory sense is supposed to reside in the so-called osphra- dium, which is a pigmented patch of epithelium placed one on each side close behind the gills (in the roof of the supra-branchial chamber near the visceral ganglia) ; it is innervated from a small ganglion placed close to the visceral on the visceral commissure, in which its nerve-fibres run from their origin in the cerebral ganglion. 334 MOLLUSCA. Many bivalves, especially littoral forms, are highly sensitive to light. This is due to the presence of pigmented cells with a refractile cuticle on the edge of the mantle ; these may be aggregated, as in Area, into groups, and so assume the form of a compound eye. In Area some of the eyes have the form of pits FIG. 260. Axjal section through the eye of Pecten (from Lang after Patten), c cornea; I lens ; ep pigmented ectoderm ; g layer of ganglion cells ; r retina ; st layer of rods of retina ; d tapetum ; e pigment ; /sclerotic; n optic nerve, n l and n z its two branches. of the skin, while in others the sensitive surface is convex towards the light, and the eye forms a slight projection on the surface : the latter are on the type of compound eyes. In Pecten and Spondylus the eyes are much more complex (Fig. 260). They are placed at the end of short tentacles at the edge of the LAMBLLIBRANCHIATA. 335 mantle, and the sensitive surface is concave ; the light being refracted on to it by a cellular lens. Further, these eyes are constructed on the so-called verte- brate type, the optic nerve entering the retina on the side turned towards the light and running back to the rods, which are on the inner side of the retina. Alimentary canal. The mouth is at the front end of the body, and ventral to the anterior adductor when that is present. It is placed on the median bridge, which connects the two labial palps (Fig. 263). These latter structures are extensions, so to speak, of the margins of the mouth. They are usually bilobed at the end remote from the mouth, and marked by a median groove running from the cleft between the peripheral lobes to the mouth. Their surface on each side of the median groove is marked by transversely directed grooves leading into the median groove. The whole sur- face is richly ciliated, and they are to be looked upon as food- procuring organs which create currents of water, carrying the floating particles of which the food of these animals consists to the mouth. Jaws and tongue are always absent. The mouth leads by a short oesophagus into the stomach, at the pyloric end of which there is sometimes a blind sac. A rod-like transparent structure (crystalline style) is often present in this diverticulum of the stomach, or in the alimentary canal itself. The significance of this structure is doubtful, but it is a secretion of the alimentary epithelium, and is probably to be regarded as a reserve of nutri- ment, for it is periodically renewed. The liver or hepato-pancreas surrounds the stomach, and opens into it by a duct on either side ; it also extends into the foot. The intestine is of considerable length, is much coiled, and is surrounded by the liver and gonads; it projects into the foot, and then ascends again behind the stomach to the dorsal surface, where it enters the pericardium and passes through the ventricle. After leaving the ventricle it passes dorsal to the posterior adductor muscle to open at the end of a short papilla into the cloacal chamber. Vascular System. The heart, which is contained in the pericar- dium and lies in the dorsal region slightly in front of the posterior adductor, consists of a median ventricle and two lateral symmetri- cally placed auricles. The ventricle is continued as an anterior aorta dorsal to the intestine, and a posterior aorta ventral to it. The ramifications of the aortae lead the blood into a complicated system of lacunae in the mantle and in the interspaces between the viscera. These represent the capillaries and finer venous vessels. From them the blood passes into the large venous sinuses, the 336 MOLLUSCA. TS VR chief of which are two lateral sinuses placed at the bases of the gills and a pedal sinus leading into the large median sinus or vena cava in the floor of the pericardium. The course of the circulation, though it cannot be certainly determined, seems to be somewhat as follows : the blood from the mantle, which acts as a respiratory organ, returns directly to the heart; of the rest of the systemic blood, part is supposed to go direct to the gills, and thence to the auricles ; the bulk of it, however, is probably collected into the vena cava, whence it pastes through blood spaces in the adjacent kidneys to the gills, and thence to the heart. There is a valve at the junction of the main pedal sinus with the vena cava, which closes during the turgescence of the foot. The blood is generally colourless, though in some forms it has a bluish tint owing to the presence of haemocyanin. It contains amoeboid cells, and in Solen legumen and Area none discoidal corpuscles charged with haemoglobin, which gives the blood a red colour. The relation of the ventricle to the rectum varies in different forms. As a rule the rectum perforates the ventricle, but it passes dorsal to it in Area, Nucula, and Anomia, ventral to it in Teredo and most species of Ostrea, and has a tendency to the latter arrangement in Pinna, Perna, and Avicula. The vascular system does not communicate either with the exterior or with the peri- cardium. In Area (Fig. 261) there are two ven- tricles, and each gives off a single artery, which divides at once into an anterior and posterior vessel ; the two anterior arteries fuse to form a single anterior aorta, and the two posterior unite into a posterior aorta. In Ostreidae (Fig. 262) the auricles have partly coalesced, though their outer portions have remained distinct. Organs of respiration. The Lamellibranchs possess two ctenidia attached to the ventral surface of the body, one on either side of the foot. In the simplest cases (Protobranchiatd) the ctenidium has the typical Molluscan form (Figs. 263, 264 A) ; that is to say, it consists of a vascular axis bearing two rows of hollow lamellate processes or Ad FIG. 261. Dorsal view of Area noae removed from the shell (after Grobben). The double pericardial cavities P are opened, and the rectum D turned forward. VS anterior, HS posterior adductor mnscle ; VR anterior, HR posterior retractor ; V ventricle ; A auricle ; Ao anterior, Ao' posterior aorta; N kidney. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 337 filaments. The axis projects freely posteriorly, and the filaments are directed transversely in Nucula and Leda, while in Solenomya one is directed dorsally and the other ventrally. In the Filibranchiata the ft IV FIG. 262. Heart of Ostrea magnified (after Poli, from Pelseneer). 7 fused auricles ; II afferent veins ; III ventricle ; IV aorta. FIG. 263. Ventral view ofNitcula (after Deshayes, from Perrier). a anterior adductor muscle ; b ctenidium ; d posterior adductor; I labial palps; m internal surface of mantle ; o pos- terior appendage of palps ; p foot. branchial processes of the ctenidial axis have the form of filaments (Fig. 264 B), which project ventrally into the mantle cavity ; more- over, they are bent upon themselves in such a manner that the reflected portion, or ascending limb, is external in the case of the filaments^of FIG. 264. Series of diagrams of transverse sections, illustrating the different arrangement of the gills in Lamellibranchs. A, Protobranchiata. B, Filibranchiata. C, Eulamellibranchiata. D, Septibranchiata. 1 mantle ; # body ; 3 foot ; suprabranchial cavity ; 5 branchial (mantle) cavity ; e outer plate or filament of ctenidium descending limb ; e x ascending limb of e ; i, i l the corresponding parts of the inner filaments of ctenidium; o pores in s the branchial membrane of the Septibranchiata (from Lang). 338 MOLLUSC A. V\ \j the outer row, and internal in the case of the inner filaments. The adjacent filaments of the same row, both in their descending and ascending limbs, are held together by the inter- locking of some especially long cilia (Fig. 265, cj) ; and the ascending and descending limbs of the same filament are in some cases united by fusion of tissue at certain points, 'giving rise to the so - called interlamellar concrescences (Fig. 266, ilj). Further, the ends of the as- cending or re- flected limb of the outer fila- ments may be united to the mantle, or may be free (Fig. 264 B, C), and similarly the ends of the as- cending limbs of the inner filaments may be free, or those behind the foot may be united with their fellows a- cross the middle line, thus forming a septum, which cuts off a supra- branchial chamber from the general mantle cavity. In all the Eulamellibranchiata and in a few of the Pseudolamellibranchs (Ostreidae, Lima, Pinna, etc.), the neighbouring filaments of the same row, in both their limbs, are united at certain points by interfilamentar vascular concrescences (Fig. 267). The filamentous character is still FIG. 265. Transverse section through the as- cending and descending limbs of two adjacent gill-filaments in Mytilus (after Peck). The two filaments are connected by a ciliary junction in the upper part of the figure. be blood-corpuscle ; ch chitinous layer ; cj ciliary junction ; ep epithelial prominence which carries the cilia of a ciliary junction ; fe frontal epithelium ; lac lacunar (vascular) tissue ; Ife 1 latero-frontal epithelium with long cilia ; Ife" second row of the same. FIG. 206. One fila- ment of the gill of Mytilus (after Peck). fil descending limb, fol ascending limb of the filament ; ilj in- terlamellar concres- cence ; ep position of interfilamentar ciliary junctions. The ascending limb ends freely in a hook- like manner. The apex or angle of the filament is grooved. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 339 obvious, but both the descending and ascending limbs of adjacent filaments are connected so as to form a kind of trellis-like mem- brane, the ascending limbs into one membrane and the descending limbs into another. Between the porous membranes ^o formed is contained a space, which communicates with the general mantle- chamber by the pores left be- P tween the fila- ments where the latter have not undergone these interfilamentar concrescences. In this way the Eulamelli- branch condi- tion, in which there appear to be on each side two gills, each composed of two lamellae, is ar- rived at. A very similar condition is presented by the Filibranchs and some Pseudo- lamellibranchs, the difference being that in these groups the lamellae of the gill break up at the slightest touch into their constituent fila- ments, because the filaments are only held together by the inter- locking of cilia; whereas in the former the lamellae are coherent, because the filaments (which are still perfectly obvious) are held together by continuity of tissue. Further, in the Eulamellibranchs the outer lamella of the outer gill has undergone concrescence with FIG. 267. Pieces of transverse sections through the branchiae of Anodonta (from Lang, after Peck). A outer, B inner gill. In each section the two lamellae are shown as connected together by the interlamellar concrescences, which are formed by the sub-filamentar vascular tissues of, in B. The interfilamentar concrescences are effected by the same tissue. In C, which is a part of B more magnified, this tissue is marked il, lac, and ol ; and the filaments with their frontal epithelium and their chit ; - nous tissue ch, and rods chr. ol outer lamella ; il inner lamella ; v blood vessel ; of subfllamentar tissue ; /filaments ; ch chitinous tissue of filaments ; chr specially condensed chitinous rod in ch ; lac subfilamentar tissue. 340 MOLLUSCA. the mantle (Fig. 264), and the inner lamella of the inner gill with its fellow across the middle line behind the foot. In this way a septum is formed which divides the mantle cavity into a dorsal part the suprabranchial cavity, and a ventral the general mantle cavity. These two cavities communicate by the pores in the gill lamellae, and in many forms along the sides of the foot where the inner lamella of the inner gill may end freely, not having undergone concrescence with the foot. In some forms the inner lamella of the inner gill is joined to the base of the foot in front, but not behind The part of the suprabranchial cavity within the gill lamellae is broken up by vascular strands which connect the lamellae, and which result from the interlamellar concrescences already referred to. In the siphoned forms the median septum resulting from the . fusion of the inner lamellae of the inner gills across the middle line is continued into the siphon, and causes the division of that tube into a dorsal or exhalent channel, which communicates with the suprabranchial chamber, and a ventral or inhalent which communicates with the general mantle-cavity. In the Septibranchiata (Fig. 264 D) the gills are represented by a muscular septum which is perforated by a certain number of pores, and which, being fused with the mantle and foot and being con- tinuous across the middle line behind the foot, completely divides the mantle-cavity into a dorsal and ventral part. The filaments of the gills are always clothed with an epithelium, which is in part at any rate ciliated. The cilia are specially long on the so-called latero-frontal cells (Fig. 265), and in the Filibranchs and Pseudo-lamellibranchs on the ciliated discs of the ciliary junctions. The filaments are moreover stiffened by a dense chitin-like connective tissue, which in the Filibranchs forms a tube (Fig. 265) lying just beneath the epithelium and surrounding the central blood space (which is often divided by a septum) ; and in the Eulamellibranchs, on the other hand, this chitinous supporting substance has the form of two stout rods lying side by side in the filament part of the gill (Fig. 267 (7), the vascular tissue being mainly contained in the internal outgrowths of the filaments, which have brought about the interfilamentous and interlamellar concrescences (Fig. 267, of, il, lac, and ol). Amongst the Eulamellibranchs we find some peculiar modifications of the outer gill. In Tellina it is directed dorsally ; in the Anatinacea it is directed dorsal ly and the outer lamella is absent ; in Lucina it is absent altogether. In Pseudolamellibranchs and some Eulamellibranchs the gills are folded along LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 341 dorso-ventral lines, each fold including a certain number of filaments. The filament at the re-entering angle of each fold is stronger than the others. Summary and additional details of gill-structure. The successive filaments of the same row are united (a) by the cilia of the lateral cells (Nuculidae, Solenomyidae, Anomiidae} ; (V) by the cilia of the ciliated disks <> the ciliary junctions (Arcidae, Trigoniidae, Mytilidae, Avicula, Pecten, and Meleagrina] ; by vascular interfilamentar concrescences (Lima, Ostrea, Pinna, and all Eula- mellibranchs). Interlamellar concrescences, i.e. fusions between the ascending and descending limbs of the same filament, or between the lamellae of the same gill, are absent in Anomiidae, Arcidae, Trigoniidae ; they are present in a non- vascular form (i.e. consist only of epithelium and connective tissue) in Mytilidae, Pectinidae, and in a vascular form in Pseudolamellibranchs except Pectinidae, and in Eulamellibranchs. Finally there are forms like Lima with non-vascular interlamellar concrescences and vascular interfilamentar junctions. Concrescence of the gills with the mantle and with those of the opposite side, is absent in Nuculidae, Solenomyidae, Arcidae, Trigoniidae, Pectinidae. In Anomia there is concrescence between the two branchiae, but none with the mantle. In all other Lamellibranchs they are fused to the mantle by the ascending limb of the outer filaments, and to their fellows across the middle line by the ascending limb of their inner filaments behind the foot. Excretory system and pericardium. The pericardium is a dorsal median chamber enclosing the heart (except in Anomia). There are two nephridia the so-called Organs of Bojanus. These usually have the form of twisted tubes, more or less dilated in certain parts, and opening at one end into the pericardium and at the other to the exterior on the ventral surface of the body on each side of the foot. The part of the tube which opens into the pericardium is generally lined with yellow or dark-coloured glandular tissue, which secretes concrements containing calcareous matter, uric acid, and guanin. The kidneys of the two sides communicate in some forms. In Ostrea the glandular part of the kidneys is a branched gland ramifying on the surface of the visceral mass. The pericardial glands are differentiations of the epithelial lining of the pericardium. They may be placed on the auricles, to which they impart a yellow colour, or near the auricles at the anterior end of the pericardium. Generative organs. The sexes are, with a few exceptions (some species of Pecten, Ostrea, Cardium, and the genera Cydas, Pisidium, Poromya, JEntovalva), separate, and except in some species of Unio do not present external differences. The generative glands lie amongst the viscera, and have the form of lobed or racemose glands, which are placed near the liver, surround the windings of the intestine, and extend into the base of the foot, and in some forms into the mantle lobes (Mytilus). The testis and ovary can often be 342 MOLLUSCA. distinguished from one another by their colour ; the ovary being red, and the testis milk white or yellow. In the Protobranclis the generative glands open into the kidney near the pericardial opening ; in the Anomiidae and Pectinidae also into the kidney, but nearer the external opening. In Ostrea, Cyclas, and some Lucinidae they open with the renal duct by a common opening. As a rule, however, the two organs (renal and genital) open separately, but close together, on the external side of the visceral commissure (Fig. 257). In the hermaphrodite forms the whole gland may be herma- phrodite even to the ultimate acini, which produce ova and spermatozoa simultaneously or alternately (Ostrea edulis and plicata) ; or the male and female follicles may be separate, and open together by a common duct (species of Pecten and Cyclas), or by separate ducts leading to separate openings (Poromya, Anatinaced). Herma- phrodite individuals are sometimes met with in the fresh-water mussels Unio and Anodonta. Development. The fertilization of the eggs is sometimes effected in the branchial cavity, and the first part of the development often takes place in the mantle cavity, or between the lamellae of the inner (Cyclas} or outer gill ( Unio, Anodonta) as in a brood-pouch ; sometimes it takes place outside the mother (Pecten, dioecious Ostreae, Mytilas, in all of which artificial fertilization is possible). In Ostrea edulis it is effected in the oviduct. The egg is surrounded by a vitelline membrane with a micropylar aperture at one point. The segmentation is unequal (Fig. 268), the formative pole being opposite to the micropyle. The gastrula is generally formed by epibole, rarely by imagina- tion. The blastopore sometimes remains open, e.g. Ostrea, or closes, e g. Cyclas, Teredo, but the mouth is formed almost immediately by an ectodermal invagina- tion at the same point. The stomach, liver, and intestine are formed from the endoderm, and the proctodaeum is established later as an ectodermal invagination after the shell has been formed. The embryo, which is partially ciliated and often rotates within the egg- membranes, soon acquires a preoral ring of cilia and a shell-gland (Fig. 268). The latter is on the side opposite to the blastopore, and gives rise to a pellicle which is calcified from two symmetrical points, thus forming the rudiments of the two valves (Fig. 268 c). The cuticular shell remains uncalcified in the middle dorsal line, where it gives rise to the ligament. An ectodermal invagination, giving rise to the byssus gland, is almost always formed at the hind end of the foot, even in forms which are without a byssus in the adult. The anterior ad- ductor appears before the posterior. Among the provisional arrangements the velum, as the preoral ciliated ring is called, is very generally present, and in the free-swimming larvae has the form of a large ciliated ring or collar ; a pair of larval eyes provided with a lens may also exist within the velar area. The gills appear as filaments, one by one from behind forwards in the posterior part of the larva between the mantle and the visceral mass. A pair of larval kidneys has been observed in some groups (Fig. 268 d, N). They consist of an LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 343 internal part, having the form of a ciliated canal, and of a superficial part which opens externally on the posterior and ventral side of the cephalic region (Cyclas, Teredo). The development of the fresh-water forms (Cyclas, Unio, Anodonta), in which the eggs and embryos are contained in well protected brood-pojjches, may he En Mz FIG. 268. Stages in the development of the larva of Teredo (after Hatschek). EG ectoderm ; En endoderm ; Ms mesoderm. a, median optical section of an embryo with two mesoderm cells Ms and two endoderm cells En. b, ciliated embryo with mouth 0, stomach, intestine, shell-gland Sdr and shell S. c, later stage with anal imagination A, apical plate Sp, and more extensive shell S. d, Trochosphere larva of Teredo. mouth ; A anus ; Prw preoral ciliated ring or velum ; Pow postoral ciliated ring ; N larval kidney or pronephros (head- kidney) ; Ot otocyst ; Pg pedal ganglion ; Mz mesoderm. called direct. The marine Lamellihranchs on the other hand are set free at an early stage and swim about for a long time as larvae with large umbrella-like vela, from which the labial palps are developed. The Unionidae have a somewhat complicated development.* The eggs are * Schierholz, C. "Ueber die Entw. d. Unioniden," Denkschr. k. Akad. Wiss. zu Wien, Math.-Naturw. Bd. 45, 1889. 344 MOLLUSCA. laid in spring or summer, and pass into the space between the lamellae of the inner gill, and thence into that between the lamellae of the outer gill at the posterior end of the gill, where these spaces communicate. In this space they remain as in a brood-pouch, and undergo the first stages of their development. These take two months. They then cease to develop, and pass the winter in the brood-pouch. In the following spring they pass out by the exhalent orifice under the larval form, known as Glochidiiim (Fig. 269). This possesses a bivalve shell with hooks in the middle of the ventral edge of the valves, a single adductor (the anterior), and a byssus thread which appears to arise just behind the adductor. They swim by snapping their valves, and attach themselves to the skin (gills or fin) of a fish, in which 4hey become embedded. Here they remain as parasites from two to five weeks, and undergo further development ; but they are not fully formed for some time after leaving their host. The gills grow, and the external lamina is not developed till the third year. Sexual maturity is not attained till the fifth year, and growth continues later. FIG. 269. Ventral view of the Glochidium of Anodonta (from Pelseneer after Schierholtz). a bunch of setae ; b visceral ganglia ; c stoinodeal invagination ; d ciliated patch ; e enteron ; / lateral pits ; g hooks on the edge of the valves ; h byssus filament ; i the single adductor. The Lamellibranchs are all aquatic animals, for the most part marine, but a few are fresh-water. They feed on microscopic, mainly vegetable organisms (Diatoms, etc.), which float in the water, and are conveyed to them by currents set up by the cilia of the mantle-chamber. The Septibranchs alone are carnivorous. A great many forms live partly or wholly embedded in sand or mud, procuring food and water and getting rid of waste by their siphons which project at the surface. Many are sedentary, being attached to foreign objects by their byssus, or by one of the valves of their shell (Ostrea, Spondylus). Some are borers into wood (Teredo) or into stone (Lithodomus, Pliolas, Clavagella). Some build nests by means of their byssus (Lima) ; while some are commensals Modio- PROTOBRANCHIATA FILIBRANCHIATA. 345 laria marmorata in the test of Ascidians; Vulsella in sponges; Montacuta on Spatangids ; Entovalva is parasitic in the oesophagus of Synapta. Some species are very active, leaping by aid of their foot (Cardium, Tellina, etc.); some are crawlers (Cyclas, Lasaea\ and some swimmers, by napping the valves of their shells (Pecten, Lima). The Lamellibranchs are found in all parts of the world to the number of more than 5000 species. They have been found to a depth of 2900 fathoms. They have a wide distribution in the earlier periods of the earth's history, being known since the Silurian. Their fossil shells are most excellently preserved, and they are of the greatest importance as characteristic fossils for the determination of the age of formations. Order 1. PKOTOBRANCHIATA. The gill-filaments are plate-like and not reflected, and the mantle-cavity is not divided into two parts. The mantle has an hypo-branchial gland external to each gill ; the foot has a ventral plantar surface, and the byssus gland is but slightly developed. The nervous system has a distinct pleural ganglion ; the otocysts are connected with the surface by a tube. The sexes are separate, and the genital glands open into the inner end of the kidney-tube. Fam. 1. Nuculidae. Palps large, with posterior appendage (Fig. 263). Nucula Lam., heart dorsal to rectum; Leda Schumacher, heart traversed by rectum, mantle with two siphons; Yoldia Moll. Fam. 2. Solenomyidae. The palps are not bilobed ; in each gill one ro\v of filaments is directed dorsally, the other ventrally. Mantle lobes fused, having a single posterior opening, and one anteriorly for the foot, tiolenomya Lam. Order 2. FILIBRANCHIATA. The gill-filaments are reflected, and united by ciliary junctions. The foot usually with a well-developed byssus apparatus. Sub-order 1. ANOMIACEA. Asymmetrical; posterior adductor large ; heart dorsal to rectum, and causing projection into mantle-cavity; the reflected limbs of the inner filaments are fused across the middle line with their fellows ; genital glands open into kidney, and that of right side extends into mantle. Fam. 1. Anomiidae. Anomia L., byssus calcified, passing through a hole in the right valve. Placuna Bruguiere. Sub -order 2. ARC ACE A. Symmetrical ; mantle open ; both adductors well developed ; gills without interlamellar junctions ; renal and generative openings separate. Fam. 2. Arcidae. Edges of mantle with compound pal Hal eyes. Pectunculus Lam., Limopsis Sassi ; Area L., heart dorsal to rectum (Fig. 261). Fam. 3. Trigoniidae. Trigonia Bruguiere. 346 MOLLUSCA. Sub-order 3. MYTILACEA. Symmetrical; mantle-lobes fused posteriorly; anterior adductor smaller than posterior; a single aorta; gill-filaments with interlamellar junctions; genital glands extending into the mantle, and opening by the side of the kidney openings. Fam. 4. Mytilidae. Mussels. Attached by the byssus fibres of the tongue- shaped foot. Mytilus L. ; M. edulis L. (Fig. 256), edible mussel of North Sea and Baltic ; Modiolaria Loven ; Modiola Lam. ; Lithodomus Cuv. ; L. dadylus Sow., Mediterranean (Temple of Serapis at Pozzuoli). - Order 3. PSEUDOLAMELLIBRANCHIATA. Mantle entirely open; gills folded and filament at reentrant angle of fold modified; inter filamentar junctions effected by ciliated: discs or vascular con- crescence. Foot feebly developed ; anterior adductor usually absent ; the auricles communicate with one another ; the branchial filaments have interlamellar concrescences ; genital glands open into or near the kidneys. Fam. 1. Aviculidae. Byssus -apparatus well developed ; shell usually un- equivalve, dorsal margin straight and often long ; ascending limbs of outer gill-filaments fused to mantle. Avicula Klein (Fig. 252) ; Pinna L. ; Perna Bruguiere; Meleagrina Lam. ; M. margaritifera L., pearl-oysters, Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, and Gulf of Mexico ; Malleus Lam. : Vulsclla Lam. Fam. 2. Ostreidae. Byssus absent ; fixed by shell ; outer gill-filaments fused to mantle ; shell unequi valve, fixed by left valve. Ostrea L. Oysters. Shell valves unequal, laminated, with weak hinge usually without teeth, single somewhat ventrally placed adductor muscle. In the true oysters the more arched left valve is firmly attached, while the right and upper valve, which is fastened by an internal ligament, lies as an operculum on the lower valve. Edges of mantle fringed, not fused ; gill lamellae fused with mantle and across the middle line. Foot absent or rudimentary. They usually live together, and form banks of considerable extent. Found in the Jura and the Chalk. Ostrea edulis L., on the coasts of Europe on rocky ground ; probably includes a number of different species according to the locality. According to Davaine, the oysters are said to produce only male sexual products towards the end of the first year, and it is not until later, from the third year onwards, that they become females and produce ova. Moebius, on the con- trary, asserts that the sperm is the later formed, and not until after the pregnant beast has got rid of her eggs. The reproduction takes place especially in the months of June and July, at which time in spite of their extraordinary fertility the oysters should not be gathered. In the American oyster (0. mrginiana] and the Portuguese oyster (0. angulata] the sexes are separate. The green oyster owes its colour to its food a diatom Namcula ostrearia* The colour is confined to its gills and labial palps, and is said to be due to selective absorption of the pigment from the blood. It is, however, possible that the diatoms may adhere to the surface of the gills and palps, and be consumed by phagocytes or other cells. This suggestion requires testing. Fam. 3. Pectinidae. Byssus absent or feebly developed; shell ribbed; mantle-edge tentaculiferous ; a duplication of mantle-edge folded internally ; * Ray Lankester, Q. J. M. S., 26, p. 71. EULAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 347 generally with emerald -green pallial eyes; outer gill-filaments free. Some are fixed by one valve, and some can swim by opening and shutting their valves. Pecten Lam. ; Pedum Drug. ; Hinnites Defr. ; Spondylus L. ; Lima Bruguiere. Pectens, the Scollops are edible ; they swim by flapping their shells ; Spondylus is attached by one valve. ^/ The Dimyidae are allied here. Order 4. EULAMELLIBRANCHIATA. Interftlamentar and interlamellar (vascular) concrescences always present. The mantle-lobes are connected together either by direct fusion or by the gills ; the genital glands have independent external openings. Sub-order 1. SUBMYTILACEA. Mantle generally widely open, usually with one fusion ; usually without siphons. Fam. 1. Carditidae. A single mantle-fusion ; foot keeled, often byssiferous. Cardita Bruguiere. The families Astartidae and Crassatellidae are allied here. Fam. 2. Cyprinidae. Foot long and bent ; two mantle-fusions ; papillose orifices ; umbones often spiral. Cyprina Lam. ; Isocardia Lam. Fam. 3. Lucinidae. The external gill sometimes absent ; foot vermiform without byssus. Lucina Bruguiere (Fig. 250 bis) ; Axinus Sowerby ; Montacuta Turton ; Corbis Cuv. ; Diplodonta Br. ; Ungulina Daudet. Fam. 4. Erycinidae. Foot byssiferous or with ventral surface enlarged. Kellya Turton ; Lepton Turton ; Lasaea Leach. Fam. 5. Galeommidae. Foot with furrow, mantle edges reflected over the shell. Galeomma Turton ; Ephipodonta Tate. Chlamydoconcha Dall without adductor muscles, and Scioberetia Bernard with only one gill on each side, have an internal shell and are allied here. Fam. 6. Cyrenidae. Foot non-byssiferous ; two siphons usually not united ; hermaphrodite, viviparous, fluviatile. Cyclas Bruguiere ; Pisidium PfeifFer, siphons united ; Galatea Brug. ; Corbicula Mlilhf. Fam. 7. Unionidae. Fresh-water mussels. Foot long, compressed, without byssus. Anodonta Lamarck (Fig. 257) ; A. cygnea Lam., in ponds ; A. anatina L., in rivers and brooks; Unio Philipsson (Fig. 254); Margaritana Schum., river pearl-mussels ; Mycetopus d' Orb. , America. Mutela Scop. , and Pliodon Conrad, Africa, are allied here. Fam. 8. Aetheriidae. Fluviatile forms without foot, usually fixed by one valve. Aetheria Lamck., Africa. Fam. 9. Dreissenidae. Foot cylindrical, byssiferous, two siphons. Dreis- sena v. Ben., fresh-water. Sub-order 2. TELLINACEA. Mantle well open ; gills smooth ; siphons well developed, separate ; foot compressed, elongated ; palps large. Fam. 10. Tellinidae. External gill directed dorsally; siphons much elongated. Tellina L. ; Scrobicularia Schumacher ; Semele Schum. ; Gastrana Schum. Fam. 11. Donacidae. External gill directed ventrally ; siphons separated. Donax L. Fam. 12. Mactridae. External gill directed ventrally; siphons united. Maclra L., clams (Fig. 251). 348 MOLLUSCA. Sub-order 3. VENERACEA. Gills slightly folded ; foot compressed ; siphons generally short. Fam. 13. Veneridae. Foot tongue-shaped ; siphons more or less united. Venus L. ; Tapes Megerle ; Dosinia Scop. ; Cytherea Lam. ; Lucinopsis Forb. ; Veiwrupis Lam. The Petricolidae (rock-borers) are allied here. Sub-order 4. CARDIACEA. Gills much folded ; foot cylindrical, more or less elongated ; generally without siphons. Fam. 14. Cardiidae. Cockles. Foot long, bent, without byssus; pallial orifices contiguous, with short siphons surrounded by papillae. Cardium L. (Figs. 255, 259) ; Hemicardium Cuv. Fam. 15. Tridacnidae. Foot short, byssiferous ; pallial orifices apart ; posterior adductor only. Hippopus Lam. ; Tridacna Bruguiere. Fam. 16. Chamidae. Foot short, without byssus ; two adductors ; shell fixed, asymmetrical ; pallial orifices sepa- rated. Chama Bruguiere. Sub-order 5. MYACEA. Branchiae much folded ; foot compressed, more or less reduced ; pedal orifice generally small ; siphons well de- veloped. Fam. 17. Psammobiidae. Siphons separated, elongated ; foot large, tongue-shaped. Psammobia Lamarck ; Sanguinolaria Lam. Fam. 18. Myidae. Siphons united ; foot reduced, without byssus. Mya L. ; Lutraria Lamarck ; Corbula Brug. Fam. 19. Solenidae. Foot strong, elongated, often cylindrical, without byssus ; siphons more or less short. Solenocurtus Blain. ; Solen L. (razor shell). Fam. 20. Saxicavidae. Rock-borers. Foot small, byssiferous ; pedal orifice very short. Saxicava Fleuriau. Fam. 21. Gastroehaenidae. Foot cylindrical, very small, without bys- FIG. 270. -Shell of SUS ; gllls narrOW ' ^ tWn she11 ls Pholas dactylus (after sometimes contained in a calcareous Quatrefages). [7um- tube secreted by the mantle. Gastro- bonal plates ; D dor- chaena Spengler. sal plate. Sub-order 6. PHOLADACEA (Boring Mussels). Foot very short, truncated ; siphons long, united ; without shell-ligament. Fam. 22. Pholadidae. Organs contained in the shell ; with one or several accessory shell-pieces. Gills prolonged into branchial siphon. Pholas L. (Fig. 270), P. dactylus L., mantle and siphons phosphorescent ; Pholadidea Goodall ; Jouannetia des Moulins. FIG. 271. Teredo namlis removed from its calca- reous tube, with elongated si- phons (after Quatrefages). SCAPHOPODA. 349 Fam. 23. Teredinidae. The branchiae are to a large extent contained in the branchial siphon. Siphonal region vermiform, provided behind with two accessory shell-pieces. Shell very small, covering only anterior part of animal. Teredo L., T. navalis L. (Fig. 271), shipworm, was the cause of the famous dam-break in Holland at the beginning of last century. ^^/ Sub-order 7. ANATINACEA. Hermaphrodite ; ovary and testis with separate orifices ; external gill directed dorsally, and without the reflected (outer) lamella. Fam. 24. Pandoridae. Foot tongue - shaped, without byssus. Siphons very short. Pandora Bruguiere ; Myo- chama Stutchbury. Fam. 25. Lyonsiidae. Foot cylindrical, byssiferous ; siphons short. Lyonsia Sturton ; Lyonsiella Sars. Fam. 26. Anatinidae. Foot slender, without byssws ; siphons long ; a fourth pallial orifice. Anatina Lam. ; Thracia Blainville ; Pholadomya Sowerby. Fam 27. Clavagellidae. Foot reduced, without byssus ; siphons long, united ; valves continued by a calcareous tube secreted by the siphons. Clavagella Lam. ; Asper- gillum Lam. (Fig. 272). Order 5. SEPTIBRANCHIATA. With branchial septum. There are three pallial fusions, two siphons more or less elongated, and two adductors. The gills (Fig. 264 D) have the form of a muscular septum, extending from the anterior adductor to the junction of the two siphons and surrounding the foot, with which it is continuous. This septum presents symmetrical orifices. Fam. 1. Poromyidae. Siphons short ; foot elongated. On each half of the septum there are several groups of lamellae separated by orifices. Palps well developed. Hermaphrodite. Poromya Forbes ; Silenia Smith. Fam. 2. Cuspidariidae. Siphons elongated, united; foot reduced; palps reduced or absent; branchial septum pierced by isolated symmetrical orifices; sexes separate. Cuspidaria Nardo. The genus Entovalva Voeltzkow, is not well enough known for its affinities to be- determined. The mantle has a posterior orifice ; the foot is large, with a posterior sucker. There is an hermaphrodite gland. It inhabits the oesophagus of a Holothurian from Madagascar. FIG. 272. Shell of Aspergillutn javanum (after Adams). Class II. SCAPHOPODA* (SOLENOCONCHAE). Dioecious Molhisca without eyes or heart. The edges of the mantle are fused to form a tube which is open before and behind, and secretes- a tubular calcareous shell. * Lacaze Duthiers, "Histoire de 1'organisation et du developpement du Dentale," Ann. Sc. Nat. 1856-58. Plate, "Ueb. d. Ban u. d. Verwandt. d. Solenoconchen," Zool. Jahrb. f. Morph. Bd. 5, 1892. Kowalewsky, "Etudes sur 1'Embryogenie du Dentale," Ann. du Mus. de Marseille, t. 1, 1883. 350 MOLLUSCA. S The body is elongated, slightly curved, with a dorsal concavity. The shell is shaped like an elephant's tusk, and is open at both ends. The animal, which is entirely contained within ' the shell, has a similar shape, and is enclosed by a tubular mantle also open at the two ends. It is attached to the shell by a muscle at the hind end. The mantle is to be regarded as paired folds of the dorso- lateral integument which have undergone concrescence ven- trally. A distinct head is not present, but tnere is an egg-shaped projection into the mantle-cavity at the front end, at the apex of which is the mouth, surrounded by leaf -like labial appendages. Springing from two lobes at the base of the cephalic prominence are a number of ciliated contractile filaments (captacula) which are swollen at their ends. These have been supposed to ~Mh represent the ctenidia, which are otherwise not represented. The foot is cylindrical and directed forwards; it can be protruded through the ante- rior (larger) opening of the mantle. Its front end is tri- lobed (Dentalium\ or carries a retractile disc with papillose margins (Siphonodentalium), from the centre of which a filiform tentacle arises in Pul- sellum. The nervous system con- sists of four groups of ganglia : a pair of cerebral with closely adjacent pleural, a pair of pedal, and a pair of visceral ganglia just in front of the anus. The visceral commissure arises from the pleural, and the pleuro- pedal commissure is completely fused with the cerebro-pedal. There is a system of labial ganglia (stomatogastric) in connection w r ith the buccal mass : it is connected with the cerebral. Mt FIG. 273. Dentalium as seen in longitudinal section (except the foot) after Grobben. S shell ; Mt mantle ; Sm shell muscle ; M h mantle-cavity ; F foot ; Mk cephalic prominence or oral cone ; T captacula ; R radula ; D intes- tine ; L liver ; Af anus ; G cerebral ganglion ; N kidney ; Ge generative gland. SCAPHOPODA. 351 Sense organs. Eyes are absent. A pair of otocysts are placed on the pedal ganglia. The tentacles serve as tactile organs. The alimentary canal is divided into a buccal cavity, oesophagus with two lateral pockets, stomach with large liver, and aji intestine, which after several coils closely pressed together, opens behind the foot and the visceral commissure into the middle of the mantle cavity. The buccal cavity is placed in the body at the base of the cephalic projection, and contains a dorsal jaw and a ventral radula, which has a short sac and powerful muscles. The vascular system is reduced to two mantle vessels and a complicated system of wall-less spaces throughout the body. There are no specialized respiratory organs. The excretory organs are paired and lie in the middle region of the body. They open on either side of the anus. The Scapliopoda are dioecious. The ovaries and testes are unpaired organs occupying the posterior part of the body behind the liver and intestine. They open into the right kidney. The animals live buried in mud, and creep about slowly by means of their foot. There are about 100 species scat- tered in all seas, from the littoral to a depth of about 2000 fathoms. They are known since the Devonian. a Development. The eggs are laid singly. There is an invaginate gastrula with a large blastopore, which is at first at the hind end. The embryo elongates and the hinder part of the body grows out behind the blastopore, which becomes the mouth. The free-swimming larva has a preoral region with a ciliated tuft and several circles of cilia, which eventually consolidate into the velum. The mantle arises as two dorso-lateral folds which eventually coalesce ventrally. The shell also is at first bivalve, but subsequently becomes tubular. The Scaphopoda are allied to the Lamellibranchs by their mantle and nervous system, but they possess an odontophore which approxi- FIG. 274. Larva of Dentalium (after Lacaze Duthiers). a, young larva with first rudi- ment of shell, b, older larva seen from the dorsal surface. T tentacle-collar ; MT circular muscle of mantle ; P foot ; Gg cerebral ganglion ; Oes oeso- phagus ; L liver ; BM buccal mass ; S rudiment of shell. 352 MOLLUSC A. mates them to the Cephalophora. It is, however, impossible to say that they are more nearly allied to one than to the other. There are three genera : Dentalium L. ; Siphonodentalium Sars ; Pulsellum Stoliczka. In the preceding account the thin end of the animal has been spoken of as posterior ; it is, however, possible to regard it as dorsal and as corresponding roughly to the visceral sac of a Gastropod. Class III. SOLENOGA&TRES* (APLACOPHORA). Symmetrical vermiform animals without mantle-fold, distinct foot, or shell. The integument is provided with a cuticle and calcareous spicules or scales. It appears that the Class Amphineura, which is established by many authors to include the Solenogastres and Chitonidcte is quite unjustifiable ; for, whereas the Chitons are clearly Gastropods, it is by no means certain that the Soleno- gastres are really Mollusca at all. Certainly they are not Gastropoda, for they differ from that class in numerous features, of which we may call special attention to the fact, of great morphological importance, that in them the gonad opens directly into the pericardium, a feature found in no Gastropod. The Solenogastres comprise two families, the Neomeniidae and the Chaetodermidae. They are elongated, vermiform animals with a skin stiffened by the cuticle and spicules; and although in the Neomeniidae there is a ventral ciliated furrow, which is sup- posed to be homologous with the Molluscan foot, it may generally be said of them that they are without a foot. Further, there is neither mantle-fold nor shell; the respiratory structures, when present, cannot be certainly homologised with ctenidia; the alimentary canal is perfectly straight, passing between the anterior mouth and the posterior anus; the blood is red; and finally, the head is but ill marked off from the body, and entirely unprovided with special organs of sense. There is a haemocOelic body-cavity, a coelom consisting of a pericardium, gonad, and two nephridia; the gonad communicates with the pericardium. The reasons for regarding them as allied to the Gastropoda are to be found in the presence on the floor of the mouth of a chitinous structure, more or less closely resembling in its relations and appearance the radula; in the arrangement of the central nervous system; in the fact that * A. A. W. Hubrecht, " Proneomenia Sluiteri" Niederl. Arch. f. Zoologie, Sup^. Bd. 2, 1881. Kowalewsky and Marion, "Contributions a 1'histoire des Solenogastres," Ann. Mus. Marseille (Zoologie}, 3, 1889. Pruvot, "Sur 1' organi- sation de quelques Neomeniens des cotes de France," Arch. Zool. Exp. (2), 9, 1891. Wiren, "Studien iib. die Solenogastres," I. and II., Svenska Vet. Akad. Handl, 24 and 25, 1892-3. SOLENOGASTRES. 353 the body-cavity is a haemocoele and contains blood; and in the presence of a pericardium which communicates with the exterior by a pair of nephridia. With regard to the latter point, however, it is not quite certain that the structure called pericardiuin is of that nature (it may be merely a conjoined portion of the gener- ative ducts, of which the structures called nephridia constitute the remainder), and it has been maintained that in the Neomeniidae at least the organs called nephridia show no signs of being renal in function. And even if the cavity in question is pericardial it differs entirely from the pericardium of Gastropoda in the fact that it communicates with the gonad, and the generative cells pass through it on their way to the nephridia, through which they are ejected. The Solenogastres are marine, but not littoral animals. Hitherto they have been found only at considerable depths from 15 fathoms downwards as far as the abyss, often in association with colonies of Hydrozoa and Actinozoa on which they appear to feed. Fam. 1. Neomeniidae. Hermaphrodite Solenogastres with ventral pedal groove, without differentiated liver, with paired nephridial tubes with a common opening. The body is covered with spicules, which are embedded in the cuticle and in relation internally with epithelial papillae. There is a ventral furrow which is free from spicules ; this structure begins in a rather marked ciliated pit, which is placed just behind the mouth and Contains the openings of a large mucous gland, and ends behind by passing into the cloacal depression ; further, it contains along its floor a ciliated projection, which is supposed to be homologous with the Molluscan foot. The mouth is anterior and ventral, and leads into a buccal cavity which has muscular walls, and is sometimes protractile ; it is lined by a thick cuticle, and the ducts of the salivary glands and the sheath of the radula open into it. The latter is absent in Neomenia and in certain species of Proneomenia and Dondersia; elsewhere it bears several transverse rows of chitinous teeth. The oesophagus is short, the stomach tubular and often provided with an anterior dorsal caecum ; the intestine is straight, and opens into the cloaca, which also receives the openings of the nephridia and of a mucous gland. The liver is represented by several pairs of short lateral diverticula of the stomach. The nervous system (Fig. 276) consists of a large cerebral ganglion in front of the buccal mass, giving origin to a stomatogastric commissure with two small ganglia and to two cords on each side the pallial and pedal passing backwards. The pedal cords are swollen into a ganglion below the oesophagus, and into smaller 2 A FIG. 275. Proneomenia sluiteri (after Hu- brecht). mouth ; F ventral furrow. 354 MOLLUSCA. ganglia at intervals along their course. The swellings are united by commissures. The pallial cords have a ganglion near their origin from the cerebral, and are connected with the pedal by commissures ; they unite in a supra-rectal ganglion behind. In Neomenia (Fig. 276) these cords are united for a short distance in front, and sometimes they join behind. There are no special organs of sense. The blood corpuscles contain haemoglobin, which gives the blood a red colour. There are no definite vessels, but there are two more or less marked sinuses a - Gpv FIG. 276 Diagram of the central ner- vous system of Neomenia carinata (after Wireri). Ce cerebral ganglion ; SI stomatogastric ganglia ; Tlv pedal cord ; Gpi posterior ganglion on the pedal cords ; Tld pallial cords ; Gps supra-rectal ganglion (from Bronn). FIG. 2Y7. Diagram of the renal and generative organs and pericardium ; A, of Chaetoderina nitidulum; B, of Neomenia carinata (after Wiren). Ps generative gland ; Pg opening of generative gland into pericardium P ; Cg neph- ridium ; Rs receptaculum seminis ; Co copu- latory organ ; C cloaca ; S, D accessory glands. ventral between the intestine and the ventral surface, and a dorsal sinus, the hinder part of which is contractile and supposed to represent the heart. These presumably communicate with the peri visceral cavity, which contains blood. Respiratory organs are supposed to be represented by some epithelial folds of he cloacal wall. SOLENOGASTRES. 355 The cavity called pericardial (Fig. 277 B) is dorsal to the rectum. The heart projects into it dorsally ; it communicates with the exterior by two tubes the so-called nephridia which are bent on themselves like those of so many Mol- lusca, and open by a common median opening into the cloaca ventral to the anus. The animals are hermaphrodite, and the genital glands are paired and tubular ; they open posteriorly into the pericardium. It is extremely doubtful whether we ought to regard the nephridia as anything else than generative ducts, as they bear accessory organs on their course, and no signs of renal excretory products have been seen in them. The development has been partly followed in Dondersia. There is an invaginate gastrula and a trochosphere with a velum, but no veliger stage nor shell -gland, nor foot. The Neomeniidae have been taken in the North Atlantic and in the Mediterranean. There are 6 genera and about 20 species. Neomenia Tullberg, with branchiae, without radula ; Paramenia Pruvot, with branchiae and radula ; Pronemnenia Hubrecht, without branchiae, thick cuticle enclosing epithelial papillae ; Ismenia Pruvot, cuticle thin, a pre- cloacal ventral prominence; Lepidomenia Kow. and Mar., cuticle thin, radula large ; Dondersia Hubrecht, cuticle thin, radula rudimentary or absent. Fam. 2. Chaetodermidae. Dioecious Solenogastres without pedal groove, with radula as single horny tooth; nephridia with separate openings; branchiae paired and projecting ; gonad median. Body with uniform covering of short spicules embedded in the cuticle. Hind end of body bell -like, consisting of widely open cloaca, which contains two foliaceous branchiae, the anus and the two openings of the nephridia. The nervous system consists of two closely apposed cerebral ganglia, from which arises a stomatogastric commissure with two ganglia, and on each side two lateral cords, the pallial and pedal, which are joined at intervals by commissures. Posteriorly the pedal joins the pallial, and the single cord thus formed joins its fellow dorsal to the rectum in the supra-rectal ganglion. There are no special organs of sense. The mouth is anterior and terminal, the radula is represented by a single horny spine in a pit in the floor of the mouth, the alimentary canal is straight, and the liver is a single ventral caecum directed forwards and opening into the middle region of the alimentary canal. The vascular system is much as in the Neomeniidae except that the haemoglobin is in the plasma. The nephridia (Fig. 277) resemble those of Neomenia, FIQ 27g< _ chaetoderriul but they are without accessory genital structures, are nitidulum (from Per- more obviously renal in function, and they open rier). a anterior end ; separately. b posterior end. The sexes are separate. The gonad is a single median tube opening into the pericardium, and the genital products pass out by the kidneys (Fig. 277^4). The development is unknown. There is one genus with three species ; from the North Atlantic, the Arctic, and the Pacific Oceans. Chaetoderma Loven. 356 MOLLUSC A. Class IV. GASTROPODA.* Mollusca with a distinct head yenerally bearing tentacles, with a ventral muscular foot usually used for creeping, and typically with a continuous mantle-fold. The shell 'when present is composed of one or of more than two pieces. The organization of the Gastropoda is with one exception asym- metrical, but the asymmetry is confined to the organs of the visceral mass, and rarely, if ever, affects thfc head. The head has the mouth at its anterior extremity, and usually bears one (Streptoneura, Theco- somata, Phyllirhoe, . Elysiids, and some Pulmonates) or two (most Opisthobranchs and some Pulmonates) pairs of tentacles, and two eyes, which are placed at the base, sometimes at the apex of a pair of tentacles. The tentacles are contractile, and in the stylommato- phorous Pulmonates they are invaginable. Their form varies and they are often modified, and may even be absent (Olivella, Homalogyra, Pterotrachea, etc.); in most of the Bulloids both pairs are Avidened out and transformed into a quadrangular cephalic shield, the four corners of which correspond to the apices of the four tentacles. The single pair of the Amphibolidae, Otinidae, Siphonariidae, and Gadiniidae are reduced, and give to the head the aspect of a flattened disc. The anterior pair of Pleuro- branchidae, Tritoniidae, etc., is transformed into a frontal velum. They may also be bind, flattened or branched. The labial palps, which are processes of the lips, found in some forms, are not to be regarded as tentacles ; nor are the small lobe-like processes (palniettes) sometimes found between the tentacles. The pseudopallium is a process of the cephalic integument which projects back over the shell. The foot is a muscular organ, and projects from the ventral surface of the body. Typically it has a flat sole, and is used for creeping. * Martini and Chemnitz, Conchylien Cabinet, 12 Bde., Niirnberg, 1837-1865. Sowerby, " Thesaurus conchyliorum, or Figures and Descriptions of Shells," London, 1832-62. Reeve, " ConcJiologica iconica, etc.," London, 1842-62. H. and A. Adams, " The Genera of the recent Mollusca," 3 vols , London, 1858. H. Troschel, "Das Gebiss der Schnecken," Berlin, 1856-78. S. P. Woodward, "Manual of the Mollusca," ed. 3, London, 1875. V. Hensen, "Ueb. das Auge einiger Cephalophoren," Z. f. w. Z., 15, 1865. J. W. Spengel, "Die Geruchs- organe u. d. Nervensystem der Mollusken," Z. f. w. Z., 35. Souleyet, " Voyage de la Bonite" Zoologie, T. 2., 1852. Hilger, "Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Gastropodenauges," Morph. Jahrb., 10, 1885. Willem, "Observations sur la vision et les organes visuels de quelques Mollusques, etc.," Arch. ioL, 12, 1892. Leydig, "Ueb. d. Gehororgan der Gastropoden," Arch. f. Mic. Anat., 7, 1871. Lacaze Duthiers, " Otocysts ou capsules auditives des Mollusques," Arch. Zool. Exp. et Gen. (1), 1, 1872. Houssay, " Recherches sur 1'opercule et les glandes du pied des Gasteropodes," ^rcA. Zool. Exp. (2), 2, 1884. Grobben, " Die Pericardialdriise der Gastropoden," Arb. Zool. Inst. Wien, 9, 1890. Baudelot, "Recherches sur 1'appareil generateur des Mollusques Gast.," Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zoologie) (4), 19, 1863. P. Pelseneer, "Introduction a V Etude des Mollusques," Paris, 1897. A. H. Cooke, "Molluscs," Cambridge Natural History, London, 1895. GASTROPODA. 357 It very generally bears on its hind end a horny or calcareous operculum for closing the shell-aperture when the animal is retracted. The form and size of the foot present various modifications according to the condition of life. ^ In the sedentary Gastropods it is reduced in Vermetus and Magilus, which are fixed, to a small discoidal projection ; and in Thyca and Stilifer, which are parasitic, to a small appendage. In the pelagic forms it is flattened laterally us a fin (Heteropoda) or may even be absent (Pkyllirhoe). In the ^^ O leaping forms (Strom- bidae) it is also flat- tened. The creeping surface is sometimes divided by a longitudinal fur- row, and the two halves may move alternately (Cyclostoma). The two anterior corners of the Fio. 27P. Helix pomatia. eyes at the extremities of the long foot may be prolonged as tentacles. The anterior part of the foot may project beneath the head, forming the propodium (burrowing forms); in Natica the propodium projects back on to the cephalic region. The epipodia (sometimes called parapodia) are fin-like, produced lateral portions of the foot (in many Opisthobranchs) ; in Notarchus the epipodia fuse over the dorsal surface. In the Rhipidoglossa the epipodia are present, and carry papillae. The posterior part of the foot is often marked off from the r^est as metapodium ; in such cases when a propodium is present as well, the middle part is called mesopodium. The pedal glands secrete a mucous substance, which lubricates the surface on which the animal moves, or hardens on contact with air or water into a thread by which the animal suspends itself (Limax, Litiopa, Cerithidea, etc.), or, as in lanthina, becomes entangled with bubbles of air and forms a float to which, in the female, the eggs are attached. The secreting cells are distributed as unicellular glands in the epithelium of the foot, and are often aggregated in special invagi- nations of the skin. Such are .the supra-pedal gland which opens at the front edge of the foot (Pulmo?iata, etc.); the labial glands which open into a furrow at the anterior end of the foot (creeping Streptoneura and Opisthobranchs) ; and the median pedal gland which opens on the ventral surface, and is comparable to the byssus gland of Lamellibranchs (Cyclostoma, Cypraea, etc.) ; it was formerly mistaken for an "aquiferous pore." Finally, in some forms there are glands at the hind end of the foot, either dorsal or ventral. 358 MOLLUSCA. The integument consists of a superficial layer of cylindrical cells which are frequently ciliated; and of a connective-tissue dermis which is inseparably connected with the dermal muscles. Calcareous and pigment glands are placed in the integument ; they are specially numerous at the edge of the mantle-fold, where they contribute to the growth and peculiar colouring of the shell. The mantle (pallium) or integument of the visceral sac is thrown into a continuous fold, which completely encircles the body at the junction of the visceral sac with ihe head and foot. This fold is the mantle-fold; it encloses between itself and the body a space called the mantle- or pallial-groove. The mantle-groove is quite shallow, and groove-like over the greater part of its extent, and in the Placophora (Fig. 305 B) over its whole extent ; but in all other forms it is especially deepened at one point. This specially deep part of the mantle-groove is the mantle-cavity proper. The mantle- cavity contains the ctenidium (in the Zygobranchiata the two ctenidia) when there is a ctenidium, and generally the anus, renal orifice, and generative opening. The free edge of the mantle-fold is thickened and may be provided with short tentacles, pigment spots, and glands. In the Zygobrancliiata y and in one or two other forms, there is a slit along the roof of the mantle-cavity in the mantle-fold. This slit, the edges of which may be fused at one or more points, allows of the exit of the spent water from the mantle-cavity. The siphon (Fig. 280, 22) is a kind of spout-like continuation of the mantle- edge on the left side of the mantle-cavity. It occurs in many, principally carnivorous, Streptoneura, and it conducts water into the mantle- cavity. The hypobranchial gland (Fig. 280, 17) is a highly glandular and generally folded portion of the mantle-lining between the two gills and the rectum (Zygo- branchs), or between the single gill and the rectum (most other Gastropods). In the typical Gastropoda, such as the whelk (Buccinum) or the garden-snail (Helix), the visceral sac is covered by a univalve shell. This shell has, to a certain extent, the same shape as the visceral sac (Fig. 312), and can usually completely receive and protect the head and foot when the animal is retracted. As a rule it is hard and calcareous, consisting of the three layers, an outer periostracum, a middle prismatic or porcellanous, and an internal nacreous layer : the nacreous layer is not, however, always present in Gastropods, and the porcellanous is of complex structure, consisting often of three layers of laminae, which are themselves composed of prisms. Some- times it is a delicate structure, horny and flexible, or it may have a gelatinous or cartilaginous consistence, as in the Cymbuliidae, where, however, it is not a mantle-shell, but a subepidermic dermal product. GASTROPODA. 359 The shell is secreted by the epidermis of the mantle; the^epi- dermic (periostracum) and porcellanous layers by the edge, and the nacreous layer by the whole surface. In cases in which the nacreous layer is absent, the mantle surface still has a shell-forming FIG. 28Q.Pymla tula, male, removed from the shell. The mantle has been cut through along the right side of the mantle-cavity and turned over to the left. The pallial organs are accord- ingly reversed (after Souleyet from Lang). 1 proboscis ; 2 head ; 3 foot ; 4 penis ; 5 vas deferens cut and continued in the roof of mantle-cavity at 15; 6 floor of the mantle-cavity ; 7 spindle muscle ; 8 intestine ; 9 heart in the opened pericardium ; 10 liver ; 11 testis ; 12 and 13 kidney ; Ik kidney opening ; 15 vas deferens ; 16 rectum ; 17 hypobranchial gland ; 18 anus ; 19 ctenidium ; 20 roof of mantle-cavity ; 21 osphradium ; 22 siphon. 360 MOLLUSCA. power, for lesions are repaired by a cement-like substance secreted by the mantle. The shell consists of one piece, except in the Chitonidae (Fig. 305) in which there are eight pieces, and it usually has the same shape as the visceral sac. When that is flat or conical, the shell is also flat and conical (Patella, Fissurella) ; when the visceral sac is spirally coiled, the shell also is spirafty coiled ; and when the mantle- fold has a slit extending along the roof of the mantle-cavity, the shell has a corresponding slit or perforation (Fissurella, Haliotis}. Finally, pro- longations of the edge of the mantle, such as the siphon, leave their mark upon the lip of the shell -aperture (Sipli onostomata). The visceral sac of Chiton is not prominent and never coiled. The shell-pieces of this animal are par- tially covered by upgrowths of the mantle, and may be entirely covered by them (Cryptochiton). The shell- beds so formed have been compared by Lankester to the persisting shell- sac (in this case multiple) of the larva. The visceral sac and shell are almost always coiled to a certain extent in the young or larva, even if not in the adult. The coils may be lost by decollation, as in Coecam, in which the spiral part drops off; or by modification during growth as in Fissurella (Fig. 281, F, Gf, H), or by subsequent addition during growth (by secretion from two reflected lobes of the mantle) of calcareous matter, which over- lies the spiral shell and hides it, as in the cowries (Cypraea). The spiral is generally dextral (leiotropic), i.e., if the shell is placed with its spire uppermost and the aperture towards the observer, the aperture is to the right ; or it may be sinistral. When it is sinistral the organization is sometimes affected, and the organs and apertures usually placed to the right are on the left side. This is always the case with sinistral monstrosities, but not always when, the species is normally sinistral. In Spirialis, Limacina, FIG. 281. Shells of A Pleurotomaria, B Polytremaria, C and E Emarginula, D Haliotis, F Fissurella, G and H stages in the growth of the shell of Fissurella (from Lang). GASTROPODA. 361 Lanistcs, and a few other forms the shell is sinistral, but the organization is dextral ; such shells are said to be ultra-dextral (Pelseneer). In some cases both sinistral and dextral species are known in the same genus. As a general rule the whorls of the spire are closely applied together, the line or groove of apposition being called the suture. Sometimes, however, the whorls are more or less separate (Scalaria, Cyclostoma, Valvata, Vermetus). The shell is never multilocular, , but sometimes the animal ceases to occupy, the upper whorls, which drop oft' (decollation). The axis round which the whorls are coiled is called the columella ; it may be hollow, in which case the shell is said to be perforated or umbilicated (Solarium) and the axial tube is called the umbilicus; the umbilicus may be shallow or deep. In Natica the umbilicus is filled up with calcareous matter. In other shells the whorls are closely coiled, and the columella is a central pillar ; such shells are imperforate. In addition to the above the following terms are applied to the shell : the apex is the top of the spire the first formed part of the shell ; the aperture is the opening of the shell at the end of the last, or body-whorl. The aperture is entire, as in most vegetable feeders (holostomatous), or produced at its anterior end into a spout (canal), as in many carnivorous families (siphonostomatous). Sometimes there is a posterior canal as well ; this is anal in function, and in some forms is represented by the so-called slit (Emarginula, Pleurotomaria, Scissurella). The slit lies over a slit in the mantle (see above). In Fissurella (Fig. 281) it becomes in the adult an apical pore, and in Haliotis a number of pores. The margin of the aperture is called the peristome, the right side of which is the outer lip or labrum, the inner or columellar lip being the labium. The outer lip is sometimes thin, more often thickened, or reflected or inflected (Cypraea), or expanded (Pteroceras) or fringed with spines (Murex). When the fringes or expansions of the outer lip are formed periodically during the growth of the shell they are called varices. Shells which are always covered by the mantle are colourless (Limax, Parmophorus). Those which are covered by the mantle when the animal expands acquire a glazed or enamelled surface like the cowries. When the shell is deeply immersed in the foot of the animal it becomes partly glazed (Cymba). In all other cases there is an epidermis or periostracum, though it is often thin and transparent. In some cases the parts of the shell separating the successive whorls and the columella are absorbed in the adult, e.g., Nerita, Olivella, Cypraea, Auriculidae; in such cases the visceral sac loses its spiral form. The operculum is attached to the dorsal hind end of the foot. It consists of a horny basis which may be calcified. It grows with the shell, and the oldest part of it is called the nucleus. It is marked by lines of growth, which may be concentric or spiral (siuistral in dextral shells). Sometimes it is claw-shaped or unguiculate, in which case the nucleus is apical. It generally fits the mouth of the shell ; but is sometimes too small, or even ridiculously inadequate for this purpose, as in Bullia, Conus, etc.; it also persists in some limpet-like forms which adhere by their flat foot, and in which it is not used (Navicella, Conclio- lepas, Sigaretus). In such cases the operculum affords a good instance of an organ persisting after it has entirely lost its original function. The operculum is present in most adult Streptoneura, and in their larvae, if absent in the adult (except Stilifer) ; it is absent in the adults of most Euthyneura (except Actaeon, Limacina, Amphibola), but is present in their development except in some of 362 MOLLUSC A. the more specialized, e.g. Pulmonata (except Auriculidae, Siphonaria, Gadinia} and Cavoliniidae. It may be present or absent in the same genus (Stomatella, Vermetus, Conus). and may even be caducous in adults (Limacina helicina). The edges of the mantle are often folded over the shell, so as to cover a part of it (many Fissurellidae, Marsenina, many Cypraeidae and Marginellidae, Aplysia, and some Bullidae, various Pulmonates), or the whole of it. In the latter case the edges fuse, and the shell is enclosed in a sac. Such an internal shell is found in Cryptochiton, Pupilia, most Lamellariidae, Pustule/via, Notarchus, Doridium, Gas- tropteron, Philine, Pleurobranchus, and some species of Limax, and is very generally much reduced in size, and quite incapable of receiving the head and foot in retraction. Finally the shell and its sac may be absent, and the visceral sac become secondarily symmetrical (Titis- caniidae, Pterotrachea, Runcina, Gymnosomatous Pteropods and Cymbuliidae, Pleurobranchaea, Nudibranchiata, Philomycidae, On- chidiidae, Vaginulidae). In such cases the shell exists only in the larva (in some Pulmonates it is never formed at all), and disappears at the end of larval life. In most cases in which there is no shell the pallial chamber (and groove) and ctenidium are reduced or absent; e.g. in Nudibranchs where the ctenidium is said to be replaced by the papillae of the mantle (i.e. of the dorsal integument) called cerata (Fig. 328). In certain cases in which the larval shell is shed, another persistent and internal shell is formed (Lamellaria, the first spiny shell of which is called Echinospira). The attachment to the shell is effected by the columellar or spindle muscle (Fig. 296), which arises from the foot and is inserted into the columella in the spiral forms, or when there is no columella to the internal surface of the shell in a horse-shoe-shaped line (Patella), or over an oval area (HaUotis, Fig. 296 S). The central nervous system consists typically of the three pairs of ganglia in the head (Fig. 282) the cerebral supplying the head and sense-organs, the pedal supplying the foot, and the pleural which innervate the mantle and spindle muscle ; and of two commissures which are completed ventrally to the gut and contain ganglia in their course; these are the anterior or stomato- gastric commissure, on which are developed the buccal ganglia, and the posterior or visceral, on which may be developed the supra- and sub -intestinal ganglia and one or more abdominal ganglia. The stomatogastric commissure is connected with the cerebral ganglia, and supplies the buccal mass and alimentary canal, while the visceral commissure is connected with the pleural ganglia, and GASTROPODA, 363 innervates the vascular, excretory, and reproductive organs, and also gives off from the supra- and sub-intestinal ganglia nerves to the mantle, gills and osphradium. In all Gastropoda except the Ag FIG. 282. Nervous system of Paludina (after v. Jhering). Cg cerebral, Pig pleural, Pg pedal, Sp supra-intestinal, Sb sub-intestinal, Ag abdominal ganglion ; o otocyst ; Eg sto- matogastric (buccal) ganglion. CMtonidae the visceral com- missure is asymmetrical, in connection with the asymmetry of the organs which it supplies. In the arrangement which is usually described as primitive the cerebral ganglia are placed at the sides of the oesophagus, and are connected by a long commissure ; the pedal ganglia are drawn out into long gan- glionic cords (Fig. 283, 15, Fig. 284, pe) extending along the ventral surface (Aspidobranchs, Paludina, Cydophorus, Cypraea), and connected in a ladder-like manner by numerous commissures; the pleural ganglia are approxi- mated to the pedal; and the visceral commissure is of considerable FIG. 283. Nervous system of Patella (from Lang, combined after Pelseneer and Bou- vier). 1 cerebral ganglion ; # cerebral commissure ; 3 labial ganglion ; k buccal ganglion ; 5 cerebro-pleural commissure ; 6 cerebro-pedal commissure ; 7 nerve to otocyst 8; 9 pleural ganglion; 10 pedal commissure ; 11 right, 12 left osphradium : 13 visceral ganglion ; lit supra-intestinal ganglion ; 15 pedal cord ; 16 indication of a sub-intestinal ganglion. 364 MOLLUSCA. length, and its ganglia are widely separate (Strepto- neura and the less special- ized Euthyneura). The principal variations in this arrangement are as folloAvs : the cerebral gan- glia are close together, and the pleural are approxi- mated to them or may even fuse with them (most Pectinibranchs, Pteropoda Thecosomata, Adaeon); the pedal ganglia are concen- trated and not drawn out into cords ; the visceral commissure is short, and its ganglia approximated both to each other and to the pleural (Fig. 285, most Euthyneura) ; finally, all the ganglia (cerebral, pedal, pleural, and ganglia of vis- ceral commissure) may be closely approximated on the dorsal side of the oesophagus (many Nudibranchs). The visceral commis- sure is in the Strepto- neura twisted into a figure of 8 in the following manner (Figs. 282, 283); the commissure from the right pleural ganglion passes dorsal to the ali- mentary canal to the left side, and there forms a ganglion the supra-intes- tinal ganglion (sp, 14) which supplies the left osphradium and ctenidium and left side of the mantle, FIG. 284. Nervous system of Haliotis (diagrammatic after Spengel). Cg cerebral ganglion; Pg fused pleural and pedal ganglia; Ag abdominal gan- glion ; and 0' osphradia ; Pe pedal cord ; S and S' pallial nerves ; Br gills. FIG. 285. Nervous system of Limnaea (after L. Du- thiers). Cg cerebral, Pg pedal, Pig pleural, Ag ab- dominal ganglion ; osphradium. GASTROPODA. 365 or without forming a ganglion gives off a strong branchial nerve, which passes to a ganglion the branchial ganglion, close under the osphra- dium; while the commis- sure from the left pleural ganglion passes ventral to the alimentary canal to the right side, and there gives rise to the sub -intestinal ganglion (sb, 16), which supplies the right side, or gives off a nerve to the right branchial ganglion. The part of the commissure connecting these two gan- glia generally contains one or more purely visceral ganglia. The supra -intes- tinal ganglion supplies the left osphradium, which is generally present, while the sub -intestinal supplies the right osphradium, which is absent in all except the Zygobranchiate forms. The nervous system has not been seen in the adult of Entoconcha and Ento- colax. In the Streptoneura each side of the mantle is usually inner- vated by a mantle-nerve from the pleural of the same side, and by a mantle-nerve from the supra- (left side of mantle) or sub- intestinal (right side of mantle) ganglia, or, if they are absent, from the corresponding parts of the visceral commissure. The nerves from these two sources generally anastomose in the FIG. 28G. Nervous system of Cassidaria (after Haller), illustrating dialyneury on the left side, and zygo- neury on the right. The pallial nerves from the left pleural ganglion Pig anastomose with the pallial nerves from the supra - intestinal ganglion Gsp (dialyneury), whereas the pallial nerve from the right pleural (not lettered) runs to the subin- testinal ganglion Gsb (zygoneury), from which all the mantle-nerves of the right side arise. Cg cerebral ; Pig left pleural ; Pg right pedal ; Gsp supra-intestinal ; Gsb subintestinal ; Vg abdominal ganglion ; Ot otocyst. 366 MOLLUSCA. mantle (dialyneury). This arrangement is sometimes modified (more often on the right side), in that the mantle-nerve of the pleural passes direct to the ganglion of the visceral commissure of its own side (supra- or subintestinal), from which ganglion all the mantle-nerves of that side appear to be given off (zygoneury, right side of Fig. 286). In some Streptoneura, there is, in addition to the stomatogastric commissure, a labial commissure (Fig. 283, 3} given off from the cerebral ganglia and passing ventrally to the oesophagus. Sense organs. Tactile organs are represented by the tentacles, the edges of the lips, which are often folded (labial palps), and tentacular and lobe-like prolongations which are found here and there on the head, mantle, and foot (see these organs). The rhinophores are the organs which subserve the olfactory sense; they are placed upon the cephalic tentacles, and on the posterior tentacles when there are two pairs. They are epithelial structures, and may be localised in a patch of high epithelium at the end of the tentacles, or in a pit, the walls of which may be even folded (some Opisthobranchs). The olfactory nerve arises from the cerebral ganglion, some- times in common with the optic, and may have a ganglion on its course. The olfactory sense is well developed in most Gastropods. The osphradium (Fig. 280) is also supposed to be an It lies in the mantle-cavity close to the ctenidium and consists of a special patch of epithelium generally columnar and ciliated, and frequently placed upon a special ganglion (Fig. 284, branchial ganglion, see above). It is innervated by a nerve from the visceral commissure (supra-intestinal ganglion if it is present). In some forms its surface is much folded, and it has the appearance of a bipectinate ctenidium (Fig. 280), for which it was formerly mistaken (e.g., Natica, Bmcinum, Cypraea, Strombidae, etc.) ; in some Euthyneura it is invaginated into the ganglion, and has the form of a pit. In the Zygobranchiate forms there are two osphradia the right one supplied by the sub-intestinal, and the left by the V FIG. 287. Lamellar rhinophore of Eolis coronata (from Per- rier, after Alder and Hancock). olfactory organ. FIG. 288. Rhinophore of Hermaea Hfida (from Perrier, after Alder and Hancock). GASTROPODA. 367 supra-intestinal ganglion, or from the part of the visceral commissure where these ganglia would be if present. In the Chitonidae there is an osphradium at the base of each ctenidium. In Fissurella it is only present in a diffuse and indistinct form. It is aljp found in some forms in which the ctenidium is absent (Patella, Clione, etc., Basommatophora). Otocysts which are supposed to be auditory in function exist in most gastropods (absent in lanthina, Vermetus) as a pair of closed sacs, which are lined by an epithelium bearing cilia and sensory hairs, and contain concretions and a fluid. They are usually placed in the foot near the pedal ganglia (though innervated from the cerebral by way of the cerebro-pedal commissure, Fig. 283), but in the pelagic forms (Heteropoda) and in most Nudibranchs they are near the cerebral ganglia (Fig. 315). They contain a fluid, and one large concretion the otolith (as in the Ctenobranchiate Streptoneura, and a few Opisthobranchs), or numerous small ones the otoconia (Aspido- branchs, most Euthy- neura and dialyneuric Taenioglossa). It has riot been proved by actual observation that any gastropod possesses the sense of hearing. Eyes. There is a pair of cephalic eyes in almost all gastropods. They are placed at the base of the tentacles (of the second pair in Opisthobranchs) or at the apex of the posterior tentacles (Sty- lommatophord), or half- way along the tentacles (some Streptoneurd). They consist in their simplest form of a widely open pit of the skin (Fig. 290 A), the epithelium of which is pigmented and carries on its free surface a layer of rods (Docoglossd) ; in some of the Rhipidoglossa, e.g., Haliotis, Trochus, the lips of this pit are approximated and its JT .5 FIG. 289. Otocyst of Pterotrachea (after Glaus). 1 auditory nerve ; 3 structureless membrane ; 3 and k ciliated cells ; 5 otolith ; 6 hair cells ; 8 central cell (from Lang). 368 MOLLUSCA. cavity filled with a cuticular lens (Fig. 290 B) ; finally, the pit may be closed and the retinal epithelium continued in front of the lens as a kind of internal cornea, thus lining a complete vesicle, while the outer epithelium, together with some connective tissue, is con- tinued over the eyes as a cornea proper (Fig. 290 C). The optic nerve enters the retina on its internal side, and the percipient elements are on the side of the retina next the light. The cephalic eyes are vestigial, being buried in the skin or absent, in most burrowing forms ; absent iif most abyssal and subterranean species, and in the Chitonidae ; and, curiously enough, absent in A FIG. 290. Eyes of Gastropoda. A, of Patella; B, of Trochus; C, of Helix. No and N optic nerve; R and r retina ; L and (11 lens ; Ep cornea (A and C after Carriere, U after Hilger). N some pelagic forms, e.g. lanthina, many Pteropods; though the Heteropoda possess the best developed eyes of the class. Eyes are found in considerable numbers on the dorsal surface in the Onchidiidae* in addition to the cephalic eyes. These pallial eyes are constructed upon the so-called Vertebrate type, i.e. the optic nerve perforates the retina, spreads out on the surface turned towards the lens, and then passes inwards to the percipient elements which are on the side of the retina turned inwards. Moreover, they possess Semper C., "Forms of Animal Life.' GASTROPODA. 369 a cellular lens. Pallial eyes* are also found in certain genera of the Chitonidae on the shell pieces ; they possess a calcareous cornea. The alimentary canal is usually coiled, and, as a rule, bends forward to open in front on the right side, into the mantle-cavity if that is present. In Chitonidae it opens into the mantle-cavity in the middle line behind, and in some Nudibranchs the anus is median, dorsal, and posterior. Most of the more specialized forms possess an invaginable proboscis (Fig. 280), the invagination generally begin- ning at the base ; but some possess one which is retractile from the point. ill FIG. 291. Axial section of the eye of Onchidium (from Pelseneer after Semper). / retina ; II optic nerve ; III pigment; 7F"lens; V cornea. In the Natiddae there is a glandular disc on the ventral face of the proboscis, the function of which is to assist the animal in perforating the shells of bivalves. In the Pneumodermatidae the proboscis bears some suckers, which are either isolated or placed upon two retractile lobes (Fig. 321). The buccal cavity is provided in its anterior part with a pair of horny jaws, which may be closely approxi- mated dorsally (Natica), or even fused. In Patella, Aegirus, and all Pulmo- nates there is only a single dorsal jaw, and in many forms the jaws are absent entirely. The walls of the buccal-cavity are much thickened owing to the muscles of the jaws and odontophore, and to the cartilages of the latter, and give rise to the structure called the buccal mass. There is no lower jaw, but on the floor of the buccal-cavity there is a ridge, partly muscular, partly cartilaginous, which has received the same name, though it should rather be regarded as a tongue : this is the odontophore (Fig. 292). The surface of this tongue is covered by a chitinous or horny membrane, called the lingual ribbon, or radula, on which are carried horny teeth of various forms. Behind, the radula passes into a cylin- drical pocket, the so-called sheath of the radula, which projects as a small, generally papilla -like prominence from the ventral and posterior end of the buccal .mass. The radula and its teeth * Moseley, H. K, Q. J. M. S., 1884. 2 B 370 MOLLUSCA. Mh, are secreted by the epithelium of the radula sheath, which may be compared to the bed of a nail, or to the persistent pulp of a tooth ; for as the front part of the radula is continually being worn away by use, it is replaced from behind by the new growth in the sheath. The odontophore can be pro- truded and retracted as a whole bjp its muscles, and there is pos- sibly a small power of movement Fig. 292.-Longitudinal section through the Q f fa Q ribbon itself Oil the Sub- buccal mass of Helix (after Keferstein). o mouth ; Mh buccai cavity ; M muscles ; radular membrane. Rd radula ; Kn lingual cartilage ; Oe oeso- The teeth are arrange d in tems- phagus ; A/jaw ; Z sheath of radula. verse rows on the surface of the radula; their form, size, and number vary in different species, and afford important systematic characters of species, genera, and families. The middle tooth of each row is called the central or rachidian tooth; the teeth on each side of this are called laterals, while the outermost of all are the marginals or uncini. The laterals and marginals sometimes merge into one another, so that the distinction between them is lost. The varying arrangement in number of these different teeth is expressed by formulae : thus the typical formula of the Toxoglossa is, which means that one FIG. 293. One row of teeth of the radula of A, Helicina tropica, Rhipidoglossa ; B, Bythinia tentaculata, Taenioglossa ; C, two rows of Fasciolaria tarentina, Rachiglossa (from Perrier). GASTROPODA. 371 marginal tooth alone is present, and that central and laterals are absent alto- gether ; in the Rachiglossa (Fig. 293 C] it is 1.1.1., which means that a central and one lateral on each side are present ; the teeth are strongly cusped in this group. In the Taenioglossa (ribbon-tongned) the typical formula is (Fig. 293 B). In the Ptenoglossa there are an indefinite number'oJP outer teeth, not distinguishable into marginals and laterals, and the formula is written oo. 1. oo. The Rhipidoglossa (fan-tongued) are characterized by an indefinite number of marginals, arranged like the ribs of a fan; typical formula oo. (Fig. 293 A}. The Docoglossa have a few, but strong columnar teeth, and the special feature is the multiplication of the central ; thus Patella has, or, as it may be written, 3.1. (2 + + 2) 1.3. In the Euthyneura there is generally no distinction into marginals and laterals. The length of the radula, and the number of rows of teeth, varies much in different species. In Patella it is very long, in the Pulmonata it is short and broad. The radula is entirely absent in the Eulimidae, Pyrami- dellidae, Thyca, Entoconcha, Entocolax, Coral- liophilidae, certain species of Terebra, Torna- tinidae, Cymbuliopsis, Gleba, Doridiidae, Doridopsis, Corambe, Phyllidia, Tethyidae (i.e., in parasitic and suctorial forms). The subradular organ is a papilla in front of the radula on the floor of the mouth. In addition to buccal glands, some- times found round the buccal opening, there is always a pair of salivary glands opening into the buccal-cavity. The buccal-cavity leads into the oeso- phagus, which is followed by a dilated stomach, usually provided with a caecal appendage. The stomach opens into an intestine, which is usually long and coiled, and surrounded by a large multi- lobed liver. The liver occupies nearly all the upper coils of the visceral sac, and pours its secretion into the intes- tine and into the stomach (Fig. 295). FIG. 294. Alimentary canal of Aeolis papillosa (after Hancock). Bm buccal mass ; Oe oesophagus ; M stomach ; L liver caeca which enter the dorsal appendages (cerata) : A anus. The arrangement of the alimentary canal and of the liver presents in detail many essential modifications ; one of the most remarkable being that offered by the stomach with its diffuse hepatic caeca (often extending into the cerata) in so many of the Nudibranchiata (Fig. 294). The terminal part of the intestine is distinguished by its size, and may be called the rectum. The oesophagus may have a crop-like swelling in its course, and sometimes there is a gland on about the middle of its length (gland of Leiblein, Fig. 295). The stomach may contain in its middle region masticatory plates (some Opisthobranchs), or be divided by constrictions into three regions (Aplysia). 372 MOLLUSCA. The vascular system presents numerous and important modifica- tions. The heart is enclosed in a special pericardium, and is usually placed on one side of the middle line, more or less anteriorly, near the respiratory organs. It usually consists of a conical ventricle (Fig. 280) which gives off the aorta, and of an auricle which is turned towards the respiratory organs, and into which the blood passes by the respiratory veins. In some Gastropods (Rhipidoglossa, except Helicina) there are two auricles (the right one being usually the smaller), and the ventricle is pierced by the rectum (Fig. 297 b, c}. In the Chitonidae alone is the heart not only symmetrical (with two symmetrical auricles), but placed at the hind end of the animal. When there is only one auricle it is the left, though in the majority of the Streptoneura and of the Pulmonata, and in Actaeon, Lima- cina, Clio virgula and C. adcula it lies in front of the ventricle, and in most Opisthobranchs, in Testacellidae, Onchidiidae, Firo- lidae, and some Calyptraeidae it is behind the ventricle. The aorta, which is given off from the end of the ventricle opposite to the auricle, or from the hind end in the Rhipidoglossa with two auricles, usually divides into two arteries, of which one passes forward and branches to the head and foot, while the other passes dorsalwards to the viscera. There is a bulb, extra- or intra- pericardial, on the root of the aorta in some forms (Patella, etc.). The arteries terminate by opening FIG. 295. Enlarged dorsal view of the alimentary canal of Murex (from Pel- seneer, after Haller). I duct of gland of Leiblein ; II oesophagus ; /// duct of liver; IV liver; V stomach; VI anal gland ; VII anus ; VIII gland of Leib- lein ; IX crop or proventriculus ; X salivary gland ; XI radula ; XII mouth. GASTROPODA. 373 M into irregular spaces in the tissues and amongst the organs, some of which spaces have coalesced or dilated to give rise to the perivisceral cavity (exclusive of the pericardium) of these animals. From these systemic spaces the blood passes through -tjje branchial (pulmonary) vessels to the respiratory organs. In some cases there is, in addition to the ctenidial blood, a certain amount of blood returning to the auricle from other parts of the mantle, e.g., Acmaeidae, Heteropoda, Pleurobranchidae, Pneumodermatidae. Of these the Pleurobranchidae, Hetero- poda, and some Acmaeidae do not possess secondary branchial structures on the mantle; but in other Acmaeidae and in the Pneu- modermatidae there are secondary branchiae in addition to the cteni- dium. The blood is generally colourless ; it is red in Planorbis (haemoglobin in the plasma), and in certain forms has a blue tinge (haemocyanin). There is a blood- gland on the aorta in some Opistho- branchs (Bn\]oids,Pleurobranchus, Dorids) ; and in certain streptoneurous Platypoda there is a corresponding organ near the kidney, communicating with the auricle. Respiratory organs. In only a small number of Gastropods is respi- ration effected exclusively through the general integument (some Nudi- branchs). By far the greater number breathe through gills, and many through lungs ; a few combine branchial and pulmonary respiration. The gills are either typical cte- nidia contained in the mantle-cavity, or freely-exposed branched processes of the dorsal integument (some Nudibranchs). Excluding the Chitonidae (Fig. 305), which are unlike other Gastropods in having a number of pairs of ctenidia bearing two rows of lamellae (i.e., bipennate) and placed in the hinder part of the mantle-groove, there are never more than two ctenidia (Zygo- branchs, Fig. 296) ; but usually an asymmetrical development takes place, and only one gill (the left) remains (Fig. 280). TIG. 296. Dorsal view of Haliotis tuber- culata after removal from its shell. The roof of the mantle-cavity has been cut through so as to expose the two ctenidia, and the rectum D. The peri- cardium also has been opened. K the left ctenidium ; Dr the hypobranchial gland; S the spindle - muscle ; F the margin of the foot ; T tentacle ; eye ; V ventricle ; A, A the two auricles (from Glaus). 374 MOLLUSCA. The Gastropod ctenidium is (except in Chitonidae) attached by the whole or greater part of its length to the mantle-wall, and carries typically (in the Aspidobranchs and Tectibranchs) two rows of plates arranged perpendicularly to the axis (Fig. 296), but in the more specialized Streptoneura (Fig. 280) one row of plates is absent (it is reduced in the monobranchiate Aspidobranchs). In the former case the gill is said to be bipectinate, in the latter monopectinate. The respiration of air is confined to some Prosobranchs and to the Pulmonata. In this case the mantle^avity serves as the respiratory cavity, but it differs from the branchial mantle-cavity by containing air, and by possessing instead of a gill a rich network of blood-vessels on the inner surface of its roof. The mantle-cavity communicates by a long slit with the external medium, but in some forms it is very widely open (Tectibranchs), and in others the opening is reduced to a small, round aperture capable of being closed (Pulmonata}. Frequently the edge of the mantle is prolonged into a siphon (see above, p. 358). The arrangement of the respiratory organs is of importance for the classification of the larger groups. According to their position with regard to the heart two great divisions can, as Milne-Edwards has pointed out, be established: (1) the Opisthobranchiata, in which the auricle and gill are behind the ventricle; (2) the Prosobranchiata, in which the auricle and gill are in front of the ventricle (Fig. 280). So far as this character is concerned, most Pulmonata are Proso- branchiate; but the Pulmonata in many features of their organiza- tion, particularly in their hermaphroditism, stand closer to the Opisthobrancliiata. In some aquatic forms the ctenidium is entirely absent, and respiration is carried on either by the mantle and integument generally, without any secondary branchiae (Lepetidae, Dermatobranchus, Heterodoris, many Elysiids, Phyllirhoe, Clionidae, Halopsychidae), or by secondary branchiae ; these may be in the mantle-groove as the branchial plates of Patella, or on the external surface of the mantle, as in Clionopsis, Notobranchaea, and most Nudibranchs. Some littoral forms (Littorina, etc.) are able to live for a long time out of water and habitually do so when the tide recedes ; in such cases the internal surface of the mantle may be modified, and in Cerithidea obtusa the ctenidium even completely disappears. In Ampullaria one part of the mantle-chamber is modified as a lung, and is partly separated from the other, which contains the ctenidium ; such forms are truly amphibious. Finally, there are the so-called land Operculates ; these are streptoneurous forms in which the ctenidium has disappeared and the mantle-cavity is completely transformed into a lung. Of such forms we have the rhipidoglossate family the Helicinidae, and three families of the Taenioglossa, viz., the Cyclophoridae, Cyclostomatidae, Aciculidae. In the Pulmonata proper the ctenidium is entirely absent and the opening GASTROPODA 375 of the mantle-cavity (pulmonary cavity) much restricted : in the Onchidiidae the lung sac is said to be absent, but this is doubtful (Bergh. Morph. Jahrb. 10). A few of the Pulmonata have partly or wholly reverted to an aquatic life (the so-called fresh-water Pulmonata} ; some of these forms (Limnaeidae) are really air-breathers, and make periodic visits to the surface fcj/procure air, while others (Amphibola, Siphonaria, Gadinia, Ancylus, Limnaeidae of deep lakes) are truly aquatic, as the lung sac is always filled with water. Body-cavity. In Gastropoda there is usually a well-developed peri visceral cavity in relation with the alimentary canal or with the anterior part of it. It is the cavity which is opened up in dissecting the alimentary canal of Chitonidae^ and the anterior part at least of the alimentary canal of most other Gastropoda. We may call this cavity the perivisceral. There is also another cavity, which has no connection with the perivisceral, and is called the pericardial because it is related to the heart. Whereas it is quite certain that the pericardial cavity is a part of the coelom, the nature , of the perivisceral cavity is doubtful. By most anatomists it is regarded as haemocoelic in nature, and this is probably the correct view, but recently it has been interpreted as a part of the coelom at least in the Chitonidae. This view is not, however, supported by any evidence anatomical or embryological, for the space in question has no connection with the nephridia or gener- ative organs, and has not been traced from the paired cavity, which appears at an early stage in the development of Chiton and is probably coelomic. We may, therefore, safely say that so far as our knowledge at present goes the perivisceral cavity of Gastropoda is a part of the vascular system, and therefore haemocoelic. It has been recently asserted* that in some of the Docoglossa the pericardium has a considerable visceral extension. The coelom of the Gastropoda is in three sections : (1) the pericardium; (2) the nephridia; (3) the gonad. (1) The pericardium is in relation with the heart; it normally communicates with the nephridial system, and part of its lining is generally glandular and forms the pericardial gland. It has no connection with the blood system. (2) The nephridial part of the coelom will be described below under the head of excretory organs. (3) The gonad retains its connection with the rest of the coelom only in the Aspidobranchia, in which it communicates with the right kidney. In Chitonidae it is separated both from the nephridia and * B. Haller, " Studien ilb. Docoglosse u. Rhipidoglosse Prosobranchier," Leipzig, 1894. 376 MOLLUSCA. pericardium, and in other Gastropods it has its own special duct, which has been interpreted as, and probably is, a persistent portion of the otherwise absent right (primitive left) nephridium. The developmental evidence in favour of this view is not very strong, but we may hold it at present as a provisional view. In no Gastropod is the gonadial section of the coelom in direct connection with the pericardial. Excretory organs. The kidneys, or organs of Bojanus, of the Gastropoda are typically paired and symmetrical, somewhat dorsally placed near the pericardium, and open externally on each side into the mantle - cavity, generally not far from the anus, and internally into the pericardium by the reno-pericardial openings. This typical condition is found in the Chitonidae (Fig. 308) alone. In all other Gastropods the kidneys are of unequal size, and in all but the Aspidobranchiata there is only a single kidney, the right one (primitive left) being absent (Fig. 297). In the Aspidobranchs there are two kidneys (except the Neritidae) ; of these the right is always larger than the left, and in addition to its proper function discharges that of generative duct, inasmuch as the genital gland opens into it (in Haliotis by a large slit, and in Fissurella on a papilla not far from the external opening, Fig. 297 5and c). They both open into the mantle-cavity, one on each side of the anus; but with regard to their pericardial opening there is some variation. In Trochus, Turbo, and Haliotis the small left sac opens into the pericardium, while the right kidney is without the peri- cardial opening. In Fissurella^ Emarginula, Patella, etc., it is said by some authors that neither of the kidneys have the reno-pericardial opening; whereas in Lottia, and according to other authors Patella and Fissurella, the right kidney sac alone has a pericardial opening* (Fig. 297 b). In other Gastropods there is only one kidney, the left (primitive right) ; it opens externally near the anus, generally into the mantle-cavity, but sometimes it opens with the anus, with or without a long ureter, and there is a common cloaca (some Pulmo- nates, Pteropoda Gymnosomata) ; internally it opens by a ciliated orifice into the pericardium (Fig. 297 e). In Paludina there are two kidneys in the embryo, but the one on the right side disappears in the course of development. In the simplest cases the kidney is a sac with glandular walls, but it may acquire a spongy texture, or it may consist of a non-glandular * R. v. Erlanger, "On the paired nephridia of Prosobranchs," Q.J.M.S. 33, p. 587. GASTROPODA. 377 sac giving off branching glandular tubes (Chitonidae, some Nudi- branchs). Pericardial glands are present as differentiations of the lining of the pericardium. -^ Generative organs. The Streptoneura are dioecious, with the exception of Valvata, Marsenina, Onchidiopsis, Odostomia, and Ento- conclia ; the Euthyneura and these five genera are hermaphrodite. In the dioecious forms there is usually but little to mark the sexes externally, unless a penis be present. The generative gland a d n' FIG. 297. Diagrams illustrating the arrange- ment of the kidneys arid pericardium in Prosobranchiate Gastropods (from E. Per- rier, after R. Perrier). a, Lamellibranchs. &, Fismrella. c, Haliotis. d, Patella, e, Pec- tinibranchs. g gonad ; i rectum ; k reno- pericardial opening; n duct of right kidney (of left in e), n 1 duct of left; o right, o' left auricle (except in d and e, in which o is the left auricle) ; p pericardium ; r right, r 1 left kidney (except in e, where r is the left kidney, and r' a blood gland) ; v ventricle. 378 MOLLUSCA. is a racemose body placed at the dorsal summit of the visceral mass in the liver. In the Aspidobranchs as already mentioned it opens into the right kidney, and there is no penis. In the Neri- tidae and Pectinibranchs it has its own duct, which passes along the right side of the rectum (Figs. 280 and 297 e) and opens into the mantle-cavity not far from the anus. The penis, which is very generally present, is a muscular, non- invaginable process of the neck of the animal (Fig. 280) on the right side ; and there is a ciliate c aorta, and of two symmetrical auricles, each of which has two openings into the ventricle (in Chiton maynificus it has recently been stated that there are four openings on each side*). The blood flows to the auricles from the gills. Excretory organs. There are two kidneys (Fig. 308), each con- sisting of bent tubes of the typical Molluscan type with glandular diverticula. They open into the pericardium on each side, and to the exterior in the mantle-groove between two of the posterior ctenidia. * B. Haller. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Placophoren, MorpJi. Jahrb. 21. FIG. 308. Dorsal view of the kidneys, generative organs, and heart of Chiton discrepans (modified after Sedgwick). a anus ; ct ctenidia ; g.d generative duct ; g.o opening of generative duct into the mantle-groove ; gon generative organ ; h head ; k kidney with its glandular diverticula ; m mouth ; man mantle-fold ; pc wall of pericardium ; p.o opening of kidney into the pericardium; r.o external opening of kidney into the mantle-groove ; v ventricle of heart, the auricles are cut away, but their openings into the ventricle are shown. ISOPLEURA. 391 Generative organs. The sexes are separate, and the generative gland is single and median, and occupies the dorsal part of the body just in front of the pericardium, with which, however, it has no connection. The generative ducts are paired, and arise Jfrom the hinder end of its ventral surface; they are curved on themselves near their origin, and in the female have a glandular enlargement on their course. They open into the mantle-groove a little in front of the renal openings (Fig. 308). st:-- FIG. 309. J. larva of CUton marginatus (after Loven). B embryo, and C larva of Chiton polii (after Kowalevsky) from Korschelt and Heider. a eye ; k rudiment of shell-plates ; m mouth ; st spines ; w velum ; ws apical tuft of cilia. The eggs when laid have a spiny shell, and may be kept in the mantle-groove or expelled freely into the sea. Fertilization is external. In the development the young are hatched as larvae and pass through a trochosphere stage. There is no veliger stage or nautiloid shell. The blastopore becomes the mouth. The Chitons are marine animals which live like limpets attached to stones by the foot. They inhabit the littoral zone, and have 392 MOLLUSCA. been found to a depth of 2000 fathoms. They are known fossil since the Silurian. There is only one family, the Chitonidae, but there is considerable variation in the group, both specific and individual, and consequently a large number of species has been described. These have been arranged in genera, of which there are a considerable number ; but the attempt which has been made by some authors to arrange these genera in several families, and these again in sub-orders, seems to be going further than the facts warrant, for the uniformity in structure in the group is remarkable, and the differences, though numerous, are trivial and unimportant. Fam. Chitonidae. With characters of sub-class. Chiton L. plates of shell much exposed; Leptochiton Gray, edge of mantle uniformly covered with scale- like spicules ; Callochiton Gray, with branchiae only in the hinder part of the mantle-groove; Acanthochiton Leach, edges of mantle with spicules united in bundles corresponding to the plates of the shell ; Plaxiphora Gray ; Cryptoplax Blainville (Chitonellus Lam.), shell-plates largely concealed and not articulated together, foot narrow ; Cryptochiton Middendorf, shell-plates completely em- bedded in the mantle. SUB-CLASS 2. ANISOPLEUKA. Asymmetrical Gastropoda with shell of one piece, never more than two ctenidia, and with a well-marked visceral commissure. Generally with a veliger larva. The above definition contains the main points in which the rest of the Gastropoda differ from the Isopleura. The Anisopleura are divided into two orders, the Streptoneura and the Euthyneura. Order 1. STREPTONEURA.* Dioecious Anisopleura with shell and generally with operculum; with gills in front of the heart. Visceral commissure twisted into a Jigure-of-8. Behind the head, which is usually distinct and bears a single pair of tentacles, lies the mantle-cavity, into which the rectum, kidney, and oviduct open. In rare cases two gills are present, but as a rule the right gill is absent. The branchial veins enter the heart from the front. The visceral commissure is twisted into a figure- of-8, of which the right half passes dorsal to the alimentary canal, * E. Claparede, "Anatomie u. Entwick. d. Neritina fluv.," Z.f. w. Z., 2, 1850. H. Lacaze Duthiers, "Sur le systeme nerv. de 1'Haliotide et sur la Poupre," Ann. Sci. Nat. (4), 12, 1859. Id., "Sur I'anat. et 1'embryog. des Vermets," Ann. Sci. Nat. (4), 13, 1860. E. L. Bouvier, " Systeme nerv., inorph. gen. et classi- Zool. Exp. (2), 2, 1884. Boutan, "Sur I'anat. et le devel. de la Fissurella," Arch. Zool. Exp. (2), 3 bis, 1886. ASPIDOBRANCHIATA. 393 the left half ventral to it. The pleural ganglia are sometimes joined to the opposite half of the visceral commissure by an anas- tomotic branch of the pallial nerve (dialyneury, e.g., Cassidaria, on left side), or the pallial nerve directly joins the ganglion on the opposite half of the visceral commissure, i.e., the pamal nerve from the right pleural joins the sub-intestinal ganglion, and that from the left pleural joins the supra- intestinal (zygoneury, more common on the right side, e.g., Cassidaria, where the right pleural is directly joined to the sub-intestinal, see above, p. 365, Fig. 286). The males are often pro- vided with a large penis placed on the right anterior side of the body. In the generative organs accessory glands are usually absent. The eggs are surrounded by albumen and laid in capsules, which are fre- quently fixed to foreign objects; sometimes they are attached to a raft of mucous bubbles, to which the animal itself adheres (lantliina). FIG. 310.^-Nervous system of Haliotis (diagrammatic after Spengel). Cg cerebral ganglion ; Pg fused pleural and pedal ganglia ; right and 0' left osphradium ; Ag abdominal ganglion ; Pe pedal cord ; S and S' pallial nerves ; Br gills. Sub-order 1. Aspidobranchiata (Diotocardia, Scutibranchia). Ctenidium Itipedinate or absent, labial commissure present. The pleural ganglia are approximated to the pedal, which are prolonged posteriorly into long ganglionic cords (Figs. 283, 310). The cerebral ganglia are widely separate from each other, and the commissure connecting them passes in front of the buccal mass and salivary glands. There is a sub-oesophageal labial commissure with buccal ganglia (Fig. 283). The osphradium is small, and placed on the branchial nerve. The otocyst has numerous small concretions (otoconia). The eye is open (Fig. 290 A), or closed with a very 394 MOLLUSC A. small cornea. The radula lias multiple centrals. The ctenidia are bipectinate and free anteriorly. Traces of bilateral symmetry are usually present. There are generally two auricles and two kidneys, which open on short papillae. The gonad (Fig. 297 b) opens into the right kidney (except in the Neritidae). Tribe 1. DOCOGLOSSA. Nervous system without dialyneury ; eyes open without lens. Two osphradia. Operculum and hypobranchial glands absent. Jaw unpaired and dorsal. Radula has strong, pillar-shaped teeth, and never more than three marginals on each side. A single auricle; the rectum does not traverse the ventricle or the pericardium. The visceral sac is conical in the adult, and not twisted. Fam. 1. Acmaeidae. Left ctenidium only ; it is to a great extent free. Acmaea Esch. ; Scurria Gray; Addisonia Dall. Fam. 2. Patellidae. Limpets. Ctenidia absent, replaced by a circlet of plate-like structures in the mantle-groove. Patella L. ; Helcion Gray. Fam. 3. Lepetidae. Ctenidia, pallial branchiae, and eyes absent. Lepeta Gray. Tribe 2. RHIPIDOBLOSSA. Nervous system with dialyneury ; eyes with lens ; a single osphradium (the left), except when there are two ctenidia; one or two hypobranchial glands. Jaws paired ; marginal teeth of radula numerous, and crowded together like the ribs of a fan (Fig. 293 A}. A crop, oesophageal gland, and a stomach caecum (often spiral) present. Two auricles, ventricle traversed by rectum (except in Helicinidae). Often with an epipodial projection, which is frequently tentaculiferous, on each side of foot. Section A. With two ctenidia (Zygobranchiate). Shell with marginal slit or holes corresponding to an anal opening in mantle. Fam. 1. Pleurotomaridae. Visceral mass and shell twisted. Mantle slit in front in the middle line. Operculate. Cambrian onwards. Pleurotomaria Defrance (Fig. 304 A] ; P. quo- yana, Gulf of Mexico ; Scissur- ella d'Orb. ; Trochotoma Desh. Fam. 2. Haliotidae. Spire of the visceral sac and shell much reduced. Shell flat, with wide aperture, with internal mother-of-pearl lustre and a row of holes on the left side FIG. 311. Fissurdla maxima (from Eroiiii). over the mantle slit. The mantle - cavity is displaced to the left side by the enormous spindle -muscle. Epipodium tentaculiferous. Without operculum. Haliotis L., ear shell, ormer (Figs. 296 and 304 D), adherent to rocks like a limpet ; found in large numbers in the Channel Islands. Fam. 3. Fissurellidae. Visceral sac and shell conical, with an apical aperture or an anterior marginal excavation. Limpet-like. Without oper- culum. Fissurella Brug., key-hole limpet (Figs. 304 F, and 311) ; Puncturella Lowe ; Pupillia Gray ; Emarginula Lam., with anterior marginal excavation ; PECTINIBRANCHIATA. 395 Scutum (Scutus) Montfort (Parmophorus~B\a,inv.), Australia, shell partly covered by mantle ; Cemoria Leech, Rimula Defrance. Propilidium.Forbes and H., and Gocculina Ball, allied here. Section B. With one (left) ctenidium (Azyg abranchiate}. Fain. 4. Trochidae. Visceral sac and shell coiled in a spiral j eyes open ; operculum horny ; with head-lobes between the tentacles. Trochus L. ; Marga- rita Leach (Fig. 312) ; .Monodonta Lam. Fam. 5. Stomatiidae. Spire of visceral sac and shell reduced. Stomatella Lam. ; Gfena Gray ; Broderipia Gray ; Stomatia Lam. , without operculum ; Phaneta Ad., fluviatile. Fam. 6. Delphiuulidae. Visceral mass and shell spiral ; no cephalic lobes. Delphinula Lam. ; Cyclostrema Marryat. Fam. 7. Liotiidae. Liotia Gray. Fam. 8. Turbinidae. Visceral sac and shell spirally coiled ; epipodial tentacles ; calcareous operculum. Turbo L., top-shell. Phasianella Lam., pheasant-shell ; Mdlleria Jeffreys. Fam. 9. Neritopsidae. Neri- topsis Grateloup. Fam. 10. Macluritidae. Ma- clurea Lesueur. Fam 11 Neritidae. Epipo- FlG - *& Margarita greenlandica (after Pelseneer, dium little developed, without JT,^ ^;eacl ; ^ anterior epipoclal lobes ; 3 foot ; k pigmented eminences at the base of the tentacles ; a cephalic penis ; cal- epipodial tentacles 5; 6 visceral sac. careous operculum ; eyes stalked. Nerita L. ; Neritina Lam. , chiefly brackish water and fluviatile ; land species are known ; N. fluviatilis Miiller, British rivers. Theodoxia Mont. ; Sinaragdia Issel ; Septaria Fer. Fam. 12. Titiscanidae. Shell and operculum absent. Titiscania Bergh ; T. limacina Bergh., Pacific Ocean. Fam. 13. Helicinidae. Epipodium without tentacles ; branchia absent, mantle cavity transformed into a pulmonary chamber ; heart with a single auricle, not traversed by the rectum. Operculum without apophysis. Terrestrial. Helicina Lam. , Central America and Bahamas ; Hydrocena Parreys ; Georissa Blanford. Fam. 14. Proserpinidae. Branchia replaced by pulmonary cavity; mantle partly reflected over shell; operculum absent. Terrestrial. Proserpina Gray, Cuba, Jamaica, Venezuela ; Ceres Gray, Mexico. Sub-order 2. Pectinibranchiata (Ctenobranchia, Monotocardia). Ctenidium monopectinate, generally without labial commissure. The nerve-collar is behind the buccal mass, and there is no labial commissure (except in Paludina and Ampullaria). The single osphradium is often pectinate, and well differentiated. The eye is always closed. Otocysts with otolith (except Paludina, Valvata, 396 MOLLUSCA. Amputtaria, CyclopJiorus, Acicula, some Cerithiidae, etc.). Radula with central tooth single or absent. The ctenidium, auricle, and kidney of one (right) side are absent, and the ventricle is not traversed by the rectum. The ctenidium is monopectinate (Fig. 280), and attached to the mantle by its whole length. The kidney opens by a slit, exceptionally by a ureter (Paludina, Cyclophorus, Valvata), and never receives the generative products. A penis is generally present, and the gonad has its own duct and opening. Tribe 1. PTENOGLOSSA. Without siphon. Peristome entire. Mouth with proboscis or snout. Penis absent. Radula without median tooth, with numerous lateral hooks (co . 0. oo ). Fam. 1. lanthinidae. Snout prominent, blunt ; tentacles bifid ; no eyes ; shell thin, spiral, without operculum. Foot small, secreting a float, to which the eggs are attached. Pelagic, carnivorous. lanthina Lam. ; /. fragilis L. , Atlantic and Med.; Rediizia Pet. Fam. 2. Solariidae. Shell flattened, with a large umbilicus which extends to summit of spire. Head short, proboscis long; foot small. Tentacles slit along their whole length. Solarium Lam. Stair-case shell. Fam. 3. Scalariidae. Shell turriculated ; a small siphon ; foot and proboscis short. The animal secretes a purple liquid when molested. Carnivorous. Scalaria Lam., wentle-trap. Tribe 2. RACHIGLOSSA. With long proboscis, evaginable from the base. Radula with at most three teeth in each row, a cusped median tooth, and a cusped lateral on each side, which may be absent ; marginals absent (Fig. 293 C). All possess a siphon and are predatory. Fam. 1. Muricidae. Eyes at the base of the tentacles; foot truncated; an anal gland. Murex L. The Ancients obtained their purple from species of Murex; it is secreted by the anal gland. M. erinaceus, sting- winkle, English Channel ; M. trunculus L. Heaps of shells of this species still to be seen on the Tyrian shore. Purpura Brug. ; P. lapillus L., destructive to mussel beds; Trophon Montf. ; Urosalpinx Stimpson. Fam. 2. Coralliophilidae. Radula absent. Inhabits coral reefs. Magilus Montf. ; Leptoconchus Riipp. ; Coralliophila H. and A. Adams. Fam. 3. Columbellidae. Columbella, Lam. Fam. 4. Nassidae. Foot long, broad, often with terminal appendage; siphon long; eyes on outer base of tentacles; central tooth of radula arched, multicusped, laterals bicuspid with small denticles between the cusps; shell buccinoid. Na-ssa Lam.; N. reticulata L., dog- whelk, common on English coasts at low water ; Canidia Adams ; Cyclonassa Swainson ; Bullia Gray. Fam. 5. Buccinidae. Eyes at base of tentacles; foot large; proboscis long. Central tooth of radula with 5-7 cusps, laterals bi- or tri-cnsped. Shell thick, covered with periostracum ; canal of varying length ; operculum corneous. Buccinum L., whelk; Chrysodomus Swainson. The Haliidae (Halia Risso) are allied here. TOXOGLOSSA TAENIOGLOSSA. 397 Fam. 6. Fasciolaridae. Shell fusiform ; spire long ; operculum corneous ; head small ; short tentacles, with eyes at base ; siphon moderate. Fasciolaria Lam. ; Fusus Lam. The Turbinellidae (Hemifusus Swainson; Fidgur Montf. ; Latirus Montf. ; Lagena Schum.) are allied here. f, Fam. 7. Mitridae. Tentacles carrying eyes laterally; proboscis long; shell fusiform, spire pointed; operculum absent. Mitra Lam., mitre-shell; Thala Ad. ; Turricula Ad. Fam. 8. Volutidae. Head flattened, and prolonged laterally into lobes, on which are the eyes. Proboscis short ; siphon with interior appendages ; operculum generally absent. Valuta L. ; Guivillea Watson ; Cymba Brod. and Sow. , boat- shell; Cyinbium Montf. Fam. 9. Olividae. Anterior part of foot separated by a transverse furrow, rnesopodium reflected laterally over the shell; eyes placed half-way up the tentacles ; shell olive-shaped ; operculum present or absent. Oliva Brug. , olive- shell ; Olivella Swainson ; Ancillaria Lam. ; Olivancillaria d'Orb. The Harpidae (Harpa Lam., harp-shell) and Marginellidae (Marginella Lam.) are allied here. Tribe 3. TOXOGLOSSA. Radula without median and lateral teeth (except Spirotropis), Oesophagus with a large poison gland ; siphon and proboscis well developed ; carnivorous. Fam. 1. Terebridae. Eyes at end of tentacles ; Si foot small; shell turricu- lated. Terebra Adanson, auger- shell. Fam. 2. Conidae. Eyes on outer side of tentacles; siphon prominent ; shell conical. Oonus L., cone- ~J* shell (Fig. 313); Bda Leach; FIG. 313. Conus textilis (regne animal). R proboscis; ,s Clavatula Lam. ; Drillia si P hon 5 F tentacle ; eye ; P foot. Gray ; Conorbis Sow. Fam. 3. Cancellariidae. Proboscis short, usually no radula; no operculum ; vegetable feeders. Cancellaria Lam. Tribe 4. TAENIOGLOSSA. Radula with normal formula (Fig. 293 B). Marginals sometimes numerous. There are two sections, the Platypoda and Heteropoda. Section 1. Platypoda. Normal creeping Pectinibranchs, little modified. Foot more or less flattened ventrally. Rarely with accessory glands on the generative ducts (Paludina, Cyclostoma, Naticidae, etc. ). Generally with jaws. Fam. 1. Naticidae. Foot very large, partly covers shell ; propodium reflected on the head ; shell semi-globular, spire small ; operculum. Eyes often absent, carnivorous, feeding on bivalves. Natica Lam. ; Sigaretus Lam. 398 MOLLUSCA. Fam. 2. Lamellariidae. Mantle more or less completely covering the shell. Without operculum. Jaws fused dorsally. Lamellaria Montagu ; Onchidiopsis Beck ; Velutina Blainv. ; Marsenina Gray. Fam. 3. Trichotropidae. Radula allied to that of Velutina. Trichotropis Broderip. Fam. 4. Naricidae. Foot circular, carrying an epipodial lobe on each side ; tentacles flattened ; shell naticoid, with a velvety periostracum. Narica Recluz. Fam. 5. Xenophoridae. Mineralogists, conchologists. Snout elongated ; foot divided transversely into two parts, of which the posterior carries the operculum. Shell trochiform, attaching foreign bodies (stones, shells) externally. Xenophora Fischer. Fam. 6. Capulidae. Visceral sac and shell conical (patelliform), slightly curved behind, usually with an internal plate ; without operculum ; columellar muscle horseshoe-shaped. Capulus Montf. (Pileopsis Lam.), bonnet limpet ; Grepidula Lam. ; Calyptraea Lam. , cup and saucer limpet ; Thy COL Adams. Fam. 7. Hipponycidae. Visceral mass and shell conical ; foot reduced, may secrete a calcareous base. Hipponyx Defrance. Fam. 8. Littorinidae. Proboscis short, broad ; tentacles long, eyes at their outer bases ; penis behind the right tentacle ; oviparous or viviparous ; radula long ; shell turbinate, solid, operculum corneous. Marine or brackish water ; mostly littoral. Littorina Ferussac, periwinkle ; Lacuna Turton ; Cremno- conchus Blanford. Fossarus Philippi is allied here. Fam. 9. Cyclophoridae. Mantle-cavity without ctenidium, transformed into a pulmonary sac. Tentacles long, filiform. Pedal ganglia elongated into cords. Otocysts with otoconia. Operculum circular. Terrestrial. Pomatias Hartmann ; P. obscurum S. Europe ; Cydophorus Montf. ; Cyclosurus Morelet ; Pupina Vign. ; Cataulus Pfr. ; Cyclotus Guilding ; Pterocydus Benson ; Leptopoma Pfr. ; Mcgalomastoma Guild. ; Craspedopoma Pfr. ; Diplommatina Bens. Fam. 10. Cyclostomatidae. Mantle-cavity pulmonary. Ctenidium absent. Otocysts with otolith ; jaws absent ; deep median longitudinal groove in foot. Operculum generally calcareous. Terrestrial. Cydostoma Drap. ; C. elegans Miiller, Britain and temp. Europe. The Aciculidae (Acicula Hartm.), also terrestrial and found in Britain, are allied here. Fam. 11. Truncatellidae. Looping snails. A monopectinate gill ; snout long, bilobed ; foot very short. They walk by contracting the space between the lips and foot. Found between tide-marks, survive many weeks out of water, Truncatella Risso. Fam. 12. Eissoidae. Epipodial filaments ; operculigerous lobe with appen- dages ; shell small, acuminate ; marine and brackish water. Rissoa Freminville ; Litiopa Rang. Fam. 13. Hydrobiidae. Operculigerous lobe without filaments ; shell small, acuminate. Brackish or fresh - water. HydroUa Hartm. ; Bithynia Gray ; Lithoglyphus Miihlfeldt ; Pomatiopsis Tyron ; Bithynella Moquin ; Assiminea Leach. The Skeneidae (Skenea Fleming) and Jeffreysiidae (Jeffrey sia Alder) are allied here ; as also are probably the Homalogyridae (Homalogyra Jeffreys) and the Choristidae (Choristes Carpentier). Fam. 14. Adeorbidae. Adeorbis S. Wood. TAENIOGLOSSA. 399 Fam. 15. Paludinidae. Shell conical or globular, with thick olive-green periostracum ; operculum horny, normally concentric. Snout blunt, tentacles long, eyes on short pedicels outside tentacles. Pedal ganglia elongated into cords ; kidney with ureter. Viviparous. Fresh-water. Paludina Lam. , river- snail. Fam. 16. Valvatidae. A bipectinate ctenidium projecting freer^on the left side ; a filiform appendage on the right side ; eyes sessile behind the tentacles. Hermaphrodite. Fresh-water. Valvata Mliller. Fam. 17. Ampullariidae. Mantle-cavity divided into a right branchial division containing a monopectinate ctenidium, and into a left half functioning as a pulmonary chamber. Oesophageal nerve-collar in front of buccal mass. Fresh water. Ampullaria Lam. (Fig. 303). Apple-snail or idol-shell. Inhabit lakes and rivers in warmer parts of world, retiring into the mud in the dry season. Fam. 18. Cerithiidae. Spire elongated; siphon short; operculum horny. Marine or brackish water. Cerithium Adanson ; Cerithidea Swainson ; Triforis Deshayes ; Laeocochlis Dunker and Metzger ; Potamides Brongniart. The Planaxidae (Planaxis Lam.) and the Modulidae (Modulus Gray) are allied here. FIG. 314. Cassis sukosa (after Poli, from Lang), a shell ; b anterior canal or spout for the siphon ; c siphon ; d head ; g proboscis ; e eye ; / tentacle ; h foot ; i operculum. Fam. 19. Nerinaeidae. Nerinaea Defrance. Fam. 20. Melaniidae. Spire elongated; thick, dark periostracum; edge of mantle fringed. Viviparous. Fresh-water in warmer parts of world. Melania Lam. ; Melanopsis Lam. ; Paludomus Swainson. Pleuroceridae (fresh- water), Pseudomelaniidae (marine) are allied here. Fam. 21. Turritelidae. Shell multispiral or tubular; operculum horny-; head large and projecting; edge of mantle fringed; foot broad. Turritella Lam.; Mathilda Semper; Coecum Fleming. Fam. 22. Vermetidae. Shell tubular, attached, irregularly coiled, last coils not in contact; operculum circular. Vermetus Adans., worm-shell; Siliquaria Brug. Fam. 23. Strombidae. Wing -shells. Foot narrow, arched, compressed laterally, without ventral sole; snout long; large and elaborate eyes placed on thick pedicels with slender tentacles arising from the middle of the pedicels. Very active, progressing by a sort of leaping movement. Strombus L. ; Ptcroceras Lam., scorpion-shell; Terebcllum Klein ; Rostellaria Lam. 400 MOLLUSCA. Fam. 24. Chenopodidae (Aporrhaidae). Foot elongated, narrow; proboscis short, tentacles long; siphon short. Shell like that of S trombus. Chenopus Philippi (Aporrhais Aldrovandus) . Fam. 25. Struthiolariidae. Shell buccinoid ; operculum claw-shaped, notched; foot broad and short. Struthiolaria Lara. Fam. 26. Cypraeidae. Cowries. Mantle reflected over the shell, and provided with appendages ; shell convolute, enamelled ; spire concealed ; outer lip thickened, inflected; operculum absent. The young shell has a prominent spire. Cypraea L. , Cowry ; Erato Risso ; OvulalSmg. ; Pustularia Swainson. Fam. 27. Doliidae. Shell ventricose, spirally furrowed; no operculum; eyes stalked; foot large and expanded ; ^iphon long. Dolium Lam., the Tun; Pyrula (Pirula) Lam., fig-shell. Fam. 28. Cassididae. Shell ventricose with varices, spire short, outer lip reflected or thickened, operculum semilunar ; eyes sessile ; foot large, rounded in front; proboscis and siphon long. Cassis Lam., helmet -shell (Fig. 314); Cassidaria Lam. Fam. 29. Tritonidae. A proboscis; siphon well developed but short; foot short; shell thick, varicose, outer lip inflected and thickened, operculum corneous ; periostracum often thick and hairy. Triton Lam. ; Raiulla Lam. frog-shell. The genus Oocorys Fischer, is allied here. TV " FIG. 315. Male of Carinaria mediterranea (after Souleyet, Gegenbaur, and Keferstein). A anus ; Ar anterior aorta ; At auricle ; EG buccal ganglion; Bm buccal mass; Br gills ; CG cerebral ganglion ; F flagellum ; L liver ; M crop ; Mg mantle ganglion ; N kidney ; mouth ; Oc eye ; Ot otocyst ; p pro- and mesopodium ; Pe penis ; Pg pedal ganglion ; S sucker ; Sp salivary gland ; T testis ; Te tentacles ; Vd vas deferens ; Ve ventricle ; Wp ciliated furrow ; Z posterior branch of anterior aorta. Section 2. Heteropoda.* The Heteropoda, are free-swimming, pelagic Pectinibranchiates, with laterally- compressed foot, taenioglossate radula, and otocysts near the cerebral ganglia. They are without jaws. * C. Gegenbaur, " Untersucli. ub. Pteropoden u. Heteropoden," Leipzig, 1854. T. H. Huxley, "On the Morphology of the Cephalous Mollusca," etc., Phil. Travis. 1853. TAENIOGLOSSA. 401 The main peculiarity of the body consists in the large size of the head and foot, and the small size of the visceral sac. The foot is divided into an anterior part the so-called pro- and mesopodium (Fig. 315 p) and a posterior part the metapodium. The former is foliaceous, and often carries a sucker on its posterior part ; while the latter, considerably elongated and extended far backwards, forms the caudal continuation of the body. The visceral sac is either spirally twisted and enclosed by a mantle and spiral shell (Atlanta), or has the form of a projecting mass, which is placed over the hinder part of the foot, and is likewise covered by the mantle and a reduced hat-shaped shell (Carinaria) ; or finally, the visceral sac is reduced to a small, scarcely-projecting nucleus, which is covered on the front side by a membrane with a metallic lustre, and is completely without a shell. The nervous system is well-developed. The cerebral ganglia are conjoined, and the pleural are fused with them (visibly in Atlanta and Pterotrachea). There are two pedal connectives on each side, which are partially free proximally in Atlanta. The pedal ganglia are situated at the base of the fin (pro-meso- podium). The visceral commissure is long, streptoneurous, and provided with several ganglia, but without dialyneury or zygoneury (p. 365). In the Carinariidae there are secondary viscero-pedal anastomoses which are not twisted. In the Firolidae the pedal connectives are fused with the anterior part of the visceral commissure ; and behind the pedal ganglion the two branches of the visceral commissure are fused together for the greater part of their extent. The osphradium has the form of a more or less elongated ciliated organ in the pallial cavity to the left of the ctenidium. The otocysts are close to the cerebral ganglia. The eyes are very large, contained in capsules, and moved by special muscles ; they are highly elaborate and are placed at the base of the tentacles, which are entirely absent in Pterotrachea. The alimentary canal has a protractile pharynx with radula, a long oeso- phagus slightly swollen towards its middle, and a stomach and liver placed behind. The intestine is short and is not curved forward in Pterotrachea. The heart is near the stomach ; it is in front of the gill in Pterotrachea, but is disposed as in the Platypoda in the less specialized forms. The arteries terminate abruptly in the blood-sinuses. The ctenidium is monopectinate, not covered by mantle-fold in Pterotrachea, and absent in Firoloida. The kidney is a transparent sac with contractile walls ; it has the same relations as in other Gastropods, and opens not far from the anus. The males are distinguished by the possession of a large penis, which projects freely on the right side of the foot. The males of Pterotrachea possess a sucker on the hinder part of the anterior division of the foot ; in Atlanta and Carinaria the sucker is present in both sexes. The ovaries and testes fill the posterior part of the visceral sac, and are partially embedded in the liver. The ducts open on the right side of the body near the anus. There is a ciliated groove to conduct the sperm from the generative opening to the penis. The penis is provided with a glandular appendage or flagellum. The oviduct possesses a large albumen gland and a receptaculum seminis opening into it. The Heteropoda are exclusively pelagic animals, and are often found in great numbers in the warmer seas. Their tissues and shell are transparent. They are somewhat clumsy in their movements, which are effected with the ventral surface uppermost, by oscillations of the whole body and fin. They are all carnivorous. When the tongue is protruded, the lateral teeth fly apart from one another like the limbs of a pair of forceps, and when retracted they again 2 D 402 MOLLUSCA. fall together ; in this way small marine animals are seized and drawn into the mouth. Fam. 1. Atlantidae. Visceral sac and shell coiled in a spiral. The metapodium carries an operculum. Atlanta Lesueur. Fam. 2. Carinariidae. Visceral sac and shell conical, and small in relation to rest of body; foot elongated, without operculum. Carinaria Lam. Fam. 3. Pterotracheidae. Visceral sac reduced ; without mantle and shell ; a sucker on foot in male only. Pterotrdchea Forskal. No tentacles ; a filiform appendage at posterior part of foot. Firoloida Lesueur. Tentacles present ; gill and posterior pedal appendage absent. Tribe 5. GYftNOGLOSSA. Radula and jaws absent. Fam. 1. Eulhnidae. Proboscis elongated; tentacles without furrow; often parasitic on Echinoderms. Shell small, long, subulate, polished. Eulima Risso; Stilifer (Stylifer) Brod., a cephalic pseudopallium extending over shell, in body-wall of male star-fish. It is convenient to place here the two genera Entocolax and Entoconcha, both parasitic on Echinoderms. In these genera there is only a vestige of the alimentary canal with a single opening. The visceral mass is surrounded by the pseudopallium, and the cavity so formed receives the generative duct and opens to the exterior by a small orifice. Entocolax Voigt. Fixed by the aboral extremity ; sexes separate. E. Ludwigi, fixed to the body-wall in body- cavity of a Holothurian. Entoconcha Miiller, vermiform, fixed by the oral end ; hermaphrodite. Larva with a shell (resembling that of Natica), operculum and velum. E. mirabilis Miiller, in body-cavity of Synapta digitata attached to intestinal wall. Order 2. EUTHYNEUKA.* Hermaphrodite Anisopleura, in wliicli the visceral commissure is not twisted (save in the Actaeonidae). The primitive left c/ill, nephridium, and auricle are always aborted, and the operculum is generally absent. There are typically two pairs of tentacles on the head. The vis- ceral commissure is generally very short, and its ganglia (Fig. 316) * Alder and Hancock, "A Monograph of the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca" London, 1845-55. Hancock, "On the Anatomy of Doridopsis," Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 25, 1865. H. Lacaze Duthiers, "Anat. et Phys. du Pleurobranche orange," Ann. Sci. Nat. (4), 11, 1859. Id.,"Du systeme nerveux des Mollusques rteropodes pulmones aquatiques," Arch. Zool. Exp. (1), 1, 1872. Id., "Histoire la Testacelle," ib. (2), 5, 1887. Vayssiere, "Recherches zoologiques et anatomiques sur les mollusques du Golfe de Marseille," Ann. Mus. Marseille (Zool.), 2 and 3, 1885-88. P. Pelseneer, "Report on the Pteropoda," Challenger Reports, pt. 66, 1888. Bergh, "Die kladohepatischen Nudibranchier," Zool. Jahrb. (Abth. f. System.}, 5, 1890. Leidy, "Special Anatomy of the terrestrial Gastropoda of the U.S." in Binney, The terrestrial air-breathing Molluscs of the U.S., vol. i., Boston, 1851. P. Pelseneer, " Recherches , sur divers Opisthobranches," Mtinoires Couronnes et Mtmoires des Savants Strangers, Acad. Bruxelles, 53, 1894. L. Pfeiffer, "Monographia Heli- ceorum Viventium," Leipzig, 1848-69 ; and Monographia Auriculaceorum Viventium, Cassel, 1856. A. Rossmassler, " Iconographie der Land-u. Silssivasser Mollusken Europas, Leipzig, 1835-59. Ferussac et Deshayes, Hist. nat. gen. et partic. des Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles, Paris, 1829-51. OP1STHOBRANCHIATA. 403 all approximated to the oesophagus (except in the Bulloids and in Aplysia). In the Bulloids it shows traces of the characteristic torsion of the Streptoneura ; and in one form, Actaeon, it is actually streptoneurous (Fig. 318). Hermaphroditism is universal and the generative system is complicated by the presence of a number of accessory structures (albu- men and mucous glands, spermathecae, etc.). The otocysts generally contain otoconia. Fur- ther, there is in this order a tendency to the reduc- tion of the pallial cavity, the shell, and the oper- culum. The operculum is absent in almost all forms; the shell is com- pletely absent in Kudi- branchs, and it tends to disappear in Pulmonates and Tectibranchs. The mantle-cavity is absent in Nudibranchs, and is but slightly marked off in most Tectibranchs; and in cases in which it is present its reduction is indicated by the fact that the genital ducts generally open outside it. As explained on p. 385, the Euthyneura may be looked upon as streptoneurous forms which have undergone partial detorsion, the result of which is that the visceral commissure is generally untwisted, and the mantle-cavity and external 'openings are, as a rule, shifted off the anterior face of the visceral sac to the right side, and often displaced far backwards. Sub-order 1. Opisthobranchiata. Marine Euthyneura with aquatic respiration. The gills are generally behind the heart. The pallial-cavity when it exists is widely open. The mantle-cavity never contains more than one ctenidium, placed on the right side of the body. Often there is no ctenidium (Nudibranchs). Tribe 1. TECTIBEANCHIATA, Opisthobranchs provided with a mantle, and a shell (except in JKuncina, Pleurobranchaea, the Pneumatodermatidae, Clionopsidae, and Clionidae), with a ctenidium (except in the three above-named families), and with an osphradium. FIG. 316. Nervous system of Limnaea (after L. Du- thiers). Cg cerebral, Pg pedal, Pig pleural, Ag abdominal ganglion ; osphradium. 404 MOLLUSCA. The tribe includes three sections the Bulloidea, the Aplysioidea, and the Pleurobranchioidea. All the families formerly united as Gymnosomatous Pteropoda are included with the Aplysioidea, while the thecosomatous Ptero- pods are placed with the Bulloidea. All are marine. The leading features of the group are as follows : 1. The displacement backwards of the pallial opening, the anus and the circumanal complex. 2. The disappearance of the visceral twist and of the operculum ; the reduc- tion of the mantle and shell ; the exposure of the genital opening, and of the ctenidium. 3. The acquisition of external symmetry. 4. The absence of the spermatic groove, which is transformed into a vas deferens. 5. The reduction in the number of teeth in the transverse rows of the radula. 6. The concentration of the central nervous system, and the shortening of the visceral commissure. 7. The displacement of the oesophageal nerve collar towards the posterior part of the buccal mass. In the following table the distribution of these characters amongst the families is shown : Pleurobranchidae Umbrellidae Gymnosomata Aplysiidae . Lobiger Pelta . Thecosomata Philinidae . Bullidae Actaeonidae 2 6 * In some members of the type only. From this table it is apparent that Actaeon most resembles the Streptoneura, inasmuch as it has its visceral commissure twisted, auricle anterior to ventricle, an operculum, genital opening (female) in mantle-cavity, anus forward ; but it differs from that group in being hermaphrodite. With all these strepto- neurous affinities one might expect the genital apparatus to be of the most unspecialized construction, i.e., with an hermaphrodite opening and perhaps without even a spermatic groove, but this is not the case : in its ducts Actaeon is as specialized as any Tectibranch. If we attempt to draw up a genealogical scheme for the group, we cannot place Actaeon at the root because in this particular it is as highly specialized as any form. Aplysia on the other hand,. TECTIBRANCHIATA. 405 while most highly specialized in many of its organs, presents the unspecialized features of having an open spermatic groove and a much elongated visceral commissure. Section 1. Bulloidea. Shell well developed, external or internal (absent only in Runcwia). Head usually without tentacles, with a broad cephalic disc. Epipodia continuous with ventral face of foot. Stomach generally provided with masticatory plates. In Actaeon and the Limacinidae the foot carries a semi- lunar operculum. The pleural ganglia are close to or fused with the cerebral. Visceral commissure long except in the Limacinidae, Cymbuliidae, Cavoliniidae. The visceral com- missure is twisted in Actaeon in the strepto- FIG. 317. Actaeon tornatilis (after Pelseneer) x 5. I inferior lobe of mantle ; II pallial gland ; III hypobranchial gland ; I V pallial aperture ; V eye and cephalic shield ; VI penis. neurons fashion, and shows indications of the same feature in many other Bulloidea. For instance, in ScapJiander the left half of the commissure passes, ventral to the oesophagus, to the subintestinal ganglion ; while the right half is placed mainly dorsal to the alimentary canal and passes to the supra- intestinal ganglion which supplies the gill and the osphradium. The nerve collar is anterior to the buccal mass in Actaeon, Bulla striata, Philine, Doridium, while in others (Bulla hydatis, B. cornea, Accra, etc.) it is behind. The male and female generative openings may be in common or separate. In the latter case the male opening is at the end of the penis on the right side in front of the mantle opening, while the female is within the mantle cavity (Actaeon}. When there is a common opening (e.g., Cymbuliidae, etc. ) there is a seminal groove to the penis. "-XI FIG. 318. Nervous system of Actaeon, dorsal view, x 20 (after Pelseneer). I cerebropleural ganglion ; II eye ; III cerebropedal connective, IV nerve from pleuropedal connective, Fpenial nerve ; VI right accessory pallial, VII stomatogastric, VIII supraintestinal, IX sub-intestinal, and XI abdominal ganglion ; X sub-intestinal part of the visceral commissure, XIII supraintestinal part of same ; XII genital nerve ; XI V osphradial and XV left acces- sory pallial ganglion ; X VI para- pedal commissure ; XVII otocyst ; XVIII pedal ganglion ; XIX pleuro- pedal connective. Limacinidae, Cavoliniidae, Pelta, 406 MOLLUSCA. Fam. 1. Actaeonidae. Cephalic disc bifid behind. Shell external with prominent spire, entirely covering animal ; operculum horny ; visceral loop streptoneurous ; epipodia absent. Actaeon Montf. (Fig. 317). Fam. 2. Eingiculidae. Cephalic disc forms behind an open tube. Shell external with prominent spire, without operculum. Ringicula Deshayes. Fam. 3. Tornatinidae. Shell as before, but spire concealed. Radula absent. Tornatina Adams ; Volvula Adams. Fam. 4. Scaphandridae. Shell external, without projecting spire ; cephalic disc short, truncated behind ; radula with first lateral very large ; epipodia well developed ; stomach with three well-developed calcareous plates. Scaphander Montf. ; Cylichna Loven ; Amphisphyra I*) veil ; Atys Montf. ; Smaragdinella Ad. .Fam. 5. Bullidae. Shell external without projecting spire; cephalic disc bifurcated behind ; epipodia large ; radula usually multiserial. Bulla L., bubble-shell; Accra Mliller. The Aplustridae (Aplustrum Schumacher) are allied here. Fam. 6. Philinidae. Shell internal; epipodia large; cephalic disc simple. Philine Ascanius, three calcareous stomach - plates ; Doridium Meckel, no stomach-plates, two posterior pallial appendages; Gastropteron Meckel, mantle and shell much reduced, epipodia large, united behind. Fam. 7. Enncinidae. Cephalic shield and mantle continuous ; shell absent ; four stomach-plates. Runcina Forbes (Pclta Quatrefages). The following three families were formerly united as Pteropoda Thecosomata, characterized by their foot extending round the dorsal side of the head and being entirely transformed into two anterior lateral fins, by the existence of a mantle-fold, by the absence, in the adult, of a ctenidium (except in certain Cavolinia] and of eyes, by the presence of one pair of tentacles of which the right is often the larger, by the position of the cerebral ganglia at the sides of the oesophagus, by the radula having three teeth in each row (1:1:1), by the stomach containing horny plates, and by being pelagic in habit. By the operculum of Limacina they are allied to Actaeon, and by the approximation of the pleural to the cerebral ganglia and by the stomach-plates, they are allied to the Bulloidca generally. The heart has one auricle and one ventricle ; the kidney is on the right side, and opens into the pericardium and into the mantle- cavity. The genital glands open on the right side, and there is a ciliated groove for the sperm leading from the opening to the penis, which is anterior and cephalo-dorsal. Fam. 8. Limacinidae. Fins large, mantle-cavity dorsal ; shell spiral, sinistral (ultradextral), operculate. Anus, etc., on right side. Peraclis Forbes ; Limacina Cuvier. Fam. 9. Cymbuliidae. Adult without shell ; a cartilaginoid pseudo-shell, subepithelial and formed by the connective tissue ; mantle -cavity ventral. Larva with a calcareous, spiral operculate shell. Cymbulia Per. et Les. : Tied- mannia D. Chiaje ; Cymbuliopsis Pelseneer ; Gleba Forskal ; Desmopterus Chun. Fam. 10. Cavoliniidae. Visceral mass and shell not coiled, symmetrical ; pallia] -cavity ventral. Cavolinia Abildgaard (Hyalea Lam., Fig. 319) ; Cuvierina Boas ; Clio L., with subgenera Crcseis Rang (Fig. 320), Hyalocylix Fol, and Styliola Les. The Lophocercidae are allied to the Bulloidea. They have an external shell, a long foot, epipodia separated from the ventral face of foot, and a short visceral commissure, and a ctenidium and branchial chamber on right side. Lobiger Krohn ; Lophocercus Krohn. TECTIBRANCHIATA. 407 Section 2. Aplysioidea. The shell is reduced or absent. The head is without cephalic disc and has two pairs of tentacles. The epipodia arise from the sides of the body, and are not direct continuations of the ventral surface of the foot. The visceral commissure is much shortened (except in Aplysia), and the nervc^ganglia are closely aggregated. There is a , second commissure connecting the pedal ganglia called the parapedal I ~~==^S^v commissure, in addition to the ordinary one ; the aorta passes between the two. The osphradium and its ganglion (supplied by a Md M FIG. 319. Larva of Cavolinia (Hyaleu) tridentata (after Fol). Ms velum; P foot; P' the two lateral (epipodial) lobes of the foot ; A anus ; M retractor muscle; Md stomach. R FIG. 320. Creseis acicula, dorsal view, after Gegenbaur (hind end omitted). A anus ; At auricle ; SI blind sac of stomach ; F tentacle ; Fl fins ; G gonad ; Gg cerebral ganglion ; M stomach ; Mn mantle-nerve ; N kidney ; U mouth; Oe opening of kidney into mantle- cavity ; Oes oesophagus ; P median lobe of foot; R retractor; Ve ventricle; Ws ciliated shield. The terminal part of intestine passes ventral to anterior, not! dorsal as here repre- sented. nerve from the supraintestinal) is placed at the base of the gill, between the openings of the genital organ and the kidney. There is a seminal groove leading from the former to the penis, which is on the right side of the head. The Aplysiidae and the Pteropoda Gymnosomata are included in this section. The Aplysiidae have a widely open mantle-cavity, ctenidium, and an internal shell, all of which are absent in the other families. Pneumoderma, however, is said to retain the ctenidium in the lateral gill. Fam. 1. Aplysiidae. Shell internal, but the sac in which it lies opens by a pore in the centre of the dorsal surface. With a mantle-cavity and ctenidium. Aplysia L., Sea-hare; Aplysiella Fischer; Phyllaplysia Fischer, shell absent; Notarchus Cuvier, epipodia fused, dorsally to the visceral sac ; Dolabella, Lmk. The following families, formerly included under Pteropoda Gymnosomata, are without mantle or shell. The head is well developed and bears two pairs of 408 MOLLUSCA. tentacles, the posterior pair with eyes. The median part of the foot consists of a posterior lobe and two antero-lateral lobes joined in front (horse-shoe- shaped) ; the epipodia or fins are quite separate from this median part of the foot and from the head. The penis is latero-ventral on the right side of the foot ; a groove leads to it from the genital opening. There is an evaginable proboscis generally bearing suckers or appendages with suckers. These have nothing to do with the foot. The buccal cavity contains evaginable hook-sacs opening on each side of the radula. The jaws are united ventrally in the middle line. The stomach is without plates. The anus is on the right side. The cerebral ganglia are closely approximated on the dorsal side of the oesophagus, and the pleural are near the pedal ; iy. this they differ from the so-called thecosomatous Pteropods, and resemble the Aplysiidae, There may be branchial processes of the integument a lateral one on the right side and a posterior gill. Te Fl FIG. 321. a, Pneumoderma violaceum (from Bronn) from the ventral surface, b, Clione australis (regne animal) from the side. Fl fins (epipodia); Te appendages of the proboscis, with suckers in o. FIG. 322 Larva of Pneumoderma (after Gegenbaur). Fam. 2. Pneumodermatidae. With suckers on the proboscis. Dexiobranchaea Boas ; Pneumoderma Cuvier (Fig. 321) ; Spongiobranchaea d'Orb. Fam. 3. Clionopsidae. Without suckers and buccal appendages. Proboscis very long. Posterior gill tetraradiate. Clionopsis Troschel. Fam. 4. Clionidae. With conical glandular buccal appendages (cephalocones). No gill. Clione Pallas (Fig. 321). Fam. 5. Notobranchaeidae. With conical buccal appendages, without lateral gill. Notobranchaea Pelseneer. Fam. 6. Halopsychidae. Body ovate, rounded behind ; without gills or proboscis ; fins broadened at the ends. Halopsyche Bronn. Section 3. Pleurobranchioidea. The head has two pairs of tentacles, of which the posterior are the rhino- phores ; the foot is without epipodia ; the mantle-cavity is shallow and contains a large ctenidium on the right side. The male and female generative openings are near but separate, and there is no seminal groove. The pleural ganglia are NUDIBRANCHIATA. 409 close to, or fused with, the cerebral, which are themselves closely approximated. The visceral commissure is short and possesses but few ganglia. In Tylodina alone is there an osphradium and osphradial ganglion. Fam. 1. Umbrellidae. Visceral sac and external shell in the form of a flat cone ; foot very thick. Umbrella Lam. ; Tylodina Rafinesque. Fam. 2. Pleurobranchidae. Shell internal or absent ; anterior tentacles forming a frontal velum ; spicules in the mantle ; foot flat. Pleurobranchus Cuv., internal shell ; Pleurobranchaea Meckel (Fig. 323), no shell ; Neda Adams. Tribe 2. NUDIBRANCHIATA. Opisthobranchs without shell in the adult state. There is no ctenidium or os- phradium ; the nervous system is Br FIG. 323. Pleurobranchaea Meckdii (regne animal). ' Br ctenidium ; F posterior tentacle (rhinophore) ; R proboscis ; P penis. xi--- Fio. 324. Nervous system of Tritonia hombergi (after Pelseneer), dorsal view x 15. I cerebral ganglion; II tentacular, III optic nerve; IV pleuropedal commissure ; V penial nerve ; VI parapedal commissure ; VI' visceral commis- sure ; VII abdominal ganglion and genital nerve; VIII stomatogastric commissure; IX buccal, Xgastro-oesophageal ganglion ; XT pedal, XII sub-cerebral commissure ; XIII pedal gan- glion ; XTFcerebro-pedal commissure ; XVoto- cyst ; XVI pleural ganglion. much concentrated, and the gan- glia are generally aggregated, and more or less fused together, on the dorsal side of the oesophagus ; but the different commissures visceral, pedal, and buccal are distinct. There are four suboesophageal commissures the visceral, the pedal, the para- pedal (a second thin commissure between the pedal ganglia), and the subcerebral (Fig. 324). In addition to these there is the stomatogastric system, which constitutes another commissure completed ventral to the oesophagus. The nerves springing from the visceral commissure are always unsymmetrical and are exclusively genital and reno-pericardial. The pedal commissure is generally long, but it is short in Fiona, Ancula, 410 MOLLUSCA. and most Elysioidea, in which the pedal ganglia are approximated ventral to the oesophagus. The parapedal commissure is homologous with the same structure in Tecti- branchs, but it gives off no nerves. The relation of the aorta to these commissures varies, as it does in the Tectibranchs. The dorsal appendages or cerata are innervated from the pleural ganglia, showing that these structures are homologous and of a pallial nature. The penis is of a pedal nature, being innervated from the pedal ganglion as in the majority of Streptoneura. The hermaphrodite gland has male and female acini, which however communicate. The animals are protandrous. The characters of specialization of th%N"udibranchs are as follows : (1) Return to external symmetry. This was indicated in Tectibranchs, but it is carried further in Nudibranchs, where there may be complete external symmetry as in the Doridioidea with median anus, and even internal symmetry in many of the organs (heart, kidney, liver), but never in the generative apparatus. In the Tritonioidea this internal symmetry is not found. (2) Displacement of the nervous system behind the buccal mass. (3) Concentration of the central nervous system dorsal to the oesophagus. The pedal ganglia are approximated to the cerebral, and the pleural are fused with the cerebral except in Tritoniidae. But as already mentioned in Fiona, Ancula, and in most Elysioidea, we find the pedal more or less approximated ventrally to oesophagus, and distinct ganglia on the short visceral commissure. In the presence of distinct ganglia on the visceral commissure, often three in number, the Elysioidea are more primitive than other Nudibranchs. (4) Reduction of the number of teeth of the radula (even to a single tooth for each transverse row). (5) Diffusion of the liver. (6) Triaulic condition of genital ducts. The Tritoniidae, which are Nudibranchs because they are without ctenidium, osphradium, mantle-fold, shell, and because they have cerata, are without any of these features of specialization ; except the dorsal grouping of the cerebral, pedal, and pleural ganglia, which are, however, distinct. But even in the EOUD 'ELYSID If we had another dimension we could connect the Elysid group and Janus to show the common presence of cerata. NUDIBRANCHIATA. 411 nervous system they show the specialized feature of the reduction of ganglia on the visceral commissure. The Dorids are the most specialized of all in possessing the median anus and the triaulic generative ducts ; but they lack the diffusion of the liver. The Eolids are highly specialized in their nervous system and cerata, but have the diaulic ducts. Janus, however, goes further in having a median anus, though the kidney is still lateral ; but if we should be tempted to put Janus at the top of our genealogical tree we should be prevented by the fact that in its nervous system it approaches Tritonia, and that it has diaulic generative ducts . The Elysiids retain primitive features of the nervous system, but in other respects are the most specialized of the group. But the nervous system drags them down, and would prevent us from putting them at the top of our genealogical tree. Indeed, by it we might feel inclined with Bergh to place them in a separate Tribe between the Tecti- and Nudi-branchiata. Section 1. Tritonioidea. The liver is contained entirely or principally in the visceral mass. The anus is on the right side. There are generally two rows of branched dorsal appendages. Male and female openings contiguous ; genital ducts diaulic. The heart is asymmetrical, being on the right side. Fam. 1. Tritoniidae. Anterior tentacles forming a frontal velum, foot large. Pleural ganglion distinct from cerebral. Kidney a simple sac opening externally on right side above the anus. Two rows of branched cerata without liver continuations. Tritonia Cuv. (Fig. 325), Marionia Vayssiere. FIG. 325. Tritonia lineata, dorsal view, X 7 (after Hancock, from Pelseneer). / posterior tentacle ; II dorsal appendages (qerata) ; III eye ; I V frontal velum ; o genital opening. FIG. ZZ&.PhyllirUoe bucephalum, from the right side, x 3 (after Sonleyet). The genital ducts are supposed to be a little unrolled. I genital gland ; II sperm oviduct ; III hepatic duct ; IF female genital orifice; V pedal ganglion ; VI salivary gland ; VII mouth ; F/TTstomato- gastric ganglion ; IX buccal mass ; X tentacle ; XI cerebral and pleural ganglion ; XII lobe of liver; XIII heart in pericardium; XIV reno-pericardial opening; XV external opening of kidney ; XVI anus ; XVII liver. 412 MOLLUSCA. Fam. 2. Scyllaeidae. Anterior tentacles absent ; two pairs of large folia- ceous cerata ; foot narrow. Scyllaea L., on floating seaweed. Fam. 3. Phyllirhoidae. Anterior tentacles and cerata absent. Body com- pressed laterally, without foot. Stomach with caeca. Orifices on the right side. With fin -like tail. Transparent. Pelagic. Phyllirhoe Per. et Les. (Fig. 326). Fam. 4. Tethyidae. Anterior tentacles absent ; rhinophores conical ; head surrounded by a funnel -like velum ; cerata foliaceous ; foot large ; radula absent. Tethys L. Melibe Rang. Cerata of Tethys are capable of independent movement after separation. Fam. 5. Dendronotidae. Tentacles forming a fringed frontal velum ; cerata branched ; rhinophores arborescent ; radula 10 : 1 : 10 ; liver extending into the cerata. Dendronotus A. and H. ; Hero Loven ; Lomanotus Verany. Tribe 2. DORIDIOIDEA. Liver not branched ; anus median posterior, generally dorsal and surrounded by ramified appendages the cerata or branchiae. Genital ducts triaulic. Spicules in the mantle. Fam. 1. Polyceridae. A frontal velum more or less projecting. Branchiae non-retractile. Ehinophores foliate. Euplocamus Philippi ; Triopct Johnston ; Polycera Cuv. ; Ancula Loven ; Goniodoris Forbes ; Idalia Leuckart ; Hetero- doris Verril and Emerton ; Aegirus Loven ; Acanthodoris Grube. Fam. 2. Dorididae. Mantle covering the head ; anterior tentacles small ; rhinophores foliate ; branchiae retractile into a perianal pocket. Doris L. ; Chromodoris A. and H. ; Hcxabranchus Elirbg. Fam. 3. Doridopsidae. Doris-like, but mouth suctorial, without radula. Doridopsis A. and H. Fam. 4. Corambidae. Doris-like, but anus and branchiae behind, below the edge of the mantle. Corambe Bergh. Fam. 5. Phyllidiidae. Mouth suctorial ; no radula ; branchiae all round the body between the mantle and the foot. Phyllidia Cuvier. Tribe 3. AEOLIDIOIDEA. The liver caeca extend into the cerata, which often contain nematocysts. Genital duct diaulic, with contiguous male and female openings. Jaws are present. Fam. 1. Aeolididae. Cerata terminating in open sacs (Fig. 329), which communicate with the hepatic caeca and give origin by their lining epithelium to nematocysts (Fig. 330). Aeolis Cuvier (Fig. 323). Fam. 2. Glaucidae. With three pairs of lateral lobes (cerata) carrying tegumentary papillae. Foot narrow. Glaucus Forster. Fam. 3. Pleurophyllidiidae. Anterior tentacles constitute a burrowing shield. Branchiae beneath the edge of the mantle ; radula 30 : 1 : 30. Pleurophyllidia Meckel (Fig. 331) ; Dermatobranchus Van Hasselt. Fam. 4. Dotonidae. Cerata tuberculated, without nematocysts, and in one row on each side. Doto Oken. FIG. 327. Doris pilosa (after Alder and Han- cock). Br gills ; A anus ; F tentacle. ELYSIOIDEA. 413 Fam. 5. Proctonotidae. Anus posterior in the middle dorsal line. Anterior tentacles atrophied. Janus Verany ; Proctonotus A. and H. Fam. 6. Fionidae. Liver as two longitudinal canals, into which open the caeca of the cerata. Fiona Hancock and Embleton. Tribe 4. ELYSIOIDEA (SACCOGLOSSA). Liver branched, the branches generally extending into cerata. Genital ducts usually triaulic, with widely separated genital openings. The vaginal orifice is, in some cases at any rate, developed later than the other two openings. Without jaws. Radula with one series of strong teeth, the worn-out teeth at the front end not dropping off, but preserved in a special sac (Ascoglossa Bergh). The pedal ganglia are near together, and the visceral commissure has three ganglia almost in contact. FIG. 328. Aeolis pnpillosa (after Alder and Hancock). Rp dorsal papillae (cerata). FIG. 329. Section of a dorsal papilla of Eolis x,40. a ter- minal sac which produces nematocysts; b ectoderm; c hepatic caecum; d tube con- necting the caecum with the terminal sac ; e opening of th sac (after Pelseneer). FIG. 330. A neinato- cyst pro- truded thread of Aeolis punctata]x 500 (from Pelse- neer, after Vays- siere). Fam. 1. Hermaeidae. Cerata in several rows ; anus dorsal. Hermaea Loven, Stiliger Ehrb., Phyllobranchus A. and H., Cyerce Bergh, hepatic caeca do not extend into cerata ; Alderia Allmaii. Fam. 2. Elysiidae. Cerata absent ; dorsal integument forms two lateral expansions containing hepatic caeca. Anus lateral. Reno-pericardial openings, numerous. Elysia Risso, 414 MOLLUSCA. ...-5 3- Fam. 3. Limapontiidae. Without lateral expansions or cerata. Anus median postero- dorsal. Liver but little branched. Limapontia Johnston ; Actaeonia Quatref. The position of the Bhodopidae is uncertain : they are planarian-like naked forms, without branchiae, ten- tacles, buccal mass, or radula. Recently it has been shown* that the larva of this form is 6 without a shell ; thus destroying the main reason for regarding it as a nudibranch mollusc. Sub : order 2. Pulmonata. Euthyneura in which the pallial-cavity is modified as a lung, and is without a ctenidium. Tlie opening of the pallial-cavity is small. The pallial-cavity is often reduced, as well as the shell. Sometimes the shell is in- ternal or absent. There is never an operculum in the adult except in Amphibola (it is present in the young stages of Auricula, Siphon- aria, Gadinid). The roof of the mantle-cavity is pro- vided with a network of vessels for aerial respiration, and the mantle-cavity constitutes a lung. In Vaginulus, Peronia, and Onchidium the lung is absent in consequence of the almost complete disappearance of the mantle-cavity. In some cases the lung may be filled with water and serve for aquatic respiration (Siphonaria, some Limnaea and Planorbis). The auricle is usually in front of the ventricle. The kidney has usually a more or less elongated duct (ureter). The opening of the pallial-cavity is reduced to a pore placed on the right side. The anus and renal openings are placed near the opening of the lung (in Auricula alone does the anus open in the FIG. 331. PleuropJiyllidia lineata, ventral view (from Lang, after Souleyet). 1 genital opening; 2 branchial processes ; 3 anus ; k pedal gland ; 5 mouth 6 tentacle shield ; 7 foot. * S. Trichinese, "Nuove osservationi s. Rhodope Veranii" Rend. Accad. Napoli (2), vol. 1., p. 131. See also L. Bohmig in Z. f. w. Z., 56. BASOMMATOPHORA. 415 lung sac). The generative organs open some way in front, on the right side. The Pulmonata are generally terrestrial, sometimes fresh-water, rarely marine. They are cosmopolitan and include about 6000 species. They generally become torpid during part of tlt^ year in warm countries in .the dry season (aestivation), in cold in .winter (hibernation). Hibernation in this country lasts about one quarter of the year, and during it the heart beats no more than twice a minute. The mouth armature consists of an unpaired, horny upper jaw (which may be absent), and of a radula with a great number of teeth in the transverse row. All are hermaphrodite. A few, e.g. species of Clausilia and Pupa, are viviparous. Most lay eggs, either, as in the fresh-water forms on water plants, united in tubular or flat masses, or as in the terrestrial forms in damp places, each one being surrounded by a protecting shell which may be calcareous. The ovum is always embedded in a large mass of albumen, which serves as nourishment for the developing embryo. Tribe 1. BASOMMATOPHORA. Shell always present and external. There is one pair of non-invaginable tentacles, at the base of which are the eyes. The penis is remote from the female orifice (except in Amphibola and Siphonaria). In Auricula alone among Pulmonates is the hermaphrodite duct not divided ; and, passing from its opening which is anterior to the mantle-opening, there is a groove which is closed in front and leads to the penis. The closed part of this groove lies close beneath a superficial groove in the skin. In Amphibola, Chilina, and the Siphonariidae the duct splits, but the penial and vaginal openings are joined. There is generally a circular osphradium near the opening of the pulmonary cavity, between it and the renal opening. Radula multiserial. Fresh-water or quasi- marine. Fam. 1. Auriculidae. Terrestrial, usually maritime. Respiratory aperture behind. Shell spiral. Auricula Lam., found in brackish- water swamps of tropical islands, on roots of mangroves, and by small streams within the influence of the tide ; traces of small anterior tentacles ; Carychium Miiller ; Alexia Lam.; Pedipes Adanson ; Melampus Montf. ; Otina Gray. Fam 2. Amphibolidae. Visceral mass and shell spiral ; operculum present. Aquatic, marine. Amphibola Schumacher, shores of New Zealand and Pacific Islands. Fam. 3. Siphonariidae. Visceral mass and shell patellifonn ; tentacles atrophied; marine with aquatic respiration. Siphonaria Sow., secondary branchial lamellae on roof of mantle-cavity ; Gadinia Gray, no branchia. Fam. 4. Limnaeidae. Fresh-water animals with aerial respiration. Shell variable. Limnaea L. ; L. stagnalis L., pond-sn#il ; Amphipeplea Nillsson ; 416 MOLLUSC A. Physa Draparnaud ; Planorbis Guettard, spire in same plane; Ancylus Geoffrey, river-limpet, visceral mass conical. Fam. 5. Chilinidae. Pulmonary aperture larger than in any other pulmonate. Visceral commissure longer than usual. Chilina Gray, Chilian-snail. Tribe 2. STYLOMMATOPHORA. Two pairs of invaginable tentacles (except A thoracophorus), the posterior being oculiferous ; male and female openings united (except in Vaginulus, Onchidium, and Peronia) ; no osphradium. Fam. 1. Succineidae. Anterior tentacles reduced ; male and female openings distinct, but contiguous. Succinea Draf>arnaud, amber-snail. The Athoracophoridae (Athoracophorus Gould) are allied here. Fam. 2. Helicidae. Land-snails. Shell external, spire short ; genital organs generally with a dart and multifid vesicles ; genital orifice under right tentacle. Helix L., over 1600 species; H. aspersa Miiller, hedge-snail; H. pomatia L. , Roman snail; Vitrina Drap., glass-snail; Bulimus Scopoli (1200 species); HempMllia Binney and Bland. The Philomycidae (Philomycus), without shell, allied here. Fam. 3. Arionidae. Shell absent, or represented by calcareous granules in mantle. Slug-like. Genital opening just below pulmonary. Arion Fer., land- sole ; eggs of A. hortensis phosphoresce for 15 days after deposition. FIG. 332. Arion empirico-rwm (regne animal). Al respiratory aperture. Fam. 4. Pupidae. Shell external, spire long ; male duct without multifid vesicles. Pupa Lam. , chrysalis shell ; Clausilia Drap. ; Vertigo Miiller ; Zospeum Bourguignat ; Balea Prideaux ; Ferussacia Risso ; Caecilianella Fer. Fam. 5. Limacidae. Slugs. Shell small or absent, generally internal, may be spiral ; tail often with mucous pore. Genital ducts without multifid vesicles ; genital opening under right tentacle. Limax L., slug, mantle reduced, shell internal, 51 species; Vitrina Drap., glass-snail (here or with Helix}; Parma- cella Cuvier ; Zonites Montf. ; Urocyclus Gray ; Orpiella Gould. Fam. 6. Testacellidae. Pharynx protractile ; jaw absent ; cervical region elongated. Slug-like, or with visceral sac spirally coiled ; carnivorous. Glan- dina Schumacher ; Daudebardia, Hartm. ; Testacella Cuv. , slug-like, subterranean, feeds on earthworms, S. Europe, Canaries, introduced into Britain. Fain. 7. Vaginulidae. Without shell; male opening beneath the right tentacle, female midway beneath the mantle ; respiratory and excretory orifices at hind end. Vaginulus Fer.; Atopos Simroth. Fam. 8. Onchidiidae. Marine, without shell, mantle often warty, some- times with eyes ; genital openings widely separate ; female opening posterior, near anus ; anus and pulmonary opening as in Vaginulus. Onchidium Buchanan ; Peronia Blainv, CEPHALOPODA. 417 Class V. CEPHALOPODA.* With well-marked head, a circle of processes bearing suckers or tentacles round the mouth, and a funnel composed of two separate or fused halves. The genital coelom is continuous ivitfcjhe peri- cardial. Dioecious. The Cephalopoda are symmetrical animals with a much-shortened antero-posterior axis, and with a strongly -developed visceral sac, which has undergone neither torsion nor asymmetrical development, and which is, except in Nautilus, unprotected by an external shell. The mantle-fold is circular and the mantle -cavity is especially developed on the posterior side of the visceral sac; in it are placed the ctenidia, either two (Dibranchiata) or four (Tetrabranchiata), and into it open the median anus, the ink-sac, the paired kidneys, and the genital duct. There are always processes round the mouth, which are either lobe-like and carry tentacles as in the Tetrabranchiates, or are arm -like and carry suckers as in the Dibranchiates. They are active, voracious animals, with a complex organization, highly developed sense-organs, and often possessed of considerable intelligence. The Cephalopods are marine animals, some frequenting the coast, others the high seas, and some the floor of the ocean to a depth of nearly 2000 fathoms. About 400 species are known. They feed on the flesh of animals, especially Crustacea, and some of them attain a great size.f The flesh is eaten, and the colouring matter of the ink-sac (sepia) and the dorsal shell (os sepiae or cuttle-bone) are used by man. The remains of Cephalopods occur in all formations from the Cambrian, and con- stitute important characteristic fossils (Belemnites, Ammonites). * Ferussac et d'Orbigny, " Histoire naturelle generate et particuliere des Cephalopodes acttabuliferes vivants et fossiles," Paris, 1835-45. J. B. Verany, " Mollusques mediterranes observes, etc., d'apres le vivant," l e Partie, Genes, 1847-51. H. Milller, " Ueber das Mannchen von Argonauta argo u. die Hec- tocotylen," Z. f. w. Z., 1855. Jap. Steenstrup, " Hectocotylus dannelsen hos Octopodsl., etc.," K. Danks. Vidensk. Selskabs Skrifter, 1856; translated in Archiv. f. Naturgesch., 1856. C. Grobben, " Morphologische Studien lib. den Harn-u. Geschlechtsapparat, etc., der Cephalopoden," Arb. a. d. Zool. Inst. Wien, 5, 1884. W. E. Hoyle, "Report on the Cephalopoda," Challenger Reports, vol. 16, 1886. J. Brock, "Zur Anat. n. Syst. d. Cephalopoden," Z. f. w. Z., 36, 1882. P. Pelseneer, " Sur la value morphologique des bras et la composition du syst. nerv. cent. d. Cephalopodes," Arch. Biol. 8, 1888. Milne-Edwards et Valenciennes, " Obs. sur la circulation chez les Mollusques," Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris, 20, 1840. Vigelius, " Ueb. d. excretionssystem der Cephalopoden," Niederl. Arch. f. Zool., 5, 1880. Milne -Ed wards, "Sur les spermatophores des Cephalopodes," Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool. (2), 18, 1842. f Specimens of Architeuthis have been taken measuring from apex of visceral sac to end of extended arms more than 50 feet, and with eyes 15 inches across. 2 E 418 MOLLUSCA. The normal swimming position for a Cephalopod (Fig. 333) is horizontal, with the anterior surface of the visceral sac upward, and the posterior, i.e., the surface on which lies the mantle-cavity and the mantle -opening, downward. When creeping the animals apply their arms to the substratum and the hump projects backward. "'"f-r FIG. 333. Octopus vulgaris (after Merculiano, from Lang), in swimming and sitting positions. Bearing in mind these facts and the fact already mentioned that the antero-posterior axis is much shortened, the ordinary terminology, which is often confusing, used in describing Cephalopoda will be readily understood. The ventral surface is the region including the mouth and the 'anus. The funnel is therefore a purely ventral CEPHALOPODA. 419 structure. The dorsal surface includes the visceral sac; roughly the apex of the visceral sac may be regarded as the middle of the dorsal surface. The anterior end is that surface of the head on the sides of which the eyes are placed; while the posterior end may be said to be marked by the anus. Inasmuch as the vis- ceral sac is normally carried horizontally, the words " upper " and FIG. 334. Loligo vulgaris (from Lang, after D'Orbigny). A, from the posterior side, showing the funnel just in front of the free edge of the mantle. H, from the front side showing the eyes on the head. There are also shown the ten arms, the fins, and the chromatophores in the skin. "lower" are sometimes used in the sense of "anterior-dorsal" and "posterior-ventral" respectively; further, inasmuch as the visceral hump is sometimes shown in figures in its proper morphological position, as standing straight up above the head, the words upper and lower are sometimes used in the sense of dorsal and ventral. 420 MOLLUSCA. In our descriptions the words upper and lower will be discarded, and we shall use only anterior and posterior, dorsal and ventral, in the sense described above. The head is sometimes described as being placed in the centre of the foot, and the arms are looked upon as the frayed-out margins of the foot ; on this view the name Cephalopoda is justified anatomi- cally as well as functionally. On the other hand, this view is not taken by all anatomists, many of whom regard the funnel as the sole representative of the footof other Gastropods. We shall consider this question further on. The head is well-developed, and carries on its anterior sides a pair of conspicuous and generally elaborate eyes. Immediately behind (ventral to) the eyes there is often on each side a pit supposed to be olfactory. In certain Oeyopsida the eyes are stalked; in Nautilus they are also stalked, and there are on each side two cephalic tentacles in relation with the eye, the preocular and the postocular tentacles (Fig. 338, Pr.o, Pt.o). The margins of the head are produced into exceedingly muscular sucker-bearing arms in the Dibranchiates, and into tentacle-bearing lobes in Nautilus. Of the former there are always four pairs (Odo- 2Joda), and sometimes five (Decapoda) ; they are arranged in a circle round the head, and the anterior arm of each side is called the first, while the posterior arm, viz., that nearest the funnel, is called the fourth. The arms of the fifth pair, which are found in the Decapoda, are longer than, and attached somewhat internally to, the others between the third and fourth ; they are often inserted into pits, into which they may be retractile (Sepia, Sepiola, Rossid), and are called the prehensile or tentacular arms. The tentacular arms have suckers only near their free, club-shaped end, but the other arms are suckered all along their internal (oral) surface. The basal parts of some or all of the eight arms of the Octopoda may be united by a membrane ; in Tremoctopus the four anterior, in Histioteutliis the six anterior, in Alloposus and CirroteutMs all the arms are so united along their whole length. The umbrella so formed assists in locomotion by its alternate contraction and expansion. In the female Argonauta (Fig. 335) the terminal parts of the two anterior (dorsal) arms are expanded into thin membranes (vela), which secrete the unilocular spiral shell. Finally, in the males one of the arms is more or less modified for the purposes of sperm-transference in reproduction. The arm so modified is said to be Jiectocotylized, because in some species (Argo- CEPHALOPODA. 421 nauta, Tremoctopus, Philonexis) it is entirely detached from the male and left in the mantle-cavity of the female, where it was found by Cuvier, who mistook it for a parasitic worm and called it Hectocotylus. , The suckers are stalked in Decapoda, sessile in Octopoda. Further, in Deca- poda, they have a horny ring, which may be smooth or denticulated in some cases ; on certain parts of the arms the suckers may be replaced by hooks, and on the tentacular arms of Onychoteuthis a large retractile hook arises from the centre of each sucker. The suckers consist of a disc-like surface, in the centre of which is a pit ; the depth of this pit can be increased by the retraction of its bottom, to which muscle-fibres are attached. FIG. 335. Argonauta argo (female), the paper Nautilus, swimming. In the Tetrabranchiates (Nautilus) there are no arms, but in their place we find lobe-like prolongations of the margin of the head, which bear tentacles. The tentacles are retractile into sheaths, which are possibly comparable to the suckers of the Dibranchiates. The lobes are as follows (Fig. 336) : an external annular lobe (J), the anterior part of which forms the hood, into which the coil of the shell fits, while the posterior part is much reduced ; this lobe carries 19 tentacles on each side ; within the annular lobe are in the female three tenta- culiferous lobes, a posterior (ventral) and two lateral (d, c) ; in the male the posterior lobe (d) is reduced to a paired group of lamellae and bears no tentacles, and the right and left inner lobes are divided into two parts, a larger and a smaller. On the posterior inner lobe of the female there is a lamellated organ (?i), and behind it, on the inner side of the annular lobe, another lamellated organ (m) to which the spermatophores of the male appear to be affixed (Kerr). In the male the smaller of the two parts into which the left inner lobe is divided ends in imbricated modified foliaceous tentacles (p) ; it is the spadix, and has been regarded as the lobe used in sperm transference and 422 MOLLUSCA. corresponding to the hectocotylized arm of Dibranchs. The corresponding part of the right inner lobe carries four tentacles, and is called the antispadix (q). In addition to these tentacles of the lobes, there are the four ocular tentacles already referred to. The funnel is a tube with muscular walls lead- ing into the mantle-cavity, and often containing (in Nautilus and most Deca- pods) a valve which admits of passage outwards only. It is placed on the ven- tral surface behind the head, and is to be regarded either as the entire foot of the animal, or as the epipodia, the rest of the foot having been wrapped round the head and frayed out peripherally into the arms or lobes.* The view that the funnel represents the whole foot is strongly suggested by the arrange- ment in Nautilus. In this animal it consists of two muscular lateral lobes of the ventral surface just behind the head, which are rolled round one another without fusion. When these lobes, which are of considerable size, FIG. 336. Oral surface of a male (A) and female (E) specimen of Nautilus pompilius in the expanded condition, one-third the natural size linear (from Lankester, after Bourne), a the shell ; b the external annular lobe carrying 19 tentacles on each side, and anteriorly enlarged to form the hood (Fig. 337) ; c the right and left inner lobes, each carrying 12 tentacles in the female, and divided in the male into two parts ; d the posterior inner lobe ; e the oral cone ; / the ten- tacles of the outer annular lobe projecting from their sheaths ; g the two anterior tentacles of this lobe belonging to the hood ; i superior, k inferior ophthal- mic tentacle ; I eye ; n lamellated organ on the pos- terior inner lobe of the female ; m paired laminated organ on each side of the posterior inner lobe of the female ; o the funnel ; p spadix ; q antispadix. * The view that the arms represent a portion of the foot is not in our opinion satisfactorily established. It rests largely upon the fact that the nervous supply is derived from that portion of the central nervous system which is supposed to represent the pedal ganglion of other Mollusca. But this, as Graham Kerr has pointed out, is not a strong argument, for a main reason for regarding that part of the central nervous system, from which the brachial nerves arise, as pedal, is that the nerves to the arms arise from it. As pointed out below, separate and distinct ganglia are not distinguishable in the central nervous system of Cephalopoda. CEPHALOPODA. 423 are unrolled and flattened out, their resemblance to the foot of a Gastropod is considerable, and Graham Kerr has suggested the possibility of the animal being able actually to unroll them in life and to use them as a foot (Fig. 337). In the Dibranchs ,, the edges of these folds are fused, so that the funnel is a complete tube (Fig. 334), and in both Dibranchs and Nautilus the broad hinder part of it is covered by the mantle-folds. On each side of the funnel there is in Decapods a peculiar sucker- like arrangement by which the mantle-fold can be attached to the funnel so as to close the general mantle-opening; it consists of a smooth cartilaginous projection on the mantle, and a corresponding FIG. 337. Side view of Nautilus pompilius extracted from the shell, the funnel has been opened out, and the mantle-flap partly cut away (after Graham Kerr). /funnel ; e eye ; g gill ; h hood ; TO cut edge of mantle ; s siphuncle ; t tentaculiferous lobes. depression on the funnel. In the Octopoda the mantle-fold is fused to the head anteriorly and laterally, so that the mantle opening is much restricted. The deep part of the mantle-cavity is placed on the posterior surface of the visceral sac, which in the natural position is the under surface. It has in Dibranchs thick, muscular walls, and it contains one or two pairs of bipectinate ctenidia, the median anus, the paired renal openings, and the generative opening, which is sometimes single and sometimes paired. The regularly repeated contraction of the mantle-muscles causes the expulsion through the funnel of the re- spiratory water, which has been taken in through the mantle-opening, and with it of the excrementitious (renal and anal) and generative products. When the contraction is rapid and violent the jet from the funnel causes the animal to shoot rapidly backwards; on any 424 MOLLUSCA. alarm the ink -gland, which opens with the anus, pours out its black secretion into the water in the mantle-cavity, so that on the retreat of the animal backwards in the rapid manner just explained, the ejected water is black and produces a murky cloud which completely obscures its movements, and under cover of which it escapes. Nautilus alone has an external shell secreted by the mantle. It is spirally coiled, the coil being directed on to the anterior face of the animal, i.e., being of the kincf called exogastric ; moreover, it is divided by transverse septa into chambers. The bulk of the animal ___ _ Ma EK " FIG. 338. Nautilus pompilius (original drawing made under direction of Graham Kerr). EK penultimate chamber of the shell, which is in some specimens larger than the ante- penultimate ; H hood ; G groove in the hood ; M shell-muscle ; Ma edge of mantle-fold passing at Ma' on to the anterior face of the visceral sac, where it is in relation with the anterior convexity of the shell-coil ; P eye partly covered by the mantle-fold ; Pr.o preocular tentacle; Pt.o postocular tentacle; part of the outer wall of shell which has not been cut away ; On initial coil of the shell ; S siphon ; S/ postseptal neck ; T tentacu- liferous lobes ; Tr funnel. occupies only the last of these chambers, but it is incorrect to say that all the chambers except the last are untenanted by the animal, for there is a delicate process of the dorsal end of the hump the siphon or siphuncle, which is coated with a thin layer of calcareous matter, and passes through all the septa right up to the first chamber. The chambers of the shell contain a gas which is said to have approximately the composition of atmospheric air. The retractor muscles of the head and foot are inserted on to the internal wall of the shell, and a small anterior flap of the mantle-fold CEPHALOPODA. 425 extends on to the convexity of the coil just dorsal to the hood (Fig. 338, Ma). In the Dibranchs there is a spiral, chambered, mantle-shell in the Decapod Spirula, but it is coiled in the opposite way to that of Nautilus (endo- gastric), and does not enclose the vis- ceral sac. It is in fact partly internal, being largely covered by lobes of the mantle. The septa are, however, per- forated by a siphon, which contains a prolongation of the visceral sac. In certain extinct Dibranchs there was a similar internal, chambered shell either coiled (Spiruli- rostra) or straight (Belem- nitidae). That these were internal or partly internal is shown by the fact that the chambered part of the shell or phragmocone is covered by a calcareous layer, often laminated, which forms the rostrum or guard. In the Belem- nites the wall of the phragmocone (conatheca) is continued forwards into ii proostracum, which must have been somewhere in the neighbourhood of the animal's body and head. In all living Dibranchs except Spirilla the shell is quite internal, being con- tained in a sac in the anterior wall of the visceral sac, and much reduced. In the Sepiidae, or cuttle-fishes, it is called the cuttle-lone or sepiostaire, and consists of a broad plate composed of laminated tissue containing air spaces and ending behind in a pointed rostrum. In the Squids it is a lamellar body composed of conchyolin, without calcareous matter, and is called the pen. In the Odopoda both the shell and its sac are absent. The shell of Fio. 339. Spirula peronii (Bronn). FIG. 340. Belemnites . with the re- mains of the body of the animal (after Huxley), a arms with hooks ; 6 head ; c ink-bag ; d phragmocone ; e guard. 426 MOLLUSCA. the female Argonaut, which has already been referred to, is not a mantle-shell. Fins of various forms are often present as lateral expansions of the mantle. The dermis contains the remarkable chromatophores which cause the well-known play of colours. These consist of large cells filled with pigment (red, blue, yellow, or dark colours) ; to their walls, which are formed of a cellular membrane, numerous radiating muscular fibres (by some observers said to be connective tissue fibres) are attached. When the latter contract the cells are dilated and the pigment spreads over a larger area, and so gives colour to the skin. When the contrac- tion ceases the cell returns, in virtue of the elasticity of its walls, to its original shape, and the pigment is again concentrated in a small space, arid the skin becomes uncoloured ; thus the animal changes its colour. The chromato- phores are probably under the control of the will, and are connected with a special centre in the stalk of the optic ganglion. The eye seems to be the organ most intimately connected with as to show the chambered shell and the laminated them, for if the Optic nerve guard deposited upon its surface. D, shell of Spirilla . i aevis . be cut the power of volun- tarily changing colour on that side is said to be lost. Nevertheless there seem to be peripheral centres through which these organs* can be brought into action, and the animals seem to have the power of changing their colour involuntarily according to the colour of their environment. In addition to the chromatophores there is a deeper layer of small shining spangles, which produce interference colours and thus give rise to the peculiar lustre and iridescence of the skin. In certain abyssal Cephalopods there are cutaneous phosphorescent organs, consisting of a superficial refractile structure and a deep photogenic layer ; they * Krukenberg, Vergl. physiol. Studien an den Kusten der Adria, Heidelberg,. 1880. FIG. 341. Internal shells of Cephalopoda (from Lan- kester). A , shell of Conoteuthis dupininna from the Neocomian of France. />, shell of Sepia Orbigniana, Mediterranean. C, shell of Spiritlirostra Bellardii, from the Miocene of Turin ; the specimen is cut so CEPHALOPODA. 427 are all directed towards the oral extremity (Histioteuthis). Aquiferous pores leading into spaces in the integument, but not communicating with the vascular system, are found in many Dibranchs. There is an internal cartilaginous skeleton which serves for the protection of nerve-centres and sense-organs, and for the attachment of muscles. The cartilaginous tissue itself closely resembles the hyaline cartilage of vertebrates, differing in the fact that the cells are connected by their branching processes which traverse the matrix in all directions. In the head there is in Dibranchs a complete cartilaginous investment for the great ganglionic masses and otocysts, which furnishes lateral cup-like expansions for the eyes. In Nautilus there is a corresponding cephalic cartilage on the ventral side only of the nerve-centres, extending also into the tissue of the funnel. Cartilage is present also in other parts of the body, e.g. the branchial cartilage, fin cartilages, nuchal cartilage, dorsal cartilage. Nervous system. There is a great concentration of ganglionic matter round the oesophagus, and it is difficult to trace exact homologies with the nerve-centres of other Molluscs. In Nautilus there are two ganglionic rings round the oesophagus behind the buccal mass (Fig. 342). They are connected dorsally, above the oesophagus, in a common mass (Jf), which may be called the cerebral mass and compared to the cerebral ganglion of other Mol- luscs. The anterior ring innervates the funnel and cephalic lobes, and may be compared to the cerebro- pedal commissure and pedal ganglia of other types; the posterior ring , ^ -, / -, innervates the mantle and viscera, ** < v v and may be compared to the cerebro- FIG. 342. Central nervous system of a , , ,. female Nautilus from the left side (from pleiiral commissure, pleura! ganglia, Pe lseneer after Valenciennes). I ac- and visceral commissure of other cessor y P edal ganglion; n nerve to . funnel; /// pedal; IV visceral gan- MollllSCS j it gives Off a pair of StOUt g ii on ; V visceral nerve ; 71 pallial nerves (V} which pass backward nerves ; Til tentacular nerves ; FT// olfactory, IX optic nerve ; X cerebral (dorsalwards), on either side of the ganglion ; xi otocyst ; xn stomato- vena cava; these supply the gills, "" osphradia, and viscera, but do not form dorsalwards in the visceral sac, visceral ganglia. The cerebral portion supplies the eyes, otocysts, ocular tentacles, lips, etc., and gives off on each side two nerves to form stomatogastric commis- sures (XII)) which surround the oesophagus immediately behind 428 MOLLUSCA. the buccal mass. This stomatogastric system (Fig. 343) consists of the two above-mentioned nerves (c.c) on each side, which pass forward from the cerebral ganglion to end in the two pharyngeal ganglia (ph. g). These are connected by a long anterior commissure (ant. com} which passes ventral to the mouth, and by a shorter posterior commis- sure, the buccal commis- sure (buc. phar. com. and b. com.) which is also ventral to the oesophagus, and contains in its course two buccal ganglia (buc.g.). The ganglia and commis- sures of the stomatogastric system supply the buccal mass. In the female there is an accessory ganglion supplying the inner ven- tral cephalic lobe, and connected with what has been called above the pedal ganglion (Fig. 342, /). bvc.phw con FIG. 343. Buccal nervous system of Nautilus pompilius (after Graham Kerr). ph.g pharyngeal ganglion ; buccal ganglion (buc.g ought to point to the swelling from which the nerves ph. n come off) ; c.c cerebro - pharyngeal connective; buc.phar.con bucco - pharyngeal connective ; ph.n pharyngeal nerves ; buccal commissure (stomatogastric) ; anterior pharyngeal commissure. It should be noted that the nerves to the cephalic arms come off rather high up on the anterior ring, and that the nerve to the funnel arises quite ventrally. In the Dibranchs the great nerve centres are com- pletely enclosed in the skull. As in Nautilus it is difficult to speak of special ganglia, for the whole mass is ganglionic. The part dorsal to the oesophagus we may call the cerebral ganglion (Fig. 344, 1); this gives off later- FIG. 344. Central nervous system of Ommatostrephes from the left side, magnified (after Pelseneer). a buccal mass ; 6 brachial ganglion ; c oesophagus ; d pedal ganglion ; e nerve of the funnel ; / position of the otocyst ; g pleuro- visceral ganglion ; h visceral nerve ; i posterior salivary gland ; j pallial nerve ; k optic nerve, cut ; I cerebral gan- glion ; m stomatogastric (buccaJ) ganglion ; n anterior part of the cerebral ganglion (suprabuccal) ; o anterior salivary Bland. CEPHALOPODA. 429 ally the great optic nerves (A;), and is continued at the sides of the oesophagus as a broad commissure, which leads to the sub-oesophageal mass. The sub-oesophageal mass is indistinctly divided into a posterior part, which is supposed to consist of the pleural and visceral ganglia (i.e., ganglia of the visceral com- missure) fused (g\ and an anterior comparable to the pedal of other types (d\ the anterior aorta passing ventralwards between the two. The pedal portion is generally divided into two parts, a portion behind the pedal proper supplying the funnel, and a brachial part (b) in front, supplying the arms. The cerebral ganglion is connected by two thin cords, or by one soon dividing into two, with a ganglion on the buccal mass called the supra- Imccal ganglion (Fig. 344, n; Fig. 345, b). This is to be regarded as a detached portion of the cerebral; it gives off the stomatogastric com- missure, which is completed ven- trally to the oesophagus in the infra-buccal ganglion (Fig. 344, m; Fig. 345, a), or buccal ganglion proper. The cerebral and the supra- buccal are both connected with the brachial or anterior part of the pedal by separate commissures (Figs. 344 and 345). In Octopus the supra- buccal ganglion is not separated from the cerebral. The pleuro-visceral portion of the sub-oesophageal gives off from the pleural portion two large pallial nerves (Fig. 344, j; Fig. 345, m) FIG. 345. Central nervous system of Ommatostrephes, dorsal view (after Hancock, from Pelseneer). o stomato- gastric (buccal) ganglion ; b anterior part of cerebral ganglion (suprabuccal) ; c optic ganglion ; d visceral ganglion ; e rectal nerve; / stellate ganglion (mantle ganglion) ; g commissural gan- glion of the visceral nerves ; h brachial ganglion ; i viscero - stomatogastric anastomosis; j stomach ganglion; k oesophageal stomatogastric nerves ; I commissure of the mantle ganglia ; m pallial nerve ; n visceral nerve ; o cere- bral ganglion, beneath which a probe indicates the passage of the oesophagus, and of the stomatogastric nerve from q to k; p brachial ganglion; q oeso- phageal stomatogastric nerve. 430 MOLLUSCA. to the mantle ganglion (ganglion stellatum), which are in some forms connected by a commissure (Fig. 345, Z) dorsal to the oeso- phagus, and from the visceral portion two visceral nerves, fused at their origin, to the viscera (Fig. 345, n). The visceral nerves join behind in a ganglion (g), which gives off a right and left nerve to the two brachial ganglia (p). The infra-buccal ganglion gives off a nerve backwards (Fig. 345, k, and Fig. 342, XI), which runs along the oesophagus and ends in a large ganglion on the stomach (j). This ganglion givts off a nerve which anastomoses with the visceral nerves (i). Organs of sense. Tactile sensibility is specially localized in the arms of Dibranchs and tentacles of Nautilus. There is an organ which is supposed to be olfactory, just ventral to the eye; it generally has the form of a pit (Sepia), but it may be tubercular. It is innervated from the cerebral ganglion. Osphradia are absent in Dibranchs, but are supposed to be present in Nautilus (see below). The otocysts in Nautilus are placed high up on the anterior ring close to the cerebral ganglion (Fig. 342, XI), and are sometimes described as being adjacent to the pedal centres ; they contain numerous otoconia. In Dibranchs they are embedded in the floor of the skull, and they form a kind of labyrinth, their walls being drawn out into short diverticula; they each contain one large otolith, and are innervated from the pedal ganglion by a nerve which arises from the cerebral. The tube which connects them with the exterior in the embryo persists as a caecal process from the otocyst. Damage to the otocysts of Cephalopoda has been found to interfere with their power of maintaining equilibrium. The eyes in most forms are extremely complicated in structure. In Nautilus, however, they are very simple, being altogether without refractive media, and consisting merely of a vesicle with an extremely narrow opening to the exterior. The lining of the vesicle constitutes the retina, and is continuous through the aperture with the external ectoderm ; it consists of two layers separated by a layer of pigment. The eye of Nautilus is therefore constructed on the principle of the pin-hole camera, there being a dark chamber lined by the sensitive membrane, and a minute hole for the entrance of light. In the Dibranchs (Fig. 346) the optic vesicle is closed, and its front wall secretes a cuticular biconvex lens (L) ; part of this lens is thrown down by the lining epithelium of the outer wall of the vesicle, and part of it by the outer ectoderm. The lens is therefore theoreti- cally in two parts, and is traversed by the front wall of the vesicle. CEPHALOPODA. 431 The front wall of the vesicle at the point where it runs into the lens is thickened, and constitutes the ciliary body (Ci). The outside skin is thrown into folds over the eye : internally there is a fold which covers over the ciliary body, and extends as far as the periphery of the lens; it is highly pigmented and constitutes the ifris (Jk). Outside this is another fold of much greater extent, which meets over the front of the lens ((7), and bounds a space the anterior optic chamber the inner wall of which is formed by the lens, iridean folds, and choroid. This fold constitutes the sclerotic and cornea; it is in the Oegopsida perforated by a small pore over the lens. Outside the skin may be again folded to form an eyelid. ___^ L At "Opt FIG. 346. Section through the eye of Sepia, diagrammatic after Hensen. Ae argentea externa ; C cornea ; Ci ciliary body ; Go optic ganglion ; Jk iris cartilage ; K cartilage of optic bulb ; KK cephalic cartilage ; L lens ; Opt optic nerve ; P pigment layer of retina ; Re outer layer of retina ; Ri inner layer of retina ; W white body. The \retina consists of two layers (Re and Ri), as in Nautilus, divided a layer of pigment (P), and the sensitive layer is that which lines the optic vesicle or posterior optic chamber (vitreous humour). The optic nerve comes from the large optic ganglion (Go), which is 'protected by the orbital expansion of the cephalic cartilage (KK). The clioroid is the internal continuation of the iris, and forms the inner wall of the deeper parts of the anterior optic chamber ; it 432 MOLLUSCA. Mxi is pigmented and contains from without inwards (1) a layer of epithelium,* (2) a layer of obliquely-placed plates called the argentea externa, (3) a layer of muscles, (4) the argentea interna, (5) a carti- laginous capsule (K), which lies next (6) the spreading out fibres of the optic nerve. At the side of the optic ganglion within the orbit is a glandular body called the white body ( W). Alimentary canal. The mouth, which is placed within the circlet of arms, is surrounded by a circular fold forming a kind of lip (Fig. 347, L\ and, in addition, in the Dibranchs by a membrane called the buccal membrane. The buccal membrane is in some Decapods divided into lobes alternating with the arms and bearing suckers. The entrance to the mouth is armed with two powerful horny jaws, an upper and a lower (Mxi, Mxs), which resemble in form a reversed parrot's beak, the lower jaw being the larger and overlapping the upper. The radula (Ha), which arises in a sheath, usually has in each row a median tooth and three teeth on each side, and there may be in addition, outside these, some flat, non-toothed 'plates (the radula is absent in Cirroteuthis). There is a sub-radular organ in front of the radula. The salivary glands (Spd) open into the buccal cavity; in Octopoda there are two pairs, of which the ventral is applied against the buccal mass, while the dorsal is dorsal to the skull. The ducts of the latter unite, and pass forwards with the oesophagus. In the Deca- pods the dorsal glands are alone present. * Not very distinct in the figure ; it is the inner lining of the space enclosed by the great cornea] sclerotic folds. M FIG. 347. Digestive apparatus of Sepia (after W. Keferstein). L lip ; Mxi, Mxs lower and upper jaws ; Ra radula ; Eg supra-buccal ganglion ; Spd salivary gland ; Oe oesophagus ; L liver ; Gg bile duct;(7spsplanchnic(stomach)ganglion; M stomach ; M 1 caecum of stomach ; A anus ; Tb ink sac. CEPHALOPODA. 433 The oesophagus (Oe), with or without a crop-like dilatation, is long and ends behind in the stomach (M), which is provided with a large, often spiral, caecum (M'). The intestine leaves the stomach close to the oesophageal entrance, and passes as a straight or^slightly coiled tube (Nautilus, Octopus) to the anus (A). FIG. 348. Male Nautilus, ventral view ; the mantle is draAvn back ; reduced, after Keferstein (from Pelseneer). a eye ; ft genital opening ; c opening of the anterior kidney ; d inter- branchial papilla ; e opening of the posterior kidney; /edge of mantle ; g postanal papilla ; h external opening of the pericardium ; i posterior gill ; j anus ; k anterior gill ; I funnel ; m tentaculiferous appendages. The liver (L) is a compact gland, and consists of two lobes, more or less united, one on each side of the oesophagus. The bile ducts (G-g) are two in number and covered by a glandular tissue called pancreatic, but really renal (see below) ; they open into the caecum of the stomach. 2 F 434 MOLLUSCA. In Nautilus the dorsal salivary glands are not present and the liver is less compact and in four lobes, each with its own bile duct. The ink sac (Tb), which is absent in Nautilus and Cirroteuthis, is a rectal gland. It is placed on the posterior side of the visceral sac close to the mantle-lining, and opens into the rectum. The perivisceral cavity is, as in Gastropods, partly coelomic and partly haemocoelic, but the coelomic portion has a much greater extension than in other Molluscs. The haemocoelic part of the body-cavity is best developed in Nautilus, where it forms a cavity, in relation with the crop, vena cava and one loop of the intestine ; it occupies the anterior side of the vis- ceral sac, and does not extend to the apex (which is occu- pied by genital coelom). It is traversed by connective- tissue strands, and commu- nicates with the vena cava by numerous foramina in the wall of the latter. In Di- branchs the haemocoele is less developed; in Octopods it has the form of a large sinus surrounding the oeso- phagus, dorsal salivary glands, bile ducts, and ante- rior aorta ; and communicates with the great vena cava. Also the cavity round the buccal mass is a blood space. The perivisceral part of the coelom is divided into two parts, which however communicate the so-called viscero-pericardial sac, corre- sponding to the pericardium of other types, and the genital portion. In Nautilus the viscero-pericardial cavity is in relation with the heart and pericardial gland, while the genital portion contains the gonad and has relations with the stomach and intestine. Both open to the exterior, the pericardium by two openings placed respectively just internally to the openings of the posterior nephridia (Fig. 348, Ji), while the genital opens by the single genital duct into the posterior FIG. 349. Diagram of the renal and circulatory apparatus of a Decapod, ventral view (after Pelseneer). I ctenidium; II renal sac; III afferent branchial vessel; IV branchial heart; V abdominal vein ; VI ventricle ; VII coelom ; VIII genital gland projecting into the genital part of the coelom, which in front is in relation with the heart as the viscero-pericardial coelom, and opens into the renal sac at XVII; IX posterior aorta ; X auricle ; XI appendage of branchial heart (pericardial gland) ; XII glan- dular tissue of the kidney ; XIII external opening of kidney ; ^7 V vena cava ; XV anterior aorta ; XVI branch of vena cava ; XVII reno-pericardial opening. CEPHALOPODA. 435 region of the mantle-cavity (Fig. 348, b). In Dibranchs (Fig. 349) the perivisceral part of the coelom is also in two communicating parts : (1) the genital division, which opens to the exterior by the genital duct, and is related only to the gonad; and (2) th^ viscero- pericardial which has relations to the heart, stomach, intestine, branchial hearts, and pericardial glands (Decapoda), and does not open to the exterior. In Octopoda (Fig. 350) the viscero-pericardial coelom is prac- tically absent, being reduced to a small space ( VI) on each side round the glandular appen- dages of the branchial heart ( pericardial glands), which opens ( VII) into the nephridiuill ^ IG ' ^^. Diagram of the coelom of a female Octopus, ventral . (posterior) view (from Pelseneer, after Brock). / branchial heart ; and COm muni- JI canal connecting the genital and visceral parts of the coelom; Cates bv a narrow ^^ oy iducts 5 J^oviducal gland ; V appendage of branchial heart; VI perivisceral (pericardial) coelom ; VII reno-pericardial opening ; Canal (//) with VIII ovary ; IX genital coelom. the apically- placed genital division of the coelom. In Dibranchs the perivisceral (viscero-pericardial) part of the coelom also communicates with the kidneys, and not directly with the exterior (Fig. 349, XVII), whereas in Nautilus it has no opening into the kidney. The branchiae have the form of two (Dibranchiata) or four (TetrabrancJiiata) bilamellate ctenidia, which are placed on the visceral sac in the mantle-cavity, and are not ciliated. In Nautilus they project freely and the posterior are a little larger than the anterior; in Dibranchs they are attached to the body along one side of the axis. Osphradia are absent in Dibranchs, but in Nautilus there are two pairs of papillae in the mantle-cavity, which are supposed to repre- sent them. The anterior pair is between the two pairs of gills (Fig. 348, d), while the posterior osphradia* are the so-called post- anal papillae placed near together on the mantle between the renal sacs and the nidamental glands in the female, and in the same * Vide A. Willey, Q. J. M. S., 40, 1897. 436 MOLLUSCA. position in the male (Willey). They are innervated by branches of the visceral nerves. Vascular system. The heart lies in the viscero-pericardial cavity (except in the Octopoda), and is placed at about the middle of the vis- ceral sac. It consists of a median ventricle and of as many lateral auricles as there are gills (Fig. 351). A large anterior (ventral) aorta passes off from the ventricle, and gives in its course strong branches to the mantle, alimentary canal and funnel, and breaks up in the head into vessels to the cephalic organs. A posteriorly (dorsally) directed visceral artery also leaves the ventricle, supplying the viscera and gonad. The capillary network, which is richly developed in all the organs, passes partly into sinuses, partly into veins which are col- lected through lateral veins into a large anterior and a pos- terior vena cava. Each of these bi- furcates into two or four trunks (accord- ing to the number of the gills) which carry the blood through the kidneys to the gills. Im- mediately before their entrance into the gills, the walls of these afferent branchial vessels are (except in Nautilus) especially muscular and rhythmically contractile, and con- stitute the branchial hearts. The glandular appendages of the branchial hearts are the pericardia! glands. In Nautilus the vascular system is largely lacunar, but in Dibranchs capillaries are developed, though these may end in sinuses which open into the veins ; in Octopoda especially there is a large sinus already described, which opens into the anterior vena cava. FIG. 351. Circulatory and renal organs of Sepia officinalis from the dorsal (anterior) side (after Hunter), Ad and Ao" anterior and posterior aorta ; Ap appendage of the branchial heart : At, At' auricles ; Br gills ; C ventricle ; Kh branchial heart; N renal appendages of the veins; V lateral vein; Vbr afferent branchial vessels ; Vc', Vc" anterior and posterior vena cava. CEPHALOPODA. 437 The excretory organs lie on the posterior side of the visceral sac close to the mantle-cavity, into which they open. In Dibranchs they are two in number and are either completely separate (Octopoda), or they are connected together, generally through an anfyBriorly and dorsally-placed portion which is of considerable extent and lies close under the shell. This unpaired portion contains the so-called pan- creatic tissue of the bile ducts, and is in relation with these structures. The anterior and posterior afferent branchial vessels run in the walls of these kidney sacs on their way to the gills, and give off blind diverticula which project into the cavities of the kidneys. The kidney epithelium, which is flattened over the rest of the sac, is especially glandular on these vascular diverticula (Fig. 349, XII) and secretes the waste matter in the form of concretions which largely consist of guanin. Each kidney opens into the mantle-cavity through a papilla placed not far from the anus, and into the pericardial coelom by a pore not far from the external opening. In Nautilus there are four kidneys which open to the exterior; one pair opens just anterior (i.e., ventral) to the anterior gills, and the other pair just anterior to the posterior gills and close to the openings of the pericardium ; they are without any internal opening into the coelom. The four afferent branchial vessels run in the wall separating the four kidneys from the pericardium, and give off diverticula, which are covered with glandular tissue, into the peri- cardium as well as into the renal sacs. The four tufts of glandular processes thus projecting into the pericardium constitute the peri- cardial gland, and are larger than the corresponding processes on the opposite side of the septa projecting into the renal sacs. The kidneys and gills of Nautilus have been spoken of in the text as anterior and posterior, but it must be borne in mind that, oAving to the fact that the part of the body in which they lie has been prolonged ventrally in the mantle- fold, the posterior kidney and gill are really ventral, i.e., nearer to the mouth than the anterior, which are placed just at the point where the mantle-fold is given off from the body. The pericardium, which is also in the mantle- fold, is actually posterior to the kidneys, and the posterior walls of the kidney -sacs form the anterior wall of the pericardium ; but it must be remembered that morphologically the pericardium is dorsal to, i.e., nearer the apex of the visceral sac than, the kidneys. The Cephalopoda are dioecious. The sexes present external differ- ences, which are sometimes very marked. In many cases the males are much smaller than the females, as in Argonauta, in which genus 438 MOLLUSCA. the female is further distinguished from the male by possessing a shell. In Nautilus there are considerable differences in the number and arrangement of the cephalic tentacles (see above p. 421) ; and in all Dibranchs one of the arms of the male is different from the rest and said to be hectocotylized (see p. 420). The sexual gland is single, and at the apex of the visceral sac. It is in both sexes a special development of a portion of the epithelium lining the genital division of the coelom. The sexual cells are dehisced into the coefcmi and pass out by the genital ducts, which open into the coelom and possess accessory glands on their course. The generative duct of one side is usually suppressed or vestigial. In Nautilus in both sexes the right duct persists, and the left is vestigial, having lost its internal opening but retained the external. In all male Dibranchs the left duct is alone present ; this is also the case in all females excepting the Oegopsida and Octopoda (except Cirroteuthis), in which both oviducts are present in functional develop- ment. In Nautilus the genital coelom communicates with the pericardial by three openings in the septum which separates them, and the stomach and intestine project into it. The genital gland is a hollow structure, and is to be regarded as a folded -off portion of the genital coelom, to the ante- rior wall of which it is attached ; it opens into the genital coelom close to the openings of this latter struc- ture into the pericardium. The reproductive cells are produced from the lining of the genital gland, and in the female the ripening ova, covered with their follicle cells and the flat cells of the peritoneum, project into its cavity. In the male the walls of the genital gland are folded so as to give rise to a number of branched tubes, which open into the central cavity of the organ. The genital duct in both FIG. 352. Male sexual organs of Sepia officinalis (after Duvernoy, modified from Grobben). T testis with a piece of peritoneum ; To opening of the testicular tubes into the coelom ; Vd vas deferens ; opening of the vas deferens into the body-cavity ; Vs vesictila seminalis ; Pr prostate ; Sp Needhain's sac ; Oe generative opening. CEPHALOPODA. 439 sexes opens into the coelom close to the opening of the genital gland, and into the mantle-cavity to the right side of the middle line on the oral side of the anus ; while the vestigial left duct opens to the left as the so-called pyriform organ. The vas deferens has an accessory gland and a spermatophore sac, and opens at the end of a papilla the so-called penis. In Dibranchs the genital glands and genital coelom are much as hi Nautilus, except that the latter has no relation to the alimentary canal. The oviduct possesses an oviducal gland in its course, and opens into the mantle-cavity on the left side, or when two are present symmetrically on both sides. FIG. 353. Sper- matophore of Sepia (after M. Edwards). Oe McL FIG. 354. Posterior view of visceral sac of a female Sepia partly dissected (after Grobben). Ad accessory nida-- mental gland ; .4/anus ; Gst stellate ganglion ; K gills ; Kh branchial heart ; Kha pericardial gland (appendage of branchial heart); Lk tube from peri visceral coelom to the kidney (renal coelom), often called the aquiferous canal ; N kidney ; Nd nidamental gland ; Od oviduct ; Od. D oviducal gland ; Oe external opening of oviduct ; Ov ovary in the genital coelom which has been opened ; U ureter. The vas deferens opens at the same place as the oviduct, but has a much more complicated structure. In Sepia we get the following parts (Fig. 352) : (1) a coiled narrow tube ( Vd) which opens into the genital coelom, (2) a long dilated vesicula seminalis (Vs) with two prostatic glands opening into its terminal portion (Pr}, (3) a spacious sac, known as Needham's sac, in which the sperma- tophores are stored, and which opens into the mantle-cavity at the apex of a papilla placed on the left side. 440 MOLLUSCA. The nidamental glands are accessory glands of the female, which secrete the egg envelopes and open into the mantle-cavity. In Nautilus there is a single gland in the mantle-wall dorsally. In Decapoda they are in the anterior wall of the mantle-cavity superficial to the kidneys, and there are generally two pairs the ventral being the smaller (Fig. 354, Ad, Nd). The eggs are surrounded (Argonauta, Octopus, Sepia) by capsules with long stalks, which are united together in racemose masses (so- called sea-grapes), and fastened to foreign objects in the sea. In other cases the eggs are aggregate^ in gelatinous tubes which may be attached together in great numbers (Loligo). In Argonauta they are placed in the shell. The spermatopliores (Fig. 353) are manufactured in the male generative ducts. They are elongated, vermiform bodies containing spermatozoa, and often presenting a most elaborate structure. In Dibranchs they may be described as tubes containing spermatozoa at one end, and a piston and spiral elastic spring at the other. We may presume that under proper conditions the spiral spring elongates and drives down the piston, which then expels the spermatozoa. The spermatophore are sometimes very long : in Eledone 8 centi- metres, in Octopoda with autotomous hectocotylus they may attain a length of 50 centimetres; and in Nautilus, in which they are coiled on themselves, they may be more than 30 centimetres long. In the Dibranchs one of the arms of the male is always modi- fied, or hedocotylized as it is called, for purposes of copulation. In the Decapoda it is usually the fourth left arm ; but in Enoplo- teuthis it is the fourth right, and it may vary from the fourth right to the fourth left in the same species ; in Idiosepius and Spirula both right and left fourth arms are modified, and in Spirula en- closed in a common envelope ; in Octopoda it is usually the third right, but in Scaeurgus and Argo- nauta it is the third left, and the second right in Cirroteuthis. In most cases the modification con- sists mainly in a reduction of the suckers, and the arm is not de- tached ; it affects the extremity of the arm in Enoploteuthis, Eledone, FIG. 355. Male of Argonauta argo (after H. Miiller). He hectocotylized arm. CEPHALOPODA. 441 Octopus; its base in Sepia, its whole length in Idiosepius and Rossia, and Loliolus. But in three genera, Philonexis, Tremoctopus, and Argonauta,. the modification is much more extensive, and the arm affected is charged with spermatozoa, cast off, and deposited in the mantle-cavity of the female (see above). This is called an autotomous hectocotylus. The modification is as follows : before sexual congress the arm in question is represented by a somewhat globular sac, which consists of flaps of the basal part of the arm wrapped round the distal part. Soon this sac bursts and allows the distal part and the suckers of the basal part to appear (Fig. 355). The distal part thus set free has at its end a small sac, which in its turn bursts and allows a long terminal filament to issue. The folds which formed the first-named sac, give rise to a receptacle on the aboral side of the arm, which becomes charged with spermatophores. This spermatophore receptacle communicates with a small vesicle in the base of the arm, which leads into a long canal extending along the arm and filament, and opening at the end of the latter. How this arm, which is deposited in the mantle-cavity of the female, is used in fertilization, and how it becomes charged with spermatophores is not known. After the arm is detached a new encysted arm is said to be formed on the scar. Those Cephalopoda which are without this autotomous hectocotylus are said to copulate mouth to mouth, the modified arm being used to affix the spermato- phores to the buccal membrane, or to transfer them to the mantle-cavity of the female. In Sepia and Loligo spermatophores are found in the pockets in the buccal membrane, and in Nautilus within the annular lobe of the head (v. p. 421). Development. The egg of all Cephalopoda is large and heavily charged with yolk. This is the case even with Nautilus, as may be gathered from the ovarian egg, for the laid egg"* of Nautilus has never been found. There is no larval stage, not even a trace of the velum, and the young are hatched with the form of the adult. The development is therefore very different from that of other molluscs. In Dibranchs the cleavage is partial, and confined to one pole of the egg ; as in the bird's egg it gives rise to a blastoderm or germinal disc, which in the subsequent development is raised more and more from the subjacent yolk. Soon several projections appear on the embryonic rudiment (Fig. 356). First in the centre of the germ a flattened circular ridge is formed round a central depression ; the ridge is the mantle, and the depression is the shell-gland. In Octopoda (Argonauta] the shell -gland seems to shallow out and disappear, but in Decapods it becomes closed over and persists as a sac in which the shell is deposited. On each side of the mantle the two parts of the funnel (Tr), which even in Dibranchs are separate in the embryo, appear; and between these and the mantle the gills (r). Also laterally, but external to the folds of the funnel, the first traces of the head appear as two pairs of elongated lobes, of which the * Since this was written, the eggs of Nautilus have been found by Dr. Arthur Willey, the Balfour student of the University of Cambridge (Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. 60, 1897, p. 467). The eggs, which are laid singly, are enclosed in a double capsule of cartilaginous consistency. The ovum is very large (17 mm. in its longest diameter) and is surrounded by albumen. 442 MOLLUSCA FIG. 356. Embryonic development of Sepia officinalis (after Kolliker). a, view of germinal disc from above ; the commencing embryo lying on the yolk ; Br gills ; Tr folds of the funnel ; Oc eye; M mantle, b, somewhat later stage, from the front ; D yolk ; Kl' anterior, Kl" pos- terior cephalic lobe ; mouth, c, later stage, from the side ; 1-k first rudiments of arms, d, older stage from the front ; 5 fifth pair of arms. e, still later stage in lateral view ; the halves of the funnel have united. anterior external pair bear the eyes (Oc). On the outer edge of the disc papilliform structures are formed, the first rudiments of the arms. In the later growth of this abso- lutely symmetrical embryo, the Cephalopod form becomes gradu- ally more and more apparent : the mantle projects considerably, and grows over the gills and two parts of the funnel, which fuse to form the definite funnel. The cephalic FIG. 357. Almost ripe embryo of Sepia officinalis from the dorsal (anterior) face (after Kolliker). Ds yolk sac. lobes grow together between the mouth and funnel, and on their oral sides become more sharply constricted off from the yolk, which, with a few exceptions, persists for some time as a yolk sac. The yolk sac is attached between the mouth and anus, and may be regarded in the later stages as a swollen up portion of the foot. It should be noted that the embryo is formed on the dorsal side of the yolk sac, and never completely surrounds it. TETRABRANCHIATA. 443 Order 1. TETRABRANCHIATA.* Cephalopoda with four gills in the mantle-cavity. The appendages of the head are peculiar, consisting of a number of lobes carrying sheathed tentacles ; they are described on p. 421. The cephalic cartilage, instead of forming a complete ring, consists of two horse-shoe-shaped limbs, on which the central parts of the nervous system lie. The eyes are without a lens or other refractive media. The funnel is formed of two lobes which are not fused. There is no ink sac. The ctenidia are four in number, as also are the branchial vessels, auricles, and kidneys, and probably the osphradia. The pericardium has a pair of external openings, and does not communicate with the kidneys. There is a multilocular external shell, in the last chamber of which the animal lies. It is secreted by the mantle and covers the visceral sac. Its chambers are filled with air and are traversed by a siphon. The shell consists of an external, frequently coloured, calcareous, porcellanous layer, and an internal mother-of -pearl layer. The position and structure of the siphon, as well as the form of the septa, and the lines of fusion of the latter with the shell, afford important characters for the classification of the fossil Tetrabran- chiates. There is only one living genus confined to the Indian and Pacific Oceans, but the extinct members of the order are numerous and important. The siphon (or siphuncle) in Nautilus may have a complete but thin nacreous investment, or only a partial one next one face of the septa, in which case it is called a septal neck (Fig. 338, Sf). In most Nautilidae the septal necks project from the sides of the septa which look towards the apex of the shell, while in the Ammonitidae they are, as a rule, on the other sides of the septa. The siphuncle varies in position ; it may perforate the centre of the septa, in which case it is central or sub-central (Nautilidae}, or it may be marginal, on the outer side of the septa (Ammonitidae). The suture is the name given to the line of union of the edge of the septum with the shell- wall. In the Nautilidae the sutures are uniformly curved or straight ; in Ammonitidae they are exceed- ingly complex, being folded into a number of lobes with the concavity towards the aperture ; the parts of the suture between the lobes are called the saddles, * R. Owen, " Memoir on the Pearly Nautilus" London, 1832. J. Van der Hoeven, "Bydraagen tot de ontleedkundige Kennis aangaande Nautilus pompilius," Verhandel. k. Akad. Amsterdam, diel 3, 1856. T. H. Huxley, ''On some points in the Anatomy of Nautilus pompilius," Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc., London, 3, 1859. Keferstein, "Beitr. z. Anat. d. Nautilus pomp.," Nachrichtsbl. k. Ges, wiss. Qottingen, 1865. Lankester and Bourne, "On the existence of Spengel's olfactory organ and of paired genital ducts in the Pearly Nautilus," Q. J. M. S., vol. 23, 1883. J. Graham Kerr, "On some points in the Anatomy of Nautilus pompilius,"' Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1895. A. AVilley, Q. J. M. S., 39, 40. 444 MOLLUSCA. and are convex towards the aperture. The lobes and saddles may be themselves secondarily folded or denticulated (Ammonites'), or the lobes alone, the saddles being round (Ceratites}. The Aptychus of the Ammonitidae is a calcareous or horny plate, which was probably secreted by the hood and served as an operculum ; it may be a single plate, or divided by a suture into two (Synaptychus). Fam. 1. Nautilidae. Shell straight, or coiled ; aperture simple. Septa concave towards aperture ; suture simple ; siphon usually central, or internal. From Cambrian to present day; attained their highest development in Devonian and Silurian. Orthoceras and Nautilus alone persist beyond the Palaeozoic epoch. Nautilus L., sole living genus, N. fompilius L. ; Orthoceras Breynius, shell straight, lower Silurian to Lias. Fam. 2. Ammonitidae. Shell of various forms, straight to spiral or turretted. Septa much folded, suture complex ; siphon external. Extinct ; Silurian to Eocene. Goniatites De Haan ; Ceratites De Haan ; Ammonites Bruguiere. Order 2. DIBRANCHIATA.* Cephalopoda with two gills in the mantle-cavity. The appendages are four pairs of arms with suckers on their oral faces; in the Decapoda there are, in addition, two long, prehensile, tentacle-like arms with suckers at their extremities only, placed between the third and fourth arms. The cephalic cartilage constitutes a complete investment for the -central nerve-organs. The eyes are elaborate, and have refractive media. The lobes of the funnel are fused. An ink-sac is generally present. The ctenidia are two in number, as are the branchial vessels, auricles, and kidneys. There are no osphradia. The kidneys open internally into the pericardium, and the latter has no external opening. The shell is in many forms completely absent; in the rest it is internal, or partly internal, and never protective to the visceral sac. Sub-order 1. DECAPODA. In addition to the eight arms there are two long tentacles between the third and fourth pairs of arms (ventral). The suckers are stalked and provided with a horny rim. The eyes are without a sphincter-like lid. The mantle bears two lateral fins, and there is a well-developed apparatus for closing the mantle- opening. An internal shell is present. The heart is contained in the coelom. Nidamental glands are generally present. Fam. 1. Ommatostrephidae. Tentacular arms short and broad; suckers with toothed ring. Ommatostrcphes Gray, sagittated calamary, is able to * Hancock, "On certain points in the Anatomy and Physiology of the Dibranchiate Cephalopoda," Nat. Hist. Jteview, 1861. R. Owen, "Supple- mentary Observations on the Anatomy of Spirilla Australis," Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (3), 3, 1879. T. H. Huxley and P. Pelseneer, "Report on Spirilla," Challenger Reports, Pt. 83 (bound in at the end of the second volume of the "Summary of Results"). OCTOPODA. 445 project itself for long distances from the water and is not unfrequently found on the decks of ships ; Ctenopteryx Appellof ; Chaunoteuthis Appellof ; Arclii- teuthis Steenstrup, includes the largest Cephalopoda known. The Thysanoteuthidae are allied here. Fam. 2. Onychoteuthidae. Tentacular arms long ; suckers with, hooks. Onychoteuthis Lichtenstein, the uncinated calamary, with hooks on the tentacular arms, and a small group of suckers at the base of each club, enabling them to act like forceps. Enoploteuthis d'Orb., armed calamary, with hooks on all the arms (as well as suckers). Verania Krohn, tentacular arms atrophied in the adult. The Gonatidae (Gonatus Gray) are allied here. Fam. 3. Chiroteuthidae. Tentacular arms very long, pen expanded at each end. Chiroteuthis d'Orb. ; Histioteuthis d'Orb. ; Histiopsis Hoyle ; Calliteuthis Verr.; Doratopsis Rochebrune. Fam. 4. Cranchiidae. Arms very short ; fins terminal, small ; eyes pro- jecting. Loligopsis Lam. ; Histioteuthis d'Orb. ; Cranchia Leach ; Leachia Les. ;. Taonius Steenstrup. The above-named four families constitute the Oegopsida, which are character- ized by their pelagic habit, by the possession of a perforated cornea, and by the presence of two oviducts. Fam. 5. Spirulidae. Female with a single oviduct (right) and two nida- mental glands. Shell spiral, coils not touching, multilocular, with internal siphon, partly internal, enclosed in two lobes of the mantle ; it is coiled ventrally (Fig. 339), i.e. in the opposite way to that of Nautilus. Without rostrum and proostracum. Spirula Lam.; &'. Peronii Lam., Pacific Ocean, probably abyssal. Fam. 6. Belemnitidae. Arms with hooks, shell multilocular, straight, probably internal, with rostrum and proostracum. Extinct. Lias to Cretaceous. Belemnites Breyn. Fam. 7. Sepiolidae. Body short, rounded dorsally ; fins rounded, inserted somewhat on anterior surface of visceral sac, midway. Sepiola Leach ; JKossia Owen ; Stoloteuthis Verrill ; Inioteuthis Verrill. The Idiosepiidae (Idiosepius Steenstrup smallest cephalopod known) and Sepiadariidae are allied here. Fam. 8. Loliginidae. Body elongated, conical ; fins terminal, rhombic ; pen lanceolate. Loligo Lam. , calamary ; the pens increase in number with age ;. several are found in old specimens (Owen, in Todd's Cyclopaedia of Anatomy and Physiology, vol. i. p. 546). Sepiotcuthis Blainville ; Loliolus Steenstrup. Fam. 9. Sepiidae. Body flattened, broad ; fins narrow, elongated, shell internal calcareous. Sepia L., cuttle-fish. The families Sepiolidae, Loliginidae, Sepiidae constitute the group Myopsida characterized by their unperforated cornea and single oviduct (left). Sub-order 2. OCTOPODA. With eight arms, without tentacular arms. The suckers are sessile. Eyes relatively small, with sphincter-like lid. Shell absent. The heart does not project into coelom. Oviduct paired. Nidamental glands absent. Funnel without valve. Mantle without sucker-like apparatus for closing mantle- opening. 446 MOLLUSC A. Fara. 1. Cirrhoteuthidae. Arms united by a membrane and carrying on each side of the suckers filamentous appendages ; radula absent ; deep water. Cirrho- teuthis Eschricht. Fam. 2. Amphitretidae. Mantle fused with funnel in median line, leaving two openings into mantle-cavity. Amphitretus Hoyle. Fam. 3. Octopodidae. Arms alike, more or less webbed ; often without fins. Octopus Cuv. poulpe ; Scaeurgus Trosch. ; Eledone Leach; Pinnoclopus d'Orb., with fins ; Alloposus Verrill. Fam. 4. Argonautidae. Female with a null ocular spiral shell (Fig. 335); males very small ; hectocotylized arm autotomous (Fig. 355). Argonauta L., the paper-nautilus. Fam. 5. Philonexidae. Hectocotylized arm autotomous ; other arms all alike in the two sexes ; large aquiferous pores near the head and funnel. Philonexis d'Orb.; Tremoctopus Delle Chiaje. CHAPTER XI. ANNELIDA. Segmented worms in which the perivisceral cavity is a part of the coelom. They almost all possess chitinous setae embedded in and secreted by pits of the skin. The Annelida include the segmented worms. They differ from the Arthropoda, which in many respects they resemble, by the possession of a perivisceral division of the coelom. In other words the body-cavity is a part of the coelom. In this respect and in the arrangement of the central nervous system, and in the wide-spread occurrence of the trochosphere larva, they approach the Mollusca. They differ, however, from the Mollusca in the fact that the body is segmented. This segmentation, which is exhibited by a considerable number of organs, proceeds from and is based upon the mesoblastic somites in the embryo. The Annelida possess a dermo-muscular body-wall; that is to say, muscular tissue enters largely into the composition of the integument. In consequence of this fact the body-wall is always extremely contractile, and the body shrinks considerably when the animals are placed in spirit. They all possess chitinous spines the setae, which are secreted by the ectoderm and are embedded in pits of the skin. These setae are very conspicuous in the class Chaetopoda, less so in the classes Hirudinea, Echiuroidea, and Archiannelida. The alimentary canal is tubular, and generally straight : it opens by a mouth which is placed on the ventral surface of the front end, and by an anus which is terminal, or subterminal and dorsal. The head consists of the anterior -part of the body, on the ventral side of which the mouth is placed. It is divided, very often by a mark, into a preoral portion the prestomium and a postoral portion, which is called the peristomium. The prestomium is sometimes called the first segment, but in the enumeration of segments the peristomium is counted as the first (Fig. 358). 448 ANNELIDA. "Whether the prestomium should be regarded as a segment or not is a disputed question, and one which can only be settled by a study of development. Un- fortunately Embryology speaks with an uncertain voice on this point in the Annelida ; but from our knowledge of the Arthropoda we are inclined to the view that the preoral part of the body does contain at least one pair of mesoblastic somites (or their equivalent) the only real test of a segment which are serially homologous with the other somites. This is clearly shown in the embryo of Peripatus, in which the somites of the preoral region possess the rudi- ments of a nephtidium, and send extensions into the Z. -6 preoral appendages called antennae ; just as the posterior somites are prolonged into the legs. The prestomium is sometimes quite small and inconspicuous ; it may however be large and much elongated into a proboscis-like organ, as in Nais lacustris and the Echiuroidea. In some cases it bears special sensory appendages called tentacles and palps. It sometimes happens in the Polychaeta that a certain number of body segments are fused with the peristomium, forming a secondary composite head. The central nervous system consists of two nervous tracts, mainly ventral and called the nerve cords. These are generally closely approxi- mated in the middle ventral line over the greater part of their course, but sometimes they are FIG. 358. Anterior end of Polygordius nea- pciitanus, seen in widely separated (some Polychaeta sedentaria), tinction between the prestomium and peristomium, and be- tween the peristo- mium and the next segment is clearly fhe difr and in the Echiuroidea the ventral parts of them are fused to form a single ventral cord. But in all forms, even in those in which there is com- plete union between them behind, they separate from one another in front, and embracing the anterior P art of the alimentary canal become con- tinuous with one another on the dorsal side at the front end of the body. The ventral portions of these cords are almost always swollen at segmental intervals into the so-called ganglia, from which the nerves generally proceed, and there is universally a single or bilobed swelling at the point where they are continuous with one another dorsal to the alimentary canal. This dorsal swelling (or swellings) is called the cerebral ganglion (or ganglia), or brain : the nerves which pass out from it (or rather which enter it) are the sensory nerves of the anterior end of the body, and of ANNELIDA. 449 the important sense organs there located. The first swelling on the ventral cord is called the sub-oesophageal ganglion, and the sub- sequent swellings the ventral ganglia. The ganglionated condition is not due to the exclusive presence of nerve cells at certain points, for, as in the Vertebrata, nerve cells are found along the whole length of the central organ; but is rather due to the fact that there are more nerve cells and more nerve fibres in the ganglia than elsewhere, in consequence of the fact that the nerve fibres do not as a rule pass out all along the cords, but are gathered up into bundles, and leave the ventral cords at any rate at segmental intervals. The central nervous system is generally separated from the ectoderm and placed within the muscular layer, but in the Archiannelida and in one or two Chaetopoda it lies in and forms part of the ectoderm. A vascular system is nearly always, probably always, present. It has a canalicular character, and the principal vessels are the dorsal and subintestinal longitudinal vessels. The perivisceral cavity is a portion of the coelom. It is derived from the paired cavities of the mesoblastic somites of the embryo, which swell up and surround the intestine. Primitively therefore the body-cavity is divided into a series of paired cavities, the walls of which are in contact with the walls of the somites anterior and posterior to them in the series, and with the walls of their fellows of the opposite side dorsal and ventral to the alimentary canal. Two kinds of septa are thus formed, the one separating the cavities of somites adjacent to each other in the series : these are the transverse septa found running between the body-wall and the gut-wall in many Chaetopoda ; and the other separating the cavities of the two somites of a pair on the dorsal and ventral side of the alimentary canal : these are the dorsal and ventral longitudinal mesenteries, which also run between the body-wall and the gut-wall, but in a longitudinal direction. These two kinds of coelomic septa are found coexisting in the Archiannelida^ and possibly in one or two Chaetopods, but as a general rule the dorsal and ventral mesenteries break down in the adult, so that the two sides of the body-cavity become continuous with each other on the dorsal and ventral sides of the alimentary canal; while the transverse septa, though more often found in the adult (Oligocliaeta and some Polychaeta), also generally break down either partially or completely, so that the perivisceral cavity becomes a continuous space from end to end of the animal (Echiuroidea, some Polychaeta). In the Hirudinea the coelom generally (Acantliobdella 2 G 450 ANNELIDA. excepted) becomes more or less broken up into a system of com- municating spaces. The renal organs, called nephridia, are portions of the coelom, though this is not so obviously the case as in certain other groups (e.g., Vertebrata, Peripatus, Mollusca). Still they almost always retain a communication with the rest of the coelom in the ne- phrostome or ciliated coelomic funnel (Cliaetogaster and one or two other forms excepted). They almost always have a tubular form, and open externally on 4he ventro- lateral surface of the body. As might be surmised from the condition of the coelom in the. embryo, they share in the segmentation of the body ; and, moreover, with regard to them it should be noted that they very rarely (Echiuroidea, Sternaspis, Chlorliaemidae) lose their relation to the segmentation of the body. As a general rule there is a single pair of nephridia in each segment, but this rule is sometimes departed from in the Chaetopoda, where there may be more than one pair in a segment (Perichaetidae, Acanthodrilidae, Capitettidae.) In a few cases some of the anterior and posterior nephridia shift their external openings from the outer surface of the body into the anterior and posterior end of the alimentary canal. This is seen in some Oligockaeta (so-called pepto-nephridia), and in the case of one posterior pair in the Echiuroidea (anal vesicles). The generative organs are always products of the coelomic walls, being thickened patches of the coelomic epithelium. Occasionally, in the male more often than in the female, the generative section of the coelom is cut off from the rest by special membranes. This is seen in the sperm-reservoirs of some Oligocliaeta. The generative ducts open into the coelom, and have, of course, a tubular character with ciliated internal openings. Sometimes they are distinct from the nephridia (Oligochaeta), but, as a rule, some or all of the nephridia are used for the exit of the generative products, thus combining a renal and generative function. This association of the generative and excretory functions in the carrying apparatus is, of course, to be connected with the fact that these two functions are discharged by the same organ, viz., the coelom ; it is a feature characteristic on the whole of all coelomate animals (cf. Vertebrata). The Annelida are for the most part aquatic animals, but terrestrial forms are known (earth worms). Their eggs are sometimes laid, several together, in a cocoon (Hirudinea and Oligochaeta), but, as a general rule they are ARCHIANNELIDA. 451 deposited in the water, with but little more protection than is afforded by the vitelline membrane. In the former case the development is direct and there is no larval stage, the development taking place at the expense of albuminous matter, which is included in the cocoon. But in the latter case the young undergo only a small part of their develop- ment in the egg-membranes, and are hatched out as larvae at an early stage, to undergo the rest of their development in the free-swimming state. The larval form, most commonly, one may almost say invariably, found, is that called the trochosphere, This larval form, which we have already met with in Mollusca, is fully described further on. The larva of Polygordius, which is known as the larva of Loven, is a typical trochosphere (Fig. 360), and the larvae of many Chaetopoda, and of Echiuroidea (Fig. 431), are typical trochospheres. The Annelida are classified as follows : CLASS 1. ARCHIANNELIDA. 2. CHAETOPODA. Order 1. Polychaeta. 2. Oligochaeta. CLASS 3. HIRUDINEA. 4. ECHIUROIDEA (GEPHYREA ARMATA). For reasons fully stated in the sequel, we have thought it necessary to break up the old group Gephyrea, and to exclude some of its divisions (Sipunculoidea, Priapuloidea, Phoronis) from the Annelida. The Echiuroidea, however, we retain as being obviously true Annelids. Class I. ARCHIANNELIDA.* Marine Chaetopoda ivithout setae or parapodia. There are two genera in this order, Polygordius Schn. and Proto- drilus Hatschek, the former found in sand of European seas, and the latter in the sand of an inland sea-lake at Faro near Messina. They are elongated and thread-like, and are entirely without setae or parapodia. The head has two tentacles and two ciliated pits (Fig. 358). The segmentation is but faintly marked externally, by slight * Fraipont, " Le Genre Polygordius," Fauna and Flora d. Golfes v. Neapel xiv., 1887. Hatschek, " Protodrilus," Arb. Zool. InsL Wien, 3, 1881. Weldon, "Dinophilus Gigas," Q. J. M. S., 1886, 27. Harmer, " Dinophilus," Journ. Mar. Biol. Ass., New Series, 1, 1889. For a description of Polygordius see T. J. Parker, Lessons in Elementary Biology, London, 1891. 452 ANNELIDA. grooves in Polygordius, and by ciliated rings in Protodrilus. There is a median ciliated groove extending along the ventral surface of Protodrilus. The segmentation is homonomous and is marked by the coelomic septa (Fig. 361, d). There are no circular muscles in the body-wall. The cerebral ganglion is in the preoral lobe, and the ventral cords lie in the epidermis (Fig. 359), and are without ganglionic swellings ; in Protodrilus they are separated, one being placed on each FIG. 359. Polygordius neapolitamts. b, dorsal view of head and anterior part of body, showing the ciliated pits, c, hind end showing the last three segments, and the anal segment with a circle of papillae, and the anus (after Fraipont). side of the ventral groove; while in Polygwdius* they are fused. There is in Polygordius a very short eversible buccal region followed by an oesophagus, which does not extend beyond the head (peri- stomial part). In Protodrilus there is a U-shaped muscular tube placed ventral to, and opening into the oesophagus. There is a dorsal and ventral mesentery, and oblique longitudinal septa passing across the body-cavity on each side from the region >, * In Polygordius there is a fine canal in the ventral cord, which is said to be a remnant of the ventral ciliated groove of the larva. ARCHIANNBLIDA. 453 FIG. 360. Transverse section through the body of Protodrilus (after Hat- schek). S, S the two ventral nerve cords ; G ganglionic layer of the same ; D alimentary canal ; N ne- phridium ; M oblique muscular sheets (transverse muscles); Ov ova. The dorsal and ventral mesen- teries are shown. of the nerve cord to the lateral body-walls (Fig. 359), and in Protodrilus the body-cavity is traversed by a sparse reticulum. There is a pair of simple nephridia in each segment, opening internally into the preceding segment; the first pair opens into the body-cavity of the hinder part of the head in Protodrilus. The vascular system consists of a dorsal vessel in the dorsal mesentery, and a ventral in the ventral mesentery, and of connecting vessels. The blood is red, yellow, or green, or colourless. The generative organs are developed from the coelomic epithelium, and are discharged into the body-cavity. In Polygordius* the ova probably escape by rupture of the body-wall, and the spermatozoa by the nephridia. Proto- drilus is hermaphrodite. The larva of Polygordius is known as Loven's larva. It is a typical trochosphere (Fig. 361, a), and possesses a preoral ciliated ring (Prw\ a weaker postoral ring (Pow), a thickening of ectoderm on the preoral lobe the apical plate, a ventral mouth, and a terminal anus. There is a pair of mesoblastic bands at the hind end (Ms), terminating in front in the larval kidney. This posterior part of the body elongates, its mesoderm becomes segmented into somites; and it gives rise to the body of the worm (Fig. 361, b, c). Later the anterior end diminishes relatively in size, and becomes the head of the adult (Fig. 361, d). Saccocirrus Bobr. , f should probably be placed here. It is found in the Black Sea and Mediterranean in shallow water on gravel, has a long (20 to 80 mm.) and narrow body with a groove on its ventral surface. The segments are numerous, and each of them, except the first, carries two dorso-lateral bundles of simple setae. The preoral lobe has two long tentacles and two eyes ; between the preoral and postoral part (buccal segment) of the head are two ciliated pits. There are no parapodia, but the lower parts of the bundles of setae are enveloped in a cutaneous sheath, which can be protruded or retracted into the body. The setae are enlarged and grooved at their free ends. There are two characteris- tically marked appendages at the hind end, on each side of the anus, by which * In Protodrilus it is said that the eggs pass backwards through the meshes of the body-cavity reticulum to a pore on the ventral side of the last segment (Repiachoff). t Marion and Bobretzky, Ann. Sci. Nat. (6), 2, 1875, p. 69. 454 ANNELIDA. the animal fixes itself to the stones on which it creeps. The circular muscles of the body-wall are less developed than the longitudinal. There are also obliquely -placed muscular sheets passing from the ventral body -wall to the lateral, and dividing the body-cavity into two lateral and one median chamber. The insertion of these oblique muscles is associated with the division of the longitudinal muscle into four bands one dorsal, two lateral, and one ventral. FIG. 361. Development of Polygordius (after Hatschek). a, young trochosphere larva ; Sp apical plate with pigment spots ; Prw preoral, Pow postoral ring of cilia ; mouth ; A anus ; Ms mesoderm ; Kn larval kidney (pronephros or head-kidney), b, older larva with commenc- ing segmentation of the body, c, older stage ; the body is elongated and vermiform, and segmented; HWk posterior circle of cilia; Af eye spot; F tentacle. The ventral nerve cords are widely separate, and are placed, as is also the cerebral ganglion, in contact with the ectoderm immediately beneath the ventral insertions of these oblique septa. They are without ganglionic swellings. There are two contractile vesicles at the base of the tentacles, which drive a colourless fluid into the hollow tentacles and so distend them. The oesophagus extends for thirteen or fourteen segments, and is followed ARCHIANNELIDA. 455 -ff by the intestine, which is dilated segmentally. Coelomic septa and dorsal and ventral mesenteries are present. Of the vascular system a dorsal vessel in the dorsal mesentery has been detected. The sexes are separate, and the gonads are found in all segments behind the fourteenth. The germ -cells are developed from paired patches of the coelomic epithelium on the posterior faces of the septa, and are dehisced into the body-cavity, where they ripen. They escape by the nephridia of the part of the body in which they are contained. The nephridia are simple tubes opening externally close to the bundles of setae, and internally into the preceding segment. In the male the nephridia of the testicular segments are swollen near their openings, and their terminal parts pass into small papillae which project on the surface as small penes. These penes can be retracted into penial sheaths. In the female there are, in the ovarian segments, receptacula seminis ; they are yellowish vesicles lying in the central chamber of the body-cavity, and passing into a duct which traverses the oblique muscles and the lateral chamber to open on the ventral surface. Histriodrilus* (Histrio'bdella van Ben.) formerly classified with the leeches, is said to belong to the Archiannelida. It is a small worm (1'4 mm.) parasitic on the lobster, the eggs of which it devours. It has a distinct cephalic region, and an externally segmented body without setae. There is a pair of limbs on the head, and another on the last segment. There are cerebral ganglia and two ventral nerve cords which are continuous with the epidermis and united in each segment to form a ganglion ; there are about eight segments. There is a muscular sub-oesophageal sac armed with three chitinous teeth, and the alimentary canal is ciliated. There are four or five pairs of nephridia, the internal openings of which have not been satisfactorily made out. The sexes are separate, and the generative organs complicated. The ovaries and testes are coelomic. A vascular system has not been observed. The body-cavity is present, and there are dorsal and ventral mesenteries. There are four longitudinal bands of muscular fibres in the body-wall. Aeolosoma\ Elirb., often included amongst the Oligo- chaeta as the sole member of the sub-order Aphaneura, must be placed w y ith the forms of uncertain position. It is a small (1-10 mm.), fresh-water transparent worm with a loose and uncertain outline. The prestomium is ciliated ventrally, and bears a pair of ciliated pits. The segmentation is ill-marked. There are four bundles of hair- like setae on each segment behind the peristomium. The ectoderm contains FIG. 361. d, The young Polygordius ; G cerebral ganglion ; Wg ciliated pit; Dalimentary canal. * Foettinger, Arch. JBioL, 5, 1884, p. 435. t Beddard, Monograph of Oligochaeta, Oxford, 1895. 456 ANNELIDA. coloured gland-cells. The circular and longitudinal muscular layers are both thin. Segmental coelomic septa are not present, except the septum between the peristomium and the next segment. Dorsal pores and head pores are not present. One pair of nephridia is present in each of the setigerous segments. The alimentary canal consists of pharynx, oesophagus, and intestine ; and the anus is at the hind end of the body. The central nervous system consists of the cerebral ganglion, which is continuous with the ectoderm of the prestomium. It is said that there is no ventral nerve cord. Generative organs are only occasionally developed, reproduction generally taking place by fission. The testis is median and unpaired, and lies in the fifth segment (the peristomium being the first) ; the ovary is similarly placed in the sixth segment. There are no generative ducts. The sperm escapes by nephridia, the ova by a pore on the ventral side of the sixth segment. Spermathecae are small oval sacs in segments 3-5. At sexual maturity there is a feeble clitellum on the ventral surface of segments 5-7. The oviposition is unknown. One species has the habit of encysting in a chitinous capsule. There are several English species. Aeolosoma differs from Oligochaets in the folloAving characters, some of which point to Archiannelidan affinities ; the continuity of the cerebral ganglion with the ectoderm, the absence of a ventral nerve cord, the absence of generative ducts, the cephalic ciliated pits, the absence of transverse coelomic septa ; it resembles them in being hermaphrodite and in having spermathecae (which, however, are found in Saccocirrus). It is possible that the marine genus Ctenodrilus (Scharff. Q. J. M. S., 27) should be placed with Aeolosoma. It has one row of comb-like setae on each segment, the prestomium is ciliated on its ventral surface, and bears two ciliated pits. There is only a single pair of nephridia in the peristomium, and only a single layer of muscles longitudinal in the body- wall. The nervous system, which consists of a cerebral ganglion and ventral cord, lies in the ectoderm. The sexual worm is unknown. Dinophilus is a small marine worm found in the Channel in the spring on sea- weeds. There is a head consisting of preoral and postoral portions, and a body consisting of five or six segments, each marked externally by one or two ciliated rings. The ventral surface is- ciliated. The anus is posterior, and projecting on the ventral side of it is a kind of tail-append- age. The preoral lobe either possesses two ciliated rings, or is uniformly ciliated : it also bears a pair of eyes and some groups of stiff sensory hairs, and a pair of ciliated pits. The alimentary canal is straight and ciliated ; there is a ventral muscular organ opening into the oesophagus like that of Protodrilus. The nervous system consists of a ganglion in the preoral lobe, and a pair of Fro 362. Dinophilus gigas (after Weldon). an anus; cp cephalic pits; ci transverse ciliated bands ; M mouth ; St stomach ; sh cephalic sense hairs ; sh' post- cephalic rings of sense hairs placed close behind the ciliary rings. ARCHIANNEL1DA. 457 separated lateral nerve cords placed close to, though not in, the ectoderm. The ventral cords are sometimes ganglionated segmentally. The body-cavity is occupied (or traversed) by a network of connective tissue, in which the genital cells appear to arise. The spaces of this network are specially enlarged round the internal ends of the nephridia. There are no septa, no dorsal and ventral mesentery, and no vascular system. The nephridia are in five pairs, of which the posterior in the male communicate by a ciliated funnel with the cavity of the testis. With the exception of this fifth pair, the nephridia open on the sides of the ventral surface : they are simple tubes which internally possess a large flame-shaped cilium, or a row of small cilia which give the appearance of a flame ; it is uncertain whether they open internally or not ; indeed it is uncertain whether we ought to speak of a body-cavity at all in these animals. The part of the nephridia next the external opening is ciliated, and no nuclei are distinguishable in connection with their walls. The animals are dioecious. The nephridia of the fifth pair are connected with the testis internally and join together to open at the hind end of the body into a vestibule, which opens externally in the middle ventral line ; they are dilated near the opening, and constitute a pair of vesiculae seminales. There is a median penis projecting into the vestibule. Spermatozoa are introduced into the female by means of the penis which perforates the skin at any point of the surface, and so introduces spermatozoa into the body- cavity. The ovaries like the testes appear to arise from cords of the parenchyma, and the eggs when ripe probably pass into a special median ventral passage in this parenchyma, which opens to the exterior by a median pore at the base of the caudal appendage. There appears to be a thin layer of circular muscles, and a pair of longitudinal muscular bands just external to the lateral nerve cords. Saccocirrus in many points of its anatomy closely resembles Polygordius and Protodrilus, near which it may be provisionally placed. The principal point of difference is the presence of setae while the resemblances are numerous : the ciliated pits, the uniformly segmented body, the oblique septa, the dorsal and ventral muscles, the position of the ventral cords in the ectoderm. It clearly resembles the two Archiannelidan genera far more closely than does Dinophilus (see below), which is without coelomic septa, oblique septa, or vascular system, and has a body-cavity extensively occupied by a reticulum, and nephridia of doubtful relations. Moreover, the structure of the male and female generative organs of Dinophilus is quite different from that of Archiannelids, with the doubtful exception of the female Protodrilus, which needs reinvestigation on this point. It must be remembered that the sub-oesophageal muscular organ, upon which so much stress has been laid as indicating affinity between Dinophilus and Archiannelida, though present in Protodrilus, is altogether absent from Polygordius. The union of Histriodrilus with the Archiannelids is more fully justified, but before finally deciding the matter AVC require more knowledge of the generative organs and nephridia, and a re-examination of the vascular system. In the present state of our knowledge the Archiannelida must be regarded as having very much the same relation to the Chaeto- poda as Chiton has to the other Gastropoda ; while, carrying on the same comparison, Dinophilus and Histriodrilus occupy, relatively to 458 ANNELIDA. the main group, a similar position to that assigned above to Neomenia and Chaetoderma in the Molluscan phylum. They are isolated forms with Annelidan affinities. As to Saccocirrus it seems clear that it connects Archiannelids with such Polychaets as the Oplieliidae, in which, though coelomic septa are absent, the oblique septa, predomin- ance of the longitudinal muscles and in PolyoplitJialmus at least, if not in other genera, the cephalic ciliated pits, and contiguity of the ventral nerve cords to the ectoderm are noticeable characters. Class 2. CHAETOPODA. Annelids with conspicuous setae. The perivisceral cavity is in many cases divided by septa. The Chaetopoda include Polychaeta, in which the setae are generally borne on parapodial processes of the body, which may be fairly compared to the appendages of Arthropods, and the Oligochaeta, in which there are no parapodia, the setae simply projecting from the body-wall. Order 1. POLYCHAETA.* Marine Chaetopoda with numerous setae embedded in parapodia; usually witli distinct head, tentacles, cirri and branchiae. They are for the most part dioecious, and develop with a metamorphosis. The Polychaeta are, with a few exceptions, marine Chaetopods, in which the setae are numerous and borne upon special processes of the body-wall called parapodia. The head, which is called the prestomium, very generally bears tentacular appendages, while the next segment, called the peristomium, is usually modified and may be fused with one or two of the following segments. The alimentary canal generally possesses an eversible buccal region, and a muscular protrusible (not eversible) pharynx. The coelomic septa may persist, * Audouin et Milne -Edwards, Ann. Sci. Nat., t. 27-30, 1832-38. Delle Chiaje, " Descrizione e notomia degli animali sensa vertebre d. Sicilia citeriore," Napoli, 1841. Quatrefages, " Histoire Nat. d. Anneles," 1 and 2, 1865. Ed. Claparede, " Annelides Chetopodes du Golf de Naples," 1868, and Supplement, 1870. Ehlers, "Die. Borstenwurmer" 1868. Johnston, "frit. Mus. Catalogue of non-parasitical worms," 1865. Mclntosh, "British Annelida," Trans. Zool. Soc., ix., 1877. Malmgren, "Nordiska Hafs-Annulater, " Ofversigt k. Vet. Akad. Fb'rdhandlingar, 1865 and 1867. St. Joseph, "Ann. Polychetes des cotes de Dinard," Ann. Sci. Nat. (7), 1, 5, 17, 20, 1886-94. Malaquin, Recherches sur Us Syllidiens, 1893. Bobretzky et Marion, " Et. s. les Annelides du Golf de Marseille, Ann. Sci. Nat. (6), 2, 1875. Mclntosh, "Report on the Annelida Polychaeta," Challenger Reports, 1885, and numerous papers by E. Grube. W. B. Benham, "Polychaeta," Cambridge Natural History, 1896. Meyer, "Stud. lib. d. Korperbau der Anneliden," Naples Mitth., 7 and 8, 1887-8. Pruvot, Arch. Zool. Exper. (2), 3, 1885. POLYCHAETA. 459 but in a large number of cases partly or entirely break down and disappear. As a rule there are no special generative ducts, and the generative products, which are dehisced into the coelom, pass out by any or some of the nephridia. A vascular system is present, except in a few cases, in which its absence, though stated on good authority, must be regarded as doubtful until renewed investigations of the matter have been made. Some are free, but a large number inhabit tubes which they manufacture or construct for themselves. The body is generally elongated, and the internal segmentation shown externally. The number of segments is usually considerable, and in some cases is variable, increasing with age. The segments may be all alike, or the body may be divided into two regions, often called thorax and abdomen, which differ from one another in the form of the parapodia, of the setae, and in other respects (Sabellidae, Capitellidae, etc.). In some forms the hind end of the body is much reduced, and may be without setae. The head consists of the anterior part of the body, on the ventral side of which the mouth is placed. It is almost always divided by a mark into a preoral portion the prestomium, and a postoral portion, which is miscalled the peristomium. The pres- tomium is often called the first segment, and the peristomium the second; but in this work the peristomium is reckoned as the first. The prestomium may be a well-marked structure, or it may be much reduced, and hardly distinguishable from the peristomium (Arenicola). In the Cryptocephala the prestomium is hidden by the forward extension of the peristomium. The prestomium may be without appendages, but it usually bears two kinds of sensory appendages the tentacles, which are attached dorsally and vary in number from two to five, and the palps which are two in number and ventrally placed (Fig. 363). It often bears one or two pairs of eyes. The peristomium is, in rare cases, provided with parapodia and setae, like the other segments (Aphrodite, Hermione, Nephthys) ; usually it is without setae and parapodia, though the cirri are often present as long, tentacle-like structures called tentacular cirri (Fig. 363, Fc). When there is more than one pair of tentacular cirri it is supposed that one or more of the hinder segments have become merged in the peristomium, and have lost their parapodia; in such cases the head is a compound or secondary head, one or two body segments having fused with the peristomeal. The parapodia are segmental, hollow, lateral projections of the body. They carry the setae and are either biramous or uniramous. 460 ANNELIDA. When they are biramous the dorsal branch is called the notopodium, and the ventral the neuropodium. The acicula are especially strong, dark- coloured setae, hardly projecting at all, and deeply embedded in the parapodia (Fig. 364). Typically there is one in the noto- and one in the neuropodium; they serve for the attachment of the muscles of the setae. The setae are chitinous, and project in groups from sacs on the parapodia; each seta is formed by a single large cell at PIG. 363. Nereis inargaritacea the bottom of the Sac. (after M Edwards). Head The form of the getae yaries extremely, with everted mouth and pro- * traded jaws (K). The small and affords a good character for the classifi- ^^X* <*<* of families and genera. According shown. The prestomium to the strength, form, and mode of ending carries at its front end two ,-, f -,-, . f -i -,- i a tentacles F, and ventraiiy the following forms may be distinguished : two palps p. The peristo- simple setae, which may be hair-like or mium carries four tentacular cirri FC on each side. flattened (paleae), or lance-shaped, or curved at the end (crotchets), etc.; jointed setae (composite), which carry a terminal articulated appendix (Fig. 365, g) found in the Nereidiformia ; uncini (a, b), setae with a sharply- FIG. 364. Section through a segment of a Polychaet, diagrammatic (from Lang), oc aciculum ; 1) setae ; bm ventral nerve cord ; dc dorsal cirrus ; dp notopodium ; k gill ; Im longitudinal muscles ; md intestine ; np nephridium ; ov ovary; rm circular muscles ; tm transverse muscle ; tr funnel of nephridium ; vc ventral cirrus ; vd dorsal, vo ventral vessel ; vp neuropodium. There are ova in the body-cavity. POLYCHAETA. 461 curved hook (Terebelliformia, Sabelliformia). When the parapodia are completely wanting, the setae project from the body -wall (Capitella). K a. c d f / m 3 FIG. 365. Setae of different Polychaeta (after Malmgren and Claparede). o, hooked setae of Sabella crassicornis ; b, of Terebella Danielsseni; c, seta with spiral ridge from Sthenelais; d, lance-shaped seta of Phyllochaetopterus ; e, of Sabella crassicornis ; f, of Sabella pavonis ; g, composite, sickle-shaped seta of Nereis oultrifera. The appendages of the parapodia present a great variety of form, and not unfrequently vary in the different parts of the body. Most important are the cirri, which are attached to the dorsal and. ventral surfaces of the parapodia. The cirri are for the most part filiform, and sometimes pointed ; they may also be ringed. 1 , ft In some cases the dorsal cirri are flattened out as broad scale-like structures the elytra (Fig. 366) which constitute a protec- tive covering to the back (Apliroditidae). In other cases the dorsal cirri* are modified as branchiae, which may be filiform, branched and antler - like, comb - shaped, or in tufts ; some- times they are confined to the middle region of the body (Arenicola, Fig. 397), FIG. 366. Anterior end of Polynoe extunuata, the first elytron on the left hand being removed (after Claparede). The two setae of the oral segment aie visible. El elytron. * It sometimes happens that cirri are found on branchiferous segments, in which case the gills must be regarded as additional to cirri. 462 ANNELIDA. or are extended almost across the whole dorsal surface (Euphrosyne) -. sometimes they are confined to the anterior segments immediately following the oral segment (Terebelld)* Both cirri, or one of them, may be altogether absent. The last or anal segment is always modified : the parapodia and setae are absent, but one or two pairs of cirri the anal cirri are present. The anus is usually terminal; in Notopygos it is dorsal, and in Caobangia it is anterior and ventral. The alimentary canal is usually straight (coiled in Pectinaria, Sternaspis, SipTionostoma, etc.) ; it is divided into buccal cavity, pharynx, oesophagus, and intestine. The buccal cavity has muscular walls, and is often eversible, while the pharynx which also has muscular walls is often protrusible (Figs. 363 and 367). The buccal cavity has a chitinous lining, which may be thickened at certain m, FIG. 367. Diagrammatic representation of the pharyngeal apparatus of a predatory Chaetopod. g brain; fc jaw; m mouth ; ph pharynx; pt protractor muscles ; rt, ct retractors ; vt wall of buccal cavity (eversible) with papillae or denticles p. In A the apparatus is retracted, in B protruded. (After Lang.) spots into denticles, and the pharynx is often armed with powerful and movable chitinous jaws or plates. These structures, however, are not always present (e.g. Terebellids and Sabellids) ; they are well developed in the Nereidiformia. The oesophagus is often provided with a pair of diverticula, which in some Syllidae and Hesionidae contain air. The intestine reaches to the anus, and is constricted segmentally. In the Apliroditidae the sacculations are elongated into caeca (Fig. 368). In Syllids and some Terebellids there is a muscular gizzard with a hard chitinous lining. In the Capitellidae there is a siphonal tube leaving the intestine in front, and entering it again behind. The nervous system is constructed on the typical Annelidan plan. It is sometimes in contact with the epidermis, though more often separated from the skin. The cerebral ganglion is contained in * The cephalic branchiae of the Sabelliformia are palps not cirri. POLYCHAETA. 463 Ph the prestomium, and the eyes, when present, are often sessile upon it. The ventral cord is double, and the two halves are usually closely approximated, though in some Sabelliformia (Serpulidae) they are widely separated (Fig. 369), especially in front, and connected together by transverse commissures which pass between the ganglionic swellings. These latter are segmental, the first or sub- pharyngeal being often contained in the third segment, and the nerves are given off from them. In some forms, e.g. Arenicola, the ganglionic enlargements are very inconspicuous. A stomatogastric or visceral system is given off from the cerebral ganglion, or from the circum- pharyngeal commissures, or from both. Giant fibres are often present on the dorsal side of the ventral cords. The nerves to the palps arise from a special section of the cerebral ganglion ; the nerves to the tentacular cirri come off from the subpharyngeal ganglion, and sometimes from the circum-pharyngeal commissures as well. The subpharyngeal ganglion, which also supplies the first- parapodium, seems, as a rule, to consist of the ganglia of two or more segments fused. Sense organs. The tentacles, palps, and tentacular cirri must be regarded as tactile organs ; and the ciliated pits which are often present on the prestomium and abut upon a special lobe of the brain (Capitellidae, Oplieliidae, Arenicola, etc.) as olfactory. In addition to these we sometimes find otocysts in the prestomium (Arenicola and Polyophthalmus), or in some other segment of the body (Fabrida, Myxicola, Terebella), or even segmentally repeated in the dorsal regions of a certain number of segments (Aricia). In some species of Arenicola they retain the opening to the exterior.* In the Capitellidae groups of sensory cells bearing sense-hairs are * Ehlers, Z.f. w. Z., Sup. Bd. 53, 1892. FIG. 368. Alimentary canal of Aphrodite aculeata (after M. Edwards). Ph pharynx; D intestine ; L intestinal (hepatic) caeca. 464 ANNELIDA. found on the lateral portions of the segments, and are called the lateral line organs. The pigmented bodies, called eyes, and occurring in pairs on some of the segments of PolyopTithalinus, are probably photogenic organs. Eyes.* Paired eyes are often present on the prestomium, especially in the free-living forms; but they are also found in other places, e.g., the anal segment (Myxicola, Fdbricia), the gills of some Sabellids (Branchiomma, Dasychone). The cephalic eyes attain a large size and complex development in the pelagic Alciopidae^ a FIG. 369. Brain and anterior portion of the ganglionic chain of a, Serpula ; b, Nereis (after Quatrefages). eyes; G cerebral ganglion (brain); c oesophageal (or pharyngeal) com- missures ; Ug suboesophageal ganglion ; e, e' nerves to the tentacular cirri and peristomium. where they have a large lens and a complex retina (Fig. 389). In most forms the prestomial eyes are simple cups of the epidermal layer, which may be open or filled by a substance continuous with the outer cuticle and constituting a lens, as in the eye of some Gastropoda (vide Fig. 290, B). The vascular system is constructed on the usual type ; there are dorsal and ventral contractile vessels giving off vessels to the skin and internal organs. In some forms there is a continuous blood sinus round the intestine instead of the usual capillary plexus * E. Andrews, " Eyes of Polychaetous Annelids," Journ. Morph. 7, 1892, p. 169. t Greef. " Ub. d. Auge d, Alciopiden," etc., Marburg, 1876. POLYCHAETA. 465 (Terebellids, Cryptocephala, etc.). The blood is usually red, owing to the presence of haemoglobin in solution; but in some forms (ClilorJiaemidae, and some SabelUformia) it is green, owing to the presence of a green pigment called chlorocruorin. In Aphrodite the blood fluid is yellow, and in Magelona it is pink, owing to the presence of a pigment called liaemerytTirin. The vascular system is said to be absent in the Glyceridae, Capitellidae, Polycirrus, and Tomopteris. The respiratory function is discharged by the gills (see above), and probably by the whole surface of the skin. The perivisceral cavity (coelom) is well developed, and is frequently divided by transverse segmental septa into chambers, but in some of the tubicolous forms the septa are deficient, many of them being absent. Muscular bands pass from the median ventral line, where they are inserted on each side of the nerve cord obliquely dorsally and outwards, where they spread out in a fan-like manner to be inserted into the dorso-lateral body-wall. They divide the body- cavity more or less completely into three regions, two lateral, and a median containing the alimentary canal (Fig. 364). The coelomic fluid contains amoeboid corpuscles, and is usually colourless ; but in the Glyceridae, Capitellidae, Polycirrus, the coelomic corpuscles are coloured with haemoglobin. Median dorsal and ventral mesenteries passing from the body-wall to the gut- wall, and dividing the body-cavity into a right and left half, are present in some forms (Capitellidae, Sabella, etc.). Excretory organs. In many Polychaets the nephridia occur in all the segments except a few of the anterior and posterior ; but in some they are reduced in number, e.g., to six pairs in Arenicola, one pair in Sternaspis, and one or two pairs in Chlorhaemidae. In the Capitellidae there may be more than one pair in a segment, and a single nepliridium may have more than one internal opening ; more- over, adjacent nephridia may be connected together. The nephridia of Polychaets are either long convoluted tubes (e.a., Nereis, Fig. 370) with a small internal funnel, or short and wide tubes (e.g., Arenicola, Fig. 371) with a wide funnel. The nephridia of the former kind cannot serve as escape-ducts for the ova, and it becomes a question, in animals which possess them alone, how the eggs pass outwards.* In some tube-dwellers one or more It is possible that the dorsal ciliated organs of Nereis, which occur in pairs atche Dodri< 2 H in most of the segments as ciliated patches of coelomic epithelium, may really have undetected external apertures (Goodrich, Q.J.M.S., 34, 1893.) 466 ANNELIDA. pairs of the anterior nephridia become much enlarged as renal organs, while the nephridia of the posterior part of the body become much reduced, and serve as genital ducts. Reproductive organs. The Polychaets are mostly dioecious, but a few are hermaphrodite (some Sabelliformia, e.g., AuipMglena, nepti.p. FIG. 370. Nephridium of Nereis (after Goodrich, diagrammatic). The nephridial tube opens internally at, externally at nepli.p., and is divided into four regions; p. s. can. postseptal canal. Salmacina, Protula, Spirorbis, and some Hesionidae). The gonads, which are differentiations of the coelomic epithelium, are not so narrowly localized as in OUgochaeta, but are more diffused over the body on the walls of blood vessels, on the intestinal wall, or even on the body-wall.* The products, when ripe, are dehisced into the k. FIG. 371. Nephridium of Arenicola marina (after Vogt and Yung). vesicle ; b glandular appendage ; c funnel ; d lower, e upper lip of funnel ; / opening of funnel into the vesicle ; g nerve cord ; h longitudinal muscles ; i line of insertion of setae ; k setigerous sacs ; I aggregation of reproductive cells. * Cosmovici, Arch. Zool. Expcr., 8, 1879-80. POLYCHAETA. 467 body-cavity, where they ma- ture; they eventually escape either by rupture of the body- wall, or through the nephridia. There are no special generative ducts. Only a few Polychaets are viviparous (e.g., Syllis vivipara Kr., Marphysa san- guinea Mont., etc.) ; all the rest are oviparous; many lay their eggs in a jelly (Aricia, FIG. 372. A parapodium of Tomopteris with a mass of ova Ov, and one free ovum (after Gegenbaur). FIG. 373. Different forms of Nereis dumerilii (after Claparede, from Per- rier). 1, young form ; 2, heteronereid female ; 8 heteronereid male. Ophelia, Phyllodoce), others attach them to their own body, e.g., to the back beneath the elytra (Polynoe cirrata), to the dorsal or ventral cirri (Exogone), in a ventral brood- sac (Autolytus), in the operculum (Spirorbis), or in various tubicolous forms to the tube. Polymorphism. The forms for- merly placed in the genus Hetero- nereis have been shown by Malmgren to be merely the sexually mature in- dividuals of certain species of Nereis. The genus has consequently been given up, but the name has been retained to denote the sexual phase in the life-history of these Nereids. The changes which the worms undergo in passing from the imma- ture condition to the mature Hetero- nereid condition chiefly affect the posterior part of the body in which the generative organs are contained; in this part (Fig. 373) the parapodia become larger and acquire flattened foliaceous outgrowths, while the setae are thrown off and replaced by new setae of a flattened form and a fan- like arrangement. Moreover, the eyes become enlarged, the dorsal cirri 468 ANNELIDA. altered, and the animal passes from a creeping to a free-swimming existence. Further, there is a sexual dimorphism, inasmuch as the sexually mature male is more altered from the immature form than the female, having fewer unaltered anterior segments. In Nereis dumerilii Claparede has shown that there is a still more remarkable phenomenon of the same kind. In this species it appears that there are four distinct sexual forms, differing from one another in size, form, mode of life, etc.; they are (1) a sexual, dioecious Nereis form, distinguished by its small size; (2) a sexual hermaphrodite Nereis form; (3) a dioecious Heteronereis which is small, and swims on the surface ; (4) a dioecious Heteronereis which is larger, and creeps on the bottom. It is not known how these forms are related to each other. In the Syllidae phenomena of a very similar kind have been observed, and there is a Heterosyllid sexual condition in which the posterior sexual segments acquire a dorsal bundle of specially long setae; but in this family the phenomenon is often accom- panied by asexual reproduction, which we will now proceed to consider. Asexual reproduction. The power of asexual reproduction is closely associated with the power of reproducing lost parts, and with the power of indefinite growth, i.e. of growth after the adult condition has been attained. In many Polychaetes the number of segments continues to increase throughout the life of the animal by the addition of new segments between the penultimate and anal segments ; and in most, if not in all of them, the power of repro- ducing lost parts is very extensive. For instance, in many of them it has been observed that if the body be cut into two parts, the anterior part will produce a new hind end, and the posterior part a new head. These two phenomena the reproduction of lost parts and the protracted formation of new segments are both instances of the phenomenon of budding, and it is not surprising to find reproductive gemmation normally occurring in the group. The simplest cases are those in which a zone of fission is formed between two segments, which becomes differentiated into an anal region for the part of the worm in front, and a cephalic region for the part of the worm behind. This results in the division of the worm into two (Salmacina dysteri, Filigrana implexa). Sexual reproduction does not appear to take place in a worm undergoing fission. POLYCHAETA. 469 In some genera of the Syllidae the process is more complicated.* The Heterosyllid condition is assumed (Fig. 375, /), and the worm divides into an anterior non-sexual portion, and into a posterior sexual portion (Fig. 375, //), which after separation acquires a new head, and becomes an independent male or female worm. The anterior non-sexual portion develops after separation new anal FIG. 374. Autolytus cornutus, with the male animal Polybos- trichus (after A. Agassiz). .Ftentacles; CT tentacular cirri of the asexual worm; / tentacles ; ct tenta- cular cirri of the male Polybostrichus. FIG. 375. Diagrams illustrating the asexual reproduction of different Chaetopods. I, the heteronereid or heterosyllid stage ; A non-sexual anterior part ; B posterior sexual part. //, the posterior sexual part is separating from the anterior non-sexual (Syllis hyalina). Ill, the same in Autolytvs, the hinder zooid develops a head before separation. IFand V budding in Autolytus, Myrianida, etc. , in which the zone of fission, after producing the head of the sexual worm, persists (Z), and gives rise to a chain of sexual zooids (C, D). Altered from Benhain. segments, which eventually acquire generative organs and Hetero- syllid setae, and in their turn separate from the anterior portion to form an independent sexual worm, male or female ; in this case the two sexes are similar. In some cases the sexual form may never * Schizogamy is the name given to that method of reproduction in which a sexual worm is produced by fission (fissiparous) or by gemmation (gemmiparous) from a sexless worm ; in other words, schizogamy is synonymous with meta- genesis. 470 ANNELIDA. develop a head, but as a rule it develops a head, and is then known, according to the characters of the head, as the Tetraglena, Chaeto- syllis, Syllis arnica, or loda. In Autolytus (Fig. 375, ///) the process is still more complicated, ci cs S.66 FIG. yi&.Myrianida fasciata. 1, sexless budding form with a chain of 29 budded sexual forms. #, male form produced by budding, and called Polybostrichus. 3, a female form, called Sacconereis. am unpaired antenna ; al lateral antennae ; ap posterior lateral antennae ; ci,'cs, ct tentacular cirri ; cp terminal cirri ; cd dorsal cirri ; Se sexless zooid ; so ovigerous sac ; y, y' eyes"(after Malaquin, from Perrier). POLYCHAETA. 47 1 for the formation of the new segments begins before the two parts of the worm separate, so that the posterior sexual worm acquires its head while still attached to its sexless nurse. In other words a zone of fission is formed, and this zone may produce not only the^head of the hinder worm, but a number of segments which become marked out into a series of zooids in which genital organs eventually appear. In this way a chain of sexual zooids, attached to the asexual "scolex" in front, is formed; the zooids are all of the same sex, and the posterior of them is the oldest and most developed (Fig. 375, IV, V). The male zooids differ very remarkably from the female, and were formerly relegated to a distinct genus called Polybostrichus (Fig. 374), the female being known as Sacconereis and characterized by the possession of a ventral brood-sac. In this case we have a combina- tion of fission, by which the first -formed zooid is formed, and gemmation, by which the succeeding worms are formed from the segments successively budded off at the zone of fission. In Myrianida a very similar process takes place, and a chain of sexual zooids attached to an anterior sexless zooid is formed ; in this case, however, there is no fission, but gemmation only from a zone of fission, for none of the segments of the original worm, except the anal, enter into the constitution of the first formed sexual zooid; the process starts with the formation, in the gemmiparous zone between the penultimate and anal segment, of new segments, which give rise successively to the first formed and all subsequent zooids of the chain. In this case, as in Autolytus, the males and females are never formed on the same stock, and are distinguished as Polybostrichus and Sacconereis forms (Fig. 376). Moreover, in each zooid there is a region in which new segments are formed, so that the posterior and oldest zooid of the chain is also the largest. Syllis ramosa a form obtained by the " Challenger " in the canal- system of an Hexactinellid sponge possesses the peculiar property of forming lateral buds, which may themselves produce buds before separation : in this manner a branched colony arises, some of the individuals of which develop genital organs, and probably become free. Almost all Polychaets are marine, but a few fresh-water forms are known, e.g., a Nereis and Lumbriconereis from Trinidad (Kennel), Manayunkia in N". America (Leidy). A few are parasitic, e.g., Olic/ognatlius bonelliae (one of the Eunicidae) in the 'body-cavity of Bonellia ; Labrorostratus parasiticus, another Eunicid, in the body-cavity of Odontosyllis ctenostomatus ; larvae of the Alciopinae 472 ANNELIDA. in the Cydippidae. Many are commensals, living in the tubes of other worms, and in the ambulacral grooves of starfishes; this is especially common with the Polynoids. A few are pelagic, e.g., Alciopidae, some Pliyllodocidae, Tomopteris, Typh- loscolex, and some sexual Nereids and Syllids (He- teronereids and Heterosyllids). A few are borers, e.g., Polydora ciliata in chalk, limestone, shells, etc., Sdbella saxi- cava, etc. The majority are littoral, but they are found at all depths to 3000 fathoms. They either live freely, creeping on the bottom, or inhabit tubes. The tube is formed of mucus which is secreted by the ventral gland- shield, or other glands. The mu- cus hardens to form the tube, which may be strengthened by the incorporation of mud, sand-grains, or pieces of shell, which are actively collected for the purpose by the animal itself. In the Serpulids the tube is fortified by the presence of calcareous matter secreted by the animal. Some worms are phosphorescent, e.g., Chaetopterus, many Poly- noids, Syllids, Terelellids, etc., and probably Tomopteris by special organs on the parapodia, and PolyophtTialmus by the so-called segmental eyes. FJG. 877. Part of a stock of Syllis ramosa (somewhat diagram- matic, after Mclntosh, from Korschelt and Heider). d intestine which branches through the entire stock. The stock is injured in some places. POLYCHAETA. 473 The Polycliaeta are found fossil from the Silurian onwards. Development. There are two main types of embryonic develop- ment met with in this group. In one of them the ovum is small and has little food-yolk, the gastrula arises by invagination^ and the blastopore remains open as the mouth (Eupomatus tirficinatus, Pomatoceros triqueter) -, in the other the ovum is larger and has more food-yolk, the gastrula arises by epibole, and the blastopore closes (Psyymobranclius protensus, Nereis cultrifera, etc.). In all cases hatching takes place at ah early stage, and there is a prolonged period of larval life. The larva has the trochosphere form, which has already been described in the case of Polygordius (p. 453), or a form which can be readily reduced to that of the trochosphere. The trochosphere of the marine Chaetopods presents two distinct types: (1) larvae in which there is an extremely large blastocoele, i.e., space between the ectoderm and endoderm, derived from the FIG. 378. Atrochal larvae. A, of Lumbrico- nereis (after Claparede and Metsclmikoff) ; B, of Sternaspis scutata (after Ve.jdovsky). cu cuticle ; d intestine ; ent endoderm. FIG 379. Mesotrochal larva of Chaetopterus pergamen- taceus (after Wilson), m mouth. segmentation cavity of the embryo; (2) larvae in which there is no blastocoele, the ectoderm and endoderm being in contact except where separated by the larval mesoderm. Larvae of the first type, in all cases in which their embryonic development is known, proceed from embryos with an invaginate gastrula, i.e., from embryos which develop on the type first described. The best known instances of this larval type are afforded by Eupomatus, Pomatoceros, and Polygordius (Fig. 454). In like manner larvae of the second type, in all cases in which the embryonic development is known, proceed from embryos with an epibolic gastrula. As instances of this larval type, the larvae of Psygmobranchus, Nereis, etc., described by Salensky, may be 474 ANNELIDA. mentioned. The larva of Lopadorhynchus (Kleinenberg) is of this type, but its embry- onic development is unfortunately not known. In the larvae cilia are rarely dis- tributed over the whole surface of the body (Atrocha,* Fig. 378). They are usually confined to special rings. Sometimes, as in Loven's larva, there is one row placed in front of the FIG. 380. Larvae of PolycJiaeta (after Busch.). a, larva of berets. mouth at some dis- F tentacle ; Oc eyes ; PrW preoral ring ; mouth ; A anus. tance from the an- b, mesotrochal larva of Chaetopterus ; Wp circles of cilia. terior end of the body (e.g., larva of Polynoe, etc.). Sometimes there are two rows, FIG. 381. Lateral view of Mitraria larvae (after Metschnikoff, from Balfour). an anus ; b and br the processes carrying the provisional setae ; m mouth ; pr.b preoral ring ; sg apical plate. * Cf. E. Claparede and E. Metschnikoff, " Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgesch. der Chaetopoden," Z.f. w. Z., 19, 1869. PHANEROCEPHALA. 475 one at each end of the body, constituting a preoral and perianal ring (Telotrocha, e.g., Spio, Nephthys larva). In addition to these two rings of cilia, incomplete rings jnay also be present on the ventral surface (Gastro- trocha), or both ventrally and dorsally (Amphitrocha). In other cases one or more rows of cilia surround the middle of the body (Mesotrochd), while the terminal rings (preoral and perianal) are absent, e.g., Chae- topterus larvae (Fig. 379). Many larvae are provided with long pro- visional setae, which are later replaced by permanent structures, e.g. , the Mitra- ria larva (Fig. 381), and the larva of Nerine, etc. In some cases the larvae have true mesoderm seg- ments, each of which is provided with a ring of cilia (Polytrocha, Fig. 383). In spite of their great diversity of form the Chae- topod larvae can in their later development also be reduced to the type of the larva of Loven (larva of Polygordius, Fig. 454). Branch A.* PHANEROCEPHALA. Prestomium free and exposed, generally with eyes, tentacles, and palps. The body segments are more or less alike. Sub-order 1. NEREIDIFORMIA. With well-developed tentacles and palps ; the peristomium generally possesses cirri. The parapodia are well-marked locomotor organs, supported by acicula ; they carry dorsal and ventral cirri. The setae are usually jointed ; uncini are never present. There is an eversible buccal region and a muscular pharynx, which is usually * The classification here adopted is that of Dr. W. B. Benhara in his admirable account of the Polychaeta in the Cambridge Natural History, Worms, Rotifers, and Polyzoa, Macmilkn & Co., London, 1896. FIG. 382. Annelid larva with provisional setae (after Agassiz, from Bal- four) . FIG. 383. Polytro- chal larva of Oph- ryotrocha puerilis (after Clap, and Metsch.). d intes- tine; /ojaws. 476 ANNELIDA. armed with chitinous jaws (Fig. 367). The septa and nephridia are regularly repeated throughout the body. For the most part preda- ceous; a few form tubes. Fam. 1. Syllidae. Small worms with elongated, flattened body ; head usually with three tentacles, palps, and two to four tentacular cirri. The palps are often fused with each other, or with the prestomium. Parapodia with a single setigerous branch (neuropodium), often with a dorsal and ventral cirrus ; the dorsal cirrus always appears with sexual maturity. Following the pharynx, which has one or more teeth, is a special gizzard with thick muscular walls. The oesophagus receives in many gener% a pair of T-shaped diverticula. Sexual and asexual forms are sometimes found in the same species. Many carry their eggs about till the young are hatched. Syllis Sav., tentacles and cirri monili- form, three tentacles ; Odontosyllis Clap. ; Trypanosyllis Clap. ; Sphaerosyllis Clap. ; Grubea Clap. ; Syllides Oersted ; Paedophylax Clp. ; Anoplosyllis Clp. ; Eusyllis Mlg. ; Pionosyllis Mlg. ; Pterosyllis Clp. ; Exogone Oerst. Autolytus Gr. , palps small, and fused with pre- stomium, no ven- tral cirri ; A. prolifer 0. F. M., asexual form, the male has been described as Poly- bostrichus Miilleri Kef., the female as Sacconereis helgo- landicaM.\i\].(Fig. 384) ; Proceraea Ehlers. Myrian- ida M. Edw. ; M. fasciata M. Edw., with foliaceous cirri (Fig. 376). The position of Ne- rillaO.Sclim.(2)u- jardinia Clap.) is uncertain. Fam. 2. Sphae- rodoridae. Dorsal and ventral cirri spherical. Sphae- rodorum Oerst. FIG. 384. The two sexes of Autolytus prolifer. 1, female carrying its (Pollicita Johnst. ) sac of eggs (Sacconereis helgolandica Miiller). 2, male (PolylostricMs Efihesia Rathke Miilleri Kef.), a antennae ; b first pair of dorsal cirri ; c bifurcated ^ .' palps of the male ; d normal dorsal cirri ; e median antenna of male ; / tentacular cirri. (From Perrier.) nidae. Body NEREIDIFORMIA. 477 FIG. 385. Hesione splendida Sav. (Regne Animal). short, with only a few segments ; prestomium with 4 eyes, 2 or 3 tentacles, and generally with jointed palps ; peristomium and 2 or 3 following segments 'achaetous, with long tentacular cirri. Parapodium usually uniramous, or, if biramous, notopodium small, dorsal cirri long and multi-articulate. Eversible region short, pharynx long, unarmed ; two diverticula behind pharynx often containing air (air-bladders*). Anal segment with two cirri, and often with reduced para- podia. Hesione Sav. (Fig. 385); H. sicula, D. Ch., Med. ; Psamathe Johnst. : Tyrrliena, Clp. ; Telamone Clp. ; Stephania Clp. (Ophio- dromus Sars) ; Dalhousia M'Int. ; Salvatoria M'Int. ; Magalia Mar. and Bob.; Oxydromus Gr. ; Kefersteinia Qtf. Fam. 4. Aphroditidae. With broad scales (elytra, i.e., flattened dorsal cirri) on the notopodia ; these are usually placed on alternate segments, often only on the anterior part of the body. Prestomium with eyes, with one unpaired and usually two lateral tentacles, to which may be added two palps. Facial tubercle in front of mouth. Pharynx thick-walled, with two upper and two lower jaws. The intestine is provided with a number of paired caeca. Very com- monly as epiparasites on other animals, e.g., Malmgrenia castanea M'Int, in the mouth of Spatangus purpureus ; Hermadion assimile M'Int., round the peristome of Echinus esculentus, Halosydna Bairdi between the mantle and foot of Fissurella craiitia ; Acholoe asteri- cola Clp. in the amubulacra of Astro- pecten, Polynoe cirrata in those of Spatangus spinosissimus, Hermadion echini in those of Echinus sphaera; .Evarne pentactes Giard on the body of Cucumaria pentactes ; or as com- mensals with other Annelids, e.g., Lagisca extenuata in the tube of Serpula vermicularis, Harmothoe macleodi in the tube of Terebella conchilega, Polynoe scolopendrina in the tubes of Terebellids, Harmothoe Malmgreni, and Nychia cirrosa in the tubes of Ghaetopterus insignis ( 1 variopedatus). FIG. 386. Aphrodite aculeata Baster (Regne Animal). * H. Eisig, Mit. a. d. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 2, p. 255. 478 ANNELIDA. Sub-fam. 1. Hermioninae. Body short, oval; notopodial setae directed upwards and backwards to protect the elytra. Prestomium with median tentacle and two long palps, without lateral tentacles. Peristomium setigerous with long cirri. Elytra on segments 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, etc., up to 23, then on every third segment. Jaws not hardened. Aphrodite L. (Fig. 386), the back and elytra are covered by a feltwork of chitinous threads arising from the notopodium. A. aculeata L., the sea-mouse (Hystrix marina Redi), the strong notopodial setae are iridescent, Atlantic and Med. ; Hermione Blainv. (Laetmonice Kinb.), dorsal feltwork absnt ; Pontogenia Clp. Sub-fam. 2. Polynoinae. Elytra as in Hermio- ninae ; two lateral frontal tentacles, with or without facial tubercle ; peristomium with long dorsal and ventral cirri, and the ventral cirri of the next segment elongated. Large teeth on the pharynx. Polynoe Sav. (Fig. 387), with three tentacles, posterior region often without elytra ; P. scolopendrina Sav. ; P. (Harmothoe] areolata Gr., in the tubes of Chaetopterus and Terebella nebulosa ; Iphione Kinb. , two tentacles ; Lepidonotus Leach ; Halosydna Sars ; Lepidasthenia Mgr. ; Lepi- dametria Webs. ; Nychia Mgr. ; Dasylepis Mgr. ; Har- mothoe Kbg. ; Leucia Mgr. ; Lagisca Mgr. ; Hermadiou Kbg. ; Enipo Mgr. ; Melaenis Mgr. ; Bylgia Theel ; Acholoe Clp. ; Malmgrenia Mclnt. ; Eupolynoe Mclnt. ; Polyeunoa Mclnt.; Allmaniella Mclnt. Sub-fam. 3. Acoetinae. Long vermiform body. The elytriferous segments alternate regularly with segments bearing dorsal cirri throughout the body. With two pedunculated eyes, without facial tubercle. Three tentacles. AcoetaM.-~Ed\v.; EupompeKinb.; Polyodontes Renier ; Panthalis Kinb. FIG. 387. Polynoe setosis- simaSav.(RegneAnhnal). FIG. 388. Phyllodoce Paretti Blv. (Regne Animal). Sub-fam. 4. Sigalioninae. Long vermiform body. Elytra anteriorly on alternate segments, posteriorly on all the segments with or without gills. Without facial tubercle. Sigalion Aud. and Edw. ; Sthenelais Kinb. ; Psammolyce Kinb . ; Thalenessa Baird ; Leanira Kinb. ; Pholoe Johnst. Sub-fam. 5. Polylepinae. Elytra on all segments, no dorsal cirri. Lepidopleurus Clap. ; Pelogenia Schm. Fam. 5. Palmyridae. No elytra ; strong setae disposed in a fan-like manner arise from all the parapodia dorsal to the dorsal cirrus. Chrysopetalum Ehl. ; Palmyra Sav. XEREIDIFORMIA. 479 Fam. 6. Phyllodocidae. Body elongated, with numerous segments ; presto- mium rounded with 4 or 5 tentacles ; peristomium with 4 tentacular cirri ; the cirri of the parapodia are foliaceous. Sub-fam. 1. Phyllodocinae. With small eyes. Phyllodoce Sav. (Fig. 388), with 4 tentacles; Eulalia Sav., with 5 tentacles; Eteone Say.- Anaitis Mgr. ; Genethyllis Mgr. ; My slides Theel ; Notophyllum Oerst. ; "Lacydonia Mar. and Bob. Sub-fam. 2. Lopadorhynchinae. Small transparent pelagic forms with small eyes ; intermediate between Phyllodocinae and Alciopinae. Lopado- rhynchus Gr. ; Hydrophanes Clp. ; Pelagobia Grf. Sub-fam. 3. Alciopinae.* Transparent, pelagic worms with one pair of large hemispherical projecting eyes (Fig. 389). There are long peristomial cirri and 5 prestomial tentacles. Found in most oceans, but rare in the North Sea. The larvae are in part parasitic in Cydippidae. Alciopa And. and Edw.; Alciopina Clp. and Pane.; Asterope Clp.; Vanadis Clp. (Fig. 389) ; Halodora Grf. ; Greefia (Nauphanta) M'Int. ; Callizona Grf. ; Rhynchonereella A. Costa. Fam. 7. Tomopteridae.f Transparent, pelagic forms, with two eyes, bifid presto- miuin (the lobes of the prestomiuin may be tentacles ; their cavity is continuous with the body-cavity), and four tentacular cirri, of which the posterior are much the longest and contain one seta, while the anterior contain two setae. The mouth is with- out proboscis and jaws. The parapodia are large, biramous, and without setae ; each branch contains a yellow rosette-shaped organ, probably photogenic. Tomopteris Eschsch. (Fig. 390). Fam. 8. Nereidae (Lycoridae). Body elongated, with many segments. Pre- stomium with two tentacles, two palps and four eyes ; peristomium with four pairs of tentacular cirri. Parapodia uni- or biramous with dorsal and ventral cirri and composite setae. Proboscis usually with spines, and always with two jaws. Nereis L. ; N. diversicolor Mull. , burrows in mud and sand, fleshy red colour ; N. cultrifera Gr., greenish grey, with small rectangular light spots along the dorsal surface ; 6 inches. N. dumerilii Aud. and Edw. (Figs. 391, 392), reddish violet with darker transverse lines in each segment ; peristomial cirri very long. N. pelagica L., bronze, large, widest in middle of body, back arched, on rocky ground. N. (Nereilepas) fucata Sav., lives on whelk shells. N. (Alitta) virens Sars the creeper may reach length of 18 inches, burrows in clay, etc., para- podia with large foliaceous lobes. Lycastis Sav. ; Dendronereis Peters. Fam. 9. Nephthydidae. Body elongated, quadrangular in section with flat dorsal and ventral surfaces. Prestomium inconspicuous, with 2 or 4 small tentacles. Peristomium with reduced parapodia bearing setae and two tentacular cirri. Parapodia biramous ; the two branches are widely separated, and each is fringed with a membrane. The notopodium has a curved gill on its under * R. Greeff, Nova Acta Acad. Car. Leop., 29, 1876, p. 35. f R. Greeff, Zeit. f. wiss. Zool., 42, 1885, p. 432. and anterior end of Vanadis melanophthalmus Greeff (after Greeff). Showing the large eyes. 480 ANNELIDA. side, and a small cirrus. The neuropodium has a ventral cirrus. Pharynx large, with papillae and two small jaws. Nephthys Guv. ; N. hombergii Aud. and Edw., burrows in the sand near the shore to 20 fathoms ; Portellia Qtg. Fam. 10. Amphinomidae. Body vermiform or oval and flattened, with a small number of segments. The mouth is shifted backwards and surrounded by several similarly-built segments. The prestomium is indistinct, or repre- sented dorsally by a sense-organ the caruncle which extends over several segments. Usually three tentacles, two palps, and one or two pairs of eyes. Proboscis well-developed, without teeth. Parapodia biramous, with dorsal and ventral cirri, and dorsal branchiae. Most of the species are tropical. Euphrosyne foliosa Aud. and Edw., and Eurythoe borealis Oerst., are found in the British area. Sub-fam. 1. Amphinominae. With caruncle ; with 2 branchiae on each segment. Amphinoma Brug. (Pleione Sav.) ; Hermodice Kinb. ; Eurythoe Kinb. ; Notopygos Gr. ; Chloeia Sav. Sub-fam. 2. Euphrosyninae. With caruncle ; with numerous branchiae on each segment. Euphrosyne Sav. Sub-fam. 3. Hipponinae. Without caruncle. Hipponoa Aud. and Edw. ; Spinther Johnst. ; Aristenia Sav. FIG. 390. Tomopteris rolasi Greeff (after Greeff). Fam. 11. Staurocephalidae. Prestomium with two dorsal jointed tentacles, and two inferior lateral tentacles (? palps). The two first segments without appendages. Parapodia biramous, with two kinds of setae. Without branchiae. Staurocephalus Gr. (Anisoceras Gr. ; Prionognathus Kef. ) ; Paractius Lev. Fam. 12. Lysaretidae. Prestomium with three tentacles and four eyes. The two first segments without appendages. Parapodia uniramous with one kind of seta. Dorsal cirri foliaceous, branchial. Halla Costa ; Lysarete Kinb. ; Danymene Kinb. Fam. 13. Lumbriconereidae. Without branchiae, without or with reduced cirri, and without tentacles. The two first segments without appendages. NEREIDIFORMIA. 481 Arabella Gr. ; Lumbriconereis Gr. prestomium conical without tentacles and palps ; Drilonereis Clp. ; Notocirrus Schm. ; Laranda Kinb. ; Ophryotrocha Clp. and Meczn., with segmental ciliated rings. Fam. 14. Eunicidae. Elongated body, with numerous segments. Prestomium distinct and projecting, with 3 or 5 tentacles, or with 5 tentacles and 2 palps, or without appendages ; usually with eyes. The first (peristomium) or the two first segments without parapodia, but they may have cirri. In Eunice and Diopatra the second segment has a dorsal cirrus the nuchal cirrus. Parapodia uniramous, rarely biramous, with ventral cirri and branchiae (the so-called dorsal cirrus contains an aciculum, and is the reduced notopodium). Usually 4 cirri below the anus. An upper jaw formed of several pieces, and a lower jaw of 2 lamellae are placed in a pocket attached below the oeso- phagus (Fig. 393). In most genera there are parchment-like tubes. Diopatra FIG. 391. Head and anterior body segments of Nereis dumerilii (after Claparede). eyes ; P palps ; Ct tentacular cirri ; K pharyngeal jaws. And. and Edw. ; Eunice Cuv. , 5 tentacles, 2 palps, and 2 nuchal cirri ; Marphysa Qtf., like Eunice, but without nuchal cirri ; Hyalinoecia Malmg., 5 tentacles, 2 palps, 2 frontal palps, no nuchal cirri ; Onuphis Aud. and Edw. ; Nicidion Kinb.; Macduffia Mclnt. ; Lysidice Sav., 3 tentacles, 2 palps, no gills ; Nematonereis Schmarda, one tentacle ; Palola Gray, 3 tentacles. A species of this worm lives in fissures in the coral-reefs of certain parts of the Pacific (Samoa, Fiji). Twice in every year once in October and once in November these worms swarm out to the surface of the sea in enormous numbers to spawn, and are caught by the natives for food. In each of these months the worms appear on two successive days, viz., at dawn on the day on which the moon is in her last quarter and at dawn on the day before (vide S. J. Whitmee, "On the habits of Palola viridis," Proc. Zool. Soc., 9 T 482 ANNELIDA. 1875, p. 496, and A. Collin, " Bemerk. lib. d. essbaren Palolowurm," in Appendix to Kramer's work on the Coral-reefs of Samoa, Kiel and Leipzig, 1897, Lipsius and Fischer). Fam. 15. Glyceridae. Body elongated, with numerous segments. Pre- stomium is long, 'conical, annulated, and carries at its apex four small tentacles, at its base two palps. The pharynx can be protruded to a great length, and is provided with four, or several, strong teeth. Parapodia of first two segments FIG. 392. Parapodium of Nereis (after Quatre- fages). DP notopodiurn; VP neuropodium, with bundles of setae ; Ac aciculum ; EC, dorsal cirrus ; Be ventral cirrus. FIG. 393. Pharyngeal apparatus of Eunice in a retracted condition. g brain; vd oesophagus; ph pharynx ; pht pharyngeal pocket ; 7c jaws ; mh buccal cavity ; m mouth ; r dorsal, b ventral surface. (After Lang.) incomplete, without tentacular cirri, uni- or biramous. Two anal cirri. Special retractile gills are present. The corpuscles of the coelomic fluid are coloured red with haemoglobin, and there are said to be no blood-vessels. Glycera Sav., parapodia all alike ; G. gigantea Qfg. , and G. capitata, Oerst. , under stones and in sand, English Channel ; Hemipodus Qfg. ; Goniada And. and Edw., anterior and posterior parapodia not alike. FIG. 394. Glycera Meckelii Aud. and Edw. (Regne Animal), with everted pharynx. Fam. 16. Ariciidae. Numerous segments. Prestomium without tentacles, or with small tentacles, or with tentacular cirri. Peristomium with setigerous tubercles. Pharynx short, unarmed, slightly or non -retractile. Parapodia short, biramous. In all but the first few segments the parapodia are somewhat dorsally placed. Burrow in sand. Aricia Sav. ; Theodisca F. Mull. ; Scoloplos Blainv. ; Sc. armiger Mill]., is common on our coast, length one inch, red gills ; Aricidea Webs. Fam. 17. Typhloscolecidae.* Pelagic forms of uncertain affinities. Typhlo- scolex Busch ; Sagitella Wag. ; Travisiopsis Lev. Reibisch, Phyllodociden u. Typhloscoleciden d. Plankton Expedition, 1895. SPIONIFORMIA. 483 Sub-order 2. SPIONIFORMIA. "Without tentacles or palps ; the peristomium usually carries a pair of long tentacular cirri, and extends forwards at the sides of the prestomium. The parapodia project but slightly; the dorsal cirri may attain a considerable size, and act as gills throughout the greater part of the body. The setae are unjointed ; uncini are present only in Cliaetopterus. The body may present two regions more or less distinctly marked externally, but without corresponding internal differences. The buccal region may be eversible, but there are no jaws. Septa and nephridia are regularly developed. The worms burrow or are tubiculous. Fig. 395. Chaetopterus pergamentaceus Cuv. = variopedatus Ren. (Regne Animal), in its tube, which is partly laid open. Fam. 1. Spionidae. Prestomium small, without tentacles or palps, though sometimes with tentaculiform projections, usually with small eyes. Peristomium extends forward on each side of the prestomium, and bears two long tentacular cirri. Parapodia generally biramous, with simple setae. The notopodial cirri are long, finger-shaped, and ciliated, and function as gills. There are no ventral cirri. The buccal region is eversible. They burrow in mud and sand. The females lay their eggs in the tubes. Polydora Bosc. (Leucodore Johnst.). Pre- stomium with two tentaculiform projections. The 5th setigerous segment is enlarged, and bears specially strong setae arranged in a comb-like manner. P. ciliata Johnst., in soft mud tubes in U-shaped galleries in stones and shells ; length ^-inch ; 40 segments ; anus surrounded by incomplete funnel ; world-wide; P. coeca Oerst. Spio Fabr., S. seticornis Fabr., Greenland and Scandinavia ; Prionospio Mlg. ; Scolecolepis Blainv. ; Nerine Johnst. ; N. vulgaris Johnst., under stones and on seaweed, 3 or 4 inches long, N". Atlantic. Fam. 2. Chaetopteridae.* Body divided into two or three unequal regions. Prestomium small, often with eye-spots. Peristomium prolonged round the mouth in a funnel-like manner, and bearing two or four tentacular cirri. The fourth segment behind the peristomium with specially strong setae as in Poly- dora. Neuropodia bifid in the posterior region, and sometimes in the middle * Joyeux-Laffuie, Arch. Zool. Exp., (2), 8, 1890, p. 244. 484 ANNELIDA. region. Notopodia of the middle region in the form of fins, often lobed. They inhabit U-shaped parchment-like tubes, the two ends of which arc placed at some distance from each other, and project above the sand. The skin of the worm is soft and delicate. The larvae are mesotrochal. Telcpsavus G. Costa, two long tentacular cirri ; body divided into two regions ; Spiochae.toptcrus fSars ; Phyllochaetopterus Gr., two pairs of tentacular cirri; body divided into three regions. Chactoptfirus Cuv. (Fig. 395), two tentacular cirri. Hody divided into three regions. Phosphorescent. Ch. vario/tn/K/nn Ren., Channel Islands, English coast, etc., anterior region with 9 pairs* of setigerous conical parapodia ; middle region of 5 segments, of which the first carries two large wing-like processes directed forwards (notopodia), the second carries a dorsal and ventral sticker (modified parapodia), the third, fourth, and fifth a membranous fin-like noto- podium the fans, and a ventral bilobed neuropodium ; the posterior region consists of from 25 to 35 less modified, similar segments, with notopodinm and bilobed neuropodinm. Fam. 3. Magelonidae.f Body divisible into two regions by differences in the setae. Prestomium large and flat, two long peristomial cirri. Large evcrsible. buccal region, blood of maclder-]>iiik colour when oxygenated, and colourless when deoxidized (haemerythrin, found also in Sipnncn.lus) ; the colouring mallei- being contained in globules which float in the colourless plasma ; isolated nuclei are also found in the plasma. Live buried in sand. Sole genus, Mwers or tube-formers, and in the majority the tube-forming glands are grouped on the ventral surface of the anterior segments, where they form gland-shields. * The number is variable ; specimens have been found with 12, or with 9 on one side and 8 on the oilier. f W. B. Benham, Q. J. M. S., 39, 1896, p. 1. TKKKKKI.I.ll OKM1A. 48f> T Fain. 1. Cirratulidae. Cylindrical body pointed at both ends. Prestomiuni elongated, conical, without tentacles, or with two tentacles, (tentacular cirri, Grube). Parapodia small, with simple setae. On some of the segments the dorsal cirri are long and lilaiut'iilous, and function as gills. A single pair of anterior nephridia ; tin- septa and genital ducts are repeated through the hinder part oft lie body. Inhabit bin rows. Cirratuhis Lain. ; Audouinia QfgT; Chaeto- BMM Mulmg.; ])od<\'accnu-), distinguished by the small si/e of the posterior of the three pairs of branchiae ; '/'. (Lt nice) conchilega Pall., Knglish coast; A'iculea Mlmg., two pairs of equal gills; Hclcro- tcrebrtlu (.){(.; Thelcfnin Lei-ick. (ind. JIrt,'roj>h<'>itn'ia Qt.f., Phenacia Qtf., Ncottis Mlmg., etc.), liliforin gills in two segments; Entli<-t